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Full text of "Narrative of an expedition in H. M. S. Terror, undertaken with a view to geographical discovery on the Arctic shores, in the years 1836-7"

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^Marine  'Biological  Laboratory  Library 

'Tilcods  Oiok,  Massachusetts 

cVoyaqes  ♦  of  •  ("Exploration 


^EWcofAB  (Thompson  (Montjomerv 


Vhiladefyhia  architect,  ncjihcu?  of 
Ihomas  Oiarrison  Montgomery  (1073-1912), 
<MBL  investigator,  and  tPriscilla  ^Braisfin 
{Montgomery  (1874'1956\  MBl  librarian. 

Gift  of  their  sons  jfugh  Montgomery  MfD. 
and 1{aumond t(B.  Montgomery  —1987. 

I  i 

















Printed  by  A.  Spottiswoode, 
New-  Street-  Square. 



&c.  &c.  &c. 











Preliminary  Chapter      -  Page  1 


Departure  from  England.  —  Cape  Farewell.  —  Porpoises  and 
Grills.  —  Driftwood  with  Roots  and  Bark.  —  Leave  the 
Vicinity  of  Cape  Farewell.  —  Icebergs.  —  Course  novel 
and  interesting.  —  Resolution  Island.  —  Whirlpool.  — 
Descry  Two  Vessels.  —  Dreary  Aspect  of  the  Savage 
Islands.  —  Visited  by  Esquimaux.  —  Difficult  Navigation. 

—  Vessel  moored  to  an  Iceberg.  —  Crew  exercised  at 
Small-arms  under  its  Lee.  —  Geological  Indications.  — 
Careen  the  Ship.  —  Progress  through  the  Ice.  —  Salisbury 
Island.  —  Ship  followed  by  Esquimaux.  —  Land  disco- 
vered. —  Deviation  in  Compasses.  —  Trinity  Isles.  —  Ship 
obliged  to  heave-to.  —  Whales  seen.  —  Ship  imbedded  in 
Ice.  —  Baffin  and  Southampton  Islands.  —  Perilous  Situa- 
tion. —  White  WThales.  —  Winter  Islands.  —  Water 
Sky. 17 


Steer  for  Southampton  Island.  —  Conjectures  respecting  the 
Ice.  —  Islands.  —  Pressure  of  the  Wind.  —  Ship  immove- 
able. —  Cutting  away  the  Ice.  —  Snow.  —  Drifting 
towards  Land.  —  Accident  to  Rudder.  —  Aspect  of  con- 
tiguous Coast.  —  New  Moon.  —  Recreations  of  the  Crew. 

—  Chase  of  a  Bear.  —  Hawser  carried  away  by  Ice.  — - 
Icebound  in  Sight  of  Land.  — ■  Wind  veers  to  South-west. 
Prospect   of    Release.  —  Hopes    disappointed.  —  Ship 


driven  nearer  Land.  —  Mr.  Gore  shoots  a  Fox.  —  Ship  in 
extreme  Peril. —  Frightful  Increase  of  Pressure. —  Pro- 
vidential Delivery.  —  Exploring  Expedition.  —  A  Dock 
cut  in  the  Ice.  —  Consultation  of  Officers.  —  Rapid  De- 
struction of  the  Floe.  —  Bow  of  the  Ship  split.  —  Hopes 
of  progressing  baffled.  ...         Page  77 



Lane  of  Water  discovered.  —  Prospect  of  wintering  on  the 
I  ce.  —  Violent  Concussions  experienced.  —  Employment 
of  the  Crew.  —  Erection  of  an  Observatory.  —  Favour- 
able Position  of  the  Ship.  —  Disruption  by  a  Gale.  — 
Expansion  of  open  Water.  —  Officers  build  Snow  Houses. 

—  Excursions  to  Land.  —  An  exploring  Party. —  Experi- 
ment of  wearing  a  Mask.  —  Survey  of  a  Harbour. — 
Pass  Cape  Comfort.  —  Risk  of  being  crushed.  —  Robbed 
by  Foxes  and  Shrimps.  —  Thermometer  rises.  —  Huge 
Mass  of  Ice.  —  Amusements.  —  Thermometers  tested. — 
Accident  to  the  Carpenter.  —  School  for  the  Crew. — 
Curious  Phenomenon.  —  Register  Thermometer.  —  Rein- 
deer killed.  —  Fearful  Storm.  —  Floe  cracks.      -  119 


Extraordinary  Disruption.  —  Anxieties.  —  Rapid  Change.  — 
Commotion. -— Masquerade.  —  Results  of  Commotion. — 
Temperatures,  —  Invalids.  —  Anxiety  for  the  Floe.  — 
Advantages  of  Situation.  --  Death  of  a  Sailor.  —  Reflec- 
tions. —  Desolation  of  the  Land.  —  Curious  Meteor. — Land 
Excursions.  —  Tracks  of  Animals.  —  Increase  of  Sick. — 
Precautions.  —  Phenomena.  —  Invalids.  —Spirits  of  Crew 
improve.  —  Weather.  —  Grinding  of  Ice.  —  Health.  — 
Under-Currents.  —  Floe  diminishes.  —  Phenomena  of  Ice. 

—  Callosity  of   Limbs.  —  Intensely  cold.  —  Influence  of 
gun.  _  More  Limpers.  —  Death  of  Mr.  Donaldson.  — Fine 
Weather.  —  The   Coast.  —  Soundings   as    before.  —  Set 
of  Current.  —  Heavy    Gale.  —  Gale    abates.  —  Holes   of 
Water.        -  -  -  -  -         -  177 


CHAP.  V. 

Valentine's  Day.  —  Floe   damaged.  —  Outline  of  Coast 

Alarming  Symptoms.  —  Chaotic  Commotion.  —  Tumult 
ceases.  —  Clearing  Deck.  —  Dovekie  shot.  —  Awful  Peril. 

—  Grandeur  of  Scene.  —  Expectation  of  Crisis.  —  Havoc 
spreads.  —  Desolation.  —  Ship  remains  nipped.  —  Turmoil. 

—  Set  of  Ice.  —  Ship  rights.  —  Ice  Hills.  —  Bolts,  &c. 
loosened  by  Pressure  of  Ice.  —  Flight  of  Birds.  —  Nautical 
Artists.  —  Divine  Service.  —  Blows  a  Gale.  —  Imminent 
Peril.  —  St.  Patrick's  Day.  —  Ice  fluctuates.  —  Sir  J.  Gor- 
don's Bay.  —  Peril  of  Two  Sailors.  —  Flock  of  Ducks, 
and  White  Bear.  —  Death  of  a  Sailor.  —  Baffin's  Obser- 
vations. —  Flocks  of  Loons.  —  Improvement  in  Crew's 
Health.  —  Diminution  of  Snow.  —  Mr.  Gore  Snow- 
blind.  -  Page  217 


Feast  of  Loons.  —  Mr.  Vaughan's  Path.  —  Perilous  Ex- 
cursion. —  White  Whales.  —  Carpenters  busy  under- 
mining Ship. —  Result  of  Labours.  —  Polar  Expeditions. 

—  Narwhales.  —  Report  of  Health.  —  Cannonading  Floe. 

—  Cheerful  Labours  in  sawing  away  the  Ice.  —  Employ- 
ment for  Armourer.  —  Impediments  from  Calves.  —  New 
Rent  discovered.  —  Report  of  the  Ship's  Drift.  —  Ship 
bursts  her  Bonds.  —  Novelty  of  Scene Stern-post  shat- 
tered. —  Officers'  Opinion  in  favour  of  Return  to  England. 

—  Awkwardness   of  Situation.  —  Expedition    frustrated. 

—  Ship's  Draught  increased.  —  Visited  by  Esquimaux.  — 
Ship  struck  by  a  Floe.  —  Shattered  Condition  of  Ship.  — 
Sail  for  England. — Arrival  at  Chatham.     -         -  348 

Appendix  -  -  449 


OF    AN 




IN    THE    YEARS    1836-7. 


The  interest  which  had  been  excited  by  the 
former  Expeditions  through  the  interior  and 
along  the  coast  of  North  America,  and  the  suc- 
cessive information  gained  on  every  trial,  induced 
the  Geographical  Society  to  draw  the  attention 
of  Government  to  a  proposed  expedition  for 
completing  the  coast  line  between  Regent's 
Inlet  and  Point  Turnagain.  The  project  was 
entertained,  and  I  had  the  honour  to  be  selected 
to  carry  it  into  execution. 

On  May  13th,  1836,  I  received  my  official 
appointment  to  His  Majesty's  ship  Terror, 
then  lying  alongside  the  Hussar  hulk,  at 
Chatham.  She  had  been  recently  doubled,  and 
in  every  respect  strengthened  with  the  most 
massive  iron  and  copper  fastenings,  for  a  voyage 
to  the  Polar  Sea.     Some  alterations  were  now 

B  B 


made  to  accommodate  her  to  the  new  service  on 
which  she  was  destined,  and  a  leak,  which  had 
been  discovered  on  a  short  trip  which  she  had 
made  to  Hull,  was  effectually  repaired.  She 
was  also  provided  with  a  warming  apparatus, 
which  however,  though  probably  well  calcu- 
lated for  more  temperate  climates,  was  not 
found  to  answer  its  intended  purpose  in  the 

It  may  be  briefly  described  as  a  purely  wrought 
iron  pipe  two  hundred  and  forty  feet  long,  an 
inch  in  diameter,  and  five  eighths  of  an  inch 
bore,  extending  nearly  round  the  ship  and  the 
midship  cabins  ;  the  solution  of  strong  brine,  with 
which  it  was  filled  by  the  aid  of  a  forcing-pump, 
being  kept  hot  by  means  of  a  furnace,  strongly 
built  in  brick  within  an  iron  tank  or  casing,  in 
the  interior  of  which  several  coils  of  pipe  wound 
round.  To  guard  against  accidents,  there  were 
expansion  tubes  abaft  the  first  bend  coming  from 
the  furnace,  which,  in  case  of  an  excess  of  heat, 
became  filled,  and  so  prevented  the  bursting  of 
the  apparatus. 

The  advantage  proposed  to  be  gained  over  the 
well-tried  method  adopted  by  Sir  E.  Parry,  was 
a  diminution  in  the  consumption  of  coals,  a 
bushel  being  considered  quite  enough  for  a 
day's  use.  How  far  this  calculation  would  have 
been  borne  out  by  fact,  there  was  no  opportunity 


of  proving;  but  it  is  only  justice  to  Mr.  Heath, 
one  of  the  firm  by  which  the  apparatus  was 
provided,  to  state,  that  he  himself  declared,  "  he 
should  have  scarcely  recommended  so  novel  a 
scheme  on  a  service  such  as  ours,  where,  if  an 
accident  occurred,  there  would  be  considerable 
difficulty  in  making  the  necessary  reparations." 

Three  capacious,  but  comparatively  light, 
whale  boats  were  built,  and  an  equal  number  of 
sledges  with  iron  runners,  so  contrived  as  to 
serve  also  for  the  body  of  a  carriage,  which, 
when  placed  on  wheels  adapted  to  the  con- 
trivance, were  expected,  and  could  not  fail,  to  be 
most  useful  for  the  conveyance  of  stores,  &c.  over 
the  land. 

For  food  at  once  the  most  portable  and  sub- 
stantial, upwards  of  three  thousand  pounds  weight 
of  pemmican  were  manufactured  from  the  choicest 
meat,  with  pimento  and  other  spices  mixed,  to 
make  it  more  palatable.  In  addition  to  this, 
there  was  a  liberal  supply  of  preserved  meats  and 
soups,  together  with  a  great  variety  of  anti- 
scorbutics ;  warm  clothing  to  provide  against  the 
cold  of  winter,  such  as  fur  caps,  carpet  or  cloth 
boots,  with  cork  next  the  feet,  and  bear  skin 
blankets,  &c. :  but  as  I  experienced  some  trouble 
in  making  out  a  list  of  what  was  actually  in- 
dispensable, it  may  be  of  future  use  to  insert  it 
here :  — 

b  2 



Sea  boots  -  130  pair. 

Cloth  ditto,  with 

cork  soles  -  132   — 

Ankle  shoes  -  130  — 

Pea  jackets  -  131 

Monkey  jackets   -       65 
Flushing  trousers, 

lined  with  baize  130  — 

Red  flannel  shirts  130 

Wadmil  hose         -  185  pair. 

Swanskin  drawers  1 30 

Comfortables        -  195 

Welsh  wigs  -  130 

Fur  caps  65 

Green  crape         -  100  yds. 
Bear  skin  blankets       70 




35,860  lbs.  1 


Spirits     - 

1519  gals. 


1320  lbs. 


100  — 


4480  — 


49j  — 

Carrots  in  sand  - 

10  casks. 

Salt  beef 

1634  lbs. 


800  lbs. 

Salt  pork 

3280  — 

Essence  of 

Flour    - 

9896  — 


50  pots. 

Suet      - 

1652  — 

Do.        do. 

50   — 


728  — 


1200  lbs. 


613  — 


1541   — 


82  — 

Pickled  cabbage  - 

125  gals. 


145  — 


50  — 


1951   — 

Horse  radish 

50  — 


3107  — 

Onions     - 

50  — 

Do.  for  lime  juice 

798  — 

Mixed  pickles   - 

100  — 


337  — 


100  — 

Cheese     - 

450  — 


336  lbs. 


203  — 


375  — 

Concentd  do. 

50  — 


60  — 


1200  — 



1001   — 


55  — 

Fresh  beef  and 

Arrow  root 

30  — 

live  stock  for 

35  days 

Prepared  barley 

24  — 

Lemon  juice 

798  lbs. 

Portable  soup    - 

20  -— 


4874  — 

Coals     - 

112  tons. 

Candles,  wax 


101  gals. 

and  tallow 

3124  — 

Cooking  appara- 

Pemmican, with 

tus   for   boats 


-  1080  — 



Preserved  meats 

-  9001   — 

1  Pyroligneous  ether  120  pts. 

Vegetable  soups 

-    372  qts. 



These,  together  with  a  complete  set  of  anti- 
mildewed  tents,  oiled-cloth  floorings  and  covers, 
completed  us  in  this  respect,  while  an  ample 
supply  of  fowling-pieces,  rifles,  and  ammunition, 
made  our  outfit  of  the  most  perfect  description. 

The  following  instruments  were  also  supplied 
by  the  Admiralty  :  — 

Artificial  horizon  -  1  Magnetic  intensity  in- 
Marine  barometer  -  1  ;  strument  -  1 
Azimuth  compasses  -  2  Sympiesometer  -  1 
Alexander's  steering  do.  -  1  Spirit  thermometers  -  8 
Boat  compasses  -  3  Six's  thermometer  -  1 
Kater's  compasses  -  2  Small  do.  in  brass  cases  -  4 
Dipping  needle  -  1  Common  mercurial  ones  -  6 
Case  of  instruments  -  1  Transit  instrument  -  1 
Massey's  logs  -  3  Night  telescope  -  1 
Sounding  machines  -  2  Bottle  of  spare  mercury  -  1 

Also  a  variety  of  books  and 

Hygrometer  -     1 

Case  of  bar  magnets         -     1 
Measuring  chain  -     1 

We  were  also  provided  with  Fraser's  fire 
hearth  and  coppers,  which,  besides  throwing  out 
more  heat  than  those  commonly  in  use,  had  the 
decided  advantage  of  consuming  less  fuel,  and 
were  therefore  particularly  desirable  in  a  ship 
with  a  limited  quantity  of  coals. 

Most  of  the  officers,  and  all  the  men,  were 
volunteers  ;  the  whole  number  amounting  to 
sixty,  in  the  following  proportions  ■  — 

George  Back     -  Captain. 

William  Smyth         -         -  -  First  Lieutenant. 

Owen  Stanley       -  -  -  Second  Lieutenant. 

Archibald  M<  Murdo  -  -  Third  Lieutenant. 

James  Saunders  -  -  Acting  Master. 

B   3 



James  Donovan,  M.D. 
Graham  Gore 
Robert  M '  Clure 
Peter  Fisher 
Charles  Marcuard 
James  A.  Mould 
William  Lawes 
Thomas  Donaldson 
John  Vaughan 
John  Smith 
George  Green 


Captain's  coxswain  -  1 
Quarter-masters  -  -  3 
Boatswain's  mate  -  1 
Sailmaker  and  crew  -  2 
Armourer  -  1 
Armourer's  mate  -  1 
Carpenter's  crew,  inclu- 
ding 1  mate          -  -4 





Extra  Mate. 

Assistant  Surgeon. 

Clerk  in  Charge. 




Ice  Mate. 

Able  seamen 
Captain's  steward 
Captain's  cook 


Serjeant  John  Maslin 
Corporal  Henry 




The  following  orders  were  enclosed  in  an 
official  communication  from  the  Honourable 
Charles  Elphinstone  Fleeming,  at  that  period 
commander-in-chief  at  Sheerness  : — 

"By  the  Commissioners  for  executing  the 
office  of  Lord  High  Admiral  of  the  United 
Kingdom  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland,  &c. 

"  His  Majesty's  Government  having  been 
pleased  to  command  that  another  attempt  by  the 
way  of  Wager  River  should  be  made  to  trace  the 
northern  boundary  of  the  North  American 
Continent :  We  have  thought  fit  to  appoint  you 
to  the  command  of  that  expedition,  and  you  are 


hereby  required  and  directed  to  put  to  sea  in 
His  Majesty's  ship  Terror,  under  your  command, 
the  moment  that  she  is  in  all  respects  ready,  and 
to  proceed  with  the  utmost  celerity  in  the  ex- 
ecution of  the  following  Instructions  : 

"  If,  on  quitting  the  Nore,  the  wind  should  be 
decidedly  from  the  westward,  you  will  pursue 
the  usual  track,  north  about ;  but  if,  on  the  con- 
trary, the  wind  should  appear  to  promise  a  more 
speedy  passage  down  the  English  Channel,  you 
are  to  push  out  in  that  direction,  as  affording  the 
best  chance  of  completing  this  undertaking  within 
the  present  year,  which  will  mainly  depend  on 
your  early  arrival  off  Hudson's  Straits,  so  as  to 
be  able  to  take  advantage  of  the  first  opening 
in  the  outer  barrier  of  ice,  provided  you  should 
find  it  still  shut  up. 

"  Having  once  entered  this  strait,  you  will  pro- 
bably find  the  water  comparatively  free  till  you 
approach  Salisbury  Island,  and  you  will  then  have 
to  choose  between  the  direct  and  obvious  course 
up  Frozen  Strait,  which  was  performed  with  ap- 
parent ease  by  the  Fury  and  Hecla  in  1821,  or 
the  more  circuitous  route  by  the  Welcome, 
which  was  unsuccessfully  attempted  by  the 
Griper  in  1824,  but  which  you  are  left  at 
liberty  to  adopt,  if  the  state  of  the  ice,  after  the 
late  severe  winter,  should  render  Frozen  Strait 
impassable.     Again,  though  we  consider  Wager 

b  4 


River  will  be,  for  many  reasons,  the  most  eligible 
place  for  the  commencement  of  your  operations, 
yet,  as  the  same  combination  of  wind,  tide,  and 
ice,  which  would  render  that  inlet  difficult  of 
access,  might  equally  facilitate  your  entrance 
into  Repulse  Bay  ;  and  as  this  bay  would  ap- 
pear to  be  not  more  distant  from  Regent's  Inlet 
than  Wager  Bay,  you  are  further  left  at  liberty 
to  run  for  the  former,  instead  of  persisting  in  a 
tedious  struggle  to  reach  Wager  Bay. 

"  Into  whichsoever  of  these  inlets  you  may  find 
it  expedient  to  conduct  His  Majesty's  ship,  your 
first  object  will  be  to  place  her  in  present  safety  ; 
and  then,  having  previously  arranged  a  sufficient 
number  of  light  reconnoitering  parties,  and  having 
duly  provided  them  with  all  necessary  provisions, 
tools,  and  signals,  you  will  detach  them  in  any 
and  every  direction  that  may  appear  most  promptly 
to  lead  to  the  discovery  of  a  suitable  track  for 
transporting  the  boats  and  stores  across  the  land 
which  intervenes  between  these  inlets  and  the 


"  While  these  parties  are  employed  on  this  im- 
portant service,  a  rapid  examination  must  be 
made  of  the  character  of  the  shores  of  one  or 
other  of  these  inlets,  and  of  their  several  creeks 
and  harbours,  along  with  the  set  and  rise  of  the 
tides,  in  order  to  the  selection  of  such  an  anchor- 
age   as  may  ensure  the  perfect  security  of  the 


ship  during  your  absence,  and  as  may  promise 
a  ready  egress  to  her  at  the  close  of  the  season, 
when  your  operations  have  terminated,  and  when 
the  young  ice  may  be  expected  to  form.  In 
this  point  of  view,  the  position,  and  the  small 
comparative  depth  of  Repulse  Bay,  would  appear 
to  offer  an  easier  and  more  speedy  egress. 

"  The  officer  left  in  charge  of  the  Terror  is  to 
receive  from  you  specific  orders,  not  only  as  to 
his  general  proceedings  while  you  are  away,  but 
as  respects  his  intercourse  with  the  natives,  as 
well  as  the  series  of  observations  he  is  to  record, 
and  the  mode  in  which  he  is  to  conduct  a  survey 
of  the  inlet,  including  the  neighbouring   lakes, 
its  accessory  rivers,  if  any,  a  continued  register 
of  the  times  and  heights  of  the  tides  at  high  and 
low   water,   and   the    elevation   and   geological 
character  of  the  adjacent  hills.     You  will  com- 
municate   to  him  the  probable  period  of  your 
absence,  and  you  will  arrange  with  him  a  few 
signals,  by  means  of  a  gun  fired  in  the  stillness 
of  night,    at  a  precise   hour,  or  by  rockets  or 
flashes,  some  of  which  may  eventually  be  of  great 
importance    in  cases  where    assistance  may  be 
required.     Lastly,  you  will  give  him  directions 
how  to  act,  should  any  misfortune  befall  yourself 
and  the  other  detached  parties ;  and  in  the  con- 
templation of  such  an  event,  which  may  retard 
the  return  of  the  parties  about  the  period  fixed 


for  their  purpose,  you  will  appoint  some  ultimate 
period  in  the  ensuing  year,  beyond  which  he  is 
not  to  protract  his  stay,  but  peremptorily  to 
repair  with  His  Majesty's  ship  to  England ; 
in  which  case  it  would  be  advisable  that  he 
should  endeavour  to  communicate  a  statement  of 
any  accident  that  may  have  occurred  to  Fort 

"  Having  satisfactorily  settled  these  preliminary 
but  important  arrangements,  you  will  then  pro- 
ceed in  the  execution  of  the  main  objects  of  the 
voyage.     These  objects  are,  — 

"  First,  To  ascertain  the  general  form  and 
position  of  that  part  of  the  northern  coast  of 
America  which  extends  from  the  point  where 
you  may  first  strike  the  sea  shore  of  Prince 
Regent's  Inlet,  as  far  as  the  western  mouth  of 
Fury  and  Hecla  Strait;  and  if  that  service  should 
be  accomplished  with  facility,  or  if  no  serious 
obstacle  should  there  present  itself  to  the  timely 
return  of  the  party,  the  western  coast  of  Cock- 
burn  Island  might  be  pursued  as  far  as  the  Cape 
Kater  of  Parry's  first  voyage,  but  forbidding  the 
officer  of  the  boat  whom  you  may  detach  on 
this  service,  to  penetrate  far  into  any  of  the 
openings  by  which  that  probable  group  of  islands 
may  be  intersected ;  and  on  no  account  to  risk 
the  prolongation  of  the  fixed  period  for  returning 
to  the  ship  ;  not  even  to  persevere  in  the  attempt 


to  cross  the  Fury  and  Hecla  Strait,  provided  any 
very  serious  difficulty  should  present  itself. 

"  Secondly,  The  determination,  in  a  similar 
manner,  of  the  continental  coast  line  from  the 
point  of  arrival  on  Prince  Regent's  Inlet,  to  the 
mouth  of  the  River  Back,  and  after  passing  Mac- 
onochie  island,  the  continuation  of  the  main 
shore  as  far  as  the  Point  Turnagain  of  Franklin  ; 
to  cross  the  strait  which  is  supposed  to  separate 
the  continent  of  America  from  the  islands  to 
the  northern  end  of  it,  tracing  the  shore  to  the 
farthest  point  of  Captain  James  Ross's  discovery, 
and,  if  time  will  allow,  to  proceed  from  thence 
to  the  spot  where  he  determined,  by  observations, 
the  position  of  the  northern  magnetic  pole. 

"  You  will  instruct  the  officers  in  command  of 
the  two  foregoing  parties  to  note  down  as  they 
proceed,  on  each  day,  the  state  of  the  sea  with 
regard  to  ice,  the  one  party  in  a  northern 
direction,  the  other  to  the  westward  ;  and  also,  if 
any  land  should  appear  in  these  directions,  to 
like  its  bearings  and  probable  distance,  it  being 
of  great  importance  to  ascertain  whether  the 
Arctic  Sea,  to  the  northward  of  the  north  coast 
of  America,  be  from  appearance  navigable  by 
ships  of  considerable  burden. 

"  In  the  event,  however,  of  rinding  that  these 
positions  of  Captain  James  Ross  are  actually  on 
the  continent  of  America,  the  party  may  return 


to  the  ship,  as  the  second  party,  directing  their 
course  towards  Point  Turnagain,  will,  in  that 
case,  decide  from  what  point  the  trending  of 
the  coast  to  the  northward  commences. 

"  To  the  vigorous  pursuit  of  these  interesting 
geographical  questions,  all  minor  objects  must 
be  sacrificed  ;  and  no  halt  in  the  progress  towards 
the  termination  of  the  journeys  above  mentioned 
should  be  any  where  permitted,  for  the  purpose 
of  obtaining  information  on  any  of  those  colla- 
teral subjects  which  otherwise  it  would  be  highly 
desirable  to  collect. 

"  Nevertheless,  on  the  return  of  the  parties, 
when  they  can  estimate  what  time  they  have  to 
spare,  and  at  every  nightly  station,  every  adverse 
gale,  or  impervious  fog,  will  afford  opportunities 
for  observing  the  magnetic  dip  and  intensity,  and 
for  encouraging  a  variety  of  valuable  researches 
in  other  branches  of  science,  the  necessary 
instruments  for  which  purposes  have  been  sup- 
plied to  you,  and  the  opportunities  for  effecting 
which  you  will  no  doubt  discreetly  employ. 

"  In  any  large  enterprise  of  this  nature  much 
must  be  left  to  the  experience,  judgment,  and 
responsibility  of  the  commanding  officer ;  and 
as  the  general  objects  of  this  Expedition  have 
been  fully  explained  to  you,  so  the  detailed 
manner  of  executing  them  is  hereby  committed 
to   your   own    discretion  and   zeal,    always  re- 


collecting  our  anxiety  for  the  health,  comfort, 
safety,  and  ultimate  credit  of  yourself,  your 
officers,  and  your  crew.  In  like  manner  you 
will  have  to  repose  a  similar  confidence  on 
those  officers  to  whom  you  entrust  the  command 
of  the  detached  parties  ;  but  you  will  endeavour 
to  guide  them  by  the  most  explicit  instructions 
which  it  may  be  in  your  power  to  give. 

"  You  will  assist  them  by  a  minute  exposition 
of  all  the  resources  which  you  have  derived 
from  the  fruits  of  your  own  experience,  and  you 
will  give  them  peremptory  injunctions  to  return 
to  the  ship  at  a  definite  fixed  period. 

"The  foregoing  instructions  have  been  framed 
with  the  intention,  and  in  the  full  belief,  that  this 
service  may  be  duly  and  faithfully  performed 
in  the  course  of  the  present  season,  and  that  this 
Arctic  Expedition  maybe  distinguished  from  all 
others  by  the  promptitude  of  its  execution,  and 
by  escaping  from  the  gloomy  and  unprofitable 
waste  of  eight  months'  detention :  it  is  therefore 
our  distinct  orders,  that  every  effort  shall  be 
made  to  return  to  England  in  the  fall  of  this 
year.  Difficulties  may  however  occur,  which 
we  cannot  foresee  ;  some  of  the  detachments  may 
have  been  detained  by  uncontrollable  events, 
or  may  have  been  visited  by  accidents  requiring 
assistance  at  a  considerable  distance ;  and  in 
these  cases  you  may  find  yourself  compelled  to 


winter  abroad.  If  such  should,  unfortunately,  be 
the  issue  of  all  your  best  exertions  to  comply 
with  our  order  to  return  home,  you  will  en- 
deavour to  provide,  in  the  most  effectual  man- 
ner, for  the  safety  of  his  Majesty's  ship,  and  for 
the  health  and  comfort  of  your  crew,  and  you 
will  continually  and  sedulously  employ  all  the 
scientific  means  at  your  disposal,  in  rendering 
your  long  winter  as  beneficial  as  circumstances 
will  permit. 

"In  the  same  spirit,  when  the  days  become 
sufficiently  long,  you  will,  by  short  and  well-pre- 
pared expeditions,  add  as  much  as  you  can  to 
our  knowledge  of  the  adjacent  regions.  In  the 
case  supposed,  when  the  ice  opens  in  the  ensuing 
summer,  you  may  devote  a  short  season  to  such 
pursuits,  and  in  such  directions  as  you  may 
consider  most  conducive  to  the  general  objects 
contained  in  these  instructions,  but  you  will  take 
such  timely  measures  as  may  prevent  the  pos- 
sibility of  a  second  year's  detention. 

"  On  your  arrival  in  England,  you  are  imme- 
diately to  repair  to  this  office,  to  lay  before  us  a 
full  account  of  your  proceedings  ;  and  you  will 
demand  from  the  officers,  and  from  all  other 
persons  under  your  command,  the  logs  and 
journals  they  may  have  kept,  together  with  any 
charts  or  drawings  they  may  have  made,  all 
which  are  to  be  sealed  up,  in  order  to  their  being 


hereafter  disposed  of  as  we  may  think  proper  to 

"Given  under  our  hands,  this  11th  day  of 
June,  1836. 

"  Charles  Adam. 
"  George  Elliot. 

"  To  George  Back,  Esq., 
Captain  of  His  Majesty's  ship  Terror, 
at  Chatham, 

"  By  command  of  their  Lordships, 

"John  Barrow." 

The  kind  and  valuable  assistance  I  received 
from  the  officers  who  preside  at  the  head  of  the 
different  departments  from  which  we  were  sup- 
plied with  stores,  &c.  demands  my  warmest  ac~ 

Admiral  the  Hon.  C,  E.  Fleeminglost  no  op- 
portunity of  facilitating  my  wishes  in  every 
respect ;  while  it  would  be  difficult  to  express 
what  I  owe  to  Sir  James  Gordon,  for  the  interest 
he  evinced,  and  the  active  measures  he  pursued 
to  get  the  ship  quickly  ready  for  sea. 

Nor  can  I  sufficiently  thank  Lieutenant  (now 
Commander)  Smyth,  the  officers  and  crew  of 
the  Terror,  for  their  energetic  services  and 
most  praiseworthy  conduct,   under  trials  of  no 


ordinary  description,  sustained  by  all  with  patient 
fortitude.  From  the  journal  of  Commander 
Smyth  I  have  derived  much  benefit  in  the  com- 
pilation of  the  following  Narrative,  and  to  him, 
also,  I  am  indebted  for  the  faithful  and  spirited 
drawings  which  embellish  it.  The  Chart  is  the 
work  of  Lieutenant  Stanley,  to  whose  efficient 
services  I  have  great  pleasure  in  bearing 


Departure  from  England.  —  Cape  Farewell.  —  Porpoises  and 
Gulls.  —  Driftwood  with  Roots  and  Bark.  —  Leave  the 
Vicinity  of  Cape  Farewell. —  Icebergs.  —  Course  novel  and 
interesting.  —  Resolution  Island.  —  Whirlpool.  —  Descry 
two  Vessels.  —  Dreary  Aspect  of  the  Savage  Islands.  —  Vi- 
sited by  Esquimaux.  —  Difficidt  Navigation.  —  Vessel 
moored  to  an  Iceberg. —  Crew  exercised  at  Small-arms  under 
its  Lee.  —  Geological  Indications.  —  Careen  the  Ship.  — 
Progress  through  the  Ice.  —  Salisbury  Island.  —  Ship  fol- 
lowed by  Esquimaux.  —  Land  discovered.  —  Deviation  in 

Compasses Trinity  Isles.  —  Ship  obliged  to  heave-to.  — 

Whales  seen.  — Ship  imbedded  in  Ice Boffi7i  and  South- 
ampton Islands.  —  Perilous  Situation.  —  White  Whales.  — 
Winter  Island.  —  Water  Sky. 

The  incidents  of  a  voyage  along  the  coasts  of 
Great  Britain  and  across  the  North  Atlantic, 
however  interesting  to  the  actors,  have  been 
rendered  so  familiar  to  the  English  reader,  that, 
passing  rapidly  over  the  earlier  events,  I  shall 
hasten  forward  to  the  peculiar  circumstances  that 
distinguish  the  present  expedition  from  those 
which  have  preceded  it. 

I  had  requested,  and  obtained,  from  the  Ad- 
miralty the  assistance  of  a  steam  vessel  until  we 
should  be  clear  of  the  shoals,  and  about  eleven 
a.  m.  of  the  14th  June,  1836,  the  Terror  left 
Chatham,  and  was  towed  along  the  Medway  by 
the  Rhadamanthus  steam  vessel,  amidst  cheers 



from  the  vessels  on  either  side  of  the  river.     At 
Sheerness  we  were  compelled  to  wait  for  gun- 
ners' stores,  and  it  was  not  till  the  16th  that  we 
were  finally  under  weigh  and  clear  of  the  river. 
Baffling  head-winds  prevented  me  from  discharg- 
ing the  steamer  as  I  had  intended  at  Flambo- 
rough  Head,  and  we  were  towed  along  at  a  slow 
rate  until,  on  the  21st,  we  reached  the  bay  of 
Aberdeen.     The  wind,  which  for  some  days  had 
been  squally,  had  now  freshened  to  a  gale,  and, 
as  it  was  impossible  to  make  any  advance,  the 
vessel  was  brought  to  an  anchor.     The  watering 
was  completed,  and,   in  accordance  with  a  plan 
on  which  I  had  previously  determined,  the  re- 
maining leisure  was  employed  in  converting  the 
ship  into  a  barque.     To  nautical  men,  especially 
those  accustomed  to  polar  navigation,  it  is  unne- 
cessary to  explain  the  advantages  of  the  change  ; 
but  to  the  uninitiated  it  may  be  proper  to  men- 
tion, that  the  difference  consists  in  the  more  simple 
rigging  of  the  mizen-mast,  whereby  several  sails, 
in  themselves  of  no  great  use,  being  dispensed 
with,  the  vessel  is  more  easily  worked,  and  many 
hands  are  set  free  for  other  duties  essential  in 
the  difficult  navigation  through  the  ice.     The 
superfluous  spars,    which  would  have  only  en- 
cumbered us,  were  placed  on  board  the  Rhada- 
manthus  and  returned  to  Chatham. 

Even  as  it  was,  our  decks  presented  a  singular 


appearance :  there  was  a  large  stock  of  coals 
stowed  in  double  rows  along  the  quarter-deck 
and  gangways,  leaving  but  a  very  narrow  space 
for  the  officers  and  men  to  pass.  There  were 
three  boats  on  the  booms  and  two  on  the  quar- 
ters. On  the  skids  over  the  quarter-deck  were 
two  whale-boats,  besides  several  immense  sledges, 
and  whatever  else  could  be  stowed  there.  Large 
spars,  planks,  and  a  hand-mast,  two  tons  of  po- 
tatoes, provender  for  twenty  sheep  and  ten  pigs, 
the  sheep  and  pigs  themselves,  with  sundry  ducks 
and  fowls,  occupied  every  other  disposeable  nook ; 
and  though,  by  a  little  method  and  skilful  stow- 
ing, all  this  mass  of  dead  and  living  lumber  had 
been  made  to  assume  some  degree  of  form  and 
regularity,  yet  it  may  be  well  imagined  that  there 
was  no  superfluous  space. 

The  crew,  when  mustered  at  divisions  on  the 
Sunday  previous,  presented  to  the  view  as  fine 
a  body  of  men  as  could  glad  the  heart  of  a  com- 
mander ;  and,  though  experience  had  taught  me 
to  distrust  impressions  of  this  kind,  yet,  when  I 
cast  my  eyes  over  the  files,  and,  on  a  subsequent 
inspection,  saw  the  neatness  and  comfort  con- 
spicuous in  the  berths,  I  could  not  avoid  drawing 
a  favourable  omen  for  the  future. 

Early  in  the  morning  of  the  22d  (the  wind 
having  shifted  in  the  night)  we  left  our  anchor- 
age, still  towed  by  the  Rhadamanthus,  and  stood 

c  °2 


along  the  shore  for  Buchan-ness.  In  the  even- 
ing, the  wind  freshening  to  a  stiff  breeze,  com- 
pelled us  to  cast  off  the  tow-rope  ;  and  with 
a  view  of  saving  time,  as  well  as  the  risk  of 
lowering  a  boat,  we  sent  off  our  letters  in  a  keg 
made  fast  to  a  line  veered  from  the  Rhadaman- 
thus  for  the  purpose.  The  next  morning,  being 
off  the  Orkneys  and  the  wind  favourable,  it  was 
thought  unnecessary  to  detain  the  Rhadamanthus 
any  longer,  and  Mr.  King  having  received  his 
instructions,  parted  company  from  us,  in  the  true 
English  style  with  three  hearty  cheers  from  his 

We  now  shaped  our  course  for  Cape  Farewell. 
From  the  24th  to  the  27th,  we  had  occasional 
squalls,  with  a  short  pitching  sea,  and,  on  the 
27th,  a  strong  gale  from  the  S.  W.  The  sailing 
qualities  of  the  Terror  were  thus  put  to  the  test ; 
and  it  was  gratifying  to  find  that,  deep  and  lum- 
bered as  she  was,  and  though  at  every  plunge  the 
bowsprit  dipped  into  the  water,  she  yet  pitched 
so  easily  as  scarcely  to  strain  a  rope-yarn,  and, 
in  seaman's  phrase,  made  very  good  weather  of 
it.  This  sort  of  weather  continued  with  little 
intermission  till  the  30th,  the  sea  washing  over 
the  decks,  and  the  men  constantly  employed  ; 
but,  on  that  day  the  wind  moderating  and  be- 
coming at  the  same  time  more  favourable,  the 
royals  and  all  the  studding-sails  were  for  the  first 
time  set,  and  the  gallant  ship  in  the  full  pride 



of  her  expanded   plumage  floated  majestically 
through  the  rippling  water. 

On  the  4th  of  July,  we  were  distant  from  Cape 
Farewell  537  miles,  in  lat.  59°  59'  N.  and  Ion. 
<25°  25'  W.     Here  a  remarkable  change  was  ob- 
served in  the  colour  of  the  sea,  which,  though 
under  a  cloudy  sky,  assumed  a  sort  of  bottle- 
green  tint,  such  as  is  often  seen  in  shoal  water 
over  a  sandv  bottom.     On  this,  as  on  some  of  the 
preceding  days,  there  was  a  heavy  swell  from  the 
S.W.,  the  waves  being  estimated  to  range  from 
15  to  18  feet  in  height.     On  the  6th,  we  found 
ourselves    in   lat.  61°  N.  ;    and,    though    there 
was  reason  to  expect   that  from  the  combined 
action  of  the  westerly  winds  which  had  so  long 
prevailed  and  the  southerly  current,    the  drift 
ice  from  Davis  and  Hudson'  Straits  would  be 
carried  so  far  to  the  S.  E.  as  to  leave  a  clear 
passage   to  the   north  ;    yet,  apprehensive  that 
some  ice  might  still  be  hanging  along  the  coast 
east  of  Cape   Farewell,   I   put  the  ship  on  the 
other  tack,  and  stood  to  the  southward. 

On  the  9th,  the  weather  was  calm,  and,  taking 
advantage  of  this  to  inspect  the  holds,  we  de- 
tected an  unusually  fetid  odour,  which  on  exa- 
mination was  found  to  proceed  from  a  quantity 
of  carrots  packed  in  casks  filled  with  sand.  The 
casks  were  opened,  and  so  offensive  were  the 
contents,  that  even  the  pigs  refused  to  eat  them. 

c  3 


and,  much  to  our  regret,  we  were  compelled  to 
throw  overboard  our  whole  stock  of  a  vegeta- 
ble  which  would  have  afforded   us   an   agree- 
able as  well  as  wholesome  variety  of  winter  food. 
The  cause  assigned  for  the  accident  was,   that 
the  sand  in  which  the  carrots  were  packed  had 
not  been   thoroughly  dried.      On    Sunday  the 
10th,  the  crew  being  mustered  as  usual  by  di- 
visions, I  announced  my  intention  of  putting  the 
ship  on  two-thirds'  allowance  of  provisions,  at 
the  same  time  carefully  explaining  to  the  men 
that,  in  so  doing,  I  was  actuated  solely  by  a  wish 
to  provide  for  their  comfort,  in  case  of  any  of 
those  disastrous  contingencies  to  which  a  ser- 
vice such  as  ours  was  peculiarly  subject.     On 
the  following  day,    this  resolution   was  carried 
into  effect  as  to  every  thing  but  spirits  and  oat- 
meal, of  which  there  was  an  abundant  stock ; 
and  it  is  due  to  the  men  to  say,  that  the  regula- 
tion was  submitted  to  with  apparent  cheerful- 
ness.    The  wind  still  blew  perversely  from  the 
west,   and  our  rate  of  sailing  scarcely  exceeded 
three  knots  an  hour,  much  to  our  annoyance, 
who  felt  how  the  best  part  of  the  season  was  thus, 
as  it  were,  slipping  out  of  our  grasp.     The  heavy 
swell  also  continued,   and,  for  some  days  after 
this,   the   ship  rolled  almost   helplessly  on  the 
long  waves ;  sometimes  even  drifting  bodily  to 
leeward.    After  a  short  interval  of  calm  weather, 


which  was  gladly  taken  advantage  of  for  drying 
the  clothes  and  hammocks,  the  wind  again  blew 
hard  from  the  S.  W.,  and  for  some  days  ren- 
dered any  advance  impossible.  On  the  18th, 
the  gale  abated,  and  the  wind  getting  more  to 
the  south,  enabled  us  to  lay  on  our  course.  On 
several  occasions  before  this,  in  the  intervals  of 
good  weather,  I  had  observed  porpoises  in  great 
numbers  gamboling  about  the  vessel ;  and  at 
this  time  in  particular,  we  were  visited  by  a  large 
shoal,  whose  sportive  tricks  and  ludicrous  atti- 
tudes relieved  the  monotony  of  the  scene,  and 
afforded  us  much  amusement.  When  they  left 
us,  a  flock  of  gulls  succeeded,  and  approached 
with  so  much  boldness  as  to  catch  the  bits  of 
tallow  thrown  to  them  from  the  deck.  It  is 
needless  to  say  that  they  came  and  departed  un- 
molested. On  the  20th,  a  breeze  from  the  S.  S.  E. 
sprung  up,  which,  before  noon  the  next  day,  had 
increased  to  a  strong  gale,  and  carried  us  at  the 
unusual  rate  of  six  knots  an  hour  to  the  west- 
ward of  Cape  Farewell.  This,  however,  did  not 
last  long,  for  the  wind  again  drew  round  to  the 
west,  and  ended  in  a  calm. 

Here  some  drift-wood  was  observed,  to  one  of 
the  pieces  of  which  the  roots  and  bark  were  still 
attached.  It  could  not,  therefore,  have  been 
long  separated  from  the  land,  but  from  what 
land  it  is  not  easy  to  determine.     The  consider- 

c  4 


ation  of  this  subject  possesses  more  interest  than 
at  first   sight  may  appear.      We  have  the  au- 
thority of  nearly  every  navigator  for  upwards  of 
three  centuries,    that  drift-wood   has   been  in- 
variably  seen    somewhere  near  the  parallel  of 
Cape  Farewell ;   whilst,   on  the  other  hand,  by 
the  recent  voyages  of  Sir  E.  Parry  and  Sir  J. 
Ross  we  are   assured  of  the  entire  absence  of 
drift-wood  from  the  north-western  parts  visited 
by  them.     Sir  E.  Parry,  in  particular,  asserts  that 
none  was  seen  by  him  in  a  period  of  five  years. 
Whence   then   does  this  wood  come  ?     Egede 
tells  us  that,  in  some  parts  of  Greenland,  he  saw 
a  small  species  of  pine,  perhaps  not  unlike  the 
swamp  fir  of  Hudson's  Bay ;  but  the  wood  ob- 
served by  us  was  of  a  longer  kind,  more  resem- 
bling that  usually  found  inland  on  the  alluvial 
banks  of  large  rivers  ;  and  there  seem  to  be  only 
two  places  whence  the  wind  and  prevailing  cur- 
rent could  bring  wood  of  that  description.     It 
may  be,  that  it  proceeds  originally  from  some 
part  of  the  coast  of  Labrador,  and  that  the  trees 
there   being  detached   from  the   banks  of  the 
streams,  on  the  breaking  up  of  the  spring  ice, 
and  carried  down  by  the  floods  which  usually 
accompany  the  disruption,  are  whirled  about  in 
the  conflicting  eddies  along  the  sea-shore,  until 
getting  within  the  influence  of  the  regular  south- 
erly current,  they  are  met  by  a  south  west  gale* 


and  thus  driven  to  the  part  where  they  are  ge- 
nerally seen.  The  other,  and,  in  my  judgment,  not 
improbable  explanation,  is  to  be  found  in  the 
well-known  fact,  that  vast  piles  of  huge  drift- 
wood, consisting  of  balsam,  poplar,  larches,  firs, 
and  birch,  are  swept  by  the  annual  flooding  of 
the  Mackenzie  into  the  Polar  Sea,  and  are  there 
carried  out  in  different  directions  as  the  tide 
current  and  set  of  the  ice  may  determine.  The 
greater  portion,  we  know,  parts  east  and  west 
of  the  mouth  of  the  river,  and  accumulating  on 
the  Polar  shores,  furnishes  to  the  poor  Esqui- 
maux an  invaluable  and  inexhaustible  supply  of 
material  for  their  canoes  and  other  rude  imple- 
ments of  art.  But  is  it  impossible  that  another 
portion  may  be  driven  out  far  to  the  north,  and 
there,  meeting  with  a  westerly  current,  be  brought 
into  Davis's  Straits  through  some  yet  unex- 
plored channel  ? 

On  the  23d,  we  at  length  gave  our  willing 
adieu  to  Cape  Farewell,  under  the  welcome  in- 
fluence of  a  breeze  from  the  eastward ;  but  in  the 
night  the  wind  shifted  and  blew  hard,  making  a 
sea,  which  kept  the  men  half-leg  deep  on  the 
quarter-deck.  From  the  25th  to  the  28th,  we 
had  a  pleasant  run  across  Davis's  Straits  under 
a  steady  breeze  from  S.  W.  Day- light  on  the 
29th  exhibited  to  us  a  small  iceberg,  and  soon 
afterwards    several    larger   bergs   and   a   heavy 


stream  of    ice   were   discerned    to    the    west- 
ward.    We  advanced  close  to  the  margin  of  the 
latter,  and  then  tacked  off:  it  was  composed  of 
large  floe  pieces,   and  ran  in  a  direction  from 
N.W.  to  S.  E.     The  rapid  fall  of  the  thermo- 
meter in  the  night  had  indicated  the  vicinity 
of  ice,  and  now  a  thick  fog  coming  on  which 
obscured  the  view,   we  were  informed  only  by 
the  still  greater  depression  of  the  temperature, 
and  by  the  roaring  of  the  surf  distinctly  heard, 
that  we  were  not  far  from  some  considerable  mass 
of  ice.     Accordingly  in  the  evening  when  the 
weather  cleared,  we  observed  an  enormous  berg, 
the   perpendicular  face  of  which  was  not  less 
than  300  feet  high,    and  other  smaller  bergs, 
nine  altogether,    in  other  directions.      Prepar- 
ations had  been  made  for  avoiding  or  escaping 
the    danger  of  a   too  close  acquaintance  with 
these  gigantic  neighbours,  in  case  the  fog  had 
continued  ;  and,  among  other  things,  the  boom 
foresail  had  been  bent,  —  a  sail  which,  as  nau- 
tical men  will  be  aware,  is,  by  reason  of  its  quick 
movement,  of  excellent  use  in  narrow  channels 
and  consequently  among  ice,  where  it  is  ne- 
cessary to  alter  course  often  and  suddenly  to 
avoid  the  floating  masses.     The  clearing  of  the 
weather  rendered  these  precautions  for  the  pre- 
sent  unnecessary,    and  we   proceeded   on   our 
course  with  studding-sails  set,  until  suddenly  a 


gleam  of  continuous  ice  was  seen  right  ahead, 
which  threatened  an  interruption  of  our  pro- 
gress. But  as  the  morning  of  the  30th  broke 
we  found  the  heavy  stream  before  us  less  com- 
pact than  had  been  feared,  and  entered  the  pack 
with  confidence. 

The  day  was  beautifully  fine,   and  to  those 
who  were  novices   in  this  sort  of  navigation, 
nothing  could  exceed  the  interest  of  the  scene : 
—  the  tall  ship  with  all  her  sails  set  threading 
her   graceful  way  through   the    masses  of  ice, 
upon  a  sea  as  smooth  as  an  inland  lake.     What 
a  contrast  from  the  mountain  waves  over  which 
we  had  been  tossing  and  tumbling  for  weeks 
past!     Again,  in  the  far  horizon,  there  was  the 
ever-welcome  loom  of  land ;  and  though  from 
our  distance  according  to  reckoning,  some  doubts 
were  at  first  expressed  as  to  the  reality  of  this 
appearance,   yet  these  were  soon  afterwards  set 
at  rest,  and  the  land  at  eight  a.  m.  was  distinctly 
visible  to  the  naked  eye,  stretching  from  W.  to 
to  N.  W.  by  N.     We  supposed  it  to  be  Black- 
head on  the  Labrador  coast,  not  far  from  Cape 
Chudleigh,   and  which  our   noon    observations 
placed  sixty  miles  distant.     It  is  to  be  remarked, 
that   the  weather  was  unusually  clear,  with  a 
temperature  of  36°,  and  the  wind  blowing  off  the 
land,  so  that  objects  could  be  discerned  at  a  great 
distance.     There  was  a  considerable  quantity  of 


snow  on  the  summits  and  sides  of  the  coast, 
which  about  11a.  m.  was  refracted  into  the  most 
eccentric  outlines,  some  not  unlike  the  form  of 
a  pagoda.  The  latitude  to-day  was  60°  17  N. 
and  longitude  by  chronometer  6l°57' W.,  from 
which  we  learnt  that  we  had  been  set  by  the  cur- 
rent no  less  than  forty-one  miles  south  in  the 
space  of  two  days.  Our  distance  from  Resolution 
Island,  at  noon,  was  sixty-nine  miles. 

Towards  evening  the  wind  dropped,  and  we 
bent  our  cables  to  be  in  readiness,  in  case  we 
should  be  carried  into  situations  where  it  might 
be  necessary  to  seek  an  anchorage.     A  thin  ice 
formed  during  the  night,  and,  on  the  31st,  the 
pack   seemed   to    have  gathered   more    closely 
around  us.     The  day,  however,  was  beautifully 
calm,  and  a  boat  was  sent  to  procure  fresh  water 
from  the  pools  formed  on  the  surface  of  the 
larger  masses  of  ice.     A  light  breeze  soon  after- 
wards sprung  up,  which,  though  scarcely  raising 
a  ripple  on  the  water,  kept  the  sails  full  aloft, 
and  carried  us  gently  onward  at  the  rate  of  two 
knots.     The  nearer  view  now  afforded  us  of  the 
land  presented  nothing  attractive.     Peaked  and 
splintered  hills,    resting   on  a  sort  of  shelf  or 
ledge,    which    again  broke   off  perpendicularly 
into  dark  cliffs  raised  upon  shelving  banks  covered 
with  snow  *,  and  farther  off,   though  still,  as  it 


seemed,  connected  with  these,  a  ridge  of  heights 
rounder  and  more  regular,  but  all  bare  and  deso- 
late, without  one  tinge  of  green  to  relieve  the 
sombre  picture,  ■ — such  was  the  forbidding  aspect 
of  this  unsocial  coast.  After  divine  service  the 
boat  was  again  sent  for  water,  which  was  found 
to  be  of  excellent  quality,  and  our  stock  was  in- 
creased to  eleven  tuns,  —  a  supply  amply  suffi- 
cient, however  long  our  run  might  prove  to  be. 
Throughout  the  1st  of  August  we  continued 
to  push  our  way  through  the  yielding  masses, 
with  no  further  mischief  than  a  few  thumps  and 

We  were  now  fast  approaching  Cape  Chud- 
leigh  and  Button's  Isles,  and,  not  long  after- 
wards, land  was  descried  to  the  N.  E.,  which 
we  knew  to  be  Resolution  Island,  and  the  land 
to  the  westward  of  it,  when  suddenly  a  delta  of 
ice  appeared  in  front  of  us,  so  close  as  to  defy 
all  attempts  to  penetrate  it.  Of  the  navigable 
'  lanes'  at  its  sides  one  led  considerably  to  the 
east,  and  the  other  branched  immediately  along 
the  Labrador  coast  beyond  Button's  Isles,  from 
thence  apparently  leading  into  open  water.  My 
general  plan  was  to  have  kept  the  north  shore 
close  aboard,  after  the  example  of  the  able 
officers  who  had  preceded  me  on  these  services; 
and,  indeed,  of  the  Hudson's  Bay  ships,  which 

30  DENSE    FOG. 

invariably  take  that  direction  in  their  outward 
passage  ;  but  having  a  commanding  breeze  and 
a  clearer  space  for  sailing  in,  I  did  not  hesitate, 
under  the  circumstances,  to  take  the  south  shore, 
intending  to  follow  it  up  until  a  change  in  the 
wind  or  ice  should  render  it  advisable  to  edge 
over  to  the  usual  track.  At  8h  p.  m.  Resolution 
Island  was  seen  bearing  by  compass  N.  by  E., 
and  we  were  beginning  to  flatter  ourselves  that 
we  had  cleared  the  obstacles  when,  about 
noon,  a  dense  fog  came  on,  and  the  ice  in- 
creased in  quantity  and  dimension  so  much 
as  to  excite  some  apprehension  of  the  practi- 
cability of  passing  it.  At  2h  of  the  following 
morning,  the  fog  was  so  dense  that  the  'leads'  or 
openings  could  not  be  distinguished,  and  there 
was  no  resource  but  to  heave-to  until  the  weather 
should  be  clearer.  In  an  hour's  time  it  did 
clear,  and,  though  for  a  few  minutes  only,  yet 
the  interval  enabled  us  to  catch  a  glimpse  of 
a  passage  between  some  large  masses  ahead. 
The  breeze  was  quite  fair,  and  again  setting  the 
small  sails  we  ran  on  through  very  heavy  ice, 
sometimes  temporarily  arrested,  and  at  others 
boring  through  every  impediment,  not,  however, 
without  receiving  some  violent  concussions. 

By  7h  a.  m.  we  had  cleared  this  difficulty,  but 
soon  came  to  a  solid  pack  from  twenty  to  twenty- 
five  feet  high,   which,  of  course,  there  was  no 


hope   of   penetrating.      Wishing,    however,    to 
keep  as  near  mid  channel  as  I  could,  I  coasted 
the  edge  of  the  pack  until  a  narrow  stream  was 
seen,    through  which   we  bored  our  way  until 
we   again   came  to  heavy  sailing  ice.      It  was 
exceedingly  difficult  to  ascertain  whereabout  we 
were,   for  independently  of  the  fog,   which  of 
itself  was  bad  enough,   the  whole  of  the  com- 
passes became  so  sluggish  as  to  require  tapping 
with  the  finger  every  five  or  ten  minutes  to  make 
them  traverse  at  all,  and  could  not,  therefore,  be 
depended  on.     There  was,  however,  no  choice, 
but  either  to  run  on  at  all  hazards,  or  to  heave-to, 
at  the  risk  of  being  beset  in  the  pack,  which 
every   moment   the   wind   was    driving   closer. 
Rather  than  be  detained  in  such  a  manner,  at 
least  in  this  place,   I  determined  to  stretch  over 
to  the  north  shore,  which,  in  fact,  had  now  be- 
come the  weather  one,  and  to  depend  on  the 
sharpness  of  our  sight  for  discovering  the  land, 
at  the  same  time,    having  every  thing  ready  for 
guarding    against   accidents.      The   manner   in 
which  this  resolution  was  executed  was  highly 
creditable  to  the  ice-mate,  Mr.  Green,  and  the 
gunner,    Mr.  Donaldson,  who  took  upon  them 
the  duty  of  piloting  the  ship  in  these  situations 
by  turns,  —  a  duty  for  which  the  latter,  in  par- 
ticular, was  well  qualified  by  the  experience  he 
had  acquired  under  Sir  E.  Parry.     Frequently, 

3:2  IMPEDED    BY    FOG    AND    ICE. 

while  boring  through  the  packed  pieces,  or  en- 
deavouring to  force  some  mass  aside,  the  officers 
were  anions:  the  foremost  over  the  bows  to  assist 
in  carrying  out  an  ice-anchor  with  a  line  to  warp 
the  ship,  or,  with  long  poles,  to  push  the  ice 
away  from  the  stern,  and  all  seemed  really  to  enjoy 
the  novelty  and  excitement  of  the  scene. 

The  ice  for  the  most  part  was  old  and  rotten, 
consisting  of  portions  of  broken  floes,  with  square 
blocks  and  hummocks  on  them.  The  weather 
throughout  the  afternoon  continued  so  thick, 
that  even  ice  could  not  be  discerned  above  two 
hundred  yards  off;  and  being,  as  we  supposed, 
near  the  north  shore,  I  was  not  a  little  anxious 
lest  we  should  be  driven  by  some  violent  cur- 
rent against  it  an  accident  which,  having  ex- 
perienced on  a  former  occasion,  I  was  by  no 
means  desirous  of  encountering  a  second  time. 
Towards  midnight,  we  found  ourselves  embar- 
rassed amongst  floes  and  very  heavy  jce,  the 
difficulty  of  avoiding  which  was  much  aug- 
mented by  the  lightness  of  the  breeze  then 
blowing  from  the  south-west.  However,  in  the 
morning  of  August  3d,  the  breeze  returning  to 
its  old  point  of  S.  E.  freshened  a  little,  most 
opportunely  and  fortunately  for  us,  for  the 
weather  continuing  equally  misty,  we  were  be- 
coming entangled  amid  large  masses  of  ice  which, 
under  the  influence  of  a  strong  current,  often 


struck  the  ship  with  a  force  that  made  her  reel ; 
while  the  windward  stream  was  approaching 
the  leeward  so  rapidly  as  to  make  it  extremely 
doubtful  whether  we  should  not  be  caught  be- 
tween them,  and  there  be  beset  for,  perhaps, 
several  days.  Every  sail  that  could  be  of  the 
least  utility  had  been  set,  and  for  a  short  inter- 
val we  seemed  to  be  gaining  ground,  but  on 
altering  the  position  of  the  head  to  clear  a  small 
floe  directly  before  us,  the  current  took  the  ship 
on  the  starboard  beam,  and  sent  her  bodily  to- 
wards the  stream  to  leeward  ;  and  whilst  we 
were  contemplating  this  result  as  almost  inevi- 
table, one  of  those  whirlpools  which  are  com- 
mon in  the  vicinity  of  the  Island  of  Resolution 
caught  us,  and  turning  the  ship  round  against 
the  helm,  rendered  her  totally  unmanageable. 
This  seemed  to  decide  the  matter ;  and  we  must 
infallibly  have  been  carried  into  the  already  dense 
pack,  had  not  the  breeze  at  that  moment  sud- 
denly freshened,  and  forced  us  onwards  towards 
an  opening  a-head.  About  the  same  time 
(3h  a.  m.),  the  eastern  horizon  cleared,  so  as  just 
to  enable  land  to  be  seen  much  nearer  than, 
under  these  circumstances,  was  desirable  ;  for, 
in  that  direction,  with  such  a  confusion  of  cross 
currents,  we  had  scarcely  any  control  over  the 
ship,  and  the  weather  again  thickened  with  rain, 
which,   with  the  thermometer  at  31°,  froze  on 



the  rigging  as  it  fell,  and  hung  in  icicles  from 
the  boats  and  hammock-rails. 

There  was  now  no  choice  but  to  endeavour 
to  close  the  shore  and  get  to  windward  of  the 
whole  body  of  ice,  and  this  having  succeeded 
after  repeated  trials  in  effecting,  we  continued 
during  the  remainder  of  the  forenoon  running 
at  a  moderate  rate  through  sailing  pieces,  which 
from  their  size  there  was  little  trouble  in  steer- 
ing clear  of.  Observations  could  not  be  got, 
but  the  dead  reckoning  placed  us  in  latitude 
61°  39'  N.,  and  some  doubtful  sights  gave  the 
same  latitude,  and  longitude  67°  7'  "W« 

The  weather,  which  during  the  day  had  been 
hazy,  cleared  towards  the  evening,  and  gave  us  a 
distinct  view  of  the  bleak  and  snow-streaked 
land,  with  several  islands,  which  we  conjectured 
to  be  part  of  the  group  lying  between  the  middle 
and  lower  Savage  Islands.  The  sea  being  very 
calm  the  officers  lowered  a  boat,  and  set  off  in 
quest  of  the  seals  and  loons  which  were  swim- 
ming about ;  but  a  brace  of  the  latter  was  the 
only  result  of  a  considerable  expenditure  of 
powder  and  shot.  During  the  night,  with  a 
light  breeze  heading  us  and  the  vessel  close 
hauled,  I  found  to  my  surprise  that,  of  course 
under  the  influence  of  some  current,  the  ship 
had  weathered,  or,  in  other  words,  gone  to  the 
westward  so  much,  that  I   gladly  kept   under 


weigh,  passing  between  large  pieces  of  ice  with- 
out inconvenience.  The  same  thing  continu- 
ing the  next  day  we  found  ourselves  at  noon,  by 
the  observations,  abreast  of  the  middle  Savage 
Islands,  and  could  see  the  extremes  of  land 
from  S.  E.  to  N.  N.  E.,  the  nearest  being  six  or 
seven  miles  distant.  It  was  not,  however,  till 
some  hours  had  elapsed,  that  the  remarkable 
land  called  Saddle-back  could  be  made  out.  At 
this  place,  every  vessel  having  occasion  to  visit 
the  straits  has  invariably  fallen  in  with  Esqui- 
maux ;  but,  although  we  stood  within  a  few 
miles  of  the  shore,  none  appeared,  nor  did  we  per- 
ceive any  trace  of  them,  from  whence  I  inferred 
they  had  already  made  their  annual  barter  with 
the  Hudson's  Bay  ships,  and  were  gone  into  the 
interior  to  hunt.  About  three  in  the  afternoon 
an  iceberg,  about  forty  feet  high,  and  of  very  pic- 
turesque form,  suddenly,  at  the  distance  of  about 
a  quarter  of  a  mile  from  the  ship,  either  toppled 
over,  or  parted  with  a  large  mass  detached  from 
its  summit.  The  splash  in  the  water,  the 
foam  which  succeeded,  and  the  fearful  rockings 
of  the  berg  before  it  again  settled  upon  its  base, 
gave  us  some  notion  of  the  danger  of  a  too  close 
neighbourhood  on  such  occasions.  The  breeze 
was  lost  as  night  drew  on,  and  the  usual  calm 
succeeded;  but  at  llh  p.m.  a  light  air  crept 
along  the  water  from   the   south,    and  having 

d  2 


again  set  the  studding-sails,  by  midnight  we  were 
making  some  progress  through  the  water. 

Early  on  August  5th  the  ice,  which  for  a  brief 
interval  had  disappeared  in  a  manner  altogether 
unaccountable,  was  again  reported  to  be  a-head, 
and  we  shortly  found  ourselves  beset  by  it  on  all 
sides,  not,  however,  so  compact  as  to  stop  us 
altogether.  In  this  we  might  be  considered 
fortunate,  for,  at  4h  a.  m.,  a  ship  and  brig,  sup- 
posed to  belong  to  the  Hudson's  Bay  Company, 
were  observed  working  through  heavy-packed 
ice  to  leeward,  the  brig  considerably  a-stern  of 
the  other.  Our  colours  were  immediately  hoisted 
at  the  mast-head,  but  were  not  answered  ;  and, 
every  moment  being  precious,  I  pushed  on  with- 
out further  notice  of  them,  until  about  7h  a.  m. 
I  was  arrested,  in  my  turn,  by  a  continuous  line 
of  the  same  pack,  which  it  was  now  evident  run 
in  towards,  if  not  altogether  to,  the  upper 
Savage  Islands.  At  first,  the  prospect  of  de- 
tention seemed  inevitable,  but  few  things  are 
more  uncertain  than  the  navigation  among  ice, 
and,  however  desperate  the  situation,  there  is 
generally  room  for  hope.  So  it  turned  out  now 
in  our  case ;  for,  when  measures  wrere  about  to 
be  taken  to  reduce  sail,  lanes  of  water  were  dis- 
tinguished round  the  deep  bay  or  inlet  formed 
within  the  upper  Savage  Islands  ;  and,  although 
the  following  of  these  lanes  involved  the  ne- 


cessity  of  running  towards  a  lee-shore  with  a  wind 
from  the  south ;  yet  rather  than  lose  ground,  as 
the  weather  was  extremely  fine,  and  I  had  great 
confidence  in  our  resources,  I  determined  on 
making  the  attempt.  In  effecting  this,  we  had 
to  pass  within  a  short  distance  of  the  eastern 
extremity  of  the  bay,  and  had  a  distinct  view  of 
the  hills  and  valleys  of  the  shore. 

There  were  many  rocks,  more  or  less  clad 
with  a  dark  and  russety  herbage  unenlivened  by 
a  single  patch  of  green,  and  altogether  as  me- 
lancholy and  repulsive  as  fancy  could  conceive. 
It  was  a  place,  in  short,  that  even  the  sea-tired 
mariner  would  scarcely  leave  his  ship  to  visit. 
The  ice,  it  was  gratifying  to  find,  was  entirely 
of  last  winter's  produce  ;  and,  though  sometimes 
close  and  thick,  offered  but  a  weak  resistance  as 
we  bored  our  way  through  it.  The  tide  also, 
which  was  flowing,  lent  us  its  aid,  dispersing  the 
ice  so  as  to  leave  a  clear  lead  almost  to  the  farthest 
point  in  view.  Just  as  we  had  got  abreast  of  a 
large  island,  on  which  Sir  E.  Parry  had  landed 
in  1821,  and  were  looking  at  a  cairn  erected, 
possibly  by  him,  on  its  highest  hill,  we  were  in- 
formed by  the  look-out  man  from  the  crow's-nest, 
that  a  number  of  canoes  had  set  off  from  a  point 
of  the  island  and  were  making  towards  us.  It 
was  some  time  before  they  were  visible  from  the 
deck,   but  fortunately  for   them   the  breeze  at 

d  8 


that  moment  moderating,  between  twenty  and 
thirty  Keiyaks  and  three  Oomiaks  came  up  with 
their  noisy  owners  vociferating  their  accustomed 
"  Tima"  or  "  Chimo,"  and  "  pilletay,"  till  we 
could  scarcely  hear  each  other's  voices.  These 
were  clearly  apart  of  the  Saddleback  Esquimaux, 
and  began  their  traffic  with  the  advantage  of 
practised  traders,  determined  to  make  the  best 
of  the  market,  Accordingly,  no  device  or  cun- 
ning was  left  untried  by  them  ;  and  in  this  re- 
spect, at  all  events,  it  must  fairly  be  confessed, 
that  they  proved  their  superiority.  They  began 
by  offering  the  most  trifling  articles  first,  such  as 
seal-skin  mittens  and  boots,  of  which  many  had 
already  seen  service,  and  some  were  actually 
patched;  one  pair  of  mittens  particularly  with  old 
blue  cloth,  which,  however,  the  eager  purchaser  did 
not  perceive.  When  they  were  detected,  their  loud 
laughter  showed  how  greatly  they  enjoyed  the 
joke.  Neither  could  they  be  prevailed  upon  to 
part  with  bags  of  oil,  or  any  thing  else  of  real 
value  without  something  better  in  return  than 
the  old  iron  hoop,  which  was  all  that  1  would 
permit  to  be  offered  in  exchange.  The  women, 
in  particular,  were  more  outrageous  than  I  had 
ever  observed  before,  for  besides  disposing  of 
their  garments,  which  they  never  hesitated  to  do, 
more  than  one  actually  offered  to  barter  their 
children  for  a  few  needles.     In  the  rest  of  their 

CREW    TRAFFIC    WITH    THE    ESQUIMAUX.        39 

dealings,  habits,  and  manners,  more  especially  as 
respects  stealing,  they  fully  verified  the  various 
accounts  that  have  already  appeared  in  print : 
for,  though  sentinels  were  posted  at  different 
parts  of  the  ship  purposely  to  prevent  pilfering, 
and  not  one  of  them  was  allowed  to  come  on 
board,  yet  so  dextrous  were  they  that,  in  spite 
of  all  our  vigilance,  they  contrived  to  cut  away 
two  or  three  fathoms  of  rope  from  alongside  the 
ship.  When  the  crew  had  purchased  what  they 
required,  wearied  with  their  incessant  clamours, 
I  ordered  the  men  on  board,  and  bade  our  noisv 
visiters  leave  us.  Some,  and  among  them  the 
women,  obeyed,  but  many,  principally  young 
men,  lingered  for  some  time  about  the  ship, 
singing,  laughing,  and  shouting  according  to 
their  several  fancies. 

Having  passed  the  island  and  opened  the 
North  Bluff,  a  number  of  smaller  and  lower 
islands  became  visible  above  the  ice,  showing  the 
place  where  Baffin  had  been  in  1665.  The  wind 
fell  as  it  had  done  for  some  days  past,  at  the  com- 
mencement of  the  ebb,  about  3h  p.  m.,  but  the 
ship  still  going  slowly  a-head,  without  losing 
ground  or  being  obliged  to  make  fast  to  ice, 
cheered  us  with  the  hope  of  a  satisfactory 
progress.  The  night  was  cloudy  and  calm,  with 
sometimes  a  high  flow  of  wind   from    different 

d  4 


quarters  of  the  compass,  and  the  ship  more  than 
once  came  round  against  the  helm  and  drove  close 
inshore.  Fortunately  the  shore  was  bold  and  the 
water  deep,  but  an  immediate  effort  was  made 
to  get  her  round  so  as  to  be  ready  for  .the  first 
air  to  stand  farther  off.  At  that  time  no  lead 
could  be  descried  from  the  mast-head,  whence 
all  in  the  direction  of  our  course  seemed  to  be 
one  compact  body.  Nevertheless,  when  towards 
midnight  a  breeze  sprung  up  from  the  south- 
west the  studding-sails  were  again  set,  and, 
though  we  received  an  occasional  hard  thump, 
we  had  the  consolation  to  find  that  we  were 
creeping  along  the  land  ;  a  low  point  of  which, 
directly  a-head,  we  were  most  anxious  to  get 
round,  from  an  impression  that  a  clear  space 
would  certainly  be  found  to  the  westward  of  it. 

The  next  day  (August  6th)  brought  with  it 
an  increase  of  wind,  which  enabled  us  to  bore 
through  some  heavy  masses,  one  of  which  nearly 
carried  away  the  fluke  of  the  best  bower  anchor. 
The  ship,  indeed,  struck  with  great  force,  break- 
ing the  smaller  impediments  and  thrusting  the 
larcrer  ones  out  of  the  channel,  so  as  to  make  a 
lane  for  herself;  and  having,  at  length,  suc- 
ceeded in  rounding  the  low  point  already  men- 
tioned, and  having  found  there,  as  had  been 
anticipated,  a  clearer  space  along  shore,  we  fol- 
lowed it,   though  not  without  difficulty.     The 


winter  line  of  ice  was  very  apparent  along  the 
beach,  exactly  as  on  the  banks  of  lakes  and  broad 
rivers  in  the  interior  of  America.  The  height 
was  less  than  I  should  have  supposed,  and  could 
not  have  exceeded  thirty  feet  from  low-water 
mark.  It  must,  therefore,  have  been  formed 
during  an  unusually  calm  season  ;  for,  even  in 
these  inland  situations,  a  rise  of  full  twenty  feet  is 
by  no  means  uncommon. 

We  had  a  second  visit  from  the  Esquimaux, 
with  the  same  noisy  bartering,  the  same  cupidity, 
and  the  same  unnatural  readiness  to  exchange 
their  children  for  a  few  needles  or  a  saw.  Es- 
quimaux, indeed,  will  give  any  thing  to  procure 
what  they  desire  ;  a  laughable  instance  of  which 
was  afforded  by  a  young  woman  who,  observing 
that  one  of  the  officers  had  not  much  hair  on  his 
head,  immediately  offered  to  supply  him  with 
her  own  at  the  easy  price  of  a  curtain-ring.  The 
weather  continued  beautifully  fine,  with  a  tem- 
perature of  35°,  and  the  water  32° ;  and,  at  noon, 
the  latitude  was  62°  39'  N.  longitude,  70°  50'  W. 

For  the  remainder  of  this  day  and  the  next 
we  continued  beating  along  the  shore,  wherever 
a  lane  of  water  was  to  be  found ;  and  such  was 
the  strength  of  the  current  which  set  us  in  the 
direction  of  our  course,  that,  notwithstanding 
the  impediments  by  which  we  were  beset,  and  a 
wind  for  the  most  part  heading  us,   we  made 

42  FALL    IN    THE    BAROMETER. 

satisfactory  progress.  We  received,  it  is  true, 
some  heavy  thumps  from  the  drift  ice,  but  to 
these  we  were  now  become  familiarised.  In  the 
early  morning  of  the  8th,  the  wind  having  shifted 
more  to  the  west,  we  were  enabled  to  make  a 
considerable  advance  ;  but,  about  nine  o'clock, 
the  scene  was  materially  changed.  We  were 
abreast  of  the  five  hillocks  spoken  of  by  Sir  Ed- 
ward Parry,  when,  instead  of  the  enlivening  view 
of  open  water,  which  had  just  before  greeted  us, 
nothing  could  now  be  discerned  but  one  firmly 
knitted  pack  of  ice,  stretching  from  the  outer 
point  of  the  shore  as  far  south  as  the  horizon, 
and  forbidding  even  the  hope  of  an  opening  in 
any  available  direction.  The  barometer,  too, 
which  of  late  had  showed  but  very  little  varia- 
tion, had  fallen  from  29°  8/  to  29°  54',  and  the 
sky  became  dark  and  gloomy,  snow  fell,  and  the 
wind  blew  half  a  gale  from  the  N.  N.  W.  What 
small  sails  we  had  up  were  instantly  taken  in, 
and  the  topsails  reduced  two  reefs.  But  all  our 
efforts  to  hold  on  our  course  were  unavailing ; 
and  as  there  happened  to  be  a  tolerably  large 
berg  at  no  great  distance,  I  determined  to  make 
fast  to  it}  as  the  only  way  of  keeping  to  windward. 
Accordingly,  having  run  to  leeward,  a  boat  was 
lowered,  containing  two  ice-anchors  and  lines  ; 
and,  while  the  most  experienced  of  the  crew 
were  employed  in  fixing  these  in  the  berg,  on  its 

VESSEL    MOORED    TO    AN    ICEBERG.  4.3 

shelving  side,  (for  the  other  was  perpendicular,) 
the  ship  made  a  tack,  until,  upon  signal,  she 
again  dropped  down  and  shot  up  to  the  very 
edge  of  the  berg.  Then,  sending  out  two  strong 
hawsers,  which  were  affixed  to  the  anchors,  she 
soon  became  safely  moored ;  and  the  sails  were 

Here  we  lay,  snugly  sheltered  from  the  gale, 
which  now  freshened,  carefully  watching  how- 
ever the  slightest  motion  of  the  berg,  lest,  upon 
some  change  of  its  equilibrium,  it  should  topple 
over,  and  so  prove  our  destruction  instead  of 
our  safety.  Nothing  however  occurred  to  dis- 
turb us  till  about  two  o'clock  of  the  following 
morning,  when  a  heavy  floe  drifted  against  the 
berg,  on  the  weather-side,  with  a  violent  shock. 
For  some  minutes  it  seemed  uncertain  whether 
the  ponderous  mass  would  not  turn  completely 
over  ;  but,  after  many  oscillations,  a  large  piece 
was  supposed  to  have  broken  off  from  the  south 
western  point,  which,  though  it  increased  the 
agitation  for  a  time,  seemed  to  have  restored  the 
balance,  and  the  mass  again  became  stationary. 
During  this  suspense,  it  will  be  easily  believed 
we  were  not  idle  ;  for,  not  knowing  how  soon 
we  might  be  overwhelmed,  the  hawsers  were  in- 
stantly veered  away  to  eighty  fathoms,  and  careful 
hands  stationed  to  cut  the  ropes  in  case  the  danger 
became  more  imminent. 


As  the  day  advanced  the  body  of  ice  to  wind- 
ward was  not  found,  as  had  been  expected,  to 
have  undergone  any  favourable  alteration  ;  but 
it  was  consoling  to  find  by  the  bearings  of  the 
land  that  we  had  rather  gained  than  lost  ground 
by  making  fast  to  the  berg,  and  it  was  evident 
that,  for  the  present,  nothing  better  could  be 
done  than  to  remain  where  we  were.  In  the 
mean  time,  as  there  was  nothing  to  be  appre- 
hended for  the  safety  of  the  ship,  which  lay 
extremely  easy  under  the  lee,  the  crew,  for 
occupation,  were  exercised  at  small  arms ;  and, 
considering  that  many  of  them  had  never  had  a 
musket  in  their  hands  before,  they  acquitted 
themselves  very  creditably.  By  the  bearings  of 
a  remarkable  hill,  N.  94°  E.,  it  was  clear  that 
although  we  were  certainly  going  slowly  to  the 
northward  and  westward,  yet  we  were  setting 
at  the  same  time  towards  the  shore.  At  4h  p.  m., 
however,  there  was  an  apparent  re-action  in  the 
inshore  body  of  ice,  which  now  began  to  set 
about  S.  S.  E.,  and,  to  avoid  being  hemmed  in, 
it  became  necessary  to  cast  off  from  the  berg. 
Having  done  so,  we  went  under  as  easy  sail  as 
the  ice  would  allow  between  south  and  west ; 
and,  though  we  had  now  the  mortification  to 
behold,  from  the  mast-head,  a  continuous  pack, 
extending  from  what  we  took  to  be  Broken  Point 
to  south-west,    yet,  by  carefully  watching  such 


openings  as  offered  themselves,  and  making  more 
sail  on  the  ship,  we  succeeded  in  reaching  a  hole 
of  water;  beyond  this  however  there  was  no 
outlet,  and  the  ship  was  necessarily  hove-to.  At 
daylight,  the  wind  having  veered  to  the  south- 
west, we  bore  up,  and  ran  between  the  detached 
ice  as  near  as  we  could,  though  not  without 
many  violent  shocks  that  made  the  whole  frame- 
work of  the  ship  tremble. 

We  continued  all  that  day  laboriously  boring 
our  way  through  heavy  streams  of  ice,  or  vainly 
endeavouring  to  weather  the  larger  masses,  un- 
der the  disadvantage  of  a  dense  fog :  but  the 
ship  at  length  received  so  many  blows,  and  the 
ice  closed  so  fast  while  we  were  continually 
drifting  to  leeward,  that  it  would  have  been  rash 
to  have  continued  any  longer  the  unequal  and 
profitless  contest.  I  therefore  made  fast,  with 
an  ice-anchor,  to  an  adjoining  floe,  and,  having 
furled  the  sails,  employed  the  men  in  making  a 
few  necessary  reparations.  Soundings  were  ob- 
tained with  one  hundred  and  twenty  seven  fathoms 
of  line,  when  the  bottom  was  found  to  consist  of 
green  mud,  the  current  then  setting  N.  W.  by  W., 
one  mile  an  hour.  Some  observations  for  the  dip 
made  on  the  ice,  out  of  the  sphere  of  the  ship's 
attraction,  gave  85°  54'.  At  daybreak  of  the 
11th,  not  the  slighest  alteration  was  perceptible, 
except  indeed  that  the  north  and  west  horizons 


glared  with  refracted  ice,  now  wedged  into  a 
compact  body.  At  noon,  I  regretted  to  find  we 
had  drifted  a  few  miles  to  the  southward.  Sound- 
ings were  then  got  with  one  hundred  and  twenty- 
nine  fathoms,  and  consisted  of  grey  sand  ;  with 
one  hundred  and  fifty  fathoms  of  line  the  current 
set  E.  S.  E.,  at  the  rate  of  two  miles  an  hour  ; 
but  the  lead  being  hauled  up  to  sixty-five  fathoms, 
an  upper  set  was  observed  to  be  running  north, 
about  half  a  mile  an  hour.  On  the  floes  were 
found  a  quantity  of  stones  and  small  fragments 
of  rocks,  with  deposits  of  yellow  mud  and  a  few 
pieces  of  sea-weed.  Some  of  the  former  were 
rounded  by  attrition,  as  if  they  had  been  exposed 
to  the  action  of  the  waves  on  the  beach,  and 
were  composed  of  sienite  and  limestone,  with 
small  crystals  of  quartz. 

Towards  evening  the  clouds  gathered  in  the 
north  and  the  breeze  freshened,  bringing  with  it 
occasional  showers  of  snow,  but  without  be- 
tokening a  favourable  change  for  us ;  and  the 
following  day  the  appearance  to  windward  was 
most  discouraging,  for  not  a  lane  of  water  nor  an 
opening  could  be  made  out.  Accordingly,  as  the 
chance  of  advancing  was  diminished,  it  became 
important  at  all  events  not  to  lose  ground  ;  and  a 
lanrer  floe  having  drifted  near,  we  cast  off  from 
our  present  holding,  and  made  fast  to  it.  It  was 
now  ascertained  that  the  larboard  bow  had  sus- 
tained injury,  to  the  depth  of  three  inches,  from 

REPAIR    THE    SHIP.  4<7 

the  force  with  which  the  ship  had  struck  against 
the  ice  in  boring  ;   and  having  careened  her,  the 
whole  of  the  forenoon  was  employed  in  restoring 
it  with  plank  and  a  sheathing  of  iron.     At  noon 
the  observations  made  us  six  or  seven  miles  to 
the  southward  of  yesterday's  position,  but  at  the 
same  time  somewhat  to  the  westward.     We  en- 
deavoured to  try  the  different  dipping-needles  ; 
but  after  getting  the  instruments  fixed,  the  ice 
was  found  to  move  too  much  in  azimuth,  and 
we  were  obliged  to  relinquish  the  attempt,     The 
floe  to  which  we  were  attached,  seemed  to  have 
been  formed  by  the  pressure  of  many  detached 
pieces  together,  some  of  which  were  uplifted  ten 
or  fifteen  feet  above  the  level  of  the  general  mass. 
Several  pools  of  excellent  fresh  water  were  found 
on  it ;   and  this  being  a  good  opportunity  to  fill 
the  empty  tanks,  the  ship  was  warped  alongside 
and  with  the  assistance  of  the  engine,  the  task 
was  soon  completed.    The  officers  amused  them- 
selves with  shooting,  and  bagged  two  or  three 
brace  of  dovekies,  which  after  being  skinned  and 
steeped  for  a  time  in  water,  were  made  into  sea 
pies,   and   pronounced   very    excellent    eating. 
They  also  endeavoured  to  kill  some  seals,  which 
continually  popped  their  heads  out  of  the  water 
with  apparent  curiosity,  gazing  stupidly  at  those 
who  were  about  to  destroy  them.     But  though 
it  is  certain  they  were  hit,  and  often  on  the  head, 

48  IMPEDED    BY    FOG    AND    ICE. 

yet  in  no  instance  could  they  be  secured  before 
they  sunk. 

About  4h  p  m.,  though  it  was  still  perfectly 
calm,  the  ice  began  to  set  past  the  ship  to  the 
south-east,  at  an  unusual  rate,  and  then,  by  a 
counter-movement,  closed  in  around  us  so  quickly 
as  to  compel  us  to  move,  by  warping  on  the 
other  side  of  the  floe.  A  very  light  air  then 
sprung  up  from  the  S.S.W.,  but  gradually  got 
more  to  the  westward,  accompanied  as  usual  by 
a  dense  fog ;  and  at  nightfall  it  was  remarked 
that  young  ice  was  rapidly  forming  between  the 
stationary  pieces. 

On  the  13th  the  fog  still  continued,  and  it 
had  again  fallen  calm  ;  but  the  floes  near  us 
being  large  and  hummocky,  we  cast  off  from  the 
ice,  and  sending  a  boat  a-head,  along  such  open- 
ings as  could  be  found,  made  fast  a  line  to  pro- 
jecting masses  or  hummocks,  and  so  warped  the 
ship  to  the  north.  A  faint  breeze  from  the  right 
quarter  fortunately  came  to  our  aid,  and  enabled 
us  to  make  sail  on  the  vessel,  and  dispense  with 
this  laborious  substitute.  The  ice,  however, 
was  distressingly  close  and  heavy,  and  no  clear 
water  could  be  seen  in  any  direction.  The  wea- 
ther indeed  remained  continually  hazy,  and  so 
prevented  us  from  distinguishing  the  right,  or  in- 
deed any,  lead  beyond  the  distance  of  two  hundred 
yards.     My  object  was  to  force  a  passage  to  the 

ship's  progress  through  the  ice.       49 

north,  from  a  conviction  that,  as  we  got  nearer 
to  the  shore,  the  influence  of  the  tides  would  be 
more  felt,  and  more  open  water  thereby  created, 
or  at  least  that  the  ice  would  be  lighter  :  for  such 
heavy  and  extensive  masses  as  we  now  encoun- 
tered were  contrary  to  the  experience  of  all  who 
had  gone  before  us,  and  I  could  only  suppose 
that  the  ice  had  not  been  broken  up  at  all  last 
year,  but,  having  come  down  in  a  body,  created 
our  present  impediment.  At  noon  the  latitude 
was  obtained  on  a  small  floe,  and  made  us  within 
a  mile  of  yesterday's  situation.  The  sun  shone, 
brightly  through  the  mist ;  and  though,  owing 
to  the  radiation  of  heat  from  the  decks  and  bul- 
warks, there  was  no  perceptible  dampness  below, 
yet  the  rigging  aloft  was  coated  with  fine  icy 
particles,  which,  being  viewed  from  the  crow's- 
nest,  presented  the  appearance  of  a  prismatic 
halo  resting  in  the  concavity  of  the  fore-topsail. 
The  wind  at  length  freshened  precisely  as  we 
wished  it,  and  the  ship,  with  her  studding-sails 
set,  bored  between  masses  often  more  than  half 
a  mile  in  length,  resisting  the  pressure,  and 
driving  pieces  before  her  in  a  manner  perfectly 
surprising,  and  no  sooner  had  she  made  a  way 
for  herself  than  the  icy  portals  closed  firmly,  and, 
as  it  seemed,  impassably  behind  her.  At  length 
the  entire  body  ahead  looked  like  one  compact 
hummocky  field,  streaked  with  a  few  dark  lines 


50       ship's  progress  through  the  ice, 

of  unequal  breadth  ;  boring  through  which,  we 
seemed  to  be,   as  it  were,   ploughing  a  furrow 
towards  the  north.     Advancing  in  this  manner, 
I  was  glad  to  see  that  there  was,  a  few  miles  off, 
ice  of  a  looser  kind ;  and  no  effort  was  left  unprac- 
tised to  reach  it.    Just  as  we  were  on  the  very 
point  of  succeeding,  two  floes  were  attracted,  or 
driven   by  a  current  together,    and  effectually 
jammed  us  in.     Happily  the  breeze  at  the  same 
moment   freshened  ;  and,  after  some  delay,  in 
which  the  floe  of  last  winter's  formation  began 
to  crack  and  yield,  while  that  of  the  previous 
season  remained  firm  as  a  rock,  the  ship,  break- 
ing a  large   mass  away  and   forcing  it   before 
her  bluff  bows,  cleared  a  passage  through.     It 
would  be  a  tedious  repetition  to  relate   all   the 
trouble  and  anxiety  that  we  experienced  in  forcing 
through  the  heavy  barrier,  which,  I  am  of  opi- 
nion, hangs  about  this  part  of  the  strait  from 
the  influence  of  opposing  currents  issuing,  the 
one  from  the  north,  probably  through  the  open- 
ing formed  by  Broken  Point,  and  the  others  from 
between  the  islands  to  the  south.     The  influ- 
ence of  the  same  barrier,   I  apprehend,  aided  by 
easterly  gales,  produces  the  interruption  occa- 
sionally met  with  by  the  Hudson  Bay  ships  on 
their  homeward  passage,  and  which  but  a  short 
time   ago    compelled    them   to   winter    in   the 
country.    However  this  may  be,  we  were  heartily 


glad  to  get  out  of  the  thick  of  it,  which,  though 
still  hampered  on  every  side  by  small  floes  and 
drift  masses,  we  now  considered  ourselves  as 
having  achieved.  As  we  advanced  to  the  north- 
west, the  lanes  and  holes  of  water  increased;  but 
the  weather  continuing  hazy,  with  intermittent 
showers  of  snow,  and  the  night  gloomy,  and 
consequently  darker  than  usual,  the  smaller  sails 
were  taken  in,  and,  running  securely  under  top- 
gallant sails,  we  kept  on  a  devious  course  through 
the  ice. 

Early  on  the  14th,  during  a  partial  clearance 
of  the  clouds  to  the  west,  some  of  the  people 
fancied  they  saw  land,  which,  according  to  the 
bearing,  could  be  no  other  than  Salisbury  Island ; 
and,  in  the  forenoon,  the  wind  then  blowing 
fresh,  land  was  reported  on  the  lee-bow,  which 
our  reckoning  made  the  north  coast  of  the 
strait,  in  longitude  760  5&  W.,  to  the  eastward  of 
the  Nottingham  Island  of  Sir  E.  Parry,  or  Mill 
Islands  of  Arrowsmith.  It  was  evident  there- 
fore that  our  progress  had  been  very  favour- 
able ;  and,  if  a  passage  were  to  be  effected  this 
autumn,  I  felt  assured  that  we  were  now  in  the 
best  channel  for  accomplishing  it.  Having  stood 
within  three  miles  of  the  land,  the  ship  was  put 
round,  and  directions  given  to  work  to  wind- 
ward along  shore.  The  first  appearance  which 
the  coast   presented  was   a  round-backed   hill,, 

e  2 


which,  as  seen  through  the  haze,  seemed  isolated, 
but  as  we  neared  it  proved  to  be  part  of  a  low 
island.  There  were  several  others  almost  in  a 
line  with  it,  all  presenting  the  same  sombre  as- 
pect which  characterised  the  coast  generally, 
except  one,  which  was  relieved  by  a  light  yellow 
colour  as  of  sand,  but  which,  on  inspection  with 
a  telescope,  was  found  to  be  rock.  The  land 
behind  the  islands  was  tolerably  high,  and  bold, 
broken  into  bluffs  and  points,  and,  from  its  in- 
dented shape,  probably  formed  some  good  har- 

The  ship  was  now  going  at  the  rate  of  five 
knots  through  the  water,  when  two  Esquimaux 
kieyaks  were  seen  endeavouring  to  overtake  us ; 
presently  the  wind  becoming  more  fair  the  stud- 
ding-sails and  royals  were  set,  and  the  speed  of 
course  increased.  The  poor  Esquimaux  never- 
theless paddled  away  with  all  their  might,  and 
finally  succeeded  in  coming  up  with  us,  though 
almost  in  a  state  of  exhaustion.  They  had  little 
to  offer  except  the  horn  of  a  narwal ;  and,  after 
receiving  a  few  bits  of  iron  hoop,  they  went  awray 
but  ill  compensated  for  the  fatigue  which  they 
had  undergone. 

About  6  p.  m.  the  weather  became  very  thick, 
and  snow  fell  so  abundantly  as  completely  to 
cover  the  decks  and  boats.  The  wind  also 
changed  to   the   north,    so   that   we   could   no 


longer  lie  our  course ;  and,  not  knowing  ex- 
actly how  near  Mill  Islands  might  be,  or,  from 
the  amazing  difference  in  the  variation,  whether 
wre  might  not  be  actually  standing  on  them,  the 
small  sails  were  taken  in  and  the  topsails  reefed, 
and,  with  the  anchors  ready  to  let  go,  we 
proceeded  with  the  utmost  caution.  That  we 
were  near  to  the  land  wras  certain,  but  none 
could  be  distinguished  through  the  haze,  either 
to  windward  or  leeward,  and  we  literally  groped 
our  wray  in  much  uncertainty,  and  not  without 
some  anxiety.  The  wind  also  increased  to  such  a 
degree  that  the  ship  was  put  under  snug  canvass, 
and,  for  the  first  time  since  leaving  the  Atlantic, 
there  was  a  regular  sea,  and  consequently  no 
continuous  ice.  The  next  morning  brought  no 
change  for  the  better,  for  the  wind  was  accom- 
panied by  snow,  and  that,  with  the  haze,  so  em- 
barrassed us,  that  it  was  difficult  to  determine 
in  what  direction  to  proceed.  However,  when 
daylight  broke  the  ship  was  put  about ;  and  we 
had  the  pleasure  of  seeing  that  the  head  sea 
which  tumbled  us  about  was  at  the  same  time 
fast  reducing  the  ice  into  fragments. 

Akout  7h  A«  m.  land  was  discovered,  forming  a 
semicircle  to  windward,  and  which,  guided  by 
the  log,  we  conjectured  to  be  Seahorse  Point  of 
Baffin,  on  Southampton  Island.  The  distance 
certainly  seemed  rather  more  than  the  ship  was 

e  3 


in  the  habit  of  accomplishing ;  and  what  added 
to  the  uncertainty   was,    the   incomprehensible 
manner  in  which  the  islands  had  been  passed 
(if  passed  at  all)  without  having  been  seen.    The 
mountains  —  for  such  they  appeared  through  the 
haze — were  nearly  covered  with  snow,  the  effect 
of  the  preceding  night ;  and  some  small  islands 
could  be  indistinctly  made  out.     Our  course  was 
held  parallel  to  them,  in  the  hope,  rather  than 
the  persuasion,  that  they  would  terminate  in  the 
point  which  was  to  lead  us  to  Frozen  Strait ;  but, 
about  llh  a.  m.,  we  suddenly  found  ourselves  em- 
bayed, and,  from  the  still  prevailing  murkiness, 
had  barely  time  to  get  the  ship  round ;  when  it 
was  indisputably  ascertained  that  the  coast  tended 
far  to  the  east.     Under   these    perplexing  cir- 
cumstances, I  determined  not  to  incur  any  risk 
which  might  endanger  the  safety  of  the  ship, 
and  directed  her  to  be  kept,  under  easy  sail,  close 
under  the  lee  of  the  high  land  just  mentioned, 
until   the  weather   should   be  clear   enough  to 
justify   me   in   acting  differently.     It   was   for- 
tunate that  I  did  so ;  for,  having  obtained  the 
latitude  at  noon,  and  the  longitude  soon  after- 
wards, we  found,  much  to  our  astonishment,  that 
we  were  not  near  Southampton  Island  at  all,  but 
had   been   deceived  by  great  deviation  in  the 
compasses,    and  a  powerful  current,  which  had 
driven  us  along  the  eastern  side  of  Mill  Islands, 
and  thence  to  the  main  shore  of  the  strait*  where 


in  fact  we  had  been  embayed.  However,  we 
must  have  passed  between  the  islands  during  the 
night,  though  how,  or  in  what  direction  remained 
a  mystery  ;  and  we  were  thankful,  as  we  had 
reason  to  be,  for  our  happy  guidance  among 
them.  In'  the  afternoon  the  sky  became  more 
clear;  and  it  was  then  apparent,  that  though  un- 
der a  press  of  sail,  we  could  not  stem  the  current, 
which  at  that  time  (711  p.  m.)  was  carrying  us 
bodily  away  to  the  south  and  east.  The  variation 
of  the  compass  with  the  ship's  head  N.  W.  was 
found  to  be  six  and  a  half  points,  but  when 
N.E.  only  three  and  a  half.  At  10h  p.  m.  we 
were  to  leeward  of  our  afternoon's  position, 
and  stood  in  again  for  the  main. 

