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Full text of "A natural arrangement of British plants, according to their relations to each other, as pointed out by Jussieu, De Candolle, Brown, &c., including those cultivated for use, with an introduction to botany, in which the terms newly introduced are explained, illustrated by figures"

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Lecturer  on  Botany,  the  Materia  Medica,  and  Pharmaceutic  Chemistry, 

VOL.  I. 





(t  — _ — __ — "Wag  every  faultering  tongue  of  man, 
Almighty  Father,  silent  in  thy  praise, 

Thy  works  themselves  would  raise  a general  voice, 

Ev’n  in  the  depths  of  solitary  woods. 

By  human  foot  untrod;  proclaim  thy  power, 

And  to  the  choir  celestial  Thee  resound, 

Th’  eternal  Cause,  Support,  and  End  of  all.” 

Thomson, —Shimmer. 

Baldwin,  Printer, 
Mew  Bridge-street,  London. 

<?7  m 

IS?  2,1 

V.  I 









“ Consider  the  lilies  of  the  field,  how  they  grow  5 
4hey  toil  not,  neither  do  they  spin : and  yet  I say  unto 
you,  that  even  Solomon,  in  all  his  glory,  was  not  arrayed 
like  one  of  these.” 

Jesus  in  Matthew. 


A VARIETY  of  methods  have  been  adopted  by  authors 
for  the  arrangement  of  plants,  in  order  that  the  knowledge 
mankind  possesses  of  them  may  be  more  readily  communi- 
cated to  students  in  botany.  The  ancient  authors  consi- 
dered only  the  uses  of  plants,  and  arranged  them  accord- 
ingly into  timber  or  fruit  trees,  corn,  pulse,  culinary  and 
medicinal  plants,  those  used  for  dyeing,  for  garlands,  for 
spinning  or  other  mechanical  purposes,  and  the  like;  while, 
as  a kind  of  supplementary  knowledge,  those  whose  pro- 
perties rendered  them  deleterious  to  man  himself  or  to  the 
animals  bred  or  domesticated  by  him  were  considered  under 
the  title  of  poisons;  and  those  which  impeded  the  growth 
of  the  plants  cultivated  by  him  were  arranged  under  the 
general  name  of  weeds ; while  the  great  mass  of  vegetables, 
to  which  neither  usefulness  nor  harm  could  be  attributed, 
were  slighted,  and  indeed  entirely  neglected,  unless  any  of 
them  presented  a phenomenon  that  struck  forcibly  on  the 
attention,  as  the  apparently  sensitive  property  of  the  mimosa, 
or  the  water-dropping  faculty  of  the  nepenthes  distillatoria. 
Succeeding  authors  have  been  more  philosophically  inclined, 
and  have  wished  to  bestow  an  equal  degree  of  attention 
upon  all  the  productions  of  the  Almighty  Creator,  to  the 
end  that  those  now  esteemed  as  useless  may  be  pointed  out 
for  future  investigation.  The  botanists  of  this  school  have 
given  us  general  or  local  catalogues  of  plants,  arranged 
either  in  the  alphabetic  order  of  their  names,  or  according 
to  the  periodical  time  of  their  flowering,  or  partly  from  the 
whole  period  of  their  growth  in  the  open  air  and  partly 
from  the  contrivances  they  require  to  produce  an  artificial 



temperature  similar  to  that  of  their  native  climates.  None 
of  these  arrangements,  however,  afford  any  means  by  which 
a student,  in  possession  of  a plant  unknown  to  him,  can 
discover  its  situation  in  the  catalogue;  and,  of  course,  he 
is  necessitated  to  have  recourse  for  this  purpose  to  the 
instruction  of  a living  master,  who  may  not  always  be  at 

With  the  view,  therefore,  of  enabling  a solitary  student 
to  refer  an  unknown  plant  to  its  congeners,  Lobel  discarded 
every  other  consideration  than  the  structure  of  plants,  par- 
ticularly of  their  flowers,  that  being  the  period  when  they 
principally  attract  our  attention.  On  this  foundation,  he 
investigated  the  natural  affinities  of  plants  to  each  other, 
and  arranged  those  known  to  him  in  between  forty  and 
fifty  families,  beginning  with  the  grasses ; and  gave  a list 
of  those  belonging  to  each  family,  but  without  determining 
any  common  character  by  which  the  plants  of  each  family 
may  be  known;  leaving  this  decision,  in  respect  to  the 
plants  not  noticed  by  him,  to  the  intelligence  and  acumen 
of  the  student,  Csesalpinus,  Ray,  Tournefort,  Hermann, 
Boerhaave,  and  other  authors,  who  were  trained  in  the 
schools  of  logic  and  of  the  mathematics,  have  endeavoured 
to  supply  this  deficiency,  and  to  exhibit  the  marks  or 
characters  by  which  the  several  natural  families  may  be 
recognized,  and  have  further  attempted  to  arrange  these 
families  in  a regular  series,  so  that  the  student,  instead  of 
relying  upon  his  own  conceptions  of  the  affinity  of  a plant 
with  those  known  to  him,  may,  from  a consideration  of  its 
structure  when  in  a perfect  state,  x’efer  it  to  its  proper 
famity,  and  ascertain  its  name  if  already  known,  or  have, 
in  the  other  case,  a well  grounded  assurance  that  it  has  not 
hitherto  been  described  or  named  by  authors. 

The  first  scientific  botanists,  in  consequence  of  their 
attempts  to  employ  none  but  very  obvious  characters,  could 
only  attain  their  end  by  using  a multiplicity  of  them,  and 
this  necessitated  an  intricate  arrangement.  Succeeding 
authors  attempted  simpler  methods,  by  choosing  a few  par- 



ticular  organs,  common  to  the  greater  part  of  plants;  and 
collecting  together,  in  classes  and  subdivisions,  the  several 
plants  which  agreed  in  respect  to  the  structure  or  number 
of  these  chosen  organs,  without  any  regard  to  the  affinity  a 
more  accurate  observation  of  the  whole  structure  of  the 
plant  might  develope.  Of  these  mere  artificial  methods, 
as  they  are  termed,  Rivinus,  professor  at  Leipzig,  was  the 
introducer,  and  he  took  his  primary  divisions  from  the 
regularity  or  irregularity  of  the  corolla,  or  what  is  com- 
monly called  the  bloom,  and  the  number  of  parts  into 
which  it  is  cut,  and  subdivided  each  of  these  primary 
divisions  in  a uniform  manner,  according  to  the  nature  of 
the  fruit.  In  this  system  he  was  followed  by  Hebenstreit, 
Knaut,  Ludwig,  and  Ruppius.  The  botanists  of  this  school 
considered  the  method  of  Rivinus  in  its  proper  light,  as 
being  merely  a ready  means  of  determining  the  family,  or 
what  is  now  called  the  genus,  to  which  any  plant  belongs ; 
and,  therefore,  contented  themselves  with  following  it  up 
to  that  point,  leaving  the  further  knowledge  of  plants  to  be 
sought  for  in  the  authors  who  have  arranged  their  works 
by  the  natural  affinities  of  plants,  or  other  considerations. 

The  want  of  the  power  of  locomotion,  by  which  plants 
are  most  evidently  distinguished  from  the  generality  of 
animals,  and  the  consequent  inability  of  approaching 
each  other,  if  the  organs  of  reproduction  were  seated  in 
distinct  individuals  and  the  analogy  of  animal  generation 
strictly  observed,  while,  at  the  same  time,  they  are,  from 
the  same  immobility,  liable  to  a variety  of  accidents,  which 
animals  elude  by  the  power  of  changing  their  place, 
rendered  necessary  the  adoption  of  peculiar  contrivances 
to  preserve  and  multiply  the  species  in  which  some  analogy 
may  be  observed  with  those  of  animals,  more  apparent 
however  than  real. 

The  prurient  mind  of  Linnaeus,  so  visibly  exhibited  in 
his  mode  of  describing  bivalve  shells,  was  struck  by  the 
great  difference  between  animals  and  vegetables  in  this 
respect;  and  he  immediately  applied  himself  to  arrange 



plants  by  those  organs  that  appear  to  be  analogous  in  their 
functions  to  the  sexual  organs  of  animals.  Assuming  the 
flowering  of  plants  to  be  what  he  poetically  terms  their 
nuptials,  he  likened  each  separate  flower  to  a bridal  cham- 
ber, and  formed  his  primary  divisions  from  the  number  of 
the  male  organs  present  in  each  flower,  and  his  subdivisions 
were  formed  from  the  number  of  the  female  organs  which 
were  also  present  in  the  same  chamber : the  Omniscient 
Creator  having  lessened  the  chances  of  failure  arising  from 
the  immobility  of  plants  by  multiplying  the  points  of  union, 
and  increasing  the  number  of  the  organs,  especially  of  the 
male.  As  Linnaeus  considered  not  only  the  number  of 
these  organs,  but  in  many  cases  their  situation,  connection, 
and  proportion,  he  has  departed  from  the  simplicity  which 
ought  to  form  the  basis  of  an  artificial  system  and  was  so 
strictly  observed  by  Rivinus,  and  has  rendered  his  system 
as  intricate  as  some  of  those  who  endeavoured  to  place 
kindred  plants  together.  His  successor  in  the  chair  at 
Upsal,  Thunberg,  has  therefore  endeavoured  to  simplify 
his  method,  but  with  considerable  opposition.  While 
Ludwig,  in  the  second  edition  of  his  Genera,  and  Hill, 
along  with  the  primary  divisions  of  Rivinus  taken  from  the 
corolla  employed  those  of  Linnaeus  for  their  subdivisions, 
but  have  not  met  with  any  followers. 

The  novelty  of  the  Linnaean  method,  the  distinction  of 
the  species  being  always  taken  from  the  variations  to  be 
observed  in  the  plant  itself,  together  with  the  industry  of 
Linnaeus  and  his  followers  in  extending  his  catalogue,  and 
forming,  as  it  were,  a new  science,  that  of  the  nomenclature 
of  plants,  instead  of  the  old  botany,  which,  as  we  have  said, 
principally  devoted  itself  to  the  uses  of  plants,  all  contributed 
to  give  an  eclat  to  his  system,  and  to  extend  its  influence 
beyond  its  proper  limits.  So  that  instead  of  being  taught 
to  use  this  method  only  as  a finder,  or  as  an  index  to  the 
authors  who  wrote  on  the  natural  history  of  plants,  the 
student  was  led  to  believe  that  this  was  the  only  arrange- 
ment that  ought  to  be  adopted  in  all  works  that  treat  of 



plants:  and  there  have  not  been  wanting  authors  who  have 
even  written  works  upon  gardening,  or  the  materia  medica, 
arranged  on  the  Linneean  system.*  This  undue  extension 
of  the  sexual  method  is  contrary  even  to  the  declared 
opinion  of  Linnaeus  himself,  who  expressly  says,  he  con- 
sidered it  only  as  a temporary  substitute  until  the  natural 
method,  or  that  which  considers  the  mutual  affinities  of 
plants,  be  so  far  improved  as  to  admit  of  a clue  being  ap- 
plied to  it,  by  which  the  student  may  investigate  the  place 
of  a plant  in  the  method  without  any  other  help. 

* Thus  the  Linnasan  botanists  committed  the  same  error  as  the  gram- 
marians and  the  philologers  have  frequently  done  in  the  composition  of 
dictionaries,  vocabularies,  and  etymologicons,  from  not  considering  the 
different  uses  of  the  various  methods.  Some  interpreting  dictionaries  are 
arranged  by  roots,  as  those  of  Scapula,  Mair,  Salmon,  and  for  most  of  the 
Oriental  languages,  to  the  great  hindrance  of  the  young  student ; while, 
on  the  other  hand,  Gesner,  Johnson,  the  Della  Crusca,  and  the  French 
Academy,  have  given  us  critical  dictionaries,  in  the  alphabetical  order  of 
the  words,  and  have  thus  deprived  themselves  of  the  great  help  they  might 
have  deduced  from  the  method  of  the  roots,  or  the  vocabulary  form. 

If  these  authors  had  reflected  upon  the  subject,  instead  of  blindly  follow- 
ing the  track  of  some  preceding  author,  who  had  perhaps  a different  object 
in  view,  they  would  certainly  have  discovered  that,  for  interpreting  an 
unknown  language  into  a known,  the  alphabetic  order  either  of  the  initial 
or  terminal  letters  was  indeed  the  most  proper,  because  the  letters  of  the 
word  are,  by  hypothesis,  the  only  guide.  Whether  the  initial  letters,  as 
used  in  most  clises,  or  the  terminal,  as  adopted  in  the  Coptic  dictionaries, 
be  the  most  proper,  may  admit  of  some  dispute,  the  latter  has  the  advantage 
of  exhibiting  the  sense  attached  to  the  various  terminations  more  clearly 
than  the  former.  When  the  words  of  a known  language  are  used  to  find 
the  corresponding  words  in  one  that  is  unknown,  the  vocabulary  form  has 
the  advantage  of  bringing  together  all  those  words  that  would  denote  nearly 
similar  ideas.  Whether  this  form,  or  the  alphabetic  order  be  adopted,  this 
is  the  proper  part  of  a double  interpreting  dictionary,  to  produce  examples 
from  the  classic  writers  in  the  less  known  tongue,  as  authority  for  the  use 
of  those  words;  and  not,  as  was  absurdly  done  by  Ainsworth,  in  the 
unknown — known  part,  since,  in  reading  a foreign  work,  the  context 
will  enable  the  reader  to  choose  the  proper  signification  if  the  word  be 
ambiguous;  whereas,  in  writing  a foreign  language,  we  have  occasion  for 
examples  to  guide  us  in  our  choice  of  nearly  synonymous  words.  The 
utility  of  the  method  of  roots,  for  a critical  dictionary,  and  the  difficulty  of 
using  one  on  this  plan  for  interpretation,  is  surely  self-evident. 



Linnaeus,  considering  only  the  external  appearance  of 
the  flower  and  fruit,  despaired  of  finding  this  clue;  but  the 
favourers  of  the  older  arrangements  have  bestowed  so  much 
attention  in  examining  the  internal  organization  of  plants, 
particularly  of  the  fruit  and  seed,  and  various  organs,  which 
were  neglected  by  the  Linnsean  nomenclators,  that  this 
desirable  point  is  now  attained.  The  present  work  exhibits 
the  results  of  the  latest  investigations  into  the  mutual 
affinities  of  plants;  and  the  synopsis  of  the  subdivisions 
attached  to  the  several  divisions  furnishes  a clue  which  will 
enable  a student  to  trace  the  connexion  of  the  several  parts, 
and  their  dependence  upon  each  other.  When  the  author 
considered  the  great  pains  which  had  been  taken  with  many 
of  the  families,  and  especially  with  those,  which,  from  their 
not  plainly  exhibiting  the  sexual  organs,  were  huddled 
together  by  Linnaeus  in  his  twenty-fourth  class,  which 
contains  probably  far  more  plants  than  all  his  other 
twenty-three  classes  put  together;  and  that  there  had  not 
yet  appeared  in  this  country  any  detailed  account  of  these 
researches,  he  was  led  to  engage  in  preparing  this  system 
for  the  use  of  the  English  students  of  this  delightful  species 
of  knowledge. 

An  essential  difference  exists  between  the  mere  deter- 
mination of  the  name  of  plants,  and  the  study  of  their 
affinities  to  each  other.  The  nomenclature  of  plants  re- 
quires the  study  of  so  many  only  of  their  organs,  and  such 
a slight  consideration  of  these  as  may  suffice  to  determine 
the  difference  that  may  exist  betwixt  any  two  plants  that 
might  otherwise  be  confounded.  The  scientific  study  of 
their  affinities  requires,  on  the  contrary,  the  whole  of  their 
organization  to  be  kept  in  view,  and  the  changes  it  may 
undergo  during  their  natural  life;  hence  there  arises  a 
necessity  for  a more  accurate  discrimination  of  the  various 
forms  of  their  organs  than  is  required  for  the  nomenclature 
only.  The  botanists  of  the  natural  school  have,  therefore, 
been  led  to  invent  a far  greater  number  of  terms  than  were 
introduced  into  use  when  Linnaeus  wrote  his  Philosophia 



Botanica.  Whatever  opinion  may  be  entertained  of  the 
necessity  of  increasing  the  number  of  substantives  to  denote 
the  several  organs,  and  their  principal  variations,  instead 
of  using  the  old  substantives  with  the  addition  of  appropriate 
adjectives  to  limit  their  signification,  yet  as  these  new  sub- 
stantives are  used  by  the  greatest  part  of  modern  authors, 
and  have  not  yet  been  explained  in  our  language,  there 
appeared  a necessity  of  prefixing  an  introduction  to  botany, 
principally  for  the  purpose  of  giving  a connected  view  of 
the  anatomy  of  vegetables,  according  to  the  latest  views  of 
Mirbel,  De  Candolle,  and  other  eminent  botanists.  The 
figures  annexed  to  this  part  of  the  work  have  been  very 
carefully  selected,  with  a view  of  comprising  as  much 
information  as  possible  in  a small  compass. 

In  consequence  of  the  addition  of  this  introduction,  this 
work  contains  all  that  is  necessary  for  the  student  of  English 
botany,  unless  he  is  desirous  of  verifying  his  first  steps  in 
the  science  by  a reference  to  the  figures  of  plants.  The 
very  high  price  of  Sowerby’s  English  Botany,  which  is 
seldom  to  be  procured  for  less  than  fifty  guineas,  rendering 
it  inaccessible  to  the  generality  of  students,  it  has  been 
judged  preferable  to  refer  to  Gerarde’s  Herbal  as  edited 
by  Johnson,  and  the  Theatre  of  Parkinson,  either  of  which 
may  be  purchased  at  a very  moderate  price;  and  their 
figures,  although  only  wood  cuts,  will  give  a good  idea  of 
the  plants.  Some  may  prefer  the  figures  of  those  parts 
only  which  characterize  the  genera,  and  of  these  the 
cheapest  is  Tournefort?s  Institutiones  Rei  herbarise,  whose 
genera  in  general  correspond  with  those  of  Ray.  But 
these  helps  desert  the  student  when  he  attempts  the  study 
of  the  plants  which  were  called  by  the  ancient  botanists, 
on  account  of  their  not  bearing  flowers,  imperfect  plants ; 
and  by  Linnaeus,  because  he  could  not  detect  in  them  the 
presence  of  the  sexual  organs,  which  his  preconceived 
opinion  required  to  be  present  in  all  plants,  cryptogamia, 
that  is  to  say,  secret  marriages.  Should  the  student  en- 
deavour to  penetrate  this,  the  higher  botany,  and  wish  for 



the  help  of  figures,  he  will  require  either  the  Historia 
Muscorum  of  Dillenius,  the  Hydrophyta  Danica  of  Lyng- 
bye,  the  System  der  Pilze  und  Schwamm  of  Esenbeck,  or 
Sowerby’s  English  Fungi,  according  to  his  peculiar  views. 

With  the  view  of  assisting  those  students  who  have  been 
accustomed  to  use  the  Linnaean  mode  of  investigating  plants, 
there  is  prefixed  to  the  second  volume,  which  contains  the 
perfect,  or  phenogamous,  plants,  an  analytical  guide  to  the 
families,  according  to  the  number  of  the  sexual  organs. 

It  remains  then  only  to  say  a few  words  respecting  the 
index.  In  general,  the  Latin  generic  names  only  have 
been  quoted,  but  when  a genus  contains  a great  number  of 
species,  as  agaricus,  lichen,  conferva,  rosa,  juncus,  and  some 
others,  the  trivial  names  are  referred  to,  or  the  second  word 
of  the  specific  difference,  if  the  plant  had  no  name  given  to 
it  by  the  old  botanists.  In  a few  cases,  when  the  second 
word  was  an  adjective,  agreeing  not  with  the  generic  name, 
but  with  a following  substantive,  this  adjective  is  omitted, 
and  the  governing  substantive  inserted,  as  bryum  perangustis 
crebrioribus  foliis,  &c.  of  Dillenius  in  Ran  Synopsis,  is 
referred  to  in  the  index  under  Bryum  foliis. 

As  to  English  names,  a considerable  number  of  new  ones 
have,  for  the  sake  of  system,  been  given  to  the  genera  of 
plants;  in  forming  the  majority  of  which,  the  form  and 
fashion  of  our  ancient  names  have  been  as  closely  adhered 
to  as  was  possible ; but,  in  some  instances,  Anglicized  Latin 
names  are  used : these,  however,  ought  to  be  regarded  as 
only  temporary.  In  regard  to  the  manner  in  which  com- 
pound English  names  are  inserted  in  an  index,  a considerable 
difference  is  observable  in  authors.  Some  few  insert  them 
as  they  are  spoken,  as  plough  mans’  spike  nard  under  P, 
evening  prim  rose  under  E.  Other  authors  seem  to  consider 
spike  nard  and  prim  rose  as  generic  names,  and  place  them 
under  S and  P.  Some  carelessly  insert  them  without  any 
regular  rule,  so  that  a person  is  frequently  obliged  to  search 
for  all  the  words  of  which  a name  is  composed  before  he 
finds  the  reference.  To  avoid  this,  a general  rule  has  been 



laid  down,  and  they  are  inserted  under  their  last  word, 
even  when  the  composition  is  not  apparent  at  first  sight, 
as  tur-nep,  the  nep  which  is  round  as  if  turned  in  a lathe, 
so  pars-nep,  that  which  from  its  size  requires  to  be  chopped 
or  divided  into  parts  to  fit  it  for  eating,  as  schoolboys  are 
said  to  parse  their  lessons,  when  they  divide  them  gram- 
matically. Pars-ley  is,  by  an  error  only  referred  to  under 
ley.  It  signifies  an  herb  to  be  chopped,  alluding  to  its  use 
in  sauces  and  stuffing.  The  ley  being  only  another  spell- 
ing of  lea,  grass,  as  in  the  song — • 

Over  the  water  and  over  the  lea ; 

but,  in  parsley,  is  used  for  herb,  as  Virgil,  on  the  contrary, 
uses  herba  for  grass — 

In  raolli  consedimus  herbti. — Buc.  3,  55. 

An  index  of  the  authors  mentioned  in  the  Introduction, 
and  a very  copious  index  of  the  botanical  terms,  are  sub- 
joined to  the  first  volume.  It  was  at  first  intended  to  omit 
the  references  to  those  terms  which  are  self-evident  to  an 
English  reader,  but,  spon  considering  that  foreigners  might 
have  occasion  to  ascertain  their  meaning,  they  have  been 
inserted,  omitting  however  those  English  terms  which  vary 
but  slightly  in  their  termination  from  the  corresponding 
Latin  terms. 

I have  now  to  return  my  thanks  for  the  kind  assistance 
1 have  received,  and  particularly  to  A.  B.  Lambert,  R.A. 
Salisbury,  and  A.  H.  Haworth,  Esqrs.  Messrs.  E.  and  J. 
Bennett,  and  Mr.  Deer.  The  death  of  Sir  Joseph  Banks, 
during  the  printing,  has,  to  my  great  regret,  prevented  me 
from  a similar  acknowledgement,  as  a slight  return  for 
the  many  advantages  I have  received  from  the  use  of  his 
Library  and  Herbari  um  : and  has  also  been  a cause  of  great 
delay,  in  being  obliged  to  wait  the  arrival  of  another  copy 
of  Esenbeck’s  work  from  Germany,  that  those  interesting- 
plants  the  fungi  might  be  arranged  according  to  the  latest 

Principle,  genus  herbarium,  vindemque  nitorem, 

Terra  dedit  circum  colleis ; camposque  per  omneis 
Florida  fulserunt  viridanti  prata  colore  : 

Arboribusque  datum  est  variis  exinde  per  auras 
Crescundi  magnum  immissis  certamen  habenis. 

Ut  pluma  atque  pilei  primum,  setaeque,  creantur 
Quadrupedum  membris,  et  corpore  pennipotentum  ; 

Sic  nova  turn  tellus  Iierbas,  virgultaque,  primum 
Substulit ; inde  loci  mortalia  corda  creavit, 

Multa,  modis  multis,  varia  ratione,  coorta. 

Lucretius,  V.  781 — 790„ 


According-  to  their  mutual  relations , with  the  number  of 
species  in  each  genus. 


C.  39.  Jania  ................. 

. , 8 

1 A.  Pl.  cell,  aphyllele. 

40.  Corailina  ............ 


I).  41 . Zonaria  

o « SU 

1.  Hydrophytes. 

42.  Dicfyofa  .. . 


1.  Vaginaria  ............ . 

. i 

43.  Diciyopteris. ...... ..  . , 

..  i 

2.  Oscillatoria  ...... 

E.  44.  Asperococcus  ........ 

..  1 

3.  Humidp, 

. 3 

45.  Ulva  

. . 12. 

4.  Elisa  

. 9 

46.  Scvtosiphon 

..  § 

5.  itivuiaria  , 

. 4 

47.  Pal  me!  la  

..  2 

6.  Sevtonema  

. 5 

48.  Merretia  

..  4 


7.  Girard ia . . „ 

. 2 

49.  Olivia........... 


8.  Lemania  .......... 

. 2 

F.  50.  Carrodorus. .. 

..  I 


9.  Bryopsis.  

. 5 

51.  Nosloc  

. . 1 

10.  Vaucheria. . . . ... 


G.  52.  Alcvonidium  ........ 

...  I 

11.  Codium  .........  o .... . 


53.  Ephidatia 

..  1 


12.  Frag  ill  an  a 

. 3 

54.  Spongiila . .. 

..  8 

13.  Biddulphia  ............ 

. 3 

H.  55.  Tupha 

. . 13 

14,  Diatoma  ........  .... 

. 4 

56.  Scypba  .. 

..  9 


15.  Zygneaia  

. 2 

57.  Spongia, . ....... ..  .. . 

10.  Gnnjiip-ala 

. 7 

58,  Tetbya  „ . . . ... 

. . '$ 

17.  Choaspis  


I.  59.  Deles3eria  ............ 

. ..  5 

. 18.  Agardhia  

. 1 

60,  Odontbalia  ... ... 

..  1 

19.  Serpentinaria  ......... 

. 2 

63.  Spha?roeoccus 

. .15 


20.  Hvdrodictyon 

. 1 

62.  Gigartina  ............ 


21.  Chaetophora  .......... . 

. 1 

63.  Gastridium  .......... 

. .is 

22.  Leathfsia 

. 1 

K.  64  Fascia, fa  .. . 

.23.  Myriodactylon. ...... .. 

. 2 

65.  Laminaria............ 


24.  Draparnaldia  ......... 


66.  Phasgonon  .......... 


.25.  Conferva  


67.  Chorda 


68.  Chordaria 

2.  Thalassiophytee. 

69.  Sporochnus  .......... 


. 26.  Mesogloja  

. 1 

70.  Desmarestia  

..  2 

27.  Bulbochcete  

. 1 

7 3.  Lichina  

..  8 

28.  Ectocarpns  

. 6 

72.  Himanfhalia 

..  1 

29.  Callithamnion  ......... 


73.  Cervina 

..  i 

30.  Ceram ium 

. 3 

74.  Fucus.... 

31.  GrifStsia. ............. . 

. 3 

75.  Haiidrys  

32.  Borrichius 

. 1 

76.  Mackaia 

33.  Batrachospermum  . . . . . 

. 2 

77.  Baccalaria. . . .. , 

...  2 


34.  Cladostephus 

. 3 

78.  Siliquaria 

..  1 

35.  Sphacelaria 

79.  Furcellaria  

..  1 

36.  Ellisius 


37.  Hutchinsia  


3.  Homothalameec. 

38.  Yertebrata,  ........... 

A,  80,  Placynthium.  ........ 

...  I 



81.  Enchylium 11 

82.  Scytenium  1 

83.  Mallotium  2 

84.  Lathagrium 4 

85.  Leptogilnn 3 

86.  Polychidium 6 

B.  87.  Usnea  3 

C.  88.  Cornicularia  6 

89.  Ramalina  4 

90.  Alectoria 3 

4.  Cenothulamcce. 

A.  91.  Stereocaulon 2 

92.  Isidium 4 

93.  Baeotnvces 3 

B.  94.  Cerania  . 1 

95.  Cladonia 6 

96.  Helopodiuin  2 

97.  Schasmaria 1 

98.  Scyphophora 17 

99.  Pyenothelia 1 

C.  100.  Evernia 1 

D.  101.  Roccella 3 

102.  Nephroma 2 

103.  Peltidea 8 

104.  Solorina 2 

105.  Siicta 8 

106.  Cetraria 6 

107.  Borrera 7 

108.  Physcia 2 

109.  Parmelia 31 

E.  110.  Psoroma 8 

111.  Placodium 9 

112.  Rinodina 35 

113.  Ureeolaria , . . 9 

1 14.  Lepidoma 1 1 

115.  Lecidea 58 

F.  116.  Gyrophora 9 

G.  1 17.  Arthonia 5 

118.  Spiloma 8 

H.  119.  Acolium 3 

120.  Phacotrum 11 

121.  Strongylium  3 

5.  Idiothalamece. 

A.  122.  Sphaerophoron 3 

123.  Rhizomorpha 11 

B.  124.  Variolaria 9 

C.  125.  Pyrenula 3 

126.  Thelotrema 3 

127.  Porina 2 

D.  128.  Lejophlea 4 

129.  Lithocia 0 

130.  Inoderma. 2 

131.  Endocarpon  .13 

E.  132.  Gi aphis 8 

133.  Alyxoria 2 

134.  Hysterina 12 

6.  Sarcothalamece. 

A.  135.  Ac  lid  Sum 1 

136.  Hypoderma  6 

137.  Hysterium 3 

B.  138.  Xylaria...? 6 

139.  Hypoxylon 5 

140.  Peripherostoma 15 

141.  Poronia 1 

142.  Nemania ..21 

143.  Cucurbitaria 4 

144.  Engizostoma 6 

145.  Circinostoma 6 

146.  Exormatostoma 10 

147.  Astoma  21 

148.  Sphaeria 36 

C.  149.  Thelebolus 1 

D.  150.  Nemaspora 5 

7.  Protomycece. 

A.  151.  Rcestelia 5 

152.  iEcidium 21 

153.  Ustilago 3 

154.  Uredo 10 

155.  Albugo 3 

156.  Ccemurus 5 

157.  Dicaeoma 9 

158.  Puccinia 5 

159.  Podisoma 1 

B.  160.  Fusidium 3 

161.  Stilbospora 2 

C.  162.  Xyloma 5 

D.  163.  Gymnosporangium 1 

E.  164.  ASgerita 1 

165.  Fusarium 1 

F.  166.  Tubercularia 2 

8.  Nematomycece. 

A.  167.  Acremonium  2 

168.  Epochnium 1 

169.  Trichotliecium 1 

170.  Sporotrichum 5 

171.  Byssocladium 4 

B.  172.  Haplaria - 1 

173.  Acrosporium 1 

174.  Virgaria 2 

175.  Botrytis 1 

176.  Stachylidium 2 

177.  Polyactis 1 

178.  Penicillum 2 

179.  Aspergillus 4 

C.  180.  Erineum 1 

181.  Rubigo 3 

D.  182.  Cladosporium 1 

183.  Helmisporium 2 

184.  Heliocosporium 1 

185.  Monilia I 

186.  Torula 1 

187.  Racodium 1 

188.  Dematium 1 

189.  Byssus 1 

190.  Typhoderma  4 

191.  Xylostroma 1 

E.  192.  Trichoderma 2 

GENERA.  xvii 

F.  193.  Thumnidimn I 

194.  Mucor 5 

195.  Ascophora 2 

196.  Pilo bolus 1 

G.  197.  Ceratium 1 

198.  Isaria 3 

199.  Coremium 2 

200  Cephalotrichurn 1 

H.  201.  Stilbuin 3 

0.  G-asteromgctee. 

A.  202.  Eurotium 1 

203.  vEthalium 1 

204.  Lignidium 1 

205.  Spumaria 1 

206.  Strongyliuin 1 

207.  Lycogala 4 

B.  208.  Myrotheciura 1 

209.  Dichosporum 1 

210.  I.icea 2 

211.  D-rmodium 2 

C.  212.  Didymium 3 

213.  Diderma 1 

214.  Ciouium  6 

215.  Physarum 7 

216.  Leangium 2 

217.  Leocarpus 2 

D.  218.  Trichia 8 

219.  Arcyria 5 

E.  220.  Cribaria 3 

221.  Dictydium  2 

F.  222.  Stemonitis 4 

G.  223.  Craterinm 3 

224.  Pyxidium 1 

H.  225.  Onygena  1 

I.  226.  Sphajrobolus  1 

K.  227.  Scleroderma 4 

228.  llypogaeum 1 

229.  Bovista 3 

230.  Lycoperdon 1 

231.  Geastrum 6 

232.  Polystoma 1 

L.  233.  Talostoma 1 

M. 234.  Polyangium 1 

N.  235.  Cyathus . 4 

10.  Sarcothececc. 

A.  236.  Erysibe 10 

237.  Thanatophytum 1 

238.  Sclerotiura  9 

B.  239.  Tuber 3 

C.  240.  Tremella 1 

241.  Gyraria 12 

242.  Coryne 2 

1 1 . Hymenothecece . 

A.  243.  Amanita 8 

244.  Vaginata 3 

245.  Lepiota S 

246.  Gymnopus 36 

247.  Omphalia  18 

VJQL.  I, 









B.  252. 







Lac  tar  i us 

C.  256. 



Cortinaria  ....... 





1).  260. 


......  1 

E.  261. 







Corniola . 




......  1 



F.  266. 


G.  267. 
















H.  274. 









I.  278. 






K.  281. 




Dentinum. ....... 


Auriscalpium... . 



Steccherinum  .... 







L.  287. 








M.  291. 







N.  294. 

Geoglossum ...... 



......  2 









O.  299. 








P.  302. 



Patellaria  ....... 






Seodellina  ....... 




......  5 


Dasyscyphus.  . . . . 


xviii  GENERA. 

309.  Macroscyphus 8 

310.  Hyinenoscyphus 9 

Q.  31 1.  Ascobolus 1 

12.  Lytothecece. 

312.  Batarrea I 

313.  Ithyphallus 1 

314.  Phallus 2 

1 B.  Pl.  cell,  folios^e. 

13.  Hepatias, 

A.  315.  Riccia  . . 5 

B.  316.  Targionia 1 

317.  Spiiserocarpus 1 

C.  318.  Anthoceros  3 

D.  319.  Marchantia. .......... . 2 

320.  Strozzius 2 

321.  Cyathophora 1 

322.  Staurophora 1 

p.  323.  Riccardius 3 

324.  Pallayicinips  2 

325.  Herverus . . . .. 2 

326.  Papa...... 1 

327.  Blasia 1 

328.  Maurocenius 1 

329.  Salviatus 3 

330.  Pandulphinius 4 

331.  Marchesinus  1 

332.  Cavendishia. . 2 

333.  Martinellius 9 

334.  Mylius .. 4 

335.  Nardius  3 

336.  Jungermannia 39 

337.  Bazzanius  1 

338.  Seal  ins 1 

339.  Cesius... 1 

340o  Herbertus. ............ . I 

341.  Lippius I 

342.  Kantius. i 

14.  Musci, 

343.  Andrsea 4 

344.  Spagnum  ............. . 4 

345.  Phascum 1 1 

346.  Schistostega. 1 

347.  Anictangium  2 

348.  Gymnostomum  14 

349.  Diphyscium 1 

350.  Tetraphis 2 

351.  Spiachnum  7 

352.  Conostomum  1 

353.  Polytrichum  ^ 

354.  Cinclidotus I 

355.  Tortula 1 1 

356.  Encalypta 3 

357.  Grimmia 7 

358.  Pterogonium 3 

359.  Weissia 18 

360.  Dicranum 24 

361.  Trichostornum 9 

362.  Leucodon 1 

363.  Didymodon. .......... . 8 

364.  Funaria  3 

365.  Zygodon J 

366.  Orthotrichum .........  ,l6 

367.  Neckera 2 

368.  Anomodon g 

369.  Daltonia  ...  2 

370.  Fontinalis. 3 

371.  Buxbaumia 1 

372.  Bartramia 6 

373.  Hookeria 2 

374.  Hypnnm  60 

375.  Bryum  ...2^ 



2 A.  Pl.  end.  cryptogams. 

1.  Filices. 

A.  1.  Osmund  a 1 

2.  Cetcrach 1 

B.  3 . Polypodium. 4 

C.  4.  Aspidium ....10 

5.  Cyclopteris 2 

6.  Athyrium 4 

I).  7.  Aspienium .....  8 

K.  8.  Scolopendrium 1 

F.  9.  Blechmim  ............. . 1 

10.  Stegania. 1 

G.  11.  Pteris 1 

12.  Adiantum 1 

II.  13.  Woodsia 1 

14.  Trichomanes  1 

15.  Hymenophyllmn  ....... . 1 

I.  16.  Bostrichium  ............  3 

K.  17.  Ophioglossum 1 

2.  Lycopodiacece. 

18.  Lycopodium 5 

19.  Bernhardia  ..... . . 2 

20.  Isoetes 1 

3.  Marsileaceee. 

21.  Pilularia 1 

4.  Equisetacece. 

22.  Equisetum ............. . 7 

5.  Charades. 

23.  Chara 5 

2 B.  Pl.  end.  phenogams. 

6.  Fluviatiles. 

24.  Zannicbellia 2 

25.  Ruppia 1 

26.  Potamogiton ...14 

27.  Zostera 1 

7.  Aroidecc. 

28.  Arum 1 

7 *.  Lemnadece. 

28  * . Lemna 4 

8.  Typhacece. 

29.  Sparganium 2 

30.  Platanaria 1 

31.  Typha 3 

9.  Cyperacea. 

A.  32.  Carex 25 

33.  Trasus 34 

34.  Cobresia 1 

B.  35.  Cyperus 2 

36.  Gladhun  ............... . 1 

37.  Cliaetospora  2 

38.  Rhyricospora 2 

39.  Sclioenus  .............. . 2 

C.  40.  Scirpus  .................  1 1 

41 . Eleocharis 2 

42.  Isolepis  ............ 3 

43.  Trichophorum ......... . 1 

44.  Eriophorum  ............  5 

10.  Gr amines,. 

A.  42*. Nardns  I 

43*.Qphiurus 2 

44*.Hordeum 2 

45.  Zeocriton 5 

46.  Seeale  1 

47.  Elymus.. 3 

48.  Loliurn 3 

49.  Agropyrum 5 

50.  Triticum. .............. . 7 

B.  51.  Cynodon  ............  1 

C.  52.  Sclerochloa  ............ . 1 

53.  Megastachya 1 

54.  Poa 20 

55.  Briza  3 

56.  Enodium 1 

57.  Melica. 2 

58.  Triodia 1 

59.  Brachypodium . ...  4 

60.  Schenodorus  . 5 

61.  Zerna 5 

62.  Bromus 7 

63.  Festuca 10 

64.  Yulpia 3 

65.  Glyceria... 1 

66.  Dactylis 1 

67.  Kceleria. 1 

68.  Cynosurus 1 

69.  Sesleria  1 

70.  Chrysurus 1 

D.  71,  Aruud.o  1 

E.  72.  Trisetum  1 

73.  Danthonia 1 

74.  Avena 7 

75.  Arrhenatherum 2 

76.  Catabrosia. 1 

77.  Aira 4 

78.  Anthoxanthum 1 

78*.Hierochloa  1 

79.  Holcus 2 

80.  Deschampsia ............  2 

81.  Corynephorus 1 

F.  82.  Chilochloa 4 

83.  Plileum  3 

84.  Phalaris 2 

85.  Alopecurus 6 

86.  Psamma 1 

87.  Spartina. ...  1 

88.  Vilfa  ..  5 

89.  Agrostis  r . .............  3 

90.  Apera...., 2 

b 2 


SI.  Agraulus 3 

92.  Aehnatheriuin. ........ . 1 

93.  Cal&magrostis 2 

94.  Gastridium I 

95.  Polypogon . 2 

96.  Lagurus 1 

G.  97.  Stipa.......... 1 

H.  98.  Milium  1 

99.  Milora 1 

100.  Digitaria  ...» 2 

101.  Setaria 3 

102.  Ecliihochloa 1 

11.  Uestiace/E. 

103.  Eriocaulon 1 

12.  Juncece . 

104.  Acortis * * 1 

105.  Juncus .....23 

106.  Luzula ^ 

107.  Abama.... 1 

13.  CotcJiicacetB . 

108.  Tofieldia 1 

109.  Colchicum  1 

14.  IJUacecE. 

HO.  Tulipa 1 

111.  Fritillaria 1 

15.  Asphodelece. 

A.  112.  Phalangium... - 1 

B.  113.  Muscari • J 

114.  Hyacinthus 1 

C.  115.  Honorius * J 

116.  Scilla £ 

117.  OraitbogaVum 2 

118.  Gagea....... J 

D.  119.  Moly 1 

120.  Allium £ 

121.  Cepa 5 

16.  Asparagece. 

122.  Asparagus.. - 1 

17.  Smllacea „ 

123.  Paris. 1 

124.  Convallaria 1 

125.  Polygonatum  3 

126.  Riiscus  . . . ....  . ...  • 1 

18.  Tamacece . 

127.  Tauius 1 

19.  Amaryllideoe . 

128.  Narcissus 2 

129.  Ajax 2 

130.  Leucojum 1 

131.  Galanthus 1 

20.  Iridea. 

A.  1 32.  Crocus 3 

133.  Trichomema 1 

B.  134.  Iris  3 

21.  Orchidete* 

A.  135.  Loroglossum 1 

136.  Aceras I 

137.  Anacamptis 1 

138.  Orchis  8 

139.  Ophrys 3 

140.  Gymnadenia  1 

141.  Entaticus 2 

142.  Platanihera 1 

143.  Herminium 1 

B.  144.  Goodyera 1 

C.  145.  Spiranthes 1 

146.  Neottia 1 

147.  lister  a 2 

148.  Cephalanthera  ....  3 

149.  Epipactis 2 

150.  Cypripedium 1 

D.  151.  Pseudorchis 1 

152.  Malax  is 1 

153.  Corallorhiza  1 

22.  Alismacete. 

154.  Sagittaria 1 

155.  Aiisma 3 

156.  Damasonium  1 

23.  Butomacece. 

157.  Butomus  1 

24.  Juncaginece. 

158.  Scheuchzeria  1 

159.  Triglochin 2 

25.  Hydrocharidea . 

160.  Hydrocharis  1 

161.  Stratiotes I 



8.  PLANT.®  EXOGEN  A2. 

3 A,  Pl.  ex.  monochlxmyde;e. 

I.  Abietidece, 

1.  Pinus I 

2.  Abies 2 

3.  Larix i 

2.  Cupressidees. 

4.  Juniperus  2 

3.  Taxidece. 

5.  Taxus 1 

4.  Salicince. 

6.  Salix 57 

7.  Pop ul us 4 

5.  Betulideee . 

8.  Betula 2 

"9.  Alnus 1 

6.  Corylidece. 

10.  Carpi  nus I 

11.  Corylus 1 

12.  Quercus  3 

13.  Fagus 1 

14.  Castanea 1 

7.  Myricee. 

15.  Myrica 1 

7 *.  Empetridece. 

15*.  Empetrurn 1 

8.  Ulmacece. 

16.  Ulrnus  ....  5 

9.  Urticacece, 

17.  Lupulus 1 

18.  Urtica 3 

19.  Parietaria 1 

20.  Cannabis  1 

? 21.  Xanthium  1 

10.  Euphorbiacece. 

A.  22.  Galarhoeus 4 

23.  Esula 6 

24.  Characias 2 

25.  Chamaesyce 1 

55.  26.  Mercurialis  2 

27.  Buxus 1 

II.  Aristolochice. 

28.  Aristolochiae 1 

29.  Asarum 1 

12.  Sanlalacea. 

30.  Thesiura 1 

1 3.  Eleagnea ?» 

31.  Hippophae 1 

14.  Thy  melee. 

32.  Daphne 3 

15.  Polygonee. 

A.  33.  Bistorfa. 2 

34.  Persicaria 9 

35.  Polygonum 1 

36.  Fagopyrum 3 

B.  37.  Lapalhum 11 

38.  Acetosa  3 

39.  Oxyria  1 

16.  Chenopodee. 

40.  Blitum 1 

41.  Beta 2 

42.  Spinachia  2 

43.  Atriplex 7 

44.  Chenopodium 14 

45.  Salicornia 4 

46.  Salsola 1 

17.  Am  ar  ant  hi  dee. 

47.  Amaranthus 1 


18.  Plantaginidei e. 

48.  Plantago. 3 

49.  Arnoglossum 6 

50.  Asterogeura 1 

19.  Liltorcllidee, 

51.  Littorella  1 

20.  Staticine. 

52.  Statice l 

53.  Limonium 2 

21.  Primulacee. 

54.  Centunculus i 

55.  Anagallis 2 

56.  Irasekia 1 

57.  Lysimachia 2 

58.  Naumburgia 1 

59.  Nu miliaria l 

60.  Hottonia 1 

61.  Trientalis 1 

62.  Primula 4 

63.  Cyclamen 1 

63*.Samolus 1 

63**.Glaux 1 

22.  Rhinanthucee. 

A.  64.  Veronica  21 

65.  Sibthorpia 1 

66.  Euphrasia 1 

67.  Odontites 1 

68.  Bartsia  2 

xxii  GENERA. 


69.  Rhinanthus 1 

70.  Pedicularia 2 

Jj,  71.  Melampyrum 4 

23.  Orobancbece. 

72;  Orobanche  . 6 

73.  Lathroea  i 

24.  Lentibulance, 

74.  Utricularia , 3 

75.  Pinguicuia 3 

25.  Scrofularim. 

76.  Limosella 1 

77.  Scrofularia 4 

78.  Elatine 2 

79.  Cymbalaria 1 

80.  Antirrhinum 4 

81.  Oronti'um 2 

82.  Digitalis 1 

26.  Solanees. 

A.  83.  Verbascutn  . . 8 

84.  Hyoscjamus  .. 2 

85.  Nicotiana 1 

86.  Stramonium 1 

B.  87.  Atropa 1 

88.  Dulcamara 1 

89.  Solanum 3 

90.  Lycopersicon 1 

27.  Gentian# . 

A.  91.  Pneumonantlie  2 

92.  Ericala 3 

93.  Erythalia 2 

94.  Erythraea 3 

95.  Franquevillia 1 

96.  Chlora 1 

97.  Swertia 1 

B.  98.  Limnanthes 1 

99.  Menyanthes 1 

28.  Polemoniace# ✓ 

100.  Polemonium ! 

29.  Vine#. 

101.  Vinca 2 

30.  Ctmvolvulacces. 

A.  102.  Calystegia 2 

103.  Convolvulus 2 

B.  104.  Cuscuta 1 

105.  Cassytha 1 

31.  Boraginees . 

106.  Myosotis  5 

107.  Cynoglossum 2 

108.  Omphalodes 1 

109.  Borrago 1 

110.  Asperiigo 1 

111.  Baglossa  2 

112.  Anchusa I 

113.  Pulmonaria  . . . ; 2 

114.  Mertensia . 1 

115.  TEgonychon  2 

116.  Lithospermiim  1 

117.  Symphytum 2 

118',  Ec  ilium  2 

32.  Labiates, 

119.  Lycopus  1 

120.  Mentha ..12 

121.  Pulegium... 1 

122.  Bugula 4 

123.  Chamaedrys 3 

124.  Scorodonia 1 

125.  Lavandula....... 1 

126.  Nepeta  1 

127.  Betonica  1 

128.  Stachys 3 

129.  Trixago  1 

130.  Eriostomum 3 

131.  Glechoma... 2 

132.  Lamium  5 

133.  Galeobdolon 1 

134.  Galeopsis 6 

135.  Cardiaca 1 

136.  Batlofe 1 

137.  Marrubium  ....... 1 

138.  Origanum  .. 1 

139.  Majorana . . 2 

140.  Thymus ^ 4 

141.  Acynos 1 

142.  Calamintha 2 

143.  Satureja 2 

144.  Clinopodium 1 

145.  Melissa................  I 

146.  Melittis I 

147.  Salvia  i 

148.  Sclarea.... 1 

149.  Horminum 1 

150.  Brunella 1 

151.  Scutellaria 2 

33.  Pyrenaceep . 

152.  Verbena I 

34.  Oleines . 

153.  Ligustrum  .... 

35.  Fraxinees. 

154.  Fraxinus 1 

3 C.  Pn.  EX.  CALYCIFLORiE. 

36.  E Heines. 

A.  155.  Menziesia 1 

1 56.  Phyllodoce 1 

157.  Eremocallis 2 

158.  Gypsocallis 1 

159.  Caliuna 1 

1 60.  Andromeda . ...........  3 



161.  Arbutus 

162.  Uva  ursi  

B.  163.  Chamaecistus 

165.  Pyrola 

166.  Moneses 

£.  167.  Hypopitys 

37.  Vaccinece. 

168.  Vaccinium 

169.  Vitis-Idaea 

170.  Oxycoccus  

38.  Campanulaceee. 

A.  171.  Campanula 

172.  Legousia 

173.  Phyteuma 

174.  Jasione 

B.  175.  Lobelia 

39.  Composites. 

A.  176.  Lapsana  

177.  Arnoseris. 

178.  Chondrilla  

179.  Prenanthes 

180.  Lactuca 

181.  Sonchus  

182.  Hieracium 

183.  Crepis 

184.  Barkhausia  . . , .. . 

185.  Taraxacum  ...... 

186.  Achyrophorus  . . . 

187.  Hypochseris. 

188.  Thrica 

189.  Yirea 

190.  Picris 

191.  Helminthia 

192.  Tragopogon  .... 

193.  Cichorium 

B.  194.  Onopordnm 

195.  Arctium 

196.  Serratula 

197.  Silybum 

198.  Carduus 

199.  Cirsium  ..  .tv. .. 

200.  Bennettia 

201.  Carlina 

202.  Cyanus 

203.  Phrygia 

204.  Jacea 

205.  Hippophasstum  . 

206.  Polyacantha  . . . 

207.  Leucantha  ..... 

C.  208.  Calendula 

209.  Helianthus 

210.  Bidens 

211.  Tanacetum 

212.  Artemisia 

213.  Absinthium 

214.  Diotis  ......... 

215.  Chrysanthemum. 







































216.  Leucanthemum  .... I 

217.  Pyrethrum  2 

218.  Matricaria  1 

219.  Chamomilla 1 

220.  Beilis 1 

221.  Chamaemelum 2 

222.  Maruta 1 

223.  A n them  is 2 

224.  Achillea  4 

225.  Antennaria 2 

226.  Gnaphalium 5 

227.  Filago 4 

228.  Conyza 1 

229.  Pulicaria 2 

230.  Inula 1 

231.  Eritheis. I 

232.  Eurybia  1 

233.  Solidago 1 

234.  Erigeron  1 

235.  Trimorpha  3 

236.  Chrysocoma I 

237.  Doronicum.. 1 

238.  Cineraria 3 

239.  Senecio 9 

240.  Tussilago 1 

241.  Petasites 1 

242.  Eupatorium 1 

40.  Dipsacece. 

243.  Dipsacus 2 

244.  Galedragon 1 

245.  Succisa 1 

246.  Columbaria  1 

247.  Scabiosa  1 

41.  Valerianeee. 

248.  Valeriana 4 

249.  Centranthus 1 

250.  Valerianella 2 

42.  Rubiacece . 

251.  Sherardia 1 

252.  Asperula 2 

253.  Galium 14 

254.  Rubia  . 2 

43.  Caprifoliacece. 

A.  255.  Linnsea I 

256.  Xylosteon 1 

257.  Periclymenum  2 

B.  258.  Viburnum  1 

259,  Opulus 1 

260.  Sambucus  2 

C.  261.  Cornus 2 

262.  Iledera 1 

44.  Loranthidcee. 

264.  Viscmn I 

2 265.  Adoxa i 


GEN  Ell  A, 

45.  Umbelliferee . 

266.  Daucus 

267.  San  i cula 

268.  Torilis  

269.  Caucalis 

270.  Turgenia 

271.  Cerefoliurn 

272.  Anthriscus 

273.  Scandix 

274.  Myrrhis 

275.  Chaerophyllum  . 

276.  Drepanophyllum 

277.  Si um 

278.  liydrocotyle 

279.  Cicuta 

280.  Phellandrium. . . 

281.  (Enanthe 

282.  Echinophora  ... 

283.  Crithmum.- 

284.  Pirn  pi  nella 

285.  Trin ia 

286.  vEthnsa 

287.  Coni  inn  

288.  Bu  nium 

289.  iEgo  podium  ..., 

290.  Carum 

291.  Meum 

292.  Ligusticura 

293.  Pseudospermum.. 

294.  Libanotis .. 

295.  Thyssel ilium 

296.  lmperatoria 

297.  Angelica 

298.  Archangelica  . . . 

299.  Spondylium 

300.  Tordylium 

301.  Coriandrum. . . . . 

302.  Peucedanum  , 

303.  Pastinaca 

304.  Silaus 

305.  Petroselinum 

306.  Apium 

307.  Fceniculum 

308.  Smyrnium 

309.  Bupleuruui  

310.  Agostana 

311.  Eryngium 

46.  Saxifragece, 

312.  Robertsonia  ..... 

313.  Hydatica 

314.  Miscopetalum 

315.  K ingstonia  ...... 

31 6.  Saxiftaga 

317.  Chrysosplenium  . 

47.  Crassulacece. 

318.  Umbilicus 

319.  Tillaea 

320.  Sesluiu 



























321.  Sempervivtnn  ... . . ..  1 

48.  Portnlacea’. 

322.  Montia.  .......  1 

49.  Paronychidece, 

A.  323.  Seleranthua 2 

324.  Adenarium 1 

B.  325.  Illecebrum 1 

326.  Corrigiola 1 

327.  Herniaria 2 

328.  Polyearpon 1 

C.  329.  Larbrea 1 

50.  Grossularia, 

330.  Ribes 5 

51.  Cucurbit acece. 

331.  Bryonia 1 

332.  Cucumis 2 

333.  Cucurbita 1 

52.  Salic arice, 

334.  Ly  thrum 2 

335.  Portula 1 

53.  Tumaricince . 

336.  Tamarix  I 

54.  Ceratophyllece. 

337.  Ceratophyilum  ........  2 

55.  Ilaloragece. 

338.  Callitriche 2 

339.  Hippnris 1 

340.  Myriophyllnm . . 2 

56.  Onagrarice. 

A.  341.  Circsea 3 

B.  342.  (Enothera  . 1 

343.  Chamaenerion 1 

344.  Epilobium 7 

57.  Potnacece. 

345.  Pyrus 

346.  Crataegus 

347.  Mespilus. 

58.  Rosaceee. 

348.  Rosa 26 

59.  Agrimoniacece. 

349.  Poferium 1 

350.  Sanguisorba 1 

351.  Alchemilla 4 

352.  Agrimonia  1 

60.  Dryadece. 

353.  Dryas 1 

354.  Ceiun 3 

355.  Sibbuldia i 



356.  Potentilla. . 14 

357.  Fragaria 2 

358.  Rubus  8 

61.  Ulmarice . 

359.  Spiraea 3 

62.  Drupacece. 

360.  Cerasus 3 

361.  Prunus 3 

63.  Leguminosae. 

A.  362.  Ulex 2 

363.  Genista  4 

364.  Ononis  1 

365.  Anthyllis 1 

B.  366.  Trifolium 17 

367.  Melilotus I 

368.  Medieago.... 6 

369.  Trigonella  1 

370.  Lotus. 3 

371.  Glycyrrhiza 1 

C.  372.  Oxytropus  2 

373.  Astragalus.. 2 

D.  374.  Lathyrus 7 

375.  Pisum ...  . 2 

376.  Orobus 4 

377.  Vicia 12 

E.  378.  Ornithopus..  1 

379.  Hippocrepis 1 

380.  Onobrychis 1 

64.  Celastvince . 

381.  Staphylea... 1 

382.  Evonymus  1 

382*. Ilex 1 

65.  Rhamnece . 

383.  Rhamnus 2 

3 D.  Pl.  ex.  thalamiflorjE. 

66.  Geraniece . 

A.  384.  Erodium 4 

385.  Geranium 13 

B.  386.  Impatiens  T 1 

C.  387.  Oxalis 3 

67.  Hypericinece . 

388.  Androsaemum.  . 1 

389.  Hypericum ............  10 

68.  Acerineoe. 

390.  Acer. 2 

69.  Tiliacece . 

391.  Tilia 2 

70.  Malvaceae . 

392.  Malva 3 

393.  Althapa ...  2 

VOL.  I. 

394.  Lavatera 1 

71.  Linece . 

395.  Linum 5 

72.  Caryophylleae. 

A.  396.  Saponaria 1 

397.  Dianthus 5 

398.  Cucebalus 3 

399.  Silene 8 

400.  Lychnis . . 6 

B.  401.  Buffonia I 

402.  Wiiliselliis I 

403.  Sagina 3 

404.  Spergula  5 

405.  Cherleria. . 1 

406.  Arenaria 5 

407.  Alsinella 3 

408.  Holosteum 1 

409.  Stellaria ..16 

410.  Moenchia I 

73.  Cistinece. 

411.  Helianthemum .....  7 

74.  FrunkeniaCea? . 

412.  Frankenia 2 

75.  Droseraceae. 

413.  Drosera 3 

76.  Resedacece. 

414.  Reseda 2 

77.  Polygaleae. 

415.  Polygala 2 

78.  Violacece. 

416.  Viola 7 

79.  Parnassiee. 

417.  Parnassia  ............ . 1 

80.  Cruciferae. 

A.  418.  Cardamine 7 

419.  Arabis 6 

420.  Turritis 1 

421.  Barbarea 2 

422.  Nasturtium  4 

423.  Sisymbrium 3 

424.  Erysimum  3 

425.  Cheiranthus 1 

426.  Matthiola 2 

427.  Hesperis 1 

B.  428.  Brassica 5 

429.  Sinapis 5 

C.  430.  Raphanus 1 

431.  Raphanistrum 2 

D.  432.  Cakile 1 

433.  Crarnbe 1 

E.  434.  Coronopus 2 




F.  435.  Isatis 

G.  436.  Vella  ........... 

437.  Thlaspi ... 

438.  Nasturtiolum 

439.  Teesdalia  

440.  Iberis  . 

441.  Lepidium  , 

442.  Cochlearia 

443.  Subularia 

444.  Draba  

445.  Camelina 

446.  Alyssum  

81.  Fumarideee. 

447.  Fumaria 

448.  Corydalis 

82.  Pcipaveracece. 

449.  Chelidonium 

450.  Glaucium 

451.  Cerastites 

452.  Papaver 

83.  Nymphacece. 

453.  Nuphar 

454e  Nymphaea 1 

84.  Berberideee. 

455.  Berberis 1 

456.  Epimedium. 1 

85.  Ranunculacece. 

A.  457.  Actaea 1 

458.  Paeonia  ..  2 

B.  459.  Consolida 1 

460.  Aquilegia 1 

461.  Helieborus 2 

462.  Trollius 1 

463.  Caltha S 

C.  464.  Ficaria 1 

465.  Ranunculus 13 

466.  Batrachium 5 

467.  Myosurus 

D.  468.  Adonis 

469.  Anemonanthaja 

470.  Pulsatilla... 1 

471.  Thai i drum 4 

E.  472.  Clematis  1 




















oo  to 




Gen . 

Spec . 

CelSulosae  .... 

....  14 



Endogense  . . . , 

, . . . 26 



Exogenas  .... 






XXV  111 

“ Call  the  vales,  and  bid  them  hither  cast 
Their  bells,  and  Oow’rets  of  a thousand  hues, 

Ye  valleys  low,  where  the  mild  whispers  use 
Of  shades,  and  wanton  winds,  and  gushing  brooks; 
On  whose  fresh  lap,  the  swart  star  sparely  looks. 
Throw  hither  all  your  quaint  enamelled  eyes. 

That  on  the  green  turf  suck  the  honied  showers. 
And  purple  all  the  ground  with  vernal  flowers.’5 





1.  On  the  Use  of  Botany. 

The  use  and  pleasure  of  studying  botany  have  been  so 
long  acknowledged,  that  it  may  seem  perfectly  superfluous 
to  discourse  upon  that  subject ; but  a slight  sketch  of  the 
use  and  pleasure  accruing  by  this  study  is  here  given,  in 
order  to  convince  those  students,  who  have  not  yet  reflected 
upon  the  subject,  that  in  bestowing  their  time,  their  labour, 
or  their  money,  upon  the  acquirement  of  this  science,  they 
will  not  court  an  ungrateful  mistress,  but  one  who  will 
amply  reward  them  for  the  pains  they  take  in  acquiring 

The  greater  part  of  those  who  study  botany,  are  persons 
of  the  medical  profession,  and  of  course  the  use  of  botany 
in  medicine  is  the  first  to  be  considered.  It  will  therefore 
be  necessary,  before  any  further  progress  is  made,  to  advert 
to  the  great  difference  between  practising  in  large  cities 
and  sea-port  towns  on  the  one  hand,  and  in  country  vil- 
lages on  the  other.  To  the  former  merchants  resort,  and 
the  warehouses  are  filled  with  the  choicest  drugs  of  foreign 
regions;  the  poverty  induced  by  the  vicissitudes  of  com- 
merce requires  alleviation  from  the  charity  of  the  rich,  hos- 
pitals and  dispensaries  arise,  and  become  medical  schools. 
The  time  of  the  practitioners  being  fully  occupied  by  the 
denseness  of  the  population,  they  find  it  more  convenient 
to  use  the  drugs  in  the  warehouses,  than  to  collect  them- 
selves the  indigenous  productions  of  the  surrounding  coun- 
try; hence  they  regard  with  indifference  whether  the  drug 
be  native  or  foreign,  and  this  indifference,  or  rather  pre- 
ference for  foreign  drugs,  passes  of  course  into  the  phar- 
macopoeias published  in  those  cities. 

VOL.  I.  B 



But  these  commercial  ideas  have  less  force  in  the  country. 
There  the  practitioner  has  more  time  on  his  hands  ; in  his 
rounds  to  visit  his  patients,  he  can  collect  the  herbs  pro- 
fusely scattered  in  his  path,  and  although  his  education  at 
the  hospitals  in  town  naturally  influences  him  in  his  choice, 
yet  if  prudence  has  any  share  in  his  character,  he  must  be 
struck  with  the  impropriety  of  neglecting  the  resources 
freely  offered  by  nature  to  his  possession  for  purchased  ones. 
It  is  a favourite  axiom  with  botanical  physicians  that  where 
nature  produces  diseases,  there  she  also  produces  the  reme- 
dies for  them,  and  they  adduce  in  proof  of  this  dogma,  the 
growth  of  scurvy  grass,  and  other  antiscorbutic  plants  in 
those  cold  climates  where  scurvy  reigns  as  an  epidemic ; of 
pepper  and  other  spices  in  hot  countries  where  the  stomach 
is  liable  to  torpor,  and  requires  an  extraordinary  stimulus  to 
promote  its  healthy  action ; as  also  of  calamus  aromaticus 
in  those  humid  situations  which  are  liable  to  intermittent 
fevers;  and  of  sarsaparilla  and  guiacum  in  the  regions,  sup- 
posed to  be  the  native  seats  of  the  venereal  lues,  and  where, 
according  to  a Spanish  traveller,  d’ Aranda,  in  his  account 
of  South  America,  it  is  a sporadic  disease.  Without  abso- 
lutely professing  a dogma,  which  has  much  appearance  of 
truth  in  it,  there  can  be  no  doubt  but  that  the  remedies  ne- 
cessary for  most  of  the  diseases  that  afflict  human  nature 
may  be  found  at  the  country  practitioner’s  own  door,  or 
very  near  at  hand.  That  he  may  be  enabled  however  to 
make  use  of  them,  it  is  necessary  he  should  know  them  well, 
the  more  especially  as  many  plants  are  so  much  alike,  that 
it  requires  attention  directed  to  proper  characteristics  to 
distinguish  them.  Now  botany  is  that  science  which  enables 
us  to  distinguish  plants  from  one  another,  to  assign  to  them 
their  proper  names,  and  to  declare  their  several  uses ; 
without  which  last  part,  although  too  often  neglected  by 
the  general  botanist,  it  would  be  a barren  study. 

Another  part  of  medicine,  in  which  the  use  of  botany 
is  evident,  too  frequently  happens,  in  consequence  of  the 
similitude  of  plants  to  one  another,  so  that  those  ignorant 
of  the  means  of  distinguishing  them  are  led  to  use  a plant 
of  such  powerful  action  on  the  human  frame  as  to  kill,  or 
very  violently  affect,  the  unfortunate  person  who  has  mis- 
taken it  for  some  nutrimental  vegetable,  especially  foreign- 
ers, who  use  a greater  variety  of  vegetables  than  ourselves. 
Yet  even  among  us,  the  instances  are  not  rare  in  which 
hemlock  has  been  mistaken  for  parsley,  the  roots  of  wild 



cicely,  or  cow- weed,  for  parsneps,  dog’s  mercury  for  a 
spinage-herb,  the  berries  of  nightshade  for  esculent  ones, 
and  more  especially  the  deleterious  mushrooms  for  those 
that  are  eatable  with  some  degree  of  safety,  for,  in  truth, 
all  are  to  be  held  as  of  doubtful  salubrity.  Now  the  skilful 
botanist,  who  can  determine  from  the  remains  of  what  has 
been  taken  the  cause  of  the  symptoms,  has  an  evident  ad- 
vantage in  respect  to  the  mode  of  treating  his  patient,  over 
one  who  is  ignorant  of  the  cause,  and  must  therefore  pre- 
scribe at  random.  And  if  the  practitioner  can  thus  save 
one  fellow-creature  from  the  grave,  and  restore  him  to  his 
friends,  far  more  a dear  relative,  a cherished  companion, 
this  alone  would  amply  repay  him  for  the  study  of  this 
science.  And  it  is  on  this  account,  that  the  Society  of 
Apothecaries  of  London,  to  whom  the  legislation  have 
lately  committed  the  examination  of  persons  intending  to 
practise  as  apothecaries,  have  given  public  notice,  that  they 
expect  the  applicants  for  a license  to  be  competent  in  me- 
dical botany. 

As  to  the  economical  or  general  use  of  botany,  although 
it  be  of  course  more  varied  than  the  medical,  less  need  be 
said  about  it.  Our  houses  are  principally  built  and  fur- 
nished from  the  vegetable  kingdom  of  nature;  and  this  is 
also  the  case  with  ships  and  other  vessels : plants  furnish 
us  with  a very  considerable  part  of  our  clothing;  this 
clothing,  and  the  ornamental  drapery  of  our  houses,  is 
dyed  of  various  colours  by  different  vegetables.  Hence 
the  study  of  that  science  which  exhibits  these  various  uses 
cannot  but  be  instructive  to  all. 

The  diet  of  mankind  is,  in  the  warmer  regions  of  the 
earth,  almost  entirely  vegetable;  as  the  climate  becomes 
colder,  more  and  more  animal  food  is  taken,  until  in  the 
cold  regions  of  the  North,  man  becomes  nearly  a carni- 
vorous animal.  But  vegetables  are  never  entirely  disused 
by  him ; hence  a knowledge  of  them  is  of  universal  use, 
more  especially  to  travellers,  who  may  thus  instruct  a whole 
nation  in  the  use  of  plants  abundantly  produced  in  their 
country,  yet  either  disregarded  by  them,  or  even  consi- 
dered as  deleterious,  although  in  fact  one  of  the  agreeable 
luxuries  of  the  table : nor  is  this  an  idle  supposition.  The 
embassy  sent  from  Bengal  to  Thibet  observed  in  their  route 
the  strawberry  growing  plentifully  in  the  woods ; on  de- 
siring their  conductors  to  gather  some,  they  were  informed 
that  it  was  a poisonous  berry : this  naturally  enough  pro- 
duced some  hesitation,  lest  they  might  be  deceived  by  a 

b 2 



mere  resemblance  of  that  delicious  fruit ; but,  upon  investi- 
gation of  the  botanical  characters  of  the  flower,  its  identity 
was  confirmed,  and  the  natives  were  highly  pleased  to  have 
their  supposed  poisonous  berry  shown  to  be  one  of  the 
most  pleasant  and  wholesome  fruits. 

But  the  most  striking  use  of  botany  is  when  famine  is 
apprehended ; for  although  direct  experiments  may  enable 
a person  to  discover  what  plants  are  wholesome  and  nu- 
tritive from  those  which  are  not,  yet  these  experiments  re- 
quire time  when  none,  particularly  in  cases  of  shipwreck, 
can  be  spared,  and  from  the  greater  number  of  poisonous, 
or,  at  least,  medicinal  plants  of  very  violent  operation,  the 
experiments  would,  if  not  guided  by  botanical  analogies, 
be  highly  dangerous,  and  inevitably  fatal  in  many  cases. 
But  by  knowing  the  botanical  characters  of  those  families 
of  plants  which  abound  in  edible  fruits,  or  are  remarkable 
for  any  other  dietetic  articles,  considerable  advantages  will 
be  gained,  and  unknown  articles  may  be  freely  used  with 
little  apprehension  of  danger.  This  is  a species  of  know- 
ledge less  cultivated  in  the  British  islands  than  it  ought  to 
be,  especially  considering  the  maritime  situation  which 
leads  so  many  of  their  inhabitants  to  embrace  a seafaring 
life,  and  become  exposed  to  the  dangers  of  shipwreck  upon 
uninhabited  coasts ; and  where  the  dauntless  energetic 
spirit  of  our  youth  impels  so  many  to  engage  in  distant 
expeditions,  and  the  unfortunate  issue  of  some  of  these 
expeditions,  for  what  mortal  can  always  command  success, 
plunges  them  into  distressful  circumstances  in  a foreign  and 
perhaps  inhospitable  country. 

Another  use,  if  I may  so  express  myself,  is  the  con- 
templation of  the  beauties  of  nature ; and  in  this  respect 
botany  yields  to  no  other  branch  of  human  knowledge, 
and  in  one  respect  surpasses  most  in  that,  while  wealth 
may  exhibit  its  splendour  in  collecting  living  plants,  yet 
the  study  is  also  compatible  with  the  most  humble  fortunes, 
and  may  be  made  to  beguile  the  tedious  hours  of  conva- 
lescence, while  it  need  not  confine  the  sufferer  to  his  room, 
but  will  even  entice  him  forth  to  breathe  the  dewy  incense 
of  the  morn.  Few  are  the  studies  that  require  so  little 
apparatus,  or  less  trouble  to  produce  a collection,  which 
will  lie  in  a small  compass,  and  will  afford  an  agreeable 
exhibition  to  friends  and  visitors. 



2.  The  Rise  and  Progress  of  Botany , particularly  in  England . 

The  modern  botanists,  who  are  overwhelmed  with  the 
continually  increasing  number  of  new  plants  offered  to  their 
view,  and  the  necessity  of  learning  the  ever-varying  no- 
menclature, are  accused,  perhaps  with  some  justice,  of 
paying  less  attention  to  the  uses  of  plants  than  they  ought; 
and,  on  the  other  hand,  the  ancients  seem  to  have  had  no 
other  idea  of  botany  than  as  being  the  knowledge  of  the 
grains,  pulse,  potherbs,  8c c.  of  use  in  domestic  economy, 
or  of  those  plants  which  chance,  or  experiments  made  in 
the  great  hierarchal  colleges  of  Persia  or  Egypt,  had  shown 
to  be  of  use  in  the  cure  of  the  sick  and  hurt;  for  it  ap- 
pears by  the  Greek  authors,  whose  writings  Jhave  survived 
the  barbarism  which  took  place  in  Europe  on  the  sub- 
version of  the  Western  Empire  by  the  northern  nations, 
that  it  was  the  intention  of  the  early  Greek  writers,  in  their 
botanical  works,  rather  to  relate  the  uses  or  culture  of 
plants,  than  to  describe  them  so  that  posterity  might  be 
enabled  to  recognize  them  whenever  they  were  met  with. 

Hippocrates  the  Coan,  the  venerable  father  of  medicine, 
the  lineal  descendant  of  that  Esculapius  whom  the  grati- 
tude of  mankind  had  raised  to  divine  honours,  is  the  oldest 
author  we  possess,  being  born  about  four  hundred  and  fifty 
years  before  Christ.  Those  who  are  versed  in  the  history 
of  medicine,  well  know  the  valuable  use  he  made  of  the 
cases  recorded  in  the  temples  of  his  ancestor,  which  were 
the  public  hospitals  of  antiquity,  especially  in  respect  to 
the  prognosis  of  diseases.  He  has  mentioned,  in  his  the- 
rapeutic writings,  the  uses  of  about  two  hundred  and  forty 
plants;  and  he  would  have  merited  still  more  the  thanks 
of  mankind,  if  he  had  carefully  described  them,  so  that 
we  might  be  certain  of  the  species  of  plants  which  he  in- 
tended by  those  names. — This  task  he  seems  to  have  left 
to  Cratevas,  of  whose  knowledge  in  botany  he  makes  the 
most  honourable  mention.  The  loss  of  the  works  of  Cra- 
tevas is  much  to  be  deplored,  as  they  probably  contained 
the  description,  or  at  least  place  of  growth,  of  the  plants 
mentioned  by  Hippocrates. 

The  expansion  of  the  human  intellect  which  took  place 
in  consequence  of  the  freedom  of  opinion  that  was  allowed 
in  Athens,  under  the  mild  but  firm  government  of  Pisis- 
tratus,  by  wdiich  the  factious  demagogues  and  the  priest 
of  that  city  were  restrained  from  persecuting  every  man 



whose  abilities  were  superior  to  their  own,  caused  that  city 
to  become  the  focus  of  literature  and  science;  and  the 
waitings  produced  in  that  short  space  of  time  still  remain 
the  noblest  monuments  of  the  powers  of  the  human  mind, 
for  they  have  commanded  the  admiration  of  succeeding 
ages,  and  left  nothing  for  future  writers  to  do  but  to  imi- 
tate, as  far  as  is  possible,  their  excellencies.  In  the  schools 
which  were  then  established,  that  of  the  peripatetics,  whose 
founder  was  Aristotle,  was  the  one  that,  cultivating  natural 
history,  of  course  merits  most  notice  in  a history  of  botany. 

Aristotle,  the  son  of  a perfumer,  who  were  in  those  days 
the  dispensers  of  compound  medicines  prescribed  by  lay 
practitioners,  had,  from  his  well-merited  reputation,  been 
raised  to  be  the  tutor  of  Alexander  the  Great ; and,  on  his 
pupil  becoming  possessed  of  the  treasures  collected  by  the 
Persian  monarch,  he  formed  the  project,  among  other  vast 
schemes  of  literary  renown,  of  writing  a complete  history 
of  natural  substances  from  actual  observation,  or  the  rela- 
tion of  the  numerous  collectors  which  his  influence  over 
his  former  pupil  enabled  him  to  employ;  and  took  the 
zoological  and  meteorological  parts  under  his  own  imme- 
diate care ; and  his  History  of  Animals,  although  little  re- 
garded in  the  schools  engaged  in  teaching  the  elements  of 
knowledge,  is  a splendid  monument  of  his  abilities. 

The  mineralogical  and  botanical  part  of  this  general 
history  of  nature  was  entrusted  to  his  pupil  Theophrastus, 
who  also  succeeded  to  the  professorial  chair  in  the  public 
school.  A work  of  Theophrastus  on  minerals,  and  two  on 
plants,  have,  after  a very  narrow  escape  from  oblivion, 
descended  to  our  times.  He  treats  his  subject  generally 
in  a philosophical  manner.  In  his  book  on  the  causes  of 
plants,  he  considered  the  propagation,  culture,  qualities, 
and  uses  of  plants  in  general ; but  very  few  are  described 
by  him  in  a particular  manner,,  as  he  supposes  the  reader 
to  be  either  acquainted  with  them,  or  to  be  informed  by 
a master.  In  his  larger  work,  entitled,  the  History  of 
Plants,  he  mentions  about  five  hundred  plants,  and  begins 
with  the  organization,  generation,  and  propagation  of 
vegetables.  In  the  third  and  fourth  books  he  goes  on  to 
treat  largely  upon  trees ; then  follows  his  observations 
upon  timber  and  choice  of  it.  The  sixth  book  is  on  shrubs, 
thorny  plants,  roses,  and  other  ornamental  plants  usually 
cultivated  in  gardens.  In  the  seventh  he  treats  upon 
kitchen-garden  plants,  and  those  that  grow  wild.  In  the 
eighth  upon  grain  of  different  kinds,  upon  which  he  is  very 



copious.  The  ninth  and  last  book  is  upon  gums-,  exuda- 
tions, and  the  means  of  obtaining  them.  It  is  much  to 
be  lamented,  that  neither  Aristotle  nor  Theophrastus, 
whose  mental  abilities  were  of  the  first  order,  perceived  the 
advantages  that  would  accrue  from  a detailed  description 
of  natural  substances,  by  which  a student  deprived  of  the 
viva  voce  instruction  of  a master  might  be  enabled  to  re- 
cognise them. 

The  next  author  that  occurs  is  Dioscorides.  As  a phy- 
sician, the  object  of  Dioscorides  being  only  the  materia 
medica , he  discusses  each  article  used  by  medical  practi- 
tioners in  a separate  chapter,  and  comprises  the  whole  in 
five  books ; in  which,  although  the  order  is  not  very  exactly 
kept,  the  vegetables  are  treated  of  as  they  are  aromatic, 
alimentary,  and  medicinal.  For  the  precedence  of  the 
aromatics  two  reasons  may  be  given : one,  the  usual  pre- 
ference given  to  objects  of  luxury  above  those  of  use ; and 
the  other,  that  the  perfumers  were  the  apothecaries  of 
ancient  times,  and  naturally  affected  those  substances  which 
formed  the  principal  articles  of  their  trade,  especially  when 
we  consider  the  much  greater  use  of  perfumed  oils  and 
ointments  by  the  ancients  than  by  the  moderns.  His  de- 
scriptions are  chiefly  respecting  the  colour,  size,  mode  of 
growing  as  compared  with  other  plants  then  well  known, 
and  therefore  left  undescribed.  Thus  he  says : Hyssopus 
is  well  known  to  all ; and  then  having  compared  origanum 
to  hyssop,  he  compares  centaurium  minus,  tragoriganum, 
serpillum,  marum,  polycnemon,  symphytum  petraeum, 
ageratum,  papaver  erraticum,  to  origanum ; so  that  the 
knowledge  of  all  these  plants  are  made  to  depend  upon  that 
of  hyssop.  In  like  manner  ocimum  is  made  a type  for  the 
knowledge  of  the  first  sort  of  calamintha,  acinum,  oci- 
moides,  crinum,  solanum,  mercurialis,  and  heliotropium; 
although  by  the  lapse  of  years,  the  ocimum  of  Dioscorides 
is  now  become  uncertain,  and  of  course  the  knowledge  of 
the  other  plants  is  rendered  unattainable. 

Although  Columella  and  Cato  among  the  Romans  wrote 
on  Husbandry,  yet  none  of  their  works  can  be  said  to  be 
botanical.  Pliny  the  elder,  who  commanded  the  Roman 
fleet  stationed  in  the  Bay  of  Naples,  and  who  perished  in 
the  year  of  Christ  71,  in  an  attempt  to  explore  an  eruption 
of  Mount  Vesuvius,  is  the  only  author  of  that  nation  whose 
writings  can  be  said  to  belong  to  the  scope  of  our  work. 
In  his  Historia  Mundi,  a vast  encyclopaedia,  scarcely  less 
varied  than  the  world  itself,  he  has  treated  from  the  12th 



to  the  2 7 tli  book  upon  plants,  as  well  philosophically  as 
historically,  medically,  economically,  magically,  &c.  A 
great  part  of  his  work  is  nearly  the  same  as  Dioscorides, 
who,  however,  is  never  quoted  by  name,  and  therefore, 
considering  the  candour  with  which  Pliny  names  the  writers 
from  whom  his  book  was  extracted,  there  is  reason  to 
think  that  Dioscorides  and  Pliny  wrote  about  the  same 
time,  and  both  made  use  of  the  same  author,  either  Sextius 
Niger,  or  Diodorus,  or  Julius  Bassus,  but  more  probably, 
as  it  would  appear  from  certain  passages  in  Dioscorides, 
of  Niger.  Pliny,  however,  was  a mere  compiler,  and 
whatever  knowledge  of  plants  he  might  haVe  acquired  in 
his  walks  in  the  physic  garden  of  Antonins  Castor,  it  is 
certain  that  none  of  it  appears  in  his  work,  which  exhibits 
only  a collection  of  memorandums  badly  translated  from 
the  Greek,  in  which,  for  want  of  critical  and  botanical 
knowledge,  numerous  mistakes  are  evident.  The  design 
of  the  work  was  grand,  but  far  too  vast  to  be  accomplished 
by  any  one  man,  and  especially  by  one  immerged  in  public 
business.  The  order  in  which  he  has  disposed  his  subjects 
is  very  confused.  The  great  value  of  Pliny’s  work,  there- 
fore, consists  in  his  having  preserved  to  us  the  remains  of 
ancient  knowledge  on  the  subject,  and  especially  the  ap- 
plication of  it  to  the  arts  of  life  in  those  remote  times,  so 
that  he  may  be  considered  as  the  historian  of  ancient  bo- 
tany ; and  to  his  indefatigable  industry  we  owe  the  names 
of  several  hundred  substances  not  mentioned  by  those  other 
ancient  writers  whose  works  have  been  preserved ; although 
it  must  be  confessed,  that  much  of  this  knowledge  is  of  little 
use,  as  the  substances  denoted  by  those  names  are  un- 
known for  want  of  descriptions. 

The  next  writer  that  occurs  is  Apulejus.  This  author, 
who  lived  in  the  second  century, %w as  born  at  Madura  in 
Africa,  which  was  then  a kind  of  university.  Pie  afterwards 
studied  at  Carthage  and  Athens,  and  for  some  time  applied 
himself  to  the  profession  of  the  law  in  Rome;  but  marrying 
a rich  widow,  he  retired  from  the  bar,  and  wholly  gave 
himself  up  to  philosophy  and  the  practice  of  physic.  He 
is  well  known  as  the  author  of  “ The  Golden  Ass”  one  of 
the  few  works  of  amusement,  or  what  is  called  light  read- 
ing, that  have  descended  to  us  from  the  ancients.  But  the 
work  which  entitles  him  to  our  notice  is  his  book,  De 
Herbis,  sive  de  Nominibus  et  Virtutibus  Herbarium  In 
this  work  he  gives  the  synonyms  of  130  medicinal  herbs  in 
Greek,  Latin,  Egyptian,  Punic,  Celtic,  Dacian,  and  of 



some  in  the  oriental  languages,  which  he  had  acquired  in 
his  travels.  After  these  names  he  adds  a short  description 
of  the  plant,  the  place  of  growth,  and  the  properties  of 
it.  Some  of  the  critics  have  supposed  that  this  work  is 
supposititious,  and  written  long  after  his  time.  Johnson, 
who  edited  the  second  edition  of  Gerardc’s  Herbal,  imagined 
it  was  the  translation  of  a work  written  by  some  physician 
of  Constantinople  in  the  eighth  century,  but  Fabricius 
thinks  this  conjecture  is  not  probable;  indeed  internal  evi- 
dence seems  against  it.  Apulejus  was  a heathen  priest, 
well  read  in  his  religion,  and  much  attached  to  it,  as  well 
by  natural  inclination  as  from  the  persecutions  he  suffered 
from  the  Christian  relations  of  his  wife,  who  accused  him 
of  magic,  and  of  obtaining  her  hand  and  fortune  by  sor- 
cery; now  the  work  is  filled  with  those  modes  of  exhibiting 
remedies,  which,  although  only  intended  by  the  practitioner 
to  aid  their  operation  by  the  power  of  fancy,  are  usually 
considered  by  others  as  superstitious,  and  even  magical. 

Galen,  who  was  born  about  133  years  after  Christ,  was 
contemporary  with  Apulejus,  and  became  so  celebrated  as 
a physician  and  medical  writer,  as  to  have  entirely  ruled  in 
the  schools  of  medicine,  to  the  exclusion  of  almost  every 
other  author.  His  industry  in  acquiring  a knowledge  of 
the  materia  medica,  including  medical  botany,  was  very 
great,  as  he  sailed  to  Lemnos  to  investigate  the  terra 
Lemnia  in  its  native  bed,  to  Cyprus  to  visit  the  mines  and 
collect  cadmia,  pompholyx,  diphryges,  chalcanthum,  and 
other  minerals;  as  also  to  Cilicia,  Phoenicia,  Crete,  and 
Egypt.  His  writings  are  as  remarkable  for  their  diffuse 
style,  and  his  continual  digressions,  as  those  of  Pliny  are 
for  their  conciseness;  and  it  is  not  easy  to  say  which  is 
the  most  tiresome  to  the  reader,  or  requires  the  steadiest 
attention  to  peruse.  Galen  principally  treats  of  plants  in 
the  sixth,  seventh,  and  eighth  books  of  his  work,  On 
Simples,  in  which  he  mentions  the  uses  of  about  450  me- 
dical plants.  Pie  also  occasionally  treats  of  several  others 
in  different  parts  of  his  works.  It  was  his  great  object  to 
account  for  their  effects  from  the  second  and  third  qualities, 
as  they  were  called;  that  is  to  say,  from  the  degree  of  their 
dryness  or  moisture,  and  heat  and  coldness,  of  each  of  which 
he  distinguishes  four  degrees.  In  his  introduction,  he 
writes  against  those  authors  who  had  attempted  to  describe 
plants,  and  thinks  the  knowledge  of  them  is  better  acquired 
by  tradition.  When  we  consider  the  great  authority  which 
the  writings  of  Galen  bore  in  the  schools  of  medicine  for 



so  many  centuries,  we  need  not  wonder  at  the  loss  of  these 
writers  thus  branded  as  nearly  useless. 

The  Greek  writers,  Oribasius,  Aetius,  Egineta,  who  suc- 
ceeded Galen,  were  such  servile  copiers  of  him,  that  they 
merit  not  notice.  At  length,  after  the  lapse  of  a few  cen- 
turies, the  Arabs,  inspired  by  the  zeal  of  a new  religion, 
burst  from  their  sandy  deserts,  and  over-run  the  west  of 
Asia,  the  north  of  Africa,  and  south  of  Europe.  As  soon 
as  they  had  formed  regular  establishments,  they  began  to 
attend  to  the  sciences,  and  translated  the  most  popular 
Greek  authors. 

In  this  they  differed  from  the  later  Greeks,  that  being 
devoid  of  that  superstitious  veneration  which  the  Greeks 
possessed  for  the  writers  of  their  golden  age  of  literature, 
they  did  not  confine  themselves  to  the  knowledge  that  had 
been  delivered  by  those  writers,  but  added  much  of  their 
own.  To  them  physicians  were  indebted  for  the  introduc- 
tion into  practice  of  berberries,  cam ph ire,  cloves,  wall- 
flower, cassia  fistula,  galangals,  hyssop,  kermes,  lavender, 
mace,  manna,  Persian  manna,  mezereon,  myrobalans,  nut- 
megs, nymphsea,  rhubarb,  opium,  sugar,  gum  sandarac, 
red  sanders,  sebestens,  senna,  tamarinds,  hops,  and  zedoary. 
Though  some  of  these  medical  plants  have  fallen  into  de- 
suetude, others  still  remain,  and  form  some  of  the  prin- 
cipal instruments  of  physicians  to  this  day.  Among  these 
Arab  writers  Serapio  stands  pre-eminent,  although  Rhazis, 
Avicena,  Actuarius  (who  wrote  in  Greek),  and  Mesue, 
must  not  be  forgotten ; and  it  may  be  also  mentioned,  to 
the  honour  of  the  Arabs,  that  it  is  to  them  we  are  indebted, 
if  not  for  the  invention,  yet  for  the  introduction  of  chemical 
medicines  into  practice,  so  that  we  may  easily  estimate 
the  great  improvements  of  which  they  were  the  introducers. 

The  writings  of  Galen,  and  of  his  Greek  and  Arabian 
disciples,  were  the  only  ones  taught  in  the  medical  schools 
of  Europe,  through  the  medium  of  wretched  translations, 
from  the  seventh  to  the  fifteenth  century.  As  to  those 
parts  of  natural  history,  not  comprised  in  the  multifarious 
materia  medica  of  this  period,  the  knowledge  of  them  was 
at  the  lowest  ebb.  What  little  was  known  was  a mixture 
of  extracts  from  Pliny,  and  the  relations  of  travellers  who 
endeavoured  to  give  a wonderful  cast  to  the  most  common 
appearances ; who  explained  the  mercantile  names  of  articles 
by  some  fancied  etymology,  and  then  invented  a tale  to 
support  the  interpretation.  In  short,  in  the  natural  his- 
torians of  this  long  period,  as  Hildeguard,  Sylvaticus, 



Glanville,  and  others  now  almost  forgotten,  the  mixture  of 
truth  and  falsehood  is  at  least  in  equal  parts,  as  the  authors 
wrote  down  whatever  they  found  in  others,  without  exer- 
cising any  critical  acumen  to  distinguish  the  truth. 

A book  under  the  name  of  Macer’s  Herbal  seems  also 
to  have  been  common  in  England  before  the  invention  of 
printing.  Ovid  praises  the  poetry  of  Macer,  a medical 
writer  on  herbs ; but  as  it  is  impossible  he  could  mean  the 
barbarous  leonine  verses  in  which  this  book,  De  Naturis, 
Qualitatibus,  et  Virtutibus  Herbarum,  are  written,  it  is 
generally  allowed  to  be  a pseudonymous  work,  and  accord- 
ingly it  is  ascribed  by  some  to  Odo,  or  Odobonus,  said  to 
have  been  a French  physician.  It  was  translated  into 
English  by  Mr.  John  Lelamar,  the  master  of  Hertford 
School,  who  lived  about  the  year  1373.  At  the  first  in- 
vention of  printing  two  editions  of  it  were  published,  and 
it  is  surprising  that  so  paltry  a work,  which  treats  only  of 
88  plants,  should  have  been  translated  or  commented  upon 
by  the  great  Dr.  Linacre,  one  of  the  medical  ornaments  of 
the  reign  of  Henry  the  Eighth,  and  who  obtained  from 
that  monarch  the  establishment  of  the  College  of  Phy- 

While  these  inferior  works  engrossed  the  public  atten- 
tion, the  writings  of  Theophrastus,  Dioscorides,  and  Pliny, 
the  true  fathers  of  natural  history,  and  in  particular  of 
botany,  were  utterly  neglected,  and  indeed  scarcely  known. 

It  was  not  until  1468,  or  the  year  after,  that  Pliny’s 
History  of  Nature  was  first  printed ; and  from  this  author 
Isidore  and  Platearius  was  speedily  compiled,  a German 
work  with  the  title  of  The  Book  of  Nature,  which  treats 
of  animals  and  plants;  of  which  latter  176  kinds  are  no- 
ticed, and  many  of  them  figured.  This  work  is  supposed 
by  Seguier  to  be  the  first  book  on  plants  with  wood-cuts : it 
was  published  between  the  years  14-75  and  1478. 

As  the  Greek  language  was  but  little  understood  in 
Western  Europe,  till  the  conquest  of  Constantinople  by  a 
people  of  a different  religion  drove  the  Greeks  into  Italy ; 
and  as  this  emigration  was  speedily  followed  by  the  inven- 
tion of  printing,  the  learned  emigrants,  who  were  obliged 
to  exert  themselves  to  maintain  their  former  station  in  so- 
ciety, endeavoured  to  render  the  Greek  authors  fashionable 
in  the  West. 

Of  the  Greek  naturalists,  Dioscorides  was  the  first 
printed,  with  a Latin  translation  by  Barbarus,  a Venetian  no- 
bleman, who  died  at  the  early  age  of  29.  This  work  was 



brought  out  in  1478,  and  was  followed  in  1483  by  an  edi- 
tion of  Theophrastus,  with  a Latin  translation  by  Theodore 
Gaza,  a Greek  emigrant,  which  is  still  esteemed  the  best. 
The  translation  of  Dioscorides  by  Matthiolus,  first  printed 
in  1554,  supplanted  that  by  Barbaras,  and  run  through 
seventeen  editions,  32,000  copies  being  said  to  be  sold  before 
the  year  1561 ; but  the  edition  of  Caspar  Bauhin,  in  1598, 
is  now  esteemed  the  best. 

The  publication  of  these  fathers  of  botany  was  followed 
by  that  of  a host  of  commentaries  upon  them-  whose  au- 
thors endeavoured  to  find  the  plants  of  Syria  and  Egypt 
in  Germany,  forgetful  of  the  difference  of  climate;  and 
thus,  instead  of  dilucidating  the  author,  they  merely  mis- 
lead their  followers.  Even  now7,  after  the  labours  of  llau- 
wolf,  who  travelled  in  Syria,  Babylon,  and  Egypt,  in  the 
sixteenth  century ; of  Tournefort,  who  travelled  also  in 
Greece,  Crete,  &c.;  and  of  Sir  James  Edward  Smith;  it 
does  not  appear,  that  of  the  700  medical  plants  mentioned 
by  Dioscorides,  more  than  400  can  be  said  to  be  properly 

These  translations  of  the  ancients  were  followed  in  1484, 
at  which  time  Richard  the  Third  reigned  here,  by  a fa- 
mous herbal,  printed  at  Mentz,  under  the  title  of  Herba- 
rium ; and  this  was  followed  the  next  year  by  the  Ortus 
[i.  e.  Hortus]  Sanitatis,  ascribed  to  Cuba,  a physician, 
first  of  Augsburgh,  and  afterwards  of  Frankfort.  The 
vrood-cuts  with  which  they  are  adorned,  or  rather  dis- 
figured, are  rude,  and  seldom  have  much  resemblance  of 
the  thing  wrhich  they  profess  to  illustrate. 

Although  printing  was  introduced  into  England  in  the 
reign  of  Henry  the  Seventh,  yet  no  works  on  botany,  in 
the  English  language,  were  produced  in  his  reign,  although 
hunting  and  angling  had  occupied  the  labours  of  the  press. 
It  was  not  indeed  till  1516,  the  seventh  of  Henry  the 
Eighth,  that  the  Grete  Herbal,  with  cuts,  appeared.  This 
book  was  very  popular,  and  went  through  several  editions. 
There  is  no  author’s  name  to  it,  but  it  was  probably  made 
up  from  the  French  translation  of  the  Hortus  Sanitatis, 
with  some  alterations  and  additions.  It  mentions  more 
than  400  vegetables,  or  their  products,  and  of  these  about 
150  are  English,  but  they  are  no  ways  distinguished  from 
the  exotics.  The  cuts  are  smaller  than  those  of  the  Hortus, 
but  equally  rude  and  inaccurate. 

While  the  mere  English  reader  wras  obliged  to  content 
himself  with  this  miserable  compilation,  Qtho  Bruns fel  and 



others  were  studying  botany  practically  in  the  fields,  and 
endeavouring,  as  we  already  said,  to  reconcile  the  plants 
of  Germany  to  the  descriptions  of  Dioscorides.  Brunsfel’s 
work  was  published  in  1530,  and  Cordus,  another  writer 
on  the  same  subject,  in  1535.  The  learned  Gesner  bestowed 
part  of  his  attention  upon  botany,  and  first  proposed  to 
denominate  all  plants  which  have  the  same  flower  and  fruit, 
however  different  they  may  be  in  other  respects,  by  the 
same  common  name;  or,  in  modern  language,  to  found 
the  genera  upon  the  fructification  alone.  The  plants  of 
Germany  were,  however,  still  further  examined  by  Leonard 
Fuchs,  a physician,  and  professor  at  Tubingen.  His 
History  of  Plants  is  adorned  with  510  of  the  most  beauti- 
ful and  correct  outlines  that  have  ever  been  cut  in  wood. 
The  draughtsmen  employed  were  Henry  FuJlmaurer  and 
Albert  Meyer,  and  the  wood-engraver  was  Vitus  Rudolph 
Speckle;  all  whose  portraits,  in  half-lengths,  are  given  at 
the  end  of  the  work,  as  Fuchs’,  in  full  length,  ornaments 
the  back  of  the  title.  The  author  had  good  reason  to  be 
proud  of  his  artists.  His  great  error  was  in  applying  the 
names  of  Dioscorides  to  the  plants  of  Northern  Europe ; 
nor  was  he  less  an  admirer  of  Hippocrates  and  Galen, 
whose  medical  writings  he  vigorously  defended  against  all 

Although  the  Great  Herbal  was  the  only  botanical  work 
published  in  England  during  the  reign  of  the  eighth 
Harry,  much  attention  was  given  to  agriculture  and 
kitchen-gardening.  One  of  the  judges  (Fitzherbert)  did 
not  disdain  to  write  on  Husbandry.  A committee  of  privy 
council,  the  prototype  of  our  present  Board  of  Agriculture, 

. was  appointed  to  obtain  statistical  accounts  of  the  king- 
dom. Anne  of  Cleves,  when  transformed  by  act  of  Par- 
liament from  the  wife  into  the  sister  of  FI enry,  endeavoured 
to  forget  the  slights  of  the  monarch  in  the  cultivation  of 
vegetables.  And  it  is  a’obable,  that  some  of  the  kitchen- 
gardeners  at  Chelsea  are  the  descendants  of  the  Flemish 
gardeners,  whom  her  real  brother  sent  over  to  manage  her 
garden  there. 

The  reign  of  Edward  the  Sixth  was  distinguished  by 
the  publication  of  Turner’s  New  Herbal;  in  which  the 
alphabetical  arrangement  of  former  authors  was  still  fol- 
lowed. Turner  was  born  at  Morpeth  in  Northumberland, 
and  educated  at  Cambridge,  about  1538.  Fie  complains 
much  of  the  ignorance  of  natural  history  that  then  pre- 
vailed in  England,  even  in  the  universities.  “ Being  then,” 



he  says,  cc  a student  of  Pembroke  Hall,  where  I could 
learn  never  one  Greke,  neither  Latin,  nor  English  name, 
even  among  the  physicians,  of  any  herbe  or  tree,  such 
was  the  ignorance  at  that  time ; and  as  yet  there  was  no 
English  Herbal,  but  one”  (the  great  Herbal  just  men- 
tioned)  “ all  full  of  unlearned  cacographies,  and  falsely 
naming  of  herbs.”  He  went  into  holy  orders,  and  was  a 
celebrated  preacher  as  well  as  a physician,  and  lived  for 
some  time  in  Germany,  where  his  fondness  for  botany  led 
him  to  have  a botanic  garden  at  Weissenberg;  and  also 
in  Italy,  where  he  procured  the  foundation  of  a public 
botanic  garden  to  be  attached  to  the  university  of  Bologna. 
After  which  he  returned  to  England,  and  being  made 
Dean  of  Wells,  divided  his  time  between  that  place  and 
his  house  in  Crutched  Friars,  London.  He  had  a botanic 
garden  not  only  at  Wells,  but  also  at  Kew.  His  attain- 
ments in  science  were  not  confined  to  Botany  alone,  but 
extended  to  the  knowledge  of  birds  and  fishes,  in  which 
respects  he  assisted  his  friend  Gesner  in  his  Historia  Ani- 
malium,  and  also  paid  attention  to  mineral  waters,  of 
which  he  published  a small  tract,  annexed  to  his  Herbal ; 
to  say  nothing  of  his  numerous  religious  books,  and  his 
collation  and  correction  of  the  Bible. 

The  complete  edition  of  Turner's  Herbal,  which  was 
originally  published  in  three  parts,  was  printed  at  Cologne 
in  1568,  embellished  with  upwards  of  400  figures,  which 
had  been  used  for  the  octavo  edition  of  Fuchs;  and  about 
90  new  figures,  making  in  all  502.  In  the  Dedication  he 
mentions  his  contemporary  botanists  of  England,  viz.  Dr. 
Clement,  Dr.  Merdy,  Owen  Wooton,  and  Mr.  Falconer, 
who  appears  to  have  had  a hortus  siccus  of  foreign  as  well 
as  English  plants.  Turner  was  the  introducer  of  lucerne 
into  England,  by  the  name  of  horned  clover ; and 
throughout  the  whole  of  his  Herbal  he  appears  to  have 
exhibited  uncommon  diligence  and  great  erudition,  and 
fully  to  deserve  the  character  of  an  original  writer.  Our 
English  herbalists,  Gerarde,  Johnson,  and  Parkinson,  do 
not  appear  to  have  been  sufficiently  just  to  his  merits ; but 
Ray  was  very  sensible  of  his  worth,  styling  him  a man  of 
solid  erudition  and  judgment. 

Botany  was  also  pursued  at  the  same  time  in  Germany 
by  Tragus,  who  published  in  1552;  and  in  the  next  year 
Dodoens,  a Fleming,  began  to  publish  his  Herbal,  which 
was  the  first  in  which  the  alphabetical  lists  of  plants  were 
exchanged  for  some  gross  arrangement.  In  the  present 




case,  the  plants  were  divided  into  six  books : the  first,  a 
farrago  of  very  dissimilar  plants  in  alphabetical  order : the 
second,  flowers  and  umbelliferous  plants : the  third,  medi- 
cinal roots,  purgative  plants,  climbers,  poisonous  plants, 
ferns,  mosses,  fungi : the  fourth,  grain,  pulse,  grasses,  wa- 
ter and  marsh  plants : the  fifth,  edibles,  gourds,  esculent 
roots,  olera,  thistles,  and  spinose  plants : the  sixth  and 
last,  shrubs  and  trees.  Certes  a most  confused  arrange- 
ment, but  it  showed  the  value  of  bringing  the  history  of 
plants  which  resembled  each  other  near  together. 