After  beating  about  between  Mill  Islands  and 
the  north  shore  all  night,  we  found  ourselves  in 
the  morning,  the  16th,  still  to  leeward  of  the 
former,  and  utterly  unable  to  make  head  against 
the  current.  Near  noon,  being  then  within  a 
mile  of  the  shore,  we  could  perceive  a  strong 
race,  within  which  was  an  eddy  sweeping  the 
ice  about  in  a  furious  manner.  At  the  line  of 
its  junction  with  the  regular  tide  there  was  a  fall 
produced  of  at  least  three  or  four  feet,  which 
hid  all  but  the  upper  surface  of  the  ice  near  it. 
My  object  had  been  to  get  close  in  shore,  from 
an  impression  that  we  should  be  less  opposed  by 
the  current  there  than  further  out  j  but,  as  either 

E  4 


current  or  tide  was  now  driving  us  fast  towards 
the  land,  it  became  necessary  to  tack,  and  try 
our  fortune  once  more  in  the  offing.  It  was 
evident  that  no  ordinary  cause  could  thus  have 
detained  us  two  days  with  a  commanding  breeze; 
and  I  began  to  think  that  nothing  but  a  fair 
wind  would  release  us,  when  suddenly  the  ship 
took  a  start,  and  just  as  unaccountably  went 
away  in  mid  channel,  hurrying  us  in  a  short  time 
abreast  of  the  Trinity  Isles  of  Fox.  The  north 
shore  was  partially  covered  with  the  snow  that 
had  lately  fallen  ;  all  that  could  be  seen  consisted 
of  solid  and  barren  rock,  entirely  destitute  of 
herbage,  or,  as  far  as  I  could  judge,  of  any  thing 
capable  of  supporting  life.  Not  an  inhabitant, 
nor  even  an  animal  or  bird  was  seen. 

By  4h  p.  m.  the  islands  were  upwards  of  ten 
miles  astern,  when  the  breeze  left  us,  and  we 
obtained  soundings  in  one  hundred  and  twenty- 
three  fathoms,  the  bottom  consisting  as  usual 
of  blue  mud.  Soon  after  we  had  snow,  and 
the  barometer  began  to  fall.  Hardly  had  the 
necessary  reduction  been  made  in  the  sails, 
when  the  wind  increased  to  a  fresh  gale, 
which  speedily  brought  us  to  the  edge  of  some 
heavy  ice.  The  whole  of  the  night  was  occu- 
pied in  endeavouring  to  twine  our  way  through 
it;  and  although  in  the  morning  of  the  17th, 
from  its  detached  appearance  hopes  were  excited 
that  the  interruption  would  not  be  of  long  con- 

SHIP    HOVE-TO.  57 

tinuance,  yet  the  favourable  breeze  soon  brought 
in  sight  an  enormous  floe,  the  extremes  of  which 
were  lost  in  the  driving  snow  and  mist.     Un- 
willing to  try  the  north  end  of  it,  as  that  would 
have  led  us  again  to  the  eastward,  in  which  di- 
rection it  trended  as  far  as  could  be  discerned, 
I  determined  on  running  along  its  lee  side.    This 
was  almost  in  the  direction  of  our  course,   but, 
as  it  turned  out,  conducted  us  into  a  labyrinth, 
that  might  have  been  of  serious  consequence 
had  the  wind  at  all  abated  ;  for,  after  sailing  for 
some  time,  we  found  ourselves  between  two  floes 
of  unknown  extent ;   and  though  if  the  weather 
had  been  clear  we  might  perhaps  have  found  a 
passage,  yet  with  every  thing  dark  a-head,  and 
the  liability  to  be  nipped  by  the  closing  of  the 
ice,  no  such  chance  could  be  trusted  to.     Not 
a  moment  therefore  was  lost   in  worming  our 
way  back,  which  after  some  trouble  and  anxiety 
was  accomplished. 

An  attempt  was  then  made  in  another  *  lead ', 
which  only  guided  us  to  a  solid  pack  ;  so  that, 
baffled  at  every  turn,  the  ship  was  for  a  time 
hove-to.  As  soon  as  the  weather  cleared — which 
it  did  with  a  change  of  wind,  directly  contrary 
to  our  progress,  but  the  very  best  for  sepa- 
rating and  clearing  away  the  ice  —  we  took 
the  only  course  left  to  us,  and  beat  to  wind- 
ward, towards  a  narrow  opening,  which  it  was 
thought  might  possibly  offer  a  channel.     Snow 

58  WHALES. 

had  fallen,  which,  after  being  partially  thawed  on 
the  decks,  was  there  solidly  frozen  —  a  result  to 
be  expected  with  a  temperature  of  29°  +  •  Land 
was  supposed  to  have  been  seen,  in  the  direction 
of  Southampton  Island ;  but,  in  the  absence  of 
good  observations,  no  reliance  was  placed  on 
the  report.  Persevering  in  plying  to  windward, 
amongst  the  heaviest  drift  ice  I  had  ever  be- 
held,  it  was  not  without  great  difficulty,  and  at 
a  great  sacrifice  of  distance,  that  the  innume- 
rable masses  surrounding  vis  could  be  steered 
clear  of;  nor  was  this  always  the  case,  since,  in 
spite  of  all  our  care,  the  ship  would  sometimes 
drive  on  them  with  a  concussion  that  made  all 
the  bells  ring,  and  almost  threw  those  below  from 
their  chairs.  Two  whales,  the  first  seen  since 
our  arrival  in  these  latitudes,  excited  the  curi- 
osity of  the  novices,  but  did  not  produce  among 
the  Greenland  sailors  the  enthusiasm  which  I 
remember  to  have  observed  with  much  pleasure 
on  a  former  occasion.  At  that  time  they  ran 
up  the  rigging,  and  followed  every  motion  of  the 
whale  with  the  most  unequivocal  symptoms  of 
delight ;  and  one  of  their  number,  unable  to 
contain  his  joy  at  seeing  the  monstrous  creature 
heave  its  bulk  partly  out  of  the  water,  cried  out 
in  ecstasy,  "  There  she  goes,  my  boys,  tail  up 
for  Greenland."  The  next  morning  two  other 
whales  were  seen. 

The  remainder  of  the  day  was  employed  in 


the  tedious  manner  already  described ;  and  in  the 
night  the  ship,  having  little  head-way,  ran  against, 
or  rather  dropped  broadside  on,  a  floe,  from 
which  she  could  not  be  removed  without  the  aid 
of  a  warp,  which  was  accordingly  carried  out  to 
a  projecting  point.  The  land  of  Southampton 
Island  was  now  distinctly  made  out,  bearing  by 
compass  N.  W.  -g-N.,  but  far  away.  Both  com- 
passes were  more  than  commonly  sluggish,  and 
required  constant  tapping  ;  a  phenomenon  which 
was  observed  to  be  more  palpable  with  the  ship's 
head  west,  than  on  any  other  point. 

The  next  day  (August  18.),  after  beating  to 
windward  slowly  till  noon,  the  ice  became  so 
close  that  there  was  but  one  hole  of  water  to 
work  in  ;  nearer  the  land,  which  was  now  visible 
from  the  deck,  looking  like  blue  hills,  it  appeared 
to  be  somewhat  looser,  but  as  it  was  not  suffi- 
ciently so  to  allow  of  our  reaching  it,  we  were 
compelled  to  go  wherever  the  least  chance  of  an 
opening  presented  itself.      At  length  we  came 
to  a  solid  and  unbroken  pack,    of  such  fearful 
extent  as  to  throw  a  sudden  damp  on  our  hopes. 
It  looked,  from   the  crow's-nest,  as  if  it   were 
joined  to  the  land,  and  stretching  thence,  west 
and  north,  glared  in  one  undivided  mass  to  the 
utmost  limits  of  the  sight.  To  the  south  and  east 
the  prospect  was  little  better,  rendering  it  doubt- 
ful whether,   in  a  case  of  necessity,   a  passage 


could  have  been  found  in  that  direction.  The 
most  experienced  of  the  seamen  (many  of  whom 
had  spent  their  lives  in  the  Greenland  trade) 
declared  they  had  never  beheld  such  heavy  ice, 
and  were  confident  that  it  had  never  been  broken 
up.  To  me,  however,  it  seemed  to  consist  of 
numerous  floes,  but  so  wedged  together  as  to  be 
utterly  impassable,  not  only  by  a  ship  but  in  any 
way  ;  for  so  ragged  and  piled  up  was  the  entire 
surface,  that  the  height  of  the  ridges  frequently 
exceeded  fifteen  feet,  and  no  human  being  could, 
by  any  exertion,  have  travelled  over  it  for  more 
than  a  short  distance.  To  those  who  were  un- 
accustomed to  polar  navigation  nothing  could 
be  more  discouraging;  for  it  required  more  than 
ordinary  strength  of  mind  not  to  be  persuaded 
that,  in  this  direction  at  least,  a  limit  was  now 
put  to  our  progress.  Those,  however,  who  had 
experience  of  the  singular  uncertainty  of  the 
navigation  in  these  seas,  looked  forward  to  the 
accidents  of  the  coming  night  —  the  change  of 
wind,  the  tide  or  current,  or  some  of  those  un- 
accountable circumstances  which,  in  a  few  hours 
even  of  entire  calm,  create  so  sudden  and  mar- 
vellous a  change  in  the  scene.  Still,  it  was 
a  situation  to  call  forth  our  most  active  energies  ; 
and,  though  resolved  to  persevere  by  this  route 
as  long  as  the  remotest  chance  was  offered  of 
success,  yet  I  could  not  conceal  from  myself  the 


striking  difference  of  the  season  which  Sir  E. 
Parry  had  experienced  in  passing  through  this 
channel,  where  he  speaks  of  the  weather  as  fine, 
and  even  mild ;  whilst  we,  on  the  contrary,  were 
regaled  with  constant  snow,  and  had  the  ther- 
mometer at  28°  +  .  We  soon  worked  through 
the  remaining  part  of  the  open  space ;  and  all 
speculations  of  the  chance  of  a  further  progress 
being  at  an  end,  the  ship  was  made  fast  to  the 
floe.  At  the  same  time,  soundings  were  tried  for 
with  three  hundred  fathoms,  but  without  effect. 
The  night  was  cloudy,  and  almost  calm  ;  but 
shortly  after  midnight  of  August  19th,  many 
large  pieces  of  ice,  near  the  pack,  were  observed 
to  be  drifting  away  to  the  south-west,  at  the 
estimated  rate  of  half  a  mile  an  hour ;  and  at 
3h  30°  a.  m.,  finding  we  were  likely  to  be  hemmed 
in,  the  ship  was  cast  off  from  the  ice,  and,  by 
means  of  lines  carried  out  and  attached  to  pro- 
jecting masses,  warped  towards  the  north-east, 
where  alone  there  seemed  to  be  a  lane  of  water. 
In  an  hour  the  desired  spot  was  gained  ;  and,  as 
there  was  every  appearance,  from  the  darkness 
of  the  sky,  of  a  continued  channel,  sail  was  im- 
mediately made  on  the  ship,  and,  to  the  surprise 
and  joy  of  all,  the  impediment  was  found  to  have 
yielded  to  a  greater  power,  and  a  path  opened 
through  what  seemed  an  impenetrable  barrier. 
Such  are  the  strange  incidents  of  polar  navi- 


gation,  which,  though  less  striking  than  the  wild 
commotions  of  the  earthquake  or  tornado,  are  at 
all  events  calculated  to  excite  equal  gratitude  to 
that  merciful  Providence  whose  protecting  care 
is  over  all  his  works,  —  in  the  icy  waste  no  less 
than  in  the  thronged  city.  For  two  or  three  hours 
the  sun  struggled  in  vain  with  the  mist,  which 
enveloped  sky  and  ice,  still  we  met  with  no 
hindrance  ;  and,  having  made  a  few  tacks  to  avoid 
the  large  drift  pieces,  at  noon  we  were  still  ad- 
vancing to  the  north,  the  latitude,  as  obtained 
on  a  floe,  being  64°  57'  N.,  the  variation  52°  W. 
At  length  however  the  mist  dispelled,  and  with 
it  the  hopes  in  which  we  had  been  indulging. 
A  glance  satisfied  us  that  our  further  progress 
would  be  very  short.  The  breeze  had  died 
away,  and  allowed  the  ice  to  pack  afresh.  Not 
a  lane,  not  a  hole  of  water  was  to  be  seen  in 
any  direction  but  the  one  just  passed  ;  and  again, 
most  reluctantly,  were  we  compelled  to  secure 
the  ship  to  a  floe. 

August  20th.  Though  the  night  was  gene- 
rally calm,  yet  a  motion  in  the  ice,  and  the 
suspicious  approach  of  a  large  floe,  which 
seemed  to  threaten  a  squeeze,  induced  us  to 
cast  off  and  warp  a  little  to  the  south ;  where  we 
once  more  made  fast  to  the  same  extensive 
piece  of  ice.  The  morning  gave  no  sign  of  a 
favourable  change,  and  the  crew  were  exercised, 


on  the  floe,  in  firing  at  a  mark.  About  llh  a.m. 
an  attempt  was  made  by  hauling  the  ship  to  an 
outer  point  of  the  floe,  and  making  all  sail ;  but 
the  light  air  was  very  faint,  and  she  barely 
glided  through  the  water.  Observations,  at 
noon,  gave  the  latitude  65°  O'V  N.,  longitude 
80°  44/  W.,  and  variation  57°  W.;  which  was 
so  far  satisfactory  as  showing  that  no  ground 
had  been  lost.  The  compasses  continued  to  be 
very  sluggish  ;  indeed  so  much  so,  that,  on  one 
occasion,  the  larboard  one  showed  the  ship's 
head  to  be  south,  while  that  of  the  starboard 
made  it  north.  The  wind  soon  died  away  al- 
together ;  and  none  springing  up,  as  had  usually 
before  been  the  case,  with  the  declining  sun  we 
again  moored  to  a  floe  for  the  night.  The  men 
amused  themselves  by  a  riotous  game  of  leap-frog 
on  the  ice ;  and  the  disaster  of  one  of  the  officers, 
who,  in  crossing  a  point  covered  with  snow,  fell 
through  and  took  a  cold  bath,  excited  a  hearty 

During  the  night,  which  was  perfectly  calm, 
young  ice  formed  entirely  around  us.  A  month 
later  this  circumstance  might  have  given  me 
some  uneasiness  ;  but  now  it  was  deemed  of  con- 
sequence only  as  adding  to  the  delay  and  abridg- 
ing the  time  which  we  hoped  to  employ  in 
the  more  interesting  objects  of  the  expedition. 
Unless,  indeed,  this  seasor.  were  to  be  very  dif- 

64  SHIP    IMBEDDED    IN    ICE. 

ferent  from  all  others  recorded  of  the  climate,  I 
felt  assured  that  the  customary  westerly  winds 
would  sooner  or  later  prevail ;  and  that,  under 
their  influence,  the  body  of  ice  which  now  inter- 
rupted our  progress  would  open  a  passage  for 
us.  None,  however,  were  insensible  to  the 
annoyance  of  our  position,  thus  hampered,  and 
as  it  were  fixed  in  a  bed  of  ice ;  and  a  burst  of  joy 
followed  the  announcement,  from  the  *  crow's- 
nest,'  of  an  appearance  of  water  towards  the 
N.  N.  E.  By  warping  and  hauling  till  we  reached 
the  '  lead,'  and  then  carrying  studding-sails  till  we 
had  exhausted  it,  some  little  way  was  gained ; 
and  at  noon,  though  the  latitude  was  much 
the  same  as  yesterday,  the  longitude  differed. 
Through  the  remainder  of  the  day  we  went  on 
struggling  with  the  ice,  tacking  continually  to 
weather  or  avoid  the  floes,  and  praying  for  a 
breeze,  but  praying  in  vain.  A  few  whales  and 
narwals  alone  relieved  the  monotony  of  the 
scene ;  and  night  found  us  again  attached  to  a 
floe,  and  lying  motionless  and  dark  on  the  bright 
bosom  of  the  icy  wilderness. 

About  2h  a.  m.,  August  22d,  a  light  air  came 
from  the  north-west,  of  which  immediate  ad- 
vantage was  taken  ;  and  leaving  the  floe,  we  got, 
by  the  aid  of  warping,  into  a  '  lead.'  Studding- 
sails  were  soon  hoisted,  and  the  ship  was  forced 
through  the  close  ice  for  a  time,  and  thus  soon 

0CHR1SH-C0L0URED    ICE.  ()5 

again  obliged  to  have  recourse  to  the  lines,  was 
at  last  brought  into  comparatively  open  water* 
The  conduct  of  both  officers  and  men  in  this 
arduous  and  irksome  service  deserved  all  praise  ; 
and  their  exertions  were  not  altogether  without 
reward,  for  the  land  supposed  to  be  Cape  Com- 
fort was  evidently  further  off;  and,  at  noon,  this 
conjecture  was  confirmed  by  the  increase  of  lati- 
tude, which  was  65°  <25'  N.,  the  longitude  being 
81°  0e8'  W.  Hitherto  my  endeavour  had  been  to 
follow  the  leads,  in  the  hope  of  being  brought 
out  into  open  water ;  but  now,  as  none  was  in 
sight,  I  determined  on  steering  directly  towards 
Frozen  Strait,  and,  singular  to  say,  the  ice  opened 
as  we  advanced,  though  but  half  an  hour  pre- 
vious it  was  tightly  pressed  together.  As  the 
day  drew  in,  the  southern  horizon  became  dark 
and  cloudy,  sending  what  had  been  long  ardently 
desired,  a  south  west  wind.  The  effects  of  this 
were  soon  conspicuous  in  the  ice  ahead,  which 
now  began  to  part  into  holes  and  lanes,  and  en- 
couraged a  hope  among  the  more  sanguine  that 
we  were,  at  length,  near  the  edge  of  that  vast 
body  which  had  so  long  detained  us.  It  was 
remarkable  that  the  whole  of  the  ice,  whether 
detached  or  compact,  floe  or  drift,  was  of  a  dirty 
ochrish  colour,  totally  unlike  any  which  we  had 
seen  before,  and  must  therefore  have  been  close 
to  the  land.      The  middle  of  the  night  being 



now  dark,  we  necessarily  ran  foul  of  many  a 
piece  of  ice,  and  got  some  violent  knocks  ;  but, 
depending  on  the  strength  of  the  ship,  I  could 
not  forego  the  pleasure  of  pushing  on  while  a 
chance  remained,  and  we  continued  to  thread 
our  tortuous  way  as  well  as  the  faint  gleam  from 
the  ice  allowed  us  to  pick  it  out. 

It  was  with  considerable  satisfaction  that, 
at  4h  a.  m.  of  the  23d,  I  heard  the  announce- 
ment of  Baffin  Island  bearing  N.  N.  W.,  and 
shortly  afterwards  that  the  land  of  Southampton 
Island  was  made  out  to  the  westward.  Had  there 
only  been  a  channel,  even  as  wide  as  a  brook, 
we  should  soon  have  got  to  the  strait ;  but  the 
scene  around  us  now  presented  an  apparently 
solid  sea  of  ice,  thrown  up  in  many  parts  to  the 
height  of  eighteen  feet,  and  so  ragged,  peaked, 
and  uneven,  as  to  bid  defiance  to  any  attempt 
even  to  walk  over  it.  Had  it  been  composed  of 
mere  drift-ice,  which  is  invariably  detached  by  a 
strong  breeze,  there  would  have  been  more  en- 
couragement ;  but  the  limits  of  the  enormous 
floes  surrounding  us  could  not  be  discerned,  and 
it  was  absolutely  marvellous  that  we  should  be 
able  to  penetrate  it  at  all ;  yet,  at  noon,  we  were 
still  moving  slowly ;  and  the  observations  (for 
the  weather  was  beautifully  clear)  gave  the  lati- 
tude 65°  42',  longitude  82°  41'  W„  variation 
49°  5%'  W.     The  southerly  wind  now  freshened, 


and,  despite  of  increasing  obstacles,  we  continued 
to  gain  a  few  yards.  Warping  was  next  resorted 
to  ;  but  at  last  all  failed  us,  and  at  3h  p.  m.  we 
were  compelled  to  give  up  the  attempt  as  utterly 
hopeless.  Cheerless,  indeed,  was  the  prospect ; 
for,  excepting  within  a  few  feet  of  the  ship, 
where  the  black  streaks  of  water  looked  like 
inky  lines  on  a  fair  sheet  of  paper,  far  as  the 
eye  could  reach  all  was  ice.  Soundings  were 
obtained  in  one  hundred  and  two  fathoms,  and 
showed  a  muddy  bottom.  The  tide  had  little  or  no 
effect  here  ;  but  about  7h  **•  M«>  a  large  floe  having 
exhibited  symptoms  of  moving  round  so  as  to 
nip  us,  the  sails  were  again  hoisted,  and  the 
ship  forced  ahead  about  her  own  length,  when 
immediately  the  small  opening  we  had  quitted  was 
closed  up.  It  was  evident  that  we  were  equally 
secure  under  canvass  as  without ;  and  as  it  was 
possible  that  so  long  as  the  ship  could  be  kept 
the  right  way  something  might  be  gained,  we 
kept  the  sails  full,  and  at  long  intervals  she 
moved  some  twenty  or  thirty  yards,  and  again 
stopped.  As  the  breeze  grew  fainter  more  sail 
was  set  and  still  forced  her  onwards  ;  but  at  day- 
break of  the  24th,  no  change  taking  place,  we 
were  once  more  set  fast,  and  after  two  hours' 
warping,  and  wedging  the  ship  next  to  a  large 
floe,  which  had  been  seen  ahead,  we  found  our- 
selves instantly  hemmed  in  by  the  surrounding 

f  2 


masses.  Baffin's  Island  was  yet  in  sight,  about 
twenty-four  miles  off;  but  we  had  drifted  a  little 
to  the  north  of  it.  I  may  remark  here,  that 
having  procured  some  of  the  yellow-coloured 
snow,  it  was  found  to  be  caused  by  innumerable 
small  grains  of  earth  ;  a  convincing  proof  that 
the  immense  quantity  passed  must  have  been  in 
the  immediate  neighbourhood  of  the  shore,  and 
had,  in  all  probability,  drifted  down  from  the 

No  other  alteration  occurred  during  the  day 
than  the  setting  of  the  whole  body  of  ice  to  the 
eastward,  though  at  too  moderate  a  rate  to  carry 
us  far  away ;  but  about  3h  of  the  morning  of 
August  25th,  the  masses  around  us  seemed 
something  more  apart ;  and  after  some  warping, 
which  brought  us  to  the  edge  of  a  floe,  where,  as 
is  generally  the  case,  the  ice  was  less  pressed 
together,  we  made  sail,  and  "  bored"  through 
towards  the  south-west,  in  the  hope  of  getting 
nearer  to  Southampton  Island.  The  wind,  how- 
ever, on  which  we  depended,  veered  more  to 
the  eastward,  and  at  the  same  time  becoming 
lighter,  allowed  the  ice  to  pack  again  ;  so  that, 
after  many  fruitless  trials,  we  were  forced  to 
desist,  and  soon  lost  all  traces  of  water.  The 
weather  was  and  had  been  for  some  days  past 
extraordinarily  fine ;  the  thermometer  at  mid- 
day being  42° +  ,  in  the  sun,  and  36°  +  ,  in  the 


shade.  The  hours  were  passed  in  a  feverish 
state  of  excitement,  and  many  an  upward  glance 
was  cast  at  the  little  vane  at  the  mast-head ;  but 
all  was  calm,  and  the  wonder  was,  not  how  we 
were  to  get  on,  but  how  we  had  contrived  to 
get  here.  Towards  evening  a  light  air,  together 
with  a  "  slack  "  among  the  ice,  allowed  a  trifling 
distance  to  be  made  ;  but  at  sunset  we  were 
stopped  near  to  an  extensive  floe,  where,  from 
the  effects  of  pressure,  some  ponderous  masses 
had  been  heaped  up,  like  Titanian  ruins,  to  the 
height  of  thirty  feet.  The  land,  blue  from  dis- 
tance, and  beautifully  soft  as  contrasted  with  the 
white  cold  glare  of  the  interminable  ice  around, 
reflecting  by  the  setting  sun  the  tints  of  the  inter- 
vening masses  thrown  into  the  most  picturesque 
groups  and  forms — spires,  turrets,  and  pyramids, 
many  in  deep  shade  —  presented  altogether  a 
scene  sufficient  for  a  time  to  cheat  the  imagina- 
tion,  and  withdraw  the  mind  from  the  cheerless 
reality  of  our  situation.  It  was  past  4h  a.  m.  of 
August  26th  before  the  ship  could,  even  by  the 
use  of  warps,  be  forced  ahead  ;  and  then  weari- 
some indeed  was  the  task.  A  mile  at  the  utmost 
rewarded  our  exertions  ;  and  the  wind  having 
veered  round  more  to  the  north-east,  the  entire 
body  of  ice  swept  down  upon  us,  and  the  im- 
minent peril  of  being  nipped  was  only  avoided 
by  the  cativity  of  the  officers  and  crew  in  heav- 

f  8 


ing  the  ship  into  a  sort  of  basin,  formed  by  two 
projecting  points  of  the  nearest  floe.  Here  we 
were  again  set  fast.  A  summer's  day,  with  the 
thermometer  at  44°  +  in  the  sun,  and  a  bright 
and  cloudless  sky,  made  us  deplore  more  than 
ever  our  mortifying  detention  during  weather 
so  advantageous  for  work  along  the  coast  with 
our  boats.  But  not  the  slightest  improvement 
took  place  in  our  condition  ;  though  at  long 
intervals  the  mournful  crashing  of  the  young  ice, 
as  yielding  to  the  larger  masses  it  was  thrown 
up  in  solid  foam,  gave  token  that  all  was  in  mo- 
tion.  There  was  no  wind,  and  evidently  but 
little  tide  or  current,  for  the  bearings  and  dis- 
tance from  the  land  remained  nearly  as  they 
were  yesterday  ;  still  there  was  an  occasional 
stir,  and  the  pressure  against  the  ship  was  de- 
cidedly increased.  About  midnight,  though  still 
calm,  this  became  more  perceptible  by  additional 
pieces  of  ice  being  squeezed  against  the  bows 
and  between  the  larboard  side  and  the  floe  to 
which  we  were  secured,  producing  thereby  a 
heavy  strain  on  the  hawser,  and  threatening  to 
force  the  stern  against  what  had  hitherto  been 
a  security,  a  projecting  point.  Another  strong 
hawser  was  therefore  carried  out  and  fixed  to  an 
ice-anchor  ahead,  and  being  hove  tight  by  the 
windlass,  materially  relieved  the  strain  upon  the 
other.     Preparations  were,    at   the  same   time, 


going  on  to  unhang  the  rudder,  which,  in  the 
event  of  the  ship's  coming  astern,  must  have 
struck  the  floe  and  been  carried  away. 

Until  past  1  a.  m.  (August  27th),  we  remained 
in  suspense,  which  was  then  relieved  by  the  ice 
returning  again  to  its  former  position,  and  giving 
us  an  opportunity  to  warp  closer  to  the  floe.  An 
attempt  was  made  to  remove  some  of  the  smaller 
masses  from  between  the  ship  and  the  floe ;  but 
notwithstanding  repeated  trials  with  all  the  re- 
sources in  our  power,  we  were  completely  baffled. 
Strange  too  at  this  late  season,  the  breeze  once 
more  came  from  the  south-east,  though  the 
height  of  the  barometer  indicated  a  totally  differ- 
ent result ;  and  there  was  no  hope  for  us  until 
the  faithless  wind  should  round  to  the  north- 
west. During  the  whole  of  the  day  and  follow- 
ing night,  the  breeze  blew  freshly.  Four  white 
whales  were  seen  playing  about  sunset  in  a  pool 
ahead,  and  remained  undeterred  by  our  cries, 
apparently  enjoying  the  only  breathing  place  for 
many  a  league  around.  In  the  night  there  was 
a  great  pressure  against  the  bows,  and  a  severe 
strain  upon  the  hawsers.  In  the  morning  of 
August  28th  this  abated,  but  in  its  stead  the 
entire  body  became  more  closely  packed  than 
ever  ;  and  the  ship,  having  to  bear  a  great  re- 
sistance from  the  upturned  pieces  against  her 

f  4 


sides,  gradually  lay  over  to  starboard,  being,  in 
the  technical  phrase,  slightly  nipped. 

I  had  thought  it  not  unlikely  that  the  force 
of  the  wind  might  possibly  have  turned  round 
some  of  the  heavy  remote  ice,  and  thereby  have 
left  a  little  clear  space  for  the  removal  of  that 
near  us ;  but  it  must  have  been  wedged  against 
the  coast  or  among  the  islands  which  were 
visible  (Winter  Island  among  the  rest)  from  the 
crow's  nest.  Appearances,  indeed,  were  more 
unpromising  than  we  had  yet  experienced  ;  and 
our  devotions  of  that  day  (for  it  was  Sunday) 
were  tinged  with  an  humble  hope  that  we  should 
shortly  be  released  from  our  anxious  situation. 
Rain  fell  occasionally,  and  towards  evening  the 
wind  veered  round  to  the  south-west,  directly 
off  the  floe,  affording  one  other  chance  of  re- 
moving the  ice  along  the  western  shore,  if  any 
unoccupied  space  were  left  in  that  quarter.  The 
effect  on  the  ship  was  sensibly  felt  by  her  being 
forced  more  over  to  starboard ;  and  during  the 
early  part  of  the  night,  she  was  lifted  up  by  the 
stern  in  consequence  of  several  loose  pieces  of 
ice  having  got  under  her  counter.  On  the  fol- 
lowing day  (the  29th),  the  strain  on  the  haw- 
sers was  as  much  as  they  could  bear  ;  and  as 
little  or  no  motion  could  be  detected  in  the 
ice,  it  was  attributed  to  the  tide  or  current, 
which,  however*  scarcely  altered  our  position. 





3  ■  — 

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MOVEMENT    OF    THE    ICE.  73 

In  the  forenoon  the  barometer  had  gone  down 
unusually  low ;  and  as  on  former  occasions  this 
had   been   invariably    followed   by  a   southerly 
breeze,  the  same  result  was  apprehended  now  ; 
much  to  our  relief,  however,  the  wind  blew  with 
some  strength  from  the  north-west,  bringing  with 
it  a  prospect  of  release ;    and  though,   packed 
as  the  whole  body  south  and  east  of  us  was  sup- 
posed to  be,  this  could  only  be  a  work  of  time, 
yet  sanguine  ideas  were  immediately  entertained 
of  yet  reaching  our  destination  early  enough  to 
do  something  this  season.     At  noon,  according 
to  the  observations,  we  were  within  two  miles 
of  the  same  spot ;  but  the  effect  of  the  wind  was 
shown  by  two  or  three   partial   openings  near 
the  ship  ;  and,  as  early  as  5  o'clock,   a  general 
movement  of  the  ice  began.     It  came  from  the 
westward,  and  immense  quantities  skirting  the 
extremity  of  the  larger  -floe  to  which  we  were 
secured,  and  bearing  down  close  upon  us,  were 
there  caught  within  the  circle  of  an  eddy,  and 
shortly  swept  away  to  the  eastward.     It  is  need- 
less to  say  with  how  much  pleasure  so  joyful  a 
sight  was  hailed,  and  how  sincerely  we  prayed 
that  both  the  cause  and  effect  might  continue 
until  a  passage  should  be  cleared  to  the  Frozen 
Strait.  The  night  was  dark,  with  frequent  squalls 
and  snow  ;  but  on  the  morning  of  the  30th,  the 
ice  was  found  to  be  still  drifting  in  the  same 


direction,  and  the  pieces  were  thought  to  be 
considerably  smaller  and  lighter  ;  still  there  was 
no  continuous  'lead'  of  which  advantage  could  be 
taken.  As  the  day  advanced,  and  the  breeze  be- 
came more  southerly  and  moderate,  little  further 
effect  was  produced  on  the  ice.  At  noon,  the  ob- 
servations made  us  rather  to  the  southward ;  and 
as  the  ice  appeared  inclined  to  return  from  that 
quarter,  and  the  wind  was  drawing  gradually  to 
the  eastward,  it  was  necessary  to  make  sail  and 
get  as  far  as  the  openings  would  allow.  This 
was  speedily  accomplished;  and,  with  much 
trouble  from  the  closing  of  the  ice,  we  contrived 
to  gain  a  mile  or  two  from  the  floe,  which  had 
been  left,  and  found  ourselves  again  brought 
to  a  full  stop,  and  in  a  more  awkward  situation 
than  before.  Warps  were  immediately  put  into 
requisition  ;  and  with  the  aid  of  the  capstan  the 
ship  was  wedged  between  the  opposing  masses, 
until  finding  less  obstruction  the  sails  once  more 
pressed  her  onwards.  The  severity  of  the  shocks 
as  we  encountered  the  ice,  notwithstanding  our 
familiarity  with  them,  was  on  this  occasion  ab- 
solutely startling.  But  there  was  no  help  for  it, 
nor  any  other  chance  of  getting  on  ;  for  the 
channel  we  ploughed  before  us  closed  ere  the 
ship  had  gone  twice  her  length,  and  cut  off  all 
retreat,  even  had  retreat  been  thought  of. 

To  complete  the  catalogue  of  annoyances  the 



breeze  veered  directly  east,  and  came  charged 
with  abundance  of  snow,  which  fell  incessantly, 
and  filling  up  the  hollows  and  crevices  of  the 
ice,  baulked  the  sight  by  an  appearance  of  uni- 
formity. As  the  wind  was  fresh,  we  might 
possibly,  with  the  advantage  of  daylight  for  se- 
lecting the  right  *  leads,'  have  got  well  in  with 
the  land  ;  but  this  the  night  frustrated,  and 
having  pushed  on  till  10  o'clock,  p.  m.,  we  were 
unable  to  get  farther ;  still  the  topsails  and  fore- 
sail were  kept  hoisted  and  set,  in  the  hope  that 
on  the  turn  of  tide  an  opening  might  be  made. 

August  31st  came,  but  with  no  friendly  aspect, 
for  snow  fell  thick  and  fast,  and  the  thermometer 
sunk  to  26°  +  ,  accelerating  the  formation  of 
young,  and  serving  to  cement  the  old  ice,  in  an 
alarming  manner.  However  about  4  a.  m.,  a 
kind  of  '  slack '  was  observed,  and,  after  four 
hours'  labour,  it  was  conjectured  that  one  mile 
of  distance  had  been  gained.  Then  being  again 
stopped,  and  not  a  pool  of  water  in  sight,  the 
sails  were  partly  taken  in.  The  hour  arrived 
when  it  was  expected  that  the  tide  might  have 
some  beneficial  effect  in  loosening  the  wedged 
masses,  but  arrived  in  vain  :  so  the  useless  sails 
were  furled ;  and  in  the  midst  of  increasing  snow, 
and  the  worst  and  dreariest  weather  that  could 
have  befallen  us,  we  submitted  in  silence  to 
what  no  human  power  could  control.     At  sun- 

76  WATER    SKY. 

set  the  sky  became  clear,  and  Baffin  Island  was 
seen  bearing  N.  87°  W.,  and  a  hill  on  Southamp- 
ton Island  S.  41°  W. ;  a  water  sky  *  too  was  re- 
ported to  the  south-west,  but  scarcely  succeeded 
in  again  cheating  us  into  hope.  The  night  was 
more  than  ordinarily  cold,  for  the  temperature 
of  the  air  was  only  19°  +  ,  and  that  of  the  water 
23°  +  :  an  omen  as  gloomy  as  unlooked  for  at 
this  early  season,  when  Sir  E.  Parry,  in  the 
same  latitude,  was  enjoying  almost  the  warmth 
of  summer.  But  the  startling  fact  could  not  be 
concealed  from  ourselves,  that  the  rigour  of  a 
precocious  winter  was  thrust  upon  us,  at  the 
moment  when  we  were  almost  in  sight  of  our 

*  Produced  by  the  dark  vapour  from  the  water,  and  used 
in  opposition  to  "  ice-blink." 



Steer  for  Southampton  Island.  —  Conjectures  respecting  the 
Ice.  —  Islands.  —  Pressure  of  the  Wind.  —  Ship  immove- 
able. —  Cutting  away  the  Ice.  —  Snotv.  —  Drifting  towards 
Land.  —  Accident  to  Rudder.  —  Aspect  of  contiguous  Coast. 

—  New  Moon.  —  Recreations  of  the  Crew.  —  Chase  of  a 
Bear.  —  Hawser  carried  away  by  Ice.  —  Icebound  in  sight 
of  Land.  —  Wind  veers  to  South-west.  —  Prospect  of  Re- 
lease. —  Hopes  disappointed.  —  Ship  driven  nearer  Land. 

—  Mr.  Gore  shoots  a  Fox.  —  Ship  in  extreme  Peril.  — 
Frightful  Increase  of  Pressure.  —  Providential  Delivery.  — 
Exploring  Expedition.  —  A  Dock  cut  in  the  Ice.  —  Con- 
sultation of  Officers.  —  Rapid  Destruction  of  the  Floe.  — 
Bow  of  the  Ship  split.  —  Hopes  of  progressing  baffled. 

This  detention,  so  irksome  to  the  officers,  though, 
as  it  seemed,  little  regarded  by  the  men,  continued 
throughout  the  forenoon  of  the  1st  September, 
the  observations  at  noon  showing  no  perceptible 
difference  in  our  situation,  which,  considering 
the  manner  that  the  Hecla  and  Fury*  were 
whirled  about  in  the  same  place,  is  another  proof 
of  the  capriciousness  of  polar  navigation. 

The  wind,  however,  gradually  drew  round  to 
the  westward  of  north  ;  yet,  though  tolerably 
fresh,  it  was  long  before  it  made  the  smallest 
impression  on  the  ice.      At  last  at  5  p.  m.  the 

*  See  Parry's  Narrative. 


cemented  masses  near  us  suddenly  broke  asunder, 
and  disentangled  the  ship  from  the  thin  crust 
that  had  surrounded  her.  This  change,  which 
was  evidently  the  effect  of  the  breeze,  was  gra- 
tifying, as  showing  that  three  days'  continuation 
of  it  would,  in  all  probability,  clear  the  whole  of 
Frozen  Strait,  and,  as  it  was,  a  clear  channel  on 
the  following  day  was  confidently  anticipated. 
During  the  first  part  of  the  night,  the  wind  con- 
tinued to  blow  freshly;  but  early  on  the  following 
morning  it  moderated,  and  the  ice  at  once 
returned  to  its  former  position  ;  yet  again,  about 
6  a.  m.,  with  unaccountable  eccentricity,  the 
entire  body  half  a  mile  round  was  in  agitation. 
Prompt  to  seize  the  lucky  moment,  we  warped 
to  a  spot  where  the  sails  could  be  advan- 
tageously used,  and,  contrary  to  all  the  ex- 
pectations of  but  an  hour  before,  found  ourselves 
making  headway.  As  the  day  grew  clearer 
the  same  dark-bluish  grey  clouds  were  observed 
in  precisely  the  same  bearing  as  had  been  noted 
two  days  ago,  strengthening  the  opinion  already 
expressed  that  they  were  the  certain  signs  of 
open  water.  Fortunately  the  *  leads/  narrow  and 
hampered  as  they  were,  took  a  direction  towards 
the  desired  point,  and  allowed  us  to  hold  a  course 
directly  for  Southampton  Island,  which  I  was  the 
more  eager  to  attain,  from  a  conviction  in  my  own 
mind  that  a  passage  existed  along  shore,  close  in 


with  the  land.     Hitherto,  indeed,  every  attempt 
to  approach  it,  since  leaving  Mill  Islands,  had 
been  thwarted  by  consolidated  bodies  of  inter- 
vening  ice,  but  at  the   moment  this  was  not 
regarded.     It  was  the  opinion  of  Sir  E.  Parry, 
that  the  ice  adheres  to  the  shores  of  the  con- 
tinent and  Southampton  Island,  unless  blown  off 
by  a  strong  breeze ;  and  in  this  opinion  I  entirely 
concur   as   applicable  to  the  appearance  of  ice 
there  in  ordinary  seasons  ;    but  in  our  case  it 
was  obvious  that  some  other  explanation  was  to 
be  looked  for  of  the  extraordinary  impediments 
by  which  we  had  been  beset.     To  me  it  seemed 
almost  certain   that  the  great  body  of  ice  had 
not  been  broken  up  at  all  in  the  previous  year 
1835,  and  that  having,  with  the  accumulations 
of  the  following  season,  been  detached  from  its 
bonds  by  the  storms  of  the  spring,  it  had  been 
driven,  probably  by  the  combined  action  of  the 
wind  and  current,  from  the  bays  and  harbours 
of  the  north  to   the  place  where  we   found  it. 
That  there  were  two  distinct  kinds  of  ice  could 
not  be  doubted ;  since  the  most  cursory  observer 
could   not  fail    to    remark   that    the   one    was 
massive,  old,  and  irregular,  with  huge  piles  tossed 
up  in  picturesque  confusion  —  the  other  light, 
clean,    and   comparatively   smooth.     The   time 
too  which  had  been  consumed  amidst  the  laby- 
rinths of  the  old  ice,  with  so  trifling  a  change  of 

80        FOOT-PRINTS    OF    A    BEAR    ON    THE    ICE. 

situation,  convinced  me  that  any  further  delay 
among  it  would  be  fatal,  and  all  these  consider- 
ations made  me,  as  I  have  said,  most  desirous  to 
close  in  with  the  land. 

With  this  object,  and  a  favourable  wind,  we 
'  bored'  the  whole  of  the  forenoon  through  the 
lighter  kind  of  ice,  making  occasional  circuits 
as  the  accident  of  shape  required.  Still  no 
water  appeared,  though  the  Greenlandmen  did 
not  lose  their  faith  in  the  dark  clouds  which  yet 
hung  upon  the  skirts  of  the  horizon,  seeming  to 
recede  as  we  slowly  approached  them.  The 
fresh  foot-prints  of  a  bear  which  had  crossed  the 
ice  within  the  last  twenty-four  hours  was  the 
novelty  of  the  day  ;  and  a  goose  was  seen  where 
perhaps  none  but  a  goose  would  have  been  seen. 
At  noon  the  difference  in  longitude  amounted 
only  to  four  miles ;  the  latitude  remaining  the 
same.  Indeed,  by  the  increasing  closeness  of 
the  ice,  the  difficulty  of  advancing  in  any  di- 
rection was  becoming  hourly  greater.  For  some 
time  we  were  entirely  stopped  ;  but  by  keeping  a 
press  of  sail  set,  and  with  the  aid  of  a  freshening 
N.  E.  breeze,  we  forced  our  way  by  a  few  hundred 
yards  at  a  time,  proceeding  in  this  manner  with 
little  variation  until  midnight.  The  wind  then 
increased  considerably,  compelling  us  to  take  in 
sail ;  but  that  which,  under  more  favourable 
circumstances,  would  have  facilitated,  now  only 


served  to  impede  our  progress,  for  the  strong 
breeze  packed  the  ice.  September  3d  brought 
a  cold  and  chilling  day,  with  a  temperature  of 
25°  +  ,  and  a  surface  of  young  ice  on  all  the  pools 
around.  Every  attempt  therefore  to  move  was  as 
useless  as  laborious  ;  and,  after  carrying  away  a 
warp  in  trying  to  change  the  situation  fifty  paces 
forwards,  we  were  obliged  to  yield  to  necessity, 
and  desist  altogether.  The  sails  were  taken 
in  ;  and  our  stock  of  fresh  water  being  almost 
exhausted,  the  crew  were  employed  in  refilling 
the  tanks,  a  task  which  was  completed  in  the 
forenoon.  The  sky,  which  had  been  dark  and 
hazy  towards  the  land  and  to  the  eastward,  had 
become  clearer,  and  enabled  us  to  see  Southamp- 
ton Island  somewhere  about  Cape  Comfort,  which 
was  high  and  much  covered  with  snow.  On 
this  side  of  it,  and  within  perhaps  twelve  miles 
of  the  ship,  Fife  Rock  wTas  also  visible  ;  while  far 
away  to  the  eastward  of  North,  was  Baffin  Island. 
In  fact,  after  all  our  labour,  we  found  by  the 
observations  that  we  had  only  got  twelve  miles 
to  the  south. 

A  Burgomaster,  or  Glaucus  gull,  was  seen ;  and 
a  golden  plover,  blown  off  the  shore  by  the  force 
of  the  wind,  was  shot.  Towards  sunset  several 
pools  of  water  were  formed,  one  of  which,  on 
the  lee-bow,  was  of  some  extent.     That  nearest 


82  PRESSURE    OF    THE    WIND. 

to  us  was,  for  a  few  minutes,  an  object  of  attrac- 
tion, owing  to  the  sudden  appearance  there  of 
three  or  four  white  whales. 

It  now  blew  a  fresh  gale,   accompanied  by 
squalls,  and  though  cold,  the  weather  was  clear. 
On  trying  an  anemometer,  kindly  lent  to  me  by 
Mr.  Rice  of  Chatham  dockyard,  the  pressure  on 
a  square  foot  of  canvass  was  found  to  be  equal  to 
four  pounds.     The  night  brought  no  change  ; 
but,  on  the  morning  of  September  4th,  we  were 
glad  to  perceive  that  the  ship,  and  consequently 
the  whole  body  in  which  she  was  beset,   had 
drifted   much   nearer   to    Southampton    Island, 
which  was  now  visible  from  the  deck.     We  had 
also  passed  Fife  Rock.     The  frost,  however,  was 
so  severe  that  a  hole  was  obliged  to  be  cut  along- 
side to  draw  water  from.     As  this  was  Sunday, 
after  the  usual  muster  at  divisions,  Divine  Ser- 
vice was  read,  with  an  appropriate  sermon,  which 
was  listened  to  with  becoming  attention,  and  as  I 
hope  and  believe,  with  the  devotion  befitting  the 
perilous  uncertainty  of  our  situation.     At  noon, 
the   observations   both    by   lunar   and   chrono- 
meter made  us  a  little  to  the  east  in  longitude, 
and  the  latitude  showed  that  we  had  been  set 
fifteen  miles  south,  the  distance  from  Fife  Rock 
being  west  five  miles,  from  Southampton  island 
about  twenty-four  miles,  and  from  Repulse  Bay 


not  more  than  one  hundred  and  thirty-six  miles  ; 
so  that  with  but  a  moderate  share  of  westerly 
winds  to  open  the  ice  from  the  land,  there  was 
still  good  reason  to  look  forward  to  the  accom- 
plishment of  the  passage  before  the  close  of  the 
season,  though  the  thermometer  was  as  low  as 
20°  +  in  the  night,  and  but  27°  +  during  the 
warmer  part  of  the  day.  Some  hours  elapsed 
without  the  slightest  variation  in  the  ice,  but 
at  6h  p.  m.  an  extraordinary  movement  took 
place,  which  with  astonishing  celerity  dispersed 
it  inshore  so  much  as  to  leave  a  wide  and  long 
lane,  and  we  were  not  without  hope  that  a 
branch  of  it  might  even  have  reached  us.  Not, 
however,  that  we  waited  for  such  a  consum- 
mation without  putting  our  shoulders  to  the 
wheel ;  for,  besides  the  sails  well  filled  with  a 
fresh  breeze,  our  strongest  hawsers  were  fas- 
tened to  the  ice,  and  then  hove  round  by  the 
capstan.  The  united  force  was  of  course  very 
great,  and  no  device  was  left  untried  to  heave 
the  ship  ahead;  but  so  firmly  had  the  '  sludge' 
been  frozen  quite  round  the  bends,  that  all  our 
efforts  were  unavailing,  and  not  an  inch  could 
we  stir  her.  To  see  open  water  within  one 
hundred  yards,  and  yet  be  unable  to  reach  it, 
was  a  type  of  the  torment  of  poor  Tantalus  :  but 
so  it  was,  and  there  was  nothing  left  but  to  sub- 

g  2 


mit.     The  sails  were  furled,  and  the  ship  again 
thrown  on  the  chances  of  what  might  befall 

The  wind  decreased  during  the  night,  and  at 
daylight  of  September  5th   there  was  a  calm. 
We  found  also  that  we  had  drifted  considerably 
nearer  the  land,  which  was  high,  and  thinly  and 
partially  covered  with  snow.      Fife  Rock  was 
just  visible  to  the  north.     Lanes  of  water  were 
seen  at  different   points  of  the  compass  along 
shore ;   and,  though  they  were  rather  far  apart, 
and  of  no  great  extent,  the  usual  trial  was  made 
to  reach  them,  but  again  without  success.     The 
last  resource  therefore  was  adopted.     The  whole 
of  the  officers  and  men  were  despatched,  under 
the  orders  of  Lieutenant  Smyth,   to  the  only 
open  water  at  all  near  ;   and  with  axes,  ice  chi- 
sels,  handspikes,  and  long  poles,  began  the  la- 
bouring process  of  cutting  away  the  '  sludge ' 
that  bound  the  pieces  together,   and  removing 
them   into   the   clear   space.      In   this   service 
they  were  frequently  obliged  to  fasten  lines  to 
the  heavier  masses  and  haul  them  out  \    and, 
though   slipping  and  tumbling   about,   yet  the 
light-hearted  fellows  pulled  in  unison  to  a  cheer- 
ful song,   and  laughed  and  joked  with  the  un- 
reflecting merriment  of  schoolboys.     Every  now 
and   then   some  luckless  wight   broke  through 
the  thin  ice,  and  plunged  up  to  his  neck  ;   an- 














CUTTING    AWAY    THE    ICE.  85 

other,   endeavouring  to  remove  a  piece  of  ice 
by  pushing  against  a  larger  mass,  would  set  him- 
self adrift  with  it,  and  every  such  adventure  was 
followed  by  shouts  of  laughter,   and  vociferous 
mirth.     In  this  way  considerable  progress  was 
made,    and  in   the   meantime  the  weather  be- 
came warmer,  and  the  wind  veered  to  the  south- 
ward.    It  became  therefore  more  desirable  than 
ever  that  the  ship  should  be  liberated,  and,  if 
possible,  got  closer  to  the  shore,  to  avoid  being 
drifted  with  the  pack  away  to  the  north,  as  we 
knew  must  happen  if  the  breeze  should  freshen 
from  the  quarter  in  which  it  now  was.    At  noon, 
the  latitude  was  something  south  of  yesterday's, 
and  the  longitude  a  mile  or  two  west.     The 
temperature  was  33°  +  .     In  the  afternoon,  the 
wind  drew  more  to  the  eastward,  and  destroyed 
the  hope  of  warping  the  ship  out  in  the  channel 
which  we  had  been  employed  in  cutting  ;  but 
as  it  was  by  that  process  alone  that  we  could 
hope  to  get  clear,  the  task  was  resumed  with 
undiminished  ardour  in  a  direction  immediately 
to  the  westward,  where  the  ice  was  not  quite 
so  tightly  pressed  as  elsewhere. 

The  work  went  on  cheerily,  and  as  the  breeze 
increased  the  sails  were  hoisted,  and  much  to 
our  satisfaction  forced  the  head  round,  when  the 
ship  gradually  gathered  way,   and  went  slowly 

g  a 

86  snow. 

towards  the  land.  There  was  indeed  an  infinite 
expanse  of  ice,  but  every  dark  spot  of  water 
encouraged  the  hope  that  an  off-shore  wind 
would  soon  place  us  in  a  navigable  channel. 
Accordingly  as  the  masses  separated  from  time 
to  time,  the  hawsers  were  got  out,  and  the  ship 
hove  between  them,  and  thus,  about  10h  p.  m., 
we  suddenly  emerged  into  a  free  space.  This 
proved  to  be  nearly  four  miles  long  ;  but  there 
was  no  opening  beyond  it,  and  again,  in  the 
morning  of  September  6th,  all  was  closed.  The 
wind  freshened,  but  brought  with  it  snow,  the 
most  unwelcome  thing  which  could  befall  us ; 
nevertheless  the  warps  were  tried,  and  with  them 
and  the  sails  together  we  managed  to  push, 
perhaps  a  mile  altogether,  towards  the  land.  It 
was  then  noon,  and  hazy;  no  land  in  sight ;  ther- 
mometer 29°  +  •  The  effect  of  the  E.  S.  E. 
breeze  was  shown  in  the  slow  setting  of  the  ice 
upon  the  coast ;  and,  as  many  of  the  pieces  were 
of  sufficient  dimension  to  entitle  them  to  the 
name  of  floes,  their  motion  created  occasional 
lanes,  which,  if  we  had  been  able  to  see  but  a 
few  hundred  yards  ahead,  might  perhaps  have 
been  followed  with  advantage.  Even  with  all 
the  uncertainty  and  risk,  I  confess  the  tempt- 
ation to  gain  a  single  mile  was  almost  irresistible. 
That  the  prudent  course  was  the  best  was  soon, 


however,  exemplified  ;   for  the  whole  of  the  ice 
within  range  of  sight  shortly  after  closed,  and 
hemmed  us  in.     For  an  hour  it  was  doubtful 
whether  we  should  not  be  nipped,  but  by  warp- 
ing  into   a   bight   accidentally  formed   by   the 
overlapping  of  one  floe  over  the  point  of  another, 
we  fortunately  escaped.   The  wind  too  increased, 
so  the  sails  were  furled,  and  the  ship  secured  to 
the  largest  floe.     Soundings  were  struck  in  one 
hundred  and  twenty-nine  fathoms,  the  bottom 
being  composed  of  sand  and  shells,  and  by  the 
line  it    appeared    that    the   ship   was    drifting 
N.byE.    The  night  was  dark  and  cheerless  from 
the  snow,  which  continuing  to  fall  clogged  the 
rigging  and  decks.     At  daybreak,  there  was  no 
opening  in  any  direction,  east  or  west ;  and  the 
ice   had  been  packed  against  the  land,  which 
could  be  traced  from  south-east  to  north ;  Fife 
Rock  being  still  visible  E.  N.  E.     Our  distance 
from  the  land  was  about  ten  or  twelve  miles ; 
but,  not  to  speak  of  the  icy  barrier  which  se- 
parated us,  there  was  nothing  which  invited  to 
a  nearer  approach.     The  soft  blue  tint  which, 
twenty-four  hours  ago,  had  cheated  the  imagin- 
ation, was  gone  ;  and  now  there  was  the  chilling1 
reality  of  precipitous  black  rocks  streaked  with 
snow,  and  a  mantle  of  the  same  cold  whiteness 
spread  over  the  whole  of  the  head  land. 

g  4 


It  was  now  the  7th  of  September,  and,  with  so 
premature  a  winter,  I  could  not  fail  to  be  more 
than  ordinarily  anxious  about  our  situation.  I 
was  aware  that  Sir  E.  Parry  had  been  within  a 
few  miles  of  the  same  spot  on  the  17th  of  the 
same  month  on  his  return  to  England  ;  but  at  that 
time  the  temperature — the  season — in  short,  every 
thing  was  different;  whereas  we  were  lying  power- 
less as  a  log,  and  nothing  was  left  to  my  choice 
but  to  sail  through  the  first  favourable  opening 
that  offered.  So  much  snow  had  fallen,  that  the 
better  part  of  the  forenoon  was  taken  up  in 
clearing  it  from  the  decks.  At  noon,  the  wind 
had  veered  to  N.  E.  by  E.,  which  was  dead  on 
the  land.  Soundings  were  found  with  one 
hundred  and  fifty-five  fathoms.  Temperature 
29°  + .  Soon  after,  there  was  a  perceptible  move- 
ment in  the  ice  near  us.  At  first,  I  thought  it 
was  the  re-action  produced  by  the  intensity  of 
the  pressure  ;  but  the  blocks  and  pieces  thrown 
up  on  the  surface  of  resisting  masses,  and  against 
the  ship's  sides,  proved  that  some  agent  was 
at  work,  and  not  long  after  a  five-inch  warp, 
which  held  us  to  the  floe,  suddenly  broke.  At 
4h  p.  m.  we  were  evidently  drifting  much  nearer 
to  the  land,  though  no  such  indication  was  given 
by  the  soundings,  which  were  one  hundred  and 
fifty  fathoms,   with    a    bottom   of  green   mud. 


Indeed,  it  could  be  owing  only  to  the  amazing 
pressure  from  the  north, which  ground  the  smaller 
pieces  into  powder,  and  either  sunk  or  threw 
up  others,  at  various  heights  and  angles,  upon 
the  larger  pieces,  that  a  space  was  cleared  for 
our  drifting.  Whatever  the  cause,  we  were  set- 
ting directly  on  the  shore,  without  the  slightest 
means  of  averting  it. 

Near  8h  p.  m.,  a  general  hubbub,  with  harsh 
grating  sounds,  announced  a  commotion  about 
the  stern,  which  being  turned  away  from  the 
floe,  among  the  looser  ice,  was  more  exposed 
than  any  other  part  The  tiller  had  been  secured 
with  lashings,  to  confine  the  rudder  amidships, 
but  a  steep  and  heavy  mass  coming  against 
it  under  the  quarter,  snapped  the  lashings  like 
threads,  and  forced  the  rudder  violently  on  one 
side,  from  which  position  it  could  not  be  re- 
lieved until  the  ice  moved  away.  About  the 
same  time  another  warp  was  broken,  after  which 
we  were  not  much  further  disturbed  during  the 

Sept.  8th  brought  no  change.  The  same  dreary 
weather  overhung  the  heavens  as  with  a  veil. 
The  coast  however  was  dimly  seen,  forming, 
according  to  our  position,  a  long  bay,  termi- 
nated abruptly  to  the  westward  by  a  projecting 
bluff  point,  which  we  supposed  to  be  that  dis- 


tinguished  in  the  chart  by  the,  to  us,  most 
unappropriate  name  of  Cape  Comfort.  Beyond 
it,  a  low  neck  of  land  could  be  made  out,  run- 
ning to  the  north,  which  was  conjectured  to  be 
Cape  Bylot.  Fife  Rock  bore  N.  E.  There  was 
not,  to  use  the  ice  mate's  expression,  "  a  sup 
of  water  in  sight."  All  our  hopes,  therefore, 
rested  on  the  uncertain  chance  of  a  westerly 
breeze,  uncertain  only  in  such  a  season  as  this, 
inasmuch  as  ordinarily  the  westerly  and  north- 
westerly winds  are  the  unfailing  companions  of 
autumn  in  these  latitudes.  The  barometer  had 
been  for  the  last  fortnight  very  steady,  scarcely 
varying  with  any  difference  of  wind.  At  noon 
the  latitude  was  65°  09',  and  longitude  S2°5V  W., 
not  more,  therefore,  than  fifty  miles  from  Duke 
of  York's  Bay  in  Frozen  Strait.  The  temperature, 
which  had  at  one  time  fallen  to  23°  + ,  rose  again 
to  28°  + ,  wind  N.  E. 

The  hours  which  usually  brought  some  slight 
alteration  arrived,  and  passed  away,  leaving  us  as 
we  were,  so  that  we  were  driven  to  infer  that  the 
pressure  from  seaward  had  now  attained  its  maxi- 
mum, and  that  the  compact  and  boundless  field  of 
ice  had  vanquished  tide  and  current,  and  was  be- 
come fixed  and  immoveable.  A  mild  night  suc- 
ceeded, though  at  first  overcast,  yet  by  10h  p.  m. 
some  stars  were  seen,  giving  indications  of  a  clear 

NEW    MOON.  91 

sky  to  the  north-west.     For  an  hour  or  two  indeed 
the  wind  did  veer  as  far  round  as  N.  N.  W.,  and 
tantalized   us  by  vacillating  between  that  and 
N.  N.  E.     How  often  did  we  look  up  at  the 
mast-head  vane,  and  how  often  presume  to  say 
that  it  must  get  to  the  southward  and  westward. 
In  the  morning  (9th  Sept.)  all  was  still  and 
motionless,  though  it  seemed  that  we  had  drifted 
a  little  to  the  south  along  the  land.     At  noon, 
a  gentle  air  might  just  be  felt  from  the  south- 
west ;  and  as  the  breeze  grew  stronger,  the  hope 
deferred  which   had  made  our  hearts  sick  was 
again  doubtfully  re-admitted.     At  night   there 
was  no  longer  any  pressure,  for  the  ship,  which 
had  been  forced  over  considerably  to  starboard, 
now  righted  ;  and  this  joyful  fact  the  least  san- 
guine construed  into  an  omen  of  a  speedy  re- 
lease.    But  the  next  morning  (September  10th) 
the  capricious  wind  first  drew  more  to  the  south, 
bringing  with  it  snow,  then  veered  round  again 
to  N.  N.  W.j  and  finally  fell  nearly  calm.     The 
only  perceptible  variation  was  the  welcome  sight 
of  two  or  three  streaks  of  water  within  a  few 
yards  from  the  ship.     The  weather  now  became 
unusually  mild,  the  thermometer  being  at  35°  +  , 
and  as  there  was  to  be  a  new  moon  at  midnight, 
we   fixed  on   that  event  as  the  harbinger  of  a 
change.  The  hour  arrived,  but  not  the  prognos- 


ticated  wind  ;  and,  in  the  still  serenity  of  the  star- 
lit sky,  yet  glowing  in  the  west  with  the  lingering 
tints  of  a  gorgeous  sunset,  there  was  a  spirit  of 
beautiful  repose  which  seemed  to  mock  our  dis- 
appointment. All  was  uniform  and  motionless, 
save  where  the  fickle  air  aloft  played  with  the 
languid  vane,  coquetting  round  and  round  from 
every  point  of  the  compass,  as  if,  in  very 
waywardness,  it  knew  not  where  to  settle. 

The  morning  of  Sept.  11th  was  also  calm,  and  a 
mist  overhung  the  barren  coast.  The  ice  had 
opened  a  few  yards,  and  the  ship  was  with  diffi- 
culty hauled  into  the  space.  As  the  sun  gained 
power  the  mist  dispersed  from  the  land,  or  lay  in 
long  thin  clouds  along  its  dark  cliffs,  but  no 
water  could  be  seen  from  aloft.  Until  to-day  no 
animals  had  visited  us  ;  but  now  two  seals  and 
some  small  fish  appeared  close  to  the  stern. 
After  service  the  officers  collected  in  groups,  and 
basked  in  the  sunshine  of  an  arctic  summer  day, 
with  the  thermometer  at  35°  + .  For  the  last  three 
or  four  evenings  the  people  had  been  permitted  to 
go  on  the  floe  alongside,  where  they  amused 
themselves  by  playing  at  various  games,  and 
among  others  the  well-known  game  of  baiting 
the  bear.  To-day  they  went  upon  the  ice  for 
quiet  exercise  merely,  but  had  not  proceeded 
more  than  a  hundred  yards,  when  Mr.  Green, 

CHASE    OF    A    BEAR.  93 

the  ice  mate,  being  on  the  mast-head,    espied 
a  real  bear,   and  the  alarm  being  immediately 
given,  the  men  ran  helter  skelter  to  the  ship, 
headed  by  a  bull-dog  belonging  to  the  Serjeant 
of  marines,  which  was  first  on  board.   Every  one 
below,  hearing  the  rush,  flew  on  deck,  and,  learn- 
ing the  cause,  seized  the  first  gun  at  hand  to 
prepare   for   the  attack.     Meantime   the  noble 
animal   (a  fine  polar  bear)  nothing  startled  at  a 
hubbub   which   might   well   have   frightened   a 
legion   of  his   kindred  away,    approached  with 
deliberate  steps  nearer  and  nearer.    His  gait  was 
loose,  and  rolling  as  if  weak  from  hunger,  for  he 
rather  drew  than  lifted  his  huge  limbs  over  the 
rugged  surface  ;  and  still  as  he  advanced,  he  now 
raised  his  black  nose  and  sniffed,  and  now  paused, 
as  appetite  or  fear  prevailed.     At  length  he  took 
courage,  and  followed  up  the  scent ;  till,  at  the 
distance  of  about  fifty  paces  from  the  ship,  he 
stood  like  a  target  to  receive  the  balls  which 
were  soon  showered  on  him.     He  fell,  but  re- 
covering his  legs,  limped,  with  what  strength  was 
left,  a  short  space  off.    Then,  all  hurry  to  pursue, 
one  grasped  a  handspike,  another  poised  a  lance, 
a  third  more  heedless  rushed   on  with  a  mere 
stick  to  give  the  coup  de  grace.    The  more  pru- 
dent  however  retained  their  guns,  and  a  few 
more   shots  terminated   the   sufferings  of  poor 


bruin.  The  sailors  with  their  wonted  fun  hauled 
the  bulky  carcase  over  the  floe,  and  hoisted  it  on 
board.*  The  condition  of  the  teeth  indicated  that 
it  had  attained  to  some  age.  It  was  lean,  and  the 
stomach  was  found  to  be  entirely  empty. 

*  The  following  dimensions  were  taken  by  Dr.  Donovan 
and  Mr.  Mould : 

Ft.  Inch. 
Length  from  the  snout  to  the  tail  -  -         6     llj 

Circumference  round  the  middle 
From  the  snout  to  the  shoulder  joint 
From  the  heel  of  the  fore-paw  to  the  top  of  the  back  4 
From  the  heel  of  the  hind  leg  to  the  top  of  rump 
Circumference  of  fore-paw,  including  claws 
Breadth  of  the  fore-paw  - 

Length  from  fore  middle  toe  to  knee  joint 
Circumference  of  fore-leg  below  the  knee 
Circumference  of  hind-paw         - 
Circumference  of  hind-leg         - 
Length  of  the  hind-paw 
Breadth  of  the  hind-paw  - 

Length  of  hind  middle  toe  to  knee  joint 
Length  of  tail  - 

Circumference  of  head  below  the  eyes    - 
Circumference  of  neck  -  -  -  - 

Distance  of  snout  from  the  eye  - 
Distance  between  the  eyes  (internal  angles) 
Length  of  axis  of  the  eye  (perpendicular) 
Depth  of  snout  - 

Depth  from  snout  to  lower  part  of  under  jaw 
Breadth  of  septum  narium  - 

Nare  elliptical  - 

Length  of  ears  -  -  -  •* 

Breadth  of  aperture  of  ear 



















































WEATHER    MILD    AND    CALM.  9«5 

This  novelty,  trifling  as  it  was,  was  sufficient  to 
give  a  turn  to  our  conversation  ;  and  the  eternal 
inquiries  about  the  wind,  and  the  speculations  as 
to  the  probable  quarter  from  which  it  would  next 
come,  were  for  an  hour  or  two  suspended ;  indeed, 
there  was  little  to  excite  us   on  that  subject, 
for  the  weather  continued  very  mild  and  calm, 
though  towards  evening  it  was  observed  that  the 
ice  had  opened  a  little,  and  what  was  still  more 
singular,  that  the  ship  had  a  slight  undulatory 
motion.     The  thermometer  during  the  night  did 
not  sink  below  32^°  +  ,  and  early  on  September 
12th,    finding    there   was  a   chance   of  getting 
through  some  lanes  in  the  direction   of  Cape 
Comfort,    the    ship   was    with   infinite   trouble 
warped  about  half  a  mile,  when  the  ice  again 

Number  of  front  teeth  in  upper  jaw  -                 6 

Number  of  canine  teeth          -  2 

Number  of  molar  do.              -  6 

Small  teeth  between  the  tusks  and  molars  -                 4> 

Front  teeth  in  lower  jaw         -  6 

Canine  (one  broken)               -  2 

Molars                    -                  -  8 

Two  small  teeth  between  the  canine  and  molars  2 

Ft.  Inch. 

Length  of  lower  tusks                 -             -  -         0  2 

Length  of  upper  tusks                 -             -  -0  2^ 

Breadth  between  the  tips  of  upper  tusks  -         0  3^- 

Breadth  (supposed)  between  lower  tusks  0  2^ 

Length  of  middle  fore  claw        -             -  0  2 

Length  of  middle  hind  claw        -             -  0  2 



closed,  and  the  breeze  blew,  though  light,  from 
the  eastward,    that  is  to  say,    fromthe  quarter 
directly    opposite   to   what   we    wished:    again 
therefore    our    efforts   were    discontinued,    and 
the  ship  secured.      The   thermometer  at  noon 
was  35°  + ,  and  in  a  small  pool  of  water  astern 
three  white  whales   were    seen.     Later   in  the 
day  the  weather  became  overcast,  and  brought 
with  it  a  S.E.  wind,  thus  at  once  overturning 
hopes  of  a  week's  growth,  and  making  the  pros- 
pect of  our  liberation  as  remote  as  ever.     Never- 
theless, as  the  ice  slacked,   about  7h  p.m.,    we 
warped  a  couple  of  hundred  yards  ahead,  and 
then,    setting   the    sails,    endeavoured   to   bore 
through  the  annoying  obstruction ;  a  little  way, 
perhaps  half  a  mile,  we  accomplished ;  and  even 
that  little  was  gratifying,  for  our  long  detention 
had  begun  to  be  dispiriting.     The  ice  then  be- 
coming closer,  the  sails  were  furled,  and  on  the 
morning  of  the  13th  September  we  found  our- 
selves rather  closer  in  with  the  coast,  but  owing 
to  the  thick  state  of  the  weather  the  precise  spot 
could  not  be  ascertained.     During  the  whole  of 
the  forenoon  there  was  nothing  but  snow,  and 
the  breeze  blew  dead  on  the  land ;   the  result 
showed  itself,  as  was  to  be  expected,  by  an  in- 
creased pressure  of  the  snow  and  ice,  which  tight- 
ened so  much,  that  before  we  were  aware  of  it 
the  securing  hawser  was  carried  away.      It  was 

MOTION"    IN    THE    ICE.  9/' 

replaced  by  a  stronger  one,  but  we  could  not 
venture  to  throw  a  strain  even  on  this  ;  and  when- 
ever any  sudden  change  took  place  among  the 
ice  it  was  immediately  slackened.  The  snow 
did  not  cease  until  6h.  30ra.  p.  m.,  and  then  so 
laden  were  the  decks  with  it,  that  the  people 
were  actively  occupied  more  than  an  hour  in 
clearing  it  away  :  the  mist  at  the  same  time  par- 
tially clearing,  permitted  a  glimpse  of  the  land, 
which  was  found  to  be  considerably  nearer  than 
any  one  had  anticipated,  and  proved  that  we  had 
been  set  further  than  was  expected  to  the  west- 
ward. At  8h  p.  m.  Cape  Comfort  bore  by  compass 
N.N.E.,  and  soundings  were  obtained  with  one 
hundred  and  seventy-five  fathoms  of  line,  at  a  dis- 
tance of  not  more  than  five  miles  from  the  nearest 
rocks.  During  the  night  the  increased  violence 
of  the  wind,  and  its  unwelcome  constancy  to  the 
adverse  quarter,  had  a  direful  effect  on  the  shore 
ice  in  which  we  were  embedded ;  and  though  every 
piece  was  so  closely  and  firmly  packed  against  the 
other  that  there  was  not  a  hole  large  enough  to 
admit  of  drawing  water,  yet  at4h.30m.  a.m.  Sept. 
14th,  an  agitative  motion  discovered  itself  among 
the  surrounding  ice,  so  violent,  and  indeed  irresis- 
tible, that  what  was  not  crushed  by  its  enormous 
force  was  raised  up  to  various  heights  ;  one  pon- 
derous mass,  with  several  peaks,  to  upwards  of 
twenty  feet. 


98  ICEBOUND    IN    SIGHT    OF    LAND. 

Fixed  as  we  were,  we  partook  of  the  general 
commotion ;  and  the  ship  being  deep  and  too  heavy 
to  rise  wTith  the  rest,  it  had  to  sustain  the  whole 
pressure   and   became  severely  nipped,  leaning 
over   considerably  to   starboard.      The   breeze, 
too,  which   still   blew  from  N.  E.,  so  far  from 
abating,    came    on    attended  by  smart    squalls. 
At  this  time  we  appeared  to  be  not  more  than 
four  miles  from  the  land,  which  was  broken  into 
exposed  bays,  utterly  without  shelter  from  the 
north,  and  blocked  up  with  close  packed  ice. 
Not  a  pool  of  water  was  visible  in  any  direction  : 
to  the  mercv  of  Providence  alone  could  we  look 
for  rescue  from  our  perilous  situation.     None 
but  those   who  have   experienced  it  can  judge 
of  the  weariness  of  heart,  the  blank  of  feeling, 
the  feverish  sickliness  of  taste  which  gets  the 
better  of  the  whole  man   under  circumstances 
such  as  these.  Not  an  incident  occurred  to  relieve 
for  a  moment  the  dull  monotony  of  our  unprofit- 
able detention.  Will  the  wind  ever  come  from  the 
westward  ?  was  the  question  fretfully  asked  and 
peevishly  answered.     This  one  idea  had  taken 
entire  possession  of  the  mind,  and  whilst  even  a 
doubt  remained,  no  occupation,  no  amusement, 
however   ordinarily   gratifying,    had    power    to 
please  or  even  distract  the  thoughts.     Not  that 
this,  or  any  part  of  it,  was  expressed  in  words, 
but  the  feeling  was  not  the  less  easily  detected, 

PARTIAL    MOVEMENT    OF    THE    MASSES.        99 

As  the  sun  set  the  sky  became  rather  more 
bright  at  N.  W«,  and  with  much  satisfaction  the 
wind  was  observed  to  veer  that  way.     A  faint 
aurora  was  also  seen  at  S.  W.,  and  as  it  has  been 
often  considered  as  a  sign  of  wind  from  that  quar- 
ter in  which  it  appears,  even  that  prognostic, 
uncertain  as  it  is,  was  eagerly  caught  at.     But 
although  the  breeze  blew  off  or  along  the  coast  all 
the  night,  yet  on   Sept.  15th  not  the  minutest 
change  was  visible,  until  near  8h  a.  m.,  when  a 
very  partial  movement    took  place    in  about  a 
dozen  large  masses  immediately  around  us.    The 
effect    of   this   was    so    far    beneficial    that    it 
released  the  ship  from  the  heavy  pressure  she 
had  been  sustaining,  and  as  the  sunken  pieces, 
from  beneath    her  bottom,  rose    to  the  surface 
with  a  bound,  and  others  glided  along  the  sides, 
she  gradually  righted.    But  when  we  were  looking 
with  eager  eyes  for  some  little  space  of  water,  the 
motion  stopped  at  once,  as  if  arrested  by  the  hand 
of  magic,  and  left  us  again  to  hope  and  again  be 
disappointed.    The  temperature  which  had  been 
as  low  as  21°  +  ,  at  noon  rose  to  23°  +  .  The  wind 
blew  fresh  along  the  land  until  evening,  but  it 
was  late  in  the  first  watch   before  the  faintest 
stir  was  heard  among  the  ice,  which  then  merely 
moved  in  azimuth,  causing  the  ship  to  go  a  few 
yards  astern.  Yet  to  move  at  all  was  encouraging, 
since  it  proved  that  the  pieces,  though  wedged 

h  2 

100  WIND    VEERS    TO    SOUTH-WEST. 

and  heaped  together,  were  not  yet  rivetted  by  the 
continually  increasing  severity  of  the  night-frosts. 
Half  of  the  month  had  now  slipped  away, 
and  we  were  held  still  within  sight  of  the  same 
land  as  it  were  in  the  grasp  of  a  giant.  Yet 
the  prospect  though  unpromising  enough  was 
not  yet  hopeless ;  for  about  midnight  the  wind 
drew  round  to  the  south-west,  and  came  with  a 
force  which,  a  week  before,  would  have  fulfilled 
our  most  sanguine  desires.  The  ice  now,  however, 
was  too  close  wedged  to  yield  at  once  to  its 
influence,  though  considerably  loosened.  Up  to 
noon  of  Sept.  16.  no  effectual  alteration  took 
place  :  the  thermometer  had  once  fallen  as  low 
as  15°  +  ,  though  it  had  now  risen  again  to  31°  +  * 
The  height  of  the  land  made  our  distance  from 
shore  appear  less  than  it  really  wTas ;  and  often  a 
proposition  was  made  to  me  that  a  small  party 
should  endeavour  to  make  their  way  across  the 
land  to  the  westward,  and  satisfy  themselves  if 
any  open  water  was  to  be  expected  in  that  direc- 
tion. However,  being  myself  pretty  confident 
that  there  was  open  water,  and  moreover  not 
very  far  away,  I  could  not  at  this  crisis  give  my 
consent  to  it.  Besides  the  toil  and  difficulty 
which  must  necessarily  be  encountered  in  the 
attempt  to  traverse  the  country  along  the  coast, 
broken  as  it  was  into  ravines  and  vallies,  ren- 
dered more  impassable  by  the  snow  lately  fallen  ; 

PROSPECT  OF  RELEASE.         101 

the  hazard  of  their  being  separated  from  the 
ship  left  no  room  for  hesitation,  though  I  pro- 
mised that  on  a  future  occasion  the  proposition 
should  not  be  forgotten. 

The  wind  now  got  more  to  the  southward, 
and  after  being  unsettled  for  an  hour  or  two, 
began  to  blow  fresh  from  S.  by  W. :  still  the  ice 
did  not  stir.  However,  about  4h  30m,  it  opened 
out  a  little,  and  though  no  water  was  visible 
from  the  Crow's  Nest,  the  breeze  was  so  strong 
that  it  was  deemed  expedient  to  set  the  sails ; 
and  answering  to  their  power,  the  ship  imme- 
diately forged  ahead,  generally,  of  course,  very 
slowly,  but  wherever  the  ice  wras  smaller  with 
a  speed  that  brightened  every  countenance.  It 
was  indeed  singular  to  behold  the  vast  ship 
gliding  along  without  any  perceptible  water.  This 
could  not  last,  and  though  it  blew  a  gale  of  wind, 
yet  even  with  warps  and  all  appliances  and  means 
to  boot,  we  were  at  length  beaten  by  the  solid 
mass.  The  last  gleam  of  twilight,  however,  had 
just  brought  to  sight  several  narrow  lanes  of 
water  precisely  where  they  were  most  wanted, 
so  that  the  probability  of  a  release  was  greater 
than  it  had  been  for  at  least  three  weeks.  The 
wind  veered  a  little  to  the  eastward,  but  rather 
increased  than  diminished  in  violence,  so  that 
most  of  the  sails  were  taken  in,  leaving  enough  to 
press  the  ship  forward  if  the  ice  should  give  way. 

h  3 


Morning  of  the  17th  came,  and  our  hopes 
were  strongly  excited.  It  was  an  auspicious 
day,  for  it  was  the  date  of  Sir  E.  Parry's  getting 
clear  from  nearly  the  same  place  on  his  return 
to  England ;  but  there  was  no  such  good  fortune 
in  store  for  us.  We  had  been  forced  nearer  to 
Cape  Comfort,  which  jutted  out  something  to 
the  north,  forming  with  the  wind  then  pre- 
dominating a  weather  shore,  under  the  lee  of 
which  it  was  natural  to  suppose  there  would  be  a 
'  lead '  of  water ;  but  contrary  to  experience  and 
the  expectation  of  all  on  board,  the  ice  was 
found  to  be  locked  in  to  the  very  base  of  the 
rocks,  and  presented  a  barrier  as  insuperable  as 
the  one  just  before  us.  Still  the  gale  from  the 
eastward  howled  on,  and  though  not  a  spot  of 
water  could  be  detected  ahead,  yet  there  was  a 
channel  for  upwards  of  three  miles  formed  in  the 
place  we  had  left ;  in  fact,  all  that  was  wanted 
was  a  breeze  of  the  same  kind  from  the  west. 
The  weather  throughout  the  afternoon  was  wild 
and  gloomy,  and  the  evening  closed  in  with 
showers  of  sleet.  The  ice  was  disturbed,  and 
though  too  firmly  wedged  to  open  out,  cracked 
and  heaved  as  if  seeking  relief  from  the  grinding 
pressure,  but  all  in  vain.  The  whole  cemented 
mass,  however,  yielded  to  the  general  impulse,  and 
ice  and  ship  were  borne  helplessly  along  before 
the  violence  of  the  gale.     Much  water  had  been 


seen  along  the  shore  to  the  eastward,  and  there 
seemed  some    likelihood    of  its    overtaking    us 
by  daylight,    if  by  any  means  we    could    hold 
on  to  some  floe  so  as  to  let  the  smaller  pieces 
drift   past.     But   this,    however   desirable,    was 
found  impracticable,  as  the  whole  mass  moved 
together.  Throughout  the  night  the  wind  scarcely 
abated,  but  towards   morning  of  Sept.  18th  it 
became   moderate ;    and    as  the   heavy   clouds 
cleared  away  before  the  rays  of  the  rising  sun,  it 
was  discovered  that  we  had  been  driven   past 
Cape  Comfort  about  three  or  four  miles,  and  at 
the  same  time  had  been  set  considerably  nearer 
to  the  coast  which,  immediately  abreast  of  us, 
was  fearfully  forbidding.     To  the  north  it  pre- 
sented a  towering  and  perpendicular  front,  rent 
into  fissures,  or  jagged  with  splintery  ridges,  all 
deeply  black  ;  whilst  towards  the  south  it  receded 
from  the  summit  in  round  backed  hills,  entirely 
(except  where  sharp-angled  rocks  peeped  out) 
covered  with  snow.     Farther  west  the  land  gra- 
dually declined  with   longer   slopes   and  wider 
vallies,  and  terminated  in  a  point,  either  Cape 
Bylot  or  Cape  Welsford  of  Parry.      Through- 
out the  entire  range  I  was  unable  to  detect  any 
of  those  marks  which  indicate  the  track  of  the 
Esquimaux  in  their  periodical  migrations. 

The  latitude  at  noon  was  65°  12'  N.,  and  in 
having  been  drifted  thus  far,  we  had  the  consola- 

h  4 

104  MR.    GORE    SHOOTS    A    FOX. 

tory  conviction  that  there  must  be  an  open  space  of 
water  somewhere  to  the  west.  We  knew  more- 
over that  the  further  we  advanced  in  that  direc- 
tion the  more  we  should  be  liable  to  the  influence 
of  the  high  tides  in  the  neighbourhood  of  the 
Welcome,  where  the  changes  among  the  ice 
would  be  more  frequent,  and  our  chance  of 
reaching  Repulse  Bay  consequently  improved. 
In  fact,  a  long  narrow  lane  had  begun  to  form 
close  to  the  beach,  reaching  nearly  to  the  extre- 
mity of  the  view,  but  the  breeze  freshening 
from  S.S.E.  forced  the  seaward  body  of  ice  in, 
and  closed  it  up  again.  Baffin  Island  was  visible 
from  the  mast-head,  but  there  was  no  opening  in 
that  direction.  A  raven  and  a  little  snow  bunt- 
ing came  near  the  ship.  No  soundings  were  got 
with  one  hundred  and  fifty  fathoms.  As  the 
sun  declined  the  breeze  freshened  still  more, 
sending  the  low  and  light  scud  before  it  with  the 
swiftness  of  an  arrow.  It  was  not  however  till 
near  midnight  that  we  stirred,  when  the  ice,  driven 
by  the  wind  and  tide,  carried  us  about  a  mile. 

Sept.  19th  sail  was  set  to  endeavour  to  force 
the  ship  clear  of  some  large  pieces,  which 
ground  with  a  grating  noise  against  the  bot- 
tom, but  it  was  to  little  purpose.  About  this 
time  an  Arctic  fox,  probably  allured  by  the 
scent  of  the  skeleton  of  the  bear  which  was 
hanging  to  the  main-stay,  came  so  close  that  it 



_    -  ^?fc? 










t      "*. 


was  shot  by  Mr.  Gore.  A  raven,  too,  wheeled 
its  flight  twice  round  the  ship.  What  must  be 
the  wearisome  uniformity  of  a  life  in  which  inci- 
dents such  as  these  become  memorable ! 

When  the  haze   over  the  land  was  in  some 
measure  dispersed,  we  found  that  we  had  been  set 
something  further  towards  Cape  Bylot,  beyond 
which  more  land  could  be  made  out,  and  at  noon 
Baffin  Island  bore  N.  50°  E.     The  temperature 
continued  31° +  ,   and   the    southerly  wind   still 
prevailed.     Four  points  more  to    the  west  was 
all  that  we  required.     No  water  in  sight.     In 
the  early  part  of  the  night  a  thick  mist  came  on, 
and  the  wind  gradually  veered  to  east,  bringing 
with   it   sleet   and   snow.     The   next   morning 
(Sept.  20th)    it   drew  more  to  the  northward, 
and,  what  was  worse,  blew  fresh,  thereby  setting 
the  seaward  ice  down  towards  the  land  with  more 
force  than  had  yet  been  experienced.     Shortly 
after  9h  a.  m.  a  floe  piece  split  in  two,  and  the 
extreme  violence   of  the  pressure   curled   and 
crumbled  the  windward  ice  up  in  an  awful  man- 
ner, forcing  it  against  the  beam  fully  eighteen 
feet  high.     The  ship  creaked  as  it  were  in  agony, 
and,  strong  as  she  was,  must  have  been  stove  and 
crushed,  had  not  some  of  the  smaller  masses  been 
forced  under  her  bottom,  and  so  diminished  the 
strain,  by  actually  lifting  her  bow  nearly  two  feet 
out  of  the  water.     In  this  perilous  crisis  steps 


were  taken  to  have  everything  in  readiness  for 
hoisting  ont  the  barge,  and  without  creating  un- 
necessary alarm,  the  officers  and  men  were  called 
on  the  quarter-deck,  and  desired,  in  case  of 
emergency,  to  be  active  in  the  performance  of 
their  duties  at  the  respective  stations  then  notified 
to  them.  It  was  a  serious  moment  for  all,  as  the 
pressure  still  continued,  nor  could  we  expect 
much,  if  any,  abatement  until  the  wind  changed. 
At  noon  the  weather  and  our  prospects  re- 
mained the  same.  The  barometer  was  falling,  and 
the  temperature  was  26°  +  ,  with  unceasing  snow. 
Much  ice  had  been  sunk  under  the  bottom,  and 
a  doubt  existed  whether  it  was  not  finding  its 
way  beneath  the  lee  floe  also  ;  for  the  uplifted 
ruins,  within  fifty  paces  of  the  weather  beam, 
were  advancing  slowly  towards  us  like  an  im- 
mense wave  fraught  with  destruction.  Resist- 
ance would  not,  could  not  have  been  effectual 
beyond  a  few  seconds ;  for  what,  of  human  con- 
struction, could  withstand  the  impact  of  an  icy 
continent,  driven  onward  by  a  furious  storm  ? 
In  the  mean  time  symptoms  too  unequivocal  to 
be  misunderstood  demonstrated  the  intensity  of 
the  pressure.  The  butt-ends  began  to  start,  and 
the  copper,  in  which  the  galley  apparatus  was 
fixed,  became  creased,  sliding  doors  refused  to 
shut,  and  leaks  found  access  through  the  bolt- 
heads  and  bulls-eyes.     On  sounding  the  well  too, 


an  increase  of  water  was  reported,  not  sufficient 
to  excite  apprehension  in  itself,  but  such  as  to 
render  hourly  pumping  necessary.  Moved  by 
these  indications,  and  to  guard  against  the  worst,  I 
ordered  the  provisions  and  preserved  meats,  with 
various  other  necessaries  to  be  got  up  from  below 
and  stowed  on  deck,  so  as  to  be  ready  at  a  mo- 
ment to  be  thrown  upon  the  large  floe  along- side. 
To  add  to  our  anxiety,  night  closed  prematurely, 
when  suddenly,  from  some  unknown  cause,  in 
which,  if  Ave  may  so  deem  without  presumption, 
the  finger  of  Providence  was  manifest,  the  floe, 
which  threatened  instant  destruction,  turned  so 
as  in  a  great  degree  to  protect  us  against  an  in- 
crease of  pressure,  though  for  several  hours  after- 
wards the  same  creaking  and  grinding  sounds 
continued  to  annoy  our  ears.  The  barometer 
and  other  instruments  fell  with  a  regularity  un- 
precedented, yet  the  gale  was  broken,  and  by 
midnight  had  abated  considerably. 

Sept.  ^Ist.  there  was  a  lateral  motion  in  some 
pieces  of  the  surrounding  ice,  and  after  several  as- 
tounding thumps  under  water  against  the  bottom, 
the  ship  which  had  been  lifted  high  beyond  her  line 
of  flotation  and  thrown  somewhat  over  to  port,  sud- 
denly started  up  and  almost  righted.  Still  however 
she  inclined  more  than  was  agreeable  to  port,  nor 
was  it  until  one  mass  of  ponderous  dimensions 
burst  from  its  imprisonment  below  that  she  alto- 


gether  regained  her  upright  position.  On  be- 
holding the  walls  of  ice  on  either  side  between 
which  she  had  been  nipped,  I  was  astonished  at 
the  tremendous  force  she  had  sustained.  Her 
mould  was  stamped  as  perfectly  as  in  a  die.  Asto- 
nishment however  soon  yielded  to  a  more  grateful 
feeling,  an  admiration  of  the  genius  and  mechanical 
skill  by  which  the  Terror  had  been  so  ably  pre- 
pared for  this  service.  We  had  many  old  Green- 
land seamen  on  board,  and  they  were  unanimously 
of  opinion  that  no  ship  they  had  ever  seen  could 
have  resisted  such  a  pressure.  On  sounding  the 
well  she  was  found  not  to  leak,  though  the  car- 
penters had  employment  enough  in  caulking  the 
seams  on  deck. 

At  last  the  wind  got  round  to  the  westward,  and 
though  not  a  pool  of  water  was  visible,  still  expect- 
ation was  again  on  the  stretch  ;  but  though  a  fresh 
breeze  prevailed  till  the  evening,  and  again  after  a 
partial  calm  blew  through  the  night,  and  though 
the  effect  to  be  anticipated  from  this  would  be 
the  sending  of  the  ice  to  the  eastward,  if  moved  at 
all,  yet,  strange  to  say,  the  very  reverse  took  place, 
as  the  creaking  of  the  pressed  ship  gave  us  but 
too  plainly  to  understand. 

On  Sept.  22d.  the  vessel  was  again  sharply 
nipped,  but  without  straining  as  before.  At  noon 
the  thermometer  rose  a  few  degrees  from  15°  +, 
the  point  to  which  it  had  fallen  in  the  night,  and 


by  observations,  we  were  at  the  distance  of  twenty- 
five  miles  only  from  Duke  of  York's  Bay  ;  but 
we  could  not  possibly  advance  so  much  as  twenty- 
five  inches,  or,  with  such  a  succession  of  untoward 
winds,  I  should  long  ago  have  endeavoured  to 
get  the  ship  into  some  place  of  safety.  Birds  of 
all  kinds  had  left  us,  and  animals  too,  except  a 
solitary  seal  espied  to-day  from  the  mast-head : 
this  was  immediately  pursued  by  one  of  the 
officers,  but  after  a  fatiguing  walk  over  the  ice, 
he  found  the  wary  seal  on  the  look-out  and, 
instead  of  waiting  to  be  shot  at,  it  prudently 
disappeared  through  a  hole  in  the  ice.  As  the 
scene  of  operations  was  daily  growing  more 
circumscribed,  and  the  outward  body  of  ice 
forced  us  further  in  shore,  directly  towards  a  bay, 
bounded  at  either  extreme  by  craggy  rocks ;  it 
became  important  to  get  some  knowledge  of  its 
formation,  in  the  hope  of  finding  a  shelter  behind 
some  protruding  rock  or  point,  if  circumstances 
should  permit  us  to  get  there.  Accordingly  a 
party  of  officers  and  men,  under  the  direction  of 
Lieutenant  Smyth,  having  volunteered  their  ser- 
vices, the  remainder  of  the  day  was  taken  up  in 
making  the  requisite  preparations  for  their  de- 
parture on  the  following  morning.  Sept.  23d 
came  on  with  thick  weather  and  snow,  which, 
together  with  the  quantity  that  had  already  fallen, 

110  A    DOCK    CUT    IN    THE    ICE. 

hid  the  looser  portions  of  ice  between  the  floes, 
and  thereby  rendered  the  destined  expedition  too 
hazardous.  About  9h  a.  m.,  a  relaxation  in  the 
pressure  encouraged  us  to  try  to  warp  the  ship 
from  her  present  unsafe  situation,  and  this  being 
found  impracticable,  the  whole  crew  were  em- 
ployed to  cut  a  canal  with  axes  and  other 
implements,  which  attempt  also  was  after  a  fair 
trial  abandoned,  as  the  heavier  masses  of  ice 
squeezed  forward  into  each  vacancy  as  fast  as  it 
was  made.  The  large  floe  against  the  larboard, 
which  was  the  side  nearest  to  the  land,  was  much 
piled  up  with  hummocks,  and  directly  alongside 
was  upwards  of  twenty  feet  thick;  and  with 
the  double  view  of  employing  the  people,  and 
to  make  an  experiment  which,  if  successful, 
might  be  found  advantageous,  it  was  determined 
to  cut  a  dock  in  the  pure  ice.  Accordingly, 
after  the  dimensions  were  measured,  the  officers 
and  men  set  to  work,  and  having,  in  the  course 
of  four  hours,  sunk  a  trench  as  many  feet  deep, 
satisfied  me  that,  assuming  the  floe  to  be  of  a 
uniform  thickness,  they  could  finish  the  work 
in  ten  days  at  the  most.  On  this  occasion,  it  hap- 
pened, contrary  to  expectation,  that  the  ice  near 
us,  and  only  that  near  us,  began  at  that  moment 
to  open,  so  that  by  five  o'clock  p.  m.  there  was  a 
lane  for  two  or  three  hundred  yards,  so  free  of 


interruption,  that  a  whale  line  was  made  fast  to 
the  upper  part  of  the  fore-mast,  and  the  men 
actually  tracked  the  ship  along. 

We  had  now  been    precisely  a  month  beset, 
without  the  option  of  moving  in  any  direction  but 
where  the  openings  occurred,  or  where  the  whole 
body  of  the  ice  drifted;  and  this  at  a  period  admit- 
ted to  be  the  most  favourable  for  navigating  these 
seas.     With  every  thing  flattering  to  decoy  us  on 
within  twenty  miles  of  Baffin  Island,  we  there 
found  ourselves  suddenly  stopped;  and  saw  the 
ice  close  behind  us  in  an  unbroken  line,  cutting 
off  all  retreat.     It  will  easily  therefore  be  con- 
ceived,  that  the  phenomenon  which  permitted 
even  this  trifling  advance  was  hailed  with  exult- 
ation ;      and    though   we    were   soon   arrested, 
yet   three   or   four    cracks    between    the    floes 
and  packed  body  ahead,  intimated  that  some- 
thing  favourable   might  be  expected   from  the 
returning  tide.     The   weather,    too,    continued 
mild,  and  a  light  air  blew  from  the  west.     Still, 
though  there  were  occasional  fluctuations  in  the 
ice  during  the  night,    Sept.  24th   came  without 
the  consummation  so  eagerly  anticipated.  By  some 
unaccountable  caprice,   scarcely  had  the  narrow 
opening  begun  to  enlarge  when  the  ice  suddenly 
stopped,   and  then  with   a  reaction  truly  alarm- 
ing, pressed  against  the  ship,  so  as  to  heave  her 
over  considerably  on  one  side  to  the  no  small  risk 
of  the   part  nipped,    which  creaked    and  com- 

1  1^2  CUTTING    AWAY    ICE    WITH    AXES. 

plained  bitterly ;  it  was  some  hours  before  she 
righted  again. 