Soon  after  the  accession  of  Elizabeth,  Dr.  William  Bui- 
lein  published  his  C6  Bulwark  of  Defence  against  all  Sick- 
nesse,  Soarnesse,  and  Woundes  that  doe  daily  assaulte 
Mankinde.”  He  was,  like  Turner,  a clergyman  as  well  as 
a physician.  Notwithstanding  his  high  reputation,  he 
underwent  much  prosecution  from  the  brother  of  Sir 
Thomas  Hilton,  who  accused  him  of  murdering  that  gen- 
tleman, who  had  been  the  patron  of  Bullein,  and  who  had 
died  of  a malignant  fever.  Although  his  innocence  was 
fully  manifested,  his  prosecutor  arrested  him  for  a debt  due 
to  the  deceased,  and  flung  him  into  prison,  where  he  wrote 
a great  part  of  his  medical  writings.  In  one  of  the  parts 
of  this  collection  of  his  writings  he  enumerates  the  virtues 
of  British  simples,  partly  from  preceding  writers,  and  partly 
from  his  own  experience.  On  one  point  he  is  very  pa- 
triotic, and  he  vindicates  the  fertility  and  climate  of  England 
with  much  ardour. 

Contemporary  with  Turner  and  Bullein  was  Dr.  Thomas 
Penny,  who  was  not  only  a botanist  of  repute,  but  was  one 
of  the  first  Englishmen  who  studied  entomology.  He  pub- 
lished no  works  of  his  own,  but  he  furnished  Gesner, 
Clusius,  and  Camerarius,  with  many  communications  re- 
lating to  English  botany;  and  his  papers,  which  he  left 
to  Turner  and  Mouffet,  formed  the  basis  of  the  Theatrum 
Insectorum  of  the  latter. 

Lobel,  although  a Fleming,  passed  the  greater  part  of 
his  life  in  England,  where  he  was  afterwards  appointed 
botanist  to  King  James  the  First.  He  published,  con- 
jointly with  Pena,  the  first  edition  of  his  Adversaria,  in 
1570,  which  afterwards  underwent  several  improvements. 
In  this  work,  the  arrangement  proposed  by  Dodonaeus 
was  much  improved,  and  an  attempt  made  to  form  a na- 
tural arrangement  in  forty-four  tribes ; at  the  head  of  each 
of  which  is  given  a list  of  the  plants  belonging  to  it.  He 
begins  with  the  grasses,  of  which  he  describes  a number  of 



new  species : to  each  species  he  adds  the  Greek,  German, 
.Dutch,  French,  and  English  name;  the  description,  which 
is  frequently  obscure  and  insufficient ; the  time  of  flower- 
ing, and  the  places  in  England  where  some  of  the  rarer 
plants  are  to  be  found.  To  these  are  annexed  figures.  As 
Lobel  had  carefully  studied  the  ancients,  and  had  spent 
much  time  in  practical  botany,  exploring  France,  Switzer- 
land, part  of  Germany  and  Italy,  and  various  parts  of 
England,  the  Adversaria  is  a work  of  much  merit,  and 
abounds  with  a deal  of  curious  information.  In  1576  he 
published  “ Observationes,  sive  Stirpium  Historiee,  cui 
annexum  est  Adversariorum  Volumen,”  with  1486  figures. 
Some  additions  were  afterwards  made  to  these  figures,  and 
they  were  printed  separately  in  music  quarto,  with  an  index 
in  seven  languages,  which  rendered  them  a popular  book 
for  many  years.  Lobel  mentions  several  English  botanists, 
as  Edward  Saint  Loo,  Esq.  of  Somersetshire  ; Mr.  Nas- 
myth, a surgeon ; Mr.  De  Franqueville,  a merchant,  par- 
ticularly fond  of  flowers ; Mr.  Hugh  Morgan,  apothecary 
to  Queen  Elizabeth;  and  Mr.  Wm.  Coys,  of  Essex.  All 
the  three  last  had  good  gardens;  that  of  Mr.  Coys  was 
well  stored  with  exotic  plants;  and  under  his  care,  in  1604, 
the  yucca  first  flowered  in  England.  Lobel’s  daughter 
married  a Mr.  James  Coel,  of  Highgate,  and,  from  the 
frequent  mention  that  Lobel  makes  of  that  place  in  his 
last  work,  the  “ Illustrationes,”  it  is  probable  that  he 
spent  the  evening  of  his  life  with  his  son-in-law. 

Hitherto  only  the  appearance  of  plants,  as  they  appeared 
to  a common  observer,  or  their  uses,  or  some  equally  un- 
scientific arrangement,  had  been  followed,  but,  in  1583, 
Caesalpinus,  an  Italian  physician,  published  his  book  De 
Plant  is , in  which  he  laid  down  the  basis  of  a philosophical 
division  of  them,  according  to  their  fruit  and  seed,  and 
which  has  been  since  extended  and  corrected  by  Ray, 
Hermann,  Boerhaave,  and  Gsertner.  This  system  of  Cse- 
salpinus,  although  the  first  scientific  one,  is  still  valuable, 
and  merits  attention.  A few  years  after  the  publication 
of  Caesalpinus’s  work,  namely  in  1597,  was  published  the 
first  edition  of  Gerarde’s  Herbal.  This  work  is  in  the 
main  a translation  of  Dodonseus.  Gerarde,  although  the 
Master  of  the  Chirurgeons’  Company,  was  not  sufficiently 
versed  in  Latin  to  make  this  translation  himself,  and 
thereof  altered  a manuscript  translation  of  one  Dr.  Priest, 
which  the  latter  had  intended  to  publish,  but  died  before 
he  accomplished  his  purpose;  and  his  papers  falling  into 



the  hands  of  Gerarde,  they  were  transposed  from  Dodo- 
naeus’s  arrangement  of  his  subject  into  that  of  Lobell,  and 
published  by  Gerarde  without  any  acknowledgement  of 
Dr.  Priest’s  labour  in  the  translation;  indeed  he  speaks 
in  his  Preface  of  Dr.  Priest’s  translation  as  having  perished, 
although  both  Lobell  and  Johnson  affirm  that  he  used  it 
himself  with  no  other  alteration  than  the  above-mentioned 
change  of  order  in  disposing  the  chapters,  and  some  addi- 
tions. For  the  embellishment  of  the  work,  the  publisher 
procured  from  the  Continent  the  wood-blocks  that  had 
been  used  in  the  printing  of  Dodonseus,  Lobell,  and  Clusius. 
Lobell  was  extremely  angry  at  Gerarde  having  adopted 
his  method,  at  which  we  may  be  surprised,  since  it  un- 
doubtedly may  be  considered  at  this  time  of  day  as  an 
acknowledgement  of  his  superiority  over  the  order,  if  order 
it  can  be  called,  of  Dodonaeus;  perhaps  the  real  cause 
of  Lobell’s  anger  was,  that  Gerarde’s  work  being  in 
English,  had  a preferable  sale  to  that  of  his  own  works  in 
Latin,  and  might  thus  injure  his  purse,  however  the  com- 
plaisance of  Gerarde  might  flatter  his  self-love. 

The  reign  of  James  the  First  seems  not  to  have  been 
favourable  to  botanical  studies,  as  no  works  of  any  con- 
sequence were  published  in  his  reign  in  England ; but  Basil 
Besler,  an  apothecary  at  Norimberg,  published  the  Hor- 
tus  Eystettensis,  or  account  of  the  plants  in  the  bishop’s 
garden  there,  with  1083  figures  on  copper,  digested  ac- 
cording to  the  order  of  their  flowering ; a superb  work  for 
the  time.  And  in  1623  Caspar  Bauhin,  professor  of  ana- 
tomy and  medicine  at  Basil,  published  his  invaluable  Pinax, 
the  labour  of  forty  years,  in  which  he  collected  the  various 
names  which  all  the  preceding  authors  had  given  to  the 
then  known  plants ; so  that  this  work  has  ever  since  formed 
a repertory,  by  which,  on  knowing  the  name,  that  any 
one  old  author  has  given  to  a plant,  we  are  enabled,  with- 
out any  trouble,  to  discover  it  in  the  works  of  other  writers  ; 
and  this  book  is  of  course  indispensable  in  a botanical  li- 
brary of  any  extent. 

Two  authors  distinguish  the  unfortunate  reign  of  the 
first  Charles,  namely,  Johnson  and  Parkinson.  Johnson 
was  a physician,  but,  during  the  civil  wars,  he  became  a 
lieutenant-colonel  on  the  king’s  side,  and  died  of  the 
wounds  he  received  in  a sally  from  Basing-house.  His 
first  botanical  publication  was  the  “ Iter  Cantianum,  or  a 
Journey  into  Kent  in  Search  of  Plants.”  Then  followed 
his  list  of  the  plants  growing  upon  Hampstead  Heath, 

vol,  i.  e 



which  has  ever  been  one  of  the  favourite  resorts  of  the 
London  botanists.  His  great  work  was  a new  edition  of 
Gerarde’s  Herbal,  with  numerous  additional  articles,  by 
which  it  included  in  all  2850  plants,  with  2730  figures. 
As  this  work  included  foreign  plants  as  well  as  native  ones, 
he  published,  in  the  next  year,  his  4t  Mercurius  Botani- 
cus,”  which  exhibited  a list  of  the  plants  he  found  in  a 
botanical  excursion  to  the  west  of  England ; so  that  he 
was  the  first  author  who  began  to  distinguish  the  native 
plants  from  the  others. 

Parkinson  published  his  <c  Paradisus,”  or  Flower  and 
Fruit  Garden,  in  1629,  a work  which  shows,  that  at  this 
time  the  gardens  of  our  forefathers  were  far  better  stocked 
than  we  imagine.  His  profession  of  an  apothecary,  or,  as 
it  is  now  called,  that  of  a chemist  and  druggist,  taking  up 
much  of  his  time,  and  the  time  necessary  for  cutting  a new 
set  of  figures,  delayed  the  publication  of  his  general  his- 
tory, or  Theatre  of  Plants,  which  is  more  extensive  than 
those  of  Gerarde  or  Johnson,  as  it  contains  3800  plants, 
with  2786  figures.  The  descriptions  are  new,  and  the 
whole  has  a true  botanical  cast,  whereas  both  Gerarde  and 
Johnson  were  intended  more  for  mere  medical  use. 

The  reign  of  the  second  Charles  was  extremely  favour- 
able to  the  knowledge  of  plants.  Gardening  and  planting 
were  in  high  vogue,  and  among  the  authors  in  this  depart- 
ment Evelyn  stands  pre-eminent:  in  1658  he  published  his 
French  Gardener;  in  1664  his  Sylva,  or  Treatise  on 
Forest-trees,  to  which  his  Kalendarium  Hortense,  the  first 
specimen  of  this  kind,  was  annexed  as  an  appendix ; and 
in  a fourth  edition  he  also  added  Pomona,  or  a Treatise  on 
Fruit-trees;  in  1675  his  Terra,  or  a Philosophical  Dis- 
course on  Earth.  But  this  reign  is  still  more  remarkable 
for  the  attention  paid  to  British  botany.  In  1650  Dr.  How 
made  the  first  attempt  to  give,  in  his  Phytologia,  a com- 
plete list  of  the  British  plants,  of  which  he  enumerated 
1220.  A still  larger  list  was  afterwards  given  by  Dr.  Mer- 
rett,  in  his  Pinax,  published  in  1667;  a very  useful  work, 
which  included  not  only  1400  British  plants,  but  also 
mentioned  the  animals  and  minerals  then  known  to  be 
produced  in  these  islands.  Three  years  afterwards  the 
celebrated  Ray,  who  had  already  entered  upon  his  career 
of  natural  history,  by  publishing,  in  1660,  his  Catalogus 
Plantaruin  circa  Cantabrigiam  nascentium,  extended  his 
Catalogue  to  a general  one  of  the  British  islands,  and 
enumerated  only  1050  species,  rejecting  many  of  those 



mentioned  by  How  and  Merrett,  as  being  either  mere  va- 
rieties, or  foreign  plants,  unjustly  called  British. 

Ray  gave  a new  character  to  botany,  and  by  his  illus- 
trating every  part  of  natural  history,  has  left  behind  him 
a series  of  works  which  has  rendered  his  name  equally  dur- 
able with  the  science  and  the  Latin  language.  He  merits 
therefore  peculiar  notice,  particularly  as  his  life  shows  that 
riches  are  not  necessary  to  acquire  the  highest  honours  in 
science,  since  his  own  origin  was  of  the  most  humble  de- 
scription. He  was  born  in  1628  at  Black  Notley,  near 
Braintree  in  Essex,  where  his  father  was  a blacksmith,  and, 
as  usual  in  the  country,  probably  a farrier.  Being  in- 
structed in  Latin  in  the  grammar-school  of  Braintree,  he 
went  to  Cambridge  when  1 6 years  of  age.  At  2 1 he  was 
there  chosen  minor-fellow  of  Trinity  College ; at  23  was 
made  Greek  lecturer ; at  25  mathematical  lecturer ; and  at 
27  humanity  reader.  These  early  appointments  show  the 
opinion  his  fellow-collegians  entertained  of  his  abilities. 
No  establishment  for  the  study  of  natural  history  was  then 
formed  at  Cambridge,  although  Oxford  already  possessed 
a botanic  garden.  Mr.  Ray,  therefore,  collected  a few  of 
his  associates,  and  formed  a small  society  for  this  purpose. 
In  December,  1660,  being  then  32,  he  entered  the  church ; 
but  in  September,  1662,  on  refusing  to  subscribe  an  opi- 
nion, that  an  act  of  parliament  could  render  an  oath  not 
binding  upon  those  who  had  taken  it,  he  was  superseded 
in  his  college  appointments,  and  deprived  of  all  hope  of 
church  preferment.  One  of  his  fellow-students,  Mr.  Wil- 
loughby, took  him  several  journeys,  engaged  him  as  tutor 
to  his  children,  and  upon  his  death  left  his  MSS.  upon 
birds  and  fishes,  as  also  his  two  sons  to  his  care,  with  an 
annuity  of  60Z.  a year.  The  small  patrimony  he  received 
from  his  father  he  settled,  at  his  marriage,  upon  his  wife, 
by  whom  he  had  four  daughters,  three  of  whom  survived 
him.  He  died  17th  January,  1706,  at  his  native  place 
(to  which  he  retired  some  years  after  Mr.  Willoughby’s 
death),  in  the  same  humble  state  as  he  began  life. 

Besides  his  two  catalogues  already  mentioned,  he  pub- 
lished at  different  times, 

A Catalogue  of  Plants  observed  in  his  travels. 

A new  Method  of  Plants. 

A History  of  Plants,  in  three  large  volumes,  folio,  in 
which  upwards  of  17,000  plants  are  enumerated,  and  the 
greatest  part  accurately  described. 

c 2 



A Methodical  Synopsis  of  British  Plants,  of  which  he 
gave  himself  two  editions,  and  a third  was  published  after 
his  death  by  Dr.  Dillenius. 

An  emendated  Method  of  Plants,  concerning  which  I 
shall  hereafter  speak  more  at  large. 

A controversial  tract  respecting  the  two  contemporary 
systems  of  Rivinus  and  Tournefort. 

A Synopsis  of  Quadrupeds  and  Serpents. 

A Method  of  Insects. 

These  works  are  all  in  Latin,  by  which  means  they  are 
unfortunately  less  known  in  their  own  country  than  they 
are  on  the  Continent:  and  to  this  list  may  be  added, 

The  editing  of  Willoughby’s  History  of  Birds,  in  Latin ; 
and  also  translating  and  publishing  it  in  English. 

The  editing  of  Willoughby’s  History  of  Fishes,  in 
i Latin. 

He  left  in  manuscript  an  unfinished  Historia  Insecto- 
rum,  which  was  published  by  Dr.  Derham,  who,  after  a 
long  trouble,  succeeded  in  obtaining  from  the  bookseller 
in  whose  hands  they  had  been  lodged,  Ray’s  Synopsis 
Avium,  and  his  Synopsis  Piscium;  both  which  Derham 
published.  To  this  list  might  be  added  several  philological, 
moral,  and  theological  works;  a volume  of  Travels,  and  two 
volumes  of  his  Correspondence,  which  Derham  and  Scott 
have  given  to  the  world : but  enough  has  been  said  to 
prove  his  indefatigable  industry. 

To  prosecute  the  history  of  botany  since  the  time  of 
Ray,  in  the  same  ample  manner  as  I have  dwelt  upon 
the  infancy  of  it,  which  is  always  the  most  interesting  por- 
tion of  the  history  of  any  science,  would  take  up  too 
much  time.  The  remainder,  therefore,  can  only  be  sketched 
by  a hasty  outline. 

In  1677  Dr.  Plott  gave  the  first  natural  history  of  a 
small  local  district,  by  publishing  his  Oxfordshire,  which 
was  succeeded  two  years  afterwards  by  his  Staffordshire : 
these  still  remain  very  favourable  specimens  of  this'  species 
of  literature,  and  have  not  been  exceeded. 

Sir  Hans  Sloane,  Petiver  apothecary  to  the  Charter- 
House,  and  the  elder  Martyn  Professor  of  Botany  at 
Cambridge,  were  the  principal  disciples  of  Ray  in  this 
country.  The  French  botanists  mostly  followed  Tourne- 
fort, and  the  Germans  Rivinus,  or  some  of  the  modifica- 
tions of  his  systematic  arrangement,  until  a new  adventurer 
appeared  in  the  world  of  science,  who  was  destined  to  effect 



a great  change  in  botany,  and  who  disputed  the  palm  of 
victory  with  the  celebrated  Haller.  What  man,  either  of 
letters  or  science,  has  not  heard  of  Haller?  In  poetry, 
devotion,  anatomy,  physiology,  botany,  literary  history,  he 
had  few  equals,  perhaps  no  superior.  In  respect  to  botany, 
he  was  a follower  of  Ray,  upon  whom  he  bestows  the 
highest  praise,  and  attempted  to  render  his  arrangement 
still  more  natural  than  it  is,  using  the  simpler  method  of 
Ruppius  as  a finder,  in  consequence  of  the  abstruseness  of 
his  own  system.  Unfortunately  his  labours  were  confined 
to  the  plants  of  Switzerland,  while  his  competitor  embraced 
the  whole  extent  of  nature,  and  each  edition  of  his  Cata- 
logue was  printed  upon  an  expensive  scale,  in  two  elegant 
folio  volumes,  which  rendered  their  circulation  very  con- 
fined, while  his  edition  of  Ruppius  did  not  display  the  cha- 
racters of  the  genera : otherwise  the  superiority  of  his  own 
system,  and  the  easiness  of  Ruppius’s  as  an  auxiliary, 
would  have  smothered  the  Lin  mean  botany  in  its  birth. 

Hitherto  the  names  of  plants  had  remained  nearly  sta- 
tionaiy,  and  if  any  alteration  was  attempted  the  name 
quoted  by  Caspar  Bauhin,  in  his  Pinax,  was  annexed  as  the 
common  repertory  of  botanists.  The  uses  also  of  plants 
had  never  been  neglected.  Another  point  was  to  use  the 
words  of  the  language,  whether  of  the  Latin  or  the  vulgar 
tongue,  in  their  usual  signification.  To  these  Ray  had. 
added  a fourth,  namely  that  to  excite  inquiry,  he  gave 
lists  of  such  plants  as  were  only  imperfectly  known  to  him. 

Linnaeus  violated  these  old  rules  by  degrees,  as  his  sys- 
tematic arrangement  of  plants  became  more  and  more  in 
use.  He  changed  the  names  of  plants  with  the  utmost 
unconcern;  he  neglected  almost  entirely  the  detail  of  the 
uses;  and  as  to  the  language,  he  scrupled  not  to  change 
the  terms  used  in  describing  plants,  and  to  affix  new  signi- 
fications to  well-known  words.  Another  peculiarity  in 
Linnaeus’s  writings  is,  that  he  does  not  give  any  lists  of 
those  natural  substances  of  which  he  had  only  an  imperfect 
knowledge;  so  that  a person  is  apt  to  suppose  them  more 
perfect  than  they  really  are. 

Let  it  not  however  be  thought,  that  some  very  great  im- 
provements were  not  introduced  by  him,  particularly  in 
the  typographical  execution  of  his  works.  His  taking  the 
characters  of  the  families,  from  the  same  parts,  although 
carried  by  him  to  excess,  as  being  extended  to  the  whole 
grand  division,  now  called  phenogamous  plants,  instead  of 
being  changed  in  each  class  according  to  circumstances,  is 



a great  improvement.  His  distinction  of  the  species  being 
formed  from  characters  visible  in  the  plants  themselves, 
instead  of  the  place  where  found,  their  size  compared  with 
others,  or  their  use,  is  a still  greater  improvement.  If  we 
compare  his  manner  of  printing  the  synoptic  tables  of 
the  genera,  prefixed  to  each  class,  with  the  tables  of  Ray, 
or  Knaut,  the  superiority  of  his  method  will  be  evident. 
The  same  superiority  exists  in  the  manner  of  printing  the 
few  descriptions  he  has  published.  By  always  observing 
the  same  order  in  treating  of  the  several  parts,  breaking 
the  description  into  short  paragraphs,  and  using  a different 
type  for  the  leading  word  of  the  several  divisions  of  a 
paragraph,  the  eye  of  a person  accustomed  to  his  works 
glances  immediately  to  the  information  that  is  required. 

These  real  improvements,  added  to  the  industry  which 
he  manifested  in  publishing  the  successive  improvements 
of  his  system,  and  the  cheapness  of  his  works,  in  which 
the  expense  of  figures  was  avoided,  brought  his  system 
into  vogue,  particularly  in  Germany  and  England,  it  being 
a striking  feature  in  the  national  characters  of  their  inha- 
bitants to  prefer  the  works  of  foreigners  to  those  of  their 

In  France,  however,  although  he  was  followed  by  many, 
yet  the  greater  national  pride  prevalent  there  forbade  them 
to  discard  their  own  Tournefort  to  oblivion.  Linnaeus  had 
pronounced  the  discovery  of  the  natural  arrangement  of 
plants,  as  attempted  by  Ray,  to  be  nearly  hopeless;  but  the 
French  botanists  did  not  so  easily  despair ; Adanson,  Ber- 
nard Jussieu,  his  nephew  Anthony  Jussieu  the  present 
professor  at  Paris,  Lamarcke,  and  still  more  lately  De 
Candolle,  the  present  professor  at  Geneva,  have  again  at- 
tempted this  task,  and  have  certainly  carried  it  to  a degree 
of  perfection,  as  may  be  seen  in  this  work,  in  which  the 
plants  of  the  British  islands  are  arranged  according  to  the 
latest  improvements  of  these  celebrated  botanists. 

The  authors  since  Ray  may  seem,  perhaps,  to  be  passed 
over  in  too  rapid  a manner ; but  when  we  consider,  that 
since  his  time  the  uses  of  vegetables  have,  been  almost  en- 
tirely neglected,  and  that  the  Linnean  school  has  princi- 
pally supplied  us  with  authors  who  have  new  arranged, 
and  new  named  old  things;  so  that  they  have  plunged  us 
again  into  the  same  chaos,  from  which  we  were  rescued  by 
C.  Bauhin  in  his  Pinax,  the  notice  taken  of  these  name- 
setters  and  rangers,  as  Hooke  would  emphatically  call 
them,  is  fully  sufficient  for  their  merit.  A few  demand 



our  thanks,  particularly  those  who  have  investigated  the 
imperfect  or  cryptogamous  plants,  as  Micheli,  the  liver- 
worts and  fungi ; Persoon,  Link,  and  Esenbeck,  the  fungi ; 
Dillenius  and  Hedwig,  the  mosses ; Gsertner,  the  fruit  of 
plants.  Of  living  British  authors  I purposely  abstain  from 
any  mention,  or  I would  bestow  the  proper  meed  of  praise 
upon  R.  Brown,  R.  A.  Salisbury,  Goodenough,  Dillwyn, 
Turner,  and  many  other  successful  investigators  of  nature. 

Having  thus  brought  the  history  of  botany  to  the  pre- 
sent time,  the  following  chronological  epitome  will  exhibit 
a clear  view  of  its  progress  since  the  invention  of  printing, 
and  also  a succinct  list  of  the  principal  authors,  and  parti- 
cularly of  those  relative  to  English  Botany,  or  the  esta- 
blishment of  the  natural  system,  in  the  order  of  their 

Edward  IV. 

1468.  Pliny  first  printed. 

1471.  Crescentius.  Opus  ruralium  Commodorum.  First 
dated  edition. 

1475.  Buch  der  Natur  printed.  First  wood-cuts  of  natural 
history . 

1477.  iEmilius  Macer.  DeVirtutibus  Herbarum.  Printed. 

1478.  Dioscorides  translated  and  printed. 

1483.  Theophrastus  translated  and  printed. 

Edw.  V.  and  Rich.  III. 

1484.  Herbarium,  published  at  Mentz. 

Henry  VII. 

1485.  Printing  introduced  into  England  hy  Caxton 
Cuba  ? Ortus  Sanitatis. 

Henry  VIII. 

1516.  Great  Herbal.  Latin  names  alphabetical.  The  first 
English  herbal. 

1528.  Lucius  Apulejus.  DeVirtutibus  Herbarum.  Printed 
with  Galen’s  works. 

1530.  Brunsfels.  Herbarium.  Restores  practical  Botany  in 

1534.  Judge  Fitzherbert.  Husbandry. 

1535.  Valerius  Cordus.  Dispensatorium.  First  pharma- 


154L  Gesner.  Historia  Plantarum.  Proposes  genera  by 
t he  fructification . 



1542,  Fuchs.  Historia  Plantarum.  516  fig.  outlines  only, 
but  beautiful. 

Edward  VI. 

1548.  Matthiolus.  Commentarii  in  Dioscoridem. 

1551.  Turner.  New  Herbal. 

1552.  Tragus.  De  Stirpibus.  567  figures. 

Serapio.  De  Simplicium  Historia.  Printed. 

Dodoens.  Frugum  Historia. 



1560.  Miraldi,  Secretorum  Enchiridion. 

1562.  Bulleyn.  Castle  of  Defense  against  Sicknesse, 

Dr.  Penny , first  British  entomologist . 

1568.  Turner.  Herbal.  Completed,  with  figures  from 
the  small  editions  of  Fuchs. 

1570.  Lobel  and  Pena.  Adversaria.  The  first  arrange- 
ment of  plants . 

1578.  Lyte.  Herbal.  A translation  of  Dodonteus.  1050 

1583.  Dodoens.  Herbal,  completed  and  all  the  parts 
published  together  with  1305  figures. 

1585.  Caesalpinus.  De  Plantis.  The  first  strict  logical 
system . 

Newton.  Herbal  to  the  Bible. 

1588.  Tabernaemontanus.  Kraeuterbuch,  begun. 

1592.  Columna.  Phytobasanos. 

1594.  Mountain.  Gardeners’  Labyrinth.  The  first  Eng- 
lish book  on  Gardening  P 
1597.  Gerarde.  Herbal. 

1599.  Imperati.  Historia  Naturalis. 

1600.  Schwenckfeld.  Stirpium,  &c.  Silesiae  Catalogus. 

The  first  Flora  of  any  country . 

1601.  Clusius.  Rariorum  Plantarum  Historia.  This  au- 

thor is  highly  esteemed  for  the  purity  of  his  Latin. 

James  I. 

1605.  Clusius.  Exoticorum  Libri  decern. 

Lobel.  Adversariorum  altera  pars. 

1611.  Clusius.  Curae  poster iores. 

1612.  Besler.  Hortus  Eystettensis.  1083  figures  on  cop- 

per. The  first  superb  work  in  botany. 

1616.  Columna.  Ecphrasis. 

1620.  C.  Bauhln.  Prodromus  Theatri  Botanici,  1st  edit. 



1623.  C.  Bauhin.  Pinax  Theatri  Botanici,  1st  edit.  An 
immense  collection  of  synonyms . 

Charles  I. 

1629.  Johnson.  Iter  Cantianum.  The  first  account  of  a 
herborisation  in  England. 

Parkinson.  Paradisus  terrestris.  The  first  catalogue 
of  common  garden  plants . 

1632.  Johnson.  Ericetum  Hampstediense.  The  first  ca- 

talogue of  a small  botanizing  ground. 

1633.  — Gerarde’s  Herbal.  2850  plants. 

1634?.  Mercurius  Botanicus.  The  first  sepa- 

ration of  British  plants  from  foreign  ones . 

164?3.  Parkinson.  Theatre  of  Botany.  3800  plants,  with 
new  figures,  cut  in  England. 

1648.  Bobart.  Hortus  Oxoniensis.  The  first  catalogue  of 
a British  botanic  garden . 

Marcgraff.  Historia  Brasilia. 

Charles  II. 

1650.  How.  Phytologia.  1220  plants.  The  first  attempt 
at  a complete  list  of  British  plants . 

J.  Bauhin.  Historia  Plantarum. 

1652.  Culpeper.  The  English  Physician.  1st  edition. 

1655.  Lobel.  Stirpium  Illustrationes,  a How. 

1656.  Cole.  The  Art  of  Simpling. 

Tradescant.  Museum.  The  first  catalogue  of  an 
English  collection. 

1658.  Browne.  Hortus  Oxoniensis. 

1659.  Lovell.  Pambotanologia.  1st  edition. 

1660.  Ray.  Catalogus  Plantarum  Cantabrigensis.  626 

plants.  The  first  work  by  Bay. 

1664.  Evelyn.  Sylva,  with  Kalendarium  Hortense.  The 

first  Gardener's  Calendar. 

Turner.  British  Physician. 

1665.  Lovell.  Pambotanologia.  2d  edition. 

1667.  Merrett.  Pinax  Rerum  Britannicarum.  1400  plants. 
Willisell  mentioned  by  Merrett  as  an  active  collector. 

1669.  Morison.  Hortus  Biesensis. 

1670.  Ray.  Catalogus  Plantarum  Anglise.  1050  plants. 
Grew.  Anatomy  of  vegetables  begun. 

1672.  Morison.  Plantse  umbelliferse.  The  first  monograph. 

1673.  Ray.  Catalogus  Stirpium  externarum, 

1675.  Malpighi.  Anatome  Plantarum. 



1677.  Plot.  Oxfordshire.  The  first  natural  history  of  an 

English  county . 

1678.  Van  Rheede.  Hortus  Malabaricus  begun. 

1679.  Plot.  Staffordshire. 

Evelyn.  Terra. 

1680.  Morison.  Historia  Plantarum.  Tom.  ii.  The  first 

general  history  in  a systematic  order , and  with 
copper-plate  figures . Note,  The  first  volume  on 
trees  still  in  manuscript . 

1682.  Wheeler’s  Journey  into  Greece.  An  attempt  to  in- 
vestigate the  plants  of  the  ancients  in  their  native 

Ray.  Method  us  nova  Plantarum. 

Dr.  Tancred  Robinson  mentioned  by  Ray. 

1684.  Sibbald.  Scotland. 

1685.  Glen.  A herbarium  of  600  plants , with  this  date , men- 

tioned by  Dr.  Fulteney  as  being  still  in  existence. 
Abercrombie.  Ars  explorandi  medicas  Plantarum 
Facultates  ex  solo  Sapore. 

James  II. 

1686.  Ray.  Historia  Plantarum.  Tom.  i. 

1688.  Knaut.  Plantae  Hallenses. 

Ray.  Historia  Plantarum.  Tom.  ii.  16,000  plants 
in  systematic  order. 

Fasciculus  Stirpium  post  Catalogum  observa- 


William  III. 

1689.  Magnol.  Prodromus  Historic  Plantarum. 

1690.  Ray.  Synopsis  Stirpium  Britannicarum.  First 

edition.  1050  plants. 

Doody  and  Lawson  mentioned  by  Ray. 

Rivinus.  Introductio  in  Rem  herbarium. 

— Plantas  monopetalse  irregulares. 

1691.  - — — — Plantse  tetrapetalse  irregulares. 

Plukenet.  Phytographia. 

1692.  Glen.  A herbarium  of  660  plants , with  this  date 9 

mentioned  by  Dr.  Fulteney  as  still  remaining. 
Petiver.  Museum. 

1693.  Ray.  Synopsis  Quadrupedum . 

Dale.  Pharmacologia.  First  edition. 

Slier ard , now  known. 

1694.  Tournefort.  Elemens  de  la  Botanique. 

Peachy.  Compleat  Herbal. 



1696.  Ray  Synopsis.  Second  edition. 

Sloane.  Catalogus  Plantarum  Jamaica}. 

Plukenet.  Almagestum. 

1699.  Morison.  Historia.  Tom.  iii.  a Bobart. 

Rivinus.  Plantse  pentapetalse  irregulares. 

Llhwyd.  Lithophylacium  Britannicum. 

1 700.  Plukenet.  Almagesti  Mantissa. 

Leigh.  Lancashire. 


1702.  Petiver.  Gazophylacium. 

1703.  Ray.  Methodus  emendata. 

Plunder.  Nova  Genera  Plantarum. 

170L  Ray.  Historia  Plantarum.  Tom.  iii.  11,300  plants. 
1705.  Plukenet.  Amaltheum. 

Plunder.  Fougeres  de  l’Amerique. 

1 707.  Sloane.  History  of  Jamaica; 

1708.  Lecaan.  Advice  to  the  Army,  on  the  Spanish  and 

Portuguese  plants . 

1709.  Robinson.  Westmoreland. 

1710.  Ray.  Historia  Insectorum. 

Dr.  Richar doiiy  Mr.  Brewery  and  Mr.  Harrison , men- 
tioned by  Ray. 

Johren.  Hodegus  Botanicus.  The  first  attempt  at 
an  analytical  method  of  plants. 

Boerhaave.  Index  Plantarum  Lugduno-Batavorum. 

1711.  Salmon.  Botanologia,  or  English  Herbal. 

1712.  Morton.  Northamptonshire. 

1713.  Ray.  Synopsis  Avium  et  Piscium. 

Petiver.  Figures  to  Ray’s  British  Plants. 

Bradleyy  now  known. 

George  I. 

1716.  Knaut  (Filins).  Methodus  Plantarum  Genuina. 
Bradley.  Succulent  Plants. 

1717.  Tournefort.  Institutiones,  a Jussieu. 

1718.  Ruppius.  Flora  Jenensis,  First  edition. 

Blair.  Botanick  Essays. 

1719.  Scheuchzer.  Agrostographia  Helvetica. 

Dillenius.  Catalogus  Plantarum  circa  Gissam. 

1720.  Magnol.  Novus  Caracter  Plantarum.  Contains 

his  calycine  method. 

1721.  Knowles.  Materia  Medica  Botanica,  in  Latin 




1723.  Blair.  Pharmaco-botanologia.  Begun. 

1724.  Ray.  Synopsis.  Third  edition.  A Dillenio. 

1725.  Sloane.  Jamaica.  Vol.  ii. 

Douglas.  Amaryllis,  or-  Guernsey  Lily . 

1726.  Martyn.  Plant®  officinales. 

Ruppius.  Hora  Jenensis  aucta. 

George  II. 

1727.  Threlkeld.  Synopsis  Stirpium  Hibernicarum. 
Boerhaave.  Historia  Plantarum  in  Horto  Lug- 


Martyn.  Methodus  Plantarum  Cantabrigensium. 
Hales.  Vegetable  Statics. 

1728.  Knowlton  and  Miller  begun  to  be  known. 

Bradley.  Dictionarium  Botanicum. 

Kaempfer.  History  of  Japan,  translated. 

1729.  Micheli.  Nova  Plantarum  Genera. 

1730.  Hebenstreit.  Definitiones  Plantarum.  The  genera 

of  Rivinus . 

Catesby.  Carolina. 

Miller.  Gardeners’  Dictionary.  First  edition. 
1732.  Dillenius.  Hortus  Elthamensis. 

Tournefort.  History  of  Plants,  translated  by  Mar- 









Florula  Lapponica. 

Systema  Naturae.  First  edition. 

Came  to  England. 

Fundamenta  Botanica. 

Bibliotheca  Botanica. 

Musa  Cliffortiana. 

Flora  Lapponica.  First  edition. 
Genera  Plantarum.  First  edition. 
Critica  Botanica. 

Hortus  Cliffortianus. 

Blackstone.  Harefield  Plants. 

Dale.  Pharmacologia.  Second  edition. 

Blackwell.  Herbal. 

Definitiones  Plantarum.  First  edition. 
Nottingham  Plants. 

Florae  Leydensis  Prodromus.  Cow- 



Van  Royen. 

tains  his  System , and  is  said  to  have  been  written 
by  Linnceus. 

Dillenius.  Historia  Muscorum. 

Linnceus  made  Professor  at  Upsal . 



1742.  Haller  Enumeratio  Stirpium  Helveticarum. 

1744.  Wilson.  Synopsis  of  British  Plants.  Vol.  i.  A 

translation  of  Ray’s  Synopsis , slightly  altered  from 

1745.  Linnaeus.  Flora  Suecica. 

Needham.  Microscopical  Discoveries. 

Parsons.  Theatre  of  Seeds. 

Ruppius.  Flora  Jenensis,  a Hallero. 

1746.  Blackstone.  Specimen  Botanicum.  Contains  the 

habitats  of  rare  British  plants . 

1747.  Short.  Medicina  Britannica. 

1748.  Heister.  Systema  Plantarum.  A near  approach  to 

the  present  natural  system  ; hut  the  trees  separated 
from  the  herbs. 

1749.  Linnaeus.  Materia  Medica.  First  edition. 
Amoenitates  Academicae.  First  edition 


1750.  Ehret  and  Trew.  Centuriae.  Begun. 

Hughes.  Barbadoes. 

1751.  Fulham-garden  very  full  of  plants. 

Linnaeus.  Philosophia  Botanica.  First  edition. 
Forster.  Flora  Americae  Septentrionalis. 

Sauvages.  Methodus  Foliorum. 

1 752.  Sir  Hans  Sloane  died. 

Newton.  Compleat  Herbal. 

1753.  Linnaeus.  Species  Plantarum.  First  edition. 
Alston.  Tyrocinium. 

1755.  Miller.  Figures  to  his  Dictionary.  Begun. 

Ellis.  History  of  the  Corallines. 

1756.  Browne.  Jamaica. 

Sheldrake.  Herbal. 

1757.  Kniphoff.  Herbarium  vivum.  Begun  and  carried 

on  to  J2  centuries.  First  publication  of  dried 
specimens . 

1758.  Borlase.  Cornwall. 

1759.  Stillingfleet.  Miscellaneous  tracts. 

B.  Jussieu  arranges  the  garden  at  Trianon.  Founda- 
tion of  the  present  natural  system. 

George  III. 

1760.  Solander  to  England. 

Lee.  Introduction  to  Botany.  First  edition. 

Flora  Danica.  Begun  by  Oeder. 

1761.  Schaeffer.  Fungi.  Begun. 



1762.  Hudson.  Flora  Anglica.  First  edition, 

Martyn.  Herbationes  Cantabrigenses. 

1763.  Lyons.  Plantae  Cantabrigenses. 

Adanson.  Families  des  Plantes. 

1764.  Oeder.  Elementa  Botanica. 

Berkenhout.  Botanical  Lexicon. 

1766.  Crantz.  Institutiones  Rei  Herbariae. 

1767.  Catesby.  Hortus  Europae  Americanus. 

Present  taste  of  planting. 

1768.  Gmelin.  Historia  Fucorum. 

Hill.  Hortus  Kewensis. 

Haller.  Historia  Stirpium  Helveticarum. 

Miller.  Gardener’s  Dictionary,  8th  edition,  altered 
to  the  Liinnean  system . 

1769.  Wallis.  Northumberland. 

Haller.  Nomenclator  Stirpium  Helveticarum. 
Plukenet.  Opera. 

Hill.  Herbarium  Britannicum. 

1770.  Alston.  Materia  Medica. 

Berkenhout.  Outlines.  Vol.  ii.  Vegetables. 

Weis.  Plantae  cryptogamicae  Gottingensis. 

Milne.  Botanical  Dictionary. 

1771.  Necker.  Methodus  Muscorum. 

Weston.  Universal  Botanist. 

Warner.  Woodford  Plants. 

Milne.  Institutes  of  Botany. 

1772.  Cook’s  Second  Voyage  began. 

Haller.  Bibliotheca  Botanica. 

1774.  Cullum.  Specimen  Florae  Anglicae.  Left  imperfect. 
Curtis.  London  plants. 

Hill.  Vegetable  System.  The  largest  work  on  bo- 
tany , 26  vols.  folio  ; left  unfinished  in  1775. 

1775.  Forskahl.  Flora  iEgyptiaco-Arabica. 

Weston.  English  Flora. 

Jenkinson.  British  Plants. 

Rose.  Elements  of  Botany. 

1776.  Bulliard.  Flora  Parisiensis.  Begun. 

Cook’s  Third , or  last  Voyage , begun. 

Withering.  Botanical  Arrangement.  First  edition, 

1777.  Curtis.  Flora  Londinensis.  Begun. 

Linnaeus’s  System  of  Botany  illustrated. 

Lightfoot.  Flora  Scotica.  Begun. 

Robson.  British  Flora. 

Jacob.  Fever  sham  Plants. 



1778.  Boutcher.  Forest-trees. 

Hudson.  Flora  Anglica.  Second  edition, 

Lamarck.  Flore  Fran$oise.  First  edition. 

Walcot.  Flora  Britannica. 

1779.  Giseke.  Index  Linneanus  in  Plukenetum  et  DiF 


1 780.  Bulliard.  Herbier  de  la  France.  Begun. 

Weston.  Supplement  to  English  Flora. 

1781.  Lestiboudois.  Botanographie  Belgique.  First  edi- 

tion. Recommended  by  De  Candolle  to  students. 
Linnaeus  Filius.  Supplementum  Flantarum. 

Methodus  Muscoram  illustrate, 

Pulteney.  Review  of  Linnaeus’s  Writings. 

1782.  Bergius.  Materia  Medica  ex  Regno  vegetabili. 
Broughton.  Enchiridion. 

1783.  Batsch.  Elenchus  Fungorum.  Begun. 

Lamarck.  Encyclopedic  Methodique,  Botanique, 


1784*.  Bulliard.  Plantes  veneneuses. 

Forster.  Additions  to  Warner’s  Woodford  Plants* 
Hoffmann.  Enumeratio  Lichenum. 

L’Heritier.  Stirpes  novae.  Begun. 

Pallas.  Flora  Rossica.  Begun. 

Jones.  Religious  Use  of  Botanical  Philosophy. 
1785.  Bolton.  Filices  Britannicae.  Begun. 

Rosseau.  Letters  on  Botany,  translated  by  Martyn. 
Cavanilles.  Monadelphia.  Begun. 

Dickson.  Plantae  cry ptogamicoe  Britannicae.  Begun, 
Hoffmann.  Historia  Salicum. 

Relham.  Flora  Cantabrigensis.  Begun. 

1787.  Curtis.  Botanical  Magazine.  Begun. 

R. W.  D.  Principia  Botanica,  Newark. 

Happe.  Botanica  Pharmaceutica.  Begun. 
Withering.  Botanical  Arrangement.  Second  edi- 
tion by  Stokes. 

Hedwig.  Descriptio  Muscorum  frondosorum. 

Hoffmann.  Vegetabilia  cryptogamica.  Begun. 
Linnaeus.  Families  of  Plants,  translated  by  the 
Litchfield  Society. 

L’Heritier.  Ceranologia.  Begun. 

1788.  Bolton.  Funguses  about  Halifax.  Begun. 
Gaertner.  De  Fructibus  et  Seminibus  Plantarum. 

Tom.  i. 

Roth.  Flora  Germanica.  Begun. 











Cullen.  Materia  Medica. 

Smith.  leones  Plantarum. 

Jussieu.  Genera  Plantarum,  secundum  Ordines 

Aiton.  Hortus  Kewensis.  First  edition. 

Leers.  Flora  Herborniensis. 

Donovan.  On  the  minute  Parts  of  Plants. 
Pulteney.  Progress  of  Botany  in  England. 

Bolton.  Filices  Britannicae.  Part  ii. 

Curtis.  Brompton  Garden.  First  edition. 
Sowerby  and  Smith.  English  Botany. 

Allen.  Exotic  Plants  at  Kew.  Begun. 

Swayne.  Gramina  pascua. 

Donovan.  Botanical  Review. 

Lamarck.  Illustrations  des  Genres. 

Loureiro.  Flora  Cochin-chinensis. 

Necker.  Elementa  Botanica. 

Tode.  Fungi  Mecklenburgenses. 

Woodville.  Medical  Botany.  Begun. 

Cavanilles.  Plantae  Hispanicae.  Begun. 
Transactions  of  the  Linnaean  Society.  Begun. 
Darwin.  Botanic  Garden. 

R.  A.  Salisbury.  leones  Stirpium. 

Gaertner.  De  Fructibus,  &c.  Plantarum.  Tom. 



Botanisches  Handbuch.  Begun. 


Ordines  naturales,  a Giseke 
Collectio  Epistolarum. 

Flora  Rustica.  Begun. 
Introduction  to  Botany. 

Flora  Austriacae  sicca.  Begun. 




Coyte.  Ipswich  Garden. 

Milne  and  Gordon.  Indigenous  Botany. 
perfect . 

Martyn.  Language  of  Botany. 

Murray.  Apparatus  Medicaminum. 
Paulet.  Traite  de  Champignons. 
Rousseau.  Lettres  sur  la  Botanique. 
Goodenough.  British  Species  of  Carex. 
Haworth.  Mesembryanthemum. 
Meyrick.  Miscellaneous  Botany. 
Sibthorp.  Flora  Oxonienses. 

Wade.  Plantae  Dublinenses. 

Roxburgh.  Coromandel  Plants.  Vol.  i* 
Stackhouse.  Nereis  Britannica. 

Yelley.  Marine  Plants  of  England, 

Left  im - 



1796.  Donn.  Hortus  Cantabrigiensis.  First  edition. 

Withering.  Botanical  Arrangement.  3d  edit.  4 vols. 
Gmelin.  Systema  Naturae. 

Martyn.  Language  of  Botany. 

Persoon.  Observationes  mycologicae. 

R.  A.  Salisbury.  Prodromus  Horti  Chapel  Allerton. 
Sower  by.  Fungi.  Begun. 

J797.  Bridel.  MuscoJogia.  Part  L 

Freeman.  Select  British  Plants.  No.  L 
Andrews.  Botanists’  Repository.  Begun. 

Lambert.  Genus  Cinchona* 

Miller.  Gardeners’ Dictionary,  by  Martyn.  Begun. 
Persoon.  Tentamen  Dispositionis  Fungorum. 

Roth.  Catalecta  Botanica.  Begun. 

Willdenow.  Species  Plantarum*  Begun. 

1798.  Abbot.  Flora  Bedfordiensis. 

Sole.  Menthae  Britannicss. 

Dryander.  Catalogue  of  Sir  Joseph  Banks'  Library * 
Acharius.  Lichenographiae  Suecicae  Prodromus. 
Bulliard.  Champignons  de  la  France. 

Symons.  Synopsis  Plantarum  Britannicarum. 
Thompson.  Botany  displayed. 

Roxburgh.  Coromandel  Plants.  Vol.  ii. 

Ruir  and  Pavon.  Flora  Peruviana  et  Ghilensis. 

1799.  Sims.  Botanical  Magazine.  Begun, 

Hull.  British  Flora.  First  edition. 

Lady  C.  Murray.  British  Garden. 

Hunter.  Analogy  between  vegetable  and  animal 

1800.  St.  Pierre.  Etudes  de  la  Nature. 

Hull*  Elements  of  Botany. 

Smith.  Flora  Britannica.  Tom.  i.  et  ii. 

Compendium.  First  edition. 

1801.  Forster.  Plants  about  Tunbridge  Wells. 

Hedwig.  Species  Muscorum,  a Sehwa?grichen. 
Persoon.  Synopsis  Fungorum. 

1802.  Dillwyn.  British  Confervee.  Begun. 

Redoute.  Les  Liliac^es,  Begun. 

Schkuhr.  Carex. 

Trattinick.  Genera  Plantarum  Methodo  natural! 

Turner.  Synopsis  of  British  Fuci. 

Historia  Fucorum.  Begun, 

VOL.  i. 



1803.  Schkuhr.  Manuale  Botanicum,  a Schwsegrichen.  , 
Acharius.  Methodus  Lichenum. 

Dubois.  Plantes  d’Orleans. 

Haworth.  Miscellanea  naturalia. 

Vaucher.  Conferves  d’Eau  douce. 

Kerner.  Genera  Plantarum  Iconibus  illustrata. 

Lambert.  Pinusv 

Mirbel.  Histoire  des  Plantes,  d’apres  Jussieu. 

1804-.  Brotero.  Flora  Lusitanica. 

Wade.  Plants  of  Ireland. 

Gaudin.  Etrennes  de  Flora.  No.  I.  Carex. 

Knox.  Gramina  Britannica. 

Smith.  Flora  Britannica.  Tom.  iii. 

Turner.  Muscologia  Hibernica. 

Trattinick.  Fungi  Austriaci  cera  expressi. 
Thunberg.  Flora  Japonica. 

1805.  Rudge.  leones  Plantarum  Guianae.  Begun. 
Winch.  Botanists,  Guide  through  Northumber- 
land and  Durham.  Vol.  i. 

R.  A.  Salisbury.  Paradisus  Londinensis.  Begun. 
Turner  and  Weston.  Botanists’  Guide  through 

Persoon.  Synopsis  Plantarum.  The  most  numerous 
collection  of  phenogamous  species  hitherto  published . 
Sims  and  Koenigs  Annals  of  Botany.  Begun. 
Palisot  de  Beauvois.  iEtheogames,  seu  Musci  et 

De  Candolle  and  Lamarcke.  Flore  Francoise. 
Willdenow.  Principles  of  Botany,  translated. 
Gaertner.  Supplementum  Carpologiae. 

Geoffroy  de  St.  Hilaire.  Families  Naturelles. 

— — Plantes  de  la  France. 


1806.  De  Candolle  and  Lamarcke.  Synopsis  Florae  Gal- 


Lois.  Flora  Gallica. 

Sibthorp  and  Smith.  Flora  Graeca.  Begun. 
Barbier.  Pharmacologia. 

Smith.  Introduction  to  Botany. 

R.  A.  Salisbury.  The  generic  Characters  in  the 
English  Botany  (by  Sir  J.  E.  Smith),  collated 
with  those  of  Linnaeus. 

Swartz.  Synopsis  Filicum. 



1807.  Humboldt.  Geographic  des  Plantes. 

1808.  and  f&onpland.  Plantes  Equinoxiales. 


Galpine.  Compend.  of  British  Botany. 

Richard.  Analyse  du  Fruit. 

White.  Indigenous  Grasses  of  Ireland. 

Hull.  British  Flora.  Second  Edition.  Yol.  i. 

1809.  Knight.  Horticultural  Essays.  Begun.  Protese. 
Bonpland.  Melastoma. 

Freeman.  British  Plants.  No.  II. 

1810.  Acharius.  Lichenographia. 

Bodard.  Cours  de  Botanique  medicale. 

Brown.  Prodromus  Florse  N.  Hollandise. 

Mougeot  and  Nestler.  Stirpes  cryptogamicce  Vo* 
geso-Rhsenanae.  Begun. 

1811.  Lejeune.  Flore  de  Spa.  Begun. 

Persoon.  Novae  Lichenum  Species. 

Schwaegrichen.  Supplementum  Muscorum. 

Gaudin.  Agrostographia  Helvetica. 

1812.  Palisot  de  Beauvois.  Agrostographie. 

Haworth.  Synopsis  Plantarum  succulentarum. 
Hooker.  British  Jungermanniae.  Begun. 

1813.  De  Candolle.  Thdorie  de  la  Botanique.  First 


Davis.  Welsh  Botanology. 

Hoskert.  Flora  Glottiana,  i.  e.  Glasgow  Plants. 
Hooker.  Pomona  Londinensis. 

Sprengel.  Introduction  to  cryptogamous  Plants, 

Tupper.  On  the  Probability  of  Sensation  in  Vege- 

Dunal.  Solanum. 

Bonpland.  Jardin  de  Malmaison.  Begun. 

1814.  Brown.  Botany  of  Terra  Australis. 

Knight.  Pomona  Herefordiensis. 

1815.  Hooker.  Flora  Londinensis.  Begun. 

Mirbel.  Elemens  de  Botanique. 

Seringe.  Saules  de  la  Suisse. 

Humboldt,  Bonpland,  and  Kunth.  Nova  Plantarum 
Genera  et  Species.  Begun. 

1816.  Keith.  System  of  Physiological  Botany. 

Forster.  Flora  Tunbridgensis. 

Lamouroux.  Polypiers  coralligenes  flexibles, 

1817.  Agardh.  Synopsis  Algarum. 

b 2 



1817.  Purton.  Midland  Flora 
Ordeyno.  Flora  Nottinghamiensis. 

Nees  von  Esenbeck.  Fungi. 

Redoute.  Les  Roses. 

1818.  Hooker  and  Taylor.  Muscologia  Britannica. 

De  Candolle.  Regni  Vegetabilis  Systema  Naturale. 

1819.  De  Candolle.  Theorie  de  la  Botanique.  Second 


Richard.  Fruits  and  Seeds,  translated  by  Lindley. 
Lingbye.  Tentamen  Hydrophytologiae  Danicae. 
Haworth.  Appendix  to  Succulents,  &c. 

Scot  and  Jameson.  Herbarium  Edinense. 

Bridel.  Supplem.  Muscorum  recentium. 

1820.  Lindley.  Roses. 

3.  Explanation  of  the  Terms  used  in  Botany. 

Plants,  vegetables,  Plantce , vegetal  ilia ; in  compo- 
sition— phytos , — hotanos , — lot  ane. 

1.  Species . 

Tree,  Arbor , in  composition — dendron . A plant  with  a 
single  woody  stem,  growing  at  least  three  times  as  high  as 
a man. 

Small  tree,  Arbuscula.  A tree  which  does  not  grow 
above  five  times  as  high  as  a man. 

Shrub,  Fruiex , Arbus  turn,  Fruticulus.  A plant  with  a 
woody  stem,  not  growing  three  times  as  high  as  a man, 
and  branched  very  near  the  ground. 

Bush,  Dumus , Dumetum.  A low  shrub  much  branched 
at  the  bottom. 

Under  shrub,  Suffrutex . A woody  plant,  without  buds, 
which  is  not  an  arm’s  length  in  height. 

Herb,  Her  ha,  A plant  with  a soft  stalk  of  the  same 
consistence  as  leaves,  and  renewed  every  year,  at  least  the 
part  above  ground. 

2.  Containing  Farts . 

Elementary  parts,  Organa  elementaria , Partes  similares. 
Small  parts,  common  to  the  whole  vegetable,  and  appearing 
to  be  the  organic  elements  of  which  the  vegetable  is  com- 



Membranous  texture,  Contextus , Complexus  membranaceus . 
A tissue  of  membranes  united  together,  either  cellular  or 

Cellular  texture,  Complexus  cellulosus,  Tela  cellulose/,  Com- 
plexus utricularis.  A membranous  tissue  composed  of  cells, 
which  do  not  communicate  with  each  other,  and  resemble 
soap-suds.  PI.  1.  fig.  5,  c,  d. 

Cells,  pores,  vesicles,  bladders,  Cellulce , Utriculi.  The 
void  spaces  in  the  cellular  texture.  They  vary  in  respect  to 
their  sides,  a,  or  form,  b. 

a.  1.  Simple  cells,  Cellulce  simplices.  The  sides  trans- 

a.  2.  Dotted  cells,  porous  cells,  Cellulce  pundatce.  The 
sides  have  opake  dots,  like  glands,  which  are  probably 
pores.  PL  1.  fig.  5.  e,  h,  1. 

a.  3.  Streaked  cells,  Cellulce  lineatce . The  sides  have 
transverse  streaks,  of  a glandular  appearance,  which  are 
probably  slits.  PI.  1.  fig.  5.  g.  h. 

b.  1.  Regular  cells,  Cellulce  regular es,  Contextus  globu- 
lar is,  Tela  vesicularis.  Cells  exhibit  a hexagonal  section  in 
every  direction ; forming  the  principal  mass  of  the  paren- 
chyme.  PI.  1.  fig.  5.  d. 

b.  2.  Tubular  cells,  Cellulce  elongatce.  C.  tubulosce,  Tali 
parvi , Utriculi  jibrosi , Complexus  cellulosus  lignosus,  Tela 
elongata,  Tela  alveolaria.  Long  cells,  closed  at  each  end ; 
forming  the  wood  and  ribs  of  plants.  PI.  1.  fig.  5.  g. 

b.  3.  Necklace  cells,  Cellulce  moniliformes,  Cellulce  preca - 
torice,  Vasa  moniliformia,  Vasa  precatoria , Vasa  vermicularia , 
Vasa  intercepla.  Oval  cells,  dotted,  separated  from  one 
another  by  partitions,  resembling  the  beads  of  a necklace; 
forming  the  knots  and  joints  of  plants,  and  their  roots. 
They  are  intermediate  between  cells  and  vessels,  and  may 
be  referred  to  either. 

Vessels,  Vasa,  Tubi.  Void  spaces  in  the  membranous  tex- 
ture, open  at  their  extremities : they  differ  in  use,  as  they 
convey  the  sap,  a.  or  other  fluids,  b.  c. 

a.  Sap  vessels,  Vasa  lymphaiica,  Lymphceductus , Vasa 
pneumatica.  These  are  either: 

a.  1 . Dotted  vessels,  Vasa  punctata,  Vasa  porosa . PI.  1 . 
fig.  5.  h. 

a.  2.  Streaked  vessels,  Vasa  lineal  a,  Trachece  spurice , 
Vasa  Jissa,  Vasa  scalaria,  Vasa  annularia.  These  differ 
from  cells  only  by  their  length. 

a.  3.  Air  vessels,  Spiral  vessels,  V asa  spiralia,  Trachece , 
Vasa  pneumato-chymifera,  Pneurnatophora . Tubes  com- 



posed  of  an  elastic  membrane  rolled  up  like  the  spring  of 
a bell  into  a cylinder,  abundant  in  young  shoots ; supposed 
to  convey  air.  PL  1.  fig.  5.  i. 

a.  4.  Mixed  vessels,  Vasa  mixta.  Tubes  of  a mixed 
nature,  in  some  parts  dotted,  in  others  streaked  or  spiral. 

b.  Vasa  adducentia  spiralia , Vasa  chymifera , Vasa  hydro - 
gera . The  spiral  thread  forming  the  air  vessels;  consi- 
dered by  Hedwig  as  a distinct  species  of  vessels  itself. 

c.  Proper  vessels,  Vasa  propria , Receptacula  sued  proprii. 
Cavities  dispersed  in  the  cellular  texture,  closed  on  all 
sides,  and  filled  with  some  peculiar  juice. 

c.  1.  Bladdery  reservoirs,  Receptacula  vesiculosa , Glan- 
dules vesiculares.  Spherical  bladders,  usually  contain  essen- 
tial oils,  dispersed  in  the  parenchyme  of  the  leaves,  or 
bark.  Myrtus  communis,  Citrus  Aurantium. 

c.  2.  Blind  reservoirs,  Receptacula  cceciformia , Vittec. 
Short  tubes,  filled  with  essential  oils,  as  in  the  bark  of  the 
seeds  of  umbelliferous  plants. 

c.  3.  Milk  vessels,  Turpentine  vessels,  Receptacula  tu- 
lulosa9  Vasa  propria  solitaria.  Single  tubes  in  the  cellular 
texture,  filled  with  a milky,  or  turpentine  juice. 

c.  4.  Fascicular  reservoirs,  Receptacula  fascicular ia,  Vasa 
propria  fascicular  ia.  Bundles  of  small  parallel  tubular 

cells,  filled  with  a peculiar  juice;  as  in  the  bark  of  apo- 

c.  5.  Accidental  reservoirs,  Receptacula  accidentalia. 
Accidental  cavities,  into  which  the  juices  formed  in  other 
parts  has  filtrated : in  the  coniferae  the  turpentine  frequently 
bursts  its  own  vessels,  and  penetrates  the  pith  and  sap- 

Tubular  openings.  Open  spaces  of  the  pith,  Lacunce, 
Cavitates  aereee,  Vasa  pneumatica,  Receptacula  aerea  acci- 
dentalia. Cavities  filled  with  air,  frequently  found  in  the 
cellular  texture,  formed  by  rupture  or  absorption. 

1.  Irregular,  L.  irregulares.  Found  in  the  middle  of  the 
fleshy  parts  of  plants.  PL  1.  fig.  5.  k. 

2.  Fistular,  L.  fistulosce.  Occupy  the  centre  of  the  stalk, 
and  render  it  hollow  like  a flute.  Gramineae. 

. 3.  Regular,  L . regulares.  Occupy  the  centre  of  the  stem 
of  water  plants,  the  cells  being  disposed  in  a regular  order. 

4.  Cellular,  L.  cellulares.  Large  cavities,  of  which  the 
sides  are  themselves  composed  of  cellular  texture.  Spar- 



Fibre,  Fibra.  A collection  of  vessels  and  tubular  cells 
fastened  together,  so  that  they  can  be  detached  from  the 
surrounding  cellular  texture  in  long  threads;  their  princi- 
pal use  is  to  direct  the  flow  of  the  juices.  PL  1.  fig.  5.  e. 

Nerves,  Nervi.  Fibres  visible  on  the  external  surface  of 
the  plant  or  its  leaves. 

Fleshy  parts,  Parenchyma . A pulpy  substance,  formed 
of  soft  cellular  texture ; common  in  leaves  and  fruits. 

Cuticle,  Skin,  Epiderma , Epidermis , Cuticula . The  fine 
membrane,  usually  transparent,  which  covers  the  whole 
surface  of  the  plant. 

Vasa  exhalantia . The  lines  separating  the  fleshy  part 
from  which  the  cuticle  has  been  removed  into  hexagonal 

Articulation,  Articulation  Junctura . A part  in  which, 
at  a determinate  period,  the  plant  may  be  separated  into 
two  or  more  pieces,  without  much  violence. 

Joint,  Articulus . The  interval  between  two  articulations. 

Cicatrix,  Cicatricula.  The  mark  remaining  at  the  arti- 
culation after  a joint  has  been  detached. 

Knot,  Nodus , Geniculum.  The  swelling  of  the  texture 
of  the  plant,  forming  a protuberant  ring.  Grasses.  Pinks. 

Internodium . The  space  between  two  knots. 

Nodosity,  Nodositas.  A concretion  formed  by  vegeta- 
tion, and  occasioning  a swelling,  or  tumour,  as  in  the 
leaves  of  what  are  called  Junci  articulati. 

Pores,  Pori.  Very  small  openings,  in  the  membranous 
texture,  visible  by  the  microscope. 

Insensible  pores,  Pori  inconspicui,  Pori  cellulares.  Pores 
supposed  to  exist,  although  invisible,  and  to  be  the  organs 
of  insensible  perspiration. 

Cortical  pores,  Pori  corticales , Stomatia,  Glandulce  corti- 
cales , Fori  elongati , Pori  magni , Pori  evaporatorii , Pori 
epider midis,  Glandulce  miliar es,  Glandulce  epidermoidales. 
Oval  pores,  very  visible  with  a lens,  on  the  surface  of  the 
fleshy  parts  which  are  above  ground : appear  to  be  the 
organs  of  exhalation,  and  perhaps  of  the  inhalation  of 
watery  vapour,  but  do  not  admit  the  passage  of  coloured 

Spongiolce.  Organs  like  a sponge,  capable  of  taking  up 
coloured  fluids,  although  no  pores  can  be  observed  with 
the  highest  magnifying  powers.  Lemna,  Pandanus,  Stig- 
mata of  flowers. 

Glands,  Glandulce , in  composition  — aden , — adenos . 
Organs  for  the  purpose  of  secreting  peculiar  liquids,  and 



tubercles  resembling  these  organs,  although  they  do  not 
really  secrete  any  liquid. 

1.  Cellular  glands,  Glandules  cellular  es,  Glandules  excre - 
torice.  Formed  of  cellular  texture  without  any  communi- 
cation with  vessels.  Nectaries  of  flowers. 

2.  Vascular  glands,  Glandules  vasculares , Gl.  secretorii9 
Gl.  urceolares.  Formed  of  cellular  texture,  traversed  by 
vessels.  Ovary  of  the  cobaea,  Tubercles  on  the  petiole  of 

Hairs,  Pili,  Villi.  Small,  tender,  hairlike  appendages, 
composed  of  one  or  more  cells  projecting  from  the  texture 
of  the  plant. 

1.  Glanduliferous  hairs,  Pili  glanduliferi.  Supporting 
glands  on  their  tip.  Cicer  arietinum,  Croton  penicillatum. 

2.  Excretory  hairs,  Pili  excretorii.  Placed  on  glands 
serving  as  excretory  ducts.  Urtica  urens,  Malpighia  urens. 

3.  Pili  lymphatici . Not  connected  with  any  gland ; seem 
mere  organs  of  evaporation. 

Organic  parts,  Paries  organices , Organa  composita , Or- 
gana. Parts  composed  of  the  former;  and  generally  visible. 

1.  Organs  of  vegetation,  Organa  nutritiva.  Necessary  to 
the  growth  and  life  of  the  individual,  as  the  root,  stem, 
bud,  and  leaf, 

2.  Organs  of  reproduction,  Organa  reproductiva.  Ne- 
cessary for  the  reproduction  of  the  individual,  or  life  of 
the  species,  as  the  flower,  fruit,  seeds,  buds,  &c. 

Organs  of  fructification,  Organa  fructificationis.  Organs 
of  reproduction  by  means  of  fecundation ; as  the  flower, 
fruit,  seed. 

Organs  of  germination,  Organa  germinationis.  Organs 
of  reproduction  without  fecundation  ; as  germens,  gongyli, 
propagines,  and  conidia. 

3.  Accessory  organs,  Organa  accessor ia.  Not  found  in 
all  plants,  seated  upon  the  other  organs,  as  thorns,  prickles, 

3.  Contained  Juices . 

Sap,  Alimonia , Humor,  Lympha.  A watery  liquid  newly 
absorbed,  and  not  yet  much  changed  by  vegetation. 

Cambium , The  mucilaginous  juice,  already  changed, 
traversing  the  membranous  texture,  from  which  the  new 
parts  are  formed ; is  perhaps  a liquid  gum. 

Juice,  Succus.  Any  liquid  that  can  be  pressed  out  of  a 
plant : they  vary  in  different  plants. 



Nectar.  Juices  secreted  by  glands  placed  upon  the  organs 
of  fructification. 

Glaucous  bloom,  Pollen  glaucum . Prnina . A substance 
like  wax,  upon  certain  leaves  and  fruits,  to  preserve  them 
from  moisture. 

Milk,  Lac.  An  emulsive  liquid,  usually  white  and  opake. 
4.  Race . 

Primitive,  Plantce  priniigenice.  Species  originally  created, 
and  not  formed  by  crossing  from  others. 

Mule,  hybridce.  Species  not  originally  created,  but 
formed  by  the  pollen  of  one  species  being  absorbed  by  the 
female  organ  of  another  species.  Veronica  hybrida,  Pri- 
mula cortusoides,  Delphinium  hybridum,  Sorbus  hybrida. 

5.  Consistence. 

Spumescent,  Plantce  spumescentcs . Like  a scum.  Spu- 
maria  Mucilago. 

Gelatinous,  gelatinosce.  Like  jelly.  Tremella. 

Fungous,  fungosce.  Solid,  elastic,  soft.  Boletus  igniarius. 
Corky,  suberosce.  Solid,  elastic,  hard.  Many  Fungi. 
Fleshy,  carnosce.  Thick,  juicy,  but  firm.  Tuber  ciba- 

Membranous,  membranacece , membranosce.  In  a thin 
flake,  flexible,  rather  juicy.  Many  ulvse  and  fuci. 

Leathery,  coriacece.  Tough,  flexible,  rather  thick. 
Many  fuci. 

Horny,  corner.  Dry,  hard,  compact,  flexible,  semi- 
transparent. Many  fuci. 

Crustaceous,  crustacece.  Dry,  hard,  friable,  in  form  of 
a crust.  Lepraria,  Variolaria. 

Filamentous,  jilamentosce.  In  long,  slender  threads, 
either  simple  or  branched.  Conferva. 

Flerbaceous,  herbacece.  Stem  and  branches  do  not  form 
a solid  wood,  but  perish  after  a few  months’  vegetation, 
and  are  covered  with  a bark,  usually  green,  of  the  same 
consistence  as  the  leaves. 

Woody,  lignosce.  Stem  and  branches  at  first  weak  like 
herbs,  but  form  a solid  wood,  and  vegetate  for  several 

Succulent,  succulentoe . Thick,  juicy,  with  much  cellular 
texture,  and  few  fibres.  Sedum,  Sempervivum  tectorum. 

Milky,  ladescentes.  Containing  a milky  juice.  Euphorbia, 
Lactuca  virosa,  Sonchus. 



6.  Duration. 

Once-fruiting,  Plantce  monocarpicce . Bearing  fruit  only 
once  in  their  life. 

1 . Ephemeral,  ephemera s,  fugaces.  Lasting  only  a few 
days,  or  even  hours.  Tremella,  many  fungi. 

2.  Annual,  annuce.  Lasting  near  a whole  summer. 

3.  Biennial,  hiennes . Producing  leaves  only  the  first 
year,  and  flowers  and  fruit  in  the  succeeding.  Verbascum 
decurrens,  CEnothera  biennis. 

4.  Slow  growing,  perennes.  Being  several  years  before 
they  flower,  and  dying  soon  after.  Agave. 

Many- fruiting,  polycarpicce.  Bearing  fruit  several  times 
during  their  life. 

1.  Perennial,  perennes , restihilia , rhizocar piece.  Dying 
down  to  the  ground  every  year,  and  in  the  following  pro- 
ducing new  flowering  stems.  Aster. 

2.  Arborescent,  caulocar piece,  f rut  icosce.  The  stem  itself 
lasts  during  the  life  of  the  plant.  Trees,  shrubs. 

7.  Mode  of  production. 

Seed-bearing,  Plantce  seminiferce . Bearing  seeds.  Most 

Gongyliferous,  gongyliferce.  Bearing  gongyles  or  spores. 
Mosses,  Algse. 

Stool-bearing,  Stoloniferce.  Throwing  out  stools,  siolones , 
which  take  root.  Pilosella. 

Runner-bearing,  viticulosce . Throwing  out  runners, 

viiiculce , sar  menta , or  flagella,  which  take  root  from  space 
to  space. 

Shoot-bearing,  surculif erce.  Throwing  out  shoots,  sur- 
culi,  from  the  crown  of  the  root,  which  may  be  separated, 
and  will  then  produce  a new  plant.  Oliva  europaea. 

Propaculiferce.  Throwing  out  a shoot  terminating  by  a 
leaf-bud,  which,  when  separated  from  the  original  plant, 
will  grow.  Sempervivum.  ? 

Bulbous,  bulbosce,.  Furnished  with  a bulb,  underground, 
throwing  up  leaves  and  a stem.  Lilium,  Tulipa,  Allium, 

Bulbilliferous,  lulhillfercB,  soholiferce . Producing  small 
bulbs,  hulhilli , propagines , bacilli,  soboles , sautellce,  on  the 
axillae  of  their  branches,  or  leaves,  or  elsewhere,  above 
ground,  Crinum  bulbiferum,  Allium. 




If  Wild,  sylvestres , agrestes.  Growing  without  the  assist- 
ance of  man. 

Cultivated,  sativce.  Sown,  or  planted  by  man. 

8.  Mode  of  Growth . 

Stemless,  Plantce  acaules.  Growing  without  any  stem. 
Plantago  lanceolata,  Beilis  perennis. 

Stalked,  caulescentes.  Growing  with  a stem.  Most 

% Outside-growing,  exogence.  Growing  by  their  bark, 
and  in  arborescent  plants  depositing  layers  of  woods  in- 

Inside-growing,  endogence.  Growing  by  their  summit 
only,  not  increasing  in  diameter,  the  outside  being  the 

9.  Repetition  of  flowering . 

Once  bearing,  Plantce  uniferce . Bearing  flowers  once  a 
year  only.  Most  plants. 

Twice  flowering,  lifer ce.  Bearing  flowers  twice  a year. 

Monthly,  multiferce . Flowering  several  times  in  a year, 
as  in  some  roses. 

10.  Position  of  certain  Parts. 

Root-flowering,  Plantes  rhizanthce.  The  flower  growing 
on  the  root. 

Stem-fruiting,  caulocarpce.  The  fruit  growing  on  the 

Calicostemones.  The  stamens  growing  on  the  calyx. 

Gynandrous,  gynandree.  The  stamen  growing  on  the 

Calyx- flowering,  calyciflorce.  The  corolla  growing  on 
the  calyx. 

Thalamiflora . The  corolla  growing  on  the  receptacle, 

11.  Sex. 

Neuter,  Plantce  nentree , agenice,  agamce , gyncscice.  In 
which  sexual  organs  have  not  been  discovered.  Fungi, 

Cryptogamous,  crypiogamce.  The  sexual  organs  difficult 
to  be  discovered  from  their  small  size,  their  form,  or  situa- 
tion. Mosses. 

Phenogamous,  pheenogamae.  The  sexual  organs  very 
distinct  and  visible.  Lily,  Rose. 



Unisexual,  unisexuales.  Having  the  organs  of  one 
sex  only,  on  the  same  root. 

Male,  mascules , idiogynee . Having  the  male  organs  only 
on  the  same  root. 

Female,  femines.  Having  the  female  organs  only  on  the 
same  root. 

Bisexual,  blsexuales . Having  the  organs  of  both  the 
4 sexes  on  the  same  root. 

Androgynous,  androgynes.  Having  male  and  female  or- 
gans on  the  same  root,  but  not  in  the  same  flowers.  Morus, 
Betula,  Pinus,  Cucumber. 

Hermaphrodite,  hermaphrodites.  Having  male  and  fe- 
male organs  not  only  on  the  same  root,  but  also  in  the 
same  flowers.  The  generality  of  plants. 

Polygamous,  poly  games.  Having  on  the  same  root  some 
flowers  with  the  organs  of  both  sexes,  and  others  with  those 
of  only  one. 

Necessarily  polygamous,  poly  games  necessaries.  Plaving 
on  the  same  root  imperfect  hermaphrodite  flowers  which 
are  barren  from  a defect  in  their  female  organs,  and  female 
flowers  which  are  the  only  fruitful  ones. 

Superfluously  polygamous,  poly  games  super  flues.  Having 
on  the  same  root  perfect  hermaphrodite  flowers,  and  also 
fruitful  female  flowers. 

Uselessly  polygamous,  poly  games  f rust  anees.  Having  on 
the  same  root  perfect  fruitful, fruitful  hermaphrodite  flowers, 
and  imperfect  or  barren  females. 

% Monoicous,  rnonoices.  All  the  roots  of  the  same  species 
are  alike  in  respect  to  the  sex  of  the  flowers. 

Dioicous,  dioicee.  Having  in  the  same  species  two  kinds 
of  roots,  which  differ  in  regard  to  the  sex  of  their  flowers. 

Trioicous,  trioices.  Having  in  the  same  species  three 
kinds  of  roots,  which  differ  in  regard  to  the  sex  of  their 
flowers.  Ceratonia,  Ficus. 

12.  Cotyledons. 

Acotyledon,  Plantes  acotyledonece.  Without  any  coty- 
ledons. Fungi,  Lichens. 

Monocotyledon,  rnonocotyledonees.  With  only  one  coty- 
ledon. Grasses,  Palms,  Liliacese,  Orchideag. 

Dicotyledon,  dicotyledonees.  With  two  cotyledons.  La- 
bia tas,  Ranunculacesp,  Cruciferse,  Leguminosae. 

Polycotyledon,  polycolyledonees.  With  many  cotyledons. 
Pirms,  Abies,  Ceratophyllum. 



Dermoblastce.  The  cotyledon  formed  of  a membrane 
that  bursts  irregularly.  Fungi? 

Nemoblastce.  The  cotyledon  threadshape.  Mosses, 

Plexeoblastee.  The  cotyledons  come  out  of  the  ground 
in  two  lobes,  which  change  to  leaves  different  from  the 
common  leaves. 

Geoblastee.  The  cotyledons  remain  under  ground.  Peas, 

1.  Rhizoblastes.  The  embrio  throws  out  a root. 

2.  Arhizoblastee.  The  embrio  has  no  root.  Parasitic 

Splueroblastce.  The  cotyledons  do  not  divide  into  two 
pieces,  but  come  out  of  the  ground  like  small  balls  with 
footstalks.  Juncus  bufonius, 

13.  Surface, 

Smooth,  Plantes  leves.  Without  any  inequalities. 
Fumaria  vulgaris,  Adoxa  Moschateilina. 

Bald,  glalres.  Without  any  downiness.  Ruscus  aucu- 
leatus,  Opulus  palustris. 

Polished,  lev i gat es.  Bald  and  smooth.  Veronica  fonti- 
nalis,  Valeriana  rubra. 

Shining,  lucidce.  Polished  and  reflecting  light  like  po- 
lished metal,  or  a varnished  substance.  Arum  xnaculatum, 
Chenopodium  murale. 

Rough,  asperee.  Rubia  tinctorum.  Galium  uncinatum. 

Nipply,  papuloses . Having  round  protuberances,  Ailed 
with  a fluid.  Mesembryanthemum  papulosum. 

Glutinous,  sticky,  glutinosce , viscoses , Covered  with  a 
substance  sticking  to  the  Angers.  Hyoscyamus  niger, 
Silene  Anglica. 

Powdery,  pulverulent  os.  Covered  with  a dust  which 
comes  ofl'  easily.  Primula  farinosa. 

Glaucous,  glances.  The  dust  with  which  they  are  co- 
vered is  of  a sea-green  colour.  Chlora  perfoliata,  Fu- 
maria officinalis,  Crambe  maritima. 

Downy,  pubescentes.  With  short,  soft  hairs,  not  very 
close.  Galium  verum,  Circae  Lutetiana,  Althaea  officinalis. 

Velvety,  velutines.  With  soft,  close,  short  hairs,  of  an 
equal  length.  Digitalis  purpurea. 

Hairy,  piloses.  With  scattered,  long,  soft  hairs.  Hyo- 
scyamus niger,  Githago  segetum,  Hieracium  Pilosella. 

Villous,  villoses.  With  numerous  soft  hairs.  Veronica 
officinalis,  Geranium  pratense,  Lychnis  dioica. 




Silky,  sericece.  With  long,  soft,  brilliant  hairs,  lying 
flat.  Absinthium  vulgare. 

Woolly,  lanaixe.  With  long  hair,  lying  flat,  and  more 
or  less  clotted,  like  coarse  cloth. 

Clothlike,  nappy,  tomenlosce.  With  close  hairs,  more  or 
less  matted,  like  fine  cloth. 

Hispid,  fiispidce , hispidosce.  With  rough  hair. 

Hispidulous,  hispidulee.  With  hair  rather  rough. 

Hirsute,  hirsutce , hirtuosce , hirtce.  With  rough,  pricking 
hair.  Borago  officinalis. 

Strigose,  strigosce.  With  stiffj  long  hair,  swelled  at 
their  root. 

Echinate,  echinatce , spinellosce.  With  points,  spinellce, 
stronger,  thicker,  and  harder  than  hairs.  Dipsacus  fullo- 
num,  D.  laciniatus. 

Prickly,  aculeate e.  With  woody  points  adhering  only  to 
the  bark,  and  easily  broke  off.  Rosa. 

Thorny,  spinosce.  With  points  growing  out  of  the  wood 
of  the  plant.  Ulex  Europseus,  Prunus  spinosa. 

14.  Stations. 

Land,  Plantoe  terrestres,  terranece . 

Sand,  arenarice , sabidosce.  Psamma  arenaria,  Ulex. 

Rock,  saxatiles , rupeslres9  petrosce.  Sedum. 

Gravel,  glareosce.  Aira  fiexuosa. 

Wall,  ruder  ales.  On  walls  and  ruins.  Chenopodium 
murale,  Urtica  dioica,  Parietaria  officinalis. 

Cavern,  cauernarice.  In  caves  and  mines.  Byssus, 

Clay,  argillosce . 

Chalk,  cretacece.  Hippocrepis  comosa,  Caucalis  dau- 
coides,  orchideas. 

Granitic,  graniticae. 

Slate,  schistosce. 

Limestone,  calcarece. 

Garden,  hortenses.  Lamium  amplexicaule,  Galium  unci* 
natum,  Alsine  media.  These  are  usually  called  Weeds. 

Vineyard,  vineales.  Aristolochia  infesta. 

Field,  agrestes . Growing  in  arable  land.  Chrysanthe- 
mum segetum,  Githago  segetum. 

Fallow  land,  arvenses . Growing  in  fallowed  fields.  Me- 
lampyrum  arvense,  Aphanes  arvensis,  Acetosa  repens. 

Meadow',  pratenses.  Growing  in  grass-land.  Trifolium 
pratense,  Ranunculus  acris. 


Woodland,  sylvaticce , nemorosa . Anemone  nemorosa, 
Paris  quadrifolia,  Adoxa  moschatellina. 

Shady,  umbroscs.  Most  woodland  plants. 

Open  ground,  campestres , apnea,  Artemisia  campestris, 
Draba  verna,  Echium  vulgare. 

Hill,  collina.  Dianthus  collinus,  Daphne  collina. 

Mountain,  montana , alpestres.  Valeriana  montana. 

Alpine,  alpincs . Bartsia  alpina,  Thalictrum  alpinum. 

Snow,  glaciales , nivales.  Growing  among  the  snow  and 
ice  of  high  mountains.  Gentiana  nivalis. 

Cold  country,  frigida , hyperborea.  Growing  only  in 
cold  countries.  Linnaea  borealis,  Saxifraga  Grcenlan- 

Salt,  salina , salsa.  Growing  in  soils  impregnated  with 
salt,  or  Glauber’s  salt.  Salicornia,  Salsola. 

Freshwater  shore,  lit  tor  ales,  riparia.  Eupatorium  can- 
nabinum,  Scutellaria,  Ly thrum. 

Saltwater  shore,  maritima . Glaux  maritima,  Limo- 

nium  commune.  Hippophae  rhamnoides. 

Water,  aquatica . As  the  following: 

Sea,  marina . Fucus,  Ulva,  Zostera  marina. 

Lake,  lacustres.  Isoetes  Pilularia,  Scirpus  lacustris. 

Spring,  fontinales.  Veronica  Beccabunga,  Sisymbrium 

River,  jluviaiiles , flaviales . Potamogeton,  Platanaria 

Sunken,  submerges , demersa , immersa . Growing  under 
water.  Conferva  iEgagropila,  Myriophyllum  spicatum. 

Emerging,  emersa.  Rising  above  the  surface  of  the 
water  in  which  they  grow.  Hottonia  palustris,  Myriophyl- 
lum verticillatum. 

Floating,  fluitantes.  Rooted  in  the  ground,  but  the 
leaves,  &c.  floating,  Potamogeton  lucens. 

Swimming,  natantes . Not  rooted  in  the  ground,  but 
floating  freely.  Lemna. 

Marsh,  palustres,  palndosa.  In  marshes  and  still  waters. 
Chara,  Phellandrium  divaricatum,  Menyanthes. 

Bog,  uliginosa.  Vaccinium  uliginosum,  Pinguicula. 

Moss,  torfacece.  In  peat  mosses.  Sphagnum  palustre. 

f Amphibious,  amphibia.  Growing  indifferent  on  land 
or  in  water.  Cicuta  virosa,  Apium  graveolens. 

f Parasitic,  epiphyta.  Growing  upon  other  plants. 

False  parasitic,  pseudo-par asitica.  Not  hurting  the  plant 
on  which  they  grow.  Mosses. 



T rue  parasitic,  parasiticus.  Growing  at  the  expense  of 
the  plant  on  which  they  fix  themselves. 

1.  On  the  root,  epirhizee . Orobanche,  Hypopithys 

2.  On  the  bark,  corticales.  Many  lichens. 

3.  On  the  wood,  epixylonece.  Most  hypoxylese. 

4.  On  leaves,  epiphyllce . Uredo,  iEcidium,  Puccina. 

If  Subterranean,  sulterranece . Growing  under  the  ground* 
Tuber  cibarium. 

If  Growing  on  dead  animals,  epizoarice * 

15.  Country . 

Native,  indigence.  Natural  to  the  soil  on  which  they 
grow,  whether  wild  or  cultivated. 

Foreign,  exoticce . Brought  from  foreign  countries. 

16.  Fertility . 

Fertile,  plantce . Producing  fruits ; Female,  Her- 
maphrodite, and  polygamous  plants. 

Barren,  steriles.  Not  producing  fruit ; Male  and  neuter 


Radix,— rhizos.  That  part  of  the  plant , which  is  usually 
buried  in  the  earth , and  absorbs  the  nutriment  of  the  plant. 

1.  Species. 

Root,  Radix . A root  of  the  common  sort,  and  of  a large 

Rootlet,  Radicida.  A smaller  root  than  common. 

Radicelle,  Radicella.  The  new  roots  when  first  emitted 
in  germination. 

2.  Parts. 

Main  root,  Radix , Descensus , Truncus  subterraneus . The 
part  next  the  stem,  not  yet  divided  into  radicles. 

Radicles,  Radiculce.  The  ramifications  from  the  main 

Head  of  the  root,  Caput  radicis.  The  part  which  touches 
an  herbaceous  stem. 

Extremity  of  the  root,  Caitdex  radicis.  That  part  of  a 
main  root  not  branched,  which  is  further  from  the  stem. 

Fibres,  Fibrillce.  The  fine  hair-like  extremities  of  the 
radicles.  PI.  2;  fig.  1.  c.  c;  11.  d. 



Root  stigmata,  Stigmata  radicis , Spongiolce  radicates , 
Or<£  radicum.  Spongioles  at  the  end  of  the  root;  very 
visible  in  lemna  and  pandanus. 

Tuber,  Tuherculum . A thick,  solid  part,  usually  filled 
with  feculae,  placed  either  upon  the  root,  as  in  turneps, 
earthnuts,  filipendula,  or  on  those  lower  branches  of  the 
stem  which  are  subterraneous  and  rootlike,  as  in  the  po- 

Exostosis.  A tuber  of  a woody  consistence,  not  con- 
taining feculae.  Cyperus  disticha. 

JLmpullce.  Hollow  globular  bodies  found  on  the  roots 
of  some  water  plants.  Utricularia. 

3.  Situation * 

Subterraneous,  Radix  subterranea . Most  roots. 

Exposed,  aeria.  Growing  upon  some  part  exposed  to 
the  air.  Viscum. 

Aquatic,  aquatica . Growing  in  the  water.  Lemna, 
Utricularia,  Trapa  natans. 

4.  Substance. 

Woody,  Radix  lignosa.  All  trees,  shrubs,  and  under- 

Fleshy,  carnosa.  Thick,  juicy,  mostly  formed  of  cellular 
texture.  Iris  palustris,  Beta  vulgaris,  Solanum  tuberosum. 

5.  Form. 

Threadshape,  Radix filiformis.  Lemna. 

Fibrous,  fibrosa.  The  threads  being  of  some  thickness. 
Cepa  esculenta.  Ranunculus  flammeus. 

Thongshape,  flagellifiormis.  Long,  supple,  slender. 
Arenaria  maritima,  Carduus  arvensis. 

Cordshape,  funiliformis . Of  thick  fibres  like  ropes. 
Palms,  Pandanus,  Dracena. 

Spindleshape,  fusifiormis.  Simple,  long,  swelled  out  in 
the  middle,  and  small  at  each  end.  Raphanus  sativus. 

Turnep  shape,  napiformis.  Simple,  globular.  Brassica 

Conical,  conica . Gradually  decreasing  from  top  to  bot- 
tom, Daucus  vulgaris. 

Cylindrical,  teres.  Dictamnus  albus. 

Roundish,  subrotunda.  Bunium  majus,  B.  minus. 

Tuberous,  tuber osa.  In  thick  fleshy  masses.  Cyclamen, 
Solanum  tuberosum,  Bryonia  dioica. 

VOL.  I.  E 



Scrotiform,  scrotiformis , testiculata . Formed  of  two 

roundish  lumps  connected  .together.  Orchis  maculata, 

O.  militaris.  PL  2.  fig.  1. 

1.  The  old  tuber,  Tuberculum  senior.  That  part  of  the 
scrotiform  root  which  supported  the  stem  of  the  former 
year.  PL  2,  fig.  1,  d. 

2.  The  new'  tuber,  Tuberculum  junior.  That  part  of  the 
scrotiform  root  which  would  have  supported  the  stem  of 
the  next  year.  Pl.  2,  fig.  1,  b. 

Handed,  palmata.  Tuberous,  fiat,  divided  by  a few 
slight  slits  so  as  to  resemble  an  open  hand.  Orchis  macu- 
lata, Satyrium  nigrum. 

Fingered,  digitata . Tuberous,  divided  by  deep  slits  so 
as  to  resemble  fingers.  Dioscorea  alternifolia. 

Grumose,  grumosa.  Tuberous,  and  resembling  a col- 
lection of  small  seeds.  Neottia  abortiva.  PL  2,  fig.  8. 

Knotty,  nodosa , moniliformis.  Composed  of  tubercles,  or 
knots  connected  together  in  strings.  A vena  elatior  nodosa. 
PL  2.  fig.  5. 

Filipendular,  jilipendula.  In  threads  having  tubercles  at 
their  ends. 

Jointed,  articulata.  Appearing  as  if  composed  of  several 
joints.  Gratiola  officinalis.  PL  2.  fig.  4. 

Kneed,  genicidata.  Jointed  and  bent  at  each  joint. 
Gratiola  officinalis. 

Bent,  contorta.  Bent  in  various  directions.  Bistorta 

Truncated,  bitten,  truncata , prcemorsa.  Appearing  as 
if  the  end  was  bitten  off.  Scabiosa  succisa,  Leontodon  au- 
tumn ale.  PL  2.  fig.  7. 

6.  Division. 

Simple,  Radix  simplex.  Carota  vulgaris,  Brassica  ma- 

Branchy,  ramosa.  Subdivided  into  radicles.  Most  trees 
and  shrubs. 

Fasciculate,  fasciculata.  Divided  to  the  head  into  several 
long  fleshy  parts,  connected  together  in  a bundle.  Aspho- 
delus  ramosus.  PI.  2.  fig.  9. 

Capillary,  capillaris.  Composed  of  many  fine  threads. 
Anthoxanthum  odoratum,  and  most  grasses. 

IflComose,  comosa.  Garnished  with  numerous  capillary 
ramifications.  Rhododendron,  Erica. 



7.  Surface. 

Seal-like,  Radix  siglllata.  Having  at  certain  distances 
scars  resembling  impressions  of  seals,  these  being  the  places 
where  herbaceous  stems  have  formerly  grown.  Polygona- 
tum  vulgare.  PI.  2,  fig.  11,  b. 

Bladdery,  utriculosa.  Having  small  bladders  which 
appear  to  serve  the  purposes  of  leaves.  Utricularia. 

Scaly,  squamosa.  These  scales  are  abortive  leaves. 
Lathrsea  squamosa,  Oxalis  vulgaris.  PL  2,  fig.  10. 

Toothed,  dentata.  Furnished  with  appendages  like 
teeth,  which  are  abortive  leaves.  Cardamine  amara,  Adoxa* 
Dentaria  pentaphylla. 

8.  Duration. 

Annual,  Radix  annua.  Dying  with  the  year. 

Biennial,  biennis.  Lasting  a second  year. 

Perennial,  perennis . Lasting  more  than  two  years. 

9.  Growth. 

Perpendicular,  Radix  perpendicular  is.  The  principal 

root  growing  right  down  into  the  ground.  Daucus,  Fraxi- 
nus,  Quercus. 

Horizontal,  fiorizonialis . Growing  level  with  the  ground. 
Iris,  Anemone  nemorosa,  Oxalis  vulgaris.  PI.  2,  fig.  4. 

Creeping,  repens.  Growing  horizontally,  but  sending 
off  shoots  and  stalks.  Mentha,  Achillea  millefolia.  PL  2, 
Jig.  4;  pi.  8,  fig.  9. 

Progressive,  progrediens.  Extending  itself  one  way,  and 
dying  away  in  another  part.  Polygonatum  vulgare,  Bis- 
torta  major,  Anemone  nemorosa,  Allium  nutans.  PL  2. 
%.  2,  4,  11. 

Sucker-bearing,  stolonifera.  QEnanthe  fistulosa,  Fra- 

Bulb-bearing,  hdbifera.  Having  a bulb,  or  onion,  at 
the  top.  Cepa  esculenta,  Hyacinthus.  Pl.  2,  fig.  8 ; pi.  3, 
fig.  1,  2,  3,  4. 

Sprouting,  iurionifera.  Bearing  eyes  or  asparagi.  Aspa- 
ragus officinalis,  Solanum  tuberosum.  PL  2,  fig.  2, 




Caulis.  Truncus  ascendens,  Adscensus, — caulon.  The 
support  of  those  parts  of  the  vegetable  which  usually  appear 
above  ground , end  bear  the  flowers  and  fruit. 

1.  Species. 

Trunk,  Truncus.  That  part  of  a tree  which  is  naked, 
and  without  branches. 

Head,  Cymus.  That  part  of  a tree  where  the  stem  is 
divided  into  branches. 

Straw,  Culmus.  The  cylindrical,  usually  hollow,  stem 
of  a grass,  with  solid  knots  at  certain  distances.  Triticum, 

Reed,  Calamus.  A simple  stem,  more  or  less  hollow, 
without  knots.  Juncus. 

Root-sucker,  Surculus.  A branch  springing  from  the 
root,  capable  of  being  separated,  and  of  becoming  a new 
individual.  Rosa. 

Stool,  Stolo.  A branch  from  the  head  of  the  root,  bend- 
ing dowm,  taking  root,  and  emitting  leaves  here  and  there. 

Runner,  Flagellum , Sarmentum , Viticula.  A naked 
branch  lying  on  the  ground,  taking  root  with  a tuft  of 
leaves  at  certain  distances.  Fragaria  vesca. 

Offset,  Propaculum.  A runner  terminated  by  a leaf-bud 
capable  of  taking  root  when  separated.  Sedum,  Semper- 

Rhizoma.  Caudex  descendens.  A subterraneous,  or  su- 
perficial shoot,  which  emits  radicles.  Iris,  Filices. 

Base  of  the  bulb.  Lecus.  The  flat  plate  of  a bulb, 
throwing  out  radicles  beneath,  and  from  its  upper  surface 
the  leaves  and  flowers.  Cepa  esculenta,  Hyacinthus. 

Rulbo-tuber.  Combus.  A solid  tuber  placed  on  the 
neck  of  the  plant,  and  frequently  covered  with  the  base  of 
the  leaves.  PL  2,  fig.  8.  Crocus  sativus. 

Crown,  Caudex.  The  part  of  an  annual  stem  that  re- 
mains attached  to  a perennial  root,  and  throws  up  the 
next  season  a fresh  stem. 

2.  Internal  Parts. 

Pith,  Medulla.  The  fine  cellular  texture,  usually  white, 
contained  in  a cylindrical  cavity  in  the  centre  of  the  stem 
of  dicotyledon  plants,  and  seeming  to  nourish  the  young 
shoots.  PL  1,  fig.  2,  i to  k. 



Medullary  canal,  Canalis  medullar  is.  The  cylindrical 
cavity  containing  the  pith. 

Medullary  sheath,  Vagina  medullaris.  The  internal  rank 
of  fibres  immediately  next  to  the  pith. 

Medullary  rays.  Silver  grain.  Radii.  Productions.  In- 
sertiones  medidlares.  Vertical  flakes,  similar  to  the  pith, 
pushed  out  towards  the  circumference;  appearing,  in  a 
transverse  section  of  a stem,  like  the  spokes  of  a wheel. 
PI.  1,  fig.  2,  e.  It  is  in  the  direction  of  these  rays  that 
wood,  however  hard,  may  be  easily  riven. 

Ligneous  portion.  Corpus  ligneum.  Lignea  portio.  The 
part  of  a stem  between  the  pith  and  the  bark,  by  which  the 
juices  pass  from  the  root  to  the  leaves.  PI.  I,  fig.  2,  b to  i. 
In  monocotyledon  plants  it  composes  the  whole  of  the 
stem.  PI.  1,  fig.  4,  a to  d. 

Wood,  heart,  Lignum , — xylon.  That  part  of  the 
ligneous  portion  of  a stem  which  has  acquired  its  utmost 
hardness : in  dicotyledon  plants  it  forms  the  centre  of  the 
stem,  in  monocotyledon  plants  the  circumference. 

Alburnum.  Alburna.  That  part  of  the  ligneous  portion 
of  a stem  which  has  not  acquired  its  utmost  hardness,  and 
is  generally  of  a paler  colour  than  the  rest. 

Woody  layers.  Spurious  grain.  Strata  lignea . Invo- 
lucra  lignea.  Zones  formed  round  the  pith  or  centre  of 
a stem,  appearing  in  a transverse  section  like  concentric 
circles,  usually  supposed  to  denote  the  growth  of  each  suc- 
cessive summer  that  the  plant  has  existed.  PI . 1 , fig.  2,  b,  g,  h. 

Bark,  Cortex , — derma.  A part  of  the  stem  (and  root) 
of  dicotyledon  plants,  which  encloses  the  woody  portion, 
separating  easily  at  certain  seasons,  or  by  maceration,  and 
through  which  the  juices  of  the  plant  do  not  pass  in  going 
from  the  root-sponges  to  the  leaves.  PI.  1,  fig.  2,  a,  b. 

Cortical  layers,  Strata  corticalia.  The  layers,  or  con- 
centric circles  to  be  observed  hr  the  bark.  PI.  1,  fig.  2, 
a,  b,  c,  d. 

Inner  bark.  Bast.  Liber.  The  internal  cortical  layers, 
which  may  be  easily  separated  from  the  others.  PI.  1, 
fig.  2,  b to  d. 

Corky  substance,  Stratum  cellulosus , Complexus  cellulosus , 
Parenchyma.  A layer  of  cellular  tissue,  lying  on  the  out- 
side of  the  cortical  layers,  and  in  some  plants  very  thick. 

Epidermis , Epiderma.  A membrane  which  covers  every 
part  of  the  plant  as  well  as  the  stem. 



3.  Duration. 

Annual,  Caulis  annuus.  From  annual  roots,  and  those 
biennials  which  do  not  throw  up  the  stem  till  the  second 

Perennial,  perennis.  The  stem  of  trees,  shrubs,  and 

4.  Consistence. 

Woody,  Caulis  ligneus.  Lasting  many  years,  forming  a 
solid  wood. 

Herbaceous,  herlaceus.  Of  a softer  nature. 

Succulent,  succulentus.  Orobanche  major,  Sempervi- 
vum  tectorum. 

Pithy,  medullaris.  Filled  with  pith.  Helianthus  animus* 
Sambucus  humilis. 

Spongy,  spongiosus.  Filled  with  a compressible,  elastic 
tissue,  which  retains  moisture  like  a sponge.  Typha  lati~ 
folia,  Zea  Mays,  Hypericum  elodes. 

Solid,  plenuSy  solidus.  Having  no  internal  cavity.  Zea 
Mays,  Orchis  maculata,  Saccharum  officinale. 

Hollow,  fistulosus.  Having  in  its  middle,  a cavity,  either 
continued  uninterrupted  through  the  whole  length,  or 
parted  in  cells  by  midriffs.  Equisetum,  Gramineas,  Orchis 
latifolia.  Sonchus  arvensis. 

5.  Form. 

Cylindrical,  Caulis  cylindricus , teres.  Long,  the  trans- 
verse section  being  circular;  nearly  the  same  size  throughout 
the  greatest  part  of  its  length.  Chenopodium  spinaci- 
folium,  Abies,  Stramonium  foetidum. 

Lengthened,  virgatus.  Long,  straight-lined,  and  weak; 
growing  narrower  from  the  bottom  to  the  top.  Campanula 
esculenta,  Reseda  salicifolia,  Althaea  officinalis. 

Flagelliform,  ftagelliformis.  Thin,  and  supple  like  a 
thong.  Vinca  major,  Clematis  Vitalba,  Eubus  saxatilis. 

Melon-shaped,  meloniformis . Cactus  Melocactus,  Eu- 
phorbia cucumerina. 

Compressed,  compressus.  Flattened  on  two  opposite 
sides,  Poa  compressa,  Cactus  Opuntia. 

Two-edged,  anceps . Compressed  with  two  sharp  edges 
like  a dagger.  Androssemum  officinale. 

Leaf-like,  phylloideus.  Flattened  and  herbaceous  like 
leaves.  Cactus  Phvllanthus,  Platylobium  scolopendrium. 

Obtuse-angled,  ohtush  angulatus.  When  it  has  angles 
which  are  obtuse.  Salvia  pratensis,  Melissa  officinalis. 



Acute-angled,  acutb  angulahis.  When  it  has  angles 
which  are  acute.  Hypericum  quadrangulare,  Lathyrus 

Three-sided,  irigonus.  When  it  has  three  faces,  and  of 
course  three  corners.  Carex  acuta,  Scirpus  sylvaticus. 

Four-sided,  tetragonus.  When  it  has  four  sides.  Mentha 
sativa,  Lamium  album,  and  other  labiateae. 

Five-sided,  pentagonus.  Cactus  pentagonus. 

Six-sided,  hexagomis.  Cactus  hexagonus. 

Three-cornered,  triangularis. 

Four-cornered,  quadr  angular  is : and  so  onwards. 

Three-edged,  triqueter . 

Four-edged,  tetraqueter  : and  so  onwards. 

Angular,  angulosus.  When  the  angles  are  not,  or  can 
not  be  counted.  Polygonatum  vulgare,  Solanum  nigrum, 
Achillea  millefolia. 

Jointed,  articulatus.  Formed  of  joints  connected  endw7ays 
with  each  other,  with  or  without  knots.  Fucus  articulatus, 
Equisetimi,  Visciim  album,  Graminese. 

Knotted,  nodosus.  Having  swellings  or  knots  at  certain 
distances.  Many  of  the  graminese,  Persicaria  acris. 

Kneed,  geniculatus . Jointed  and  bent  at  each  joint. 

Alopecurus  geniculatus,  Geranium  sanguineum,  Stellaria 
media,  Spergula  arvensis. 

Stipiform,  stipiformis . Stem  of  a dicotyledon  plant, 

growing  like  those  of  palm-trees;  with  a bunch  of  leaves 
at  top,  and  bearing  the  marks  where  the  old  leaves  have 
fallen  off.  Statice  fasciculate,  Brassica  oleracea  capitata. 

6.  Strength  and  thickness. 

Stiff,  Caulis  rigidus , strict  us,  rigens.  Straight,  not  easily 
bent,  although  it  be  slender.  Bistorta  major.  Bupleurum 

Brittle,  fragilis.  Stiff,  and  breaking  as  soon  as  it  is  at- 
tempted to  be  bent.  Sonchus  oleraceus,  Geranium  Ro- 

Sarmentose,  sarmentosus.  Woody,  and  climbing  or 
rampant.  Hedera  communis,  Vitis  vinifera,  Rubus  fru- 

Weak,  dehilis.  Too  feeble  to  keep  upright.  Irasekia 
alpina,  Geranium  lucidum,  Sedum  dasyphyllum. 

Slender,  gracilis . Long  in  comparison  with  its  thick- 
ness. Orchis  maculata,  Stellaria  holostea. 

Threadshaped,  filiformis . Zanichella  palustris,  Hydro- 
cotyle  vulgaris. 

Hairlike,  capillar  is.  Eleocharis  acicularis. 



7.  Number. 

Single,  Caulis  unicus.  When  the  root  produces  only 
one  stem. 

Many,  multiplex.  When  the  root  produces  several 

8.  Composition. 

Very  simple,  Caulis  simplicissimus.  When  it  has  no 
branches  whatever,  Fritillaria  tessellata,  Bistorta  major. 
Orobanche  major. 

Simple,  simplex.  Without  any  large  branches,  but  with 
some  weak  ones  only.  Yerbascum  decurreils,  Swertia 

Branchy,  ramosus.  Divided  into  branches. 

Very  branchy,  ramosissimus.  Cucubalus  bacciferus, 
Ulex  Europeeus. 

Shrubby,  decompositus.  Branched  from  near  the  root, 
so  as  to  have  scarcely  any  main  stem.  Ulex  Europseus. 

Two-forked,  dichotomus.  Divided  and  subdivided  into 
two  parts  at  each  division.  Stramonium  foetidum,  Viscum 

Three-forked,  trichotomus.  Divided  and  subdivided  into 
three  parts  at  each  division.  Mirabilis  Jalapa. 

Continued,  integer.  Growing  up  from  the  root  to  the 
top  of  the  plant  like  an  axis  from  which  the  branches 
spring  out.  Abies  excelsa,  Abies  pectinata. 

9.  Direction  of  the  main  Stem. 

Upright,  Caulis  verticalis,  perpendicular  is,  erectus.  Grow- 
ing perpendicular  to  the  horizon.  Mentha  sylvestris,  An- 
droseemum  officinale.  Abies, 

Oblique,  obliquus.  Growing  sloping  to  the  horizon. 
Poa  annua. 

Curved,  curvatus , arcuatus.  Forming  a curve. 

Inclined,  inclinatus . Growing  in  a very  marked  curve, 
bending  to  the  ground. 

Nodding,  nutans , cernuus.  The  top  inclining  to  the 
ground.  Polygonatum  vulgare,  Cedrus. 

Ascending,  ascendens.  Forming  a curve,  bending  up 
towards  the  sky.  Veronica  spicata.  Trifolium  pratense, 
Circaea  alpina. 

Procumbent,  procumbens , prostratus , humifusus . Spread 
upon  the  ground,  and  not  striking  root.  Polygonum  avi- 
culare,  Herniaria  hirsuta,  Ulecebrum  verticillata,  Are- 
naria  rubra.  Uva-ursi  buxifolia. 



Creeping,  repens , reptans.  Spread  upon  the  ground,  and 
striking  root  in  it.  Veronica  officinalis.  Glechoma  he- 
deracea,  Potentilla  l'eptans. 

Climbing,  scandens.  Incapable  of  keeping  itself  upright 
without  support,  but  raising  itself  by  laying  hold  of  other 

a.  by  its  own  twisting.  Cuscuta  minor,  Fagopyrum  ca- 
rinatum.  Convolvulus  sepium. 

b.  by  tendrils.  Vitis  vinifera,  Pisum. 

c.  by  holdfasts.  Hedera  communis. 

d.  by  the  twisting  of  the  leaf-stalks.  Clematis  Viticella. 

Twining  from  left  to  right,  voluhilis  sinistrorsum.  Lu- 

pulus  communis,  Tamus  communis. 

Twining  from  right  to  left,  voluhilis  dexirorsum.  Con- 
volvulus sepium,  Phaseolus  vulgaris. 

Flexuose,  /?ej;M05M5.  Bent  in  various  irregular  directions. 
Aristolochia,  Serpentaria,  Solidago  flexicaulis. 

Tortuous,  tortuosus.  Bent  many  times  in  different  di- 
rections. Cuscuta  minor,  Cakile  maritima. 

Straight,  rectilineus , rectus . Without  any  bending. 

Lilium  album,  Rumex  aquaticus,  Verbascus  decurrens. 

10.  Clothing  and  appendages . 

Leafed,  Caulis  foliatus.  Furnished  with  leaves. 

Leafless,  aphyllus.  Without  leaves.  Gassy tha  major. 

Scaly,  squamosus . Furnished  with  leaves  like  scales. 
Orobanche  major.  Neottia  abortiva. 

Sheathed,  vaginatus . Clothed  with  sheaths  formed  by 
the  bottom  part  of  leaves.  Graminese. 

Stipuled,  stipulatus.  Furnished  with  stipules.  Vieia 
sativa,  Lathyrus  aphyllus. 

Winged,  alatus.  Furnished  lengthways  with  membra- 
nous or  leafy  expansions.  Verbascum  decurrens,  Sym- 
phytum officinale,  Lathyrus  latifolius,  Onopordum  vul- 
gare.  Carduus  palustris. 

Tendrilled,  cirriferus.  Furnished  with  tendrils.  Vitis, 
Bryonia  dioica. 

Rooting,  radicans.  Throwing  out  roots  by  which  it  fixes 
itself.  Hedera  communis,  Bignonia  radicans. 

Naked,  nudus.  Without  leaves,  scales  or  tendrils.  Tees- 
dalia  irregularis. 

Bulbiferous,  hulhiferus.  Throwing  out  bulbilli  which 
fall  off  and  take  root.  Cardamine  bulbifera. 

11.  Surface. 

Smooth,  Caulis  Icevis.  Tamus  communis,  Carduus  ar- 
vensis,  Fagus  sylvatica. 



Bald,  glaber . Ulecebrum  verticillatum,  Vinca  major, 
Cuscuta.  Oenanthe  fistulosa.  Imperatoria  major. 

Smoothened,  leevigatus.  Geranium  lucidum. 

Shining,  lucidus.  Lysimachia  nemorura. 

Powdery,  puluerulentus . Covered  with  a powder  pro- 
duced by  itself.  Primula  farinosa. 

Glaucous,  glaucus.  The  dust  is  of  a sea-green  colour. 
Oenanthe  fistulosa,  Angelica  sylvestris,  Cucubalus  in- 

Dotted,  punctatus . Sprinkled  with  dots,  either  sunk  in, 
or  projecting,  or  only  spots  of  colour.  Hypericum  per- 

Spotted,  maculatus , maculosus.  Marked  with  spots. 
Phlox  maculata,  Coniimi  maculatum. 

Rough,  asper,  sealer.  Equisetum  hyemale,  Melampy- 
rum  arvense,  Jasione  montana,  Sphondylium  vulgare, 
Lychnis  plumaria. 

Warty,  verrucosus.  With  small  callous  excrescences. 
Evonymous  verrucosus. 

Tubercular,  tuberculalus.  With  small  protuberances. 
Genista  pilosa,  Malpighia  tuberculata. 

Streaked,  strialus.  With  small  raised  lines  lengthways. 
Aristolochia  infesta,  Acetosa  pratensis,  Erysimum  cor- 
difolium.  Orobus  tuberosus. 

Grooved,  sulcatus.  Grooved  lengthways.  Chara  his- 
pida,  Equisetum  hyemale,  Lampsana  communis,  Co- 
rnu m maculatum. 

Wrinkled,  rimosus.  Ulmus  campestris,  Castahea  vesca. 

Corky,  suberosus.  Covered  with  a bark  of  the  nature  of 
cork.  Quercus  Suber,  Ulmus  suberosa. 

12.  Villosity. 

Downy,  Caulis  pubescens.  Orobanclie  major,  Digitalis 
purpurea,  Ornithopus  perpusillus,  Sempervivum  tectorum, 
Saxifraga  granulata. 

Velvetty,  veluiinus.  Cotyledon  coccinea. 

Hairy,  pilosus.  Clinopodium  vulgare,  Ranunculus  acris, 
Erodium  cicutarium,  Agrimonia  vulgaris. 

Villous,  villosus.  Veronica  montana,  V.  agrestis,  Cala- 
mintha  vulgaris. 

Silky,  sericeus.  Protea  argentea,  Aster  sericeus. 

Woolly,  lanatus.  Stachys  Germanica,  Marrubium  vul- 
gare, Carlin  a vulgaris. 

Tomentose,  tomentosus.  Verbascum  decurrens,  Gera* 
nium  rotundifolium. 



Hispid,  hispidus,  liirsutus , hirtus.  Galeopsis  nodosus, 
Scabiosa  arvensis,  Sinapis  arvensis,  Geranium  dissectum. 

Spinose,  spinellosus , eckinatus.  Dipsacus  fullonum. 

13.  Armature. 

Prickly,  Caulis  aculealus.  Arms  affixed  to  the  bark. 
Rosa  rubiginosa,  R.  centifolia,  Rubus  fruticosus. 

Thorny,  spinosus.  Arms  affixed  to  the  wood.  Genista 


First  branches,  Ramus.  First  divisions  of  the  stem. 

Second  branches,  branchlets,  twigs,  Ramuli,  First  di- 
visions of  the  branches. 

Third  branche^,  small  twigs,  Ramunculi.  Second  divisions 
of  the  branches. 

1.  Attachment. 

Alternate,  Rami  alterni.  Shooting  out  singly  in  different 
directions  at  nearly  equal  distances.  Alicea  rosea,  Rhamnus 

One  rowed,  secundi.  Shooting  out  on  one  side  only. 
Alg  ae  varies. 

Two-rowed,  distichi.  Ranged  in  two  opposite  rows. 
Ulmus  vulgaris,  Abies Tkmadensis. 

Opposite,  oppasiti.  Growing  in  pairs  from  opposite 
points.  Fraxinus,  iEsculus  Hippocastanum. 

Crossing,  decussati.  Growing  in  pairs  which  cross  each 
other  at  right  angles.  Syringa  vulgaris,  Acer  major. 

Whorled,  verticillati.  Placed  in  circles  round  the  main 
stem.  Equisetum  fluviatile,  Abies  pectinata,  Pinus  syl- 

Scattered,  spar  si.  Placed  without  any  determinate  or- 
der. Usually  owing  to  abortion. 

2.  Direction. 

Erect,  Rami  erecti.  Growing  almost  perpendicular  to 
the  horizon.  Salsola  fruticosa,  Euphrasia  officinalis,  Po- 
pulus  fastigiata. 

Closed,  appressi.  Converging  very  close  to  the  main 
stem.  Genista  tinctoria,  Populus  fastigiata. 

Inflected,  inirojiexi , bicurvi.  Anastatica  Hierunchita,  & c. 

Open,  patentes,  patuli . Forming  with  the  main  stem 
an  angle  of  about  45°.  Galium  vulgare,  Erysimum  offi- 



Very  open,  patentissimi.  Growing  at  right  angles  with 
the  stem.  Asparagus  officinalis,  Arctium  major,  Pyrus 

Divergent,  diver gent es.  Very  open  and  verticillate. 


Arm-like,  Irachiati.  Very  open  and  crossing  each  other 
in  pairs.  Melampyrum  cristatum,  Hypericum  crispum. 

Divaricated,  divaricati.  Very  open  and  growing  in  many 
different  directions.  Rumex  pulcher,  Teucrium  fruticans, 
Cichorium  sylvestre,  Ranunculus  hederaceus. 

Diffused,  diffusi.  Growing  without  any  order.  Cam- 
panula hederacea,  Fumaria  officinalis,  Geranium  dissectum. 

Bent  outwards,  rejiexi , recurvati.  Bent  with  the  con- 
vexity upwards.  Equisetum  sylvaticum,  Larix  Europsea. 

Hanging,  penduli . Falling  below  its  origin  perpendicu- 
larly towards  the  earth.  Salix  Babylonica,  Betula  alba, 
Fraxinus  excelsior  pendula. 

Bent  back,  retroflecti , refracti.  Bent  back  upon  them- 
selves. Rumex  pulcher,  Dulcamara  flexuosa. 

Thorn-ended,  Spinescens.  Ending  in  a thorn  instead  of 
a bud.  Ononis  arvensis,  Hippophae  littoralis. 


Rounded,  Ramificatio  sulrotunda.  Malus  communis. 

Flat-topped,  corymbose  fastigiata  Linnaeus.  When  the 
ramifications  end  all  at  the  same  height  from  the  ground. 
Dodartia  Orientalis,  Pinus  Pinea. 

Pyramidal,  pyramidalis.  Spread  horizontally,  and  grow- 
ing smaller  as  they  approach  the  top.  Abies  pectinata. 

Fastigiate,  fastigiata  Mirbell.  All  the  branches  growing 
close  to  the  stem,  and  their  divisions  pointing  to  the  sky. 
Populus  fastigiata,  Quercus  fastigiata. 


Cicatricula.  A mark  left  on  the  stem  by  the  jointed 
leaves,  when  they  fall  off. 


Reliquia  foliorum.  Ramenta . The  remains  of  leaves 

which  remain  attached  to  the  stem,  after  the  death  of  the 
principal  part. 


Vulvinus . A small  protuberance,  frequently  found  under 
the  leaf  scar. 




Projeclurce.  Small  rising  edges,  which  beginning  at  the 
setting  on  of  a leaf,  are  prolonged  upwards  and  downwards. 
Leguminosee.  * 


Folium,  in  composition  — phyllum.  Expanded  organs 
generally  attached  to  the  stem , flat,  green,  horizontal,  formed 
for  imbibing  and  exhaling  different  fluids . 

1.  Situation. 

Seed,  Folia  seminalia.  Placed  immediately  below  the 
plumule,  formed  of  the  cotyledons  which  rise  above  ground. 
Raphanus  sativus. 

Root,  radicalia , fundi.  Growing  from  the  top  of  the 
root.  Alisma  major,  Taraxacum  officinale,  Drosera  ro- 
tund i folia.  PL  8,  fig.  5,  e. 

Stem,  caulinaria,  caulina.  Growing  on  the  stem. 

Branch,  ramealia,  ramea.  Growing  on  the  branches. 
Joint,  articulares.  Growing  from  the  knots  or  joints  of 
the  stem  or  its  branches.  Graminese,  Dianthus. 

Inferaxillary,  infer axillaria.  Growing  under  the  branch. 
Tilia,  Aster  Chinensis. 

Flower,  floralia.  Growing  at  the  bottom  of  flowers, 
and  not  differing  from  the  other  leaves.  Periclymenum 
perfoiiatum.  These  are  not  to  be  confounded  with  bractece . 

2.  Disposition. 

In  whirls,  Folia  verticillata , stellata.  More  than  two 
leaves  growing  at  the  same  height  on  the  stem.  Hippuris, 
Asperula  odorata,  Spergula  arvensis.  PL  6,  fig.  6. 

By  threes,  terna.  Forming  a whirl  of  three  leaves. 
Lysimachia  vulgaris,  Verbera  triphylla. 

By  fours,  quaterna.  Valantia  cruciata,  Rubia  tinctorum. 

By  fives,  quina.  Myriophyllum  verticillaturq,  Galium 

By  sixes,  sena.  Galium  uliginosum. 

By  eights,  octona . Asperula  odorata.  PL  6,  fig.  6. 

% Opposite,  opposita.  Two  by  two,  on  opposite  sides  of  the 
stem.  Veronica  officinalis,  Labiatse,  Gentianese.  PL  6,  fig.  8. 

Crossed,  decussate.  Opposite,  the  pairs  placed  near  to- 
gether, and  crossing  each  other.  Hypericum  quadrangu- 
lare,  Euphorbia  Lathy ris. 



Alternate,  alterna.  One  by  one  by  spaces  along  the 
stem.  Gramineae,  Acetosa  vulgaris,  Hesperis  matronalis, 
Rosa,  Pyrus. 

Spirally,  spiralia.  Alternate  in  two,  three,  or  more  pa- 
rallel series  round  the  stem.  Abies  Picea,  Lycopodium, 

Orderless,  scattered,  spars'a.  Growing  without  any  re- 
gular order.  Antirrhinum  majus,  Hedera  communis,  Re- 
seda salicifolia. 

Two-ranked,  disticha.  With  their  points  of  attachment, 
and  their  direction  on  two  opposite  sides.  Ulmus  cam- 

f Distant,  remota.  Placed  at  a greater  distance  from  one 
another  than  usual. 

Crowded,  approximately  conferta.  Placed  at  a less  dis- 
tance from  one  another  than  usual.  Daphne  sempervirens. 

Tile-like,  imbricata.  One  covering  another  like  the  tiles 
of  a house.  Saxiffaga  oppositifolia,  Sedum  acre,  S.  ru- 

Roselike,  rosaceous,  roselata.  Alternate,  numerous, 
crowded,  and  diverging,  so  as  to  appear  like  a double  rose. 
Sempervivum  tectorum,  Saxifraga  pyramidalis. 

Crowning,  coronaiitia.  Roselike,  and  terminating  the 
stem  or  its  divisions.  Palmae,  Filices  arborese,  Carica 

% In  bundles,  fasciculata.  Several  leaves  from  the  same 
point.  Berberis  vulgaris,  Larix. 

Twin,  geminaia , Vina.  In  bundles  of  two  leaves  each. 
Galanthus  nivalis,  Atropa  lethalis,  Pinus  sylvestris,  P.  ma- 

In  bundles  of  three,  terna.  Pinus  Tseda,  P.  palustris. 

In  bundles  of  five,  quina . Pinus  Strobus,  P.  Cembro. 

3.  Attachment. 

Squatted,  Folia  sessilia.  Growing  without  any  footstalk. 
Mentha  sylvestris,  Androssemum  officinale,  Genista,  Te- 

Decurrent,  decurrentia.  Sessile,  and  the  lower  part  of 
the  leaf  extended  along  the  stem.  Symphytum  officinale, 
Carduus  lanceolata.  PI.  6,  fig.  11. 

Embracing,  amplexicaulia.  Embracing  the  stalk,  by  an 
enlargement  of  their  base.  Silybum  Mariae,  Papaver  som- 
niferum.  PI.  6,  fig.  7. 



Perfoliated,  perfoliata.  Having  the  disk  pierced  by  the 
stem.  Bupleurum  perfoiiatum.  PI.  6,  fig.  10. 

Grown  together,  connate ?,  coadnata.  Opposite  or  whirled 
leaves  sessile  and  conjoined  together  by  their  lower  part. 
Dipsacus  fullonum,  Saponaria  officinalis,  Lychnis  plumaria, 
Periclymenum  perfoliatum.  PL  6,  fig.  8. 

Sheathing,  vaginantia.  The  base  enveloping  the  stem 
like  a sheath.  Orchis  latifolia. 

4.  Direct  ion. 

Reversed,  Folia  deviala , ohliqua , adversa.  When  the 
upper  surface  of  the  leaf  is  not  turned  from  the  ground. 
Lactuca  virosa,  Allium  obliquum. 

% One-rowed,  unila  ter  alia , secunda.  When  they  grow 
all  on  one  side.  Convallaria  multiflora. 

Two-sided,  lilateralia.  When  they  grow  on  two  oppo- 
site sides.  Taxus  baccata,  Abies  taxifolia. 

f Adpressed,  appressa.  When  the  face  of  the  leaf  is 
applied  close  to  the  stem.  Buchnera  gesnerioides. 

Erect,  erecta . Forming  an  acute  angle  with  the  utmost 
part  of  the  stem.  Typha  latifolia,  Sagittaria,  Pinus  syl- 

Inflected,  inflexa , incurva . Bent  inwardly,  Araucaria 
excelsa,  &c. 

Open,  patentia , patula.  Forming  an  angle  of  about 
45  deg.  with  the  upper  part  of  the  stem.  Veronica  fonti- 
nalis,  Antirrhinum  vulgare. 

Very  open,  patentissima.  Forming  an  angle  of  about 
90  deg.  with  the  stem.  Glechoma  hederacea,  Cucubalus 
bacciferus,  Androsseinum  vulgare. 

Reflected,  rejlexa , recurva.  Bent  down  towards  the 
ground.  Bryum  pellucidum,  Pulicaria  uliginosa. 

Hanging,  dependentia , demissa.  Growing  down  perpen- 
dicular to  the  ground.  Laureola  sempervirens.  Convol- 
vulus sepium. 

Lying  down,  humifusa.  Growing  flat  on  the  ground. 
Beilis  perennis. 

II  Floating,  natans.  Lying  flat  on  the  water.  Pota- 
mogeton  natans,  Nymphsea  alba,  Nuphar  luteum. 

Sunken,  suhnersa , demersa.  Growing  in  the  water. 
Hottonia  palustris. 

Emergent,  emersa.  Rising  by  their  footstalk  above  the 
water.  Sagittaria  sagittifolia,  Alisma  major. 



5.  Substance. 

Herbaceous,  Folia  herbacea . Green  and  soft.  Spinachia 

Membranous,  membranacea , membranosa.  Soft,  supple, 
very  thin.  Most  plants. 

Paper-like,  papyracea.  Thin,  dry,  may  be  bent  like 
paper.  Dracaena  terminalis. 

Scarious,  scariosa.  Thin,  dry,  semitransparent.  Pota-° 
mogiton  crispum. 

Soft,  mollia . Althaea  officinalis. 

Leathery,  coriacea.  Viscum  album. 

Stiff,  rigida . Arundo  arenaria,  Ruscus  aculeatus,  Pinus 

Fleshy,  carnosa.  Thick,  and  formed  of  a cellular  tissue 
resembling  the  pulp  of  an  apple.  Lemna,  Sempervivum 

Succulent,  succulenta , succosa . Thick,  and  formed  of  a 
cellular  tissue  resembling  the  pulp  of  a plum.  Sedum  re- 
flexum,  S.  dasyphyllum. 

Hollow,  cava.  Having  an  internal  cavity.  Cepa  cs~ 

Pitchershaped,  utricularia . Hollow  and  bellied  out 
like  a pitcher.  Aldrovanda. 

Bilocular,  bilocularia . Hollow  and  divided  into  two 
parts  by  a partition.  Lobelia  Dortmanna. 

Many-locular,  loculosa.  Hollow  and  divided  into  several 
parts  by  partitions.  Juncus  articulatus,  &c. 

6.  Formation. 

Petiolean,  Folia  petiolanea.  Formed  from  footstalks. 
Mimosa  suaveolens,  Mimosae  of  New  Holland. 

Ramean,  rameanea . Formed  from  branches.  Ruscus 

7.  Production. 

Flowerbearing,  Folia  jlorifera.  Producing  flowers. 
Lemna,  Xylophylla  falcata.  PI.  8,  fig.  3. 

Rooting,  radicantia.  Producing  roots.  Asplenium  rhi- 

Thornbearing,  spinifera.  Producing  thorns.  Solanum 
Py  racantha. 

Proliferous,  prolifera.  Producing  other  leaves.  Lemna, 



8.  Figure. 

Round,  Folia  orbicularia.  Outline  resembling  a circle. 
Hydrocotyle  vulgaris. 

Rounded,  subrotunda , rotundata.  Approaching  to  a 
round  figure.  Lysimachia  repens,  Mentha  rotundifolia, 
Marrubium  vulgare,  Corylus  sylvestris. 

Oblong,  oblonga . Longer  than  broad,  the  ends  being 
rounded.  Carlina  vulgaris.  Inula  dysenterica. 

Elliptic,  elliptica  Mirbel,  ovalia  Linnaeus,  once  and  a 
half  or  twice  as  long  as  broad,  with  rounded  ends  equal  to 
each  other.  Convallaria  majalis,  Hieracium  repens. 

Oval,  ovalia  Mirbel,  ovata  Linnaeus.  Resembling  elliptic 
leaves,  the  lower  end  larger  than  the  other.  Hernaria 
glabra,  Vinca  major,  Alsine  media,  Androsaemum  vulgare. 

Reverse  oval,  obovalia.  Resembling  elliptic  leaves,  but  the 
upper  end  larger  than  the  other.  Samolus  Valerandi,  Vitis 
Idaea  punctifolia. 

Parabolic,  parabolica.  Oblong,  diminishing  insensibly 
to  its  end,  which  is  obtuse.  Amaranthus  minor. 

Wedgelike,  cunearia.  Enlarging  from  the  base  to  the 
end,  which  is  very  obtuse,  or  even  truncated.  Galarhoeus 

Fanshaped,  Jlabelliformia.  Wedgelike,  rounded  at  the 
top.  Salisburia  aspleniifolia. 

Lanceshaped,  lanceolata.  Longer  than  broad ; diminish- 
ing each  way  from  the  middle.  Daphne  florida,  Plantago 
lanceolata,  Salix  alba. 

Spatulashaped,  spathulata.  Drawn  in  at  the  bottom, 
broad  and  round  at  the  top.  Beilis  perennis,  Silene  par- 
viflora,  Montia  fontana. 

Three-cornered,  triangularia.  The  face  has  three  straight 
sides.  Atriplex  hortensis,  Betula  alba,  Chenopodium 

Four-cornered,  quadrangularia . The  face  has  four 

straight  sides.  Trapa  natans. 

Rhombic,  rhombea.  The  leaf  is  four-sided,  the  opposite 
ones  being  parallel.  Hibiscus  rhombifolius. 

Trapezoid,  trapezoidea . The  leaf  is  four-sided;  the  op- 
posite sides,  or  at  least  two  of  them,  are  not  parallel.  Po- 
pulus  nigra. 

Scalelike,  squamiformia.  Partly  embracing  the  stem, 
short  and  broad,  like  a scale.  Orobanche  major. 

f Long,  elongata.  Long  and  narrow ; to  which  belong 
the  five  following  ones. 

VOL.  i. 




Linear,  linearia.  Long,  not  above  one  twelfth  of  an 
inch  broad;  with  the  sides  parallel,  from  bottom  to  top. 
Lolium  perenne,  Taxus  baccata,  Juncus  bufonius,  Poa  an- 

Ribband,  fascialia , gr  amine  a*  Like  linear  leaves,  but 
much  larger.  Typha  latifolia. 

Awlshape,  subulata.  Linear  at  the  bottom,  but; becoming 
narrower  by  degrees,  and  ending  in  a point.  Ulex  Europseus, 
Juniperus  communis. 

Tj  airlike,  capillar ia.  Very  fine,  and  very  flexible,  re- 
sembling hairs.  Asparagus  tenuifiolius. 

Needlelike,  acerosa , acicularia,  selacta.  Long,  fine,  stiff, 
and  sharp,  resembling  bristles  or  needles.  Asparagus 
acutifolius,  Juniperus  communis. 

If  Dissimilar,  dissimilia.  Of  different  figures  on  the  same 
plant.  Quercus  nigra,  Broussenetia  papyrifera,  Dorstenia 
arifolia,  Boehmeria,  Ludia  heterophylla. 

9.  Form  or  Substance . 

Cylindrical,  Folia  cylindrica,  teretia.  Long,  and  like  a 
rod.  Sedum  album,  Cepa  tenuifolia. 

Half-cylindrical,  hemicylindrica , hemicylindracea , semi- 
cylindrica . Long,  one  face  being  flat,  the  other  convex. 
Isoetes,  Pinus  sylvestris,  Typha  angustifolia. 

Pipelike,  Jistulosa.  Cylindrical  and  hollow.  Cepa  escu- 
lenta,  Allium  oleraceum. 

Compressed,  compressa.  Flattened  sideways,  so  that  they 
are  much  thicker  than  broad.  Mesembryanthemum  do- 

Very  much  compressed,  compressissima.  So  much  flat- 
tened sideways,  that  the  sides  appear  like  faces.  Iris,  many 

Swordshape,  ensiformia , gladiala.  Rather  thick  in  the 
middle,  sharp-edged,  and  narrower  from  their  bottom  to 
their  point.  Iris,  and  many  iridese. 

Sabreshape,  acinaciformia . Fleshy,  and  flattened  so  as 
to  have  two  edges,  one  thick  and  blunt,  the  other  sharp, 
bent  backwards.  Mesembryanthemum  acinaciforme. 

Adzeshape,  dolabrijormia.  Fleshy,  nearly  cylindrie  at 
bottom,  flat  at  top  with  two  edges,  the  one  straight  and 
thick,  the  other  circular,  broad,  and  cutting.  Mesem- 
bryanthemum dolabriforme. 

Tongue-shape,  linguiformia.  Fleshy,  long,  convex  be- 
low, blunt  at  top.  Semper vivum  teetorum. 



Gibbous,  gibbosa.  Fleshy  and  raised  up  in  a hunch  upon 
both  surfaces.  Crassula  Cotyledon,  Sedum  dasyphyllum, 
S.  Anglicum. 

Deltoid,  deltoidea.  Short,  narrow  at  the  two  ends,  hav- 
ing three  faces.  Mesembryanthemum  deltoides. 

Three-sided,  triquetra , trigona.  Long,  prismatic,  having 
three  faces.  Butomus  umbellatus,  Asphodelus  luteus. 

Four-sided,  tetragona.  Long,  prismatic  with  four  faces. 
Gladiolus  tristis. 

10.  Bottom. 

Heartshape,  Folia  cordiformia,  cor  data.  Longer  than 

broad,  parted  at  bottom  into  two  lobes.  Tamnus  com- 
munis, Erysimum  cordifolium,  Tilia  Europaea,  Nymphaea. 

Oblique  heartshape,  oblique  cordata.  Heartshaped,  with 
the  point  on  one  side.  Begonia  obliqua. 

Kidneyshape,  reniformia , renaria.  Rounded  and  divided 
into  two  broad  obtuse  lobes.  Asarurn  Europaeum,  Gle- 
choma  hederacea. 

Halfmoonshape,  semilunata , lanata.  Rounded  and  di- 
vided into  two  narrow  lobes.  Hydrocotyle  lunata. 

Arrowshape,  sagittata.  Bottom  lengthened  into  two 
sharp-pointed  lobes,  not  or  but  little  spread  out.  Sagittaria 
sagittifolia,  Fagopyrum  esculentum. 

Halbert-shape,  hastata . Bottom  prolonged  into  two 
lobes  spread  out  wide  apart.  Arum  maculatum,  Elatine 

f Unequal  at  bottom,  bad  incequalia . Bottom  length- 
ened more  on  one  side  than  the  other.  Stramonium  foeti- 
dum,  Ulmus  campestris. 

Narrowed  at  bottom,  basi  attenuata.  Becoming  narrow 
at  bottom.  Polygonum  aviculare,  Hieracium  sylvaticum, 

11.  Point. 

Sharp,  Folia  acuta.  The  two  edges  forming  an  acute 
angle.  Epilobium  angustifolium,  E.  hirsutum,  Scrophu- 
laria  nodosa. 

Pointed,  acuminata.  The  two  edges  change  their  di- 
rection when  they  approach  each  other,  and  are  prolonged 
beyond  the  place  where  they  would  otherwise  meet.  Cornus 
mascula,  Corylus  sylvestris,  Cerasus  racemosa. 

Cuspidated,  cuspidata.  Long,  narrowing  by  degrees, 
ending  in  a sharp  hard  point  resembling  awlshape  leaves, 
but  much  larger.  Bromelia  Ananas. 

f 2 



Dagger-pointed,  mucronala . Finishing  in  a narrow 
point.  Sempervivum  tectorum,  Amaranth  us  minor. 

Hooked,  uncinata . Ending  in  a crooked  point  or  hook. 
Mesembryanthemum  uncinatum. 

Obtuse,  obtusa.  Rounded  at  top.  Rerberis  vulgaris, 
Corrigiola  littoralis. 

Bluntly  notched,  retusa.  Ending  in  a'blunt  notch.  Vitis- 
Idaea  punctifolia,  Amaranthus  lividus. 

Notched,  nicked,  emarginata.  Ending  in  a sharp  notch. 
Asarum  Europaeum,  Buxus  sempervirens.  PI.  5,  fig.  1 5. 

Truncated,  truncata . Ending  abruptly  by  a transverse 
line.  Aloe  retusa. 

Bitten,  preemorsa.  Ending  as  if  bitten  by  the  teeth. 
Caryota  urens. 

Three-toothed,  tridentata.  Ending  in  three  teeth".  Saxi- 
fraga  tridentata,  Genista  tridentata. 

Five-tootlied,  quinquedentata.  Hydrocotyle  tridentata, 
Saxifraga  ascendens. 

Reverse-heartshape,  obcordata , obcordiformia.  Oblong 
and  parted  at  the  end  into  two  rounded  lobes.  Leaflets  of 
Oxalis  vulgaris. 

If  Circinated,  circinata , cipice  cirrosa.  Lengthened  out  at 
the  end  into  a long  point  rolled  upon  itself.  Gloriosa 

Ascidiated,  ascidiata . Ending  in  a hollow  vase,  qscidium , 
covered  with  a moveable  cover.  Nepenthes  distillatoria, 
N.  phyllamphora. 

12.  Contour, 

Not  in  the  least  notched,  Folia  integerrima.  The  edge 
being  without  the  least  incision  whatever.  Lysimachia  re- 
pens, Periclymenum  vulgare,  Androsaemum  vulgare. 

Crenate,  crenata.  The  edge  cut  into  small  rounded 
parts.  Chamaedrys  palustris,  Betonica  officinalis,  Marru- 
bium  vulgare,  Glechoma  hederacea,  Caltha  palustris,  Po« 
pulus  tremula. 

Doubly  crenate,  duplicator  crenata.  The  crenules  of  the 
edge  crenulated  also.  Chrysosplenium  alternifolium. 

Reversely  crenate,  oberenata.  The  edge  cut  into  sharp 
points,  separated  by  rounded  sinuses.  Theophrastus  Ame- 

Serrate,  serrata.  The  edge  cut  into  teeth,  serraturcs 
sharp-pointed  and  inclined  to  the  tip  of  the  leaf.  Scro- 
phularia  aquatica,  Vaccinium  montanum,  Viola  odorata. 



Evonymus  Europaeus,  Acer  Pseudoplatanus,  Viburnum 
Lantana.  PL  6,  fig.  2. 

Doubly  serrate,  dupiicato-serrate.  The  serratures  of 
which  are  also  serrate  themselves.  Ribes  rubrnm,  Ulmus 
campestris,  Corylus  Avellana. 

Toothed,  dentata.  The  edge  cut  into  teeth,  which  do 
not  incline  either  to  the  tip  or  bottom  of  the  leaf.  Tus- 
silago  vulgaris,  Senecio  vulgaris.  Erysimum  cordifolium, 
Sinapis  alba. 

Denticulated,  dent iculata,!  When  the  teeth  or  serratures 

Serrulated,  serrulata.  j are  extremely  small.  Lactuca 
virosa,  Circma  Lutetiana,  Inula  dysenterica,  Senecio  Doria. 

Gnawed,  erosa.  The  edge  cut  into  small  unequal  parts, 
as  if  eaten  by  an  insect.  Senecio  Doria,  Sinapis  alba. 

Sinuated,  sinuata.  The  edge  cut  into  rounded  jags,  se- 
parated by  sinuses  also  rounded.  Stramonium  foetid um, 
Carduus  natans,  Quercus  longseva,  Onopordium  vulgare. 
PI.  4,  fig.  8. 

Violon-shaped,  panduriformia.  Oblong,  with  a rounded 
sinus  on  each  side.  Rumex  pulcher,  Convolvulus  pandu- 
ratus.  PI.  4,  fig.  9. 

Repand,  sinuolata , repanda.  When  the  sinuses  are  very 
shallow.  Solan  um  nigrum  , Inula  dysenteria,  Chrysople- 
nium  oppositifolium,  Alnus  glutinosus. 

Angulous,  angulosa.  The  edge  having  several  angular 
jags,  whose  number  is  indeterminable.  Stramonium  fceti- 
dum,  Tussilago  vulgare,  Chelidonium  glaucum,  Ficaria 
verna.  PI.  6,  fig.  7. 

Five-angled,  qiunque-angulata.  Pelargonium  peltatum, 

Seven-angled,  seplem-angulata.  Hibiscus  Abelmoschus, 


Fringed,  cilia ta.  Bordered  with  straight  hairs  like  eye- 
lashes. J uncus  pilosus,  Sempervivum  tectorum,  Eremocallis 
glomerata.  PI.  4,  fig.  9. 

13.  Edge . 

Callous,  margine  calloso.  Covered  with  small  hard  tu- 
mours. Saxifraga  Cotyledon. 

Gristly,  cartiiagineo.  Hard,  elastic,  and  of  some  other 
colour  than  green.  Vitis  Idsea  punctifolia.  PI.  4,  fig.  6. 

Thorny,  spinoso.  Armed  with  hard  prickles.  Agave 
Americana,  Carduus  lanceolatus,  Silybum  Marioe,  Carlina 
vulgaris.  PL  6,  fig.  9. 



Rolled  up,  revoluto.  Rosmarinus  officinalis,  Andromeda 
polifolia,  Oxycoccus  palustris,  Eremocallis  glomerata. 

14.  Incisions. 

Cut,  Folia  incisa  Mirbel,  lobata  De  Candolle.  With 
deep  incisions  on  the  edges,  the  size  and  form  being  left 

Jagged,  laciniala.  The  incisions  irregular. 

Feather-cut,  pinnciticisa . Incisions  disposed  sideways 
like  the  feathers  of  a quill. 

Lyrate,  lyraia.  Feather-cut  leaves,  the  side  lobes  being 
much  smaller  than  the  end  one.  Barbarea  prascox,  Bras- 
sica  Eruca,  Geum  urbanum,  Raphanistrum  vulgare.  PI.  4, 
fig.  10. 

Runcinate,  runcinata.  Feather  cut  leaves,  the  side  lobes 
sharp-pointed  and  bent  towards  the  stem  like  a hook. 
Taraxacum  officinale,  Sonchus  arvensis,  S.  oleraceus,  Pre- 
nanthes  muralis,  Hypochaeris  radicata.  PI.  4,  fig.  11. 

Eared,  auriculata.  Having  two  small  lobes  at  their  base. 
Salvia  officinalis. 

Lobed,  lobata  Mirbel,  partita  De  Candolle.  The 
incisions  penetrating  more  than  halfway  into  the  face  of 
the  leaf,  but  not  reaching  the  middle  rib  so  as  to  separate 
the  parenchyme  of  the  leaf  into  segments. 

Two-lobed,  biloha , bilobatci.  Bauhinia  porrecta. 

Three-lobed,  triloba.  Anemone  hepatica,  Opulus  pa- 
lustris, Ribes  alpinum.  PI.  6,  fig.  18. 

Five-lobed,  quinqueloba . Veronica  hederaefolia,  Cym- 
balaria  hederacea,  Acer  majus,  Bryonia  officinalis,  Ribes 
rubrum.  PI.  5,  fig.  6. 

Seven-lobed,  septemloba.  Malva  sylvestris. 

Nine-lobed,  novemloba.  Alchemilla  vulgaris,  A.  hybrida. 

Many-lobed,  multiloba , &c. 

% Split,  Jissa.  Cut  leaves  like  the  lobed,  but  the  incisions 
are  straight. 

Two-cut,  bifida. 

Three-cut,  irifida.  Chamaedrys  officinalis,  Mespilus 

Four-cut,  quadrifida. 

Feather-cut,  pinnatifida  Mirbel,  pinnatipartita  De  Can- 
dolle. Divided  sideways  into  shallower  or  deeper  lobes, 
the  parenchyme  of  the  leaf  not  being  interrupted  by 
the  divisions.  Polypodium  vulgare,  Silybum  Marise,  Co- 
ronopus  coadunatus.  PI.  4,  fig.  13. 



Pedately  cut,  pedatifida.  Cut  into  two  lobes,  and  each 
of  these  divided  into  segments  on  the  side  next  the  division. 
Helleborus  niger,  H.  foetidus.  PI.  5,  fig.  1. 

Comblike,  pectinata.  Feather-cut  leaves,  the  lobes  being 
straight  and  placed  parallelly  like  the  teeth  of  a comb. 
Lavandula  dentata,  Achillea  pectinata. 

Parted,  partita  Mirbel,  secta  De  Candolle.  Side 
incisions  penetrating  to  the  middle  rib  of  the  leaf  the  pa- 
renchyme  being  interrupted  by  the  division  ; and  the  Ion-., 
gitudinal  incisions  beyond  two-thirds  of  the  face. 

Two-parted,  bipartita.  Divided  into  two,  by  a very  deep 
longitudinal  incision.  Bidens  tripartita,  Passiflora  incar- 

Five-parted,  quinque-partita . Ipomea  quinque-loba. 

Many-parted,  multi-partita.  Consolida  regalis,  Trollius 

Palmate,  palmata.  Many-parted  leaves,  with  longitu- 
dinal divisions  like  fingers.  Ipomaea  quinque-loba,  Passi- 
flora caerulea.  PI.  5,  fig.  7. 

Forked,  dichotoma.  Ceratophyllum  demersum. 

Feather-parted,  pennatipartira  Mirbel,  pinnatisectus  De 
Candolle.  Cut  sideways  to  the  middle  rib  of  the  Jeafi  the 
parenchyme  being  interrupted  by  the  divisions.  Valeriana 
Sibirica,  Polypodium  unitum. 

Twice  feather-cut,  Bipennaticisa.  The  segments  of  the 
leaf  cut  again  in  a similar  manner. 

Twice  feather-parted,  Bipennatipartita. 

Thrice  feather-cut,  Tripennaticisa.  The  secondary  seg- 
ments cut  again  in  a similar  manner. 

15.  Composition. 

Compound.  Folia  composita.  Footstalk  not  divided, 
but  bearing  several  leaflets. 

One  leafletted,  unifoliata.  A jqinted  footstalk  bearing 
only  one  leaflet.  Citrus  Aurantium,  Rosa  simplicifolia, 
Hedysarum  vespertilionis,  &c.  Analogy,  and  the  joint 
of  the  footstalk,  causes  these  to  be  considered  as  compound 

Fingered,  digitata , palmata  De  Candolle.  Leaflets  ter- 
minating the  common  footstalk,  like  fingers,  instead  of 
being  placed  on  the  side. 

Two-fingered,  bidigitata , digit ata-bifoliolata , binala  Lin- 
naeus. No  example  known.  Zygopbyllum  Fabago,  quoted 
by  Linnaeus,  is  one-paired. 



Three  fingered,  tridigitata,  digitata  trifoliolata , ternala 
Linnaeus.  Menyanthes  trifoliata,  Oxalis  vulgaris.  PI.  5, 

%•  9- 

Four-fingered,  quadridigitata , digitata  quadrifoliolata . 
Marsilia  quadrifoiia. 

Five-fingered,  quinquedigitata,  quinata  Linnaeus.  Po- 
tentilla  reptans,  Rubus  fruticosa,  Lupinus  albus. 

Seven-fingered,  septemdigilata.  iEsculus  Hippocastanum. 
PI.  5,  fig.  8. 

Nine-fingered,  novemdigitata.  Sterculia  foetida. 

Many-fingered,  multidigit  at  a.  Lupinus  varius. 

Vertebral,  vertehrata  Mirbel,  lomentacea  De  Candolle. 
Leaflets  narrowed  at  distances,  and  at  each  narrowing  there 
is  a joint.  Cussonia  spicata,  Citrus  Aurantium.  PI.  5, 
fig.  10. 

Pinnate,  pinnata.  Leaflets  disposed  upon  two  sides  of  a 

Three-1  eafletted,  trifoliolata.  Dolichos,  Hedvsarum  gy- 
rans.  PI.  5,  fig.  13. 

Paired,  conjugata , opposite-pinnata.  Leaflets  in  pairs. 

One-paired,  Unijuga,  conjugata  Linnaeus.  One  pair 
only  of  leaflets.  Zygophyllum  Fabago,  Lathyrus  pratensis, 
L.  sylvestris. 

Two-paired,  hijuga.  Mimosa  nodosa. 

Three-paired,  irijuga.  Orobus  tuberosus,,  Vicia  lathry- 

Four-paired,  quadrijuga.  Cassia  longisiliqua. 

Five-paired,  quinquejuga.  Cassia  occidentalis. 

Many-paired,  multijuga.  Orobus  sylvaticus,  Vicia  multi- 
flora.  PI.  4,  fig.  15. 

Alternately  disposed,  foliolis  alterriatim  positis.  Leaflets 
alternate,  instead  of  being  opposite  and  in  pairs.  Potentilla 

Abruptly  terminated,  abrupte  pinnata , abruple  termmata , 
pari-pinnala.  Leaflets  in  pairs,  without  an  odd  leaflet,  or 
tendril,  at  the  end  of  the  footstalk.  Orobus  tuberosus. 

PI.  4,  fig.  15. 

With  an  odd  leaflet,  foliolo  impari.9  imp ari- pinnata.  Pin- 
nate, terminated  by  an  odd  leaflet.  Asplenium  saxatile, 
Fraxinus  excelsior,  Cardamine  impatiens,  Erodium  cicuta- 
rium,  Rosa.  PI.  4,  fig.  14. 

Terminated  by  a tendril,  cirrho  terminato.  Pinnate,  ter- 
minated by  tendrils  instead  of  an  odd  leaflet.  Fumaria 
claviculata,  Vicia,  Pisum  sativum,  Lathyrus  odoratus. 



Interruptedly  pinnate,  foliolis  interruptis , interrupte  pin - 
nata.  Leaflets  alternately  large  and  small.  Solanum  tu- 
berosum, Agrimonia  vulgaris,  Spiraea  odorata,  Sp.  vul- 
garis, Potentilla  anserina.  PI.  4,  fig.  14. 

Decreasingly  pinnate,  foliolis  decrescentibus.  Leaflets 
diminishing  in  size  as  they  approach  the  top.  PI.  4,  fig.  17. 

Decursively  pinnate,  foliolis  decursivis , decursive  pinnata. 
Footstalk  winged  by  the  prolongation  of  the  bottom  of  the 
leaflets.  Melianthus  major. 

If  Twice  compounded,  decomposila.  Second  degree  of 
composition;  the  common  footstalk  divided  into  secondary 

Fingered-pinnate,  digitato-pinnata , conjugato-pinnata. 
Secondary  footstalks,  arising  from  the  end  of  the  common 

Two-fingered-pinnate,  bidigit  at  o-pinnat  a.  Secondary 
footstalks,  two  in  number.  Mimosa  purpurea.  PI.  5, 
fig.  14. 

Bigeminate,  bigeminata , biconjugata.  Two  secondary 
footstalks,  each  of  which  have  one  pair  of  leaves.  Mimosa 
Unguis  cati.  PI.  5,  fig.  12. 

Trigeminate,  tergimina , tergeminata . Two  secondary 
footstalks,  each  of  which  have  one  pair  of  leaves,  and  a 
third  pair  of  leaves  is  borne  at  the  parting  of  the  two  se- 
condary footstalks.  Mimosa  tergimina. 

Three-fingered  pinnate,  tridigit  at  o-pinnat  a,  ternato-pin- 
nata.  The  common  footstalk  has  three  secondary  foot- 
stalks from  its  tip,  all  of  which  have  leaflets  attached  on 
their  sides.  Hoffmanseggia. 

Four-fingered  pinnate,  quadridi git  at  o-pinnat  a,  Mimosa 

Many-fingered  pinnate,  mid  tidigi  tat  o-pinnat  a. 

Bipinnate,  bipinnata , duplicato-pinnata.  The  secondary 
footstalks,  to  the  sides  of  which  the  leaflets  are  attached,  are 
placed  on  the  sides  not  the  tip  of  the  main  footstalk.  Ca- 
rum  officinale,  Fumaria  officinalis.  PI.  4,  fig.  16. 

Biternate,  biiernata , duplicato-ternate.  The  common 
footstalk  is  parted  into  three  secondary  footstalks,  each  of 
which  has  leaflets.  Fumaria  bulbosa,  Cicuta  virosa,  Im- 
peratoria  major. 

Pedate,  pedata . The  common  footstalk  is  parted  at  top 
into  two  diverging  branches,  bearing  leaflets  on  that  side 
only  which  is  nekt  the  fork.  PI.  5,  fig.  2. 

It  Thrice  compounded,  supra-decomposita.  Third  degree 



of  composition : the  primary  footstalk  divided  into  secon- 
dary footstalks,  and  those  into  third-rank  footstalks. 

Triternate,  triternata.  The  primary  footstalk  divided 
into  three,  and  each  of  these  into  three  others;  all  the  nine 
bearing  three  leaflets  each.  Epimedium  alpinum,  Crith- 
mum  maritimum,  Smyrnium  vulgare,  Actsea  spicata.  PL  6, 
%•  1 • 

Tripinnate,  tripinnata . The  common  footstalk  has  on 
its  sides  secondary  footstalks,  and  these  have  also  on  their 
sides  third-rank  footstalks,  to  the  sides  of  which  leaflets  are 
attached.  Daucus  vulgaris,  Phellandrium  aquaticum,  Tha- 
lictrum  minus. 

The  leaflets  of  compound  leaves  admit  most  of  the 
characters  of  simple  leaves. 

16.  Expansion. 

Flat,  Folia  plana.  Most  plants. 

Convex,  convexa.  The  upper  face  convex,  the  lower 
concave.  Gey  mum  Basilicum  majus. 

Concave,  concava.  The  upper  face  concave,  the  lower 
convex,  Drosera  rotundifolia,  Umbilicus  pendulinus,  Saxi- 
fraga  oppositifolia. 

Grooved,  channelled,  canaliculata.  Long,  with  a hollow 
channel  throughout  their  whole  length.  Lygeum  Spar- 
turn,  Salsola  decumbens,  Pinus  sylvestris. 

Keeled,  carinata.  Grooved,  with  a projection  on  the 
under  surface  the  whole  length,  like  the  keel  of  a vessel. 
Sparganium  erectum,  Tragopogon  pratense,  Stella ria  ho- 
lostea,  Narcissus  biflorus,  Ajax  fenestralis. 

Folded,  plicata.  Flaving  several  folds  lengthways.  Ve- 
ratrum  album,  Althaea  officinalis,  Malva  sylvestris. 

Puckered,  crispa.  Wrinkled  irregularly  over  the  whole 
surface.  Rumex  crispus,  Mentha  crispa,  Malva  crispa, 
Hypericum  crispum. 

Bui  late,  hullata.  With  the  upper  surface  raised  up  in 
bubblelike  or  conical  tubercles,  which  are  hollowred  on  the 
under  side.  Lamium  Orvalla,  Qcymurn  Basilicum  maius. 

PI.  6,  fig.  2. 

Wrinkled,  rugosa . With  the  veins  sunk  in  a little,  so 
as  to  form  a number  of  wrinkles.  Salvia  officinalis,  Sco- 
rodonia  solitaria,  Marrubium  vulgare. 

Waved,  nndulata.  The  edge  rising  and  falling  alter- 
nately in  roundish  folds  like  waves.  Persicaria  acris,  Bis- 
torta  major,  Jasione  montana,  Inula  pulicaria. 



Capped,  cucullata.  Rolled  up  lengthways  like  a cornet. 
Geranium  cucullatum,  Plantago  maxima. 

17.  Nervature. 

Ribbed,  Folia  nervata , nervosa.  With  one  or  more  ribs. 
Linum  perenne,  Plantago  media,  P.  lanceolata,  Op  ulus 

One-ribbed,  uninervia , uninervata.  With  only  one  rib. 
Linum  perenne. 

Three-ribbed,  Irinervia . With  three  ribs  extended 

lengthways  the  leaf,  from  the  base.  Saponaria  officinalis, 
Linum  usitatissimum.  PI.  5,  fig.  16. 

Five-ribbed,  quinquenervia.  With  five  ribs,  lengthways 
the  leaf,  from  the  base.  Gentiana  lutea. 

Seven-ribbed,  septem-nervia.  Alisma  major. 

Melastoma  grandiflora. 
Cypripedium  ferrugineum. 

Nine-ribbed,  novem-nervia. 

The  rib  is  tripled,  throwing 
little  above  the  base  of  the  leaves. 
PI.  6,  fig.  3. 

With  four  side 

Many-ribbed,  multinervia. 

PL  4,  fig.  2. 

Triple-ribbed,  triplinervia. 
out  two  side-branches  a 
Melastoma  multiflora. 

Quintuple-ribbed,  qiiintupli-nervia . 
branches.  Melastoma  discolor. 

Multiple-ribbed,  multipli-nervia.  With  many 
branches.  Hydrogeton  fenestralis.  PL  5,  fig.  15. 

% Straight-ribbed,  rectinervia , penninervia.  Ribs  running 
in  a straight  line.  Ain  us  glutinosa,  Castanea  vesca,  Car- 
pinus  ulmoides.  PL  4,  fig.  4. 

Curve-ribbed,  curvinervia , converginervia.  Ribs  describe 
a curve.  Plantago  media.  PI.  5,  fig.  15  ; Pl.  4,  fig.  2. 

Parallel-ribbed,  parallelinervia.  Ribs  keep  at  an  equal 
distance  from  one  another.  Crataegus  alpina,  Alnus  glu- 
tinosa, Castanea  vesca,  Carpinus  ulmoides. 

Diverging-ribbed,  diver ginervia.  Ribs  spread  out  as  they 
go  from  base  to  tip.  Opulus  palustris,  Alchimilla  vulgaris. 

Pl.  6,  fig.  16. 

Star-ribbed,  stellinervia , peltinervia.  Ribs  run  from  the 
middle  of  the  leaf  to  the  circumference.  Hydrocotyle  vul- 
garis, Ricinus  communis.  Pl.  6,  fig.  9. 

U"  Nervato- veined,  nervato-venosa.  Ribs  divided  several 
times,  and  divided  into  veins.  Tropaeolum  majus. 

Ribless,  innervia.  The  ribs  being  enveloped  with  pa- 
renchyme  do  not  appear  externally,  and  the  leaves  are 
considered  as  being  without  ribs.  Sempervivum  tectorum. 



% Veined,  venosa.  With  veins  appearing  on  the  siirface 
of  the  leaf.  Androsaemum  officinale,  Lithospermura  offici- 
nale, Vitis  Idaea  punctifolia. 

Parallel,  paralleli-venosa.  Musa  Sapientum. 

Diverging-veined,  diver gi-venosa.  Salisburia  asplenii- 

Reticulate-veined,  reticulato -venosa.  The  veins  anasto- 
mosing in  all  parts.  Stachys  Germanica,  Uva-ursi  buxi- 
folia,  Salix  aurita,  Salix  reticulata. 

Veinless,  avenia.  Limonium  commune,  Lithospermum 
arvense,  Arenaria  maritima. 

18.  Ribs  or  veins . 

Straight,  nervis  vel  vents  reclis . Ribs  or  veins  running 
in  a straight  line.  Betula.  Castanea  vesca. 

Curved,  curvis , convergentibus.  Running  in  a curve  line 
so  as  to  meet  at  each  end.  Plantago  media. 

Featherlike,  pennalis.  A main  rib  throwing  out  branches 
on  each  side,  which  keep  parallel  to  one  another.  Castanea 

Footlike,  pedatis.  Two  main  ribs  throwing  out  branches 
on  the  side  next  to  each  other.  Helleborus  foetidus.  PI.  5, 
fig.  1. 

Handlike,  palmatis.  Several  main  ribs  thrown  out  from 
the  insertion  of  the  leaf,  and  tending  to  the  circumference. 
Vitis  vinifera. 

Shieldlike,  peltatis , stellatis.  Several  main  ribs  thrown 
out  from  the  insertion  of  the  petiole,  in  the  disk  of  the 
leaf.  Hydrocotyle  vulgaris.  PI.  6,  fig.  9. 

Netted,  reticuiatis . Ribs  and  veins  anastomosing  in  all 
parts.  Stachys  Germanica,  Uva-ursi  buxifolia,  Salix  aurita. 

19.  Surface. 

Pierced,  Folia  pertusa.  ‘Pierced  with  large  holes  irre- 
gularly distributed,  Menispermum  fenestratum. 

Fretted,  cancellata.  Having  no  parenchyme,  but  only 
nerves  and  veins  which  anastomose  and  form  an  open  net- 
work. Hydrogeton  fenestralis.  PI.  5,  fig.  15. 

Furrowed,  sulcata.  Digitalis  ferruginea,  Asphodelus 

Streaked,  striata.  Scirpus  maritimus. 

Even,  Icevia.  / Convallaria  majalis,  Nymphsea. 

Smooth,  glabra.  Tamnus  communis,  Androssemum 
officinale,  Linum  usitatissimum,  Reseda  salicifolia,  Acer 
Pseudo-platan  us. 



Shining,  lucida , nitida , splendentia.  Tamnus  communis, 
Vitis  Idsea  punctifolia,  Silybum  Mariae,  Hedera  communis, 
Prunus  Lauro-cerasus,  Ficaria  ranunculoides. 

Dotted,  punctata.  Anagallis  Phoenicea,  Thymus  cam- 
pestris,  Calamintha  vulgaris,  Hypericum  perforatum. 

Rough,  scab?' a,  aspera.  Lithospermum  officinale,  Ja- 
sione  montana,  Ulmus  campestris,  Tordylium  maximum. 

Papulous,  papulosa,  Mesembryanthemum  crystallinum. 

Papillous,  warty,  papillosa , verrucosa.  The  surface  co- 
vered with  round  firm  eminences. 

Glutinous,  viscous,  glutinosa , viscosa.  Nicotiana  gluti- 
nosa,  Inula  viscosa. 

20.  Villosity. 

Downy,  Folia  pubescentia.  Cynoglossum  officinale,  Al- 
thaea officinalis,  Geranium  molle,  Circsea  Lutetiana. 

Velvetty,  velutina.  Cotyledon  coccinea. 

Hairy,  pilosa.  Scorodonia  solitaria,  Antirrhinum  spu- 
rium,  Daucus  vulgaris. 

Villous,  villosa.  Valantia  cruciata,  Epilobium  hirsutum. 

Silky,  sericea,  Potentilla  anserina. 

Woolly,  lanata,  Stachys  Germanica,  Verbascum  de- 

Cottony,  tomentosa.  Geranium  rotundifolium,  Onopor- 
dum  acanthium. 

Floccy,  Jloccosa,  Covered  with  hair  matted  together, 
which  come  off  in  small  lumps.  Verbascum  floccosum. 

Hispid,  hispida,  Galeopsis  nodosa,  Pulmonaria  offi- 
cinalis, Borrago  officinalis,  Lycopsis  arvensis. 

Spinellose,  spinellosa,  echinata.  Helminthia  echioides. 

21.  Colour. 

Green,  Folia  viridia.  As  in  most  leaves. 

Coloured,  color  aba.  Of  another  colour  than  green. 

Atriplex  hortensis  rubra. 

Glaucous,  glauca.  Brassica  oleracea,  Stellaria  holostea, 
Arenaria  rubra,  Sedum  dasyphjdlum. 

Spotted,  maculata.  Orchis  mascula,  Persicaria  maculosa, 
Pulmonaria  officinalis,  Hieracium  murorum. 

Variegated,  variegata.  Amaranthus  tricolor,  Silybum 

Banded,  fasciata.  Phalaris  arundinacea  picta. 

Differently  coloured,  discoloria . The  two  faces  of  the  leaf 
are  of  different  colours.  Cymbalaria  hederacea,  Lemna 
polyrrhiza,  Oxalis  purpurea. 



Zoned,  zonata.  Having  coloured  bands  disposed  round 
a central  point.  Geranium  zonale. 

22.  P etiolation. 

Nearly  sessile,  sulsessilia.  The  footstalk  of  the  leaf  very 
short.  Epilobium  angustifolium,  Buxus  sempervirens. 

Footstalked,  peholata.  The  footstalk  very  distinct. 
Pyrus,  and  most  plants.  PI.  6,  fig.  9. 

Peltate,  peltata . The  leaf  attached  to  the  leafstalk  by 
its  lower  surface,  and  not  by  its  edge.  Tropaeolum  majus, 
Hydrocotyle  vulgaris.  PI.  6,  fig.  9. 

23.  Duration. 

Fugacious,  Folia  fugacia , caduca.  Falling  soon  after 
their  first  appearance.  Cactus  Opuntia. 

Annual,  decidua , annua.  Falling  off  in  autumn.  Pyrus, 
iEsculus,  and  most  plants  which  are  natives  of  temperate 

Evergreen,  persistenlia , sempervirentia,  per ennia.  Keeping 
on  the  plant  for  more  than  a year.  Daphne  sempervirens, 
Vinca  major,  V.  minor,  Uva-ursi  buxifolia,  Hedera  com- 
munis, Pinus,  Taxus. 

24- . Time  of  appearance. 

Anticipating  the  flowers,  Folia  proteranthea.  Coming 
out  before  the  flowers  appear.  Most  plants. 

Accompanying  the  flowers,  synanthea.  Coming  out  at 
the  same  time  as  the  flowers. 

Succeeding  the  flowers,  hysteranthea.  Coming  out  after 
the  flowers  haye  begun  to  appear.  Amygdalus  communis, 
Tussilago  vulgaris. 

25.  Disposition  during  sleep. 

Connivent,  somno  conniventia.  Simple  leaves,  opposite, 
turned  up  at  night,  and  applied  against  the  stem  by  the 
upper  face.  Atriplex  hortensis. 

Including,  includentia.  Simple  leaves,  alternate  and  ap- 
plied against  the  stem.  Sida  Abutilon. 

Surrounding,  circumsepientia . Rolled  inwards,  and  sur- 
rounding the, young  shoots.  Malva  Peruviana. 

Sheltering,  munientia.  Bowing  towards  the  earth,  and 
forming  a shelter  above  the  lower  flowers.  Impatiens  pa- 

Conduplicant,  conduplicantia . Opposite  and  brought  up 
so  as  to  be  applied  to  each  other  by  their  upper  surface. 



Cradling,  involventia.  The  leaflets  of  a trifoliolated  leaf 
bend  their  tops  towards  each  other  so  as  to  form  a cradle 
which  hides  the  flowers.  Lotus  ornithopodioides. 

Diverging,  diver gentia.  The  leaflets  of  a trifoliolated  leaf 
rise  up  and  come  near  each  other  by  their  base,  but  further 
separated  by  their  tips.  Mclilotus. 

Hanging,  dependentia.  The  leaflets  of  a compound  leaf 
fall  below  their  footstalk,  and  turn  their  tip  to  the  ground. 

Turning,  invert entia.  The  leaflets  turn  half  round  on 
their  footstalk,  so  that  the  upper  face  of  the  leaflets  is  turned, 
where  the  lower  face  was,  and  vice  versa.  Cassia. 

Tiling,  imbricantia.  The  leaflets,  directing  their  tips 
towards  the  top  of  the  leaf,  apply  themselves  to  the  foot- 
stalk, and  cover  one  another.  Mimosa  pudica. 

Bent  back,  retrorsa.  The  leaflets,  directing  their  tips  to 
the  base  of  the  leaf,  apply  themselves  to  the  footstalk,  and 
cover  one  another.  Galega  Caribaea. 


Petiole,  Petiolus.  The  support  of  the  leaf  connecting  it  with 
the  stem , or  root. 

Simple,  Petiolus  simplex . Without  any  division  or  joint. 

Compound,  compositus . Divided  into  petiolules  or  partial 
footstalks,  which  bear  the  leaflets.  Epimedium  alpinum. 
PL  6,  fig.  1;  PI.  4,  fig.  16. 

Jointed,  articulatus.  Appearing  as  if  formed  of  pieces 
connected  together  lengthways,  by  having  at  its  point  of 
attachment,  or  at  the  places  where  it  is  divided,  a swelling, 
or  contraction,  or  a change  of  direction,  of  colour,  or  of 
substance.  Rodinia  Pseudo-acacia,  Gleditsia.  PI.  4,  fig.  16. 

Jointless,  inarticulatus.  Without  any  joint.  Umbelli- 

% Primary,  common,  primarius , communis . Common  to 
several  leaflets,  or  to  several  secondary  leafstalks.  Pha- 
seolus.  PL  4,  fig.  15  and  16;  PI.  6,  fig.  1. 

Secondary,  secundarius.  First  division  of  the  primary 

Partial,  proper,  partial , proprius.  Peculiar  to  one  leaflet. 

If  Two-forked,  dichotomus.  Divided  and  subdivided  into 
secondary,  &c.  leafstalks  by  being  split  each  time  into  two. 



Three-forked,  trichotomies.  Divided  and  subdivided  into 
secondary,  &c.  leafstalks  by  being  split  each  time  into 
three.  Epimediuin  alpinum.  PI.  6,  fig.  1 . 

Tendril-bearing,  cirriferus.  Bearing  tendrils.  Smilax 
horrida.  PI.  8,  fig.  2. 

Tendril-like,  cirriformis.  Twining  like  a tendril.  Fu- 
maria  capreolata,  Clematis  orientalis.  PL  6,  fig.  14. 

Stipuled,  stipuliferus . Leafstalk,  or  the  primary  leaf- 
stalk, if  compound,  furnished  at  the  bottom  with  stipules. 
Rosa,  Ononis,  Mespilus  Germanica,  Oxalis  corniculata. 

Stipulated,  siipelldti . Secondary,  &c.  leafstalks  fur- 
nished at  their  base  with  small  stipules. 

Gland-bearing,  glanduliferus.  Furnished  with  glands. 
Op  ulus  palustris,  Prunus. 

Margined,  winged,  marginatus , alatiis.  Furnished  with 
expansions  on  the  sides.  Pisum  Ochrus,  Citrus  Aurantium. 

Sheathing,  vaginans.  Forming  a sheath  round  the 
stem  or  scape.  Gramineae,  Cyperacese,  Umbelliferae.  PI.  4, 
fig.  1. 

Convolute,  convolutus.  Resembling  a lamina  rolled 
round  the  stalk.  Gramineae. 

Tubular,  tubulatus.  Forming  a tube  sheathing  the  stem. 

Inflated,  inflatus.  Hollow  and  swelling.  Trapa  natans. 

Locular,  loculosus.  Hollow  and  divided  by  partitions. 
Eryngium  corniculatum. 

Thorned,  spinescens . Ending  in  a thorn.  Robinia 


Beside  these  characters,  it  is  necessary  to  attend  to  the 
form  of  the  leafstalk,  whether  cylindrical,  clubshape, 
grooved,  compressed,  depressed;  to  its  length  compared 
with  that  of  the  leaf;  and  to  its  length  in  respect  to  our 
common  measures. 


Ligula,  Collare.  A membranous  appendage  surmounting 

the  sheathing  petiole , at  the  junction  between  the  sheath 

and  the  blade  of  the  leaf. 

Uncut,  Ligula  Integra.  Poa  pratensis. 

Cleft,  Jissa.  Phleum  crinitum. 

Torn,  lacera.  Milium  lentigerum. 

Fringed,  ciliata.  Holcus  lanatus. 

Truncated,  truncata . A vena  fatua. 

Acuminated,  acuminata.  Phalaris  paradoxa. 

Scalelike,  squamiformis.  Poa  arenosa.  PL  4,  fig.  1 . 




Stipula.  A leqflike  appendage  accompanying  the  proper 
leaves  of  the  plant. 

1.  Attachment  to  the  plant. 

Cauline,  Stipvlce  caulinares . Attached  to  the  stem  ra- 
ther than  to  the  leaves.  Rubiacese,  Malvaceae,  Lathyrus 
aphyllus,  Alnus  glutinosa. 

Amplexicaul,  amplexicanles.  Embracing  the  stem.  Car- 
damine  impatiens,  Morus,  Ficus.  « 

Sheathing,  i m gin  ante  sy  luhulosoe.  Forming  a tube  round 
the  stem.  Polygoneae,  Alchemilla  vulgaris. 

Hypocrateriform,  Forming  a tube 
round  the  stem,  terminating  at  top  by  an  enlarged  flat  rim. 
Polygonum  orientale,  Platanus. 

In  ferax  illary,  infer axillares.  Attached  to  the  stem  below 
the  leaves.  Berberis,  Ribes  spinosum. 

Intermediate,  intermedia.  Growing  upon  the  stem  be- 
tween opposite  leaves.  CofFea.  In  the  rubiacese  they 
unite  with  the  leaves  in  forming  a whirl,  and  appear  to  be 
really  abortive  leaves. 

Lateral,  laterales.  Placed  on  the  stem  on  each  side  of 
the  base  of  the  leafstalk.  Tilia,  many  leguminosse,  Alnus 

Ambiguous,  amhiguce.  Attached  nearly  equally  to  the 
stem  and  to  the  leaves.  Polygoneae,  Lotus  siliquosus. 

^ Petiolar,  petiolares.  Attached  on  the  leafstalk.  Rosa, 
Mespilus,  Ononis. 

Marginal,  marginales , adnata.  Attached  along  the  sides 
of  the  leafstalk.  Rosa  canina,  Piper  nigrum,  Nymphsea. 

Detached,  solutce.  Attached  to  the  leafstalk  by  their 
base  only. 

Anterior,  anterior es,  intrafoliacece.  Joined  at  their  base 
only  to  the  anterior  part  of  the  leafstalk,  free  at  their  upper 
part,  and  so  forming  a lamina  placed  between  the  stem  and 
the  leafstalk.  Melianthus,  Trifolium  pratense,  Illecebrum 
verticillatum,  Arenaria  rubra. 

Petiolular,  petiolulares.  Growing  at  the  base  of  the 
leaflets  of  a compound  leaf,  upon  the  petiolules.  Dolichos. 
PI.  5,  fig.  13. 

2.  Number. 

Single,  Stipulce  solitarice,  A single  stipule  to  each  leaf. 
Berberis.  In  ruscus  the  solitary  stipule  appears  to  be  an 

VOL.  I.  G 



abortive  leaf,  and  the  apparent  leaf  in  reality  a metamor- 
phosed branch. 

Twin,  gemince.  Two  stipules  to  each  leaf.  Almost  all 
plants  that  have  stipules. 

3.  Connexion . 

Distinct,  Stipulce  distinct ce.  Separated  from  one  another 
throughout  their  whole  length.  Almost  every  plant  that 
has  stipules. 

Conjoined,  connate,,  connalce . Joined  one  to  the  other. 
Melianthus,  Humulus. 

4.  Nature. 

Leaflike,  Stipulce  foliacece.  Resembling  leaves  in  colour 
and  consistence.  Agrimonia  vulgaris,  Lathyrus  aphyllus, 
Lotus  corniculatus. 

Membranaceous,  membranacece.  Polygonum  amphi- 
bium,  Herniaria  glabra,  Corrigiola. 

Scarious,  scariosce.  Thin,  dry,  semitransparent.  Poly- 
gonum aviculare,  Illecebrum  verticillatum,  Erodium  cicu- 
tarium,  Potentilla  fruticosa. 

Spinescent,  spinescentes.  Becoming  spines,  or  thorns. 
Berberis  vulgaris,  Ribes  spinosum.  PI.  6,  fig.  16. 

Very  small,  minutes.  Gleditsia  triacanthos,  Ceratonia 

5.  Figure. 

Rounded,  Stipulce  subrotundee . Spiraea  odorata. 

Oval,  ovales.  Erodium  cicutarium,  Trifolium  pratense, 
Astragalus  glycyphyllos. 

Semioval,  semiovales . Trifolium  procumbens,  Medicago 

Rather  heartshaped,  sub  cor  diformes,  subcordatce.  Gera- 
nium inquinans,  Lotus  tetragonolobus. 

Obliquely  heartshaped,  oblique-cordatce.  Pisum  sativum. 

Half-heartshaped,  semi- cor  diformes.  Mespilus  Pyra- 

Kidneyshape,  renarice , reniformes . Salix  capraea. 

Halfmooned,  lunatce , semi-lunatce.  Agrimonia  vulgaris, 
Mespilus  digyna,  Crataegus  Crus  galli. 

Sagittate,  sagittatce.  Galea  officinalis. 

Semi-sagittate,  semi-sagiltatce.  Vicia  multiflora,  Vicia 
sativa,  Lathyrus  odoratus,  Lathyrus  annuus,  Lathyrus 
sylvestris,  Orobus  vernus. 



Lanceolate,  lanceolatce.  Viola  odorata,  Hippocrepis 

Linear,  line  ares.  Pyrus  sylvestris,  Pyrus  communis, 
Trifolium  arvense.  ; 

Awlshape,  suhulatce.  Rubus  Idmus,  Lathyrus  Nissolia, 
Cytisus  Laburnum. 

Bristlelike,  setacece.  Populus  tremula. 

Edge  and  incisions. 

Uncut,  Stipules  integree.  Polygonum  amphibium,  La- 
thyrus aphyllus,  Trifolium  procumbens. 

Toothed,  dentatce.  Mespilus  digyna,  Medicago  poly- 
morpha,  Pisum  sativum,  Vicia  sativa. 

Pinnatifid,  pinnatifidee.  Viola  tricolor,  Viola  grandi- 

Jagged,  laciniatce . Medicago  orbicularis,  Medicago 


Torn,  lacerce.  Illecebrum  verticillatum,  Arenaria  rubra. 

Fringed,  ciliatce.  Persicaria  maculosa,  Cardamine  impa- 
tiens,  Trifolium  procumbens. 

Duration . 

Fugacious,  fugaces.  Falling  off  before  the  leaves.  Tilia, 
Gleditsia,  Ficus  Carica. 

Deciduous,  caducce , deciduce.  Falling  with  the  leaves. 
Most  plants. 

Remaining,  persistentes.  Remain  after  the  falling  of  the 
leaves.  Coccoloba  pubescens. 

The  stipules  may  also  have  the  other  characters  of  the 
leaves,  of  which  they  are  in  fact  a species. 


Vagina.  A portion  of  certain  leaves,  surrounding  the 
stem,  and  considered  by  some  botanists  as  a kind  of  pe- 

Not  cut,  Vagina  Integra.  Forming  a perfect  tube.  Cy- 

Slitj^ssa.  Slit  down  lengthways.  Graminese. 


A membranous  sheath,  not  completely  surrounding  the 
stem.  Polygonese.  Some  look  upon  it  as  a stipule. 

Gr  2 




A fibrous  sheath  at  the  base  of  the  leaves  of  the  palmae. 
t Pericladium. 

A hollow  part  of  the  base  of  the  leaves  which  surrounds 
the  branches  or  peduncles.  Umbelliferae. 


A greatly  expanded  petiole  of  compounded  or  deeply 
cut  leaves,  which  assumes  the  appearance  of  a real  leaf. 
Sunk  leaves  of  the  Alismaceae,  Bupleurum,  Batrachium. 
Some  botanists  call  these,  petiolaneous  leaves,  folia  petio- 


Stipes , Peridroma , Rachis.  The  petiole  of  a fern,  dif- 
fering from  the  proper  petiole,  as  bearing  the  fructification 
as  well  as  the  leaf,  or  leaflets. 


Stipella.  A kind  of  stipule  placed  at  the  base  of  the 
leaflets  on  the  common  petiole.  Phaseolus. 


A small  sheath,  representing  the  true  leaf,  having 
branches  at  the  axilla  similar  to  leaves.  Asparagi. 


Vaginella.  A small  membranaceous  sheath,  embracing 
the  base  of  bundles  of  leaves.  Pinus,  Larix. 


Auricula , Amphigaster . A kind  of  stipule  accompanying 
the  leaves  of  the  jungermanniae. 


Vesicula.  A hollow  enclosed  part,  full  of  air,  found  on 
the  leaves,  Fuci;  or  in  the  petiole,  Trapa  natans. 


Ascidium , Vasculum.  A kind  of  cup  formed  either  by  the 
leaf  being  rolled  up  and  the  edges  soldered  together,  Sar- 
racenia ; or  by  the  concavity  of  the  leaf  itself,  Cephalotus ; 
or  by  a peculiar  hollowing  out  of  the  extremity  of  the  main 
rib,  Nepenthes. 




Operculum.  A moveable  leaflike  expansion,  which  covers 
the  goblet.  Sarracenia,  Nepenthes. 


Gemmae.  The  rudiments  of  young  shoots , either  naked  or 
surrounded  with  peculiar  coverings. 

Species . 

Bulb,  Bulbus.  Thick,  placed  on  the  roots.  Liliacese, 

Bulbille,  Bulbillus.  Small,  growing  on  different  parts, 
above  the  ground,  falling  off’  and  taking  root.  Lilium 

Bud,  Gemma.  Growing  on  the  stem  or  its  branches, 
not  falling  off,  but  expanding  itself  on  the  place.  Most 
trees  in  temperate  and  cold  climates. 

Eye,  Turio.  Growing  ok  the  root,  smaller  than  the 
bulb.  Arum  Italicum,  Asparagus  officinalis,  Solanum  tu- 

Sobole,  Soholes , Bacillus.  Growing  in  the  pericarpium, 
instead  of  seeds.  Crinum  Asiaticum. 


Tuberose,  Bulbus  tuber osus,  solidus.  Uniform  in  its 
texture,  without  concentric  coats  or  scales.  Colchicum 
autumnale,  Crocus,  Gladiolus,  Fumaria  bulbosa. 

Coated,  tunicatus.  Enveloped  with  coats.  Fumaria 

Scaly,  squamosus , imbricatus.  Composed  of  straight 
scales  or  tiles  overlaying  one  another.  Lilium,  Saxifraga 

Formed  of  coats,  tunicosus > Composed  entirely  of  fleshy 
coats,  one  surrounding  the  other.  Cepa  esculenta. 

Aggregated,  compositus , aggregatus.  Composed  of 
several  cloves,  or  bulbuli , Allium  sativum. 

Bulbille  and  Sobole. 

Scaly,  Bulbillus  squamosus.  Lilium  bulbiferum. 

Solid,  tuberosus , solidus.  Crinum  Asiaticum. 

If  Axillary,  axillaris.  Growing  at  the  setting  on  of  the 
leaves.  Lilium  bulbiferum. 

Pericarpial,  pericarpialis.  Growing  in  the  pericarpium 
in  the  place  of  seeds.  Crinum  Asiaticum. 



Floralis,  Jioralis . Growing  in  the  place  of  the  flowers* 
Allium  arenarium,  A.  carinatum. 

Bud  and  Turio. 

Naked,  Gemmae  nudce . Without  any  perule.  Hippo- 
phae  littoralis. 

Perulated,  perulatee.  Covered  with  a perule.  Daphne, 
Syringa,  Malus,  Ficus,  Pinus. 

if  External,  externa.  Appearing  above  the  surface  as 
soon  as  it  begins  to  be  formed.  Daphne,  Fraxinus,  Pyrus, 
PL  3,  fig.  5 and  6. 

Internal,  internee.  Hidden  in  the  stem  until  it  is  de- 
veloped. Dircsea,  Robinia  Pseudo-acacia. 

If  Simple,  simplices.  Exhibiting  the  rudiments  of  only 
one  branch.  Fraxinus,  Ficus,  Alnus,  Carpinus. 

Composite,  compositce.  Containing  under  se  single  pe- 
rule, the  rudiments  of  several  branches,  distinct  even  before 
their  shooting.  Pinus  maritima. 

if  Leaf-bearing,  foliiferce.  Producing  a shoot  of  leaves 
only.  Terminal  bud  of  daphne  florida,  Populus,  Alnus. 

Flower-bearing,  Jtoriferce . Producing  flowers  only. 

Daphne  florida,  Populus. 

Mixed,  mixta,  foliifloriferce.  Producing  both  leaves  and 
flowers.  Syringa.  PL  3,  fig.  5. 

if  Sessile,  sessiles.  Growing  upon  the  stem  without  any 

Pedicelled,  pedicellatce.  Growing  upon  a small  excre- 
scence or  support.  Alnus  communis. 


Ferula , The  cover  of  a bud. 

Simple,  Ferula  Integra.  Formed  of  one  piece,  and 
therefore  torn  when  the  bud  shoots.  Persicaria  and  other 
polygon  eae. 

Scaly,  squamosa.  Daphne,  Syringa,  Malus. 

Petiolane,  petiolanea.  Formed  of  enlarged  and  abortive 
leaf-stalks.  Juglans. 

Stipulane,  stipulanea.  Formed  of  stipules.  Persicaria, 
Carpinus,  Ficus. 


Vernatio , Disposition  of  the  leaves,  &c.  in  the  bud. 

Revolute,  Vernatio  revoluta,  revolutiva.  The  two  edges 
of  the  leaves  rolled  to  the  outside.  Persicaria  maculosa, 
Carduus,  Tussilago.  PL  3,  fig.  10  and  20. 


The  two  edges  rolled  to 


Involute,  involute , involution. 
the  inside.  Periclymenum  perfoliatum 
Populus.  PI.  3,  fig.  9,  18  and  19. 

Convolute,  convolute,  convolution.  The  leaves  rolled  on 
one  only  of  their  edges.  Aster,  Solidago,  Berberis.  PL  3, 
fig.  8 and  16. 

Bent,  curvativa . The  leaves  being  very  large  the  rolling 
up  is  but  slight. 

Circinate,  circmaia , circinalia.  Rolled  up  on  their  main 
rib  from  the  tip  to  the  base.  The  ferns. 

Conduplicate,  conduplicata , conduplicativa.  Rolled  up 
lengthways,  and  placed  side  by  side.  Tilia,  Rosa,  Cerasus, 
Corylus,  Quercus.  PL  3,  fig.  11. 

Riding  over  one  another,  equitantia , equitation,  amplexa . 
One  leaf  folded  lengthways  receives  into  its  folding  ano- 
ther leaf  folded  in  the  same  manner.  Carex,  Poa,  Heine- 
rocallis,  Iris.  PL  3,  fig*  12,  17,  and  21. 

Mutually  riding,  se  invicem  equitantia , semi-amplexk , oh - 
voluta.  One  leaf  folded  lengthways  receives  into  the  fold 
only  the  half  of  a leaf  folded  in  the  same  manner.  Salvia, 
Marrubium,  Saponaria,  Lychnis.  PL  3,  fig.  14. 

Opposite,  se  invicem  spectantia , imhricativa , imhricata. 
Two  leaves  opposite  to  each  other,  and  slightly  folded 
lengthways  touch  one  another’s  edges.  Syringa,  Ligustrum. 
PL  3,  fig.  13. 

Folded,  plicata , plicativa.  Folded  in  small  folds  length- 
ways like  a fan  that  is  shut  up.  Opulus  palustris,  Acer, 
Vitis,  Althaea,  Crataegus,  Alnus  glutinosa.  Pl.  3,  fig.  15. 

Inflected,  inflexa , replicative , reclinata.  Folded  from  tip 
to  base.  Cyclamen,  Aconitum,  Anemone  Hepatica,  Pul- 
satilla vulgaris. 

Applied  together,  adpressa.  Faces  of  the  leaves  flat,  and 
close  to  each  other.  Amaryllis. 


Gland  ulae.  Organs  of  secret  ion. 

Miliary,  Glanduloe  miliar est  Visible  by  the  microscope. 
Leaves  of  the  grasses,  larix,  pinus,  and  almost  alFthe  parts 
of  plants  which  are  exposed  to  the  air. 

Bladdery,  vesiculares . Leaves,  calices,  corollae,  pistils, 
fruits,  cotyledons  of  most  aurantiaceae. 

Globular,  globular es.  Anthers  of  cardiaca. 

Utricular,  utriculares . Mesembryanthemum  crystallinum. 



Papillary,  papillares,  Satureja  hortensis,  Horminum 

Cupshape,  eyathiformis.  Leafstalks  of  amygdalus  Per- 
sica,  Cerasus  hortensis,  Ricirms. 

% Sessiles,  sessiles.  Mimosa  Julibrissin. 

Footstalked,  pedicellate.  Rosa,  Amygdalus,  Croton  pe- 

If  Stem,  caulinares . Upon  the  stem. 

Leafstalk,  petiolares . Opulus  palustris. 

Lea foliar es.  Pinguicula,  Drosera,  Amygdalus. 

Stipular,  stipulates . Primus  Armeniaca. 

Calycine,  calycince.  Malpighia. 

Corolla,  epipetalee.  Delphinium,  Berberis. 

Staminal,  epistaminales.  Geranium,  Dictamnus  albus. 


Pili.  Threadlike  organs  growing  upon  different  parts  of  a 
plant , and  appearing  to  be  excretory  ducts. 

Simple,  Pili  simplices . Without  branches,  Borrago, 
Urtica  dioica. 

Awlshape,  subulati . Borrago  laxiflora. 

Headed,  capitati . Swelled  to  a head  at  their  top.  Dic- 
tamnus albus. 

Nailsbape,  claviformes.  Swelling  into  a club  from  the 
base  to  the  summit.  Dictamnus  albus. 

Jointed,  articulati.  Marked  at  certain  distances  by  lines 
in  rings,  which  mark  the  places  of  internal  partitions. 
Brunella  ovata,  Lychnis  Chalcedonicus. 

Beadlike,  moniliformes . Jointed,  with  the  joints  nar- 
rowed. Mirabilis  Jalapa. 

Pointed,  mucronati.  Having  a very  small  fine  point  at 
top.  Dictamnus  albus. 

Two-forked,  bifurcati.  Ending  in  a fork  of  two  teeth. 

Three- forked,  trifurcati.  Ending  in  three  teeth. 

Branchy,  ramosi.  Lavendula  Spica,  Turritis  verna. 

Starred,  stellati.  Producing  simple  branches  which  di- 
verge from  a common  centre.  Althaea  officinalis. 

Bottle-brush  like,  aspergill  formes.  Producing  simple 
branches  disposed  round  a common  axis.  Marrubium 
peregrin  um. 

Two-pointed,  bi-acuminati.  With  two  points  tending 
opposite  ways,  and  appearing  fixed  by  their  middle.  Lu~ 
pulus  communis. 



Dotted,  punctati . Brunella  ovata,  Lychnis  Chalcedonica. 

Gland-bearing,  glanduliferi.  Rosa  maxima,  Croton  pe- 
nicillatum.  These  are  identical  with  footstalked  glands. 

Perforated,  perforati.  Perforated  at  top.  Urtica  dioica. 

Based,  basilati.  Raised  upon  cellular  nipples.  Lupulus 
communis,  Urtica  dioica. 

Sessile,  squat,  sessiles . Growing  on  a flat  surface.  Mal- 
pighi a. 

Cobweblike,  aracfmoides . Long  and  crossed  like  a 
spider’s  web.  Sempervivum  arachnoides. 

Flock-like,  floccosi.  Resembling  flocks  of  wool.  Ver- 
bascum  floccosum,  Solanuni  marginatum. 

In  rows,  seriates.  The  stalk-hairs  of  veronica  bibarbata, 
and  of  alsine. 

Perpendicular,  perpendicular es , pater, ti.  Growing  up- 
right. Geranium  Pyreniacum,  Hieracium  aurantiacum, 
Crepis  foetida. 

Ascending,  ascendentes.  Directed  towards  the  top  of  the 
part  on  which  they  grow.  Cerastites  macrocephala. 

Descending,  turned  backwards,  descendentes , rejiexi . 
Directed  towards  the  bottom  of  the  part  on  which  they 
grow.  Bromus  dumetorum,  Veronica  spicata,  Geranium 

Appressed,  appressi . Applied  close  to  the  part  on  which 
they  grow,  throughout  their  whole  length.  Malpighla, 
Stem  hairs  of  cerastites  macrocephala. 


Arma.  Woody  excrescences , sharp-pointed , attached  on 
various  parts  of  the  plant. 

1.  Species. 

Prickles,  Aculei.  Adhering  to  the  bark  only  of  the  plant. 
Rosa,  Rubus.  PI.  6.  fig.  17. 

Spines,  thorns,  Spines.  Adhering  to  the  internal  tissue 
or  wood  of  the  plant.  Prunus,  Ribes  spinosum. 

2.  Situation. 

Stem,  Aculei  fvel  spinee)  caulini . Growing  on  the  stem. 
Cactus,  Gleditsia  ferox,  Rosa,  Rubus. 

Terminal,  terminates.  Growing  at  the  end  of  the 
branches.  Elseagnus. 

Leaf,  foliares.  Growing  on  the  leaves.  Solanum  Me- 
longena,  Silybum  Marise. 



Leafstalk,  petiolares.  Growing  on  the  leafstalks.  Cha- 
maerops  humilis. 

Axillary,  axillares.  Growing  at  the  setting  on  of  the 
leaves.  Citrus  Medica,  Celastrus  multiflorus. 

Infraxillary,  infer  axillares.  Growing  below  the  setting 
on  of  the  leaves.  Ribes  spinosum.  PI.  6,  fig.  16. 

Superaxillary,  super  axillares.  Growing  above  the  setting 
on  of  the  leaves.  Gleditsia  triacanthos.  PL  4,  fig.  16. 

Involucrab  involucrales.  Growing  on  the  involucrum. 
Silybum  Mariae,  Centaurea  benedicta. 

Pericarpial,  pericarpiales.  Growing  on  the  pericarp. 
Allamanda  cathartica. 

3.  Origin. 

Stipulean,  Aculei  stipuleani.  Growing  near  the  leaves, 
and  appearing  to  arise  from  stipules  changed.  Berberis, 
Ribes  spinosum.  Paliurus  aculeatus. 

Petiolean,  petioleani.  Arising  from  leafstalks  changed 
into  arms.  Mimosa  verticillata. 

Foliolean,  folioleani.  Arising  from  leaves  changed  into 
arms.  Chamserops  humilis. 

Ramean,  rameani.  Arising  from  branches  changed  into 
arms.  Prunus  spinosi,  Elaeagnus  angustifolia. 

4.  Direction. 

Bent  upwards,  Aculei  inflexi.  Bent  and  pointing  to  the 
upper  part  of  the  stem,  or  branch.  Rosa  muscosa,  Mimosa 

Bent  downwards,  reflexi . Bent  and  pointing  to  the 

lower  part  of  the  stem,  or  branch.  Rubus  fruticosus,  Rosa 
rubiginosa,  R.  canina. 

5.  Form.  \ 

Awlshape,  Aculei  subulati.  Rosa  villosa,  Robinia 

Bristlelike,  setacei.  Very  slender,  Rosa  spinosissima. 

Conical,  conici.  Zanthoxylum  Clava-Herculis. 

If  Straight,  rectilinei , recti.  Rosa  spinosissima. 

Bent,  curvi.  Rosa  muscosa,  R.  rubiginosa. 

6.  Simplicity. 

. Simple,  Aculei  simplices.  Cactus,  Celastrus. 

Branched,  ramosi.  Gleditsia  horrida. 

Two-parted,  lipartiti. 

Three-parted,  tripartiti.  Berberis  vulgaris,  Ribes  syl- 
yestris.  PI.  6,  fig.  16. 



Many-parted,  multipartiti.  Divided  to  the  base. 
Feather-cut,  pinnatifdi.  Disposed  on  two  opposite  sides. 
Carduus.  Centaurea. 

7.  Number. 

Single,  Aculei  solllarii . Insulated  from  one  another. 
Euphorbia  cucumerina. 

Bundled,  fasciculati.  Several  coming  out  from  the 
same  point.  Cactus  cylindricus,  C.  heptagonus,  C.  Peru- 


Cirri,  Capreoli,  Claviculi.  Threadlike  appendages  twisting 
round  other  substances , by  means  of  which  the  plants  are 
supported  and  raised  above  the  ground. 

1.  Situation. 

Axillarjr,  Cirri  axillarii.  Growing  in  the  setting  on  of 
the  leaves.  Passiflora. 

Opposite  to  the  leaves,  Oppositifolii.  Vitis  vinifera. 

PI.  6,  fig.  18. 

2.  Origin . 

Petiolean,  Cirri petioleani,  petiolares.  Resulting  from  the 
change  of  a leafstalk.  Fumaria  vesicaria,  Pisum  sativum, 
Lathyrus  latifolius.  PI.  4,  fig.  17;  PI.  6,  fig.  14. 

Leaf,  foliares.  The  leaf  itself  is  lengthened,  and  forms 
a twining  appendage.  Methonica  superba. 

Stipulean,  stipuleani.  Resulting  from  the  change  of 
a stipule.  Smilax  horrida,  S.  herbacea.  PI.  8,  fig.  2 a. 

Leaf-rib,  nervales.  The  main  rib  of  the  leaves  length- 
ened into  twining  appendages.  Nepenthes. 

Pedunculean,  pedunculeani.  Resulting  from  the  change 
of  a flower-stalk.  Vitis  vinifera,  Passiflora.  PI.  6,  fig.  18. 

Corolla,  corollares . The  petals  lengthened  into  twining 
appendages.  Strophanthes. 

3.  Simplicity. 

Simple,  Cirri  simplices . Single  undivided  threads.  La- 
thyrus Aphaca,  Vicia  lathyroides,  Bryonia  officinalis. 

Two-cut,  bifidi.  Divided  in  two  branches.  Vitis,  Ervum 
tetraspermum.  PI.  6,  fig.  18. 

Three-cut,  trifidi.  Bignonia  Unguis  cati. 

Many-cut,  multifidi,  ramosus.  Vicia  multiflora,  Cobea 
scandens.  PI.  4,  fig.  17. 




Haustoria.  Tubercles  placed  on  the  stem,  fastening  it 
to  another  plant,  and  also  serving  to  extract  nourishment 
from  the  supporting  plant.  Cuscuta. 


Fulcra.  Tubercles  serving  to  fasten  a plant  to  other 
bodies,  but  not  organized  so  as  to  extract  nourishment  from 
the  support.  Hedera  communis,  Fucus. 


Flos,  in  composition,  — anthos.  A temporary  part  of  a 

vegetable , in  which  the  fecundation  of  the  ovules  take  place; 

and  which  consists  essentially  of  the  sexual  organs. 

1.  Situation. 

Root,  Flores  radicates . Proceeding  from  the  crown  of 
the  root.  Colchicum  autumnale,  Primula,  Beilis,  Sarra- 
cenia  purpurea.  PI.  8,  fig.  5,  b. 

Stem,  caulinares . Proceeding  from  the  stem.  Cuscuta, 
Vicia  sativa. 

Branch,  rameales.  Upon  the  branches.  Daphne  florida, 
Cucubalus  bacciferus,  Pyrus. 

Terminal,  terminates.  From  the  tip  of  the  stem  and 
branches.  Pneumonanthe  vulgaris,  Eremocallis  glomerata, 

Leaf \foliares.  Upon  the  leaves.  Xylophylla  montana, 
Ruscus  aculeatus.  PI.  S,  fig.  3. 

Petiolar,  petiolares.  Upon  the  footstalks  of  the  leaves. 
Hibiscus  moschatus. 

Axillary,  axillares.  From  the  axillce , or  angles  made  by 
the  leaves  with  the  stem  or  branches.  Polygonatum  vulgare, 
Veronica  fontinalis,  Chamaedrys  officinalis,  Stramonium 
fcetidum,  Vinca,  Spartium  scoparium,  Vicia  sativa. 

Extra-axillary,  extra-axillares,  laterales.  Growing  on 
the  outside  of  the  axillae.  Solarium  nigrum,  Physalis, 

Super-axillary,  super  axillares.  Growing  above  the  axillae 
of  the  leaves.  Boragineae. 

Opposite  to  the  leaves,  oppositifolii . Growing  from  a 
point  diametrically  opposite  to  the  setting  on  of  the  leaf. 
Dulcamara  ffexuosa,  Sium  nodiflorum,  Tordylium  maxi- 
mum, Phellandrium  divaricatum,  Batrachium  heterophyl- 
lum,  Erodium  cicutarium,  Vitis  vinifera. 



Interposed,  interpositivi , intrafoliacei.  Browing  between 
a pair  of  opposite  leaves,  and  alternately  with  them.  Stel- 
laria  aquatica,  Arenaria  lateriflora,  Asclepias  Syriaca. 

By  the  side  of  the  leaves,  laterifolii.  Growing  on  the 
sides  of  leaves  which  are  not  opposite.  Solanum  Bonari- 
ense,  Atropa  physaloides.  * 

2.  Attachment. 

Peduncled,  Flores  pedunculati . Borne  on  a peduncle. 
Cerasus.  PI.  8.  fig.  2,  5,  6. 

Sessile,  sessiles.  Not  having  any  peduncle.  Daphne 
fiorida,  Salsola  decumbens,  Erythrsea  vulgaris,  Cactus 

3.  Disposition. 

Alternate,  Flores  alterni . Not  placed  opposite  to  each 
other.  Vinca,  Passiflora. 

Opposite,  oppositi.  Placed  opposite  to  each  other.  Num- 
mularia  repens,  Bugula  arvensis. 

Scattered,  sparsi.  Daphne  florida. 

One-rowed,  unilaterales.  All  placed  on  one  side  of  the 
peduncle  or  support.  Digitalis  purpurea,  Scorodonia  so- 

Facing  one  way,  secundi.  When  they  not  only  come  out 
on  one  side  only  of  the  support,  but  also  all  face  one  way. 
Polygonatum  vulgare. 

Two-rowed,  distichi.  When  they  grow  in  two  rows  op- 
posite to  each  other.  Triticum  monococcum,  T.  Spelta, 
Zeocriton  distichon. 

Four- rowed,  tetrastichi.  When  they  grow  in  four 
rows,  two  rows  on  one  side  of  the  support,  and  two  on  the 
other.  Hordeum  tetrastichum. 

Six-rowed,  hexastichi.  In  six  rows.  Hordeum  hexa- 

Spiral,  spirales.  Disposed  in  a spiral  line  round  the 
support.  Neottia. 

4.  Position. 

Upright,  Flores  erecti.  Directing  themselves  to  the  sky. 
Colchicum,  Crocus,  Vinca  minor,  Ericala  verna,  Thalictrum 

Drooping,  nodding,  cernui,  nutantes . Inclining  to  the 
earth.  Galanthus  nivalis,  Fritillaria  tessellata,  Cypripe- 
dium  ferrugineum,  Linnsea  borealis,  Viola  odorata,  Geum 



Hanging  down,  penduli.  Hanging  perpendicularly  to- 
wards the  ground.  Impatiens  palustris. 

5.  Number. 

Unique,  Flos  unions . Only  one  flower  on  the  plant. 
Tulipa.  Gesneriana,  Narcissus  majalis,  Sarracenia  pur- 

Single,  Flores  solitarii.  Flowers  many,  but  only  one  in 
a place.  Stramonium  fcetidum,  Vinca,  Vicia  lutea. 

By  twos,  hinati , hint  geminati.  Flowers  many,  growing 
only  two  together  in  a place.  Chamsedrys  palustris. 

By  threes,  ternati.  Flowers  many,  growing  three  to- 
gether. Chamsedrys  officinalis,  C.  laciniata. 

Aggregated,  aggregati , cortgesli.  Collected  into  a bundle. 
Polygonum  aviculare,  Trientalis  Europsea,  Cuscuta  minor, 
Malva  vulgaris,  Buxus  sempervirens,  Ulmus  campestris. 

Compound,  composiii . Several  flowers  borne  on  the 

same  peduncle  in  a regular  manner.  Salix,  Graminese, 
Labiatse,  Umbelliferee,  Composite. 

6.  Perfection. 

Complete,  perfect,  Flores  completi,  perfecti.  Composed 
of  the  organs  of  both  sexes,  with  two  covers,  the  outer 
usually  green,  herblike,  the  inner  of  a finer  texture,  and 
coloured.  Viola,  Rosa  canina.  PI.  9,  fig.  10,  12;  PI.  10, 
fig.  15. 

Incomplete,  incompleti.  Wanting  either  the  organs  of 
one  or  both  sexes,  or  one  or  both  of  the  covers.  Hyacin- 
thus,  Narcissus,  Galanthus,  Crocus,  Lupulus  communis, 
Cannabis  sativa,  Cucumis  sativus. 

Regular,  regulares . When  they  may  be  divided  from 
the  centre,  in  three  or  more  parts  perfectly  alike  in  all  re- 
spects. Tulipa.  PI.  9,  fig.  9. 

Uniform,  uniformes.  When  they  may  be  divided  by  a 
longitudinal  section  into  two  parts  perfectly  alike.  La- 
biatse,  Cruciformes.  PI.  10,  fig.  8. 