It  was  now  an  object  so  to  place  the  ship, 
that  the  excessive  pressure,  aided  as  it  was  by  the 
spring  tide,  should  be  received  equally  on 
every  part  of  her ;  and  as  this  could  not  be 
effected  without  the  ice  saws,  they  were  shortly 
made  ready,  and  having  been  fixed  to  large  tri- 
angles formed  of  three  high  poles,  were  worked 
by  means  of  a  pulley.  With  one  saw  and  some 
axes  we  were  enabled  to  cut  away  a  sharp  piece 
which  had  already  caused  much  annoyance,  and 
were  about  removing  it,  when  the  ship  which 
had  been  warped  there,  was  suddenly  set  by  the 
ice  against  it,  and  in  a  short  time  crushed  up 
the  whole  mass.  From  that  moment  the  pres- 
sure was  very  great,  and  after  midnight  of  Sept. 
25th,  the  timbers  were  strained  so  severely 
that  there  was  a  general  creaking.  Happily  it 
did  not  last,  for  the  crack  again  opened  out  and 
permitted  our  hauling  a  few  yards  ahead,  and 
thereby  to  escape  being  caught  by  an  extensive 
floe  which,  after  sinking  all  smaller  pieces, 
had  forced  its  way  to  us.  The  rudder  had 
borne  an  amazing  force  with  scarcely  any  injury, 
but  as  there  was  no  longer  any  reason  for  expos- 
ing it,  it  was  unhung  and  slung  under  the  stern. 
We  were  nearly  half  way  between  Capes  Comfort 
and  Bylot,  were  in  sight  of  each  side  of  Frozen 
Strait,   could  clearly  distinguish  Cape  Welsford 


and  the  dark  water  sky  over  Duke  of  York's  Bay, 
were  only  five  or  six  miles  from  the  shore,  which 
would  have  afforded  us  some  shelter,  and  yet 
here  we  were  fixed,  compelled  to  endure  the 
furious  buffets  which  each  successive  tide  brought 
upon  us,  and  at  the  mercy  of  the  mighty  power 
that  bound  us.  The  temperature  had  varied 
from  18°  to  23°,  and  the  wind  had  drawn  round 
to  the  east,  though  this  was  now  become  of  tri- 
fling importance,  as  the  westerly  wind  on  which 
so  much  reliance  had  been  placed  had  not  even 
separated  the  floes,  much  less  driven  them  from 
the  land ;  and  in  fact,  according  to  our  united 
opinions,  had  made  no  impression  whatever. 

Deeply  sensible  as  I  was  of  the  growing  peril  of 
our  situation  with  days  contracting  and  the  prospect 
of  a  speedy  decrease  of  temperature,  I  now  made 
an  official  demand  on  the  officers  of  his  majesty's 
ship,  for  their  respective  opinions  in  writing,  upon 
the  probability  of  any  further  progress  being  made 
by  our  own  exertions  in  the  present  season,  to- 
wards Repulse  Bay.  Their  unanimous  convic- 
tion, from  the  experience  of  the  thirty-four 
days  in  which  the  ship  had  been  beset,  was,  that 
any  thing  more,  with  that  view,  was  utterly  im- 
practicable, and  they  suggested  the  adoption  of 
certain  precautions  in  the  event  of  any  sudden 
contingency  obliging  us  to  have  recourse  to  the* 
boats  for  safety.     In  this  opinion  I  entirely  coin- 


114       RAPID    DESTRUCTION    OF    THE    FLOE. 

tided,  and  considering  that  the  period  had  now 
arrived  for  taking  a  decisive  step,  had  deter- 
mined to  cut  a  dock  in  a  favourable  part  of  the 
floe  which  we  had  quitted ;  that  being  the 
largest,  and,  according  to  the  ice  mate,  the  only 
one  sufficiently  strong  for  the  purpose.  I  felt 
assured  that,  if  this  could  be  accomplished,  the 
ship  would  be  protected  so  long  as  the  floe  held 
together,  and  in  short  it  was  my  only  resource. 
The  resolution  thus  adopted  was  to  have  been  car- 
ried into  execution,  but  the  following  night,  with- 
out the  aid  of  any  strong  breeze,  produced  the 
most  extraordinary  changes  yet  witnessed.  There 
was  a  general  commotion;  and  the  entire  body  by 
which  we  were  hampered  separating  into  single 
f  pieces,  tossed  into  heaps  or  ground  to  powder 
whatever  interrupted  its  course,  and  finally,  in 
the  early  morning  of  the  26th,  rushed  violently 
to  the  westward,  directly  up  Frozen  Strait.  The 
ship  bore  well  up  against  the  hurly  burly,  and 
when  daylight  broke,  and  we  could  distinguish 
objects,  we  looked  in  vain  for  the  floe.  In  the 
wild  convulsion  of  the  night  it  had  been  broken 
and  scattered  with  many  other  ponderous  masses, 
which  now  lay  piled  in  ruins  around  us.  It  was 
evident,  too,  that  the  ship  had  been  set  nearer  to 
Cape  Bylot,  for  the  coast  beyond  it,  as  well  as 
Baffin's  Island,  were  plainly  seen  from  the  deck  ; 

so  that,  for  aught  we  knew,  we  might  still  be 



'        5 




h  . 


*  '■ 


BOW    OF    THE    SHIP    SPLIT.  11,5 

carried  even  to  the  goal  of  our  wishes  without 
any  effort  of  our  own.  One  fact,  at  all  events, 
was  incontrovertible,  that,  now  the  ice,  though 
heavy  enough  to  do  great  injury,  was  not  exten- 
sive enough  to  shelter  us  as  I  had  designed,  and 
that  there  was  nothing  left  but  to  drift  with  it 
until  Nature  in  her  own  good  time  should 
release  us. 

The  ice  remained  unusually  tranquil  the 
whole  of  the  afternoon  ;  but  as  the  night  ad- 
vanced the  north-east  wind  increased,  and  at 
llh  p.m.,  when  the  flood-tide  made,  the  ship 
became  sharply  nipped  :  fortunately  it  did  not 
last  long,  and  on  Sept.  27th  she  was  free  again. 
The  effect  of  the  breeze  which  still  continued, 
accompanied  with  snow,  had  been  to  drive  us 
nearer  to  the  land,  but  without  any  inconvenience 
from  pressure  ;  and  we  were  congratulating  our- 
selves on  this,  when,  at  llh  a.m.,  the  creaking 
of  the  beams  and  sides  abaft  the  main-mast  inti- 
mated that  the  ice  was  in  motion.  On  looking 
over  the  stern,  a  heavy  piece,  driven  on  by 
several  others,  was  seen  crashing  or  sinking 
everything  before  it,  and  being  now  checked  by 
the  ship,  which  it  struck  under  the  quarter, 
raised  her  at  once  several  feet  out  of  the  water, 
the  bow  at  the  same  time  being  pressed  with 
such  force  against  a  mass  ahead  as  to  split  it  in 
two  or  three  directions,  the  whole  going  bodily 

i  2 


forward.      In    this    alarming    manner    the   ice 
brought  up,  leaving  the  stern  elevated  seven  and 
a  half  feet,  and   the  bow  jammed  against   the 
ponderous   masses   ahead.      Nothing   could    be 
done  by  us  to  relieve  the  ship  ;  and  as  there  were 
no  floes  of  sufficient  surface  on  which  to  place 
boats  and  provisions,  if  driven  to  that  necessity, 
I  decided  on  hoisting  out  the  two  whale  boats 
from  the  skids,   and  hanging  them  up  alongside, 
so  that  these  with  the  third  and  the  two  cutters, 
might  be  lowered  at  a  moment's  notice.     A  fur- 
ther  quantity  of  provision  also  was  to  be  got  up, 
with  ammunition  and  other  necessaries  to  sup- 
port life  in  case  of  the  worst.     As  for  the  barge, 
though  in  itself  the  most  suitable  boat,  her  size 
and  weight  would  have  rendered  her  totally  un- 
manageable on  the  broken  and  moving  ice  which 
surrounded  us.     The  day  was  spent  in  executing 
these  arrangements,  and  I  waited  with  anxiety 
for   the    hour    when    the    returning    flood-tide 
should  again  act.     With  the  wind  dead  on  shore, 
it  was  not  very  likely  to  loosen  the  ice  ;  and  if  it 
packed  it  still  more,  who  could  calculate  on  the 
result  ?     As  midnight  drew  near,  an  occasional 
sharp  crack  about  the  counter  warned  us  that 
something  was  giving  way,  but  it  passed  ;  and 
on  Sept.  28th,  though  the  breeze  had  rounded 
more  to  the  eastward,  the  ship  had  not  altered 
her  inclination.     Much  snow  fell,  and  it  blew 



Fresh  till  the  morning,  when  the  task  of  com- 
pleting the  requisite  outfit  for  the  boats  was 
resumed.  The  top-gallant-yards  and  masts  were 
lowered  on  deck,  that  the  ship  might  be  as  light 
as  possible  about  the  mast-heads  ;  and  if  by  any 
turn  of  fortune  a  channel  should  still  open,  we 
could  always  set  the  topsails  and  courses,  which 
would  be  amply  sufficient  to  take  us  to  an 
anchorage.  At  noon  the  ice  was  stationary, 
and  we  therefore  motionless.  The  thermometer 
kept  up  to  29°  +  with  an  easterly  breeze,  from 
which  I  inferred  that  there  was  open  water  at  no 
great  distance  in  that  bearing,  notwithstanding 
we  could  not  see  it  from  aloft.  On  the  29th 
the  only  change  was,  that  the  wind  had  veered 
more  to  the  south,  and  that  although  the  ther- 
mometer was  above  the  freezing  point  (viz.  33°  +  ) 
so  much  snow  fell  that  the  whole  forenoon  was 
occupied  in  clearing  it  from  the  decks  and 
boats.  It  was  a  tedious  and  annoying  situation 
to  be  placed  in,  not  above  three  miles  from  the 
shore,  yet  unable  to  get  the  ship  there — bays 
and  harbours  apparently  within  reach,  and  still 
obliged  to  be  prepared  for  being  wrecked. 

The  ship  remained  in  the  same  inconvenient 
position,  the  slope  and  slippery  state  of  the  lee  side 
of  the  deck  causing  many  falls  to  those  who  were 
passing  along.  Sept.  30th  was  calm,  and  a  depo- 
sition of  hoar-frost  and  small  spicuke  coated  the 

i  3 

118        HOPES    OF    PROGRESSING    BAFFLED. 

rigging  and  spars.  As  this  was  to  be  expected 
for  many  months,  and  the  consequent  difficulty  of 
walking  the  decks  was  to  be  guarded  against,  I  set 
up  the  housing  cloth  between  the  fore  and  main 
masts,  and  thus  made  an  excellent  shelter,  and  a 
dryplace  along  the  gangways  for  the  people  to  take 
exercise.  Not  that  all  idea  of  moving  had  been 
abandoned,  for  I  was  determined  to  push  up  the 
Strait  whenever  the  slightest  opportunity  should 
be  given,  whether  now  or  in  the  middle  of  winter. 
Nor,  placed  as  we  were,  was  such  an  opportunity 
improbable,  since  Sir  E.  Parry  had  throughout 
the  whole  winter,  remarked  more  or  less  open 
water  to  the  south  east  of  his  anchorage  at  Winter 
Island.  About  10h  40m  a.  m.  a  very  narrow  sepa- 
ration of  the  in-shore  ice  was  seen,  proving  the 
reasonableness  of  such  expectations,  especially 
if  a  westerly  gale,  which  some  were  yet  sanguine 
enough  to  hope  for,  should  at  last  come  to  our 
relief.  During  the  afternoon  the  same  ice  closed 
again  without  in  any  way  affecting  us.  Thus 
ended  a  month  of  vexation,  disappointment,  and 
anxiety,  to  me  personally  more  distressing  and 
intolerable  than  the  worst  pressure  of  the  worst 
evils  which  had  befallen  me  in  any  other  expe- 



Lane  of  Water  discovered,  —  Prospect  of  wintering  on  the  Ice. 
—  Violent  Concussions  experienced.  —  Employment  of  the 
Crew.  — Erection  of  an  Observatory.  — FavourablePosition 
of  the  Ship.  — Disruption  by  a  Gale.  — Expansion  of  open 
Water.  — Officers  build  Snow  Houses.  — Excursions  to  Land. 
— An  exploring  Party.  — Experiment  of  wearing  a  Mash. — 
Survey  of  a  Harbour.  —  Pass  Cape   Comfort.  —  Risk  of 
being  crushed.  —  Robbed  by  Foxes  and  Shrimps.  —  Ther- 
mometer rises.  —  Huge  Mass  of  Ice.  —  Amusements.  — 
Thermometers  tested.  — Accident  to  the  Carpenter.  — School 
for    the     Crew.  —    Curious   Phenomenon.    —   Register 
TJiermometer.  —  Rein-deer   killed.  —  Fearful  Storm.  — 
Floe  cracks. 

On  the  1st  of  Oct.  the  vessel  gradually  righted, 
and  from  that  day  to  the  6th  not  a  single  incident 
occurred  worthy  of  being  recorded,  except  that 
the  ship  got  an  awkward  list  to  starboard. 

The  weather  was  singularly  calm,  the  tempera- 
ture did  not  fall  lower  than  14°  +  ,  and  the  ice 
remained  almost  motionless,  or  moved,  if  at  all, 
bodily  towards  the  land  without  creating  the 
smallest  noise.  One  faint  and  flitting  aurora  was 

On  the  6th,  a  party  of  four,   consisting   of 
two  officers  and  two  men,  left  the  ship  early  in 
the  morning,  with  the  intention  of  making  an 
excursion  on  shore,  whence  they  returned  about 

i  4 

120  A    PARTY    GO    ON    SHORE. 

4h  p.  m.  They  described  the  walking  as  very 
fatiguing,  on  account  of  the  state  of  the  ice, 
thrown  as  it  was  into  a  heap  of  peaks  and  ridges, 
with  the  exception  of  one  floe  about  three 
quarters  of  a  mile  broad,  the  whole  way  to  the 
shore,  the  distance  of  which  was  estimated  to 
be  about  four  miles.  The  sludge  ice  between 
the  larger  masses  was  frozen  hard  enough  to 
bear  them  ;  and  though  painful  to  the  feet,  was 
considered  the  most  favourable  for  travelling  on. 
They  did  not  perceive  any  open  water  near  the 
shore,  but  found  some  difficulty  in  reaching  it, 
on  account  of  a  chasm  between  the  ice  and  the 
nearest  rocks,  which  however  at  last  they  con- 
trived to  leap  over.  After  resting  awhile,  they 
endeavoured  to  ascend  the  hills,  but  were  soon 
discouraged  by  the  excessive  fatigue  of  toiling 
through  snow,  already  in  many  places  two  and 
three  feet  deep.  Not  a  single  track  of  an  ani- 
mal was  seen  to  allure  them  on  or  cheer  their 
exertions  ;  and  under  these  circumstances,  they 
very  wisely  retraced  their  steps  to  the  vessel, 
where  they  arrived  well  fagged  with  the  trip. 
On  landing  they  had  fired  several  shots,  but 
the  sound  did  not  reach  us,  though  more  than 
one  were  watching  their  motions.  The  whole 
line  of  coast  to  Cape  Bylot  seemed  to  them  to 
form  a  moderate  bay,  and  the  ice  between  the 
ship  and    shore   they  thought     decidedly  more 


packed  than  further  to  seaward.  The  specimens 
of  rocks  which  they  brought  were  gneiss,  with  a 
considerable  mixture  of  red  felspar.  They  had 
not  seen  a  blade  of  grass,  nor  a  symptom  of  vege- 
tation of  any  kind.  No  marks  wrere  observed 
on  the  rocks,  indicating  the  rise  and  fall  of  the 

The  day  was  clear  and  fine,  and  the  land 
beyond  Cape  Welsford,  as  well  as  Vansittart  and 
Baffin  islands,  was  so  much  thrown  up  by  re- 
fraction, that  had  we  not  certainly  known  the 
passage  through  Frozen  Strait,  we  might  have 
concluded  that  we  were  at  the  entrance  of  some 
deep  bay  or  inlet. 

In  the  course  of  making  some  changes  for 
the  more  suitable  accommodation  of  some  of 
the  warrant  officers,  we  found  the  roof  and  sides 
of  the  vessel  so  damp,  as  to  have  contracted  in 
many  parts  a  deposition  of  blue  mould,  caused, 
in  all  probability,  by  the  vapour  from  the  cook's 
copper  close  by.  This  led  to  a  closer  examina- 
tion of  other  parts  of  the  ship  ;  and  on  looking 
narrowly  at  the  heel  of  the  bowsprit,  it  was  dis- 
covered to  be  sprung  from  the  knight-heads 
inwards  six  feet.  How  or  when  the  injury  had 
been  done  it  was  impossible  to  ascertain  :  it  was, 
probably,  the  effect  of  the  weight  and  strain 
which  must  have  been  thrown  upon  it,  whenever 
the  ship  was  hove  suddenly  aback  with  a  slack- 

122  SHIP    RIGHTS. 

ened  bobstay  among  heavy  ice,  or  it  might 
have  been  occasioned  by  running  on  and  lifting 
against  elevated  masses.  During  the  after- 
noon of  the  9th  the  wind  freshened  from  the 
westward,  and  early  the  following  morning,  much 
to  the  astonishment  of  those  who  first  descried  it, 
a  long  lane  of  water  was  formed  in  shore  at  the 
distance  of  not  more  than  a  mile  from  the  ship. 
The  body  in  which  we  were  beset  had,  in  fact, 
separated  from  and  moved  away  from  that  nearer 
the  land,  leaving  a  perfectly  clear  channel  to  Cape 
Bylot  within  fifteen  miles  from  Duke  of  York's 
Bay,  which  I  was  most  anxious  to  reach  in  order 
to  place  the  ship  in  safety  for  the  winter.  The 
returning  ebb  closed  the  lane  in  a  great  part, 
though  not  entirely,  and  we  continued  as  firmly 
beset  as  ever,  yet  not  without  hope  that  the  next 
three  or  four  days  might  materially  improve  our 
prospects.  The  same  action  and  reaction  suc- 
cessively occurred  at  each  change  of  tide  ;  but 
on  the  11th,  the  weather  being  exceedingly  mode- 
rate, various  transverse  cracks  and  small  openings 
began  to  appear  over  the  greater  part  of  the  ice, 
and  at  length  actually  reached  the  ship.  Towards 
evening,  several  pieces  of  ice  slowly  moved  from 
under  her  bilge,  and  at  llh  30ra  p.  m.,  the  com- 
motion having  considerably  increased,  she  first 
forged  a  little  ahead,  and  immediately  righted. 
Had  it  been  light  enough  to  send  the  men  on  the 

PROSPECT    OF    WINTERING    ON    THE    ICE.     123 

ice  to  make  fast  the  hawsers,  such  was  the  rapid 
change  going  on,  that  it  is  possible  we  might 
have  gained  a  few  hundred  yards ;  but  among 
other  grievances  was  this  also,  that  the  most 
favourable  opportunities  invariably  occurred  when 
advantage  could  not  be  taken  of  them. 

October    12th. — At    daylight    the    different 
articles  which  for  convenience  had  been  deposited 
on  the  ice  alongside  were  brought  on  board,  and 
unwilling  to  lose  the  slightest  chance  of  advancing, 
an  effort  was  made  to  warp,  but  without  success. 
At  noon  we  were  almost  in  the  same  place  as 
before  ;  with  this  difference  however,  that  the 
entire  body  of  ice  was  broken  or  separated  into 
single  pieces  as  when  we  first  entered  it.     The 
wind  had  veered  to  north-east,  the  thermometer 
remaining  at  22°-j-  ;   and  its  unwelcome  influence 
wTas  felt  at  the  very  next  flood,  when  it  drove  the 
moving  ice  dead  on  the  land,  of  course  inclosing 
us  in  the  general   pressure.     But,  in  truth,  we 
now  hardly  knew  what  to  hope,  or  what  to  wish.  If 
the  ice  separated  there  was  danger  ;  if  it  remained 
compact,    there  was  the    recurring  commotion 
of  every  spring- tide,   and  the  conjectural  effect 
of  the  storms  which  sooner  or  later  must  come 
upon  us.     These  reflections,   and  the  responsi- 
bility  which   devolved  on  me,    embittered   the 
hours  which  I  had  fondly  hoped   to  have  passed 
very  differently.     Plans  for  spending  the  winter, 


(supposing  we  were  compelled  to  remain  out) 
had  been  concerted  during  the  passage  across  the 
Atlantic.  Observatories  were  to  be  erected  on 
shore,  experiments  were  to  be  made,  much  in 
short  was  to  be  done  from  which  interesting  re- 
sults might  have  been  obtained  ;  and  though  I  did 
not  yet  altogether  despair  of  accomplishing  these 
designs,  since,  by  possibility,  the  ship  might  still 
be  set  close  to  some  bay  or  other  place  conveni- 
ent for  the  purpose,  yet  it  could  not  be  concealed 
that  the  probability  was  hourly  diminishing. 

The  night  of  the  13th  October  was  rough  and 
boisterousjust  at  the  very  time  of  the  highest  tide, 
and  wedging  the  ice  against  and  under  the  ship, 
occasioned  many  severe  concussions.  A  little  past 
llh  I  was  reading  in  the  cabin,  when  I  felt  so 
violent  a  shock  directly  under  the  quarter,  that  1 
thought  it  must  have  been  stove  in.  The  attack 
(if  I  may  so  express  myself)  was  repeated  at 
regular  intervals,  and  lasted  for  upwards  of  two 
hours.  On  the  14th  October  there  was  no  other 
change  than  that  brought  by  snow,  and  a  depres- 
sion of  the  thermometer  to  14°  + .  One  faint  au- 
rora had  been  seen,  During  the  two  succeeding 
days,  at  the  flood-tide,  the  same  concussions 
were  indicated  by  a  slight  trembling  of  the  ship. 
As  the  tides  became  weaker  the  effect  ceased, 
and  we  remained  thenceforth  undisturbed. 

It  was  not  till  October  17th  that  the  tempera- 






ture  fell  below  zero.    On  that  day,  however,  it  was 
9°m — ,  with  a  clear  sky  and  a  very  light  air  from  the 
N.  N.  W.      The  aurora  was  observed  at   the 
same  time.     The  planking  and  timbers,  &c.  of 
the  ship   cracked  from  the  contraction  of  the 
cold,  and  the  temperature  of  the  officers'  cabins 
being  below  the  freezing  point,   the  vapour  froze 
until  the  hatches  were  shut  down,  and  when  this 
had  been  done,  caused  more  inconvenience  still 
by  returning  to  its  former  state,   and  running 
down  from  the  beams  and  sides  in  streams,  I  now, 
therefore,  gave  instructions  for  the  constant  use 
of  the  warming  apparatus,  which  on   three  pre- 
vious  trials  had  answered  satisfactorily.      Not 
long,  however,  after  the  fire  had  been  put  into 
the   furnace,  it    was   discovered  that  the  heat 
circulated  only  along  one  side  of  the  ship,  and 
upon  examination,  a  portion  of  the  liquid,  con- 
sisting of  brine,    was   found   to   have  escaped. 
The  work  of  repair  was  forthwith  commenced  by 
taking  down  the  outer  brickwork  of  the  furnace, 
between  which  and  the  latter  was  the  worm  of 
the  iron  pipe  that  formed  the  heating  apparatus. 
It  was  a  flaw  or  opening  in  this  worm  that  had 
allowed  the  liquid  to  escape,  and  this  imposed  on 
us  the  additional  trouble  of  putting  the  forge 
together,  which  was  accordingly  done  under  a 
canvass  shed  on  the  ice  alongside.     Here  the 
armourer,   who  had  been  supplied  to   us  from 

126  EMPLOYMENT    OF    THE    CREW. 

Chatham  Dock-yard,  an  industrious  and  active 
man,  set  to  work  with  seeming  delight,  and  in 
a  few  days  the  worm  was  replaced  and  again 
bricked  up.  I  determined,  however,  on  a  gene- 
ral inspection  of  the  whole  range  before  the  fire 
should  be  again  lighted.  In  the  meantime  the 
steam  and  vapour  on  the  lower  deck  spread  over 
the  whole  upper  surface  and  sides,  as  well  as  on 
the  beams  and  stanchions,  and  then  becoming 
condensed  and  falling  in  every  direction,  acted 
something  like  a  shower  bath.  Rather  than 
suffer  this,  the  consequences  of  which  on  the 
general  health  might  soon  have  been  felt,  the 
hatches  were  again  thrown  open,  and  the  clouds 
of  dense  vapour  suffered  to  escape.  It  was  my 
intention,  in  case  the  heat  generated  by  the 
warming  apparatus  should  not  be  adequate  to 
the  absorption  of  the  moisture,  to  have  iron  tanks 
placed  on  the  upper  deck  as  condensers  ;  but  the 
plan  for  the  present  was  delayed,  for  being  quite 
ignorant  of  what  the  next  spring-tides  might 
produce,  I  was  more  tardy  in  making  final  ar- 
rangements for  the  winter  as  well  as  in  organis- 
ing occupations  for  keeping  up  the  health  and 
spirits  of  the  crew,  than  was  consistent  with  my 
own  wishes.  Not  a  day,  however,  had  been  suf- 
fered to  pass  without  some  active  employment, 
either  in  the  duties  of  the  ship,  or  on  the  ice, 
where  healthy  exercise  was  turned  to  profitable 


account  in  constructing  paths  and  one  general 
road  towards  the  shore.  The  officers  kept  their 
regular  watches  ;  nor  in  the  peculiar  situation  of 
the  ship,  and  the  uncertainty  of  what  might  hap- 
pen in  case  of  any  sudden  storm,  were  the  men 
at  present  discharged  from  the  performance  of 

the  like  duty. 

The  temperature  had  hitherto  been  registered 
every  two  hours,  but  on  October  18th  two  large 
spirit  thermometers  previously  tested  and  found 
to  agree,  were  placed  on  each  side  of  a  thick 
post  fixed  on  the  tafrail,  in  a  direction  due  north 
and  south  ;  the  southern  thermometer  having  its 
bulb  freely  exposed,  and  the  northern  one  having 
the  brass  guard  usually  thrown  over  the  bulb  by 
the  makers.  These  were  now  to  be  registered 
every  hour,  and  at  2h  p.  m.  October  20,  with  a 
clear  sky  and  a  light  air  from  west,  the  north 
shewed  4° -h  and  the  south  22°+.  The  follow- 
ing day  at  6h  p.  m.,  wind  light  at  N.  N.  E,, 
the  temperature  fell  to  15°  by  both.  An  hour 
after,  the  weather  became  overcast,  and  they 
rose  to  8°. 

The  risk  of  the  ice  separating  had  induced  me 
to  defer  the  erection  of  an  observatory,  but  now  I 
yielded  to  the  urgency  of  Lieutenant  Stanley,  who 
was  eager  to  commence  a  series  of  astronomical 
observations,  and  a  party  of  officers  and  men, 
under  his  directions,  set  about  the  work  on  a 


small  floe,  less  than  two  hundred  yards  from  the 
larboard  quarter.  The  site  chosen  had  every 
appearance  of  solidity,  and  yet,  to  my  surprise, 
I  confess,  after  the  sharp  weather  of  the  past 
few  days,  they  came  to  water  on  removing  snow, 
a  foot  or  two  from  the  surface.  At  first  it  was 
thought  to  be  fresh,  but  when  they  had  dug 
about  five  inches  through  ice,  the  sea-water 
rushed  up,  thus  proving  how  great  is  the  pro- 
tection afforded  by  a  covering  of  six  or  eight 
inches  of  snow.  The  ice  formed  on  the  fire  hole* 
in  a  single  night  but  three  days  before  was  just 
five  inches  thick. 

Meantime  we  were  not  unobservant  of  the 
habits  and  dispositions  of  the  crew,  hastily  ga- 
thered together,  and  for  the  most  part  composed 
of  people  who  had  never  before  been  out  of 
a  collier :  some  half  dozen,  indeed,  had  served 
in  Greenland  vessels,  but  the  laxity  which  is  there 
permitted,  rendered  them  little  better  than  the 
former.  A  few  men-of-wars-men  who  were  also 
on  board,  were  worth  the  whole  together.  The 
want  of  discipline,  and  attention  to  personal 
comfort,  were  most  conspicuous  ;  and  though 
the  wholesome  regulations  practised  in  His 
Majesty's  service  were  most  rigidly  attended  to 
in  the  Terror,  yet  such  was  the  unsociability, 

*  Fire  hole  —  hole  for  drawing  water  in  the  event  of  fire. 


though  without  any  ill-will,  that  it  was  only  by 
a  steady  and  undeviating  system  pursued  by  the 
first  lieutenant,  that  they  were  brought  at  all 
together  with  the  feeling  of  messmates  :  at  first, 
though  nominally  in  the  same  mess,  and  eating 
at  the  same  table,  many  of  them  would  secrete 
their  allowance,  with  other  unmanly  and  un- 
sailor-like  practices.  This  was  another  proof 
added  to  the  many  I  had  already  witnessed, 
how  greatly  discipline  improves  the  mind  and 
manners,  and  how  much  the  regular  service-man 
is  to  be  preferred  for  all  hazardous  or  difficult 
enterprises.  Reciprocity  of  kindnesses,  a  gene- 
rous and  self-denying  disposition,  a  spirit  of 
frankness,  a  hearty  and  above-board  manner — 
these  are  the  true  characteristics  of  the  British 
seaman ;  and  the  want  of  these  is  seldom  com- 
pensated by  other  qualities.  In  our  case,  and  I 
mention  this  merely  to  show  the  difference  of 
olden  and  modern  times,  there  were  only  three 
or  four  in  the  ship  who  could  not  write.  All 
read ;  some  recited  whole  pages  of  poetry,  others 
sang  French  songs.  Yet  with  all  this,  had  they 
been  left  to  themselves,  I  verily  believe  a  more 
unsociable,  suspicious,  and  uncomfortable  set 
of  people  could  not  have  been  found.  Oh  !  if 
the  two  are  incompatible,  give  me  the  old"  Jack 
Tar,  who  would  stand  up  for  his  ship,  and  give 
his  life  for  his   messmate. 



Nor  were  the  efforts  of  the  first  lieutenant  con- 
fined to  the  enforcement  of  discipline  or  the  regu- 
lations of  the  mess;  for,  as  I  felt  the  importance 
of  amusing  the  minds  of  the  crew  during  so 
many  hours  of  forced  inaction  by  every  innocent 
device,  he  kindly  undertook  and  personally  super- 
intended the  getting  up  of  a  general  masquerade. 
The  affair  'came  off'  on  the  22d  October;  and 
if  the  entertainment  was  not  of  a  very  refined  cha- 
racter, at  all  events  it  answered  its  purpose  ;  for 
the  fun  was  hearty  and  the  laughter  loud.  Some 
of  the  devices,  as  well  as  the  contrivances  to 
give  the  necessary  variety  of  costume,  with  the 
scanty  means  at  our  command,  did  great  credit 
to  the  ingenuity  of  the  performers ;  and  alto- 
gether it  was  a  gratifying  scene,  as  showing  how 
the  native  elasticity  of  the  mind  can  triumph 
over  circumstances  the  most  cheerless  and  dis- 

October  23d.  After  divine  service,  which  was 
listened  to  with  a  stillness  that  evinced,  more 
than  words  could  have  done,  the  devout  feeling 
created  by  the  impressive  and  beautiful  language 
of  our  liturgy,  as  the  weather  was  very  fine,  the 
people,  under  the  direction  of  the  officers,  were 
sent  on  the  ice  for  exercise  ;  and  I  too,  putting 
on  a  pair  of  Chippewyan  snow-shoes,  sallied  out 
and  made  towards  the  land,  which  I  reached 
after    more    than    two    hours  of  great   fatigue. 


There  was  nothing  besides  the  novelty  of  having 
been  on  shore,  to  repay  me  for  the  trouble  and 
falls  which  I  met  with  in  getting  there.  A  bare 
jutting  or  rounded  piece  of  granite  was  visible 
here  and  there,  the  rest  was  covered  with  snow, 
steep  and  inaccessible,  and  dipping  to  the 
water's  edge.  It  was  a  desolate  solitude  which, 
from  the  absence  of  all  tracks,  seemed  to  be 
equally  abandoned  by  man  and  animals.  At 
that  part,  at  least,  there  was  no  shelter ;  and 
when  I  reflected  on  the  dangers  by  which  we 
were  encompassed,  and  the  casualties  which 
might  befal  us,  I  could  not  refrain  from  casting 
an  anxious  look  towards  the  ship,  whose  masts 
alone  were  in  sight  above  the  peaked  hummocks, 
and  imploring  the  protection  of  heaven. 

The  fatigue  I  experienced  from  my  walk  did 
not  arise  from  the  distance,  which  at  most  could 
not  exceed  six  miles,  but  from  the  unevenness  of 
the  surface,  which,  from  the  smooth  and  in  some 
places  deep  coating  of  snow  that  covered  it,  was 
extremely  deceitful.  In  stepping  forward,  it 
often  happened  that  my  show-shoe  was  canted 
over  by  some  sharp  piece  out  of  sight,  and  I 
myself  thrown  dowm  ;  but  worse  than  this  were 
the  ridges  and  hummocks,  which  being  heaped 
up  to  a  considerable  height  demanded  the  ut- 
most exertion  to  surmount.  On  one  occasion 
I  slipped,   and  falling  headlong  into  the  snow, 

k  2 


found  that  I  was  between  two  thick  masses  of 
ice,  with  my  face  down,  and  that  I  hung  only 
by  the  right  snow-shoe,  which,  fortunately  for 
me,  had  turned  so  as  to  fix  itself  across  two 
pieces  strong  enough  to  support  me.  From  this 
awkward  situation  I  was  eight  or  ten  minutes  in 
extricating  myself,  and  congratulated  myself  not 
a  little  on  my  escape.  The  fact  is,  that  I  ought 
not  to  have  been  alone  ;  but  as  I  was  at  present 
the  only  person  who  could  boast  of  a  pair  of 
snow-shoes,  no  one  could  keep  pace  with  me. 
Every  thing  which  I  saw  between  the  ship  and 
the  shore,  the  heavy  floes  in  some  parts,  and 
the  extreme  pressure  that  must  have  existed  in 
others,  served  to  reconcile  me  to  the  position 
in  which  accident,  or  something  better,  had 
thrown  the  ship,  as  affording  a  more  favourable 
chance  of  getting  away  than  if  we  had  been 
nearer  to  the  land. 

October  24th,  being  the  day  of  the  full  moon, 
had  been  looked  forward  to  with  more  than 
ordinary  interest,  on  account  of  the  spring- 
tide; though,  from  the  cold  we  had  experienced, 
the  snow  which  had  fallen,  and  the  uniform 
compactness  of  the  ice  in  every  direction,  it  was 
thought  that  it  might  now  affect  us  but  little, 
if  at  all.  The  hour  of  change  was  ushered  in  by 
a  fresh  westerly,  or  off-shore  breeze,  which 
passed   harmless  over   the  surface  of  the  vast 


DISRUPTION    BY    A    GALE.  133 

body,  only  raising  in  its  fury  clouds  of  drift, 
particularly  about  the  land  to  the  east-ward  of  the 
ship.  Scarcely,  however,  had  the  sun  crossed  the 
meridian  when  a  change  came  on  for  the  worse, 
and  soon  settled  into  a  downright  gale,  such 
as  a  fortnight  ago  would  most  likely  have  taken  us 
to  Repulse  Bay.  Until  4h  p.m.  it  had  not  made 
the  faintest  impression  on  any  part  of  the  ice,  but 
at  that  time  a  lane  of  water  was  observed  between 
us  and  the  shore,  precisely  where  I  had  walked 
over  yesterday.  Aided  by  the  gale,  which  some- 
times burst  in  heavy  squalls,  the  channel  went  on 
gradually  expanding  until  night  closed  the  view. 
About  8h  p.  m.  however,  a  crack  directly  ahead 
and  another  on  the  starboard  quarter  were  heard, 
seeming  to  announce  a  general  disruption,  the 
effect  of  which,  at  that  hour  of  darkness  and  at  so 
late  a  season,  it  was  impossible  to  foresee.  Sleep 
was  banished,  at  least  from  me,  and  when  the 
morning  of  October  25th  arrived,  a  continuous 
sheet  of  water  was  seen  extending  from  the 
before-mentioned  lane  to  Cape  By  lot,  and  thence 
to  seaward  abaft  our  starboard  beam.  Two  or 
three  other  small  openings  were  seen  ;  and  the 
ship  unable  to  resist  the  power  of  the  gale,  had 
worked  a  clear  space  of  three  inches  along  the 
whole  of  the  starboard  side.  By  noon  the 
cracks  ahead  and  astern  were  something  enlarged, 
and  the   lane   of  water   on   the  starboard  side 

k  3 


seemed  to  be  nearing  us.  The  wind  now  began 
to  abate,  and  having  caught  a  glimpse  of  the 
land,  we  found  that  the  ship  had  been  driven 
together  with  the  pack  to  the  eastward.  The 
temperature  from  3°+  had  risen  to  26°  +  ,  the 
breeze  still  prevailing  from  the  west. 

During  the  afternoon  the  sky  continued  over- 
cast,  and  the  wTind  freshening  up  from  the  same 
quarter,  the  ice  began  to  set  to  the  northward  as 
well  as  eastward,  so  that  after  a  boisterous  night, 
we  found  ourselves  much  nearer  to  Cape  Comfort. 
The  water  too  had  increased  considerablv,  reach- 
ing   now  from  Cape  Bylot  to  Cape  Comfort ; 
a  second  lane  had  been  formed  which,  branch- 
ing to  seaward  in  a  semicircular  shape,  joined 
the   principal  opening  near    its  two    extremes, 
and    thus    completely    insulated    the    pack    in 
the  centre  of  which  the  ship  was  fixed.     How 
far  the    channels  led,    and   whether,  supposing 
we  could    have  entered    them,  serviceable    use 
could   have  been    made  of  them,    was   at   best 
matter    of    conjecture    merely  ;     but    on    the 
other  hand,  it  was  clear,  that  the  separation  of  the 
ice,    so   as   to  admit  of  the   trial,   would  have 
exposed   us  to  the  irresistible  crushing   of  the 
consolidated  masses  around,  masses  very  different 
from    the     straggling    pieces     which    formerly 
knocked  against  us,    and  cemented   into   vast 
floes,  whose  momentum  the  ship,  strong  as  she 


was,  could  scarcely  have  withstood.  Upon  the 
whole,  therefore,  it  was  gratifying  to  me  to  see 
the  ice,  forming  the  pack  in  which  we  were, 
remain  firm  ;  for  so  long  as  that  was  the  case, 
however  incommodious  our  position,  it  was  at 
least  safe.  Meantime  we  continued  to  drift  as 
before,  until  the  wind  getting  round  into  the 
east  began  to  send  us  back  again. 

The  temperature  was  27°  +  ,  and  the  weather 
extremely  gloomy.     By  the  morning  of  the  27th 
we  had  not  only  altered  the  bearing  of  the  ship's 
head  from  west  to  east,  but  had  drifted  so  far 
out  as  to  have  a  distinct  sight  of  the  land  forming 
the  extreme  point  of  the  bay  eastward  of  Cape 
Comfort.     There  was  also  much  more  of  clear 
water   along  shore  leading  directly  up  Frozen 
Strait,  where,  hanging  over  the  Western  Hills, 
were  dense  clouds,  similar  to  those  near  us,  indi- 
cating,   beyond  doubt,   a  continuation    of   the 
same   channel.     That,  therefore,   for  which  we 
had  so  long  and  anxiously  waited  —  that  which, 
in  two  days  at  the  most,  would  have  terminated 
our  labours  by  allowing  a  free  and  unobstructed 
passage  to  our  anchorage,  was  now  before  us, 
and  we  were  helpless  and  immovable,  fixed  in 
the  solid  mass  as  it  were  in  a  block  of  marble. 
Again,  the  heavy  clouds  to  the  far  east  showed 
open  water  in  that  direction  also,  so  that  at  this 
time,  with  an  offshore  breeze,  a  vessel  might  have 

k  4 


sailed  without  impediment  (so  far  as  we  could 
judge)  from  one  extremity  of  Southampton 
Island  to  the  other.  In  the  direction  of  Baffin 
Island  indeed,  and  to  the  north,  the  horizon  was 
still  white  with  ice ;  but  the  fact  of  our  having 
drifted  so  far  from  the  land  proved,  beyond 
question,  the  existence  of  a  clear  sea  thereabouts: 
and  though  no  immediate  advantage  could  be  ex- 
pected from  this  circumstance,  yet  in  conjunction 
with  what  was  daily  passing  near  us,  it  afforded 
the  hope  of  a  departure  early  enough  for 
carrying  into  effect  the  objects  of  the  expedition 
in  the  course  of  the  following  year.  To  behold 
the  open  water  so  near,  without  a  possibility  of 
reaching  it,  was  mortifying  enough,  but  we  made 
a  virtue  of  necessity,  and  suppressed  our  feelings. 
The  usual  occupations  in  cleaning  the  holds, 
re-stowing  and  getting  provisions  for  six  months  at 
hand,  with  other  necessary  duties,  were  followed 
up  on  board ;  whilst  for  the  preservation  of  health, 
a  moderate  share  of  walking  or  rather  working 
exercise  was  taken  on  the  ice.  The  officers 
found  employment  and  amusement  in  building 
snow  houses  for  various  purposes,  and  among 
others  for  an  observatory,  instead  of  that  which 
had  been  already  put  up  with  a  sail  covering,  too 
valuable  to  be  risked  upon  so  uncertain  a  found- 
ation. My  plans,  as  to  magnetical  observations, 
were  for  the  present  completely  frustrated    by 


the  motion  of  the  ice,  though  I  did  not  despair  of 
yet  doing  something  in  that  respect  during  the 
winter.  At  noon  the  weather  was  very  gloomy, 
with  smoke-black  clouds  hanging  over  the  water, 
and  seeming  more  heavy  from  mingling  with  a 
greenish  pale  yellow  which  canopied  the  snow- 
clad  hills  beyond.  The  wind  was  from  the  south- 
ward and  the  thermometer  showed  28°-f .  The 
next  day  the  water  remained  still  open,  and  in 
the  opinion  of  the  ice-mate  had  greatly  increased 
towards  the  upper  end  or  western  extreme  of 
Frozen  Strait.  From  alongside  the  ship  how- 
ever, to  the  nearest  edge  of  the  pack  connected 
with  the  water,  the  distance  was  at  least  a  mile, 
the  whole  of  which  was  a  succession  of  hum- 
mocks, wedged  and  cemented  by  sludge  and 
snow  into  a  mass  so  firm,  as  to  defy  any  human 
efforts  to  separate  them.  Yet  so  tempting  was 
that  channel,  so  doubtful  its  re-occurrence  when 
we  might  be  at  liberty  to  avail  ourselves  of  it, 
that  had  there  been  wood,  or  the  means  of  pro- 
curing fuel  around  Repulse  Bay,  I  could  hardly 
have  resisted  an  attempt  with  the  boats,  whereby 
half  the  object  might  have  been  accomplished  by 
the  time  the  ship  could  have  forced  her  way  to 
an  anchorage.  But  without  fire,  the  thing  was 
utterly  impracticable,  so  I  was  compelled  unwil- 
lingly to  submit. 

The  warming  apparatus,  of  the  repair  of  which  I 


spoke,  had  again  been  bricked  np  around  the 
furnace,  and  was  now  to  undergo  another  trial, 
which,  it  is  painful  to  add,  was  equally  unsuc- 
cessful with  the  former.  This  second  failure  was 
attributable  to  the  shortness  of  the  nuts  and 
the  fineness  of  the  threads  of  the  screws,  and  fresh 
leaks  in  the  pipes  ;  a  combination  of  evils  which, 
if  not  overcome  by  the  skill  of  our  armourer, 
would  reduce  us  to  three  common  stoves,  and 
these,  it  is  scarcely  necessary  to  say,  would  be 
utterly  inadequate  for  warming  the  whole  ship. 
The  damaged  parts  having  been  repaired,  and 
the  whole  once  more  replaced  and  tilled  with 
brine,  the  furnace  was  lighted  ;  but  now,  one 
side  only  was  warmed,  the  temperature  of  the 
other  being  scarcely  raised.  The  cause  of  this 
was  found  to  be  the  insufficiency  of  the  liquid 
forced  into  the  circulating  pipes,  and  this  being 
remedied,  there  was  for  a  short  time  a  prospect 
that  all  would  go  right.  But  it  was  for  a  short 
time  only,  for  a  fresh  leak  soon  discovered  itself, 
and  once  more  arrested  the  proceedings.  The 
people  annoyed  at  these  interruptions,  and  the 
complication  of  the  whole  affair,  with  charac- 
teristic humour,  nicknamed  it  the  infernal 
machine,  and  prayed  that  we  might  not  all  be 
blown  up.  Fortunately  for  us,  the  thermometer 
was  still  high,  viz.  26°-f . 

The  wind  being  light,  we  did  not  seem  to  vary 


our  position  much  during  the  night,  and  yet  in 
the  morning  of  the  29th  it  was  evident  that  the 
ice  near  the  shore  had  by  some  means  or  other  di- 
minished in  quantity,  either  by  drifting  away,  or 
from  having  been  broken  up  by  the  tide.  At 
all  events,  the  channel  of  water  was  certainly 
nearer,  and  we  ourselves  closer  to  the  land, 
which  remained  shrouded  in  sombre  clouds. 
Much  inconvenience  was  now  experienced  from 
the  great  accumulation  of  moisture  on  the  lower 
deck.  When  the  warming  apparatus  began  to 
throw  out  its  heat  this  had  partially  disappeared  ; 
but  that  complex  and  most  vexatious  piece 
of  mechanism,  after  performing  its  office  with 
tolerable  regularity  for  a  few  hours,  again,  with  an 
inexplicable  caprice,  confined  its  action  to  the 
larboard  side,  and  soon  after,  though  there  was 
no  visible  defect,  or  any  want  of  fire,  grew 
cold  altogether,  and  consequently  useless.  To 
remov7e  the  vapour  for  the  present,  two  hang- 
ing stoves  were  placed  on  the  lower  deck,  which 
answered  the  purpose,  but  half  stifled  with 
their  smoke  those  who  were  below. 

The  wind  which  had  set  in  in  the  morning 
from  the  N.  E.  blew  with  increasing  strength  as 
the  day  closed  ;  and  when  the  moon  shone  out, 
a  dark  lane  of  water  was  supposed  to  be  descried 
between  our  pack  and  the  coast  which  we  were 
rapidly  nearing.     Here,  as  at  the  more  westerly 

140  EXCURSION    TO    LAND. 

part,  the  ice  had  almost  entirely  disappeared,  so 
that  there  was  every  reason  to  suppose  we  should 
be  brought  up  by  the  inner  edge  of  the  pack 
striking  the  rocks.     If  this  were  realized,  it  was 
to  be  expected  that  the  concussion  would  not 
only  detach  and  pulverize  the  extremity  imme- 
diately in  contact,  but  that  the  reverberation  of 
the  shock  might  extend  itself  even  to  the  ship, 
free  her  from  her  icy  bonds,  and  leave  her  once 
more    to    the    mercy  of  drift  ice.       This  was 
a    consummation   not   to    be    wished,     and    I 
passed  a  restless  night.     More  than  once  it  was 
thought  that  the  pack  had   actually  struck  the 
land,  but  in  the  morning  of  Sunday,  Oct.  30th, 
the  appearance  was  found  to  have  been  a  delu- 
sion, occasioned  by  the  high  and  dark  line  of  the 
coast  on  this  part  of  Southampton  Island  which 
has  been  already  described  as  adjacent  to  Cape 
Comfort.      After  the  accustomed  examination, 
and  the  religious  duties  of  the  day,  the  whole  of 
the  crew,  under  the  guidance  of  the  first  lieu- 
tenant, made  an  excursion  towards  the  nearest 
land  which,  however,  they  were  unable  to  reach, 
on  account  of  the  interposition  of  a  few  feet  of 
water    between  the   pack  and  the  bay  ice  and 
sludge  adhering  to  the  rocks.    The  distance  from 
the  ship  to  the  spot  whence  they  returned,  which 
was  considered  about  half  way,  was  estimated  at 
something   more  than  a  mile.      At  noon,  the 


thermometer  having  been  at  3°-+-  rose  to  9°+, 
the  wind  from  the  westward.  In  the  early  morn- 
ing two  prismatic  lunar  halos  had  been  seen.  The 
pack  was  now  arrested  by  the  young  ice,  which 
on  the  following  day  I  went  to  examine,  in 
company  with  a  small  party  of  the  officers,  who 
continued  their  wralk  to  the  shore.  They  re- 
turned in  the  evening  with  an  account  of  the 
toil  they  had  had  in  scaling  the  precipitous  sides 
of  the  rocks,  which,  there,  were  of  red  granite. 
Seals  and  a  recent  track  of  a  bear  were  seen,  as 
well  as  the  excrement  of  Alpine  hares.  From 
the  summit  of  the  hills,  the  young  ice  could  be 
traced  ahead  or  to  the  eastward  of  the  ship,  almost 
surrounding  the  pack,  which  was  decidedly  the 
heaviest  in  sight.  The  weather  being  obscure 
to  the  westward,  nothing  could  be  ascertained 
in  that  quarter. 

On  November  1st,  the  thermometer  was  10°+, 
and  the  ice  stationary.  The  holds  having  now 
been  arranged,  as  well  as  the  coals  would  allow 
with  more  advantage,  the  articles  liable  to 
injury  from  the  frost  placed  in  midships,  and 
six  months'  provisions  stowed  near  the  hatches  ; 
there  remained  little  of  duty  to  occupy  the  at- 
tention beyond  the  important  one  of  setting  to 
rights  the  warming  apparatus.  Assuredly,  no 
pains  were  "spared  to  solve  the  puzzling 
question,  why  it  would  not  act.     Some  of  the 


pipes  were    again  repaired   and     a  volume    of 
hot  salt-water  having  been  driven  with  a  forcing 
pump    from  one    extremity   to    the  other,     its 
entire  reparation  was  thought  to  be  conclusively 
established.    The  fire  therefore  was  lighted,  and, 
as  the  warmth   spread  throughout  the   ship,  it 
was  considered  that  all  obstacles  were  finally  over- 
come, when  suddenly,  to  our  great  and  serious 
disappointment,  first  the  starboard    side  cooled 
rapidly,  and  ten  or  twelve  hours  later  the  larboard 
followed  the  example.     The  evil  now  began  to 
press  on  us  the  more  heavily  as  our  remedies 
were  failing ;  for,  not  foreseeing  nor  imagining 
such  a  succession  of  disasters,  we  had  been  sup- 
plied only  with  such  a  quantity  of  mortar  as  might 
be  sufficient  for  making  good  any  fracture  in  the 
furnace,  the  whole  of  which   was  expended  ;  so 
that  it  was  necessary  to  leave   it  untouched  until 
some  substitute  could  be  discovered.     As  there 
was  reason  to  suppose  that  the  pipes  had  become 
foul  or  partially  obstructed,    I  directed  that  a 
stream  of  hot  water  should  be  forced  through 
the  whole  range  of  pipes  for  several  hours  with- 
out interruption,  and  went  myself  to  superintend 
the   operation.     Half  an    hour's    trial,    without 
visible  result,  convinced  me  that,  to  do  anything 
effectual,  a  part  (at  least)  of  the  tedious   con- 
trivance must  be  unscrewed  and  examined,  and 
this,    notwithstanding    the   confusion   it   would 


create  in  the  officers'  cabins  through  which  it 
passed,  and  the  doubt  of  our  being  able  to  put  it 
together  again,  was  accordingly  directed  to  be 
done.  In  the  mean  time  the  temperature  had 
fallen  to  22°—,  throwing  the  lower  deck  into  a 
most  uncomfortable  state,  and  yet  not  so  bad 
as  the  after  cabins,  which  were  dripping  with 
moisture.  Much  to  the  credit  of  the  officers 
no  complaints  were  heard,  nor  was  the  health  of 
any  one  affected.  Moreover,  under  every  dis- 
advantage, the  deck  was  kept  perfectly  dry. 

November  4th.  I  accompanied  a  party  of 
officers  to  the  land  for  the  purpose  of  satisfying  our 
curiosity  respecting  an  opening  about  three  miles 
from  the  ship,  which  had  the  appearance  of  a 
harbour.  The  result  in  some  measure  verified 
our  conjecture,  for  we  walked  upwards  of  a  mile 
from  the  entrance  to  the  further  end,  where, 
providing  the  holding  ground  were  good,  any 
vessel  would  be  securely  sheltered.  From  a 
bold  perpendicular  rock,  one  of  the  many  by 
which  it  is  girt  in,  the  echo  was  so  clear,  that 
an  unhappy  wanderer  in  these  dreary  solitudes 
might  have  listened  to  his  own  voice,  and  fan- 
cied himself  no  longer  alone.  We  attempted  to 
ascend  a  sloping  side  to  gain  the  heights  above  ; 
but  all  except  myself  being  unprovided  with 
snow-shoes,  sunk  so  deep  in  the  snow  that  the 
effort  was  found  too  laborious,  and  was  therefore 
abandoned   for   another    opportunity.      In    this 

144        EXPERIMENT    OF    WEARING    A    MASK. 

excursion  a  few  tracks  of  bears,  wolves,  and 
foxes,  and  our  old  acquaintance  the  raven  were 
seen  ;  and  though  the  weather  was  fine,  yet  a 
moderate  breeze  from  the  westward  was  quite 
cold  enough  to  freeze  slightly  the  faces  of  two  of 
the  gentlemen,  which,  however,  the  application 
of  a  little  snow  soon  restored  to  their  former 
florid  hue.  By  way  of  experiment  Lieutenant 
Smyth  put  on  a  common  mask,  and  at  first  con- 
sidered it  rather  comfortable,  until .  getting 
heated  with  exertion,  a  cake  of  ice  was  formed 
inside,  which,  not  being  the  kind  of  lining  he 
preferred,  was  immediately  rejected,  aid  from 
the  face  the  mask  was  transferred  to  the  end  of 
a  boarding  pike,  the  point  being  thrust,  through 
one  of  the  eyes,  and  carried  in  that  way  over  his 
shoulder.  With  such  a  Gorgon's  head,  it  was 
laughingly  remarked,  we  need  not  fear  to  face  a 
troop  of  bears.  In  the  afternoon  wre  returned  on 
board.  There  was  a  broad  sheet  of  bay  ice 
from  the  shore  to  the  pack,  but  although  now 
firm  enough,  wre  could  form  no  opinion    of  what 

might  be  when  acted  on  by  the  ensu^g  spring- 
l  !e.  There  was  not  the  least  sign  of  any  tide- 
mrrk  along  the  rocks,  though  a  cracking  of  the 
iv       as  if  it  were  sinking,  was  heard. 

On  inspection  of  the  pipes  it  turned  out,  as  I 
anticipated,  that  a  considerable  quantity  of  rust 
and  dirt  had  accumulated  in  the  starboard  return 
pipe,    and   this   having   been    cleared  out,    tiie 


apparatus  was  again  put  together,  and  for  a  time 
threw  out  a  general  heat.     But  after  two  days' 
trial  the  heat,  though  occasionally  as  high  as 
60°+  between  decks,  was  found  to  be  too  irre- 
gular for  the  purpose  mainly  intended,  of  keep- 
ing the  interior  dry  by  the  action  of  a  uniform 
temperature.     On  the  contrary,  it  rather  seemed 
to  favour  the  generating  of  vapour,  which  now 
ran  in  streams  from  every  part.     The  officers' 
cabins,  gun-room,  and  midshipmen's  berth  were 
miserably  uncomfortable.     It  was  in  the  after- 
part,  esp'  cially  near  the  first  Lieutenant's  cabin, 
that  the  greatest  accumulation  of  moisture  was 
observed,  and  there,  as  there  seemed  to  be  no 
chance  of  an  improvement,   a  stove   was  now : 
permanently  fixed.     For  the  rest,  the  deck  was 
partly  covered  with  snow,  well  beaten  down,  and 
in  default  of  gravel  or  sand,  strewed  with  saw- 
dust.    Besides  this,  the  after-hatchway  or  com-  j 
panion  was  closed,  and  a  tank  placed  over  it  for 
a  condenser,  while  the  ladder  was  transferred  to 
the  main  I  .tchway,  having  a  fearnought  screen 
round  it  L:.4ow,  and   a   regular   door   entrance 
above   on   deck.     With   these,    and    numerou 
other  precautions  of  a  like  kind,  it  was  hope  1 
we  might  contrive  to  get  through  the  colde 
months  of  the  winter. 

After  service  on  Sunday,  November  6th,  the 
people  strolled  on  the  ice,  many  extending  their 


116  SURVEY    OF    HARBOUR. 

walk  to  the  land.     On  the  following  day  a  party 
under   the  orders   of  Lieutenant   Stanley,  was 
directed    to   make    a    survey   of    the  harbour. 
This  was  completed  by  the  evening.       It  was 
ascertained  to  be  one  mile  and  a  half  long,  and 
half  a  mile  broad,  by  admeasurement ;  exposed 
to  a  north-north-east  wind,  but  sheltered  from 
all  others.     The  echo-rock  was  six  hundred  and 
fifty  feet  high  ;  some  others  varied  from  that  to 
eight  hundred  and  fifty  feet ;  these  again  were 
backed  by  the  coast  range,    running   generally 
from  one  thousand  to  fourteen   and  sixteen  hun- 
dred feet  above  the  level  of  the  sea.     Neither 
the  depth  of  water  nor  the  nature  of  the  bottom 
could  be  got,  on  account  of  the  under  layers  of 
ice  intercepting  the  lead.     I  called  it  Smyth's 
Harbour,  after  the  first  Lieutenant  of  the  Terror. 
Some  of  the  gentlemen  ascended  the  hills  by 
the  vallies,  and  observed  on  their  way  numerous 
tracks  of  animals, — bears,  wolves,  foxes,  and  rein- 
deer.    A  few  willows  were  also  seen,  near  which 
were  the  tracks  of  partridges. 

The  pack  in  which  we  were  frozen  had  now 
remained  so  long  unmoved,  and  the  bay  ice  had 
attained  such  a  solidity,  that  many  concluded 
we  were  definitively  fixed  for  the  winter ;  but 
on  the  8th  November  a  fresh  gale  ushered  in 
the  new  moon,  and  before  night  drove  the  huge 
pack  from  the  inshore  ice,  leaving  between  the 

PASS    CAPE    COMFORT.  147 

two  a  dark  lane  of  water.  The  land  was 
effectually  shut  out  from  view  by  the  whirls 
of  drift  raised  by  the  gusty  wind,  but  on  the 
following  day,  November  9th,  a  partial  clearance 
showed  that  the  pack  had  not  only  drifted  out, 
but  was  also  setting  to  the  eastward,  Cape 
Comfort  being  at  that  time  full  on  the  beam. 
After  this,  the  same  kind  of  weather  continu- 
ing throughout  that  day  prevented  us  from 
ascertaining  the  precise  situation  of  the  ship, 
till  daylight  of  the  10th,  when  we  found  we 
had  just  passed  Cape  Comfort.  Our  pack,  in 
leaving  the  station  where  it  had  been  so  long 
undisturbed,  had  carried  away  a  considerable 
portion  of  the  bay  ice  attached  to  its  edges,  and 
had  now  turned  round  about  ninety  degrees, 
placing  the  stem  of  the  ship  towards  the  land, 
and  consequently  leaving  her  head  true  north. 
From  the  crow's  nest  much  young  ice  was 
observable  on  every  side,  but  only  in  lanes 
intervening  between  the  heavier  bodies,  of  which 
it  was  remarked  that  our  pack  was  the  most 
extensive.  The  thermometer  still  retained  an 
elevation  which  we  thought  high,  viz.  11°  +  . 

It  may  well  be  imagined  that  these  spring-tide 
changes  of  position  gave  rise  to  no  little  specu- 
lation whither  we  might  be  driven  by  the  time 
the  ice  commonly  breaks  up.  During  the  three 
succeeding  days  we  were  blown  backwards  and 

l  2 


forwards  until  the  pack  set  in  towards  the  shore 
a  little  to  the  westward  of  Cape  Comfort,  and 
here  it  was  hoped  we  might  remain  undisturbed 
up  to  the  time  of  the  next  spring-tide  :  but  not 
so  ;  for  a  strong  north-westerly  breeze  coining 
on  with  heavy  squalls  and  much  drift,  we  wrere 
again  set  in  motion  to  the  eastward,  in  an  oblique 
direction  towrards  the  land,  which,  when  seen  at 
intervals   through   the   drift,    appeared    to    be 
nearer  than  we  had  yet  approached.     The  tem- 
perature now  fell  to  14°—,  and  this,  though  not 
in  fact  so  low  as  on  some  previous   occasions 
when  the  crew  had  walked  out  for  exercise,  was 
found,  with  the  aid  of  the  breeze,  too  biting  to 
be  faced  without  great  discomfort ;  and,  conse- 
quently,   after   our   accustomed   assemblage    at 
divisions  and  church  on  the  13th,  the  men  were 
directed  to  walk  under  the  housing.     Through- 
out the  latter  part  of  the  day  and  most  of  the 
night,  heavy  squalls  were  frequent  from  the  same 
quarter,    and    though    these   had    considerably 
abated  by  the  14th,   yet,  to  our  astonishment, 
the  pack  had  taken  us,  according  to  Lieutenant 
Stanley's   measurement,  within  three  thousand 
six  hundred  and  fifty  yards  of  the  inaccessible 
cliffs  of  Cape  Comfort,  against  which,  therefore, 
there  was  reason  to  apprehend  that  the  ice  might 
strike,  break  up,  and  wreck  the  ship.    The  extra- 
ordinary disappearance  of  extensive  bodies  of 



inshore  ice,  and  the  occupation  of  their  places  by 
the  still  heavier  ones  from  seaward,  seemed  at  first 
quite  unaccountable,  till  the  fact  was  established 
that  two  thirds  of  it  were  actually  ground  and   r 
pressed  up  to  the  height  of  twenty  feet,  in  a  solid 
mass  against  the  unyielding  rocks.     What  fatal 
consequences,    therefore,    might  not  be  appre- 
hended if  any  untoward  fracture  of  the   pack 
should  unmoor  us  from  our  present  bed !     A 
small  hole  of  water  was  all  that  was  visible  from 
the   mast-head,    but   happily  that   was   off  the 
point  to  the  eastward,  and  between  the  pack 
and  the  shore  there  was  yet  a  weak  barrier  of  drift 
and  bay  ice  to  fend  off  any  serious  concussion. 
The  drift  had  spread  such  a  uniform  carpet  over 
the  entire  surface  of  the  ice,  that  it  seemed  like 
one  immense  floe,     A  vast  proportion  of  it  had 
evidently  been  drifted  down   from   the   north- 
ward,   and  having  wedged   itself  between  the 
western   extremity   of  our    pack    and    Frozen 
Strait,  was  thus,  in  combination  with  the  wind, 
gradually  forcing  us  out :  situated  as  we  were, 
this  was  a  consummation  most  devoutly  to  be 
wished,  for  our  return  to  the  strait  was  clearly 
impossible,  even  if  the  wind  should  veer  to  the 
eastward  ;    and    any  change  of  place  was   ob- 
viously better  than  a  position  immediately  off  an 
iron-bound  cape. 

And  now  again  the  annoyance  returned  which 

l  3 


has  been  already  mentioned  oftener  than  I  could 
wish.  In  spite  of  every  attention,  our  trouble- 
some warming  apparatus  could  not  be  made  to 
answer.  Scarcely  did  it  begin  to  throw  out  a 
little  heat  than  one  pipe  or  other  gradually 
cooled,  and  left  us  teeming  with  vapour  which  it 
had  just  had  the  power  to  generate.  Not  a  day 
passed  without  a  complaint  of  its  inefficiency. 
In  its  best  state  the  officers'  cabins  were  drip- 
ping, and  a  stove  was  necessary  to  dry  the  deck. 
I  had  been  most  reluctant  to  abandon  it 
altogether,  but  at  last,  on  repeated  represen- 
tations of  its  failure,  I  issued  an  official  order 
to  the  proper  officers  to  survey  it,  and  on  their 
report  pronouncing  its  condemnation,  I  directed 
the  furnace  and  its  appurtenances  to  be  dis- 
mantled, and  availed  myself  of  the  lead  and  cop- 
per attached  to  it,  for  fitting  up  a  Fraser's  stove 
a  little  before  the  main-hatchway  on  the  lower 

November  16th.  We  continued  to  move  ac- 
cording to  the  direction  of  the  wind,  off  the 
point  of  Cape  Comfort,  with  some  holes  of  water 
round  the  pack,  caused  by  its  own  motion,  but 
did  not  get  beyond  it,  either  to  the  east  or  to  the 
west.  I  examined  the  recently  formed  ice  near 
the  land,  which  wTas  broken  into  slabs,  and  piled 
up  in  the  utmost  confusion,  so  steep  and  irre- 
gular as  to  be  almost  impassable.     Just  at  the 


edge  of  the  pack,  while  keenly  following  the 
fresh  track  of  a  bear,  in  the  company  of  three  of 
the  officers,  we  suddenly  came  to  some  gravel 
evidently  thrown  up  by  the  lower  ice,  and  look- 
ing more  attentively  round,  observed  that  the 
adjacent  ice  was  in  a  raised  and  spherical  form,  as 
if  resting  on  a  rock  or  bank  of  similar  shape. 
The  pack  was  only  a  few  yards  from  this,  and 
had  evidently  been  arrested  by  it,  as  was  further 
demonstrated  by  a  crack  about  twenty  feet  from 
its  edge.  To  get  away  from  the  shoal,  there- 
fore, would  require  an  off-shore  breeze  ;  nor  was 
this  long  wanting,  for  on  the  very  same  night 
it  blew  fresh  from  the  westward,  and  urging 
the  ice  along  the  land,  faster  than  might 
have  been  expected  in  a  neap-tide,  by  the  fore- 
noon of  the  18th  we  had  completely  rounded 
the  Cape,  and  were  considerably  farther  out 
than  we  had  been  since  the  early  part  of  last 
month.  On  making  an  excursion  with  a  small 
party,  I  observed  that  our  pack  had  received  ano- 
ther shock,  and  that  an  extensive  crack  on  the  side 
nearest  the  land  was  the  consequence.  Again 
I  saw  the  same  convexity  of  surface,  terminated 
by  huge  mounds  of  splintered  fragments  amount- 
ing to  hundreds  of  tons  in  weight,  each  piece  or 
fragment,  though  of  this  year's  ice,  being  from 
two  to  two  and  a  half  feet  thick.  The  exist- 
ence of  shoals  was  manifest,  since  the  pressure 

l  4 


causing  the  accumulation  referred  to,  ceased 
abruptly  where  this  and  other  similar  remark- 
able elevations  appeared.  Beyond  that  line, 
and  occupying  a  full  mile  in  breadth,  was  a 
sheet  of  young  ice,  alternating  with  heaps  of 
a  different  character,  and  extending  towards 
the  land,  which,  however,  we  were  prevented 
from  reaching  by  a  narrow  lane  of  water.  Tracks 
of  bears,  wolves,  and  foxes  were  noticed,  of  which 
the  last  mentioned  alone  ever  ventured  to  ap- 
proach the  ship.  Indeed  these  met  with  no  very 
friendly  reception,  having  put  an  end  to  all 
relations  of  amity,  by  stealing  sundry  pieces 
of  beef,  left  carelessly  by  the  owners  outside  on 
the  snow.  To  do  them  justice  however,  they 
were  not  the  only  depredators,  as  they  soon  ex- 
perienced who,  having  been  taught  to  mistrust 
the  honesty  of  the  foxes,  afterwards  to  be  very  safe, 
sunk  their  allowance  of  beef  in  the  "  fire  hole." 
Alas!  to  adopt  the  pathetic  lament  of  old  Shylock, 
M  There  be  water  thieves  and  land  thieves  :"  and 
here  a  greedy  colony  of  shrimps  made  such 
havock,  that  when  in  the  morning  one  of  the  men 
went  to  draw  up  the  meat  intended  for  the  dinner 
of  his  mess,  he  found  in  its  place  a  few  miserable 
shreds,  to  which  the  pirates  still  clung  with  un- 
satiated  appetites.  The  temperature  fluctuated 
from  0°  to  about  21° — ,  but  there  were  neither 
aurora  nor  other  phenomena  to  excite  attention 

DRIVEN    CLOSE    IN    SHORE.  153 

and  employ  the  mind  ;  and  all  attempt  to  make 
magnetic  observations,  except  in  occasional  in- 
stances, was  frustrated  by  the  constant  moving  of 
the  pack.  This  indeed  was  a  serious  disappoint- 
ment, as  we  had  many  experiments  in  view,  which 
could  not  have  failed  to  be  highly  interesting. 

November  19th.  The  wind  veered  to  the  south- 
east, and  some  signs  were  observed  of  water  in  the 
opposite  quarter,  occasioned,  as  we  knew,  by  the 
motion  of  our  own  pack.  The  night  was  unusually 
calm,  yet  it  was  apparent  to  every  one  that  some 
disturbing  force  was  carrying  us  rapidly  towards 
the  frowning  precipices  not  a  gun-shot  distant. 
The  attention  of  those  on  deck  was  riveted  to 
sounds  distinctly  heard  of  breaking  ice,  crashing 
and  grinding  with  a  discord  the  more  horrible, 
as  with  that  exception  nature  was  in  dead  re- 
pose. When  day  dawned  it  appeared  that  we  had 
been  driven  to  the  westward,  and  close  in  shore, 
where  the  bay  ice  was  still  in  tumultuous  agi- 
tation, having  been  thrown  up  against  the  rocks 
in  some  shelving  places,  to  the  height  of  thirty  or 
forty  feet.  After  church  a  large  party  went  to 
the  edge  of  the  pack,  or  floe,  as  it  was  now 
termed,  and  witnessed  the  work  of  destruction  as 
it  went  on.  It  was  a  spectacle  indeed  not  less 
sublime  than  appalling ;  filling  the  mind  with 
awe,  and  at  the  same  time  inspiring  it  with 
devotional  gratitude   to  that  Being  whose  Pro- 


vidence  watched  over  us  and  preserved  us  in  the 
midst  of  such  fearful  perils.  On  the  21st  Novem- 
ber we  moved  but  little,  though  close  in  with  the 
point  of  Cape  Comfort,  and  therefore  exposed  to 
the  influence  of  those  alternate  tides  which 
worked  so  much  confusion  amongst  the  bay  ice. 
The  wind  however  began  to  blow  fresh  and 
steadily  from  the  south-east,  with  the  same  degree 
of  force  which  had  hitherto  characterized  it  on 
the  days  of  full  and  change.  In  consequence 
of  this  change  the  thermometer  showed  a  dis- 
position to  rise,  and  on  the  22d  was  9°  + ,  the 
weather  being  overcast,  and  the  ship  farther  off 
shore.  Still,  notwithstanding  the  continuance 
and  strength  of  the  wind,  we  did  not  increase  our 
distance  from  the  land  so  much  as  might  have 
been  expected,  a  circumstance  which  can  only  be 
accounted  for  by  supposing  that  its  influence  was 
partial,  or  that  ice  had  accumulated  in  the  north 
so  as  to  prevent  any  egress  in  that  direction. 
Whatever  it  was,  we  certainly  had  not  been  drifted 
more  than  five  miles  ;  and  after  the  period  of  full 
moon,  an  opposite  breeze  sent  us  again  in  shore, 
altogether  to  the  westward  of  the  Cape. 

On  making  holes  at  two  places,  a  quarter  of 
a  mile  apart,  the  thickness  of  the  ice  beneath  the 
covering  of  snow,  wras  found  to  be  not  more  than 
two  and  two  and  a  half  feet.  Much  snow  now 
fell,  and  even  with  a  fresh  northerly  wind,  the 


HUGE    MASS    OF    ICE.  155 

temperature  was  11°  + ,  So  mild  did  the  weather 
continue,  with  every  wind,  for  several  consecutive 
days,  that  the  snow  remained  fleecy  and  soft, 
and,  obliterating  every  trace  of  the  old  tracks, 
perplexed  us  considerably  in  our  daily  exercise. 
Our  floe  had  undergone  a  change  of  form  from 
the  pressure  on  the  extremities,  and  having  been 
forced  against  the  compact  and  solid  ice  off 
the  western  low  point  of  Smyth's  Harbour, 
a  large  portion  of  it  had  broken  and  separated 
from  the  main  body.  On  examining  it  myself, 
I  saw  that  there  were  cracks  in  all  directions, 
and  concluded  that  two  more  such  encroach- 
ments would  infallibly  extend  to  us  :  nor  was 
it  possible  to  avoid  the  reflection  that  no  art 
could  save  us,  if  we  were  once  exposed  to  the 
grinding  pressure  of  the  mass  against  the 
rocks.  Communication  with  the  shore  was  cut 
off ;  but  having  followed  the  channel  some  way 
to  seaward,  it  was  found  to  be  connected  with 
another  open  space  of  more  than  usual  extent, 
though  now  fast  becoming  coated  with  thin  ice. 
Nor  was  this  distant  from  the  ship  ;  and  within 
a  few  hundred  paces  was  an  accumulation  of 
ponderous  masses  of  ice,  the  interstices  between 
which  were  filled  up  with  snow  drift,  so  firmly 
cemented,  and  of  such  height,  that  it  might 
well  have  passed  for  a  berg.      From  its  summit 

156  RAPID    MOTION    OF    THE    ICE. 

I  looked  down  into  the  Terror's  main-top.  One 
of  the  crew  saw  some  fish  in  the  water  which 
he  described  to  be  as  large  as  salmon,  but  we 
were  unable  to  set  lines,  owing  to  the  overlap- 
ping of  the  ice  below  the  surface. 

November  28th.  There  had  been  a  dark 
steel- coloured  sky,  extending  from  about  Winter 
Island  to  the  situation  of  Repulse  Bay,  so  ex- 
actly resembling  that  which  indicates  open 
water,  that  we  could  not  forbear  imagining 
the  ice  in  the  centre  of  the  Welcome  to  have 
broken  up.  That  some  such  occurrence  must 
have  taken  place  was  indeed  evident,  for  the  ice 
was  now  perpetually  in  motion,  and  we  were 
driven  occasionally  five  or  seven  miles.  A 
strange  refraction  of  the  horizon  to  the  north 
was  remarked  about  sunrise,  or  rather  when  the 
sun  was  seen  just  above  the  south-eastern  hills. 
At  the  part  to  the  north  the  sky  was  a  dark 
grey,  and  the  icy  horizon  appeared  in  detached 
horizontal  lines  at  a  very  acute  angle.  The 
temperature  fell  to  1G°  — ,  with  a  moderate 
wind  from  the  westward.  Without  much  vari- 
ation in  the  state  of  the  weather,  a  very  sensible 
diminution  was  brought  about  on  the  edge 
of  the  floe  by  the  successive  action  of  the  in- 
shore ice  against  it.  But  as  the  temperature 
had  fallen  to  30°—  of  Pastorelli's  thermometer, 


and  38°—  of  Newman's,  it  was  rather  thought 
that  the  detached  pieces  might  again  unite  and 
form  a  stronger  bulwark  of  defence  than  before. 

It  has  been  already  mentioned  that  the  crew 
were   daily  exercised   on   the   ice ;     and   as   it 
seemed  better  that  the  mind  should  be  fixed  on 
some  object,  the  accomplishment  of  which  might 
be  looked  forward  to  with  a  sort  of  interest, 
the  whole  were  directed  to  build  up  snow  walls 
and   galleries  in    different   directions   from  the 
ship.     These  being  destined  for  the  comfort  of 
all,   the  work  was   cheerfully  undertaken,    and 
the  operators  were  rewarded  with  a  proportion- 
able stock  of  health.     Good,  however,  as  was 
the  general  health,   it  was  necessary  to  relieve 
the   monotony  of  scene    and    occupation ;    and 
in  this   view  the  officers    kindly  undertook   to 
perform  a  play  for  the  amusement  of  the  men. 
Accordingly,   on  November  29th,  a  day  speci- 
ally selected  on  account  of  the  gallant  action 
off  Pelagossa,  1811,   (such  had  been  the  deep 
impression  left  by  Sir  J.  Gordon's  good  offices 
and  urbanity),  every  preparation  that  our  limited 
means  would  permit  having  been  made,   it  was 
announced  that  the  Farce  of  Monsieur  Tonson 
would  be  acted  that  evening.     The  exhibition 
at    the    appointed    hour,    ushered    in    by    an 
appropriate   prologue  from  the  first  lieutenant, 
and  set  off    by  scenery  from  the  brush  of  the 
same  accomplished  performer,  occasioned  hearty 

158  CRUSHING    OF    ICE. 

laughter,  plentiful  plaudits,  and  in  conclusion, 
three  hearty  cheers.  After  the  performance, 
the  dramatis  personam,  with  the  other  officers, 
passed  a  few  hours  together  ;  and  I  question 
whether  in  any  other  quarter  of  the  globe,  an 
equal  number  could  be  found  more  free  from 
care  than  were  the  merry  group  so  assembled. 

The  sea,  however,  was  not  charmed  into  inac- 
tivity, for  the  usual  grating  noise  was  heard  by 
the  watch  on  deck,  and  in  the  morning  the  floe 
was  found  to  have  turned  in  more  towards  the 
shore.  A  drift  was  skimming  over  the  ice, 
which  rendered  walking,  even  with  the  advan- 
tage of  snow-shoes,  a  more  severe  task  than  was 
agreeable  ;  but  being  desirous  to  see  what  effect 
had  been  produced  by  the  uproar  of  the  night, 
I  went  to  our  nearest  boundary,  and  found  that 
it  had  suffered  further  encroachment,  and  was 
crushed  and  thrown  up  like  the  rest  beyond  it. 
Dark,  and  therefore  recently  formed  ice,  occu- 
pied some  conspicuous  openings,  though  this 
could  scarcely  last  beyond  the  next  tide. 

December  3d.  The  temperature  now  began 
to  decrease  rapidly.  The  difference  between 
Pastorelli's  thermometer  and  mine,  made  by 
Newman  (the  same  which  I  had  with  me  on  my 
last  expedition),  amounted  to  eight  degrees,  the 
former  being  31°-,  and  the  latter  42°  —  .  I 
determined  to  test  them  by  exposing  a  saucer 
of  mercury  to  the  atmosphere.     In  the  course 


of  an  hour  it  became  dull  in  colour  and  flat- 
tened  at   its    edges,    and   in   two  hours  and  a 
half  more  was  frozen.     In  the   interval  Pasto- 
relli's     had    fallen    to    35°    5'  —  ,     and    New- 
man's  to   44°  —  .     After   this   test  the  one  last 
mentioned  was  fixed  on  a  post  about  seventy 
paces  from  the  ship,  and  thenceforth  registered 
as  the  standard  thermometer ;  the  others,  how- 
ever, north  and  south,  as  well  as  one  contained 
in  a  tin  case  perforated  with  holes  and  hoisted 
to  the  mast-head,  being  also  noted  in  the  log- 
book.    The  cold  was  now  sufficiently  severe  to 
freeze  some  of  the  people  as  they  were  employed 
on    the    ice  ;     the    temperature    being    49°  —  . 
However,  being  desirous  to   satisfy  my  doubts 
about  the  practicability  of  getting  on  shore,  and 
as  to  the  extent  of  the  bay  ice  near  us,  I  went  on 
snow-shoes,  and  on  arriving  at  the  boundary  of 
the  floe,  which  just  at  that  part  was  unaltered, 
found   a   narrow    lane    of    water     kept    from 
freezing  by  the  agitation  caused  by  the  moving 
ice.     Thinking  that  the  lane  did  not  extend  far, 
I  skirted  along  it,  first  towards  the  west,  and 
then  more  north,  until  I  lost  sight  of  the  ship. 
In   this   distance,    perhaps  about  six  or   seven 
miles,  the  breadth  of  the  lane  was  much  reduced, 
but  a  continuous  crack,  in  places  large  enough 
to  admit  a  boat,  ran  in  an  easterly  direction  fur- 
ther  than    I   could   venture   alone.     But  what 


most  excited  my  attention  was  the  comparative 
thinness  of  those  portions  of  floe  ice  which  had 
been  detached  from  what  we  considered  as  our 
property  ;  for  though  upon  a  hasty  glance  it 
looked  thick  and  solid,  yet  a  nearer  inspection 
convinced  me  that  this  appearance  was  owing 
solely  to  a  compact  crust  of  snow,  the  ice  itself 
being  certainly  not  more  than  sixteen  inches 
deep.  Coupling  so  important  a  fact  with  the 
numerous  fractures  for  three  hundred  yards 
from  the  extremity  of  the  floe,  there  did  not 
seem  much  reason  to  apprehend  a  protracted 
detention  in  what  had  hitherto  proved  a  place  of 
refuge  and  security.  A  thick  misty  haze  from 
the  water  impeded  the  view  towards  Frozen 
Strait,  but  up  to  the  most  distant  point  there 
was  a  mixture  of  old  and  young  bay  ice,  so 
that  in  the  event  of  a  fresh  easterly  breeze, 
there  would  be  nothing  to  oppose  our  setting 
again  towards  Cape  Bylot.  The  cold  was  so 
piercing  that,  although  to  prevent  being  frost- 
bitten I  walked  fast  enough  to  keep  up  a  drip- 
ping perspiration,  yet  on  regaining  the  ship 
one  of  my  toes  was  rather  sharply  touched. 

December  4th.  After  divine  service  the 
people  went  to  walk,  according  to  custom,  and 
being  close  to  the  young  ice,  one  of  them,  a 
carpenter,  was  thoughtless  enough  to  step  upon 
it,  and  immediately  sunk  to   his   arms,  which, 




GOOD    EFFECTS    OF    THE    DUCKING.  1()1 

being  extended,  checked  his  further  descent. 
His  cries  attracted  the  attention  of  Lieutenants 
Smyth  and  M'Murdo,  who,  with^Mr.  M'Clure, 
being  close  by,  instantly  rescued  him.  The 
temperature  at  that  time  was  43°—  in  the  air. 
He  spoke  of  the  immersion  as  having  given  a  sen- 
sation of  pleasant  warmth,  doubtless  attributable 
to  the  difference  (15°)  between  the  water  and  the 
atmosphere.  On  being  placed  on  the  ice,  his 
first  request  was  to  be  permitted  to  sit  down, 
and  as  in  the  absence  of  the  officers  he  would 
in  all  probability  have  done  so,  he  would  inevi- 
tably have  been  frozen,  perhaps  to  death.  They, 
however,  so  far  from  acceding  to  his  wish,  com- 
pelled him  to  run  ;  and  when  he  was  no  longer 
able  to  do  so  from  fatigue  and  the  stiffness  of  his 
icy  garments,  he  was  forcibly  pushed  forwards 
until  he  reached  the  ship,  where  blankets  had 
been  prepared  for  his  reception.  These  he 
declined,  as  he  well  might,  for  on  disencum- 
bering him  of  his  clothes,  it  was  seen  that  he 
was  in  a  profuse  perspiration,  and  thus,  all 
apprehension  being  removed,  the  whole  affair 
was  converted  into  a  jest.  It  was  not,  however, 
without  a  good  effect,  as  affording  a  warning 
against  incurring  unnecessary  risks  for  the 

December  8th.     The  interval  since  the  last 
spring-tides  had  been  free  from  any  striking  dis- 


162  SCHOOL    FOR    THE    CREW. 

turbance  of  the  ice,  and  now  that  they  had 
come  round  again,  we  were  nearly  in  the  same 
place  as  before,  the  only  change  being,  that  the 
ship's  head  was  turned  something  more  in  shore. 
The  calmness  of  the  weather,  so  different  from 
what  had  hitherto  been  experienced  at  this 
period,  excited  general  observation.  On  most 
former  occasions  the  usual  attendants  of  the 
spring-tides  were  squalls  and  boisterous  gales, 
charged  with  snow  and  drift.  But  now  every 
thing  was  still  except  the  dull  grinding  of  the 
ice  along  the  rocks — a  sound  which  time  and  use 
do  not  familiarize,  but  which  still  comes  like  a 
warning,  useful,  perhaps,  though  disagreeable. 
It  was  odd  enough,  that  having  made  a  large 
kite  for  the  express  purpose  of  sending  up  a 
register  thermometer,  we  had  not  even  wind 
enough  to  raise  it.  A  faint  aurora  was  seen 
during  the  night  for  a  short  interval,  but  that 
phenomenon,  so  vivid  and  brilliant  in  the  territo- 
ries of  the  Hudson  Bay  Company,  is  evidently 
rare  in  this  locality.  An  evening  school  for  the 
men  was  instituted  under  the  superinten dance 
of  the  first  Lieutenant  and  occasionally  visited  by 

I  ought  to  mention,  that  though  our  sub- 
stitutes of  stoves  on  the  lower  deck  answered 
tolerably  well,  yet  they  did  not  keep  the  place 
effectually  dry  \    for  notwithstanding  our   tank 


condenser  and  other  precautions,  the  most  unre- 
mitting attention  of  the  proper  officers  could 
not  altogether  prevent  the  accumulation  of  mois- 
ture in  particular  spots.  In  such  cases,  our  only 
remedy  was  to  use  the  stoves  belonging  to  the 
boats,  and  as  these,  having  no  funnels  to  carry  off 
the  smoke,  almost  suffocated  us,  it  will  be  readily 
believed  that  nothing  but  necessity  induced  us 
to  resort  to  them.  It  was  found,  moreover,  that 
the  hot  air  from  below  froze  against  the  inside  of 
the  housing,  producing  a  most  disagreeable  efflu- 
via :  to  counteract  this,  a  square  hole  was  cut  in 
the  roof  of  the  housing,  whicli  being  opened 
occasionally  had  the  desired  effect.  But  these 
inconveniences  were  trifles  in  comparison  with 
what  might  have  been  expected  from  the  failure 
of  the  heating  apparatus. 

Though  the  clear  weather  which  so  unexpect- 
edly continued  was  free  from  fresh  winds,  yet 
the  tides  separated  the  ice,  so  as  to  leave  open 
places  in  various  directions.  Through  the  night 
there  had  been  a  squall  or  two  from  the  south- 
east, and  on  the  morning  of  the  10th  a  broad 
lane  of  partly  open  water  was  seen  to  extend 
round  the  floe  to  seaward,  and  to  maintain  a 
continuous  line  directly  towards  the  land,  east  of 
Cape  Bylot.  Ice  and  a  water  sky  were  observable 
beyond  that  again,  but  there  was  no  connecting 
channel  or  opening  from  the  one  lane  to  the  other* 

m  2 


Our  own   position   was   something    nearer    the 
rocks,  and  moreover  a  little  to  the  westward. 

There  being  now,  as  was  thought,  wind  enough 
for  the  kite,  it  was  sent  up,  but  as  in  repeated 
trials  it  only  mounted  about  two  hundred  and 
fifty  feet,  we  desisted.  It  was  evident,  indeed,  that 
the  wind  only  prevailed  to  that  height,  which 
was  also,  according  to  appearance,  nearly  the 
height  of  the  dark  vapour  surrounding  us. 

It  had  been  remarked  for  a  considerable  time, 
that  though  the  water  immediately  froze  every- 
where else,  yet  on  the  larboard  beam  of  the  ship, 
about  ten  or  twelve  feet  from  the  bends  at  the  base 
of  the  snow  embankment,  there  was  always  sludge, 
or  on  its  removal,  salt-water  in  its  place,  though 
the  ice  beneath  was  solid.  I  remember  three  in- 
stances of  the  same  kind  in  rivers,  where,  not- 
withstanding the  low  state  of  temperature,  the 
surface  for  some  distance,  near  particular  spots, 
was  invariably  so  moist,  that  our  snow-shoes 
were  coated  with  ice,  which  it  was  necessary  to 
scrape  away.  In  the  present  instance,  the  phe- 
nomenon was  not  confined  to  any  precise  period, 
but  existed  through  the  neap  as  well  as  the 
spring  tides.  The  days  now  dwindled  fast  away, 
the  sun  being  only  visible  for  a  few  minutes  at 
11  o'clock.  It  rose  above  the  edge  of  a  serrated 
hill,  and  in  favourable  weather,  brightened  the 
gloomy  outline.     Its  altitude  wras  2°  10'. 


December  12th.  The  floe  had  nearly  resumed 
its  old  position,  and  was  steadier  than  of  late.  In 
consequence  of  this,  two  of  the  people  reached  the 
shore  over  the  bay  ice,  which  for  upwards  of  a 
mile  was  much  thrown  up  and  packed.  To  sea- 
ward, indeed,  a  very  visible  reduction  of  the  floe 
had  taken  place  from  sheer  pressure,  which  in 
many  parts  had  ploughed  it  up  and  broken  it 
into  comparatively  small  pieces.  The  wind 
having  increased  enough  to  accomplish  the  rais- 
ing of  the  kite,  it  was  sent  up  with  a  self-regis- 
ter in g  thermometer.  This  showed  a  difference 
of  eight  degrees  greater  cold  at  twelve  hundred 
feet  perpendicular  than  on  the  ice,  the  figures 
being  zero,  and  eight  degrees  minus.  It  may 
be  remarked,  also,  that  the  spirit  thermometer 
at  the  mast-head,  which  had  hitherto  during  the 
recent  weather,  when  the  wind  did  not  extend 
beyond  the  surface,  indicated  less  cold  than  those 
on  deck,  stood,  when  the  kite  was  up,  at  three 
degrees  plus,  or  greater  cold  than  below,  agree- 
ing in  this  respect  with  Six's. 

December  13th.  The  ice  remained  almost 
stationary,  and  enabled  one  of  the  officers  to 
reach  the  shore.  Here  he  saw  a  reindeer,  which 
at  first  bounded  from  him,  but  soon,  as  if  not 
quite  convinced  that  it  had  cause  for  alarm, 
turned  round  and  trotted  back  again,  gazing  and 
moving  slowly  on  until  Mr.  Gore,  having  crept 

m  3 


on  his  hands  and  knees  near  enough,  killed  it  at 
the  first  shot.  His  exploit  had  been  witnessed 
from  the  ship,  and  some  men  were  immediately 
dispatched  with  a  sledge  to  bring  on  board  the 
unlooked-for  addition  to  our  Christmas  fare.  It 
was  very  lean,  and  when  skinned,  only  weighed 
60  lbs.,  the  head  included.  This  event,  how- 
ever, raised  the  emulation  of  our  sportsmen,  of 
whom  several  started  early  on  the  following  day, 
but  they  saw  only  three  wolves,  which  made  the 
vallies  echo  with  their  howling.  The  weather 
was  still  fine,  and  the  thermometer  high,  varying 
from  20° —  to  5°  —  ,  which,  without  wind,  we 
thought  satisfactory  enough.  The  extreme  edge 
of  the  sun's  upper  limb  was  barely  visible  now 
above  the  lowest  hill. 

A  tranquil  interval  of  uninterrupted  clear 
weather  followed,  and  all  anxiety  was  set  at  rest 
by  the  firm  adhesion  of  the  ice  to  the  land, 
which  was  nowT  almost  daily  visited  either  for 
exercise  or  amusement.  A  few  more  deer  were 
seen,  and  a  Polar  hare  as  well  as  two  white 
partridges  shot.  Lines  also  were  set  for  fish,  but 
in  this  attempt  we  failed.  A  young  fox  had 
been  slightly  wounded  and  caught.  It  was  put 
into  an  open  snow  hut  and  secured,  but  though 
in  the  night  it  got  loose,  it  made  no  attempt  to 
escape ;  on  the  contrary,  it  diverted  itself  by 
running  round  the  ship,  and  quietly  retreated  to 


the  hut,  where  it  soon  burrowed.  When  any 
one  attempted  to  caress  it,  the  little  creature 
made  a  half  stifled  snarl,  and  snapped,  but  not 
viciously,  at  the  extended  hand.  It  rejected 
biscuit,  but  devoured  a  tallow  candle  with  avidity 
and  seeming  satisfaction. 

From  our  proximity  to  the  shore,  the  sun  had 
not  been  visible  since  the  12th  instant,  when  its 
altitude  a  few  minutes  after  llh  was  1°  40'  ;  yet, 
according  to  our  perception,  little  if  any  difference 
was  observed  in  the  diminution  of  daylight.     At 
length  the  21st  December  arrived  ;  and  as  the 
moon  would  be  at  full  on  the  following  day,  we 
began  to  fancy  that  another  spring- tide  would 
pass  by  with  impunity.     Indeed  every  circum- 
stance concurred  to  confirm  the  opinion,  until 
towards  night,  when   the  barometer    began  to 
fall  with  such  precipitation  as  to   prepare  the 
minds  of  all  for  some   uncommon   occurrence. 
The   mercury   which  had  stood   at   30  inches, 
had,    in  the   course  of  eighteen  hours,   which 
brought  it  near  the  time  of   change,    fallen  to 
28. 26.     During    this    interval    the    wind   had 
been   light   and    unsteady,    veering   round   the 
compass,  but  at  llh  a.  m.,   December  22d,  it 
settled  at  S.S.E.,  and  soon  blew  hard.     While 
these  changes  were  in  progress  the  whole  sky  had 
become  overcast,  and  a  dense  haze,  occasioned 
by  the  partial  falling  of  snow,  limited  the  view 

M  4 


to  a  very  few  yards.  Hearing  a  rustling  noise 
like  the  rushing  of  water  apparently  beneath  us, 
we  supposed  that  the  floe  was  already  separated, 
and  that  the  consequences  would  soon  be  ma- 
nifested alongside,  but  very  shortly  all  specula- 
tions were  merged  in  the  reality  before  us. 
Since  our  departure  from  England  no  such 
storm  had  been  experienced.  Within  an  hour 
it  raged  with  such  fury,  that  not  a  man  could 
face  it.  Several  who  endeavoured  to  perform 
some  duty  outside  the  ship  were  instantly  frost- 
bitten, and  obliged  to  return,  and  the  officer  of 
the  watch  in  merely  going  from  the  housing  to 
the  tafrail  to  register  the  thermometers  had  the 
whole  of  his  face  frozen.  Not  that  the  tem- 
perature was  so  low  as  it  had  been  a  few  days 
previous,  for  it  was  then  53°  minus,  and  now 
only  30°  minus,  but  the  rapid  extraction  of  heat 
was  beyond  endurance,  and  a  very  short  expo- 
sure would  have  been  certainly  fatal  to  the 

As  nisfht  advanced  the  barometer  indicated  a 
change,  but  the  storm  still  raged  like  a  hurri- 
cane, and  covered  the  ship  with  snow  drift. 
Our  topmasts  shook  like  wands,  and  the  lee 
rigging  was  forced  out  like  a  bow  :  piles  of  snow 
were  whirled  on  the  lee  side  of  the  housing, 
until  the  chain  which  sustained  the  rough  spar 
that   formed   the    ridge   pole    broke,    and    the 

FLOE    CRACKS.  169 

accumulated  weight  fell ;  but  the  end  of  the  spar 
fortunately  striking  the  windlass,  was  stopped  in 
its  descent,   and  thus  saved  the   barge,   which 
otherwise  must  have  been  severely  if  not  irre- 
parably   injured.     As   the   wind    was    directly 
off  shore,  there  was  no  great  cause  for  appre- 
hension as  to  the  holding  together  of  the  floe, 
unless    indeed  the  drift  should  cause  sufficient 
open  water  to  admit  of  any  sea  rising,    for  in 
that  case  the  result  was  certain.     Though  the 
fury  of  the  tempest  gradually  abated,  it  was  not 
entirely  exhausted  until  the  24th.    Then  the  sky 
was   again  serene,   and   a   tolerably   clear  view 
showed  us  that  instead  of  having  been   driven 
out    towards   Frozen  Strait,  we  were   actually 
twelve   or   fourteen   miles   to  the    eastward  of 
Cape  Comfort.     This  can  be  accounted  for  only 
on  the  supposition  that  the  flood-tide  had  come 
from   the  Welcome   through   Fury   and    Hecla 
Straits,  and,   taking  the  channel  of  the  Frozen 
Strait,  had  met  the  course  of  the  gale  nearly  at 
right  angles,  and   thus  produced  a  mean  line 
of  direction  for  the  ship  between  the  two,  which 
in  fact  answered  to  the  position. 