Irregular,  difformes , irregulares.  When  they  cannot  be 
mentally  divided  into  two  or  more  parts  perfectly  alike. 

7.  Sex. 

Hermaphrodite,  Flores  hermaphroditi.  Containing  the 
organs  of  both  the  sexes.  Lilium,  Tulipa,  Dianthus,  and 
most  plants.  PI.  8,  fig.  4;  PI.  9,  fig.  7,  9,  12;  PI.  10, 
fig.  1,  2,  5,  13,  15. 



Male  hermaphrodites,  hermaphrodili  masmili.  Apparent 
hermaphrodite  flowers,  in  which,  however,  the  female  or- 
gans are  too  imperfect  to  perform  their  proper  office. 
Musa  Paradisiaca. 

Female  hermaphrodites,  hermaphroditi  fceminei.  Appa- 
rent hermaphrodite  flowers,  in  which,  however,  the  male 
organs  are  too  imperfect  to  perform  their  proper  office. 
Musa  Paradisiaca. 

Unisexual,  unisexwdes.  Some  of  the  flowers  containing 
the  organ  of  the  male  sex  only,  and  others  that  of  the 
female.  Lupulus  communis,  Cannabis  sativa,  Cucumis 

Male,  masculi . The  flowers  which  contain  the  male 
organs  only. 

Female,  fceminei.  The  flowers  which  contain  the  female 

Neuter,  neulri , agami.  Flowers  in  which  the  sexual  or- 
gans have  disappeared,  or  become  too  imperfect  to  perform 
their  office,  in  consequence  of  monstrosity.  Opulus  palus- 
tris,  Hortensia,  Saccharum  officinale. 

% Fruitful,  fertiles.  Flowers  which  are  succeeded  by 
seeds.  This  includes  the  hermaphrodite,  female  herma- 
phrodite, and  fejnale  flowers. 

Barren,  steriles.  Flowers  which  are  not  succeeded  by 
seeds.  This  includes  the  male,  male  hermaphrodite  and 
neuter  flowers. 

8.  Stamens. 

One-stamened,  Flores  monandri.  Having  only  one  anther 
in  each  flower.  Hippuris,  Salicornia,  Valeriana  rubra. 

Two-stamened,  diandri.  Having  two  anthers  in  each 
flower.  Jasminum,  Syringa,  Olea,  Veronica. 

Three-stamened,  triandri.  Having  three  anthers  in  each 
flower.  Most  cyperacese,  most  graminese,  Iris,  Gladiolus. 

Four-stamen ed,  letrandri . Plantagineae,  Labiatse,  most 
rubiacese.  PI.  9,  fig.  1 7. 

Five-stamened,  pentandri.  Most  plants.  PI.  9,  fig.  12; 
pi.  10,  fig.  17. 

Six-stamened,  hexandri.  Asparagi,  Liliacese,  Asphodeleae, 
Narcissus,  Cruciferse. 

Seven- stamened,  heptandri.  Trientalis,  iEsculus  Hippo- 
castanum,  Saururus. 

Eight-stamened,  octandri.  Fagopyrum  esculentum,  Eri- 
cinee,  Acer,  Epilobium. 

Nine-stamened,  enneandri . Butomus,  Laurus,  Rheum 



Ten-stamened,  decandri . Many  caryophylleae,  most  le- 
go min  osse.  PI.  10,  fig.  5. 

Dodecandrous,  dodecandri.  Having  not  less  than  twelve, 
nor  more  than  nineteen  anthers  in  each  flower.  Reseda, 
Sempervivum,  Lythrum  spicatum. 

Icosandrous,  icosandri.  Having  twenty  stamens,  at  least, 
inserted  on  the  sides  of  the  calyx.  Rosaceae,  Pomaceae. 

Polyandrous,  polyandri.  Having  twenty  stamens,  at 
least,  not  attached  to  the  sides  of  the  calyx,  but  at  the  bot- 
tom, under  the  ovary.  Ranunculaceae,  Papaveracese.  PL  10, 
fig.  1.5. 

f Gynandrous,  gynandri.  When  the  male  organs  are 
seated  on  some  part  of  the  female.  Orchideae,  Aristolochia. 

If  Isostemones.  The  stamens  equal  in  number  to  the  pe- 
tals, or  lobes  of  the  corolla.  Umbelliferae.  PI.  10,  fig.  17. 

Anisostemones . The  stamens  not  equal  in  number  to  the 
petals,  or  lobes  of  the  corolla. 

Meiostemones . The  stamens  fewer  than  the  petals,  or 
lobes  of  the  corolla.  Veronica. 

j Dyplostemones.  The  stamens  twice  as  many  as  the  petals. 
Sedum,  Caryophylleae. 

Polystemones.  The  stamens  much  more  numerous  than 
the  petals.  Ranunculaceae,  Papaveracese. 

If  Didynamous,  didynami.  Two  of  the  stamens  longer 
than  the  others.  Labiatae. 

Tetradynamous,  tetradynami.  Four  of  the  stamens 
longer  than  the  others.  Cruciferse.  PI.  10,  fig.  1. 

^f  Symphyostemones.  Stamens  soldered  together. 

Monadelphous,  monctdelphi , cylindrolasiostemones.  Fila- 
ments soldered  together  in  a tube.  Malvaceae,  Jatropha. 
PI.  11,  fig.  14. 

Diadelphous,  diadelphi . Filaments  in  two  divisions. 

Fumaria,  most  leguminosae,  but  in  the  latter  one  of  the  fila- 
ments remains  separate.  PL  10,  fig.  9. 

Polyadelphous,  polyadelphi.  Filaments  soldered  together 
in  three  or  more  bundles.  Hypericum.  PI.  10,  fig.  15. 

Syngenesious,  syngenesis  symphytantheris  cylindrantheri9 
synantheru  Anthers  soldered  together.  Composite, 

EleutherantherL  Anthers  not  soldered  together.  Most 
simple  flowers. 

9.  Pistils. 

One-sty  led,  Flores  monogyni . When  each  flower  has 
only  one  style.  Cruciferae,  Lilium. 



Two-styled,  digyni.  When  each  flower  has  only  two 
styles.  Most  graminese. 

Three-styled,  trigynk  When  each  flower  has  only  three 
'styles.  Dianthiis. 

Four-styled,  ietragyni.  Potamogeton. 

Five-styled,  pentagyni.  Silene. 

Six-styled,  kexagyni.  Damasonium. 

Seven-styled,  heptagyni.  Septas. 

Twelve-styled,  dodecagyni.  SemperviVum. 

Many-styled,  polygyni.  Anemone,  Alistna. 

10;  Multiplication . 

Plores  multiplicati.  Flowers  which  have  more  petals 
than  is  natural  to  them  in  a wild  state. 

Double,  duplicatu  The  petals  are  twice,  thrice,  or  four 
times  as  many  as  are  natural. 

Fall,  pleni.  The  petals  are  in  very  great  number,  and 
the  stamens  are  wanting.  Ranunculus  Asiaticus  flore 

Semidouble,  multiplicati  Mirbell.  The  number  of  the 
petals  is  increased,  but  part  of  the  stamens  still  remain. 
Hyacinthus  orientalis  flore  duplicato,  Ranunculus  Asiaticus 
flore  duplicato.  Rosa. 

T Petaloid,  petaloidei.  Becoming  double  by  the  change 
of  part  or  all  the  sexual  organs  into  petals. 

Multiplied,  multiplicati  De  Candolle.  Becoming  double 
by  the  increase  in  number  of  the  parts  of  the  corolla,  or  of 
the  sexual  organs  changed  into  petals. 

Changed,  permutati.  The  abortion  of  the  organs  of  one 
or  both  sexes  produces  a remarkable  change  in  the  form  or 
dimension  of  the  floral  covers. 

% Calycinarii . Petals  increased  by  the  parts  of  the  calyx 
being  changed  into  them. 

Corollarii.  Petals  increased  in  number. 

Staminarii.  Stamens  changed  into  petals. 

Pistillarii.  Pistills  changed  into  petals. 

Perigoniarii.  Perigonium  changed  into  petals,  or  the 
calyx  changed  into  petals,  and  the  petals  themselves  mul- 

Androgynarii.  Sexual  organs  changed  into  petals  with- 
out any  alteration  in  the  floral  covers. 

Corniculate,  corniculati , antherogeni.  Anthers  changed 
into  liornshape  petals.  Aquilegia  vulgaris  corniculata. 

Semi-staminariu  Part  of  the  stamens  changed  into  petals. 

VOL.  I.  H 



Hemigoniarii.  Part  of  the  organs  of  both  the  sexes 
changed  into  petals. 

Andropelalarii.  Petals  increased  in  number,  and  the 
stamens  changed  into  petals  ; the  pistil  remaining  un- 

Olopetalarli . The  floral  coverings  changed  either  entirely 
or  in  part,  and  the  stamens  and  pistils  changed  into  petals 
or  petaloid  lobes. 

Agynarii.  The  floral  covers  and  changed  stamens  form 
the  entire  flower,  the  pistil  being  wanting. 

Anandrianl.  The  multiplied  floral  covers  and  pistils 
form  the  entire  flower,  the  stamens  being  wanting. 

IT  Bractearii,  Changed  flowers  in  which  the  change  has 
taken  place  in  the  bracteae. 

Calycinarii.  Flowers  changed  in  respect  to  the  calyx. 

Corollarii.  Flowers  changed  in  respect  to  the  corolla. 

Perigoniarii.  Flowers  changed  in  respect  to  the  peri- 
gonium,  or  single  floral  cover. 

If  Liguliferi.  Compound  flowers  whose  tubular  flowrets 
are  changed  into  ligulate  flowrets.  Aster  Chinensis  flore 

Tubiferu  Compound  flowers  whose  ligulate  flowrets  are 
changed  into  tubular  flowrets.  Aster  Chinensis  flore  pleno. 

If  Hen  and  chicken,  childing,  proliferi.  When  another 
flower,  or  a leaf-bud  grows  out  of  the  centre  of  a flower. 
Anemone,  Dianthus,  Rosa,  Beilis. 

1 1 . Envelopes. 

Naked,  Flores  nudi . Having  neither  ealyx  nor  corolla. 
Arum  maculatum,  Fraxinus  excelsior. 

Perianthei.  Having  a calyx  or  corolla,  or  both.  Liliacese, 
Labiatae,  Boraginese,  Cruciferae,  Carophylleae.  PI.  9,  fig.  12. 

Petaloid,  petaloidei,  corollati , bracteati,  Having  a corolla, 
and  consequently  a calyx.  Primulaceae,  Boragineae,  Ca- 
ryophvllese.  PL  9,  fig.  10,  12,  13,  14?  and  15. 

Apetalous,  stamineous,  apetali , staminei . Not  having 

any  corolla.  Juncese,  Polygonese. 

IT  Glumaceous,  glumacei.  Sexual  organs  enclosed  in 

flumes  instead  of  a calyx  or  corolla.  Gramineae.  PL  11, 
g.  12  to  19. 

Bracteated,  bracteati.  Sexual  organs  accompanied  with 
bracteae.  Origanum,  Convolvulus  sepium.  PL  7,  fig.  5 
and  6. 



Spathaceous,  spcithati , spathacei.  Sexual  organs  accom- 
panied with  a spathe.  Arum  maculatum,  Calla,  Palmse, 
Narcissus.  PI.  7>  fig.  12. 

Involucrated,  invoLucrati.  Sexual  organs  accompanied 
with  an  involucrum,  Daucus  vulgaris,  Anemone,  Ammi 
majus.  PL  7?  fig.  1. 

Cupped,  cupulati . Sexual  organs  accompanied  with  a 
cupula.  Cupressidese,  Corylideae. 

12.  Time  of  flowering. 

Springtide,  vernal,  Flores  vernales , verni.  Flowering  in 
the  spring  of  the  year,  that  is  in  England,  in  April  and 
May.  Primula  veris,  Draba  verna. 

Summer,  estivales.  Flowering  in  summer,  that  is,  June, 
July,  and  August.  Most  plants. 

Autumnal,  auiumnales . Flowering  in  autumn,  that  is, 
September  and  October.  Crocus  serotinus,  Colchicum 

Winter,  hyberni , hyhernales , hiemales.  Flowering  in 
winter,  that  is,  from  the  beginning  of  November  to  the  end 
of  March.  Galanthus  nivalis,  Helleborus  niger. 

f Early,  precoces.  Flowering  earlier  than  those  of  the 
same  division.  Daphne  florida,  Cornus  mascula. 

Late,  serotini.  Flowering  later  than  other  plants  of  the 
same  division. 

13.  Opening  and  shitting. 

Meteoric,  Flores  meteorici.  Influenced  by  the  weather 
which  accelerates  or  retards  their  opening  or  shutting. 
Calendula  pluvialis,  Oxalis  versicolor,  Sonchus  Sibiricus, 
Anagallis  Phoenicia. 

Equinoctial,  equinoxiales.  Opening  and  shutting  at 
certain  hours. 

Ephemeral,  ephemen.  Remaining  open  a few  hours 
only,  and  then  either  fall  off,  or  close  never  more  to  open 
again.  Convolvulus  purpureus,  Cistus,  Cactus  grandi- 

Periodical,  periodici.  Opening  and  shutting  for  several 
days  successively.  Omithogalum  umbellatum,  Mesernbry- 


Day,  diurni.  Open  and  shut  in  the  course  of  the  day. 
Anagallis  arvensis,  Calendula  arvensis,  Cistus. 

Morning,  matutini.  Opening  in  the  morning.  Cicho- 
rium  sylvestre,  Leontodon  officinale,  Nymphaea  alba. 

h 2 



Noon,  meridiani.  Not  opening  until  the  middle  of  the 
day.  Mesembryanthemum  crystallinum,  M.  nodiflorum. 

Night,  nocturni.  Open  late  in  the  evening,  and  close 
again  in  the  morning.  Mirabilis  Jalapa,  Geranium  triste, 
Silene  noctiflora. 

1 4.  Parts  of  a flower . 

Sexual  organs,  Genitalia , — gonoi.  The  parts  of  the 
flower  appropriated  to  the  reproduction  of  the  species; 
which  include  the  pistil,  stamens,  and  gymnostemium,  and 
are  essential  to  the  very  being  of  a flower. 

Pistil,  Pointal,  Pistillum,  — — gynos.  The  female 

organ  of  the  plant,  seated  in  the  centre  of  the  flower,  and 
most  commonly  single.  PI.  9,  fig.  7,  b ; pi.  10,  fig.  1,  a,  b ; 
5,  d;  6,  e;  9,  c;  17,  a. 

Chive,  Stamen , — stemon.  The  male  organ  of  the  plant 
surrounding  the  pistil,  and  most  commonly  five  in  number. 
PI.  9,  fig.  7,  c;  pi.  10,  fig.  1,  c;  5,  c;  6,  d;  9,  a,  b. 

Gymnostemium , Columna.  An  organ  found  only  in  some 
few  plants,  and  formed  by  a union  of  the  male  and  female 
organs,  into  a single  columnar  mass.  Orchideae.  PI.  12, 
fig.  2,  3,  4,  6,  spid  8. 

Floral  integuments,  Covers  of  the  sexual  organs,  Tc- 
gumenta , Integumenta  floralia , Perigynandra . The  parts  of 
the  flower  which  cover  and  defend  the  sexual  organs,  at 
least  while  young ; usually  two,  but  one  or  even  both  are 
wanting  in  some  plants : they  comprise  the  corolla,  calyx, 
and  perigonium. 

Bloom,  Blossom,  Corolla , Auleum , Perigynandra  interior . 
The  internal  integument  when  there  are  two ; it  is  usually 
of  a fine  texture  and  gay  colour,  does  not  remain  and  ad- 
here to  the  fruit,  and  is  inserted  on  the  receptacle  either 
conjointly  with  the  stamens,  or  at  the  same  point.  PI.  9, 
fig.  10,  11,  12;  pi.  10,  fig.  5,  b;  8,  b,  c,  d;  13,  14,  15,  17. 

Empalement,  Flower-cup,  Calyx , Thalamus , Perianthium , 
Perigynandra  exterior . The  external  integument  when 
there  are  two ; it  is  usually  of  a coarse  texture  and  green 
colour ; it  frequently  remains  after  the  flowering  is  over, 
and  adheres  to  the  fruit,  and  is  always  perfectly  distinct 
from  the  stamens.  PI.  9,  fig.  10;  12  a;  13;  pi.  10, 
fig.  8a;  15. 

Perigonium  De  Candolle,  Perianthium  Mirbel,  Brown, 
Calyx  Jussieu.  The  integument  of  a flower  when  there  is 
but  one,  whatever  may  be  its  appearance.  Convallaria, 
Lilium,  Hyaciuthus,  Tulipa,  Aristolochia,  Daphne  semper- 



virens,  Juncus : but  Link  and  others  with  more  propriety 
restrict  the  term+perigonium  to  those  single  integuments  of 
flowers  whose  appearance  renders  it  doubtful  whether  they 
ought  to  be  considered  either  as  a calyx  or  corolla,  or  as 
a union  of  the  two  soldered  together,  the  inner  surface 
having  the  characters  of  a corolla,  and  the  outer  of  a calyx : 
and  as  to  the  others,  they  consider  them  either  as  calyces 
or  corollse,  according  to  circumstances. 

Receptacle  of  the  flower,  Seat  of  the  flower,  Receptacle 
lum  floris , Sedes  floris9  Torus , — clinium , — thalamum.  That 
part  of  the  flower  on  which  the  sexual  organs  and  corolla 
are  placed,  and  which  is  surrounded  by  the  calyx ; being 
an  enlargement  of  the  peduncle.  PL  10,  fig.  4 e;  6 f ; 
pi.  11,  fig.  12  a. 

Nectary,  Nectarium.  Glandular  organs  which  in  some 
flowers  are  situated  on  the  receptacle,  or  base  of  the  pistil, 
and  secrete  peculiar  juices.  Menyanthes  nymphoides,  Scro^ 
phularia  sambucifolia,  Scutellaria  alpina.  PI.  11,  fig.  5, 
4,  12  b. 

Flowret,  Flosculus.  A small  flower  considered  as  part 
of  a larger  compound  flower.  Umbelliferse,  Composite, 

15.  Modes  of  Composition, 

In  catkins,  amentaceous,  Flores  amenlacei , in  julos  col- 
lecti.  Disposed  on  bracteae  on  a common  axis.  Betula, 
Salix,  Pinus,  Quercus.  PI.  7,  fig.  5 and  6 ; pi.  10,  fig  18, 

Spiked,  spicati.  Sessile  on  a common  axis.  Triticum, 
Chenopodium  spinacifolium,  Plantago.  PI.  7,  fig,  3 ; pi.  S, 
fig.  1. 

Bunched,  in  bunches,  racemosi.  On  single-flowered  pe- 
dicel Is  upon  a common  axis.  Ribes  rubrum,  Cerasus  ra-* 
cemosa,  Borago  officinalis.  PI.  8,  fig.  6. 

In  panicles,  paniculate,  paniculati,  jubali,  On  branched 
pedicells  upon  a common  axis.  Avena  sativa,  Juncus  acu- 
tus,  PI.  8,  fig.  7. 

In  thyrses,  in  thyrsos  collecti.  In  a close,  oval  panicle, 
Syringa  vulgaris.  PL  7,  fig.  4. 

Irregularly  umbelled,  corymbose,  corymbosi , In  umbels 
whose  peduncles  are  irregularly  branched,  Achillea  mille^ 
folia,  Cardamine  pratensis,  Iberis  umbellata,  PL  7,  fig.  2. 

Cymose, cymosi.  In  umbels  \ nose  peduncles  are  branched 
twice,  and  irregularly.  Sambucus  niger,  S.  humilis,  Cornus 
PL  7,  fig.  8. 



In  bundles,  fasciculate,  fasciculati.  Grouped  together 
very  close,  and  nearly  of  the  same  height.  Dianthus  bar- 
batus,  D.  Carthusianum.  PI.  7,  fig.  10. 

In  umbels,  umbellated,  umhellati.  On  peduncles  divided 
once  or  twice,  the  branches  of  each  division  being  of  equal 
length.  Umbelliferee.  PI.  7,  fig.  1 and  9. 

In  whirls,  verticillate,  verticillati . Attached  in  a ring 
round  their  support.  Plippuris  vulgaris,  Myriophyllum 
verticillatum,DamasoniumDalechampii,  Lapathum  aureum, 
Illecebrum  verticillatum.  PI.  8,  fig.  4. 

In  half  whirls,  semiverlicillati.  In  a half  ring.  Acetosa 
pratensis,  Lapathum  acutum. 

In  heads,  in  capitulos  collecti.  Collected  into  a dense 
round  head.  Cephalanthus,  Jasione  montana.  PI.  7?  fig.  7. 

In  glomerules,  in  glomerulos  collecti . In  small  heads, 
placed  along  the  stem,  or  uniting  together  to  form  a larger 
head.  Blitum  capitatum. 

In  calathides,  composite  in  calaihides  collecti . Sessile,  in 
a flat  or  hemispherical  head.  Composite.  PI.  9,  fig.  J 9. 

^ Flosculous,  Jlosculosi.  In  calathides,  the  corollas  of  all 
the  flowers  being  tubular.  Carduus,  Centaurium. 

Semiflosculous,  semifloscnlosi , pleni.  In  calathides,  the 
corollae  of  all  the  flowers  being  ligulate.  Leontodon, 

Radiated,  radiati.  In  calathides,  the  corollse  of  the 
centre  flowers  being  tubular,  and  those  of  the  circumference 
ligulate.  Aster,  Helianthus.  Or  although  tubular  yet 
larger.  Scabiosa.  Also  in  umbels,  cymes  or  cor^mbi, 
the  flowers  towards  the  circumference  being  enlarged. 
Caucalis,  Heracleum,  Coriandrum,  Iberis. 


Alahastrum.  The  flower  previous  to  its  full  opening. 

Disposition  of  its  contents . 

Simple,  JEslivatio  Linnaeus,  Prefoliaiio  Richard,  simplex. 
When  the  integuments  of  the  future  flower  are  all  disposed 
in  a uniform  manner. 

Compound,  composita.  When  the  calyx  is  disposed  dif- 
ferently from  the  corolla,  onthe  external  divisions  of  the 
perigonium  from  the  internal.  Dianthus,  Tradescantia 



5T  Valvular,  valvaris,  valvata.  When  the  petals,  or  other 
parts,  only  touch  each  other  at  their  edges.  Composite, 

Induplicativa.  When  the  petals,  or  other  parts,  only 
touch  other,  and  are  then  folded  inwards.  Clematides 

Twisted,  obvoluta , contorta . When  the  petals,  &c.  are 
placed  obliquely,  and  cover  one  another  spirally.  Dian- 
thus,  Apocynise. 

Alternate,  alternata , alternativci.  When  the  petals,  &c. 
are  placed  in  two  or  more  rows,  so  that  each  petal  of  the 
exterior  rows  cover  two  halves  of  the  petals  of  the  interior 
rows  opposite  to  them.  Liliacese. 

Quincuncial,  quincnncialis.  When  there  are  five  pieces, 
two  interior,  two  exterior,  and  a fifth,  one  side  of  which 
covers  the  interior  pieces,  and  the  other  side  is  covered  by 
the  exterior.  Calyces  of  rosse  and  dianthi. 

Covering,  vexillaris.  WThen  one  of  the  pieces,  folded 
inwardly  on  the  middle  rib,  encloses  all  the  others  which 
are  placed  opposite  to  each  other.  Leguminosse. 

Snail-like,  cochlearis.  When  one  of  the  pieces,  being 
larger  than  the  rest,  and  bent  in  a curve,  covers  all  the  rest. 
Aconitum,  many  labiatse. 

Tiled,  imlricata , imbricativa.  When  the  pieces  are  in 
diverse  series,  and  the  exterior  series  being  smaller  than 
the  interior,  cover  them  only  at  the  base.  Involucra  of 
many  of  the  compositae,  petals  of  double  peionies. 

Calycular,  calycularis.  The  pieces  being  in  two  series, 
the  external  covers  only  the  base  of  the  internal.  In- 
volucra of  the  seneciones. 

Enveloping,  convolutiva.  When  each  exterior  piece  in 
succession  is  bent  so  as  to  cover  all  the  pieces  within  it. 
Petals  of  cheiranthus,  and  of  many  other  cruciferae. 

Rumpled,  plicativa.  The  pieces  are  folded,  or  rumpled 
up  without  any  apparent  order.  Corollae  of  the  papavera- 
cea e,  Cistus,  Punica. 

These  are  the  principal  variations  that  have  been  hitherto 
noticed,  but  the  study  of  the  flower-bud  is  s'till  in  its  in- 
fancy, although  of  great  use  in  ascertaining  the  natural 
affinity  of  plants. 




Fulcra  floris.  Distinguished  from  the  stem  and  its  branches 
by  not  bearing  any  Leaves  like  those  of  the  other  parts  of 
the  plant . 


Scape,  Scapus.  A supporter  of  the  flower  arising  im-. 
mediately  from  the  crown  of  the  root,  and  appearing  like  a 
naked  stem.  Plantago,  Hyacinthus,  Tulipa,  Cepa.  PL  8, 
fig.  5 c. 

Flower-stalk,  Peduncle,  Pedunculus , — pes,  — podos, 
— pus.  A supporter  of  the  flower  growing  out  of  the  stem, 
or  its  divisions.  Most  plants,  all  trees.  PI.  8,  fig.  2. 

Spadix.  A supporter  accompanied  with  a spathe, 
Arum  maculatum.  Calla  /Ethiopica.  PI.  7>  fig.  12  c. 
Anthurus . Long  peduncles  bearing  flowers  in  bundles. 
Receptacle  of  the  flower,  Clinanthe.  Receptaculum  floris9 
Clinanthmm,  Phoranthium , Thalamus , Amphantmm.  The 
enlarged  tip  of  a peduncle,  supporting  several  sessile 
flowers.  Composite,  Dipsacese,  Dorstenia,  Ficus. 

Rachis , Axis,  Receptaculum  flliforme.  An  elongation  of 
the  supporter  bearing  several  flowers,  either  sessile,  or 
upon  pedicells.  Gramineae.  PL  8,  fig.  1,  6 and  7, 

Pedicell,  pedicellus . The  last  divisions  of  a branched 
support,  to  which  the  flowers  are  attached. 


Simple,  Scapiis  simplex.  Plantago  lanceolata,  Taraxa- 
cum officinale,  Hieracium  repens,  Statice  pulchellum.  PL  8, 
fig.  5 c. 

Branched,  rcimosus.  Limonium  vulgare,  Alisma  major, 

5)  Intrafoliaceous,  intrafoliaceus.  Growing  among  the 
root-leaves.  Hyacinthus,  Plantago,  Taraxacum  officinale, 
Beilis  perennis. 

Extrafoliaceous,  extrafoliaceus.  Springing  from  a dif- 
ferent point  than  the  root-leaves.  Convallaria  majalis, 
Limodorum  purpureum. 

51  Cylindrical,  cylindricus.  Hyacinthus  nutans,  Tulipa, 
Butomus  umbellatus,  Taraxacum  officinale,  Beilis  perennis. 
Half-cylindrical,  hemicylindricus . Flat  on  one  side,  con- 
vex on  the  other.  Convallaria  majalis,  Hyacinthus  Ori- 
entalis,  Allium  ursinum. 

Compressed,  comprcssus , Pancratium  declinatum,  Ama- 
ryllis longifolia. 



Two-edged,  anceps.  Ajax  fenestralis,  Narcissus  majalis, 
Leucojum  vernum. 

Cornered,  angjilosus,  Triglochin  palustre,  Allium  ur« 

Three-sided,  trigonus,  Alisma  major,  Sagittaria  aquatica, 

Pipey,  fistalosus.  Cepa  esculenta,  Taraxacum  officinale. 

Bellied,  ventricosus.  Swelled  out  in  one  part  of  its 
length.  Cepa  esculenta, 

IT  Scaly,  squamosus.  Clothed  with  scales,  or  rudiments 
of  leaves.  Tussilago  vulgaris,  Petasites  vulgaris. 

Sheathed,  vaginatus.  Enveloped  among  leaves,  or  clothed 
with  a sheathing  petiole.  Musa  Paradisiaca. 

H One-flowered,  unijlorus.  Ajax  fenestralis,  Cyclamen, 
Pl.  8,  fig.  5, 

Many-flowered,  multijlorus . Hyacinthqs  nutans,  ButO* 
mus  umbellatus,  Primula  elatior. 


Cylindrical,  Pedunculus  cylindricus,  Statice  pulchellum, 
Atropa  lethalisj  Ranunculus  acris. 

Grooved,  sulcatus . Ranunculus  repens,  R.  bulbosus. 

Threadlike,  filiformis.  Vicia  tetrasperma,  Fuchsia  coc^ 

Hairlike,  capillaris.  Elatine  hastata,  Erica  vagans,  BE 
dens  ten  el  la. 

Cornered,  angulatus.  Paris  quadrifolja,  Ranunculus 
bulbosus,  Vicia  multiflora. 

Three-sided,  trigonus.  Loranthus  Stelis. 

Four-sided,  tetragonus.  Convolvulus  sepium. 

Kneed,  geniculatus.  Pelargonium. 

Thicker  at  top,  apice  incrassatus.  Convolvulus  arvensis, 
Solanum  Melongena,  Tragopogon  porrifolium,  Arnoseris 

Much  thinner  at  bottom,  apice  attenuatus.  plieraciuui 

If  Stiff,  rigidus,  strictus.  Tropaeolum  majus. 

Weak,  deiilis.  Ribes  oxyacanthoides. 

Nodding,  nutans.  The  end  inclining  to  the  ground. 
Atropa  lethalis,  Aquilegia  vulgaris,  Ribes  spinosum. 

Hanging  down,  pendulus . Inclining  perpendicular  to 
the  ground.  Cytisus  Laburnum,  Ribes  rubrum. 

Turned,  backed,  rej'r  actus,  retroflectus.  Changing  its  di- 
rection suddenly,  as  if  bent  by  force,  Stellaria  aquatica, 
Spergula  arvensis. 



Spiral,  heliacal,  spiralis , heliacalis.  Bent  round  like  a bell- 
spring.  Vallisneria  spiralis  fceminea.  PL  8,  fig.  5 b. 

Very  long,  longissimus.  When  its  length  is  very  great, 
compared  with  that  of  the  plant.  Vallisneria  spiralis 
feeminea,.  Stellaria  holosteea,  Geranium  sanguineum,  An- 
t hem  is  montana. 

Very  short,  brevissimus . Vallisneria  spiralis  mascula, 
Stramonium  fcetidum,  Cuscuta  minor,  Galium  rubrum, 
Ulmus  campestris. 

% Simple,  undivided,  simplex.  Asarum,  Vallisneria, 
Viola  canina. 

Compound,  compositus.  IJm  belli  Perm,  Cerasus  racemosa. 
PI.  7,  fig.  1,  2,  4,  8 ; pi.  8,  fig.  2,  6 and  7. 

Two-forked,  dickotomus.  Divided  and  subdivided  into 
two  partial  peduncles,  or  pedicells.  Dianthus  caryo- 
phylleus,  Cucubalus  inflatus,  Stellaria  holostea,  Evonymus 

V One-flowered,  unifiorus.  Asarum,  Atropa  lethalis, 
Glaucium  luteum,  Papaver  soniniferum. 

Two-flowered,  liflorus.  With  two  flowers  on  each  pe- 
duncle or  pedicell.  Geranium  phaeum,  G.  pratense. 

Three-flowered,  triflarus.  Convolvulus  f'arinosus. 


Simple,  Spadix  simplex . Arum,  Calla.  PL  7,  fig.  11 
and  12. 

Branched,  ramosus.  Phoenix  dactylifera. 

Cylindrical,  cylindricus.  Calla  ALthiopica. 

Spherical,  spficericus.  Pothos. 

Eggshaped,  ovoideus.  Artocarpus  incisa. 

Ciubshape,  claviformis.  Arum  inaculatum,  A.  Italicum. 

Compressed,  compressus.  Zostera  marina. 

Straplike,  linearis.  Zostera  marina. 

VI  Fleshy,  carnosus.  Arum  maculatum,  Calla  iEthiopica. 

Pip ejijlslulosus.  Arum  Dracunciilus. 

V Naked  at  top,  apice  niidus.  Arum  maculatum,  Calla 
JEthiopica.  PL  7,  fig.  11  and  12. 


Flat,  Clinanthium  planum.  Matricaria  vulgaris,  Achillea 
millefolia,  A.  sylvestris,  Borstenia. 

Concave,  concavum.  Amhora. 

Convex,  convexum.  Carthamus  tinctorius,  Erigeron 
Canadense,  Leucanthenmm  vulgare. 



Conical,  conicum . Beilis  perennis,  Chamaemelum  ar- 
vense,  Helenium  quadridentatum. 

If  Dotted,  punctatum.  Marked,  after  the  fruit  has  sepa- 
rated, with  points,  which  distinguish  the  places  where  the 
fruit  was  attached.  Taraxacum  officinale,  Leucanthemum 
vulgare,  Inula  grandiflora,  Senecio  vulgaris,  Beilis  perennis. 

Pitted,  scrohiculatum.  Covered  with  small  holes  in 
which  the  flowers  are  lodged.  Erigeron  Canadense,  Anten- 
naria  montana,  Tussilago  vulgaris. 

Honeycombed,  favosum , alveolatum.  Hollowed  out  in 
angular,  regular  pits,  like  those  of  a honeycomb.  Crepis 
tectorum,  Barkhausia  fcetida,  Onopordum  vulgare,  Dor- 

% Villous,  villosum.  Andryala,  Lagasca  mollis. 

Hairy,  pilosum . Absinthium  vulgare. 

Bristly,  setosum.  Covered  with  long,  straight  bracteae, 
or  setae.  Carduus,  Centaurea,  Carthamus,  Arctium  majus, 
Maruta  foetida. 

Chaffy,  paleaceum.  Covered  with  membranaceous  or 
scarious  bracteae,  or  chaffs.  Bidens  tripartita,  Anthemis 
arvenis,  A.  tinctoria,  Achillea  sylvestris,  A.  millefolia, 

Tubercled,  tuberculatum.  Gnaphalium  luteo-album, 
Filago  filiformis,  F.  vulgaris,  Conyza  squarrosa. 

Nippled,  papillous,  papillosum . Inula  grandiflora,  Puli- 
caria  uliginosa. 

Naked,  nudum.  Taraxacum  officinale,  Hyoseris  minima, 
Artemisia  vulgaris. 


Simple,  Axis  simplex . Plantago,  Trasus  sylvaticus, 
T.  chlorostachyos. 

Branched,  ramosus . Dactylis  glomerata,  Alisma  major. 

^f  Straight,  rectus.  Triglochin  palustre,  Plantago. 

~Bent,  Jlexuosus.  Bromus  dumetorum,  Dactylis  glome- 
rata, Festuca  arundinacea,  Lolium  perenne. 

^f  Cylindrical,  cylindricus.  Zea  Mays  foeminea. 

Threadlike,  filiformis.  Carex  sylvatica,  Phleum  pratense. 

Hairlike,  capillar  is.  Briza  media,  B.  maxima,  Apera 

Three-sided,  trigonus.  Alisma  major. 

Four-sided,  tetragonus.  Salvia  pratensis,  S.  verticillata. 

Spearshape,  lanceolatus.  Cycas. 

Compressed,  compressus . Cycas. 



Jointed,  articulatus.  Composed  of  joints,  placed  end  to 
end.  Triticum,  Secale,  Hordeum,  Lolium,  JEgilops. 

Vertebrated,  vertebratus.  Jointed,  and  the  joints  easily 
separating  from  one  another  when  the  seed  is  ripe.  AEgilops 

Toothed,  dentatus . Jointed,  the  joints  bearing  alternately 
to  the  right  and  left,  and  leaving  between  each  a shelf  on 
which  the  flowers  are  affixed.  Triticum,  Lolium. 

IT  Membranaceous,  membranaceus . Paspalum  membra* 

Fleshy,  carnosus . Bromelia,  Ananas,  Musa. 


1.  Catkin. 

Amentum,  Catulus,  Julus,  Nucamentum.  The  flowers  borne 

upon  bractece  which,  are  themselves  borne  upon  an  axis. 

Male,  Amentum  masculum.  Having  only  male  flowers. 
Betula,  Taxus,  Corylus. 

Female,  fcemineum.  Betula,  Taxus,  Corylus. 

Simple,  simplex.  The  flowerbearing  bracteae  are  borne 
immediately  on  the  axis.  Populus,  Salix.  Pi.  7,  fig.  5 and  6. 

Compound,  compositum.  The  flowerbearing  bractece  are 
borne  upon  short  branches  springing  from  the  axis.  Jug- 
lans  regia. 

Single,  solitarium.  Betula  alba,  Cedrus,  Larix,  Salix, 

Grouped  together,  agglomeratum.  Male  flowers  of  pinus 
sylvestris,  P.  maritima. 

If  Globular,  sphserical,  globosum , splicer  icum,  globulosum . 
Piatanus,  Male  flowers  of  taxus  communis. 

Eggshape,  ovoideum , ovatum.  Female  flowers  of  larix, 
cedrus,  alnus  glutinosa,  salix  caprsea. 

Cylindrical,  cylindricum . Male  flowers  of  fagus  sylva* 
tica,  corylus  sylvestris,  betula  alba,  juglans  regia. 

% Slender,  gracile.  Male  flowers  of  fagus  purnila,  salix 

Thick,  crassum.  Male  flowers  of  juglans  regia,  salix 

Growing  narrower,  altenuatum . Diminishing  in  thick* 
ness  towards  the  end.  Castanea  vesca. 

If  Compact,  compactum.  Axis  covered  with  flowers  quite 
close  to  each  other.  Betula,  Piatanus,  Salix  capraea, 




Interrupted,  interruption, . Flowers  formed  into  groups 
at  a distance  from  each  other  along  the  axis.  Quercus 
longaeva,  Q.  Cerris,  Q.  fastigiata. 

% Upright,  erectum.  Salix  triandra,  S.  capraea,  S.  pruni- 
folia,  Pinus,  Abies,  Cedrus. 

Drooping,  pendulum . Betula  alba,  Populus,  Corylus. 
PI.  7,  fig.  5. 

If  Naked,  nudum . Flowers  attached  immediately  upon 
the  axis,  and  not  accompanied  with  bracteae.  Quercus, 
Castanea  vesca. — These  are  in  strict  language  spikes,  but 
their  analogy  to  other  plants  obliges  botanists  to  consider 
them  as  naked  catkins. 


Spica,  — stachys.  The  sessile , or  nearly  sessile , flowers  are 
home  immediately  upon  an  axis . 

Male,  Spica.  mascula . Carex  pilulifera,  Trasus  chloro- 

Female,  fceminea.  The  same  plants. 

If  Simple,  simplex . The  axis  having  no  branches. 
Plantago,  Orobanche,  Verbascum  decurrens,  Heliotropium 
Indicum,  Hyoscyamus  niger,  Phyteuma  spicata. 

Branched,  compound,  composita , ramosa.  The  axis  is 
divided  into  branches,  and  these  branches  entirely  covered 
with  sessile  or  nearly  sessile  flowers.  Chenopodium  spina- 
cifolium,  Heliotropium  Europasum,  Sempervivum  tectorum. 

Spikeletted,  spiculata.  Composed  of  several  small  spikes, 
sessile  or  nearly  so,  and  pressed  close  to  the  axis.  Carex 
divulsa,  C.  muricata,  Lolium  perenne.  PI.  8,  fig.  1. 

Paniculated,  paniculala.  The  branches  of  the  axis  dis- 
posed like  a panicle.  Verbena  officinalis,  V.  triphylla, 
Mentha  rotundifolia,  M.  viridis. 

Fingerlike,  digitata.  Axis  divided  to  the  bottom  into 
several  branches,  not  afterwards  divided.  Trasus  digitatus, 
Andropogon  Ischaemum,  Chlora  scoparia,  Heliotropium 

Terminal,  terminalis.  Triglochin,  Musa,  Persicaria 
amphibia,  Bistorta  major,  Lavandula  Tragi,  Verbascum 
decurrens,  Hyoscyamus  niger,  Fumaria  lutea,  Reseda  lutea, 
Agrimonia  vulgaris. 

Nearly  terminal,  suhapicilaris.  When  the  top  of  the 
stem,  or  scape,  without  any  branches  or  leaves,  is  prolonged 
a little  beyond  the  spike.  Acorus  aromaticus. 

Axillary,  axillaris , Melilotus  officinalis. 



Opposite  to  the  leaves,  oppositifolia.  Fumaria  officinalis. 

If  Cylindrical,  cylindrical  Trasus  pendulus,  Typha, 
Female  flowers  of  zea  mays,  Loroglossum  hircinum,  Bis- 
torta  major,  Verbascum  decurrens. 

Eggshape,  ovoidea.  Luzula  campestris,  Persicaria  am- 
phibia, Poterium  minus,  Trifolium  pratense. 

Oblong,  ohlonga . Luzula  spicata. 

Slender,  gracilis . Listera  ovata,  Persicaria  acris. 

Threadlike,  jiliformis.  Verbena  officinalis,  V.  triphylla. 

Thick,  cfassa.  Typha  latifolia,  Female  flowers  of  zea 
mays,  Orobanche  major. 

Four-cornered,  quadrangularis.  Melampyrum  cristatum. 

Compressed,  compressa.  Flattened  on  the  sides.  Tri- 
ticum  cristatum. 

% Loose,  open,  laxa.  Platanthera  bifolia,  Melampyrum 
arvense,  Fumaria  officinalis. 

Close,  compact,  compacta.  The  flowers  pressed  close 
towards  each  other,  and  hiding  the  axis  entirely. . Typha 
latifolia,  Trasus  pendulus,  Orchis  maculata,  Persicaria 
amphibia,  Bistorta  major,  Plantago  media,  Mentha  sylves- 
tris,  Phyteuma  spicata,  Trifolium  arvense,  Melilotus  offi- 

Interrupted,  inlerrupta.  Flowers  placed  on  the  ,axis  in 
groups,  or  whirls  at  some  distance  from  each  other.  Pota- 
mogeton  compressum,  Damasonium  Dalechampii,  Lavan- 
dula Tragi,  Mentha  rotundifolia,  Lythrum  spicatum. 

With  flowers  in  whirls,  verticiliijlora.  Composed  of 
flowers  in  whirls.  Lythrum  spicatum,  Mentha  rotundi- 
folia, Myriophyllum  spicatum. 

1.  Whirls  distant,  veriicillis  distantihus , v . remotis.  At  a 
good  distance  from  one  another.  Rumex  palustris,  Pule- 
gium  aromaticum. 

2.  Whirls  slightly  distant,  verticillis  approximate , v . re- 
motiusculis.  At  a small  distance  from  one  another.  Mentha 

3.  Whirls  crowded,  verticillis  confertis.  Not  sensibly 
distinct  one  from  another.  Rumex  maritimus,  Mentha 

Rolled  up,  circinalis . Rolled  up  on  itself.  Heliotropium 
Europseum,  Hyoscyamus  niger.  Pi.  7,  fig.  S. 

Leafy,  foliata.  Rhinanthus  glaber,  Odontites  rubra, 
Hyoscyamus  niger,  Orontium  arvense. 

Crowned,  comosa.  Terminated  at  top  by  leaves,  or  large 
bractese.  Salvia  Horminum,  Lavandula  Steechas,  Euchomis 
regia,  Bromelia  Ananas. 




Bracteated,  bract  eat  a.  Orchideae,  Melampyrtim  crista- 
tum,  M.  arvense,  Lavandula. 

Spathed,  spathata.  Vallisneria  spiralis  fbemina,  Arum, 

Involucrated,  involucrata.  Having  an  involucnrm  .at 
bottom.  Brunella  vulgaris. 

% Upright,  erecta.  Triticum,  Triglochin  palustre,  Per- 
sicaria  amphibia,  Bistorta  major,  Lavandula  Tragi,  Reseda 

Hanging,  pendula . Trasus  pendulus,  Musa,  Hura  cre- 

Besides  these  distinctions,  there  are  also  to  be  considered, 
the  number  of  the  spikes,  their  disposition  relative  to  each 
other,  and  the  insertion  of  the  flowers  in  each  spike. 


Spiculae,  Locustse.  The  small  spikes  which  are  the  divishm 
of  a compound  spike , or  panicle.  PL  8,  fig.  1. 

These  admit  most  of  the  distinctions  of  the  simple  spike. 

Bunch,  Racemus,  — botrys.  The  flowers  are  borne  upon 
pedicells , which  are  generally  single-flowered , and  these 
again  upon  an  axis. 

Simple,  Racemus  simplex.  The  axis  having  no  branches. 
Actea  spicata,  Cerasus  racemosa.  PL  8,  fig.  6. 

Branched,  ramosus . The  axis  branched.  Fagopyrum 
esculentum.  Borrago  officinalis,  Acer  campestre. 

Upright,  erectus.  Acer  campestre,  Scrofularia  nodosa, 
S.  aquatica,  S.  scorodonifolia. 

Hanging,  pendulus.  Berberis  vulgaris,  Cerasus  racemosa, 
Acer  majus.  PI.  8,  fig.  6. 

IT  Axillary,  axillaris.  Acer  majus,  Cerasus  racemosus, 
Orobus  sylvaticus.  PL  8,  fig,  6. 

Opposite  to  the  leaves,  oppositifolius . Herniaria  glabra, 


There  must  also  be  noticed,  the  number  of  the  racemes, 
and  their  position  in  respect  to  one  another. 




Paiiicula,  Juba.  The  flowers  are  borne  upon  peduncles  whim 
are  Variously  branched , and  seated  upon  an  axis. 

Terminal,  Panicula  terminalis.  Bromus,  Juncus  acutus, 
Arbutus  serratifolia. 

Not  quite  terminal,  subapicularis , lateralis . Juncus  coil* 
glomeratus,  J.  effusus. 

Axillary,  axillaris . Nepeta  melissaefolia. 

If  Very  much  branched,  ramosissima . A great  numbeT 
of  ramifications  on  the  axis.  Juncus  effusus,  J.  sylvaticus* 
Lapathum  obtusifolium. 

Open,  loose,  laxa , effusa.  The  secondary,  third,  &c* 
peduncles  are  long,  flexible,  distant  from  one  another,  and 
inclined  at  the  tip.  Bromus  arvensis,Avena  sativa,  A.  fatua, 
Yucca  gloriosa.  PI.  8,  fig.  7. 

Divaricated,  divaricala.  Ramifications  separate  from 
one  another  in  every  direction.  Juncus  pilosus,  J.  sylva- 
ticus,  Prenanthes  muralis,  Gypsophila  paniculata, 

Spread  open,  palula.  Secondary  peduncles  very  open$ 
but  not  inclined.  Prenanthes  muralis. 

Pyramidal,  pyramidalis . Becoming  smaller,  from  the 
base  to  the  top.  Yucca,  Agave. 

Closed,  coarctata.  Ramifications  upright  and  pressed 
close  to  the  axis.  Achnatherium  lanceoiatum,  Hypericum 

Leafy,  foliata.  Ramifications  intermingled  with  leaves* 
Rumex  oppositifolius,  Rheum  undulatum, 


Thyrsus.  A panicle  of  flowers  very  closely  compacted , so 
as  to  form  an  oval  head.  — Syringa  vulgaris,  Ligustrum 
vulgare,  Vitis  vinifera,  iEsculus  Hippocastanum. 


Irregular  umbell,  Corymbus.  The  flowers  are  borne  upon 
secondary  peduncles,  which , although  springing  from  dif- 
ferent points  of  the  main  peduncle , are  themselves  of  such 
different  lengths  as  to  raise  the  flowers  nearly  on  a level. 

Simple,  Corymbus  simplex.  The  pedicells  springing  im- 
mediately from  the  main  peduncle,  Scilla  bifolia,  Ledum, 




Branched,  ramosus.  The  main  peduncle  divided  into 
secondary  and  third  peduncles.  Achillaea  crithmifolia. 
PI.  7,  %.  2. 

f Close,  coarctatus.  The  peduncles  are  brought  close  to 
each  other.  Achillea  millefolia,  Sedum  triphyllum,  Mes- 
pilus  monogyna,  Crataegus  terminalis,  Pyrus  aucuparia. 

Loose,  laxus.  The  peduncles  are  far  apart  from  one 
another.  Ornithogalum  umbel  latum. 

IT  Regular,  regular  is.  The  peduncles  are  so  proportioned 
that  all  the  flowers  are  on  a regular  height,  either  flat  or 
convex.  Achillea  millefolia.  PL  7,  fig.  2. 

Irregular,  irregularis.  The  peduncles  are  of  such  dif- 
ferent length,  that  the  flowers  are  of  an  irregular  height. 
Many  of  the  radiated  compositae. 

The  loose  and  irregular  corymbi  degenerate  into  panicles. 

The  simple  corymbi  are  only  depressed  racemes ; in 
many  of  the  cruciferae  the  original  corymbus  lengthens  out 
into  a raceme. 


A corymbus  of  flowers  not  all  on  the  same  level. — Eu- 
patorium . 


Cyma.  The  main  peduncle  throws  out  secondary  peduncles 
from  one  and  the  same  point , and  these  separate  again  into 
pedicels  which  spring  from  different  parts  of  the  secondary 
peduncles , and  raise  the  flowers  nearly  to  the  same  height. — 
Sambucus,  Cornus,  Erythraea  vulgaris,  Nerium  Oleander. 

The  variations  of  it  are  nearly  the  same  with  those  of 
the  corymbus. 


Fasciculus.  The  flowers  are  upright , grouped  parallelly 
together  very  close , and  are  all  nearly  of  the  same  height.— 
Dianthus  barbatus,  D.  Carthusianorum. 

The  variations  are  but  slight,  and  easily  made  out  by 


Umbella.  The  flowers  are  borne  upon  peduncles  springing 
from  the  same  point , the  branches  being  of  an  equal  length . 

Simple,  Umbella  simplex.  The  peduncle  only  once  di- 
vided into  rays.  Butomus  umbellatus.  PI.  7?  fig.  9. 

VOL.  i.  i 



Compound,  composita.  The  rays  of  the  peduncles  are 
again  subdivided.  Daucus  vulgaris,  Pastinaca,  Ammi  and 
many  other  umbelliferee.  PL  7,  fig.  1 . 

If  Naked,  nuda.  Without  any  involucra  at  the  base  of 
the  rays.  Solanum  nigrum,  Pimpinella  major. 

Involucrated,  involucrata.  With  involucra.  Daucus 

Spathed,  spathata.  Proceeding  from  a spathe.  Allium. 

H Rounded,  splicer ica.  Forming  a spherical  head  of 
flowers;  Allium  laetum.  Cepa  esculenta. 

Convex,  convexa . Forming  a rounded  surface.  Asclepias 
Syriaca,  Daucus  hispida. 

Flat,  plana.  Forming  a fiat  surface.  Sphondylium  vul- 
gare, Fceniculum  vulgare,  Imperatoria  major. 

Concave,  concava.  Forming  a concave  surface.  Daucus 
vulgare  when  in  fruit. 

Loose,  laxa . The  peduncles  at  some  distance' from 
each  other.  Athamanta  latifolia. 

Close,  coarctata , densa.  The  peduncles  very  near  each 
other.  Cepa  vulgaris,  Daucus  vulgaris,  Hydrocotyle  vul- 

If  Few-rayed,  pauciradiata,  depauper ata.  Having  only  a 
few  rays.  Hydrocotyle  vulgaris,  Scandix  vulgaris. 

Proliferous,  prolifer  a.  If  one  or  more  of  the  peduncles 
of  a simple  umbel  throw  out  one  or  more  umbellules.  Hy- 
dro cotyle  vulgaris. 

^f  Like-flowered,  uniform,  similiflora . All  the  flowers 
alike.  Sium  verticillatum,  Imperatoria  major. 

Unlike-flowered,  radiant,  diversiflora , radians.  The 
flowers  in  the  centre  regular,  and  those  in  the  circumfe- 
rence irregular,  the  outside  petals  being  larger  than  those 
towards  the  centre.  Tordylium  officinale,  Coriandrum 


Umbellula.  A small  partial  imbel , being  part  of  a large 
umbel , and  formed  by  the  secondary  rays. — Daucus  vulgaris, 
and  many  other  umbelliferse.  PI.  7,  fig.  1. 


Sertulum.  A simple  umbel  in  which  the  peduncle  is  only 
once  divided  into  rays. — Buttomus  umbellatus.  Pl.  8,  fig.  2. 




Capitulum,  Glomus,  Glomerulus,  Corymbus  Pliny , Caput 

florum, — cephalum.  Flowers  collected  into  a ball , and 

so  close  together  that  at  a distance  they  might  be  taken 
for  a single  flower. 

Naked,  Capitulum  nudum.  Cephalanthus. 

Involucrated,  involucratum . Gomphrena  globosa,  Jasione 
montana.  PL  7,  fig.  7. 

Compound  Flower. 

Calathide,  Flos  compositus  absolute  compositus,  Antho- 
dium,'  Cephalanthium,  Calathidis.  Sessile  flowers , or 
nearly  sessile , upon  a clinanthe , surrounded  by  an  involucrum . 

Radiated,  Calathidis  radiata.  Having  tubular  flowrets 
in  the  centre,  and  ligulate  flowers  at  the  circumference* 
Calendula,  Helianthus,  Beilis,  Chrysanthemum. 

Flosculous,  flosculosa.  All  the  flowrets  tubular,  both  in 
the  centre  and  the  circumference,  Carduus,  Centaurea, 

Semiflosculous,  semiflosculosa , ligulata.  All  the  flowrets 
ligulate.  Taraxacum  officinale,  Lactuca,  Sonchus. 

f Open,  aperta . The  involucrum  open,  so  that  all  the 
flowrets  are  visible.  Carlina,  Hieracium,  Helianthus  and 
the  other  composite,  Scabiosa,  Dorstenia. 

Half  open,  semi-aperta.  The  involucrum  brought  partly 
over  the  flowers  so  as  to  hide  them  in  some  degree.  Am- 

Closed,  clausa.  The  involucrum  brought  entirely  over 
the  flowers,  so  as  to  leave  only  a very  small  opening,  and 
thus  hiding  them  entirely.  Ficus. 

If  One-flowered,  uniflora.  Echinops.  This  is  considered 
as  a compound  flower  from  the  analogy  of  its  other  parts 
to  those  of  compound  flowers  in  general. 

Few-flowered,  pauciflora.  Knautia. 

Many-flowered,  multiflora . 'Helianthus  annuus,  Eu- 
phorbia, Ficus,  Dorstenia. 

Disk,  Discus.  The  flowrets  composing  the  central  part 
of  a compound  flower. 

Rays,  Radii.  The  flowrets  composing  the  circumference 
of  a compound  flower* 




Leaf-like  organs  accompanying  the  flowers . 

Floral  Leaf. 

Bractea.  Leaf-like  organs , placed  near  the  flowers , and' 
frequently  very  slightly  differing  from  the  common  leaves . 

Rounded,  Bractea  subrotunda . Salix  viminalis. 
Heartshape,  cordiformis , cor  data.  Melampyrum  crista- 
turn,  Salvia  pratensis,  S.  bicolor,  Lactuca  virosa. 

Spearshape,  lanceolata.  Orchis  morio,  O.  mascula, 
Orobanche  major,  Melampyrum  arvense,  Mentha  rotundi- 
folia,  Ribes  alpina. 

Awlshape,  subulata.  Cephalanthera  ensifolia. 

Bristlelike,  seiacea . Mentha  viridis. 

Keeled,  carinata.  Gomphrena  globosa. 

Fringed,  ciliata.  Mentha  viridis,  Calamintha  vulgaris, 
Brunella  vulgaris,  Carpinus  ulmoides. 

Thornlike,  spinescens.  Salsola  decumbens. 

Palmate,  palmata.  Fumaria  bulbosa,  Anthyllis  vulne- 

Feather-cut,  pinnatifida.  Melampyrum  vulgatum. 
Comblike,  pectinata.  Melampyrum  cristatum. 

Crowning,  coronans.  Forming  a crown  above  the 
flowers.  Fritillaria  imperialis,  Eucomis  regia. 

Coloured,  color  at  a.  Melampyrum  cristatum,  Salvia  ne- 

Flower-bearing,  florfera.  Bearing  the  flowers.  Populus, 
Corylus,  Salix,  Larix,  Cupressus.  PI.  7,  fig.  6. 


Bracteolee.  Smaller  floral  leaves  attached  to  the  divisions  oj 
an  assemblage  of  flowers. 


Coma.  An  assemblage  of  floral  leaves  crowning  the  tip  of 
some  spikes  or  racemes.— Salvia  Horminum. 


Spatha,  Calopodium,  Valva.  A leaflike  organ , which  at 
first  envelopes  the  flowers , but  afterwards  opens  and  lets 
them  escape . 

Common,  Spatha  communis . Enclosing  several  flowers,. 
Arum,  Phoenix. 



General,  generalise  Enclosing  several  flowers,  each  fur- 
nished with  its  particular  spathille. 

Particular,  propria.  Enclosed  in  a larger  spathe. 

If  Hoodlike,  cuculliformis , convolula . Rolled  up  like  a 
cornet.  Arum.  PI.  7,  fig.  12. 

One-leafed,  monop hylla,  univalvis . Formed  only  of  one 
piece.  Arum,  Calla,  Phoenix,  Chamserops. 

Two-leaved,  diphylla , livalvis.  Formed  of  two  pieces. 
Allium  oleraceum,  A.  carinatum. 

Many-leaved,  polyphylla.  Caryota,  Corypha. 

If  Tearing,  ruptilis . Tearing  instead  of  opening  regu- 
larly. Ajax  fenestralis,  Narcissus  majalis. 

If  Two-flowered,  hiflora.  Narcissus  biflorus. 

Many-flowered,  multiflora.  Arum,  Calla,  Narcissus  Jon-, 
quilla,  N.Tazetta. 

^f  Blossom-like,  peialoidea.  Soft  and  coloured  like  a 
blossom.  Calla  AEthiopica. 

Leaf-like,  herbaceous,  foliacea,  herhacea.  Similar  in  sub- 
stance and  colour  to  leaves.  Gladiolus  communis. 

Membranaceous,  memlranacea.  Allium. 

Woody,  lignosa.  Having  the  consistence  and  structure 
of  wood.  Phoenix  dactylifera. 

^f  Fugacious,  fugax,  caduca . Falling  off  soon  after  it 
opens.  Allium  leetum. 

Lasting,  persistens . Continuing  until  the  fruit  is  ripe. 
Arum  Calla. 


Spathillse.  Smaller  spalhes  enclosed  in  a larger  one. 


Involucrum.  A collar  of  one  or  more  hr  act  ece  placed  under 
the  flower. 

Single-flowered,  Involucrum  uniflorum.  Placed  under 
only  one  flower.  Anemonanthea  nemorosa. 

Many-flowered,  multiflorum , commune.  Placed  under 
several  flowers.  Umbelliferse,  Compositee,  Euphorbia, 

If  Umbel-flowered,  umlellifenm.  Surrounding  the  bot- 
tom of  an  umbel.  Androsace,  many  Umbelli ferae. 

General,  generale . Surrounding  the  bottom  of  a com- 
pound umbel.  Daucus  vulgaris,  Tordylium  officinale. 

Particular,  proprium.  Surrounding  the  bottom  of  an 
umbellule.  Daucus  vulgaris,  Ammi  majus. 



Halved,  dimidiatum.  Only  surrounding  one  half  of  the 
peduncle.  Petroselinum  vulgare. 

Turned  back,  reflexum . Turning  over  from  the  top  to 
the  bottom.  Meum  Athamanticum. 

If  Calathide-flowered,  calathidiflorum.  Surrounding  a 
clinanthe  and  resembling  a basket.  Composite. 

Globular,  glohulosum , globosum . Achillma  sambucina, 
Centaurea  nigra. 

Pitchershape,  urceolatum.  Swollen  at  bottom,  con- 
tracted at  top,  and  dilated  at  its  orifice  like  the  calyx  of  a 
rose.  Crepis  biennis,  Cirsium  palustre. 

Reverse  topshape,  olturbinatum.  Swollen  and  rounded 
at  bottom,  growing  narrow  to  the  top.  Carthamus  tine- 

Bellshape,  campanulatum.  Lampsana  lyrata,  Chryso- 
coma  Coma  aurea. 

Hemispherical,  hemisphericum . Like  a bason,  Matri- 
caria vulgaris,  Anthemis  tinctoria. 

Egglike,  ovoideum.  Cirsium  lanceolatum,  Artemisia  vul- 
garis, Tagetes  patula. 

Reverse  conical,  obconicum.  Growing  narrower  from 
the  bottom  to  the  top.  Aster  fruticosus,  Anthemis  clavata. 

Cylindrical,  cylindraceum.  Long,  and  nearly  cylindrical. 
Senecio  vulgaris,  Achillea  millefolia. 

Cuplike,  cupular  e.  Trimofpha  alpina,  Achillea  syl- 

Contracted,  coarctatum.  Becoming  much  narrower  to- 
wards its  orifice.  Centaurea,  Carduus. 

Open,  patens , planiusculum . Chamomilla  vulgaris,  Leu- 
canthemum  vulgare. 

One-leafed,  monophjllum.  Of  one  single  piece.  Tagetes 

Many-leaved,  polyphyllum.  Of  several  pieces.  Taraxa- 
cum vulgare,  Cynara  Scolymus,  Aster  Chinensis. 

Simple,  simplex.  Of  a single  piece,  or  rather  of  several 
pieces  disposed  in  a single  row.  Urospermum  picroides. 

Double,  calyculate,  calyculatum . Having  an  outer  row 
of  bractess  which  compose  a second  involucrum.  Crepis 

Tiled,  imbricatum.  Achyrophorus  imbricatus,  Carduus, 

Leaflike,  foliaceum . The  bracteae  that  form  the  invo- 
lucrum are  large,  thin,  green,  like  the  generality  of  leaves. 
Silphium  perfoliatum,  Carthamus  tinctorius. 



Scarious,  scariosum.  The  bracteas  that  form  the  invo- 
lucrum  are  thin,  dry,  semitransparent.  Xeranthemum, 
Gnaphalium  Staschas,  G.  dioichum. 

Squarrose,  squarrosum.  Composed  of  stiff  bracteas,  close 
together,  the  upper  part  bent  back.  Cnicus  cemuus,  Car- 
duus  pycnocephalus,  Cynara  Cardunculus. 

Spinous,  spinosum.  The  brae  teas  are  armed  with  spines. 
Hippophasstuin  vulgare,  Silybum  Marias,  Onopordum  vul- 

Burlike,  fish-hooked,  lappaceum , kamosum.  The  bractese 
bend  down  at  the  tip  like  a fish-hook.  Arctium. 


Involucellum . The  braciece  that  are  attached  to  umhellzdes , 
or  the  partial  divisions  of  compound  flowers  that  have  an 
involucrum  attached  to  the  whole  assemblage. 


Calyculus.  An  involucrum  that  is  attached  to  a single 
flower , and  adheres  by  its  base  to  the  trice  calyx. 


Collare.  The  involucrum  of  an  umbel  when  composed  of  a 
single  row  of  brae  tew,  placed  in  a whirl . 


Common  calyx,  Periclinium,  Calyx  communis,  Perigy- 
nandra  communis,  Periphorantium.  The  involucrum  of  a 
true  compound  flower , surrounding  the  clinantke.  Compo- 
site.— The  same  as  the  involucrum  calathidiflorum,  men- 
tioned in  the  preceding  page. 


Cupula.  An  envelope  containing  the  female  flowers , never 
perfectly  closed , and  remaining  attached  to  the  fruit. 

One-flowered,  Cupula  uniflora.  Ephedra,  Taxus  bae- 
cata,  Pinus,  Abies,  Larix,  Juniperus,  Cupressus,  Thuya, 

Two-flowered,  biflora.  Fagus  sylvatica. 

Three-flowered,  triflora . Castanea  vesca. 

IT  Double,  duplex . The  inner  woody,  one-flowered;  the 
exterior  succulent,  one  or  two-flowered,  at  first  only  a 
slight  embossment,  but  grows  larger,  and  assumes  the  form 
of  a berry.  Taxus  baccata. 



The  principal  distinctions  of  the  cupule  must  be  taken 
from  its  appearance  in  the  fruit. 

In  general  the  cupule  is  very  different  from  the  common 
leaves,  but  there  is  a regular  series  of  changes  from  the 
cupule  of  the  corylus  avellana,  which  resembles  two  leaves 
united  together  by  their  edges,  through  the  quercus  com- 
posed of  small  scales  or  bractese  soldered  together  by  their 
lower  part,  and  scarcely  differing  from  some  involucrums, 
and  the  ephedra,  in  which  the  sheaths  at  each  joint  are 
evidently  opposite  leaves  soldered  together,  approaching 
near  the  fruit,  and  composing  a series  of  cupules  set  one 
within  another;  and  so  on  to  the  cupule  of  pinus,  abies,  &c. 


Bale,  Calyx,  External  glume,  Gluma,  Calyx,  Gluma  ex- 
terior, Gluma  calycinalis,  Tegmen,  Lepicena.  The  ex- 
ternal common  involucrum  of  the  flowers  of  the  grasses , 

situated  at  the  bottom  of  the  locusta. 

Cupule-like,  Gluma  cupuliformis.  Having  the  appear- 
ance of  a cupule.  Alopecurus  agrestis. 

Involucrated,  involucrata.  Surrounded  by  an  involu- 
crum. Cynosurus  cristatus. 

*jf  One-flowered,  uniflora . Alopecurus  agrestis,  Oryza 
sativa,  Hordeum,  Zeocriton. 

Two-flowered,  biflora.  Panicum,  Holcus  mollis,  H.  la- 
natus,  Aira  caryophyllea. 

Three-flowered,  triflora.  Anthoxanthum  odoratum. 

Many-flowered,  multiflora . Briza,  Cynosurus,  Festuca 
fluitans,  Lolium,  Avena,  Bromus,  Secale. 

If  Longer  than  the  glumelle,  glumelld  longior.  Avena 
fatua,  A.  sterilis,  Achnatherium  lanceolatum. 

Shorter  than  the  glumelle,  glumelld  brevior . Bromus 
arvensis,  Secale  cereale. 

% One-spathelled,  unispathellata , unipaleacea.  Formed 
of  only  one  spathelle.  Eleocharis  palustris. 

Two-spathelled,  bispathellata , bipaleacea . Formed  of 

two  spatlielles.  Bromus,  Triticum,  Avena,  Secale. 


Valves,  Glumes,  Chaffs,  Spathellse,  Valvulse,  Glumae, 
Palese.  The  pieces  that  compose  the  glume. 

Opposite,  Spathelloe  oppositce . Two  pieces,  attached 
opposite  each  other  at  the  same  height.  Triticum,  Secale, 
iEgilops.  PI.  12,  fig.  12. 



Conjointed,  connatce , coadunatce,  coadnatee , coalilce.  Two 
pieces,  attached  opposite  to  each  other,  and  joined  by 
their  edges.  Alopecurus  pratensis,  A.  agrestis,  A.  bul- 

One-sided,  unilaterales . Attached  side  by  side,  on  one 
side  only  of  the  axis,  at  the  same  height.  Hordeum. 

Alternate,  alternce.  When  the  two  spathelles  are  at- 
tached on  opposite  sides  of  the  axis,  but  with  one  rather 
higher  than  the  other.  Agrostis  canina,  Phleum,  Phalaris, 
Briza,  Melica,  Bromus,  Avena.  PL  12,  fig.  14. 

If  Similar,  similar es . When  both  the  upper  and  lower 
spathelles  are  alike. 

Dissimilar,  dis  similar  es.  When  the  spathelles  are  dif- 
ferent. Bromus,  Vulpia,  Festuca. 

If  Equal,  (Equates . Spathelles  of  equal  length.  Triticum, 
Secale,  Hordeum,  Phalaris. 

Unequal,  inequales.  Arrhenatherum  elatius,  Panicum, 
Anthoxanthum  odoratum,  Lolium  temulentum. 

If  Herbaceous,  herlacece.  Milium  effusum. 

Membranaceous,  membrandcece . Arrhenatherum  elatius, 
Melica  nutans. 

Scarious,  scariosce.  Phalaris  Canadensis. 

Thick,  crassce.  Tripsacum  hermaphroditum. 

Leathery,  coriaceoe.  Bambusa  arundinacea. 

Bibbed,  nervatce , nervosce.  With  rising  ribs.  Paspalum. 

Spined,  spinellosce,  echinatce.  Tragus  racemosus. 

^f  Rounded,  suhrotundce.  Paspalum. 

Ovales,  ovules.  Melica  nutans. 

Lanceolate,  lanceolatce.  Dactylis  glomerata,  Bromus 
dumetorum,  Achnatherium  lanceolatum,  Avena. 

Linear,  linear  es.  Oryza  sativa. 

Awlshape,  subulatce.  Hordeum,  Secale. 

Bristlelike,  setacece.  Zeocriton  secalinum. 

Concave,  concavce.  Hollowed  like  a spoon.  Briza  minor, 
B.  major,  B.  media. 

Compressed,  compresses.  Folded  in  two,  lengthways* 
Phleum  pratense,  P.  nodosum. 

Keeled,  carinatce.  Dactylis  glomerata,  Phalaris. 

Boatlike,  naviculares . Concave,  and  compressed  side- 
ways. Triticum  sestivum,  Phalaris. 

Not  cut,  integree.  Without  teeth  or  notches.  Briza. 

Two-teethed,  lidentatce.  Triticum  hybernum. 

Four-teethed,  quadridenlatce . Pommereulia. 

Pointed,  mucronalce.  Dactylis  glorneratse,  Phleum  pra- 
tense, P.  nodosum,  Digitaria. 



if  Awned,  aris  tales . Furnished  with  awns.  Secale. 
Unarmed,  mutices . Without  awn,  or  point.  Briza. 


Stragule,  Corolla,  Interior  glume,  Glumella,  Stragula, 
Gluma  interior,  Glurna  corollina,  Perigonium.  The  in- 
ternal particular  involucrum  of  the  flowers  of  the  grasses 9. 
similar  in  structure  to  the  glumes , hut  peculiar  to  each 
flower , and  situated  next  the  sexual  organs. 

One-spathelluled,  Glumella  imispathellata , unipaleacea. 
Composed  of  one  piece  only.  Agraulis  caninus,  Alope- 
curus.  PL  12,  fig.  13,  14,  and  19. 

Two-spathelluled,  bispat hellulata , hipaleacea.  Composed 
of  two  pieces.  Bromus,  Avena,  Secale,  Briza. 

Spathellules . 

Valves,  Spathelles,  Chaffs,  Spathellulas,  Valvulse,  Spathellse, 
Glumse,  Palese.  The  pieces  that  compose  the  glumelle. 

Similar,  Spathellules  similares.  When  both  spathellules 
are  alike. 

Dissimilar,  dissimilares.  When  the  lower  spathellule  is 
different  from  the  upper. 

^ Two-rowed,  distiches.  Briza,  Bromus. 

Tiled,  imbricates.  Briza,  Bromus. 

Conjoined,  connatee , coadnutcc,  coalites . Alopecurus 

agrestis,  A.  pratensis,  A.  bulbosus. 

Rounded,  subrotundes.  Briza. 

Oval,  ovules.  Melica  nutans. 

Lanceolate,  lanceolates.  Bromus,  Avena. 

Truncated,  truncates.  Phiernn. 

Concave,  concaves.  Briza,  Melica  nutans. 

Compressed,  compresses.  Oryza  sativa. 

Boatlike,  navicular es.  Triticum  sestivum,  Secale  cereale, 
Phalaris  Canariensis. 

Uncut,  integres.  Briza. 

if  Membranaceous,  membranacece.  Melica  altissima. 
Leatherlike,  coriacecs.  Olyra  pauciflora,  Stipa. 

Ribbed,  nervates,  nervoses.  Secale  cereale.  PL  12,  fig.  12. 
Two-teethed,  bidentales.  Agraulis  caninus,  Bromus  ar~ 
wensis,  Achnatherium  lanceolatum,  Aira  caryophyllea. 

Four-teethed,  quadridentates.  Achnatherium  lanceola- 

if  Pointed,  mucronatce . Uniola, 



Awned,  aristatce.  Alopecurus,  Apera  efFusa,  Agraulus 
caninus,  Holcus,  A vena,  Hordeum,  Triticum,  Secale, 
Bromus.  PL  12,  fig.  14  and  17. 


Aristae,  — athcra.  A stiff  hair , or  threadlike  point , in- 
serted on  the  spathelles  and  spathellules , and  not  appearing 
to  he  the  continuation  of  a rib  or  nerve , hut  arising  sud- 
denly from  the  hack  or  end. 

Straight,  Aristae  rectilinece , re  dee. 

Kneed,  geniculatce . Bent  in  the  middle,  Avena. 
Twisted,  tor  see.  Avena,  Agraulus  caninus.  PI.  12,  fig.  14 
and  17. 

Jointed,  articulatce.  Stipa. 

Featherlike,  plumosce.  Stipa  pennata. 

If  From  the  tip,  apiculares.  From  the  tip  of  the  glumes. 
Below  the  tip,  sub  apiculares.  PI.  12,  fig.  16. 

Dorsal,  dorsales.  From  the  back  of  the  glumes.  Avena, 
Agraulus  caninus.  PI.  12,  fig.  17. 

From  the  base,  basilar es. 

5T  Persistent,  persistentes.  Avena. 

Falling  off,  caducce.  Stipa. 


Setae,  — chaeta.  A stiff  hairlike  point , inserted  on  the  spa- 
thelles and  spathellules , being  a visible  continuation  and 
elongation  of  a rib  or  nerve.  PI.  12,  fig.  12. 

The  bristle  admits  the  same  distinction  as  the  awn,  and 
has  been  generally  confounded  under  the  same  name. 


Nectary,  Glumelle,  Corolla,  Lodicula,  Glumellula,  Glu- 
mella.  An  mvolucrum  formed  of  very  small  petaloid  scales 
attached  to  the  receptacle  of  the  gramineee  with  the  sexual 
organs , and  surrounded  by  the  glumelle. 

One-paleolated,  Lodicula  unipaleolata.  Composed  of  a 
single  paleole. 

Two-paleolated,  bipaleolata.  Of  two  paleoles.  Avena, 
Bromus,  Triticum,  Secale.  PI.  12,  fig.  1,5. 

Three-pal eolated,  tripaledlata . Of  three  paleoles.  Ram- 
busia  arundinacea.  * 



Paleoles . 

Scales,  Paleolse,  Squamae.  The  pieces  that  compose  the 

lodicule . 

Eggshape,  Paleoloe  ovatce . Secale  cereale,  Triticum 

aestivum.  PI.  12,  fig.  15. 

Lanceolate,  lanceolatce,  Bambusa  arundinaceae. 

Awlsliape,  subulatce.  Arrhenatheruin  elatius,  Milium 
elf u sum. 

Truncated,  truncates,  Melica  nutans. 

Bunched,  gibbosce.  Brachypodium  pinnatum. 

IT  Velvety,  villosce.  Elymus  giganteus. 

Fringed,  ciliatce.  Secale  cereale,  Triticum  aestivum. 

The  bristles  that  accompany  the  ovary  of  some  cype- 
raceae,  PI.  12,  fig.  13,  and  the  inflated  nectary  of  others, 
PI.  12,  fig.  18,  which  afterwards  covers  the  akenium,  are 
considered  by  some  botanists  as  lodicules. 


Empalement,  Flower-cup,  Perianthium,  Perigynandra  ex- 
terior, Thalamus.  The  outer  cover  of  the  flower , defend- 
ing the  blossom  if  there  he  any , and  the  sexual  organs ; or 

a coarse,  green,  single  cover . 

1 . Composition . 

Gamo-sepaled,  one-leafed,  Calyx  monosepalus,  gamosepa- 
lus,  monophyllus . Formed  of  one  piece,  however  deeply  it 
may  be  divided.  Labiatae,  Hyoscyamus,  Dianthus,  Cucu- 
balus,  Leguminosae.  PL  9,  fig.  12,  13,  14,  and  15;  pi.  10, 
fig.  7,  8,  11,  and  14. 

Two-sepaled,  two-leaved,  disepalus,  diphyllus . Com- 
posed of  two  pieces.  Papaver,  Fumaria,  Impatiens  pa- 

Three-sepaled,  three-leaved,  trisepalus,  triphyllus.  -Tra- 
descantia,  Ficaria. 

Four-sepaled,  four-leaved,  tetrasepalus , tetraphyllus . 
Cruciferae,  Epimedium,  Sagina. 

Five  sepaled,  five-leaved,  pentasepalus , pentaphyllus. 

Six-sepaled,  six-leaved,  hexasepalus,  hexaphyllus.  Ber- 
beris  vulgaris. 

Many-sepaled,  many-leaved,  polysepalus,  polyphyllus . 

All  calyces  that  are  adherent  to  the  ovary,  or  which 
support  the  corolla  or  stamens,  or  which  accompany  a ga- 



mopetalous  corolla,  are  gamosepalous,  and  of  course  per- 
sistent. It  is  very  rare  that  a calyx  which  is  not  gamo- 
sepalous is  persistent. 

2.  Regularity. 

Regular,  Calyx  regularis.  When  all  its  parts  as  taken 
from  the  centre  of  the  flower  are  perfectly  alike.  Cucubalus, 
Adonis,  Androsaemum,  Tormentilla. 

Irregular,  irregularis.  When  the  several  parts  are  not 
all  alike.  Salvia,  Delphinium,  Tropaeolum. 

3.  Form. 

Tubular,  Calyx  tubulatus.  In  form  of  a tube. 

Pipelike,  tubulosus . The  tube  very  long,  and  narrow  at 
top.  Primula,  Stramonium,  Nepeta  longiflora,  Silene, 

Conical,  conicus.  In  form  of  a cone.  Stachys  coccinea, 
and  many  labiatae. 

Topshape,  pearshape,  turbinqtus.  Conical,  but  slightly 
contracted  towards  the  orifice.  Spiraea  trifoliata. 

Swollen,  injlatus.  Membranous  and  dilated  like  a blad- 
der. Rhinanthus  glaber,  Cucubalus  inflatus,  Anthyllis 

Pitchershape,  urceolatus , ventricosus.  Swollen  in  the 
middle,  contracted  towards  the  top,  the  limb  spread  out. 
Hyoscyamus  niger,  Rosa. 

Cupsliape,  cupular  is.  Very  short  and  quite  open.  Citrus 
Medica,  Verbena  glomerata. 

Cylindrical,  cylindricus.  Forming  a pipe  which  is  nearly 
equal  throughout  its  whole  length.  Dianthus. 

Clubshape,  claviformis,  clavatus.  Tubular,  long,  and 
swollen  at  top.  Silene  latifolia. 

Bellshape,  campanulatus.  Hollow,  and  becoming  more 
and  more  open  from  its  bottom  to  the  top.  Statice  pul- 
chella,  Melittis  grandiflora,  Cucubalus  bacciferus. 

Compressed,  compressus.  Large,  and  flat  as  if  squeezed 
sideways.  Rhinanthus  glaber,  Pedicularia  palustris 

Prismatic,  prismaticus.  Having  longitudinal  angles  and 
flat  surfaces.  Stramonium  fcetidum,  Pulmonaria  officinalis. 

Angular,  angulosus.  Having  longitudinal  angles.  Pe- 
dicularia sylvatica,  Silene  latifolia. 

Ribbed,  costatus . With  raised  ribs.  Pedicularia  pa- 
lustris, Thymus  campestris,  Lychnis  segetum,  Silene  co- 
nica,  S.  nutans,  S.  quinquevulnera. 



Furrowed,  sulcatus.  Calamintha  vulgaris. 

Spurred,  calcaratus.  Having  a hollow  elongation,  re- 
sembling the  spur  of  a cock.  Delphinium,  Tropaeolum. 

Two-lipped,  bilabiatus.  With  two  principal  divisions, 
one  above,  the  other  below ; not  quite  equal,  and  open  so 
as  to  resemble  two  lips.  Salvia,  and  many  other  labiatae. 

Calyculate,  calycidatus . Having  a calycule,  or  involu- 
crum  resembling  a second  calyx.  Calluna  sagitteefolia, 
Linnaea  borealis. 

4.  Limb  and  edge. 

Not  cut,  Calyx  integer.  Having  neither  teeth  nor  lobes, 
used  indefinitely  in  opposition  to  toothed  or  lobed. 

Truncated,  truncatus.  Appearing  as  if  cut  off  across. 

Torn,  erosus.  Edge  uneven,  as  if  bitten  by  some  insect. 
Chenopodium  spinacifolium. 

Crenated,  crenatus.  Guarea  trichilioides. 

Toothed,  dentatus.  With  slight  angular  cuts. 

Fine  toothed,  denticulatus.  With  very  slight  angular 

Three-toothed,  tridentatus.  Triphasia,  Cneorum. 

Four-toothed,  quadridentatus.  Ligustrum,  Cornus. 

Five-toothed,  quinquedentatus.  Stachys  and  many  other 
labiatee.  Coriandrum,  Dianthus,  Cucubalus,  Silene. 

Divided,  incisus , divisus.  Split,  lobed,  or  parted,  used 
in  opposition  to  not  cut. 

f Cut,  jissns.  Divided,  the  incisions  reaching  to  the  mid- 
dle of  the  length  of  the  calyx ; the  divisions  being  narrow. 

Two-cut,  bifidus.  Divided  into  two  divisions.  XJtricu- 
laris,  Pedicularia  palustris,  Verbena  nodiflora. 

Three-cut,  trijidus . 

Four-cut,  quadrifidus.  Rhinanthus,  Reseda  salicifolia. 

Five-cut,  quinquejidiis.  Hyoscyamus  niger,  Cucubalus 
bacciferus,  Rosa. 

Six-cut,  sexfidus . 

Eight-cut,  octqfidus.  Tormentilla. 

Ten-cut,  decemfidus.  Potentilla,  Fragaria. 

Twelve-cut,  duodecemfidus.  Peplis. 

% Lobed,  lobatus.  Divided  into  cuts,  but  the  divisions 
are  broad. 

Two-lobed,  bilobatus. 

Three-lobed,  trilobatus,  Scc. 

IT  Parted,  partitas . Divided,  and  the  incisions  reaching 
nearly  to  the  bottom. 



Two-parted,  lipartitus.  Orobanche. 

Three-parted,  tripartite.  Alisma  major,  Sagittaria 

Four-parted,  quadripartite.  Veronica  officinalis,  Ery- 
tlialia  campestris. 

Five-parted,  qiiinqiiepartitus.  Digitalis  speciosa,  Oron- 
tium  majus,  Borrago  officinalis. 

Many-parted,  pluripartitus.  The  number  of  divisions 
not  being  required  to  be  exactly  expressed,  or  being  really 

5.  Length , in  relation  to  the  corolla. 

Long,  Calyx  corolla  longior.  Longer  than  the  corolla. 
Lychnis  segetum,  Stellaria  media,  Arenaria  rubra,  A.  te- 

Equal,  corolla  equalis.  Stellaria  vulgata. 

Short,  corolla  hrevior.  Shorter  than  the  corolla,  Dianthus, 
Stellaria  arvensis.^ 

6.  Attachment . 

Adherent,  Calyx  adherens.  United  throughout  its  whole 
length  to  the  ovary.  Compositse,  Myrtus,  Agrimonia, 

Superior,  superus.  United  to  the  ovary,  but  with  the 
limb  free.  Punica  granatum. 

Semi-adherent,  semi-adherens , semi-inferus.  The  calyx 
adhering  to  the  ovary  only  part  of  its  length.  Limosella 

Not  adherent,  free,  inadherens , liher , inferus.  The  calyx 
totally  detached  from  the  ovary.  Labiatae,  Catyophylleae, 
Fragaria,  Rubus,  Rosa. 

7.  Colour. 

Coloured,  Calyx  coloratus . Of  some  other  colour  than 
green.  Tropaeolum,  Andromeda  polifolia,  Fuchsia,  Punica 

Blossomlike,  petaloideus.  Aquilegia. 

Doubtful,  ambiguus.  Appearing  like  a calyx  externally, 
and  like  a corolla  internally.  Grewia. 

8.  Duration . 

Fugacious,  Calyx  fugax , caducus . Falling  off  as  soon  as 
the  flower  opens.  Papaver,  Epimedium. 

Deciduous,  deciduus . Falling  off  after  the  fecundation 
of  the  ovules,  at  the  same  time  with  the  corolla.  Actsea 
spicata,  Chelidonium  majus,  Cruciferae,  Berberis. 



Persisting,  persistens.  Remaining  after  the  flowering  is 
over.  Anagallis,  Rhinanthus,  Labiatae,  Hyoscyamus  niger, 
Boragineae,  Convolvulus,  Androsaemum  officinale,  Cucu- 
balus  bacciferus,  Saxifraga,  Rubus. 

Withering,  marcescens.  Persisting,  but  withering  and 
becoming  dry.  Anagallis,  Rhinanthus,  Rubus. 

Enlarging,  acrescens.  Persisting,  and  continuing  to 
grow  and  increase  in  size  along  with  the  fruit.  Physalis 
Alkekengi,  Fissilia  disparilis,  Heisteria  coccinea. 

Induvial,  induvialis.  Persisting  and  enclosing  the  fruit. 
Physalis,  Rosa. 


Leaves , Sepala , Phylli , Folioli  calycini.  The  distinct  seg- 
ments into  which  the  calyx  is  divided. 

Upright,  Sepala  erecta.  Parallel  to  the  axis  of  the 
flower.  Primula,  Nicotiana,  Erythraea  vulgaris,  Cheiran- 
thus,  Silene,  Dianthus. 

Contiguous,  contigua , conniventia  lateraliter , clausa . 
Placed  side  by  side,  without  any  considerable  intervals. 
Raphanus,  Cheiranthus. 

Imbricated,  imhricata.  Covering  one  another  by  their 
edges.  Convolvulus,  Thea. 

Connivent,  conniventia . Converging  together  at  top. 

Trollius  Europaeus. 

Diverging,  spreading,  patentia , paiula , divergentia.  Se- 
parating from  one  another,  and  placed  nearly  parallel  to 
the  base  of  the  flower.  Borrago  officinalis,  Hydrophyllum, 
Reseda,  Adonis,  Nigella,  Ranunculus  acris,  R.  repens, 
Lychnis  segetum,  Saxifraga  aizoides. 

Turned  back,  reflected,  reflexa, , dejlecta.  Turned  over 
outwards,  so  as  to  show  their  internal  surface.  Ranunculus 
bulbosus,  R.  flammea,  Androsaemum  officinale,  CEnothera 
biennis,  Cerasus  hortensis. 

Rolled  over,  revoluta , Turned  over,  and  rolled  up. 

Rolled  inwardly,  involuta . Valeriana  rubra. 

f Equal,  cequalia . All  of  one  size.  Primula,  Borrago 
officinalis,  Adonis,  Ranunculus,  Nigella. 

Unequal,  inequalia.  Of  different  sizes,  Salvia,  Erythralia 
campestris,  Androsaemum  officinale,  Tormentilla,  Poten- 

The  lobes,  segments,  and  teeth,  admit  of  similar  distinc- 
tions to  the  sepales. 




Blossom,  Bloom,  Auleum,  Perigynandra  interior.  The 
internal  integument  of  the  sexual  organs , when  there  are 
two  ; or  a fine  and  coloured  single  integument  of  the  same 
texture  as  the  stamens , and  either  inserted  along  with 
them  on  the  receptacle , or  hearing  them  itself 

1.  Insertion. 

Hypogynoiis,  Corolla  hypogyna.  Growing  out  from 
below  the  ovary,  whether  the  ovary  be  sessile.  Cheiran- 
thus,  Cruciferae;  or  seated  on  a gynophore,  Dianthus, 
Silene,  Cucubalus,  and  other  caryophylleee,  Cleome.  PI.  10, 
fig.  4,  6. 

Perigynous,  perigyna . Growing  out  from  the  internal 
surface  of  the  calyx.  Campanulaceae,  Salicaria,  Rosaceae. 

Epigynous,  epigyna.  Growing  from  the  top  of  the  ovary. 
Compositae,  Caprifoliaceae,  Rubiaceae,  Umbelliferae. 

2.  Structure . 

Polypetalous,  Corolla  polypetala.  Composed  of  several 
separate  pieces,  or  petals.  Urfibelliferae,  Cruciferae,  Cary- 
ophylleae,  Saxifrageae,  Rosaceoe,  Pomaceae,  Dryadeae,  Le- 

Gamopetalous,  monopetalous,  Corolla  gamopetala,  mono - 
petala.  Composed  of  only  one  piece,  surrounding  the 
sexual  organs  on  every  side,  the  several  divisions  or  petals 
being  soldered  together.  Labiatae,  Borragineae,  Apocyneae, 
Composite.  Pi.  9,  fig.  10,  11,  12,  13,  14,  15,20,21. 

If  Regular,  regidaris.  Borrago,  Convolvulus,  Aquilegia, 
Cruciferae,  Carophylleae,  Rosaceae,  Dryadeae,  Pomaceae. 
Irregular,  irregularis . Labiatae,  most  leguminosae. 

3.  Composition. 

Two-petaled,  Corolla  dipet  ala.  Formed  of  two  pieces. 

Three-petaled,  tripetala.  Formed  of  three  pieces.  Alisma, 

Four-petaled,  telrapetala . Of  four  pieces.  Cruciferae, 

Five-petaled,  pentapeiala . Umbelliferae,  Adonis,  Ra« 
nunculus,  Caryophylleae,  Rosa. 

Six-petaled,  hexapeiala.  Berberis,  Anona. 
Eight-petaled,  oclopetala.  Nigella  Hispanica. 

VOL.  i.  k 



% One-petaled,  monopetala , unipetala . A single  petal 
not  entirely  surrounding  the  sexual  organs,  as  in  the  gamo- 
petalous  corollas.  Amorpha. 

4.  Form . 

Crosslike,  Corolla  cruciformis.  Regular  and  composed 
of  four  petals  with  long  claws,  and  the  expansion  open, 
disposed  in  a cross.  Cruciferse. 

Roselike,  rosacea , roselala . Regular  and  composed  of 
three,  four,  or  five  petals,  with  short  claws,  and  diverging 
from  one  another.  Rosacese,  Dryadeae,  Chelidonium, 

Clovegilliflowerlike,  caryophyllata . Regular  and  com- 
posed of  five  petals,  the  claws  being,  very  long,  but  sur- 
rounded and  hidden  by  the  calyx.  Dianthus,  Silene. 

Butterflylike,  papilionacea.  Composed  of  five  petals,  of 
three  different  forms  and  sizes,  and  to  which  peculiar 
names  have  been  assigned.  Leguminosae. 

1.  The  standard,  Vexillum.  The  large  wide  petal, 
usually  turned  back,  that  overtops  the  others. 

2.  The  two  wings,  Alee , Talarce.  The  two  side  petals. 

3.  The  keel,  Carina , Scaphium , — tropis.  Formed  of  the 
two  lowermost  petals  usually  turned  up  at  their  tip,  and 
either  touching  each  other,  or  soldered  together. 

Irregularly  many  petaled,  polypetala  anomala . Com- 
posed of  irregular  petals,  but  not  butterflylike.  Aconitum, 
Delphinium,  Tropaeolum,  Viola. 

Tubulate,  tubulata.  Monopetalous,  regular,  with  a tube. 
Many  labiatae. 

Tubulous,  tubulosa . Monopetalous,  regular,  with  a tube 
longer  than  the  diameter  of  the  tube.  Hamelia,  Spigelia 

Bellshape,  campanulata , campaniformis . Monopetalous, 
regular,  in  form  of  a bell.  Atropa  lethalis,  Pneumonanthe 
vulgaris,  Vitis-Idaea  punctifolia,  Campanula  urticifolia. 

Globular,  globosa,  globulosa . Andromeda  polifolia. 

Eggshape,  ovata.  Arbutus,  Eremocallis  glomerata, 
Menziesia  polifolia. 

Pitchershape,  urceolata.  Vaccinium  montanum. 

Clubshaped,  claviformis , clavata.  Erica  pinea,  E.  ce- 

Funnelshape,  infundibulifprmis.  Nerium  Oleander,  Ni- 
cotiana  Tabaciun* 



Oldfashion-salvershape,  kypocrateriformis.  The  tube 
long,  the  limb  regular  and  spread  out  flat*  or  nearly  so. 
Vinca,  Phlox,  Ericala  verna. 

Gobletshape,  cyathiformis . Tube  long,  slightly  dilated 
at  top,  the  limb  regular  and  upright.  Symphytum  tube- 

Wheel-like,  rot  at  a.  Tube  very  short,  limb  regular, 

open,  flat,  with  broad  divisions.  Borrago  officinalis,  Ver- 
bascum  decurrens,  Physalis  Alkekengi. 

Starlike,  stellata.  Tube  very  short,  limb  regular,  open, 
flat,  with  pointed  divisions.  Galium  verum,  Valantia  cru~ 

f One-lipped,  unilabiata.  Monopetalous,  irregular,  the 
lower  part  of  the  limb  prolonged  beyond  the  rest.  Acanthus. 

Scooplike,  ligulata.  One-lipped,  the  lip  very  long  and 
straight.  Taraxacum  officinale,  Helianthus,  and  many 
other  composite. 

Two-lipped,  lilaliata.  The  limb  split  on  the  sides  into 
two  lips,  of  different  forms.  Labiatce,  Rhinanthus,  Pedi- 

Gaping,  r ingens.  The  two  lips  being  placed  apart  re- 
semble the  throat  of  an  animal.  Salvia  officinalis,  Lamiurn 
album,  Dracocephalum,  Stachys. 

Masklike,  per  sonata.  The  two  lips  are  closed  by  an  in- 
ternal projection  of  the  throat  of  the  flower,  called  the  pa- 
late, palatium.  Orontium  majus.  Antirrhinum  vulgare. — 
Some  include  under  this  irregular  monopetalous  corolise  of 
various  anomalous  forms. 

Turned  over,  resnpinala.  Two-lipped,  and  appearing  at 
the  first  view,  as  if  the  lips  had  changed  their  usual  places. 
Ocymum  Basilicum,  Plectranthus  punctatus. 

5.  Appendages. 

Appendiculated,  Corolla  appendiculata.  Having  an 
elongation  or  additional  part,  more  than  the  ordinary  form 
of  petals,  either  at  the  base,  Hypericum  iEgyptiacum,  or 
at  the  summit,  Silene. 

Hooked,  uncinata.  With  an  appendage  like  a hook, 
placed  at  the  top  of  the  petals.  Heisteria  coccinea,  Xirne- 
nia  aculeata. 

Glanduliferous,  glandulifera.  With  glands.  Statice  mo- 
nopetala,  Ranunculus,  Berberis. 



6.  Colour . 

Red,  Corolla  rubra . Rosa  Damascena,  Dianthus  Caryo- 
phyllus  ruber. 

Reddish  violet,  rubro-violacea.  Lythrum  spicatum,  Ce- 
losia  cristata. 

Violet,  violacea.  Aconitum  Napellus,  Campanula  Car- 
path  ica. 

Bluish-violet,  cceruleo-violacea.  Convolvulus  tricolor, 
Cyanus  vulgaris,  Cineraria  amelloides. 

Blue,  ccerulea.  Pneumonanthe  vulgaris,  Delphinium 
grand  ifiorum. 

Bluish-green,  cceruleo-viridis. 

Green,  viridis. 

Greenish-yellow,  viridi-lulca.  Hedera  communis,  Acer 
xnajus,  Silene  parviflora. 

Yellow,  lutea.  Ranunculus  longifolius. 

Yellowish-orange,  luteo-aurantiaca.  Calendula  officinalis. 

Orange,  aurantiaca.  Tropseolum  majus. 

Reddish-orange,  rubro-aurantiaca.  Salvia  coccinea,  Pa- 
paver  erraticum. 

IT  White,  alba . Parnassia  palustris. 

7.  Duration . 

Persisting,  withering,  Corolla  persistens , marcescem . 
Lasting  after  the  fecundation  of  the  ovules,  but  in  a wi- 
thered state.  Trientalis  Europsea,  Erica,  Campanula, 
Corrigiola,  Trifolium  procumbens,  Cucumis. 

Passing  away,  decidua , tr  ansi  tor  ia.  Falling  soon  after 
the  fecundation  of  the  ovules.  The  generality  of  flowers. 

Fugacious,  fugax,  caduca.  Falling  off*  as  soon  as  the 
flower  is  completely  open,  or  even  before.  Actaea,  Thalic- 
trum,  Chelidonium  corniculatum,  Glaucium  violaceum, 
Cerastites  macrocephala,  Peplis  Portula. 




The  several  pieces  into  which  the  corolla  is 
1.  Position. 

Opposite,  Petala  oppositiva , calyci  opposita.  Placed  be- 
fore the  divisions  of  the  calyx.  Berberis,  Epimedium. 

Interposed,  alternate,  interpositiva , calyci  alterna.  Al- 
ternating with  the  divisions  of  the  calyx.  Cruciferae,  Rosa, 
and  most  plants. 



2.  Attachment. 

Clawed,  Petala  unguiculata . Attached  to  the  other 
parts  of  the  flower  by  a long  claw.  Cheiranthus  and  other 
cruciferae,  Dianthus  and  other  caryophylleae,  Statice  pul- 

Sessile,  sessilia.  The  claw  very  short.  Vitis,  Elatme, 

3.  Direction. 

Bent  inwards,  Petala  hiflexa.  Curved  towards  the  centre 
of  the  flower.  Astrantia  major. 

Involute,  involuta.  Bent  and  rolled  from  the  top  towards 
the  centre  of  the  flower.  Anethum  graveolens. 

Upright,  erecta . Placed  parallel  to  the  axis  of  the  flower. 
Geum,  Hermannia. 

Incumbent  sideways,  later aliter  incumhentia.  Covering 
the  sides  of  one  another.  Oxalis  versicolor,  Hermannia. 

Open,  spreading,  patentiq.  At  right  angles  with  the 
axis  of  the  flower.  Rosa,  Fragaria,  Geum  urbanum. 

Bent  back,  reflexa.  Turned  over  from  the  centre  of  the 
flower.  Aralia  arborea. 

One-sided,  unilaleralia.  Inclining  to  one  side  of  the 
flower.  Cleome. 

Ascending,  ascendentia . Inclining  to  the  top  of  the 
flower.  Cleome. 

4.  Form. 

Roundish,  Petala  subrotunda.  Silene  latifolia,  Ranun- 
culus bulbosus,  Potentilla  fruticosa,  Fragaria  vesca. 

Oval,  ovalia.  Statice  pulchellum,  Linum  usitatissimum. 

Elliptic,  ellipticum.  Saxifraga  decipiens. 

Lanceolate,  lanceolata.  Hypericum  montanum,  Saxi- 
fraga sarmentosa. 

Linear,  linearia . Fraxinus  Ornus,  Chionanthus,  Iiama- 
melis  Virginiana. 

Spatulashape,  spathulata.  Dictamnus  albus,  Cleome 

Wedgeshape,  cunearia.  Linum  Austriacum. 

Heartshape,  cordijbrmia,  obcordiformia.  Hear  tsh  ape, 
the  notch  being  at  top.  Parnassia  palustris,  Geranium 
Pyreniacum,  Cerastium  arvense,  Stellaria  holostea,  CEno- 
thera  odorata. 

Concave,  concava.  Parnassia,  Tilia  Europasa,  Ruta 

Boatshape,  navicularia . Cookia  punctata. 



Helmetshape,  galeiformia.  Hollow,  arched,  and  open 
in  front.  Aconitum. 

Cornetshape,  cuculliformia.  In  the  form  of  a cone.  Del- 
phinium, Aquilegia. 

Spurred,  calcarata.  Prolonged  at  bottom  in  a hollow 
point,  like  the  spur  of  a fowl.  Viola. 

Two-lipped,  Lilabiata.  Tubular  with  a limb  having  two 
lips.  Nigelia,  Helleborus,  Isopyrum. 

Mis-shapen,  difformia.  Irregular,  and  not  to  be  com- 
pared to  any  known  form.  Epimedium. 

Unequal,  inazqualia . Different,  either  in  form,  or  size, 
or  in  both.  Anoxia,  Viola,  Pisum,  and  other  leguminosae. 

Conjoined,  coadunata.  Joined  and  soldered  together  by 
their  edges,  but  so  feebly  that  they  may  be  separated  with- 
out any  visible  tear  in  the  texture.  Statice  monopetala, 
Fissilia  disparilis.  This  junction  is  sometimes  by  their 
tips,  Vitis;  or  their  base,  Oxycoccus  palustris. 

Radiating,  radiantia.  The  petals  next  the  circum- 
ference of  an  assemblage  of  flowers  larger  than  those  next 
the  centre.  Tordylium. 

5.  Edge . 

Wavy,  Peiala  undulata.  Geranium  phoeum,  Lager- 

Gnawed,  erosa.  Glaucium  luteum,  Frankenia  laevis. 

Crenated,  crenata . Dianthus  Caryophyllus,  Linum  usi- 

Toothed,  dentata.  Dianthus  barbatus,  D.  capitatus, 
Silene  Lusitanica. 

Fringed,  fimbriata.  Cucubalus  fimbriatus. 

Lashed,  ciliata.  Edged  with  fine  jags  or  hairs  like  the 
eyelashes.  Tropseolum,  Ruta. 

Notched,  emarginata.  Cheiranthus  sinuatus,  Geranium 
sanguineum,  G.  dissectum,  Agrostemma  coronaria,  Dian- 
thus prolifer,  Rosa  rubiginosa. 