Our  floe  was  slightly  cracked  within  a  few  yards 
from  either  side  ;  but  in  other  respects  it  looked 
more  extensive  and  firmer  than  ever.  This  was 
verified  by  examination,  for  the  high  tide  had 
raised  the  entire  body  of  old  and  young  ice  to 

170  GLOOMINESS    OF    THE    CREW. 

the  very  rocks,  and  with  the  aid  of  the  gale, 
the  whole  mass  having  been  driven  away,  an 
interval  was  produced,  which  was  already  firmly 
frozen  over.  As  to  the  rest,  no  water  was 
visible  ;  but  what  gave  us  infinitely  more 
pleasure,  the  sun  peeped  over  the  distant  moun- 
tains, gladdening  us  with  his  returning  beams, 
after  a  short  absence  of  twelve  days.  It  was  a 
glorious  and  a  joyful  sight,  when  we  considered 
that  each  day  would  make  its  influence  more 
felt,  and  that  at  last,  having  liberated  us  from 
our  crystal  bonds,  it  might  light  us  to  a  happy 
issue  of  our  labours. 

Sailors,  it  is  proverbial,  are  naturally  light 
hearted,  and  have  in  general  a  great  flow  of 
animal  spirits  ;  but  in  this  respect  ours  most 
assuredly  differed  from  their  brother  tars.  Whe- 
ther this  arose  from  the  services  in  which  they 
had  been  brought  up,  or  from  their  never  having 
been  subject  to  the  salutary  influence  of  naval 
discipline,  I  know  not,  but  certainly  their  want 
of  cheerfulness  was  not  attributable  to  any  lack 
of  example  or  encouragement  on  the  part  of  the 
officers.  For  about  six  hours  every  day  except 
Sundays,  they  were  kept  at  some  easy  work  on 
the  ice,  as  was  absolutely  requisite  for  their 
health ;  but  it  was  in  vain  that  we  endeavoured 
to  lead  them  into  the  wholesome  habit  of  amusing 
themselves  with  games  or  dancing,  to  cheer  their 

THEATRICALS    OF    THE    MEN.  171 

spirits,  and  while  away  the  long  hours  of  our 
winter  evenings.  The  most  trivial  cold  or  other 
complaint  induced  despondency,  and  an  attack 
in  the  joints  of  the  legs  and  limbs  attended  with 
extravasation  of  blood,  for  which  it  may  be  re- 
marked there  was  some  difficulty  in  accounting, 
excited  the  most  discouraging  apprehensions. 
Under  these  circumstances,  I  was  not  a  little 
delighted  when  informed  that  they  had  contrived, 
in  imitation  of  the  officers,  to  get  up  a  play,  and 
had  appointed  Christmas  Eve  for  its  performance. 
In  due  time  two  farces  were  announced  for 
representation,  the  "  First  Floor"  and  the  *  Be- 
nevolent Tar  ;"  and  these  went  off  with  unbounded 
applause  in  a  stifling  atmosphere  between  decks, 
though  outside  the  thermometer  stood  at  30°  —  . 
Christmas  Day  which  succeeded,  was  duly  and 
religiously  observed ;  neither  were  the  personal 
comforts,  more  majorum,  neglected,  for,  as  we 
were  on  two  thirds'  allowance,  I  directed  a 
double  portion  to  be  served  of  all  but  spirits,  and 
thus  gave  the  men  a  treat  without  intoxication. 
The  officers  also  dined  together ;  and,  among  other 
luxuries  which  the  providence  of  the  caterer  had 
furnished,  was  a  haunch  of  the  rein-deer,  shot  by 
Mr.  Gore,  and  what  every  one  most  anxiously 
looked  forward  to,  a  smiling  plum  pudding,  the 
considerate  and  substantial  gift  of  Sir  James 
Gordon's  amiable  family,    who  in  this  way  had 


largely  contributed  to  our  comforts.  With  these 
incitements  to  enjoyment,  no  wonder  that  care 
was  forgotten ;  mirth  prevailed,  friends  were 
toasted,  home  remembered,  and  the  evening 
passed  quickly  and  happily  away. 

December  26th,  some  occasional  gusts  of  wind 
came  from  the  south-east,  and  as  well  as  the 
mist  over  the  land  would  allow  us  to  judge,  we 
seemed  to  have  gone  a  little  to  the  eastward. 
The  severity  of  the  cold  daily  increased  :  the 
temperature  was.  44°  — ;  and  as  the  effect  of  this 
was  aided  by  strong  winds  and  gales  from  the 
north-west,  it  is  not  surprising  that  we  felt  it  more 
acutely  than  formerly.  All  occupation  outside 
the  ship,  except  for  amusement  merely,  was  now 
abandoned,  for  notwithstanding  the  unremitting 
endeavours  of  the  officers  to  keep  the  men  in 
sufficient  exercise  for  the  rapid  circulation  of  the 
blood,  such  was  their  perverseness  or  sluggishness, 
that  though  constantly  frost-bitten  from  mere 
want  of  exertion,  they  would  lounge  about,  when 
left  to  themselves,  with  the  listlessness  which  be- 
longs to  a  tropical  climate.  One  expedient  pro- 
posed was  the  game  of  football,  and  every  day,  the 
whole  crew  were  made  to  play  at  this  active  and 
amusing  diversion  with  the  officers,  who  left  no- 
thing untried  to  encourage  them.  Still  in  spite 
of  all  our  efforts,  fresh  men  were  daily  seized 
with  numbness  of  limbs,  affections  of  the  gums, 

SCURVY.  173 

and  other  symptoms  of  scurvy.  The  gunner, 
Mr.  Donaldson,  was  in  a  very  feeble  state,  not 
being  able  to  walk  more  than  a  quarter  of  an  hour 
without  assistance  ;  and  many  more  were  limping 
and  complaining  of  general  debility.  As  the 
most  sedulous  attention  had  been  bestowed,  both 
as  to  the  quantity  and  the  quality  of  the  clothing 
of  every  one,  we  were  satisfied  that  this  unwel- 
come visitation,  from  which  recent  voyages  to 
this  quarter  have  been  for  the  most  part  happily 
exempted,  could  not  be  attributed  to  any  defici- 
ency in  these  respects.  Neither  could  it  be  as- 
cribed to  any  deficiency  in  quantity  or  sameness 
in  kind  of  food,  since  fresh  preserved  meat  with 
maccaroni  or  rice,  pickles  and  lime  juice,  had 
been  issued  twice  a  week.  But  that  nothing 
might  be  omitted  towards  the  eradication  of  the 
evil,  the  last  named  article  was  now  directed  to 
be  served  out  three  times,  and  an  extra  quantity 
of  preserved  soup,  cranberries,  and  other  fruits 
in  our  possession,  considered  to  be  anti-scorbutic, 
were  likewise  placed  at  the  disposal  of  the  medi- 
cal gentlemen.  As  it  was  necessary  to  prohibit 
the  use  of  spirits  to  such  as  were  attacked,  a 
privation  which  few  sailors  like,  they  were  apt  to 
conceal  their  situations,  until  detected  by  their 
limping.  I  therefore  directed  Doctor  Donovan 
to  examine  the  whole  crew,  when  only  two  or 
three  additional  cases,  and  those  slight,  were  dis- 


covered :  this  system  was  continued  afterwards 
at  stated  times,  independently  of  the  daily  in- 
spection at  divisions.  Hitherto  the  officers  had 
escaped  every  complaint,  although  two  were  now 
temporarily  indisposed  from  a  return  of  attacks 
to  which  they  had  been  previously  subject  in 
other  climates  ;  yet  as  these  would  probably  have 
manifested  themselves  anywhere  else,  they  did 
not  create  the  same  uneasiness  as  the  former.  I 
do  not  feel  my  self  competent  to  pronounce  in  what 
the  malignant  disease  had  its  origin  with  us  ;  but 
when  it  is  considered  that  the  difference  of 
temperature,  between  the  outside  and  inside  of 
the  ship,  amounted  frequently  to  one  hundred 
and  ten  degrees,  that  the  air  outside  was  pure 
and  extremely  dry,  whilst  that  inside  was  fetid  and 
excessively  moist,  there  seems  to  be  good  ground 
for  presuming  that  this  was,  if  not  the  source, 
certainly  a  great  aggravation  of  the  evil.  The 
total  failure  of  the  warming  apparatus  had  indeed 
proved  a  serious  misfortune.  The  stoves  were 
just  sufficient  to  produce  a  warm  current  about 
the  central  line  of  the  deck,  whilst  the  sides  were 
cool  enough  to  convert  this  into  vapour,  which, 
having  accumulated  within  the  cabins,  streamed 
down  the  sides  and  from  over  head,  until  they 
were  half  afloat.  If  open  stoves  were  brought 
down  to  dry  up  the  vapour,  we  were  half  suffo- 
cated by  the  sulphuric  odour  of  the  coals  ;  and 


the  sick,  who  had  no  other  retreat,  were  tortured. 
Condensers  of  various  kinds  had  been  tried  and 
some  wrere  still  continued  ;  but  at  last  it  occurred 
to  me  that  it  w<ould  be  worth  while  to  try  the 
effect  of  a  long  canvass  funnel,  fixed  on  the  top 
of  the  doorway  and  carried  above  the  housing, 
in  the  hope  that  a  considerable  part  of  the  im- 
pure atmosphere  below  might  thus  be  carried  off. 
This  wras  no  sooner  fixed  than  the  advantages 
were  at  once  perceptible  ;  a  continuous  stream  of 
vapour  rose  through  it  resembling  smoke,  for 
which,  indeed,  a  novice  would  have  taken  it.  A 
difference  of  temperature  of  eighteen  degrees  was 
the  consequence ;  but,  for  the  first  time,  we  could 
see  along  the  whole  length  of  the  lower  deck. 
The  two  following  days  were  so  bitterly  cold,  the 
wind  still  blowing  fresh  from  N.  N.  W.,  that  no 
exercise  could  be  taken  outside  the  ship. 

On  the  31st  the  wind  veered  a  few  points  to 
the  north,  but  with  scarcely  any  diminution  in 
force,  and  we  were  confined  to  the  semi-circular 
space  inclosed  between  snow  wralls  on  the  larboard 
side  of  the  ship,  and  called  humourously  enough 
"the  Court-yard."  But  notwithstanding  foot- 
ball twice  a  day  and  a  swing  from  the  bowsprit, 
which,  as  a  novelty,  was  for  a  time  much  used, 
the  liability  to  pains  in  the  legs  still  continued ; 
to  obviate  which,  still  further  precautions  were 
taken  against  damp  clothing  by  fitting  up  a  dry- 

176  DRYING    ROOM. 

ing-room,  and  requiring  every  man  to  hang  up 
his  clothes  there  on  coming  in  from  the  outside 
air.  That  there  might  be  no  evasion  or  remiss- 
ness on  the  part  of  the  more  negligent,  proper 
officers  were  specially  appointed  to  see  these 
directions  carried  into  execution.  And  thus  un- 
comfortably ended  the  fourth  month  of  our  impri- 
sonment, and  the  last  of  this  disastrous  year. 



Extraordinary  Disruption.  —  Anxieties.  — Rapid  Change.  — 
Commotion.  —  Masquerade.  —  Results  of  Commotion.  ~ 
Temperatures.  —  Invalids.  —  Anxiety  for  the  Floe.  — 
Advantages  of  Situation.  —  Death  of  a  Sailor.  —  Reflec- 
tions.— Desolation  of  the  Land.  — Curious  Meteor. — Land 
Excursions.  —  Tracks  of  Animals.  —  Increase  of  Sick.  — 
Precautions.  — Phenomena.  —  Invalids,  —  Spirits  of  Crew 
improve.  —  Weather.  —  Grinding  of  Ice. — Health. —  Under- 
currents.— Floe  diminishes. — Phenomena  of  Ice. —  Callosity 
of  Limbs,  —  Intensely  cold.  —  Influence  of  Sun.  —  More 
Limpers.  — Death  of  Mr.  Donaldson.  —  Fine  Weather. — 
The  Coast.  —  Soundings  as  before.  —  Set  of  Current..  — 
Heavy  Gale.  —  Gale  abates.  —  Holes  of  Water. 

Ihe  1st  January,  1837,  which,  at  the  request 
of  Mr.  M'Clure,  was  duly  ushered  in  by  sound 
of  bell,  brought  with  it  more  auspicious  omens. 
After  a  week  of  storm  and  drift,  in  which 
all  around  had  been  enveloped  in  impene- 
trable obscurity,  the  barometer  had  now  risen  to 
the  unusual  height  of  30.  70,  betokening  a  change 
which  the  day  fully  realized.  There  was  a  per- 
fectly unclouded  sky,  a  bright  sun  just  seen 
above  the  mountains,  and  a  heavenly  calm. 
For  the  first  time  too,  the  coast,  from  which  we 
might  be  ten  miles  distant,  was  now  visible ;  and 
we  had  the  agreeable  satisfaction  to  know  that  we 
had  been  carried  to  the  eastward  with  the  entire 



body  of  ice,    not   less  than  forty-five  miles,  so 
irresistible  was    the    power    of  a    heavy    gale 
and  a  spring-tide  over  the  boundless  ranges  of 
ice,  which  were  thrown  up  in  chaotic  confusion 
around  us.     Suddenly  a  portentous  crash,  fol- 
lowed by  a  loud,   quick,    and  rumbling  noise, 
rent   the   floe   in  various   directions,  and   even 
within  one  hundred  and  sixty  yards  from  the 
ship.     Strange  rushing  sounds,  too,  were  heard 
throughout  the  night;  and  in  the  morning  of 
January   2d,    the    openings   were  found   to   be 
much  wider,  and  many  new  cracks  threatened 
a  further  diminution  of  our  now  circumscribed 
floe.      It  is  remarkable  that  in  the  meantime 
there  was  not  the  lightest  breath  of  air  ;  nor  can 
I  ascribe  any  other  reason  for  this  extraordinary 
disruption  than  a  possible  compression  or  stop- 
page of  the  ice,  by  the  Fife  Rock  on  the  one 
hand,  and  the  coast  on  the  other.     It  may  be 
also,  that  there  were  shoals  inshore  of  us,  though, 
on  sounding,  it  required  one  hundred  and  fifteen 
fathoms  to  reach  the  bottom.     Towards  noon,  a 
breeze  sprung  up  from  the  S.  S.  W.,  freshened, 
and  in  the  evening  fell  again,  without  producing 
any  sensible  effect  on  the  ice.     In  the  night  a 
faint  aurora  displayed  itself;  and,  on  the  following 
morning  the  appearance  of  another  point  of  land 
to  the  eastward  showed  us  that  we  had  receded 
still  further  from  the  off  shore.    All  our  anxiety, 


however,  was    now  centred  in  the  floe,  which 
to  our  regret  we  beheld  still  further  contracted 
by  several  other  lanes  of  water,  or  rather  young 
ice,    within   a    short    distance   from    the    ship  ; 
while  towards  the  horizon,  and  again  in  shore, 
the  body  seemed  to  be  more  compact,  although, 
the  whole   of  yesterday,    a   long  line    of  dark 
vapour   was    observed   rising  from   that   place. 
Thus,  the  same    substance  that  had   remained 
firm   and   unbroken  throughout  the    raging   of 
the    storm   was   in    a    few    hours    of  calm    all 
shattered  and  disjointed  ;  and  the  sense  of  secu- 
rity which  a  day  or  two  ago  had  cheered  us  in 
the  midst  of  our  discomforts,  was  suddenly,  and 
at  a  time  when  it  was  least  expected,  converted 
into  distrust  and  apprehension.      Such  are  the 
strange  caprices  of  Polar  navigation,  and  such 
the  revolutions  of  feeling  to  which  the  adventurer 
is  continually  subject!     Happy  is  the  tempera- 
ment which  can  preserve  its  equal  balance  be- 
tween the  extremes  of  hope  and  despondency. 

The  barometer  had  reached  the  unusual 
height  of  30 in.  84-.  ;  and  what  is  equally  sin- 
gular, the  thermometer  rose  from  34°  —  to  13°  —  , 
under  the  influence  of  a  very  clear  blue  sky  and 
calms,  a  fact  utterly  at  variance  with  all  my 
former  experience.  The  sun  rose  above  the  moun- 
tains to  the  southward  at  10h  I5m  a.  m.  The 
extremes  of  land  at  noon  bore  from  S.  S.  E.  ±  E« 

N    2 


to  about  W.  N.  W.,  and  the  distance  from  the 
nearest  point  was  estimated  at  fifteen  or  seven- 
teen miles.  Until  night  the  ice  remained  almost 
stationary,  but  a  grinding  noise  was  then  distinctly 
audible  to  the  eastward,  which  with  temporary 
interruptions  continued  for  many  hours.  The 
aurora  was  frequently  observed  in  the  south-east 
quarter,  flitting  to  and  from  the  zenith,  but 
had  nothing  remarkable  either  in  colour  or 

As  the   morning  of  January  4th  dawned,   a 
great    crashing    intimated    that    some    serious 
change  was  in  progress,  and  on  making  the  tour 
of  our  sadly  curtailed  floe,  we  found    that  the 
western  opening  had  closed  a  little,  while  that 
on  the  larboard  bow  was  considerably  enlarged. 
We  had  thus  been  again  favoured ;  for  the  com- 
pactness of  the  ice,  immediately  around  us,  was 
preserved  by  a  wide  lane  of  open  water  between 
us  and  the  land.     So  rapid  had  been  the  tran- 
sition that,   except  one  part  of  the  edge,  not  a 
particle  was  left  to  tell  where  the  large  tract  of 
bay  ice,  brought  with  us  from  Frozen  Strait,  had 
been;  the  space  which  it  had  occupied  being  con- 
verted into  what  was  not  inaptly  compared  to 
an  extensive  lake.     The  light  breeze  from  the 
eastward  could  scarcely  have  effected  this,  which 
probably  therefore  was  partly  the  result  of  cur- 
rent or  tide.     The  same  cause,  whatever  it  was, 


had  carried  the  ship  a  few  miles  to  the  west ; 
for  at  noon  the  observed  latitude  was  64°  51'  N., 
and  longitude  82°  15'  W.  Thermometer  11°—. 
Weather  clear. 

For  three  successive  days  the  ice  around  us 
opened  and  closed  so  as  frequently  to  leave  our 
small  floe   entirely  insulated  ;    at   each  closing, 
however,  it  was  but  too  evident  that  we  were 
losers  by  the  concussion.       Fortunately,  at  least 
as  we  supposed,  the  weather  though  overcast  re- 
mained almost  calm,  leaving  us  exposed  only  to  the 
action  of  the  spring-tide,  which  on  this  occasion 
(from  what  cause  we  knew  not)    produced  no 
further  disturbance  than  to  send  us  something 
nearer  to  the  shore  ;  a  remarkable  cliff  being  now 
not  more  than  seven  or  eight  miles  distant.      On 
the   night  of  the  7th,   a  moderate  breeze  from 
the  north-west  created  a  terrific  din  immediately 
astern  of  the  ship,  and  so  great  was  the  pressure 
that    the    ice   was  actually  ploughed  up  ten  or 
twelve  feet,    while     the  rumbling  and  crashing 
underneath  and    along    the  surface    effectually 
marred  our  rest.     Daylight  of  the  8th  exhibited 
the  same  opening  immediately  ahead,   and  the 
floe  diminished  ;  still  as  many  parts  of  it  consisted 
merely  of  frozen   sludge   covered   with    snow, 
which  could  not  of  course  be  expected  to  offer 
effectual  resistance  against  the  battering  and  pres- 
sure of  a  more  solid  substance,  we  were  not  with- 

n  3 


out  alarm  for  its  durabil  ity.  A  few  of  the  men  were 
attacked  by  the  same  extraordinary  rigidity  of  the 
muscles  of  the  legs,  which  I  have  spoken  of  before. 
Mr.  Donaldson,  and  Walker,  one  of  the  seamen, 
were  in  a  very  critical  state.  All  who  were  un- 
able to  walk  were  dragged  about  on  sledges  for 
the  benefit  of  air ;  and  improvements  wrere  con- 
tinually suggested  and  carried  into  execution  for 
adding  to  the  dryness  and  wholesomeness  of  the 
lower  deck.  Nor  were  our  efforts  relaxed  to 
cheer  the  spirits  and  divert  the  minds  of  the  crew. 
Another  masquerade  was  got  up  and  went  off 
with  much  spirit  and  humour,  aided  not  a  little 
by  the  introduction,  in  character,  of  several  comic 
songs  from  the  pen  of  Mr.  Smyth.  The  barometer 
had  fallen  a  little,  but  the  temperature  of  the  air 
was  mild,  having  ranged  lately  from  2°  to  11° —  : 
wind  westerly. 

Sunday  had  been  spent  in  the  accustomed 
exercise  of  religious  duties,  and  in  the  evening, 
which  was  undisturbed  by  ice  or  wind,  the 
aurora  was  powerful  enough  to  shed  a  soft  light 
on  the  pale  snow.  For  the  most  part  it  was 
generally  diffused;  but  at  one  time  it  concen- 
trated itself  near  the  north  west,  from  whence 
it  shot  up  towards  the  zenith  in  beams  and  pen- 
cilled rays,  finally  settling  in  an  arch  from  E.  N.  E. 
to  S.S.W.  Towards  llh  r.M.,  and  at  intervals 
during  the  remainder  of  the  night,  the  commotion 

CHAP.  IV.]       RESULTS    OF    COMMOTION.  183 

and  grinding  of  the  ice  around  us  were  painfully 
distinct ;   and,  although  the  light  airs  above  had 
prevailed,  yet  to  our  utter  amazement,  the  first 
beam  of  day  on  the  9th  January  displayed  the 
high  ridged  cliff,  which  I  have  before  mentioned, 
within  three  miles  of  the  ship.     What  had  become 
of  the  four  or  five  miles  of  ice  which  but  a  few 
hours  before  had  intervened  between  us  and  the 
same  land,  was  beyond  our  comprehension.     All 
we  knew  was  that  it  was  there  no  longer.     An 
attempt   was   instantly  made  to  get  soundings 
through  the  fire-hole,  but  this  was  frustrated  from 
the  under  part  being  entirely  blocked  up  by  ice. 
However,    a     lane   or    rather    hole    of    water 
ninety   fathoms  ahead,    answered  our   purpose, 
and  the  lead  struck  upon  a  green  slimy   rock  at 
seventy    fathoms.     Along   the   surface   of   this 
opening,  some  light  pieces  of  ice  were  setting  at 
the  rate  of  two  knots  directly  south,  for  the  shore, 
agreeing  in  that  respect  with  the  known  set  from 
the  north,  and    Fury   and    Hecla    Strait ;    this 
would  satisfactorily  account  for  the  line  of  drift 
as  well  as  for  the  accumulation  of  ice  generally 
observed  along  Southampton  Island.  Atnoon  there 
,  was  still  pressure  against  the  north  edge  of  the  floe, 
which  after  crumbling  up  to  some  height,   at  last 
fell  over.  Barometer  30. 14.  and  thermometer  7° — . 
The  constant  motion  of  the  ice  had  precluded 
the  possibility  of  making  satisfactory  observations 

n  4 


with  the  dipping  needle,  on  account  of  the  time 
necessary  for  completing  the  set.  But  the  same 
difficulty  did  not  apply  to  Fox's  instrument,  with 
which  the  dip  had  been  observed  November  1 6th 
1836,  in  latitude  65°  10'  N.,  and  longitude  83°  17' 
W.  to  be  87°  14',  and  the  intensity  5S°  22'.  And  on 
January  6th,  off  the  ridded  Cliff,  the  same  instru- 
ment  gave  the  dip  87°  3',  and  intensity  58°  21'. 

It  may  be  remembered  that  I  spoke  of  an  ex- 
traordinary oozing  of  water  alongside,  for  which 
no  satisfactory  reason  could  be  assigned.  This  had 
now  ceased,  but  not  before  the  following  experi- 
ment was  tried  by  Messrs.  Stanley  and  Mould. 

The  temperature  of  the  air  was  9° — ,  and  of 
the  water  in  the  fire-hole  17°  5  +  ,  while  that 
from  the  hole  alongside  was  only  1°  5  +  . 

A  li  ounce  vial  filled  with  boiled  snow  water 
filtered  through  lint,  weighed,  independently  of 
the  vial,  at  a  temperature  of  5 1°  + .  734.  75  grains. 
The  same  quantity  of  water  from  the  hole  along- 
side weighed  799.  25  grains. 

The  weather  now  became  gloomy  and  overcast, 
with  a  variable  wind,  which,  after  flitting  round 
the  compass,  at  last  remained  for  a  time  steady 
at  S.  E.  The  necessary  consequence  was,  that 
we  were  driven  slowly  along  shore  to  the  west- 
ward ;  for  no  long  time  however,  for  the  fickle 
element  soon  veered  again.  Our  attention  was 
now  chiefly  directed  to  the  sick,    who  though 

CHAP.  IV.]  INVALIDS.  185 

comparatively  few,  yet  remained  on  our  hands. 
A  pure  and  equable  temperature  was  the  thing 
most  required,  and  unfortunately  most  difficult 
of  attainment.     A  snow  hut,    at  the   requisite 
warmth,  could  not  be  kept  free  from  vapour,  and 
our  only  resource  was  to  screen  in  a  place  on  the 
forecastle  under  the  housing,  which  with  a  stove 
in  it  we  thought  might  answer.     The  project  was 
accordingly  carried  into  execution,  and  two  of  the 
greatest  invalids  slept  there  on  the  night  of  the 
10th ;  but  though  the  weather  was  rather  mild  for 
the  season,  the  interior  temperature  could  not  be 
raised  beyond  45°+  :  nor  could  this,  which  might 
perhaps  have  been  sufficient,  be  maintained,  in 
consequence  of  the  necessary  ingress  and  egress 
of  the  attendants  and  visiting  officers.     Those 
who  were  able  to  support  the  cold  remained  until 
the  next  day  \  the  weaker  patients  returned  to 
their  old  abode  on  the  lower  deck. 

Daylight  of  January  11th  shewed  us  abreast 
of  the  ridged  cliff,  which  the  westerly  breeze  was 
driving  us  past,  at  a  distance  of  about  three  or 
four  miles  from  it.  Beyond  was  a  kind  of  open 
bay,  terminated  by  a  rocky  bluff  headland  nearly 
ahead,  and  closing  the  view.  Immediately  off 
the  latter,  as  well  as  farther  east,  there  was  all 
the  appearance  of  a  water  sky,  though  it  was 
hardly  possible  to  imagine  that  there  could  be 
any  thing  more  than  a  few  holes  or  lanes  so  far 
from  Hudson's  Straits. 

186        ANXIETY  FOR  THE  FLOE.  [CHAP.IV. 

Oar  experimental  hospital  having   proved  a 
failure,  we  now  determined  to  build  up  a  small 
cabin  on  the  larboard  side  of  the  forecastle  with 
all  the  spare  plank  and  spars  we  could  afford; 
and  though  we  could  not  expect  the  external 
air  to  be  excluded  as  effectually  as  might  be 
wished,   yet  we  were  not  without  hopes  that, 
with  the  aid  of  a  covering  of  sails,  the  place 
might  be  made  tolerable.    Night  came,  and  in  its 
train,  wind  and  drift;  the  land,  however,  was 
just  distinguished  abeam  at  8h  p.  m.,  as  well  as 
could  be  judged  not  further  off   than  before. 
Towards  midnight  there  must  have   been  im- 
mense pressure  from  the  northward,  as  the  ship 
not  only  creaked  about  the  afterpart,  but  heeled 
over  to  starboard ;  and  this  circumstance  reviving 
tall  my  anxiety  for  the  stability  of  the  floe  on  which, 
thus  close  in  with  the  shore,  our  safety  in  a  great 
degree  depended,  altogether  deprived  me  of  sleep. 
Morning,  however,  of  January  12th  arrived,  and 
found  us  still  imbedded  within  three  miles  of  the 
beach  to  the  eastward  of  the  Ridge  Cliff,  with 
soundings  in  seventy-eight  fathoms  of  mud  and 
sand.  We  had  been  set  into  the  outer  line  of  a  bay, 
with  the  same  headland  before  us  about  eight  or 
ten  miles  away.     Sloping  from  the  Cliff  was  a 
continuous  deposition  (as  it  seemed)  of  coarse 
gravel  or  shingle,  through  the  surface  of  which 
there    cropped   out   at   intervals   craggy   black 
rocks.     Connected  with  these,  again,  were  vari- 


ous  rocky  hills,  separated  by  vallies,  and  reach- 
ing to  the  headland,  the  distance  being  crowned 
by  mountains  less  high  and  more  rounded  than 
those  further  west. 

January  13th.  Very  little  alteration  had  taken 
place  in  the  floe,  and  our  own  position  remained 
unchanged.  This  for  the  present  was  exactly  as 
we  wished,  for  our  onward  progress  to  the  east- 
ward might  have  carried  us  into  a  less  inter- 
rupted  space,  and  therefore  within  the  influence 
of  a  stronger  tide ;  and  as  the  floe  in  such  case 
must  inevitably  have  been  broken  up,  we  should 
have  been  cast  loose  too  early  amidst  difficulties 
most  harassing,  if  not  inextricable.  To  be  thus 
quietly  arrested,  even  though  not  beyond  the 
next  twenty-four  hours,  was  a  matter  for  which 
we  were  sincerely  grateful. 

A  sailor,  named  Graham  Walker,  had  been 
for  some  time  under  the  care  of  the  medical 
gentlemen  who,  at  first,  had  good  grounds  for 
supposing  that  little  was  the  matter  with  him. 
However,  he  was  treated  as  a  sick  man  ;  and  for 
want  of  exercise,  or  by  some  means  or  other,  he 
soon  contrived  to  render  himself  so  in  earnest. 
Unhappily  the  symptoms  shortly  after  became 
scorbutic,  and  the  man  being  of  melancholic  tem- 
perament, and  utterly  incapable  of  being  roused 
or  cheered,  grew  daily  worse.  Yet  his  appetite 
continued  good  until  within  the  last  few  days,  and 

188  DEATH    OF    A    SAILOR.  [CHAP.IV. 

even  on  these  he  always  ate  some  nourishing  diet. 
This  day,  however,  at  9h  p.  m.  he  died  without 
suffering,  and  indeed  so  calmly,  that  those  in 
attendance  were  unconscious  of  the  moment  of 
his  departure.  Such  visitations  are  always  me- 
lancholy, and  it  was.  natural  that  in  our  case  a 
more  than  ordinary  impression  should  be  made. 
Isolated  as  we  were  from  our  fellow-creatures, 
and  at  the  mercy  of  a  power  over  which  we  had 
no  control,  who  could  help  feeling  that  his  hour 
also  might  shortly  come  ?  At  10h  a.  m.,  on  the 
14th,  the  officers  and  crew  of  H.M.S.  performed 
the  last  mournful  duties  towards  their  shipmate. 
The  body  was  conveyed  on  a  sledge  to  the 
extremity  of  the  floe,  where  a  grave  had  been 
duo*  through  the  ice  ;  and  the  solemn  and  affect- 
ing service  for  the  dead  having  been  read,  the 
remains  were  committed  to  the  deep. 

In  the  afternoon  I  went  on  shore,  though  not 
without  some  trouble  and  scrambling.  It  was 
gratifying  to  observe  that,  separated  and  cur- 
tailed of  its  fair  proportions,  as  our  floe  had  been, 
yet  many  of  the  original  pieces  maintained  nearly 
the  same  relative  positions  as  when  part  of  the 
mass,  thus  forming  an  additional  barrier  between 
us  and  the  shore,  which  I  now  found  was  not 
more  than  two  miles  and  a  half  distant.  Along 
the  beach  between  the  jutting  rocks  the  ice 
appeared  to  have   been   forced  up  full  twenty 


feet ;  and,  where  the  resisting  barrier  was  pre- 
cipitous,   huge   masses    had    been    successively 
lifted  up,  pile  on  pile,  until  they  presented  the 
appearance  of  bergs,  for  which  indeed  they  were 
taken.    A  stranger  combination  of  ruin  and  con- 
fusion with  the  softness  and  harmony  of  the  most 
beautiful  tints,  from  the  faintest  emerald  to  the 
deep  cerulean  blue,  it  would  have  been  difficult 
for   the   most    imaginative    mind    to   conceive. 
Then  from  the  sterile  summit  of  the  hill  to  gaze, 
far  as  the  eye  could  stretch,  upon  a  dreary  plain 
of  rocky  ice,  relieved  only  by  the  frost-smoke 
issuing  here  and  there  from  a  few  holes  or  lanes 
of  water,  and  suddenly  to  turn  to  the  small  dark 
speck  which  denoted  the  ship,  the  abode,  alas  how 
frail !  of  living  men  imprisoned  amidst  this   "  abo- 
mination of  desolation."     What  a  multitude  of 
reflections  rushed  into  the  mind! — the  might  of 
nature — the  physical  feebleness  of  man — and  yet 
again  the  triumph  of  spirit  over  matter — man, 
trusting  in  his  own  unquenchable  energy  and  the 
protection  of  an  omnipresent  Providence,  braving 
nature  in    the  very   strongholds  of  her  empire, 
and   if  not    successful    in   the   encounter,    yet 
standing  up  unvanquished  and  undismayed  !     It 
was  indeed  a  scene  not  readily  to  be  forgotten. 

The  rocks  seemed  to  be  a  striated  granite  sin- 
gularly placed;  some  having  a  parallel  inclination 
with  open  spaces    between,    and    others    again 

190  DESOLATION    OF    THE    LAND.    [CHAP.IV. 

being  placed  directly  across,  or  almost  at  right 
angles  to  each  other.  The  intervals  between 
the  rocks  as  well  as  the  hills  consisted  entirely 
of  what  in  summer  would  be  a  coarse  loose 
shingle  with  rounded  stones,  and  with  so  little 
soil,  that  only  in  five  or  six  places  did  I  observe 
any  symptoms  of  vegetation,  if  short  thin  grass 
and  a  few  yards  of  moss  even  deserve  the  name. 
From  the  top  of  the  nearest  range  a  small 
lake  was  visible,  which  discharged  itself  over 
some  steep  rocks  into  a  narrow  bay  or  harbour, 
whose  entrance  lay  between  the  ship  and  the 
headland.  It  seemed  to  be  covered  with  smooth 
bay  ice,  or  ice  not  yet  broken  up,  but  it  was  evi- 
dently exposed  to  the  north-east  winds.  From 
the  brink  of  the  headland,  along  the  tops  and 
curvatures  of  the  inland  country,  was  an  uninter- 
rupted line  of  utter  barrenness  and  desolation. 
Not  a  bird,  not  an  animal,  not  a  solitary  foot- 
print, was  there  to  indicate  the  presence  of  a 
living  creature.  Not  far  from  the  headland  was 
what  looked  like  a  narrow  lane  of  water,  while 
in  the  remote  distance  in  the  direction  of  Fox's 
channel  I  fancied  there  was  the  loom  of  land, 
which  considering  how  greatly  objects  are  re- 
fracted in  this  climate,  was  not  impossible. 

On  my  return,  I  learned  that  at  2h  55™  p.  m. 
Doctor  Donovan  and  Mr.  Mould  had  seen  an 
extraordinary  meteor  in  the  clear  blue  sky,  at  the 


moment  of  detection  bearing  north  at  an  altitude 
of  about  23  degrees ;  it  was  then    in  rapid   mo- 
tion,  and   having   ascended    to   25    degrees  or 
thereabouts,  it  declined,  its  course  being  some- 
thing of  a  paraboloid.     It  was,  as  seen,  of  about 
the  size  of  a  man's  hand,  and  its  colour  was  that 
of  a  pale   emerald.     When  it  separated,  which 
it  did   at  its  lowest    altitude,    it  dispersed   into 
three  parts,    each  of  the    same  pale  tinge,  and 
vanished  from  the  sight.     Having  myself  been 
travelling  south  at  the  time,   I  was   unfortunate 
enough  not  to  see  it.     In  the  morning  however, 
at  a  quarter  before  ten  o'clock,    while  standing 
on  a  hummock  about  seventeen  feet  high,  and 
looking  to  the  east,    I    had  observed  the  upper 
limb  of  the  sun,  as  it  filled  a  triangular  cleft  on 
the  ridge  of  the  headland,  of  the  most  brilliant 
emerald   colour,    a   phenomenon   which  I   had 
not  witnessed  before  in  these  regions.     In  about 
five  minutes  afterwards  the  sun  rose  clear  and 
bright,  over  the  summit  of  the  same  hill,   and 
the  whole  sky  was  free  from  clouds  and  appa- 
rently from   vapour ;   though,   as   I   previously 
remarked,  I  saw  from  the  shore  a  lane  of  water 
near  the  Point. 

January  18th. — During  the  few  last  days 
nothing  occurred  to  vary  our  position.  Several 
shooting  parties  had  been  on  shore,  and  Lieu- 
tenant Stanley  accompanied  by    Mr.  Saunders, 


went  to  survey  the  harbour  already  mentioned, 
which  was  subsequently  named  after  him.  It 
proved  to  be  too  much  exposed  to  the  north  to 
afford  the  smallest  shelter  with  a  wind  from  that 
quarter ;  it  was  narrow  also,  and  in  the  summer 
months  would  rarely  be  accessible  on  account  of 
the  ice,  which,  judging  from  last  year,  it  may  be 
presumed  is  usually  set  against  it.  Mr.  Gore 
had  been  eight  miles  in  the  interior,  and  on  his 
way  passed  a  lake  two  miles  long ;  the  shortness 
of  the  day  would  not  permit  him  to  extend  his 
excursion  as  he  had  felt  inclined  to  do,  if  for  no 
other  purpose  than  to  reach  the  highest  hill, 
which,  as  usual  to  the  inexperienced,  the  next 
always  promised  to  be. 

Mr.  Fisher  also,  after  being  baffled  in  one 
attempt,  contrived  on  the  second  occasion 
to  reach  the  headland,  thence  called  Cape 
Fisher,  and  after  traversing  several  steep  hills 
and  crossing  a  frozen  mountain  stream,  whose 
mouth  was  two  hundred  paces  across,  he  came 
to  a  spot,  whence  the  coast  was  descried  in  the 
form  of  a  bay  trending  S.  E.  by  S.,  while  in 
the  extreme  distance  the  same  officer,  with  the 
aid  of  a  telescope,  saw  what  he  considered  to 
be  two  islands  stretching  far  out  from  the  most 
southern  point.  The  interval  between,  as  well 
indeed  as  the  whole  space  from  the  headland, 
presented  the   novel   appearance   of  a    smooth 

CHAP.  IV.]     TRACKS  OF  ANIMALS.  193 

dark  and  unbroken  sheet  of  bay  ice.  From  the 
Cape  towards  Frozen  Strait,  forming  a  wide  se- 
micircle as  seen  from  the  ship,  was  a  continuous 
line  of  dense  vapour,  which  clearly  indicated 
open  water,  though  the  white  gleam  of  ice  might 
be  easily  distinguished  beyond  it ;  so  that  the 
crushing  and  crumbling  which  had  progressively 
destroyed,  separated,  and  almost  pulverized 
so  many  miles  of  floe  ice  around  us,  and  which 
providentially  had  ceased  when  within  little  more 
than  a  hundred  paces  from  the  ship,  must  have 
been  mainly  caused  by  the  undulating  motion 
proceeding  from  this  open  water,  acted  upon  of 
course  by  wind  and  tide ;  for  it  may  be  re- 
membered that  the  extraordinary  grinding  com- 
plained of,  when  the  vessel  lay  to  the  westward, 
near  Smyth's  Harbour,  took  place  only  at  such 
times  and  under  such  circumstances,  as  would 
point  to  a  combination  of  the  above-mentioned 

Our  gentlemen  had  seen  but  two  tracks  of 
deer,  with  others  of  wolves,  hares,  and  foxes  ; 
but  what  interested  us  most  was  the  footstep  of 
an  Esquimaux  which  Mr.  Fisher  had  endeavoured 
ineffectually  to  trace.  If  it  were  one  (and  it 
gave  rise  to  as  many  conjectures  as  the  memo- 
rable foot-print  in  Robinson  Crusoe),  it  must 
have  been  that  of  some  one  who  had  wandered 
far  out  of  his  way  in  the  eagerness  of  the  chase  j 


194  INCREASE    OF    SICK.  [cHAP.IV. 

since,  as  far  as  our  knowledge  went,  the  line  of 
coast  would  scarcely  afford  sustenance  to  the 
most  active  and  skilful  hunter. 

Our  new  hospital,  or  sick  bay  on  the  larboard 
side  of  the  forecastle,  had  been  completed  three 
days,  and  with  a  boat  stove  kept  always  lighted  in 
it,  the  temperature  could  be  forced  up  to  70°  +, 
which  was  quite  as  high  as  the  medical  gentlemen 
required.  The  two  most  debilitated  invalids, 
Mr.  Donaldson,  and  Alexander  Anderson,  had 
been  immediately  conveyed  there ;  and  though 
they  had  not  yet  derived  the  benefit  that  was 
anticipated,  they  felt  more  comfortable  and 
were  in  better  spirits.  I  was  sorry,  however,  to 
see  that  the  former  was  dangerously  weak  and 
evinced  a  disposition  to  incoherency,  from  which 
the  worst  might  be  feared.  Neither  did  any  of 
the  others  who  had  been  attacked  entirely  re- 
cover j  for  although  their  general  health  was 
sometimes  better,  yet  their  legs  continued  dis- 
coloured, hard,  and  bent ;  the  number  of  the  sick 
moreover,  was  continually  swelled  by  new  acces- 
sions, and  at  last  amounted  to  one  sixth  of  the  crew. 
Five  or  six  of  the  officers  also  became  slightly 
affected,  thus  establishing  incontrovertibly  that  the 
evil,  from  whatever  cause  it  originated,  was  at  all 
events  not  attributable  to  any  difference  in  food. 
However,  to  put  an  end  to  ail  fancies  on  this  score, 
and  to  prevent  the  possibility  of  cavil,   I  gave 



orders  for  the  issue  of  an  extra  allowance  of 
preserved  meat  to  all  hands,  together  with  cran- 
berries, pickles,  mustard,  vinegar,  spruce-beer, 
and  lime  juice,  so  arranged  that  some  anti- 
scorbutics might  be  taken  every  day.  The  crew 
moreover  were  kept  constantly  engaged  either  in 
work  or  amusement.  The  lower  deck,  which, 
though  not  exempt  from  vapour,  was  yet  as  dry 
as  could  be  reasonably  expected,  was  kept  clear 
almost  the  whole  day,  except  at  meal  times, 
and  the  hammocks  were  hung  up  at  9h  p*  m.,  and 
taken  down  at  6h  a.  m.  Excursions  were  made 
to  the  shore  under  the  direction  of  proper 
persons,  and  on  the  return  of  the  parties,  officers 
were  appointed  to  see  that  every  man  entirely 
removed  the  snow  from  his  clothes,  and  then 
put  on  dry  ones  on  going  below.  I  am  parti- 
cular in  detailing  these  precautions,  in  order  to 
show  that  this  unexpected  visitation  was  prin- 
cipally to  be  ascribed  to  the  failure  of  our 
unfortunate  warming  apparatus,  which  though 
perhaps  suitable  enough  for  a  temperate  climate, 
and  places  where  in  the  event  of  an  accident 
the  means  of  reparation  are  at  hand,  was  certainly 
not  adapted  for  a  service  such  as  ours.  Our 
stoves  were  placed  amidship,  and  near  the 
intense  heat  thrown  out  by  them  the  deck  and 
beams  were  dry  ;  but  not  so  at  the  sides,  where 
the  tubes   diffusing  general   heat   should   have 

o  2 


been  ;  and  the  consequence  was,  that  it  was  no 
uncommon  occurrence  to  hear  one  speak  of 
having  rilled  a  bucket  with  the  water  which 
streamed  down  the  sides  and  ceiling  of  his  little 
cabin.  As  a  last  effort  to  get  rid  of  the  fetid 
and  impure  atmosphere  that  lurked  in  the  lower 
parts  of  the  deck,  I  ordered  a  bell-shaped 
canvass  funnel  to  be  made,  having  the  mouth 
or  wide  opening  within  a  foot  and  a  half  of  the 
deck,  and  leading  through  an  aperture  in  the 
forehatch,  from  which  it  was  carried  through 
the  housing  in  such  a  manner  as  to  convey 
whatever  it  might  be  charged  with,  quite  clear 
of  the  ship. 

January  19th.  For  the  first  time  since  the 
new  moon,  the  ice  was  heard  to  make  a  noise 
to  the  north-east.  The  weather  however  still 
continued  fine,  and  nearly  all  hands  went  on 
shore  for  a  run.  At  2h  4m  p.  m.  we  had  a  par- 
helion, whose  semi-diameter  as  taken  from  the 
sun's  centre  was  22°,  the  prevailing  colours  being 
orange  graduating  into  red  :  and  at  10h  45m  p.m. 
Mr.  Stanley  observed  a  prismatic  lunar  halo, 
the  outer  diameter  of  which  was  9°  and  the 
inner  5°. 

January  20th.  A  few  of  the  gentlemen  went 
on  shore  with  their  guns,  but  met  with  nothing 
to  reward  them  for  their  trouble  beyond  the  be- 
nefit of  the  exercise.  They  reported  that  the  ice 

CHAP.  IV.]  INVALIDS.  197 

near  the  shore  had  opened  out  a  little,  and  that  some 
holes  of  water,  besides  one  extensive  lane,  were 
clearly  visible  from  the  hills,  for  which  informa- 
tion I  was  quite  prepared,  not  only  by  the  hint 
of  grinding  ice  to  seaward,  but  also  by  the  near 
approach  of  the  full  moon.  It  would  have  been 
satisfactory  to  ascertain  the  true  rise  and  fall  of 
the  tide  at  the  full  and  change  respectively,  but 
this  the  under  layers  of  ice  effectually  prevented, 
though  by  a  rough  estimate  of  the  depression  of 
the  ice  on  the  sides  of  the  rocks,  without,  how- 
ever, knowing  the  thickness  of  that  ice,  or 
whether  it  touched  the  bottom,  a  difference  of 
between  seven  and  ten  feet  was  repeatedly  re- 
marked. In  one  instance,  indeed,  Mr.  Fisher's 
party  were  obliged  to  return  by  a  different  route 
from  that  taken  in  the  morning,  in  consequence 
of  the  ice  adjoining  the  land  having  sunk  to 
a  level  too  deep  for  a  jump. 

Our  new  funnel  was  put  up  and  the  deck 
somewhat  improved,  but  still  close.  The  tem- 
perature was  73°  + ,  the  dew  point  65°,  and  the 
degree  of  saturation,  as  shown  by  the  hygro- 
meter, 7§6. 

The  invalids  did  not  recover  as  I  could  have 
wished,  nor  did  the  two  worst  evince  any  decided 
or  even  encouraging  change  for  the  better.  One 
man,  who  had  been  afflicted  for  upwards  of  a 
month  with  the  prevalent  complaint  of  a  dis- 

o  3 


coloured  and  rigid  leg,  but  whose  health  in  other 
respects   had   been  good,  was  suddenly  seized 
with  syncope  as  he  was  walking ;  and  though  he 
recovered  in  the  course  of  a  few  minutes,  yet  in 
his  case,  as  in  that  of  the  other  patients  who 
were  similarly  affected,  it  seemed  to  aggravate 
the  disease,  or  rather  to  reduce  the  powrer  of 
struggling  against  it.     That  the  rest  of  the  crew, 
and  the  few  who  were  affected  but  slightly,  had 
rather  gained  than  lost  on  the  score  of  cheerful- 
ness and  good  spirits,  I  was  to-day  agreeably  con- 
vinced ;  for,  while  taking  my  accustomed  evening 
exercise  within  the  snow-wall  inclosure,  I  was  sur- 
prised at  hearing  the  sound  of  music  somewhere 
on  the  floe,  and  before  I  could  get  outside  the 
gallery,  the  whole  crew,  headed  by  the  armourer, 
playing  the  fife,  and  under  the  orders  of  Mr. 
Vaughan,  the  boatswain,  marched  up  in  file,  sing- 
ing the  song  of  the  "  Southern  Breezes."     They 
halted  with  a  hearty  laugh  at  the  word  of  com- 
mand,  as  given  out  by  some  one  in   military 
fashion,  Halt,  front!  and  gave  three  hearty  cheers ; 
then  placing   the   fifer   on   a   hummock,    they 
finished  with   a   country   dance,   in  which   the 
slipping,  sliding,  and  falling   of  the  performers 
gave  occasion  to  much  mirth.     It  may  be  ima- 
gined  that   this   was   to  me  a  most  agreeable 
sight,  and  that  I  did  not  fail  to  pronounce  my 
commendations,  and  to  encourage  a  repetition. 

CHAP.  IV.]  WEATHER.  199 

During  the  night  the  breeze  occasionally  fresh- 
ened, and  the  sky  was  more  or  less  overcast. 
The   CZ  1st   brought  the  spring-tide,  but  up  to 
noon  there  was  no  difference  in  the  ice  per- 
ceptible from  the  ship,  though  one  of  the  people 
had  seen,  while  walking,  a  narrow  lane  caused 
by  the  separation  of  the  ice,   near   the   shore. 
Wind  W.N.W.,  squally ;  thermometer  21°,  and 
cold  ;    barometer  29.  72.     The  night  was  some- 
what variable,  the  wind  occasionally  freshening, 
and  then  decreasing  again,  but  towards  the  morn- 
ing of  January  22d  the  weather  became  clear 
and  almost  calm,  and  we  were  left,  much  to  our 
satisfaction,  in  the  same  situation  as  before.    We 
had  reason,  indeed,  to  apprehend  that  the  wind 
which    generally   accompanies    the    spring-tide 
might  be  boisterous  enough  to  blow  the  ship 
round   the   Cape ;    for  the  light  and  moderate 
airs  which   had   prevailed   throughout   the  last 
neaps,  could  not  be  expected  to  continue  through 
the  springs,  our  experience  hitherto  coinciding 
with   the  following  remark  of  Ellis,    (who,    in 
1746,  wintered  in  Hudson's  Bay,)  as  reported  in 
Barrow's    Chronological    History   of    Northern 
Voyages  :   "  It  seems,  however,  that  the  severity 
"  of  cold  is  seldom  felt  above  four  or  five  days 
"  in  a  month,  and  generally  about  the  full  and 
"  change    of    the   moon,    at   which   times   the 

o  4 

200  GRINDING    OF    ICE.  [CHAP.IV. 

"  wind  is  usually  from  the  north-west  and 
"  very  tempestuous."  At  noon  a  faint  grind- 
ing of  the  ice  was  heard  to  the  north.  Tem- 
perature 24°—  ;  wind  W.N.W*,  light.  Within 
the  last  week  three  common  flies  had  in- 
troduced themselves  into  the  midshipmen's 

January  25th.  There  is  something  to  me 
inexplicable  in  the  eccentric  action  of  the  tides 
on  the  north  side  of  Southampton  Island.  For 
three  days  after  the  full  moon  the  utmost  dis- 
turbance which  reached  us  amounted  to  a  dull 
and  distant  grinding,  easily  accounted  for  by 
the  prevalent  westerly  winds.  But  the  last 
forty-eight  hours  had  been  nearly  calm,  though 
intensely  cold,  the  thermometer  having  indi- 
cated 43°—,  and  the  mercury  having  frozen 
in  an  artificial  horizon.  Yet  now  a  loud  rushing 
noise  was  heard  beneath  the  ice  three  or  four 
times  a-day,  agreeing,  as  it  seemed,  with  the  ebb 
and  flow  of  a  regular  tide.  The  lane  off  Cape 
Fisher,  which  had  been  closed,  was  re-opened, 
and  the  ice  outside  our  floe  was  lifted  up  with  a 
singing  or  rather  squeaking  sound.  This,  again, 
at  a  later  hour  was  followed  by  a  distinct  crack- 
ing, and  then  a  hollow  grinding :  still  we  re- 
mained almost  if  not  entirely  stationary.  Our 
number  of  sick  did  not  materially  increase,  and 

CHAP.  IV.]  HEALTH.  201 

even  of  these  the  general  health  of  several  might 
be  called  positively  good.  They  were  almost  free 
from  pain,  but  could  not  get  rid  of  the  callousness 
of  the  part  affected,  which  continued,  in  spite  of 
every  effort,  as  hard  as  if  it  had  been  thoroughly 
frozen.  One  man  only  (and  his  was  more  a 
rheumatic  than  a  scorbutic  case)  had  returned 
to  his  duty  ;  on  the  other  hand,  the  gunner, 
Mr.  Donaldson,  was  in  a  declining  and  dangerous 
state,  notwithstanding  the  unremitting  attention 
of  Dr.  Donovan  and  Mr.  Mould,  who  were 
themselves  affected  with  the  prevailing  complaint, 
and  even  walked  about  with  difficulty. 

January  26th.  There  had  been  no  wind  of 
any  consequence  throughout  the  night,  some 
part  of  which  had  actually  been  calm ;  and  yet  in 
the  morning  the  ice,  and  consequently  the  ship, 
had  been  set  to  the  eastward  from  a  quarter  to 
half  a  mile.  Several  lanes  of  water  too  were 
formed  between  us  and  the  land,  while  a  dark 
grey  frost  smoke  extended  some  distance  from 
the  Cape  to  seaward.  The  weather  was  still 
fine,  though  cold,  the  thermometer  being  44'°  —  , 
and  a  mist  or  haze  hung  round  the  horizon.  In 
the  evening  the  wind  blew  from  the  westward, 
and  afterwards  veering  to  the  south,  got  more 
squally,  coming  occasionally  in  smart  gusts  di- 
rectly off*  the  land,  which,  when  distinctly  seen 
at  4h  p.  m.,  bore  from  S.E.  to  N.  W.  by  N.    The 


barometer  had  for  two  days  indicated  symp- 
toms of  some  change,  for  the  mercury  fell  slowly, 
and  on  January  27th,  at  10h  a.m.  was  29.  22. 
while  the  temperature  varied  in  the  night  up  to 
the  same  hour,  from  47°—  to  34°—.  It  was 
then  too  misty  with  snow  drift  to  make  out  the 
land  clearly,  though  we  could  do  so  sufficiently 
to  ascertain  that  we  had  been  driven  something 
farther  from  it  than  before,  and  more  to  the  east- 
ward. From  this  gradual  falling  of  the  mercury  of 
the  barometer  over  a  period  of  nearly  three  days, 
and  the  fluctuations  in  the  ice  at  a  time  of  moon 
when  the  contrary  was  to  be  expected,  I  should 
conjecture  that  there  had  been  boisterous  weather 
in  some  other  quarter,  probably  not  very  remote, 
and  yetfar  enough  for  the  intervening  ice  to  qualify 
and  counteract  its  further  progress  —  an  effect 
familiar  to  those  who  have  been  driven  from  a 
heavy  gale  into  a  pack  for  protection.  The 
transition  in  such  cases  is  often  as  sudden  as  it  is 
agreeable  ;  but  the  under  motion  of  the  sea 
continues  for  a  considerable  extent,  though  of 
course  gradually  diminishing  in  intensity.  It 
was  probably  something  of  this  kind  which  oc- 
casioned the  singular  movements  above  described. 
For  an  undulation  beneath  the  surface  of  ice,  aid- 
ing or  opposing  the  current,  especially  about  the 
hours  when  it  was  influenced  by  the  tides,  would 
be  likely  to  produce  such  effects.     I  give  this, 


of  course,  as  a  mere  conjecture,  which  however 
I  thought  it  better  to  note  down  when  the 
phenomena  were  before  my  eyes,  than  to  trust 
to  any  after  judgment,  when  the  facts  may  present 
themselves  less  vividly  to  the  mind,  or  be  dis- 
torted to  suit  some  theory. 

At  noon  the  Cape  was  dimly  seen  before  the 
beam,  and  soundings  were  obtained  in  one  hun- 
dred and  fifty-six  fathoms  on  a  bottom  of  green 
mud.  On  the  28th  lanes  of  water  were  seen  in 
various  directions,  and  we  were  sorry  to  observe 
that  we  had  lost  about  sixty  paces  of  the  floe,  to 
say  nothing  of  the  unwelcome  appearance  of  a 
small  opening  of  water  at  the  edge  of  it  astern. 
An  officer  had  been  round  the  floe  and  reported 
the  inshore  ice  to  be  setting  fast  to  the  eastward, 
which  led  to  an  unfounded  notion  that  we  had 
rounded  the  Cape  ;  the  detection,  for  the  first 
time,  of  an  under-current,  while  sounding,  having 
strengthened  the  conjecture.  The  set  of  this 
current  could  not  be  determined,  in  consequence 
of  the  many  under  layers  of  ice  which  caught  and 
entangled  the  line.  It  is  probably  by  an  ac- 
cumulation of  such  layers,  cemented  together  in 
bights  or  bays,  sheltered  by  projecting  capes  or 
headlands,  and  less  liable  to  disturbance  from 
currents  and  tides,  that  the  very  thick  ice  found 
in  many  parts  of  floes  is  formed ;  for  we  had 
ocular  demonstration,  that  with  a  very  low  tempe- 

204  PHENOMENA    OF    ICE.  [CHAP.IV. 

rature  and  calm  weather,  in  the  severest  portion 
of  the  winter,  no  addition  of  bulk  takes  place 
from  the  surface  downwards  when  protected  as  our 
floe  was  by  a  hard  coating  of  snow  and  drift.  The 
doubling  and  packing  of  ice  during  gales  of  wind, 
and  when  exposed  to  severe  pressure,  as  well  as 
the  growth  of  bergs  and  extensive  fields,  are 
phenomena  which  the  attentive  observations  of 
modern  voyagers  have  rendered  familiar ;  and,  by 
an  extension  of  the  above  remark,  another  ex- 
planation besides  the  action  of  the  waves  (for  the 
mere  heat  of  the  sun  has  little  influence)  is 
afforded,  how  it  is  that  the  destruction  of  the 
immense  fields  of  ice  is  effected,  not  indeed  by 
pointing  out  the  agents  of  the  destruction,  but 
by  showing  how  little  may,  in  many  instances, 
be  added  in  successive  winters  to  the  bulk  to  be 
destroyed.  The  fact  that  no  new  deposition 
takes  place  underneath  seems  also  at  once  to 
account  for  the  decayed  and  wasting  appearance, 
which  every  one  accustomed  to  Polar  navigation 
must  have  noticed  in  what  is  called  the  old  ice, 
of  which  sailors  will  sometimes  say — "  Aye,  sir, 
that  piece  is  older  than  I  am,  but  it  cannot  last 
above  another  summer." 

January  29th.  The  weather,  though  fine  over- 
head was  thick  about  the  southern  boundary  of 
our  view,  but  from  the  aspect  of  a  point  of 
Ridge  Cliff,  which  bore  S.  82°  30'  W.,    it  was 


evident  we  had  gone  still  more  off  shore.     After 
divisions  I  inspected  the  decks   as  usual,    and 
was  happy   to  find  the  lower  one  comfortably 
dry,  a  result   mainly   to   be   attributed  to   the 
last  bell-mouthed  funnel,   which  carried  off  an 
amazing  deal  of  vapour  and  impure  air;  indeed, 
with  eight  funnels,  either  for  the  stoves  or  vapour, 
constantly  going,  it  would   have  been  strange  if 
some  good  effect  had  not  been  produced.     Had 
it  not  been  for  the  masts  and  rigging,  any  one  a 
few  hundred  yards  off  might   have   taken  the 
ship  for  a  manufactory,  for  the  vapour  steamed 
forth  in  as  great  a  volume,  and  nearly  as  dense 
as  the  smoke.     The  only  drawback  to  the  gene- 
ral comfort  now  was  the  unfortunate   lameness 
that  characterized  the   scorbutic  symptoms.     In 
this   respect   our  list   increased,    though  none, 
thank  God,  were  worse  •,   and  the  poor  gunner, 
who    lay    still    dangerously  ill,    with    scarcely 
strength  enough  to  change  his  position,  seemed 
to  be  in  better  spirits.     One  third  of  the  com- 
plement,   including  officers,  were  now  affected 
with  this  extraordinary  callosity  of  limbs. 

At  noon  the  barometer  was  29.  37  \  thermo- 
meter 39°-.  The  night  was  particularly  clear, 
and  the  stars  were  observed  by  Lieutenant 
Stanley  to  be  freer  from  nebulae  and  that  danc- 
ing motion  which  he  had  always  complained  of 


while  making  observations.  Faint  auroras,  occa- 
sionally brightening  up  a  little,  were  seen  fre- 
quently, but  without  any  of  the  interesting 
phenomena  which  I  had  been  accustomed  to 
observe  in  the  inland  regions  of  this  latitude. 
The  ice  continued  to  move,  more  or  less,  at  a 
little  distance  from  the  floe,  while  a  zigzag  crack 
had  commenced  at  one  part  on  the  starboard 
quarter ;  and,  after  an  eccentric  course  through 
some  of  the  thickest  and  largest  hummocks,  not 
unlike  the  wild  track  of  lightning,  had  turned 
round  and  ended  as  it  had  begun  among  the  looser 


On  the  31st  January,  we  had  been  set  far 
enough  off  shore  to  distinguish  a  distant  point 
beyond  Cape  Fisher,  the  bearing  of  which  at 
noon  was  S.  E.  (true)  while  the  other  extreme 
was  west ;  the  observed  latitude  being  64°  46'  N. 
and  longitude  82°  19'W.  Happily  for  us,  the 
weather  continued  beautifully  fine,  though  in- 
tensely cold,  the  thermometer  during  several  days 
having  never  been  higher  than  38°  minus,  and 
generally  below  44°.  This  night,  the  register  at 
midnight  was  54°  minus  ;  but  though  thus  coldly 
welcomed,  the  month  of  February  was  hailed  by 
us  with  heartfelt  gladness,  as  bringing  us  nearer 
to  the  day  of  liberation.  The  mercury  froze  in 
the  artificial  horizon  ;  and  such  as  were  interested 

CHAP. IV.]  INFLUENCE    OF    SUN.  207 

in  the  experiment  fired  a  pistol  ball  of  that  metal 
into  a  piece  of  wood  which  had  been  long  ex- 
posed to  the  cold. 

Now,  as  before,  we  found  there  was  more  grind- 
ing during  the  prevalence  of  calms,  or  light  airs, 
than  in  a  breeze  ;  for,  the  greater  part  of  the  even- 
ing and  night  of  the  1st  February,  there  was  a  fear- 
ful noise  outside  and  even  at  the  edge  of  the  floe, 
and  on  examination  the  next  day  I  ascertained 
that  a  further  encroachment  had  been  made ; 
and,  from  the  uplifted  waves  of  ice,  and  the  con- 
fused and  massive  heaps  thrown  up  or  partly 
crushed,  it  was  evident  the  force  must  have  been 
irresistible.  Many  lanes  of  water  were  visible  on 
the  morning  of  February  2nd ;  and  though  the  ther- 
mometer was  still  low,  the  sun  whose  altitude  was 
8°  39'  45/7  at  noon,  began  to  produce  some  effect 
on  the  southern  thermometer  exposed  on  board 
though  surrounded  with  snow,  the  difference  be- 
tween this  and  the  northern  one  amounting  to 
15°.  If  any  thing,  the  ship  had  gone  a  little 
nearer  the  shore.  The  variation  was  60°  45' 
west.  On  walking  round  the  floe,  I  observed 
that  some  one  had  cut  the  figure  of  a  cross  on 
the  overhanging  and  inner  face  of  a  huge  wave 
of  ice,  left  by  a  former  pressure  in  that  menacing 

The  wind  having  got  round  from  N.  E.  to 


S.  E.,  and  varying  between  that  and  S.  S.  W., 
brought  with  it  an  overcast  sky  and  fresh  breezes, 
approaching  often  to  a  smart  gale,  which  soon 
caused  a  separation  between  the  sea  and  land  ice, 
and  drove  us  slowly  off  shore.  On  the  4th  the 
distance  had  increased  to  ten  miles ;  and,  from  a 
partial  glimpse  of  the  land,  it  was  conjectured  we 
had  also  moved  seven  miles  to  the  east,  a  result 
exactly  similar  to  what  had  been  before  expe- 
rienced from  an  off-shore  wind,  and  the  reasons 
for  which  have  already  been  assigned.  Although 
the  barometer  had  predicted  with  such  accuracy 
the  heavy  gale  which  had  driven  us  from  the  west- 
ward of  Cape  Comfort  to  Ridge  Cliff,  on  this 
occasion  it  had  not  yet  indicated  the  breezes 
experienced  since  the  2nd  instant ;  but  what  was 
remarkable  enough,  and  forced  itself  unwillingly 
on  our  notice,  was  the  general  effect  on  the 
sick,  who  all  complained  of  being  worse.  The 
temperature,  it  should  be  observed,  had  risen  to 
zero  on  board,  and  2°—  on  the  ice ;  at  the  same 
time  there  was  a  wide  lane  of  water  between 
the  ship  and  the  land.  On  inspecting  the  crew 
at  divisions  this  morning,  I  was  sorry  to  observe 
more  people  limping,  while  not  one  could  be  got 
out  of  the  list.  It  was  beyond  our  comprehen- 
sion or  control.  They  had  abundance  of  pro- 
visions, the  allowance  having  been  again  recently 

CHAP.  IV.]        DEATH    OF    MR.    DONALDSON.  209 

increased,  with  antiscorbutics  of  various  kinds  ; 
their  bedding  was  shaken  and  purified  ;  they 
were  never  suffered  to  remain  below  in  damp 
clothes ;  the  deck  was  free  from  anything  like 
a  close  atmosphere  ;  persons  were  appointed  to 
see  them  take  sufficient  exercise  for  health  three 
times  a  day ;  and  the  men  themselves  were  as 
cheerful  as  the  temperament  of  each  permitted. 
As  a  still  further  precaution,  chloride  of  lime 
was  put  into  the  pump-well,  which  had  never 
more  than  six,  and  generally  less  than  three 
inches  in  it.  We  may  be  said,  indeed,  to  have 
brought  the  disheartening  malady  with  us  in  the 
person  of  one  of  the  marines,  who  must  have 
been  strongly  predisposed  to  the  complaint,  as 
he  showed  symptoms  of  it  so  early  as  a  fortnight 
or  three  weeks  after  the  expenditure  of  our  live 
stock.  Anderson,  though  improved  in  health, 
Was  unable  to  quit  his  bed,  and  poor  Mr.  Donald- 
son lay  in  a  state  of  drowsy  torpor,  from  which 
the  medical  officers  had  great  difficulty  to  rouse 
him.  He  scarcely  took  any  sustenance  ;  and 
we  could  not  contemplate  the  slow  but  marked 
change  which  was  going  on  without  gloomy 
apprehensions.  These  fears  were  but  too  soon 
verified ;  for  after  another  day  of  lethargy,  and 
beckoning  away  with  his  hand  any  attempt  to 
give  him  nourishment,  he  may  be  said  to  have 
slumbered  to  death  at  the  hour  of  six  o'clock  on 


Sunday  morning,   and  was  the  next  day  com- 
mitted to  the  deep  with  the  usual  ceremony. 
His  case  was  very  different  from  those  who  were 
still  suffering  from  indisposition,  and  who,  with 
sound  constitutions,  were  attacked  with  a  local, 
and,     as     we    hoped,    a    temporary  complaint, 
brought  on  we  knew  not  how  ;  whereas  Donald- 
son had  worn  out  a  frame  originally  strong  and 
vigorous,  in  a  succession  of  long  and  arduous, 
services  in  the  whale  fishery,   in  the  different 
voyages   of  discovery   under   Sir  E.  Parry,    on 
board  ships  of  war,  and  now  finally  in  the  Terror. 
Though  leading  what  is  generally  styled  a  hard 
life,   he  had  seldom  if  ever  been  ill ;  but  when 
his  constitution  once  began   to   break  up,  the 
symptoms  of  decline  were  the  more  marked  and 
rapid,  and  he  died  at  the  early  age  of  forty-three. 
Though  the  event  had  been  long  anticipated, 
it  did  not  fail  to  cast  a  gloom  over  the  spirits, 
which  however  yielded  in  some  measure  before 
the  holy  duties  of  the  day,  and  the  reflections 
naturally  arising  from  them. 

The  wind  had  abated  but  once,  when  for  a 
brief  interval  it  fell  calm,  and  the  thermometer 
rose  to  4°  —  j  but  in  a  few  hours  afterwards,  viz. 
at  8h  a.  m.  on  February  6th,  the  cold  had  in- 
creased to  29°  — ,  with  a  fresh  breeze  from  north- 
west and  a  clear  sky  overhead,  though  misty 
and  indistinct  with  snow  drift  along  the  horizon. 

CHAP.  IV.]  THE    COAST.  211 

We  were  at  least  five  miles  from  the  nearest  land, 
and  had  been  set  and  blown  with  the  entire  body 
of  the  ice  so  far  to  the  eastward,  as  to  have  the 
Ridge  Cliff  for  the  most  westerly  bearing  astern. 
At  noon  the  observed  latitude  was  64°  38'  30"  N., 
longitude  82°  01'  W.,  and  soundings  were  ob- 
tained in  one  hundred  and  fifty  fathoms,  with  a 
bottom  of  green  mud.  In  the  course  of  twenty- 
four  hours  we  had  altered  our  position  eleven 
miles  in  latitude,  and  nearly  twenty  of  longitude. 
The  ice  appeared  to  be  drawing  to  the  land, 
though  no  open  water  was  seen  near  it,  and  the 
wind  still  continued  on  the  quarter.  The  out- 
line of  the  coast  was  more  regular  and  sloping 
at  the  point,  which,  with  an  elevated  and  ob- 
tusely peaked  hill,  formed  what  seemed  like 
islands,  and  were  probably  taken  for  such  on  a 
former  occasion.  Abreast  of  us  were  two  bays. 
The  wind  having  fallen  considerably,  the  ship 
and  ice  continued  to  draw  nearer  to  the  land, 
but  towards  night  the  breeze  freshened  from 
N.  W.  by  N.,  and  we  began  again  to  drift  to  the 
eastward.  The  coruscations  of  the  aurora  were 
visible  at  intervals  to  the  south-east.  At  clear 
daylight,  it  was  perceived  that  we  had  been 
set  round  the  comparatively  low  point  described 
as  forming  yesterday  the  eastern  boundary  of 
view,  and  now  saw  at  the  extreme  limit  of  vision 
ahead,    a   high    bluff,    disconnected    from    the 

p  % 

212  SOUNDINGS    AS    BEFORE.         [CHAP.  IV. 

low  land  farther  south.  From  the  mast-head, 
with  a  glass,  about  two  points  of  the  compass 
presented  a  clear  horizon,  and  then  began  the 
low  land,  which  after  making  a  long  curve 
approached  the  ship  to  within  four  or  five  miles. 
This  part  not  having  been  surveyed,  many 
conjectures  were  made  as  to  the  probability  of 
a  passage  to  the  south  of  the  bluff  land  ahead, 
which  it  was  further  supposed  might  be  found 
to  lead  into  Evan's  Inlet  of  Lyon.  It  was  how- 
ever impossible  at  our  remote  situation  to  form 
any  conclusion,  because,  notwithstanding  appear- 
ances, the  clear  space  might  be  nothing  more  than 
the  circular  trending  of  the  coastline,  terminating 
somewhere  about  Seahorse  Point.  The  change 
in  the  rounded  and  shelving  outline  of  the  hills 
was  too  remarkable  to  escape  the  notice  of  the 
most  careless  observer,  though  this  did  not  seem 
to  affect  the  soundings,  which  at  noon  were  in 
one  hundred  and  fifty  fathoms,  with  the  same 
description  of  mud  as  before.  The  extremes  of 
land  at  the  above  hour  were  from  E.  65°  S.,  to 
W.  55°  N.,  and  the  latitude  was  64°  32'  N. 

The  whole  of  the  8th  was  foggy  •,  nor  did  the 
weather  clear  until  near  midnight,  when  the 
aurora  shooting  up  to  the  zenith  threw  a  faint 
light  around,  and  enabled  the  officer  of  the  watch 
to  catch  a  glimpse  of  the  land,  which  he  fancied 
to  be  nearer.     At  broken  intervals  there  was  a 

CHAP. IV.]  SET    OF    CURRENT.  213 

rumbling  and  crashing  noise  as  of  splintered  ice 
towards  the  southwest,  which  continued  more  or 
less  until  day-break  of  February  9th.  The  weather 
was  still  calm,  and  yet,  when  the  sun  rose,  it 
was  evident  the  ship  and  ice  had  been  drifted  to 
the  eastward,  at  a  distance  of  five  miles  from  the 
land,  which  became  lower,  more  sloping,  and 
more  free  from  bays.  The  soundings  atlh  p.m. 
were  found  in  one  hundred  and  fifty-two  fathoms, 
and  with  a  bottom  of  darker  mud  than  before. 
The  latitude  observed  was  64<°  29'  N.,  and  longi- 
tude 81°  46'  W.,  thus  establishing  the  set  of  the 
current  along  the  coast.  In  two  instances  we 
had  been  checked  in  our  progress,  and  forced 
diagonally  about  S.W.  by  W.  towards  the  land; 
and  the  coincidence  of  times  at  which  this  oc- 
curred pointed  to  the  action  of  two  forces,  that 
is  to  say,  the  tide  from  the  eastward  in  com- 
bination with  the  prevailing  current  from  the 

All  our  boats  which,  except  the  barge,  had  been 
necessarily  kept  hung  at  the  davits,  with  a  few  in- 
dispensable stores  in  them,  to  be  prepared  for  any 
sudden  emergency,  were  now  thoroughly  cleansed 
from  ice  and  snow,  and  after  a  minute  and  atten- 
tive examination  by  Mr.  Smith,  the  carpenter,  I 
had  the  satisfaction  of  learning  that  they  were 
uninjured,  and  perfectly  ready  for  service.    They 

p  3 

214<  HEAVY    GALE.  [CHAP.IV. 

were,  therefore,  restored  to  their  places,  and  the 
upper  parts  covered  with  their  sails  as  before. 
The   northerly  wind  continued   to  blow  fresh 
during  the  night,  and  in  the  morning  of  the 
10th  a  lane  of  water  was  discovered  at  the  edge 
of  the  floe  astern,  extending  from  thence  to  due 
south  near  the  shore.     In  this  opening  a  few 
seals  were  seen.     In  the  forenoon  two  ravens 
were   observed  flying   northward.     At  noon  it 
blew  a  fresh  gale,  and  the  streams  of  snow-drift 
effectually   shut   out   the   land.     As    the    gale 
increased  during   the    day,   it  was  conjectured 
we  were  setting  to  the  southward,   and  through- 
out the  night,  and  up  to  noon  of  February  11th, 
it  blew  hard.     The  barometer  in  the  meantime 
had  risen  in  the  last  twenty-four   hours,    from 
29.  59  to  29.  70,  while  the  thermometer  on  the 
ice  had  fallen  from  18°—  to  37°  —  ;  and,  such  was 
the  keenness  of  the  cold  occasioned  by  the  wind 
and  drift,  that  it  was  at  some  hazard  the  officer 
of  the  watch  could  venture  even  to  the  regis- 
tering station,  though  less  than  a  hundred  yards 
from   the   ship.     Eddies    and    clouds   of    drift 
whirled   incessantly  round  us,  and  caused  the 
wood  and  spars  to  crack  and  split,  so  that  on 
one  occasion  I  thought  we  had  got  into  shoal 
water,    and    the   ship   was    touching.     Neither 
could  the  people  take  their  accustomed  exercise 

CHAP.  IV.]  GALE    ABATES.  215 

on  the  ice  ;  and  though  sometimes  a  glimpse 
was  caught  of  the  land,  all  that  could  be  ascer- 
tained was,  that  it  was  low,  and  seemed  very 
much  like  an  island.  The  latitude  gave  64°  21'  N., 
from  which,  and  the  fact  of  the  gale  being  north, 
there  was  every  reason  to  believe  we  were  drift* 
ing  into  the  bay.  Soundings  gave  one  hundred 
and  three  fathoms,  and  the  lead  had  struck  on 
green  mud. 

This  uncomfortable  weather  continued  through- 
out the  greater  part  of  Sunday  the  12th  ;  but  in 
the  afternoon  some  of  the  people  were  able  to 
walk  round  the  floe,  and  in  so  doing  discovered 
that   a   piece  of  ice  one  hundred   and  twenty 
yards  broad  and  two  hundred  yards  long  had 
been  separated  from  the  western  angle,  and  that 
there  were  several  cracks  striking  in  a  direction 
towards  the  centre   of  it.     Towards  night  the 
wind  got  round  to  the  westward,  and  soon  after- 
wards a  loud  grinding  noise  was  distinctly  heard 
in  that  quarter;  and,  in  the  early  part  of  the  13th 
a  wall  of  bay  and  other  ice  was   seen  at   the 
western  edge  of  the  floe,  which  had  been  forced 
up  perpendicularly  to    the  height    of   eighteen 
feet,  without,    however,  doing    much    damage. 
The  mercury  in  the  barometer  continued  to  fall, 
and,  as  the  breeze  abated,   some  light  snow  suc- 
ceeded and  kept  falling  for  several  hours.     Land 

p  4 

210  HOLES    OF    WATER.  [CHAP.IV. 

was  discerned  from  S.  S.  W.  to  N.  N.  W.,  but 
too  indistinctly  for  any  satisfactory  observation. 
Four  or  five  holes  of  water  however  broke  suxU 
denly  upon  the  sight,  the  largest  to  seaward,  or 
in  the  direction  of  Fox's  Channel,  and  the 
others  between  the  ship  and  the  shore  to  the 



Valentines  Day.  —  Floe  damaged.  —  Outline  of  Coast*-** 
Alarming  Symptoms.  —  Chaotic  Commotion.  —  Tumult 
ceases.  —  Clearing  Deck.  —  Dovekie  shot.  —  Awful  Peril. 

—  Grandeur  of  Scene.  —  Expectation  of  Crisis.  —  Havoc 
spreads.  —  Desolation.  —  Ship  remains  nipped.  —  Turmoil. 

—  Set  of  Ice.  —  Ship  rights.  —  Ice  Hills.  —  Dolts,  fyc. 
loosened  by  Pressure  of  Ice.  —  Flight  of  Birds.  —  Nautical 
Artists.  —  Divine  Service.  —  Blows  a  Gale.  —  Imminent 
Peril.  —  St.  Patrick's  Day.  —  Ice  fluctuates  —  Sir  J.  Gor- 
dons Bay.  —  Peril  of  Two  Sailors.  —  Flock  of  Ducks, 
and  White  Bear.  —  Death  of  a  Sailor.  —  Baffin's  Obser- 
vations. —  Flocks   of  Loons.  —  Improvement  in    Crew's 

*  Health. — Diminution  of  Snow.  —  Mr.  Gore  Snow-blind. 

The  14th  February,  Valentine's  day !  By  uni- 
versal consent  in  the  temperate  regions  of 
Europe,  the  harbinger  of  spring,  the  day  when 
hope  revives  and  the  future  begins  to  triumph 
over  the  past !  Even  with  us,  fast  locked  in  the 
dreary  wilderness  of  ice,  amidst  driving  sleet  and 
fog,  the  time  was  not  without  its  influence,  and 
I  mark  this  day  as  the  boundary  from  which  we 
began  to  look  forward  to  our  final  release.  "  How 
short  the  past,  how  long  the  future  appears,"  is 
the  trite  and  universal  reflection  ;  yet  in  my  case 
the  reality  was  exactly  the  reverse.  When  I 
looked  back  upon  the  past,  (and  it  was  the  first 
time  that  I  remember  to  have  experienced  such 

218  valentine's  day.  [chap. v. 

a  feeling),  the  time  since  we  left  England,  though 
but  eight  months,  seemed  longer  than  any  three 
years  of  my  former  not  unadventurous  life.  Days 
were  weeks,  wTeeks  months,  months  almost  years. 
As  objects  seen  through  a  haze  appear  more 
distant,  so  to  me  the  past  had  a  dim  and  shadowy 
indistinctness  which  magnified  its  proportions. 
There  were  no  marks  to  separate  one  day  from 
another,  no  rule  whereby  to  measure  time ;  all 
was  one  dull  and  cheerless  uniformity  of  dark 
and  cold.  But  from  this  date,  on  the  contrary, 
the  successive  days  being  occupied  in  active  and 
exciting  employment,  with  continual  novelties  of 
situation,  and  expectation  of  something  to  come, 
seemed  to  fly  with  accelerated  speed  as  each 
brought  us  nearer  to  the  termination  of  our  im- 
prisonment.    But  I  return  to  my  narrative. 

Our  day  of  promise  set  in,  it  must  be  confessed, 
unpromisingly  enough  ;  for  through  the  night  a 
breeze  blew  from  the  N.  E.,  directly  on  the  land, 
and  the  mist  and  snow  drift  continued  so  thick, 
that  there  was  no  possibility  of  seeing  at  what 
part  of  the  coast  we  were.  The  barometer  too 
kept  falling,  and  the  wind  increasing.  At  noon, 
soundings  were  obtained  in  one  hundred  and 
thirty  fathoms,  but  the  sun  was  too  obscure  to 
get  an  observation.  About  2h  p.  m.  it  being  rather 
squally,  a  lane  of  water  was  formed  along  the 
edge  of  the  floe  one  half  round  it,  and  the  ice 

CHAP.  V.]  FLOE    DAMAGED.  219 

seemed  to  be  fast  drifting  to  the  south.     During 
the  early  part  of  the  night  a  lunar  halo,  slightly 
prismatic,    and   of  48°  diameter   was  observed. 
Shortly  after  the  wind  veered  more  to  the  north, 
and  with  a  rising  barometer  blew  a  strong  gale, 
which  remained  unabated  till  morning  of  the  15th. 
From   a  severe  shock,    that  was  felt  on  board 
sometime  in  the  middle  watch,  as  well  as  various 
dull  crackings  about  the  stern  frame  and  counter, 
I  inferred  that  some  commotion  had  been  in  ope- 
ration among  the  ice.     I  was  not,  however,  pre- 
pared   to  hear   that   an   opening,    commencing 
within  a  short  distance  of  the  larboard  bow,  had 
made    its   way    to    within    forty   paces  of   the 
ship,  and  then   running   diagonally  across   had 
absolutely   bisected  the  floe  -y     nor,   on  further 
examination,  was  this  all,  since,  at  the  southern 
extreme,    we   had   lost   another    large    portion, 
broken    off  in    a   parallel    line,    while   to    the 
north    innumerable    cracks   appeared    in    every 
direction.     This  was  the  most  unpromising  sight 
experienced  from  the  time  of  our  being  frozen  in, 
for  there  could  be  no  doubt  that  the  bulwark 
of  our  security  had  been  shattered ;  and,  as  no 
instance  had  been  known  of  a  reunion  of  parts 
once  separated  from  the  mass,  we  could  not  but 
feel,  though   with  an    humble   reliance  on  the 
mercy  of  that  Providence  which  had  hitherto 
sustained  us,  how  precarious  was  henceforth  our 

220  SURVEY    OF    FLOE.  [CHAP.V. 

condition.  At  noon,  soundings  were  found  in 
ninety-five  fathoms,  but  no  land  was  visible.  The 
latitude,  however,  by  a  hazy  sun,  was  64°  21'  N. 
This  day  was  remarkable  as  that  on  which  our 
oldest  invalid  was  rescued  from  the  sick  list, 
but  though  well  in  general  health  his  leg  con- 
tinued crooked.  A  parhelion  was  seen,  whose 
semidiameter  was  23° :  the  barometer  was  slowly 
rising,  and  at  length  the  sky  began  to  clear,  so 
that  about  4h  p.  m.  land  was  made  out  to  the 
south  east,  and  also  astern. 

About  night  fall  a  lane  of  water  appeared   on 
the   western   extremity   of  the   floe,   extending 
round  the  northern  part   of  it  to   south    east. 
The  night  itself  was  beautifully  clear,  and  soon 
after  midnight  quite  calm.     The  barometer  again 
fell,  and  at  6h  a  m.  a  light  air  came  from  the 
south  west.     We  had  been  of  late  so  enveloped 
in  mist  and  snow  drift,  that  a  fine  day  was  quite 
a  treat ;   and  after  divisions  and  the  usual  inspec- 
tion of  the  decks,  all  hands  rambled  about  the 
floe,  which  now  formed  the  limit  of  our  excursions. 
I,  also,  as  undisputed  sovereign  of  the  floe,  (and 
never  certainly  was   monarch  more  anxious  to 
preserve  the  integrity  of  his  territory,  or  more 
jealous  of  the   smallest   encroachment    on    his 
border,)  went  forth  to  make  a  survey   of  my 
icy  domain.     After  tracing  the  various  cracks 
from  one  extreme  to  the  other,    I   was  sorry 


to  find  not  only  a  complete  verification  of  the 
former  report,   but  additional  fractures  also,  of  a 
very  threatening  aspect.     The  pressure  had  been 
enormous,    having   thrown  up    terrific   piles   of 
broken,  and  in  many  instances  ponderous,  slabs 
of  ice.     Sad  inroads   had  been  made  upon  the 
floe  which,   however,  much  as  it  was  reduced, 
was  yet  infinitely  the  largest  compact  body  within 
the  circle  of  the  horizon.     In  many  parts,  where 
a  temporary  rent  and  separation  had  given  free- 
dom to  masses  confined  underneath,  huge  calves, 
yellow  and  brown  with  age,  darted  up  to  the 
surface,  looking  like  unsightly  blotches  on  the 
pale  features  of  the  general  scene.     One  small 
crack  even  trespassed  on   the  ship  :    but  what 
most  astonished  me  was  the  state  of  the  ice  com- 
posing  the   entire   body   to   the  verge   of    the 
horizon.     Formerly  it  had  been  remarked  to  con- 
sist of  innumerable  floes  of  different  sizes,   all 
more  or  less  irregular,    but  chiefly  crowned  by 
peaked  and  massy  hummocks,   which,   without 
any  straining  of  the  imagination,   might,  in  some 
atmospheres,  have  been  mistaken  for  islands.     Of 
these,  not  one  now  remained.     The  whole  had 
been  crushed,    ground,    and   powdered  into  an 
appearance,    which   I    can    liken    only    to    the 
spiculated    and     splintery    surface    of    broken 
granite,  as  seen  through  a  powerful  magnifier. 
How  it  was  that  this  effect  had  been  produced, 


whether  there  had  been  no  resistance,  or  that  the 
particles  had  intermixed  and  consolidated,  we 
could  not  determine ;  but  the  fact  was  indis- 
putable, that  none  of  the  hideous  ruins  piled  up 
on  both  extremities  of  our  floe  were  distinguish- 
able elsewhere.  It  is  worthy  of  remark,  as  illus- 
trating the  fracture  of  chrystals,  that  the  cracks 
in  general  pursued  their  course  through  every 
impediment  of  ice,  large  or  small,  in  a  track  not 
unlike  that  sometimes  marked  by  lightning  on 
other  substances.  How  far  these  continued,  we 
had  no  means  of  ascertaining. 

The  clearness  of  the  day  enabled  us  to  define 
the  outline  of  the  coast  very  satisfactorily.  We 
had  evidently  been  set  a  little  into  a  bay,  though 
the  nearest  land  which  seemed  rather  low  and 
shelving,  was  at  least  twelve  or  fifteen  miles  away. 
From  the  deck,  it  seemed  to  trend  southerly,  until 
quite  lost  in  the  horizon ;  but  with  the  assistance 
of  a  glass,  as  viewed  from  the  crowVnest,  it 
formed  a  very  deep  bay,  and  again  vanished 
behind  a  line  of  high  blue  land,  clearly  visible 
two  points  on  the  starboard  bow.  Beyond  the 
latter,  and  stretching  something  more  to  the 
east,  was  the  last  point  in  sight,  and  which  it  was 
considered  must  be  the  western  side  of  Seahorse 
Point,  or  at  least  very  close  to  it.  The  ship's 
head  (which  it  will  be  remembered  was  turned 
round  by  a  commotion  of  the  ice  when  not  far 



from  Cape  By  lot)  was  in  an  excellent  direction, 
and  allowing  that  the  floe  held  together,  and  the 
wind  continued  from  the  westward,  it  was  not 
unreasonable  to  suppose  we  should  eventually  be 
taken  somewhere  among  the  cluster  of  islands  at 
the  western  extremity  of  Hudson's  Straits. 

At  noon,  soundings  on  a  green  muddy  bottom 
were  struck  in  eighty-six  fathoms,  and  at  the  same 
time  the  extremes  of  land  extended  from 
N.  W.  \  N.  to  S.  E.  \  S.  The  latitude  observed 
was  64°  19'  30"  N.  and  the  longitude  81°  40'  W. 

February  17th,  for  some  part  of  the  day,  might 
be  said  tobe  calm ;  and,  as  usual,  the  ice  under  what 
might  have  been  thought  favourable  circum- 
stances, began  to  work  with  a  noise  by  no 
means  welcome  to  our  ears.  The  weather 
was  beautifully  fine,  and  the  wind  quite  light, 
rather  off  the  land ;  but  though  there  wras  nothing 
in  this  respect  which  betokened  a  change,  the 
barometer  was  slowly  falling,  and  it  was  remarked 
that  the  grinding  noise  around  the  floe  increased 
more  than  usual.  From  lh  to  3h  a.  m.  of  the 
following  day  (February  18th)  the  crashing  of  the 
ice  at  the  eastern  edge  of  the  floe  was  alarmingly 
loud,  and  a  few  minutes  afterwards  I  was  awakened 
by  a  hoarse  rushing  sound,  quickly  followed 
by  several  severe  shocks  against  the  ship.  The 
officer  of  the  watch  hurrying  down,  reported  that 
the  floe  was  certainly  breaking  up  alongside,  and 
I  hastened  on  deck,  where  the  first  Lieutenant 


had  arrived  before  me.  Here  we  saw  a  rent  in 
the  ice,  extending  from  the  stern  of  the  ship  to 
the  edge  of  the  floe,  and  another  stretching  from 
the  bow  directly  ahead  to  the  eastern  brink  ; 
thus,  in  fact,  forming  a  continuous  line  of 
separation  directly  through  the  centre.  The 
hands  were  immediately  turned  up  and  set  to 
work  in  bringing  on  board  the  armourer's  forge 
from  a  shed  alongside,  and  hoisting  up  the 
dingy,*  which,  for  convenience  and  preservation 
had  been  stowed  on  the  floe  within  our  wall. 
The  ship  now  began  to  complain,  and  strained 
considerably  under  the  counter.  She  then  heeled 
over  to  port,  and  relieved  herself  about  six  inches 
from  the  starboard  embankment  against  the  side, 
making  by  the  effort  gaping  rents  through  the 
snow  walls.  At  this  time,  the  crashing,  grind- 
ing:, and  rushing  noise  beneath,  as  well  as  at  the 
borders  of  the  floe,  the  rents  and  cracks  in  all 
directions  towards  the  ship,  herself  suffering 
much,  the  freezing  cold  of  33°-,  together  with 
a  W.N.W.  wind,  and  the  dimness  of  the  early 
hour,  combined  to  render  our  situation  not  a 
little  perilous  and  uncomfortable.  1  had  been 
alone  to  examine  the  edge  of  the  outer  ice,  which 
though  greatly  disturbed  and  making  a  deafening 
noise,  had  not  yet  broken  into  our  floe.  But  at 
5h  a.m.;  a  commotion  like  an  earthquake  took 
place;    additional    cracks  displayed  themselves 

*  A  small  boat. 

CHAP. V.]  TUMULT    CEASES.  225 

across  our  snow  houses,  galleries,  and  court  yard. 
The  ship  creaked  in  her  beams  and  timbers  ;  and 
to  our  great  dismay,  the  increasing  daylight 
shewed  an  advancing  rampart  of  ice  forming  a 
semicircle  to  seaward,  and  already  much  nearer 
to  us,  from  having  rolled  in  one  vast  body  full 
eighty  yards.  It  extended  from  S.  W.  to  N.  E., 
and  Lieutenant  M'Murdo  who  made  the  report, 
estimated  its  height  at  thirty  feet.*  In  all  parts 
now,  within  the  scope  of  the  above  bearings, 
enormous  calves,  some  round  and  massy,  others 
like  small  floes,  had  escaped  from  confinement, 
and  tossed  up  into  irregular  positions  looked 
like  so  many  engines  threatening  destruction. 
But  at  this  moment  of  most  imminent  peril  there 
was  a  pause,  and  at  near  7h  a.m.  the  whole  tumult 
suddenly  ceased.  It  will  be  remembered  that 
as  a  screen  from  the  severity  of  the  climate,  the 
decks  had  been  covered  with  layers,  and  the 
sides  protected  by  embankments  of  snow,  now 
hardened  almost  into  solidity.  I  gave  orders 
that  the  whole  of  these  should  be  cleared 
away,  as  well  to  lighten  the  ship  as  much  as 
possible,  as  to  get  access  to  our  supply  of  pro- 
visions, which  were  ranged  along  the  bulwark, 
and  this  was  the  only  step  I  could  take  towards 
our  preservation,  in  the  event  of  the  ship  being 

*  It.  afterwards  sank  to  eighteen  feet. 


crushed.  The  ice  all  round  was  so  splintered  and 
jagged,  that  to  put  a  boat  upon  it  was  out  of  the 
question.  Neither  could  it  be  made,  even  for  an 
hour,  a  deposit  of  provisions,  full  as  it  was  of 
clear  cracks  and  small  holes,  the  production  of 
each  instant.  Nothing  therefore  could  have 
been  conveyed  to  the  land,  distant  at  least  seven 
or  nine  miles,  and  I  think  it  at  least  doubtful 
whether  any  one,  even  without  incumbrance, 
could  have  reached  it. 