6.  Division. 

Jagged,  Petala  laciniata . Cut  into  slips.  Reseda,  Di- 
anthus plumarius. 

Two-cut,  bifida.  Draba  verna,  Cucubalus  inflatus, 
Lychnis  vespertina,  L.  diurna,  Silene  conica. 

Three-cut,  trifida.  Hypecoum  procumbens. 

Four-cut,  quadrifida.  Lychnis  plumaria. 

Two-parted,  bipartita.  Silene  nutans,  Stellariar  aquatica, 
S.  media. 




Lacinula.  A smali  claw  or  appendage  to  the  petals. 

Uncut,  Lacinula  Integra.  Astrantia,  Sanicuja. 

Bent,  inflexa.  CEnanthe. 

Hooked,  uncinata.  Torilis,  Sphondylium. 

Straight,  recta. 

Oblique,  obliqua.  Chaerophyllum. 

Linear,  linearis.  Bulbocastanum. 

Linear  pointed,  linearis  acuta . iEthusa  tenuifolia. 
Linear  blunt,  linearis  obtusa.  iEthusa  elata. 

Furrowed,  sulcata.  Tragium. 

Notched,  emarginata.  Cnidium. 

Streaked,  striata.  Selinum. 

Channelled,  canaliculata . Sanicula. 

Waved,  undulata.  Athamanta. 

Dilated,  dilata.  Athamanta. 

Narrowed,  angustaia . Pimpinella  minor. 

Awlshape,  subulata.  CEnanthe. 

Long,  longa.  As  long  as  the  petals  themselves.  Astrantia, 

Crenulated,  crenulata.  Peucedanum. 

Wavy-crenulated,  undulata- crenulata.  Heracleum. 
Apiculate,  apiculata.  With  a point.  Heracleum. 
Toothed,  denticulata.  Astrantia,  Sanicula. 

Blunt,  obtusa.  Conium,  Apium. 

Three-pointed,  tricuspidata.  Astrantia. 


Tubus.  The  lower  part  of  a gamopetalous  corolla* 
PI.  8,  fig.  4. 

Straight,  Tubus  rectilineus,  rectus.  Not  having  any 
curvature.  Vinca,  Hamelia. 

Cylindrical,  cylindricus.  Mirabilis  Jalapa. 

Threadlike,  gracilis, filif or  mis.  Plumbago  rosea. 

Bellied,  veniricosus , inflatus.  Erica  inflata,  E.  ventricosa. 
Clubshape,  claviformis,  clavatus.  Spigelia  Marylandica. 
Prismatic,  prismaticus.  Hamelia. 

With  an  internal  appendage,  internb  appendiculatus • 
Furnished  with  an  appendage  (nectary,  Linnaeus)  in  the 
interior  part  of  it.  Hydrophyllum,  Lithospermum  tenui- 
folium,  Cuscuta. 

•IF  Bent,  curvatus , arcuatus , curvus . Martynia,  Nepeta 



Compressed,  compressus . Many  of  the  labiatse.  Justicia 

Bunched,  gib  bus,  gibbosus.  Having  externally  a kind  of 
bunch,  hollow  like  a pocket  on  the  inside.  Orontium  ma- 
jus,  Valeriana  Cornucopiae,  Martynia. 

Spurred,  calcaratus.  Having  a hollow  elongation  like 
the  spur  of  a fowl.  Valeriana  rubra,  Linaria.  PL  9, 
fig.  11a. 

Split,  Jissus.  The  tube  is  split  down  lengthways,  sa 
that  it  may  be  Spread  out  flat  without  tearing.  Goodenia, 


Faux . The  orifice  of  the  tube. 

Circular,  Faux  circularise  Phlox,  Mirabilis. 

Cornered,  angulata . Having  a determined  number  of 
angles.  Vinca  rosea. 

Dilated,  dilaiata.  Larger  than  the  tube  itself.  Mirabilis 
Jalapa,  Nicotiana  Tabacum.  PI.  9,  fig.  12  and  13. 

Contracted,  conlracta.  Smaller  than  the  tube.  Verbena 
officinalis,  Scrofularia  lutea,  Vinca  rosea. 

Obstructed,  obstruct  a . Furnished  with  hairs,  lashes, 

glands,  or  other  appendages  that  block  up  the  entrance. 
Verbena  multifida,  Erythalia  pulchella. 

Villous,  villosa . Obstructed  by  hairs.  Verbena  multi- 
fida, Thymus. 

Lashed,  ciliata.  Obstructed  by  stiff  hairs  like  the  eye- 
lashes. Erythalia  pulchella,  E.  campestris. 

Bunched,  gibbifera . Obstructed  by  bunches;  the  throat, 
being  enlarged  and  dilated  in  some  parts,  rises  up  in 
bunches  which  are  hollow,  and  open  beneath.  Lycopsis 
arvensis,  Cynoglossum  officinale,  Borrago,  Anchusa.  PI.  9, 
fig.  10  a. 

Horned,  cormculifera.  Obstructed  by  hollow  horns, 
open  beneath,  like  the  bunches  just  mentioned.  Symphy- 
tum tuberosum. 

Flakey,  lamellifera . Furnished  with  lamellar  appen- 

dages. Nerium  Oleander. 

Naked,  mida.  Without  any  hairs,  bristles,  bunches, 
or  the  like.  Nicotiana  Tabacum,  Cerinthe  major,  Phlox. 


Palatium . An  internal  swelling  of  the  throat,  being  the 
two  lips  of  a masklike  flower. — Orontium  majus,  Linaria. 




Cup , Corona . A cuplike  appendage,  placed  on  the  throat 
of  the  flower. — Silene,  Narcissus. 


A circular  swelling  of  the  base  of  the  corolla,  surrounding 
the  sexual  organs. — Stapelia. 


Limbus . The  upper  expanded  part  of  a gamopetalous 

Folded,  Limbus  plicatus . In  regular  folds  like  a fan. 
Convolvulus,  Pneumonanthe  vulgaris. 

Twisted,  tortus , contortus.  The  divisions  of  the  limb 
are  cut  obliquely,  and  cover  one  another,  before  the  open- 
ing of  the  flower,  by  twining  round  the  axis  of  the  flower. 
Nerium  Oleander,  Vinca,  and  other  Apocyneas. 

Upright,  erectus . Parallel  to  the  axis  of  the  flowTer. 

Hydrophyllum,  Cynoglossuin  officinale,  Cerinthe. 

Spreading,  patens.  Forming  a right  angle  with  the 
tube.  Verbena  multifida,  Anchusa  Italica,  Nerium  Olean- 
der, Chironia,  Centaurium. 

Turned  back,  reflexus . Turned  over  outwardly.  Cycla- 
men, Dulcamara  flexuosa,  Asclepias,  Oxycoccus  palustris. 

Revolute,  revolutus.  Rolled  over  outwardly.  Cestrum 
cauliflorum,  C.  fastigiatum,  C.  odontospermum. 

Upper  Lip. 

Labium  superius . The  upper  division  of  a two-lipped 
gamopetalous  corolla. 

Spread  forward,  Labium  superius  porrectum.  Carried 
out  in  the  fore-part,  in  the  same  direction  as  the  tube. 
Monarda,  Phlomis  Leonurus,  Galeopsis  nodosa. 

Ascending,  ascendens.  Following  at  first  the  direction 
of  the  tube,  and  then  rising  up.  Nepeta  longiflora,  Stachys 
annua,  Betonica  officinalis.  PL  9,  fig.  13. 

Turned  back,  reflectum,.  Turned  over  on  the  tube. 
Plectranthus  punctatus.  PI.  9,  fig.  15. 

Turned  in,  inflectum . Turned  inwards  on  the  low  er  lip. 

Sicklelike, falcatum.  Bent  like  a reaping-hook.  Salvia 
bicolor.  S.  pratensis. 



Arched,  fornicatum,  galeatum.  Bent  and  hollowed  within. 
Pedicularia  palustris,  Phlomis,  Lamium,  Galeopsis. 

Compressed,  compressum.  Folded  in  two  lengthways, 
and  flattened  sideways.  Rhinanthus,  Pedicularia  palustris, 
Many  salviee,  Many  phlomides,  Trichostema. 

Flat,  planum.  Melittis  grandiflora. 

Uncut,’  integrum.  Molucella  lsevis. 

Notched,  emarginatum.  Lycopus. 

Split,  fissum.  Euphrasia  officinalis,  Salvia  bicolor,  Ne- 
peta  longiflora. 

Parted,  partitum.  Divided  to  the  very  orifice  of  the 
tube.  Teucrium,  Lobelia  Cardinalis.  L.  syphilitica. 

Louver  Lip. 

Labium  inferius.  The  lower  division  of  a two-lipped 
gamopetalous  corolla. 

Longer  than  the  upper,  Labium  inferius  superiore  longius . 
Molucella  lsevis,  Phlomis  Zeylanica. 

Shorter  than  the  upper,  inferiore  brevius.  Phlomis  Leo- 

Prolonged,  porrectum . Melampyrum  vulgatum,  Salvia 
bicolor,  Molucca  lsevis. 

Fallen  down,  demissum.  Eriostomum  Germanicum. 
PI.  9,  fig.  13. 

Turned  back,  reflexum . Turned  over  backwards  upon 
the  tube.  Chelone  barbata. 

Turned  in,  inflexum.  Bent  inwards  towards  the  orifice 
of  the  tube.  Plectranthus  punctatus.  PI.  9,  fig,  15. 


Perianthium,  Calyx.  The  integument  of  a flower  when  there 

is  but  one , and  its  appearance  renders  it  doubtful  whether 

it  ought  to  be  esteemed  a calyx  or  a corolla. 

This  admits  all  the  various  distinctions  of  both  calyx 
and  corolla. 


The  upper  hollow  part  of  the  perigonium  of  the  orchidese. 


Labellum.  The  lower  spread  out  part  of  the  perigonium 
of  the  orchidese ; which  is  sometimes  divided  into  two  dis- 
similar parts. 

Epichilium . The  upper  part  of  the  labellum. 



HypochiUum , The  lower  part  of  the  labellum. 

Spur,  Calcar.  A hollow  spur  formed  by  an  elongation 
of  the  labellum. 


Perula.  A hollow  part,  often  resembling  a spur,  formed 
of  two  elongated  and  soldered  sepales.  Qrchideae. 


Chives,  Attire,  Stamina, — stemon.  The  male  organ  of  the 

plant , usually  placed  next  within  the  corolla , and  im- 
mediately surrounding  the  pistill. 

1.  Origin. 

Hypogynous,  Stamina  hypogyna,  receptacido  inserta* 
Exserted  from  the  receptacle, . either  below  the  ovary,  or 
even  with  its  bottom.  Graminese,  Cruciferae,  Ranuncu- 

Perigynous,  perigyna , calyci  inserta.  Exserted  from  the 
internal  surface  of  the  floral  integument,  above  the  part 
where  it  is  detached  from  the  ovary.  Thymeleas,  Rosacese, 
Leguminosae,  Myrtaceae. 

Epigynous,  epigyna , pistillo  inserta.  Exserted  from  the 
pistill  itself.  Aristolochia,  Umbelliferae. 

Immediate,  immediata.  Exserted  from  the  receptacle, 
calyx,  or  pistill.  Crucifers,  Rosacese,  Umbelliferae. 

Mediate,  mediate , epipetala.  Exserted  from  the  co- 
rolla, and  therefore  judged  to  have  the  same  insertion  in 
respect  to  the  ovary  as  the  corolla  itself.  Labiatae,  Cam- 
panulaceae,  Compositse. 

2.  Number. 

Definite,  Stamina  defnita.  The  number  constant  and 
not  exceeding  twelve.  1 Hippuris,  2 Syringa,  3 Iris, 
4 Plantago,  5 Lonicera,  6 Lilium,  7 iEsculus,  8 Fuchsia, 
9 Butomus,  10  Saxifraga,  11  not  yet  discovered,  12  Ha- 

Indefinite,  indefnita.  More  than  twelve,  and  not  usually 
counted,  or  constant.  Papaver,  Ranunculus,  Rosa. 

3.  Connexion . 

Distinct,  Stamina  distincta , discreta.  Not  united  together 
either  by  their  filaments,  or  their  anthers.  Lilium,  Ra- 



Conjoined,  coalita , connata.  United  together,  either  by 
their  filaments  or  their  anthers.  Malvaceae,  Compositae. 

^f  Adelphous,  adelphica , adelpha . The  filaments  united 
together  into  an  androphore. 

Monadelphous,  monadelpha.  Having  a single  andro- 
phore in  a flower,  carrying  several  anthers.  Malvaceae, 

Di^adelphous,  diadelpha.  Two  androphores  in  each 
flower,  each  carrying  several  anthers.  Fumaria,  Monniera. 
— But  Linnaeus  has  applied  this  term  to  the  leguminosae, 
in  which  nine  of  the  stamens  have  their  filaments  united 
into  an  androphore,  and  the  tenth  is  distinct.  PI.  10, 
fig.  9,  a,  b. 

Triadelphous,  iriadelpha.  Three  androphores,  each  car- 
rying several  anthers.  Hypericum  iEgyptiacum.  PI.  10, 
fig.  15. 

Pentadel plious,  pentadelpha.  Five  androphores.  Mela- 
leuca hypericifolia. 

Polyadelphous,  polyadelpha . Several  androphores.  Me- 

If  Syngenesous,  syngenesa , syngenesica.  Several  stamens 
ioined  by  their  anthers.  Most  compositae.  Lobelia,  Viola. 
PI.  11,  fig.  27. 

4.  Proportion . 

Equal,  Stamifia  cequalia.  All  of  the  same  length.  Bu- 
tomus,  Lilium,  Borrago,  Ledum,  Tribulus. 

Unequal,  incequalia.  Some  longer  than  the  others. 
Labiatae,  Cruciferae,  Oxalis,  Lychnis,  Silene,  Gypsophila. 

Didynamous,  didynama.  Four  in  number,  two  longer 
than  the  other  two.  Labiatae. 

Tetradynamous,  tetradynama.  Six  in  number,  of  which 
four  are  longer  than  the  others.  Cruciferae.  PI.  10,  fig.  1. 

5.  Disposition . 

Oppositive,  Stamina  oppositiva , petalis  opposita.  Placed 
opposite  to  the  lobes  of  the  corolla,  or  of  the  perigonium. 
Lilium,  Moms,  Urtica,  Statice,  Primulaceae,  Lorantheae, 

Interpositive,  interpositiva,  petalis  allerna . Placed  be- 
tween the  divisions  of  a corolla,  Boragineae,  Umbelliferae ; 
or  of  a simple  perigonium,  Elaeagnus. 

If  Distant,  distanlia . Lycopus. 

Close,  approximata . Touching  the  sides  of  one  another. 
Solanum,  Borrago. 



Coherent,  coherentia.  Fastened  to  one  another,  either 
by  crossed  hairs,  or  by  a glue.  Lycopersicon  esculentum, 
Calluna  sagittsefolia,  Viola. 

Crowded,  confer  la.  Numerous  and  squeezed  close  to- 

Agglomerated,  agglomerata.  Collected  together  into  a 
ball.  Anona  triloba. 

Tiled-like,  imlricata.  Disposed  in  rows,  one  covering 
another  like  the  tiles  of  a roof.  Liriodendrum  tulipifera. 

In  stages,  serialia.  Disposed  in  stages  of  circular  rows. 
Daphne,  Passerina. 

6.  Length , in  relation  to  the  floral  integuments. 

Exserted,  Stamina  exserta . Coming  out  beyond  the 

orifice  of  the  floral  integuments.  Plantago,  Mentha, 
Lycium  Europaeum,  Scabiosa,  Fuchsia.  PI.  9,  fig.  12. 

Included,  inclusa,  non  exserta.  Shut  up  in  the  floral  in- 
teguments, and  not  appearing  outwardly.  Jasminum, 
Syringa,  Verbena  officinalis,  Leguminosas.  PL  10,  fig.  8. 

7.  Direction. 

Bent  inwards,  Stamina  inflexa . The  top  bent  in  towards 
the  centre  of  the  flower.  Salvia,  Dictamnus,  Gypsophila 

Upright,  erecla.  Keeping  of  itself  in  the  direction  of 
the  axis  of  the  flower.  Tulipa,  Lilium,  Nicotiana.  PI.  10, 
fig.  5. 

Spreading,  patentia.  Standing  horizontally  in  respect  to 
the  base  of  the  flower.  Pyrola  minor,  Hedera  communis. 

Bent  back,  reflexa.  Bent  outwards.  Urtica,  Parietaria. 

Hanging  down,  pendentia.  Hanging  downwards  through 
weakness.  Graminese,  Clerodendrum  infortunatum. 

Sidelying,  unilateralia . Hanging  on  one  side.  Pyrola 
rotundifolia,  Salvia,  Amaryllis  formosissima. 

Ascending,  ascendentia , Rising  towards  the  upper  part 
of  the  flower.  Salvia,  Teucrium,  Phlomis,  and  most  la- 

Declining,  decnmbentia , declinala.  Inclining  towards  the 
lower  part  of  the  flower.  Amaryllis  formosissima,  Heme- 
rocallis  fulva,  JEsculus  Hippocastanum,  Dictamnus  albus. 



8.  Abortion. 

Antherless,  inantherata , castrata.  The  filaments  being 
without  anthers.  Many  filaments  of  sparmannia  Africana, 
two  filaments  of  gratiola  officinalis,  and  the  greater  part  of 
the  orchidese. 

Merely  rudimental,  rudimentaria.  So  very  imperfect, 
and  so  small,  that  it  is  only  by  analogy  that  their  nature 
can  be  determined.  Orchidese,  Salvia,  Collinsonia  Cana- 

9.  Parts. 

Anther,  Summit,  Anthera,  Capitulum , Theca , Capsula , 
Apex , Testiculus , Testis , Spermatocystidium.  The  upper 
part  of  the  stamen  usually  at  the  top  of  it,  and  containing 
the  fecundating  powder,  in  two  distinct  cells.  PI.  11, 
fig.  15,  16,  19,  and  20. 

Cells,  Loculi , Thecce.  The  two  cells  that  contain  the 
fecundating  powder.  PL  11,  fig.  20. 

Lobes,  Lobi.  The  cells  when  they  are  perfectly  distinct 
and  at  some  small  distance  from  each  other. 

Connective,  Connectivum,  Filamentum  Link.  A fleshy 
part  that  connects  the  lobes;'  or  that  part  of  a jointed  fila- 
ment which  is  immediately  next  the  anther. 

Basillary  appendages,  Setce.  Small  threads  formed  by 
the  elongation  of  the  cells  in  their  lower  part. 

Fecundating  powder,  Pollen.  The  powder  contained  in 
the  cells  of  the  anthers,  and  which  is  composed  of  globules. 

Globules,  Utriculi.  Small  bladders  appearing  like  dust, 
forming  the  substance  of  the  pollen. 

Fovilla.  The  fine  substance,  imperceptible  to  the  naked 
eye,  which  the  pollen  discharges  on  the  moist  surface  of  the 

Filament,  Thread,  Filamenta9  Pediculus , Capillamentum , 
Stipellus , — nema.  The  footstalk  raising  the  anther  from 
the  receptacle  or  corolla. 

Androphore,  Androphora , Columna9  Fasciculus , — - adel- 
phia.  Filaments  soldered  together  in  one  or  more  bundles. 

Antherbearing  joint,  Articulus  antheriferus.  That  part 
of  a jointed  filament  that  is  next  to  but  below  the  anther. 

Terminal  appendage.  Appendix  terminalis.  That  part 
of  a jointed  filament  that  is  above  the  anther. 




1.  Form. 

Flat,  Filamentum  planum.  Allium  fragrans,  Koempferia, 
Fissilia,  Heisteria  coccinea,  Hermannia  denudata. 

Petal-like,  petaliforme.  Broad,  thin,  flexible  and  co- 
loured like  a blossom.  Koempferia,  Maranta  arundinacea, 

Two-edged,  sword-edged,  anceps.  Canna  Indica. 

Awlshape,  subulatum.  Tulipa,  Butomus,  Acer  majus. 

Wedgeshape,  cuneiforme.  Thalictrum  petaloideum. 

Nailshape,  claviforme , clavatum.  Thalictrum  atro-pur- 
pureum . 

Cylindrical,  cylindricum.  The  generality  of  plants. 

Threadlike,  capillare.  Graminese,  Plantago. 

Knobbed,  torulosum , nodosum.  With  swellings  at  a 
small  distance  from  one  another.  Sparmannia  Africana. 

Crenate,  crenatumi  Marked  on  the  internal  edge  with 
wrinkles  lying  across,  and  forming  creases. 

Kneed,  geniculatum.  Bent  like  a knee  or  elbow  joint. 
Mahernia  pinnata. 

Appendixed,  appendiculatum.  Having  an  appendage, 
which  does  not  seem  to  belong  to  the  filament,  but  to  be 
an  extraneous  addition.  Borrago,  Zygophyllum. 

Spiral,  spirale,  tortum.  Bent  like  a bellspring.  Hirtella. 

2.  Base. 

Enlarged,  Filamentum  dilatatum.  Ornithogalum  palli- 
dum, Campanula,  Geranium  pratense,  Tamarix  Gallica. 

Arched,  fornicatum . Enlarged  and  concave.  Aspho- 
delus,  Campanula. 

5.  Tip. 

Sharp,  Filamentum  acutum.  Lilium,  Tulipa,  Scutellaria 
alpina,  Ternstromia. 

Blunt,  oltusum . Anona  triloba. 

Headed,  capitatum.  Swelled  into  a head.  Dianella, 

Notched,  emarginatum.  Having  a re-entering  angle  at 
the  tip.  Allium  laetum. 

Two-forked,  bifur catum . Brunella,  Crambe. 

Three-pointed,  tridentatum , tricuspidatum . Allium  por- 

Prominent,  prominens.  Lengthened  out  beyond  the  an- 
ther. Paris  quadrifolia,  Anona  triloba,  Ternstromia  el- 



4.  Surface . 

Velvetty,  Filamentum  villosum.  Laurus  Persea,  Gual- 

Bearded,  larbatum . Hairy  in  some  parts  and  not  in 
others.  Anthericum,  Anagallis,  Verbascum. 

Glandbearing,  glanduliferum . Dictamnus  albus. 

5.  Motion . 

Elastic,  Filamentum  elasticum.  Springs  back  again  after 
it  has  been  forcibly  bent. 

Irritable,  irritabile . Moving  at  the  moment  of  fecunda- 
tion without  any  apparent  mechanical  force.  Berberis, 
Ruta,  Parnassia. 


Simple,  Androphorum  simplex.  In  a single  body  without 
any  branches  whatever. 

Divided,  divisum.  Parted  into  several  filaments  at  top. 
Hypericum  iEgyptiacum,  Melaleuca.  PI.  10,  fig.  15;  pi.  11, 
fig.  14. 

Branched,  ramosum . Divided  and  subdivided.  Ricinus. 
PI.  11,  fig.  16. 

Solid,  solidum . In  a solid  mass.  Hura  crepitans, 

Thick,  crassum.  Hura  crepitans. 

Slender,  gracile . Typha. 

Cylindrical,  cylindricum . Stylidium,  Xylophylla,  Hura 

Pillarlike,  columnare . Rising  upright  in  the  centre  of 
the  flower  like  a small  column. 

Tubular,  tuhulosum . Malvaceae.  PI.  10,  fig.  13. 

Split,  fissum . Tubular,  and  split  lengthways.  Most 
leguminosse.  PI.  10,  fig.  9,  a;  fig.  12. 

Sheathing,  vaginans.  Tubular,  and  forming  a sheath 
round  the  pistill.  Malvaceae.  PI.  10,  fig.  13. 

Ringlike,  annulare.  Anacardium  occidentale. 

Blossomlike,  coroll  forme.  Gomphrena  globosa,  Guarea 

Crenate,  crenatum.  Crenated  on  its  edge.  Gomphrena 

Hoodlike,  cuculliferum.  Furnished  with  appendages  in 
form  of  hoods.  Asclepias. 




1.  Attachment. 

Sessile,  Anther  a sessilis.  Without  any  filament  or  • an- 
drophore.  Aristolochia,  Grevillea. 

Adnate,  adnata.  Annexed  to  the  filament  throughout 
its  whole  extent,  and  consequently  without  any  particular 
connective.  Asarum,  Soldanella,  Podophyllum  peltatum, 
Ranunculus.  PL  11,  fig.  18. 

Jointed,  articulata . The  union  of  the  filament  and  an- 
ther having  some  change  of  form,  colour,  shape,  or  other 
visible  mark.  Salvia,  Scutellaria. 

If  Lateral,  lateralis.  Fastened  on  one  side  of  the  fila- 
ment. Canna  Indica. 

Terminal,  terminalis . Fastened  to  the  end  of  the  fila- 
ment. Cyperacese,  Datura,  Raphanus,  Cleome. 

If  Base-fixed,  basifixa.  Attached  by  one  end,  which  is 
looked  upon  as  the  base  of  the  anther.  Iridese,  Composite. 

Middle-fixed,  medifixa.  Attached  by  the  middle.  Lilium. 

If  Immoveable,  immobilis.  So  solidly  attached  to  the 
filament  that  it  cannot  be  moved  without  injury.  Com- 
posite, Limnanthes  peltata. 

Moveable,  molilis.  Attached  by  a single  point  which 
acts  like  a hinge.  Lilium,  Limodorum. 

Turning,  vacillans , versatilis.  Long,  fastened  by  its 
middle,  and  moveable.  Lilium,  Tulipa,  Amaryllis. 

If  Opening  inwards,  adversa , antica , introrsa.  The  suture 
of  its  valves  turned  to  the'7  centre  of  the  flowers.  Most 

Opening  outwards,  inner sa,  postica , extrorsa.  The  suture 
of  its  valves  turned  towards  the  circumference.  Iridese, 
Cucumis.  Most  ranunculaceae. 

2.  Direction. 

Upright,  Anthera  erecta.  Long,  fastened  by  its  base, 
and  holding  itself  parallel  to  the  axis  of  the  flower.  Tulipa, 
Solanum,  Composite. 

Lying  along,  incumbens.  Fastened  by  its  middle,  so  that 
its  lower  half  is  close  to  the  filament.  Amaryllis  formo- 
sissima,  Hypopitys  lutea. 

Flat,  horizontalis . Lying  across  the  filament.  Lilium. 

VOL.  i. 




3.  Form, 

Globular,  Anther  a globulosa.  Mercurialis,  Juniperus. 

Mis-shapen,  difformis.  Of  an  irregular  or  singular  form. 
Justicia  hyssopifolia,  Commelina  tuberosa. 

Twin,  didyma.  With  two  rounded  lobes  united  by  a 
small  point.  Chenopodium,  Spinacia,  Mercurialis,  Eu- 

Egg-like,  ovoidea . Fuchsia. 

Oblong,  oblonga.  Ledum,  Lilium,  Sparganium  erectum. 

Lanceolate,  lanceolata.  Cerinthe  major. 

Linear,  linearis.  Campanula. 

Awlshape,  subulata.  Borrago  officinalis. 

Threadlike,  filiformis.  Ternstromia. 

Arrowhead  like,  sagittala.  Crocus,  Limnanthes  peltata. 

Heartshape,  cordiformis , cordata.  Ocymum  basilicum. 

Kidneyshape,  reniformis.  Glechoma  hederacea,  Lavan- 
dula, Digitalis. 

Shielded,  peltata . Broad,  and  fastened  to  the  filament 
by  its  centre. 

Compressed,  compressa.  Flattened  sideways.  Iris. 

Four-cornered,  telragona.  Tulipa. 

If  Straight,  recta , rectilinea . Without  any  windings.  Tu- 
lipa, Borrago. 

Bent,  arcuata.  Trollius  Europseus. 

Twisted,  torsa.  Bent  in  a spiral  form.  Erythrsea  vul- 

Winding,  sinuosa.  Long,  linear,  and  zig-zag.  Cucumis, 

If  Truncated,  truncata . Appearing  as  if  its  top  had  been 
cut  off. 

Pointed,  acuta.  Borrago,  Cerinthe. 

Two-cut,  bifida.  Having  a fork  at  one  or  both  ends. 
Many  gramineas,  Sparganium  erectum. 

Two-horned,  bicornis.  Having  two  diverging  horns 
formed  by  its  pointed  lobes.  Arbutus,  Vaccinium  monta- 
num,  Pyrola,  Many  ericae. 

Four-horned,  quadricornis.  Gualteria  procumbens. 

Apipen&hiedfappendiculata.  Nerium  Oleander,  Centaurea 
collina,  Inula  grandiflora. 

Awned,  aristata . Furnished  with  appendages  like  awns. 
Euphrasia  officinalis,  Vaccinium  uliginosum,  Andromeda 

Crested,  cristata . Furnished  with  appendages  like  crests. 
Erica  triflora,  E.  comosa.  PI.  1 1,  fig.  21. 


Tailed,  caudata . Furnished  with  appendages  like  a tail. 

Opercular,  opercularia , operculiformis.  Shutting  up,  like 
a lid,  the  cavity  in  which  the  pollen  is  contained.  Serapias, 
Neottia,  Limodorum. 

4.  Proportion. 

Shorter  than  the  filament,  Anther  a jilamenlo  brevior 
Lilium,  Fuchsia. 

As  long  as  the  filament,  Jilamcnti  longitudine.  Herman- 
nia  denuclata. 

Longer  than  the  filament,  filamento  longior.  Cerinthe 

IT  Unlike,  Antherce  dissimiles.  Different  in  the  same 
flower.  Cassia. 

5.  Surfaces. 

Smooth,  Anthera  Icevis . The  greatest  part  of  flowers. 

Bald,  glabra.  Orobanche  major. 

Downy,  pubescens . Digitalis  ferruginea. 

Shaggy,  hispida , hirta.  Lathraea  simplex. 

Fringed,  ciliata.  Orobanche  minor,  Brunella,  Lavan- 
dula, Galeopsis  segetum. 

Bearded,  barbata.  Having  a tuft  of  hairs  in  some  pecu- 
liar part.  Pedicularis,  Acanthium,  Carpinus. 

Glanduliferous,  glandulifera . Having  glands.  Cardiaca 
vulgaris,  Marrubium  Hispanicum,  Molucella  levis. 

6.  Lobes . 

One-lobed,  Anthera  uniloba.  Pinus,  Larix,  Cupressus, 
Juniperus,  Thuya. — In  pinus,  larix,  abies,  the  anthers  ap- 
pear to  be  two-lobed,  because,  as  they  are  fixed  two  together 
upon  scales  that  appear  like  filaments,  they  resemble  the 
two  lobes  of  a single  anther ; but  their  analogy  to  other 
plants  show  that  they  are  two  single  distinct  anthers. 

Two-lobed,  biloba . The  generality  of  plants.  PI.  11, 
fig.  15,  19  and  20. 

Many-lobed,  multiloba . Taxus. 

7.  Cells. 

One- celled,  Anthera  unilocularis.  Cycas,  Larix,  Cu- 
pressus, Juniperus,  Thuya. 

Two-celled,  bilocularis.  Orchis,  Ephedra. 

Four-celled,  quadrilocularis.  Most  plants. 

Many-celled,  multilocularis . Taxus. 

L 2 



If  Fertile,  fertilise  fecunda.  Containing  pollen.  Most 

Barren,  sterilis.  Not  containing  pollen.  Five  stamens 
out  of  the  ten  in  musa,  3 out  of  6 in  cassia  grandiflora, 

9 out  of  1 0 in  Bauhinia,  5 out  of  8 in  fissilia  disparilis. 

8.  Opening. 

By  slits,  Anther  a fissuris  dehiscens.  Most  plants. 

By  pores,  ports  dehiscens . Arum,  Galanthus,  Solanum, 
Pyrola,  Humuius. 

One-holed,  uniforata . 

Two-holed,  hiforata.  Solanum.  PI.  11,  fig.  26. 

By  a cover,  operculo  dehiscens.  Brosimum. 

By  valves,  valvulis  dehiscens . Berberis,  Epimedium. — 
The  number  of  valves  is  to  be  mentioned. 

Three-valved,  trivalvis. 

Four-valved,  quadrivalvis,  &c. 

On  the  fore  part,  parte  antica  dehiscens . Opening  by  the 
part  looking  towards  the  centre  of  the  flower.  The  gene- 
rality of  anthers. 

On  the  hind  part,  parte  postica  dehiscens . Opening  by 
the  part  looking  towards  the  circumference  of  the  flower. 
Iris,  Calycanthus. 

By  the  tip,  apice  dehiscens . Galanthus,  Solanum,  Erica, 

By  the  base,  Last  dehiscens , Pyrola, 

Lengthways,  longitudinaliter  dehiscens . The  opening  of 
the  valves  parallel  to  the  sides  of  the  lobes.  Lilium,  Tulipa. 

Cross-ways,  transversim  dehiscens.  The  opening  of  the 
valves  running  from  one  side  to  the  other.  Lavandula. — 
This  expression  is  not  to  be  taken  strictly,  as  the  appear- 
ance arises  only  from  the  divergence  of  the  lobes. 


Confluent,  Labi  confluentes . Uniting  so  as  to  appear 
only  a single  lobe.  Plectranthus. 

Distinct,  distincti . The  contour  of  each  being  well 

marked.  Lilium,  Tradescantia  Yirginica. 

Near  together,  approximate  Touching  each  other,  but 
perfectly  distinct.  Lilium,  Acetosa  pratensis. 

Parallel,  paralleli.  When  they  run  together  for  some 
length,  without  altering  their  distance.  Koempferia,  Anona 

Superimposed,  superpositi.  Placed  one  upon  another. 



Diverging,  divergentes.  When  they  are  nearer  together 
at  one  end  than  at  the  other.  Digitalis. 

Distant,  remoti . Kept  at  a distance  from  one  another, 
either  by  the  filament,  Begonia  dichotoma ; or  by  the  con- 
nective, Salvia,  Melissa  grand iflora. 

Two-sided,  bilaterales.  Separated  from  one  another  by 
being  placed  on  different  sides  of  the  filament.  Kcemp- 
feria,  Begonia  dichotoma,  or  of  the  filament,  Tradescan- 
tia  Virginica. 

If  Alike,  similes.  Not  differing  from  one  another.  Most 

Unlike,  dissimiles.  Most  salvise. 


Long,  Connectivum  extensum.  Of  a notable  length. 
Salvia,  Melastoma. 

Loose,  laxum.  Separating  the  lobes  so  that  they  do  not 
touch.  Melissa  grandiflora. 

Contracted,  contr actum.  Very  short,  and  the  lobes  close 
together.  Lilium. 

None,  nullum.  The  anther  being  inserted  immediately 
upon  the  filament,  or  some  part  of  the  flower.  Gramineae, 
Aristolochia,  Acetosa  pratensis. 


Powdery,  Pollen  pulverulenlum . Composed  of  many 
distinct  utricles,  like  a fine  dust. 

% Elastic,  elasticum.  Lengthens  when  pulled,  and  con- 
tracts itself  again.  Orchis,  Limodorum. 

Horny,  corneum . In  a hard  mass,  flexible  like  horn. 
Asclepias.  * 

Grumous,  grumosum , granulatum.  Composed  of  many 
corpuscles  united  together,  and  placed  on  a receptacle; 
these  corpuscles,  attached  to  an  axis,  are  squeezed  together 
so  as  to  form  an  ovoid  mass,  parted  in  two  by  a longitudinal 
groove.  Orchis,  Ophrys,  Satyrium.  PI.  12,  fig.  9 and  10. 

Lobed,  lobaium.  The  pollen  mass  is  divided  into  several 
lobes.  Limodorum. 

Synstigmatic,  synstigmaticum.  The  pollen  mass  is  ter- 
minated below  by  a thread  having  at  its  end  a corpuscle 
which  adheres  to  the  stigma.  Many  orchidese  and  ascle- 

If  Sea-green,  glaucum . Some  irides. 

Whitish,  albidum.  Actsea  spicata,  Salvia  formosa. 

Yellowish,  jlavescens.  Impatiens  palustris. 



Yellow,  flavum.  Lilium  album. 

Sulphur-colour,  sulpkureum.  Pinus. 

Orange-colour,  aurantiacum . Lilium  croceum. 

Blue,  coeruleum . Epilobium  angustifolium. 


Agglutinated,  Utriculi  azglutinati . Connected  together 
by  a moist  humour*  Serapias. 

Tied,  ligati.  Attached  by  threads.  Azalea  viscosa, 

If  Smooth,  Iceves.  Asphodelus  fistulosus,  Vicia  hirsuta. 

Shaggy,  hispidi.  Covered  with  fine  points.  Malva  mi- 
niata,  Cucurbita  esculenta. 

Thorny,  muricati . Covered  with  points,  strong  in  pro- 
portion to  their  size.  Hibiscus  Syriacus. 

If  Globular,  sphcerici . Phleum  nodosum,  Malva  miniatay 
Hibiscus  Syriacus,  Cucurbita  esculenta. 

Egglike,  ovoidei . Impatiens  Balsamina. 

Oblong,  oblongi . Anethum  segetum. 

Nearly  cylindrical,  subcylindrici.  Cerinthe  major. 

Kidneyshape,  ren  formes.  Commelina  tuberosa. 

Angular,  angulati . Tropaeolum  majus. 

Three-lobed,  trilobi.  Serapias-  longifolia. 

Four-lobed,  quadrilohi.  Azalea  viscosa. 

Twelve-sided,  dodecciedri,  Geropogon. 

Twenty-sided,  icosaedri.  Tragopogon. 

Exhausted  Anther. 

Anlhera  dejtorata.  The  state  of  its  cells  after  the  emission 
of  the  pollen. 


Pointal,  Pistillum,  — gyne,  — gynos.  The  female  organ  of 
the  plant , placed  in  the  centre  of  the  flower. 


Ovary,  Germen,  Ovarium.  The  lower  part  of  the  pistil!, 
containing  the  ovules.  PL  11,  fig.  1,  4,  5,  7,  8,  10  and  12. 

Ovules,  Ovula , Ova.  The  rudiments  of  future  plants, 
not  yet  impregnated.  PL  11,  fig.  4. 

Podogyne,  Podogynium.  A narrow  pedicell,  on  which 
the  ovarium  is  sometimes  placed.  Papaver,  Robinia. 

Gynohasis.  The  bottom  part  of  the  style,  when  it  is 
swelled,  and  distinguishable  from  the  other.  PL  11,  fig.  2. 



Style,  Stylus , Tula , Vagina.  An  elongation  of  the 
ovary  supporting  the  stigma.  PL  11,  fig.  2,  6,  7,  and  9. 

Collectors,  Collector es . Branches  of  the  style,  or  hairs, 
serving  to  irritate  the  anthers,  cause  them  to  discharge  the 
pollen,  and  at  the  same  time  to  collect  it. 

Summit,  Stigjna.  The  part  of  the  pistill  which  is  spread 
out,  generally  on  the  top  of  the  style,  to  receive  the  fecun- 
dating powder  of  the  anthers.  PI.  11,  fig.  2,  6,  7,8,9, 
and  10. 

Cornua.  The  branches  of  the  stigma. 

Styliscus,  Chorda  pis t illar is,  Vasa  addacentia  aura  semi - 
nalis.  Fibrelike  vessels  passing  from  the  stigma  to  the 
ovules.  PL  11,  fig.  4. 


Single,  Ovarium  unicum.  Convolvuli,  Crucifer®,  Papa- 
verace®.  PL  11,  fig.  6 and  7. 

Manifold,  multiplex.  Several  in  the  same  flower.  La- 
biatae,  Ranunculaceae.  PL  11,  fig.  2 and  3. 

IT  Free,  calici  inadherens , liberum,  superum . Not  having 
any  adhesion  to  the  calyx  or  perigonium ; being  attached 
to  the  flower  by  its  bottom  only.  Lilium,  Labiat®,  Cruci- 
fer®, Papaverace®,  Ranunculace®,  Leguminos®.  PL  10, 
fig.  1 and  4. 

Semi-adherent,  semi-adherens.  Connected  to  the  calyx 
or  perigonium  at  bottom,  but  not  in  its  upper  part.  Saxi- 
fraga  granulata,  S.  c®rulea. 

Adherent,  adherens , inferum.  Enveloped  within  the  ca- 
lyx, or  perigonium,  only  the  limb  of  the  calyx  surmounting 
the  whole.  Narcisse®,  Iride®,  Rubiace®,  Caprifoliace®, 
Umbel!  ifer®. 

If  Raised,  sublatum.  Placed  on  a gynophore,  or  nar- 
rowed into  a podogyne.  Most  caryophylle®,  many  legu- 

Sessile,  sessile.  Having  neither  gynophore  nor  podo- 
gyne. Lilium,  Prunus,  Saururus. 

If  One- celled,  unilocular e.  The  interior  cavity  not  di- 
vided by  any  partition.  Anagallis,  Dianthus,  Amygdalus, 

Celled,  pluriloculare.  The  interior  cavity  divided  into 
two  or  more  cells.  Lilium,  Rhododendron. 

*[[  Two-celled,  biloculare.  Divided  internally  into  two 
cells,  either  by  a general  partition,  Cheiranthus,  or  two 
partial  ones,  Syringa,  Ruellia. 



Half-two-celled,  sub-bilocular  e.  With  partitions  that  do 
not  entirely  join,  but  leave  a small  interval  between  them. 

Three-celled,  triloculare.  Lilium,  Tulipa,  Convolvulus, 

F ou r-cel led,  quadrilocu lare . 

Many-celled,  multiloculare.  Citrus  Medica,  Cassia  fistula. 

Gaping  at  top,  hiulcum . Open  at  top  while  the  plant 
is  in  flower.  Parnassia,  Reseda,  Datisca. 

One-styled,  monostylum.  Having  only  one  style. 
Convolvulus,  Cynoglossum,  Prunus,  Rosa. 

Two-styled,  distylum.  Apium,  Dianthus,  Saponaria, 


Three-styled,  tristylum.  Acetosa  scutata,  A.  pratensis, 
Hypericum  perforatum,  Silene,  Cucubalus,  Arenaria.  ' 

PI.  11,  fig.  6. 

Four-styled,  tetrastylum . Spinacia. 

Five-styled,  pentastylum , Statice  pulchellum,  Lychnis, 
Agrostemma,  Cerastium,  Spergula,  Linum. 

Many-styled,  polystylum.  Phytolacca,  Illicium. 

Style-less,  acephalum.  Not  having  any  styles.  Labiatae, 

The  form  of  the  ovary  admits  most  of  the  distinctions 
of  the  pericarpium. 

The  number  of  the  cells,  and  the  number  or  position  of 
the  ovules,  are  not  the  same  in  the  ovary  as  in  the  ripe 
fruit,  on  account  of  the  abortions  that  take  place. 


Single,  Stylus  unicus.  When  there  is  only  one  style  to 
one  ovary,  Lilium,  Centaurea,  Compositae,  Citrus;  or  to 
many  ovaries,  Labiatae,  Boragineae,  Apocyneae. 

Many,  multiplex.  Many  styles  upon  a single  ovary. 

None,  nullus . Paeon ia,  Crambe  maritima. 

f Terminal,  terminalis.  On  the  geometric  summit  of 
the  ovary,  which  in  this  case  is  also  the  organic  summit. 
Liliaceae,  Apocyneae,  Cruciferae. 

Lateral,  lateralis . When  the  organic  summit  on  which 
the  style  is  placed  is  on  the  side  in  respect  to  the  geometric 
summit.  Thymeleae,  Rosaceae. 

Basilary,  basilaris.  The  organic  summit  on  which  the 
style  is  placed  is  confounded  with  the  base,  and  conse- 
quently opposite  to  the  geometric  summit.  Artocarpus 
incisa,  Hirtella  Peruviana. 



Receptacular,  receptacularis.  Placed  upon  the  receptacle 
instead  of  the  ovary.  Borrago  officinalis,  Anchusa,  Sym- 

Gynophorian,  gynophorianus.  Growing  out  of  a promi- 
nent receptacle  or  gynophore.  Scutellaria,  Gomphia. 

IT  Very  long,  longissimus . In  respect  to  the  ovary.  Zea 
Mays,  Tamarindus.  PI.  11,  fig.  9. 

Very  short,  brevissimus . Asarum,  Aristolochia. 

Included,  inclusus,  non  exsertus.  Not  appearing  above 
the  opening  of  the  floral  integuments.  Narcissus,  Verbena, 

Exserted,  exserted.  Rising  above  the  opening  of  the 
floral  integuments.  Salvia  bicolor,  Centranthus  marinus, 
Fuchsia.  PI.  8,  fig.  4;  pi.  9,  fig.  9. 

IT  Cylindrical,  cylindricus,  teres . Cynoglossum  linifo- 
lium,  Hypopitys  lutea. 

Hair-like,  capillaris.  Cucubalus  bacciferus. 

Thread-like,  jiliformis.  Vicia  tetrasperma,  Helesia  te- 

Awlshape,  subulatus . Slender,  and  growing 
from  the  base  to  the  tip,  which  ends  in  a point 

Three-sided,  trigonus.  Lilium  bulbiferum,  L. 
Ornithogalum  luteum,  Pisum. 

Swordshape,  ensiformis.  Canna. 

Clubshape,  claviformis , clavatus.  Leucojum  sestivum. 

Conical,  conicus.  Lecythis. 

Topshape,  turbmatus . Viola  Rothomagensis. 

Pipey,  tululosus.  Long  and  hollow  along  its  whole 
length.  Lilium. 

Funnelshape,  infundibuliformis.  Hura  crepitans. 

Petal-like,  petaliformis . Thin  and  coloured  like  a blos- 
som. Iris. 

V Bald,  glaber.  Lilium. 

Velvetty,  villosus . Statice  pulchella,  Echium  vulgare. 

Bearded,  barbatus.  Salvia  formosa. 

5T  Upright,  verticalis.  Relative  to  the  ovary.  Lilium, 
Nicotiana,  Vinca  rosea. 

Straight,  rectilineus , rectus . Without  any  bending.  Li- 
lium, Nicotiana,  Convolvulus  inflatus,  Vinca  rosea. 

Bowed,  arcuata.  Amaryllis,  Pisum,  Phaseolus. 

Ascending,  ascendens.  Departing  in  an  irregular  flower 
from  the  axis,  and  growing  up  towards  the  top.  Salvia, 
Lamium,  Scutellaria  alpina,  Teucrium. 






Declining,  declinatus.  Growing  down  towards  the  lower 
side  of  the  flower.  Hemerocallis  fulva,  Amaryllis,  iEsculus^ 
Hippocastanum,  Dictamnus  albus. 

Spiral,  spiralis.  Bent  in  a spiral  form.  Glycine. 

Bent  inwards,  inflexus , incurvus.  Bent  towards  the 
centre  of  the  flower.  Grevillea,  Vicia  tetrasperma. 

Bent  outwards,  rejlexus.  Bent  from  the  centre  of  the 

Kneed,  geniculatus.  Bent  suddenly,  so  as  to  form  an 
angle,  more  or  less  acute.  Geum  urbanum. 

5T  Simple,  simplex.  Without  any  division  whatever. 
Cepa  esculenta. 

Cut,  fissus.  Divided  lengthways  in  the  upper  part. 

Two-cut,  bifidus.  Salicornia. 

Three-cut,  trijidus.  Gladiolus  communis,  Ixia  Chinensis, 

Five-cut,  quinquejidus.  Hibiscus. 

Many  cut,  midtifidus.  Lavatera,  Malva. 

Parted,  parlilus.  Divided  more  than  halfway  down. 

Two-parted,  bipartitus.  Limeum,  Casuarina. 

Three-parted,  tripartitus , Sic. 

Two-forked,  dichoiomus.  Forked,  and  each  branch 
forked  again.  Cordia,  Varronia. 

IT  Falling  off,  caducus.  Withering  as  soon  as  the  fe- 
cundation is  effected,  and  leaving  no  vestige  on  the  fruit. 
Scilla,  Prunus,  Amygdalus. 

Persisting,  persislens.  Not  falling  off  as  soon  as  the  fe- 
cundation is  effected.  Ornithogalum,  Anagallis,  Pulsatilla 
vulgaris,  Geranium,  Cruciferae,  Buxus. 

Increasing,  accrescens.  Persisting,  and  continuing  to. 
enlarge.  Pulsatilla  vulgaris,  Clematis,  Geum. 


Single,  Stigma  unicum . Only  one  stigma  to  each  style. 
Primula,  Raphanus,  Cleome. 

Double,  duplex.  Two  stigmas  to  each  style.  Triticum, 
Convolvulus  sepium,  Dianthus. 

Triple,  triplex . Iris,  Gladiolus,  Ixia,  Crocus,  Rheum 
Lapathum,  Silene. 

Quintuple,  quintuplex.  Hibiscus,  Campanula  aurea. 

Sextuple,  sextuplex . Aristolochia  infesta. 

Multiple,  multiplex . Empetrum,  Nigella  Hispanicum, 
Lavatera  Malva. 

If  Terminal,  terminate,  Placed  at  the  end  of  the  style. 
Lilium,  Tulipa,  Mirabilis  Jalapa,  Vinca. 


1 5B 

Lateral,  lateralis . Placed  on  the  side  of  the  style  or 
ovary.  Platanaria  natans,  Ranunculaceae,  Caryophyllse, 

Opposed,  adversum.  Turned  from  the  centre,  and  facing 
the  circumference  of  the  flower.  Cucurbitaceae. 

Facing  inwards,  inversum.  Several  in  each  flower,  turned 
to  the  centre.  Ranunculacem,  Saxifrages. 

Anterior,  anterius.  In  an  irregular  flower,  facing  the 
fore  part  of  the  floral  integuments.  Orchideae. 

Sessile,  sessile.  Cleome,  Parnassia. 

•[T  Fleshy,  carnosum . Thick,  strong,  and  juicy.  Li- 

Blossomlike,  petaliforme . Having  the  appearance  of  a 
petal.  Iris. 

% Globular,  globosum . Mirabilis  Jalappa,  Primula, 

Hottonia,  Linnsea,  Limoselia. 

Headed,  capitatum.  Thick,  more  or  less  rounded. 
Atropa  lethalis,  Vinca. 

Hemispherical,  hemisphericum.  Hyoscyamus  aureus, 
Tournefortia  mutabilis,  Hibiscus  Syriacus. 

Conical,  conicum.  Heliotropium. 

Egglike,  ovoideum.  Genipa. 

Clubshape,  clavatum , claviforme . Jasione  montana, 

Cinchona,  Epilobium  tetragonum. 

Arrowhead-like,  sagittatum.  Thalictrum  elatum. 

Linear,  lineare.  Sparganium  erectum.  Campanula, 
Dianthus,  Silene. 

Awlshape,  subulatum.  Hippuris  vulgaris,  Tripsacum 
dactyloides,  Castanea  vesca. 

Threadlike, jfiliforme,  capillare.  Zea  Mays,  Casuarina. 

Angular,  angulosum.  Muntingia. 

Three-cornered,  trigonum , triquetrum.  Tulipa  sylvestris, 
Albuca  major,  Peganum. 

Four-cornered,  tetragonum.  Ludwigia. 

Five-cornered,  pentagonum. 

Dilated,  dilaiatum.  Spreading  out  in  a plate  from  the 
centre  to  the  circumference.  Rumex  scutatus,  Orobanche 
major,  Hura  crepitans. 

Orbicular,  orbiculare.  Round  and  flat.  Berberis,  Ly- 
thrum  spicatum. 

Bucklershape,  peltatum.  Fixed  upon  the  ovary  or  style 
by  its  centre,  and  spread  out  into  a large  surface.  Sib- 
thorpia  Europaea,  Arbutus  Unedo,  Pyrola  minor,  Stapelia, 
Sarracenia,  Hypopitys  lutea. 



Radiated,  radiatum.  Base  enlarged  into  a buckler,  limb 
forming  rays.  Papaver  somniferum,  P.  erraticum,  Nym- 

Starlike,  stellatum.  Cut  into  lobes  like  a star.  Asarum, 
Pyrola  uniflora,  Garcinia. 

Umbilicated,  umbilicatum.  Having  a depression  in  the 
centre.  Hura  crepitans. 

Funnelshape,  infundibuliforme.  Koempferia  longa. 

Perforated,  perforatum.  Pierced  with  a hole  in  the 
middle.  Lilium,  Viola  Rothomagensis. 

Folded,  plicatum . Limnanthes  plicata. 

% Hooked,  uncinatum , hamatum.  Bent  at  the  end  like 
a hook.  Verbena  glomerata,  Colutea. 

Pointed,  acutum.  Leucojum  asstivum,  Salix  viminalis. 

Blunted,  ohtusum.  Allium  porraceum,  Tulipa  sylvestris, 
Physalis  Alkekengi,  Andromeda,  Brassica,  Crambe  Tar- 

Truncated,  truncatum.  Maranta. 

Nicked,  emarginatum.  Butomus  umbellatus,  Lathraea 
simplex,  Jasionemontana,  Cheiranthus  fruticulosus,  Circaea. 

Halfmoonlike,  semilunatum , lunatum , lunulatum.  Fu- 
maria  lutea. 

IT  Toothed,  dentatum.  Hura  crepitans. 

Fine-toothed,  denticulatum.  Fumaria  sempervirens. 

Crenated,  crenatum , crenulatum . With  rounded  cuts. 
Crocus  sativus,  Pyrola. 

Fringed,  ciliated . Furnished  with  fine  hairs  on  the 

edge.  Acetosa  scutata,  Sanguisorba  media. 

If  Simple,  simplex.  Not  divided.  Pedicularia  palustris, 
Borrago  officinalis,  Centranthus  marinus. 

Divided,  divisum . Divided  more  or  less  deeply. 

Jagged,  laciniatum.  Xylophylla. 

Two-cut,  lifidum.  Most  labiatae,  Compositse,  Salix  alba. 

Three-cut,  trifidum . Narcissus,  Phlox,  Polemonium, 

Four-cut,  quadrifidum . Plumbago,  Heliotropium  Eu- 

Many-cut,  multifidum.  Crocus  multifidus,  Turnera. 

Two-lobed,  bilobatum.  Divided  into  two  large  segments. 
Glaucium  luteum,  Scrofularia  sambucifolia. 

Three-lobed,  trilobaium . Lilium,  Tulipa,  Campanula. 

Four-lobed,  quadrilobatum.  Parnassia,  Chameenerion 

Five-lobed,  quinqueloibatum . Moneses  grandiflora,  Mat- 
thiola  sinuata. 


Parted,  partitum.  When  it  is  difficult  to  determine 
whether  the  stigma  be  cut  or  lobed. 

Two-flaked,  bilamellatum.  Composed  of  two  flakes. 
Gratiola,  Iris. 

Sheathing,  vaginans.  Composed  of  two  flakes,  one 
sheathing  the  other.  Sideritis. 

If  With  a ring  of  hairs,  annulo  villoso  instructum . Lo- 

With  a glandular  ring,  annulo  glanduloso  instructum . 
Tournefortia  mutabilis. 

With  a membranaceous  border,  limbo  membranaceo  in- 
structum.  Vinca  rosea. 

With  a membranaceous  pitcher,  urceolo  membranaceo  in» 
structum.  Scaevola. 

% Upright,  erectum.  Long,  and  in  the  direction  of  the 
axis  of  the  flower.  Statice  pulchella. 

Oblique,  obliquum.  Not  in  the  direction  of  the  axis. 

Twisted,  tortum.  Bent  like  a corkscrew,  or  twisted 
pillar.  Nigella  Hispanica,  Begonia. 

Bent  inwards,  inflexum.  Maranta,  Goodenia. 

Revolute,  turned  outwards,  rejlexum , recurvum.  Bent 
towards  the  circumference  of  the  flower.  Many  campanula, 
Acer  majus,  Chamsenerion  spicatum. 

If  Bald,  glabrum . Castanea  vesca. 

Velvety,  velutinum . Glaucium  luteum,  Hyoscyamus 

Downy,  pubescens „ Acer  majus,  Platanus. 

Villous,  villosum . Tripsacum,  Graminese,  Myriophyllum 

Hairpencil-like,  penicilliforme . Covered  with  hairs  col- 
lected together  like  a painter’s  brush.  Triglochin  marl- 
timum,  Oxyria  rotundifolia. 

Bottlebrushlike,  aspergilliforme . Hairs  disposed  in 
whirls  round  an  axis,  like  a bottlebrush,  holy  water  sprinkle, 
or  gunbrush.  Arundo  vallatoria,  Many  other  gramineae. 

Feathery,  plumosum . Hairs  placed  along  the  sides  like 
the  vanes  of  a feather.  Avena  elatior,  and  many  other 
graminese.  PI.  11,  fig.  7. 

Granular,  granulosum . Covered  with  small  nipplelike 
grains.  Mirabilis  Jalapa,  Convolvulus  inflatus,  Hibiscus 
Rosa- Sinensis,  H.  Syriacus. 

Viscous,  viscosum . Nicotiana  fruticosa. 

Furrowed,  sulcatum . Salix  rosea,  Musa. 



The  colour  of  the  stigma  ought  also  to  be  observed. 

It  is  sometimes  difficult  to  distinguish  between  the  style 
and  the  stigma,  especially  when  the  stigma  is  lateral  as  in 
col  u tea. 


Column,  Columna,  Pistillum  antheriferum.  A sexual  organ 

formed  by  the  union  of  those  of  the  two  sexes  into  one  co- 
lumnar mass . PI.  12,  fig.  2,  3,  4,  6,  and  8. 


Filaments,  Synema . The  part  that  appears  to  support 
the  male  organs. 

Stigma,  Gynizus . The  moist  and  viscous  surface  of  the 
Female  organ.  PI.  12,  fig.  2a;  4b;  6c;  8 d. 

Rostellum . An  elongation  of  the  stigma  above  the 

gynizus,  frequently  covering  it.  PI.  12,  fig.  6 e. 

Caudicle,  Caudicula . The  pedicel],  or  solid  filament, 
that  carries  the  pollen  masses.  PI.  12,  fig.  1 b ; 5 a. 

Retinacle,  Retinaculum.  The  globular,  viscous  body  to 
which  the  caudicles  are  attached,  and  by  which  the  pollen 
masses  are  connected  together.  PI.  12,  fig.  la;  5 b'. 

Clinandrum.  The  cavity  in  the  upper  part  of  the  gym- 
nostemium  above  or  behind  the  gynizus,  in  which  the  an- 
thers or  pollen  masses  are  lodged.  PI.  12,  fig.  2,  e;  4 f. 

Locellus.  The  particular  cavity  in  which  each  anther  or 
pollen  mass  is  lodged.  PI.  12,  fig.  2 e. 

Pollen  mass,  Anther  Linnaeus,  Massa  pollinica , Anthera . 
The  whole  mass  of  pollen,  or  naked  anther.  PI.  12. 
fig.  1 c,  d ; 2 e ; 4 f. 

Massula . The  two  separate  pieces  of  which  each  pollen 
mass  is  composed  in  some  genera.  Pl.  12,  fig.  9 and  10. 

Septulum.  The  division  between  the  two  locelli.  PI.  12, 
fig.  2 f;  4 g. 

Proscolla.  The  glandular  swelling  at  the  top  or  middle 
of  the  rostellum,  secreting  a viscous  humour,  which  enables 
the  pollen  masses  to  slide  down,  when  the  clinandrium 
opens.  PI.  12,  fig.  2 c;  5 b. 

Staminodium.  Appendages  which  appear  to  be  abortive 
anthers.  PI.  12,  fig.  2 d ; 3 e;  4 e;  6 f g. 

Bursicle,  Bursicula.  The  end  of  the  rostellum  forming 
a hollow  in  which  the  retinacle  nestles.  PI.  12,  fig.  2b;  4 a. 

As  this  construction  is  found  only  in  the  orchideae,  it  is 
needless  to  mention  the  several  variations ; the  principal 



ones  will  occur  in  the  explanation  of  the  twelfth  plate. — 
The  Orchidece  are  the  21st  family  of  the  second  series,  and 
are  described  in  vol.  ii.  p.  197  to  215. 


Receptaculum,  Torus,  Sedes  floris,  Thalamus,  Discus,  — 

thalamum  — clinium.  The  expanded  point  of  the  peduncle 
from  which  the  several  parts  of  the  flower  arise . 

Contracted,  Receptacnlum  contractum.  The  dimension 
being  small. — The  limits  of  the  receptacle  are  the  points 
from  whence  the  corolla  arises,  if  there  is  one,  or  the 
sexual  organs,  if  there  is  not  any  corolla. 

Dilated,  dilatation , latum.  Potentilla. 

Fiat,  planum.  Potentilla. 

Hollow,  cavum . Rosa. 

Convex,  convexum.  Rubus. 

Prominent,  with  a gynophore,  prominens , gynophoratum. 
Having  a prominent  projection,  or  gynophore.  Cleome, 
Reseda,  Dianthus,  Silene. 


Carpophore,  Gynophorum,  Carpophorum.  A prominency 
arising  from  the  receptacle , supporting  the  pis  till. 

One-styled,  Gynophorum  monoslylum.  Supporting  a 
single  ovary.  Cleome,  Dianthus,  Silene. 

Many-styled,  polystylum . Myosurus,  Ranunculus,  Gom- 
phia  nitida. 

Stamen-bearing,  staminiferum.  Supporting  the  stamens 
also.  Thalictrum,  Cleome  pentaphylla,  Silene,  Passiflora. 

Blossom-bearing,  corolliferum . Supporting  the  petals 
also.  Dianthus,  Silene. 

If  Conical,  conicum . 

Cylindrical,  cylindricum . 

Hemispherical,  hemisphericum. 

It  is  sometimes  difficult  to  distinguish  between  the  gyno- 
phore and  the  nectary. 


Discus.  A protuberance  on  the  receptacle  of  the  flower* 
from  whence  the  petals  and  stamens  arise,  Rhamnus, 




Gonophonm . An  elongation  of  the  receptacle  of  the 
flower,  from  whence  the  stamens  and  pistills  arise.  Anno- 
nacese,  Magnoliacese. 


Anthophorum.  An  elongation  of  the  receptacle  of  the 
flower,  arising  from  the  bottom  of  the  calyx,  and  throwing 
out  by  the  petals,  stamens,  and  pistills.  Caryophylleae, 
especially  in  Silene. 


Thecaphorum , Basigynium.  A gynophore  from  whence 
only  one  ovary  arises.  Phaca,  Cleome. 


Polyphorum.  A gynophore  from  whence  several  ovaries 
arise.  Fragaria. 


Nectarium.  A glandular  organ , situated  upon  the  receptacle 
of  the  flower , distilling  peculiar  juices. 

Position . 

On  the  receptacle,  Nectarium  epiclinum . To  which  be- 
long the  following  variations : 

Gynobasic,  gynobasicum.  Growing  under  the  ovary, 
and  not  extending  beyond  it.  Labiatse,  Ruta,  Cneorum 

Epigynophoric,  epigynophoricum . Placed  under  the 

ovary,  on  the  top  of  the  gynophore.  Cucubalus. 

Contracted,  contractum . Under  the  ovary,  and  not 
wider  than  it.  Aurantiaceas,  Cneorum  tricoccum. 

Marginal,  marginans . Broader  than  the  base  of  the 

ovary.  Menyanthes,  Boraginese,  Rhamnus.  PI.  11.  fig.  5. 

Adherent,  adherens . The  edge  extends  along  the  surface 
of  the  ovary,  and  is  united  with  it  throughout  its  whole 
extent.  Lycium,  Physalis  Alkekengi,  Convolvulus — some- 
times this  nectary  can  only  be  distinguished  from  the  ovary 
by  its  different  colour,  and  glandular  appearance. 

Half-adherent,  semi-adherens.  The  edge  adheres  only 
to  the  bottom  of  the  ovary,  and  is  free  at  the  upper  part. 
Melampyrum,  Scrofularia. 

Free,  liberum.  The  edge  not  connected  with  the  ovary. 



One-sided,  unilateral.  Attached  to  one  side  only  of  the 
ovary.  Melampyrum  arvense,  Saxifraga  sarmentosa. 

Peristomic,  perislomicum.  Spread  over  the  receptacle, 
as  far  as  the  place  from  whence  the  stamens  arise.  S^ipin- 
dese,  Myrteae,  Rosacese,  Leguminosae.  — This  nectary  is 
found  only  in  flowers  whose  calyces  are  gamosepalous  and 
stamens  perigynous,  or  in  those  which  have  only  a single 
floral  integument  of  one  piece;  and  seems  to  push  the 
stamens  towards  the  opening  of  the  calyx  or  perigonium. 

Periandric,  periandricum.  Placed  round  the  stamens. 
Xylophylla  montaiia.  — Found  only  in  monad elphous 

Peripetalic,  peripetalum.  Surrounding  the  corolla.  Chi- 
ronia  frutescens. 

If  Epigynous,  epigynum.  Placed  upon  the  ovary. 
Cornus,  Rubiaceae,  Umbelliferae,  Cucurbita  esculenta. 

Crowning,  coronans . Forming  a crown  upon  the  ovary. 
Composite,  Astrantia. — When  this  nectary  is  situated  on 
the  junction  of  the  ovary  with  the  calyx,  it  is  difficult  to 
distinguish  it  from  a peristomic  nectary.  Campanula. 

Expanding,  expansum.  Extended  upon  the  top  of  the 
ovary.  Saxifraga  hypnoides. 

2.  Form.  * 

Gy noph ore-like,  Nectarium  gynophoroideum.  Rising  up 
the  ovary,  like  a gvnophore.  Creorum  tricoccum,  Zygo- 
phyllum  Morgsana,  Corchorus  hirsutus. — This  is  usually 
of  a closer  and  more  glandular  texture  than  a true  gyno- 

Disk-like,  discoideum,  disciforme.  Flat,  orbicular,  and 
serving  as  a basis  for  the  ovary  to  rest  upon.  Gratiola 

Ringlike,  annularium . In  form  of  a ring.  Scrofularia 
sambucifolia,  Cestrum,  Polemonium  vulgare,  Chironia 
frutescens,  Passiflora  cserulea.  PI.  11,  fig.  4. 

Sack-like,  sacelliforme.  Forming  a purse  in  which  the 
ovary  is  placed  until  it  is  fully  grown.  Balanites  iEgyp- 

Scale-like,  squamiforme.  In  the  form  of  a scale.  Gre- 

Bunched,  gilhosum . Swelled  out  upon  one  side.  Salvia. 

Beaked,  rostratum.  Lengthened  out  in  a beak  upon 
one  side.  Scutellaria.  PI.  11,  fig.  12. 

Fine-toothed,  denticulatum . The  edge  divided  into  small 
teeth.  Datura,  Tatula. 

VOL.  i. 




Sinuated,  sinuatum.  Cut  into  sinuses,  the  divisions  not 
being  very  deep.  Cobea  scandens. 

Lobed,  lobatum.  Cuts  very  deep. 

Two-lobed,  bilobatum. 

Three-lobed,  trilobatum.  And  so  forth. 

3.  Duration. 

Persisting,  Nectarium  persistens.  Remaining  after  the 
ripening  of  the  fruit.  Cobea  scandens. 

Vanishing,  evanescens.  Becoming  smaller  as  the  fruit 
ripens,  and  disappearing  at  last.  Saxifraga  hypnoides. 

Nectariferous  Flakes. 

Lamince  nectariferce , Glandular  nectariferce . Small 

rounded  flakes,  performing  the  office  of  nectaries.  Coty- 
ledon and  some  other  crassulaceae,  Crambe,  Biscutella  and 
other  cruciferae,  Hypericum  iEgyptiacum,  Xylophylla 
montana,  Jatropha  pandursefolia.— Tilia  alba. 


Nectaria  Dinnceus , Appendicula  florum.  All  those  ano- 
malous integuments  or  organs , not  included  in  the  before- 
mentioned  parts ; some  of  which  appear  to  be  abortive  organs; 
others  to  be  destined  for  the  secretion  of  peculiar  juices  ; and 
a third  set  to  be  formed  for  the  sake  of  variety,  and  of  afford- 
ing means  to  distinguish  the  several  races  and  families  of 
vegetables  ; so  that  a polytheist  who  should  consider  the  work 
of  creation  to  be  performed  by  subordinate  agents,  under  the 
inspection  of  The  Supreme , might  reasonably  infer  them  to  he 
mint  marks  for  each  agent  to  recognize  his  own  handywork. 

Spur , Calcar , Productum , Nedarotheca , — cenlhrum . A 
hornlike  or  tubular  projection  of  one  of  the  floral  integu- 
ments ; as  of  the  calyx,  Balsamine ; of  the  corolla,  Linaria  j 
or  of  the  perigonium,  Orchideae:  it  generally  contains  a 
nectariferous  gland. 

Bunch,  Gibbositas.  A very  short  and  obtuse  spur. 

Cornet,  Hood,  Helmet,  Cornu , Capulum , Galea.  Broad 
spurs  resembling  the  articles  mentioned. 

Perapetalum , Nectarilyma.  Any  appendages  attached 
to  the  corolla  or  its  petals.  Menyanthes. 

Peraphyllum.  Any  appendages  attached  to  the  calyx, 
Scutellaria ; or  to  the  perigonium,  Soda. 



Crown,  Cup,  Corona , Scyphus , Paracorolla.  A kind  of 
corolla  placed  within  the  real  corolla,  or  corollalike  perigo- 
nium.  Narcissus. 

Parapetala.  Apparent  petals  seated  within  the  true  pe- 
tals. Helleborus. — They  appear  to  be  abortive  stamens. 

Parastades . Barren  filaments,  composed  of  cells  in 
divers  rows,  situated  between  the  petals  and  the  stamens. 
Passiflora,  Sparmannia. 

Nectaristigmata . Coloured  spots  at  the  base  of  the 
petals.  Papaver. 

Scales,  Squamae.  Small  appendages  to  flowers. 

Periphyllia , Appendices,  Scales  surrounding  the  ovary. 

Lamellae.  Scales,  or  petal-like  appendages  upon  the 
corolla.  Silene,  Nerium,  Oleander. 

Paraslyli,  Prosp/iyses.  Abortive  or  imperfect  pistills, 
mixed  with  the  perfect  ones. 

Paracarpium . An  abortive  or  imperfect  ovary ; or  that 
part  of  a male  flower  where  the  ovary  would  be  placed,  if 
it  were  hermaphrodite. 

Parastamina.  Abortive  stamina,  or  parts  which  resemble 
stamina,  but  do  not  perform  their  office. 

Perispornm . Filaments  surrounding  the  ovary.  Cype- 

Lepisma.  A membranaceous  or  slightly  fleshy  scale  at 
the  base  of  the  ovary.  Paeonia,  Aquilegia  vulgaris : these 
appear  to  be  in  some  cases  abortive  stamens,  in  others  ex- 
pansions of  the  receptacle,  which  latter  sometimes  entirely 
surround  the  ovary.  Paeonia  Moutan  papaveracea. 

Sarcoma.  A fleshy  part,  of  various  shape,  either  sur- 
rounding the  ovary,  or  placed  near  it.  Cobaea. 

Urceolus , Perigynium.  A small  cartilaginous,  or  mem- 
branaceous bladder,  surrounding  the  ovary,  and  open  at 
top,  to  let  the  style  pass  through.  Carex.  Some  call  this 
a nectary,  although  it  does  not  secrete  a nectareous  juice; 
others  a corolla,  although  it  is  seated  within  the  stamens ; 
others  a capsule,  although  it  is  no  part  of  the  pistill  or 
fruit ; others  a lodicule. 

Hood,  Stylotegium.  A hollowing  out  of  the  united  fila- 
ments of  the  stamens,  covering  . the  ovary  like  a hood. 

Saccus,  Corona , Stylotegium.  Filaments  of  the  stamens 
united  together.  Stapelia. 

Horns,  Cornua.  The  hornlike  appendages  by  which 
the  stylotegium  is  terminated.  Stapelia. 

M 2 

1 64 


Beak,  Rostrum.  Cornu  clavatum.  The  upright  points 
of  the  horns.  Stapelia. 

Wing,  Ala,  Appendix ; A compressed  appendage  on  the 
back  of  the  stylotegium.  Stapelia. 

Tongues,  Lingulce . Appendages  from  the  bottom  of  the 
stylotegium,  alternating  with  the  horns,  and  resting  upon 
the  corolla.  Stapelia. 

Shield,  Scutum . A circular  disk  surrounding  the  stylo- 
tegium. Stapelia. 


Fructus, — carpon.  The  ovary  arrived  at  its  maturity. 

General  Distinctions. 

Simple,  Fructus  simplex.  Coming  from  a single  ovary. 

Compound,  compositus,  multiplex . Arising  from  several 
ovaries,  all  belonging  to  the  same  flower.  Rubus. 

Aggregated,  aggregatus.  Arising  from  several  ovaries 
originally  belonging  to  different  flowers.  Morus. 

Autocarpicus.  Growing  without  adhering  to  any  organs, 
or  being  covered  by  them. 

Heterocar picus.  Conjoined  to  other  parts  that  alter  its 

Pseudocar  picus.  Hidden  by  the  surrounding  parts,  which 
appear  to  constitute  the  fruit  itself. 

If  Gymnocarpicus.  Naked,  without  any  cover.  Cerasus. 

An giocar picus.  Enclosed  in  a cover,  either  a cupule,  Quer- 
cus ; aggregated  bractese,  Pinus,  Larix  ; or  an  involucrum, 

Carpelle,  Carpellum , Chorion.  The  separate  parts  of  a 
compound  fruit  arising  from  each  ovary. 

Carpidium.  The  separate  fruits,  in  an  aggregated  fruit, 
that  arise  from  each  flower. 

Pericarp,  V ericarpium,-  Concept aculum  seminum.  That 
part  of  the  fruit  that  contains  the  seeds. 

Induvice , Induvice  florales,  Folliculi.  Parts  of  the  flowers 
that  remain  and  accompany  the  pericarp. 




Naked  seeds,  Fructus  pseudospermi,  Fructus  carceru- 
lares,  Semina  nuda.  Simple  fruit s,  not  opening  of  them- 
selves when  ripe , containing  only  a single  seed , or  at  most 
hut  few , and  having  the  pericarp  so  exactly  joined  to  the 
seed , that  the  latter  appears  to  have  only  its  own  covers . 


Seed,  Grain,  Cerio,  Cerium.  Fruit  simple , drip  one- 
seeded , with  the  pericarp  strictly  united  to  the  proper  covers 
of  the  seed . Gramme®.  PI.  13,  fig.  1,  2 and  3. 

Globular,  Cariopsis  globulosa.  Panicum  Italicum. 

Roundish,  subrotunda.  Zea  Mays,  Holcus  succulentus-. 

Oblong,  ohlonga.  Triticum. 

Grooved,  canaliculata.  Hollowed  out  in  a groove. 
Triticum,  Secale,  Avena,  tlordeum. 

If  Beaked,  rostrata.  Having  a kind  of  beak  or  point  at 
top,  the  remains  of  the  style.  Phleum  pratense. 

Two-beaked,  lirostrata . Having  two  points  or  beaks  at 
top.  Briza,  Ehrharta  panicea. 

IT  Enveloped,  induviata,  glumella  tecta.  Enveloped  in  a 
persistent  glumelle.  Oryza  sativa. 

Naked,  nuda.  Zea  Mays. 


Seed,  Achsena,  Achenium,  Akena,  Acenium,  Cypsela. 
Fruit  simple , one-seeded , usually  dry , the  pericarp  more  or 
less  intimately  united  with  the  proper  covers  of  the  seed}  and 
with  the  tube  of  the  calyx.  Composite.  PI.  13,  fig.  4,  5,  6. 

Egglike,  Akenium  ovoideum.  Balliera. 

Reverse  egglike,  obovoideum.  In  form  of  an  egg , the 
small  end  being  the  basis.  Hippophsestum  vulgare,  Qno- 
pordum  vulgare,  Polymnia. 

Topshape,  turbinatum.  Galardia,  Agriphyllum,  Galin- 
saga  triloba. 

Three-sided,  trigonum.  Baltimora. 

Compressed,  compressum.  Flattened  sideways.  Careopsis, 
Zinnia,  Silphium,  Beilis. 

Bent,  curvatum.  Tragopogon  pratense,  Calendula. 

Angular,  angulatum.  Sigesbeckia. 

Winged,  alatum.  Having  a thin,  broad  edge.  Achillea 
millefoiia,  Ximenesia  encelioides. 



IT  Drupe-like,  drupeolatum.  Having  a succulent  sarco- 
carp  resembling  that  of  a drupeole,  Clibadium. 

Pappous,  papposum , lanuginosum . The  edge  of  the 
top  having  hairs  or  bristles,  the  remains  of  the  limb  of  the 
calyx.  Taraxacum  vulgare,  Lactuca,  Carduus,  Senecio, 
Inula,  Aster. 

Awned  at  the  tip,  apice  aristatum.  Having  awlshape 
awns  at  the  tip.  Coreopsis,  Bidens. 

Two-horned,  hicorne.  Having  two  hornlike  points  at 
top.  Silphium. 

Chaffy  at  the  tip,  apice  paleaceum.  Having  at  top  small 
scales  or  chaffs,  not  sufficiently  numerous  to  form  a pappus. 

Two-chaffed,  lipaleaceum. 

Three- chaffed,  tripaleaceum. 

Fringed  at  the  tip,  apice  ciliata . With  hairs  like  eye- 
lashes. Echinops. 

Margined  at  top,  apice  marginatum . Having  a mem- 
branous ring  round  the  edge  of  the  tip.  Cotula,  Tanace- 
tum  Matricaria  vulgaris,  Anthemis  tinctoria,  Pyrethrum 
inodor  um. 

Notched  at  top,  apice  emarginatum . Silphium  Encelia. 

Narrow-necked,  colliferum . Narrowed  at  top,  and  sur- 
rounded by  a pappus.  Taraxacum. 

Bald,  unarmed,  calvum , muticujn.  Having  neither  pap- 
pus nor  any  other  remains  of  the  calyx.  Lapsana  com- 
munis, Hippophsestum  vulgare,  Tanacetum,  Artemisia, 
Anthemis,  Leucanthemum  vulgare. 

The  calyx  sometimes  forms  a double  crown  of  two  dif- 
ferent kinds. 

Co  Hum. 

Stipes,  Pedilis.  The  narrow  elongated  tip  of  the  akenium9 
destined  to  support  the  pappus. 

Pappus . 

Lanugo.  The  limb  of  the  abortive  calyx  that  surmounts 
the  akenium  in  many  plants.  PI.  13,  fig.  5. 

Sessile,  Pappus  sessilis.  When  the  limb  of  the  calyx 
which  forms  the  pappus  is  not  contracted  at  bottom. 
Hieracium,  Sonchus,  Centaurea,  Carduus,  Senecio,  Eri- 
geron  Cineraria.  PI.  13,  fig.  5. 



Pedicelled,  pedilatus , slipitatus . When  the  pappus  is 
placed  upon  an  ovary  that  is  contracted  and  drawn  out 
into  a pedile  or  stipes.  Taraxacum  vulgare,  Tragopogon. 

Simple,  simplex , pilosus,  pilaris . The  hairs  which  form 
the  pappus  appear  to  the  naked  eye  to  have  neither  teeth 
nor  branches.  Lactuca,  Sonchus,  Centaurea,  Erigeron, 

Feathery,  plumosus , ramosus.  The  hairs  having  other 
hairs  upon  them.  Taraxacum  vulgare,  Achyrophorus  ra- 
dicatus,  Urospermum  picroides. 

Silky,  sericeus.  Composed  of  soft,  brilliant  hairs,  like 
silk.  Lactuca,  Sonchus. 

Bristly,  setosus.  Composed  of  stiff’  hairs  like  hog’s 
bristles.  Hyoseris  hedypnois,  Arctium  major. 

Chaff-like,  paleaceus.  Composed  of  small  narrow  chaffs. 
Cyanus  vulgaris,  Phrygia  nigra,  Bidens  tripartita. 

Equal,  cequalis.  All  the  hairs  are  of  equal  length.  Most 

Unequal,  incequalis . Some  of  the  hairs  longer  than  the 
others.  Picris  hieracioides,  Serratula  tinctoria,  Cyanus 
vulgaris,  Onopordium  vulgare. 

Wanting,  nullus . The  calyx  has  no  pappus.  Lapsana, 
Tanacetum.— This  is  only  used  when  the  plant  has  a con- 
siderable analogy  to  those  that  are  pappose. 


Fruit,  Polakena,  Polachena,  Carpadelium.  Fruit  simple , 
composed  of  two  cells , or  coques  united , and  shit  up  in  the 
calyx , but  separable  lengthways  when  ripe.  Umbelliferse. 
PI.  1 3,  fig.  7 and  S. 

Sphserical,  Cremocarpium  sphcericum.  Coriandrum  sa- 

Ellipsoid,  ellipsoideum.  Carum  officinale,  AEthusa  tenui- 

Egglike,  ovoideum , ovatum.  Bupleurum. 

Oblong,  oblongum.  Myrrhis  odorata. 

A wish  ape,  subulatum.  Sandix  vulgaris. 

Orbicular,  orbicular e.  Tordylium. 

Compressed  sideways,  utroque  latere  compressum . Carum 
vulgare,  Apium,  Smyrnium  vulgare. 

Compressed  on  the  two  faces,  utraque  facie  compressum. 
Cicuta,  Smyrnium  vulgare. 

Angular,  angulosum.  Smyrnium  vulgare,  Myrrhis  odo- 



"Winged,  alatum.  Laserpitum  triquetrum. 

Crowned,  coronaium . The  limb  of  the  calyx  left  and 
forming  a crown  on  the  summit.  CEnanthe,  Coriandrum. 

Indivisible,  impartibile.  When  the  fruit  of  an  umbel- 
liferous plant  is  not  separable  into  two  cells  — Sanicula 
Marylandica — A very  rare  case,  referred  here  by  analogy. 

Two-partible,  bipartibile . Partible  into  two  cells.  Most 


Latusculse.  The  external  surface  of  the  cells , or  cogues , 
opposed  to  that  by  which  they  are  united . PI.  13,  fig.  7 d. 

Convex,  Latuscules  convexes.  Bolax,  Cachrys. 

Turgid,  turgidce.  Smyrnium. 

Contracted,  contracts,  Pimpinella,  Sison. 

Bent  in  and  wrinkly,  introflexo  ruguloscs.  Hasselquistia. 

Flattened,  explanatce.  Spread  out  into  a membranaceous 

If  Uncut,  integrce.  Mulinum. 

Nicked,  emarginates.  Pastinaca,  Heracleum  Sphon- 

Winged,  alatee.  Imperatoria,  Angelica. 

Crenulated,  crenulatoe.  Hasselquistia. 

Toothed,  denticidates . Hasselquistia. 

Thickened,  incrassatce.  Tordylium. 

Binged,  annulatce.  Cachrys  dichotomum. 

Sinuatedly  lobed,  sinuato-lohates.  Artedia. 

Glochidated,  glochidatcs.  Drusa. 


Commissures.  The  internal  faces  of  the  cells , or  coqyes9 
which  are  next  to  each  other , before  the  fruit  is  parted. 
PI.  13,  fig.  7 c,  c. 

Flat,  Commissures  planes.  jEthusa. 

Streaked,  striatce.  Exoacantha. 

Convex,  convexce.  Angelica. 

Bibbed,  costatce.  Fischera. 

Concave,  concaves.  Hollow,  with  a membrane  spread 
over  it.  Coriandrum  sativum. 

Furrowed,  sulcatce.  Chaerophyllum. 

Holed,  f orates.  Coriandrum  testiculatum. 

Smooth,  eequabiles. 

Transversely  wrinkled,  transversim  ruguloso-lamellatce. 



Raphe . 

The  line  of  junction  of  the  two  cells , or  coques , of  a cremo - 

carpium . 

Plain,  Raphe  simplex . Cachrys  oclontalgica. 

Straight,  rectilinea. 

Narrowed,  attenuata . 

Acute,  acuta. 

Blunt,  ohtusa.  , 

Thickened,  incrassata. 

Ribbed,  cos  tat  a . Coriandrum  sativum. 

Waved,  undulata . Tordylium. 

Wrinkled,  rugulosa.  Cachrys  microcarpa. 

Sinuatedly  waved,  sinuato-undulata.  Artedia. 

Toothed,  denticulata. 

Bristly,  setosa.  Scandix. 

Marginal,  marginalis.  Imperatoria. 

Nearly  axile,  subaxilis.  The  cells  being  contiguous  to 
each  other  by  their  flat  sides,  either  about  the  middle  of 
the  commissure  or  behind  the  axis.  Mulinum. 

Lateral,  lateralis.  The  axis  being  in  the  narrowest  part 
of  the  fruit,  which  is  compressed  sideways.  Hydrocotyle, 


The  axis  that  is  between  and  supports  the  two  cells , or  coques 
of  a cremocarpium  of  the  umbellifera ; usually  c2-parted  at 
top.  PI.  13,  fig.  7 a. 

S perm  apodophore . 

Spermapodophorum.  The  thickened  bottom  part  of  the 
axis . PI.  13,  fig.  7 f. 

Vallecules . 

Valleculae.  Depressions  between  the  ribs , striae y fyc.  of  tke 
cells , or  coques , of  a cremocarpium.  Pk  13,  fig.  7 e. 

Flat,  Valleculce  plance. 

Convex,  convexce. 

Acute,  acutce. 

Obtuse,  obtusce. 

Smooth,  cequabiles . 

Polished,  leaves . 

Streaked,  striatce . 

Wrinkled,  rugulosce. 

Waved,  undulata . Coriandrum  sativum. 

Scrobiculate,  scrobiculata.  Hydrocotyle,  Solandra. 



Reticulate,  reticulatce . Hydrocotyle,  Solandra. 

Warty,  verrucoses . Odontites,  A mini  Copticum. 

^f  One-vittated,  univittatce.  With  one  vitta  under  each 

Two-vittated,  hivlttatce, 

Many-vittated,  multivittatce.  Chaerophyllum. 

Without  vittae,  evittatce.  ^Egopodium. 

% Thorny,  muricatcc.  Odontites,  Ammi  Copticum. 

Hairy,  pilosce. 

Roughish,  hispidulce . Anisum,  Bubon  Macedonicuni. 

Downy,  pubescenies.  Tragium. 

Villous,  villosce . Libanotis. 

Clothlike,  tomentosce.  Erioclaia. 

Bristly,  setosce.  Torilis. 

Prickly,  aculealce . Caucalis. 

Hooked,  hamosce.  Sanicula. 

Glochidated,  glochidatce.  Daucus. 

Ribbed,  costatce.  Anisum. 

Winged,  alatce.  Laserpitium. 


Bands  or  channels  filled  with  an  aromatic  resin,  or  oil,  con- 
tained in  the  cells,  or  coques,  of  a cremocarpium. 

In  the  external  integument  of  the  cells,  Vittce  integumento 
externo,  epicarpicce . Physospermum,  Cuminum,  Anisum. 

In  the  internal  integument,  integumento  inierno,  endo- 
carpicce.  Pleurospermum,  Cachrys,  Coriandrum  sativum. 

In  the  proper  membrane  of  the  albumen,  membrand 
albumini  propria,  epispermio.  Agasyllis,  Ferula. 

In  the  cortical  or  corky  substance,  substantia  corticali 
vel  suberosa,  mesocarpio.  Phellandrium. 

If  Dorsal,  dor  sales.  In  the  vallecules  of  the  latuscules. 
Siler,  Cuminum.  In  which  case,  the  cells  being  embossed, 
the  vittae  have  been  confounded  with  the  ribs. 

Commissural,  commissurales . In  the  commissures.  Most 
umbelliferous  plants;  Coriandrum  sativum  has  only  these, 
wanting  the  dorsal. 

If  From  the  stylopodium  (or  calyx)  to  the  base  of  the 
fruit,  a stylopodio  (vel  calyce)  ad  basin.  iEthusa. 

From  the  tip  of  the  commissure,  in  an  acute  angle, 
ex  apice  commissurarum  sub  angulo  acuto,  conjugatce.  Sphon- 

From  the  tip  of  the  commissure,  distant  bent,  ex  apice 
commissurarum , distantes  incurvce.  Heracleum. 



5T  Bowed,  arcuatce.  ALthusa. 

Elliptical,  ellipticce.  Tordylium  Syriacum. 

Concentric,  concentriccc . Tordylium  Apulum. 

Excentric,  excentrices.  Ferula  nodiflora. 

Simple,  simplices.  Anethum. 

Double,  duplices.  Athamanta. 

Multiple,  multiplices . Ferula. 

Anastomosing,  anastomosantes.  Ferula  Tartarica. 

IT  Undivided,  integrce. 

Jointed,  articulates . 

Necklaceshape,  moniliformes. 

Antennesformes.  Like  the  feelers  of  insects.  Ammi 

Fills  succosis  muscorum  similes.  Like  the  succulent 
threads  of  mosses.  Ferula,  Peucedanum  Ruthenicum. 
Partitioned,  septulis  distincte.  Cuminum. 

Waved,  undulatce.  Agasyllis  Caucasica,  Cachris  latifolia. 
Linear,  lineares. 

Acute,  acutce. 

Acuminate,  acuminates.  Coriandrum  sativum. 

Narrow,  attenuates.  Pastinaca. 

Blunt  and  clubshape,  obtuses  claviformes.  Heracleuni 

Tubular,  tululoses.  In  most  umbelliferse. 

Solid  threadlike,  solides  Jiliformes . Myrrhis,  Caucalis. 


Fruit,  Polachena,  Carpadelium.  A cremocarpium  com- 
posed  of  more  than  two  cells , or  coques.  Araliaceae. 


Carcerula.  Fruit  simple , not  opening , nor  adhering  closely 
to  the  proper  coats  of  the  seed  ; being  neither  a cariopsis  nor 
an  akenium. 

Globular,  Carcerula  globulosa.  Lagetta. 

Roundish,  subrotunda . Ternstromia  punctata. 

Ellipsoid,  ellipsoidea.  Zostera  marina. 

Reniforme,  reniformis. 

Orbicular,  orbicularis.  Neurada  prostrata. 
Three-cornered,  trigona , triqueter , triangularis.  Fago- 
pyrum  esculentum,  Rumex,  Rheum. 

Four-cornered,  tetragona.  Halesia  tetraptera. 
Compressed,  compressa.  Flattened  on  two  opposite  sides. 
Fraxinus,  Ulmus. 



Depressed,  depressa.  Flattened  downwards.  Neurada 

Tongueshape,  linguiformis.  Compressed  and  drawn  out 
like  a tongue.  Fraxinus. 

Winged,  alata.  Extended  out  into  a wing. 

One-winged,  monoptera , unialata.  Fraxinus. 

Winged  at  top,  epiplerata.  Fraxinus,  Casuarina. 

Winged  all  round,  peripterata . Ulmus,  Paliurus. 

Three  winged,  triptera.  Rheum,  Polygonum  emargi- 

Four  winged,  tetraptera.  Combretum  laxum. 

Five  winged,  pentaptera.  Combretum  secundum. 

% Adhering,  adhcerens.  United  to  the  calyx.  Trapa 
natans,  Halesia  tetraptera. 

Free,  inadhcerens.  Not  united  to  the  calyx.  Rumex, 
Rheum  Polygonum,  Ternstromia. 

Induviated,  induviata.  Covered  by  a persistent  calyx. 
Salsola  Fragus. 

IT  One-celled,  unilocularis . Scirpus,  Polygonum,  Salsola. 

Two-celled,  bilocularis.  Circaea  ovalifolia,  Ternstromia 

Many-celled,  mullilocidaris . Punica  Granatum. 

If  One-seeded,  monosperma.  Rumex,  Salsola. 

Two-seeded,  disperma.  Circaea  ovalifolia. 

Three-seeded,  trisperma , &c. 

Many-seeded,  polysperma.  Ternstromia  punctata. 


Utriculus.  Fruit  one-seeded , not  adhering  to  the  calyx , 
pericarp  scarcely  visible , umbilical  cord  distinct.  Amaran- 
thaceae.  PI.  13,  fig.  9 and  10. 


Fruit  consisting  of  a seed  covered  ivith  a membranaceous 
envelope.  Soda.  PI.  13,  fig.  12  and  13. 


Thecidium.  Pericarp  dry , hard,  crustaceans.  Polygo- 
num. PI.  13,  fig.  6. 


Pericarp  leatherlike , not  woody , not  adhering  to  the  seed . 
Cyperaceae.  PI.  13,  fig.  15  and  16. 




Pericarp  leatherlike,  not  woody , covered  ly  the  enlarged , 
lut  not  fleshy  calyx . Chenopodium.  PL  13,  fig.  18  and  19. 


Sphalerocarpium.  Pericarp  leatherlike , not  woody , co- 
hered hy  the  calyx  become  fleshy . Blitum. 


Scleranthum,  Dyclosium.  Fh«7  consisting  of  a seed 
united  with  the  bottom  part  of  the  hardened  perigonium . 
Mirabilis  Jalappa.  PI.  13,  fig.  20  to  23. 


Pterides,  Pteridium.  Fruit  few-seeded , membranaceous , 
much  compressed , one  or  two-celled , not  opening , frequently 
enlarged  on  the  edges  into  a wing  or  appendage.  Fraxinus. 
PL  13,  fig.  24,  25  and  26. 


Calybion.  Fruit  fleshy  and  feculent , one- celled,  one- 
seeded , pericarp  adhering  closely  to  the  seed , fastened  by  it's 
basis  into  a kind  of  leatherlike  cup , cupule,  formed  of  the 
scales  of  the  involucrum. 

Open,  Calybion  apertum . Pericarp  not  totally  hidden 
by  the  cupule.  Quercus  longseva.  Corylus  sylvestris. 
Pl.  14,  fig.  2. 

Closed,  clausum . Pericarp  totally  hidden.  Fagus  syl- 
vestris, Castanea  vesca.  PL  14,  fig.  4. 

If  One-corned,  uniglans.  Cupule  containing  only  one 
pericarp.  Corylus  sylvestris,  Quercus.  Pl.  14,  fig.  1. 
Three- corned,  trig  Ians . Castanea  vesca. 

% Opening,  dehiscens . Cupule  opening  by  valves,  like 
a capsule,  when  ripe.  Castanea  vesca,  Fagus  sylvestris. 

Not  opening,  indehiscens.  Cupule  remaining  closed 
when  ripe.  Taxus,  Ephedra. 

Drupelike,  drupaceum.  Cupule  formed  of  two  substances, 
the  inner  woody,  the  exterior  juicy  so  as  to  resemble  a 

Cupule , when  in  fruit.  Vide  p.  119. 

Sphaerical,  Cupula  spheerica , globosa.  Castanea  vesca. 
Hemispherical,  hcemisphcerica.  Quercus  longseva.  Pl.  14, 
fig.  2. 

1 74? 


Ovoid,  ovoidea.  Ephedra. 

If  Upright,  erecta.  The  orifice  turned  towards  the  point 
opposite  to  the  base  of  its  support.  Taxus,  Ephedra. 

Reversed,  resupinata.  Fixed  so  that  the  orifice  faces  the 
base  of  its  support.  Podocarpus. 

For  the  characters  of  the  pericarp,  reference  may  be 
made  to  akenium. 


Nucula,  Nux.  Fruit  one-celled , one-seeded , not  opening 
when  ripe , with  a long  covering , the  pericarp  only  slightly , 
or  not  distinct  from  the  seed  ; frequently  sunk  in  an  involu- 
crum . Corylus  sylvestris,  Corylus  tubulosa.  PL  14,  fig.  4. 


Fruit  like  a nucule , hut  without  a cupule , and  home  upon  a 
fleshy  support.  Anacardium.  PI.  14,  fig.  7. 


Eacca  sicca,  Capsula  indehiscens.  Fruit  not  openings  dry , 
many-celled , many-seeded . Tilia.  PI.  14,  fig.  8 and  9. 


Capsula  indehiscens.  Fruit  not  opening , dry,  many-celled , 
woody  on  the  outside , pulpy  internally.  Adansonia.  PI.  14, 
fig.  13. 


Fructus  gynobasici,  Cenobionares,  Cenobia.  Fruits  simple , 
hut  composed  of  four  or  more  cells , eremi,  so  far  apart  that 
they  appear  like  so  many  separate  fruits ; hut  are  all  home 
upon  a gynolasis , more  or  less  dilated  and  being  the  base  of  a 
single  style . PI.  14,  fig.  16  to  20. 

Two-celled,  Cenobium  bieremum.  Cerinthe. 

Four-celled,  quadri-eremum . Labiatae,  Boragineae. 

Five-eremed,  quinque-eremum.  Gomphia  nitida.  PI.  14, 
fig.  16. 

Six-eremed,  sex-eremum , &c. 

Eremes . 

Globular,  Eremi  glqbulosi.  Collinsonia  Canadensis, 
Salvia  officinalis. 

Ellipsoidal,  ellipsoidei.  Salvia  Hispanica,  S.  bicolor. 


Ovoid,  ovoidei.  Lithospermum  officinale,  iEgonychon 
arvense,  Cerinthe  major. 

Reverse  ovoid,  obovoidei.  Gomphia  nitida.  Pl.  14,  fig.  16. 

Three-sided,  trigoni . Molucella  lsevis,  Lamium  album. 

% Leathery,  coriacei.  Phlomis  fruticosa. 

Crustaceous,  crustacei.  Salvia  officinalis. 

Boney,  stonelike,  ossei,  lapidei.  Lithospermum  officinale, 
iEgonychon  arvense. 

Drupe,  drupeolati.  Prasium  majus. 

If  One-celled,  uniloculares.  Labiatse,  Borrago  officinalis, 
Gomphia  nitida.  PI.  14,  fig.  16. 

Two-celled,  biloculares.  Cerinthe  major,  C.  minor. 

% One-seeded,  monospermi.  Labiates,  Gomphia.  PL  14, 

fig.  16. 

Two-seeded,  dispermi.  Cerinthe  major,  C.  minor. 


Fruit  formed  of  a very  large , very  fleshy  gynobasis , bearing 
Jive  or  more  eremi , which  were  always  very  distinct . Och- 
naeeae,  Simaroubese,  Castela.  Pl.  14,  fig.  16. 


Exostylus,  Polexostylus.  Fruit  formed  of  a very  small , 
slightly  fleshy  gynobasis , bearing  four  eremi , but  slightly 
parted  when  in  flower . Labiatee,  Boragineee.  PL  14, 
fig.  1 7 to  20. 


Fructus  succulenti,  Fructus  carnosi.  Fruits  having  a 
soft  or  pulpy  sar  cocarp,  containing  also  only  a few  seeds , and 
not  opening  when  ripe . Pl.  15. 


Stone  fruit,  Drupa,  Prunus.  Fruit  simple , fleshy , con- 
taining a single  boney  or  woody  cell . PL  15,  fig.  1. 

Flesh,  Caro.  The  sarcocarp,  or  pulpy  part  surrounding 
the  stone. 

Stone,  Pyrena , Nucleus , Ossiculus . The  boney  or  woody 
cell,  in  the  middle  of  the  drupe,  being  the  endocarp  or 

Shell,  Putamen . The  boney  or  woody  part  of  the  stone. 



Sphserical,  Drupa  sphcerica.  Prunus  Mahaleb,  Cerasus 

Rounded,  subrotunda . Prunus  spinosa,  Amygdalus  Per- 
sica,  Juglans  regia. 

Ovoid,  ovoidea,  ovata.  Amygdalus  communis. 
Three-sided,  trigona.  Cocos  nucifera. 

One-furrowed,  unisulcata.  Daphne  florida,  Amygdalus. 
% Large,  magna.  Cocos  nucifera. 

Small,  parva.  Daphne  florida,  Rivinia. 

Utricular,  utricular  is.  Very  small,  and  having  only 
a simple,  membranous  pannexterne.  Chenopodium. 
Pulpy,  pidposa.  Sarcocarp  pulpy.  Cerasus  hortensis. 
Fleshy,  curnosa.  Sarcocarp  fleshy.  Amygdalus  com- 
munis, Juglans. 

Thready,  fibrosa.  Sarcocarp  thready.  Cocos  nucifera. 
Juiceless,  dry,  carcerularis , exsucca.  Pannexterne  and 
sarcocarp  dry,  so  thin  and  closely  united  with  the  stone 
that  they  can  scarcely  be  distinguished.  Ceratophyllum 
cornutum,  Poterium  minus. 

Adherent,  adhcerens.  Juglans. 

Free,  inadhcerens . Cocos,  Prunus,  Amygdalus. 

Pannexterne . 

Persistent,  Pannexterna  persistens.  Cocos  nucifera. 
Falling  off,  caduca . Falling  off  when  ripe,  and  leaving 
the  stone.  Juglans  regia. 


Globular,  Putamen  globulosum , globosum . Cerasus. 
Ovoid,  ovoideum.  Cocos  nuciferum. 

Cylindrical,  cylmdraceum.  Cornus  mas. 

Compressed,  compressum.  Prunus  domestica. 

Lobed,  lobatum.  Guettardia  speciosa. 

If  Valveless,  evolve . Olea. 

Two-valved,  bivalve.  Prunus,  Amygdalus,  Juglans. 
Three-valved,  trivalve , &c» 

Furrowed,  sulcatum . Cornus  sanguinea,  C.  mas. 
Engraved,  scrobiculatum.  With  deep  furrows,  Amyg- 
dalus Persica. 

Dotted,  punctatum.  Amygdalus  communis. 

One-celled,  uniloculare.  Amygdalus,  Juglans. 
Two-celled,  bilocular e.  Cornus  sanguinea,  Zizyphus. 
Three-celled,  triloculare.  Trixis  palustris. 