The  work  of  clearing  the  deck  with  pick-axe 
and  shovel  went  on  briskly ;  and  at  3h  p.  m.  the 
ship  rose  up  four  inches,  and  towards  evening, 
when  the  after-part  was  completed,  eight  inches 
more.  The  men  under  the  inspection  of  the 
officers,  had  exerted  themselves  considerably, 
because,  according  to  past  experience,  it  was 
thought  the  disturbance  would  recommence 
about  three  o'clock.  Nothing,  however,  beyond 
a  partial  motion  was  then  perceptible,  nor  until 
5h  15m  p.  m.  when  the  ship  was  lifted  up  abaft. 
From  that  time,  symptoms  of  the  influence  of 
some  under-current  were  audible  in  the  cabin, 
where  the  concussions  of  passing  ice  striking 
underneath  were  too  clearly  heard  to  be  misun- 
derstood. It  ended  in  the  separation  of  two 
edges  of  a  large  crack,  not  more  than  fifty  yards 
from  the  ship,  which  opened  in  the  space  of  five 
minutes  into  a  hole  of  water.     The  extraordinary 

CHAP. V.]  DISUNION    OF    FLOE.  2^7 

part  of  this  was,  that  the  opening  did  not  con- 
tinue along  the  crack  to  the  edge  of  the  floe, 
but  took  place  only  in  a  particular  spot,  as  if  the 
ice  had  been  scooped  out  from  the  interval  so 
created.     At  10h  p.  m.  it  closed  a  little,  and  imme- 
diately a  mound  of  ice  was  raised  at  the  western 
termination,   adjacent  to  the  starboard  quarter  ; 
this  had  probably  eased  the  pressure  from  the 
ship,  since  little  more  was  felt  on  board  than  a 
few   squeezes    and    an    occasional    concussion. 
Meanwhile,    the    body    of  the  ice   outside  the 
ramparts,  which  had  been  for  some  time  at  rest, 
began  to   be   again  disturbed.      February  19th 
arrived,    and  we   looked  with   some  anxiety  to 
the  approach  of  the  same  hours,  during  which, 
on  the  preceding  morning,   we  had  suffered  so 
much  annoyance,  fully  expecting  a  repetition ; 
but,  fortunately  the  chief  pressure  fell  on  the  new- 
ly-opened crack,  extending  however  occasionally 
as  far  as  the  ship,  and  ending  by  heeling  her  over 
to  starboard.     In  fact,  when  the  sun  rose,  it  was 
found  she  had  forged  about  eight  inches  from 
the  bank  of  the  dock  on  the  larboard  side,  where 
bay  or  young   ice  had   closed  up  the  interval. 
About  10h    a.  m.   another    crack  close    ahead, 
or  rather  on  the  starboard  bow,  opened,  and  en- 
larged others  near  it,  which  in  their  turns  pro- 
duced fresh  fractures,   thus  gradually  separating 
the  floe  into  its  original  constituent  parts.     In 

q  2 

228  DOVEKTE    SHOT.  [CHAP.V, 

this  latter  disunion,  I  could  not  but  remark  how 
quickly  the  young  ice  was  formed  on  the  ex* 
posed  surface  of  water,  on  which  thechrystals  might 
actually  be  seen  darting  and  glancing  till  they 
formed  a  continuous  sheet.  It  happened  that  a 
solitary  Dovekie  had  found  in  its  wanderings 
the  now  circumscribed  hole  of  water,  which  had 
been  created  the  evening  before,  and  gladly 
availed  itself  of  this  relief  from  its  wearied  flight, 
unconscious  of  the  dangerous  neighbours  who 
observed  it.  Our  keen  sportsman,  Mr.  Gore, 
soon  brought  it  triumphantly  on  board,  where  of 
course  it  underwent  a  careful  scrutiny.  Besides 
the  two  white  spaces  in  the  wings,  the  breast 
and  under  part  were  entirely  white,  as  were  the 
whole  of  the  neck  and  back  except  three  patches 
of  a  grey  or  speckled  colour  where  the  black  and 
white  plumage  were  intermixed.  Though  the 
maw  was  quite  empty,  thebird  was  tolerably  plump. 
From  the  circumstance  of  its  coming  so  far  from 
land,  it  was  inferred  that  there  could  not  be 
much,  if  any,  open  water  in  that  direction;  yet 
in  a  couple  of  hours,  three  or  four  lanes  became 
suddenly  visible,  in  one  of  which,  at  the  edge  of 
the  floe,  the  ice  was  drifting  past  us  to  the  S.  S.  E. 
Sunday  had  been  kept  on  all  occasions,  when 
the  duty  allowed  of  it,  as  a  day  of  entire  rest ; 
but  the  necessity  of  clearing  away  the  ice  and 
snow  compelled  for  once  a  deviation  from  our 



practice,  and  the  work  proceeded  with  uninter- 
mitted  energy.     Looking  at  the  heaps  thus  re- 
moved, the  broken  arches  of  our  galleries,  and  the 
rent  walls,  the  cracks  in  the  floe,  and  the  vast 
mounds  around  it,  one  could  not  help  being  strongly 
reminded  of  the  scene  which  must  follow  an  earth- 
quake.    The  ship's  head  had  been  turned  by  the 
late  commotion  about  three  points  in  shore  ;  and 
judging  from  the  land  which  was  clearly  seen, 
she  had  been  set  at  the  same  time  to  the  south- 
ward and  eastward,   rather  towards  an   opening 
in  the  bay,  the  exact  nature  of  which  could  not 
be  ascertained.    Evidently,  however,  it  ran  a  long 
way  to  the  south,  as  the  low  land  on  its  western 
side   was   lost  sight  of;  and  as  we  could    dis- 
tinguish other  points  to   the  eastward,  it  was  by 
no  means  impossible  that  it  might  be  continuous 
with  Evan's  Inlet,  thus  making   the  land,  the 
eastern  extremity  of  which  is  Seahorse  Point,  an 
island.     If  this  be  so,  the  extraordinary  rush  of 
water   experienced  in  the  recent  convulsion  of 
our  floe  would  be  easily  accounted  for  ;  still  the 
soundings  at  noon  had  undergone  no  material 
change,  continuing  to  give  eighty-three  fathoms, 
but  with  a  substance  containing  particles  of  lime- 
stone instead  of  green  mud.     The  latitude  was 
64°  17'  N.  and  longitude  81°  36'  W.  ;  and  the 
extremes  of  land  were  from  S.  8°  50'  east  to  N. 

q  3 

230         SHEDS  TAKEN  DOWN.     [CHAP.V. 

32  W. ;  barometer  29.  53,  and  temperature  of 
air  30° —     A  parhelion  was  observed. 

In  a  very  short  time  the  ice  got  into  motion, 
and  in  a  small  lane   on   the  starboard  quarter 
appeared  to  be  setting  south.     At  3h  p.  m.  the 
same    lane    closed,    and    another    immediately 
opened  at  a  short  distance  from  it.     At  4\  the 
edge  of  the  floe  from  west  to  north  displayed 
signs  of  considerable  pressure,  which,  affecting 
the  ice  alongside,  drove  it  onwards  with  a  rum- 
bling   noise    so  as  to   heel  the    ship    over  to 
starboard.      The  beam    whale-boat    being  thus 
brought   too  near  the  ice,  was  hoisted  half  up 
the  main  rigging.     The  shed  too,  which  had  been 
so   long  familiar  to  our  sight  as  the  armourer's 
work-shop     was   now    necessarily   taken    down 
and  the  spars,  sails,  ice-anchor,  &c,   brought  on 
board.     At  8h  p.  m.  a  barrier  was  thrown  up 
nine  feet  high  on  the  starboard  bow,  and,  owing 
to  some  under  convulsion,  the  large  pieces  of 
the  floe  on  that   side  were   much  cracked  and 
broken ;  besides  which,  the  chink  astern  leading 
to    the    edge    of  the    floe    in    that    direction 
became     sufficiently    wide    to     admit    of    the 
water  being  seen  through  it.     There  was  only 
a  light  air  of  wrind  rather  off-shore,  so  that  these 
changes  must  have  been  occasioned  principally 
by  irregular    tides.       At    10h  30m  p.  m.   several 

CHAP.  V.]  AWFUL    PERIL.  231 

singular  openings  suddenly  appeared  in  sight, 
and  were  soon  followed  by  another  of  those  loud 
rushing  noises,  known  by  experience  to  be  the 
forerunners  of  evil.  The  thermometer  was  40° — , 
and  the  weather  very  cold. 

February  20th.     For  three  hours  after  mid- 
night the  ice  opened  and  shut,  especially  on  the 
starboard  beam  and  quarter,  where  mounds  and 
heaps  were  squeezed    up    alarmingly  near   the 
ship,  but  without  in  any  manner  disturbing  her, 
beyond  an  occasional  concussion  and  squeaking 
pressure  under  the  counter.     But  at  4h  a.  m., 
the  whole  of  the  ice  was  in  motion,  producing 
instantaneous  fissures,  and,  among  these,  an  actual 
separation  of  the  ice  along  the  starboard  side, 
extending  beyond  the  bow,  and  throwing  down 
every  thing  in  its  way.     Some  of  the  galleries 
were   now  floating   in   the  water,    looking  like 
tunnels.     To  find  ourselves  at  freedom  to  move, 
would,  twro  months  later,  have  been  the  summit 
of  our  wishes;  but  now  we  saw  it  with  reluctance, 
as  it  only  mocked  us  with  a  hope  which  could 
not  be  realized,  while  it  involved  us  in  immedi- 
ate peril.     At  7h  a.  m.,  the  ice  returning  with 
accumulated  force  made  the  ship  crack  fore  and 
aft  with  a  hideous  creaking  that  for  some  seconds 
held  us  in  suspense  for  the  result.     My  cabin 
door  could  with  difficulty  be  forced  open,   and 
was   split  with   the   pressure.     The   people,  in 

q  4 

232  INSTRUCTIONS    TO    CREW.         [CHAP.V. 

alarm,  crowded  on  deck  ;  and  even  the  poor  sick 
came  tottering  aft,  in  an  agony  of  terror.  Provi- 
dentially the  ship  lifted  herself  up  fully  eight 
inches,  under  the  pressure  of  a  force  that  would 
have  crushed  a  less  strengthened  vessel  to 
atoms ;  and  thus  the  opposing  ice  either  passed 
in  part  beneath  the  bottom,  or  was  wedged 
against  the  large  masses  at  either  extremity. 

After   8h  a.  m.    we  had   some  quiet ;  and  at 
divisions,    I  thought  it  necessary  to  address  the 
crew,    reminding   them   that   as   Christians  and 
British  seamen,  they  were  called  upon  to  con- 
duct  themselves  with    coolness   and  fortitude  ; 
and  that  independently  of  the  obligations  imposed 
by  the  Articles  of  War,  every  one  ought  to  be 
influenced  by  the  still  higher  motive  of  a  con- 
scientious desire  to  perform  his  duty.     I  gave 
them  to  understand,  that  I  expected  from  one 
and  all,  in  the  event  of  any  disaster,  an  implicit 
obedience  to  and  an  energetic  execution  of  every 
order  they  might  receive  from  the  officers,  as 
well  as  kind  and  compassionate  help  to  the  sick. 
On  their  observance  of  these  injunctions,  I  warned 
them,  our  ultimate  safety  might  depend.     Some 
fresh  articles  of  warm  clothing  were  then  dealt  out 
to  them  ;   and  as  the  moment  of  destruction  was 
uncertain,  I  desired  that  the  small  bags  in  which 
those  things  were  contained  should  be  placed  on 
deck  with  the  provisions,  so  as  to  be  ready  at 

CHAP. V.]     GRANDEUR  OF  SCENE.  233 

an  instant.  The  forenoon  was  spent  in  getting 
up  bales  of  blankets,  bear-skins,  provision,  pyro- 
ligneous  acid  for  fuel,  and  in  short  whatever 
might  be  necessary  if  the  ship  should  be  suddenly 
broken  up,  and  spars  were  rigged  over  the 
quarters  to  hoist  them  out.  Meanwhile  the  ice 
moved  but  little,  though  the  hour  of  full  moon 
was  passed  ;  but  at  noon  it  began  to  drift  slowly 
to  the  northward.  We  were  now  from  five  to  eight 
miles  off  the  nearest  land.  The  soundings  were 
in  eighty-eight  fathoms,  and  showed  black  mud, 
which  had  not  been  seen  before.  The  latitude 
was  64°  16'  N.,  and  we  had  gone  a  little  to  the 
eastward.  Thermometer  21°-,  and  cold,  owing 
to  spiculse  falling.  Barometer  stationary  at  29*55. 
Wind  west. 

Though  I  had  seen  vast  bodies  of  ice  from 
Spitzbergen  to  150°  west  longitude,  under 
various  aspects,  some  beautiful,  and  all  more  or 
less  awe-inspiring,  I  had  never  witnessed,  nor 
even  imagined,  any  thing  so  fearfully  magnifi- 
cent, as  the  moving  towers  and  ramparts  that  now 
frowned  on  every  side  Had  the  still  extensive 
pieces  of  which  the  floe  was  formed  been  split 
and  divided  like  those  further  off,  the  effect 
would  have  been  far  less  injurious  to  the  ship  ; 
but,  though  cracked  and  rent,  the  parts,  from 
some  inexplicable  cause,  closed  again  for  a 
time,  and  drove  with  accelerated  and  almost 
irresistible  force  against  the  defenceless  vessel. 

234  EXPECTATION    OF    CRISIS.         [CHAP.V. 

In  the  afternoon  the  other  boats  were  hoisted 
higher  up,  to  save  them  from  damage  in  the 
event  of  the  ship  being  thrown  much  over  on 
her  broadside.  For  three  hours  we  remained 
unmolested,  though  the  ice  outside  of  the  floe 
was  moving  in  various  directions,  some  pieces 
almost  whirling  round,  and  of  course,  in  the 
effort,  disturbing  others.  At  5h  p.  m.,  however,  the 
piece  near  the  ship  having  previously  opened 
enough  to  allow  of  her  resuming  a  nearly  up<- 
right  position,  collapsed  again  with  a  force  that 
made  every  plank  complain  ;  and  further  pres- 
sure being  added  at  six  o'clock,  an  ominous 
cracking  was  heard,  that  only  ceased  on  her 
being  lifted  bodily  up  eighteen  inches.  The 
same  unwelcome  visitation  was  repeated  an  hour 
afterwards,  in  consequence  of  the  closing  of  a 
narrow  lane  directly  astern.  The  night  was 
very  fine,  but  the  vapour  which  arose  from  the 
many  cracks,  as  well  as  the  small  open  space 
alongside,  quickly  becoming  converted  into  small 
spiculse  of  snow,  rendered  the  cold  intolerably 
keen  to  those  who  faced  the  wind.  Up  to  mid- 
night we  were  not  much  annoyed,  and  for  four 
hours  afterwards,  on  February  21st,  all  was  quiet. 
Every  man  had  gone  to  rest  with  his  clothes  on, 
and  was  agreeably  surprised  at  being  so  long 
undisturbed  by  the  usual  admonitory  grinding. 
However,  at  4h  l()m  a.  m.  a  commotion  was  heard, 
which  appeared  to  be  confined  to  the  angle  con- 

CHAP. V.]  BEAMS,  &C.  INSPECTED.  235 

tained  between  west  and  north-west.     On  look- 
ing round  at  day-break,  it  was  found  that  the 
ship  had  been  released  by  the  retreating  of  the 
ice,  and  had  nearly  righted  ;  but  at  5h  a.  m.  she 
was  again  sorely  squeezed,  and  the  nip  being 
repeated  at  7h  a.  m.,  she  rose  eighteen  inches  as 
before  ;  she  was  then  at  intervals  jerked  up  from 
the  pressure  underneath,  with  a  groan  each  time 
from  the  woodwork.     Yet  notwithstanding  these 
successive   attacks,  very  little  additional  water 
found  its  way  into  the  well,  which  was  sounded 
every  five  minutes,  and  had  not  yet  exceeded 
seven    inches   in   the   twenty- four    hours.     On 
inspecting  the  beams  and  decks — a  precaution 
that  followed  every  nip — the  former  were  found 
firm,  and  the  bolts  still  tight;  but  the  latter 
for  about  twelve  feet  abreast  of  the  store-rooms 
on  the  lower  deck,  had  risen  three  quarters  of 
an  inch,  while  the  binding  planks  on  the  larboard 
side  abeam  had  also  started  a  little.     In  order 
therefore,  to  give  additional  support,  it  was  pro- 
posed to  put  up  quarter  shores  along  the  lower 
deck,  and  store-rooms,  and  the  proposition  was 
immediately  carried  into  effect.     At  10h  the  ice 
eased  off,  and  some  on  the  outside  appeared  as 
if  setting  to  the  S.E.,  which  was  in  shore  of  us. 
The  weather  was  fine,  but  for  the  reason  already 
assigned,  extremely  cold  in  the  shade,  or  facing 
the   northerly    wind   in    the   neighbourhood   of 


frost  smoke.  I  felt  it  keenly  in  making  the 
round  of  the  now  much  rent  floe,  and  in  looking 
with  fresh  wonder  on  the  gigantic  piles  before 
alluded  to.  Of  the  awful  grandeur  of  these  no 
language  could  give  an  adequate  description,  and 
even  the  more  effective  pencil  has  been  able  only 
to  catch  one  momentary  aspect  of  a  scene,  the 
terrible  sublimity  of  which  lay  chiefly  in  the  roll- 
ing onward  of  these  mighty  engines  of  destruc- 
tion. Cracks,  rents,  and  banks  extended  from 
the  edge  or  base  of  the  barrier  towards  the  ship, 
in  every  bearing  on  the  north-east  side,  where 
the  ice  was  much  the  heaviest,  and,  conse- 
quently, unless  it  should  be  splintered  into 
smaller  masses,  most  to  be  dreaded  in  the  encoun-  * 
ter.  Around  the  other  part  of  the  floe  the 
havoc  was,  if  possible,  still  greater,  reaching,  by 
four  or  five  transverse  fractures,  even  to  the 
starboard  side  of  the  ship,  while  ahead  and 
astern  longitudinal  mounds  of  ice  and  snow 
began  to  assume  the  appearance  of  barricades. 

Whilst  engaged  with  the  first  Lieutenant  in 
contemplating  these  effects,  within  ten  paces  of 
the  vessel,  the  sound  of  rushing  water  beneath 
warned  us  to  expect  some  change.  All  at  once, 
however,  it  ceased :  another  rush  was  heard, 
which  stopped  as  suddenly ;  but  a  third,  ad- 
vancing with  a  louder  roar,  threw  the  whole 
body  into  motion,  and  bringing  the  ponderous 


acres  with  all  their  loads  against  the  ship,   threw 
her  up  and  considerably  over  to  starboard,  with 
great  violence,  though,  strange  to  say,  without 
apparent  injury.     It  was  then  we  saw  her  rise  to 
the  pressure,  and  endeavour  to  thrust  the  ice 
beneath  her  bends,  a  result  much  to  be  desired, 
as  it  would  form  a  sort  of  bolster  to  support  her. 
We  had  certainly  gone  somewhat  to  the  east- 
ward, since  a  point  named,  after  the  third  Lieu- 
tenant, M'Murdo,  the  bearing  of  which  yester- 
day was  before,  was  now  abaft  the  beam,  and  the 
high  bluff  land  was  more  clearly  visible,  though 
in    some    measure    dimmed    by    frost    smoke. 
There  was  no  interruption  from  this  time  until 
3h  30m  p.  m.,  when  the  ice  suddenly  pressed  up 
against  the  ship.     It  was  not  however  till  6h  that 
it  came  with  much  force,  when  the  decks,  espe- 
cially the  upper  one,  creaked  fearfully  in  the 
afterpart,  notwithstanding  the  four  newly  erected 
shores  in  my  cabin.     As  usual,  after  some  resist- 
ance,   she   rose   and   heeled  over  to  starboard. 
The  two  following  hours  kept  us  in  a  state  of 
painful  suspense,  for  the  ice  closing  in  different 
points  occasioned  violent  pressure,   that  threw 
her  over  twenty  inches,  and  raised  her  nearly  as 
much.     This  was  accompanied  by  one  of  those 
loud  rushing  noises  beneath,  so  frequently  men- 
tioned before.     Judging  from  the  previous  even- 
ing, we  might  now  have  expected  a  few  hours  of 


tranquillity;    but  when   every   other   part  was 
undisturbed,  the  extensive  piece  on  the  larboard 
side  moved  slowly  to  the  south,  and  again  nipped 
us.     At  llh  this  slackened,   and  thenceforth  we 
were   quiet   until  5h  a.  m.    of   February    22d, 
during  which  interval  I  conceive  the  tide  and 
current  were   setting   to    the    south    and   east. 
From  5h  until  8h  a.  m,  the  commotion  again 
went  on,  and  caused  several  new,  and  enlarged 
many  old  cracks,  the  detached  pieces  taking  dif- 
ferent directions,  though  still  close  together,  and, 
consequently,  grinding  or  overlapping  whatever 
obstructed  them.     The  pressure  came  suddenly 
and  without  warning  on  the  ship,  and  strained 
her  fore  and  aft,  more  especially,  however,  about 
the  orlop  deck,  where,  on  examination,  the  car- 
penter discovered  that  some  of  the  iron  fasten- 
ings in   the   store-rooms   had   received  injury. 
There  had  been,  indeed,  an  immense  pressure 
on  the  starboard    bow,  as  may  be  conjectured 
from   the   fact    that    a    huge    mass    had    been 
thrown  up  fully  nineteen  feet  above  the   level. 
The  remnant  of  the   wall  across  the  bow  had 
been  thrown  down,  and  the  ice  there  so  bro- 
ken as   to  present   a   most   ruinous   and   deso- 
late appearance.     The  whole  scene  indeed,  far 
as  the  eye  could  stretch,  was  confusion  worse 
confounded.     Broken  points  at  every  angle,  from 
the  perpendicular  to  the  nearly  horizontal,  hum- 







0  ti; 







mocks,  mounds,  jagged  and  warted  masses, 
splinters,  walls,  and  ramparts,  with  here  and 
there,  at  far  intervals,  the  remains  of  some  floe 
not  yet  entirely  broken  up  ; — such  was  the 
picture  which  saluted  us  on  every  side,  teach- 
ing the  lesson  of  humility  and  resignation  to 
the  will  of  Heaven.  Much  ice  was  forced  un- 
derneath the  bottom  on  the  starboard  side, 
and  often  bounded  up  with  severe  concussions 
along  the  run  abaft,  making  the  ship  tremble  at 
each  successive  shock.  The  angle  of  inclination 
on  that  side  was  nine  degrees. 

Up  to  noon  scarcely  any  alteration  took  place, 
the  vessel  remaining  heavily  nipped.  It  had  been 
remarked  during  the  last  eight  or  ten  days,  that 
from  the  early  part  of  the  day  until  a  few  hours 
past  noon,  we  had  been  regularly  set  to  the  west ; 
but  now,  the  ship's  head  had  not  only  been  turned 
more  out,  and  consequently  in  a  better  direction 
for  going  along  the  coast,  but  we  were  drifted 
by  the  ice  to  the  north  west  until  3h  30m  p.  m. 
when  we  seemed  to  be  stationary.  Among  the 
numerous  cracks  around,  were  several  astern, 
that  after  a  temporary  separation  generally  closed 
again  ;  but  an  entirely  new  one  now  opened, 
from  fifteen  to  twenty  feet  wide,  within  the  short 
distance  of  thirty  paces  from  the  quarter  :  not  far 
from  this,  and  completely  isolating  the  high 
hummock   which   under   the   name   of    Mount 

240  LANES    CLOSED.  [CHAP.V. 

Pleasant,  had  for  the. whole  winter,  served  as  a 
look-out  station,  was  another  lane  ;  and  this  again 
was  bisected  by  a  third,  that  cut  in  two  the  snow 
hut  first  made,  the  two  parts  of  which  were,  on  a 
shifting  of  the  lane,  carried  different  ways.  A 
larger  and  more  distant  hut  was  already  partly 
crushed,  and  only  awaited  the  advancing  roll  of 
the  rampart,  now  within  a  few  feet  of  it,  for  its 
final  downfal.  Between  the  hours  of  6h  and  8h 
p.  m.  the  rushing  'bore,'*  was  faintly  audible  to 
the  westward,  and  after  various  checks  seemed 
to  resume  its  course  with  increased  violence, 
setting  in  motion  whatever  impeded  its  progress. 
The  lanes  adjacent  were  all  closed,  and  began 
Grinding  down  their  edees,  which  were  speedily 
thrown  up  into  bordering  mounds.  The  cracked 
ice  on  either  side  was  also  agitated,  and  saved  us 
considerably  by  affording  a  channel  for  the  bore. 
Our  anxiety  indeed  was  not  of  long  duration,  for 
the  ice  immediately  adjoining  the  stern  was  more 
pounded  and  the  ship  less  affected  than  on  any 
of  the  recent  assaults.  The  sky  was  clear  over- 
head, and  almost  calm,  and  midnight  came  with- 
out any  more  disturbance  than  an  occasional 
rustling  at  the  extreme  barriers.  This  tran- 
quillity remained  until  about  6h  a.  m.  of  the  23d, 
when  a  remote  sound  indicated  another  commo- 

*  The  bore  is  a  sort  of  rampart  or  wall  of  water,  thrown 
up  by  the  opposition  of  the  current  and  the  set  of  the  tide. 


tion ;  but  this  effect  was  neither  serious  nor 
lasting,  and  up  to  noon  there  was  no  annoyance. 
The  ship,  however,  had  still  the  same  inclination, 
about  three  feet  four  inches  to  starboard,  and 
consequently  remained  nipped;  and  the  bread 
room  having  been  cleared  for  an  examination 
abaft,  a  knee-chock  on  the  larboard  side  was  found 
wrenched  f  of  an  inch  from  its  position  on  the 
after  part,  above  which  the  deck  was  raised  § 
of  an  inch.  Three  shores  were  fixed  on  each 
side  of  the  bread  room,  as  an  additional  support. 
The  weather  was  calm,  and  to  a  certain  height 
misty,  from  the  great  increase  of  minute  frozen 
particles.  The  difference  between  the  two  ther- 
mometers on  board,  (those  on  the  ice  having 
necessarily  been  taken  down,)  was  at  a  little  past 
noon  27° ;  the  one  being  19°—,  and  the  other  8°-f . 
The  high  land  was  still  in  sight,  and  evidently 
nearer ;  the  extremes  being  from  S.  to  W.  N.  W. 
The  latitude  was  64°  14'  50"  N.  The  ice  con- 
tinued setting  to  the  N.  W.  until  4h  p.  m.,  then 
remained  stationary  until  6h,  after  which  there 
was  disturbance  at  intervals,  in  the  direction  of 
the  north  east,  but  without  any  material  effect, 
except  that  a  short  cracking  sound  indicated 
extra  pressure  on  the  ship. 

The  24th  was  comparatively  tranquil,  and  at 
noon  the  ship  remained  with  precisely  the  same 
inclination.    Still,  as  the  wind  was  now  directly  on 


242  doctor's  report.  [chap.  v. 

shore,  there  was  no  saying  at  what  moment  a  nip 
might  come  on  ;  and  as  the  upper  deck  had  been 
more  affected  than  any  of  the  others,  the  first  Lieu- 
tenant suggested  a  method  of  lashing  its  beams  to 
the  stronger  ones  of  the  lower  deck,   to  prevent 
them  from  rising  up,  as  they  had  always  a  tendency 
to  do,  when  under  the  influence  of  heavy  pressure 
amidships,  or  on  the  topsides.     The  people  were 
forthwith  set  to  work  in  canting  the  barge  and 
clearing  the  booms  for  that  purpose.    The  wind 
had  set  us  towards  the  land  abeam  ;   and  that 
ahead  bore  S.  3°  E.,  distant  about  eight  or  ten 
miles.     After  inspection  to-day,  Doctor  Dono- 
van made  a  favourable  report  of  the  health  of 
the  crew,  which  he  considered  to  be  manifestly 
improving.     One  only  was  added   to  the  list, 
whilst  many  of  those  who   had   been   affected 
were  so  far  recovered,  as  to  stand  in  no  further 
need  of  an  extra  quantity  of  acid.     Until  5h  p.  m. 
the  ice  was  generally  in  motion,  and  setting  fast 
to  the  westward  ;  at  that  hour  the  motion  ceased, 
and  was  succeeded  by  a  noise  to  the  northward, 
occasioned,  as  was  supposed,  by  the  freshening 
breeze   breaking    up   the   ice    in    that   quarter. 
Soon  after  the  cracking  of  the  pitch  and  timber 
about  the  stern  frame  gave  notice  of  fresh  an- 
noyance ;  and,  though  nothing  could  be  detected 
by  the  officer  of  the  watch  denoting  any  action 
on  the  surface,  the  cracking  became  more  vehe- 


ment,  accompanied  with  a  splitting  of  part  of  the 
lining.  It  was  evident,  therefore,  that  there  was 
considerable  pressure  existing  about  the  larboard 
quarter ;  and,  a  few  minutes  before  8h  p.  m.,  the 
cause  announced  itself  by  a  succession  of  loud 
rushing  noises,  followed  bv  the  rending  of  the  ice 
near  us,  and  the  squeezing  of  the  ship.  For  two 
hours  more  there  was  incessant  motion  of  one  kind 
or  other,  bearing  the  ice  hard  against  the  larboard 
side,  particularly  the  quarter,  and  at  midnight 
the  ship  was  straining  much. 

February  25th.  During  a  brief  interval  we 
were  relieved  from  anxiety  by  a  general  stillness, 
but  the  same  unwelcome  sounds  soon  returned  ; 
the  vast  bodies  pressed  more  closely  together, 
producing  complaints  from  the  larboard  quarter. 
When  the  sun  rose  the  ship  was  carefully  exa- 
mined, but  notwithstanding  all  the  sound  and 
fury  heard  in  the  night,  no  marks  of  external 
violence  were  discovered.  Early  in  the  forenoon 
the  ship  began  to  set  towards  the  S.S.E.  As  the 
low  land  abreast  could  now  be  distinctly  made 
out,  it  seemed  that  we  must  have  neared  it ;  the 
blue  bluff  ahead  bearing  due  south  was  dim 
from  the  quantity  of  small  snow  which  was 
flying  about,  causing  a  penetrating  cold  that  all 
complained  of.  The  wind  kept  to  the  north 
with  a  moderate  force,  and  the  temperature  was 
33°—  ;  but    the    southern    thermometer  being 

r  2 


sometimes  shaded  by  the  rigging,  and  having  no 
other  place  so  free  from  radiation  to  put  it,  the 
register  was  not  to  be  depended  on.  Baro- 
meter, 29.  94.  Latitude,  64°  14'  20"  N.,  and 
longitude,  81°  27'  15"  W. 

During  the  entire  part  of  the  afternoon  the 
ice  appeared  to  set  in  a  northerly  direction, 
though  at  5h  p.  m.  the  high  land  was  far  more 
distinct  than  I  had  hitherto  seen  it,  many  breaks 
and  inequalities  being  observed  which  were  not 
previously  visible.  For  a  couple  of  hours  there 
were  irregular  movements  near  us,  and  between 
7h  30m  and  8h  the  usual  rushing  sounds  were 
heard  in  the  north-west  quarter.  The  cracking 
ice  marked  the  course  of  the  disturbing  force 
whatever  it  was,  which,  though  frequently  de- 
viating and  interrupted  for  a  few  seconds, 
again  broke  onward  with  increased  violence,  bear- 
ing down  all  opposition.  Such  were  the  severe 
attacks  the  ship  had  continually  to  withstand, 
and  that  too,  at  the  weakest  point.  She  cracked 
much  around  the  quarter,  and  was  otherwise 
heavily  pressed. 

February  26th.  During  several  hours,  the 
ice,  though  to  all  appearance  close  jammed  to- 
gether, was  often  in  motion,  and  came  with 
such  sudden  shocks,  that  few  were  able  to  sleep. 
Many,  indeed,  lay  down  in  their  clothes,  ready 
to  start  up  at  a  moment.     Our  devotions  this 

CHAP.  V.]  SERMON.  245 

day  were  tinged  with  a  solemnity  becoming  the 
precariousness  of  our  condition ;  and  a  sermon, 
upon  the  appropriate  text  "It  is  the  Lord :  let 
Him  do  what  seemeth  Him  good,"  was  listened 
to  with  the  most  profound  and  serious  attention. 
At  noon  the  high  land  was  much  nearer,  and 
we  had  now  opened  the  deep  bay,  inlet,  or  strait, 
mentioned  before.  The  land  there  was  very  low, 
not  unlike  the  description  of  the  coast  to  the 
south  of  Evan's  Inlet.  The  bluff,  which  had  been 
denominated  the  blue  bluff,  from  the  tinge  always 
seen  on  it,  could  now  be  made  out  perfectly  clear, 
and  was  not  more  than  ten  miles  off,  and  the 
distance  of  the  nearest  low  land  did  not  exceed 
four  miles.  Soundings  were  found  in  seventy- 
two  fathoms,  having  a  bottom  of  rock  and  sand. 
Some  of  the  gentlemen  thought  they  saw  the 
track  of  a  fox,  which,  if  so,  must  have  taken 
more  than  common  trouble  to  make  so  long  a 
journey,  and  would  find  itself  but  poorly  requited 
after  all.  As  usual,  in  the  afternoon,  the  ice 
eased  off  a  little  astern, and,  after  afew  concussions 
underneath,  began  to  set  in  a  body  to  the  north- 
west. While  this  was  in  progress,  there  was 
an  evident  disposition  in  the  broken  masses  of 
ice,  under  the  stern,  to  rise  up  ;  and  as  they 
would  undoubtedly  have  staved  in  the  cabin 
windows,  if  nothing  worse,  some  thick  planking 
was  nailed  across  them,    which,  with  the  dead 

r  3 

246  TURMOIL.  [CHAP.V. 

lights,  was  considered  to  be  strong  enough  to 
resist  any  ordinary  force.  There  was  no  move- 
ment of  any  consequence  until  between  9h  and 
llh,  when  after  many  and  various  sounds,  the 
entire  body  around  to  the  Northward  began  to  be 
agitated.  The  motion  would  suddenly  cease, 
and  then  as  suddenly  recommence  ;  sometimes 
far  off,  more  frequently  near  the  ship  ;  squeezing 
up  ridges  of  ice,  and  causing  a  most  distressing 
creaking  and  splitting  of  the  lining  along  the 
larboard  side.  The  aurora  showed  itself  in  the 
south-west  in  the  form  of  an  arch,  from  which 
beams  darted  up  to  the  zenith. 

February  27th.  The  time  of  the  lowest  neaps 
having  arrived,  we  naturally  expected  a  few  days' 
respite,  at  least  for  the  night,  a  boon  which  would 
have  been  most  joyfully  accepted;  for,  the  quan- 
tity of  clothing  which  the  cutting  cold  rendered 
necessary  required  so  much  time  to  put  on, 
that  few  lately  had  ventured  to  disburthen  them- 
selves of  the  whole,  when  seeking  to  snatch  a 
few  hours  of  rest.  It  was  not,  however,  our 
fortune  to  be  so  indulged  ;  for  about  lh  a.  m. 
the  commotion  and  turmoil  recommenced,  and 
soon  forced  the  ship,  embedded  as  she  was,  about 
two  feet  astern.  The  creaking  and  crashing  of  the 
ice  in  that  short  space  was  horrible,  nor  did  it  en- 
tirely desist,  until  again  closing  it  held  us  in  a  still 
tighter  grasp  than  before.     After  a  pause  of  four 

CHAP. V.]  SET    OF    ICE.  247 

hours,  by  opening  out  a  few  inches  alongside,  it 
allowed   the  ship  to   come  more  upright,  still, 
however,  with  a  considerable  inclination.      Some 
narrow  lanes  of  water  appeared  nearer  the  ice, 
which  was  at  present  immovably  fixed  to  the  low 
land,  forming  the  western  entrance  to  the  deep  bay 
or  inlet,  and  along  the  edge  of  which  we  seemed 
to  be  setting  to  and  fro.     The  frost  smoke  from 
these  lanes  in  some  measure  obscured  the  land 
which  however  we  seemed  to  have  approached  ; 
thus  making  it  apparent  that  the  flood  tide  came 
from  the  north-west,  and  without  any  aid  from 
wind  (of  which  for  two  days  there  had  been  very 
little),  continued  to  drive  us  bodily  along  towards 
Hudson's  Straits.     Up  to  llh  a.  m.  the  seaward 
ice  which  encircled  us  passed  rapidly  to  the  south- 
east, along  the  outer  edge  of  that  wedged  against 
the  land  at  the  entrance  of  the  opening  :  at  that 
hour  it  stopped,  and  in  the  concussion  produced 
by  the  reaction,  several  pieces  ground  along  and 
underneath  the  bottom  of  the  ship,  but  without 
producing  any  corresponding  action  on  the  sur- 
face.    At  noon  all  was  once  more  silent.     The 
crew,    for  employment,  were  ordered  to  make 
each  a  small  sledge  of  the  staves  of  casks,  and 
to  sling  the  tin  cases  of  pemmican.       Our  in- 
valids were  generally  better,  except  two  on  the 
sick  list,  who,  probably  from  despondency,  did 
not   improve    as    rapidly  as    their    companions. 

r  4 

248  SHIP    RIGHTS.  [CHAP.V. 

About  lh40mp.  m.  the  retrograde  action  com- 
menced, and  after  compressing  the  masses  nearer 
together,  a  temporary  obstacle  within  twenty  paces 
from  the  starboard  quarter  squeezed  up  a  small 
ridge  twelve  feet  high.  We  kept  driving  to  the 
north-west  until  6h  p.  m.,  from  which  time  until 
midnight  we  enjoyed  almost  uninterrupted  quiet. 

February  28th.     The  Aurora  appeared  in  the 
form  of  an  arch  in  the  south-east  quarter,  and,  as 
before,  sent  up  beams  towards  the  zenith,  but 
without  colour.     At   lh  40m  a.m.  the  reaction 
took  place,  and  once  or  twice  pressed  us  closely, 
though  soon  after  the  ice  began  to  be  more  dis- 
engaged, and  that  near  the  edge  of  the  fixed 
shore  ice   appeared   to   be  going  to  the  west- 
ward.    Between  4h  and  8h  a.  m.  there  was  some 
grinding,    but   the   cracks   and    openings   grew 
wider,  and  the  ship  gradually  righted.     The  sea- 
ward body  again  set  to  the  S.E. ;  but  a  large  and 
remarkable  hummock,  stationary  among  the  land 
ice  abreast  of  us,  showed  us  that  our  progress 
had  not  been  much,  as  the  same  mark  had  been 
observed  under  a  similar  bearing  about  an  hour 
earlier  the  day  before.    Two  or  three  narrow  lanes 
close  to  the  vessel,  and  a  continuous  one  along 
the  outer  edge   of  the  land  ice,  extending   as 
far    as    the   farthest   point  of  coast,    gave   me 
reason  to  hope  that  the  ice  ahead  was  slowly 
finding  an   outlet   by  the  strait,  which,  with  a 


westerly  wind,  there  seemed  every  probability  of 
our  soon  reaching.  In  fact,  had  it  not  been  for 
the  uncertainty  respecting  our  being  nipped,  and 
the  apprehension  that  the  whole  frame-work 
would,  by  constant  repetition,  get  daily  weaker, 
nothing  could  be  more  desirable,  or,  as  far  as  I 
could  judge,  more  favourable  for  my  intention  of 
trying  the  passage  by  Sir  Thomas  Roe's  Wel- 
come, than  our  gradual  approach  towards  Sea- 
horse Point.  How  far  the  ship  might  be  battered 
by  floating  ice,  and  cross  tides  or  currents,  when 
within  the  influence  of  Fox's  Channel,  the 
Strait,  and  Hudson's  Bay,  not  to  mention  the 
races  and  strong  sets  of  the  Welcome,  was  a 
consideration  which  I  did  not  choose  to  dwell 
upon ;  satisfied  that  if  we  once  got  into  open 
water,  the  difficulties  generally  encountered  on 
such  occasions  would  assuredly  be  overcome. 

The  ice  within  us  was  considerably  more  rent 
by  every  fresh  pressure,  though  that  on  the  north- 
east side,  which  sometimes  served  as  a  bulwark  of 
defence,  and  at  others  as  an  engine  of  attack, 
remained,  together  with  an  adjoining  part  of  our 
old  floe,  the  most  imposing  piece  around.  There 
was  one  fact,  however,  as  evident  as  it  was  new 
and  satisfactory,  namely,  that  the  aspect  of  the 
ice  originally  forming  our  floe, — the  very  solid 
properties  of  which  we  had  so  disagreeably 
tested  in  our  serious  nip  of  last  September, — was 

&50  SLABS    OF    SNOW.  [CHAP.V. 

now  completely  changed.     The  identical  pieces, 
with   the   marks   of  the  ship's  side,  were  still 
within  a  few  paces  of  us ;   and  some  of  them 
were  fractured  sufficiently,  to  show  that  a  very 
great  reduction   in   thickness   had  taken  place 
upon   the  under   surface.     In    every   direction 
where   huge  masses  were  upturned,   or  ridges 
and  barriers  thrown  up,  it  was  observed  by  the 
ice  mate,  and  those  who  had  had  most  expe- 
rience in  the   Greenland   seas,  that  there  was 
comparatively  little  solid   ice,    and  that  mostly 
of  this    winter's    formation.     It   was    slabs    of 
frozen  snow  adhering  to  and  covering  most  of 
these  masses,   which  gave  them  the  formidable 
appearance  they  assumed.     It  may,  therefore,  be 
inferred  that  the  rushing  of  currents  and  tides, 
the  sounds  of  which  were  distinctly  heard  under- 
neath our  floe,   even  when  to  the  westward  of 
Cape  Comfort,  had  the  beneficial  effect  of  grinding 
down  or  wearing  away  the  irregular  under-surfaces 
of  the  ice,  as  they  chafed  against  any  obstructions 
to  their  course.     This,  if,  as  seems  probable,  a 
correct  explanation,  will,  in  connexion  with  other 
ascertained  facts  to  some  of  which  I  have  before 
adverted,   aid   in   accounting  for  the  occasional 
disappearance  of  ice,  and  consequent  facility  of 
navigating  these  seas  during  particular  seasons. 

The   crew  were  kept  employed,   and  one  of 
them  had  a  narrow  escape  from  drowning,  from 

CHAP. V.]  FINE    WEATHER.  &51 

having  incautiously,  whilst  crossing  a  narrow 
opening,  stepped  on  some  slabs  of  snow,  which 
broke  under  him  :  he  fell  into  the  water,  and 
in  a  few  moments  would  have  been  gone  for 
ever,  had  not  Mr.  Vaughan,  the  boatswain,  seen 
him,  and  run  immediately  to  his  succour.  Before 
noon  the  ship  was  free  from  pressure,  but  the  ice 
checked  by  the  tide,  drove  her  back  again 
towards  the  N.  W.  We  were  evidently  farther 
off  shore  than  before,  though  still  nearing  two 
remarkable  round  hills,  having  each  a  small  dome- 
shaped  mound  rising  from  the  termination  of 
the  slope,  and  forming  the  summit.  To  the 
north  and  west,  and  seemingly  connected  with 
them,  was  the  blue  bluff,  now  on  our  starboard 
bow ;  farther  south  was  another  point,  the  ex- 
tremes of  which  and  the  land  astern  were  S.  E. 
and  N.  W.  by  W.  The  weather  was  fine  and 
calm,  and  some  icicles  formed  on  the  ship's  side. 
At  lh  20ra  p.  m.,  a  mercurial  thermometer,  hung 
against  the  sunny  side  of  the  ship,  rose  to  11° 5  +  ; 
the  spirit  one  on  board  in  the  sun  being  15°  — , 
and  the  one  in  the  shade  21°  —  .  In  the  latter 
part  of  the  day  the  ice  set  slowly  to  the  N.  W., 
but  about  8h  p.  m.  stopped,  and  closed  a  little  on 
the  starboard  side  of  the  ship. 

This  was  the  lowest  neap  tide ;  and  as  the  weather 
was  calm,  we  looked  forward  to  the  comfort  of  a 
quiet  night.  In  this  however  we  were  disappointed. 

252  LANES    OF    WATER.  [CHAP.V. 

From  10h  p.  m.  there  was  no  peace,  but  on  the 
contrary,  harsh  rubbing,  smart  explosions,  and 
other  varieties  of  discordant  sounds,  quite  suf- 
ficient to  keep  the  mind  on  the  alert.  As  day- 
light gleamed,  several  narrow  lanes  of  water 
were  perceived  running  from  the  quarter,  in- 
shore, directly  ahead  of  the  ship,  and  precisely 
in  the  same  crack,  which  we  hoped  to  have  got 
through  last  year,  when  the  ship's  head  was  the 
other  way.  Under  any  circumstances  they  were 
not  wide  enough  to  afford  us  a  passage  ;  and  a  few 
minutes  wTere  sufficient  to  coat  them  with  young 
ice,  which  of  itself  barred  all  progress.  So  long, 
however,  as  they  remained  open,  they  aided  the 
work  of  destruction,  by  allowing  space  for  the 
large  bodies  to  grind  against  each  other  ;  but  the 
ship  was  what  is  termed  free  in  her  dock  ;  that 
is  to  say,  she  was  from  two  to  three  feet  away 
from  the  walled  sides  of  ice  and  snow  which 
usually  hemmed  her  in,  the  clear  interval  below 
being  frozen  hard  with  young  ice.  Whether 
from  the  current  of  air  thereby  permitted  to 
circulate  round  the  bends,  or  from  the  removal 
of  the  snow  covering  and  embankment,  or  both, 
the  water  in  the  pump-well  was  found  for  the 
first  time  frozen.  Its  temperature  was  30° -j-, 
and  that  of  the  lower  deck  58°  +  .  The  land 
was  clearly  seen  from  the  deck,  running  out 
to  a    point    in    the    extreme    distance,  bearing 


S.E.  ^  S.,  but  during  the  last  twenty-four  hours 
we  had  not  gone  much  if  at  all  towards  it.  At 
noon  there  was  a  moderate  breeze  from  the  north, 
which  increased  so  as  to  predict  a  gale,  a  result 
least  of  all  to  be  desired  from  that  point  of  the 
compass,  as  it  would  have  infallibly  brought 
down  an  immense  pressure  upon  the  leeward  ice 
packed  against  Southampton  Island.  Happily  it 
declined  with  the  setting  sun,  and  subsequently 
fell  quite  calm.  In  the  afternoon  there  was  a 
beautiful  parhelion,  with  an  outer  circle  and  one 
mock  sun.  The  subtended  angle  of  the  latter 
was  45°.  It  is  to  be  observed,  that  for  some 
time  past  wre  had  regularly  been  set  backwards 
and  forwards,  along  shore,  with  the  flood  and  ebb, 
generally  gaining  upon  the  whole  some  trifling 
advantage  with  the  former,  as  proved  by  our 
gradual  approach  to  the  land  ahead.  To-day, 
however,  owing,  as  was  supposed,  to  the  op- 
posing wind,  there  was  no  retrograde  motion  to 
the  westward  at  all ;  and  it  was  reasonable,  there- 
fore, to  calculate  at  the  turn  of  tide  on  some 
acquisition  of  distance.  Nevertheless  the  hour 
passed  without  the  slightest  alteration ;  but, 
at  10h  p.  m.,  several  sudden  jerks  in  the  cabin 
warned  me  that  something  was  going  on  ;  and,  ac- 
cordingly, near  an  hour  after,  a  general  rumbling 
was  audible  to  seaward  and  astern.  After  some 
alternations  of  commotion  and  pauses,  and  when 

254  DREADFUL    COMMOTION.        [CHAP.V. 

all  was  still  and  apparently  ended,  suddenly  the 
vast  bodies  in  contact  with,  and  immediately  sur- 
rounding the  ship,  were  in  fearful  agitation,  rising 
up  in  grinding  conflict,  piece  thrown  over  piece 
until  the  ponderous  walls  tumbled  over,  and  the 
whole  accompanied  with  a  screeching  and  howling 
and  whining  which  was  absolutely  hideous  :  such 
was  the  violence  of  the  pressure  that  the  ship 
was  lifted  up  abaft,  and  both  hull  and  rigging 
trembled  violently.  Another  pause  ensued ; 
the  stars  shone  brightly  ;  a  faint  gleam  of  aurora 
was  playing  near  the  zenith,  and  so  beautiful 
and  hushed  was  every  thing,  that  nature  seemed, 
as  it  were,  in  a  trance.  But  scarcely  had  the  idea 
flitted  across  the  mind,  when  the  war  burst  out 
again  with  more  fury  than  ever,  and  huge  frag- 
ments and  masses  seemed  to  be  rolling  down  upon 
us  with  an  impetuosity  that  threatened  immediate 
destruction.  Repose  was  impossible :  many 
started  from  their  beds,  preferring,  though  they 
could  do  nothing,  rather  to  see  than  merely 
hear  the  danger.  The  current  rushed  irre- 
sistibly to  the  stern  ;  and,  taking  the  hull  fore 
and  aft,  forced  a  complete  stream  of  broken 
ice  under  the  bottom,  lifting  the  after  part  still 
higher  up  than  before.  While  the  first  Lieu- 
tenant was  below  with  the  carpenter  and  his 
crew,  anxiously  observing  the  beams  and  decks 
as  the  heavy  strain  came  upon  them,  to  see  which 



most  complained,  and  to  be  ready  in  the  event 
of  injury  if  possible  to  repair  it ;  I  was  standing 
on  the  tafrail,  watching  the  approach  of  a  solid 
mass,  part  of  our  late  floe,  which  was  forcing 
another  huge  mass,  like  an  advancing  wave,  over 
a  hard  piece,  already  noticed  as  having  oppressed 
our  starboard  quarter  last  year.  At  length,  the 
ship  became  so  completely  hampered  by  ice 
underneath,  that  the  remainder  of  the  floe,  on 
either  side,  moved  about  eight  or  ten  feet  ahead, 
leaving  the  ship  fixed  in  the  midst,  and  wedged 
up  in  every  direction.  This  was  another  novelty 
to  our  Greenlandmen,  who,  in  the  strange  and 
unaccountable  phenomena  which  now  presented 
themselves,  grew  daily  more  puzzled. 

At  2h  a.  m.,  March  2d,  the  hubbub  ceased, 
and  we  slept  until  morning  without  further  inter- 
ruption. As  daylight  broke,  the  havoc  was  more 
clearly  seen,  and  a  wild  scene  of  confusion  it 
was.  About  a  mile  ahead  the  frost  smoke 
betrayed  an  opening  that  led  along  the  land- 
packed  ice  to  abeam  of  the  ship  ;  and  this,  with 
a  few  other  lanes,  was  the  only  dhTerence  in  that 
respect  which  was  observable.  The  land  was 
much  raised  by  refraction,  and  we  seemed  to 
have  neared  it  a  little.  I  say  seemed,  for,  in 
consequence  of  a  gentle  undulatory  motion  of 
the  ice  close  to  the  ship,  which,  though  imper- 
ceptible to  the  eye,  was  proved  by  the  mercury 


in  the  artificial  horizon,  the  observations  could 
not  always  be  relied  upon  as  exact.  The  sun 
was  acquiring  power  daily ;  for,  at  10h  30m  a.  m. 
we  saw  the  vapour  rising  from  the  southern 
aspect  of  a  snow  wall,  and  at  llh  30m  a.m.  a 
mercurial  thermometer  with  a  blackened  bulb, 
placed  against  an  empty  coal  bag,  rose  to  28°  +  , 
while  that  on  board  (spirit  and  clear  bulb)  was 
19°__,  and  the  one  in  the  shade  27° — .  The 
sky  was  free  from  clouds,  a  light  air  prevailed 
from  the  S.W.  ;  and,  whether  from  the  wind 
being  off  shore,  or  some  other  local  cause,  we 
were  free  throughout  the  day  from  annoyance  of 
any  kind,  except  a  distant  sound,  as  of  a  rushing 
towards  the  south. 

March  3d.  The  same  sounds  continued,  and 
at  2h  30m  a.  m.  reached  the  ship,  but  without 
producing  any  thing  more  serious  than  rubbing 
and  sliding  loose  pieces  of  ice  against  the  sides. 
This  soon  subsided,  and  again  we  remained  per- 
fectly quiet  up  to  noon,  when  the  mist  which 
had  hitherto  concealed  the  land  cleared  away, 
and  the  bearings  placed  us  a  little  to  the  east- 
ward of  our  position  of  yesterday.  At  lh  p.  m. 
the  wind  still  slanting  off  the  land,  a  lane  of 
water  was  observed  to  open  about  half  a  mile 
distant  from  the  ship.  It  was  fully  a  quarter  of 
a  mile  broad,  and  extended  a  long  way  towards 
the  point.     From  this  fact,  there  was  reason  to 

CHAP.  V.]  A    LULL.  C25J 

suppose  that,  however  close  and  packed  the  ice 
might  be  in  our  vicinity,  there  either  could  not 
be  such  a  continuous  body  to  the  northward  as 
we  conjectured,  or,  that  it  must  be  interrupted 
by  lanes  and  other  openings  sufficiently  extensive 
to  allow  of  its  being  put  into  motion  even  by  a 
light  wind.  Towards  evening  the  ice  closed  a 
little,  but  until  6h  a.  m.,  March  4th,  remained 
perfectly  quiet,  and  thus  allowed  us  the  enjoy- 
ment of  a  sound  sleep.  Neither  at  that  hour 
was  there  any  thing  more  than  a  slight  rushing 
ahead,  occasioned  probably  by  the  change  of 
tide,  as  the  ship  began  immediately  to  drift  to 
the  N.W.,  and  so  continued  to  do  until  noon. 
The  approach  of  the  new  moon  kept  us  alive  to 
every  symptom  of  change  in  the  weather ;  and 
when  the  wind  drew  more  round  to  north,  caus- 
ing a  trifling  movement  among  the  ice  in  that 
quarter,  apprehensions  began  to  be  entertained 
that  a  breeze  would  come  from  the  same  point. 
Meantime  the  ship  drifted  backward  and  forward 
with  the  tide,  without  encountering  any  annoy- 
ance. We  had  now  thirty-six  small  sledges 
made,  which  completed  our  arrangements  for 
whatever  might  happen. 

After  a  passing  alarm  in  the  early  morning,  the 
5th  of  March  went  quietly  over  until  6h  p,  ivl, 
when  a  noise  was  heard  in  the  north-east  direction. 
The  breeze  also  had  freshened,  and  often  came  in 


258  CONCUSSION.  [chap.  v. 

squalls.  A  little  past  8h  the  disturbance  reached 
the  ship,  bringing  down  the  heavy  bodies 
to  windward  with  a  fearful  pressure,  ploughing 
up  the  small  quantity  of  young  ice  alongside, 
and  lifting  other  large  fragments  up  to  the 
chains,  from  the  starboard  quarter  to  the 
bow.  During  two  hours  and  a  half  our  situa- 
tion was  exceedingly  precarious,  and  it  seemed 
every  moment  as  if  the  ship  were  making 
her  last  struggle.  For  a  few  minutes  she  was 
forced  up  by  the  ice  fifteen  feet  forwards, 
and  then  thrust  resistlessly  astern.  Hardly 
was  this  over  when  the  large  pieces  on  the  star- 
board side  moved  slowly  forward,  and  the  still 
more  ponderous  ones  to  windward  closed  at  right 
angles,  thus  subjecting  her  to  the  severest  trial. 
All  this  time  the  bottom  was  continually 
thumped  and  hammered  by  the  huge  calves 
struggling  to  get  free,  each  blow  shaking  the 
whole  frame  so  violently  as  to  be  sensibly  felt  on 
deck  ;  and,  not  knowing  what  the  effect  might  be, 
the  hands  were  turned  up  and  the  sick  dressed, 
to  be  ready  for  the  worst.  The  thermometer  at 
the  time  was  25°— ,   and  the  weather  decidedly 


By  midnight  there  was  a  pause,  and  at  lh  a.m. 
March  Gth,  a  relaxation  on  the  starboard  side, 
where  two  cracks  had  separated  sufficiently  to 
show  the  water.     The  submerged  masses,  now 

CHAP.V.]  ICE    HILLS.  25Q 

more  at  liberty,  sought  release  from  their  im- 
prisonment ;  and  finally,  the  ship  freed  by  these 
various  secessions,  righted.  Still  however  the 
disturbance  continued,  and  at  3h  a.  m.  the  ice 
again  closed  with  the  same  almost  intolerable 
pressure.  When  daylight  broke,  the  land  was 
discovered  bearing  from  S.  E.  by  E.  to  N.  W. 
7}  W.,  and  apparently  we  had  gone  somewhat 
to  the  eastward.  From  what  had  occurred  in 
the  last  twelve  hours  a  more  than  ordinary 
change  was  expected,  nor  in  vain  ;  for  besides 
several  fresh  barriers,  masses  of  many  tons'  weight 
were  seen  riding  on  the  top  of  mounds  which 
even  before  had  been  considered  very  high.  But 
the  most  striking  effect  had  been  produced  along 
the  walled  side  of  the  shore  ice,  where,  for  several 
miles,  actual  hills  fifty  feet  high  had  been  thrown 
up.  We  were  also  nearer  than  before,  but  hoped 
that  the  several  considerable  pieces  which  yet 
interposed,  would,  for  some  time,  perhaps  entirely, 
prevent  our  being  driven  on  the  land.  At  9h  30m 
a.  m.  as  the  tide  turned,  we  of  course  suffered, 
but  not  materially  as  compared  with  what  had 
just  passed,  and  up  to  noon  all  was  tolerably 
quiet.  The  wind  was  still  north,  the  barometer 
30.37,  thermometer  at  21°  —  ,  difference  in  the 
sun  14°.  Latitude  64°  12'  N.  and  longitude  81° 
16'  W.  At  lh  45m  p.  m.  the  ice  ceased  its  drift 
to  the  N.  W.,  and  after  some  cracking  alongside, 

s  Q 

260  ANXIETY.  [CHAF,  V 

at  £h  p.  m.  it  set  at  the  rate  of  between  two  and 
three  miles  an  hour  to  the  S.  E.  The  barometer 
indicateda  further  rise,  and  therefore  fine  weather ; 
but  though  clear  overhead  it  grew  misty  about 
the  horizon  as  the  sun  went  down ;  and  the  breeze 
freshening  in  squalls  brought  a  proportionate 
pressure  from  the  entire  body  to  windward,  which 
caused  much  straining  and  cracking  on  the  lar- 
board side  and  quarter.  The  ice  too  alongside 
and  near  became  agitated,  occasioning  consider- 
able annoyance.  On  this  day  of  the  new  moon, 
indeed,  such  effects  were  to  be  expected,  but  our 
fear  was  that,  having  commenced  earlier  than  was 
expected,  they  betokened  something  more  serious 
afterwards.  Our  anxiety  {for  there  is  no  becom- 
ing indifferent  to  this  kind  of  trial)  lasted  till  8h 
p.  m.,  during  which  interval  we  had  drifted  closer 
to  the  fearful  looking  wall  of  what  was  called  the 
shore  ice.  About  9h  p.  m.  the  ship  suffered  many 
shocks  and  hard  rubbings  from  afresh  disturbance, 
and  we  should  doubtless  have  been  kept  in  a 
state  of  restlessness  all  night,  had  not  a  sepa- 
ration taken  place  in  a  crack  about  fifty  paces 
from  the  ship,  which  allowed  a  lateral  escape  to 
the  pressure  of  the  opposing  parts. 

On  the  following  day,  March  7th,  we  were  un- 
usually quiet  until  5h  a.m., whenanother  commotion 
began,  and  again  made  the  poor  ship  crack  and 
tremble  violently.      This  was  accompanied  by  a 


grinding  and  heavy  thumping  abaft  under  the 
larboard  counter,  where  I  understood  from  the 
officer  of  the  watch,  a  very  compact  gallery,  built 
on  a  solid  mass,  was  forcing  itself  underneath  and 
lifting  the  ship  over.  Going  on  deck,  I  found 
she  had  risen  two  or  three  feet,  and  was  cer- 
tainly suffering  under  severe  pressure.  Mean- 
time she  was  carried  by  the  ice  rapidly  to  the 
S.  E.  We  had  the  land  more  broad  on  the  bow, 
and  could  clearly  distinguish  the  farthest  point 
ahead  from  the  deck  ;  but  we  were  not,  as  I 
thought,  nearer  the  wall,  which  however  was 
very  distinct,  and  perpendicular  as  well  as  high. 
Hitherto  it  had  been  supposed  to  be  attached  to 
the  land ;  but  Mr.  Green,  the  ice  mate,  now 
detected  the  movement  of  an  inner  body,  by  ac- 
cidentally seeing  two  hummocks  cross  each  other, 
the  outer  one  steady,  the  inner  one  moving.  It 
was  evident,  therefore,  that  we  were  at  the  edge 
of  the  strongest  set  of  the  current  and  tides,  and, 
could  we  have  been  divested  of  other  anxieties, 
were  perhaps  in  the  very  best  situation  for  getting 
early  into  open  water.  After  a  tranquil  day,  the 
ship  setting  backward  and  forward  with  the  tide 
as  before,  at  5h  50m  p.  m,  she  was  thrown  up  three 
inches  higher  than  before.  This  was  the  beginning 
ofa  series  of  strange  and  unaccountable  convulsions, 
which  to  any  less  fortified  ship  would  assuredly 
have  proved  fatal.     The  northerly  and  N.  N.  E. 

s  3 


fresh  breezes  which  had  brought  the  ice  down 
for  more  than  three  hundred   and  sixty  miles, 
had  fallen  calm,   and  given  way  to  a  more  west- 
erly and  very  light  air  ;   an  interval  too  of  more 
than  twelve  hours  had  elapsed  to  check  the  im- 
petus so  given,  and  it  was,  therefore,  reasonable  to 
conclude  that  no  impediment  would  occur  to  a 
peaceable  progress.     In  this,  however,  we  were 
cruelly  deceived.     From  6h  p.  m.  ominous  rush- 
ing sounds  were  heard  far  off  to  the  north  east 
and  north  west.     These  gradually  drew  nearer, 
as  the  flood  made  its  way  either  under  the  com- 
pact bodies  that  withstood  the  shock,  or  along 
the  cracks  and  openings — gaining  in  these  latter 
a  furious  velocity,  to  which  every  thing  seemed  to 
yield.     It  happened  that  there  were  several  of 
these  around  the  ship  ;  and,  when  they  opened 
on  us  like  so  many  conduits  pouring  their  con- 
tents to  a  common  centre,    the   concussion  was 
absolutely  appalling,    rending    the    lining    and 
bulkheads  in  every  part,  loosening  some  shores 
or  stanchions,  so  that  the  slightest  effort  would 
have  thrown  them  down,  and  compressing  others 
with  such  force  as  to  make  the  turpentine  ooze 
out  of  their  extremities.     One  fir  plank  placed 
horizontally  between  the  beams  and  the  shores, 
actually  glittered  with  globules.     At  the  same 
time  the  pressure  was  going  on  from  the  larboard 
side,  where  the  three  heaviest  parts  of  the  ruin 

CHAP.  V.]  BOLTS,  &C.    LOOSENED.  Q6o 

of  the  iloe  remained,  cracked  here  and  there,  but 
yet  adhering  in  firm  and  solid  bodies.  These  of 
course  were  irresistible ;  and  after  much  groaning, 
splitting,  and  cracking,  accompanied  by  sounds 
like  the  explosion  of  cannon,  the  ship  rose  fore  and 
aft,  and  heeled  over  about  10°  to  starboard.  On 
sounding  the  well  there  appeared  a  trifling  in- 
crease of  water,  amounting  in  the  day  to  cl\ 
inches,  a  proof  that  she  was  loosened.  Below 
indeed,  during  the  pressure,  a  part  of  the  bulkhead 
of  the  steward's  room  had  fallen  out  into  the  after 
cockpit ;  while  three  of  the  lower  deck  beams 
eighteen  inches  square,  abreast  of  the  larboard 
fore  chains,  had  been  lifted  half  an  inch  from  the 
shelf-piece :  the  bolts  that  fastened  them  were 
drawn  a  quarter  of  an  inch,  and  several  treenails 
also  were  much  loosened.  Even  when  the 
weather  became  calm  the  agitation  of  the  ice  did 
not  subside,  but  continued  up  to  midnight,  assail- 
ing the  ship  with  almost  unremitted  violence. 

Nor  on  the  following  day,  8th  March,  was  there 
much  abatement;  and  at  7h  a.m.  the  ice  closed,  and 
again  straining  the  ship,  raised  her  several  inches 
higher,  making  in  the  whole  four  feet  three  inches. 
A  light  air  was  now  blowing  from  the  S.  W. 
which  was  nearly  off  shore,  but  wedged  as  the 
vessel  now  was  we  could  scarcely  expect  to 
escape  all  annoyance.  In  fact,  not  a  hole  of 
water  was  visible  from  the  mast-head  \  and,  with 

s  4 

264  FLIGHT    OF    BIRDS.  [CHAP.V. 

the  ice  so  jammed  in  every  part,  it  must  have 
required  an  astonishing  impetus  in  the  first  in- 
stance to  make  the  effects  felt  so  far.     Nothing 
indeed  but  a  current  from  the  north  co-operating 
with  the  tide,  could  in  my  opinion  possibly  have 
brought  about  such  a  result.     We  had  decidedly 
gone  more  towards  the  outer  point,  which,  even 
when  thrown  up  by  refraction  as  all  the  land 
was,   appeared   too   low  to  answer  the  descrip- 
tion   of  high    coast  given   by  Captain  Lyon  as 
forming  the  Seahorse  Point  of  Button.     The  land 
formerly  called   the   blue  bluff  was  now  nearly 
abeam,  and  appeared,  as  well   as  the  snow  per- 
mitted me  to  judge,  to  be  composed  of  rocks,  in 
some  of  which  were  gullies.    It  seemed  the  eastern 
entrance  to  the  Inlet,   Strait,  or  Bay  frequently 
alluded  to  before  ;  and  receding  from  it  further 
south  and  east,  the  land  bending  in  a  semi-lunar 
form  terminated  in  two  bold  and  tolerably  high 
hills,    which   are   perhaps   the  most  remarkable 
along  the  whole    coast  as   far  as    Cape    Bylot. 
Their  dome-like  summits   assumed  a  more  an- 
gular  outline  as  we  altered  the  bearings,    and 
the  coast  had  some  bays  and  cliffs.     A  novelty 
presented  itself  in  the  shape  of  a  flight  of  birds, 
supposed  to  have  been  dovekies,  which  were  seen 
flying  from  the   land  towards  the  north,  most 
likely  in  search  of  open   water.      At  noon  the 
black   thermometer    was   36°  +  ,   the    plain  one 

CHAP.  V.]  GALE.  265 

7°  +  ,  and  the  one  in  shade  14°  —  .  At  lh  p.  m. 
the  blackened  thermometer  was  as  high  as  41°  +  . 
The  day  passed  quietly  over,  and  at  last,  for  the 
first  time  for  many  nights,  I  enjoyed  the  comfort 
of  unloading  myself  from  a  stack  of  clothes. 

At  noon  of  the  9th  a  visible  progress  had  been 
made  along  the  land,  the  south  extreme  of  a  high 
bluff  bearing  S.  38°  W.  The  afternoon  was 
rather  fine  ;  and  though  there  was  no  perceptible 
motion  on  the  surface,  yet  the  two  large  pieces 
of  ice  opened  apart  almost  athwart  the  stern, 
and  within  only  a  few  paces  from  it.  This 
was  done  quietly,  and  directly  against  the  force 
of  the  wind ;  but  when  the  ship  began  to  set  to 
the  S.E.,  as  she  did  at  a  little  past  4h  p.  m.,  they 
closed  again,  occasioning  a  strain  upon  the 
larboard  quarter.  From  that  time  the  breeze 
freshened  rapidly  from  the  N.E.,  a  point  from 
which  it  was  least  desired,  as  it  brought  the 
whole  force  of  the  windward  ice  against  the 
broadside.  At  7h  30m  p.m.  there  was  a  strong 
gale,  and  squalls  in  quick  succession,  driving 
the  low  scud  over  the  young  moon  with  great 
velocity.  The  natural  accompaniments  were 
not  remote,  and  soon  announced  in  grating 
sounds  their  impetuous  and  destructive  march. 
I  beheld  two  enormous  masses,  one  of  which 
had  hitherto  resisted  every  attack  to  thrust  it 
from  its  place,  hurled  onward  across  the  stern, 


in  a  line  for  the  shore  ice,  which  there  seemed 
little  prospect  with  such  a  gale  of  long  avoiding. 
The  ship  cracked  and  shook  violently,  and  no 
longer  able  to  offer  direct  resistance  rose  several 
inches.     It  was  a  boisterous  and  restless  night, 
passed  in  wearisome   listening  to  the  incessant 
crashing,  which,  for  aught  known  to  the  contrary, 
indicated  the  final  dissolution  of  our  hope  and 
stronghold,  the   floe.       The  hubbub  at  length 
reached  its  climax.    A  hollow  grinding,  as  from 
the  onward   motion    of  some  vast  body,  came 
louder  and  louder  on  the  ear,  and,   speed  and 
sound  increasing  as  it  approached,  finally  burst 
with  deafening  fury  on  the  ship,  causing  such 
fearful  cracks  and  ominous  tremblings,  that  all 
waited  the  result  in  painful  suspense.     A  little 
more  and  she  must  go !     What  of  human  con- 
struction could  withstand  the  violence  of  such 
an  onset !     Still  she    continued  to  rise  as  the 
pressure  increased.     In  an  instant  it  ceased,  and 
all  was  still  as  death. 

After  midnight,  March  10th,  the  wind  veered 
more  to  the  north,  blowing  heavily  in  squalls ; 
and,  in  the  north-west  circle  of  the  heavens,  a 
beautiful  meteor  was  seen  shooting  athwart  the 
sky  in  an  elliptic  course,  with  a  brilliant  pale 
blue  light.  After  this  we  were  indulged  with  a 
few  hours  of  repose,  but  from  4h  to  8h  a.  m.  we 
were  again   disturbed,   and  again  listened  with 

CHAP. V.]  SET    OF    ICE.  267 

anxiety  to  the  severe  complainings  of  our  excel- 
lent ship.  On  examination,  the  proper  officer 
found  that  she  had  been  lifted  up  forward  three 
and  a  half  feet,  and  one  and  a  half  abaft.  No 
injury,  beyond  an  indentation  from  the  pressure, 
could  be  detected  outside,  and  with  the  excep- 
tion of  two  or  three  trifling  leakages  in  the 
upper  deck,  there  had  been  no  mischief  below. 
During  the  remainder  of  the  day  nothing  mate- 
rial occurred.  The  ship  was  set  backwards  and 
forwards  with  the  tide  along  the  mural  edge 
of  the  in-shore  ice,  still  advancing  towards  the 
S.E.,  but  more  slowly  to-day  in  consequence  of 
the  course  of  the  wind  along  the  elbow  of  the  wall. 
About  9h  30m  p.  m.  there  was  an  easing  of  the 
ice  from  the  sides,  and  a  free  space  created  of 
three  feet  on  one,  and  nearly  two  on  the  other 
side,  whereby  the  ship  was  allowed  to  slide  a  little 
astern  and  come  more  upright. 

We  were  favoured  with  a  tranquil  night,  and 
on  March  11th,  after  a  slight  commotion,  the 
whole  body  set  fast  to  the  S.  E.  At  llh  40m  a.  m. 
this  ceased,  and  at  noon  again  set  N.  W.  By  the 
bearing  of  the  land  we  had  gone  a  little  to  the 
eastward.  Though  there  was  not  much  change 
in  the  ice  inside  of  us,  that  to  seaward  certainly 
looked  less  high  than  formerly,  while  the  reaction 
which  had  made  the  whole  body  thereabouts  ease 
out,  indicated  open  water  to  the  north.     Indeed 


the  fact  of  our  being  driven  to  this  distance  from 
Frozen  Strait,  explains  at  once  how  it  was  that 
Sir  E.  Parry  saw  so  much  open  water  off  Winter 
Harbour.  In  all  probability  it  was  at  this  very 
moment  equally  free  from  all  but  young  ice,  as 
the  prevalent  winds  would  have  cleared  it  from 
every  more  solid  impediment.  At  lh  p.  m.  the 
black  thermometer  was  43°  +  .  The  ice  con- 
tinued perfectly  still,  and  the  day  being  fine,  some 
of  the  men  amused  themselves  by  cutting  out 
figures  from  blocks  of  snow,  bringing  them  as 
they  were  finished  within  a  few  feet  of  the  star- 
board bow,  and  depositing  them  on  a  smooth 
piece  of  solid  ice  for  exhibition.  The  oddity  of 
the  grouping  provoked  a  smile.  The  most  con- 
spicuous figure  was  that  of  a  female,  favoured  with 
a  most  liberal  allowance  of  bust,  arms  akimbo,  a 
very  slender  waist,  great  deficiency  of  hips,  and 
legs  deplorably  curtailed.  Injustice  however  to 
the  delicacy  of  the  artist,  it  ought  to  be  observed 
that  the  limbs  were  supposed  to  be  enveloped  in 
a  straight  tight  gown,  ornamented  with  a  fringed 
apron  falling  so  low  as  to  disclose  only  the  sub- 
stantial feet  and  still  more  substantial  ankles. 
Grouped  around  this  principal  personage,  were 
various  little  boys  in  hats  and  trowsers  ;  houses, 
forts,  vessels;  and  a  heavy  piece  of  ordnance, 
doubtless  intended  as  the  symbol  and  guarantee 
of  her  sovereignty.     She  was  attended,  moreover, 

CHAP.  V.]  TURMOIL.  209 

I  should  rather  perhaps  say  guarded,  by  a  sort  of 
fierce  wolf  dog,  which  amidst  all  changes  main- 
tained its  post  by  its  mistress's  side.  I  encouraged 
this  humour  of  the  men,  glad  to  perceive  that 
their  minds  were  free  enough  from  care  to  indulge 
in  it.  Indeed  the  first  warmth  of  the  sun  and  the 
tranquillity  of  the  ice  had  dispelled  the  notion  of 
immediate  danger,  and  the  light-hearted  sailors 
yielded  to  their  feelings    and  enjoyed  the  hour 

while   it   lasted. 

After  6h  p.  m.  the  tide  set  towards  the  S.  E., 

and  notwithstanding  the  calmness  of  the  weather 

and  the  decreasing  flow  and  ebb,  there  were  at 

long  intervals,  distant   sounds,    that   portended 

nothingfavourable.  As  these  increased  in  strength 

and  rapidity,  the  various  cracks  and  openings  near 

us  gradually  drew  closer,  but  without  squeezing 

the  ship.     At  length,  after  many  rushes  and  many 

sudden  pauses,  the  larger  remnants  of  the  floe  to 

seaward  came  slowly  nearer,   preceded  by  ruins 

which,   though    insignificant  as   compared  with 

what  had  been,  were  still  massy  enough  to  make 

a  fearful  clamour  as  thev  were  sunk  beneath  and 

wedged  against  the  ship's  bottom.     At  this  time 

(past  9h  p.  m.)  she  showed  symptoms  of  suffering 

in  the   hull,  which  was  evidently  undergoing  a 

severe  ordeal.     Inexplicable  noises,  in  which  the 

sharp  sounds  of  splitting  and  the  harsher  ones 

of  grinding  were  most  distinct,  came  in  quick 


succession,   and   then  again    stopped   suddenly, 
leaving  all  so  still  that  not  even  a  breath  was 
heard.     In  an  instant  the  ship  was  felt  to  rise 
under  our  feet,   and   the    roaring   and   rushing 
recommenced  with  a  deafening   din    alongside, 
abeam,  and  astern,  at  one  and  the  same  instant. 
Alongside,  the  grinding  masses   held  the  ship 
tight  as  in  a  vice  ;  while  the  overwhelming  pres- 
sure of  the  entire  body,  advancing  from  the  west, 
so  wedged  the  stern  and  starboard  quarter,  that 
the  greatest  apprehensions  were  entertained  for 
the  sternpost  and  frame-work  abaft.     Some  idea 
of  the  power  exerted  on  this  occasion  may  be 
gathered  from  this  : — At  the  moment  which  I  am 
now  describing,  the  forepart  of  the  ship  was  lite- 
rally buried  as  high  as  the  flukes  of  the  anchors 
in  a  dock  of  perpendicular  walls  of  ice,  so  that 
in  that  part  she  might  well  have  been  thought 
immovable.     Still,  such  was  the  force  applied  to 
her  abaft,    that  after  much  cracking  and  per- 
ceptible yielding  of  the  beams,  which  seemed  to 
curve  upwards,  she  actually  rose  by  sheer  pressure 
above  the  dock  forward,  and  then  with  sudden 
jerks  did  the  same  abaft.     During  these  convul- 
sions many  of  the  carpenters,  and  others  stationed 
below,  were  violently  thrown  down  on  the  deck 
as  people  are  in  an  earthquake.     It  was  a  mo- 
ment of  intense   suspense  ;  and  to   avoid   con- 
fusion, the  hands  were  called,  and  the  officers 

CHAP. V.]  SHIP    STRAINED.  271 

with  their  respective  crews  stationed  at  their 
boats,  ready  for  lowering  and  securing  them  on 
the  larger  parts  of  the  floe.  All  this  was  done 
by  the  first  Lieutenant,  under  my  inspection, 
with  the  utmost  coolness  and  promptitude  ;  and 
thus  prepared,  we  waited  the  result.  Heaven, 
however,  again  protected  us,  and  at  llh  p.  m.  all 
was  in  dead  repose. 

An  examination  for  the  purpose  of  ascer- 
taining what  injury  had  been  sustained  was 
immediately  commenced  by  clearing  the  bread- 
room  ;  and,  so  far  as  our  compact  and  heavy 
cargo  would  permit  the  inspection  (for  we 
were  afraid  to  move  it  lest  the  solidity  and 
means  of  resistance  should  be  weakened  below), 
little  was  detected  on  the  larboard  side  and 
right  aft.  But  on  the  other,  at  eight  feet 
from  the  round  of  the  quarter,  one  of  the 
stringers,  nine  inches  thick,  was  found  severely 
split,  though  the  extent  of  the  mischief  could 
not  be  seen,  owing  to  the  diagonal  doubling 
across  it.  Four  of  the  lower- deck  beams  also  had 
been  lifted  from  their  pillars  three-eighths  of  an 
inch.  The  well  was  sounded  every  five  minutes, 
and  at  first  we  thought  she  did  not  leak  \  but  the 
unwelcome  truth  was  forced  upon  us,  when, 
from  five  to  ten  inches  were  reported.  This  was 
soon  cleared  out,  and  subsequently  she  made 
about  an  inch  and  a  half  of  water  an  hour.  It 
was  now,   therefore,   certain   that  the  ship  had 

272  DIVINE    SERVICE.  [ciIAP.V. 

been  seriously  strained ;  and  as  it  would  be 
necessary  for  the  future  to  inspect  narrowly  the 
complaining  parts,  I  caused  the  bread,  which 
had  hitherto  been  stowed  there,  to  be  taken  up, 
and  placed,  carefully  covered  over,  on  deck. 

March  12th.  The  ice  began  to  set  to  the 
eastward,  and  at  the  dawn  of  day  a  narrow  lane 
of  water  was  descried  ahead,  extending  north 
and  south.  On  going  outside,  the  ship  was  seen 
fairly  lifted  on  the  ice  forward,  and  fearfully 
wedged  up  abaft.  She  was  in  fact  four  feet 
eight  inches  above  her  usual  line  of  flotation. 
The  ice  was  much  pressed  up  at  certain  points, 
and  closely  jammed  in  all ;  a  circumstance  easily 
accounted  for  by  the  fact,  that  as  we  were  nearer 
the  mural  ridge,  this  also  had  undergone  a 
change  in  its  outline  :  for  though  still,  at  unequal 
distances,  thrown  up  in  smooth  and  perpendicu- 
lar cliffs,  terminated  by  peaked  or  jagged  tops, 
there  were  spaces  between  these  corresponding 
with  the  rest  of  the  crushed  masses  around. 
We  fancied,  moreover,  that  farther  inshore 
there  was  another  similar  ridge. 

We  assembled  at  Divine  Service  as  usual  on 
Sunday,  and  returned  thanks  for  the  protection 
which  had  been  so  signally  and  mercifully 
afforded  us  ;  and  in  this,  if  I  might  judge  from 
the  earnest  and  devotional  tone  of  the  responses, 
there  was  no  want  of  sinceritv.  Noon  came 
peacefully.    We  had  undoubtedly  advanced  along 


the  high  land,  and  were  bringing  the  lower 
point  ahead  clearer  into  view.  The  weather  was 
calm:  the  latitude  64°  8'  30"  N.,  and  longi- 
tude 81°  5'  W. 

After  midnight,  March  13th,  there  was  a  com- 
motion heard  to  the  northward,  but  it  did  not 
extend  to  the  ship,  and  again  we  had  the  luxury 
of  a  quiet  night.  In  the  morning  the  ship  was 
found  to  have  settled  down  a  few  inches,  although, 
with  the  exception  of  the  tidal  lane,  there  was  no 
open  water  in  sight.  One  of  the  officers  attended 
by  a  couple  of  men  attempted  to  reach  the  shore 
to  the  eastward,  but  after  a  rather  tedious  walk 
of  two  or  three  hours,  he  found  so  much  inter- 
ruption from  narrow  but  open  cracks  leading 
into  the  principal  lane,  that  he  halted.  He  had 
seen  the  fresh  tracks  of  an  enormous  bear. 
About  8h  30m  p.  m.  I  heard  a  faint  rush  under 
the  stern,  and  from  that  time  until  midnight 
there  was  considerable  under  pressure,  which, 
with  occasional  cracking,  in  that  part  especially, 
raised  the  vessel  up  an  inch  or  two  more.  Find- 
ing that,  notwithstanding  the  shores  which  had 
been  fixed  in  the  bread-room  and  elsewhere, 
there  was  still  an  immense  strain  fore  and  aft,  we 
determined  on  increasing  the  number,  and  for 
that  purpose  immediately  selected  the  best  and 
fittest  spars  on  board.  Thrown  up  and  nipped 
as  we  were  under  the  resistless  action  of  three 


hundred  miles  of  drift  ice,  it  was  obvious  that 
if  any  thing  did  happen,  it  would  be  as  sudden 
as  in  all  probability  it  would  be  serious  ;  and  I 
therefore  issued  a  general  order  to  the  officers  in 
charge  of  the  boats,  to  the  following  effect :  that 
whenever  it  should  be  considered  necessary  to 
lower  the  boats,  they  were  to  see  them  first 
removed  far  enough  from  the  ship's  sides  to 
avoid  accidents  from  any  motion  which  might 
be  going  on,  and,  if  there  were  time,  to  lighten 
them  of  the  stores  always  kept  there  ;  they  were 
then  to  be  hauled  to  separate  pieces  of  the 
largest  ice,  and  placed,  together  with  the  stores, 
in  temporary  safety.  The  invalids  (if  the  case 
were  urgent)  were  to  be  taken  care  of  by  the 
crews  to  which  they  severally  belonged,  and  the 
medical  officers  were  to  see  that  such  coverings 
and  protection  from  the  weather  were  provided 
them  as  the  pressure  of  circumstances  might 
permit.  A  man  was  to  be  left  in  charge  of  eacli 
boat  and  cargo  ;  after  which,  the  officers  and  their 
respective  mates  and  crews  were  to  return  on 
board  and  make  their  reports  to  me. 

On  the  14th  March  the  barometer  continued 
to  fall,  and  the  wind  increased  to  a  fresh  gale, 
accompanied  by  snow  and  much  drift.  At  in- 
tervals, indeed,  the  ship  was  quiet,  but  more 
frequently  cracked  and  strained,  in  a  manner 
that   showed   how   severely   she  was  suffering. 































This  was  more  particularly  felt  in  the  after  cock- 
pit and  bread-room  ;  and  four  more  shores,  with 
diagonal  bracings  from  the  stringers  to  the  orlop 
beams,  were  fixed  up.  The  ice  was  too  close  to 
get  soundings,  and  the  weather  too  misty  from 
small  snow  to  allow  the  land  to  be  seen,  or 
observations  to  be  got.  We  seemed,  however, 
very  little  nearer  the  mural  edge.  At  noon  the 
wrind  was  N.N.E.,  squally,  and  at  times  blowing 
a  gale.  The  thermometer  (air)  3°  —  .  Almost 
immediately  after  there  was  a  visible  motion 
ahead  of  the  ship,  and  the  ice  then  began  to 
set  slowly  to  the  westward.  At  2h  30m  p.  m. 
the  weather  cleared  enough  to  allow  of  our  see- 
ing the  land,  a  point  of  which  bore  S.  22°  E., 
while  the  centre  of  the  blue  buff  was  S.  62°  W. 
The  gale  continued  unabated,  blowing  very  hard 
in  squalls,  with  occasional  lulls.  A  little  after 
7h  p.  m.  the  advancing  ice  began  to  press  hard 
upon  and  underneath  the  stern  and  quarter, 
causing  considerable  cracking  fore  and  aft.  No 
motion,  however,  could  be  detected  at  the  surface, 
For  the  following  four  hours  the  pressure  at  times 
was  alarmingly  severe,  lifting  up  the  lower-deck 
beams  three-eighths  of  an  inch,  and  twice  throw- 
ing down  all  the  upright  shores.  After  this  had 
passed,  the  ice  was  forcibly  driven  to  the  east- 
ward, and  though  we  were  never  entirely  free 
from  pressure,  yet  the  cracking  sounds  were  not 

t  2 

2J6  BLOWS    A    GALE.  [CHAP.V. 

so  loud.  March  15th. — The  ship  seemed  suffer- 
ing much  below,  though  again  no  motion  was 
perceptible  from  the  deck  on  the  surface  of  the 
ice.     The  leak  also  had  slightly  increased. 

In  the  morning  the  weather  was  still  thick  and 
misty  with  the  same  sort  of  small  snow,  resem- 
bling the  sort  of  spray  or  congelated  vapour  ex- 
perienced when  to  leeward  of  open  water;  the 
gale  continuing  to  blow  hard  in  squalls.  That 
we  should  make  some  advance,  therefore,  was  not 
surprising ;  but,  considering  the  extreme  closeness 
of  the  ice,  no  one  certainly  had  expected  to  see 
the  ship  not  far  from  the  low  point  which  formed 
the  eastern  extreme  of  yesterday.  Such,  how- 
ever, was  the  irresistible  power  urging  the  entire 
body  forwards,  that  we  were  now  actually  within 
four  miles  of  the  low  land  on  the  beam ;  and 
from  8h  a.  m.  the  ice  drove  rapidly  along  this 
shelving  beach,  composed,  apparently,  of  coarse 
gravel  and  stones.  No  rocks  were  seen.  It  was 
of  importance  to  get  soundings,  but  after  a  fore- 
noon's trial,  and  with  the  loss  of  ice  chisels,  &c, 
the  utter  impossibility  of  cutting  through  the 
underlayers  of  ice,  compelled  us  to  abandon  the 
attempt.  Near  the  shore  the  ice  was  thrown  up  in 
some  places  from  twenty  to  thirty  feet ;  and  the 
mural  line,  which  had  for  a  space  disappeared, 
here  began  again  and  stretched  out  to  another 

low  point  almost  ahead.     As  we  rounded  the 


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curve  of  the  land  the  pressure  and  strain  were 
violent  on  the  larboard  quarter  and  bow,  forcing 
the  ship  upon  the  ice,  and  raising  her  so  much  as 
to  bring  the  eleven  feet  water  mark  in  sight  fore 
and  aft.     Several  rushes  succeeded  and  lifted  her 
up  more  by  the  stern,  again  raising  the  beams 
and  causing  a  severe  strain  on  the  diagonal  shores. 
The  whole  of  the  ice  continued  to  set  eastward, 
producing  in  its  progress  a  jerking  motion  as  it 
was  checked  by  the  shore  ice  and  the  land.     At 
noon  the  weather  was  misty,  with  the  wind  blow- 
ing fresh  in  squalls  from  N.  W.  by  N. :  barometer 
29. 17»  always  falling;  latitude  observed  64°.  9  N. 
Up  to  this  day,    however  anxious,  we  were 
yet  safe  ;  but  we  were  now  destined  to  witness 
trials   of  a  more  awful  kind.     While  we  were 
gliding  quickly   along  the   land — which   I  may 
here    remark,    had   become   more   broken  and 
rocky,   though  without  attaining  an  altitude  of 
more  than,  perhaps,  one  or  two  hundred  feet — 
at  lh  45ra  p.  m.    without    the  least  warning,  a 
heavy  rush  came  upon  the  ship,  and,  with  a  tre- 
mendous pressure  on  the  larboard  quarter,  bore 
her  over  upon  the  heavy  mass  on  her  starboard 
quarter.     The  strain  was  severe  in  every  part, 
though  from  the  forecastle  she  appeared  to  be 
moving  in  the  easiest  manner  towards  the  land 
ice.      Suddenly,  however,  a  loud  crack  was  heard 
below  the  mainmast,  as  if  the  keel  were  broken 

t  3 


or  carried  away  ;    and  simultaneously,  the  outer 
stern  post  from  the  ten  feet  mark  was  split  down  to 
an  unknown  extent,  and  projected  to  the  larboard 
side  upwards  of  three  feet.    The  ship  was  thrown 
up  by  the  stern  to  the  seven  and  a  half  teet  mark ; 
and  that  damage  had  been  done  was  soon  placed 
beyond  doubt  by  the  increase  of  leakage,  which 
now  amounted  to  three  feet  per  hour.     Extra 
pumps  were  worked,  and  while  some  of  the  car- 
penters  were   fixing    diagonal    shores   forward, 
others  were  examining  the  orlops  and  other  parts. 
It  was   reported  to  me  by  the  first  Lieutenant, 
Master  and  carpenter,  that   nothing   could  be 
detected  inside,  though  apprehensions  were  en- 
tertained by  the  two  former,   that  some  serious 
injury  had  been  inflicted.     In  spite  of  the  com- 
motion, the   different  pieces  of  our  floe  still  re- 
mained firm ;  but  being  unable  to  foresee  what 
might  take  place  in  the  night,  I  ordered  the  two 
cutters  and  two  whale  boats  to  be  lowered  down, 
and  hauled  with  their  stores  to  places  considered 
more  secure  ;  this  was  accordingly  done,  though 
not  under  two  hours  and  a  half,  even  with  the 
advantage  of  daylight.     The  ship  was  still  setting 
fast  along  shore  and  much  too  close  to  the  fixed 
ice  ;  but  it  was  not  till  past8h  p.  m.  that  any  sus- 
picious movement   was  noticed  near  us:  then, 
however,  a  continually  increasing  rush  was  heard, 
which  at  10b  45  m  r.  m.  came  on  with  a  heavy 

CHAP.  V.]  ANOTHER    HUSH.  #79 

roar  towards  the  larboard  quarter,  upturning  in 
its  progress  and  rolling  onward  with  it  an  im- 
mense wall  of  ice.  This  advanced  so  fast,  that 
though  all  hands  were  immediately  called,  they 
had  barely  time,  with  the  greatest  exertion,  to 
extricate  three  of  the  boats,  one  of  them,  in  fact, 
being  hoisted  up  when  only  a  few  feet  from  the 
crest  of  the  solid  wave,  which  held  a  steady 
course  directly  for  the  quarter,  almost  overtopping 
it,  and  continuing  to  elevate  itself  until  about 
twenty-five  feet  high.  A  piece  had  just  reached 
the  rudder  slung  athwart  the  stern,  and  at  the 
moment,  when,  to  all  appearances,  both  that  and 
a  portion  at  least  of  the  frame  work  were  ex- 
pected to  be  staved  in  and  buried  beneath  the 
ruins,  the  motion  ceased ;  at  the  same  time  the 
crest  of  the  nearest  part  of  the  wave  toppled  over, 
leaving  a  deep  wall  extending  from  thence  be- 
yond the  quarter.  The  effect  of  the  whole  was 
a  leak  in  the  extreme  run,  oozing,  as  far  as  could 
be  ascertained,  from  somewhere  about  the  stern- 
post.  It  ran  in  along  the  lining  like  a  rill  for 
about  half  an  hour,  when  it  stopped,  probably 
closed  by  a  counter  pressure.  The  other  leaks 
could  be  kept  under  by  the  incessant  use  of  one 

Our  intervals  of  repose  were  now  very  short ; 
for  at  12h  50m  a.m.,  March  1 6th,  another  rush 
drove  irresistibly  on  the  larboard  quarter  andsternr 

t  4 

280  THE    CRISIS.  [CHAP.V. 

and  forcing  the  ship  ahead  raised  her  up  on  the 
ice.     A  chaotic  ruin  followed  ;    our  poor  and 
cherished  court  yard,  its  wall  and  arched  doors, 
gallery,  and  well-trodden  paths,  were  rent,  and 
in  some  parts  ploughed  up  like  dust.     The   ship 
was  careened  fully  four  streaks,  and  sprung  a 
leak  as  before.     Scarcely  were  ten  minutes  left  us 
for  the  expression  of  our  astonishment  that  any 
thing  of  human  build  could  outlive  such  assaults, 
when  at   lh  a.  m.    another  equally  violent  rush 
succeeded ;    and  in  its   way  towards   the   star- 
board quarter  threw    up  a  rolling  wave    thirty 
feet   high,    crowned    by   a     blue   square  mass 
of  many  tons,   resembling  the  entire  side  of  a 
house,  which,   after  hanging  for  some  time   in 
doubtful  poise  on  the  ridge,  at  length  fell  with  a 
crash  into  the  hollow,  in  which,   as  in  a  cavern, 
the  after  part  of  the  ship  seemed  imbedded.     It 
was  indeed  an  awful  crisis,  rendered  more  fright- 
ful from  the  mistiness  of  the  night  and  dimness 
of  the  moon.     The  poor  ship  cracked  and  trem- 
bled violently  ;   and  no   one  could  say  that  the 
next  minute  would  not  be  her  last  and,  indeed, 
his  own  too,  for  with  her    our  means  of  safety 
would  probably   perish.     The    leak  continued, 
and  again  (most  likely  as  before,  from  counter- 
pressure)  the  principal  one  closed  up.     When  all 
this  was  over,  and  there  seemed  to  be  a  chance 
of  a  respite,  I  ordered  a  double  allowance  of  pre- 


served  meat,  &c.  to  be  issued  to  the  crew,  whose 
long  exposure  to  the  cold  rendered  some  extra 
stimulant  necessary.  Until  4h  a.  m.  the  rushes 
still  kept  coming  from  different  directions,  but 
fortunately  with  diminished  force.  From  that 
hour  to  8h  a.  m.  every  thing  was  still  and  the  ice 
quite  stationary,  somewhat  to  the  westward  of 
the  singular  point,  terminating  as  it  were  in  a 
knob,  which  was  the  farthest  eastern  extreme 
yesterday.  We  certainly  were  not  more  than 
three  miles  from  the  barren  and  irregular  land 
abeam,  which  received  the  name  of  Point  Terror. 
To  this  was  attached  a  rugged  shelf  of  what  for 
the  time  might  be  called  shore  ice,  having  at  its 
seaward  face  a  mural  ridge  of  unequal,  though 
in  many  parts,  imposing  height,  certainly  not 
less  than  from  fifty  to  sixty  feet.  Such  had  been 
the  diminution  of  our  nucleus,  that  the  ship 
was  now  within  four  hundred  yards  of  the  water 
line  of  demarcation  between  the  floe  and  the 
land  ice. 

I  was  naturally  anxious  to  ascertain  as  far  as 
possible  the  amount  of  damage  received;  and,  on 
inspecting  the  outside  of  the  ship  with  the  first 
Lieutenant  and  carpenter,  we  saw  that  the  fore-foot 
was  completely  exposed,  the  ship  having  been 
literally  lifted  up  on  the  surface  of  the  same  ice, 
which  had  formerly,  as  I  have  said,  imbedded  her 
up  to  the  flukes  of  the  anchors.     How  far  she  was 

282  CREW    IN    COUNCIL.  [cHAP.V. 

from  the  water's  edge  could  not  be  ascertained, 
though  it  was  seen  from  the  marks,  that  she  was 
heaved  up  seven  feet  abaft,  whilst  on  deck  the 
ascent  in  walking  forward  was  considerable. 
The  larboard  side  was  found  to  be  flattened  and 
indented  in  such  a  manner,  as  to  make  it  proba- 
ble some  injury  had  been  sustained  about  the 
timbers  near  the  line  of  flotation,  in  a  direction 
six  or  eight  feet  from  the  main  channels  forward, 
and  the  quarter  on  the  same  side  was  bolstered 
up  as  high  as  the  tafrail  by  one  of  the  largest 
floe  pieces,  which  pressed  severely  on  one  of 
her  weakest  points.  These  appearances  with 
the  facts  of  the  damaged  stern  post  and  the 
leaks,  raised  a  doubt  in  my  mind,  how  far  the 
ship  might  be  trustworthy  when  the  ice  should 
slacken  off  sufficiently  to  let  her  down  to  her 
bearings  ;  and,  though  every  precaution  had  been 
adopted  with  respect  to  the  provision,  &c.  on 
deck,  which  was  ready  to  be  thrown  on  the  ice 
upon  any  sudden  emergency,  and  other  prepara- 
tions had  been  made  for  the  worst ;  yet,  when 
instead  of  the  ice  remaining,  as  we  had  fer- 
vently hoped,  stationary,  it  began  again  to  move 
in  a  body  to  the  eastward,  and  there  was  every 
reason  to  expect  during  the  night  a  similar  visi- 
tation to  that  of  yesterday ;  I  thought  it  my 
duty  to  collect  the  opinions  of  the  officers,  the 
ice  mate,  and  some  of  the  leading  men,  who  had 

CHAP.  V.]  THEIR    OPINIONS.  283 

had  much  experience  among  ice.      They  agreed 
that  a  light  boat  with  provisions  should,  if  possible, 
be  landed,   to  serve  as  a    last  resource  to  com- 
municate   with  the    Hudson's   Bay    Company's 
Factory,   in  the    event  of  the  loss  of  the  ship. 
Other    opinions    were   also    given,     creditable 
to  the  good  sense  and  firmness  of  those  who 
uttered  them  ;  and  as  the  greater  part  of  them 
coincided  with   my  own,    I  felt  more  comforted 
and  assured.   All  that  could  be  done  immediately, 
was  to  get  on  deck  some  more  sails,  with  flour 
and    other  provisions,    and  one  of  the  cutters 
having  been  removed  to  a  firmer  piece  of  ice, 
the  two    whale  boats  were  again  hoisted  up  for 
greater  security.     In  the  meantime  we  were  ra- 
pidly setting  to  the  eastward,   and  by  noon  had 
passed  the  point,    and   opened  another  line   of 
higher  and  more  hilly  coast,   with  ranges  above 
and  bevond  the  land  forming  the  beach.      The 
crew  were  now  put  on  full  allowance  of  provision. 
The  weather  continued   misty,  with  abundance 
of  small  snow  :  the  top  of  the   highest  land  in 
sight  was  S.  63°  W.  ;    latitude  6i°  4'  ;    wind  N. 
W.  by   W.,  fresh  at  times ;  barometer,  2Q.  25, 
thermometer  12°—. 

During  the  remainder  of  the  day  there  was 
some  disturbance,  not  very  material,  and  in 
the  evening  we  appeared  to  be  crossing  a  bay 
and  nearing  higher    land  ahead.      During  the 

284  st.  Patrick's  day.  [chap.  v. 

night  rushing  noises  were  occasionally  heard 
astern  and  to  the  north,  and  though  these  once 
or  twice  intimated  their  approach  by  some  sus- 
picious sharp  cracks,  yet  we  reached  the  morn- 
ing of  the  17th  without  serious  molestation. 
The  wind  then  came  all  at  once  from  S.  E.  by  S. 
nearly  ahead,  bringing  with  it  a  load  of  vapoury 
mist,  small  snow  and  drift.  The  land  was  not 
visible,  but  it  was  evident  we  had  got  much 
nearer  to  the  edge  of  tidal  ice  ;  for  several  well- 
marked  hummocks,  which  had  been  our  com- 
panions for  months  and  weathered  out  every 
gale,  had  in  the  comparative  stillness  of  last 
night  disappeared  altogether,  taking  with  them 
very  liberal  portions  of  the  surrounding  ice. 
The  wind  had  the  effect  of  setting  us  slowly 
to  the  westward,  and  though  it  gradually 
drew  ahead,  yet  there  was  no  squeezing  of  the 
ice,  and  St.  Patrick's  day  was  one  of  compa- 
rative enjoyment ;  nor  in  the  midst  of  our  own 
disasters  did  we  forget  to  wish  all  prosperity  to 
the  "  Gem  of  the  Sea."  The  only  drawback 
was  the  incessant  clanging  of  the  pump,  which 
was  still  found  indispensable  to  keep  the  ship 
clear  from  water.  Meantime  there  was  no 
lack  of  employment,  especially  on  the  outside, 
where  a  large  party  with  pickaxes,  ice  chisels 
and  shovels  were  fast  reducing  the  bulk  of  the 
towering  wave  that  propped  up  the  stern.     To- 

CHAP,  v.]  COAST.  285 

wards  evening  a  lane  of  water  opened  not  far 
from  us  towards  the  shore,  which,  however,  soon 
closed,  and  the  night  set  in  beautifully  clear  and 

At  daylight  of  the  18th  the  coast  line  was  dis- 
tinctly traced  from  S.E.  by  E.  \  E.  to  W.  by  N., 
the  nearest  land  abeam  being  about  four  or  five 
miles  distant.  The  character  of  the  country  was 
now  shelving,  with  hills  of  moderate  altitude  ;  on 
the  regular  and  apparently  even  summits  of  which 
were  isolated  cones,  and  other  steep  and  rounded 
hills,  totally  covered  with  snow.  Extending  to 
the  eastward  the  appearances  were  similar  ;  only, 
that  over  a  point,  and  something  to  the  south  of 
it,  was  a  distant  range  of  high  mountainous  land, 
answering  the  description  of  that  about  Seahorse 
Point,  from  which  we  were  now  not  thirty  miles 
distant.  We  experienced,  moreover,  that  pecu- 
liarly keen  cold  against  our  faces,  known  by  the 
term  of  the  "  barber,"  which  must  have  come 
from  the  eastward,  as  the  lane  of  water  was  all 
but  closed.  At  7h  a.  m.  a  slight  rushing  noise 
was  heard  to  seaward,  and  more  faintly  alongside. 
The  ice  was  then  setting  slowly  to  the  westward, 
and  about  llh  10m  a.m.  a  second  weak  rush  just 
reached  us,  and  the  motion  stopped.  At  2h  30m 
p.  m.  the  ice  began  to  set  slowly  to  the  eastward, 
and  from  its  closeness  to  the  wall  made  a  low 
grinding  noise.     For  the  rest  of  the  day  it  con- 

286  CALM    WEATHER.  [CHAP.V. 

tin  lied  quiet;  but  the  wind  being  very  light  from 
the  westward,  a  faint  disturbance  was  heard  in 
the  first  watch,  supposed  to  arise  from  an  attempt 
of  the  ice  to  open  a  little. 

March  19th.     The   same   sounds,  but   more 
distinct,   were  audible  more  or   less  frequently 
until  the  forenoon,    and  sometimes   they  were 
accompanied  by  rushes  that  set  every  one  on  the 
alert.      Indeed,    on  looking  minutely  round,  a 
few  fresh  cracks  were  discovered,  and  we  were 
obviously   much   nearer   to   the   tidal   lane,    or 
rather  wall,  the  interval  between  the  two  bodies 
of  ice  not  exceeding  two  feet,  though  how  this 
had   happened   we  were  somewhat  puzzled  to 
understand.    There  was  much  frost  smoke  rising 
from  small  cracks  around,  which  rendered  the 
land  rather  indistinct.     After  8h  a.  m.  we  drifted 
west  again,  with  rather  an  accelerated  motion. 
Divine  service  w7as  not  omitted,  and  at  noon  the 
weather  was  fine  but  cold,   out  of  the  sun,  the 
thermometer   in    the    shade    being   20°—.     At 
lh  30m  p.  m.  the  ice  commenced  setting  to  the 
eastward,   the  wind  then  being  light  from  the 
land.     Soon  after  4h  there  was  a  small  lane  or 
opening  between   the  ship  and  the  wall ;  and 
about  the  same  time  a  great  noise  was  heard  in 
the   direction    of   the    starboard   bow.     Every 
thing  was  again  quiet  by  midnight,   when  the 
wind  veered  to  the  south. 

CHAP.  V.]  ICE    SETS    EASTWARD.  287 

March  20th.  As  the  tide  changed  a  grinding 
sound  was  produced  along  the  mural  edge,  and 
at  broad  daylight,  though  there  was  a  very  hazy 
atmosphere,  occasioned  by  the  frost  smoke,  we 
could  see  that  there  was  a  lane  of  icy  water  half 
a  mile  broad,  separating  the  sea  from  the  land 
ice,  and  that  it  extended  in  a  direction  north- 
west and  south-east  as  far  as  the  eye  could  reach. 
A  little  past  7h  a.  m.,  when  the  tide  made  to  the 
westward,  it  grew  narrower ;  and,  on  a  nearer 
inspection,  we  found  we  were  getting  continually 
closer,  in  consequence  of  pieces  streaming  off  at 
our  boundary.  On  the  other  hand,  the  surface 
of  the  water  became  immediately  covered  with 
young  ice,  infinitely  too  thick  to  move  a  ship 
through.  The  people  were  employed  in  clear- 
ing away  the  higher  portions  of  ice  thrown  up 
alongside  to  starboard,  as  well  as  in  stopping  a 
leak  over  my  cabin.  At  lh  15m  p.  m.  the  ice  set 
to  the  eastward,  and  during  the  latter  part  of  th'e 
day  the  bay  ice  increased  very  fast,  from  whence 
it  was  concluded  that  we  were  driving  further  off 
the  land,  which  the  density  of  the  frost  smoke 
concealed  from  view. 

March  21st.  Many  had  been  the  forebodings 
of  what  was  to  be  expected  from  the  coincidence 
of  the  full  moon  with  the  equinoctial  day ;  yet 
nothing  more  had  occurred  than  a  freshening 
breeze  from  S.  by  W.,  which  drove  us  easily  off, 


or  backwards  and  forwards,  along  the  coast. 
The  latter  was  still  obscured  by  frost  smoke, 
which  rose  in  dense  clouds  from  the  ever-shift- 
ing black  lanes  of  water,  instantly  converted,  on 
the  least  cessation  from  action,  into  firm  bay  ice. 
The  sensation  was  that  of  intense  cold,  when  ex- 
posed to  the  breeze  charged  with  frozen  vapour, 
but  the  temperature  was  not  only  bearable,  but 
even  pleasant,  when  under  the  lee  of  ice,  and  open 
to  the  warmth  of  the  sun.  Our  cutters  were  still 
on  the  floe  pieces,  for  the  ship  remained  precisely 
in  the  position  into  which  she  had  been  thrown 
on  the  night  of  the  15th,  and  one  pump  was 
quite  equal  to  keep  her  dry;  but  as  it  was  uncer- 
tain when  she  might  come  upright  by  the  easing 
away  of  the  ice  which  bound  and  poised  her  up, 
I  had  every  thing  in  readiness  to  hoist  them  to 
the  davits,  and  to  set  additional  pumps  at  work 
without  a  moment's  delay.  About  10h  a.  m.  a 
glimpse  was  caught  of  the  land ;  but  as  only  the 
lower  part  was  discernible,  the  precise  whereabouts 
could  not  be  determined.  Neither  holes  nor 
vapour  were  seen  to  the  north-east.  At  noon,  it 
could  not  be  ascertained  in  which  direction  the 
ice  was  setting,  so  great  was  the  haze.  The 
barometer  had  risen  to  the  height  of  30. 58. 
Wind  south,  moderate.  Thermometer  10°  —  , 
and  in  the  sun  11°-|-. 

This  was  the  day  for  the  examination  of  the 

CHAP.  V.]  HEALTH.  289 

crew ;  and  I  was  much  gratified  to  learn  from 
Doctor  Donovan's  report  that,  with  the  excep- 
tion of  the  three  on  the  sick  list,  who  were 
themselves  improving,  the  rest  were  in  a  fair 
state  of  health,  notwithstanding  the  lameness 
which  still,  though  without  pain,  oppressed  some 
of  them.  To  occupy  the  crew  they  were  de- 
sired to  remove  the  mounds  and  other  irregular 
heaps  of  ice  round  the  ship,  and  to  dig  down 
below  the  bows.  The  forefoot  being  thus  par- 
tially cleared  was  found  to  be  much  worn  away, 
and  judging  from  the  state  of  the  bolts,  was 
considered  to  have  received  considerable  injury. 
The  ice  which  imbedded  the  starboard  bow  was, 
therefore,  quickly  cleared  away ;  and  on  a  nearer 
inspection,  the  carpenter  recommended  cutting 
away  the  protruding  part  of  one  bolt  to  prevent  its 
catching  against  the  ice,  and  at  the  same  time 
suggested  the  propriety  of  placing  some  iron 
plates  over  that  portion  of  the  injured  part  which 
was  out  of  the  water.  By  evening  this  was 
accomplished  ;  two  more  plates,  three  feet  four 
inches  long,  and  nine  inches  wide,  being  secured 
with  eighteen  iron  deck  spike  nails  on  the  fore- 
foot, immediately  beneath  the  iron  sheathing  of 
the  bow,  which  was  all  that,  under  existing  cir- 
cumstances, could  be  done.  The  keel  could  be 
just  felt  at  the  length  of  an  extended  saw  under 
water  ;  and  the  carpenter  was  always  of  opinion 


290  SQUALLS.  [CHAP.V. 

that  it  had  received  little  or  no  damage.  There 
was  a  great  deal  of  frost  smoke  between  us  and 
the  land,  and  up  to  midnight  all  was  tranquil. 

March  22d.  At  daylight  we  seemed  from 
the  bearing  of  a  known  hill,  to  have  been  set 
off  and  rather  along  the  shore  to  the  eastward. 
As  before,  only  black  lines  of  open  water  ap- 
peared to  windward,  though  the  extent  of  bay 
ice  was  evidently  greater,  and  certainly  at  the 
nearest  part,  not  more  than  four  or  five  hundred 
yards  from  the  ship,  which,  however,  fortunately 
continued  fixed  in  the  same  position.  During 
the  forenoon  we  drifted  westerly,  and  again  in  the 
afternoon  slowly  to  the  eastward ;  the  conical 
hill  at  3h  30ra,  bearing  S.  31°  W.  About  8h  p.  m. 
the  wind  gradually  drew  more  to  the  east,  and 
began  to  blow  fresh  in  squalls  with  every  appear- 
ance of  a  gale  ;  but  subsequently,  March  23d, 
settled  at  south-east,  and  moderated.  The  ice  had 
again  set  to  the  westward,  with  no  other  altera- 
tion than  that  of  causing  several  lanes  in  the  bay 
ice.  Up  to  noon,  all  was  quiet.  The  weather  to- 
day was  warm  enough,  with  the  thermometer  at 
10°  +  in  the  shade,  and  32°  +  in  the  sun,  even  to  be 
oppressive ;  the  blackened  thermometer  was  as 
high  as  39°+  •  In  walking  to  the  bay  ice,  some 
of  the  officers  saw  the  fresh  track  of  a  bear  not 
very  far  from  the  ship.  We  had  drifted  so  much 
off  shore,  and  in  the  afternoon  more  particularly, 

CHAP. V.]  LUNAR    HALO.  £0,1 

had  gone  so  far  to  the  north  west,  that  at4h  p.  m. 
the  blue  bluff  seen  on  the  11th,  was  in  sight,  and 
the  fact  of  an  opening  between  it  and  the  nearest 
land  of  Point  M'Clure,  being  now  evident,  it  was 
called  Gore  Island.  The  high  hills  too,  which 
were  noted  about  the  same  time,  were  equally 
visible,  and  proved  to  be  the  same,  the  principal 
of  which  we  had  hitherto  been  calling  the  Conical 
Hill,  but  now  distinguished  by  the  name  of 
Mount  Minto,  after  the  first  Lord  of  the  Ad- 
miralty, and  which  every  one  had  considered  to 
be  quite  distinct  from  those  that  had  been  passed. 
At  our  first  station  two  rather  deep  bays  were 
clearly  made  out,  with  low  land  to  seaward,  and 
here  the  low  land  was  somewhat  nearer  to  us 
than  the  high  ;  so  that,  although  it  was  impossible 
to  discern  whether  there  was  any  ice  between  the 
two,  I  am  not  certain  that  the  former  may  not 
be  islands  stretching  out  from  the  latter.  As 
night  drew  on  the  wind  got  round  to  the  N.  E., 
by  which  means  the  pack  that  inclosed  the  ship 
became  detached  in  one  or  two  places  from  the 
more  seaward  body,  causing  a  lane  of  water  to 
appear.  On  the  other  hand,  we  commenced 
going  eastward,  slantingly  towards  the  shore. 

March  24th.  There  was  a  prismatic  lunar  halo 
with  paraselenae.  In  the  morning  we  were  more 
to  the  eastward,  but  began  to  retrograde  at  10h. 
By  noon  we  had  drawn  closer  to  the  land,  and 

u  2 


were  evidently  ploughing  up  the  intervening  bay 
ice.  About  7h  30m  p.  m.  a  slight  noise  was  heard 
on  both  quarters,  the  wind  then  having  got  more 
to  the  westward,  from  which  however  it  sub- 
sequently changed  to  N.  E.  with  light  snow. 
A  faint  glimpse  was  caught  of  the  aurora  in  the 
same  quarter.  March  25th  the  body  of  ice  again 
moved  easterly,  and  at  daylight,  some  suspicious 
cracking  was  audible  to  seaward ;  while  the  wide 
lane  of  bay  ice,  which  had  intervened  between 
our  pack  and  that  fixed  to  the  shore,  was  now 
diminished  to  three  hundred  yards  of  squeezed 
up  pieces,  which,  for  the  present,  served  as  a 
fender  against  the  wall  along  shore.  The  weather 
was  too  thick  to  make  out  objects  distinctly ;  but 
from  the  appearance  of  the  nearest  land,  we 
seemed  to  have  almost  reached  the  place  from 
which  we  were  blown  off  when  the  southerly 
wind  came.  A  crack  in  one  of  the  remaining 
large  pieces  was  detected  during  the  forenoon  ; 
and,  in  the  early  part  of  the  afternoon,  the  ice  to 
seaward  of  the  crack  on  the  quarter  began  to 
open  out  a  little,  allowing  us  to  get  soundings, 
which  were  found  in  sixty-four  fathoms,  on  a  bot- 
tom of  gravel,  consisting  of  grey  granite  and  small 
particles  of  limestone.  The  snow  which  fell  a 
few  hours  afterwards,  was  of  a  soft  and  flaky  kind, 
different  from  any  we  had  seen  since  the  autumn, 
and  betokening,  as  we  hoped,  a  southerly  wind. 

CHAP.  V*]  SNOW.  293 

In  the  evening  two  more  narrow  openings  were 
observed ;  the  one  about  a  hundred  paces  from 
the  larboard  bow,  which  it  crossed,  joining  the 
principal  lane  along  shore ;  the  other  a  little 
farther  astern,  stretching  out  to  the  N.  N.  E., 
where  it  ran  into  the  one  on  the  quarter.  These 
separations  were  the  more  remarkable,  as  the 
wind  latterly  had  been  from  the  north  and  east, 
and  might  have  been  expected,  therefore,  to  bind 
the  ice  against  the  shore.  However,  as  we  were  at 
no  great  distance  from  Hudson's  Straits,  the  ice 
east  of  our  position  might  have  streamed  away  into 
that  opening,  leaving  the  body  behind  it  more 
space  for  motion.  The  room  thus  made  caused  no 
parting  of  the  heavy  pieces,  between  which  the 
ship  was  lifted  up,  and  notwithstanding  a  grinding 
noise  heard  from  the  north,  we  did  not  alter  our 
position  in  the  least. 

March  26th.  Small  snow  continued  to  fall 
throughout  the  night ;  and  although  when  morn- 
ing came  it  was  too  thick  to  see  the  land,  it  was 
evident  we  were  setting  to  the  eastward.  There 
was  an  opinion  that  less  water  found  its  way  into 
the  ship,  but  on  ceasing  to  use  the  pump  for 
forty-five  minutes  it  was  found  that  twelve  inches 
had  accumulated.  The  men,  however,  were  not 
kept  so  constantly  at  work  as  before,  so  that 
either  the  leak  was  reduced,  or  they  contrived 
to  throw  more  water  out  in  a  given  time.     About 

u  3 

294  MISTS.  [CHAP.V. 

noon  soundings  were  obtained  in  ninety-four 
fathoms,  with  a  bottom  of  green  mud,  which  im- 
plied a  change  of  situation  ;  still  the  weather 
was  so  misty  from  small  snow  incessantly  falling, 
that  no  land  could  be  made  out.  The  narrow 
lanes  closed  quietly.  The  temperature  was  20°  + 
at  the  north,  and  29°  +  facing  the  south.  About 
4h  p.  m.  the  land  was  in  sight  from  S.  E.  by  S.  to 
N.  W.,  distant  at  the  nearest  part  about  three 
miles.  Nothing  occurred  during  the  night, 
beyond  a  slight  rumbling  of  the  ice  to  the  east 
about  the  turn  of  the  tide. 

March  27th.  The  weather  was  tolerably  fine, 
though  misty  from  the  same  cause  as  before. 
The  land  was  barely  visible.  We  were  now 
separated  only  by  a  narrow  breadth  of  bay  ice 
from  the  tidal  wall,  which  was  ground  perfectly 
smooth,  curving  very  gently  to  a  distant  point ; 
and,  on  looking  carefully  at  the  shore  ice,  we 
were  delighted  to  observe  the  surface  much 
clearer  and  more  free  from  points  and  inequalities. 
There  certainly  could  not  have  been  the  same 
sort  of  grinding  and  confusion  here,  as  we  had 
so  lamentably  experienced  to  the  north-west. 

When  Mount  Minto  bore  S.  S.  W.  |W.,  sound- 
ings were  found  in  one  hundred  and  twenty 
fathoms,  the  ground  being  yellow  mud,  with 
small  pebbles  of  felspar.  A  single  raven  flew 
round  the  ship,    and  again  made  for  the  land 

CHAP.  V.]  LANE    AHEAD.  2Q«5 

whence  it  had  come.  Sunday  afternoon,  the 
breeze  veered  a  little  to  the  south  ;  and  as  we 
set  westward,  the  seaward  body  of  ice  drew  off, 
so  as  to  leave  a  perceptible  channel  within  us. 
In  the  evening  the  weather  became  suddenly 
overcast ;  and  the  wind  drawing  round  to  the 
south,  came  first  in  gusts,  then  in  heavy  squalls, 
which,  with  the  intelligence  that  a  lane  had  opened 
ahead,  made  me  apprehensive  of  some  sudden 
change.  The  boats  and  stores,  therefore,  on  either 
floe  were  frequently  visited,  and  scouts  were  sent 
to  examine  the  cracks  that  on  other  occasions  had 
been  known  to  open.  At  this  time,  however, 
they  were  closed.  It  may  be  here  mentioned, 
that  as  soon  as  the  gale  had  fairly  set  in  the 
barometer  began  to  rise  very  rapidly,  that  is  to 
say,  with  a  southerly  ivind,  in  the  same  way  that 
it  had  often  previously  done  with  a  northerly  one. 
It  varied  in  the  ascending  scale  considerably  in 
a  few  hours,  and  still  continued  to  rise;  never- 
theless, the  gale  blew  with  much  violence 
througho^1*  the  night,  at  the  same  time  lowering 
the  temperature. 

March  28th.  The  ship  cracked  so  as  to  induce 
an  idea  that  she  was  easing  down ;  but,  in  all 
probability,  it  was  merely  the  effect  of  the  gale 
coming  full  on  her  uplifted  bulk,  and  causing  her 
to  shake  at  every  squall.  However,  at  break  of 
day  our  inclination  was  precisely  the  same,  though 

u  4 


we  were  farther  away  from  the  land — a  change 
which  the  proximity  of  the  two  icy  boundaries 
yesterday  had  taught  us  to  appreciate.  There 
was  still  a  mist  hanging  over  objects  in  that 
direction ;  but  a  dark  gleam  of  water  was 
visible,  forming  a  part  of  the  lane  now  much 
encumbered  with  old  pieces  of  ice,  that  must 
have  been  detached  from  larger  masses  to  the 
eastward.  To  seaward  was  still  one  unbroken 
body.  In  the  forenoon  the  sky  became  clear,  the 
wind  having  shifted  to  S.  E.  A  few  wTell-defined 
clouds  were  remarked  upon  as  a  sight  which  had 
not  for  a  long  time  been  observed.  Our  decks 
were  naturally  much  lumbered  from  the  store 
of  provisions  which  I  considered  it  still  ne- 
cessary to  keep  there ;  but  as  the  small  snow 
which  constantly  fell  was  found  to  injure  them, 
and  particularly  the  bread,  the  whole  was  now 
restowed,  and  covered  well  over  writh  sails. 
As  night  drew  on  the  wind  again  got  round  to 
the  N.  E.,  and  at  intervals  came  in  heavy  squalls 
which  drove  the  ship  fast  towards  the  land. 

March  29th.  The  weather  became  more 
threatening  ;  and  in  a  short  time  a  cracking 
noise  was  heard  to  windward,  accompanied  by  a 
grinding  sound  among  the  bay  ice  just  within  us. 
At  5h  a.  m.  the  narrow  lane  about  forty  paces 
astern  suddenly  opened  from  fifteen  to  twenty 
feet,   again  partially  closing  a  few  hours  after. 


The  ship  creaked  more  than  usual  from  the  force 
of  the  breeze,  indeed  so  much  that  it  was  thought 
possible  we  might  have  set  against  the  land  ice  ; 
and  in  truth,  when  daylight  came,  we  were  closer 
to  the  shore  itself  than  at  any  other  period.  But 
the  most  extraordinary  fact  was,  the  great  dis- 
tance that  the  ice  had  drifted,  with  the  wind 
abeam,  to  the  westward ;  for  we  now  found  our- 
selves, much  against  our  wish,  in  the  precise 
spot  where  we  had  been  so  roughly  treated  on 
the  night  of  the  L5th.  For  a  considerable  in- 
terval the  ice  remained  motionless,  so  far  as  the 
tide  was  concerned ;  though  on  going  to  sound, 
which  was  done  in  sixty  fathoms,  the  loose  youno- 
ice  was  observed  to  rise  and  fall  between  the 
edges  of  the  larger  pieces  as  it  would  have  done 
in  a  sea  or  swell.  Afterwards  for  two  hours  and 
a  half,  the  entire  body  set  very  slowly  to  the 
eastward,  and  then  stopped.  The  wind  was 
N.  N.  E.,  and  blew  fresh  in  squalls  :  thermo- 
meter 16° +,  and  in  the  sun  22°  +  .  The  next 
twenty-four  hours  nothing  occurred  worthy  of 
notice ;  and  at  noon  of  March  30th,  the  onlv 
alteration  near  the  ship  was  in  the  lanes  ahead 
and  on  the  larboard  quarter,  which  presented  a 
considerably  larger  open  surface.  It  was  remarked 
that  as  one  edge  receded  from  the  other,  calves 
and  smaller  pieces  of  old  yellow  ice  emerged 
from   beneath  into   the   temporary   free   space. 


Our  acquaintances,  the  ravens,  paid  us  daily 
visits,  and  sometimes  perched  on  the  pinnacle  of 
the  most  elevated  hummock,  apparently  watching 
the  movements  of  those  on  board.  We  explored 
the  surface  of  the  lanes  for  seals  or  other  ani- 
mals, but  in  vain,  until  a  couple  of  curiously 
speckled  dovekies  appeared  playing  about, 
though,  from  whence,  no  one  could  tell.  A 
wish  was  expressed  to  shoot  them,  to  which  I — 
whom  their  lively  motions  and  seeming  enjoy- 
ment amused  and  gratified — was  unwilling  to 
accede.  The  mottled  plumage,  however,  was 
too  great  a  temptation,  and  finally  one  of  the  offi- 
cers set  off  to  secure  them  ;  he  waited  for  some 
time  in  ambush  gazing  at  them,  and  hoping  they 
would  come  within  shot,  till  at  last  wearied  and 
cold,  he  was  fain  to  relinquish  the  attempt.  In 
the  evening  much  snow  fell,  and  two  fresh  holes 
of  water  appeared  on  the  starboard  quarter  with- 
in a  short  distance  of  the  ship. 

March  31st.  The  ice  remained  perfectly  tran- 
quil round  the  ship,  though  daylight  showed  a 
greater  difference  than  had  been  noticed  for  a 
long  time.  There  were  several  lanes  of  open 
water  immediately  surrounding  our  pack,  while 
near  the  same  places,  but  to  seaward,  were 
holes  and  openings  in  various  directions ;  most 
of  them  at  right  angles  to  the  land.  In 
addition  to  these,   some  of  the  waves  of  ice  had 

CHAP.  V.]  SEAL.  299 

eased  down  ;  and  to  our  no  small  astonishment, 
in  one  instance,  no  sooner  had  the  ponderous 
mass  fallen  into  the  opening  space,  than  a  seal 
started  up  from  beneath,  in  evident  alarm. 
Up  to  noon,  the  wind  being  moderate  from  the 
westward,  the  ice  moved  a  little  in  the  opposite 
direction.  Soundings  were  obtained  in  fifty-six 
fathoms,  having  a  hard  bottom.  The  weather 
was  always  thick  :  thermometer  12°+  and  13°+; 
barometer  30.  31.  All  continued  tranquil;  and 
as  the  western  tide  made,  the  ice  closed  about  the 
lanes,  &c.  turning  our  pack,  and,  consequently, 
the  ship's  head  about  three  points  more  to  the 

April  1st.  The  wind  came  from  E.  N.  E.,  and 
about  5h  a.  m.  the  ship's  head  was  veered  more  to 
the  west,  almost  dead  on  for  the  land ;  the  ice 
then  moving  slowly  to  the  westward.  The 
change  in  the  weather  was  such  as  to  thaw  the 
snow  on  the  sails  and  housing,  from  which 
we  beheld  the  novel  sight  of  water  dripping  and 
running  along  the  decks.  And  although  there 
was  not  the  least  alteration  in  the  uncomfortable 
position  of  the  ship,  yet  it  was  gratifying  to  ob- 
serve the  pump  less  constantly  in  action,  and 
still  more  enlivening  to  behold  the  people  clear- 
ing the  wet  deck  and  removing  the  accumulated 
rubbish  of  a  winter's  gathering.  At  2h  p.  m.  the 
temperature  in  the  sun  was  35°  +  ,  and  29°  5  +in 

300  MILD    WEATHER.  [CHAP.V. 

the  shade  ;  and,  such  was  the  effect  of  the  transi- 
tion, that  large  well  trodden  cakes  of  ice  adher- 
ing to  the  anchors  and  round  the  bows,  which 
a  week  before  would  have  remained  firm  under 
the  blows  of  a  sledge  hammer,  now  peeled  off 
with  little  effort,  enabling  us  entirely  to  clear  the 
upper  works.  The  breeze  increased  to  a  gale 
during  the  night,  and  at  one  time  a  faint  aurora 
was  visible  in  the  N.  W. 

During  the  2d  of  April  we  were  set  rather 
to  the  west  tinder  the  influence  of  the  easterly 
wind.  In  the  night  the  wind  veered  to  N.N.E., 
and  on  the  3d,  a  slight  commotion  was  heard 
to  windward,  but  without  result.  At  daylight 
several  small  holes  of  water  were  seen,  and  there 
was  a  manifest  diminution  in  the  height  of  some 
of  the  waves  and  mounds,  though  in  other 
respects  the  ice  was  perfectly  close.  The 
weather  continued  overcast,  though  the  tempera- 
ture was  25°  +  and  even  30  on  the  south  side. 
A  slight  difference  was  perceptible  on  the  hills 
from  the  effect  of  the  mild  weather. 

The  season  was  now  rapidly  advancing,  and 
under  different  circumstances  I  should  have 
commenced  making  the  necessary  preparations 
for  more  active  employment.  As  it  was,  although 
the  ship  remained  cradled  precisely  as  before, 
it  was  deemed  prudent  to  caulk  where  there 
was  no  strain  from  external  pressure.     Accord- 

CHAP. V.]  CAULKING.  301 

ingly,  the  carpenters  were  set  to  work  in 
board,  and  some  slight  leaks  on  the  quarter  were 
stopped.  The  largest  unbroken  remnant  of 
our  former  floe,  which  lay  between  us  and  the 
shore  on  the  starboard  side,  as  yet  had  borne 
every  encounter ;  but  at  4h  p.  m.  to-day,  with- 
out visible  cause  adequate  to  such  an  effect,  it 
split  in  two,  and  the  parts  opened  out  about 
eighteen  inches.  The  crack  ran  close  to  the 
cutter,  which,  together  with  the  stores,  was 
quickly  removed  nearer  the  ship. 

On  the  following  day,  4th  April,  the  medi- 
cal officer  following  up  the  system  acted  on 
throughout  the  past  winter,  carefully  inspected 
the  whole  crew  ;  and  with  the  exception  of  two 
men,  before  spoken  of  as  still  labouring  under 
scorbutic  symptoms,  they  were  reported  free  from 
positive  illness  and  rapidly  improving  in  appear- 
ance. In  fact,  the  mild  weather,  though  still  gen- 
erally below  the  freezing  point,  had  produced  a 
visible  alteration  for  the  better  in  all  of  us,  This 
was  the  night  of  the  new  moon  ;  and,  rendered  wary 
from  the  past,  we  could  not  entirely  divest  our- 
selves of  every  anxiety,  though  there  was  nothing 
immediately  prognosticating  further  change. 
However,  on  the  next  day,  April  5th,  all  was  tran- 
quil, and  from  daylight  to  8h  a.  m.  the  ship  was 
carried  something  more  to  the  east  than  before, 
but  the  ice   obeying   the  returning  tide    soon 


retrograded.  Much  light  snow  had  fallen  ;  and 
for  a  short  interval  when  the  sun  had  power  to 
dart  its  rays  through  the  misty  atmosphere,  it 
melted  at  once,  so  that  water  was  to  be  seen 
lodged  in  the  hollows  of  the  boats'  coverings. 
Soundings  were  found  in  one  hundred  and  thirty 
fathoms.  By  7h  p.  m.  we  had  passed  two  fresh 
barriers  thrown  up  on  the  mural  edge  of  the 
land  ice,  and  at  8h  we  were  stationary,  having 
been  set  considerably  farther  to  the  eastward 
than  at  any  former  period  since  last  August. 

April  6th.  All  was  still  quiet ;  and  when  day 
broke,  it  was  seen  that  we  had  gained  more 
ground  to  the  eastward,  being  apparently  drifted 
along  the  tidal  edge  of  the  land  ice,  which  here- 
abouts was  smoother  than  that  more  to  the  west. 
Unfortunately  the  land  was  obscured  by  a  mist, 
but,  from  the  faintness  of  the  receding  outline, 
it  appeared  to  form  a  curved  bay,  across  which 
we  were  setting  to  and  fro  with  the  variations 
of  the  tide.  In  the  evening  we  had  neared 
some  high  land ;  and  at  llh  30m  a.  m.  soundings 
were  obtained  in  twenty-seven  fathoms,  which 
were  the  least  we  had  yet  found.  At  noon  the 
weather  continued  misty,  but  a  point  of  land 
bore  S.  24°  E.,  and  a  black  mark  on  a  distant 
hill  N.  79°  E.  Wind  N.  by  E.,  moderate.  The 
sun  shortly  broke  through,  and  partly  dispersing 
the  mist,  showed  us  actually  within  a  mile  from 


CHAP. V.]  CURRENT    OF    ICE.  303 

the  beach,  where  numerous  huge  fragments  of 
dilapidated  floes  were  strewed  about  in  con- 
fusion. They  occupied  the  space  lying  between 
the  tidal  edge  and  the  land,  and  did  not  appear 
to  have  been  of  recent  production.  The  density 
of  the  atmosphere  had  deceived  us  in  other 
respects  also ;  for  that  which,  from  its  white 
smooth  glare,  had  been  set  down  for  land  ice, 
now  turned  out  to  be  the  even  shelving  side  of 
the  snow-clad  coast.  After  5h  p.  m.  a  lane  of 
water  opened  out  on  the  larboard  bow  of  the 
ship,  and  this  seemed  to  be  the  beginning  of  a 
general  movement  immediately  around  us ;  for 
soon  after,  the  ice  in  every  direction  was  evidently 
easing  down  from  those  formidable  ramparts  into 
which  it  had  been  thrown,  and  settling  into  a 
freer  space.  We  were  at  the  time  crossing  the 
bend  of  a  bay,  and  it  was  observed  that  the  ice 
was  set  by  the  tide  and  current  in  a  circle,  as  if 
within  the  influence  of  an  eddy ;  but  as  this, 
from  the  straight  line  of  bearing  of  the  southern 
land,  was  scarcely  probable,  the  effect  may  have 
been  produced  by  the  meeting  of  counter  cur- 
rents from  the  north  and  south.  Be  the  cause, 
however,  what  it  might,  we  were  in  momentary 
expectation  of  seeing  the  two  remaining  floe 
pieces  on  which  we  were  partly  poised,  separate, 
so  as  to  allow  the  ship  to  settle  into  the  water ; 
especially,  when  the  outer  portion  of  the  cracked 


floe,  on  the  starboard  side,  suddenly  parted 
from  its  better  half,  and  glided  mysteriously 
away  among  the  still  rugged  but  looser  fragments 
near.  But  when  our  favourite  look-out,  which 
we  had  jestingly  denominated  Mount  Pleasant, 
the  faithful  companion  of  our  wanderings  from 
Cape  Bylot  to  this  spot,  staunch  and  unshaken 
amidst  the  crash  and  ruin  which  had  surrounded 
it ;  when  this,  too,  departed,  and  became  lost 
and  indistinguishable  amongst  other  peaks  and 
hummocks,  what  could  we  look  for  but  an  utter 
dissolution  of  all  the  parts  of  our  system  ?  In 
spite,  however,  of  all  these  defections,  in  spite  of 
upper  or  under  current,  spring  or  neap  tide,  for 
the  present  we  remained  firm  as  a  rock  ;  the  only 
alteration  being,  that  the  direction  of  the  ship's 
head  was  exactly  reversed,  having  been  turned 
round  from  the  south  to  N.W.  by  W.,  in  much 
the  same  manner  as  had  been  the  case  last 
autumn  at  the  western  end  of  the  island.  All 
these  things  plainly  demonstrated  that  the  eastern 
ice  was  gradually  drifting  through  Hudson's 
Straits  into  the  Atlantic,  and  making  way  for 
our  liberation  ;  which  I  still  sanguinely  hoped 
would  take  place,  so  as  to  enable  me  to  carry 
into  effect  some  of  the  objects  of  the  expe- 
dition. A  narwhal  was  supposed  to  have  been 
seen  in  one  of  the  adjoining  lanes,  and  was 
described  as  being  spotted,  like  those  seen  last 

CHAP.  V. 3  PARHELION.  305 

year.  During  the  night  there  was  repeated 
noise  among  the  ice  ;  but  as  it  was  rather  that  of 
easing  down  than  the  harsh  grating  of  pressure, 
it  did  not  much  affect  us.  Twice  we  sounded 
in  thirty  fathoms,  and  about  two  miles  off  shore 
in  twenty- two  fathoms,  the  bottom  being  com- 
posed of  rock,  shells,  and  mud. 

Daylight  of  the  7th  showed  that  we  had 
already  gone  and  were  still  going  rapidly  to  the 
south-east,  along  a  hilly  coast,  apparently  con- 
sisting of  barren  rocks  with  precipitous  cliffs, 
based  upon  a  low  shelving  slope,  which  passed 
imperceptibly  into  the  shore  ice ;  both  being 
covered  with  snow,  and  only  distinguishable,  in 
some  places  near  the  margin,  by  the  black  tops 
of  protruding  rocks.  Here,  then,  was  a  totally 
different  formation  from  the  smooth  and  rounded 
low  tract  lately  passed,  and  answered  better  to 
the  land  about  Seahorse  Point. 

There  was  a  beautiful  parhelion  for  a  short 
time,  while  a  W.  S.  W.  breeze  was  blowing: 
about  a  great  quantity  of  small  snow,  but  it  soon 
disappeared.  At  noon  the  coast  was  distinctly 
seen  from  S.  E.  £  S.  to  Mount  Minto  at  W.  ^  N., 
terminating  at  the  furthest  east  abruptly  in  a 
bluff  point.  There  was  another  bluff  something 
nearer  to  us.  In  the  afternoon  lanes  of  water 
opened  out  between  us  and  the  shore  ;  but  as 
the  wind  blew  very  fresh  off  the  land,  it  only 


306  sir  j.  Gordon's  bay.       [chap.  v. 

bound  us  the  more  against  the  sea  ice.     As  he 
tide  changed,    these   places   soon   closed ;    and 
again    at    daylight,    April  8th,    opened   much 
wider  than  before.     We  drifted  past  the  high 
point,  which  was   then   ascertained  to  be   the 
north-western   extremity   of  a  fine   open    bay, 
called  after  Sir  James  Gordon  ;  which  making  a 
sweep  of  about  two  miles,  with  a  radius  from 
three   quarters  to  one  mile,   formed   a  second 
point,  and  thence  stretched  to  the  farthest  land 
in  sight.     Much  frost  smoke  was  rising  from  the 
open  water  beyond  this  land ;    and   in  conse- 
quence of  the  mist  it  caused,  we  were  unable  to 
make  out  satisfactorily  whether  two  comparatively 
low  spots  were  continuous  with  the  main  coast, 
or  islands  off  it.     One  fact,  however,  was  beyond 
question,  viz.  that  the  land  ended  there ;  and  that 
the  boundary,  therefore,  must  be  Sea  Horse  Point. 
Could   the    ship    have   been   once   freed    from 
her  icy  fetters,   I  should  soon  have  set  the  mat- 
ter at  rest ;  since  the  fresh  gale  of  the  night, 
combined  with  a  favourable  juncture  of  tide,  had 
so  marvellously  dispersed  the  inner,  and  indeed 
some  of  the  outer  ice,  that  there  was  no  other 
impediment  sufficient   to    have    prevented   our 
getting  entirely  round  it.     As  it  was,  I  had  no 
choice  but  to  remain  quiet  until  nature  should 
set  us  free ;  satisfied  for  the  present  if  I  could 
purchase  exemption  from  nipping.     Every  day, 

CHAP.  V.]  INVALIDS.  307 

however,  the  sun  had  more  power,  and  another 
month  or  six  weeks  might  effect  much.  My 
object  was  to  try  the  Welcome. 

A  wind  coming  from  the  land  at  west,  chilled  us 
all;  but  the  thermometer  did  not  fall  below  10°  — : 
and  as  the  wind  veered  more  to  the  north  it  speedily 
rose  again.  A  couple  of  large  seals  were  seen, 
but  neither  fish  nor  birds,  notwithstanding  the 
expanse  of  water  along  the  coast.  At  noon  there 
were  soundings  in  fifty-eight  fathoms,  by  which 
time  there  was  scarcely  any  water  to  be  seen, 
and  the  ship  had  considerably  neared  the  land, 
being  not  more  than  two  miles  off.  Though,  as 
I  before  observed,  our  invalids  generally  con- 
tinued to  improve,  yet  some  of  the  number 
could  not  yet  conquer  the  obstinate  rigidity  of 
the  muscles  of  the  leg.  Of  the  two  who  re- 
mained still  on  the  list,  Alexander  Young  (who 
was  also  the  person  first  affected)  was  now  in  so 
low  a  state  as  to  make  his  recovery  extremely 
doubtful — much  to  the  regret  of  us  all ;  for  his 
happy  disposition  and  steady  conduct  as  gun- 
room steward  had  made  him  a  favourite  with 
the  officers,  who  left  nothing  undone  to  minister 
to  his  comfort.  Every  thing  on  board  favoured 
the  health  of  the  crew ;  for,  since  the  adoption 
of  the  funnels  for  carrying  away  the  vapour,  and 
still  more  within  the  last  ten  days,  during  which 
the  hatchways  and  fore  scuttle  had  been  thrown 

x  2 

308  RUSH    OF    ICE.  [CHAP.V. 

open  in  the  day-time,  our  lower  deck  had  been 
perfectly  dry  and  pure.  Until  8h  the  ice  was 
quiet ;  but  about,  that  time,  there  being  a  light 
wind  blowing  from  the  north,  a  low  grinding  was 
heard  at  the  outer  edge  of  the  outer  floe-piece, 
and  soon  after,  the  two  or  three  holes  of  water 
in  that  quarter  closed  up.  The  commotion  was 
followed  at  10h  p.  m.  by  a  heavy  rush  of  the 
seaward  ice  against  the  same  piece,  on  which  it 
not  only  made  encroachments,  but  shook  it 
throughout  its  whole  dimensions  so  as  to  intimate 
the  effect  on  board  by  the  short  cracking  of  the 
after  part  of  the  ship.  Ultimately  a  barrier  was 
thrown  up  about  eighteen  feet  high.  It  became 
prudent,  therefore,  to  secure  the  provisions  and 
stores,  which  were  alongside  the  cutters,  and  to 
have  the  latter  in  readiness  to  hoist  up  ;  since, 
notwithstanding  the  immense  masses  still  appear- 
ing in  every  direction,  there  was  not  another  piece 
proper  to  receive  them.  Nothing  further  occurred 
at  that  time ;  but  when  daylight  came,  on  April  9th, 
the  starboard  floe-piece  was  found  to  be  cracked 
in  several  parts.  At  5h  a.  m.  the  ice  was  setting 
to  the  east,  and  the  temperature  had  fallen 
to  26°—.  However,  at  8h  it  had  risen  to  10°  +  . 
Shortly  afterwards  the  seaward  ice  became 
agitated,  and  ground  so  suspiciously  against  our 
diminishing  territory,  that  it  was  considered 
prudent  to  hoist  up  both  the  cutters.     In  the 

CHAP. V.]         AGITATION    CONTINUES.  309 

interim  we  continued  to  drift  east,  and  being 
almost  across  Sir  J.  Gordon's  Bay  were  unques- 
tionably farther  in  that  direction  than  at  any  time 
before.  With  the  turn  of  the  tide  the  direction 
of  the  drift  changed  as  usual,  and  until  4h  p.  m. 
we  were  setting  rapidly  to  the  west. 

April  10th.  It  was  too  obscure  to  see  what  was 
going  on ;  but  at  4h  50m  the  wind  had  got  to  the 
northward,  and  the  ice  commenced  setting  to  the 
east.  The  breeze  increased  rather  more  than  was 
desirable,  and  the  ice  being  extremely  close  packed 
began  about  8h  a.  m.  to  make  a  grinding  noise. 
This  soon  became  louder  as  larger  masses  were 
thrown  up  ;  and  looking  towards  the  tidal  edge 
of  the  shore  ice,  we  observed  an  immense  piece, 
many  tons  in  weight,  forced  up  vertically  to 
a  height  of  between  twenty  and  thirty  feet. 
Scarcely  had  we  had  time  to  remark  this,  when  a 
heavy  rush  of  the  seaward  ice  from  the  windward 
called  our  attention  to  the  opposite  side ;  and, 
after  watching  many  piled-up  mounds  tumbling 
with  a  rattle  on  our  starboard  floe-piece,  we  were 
greatly  surprised  at  seeing  the  latter  slowly 
assume  a  convex  form,  and,  after  gradually 
attaining  a  moderate  elevation,  splinter  into 
fragments,  one-third  of  the'  original  piece 
breaking  off  and  sailing  heavily  away  to  the 
eastward.  While  this  was  going  on,  a  similar 
inroad  was  made  in  a  line  towards  the  starboard 

x  3 

310  PERIL    OF    TWO    SAILORS.         [CHAP.V. 

bow,  and  matters  were  beginning  to  wear  a 
serious  aspect,  when,  in  an  instant,  the  noise 
was  hushed.  The  whole  body,  the  weight  of 
which,  greatly  augmented  by  the  breeze,  we 
had  to  bear  our  part  in  sustaining,  was  brought 
up  by  the  curve  of  coast  where  wt  were  em- 
bayed. Indeed  it  could  not  be  otherwise ;  for 
any  wind  coming  from  between  N.W.  by  W. 
and  N.N.E.,  must  of  necessity  drive  the  entire 
body  of  northern  ice  to  this  its  only  place  of 
egress  into  the  Atlantic.  While  the  turmoil 
was  going  on,  two  of  the  men  carelessly  loitering 
about  soon  found  themselves  separated  from  us, 
and  it  required  some  activity  in  scrambling  over 
the  moving  mounds  before  they  succeeded  in 
reaching  the  ship.  The  wind  blew  fresh  and 
keen  from  N.  by  W.,  the  temperature  being 
at  0°,  though  23°  +  in  the  sun. 

The  carpenters  now  commenced  caulking 
wherever  they  could  outside  the  ship.  At  7hP.  m. 
a  slight  noise  was  heard  among  the  ice  about  a 
mile  to  the  westward  of  the  ship,  which,  for  the 
succeeding  two  hours,  drove  fast  towards  the 
straits ;  but  as  the  tide  grew  weaker  the  onward 
motion  of  the  ice  was  of  course  checked,  while  the 
breeze  urged  the  whole  western  body  with  irresis- 
tible force  against  it ;  the  effect  of  which  was,  that 
at  9h  p.m.,  while  we  were  making  the  curve  of  a 
bay,  our  rloe-pieces  were  suddenly  assailed  by  a 

CHAP. V.]         DREADFUL    COMMOTION.  311 

powerful  rush  of  the  seaward  ice,  which,  thrust- 
ing us  close  to  the  tidal  wall  so  as  to  cause 
almost  a  dead  pressure,  began  to  grind  and 
plough  up  the  edges  on  every  side.  Fre- 
quently during  the  process  there  were  brief 
intervals  of  cessation  in  one  part  or  another, 
followed  by  a  quick  repetition,  in  a  direction 
perhaps  exactly  opposite.  Again,  there  would 
be  a  general  pause,  not  unlike  the  silence  which 
succeeds  a  heavy  crash  of  thunder ;  but  sud- 
denly, when  hope  was  beginning  to  whisper 
that  all  was  over,  on  it  came  again  with  a  burst 
of  deafening  roar,  destroying  every  thing  in 
its  furious  course.  Wherever  our  eyes  were 
turned  they  were  met  by  rising  waves  of  ice 
rolling  their  burdens  towards  the  ship.  One  in 
particular,  not  more  than  thirty  paces  away,  had 
reared  itself  at  least  thirty  feet  on  our  inner 
floe-piece,  which,  strong  as  it  was,  gave  way 
under  the  accumulated  weight  j  and  a  mass  of 
several  tons  being  thus  upturned  and  added  to 
the  original  bulk,  the  whole  bore  down  slowly 
upon  our  quarter.  The  ship  herself  was  high 
out  of  the  water  on  the  ice,  but  this  over- 
topped her  like  a  tower.  Meantime  we  were 
getting  nearer  and  nearer  to  the  land  ice  :  large 
rents  were  showing  themselves  in  the  ice,  at 
right  angles,  on  each  side  of  the  fore  chains  :  the 
ship  unable  to  right  herself  began  to  complain, 

x  4 


and  the  scene  every  moment  became  more  dark 
and  threatening.  Extra  purchases  were  fixed 
to  the  pumps  ;  the  hands  were  turned  up  ;  the 
sick  provided  for  ;  and  though  nothing  effectual 
could  be  done  for  our  preservation,  the  attention 
of  the  men  was  occupied  in  hoisting  two  of  the 
boats  higher  up.  On  former  occasions  there 
were  large  pieces  of  ice  around,  any  one  of 
which  would  have  afforded  a  sufficient  deposit 
for  boats,  provisions,  or  whatever  in  the  exi- 
gency of  the  moment  might  have  been  placed 
upon  it.  Now,  on  the  contrary,  we  were  sur- 
rounded by  crushed  and  broken  ice,  some, 
indeed,  ponderous  enough,  but  all  too  angular 
and  fractured  to  trust  a  boat  upon  :  nor  could  we 
ourselves  have  found  footing  so  long  as  every 
part  was  more  or  less  in  motion ;  or,  even  if  some 
of  the  more  active  and  hardy  had  succeeded  in 
doing  so,  still  they  could  not  possibly  have 
reached  the  land.  Knowing  this,  and  feeling 
acutely  for  the  many  beings  entrusted  to  my 
charge,  it  may  be  conceived  with  what  intense 
anxiety  I  listened  to  the  crashing  and  grinding 
around.  The  strength  of  the  ship,  tried  and 
shaken  as  it  had  already  been,  could  hardly  be 
expected  to  withstand  the  overwhelming  power 
opposed  to  it ;  and,  what  the  result  of  that  night 
might  have  been  it  is  impossible  to  say  and 
painful  to  contemplate,  had  not  an  overruling 


Providence  mercifully  averted  the  crisis,  by  sud- 
denly, and  at  the  moment  of  greatest  peril, 
arresting  the  tumult.  In  less  time  than  it  could 
be  spoken,  there  was  the  stillness  of  death,  and 
we  were  saved!  The  watch  was  called,  the 
crew  dismissed ;  and  I  trust  that  none  that 
night  laid  his  head  on  his  pillow  without  offering 
up  a  devout  thanksgiving  for  the  mercy  which 
had  been  vouchsafed  him. 

April  1 1th.  About  half  an  hour  after  midnight 
the  wind  having  veered  more  to  the  west,  the  ice 
was  observed  to  slacken  out ;  and  this  it  continued 
to  do  so  rapidly,  that  at  daylight  the  large  wave 
and  other  ramparts  of  ice  on  the  larboard  side  had 
considerably  subsided,  and  ultimately  they  dis- 
appeared, leaving  only  some  straggling  pieces  to 
mark  the  scene  of  so  much  terrific  grandeur. 
To  seaward  no  alteration  had  taken  place,  and 
we  had  leisure  to  contemplate  the  devastation 
that  a  few  short  hours  had  brought  home  to  the 
very  side  of  the  ship.  The  cracks  were  wider  apart, 
and  our  territory  greatly  diminished  ;  we  were, 
however,  further  off  shore,  and  at  5h  50ra  a.  m. 
were  driving  quietly  to  the  east  towards  the  low 
point.  In  our  progress  a  deep  bay  or,  possibly,  inlet 
was  seen,  for  there  might  be  a  passage  through 
its  south-eastern  termination,  though  the  land  ap- 
peared continuous  from  the  crow's-nest,  whence 
ice  was  made  out  on  the  other  or  eastern  side  of 

314  ISLANDS.  [CHAP.V. 

it.  The  high  land  which  joined  it,  and  along 
which  we  were  setting,  rounded  down  to  a  point, 
between  which  and  one  or  two  islands,  for  we 
could  not  satisfactorily  make  them  out,  was 
unquestionably  an  icy  channel.  Soundings  were 
found  in  forty-eight  and  fifty  fathoms,  with  a 
muddy  bottom.  At  noon  the  ice  was  stationary. 
At  12h  45m  the  ice  began  to  set  slowly  to  the 
westward,  and  the  breeze  freshening  at  the  same 
time  forced  it  off  shore  ;  so  that  in  a  few  hours  a 
lane  of  water  was  plainly  discovered  along  the 
mural  edge  of  the  land  ice,  while  that  within 
us,  and  bordering  our  floe  piece,  was  '  brash,' 
such  as  under  favourable  circumstances  might 
have  been  sailed  through.  At  6h  p.  m.  we  were 
going  slowly  towards  the  east ;  and,  being  now  at 
a  different  angle  with  the  land,  thought  that  there 
certainly  was  a  passage  through  the  bay  just 
mentioned,  which  had  been  concealed  before  by 
the  overlapping  of  two  projecting  points. 

At  daylight  of  the  12th  we  found  ourselves 
still  farther  off  shore,  and  the  breeze  had  not 
only  kept  us  more  than  usual  to  the  west,  but 
had  caused  several  holes  of  water  to  open  in 
different  places.  There  was  indeed  a  continuous 
channel  in  shore  for  several  miles,  extending 
however,  no  farther  than  the  point.  Beyond, 
all  was  compact ;  the  necessary  consequence  of  a 
leeward  situation,  such  as  this  would  be  with  the 


wind  blowing  slantingly  from  Hudson's  Bay  and 
the  Straits.     Considerably  to  the  west,  near  the 
spot  where  we  had  passed  the  last  three  weeks, 
was  a  dark  water  sky,  and  accordingly  from  the 
crow's-nest,  water  was  seen  in  the  direction  and 
to  the  extent  so  pointed  out.     It  seems,  therefore, 
certain  that  on  this  coast  the  first  place  where  a 
channel  is  to  be  looked  for  is  along  the  land, 
though  probably  with  some  winds  not  extending 
far,  unless  on  favourable  occasions,  such  as  the 
one  experienced  in  the  last  autumn,  when  an  un- 
hampered vessel   might  have  sailed  round  the 
island.  Farther  out,  whatever  the  prevailing  wind, 
a  ship  must  be  immovably  beset,  and  dependent 
altogether  upon  the  drift  of  the  entire  body  of 
ice  :  if  that  take  her  into  clear  water,  well ;  if  not, 
she  must  submit  to  the  event.     Undoubtedly  a 
vessel  is  more   secure   when  beset  than  when 
comparatively  at  liberty.    In  the  former  case,  so 
long  as  the  ice  remains  firm,  she  is  exempted 
from  serious  pressure,  and  tolerably  safe;  whereas 
along  the  land,  every  rock,  bank,   or  projecting 
point,  catches  the  moving  mass,  and  subjects  the 
unhappy   vessel   to    all   the    disastrous    effects. 
It  is  in  this  sudden  stoppage,    or   in  nautical 
phraseology,  '  bringing  up,'  that  all  the  danger 

April  13th.  The  wind  had  veered  a  little  to  the 

east,  and  freshened,  so  that  by  noon  we  had  been 

816  SQUALLS.  [CHAI\V. 

driven  so  far  to  the  west,  as  to  bring  into  sight 
land  that  we  scarcely  expected,  and,  in  truth,  did 
not  wish  to  see  again  from  this  side  of  the  island. 
It  was  gratifying  however  to  find  ourselves  much 
farther  off  shore,  as  well  as  to  behold  a  greater 
portion  of  the  intervening  space  occupied  by 
fresh  ice,  forced  in  by  the  wind  and  tide  from  the 
Straits,  which  would  serve  as  a  barrier  to  keep 
us  off  from  the  mural  edge,  in  case  a  change  of 
wind  should  drive  us  near  our  former  station. 
On  the  next  day  we  found  ourselves  set  still 
farther  to  the  westward  without  other  alteration, 
but  during  the  afternoon  and  night  the  barometer 
indicated  a  change  in  the  weather.  Accordingly 
at  night  it  blew  fresh  from  N.  by  E.,  and  on 
the  15th  the  gale  increased  with  squalls  and 
snow.  The  slightest  change  in  the  direction  of 
the  wind  had  always  an  immediate  effect  on  the 
ice,  and  we  were  set  nearer  to  the  land,  though 
from  the  mistiness  of  the  atmosphere  we  could 
not  say  how  much.  About  9h  a.  m.  the  young 
ice,  formed  around,  rose  up  under  an  easy  pres- 
sure to  the  height  of  a  foot  upon  the  edge  of  our 
inner  floe,  now  but  forty  paces  distant  from  the 
ship.  This  however  did  not  continue  long,  and 
at  noon  all  was  quiet,  except  the  fresh  breeze 
which  came  stronger  after  every  lull.  Snow  of 
a  soft  and  flaky  kind,  unlike  the  glittering 
chrystals  of  the  winter  months,  fell  lightly  but 

CHAP. v.]  doctors'  report.  317 

incessantly,  and  obscured  the  land.  At  2h  p.  m. 
some  of  the  ice  near  us  became  again  agitated  for 
about  ten  minutes,  and  then  ceased,  after  which 
the  breeze  gradually  diminished  in  strength, 
and  towards  midnight  drew  more  round  to  the 

April  16th.  Every  thing  was  quiet  The 
weather  was  overcast,  and  after  divine  service, 
examining  the  north  thermometer,  I  was  delighted 
to  find  it  exhibiting  a  temperature  of  32^°  +  , 
being  the  first  time  this  year  that  it  had  risen 
above  the  freezing  point.  Little  lines  of  water 
soon  dribbled  from  the  snow  on  the  weather  side 
of  the  deck  and  other  places  ;  and  great  was  the 
pleasure  with  which  I  remarked  that  instead  of 
instantly  congealing  as  usual,  it  maintained  its 
liquid  form.  Sir  E.  Parry  had  the  same  degree 
of  temperature  at  Winter  Island,  a  little  more 
than  two  degrees  north  of  our  situation,  on  the 
27th,  u  e.,  exactly  one  week  later  in  the  year 

On  the  17th  and  18th  the  weather  was 
mild,  but  still  so  overcast  that  the  points  of 
the  land  could  not  be  distinguished.  Again 
on  the  19th  all  was  tranquil.  The  crew 
were  inspected  by  the  medical  officers  and 
reported  to  be  in  an  improving  state.  Three 
however  were  still  far  from  well,  and  one  (Jones) 
had  rather  retrograded.     Several  others,  though 

318  FLOCK    OF    BIRDS.  [CHAP.V. 

able  to  do  their  duty  and  free  from  pain,  con- 
tinued to  walk  lame  from  the  rigidity  of  which 
I  have  so  often  spoken. 

April  20th.  The  outside  caulking  of  the  ship 
was  completed  as  far  as  practicable  j  and  though 
under  some  disadvantage,  on  account  of  the 
pressure  of  our  inclined  position,  yet  the  carpen- 
ters were  desired  to  proceed  with  the  same 
operation  along  the  water  ways  and  upper  deck. 
The  sails  were  also  under  examination,  and  had 
prudence  permitted  us  to  restow  the  six  months' 
provisions,  which  sadly  lumbered  the  quarter 
deck  and  gangways,  we  might  soon  have  assumed 
something  of  a  ship-shape  appearance.  This 
however  could  not  be  until  the  ship  was  fairly 
afloat,  and  it  was  necessary  therefore  to  be  satis- 
fied with  having  all  in  readiness  for  good  or 
evil.  At  noon  the  ice,  affected  by  the  con- 
stant blowing  of  the  northely  wind,  wrhich  had 
prevailed  since  the  day  before,  was  found  to 
have  gone  considerably  to  the  eastward.  A 
large  flock  of  birds,  supposed  to  be  ducks,  though 
more  likely  dovekies,  was  observed  flying  north- 

At  daylight  of  the  21st,  it  was  found  that 
the  spring  tide  had  set  us  farther  east  than 
we  had  yet  been  :  a  hole  or  two  of  water  also 
was  seen  within  a  few  hundred  yards  of  the  ship, 
and  the  ice  had  the  appearance  of  easing  down, 


chap. v.]  lyon's  remarks.  319 

a  natural  consequence  of  the  offshore  wind. 
The  temperature  which  had  been  lowered  by 
a  breeze  from  the  N.  W.  to  2°  +  rose  again 
as  the  sun  gained  power,  and  at  noon  was  18°  + 
and  53°    . 

At  2h  p.  m.    the  ice    commenced    setting   to 
the  east,   and    by  6h    p.  m.    we  had    drifted  so 
far  to    the  south    east,    as   to    bring   into   view 
some  new  land,  low,    and  apparently  forming  a 
shoal   point,  inasmuch  as  at  some  distance  off, 
there  were  four   rounded   mounds  of  high  and 
heavily  packed  ice,  thrown  up  upon  what  we  con- 
cluded to  be  sand  banks  or  reefs.     As  the  bearing 
(true)  was  S.  37°  W.  it  was  certain  that  we  were 
opposite  to  Seahorse  Point,  which  was  in  latitude 
63°43'N.,  longitude  80°  10'  W.,  and  variation,  49° 
00  W.  This  is  the  most  eastern  part  of  Southamp- 
ton Island,  but  too  low  to  be  visible  from  Point 
Ley  son,  though,  as  Captain  Lyon  remarks,  the 
heights  behind  might  be  seen  from  thence ;  and  it 
seems  to  me  most  likely  that  the  high  land  which 
he  saw,  and  had  supposed  to  be  the  continuation 
and  boundary  of  the  range  terminating  in  the 
other  extremity  at  Cape  Comfort,  was  really  Mount 
Minto,  which  is  fully  one  thousand  feet  high, 
and  the  adjacent  ridge  that  was  still  within  view 
of  the  ship.     It  had  always  been  an  interesting 
speculation  with  me  what  would  be  the  direc- 
tion taken  by  us,  or  rather  by  the  ice  driven  by 

320  FLOCK    OF    DUCKS.  [CHAP.V. 

the  current,  on  arriving  at  this  spot ;  for  it  was 
difficult  to  say  whether  we  should  be  set  round 
the  point  along  the  coast  towards  Caryswan's 
Nest,  or  to  the  East  of  Mansfield  Island  to- 
wards Labrador,  or,  directly  through  Hudson's 
Straits  into  the  Atlantic.  Confiding  in  the 
observations  of  those  who  had  preceded  us,  and 
assuming,  therefore,  that  the  meeting  of  the  tides 
from  the  Welcome  and  Fox's  Channel  was  some- 
where about  Caryswan's  Nest,  I  held  to  the 
first  opinion;  conjecturing  further,  that  the  nu- 
merous detentions  likely  to  be  encountered  from 
different  winds,  eddies,  or  other  causes,  would 
eventually  lead  us  near  open  water,  perhaps 
quite  as  early  as  any  practical  use  could  be  made 
of  it. 

In  the  course  of  the  evening  a  flock  of  fifty 
ducks  was  seen  approaching,  but  after  coming 
within  five  hundred  yards,  they  wheeled  round 
and  flew  away  to  the  south  east. 

At2h  a.m.  of  April 22d  the  ice  in  its  course 
to  the  eastward  eased  out  so  much,  that  many 
calves  sprung  up  from  beneath  the  pack,  and 
soon  after  a  few  holes  of  water  were  seen.  By 
8h  a.  m.  the  south  point  bore  S.  5UZ°  W.  ;  but  the 
ice,  as  usual,  with  the  change  of  tide  setting 
again  in  the  contrary  direction,  at  noon,  the  ex- 
treme point  bore  S.  32°  W.,  and  Mount  Minto  N. 
80°  W.     The  wind  was  moderate  from  the  S.W., 

CHAP.  V.]  A    WHITE    BEAR.  321 

and   though  otherwise  fine  the  temperature  was 
only  24°  +  . 

April  23d  found  us  twelve  or  fifteen  miles  off 
Seahorse  Point,  which,  nevertheless,  we  did  not 
get  beyond,  the  wind  being  light  and  very  un- 
steady.   Certainly  either  the  tide  was  not  strong, 
or  the  whole  body  of  ice  moving  together  pre- 
vented  our   observing   it.      Some   ducks   were 
seen,  apparently  looking  for  open  water.     About 
4h  p.  m.  the  ice  slackened  considerably  round  the 
ship  and  to  the  southward,  causing  in  the  course 
of  two  hours  several  lanes  and  holes  of  water, 
but   too   far  disconnected   to   have   aided    our 
escape,  even  had  we  been  at  liberty.     It  was  not 
a  little  singular  that  with  so  much  water  there 
should  have  been  no  appearance  of  seals,  sea- 
horses, whales,    or   any   other    denizen  of  the 
Arctic  regions.    This  evening,  however,  a  visitor 
was  announced  in  the  following  manner.     De- 
tached groups  of  the  crew  were  sauntering  about 
the  ridged  and  extremely  uneven  ice  that  formed 
the   nucleus  of  our  floe-pieces,  when  the  Cor- 
poral of  Marines,  who  was  somewhat  apart  from 
the  rest,  gazing  listlessly  upwards  at  the  peaked 
hummock  above  his  head,   saw,  to  his  amaze- 
ment, quietly  looking  at  him,  a  white  bear.     At 
the   first   glimpse   he  started   off  with  all   the 
speed  which    circumstances    permitted,    leaped 
a  wide  opening,  which,  on  common  occasions, 



he  would  not  have  attempted,  and  in  breathless 
agitation  announced  the  intruder.  Instantly 
were  heard  a  hundred  voices  in  all  varieties  of 
tone,  from  the  shrill  scream  to  the  hoarse  bawl : 
the  news  flew  fast,  and  gathered  as  it  flew ;  so 
that,  by  the  time  it  had  travelled  from  the  fore- 
castle to  my  cabin,  it  saluted  me  with  the  intel- 
ligence, that  two  bears,  an  old  and  a  young  one, 
were  close  to  the  ship.  On  reaching  the  deck 
I  saw,  indeed,  a  young  bear  about  ninety  paces 
ahead  of  the  ship,  shaking  and  eating  a  piece  of 
an  old  jacket  which  it  had  just  picked  up.  The 
first  Lieutenant  and  Mr.  Gore  fired,  and,  both 
balls  taking  effect,  the  animal  staggered  away  about 
forty  paces  and  fell  dead.  It  was  a  female  cub  of 
last  year  \  and  though  on  being  opened  the  stomach 
was  found  entirely  empty,  there  was  still  some  fat 
adhering  to  the  flesh.  To  us  the  adventure  was  a 
novelty,  and  gave  occasion  to  some  jests. 

By  midnight  the  wind  blew  fresh  from  the 
south-east,  soon  closing  the  holes  near  us ;  and 
during  the  next  twelve  hours,  so  far  had  the 
ice  taken  us  off  shore,  that  at  noon,  when  the 
sun  was  fortunately  clear  for  a  few  minutes, 
it  was  evident  that  the  ship's  head  was  now 
pointing  E.N.E.,  in  a  line  directly  for  Mill 
Islands,  and  that  we  were  not  less  than  seven  or 
eight  leagues  from  Seahorse  Point.  In  this  new 
posture  of  affairs  it  was  deemed  expedient  imme- 

CHAP. V.]         RESTOWING    PROVISIONS.  323 

diately  to  refit,  so  far  as  could  be  conveniently 
done.     The   small   sails   and  geer  had  already 
been  put  into  order,  and  now  the  topsails  under- 
went an  inspection,  while  the  bulwark  inside  was 
caulked,   the  seams  paid  over  with  a  layer  of 
resin,  scraped,  and  primed  with  a  coating  of  yellow 
paint.    The  tanks  were  also  ordered  to  be  cleansed 
in  order  to  their  being  filled  ;  and,  as  the  com- 
paratively small  dimensions  of  the  fragments  of  ice 
which  now  surrounded  us,  as  well  as  its  loose  and 
disconnected  state,  would  necessarilv  render  futile 
any  attempt  to  save  a  stock  of  provisions,  &c,  in 
case  of  accident,  and  there  no  longer,  therefore, 
existed  any  reason  for  keeping  it  on  deck,  I  gave 
directions  that  every  thing  should  be  restowed ; 
except  a  sufficient  supply  of  pemmican,  preserved 
meats,  &c,  to  be  kept  on  deck  for  each  boat  in 
readiness  for  any  emergency,  against  which  it 
was  still  necessary  to  provide,  as  it  was  uncertain 
whether  the  ship  would  float,  when  once  more 
in  open  water.      At   all   events,  whenever  that 
time  should  arrive,  whether  soon  or  late,  and 
whether  with  good  or  evil  fortune,   it  was  clear 
that  the  promptest  activity  would  be  required 
from  all  on  board  ;  and  that  it  was  necessary, 
therefore,  to  have  all  prepared  beforehand. 

Up  to  noon  on  April  25th  nothing  occurred 
worth  mentioning.  We  were  perhaps  a  little 
farther  from  the  land,  the  nearest  part  of  which 

y  2 

324  DEATH    OF    A    SAILOR.  [CHAP.V. 

bore  S.  85°  W.,  distant   by  estimation    twenty- 
three  miles.     Mount  Minto  was  once  seen,  and 
by  admeasurement  was  forty  miles  away.     To- 
wards evening  the  breeze  became  steady  from 
south-east,  and  gradually  freshened  as  night  drew 
in.     A  small  bird,  supposed  to  be  a  snow  bird, 
flew  near  the  ship.    In  the  early  part  of  the  26th 
the  wind  increased  to  a  gale  from  the  southward, 
and  placed  us  in  latitude  63°  57'  02"  N. ;  but  the 
horizon  being  rather  misty  no  land  was  seen, 
and  the  sun  was  not  clear  enough  to  get  sights. 
This  day  terminated  the  life  of  Alexander  Young 
(marine),  who  had  been  long  slowly  sinking  under 
his  fatal  malady.     There  had  been    occasional 
fluctuations  which  afforded  a  ray  of  hope ;  but, 
at  length,  after  lingering  on  the  verge  of  disso- 
lution during  a  wearisome  period,  in  which  he 
displayed  no  want  of  mental  energy  or  proper 
resignation,    he   yielded   to    the    overmastering 
disease,  and  with  some  appearance  of  suffering 
closed  his  mortal  career.    At  his  own  request  the 
body  was  opened  by  Messrs.  Donovan  and  Mould, 
who  found  the  liver  affected  and  very  much  en- 
larged.     The    blood   was  poor  and   extremely 
serous,  almost  indeed  separated  into  two  parts  ; 
and  some  water  was  lodged  in  the  region  of  the 
heart.     The  following  day,  April  27th,   the  last 
sad  offices  were  paid  by  the  officers  and  crew,  and 
a  third  poor  shipmate  was  committed  to  the  deep. 

CHAP. V.]        FORGE    AGAIN    ERECTED.  325 

Soon  after  the  mournful  ceremony  was  con- 
cluded, a  little  snow-bunting  was  observed  to 
hover  for  a  few  seconds  over  the  aperture 
through  which  the  body  had  been  lowered,  and 
then  to  fly  away. 

For  the  preceding  eighteen  hours  the  wind 
had  freshened  considerably  from  the  south- 
west, and  at  noon  the  weather  being  dark 
with  snow  no  observation  could  be  got, 
neither  was  any  land  in  sight,  though  we  con- 
sidered we  were  setting  with  the  entire  body 
of  ice  towards  Mill  Islands.  The  people 
were  occupied  in  refitting  different  parts  of 
the  ship,  and  our  winter  housing  was  taken 
down.  So  great  indeed  was  the  quiet  we  now 
enjoyed,  that  the  forge  was  again  erected  on  the 
ice,  for  the  purpose  of  making  and  repairing 
several  articles  of  which  we  stood  in  need.  No 
water  was  visible  :  another  flock  of  ducks  passed 
near.  In  the  evening  the  wind  veered  to 
W.  N.  W.,  and  occasionally  blew  fresh  in  squalls. 
Early  on  April  28th  a  few  holes  of  water  were 
observed,  but  soon  closed  again.  What  how- 
ever was  more  interesting,  was  an  island  faintly 
distinguished  from  the  mast-head,  bearing  south- 
east. At  noon  it  was  no  longer  in  sight,  in  con- 
sequence of  the  ship  having  drifted  to  the  south- 
ward. The  temperature  had  once  fallen  so 
low  as    1°  —  ,    but   subsequently    rose   again    to 

y  3 

326  ISLANDS    IN    SIGHT.  [CHAP.V. 

5°+-  The  latitude  was  63°  58'  N.,'  and  longitude 
79°  04/  15"  W.,  which  made  us  about  twenty-five 
miles  from  the  western  extremity  of  Mill  Islands. 
The  wind  still  blew  from  the  same  quarter, 
neither  was  there  any  change  around  the  ship. 

April  29th.  At  daylight  land  was  descried  to 
the  south-east,  and  at  noon  the  bearings,  as 
taken  from  the  crow's-nest,  were  Mill  Island 
E.  \  N ,  Salisbury  Island  S.  E.  \  E.,  and  north- 
east end  of  Nottingham  Island  S.  £  E.  We 
still  remained  undisturbed,  though  apparently 
drawing  nearer  to  Salisbury  Island,  which  the  haze 
of  the  evening  shut  out  from  our  sight.  Another 
large  flock  of  ducks  was  observed  flying  towards 
the  north-west. 

April  30th.  The  wind  had  veered  to  north  ;  but 
from  the  dullness    of  the  weather  our  precise 
situation,  with  respect  to  the  land,   could  not  be 
ascertained.     One  large  hole  of  water  was  made 
out  about  three  miles  to  the  eastward,  but  this 
soon  afterwards  closed,  giving  place  to  two  of 
smaller   dimensions,    which   opened    something 
nearer  to  us.     The  operations  of  the  last  week 
had  clone  much  to  clear  and  cleanse  the  vessel, 
and. the  upper  deck  having  been  scraped,  there 
was  an  air  of  comfort  and  neatness,  to  which  the 
climate  not  less  than  the  anxieties  of  the  winter 
had   for  many   months   rendered   us   strangers. 
The  coldness  of  the  westerly  winds,  which  in 

CHAP.  V.]  ADVANCE    OF    SEASON.  3^7 

the  night  reduced  the  temperature  below  zero, 
and  in  the  day  seldom  suffered  it  to  rise  much 
above,  had  proved  an  annoying  drawback  to 
the  exertions  of  the  first  Lieutenant;  unfor- 
tunately, however,  we  were  not  pressed  for 
time,  for  at  present  there  was  nothing  around 
but  one  wide  range  of  closely  packed  ice. 
Still  the  end  of  the  month  had  arrived  ;  the  sun 
beamed  brightly  and  travelled  far  in  its  diurnal 
circuit ;  the  heralds  of  spring  had  flown  beyond 
us  towards  the  north,  and  the  gladness  of  ad- 
vancing summer  was  felt  by  all  of  us.  At  6h  p.  m. 
a  part  of  Mill  Islands  was  seen,  bearing  N.E.  by 
E.^  E.,  and  some  other  land  near  it,  most  likely 
one  of  the  group.  The  breeze  freshened  from 
N.N.W.  in  the  night,  and  on  May  1st  the  weather 
was  keener  than  it  had  been  for  some  time.  A 
momentary  glimpse  was  caught  of  the  land  on 
the  starboard  beam,  but  the  haze  prevented  our 
distinguishing  what  part  it  was.  The  boats,  which 
it  may  be  remembered  had  been  hoisted  high  up 
the  rigging  to  keep  them  above  the  frowning 
masses  which  then  threatened  to  overwhelm  us, 
were  now  removed  to  the  davits,  in  the  hope  that 
danger  of  that  kind  was  past.  The  horizon 
was  still  obscured  at  noon  ;  but  from  sights  with 
the  artificial  horizon,  the  latitude  was  found  to  be 
63°  49'  N.,  and  longitude  78°  54/  SO*  W.;  thus 
giving  the   anomalous  result  of  our  having  been 

Y  4 

328  PROBLEM.  [CHAP.V. 

set  to  the  westward  against  a  westerly  wind,  and 
with  fresh  squalls  from  the  north  a  progress 
south  of  only  four  miles.  For  this,  I  am  at  a  loss 
to  account  in  any  other  manner  than  by  sup- 
posing the  passage  between  the  islands  to  have 
been  closely  blocked  up  ;  so  that  the  southern  ice, 
acted  upon  by  the  floods  which  attend  the  dis- 
ruption of  the  spacious  lakes  and  rivers  of  the  in- 
terior, had  been  pressed  forward  with  such  force 
as  to  resist  even  the  vast  body  of  ice  bearing  down 
upon  it  from  the  north.  The  mast-head  thermo- 
meter, which  throughout  the  winter  had  been  in 
a  position  eighty-seven  feet  above  the  sea  now 
varied  so  little  from  those  on  deck,  seldom  more 
than  2°  or  3°  at  the  most,  that  it  was  taken  down 
and  the  registering  of  it  discontinued  ;  and  I  may 
take  this  opportunity  of  observing  that  there 
were  very  few  occasions  which  on  trial  were  found 
favourable  for  flying  a  kite  with  an  appended 
self-registering  thermometer,  during  the  former 
portion  of  the  winter  when  the  floe  was  un- 
broken, and  that  the  operation  was  utterly  im- 
practicable in  the  latter  part,  when  the  ice  was 
ground  into  thousands  of  peaked  and  irregular 
heaps,  mounds,  and  barriers,  which  defied  the 
activity  of  the  most  alert. 

The  weather  continuing  obscured,  nothing 
could  be  distinguished  beyond  a  mile  or  two  from 
the  ship,  and  on  May  L2d  there  was  no  change  ex- 


cept  a  fresh  layer  of  snow,  and  a  south-east  wind 
instead  of  a  northerly  one.  Several  large  flocks  of 
ducks  flew  past  us  to  the  north,  and  one  flock  was 
seen  resting  in  a  small  hole  of  open  water  about 
a  mile  to  the  south,  Land  was  indistinctly  seen 
abeam.  The  latitude  at  noon  was  63°  39'  N., 
but  the  few  miles  gained  to  the  south  would 
probably  be  lost  again  from  the  change  in  the 
direction  of  the  wind.  The  difficulty  which 
we  experienced  as  to  the  exact  bearings  of 
the  land  would  have  been  in  a  great  degree 
obviated,  had  the  observations  and  charts  of  the 
only  navigators  who,  as  far  as  I  know,  have  ever 
passed  between  these  islands  been  transmitted  to 
posterity.  "  Purchas,"  says  Sir  John  Barrow,  in 
his  Chronological  History  of  Voyages  into  the 
Arctic  Regions,  "  is  blameable,  to  a  certain 
degree,  for  the  meagreness  of  Baffin's  Journal, 
and  the  suppression  of  a  chart  which  accom- 
panied it;  for  he  admits,  in  a  marginal  note, 
that  *  this  map  of  the  Author's  for  this  and  the 
former  voyage,  with  the  tables  of  his  journale 
and  sayling,  were  somewhat  troublesome  and 
too  costly  to  insert.'  "  The  consequence  was, 
that  the  true  places  of  these  islands  were  not 
inserted  in  the  maps ;  and  though  the  hiatus 
thus  left  has  been  in  part  filled  up  by  other  sea- 
men, and  among  these,  recently,  by  Sir  Edward 
Parry  and  Captain  Lyon,  yet  from  the  fact  of 

330  Baffin's  observations.      [chap. v. 

all  these  officers  having  passed  north,  south,  or  east 
of  the  islands,  and  none  to  the  west,  their  remarks, 
however  excellent  in  themselves,  were  compara- 
tively without  value  to  us.  It  is  therefore,  I  repeat, 
much  to  be  regretted  that  the  entire  account  of 
Baffin's  voyage  in  1615  has  not  been  handed 
down  to  modern  times ;  for  we  find  it  stated 
that,  after  getting  beyond  Cape  Comfort,  they 
"  tacked  and  turned  the  shippes  head  homewards, 
without  any  further  search;"  and  again  that, 
after  this,  they  "  passed  Nottingham's  Isle,  near 
which  they  remained  till  the  27th  of  July, 
observing  the  set  of  the  tides,  the  time  of 
high  water,  &c.,  and  taking  in  ballast.  From 
thence  they  proceeded  between  Salisbury  and 
Nottingham  Islands."  For  our  embarrassment, 
however,  as  to  the  width  of  the  channel  between 
the  islands,  its  depth  and  dangers,  we  were 
compensated  by  not  experiencing  any  of  those 
turbulent  commotions  of  the  ice  which  had  so 
painfully  harassed  us  before.  We  now  drifted 
to  and  fro  with  the  mass,  on  which  the  ship  was 
still  poised,  with  little  inconvenience  beyond  the 
awkwardness  of  our  position  and  the  irksome 
monotony  of  the  scene. 

On  May  the  3d  we  were  much  nearer  the 
land,  the  north-west  point  of  which  bore  S.  20°  E. 
The  sky  was  blue,  the  weather  nearly  calm  ; 
and  at  noon  the  temperature  was  24°  +  ,  and  55°  + 

CHAP. V.]      GULLS,  DUCKS,  &C.  331 

in  the  sun.  But  that  which  most  pleased  me,  was 
the  sight  of  a  gull  flying  towards  the  north-west. 
I  had  never  known  these  birds  to  arrive  earlier 
than  the  7th  ;  and  at  Fort  Reliance,  at  the  east 
end  of  Great  Slave  Lake,  more  than  a  degree  to 
the  soutli  of  our  position,  the  same  birds  did  not 
appear  before  the  15th  of  the  month.  Hence, 
though  no  water  was  visible  from  the  mast-head, 
I  felt  confident  that  there  must  be  some  at  no 
great  distance  from  us.  The  evening  was  over- 
cast, and  snow  continued  to  fall  throughout  the 
better  part  of  the  night,  but  on  the  next  day  the 
sun  dispersed  the  gloom,  and  the  weather,  for 
the  first  time  these  several  months,  became  plea- 
sant. Two  rather  extensive  lanes  of  water 
opened  out  on  either  side,  about  a  mile  away 
from  the  ship,  and  at  noon  Nottingham  Island 
was  still  in  sight.  Some  flocks  of  ducks  beino* 
detected,  two  of  the  officers,  unable  to  resist  the 
temptation,  went  in  quest  of  them.  They  re- 
turned in  the  course  of  the  afternoon,  sunburnt 
and  weary,  with  the  acquisition  of  two  loons 
instead  of  ducks ;  and  I  cannot  but  suspect  that 
what  before  had  been  taken  for  ducks  were  also 
loons.  A  few  dovekies  and  three  gulls  were  the 
only  other  kinds  of  birds  that  had  been  seen  ; 
but  later  in  the  day  a  white  whale  showed  itself 
for  a  few  minutes.  As  the  temperature  in  the 
shade  at,2h  p.  m,  was  46°  +  ,  it  was  not  surprising 


that  they  should  have  experienced  much  diffi- 
culty in  picking  their  way  over  a  surface  so 
extremely  rugged,  but  I  was  scarcely  prepared 
to  hear,  as  was  the  fact,  that  water  had  been 
found  ankle  deep.  This  was  the  effect  of  one 
day's  sun ;  and  if  the  thaw  continued  at  the 
same  rate,  there  seemed  every  probability  that  a 
large  portion  of  the  lighter  pieces  of  ice  would 
soon  be  resolved  into  water,  and  that  our  release 
would  be  earlier  than  we  had  anticipated. 

May  5th.  We  appeared  to  be  something 
nearer  to  Nottingham  Island,  which,  from  being 
high  and  hilly,  now  declined  by  an  easy  slope  to 
the  southward.  A  lane  or  two  of  water  was  still 
open  ;  and,  besides  many  extensive  floes  in  shore, 
one,  at  least  a  mile  and  a  half  long  and  quite 
even,  was  discovered  at  no  great  distance  from 
us.  Such  floes  could  not  have  subsisted  where 
we  had  been  ;  and  it  was  therefore  inferred  that, 
up  to  that  time  at  least,  there  had  been  no 
violent  pressure  in  this  quarter.  This  was  the 
more  remarkable,  as  it  is  a  fact  well  attested 
that,  about  the  spring  tides,  when  the  ice  has 
space  to  move  about  in,  the  violence  and  irregu- 
larity of  cross  sets,  together  with  that  unac- 
countable "  bore,"  or  furious  rush  of  waters,  of 
which  I  have  so  often  had  occasion  to  speak, 
have  been  experienced  by  all  who  have  fre- 
quented these  straits,  perplexing  the  Commanders, 

CHAP.  V.]  REFITTING.  333 

and  hampering  their  vessels  so  as  to  create 
alarm  for  their  safety.  Sir  Edward  Parry  men- 
tions the  bufferings  his  ship  received  from  the 
eccentric  motion  of  masses  of  ice,  which,  under 
the  influence  of  a  fresh  working  breeze,  he  was 
unable  to  avoid  ;  and  on  several  occasions  Captain 
Lyon  was  so  startled  at  the  sudden  tumult  of 
waters  around  the  Griper,  that  he  was  under 
great  anxiety  to  know  where  the  "  wild  eddy" 
would  carry  her ;  once,  indeed,  he  says,  "  a 
noise  as  of  a  beach  surf  was  heard,  and  the 
fog  being  very  heavy,  the  boats  were  lowered 
to  tow  our  head  off  the  supposed  shore,  but 
the  sky  was  suddenly  cleared  by  the  breeze, 
and  no  land  was  seen  in  any  direction." 

The  crew  were  kept  employed  in  refitting, 
&c,  and  in  the  evening  the  top  gallant  masts 
were  swayed  aloft  and  pointed.  The  next  day, 
May  6th,  brought  a  rather  fresh  breeze  from  the 
westward,  and,  at  noon,  the  south-west  point  of 
Nottingham  Island  in  sight,  bore  S.  E.  by  S.  J  S. 
But  one  lane  of  water  was  seen,  and  that  was  to 
the  south  ;  beyond  it,  however,  there  appeared 
to  be  a  water  sky. 

On  May  7th  the  ice  was  perfectly  close,  and 
at  noon  we  had  been  set  nine  miles  to  the  south, 
and  five  to  the  west ;  the  extremes  of  land  at 
8h  a.  m.  having  been  from  N.  84°  E.  to  S.  60°  E. 
For  the  whole  of  the  day  the  ice  carried  us  to  the 

334  HILLY    COAST.  [CHAP.V. 

southward,  but  still  not  a  drop  of  water  was  in 
sight.  Three  burgomasters  (Larus  Glaucus) 
flew  past,  and  were  followed  by  some  flocks  of 

May  8th,  There  was  no  change  in  the  ice,  but 
several  flocks  of  birds  were  observed  winging 
their  flight  to  the  west.  At  noon  we  had  gone 
nine  miles  to  the  south  of  yesterday's  position. 
On  clearing  away  the  booms  to  caulk  the  deck, 
the  seams  were  found  more  open  than  was  antici- 
pated, and  numberless  rents  were  discovered 
between  them,  all  of  which  were  now  filled  up 
and  made  tight.  The  ice  remained  perfectly 
quiet,  and  on  May  9th  there  was  no  water  in 
sight,  nor  could  the  land  be  seen  on  account  of 
the  haziness  of  the  weather.  About  7h  30m  p.  m. 
before  sunset,  the  sky  became  clearer,  and  showed 
us  the  coast  of  this  part  of  Nottingham  Island, 
extending  farther  than  we  had  yet  seen  to  the 
south-east.  The  distinct  view  now  afforded  us, 
gave  an  outline  more  marked  than  any  hitherto 
passed,  for  irregularity  and  sinuosity,  ravines  and 
isolated  hills.  Of  the  hills,  many  had  an  elevation 
of  no  less  than  one  thousand  or  fourteen  hundred 
feet,  and  it  is  probable  that  some,  in  the  interior, 
were  still  higher,  as  their  peaks  also  were 
faintly  visible.  One,  the  nearest  of  the  detached 
heights,  sprang  abruptly  from  the  comparatively 
smooth  summit  of  a    shelving   slope   that  rose 

CHAP. V.]  FLOCKS    OF    LOONS.  335 

from  the  yet  lower  land  abutting  the  sea,  and  in 
shape  resembled  the  roof  of  a  large  barn.  Two 
others,  differing  from  the  first  in  having  more 
ridged  and  rounded  extremities,  next  caught  the 
eye,  which,  from  these,  wandered  over  a  more 
regular  surface,  until  arrested  by  a  gorge  or  pass. 
To  the  north  and  west  of  this  succeeded  a 
range  of  uneven  heights,  extremely  varied  and 
novel.  The  southern  termination  appeared  like 
an  island,  but  was  supposed,  in  fact,  to  be  con- 
nected by  a  small  ridge  of  low  land.  The 
summits  and  rounded  tops  of  a  portion  of  this 
extraordinary  island  were  still  enveloped  in  their 
winter  mantle,  but  innumerable  patches  proved 
the  influence  of  the  advancing  season. 

May  10th  brought  no  change :  not  a  living 
creature  was  seen,  nor  a  drop  of  water  detected 
within  scope  of  the  horizon  ;  the  ice,  so  far  as 
we  were  conscious,  was  motionless,  though  our 
observations  assured  us  that  we  were  drifting 
gradually  to  the  south  east.  As  dusk  drew  on, 
two  holes  of  water  were  seen  in  a  south  east  di- 
rection, but  up  to  midnight  they  were  not  en- 
larged. Very  early  on  the  1 1  th  an  immense  number 
of  loons  flew  towards  the  west,  and  were  shortly 
afterwards  followed  by  additional  flocks  which 
seemed  to  pursue  the  same  course.  The  sky 
was  overcast,  and  the  land  consequently  indis- 
tinct ;  but   there  was   little   doubt  that   we  had 

336  SQUALLS.  [CHAP.V. 

moved  slowly  towards  the  southern  point  of  the 
island.  Soon  after  a  light  breeze  sprung  up  from 
the  south  west,  and  several  lanes  and  holes  of 
water  shortly  appeared  in  that  and  other  direc- 
tions, though  the  ice  immediately  round  the 
ship  continued  exactly  the  same.  Over  all  these 
places  there  was  a  dark  horizontal  cloud.  The 
atmosphere  being  favourable  for  seeing  remote 
objects,  it  was  observed,  that  beyond  what  had 
been  thought  the  termination  of  Nottingham 
Island,  there  was  an  extensive  line  of  low  circuit- 
ous coast,  apparently  dipping  into  the  water,  or 
rather  losing  itself  in  the  ice  ;  and  to  the  right  of 
it,  at  a  bearing  of  S.  35°  E.,  other  land  was  de- 
tected, which  could  be  no  other  than  one  of 
Diggers  Islands. 

May  12.  After  midnight  the  breeze  freshened 
from  E.S.E.  and  drifted  us  somewhat  to  the 
N.W.  along  the  land,  now  within  a  moderate 
distance ;  a  fact  curious  enough,  since  no 
pressure  had  occurred  inshore  to  make  any  va- 
cant space  for  an  admission.  Such,  nevertheless, 
was  the  case.  In  the  forenoon  the  wind  veered 
to  south  and  blew  with  considerable  violence  in 
squalls,  bringing  light  snow  which  dissolved 
on  the  deck  as  it  fell.  An  interesting  event  was 
noticed  by  one  of  the  officers  yesterday  evening  : 
Lieutenant  M'Murdo  was  outside  the  ship  on 
the  ice,  and  his  attention  being  awakened  by  a 

CHAP.  V.]  RAIN.  337 

shrill  screaming  overhead,  he  looked  round,  and 
saw  a  large  white  hawk  with  the  tips  of  the  wings 
and  the  end  of  the  tail  black,  chasing,  what  he 
imagined  to  be  a  solan  goose,  but  which,  from 
his  description,  I  considered  to  be  one  of  the 
northern  divers.  The  hawk  kept  always  above 
and  repeatedly  struck  at  it  but  without  accom- 
plishing its  purpose,  when,  scared  by  the  sound  of 
Lieutenant  M'  Murdo's  dog- whistle,  it  wheeled 
round  and  went  off  slowly  towards  the  south,  in 
a  direction  for  the  coast  of  Labrador.  The  only 
hawks  of  a  similar  description  that  I  remember 
to  have  seen,  were  a  few,  found  on  the  rocky 
borders  of  Artillery  Lake  in  latitude  6C2°  56'  N. 
and  longitude  108°  24'  W.;  and  it  maybe  worth 
remarking  that  the  broad  feathers  of  the  tail  are 
held  in  such  high  estimation  by  the  more  war- 
like tribes  of  Indians,  that  there  is  scarcely  any 
thing  they  will  not  give  to  obtain  them. 