Four-celled,  quadrilocidare.  Tectona  grandis. 
Six-celled,  sexloculare.  Guettarda  speciosa. 


If  Boney,  ossewn.  Cocos  nucifera,  Cornus  sanguinea, 
Amygdalus,  Mespilus. 

Paperlike,  chartaceum.  Areca  Faufel. 

Membranaceous,  memhranaceum . Phoenix  dactylifera. 

If  One-seeded,  monospermum.  Juglans. 

Two-seeded,  dispermum , &c. 


Drupeola.  A drupe  smaller  than  a pea. 


Utricula.  An  utricular  drupe.  Chenopodium. 


Nux.  Fruit  containing  a stone , the  sarcocarpe  being  rather 
leathery  than  fleshy.  Juglans  regia,  Amygdalus.  PL  15, 
fig.  2. 

Rind,  Naucum.  The  leatherlike  sarcocarpe  of  a nut. 

Nuculanium.  Fruit  fleshy , not  crowned  by  the  lobes  of 
the  calyx  (the  ovary  not  adhering  to  it)  and  containing 
several  distinct  stones. 

Pips,  Pyrence , Nuculce . The  small  stones  included  in  a 


Pomum,  Melonida,  Pyridion,  Melonidium,  Antrum. 
Fruit  fleshy , crowned  by  the  limb  of  the  calyx , containing 
several  cells , disposed  round  the  axis  of  the  fruit.  PL  1 5, 

fig.  12  and  13. 

Spherical,  Pomum  sphericum.  Pyrus  aucuparia. 
Roundish,  subrotundum.  Pyrus  sylvestris. 

Ellipsoid,  ellipsoideum.  Mespilus  Oxyacantha. 
Topshape,  turbinatum . Pyrus  sylvestris,  P.  Cydonia. 

If  Cartilaginous- celled,  loculosum . Panninterne  thin 
cartilaginous,  with  a fleshy  sarcocarp.  Pyrus  sylvestris. 

Woody-celled,  nuculosum.  Panninterne  woody  or  boney. 
Mespilus  Germanica,  M.  digyna. 


A woody-celled  pome.  Mespilus.  Pl.  15,  fig.  16. 

VOL.  i. 





Fruit  adherent  to  the  calyx , crowned  ly  its  lobes,  having 
a hard,  leatherlike  bark,  with  rather  irregular  cells  containing 
seeds  like  nuts . Punica  Granatus.  Pi.  15,  fig.  17. 

Malicorium.  The  boney  seeds  of  the  punica  granatus. 


Peponida,  Peponium.  Fruit  Jleshy  or  pulpy,  bearing  the 
seeds  towards  the  circumference,  which  is  harder  than  the 
centre,  the  latter  being  frequently  empty . Cucurbita.  PI.  15, 

Globular,  Pepo  sphcericus,  globosus . Cucurbita  esculenta, 
Bryonia  ruderalis. 

Oblong,  oblongus.  Cucumis  sativus. 

Bottleshape,  lagenflormis.  Cucurbita  lagenaria. 

Spindleshape,^sz/br?7m.  Cucumis  chate. 

Reverse  topshape,  obturbinatus.  Sicyos  angulata. 

Kidneyshape,  renformis . Elaterium. 

Curved,  curvatus . Cucumis  flexuosus. 

If  One-celled,  unilocularis.  Sicyos  angulata. 

Three-celled,  trilocularis.  Bryonia  ruderalis,  Cucumis 

Ten-celled,  decemlocularis.  Cucumis  sativus,  Cucurbita 

In  general  a pepo  has  originally  six  or  ten  radiant  par- 
titions, three  or  five  of  which,  taken  alternately,  have  pla- 
centaria ; but  these  characters  are  only  visible  in  the  ovary : 
after  the  fecundation  the  barren  partitions  are  absorbed, 
and  frequently  the  placentarian  partitions  also. 


Aurantium,  Bacca  corticata.  Fruit  fleshy,  divided  inter- 
nally into  several  membranaceous  cells,  ivhich  may  be  divided 
without  any  tearing , pannexterne  tough,  covered  with  vesi- 
cular glands . Citrus,  Limon.  PI.  15,  fig.  23. 


Bacca.  Fruit  fleshy,  without  any  stone,  not  included  in 
the  preceding  kinds  oj  fruit.  PI.  17,  fig.  1,  2,  4 and  5. 

True,  Bacca  vera.  Cells  none,  seeds  not  disposed  in  any 
order.  Atropa  Mandragora.  PI.  17,  fig.  11. 

False,  spuria . Divided  into  ceils  with  seeds  disposed 
in  a regular  order.  Ribes.  PL  17,  fig.  4 and  5. 



If  Globular,  sphcerica,  globulosa.  Ruscus  aculeatus,  Aspa- 
ragus officinalis,  Empetrum  nigrum,  Vitis,  Ribes  rubrum. 

Ellipsoid,  ellipsoidea.  Ribes  alpinum,  Coffea  Arabica. 

Topshape,  turbinata . Psidium  pyriferum. 

Discoid,  discoidea.  Phytolacca. 

If  Adherent,  adhcerens.  United  with  the  calyx,  Ribes  ; 
or  with  the  perigonium,  Musa. 

Free,  inadheerens.  Not  united  to  the  calyx,  or  perigo- 
nium. Asparagus,  Physalis,  Yitis. 

If  Crowned  by  the  calyx,  coronala  calyci . Bearing  at 
top  the  limb  of  the  calyx.  Ribes. 

Crowned  by  the  stigma,  coronata  stigmate.  Bearing  at 
top  the  stigma.  Nymphaea. 

% Barked,  corticosa.  The  pannexterne  strong,  thick,  dry 
or  but  slightly  succulent.  Citrus,  Arbutus  serratifolia. 

Gourd  like,  cucurbitina.  Barked,  thick,  round,  and  like 
a pumpkin.  Crescentia  Cujete. 

Camare-like,  camarea . Having,  like  a camare,  a furrow 
lengthways,  and  on  the  inside  a placentarium  corresponding 
with  that  furrow.  Actea. 

If  One-celled,  unilocularis.  Cucubalus  bacciferus. 

Two-celled,  bilocular  is.  Ligustrum  vulgare. 

Three-celled,  trilocularis.  Asparagus  officinalis,  Andro- 
saemum  officinale. 

Four- celled,  quadrilocularis.  Paris  quadrifolia. 

Five-celled,  quinquelocularis.  Arbutus,  Cookia  punctata. 

Many-celled,  multilocularis . Citrus. 

If  Nuculaneous,  nuculosa.  Contains  nucules.  Sambucus 
nigra,  Ilex  vulgare.  PI.  15,  fig.  3 and  4. 

Two-seeded,  disperma.  Berberis. 

Few-seeded,  oligosperma . Asparagus. 

Many-seeded,  polysperma . Paris  quadrifolia,  Solanum, 
Vaccinium,  Citrus,  Ribes,  Atropa  lethalis. 


A very  soft  berry , full  of  juice,  transparent , one-celled , 
with  boney  seeds . Vitis  vinifera.  PI.  15,  fig.  3 and  4. 


Bacca  infera.  A berry  crowned  by  the  limb  of  the  calyx. 
Ribes  spinosum. 




Fructus  capsulares,  Fructus  dehiscentes.  Fruits  dry , 
many-seeded , and  opening  of  themselves  when  ripe . 


Folliculus,  Conceptaculum.  Fruit  membranaceous , uni- 
valve, long , and  opening  hy  a longitudinal  suture.  Asclepia- 
dese.  PL  17,  fig.  12. — They  are  never  found  single,  unless 
by  abortion. 

Cylindrical,  Folliculi  cylindracei.  Ceropegia. 

Bellied,  ventricosi . Asclepias-  Syriaca,  Plumaria. 

Swollen,  inflati.  Asclepias  fruticosa. 

Spindleshape,  jusiformes.  Nerium  Oleander.  N.  Zey- 
lanicum,  Asclepias  niger. 

Upright,  erecti.  Nerium  Oleander. 

Spreading,  divergentes,  divaricati . Tabernaemontana, 
Vinca  major,  Cameraria,  Asclepias  nigra. 


Camara.  Fruit  more  or  less  membranaceous,  two-valved 9 
always  several  united  together  proceeding  from  a single 
flower , each  containing  one  or  more  seeds  attached  to  the  in- 
ternal suture . Ranunculacese.  PL  17,  fig.  13,  14,  15,  16* 
17  and  19. 

Deltoid,  Camarce  deltoidece.  Triangular,  Ranunculus 

Cod-like,  leguminiformes.  Delphinium,  Aconitum. 

Swollen,  turgidce.  Poeonia. 

Compressed,  compresses.  Alisma  major,  Helleborus  vi- 

Winged,  alatee.  Liriodendrum  tulipifera. 

Beaked,  rostratce.  Helleborus,  Sempervivum. 

Tailed,  caudate e.  Clematis  recta,  Atragene,  Dryas. 

Upright,  erectee.  Aconitum,  Delphinium,  Sedum. 

Spreading,  divergentes . Poeonia. 

In  whirls,  verticillatee, . Poeonia,  Clematis,  Sempervivum, 

Tiled-like,  imbricates.  Liriodendrum,  Magnolia. 

Soldered  together,  coadunatce . Rubus. 

% Dry,  siccee.  Ranunculus,  Trollius,  Aconitum. 

Drupelike,  drupeolatce.  Potamogeton,  Rubus. 

If  One-seeded,  monospermce.  Anemone,  Adonis,  Ranun- 
culus, Rubus. 

Many-seeded,  polyspermes.  Delphinium,  Poeonia,  Aco- 
nitum, Trollius. 



«[f  Opening  inwardly,  intus  dehiscent es.  Aconitum, 

Trollius  Europaeus,  Poeonia.  PL  17,  fig.  18. 

Opening  outwardly,  extns  dehiscentes . Magnolia. 

Not  opening,  indehiscentes.  Ranunculus,  Liriodendrum. 


Fruit  woody , opening  on  one  side , one  or  two-celled , eacji  of 
which  are  one  or  two-seeded,  Proteacese. 


Legumen.  Fruit  irregular , membranaceous , two-valued , 
rarely  three  or  four-valued,  with  a pistillary  cord  divided  into 
two  branches  running  parallelly  along  the  upper  suture , 50 
Z/ia/  the  seeds  are  attached  along  this  suture , alternately  to 
one  and  the  other  valve . Leguminosae.  PI.  16,  fig.  1,  2. 

Ovoid,  Legumen  ovoideum.  Lotus  hirsutus,  L.  Graecus. 

Halfmoonlike,  semilunatum.  Cynometra. 

Sabreshape,  acinac  if  or  me.  Bent  like  a sabre.  Phaseolus 
lunatus,  Dolichus  ensiformis. 

Oblong,  oblongum.  Ulex  Europaeus,  Trifolium  repens. 

Cylindrical,  cylindricum.  Cassia  Fistula. 

Nearly  cjdindrical,  cylindraceus . Lotus  corniculatus. 

Linear,  linear e.  Lathy rus  gramineus,  Indigofera. 

Compressed,  compressum.  Pisum  sativum,  Lathyrus 

Inflated,  inflatum.  Membranaceous,  dilated,  filled  with, 
air  like  a bladder.  Colutea. 

Swollen,  turgidum . Swelled  out,  but  not  membranaceous, 
Genista  Anglica,  Ononis. 

Bowed,  arcuatum . Ornithopus. 

Bent,  curvatum , recurvaium.  Astragalus  glycyphyllus, 
Medicago  falcata. 

Spiral,  spirale.  Medicago  sativa,  Scorpiurus  vermicu- 

Strombus-like,  cochleatum , strombulforme.  Bent  in  a 
long  spiral  like  the  shell  so  called,  Medicago  strombulifera. 
M.  polymorpha. 

Four-sided,  tetragonum.  Doliclios  tetragonolobus. 

Four-winged,  tetrapierum.  Lotus  siliquosus. 

Top-winged,  epipterum.  Securidaca  volubilis. 

Reverse-crenated,  obcrenatum.  Bisserula  pelecinus. 

Jointed,  articulatum.  Formed  of  pieces,  united  endways 
to  one  another,  each  containing  a single  cell.  Ornithopus, 
Scorpiurus,  Hedysarum.  , 



Knobby,  nodosum . Swollen  at  certain  distances.  Scor- 

Beadlike,  monilijorme . Divided  by  contractions  into 

small  round  pieces  placed  close  together,  like  the  beads  of 
a necklace.  Ornithopus  perpusillus,  Hedysarum  monili- 

Vertebrated,  vertebratum.  Jointed,  the  joints  parting 
from  one  another  when  ripe.  Ornithopus  scorpioides,  He- 
dysarum Canadense.  PI.  16,  fig.  6. 

Carcerular,  carcerulare . Dry,  not  opening,  resembling 
a carcerule.  Cassia  Fistula,  Securidaca  volubilis. 

Transversely  divided,  phragmigerum.  Divided  into  two 
or  more  one-seeded  cells  by  transverse  partitions.  Cassia 
Fistula.  Pl.  16.  fig.  1. 

Drupe-like,  drupaceum.  Pannexterne  succulent  and 
fleshy,  panninterne  woody.  Detarium,  Geoffraea. 

Induviated,  induviatum . Enveloped  in  a persistent  calyx. 
Trifolium  repens. 

Channelled,  canaliculatum.  Having  two  edges,  that  form 
a groove  along  the  placentarium-bearing  suture.  Pisum 

IT  One-celled,  unilocular e.  Pisum,  Lathy rus,  Genista. 

Two-celled,  bilocular e.  Astragalus. 

Many-celled,  multiloculare . Cassia  Fistula.  Pl.  16, 


% Opening,  dchiscens.  Opening  when  ripe.  Genista. 

Keeping  closed,  indehiscens.  Cassia  Fistula,  Securidaca 
volubilis.  Considered  as  legumes  by  analogy.  PL  16,  fig.  I. 

One-seeded,  monospermum.  Medicago  lupulina,  Secu- 
ridaca volubilis,  Pterocarpus. 

Two-seeded,  dispermum . Trifolium  dragiferum.  Vicia 
hirsuta,  Arachis  hypogaea. 

Few-seeded,  oligospermum . Vicia  vulgaris. 

Many-seeded,  polyspermum . Lathyrus,  Ornithopus  per- 
pusillus, Genista  Hispanica. 


A legumen  divided  into  two  or  more  one-seeded  cells  by 
transverse  joints.  Hippocrepis.  Pl.  16,  fig.  6. 


Siliqua.  Fruit  dry , two-valved , bearing  the  seeds  on  the 
two  sides  of  a placentarium  dilated  into  a longitudinal  par- 
tition. Cruciferae.  Pl.  16,  fig.  8,  9 arid  11. 



Four-sided,  Siliqua  t etraguna . Brassica  orientalis,  Ery- 
simum alpinum. 

Linear,  linearis.  Arabis  hirsuta,  Cheiranthus  cuspidatus. 

Nearly  cylindrical,  cylindracea.  Brassica  oleracea,  Chei- 
ranthus  annuus. 

Cylindrical,  cylindrica.  Barbarea  vulgaris. 

Awlshape,  suimlata.  Sisymbrium  officinale. 

Swollen,  turgida.  Raphanus  sativus. 

Brawny,  torulosa.  Sinapis  alba,  Brassica,  Raphanus, 
Arabis  major. 

Compressed  on  each  face,  utraque  facie  compressa . Flat- 
tened in  the  direction  of  the  valves.  Arabis  major. 

Beaked,  rostrata.  Terminated  by  a beak  formed  by  the 
elongation  of  the  partition.  Sinapis  alba,  S.  nigra,  Rapha- 
nistrum  vulgare.  PI.  16,  fig.  9 and  11. 

If  Spurious,  spuria , Having  the  seeds  attached  to  the 
edges  of  the  valves,  instead  of  the  edges  of  the  partitions. 


Silicula.  A siliqua  less  than  four  times  as  long  as  it  is 
broad.  Thlaspi.  PI.  16,  fig.  14,  15  and  16. 

Carcerular,  Silicula  carcerularis . Coronopus  coadunata, 
Crambe,.  Bunias. 

Four-cornered,  quadrangular  is.  Bunias  Erucago. 

Nicked,  emarginata.  Iberis,  Thlaspi  campestre. 

Two-horned,  licornis.  Thlaspi  ceratocarpon. 

Reverse-heartshape,  oh  cor  dif or  mis.  Teesdalia  irregularis, 
Thlaspi  perfoliatum,  T.  cuneatum. 

Beaked,  rostrata.  Bunias  Balearica. 

Elliptic,  elliptica.  Draba  verna,  Lepidium  latifolium. 
PI.  16,  fig.  15. 

Oval,  ovalis.  Alyssum  argenteum. 

Orbicular,  orhiculata.  Lunaria  annua,  Alyssum  cam- 

Twin,  didyma.  Biscutella  didyma,  B.  laevigata,  B.  leio- 

Globular,  glohulosa.  Cochlearia  officinalis,  Myagrum 
saxatile,  Crambe  maritima. 

Inflated,  infiata.  Camelina  sativa. 

Compressed  sideways,  utroque  latere  compressa . Thlaspi 
arvense,  [satis  tinctoria,  Coronopus  coadunata. 

Compressed  on  the  faces,  utraque  facie  compressa.  Lu- 
uaria,  Alyssum  campestre. 

Winged,  alata.  Bunias  Erucago. 



Jointed,  articulata.  Myagrum  perenne. 

Drupe-like,  drupeolata.  Pannexterne  succulent,  and 
panninterne  woody.  Crambe  maritima. 


Pyxidium,  Capsula  circumscissa.  Fruit  dry , globular , 
opening  of  itself  into  two  hemispherical  valves , by  a trans- 
verse horizontal  suture.  PI.  16,  fig.  19  and  20. 

Amphora . The  lower  valve,  attached  to  the  peduncle. 

Cover,  Operculum.  The  upper  valve  which  is  detached 
when  ripe. 

Globular,  Pyxis  globulosa.  Anagallis  phoenicea,  Centun- 
cuius  minimus. 

Roundish,  subrotunda . Gomphrena  globosa. 

Cylindrical,  cylindrica.  Lecythis. 

Ovoid,  ovoidea , ovata.  Hyoscyamus  niger,  Plantago. 

If  One-celled,  unilocularis.  Centunculus,  Anagallis.  Le- 

Two-celled,  bilocularis.  Hyoscyamus,  Plantago. 

H Two-seeded,  disperma.  Arnoglossum  lanceolatum. 

Many-seeded,  polysperma.  Plantago  major,  Centunculus. 


Dieresilis,  Sinochorium,  Sterigmum,  Capsula  dissepi- 
mentis  valvaribus.  Fruits  dry , capsular , regular , many - 
celled , cells  formed  of  re-entering  valves , arad  ranged  round  a 
central  axis.  Malvaceae,  Galium.  Pi.  16,  fig.  24  and  25. 

Two-celled,  Dieresilis  dicocca.  Galium,  Acer. 

Three-celled,  tricocca.  Tropaeolum  majus. 

Four-celled,  tetracocca.  Clerodendrum  infortunatum. 

Five-celled,  pentacoccci . Geranium. 

Six-celled,  hexacocca.  Triglochin  maritimum,  Lavatera 

Many-celled,  polycocca.  Alisma  major. 

If  Starry,  stellata.  Cells  pointed  and  diverging.  Althaea, 
Damasonium  Dalechampii. 

Ovoid,  ovoidea.  Helicteres  Raruensis. 

If  Adherent,  calyci  adhcerens.  Rubiaceae. 

Free,  calyci  non  adherens.  Lavatera  arborea. 

If  Axilled,  axillata.  The  cells  disposed  round  an  axis, 
which,  when  they  fall  off,  is  left  standing.  Geranium, 
Lavatera  arborea,  Cynoglossum. 



Berrylike,  baccata , Pannexterne  succulent  at  first. 
Clerodendro'n  infortunatum,  Sapindus. 

Cenobionare,  cenobionaris.  The  cells,  differing  slightly 
from  eremes,  are  attached  to  an  axis  which  supports  the 
style.  Cynoglossum  officinale,  C.  montanum. — These  fruits 
are  intermediate  betwixt  cenobions  and  dieresiles. 


Hemispherical,  Cocca  hemisphcerica.  Lineum  Africanum. 

Three-sided,  irigona.  Knoxia  stricta. 

Compressed,  compressa.  Alisma  major. 

Spiral,  spiralia.  Helicteres. 

One-celled,  unilocular ia.  Alisma  major,  Galium,  Althaea, 

Many-celled,  multilocularia.  Tribulus  terrestris. 

Not  opening,  indehiscentia.  Tropaeolum  majus. 

Opening,  dehiscentia.  Geranium. 

Winged,  alata.  Acer. 


Elaterium,  Capsula  di-,  tri-,  vel  multi-cocca.  Fruit  with 
sides  frequently  embossed,  formed  of  several  bivalve  cells  dis- 
posed round  an  axis , and  not  adhering  to  the  calyx.  PI.  17, 
fig.  17,  18  and  19. 

Two-celled,  Regma  dicoccum.  Mercurialis. 

Three-celled,  tricoccum.  Euphorbia,  Ricinus,  Croton. 

Five-celled,  pentacoccum.  Dictamnus  albus. 

Many-celled,  polycoccum.  Hura  crepitans. 

IT  Round,  rotundatum. 

Twin,  didymum . Mercurialis. 

Discoid,  discoideum.  Hura  crepitans,  Bradleya. 

Lobed,  lobatum.  Dictamnus  albus. 


Capsula  infera.  Fruit  dehiscent , adherent  to  the  calyw. 
Campanulaceae,  Orchideae.  PI.  16,  fig.  25. 


Capsula.  Fruit  dry , opening  when  ripe , not  belonging  to 
the  former  kinds.  PI.  1 6,  fig.  24*,  25,  26,  27?  29  and  30. 

Podlike,  Capsula  siliquceformis.  Chelidonium  majus 
Corydalis,  Plypecoum,  Cleome. 

Pouchlike,  siliculaformis.  Bocconia. 

Brawny,  torulosa.  Chelidonium  majus,  Hypecoum. 

Cylindrical,  cylindrica . Silene  alpina,  Arenaria  tenuifolia. 



Nearly  cylindrical,  cylindracea , subcylindrica.  Aloe  per- 

Three-sided,  Irigona.  Iris,  Tamarix. 

Four-sided,  tetragona.  Erysimum  officinale. 

Five-sided,  pentagonci.  Oxalis. 

Six-sided,  hexagona.  Fritillaria  imperials,  Yucca  dra- 

Linear,  linearis.  Chelidonium  majus,  Glaucium  luteum. 

Spherical,  globular,  sphcerica , globularis.  Asphodelus 
luteus,  Antirrhinum  repens,  iEsculus  Hippocastanum,  Stel- 
laria  holostea. 

Roundish,  subrotunda.  Scrofularia  aquatica,  S.  scoro- 
donifolia,  Buxus  sempervirens. 

Ovoid,  ovoidea . Digitalis  speciosa,  Verbasum  thapsoides, 
Scrofularia  nodosa,  Polemonium  vulgare,  Cucubalus  in- 

Reverse  ovoid,  obovoidea.  Anthericum  annuum,  Spi- 
ranthes  autumnalis. 

Topshape,  lurbinata.  Lilium  Martagon. 

Reverse  topshape,  obturbinata.  Digitalis  purpurea. 

Ellipsoid,  ellipsoidea.  Acanthus  mollis,  Silene  latifolia, 
Ly thrum  spicatum. 

Compressed,  compressa.  Rhinanthus  glaber,  Veronica 
arvensis,  V.  verna,  Melampyrum  cristatum. 

Flattened,  depressa . Illicium  anisatum. 

Radiating,  radians.  With  many  cells  disposed  in  rays. 
Illicium  anisatum. 

If  Reverse  heartshape,  obcordiformis , obcordala . Veronica 
officinalis,  Sibthorpia  Eurdpsea. 

Halfmooned,  semilunata , lunata.  Melampyrum  cristatum. 

Orbicular,  orbicularis.  Rhinanthus  glaber,  Sibthorpia. 

Elliptic,  elliptica.  Veronica  multifida. 

If  Three-winged,  triptera . Dioscorea  sativa. 

Five-winged,  pentaptera.  Evonymus  latifolius. 

Six-winged,  hexaptera.  Fritillaria  imperialis. 

If  Blunt-pointed,  obtusa.  Antirrhinum  minus,  Evony- 
mus latifolius. 

Pointed,  acuta.  Scrofularia  aquatica,  S.  seorodonifolia. 

Truncated,  truncal  a.  Nemesia. 

Notched,  emarginata.  Euphrasia  officinalis. 

One-headed,  monocephala.  Coming  from  an  ovary  which 
has  only  one  organic  summit.  Rhododendron,  Silene. 

Two-headed,  beaked,  dicephala , biros  Iris.  Coming  from 
an  ovary  that  has  two  organic  summits.  Saxifraga. 

Three-headed,  tricephala,  Buxus. 



Many-headed,  polycephala . Coming  from  an  ovary  that 
lias  many  organic  summits.  Nigella  Hispanica. 

Dieresilean,  partible,  dieresilea , partiiilis.  The  cells 
formed  of  re-entering  valves,  separate  when  ripe,  into 
many  open  coques,  which  only  differ  from  those  of  the 
dieresiles  because  they  do  not  separate  completely  after 
they  have  opened.  Rhododendron,  Kalmia,  Linum  pe- 

Two-parted,  hipartibilis . Tvvo-coqued,  dieresilean.  Di- 
gitalis, Scrofularia. 

Three-parted,  iripartibilis , &c. 

Etairion-like,  etcerionea.  Many-headed,  nearly  com- 
pletely divisible  into  several  camare-like  lobes.  Illicium 
anisatum,  Thea  viridis. 

If  One-celled,  unilocular  is.  Glaucium  violaceum,  Papa- 
ver,  Viola,  Silene. 

Two-celled,  bilocularis.  Veronica,  Digitalis,  Scrofularia, 
Antirrhinum,  Glaucium  luteum,  Saxifraga,  Ly thrum. 

Three-celled,  trilocularis.  Lilium,  Tulipa,  Iris,  Allium, 
Juncus,  Campanula.  Pk  16,  fig.  23  and  24. 

Four-celled,  quadrilocularis . Epilobium. 

Five-celled,  quinquelocularis . Rhododendrum,  Oxalis, 

Six-celled,  scxlocularis.  Asarum,  Aristolochia. 

Many-celled,  multilocularis.  Nigella  Hispanica,  Linum. 

^f  One-valved,  follicleshape,  univalvis , folliculiformis . 
With  a single  valve,  whose  edges  being  turned  over  form 
a suture,  like  that  of  a follicule.  Avicennia. 

Several  valved,  plurivalvis . Used  in  opposition  to  one- 

Two-valved,  bivalvis.  Veronica,  Syringa,  Ruellia. 

Three- valved,  trivalvis.  Viola,  Tulipa,  Glaucium  vio- 
laceum, Polemonium. 

Four-valved,  quadrivalvis.  Epilobium. 

Five-valved,  quinquevalvis.  Rhododendrum,  Evonymus. 

Many-valved,  multivalvis . Nigella  Hispanica,  Illicium. 

H One-seeded,  vionosperma . Plumbaginese. 

Two-seeded,  disperma. 

Three-sided,  trisperma.  Montia,  Claytonia. 

Four-seeded,  tetrasperma.  Melampyrum  cristatum.  M. 

Few-seeded,  oligospernia.  Koelreuteria. 

Many-seeded,  polysperma.  Lilium,  Nigella,  Silene,  Epi- 
lobium, Saxifraga. 



IT  Adherent,  adhcerens , infer  a . United  to  the  calyx,  or 
perigonium,  which  covers  it  entirely.  Campanulacese,  Iris. 

Semi-adherent,  semi-adhcerens . United  at  bottom  with 
the  calyx.  Samolus. 

Free,  inadhcerens,  supera.  Not  united  with  the  calyx  or 
perigonium.  Lilium,  Papaveracese,  Caryophylleae. 

*[  Opening  outwards,  exterius  dehiscens . Lilium,  Orchis, 
Convolvulus,  Oxalis. 

Opening  inwards,  interim  dehiscens.  Opening  in  the 
centre,  which  can  only  take  place  in  many-headed  capsules. 
Nigella  Hispanica,  Saxifraga.  PI.  16,  fig.  24. 

Opening  by  the  teeth,  dentibus  dehiscens.  Statice,  Pri- 
mula officinalis,  Silene. 

Opening  by  cracks,  fssuris  dehiscens.  Canna,  Epiden- 

Opening  by  holes,  foraminihus  dehiscens.  Antirrhinum, 
in  which  the  holes  are  irregular,  and  produced  by  the  rup- 
ture of  the  sides  of  the  pericarp.  Papaver,  in  which  the 
holes  are  regular,  and  produced  by  the  gaping  of  the  upper 
part  of  the  valves.  Ledum,  Campanula.  PI.  16,  fig.  31. 

Opening  at  top,  apice  dehiscens.  Antirrhinum  majus, 

Opening  at  bottom,  Iasi  dehiscens.  Ledum,  Campanula 
rigida,  Fumaria  bulbosa.  PI.  16,  fig.  25. 

Septifragal,  septifraga.  Opening  opposite  the  partitions. 
Saxifraga,  Ipomsea  purpurea.  PI.  16,  fig.  29. 

Septicidal,  septicida.  Opening  between  the  cells,  the 
cells  parting  from  one  another,  the  partition  splitting  into 
twro  flakes,  one  of  which  remains  attached  to  each  valve. 
Rhododendrum  Ponticum.  PI.  16,  fig.  27. 

Loculicidal,  locnlicida.  Opening  in  the  middle  of  the 
cells.  Irideae.  PI.  16,  fig.  26. 

If  a one-celled  capsule,  having  parietal  placentaria, 
opens  so  as  to  divide  the  latter  longitudinally,  the  dehiscence 
is  analogous  to  the  septicidal ; but  if  it  divides  into  two  or 
more  valves,  each  furnished  with  a parietal  placentarium 
in  its  middle,  the  dehiscence  is  analogous  to  the  loculicidal. 


Fructus  etserionares,  Fructus  chorionares.  Fruit  com- 
posed of  several  simple  fruits  united  together . 



Double  Follicle. 

Bifolliculus.  Follicula.  Fruit  composed  of  two  long  mem- 
branaceous, univalve  pericarpiums , each  opening  by  a longi- 
tudinal suture.  Asclepiadese.  PL  17,  fig.  12. 


Syncarpa,  Etaerio.  Fruit  composed  of  several  small  berry- 
like utricles,  seated  upon  a scarcely  apparent  polyphore . 

Rubus.  PL  18,  fig.  8. 


Fruit  analogous  to  the  erythrostome,  but  the  pericarps  are 
fewer , and  not  so  close . Dry  mis. 


Asimina.  Fruits  analogous  to  the  erythrostome , but  the 
fleshy  carpelles  are  more  or  less  soldered  together.  Anona. 
PL  18,  fig.  21. 


Etaerio,  Plopocarpium.  Fruit  composed  of  several  ca- 
mares , united  together  round  a real  or  ideal  axis.  Crassu- 
laceae,  Aconiti,  Spireae.  PL  17,  fig.  17,  18  and  19. 

Sphaerical,  Etcerio  sphcericus,  globosus , capitalus.  Ra- 
nunculus bulbosus,  Magnolia,  Liriodendrum. 

Nearly  ovoid,  subovoideus.  Rubus. 

Dishlike,  discoideus.  Alisma  major. 

Spikelike,  spiciformis.  Myosurus  minimus. 

Berrylike,  baccatus.  Composed  of  juicy  camares  which 
unite  together  as  they  ripen,  and  form  a kind  of  berry  by 
their  union.  Anona,  Rubus. 

Induviated,  induviatus.  Enclosed  in  the  persistent  calyx. 

H Three-camared,  tricamarus.  Veratrum  album,  Aco- 
nitum  lycoctonum. 

Four-camared,  tetracamarus.  Potamogeton  natans. 

Five-camared,  pentacamarus . Paeonia,  Clematis  erecta, 

Many-camared,  polycamarus . Ranunculus,  Magnolia, 

Lyriodendrum,  Rubus. 




Cynarhodon.  Fruit  composed  of  several  small  utricles 
enclosed  in  the  calyx , which  grows  fleshy  after  the  fecunda- 
tion is  over.  Rosa.  PL  1 8,  fig.  2. 


Fruit  similar  to  the  hip , but  the  calyx  does  not  become 
fleshy.  Agrimoniaceae.  PL  18,  fig.  3. 


Polychlorio,  Polychorionides,  Polysecus.  Fruit  com- 
posed of  several  cariopsides  or  akenia  united  together  on  a 
receptacle.  Ranunculaceae,  Dryadeae.  PL  18,  fig.  4. 


Fructus  aggregati.  Fruits  composed  of  many  simple 
pericarpia  united  together , the  form  of  ivhich  is  concealed  or 
altered  by  the  floral  leaves , which  frequently  grow  larger 
after  the  fecundation,  and  unite  with  some  part  of  the  fruit. 


Syncarpa,  Sorosus.  Fruit  composed  of  several  fleshy 
utricles , united  together  by  succulent  floral  leaves.  PL  18* 

fig.  6,  8. 

Oblong,  Sorosus  oblongus.  Movus. 

Oval,  ellipsoideus . Artocarpus  incisa. 

Ovoid,  ovoideus . Rromelia  Ananas. 

The  nature  of  the  pericarpia  and  the  floral  leaves  must 
be  noted. 


Ficus,  Syconus.  Fruit  composed  of  several  carcerules  or 
drupeoles , united  upon  a fleshy  and  succulent  involucre.  PL  1 8, 

fig  IX. 

Flat,  Syconus  planus.  Dorstenia. 

Hemispherical,  hemisphcericus.  Ambora. 

Pearshape,  pyrformis , turbinatus.  Ficus  carica,  Ambora. 

Sphserical,  sphcericus , glohosus.  Ficus. 

The  form  and  nature  of  the  pericarpia  must  be  noted. 




Strobile,  Conus,  Strobilus.  Fruit  composed  of  many 
membranaceous  utricles , concealed  in  the  axil  Ice  of  very  large , 
dry  bractece , disposed  in  the  form  of  a cone.  PL  18,  fig.  12. 

Roundish,  Strobilus  subrotundus . Cupressus  semper- 
virens,  Juniperus  communis. 

Conical,  conicus . Pinus  sylvestris. 

Ovoid,  ovoideus.  Pinus  Pinea. 

Cylindrical,  cylindraceus.  Abies  pectinata,  Pinus  Stro- 

% Berrylike,  baccatus . Bracteae  juicy,  and  unite  with 
one  another.  Juniperus  communis. 

Bractean,  bracteanus.  Strobile  foriped  of  bracteae  only 
Alnus  glutinosa,  Juniperus  communis^  Thuya. 

Pedunculean,  pedunculeanus.  Strobile  formed  of  pe- 
duncules.  Pinus,  Abies,  Cedrus,  Larix. 

Ovoid,  Cupula  ovoidea , ovata.  Pinus. 

Angular,  angulosa.  Juniperus  communis,  Cupressus 

Woody,  lignosa . Pinus  Pinea. 

Membranaceous,  membranacea.  Thuya  occidentalis. 

Boney,  ossea . Schubertia  disticha. 

% Upright,  erecta.  Thuya,  Cupressus,  Juniperus. 

Reversed,  resupinata.  Abies,  Pinus,  Larix,  Cedrus. 

% Winged  at  bottom,  hypopterata.  Pinus,  Abies,  Larix, 
Cedrus. — At  first  sight  the  cupule  appears  winged  at  top, 
because  it  is  reversed,  but  it  is  enchased  in  a prolongation 
of  the  wing,  which  only  grows  at  the  bottom,  and  falls  off. 

Winged  all  round,  peripterata.  Thuya  occidentalis. 

% Headed,  capitata.  Limb  swelled  into  a head.  Larix. 

Two-horned,  bicornis.  Limb  prolonged  into  two  small 
diverging  horns.  Pinus. 

Oblique,  obliqua . Limb  oblique  and  jagged.  Cedrus. 

The  form,  & c.  of  the  utricles  should  be  remarked. 


Nut,  Nux,  Pseudocarpium,  Galbulus.  A kind  of  cone , 
in  which  the  bractece  are  enlarged  at  top , form  a spherey  and 
scarcely  open  when  ripe.  Cupressus.  PI.  18,  fig.  15, 




Berry,  Bacca,  Pseudocarpium,  Arcesthida.  A cone  whose 
Iractece  are  fleshy , and  do  not  separate  when  ripe . Juni- 


Pericarpium,  Conceptaculum  seminum.  That  part  of 
the  fruit  that  contains  the  seeds. 

1.  Surface, 

Smooth,  Pericarpium  Iceve.  Asphodelus,  Cerefolium  syl- 
vestre,  Sisymbrium  absinthioides,  Malus. 

Bald,  glaber.  Pastinaca,  Coriandrum. 

Shining,  lucidum,  nitidum.  Lithospermum  officinale, 
Onopordum  vulgare,  Isatis  tinctoria. 

Rough,  scahrum,  iEgonychon  arvense,  Cuminum. 

Dotted,  punctatum.  Ceratophylium,  Citrus  Medica, 
Mespilus  Germanica. 

Warted,  verrucosum,  Tragopogon  undulatum,  Eu- 
phorbia verrucosa. 

Veiny,  venosum.  Koelreuteria,  Staphylea  pinnata. 

Wrinkled,  rugosum.  Geranium  Robertianum,  Melilotus 

Striated,  striatum . Anethum  graveolens. 

Furrowed,  sulcatum,  Tragopogon  pratense,  Carum 
officinale,  Myrrhis  odorata,  Meum  Athamanticum. 

One-furrowed,  unisulcatum.  Amygdalus  communis. 

Two-furrowed,  lisulcatum.  Veronica  officinalis. 

Three-furrowed,  trisulcatum . Ornithogalum  pyramidale. 

Four-furrowed,  quadrisulcatum , and  so  on. 

2.  Pubescence, 

Velvetty,  Pericarpium  velutinum,  Amygdalus  Persica, 
Characias  purpurea. 

Downy,  puhescens.  Digitalis  speciosa,  Aquilegia  vulgaris, 
Amygdalus  Persica. 

Hairy,  pilosum.  Geranium  pratense. 

Villous,  villosum,  Pseonia  officinalis. 

Woolly,  lanatum,  Alyssum  clypeatum. 

Nappy,  tomentosum,  Amygdalus  communis. 

3.  Arms. 

Scaled,  Pericarpium  squamosum.  Sagus,  Calamus  Ro- 

Thorny,  muricatum . Arbutus  serratifolia,  Canna  Indica. 



Hooked,  lappaceum.  Furnished  with  hooked  points, 
like  the  involucrum  of  arctium  lappa.  Sanicula  Europasa, 
Myosotis  Cappula. 

Spinous,  spinellosum , echinatum.  Stramonium  foetidum, 
iEschylus  Hippocastanum,  Cucumis  prophetarum. 

4.  Substance . 

Membranaceous,  Pericarpium  membranaceum.  Salsola 
Tragus,  Colutea. 

Paperlike,  chartaceum . Anagallis  phcenicia,  Cerefolium 
sylvestre,  Coriandrum. 

Leatherlike,  coriaceum.  Flelianthus  annuus,  Trapa  na- 
tans,  Lupinus,  Arachis  hypogosa. 

Crustaceous,  crustaceum.  Dry,  thin,  and  brittle.  Pas- 

Woody,  lignosum.  Lecythis,  Cassia  Fistula,  Hymensea 

Corky,  suberosum , fungosum.  iEthusa  cynapium,  Ra- 
phanus  sativus. 

Pulpy,  pulposum . Ribes,  Vitis,  Rubus. 

Fleshy,  carnosum . Mai  us. 


Valvse,  Valvulae.  The  pieces  composing  the  sides  of 
some  pericarps , which  open  when  ripe , and  separate.  PI.  16, 
fig.  8,  14,  15  and  29. 

Longitudinal,  Valvce  longitudinales.  The  suture  perpen- 
dicular to  the  base  of  the  pericarp.  Cheiranthus  fruticu- 
losus,  Ruellia  ovata. 

Transverse,  transverscE.  The  suture  parallel  to  the  base 
of  the  pericarp.  Anagallis  arvensis,  Hyoscyamus. 

Re-entering,  inirojlexce.  Edges  bent  inwards  towards 
the  centre  of  the  pericarp.  Oolchicum,  Rhododendrum. 

Re-entering  conjointly,  conjunctim  introflexce.  The 
contiguous  re-entering  valves  united  together  in  that  part 
which  • penetrates  within  the  pericarp.  Rhododendron 
Ponticum . 

Re-entering  distinctly,  d is t i n dim- inirojlexce.  The  con- 
tiguous re-entering  valves  not  united  together  in  that  part 
which  penetrates  into  the  pericarp.  Colchicum. 

Parting,  bipartibiles.  Splitting  when  they  open  into  two 
parts  lengthways.  Veronica,  Digitalis  speciosa,  Nicotiana. 
-—These  bipartible  valves  are  evidently  composed  of  two 

VOL.  i.  o 


introduction  TO  BOTANY. 

valvules  united  by  their  contiguous  edges;  nevertheless 
custom  compels  botanist^  to  look  upon  them  as  a single 

Elastic,  elasticce . Dentaria,  Cardamine  impatiens.  Ri- 
cinus.  PL  16,  fig.  8. 

Partition-bearing,  sept  ferae.  Ruellia  ovata. 

Seed-bearing,1  seminifero. ?,  placent ferae.  Gentianese. 

Flat,  plancE.  Lunaria,  Alyssum  clypeatum. 

Concave,  concave.  Alyssum  utriculatum. 

Boatlike,  naviculares.  Keeled  like  a boat.  Ruellia  ovata.* 
Subularia  aquatica,  Isatis  tinctoria. 

Keeled,  carinatae.  Lepidium,  Isatis  tinctoria. 

Cover-like,  operculares.  Like  the  cover  of  a bowl.  Plan- 
tago,  Anagallis,  Centunculus.  PI.  16,  fig.  17. 


Suturse.  The  line  of  junction  between  two  contiguous 

Prominent,  Suturae  prominenies . Placed  upon  an  ele- 
vated surface. 

Winged,  pteroideoe.  The  elevations  extended  into  wings. 
Evonymus  latifolius. 

Sunk,  recessae.  Placed  at  the  bottom  of  a channel  of 
greater  or  less  depth.  Rhododendron. 

' Partitions. 

Dissepimenta,  Lignum  intergerinum,  Distinctio. — - The 
doublings  of  the  panninterne  of  the  pericarpium  which  divide 
its  cavity  into  two  or  more  cells. 

Longitudinal,  Dissepimenta  longitudinalia.  Extending 
from  the  bottom  to  the  top  of  the  pericarp,  parallel  to  the 
axis.  Lilium,  Ruellia  ovata,  Thlaspi,  Cheiranthus. 

Cross,  transversalia.  Extending  from  side  to  side,  pa- 
rallel to  the  plane  of  its  base.  Cassia  Fistula. 

Indeterminate,  vaga.  Without  any  determinate  di- 
rection. Many  partitions  of  punica  granatum. 

False,  spuria.  Formed  only  of  cellular  tissue.  Glaucium 

% General,  generalia.  With  edges  that  reach  the  in- 
ternal surface  of  the  pericarpium  ail  round,  so  that  each  of 
them  divides  the  cavity  into  two  parts.  Plantaginese,  Cru- 
ciferse,  Astragalus,  Cassia  Fistula. 

Partial,  partialia.  With  edges  that  reach  the  internal 
surface  of  the  pericarp  on  one  side  only,  and  on  the  other 



side  touch  a placentarium,  or  some  other  partition ; so  that 
each  partition,  taken  separately,  does  not  divide  the  hollow 
of  the  pericarp  into  two  cells.  Syringa  vulgaris,  Citrus, 
Nigel  la  Hispanica. 

Complete,  completa.  Dividing  the  cavity  of  the  peri- 
carp completely,  by  being  either  a general  partition  itself, 
Cheiranthus,  or  if  partial,  by  touching  some  other  par- 

Incomplete,  incompleta.  Only  dividing  the  cavity  in- 
completely, being  partial  partitions  that  do  not  touch  one 
another,  nor  abut  upon  a placentarium.  Fapaver. 

Valvean,  valve  ana.  Formed  by  the  expansion  of  the 
substance  of  the  valves,  and  remaining  fixed  to  them,  when 
the  pericarpium  splits  open. 

Median,  mediana , medivalves , valvis  contraria , valvis  me- 
dio septiferis.  Valvean  and  arising  from  the  middle  of  the 
valves^  Liliurh,  Syringa,  Acanthacem,  Polemonium,  Hen- 
an them  um. 

Marginal,  marginalia , valvis  utroque  margins  inlroflexo 
singulis  loculum  constitutentibiisP  valvar es.  Valvean,  and 
formed  by  the  edge  of  the  valves,  which  turns  into  the 
interior  of  the  pericarp,  towards  a real  or  imaginary  cen- 
tral axis..  Antirrhinum,  Rhododendrum,  Astragalus. 

Two-flaked,  bilame  Hares.  Marginal,  anti  formed  by  the 
union  of  the  edges  of  two  contiguous  turned-in  valves, 
which  separate  when  the  fruit  opens.  Digitalis,  Rhodo- 

Placentarian,  placentariana.  Produced  by  the  expansion 
of  the  placentarium,  or  its  lobes,  so  as  to  reach  the  internal 
surface  of  the  pericarpium,  or  its  sutures,  and  separate 
when  the  fruit  is  ripe.  Plantagineae^  Cruciferse,  Tunica 

Granatum,  Cucurbitaceae. 

Interposed,  inter  positive^  valvis  margine  appositis  'anguUs 
dissepimenti.  Several  placentarian  partitions  diverging 
from  the  centre  of  a many-valved  pericarpium  to  the  su- 
tures, so  that  they  alternate  with  the  valves.  Convolvu- 

Obsutural,  obsuturalia.  The  placentarian  partitions 
applied  only  to  the  sutures,  and  not  fastened  between  the 
edges  of  the  contiguous  valves.  Convolvulus. 

Opposite,  oppositiva , valvis  contraria . The  edges  of  the 
placentarian  partitions  applied  to  the  middle  of  the  valves. 
Paullinia  pinnata. 

Parallel,  parallelica , valvis  parallela . The  placentarian 
partition  expanded  parallel  to  the  valves  of  a bivalve  peri- 

o 2 



carpium,  and  joining  by  its  edges  the  two  opposite  sutures. 

Doubtful,  ambigua.  Connected  with  the  centre  and 
sides  of  a pericarp  that  does  not  open  ; and  whose  origin, 
therefore,  cannot  be  determined  exactly.  Citrus. 

Fixed,  Jixa.  Remaining  immoveable,  and  attached  as 
Usual  when  ripe;  which  seldom  takes  place  except  in  inde- 
hiscent  pericarpiums,  or  those  that  open  by  pores  or  slits. 
Antirrhinum,  Campanula,  Papaver,  Nigella  Saxifraga. 

Free,  libera . Formed  of  a placentarium  that  becomes 
free  by  the  dehiscence  of  the  pericarpium.  Plantaginese. 

Persisting,  persisteniia.  Remaining  in  their  place  after 
the  opening  of  the  fruit.  Cruciferse. 

Meeting,  obcurrentia.  Partial  partitions  meeting  together, 
and  dividing  the  cavity  of  the  pericarpium  into  several 
cells.  Acanthacese,  Antirrhinum,  Convolvulaceae,  Saxi- 

Whirled,  verticillata.  Several  partial  partitions  disposed 
in  the  pericarpium  like  the  spokes  of  a wheel.  Convolvu- 
iacese,  Rhodoracese,  Aurantiaceae. 

Seed- bearing,  seminifera,  placentifera.  Carrying  the 
seeds.  Ruellia,  Nymph  sea,  Helianthemum. 

The  distinctions  are  usually  taken  from  their  appearance 
after  the  pericarpium  has  split  open  ; but  this  is  frequently 
a bad  guide  to  their  original  formation. 


A Partition  that  is  longitudinal.  Lilium,  Cruciferse. 
PI.  16,  %.  8,  14  and  J 5. 


A Partition  that  is  transverse . Cassia  Fistula.  PL  16, 
%.  i. 


Placenta,  Trophospermum,  Spermophorus,  Colum,  Re- 
ceptaculum  seminum.  That  part  of  the  pericarpium  to  which 
the  seeds  are  attached.  PI.  17,  fig.  4,  5. 

Fleshy,  Placentarium  carnosum.  Vaccinium,  Ruta,  Saxi- 
fraga granulata. 

Corky,  suberosum,.  Centunculus,  Anagallis,  Hyoscya- 
mus,  Nicotiana,  Stramonium. 

Leatherlike,  coriaceum.  Papaver,  Begonia. 

Woody,  lig nosum.  Swietenia  M ah  ogam. 



5f  Honeycombed,  alveolatum.  Centunculus,  Anagallis. 

Tuberculated,  tuberculatum.  Stramonium. 

Villous,  villosum.  Cucubalus,  Silene. 

% Partitioning,  septif orme.  Enlarged  into  a partition. 
Plantagineae,  Cruciferse.  This  is  the  same  as  the  placen- 
tarian  partition,  but  considered  in  another  light. 

Globular,  sphcericum , globosum.  Centunculus  minimus, 
Anagallis  phoenicea. 

Cylindrical,  cylindraceum . Lychnis,  Silene,  Cerastium. 

Th  readlike,  filiform  e.  V elezia. 

Awlshape,  subulatum.  Dodecatheon,  Dianthus. 

Th  ree- sided,  irigonum , triqueter.  Polemonium  vulgare, 
Dodonaea  viscosa. 

Four-sided,  tetragonum , tetraqueter.  Adoxa  tuberosa. 

Five- sided,  pentagonum , pentaqueter . Swietenia  Maho- 

Lobed,  lobatum.  Forming  thick  projections  within  the 
cavity  of  the  pericarp.  Rhododendrum,  Cucurbitaceae. 

Radiating,  radiatum . Rhododendrum,  Cucurbitacese. 

% Central,  centrale.  Placed  in  the  centre  of  the  peri- 
carpium.  Antirrhinum,  Campanula,  Saxifraga. 

Axile,  axile.  Growing  up  from  the  bottom  to  the  top 
of  the  pericarpium,  in  the  direction  of  its  diameter.  Lilium, 
Digitalis,  Polemonium. 

Apicilar,  apicilare.  Placed  at  the  top  of  the  cavity  of 
the  pericarpium.  Umbelliferae. 

Basilary,  basilar e.  Placed  at  the  bottom  of  the  cavity  of 
the  pericarpium.  Berberis,  Chrysosplenium. 

Fixed  at  bottom,  basifixum , liberum.  Attached  only  to 
the  bottom  of  the  cavity  of  the  pericarpium  when  ripe. 
Primulaceae,  Silene. 

Sessile,  sessile.  Fixed  at  bottom  without  any  footstalk. 

Footstalked,  pedicellatum. 

Parietal,  parietale.  Attached  to  the  sides  of  the  cavity 
of  the  pericarpium.  Ribes,  Punica  Granatum. — An  axile 
placentarium  in  a multilocular  ovary,  sometimes  becomes 
parietal  in  consequence  of  the  absorption  of  several  of  the 

One-sided,  unilaterale.  Attached  to  one  side  only  of 
the  pericarpium.  Many  apocyneae,  Actrna,  Leguminosae. 
PI.  16,  fig.  2. 

Two-sided,  bilaterale.  Ribes.  PL  17,  fig.  4 and  5. 

Three-sided,  trilaterale , and  so  on. 

Valvular,  valvare.  Attached  to  the  valves  of  a dehiscent 
pericarpium.  Orchis,  Bixa,  Orellana. 



Middle-valved,  medivalve , mediis  valvls  adnalum.  Fixed 
along  the  middle  line  of  the  valves.  Lathrsea,  Parnassia. 

Sutural,  ohsuturale , suturce  applied  turn.  Applied  over 
against  the  sutures.  Asclepias,  Argemone. 

Marginal,  viarginale.  Fixed  solidly  either  to  the  edges 
of  the  valves,  or  of  the  partitions  when  these  latter  are  not 
themselves  formed  of  an  enlarged  placentarium.  CEno- 
thera,  Leguminosae. 

Partitiorial,  septile.  Fixed  to  the  partitions.  Ruellia, 
Helianthemum  mutabile,  Papaver,  GEnothera. 

Fastened,  adnatum.  Fixed  throughout  their  whole 
length,  either  to  the  internal  surface  of  the  pericarpial  ca- 
vity, Orchidess,  Lathrsea;'  or  to  the  edges  of  the  partitions, 
Tulipa;  or  the  central  axis,  Ixia  Chinensis ; or  the  edges 
of  the  valves,  Vjola. 

Free,  liberum.  Totally  detached  from  the  pericarp,  and 
not  adhering  to  any  part  when  it  opens.  Plantaginese. 

% Two-parted,  bipartitum.  Divided  into  two  branches. 
Ribes,  Bixa  Orellana. 

Three-parted,  tripartilum.  Orchideae,  Passiflora. 

Four- parted,  quadripartitum.  Parnassia  palustris. 

_ Five-parted,  quinquepartitum.  Argemone  Mexicana. 

Many-parted,  multipartitim.  Papaver,  Punica. — These 
divisions  of  the  placentarium  are  usually  fastened  to  the 
sides  of  the  pericarpial  cavity,  but  sometimes  they  are  only 
attached  to  the  pericarpium  by  their  extremities,  as  in  the 

% Two-parting,  bipartibile.  Splitting,  when  ripe,  into 
two  seed-bearing  portions,  which  remain  fixed,  either  to 
the  edges  of  the  valves,  Leguminosae ; or  to  the  partitions, 

Three-parting,  tripartibile.  Splitting  when  ripe  into 
three  seed-bearing  portions,  which  remain  attached  to  the 
edge  of  the  partitions.  Liliurn,  Roelreuteria. 

Four-parting,  &c. 

Remaining,  persistens.  Not  splitting  when  ripe,  but  re- 
maining whole.  Digitalis,  Polemonium,  Rhododendrum, 
Swietenia  Mahogani. 

One-ribbed,  uninerve . 

Two-ribbed,  binerve. 

Three-ribbed,  trinerve. 

Many-ribbed,  multinerve. 

The  position  of  the  placentarium  may  be  discovered  in 
dry  pericarps  when  the  seeds  are  loose,  or  have  even  been 


1 99 

taken  out,  by  the  scar  or  hollow  in  the  panninterne,  as  that 
covering  is  always  interrupted  at  the  place  where  the  pla- 
centarium  is  connected  with  the  sarcocarp  to  which  it  is 
always  united. 

Ribs  of  the  placent avium. 

Collected,  Nervi  colli  gati  Collected  into  a single  mass 

by  cellular  tissue.  Lilium,  Rhododendfum,  Silene. 

Distinct,  distinctly  Forming  separate  cords.  Portulaca. 

Intervalvular,  intervalves.  Placed  in  the  sutures  between 
the  valves.  Cruciferae. 

Axile,  circumaxiles.  Surrounding  a central  axis  which 
separates  when  the  fruit  splits  open.  Epilobium,  (E no- 
th era. 

Umbilical  Cord. 

Funiculus,  Funiculus  umbilicalis,  Podospermium.  A 

vascular  cord , that  fastens  the  seeds  to  the  pericarpium. 

Threadlike,  Funiculus filiformis.  Cheiranthus,  Alyssum 
campestre,  Ribes  spinosum  glabi  urn,  Cassia  Fistula. 

Hooked,  uncinatus.  Acanthus,  Ruellia,  Justicia,  Bar- 

Pappus-like,  pappiformis . Formed  of  silky  threads 
united  into  a pappus.  Asclepias  Syriaca,  A.  nigra.  PL  17, 

fig.  12. 


Loculi,  Loculamenta,  Thecae.  The  hollow  spaces  in  the 
pericarpium  formed  by  the  doubling  of  the  panninterne. 


Coccum.  A cell  that  opens  elastically  by  a membra- 
naceous spring , placed  at  the  bottom.  Euphorbiacese. 


Retinaculae.  Crooked  points  growing  from  the  placenta - 
rium,  close  to  the  seeds , b\it  not  serving  to  support  them. 
Acanthaceae.  PL  16,  fig.  21. 


Pannexterna,  Epicarpium.  The  external  skin  of  the 


Panninterna,  Endocarpium.  The  internal  skin  of  the 
which  in  celled  fruits  forms  the  partitions  by  its 

pericarpium , 




Caro,  Sarcocarpium.  The  more  or  less  fleshy  substance 
which  in  some  fruits  is  placed  between  the  pannexterne  and 
panninterne , and  is  always  intimately  connected  with  the 
placentae  him. 


Pulpa.  The  soft  and  half-liquid  substance , found  in  the 
cells  of  some  fruit  s,  surrounding  the  seeds . 


Induviae  fiorales,  Folliculus.  Those  parts  of  the  flower 
that  remain  after  fecundation,  and  accompany  the  fruit, 

Calycine,  Induviae  calycince . Arising  from  the  calyx. 
Labiates,  Rosa. 

Perigonal,  perianthiance , perigonales.  Arising  from  the 
perigonium.  Basella,  Salsola  tragus. 

Glumellar,  glumelleance . iirising  from  glumes.  Oryza. 

5T  Free,  liber ce.  Not  united  to  the  fruit.  Labiatae, 

Adherent,  adherentes . United  with  the  fruit.  Basella. 

Induviated  fruits  always  proceed  from  a single  flower, 
whose  ovary  or  ovaries  did  not  adhere  to  the  calyx;  and 
are  thus  distinguished  from  covered  or  angiocarpic  fruits. 


Grain,  Corn,  Vegetable  egg,  Semen,  Granum,  Ovum, 
— spermum.  The  fecundated  rudiment  of  a new  plant  con- 
tained in  the  fruit. 

].  Situation  in  the  fruit. 

Upright,  Semen  erectum.  The  hile  being  placed  directly 
above  the  placentarium,  is  the  lowest  part  of  the  seed  in 
the  pericarpial  cavity.  Ranunculus,  Berberis. 

Rising,  ascendens.  The  hile  being  on  a level  with  the 
placentarium,  or  nearly  so,  is  situated  a little  above  the 
lowest  part  of  the  seed  in  the  pericarpial  cavity.  Mai  us, 

Reversed,  hanging,  resupinalum , pendens , pendulum.  The 
hile  being  below  the  placentarium,  is  the  highest  part  of 
the  seed  in  the  pericarpial  cavity.  Fraxinus,  Asclepias, 
Umbeili ferae,  Myriophyilum.  PI.  13,  fig.  24. 



Hanging,  pendens , pendulum.  Attached  to  the  sides  of 
the  pericarp  by  its  funicular  cord  only.  Ceratophyllum 

Appendent  by  the  end,  appendens  ah  exlremilate.  The 
hile  being  on  a level  with  the  placentarium,  or  nearly  so, 
is  placed  below  but  near  the  uppermost  part  of  the  seed. 
Prunus,  Amygdalus.  PL  15,  fig.  1. 

Appendent  by  the  middle,  appendens  a medio.  The  hile 
being  on  a level  with  the  placentarium,  or  nearly  so,  is 
placed  in  the  middle  of  the  side.  Quassia  Simarouba. 

Shieldlike,  peltatum.  Hanging  by  the  middle,  which  is 
connected  by  a large  surface  to  the  placentarium.  Ruta, 
Plantago  stricta. 

Falling,  cadens.  The  hile  being  opposite  to  the  upper 
part  of  the  pericarpial  cavity,  and  the  placentarium  seated 
in  the  lower  part,  the  umbilical  cord  is  forced  to  elongate 
itself  to  reach  the  level  of  the  hile,  and  to  pass  over  one  of 
the  sides  of  the  seeds.  Plumbagineae.  PI.  13,  fig.  17. 

Horizontal,  horizontale.  The  seed  being  flat,  or  long, 
is  fastened  to  the  placentarium  b}^  its  edge,  or  one  of  its 
ends,  in  a plane  parallel  to  the  base  of  the  fruit.  Lilium, 
Cucumis  prophetarum.  PI.  15,  fig.  21. 

Nestling,  scattered,  Semina  nidulantia , vaga.  Placed 
without  any  order,  like  eggs  in  a nest.  Nymphasa. 

Spread,  perfusa.  Spread  over  the  whole  surface,  either 
of  the  valves,  Butomus,  Gentiana;  or  of  the  partitions, 
Plantaginese,  Papaver. 

In  rows,  serialia.  Disposed  in  rows.  Tulipa,  Lilium, 

Tiled-like,  imhricata.  Asclepias,  Cobea  scandens. 

Enchased,  placentario  semi-inelusa.  Fixed  single  in  the 
pits  of  an  alveolar  placentarium.  Primulaceae. 

Footstalked,  Semen  funiculatum.  Fastened  by  an  um- 
bilical cord.  Plumbagineae,  Magnolia. 

Sessile,  sessile.  Attached  to  the  placentarium  without 
any  umbilical  cord.  Plantagineae,  Primulaceae. 

.If  Naked,  nudum.  The  seed  expanding  after  fecunda- 
tion, and  not  the  ovary,  the  latter  is  ruptured  and  the  seed 
protrudes,  Leontice;  or  the  pericarpium  opening,  the  seed 
h exserted  and  hangs  by  its  umbilical  cord.  Magnolia. 



2.  Form. 

Globular,  Semen  sphcericnm , globosum.  Brassica,  Sinapis, 
Pisum  sativum,  Vicia  sepium. 

Globulous,  globulosum.  Globular,  and  also  small. 

Nearly  globular,  subglobosum. 

Roundish,  tubrotundum.  Asparagus  officinalis,  AEsculus 
Hippocastanum,  Yicia  lutea. 

Cubical,  cubicum.  Vicia  latbyroides. 

Ellipsoid,  ellipsoideum.  Once  and  a half,  or  twice  as 
long  as  broad,  equally  round  at  each  end,  and  swelled  in- 
sensibly in  the  middle.  Quercus  longseva. 

Egglike,  ovoidemn.  Once  and  a half,  or  twice  as  long 
as  broad,  round  at  each  end,  the  one  end  sharper  than  the 
other.  Nymphsea,  Ribes  spinosum  glabrum,  Aconitum, 
Cocos  nucifera. 

Tearlike,  lachrymceforme.  The  small  end  sharper  than 
in  the  egglike,  and  frequently  compressed.  Pyrus,  Malus, 
Amygdalus,  Linum. 

Elliptic,  ellipticum.  Sisymbrium  latifolium,  Isatis  tinc- 

Oblong,  oblongum . At  least  twice  and  a half  as  long  as 
broad,  and  rounded  at  each  end.  Phoenix  dactylifera, 
Lonicera  Zeylanica. 

Topshape,  turbinatum . Conical  with  a round  base;  the 
cone  at  least  once  and  a half  as  high  as  broad.  Bixa. 

Straight,  rectilineum , rectum.  Chserophyllum  aromati- 
cum,  Hieracium  glaucum. 

Kidneyshape,  reniforme.  Papaver  somniferum,  Acer 
majus,  Many  malvacese,  Silene,  Phaseolus. 

Bent,  curved,  arouatum , curvatum.  Slightly  bent.  Ero- 
teum  undulatum,  Tournefortia  mutabilis. 

Much  bent,  recurvum , recurvatum.  Bent  so  that  the  two 
ends  nearly  meet.  Potamogeton. 

Folded,  replicatum.  Folded  in  two,  so  that  the  two 
halves  are  close  together,  and  even  united.  Alisma  major, 
Damasonium  Dalechampii,  Sagittaria. 

Compressed,  compressurn.  Broader  than  thick.  Fraxi- 
nus,  Vicia  vulgaris,  Cucurbita  esculenta. 

Orbicular,  orbiculare.  The  edge  circular.  Carex  di- 
vulsa,  Ervurn  lens. 

Lentilsh ape,  lenticular e,  rotunda to-compressum.  Convex 
on  both  sides,  with  a sharp  edge.  Carex  muricata,  Ama- 
ranth us  minor. 



Discoid,  discoideum.  Thick,  with  two  flat  parallel  faces, 
and  a bluntly  rounded  edge.  Dioscorea,  Strychnos  Nux- 

Flat,  planum.  Lilium,  Tulipa. 

Angular,  angulosum.  Having  prominent  corners  upon 
its  surface.  Trasus  sylvaticus,  Cepa  esculenta,  Rumex, 
Fagopyrum  esculentum,  Primula. 

Three-cornered,  trigonum , triquetrum.  Rumex,  Rheum, 
Fagus  sylvestris. 

Four-cornered,  tetragonum9  &c. 

Sawdust-like,  scobiforme,  Fine,  long,  like  sawdust. 
Orchidese,  Rhododendron. 

Grooved,  canaliculatum.  Hollowed  out  into  a gutter 
lengthways.  Phaenix  dactylifera. 

3.  Surface . 

Bald,  Semen  glabrum.  Asparagus  officinalis,  Nymphsea, 
Brassica,  iEsculus  Hippocastanum. 

Smooth,  Iceve.  Nymphaea,  iEsculus  Hippocastanum. 

Polished,  Icevigatum.  Geranium  Robertianum,  G.  molle, 
Melampyrum  arvense. 

Shining,  nitidum9  lucidum.  Polygonum  aviculare,  Ama- 
ranthus  minor,  Nymphaea,  Linum  usitatissimum,  Spartium 
scoparium,  iEsculus  Hippocastanum. 

Streaked,  striatum.  Lysimachia  stellata. 

Furrowed,  sulcatum.  Digitalis  speciosa,  Viburnum  fa- 

Networked,  reliculatum.  Geranium  rotundifolium,  G. 
dissect  um,  G.  columbinum. 

Wrinkled,  rugosum . Damasonium  Dalechampii,  Aco- 
nitum,  Cymbalaria  hederacea,  Elatine  hastata. 

Pitted,  scrobiculatum.  With  irregular  pits.  Arum  Xta- 
licum,  Datisca  cannabina. 

Honeycombed,  alveolatum^faveolatum.  With  pits,  placed 
regularly.  Antirrhinum,  Papaver. 

Rough,  scabrum.  Ruta  graveolens,  Primula  veris. 

Dotted,  punctatum.  Covered  either  with  rising  points, 
Cyclamen  vernum,  Anagallis  Phoenicia,  Geranium  colum- 
binum; or  with  coloured  dots,  Clausena. 

Tubercular,  tuberculatum.  With  elevated  lumps.  Vicia 

Warty,  carunculatum . With  spongy  or  pulpy  excre- 
scences. Chelidonium  majus,  Ricinus. 



Furnished  with  an  operculum,  vperculatum.  Having 
an  operculum,  or  embryo-cover,  placed  over  the  radicular 
extremity  of  the  embryon,  and  falling  oft1  when  the  seed 
germinates.  Phoenix  dactylifera,  Asparagus  officinalis. 

Villous,  villosum.  Roellia  cristata,  Murraya  exotica. 

Woolly,  lanatum . Bombax,  Gossypium. 

Edged,  marginatum.  With  a prominent  narrow  edge. 
Spergula  pentandra,  Matthiola  sinuata. 

Fringed,  ciliaium.  Edged,  and  the  edge  cut  into  fine 
jags  like  eyelashes.  Limnanthes  peltata. 

Winged,  aldtum.  Furnished  with  large  thin  expansions 
of  the  edges  or  corners. 

One-winged,  uni-alatum. , monopterum . 

Winged  all  round,  peripteratim.  Surrounded  by  the 
wing.  Veratrum  album,  Rhinanthus  glaber. 

Winged  at  top,  epipteratum.  Banksia,  Bignonia. 

Two-winged,  bi-alatum , dipterum. 

Three-winged,  tri-alatum , triptemm . Moringa,  Ptero- 

Tufted,  comatum.  With  a tuft  of  hairs  or  coma,  pro- 
duced either  by  an  expansion  of  the  seed-covers,  Tamarix; 
or  by  the  umbilical  cord  drying,  and  splitting  into  fine 
filaments,  Asclepias,  Epilobium. 

Bald-headed,  calvum.  Without  any  tuft.  Vinca. 

Drupelike,  drupeolatum..  Surrounded  with  pulp  and 
like  a stone-fruit.  Ixia  Chinensis,  Punica  Granatus. 

Arilled,  arillatum.  Having  an  arill.  Myristica,  Oxalis, 

Parts  of  the  seed . 

Seed  covers,  Integumenla  propria  seminum , Tunicas,  semi - 
nales.  The  covers  that  grow  along  with  the  ovule,  and  are 
not  very  distinct  until  the  ovary  is  ripened  into  a pericarp  : 
they  comprise  the  arill,  the  outer  and  the  inner  skin. 

The  kernel,  Amygdala.  The  seed  stripped  of  its  covers, 
being  either  a simple  embryo,  or  an  embryo  accompanied 
with  a perisperm. 


Arillus,  Calyptra.  An  appendage  to  the  hile , usually 
forming  an  expansion  round  the  seed,  which  falls  off  of  itself 
and  is  peculiar  to  a few  seeds  only . 

Complete,  Arillus  complelus.  Covering  the  seed  entirely. 



Incomplete,  incompletus.  Covering  the  seed  only  par- 
tially. Evonymus  verrucosus,  Bocconia  frutescens. 

% Cuplike,  cupular  is.  In  form  of  a hollow  cup.  Evo- 
nymus verrucosus,  Bocconia  frutescens. 

Caruncular,  strophiolate,  caruncularis , slrophiolatas . 
Formed  of  one  or  more  caruncles.  Polygala  vulgaris. 

Parted,  partitus.  Divided  into  several  broad  parts. 

Three-parted,  tripartitus.  Polygala  vulgaris. 

Many-parted,  inultipartitus.  Myristica. 

Jagged,  laciniatus.  Divided  into  narrow  strips.  Rave- 

Pulpy,  pulposus.  Texture  cellular,  very  fine,  full  of 
juice.  Bocconia  frutescens. 

Fleshy,  carnosus.  Texture  thick,  juicy,  but  firm.  My- 

Elastic,  elasticus.  Extending  as  the  seed  enlarges,  to 
a certain  length,  then  tearing  open,  and  retracting,  in  con- 
sequence of  its  tenacity.  Oxalis. 

Tearing,  ruptilis.  Tearing  irregularly  when  the  seed 
enlarges.  Meliacese. 


Pellicula,  Epidermis.  A very  thin  arill  which  hears  the 
hairs  that  accompany  some  seeds.  Bombax,  Gossypium. 


Coma.  A small  tuft  of  hairs  growing  at  one  end  of  some 
needs.  Asclepias,  Epilobium,  Tamarix. 

Skins  of  the  Seed. 

Spermoderme,  Spermodermis,  Perispermum,  Episper- 
mum.  The  coats  of  seeds  in  general , surrounding  and  co- 
vering their  kernel , including  the  outer  and  inner  skin , and 
the  flesh  of  the  seed. 

Outer  Skin. 

Shell,  Testa,  Lorica.  The  smooth , scalelike , external 
covering  of  the  kernel , which , notwithstanding  its  appearance , 
easily  imbibes  moisture . PL  15,  fig.  22  a. 

Crustaceous,  Lorica  Crustacea.  Thin,  dry,  brittle  like  a 
snail-shell.  Papaver  orientale,  Ricinus. 

Bony,  ossea , lapidea.  Dry,  solid,  thick,  and  resembling 
a bony  or  stony  substance  in  its  appearance.  Nymph  sea 
alba,  Nuphar  luteum. 



Leatherlike,  eoriacea.  Camellia  Japonica,  Hura  cre- 

Fungous,  corklike,  fungosa , suberosa . Tulipa,  Lilium, 

Pulpy,  pulposa.  Juicy  externally,  giving  the  seed  the 
appearance  of  a stone-fruit.  Ixia  Chinensis,  Punica  Gra- 
natus,  Magnolia. 

Bladdery,  vesicularis.  Membranaceous,  and  much  larger 
than  the  parts  they  cover.  Philadelphus  coronarius. 

„ Flesh  of  the  Seed. 

Sarcodermis.  A parenchymatous  substance , placed  between 
the  outer  and  inner  skin  of  the  seed,  frequent  ly  scarcely  visible, 
but  sometimes  very  apparent . Iris  faetidissima. 

Inner  Skin. 

Tegmen,  Endopleura,  Tunica  interior,  Xntegumentum, 
Hiloferus.  A thin  pellicle  placed  next  the  kernel , scarcely 
separable  from  the  flesh  of  the  seed,  and  which,  notwithstand- 
ing its  appearance,  is  not  permeable  to  moisture . PL  15, 

fig.  2£  b. 

Membranaceous,  Tegmen  membranaceum.  Nymph ma 

alba,  Amygdalus,  Cerasus,  Castanea  vesca,  Fagus  sylvatica. 

Paperlike,  chartaceum.  Dry,  smooth,  flexible,  tough 
like  a card  or  parchment.  Pyrus  communis. 

Leatherlike,  coriaceum . Cocos  nucifera. 

Crustaceous,  crustaceum.  Areca  Faufel. 

. Cobweblike,  arachnoideum.  Ixia  Chinensis. 

Partition-bearing,  septiferum . Expanding  internally  in 
the  form  of  incomplete  partitions,  that  divide  the  kernel 
into  several  lobes.  Castanea  vesca,  Juglans  regia. 

Gummy,  gummatum.  Covered  with  a gummy  substance. 
Pyrus  Cydonia. 

"Distinct,  a loricd  distinctum.  Separable  from  the  outer 
skin,  without  any  tearing.  Nymphaea,  Hydrocharideae. 

Coherent,  loricce  cohmrens.  Not  separable  from  the  outer 
skin  without  tearing.  Citrus,  Murraya. 




Eye  of  the  seed,  Base  of  the  seed,  Hilum,  Hylus,  Umbi- 
licus, Cicatricula,  Fenestra.  A scar  upon  the  surface  of  the 
outer  skin  of  the  seed , which  shows  the  point  by  which  the 
umbilical  cord  fastened  the  seed  to  the  mother-plant . 

The  hile  is  frequently  placed  in  the  middle  of  a spot* 
hollow,  or  elevation,  and  in  describing  plants  ihis  spot,  &c. 
is  included  in  the  signification  of  the  word  hile. 

Dot  like,  Hilum  punctiforme.  Cruciferae. 

Linear,  linear e . Long,  narrow,  with  the  sides  parallel,, 

Line-like,  lineolare.  Resembling  a plain  stroke.  Com- 
melina  communis. 

Orbicular,  orbicular e.  JEsculus. 

Elliptic,  ellipticum . Phaseolus. 

Heartshape,  cordiforme.  Areca,  Cardiospermum. 

Convex,  convexum . iEsculus. 

Concave,  concavum.  Cyclamen  vernum. 

Strophiolate,  strophiolatum . Composed  of  a row  or  rows 
of  tubercles.  Polygaleae. 

Comose,  comosum.  Woolly,  Polygaleae. 

Ambiguous,  ambiguum.  Corresponding  at  the  same  time 
to  the  two  ends  of  a bent  or  folded  seed. 


Omphalodium.  A protuberant  point , usually  placed  in 
the  middle  of  the  cicatrix , where  the  nutrimental  vessels  en- 
tered the  seed . 


Micropyla.  A point  near  the  hile , which  appears  to  be 
the  place  where  the  fecundating  vessels  entered  the  seed . 


Spilus.  A small  spot  under  the  first  cover  of  the  fruit  of 
the  graminece  at  the  'internal  base , which  appears  to  be  the 
real  umbilicus  or  point  where  the  vessels  of  the  pericarpium 
enter  the  spermoderme , which  is  closely  united  with  the  peri- 


Prostypum,  Prostypum  funiculare.  A slight  elevation 
on  the  surface  of  the  seed-covers , formed  by  the  internal 
elongation  of  the  vessels  of  the  umbilical  cord. 




Rapha.  The  prominent  rib  of  the  proslype  that  passes 
from  the  hile  to  the  chalaze. 

Straight,  Rapha  rectilinea , recta.  Labia  he. 

Winding,  sinuosa.  Passing  along  in  a serpentine  line. 

% Simple,  simplex.  Passing  in  a single  uniform  line, 
without  any  ramifications.  Labiatae,  Most  aurantiaceae. 

Branched,  racemosa.  Throwing  out  branches,  on  each 
side,  which  usually  anastomose,  and  form  a network. 


Chalaza,  Umbilicus  internus.  A mark  on  the  inner  skin , 
showing  where  the  umbilical  cord  pierces  it : this  point  is 
usually  directly  under  the  hile , but  sometimes  at  a distance , 
and  connected  with  it  by  the  raphe. 

Tubercular,  Chalaza  tuberculosa.  Swelled  out  in  bunches. 

Cuplike,  cupularis.  Dilated  within  the  flesh  of  the  seed 
into  the  form  of  a cup,  or  such  like  vessel.  Most  auran- 
tiaceae, especially  Citrus  Medica,  Cookia  punctata. 

f Coloured,  colorata.  Of  a different  colour  than  that  of 
the  skin.  Citrus  Medica. 

Not  coloured,  incolor . Phaseolus. 


Nucleus,  Amygdala.  The  internal  part  of  the  seed , con** 
tamed  within  the  skins , and  composed  of  an  embryo  either 
alone , or  accompanied  with  a perisperm. 

Coated,  Arnygdala  tunicata.  Covered  with  skins  very 
distinct  from  the  inside  of  the  ovary.  Polygonum,  GEno- 

Tegmined,  tegminatci.  Covered  with  a tegmen.  Scirpus, 
Heisteria  coccinea. 

Loricated,  loricata.  Covered  wfith  a lorica.  Eroteum 
wndulatum,  (Enothera. 

Naked,  nuda , sine  tunica.  Naked  within  the  sides  of  the 
ovary.  Abietideae,  Cupressideae,  Taxideae. 

Free,  libera.  The  surface  not  adhering  to  the  covers 
which  envelope  it.  Amygdaius,  Phaseolus,  Faba. 



Adherent,  adhcerens.  Adhering  to  its  covers.  Gramineae, 
Urn  bell  iferae. — This  only  takes  place  when  there  is  a peri- 
sperm,  and  in  this  case  the  true  place  of  the  hile,  and  con- 
sequently the  base  of  the  seed,  is  frequently  very  difficult  to 
be  ascertained. 

If  Single,  unica.  Only  one  kernel  in  a seed.  Most 

Double,  duplex.  Two  in  each  seed.  Eriolithus. 

Perispermed,  perispermata , perispermica , albummosa.J 
endospermica.  Having  a perisperm.  Cyperaceae,  Gramineae, 
Rubiaceae,  Umbelliferae. 

Not-perispermed,  aperispermata,  exallmminosa , episperm - 
ica,  epiperispermica.  Without  a perisperm.  Alismaceae, 
Compositae,  Faba,  Phaseolus. 

Tuberous,  tuberosa.  Composed  of  an  uniform  mass,  with 
several  germinating  points.  Aroideae,  Calladium. 


Perispermum,  Albumen,  Endospermum,  Secundinae  in- 
ternae,  Medulla  seminis.  Cellular  tissue  accompanying  the 
embryo  in  the  kernel , but  scarcely  ever  adhering  to  it , and 
having  no  vascular  organization  ; furnishing , during  germi- 
nation, the  first  nourishment  to  the  young  plant.  PI.  18, 
fig.  20  e;  22. 

Central,  Perispermum  centrale.  Forming  a mass  in  the 
centre  of  the  kernel,  and  surrounded  by  the  embryo.  Cus- 
cuta  Europaea,  Silene,  Nyctagineae. 

Circumferential,  periphcericum.  Surrounding  the  em- 
bryo, and  concealing  it.  Abietideae,  Cupressideae. 

One-sided,  unilaterale.  Placed  on  one  side,  and  the  em- 
bryo on  the  other.  Gramineae. 

If  Dry,  siccum , aridum.  Gramineae. 

Mealy,  farinosum.  Dry,  and  reducible  by  trituration 
into  a fine,  soft  powder.  Triticum,  Avena,  Secale. 

Friable,  friabile.  Dry,  and  crumbling  by  a slight  rub- 
bing, Piper  nigrum,  Gunnera  scabra. 

Oily,  oleagineum.  Greasy  to  the  touch,  and  yielding  oil 
by  expression.  Euphorbiaceae,  Nyssa  sylvatica. 

Mucilaginous,  mucilaginosum.  Having,  while  moist,  the 
consistence  of  a gummy  matter  slightly  wetted.  Convol- 

Pellicular,  membranaceous,  pellicular e,  membranaceum. 
Formed  of  a thin  flake  or  pellicle.  Most  labiatae,  Prunus, 

VOL.  i.  p 



Fleshy,  carnosum.  Euphorbiaceae. 

Horny,  corneum.  Tough,  elastic,  hard  like  horn.  Palmse, 
Aristolochia,  Rubiacese. 

Leathery,  cartilaginous,  coriaceum,  cartilogineum , dense 
carnosum . Tough  like  leather,  or  a cartilage.  Umbel- 
life  rae. 

Transparent,  pellucidum . Oryza  saliva. 

Opake,  opacum.  Triticum. 

If  Lobed,  lolatum. 

Three-lobed,  trilobcitum.  Coccoloba,  Lon  tar  us. 

Five-lobed,  quinquelobnturn.  Aquilicia. 

Creviced,  rimosum . Having  more  or  less  deep  incisions, 
into  which  folds  of  the  seed-covers  are  inserted.  Uvaria, 

% Large,  magnum.  Relatively  to  the  embryo.  Grami- 
neae,  Umbelliferae,  Ranunculaceae. 

Thick,  crassum.  Having  a notable  thickness.  Graminese, 

Thin,  tenue.  Labiatae,  Rosaceae,  Thymelese. 

% White,  album.  In  most  plants. 

Green,  viride . Viscum  album. 

% Hollow,  cavum . Having  another  internal  cavity  be- 
sides that  containing  the  embryo.  Cocos,  Myristica. 

Wrinkled,  corrugatum , contortuplicatum.  Folded  to- 
gether in  different  senses  along  with  the  embryo.  Convol- 

Hile-bearing,  hiliferum.  Bearing  the  hile.  Abietideae, 
Cupressideae,  Taxideae. 


/I  pulpy  liquor  which  appears  to  form  the  whole  substance  of 
the  kernel  before  its  fecundation , and  disappears  before  its 


A transparent  gelatinous  or  emulsive  liquor  that  is  not  to  be 
seen  before  fecundation , in  which  the  embryo  swims , and 
which  appears  to  serve  for  its  nourishment;  the  concrete  re- 
siduum forming  the  perisperm.  Cocoa. 

Naked,  Amnios  nudum. 

Enclosed,  inclusum.  Enclosed  in  a sac. 


Proper  seed,  Heart  of  the  seed,  Corculum,  Cor  seminis. 
The  rudiment  of  the  new  plant . PI.  15,  fig.  22  d;  pi.  18, 
fig.  20  f ; 22  a. 




Not  cotyledonic,  Emlrio  acotyledoneus . Without  any 
cotyledons,  and  of  course  consisting  only  of  a blasteme. 
Cuscuta,  Confervse. 

One-cotyledon,  monocoty  ledoneus . With  only  one  coty- 
ledon. Gramineae,  Liliaceae,  Cyclamen  Europseus,  Zani- 

Two-cotyledon,  dicoty ledoneus.  With  two  cotyledons. 
Labiatas,  Composite,  Umbelliferae,  Cruciferae,  Rosaceae, 

Many-cotyledon,  poly coty ledoneus.  With  more  than  two 
cotyledons.  Pinus,  Abies,  Larix,  Cedrus,  Ceratophyllum. 

If  Spherical,  globular,  sphcericus,  glohulosns. 

Ellipsoid,  ellipsoideus.  Quercus  longaeva. 

Egglike,  ovoideus.  Juncus,  Corylus,  Nelumbo. 

Conical,  conicus.  In  form  of  a sugar-loaf.  Epilobium 

Topshaped,  turbinatus . Nymphaea  alba,  Scirpus  sylva- 

Threadlike,  filiformis.  Slender  and  cylindrical  like  a 
thread.  Typha,  Allium,  Atriplex,  Oamasonium  Dale- 

Spindleshape,  fusiformis.  Long,  and  growing  narrower 
at  each  end.  Triglochin  palustre. 

Clubshape,  claviformis.  Hyacinth  us  nutans. 

Mushroom sh ape,  fungifor m is.  Having  a hemispherical 
broad  head  placed  upon  a cylindrical  stem.  Musa  sapie il- 
ium, M.  coccinea. 

Hear tsli ape,  cordiformis,  Azarum,  Aristolochia,  Gun- 

Saucerlike,  patelliformis.  Flagellaria  Indica. 

Bucklershape,  scutelliformis.  Broad,  more  or  less  round, 
Riders  but  little  from  the  preceding.  Holcus. 

Cylindrical,  cylindricus.  Antirrhinum. 

Sheavelike,  trochlearis . Cylindrical,  very  short,  narrower 
in  the  middle,  like  the  sheave  of  a pulley.  Commelina 

Lenticular,  lenticularis.  Erviirn  lens. 

% Straight,  rectilineus , rectus.  Neither  bent,  nor  twisted. 
Abietidese,  Cupressidese,  Taxideae,  Aroideae. 

Bent,  arcuatus , curvatus.  Vaccinium  montanum.  Galium 
uncinatum,  Papaver. 

Bent  back,  re  cur  mis,  recurvaius.  Bent  so  that  the  tip  of 
the  cotyledons  either  touches  the  radicle,  or  approaches 
very  close  to  it.  Nyctaginese,  Morus. 

p 2 



Knee-bent,  geniculatus.  Folded  so  as  to  form  an  angle. 
Guettarda  speciosa. 

Folded,  replicatus , condupLicaius.  Folded  in  two,  and 
the  folds  brought  close  together.  Alisma,  Sagittaria,  Da- 

Ringlike,  annularis . Slender,  long,  bent  so  that  the 
cotyledon  end  touches  the  radicular.  Salsola,  Silene. 

Pill-like,  in  orbem  contractus.  Bent  so  as  to  form  a ball. 
Sinapis  alba. 

Spiral,  spiralis , cochleatus.  Bent  in  a spiral.  Salsola 
tragus,  Cuscuta  Europaea.  PI.  13,  fig.  14*. 

Crooked,  Jlexuosus.  Bent  in  different  directions.  An-, 
guillaria  Bahamensis. 

f Enclosed,  reclusus,  inclusus . Shut  up  in  the  perisperm. 
Anagallis  phoenicia,  Campanula,  Galium. 

Axile,  axilis.  Slender,  surrounded  with  a perisperm, 
and  placed  in  a straight  line  from  one  point  to  that  dia- 
metrically opposite.  Typha,  Plantagineae,  Fraxinus,  Cam- 
panula, Berberis,  Saxifragese. 

Medial,  medians.  Spread  out  broad,  placed  in  the 
middle  of  the  perisperm,  and  dividing  it  into  two  nearly 
equal  parts.  Cassia  Fistula,  Ricinus,  Plura  crepitans. 

Central,  centralis.  In  the  centre  of  the  perisperm. 
Taxus  baccata.  PI.  13,  fig.  22. 

Excentric,  excentricus.  Enclosed  in  the  perisperm,  but 
not  placed  in  the  centre.  Cyclamen. 

External,  exterior . On  the  surface  of  the  perisperm. 
Scirpus,  Gramineae,  Nymphaea. 

Peripheric,  periphcericus,  albumine  circumpositus.  Ex- 
ternal, and  surrounding  the  greater  part  of  the  perisperm. 
Mirabilis,  Silene.  Very  rare. 

Nearly  peripheric,  siibperiphcericus.  The  perisperm  that 
forms  the  central  part  of  the  kernel  throws  out  the  embryo, 
which  spreads  in  a very  thin  flake  over  its  surface.  Atri~ 
plices,  Amaranthideae. 

Crosswise,  transversus . Long,  and  nearly  parallel  to 
the  hile.  Asparagus  officinalis,  Plantagineae,  Cyclamen 
Europseiun,  Primulacese,  Polemonium,  Many  boraginese. 

Oblique,  obliquus.  One  end  further  from  the  axis  of  the 
seed  than  the  other.  Gramineae. 

On  the  side,  lateralis.  Thrust  on  one  side.  Gramineae, 
Polygonum  scandens,  Cyclamen. 

At  the  base,  basilaris.  Placed  entirely  at  the  bottom  of 
the  seed  near  the  hile.  Cyperaceae,  Juncus,  Asarum, 
Aristolochia,  Pedicular  is,  Umbelliferae,  Papaver,  Aconi- 
tuin,  Ranunculus. 



At  the  tip,  apicilaris.  Placed  opposite  the  hile.  Col- 

Vague,  vagus.  Placed  in  the  perisperm,  but  neither  at 
the  bottom,  top,  or  side  of  the  seed. 

Nestling,  nidulatus.  Placed  in  a sac  formed  by  a fold  of 
the  inner  skin  of  the  seed.  Commelina. 

f White,  albus,  lacteus.  Most  embryos. 

Yellowish,  lutescens.  Ribes  spinosum  glabrum. 

Green,  viridis.  Acer  majus,  Pistachia  Terebinth  us. 

Leadcolour,  plumbeus.  iEchinops. 

Purplish,  purpureus . Bidens  and  Zinnia  when  the  seeds 
are  fresh. 

If  Large-footed,  macropodius . The  radicle  very  large, 
and  bulging  out  like  a head. 

Large-headed,  macrocephalus . The  cotyledons  swelled 
out  into  a mass  much  larger  than  the  other  part. 

Roots  within,  endorhizus.  Radicles  growing  from  the 
base  of  the  embryo  and  piercing  the  covers. 

Roots  without,  exorhizus.  Radicles  completely  developed 
in  the  embryo,  and  only  lengthening  in  germination. 

Roots  united,  synorhizus.  Radicle  united  in  some  degree 
with  the  perisperm. 


Cotyledones,  Lobi,  Valvae  seminum.  The  part  of  the 
kernel  that  forms  the  first  leaves  of  the  plant  during  germi- 
nation. PL  14,  fig.  12;  pi.  15,  fig.  19,  22  c;  pi.  16,  fig.  13. 

In  one-cotyledon  embryos,  the  cotyledon  forming  nearly 
the  whole  mass  of  the  embryo,  the  external  characters  are 
common  both  to  the  embryo  and  the  cotyledon,  and  it  is 
indifferent  whether  it  be  said  that  the  embryo  or  the  coty- 
ledon of  holcus  is  bucklershape ; but  in  other  embryos, 
the  cotyledons  are  in  general  ver^  distinct. 

Fleshy,  Cotyledones  carnosa.  Thick,  juicy,  firm,  and 
breakable.  Corylus,  Faba,  Amygdalus  communis,  A. 

Leaflike,  foliacece.  Thin,  and  frequently  ribbed  like 
leaves.  Nyctagineae,  Tilia,  Cassia  Fistula,  Euphorbiacese. 
PL  14,  fig.  12. 

If  Dotted,  punctata . Surfaces  with  either  transparent 
points,  Aurantiacese ; or  coloured  ones.  Anagallis  when 

Ribbed,  nervata.  Surface  ribbed.  Tilia,  Mirabilis  Jalapa. 

Ribless,  enerves.  Faba. 



IT  Large,  magn(£.  Relatively  to  the  radicle.  Amygdaltis* 
Faba,  Quercus,  Castanea  vesca. 

Middlesize,  mediocres.  Polygonum,  Galium,  Pinus. 

Small,  parses.  Orontium  majus,  Polemonium. 

Very  small,  parvules.  Rhododendron. 

Long,  longce.  Salsola. 

Short,  hr  eves.  Hopea. 

Shortened,  abbreviates.  Short,  but  broad. 

Broad,  lates.  In  respect  to  their  length.  Avicennia, 

Narrow,  angustes.  Salsola,  Hieracium,  Pinus. 

Thick,  crosses.  iEsculus,  Amygdalus,  Phaseolus,  Qucr- 
cus,  Castanea  vesca. 

Side,  laterales.  On  one  side  of  the  blasteme,  which 
position  is  peculiar  to  the  one-cotyledon  embryos.  Gra- 

Opposite,  opposites.  Placed  at  the  same  height  on  the 
blasteme,  but  diametrically  opposite,  as  in  two-cotyledon 
embryos.  Phaseolus,  Faba,  Pisurn. 

In  -whirls,  verticiUates.  Many,  and  placed  round  the 
blasteme  at  the  same  height.  Pinus,  Abies,  Larix,  Cera- 

Contiguous,  contigucs.  Their  internal  faces  closely  ap- 
plied to  each  other.  Most  two-cotyledon  plants,  Rosacese, 

Incumbent,  incumbentes.  Contiguous  and  lying  upon 
one  another,  the  one  towards  the  summit  of  the  seed,  the 
other  towards  the  hile.  Hesperis,  Smyrnium. 

Accumbent,  accumhentes.  Contiguous,  and  lying  side  by 
side.  Nasturtium,  Cardamine. 

Wide  apart,  divergences.  Separating  from  one  another 
by  their  tips.  Delphinium  puniceum,  Myristica. 

Turned  back,  reflexes.  Bent,  and  turning  their  tip  to 
the  tip  of  the  radicle,  Nyctagyneae,  Dorstenia;  and  that 
either  by  their  faces,  a faciebus , Mirabilis  Jalapa ; or  by 
their  side,  a lateribus , Genista  Hispanica,  Cheiranthus,, 

Rolled  lengthways,  circulates.  Forming  a spiral  by  their 
tip  being  rolled  inwards  to  the  bottom.  Basella,  Anabasis. 

Roiled  sideways,  convuh/tes.  Forming  a spiral  by  one 
of  their  sides  being  rolled  inwards.  Punica  Granatum, 
PI.  15,  %.  19. 

Riding,  sc  invicem  equitantes,  obvolutce , opposites.  The 
half  of  one  cotyledon  folded  sideways  receives  into  the  fold 
the  half  of  the  other  folded  in  a similar  manner.  Coldenia 



Folded  together,  conduplicatce.  Applied  close  to  one 
another,  and  folded  togther.  Avicenna. 

Folded  up,  plica  toe.  In  regular  folds  like  those  of  a fan. 
Fagus  sylvatica. 

Rumpled,  contortuplicatce , corrugates . Folded  irregularly, 
in  different  directions,  like  a rumpled  stuff’.  Convolvulus, 
Malva,  Gossypium. 

Joined  together,  coalites.  United  after  the  seed  ripened, 
and  forming  only  a single  mass.  Tropaeolum. 

Pierced,  pertusce.  Pierced  with  large  holes.  Menisper- 
mum  fenestratum. 

If  Rounded,  orhiculares , subrotundes.  More  or  less 
rounded.  Acanthacese,  Hura  crepitans. 

Oval,  ovules.  Resembling  the  longitudinal  section  of  an 
egg,  one  end  being  rounder  than  the  other.  Cheiranthus 
Cheiri,  Amygdalus  communis. 

Elliptic,  ellipticcE.  One  third  longer  than  broad,  edge 
rounded,  the  two  ends  equal.  Quercus  longaeva. 

Kidneyshape,  reniformes . Anacardium  orientale. 

Heartshape,  cordiformes.  Ixora,  Coffaea,  Phyllis  Nobla. 

Lanceolate,  lanceolatcs.  Two  thirds  longer  than  broad, 
and  ending  in  an  acute  angle. 

Linear,  linear es.  Flat,  long,  narrow,  with  the  sides 
nearly  parallel.  Hieracium  glaucum. 

Long,  elongates.  At  least  twice  and  a half  as  long  as 
broad.  Salsola  radiata. 

_ Semicylindrical,  hemicy lindriccs.  Long,  with  one  face 
flat  and  the  other  convex.  Salsola  radiata. 

Sickleshape,  faleates.  Long  and  bent  like  a reaping- 
hook.  Ceratospermum,  Hypecoum. 

% Alike,  ' similar  es . Equal  in  size  and  form.  Faba, 
Amygdalus,  and  indeed  most  cotyledons. 

Unlike,  dissimiles.  Differing  from  one  another.  Trapa 
natans,  Ceratophyllum  demersum. 

f Lobed,  lobates . Cut  to  the  middle,  or  even  deeper. 
Juglans,  Hernandia. 

Two-lobed,  bilobates . Brassica  oleracea. 

Five-lobed,  quinquelobatce . Tilia  alba. 

Feather-cut,  pinnatifidee.  Long,  and  divided  on  the 
sides.  Geranium  moschatum. 

Uncut,  integree.  Having  neither  teeth,  sinuses,  nor  lobes. 
Most  cotyledons. 

f Footstalked,  petiolatce.  Narrowed  at  bottom  into  a 
kind  of  footstalk.  Mirabilis  Jalapa  when  germinating,' * 
iEsculus  Hippocastanum,  Trapaeolum  when  germinating, 
Dorstenia  Contrayerva. 



Sessile,  sessiles.  Without  any  petiole.  Most  cotyledons. 

Jointed,  articulates.  Narrowed  at  bottom,  and  appearing 
as  if  united  to  the  blasteme  by  a joint.  Mespilus  Ger- 

Indistinct,  confluentes.  Not  narrowed  at  bottom,  but 
confounded  together  and  with  the  blasteme.  Compositse, 

If  Hypogeous,  hypogece.  Remaining  under  ground  dur- 
ing germination.  Gramineae,  iEsculus. 

Epigeous,  epigece.  Rising  out  of  the  ground  during 
germination.  Abietideas,  Faba,  Mirabilis. 

The  other  characters  of  cotyledons  are  to  be  sought  for 
by  considering  them  as  leaves. 

Primordial  Leaves. 

Folia  primordialia.  Those  small  leaves  which , besides  the 
cotyledons , are  sometimes  visible  in  the  seed . 


Piled  a.  A primordial  leaf,  closed , and  covering  like  an 
extinguisher,  the  other  leaves  of  the  sprouting  seed . Scirpus. 
PI.  13,  fig.  2 c. 

Main  Body. 

Corpus  Cotyledoneum.  The  cotyledonary  mass  formed  of 
cotyledons  closely  united  together. 


The  place  vjhere  two  opposite  cotyledons  are  united. 


Lobula.  That  cotyledon  of  two  opposite  ones  which  is 
placed  farthest  from  the  radicle. 


Coleophyllum,  Coleoptila.  A small  sheath  formed  by 
the  cotyledons , and  surrounding  the  base  of  the  plumule . Alis- 
macese,  Liliaceae. 

Seed  Roots. 

Radices  seminales,  Vasa  mammaria.  The  small  vessels 
proceeding  from  the  plumule  into  the  cotyledons. 




Blastema.  That  part  of  the  embryo  that  remains  when 
the  cotyledons  are  taken  away . 

Lateral,  Blastema  laterale.  The  axis  on  one  side  relatively 
to  the  mass  of  the  embryo.  Gramineae. 


Plantule,  Plumula.  That  part  of  the  blasteme  that  is 
destined  to  rise  above  ground  and  form  the  future  plant. 

Conspicuous,  Plumula  visibilis.  Visible  before  germina- 
tion, either  by  the  naked  eye,  Gramineae,  iEsculus  Hippo- 
castanum,  Faba,  Nelumbo,  Ceratophyllum;  or  by  the  as- 
sistance of  glasses.  Damasonium  Dalechampii,  Triglochin 
palustre.  PI.  13,  fig.  1 e. 

Inconspicuous,  invisibilis , inconspicua.  Commelina,  Cepa 
esculenta,  Cyclamen  Europaeum. 

Coleoptiled,  coleoptilata.  Enclosed  in  a coleoptile. 
Alismaceae,  Liliaceae. 

Naked,  nuda,  acoleoptilata.  On  the  surface  of  the  blas- 
teme, without  any  coleoptile.  Gramineae,  Faba. 

Dotlike,  punctiformis.  So  very  small,  that  it  appears 
like  a dot  only.  Abies.  , 

Tigellated,  tigellata.  Having  a visible  tigelle.  Faba. 

Leaved,  foliata.  The  gemmule  so  far  developed  that 
small  leaves  may  be  seen  in  it.  Faba,  Ceratophyllum. 


Cauliculus.  That  part  of  the  plumule  which  is  seated  be- 
tween the  cotyledons  and  the  radicle . 


Rostellum,  Radicula.  That  part  of  the  blasteme  that 
forms  the  future  root  of  the  plant ; but  is  generally  taken 
for  all  beneath  the  insertion  of  the  cotyledons. 

Visible,  Radicula  visibilis.  Faba. 

Invisible,  invisibilis.  Not  to  be  seen  before  the  seed  ger- 
minates. Commelina  communis. 

Coleorhized,  coleorhizata.  Enclosed  in  a coleorhize. 
Gramineae,  Tropaeolum  majus. 

Naked,  nuda.  Not  enclosed  in  a coleorhize.  Faba, 
Phoenix  dactylifera. 

Hilebearing,  hilifera.  The  kernel  being  naked,  the  ra- 
dicle receives  its  vessels  immediately  from  the  umbilical 
cord.  Avicennia. 

Prominent,  prominens.  Prolonged  below  the  insertion 
of  the  cotyledons.  Cheiranthus,  Genista. 



Drawn  in,  retract  a . Hidden  by  the  cotyledons  which 
are  prolonged  below  their  insertion  on  the  blasteme. 
Acanthus,  Quercus,  Cory] us. 

If  Slender,  gracilis . Cheiranthus  fruticulosus. 

Conical,  conica.  In  form  of  a reverse  cone.  Faba,  La- 
biatae,  Cucurbitaceae. 

Roundish,  subrotunda.  Nearly  globular.  Viscom  album, 
Berberis,  Cassia  Fistula. 

Eggshape,  ovoidea.  Ribes,  Castanea  vesca,  Glaucium 

Clubshape,  clavceformis . Rhizophora. 

Flatted,  depressa.  Flattened  as  from  top  to  bottom. 
-ZEgle  Marmelos,  Thea. 

Pointed,  acuta.  Faba  major. 

Blunt,  obtusa . Cassia  Fistula. 

Short,  brevis.  Shorter  than  the  cotyledons.  Cassia 

Long,  longa.  Longer  than  the  cotyledons.  Abies,  Finns,, 

5T  Straight,  rectilinear  recta.  In  the  same  direction  as 
the  axis  of  the  cotyledons.  Abietideae,  Compositee. 

Bent  back,  recurvata.  Bent,  so  that  it  becomes  nearer 
to  the  hile.  Genista  Hispanica. 

Bent  backwards,  regressa.  Bent,  but  with  the  tip  point- 
ing from  the  hile.  Cornucopias  cucullatum. 

Opposite,  adversa , olversa , umbilicum  spectans.  Turned 
towards  the  hile. 

Directly  opposed,  directe  adversa.  The  point  of  the  ra- 
dicle turned'  towards  the  hile.  Fraxinus,  Compositae,  Um- 
belli ferae,  Genista. 

Opposed  sideways,  later  aliter  adversa.  Radicle  turning 
its  side  to  the  hile.  Rosaceae,  Ricinus. 

Inverted,  inner sa,  aversa.  Turned  diametrically  opposite 
to  the  hile.  Polygonum  scandens,  Acanthus,  Ceratophyl- 
lum  cornutum. 

Lateral,  lateralis.  Turned  towards  some  other  point 
than  the  tip  or  bottom  of  the  seed.  Commelina. 

Superficial,  supcrjicialis.  The  seed  having  a perisperm, 
the  radicle  spread  on  the  surface  of  the  kernel.  Phoenix 
dactyl ifera,  Commelina. 

IT  High,  alia,  super  a.  Turned  towards  the  summit 

of  the  fruit.  Borragineae,  Prunus,  Amygdalus,  Ricinus, 

Low,  demissa.  Turned  towards  the  base  of  the  fruit. 
Galium,  Polemonium,  Plantago  stricta. 



Centrifugal,  centrifuga.  Directed  horizontally  to  the 
side  of  the  fruit.  Kibes,  Cucurbitaceae. 

Centripetal,  centripeta.  Directed  towards  the  centre  of 
the  fruit.  CEnothera,  Citrus. 


Appendage  to  the  radicle.  Coleorhiza.  A fleshy  sac 
enclosing  the  radicle  like  a sheath . Gramineae,  Cycas? 
Nymphaea,  Saururus,  Piper. 


Any  part  adhering  to  the  embryo , which  is  neither  cotyle- 
don, nor  plumule , nor  radicle , not  extending  beyond  the  seed , 
and  withering  during  germination . 

O Z> 

Bacillus . A fleshy  part  growing  in  the  seed  of  hyacin- 
thus  instead  of  the  cotyledon,  from  which  it  does  not  seem 
to  differ. 

Blastus.  That  part  of  an  embryo  with  a large  radicle 
that  enlarges  during  germination. 

Blastophore.  That  part  that  supports  the  blastus.  This 
is  usually  the  vitellus  of  Gaertner. 

Epiblastus.  An  anterior  appendage  to  the  blastus  of 
.some  gramineae. 

Rhiziophysis.  Appendages  prolonged  beyond  the  extre- 
mities of  the  radicles.  Nenuphar. 


Tigella.  That  part  of  the  plumule  which  lies  between 
the  collar  and  the  gemmule. 

Visible,  Tigella  visibilis.  Apparent  before  germination. 
Trophaeolum,  Faba,  Nelumbo,  Damasonium  Dalechampii, 

Inconspicuous,  mvisibilis.  Scarcely  developed  before  the 
seed  germinates.  Allium,  Pinus. 


Gemmula.  The  small  bud  that  is  at  the  end  of  the 

Sessile,  Gemmula  sessilis.  The  tigelle  being  inconspi- 
cuous, the  gemmule  appears  as  if  seated  on  the  collar  with- 
out any  tigelle.  Calla  iEthiopica. 

Pileolated,  pileolata.  Hidden  under  a pileole.  Gra- 
jnineae,  Scirpus. 




Collum,  Coarctura,  Limes  communis,  Fundus  plants, 
Nodus  vitalis.  The  plane  interceding  between  the  plumule 
and  the  radicle , which  afterwards  becomes  that  between  the 
root  and  the  stem;  or  the  place  where  the  fibres  commence  on 
the  one  hand  to  rise  up , and  on  the  other  hand  to  descend . 

Ascending,  Collum  ascendens.  Rising  out  of  the  ground 
in  germination,  along  with  the  plumule  and  cotyledons. 
Abies,  Mirabilis  Jalapa,  Avicennia. 

Descending,  descendens . Burying  itself  deeper  in  the 
ground,  during  germination,  along  with  the  radicle.  Da- 
rn as  onium  Dalechampii. 

As  it  is  most  frequently  impossible  to  distinguish  the 
collar  while  in  the  seed,  from  the  radicle,  it  is  usually  com- 
prehended under  that  name. 


Plan  tula.  The  embryo  when  in  a state  of  germination . 

Acrospire,  Acrospira.  The  plumule  when  it  first  bursts 
out  of  the  seed  covers. 

Seed  leaves,  Folia  seminalia . The  cotyledons  when  ex- 
panded by  germination,  and  rising  out  of  the  ground. 

Such  are  the  different  varieties  of  form  to  be  found  in 
plants,  taken  in  general ; but  a few  tribes  of  them,  such  as 
ferns,  mosses,  lichens,  algae  or  marine  plants,  and  mush- 
rooms, differ  so  much  in  their  structure,  especially  in  the 
organs  destined  for  reproduction,  that  they  require  peculiar 
terms  to  describe  their  parts. 


Cormus , Anabasis , Frons . Every  part  of  an  agamous  or 
cryptogamous  plant,  except  the  roots  or  holdfasts,  and  the 
organs  of  reproduction. 

Sporangium,  Perisporium.  The  part  that  immediately 
contains  the  seeds  or  sporae,  analogous  to  the  fruit  of  pha- 
nerogamous plants. 

Spore,  Spora,  Sporata,  Gongylus,  Besimen . The  repro- 
ductive corpuscles  of  agamous  plants,  analogous  to  the  seed 
of  sexual  plants 




Stipes.  The  stem,  or  rather  leafstalk  of  a fern,  as  it  is 
not  alike  on  every  side.  PI.  8,  fig.  8. 

Son.  The  groups  of  capsules,  usually  seated  on  the  back 
of  the  frons  or  leaf.  PL  19,  fig.  15. 

Involucrum , Indusium , Memhranula , Glandulce  squamosa . 
A membrane  that  covers  the  sori,  when  young.  PI.  19, 
fig.  15. 

•Capsule,  Capsula.  The  vessel  containing  the  sporae, 
usually  torn  open  when  ripe  by  the  force  of  the  elastic  ring. 
PL  19,  fig.  15  b,  16  and  17. 

Elastic  ring,  Annulus  elasticus , Gyrus , Gyroma . A strong 
ligamentous  belt  surrounding  the  capsules.  PL  19,  fig.  16 
and  17. 

Lycopodiace^e,  &c. 

Involucrum.  The  indehiscent  envelope  of  the  spori  of  the 

Conceptacles,  Conceptacula , Nephrosta.  The  coques  that 
contain  the  sori  of  the  lycopodiacese.  PL  19,  fig,  3,  6,  7 
and  11. 


Surculus.  The  stem  of  a moss. 

Perichatium , Perocidium,  Perigonium . An  involucre 
composed  of  small  floral  leaves  which  surround  the  base  of 
the  organs  of  reproduction  in  mosses.  PL  20,  fig.  7,  11. 

Perichaetial  leaves,  Folia  perichetialia.  Imbricated,  leaf- 
like organs  surrounding  the  reproductive  organs.  PL  20, 
fig. 11a. 

Paraphyses,  Fila  succulenta.  Fistular  hairs  divided  into 
cells,  intermixed  with  the  organs  of  reproduction  in  the 
perichaetia  of  mosses.  Pl.  20,  fig.  6 e,  lib. 

Urn,  Capsule,  Urna , Theca , Pyxidium , Capsula , Sporan- 
gium, Anther  a,  Aggedula.  The  fruit  of  the  mosses.  Usually 
ary,  oblong  or  round,  and  covered  with  an  operculum, 
which  separates  when  ripe  by  a transverse  division.  PL  20, 
fig.  3,4,  5 g,  9,10,  12,  14,17. 

Calpa.  The  urn  of  fontinalis. 

Pedicell.  Seta , Stipes , Pedicellus.  The  footstalk  that 
supports  the  urn.  PL  20,  fig.  4,  8 a. 

Gynocidium.  A small  enlargement  at  the  base  of  the 

Vaginule,  Vaginula.  A small  membranaceous  sheath 
that  surrounds  the  bottom  of  the  pedicell. 



Apophysis , Stroma.  A swelling  at  the  base  of  the  urn. 
Polytrichum,  Splachnum. 

Calyplra.  The  scarious  or  membranaceous  remains  of 
the  perigonium,  which  is  carried  up  with  the  urn  when  the 
pedicell  lengthens,  and  which  covers  the  operculum  like 
a hood.  PL  20,  fig.  3. 

Operculum . A cover  that  lies  over  the  orifice  of  the  urn. 
PI.  20,  fig.  9. 

Conjunctorium.  The  very  small  operculum  of  the  Andrsea. 

Peristome,  Peristoma.  The  edge  of  the  opening  into  the 
urn,  which  is  sometimes  naked,  sometimes  surrounded  with 
a single  or  double  row  of  teeth.  PL  20,  fig.  9,  10,  12,  14-, 

Memlramtla.  The  fine  membrane  that  supports  the 
teeth  of  the  peristome. 

Teeth  of  the  peristome,  Dentes  peristomatis , Blepharce> 
— pogon.  The  small  jags  that  sometimes  surround  the 
peristome.  PL  20,  fig.  15,  16. 

Barhula.  The  bearded  edge  of  mosses,  formed  by  the 
union  of  the  teeth  of  the  peristome.  Tortula. 

Epiphragme,  Epip/iragma.  A membrane  stretched  across 
the  peristome,  which  shuts  up  the  urn.  Polytrichum. 
PL  20,  fig.  10. 

Fringe,  Annulus , Fimbria.  An  elastic  toothed  mem- 
brane, situated  under  the  operculum. 

Sporangidium.  The  panninterne  of  the  urn.  PL  20, 
fig.  5. 

Columelle,  Columella , Sporangidmm.  A threadlike  pil- 
lar in  the  centre  of  the  urn  to  which  the  seeds  are  attached. 
PL  20,  fig.  5 c. 

Prosphyses.  Threads  intermixed  with  the  seeds  or  spores. 

Hepatic^e,  &c. 

Capsule,  Capsida , Rwolucrum,  Receptaculum.  The  vessel 
containing  the  seeds  or  sporae.  PL  19,  fig.  20,  21,  23. 

Fdateres , crinulce.  The  elastic,  membranous,  twisted 
threads  that  first  attach  the  sporse  to  the  capsule,  and  when 
ripe,  by  their  elasticity,  disperse  them.  PL  19,  fig.  20  e. 

Raphida.  A kind  of  bivalve  pericarpium  containing 
sporse.  Anthoceros,  Targionia. 

Globulus.  The  globular  capsule  of  the  jungermanniae. 

Colesida.  A small  membranaceous  bag,  containing  sporse. 
Jungermannise,  Marchantia. 

Origoma.  A conceptacle  placed  on  the  frond,  resembling 
a basket.  Marchantia.  PL  19,  fig.  23  b. 




Frond,  From , Thallus , Receptaculum  universale . The 
frond  or  cormus  of  a lichen,  containing  sporee  or  gongyli 
dispersed  through  its  substance. 

Fibrils,  Fibrillce.  The  rootlike  holdfasts. 

Cortical  substance,  Substantia  corticalis . The  external 
substance  of  the  frond. 

Medullary  substance,  Substantia  medullaris.  The  internal 
substance  of  the  frond,  when  it  can  be  distinguished. 

Podetium.  An  elevation  of  the  thallus  raising  up  the 

Podicellum.  A very  small,  short  podetium. 

A pothecium  ^Thalamus , Receptaculum  par tiale.  The  par- 
tial receptacle  of  the  gongyles  either  sessile  or  raised  upon 
a podetium,  that  are  placed  on  the  frond. 

Apothecia  vera , Organa  foe  mina.  The  apothecia  that  are 
more  constant  in  their  appearance,  and  of  which  only  one 
kind  are  found  in  the  same  individual. 

Apothecia  spuria , Apothecia  accessorial  Organa  mascula . 
The  apothecia  less  constant,  and  of  which  several  kinds  are 
sometimes  found  on  the  same  plant,  including  cephalodia, 
cyphellse,  pulvinuli,  and  perhaps  soredia. 

Scutellce . Orbicular  sessiie  apothecia  surrounded  by  an 
edge  similar  to  the  thallus.  Parmelia. 

Patellulce.  Orbicular  sessile  apothecia,  with  a border 
not  similar  to  the  thallus.  Lecidea. 

Lirellce.  Sessile,  linear,  winding  apothecia,  opening  by 
a longitudinal  slit.  Opegrapha. 

Pilidia.  Orbicular,  hemispherical  apothecia,  whose  sur- 
face resolves  into  a powder.  Calycium. 

Orbillce.  Apothecia  placed  on  podetia,  enlarged  into  a 
disk,  fringed  or  radiated  on  the  edge.  Usnea. 

Peltce.  Rather  leatherlike  apothecia,  on  the  edge  of  the 
thallus,  without  any  edge,  or  a very  narrow  one,  and  co- 
vered at  first  with  a thin,  gelatinous  membrane.  Physcia. 

Tricee , Gyromata . Orbicular,  sessile  apothecia,  with 

rising  folds  in  a spiral  form,  opening  longitudinally,  and 
emitting  capsules,  or  elytrae,  containing  eight  spores  each. 

Mammula.  Apothecia  which  are  sessile,  but  are  more 
convex  than  the  scutellae  or  patellulae,  and  have  neither 
edge  or  border.  Coniocarpon. 

Tuberculee.  Spherical  apothecia,  which ' contain  within 
them  agglomerated  globular  spores.  Verrucaria. 



Cistalce.  Globular  apothecia,  at  first  closed,  and  filled 
with  spores  adhering  to  filaments,  afterwards  splitting  ir- 
regularly. Sphaerophorus. 

Cephalodia.  Apothecia  like  the  patellulae,  but  with 
scarcely  any  edge,  and  the  disk  more  convex.  Stereo- 

Globules,  Globules . Globular  apothecia,  falling  off  and 
leaving  a hollow  wherein  it  was  inserted.  Isidium. 

Orbiculus.  Flat  orbicular  apothecia,  placed  in  the  pe» 
ridium  of  the  nidularia. 

Stroma.  Irregular  apothecia  in  which  the  sporae  are 
immersed.  Sphaeria. 

Spherules,  Sphcerulce . Globular  receptacles,  opening  at 
top,  and  emitting  the  spbrse,  mixed  with  a gelatinous  pulp. 

Cyphellce.  Tubercles  on  the  lower  surface  of  the  thallus, 
from  the  cortical  substance,  and  usually  white  or  pale. 

Pulvinulu  Branched  tubercles,  or  shapeless  masses  co- 
hering together,  and  appearing  like  little  shrubs  or  globes 
formed  from  the  cortical  substance  of  the  thallus : they  are 
usually  black  or  dark  green.  Parmelia. 

Soredia.  Whitish  powder  collected  in  small  heaps,  com- 
posed apparently  of  unattached  gongyli.  Ramalina,  Alec- 

Nucleus  proligerus , Lamina  proligera.  A cartilaginous 
disk,  distinct  from  the  substance  of  the  thallus,  scarcely 
ever  split,  but  coming  out  whole  from  the  apothecia,  or 
sometimes  dissolving  into  a gelatinous  substance,  contain- 
ing sporae  or  gongyli. 

Perithecium.  The  visible  cartilaginous  or  transparent 
skin  containing  the  nucleus  proligerus.  Verrucaria. — It  is 
probably  present  in  all  apothecia,  but  in  many  cannot  be 

Thalamia.  Apothecia  which  consist  of  a nucleus  proli- 
gerus contained  in  a perithecium.  Yariolaria. 

Gongyles,  Go?igylce,  Propagines , Propagacula,  Spores , 
Semina . Opake,  globular  corpuscles,  sometimes  nestling 
on  the  surface ; still  more  frequent  in  the  substance,  parti- 
cularly the  cortical,  of  the  thallus ; and  constantly  present, 
very  copiously  in  the  apothecia. 




Stem,  Stipes.  The  round  footstalk  that  supports  the 
cap  of  pileiferous  mushrooms.  Agaricus. 

Cap,  P ileus.  An  expansion  of  the  stem,  usually  hemi- 
spherical or  conical.  Agaricus. 

Volva.  A membranaceous  envelope  surrounding  the 
whole  mushroom  while  quite  young,  or  in  the  egg-state. 

Collar,  Annulus.  A membranaceous  envelope  covering 
the  cap  while  the  plant  is  young,  afterwards  ruptured  and 
remaining  round  the  stipes  like  a collar,  either  fixed. 
Boletus  annulatus ; or  moveable,  Agaricus  procerus. 

Curtain,  Cortina.  A kind  of  thready  collar,  or  network, 
which,  after  the  rupture  of  it  by  the  growth  of  the  plant, 
remains  attached  to  the  edge  of  the  cap.  Agaricus  aranfr- 
osus,  Agarici  cortinarii. 

Hymenium , Memhrana  fnictificans.  The  part  of  the  pi- 
leus  that  contains  the  sporae  or  gongyles. 

Gills,  Lamellae , Vence.  Thin  expansions  of  the  hyme- 
nium, either  single,  in  pairs,  or  other  determined  number; 
sometimes  distinct,  sometimes  anastomosing  together. 
Agaricus,  Merulius, 

Tubes,  Tnbi.  Tubular  expansions  of  the  hymenium. 
Boletus,  Poria. 

Capsule,  Peridium , Involucrum.  A dry,  membranaceous 
hollow  vessel,  filled  with  sporae  or  gongyles.  Lycoperdon. 

Perithecium.  A hard,  hollow  receptacle,  containing  a 
gelatinous  substance  filled  with  thecae. 

Capellitium.  Hairlike  fibres,  or  elateres  interwoven 
with  sporae  into  a globular  or  oval  form,  and  contained  in 
a peridium. 

Slime,  Latex.  A mucilaginous  liquid  containing  the 
sporae  floating  in  it.  Phallus,  Clathrus. 

Vesicles,  Vesicular.  Collections  of  sporae  united  together. 

Sporidia.  • Conceptacles  containing  sporae.  Puccinia. 

Flocci . Tubular  threads  intermixed  with  the  sporae. 

Cisli.  Very  small  round  conceptacles  containing  sporae, 
borne  upon  small  footstalks.  Mucor. 

Cislophori.  The  footstalks  that  support  the  cisti.  Mucor. 

Seeds,  Sporce , Spondee.  The  reproductive  corpuscles  of 

vol.  r. 





Appendices,  Appendicula.  Small  accessory  parts  of 
plants  added  to  other  organs . The  following  have  had 

special  names  given  to  them. 

f Wing,  Ala . A membranous  or  leaflike  appendage. 

Ear,  Auricula . A short,  roundish  appendage,  placed  on 
the  side  of  any  part. 

Tail,  Cauda , — ura . A long,  soft,  flexible  appendage, 
placed  at  the  end  of  any  part,  like  the  tail  of  an  animal. 

Wart,  Verruca.  A small,  roundish  protuberance,  rather 
soft  and  compact. 

Nipple,  Papilla.  A small,  long,  soft,  compact  protu- 

Papule,  Papula . A roundish,  soft  protuberance,  con- 
taining a fluid. 

Lens,  Lenticula . A roundish  or  oblong  spot  on  the 
smooth  bark  of  young  trees. 

Pit,  Fovea.  A slight  depression. 

Fleeciness,  Villosity,  Villus.  Numerous  soft  hairs, 
placed  close  together. 

Down,  Pubes.  Soft  hairs,  not  very  close  to  one  another. 

Rough  coat.  Hirsuties.  Numerous  long  hairs. 

Wool,  Wooliness,  Lana,  Lanugo,  — erion . Long,  soft 
hairs,  much  interwoven  together. 

Cotton,  T omentum.  Long,  crisp  hairs,  much  inter- 

Velvet,  Velumen.  Very  close,  soft,  short,  even-topped 

Fringe,  Ciliurn.  Rather  stiff  hairs,  placed  on  the  edge 
of  any  part. 

Beard,  Barba , — - pogon . Hairs  disposed  in  a tuft,  or  in 
any  regular  order. 

Awn,  Arista , — athera.  A stiff  hair,  or  threadlike  point 
inserted  at  the  end,  or  on  the  back  of  any  part,  and  not 
arising  from  the  lengthening  out  of  any  rib. 

Bristle,  Seta , — cficeta . A stiff  hair,  usually  attached  to 
the  end  of  any  part,  and  appearing  to  be  the  prolongation 
of  a rib. 

Crine,  Crinus.  Stiff’  hair,  like  that  of  horses’  tails,  grow- 
ing on  any  part. 

Apicule,  Apiculus . A hair,  or  hairlike  point,  not  very 
stiff,  but  acute  and  short,  placed  at  the  end  of  any  part. 

Cusp,  Cuspis . A long,  needlike,  rather  stiff  termination 
of  any  part. 



Mucro.  A stiffj  straight  terminal  point  to  any  part. 

Hook,  Hamits , Rostellum , Uncus . A crooked  point. 

Glochis.  Fine,  stiff  hair,  with  branches  bent  back. 

Sting,  Stimulus.  Fine  hair,  rather  stiff,  causing  an  itch- 
ing when  touched.  Urtica. 

IT  Scale,  Squama , — lepis.  A small,  membranaceous,  or 
scarious  appendage  to  any  part. 

Chaff,  Palece.  Small  scales  intermixed  among  dowrets 
or  seeds. 

Striga.  A narrow,  long  scale,  approaching  to  a hair. 

The  authors  of  the  Linnsean  school  have  introduced 
the  uses  of  characters  to  denote  terms  that  often  occur. 
The  following  are  those  most  usually  employed,  as  being 
found  in  most  printing-houses,  and  not  requiring  any  extra 
expense  of  casting  on  purpose. 

©.  An  annual  plant;  because  the  earth  takes  a year  to 
perform  its  motion  round  the  sun. 

c?.  A biennial  plant;  because  Mars  takes  nearly  two 
years  to  perform  its  revolution. 

"V- . A perennial  plant;  because  Jupiter  takes  several 
years  to  perform  its  revolution. 

\ , A tree  or  shrub ; because  Saturn  takes  nearly  thirty 
years  to  perform  its  revolution. 

d.  A male  individual  among  plants. 

$ . A female  individual. 

? • An  hermaphrodite  plant. 

*f.  A plant  not  seen  by  the  author,  and  therefore  in- 
serted with  some  degree  of  doubt. 

I.  II.  to  XII.  are  used  to  express  the  months  in  which 
the  plants  flower,  beginning  with  January. 

De  Candolle  has  introduced  a greater  number  of  cha- 
racters, but  as  they  are  not  yet  current  among  other  writers, 
they  do  not  require  any  notice  to  be  taken  of  them,  espe- 
cially as  contractions  are  at  all  times  far  superior  to  cha- 
racters, and  more  convenient  for  printing. 



4.  On  making  a Collection  of  dried  Plants,  Fruits , and  Seeds . 

The  most  exact  description,  and  the  most  accurate 
drawings  or  engravings  of  plants,  are  necessarily  imper- 
fect ; and  it  is  absolutely  necessary  for  a botanist  to  see  the 
plants  themselves.  And  as  plants  soon  go  out  of  flower, 
and  perish,  it  is  also  equally  requisite  to  devise  some  me- 
thod of  preserving  them,  or  at  least  their  most  important 
parts,  so  that  they  may  be  re-examined  at  any  subsequent 
period,  and  compared  together  at  pleasure. 

For  this  purpose  Botanists  have  at  all  times  made  col- 
lections of  dried  plants,  under  the  name  of  an  herbarium, 
or  hortus  siccus : and  since  the  examination  of  the  fruits 
and  seeds  of  plants  have  been  found  of  such  great  use  in 
detecting  the  natural  analogies  of  plants,  there  has  been 
added  to  this  collection  that  of  fruits  and  seeds. 

The  drying  of  plants  is  a very  simple  operation,  if  the 
botanist  is  provided  with  plenty  of  paper.  A plant  in  full 
flower,  or  if  too  large,  a branch  only,  is  the  most  necessary 
specimen  to  be  kept;  but  if  opportunity  will  admit,  others 
in  various  stages  of  growth  should  be  collected  and  pre- 

The  specimen  should  be  laid  down  flat  upon  a leaf  of 
paper,  and  spread  out  so  that  the  several  parts  may  not 
cross  over  each  other,  nor  be  put  into  an  unnatural  and 
forced  position.  The  sheet  thus  charged  with  the  plant  is 
then  to  be  placed  between  several  other  leaves  or  sheets  of 
dry  paper,  and  slightly  compressed,  either  by  weights  put 
upon  a board  placed  over  them,  or  by  the  screw-press, 
commonly  used  for  linen.  When  several  plants  are  laid 
down  at  once,  a number  of  empty  sheets,  or  leaves  of  paper, 
should  be  placed  between  each  charged  leaf;  the  more  the 
better  and  the  seldomer  do  they  require  to  be  changed, 
which  must  be  done  every  day,  or  oftener,  especially  if  the 
paper  is  used  sparingly.  When  only  a few  specimens  are 
dried  at  once,  and  they  are  not  very  succulent,  it  is  suf- 
ficient  to  put  them  between  the  leaves  of  an  old  book  of 
sufficient  size  and  thickness.  The  great  point  is  to  prevent 
the  colours  of  the  flowers  from  changing,  and  this  is  best 
obtained  by  hastening  the  drying ; which,  when  the  botanist 
is  pressed  for  time  and  convenience,  is  sometimes  done  by 
ironing  them  over  with  a hot  smoothing  iron,  such  as  are 
used  by  laundresses,  and  which  can  be  procured  by  the  tra- 



seller  at  most  inns,  the  plant  being  covered  with  paper  to 
protect  it  from  the  iron. 

Some  plants  are  so  vivacious  that  they  continue  to  grow, 
even  when  dried  and  placed  upon  paper ; and  others  are 
apt  to  lose  their  leaves ; the  remedy  for  both  these  defects  is 
to  dip  them  for  a few  minutes  in  boiling  water. 

When  the  plants  are  dried,  they  should  be  placed  upon 
leaves  of  paper  of  a proper  size,  either  foolscap  folio,  or 
demy  quarto;  which  last  size  is  in  general  sufficient,  and 
should  a long  grass  occasionally  require  more  room  it  may 
be  laid  down  on  a double  leaf,  and  then  folded.  The 
mosses,  being  almost  universally  minute  plants,  require  only 
an  octavo  or  even  duodecimo  leaf.  The  plants  are  gene- 
rally fastened  down  with  paste,  gum-water,  isinglass-jelly, 
or,  still  better,  a mixture  of  the  two  latter : other  botanists 
sew  them  down,  or  fasten  them  by  narrow  slips  of  paper 
passed  through  slits  made  in  the  leaf.  In  the  first  me- 
thod, it  is  difficult  to  take  the  plants  off  for  re-examination 
and  comparison,  and  paste  is  apt  to  attract  insects ; while, 
in  the  second  method,  the  threads  and  ends  of  the  slips 
catch  hold  of  the  plants  placed  on  the  sheet  below  them, 
and  derange,  if  not  in  some  measure  destroy,  these  plants : 
upon  the  whole,  the  fastening  of  the  specimens  by  slips  of 
paper  glued  down  at  each  end  seems  preferable  to  any 
other  mode,  and  attended  with  the  fewest  inconveniences. 

No  more  than  one  species  of  plants  should  be  fastened 
upon  the  same  leaf,  and  the  leaf  should  be  subscribed  with 
its  different  names,  or  at  least  with  that  of  the  botanical 
author  in  most  repute;  to  this  name  should  be  added  the 
place  and  time,  where  and  when  it  was  gathered,  or  from 
whom  procured. 

Botanical  writings  being  usually  arranged  either  in  the 
alphabetical  order  of  the  names  as  in  dictionaries,  or  in 
what  are  called  artificial  systems,  according  to  the  differ- 
ences observable  in  any  particular  set  of  organs  chosen  by 
the  author,  as  the  phanerogamous  plants  are  arranged  by 
Linnaeus,  according  to  the  number,  situation,  and  con- 
nexion of  their  sexual  organs,  and  the  cryptogamous  plants 
by  their  general  appearance;  or,  lastly,  in  the  natural 
method,  founded  upon  the  analogy  and  relation  subsisting 
between  plants,  so  far  as  they  have  been  discovered : so  the 
specimens  thus  collected  may  be  arranged  in  either.  While 
the  collection  is  yet  in  its  infancy,  the  alphabetical  order  is 
not  improper ; as  the  student  advances  in  the  science,  the 
artificial  system  adopted  as  a guide  will  be  found  more 



convenient;  but  he  cannot  too  soon  endeavour  to  become 
acquainted  with  the  natural  method,  and  arrange  his  col- 
lection by  it:  this  being  the  ultimate  goal  of  the  science,  to 
which  the  two  other  arrangements  are  merely  subordinate. 

Whatever  arrangement  is  adopted,  the  leaves  charged 
with  the  plants  of  the  same  genus,  or,  in  other  words,  which 
bear  the  same  common  or  family  name,  as  the  various 
kinds  of  poppy,  papaver5  mint,  merit  ha , &c.  are  to  be  col- 
lected together  and  placed  between  the  fold  of  a sheet  of 
paper,  inscribed  with  the  common  name:  when  this  com- 
mon, or  generic  name  as  it  is  called,  comprises  a great 
number  of  species,  as  in  willow,  salix,  rose,  rosa , the  genus 
must  be  divided  into  sections,  and  a sheet  allotted  to  each 

These  genera,  or  first  divisions,  are  then  to  be  distri- 
buted into  larger  collections,  either  by  their  initial  letters, 
orders,  or  families,  and  each  of  these  grand  divisions  placed 
in  a kind  of  port- folio,  usually  made  of  strong  blue  or  car- 
tridge paper,  and  inscribed  with  its  proper  distinction. 

Lastly,  these  port-folios  are  to  be  placed  methodically 
in  a cabinet  of  a proper  size,  the  shelves  of  which  are 
either  the  size  of  the  port-folios,  or  which  will  hold  two  or 
more  of  them.  Linnaeus  and  Withering  have  given  sections 
of  such  cabinets,  with  the  shelves  placed  at  different  dis~ 
tances,  so  as  to  hold  the  plants  of  one  of  their  classes  in 
the  order  in  which  they  occur  in  their  systems ; but  as  the 
greater  divisions  of  both  the  natural  and  artificial  arrange- 
ments are  very  unequal,  so  that  some  shelves  are  ordered 
by  them  to  be  only  two  and  others  fourteen  inches  apart ; 
this  is  very  awkward,  and  it  is  far  better  to  have  the  shelves 
at  equal  distances,  and  to  mark,  by  appropriate  labels,  the 
contents  of  each  shelf. 

When,  instead  of  a general  collection,  the  botanist  in- 
tends only  a collection  of  the  plants  of  the  country  in  which 
he  lives,  and  there  exists  any  good  systematic  catalogue  of 
them,  it  may  be  sufficient,  if  he  procure  a sufficient  number 
of  folio  or  quarto  volumes  of  blue  or  cartridge  paper,  having 
the  alternate  leaves  cut  out  within  an  inch  of  the  back,  as 
are  sufficient  for  the  large  plants,  and  writing  the  names  of 
the  several  species  at  the  head  of  the  pages,  allowing  one  to 
each,  fills  them  up  as  he  procures  the  plants,  and  dries  therm 
in  many  cases,  when  the  plants  are  not  succulent,  they  may 
be  put  at  once  in  their  place.  The  mosses  may  have  a 
similar  series  of  octavo  or  duodecimo  volumes  allotted  for 



them.  In  like  manner  medical  students  may  proceed  with 
respect  to  the  plants  of  the  materia  medica. 

Succulent  fruits  and  seeds  can  only  be  preserved  in  spirit 
of  wine,  or  saturated  brine,  changing  it  when  it  becomes 
too  highly  coloured : the  dry  fruits  and  seeds  require  no 
other  care  than  to  prevent  the  ravages  of  insects. 

Mushrooms  may  be  dried  by  being  buried  in  very  dry 
sand,  and  placed  in  a warm  situation : but  some  of  these 
are  so  watery,  that  they  cannot  be  preserved  even  in  this 
or  any  other  known  method. 

To  prevent  the  destruction  of  this  collection  b}r  the  in- 
sects, which  soon  begin  to  attack  some  tribes  of  plants, 
especially  the  acrid  and  pungent  families  of  the  cmci  ferae 
and  euphorbiacese,  as  also  the  composite  and  umbelli ferae, 
the  best  method  seems  to  be  the  washing  over  of  the  spe- 
cimens with  a hair  pencil  charged  with  a solution  of  cor- 
rosive sublimate  in  spirit  of  wine,  after  which  no  insect 
can  touch  them  : but  as  foreigners  always  examine  plants 
by  their  taste,  as  well  as  their  other  characters,  it  will  be 
necessary  to  notice  this  impregnation,  either  at  the  com- 
mencement of  the  series,  or  by  annexing  some  mark  to 
each  plant  thus  treated. 

5.  On  the  Names  of  Plants . 

The  old  botanists,  studying  things  rather  than  words, 
and  more  engaged  in  finding  the  uses  of  the  plants  (hat 
grew  the  most  abundantly  around  them,  or  were  imported 
by  the  merchants,  than  in  forming  catalogues  to  compre- 
hend all  that  nature  or  the  province  produced,  contented 
themselves  with  the  names  given  to  the  best  known  plants 
by  the  peasantry  of  the  country,  and  which,  when  we  can 
discover  their  true  etymology,  are  usually  strikingly  signi- 
ficative of  them,  or  refer  to  their  use  in  medicine,  economy, 
or  the  arts ; and  as  to  the  less  known  ones,  they  referred 
them  from  their  appearance  to  some  of  the  better  know  n 
plants;  and  if  they  had  occasion  to  mention  them,  they 
added  to  the  name  of  the  better  known  plants  such  short 
phrases  as  they  judged  necessary  to  explain  the  difference. 
By  this  means  each  of  the  well  known  plants,  the  rose,  rue, 
pea,  &c.  and  sometimes  the  cultivated  varieties  of  them,  as 
chasselas,  muscats,  became,  to  use  our  modern  language, 
the  type  of  a genus,  the  species  of  which  were  distinguished 
by  descriptive  phrases,  of  greater  or  less  length,  as  the  dif- 
ferences were  more  or  less  distinctly  marked,  as  the  white 



rose,  musk-rose,  garden-rue,  meadow-rue.  In  some  cases* 
when  the  smallness  of  the  plants,  as  in  mosses,  or  their 
common  use  did  not  require  accurate  discrimination,  as  in 
grasses,  these  genera  were  inconveniently  long,  and  they 
required  a line  or  two  of  description  for  their  distinction, 
as  Gramen  paniculatum  nemorosum,  latiore  folio,  glabrum, 
panicula  nutante  non  aristata  (now  called  schenodorus 
elatior,  see  vol.  ii.  p.  115):  but  in  justice  to  the  old  botanists 
it  must  be  confessed  that  these  long  names,  the  plants  not 
being  of  any  use,  were  to  be  found  only  in  catalogues ; 
whilst  those  which  frequently  occurred  seldom  exceeded 
two  or  three  words,  and  most  commonly  were  designated 
by  a single  word. 

The  distress  induced  by  the  conquest  of  the  South  of 
Europe  by  the  Northern  nations  having  abolished  the  use 
of  garlands  in  feasts,  and  of  course  the  cultivation  of 
flowers,  there  remained  only  the  economical  and  medicinal 
uses  of  plants  to  engage  persons  in  the  study  of  them; 
hence  the  appellation  of  physic-gardens  given  to  the  oldest 
collections  of  living  plants : but  the  conquest  of  Mexico 
by  the  Spaniards  having  introduced  a taste  for  the  cultiva- 
tion of  flowers  from  that  city,  and  the  novel  appearance 
of  the  vegetation  of  the  new  Continent  a similar  taste  for 
collecting  rare  plants,  the  name  of  physic-garden  became 
changed  into  that  of  botanic-garden. 

These  new  plants  requiring  new  distinctions,  they  not 
being  in  many  cases  referrible  to  European  types,  and  their 
native  names,  either  unknown,  or  barbarous  to  our  ears  and 
refractory  to  our  mode  of  orthograplw,  occasioned  bo- 
tanists to  turn  their  attention  to  the  forming  of  a regular 
nomenclature.  Gesner  first  proposed  that  all  plants  having 
similar  flowers  and  fruits  should  be  called  by  a common 
name;  a rule  which,  in  many  cases,  required  the  disuse  of 
the  old  substantives,  and  the  supplying  of  their  place  by 
adding  distinctive  phrases  to  those  substantive's  that  were 
retained.  Rivinus,  agreeing  with  Gesner  in  the  main,  first 
limited  the  accompanying  discrimination  to  a single  adjec- 
tive. Linnaeus  adopted  this  restriction  of  what  he  called 
the  trivial  name,  to  a single  word;  but  used,  in  some  cases, 
the  old  substantive  denoting  the  plant  in  apposition  with 
the  new  one,  as  Triticum  Spelta,  Artemisia  Absinthium. 
In  a few  instances  he  violated  his  own  rules,  and  used  two 
words  for  his  generic  or  specific  name,  as  Liquid  ambar 
styraciflua,  Ros  marinus  officinalis,  Alisma  Plantago  aqua- 
tiea,  Amomum  Granum  Paradisi,  Mimosa  Unguis  cati. 



The  regularity  of  this  nomenclature  was  hailed  as  a great 
improvement,  and  as  a means  of  fixing  the  names  of  plants; 
indeed,  as  long  as  the  Species  Plantarum  of  Linnaeus  him- 
self was  considered  as  the  common  repertory  of  botanists, 
it  was  such ; and  this  advantage  would  have  remained  if 
he  had  been  incapable  of  error,  or  botany  remained  sta- 
tionarv : but  further  researches  have  shown  that  many  of 
his  species  do  not  agree  with  the  generic  character,  and 
of  course  they  have  since  been  removed  to  other  genera ; 
that  several  are  collections  of  a number  of  species,  or  even 
of  several  genera  of  plants,  and  of  course  have  been  di- 
vided; while  new  plants  have  been  discovered  which  are 
not  comprehended  in  his  writings. 

The  rapidity  of  these  alterations,  and  the  number  of  the 
works  in  which  they  are  scattered,  exceeding  the  power  of 
the  enumerators  of  plants  to  collect  together  as  fast  as  they 
are  proposed,  obliges  those  writers  who  have  occasion  to 
mention  a number  of  plants,  not  only  to  quote  once  for 
all  the  repertory,  or  pinax,  from  whence  the  generality  of 
the  names  they  use  are  taken,  whether  it  be  the  Species 
Plantarum  of  Linnaeus,  or  of  Wilklenow,  the  Synopsis 
Plantarum  of  Persoon,  the  Dictionnaire  de  la  Botanique 
of  Lamarcke,  the  Systema  Vegetabilium  of  Roemer  and 
Schultze,  the  Regni  Vegetabilis  Systema  Naturale  of  De 
Candolle,  or  any  other  similar  work;  but  also  to  annex  to 
the  other  names  not  taken  from  this  more  common  re- 
pertory, the  books,  and  frequently  the  editions,  from 
whence  they  are  taken,  as  modern  botanical  authors  often 
change  the  names  they  have  themselves  given  to  plants. 
This  necessity  of  quoting  the  works  from  whence  the 
names  are  taken,  because  the  same  name  has  been  used  by 
different  authors,  or  even  by  the  same  author  in  different 
works,  or  editions,  to  denote  different  plants,  renders  the 
supposed  advantage  of  what  is  falsely  called  the  Linnaean 
nomenclature,  since  Rivinus  was  the  original  proposer, 
and  which  appears  so  brief  and  regular  in  theory,  not  only 
a mere  nullity  in  practice,  but  in  reality  proves  its  infe- 
riority to  the  old  method  of  adding  specific  differences 
to  the  generic  name,  when  this  method  is  corrected  by  the 
canon  of  Linnaeus,  that  the  distinctions  should  be  taken 
from  what  may  be  observed  in  the  plant  itself,  and  not 
from  its  place  of  growth  or  other  extraneous  circumstances, 
although  the  convenience  of  these  being  noted  as  accessories 
are  acknowledged  and  used  by  all ; since  neither  have  the 



majority  of  readers  the  power  of  referring  to  so  many 
works,  some  probably  very  expensive;  nor  does  the  mere 
quoting  of  these  trivial  names,  and  the  works  in  which 
they  are  used,  give  the  same  satisfaction  to  the  reader,  as 
common  types  with  specific  differences,  while  it  is  equally 
long  in  reading,  although,  from  the  contractions  used  in 
printing  the  titles  of  the  books,  it  appears  much  shorter 
to  the  eye,  it  is  not  so  easy  to  remember. 

To  avoid  in  part  these  inconveniences,  it  has  lately  been 
proposed,  when  plants  are  removed  from  one  genus  to  an- 
other, to  give  the  preference,  in  all  cases,  to  the  adjunct 
given  by  Linnaeus  himself,  or  the  first  of  his  followers  who 
has  mentioned  the  plant,  unless  this  adjunct  has  been  al- 
ready applied  to  some  other  species  in  the  genus  into  which 
it  is  removed : but  the  changes  made  by  Linnaeus,  and  still 
more  those  by  his  followers,  have  so  embroiled  the  science, 
in  applying  the  names  of  the  older  authors  to  far  different 
plants  than  those  to  which  they  were  originally  applied;  as 
melia,  a name  given  by  the  ancients  to  a species  of  ash,  is 
applied  by  them  to  an  Indian  shrub;  bromelia,  another 
species  of  Grecian  ash,  to  an  American  tree;  and  gingidium, 
the  name  of  a Greek  umbelliferous  plant,  to  a plant  of  the 
South  Sea  Islands ; that  it  would  appear  necessary  to  go 
still  further  back,  and  to  establish  as  a canon,  that  the 
name  given  to  a plant  by  the  oldest  author,  who  has  so 
described,  or  otherwise  designated  the  plant,  in  the  lan- 
guage in  which  we  speak  or  write,  as  to  render  us  certain 
of  its  due  application  to  the  plant  of  which  we  treat,  shall 
be  esteemed  the  preferable  name  for  it,  although  the  sub- 
stantive should  not  be  the  same  as  the  name  of  the  genus 
under  which  it  is  arranged  in  the  system  that  may  happen 
to  be  in  fashion;  indeed,  if  this  anomaly  should,  contrary 
to  the  opinion  and  practice  of  Ray,  who  always  used  the 
names  of  the  authors  whose  writings  were  in  common  cir- 
culation, although  the  substantive  might  be  different,  be 
esteemed  of  any  consequence,  the  method  used  by  Boer- 
haave,  of  connecting  the  name  of  the  genus  when  different 
from  the  substantive,  by  the  introduction  of  the  relative 
and  the  ellipsis  of  the  substantive  verb,  in  the  manner  by 
which  the  synonyms  of  Ray  have  been  quoted,  as  for  ex- 
ample, the  adiantum  album  crispum  alpinum  of  Schw’enck- 
feld  being  placed  by  Ray  in  his  genus,  Filix  fcemina,  is 
thus  quoted  in  vol.  ii.  p.  16,  Filix  foemina  quae  (est)  Adi- 
antum album,  &c.  By  this  means  alone  can  the  perm  a- 



nence  of  names  be  secured  and  joined  with  the  advantages 
derived  from  a systematic  arrangement,  since  it  appears  of 
little  consequence  to  retain  the  adjective,  common  perhaps* 
as  latifolius,  multiflorus,  and  the  like,  to  an  hundred 
plants,  if  the  substantive,  or  original  generic  name,  be 
alterable  &t  the  pleasure  of  every  systematist. 




Fig.  1.  Platanus  orientalis,  Salicince.  A transverse 
section  of  a young  branch,  to  exhibit  the  organization, 
■which  is  similar  to  that  of  the  greater  part  of  dicotyledon 

Fig.  2.  A magnified  representation  of  a portion  cut  out 
of  the  above  section. 
a to  b.  Bark. 

a to  c.  Outer  part  of  the  bark,  dry  and  disorganized. 
b to  c.  The  live  part  of  the  bark. 

c to  d.  A part  of  the  bark  which  is  continually  pushed 
to  the  circumference. 

b to  d.  Inner  part  of  the  bark,  called  the  liber  or  bast. 
e.  The  origin  of  the  medullary  radii  that  fill  up  the  in- 
terstices of  the  wood,  and  which  are  formed  of  the  cellular 
tissue  of  the  bark. 

f.  The  extremity  of  the  filaments  that  form  the  inter- 
stices of  the  wood. 

b to  i.  The  woody  mass,  composed  of  three  zones,  or 
layers,  b— g,  g — h , and  h — i. 

h to  i.  The  oldest  of  the  three  layers. 
g to  fi.  The  second  layer. 
b to  g.  The  third  or  youngest  layer. 
b , g,  and  h.  Zones  which  show  the  periods  when  the  ve- 
getation slackened. 
i to  k.  Pith. 

Fig.  3.  Ptychosperma  gracilis.  Palmce . Vertical  and 
transverse  section  of  the  stem,  to  show  the  difference  be- 
tween the  stems  of  monocotyledon  plants  and  those  of  di- 
cotyledon plants. 

Fig.  4.  A magnified  figure  of  the  same. 
a to  b.  That  part  of  the  stem  where  the  hardest  woody 
fibres  are  the  most  closely  collected  together. 



l to  c.  Fibres  less  numerous,  less  thick,  less  compact, 
and  less  hard. 

c to  d . Weak  fibres  at  a greater  distance  from  one  ano- 
ther: in  the  centre  of  each  of  which  there  is  a tube  which 
has  been  filled  up  in  the  fibres  a to  b and  b to  c.  The  cel- 
lular tissue  is  evidently  more  considerable  in  this  part  than 
in  the  space  b to  c,  and  still  more  than  in  the  space  a to  b9 
where  the  wood  predominates. 

e.  The  oldest  fibres. 

f.  The  fibres  of  a middle  age. 

g . The  youngest  fibres.  This  arrangement  shows  that 
the  growth  of  the  wood  is  entirely  different  from  that  in 
the  stem  of  dicotyledon  plants. 

h.  Union  of  the  woody  fibres  as  they  run  along  the  stem* 

Fig.  5.  Vitis  vinifera.  Viniferce.  A vertical  and  dia- 
metrical section  of  a young  branch  magnified. 

a to  b.  Bark. 

b to  c.  Wood. 

c to  d.  Pith. 

e.  Woody  fibre  of  the  bark. 

f.  Medullary  rays. 

g.  Cellular  tissue,  constituting  the  solid  part  of  the  wood* 

h.  Large  porous  or  slit  tubes. 

i.  A double  trachea,  or  air  vessel. 

k.  Cells  of  the  pith, 

L Porous  cells. 





Fig.  1.  Orchis  militaris.  Orchidece.  Root  scrotiform. 

a.  Old  tuber,  that  sent  up  and  nourished  the  stem  of 
the  preceding  season. 

b.  New  tuber,  that  sent  up  and  nourished  the  present 
year’s  stem. 

c.  Fibrous  radicles. 

Fig.  2.  Arum  Italicum.  Aroidece.  Root  progressive, 
tuberous. — a.  Turions. 

Fig . 3.  Neottia  abortiva.  Orchidece . Root  grumous.  1 

Fig.  4.  Gratiola  officinalis.  Scrofulmince ; Root  hori- 
zontal, progressive,  jointed,  fibrous  at  the  joints.  This 
root,  or  rhizoma,  formed  by  the  base  of  the  stem,  is  fre- 
quently kneed. 

Fig.  5.  Arrhenatherum  elatius.  Graminece.  Root  knotty, 
jointed,  comose  at  the  joints.— -This  root  is  formed  by  the 
base  of  the  culm,  the  joints  of  which  are  swollen. 

Fig.  6.  Helianthus  tuberosus.  Composite e.  Root  fibrous 
and  tubercular. 

Fig.  7.  Succisa  Fuchsii.  Dipsacece . Root  bitten,  and 
having  fibrous  radicles. 

Fig.  8.  Ixia  polystachia.  Iridece.  Root  fibrous,  bulb- 
bearing.— a.  Bulb  placed  above,  coated. 

Fig.  9.  Asphodelus  ramosus.  Asphodeles.  Root  fasci- 

Fig.  10.  Saxifraga  granulata.  Saxifrages , Root  co- 
mose, bulbille-bearing ; bulbilles  scaly. 

Fig.  1 1 o Allium  nutans.  Asphodelece . Root  progressive, 
bulb-bearing  at  a9  seal-like  at  bf  fibrous  at  d . 

Plate  /P 

JM)©TS  o 

Page  238. 

/cn  //lo/ijfoblished  by  Baldi\ari..6'cudjocJc  c 



LvTidoJbrPubHsliixL  by  Baldn’irL,  O'clcLocJc  & To y,  Pater/ w s tej 1 • Jtovy.  JToiT2J?l(>,?l. 





Fig.  1.  Allium  sativum.  Asphodelece , Root  fibrous, 

bulb- bearing;  bulb  ovoid,  rounded,  compound,  coated*— 
a . Cloves. 

Fig . 2.  Lilium  candrdum.  Liliacece.  Root  fibrous, 
bulb-bearing;  bulb  ovoid,  scaly. 

Fig.  3.  Cepa  esculenta.  Asphodelece . Root  fibrous, 

bulb-bearing ; bulb  roundish,  coated.— Cut  transversely  to 
show  the  fleshy  coats  of  which  it  was  composed* 

Fig.  4*.  Gladiolus.  Iridece.  Root  fibrous,  bulb-bearing; 
bulb  roundish,  tuberous,  coated;  coats  fibrous. — -Cut  trans- 
versely to  show  the  structure  of  the  turion. 

Fig.  5.  Syringa  vulgaris.  Jasmine  ce.  Branch  bearing 
buttons;  buttons  mixed,  opposite,  covered  with  a scaly 
perule. — Cut  transversely  to  show  the  thyrse  of  flowers 
formed  in  the  autumnal  buttons. 

Fig.  6.  Daphne  florida.  Thymelece . Branch  with  flower® 
bearing  buds  on  the  sides,  and  a leaf-bearing  bud  at  the 
end ; perules  scaly.  Cut  transversely  to  show  the  internal 
structure  of  the  leaf-bud. 

Fig.  7.  Hippophae  littoralis.  Elceagnetf,  Part  of  a 
young  stem,  cut  vertically. 

a.  Bark. 

1.  The  second  layer  of  wood  in  the  stem  which  becomes 
the  first  in  the  branches. 

c.  Stem. 

d.  Branches. 

e.  The  first  layer  of  wood  in  the  stem,  which  being 
formed  before  the  branches  does  not  enter  into  them. 

Figs . 8 to  21.  Represent  various  diposition  of  the  leaves 
and  floral  covers  in  their  buds. 

/.  Pith. 

Fig.  8.  Convolute* 
Fig . 9.  Involute. 
Fig . 10.  Revolute. 

Fig.  15.  Folded. 

Fig . 16.  Enveloping. 

Fig.  11.  Conduplicate. 

Fig.  12.  Riding,  oppositely. 
Fig.  13.  Opposite. 

Fig.  14.  Mutually  riding. 

Fig.  17.  Riding,  alternately. 
Fig.  18.  Involute,  oppositely. 
Fig  19.  Involute,  alternately. 
Fig . 20.  Revolute,  oppositely. 
Fig.  21.  Riding,  oppositely. 





Fig.  1.  Poa  arenosa.  Graminees. 

a.  Leaf  long,  linear. 

1.  Petiole  sheathing ; sheath  slit. 

c.  Ligule  scalelike. 

Fig.  5.  Plantago.  Plantaginece.  Leaf  oval,  rounded, 
pointed,  many-ribbed. 

Fig.  3.  Chamserops  humilis.  Palmce.  Leaves  terminal, 
crowning,  petioled,  fanshaped,  digitate,  folded  when  young  ; 
petioles  having  foliolean  spines. 

Fig.  4.  Podocarpus  elongata.  Conifer ce.  Leaf  linear. 

Fig.  5.  Pinus  Strobus.  Abietidece.  Leaves  fasciculate, 
in  fives,  needlelike. 

Fig.  6.  Vitis-Idsea  punctifolia.  Vacciniees.  Leaf  oval, 
not  in  the  least  cut,  dotted ; edge  cartilaginous. 

Fig.  7.  Sida  rhombifolia.  Malvaceae \ Leaf  nearly  rhom- 
boid, lanceolate,  toothed. 

Fig.  8.  Quercus  longaeva.  Corylidees.  Leaf  oblong, 

Fig.  9.  Barbarea  vulgaris.  Cruciferce.  Leaf  lyrate. 

Fig.  10.  Salvia  officinalis.  Labiates.  Leaf  oval,  lanceo- 
late, eared,  crenulate. 

Fig.  1 1 . Taraxacum  officinale.  Composites.  Leaf  run- 

Fig.  12.  Solanum  pyracanthos.  Solanece.  Leaf  lanceo- 
late, nearly  pinnatifid,  thorny. 

Fig.  13.  Sonchus  fruticosus.  Composites.  Leaf  lanceo- 
late, pinnatifid. 

Fig.  14.  Potentilla  anserina.  Dryadece.  Leaf  inter- 
ruptedly pinnate,  jointless. 

Fig.  15.  Cassia  occidentalis.  Leguminosce.  Leaf  pari- 
pinnated,  jointed ; petiole  having  a cupshape  gland  a at 
the  base. 

Fig.  16.  Gleditsia  monosperma.  Leguminosce.  Leaf 
pari-pinnate,  jointed ; secondary  petioles  three-paired ; leaf- 
lets many-paired  ; spine  super-axillary,  three-forked. 

Fig.  17.  Vicia.  Leguminosce.  Leaf  impari-pinnate, 
jointed,  tendril  bearing. 

Fig.  18.  Coreopsis  ferulaefolia.  Composites.  Leafbipin- 
nate,  twice  compounded,  jointless. 


nsAMi . 

Page  ?40 . 

ZomlvTi  JMblish&iy  Baldwin ,0-culori:  &-foylPoJa-ru>sta-Minvl'J7bv.''J7t7871. 

Plate,  IP 


Piae  241. 

£<»ufon,Jltblis7taJ.  frvJiaf<£wuv,Gxuloc&  & Joy.  J tT/ij'//f>sfiv /in,  , Vy>  r/  . 





Leaves . 

Fig.  1 . Leaf  pedate. 

Fig.  2.  Leaf  compound,  pedate. 

Fig.  3.  Leaf  pedately  ribbed. 

Fig.  4.  Cercis  Canadensis.  Leguminosce . Leaf  rounded, 
heartshape,  pointed,  wrinkled. 

Fig.  5.  Fagopyrum  esculentum.  Polygonece.  Leaf  heart- 
shape,  arrowshape. 

Fig.  6.  Sterculia  platanifolia.  Sterculiacece.  Leaf  five- 

Fig.  7. ' Passiflora  serrata.  Passiflorece.  Leaf  seven- 
parted,  divisions  lanceolate,  toothed ; petiole  glandular ; 
glands  pedicelled. 

Fig.  8.  iEsculus  macrostachia.  Acerinece.  Leaf  digi- 
tate, seven  leafletted,  jointed. 

Fig.  9.  Rhus  glaucum.  Terehinthacece.  Leaf  three- 
leafletted,  jointed;  leaflets  reverse-heartshape. 

Fig.  3 0.  Cussonia  spicata.  Araliacece.  Leaf  digitate, 
seven  leafletted ; leaflets  pinnately  vertebrated. 

Fig.  11.  Pseonia  officinalis.  Ranunculacece.  Leaf  three- 
parted,  twice  compounded. 

Fig.  12.  Mimosa  Unguis  cati.  Leguminosce.  Leaf  bi- 

Fig.  13.  Hedysarum  gyrans.  Leguminosce.  Leaf  pin- 
nate, three  leafletted,  jointed. 

Fig.  14.  Mimosa  purpurea.  Leguminosce.  Leaf  fingered- 
pinnate,  jointed ; leaflets  four-paired. 

Fig.  15.  Hydrogeton  fenestralis.  Family  unknown.  Leaf 
reverse  oval,  notched  at  top,  multiple  ribbed,  veined  trans- 
versely, cancellated. 

Fig.  16.  Melastoma  elaaeagnoides.  Melastomece . Leaf 
lanceolate,  three-ribbed,  not  in  the  least  cut. 

VOL.  I. 






Fig ■-  1.  Epimedium  alpinum.  Berberidece.  Leaf  thrice 
compounded,  triternate;  leaflets  heartshape,  fringed. 

Fig.  2.  Melastoma  Lima.  Melastomecs.  Leaf  elliptical, 
pointed,  toothed,  bullate,  rough,  quintuple  ribbed. 

Fig.  3.  Melastoma  multiflora.  Melastomece.  Leaf  lan- 
ceolate, toothed,  triple  ribbed. 

Fig.  4.  Erythroxylum  cocca.  Malpighiacece.  Leaf  lan- 
ceolate, not  in  the  least  cut,  three-ribbed  with  veins  conti- 
nued over  the  ribs. 

Fig.  5.  Orobanche  major.  Orobanchece.  Leaf  scalelike. 

Fig.  6.  Asperula  odorata.  Rubiacecs.  Leaves  in  whirls 
by  nines,  lanceolate. 

Fig.  7.  Glaucium  luteum.  Papaveracece.  Leaves  heart- 
shape,  angular,  embracing. 

Fig.  8.  Silphium  perfoliatum.  Composites.  Leaves  tra- 
pezoid, toothed,  opposite,  conjoined. 

Fig.  9.  Hydrocotyle  vulgare.  Umbelliferce.  Leaf  orbi- 
cular, deeply  crenulated,  peltate. 

Fig.  10.  Bupleurum  rotundifolium.  Umbelliferce.  Leaf 
oval,  pointed,  perfoliated. 

Fig.  1 1 . Coreopsis  alata.  Composites.  Leaves  opposite, 
nearly  lanceolate,  decurrent. 

Fig.  12.  Persicaria  maculosa.  Polygonece.  Leaf  oval, 

a.  Stipule  sheathing. 

Fig.  13.  Passiflora  glauca.  Passiflorece.  Leaf  three- 
lobed,  nearly  peltate;  petiole  glandular;  stipules  cauline, 
half-moonlike ; tendrils  axillary. 

Fig.  14.  Clematis  orientalis.  Ranunculacece . Leaves 

three-lobed ; petioles  tendril-like. 

Fig.  15.  Genista  sagittalis.  Leguminosce.  Branches 
two-winged,  or  three-winged;  leaves  oval,  sharp. 

Fig.  16.  Ribes  spinosum.  Grossalarice.  Leaf  five- 
lobed ; spine  inferaxillary,  three-parted. 

Fig.  1 7.  Paliurus  aculeatus.  Rhamnece.  Prickle  stipulean, 

Fig.  18.  Vitis  Yirginiana.  Vmiferae . Leaf  heart-shape, 
three-lobed ; tendril  opposite. 

XShury  sculp. 

Lcndo7t,l\tl>lis7ied.  by Baldsvut.tiridiock  A Joy, Patariosta • Ho wJTo vVl *?18 21. 

Plate  72Z\ 


Page  243. 

30  Jl.S/tzcry  <rcu/p. 

London,,  Hixb7z^7ied  by  JJaldwifL,  (j'adock  Jc  Joy,  Hatemv^ter Ho  wJtfbtV*  }J  ?]_ 




Inflorescence . 

Fig.  1.  Arnmi  majus.  UmbeUiferce.  Flowers  in  a com- 
pound umbell. 

a.  Involucrum. 

h.  Involucellum. 

Fig.  2.  Achilkea  crithmifolia.  Composites.  Calathides 
disposed  in  a corymbus. 

Fig.  3.  Heliotropium  Indicum.  Boraginece.  Spike  cir- 
cinate;  flowers  one-sided. 

Fig.  4.  Syringa  vulgaris.  Jasmmece . Flowers  in  a 


Fig.  5.  Populus  tremula.  Salicinece . Flowers  of  the 
female  plant  in  a catkin. 

Fig.  6.  A detached  flower  of  the  same,  to  show  the 
palmated,  fringed  bractea  upon  which  it  is  supported. 

Fig.  7.  Cephalanthus  occidentalis.  Rubiacece.  Flowers 
m a head. 

Fig,  8.  Sambulus  humilis.  Caprifoiiaceee.  Flowers  in 

■a  cyme. 

Fig.  9.  Allium  obliquum.  Aspliodelece.  Flowers  in  a 
simple  umbell  or  bouquet;  spathe  two-valved;  scape  three- 

Fig.  10.  Dianthus  capitatus.  CaryopkyllefE.  Flowers  in 
a bundle. 

Fig.  11.  Arum  maeulatum.  Aroidece.  Spadix  separated 
from  the  spathe. 

a.  Tip  clubshaped. 

b.  Ring  of  glands,  about  the  middle,  each  terminated  by 
z filament. 

c.  Ring  of  sessile  anthers,  below  the  glands. 

d . Ring  of  sessile  conglomerated  ovaries,  at  the  base* 

Fig.  12.  The  flowers  of  the  same,  in  their  spathe. 

a.  The  hoodlike  spathe. 

b.  The  lower  bellying  part  of  the  spathe. 

g.  The  spadix. 



Inflorescence . 

Fig.  1.  Lolium  perenne.  Graminecc . Spike  spikelettecL 
Fig . 2.  Smilax  herbacea.  Smilacece. 

a.  Tendrills  stipulean. 

b.  Umbell  simple  or  bouquet,  axillary,  pedunculated. 

c.  Leaf  nearly  heartshape,  oval,  seven-ribbed. 

Fig.  3.  Xylophylla  montana.  Euphorbiacece.  Flowers  on 
the  edge  of  the  leaf;  leaf  lanceolate,  toothed. 

Fig.  4.  Monarda  didyma.  Labiatce . Whirl  true,  many- 
flowered,  leafed,  bracteated. 

Fig.  5.  Cyclamen  vernum.  Primulacece. 

a.  Root  tuberous,  depressed. 

I,  Leaves  and  flowers  radical. 

c.  Scape  one-flowered,  spiral  before  the  flowering. 

d.  Flower  drooping. 

Fig.  6.  Cerasus  racemosa.  Drupacece.  Raceme  hanging 
Fig.  7.  Holcus  Halepensis.  Graminece.  Panicle  loose. 
Fig.  8.  Polypodium  aureum.  Filices. 

a.  Root  progressive. 

b.  Leaves  pinnatifid,  bearing  the  fructification  upon  the 
lower  face. 

Fig.  9.  Pilularia  globulifera.  Marsileacece. 

a.  Stem  creeping. 

b.  Leaves  threadlike,  awlshape. 

c . Involucrums  globular,  closed,  axillary. 

Ft  ate  T72Z. 

rniFIL(D)m]l§C]BN(C]E  . 

JPcuje  244-. 

London, ZiM'shcd  by  Baldwin,  (radrx/c  A Ay,  date:  vwsfa  ■JiowSNo  i ' VlftyitZI . 


Zond^n.jPid)  Ushed  by  Baldwin.  G adock,  & Joy.Tal&'noster  Itow  JVovBZ  *^2821. 





Fig.  1.  Cupressus  sempervirens.  Cupressidea.  Male 
catkin,  long,  composed  of  about  twenty  opposite  bracteae, 
dilated  at  top  into  a scale,  and  having  at  bottom  four  glo- 
bular anthers,  one-celled  and  sessile,  as  at  a. 

Fig.  2.  A bractea  detached  from  the  male  catkin  of  the 
same,  and  seen  from  behind,  with  its  four  anthers  opened. 

Fig.  3.  The  bottle-shape  cupule  of  the  same  cut  length- 
ways, and  much  magnified. 

a.  The  female  flower;  perianthium  simple,  adherent; 
stigma  sessile. 

Fig.  4.  The  female  catkin  of  the  same.  The  orifices  of 
the  minute  cupules  are  visible  among  the  bractese. 

Fig.  5.  Larix  Europsea.  Abietidece.  A scale  or  bractea 
of  the  female  catkin,  having  at  its  base  two  cupules. 

a.  The  two  cupules,  bottleshape. 

b.  The  scalelike  peduncle  supporting  the  cupules;  these 
peduncles  enlarge  after  flowering,  much  more  than  the 
bractea  itself. 

Fig.  6.  Hura  crepitans.  Euphorbiacew.  A male  flower 
detached  from  the  catkin. 

a.  The  perianthium. 

b.  Androphore  thick,  cylindrical,  with  two  rows  of  an- 
thers in  whirls. 

Fig.  7.  Euphorbia  Illyrica.  Euphorbmeece.  The  many- 
flowered  calathide. 

a.  Involucrum. 

b.  Female  flower  in  the  centre,  formed  of  a pedicel  led 
ovary,  with  three  two-lobed  stigmata. 

c.  Male  flowers  several,  composed  of  a single  stamen, 
articulated  upon  a pedicell ; anthers  twin. 

d.  Filament  jointed. 

Fig.  8.  Hyacinthus  cernuus.  Asphodelece.  Perigonium 
monosepalous,  six-parted. 

Fig.  9.  Ixia  Chinensis.  Iridece . Perigonium  adherent, 
lobes  spreading,  stamens  three,  style  three-cut. 

Fig.  10.  Borrago  officinalis.  Boraginece.  Calyx  five- 
parted,  open ; corolla  wheel-like,  five-parted,  orifice  of  the 
tube  having  bosses,  a;  surrounding  it. 

Fig.  11.  Centranthus  marinus.  Valerianeod.  The  entire 
flower ; calyx  adherent,  limb  rolled  inwards,  which  be- 
comes a pappus  after  the  flowering ; corolla  tubular,  spur- 
red, limb  irregular;  stamen  one:  stvle  one. 



Fig . 12.  Echium  vulgare.  Boragihece.  Caly^  five- 
parted  ; corolla  irregular,  tube  short,  orifice  bellsliape, 
limb*  oblique,  5-lobed,  lobes  unequal ; stamens  5 ; stigma 

cl  A bractea,  or  floral  leaf. 

Fig . 13.  Eriostomum  Germanicuni.  Laliatce.  Corolla 
2-lipped,  tube  short ; upper  lip  or  galea  ascending,  lower 
lip  bent  down. 

Fig.  14.  Sideritis  Canariensis.  Laliatce.  Calyx  tubular, 
5-toothed ; corolla  tubulous,  2-lipped,  lips  short  and  equal- 

Fig.  15.  Plectranthus  punctatus.  Laliatce.  Calyx  five- 
toothed, upper  tooth  the  largest;  corolla  two-lipped, 
lying  down,  upper  lip  short,  turned  back,  2-Iobed ; lower 
lip  bent  in,  3-lobed,  middle  lobe  hollowr;  stamens  lying 

Fig.  16.  Scabiosa  agrestis.  Dipsacece.  Calathide  flos- 

Fig.  17-  A central  flower  of  the  same;  calyx  double, 
corolla  tubular,  limb  lobed,  unequal;  stamens  4,  exserted. 

a.  External  calyx,  bottleshape. 

1.  Internal  calyx,  divided  into  awms. 

Fig.  18.  A flower  from  the  circumference  of  the  same 
calathide ; having  the  limb  of  the  corolla  much  larger ; 
style  1. 

Fig.  19.  Andryala  cheiranthifolia.  Compositce . Calathide 
semifloscular,  cut  transversely. 

a.  Clinanthe  hairy,  supporting  the  ligulate  flowers  III ; 

Fig.  20.  A ligulate  flower  of  the  same. 

a.  Fruit  crowned  by  the  calycine  pappus. 

b.  Corolla. 

c.  Filaments  of  the  stamens. 

d.  Anthers  united  together. 

e.  Style  single ; stigma  two  -cut. 

Fig.  21.  Ximenesia  encelloides.  Compositce . Calathide 
radiated;  clinanthe  paleaceous;  akenium  not  pappous.™ 
A hermaphrodite,  tubular  flower  wuth  the  palea. 

Fig.  22.  A female  ligulate  flower  of  the  same,  magnified- 

7 ale  X . 


Tage  247. 




Parts  of  the  Flowers,  especially  the  Sexual  Organs . 

Fig.  1.  Crambe  Tatarica.  Cruciferce.  A flower  from 
which  the  integuments  have  been  pulled  off,  magnified. 

a.  Ovary.  * 

b.  Stigma  sessile. 

c.  Stamens  four,  tetradynamous ; filaments  of  the  four 
longest  stamens  two-forked  at  top. 

d.  Nectaries,  two. 

Fig.  2.  The  entire  flower  of  the  same,  of  its  natural  size : 
calyx  4-sepaled,  rather  open ; corolla  4-petaled ; tetrady- 

Fig.  3.  Reseda  Phyteuma.  Resedacece.  Petal  irregular, 
jagged,  magnified. 

Fig.  4.  Gypsophila  fastigiata.  Caryophyllece.  Flower 
magnified  and  cut  longitudinally  to  show  the  insertion  of 
the  petals  and  stamens  on  the  gynophore. 

a.  Calyx. 

1.  Corolla. 

c.  Stamens. 

d.  Ovary. 

e . Gynophore. 

Fig.  5.  Silene  bupleurifolia.  Caryophyllece.  A flower  with 
the  tubular,  5-toothed  calyx  slit  down,  and  pulled  back 
that  the  insertion  of  the  petals  may  be  seen ; petals  5, 
clawed,  also  having  the  limb  pulled  back  to  show  the  fila- 

a.  Gynophore  from  whence  grow  the  petals,  stamens, 
and  pistill. 

b.  Petals,  the  limb  two-cut,  with  a claw  appendiculated 
to  their  tips. 

c.  Stamens  ten,  five  opposite  and  five  alternate. 

d.  Ovary  with  three  styles. 

e.  Calyx  slit  down. 

Fig.  6.  Ranunculus  bulbosus.  Ranunculacece.  A vertical 
section  of  the  flower  to  show  the  insertions  of  the  different 

a.  Calyx. 

b.  Corolla. 

c.  Nectariferous  gland  scalelike  at  the  claw  of  each  petal. 

d.  Stamens  indefinite,  hypogynous. 

e.  Ovary. 

f.  Gynophore. 



Fig.  7.  Hypericum  iEgyptiacum.  Hypericinece . Calyx 
5~parted,  corolla  5-petaled. 

a.  Bractese  two. 

Fig.  8.  Robinia  hispida.  Leguminosce.  Flower  with  a 
papilionaceous  or  butterflylike  corolla. 

a.  Calyx  four-cut,  irregular. 

b.  The  standard  of  the  corolla. 

c.  The  wings. 

d.  The  keel. 

Fig.  9.  The  same,  having  the  calyx  and  corolla  pulled 
off,  to  show  the  diadelphous  stamens,  and  magnified. 

a . The  tubular  androphore,  split  longitudinally  into  nine 
filaments  at  top. 

b.  The  single  free  stamen. 

c.  Stigma  velvetty. 

Fig.  10.  Rubus  odoratus.  Dryadece.  Longitudinal 
section  of  the  flower  to  show  the  insertions. 

a.  Gynophore  convex. 

b.  Stamens  indefinite,  perigynous. 

Fig.  11.  Poly  gala  Heisteria.  Polygalece.  Calyx  five- 
parted,  lobes  equal ; corolla  monopetalous,  irregular,  two- 
lipped, split  above,  and  rolled  up  into  a tube  at  bottom. 

Fig.  12.  The  tubular  androphore,  split  longitudinally, 
embracing  the  pistill,  and  divided  at  top  into  seven  short 
filaments,  bearing  the  anthers. 

Fig.  13.  Malva  fragrans.  Malvaceae.  Flower  polyan- 
drous,  monadelphous. 

Fig.  14.  Linaria.  Personates.  Calyx  five-parted ; corolla 
gaping,  spurred  at  the  base,  limb  2-lipped;  above  2-cut, 
turned  back,  below  3-lobed ; palate  rather  prominent  in  the 

Fig.  15.  Hypericum  quadrangulare.  Hypericinece.  Calyx 
5-cut,  lobes  uncut;  petals  5;  stamens  indefinite,  on  three 
androphores ; styles  three. 

Fig.  16.  Epipactis  palustris.  Orchidece.  Ovary  pedi- 
celled,  not  twisted,  pubescent;  perigonium  spread;  lip 
crenate,  blunt,  spurless,  as  long  as  the  sepales,  not  clasping; 
hypochilium  concavely  bunched  ; epichilium  inwardly 
2-bunched  at  the  bottom. 

Fig.  17.  Selinum  caruifolium.  Umbelliferce . Flower 

magnified.  Petals  five,  bent  in  at  the  tip,  and  appearing 
as  if  notched ; stamens  five,  alternate ; styles  two. 

Fig.  18.  Corylus  sylvestris.  Corylidece.  Male  flowers 
collected  into  a catkin. 

Plate  2ZI. 


Pa</e  24.0 . 

-London,  JhJdi/ud bv  jtSaMivin-J'mdock  .(■  Joy,  fiitemoster  l&nv, 2Joy.'2sfld21. 




Sexual  Organs, 

Fig,  1 . Myosotis  palustris.  Boraginece.  An  ovary  sepa- 
rated from  the  gynophore,  and  magnified. 

Fig.  2.  Gynophore  of  the  same,  also  magnified ; and  de- 
spoiled of  its  ovaries. 

a.  The  gynophore  supporting  the  style  without  any  in- 

b.  The  places  from  whence  the  ovaries  have  been  de- 

Fig . 3.  Tournefortia  mutabilis.  Boraginece.  Pistil!  cut 

a.  The  attachment  of  the  ovaries. 

b.  The  direction  of  the  conducting  vessels. 

c.  The  nourishing  vessels. 

Fig.  4.  Scrofularia  sambucifolia.  Scrofularinece.  Ovary 
and  nectaries  cut  vertically. 

a.  Ovary. 

1.  Ovules. 

c.  Nectaries,  opposite. 

Fig.  5.  Limnanthes  peltata.  Gentianece . Pistill : style 
nearly  sessile,  in  folds ; ovary  surrounded  at  bottom  with  a 
lobular  nectary. 

Fig.  6.  Acetosa  scutata.  Polygonece.  Pistill  magnified. 

a.  Styles  three,  diverging,  turned  back. 

b.  Stigmata  three,  dilated,  fringed. 

Fig.  7.  Rumex  spinosus.  Polygonece.  Pistill  magnified. 

a.  Stigmata  three  featherlike. 

Fig.  8.  Cotyledon  tuberosa.  Crassulacece.  Pistil  Is  five; 
styles  five;  nectary  composed  of  five  glands  attached  to 
the  base  of  the  ovary. 

Fig.  9.  Corydalis  lutea.  Fumaridece.  Magnified. 

a.  Pistill. 

b.  Calyx  two-sepaled  ; sepales  oval,  pointed,  toothed, 

c.  Style  articulated  upon  the  ovary. 

d.  Stigma  halfmoonshape. 

Fig.  10.  Sideritis  hyssopifolia.  Labiatce.  Pistill  mag- 

a.  Nectary  supporting  four  ovaries. 

b.  Style  ascending. 

c.  Stigma  composed  of  two  channelled  flakes,  the  lower 
serving  as  a sheath  for  the  upper. 



Fig.  11.  Viola  Rotbomagensis.  Violacece.  Magnified. 
Pistill  surrounded  with  five  stamens  united  by  fringes,  two 
of  the  stamens  having  each  a basilary  appendage;  style 
turbinate;  stigma  globular,  perforated,  operculated. 

Fig.  12.  Scutellaria  alpina.  Labiates.  Pistill  magnified, 
and  cut  longitudinally  to  show  the  insertion  of  the  ovaries 
and  style. 

a.  Gynophore,  which  supports  four  ovaries. 

b.  Nectary  beaked. 

c.  Style  cut  off. 

Fig.  13.  Asphodelus  annuus.  Asphodelece.  Stamens  and 
pistills  magnified.  Stamens  unequal,  three  long,  three 
short,  alternate;  filaments  fusiform,  enlarged,  and  vaulted 
at  their  base. 

a.  Anthers  heartshape;  stigma  three-lobed. 

Fig.  14.  Jatropha  pandursefolia.  Euphorbiacecc.  Sta- 
mens of  the  male  flowers,  having  at  the  base  a nectary 
composed  of  five  glands. 

a.  Androphore  divided  into  ten  filaments,  five  long  and 
five  short. 

Fig.  15.  Tamarix  Gallica.  Tamariscince.  Stamen  mag- 

a.  Anther. 

b.  Filament  dilated  at  bottom. 

Fig.  16.  Ricinus  inermis.  Euphorbiacece.  A part  of  the 
branched  androphore,  magnified. 

Fig.  17.  Borrago  laxiflora.  Boraginea*.  Stamen  mag- 
nified, as  seen  sideways. 

a.  Anther  awlshape. 

b.  Filament  appendiculated. 

Fig.  18.  Begonia  dichotoma.  Family  doubtful.  Stamen 
magnified,  having  the  filament  enlarged  at  the  tip. 

a.  Lobes  of  the  anther  two,  adnate  on  the  side,  parallel,, 

Fig.  19.  Zygophyllum  Morgsana.  Rutacece.  Stamen 
magnified;  filament  appendiculated  at  the  base;  appendix 
doubly  toothed ; anther  oval,  vacillating. 

Fig.  20.  Tradescantia  Yirginica.  Commelinece.  Stamen 
magnified ; filament  bearded  at  the  base ; anther  two-lobed, 
lobes  kidneyshape,  adnate  laterally,  cut  transversely  to 
show  the  two  cells  of  each  lobe. 

Fig.  21.  Erica  comosa.  Ericinece . Stamen  magnified, 
seen  sideways ; anther  having  two  basilary  crests. 

Fig.  22.  Mahernia  pinnata.  Tiliaceca.  Stamen  magnified 
and  seen  sideways ; anther  arrowshape ; filament  kneed 
and  glandular  in  the  middle. 



Fig.  23.  Laurus  Persea.  Laurinece.  Stamen  magnified. 

a.  Glands  heartsliape,  pediqelled. 

h.  Filament  velvetty. 

c.  Anther  fixed,  opening  by  four  valves,  from  top  to 
bottom . 

Fig.  24.  Scutellaria  alpina.  Lcihiatce . Stamen  magni- 
fied ; anther  two-lobed,  fringed. 

Fig.  25.  Galeopsis  parviflora.  Lcihiatce.  Stamen  mag- 
nified ; anthers  fringed. 

Fig.  26.  Solanum.  Solanece.  Stamen  magnified ; anthers 
two-holed  at  the  tip. 

Fig.  27.  Cucumis  leucantha.  Cucurbit  ace  ce.  Stamens; 
filaments  three,  distinct  at  their  base,  united  at  their  upper 
part ; anthers  soldered,  linear,  sinuated. 

Fig.  28.  Scutellaria  galericulata.  Labiatce.  Stamen 

a.  Lobe  fringed,  single  in  consequence  of  the  abortion 
of  the  corresponding  lobe. 

h.  Connective  bearded. 

Fig.  29.  Thymus  Patavinus.  Labiatce.  Stamen  magni- 

a.  Part  of  the  filament. 

h.  Connective. 

c.  Lobes  of  the  anther  divergent. 

Fig.  80.  Anona  triloba.  Anonece.  Stamen  magnified: 
filament  truncated  at  the  tip;  lobes  distinct,  adnate,  pa- 

Fig.  31.  Melastoma  discolor.  Melastomece.  Stamen. 

a.  Filament. 

h.  Connective  threadlike,  long. 

c,  d.  Lobes  distant. 

c.  The  fertile  lobe,  two-holed  at  the  tip. 

d . The  barren  lobe,  of  a different  form. 




Flowers  of  the  Orehidece  and  Graminem. 

Fig.  1.  Orchis. 
a . Retinacle. 
h . Caudicle. 

c.  Pollen  mass. 

d.  Pollen  mass  cut  off  transversely  to  show  the  septu- 
lum, cells,  and  grains,  of  which  it  is  composed. 

Fig.  2.  Orchis. 
a . Gynizus. 
h.  Bursicle. 

c . Proscolla. 

d.  Staminodia,  or  imperfect  anthers. 

e . Clinandra  filled  with  the  pollen  masses. 
f Septulum. 

Fig.  3.  Cypripedium. 
a.  Gynostemium. 
h.  Supports  of  the  anthers. 

c.  Anthers. 

d.  Gynizus. 

e.  Staminodium. 

Fig.  4.  Nigritella. 

a.  Bursicle  and  rostella. 

1.  Gynizi. 

c.  Bursicle  cut  open. 

d . Retinacles. 

e.  Staminodia. 

f.  Pollen  masses  in  the  clinandra. 

g.  Septulum. 

Fig.  5.  Loroglossum, 
a.  Caudicles. 

h.  Proscolla  seated  on  the  rostellum. 

Fig.  6.  Liparis. 

a.  Lower  lip  turned  down,  and  part  cut  off 
h.  Gynostemium. 

c.  Gynizus. 

d.  Winged  edges  of  the  gynostemium. 

e . Clinandrium. 

f and  g.  Staminodia. 

h.  Anther. 

i . Pollen  masses. 

Fig.  7.  Liparis.  The  solid  pollen  mass. 

Zondon  .J*u6tMed  by3aLdyn/v,  Cradcx  Jc  7c  Jo\\Jhfc/nojtef-7&ru ' Wo  v'Z  . 



Fig.  8.  Epipactis. 
a.  Part  of  the  ovary. 
h , Gynizus. 

c . Gynostemium. 

d.  Proscolla. 

e.  Filament, 

f.  Rostellum. 

f.  Pollen  masses. 

. Anther. 
i.  Staminodium. 

Fig.  9.  Epipactis.  The  granular  pollen  masses. 

Fig.  10.  Epipactis.  The  pollen  mass  cut  to  show  the 
granules,  and  magnified. 

Fig  .11.  Granules  of  pollen,  magnified. 

Fig.  12.  Secale  cereale.  Graminece.  Axis  toothed, 
jointed;  spathelles  opposite,  inserted  parallelly. 

Fig,  13.  Eleocharis  paiustris.  Cyperacece.  Glume  one- 
spathelled,  one-fiowered;  glumelle  bristlelike,  bristles  4, 
denticulate ; stamens  three,  attached  under  the  ovary ; 
stigmata  two,  featherlike. 

Fig.  14.  Agrostis  rubra.  Graminece.  Spathelles  alter- 
nate, lower  largest,  longer  than  the  spathellules ; lower 
spathellule  2-cut  at  the  tip,  awned  below  the  middle,  awn 
twisted ; upper  much  shorter,  2-cut,  toothed ; stamens  3 ; 
style  short,  2-parted,  stigmata  villous. 

Fig.  15.  Hordeum  nigrum,  Graminece.  Ovary  ovate: 
styles  2 ; lodicules  not  cut,  bald. 

Fig.  16.  Bromus  mollis.  Graminece.  Locusta  many- 
flowered  ; awns  not  knee-jointed,  subapicular. 

Fig.  17.  Avena.  Graminece.  The  lower  spathellule  two- 
pointed;  awn  dorsal,  twisted. 

Fig.  18.  Trasus  vesicarius,  Cyperacece.  Spathellules  or 
lodicules  soldered  together,  persisting,  cartilaginous,  form- 
ing a bottleshape  urceolus. 
a.  Ovary.  • 

b.  Style,  with  its  three  stigmata. 

Fig.  1 9.  Isolepis  paniculata.  Cyperacece . Spathelle  1 ; 

glumelle  () ; stamens  3 ; ovary  with  two  styles. 





Fig.  1.  Hordeum  Zeocriton.  Graminece . Cariopsis  mag- 
nified, and  partly  uncoated. 

a.  Perisperm. 

h.  Posterior  cotyledon  saucerlike. 

c.  Root  mamillse,  three,  enclosed  in  a eoleorhize. 

d.  Radicles  two,  each  in  a eoleorhize. 

e . Plumule;  the  gemmule  having  a pileolar,  primordial 

Fig.  2.  Embryo  of  the  same,  magnified. 

a.  Cotyledon. 

b.  Root  mamillse  3,  in  their  coleorhizes. 

c.  Pileolar  primordial  leaf. 

Fig.  S.  Oryza  sativa.  Graminece.  Cariopsis  cut  length- 
ways and  magnified. 

a.  Gemmule  with  its  pileole,  enclosed  in  the  coleoptile. 

b.  Radicle  in  its  eoleorhize. 

Fig.  4.  Hieracium  giaucum.  Compositce.  Embryo  mag- 

Fig.  5.  Akenium  of  the  same,  magnified ; pappus  sessile, 
bristled,  appearing  simple  to  the  naked  eye : the  pericarp  is 
cut  open,  and  the  seed  divided  longitudinally. 

Fig.  6.  Polygonum  scandens.  Polygonece . Carcerule  cut 
lengthways  and  dissected.  Carceruie  boney ; seed  coated, 
upright,  perispermed ; embryo  2-cotyledon,  lateral,  thread- 
like, bent;  radicle  opposite  the  hile,  above. 

Fi.o.  7.  Chasrophyllum  aromaticum.  Umbelliferce.  Cre- 
mocarpe  with  the  two  coques  separated,  but  remaining  sus- 
pended to  the  axis : magnified. 

a.  Spermapodium  axile,  2-par  ted  at  top. 

b.  Styles  persisting  on  the  fruit. 

c.  Commissures,  or  the  faces  applied  to  each  other. 

d.  Latuscule,  or  face  opposite  to  the  commissure. 

e.  Vallecules  between  the  ribs  of  the  coques. 

j.  Spermapodophore. 

g.  Stylopodium. 

Fig.  8.  A coque  of  the  same  cut  lengthways  and  mag- 

a.  Perisperm,  horny. 

b.  Integument  of  the  coque. 

c.  Embryo  small,  basilary. 

-Plule  m-iz . 


Fsye  ?S4. 



Fig.  9.  Amaranthus  hypochondriacus.  Amaranthidece . 
Pyxidium  uncovered,  and  magnified,  membranaceous. 

Fig.  10.  Valves  of  the  same,  separated. 

Fig.  11.  Kernel  of  the  same  magnified;  perisperm  cen- 
tral; embryo  peripherical,  annular ; cotyledons  semicylin- 
drical,  incumbent;  radicle  threadlike,  below. 

Fig.  1 2.  Salsola  decumbens.  Chenopodece.  Periphyllum 
magnified,  containing  the  utriculus. 

Fig.  13.  Perigonium  of  the  same  cut  vertically,  and 
magnified,  to  show  the  seed. 

Fig.  14.  Embryo  of  the  same,  highly  magnified ; thread- 
like, rolled  in  a ball,  cotyledons  very  long,  linear;  radicle 
nearly  cylindrical,  placed  horizontally  in  the  uppermost  part 
of  the  seed. 

Fig.  15.  Carex  vulpina.  Cyperacece.  Persistent  spathel- 
lules  cut  longitudinally  and  magnified ; akenium  pedicelled, 
enclosed  in  the  spathellules. 

Fig.  16.  Akenium  of  the  same  cut  longitudinally  and 
magnified;  style  persistent;  embryo  at  the  base  of  the 

Fig.  17.  Gomphrena  globosa.  Amaranthidece.  Pyxidium 
cut  longitudinally  and  magnified;  st}Tle  persistent;  seed 
single,  inverted,  hanging  by  the  umbilical  cord,  proceeding 
from  the  bottom  of  the  pyxidium. 

Fig.  18.  Beta  vulgaris.  Chenopodece.  Utriculus  enclosed 
within  the  fleshy  perigonium,  and  magnified. 

Fig.  19.  The  utriculus  of  the  same  cut  transversely  and 
magnified;  embryo  annular. 

Fig.  20.  Thesium  alpinum.  Santalacece.  Pericarpium 
magnified;  crowned  by  the  persistent  perigonium. 

Fig.  21.  The  same  cut  transversely. 

Fig.  22.  The  seed  of  the  same  cut  longitudinally  and 
magnified ; embryo  straight,  central. 

Fig.  23.  Embryo  of  the  same,  highly  magnified. 

Fig.  24.  Fraxinus  excelsior.  Fraxinece.  Samara  opened 
before  it  is  ripe ; two-celled ; ovules  four,  hanging  two  side 
by  side  in  each  cell. 

Fig.  25.  The  ripe  samara  of  the  same;  opened;  having- 
only  one  seed,  pendulous ; the  others  having  perished. 

Fig.  26.  Ulmus  Americana.  Utmacece.  Samara  with  the 
cell  opened ; seed  pendent. 





Fig.  1.  Quercus  longseva.  Corylidece.  Glands  cut  > 

lengthways,  coriaceous,  one-celled,  one-seeded ; seed  pend- 
ent, without  a perisperm ; radicle  adverse ; cotyledons  large, 

Fig.  2.  The  cupule  of  the  same,  with  two  abortive 

Fig.  3.  Carpinus  ulmoides.  Corylidece.  Nucule,  or 
calybion,  boney,  ovate,  angular,  with  threadlike,  longitu- 
dinal ribs. 

Fig.  4.  Corylus  tubulosa.  Corylidece.  Cupule  tubular, 
cylindrical,  jagged,  toothed. 

Fig.  5.  Corylus  sylvestris.  Corylidece . Nucule,  or  ca- 
lybion, parted  lengthways  to  show  the  seed;  umbilical  cord 
rising  from  the  base  and  ascending ; seed  pendent. 

Fig.  6.  Cotyledon  of  the  same,  with  the  place  in  which 
the  embryo  is  seated. 

Fig.  7.  Anacardium  officinale.  Terelintacece.  Xylo- 
dium,  or  carcerule,  seated  upon  a fleshy  receptacle. 

Fig.  8.  Tilia  parvifolia.  Tiliacece.  Carcerule  opened; 
cells  two-seeded. 

Fig.  9.  The  carcerule  of  the  same  cut  transversely,  cells 

Fig.  10.  Asarum  Europseum.  Aristolochioe.  Carcerule 
cut  transversely ; cells  six ; partitions  incomplete. 

Fig.  11.  Carcerule  of  the  same  opened,  cells  four-seeded, 
seeds  ascending. 

Fig.  12.  Embryo  of  tilia  parvifolia;  cotyledons  leaflike, 
three-lobed,  toothed,  incumbent. 

Fig.  13.  Adansonia  Baobab.  Malvacece . Amphisarca 
cut  transversely,  cells  ten. 

Fig.  14.  A portion  of  the  spongy,  farinaceous  pulp  taken 
out  of  the  cells  of  the  same,  interwoven  with  thready 

Fig.  15.  The  point  of  the  pulp  dissected  to  show  the 
seeds,  of  the  natural  size. 

Fig.  16.  Gomphia  nitida.  Ochnacece.  Sarcobasis  five- 
eremed ; gynophore  ovoid ; eremes  one-celled,  one-seeded ; 
seed  straight,  coated, without  a perisperm;  embryo  straight, 
radicle  opposite. 

JPlate  XV 


JPage  ?57. 

London., Publish'd  hy  Laldvmfradock  & Joy,P*temo.sterLowJ5rovrJs.t1821. 



Fig.  17.  Symphytum  officinale.  Boraginece.  Micro- 
- basis.  Calyx  five-parted,  one  lobe  cutaway;  eremes,  or 
nuts,  four  ; style  persisting. 

Fig.  18.  Cynoglossum  laevigatum.  Boraginece.  Internal 
surface  of  one  of  the  cariopsides,  nut  lodged  in  the  hollow 
parttff  the  shield-like  cariopsis,  or  ereme. 

Fig.  19.  The  whole  microbasis  of  the  same. 

Fig.  20.  lhe  same,  with  the  several  cariopsides  cut 
transversely,  nuts  immersed  in  the  shield-like  eremes. 



Fig.  1 . Primus  domestica.  Dryadece.  Drupe  cut  length- 
ways: umbilical  cord  passing  within  the  suture  to  the  tip 
of  the  stone;  seed  pendent. 

Fig.  2.  Amygdalus  nana.  Dryadece.  Stone  of  the  drupe 
split  open;  umbilical  cord  passing  within  the  suture  to  the 
tip  of  the  stone  ; seed  pendent,  ovate  rounded,  acumi- 
nated at  top,  deeply  lenticular,  pale  with  painted  veins. 

Fig.  3.  Vitis  vinifera.  Viniferce.  Acinos  cut  longitudi- 
nally sphaerical,  free,  seeds  boney. 

Fig.  4.  The  same,  cut  transversely.  Acinos  five-seeded. 

Fig.  5.  Sparganium  ramosum.  Typ Faced.  Drupe  juice- 
less, bark  taken  off  in  part  to  show  the  stone,  with  a small 
hole  at  the  tip. 

Fig.  6.  The  same : stone  cut  transversely. 

Fig.  7.  Vitis  vinifera.  Viniferce.  Embryo  taken  out  of 
the  seed. 

Fig.  8.  The  seed  cut  longitudinally,  coated,  perispermed  ; 
embryo  at  the  base,  straight;  radicle  opposite. 

Fig.  9.  The  seed  cut  transversely. 

Fig.  10.  Aquifolium  spinosum.  Caprifoliacece.  Nuculane 
with  part  of  the  flesh  taken  away;  pyrense  four. 

Fig.  11.  Pyrene  of  the  same,  with  the  seed  cut  trans- 

Fig.  12.  Pyrus  domestica.  Pomacece.  Pome  cut  trans- 
versely; cells  five,  two  abortive. 

Fig.  13.  The  same  cut  longitudinally;  cells  cartilagi- 
nous ; ovules  in  each  cell  always  2,  the  fertile  cells  usually 
one-seeded ; seeds  rather  large". 

VOL.  i.  s 



Fig . 14.  Seeds  of  the  same ; the  covers  cut  off  in  part,  to 
show  the  kernel. 

Fig.  1 5.  Embryo  of  the  same : cotyledons  elliptic,  fleshy. 

Fig.  16.  Mespilus  Germanica.  Pomacece.  Woody  celled 
pome,  or  pyrenarius,  cut  transversely,  one  of  the  cells 
opened : ovules  two. 

Fig.  17.  Punica  Granatum.  Myrti.  Balausta  with  part 
of  the  rind  taken  off,  crowned  by  the  tube  of  the  calyx ; 
partitions  indeterminate,  some  longitudinal,  some  cross- 
ways  : seeds  numerous,  drupelike. 

Fig.  18.  Seeds  of  the  same,  of  the  natural  size;  drupe- 
like, outer  skin  pulpy. 

Fig.  19.  Embryo  of  the  same,  cut  transversely,  and  much 
magnified;  cotyledons  convolute,  leaflike,  very  thin. 

Fig.  20.  Seed  of  the  same,  cut  lengthways,  and  the  em- 
bryo uncovered ; embryo  oblong,  pointed  at  each  end. 

Fig.  21.  Cucumus  sativus.  Cucurlitacece . Pepo  cut 
transversely;  cells  three,  parted  ; placentarium  parietal. 

Fig.  22.  Cucurbita  esculenta.  Cucurlitacece . Seed  cut 

a.  Outer  skin  leatherlike. 

1.  Inner  skin  green. 

c.  Cotyledon,  veiny  and  wrinkled,  on  the  internal  face. 

d.  Embryo. 

Fig.  23.  Citrus  Medica.  Aurantiacecc.  Hesperidium 
ovate,  cut  transversely ; outer  bark  glandular ; inner  bark 
spongy;  cells  nine,  each  lined  with  a fine  skin,  filled  |with 
a pulpy  flesh. 

Plate  XVI 


Page  259. 

■fSAury  tnsufo' 

Londorv,  I^iblishxd  by  Baldwin  /radoc7c  & Joy,jf>afernosltrR<nvfflovyj/&8.?J- 

explanation  of  the  plates. 



Fruits . 

Fig.  1.  Cassia  Fistula.  L'eguminosce.  Tip  of  the  legume, 
partly  opened;  legume  phragmated,  many-celled;  cells 
one-seeded ; placentarium  unilateral ; umbilical  cord  thread- 
like; seeds  ovoid,  compressed. 

Fig.  2.  Genista  candicans.  Leguminosce,  Cod,  or  le- 
gume, opened ; legume  deeply  scrobiculate,  nearly  celled  ; 
umbilical  cords  short,  from  the  convex  suture,  seeds  af- 
fixed alternately  to  each  valve. 

Fig.  3.  Seed  of  the  same  magnified;  File  or  umbilicus 

Fig . 4.  The  same,  with  the  hile  facing  the  spectator,  bile 
crescentlike,  surrounded  by  a glandular  prominent  edge. 

Fig.  5.  The  kernel  of  the  same  magnified ; seed  peri- 
spermed;  embryo  bent,  cotyledons  ovate;  radicle  bent, 


Fig.  6.  Scorpiurus  sulcata.  Leguminosce.  Legume 
jointed,  nodose,  furrowed,  spiral. 

Fig.  7.  Astragalus  uliginosus.  Leguminosce.  Legume 
cut  transversely,  two-celled;  partition  longitudinal,  valvean, 

Fig.  8.  Cardamine  Gneca.  Crucifer ce.  Siliqua,  or  pod, 
when  dehiscent.  Valves  fiat,  ribless,  flown  back  and  rolled 
up  spirally;  partition  very  narrow,  thin;  seeds  four  in  each 
cell ; umbilical  cord  fixed  alternately  to  each  edge  of  the 

Fig.  9.  Sinapis  alba.  Crucifer  ce.  Siliqua  hispid,  two- 
celled,  two-valved;  valves  marked  with  three  hispid  ribs 
lengthways;  upper  joint  valveless,  sometimes  containing 
one  imperfect  seed,  or  partition  produced  far  beyond  the 
valves  into  a swordshape  beak. 

Fig.  10.  Embryo  of  the  same,  magnified  : cotyledons 
rounded,  nearly  leaflike,  the  outer  involving  the  interior ; 
radicle  lying  in  the  furrow  of  the  folding,  centrifugal. 

Fig.  11.  Raphanistrum  vulgare.  Crucifer  ce.  Part  of 
the  siliqua;  valveless,  many-celled,  jointed,  becoming  neck- 
laceshape;  cells  boney,  separate,  in  a longitudinal  series, 
perforated  at  eaclrend  for  the  passage  of  the  two  umbilical 
cords,  which  enter  all  of  them,  each  cord  bearing  a seed 
in  the  alternate  cells;  seeds  one  in  a cell. 

Fig.  12.  Boney  cell  of  the  same  cut  transversely. 

s 2 



Fig.  13.  Cotyledons  of  the  same  uncovered;  radicle  in 
the  furrow  of  their  fold,  centrifugal. 

Fig.  14.  Thlaspi  cuneatum.  Crucferce.  Silicule  ovate, 
rounded,  compressed,  two-celled,  two-valved ; valves  boat- 
shape  ; partitions  opposite  or  contrary  to  the  valves. 

Fig.  15.  Draba  verna.  Crucifer ce.  Silicule  oval;  two- 
celled;  valves  flat;  cells  many-seeded;  partition  parallel  to 
the  valves.  , 

Fig.  16.  Vella  annua.  Crucferce.  Silicule  nearly  glo- 
bular, with  soft  bristles,  two-celled,  two-valved ; partition 
parallel  to  the  valves,  transparent,  bearing  three  or  four 
seeds  in  each  cell ; style  persistent,  leaflike. 

Fig.  17.  Transverse  section  of  the  same. 

Fig.  1 8.  Anagallis  phoenicea.  Primulacece.  Seed  much 
magnified,  ovate,  slightly  acuminate  on  each  side,  roughly^ 
dotted ; bile  in  the  middle  of  the  bellyu 

Fig.  19.  Pyxidium  of  the  same  when  dehiscent. 

Fig.  20.  Pyxidium  of  the  same  magnified,  and  opened 
on  one  side;  placentarium  globular,  spongy,  honeycombed, 

Fig.  21.  Dianthera  Malabarica.  Acanthiacece . Capsule 
oblong,  two-valved,  pointed  at  the  tip,  two-celled,  two- 
valved;  partition  opposite,  or  contrary  to  the  valves,  with 
retinacles  close  to  the  seeds. 

Fig.  22.  Serapias  Helleborine.  Orchidece.  Diplotegia 
cut  transversely,  elliptical,  sphaerical,  one-celled,  three- 
valved,  six-ribbed;  placentaria  three,  on  the  middle  of  the 


Fig.  23.  The  three  alternate,  sutural  ribs  of  the  same, 
remaining  after  the  falling  off  of  the  valves. 

Fig.  24.  Iris  Sibirica.  Iridcce.  Diplotegia  when  de- 
hiscent; three-celled,  three-valved,  loculicidal;  valves  one- 
ribbed,  rib  prominent;  placentarium  on  the  internal  edge 
of  the  valves,  which  re-enter  conjointly ; seeds  numerous, 
horizontal,  depressed,  flat  on  both  sides,  one  side  straight, 
the  other  semicircular. 

Fig.  25.  Campanula  rigida.  Campanulacece . Capsule 
crowned  with  the  withered  corolla ; calyx  five-cut,  segments 
turned  back,  opening  by  pores  at  the  base. 