In  the  latter  part  of  the  day  the  snow  was 
converted  into  drizzling  rain,  the  first  we  had 
had  for  more  than  eight  months,  and  in  date 
corresponding  with  remarkable  precision  to  the 
same  circumstance  in  the  interior  of  the  Hudson 
Bay  Company's  territories.  At  Fort  Franklin,  in 
latitude  65°  1  V5&f  N.  and  longitude  123°  08'52"  W. 
in  1826,  the  first  shower  of  rain  fell  on  the  11th 
of  May.  At  Fort  Enterprise  in  1 820,  being  in  lati- 
tude 64°  28' 24"  N.,  and  longitude  113° 06 '00"  W., 


338  SHIP    LEAKY.  [CHAP.V. 

and  at  Fort  Reliance  in  1834,  in  latitude  62°  46' 
29" N.  and  longitude  109°  00'  39"  W.,  rain  fell  about 
the  same  period;  and  now  off  Nottingham  Island,  in 
latitude 63°  11' 44"  N.  and  longitude 78°  56' SO"  W., 
it  came  on  the  12th  May  1837 ;  so  that,  in  this 
respect,  two  degrees  of  latitude  and  forty-four 
of  longitude  occasioned  far  less  difference  than 
might  have  been  expected  under  circumstances 
and  modifications  so  various.  A  solitary  raven 
and  some  large  flocks  of  ducks  or  loons  were 
seen  going  to  the  north-west,  probably  to  open 
water  somewhere  thereabouts.  The  rain,  which 
ran  down  the  rigging  and  across  the  deck, 
served  to  tighten  the  former,  and  to  prove  the 
leaky  condition  of  the  latter.  It  was,  indeed,  to 
be  expected  that,  twisted  and  shaken  as  the  ship 
had  been,  to  say  nothing  of  the  chinks  occasioned 
by  the  climate,  some  leaks  would  show  them- 
selves, especially  about  the  butt  ends  ;  but  the 
water  found  its  way  through  so  many  places,  that 
unfavourable  as  the  position  of  the  ship  was 
for  caulking,  it  seemed  prudent  to  do  so  at 
once,  even  though  a  further  repair  might  be 
required  hereafter  when  she  came  upright. 
Accordingly  on  the  13  th  the  carpenter  com- 
menced operations,  and  the  temperature  being 
much  higher  than  usual,  the  opportunity  was 
taken  to  rattle  down  the  rigging.  No  open 
water  was  made  out,  but  many  dark  clouds  were 

CHAP.  V.]  RAPID    THAW.  339 

hanging  round  the  horizon.  In  the  afternoon 
the  weather  was  much  clearer  though  the  sky 
remained  overcast,  and  there  was  certainly  more 
land  free  from  snow  than  on  the  previous  day  : 
the  ice,  too,  surrounding  the  ship  was  hourly 
becoming  more  honeycombed  on  the  surface ; 
fresh  water  found  its  way  into  the  cracks  ;  several 
pools  gratified  the  sight  ahead  and  astern  as  well  as 
in  the  cavities  between  the  huge  mounds  ;  and, 
such  was  the  softness  of  the  under  ice  in  some 
few  places,  that  both  officers  and  men,  while  en- 
deavouring to  pass  along,  frequently  sank  above 
the  knee  into  water,  until  stopped  by  the  sub- 
stratum of  ice.  At  8h  p.  m.  some  long  lanes  of 
water  towards  the  south-west  and  Digge's  Islands 
appeared,  and  the  whole  sky  in  those  points 
assumed  a  dark  steely-blue  hue,  which,  as  it 
prognosticated,  brought  about  midnight  abun- 
dance of  rain,  the  thermometer  being  then 
at34°  +  . 

May  14th.  The  welcome  rain  did  not  abate, 
and  the  surface  of  the  pack,  stripped  of  the 
frozen  snow,  displayed  a  variety  of  tints,  by 
which  the  age  of  its  component  parts  might 
easily  be  detected  ;  among  these,  it  was  not  the 
least  interesting  to  observe  the  dim  and  sombre 
hue  of  irregular  mounds,  ridges,  or  peaks  of 
age-stricken  ice,  peering  out  conspicuously  amidst 
the  more  recent  and  brighter  formations,    like 

z  2 


feudal    castles    frowning    over    a    level   waste. 
After   attendance   at  divine  service,    I  was  in- 
formed by  the  officer  of  the  watch  that  the  ship 
had  settled  down  three  inches  forward,  but  an 
alteration  so  trifling  was  not  apparent  on  deck ; 
and,  what  was  far  more  consolatory  was  the  fact 
that  the  leak  had  taken  up  so  much,  as  to  make 
it  an  easy  task  to  keep  it  free  with  one  pump, 
used  four  or   five   times  a  day.     At  noon  the 
weather  was  thick  and  gloomy,  with  light  rain, 
the  temperature  being  35°  +  .     Drizzling  rain, 
ultimately  succeeded  by  snow,  fell  during  most 
of  the  night,  and  at  daylight  of  May  15th  water 
could  be  made  out  from  the  crow's-nest,  extend- 
ing from  south-east  to  west.     The  thermometer 
did  not  fall  lower  than  29°+  during  the  night, 
and  began  to  rise  rapidly  after  8h  a.  m.     For  the 
first  time  this  season  the  sails,  which  had  been 
wetted  by  the  late  rain,    were  loosed   to  dry. 
The  land  was  dimly  visible  and  the  sky  still 
overcast,  but  the   same  dark  horizontal  clouds 
were  always  seen  to  the  south-west.    The  breeze 
freshened  as  the  day  declined,  and  some  lanes  of 
water  displayed  themselves  to  the  southward  as 

May  16th.  When  the  land  could  be  made 
out,  it  was  seen  that  we  had  set  more  to  the 
south,  and  by  noon  we  were  opposite  the  rounded 
rocky  hill,  which  had  formed   the  terminating 


point  of  view  on  the  10th  of  May.  It  was 
remarked  that  a  lower  continuation  of  land  ran 
beyond  it,  and  now,  a  still  more  sloping  part 
ended  in  what,  judging  from  some  grounded  and 
up-turned  pieces  of  ice  lying  off  it,  we  imagined 
to  be  a  shoal.  However,  we  were  evidently 
drifting  clear  between  it  and  Digge's  Islands, 
which  from  the  mast-head  were  seen  to  bear 
directly  astern,  but  the  main  land  was  not 
visible.  Countless  flocks  of  loons,  ducks,  and 
teal  were  winging  their  way  to  the  northward, 
all  flying  low,  and  what  struck  me  as  strange 
and  unusual,  there  was  not  a  single  one  to  be 
found  on  the  water  ;  for  though  they  not  unfre- 
quently  passed  across  and  round  it,  as  if  tempted 
to  bathe  and  sport  awhile,  yet  restrained,  as  it 
seemed,  by  some  more  powerful  motive,  they 
pressed  onward  to  their  destination.  At  noon 
the  temperature  was  36°  +  ,  and  even  in  the 
night,  under  the  influence  of  the  north-west 
wind,  it  only  fell  to  26°.  Upon  inspection  by 
the  medical  officers  the  crew  were  reported  to 
be  in  reasonably  good  health  :  one  alone  was 
unable  to  do  duty,  though  three  or  four  more, 
perfectly  well  in  other  respects,  had  not  yet 
recovered  the  complete  use  of  their  limbs. 
Indeed,  Barker's  leg  was  as  inflexible  as  stone. 
As  the  sky  cleared  we  were  rather  surprised  to 
find  ourselves  full  in  sight  of  Digge's  Group, 

z  3 

342  ISLANDS.  [CHAP.V. 

with  high  craggy  land  stretching  to  the  eastward. 
Between  the  latter  and  Nottingham  Island  were 
several  lanes  of  water,  which,  either  from  the 
change  of  tide,  or  some  other  cause,  began  gra- 
dually to  close,  but  were  again  found  open  early 
on  May  17th,  the  ship  having  by  that  time  been 
drifted  more  to  the  south-east.  Vast  numbers 
of  birds  whizzed  through  the  grey  haze  of  the 
morning,  which,  from  a  heavy  lurid  glare,  min- 
gled with  a  dull  red  tint,  had  all  at  once  saddened 
to  mist.  The  sun,  however,  struggled  through 
it ;  and  as  the  vapour  passed  away  we  were  glad- 
dened by  the  sight  of  a  lane  of  water  in  a 
manner  surrounding  our  pack,  besides  others  not 
very  remote,  and  dark  cloudy  patches  along  the 
horizon  denoting  still  more.  Salisbury  Island 
was  also  seen  beyond  the  point  of  Nottingham, 
as  were  Digge's,  and  the  wild-looking  land  a 
little  to  the  east  of  Cape  Wolstenholm,  which 
must  be  much  higher  than  was  supposed  by 
Captain  Lyon,  whose  description,  however, 
gives  an  excellent  idea  of  it.  "  The  land  here- 
abouts," he  says,  "  has  a  very  remarkable 
appearance,  being  broken  into  high  perpen- 
dicular bluffs,  of  from  six  to  eight  hundred 
feet,  between  which  the  rocks  were  split  into 
deep  ravines,  descending  abruptly  to  the  water's 
edge,  and,  at  a  few  miles'  distance,  giving  the 
idea    of  their  being    the    entrances    to   narrow 

CHAP. V.]  POOLS    OF    WATER.  343 

fiords.  The  rocks  are  apparently  of  gneiss, 
the  strata  of  which  dip,  with  a  considerable 
curve,  to  the  northward."  I  may  add  to  this 
account,  that  the  land  behind  rises  into  round 
and  high  acclivities,  which  wrere  then  in  many 
parts  free  from  snow.  By  noon  the  ice  a  few 
miles  off  assumed  a  more  detached  appear- 
ance. Speculation  as  to  when  and  where  the 
eagerly  desired  event  of  our  liberation  would 
occur  was  now  over,  for  it  was  evident  that  no 
one  could,  with  any  show  of  reason,  assign  any 
preference  of  place.  The  wind  having  set  in 
from  the  eastward  slowly  checked  the  outward 
passage  of  the  ice,  though  by  the  evening  we 
had  altered  the  bearings  of  the  different  re- 
markable bluffs  and  other  projections  more  than 
four  points  of  the  compass. 

During  the  whole  of  May  18th  we  remained 
much  in  the  same  position  between  the  Labrador 
Coast  and  the  Islands,  the  temperature  at  noon 
being  36°,  and  51°+  in  the  sun. 

May  19th.  There  was  no  alteration  in  the 
ice,  and  the  ship  was  almost  in  the  same  place. 
About  6h  p.m.  the  ice  commenced  setting  fast  to 
the  eastward,  and  near  the  main  land  seemed  to 
be  easing  out.  Numerous  flocks  of  loons  flew 
towards  the  south,  and  one  snow  bunting  was 
seen.  Pools  of  water  formed  from  the  melting 
of  the  ice  and  snow  around  the  ship.  The  wind 
having   veered    round    to    the    north-eastward 

z  4 


brought  drizzly  rain  ;  and,  as  the  temperature 
fell  during  the  night  to  31°  +  ,  the  rigging  on 
May  21st  was  partly  coated  with  ice,  which,  as 
the  day  grew  warmer  and  the  breeze  freshened, 
fell  on  the  deck  like  a  shower  of  glass.  The 
weather  cleared  up  enough  by  noon  to  allow  of 
our  seeing  Salisbury  Island,  which,  notwithstand- 
ing a  wind  directly  against  us,  we  seemed  to  have 
neared.  This,  as  well  as  Nottingham  Island, 
were  much  more  free  from  snow  than  when 
seen  two  days  before  ;  and,  indeed,  a  manifest 
diminution  was  visible  over  the  surface  of  the 
ice  ;  yet  no  lanes  were  in  sight,  and  but  one 
solitary  hole  of  water  in  any  direction.  A 
lonely  raven  visited  us  for  a  few  minutes,  but  no 
other  birds  appeared.  One  seal,  the  first  seen 
for  a  long  time,  was  observed  to  rise  in  a  hole  of 
water.  The  temperature  at  noon  was  36°.  The 
next  twenty -four  hours  produced  no  change  but 
that  which  was  afforded  by  continued  snow  and 
sleet,  eventually  subsiding  into  rain  ;  and  on 
May  2£d,  exactly  eight  months  since  we  had 
ceased  to  have  the  control  of  the  ship's  motion, 
there  was  not  a  hole  of  water  to  be  seen  from 
the  mast-head,  nor  was  our  position  at  all 
altered.  The  temperature  had  been  as  low  as 
29°  +  ,  but  got  up  to  38°  +  .  Wind  east.  The 
land  was  seen  in  the  evening,  but  no  change 
worth  mentioning  occurred  ;  and  after  a  night 
of  snow  and  sleet,  May  23d  found  us  almost  in 

CHAP.  V.]       CAPTAIN'S    STEWARD    ILL.  345 

the  same  place.  We  were  then  set  back  a  few 
miles  to  the  westward,  until  the  wind,  veering 
to  W.S.W.,  brought  us  to  our  former  position, 
at  the  same  time  separating  the  ice  into  lanes, 
which  opened  and  closed  more  or  less  through- 
out the  night. 

May  24th.     The  sky  was  overcast,  but  about 
noon  Salisbury  Island  could  be  just  distinguished, 
and  by  the   bearing  we  seemed  to  have  been 
drifted  to  the  east.     The  temperature  was  23°  +  , 
but  subsequently  rose  to  37°  + .  After  the  favour- 
able account  which  I  had  so  recently  received  of 
the   health   of  the   crew,    I    certainly  did   not 
expect  to  hear  of  any  fresh  attack,  but  I  was 
now  given  to  understand  that  the  malady  had 
fastened  on  my  steward,    though   no   one  had 
been  more  regular  in  taking  exercise,  or  more 
particular   about   his    diet  and  comforts.     The 
symptoms,  it  is  true,  were  at  present  but  trifling ; 
but  as  they  had  displayed   themselves   in   the 
same   place  and  manner  as  in   all   the   former 
cases,  there  could  be  no  doubt  of  the  nature  of 
the    malady,    against   which,    therefore,    there 
seemed  to  be  no  security.     The  decks  were  not 
only  well   ventilated   and   dry,    but    extremely 
clean  and  comfortable,  and  there  was  certainly  no 
want  of  anti-scorbutic  diet  or  generous  nourish- 
ment.    I  was  the  more  distressed  by  this  new 
case  as  fearing  that  it  might  extend  further,  at  a 
time   when    the   active    services  of   every   one 

346  SNOW.  [chap.v. 

would  assuredly  be  required.  It  was  observed 
that  we  had  gone  more  to  the  eastward  in  the 
latter  part  of  the  day  than  during  the  whole  of 
the  last  fortnight,  and  as  the  evening  closed 
Nottingham  Island  bore  astern,  making  that  of 
Salisbury  more  abeam.  The  wind  veered  half 
round  the  compass  and  brought  abundance  of 
snow,  which  continued  without  interruption 
until  noon  of  the  25th,  when,  from  the  obscurity 
that  prevailed,  no  land  could  be  seen.  The  ice 
looked  white  and  wintry,  the  fresh- water  pools 
were  all  hard  frozen ;  and,  with  the  solitary 
exception  of  one  opening,  probably  the  effect  of 
the  tide,  the  whole  surface  was  again  one 
compact  mass.  The  temperature  was  as  low 
as  22°  +  5  wind  westerly. 

By  the  26th  we  had  gone  sufficiently  to  the 
eastward,  to  be  in  sight  of  the  extremity  of 
Salisbury  Island  as  well  as  of  a  very  high  and 
rocky  part  of  the  Labrador  coast.  On  the  27th 
the  ship  was  set  a  little  to  the  north-east,  or 
in  a  direction  nearly  across  the  straits.  No 
water  was  in  sight,  but  immense  flocks  of 
loons  kept  flying  to  the  south.  On  the  28th 
the  weather  was  warmer  but  yet  no  lanes  ap- 
peared, though  the  entire  body  of  ice  had 
assumed  a  more  even  appearance  and  was  evi- 
dently easing  down.  Two  large  birds  like  swans 
flew  past  to  the  north.  The  temperature  rose 
at  noon   to   45°  +  .      A  couple   of  loons  were 

CHAP.  V.]  MR.  GORE    SNOW-BLIND.  347 

shot  by  Mr.  Gore.  The  day  was  dedicated  to 
the  celebration  of  His  Majesty's  birth,  the  crew 
being  allowed  an  extra  store  of  good  things  to 
quicken  their  loyalty.  There  was  little  wind, 
and  therefore  little  change  of  any  kind.  On 
the  29th  the  temperature,  which  had  sunk  to 
27°  + ,  ran  up  the  scale  until  at  noon  it  reached  48°, 
and  in  the  sun  64°  +  .  Our  sportsman,  Mr.  Gore 
after  about  ten  hours'  exposure  on  the  ice,  became 
snow-blind.     No  water  was  to  be  seen. 

On    the    30th   the   weather   was  thick   with 

light    snow,    which    shut    out    the    land    from 

sight.      The  crew  were  again  examined  by  the 

medical    officers,    and   reported    to    be  a  little 

improved,    though  there  was  not  one   instance 

of  perfect  recovery,  and  my  steward  was  quite 

lame.     At  6h  p.  m.  the  east  bluff  of  Salisbury 

Island  bore  N.N.W.,   by  which  it  seemed  we 

had  been  set  something  to  the  N.E.      In    the 

night  the  wind  blew  fresh  from  the  S.E.,  and 

snow  fell  without  cessation  ;  nor  up  to  noon  on 

May  31st  was  there  any  change.     Still  no  water 

in  sight,  until  at  5h  p.  m,  while  the  ice  in  the 

distance  was  perfectly  close,  we  were  surprised 

by  the    sudden    opening  of  a  serpentine   lane 

thirty  yards  astern,  extending  to  either   side  of 

the  ship.     The  wind  blew  fresh  in  squalls  during 

the  night,  and  the  entire  body  of  the  ice  appeared 

to  be  setting  to  the  north-east. 

348  [chap.vl 


Feast  of  Loons.  —  Mr.  Vaugharis  Path.  —  Perilous  Ex- 
cursion.  —  White  Whales.  —  Carpenters  busy  under- 
mining Ship-  — Result  of  Labours.  — Polar  Expeditions. 

Nariohales.  —  Report  of  Health.  —  Cannonading  Floe. 

—  Cheerfod  Labours  in  sawing  away  the  Ice.  —  Employ- 
ment for  Armourer.  —  Impediments  from  Calves.  —  New 
Rent  discovered.  —  Report  of  the  Ships  Drift.  —  Ship 
bursts  her  Bonds. — Novelty  of  Scene. — Stern-post  shattered. 

Officers'  Opinion  in  favour  of  Return  to  England.  — 

Awkwardness  of  Situation.  ■—  Expedition  frustrated.  — 
Ship's  Draught  increased.  —  Visited  by  Esquimaux.  — 
Ship  struck  by  a  Floe.  —  Shattered  Condition  of  Ship.  — 
Sail  for  England.—  Arrival  at  Chatham. 

In  the  diary  of  the  last  month  I  have  had  few 
incidents  to  record,  and  I  am  sensible  that  to 
the  general  reader  it  may  have  presented  little  to 
attract  attention.  It  is,  however,  the  duty  of 
navigators  to  detail  with  some  minuteness  such 
facts  as,  however  in  themselves  uninteresting, 
may  hereafter  be  found  useful  as  guides  to  those 
who  follow  in  the  career  of  adventure,  and  I 
proceed  therefore  with  my  journal. 

June  1st.  The  temperature  fell  to  23°  +  ,  but 
the  lane  astern,  as  well  as  two  or  three  others, 
continued  open,  and  some  loons  and  seals  being 
discovered,  several  parties  went  in  quest  of  them, 
but  without  much  success.     Much  light  snow 

CHAP.VI.]]  FEAST    OF    LOONS.  349 

fell  during  the  night,  but  the  weather  cleared  up 
on  the  2d  ;  and  shortly  after  8h  a.  m.  the  lanes,  or 
rather  the  one  close  to  the  ship,  opened  so  much, 
that  some  of  the  officers  went  out  in  the  dingy, 
while  others  made  a  long  circuitous  walk.     The 
party  altogether  shot  upwards  of  thirty  loons, 
which  being  first  skinned,  and  allowed  to  steep 
for  two  days  in  salt  and  w^ater,  were  then  dressed 
like  jugged  hare,  and  with  red  wine  sauce  and 
currant  jelly,  were  esteemed  by  us  as  nearly  equal 
in   flavour.     At   all   events   we   found  them   a 
grateful  change  from  the  preserved  meats  and 
other  cured  stock  in  our  possession.     At  noon 
the  lane  began  to  get  narrower,  but  in  the  course 
of  three  hours   I  had  watched  no  insignificant 
quantity    of    detached   pieces    of    ice    stream 
without  noise  from  the  main    body,   and  drift 
rapidly  to  the  north-east  as  far  as  the  lane  would 
allow.     This   was    encouraging,    as   betokening 
the   facility   with   which   a   general    separation 
would  take  place,  whenever  the  barrier  farther 
down    the  straits  should  ease  off  sufficiently  to 
allow   of    it.      Salisbury   Island    bore    directly 
ahead,  and  the  Labrador  Coast  was  merely  in 
sight.     The  temperature  varied  from  22°  +   to 
42°  +  .     The  ice  became  more  slack,  and  began 
to  assume  a  promising  look  to   the   eastward. 
Numerous  parties  were  tempted  by  the  novelty  to 
try  their  skill  in  shooting,  and  as  the  cheerfulness 

350  MR.  vaughan's   path.       [chap. VI. 

which    the  sport  was  calculated  to  excite  was 
valuable  at  the  moment  of  recovery  from  indis- 
position, I  encouraged  the  inclination.     There 
were,  however,  other  substantial  advantages ;  for 
such  was  the  success  of  the  day,  that  a  sufficient 
number  of  loons  were  killed  to  allow  of  the  dis- 
tribution of  an  extra  allowance  to  each  mess  in 
the  ship.    Many,  too,  were  the  anecdotes  related 
on  the  occasion.     The  Larus  Glaucus,  or  Bur- 
gomaster,  seemed  to  defy  the  powder  and  shot 
of  the  ablest  marksman,  contenting  itself,  when 
struck,   with  merely  looking  round,  uttering  a 
short  guttural  screech,  and  flying  deliberately  to 
the  nearest  wounded  loon,  which  he  dispatched 
in  so  artist-like  a  manner  as  to  leave  no  other 
remnants  than  the  clean  bones  and  a  few  of  the 
larger  feathers.  But  the  boatswain,  Mr.  Vaughan, 
had  met  with  the  oddest   adventure.     Having 
walked  over  soft  and  hard  ice  along  the  margins 
of  the  different  lanes,  sinking  to  various  depths 
in    treacherous    holes,    and    always   holding    a 
charged  gun,  ready  to  fire  at  the  first  thing  that 
came  within  hail,   but   all    to  no  purpose ;  he 
very  resignedly  stuck  the  butt  end  of  his  piece 
into  the  snow,  and  thrusting  both  hands  in  his 
pockets,  walked  up  and  down  so  much  after  his 
usual  methodical  fashion,  that  he  had  soon  beaten 
down  a  path  the  exact  length  of  the  forecastle 
of  the  ship.     In  this  mechanical  perambulation 

CHAP.  VI.]  A    WALRUS.  351 

some  time  passed  away,  and  probably  his  thoughts 
were  wandering  to  far  other  scenes,  when  sud- 
denly, from  among  the  pieces  of  ice  at  his  feet, 
up  sprang  a  walrus.  The  stranger  startled  the 
boatswain  beyond  measure ;  and,  far  from 
attempting  to  touch  his  gun,  he  stood  staring 
with  riveted  astonishment  at  the  long  tusks,  and, 
to  use  his  own  language,  the  "grey  beard,"  of 
the  apparition  before  him,  until  the  walrus 
having  sufficiently  breathed  itself,  and  less  curious 
than  the  astonished  seaman,  quietly  sank  again 
to  the  dark  recesses  of  the  deep.  He  then 
remembered  it  was  a  sea-horse,  and  came  on 
board  with  the  account. 

Towards  night  the  ice  opened,  and  streamed 
away  to  the  eastward  past  the  ship,  insomuch 
that  it  became  necessary  to  dispatch  the  boat  for 
some  parties,  who  suddenly  discovered  that,  in- 
stead of  being  on  the  main  pack,  they  were 
slowly  floating  away  on  detached  masses.  The 
utmost  extent  of  water  was  not  more  than  two 
miles,  in  a  south-west  direction  towards  Hud- 
son's Bay,  and  this,  during  the  night,  was  par- 
tially closed,  though  on  June  3d  there  was  an 
appearance  of  many  slack  places  in  the  same 
quarter.  The  officers  amused  themselves  in  en- 
deavouring to  kill  an  immense  seal,  that  incau- 
tiously rolled  across  a  piece  of  ice  within  three 
hundred  yards  from  us  ;   but,  notwithstanding 

352  PERILOUS    EXCURSION.         [CHAP.VI. 

the  correctness  of  their  aim,  it  contrived  to  reach 
the  margin  and  plunge  into  the  water.  Those 
of  the  crew  who  had  been  sporting  were  equally 
unfortunate,  having  met  with  few  birds  ;  among 
those  shot,  however,  may  be  mentioned  a  fat 
dovekie,  and  a  kind  of  widgeon.  The  weather 
cleared  and  showed  us  Salisbury  Island,  which 
bore  N.W.  h  W.       At   2h  p.  m.,    it  being   th 


spring-tide,  the  ice,  gradually  slackening  beyond 
our  pack,  set  to  the  N.E.  for  two  hours,  after 
which  it  partially  closed  again,  leaving,  however, 
a  few  holes,  to  which  some  of  the  officers  and 
men  went  off,  for  the  purpose  of  shooting  what- 
ever they  might  find.  But  about  8h  p.  m.  there 
was  a  partial  slacking  out  of  the  ice  between 
them  and  us,  and  the  water  being  soon  covered 
with  brash  and  sludge,  which  lay  thickly  between 
the  larger  pieces,  it  was  impossible  to  send  out  a 
boat.  The  officers,  who,  being  disappointed  of 
their  sport,  were  nearer  the  ship,  found  no  dif- 
ficulty in  returning ;  but  the  men,  who  had 
straggled  farther,  were  very  differently  situated. 
They  had  not  only  a  lane  to  cross,  but  had  to 
pick  their  way  from  piece  to  piece  over  two 
miles  of  loose  ice  ;  a  labour  which  we,  unable  to 
render  the  least  assistance,  watched  with  no 
little  uneasiness,  lest  those  who  were  less  alert 
should  fall  into  the  water  or  be  disabled.  They 
managed,  notwithstanding,  to  arrive  on   board 

CHAP. VI.]     ICE  MORE  COMPACT.  353 

shortly  after  llh  p.  m.,  of  course  much  fagged 
with  their  exertions. 

June  4th.  The  ice  closed  at  4h  a.  m.,  and, 
with  some  trifling  variety,  remained  so  till  noon, 
when  we  were  about  four  miles  south,  and 
two  east,  of  our  former  position.  The  tem- 
perature had  ranged  from  23°  +  to  42°  +,  with 
a  light  south-east  wind.  There  was  no  favour- 
able change  of  any  description,  either  in  the 
afternoon  or  throughout  the  night,  the  ice  being 
rather  more  compact  than  heretofore,  a  fact 
which  I  was  unable  to  comprehend,  as  the  wind 
was  much  too  light  to  affect  it  in  any  way, 
still  less  when  subject  to  the  counter  influence 
of  a  spring- tide.  The  most  probable  conjecture 
seemed  to  be,  that  this  very  tide  might  have  dis- 
lodged some  heavy  bodies  of  ice  from  the  many 
friths  and  bays  to  the  north  of  Resolution  Island; 
and  that,  aided  by  the  southerly  current,  together 
with  the  light  winds  which  had  prevailed  of  late 
between  south-east  and  south,  those  bodies  might 
have  been  driven  against,  or  partly  into,  the 
mouth  of  Hudson's  Straits,  and  so  blocked  up 
the  space  between  that  and  our  position.  Certain 
it  was,  we  had  scarcely  altered  the  bearing  of 
Salisbury  Island,  which  at  noon  was  N.  60°  W. 
In  the  afternoon,  while  occupied  in  exercising 
the  crew  at  small  arms,  and  afterwards  in  reefing 
and  furling,  the  wind  came  from  the  eastward 

A    A 

354  snow.  [chap.  vi. 

with  more  than  usual  violence,  bringing  with  it 
so  much  snow,  that,  in  the  course  of  four  hours, 
it  lay  eight  inches  deep  on  the  deck  ;  deeper, 
that  is  to  say,  than  had  been  the  case  on  any 
previous  occasion,  in  the  same  time.  The  ice 
was  closely  wedged,  without  a  single  hole  of 
water  so  far  as  we  could  see. 

On  June  6th  there  was  a  partial  slackening 
out,  within  a  few  hundred  yards  of  the  ship,  but 
the  whole  soon  closed  again,  forming  one  un- 
broken body  in  every  direction.  That  such  had 
not  always  been  the  case  in  other  seasons  we  are 
assured  from  the  fact,  that  Bylot  and  Baffin 
found  little  or  no  impediment  to  their  sailing 
past  this  very  spot  in  June.  Still,  the  Hudson's 
Bay  Company's  ships,  admonished  no  doubt  by 
experience,  seldom  or  never  leave  the  Thames 
earlier  than  the  6th  June ;  and,  without  ques- 
tion, last  year  they  must  have  found  that  date 
quite  soon  enough.  At  noon  the  weather,  which 
had  been  misty,  cleared  a  little,  but  not  suf- 
ficiently so  to  enable  us  to  see  land.  The  tem- 
perature varied  from  25°  to  49°  +.  The  wind 
now  veered  to  west,  and,  like  that  from  the  op- 
posite quarter,  brought  snow,  from  which  indeed 
we  were  seldom  exempted.  The  ice  presented 
an  appearance  of  opening,  and  with  a  fresh 
breeze  down,  or,  in  other  words,  out  of  the 
Straits,    it    might    have    been    supposed    that 

CHAP.  VI.]  STRONG    WINDS.  855 

this  would  continue  for  several  hours  ;  yet  our 
conjectures  in  this,  as  in  many  other  cases,  were 
wrong,  and  it  closed  again  almost  immediately. 
Neither  was  there  any  improvement  during  the 
night,  and  on  June  7th  the  whole  surface  was 
more  compact  than  had  been  observed  for  a 
month  past ;  not  a  drop  of  water  was  to  be  seen. 
The  thickness  of  the  weather  intercepted  our 
view  of  the  land,  though,  from  a  hasty  glimpse, 
Salisbury  Island  seemed  farther  to  the  north. 

The  wind,  which  continued  to  blow  steadily 
from  the  same  quarter,  but  with  increasing  vio- 
lence, at  length  began  to  have  some  effect  on 
the  immense  surface  surrounding  us ;  and  al- 
though at  midnight  no  water  was  visible,  shortly 
after,  on  June  8th>  a  lane  opened  out  astern, 
extending,  with  some  interruption,  three  or  four 
hundred  yards  to  the  south-west,  in  which  di- 
rection several  large  holes  were  subsequently 
seem  The  ice  immediately  astern  and  adjoining 
the  lane  was  more  loose  and  disengaged  from  the 
larger  compact  masses  than  it  had  previously 
been,  so  that  there  was  fresh  reason  to  hope  that 
the  seaward  body  was  streaming  away  from  the 
entrance  of  the  Straits  and  the  neighbourhood  of 
the  Labrador  coast.  At  noon  we  had  drifted, 
by  estimation,  about  eleven  miles :  Salisbury 
Island  was  no  longer  to  be  seen.  The  latitude 
placed  us  one  mile  to  the  south  of  yesterday's 

a  a  2 


position.  All  repairs  about  the  ship  and  rigging 
being  completed,  there  was  little  occupation  to 
be  found  for  the  crew,  who,  by  way  of  ex- 
ercise, were  regularly  drilled  by  the  Sergeant  of 
Marines,  under  the  inspection  of  Lieutenant 
Smyth,  and  made  to  march  quick  and  travel  hard 
round  the  upper  deck,  for  an  hour  or  more,  until 
they  had  been  properly  breathed  for  the  day. 

Having  now  more  pemmican  than  with  our 
weakened  crew  could  be  made  use  of  on  boat 
service,  and  as  this  was  a  perishable  article,  I 
ordered  it  to  be  issued  once  a  week,  in  the  place 
of  preserved  meat ;  the  store  of  which,  if  not 
required,  might  be  appropriated  hereafter  in  any 
manner  Government  thought  proper.  In  the 
afternoon  it  blew  a  gale  which  separated  the  ice 
so  far  as  to  leave  a  considerable  space  of  open 
water,  where,  for  the  first  time  this  season,  some 
white  whales  were  observed.  At  6h  p.  m.  land 
was  descried  to  the  south,  the  bearings  of  which 
were  from  S.W.  to  E.S.E. 

June  9th.  There  was  much  loose  ice  to  the 
eastward,  mingled  with  several  smooth  and 
regular  floes,  which  evidently  had  neither  been 
exposed  to  pressure  nor  otherwise  disturbed, 
except  as  we  now  beheld  them.  The  ice  form- 
ing our  pack  was  unaltered  in  area,  though 
slightlv  diminished  in  thickness  from  the  in- 
creased  temperature  of  the  day.     At  night  the 

CHAP. VI.]  THICKXESS    OF    ICE.  357 

pools  still  froze,  being  invariably  found  crusted 
with  ice  in  the  morning  ;  still,  from  the  effect 
of  the  sun  and  the  heat  radiated  from  the  sides 
of  the  ship,  upwards  of  two  feet  of  ice  and 
frozen  snow  had  slowly  sunk  away,  thus  almost 
exposing  the  keel  from  the  fore-foot  to  the  fore- 
chains,  while  a  deep  trench  resulting  from  the 
same  cause  extended  quite  round,  exhibiting 
above  it  the  ruins  of  the  ponderous  waves,  in 
the  hard  gripe  of  which  the  whole  of  the  after 
part  of  the  ship  lay  immovably  wedged. 
There  were  no  means  of  ascertaining  the  actual 
thickness  of  the  accumulated  masses,  which  in 
so  extraordinary  a  manner  cradled  us  up,  but 
some  of  the  pieces  floating  in  the  clear  space 
were  estimated  at  forty  feet  beneath  the  line  of 
flotation ;  and,  indeed,  from  the  force  applied 
during  the  convulsions  so  providentially  escaped, 
when  the  ship  with  all  her  heavy  load  was  felt 
rising  under  our  feet,  it  could  hardly  have  been 
less,  while  from  the  irresistible  pressure  that 
drove  one  mass  under  another,  it  might  have  been 
even  more.  It  seemed,  therefore,  indispensable, 
that  before  we  could  get  free,  the  weaker  bodies 
surrounding  us  and  as  yet  adhering,  should  be 
entirely  detached,  so  as  to  afford  room  for  our 
supporters  to  glide  away  easily.  An  operation 
of  this  magnitude  could  only  be  accomplished 
by  natural  means  ;    but  in  order  to  divert  the 

A  A   a 

358  OFF    CHARLES    ISLAND.         [CHAIWI. 

minds  of  the  crew,  they  were  set  to  work  with 
pickaxes,  spades  and  axes,  to  reduce  the  for- 
midable summits  of  the  nearer  waves,  and  mark 
out  the  most  feasible  line  of  escape,  when  acci- 
dent or  time  should  favour  us.  There  was  a 
great  deal  of  loose  ice  between  us  and  the  land, 
which  the  fineness  of  the  day  brought  clearly 
into  view.  It  turned  out  to  be  Charles  Island  > 
so  that  the  late  gale  had  driven  the  ice  rapidly 
to  the  eastward,  and,  as  regarded  the  ship,  some- 
thing to  the  south.  At  noon  the  land  bore  from 
8.S.W.  to  E.S.E. ;  and,  as  seen  from  the  deck, 
had  the  appearance  of  three  islands.  The  ice 
closed  again. 

The  adverse  direction  from  which  the  breeze 
came  kept  the  ice  much  closer  than  of  late,  and 
for  a  few  hours  we  seemed  to  retrograde ;  but  in 
the  night  this  ceased,  and  up  to  noon>  June  10th, 
we  might  be  said  to  be  stationary,  the  ice  then 
being  very  compact.  The  temperature  varied 
only  from  30°  to  38° 4-.  The  following  night 
we  were  set  a  few  miles  off  the  land  in  conse- 
quence of  the  breeze  having  veered  to  south- 
east, and  increased  in  strength  ;  and  though  for 
a  brief  interval  some  openings  were  observed, 
yet  they  soon  closed  again,  and  in  the  morning 
of  June  11th,  the  ice  was  again  perfectly  com- 
pact. However,  soon  after  divine  service,  the 
weather  became  so  fine,  that  little  rills  of  water 


were  pouring  down  from  the  more  elevated 
pieces  of  ice  into  the  hollows  and  thence  into  the 
sea.  Before  noon,  a  hole  had  appeared  within 
fifty  paces  of  the  starboard  quarter,  and,  singular 
enough,  without  other  apparent  cause  than  a 
trifling  motion  in  the  looser  floating  ice.  About 
the  same  time,  and  without  any  noise,  a  ser- 
pentine lane  of  water  unexpectedly  broke  on  our 
sight,  at  no  greater  distance  than  one  hundred 
and  sixty  yards.  It  was  connected  with  the 
hole  just  referred  to,  and  extended  across  the 
bow  towards  some  brash  and  mixed  ice  to  the 
south-west,  in  the  limit  of  which  direction,  for 
some  days  past,  a  dark  lane  of  water  had  been 
more  or  less  visible.  The  appearance,  as  if  by 
magic,  of  an  opening  so  near  the  ship,  was  pro- 
bably the  most  fortunate  event  that  could  have 
happened,  for  until  some  such  occurrence,  we 
could  indulge  but  slender  expectations  of  a  speedy 
release ;  whereas,  now,  the  hopes  which  frequent 
disappointment  had  dimmed  suddenly  bright- 
ened, and  cast  an  enlivening  gleam  on  the  future. 
The  temperature  had  not  been  lower  than  30°  + . 
Up  to  noon  of  June  12th,  the  only  further 
change  was  another  separation  between  two  of 
the  heavier  floe  pieces,  still  nearer  to  the  star- 
board side  of  the  ship ;  after  which  another 
twenty-four  hours  of  tedious  uniformity  rolled 
heavily  away  amidst  a    dead    calm    and    thick 

a  a  4 


atmosphere.  One  novelty  indeed  there  was 
in  those  stagnant  hours,  and  that  a  suffi- 
ciently gratifying  one,  viz.  that  the  temperature 
remained  above  the  freezing  point  through- 
out the  night,  the  lowest  having  been  33°-{-. 
At  noon  of  June  14th  it  was  54°  +  ,  the  sky 
being  still  overcast  and  no  land  in  sight.  Some 
lanes  of  water  appeared,  but  none  of  any  conse- 
quence. Within  the  last  few  days  the  upper 
portion  of  the  ice  had  undergone  a  perceptible 
diminution  from  increased  warmth,  but  there 
was  still  an  immense  thickness  to  be  dissolved  ; 
and  one  summer,  such  as  this  region  could  be 
expected  to  afford,  might  not  suffice  for  the 
destruction  of  so  vast  and,  as  it  seemed,  inter- 
minable a  body,  without  the  co-operation  of  some 
more  powerful  and  speedy  influence.  The  im- 
potence of  our  own  efforts  had  been  already  mani- 
fested in  the  attempts  in  which,  although  zeal  and 
self-interest  had  prompted  every  man  to  do  his 
utmost,  we  found  ourselves  unable  to  effect  more 
than  to  level  down  some  of  the  inequalities  of  the 
surface  near  the  stern,  or  on  either  side  of  the 
ship.  Nothing,  indeed,  favourable  could  be  ex- 
pected, until  the  ice  should  become  slack  enough 
to  allow  the  imprisoned  under  pieces  to  rise  to 
the  surface. 

The  period  had  again  arrived  for  examining 
the  crew,  who  were  reported  to  be  in  much  the 

CHAP.VI.]  INVx\LIDS.  36l 

same  state,  some  still  continuing  lame,  and  Gibbs, 
poor  fellow,  barely  able  to  walk  once  or  twice 
along  the  deck  by  the  aid  of  a  stick  in  one  hand, 
and  resting  on  the  bulwark,  or  whatever  else  he 
could  grasp  for  support  with  the  other.  Jones 
also  was  unable  to  do  any  duty,  though  in  a 
less  degree  affected,  while  Barker  and  Anderson 
continued  to  complain  of  the  stiffness  of  their 
legs.  Smith  (my  steward)  was  still  suffering, 
and  walked  very  lame,  and  two  more  were  tem- 
porarily on  the  sick  list.  Indeed,  the  knee  or 
ankle  joints  of  two-thirds  on  board  were  more  or 
less  affected  with  shooting  pains  or  twitches, 
betokening  weakness,  and  few  could  take  even 
ordinary  exercise  without  sensations  of  languor 
and  uneasiness.  The  lowest  temperature  of  this 
day  was  32°  + . 

The  prevalence  of  the  northerly  breeze, 
though  moderate,  was  sufficient  to  bind  the 
whole  of  the  surrounding  ice  on  the  Labrador 
side,  and  consequently  our  change  of  position, 
at  the  most,  did  not  exceed  two  miles  to  the 
south.  Some  few  holes  of  water  were  occa- 
sionally seen  as  the  ice  varied  in  its  movements, 
but  generally  speaking  it  was  more  packed  and 
forbidding  than  had  of  late  been  customary. 
Much,  however,  was  expected  from  a  westerly 
wind,  whenever  it  might  come,  and  in  the  mean- 
time there  was  some  satisfaction  in  witnessing 


the  diminution  of  the  upper  ice,  which  wasted 
away  from  one  to  two  inches  in  the  twenty-four 

On  June  15th  not  fewer  than  twenty-six 
planks  of  the  ship's  side  could  be  counted  from 
the  fore  chains  directly  down  to  the  ice,  and  as 
this  had  dissolved  enough  to  bring  within  reach 
of  the  carpenters  several  more  streaks,  prepara- 
tions were  made  to  caulk  and  coat  them  with 
coal  tar  like  the  rest.  It  was  found,  too,  that 
we  could,  by  removing  the  ice  down  to  the  water 
level,  reach  the  upper  part  of  the  damaged  stern- 
post,  though  this  was  not  to  be  accomplished 
without  hard  labour,  since  the  mere  pressure  had 
formed  an  icy  cement  so  tough  and  adhesive, 
that  fragments  stuck  to  the  planking,  even  be- 
tween the  narrow  breadth  of  the  strokes  of  the 
pickaxe.  It  looked,  indeed,  as  if  the  ship  had 
been  placed  in  a  bed  of  some  plastic  compo- 
sition, which  time  had  indurated  into  the  solidity, 
and  almost  the  substance,  of  limestone  rock. 
However,  under  the  direction  of  Lieutenant 
Smyth,  the  men  contrived  to  get  below  the  ten 
feet  mark,  and  it  was  then  ascertained  that  the 
doubling  as  well  as  the  split  stern-post  were  more 
twisted  from  their  true  positions  than  when  last 
seen  about  three  months  ago.  The  water  in 
some  measure  interrupted  the  proceedings,  but 
with  the  assistance  of  the  fire  engine  it  was  kept 


so  much  under,  that  the  work  could  be  con- 
tinued, while  a  second  party,  co-operating  with 
the  former,  went  on  steadily  undermining  the 
fore-foot,  which  has  been  described  as  resting 
upon  the  surface  of  the  ice.  It  will  be  readily 
understood  that  the  object  of  these  proceedings 
was  to  remedy,  as  effectually  and  speedily  as  pos- 
sible, whatever  portion  was  accessible  of  the  seri- 
ous injuries  which  it  was  probable  the  keel  and 
lower  section  of  the  hull  had  sustained  ;  and, 
though  nature  would  in  time  have  effected  the 
same  thing  without  labour  of  ours,  yet  it  was 
of  moment  to  be  ready  for  any  of  those  extraor- 
dinary changes  which,  through  the  disruption  of 
the  surrounding  ice,  would  sooner  or  later  launch 
us  into  freedom. 

Three  swans,  a  flock  or  two  of  ducks,  and  an 
occasional  plover  or  snipe  passed  towards  the 
north,  while  a  few  loons  and  two  or  three  kinds 
of  gulls  flew  round  or  hovered  over  the  different 
holes  of  water.  At  noon  Charles  Island  was 
just  distinguishable  from  aloft,  and  soundings 
were  obtained  in  forty-six  fathoms  on  a  rocky 
bottom  with  small  pebbles,  and  a  part  of  some 
crustaceous  animal.  This  corresponded  exactly 
with  the  soundings,  as  given  in  Captain  Lyon's 
chart,  and  also  those  of  the  Hudson's  Bay  Com- 
pany in  our  possession. 

The  labour  of  excavation  was  carried  on  with 

364  RESULT    OF    LABOURS.         [CHAP.VI. 

cheerful  alacrity,  and  by  the  incessant  use  of 
draining  machines,  in  the  shape  of  the  engine, 
boats'  pumps,  and  buckets,  we  contrived  to 
penetrate  as  low  as  the  seven  feet  mark;  but  the 
sea  water  then  beginning  to  ooze  through  the 
under  ice,  rendered  abortive  any  further  attempt 
to  keep  the  space  clear.  This  result,  however, 
had  been  gained.  It  was  ascertained  that  the 
doubling,  and  a  portion  of  the  stern-post  below, 
projected  over  to  the  larboard  side  several  feet ; 
and  that  another  portion,  from  the  ten  feet  six 
mark  to  seven  feet  five,  was  incapable  of  repair. 
It  was,  consequently  cut  away.  The  night 
passed  tranquilly,  and  a  flock  or  two  of  geese 
flew  past  towards  the  north.  No  change  trans- 
pired among  the  ice  until  early  in  the  morning 
of  June  16th,  the  anniversary  of  our  sailing  from 
the  Nore,  when  it  began  to  slacken  round  the 
heavy  ice  which  we  were  partly  entrenched  in 
and  partly  upon.  The  weather,  too,  cleared,  for 
the  wind  came  lightly  from  the  south,  and  the 
distinctness  of  the  blue  land  (the  snow  being  now 
gone)  of  Charles  Island,  was  a  convincing  proof 
that  we  had  been  drifted  a  few  miles  in  that 
direction.  Still  there  was  not  the  faintest  indi- 
cation or  promise  of  an  open  space  ;  for,  let  the 
eye  roam  where  it  would,  there  was  one  wide  glare 
of  dazzling  white  but  too  familiar  to  our  senses. 
It  is  not  a  little  remarkable  to  reflect  on  the 


various  ineffectual  attempts  that  have  been  made 
by  different   commanders   in   modem   days,   to 
fill  up  the  small  blank  on  the  northern  charts, 
between  the  bottom  or  south  part  of  Regent's 
Inlet  and  Point  Turnagain.     Parry's  and  Frank- 
lin's achievements  are  too  well  known  to  require 
observation    or    eulogium    from    me ;    yet   the 
former  could  not  penetrate  through  Fury  and 
Hecla    Strait,  and  the  latter  found  it   imprac- 
ticable,   from    the    damaged   condition    of   his 
canoes,  the  want  of  provision,  and  the  advanced 
state  of  the  season,  to  proceed  beyond  Point 
Turnagain.     Of  Sir  John  Ross's  eventful  expe- 
dition all  have  heard.     My  own,   in  search  of 
him,  is  also  before  the  public.    Captain  Lyon,  in 
trying  to  reach  Repulse  Bay  by  the  Welcome, 
was  baffled  by  a  succession  of  bad  weather  and 
heavy  gales  ;    and  now  again,  I,  acting  upon  the 
united  experience  of  most  of  the  distinguished 
names  just  mentioned,  under  circumstances  con- 
sidered favourable,    after  getting  nearly  within 
sight  of  my  port,   am  stopped  by  drift  ice,  at 
what  is  generally  the  very  best  period  for  navi- 
gating the  Polar  Seas  —  am  frozen  fast,  in  Octo- 
ber 1836,  at  the  entrance  of  Frozen  Strait — and 
now,  Junel6th,  am  carried  into  Hudson's  Strait, 
on  some  of  the  very  same  ice  that  originally 
begirt  the  ship,  without  having  had  it  once  in 
my  power   either   to   advance   or  retreat.      In 

366  DIVERSIONS.  [chap.  VI. 

short,  from  north,  south,  east,  and  west,  the 
attempt  has  been  made,  and  in  all  equally  with- 
out effect  ;  and  yet,  with  a  tolerably  open 
season,  the  whole  affair  is  within  the  accomplish- 
ment of  six  months. 

The  crew  were  variously  employed,  but 
principally  in  removing  the  ice  from  under  the 
fore-foot,  the  bend  of  which  was  literally  above 
the  level  of  the  sea,  now  ascertained  by  the 
bursting  up  of  the  water  from  beneath  ;  on  the 
other  hand,  the  stern-post  was  immersed  or 
imbedded  a  little  more  than  nine  feet.  The 
officers  also  had  their  occupations :  some  of  the 
keener  sportsmen  lurked  for  the  chance  of  a 
shot ;  others  were  speculating  on  the  possibility 
of  coaxing  the  ship's  peas  to  germinate  in  a 
heterogeneous  composition  of  coal  dust.  A 
fishing  line,  too,  was  set,  but  the  most  per- 
severing had  not  been  rewarded  even  by  a 
nibble.  My  aim  was  to  encourage  every  thing 
that  could  relieve  the  mind  by  abstracting  it 
from  a  too  fixed  attention  to  our  situation  ;  and 
as  there  were  no  complaints,  it  is  fair  to  pre- 
sume that  the  end  was  in  a  great  measure 
attained.  Though  the  temperature  at  noon  was 
4G°  +  ,  and  witli  a  blackened  bulb  thermo- 
meter 66°  in  the  sun,  yet  it  had  been  as  low 
as  29°  +  in  the  night,  and  consequently  the  fresh 
and  brackish  pools  were  once  more  coated  with 

CHAP.  VI.]  INCREASE    OF    WATER.  36? 

ice.     Little    transpired   throughout   the    night, 
but  on  June  17th  the  wind  veered  to  the  N.W., 
and  the  ice  began  to  open  out  all  round,  ex- 
posing by  noon  considerably  more  water  than 
had  yet  been  seen.     A  fog  soon  rose  from  it, 
which  so  completely  darkened  the  sky  that  we 
neither  saw  land  nor  got  observations,  and  were 
consequently  ignorant  whether  we  were  drifting 
down  the  Straits  or  not.     The  ship  appeared  to 
have  risen  bodily  up  one  inch  during  the  twenty- 
four  hours  ;  but  this  of  course  was  attributable 
to  the  thawing  of  the  ice  on  the  surface.     A 
small   fish  was  found  in  the  mouth  of  a  gull 
(boatswain),  and   more   ducks   and   geese   flew 
towards   the   north.     By  4h  p.  m.   the   ice  was 
again  cemented,  and  subsequently  Charles  Island 
was  seen,  the  position  indicating  that  we  had 
been  set  a  short  distance  to  the  south  and  east. 
Dark  patches  of  sky  created  by  the  vapour  from 
open    water    appeared   all   round   the    horizon, 
except  towards  the  main  land,   in  the  direction 
of  which  were  some  extensive  floes  of  a  remark- 
ably even    surface.       One    or    two,    of   minor 
dimensions,  could  be  just  descried  to  the  east- 
ward ;  and  as  a  conclusive  proof  that  there  was 
something    more    than    a    mere    opening    and 
shutting  in  of  the  ice  by  the  action  of  successive 
tides,   several  pieces  of  broken  and  discoloured 
mounds,  quite  new  to  us,  were  swept  near  and 

368  A  GALE.  [CHAP.VI. 

ultimately  past  the  ship.  The  temperature  sank 
to  30°+  in  the  night,  and  the  pools  of  fresh 
water  froze  over.  Much  small  snow  also  fell 
without  intermission  up  to  noon  of  June  18th, 
with  a  temperature  of  43°  + .  The  ice  again 
moved  about  with  great  irregularity,  flattering 
us  one  hour  by  its  loose  and  disconnected 
aspect,  and  annoying  us  the  next  by  resuming 
its  compactness.  Yet  these  transitions,  unsatis- 
factory as  they  were,  betokened  an  activity  of 
some  sort  towards  the  entrance  of  the  Straits, 
which  might  therefore  be  clearing  so  as  to  allow 
the  western  ice  to  drift  down.  The  haziness  of 
the  weather  concealed  the  land,  but  the  latitude 
made  us  still  farther  south. 

In  the  afternoon  soundings  were  obtained  in 
eighty-five  fathoms,  on  a  rocky  bottom.  The  ice 
opened  out  towards  night,  and  a  solitary  walrus 
showed  its  huge  frame  above  water  but  made 
no  long  stay.  About  midnight,  and  on  June 
19th,  the  wind  blew  from  the  E.S.E.,  and, 
increasing  to  a  gale,  speedily  set  the  ice  in 
motion  all  round  us.  Occasionally,  streams  of 
drift-pieces  drove,  at  the  rate  of  two  miles  an 
hour,  against  the  corners  or  edges  of  our  heavy 
floe-ruins ;  and  though  without  any  perceptible 
shock  or  injury  at  the  time,  yet,  as  it  afterwards 
appeared,  with  effective  force,  since,  at  llh  a.  m., 
a  large  strip  silently  separated  itself  from  our 

CHAP. VI.]  BOLT    STARTED.  369 

general  mass.  It  was  then  that  numerous  lanes 
and  holes  of  water  ranged  themselves  in  a  line 
exactly  across  the  direction  of  the  wind,  almost 
up  and  down  the  Straits  ;  and  the  land  becoming 
visible  during  a  partial  cessation  of  sleet,  snow, 
and  rain,  with  which  we  had  been  refreshed,  the 
ice-mate,  Mr.  Green,  imagined  he  could  make 
out  several  conical  tents,  from  whose  tops  smoke, 
as  he  thought,  issued.  Unfortunately,  dark  clouds 
soon  obscured  that  part  of  the  land,  which  seemed 
like  an  island,  depriving  us,  for  the  present,  of 
the  satisfaction  which  the  realization  of  this  idea 
would  have  afforded.  On  inspecting  the  hull, 
as  was  customary,  it  was  discovered  that  one  of 
the  copper  bolts,  situated  in  the  eleventh  plank 
below  the  fore  part  of  the  main  chains,  on  the 
larboard  side,  had  started,  and  projected  one- 
eighth  of  an  inch  outside  the  doubling  ;  a  cir- 
cumstance that  made  it  necessary  to  cut  beneath 
the  head  and  clinch  it  afresh.  Again,  while  em- 
ployed in  clearing  out  the  fore  part  of  the  bread- 
room,  for  the  purpose  of  getting  at  coals  and 
provisions,  just  below  the  broken  stringer  on  the 
starboard  side,  one  of  the  through  bolts  of  the 
lining  was  found  to  have  started,  and,  from  the 
mere  collapsing  of  the  after  part  of  the  ship,  one 
of  the  casks  had  been  actually  pressed  to  such  a 
degree,  as  to  stick  into  the  lining.  Prudence, 
therefore,  required  that  the  stowage  should  not 

B    B 

370  ICE    MORE    OPEN.  [CHAP.Vr. 

be  disturbed  until  we  were  afloat,  for  the  ship 
still  inclined  over  as  before,  and  it  might  be 
that,  at  intervals,  a  strain  was  thrown  on  that 
particular  part. 

The  east  end  of  Charles  Island  bore  S.W., 
and  the  weather  was  dark  and  gloomy,  with 
a  temperature  of  31°  -f .  The  ice,  this  after- 
noon, was  more  detached  and  open  than  it 
had  been  during  the  season ;  and  had  the 
ship  been  freed  of  her  bonds,  there  was  space 
enough  to  have  moved  two  or  three  miles  to 
the  westward.  But,  as  it  was  uncertain  when 
that  consummation  so  devoutly  wished  wTould 
take  place,  or  what  might  be  her  state  when 
afloat,  as  it  was  possible  that  she  might  be 
near  the  land,  or  in  a  situation  requiring  to 
be  immediately  worked,  I  thought  it  right  to 
make  such  preparations  for  steering  her,  as  the 
urgency  of  the  occasion  might  demand.  From 
what  had  been  already  seen,  there  were  reasons 
for  apprehending  an  insuperable  difficulty  in 
shipping  the  rudder ;  and,  indeed,  if,  as  was 
conjectured,  the  split  stern-post  projected  three 
or  four  feet  at  right  angles  to  the  keel,  to  say 
nothing  of  the  doubling  forced  up,  it  seemed 
evident,  that  even  if  the  old  rudder  could  by  any 
management  be  fixed  in  its  place,  it  would  serve 
only  for  an  additional  purchase  to  weaken  the 
already  broken  parts  thereabouts.  To  provide 
against  a  contingency  so  serious  as  well  as  proba- 


ble,  it  was  requisite  to  devise  a  rudder  of  an  en- 
tirely different  construction,  yet  so  contrived  as 
to  lose  little  of  its  power,  and  such  a  one  was 
ingeniously  hit  upon  by  Lieutenant  Smyth.  It 
was  effected  by  the  simple  operation  of  transposing 
the  wood,  forming  the  lower  part  or  heel  of  the 
rudder,  to  that  forming  the  upper  part,  thus 
giving  to  it  when  finished  an  oblong  form,  not 
much  unlike  that  used  by  a  Thames  barge  rigged 
with  sails,  and  at  the  same  time  the  desirable 
property  that  it  could  be  hung  on  the  strongest 
part  of  the  stern-post.  Having  a  spare  rudder  on 
board,  which  had  fortunately  been  put  together 
in  pieces  for  the  convenience  of  stowage,  as  it 
was  divided  into  two  portions,  an  upper  and  lower, 
just  where  the  division  was  wanted,  the  thing 
was  half  done  to  our  hand*,  some  iron  work  and 
a  few  fittings  for  putting  it  together  being  all  that 
was  required.  Throughout  the  night  the  ice 
kept  opening  and  closing,  and  the  temperature 
sank  to  30°  +.  In  the  early  part  of  June  20th, 
however,  it  became  very  slack  to  the  westward, 
especially  along  the  shore  of  Charles  Island,  to 
which  we  were  much  nearer.  The  Strait,  never- 
theless, was  completely  blocked  to  the  north  and 
east,  though  the  ice,  at  least  that  near  us,  was 
certainly  drifting    slowly    down    towards     the 

*  The  rudder  had  been   made  in   this    way   to   provide 
against  accidents. 

B  B    2 

37^  SOLIDITY    OF    FLOE.  [CHAP.VI. 

entrance.  We  now  began  to  cut  through  the 
mounds  at  the  edge  of  the  floe  pieces,  and  to 
open  a  communication  with  the  visible  parts  of 
those  cracks  extending  diagonally  from  one  ex- 
treme to  the  other,  and  in  one  instance  crossing 
the  ship's  bows ;  for  as  it  was  mere  speculation 
how  deep  or  tortuous  these  flaws  might  be 
beneath  the  surface,  it  was  at  all  events  an  equal 
chance  whether  our  operations  might  not  ac- 
celerate their  rupture. 

Some  snow  had  fallen  which  was  succeeded  by 
a  south-west  wind,  and  at  noon  thick  weather 
came  on  that  hid  the  land.  The  temperature 
was  only  35° +.  The  wind  became  variable, 
coming  sometimes  in  fresh  gusts  accompanied  by 
snow  and  rain :  partly  from  this  cause  and  partly 
from  the  tide,  there  was  a  more  than  common 
stir  among  the  ice,  which  now  separated  itself 
into  detached  streams  and  single  pieces,  exposing 
a  checquered  surface  of  water  to  the  west- 
ward, most  cheering  to  the  eye.  During  the 
night  the  ice  was,  what  the  Greenland  sailors 
term,  running  about ;  and,  though  firmly  con- 
nected pieces  of  various  dimensions,  from  one  to 
three  or  four  hundred  feet  in  diameter,  struck 
our  floe  with  considerable  violence  in  passing  by, 
yet  such  was  its  solidity  and  weight  that  the 
effect  was  merely  to  grind  away  insignificant 
points  along  the  edges. 


June  21st  came  in  with  snow  and  a  tempe- 
rature of  30°  +  .     At  5h  a.  m.,   all   hands   were 
employed  in  trenching  through  the  mounds,  and 
cutting  as   low   into   the  water  as   they   could. 
Saws  unfortunately  were  altogether  useless,  on 
account  of  the  thickness  of  the  ice,  which  being 
measured  with  a  line,  as  far  down  as  a  projecting 
tongue,   was  found  to  be  thirty-three  feet,   and 
was   conjectured  to  be,  in  the  whole,  between 
forty  and  fifty  at  that  particular  place.     Some 
large  calves  rose  up  from  beneath  the  starboard 
floe  piece,  which  indeed  was  the  most  vulnerable, 
and  we  now  marked  out  a  line  of  work  at  three  t 
different   places,  which   were   ultimately  to   be 
connected,  so  as  to  form  an  upper  channel  of 
communication  with  the  sea.     I  would  willingly 
have  trenched  down  and  cleared  away  the  frozen 
snow,  which  adhered  so  tenaciously  to  the  after 
part  of  the  ship,  but  for  the  impracticability  of 
shoring   her   up,  and  the  risk   that  must  have 
attended  the  disturbance  of  the  shores  on  the 
parting  of  the  floe  ;  all  that  could  be  done,  there- 
fore, was  to  conduct  a  channel  of  water  within 
a  few  feet  of  the  starboard  side,  to   which  she 
inclined,  in  the  hope  that  a  severance  might  be 
effected  by  some  sudden  jerk  through  the  entire 
depth  below.     By  noon,   we  were  rather  nearer 
to  the  east  end  of  Charles  Island,  which  was  quite 
bare  of  snow,  except  in  fissures  and  ledges.     The 

b  b  3 


temperature  was  only  40°  +  ,  the  weather  calm 
but  hazy  with  snow,  the  barometer  29. 5 1 .  Much 
ice  drifted  past  and  as  far  as  the  ship  in  the 
afternoon,  among  which,  were  several  perfectly 
even  floes  of  six  to  seven  hundred  yards  long,  of 
a  pale  blue  colour,  and  evidently  of  last  winter's 
formation  \  while,  contrasting  with  these,  were 
others  more  soiled  and  channeled,  that  had  ap- 
parently strayed  from  the  northern  lands  at  the 
head  of  Fox's  Channel,  bearing  on  their  shoulders 
the  ruins  of  other  floes  which  had  been  broken 
and  borne  over  them  in  the  convulsions  of 
,  those  extraordinary  eddies.  These  did  not  re- 
main ;  for  in  the  early  morning,  a  little  after  the 
close  of  the  longest  day,  with  the  last  rays  of 
which  the  sky  was  yet  tinted,  they  swept  by, 
leaving  us  as  usual  fixed  in  our  unyielding  bed. 
There  was  a  dead  calm,  and  even  on  the  day 
of  the  summer  solstice,  the  temperature  sank  to 
27°  + .  The  crew,  under  the  immediate  direction 
of  the  first  Lieutenant,  were  set  to  work  at 
5h  a.  m.,  and  performed  the  novel  duty  with 
good  humour  and  perseverance.  By  noon  we 
had  been  drifted  to  the  eastward,  the  latitude 
being  62°  54'  50",  and  longitude  74°  40'  30". 

The  character  of  the  shore  was  comparatively 
low,  even,  and  rocky,  about  the  eastern  extremity, 
but  farther  west,  was  more  hilly,  and  if  not  com- 
posed of  more  than  one  island  must  possess  some 

CHAP. VI.]  MASS    BREAKS    OFF.  375 

very  deep  bays.  The  last  twenty-four  hours, 
the  leak  had  increased  twelve  inches.  By  a  sud- 
den change,  the  weather  had  become  sultry,  the 
thermometer  in  the  sun  being  62°.  A  very  few 
birds,  but  not  a  fish  or  animal  was  seen.  The 
ice  merely  opened  and  closed  with  the  flood  and 
ebb  tide,  without  further  effect. 

On  June  23d,  the  crew  were  employed  in  cut- 
ting away  the  outer  mound  on  the  starboard  side 
of  the  ship,  and  made  such  rapid  progress  in  their 
early  labour,  that  the  edge  of  the  floe  rose  two 
feet  six  inches  out  of  the  water,  and  this  was 
immediately  followed  by  the  appearance  of  a 
transverse  crack  between  them  and  the  ship.  At 
10h  15m  a.  m.,  while  steadily  occupied  at  their 
work,  the  disconnected  body  of  ice  was  observed 
to  run  with  considerable  velocity  past  the  stern 
of  the  ship,  directly  towards  the  part  they  were 
reducing,  and  an  enormous  piece  coming  in  sud- 
den contact  with  a  projecting  point,  that  had  been 
purposely  formed  by  cutting  away  the  ice  about 
it  in  the  morning,  the  whole  mass  broke  off  with 
the  concussion,  and  rolled  partly  over  in  conse- 
quence probably  of  the  upshooting  of  several  im- 
mense calves  from  underneath  it  and  the  floe. 
At  the  very  moment  of  disruption  a  number  of 
men  were  working  on  the  separated  piece,  the 
rocking  of  which  placed  them  for  the  time  in  a 
perilous   situation.     From   this,   however,    they 

376  MOTION    OF    ICE.  [CHAP.VI. 

were  promptly  rescued  by  launching  the  clingy 
to  their  assistance,  though  not  soon  enough  to 
save  all  the  pickaxes,  shovels,  handspikes,  &c, 
some  of  which  were  lost.  This  circumstance 
made  a  great  difference  both  in  the  magnitude  and 
compactness  of  our  island  floe,  and  encouraged 
a  hope  of  getting  the  ship  afloat  earlier  than  had 
been  expected ;  still  this  was  a  consummation 
which  at  the  present  juncture  was  hardly  to  be 
wished,  as  it  would  have  been  impossible  to  pre- 
vent the  running  ice  from  striking,  or  the  heavier 
bodies  from  nipping  her ;  either  of  which,  strained 
and  shaken  as  she  was,  it  was  obviously  desirable  to 
avoid.  The  motion  of  the  ice  on  this  occasion  was 
singular,  being  rotatory,  as  if  influenced  by  an 
eddy,  as  indeed  was  not  unlikely  to  be  the  case 
about  the  eastern  end  of  an  island,  having  only  a 
narrow  passage  between  it  and  the  main,  so  far  as 
could  be  distinguished  from  the  deck.  The  tempe- 
rature varied  from  30°  to  47°  + ,  and  in  the  sun  was 
73°  + .  The  ice  moved  backwards  and  forwards  as 
usual,  but  towards  the  close  of  the  day  was  more 
wedged  than  customarily.  However,  at  4h  a.  m., 
24th  June,  there  were  many  lanes  of  water  to 
the  eastward,  without  a  single  one  in  the  oppo- 
site quarter.  Fresh  /water  ran  off  our  floe  in 
streams  during  the  warmth  of  the  day ;  and, 
what  with  those  and  cutting  away  more  ice  on 
the   starboard    quarter,     it   was   found    by    the 

CHAP.VI.]  SET    OF    CURRENT.  377 

marks  on  the  stern-post  that  the  entire  mass, 
composing  that  part  of  the  floe,  had  risen  three 
inches.  In  the  forenoon  the  ship  was  set  to  the 
eastward,  and  had  certainly  drawn  nearer  to  the 
land,  especially  the  eastern  end  of  Charles  Island, 
which  was  not  more  than  five  or  six  miles  away. 
The  other  land,  appearing  at  first  continuous 
with  the  latter  island,  was  now  ascertained  to  be 
the  dark  and  forbidding  coast  of  Labrador. 

It  is  worth  mentioning  that  even  in  calms  we 
were  evidently  set  to  the  southward  and  east- 
ward, but  more  particularly  to  the  former,  owing, 
probably,    to   the   set   of  the   current   through 
Fox's  Channel  and  between  the  islands,  which 
would  strike  somewhere  on  the  main  shore  be- 
foreyurning  directly  towards  the  Atlantic.  There 
was   no   other  change   during   the   night    than 
what   was    occasioned   by   the   tides ;    and   on 
June  25th,  the  weather  was   too  overcast  and 
misty  to  allow  our  position  to  be  ascertained. 
At  llh30m  soundings  were  struck  in  one  hundred 
and  eighteen  fathoms,  and  the  bottom  was  com- 
posed of  mud  and  shells.     It  might  be  that  the 
heavier  ice,  by  which,  I  mean  that  formed  in  the 
winter,  had   drifted  out   of  the   Strait,   as   the 
lighter  pieces  which  now  surrounded  us  seemed 
to  be  the  recent  production  of  the  spring,  being 
mostly  even  and  of  but  a  few  feet  thickness, 
tinged  with  blue  instead  of  the  brownish  green 


and  yellow  of  the  older  formation.  Three  or 
four  pieces  had  been  lifted  on  the  edge  of  our 
floe,  in  consequence,  of  course,  of  some  un- 
seen pressure.  It  was  thought,  too,  that  the 
ship  was  a  little  more  upright.  The  land  was 
only  dimly  visible  once  or  twice,  for  the  day 
was  overcast  and  gloomy,  and  towards  evening 
settled  into  rain,  which  poured  incessantly  the 
whole  night.  Soundings  were  found  in  eighty- 
six  fathoms.  In  consequence  of  the  prevailing 
easterly  wind  the  ice  continued  remarkably  close, 
slackening,  however,  occasionally  near  the  ship. 
Nothing,  indeed,  could  have  been  done  even 
had  she  been  afloat,  except  to  ascertain  with 
some  precision,  as  I  was  very  desirous  of  doing, 
the  extent  of  our  damage. 

For  this  purpose,  on  June  26th,  the  crew 
were  again  employed  in  removing  the  mounds, 
while  the  carpenters  were  occupied  about  the 
fore-foot,  which,  owing  to  the  rising  of  the  ice, 
was  now  sufficiently  exposed  to  allow  of  the 
broken  and  damaged  part  being  examined  with 
more  exactness.  It  had  been  ground  away  by 
the  action  of  the  ice,  but  the  stem  was  un- 
injured, and  we  began  immediately  to  cut  away 
the  ragged  parts,  with  a  view  of  substituting 
more  solid  pieces  in  their  stead,  and  finally 
covering  the  whole  with  iron  sheathing,  taken 
from  the  upper  works  of  the  bows,  where  ex- 


perience  had  taught  us  it  was  not  likely  to  be 
of  service.     At  noon  the  weather  was  still  dark, 
and  the  land  invisible.     A  continuation  of  the 
same  gloomy  atmosphere  prevailed,  and  immense 
floes  of  spring  ice,  not  exceeding  in  thickness 
three  feet,  and  black  with  water  on  the  surface, 
crowded  round  our  still  solid  island  from  diffe- 
rent points,  but  chiefly  from  the  main  or  Labra- 
dor coast,  which  happened  to  be  the  windward 
shore.     Many  of  these,  driven  forward  by  wind 
and   tide,   struck   against  us  with   considerable 
violence,  but  without  splintering  a  fragment  from 
our  rock-like  mass.     In  the  evening  soundings 
were  got  in  one  hundred  and  twelve  fathoms 
(sand).     All  night  the  ice  remained  very  close, 
the  wind  being  fresh  from  the  eastward ;  and 
in  the  morning  of  June  27th  all  hands  recom- 
menced their  labour  on   the    larboard   mound, 
which  unlike  some  of   its  neighbours  was  one 
body  of  solid  blue  ice,  and  though  causing  more 
hard  work,  yet  began  sensibly  to  diminish  before 
the  exertions  of  the  crew.     But  few  birds  flew 
past,  though  some  narwhales  were  seen  playing 
about,  to  the  great  relief  of  the  ice-mate,  who, 
having  been  engaged  in  the  Davis  Straits'  fishery 
the  greater  part  of  his   life,  had  been   almost 
inconsolable  at  the  paucity  of  *  living  creatures,' 
as  he  termed  them.     His  joy,  therefore,  on  this 
occasion,  was   commensurate  5    and   having   in- 


tently  watched  their  gambols  to  the  moment  of 
disappearance,  he  descended  from  the  crow's- 
nest,  and  with  evident  signs  of  pleasure  pro- 
ceeded to  give  me  a  minute  account  of  their 
size,  colour,  and  length  of  horn.  By  observation 
at  noon,  it  was  found  we  were  eight  miles  north 
of  the  last  latitude,  and  by  the  view  of  the  land 
which  was  quite  clear,  it  was  equally  evident  the 
ship  had  been  set  rather  east  than  west,  though 
the  wind  blew,  and  had  been  blowing  fresh  from 
the  former  quarter  of  the  compass.  It  follows, 
therefore,  that  the  northern  ice  must  have  so 
completely  blocked  up  the  channels  we  had  passed, 
as  to  prevent  any  thing  like  a  retrograde  action. 
The  temperature  varied  from  34°+  to  39°  +  ,  and 
the  barometer  was  30*01.   Wind  east. 

The  men  were  examined  to-day  by  the  medical 
officers,  and  reported  to  be  free  from  actual  com- 
plaint, with  the  exception  of  the  few  individuals 
mentioned  before,  some  of  whom  were  rather  worse. 
At  this  time,  in  an  official  letter  addressed  to 
Doctor  Donovan,  1  demanded  his  opinion  of  the 
probable  consequences  if  the  ship  were  detained 
another  winter  in  these  regions.  His  answer  was, 
that  it  would  be  fatal  to  many  of  the  officers  and 
men,  some  of  whom  were  even  now  in  a  pre- 
carious state;  and  he  also  reported  that  the  most 
useful  medicines  for  the  prevalent  disease  were 
expended.     The  good   effect  of  the  labour  of 


the  crew  in  throwing  the  weight  of  ice  off  the 
floe,  was  made  manifest  by  the  fact  of  the  ship's 
having  risen  two  inches,  her  immersion  in  the 
water  and  ice  aft  being  8  feet  10  inches.  In  the 
evening  the  ice  was  close,  but  much  to  our 
satisfaction  a  large  piece  was  separated  from  the 
larboard  side  of  the  floe  ;  and,  after  midnight  of 
June  28th,  the  wind  then  blowing  fresh  in 
squalls  from  the  south-east,  a  sudden  disruption 
took  place  one  hundred  and  fifty  yards  ahead  of 
the  ship,  and  split  the  floe  right  across.  We 
therefore  returned  to  our  task  with  fresh  spirits  ; 
and,  as  a  matter  of  experiment,  fired  a  couple  of 
six-pounder  shot  at  a  mound,  but  without  the 
results  expected,  as  instead  of  splintering  and 
throwing  it  down,  the  shot  merely  cracked  it, 
and  buried  themselves  deep  in  the  substance 
without  doing  further  injury.  One  of  the  shot 
was  next  day  recovered  from  the  mound.  It  had 
been  discharged  at  the  distance  of  twenty-one 
yards,  with  a  charge  of  16  ounces  of  powder,  and 
had  penetrated  one  yard  and  a  half,  splitting  the 
mass  in  various  directions.  The  land  was  seen 
once,  and  at  noon  we  had  drifted  eight  miles  to 
the  north,  being  nearly  in  midchannel ;  but  the 
whole  body  of  the  ice  was  very  close,  infinitely 
too  much  so  for  any  vessel  to  have  made  way. 
The  temperature  varied  from  30°  to  36°+  ;  and 
ice  was   formed  on   all   the   fresh  water  pools 

382  CAULKING,  &C.  [cHAP.VI. 

during  the  night,  Barometer  29-95.  A  few 
holes,  some  distance  apart,  showed  themselves  in 
the  evening,  but,  on  the  whole,  the  ice  was  ex- 
tremely close.  The  carpenters  completed  and 
had  made  a  good  job  of  the  fore-foot,  which  was 
well  secured  with  three  plates  of  iron. 

June  29th.  Land  was  faintly  seen  from  S.  S.  E. 
to  S.  W. ;  tiie  work  went  on  as  usual.  At  noon 
the  south-east  wind  had  drifted  us  a  little  to  the 
west,  the  ice  being  very  close  and  no  land  in 
sight.  Temperature  from  32°  to  36°  4- .  Nothing 
transpired  to  alter  our  condition,  for  the  wind 
with  singular  constancy  kept  to  its  old  point  of 
south-east,  and  consequently  wedged  the  ice 
closer  than  ever  ;  nevertheless  all  opportunities 
were  seized  to  do  whatever  might  accelerate  our 
release  from  this  icy  cradle,  and  the  carpenters 
were  again  busied  in  caulking  the  butt  ends  of 
the  planking,  as  they  came  day  by  day  within 

On  June  30th,  four  white  whales  appeared 
in  a  small  hole  of  water  near  the  ship,  and 
occasionally  a  seal  popped  up  its  head.  The 
laborious  work  upon  the  mounds  went  on  cheerily, 
and  though  some  of  the  men  began  to  be  affected 
with  inflamed  eyes,  they  did  not  on  that  account 
shrink  from  their  duty.  They  had  all  along 
worn  each  a  small  screen  of  green  veil ;  but  rinding 
that  this  did  not  effectually  answer  the  purpose,  they 



contrived  to  make  goggles  with  crape  over  the 
ends,   instead   of  glass,  with   other  devices  not 
without  ingenuity.     The  most  distressing  event, 
however,  was  another  instance  of  a  relapse,   in 
the  person  of  Mr.  Mould  the  assistant  surgeon, 
who  was  very  lame  and  altogether  far  from  well. 
Gibbs,  too,  could  not  but  be  considered  in  an 
extremely  precarious  state,   and   his  limbs,   poor 
fellow,  were  dreadfully  shrunk,  and  so  weak,  that 
he  could  not  walk  the  length  of  the  lower  deck 
without   assistance.     In  clearing   away  the  ice 
from  the  fractured  parts  of  the  stern-post,  apiece 
of  its  doubling  two  feet  six  inches  in  length,  ex- 
tending from  the  four  feet  six  inches  mark  to  the 
seven  feet,  and  consequently  under  water,  was 
brought    up    by   the   carpenters,    who    further 
ascertained  that  the  outer  stern-post  had  been 
forced  aft,  and   at  the  eight  feet  eight  inches 
mark  it  had  opened  from  the  wooden  ends  one 
inch  and  a  quarter.  The  night  brought  no  change, 
and  on  July  1st  the  work  was  continued  as  before, 
but  so  cold  had  it  been,  that  not  only  was  ice 
formed  on  the  fresh  pools,   but  young  ice  was 
seen  even  round  the  edge  of  the  floe  on  the  sea 
water  ;  a  strange  phenomenon  in  the  middle  of 
summer,  and  not  very  auspicious  for  our  hopes ; 
and,  indeed  an  open  passage  could  now  hardly  be 
expected,  if  we  were  tojudge  from  what  surrounded 
us,  for  the  entire  body  of  ice  was  not  only  closely 


wedged,  but  was  more  to  the  westward,  more 
packed,  and  altogether  more  unfavourable  to  the 
prospect  of  a  speedy  release  than  a  month  before. 
In  fact,  all  depended  on  the  direction  of  the 
wind,  as  must  ever  be  the  case  in  the  navigation 
of  these  seas.     Unless  that   be   favourable  for 
driving  out  to  sea  the  western  packs  of  heavy 
ice,  all  human  efforts  must  be  vain.     Land  was 
once  made  out,  bearing  S.S.W.,  and  the  weather 
was  dull  and  cold,  the  temperature  having  got  to 
30°  +  .     The  new  moon  brought  us  a  north-east 
breeze,  with  a  dark  gloomy  sky  and  abundance 
of  rain,  which    did   not   cease  throughout  the 
niffht.     One  or  two  small  calves  started  up  from 
between  the  cracks  alongside,  and  on  July  2d 
the  ice  began  to  open  out   a   little,  having  a 
limited  space  to  move  in  towards  the  main  land 
to  leeward.     The  temperature  varied  only  from 
32°  to  33°  + .     No  variation  of  any  sort  inter- 
vened to  relieve  the  dull  aspect  of  affairs,  but 
July  3d  at  least  brought  us  what  we  had  not  ex- 
perienced for  a  fortnight — a  fine  day.     We  now 
discovered  one  part  of  the  floe,  on  the  starboard 
beam,  less  thick  than  the  part  at  which  we  had 
been  working ;  and  the  men  having  got  the  ice- 
saw  to  work,  and  singing  to  time  as  they  lifted 
it   up  and   let   it   down,    made   such  progress, 
that  in  the  course  of  the  forenoon,  though  the 
general  thickness  averaged  from  twelve  to  four- 

CHAP.  VI.]   SAWING  AWAY  THE  ICE.         3S5 

teen  feet,  they  got  through  thirty  feet ;  whilst, 
on  the  other  side  of  the  ship,  another  party  was 
busy  in  clearing  away  the  ice   from   the  crack 
leading  athwart  the  forefoot  to  the  extremity  of 
the  floe  in  that  direction.    In  the  meantime  the 
ship  remained  precisely  in   the  same  position. 
The  observations  made  us  a  few  miles  to  the 
north  and  west,  the  latitude  being  63°  17' N., 
and  longitude  74°  39'  W.     Finding  the  ice  be- 
came thicker  as  the  work  approached  the  ship,  it 
was  necessary  to  have  a  longer  saw  ;  accordingly, 
the  armourer,  by  means  of  the  forge,  formed  two 
into  one,  thirty  feet  long,  which,  howTever,  from 
its  comparative  thinness,  wre  were  apprehensive 
would  not  be  strong  enough.     No  change  took 
place  throughout  the  night,  but  the  ice  remained 
so  packed,   that,   had  the  season   been   farther 
advanced,  the  whole  would  most  certainly  have 
been  connected  into  one  immense  body.     As  it 
wras,  the  temperature  did  not  sink  below  freezing 
point,  though  it  arrived  at  it,  as  indeed  it  had 
done  for  some  time,  within  a  degree  or  two. 

On  July  4th  the  large  saw  was  put  into 
motion,  and  answered  remarkably  well,  its  own 
weight  being  sufficient  to  carry  it  down  without 
any  other  incumbrance.  With  it,  therefore,  we 
made  better  progress,  though  the  ice  was  often 
as  much  as  twenty  feet  thick,  and  by  noon,  had 
cut  to  a  main  crack,  the  least  pressure  against 

c  c 


which,  it  was  hoped,  would  carry  away  the  piece 
altogether.    The  wind  having  veered  to  N.N.E., 
made  the  ice  a  little  more  slack,  though  it  re- 
mained still  perfectly  fixed.     Having  sawed  as 
far  as  we  could,  the  next  step  was  to  extricate 
the  saw  itself,  in  attempting  which,  having  been 
accidentally  broken  in  two,  it  was  again  repaired 
by  our  industrious  and  zealous  armourer,  who 
never  seemed  more  delighted  than  when  he  had 
plenty  of  work  on  his  hands.     We  now  made  a 
fresh  survey  of  the  ice  directly  astern  of  the  ship  ; 
and,  finding  that  some  places  were  much  thinner 
than  others,  we  forthwith  commenced  digging 
and  sinking  a  trench,  from  the  edge  of  the  floe 
towards,  and  in  a  line  with,  the  keel,  preparatory 
to  trying  what  might  be  effected  with  the  long 
saw.     The  rest  of  the  afternoon  was  employed  by 
the  carpenters  putting  in  two  screw  ring-bolts, 
about  three  feet  from,  and  on  a  level  with,  the 
eleven  feet  mark,    according  to  a  plan  by  the 
carpenter,   Mr.  Smith,  for  securing  the  wooden 
ends  and  injured  parts  of  the  ship's  dead  wood. 
This  consisted  in  simply  passing  the  stream  chain 
under  the  heel  of  the  stern-post,  through  both 
ring-bolts,  and  securing  it  firmly  on  deck  abaft, 
the  object  being  to  prevent  any  further  damage 
thereabouts,  either  from  the  ice  or  sea. 

On  July  oth,  land,  which  proved  to  be  Salis- 
bury Island,  was  distinctly  seen  at  N.W.  by  N., 

CHAP.  VI.]         LABOURS    CONTINUED.  387 

and  some  water  could  be  made  out  from  the 
mast-head,  between  south  and  west,  but  the  ice 
near  us  was  so  close,  that  there  would  have  been 
little  difficulty  in  walking  five  or  six  miles  in  any 
direction.  Indeed,  it  could  not  be  otherwise 
with  these  never-ending  easterly  winds.  As 
early  as  4h  a.  m.  the  crew  were  working  the  long 
saw  astern,  and  by  noon  had  cut  through  twenty- 
five  feet,  or  more,  of  sixteen-feet  ice.  On  all 
these  occasions  the  first  lieutenant  never  quitted 
them,  early  or  late,  frequently  putting  his  hand 
to  the  ropes  himself,  as  did  some  of  the  mates 
and  warrant  officers  ;  and  it  is  but  justice  to  say, 
that  nothing  could  exceed  the  cheerfulness  and 
order  in  which  this  laborious  daily  toil  was  en- 
countered. The  strictest  regulations  were  ob- 
served respecting  the  changing  of  boots  and 
stockings,  &c,  each  time  the  men  came  on 
board,  and  again  on  returning  to  work,  so  that 
there  were  no  complaints  or  illness  of  any  kind 
from  the  constant  exposure.  Boards  and  planking 
were  provided  for  them  to  stand  upon,  and  a 
weak  mixture  of  lime-juice  was  issued,  at  stated 
intervals,  to  counteract  any  ill  effect  that  might 
arise  from  too  copious  a  use  of  cold  water.  New 
ice  was  nightly  formed  on  all  the  pools,  and 
sometimes  at  the  edges  of  the  salt  water,  though, 
according  to  the  thermometer,  the  temperature 

c  c  2 


had  only  varied  from  33°  to  34°  + ,  the  excess 
having  been  40°+  in  the  southern  exposure. 
Notwithstanding  the  compactness  of  the  ice,  the 
ship  was  this  afternoon  whirled  round  several 
times ;  and  some  calves  becoming  entangled 
with  our  floe  near  the  part  where  the  people 
were  sawing,  so  impeded  them,  that  the  utmost 
achieved  was  only  five  feet. 

Early  on  July  Cth  the  work  was  renewed ;  but 
from  having  cut  in  too  slanting  a  direction,  little 
was  then  accomplished :  nevertheless,  such  wTas 
their  energy,  that  by  noon  fifty-three  feet  alto- 
gether were  completed,  through  a  thickness  of 
twenty-six  feet.  Other  parties  were  not  behind 
in  their  endeavours,  and  three  good  sized  calves 
were  extricated  from  underneath  heavier  pieces, 
whilst  another  was  heard  by  the  first  Lieutenant 
and  myself  grinding  its  passage  out  towards  the 
edge  of  the  floe.  The  entire  body  of  the  ice 
continued  close  as  before,  and  Salisbury  Island 
bore  about W.  by  N.,  the  latitude  being63°20'  N., 
longitude  75°  %5f  W.  Nothing  could  exceed  the 
gloominess  of  the  weather ;  and  though  from 
the  rain  that  fell  it  might  have  been  expected 
to  clear,  there  was  no  improvement,  and  neither 
wind  nor  ice  seemed  disposed  to  change.  On 
July  7th  some  rumbling  noises  were  heard 
by  the  officer  of  the  watch,  the  precise  cause  of 

CHAP.  VI.]       NEW  RENT  DISCOVERED.  889 

which  he  was  prevented  by  the  fog  from  ascer- 
taining.    The  crew  assembled  at  the  customary 
hour,  and  renewed  their  labour  cheerily,  though 
some    were    obliged    to    stand    in    the    water 
which  covered  that  part  of  the  ice,   in  order  to 
guide  the  saw.      Fearing  the  consequences  of 
this  unavoidable  exposure,  I  took  care  that  they 
were  often  relieved,  and  an  extra  allowance  of 
oatmeal,   with  a   small   quantity  of  spirits,  was 
issued.       Pieces   of  ice   of  various   dimensions 
were  either  disentangled,  or  started  up  of  their 
own  accord,  from  between  the  broad  crack  athwart 
the  bow  and  on  both  sides  of  the  ship  ;  and  as 
a  further  encouragement  to  us,  we  saw  for  the 
first  time  an  entirely  new  rent  through  a  thick 
part  of  the  floe,  which  opened  into  the  line  of 
work  made  with    the  saw.      By  noon  another 
space  of  twenty-five  feet  had  been  cut  through, 
although  a  depth  of  from  twenty-four  to  thirty 
feet  of  tough  solid  ice  had  to  be  penetrated  at 
every  motion  of  the  saw ;  and  on  examining  the 
marks  on  the  stern-post,  it  was  seen   that  the 
ship's  draught  was  8  feet  91  inches,  and  that  she 
had  settled  down  51  inches.  The  general  body  of 
ice  continued  deplorably  close,  while  the  tempe- 
rature ranged  between  30°  and  43°-f;  the  wind 
at  east,  and  the  barometer  29*94.     A  single  seal 
was  seen,  the  only  one  for  many  days. 

July  8th.     It  was  found  by  the  marks  on  the 
stern-post,  &c.  that  theshtphadsunk three  quarters 

c  c  3 

390  RIGGING    SET    UP.  [CHAP.VI. 

of  an  inch  forward,  and  risen  half  an  inch  abaft. 
The  crew  were  early  at  their  work,  and  felt  the 
comfort  of  the  extra  allowance.     The  ice  main- 
tained a  similar  thickness,  and  by  noon  another 
twenty-two  feet  were  gained,  which  made  alto- 
gether one  hundred  feet  since  the  commencement; 
in  fact,  they  were  now  approaching  the  stern,  and 
at   intervals   they   heard   loud  cracks   close   to 
them,  as  if  something  were  yielding  underneath. 
Considering  that  the  event  might  take  place  at 
a  moment  when  least  looked  for,  to   the  great 
danger  of  the  people,  I  ordered  ladders  and  ropes, 
to  be  hung  from  the  stern  within  their  reach, 
to  which,  if  requisite,   they  might  cling.     They 
however    seemed   quite    indifferent    about   the 
matter,    and  sang  and  worked  as  merrily  as  if 
they  had  been  on  terra  flrma.     Easterly  winds 
still  prevailed,  as  did  the  gloomy  sky ;  but  though 
the  land  was  often  obscured,  yet  once  the  Labra- 
dor coast  appeared  bearing  from  S.  W.  to  S.  W. 
by  W.,  and  Salisbury  Island  from  N.  W.  by  W. 
to  N.  W.  by  N.,  making  us  much  about  the  same 
spot  where  we  had  been  a  month  ago.     The  ice 
was  impenetrably  close.     At  midnight  there  was 
.what  seemed  to  be  a  dark  water  sky  to  the  south- 
ward,  along  the  coast,  or  it  might  be  only  the 
clouds,  which  were  frequently  seen  hanging  over 
the  skirts  of  the  land. 

On  July  i)th   the  fineness  of  the  day  tempted 
us  to  set  up  the  rigging,  and  forego  what  we  never 


did  omit  except  on  urgent  occasions,  the  ob- 
servance of  divine  service  ;  but  a  fine  day  was  so 
uncommon,  that  we  were  glad  to  take  advantage 
of  it  under  any  circumstances.  The  ice  continued 
as  close  as  ever,  there  being  only  one  small  hole 
of  water  near  the  ship.  Here  some  narwhales 
came  to  breathe ;  and,  as  their  timidity  is  extreme, 
they  would  scarcely  have  ventured  so  near,  had 
there  been  any  other  place  for  the  purpose.  At 
noon  Salisbury  Island  was  in  sight  from  the  deck, 
much  in  the  same  bearing  as  before.  The  latter 
part  of  the  day  was  employed  in  erecting  with 
the  spare  topmasts  a  pair  of  sheers,  to  transport 
the  temporary  rudder  aft,  and  get  it  over  the 
ship's  side,  in  case  the  original  one  could  not  be 
brought  into  use  when  the  ship  floated.  At  mid- 
night the  ice  round  us  was  slightly  in  motion  but 
still  kept  close. 

July  10th.  Water  was  discovered  about  six  miles 
off,  from  S.  W.  to  S.  E.,  along  the  Labrador  coast, 
and  at  noon  Salisbury  Island  bore  W.N.  W.  The 
people  resumed  their  sawing  in  the  early  morning ; 
and,  although  from  the  hardness  of  the  ice,  they 
did  not  make  their  usual  progress,  yet  they  kept 
hard  at  work,  in  the  hope  of  reaching  the  stern- 
post  in  another  twenty-four  hours.  Not  far  from 
them,  others  were  cutting  a  new  trench  at  right 
angles  to  the  ship,  where  it  was  intended  to  saw, 
in  order,  if  possible,   to  disunite  some  of  the  ice 

c  c  4 


on  which  we  were  partly  borne  up.  Already, 
indeed,  it  was  so  split  by  cracks,  and  our  own 
exertions,  that  it  seemed  almost  certain  that  the 
first  commotion,  when  the  whole  body  should 
begin  to  drift,  would  release  us.  The  wind  having 
blown  from  the  east  twenty- two  days,  at  last 
veered  to  west ;  the  weather  became  fine ;  and  the 
temperature  veered  from  32°  +  to  46°  +  . 

The  following  statement  of  the  drift  of  the 
ship,  whilst  beset  in  the  ice,  between  the  1st  of 
January  and  the  30th  of  June  1837,  was  drawn 
up   by  Mr.  Saunders  (acting  Master)* 

Course.  Distance. 

Between  1st  Jan.  and  1st  Feb.         S.  23°    4'  E.  6  Miles. 

„         1st  Feb.  &  1st  March.    S.  38°  12'  E.  36      „ 

„         1st  Mar.  &  2d  April      S.  62"  15'  E.  29      „ 

„         2d  April  &  1st  May       S.  69°  59'  E.  46      „ 

„         1st  May  &  30th  May     S.  60'  00'  E.  70      „ 

„         30th  May  &  30th  June  S.  87°  35'  E.  47      ,, 

Latitude  observed.  Longitude  observed. 

January    1st,  64°  51' 00"  N.  82°  25'  00"  W. 

February  1  st,  64°  45'  00"  N.  82°  1 9'  00"  W. 

March  1st,  64°  16'  00"  N.  81°  26'  00"  W. 

April  2d,  64°  05'  00"  N.  80°  37  30"  W. 

May  1st,  63°  49'  00"  N.  78°  54'  30"  W. 

May  30th,  63°  14' 00"  N.  76°  38'  45"  W. 

June  30th,  63°  12'  00"  N.  74°  54'  00"  W. 

Thus  it  appears  that  the  aggregate  drift  for 
six  months  only  amounted  two  hundred  and 
thirty-four  miles. 

Some  more  narwhales  appeared  again  in  a 
hole  close  by,  and  a  seal  drew  itself  on  the  ice, 

CHAP. VI.]       SHIP  BURSTS  HER  BONDS.  393 

no  doubt  to  have  a  quiet  lounge  in  the  sunshine. 
This,  however,  the  keenness  of  our  sportsmen 
would  not  permit;  and  though  they  failed  in  their 
benevolent  intentions,  they  effectually  frightened 
the  visitors  away. 

The  light  air  from  the  westward  had  been  so 
far  beneficial  as  to  loosen  the  ice,  which  was 
tranquil  or  in  motion  according  to  the  tide,  and 
whilst  in  motion  several  calves  rose  up  from 
about  and  under  the  fore-foot.  Early  on  July 
11th  Salisbury  Island  bore  W.N.W.  seven  or 
eight  leagues  distant.  The  ice  now  acquired  a 
more  rapid  drift ;  and  an  old  floe  piece,  having 
been  driven  against  us,  forced  up  some  light  ice 
by  its  pressure,  but  without  breaking  a  morsel  of 
our  impregnable  rock.  The  crew  had  resumed 
their  customary  labour  ;  and,  as  they  drew  nearer 
to  the  stern-post,  various  noises  and  crackings 
beneath  them  plainly  hinted  that  something 
more  than  usual  was  in  progress.  After  breakfast 
I  visited  them,  and  the  other  parties,  who  were 
busy  extricating  calves  and  cutting  a  trench,  as 
previously  stated.  Scarcely  had  I  taken  a  few 
turns  on  deck  and  descended  to  my  cabin,  when 
a  loud  rumbling  notified  that  the  ship  had 
broken  her  icy  bonds  and  was  sliding  gently 
down  into  her  own  element.  I  ran  instantly 
on  deck,  and  joined  in  the  cheers  of  the  offi- 
cers and  men,  who,  dispersed  on  different  pieces 

394  NOVELTY    OF    SCENE.  [CHAP.VI. 

of  ice,  took  this  significant  method  of  express- 
ing their  feelings.  It  was  a  sight  not  to  be 
forgotten.  Standing  on  the  tafrail,  I  saw  the 
dark  bubbling  water  below,  and  enormous  masses 
of  ice  gently  vibrating  and  springing  to  the  sur- 
face ;  the  first  Lieutenant  was  just  climbing 
over  the  stern,  while  other  groups  were  standing 
apart,  separated  by  this  new  gulf;  and  the  spars, 
together  with  working  implements,  were  resting 
half  in  the  water,  half  on  the  ice,  whilst  the 
saw,  the  instrument  whereby  this  sudden  effect 
had  been  produced,  was  bent  double,  and  in  that 
position  forcibly  detained  by  the  body  it  had 

I  was  then  informed  that  having  cut  to  within 
four  feet  of  the  stern-post,  they  had  ceased  for 
a  few  minutes,  to  refresh  themselves,  when  the 
disruption  took  place,  barely  giving  them  time  to 
clamber  up  as  they  could  for  safety  ;  whilst  in  the 
midst  of  all  this  bustle  the  first  Lieutenant,  finding 
himself  raised  up  by  the  ice  on  which  he  stood 
to  the  highest  step  of  one  of  the  stern  ladders, 
was  seen  composedly  mounting  it  to  come  on 
board.  Nor  were  the  other  parties  less  fortunate 
in  escaping  accidents;  so  that  our  joy  on  the  oc- 
casion was  not  saddened  by  any  serious  misfor- 
tune. We  soon  found  that  the  ship  had  only 
sunk  down  to  the  ten  feet  seven  inches  and  a 
quarter  mark  forward,  and  to  the  eleven  feet  nine 

CHAP. VI.]  WELL    SOUNDED.  395 

inches  aft,  having  a  heel  of  about  two  streaks  over 
to  port.  The  first  thing  was  to  sound  the  well, 
the  water  in  which  increased  four  inches  in  a 
quarter  of  an  hour;  and,  supposing  that  this  might 
be  attributable  to  the  change  of  the  ship's  plane, 
whereby  the  water  which  had  been  lodged  astern 
was  allowed  to  come  forward,  it  produced  for  the 
moment  but  little  uneasiness.  I  soon  however 
perceived  that  not  only  the  offensive  odour  of  the 
well  water  was  gone,  but  that  what  there  was,  was 
equally  salt  with  the  sea  water  alongside. 

As  the  ship  rested  almost  entirely  on  the  star- 
board  bilge,   we  naturally  hoped  that  the  first 
twirl  of  tide  would  set  her  fully  at  liberty  ;  and 
in  this  hope  the  top-gallant  masts  were  ridded, 
the  yards  crossed,  and  every  thing  put  in  readi- 
ness to  make  sail.     At  noon  the  ice  was  still 
close  except  immediately  round  the  ship.     Mean- 
time an  increased  quantity  of  water  found  its  way 
into  the  well,  which  in  four  hours,  notwithstan- 
ding the  constant  use  of  one  pump,  had  filled  to 
the  depth  of  nineteen  inches.     Subsequently,  we 
gained  two  inches  on  the  leak,  which  thence- 
forth kept  pretty  steady  at  ten  or  twelve  inches. 
Below  this,  without  the  use  of  other  means,  it 
could  not  be  reduced.     The  ponderous  bodies 
that  had  hemmed  us  round  for  nine  months  and 
more,  the  objects  of  our  terror,  and  yet  perhaps 
the  appointed  means  of  safety,  were  now  seen 

396  STERN-POST    SHATTERED.         [cHAP.VI. 

floating  away,  dark  and  discoloured,  among  the 
fresh  and  unspotted  ice.  We  were  now  able 
to  see  clearly  that  the  stern-post  was  sadly 
shattered;  entirely  broken  from  the  starboard 
side,  and  projecting  fully  three  feet  and  a  half 
over  to  port.  What  other  injury  there  might  be 
we  could  not  yet  divine,  as  the  keel  and  lower 
part  of  the  hull  were  firmly  imbedded  in  solid 
ice  on  both  sides,  though  chiefly  on  the  starboard, 
where  a  heavy  fragment  of  the  old  floe  still  ad- 
hered. Imagining  that  additional  weight  in  the 
ship  might  assist  in  breaking  the  under  ice  away, 
we  hauled  alongside  of  a  small  floe,  where  there 
was  a  pool  of  fresh  water,  and  having  got  the 
engine  to  work  with  a  long  hose,  shortly  com- 
pleted our  water  to  nineteen  tons.  But  finding 
this  without  the  effect  desired,  all  sail  was  set ; 
and  then,  after  bracing  the  yards  in  the  most 
advantageous  manner  for  our  purpose,  the  officers 
and  men  sallied  alternately  from  the  one  to  the 
other  side,  and  then  fore  and  aft,  still  however 
without  effect ;  for  although  this  shook  the  ship 
it  shook  the  ice  also,  and  the  two,  forming  one 
connected  body,  merely  undulated  slightly  to- 
gether. Sail,  however,  was  kept  set ;  and  with 
our  extraordinary  appendage,  we  drifted  gently 
wherever  the  wind,  which  happened  to  be  fair, 
listed  to  take  us.  Our  motion  did  not  exceed  a 
quarter  of  a  mile  an  hour;  and,  notwithstanding 

CHAP.  VI.]         LEAK    NOT    REDUCED.  397 

that  detached  pieces  of  greater  or  less  dimensions 
were  frequently  encountered,  they  did  little  else 
than  produce  some  deviation  in  the  line  of  drift. 
Much  water  opened  in  sight  to  the  southward  and 
to  the  south-west,  but  the  breeze  was  W.N.W., 
and  we  were  driven  about  S.S.E.  Throughout 
the  night  the  pump  was  incessantly  going,  by 
which  means,  though  the  water  at  one  time 
gained  upon  us,  we  were  enabled  generally 
to   keep    even   with  the   leak,    though   not   to 

reduce   it. 

July  12th.   -  The  wind  continuing  light,  stud- 
ding sails  and  royals  were  set,  the  ship  drifting 
as  before.     Some  shores  were  placed  under  the 
fore  chains,  in  the  hope  that  they  might  assist  to 
lift  the  ship  off;  but  I  was  apprehensive  that  a 
strong  purchase  might  have  the  effect  of  tearing 
away   any   fractured   or   splintered    parts    that 
should  happen  to  be  imbedded  in  the  ice.     In- 
deed,   it   was    evident   that   great   caution  was 
required  in  the  endeavour  to  release  her  entirely 
from  her  icy  coating,  as  well  on  account  of  the 
damage  which  was  already  known,   as   of  the 
further  injuries  that  might  have  been  sustained 
along  the  keel,  which  we  were  in  no  condition 
at   that   time   to  ascertain.     It  was,   therefore, 
determined  to  have  recourse  again  to  the  saw, 
which  was  forthwith  put  into  order  by  our  able 
armourer,  the  whole  of  the  crew  that  could  be 
spared  from  the  pumps  being,  in  the  meantime, 


employed  in  throwing  off  the  surface  of  two  of 
the  three  or  four  solid  hummocks  which  yet 
remained  alongside,  while  others  of  the  same  party 
cut  a  trench  at  right  angles  to  the  ship's  beam, 
preparatory  to  using  the  saw.  At  noon  there  were 
some  narwhales  near,  and  flocks  of  loons  flew  past; 
but  there  were  few  or  no  gulls.  Owing  to  the 
haziness  of  the  weather  no  land  was  in  sight. 

As  I  now  hoped  that  a  few  days  at  most  would 
yield  the  Terror  to  my  own  control,  it  became 
necessary  for  me  to  decide  as  to  the  possibility  of 
accomplishing  the  original  purpose  of  the  expe- 
dition ;  and,  although  the  altered  state  of  the 
health  of  almost  all  on  board  made  the  prospect 
less  favourable  than  it  had  been  ten  months 
ao*o,  yet  I  had  not,  until  recently,  entertained  a 
doubt  of  executing  in  part,  if  not  entirely,  the 
mission  on  which  I  had  been  despatched.  It 
cannot,  however,  be  denied  that  the  loss  of  three 
valuable  men,  the  entire  disability  of  four  or 
five  others,  the  symptoms  of  disease  lingering 
in  many  more  —  to  say  nothing  of  some  of  the 
officers  who  were  visibly  effected  —  had,  together 
with  Dr.  Donovan's  letter  on  the  subject,  already 
oiven  me  great  uneasiness  ;  and  now  that  the 
known  damage  of  the  ship  proved  to  be  far  beyond 
what  I  had  anticipated,  or  rather  had  hoped 
against  hope  •>  this,  with  her  leakage,  and  other 
injuries,  apprehended  though  not  known,  forced 
me  to  contemplate  the  possibility  of  a  different 

CHAP. VI.]         officers'  opinion.  399 

conclusion.  Unwilling,  however,  to  admit  a 
thought  so  destructive  of  all  my  fondly-cherished 
hopes  and  wishes,  I  demanded  the  written  opi- 
nion of  the  three  Lieutenants  and  Master.  These, 
in  separate  communications,  and  for  various  rea- 
sons, decided  that  nothing  was  left  but  to  get  the 
ship  to  England  without  delay  ;  and  my  own 
sense  of  duty  finally  concurring  in  this  opinion, 
the  resolution  was  most  reluctantly  adopted. 

In  the  afternoon  we  got  the  saw  to  work, 
and  by  5h  p.  m.  had  cut  to  within  a  few 
feet  of  the  ship's  side,  when,  the  ice  being 
closer  ahead,  sail  was  reduced.  We  then  drifted 
alongside  of  a  floe,  round  a  point  of  which  we 
contrived  to  pass  about  midnight,  and  saw  much 
open  water  to  the  south-east. 

July  13th.  Though  there  was  ice  in  every 
direction,  we  continued  to  drift  about  a  quarter 
of  a  mile  an  hour.  Some  small  calves  found 
their  way  from  beneath  our  clog,  and  it  was  with 
great  satisfaction  that  we  contemplated  the  in- 
creased breadth  of  the  saw  line  —  a  satisfaction 
not  lessened  by  the  discovery  that  the  ship  had 
settled  more  down,  her  draught  now  being  abaft 
thirteen  feet  eight  inches,  and  forward  twelve 
feet  eight.     Neither,  with  the  incessant  workin 


of  one  pump,  had  the  water  accumulated  in  the 
well  beyond  eleven  inches.  At  9h  a.m.  there 
was  a  moderate  breeze  from  the  westward  with 

,400  DISRUPTION    NEAR    SHIP.        [CHAP.VI. 

a  thin  mist,  and,  to  our  unaccustomed  eyes  a 
sight  almost  marvellous,  a  gentle  swell  on  an 
apparently  unbroken  surface.  It  was  thought 
the  agitation,  slight  as  it  was,  might  crack  or 
break  the  ice  alongside ;  but  as  it  proved  other- 
wise, two  warps  fixed  to  ice  anchors,  and  lead- 
ing to  either  extremity  of  the  ship,  were  firmly 
attached  at  a  favourable  angle  for  separating  and 
entirely  disuniting  the  entire  mass ;  however, 
while  we  were  in  the  act  of  heaving  a  powerful 
strain  on  the  warps,  it  suddenly  split  diagonally 
from  a  hummocky  point  about  fifteen  paces  from 
the  starboard  bow,  along  its  outer  edge,  to  some- 
where near  the  after  part  of  the  main  chains. 
The  detached  portion,  on  which  were  two  men, 
(a  third  being  in  the  dingy,  close  to  them),  was 
instantaneously  splintered  into  three  pieces,  two 
of  which,  singularly  enough,  were  separately 
occupied  by  the  persons  just  mentioned,  who, 
standing  steadily  on  the  whirling  and  heaving 
ice,  thus  violently  discarded,  gave  a  hearty 
cheer,  while  their  companion,  having  lost  his 
balance  from  the  sudden  jerking  of  the  dingy, 
lay  stretched  at  full  length,  and  grasping  the  gun- 
whale  on  each  side.  The  cheering  however  was 
turned  to  astonishment,  as  they  watched  the  ship 
slowly  rising  and  heeling  over  to  port.  We  on 
board  had  been  surprised  that  no  counter  action 
occurred,  and  were  beginning  to  wonder  that  the 

CHAP.  VI.]         PERILOUS    EMERGENCY.  401 

vessel  did  not  recover  her  equilibrium,  but  were 
now  startled  by  the  conviction  that  she  was 
gradually  going  over  ;  and  the  great  inclination 
rendering  it  impossible  to  stand  on  deck,  every 
one  clung  on  to  windward  as  he  best  could.  Then 
it  was  we  beheld  the  strange  and  appalling  spec- 
tacle of  what  may  be  fitly  termed  a  submerged 
berg,  fixed  low  down  with  one  end  to  the  ship's 
side,  while  the  other,  with  the  purchase  of  along 
lever,  advantageously  placed  at  a  right  angle 
with  the  keel,  was  slowly  rising  towards  the 
surface.  Meanwhile,  those  who  happened  to  be 
below,  finding  every  thing  falling,  rushed  or 
clambered  on  deck,  where  they  saw  the  ship  on 
her  beam-ends,  with  the  lee  boats  touching  the 
water,  and  felt  that  a  few  moments  only  trem- 
bled between  them  and  eternity.  Yet  in  that 
awful  crisis  there  was  no  confusion  ;  the  sails 
were  clewed  up  and  lowered ;  fresh  men  from 
former  crews  were  stationed  in  the  boats,  which 
again  were  rather  unhooked  than  lowered ;  the 
barge  was  hoisted  out ;  and  with  a  promptitude 
and  presence  of  mind  which  I  shall  ever  remem- 
ber with  admiration,  the  whole  five  were  pro- 
visioned and  filled  with  arms,  ammunition,  and 
clothing,  and  veered  astern  clear  of  danger.  The 
pumps  were  never  quitted,  and  though  ex- 
pecting that  the  ship  might  capsize,  yet  the 
question  of  "  Does  the  leak  gain  on  us  ?"   was 

D    D 

402         AWKWARDNESS  OF  SITUATION.       [CHAP.V 

asked,  and  when  answered  in  the  negative,  there 
was  still  a  manifestation  of  hope.  Our  fate,  how- 
ever, yet  hung  in  suspense,  for  not  in  the 
smallest  degree  did  the  ship  right ;  happily  for 
us  there  was  a  dead  calm,  which  permitted  us 
to  examine  the  berg. 

At  the  only  part  along  the  side,  where 
we  could  effectively  act,  it  was  found  to  be 
four  fathoms  thick,  and  along  this  it  was  deter- 
mined to  cut  with  the  saw,  if,  providentially, 
time  were  spared  us  for  the  operation.  On 
going;  round  outside  with  the  first  Lieutenant, 
I  counted  nearly  fourteen  planks  below  the 
filled- up  part  of  the  main  chains  to  the  edge 
of  the  water,  the  angle  of  inclination  being  about 
twenty-five  degrees,  while  on  the  lee  side  I  stepped 
from  the  boat's  thwart  on  deck.  Looking  at 
the  bottom,  we  perceived  that  the  keel,  from  the 
fore-foot  aft,  was  torn  and  ragged,  but  to  what 
extent  the  damage  extended  could  not  yet  be 
ascertained.  The  exceeding  awkwardness  of 
our  situation  occasioned  some  difficulty  in 
slinging  and  placing  the  stages  and  sheers  for 
sawing,  but  this  was  surmounted ;  and  by  Llh  a.m. 
the  work  was  begun,  and  went  on  cheerily. 
The  men  were  told  that  much  depended  on  their 
exertions,  and  were  encouraged  to  finish  their 
task  the  same  day.  Provisions  were  issued  on 
deck,  and  weak  grog  supplied  occasionally  j  and 
thus  fortified,  and  assisted  by  the  officers,  they 

CHAP.  VI.]    CREW  HARD  AT  WORK.  408 

sang  and  worked  with  that  characteristic  indif- 
ference to  peril  which  has  been  so  often  admired 
in  British  seamen.  While  we  were  thus  occu- 
pied, several  seahorses  came  up,  and  after 
listening  and  stretching  out  their  necks  with  a 
sort  of  curious  stupidity  as  they  drew  them- 
selves on  the  ice,  they  seemed  undecided  whether 
to  remain  or  not ;  at  length,  however,  they 
tumbled  their  uncouth  bulks  into  the  water,  and 
disappeared.  Meantime,  considerable  progress, 
as  was  imagined,  was  made  with  the  saw  ;  but, 
on  sounding,  it  was  found  that  instead  of  cutting 
up  and  down  it  had  taken  a  slanting  course,  and 
thus  obliged  us  to  recommence  ;  and  the  lower 
part,  too,  proved  so  hard,  that  a  longer  time  was 
required  for  finishing  the  half  yet  undone. 
Seeing  this,  and  reflecting  that  the  heaviest 
part  was  detached,  the  same  process  was  tried 
from  aft ;  and,  this  being  found  to  be  easier,  by 
midnight  there  remained  but  twenty-five  feet 
to  cut,  for  connecting  the  two  sections.  Again 
the  crew  were  supplied  with  food,  making  the 
third  pound  to  each  man  since  the  commence- 
ment of  the  work  in  the  forenoon  ;  but,  on  this 
occasion,  hot  cocoa  was  given  instead  of  grog. 
After  one  hour's  rest  the  laborious  duty  was  re- 
sumed, and,  stimulated  with  the  desire  of  seeing 
the  ship  once  more  upright,  they  did  not  relax 
until  nature  asserted  her  prerogative. 

d  d  <Z 

404  SHIP    RIGHTS.  [CHAP. VI. 

After  2h  a.  m.,  July  14th,  many  became  so 
fagged  and  drowsy  that,  in  spite  of  the  energetic 
remonstrances  of  the  first  Lieutenant,  they  worked 
mechanically,  with  their  eyes  shut ;  and  there- 
fore, anxious  as  I  was  that  all  should  be  accom- 
plished before  a  change  of  weather  or  other  con- 
tingency should  interfere,  and  though  ten  feet 
only  were  wanting  to  unite  the  fore  and  aft  line, 
I  gave  direction  that  all  should  quit  the  ice,  and 
He  down  for  two  hours.  It  was  remarked,  about 
that  time,  that  the  ship  had  righted  a  few  inches, 
but  still  no  one  could  move  about  the  deck  with- 
out holding  on  by  the  ropes  to  windward.  The 
people  had  crept  under  the  shelter  of  the  deck 
to  escape  from  the  chilling  air  of  the  morning 
(for  filmy  ice  was  forming  on  the  sea) ;  the 
officers  were  dispersed  about  the  deck  above  ;  and 
I  was  contemplating  the  languid  action  of  those 
whose  turn  it  was  to  take  the  pumps,  and  more 
particularly,  three  or  four  jaded  forms,  stretched 
out  in  death-like  slumber  on  the  lee  side — when, 
suddenly,  there  was  a  sensible  yielding  beneath 
the  feet,  with  the  grating  sound  of  breaking  ice, 
and,  before  a  word  could  be  spoken,  the  liberated 
ship  righted  entirely  ;  while  broken  spars,  the 
bent  saw,  and  the  massy  berg,  were  all  in  com- 
motion together.  Quick  as  they  could  spring, 
the  crew  jumped  on  deck,  and  I  know  not  how 
many  cheers  commemorated  the  joyful  occasion. 










a.  5 







■    j 

*  I   1 












It  was  a  scene  not  to  be  forgotten  by  the  spec- 
tators. It  wanted  but  one  day  to  complete  four 
months  since  the  ship  had  been  thrown  upon 
the  ice.  In  that  period  what  extraordinary 
phenomena  we  had  witnessed — what  manifold 
mercies  had  shielded  us  when  all  seemed  des- 
perate, and  now  we  were  free :  the  good  ship 
was  once  more  in  her  own  element,  and  subject 
to  the  will  of  man  !  I  almost  doubted  the  reality 
of  what  I  saw. 

The  crew  were  again  alive  for  duty ;  and 
having  unloaded  and  hoisted  up  the  boats,  the 
termination,  as  we  hoped,  of  our  weary  anxieties 
was  celebrated  by  the  distribution  of  a  little  grog 
to  the  crew,  who,  after  three  cheers,  which  they 
requested  permission  to  give,  to  myself  and  the 
officers,  the  fine  fellows  were  sent  to  their 
hammocks.  The  officers  were  glad  to  follow 
the  example  of  the  men  :  Lieutenant  Smyth,  in 
particular,  must  have  been  greatly  fatigued  ;  for 
since  the  21st  of  June  he  had  been  himself  daily 
at  work,  and  his  exertions  throughout  this  trying 
affair  were  as  meritorious  as  they  were  harassing. 
Two  accidents  only  happened,  from  first  to  last, 
and  one  of  these  was  slight ;  the  other,  as  having 
befallen  an  invalid,  was  more  serious,  but  yet 
not  dangerous.  What  might  have  happened  had 
the  people  remained  on  the  ice  it  is  difficult  to 
conjecture  ;  but  as  it  rose  and  fell  against  the 

dd  3 


ship's  side,  which  again,  on  leaning  over,  pressed 
upon  it,  there  is  reason  to  apprehend  that  few 
would  have  survived  that  fatal  crush.  Wonder- 
ful, therefore,  was  the  whole  !  and  well  might 
we  repeat  with  the  Psalmist,  "  They  that  go 
down  to  the  sea  in  ships,  and  occupy  their  busi- 
ness in  great  waters  ;  these  men  see  the  works 
of  the  Lord,  and  his  wonders  in  the  deep." 
Who  amongst  us  can  ever  forget  that  day  ? 

The  ship,    though    tolerably  upright,    had  a 

trifling  list  to  port :    her  draught  of  water,  after 

the  consumption  of  one  year's  food,  was  reduced 

only  one  foot,  being  fourteen  feet  eight  inches 

forward,  and  fourteen  feet  seven  abaft.     Left  to 

her  own  guidance,   she  went  slowly  before  the 

wind,    avoiding,    in  a   remarkable  manner,   the 

many  pieces  of  drift  ice  which  surrounded  her. 

At  noon    the  weather    was   beautiful.      I  now 

heard  from  the  carpenter,  that  during  the  time 

the  ship  was    on   her  beam  ends,    the  midship 

part  of  the  upper  deck  rose  up,  while  both  the 

ends  were   unsupported ;   a  trial  which,   in   his 

opinion,  no  other  vessel  could  have  withstood, 

but  must  inevitably  have  broken  her  back,  and 

been  in  great  danger  of  sinking.     As  soon  as  the 

handsTwere  turned  up,  we  commenced  clearing 

the  decks,  and  in  endeavouring  to  stow  away  the 

gunner's  stores,   it  was  discovered  that  the  water 

was  pouring  into  the  ship  in  two  rills,  which, 

CHAP. VI.]  PUMPS    AT    WORK.  407 

finding  their  way  by  the  stern-post,  fell  over  the 
transom  with  a  gush.  Every  thing  was  imme- 
diately cleared  out  to  enable  the  carpenter  to 
get  at  the  leak,  and  most  of  the  things  were 
wet  from  having  been  under  water.  The  casks 
in  which  bread  was  stowed,  being  water-tight, 
little  or  no  injury  had  been  sustained  by  this 
important  article.  The  water  in  the  well  had 
been  kept  under,  at  first  with  three,  and  sub- 
sequently with  two  pumps,  constantly  at  work ; 
and,  even  when  the  carpenters  seemed  to  check 
the  stream,  which  rushed  through  the  leak,  still 
those  on  deck  could  not  relax  in  their  efforts. 

July  15th.  To  the  N.E.  there  was  a  pack  of 
solid  ice,  and  the  drift  ice  was  too  thick  to  allow 
the  ship  to  yaw  about  amongst  it ;  the  little  head- 
sail,  therefore,  that  had  been  set,  was  taken  in, 
and  we  began  to  pass  a  chain  round  and  under 
the  projecting  part  of  the  stern-post,  heaving  it 
so  tight  as  to  secure  it  against  the  effect  of  a 
heavy  sea.  The  old  rudder  was  now,  by  the 
help  of  the  sheers  erected  for  that  purpose, 
taken  on  board,  and  the  new  one  hoisted  out 
and  hung  in  its  proper  place.  Sail  was  then  set, 
and,  having  tacked  under  some  disadvantage,  we 
entertained  a  very  favourable  opinion  of  the 
result  of  the  experiment.  The  ship,  however, 
was  very  leewardly,  and  the  shock  occasioned  by 
the  first  piece  of  ice  that  struck  against  her, 

D  D    4 


showed  clearly  how  much  she  was  shaken  and 
weakened.  I  had  waited  for  the  verification  of 
my  apprehensions,  before  I  could  bring  myself 
finally  to  relinquish  the  object  of  my  mission  ; 
but  my  last  hope  having  now  vanished, — the  ship 
crazy,  broken,  and  leaky, — I  had  no  longer  a 
choice  ;  and,  accordingly,  assembling  the  crew 
on  the  quarter  deck,  I  told  them  they  were  now 
going  home.  It  may  be  well  pardoned  them 
that  their  countenances  brightened  at  the  intel- 
ligence, and  their  feelings  were  manifested  by 
three  hearty  cheers. 

Thus  in  effect  ended  an  expedition,  from 
which,  had  it  been  permitted  to  reach  its  port 
of  disembarkation,  it  was  reasonable  to  expect 
the  full  accomplishment  of  its  objects.  Un- 
controllable circumstances  prevented  it.  The 
problem  itself,  which  it  was  intended  to  solve, 
remains  of  course  unaltered.  Whether,  notwith- 
standing a  repulse  which  may  fairly  be  considered 
as  accidental,  a  further  trial  is  to  be  made,  is  a 
question  for  the  consideration  of  those  to  whose 
zeal  and  perseverance  the  science  of  geography 
is  already  so  deeply  indebted. 

The  wind  having  got  to  the  eastward,  the 
ship  was  kept  in  the  open  water  off  Charles 
Island,  in  readiness  to  avail  itself  of  any  lead 
towards  the  mouth  of  the  Strait.  Another  leak 
was   discovered,   which  again   intruded  on    our 

CHAP.  VI.]       SLOW  PROGRESS  OF  SHIP.  409 

Sunday  service.  At  noon,  the  eastern  point  of 
Charles  Island  bore  S.  \  W.,  and  the  ice  con- 
tinuing packed  to  the  eastward,  we  contented 
ourselves  with  standing  off  and  on.  The  ship, 
however,  was  so  leewardly,  that  by  noon,  July  17th, 
we  were  only  opposite  to  the  east  end  of  the  same 
island,  having  made  but  seven  miles  to  wind- 
ward in  twenty-four  hours  ;  though,  in  smooth 
water,  with  all  reefs  out  and  top-gallant  sails 
set.  The  leaks  had  been  partially  stopped  ;  but 
another  passage  was  soon  found  out  through 
and  between  the  lining  and  the  sides,  and  the 
same  quantity  of  water  made  its  way  into  the 
ship  as  before.  As  there  was  little  prospect  of 
much  improvement  in  this  respect,  a  different 
mode  of  working  the  pumps  was  adopted,  and 
conduits  were  laid  down  and  caulked,  from  the 
pumps  to  the  ship's  sides,  in  order  to  carry  off 
the  water  without  wetting  the  deck.  We  now 
sailed  among  loose  ice,  avoiding  as  carefully  as 
possible  any  concussion ;  for  the  shock  even  of 
a  small  piece  made  the  ship's  frame  tremble  in  a 
manner  that  proved  beyond  doubt  her  rickety 
condition.  Night  as  it  advanced,  brought  rain 
with  fog,  and  a  freshening  breeze  which  induced 
us  to  shorten  sail,  and  having  tacked  from  the 
edge  of  the  pack,  we  hove  to. 

Next  day,  July  18th,   the  topsails  were  treble 
reefed,  and  as  the  same  misty  weather  prevailed, 


much  caution  and  dexterity  were  required  on 
the  part  of  the  officers  in  keeping  clear  of  drift 
ice.  All  hands  were  yet  occupied  during  the 
day  in  clearing  those  parts  of  the  after  hold  ad- 
jacent to  the  leaks,  and  in  restowing  such  as  had 
already  been  disturbed.  The  carpenters  detected 
a  considerable  rising  in  the  lining  of  the  star- 
board side  of  the  bread-room,  just  between  the 
sleeper  and  the  stringer,  against  which  there  had 
been  so  violent  a  pressure  for  many  months  past. 
He  secured  it  with  sixteen  long  nails.  Though 
the  wind  had  got  round  to  the  westward,  yet, 
thick  and  rainy  as  the  weather  was,  all  that  could 
be  done  was  to  steer  clear  of  the  ice  ;  but  on  July 
19th,  the  wind  again  veered  to  the  north,  and 
compelled  us  to  beat  to  windward,  to  avoid  being 
driven  on  the  southern  shore.  At  noon  it  rained 
heavily,  and  the  ice  was  closely  packed  to  the 
north-east.  The  two  pumps  were  kept  going  as 
before,  the  leak  making  about  four  feet  of  water 
per  hour.  Temperature  35°  +  .  In  the  afternoon 
the  freshening  of  the  breeze  made  it  necessary 
to  reef  the  topsails,  and  we  continued  skirting 
the  edge  of  the  pack  until  after  midnight,  when 
on  the  20th,  the  ice  beginning  to  stream  off,  and 
drift  in  vast  quantities  towards  the  southern 
land,  it  was  requisite  to  make  an  effort  to  elude 
it,  for  fear  of  being  carried  with  it  in  that  direc- 
tion.    This,  of  necessity,  threw  us  into  the  midst 


of  it ;  and,  unmanageable  as  the  ship  was,  and 
always  going  to  leeward,  the  utmost  attention  on 
the  part  of  those  on  deck  could  not  prevent  her 
striking  or  grazing  against  various  pieces,  from 
the  concussion  of  which  she  suffered  greatly. 
Observing  that  the  ice  opened  out  to  the  north- 
east, in  which  direction  I  wished  to  go,  for  the  pur- 
pose of  returning  along  the  known  track  of  the 
north  shore,  rather  than  by  the  unfrequented,  and 
almost  unknown  navigation  of  the  south  one,  ad- 
vantage was  taken  of  the  circumstance ;  and,  though 
greatly  annoyed  by  numerous  unavoidable  shocks 
from  the  drift  ice,  sufficient  distance  was  gained 
to  bring  in  sight  the  coast  along  which  we  had 
passed  last  year.  Such,  however,  was  the  diffi- 
culty of  steering  clear  of  concussions,  and 
so  great  the  importance  of  saving  our  new 
rudder,  which  was  in  danger  of  being  carried 
away,  that  further  progress  was  impossible;  and 
as  by  good  fortune  an  extensive  floe  was  near, 
the  ship  was  got  to  it  and  made  fast  by  the 
usual  means  of  ice  anchors.  At  that  time,  one 
compact  sheet  of  ice  filled  the  Straits  from  shore 
to  shore,  and  extended  to  the  utmost  limit  of 
view  to  the  eastward.  At  noon  Charles  Island 
bore  (east  end)  W.S.W.  and  the  Labrador  shore 
stretched  to  the  south  and  east,  terminating  in  a 
point.  The  temperature  was 37°-\- ,  and  44°  +  in 
the  sun.     That  of  the  sea  water  which  in  a  free 

412        ship's  draught  increased,     [chap.  VI. 

space  was  35°  -f ,  was,  when  surrounded  with  ice, 
only  31° -f.  The  effectual  labours  of  the  car- 
penter began  to  be  manifested  by  a  small  but 
perceptible  diminution  of  the  depth  of  water  in 
the  well :  in  consequence,  however,  of  the 
wood  becoming  sodden,  the  ship  had  increased 
her  draught  of  water  about  two  and  a  half  inches. 
We  found  ourselves  setting,  as  was  supposed, 
fast  to  the  south-east ;  and,  in  the  evening,  the 
floe  to  which  we  were  attached  split  into  three 
pieces,  though  leaving  our  part  still  large  enough 
to  hang  on  by. 

July  21st.  The  ice  had  driven  us  nearer  to 
the  Labrador  Coast,  a  few  miles  from  which  was 
an  island  conjectured  to  be  that  called  Weggs. 
The  main  shore  was  high  and  apparently  rocky, 
being  diversified  by  hill  and  valley,  where  streaks 
and  patches  of  snow  yet  remained.  The  channel 
between  it  and  Charles  Island  seemed  wide,  and 
probably  contributed  to  form  some  of  the  eccen- 
tric whirls,  or  currents,  which  every  now  and  then 
visibly  affected  the  ice.  In  the  forenoon  we 
were  obliged  to  get  more  warps  out,  to  haul  the 
ship  out  of  the  way  of  such  floe  pieces  as  threat- 
ened to  drive  against  the  rudder;  for,  though  the 
south  shore  might  have  been  approached,  there 
was  not  the  smallest  opening  to  the  north  and 
east,  nor  indeed  to  the  west.  Two  whales  were 
seen,  and  a  narwhale,    together  with  a  few  boat- 

CHAP. VI.]  HILLY    COAST.  413 

swains.  At  noon  Charles  Island  bore  W.  by  N. 
about  eight  leagues  distant.  There  was  much 
drift  ice  incommoding  us  in  the  afternoon,  when 
the  ship  was  hauled  alongside  the  floe  to  allow 
of  our  filling  our  tanks  with  fresh  water.  There 
must  have  been  a  perfect  block  to  the  east ;  for, 
though  the  wind  was  westerly,  and,  consequently, 
down  the  Straits,  we  moved  only  to  the  south- 
ward with  the  ice,  which  took  us  nearer  and 
nearer  the  shore.  About  6h  30m  there  was  a 
probability  of  getting  three  or  four  miles  to  the 
south-east,  whereupon  we  cast  off  from  the  floe 
and  made  sail,  and,  having  accomplished  the 
distance  at  8h  p.  m.,  we  again  made  fast  to  a 
large  floe.  This  had  certainly  been  exposed  to 
heavy  pressure,  for  many  blocks  and  masses 
of  ice  were  thrown  upon  it,  to  the  height  of 
fifteen  or  twenty  feet. 

July  22d,  presented  one  glare  of  ice  to  the  north- 
east and  south-east  from  shore  to  shore,  and  at 
noon,  we  found  by  the  observations  that  our 
drift  had  rather  carried  us  in  shore ;  so  that  we 
had  now  an  opportunity  of  beholding  the  coast  in 
all  its  frowning  grandeur.  It  rose  into  high 
hills,  deserving  the  name  of  mountains,  and 
these  were  broken  into  numerous  vallies,  that, 
after  shelving  in  some  places  towards  the  sea, 
terminated  abruptly  in  fearful  precipices  and 
perpendicular    cliffs,    accessible    only   to   birds. 

414  FLOE-PIECES    Ii\    MOTION.       [CHAP.VI. 

Some  islands  lay  off,  and,  though  evidently  of  no 
mean  altitude,  were  completely  in  shade  under 
these  towering  cliffs.  Harbours  and  deep  bights 
were  sufficiently  defined,  but  all  were  choked 
with  ice,  and  unapproachable  except  by  such 
pressure  as  we  had  no  desire  to  experience. 
Two  pumps  were  still  required  to  keep  the  ship 
free.  A  whale  was  seen  and  several  morses. 
Throughout  the  afternoon  large  floe  pieces  were 
observed  to  be  setting  in  atmost  every  direction, 
even  against  the  wind,  which  had  considerably 
increased  in  strength  ;  and  frequently  we  were 
not  a  little  embarrassed  to  protect  the  rudder 
against  their  assault,  being  compelled  to  make 
use  of  warps  to  avoid  them.  The  carpenter,  on 
examining  the  lining  below,  found  that  the 
water  trickled  through  still  higher  than  before, 
and  that,  in  consequence,  the  ship's  draught  was 
augmented  to  fourteen  feet  eleven  inches  fore 
and  aft,  being  three  inches  deeper  than  when 
she  righted  from  the  ice. 

Finding  that  the  ice  continued  in  motion,  and 
that  there  was  a  lead  somewhat  nearer  the  land, 
I  now  decided  on  trying  it,  as  not  the  slightest 
probability  appeared  of  an  opening  towards  the 
north  shore,  where,  on  the  contrary,  the  view 
presented  only  one  compact  body  of  impene- 
trable ice.  Although,  therefore,  I  was  not  with- 
out some  anxiety  of  being  closed   in  against  the 

CHAP.  VI.]  FREAK    OF    THE    SHIP.  415 

shore,  if,  as  was  not  impossible,  the  breeze 
should  veer  to  the  north  and  drive  all  the  wind- 
ward ice  upon  us ;  yet  I  had,  in  fact,  no  alter- 
native. At  8h  50m  p.  m.  the  surrounding  masses 
began  to  drift  to  the  south-east  ;  and,  coasting 
off  from  the  floe,  we  threaded  an  in-shore  lead 
under  easy  sail  until  llh  p.  m.,  when  farther 
progress  being  interrupted  by  the  closing  of  the 
ice,  the  ship  was  kept  beating  to  windward  of 
the  pack  until  the  morning  of  July  23d,  with 
the  view  of  taking  the  first  favourable  opening 
that  presented  itself.  The  ship,  however,  de- 
cided the  point  herself  rather  more  quickly  than 
was  anticipated ;  for,  refusing  to  answer  the 
helm,  which  had  been  put  a-lee  for  tacking,  she 
drove  bodily  to  leeward  into  the  pack,  to  the 
great  risk  of  carrying  away  the  rudder  and  the 
remainder  of  the  stern-post.  This  freak  cost  us 
some  severe  shocks  in  forcing  a  passage  to  a 
floe,  round  whose  point  we  contrived  to  get  by 
means  of  warping;  and,  as  the  prospect  was  rather 
more  promising,  sail  was  kept  on  the  ship,  and  she 
bored  her  way  with  many  sharp  concussions  and 
infinite  windings  till  about  lh  p.  m.,  when,  having 
run  between  twenty  and  thirty  miles,  she  was 
stopped  by  the  usual  impediment.  Trifling  as 
this  distance  may  appear,  it  seemed  considerable 
to  us  who  had  been  so  long  driven  wherever 
wind  and  tide  chose  to  carry  us.     The  line  of 


coast  was  still  mountainous  and  imposing,  with  a 
singularly  irregular  outline,   partially  lost  in  a 
horizontal  band  of  fleecy  clouds,  which  the  fine- 
ness of  the  day  allowed  to  dwell  there.     Nor 
was   variety   wanting;    for,    besides   numerous 
dark  and  rugged  islands  extending  from  point 
to  point,  there  were  spacious  bays  and  harbours, 
almost  land-locked,  and  stretching  so  far  inland 
as  to  lose  their  sombre  aspect  in  the  soft  blue  of 
the  distance.     In  one  place  there  was  an  amphi- 
theatre of  frowning  hills,    the  bases    of  which 
were  buried  in  mist,  while  the  picturesque  sum- 
mits stood  out  clear  and  defined,  touched  here 
and  there  with  snow,  producing  an  effect  most 
striking,  but  of  which  no  description  could  give 
an  adequate  idea.      Four  noisy  natives  of  the 
Esquimaux  race  had  the  hardihood  to  venture 
through  much  difficult  drift  ice  to  the  ship,  from 
whence,  however,  they  returned  amply  rewarded, 
and  the  richest  of  their  tribe.     Some  of  the  pre- 
sents, supplied  for  that  purpose  by  government, 
were  given  to  them,  together  with  a  few  brass 
medals,  having  the  ship's  name  on  one  side,  and 
a  figure  of  Britannia  on  the  other.     The  north 
shore  could  be  seen  from  deck. 

In  the  evening  the  ice  became  rather  slacker, 
and  an  intimation  of  the  freshening  of  the 
westerly  wind  was  given  by  the  slipping  of  the 
warp  over  the  head  of  the  hummock  to  which  it 


was  fastened,  in  consequence  of  the  increased 
straining  of  the  ship.  Early  on  July  24th  a 
tempting  lead  appearing  in  the  right  direction, 
that  is  to  say,  slanting  off  the  shore,  sail  was 
again  made,  and  leaving  the  floe,  under  the 
influence  of  a  fresh  breeze,  we  proceeded  three 
or  four  miles  without  any  impediment  from  ice. 
At  the  end  of  that  distance,  however,  the  ship 
was  compelled  to  bore  among  heavy  masses,  and 
in  so  doing  there  was  no  possibility  of  escaping 
many  serious  blows  that  shook  her  whole  frame, 
though  still  without  apparent  injury.  At  9h  30m 
the  impracticability  of  proceeding  further  became 
apparent,  and  we  made  fast  to  an  extensive  old 
floe,  of  the  yellow  tinted  kind,  which  happened 
to  be  at  hand.  I  ought  to  mention  that,  at  one 
time,  we  fancied  a  brigantine  was  in  sight,  which, 
as  the  day  became  clearer,  turned  out  to  be  an 
iceberg,  being  over  towards  the  north  shore. 
We  had  succeeded  in  drawing  away  from  the 
land  about  twenty  miles,  and  the  whole  of  the 
forenoon  we  were  set  considerably  to  the  south- 
east. The  hope  of  getting  entirely  free  of 
the  ice  and  breathing  a  different  air  had  diffused 
fresh  spirits  in  most  of  our  invalids  ;  but  it  was 
annoying  to  find  a  new  patient  in  the  list,  and 
one,  too,  who  had  passed  through  the  regions  of 
the  winter  without  evincing  the  least  symptom 
of  disorder.     The  whole  affair,  indeed  was  inex- 

E    E 


plicable  to  the  medical  officers,  as  we  had  had  the 
advantage  of  the  best  provisions,  and  assuredly 
every  comfort  which  persons  situated  as  we 
were  could  possess.  At  lh  p.  m.  catching  a 
glimpse  of  an  opening  we  left  the  floe,  but  after 
some  boring  were  stopped,  and  again  held  on  by 
the  heaviest  floe  we  had  seen  since  the  winter. 
There  had  been  immense  pressure  on  it,  as  with 
the  floes  in  Fox's  Channel,  whence,  judging 
from  its  dirty  yellow  colour,  it  had  in  all  pro- 
bability come.  In  the  evening  we  made  another 
attempt,  which,  after  an  hour's  trial,  was  again 
relinquished,  and  we  made  fast  as  before  to 
another  floe,  a  great  number  of  which  lay  in 
every  direction. 

July  &5th.  The  westerly  breeze  now  failed 
us,  and  up  to  noon  the  ice  was  infinitely  too 
close  to  permit  our  moving.  After  some  time 
however,  the  ship  was  warped  from  floe  to  floe, 
as  circumstances  admitted,  and  at  5h  p.m.,  just 
when  it  was  thought  that  further  progress  was 
hopeless,  and  we  were  about  to  make  fast,  the  ice 
gradually  opened  out,  and  sail  being  immedi- 
ately crowded  on  the  ship,  she  went  with  hard 
boring  between  very  heavy  ice,  at  the  rate  of 
two  or  three  knots  an  hour,  as  was  imagined, 
directly  towards  the  north  shore. 

July  26th.  It  fell  partially  calm,  but  after 
8n  a.  m,  a  light  air  sprang  up  \  and,  though  com- 


pletely  hampered  with  ice  of  all  descriptions,  for 
the  berg  was  then  plainly  discerned  from  deck,  yet 
we  thumped  and  glided  on  from  piece  to  piece, 
and  thus  contrived  to  make  a  kind  of  devious 
course  to  the  east-north-east.  The  Labrador 
coast  was  thrown  up  considerably  by  refraction, 
and,  even  allowing  for  this,  appeared  much 
nearer  than  our  estimated  run  gave  us  reason  to 
suppose.  At  noon  this  was  accounted  for  by 
the  discovery  that,  though  the  longitude  was 
considerably  to  the  east,  the  latitude  was  actu- 
ally a  few  miles  south  of  yesterday's,  thus 
demonstrating  the  influence  of  a  current  set- 
ting from  the  west  along  the  Labrador  shore, 
directly  contrary  to  the  set  described  by  other 
officers  as  existing  on  the  north  side  of  the 
Straits.  This  fact  corresponded  with  what  we 
had  already  experienced  somewhere  about  Mill 
Islands,  where  it  may  be  remembered  some 
overfalls  were  seen,  which,  together  with  a 
strong  set  down  Fox's  Channel,  so  completely 
overpo wered  the  sailing  qualities  of  the  Terror, 
that  for  two  days  she  was  unable  to  beat  through 
them.  It  is  not  improbable,  therefore,  that  the 
upward  current,  becoming  dissipated  and  broken 
along  the  sinuosities  of  the  northern  shore,  may 
be  finally  turned  by  the  stronger  one  from  Fox's 
Channel,  the  effect  of  which  would  be  that  the 
set  would  be  carried  between  the  islands  towards 

ee  2 

420  SLOW  PROGRESS.       [CHAP.  VI. 

Charles  Island,  and  thence  east  into  the  Atlantic, 
as  we  found  to  be  the  case  in  fact. 

During  the  remainder  of  the  day,  and  until 
noon  of  the  27th,  the  wind  was  light,  but  still 
strong  enough  to  enable  us  to  sail  and  bore 
among  extremely  heavy  ice,  which,  from  pieces 
of  moderate  dimensions,  all  at  once  changed  its 
character  to  enormous  floes,  completely  blocking 
up  the  passage  across.  We  could  therefore  only 
coast  along  them,  as  well  as  the  impediments 
permitted.*  Our  progress,  therefore,  was  neces- 
sarily slow ;  but  after  9h  p.  m.  a  casual  slack 
taking  place,  the  ship  forced  her  way  a  few 
miles  ahead,  striking  with  startling  violence,  but 
yet,  as  on  former  occasions,  without  increasing 
her  leakage,  though  a  great  deal  of  oakum  had 
worked  from  out  the  seams  under  the  counter. 
The  ice  was  of  an  extraordinary  thickness,  and 
had,  moreover,  long  projecting  tongues  two  or 
three  fathoms  below  the  surface,  which  so  ob- 
structed our  course  that,  though  the  ship's  head 
pointed  often  N.N.E.,  we  only  made  good  a 
S.E.  line  of  direction.  By  midnight  the  entire 
bodv  of  ice  closed  in  and  beset  us  ;  and  the 
appearance,  at  the  same  time,  of  a  faint  aurora, 
brought  about  the  recollection  of  last  autumn. 

*  Two  pieces  of  ice  with  fragments,  refuse,  &c.  passed  us. 
They  were  conjectured  to  have  come  from  one  of  the  Hudson's 
Bay  Company's  ships  probably  passing  along  the  north  coast. 


July  28th  brought  no  difference  in  our  pro- 
spects, except  indeed  the  unwonted  presence,  at 
this  season  of  the  year,  of  no  fewer  than  nine  or 
ten  large  bergs,  the  produce  of  Davis's  Straits, 
proving  the  prevalence  of  easterly  winds  from 
seaward,  although  of  late  we  had  experienced 
westerly  ones  in  Hudson's  Strait.  Bergs  of 
this  description  are  always  described,  by  those 
employed  in  the  Greenland  fishery,  to  '  hold,' 
as  it  is  termed,  a  great  deal  of  water ;  but  every 
one  of  these,  so  far  as  could  be  discerned  from 
the  mast-head,  was  hemmed  tightly  round  with 
ice,  nor  was  water  visible  in  any  point  of  the 
compass,  with  the  single  exception  of  a  narrow 
lane  towards  the  Labrador  shore.  At  noon  the 
centre  of  Long  Island  bore  S.  W.  There 
was,  and  had  been  for  two  days,  considerable 
refraction  of  objects.  The  ship  did  not  go  her 
own  length  ahead,  by  any  power  derived 
from  her  sails,  and  at  night  the  ice  was  unusually 
close-packed  ;  but  what  most  astonished  us 
was  a  gentle  swell,  which  perceptibly  agitated 
the  whole  body  around  us,  and  indicated  the 
neighbourhood  of  open  water,  disturbed  by  strong 
easterly  winds  ;  so  that,  having,  in  a  manner, 
exhausted  the  fine  westerly  breeze  which  had 
brought  us  thus  far  through  the  seemingly  end- 
less nuisance  (for  it  was  now  one  year  since  we 
first  encountered  it),   our  ship  gently  drifted  to 

e  e  3 


the  south-east,  in  a  sort  of  neutral  territory  between 
the  confines  of  the  polar  and  temperate  regions. 

July  29th.     It  was  in  vain  that  topmast  and 
top-gallant  studding  sails  were   set,  for  though 
they  seemed  to  hug  the  gentle  air  aloft,  we  re- 
mained immovable.     Daylight  however  proved, 
by  the  altered  appearance  of  Long  Island,  that 
our  drift  had  been  southerly,  and  this  was  farther 
verified  by  the  appearance  of  some  flocks  of  ducks 
flying  from  the  land  towards  the  north.    At  noon 
our  position  was  much  the  same,  only  that  land, 
supposed  to  be  Green  Island,  was  observed  to 
bear  south-east.     The  temperature  was  54°,  hav- 
ing risen  from  33°+.     We  were  still  completely 
beset,  and  as  the  day  declined,  the  wind,  gra- 
dually veering  to  the  eastward,  so  interlocked 
the  points  of  ice  as  to  give  the  appearance  of  one 
vast  floe.     In  the  twenty-four  hours,  according 
to  the  noon  observation  of  July  30th,  our  drift 
had  been  a  little  westerly,  and  full  fifteen  miles 
due  south,  which  brought  us  still  nearer  to  some 
low  islands  lying  off  Long  Island,     With  every 
available    sail  set,  the    ship    had   forged   ahead 
about  twice  her  own  length  in  four  hours  \  and 
though  more  or  less  sail  was  carried,  according 
to  the  strength  of  the  breeze,  at  midnight  only 
a   few   hundred    paces    of   distance    had    been 


On  July  31st,  so  close  was  the  ice,  that  there 


was  no  possibility  of  keeping  the  ship's  head  in  the 
right  direction,  or  preventing  her  from  drifting  bo- 
dily towards  the  land  :  sail,  therefore,  was  shortened, 
and  we  made  fast  to  the  largest  piece  near.  By  this 
measure,  however,  our  way  to  the  south  was  rather 
increased  than  diminished,  and  sail  was  again  set ; 
when,  after  drifting  considerably  to  leeward,  her 
head  was  at  length  forced  in  the  right  direction, 
and  she  went  ahead  about  twice  her  own  length. 
Th  en,flnding  all  further  exertion  useless,  the  for  mer 
plan  of  carrying  out  an  ice-anchor  to  the  heaviest 
piece  was  adopted,  and,  the  sails  being  furled, 
we  remained  quiet  until  10h  30m  a.  m.,  when,  by 
a  sudden  revolution  of  the  ice  astern,  a  weighty 
mass  came  in  contact  with  the  rudder,  and,  be- 
fore we  could  warp  out  of  danger,  had  well  nigh 
carried    it    away.      A   few    minutes,    however, 
sufficed  to  haul  the  ship's  broadside  to  the  larger 
piece,  where  we  lay  secure.    It  might  have  been 
expected,  from  our  previous  drift  with  a  westerly 
breeze,  that  now  that  the  wind  had  drawn  round 
to  the  north-east  we  should  have  been  driven  still 
more  to  the  southward,  where  some  low  rocks, 
apparently   not  much    above   the   water,    were 
ready  to  receive  us.    But  here  again  was  another 
anomaly;  for,  notwithstanding  the  drag  of  the 
ship  against  the  ice  to  which  she  was  anchored, 
greatly  to  our  astonishment  she  went  to  wind- 
ward, almost,  indeed,  in  the  wind's  eye,  so  that 

e  e  4 


by  nightfall  the  coast  of  Long  Island,  whose 
rugged  rocks  were  contemplated  eight  hours 
before  with  no  agreeable  sensations,  was  beginning 
to  assume  a  fainter  tinge,  and  to  give  place  to 
the  loom  of  some  uncertain  land,  conjectured  to 
be  Green  Island,   bearing  about  east. 

Heavy  rain,  similar  to  that  ordinarily  met  with 
at  the  edge  of  a  pack,  or  at  least  in  the  vicinity  of 
open  water,  together  with  thick  weather,  effectu- 
ally screened  the  shore  from  view.  This  continu- 
ing throughout  the  night,  on  August  1st  we  had 
no  means  of  ascertaining  our  position  otherwise 
than  by  sounding;  but  as  this  gave  one  hundred 
and  twenty-eight  fathoms  water,  on  a  muddy 
bottom,  all  cause  for  anxiety  was  at  an  end. 
The  ice  continued  to  slacken  about  the  ship 
and  to  windward,  and  at  noon  the  tempera- 
ture was  34°.  Two  pumps  were  always  required 
to  keep  the  ship  free ;  and,  notwithstanding 
our  present  sheltered  situation,  yet  the  jerking 
and  concussions  received  from  passing  ice  added 
to  the  effect  of  a  slight  swell,  just  sufficient  to 
swing  the  broadside  at  intervals  against  the 
piece  to  which  we  were  attached,  had  contri- 
buted to  weaken  still  further  the  after  part  of 
the  ship,  so  that,  to  use  the  carpenter's  phrase, 
"  the  bolts  wept ;"  or,  in  other  words,  were 
already  sufficiently  loosened  to  allow  of  the 
waters   oozing   between   them    and    the   wood. 


CHAP. VI. J       SHIP  STRUCK  BY  A  PLOE.  4L25 

.The  result  was  an  increase  of  water  in  the  well, 
amounting  now  to  a  little  more  than  five  feet 
per  hour,  and  an  apprehension  that  it  would  be 
still  further  augmented  on  exposure  to  a  rolling 
sea.  Several  heavy  remnants  of  floes  hovered  for 
three  or  four  hours  of  a  rainy  night  alarmingly 
near  our  rudder  and  quarter ;  and,  anxious  as 
we  were  to  guard  these  tender  and .  important 
points,  it  was  not  a  little  curious  to  observe  the 
eccentric  movements  of  those  huge  masses ; 
now  pressing  directly  towards  us,  now  turning 
aside  and  athwart  the  previous  course,  as  it  were 
reluctantly  retreating  ;  then  again,  as  if  urged  by 
fresh  vigour,  turning  slowly  round,  and  gradu- 
ally reapproaching  ;  until  suddenly,  under  some 
powerful  but  unseen  influence,  their  whirling 
ceased,  and  they  started  off  with  accelerated 
speed  in  a  straight  undeviating  line,  immediately 
against  the  wind,  ploughing  up  or  tossing  aside 
every  impediment  that  crossed  their  way.  Rain 
fell  all  night,  up  to  noon  of  August  2d,  the 
wind  continuing  north-east  and  the  ice  close, 
whilst  a  gentle  swell  occasionally  agitated  the 
ship.  No  land  could  be  seen.  At  c2h  40ra  p.  m. 
a  sudden  commotion  took  place  among  the  ice, 
perhaps  occasioned  by  the  spring  tide,  which 
drove  a  large  floe  against  the  ship,  upon  the  star- 
board quarter,  with  a  crash  that  brought  most 
of  the  officers  on  deck*     Fortunately,  the  blow 


was  not  repeated ;  and,  after  a  lapse  of  two 
hours,  it  floated  away  to  the  leeward,  whither, 
indeed,  all  the  lighter  ice  seemed  to  be  drifting, 
in  the  direction  of  south-east.  The  same  dark 
thick  weather,  with  incessant  rain,  prevailed 
throughout  the  night,  the  ice  being  often  very 
slack,  and  then  closing  again  with  some  degree 
of  violence. 

August  3d.  Finding  that  the  stern  was  more 
exposed  than  the  bow,  which  had  the  shelter  of 
a  projecting  point  of  our  holding  piece,  the  ship 
was  turned  round  end  for  end,  and  secured  ; 
though,  such  was  the  uncertain  action  of  the 
drift  ice,  that  it  was  little  better  than  chance 
which  was  the  better  direction.  At  noon  we 
were  still  in  the  dark  as  to  our  position ;  but, 
judging  from  the  numerous  flocks  of  loons  flying 
backwards  and  forwards  morning  and  evening, 
it  was  conjectured  that  the  land  could  not  be 
very  remote.  Meanwhile,  the  easterly  wind  and 
mist  continued,  the  temperature  varying  from 
32°  to  3r/°  +  .  About  2h  p.m.  the  ice  closed 
rapidly  around  us ;  and  a  heavy  floe  which  had 
been  at  rest  for  some  hours,  acquiring  instant 
speed,  struck  our  holding  piece  so  forcibly  as  to 
split  it,  leaving,  however,  a  remnant  sufficient 
for  our  purpose,  when  some  necessary  alterations 
had  been  made  with  the  warp.  At  4h  there 
was  a  partial  clearing  above,  and  some  low  land 


was  indistinctly  seen,  bearing  E.S.E.  ;  but  the 
return  of  the  mist  again  obscured  it,  and  left  us 
ignorant  of  what  part  it  was.      Immense  flocks 
of  loons  kept  constantly  flying  in  every  direction, 
betraying  a  restlessness  altogether  unaccountable. 
There  was  no  lack  of  water,  which,   however, 
they  seemed  to  disregard  ;  so  that  had  not  we 
caught  a  glimpse  of  our  position,  I  should  have 
certainly  thought  we  were  not  far  from  the  rocks 
where  they  roosted.     Not  long  after  this,  two 
bergs  were  discovered ;    and  the  wind   having 
veered  to  north-west,  and  the  ice  become  more 
apart,   I  determined  on  casting  off  from  what 
had  carried  us  safely  through  three  days  of  mist. 
I  was  utterly  at  a  loss  to  know  whether  the  ship 
was  north  or  south  of  her  last  ascertained  posi- 
tion ;  but,  as  the  horizon  was  visible  for  about  four 
miles,  and  nothing  appeared  to  indicate  land,  we 
warped  a  short  distance,   and  then    made  sail. 
The  ice  continued  slack,  and  we  had  the  satis- 
faction to  find  that  the  ship  glided  through  the 
water,  though  not  without  the  usual  penalty  of 
some  severe  shocks,  which  made  her  tremble  to 
her  very  keel.     The  carpenter  had  been  assidu- 
ously employed  in  an  attempt  to   force  up   a 
quantity   of    oakum   and    tallow    between    the 
doubling  and  the  rents  in  the  stern-post,   in  the 
hope   of   choking   some   portion   of    the    leaks 
thereabouts  j  and  the  experiment,  so  far  as  he 

428  A    SMART    GALE.  [CHAP.VI. 

could  judge  from  the  disappearance  of  the 
material  used,  was  attended  with  tolerable  suc- 
cess. At  midnight  there  was  almost  a  calm,  and 
the  whole  body  of  ice  began  to  set  fast  to  the 
south.  However,  on  the  4th,  the  breeze  revisited 
us,  and  with  more  or  less  obstruction  we  went 
on  under  the  same  sail.  The  ice  now  lay  more 
in  streams  than  formerly  ;  and  between  these 
there  was  so  much  water,  as  to  induce  the  ice- 
mate  to  suppose  we  had  got  to  the  edge  of  the 
pack.  That  this  was  not  the  fact  was  subse- 
quently proved  by  our  being  again  slightly 
hampered  at  noon,  when  by  the  latitude  of 
67°  47'  N.,  it  was  evident  that  notwithstanding 
the  northern  course  which  had  been  steered, 
we  had  still  crept  to  the  southward.  At  4h  p.  m. 
Green  Island  was  clearly  visible  from  S.E.  to 
E.S.E.,  considerably  to  the  south  of  us,  although 
bearing  north  by  the  charts;  a  circumstance 
easily  accounted  for,  as  it  had  only  been  seen  by 
the  dead  reckoning  of  one  of  our  predecessors, 
and  marked  down  accordingly.  Its  true  position; 
is  in  latitude  60°  30'  north,  and  longitude 
67°  26'  20"  west. 

As  the  sun  declined,  the  weather  cleared  and 
brought  on  a  fresh  breeze  that  shortly  increased 
to  a  smart  gale ;  and  the  ice  being  closer  and 
heavier  than  in  the  early  part  of  the  day,  it  became 
requisite  to  shorten  sail  and  close-reef  the  top- 


sails,  to  lessen  the  violence  of  the  shocks 
unavoidably  received.  Some  of  these,  indeed, 
were  sufficiently  alarming  to  cause  anxiety  for 
the  safety  of  the  rudder  ;  for,  as  we  were  in  what 
is  called  a  loose  pack,  with  no  piece  large 
enough  to  make  the  ship  fast  to,  she  drifted 
against  them  broadside  on,  and,  drawing  her 
length  along  with  much  pressure  under  the 
quarter,  threw  a  powerful  strain  on  the  stern- 

On  August  5th,  about  c2h  a.  m.,  a  splendid 
comet-like  meteor  appeared  in  the  south-east, 
which  darting  from  somewhere  near  the  zenith  in 
a  brilliant  prismatic  blaze,  and,  taking  a  direction 
towards  the  horizon,  burst  about  fifteen  degrees 
above  it,  and  after  scattering  rays  of  beautiful 
sparks,  vanished  altogether.  Towards  morning 
a  ground  swell  was  felt,  and  the  ice  becoming 
much  slacker,  and  the  wind  lighter,  ■  (though 
still  fresh),  wre  made  some  way  to  the  north, 
having  passed  two  large  bergs,  which  the  night 
before  were  barely  in  sight.  Green  Island,  too, 
was  distant  and  much  refracted.  We  now,  for 
the  first  time  since  leaving  Charles  Island,  got 
into  a  space  of  eight  or  ten  miles  of  open  water, 
and  setting  the  main  sail  we  beat  to  windward  to 
round  a  point  of  ice,  which,  howrever,  was  not 
effected  by  noon.  The  latitude  was  found  to  be 
60°  54',    and  there  seemed  a  reasonable  proba- 


bility  of  getting  still  more  to  the  north,  which  I 
considered  the  only  certain  way  of  avoiding  the 
southerly  set,  and  accomplishing  a  speedy  pass- 
age out  of  the  Strait.  Easterly  winds  must  have 
been  unusually  prevalent  hereabouts,  since  a 
large  proportion  of  the  heavy  ice,  recently 
encountered,  was  decidedly  the  produce  of  the 
deep  bays  and  inlets  in  the  neighbourhood  of 
Davis's  Strait,  as  was  evident  from  their 
weather-beaten  form,  and  the  difference  of  colour, 
which  was  of  a  purer  white  and  deeper  blue 
than  what  we  had  been  accustomed  to.  In  addi- 
tion to  these,  there  were  the  bergs  spreading  at 
every  point,  but  which,  with  a  northerly  or  west- 
erly wind,  would,  long  before  this  time,  have  been 
far  on  their  journey  towards  the  banks  of  New- 
foundland or  the  Gulf  Stream.  After  three  or 
four  tacks  we  reached  open  water  at  6h  p.  m.,  at 
which  time  Green  Island  was  but  just  in  sight, 
and  the  north  shore,  with  Button's  isles  on 
the  other  side,  soon  came  into  view.  The 
wind  having  abated,  all  sail  was  crowded  on 
the  ship,  and  at  8h  r.  m.,  there  were  but  three 
or  four  bergs  and  some  straggling  streams  of  ice 
to  be  seen,  while  a  peculiar  gloom  of  a  leaden 
grey  tinge,  the  effect  of  a  dark  sky  on  open 
water,  seemed,  to  eyes  inured  to  a  twelvemonth's 
glare  of  Polar  ice,  unusually  dull  and  heavy. 
But  it   had  not  power  to   damp  the    joy  that 


beamed  on  every  countenance,  at  the  long 
wished  for  liberation  that  now  quickly  broke 
upon  us.  Our  invalids  became  animated;  and, 
even  the  few  who  were  seriously  affected,  and 
had  long  worn  the  sallow  livery  of  disease, 
raised  their  feeble  frames  from  their  beds,  and, 
with  a  smile,  once  more  thought  of  home. 
Snow  appeared  to  be  still  lingering  on  the  high 
land  from  Terra  Nieva  to  the  East  Bluff,  the 
denuded  parts  of  which  were  strangely  striated 
by  the  refracted  ice  clinging  close  along  the 
sinuosities  of  the  coast.  One  of  the  lower 
savage  islands,  alone,  was  seen  dark  and  solitary 
in  the  opening ;  and  beyond  it,  in  colour  not 
much  deeper  than  the  sky,  was  the  bulky  form 
of  Resolution,  the  Calpe  of  the  Strait. 

With  more  or  less  obstruction  from  adverse 
tide  or  current,  we  pursued  our  joyous  course, 
until  on  August  6th  calm  and  rain  for  a  while 
checked  it;  soon,  however,  a  light  air  again 
sprang  up,  and  at  noon  we  were  hastening  on- 
wards. We  now  hauled  up  more  for  the  land, 
in  order  to  clear  the  extreme  point  of  some 
stream  ice,  but  were  puzzled  at  seeing  only 
four  hills  to  the  north,  instead  of  Resolution 
Island ;  the  latter,  however,  was  at  length 
discovered  in  the  shape  of  a  narrow  horizontal 
line  far  up  in  the  clouds,  on  the  dispersion  of 
which  we  found  ourselves  nearly  opposite  to 
Hatton's    headland.     Every  sail   that  could  be 

3-12  EXTRA    MEAL    ALLOWED.       [cHAP.VI. 

"set  was  spread  to  the  breeze  ;  though,  scarcely 
had  we  fairly  launched  into  the  wide  opening 
of  Davis's  Strait,  than  we  were  compelled  to 
put  the  ship  under  snug  canvass.  In  the  midst 
of  one  of  the  squalls  the  look-out  man  called 
out  "  ice  ahead  ;"  and  before  there  was  time 
to  perform  any  evolution,  we  were  right  among 
it:  luckily,  it  was  only  the  straggling  edge  of 
a  loose  stream,  which  was  passed  without  in- 
jury, though  it  required  the  utmost  vigilance 
to  steer  clear  of  the  numerous  bergs  seen 
dimly  through  the  haze  of  a  starless  night. 

Early  on  August  7th  Resolution  Island  was 
just  in  sight,  astern  ;  and,  under  the  influence 
of  a  most  promising  westerly  breeze,  sail  was 
again  crowded,  while  active  measures  were 
adopted  to  hoist  inboard  and  firmly  secure 
our  boats,  anchors,  &c,  for  the  voyage  across. 
One  circumstance  alone  gave  cause  for  uneasi- 
ness, and  this  was  the  working  of  the  injured  parts 
of  the  stern-posts  and  keel  by  which  more  water 
necessarily  found  admission.  A  strong  shore  was 
immediately  fixed  to  counteract  it,  which  in 
some  respects  answered  well ;  though  it  was 
not  altogether  effective,  since  the  pumps  were 
constantly  required  to  keep  the  ship  free.  The 
arduous  duty  thus  imposed  on  a  weakened 
crew,  together  with  other  considerations,  induced 
the  surgeon  to  recommend  an  additional  meal 
of  preserved  meat  in  the  week,  with  more  an- 


tiscorbutics.  It  had  been  observed,  indeed,  that 
the  apprehension  of  sickness  had  induced  most 
of  the  men  to  go  without  food,  except  such 
as  they  could  save  up  of  fresh  provision, 
rather  than  take  their  regular  allowance  of  salt 
meat.  We  now  went  cheerily  along  between 
ice  bergs  of  an  extent  and  altitude  such  as  I 
had  never  before  witnessed,  until,  leaving  them 
far  behind,  the  temperature  of  the  sea-water 
gradually  increased  from  36°  to  41°  +  ,  and  indi- 
cated our  entrance  into  a  warmer  climate. 

August  9th.  The  shattered  condition  of  the 
after  part  of  the  ship  forced  itself  hourly  more 
on  our  notice,  and,  though  yet  unexposed  to  any 
thing  beyond  a  moderate  sea,  the  rickety  state  of 
the  stern-post  and  other  parts,  such  as  the  dead- 
wood,  heel-hook,  and  heel-knee,  as  well  as  the 
increased  leakage  between  the  lining,  rendered 
immediate  attention  necessary,  before  the  arrival 
of  a  gale  should  put  us  to  too  severe  a  test.  Con- 
sequently the  heel  chains  were  again  set  up,  and 
being  brought  over  each  quarter  were  hove  tight 
by  the  capstan ;  and  in  order  to  prevent  the 
scarphing  of  the  doubling  on  the  keel  from  break- 
ing adrift,  as  was  apprehended  by  the  carpenter, 
as  well  as  to  secure  the  doubling  itself,  a  length 
of  the  stream-chain  cable  was  passed  under  the 
bottom  of  the  ship,  four  feet  before  the  mizen 
mast,  hove  tight  by  the  capstan,  and  finally  im- 

F    F 


moveably  fastened  to  six  ring-bolts  on  the  quarter 
deck.  The  effect  was  at  once  manifested,  by  a 
great  diminution  in  the  working  of  the  parts 
already  mentioned,  and  in  a  less  agreeable  way, 
by  impeding  our  rate  of  sailing  ;  a  trifling  con- 
sideration, however,  when  compared  with  the 
benefit  received.  Another  man  was  added  to  the 
sick  list,  a  second  showed  symptoms  of  scurvy, 
and  the  same  evening  Mr.  Webster,  the  gunner, 
was  similarly  affected.  Nothing  could  be  more 
favourable  than  the  wind  and  weather  had  hitherto 
been  since  quitting  Hudson's  Strait,  but  though 
many  additional  bolts  and  supports  had  been 
placed  abaft,  yet  the  working  of  the  ship,  as  she 
was  thrown  about  by  the  sea  or  swell,  began 
sensibly  to  loosen  the  bolt-heads  in  the  heel-hook, 
while  the  lining  was  much  swollen.  The  only 
immediate  remedy  for  these  unavoidable  evils, 
was  the  substituting  more  shores  to  counteract  the 
effect,  and  give  what  strength  we  could. 

August  1 1th.  The  stay  bolts  in  the  tiller  broke, 
owing  to  a  rather  heavy  swell  from  the  south- 
west acting  against  a  northerly  breeze,  which 
rolled  us  about  a  great  deal.  From  that  time 
we  went  on  slowly,  without  material  change,  until 
the  15th,  when,  having  rounded  the  broad  point 
of  Cape  Farewell,  we  were  all  at  once  exposed  to 
a  swell  from  the  north  east,  which,  though  the 
breeze  entirely  died  away,   increased  to  such  a 

CHAP.  VI.  J    INCREASE  OF  LEAKAGE.         435 

degree  as  to  resemble  the  sea  off  the  Cape  of 
Good  Hope  more  than  anything  else.  The  con- 
sequences to  us  were  serious  indeed,  for,  from  the 
unavoidable  pitching,  rolling,  and  straining  of 
the  ship,  the  entire  stern  frame  became  more 
and  more  loosened.  The  fastenings  and  bolts  were 
rickety  and  twisted  :  this  naturally  slackened  the 
preventer  lashings,  till  that  time  of  great  utility, 
and  an  additional  quantity  of  water,  now  forcibly 
rushing  in  from  a  variety  of  places,  warned  us 
how  little  we  had  to  depend  upon  for  safety,  ex- 
cept the  providential  care  which  had  hitherto  been 
our  stay  and  comfort.  We  did  not  however  neglect 
to  put  four  extra  screw  eye-bolts  on  each  side  of 
the  heel-knee,  through  which  ten  turns  of  two- 
inch  rope  were  passed  for  a  lashing,  that  in  some 
measure  relieved  the  immense  strain  previously 
sustained  by  the  others.  Nevertheless  the  leaks 
did  not  abate,  and  owing  to  the  quantity  of  coals 
stowed  in  bulk  below,  and  the  manner  in  which 
we  had  been  thrown  about,  the  limber  holes  had 
got  choked,  so  that  on  inspection  not  less  than 
fourteen  inches  of  water  were  found  over  the 
casing  of  the  water-courses.  This  obliged  us  to 
cut  a  hole  through  the  bulkhead  on  the  star- 
board side,  to  allow  of  its  egress  to  the  pump 
well,  and  when  it  was  done,  the  service  of  the 
whole  crew,  properly  divided  into  parties,  was 
required  for  upwards  of  three  hours  and  twenty 

f  f  2 

436  CRAZY  STATE  OF  THE  SHIP.        [CHAP.  VI. 

minutes,  out  of  the  four  hours  of  each  watch,  to 
keep  the  ship  free.  In  fact  she  was  becoming 
daily  more  sodden  and  heavy,  as  was  proved  by 
her  diminished  rate  of  sailing,  which  now,  under 
every  advantage  of  wind  and  sea,  never  exceeded 
five  knots  an  hour.  Generally,  however,  she 
averaged  from  two  to  three,  and  in  moderate 
weather  with  any  swell  still  less. 

August  18th.  The  keel  chain  having  been 
slackened,  owing  probably  to  the  working  of  the 
damaged  part,  was  again  hove  tight  with  the  cap- 
stan. The  effect  of  this  was  soon  shown,  for  the 
shores  and  fastenings  below,  where  the  carpenter 
of  the  watch  was  stationed,  were  observed  by  him 
to  be  set  firm,  thus  proving  beyond  all  doubt  the 
loosened  state  of  the  under  portion  of  the  ship. 
Thus  patched  up,  while  favoured  with  moderate 
weather,  we  made  reasonable  progress  ;  but  dur- 
ing any  abatement  of  the  breeze,  the  rolling  and 
plunging  of  the  ship  excited  much  anxiety,  for 
the  leaks  still  gained,  and  the  altered  appearance 
of  the  crew  plainly  evinced  the  change  that  was 
taking  place,  from  their  incessant  labour.  Nor 
could  it  be  concealed  that  the  quantity  of  water 
always  rushing  backward  and  forward  below,  was 
beginning  to  affect  the  equilibrium  of  the  ship, 
which  now  visibly  heeled  over  to  starboard.  The 
favourable  conjunction  of  circumstances  which 
had   carried  us  thus  far  without  any  squall  or 


tempest,  encouraged  many  in  the  hope  that  we 
might  be  altogether  exempted  from  such  un- 
welcome visitations. 

On  August  the  28th,  however,  the  clouds 
grew  dark  and  gloomy,  whilst  misty  scud  drove 
rapidly  before  the  coming  gale,  and  the  heavy 
roll  of  the  sea  threw  us  about  in  every  direction. 
The  bulkheads  being  considerably  loosened, 
worked  so  much,  that  it  became  necessary  to 
introduce  numerous  wedges.  These  for  a  time 
answered  the  purpose  of  keeping  them  firm, 
especially  when  by  carrying  a  press  of  sail  the 
ship  could  be  kept  well  over  on  one  side ;  but 
on  examining  below,  it  was  found  that  the  bolts 
and  tree-nails  in  the  after-part  of  the  sail-room 
were  started,  which  in  consequence  was  so  much 
weakened,  as  to  allow  the  rushing  in  of  a  stream 
of  water  between  the  lining.  This  again  de- 
manded immediate  attention,  and  though  the 
ingenuity  of  our  able  carpenter  enabled  him  to 
check  its  progress  in  that  particular  place,  it  soon 
forced  its  way  to  another. 

August  31st.  The  continuance  of  the  gale 
augmented  our  difficulties,  for  a  fresh  leak  was 
discovered  on  the  larboard  side  of  the  heel-knee, 
and  a  considerable  quantity  of  water  found  its 
way  into  the  magazine  and  injured  the  powder. 
The  bread-room,  too,  was  partially  flooded,  and 
the  entire  stern-frame  worked  with  every  roll, 



to  such  an  extent,  that  it  seemed  almost  impos- 
sible to  keep  the  ship  from  filling.  The  heel 
chains  being  found  slack,  were  again  about  to  be 
set  up,  when  it  was  ascertained  that  the  screw 
ring-bolt  fixed  in  the  outer  dead-wood  on  the 
larboard  side  had  been  carried  away,  so  that  the 
loosening;  of  the  chain  was  not  to  be  wondered 
at.  It  was,  therefore,  hauled  up,  while  the 
remaining  one,  on  which  alone  we  had  now  to 
depend,  was  set  as  tight  as  possible.  Still  the 
water  rushed  violently  in  below,  more  especially 
about  the  stern-post  and  heel-hook  ;  and  oozing 
through  different  parts  higher  up,  fell  like  a 
cascade  into  the  bread-room  and  '  run.'  Two 
more  screw  ring-bolts  were  now  driven  into  each 
side  of  the  heel-knee,  which  was  secured  by  a 
lashing  of  eighteen  turns  of  two-and-a-half  inch 
rope,  while,  apprehensive  that  further  injury  had 
been  sustained  about  the  keel,  another  length  of 
chain  was  passed  under  the  bottom,  and  set  well 
tight  to  a  part  of  itself  across  the  after-part  of  the 
quarter  deck.  The  ship  was  becoming  exces- 
sively uneasy  ;  for  the  unabated  fury  of  the  gale, 
strengthened  by  squalls,  raised  a  long  breaking 
sea,  in  which  she  plunged  so  heavily,  that  it  was 
often  unusually  long  before  she  recovered  her- 
self. It  was  evident  she  was  hourly  getting 
more  water-logged,  and  the  straining  and  creak- 
ing of  her  whole   frame,   the  working    of  the 

CHAP.  VI.]  SHIP    SINKING.  439 

bulkheads,  which  actually  raised  the  officers' 
bed-places,  the  rickety  twisting  occasioned  by 
the  fore  and  aft  motion,  and  the  prolonged  dull 
roll  to  windward,  to  say  nothing  of  the  cascade- 
like rushing  of  the  water  within,  —  all  theseVere 
certain  indications  of  a  consummation  which  no 
exertions  of  ours  would  probably  be  sufficiently 
long  to  defer.  Whilst  thus  seriously  anxious, 
I  was  acquainted,  shortly  after  midnight,  by 
Lieutenant  Smyth,  that  the  crew  were  no  longer 
equal  to  the  task  of  keeping  the  leaks  under, 
and  that,  consequently,  we  were  sinking.  Such, 
indeed,  was  for  the  moment  the  fact ;  but  the 
fine  fellows,  though  dreadfully  exhausted,  again 
rallied,  and  cheered  and  aided  by  the  officers, 
worked  with  renewed  vigour,  until  once  more 
they  accomplished,  and  thenceforth  maintained 
their  object. 

Up  to  this  moment  I  had  intended  to  proceed 
to  Stromness,  but  it  now  became  absolutely 
necessary  to  make  for  the  nearest  land,  and  as 
Lough  Swilly,  on  the  Irish  coast,  offered  the 
easiest  access,  that  harbour  was  at  once  selected. 
However,  on  putting  the  ship  before  the  gale, 
she  was  so  difficult  to  steer  as  to  compel  us  to 
take  in  all  the  sail  off  the  main-mast,  and  to  de- 
pend on  a  treble-reefed  fore-top-sail,  fore-sail,  &c. : 
even  then  she  was  so  wild  as  to  be  scarcely  ma- 
nageable.    The  crew  were  now  so  harassed  with 

f  f  4 

440  A    SAIL    DESCRIED.  [cHAP.VI. 

unremitted  work  at  the  pumps,  which  could  not 
be  left  for  a  moment,  that  they  were  fast  wear- 
ing out.     To  aggravate  our  disasters,  the  ship, 
too,  laboured  so  as  to  make  it  impossible  to  light 
a   fire,   and  thus   deprived   us  of  the   nourish- 
ment  essential   for   the  restoration  of  our  ex- 
hausted energies.     This,   however,  was  in  some 
measure  compensated  by  a  liberal  allowance  of 
preserved   meats,  which,    on  this,  as  on  many 
other  occasions,  we  had  found  extremely  useful. 
The  weather  continued  very  boisterous,  and 
so  thick  that  Rockall,  though  within  ten  miles 
of  us,  was  not  seen.     A  heavy  sea  now  struck 
the  after-part  of  the  ship,  and,  to  complete  our 
misfortunes,  sprung  the  main  piece  of  the  rudder 
on  the  larboard  side,    not  far   from   the  deck. 
Happily  we  were  enabled  to  get  at  it,  and  by 
passing  seventeen   turns   of  strong   whale   line 
round  the  injured  part,  we  contrived  to  secure 
it.     Still,  as  successive  seas  came  rolling  thickly 
upon  us,  we  watched  with  intense  solicitude  the 
result,  well  knowing  that  if  it  gave  way  again 
the  safety  of  the  ship  was  hopeless,  even  if  life 
itself  could  be  preserved. 

On  we  struggled,  crazy  and  waterlogged,  but 
the  gale  abated;  and  on  Sept.  3d,  crowding 
every  stitch  of  canvass,  we  descried  a  sail  in  the 
distance,  the  first  we  had  yet  seen.  Under 
ordinary  circumstances  a  signal  would  have  been 


made  to  attract  her  attention,  bat  time  was  too 
precious  with  us  now  that  we  were  pressing  for- 
ward for  our  lives  ;  and  about  two  o'clock  in  the 
afternoon,  within  half  an  hour  of  our  calculation, 
the  joyful  sound  of  land  was  announced  from  the 
look-out  man  at  the  mast  head.  It  was  late 
when  we  closed  it,  and  being  anxious  to  obtain  a 
pilot,  rockets,  blue  lights,  and  guns  were  fired 
for  that  purpose,  but  no  one  came ;  wherefore, 
trusting  to  the  soundings,  we  glided  silently  past 
the  lights  of  the  fishermen's  cottage,  and  near 
midnight  anchored  safely  in  Lough  Swilly. 

Fifteen  long  months  had  elapsed  since  that 
pleasing  sound  of  a  falling  anchor  had  greeted 
us ,  and  when  we  reflected  on  what  had  passed 
in  that  interval,  and,  above  all,  on  the  difference 
which  a  few  hours  had  made  in  our  prospects, 
we  could  not  but  feel  devoutly  grateful  to  Pro- 
vidence for  the  mercy  which  had  been  vouch- 
safed us.  It  was  impossible  immediately  to 
compose  our  feelings  into  tranquillity,  and  the 
remainder  of  the  night  was  passed  in  a  state  of 
feverish  excitement.  When  morning  came, 
with  what  indescribable  delight  did  we  inhale 
the  fragrance  and  contemplate  the  beauty  of 
the  land.  Imagination  could  scarcely  picture  a 
scene  so  enchanting  as  to  our  weary  and  frost- 
dazzled  sight  appeared  that  soft  and  lovely  land- 
scape, with  its  fresh  green  tints  and  beautiful 


variety  of  hill  and  dale.  It  was  an  enjoyment 
to  be  felt  but  once  in  a  life,  and  how  much  was 
that  enjoyment  enhanced  when  the  wind  sud- 
denly changed  and  blew  a  gale  off  shore,  which 
but  a  few  hours  earlier  must  have  driven  us  back 
to  sea,  and,  in  all  probability,  terminated  our 
labours  in  a  different  wav. 

Harassed  and  worn  out  by  extreme  toil,  the 
crew  were  no  longer  able  to  work  as  formerly, 
and  though  ably  assisted  by  the  officers  and 
men  of  Her  Majesty's  service  stationed  along 
the  coast,  and  especially  by  Lieutenant  Murray, 
and  the  officers  and  crew  of  the  Wickham, 
yet  the  Terror  was  gradually  sinking  by  the 
head,  when  finding  that  their  united  efforts 
were  unequal  to  keep  her  afloat,  it  was  deter- 
mined as  the  last  resource  to  run  her  ashore  on 
a  small  sandy  beach  selected  for  the  purpose. 
It  was  found  at  low  water  that  upwards  of 
twenty  feet  of  the  keel,  together  with  ten  feet 
of  the  stern-post,  were  driven  over  more  than 
three  feet  and  a  half  on  one  side,  leaving  a 
frightful  opening  astern  for  the  free  ingress  of 
the  water.  The  forefoot  too  was  entirely  gone, 
besides  numerousbolts  either  loosened  or  broken ; 
and  when,  besides  this,  the  strained  and  twisted 
state  of  the  ship's  frame  was  considered,  there  was 
not  one  on  board  who  did  not  express  astonish- 
ment that  we  had  ever  floated  across  the  Atlantic. 


Her  Majesty's  Government  being  informed  of 
our  situation  and  of  the  sickness  that  had  pre- 
vailed, under  the  effects  of  which  seven  were  still 
suffering,  immediately  sent  a  vessel  round  for 
the  conveyance  of  the  invalids  to  Devonport. 
They  had  in  the  meantime  been  committed  to 
the  care  of  Dr.  Evans,  at  Burn cranah,  from  whose 
judicious  treatment  the  greatest  benefits  were 

A  party  of  shipwrights  from  Chatham  was 
also  sent  under  the  direction  of  Mr.  Rice,  in  the 
Columbia  Steamer,  which  was  eventually  laden 
with  a  part  of  our  stores,  and  whose  commander, 
a  Mr.  Thompson,  lost  no  opportunity  of  render- 
ing every  aid  in  his  power.  The  zealous  atten- 
tion of  Mr.  Rice  and  the  indefatigable  exertions 
of  his  party  are  best  attested  by  the  fact  that  the 
work  was  completed  about  the  18th  of  October, 
when  the  Terror  was  hauled  off  to  the  anchorage 
and  again  prepared  for  sea.  Nor  must  I  here  omit 
to  mention  the  hospitality  displayed  by  many 
estimable  families  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Lough 
Swilly.  To  their  attentions,  indeed,  may  be 
attributed  the  speedy  restoration  to  health  of 
many  of  the  officers,  who,  equally  with  my- 
self, will  ever  retain  a  lively  recollection  of 
their  kindness. 

When  all  was  ready,  occasionally  assisted  by 
the  Columbia,  we  made  sail  along  the  coast,  and 

444>  ARRIVAL  AT  CHATHAM.       [CHAP.VI. 

with  only  one  detention  at  Lock  Ryan,  arrived 
first  at  Devonport  and  subsequently  at  Chatham, 
where  the  Terror  was  put  out  of  commission 
and  taken  into  dock. 



--->  "   >  A 

4t   5 



Cat/-  • 




The  few  birds  and  animals  obtained  during  the 
expedition  are  so  familiar  to  the  readers  of  Arctic 
zoology  as  to  render  any  notice  of  them  altogether 
unnecessary ;  it  may  be  mentioned,  however,  that  a 
very  small  halibut  (the  only  fish  seen)  was  found  in  the 
beak  of  the  Lestris  Pomarinus. 

The  Temperature  was  taken  hourly  by  the  different 
officers,  and  carefully  arranged  by  Lieut.  Smyth,  but 
the  Monthly  Means  alone  are  inserted  here. 

The  Latitudes,  Longitudes,  Variation,  and  Dip  are 
selected  from  the  Observations  of  Lieut.  O.  Stanley. 

G  G 





























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A  Table  of  the  Latitudes,  Longitudes,  and  Variation. 
















O    '    " 

O        1          II 

O    ' 


O    I         " 

o    '   " 

o    ' 

June  24 

59  57  00 

4  41  00 


Aug.  9 

63  30  00 

72  48  dr 


59  58  00 

7  11  00 


63  36  dr 

73  40  dr 


59  19  00 

8  47  00 

23  50 


63  33  00 

73  45  00 


59  19  00 

11  46  00 

24  50 


63  24  38 

73  53  00 

62  15 


59  43  00 

13  28  00 


63  26  00 

74  29  30 


60  52  00 

14  31  00 


64  10  dr 

76  22  dr 


60  45  00 

13  55   00 

37  42 


64  06  00 
64  23  00 

77  19  00 
77  45  00 

57  37 
56     3 

July  1 

59  55   dr 

17  46  dr 

41  00 


64  42  00 

80  05  00 


59  56   00 

20  19  00 


64  57  00 

81  00  00 


60  11  DR 

22  20  00 

43  17 


65     8  00 

81  15  00 


59  59  00 

24  51  00 

45  00 


65   28  00 

81  15  00 


60  20  00 

27  22  dr 


65   42  00 

82  00  00 

49  52 


61  08  dr 

27  45  dr 


65   47  00 

82  12  30 

61  11 


60  11  DR 

27  24  dr 


65   45  00 

82  12  00 

61  33 


59  50  dr 

29  19  dr 


65   49  00 

82  06  00 


60  22  dr 

30  23  dr 


59  20  00 

31  41  00 

44  42 

Sept.  1 

65   42  00 

82  02  00 


58  10  00 

32  57  00 

45  00 


65   26  00 

82  21  15 


58  4  00 

34  41  00 


65   12  55 

82  05  30 


57  06  00 

34  01  00 


65     5   00 

82  10  00 


56  51   00 

35  07  dr 


65     6  15 

82  43  dr 


57  54  00 

35  00  dr 

41  00 


65     7  30 

82  41  15 


58  19  00 

33  42  00 


65     5   00 

82  38  00 


57  39  00 

33  39  00 


65   12  30 

83  10  30 


57  14  00 

35  07  00 


65   14  25 

83  17  00 


56   50  dr 

36  30  dr 


65  18  00 

83  40  30 


57  13  dr 

40  10  DR 


57  26  dr 

43  29  dr 

Oct.  5 

65   15  00 

83  37  15 


57  31  00 

44  17  dr 


65   15  00 

83  44  07 


58  03  dr 

46  33  dr 


57  53  dr 

48  48  dr 

Nov.  7 

65   12  50 

83  32  00 


57  23  dr 

53  28  dr 


65   10  12 

83  9  0 


58  29  00 

55  56   dr 


65   14  30 

83  20  0 


60  02  00 

58  22  dr 


60  15  dr 

61  00  DR 

Station  I. 

65   12  24 

83  39  50 

57  57 


60  17  00 

61  57  00 

49  00 


60  22  00 

62  42  00 

52  37 

'  Jan.  4 

64  52  10 

82  23  00 

Aug.  1 

60  43  27 

63  35  30 


64  49  30 

82  13  00 


61  15  DR 

65   19  dr 


61  39  00 

67  70  00 


64  44  38 

82  07  09 


62  4  00 

68  12  30 

54  00 


62  30  16 

69  33  00 

|  Jan.  31 

64  46  15 

82  06  10 


62  39  00 

70  54  00 


63  22  00 

72  23  00 

58  45 

,  Feb.  1 

|  64  45  50 

82  5  45 

G  G    2 



A  Table  of  the  Latitudes,  Longitudes 

,  &c. — contin 

















O         1         II 

O          1            II 

o   / 


0          1        II 

O          1          II 

0    ' 

Feb.  4 

64  57  15 

81  49  0 

May  7 

63  28  16 

78  47  00 


64  49  31 

81  48  00 


63  19  25 

78  39  45 


64  58  36 

81  38  45 


63  14  32 

78  41  15 


64  32  5 

81  33  30 

53  3 


63  11  48 

77  37  00 


64  28  50 

81  31  00 

51  07 


62  58  41 

77  44  15 


64  26  18 

81  28  30 


62  59  54 

77  39  50 


64  21  07 

81  25  15 


62  59  07 

77  31  55 


64  18  58 

81  24  00 


62  58  31 

77  24  47 


64  16  0 

81  21  0 


63  01  00 

77  52  25 


64  19  34 

81  23  00 


63     3  47 

77  10  01 


64  17  50 

81  18  45 


63  2  13 

76  41  53 


64  16  47 

81  15  00 


63  6  59 

76  19  35 


64  15  17 

81  13  00 


63  9  39 

76  23  00 

53  00 


64  14  50 
64  12  00 

81  15  00 
81  11  30 

June  4 


63  13  44 
63  12  40 

75  49  00 
75  35  00 

Mar.  7 

64  13  15 

81  10  00 


63  10  56 

75  9  15 


64  11  58 

81  07  30 


62  51  59 

74  43  45 


64  10  00 

81  03  00 


63  00  40 

75  1  15 


64  10  07 

80  59   00 


63  5  15 

75  5  45 


64  08  26 

80  56   00 


62  57  36 

74  49  30 


64  01   03 

80  46   00 


62  49  38 

74  45  45 


64  3  3 

80  38 


62  55     5 

74  6  15 


64  I  33 

80  41  00 


62  52  55 

73  58  15 

56   12 


64  5  57 

80  38  00 

54  00 


62  47  27 

73  55   30 


64  10  00 

80  40  00 

54  00 


63  10  30 

74  15  45 


64  6  00 

80  44  00 


63   12  00 

74  21  30 

April  5 

63  59  00 

80  33  00 

July  3 

63   16  18 

74  47  30 


63   57  00 

80  28  00 


63  20  00 

75  20  30 


63  51  23 

80  17  00 

49  03 


63  16  10 

75  27  30 


63  49  12 

80  15  00 


63  14  17 

75  25  30 


63  48  45 

80  14  00 


63      2  15 

74  35  45 


63  53  22 

80  11  00 


62  50  35 

72  29  00 


64  4  45 

SO  22  00 



73  07  00 


64  5  38 

80  14  00 


62  26  47 

73  10  30 


63  55   00 

80  13  00 


61  44  9 

71  00  30 


63  52  28 

80  7  87 


61  35  17 

71  12  15 


63  51  30 

79  49  0 


61  36  9 

70  48  00 


63  58  00 

79  00  00 


61  19  41 

69  21  30 


63  54  00 

78  44  00 


61  10  16 

69  21  15 

May  1 

63  48  44 
63  40  51 

78  45  00 
78  35  15 


60  58  L'O 
60  58  00 

69  31  45 
69  10  45 


63   43  56 

78  42  15 

Aug.  1 

61  00  00 

69  3  15 


63  43  56 

78  42  30 


60  51  30 

67  36  00- 


63  39  37 

78  48  45 


60  55   00 

66   48  00 


63  36  47 

78  47  00 


61  17  00 

65   54  00 










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Observations  with  Fox's  Dipping  Needle. 


o  / 

June  7th,  1836,  in  Chatham  dock-yard  -         -     68  58 
June  9th         -         Ditto  -  -  -     68  58 


89  55 

August  10th,  on  the  ice  in  Hudson's  Strait, 
lat.  63°  33'  N.,  long.  73°  45'  W.     - 

October  31st,  in  a  snow  hut  in  Frozen  Strait,  1  ft_  A() 

lat.  65°  45'  N.,  long.  83°  48'  W.    -          -J  0/  4U 

November  16th,  in  a  snow  hut  off  Cape  Com- 1  fi7  u 
fort,  lat.  65°  10'  N.  long.  83°  06'  W.        -  J 

January  6th,  1837,  in  a  snow  hut  off  Cape!  ft7  07 

Fisher,  lat.  64°  50  N.,  long.  82°  18' W.    -J  0/  U/ 

February  9th,  in  a  snow  hut  off  Cape  Fisher,  "|  ft_  ftr 

(Ther.l50),lat.64029'N.,long.81°31'W.J  e/  Uo 

March  24th,    on    the  ice  off  Terror  Point,  "I  ft_  ftq 

lat.  64°  10'  N.,  long.  80°  40'  W.     -          ~  J  s/  UcJ 

London : 

Printed  by  A.  Spottiswoode, 
New- Street- Square. 