Fig.  26.  Lysimachia  quadrifolia.  Primulacece.  Capsyle 
cut  transversely  and  magnified,  one-celled,  five-vaived ; pla- 
centarium globular,  spongy,  pitted,  free,  central. 

Fig.  27.  Capsule  of  the  same  when  dehiscent,  mag- 



Fig.  28.  Saxifraga  granulata.  Scixijragece.  Capsule  half 
adherent,  two-headed,  opening  in  the  middle  of  the  head ; 

Fig.  29.  Ipomea  purpurea.  Convolvulacece.  Capsule  cut 
transversely,  after  its  dehiscence,  three-celled,  three-valved, 
septicidal ; partitions  verticillate,  interpositive,  persistent ; 
placentaria  basilary. 

Fig.  30.  Orontium  majus.  Scrofulariece.  Capsule  cut 
transversely;  two-celled;  partitions  two,  valvean,  marginal, 
meeting;  placentarium  central,  two-lobed. 

Fig.  31.  Capsule  of  the  same  entire,  three-holed  at  the 



Fig.  1.  Actaea  spicata.  Fanunculacece . Berry  cut  trans- 
versely, fleshy,  camarelike;  seeds  in  two  rows,  nearly  semi- 

Fig.  2.  The  same,  with  part  of  the  covering  removed, 
to  show  the  seeds  lying  over  one  another  in  two  rows. 

Fig.  3.  The  seed  cut  lengthways;  perisperm  the  shape 
of  the  seed;  embryo  very  small,  nearly  ovate,  at  the  base. 

Fig.  4.  Ribes  spinosum.  Grossularice . Acrosarcum,  or 
berry  crowned  with  the  persistent  calyx,  cut  longitudinally; 
placentaria  two,  lateral,  opposite. 

Fig.  5.  The  same  cut  transversely;  placentaria  lateral, 

Fig.  6.  Perisperm  of  the  same  cut  longitudinally  and 
magnified,  with  the  umbilical  cord,  as  it  passes  through  the 
gelatinous  pulp  surrounding  the  seed : embryo  very  small, 
at  the  tip. 

Fig.  7.  Vaccinium  montanum.  Vaccinice.  Acrosarce,  or 
crowned  berry,  spherical. 

Fig.  8.  The  same  cut  transversely:  acrosarce  five-celled ; 
placentaria  central. 

Fig.  9.  Androsaemum  officinale.  Hypericinece.  Berry  cut 
transversely,  one-celled ; placentaria  three,  lateral,  spongy, 
at  first  solid,  but  when  ripe  leaving  a vacant  space  between 
their  two  divisions. 



Fig.  10.  Mandragora  acaulis.  Solanece.  Berry  cut  trans- 
versely, globular  ; seeds  immersed,  towards  the  periphery, 
all  around. 

Fig.  11.  The  same,  with  the  pannexterne  taken  off: 
seeds  many,  kidneyshape;  calyx  four  cut. 

Fig.  12.  Asclepias  nigra.  Apocineae.  Follicle  opened, 
one-celled,  many-seeded,  dehiscent;  placentarium  sutural, 
becoming  free  by  the  dehiscence;  umbilical  cord  pappus- 
like, or  seeds  comose. 

Fig.  13.  Veratrum  album.  Colchicacece.  Etaerion  three- 
camared,  camares  oblong,  slightly  compressed,  connected 
at  bottom,  separate  at  top,  and  ending  in  a short  style; 
perigonium  six-lobed. 

Fig.  14.  Camares  of  the  same  dehiscent,  and  emptied  of 
their  seeds. 

Fig.  15.  Transverse  section  of  the  etaerion,  towards  the 

Fig.  16.  Rhododendron  maximum.  Rhododendra.  Cap- 
sule cut  transversely,  five-celled  ; placentarium  central,  ra- 
diating, lobed. 

Fig.  17.  Caltha  palustris.  Ranunculacece.  Etaerion  eight- 
camared,  camares  compressed,  spreading  horizontally  at 

Fig.  18.  A camare  of  the  same  opened ; placentarium  on 
the  edges  of  the  suture. 

Fig.  19.  The  capsule  of  the  rhododendron  maximum, 
in  dehiscence;  cells  five,  septicidal ; style  persistent  on  the 
central  placentarium. 

Fig.  20.  Seed  of  the  same  cut  lengthways,  and  magni- 
fied; outer  coat  produced  in  a kind  of  beak;  kernel  ovate 
oblong,  shorter  than  the  seed;  embryo  straight;  cotyle- 
dons very  short. 

Fig.  21.  Butomus  floridus.  Butomacece.  Dieresile  mag- 
nified, six-coqued,  ovate-beaked,  connected  together  about 
half  their  height,  membranaceous,  opening  inwards. 

Fig.  22.  One  of  the  coques  cut  transversely;  seeds  pa- 
rietal, very  numerous,  small,  spread  all  over  the  internal 
surface  of  the  coque. 

Fig.  23.  Napsea  dioica.  Malvaceae.  Calyx  magnified, 
five-cut ; central  axis  of  the  dieresile  winged,  pyramidal, 

Fig.  24.  One  of  the  ten  coques  of  the  same  cut  longi- 
tudinally, semicircular,  tip  ending  in  a bent-back  point; 
umbilical  cord  very  small ; seed  kidneyshape,  single. 



Fig.  25.  Lavatera  arborea.  Malvacece.  Fruit  cut  verti- 
cally and  magnified : dieresile  axile,  compressed,  6-coqued ; 
coques  one- celled,  one-seeded;  seed  peltate;  embryo  bent; 
cotyledons  plaited ; radicle  basilary. 

Fig.  26.  Ricinus  communis.  Eaiphorliacece.  Regma  cut 
longitudinally  and  magnified ; three-celled,  covered  with  a 
pannexterne  that  separates ; coques  one-cel  led,  two-valved, 
one-seeded;  placentarium  under  the  tip;  seed  coated,  ca- 
runculated,  perispermed,  hanging. 

a.  Perisperm. 

h.  Embryo  two-cotyledon,  straight,  in  the  middle;  coty- 
ledons leaflike. 

c.  Caruncle. 

d.  Umbilical  cord. 

Fig.  27.  The  same,  with  one  of  the  coques  taken  away 
from  the  two  others ; placentarium  central,  columnar,  three- 
sided,  with  three  blunt  beaks  passing  into  the  cells,  regma 
covered  with  soft  spines. 

Fig.  28.  The  same,  cut  transversely,  showing  the  three 
coques,  emptied  of  their  seeds. 

Fig.  29.  The  seed  of  the  same  cut  across ; embryo  two- 

Fig.  30.  The  seed  cut  lengthways;  embryo  nearly  the 
size  of  the  albumen. 






.Fig.  1.  Rubus  Idaeus.'  Dryadece.  Fruit  cut  lengthways ; 
polycfalorion  succulent,  composed  of  several  drupeolated 
akenia  soldered  together,  one-seeded;  seed  coated,  with- 
out a perisperm,  hanging. 

Fig.  2.  Rosa  canina.  Rosacea ?.  Hip  cut  longitudinally ; 
calyx  become  fleshy,  ovate;  utricles  in  pits  on  thminternal 
surface  of  the  hip,  the  central  utricles  pedicelled;  pedicells 
fleshy,  yellow,  rather  hairy;  style  persisting. 

Fig.  3.  Agrimonia  repens.  Agrinionacece.  The  amalthsea 
cut  transversely;  calyx  five-toothed,  echinated;  seeds  three, 
ovate,  not  fleshy,  slightly  compressed,  pointed  at  top,  blunt 
at  bottom. 

Fig.  4.  Ranunculus  muricatus.  Ranunculacece . The  poly- 
chlorion  formed  of  many  cariopsides,  prickly  on  both  sides. 

Fig.  5.  Cariopsis  of  the  same  cut  lengthways;  embryo 
very  small,  in  the  base  of  the  seed. 

Fig.  6.  Fragaria  vesca.  Dryadece.  The  polychlorion. 
Calyx  ten-cut;  receptacle  fleshy,  wider  than  the  calyx, 
ovate,  globular,  very  large ; akenia  numerous,  small,  ovate, 
acuminate,  slightly  compressed. 

Fig.  7.  An  akenium  of  the  same. 

Fig.  8.  Morus  alba.  Urticece.  The  sorose  composed  of 
several  fleshy  utricles,  soldered  with  the  calycine  segments 
of  the  several  flowers. 

Fig.  9.  A single  utricle  of  the  same,  with  the  fleshy  seg- 
ments of  its  calyx  displayed,  magnified. 

Fig.  10.  An  utricle  of  the  same  opened  and  magnified. 

Fig.  11.  Ambora  Tamburissa.  Urticece.  Sycone,  or  fig, 
cut  transversely,  to  show  the  several  carcerules,  immersed 
in  the  internal  surface  of  the  involucrum. 

Fig.  12.  Pinus  Americana.  Abietidece.  Strobile  egg- 
shape  ; cupules  leatherlike,  thick,  triangular,  rounded  on 
the  outer  edge. 

Fig.  13.  A cupuie  of  the  same;  nucules  two,  winged 
upon  the  outward  side. 

Fig.  14.  Embryo  of  the  same,  magnified;  cotyledons 

Fig.  15.  Cupressus  sempervirens.  Cupressidece.  Galbule 
ovate,  globular ; cupuie  angular,  upright,  headed,  edge  of 
the  head  oblique  and  jagged,  centre  radiated. 

Fig.  16.  A cupuie  of  the  same. 

ate  _Xt/J//:  FmUJIT  3 . Jhye  264. 

J. S7uiry  xi'calp. 

XoncfoTb  JJub  htJux  l TyyjBaldwtTb,  G'a.doch  & Joy.  Fa&j  ‘noste/  • ftftw  7Vhv$f&7fi?7 



Fig.  17.  The  nucules  of  the  same,  as  seen  on  either  side, 
small,  boney,  irregularly  angular. 

Fig.  18.  Juniperus  Virginiana.  Cupressidece.  Arcesthide 
magnified,  ovoid,  berrylike,  composed  of  1-seeded  glandes, 
soldered  along  with  succulent  bractese : cupules  woody, 

Fig.  19.  A single  glans  of  the  same,  magnified,  with 
small  vesicles  at  the  base  filled  with  turpentine. 

Fig.  20.  A glans  of  the  same  cut  longitudinally,  and 

a.  Cupule. 

b.  Pericarpium  membranaceous,  crowned  by  the  limb  of 
the  calyx. 

c.  Limb  of  the  calyx. 

d.  Remains  of  the  stigma. 

e . Perisperm. 

f.  Embryo  axile,  two-cotyledon. 

Fig.  21. , Anona  squamosa.  Anonae.  Asimine  cut  trans- 
versely, barked,  fleshy,  composed  of  several  berries;  bark 
thick,  spongy,  corklike,  covered  all  over  with  ovate,  oblong, 
nipplelike,  ascending  tubercles;  flesh  pulpy,  divided  into 
as  many  cells  as  there  are  tubercles  in  the  bark,  so  that  the 
fresh  and  moist  fruit  may  be  separated  into  as  many  berry- 
like  lobes. 

Fig.  22.  Perisperm  of  the  same  split  lengthways,  embryo 
very  small,  near  the  hile. 

Fig.  23.  Seed  of  the  same,  elliptic,  slightly  angular, 




Filices  and  Lycopodiacece. 

Fig.  1.  Lycopodium.  Lycopodiacece . Part  of  a branch 
magnified ; leaves  oblong,  linear,  much  compressed,  two- 
rowed  ; stipules  single,  lanceolate,  one-sided,  tiledlike. 

a.  Capsular  conceptacles,  with  bractese. 

1.  Another  kind  of  capsular  conceptacles,  with  bracteae. 

Fig.  2.  The  second  kind  of  conceptacle,  much  magnified ; 
three-lobed,  two-valved,  three-seeded. 

Fig.  S.  A seminule  taken  out  of  these  conceptacles,  and 
much  magnified. 

Fig.  4.  The  same  opened. 

a.  The  lorica. 

1j.  The  kernel. 

Fig.  5.  The  first  kind  of  conceptacles  much  magnified ; 
kidneyshape,  two-valved,  many- seeded. 

a.  The  seminules. 

1.  The  same,  very  much  magnified,  to  show  they  are 

Fig.  6.  Bernhardia  dichotoma.  Lycopodiacece.  A capsu- 
lar conceptacle  magnified,  three-lobed,  three-valved,  par- 
titions median. 

Fig.  7.  A branch  of  the  same  plant  magnified. 

a.  Capsular  conceptacles,  with  two  bractese. 

Fig.  8.  a.  Seminules  magnified. 

1.  The  same,  very  much  magnified,  to  show  they  are 

Fig.  9.  Tmesepteris  Tannensis.  Lycopodiacece.  Concep- 
tacle magnified,  capsular,  opening,  2-valved,  2-celled ; with 
one  of  the  two  leaves  between  which  it  was  placed. 

Fig.  10.  Lycopodium  umbrosum.  Lycopodiacece . Con- 
ceptacle magnified,  capsular,  kidneyshape,  2-valved,  many- 

a.  Seminules. 

Fig.  11.  The  same  very  much  magnified  to  show  that 
they  are  angular,  and  collected  together  by  threes  or  fours 
into  globules. 

Fig.  12.  Equisetum  palustre.  Fquisetacece.  Spike  mag- 
nified, with  the  terminal  ament. 

a.  Involucra. 

b.  Conceptacles  attached  to  the  under  side  of  the  invo- 

Fig.  13.  A seed?  of  the  same  much  magnified,  with  the 
hygrometrical  threads. 

Ptate  XIK.  IFULIOEg  & ]LYC(D)F<D)]D)3A.C]M  '%  Tage266. 

XS7utJ,y  jraJp. 

Xondon,J3abluhedy  by  Baldwm,,0'ajdocJc  Sc  Joy,  Jhterrwata  'JZowJJov72'*tJ821. 



Fig.  14.  The  same,  with  the  threads  rolled  spirally  around 

Fig.  15.  Aspidium  nemorale.  Filices.  A portion  of  the 
leaf  magnified,  with  a single  indusium. 

a.  Miliary  glands. 

b.  Conceptacles  each  girt  with  its  elastic,  incomplete, 
peri  spheric  ring. 

c.  Indusium  kidneyshape,  umbilicated,  opened  on  the 

Fig.  16.  A conceptacle  of  the  same  much  magnified, 
with  its  elastic  ring  and  peduncle. 

Fig.  17.  A conceptacle  of  the  same  torn  open  by  the 
force  of  the  elastic  ring  when  ripe,  and  throwing  out  the 

Fig . 18.  Gleichena  circinata.  Filices .•  A conceptacle 
very  much  magnified,  having  an  elastic  ring  completely 
surrounding  it. 

Fig.  19.  Schizea  dichotoma.  Filices . A conceptacle 
much  magnified,  having  an  elastic  ring  surrounding  it  at 
the  tip. 

Fig.  20.  Marchantia  polymorpha.  Hepciticce.  Fructifi- 
cation when  ripe,  and  much  magnified. 

a.  Perichaetium  split  lengthways. 

1.  Sheath. 

c.  Pedicell. 

d.  Capsule  opened,  valves  or  teeth  turned  back. 

e.  Elastic  threads  dispersing  the  seminules. 

Fig.  21.  A globule  or  capsule  of  the  same  not  quite  ripe, 
and  much  magnified. 

a.  Paraphyses. 

b.  Perichaetium. 

c.  Sheath,  being  in  fact  the  detached  pannexterne. 

d.  Pedicell. 

e.  Capsule  or  globule. 

Fig.  22.  A fructification  of  the  same,  in  its  early  stage, 
and  much  magnified. 

a . Paraphyses. 

b.  The  jaggs  of  the  perichaetium. 

c.  The  ovary,  according  to  some  authors. 

d.  The  style  of  the  same. 

e.  The  stigma  of  the  same. 

Fig.  23.  A part  of  the  frond  of  the  same  magnified, 
having  two  origomes. 

a.  An  origome  beginning  to  show  itself. 

b.  Another  entirely  developed,  with  lenticular  bulbilles. 



Fig.  24.  Umbell  of  what  is  called  the  male  plant  of  the 
same,  cut  vertically  and  magnified. 

a.  The  stamens  according  to  some  authors,  entire,  ovoid, 
and  sunk  into  the  substance  of  the  umbell. 

b.  Other  stamens  cut  vertically,  to  show  their  cavity. 

c.  Small  vascular  threads  of  the  stamen,  each  of  which 
abut  on  a mamilla,  or  nipplelike  eminence,  on  the  surface 
of  the  umbell. 

Fig.  25.  The  umbell  of  what  is  considered  by  some  as 
the  male  plant  of  the  same;  the  upper  surface  slightly 
concave,  with  nipplelike  eminences. 

Fig.  26.  The  umbell  of  what  is  considered  by  some  as 
the  lemale  plant  of  the  same ; many-lobed,  having  the 
fructifications,  fig.  20,  21  or  22,  beneath. 


Mosses  and  Lichens . 

Fig.  1.  Tortula  muralis.  Musci.  Entire  plant  magnified; 
the  lemale  flower  just  beginning  to  appear;  surcule  short, 
leaves  oval  lanceolate,  terminated  with  a long  hair;  peri- 
chsetium  0;  bristle  terminal ; urn  upright,  cylindrical. 

a.  Ovary,  according  to  some  authors. 

b.  Style! 

c.  Stigma. 

Fig.  2.  Fruit  of  the  same,  yet  young,  and  magnified. 

a.  Calyptra. 

b.  Vaginule. 

c.  Pedicell  beginning  to  lengthen  and  separate  them. 

Fig.  3.  Fruit  of  the  same,  more  advanced  in  its  growth* 

the  calyptra  split  lengthways,  and  ready  to  fall  off*. 

Fig.  4.  Entire  plant  of  the  same,  when  the  pedicel!  has 
acquired  its  full  growth,  magnified. 

Fig.  5.  Urn  of  the  same  when  ripe,  split  longitudinally 
and  highly  magnified. 

a.  The  urn  whose  sides  are  composed  of  two  flakes,  the 
external  one  called  sporangium,  the  internal,  sporan- 

b.  Seminules  contained  in  the  cavity  of  the  urn. 

c . Columella. 

d.  Operculum  of  the  urn. 

e.  Teeth  of  the  peristome  twisted  spirally. 

Tlate  -XX.  MffTSCI.  fafye  26$. 

X,77noy  xScuJp. 

£orulmi.,Hiblished-  by  Balthvirv.  G-adnc&  &Joy,  laterriMta- Mow 2fev.rlsPl821. 



Fig.  6.  The  female  flower  of  the  same,  stripped  of  the 
pericbsetium,  and  very  much  magnified. 

a . Ovary. 

b.  Style. 

c.  Stigma. 

d.  Abortive  female  flowers. 

e.  Paraphyses. 

f.  Clinanthe. 

Fig.  7.  Polytrichum  commune.  Musci.  Proliferous  stem 

a.  Bractese  united  into  bellshaped  perichaetia  containing 
male  flowers. 

Fig.  8.  Stem  of  the  same,  bearing  the  fruit,  showing  the 
pediccll,  and  urn  covered  with  its  hairy  calyptra. 

Fig.  9.  Urn  of  the  same,  with  the  operculum  taken  off: 
the  whole  magnified. 

a.  Operculum. 

b.  Peristome  with  its  epiphragm. 

Fig.  10.  Urn  of  the  same,  the  calyptra,  the  operculum, 
and  the  epiphragm  taken  off;  the  whole  magnified. 

a.  Epiphragm. 

b.  Seminules  dispersing. 

Fig.  11.  A male  perichaetium  of  the  same  cut  vertically, 
and  very  much  magnified. 

a.  The  bracteoles. 

b.  Paraphyses. 

c.  Stamens. 

Fig.  12.  Splachnum  ampullaceum.  Musci.  Fruit  mag- 

a.  Urn,  with  the  calyptra  and  operculum  taken  off. 

b.  Apophysis  very  large,  cruetlike. 

c.  Peristome  simple,  eight-toothed. 

Fig.  13.  A stamen  of  polytrichum  commune,  with  two 
paraphyses  placed  on  water,  and  very  much  magnified. 

a. .  The  stamen. 

b.  Paraphyses. 

c.  The  beak-like  opening  at  the  tip  of  the  stamen. 

d.  The  fecundating  fluid  discharged  through  the  beak, 
and  floating  on  the  water. 

Fig.  14.  Grimmia  apocarpa.  Musci.  Fruit,  the  calyptra 
and  operculum  being  taken  off,  magnified. 

a.  Peristome. 

Fig.  15.  Peristome  of  the  same  detached  from  the  urn, 
spread  out  and  much  magnified,  to  show  the  sixteen  teeth 



Fig.  16.  Hypnum  cupressiforme.  Musci.  Peristome 
split,  laid  open,  and  magnified,  to  show  the  fringe  and 
teeth. — Peristome  double;  teeth  16,  lanceolate;  cilias  16, 
opposite,  membranaceous,  united  at  bottom;  bristles  16, 

Fig.  17.  Sphagnum  palustre.  Musci.  Part  of  the  plant 
magnified;  surcule  branched,  leaves  oval,  blunt,  concave, 
tiled-like;  pedicell  short;  urn  ovoid,  upon  a disk-like 
apophysis ; peristome  0. 

a.  Urn,  the  calyptra  and  operculum  being  taken  off. 

I . Orifice  naked. 

c.  Apophysis. 

Fig.  18.  Gymnostomum  pyriforme.  Musci.  Germination 
of  its  seminule,  as  observed  by  Hedwig,  very  much  mag- 
nified; showing  the  seminule  throwing  out  a radicle,  and 
a succulent  thread,  considered  as  a cotyledon,  which  ap- 
pears to  be  jointed,  and  having  nipples  which  elongate  into 

Fig.  19.  Variolaria  tumida.  Lichenes . Entire  plant  mag- 

a.  Thallus  thin,  crustlike,  growing  upon  trees. 

1.  Patellules  whitish,  convex  at  first,  slightly  concave 

Fig.  20.  Patellaria  ocellata.  Lichenes.  Entire  plant  mag- 

a.  Thallus  adherent  to  stones,  solid,  crustlike,  wrinkled, 
areolated,  greyish  white. 

1.  Scutelles  black,  concave;  edge  elevated,  of  the  colour 
of  the  thallus. 

Fig.  21.  Isidium  corallinum.  Lichenes.  Entire  plant 

a . Thallus. 

I . Podetia  solid,  cylindrical,  branched,  crowded,  whitish. 

c.  Terminal  globules. 

Fig . 22.  Tips  of  the  podetia  of  the  same. 

a.  A globule  still  adhering  to  the  podetia. 

1.  Pitt  remaining  after  the  globules  have  fallen  off. 

Fig.  23.  Cenomyce  pyxidata.  Lichenes . Entire  plant. 

a.  Podetium  proliferous,  fistular,  funnelshape  at  top. 

1.  Podetia  growing  on  the  edge  of  the  lower  podetium. 

c.  Cephalodiiun  thick,  irregular,  sinuous,  brown. 

PlaXePZXl . 


Page  Z7J. 

Zondon,J}jt/>?is7iefl  In ' JBrt Irbvi/i , f ’’oxfocA ' &Jby,  Pater/ioste/' .R<'w,2tfpvJ!L^J.&22. 

explanation  of  the  plates. 



Asphyllous  Plants . 

Fig.  1.  Conjugata  decimina.  Hydrophytes . Two  plants 
coupled  together,  and  very  much  magnified. 

m The  several  cells  that  are  coupled  together. 

1.  A cell  throwing  out  a tube  to  meet  that  of  the  op- 
posite cell,  of  the  other  plant. 

c.  Cells  in  which  small  grains  are  to  be  perceived,  dis- 
posed in  a spiral  form,  as  they  appear  before  the  coupling 
of  the  plants. 

d.  Grains  passing  out  of  the  cell  of  one  plant  into  the 
conjoined  cell  of  the  other  plant. 

e.  The  cell  that  is  being  emptied. 

f.  The  cell  into  which  the  grains  are  passing. 

g.  Semin ules  that  have  arisen  from  the  union  of  the 
grains  of  the  two  plants. 

Fig.  2.  A seminule  of  the  same,  which  has  ruptured  its 
cell,  and  is  in  a;  state  of  germination. 

Fig.  3.  Conferva  rivularis.  Hydrophytes.  Part  of  the 
plant  very  much  magnified,  as  it  floats  in  rivulets : the  cells 
filled  with  an  immense  number  of  small  grains,  appearing 
to  be  seminules,  which  by  enlarging  rupture  the  mother 
plant  and  disperse. 

Fig.  4*.  Fucus  vesiculosus.  Thalassiophytee.  Part  of  the 

a.  Tubercles  terminal,  containing  a great  number  of 
ostiolated  conceptacles. 

I . Mouths,  or  ostioles  of  the  conceptacles. 

c . Starlike  hairs  sprinkled  over  the  surface  of  the  frond, 
called  stamens  by  Reaumur,  and  considered  by  him  as  ex- 
cretory organs. 

d.  Bladders,  globular,  frequently  in  pairs. 

Fig.  5.  A part  of  a tubercle  of  the  same,  containing  a 
conceptacle  cut  through  vertically,  and  very  highly  mag- 

a.  The  conceptacle. 

1.  Elytrm  ovoid,  floating  in  a mucilage. 

c.  Ostioie,  or  mouth  of  the  conceptacle. 

Fig.  6.  Sphserophoron  coralloides.  Idiot halamecz.  A part 
of  the  plant  magnified. 

a.  Podetium  solid,  cylindrical,  branched. 

1.  Branches  divaricated. 

c.  A cistule. 



Fig.  7.  A cistule  of  the  same,  cut  transversely,  and  very 
much  magnified. 

a.  Fibrous  fungosity,  supporting  the  seminules. 

b.  Seminules  escaped  from  the  cistule. 

Fig.  8.  Sphasria  stigma.  Sarcotkalamece.  Cut  vertically 
as  it  grows  within  the  bark  of  the  hazel-nut-tree,  and  very 
much  magnified. 

a.  Partition  dividing  the  sphaerule  into  two  cells. 

Fig.  9.  Physarum.  Fungi.  Several  plants  as  they  grow 
on  dead  timber,  magnified. 

a.  Peridium  cracked  at  top,  showing  the  internal  cells 
containing  the  seminules. 

Fig.  10.  Puccinia  rosae.  Protomyci.  A group  of  plants 
as  they  grow  on  the  under  surface  of  the  leaves  of  the 
rose-tree;  very  much  magnified. 

a.  Pedicell  transparent,  swelled  out  at  bottom. 

b.  Peridium  black,  oblong,  pointed,  many-celied,  par- 
titions transverse. 

c.  A very  young  plant. 

d.  An  old  plant,  the  peridium  of  which  is  torn,  and  the 
seminules' have  escaped. 

Fig.  11.  Ceramium  polymorphum.  Thalassiophytce . Ex- 
tremity of  a branch  very  much  magnified. 

a.  Conceptacles  globular,  solitary,  sessile,  just  under 
the  tip. 

b.  Small  pappus  on  the  tip  of  the  conceptacles. 

c.  Extremity  of  a branch,  extending  beyond  the  con- 

d.  Barren  branch,  terminated  by  two  small  lanceolate 

Fig.  12.  Girardia  atropurpurea.  Hydrophytce.  Parts  of 
the  plants,  as  they  float  in  water,  very  much  magnified. 

a.  A young  filament,  having  only  a dark  line,  without 
any  appearance  of  cells. 

b.  A filament  in  a more  advanced  state  of  growth,  in 
which  the  partitions  begin  to  be  visible,  with  a small  rec- 
tangular seminule  in  each. 

c.  A filament  still  more  advanced  in  growth,  in  which 
the  seminules  have  changed  their  position. 

d.  A filament  containing  two  seminules  in  each  cell. 

e.  A filament  in  which  the  two  seminules  have  changed 

f.  A filament  in  which  the  cells  are  become  obliterated, 
and  being  ruptured,  let  the  seminules  escape. 



Fig.  13.  Agaricus  coprophilus.  Bymenothecece . Plant 
cut  vertically^ 

a.  Stem  pipelike. 

b.  Pileus  lamellar  beneath;  gills  radiated,  scytheshape, 

c.  Umbilicus. 

Fig.  14.  Part  of  a gill  of  the  same,  very  much  magnified. 

a.  Seminules. 

1.  Fringed  edge,  taken  by  Micheli  for  stamens,  and  by 
Hedwigfor  stigmata. 

c.  Seminules  separated  from  the  gill,  which  served  them 
as  a placentarium. 

Fig.  15.  Sphseria.  Sarcolhalamece.  A part  of  the  plant 
cut  vertically,  and  magnified. 

a.  Spherules  ovoid,  enchased  in  the  stroma. 

b.  Strome  upon  the  bark  of  a tree. 

Fig.  16.  Calycium  sphaerocephalum.  Idiot halameai.  En« 
tire  plant  magnified. 

a.  Thallus  adherent  on  bark  of  old  trees,  very  thin, 
scarcely  visible. 

b.  Podetion  simple,  upright,  black, 

c.  Pileus  topshape,  black. 

Fig.  17.  Opegrapha.  Idiot halamece.  Entire  plant  mag- 

a.  Thallus  adherent  on  the  bark  of  trees,  crustlike,  flaky, 
thin,  split,  irregular,  whitish. 

b.  Lirelles  branchy,  black. 

Fig.  18.  Umbilicaria  mu  r in  a.  Ccenothalameoe.  Entire 
plant  magnified. 

a.  Thallus  free,  membranaceous,  leatherlike,  wavy, 

b.  Gyromes  sessile,  hemispherical,  black. 

VOL.  I. 


uv-'  /■ 






Natural  BODIES  formed  of  dissimilar  parts,  of 
an  organic  structure,  and  although  entirely  destitute  of  the 
power  of  voluntarily  moving  from  place  to  place,  or  of  any 
organs  of  sensation,  yet  possessed  of  a living  principle  by 
which  they  grow  and  increase,  acquiring  nourishment,  not 
by  the  ingestion  of  their  food  into  an  internal  organ,  i.  e . a 
stomach,  the  assimilation  of  one  part  and  the  rejection  of 
the  remainder,  but  by  the  intus-susception  of  liquid  mat- 
ters through  a portion  of  their  external  surface,  generally 
by  the  part,  root , buried  in  the  ground : capable  of  pro- 
ducing other  individuals  similar  to  themselves,  either  by 
the  thrusting  forth  and  subsequent  spontaneous  separation 
of  sporae,  gongyli,  or  turiones,  organized  from  the  first 
similarly  to  themselves,  and  expanding  without  fecunda- 
tion, or  by  the  formation  and  dispersion  of  a kind  of  eggs, 
seeds,  produced  in  one  set  of  reproductive  organs,  the  pis - 
tills,  fecundated  and  rendered  capable  of  expansion  into  a 
plant  similar  to  its  parent  by  the  intromission  of  a fluid 
secreted  by  a different  set  of  organs,  the  stamens,  placed 
either  upon  another  individual,  more  commonly  on  the 
same  but  separate,  and  still  more  commonly  within  the 
same  covers,  or  flowers.  These  reproductive  organs,  when 
present,  are  rarely  solitary,  usually  numerous,  in  each  in- 
dividual, and  enclosed  in  two  covers,  the  inner  cover,  or 
Lloom,  of  a gay  and  lively  colour,  seldom  uncovered.  The 

T 2 



seed-bearing,  or  female  organs  of  Linnaeus,  usually  occu- 
pying the  centre  of  the  flower,  and  single  ; the  fecundating, 
or  male  organs  of  Linnaeus,  generally  more  numerous, 
mostly  five,  surrounding  the  females  in  a circle:  neither  of 
these  organs  serving  for  more  than  a single  fecundation  and 
production  of  seeds,  but  withering  and  falling  off',  although 
new  organs  of  the  same  kind  are  frequently  produced  on 
the  same  plant  in  the  following  years.  The  fecundation 
effected  by  the  motion  of  the  atmosphere,  or  the  passage 
of  insects,  either  carrying  the  fecundating  liquid  from  the 
one  organ  to  the  other,  or  occasioning  the  approach  of  the 
two  organs,  and  the  moisture  of  the  one  then  causing  the 
rupture  of  the  other,  and  the  consequent  emission  of  the 
fecundating  fluid.  The  seeds  sometimes  growing  until  they 
become  similar  to  their  parent  before  they  fall  off  and  are 

Plants  are  primarily  divided  into  three  series. 


Structure  cellular;  emlryo  {),  reproduced  by  sporse. 


Structure  vascular;  trunk  cylindrical,  homogeneous,  the 
centre  youngest;  emlryo  undivided;  cotyledon  1 ; plumule 


Structure  vascular;  trunk  conical,  composed  of  wood 
covered  with  bark,  the  outer  part  of  the  wood  youngest ; 
emlryo  divided ; cotyledons  2 or  many ; plumule  axiie. 


PLANTS  composed  entirely  of  cellular  texture,  having 
neither  lymphatic,  spiral,  nor  proper  vessels,  nor  any  cor- 
tical pores.  Cmculum  simple;  cotyledons  0;  propagation 
mostly  gemmaceous. 

Divided  into  two  subseries : A,  aphylleae ; B,  foliaceae. 


Subseries  I.  A.  Plant.®  cellulostE  APHYLLEiE. 

Fungi  and  Algce,  Linnasus.  Gynoecice,  Stokes.  Anandree , 

Plants  similar  in  all  their  parts,  formed  into  an  universal 
receptacle,  thallus,  or  several  partial  receptacles,  thecce  either 
loose,  or  fastened  to  the  place  of  growth  by  peltate  or 
fibrous  holdfasts;  absorbing  their  nutriment  by  their  whole 
surface.  Propagation  by  budlike  spores,  which  are  gene- 
rally  enclosed  in  sporidia,  and  these  sporidia  placed  in  or 
upon  the  receptacles. 


j . Aquatic  or  marine : thallus  filamentous , or  membra- 
naceous., often  green.  Algae. 

Thallus  tubular;  plants  aquatic,  greenish  ; 

sporidia  in  the  tubes HYDROPHYTE.  1. 

Thallus  fibrous,  or  netted ; pla?its  marine ; 
sporidia  in  thecae  or  in  the  thallus 


2.  Terrestrial  or  parasitical : thallus  crust aceous,  or  leal 'her- 
like , green  when  wet , and  grazed;  sporidia  enclosed  in 
apothecia  of  various  construction.  Lichenes. 

Thallus  corklike  or  fleshy; 

apothecia  dissimilar,  covered  SARCOTHALAMEE,  3. 

Thallus  crustaceous  or  leatherlike ; 
apothecia  dissimilar,  covered  . . IDIOTHALAMEE.  4. 

Thallus  crustaceous  or  leatherlike; 
apothecia  dissimilar,  naked  . . CGENOTHALAMEE.  5. 

Thallus  leatherlike  or  cartilaginous; 
apothecia  similar . . HOMOTHALAMEE.  6. 

3.  Terrestrial  or  parasitical : thallus  threadlike  or  fleshy , 

not  green , sometimes  wanting.  Fungi. 

Thallus  0 ; sporidia  free,  naked,  or  in 

a simple  theca PROTOMYCEE.  7. 

Thallus  threadlike,  sometimes  jointed ; 

sporidia  attached,  naked  NEMATOMYCEE.  8. 

Thallus  0 ; sporidia  scattered  in 
a bladder-like  theca GASTEROMYCEE.  9. 


Thallus  solid,  fleshy;  covering 
membranaceous  ; sporidia  scattered 

within  the  substance SARCOTHECEE.  10. 

Thullus  cellular,  fleshy ; sporidia 
in  oblong  thecae  on  the  membra- 
naceous covering HYMENOTHECEE.  11. 

Thallus  fleshy ; sporidia  in  longi- 
tudinal thecae  on  the  deliquescent 

covering  LYTOTHECEE.  12. 

Fam.  I.  1.  HYDROPHYTE.  Algarum  pars,  Linnaeus 

and  Jussieu. 

Tliallus  tubular,  membranaceous,  leatherlike  or  gelati- 
nous, continuous  or  jointed;  tubes  filled  with  sporidia; 
sporidia  globose  or  elliptical ; plant  aquatic,  rarely  marine. 

A.  Thallus  not  jointed ; sporidia  transverse , in  a single 
longitudinal  row , within  the  tube.  Oscillatorideae. 

Threads  gelatinous,  simple,  several  to- 
gether enclosed  in  a cylindrical  sheath  . . . Vaginaria.  1. 
Threads  gelatinous,  simple,  decumbent, 

upon  a gelatinous  stratum Oscillatoria.  2. 

Threads  gelatinous,  simple,  decumbent, 

free,  tranquil  Humida.  4. 

Threads  gelatinous,  tufted,  upright, 

free,  tranquil Elisa.  4. 

Threads  gelatinous,  upright  from  a 

common  centre,  forming  a mass Rjvularia.  5. 

Threads  leatherlike,  free Scytonema.  6. 

B.  Thallus  not  jointed ; sporidia  in  many  transverse  an- 
nular series.  Bangidese. 

Sporidia  globular Girardia.  7. 

C.  Thallus  not  jointed  ; sporidia  in  tufts , on  the  inside  of 

the  tube.  Lemanideoe. 

Threads  torulose ; sporidia  elliptical Lemania.  8. 

D.  Thallus  not  jointed ; sporidia  scattered  in  the  tube  and 
branches . Yaucherideae. 

Thallus  pinnate;  branches  linear Bryopsis.  9* 


Pl.  cell.  aph.  1 . HYDROPHYTE. 

Thallus  mostly  branched ; branches  blad- 
dery   Vaucheria.  10. 

Thallus  entangled,  in  a determinate  form; 
branches  clublike Codium.  II. 

E.  Thallus  jointed , filamentous  ; filaments  flat , brittle . 


Joints  not  banded;  sporidia  in  transverse 
lines Fragilaria.  12. 

Joints  banded  transversely,  with  a cen- 
tral spot  Biddulphia.  13. 

Joints  banded  longitudinally  Diatoma.  14. 

F.  Thallus  jointed , filamentous  ; filaments  cylindrical , 
coupling . Conjugatidese. 

Filaments  parallel;  granules  spiral  ..  . Conjugata.  15. 

Fil.  parallel;  granules  2-dotted Zygnema.  16. 

Fil.  bent;  granules  scattered; 

sporce  elliptical,  in  the  joint Choaspes.  17. 

Fil.  bent ; granules  scattered ; 

sporce  cruciform,  in  the  contracted  joint  . . . Agardia.  18. 
Fil.  bent ; granules  scattered  ; 

sporce  round,  in  the  transverse  tubes  . . . Serpentina.  19. 

G.  Thallus  cylindrical , anastomosing , neilike . Hydro- 

Filaments  anastomosing;  sporce  netlike 

Hydrodictyon.  20. 

H.  Thallus  cylindrical , simple , or  branched , not  couplings 
nor  anastomosing.  Confervideoe. 

Thallus  from  a common  base ; 

branches  pointed,  pellucid Myriodactylon.  22. 

Thallus  from  a common  base ; 

branches  obtuse,  clublike  Leathesia.  23. 

Thallus  from  a common  axis Ch^etophora.  21. 

Thallus  uniform,  simple  or  branched  . . Conferva.  25. 

Thallus  difform;  branches  pencil- 
shaped, jointed  Draparnaldia.  24. 

280  L Vaginaria.  1.  HYDROPHYTAE.  PL  cell,  aph . 

A.  Oscillator i deje.  Thallus  cylindrical,  tubular, 

jointless,  membranaceous,  gelatinous,  or  rather  leatherlike, 
mostly  unbranched  ; sporidia  ringlike,  often  becoming  glo- 
bular, in  a single,  parallel,  transverse  series  within  the 
tube,  so  that  the  tube  appears  annulated,  with  a pellucid 
border  and  interstices. 

Gen.  I.  1.  VAGINARIA.  Sheath-moss „ 

Threads  simple,  gelatinous,  parallel,  decumbent,  enclosed 
several  together  in  a slippery  membranaceous  sheath;  ends 
exserted,  radiating,  oscillating— -Green. 

Vaginaria  vulgaris.  Common  sheath- moss* 

Sheath  simple  or  branched,  glaucous  green,  slippery ; 
threads  equal,  rings  weak. 

Oscillatoria  vaginata,  Voucher , 202. 

Conferva  vaginata,  Dillwyn  Syn.  40;  Engl.  Bot.  1995. 

Oscillatoria  autumnalis  vaginata,  Agardh  Syn.  107. 

Oscillatoria  chthonoplastes  13,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  92. 

Damp  gravel-walks,  garden-pots. 

Tuft  blackish  or  bluish  green ; sheath  twining,  attenu- 
ated;  when  cut  or  pressed,  it  divides  into  smaller  plants  of 
the  same  kind,  these  interior  plants  being  thrust  out  at  the 
end  or  bursten  sides  gives  it  a branched  appearance  ; 
grows  very  quickly. — Another  species  of  this  genus  grows 
at  the  bottom  of  the  sea,  where,  by  fixing  the  sand,  it  fa- 
vours the  deposition  of  mud. 

II.  2.  OSCILLATORIA,  Vaucher.  Quick-moss . 

Threads  simple,  membranaceous,  gelatinous,  straight, 
decumbent  on  a gelatinous,  slimy  bed ; oscillating. — Plant 

1.  Oscillatoria  limosa.'  Mud  quick-inoss . 

Bed  blackish  green,  slippery,  very  compact;  threads  ra- 
diating, very  long,  stiff,  straight,  bluish  green. 

Conferva  limosa,  Roth  Catal.  3,  197. 

Conferva  fontinalis, ' Dillwyn , 64,  partly. 

Oscillatoria  Adansonia,  Vouch.  194. 

Oscillatoria  limosa,  Agardh  Disp.  Alg.  33. 

Bottom  of  still  waters;  becoming  free  in  the  spring. 

Threads  entangled;  radii  an  inch  long,  blunt,  oscillate 
very  lively ; rings  very  close. 

PI.  cell . aph.  1.  HYDROPHYTE.  2.  Oscillat.  281 

2.  Oscillator ia  nigra.  Black  quick-moss . 

Ited  black,  slippery ; threads  radiating,  very  long,  stiff, 

straight,  grayish  yellow. 

Oscillatoria  nigra,  Vauch.  192. 

Conferva  fontinalis,  Dillwyn , 64,  fig.  and  partly  the  description. 

Bottom  of  running  waters ; becoming  free  in  the  spring. 
Threads  entangled;  radii  about  an  inch  long,  blunt, 
oscillating  very  lively ; rings  rather  distant. 

3.  Oscillatoria  tenuis.  Slender  quick-moss. 

Bed  green,  slippery;  threads  radiating,  short,  rather 

stiff,  straight,  light  green. 

Conferva  gelatinosa,  omnium  tenerrima  et  minima,  aquarum  limo  in- 
nascens,  Dillen  in  Rail  Syn.  477. 

Oscillatoria  viridis,  Vauclier  195. 

Conferva  fontinalis,  Roth  Catal.  3,  195. 

Conferva  limosa,  Dillwyn  Syn.  30  ; Engl.  Bot.  2058. 

Oscillatoria  tenuis,  Agardh  Decad.  2,  17. 

Still  waters  on  mud ; Summer. 

Threads  half  an  inch  long,  very  slender ; rings  very  close. 

4.  Oscillatoria  tenuissima.  Very-slender  quick-moss. 

Bed  velvetty,  shagg}^,  dark  green ; threads  crowded  in 

ascending  tufts,  straight,  rather  stiff,  pellucid,  very  slender. 

Conferva  tenuissima,  Engl.  Bot.  2584. 

Oscillatoria  tenuissima,  Agardh  Disp.  ed.  2,  33. 

Warm  springs,  as  at  Bath. 

Beds  very  irregular ; threads  about  one-hundredth  of  an 
inch  in  diameter. 

5.  Oscillatoria  P ochracea.  Ochry  quick-m,oss . 

Bed  thick,  ochre  brown,  brittle;  threads  very  slender, 

yellowish  green,  incumbent. 

Conferva  ochracea,  Roth  Cat.  1,  165;  Dillw.  162. 

Oscillatoria  ochracea,  Lyngbyc  Hydr.  D.  89* 

In  chalybeate  springs. 

Bed  thick,  slippery,  drying  to  an  ochry  powder ; threads 
slightly  bent;  rings  very  close,  intermixed  with  distant 


III.  3.  HUMIDA.  Humida . 

Threads  simple,  membranaceous,  bent,  entangled,  de- 
cumbent, free,  not  oscillating,  nor  lengthening.— Damp, 
shady  places. 


282  3.  Humida.  i . HYDROPHYTE.  Pl.  cell  aph . 

1.  Humida  muralis . IVall  humida . 

Threads  green,  rather  stiff,  bent,  twining,  rather  thick, 

entangled  so  as  to  form  a close  green  matt. 

Conferva  muralis,  Roth  Cat.  3,  187  ; Dillw.  7;  Engl.  Bot.  1554. 
Conferva  rigida,  Roth.  Cat.  1,  166. 

Oscillatoria  parietina,  Vouch.  196, 

Oscillatoria  muralis,  Agardh  Disp.  1,  27. 

Garden-walls,  damp  areas;  all  winter. 

2.  Humida  decortieans.  Slip-coat  humida . 

Threads  very  slender,  bluish  green,  bent,  entangled  into 

a very  close  green  mat. 

Conferva  muscosa  confragosa  rivulis  innascens,  Dillen.  Muse.  15. 
Conferva  confragosa,  Lightf.  Scot.  976. 

Conferva  violacea,  Hudson  FI.  Angl.  592. 

Conferva  decortieans,  Dillwyn , 26. 

Oscillatoria  decortieans,  Lyngbye  IJydr.  Dan.  95. 

Damp  woods  and  bark  of  trees;  summer. 

Threads  three  times  as  slender  as  those  of  humida  muralis. 

3.  Humida  cyunea.  Sky-blue  humida . 

Threads  very  slender,  glaucous  blue,  covered  with  a de- 
ciduous coat,  entangled  into  a close  sky-blue  mat. 

Conferva  cyanea,  Engl . Bot.  2578. 

Oscillatoria  cyanea,  Agardh  Disp.  ed.  2,  33. 

Damp  walls  and  stones. 

IV.  4.  ELISA.  Elisa . 

Threads  simple,  rarely  adhering  to  one  another,  as  if 
branched,  membranaceous,  gelatinous,  upright,  tufted,  free, 
not  oscillating,  nor  lengthening. 

1.  Elisa  fontinalis . Spring  elisa. 

Fresh  ivater ; threads  simple,  very  slender,  nearly  hyaline, 

rather  stiff,  upright,  short,  forming  a dark  green  mat. 

Conferva  fontinalis  fusca  omnium  minima  mollis,  Dlllenin  Raii  Syn.  58. 
Conferva  fontinalis,  FI.  Dan.  651 ; Engl.  Bot.  2054. 

Oscillatoria  fontinalis,  Agardh  Syn.  110. 

Stones  and  posts  in  water ; summer. 

Tufts  very  small,  dark  or  light  green ; threads  aggre- 
gated, a quarter  of  an  inch  long,  straight;  adheres  to  paper. 

2.  Elisa  bicolor . Tiuo-coloured  elisa. 

Fresh  water;  threads  simple,  slender,  bright  green, 

weak,  very  long,  forming  a bright  green  fluctuating  mat. 
Conferva  bicolor,  Engl.  But.  2288. 

Pl.cell.aph.  1.  HYDROPHYTE.  4.  Elisa.  283 
Stones  in  rapid  rivulets. 

Rings  close,  rounded  off  at  each  end,  leaving  pellucid 
intervals  here  and  there. 

3.  Elisa  distorta.  Mis-shapen  elisa . 

Fresh  water ; threads  branched,  bluish  green,  rather 

stiff,  upright,  tufted. 

Conferva  distorta,  Engl.  Bot.  2577. 

Oscillatoria  distorta,  Agardh  Disp.  ed.  1,37. 

Decayed  grass  in  boggy  pools. 

Tyfts  thick,  short ; threads  equal,  entangled ; branches 
rather  distant. 

4.  Elisa  mirabilis.  IVonderful  elisa. 

Fresh  water;  threads  rather  short,  stiff,  bluish  green, 

bending  and  uniting  side  by  side  at  the  bend,  entangled 
into  a close  mat. 

Conferva  mirabilis,  Dillwyn  96. 

Fresh  waters. 

Rings  very  close. 

5.  Elisa  genujlexa.  Kneelent  elisa . 

Marine ; threads  rather  short,  stiff,  pale  blue,  bending 

and  uniting  side  by  side  at  the  bend,  entangled  into  a close 

Conferva  mirabilis,  Engl.  Bot.  2219. 

On  marine  plants. 

Tufts  half  an  inch  high,  uniting  and  divaricating,  then 
uniting  again;  covered  with  a rather  horny  coat;  sporangia 
as  long  as  broad. 

6.  Elisa  majuscula.  Largish  elisa. 

Marine ; threads  very  long,  yellowish,  entangled  into  a 

very  dense,  cylindrical,  oblong,  fluctuating  mat. 

Oscillatoria  majuscula,  Jurin  Alg.  Dec.  4,  7. 

Oscillatoria  aeruginosa  violacea,  Agardh  Syn.  109. 

Floating  in  the  sea  and  on  zostera  marina. 

Tufts  four  inches  long  and  three  broad,  blunt,  brown 
or  blackish ; threads  equal ; rings  very  close. 

0.  ramosa.  Filaments  uniting  as  if  branched,  either  by 
the  end,  or  side  by  side. 

Conferva  majuscula,  Dillwyn  Syn.  40,  15. 

284  4.  Elisa.  1.  HYDROPHYTE. 

PL  cell.  aph. 

7.  Elisa  scopulomm.  Pocky-shore  elisa. 

Marine;  threads  green,  rather  stiff,  twining,  pointed, 

very  short,  forming  an  upright,  close,  blackish  green  mat. 

Conferva  scopulorum,  Weber  et  Mohr  Suec.  195;  Engl.  Bot.  2171. 
Oscillatoria  scopulorum,  Agardh  Disp.  ed.  1,37. 

Rocks,  planks,  and  large  marine  plants. 

Tufts  very  close,  very  thin ; threads  not  branched,  agglu- 
tinated at  bottom ; rings  very  close. 

8.  Elisa  confervicola.  Conferva  elisa9 

Marine;  threads  simple,  verdigris  green,  rather  stiff, 

upright,  attenuated,  short,  slightly  bundled  together. 

Conferva  marina,  parasitica  tenuissima  et  brevissima  glauca,  Dillen 
Muse.  552. 

Conferva  confervicola,  Roth  Cat  AS,  193  ; Dillm.  8. 

Oscillatoria  confervicola,  Agardh  Disp.  ed.  1,37. 

On  cylindrical  marine  plants  ; summer. 

Threads  a line  long,  in  scattered  minute  tufts,  upright, 
often  hyaline,  free  at  bottom. 

9.  Elisa  zostericola.  Glasswrack  elisa . 

Marine;  threads  simple,  brown,  rather  stiff,  upright, 

attenuated,  very  short,  in  tufts. 

Conferva  zostericola,  FL  Dan.  1599,  I. 

Oscillatoria  Mucor,  Agardh  Disp.  3,  27. 

Oscillatoria  zostericola,  Lyngbyc  Hydr.  Dan.  91. 

On  zostera  marina. 

Tufts  brownish,  about  a quarter  of  an  inch  long;  threads 
very  slender. 

Y.  5.  RIVULARIA.  Agardh.  Rivulet-moss . 

Filaments  gelatinous,  membranaceous,  not  branched, 
straight,  attenuated,  not  oscillating,  arising  from  a com- 
mon centre,  forming  a gelatinous,  globular  or  elongated 
blackish  green  mass. 

1 . Rivularia  atra . Deep-llack  rivulet-moss . 

Marine ; tufts  hemispherical,  solid,  very  hard,  shining; 
threads  straight,  pointed,  agglutinated  at  bottom,  free  at 
top,  hyaline,  greenish. 

Tremella  hemispherica,  Linn.  Syst.  Nat.  2,714. 

Fucus  Tremella  hemispherica,  Grnel.  Hist.  Fuc.  225. 

Batrachospermum  hemisphericum,  De  Cand.  FI.  Fr.  2,591. 

Chaetophora  atra,  Agardh  Disp.  ed.  1,43. 

Rivularia  atra,  Roth  Cat.  3,  340;  Engl.  -Bot.  1798. 

Linckia  hemispherica,  Schumach.  Enum.  2, 114. 

Linckia  atra,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  195. 

PI  cell.  aph.  1 . HYDROPHYTE.  5.  Rivularia.  285 

Stones  and  posts  in  the  sea,  also  on  fuci. 

Tufts  1 or  2-tenths  of  an  inch  in  diameter,  mostly  single. 

2.  Rivularia  natans.  Floating  rivulet-moss . 

Fresh-water ; tufts  globular,  hollow;  threads  stiff,  not 

branched,  attenuated;  sporidia  nearly  globular. 

Tremella  utriculata,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  564. 

Tremella  natans,  Hedwig  Theor.  gen.  2,218. 

Rivularia  angulosa.  Roth  Cat.  3,  340. 

Ulva  pruniformis,  Eng.  Bot.9 68,  not  of  Linnaeus. 

Boggy  ditches  and  ponds. 

Tufts  of  various  sizes,  brownish  or  greenish ; threads 
very  stiff,  attenuated ; sheath  thin,  transparent  at  the  base 
of  the  threads. 

3.  Rivularia  dura.  Hard  rivulet-moss. 

Fresh-water;  tufts  globular,  solid,  hard,  green;  threads 

not  branched,  straight,  agglutinated  together  at  bottom, 
free  above,  awlshape ; rings  inconspicuous. 

Tremella  globulosa,  Roth  FI.  Germ.  3 , 551. 

Tremella  verrucosa,  Roth  FI.  Germ.  3,  554. 

Rivularia  dura,  Roth  Cat.  3,338. 

On  aquatic  plants ; annual ; summer. 

Tufts  the  size  of  a large  pin’s  head. 

4.  Rivularia  nitida.  Shining  rivulet-moss * 

Fresh-water ; tufts  hemispherical,  solid,  hard,  shining, 

black-green ; threads  very  close,  equal,  very  slender,  light 

Rivularia  calcarea,  Engl.Bot.  1199. 

Rivularia  nitida,  Agardh  Disp.  ed.  1,44. 

Inundated  places  and  sides  of  rivers. 

Tufts  about  a quarter  of  an  inch  in  diameter,  often 
uniting  and  forming  an  uneven  bed. 

VI.  6.  SCYTONEMA.  Agardh.  Leather-thread. 

Threads  nearly  leatherlike,  free,  not  gelatinous,  simple 
or  branched,  orange-colour  in  dark  and  blackish  tufts.— 
Inundated  places ; appearing  like  lichens,  and  being  per- 
haps the  young  state  of  some  of  their  families. 

a.  Branches  given  out  at  right  angles . 

1.  Scytonema  myochrous.  Mouseskin  leather-thread . 

Threads  olive  yellow,  very  closely  entangled  into  a 
blackish  brown  mat ; branches  in  pairs,  simple,  facing  one 
way ; sporidia  ringlike. 

286  6.  Scyton.  I.  HYDROPHYTE.  Pl.cell.apk. 

Conferva  myochrous,  var.  Dillvo.  Syn.  37 ; Engl.  Bot.  1555. 

Scytonema  myochrous,  Agardh  Disp.  ed.  1,38. 

Caves  and  sides  of  rocks. 

Tufts  green  when  dry  ; threads  olive-yellow,  rather 
weak,  slightly  attenuated,  branches  coming  out  at  right 
angles ; sporidia  black,  rarely  globular. 

2.  Scytonema  seriatum . Rowed  leather-thread . 

Tufts  very  thickly  entangled,  blackish  brown ; threads 

slender,  purplish  brown ; branches  in  pairs,  facing  one  way ; 
sporidia  roundish. 

Conferva  myochrous,  Dillw.  19;  Engl.  Bot.  1555. 

Conferva  seriata,  Wahl  FI.  Lap.  984. 

Scytonema  myochrous  inundatum,  Agardh  Disp.  ed.  1,39. 

Alpine  inundated  places. 

Tufts  a quarter  of  an  inch  thick,  wool-like ; threads  twice 
as  long. 

j3.  simplex.  Tufts  brown-green ; thread  simple,  very 
rarely  emitting  branches. 

Scytonema  myochrous  simplex,  Agardh  Disp.  ed.  1, 38. 

3.  Scytonema  ocellatum.  Eyed  leather-thread. 

Tufts  very  dense,  blackish ; threads  very  slender,  orange, 

weak;  branches  facing  one  way,  simple;  sporidia  beadlike. 
Conferva  ocellata,  Dilho.  Syn.  60;  Engl.  Bot.  2530. 

Scytonema  myochrous  ocellatum,  Agardh  Disp.ed.  1,38. 

Scytonema  ocellatum,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  97. 

Floating  wood  and  fresh-water  plants  in  alpine  lakes. 
Threads  slightly  bent;  branches  sometimes  solitary. 

b.  Branches  rodlike . 

4.  Scytonema  comoides.  Wiglike  leather-thread. 

Tufts  loose,  iron  black ; threads  bent,  hair-brown ; 

branches  single,  rather  distant,  ascending,  truncated  at  the 

Conferva  rufa,  Roth  Cat.  3,  280? 

Conferva  araneosa,  Mohr  in  Schrad.  Journ.  1806,  196. 

Conferva  comoides,  Dillva.  27  ; Engl.  Bot.  1700. 

Scytonema  comoides,  Agardh  Syn.  112. 

Stones  on  the  shores,  and  marine  plants. 

Tufts  oblong;  threads  much  branched,  an  inch  long; 
sporidia  beadlike. 

5.  Scytonema  radicans.  Rooting  leather-thread . 

Tufts  dark  olive-brown,  loose;  threads  creeping,  straight, 

rather  stiff;  branches  single,  simple,  scattered,  upright, 
blunt,  thinner  at  bottom. 

Pl.cell.aph.  1.  HYDROPHYTiE.  6.  Scytonema.  287 

Conferva  radicans,  Dillvo.  Syn.  57  ; Engl.  Bot.  2138. 

Rocks  covered  by  the  sea ; August. 

Tufts  an  inch  thick ; sporidia  globular. 

B.  Bangideje.  Thallus  tubular,  cylindrical,  not  jointed, 
membranaceous,  leatherlike,  simple  or  branched;  sporidia 
elliptical,  globular,  in  several  parallel  transverse  series, 
afterwards  free,  in  the  tubes. 

VII.  7.  GIRARDIA.  Girard. 

Sporidia  spherical. 

1.  Girardia  atrovirens.  Blackish- green  girard. 

Threads  branched,  stiff;  branches  coriaceous,  scattered, 

diyaricated ; sporidia  3 or  4,  in  each  transverse  series. 

Lichen  pubescens?  Linn.  FI.  Suec.  1126. 

Conferva  atrovirens,  Dillvo.  25. 

Scytonema  atrovirens,  Agardh  Disp.  ed.  1, 39. 

Cornicularia  pubescens,  Acharius  Syn.  Licit.  302. 

Barigia  atrovirens,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  85. 


Tufts  3 inches  long,  black;  threads  aggregated,  uprio-ht 
at  bottom,  then  decumbent,  very  much  branched ; branches 
thinner  at  both  ends,  spreading. 

0.  prolifera.  Threads  hispid,  spinulose. 

Scytonema  atrovirens  prolifera,  Agardh  Disp.  ed.  1,39. 

Cornicularia  pubescens  hispid ula,  Acharius  Syn . Licit.  302. 

2.  Girardia  fuscopurpurea.  Brownish-purple  girard. 

Threads  simple,  straight,  unequally  torulose;  sporidia 

many  in  each  transverse  series. 

Conferva  fusco-purpurea,  Dillvo.  92. 

Oscillatoria  fusco-purpurea,  Agardh  Disp.  ed.  1,  34. 

Bangia  fusco-purpurea,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  83. 

Piles  and  stones  in  the  sea. 

Tufts  pendulous;  threads  aggregate,[a  quarter  of  an  inch 
long,  elastic,  blunt ; sporidia  4?  to  1 0 in  each  series. 

j3.  atropurpurea.  Threads  blackish  purple. 

Conferva  atropurpurea,  Dillvo.  103. 

Conferva  triehodes,  Ducluz.  Essai,  30. 

Oscillatoria  atropurpurea,  Agardh  Syn.  109. 

Bangia  fuscopurpurea  /3,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  83. 

On  piles,  just  below  the  surface  of  the  sea. 

Holdfasts  fibrous. 

S88  8.  Lemania.  1.  HYDROPHYTE  PLcelLaph. 

C.  Lemanide.®.  Thallus  tubular,  cylindrical,  not 
jointed,  torulose,  inflated  at  intervals,  cartilaginous,  mem- 
branaceous, regularly  cellular;  sporidia  in  branched,  beaded 
filaments  in  pencilshaped  tufts,  scattered  on  the  inner  sur- 
face of  the  tube,  afterwards  free  and  filling  the  tube. 

VIII.  8.  LEMANIA.  B.  de  St.  Vincent.  Leman . 

Thallus  simple  or  branched,  olive  green,  papillose  on  the 
outside;  sporidia  elliptical. — Fresh-water. 

1.  Lemania  Jluviatilis . River  leman. 

Threads  olive-colour;  internodes  cylindrical,  5 times  as 

long  as  broad;  papillse  mostly  3 together;  branches  and 
.second  branches  narrower  at  both  ends. 

Conferva  fiuviatilis  lubrica  setosa  equiseti  facie,  Dillen  Muse.  7,  47. 
Conferva  fiuviatilis,  Lin.  S.  P.  1635;  Engl.  Hot.  1763. 

Polvspermum  fiuviatilis,  Vaucher , 99. 

Chantransia  fiuviatilis,  De  Candolle  FI.  Gall.  2,  50. 

Lemania  corallina,  Bory  in  Berl.  Mag.  1809,  277. 

Nodularia,  Link  in  Schrad.  Journ.  1809,  9. 

Lemania  fiuviatilis,  Agardh  Syn.  70. 

Nodularia  fiuviatilis,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  99. 

On  stones  in  rapid  rivers;  summer. 

Holdfasts  callous,  blackish ; threads  numerous,  simple 
or  branched,  6 inches  long,  each  knot  is  composed  of  2 or 
S papillae,  brittle  when  dry. 

2.  Lemania  torulosa.  Swollen  leman . 

Threads  mostly  simple,  narrower  at  bottom,  generally 

thicker  at  top,  olive-colour ; internode  about  3 times  as  long 
as  broad. 

Conferva  fiuviatilis  nodosa,  fucum  semnlans,  Dillen  Muse.  39. 

Conferva  torulosa,  Mohr  in  Schrad.  Journ.  1801,  324. 

Conferva  fiuviatilis  jS,  Engl.  Bot . 1763. 

Lemania  torulosa,  Agardh  Disp.  28. 

In  mountain-streams. — -A  doubtful  species. 

D.  Vauchekideje.  Thallus  threadlike,  tubular,  not 
jointed,  mostly  branched,  cartilaginous,  membranaceous, 
regularly  cellular;  branches  vesicular,  clubshape  or  linear; 
sporidia  globose,  scattered  in  the  tubes  of  the  thallus,  or 
in  the  branches  or  ends  of  the  thallus. 

IX.  9.  BRYOPSIS.  Lamouroux.  Moss-weed . 

Thallus  pinnate,  tubular,  not  jointed,  membranaceous, 
gelatinous,  cellular ; branches  linear ; sporidia  globose, 
green,  scattered  in  the  stem  and  branches. — -Marine. 

PL  cell,  aphyl.  1.  HYDROPHYTE.  9.  Bryopsis.  289 

Bryopsis  arbuscula.  Shrublike  moss-weed. 

Phallus  rather  compressed,  bright  green,  branched ; 
branches  naked  at  bottom,  pinnate  at  top ; lobes  numerous, 
long,  parallel,  linear,  opposite. 

Ulva  plumosa,  Hudson  Ft.  Angl . 571  ; Engl.  Bot.  2375. 

Bryopsis  arbuscula,  Lamour.  Journ.  Hot.  1809,  134. 

Fucus  arbusculus,  Do  Caml.  FI.  Fr.  2,  35. 

On  stones  and  rocks  on  the  coast. 

Phallus  2 inches  long;  sporidia  clustering  towards  the 
circumference  leaving  the  centre  pellucid. 

X.  10.  VAUCHERIA.  De  Candolle.  Voucher, , 

Phallus  threadlike,  tubular,  mostly  branched  above,  not 
jointed,  rather  stiff,  mostly  cut,  angled ; membrane  of  the 
threads  hyaline;  sporidia  green,  minute,  globose,  scattered 
in  the  tube ; side-branches  vesicular,  single  or  aggregate, 
elongating  into  new  individuals,  or  barren  incurved. 

a.  Vesicles  single . 

1.  Vaucheria  dicholoma.  Pwoforked  voucher . 

Fresh-water ; threads  large,  tufted,  upright,  forked  at 

top  ; branches  long;  vesicles  globose,  scattered,  sessile. 
Conferva  dichotoma,  Lin.  Sp.  PL  1635;  Dillw.  15;  Engl.  Bot.  932. 
Cerarnium  dichotomurn,  Roth  Cal.  3,  119. 

Ceramium  caespitosum  maximum,  Roth  Cat.  3,  120. 

"Vaucheria  dichotoma,  Agardh  Syn.  47. 

Stagnant  waters  and  ditches  ; April  to  August. 

Pufts  angular,  cut,  blackish  ; threads  angular  at  bottom, 
slippery,  a foot  long. 

2.  Vaucheria  ovaia.  Ovate  voucher „ 

Fresh-water ; threads  hairlike,  rather  forked,  tessular, 

peduncled,  single,  globose;  peduncles  naked,  curved. 

Ectosperma  ovata,  Voucher , 25. 

Vaucheria  ovata,  De  Candolle  FI.  Fr.  2,  63. 

Conferva  bnrsata,  Muller  Nov.  Act.  Petr.  3,96. 

Vaucheria  bursata,  Agardh  Disp.  ed.  1,21. 

Ditches  and  stagnant  waters ; April. 

Pufts  very  dense,  floating  on  water;  threads  9 inches 
long,  simple  at  bottom,  twice  as  long  as  the  vesicles. 

3.  Vaucheria  hamata.  Hooked  voucher. 

Fresh- water ; threads  hairlike;  branches  vague;  vesicles 

peduncled,  solitary,  globose;  peduncles  with  a barren  hook, 
turned  back. 

VOL.  i.  u 

290  1 0.  Vauch.  1 . HYDROPHYTES.  PL  cell  aph. 

Ectosperma  hamata,  Vaucher , 26. 

Vaucheria  haraala,  De  Cund.  FI.  Fr.  2,  63. 

Ditches;  April. 

Tufts  very  dense,  floating  in  water;  peduncles  mostly 
facing  one  way,  4 times  as  long  as  the  vesicle. 

4.  Vaucheria  terrestris . Land  vaucher. 

Land;  threads  hairlike,  ascending,  branched;  ramuli 

very  short,  facing  one  way ; vesicles  sessile,  single,  globose. 

Ectosperma  terrestris,  Vaucher , 27. 

Vaucheria  terrestris,  De  Cand.  FI.  Fr.  2,62. 

Naked  ground,  damp  shady  places;  April  and  August. 
Tufts  entangled,  very  dense ; upper  branches  spreading, 
short ; vesicles  in  the  fork,  or  at  the  side  of  the  branches. 

5.  Vaucheria  Dillwynii.  Dillwyiis  vaucher . 

Land;  threads  hairlike,  flexuous,  branched;  vesicles 

nearly  sessile,  single,  globose. 

Riccia  arachnoidea,  Flor.  Dan.  1,890. 

Ceramium  Dilluynii,  Roth  Cat.  3,  117. 

Conferva  frigida,  Dillw.  16. 

Conferva  Dillwynii,  Weber  and  Mohr , in  Dillw.  16. 

Vaucheria  Dillwynii,  FI.  Dan.  1595,  1. 

Damp  shady  places. 

Tufts  very  close;  threads  decumbent,  entangled  ; vesicles 
rarely  peduncled ; peduncles  very  slight. 

6.  Vaucheria  granulata.  Granulated  vaucher . 

Land;  threads  branched,  creeping,  or  buried  in  the 

ground ; vesicles  solitary,  globular,  terminal. 

Ulva  granulata,  Lin.  S.  P.  1633. 

Tremella  granulata,  Hudson  FI.  Angl.  560  ; Engl.  Bot.  324. 

Linkia  granulata,  TVigg  Prim.  FI.  Hols.  94. 

Ulva  radicata,  Retz.  Prodr.  303. 

Vaucheria  radicata,  Agnrdh  Disp.  ed.  1, 22. 

Vaucheria  granulata,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  78- 

Dried-up  ditches  on  clay;  ephemeral;  autumn. 

Threads  very  short,  green  above;  vesicles  globular,  about 
the  size  of  mustard-seeds,  cracking  under  the  feet. 

7.  Vaucheria  clavata.  Clulled  vaucher. 

Marine ; threads  hairlike,  branched  at  the  tip ; vesicles 

solitary,  in  the  clublike  tips  of  the  reflex  branches. 

Ectosperma  clavata,  Vaucher , 34. 

Vaucheria  clavata,  De  Candolle  FI.  Fr.  2,60. 

Conferva  dilatata,  Roth  Cat.  3,  183.  x 

Conferva  vesicata,  Muller  N.  Act.  Petr.  3,  95. 

Salt-water  ditches;  annual;  April  and  September. 

Pl.cell.aph.  1.  HYDROPHYTE.  lO.Vauch.  291 

Tufts  very  densely  entangled,  an  ell  long,  floating; 
branches  divaricating. 


8.  Vaucheria  ornithocephala.  Birds-head  voucher * 

Fresh-water ; threads  branched  ; branches  scattered ; 

vesicles  ovate,  obliquely  beaked ; peduncles  perpendicular. 

Conferva  vesicata,  Dillw.  74. 

Vaacheria  ornithocephala,  Agardh  Syn.  49. 

Ditches;  autumn. 

Tufts  entangled,  floating ; threads  scattered,  rather 
straight;  vesicles  2 or  4 together,  1-sided,  resembling  a bird’s 
head  ; peduncles  very  short. 

b.  Vesicles  in  pairs , with  a barren  branch  between  them . 

9.  Vaucheria  sessilis . Sessile  voucher . 

Fi  esh-water ; threads  hairlike,  branched;  vesicles  sessile, 

mostly  in  pairs,  ovate,  intermediate  barren  branch  turned 

Ectosperma  sessilis,  Vaucher,  31. 

Vaucheria  sessilis,  De  Candolle  FI.  Fr.  2,  63  ; Engl.  Bot.  1765. 

Stagnant  waters  and  ditches;  April. 

Tufts  very  dense,  floating;  vesicles  sometimes  solitary. 

10.  Vaucheria  geminata.  Doubled  vaucher » 

Fi  esh-water ; threads  hairlike,  forked;  vesicles  in  pairs, 

globose,  opposite,  on  a common  horned  peduncle;  horn  in- 
termediate, straight. 

Ectosperma  geminata,  Vaucher , 29. 

Vaucheria  geminata,  De  Candolle  FI.  Fr.  2,  62  ; Engl.  Bot.  1766. 

Stagnant  ditches;  February. 

Tufts  very  close,  floating;^  peduncles  3 times  as  long  as 
broad,  horizontal  ending  in  a slightly  jointed,  barren, 
straight  point. 

1 1 . Vaucheria  ccespitosa.  Turf  vaucher . 

Fresh-water  j threads  hairlike,  tufted,  forked,  branched; 

last  branches  horizontal,  facing  one  way,  vesicle-bearing  ; 
vesicles  in  pairs,  sessile,  terminal,  with  a short,  straight, 
intermediate  point. 

Conferva  canalicularis,  Lin.  S.  P.  1634. 

Conferva  fontinalis,  Blumenbach  in  Goett.  Mag.  1781,  80. 

Ectosperma  caespitosa,  Vaucher , 28. 

Vaucheria  caespitosa,  yjgardh  Syn.  48. 

Springs,  in  clayey  soils ; April. 

u 2 

292  10.  Vauch.  1 . HYDROPHYTE.  PL  cell . apL 

Tufts  very  close,  blackish  green ; threads  light  green, 
bent  at  bottom,  lying  down,  above  upright ; last  branches 
horizontal,  spreading. 

c.  Vesicles  numerous . 

12.  Vaucheria  racemosa . Bunch  voucher. 

Fresh-water;  threads  hairlike,  forked ; vesicles  crowded, 

peduncled,  in  racemes. 

Ectosperma  racemosa,  Vancher , 32. 

Vaucheria  racemosa,  Dc  Candolle  FL  Fr.  2,  61. 

Stagnant  ditches;  annual;  April. 

Tufts  close,  entangled,  floating;  threads  bent,  branched; 
peduncles  coming  out  at  right  angles,  short,  racemose ; 
vesicles  4,  or  many,  crowded  together. 

13.  Vaucheria  mnlticapsularis.  Many-fruited  voucher. 

Land ; threads  very  minute,  creeping,  much  branched; 

branches  upright,  simple,  thicker  at  the  tip;  vesicles  on  the 
branches,  spherical,  crowded. 

Conferva  inulticapsularis,  Dillwyn.  71. 

Vaucheria  mttlticapsularis,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  89. 

Damp  shady  places,  among  mosses. 

Tufts  small,  entangled,  irregular ; threads  appearing  as 
if  stoloniferous ; branches  sometimes  forked;  vesicles  stuffed 
with  sporidia,  sometimes  solitary;  sporidia  greenish,  cylin- 
drical, oblong. 

XI.  11.  CODIUM.  Stackhouse.  Codium* 

Thallus  threadlike,  tubular,  continuous,  very  closely  en- 
tangled into  a forked,  spherical,  or  flat  dark  green  sponge- 
like mass;  branches  horizontal,  sometimes  clublike  at  the 
tip,  or  divided,  all  pointing  to  the  surface  of  the  mat; 
sporidia  granular,  green,  in  the  tubes  and  branches.  — 
- Marine , dark  green  becoming  white  by  exposure  to  the  air. 

I.  Codmm  subglobosum.  Globular  codium. 

Mass  spherical,  hollow. 

Bursa  marina,  Rail  Syn.  31,3. 

Alcyonimn  Bursa,  Lin.  Syst . Nat. 

Spon£  dium  Bursa,  Lamaroux  Essai. 

Fucus  subglobosus,  Ltementi  in  MSS. 

Fucus  Bursa,  Turner  Hist.  3,  6 ; Engl,  Rot . 2183. 

Codium  Bursa,  Jgardh  Disp,  24. 

J§ea  coasts. 

PL  cell.  aph.  1.  HYDROPHYTE.  11.  Codium.  29S 

2.  Codium  dichotomum . Two-forked  codium . 

nearly  cylindrical,  threadlike,  forked. 

Spongia  dichotomos  teretifolin,  viridis,  Raii  Syn.  29,  3. 

Spongia  dichotomos  compressa  ex  viride  splendens,  Raii  Syn.  29,4. 
Fucus  tomentosus,  Hudson  FI.  Angl.  584  ; Engl.  Dot.  7 17. 

Fucus  fungosus,  Des  Font.  FI.  All.  2,428. 

Spongidium  dichotomum,  Lamouroux  Essai. 

Codium  tomentosum,  Stackfi.  in  Agardh  Disp. 

South-west  coast ; perennial;  June  and  July. 

Trunks  from  a dilated  base,  many,  6 inches  long;  fork 
obtuse-angled;  branches  even-topped,  blunt  at  the  tip. 

0.  marginifer.  Mass  two-forked,  beset  all  over  with, 
short,  horizontal,  forked  segments. 

E.  Diatomideje.  Thallas  threadlike,  tubular,  flat, 
jointed,  sometimes  united  parallelly  through  their  whole 
length  ; joints  often  separating  but  still  cohering  at  the 
angles;  spordia  granular,  enclosed  in  the  joints — often  pa- 
rasitic on  marine  plants,  forming  when  dry  a shining  white 
crystalline  crust. 

XI L 12.  FRAGILARIA.  Lyngbye.  Breaking-zip . 

Thallas  threadlike,  jointed,  flat,  not  branched,  very 
brittle;  joints  without  any  band,  separating  but  cohering 
by  one  of  their  corners;  sporidia  granular,  enclosed  in  the 

1.  Fragilaria  striatula.  Streaked  breaking-up . 

Threads  yellowish  green,  compressed,  even  ; joints  shorter 

than  broad,  in  pairs,  regularly  streaked  tranversely. 

Conferva  striatula,  Engl.  Bot.  1928. 

Fragilaria  striatula,  Lyngbye  Hydr  Dan.  183. 

On  rocks  and  marine  plants  ; April. 

Threads  about  a tenth  of  an  inch  long. 

2.  Fragilaria  tceniaformis,  Tapeworm  breaking-tip . 

Threads  compressed,  pale  green,  even  ; joints  three  times 

broader  than  long,  obscurely  variegated. 

Conferva  tseniaeforinis,  Engl.  Bot.  18S3. 

Diatoma  ? taeniceformis,  Agardh  Disp.  35. 

On  marine  plants ; February. 

Tufts  a twelfth  of  an  inch  long. 

294  12.  Fragil.  1.  HYDROPHYTE.  Pl.cell.apk 

3.  Fragilaria  peclinalis.  Finlike  breaking-up . 

Threads  simple,  flat,  stiff,  narrow,  very  brittle,  growing 
narrower;  joints  three  times  broader  than  long,  pellucid  in 
the  middle. 

Conferva  peclinalis,  Muller  in  N.  Act.  Petr.  3, 91  ; Engl . Bot.  161 1. 
Conferva  branchings,  Roth  Cat.  1,  186. 

Diatoma  pectinalis,  yjgardh  Disp.  35. 

On  decaying  leaves  in  ditches ; March. 

XIII.  13.  BIDDULPHIA.  Biddulph. 

Thallus  threadlike,  jointed,  compressed;  joints  nume- 
rous, formed  of  several  longitudinal  filaments  united  to- 
gether by  a transverse  pellucid  band ; sporidia  granular, 
purplish,  forming  a spot  under  the  tranverse  band. — Ma- 
rine plants,  green  or  white. 

1 . Biddulphia  pnlchella.  Pretty  hiddulph. 

Threads  simple,  pale  green ; joints  nearly  as  long  as 

broad,  four-cornered,  granular,  reddish. 

Conferva  Biddulphiana,  Engl.  Bot.  1762. 

On  marine  plants;  November  and  December. 

Threads  half  an  inch  long;  sporidia  reddish,  scattered ; 
joints  appearing  as  if  furrowed  longitudinally,  crenate 
where  they  join. 

2.  Biddulphia  obliquata.  Crooked  biddulph . 

Threads  nearly  simple,  in  tufts,  brownish  white;  joints 

aggregated,  obliquely  four-cornered,  connected  with  the 
next  by  one  corner. 

Conferva  obliquatn,  Engl.  Bot.  1869,  left-hand  fig. 

Diatoma  obliquata,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  181. 

On  marine  plants. 

Joints  about  as  broad  as  long ; granules  red  or  brownish. 

0.  longa.  Joints  nearly  twice  as  long  as  broad. 

Conferva  obliquata,  Engl.  Bot.  1869,  right  hand  fig. 

3.  Biddulphia  stipitata . Stipitated  biddulph. 

Threads  simple,  few-jointed,  inserted  laterally  on  a long, 

hairlike  stipes ; joints  twice  as  broad  as  long. 

Conferva  stipitata,  Engl.  Bot.  24S3. 

Covering  marine  plants. 

Tufts  golden  yellow,  when  dry  greyish ; threads  composed 
of  3 to  5 joints,  twice  or  thrice  as  long  as  broad,  rather 
bent  upwards. 

PI.  cell.  aph.  1.  HYDROPHYTE.  14%  Diatoma.  295 

XIV.  14.  DIATOMA.  De  Candolle.  Diatome. 

Threads  jointed,  flat,  simple,  coupled  throughout  their 
whole  length ; joints  separating,  but  remaining  adherent 
by  their  alternate  angles,  with  a longitudinal  band  formed 
by  the  coupling  together  of  the  threads. 

1 . Diatoma  Swartzii . Swartz's  diatome. 
Fresh  water  ; threads  light-green ; joints  half  as  long  as 

broad,  crenately  notched  on  both  edges,  when  uncoupled 

Diatoma  Swartzii,  Agardh  Syn.  118. 

Ditches  and  stagnant  waters,  among  confervae. 

Threads  very  brittle,  slimy,  when  coupled  separating 
suddenly  into  joints  on  the  least  touch. 

2.  Diatoma  flocculosum.  Flocculent  diatome. 

Fresh-water;  threads  hyaline,  forming  brownish  tufts ; 

joints  rather  broader  than  long,  transversely  streaked ; band 
longitudinal,  pellucid. 

Conferva  flocculosa,  Roth  Cat.  1,  192  ; Engl.  Hot.  1761. 

Diatoma  llocculosa,  Agardh  Disp.  ed.  1,35. 

Tift  small;  threads  very  minute;  joints  4-cornered,  edge 

3.  Diatoma  tenue.  Slender  diatome. 

Fresh-water ; threads  very  small,  reddish  and  brownish; 

joints  3 times  as  long  as  broad,  transversely  streaked ; band 
longitudinal,  pellucid. 

Conferva  flocculosa.  Ft.  Ban.  1487. 

Diatoma  tenuis,  Agardh  Decad,  10. 

Diatoma  flocculosa  /3,  Agardh  Syn.  120. 

In  ditches,  on  confervse. 

Threads  very  minute,  stiff,  hyaline. 

4.  Diatoma  marinum.  Sea  diatome. 

Marine;  threads  simple,  in  tufts,  yellowish ; joints  half 

as  long  again  as  broad,  with  ovate,  transverse  granules. 

Diatoma  flocculosum  ? Be  Candolle  FI.  Fr.  2,48. 

Diatoma  marinum,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Ban.  180. 

On  marine  plants ; summer. 

Tufts  small,  brownish ; threads  very  slender ; joints  as 
long  or  twice  as  long  as  broad. 

£96  15.  Zygnema.  1.  HYDROPHYTE.  Pl.cell.aph. 

F.  CoNjUGATiDEiE.  Thallus  cylindrical,  threadlike, 
tubular,  jointed ; coupling  laterally,  either  by  pushing  out 
s.  transverse  tube  from  the  middle  of  the  joint,  or  by  uniting 
at  the  angles;  spore  one  in  each  joint. — Fresh-water,  green. 

XV.  15.  ZYGNEMA.  Agardh.  Zygneme . 

Thallus  threadlike,  simple,  tubular ; jointed ; coupling 
parallelly  by  a short  traverse  tube  emitted  from  the  middle 
of  each  joint,  through  which  the  granules  in  the  joints  of 
one  plant  pass  into  the  opposite  joint  of  the  other  plant, 
and  there  form  a single  spherical  spore;  granules  form- 
ing spots  in  each  joint. 

1.  Zygnema  peclinatum . Comblike  zygneme . 

Threads  shining,  rather  longer  than  broad;  spots  two, 

oblong  or  3-toothed  in  each  joint. 

Conjugata  pectinata,  Voucher , 77. 

Zygnema  peclinatum,  Agardh  Syn.  102. 

Conferva  pectinata,  De  Candolle  FI.  Fr.  2,56;  Engl.  Hot.  1610, 

On  stones,  or  floating  in  running  waters. 

Tufts  light  green,  growing  blackish ; sporce  spherical, 
lodged  in  the  transverse  tube,  according  to  Agardh. 

|3.  confluens.  Joints  as  long  as  broad ; spots  dense  and 
nearly  confluent. 

Conferva  bipunctala,  Dillw.  2. 

2.  Zygnema  bipunclatum.  Two-dotted  zygneme. 

Threads  shining,  twice  as  long  as  broad;  spots  2,  stellate. 

Conferva  bipunctata,  Roth  Cat.  2,  204;  not  of  Engl.  Bot. 

Conferva  Stellina,  Muller  in  N.  Act.  Felr.  3,  93. 

Conferva  cruciata,  De  Candolle  FI.  Fr.  2,  58. 

Conjugata  stellina,  Voucher , 75. 

Conjngata  cruciata.  Voucher , 76. 

Zygnema  cruciatum,  Agardh  Syn.  102. 

Ditches  and  stagnant  waters. 

Tufts  entangled,  floating ; spots  starlike,  radiated  or 

#.  gracile.  Joints  three  times  as  long  as  broad;  spots  2, 

Conjugata  gracilis,  Voucher , 73. 

Conferva  gracilis,  De  Candolle  FI.  Fr.  2,  55. 

Zygnema  gracilis?  Agardh  Syn.  103. 

y.  imipunctatum . Joints  as  long  as  broad ; spot  1, 

PLcell.aph.  1.  HYDROPHYTiE.  16.  Conjugat.  297 

XVI.  16.  CONJUGAT  A.  Vaucher.  Conjugate . 

Thallus  threadlike,  simple,  tubular,  jointed ; coupling 
parallelly,  by  a traverse  tube,  exserted  from  the  middle  of 
the  joints,  through  which  the  granules  in  the  joints  of  one 
plant  pass  into  the  opposite  joint  of  the  other  plant,  and 
there  form  an  ovate  spore;  granules  forming  spiral  lines 
in  each  joint. 

a.  Granules  in  a single  spiral  line . 

1 . Conjugata  quinina.  Roman-five  conjugate. 

Threads  equal,  slippery,  coupling ; joints  three  times  as 

long  as  broad;  granules  in  a single,  very  close  spiral  line. 

Conferva  quinina,  Muller  N.  Act.  Petr.  3,  94. 

Conferva  spiralis,  Roth  Cat.  Rot.  2,202;  Engl.  Rot.  1636. 

Conjugata  quinina,  Agardh  Disp.  ed.  1, 27. 

Zygnema  quininum,  Agardh  Decad.  2,  26. 

Ditches  and  pools. 

Tufts  dark  green ; joints  from  once  and  an  half  to  four 
times  as  long  as  broad;  spiral  angles  acute,  like  the  letter 
V often  repeated. 

/3.  port icalis.  Spire  bent  like  an  arched  gateway. 

Conferva  porticalis,  Muller , ut  supra. 

Conjugata  porticalis,  Vaucher , 66. 

Zygnema  quininum  porticale,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  173. 

y.  monstrosa.  Tale  proceeding  from  the  joints  uniting 
with  the  tube  proceeding  from  the  next  joint  of  the  same 

2.  Conjugata  inflat  a.  Blown  conjugate. 

Threads  here  and  there  inflated;  granules  in  a single 

open  spire. 

Conjugata  inflata,  Vaucher , 68. 

Conferva  sordida,  Roth  FI.  Germ.  3,  504. 

Conferva  inflata,  Engl.  Dot.  2376. 

Zygnema  inflatum,  Agardh  Syn.  101. 


Tufts  cloudlike,  yellowish  green;  threads  very  slender; 
joints  three  times  as  long  as  broad,  thicker  in  the  middle; 
spot  rarely  obsolete. 

3.  Conjugata  longata.  Long  conjugate . 

Threads  equal,  slippery;  joints  6 to  12  times  as  long  as 

broad ; granules  in  a simple,  very  open  spire,  forming  very- 
blunt  angles. 

298  16.  Conjug.  1 . HYDROPHYTE.  PL  cell.  aph. 

Conjugata  longata,  Vaucher , 71. 

Conferva  longata,  Dillwyn  Syn.  49. 

Conjugata  quinina  longata,  Agardh  Disp.  ed.  1,27. 

Zygnema  longatum,  Agardh  Syn.  101. 

Ditches  and  stagnant  waters. 

Tufts  yellowish  green;  threads  very  slender. 

4.  Conjugata  tumidula.  Swollen  conjugate . 

Threads  here  and  there  swollen  ; granules 

Conferva  tumidula,  Engl.  Bot.  1670. 

Ditches  and  marshes. 

Threads  very  slender,  about  one  700th  of  an  inch  dia- 
meter ; joints  3 times  as  long  as  broad ; spore  elliptical. — 
Perhaps  a variety  of  c.  inflata. 

b.  Spiral  lines  two  in  each  joint . 

5.  Conjugata  condensata . Condensed  conjugate. 

Threads  equal ; joints  about  as  long  as  broad ; spiral  lines 

very  close,  two  in  each  joint. 

Conjugata  condensata,  Vaucher , 67. 

Zygnema  condensatum,  Agardh  Syn . 100. 


Threads  crisp,  brittle,  harsh ; spore  spherical. 

6.  Conjugata  decimina.  Roman-ten  conjugate . 

Threads  equal ; joints  2 or  3 times  as  long  as  broad ; 

spiral  lines  open,  2 in  each  joint,  crossing  each  other. 
Conferva  decimina,  Muller  N.  Act.  Petr.  3,  94. 

Conferva  nitida,  Dillwyn , 4. 

Conferva  jugal  is,  Dillwyn , 5. 

Conferva  setiformis  lubrica,  Roth  Cat.  3,267. 

Conjugata  decimina,  Agardh  Disp.  ed.  1,26. 

Zygnema  deciminum,  Agardh  Syn.  99. 

Stagnant  waters. 

Threads  light  green,  slenderer  than  in  c.  nitida;  spiral 
lines  like  X many  times  repeated. 

7.  Conjugata  nitida.  Shining  conjugate. 

Threads  equal ; joints  about  as  long  as  broad ; spiral  lines 

very  open,  many  in  each  joint. 

Conjugata  Princeps,  Vaucher , 64. 

Conferva  nitida,  FI.  Dan.  SI 9 ; Engl.  Bot.  2357. 

Conferva  jugalis,  FI.  Dan.  883. 

Conferva  scalaris,  Roth  Cat.  2,  196. 

Conferva  setiformis  conjugata,  Roth  Cat.  3,266. 

Conferva  multistriata,  Roth  Cat.  3,271. 

Conjugata  nitida,  Agardh  Disp  ed.  1, 26. 

Zygnema  nitidum,  Agardh  Decad.  3, 25. 

PL  cell.  aph.  1.  HYDROPHYTE.  16.  Conjug.  299 

Ponds;  August. 

Tufts  thick,  dark  green,  floating;  threads  as  thick  as  a 
horse-hair ; transverse  tubes  very  short. 

XVII.  17.  CHOASPIS.  Choaspis. 

Thallus  threadlike,  simple,  tubular,  jointed,  kneebent; 
coupling  at  the  bend,  by  a perforation  in  each  joint,  which 
transmits  the  granules  from  one  plant  to  the  other,  where 
they  form  an  elliptic  spore;  granules  scattered.  — Not 

Choaspis  serpentina.  Serpentine  choaspis. 

Threads  slender,  stiff,  here  and  there  slightly  bent,  and 
coupling;  joints  four  times  as  long  as  broad;  granules  in  a 
triple  irregular  series. 

Conferva  stictica,  Engl.  Bot,  2463. 


Tufts  floating,  pale  yellowish  green  above,  blackish 
green  beneath ; joints  when  young  pale  green. 

XVIII.  18.  AGARDHIA.  Agardh. 

Thallus  threadlike,  simple,  tubular,  jointed,  bent,  ap- 
proximating and  uniting  here  and  there  with  others,  the 
coupled  joints  becoming  shortened;  granules  in  a single 
line,  spore  formed  in  the  shortened  coupled  joints,  cross- 
shape.— Bluish  green. 

Agardhia  ccerulescens.  Bluish  agardh. 

Threads  slender,  bent,  light  purplish  blue;  joints  6 times 
as  long  as  broad  ; granules  and  spores  greenish. 

Conferva  caerulescens,  Engl.  Bot.  2457. 

Conferva  conjugata,  Agardh  Syn.  96. 

Conferva  Agardhiana,  Wallin,  in  Liljebl.  Sv.  FI.  cd.  3. 

Zygnema?  caerulescens,  Agardh  bisp.ed.  2,32. 

Boggy  pools ; July. 

Joints  pellucid  with  a central,  slightly  spiral,  dotted  line 
of  green  granules. 

XIX.  19.  SERPENTINARIA.  Serpentinare. 

Thallus  threadlike,  simple,  tubular,  jointed,  knee-bent, 
coupling  at  the  bend,  by  a short  transverse  tube  coming 
from  the  middle  of  the  joints,  which  receives  the  granules 
from  each  plant,  and  thus  forms  a globular  spore  remain- 
ing in  the  middle  of  the  transverse  tube ; granules  scattered. 
— Slippery. 

300  19.  Serpent.  1.  HYDROPHYTES.  PLcelLaph. 

1.  Serpentinaria  cmnpressa . Compressed  serpentinare . 

Threads  brittle,  bent,  coupling;  joints  three  times  as  long 

as  broad ; granules  in  a compressed  mass. 

Conferva  serpentina,  Muller  N.  Act.  Petr.  3. 

Conjugal  a serpentina,  Vaucher , SI. 

Conferva  genufiexa,  Dillicyn  Intr.  18. 

Zygnema  compression,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  171. 

Stagnant  waters. 

Threads  as  line  as  human  hair,  very  brittle;  spore  glo- 
bular, in  the  transverse  tube. 

2.  Serpentina  geimflexa . Knee-lent  serpenlinare . 

Threads  brittle,  knee-bent,  coupling;  joints  four  times  as 

long  as  broad,  half  filled  with  granules. 

Conjugata  angulata,  Vaucher , 79. 

Conferva  genuflexa,  Roth  Cat.  2,  199;  Engl.  Bot.  1914. 

Conferva  serpentina,  Muller  N.  Act.  Petr.  3,  92. 

Conjugata  genuflexa,  Agardh  Disp.  ed.  1,  28. 

Zygnema  genuflexion,  Agardh  Syn.  98. 

Ditches  and  stagnant  waters;  spring  and  autumn. 

Tufts  dense,  floating;  threads  as  thick  as  human  hair, 
slightly  curved  or  knee- bent;  granules  entirely  or  half  filling 
the  joints ; spore  globular,  in  the  transverse  tube. 

G.  HYDRODiCTVONiDEiE.  Thallus  cylindrical,  thread- 
shape,  tubular,  jointed,  anastomosing  like  a net;  ineshes 
many-sided,  each  side  formed  of  a single  joint  \jpore  P or 
emlrio ? like  the  parent,  reticulated,  contained  with  the 

XX.  20.  HYDRODICTYON.  Roth.  Water-net. 

Threads  jointed,  membranaceous,  woven  into  the  form 
of  a purse-net;  spared  same  form  as  the  parent  plant,  en- 
closed in  each  joint. — Fresh-water;  green. 

Hydrodictyon  utriculatum.  Bottle  water-net . 

Threads  united  into  a tubular  net. 

Conferva  reticulata,  Raii  Syn.  59,  10 ; Lin.  Sp.  PI.  1635;  Engl.  Bot . 

Hydrodictyon  utriculatum,  Roth  FI.  Germ.  3,  531. 

H\drodictyon  pentagonum,  Vaucher , 88. 

Hydrodictyon  rnajus,  Roth  Cat.  2,2.38. 

Hydrodictyon  tenelium,  Roth  Cat.  2,239. 

Stagnant,  or  slightly  flowing  waters;  annual. 

Plant  forms  a dense  stratum,  floating,  from  2 inches  to 
^ feet  long ; 7iieshes  mostly  5-sided,  rarely  4 or  6-sided. 

Pl.cell.aph.  1.  HYDROPHYT7E.  21.  Chaetoph.  301 

H.  Confer  voided.  Thallus  cylindrical,  threadlike, 
tubular,  jointed,  simple  or  branched,  uniform  or  biform ; 
joints  pellucid;  sporce  granular,  green,  scattered  in  the 
joints;  fruit  external,  but  the  granules  often  grow  in  the 
joints  themselves. 

XXI.  21.  CHAETOPH  ORx\.  Schrank.  Chcetophore . 

Mass  threadlike,  branched ; threads  springing  from  the 

axis,  jointed,  branched,  growing  slenderer,  and  ending  in 
a long  transparent  hair  extended  beyond  the  surface  of  the 
mass;  granules  in  the  joints,  sometimes  growingwhile  still 
in  the  mass.— Reddish. 

Chcetophora  rubra.  - Red  cheeiophore. 

Mass  cylindrical,  threadlike,  forked ; threads  branched® 
jointed,  red. 

Ulva  rubra,  Hudson  FI.  Angl.  571  ; Engl.  Bot.  1627. 

Itivularia  inultifida,  PFeber  and  Mohr.  Reise,  3,  193. 

Chaetophora  rubra,  Agardh  Disp.  ed.  1,42. 

Chorduria  inultifida,  Lyngbye  IJydr.  Dan.  51. 

Rocks  on  the  sea-shore ; annual ; August  and  September. 
Mass  crowded,  3 to  6 inches  long,  from  a callous  base; 
tip  of  the  branches  rather  blunt. 

XXII.  22.  LEATHESI A.  Leathes . 

Mass  globular,  leatherlike,  gelatinous,  brownish ; threads 

branched,  jointed,  springing  from  a common  basis;  branches 
clubshape,  blunt;  spores  scattered  in  the  swollen  joints.— 

Leathesia  tuber  if  or  mis.  Tuberous  leathes  „ 

Mass  globular,  rather  leatherlike,  hollow;  outer  surface 
smooth,  brown;  threads  very  close,  forked,  branched; 
branches  level  at  the  top ; tips  clubshaped. 

TremelSa  difformis,  Lin.  Sp.  PL  1G26. 

Itivularia  tuheriformis,  Engl.  Bot.  1956. 

Nostoc  maririum,  Agardh  Disp.  ed.  1,45. 

Chaetophora  marina,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  193. 

On  marine  plants;  annual;  summer. 



Mass  elongated  or  globular,  gelatinous,  light  green; 
threads  branched,  jointed,  springing  from  a common  basis; 
branches  growing  finer  and  ending  in  a long,  hyaline  fila» 
ment ; knots  pellucid. 

302  23.  Myriodact.  1 . HYDROPHYTAE.  Pl.cell.aph . 

1.  Myriodactylon  endivifolium.  Endive-leaf  myriodactyle. 

Fresh-water  ; mass  light  green,  long,  flattish,  solid,  pal- 
mate, many-cut;  lobes  roundish,  blunt;  threads  very  much 
branched  ; branches  even-topped,  spreading. 

Tremella  palustris  gelatinosa,  dams  cornuum  facie,  Dillen  Muse.  51. 

Conferva  gelatinosa,  damge  cornua  repraesentans,  Dill,  in  Raii  Syn.  60, 

Ulva  incrassata,  Hudson  FI.  Angl.  572  ; Engl.  Rot.  967. 

Batrachospermum  faseiculatum,  Voucher,  116. 

Rivularia  cornudamae,  Roth  Cat.  3,332. 

Rivularia  endivifolia,  Roth  Cat.  3,334. 

Chaetophora  endivifolia,  Agardh  Disp.  eel.  1, 42. 

Ditches;  annual;  summer. 

Mass  tufted,  2 inches  long  ; threads  nearly  parallel ; 
branches  rather  one-rowed,  closer  above;  lower  joints  five 
times  as  long  as  broad,  upper  equal. 

2.  Myriodactylon  planum . Flat  myriodactyle. 

Mass  flat,  orbiculate,  centre  brown,  edge  greenish  ; 

threads  concentric,  slender,  crowded,  green. 

Tremella  adnata,  Lin.  S.  P.  1672  ? 

Chaetophora  plana,  Agardh  Disp.  ed.  1, 43. 

Rocks  and  stones  in  the  sea ; May. 

Mass  one  inch  in  diameter,  pressed  close  to  the  rocks 
having  the  habit  of  a lichen. 


XXIV.  24?.  DRAPARNALDIA.  St. Vine.  Draparnaud. 

Thallus  gelatinous,  composed  of  two  kinds  of  threads ; 
primary  thread  equal,  jointed ; joints  having  a transverse 
zone;  secondary  threads  pencilshape,  in  bundles,  jointed, 
ending  in  a long,  pellucid  hair;  spores  granular,  green. 

1 . Draparnaldia  glomerata.  Conglomerated  draparnaud. 

Threads  much  branched;  branches  in  bundles,  many- 
cut,  pencilshape,  pencils  mostly  alternate,  ovate,  blunt, 
spreading;  joints  twice  as  long  as  broad. 

Conferva  gelatinosa  (3,  Hudson  FI.  Angl.  598. 

Cunferva  Chara,  Roth  Cat.  3,  285. 

Batrachospermum  glomeratum,  Voucher , 114. 

Draparnaldia  mutabilis,  St.  Vincent.  Ann.  de  Mus,  12,  402. 

Draparnaldia  glomerata,  Agardh  Disp.  ed.  1, 4L 

In  rivers ; annual ; winter  and  spring. 

Tufts  four  inches  long,  appearing  like  a green  gelatinous 
jelly;  threads  slender,  vaguely  branched;  joints  with  a 
transverse  spore  in  the  middle. 

Pl.cell.aph.  1.  HYDROPHYTES.  24.  Draparn.  303 

2.  Draparnaldia  plumosa.  Feathery  draparnaud . 

Threads  very  much  branched;  branches  in  bundles,  m any- 
cut,  pencilshape,  mostly  opposite,  lanceolate,  acute,  up- 
right ; joints  rather  longer  than  broad,  with  a transverse 

Batrachospermutn  plumosum,  Voucher,  113. 

Conferva  mutabilis,  Roth  Cat.  1,  197. 

Draparnaldia  hypnosa,  St.  Vincent.  Ann.  Mas.  12,405. 

Draparnaldia  plumosa,  Agardh  Disp.  ed.  1,42. 

On  woods  and  stones  in  rivers ; annual ; summer. 

Tufts  three  inches  long;  last  division  of  the  branches 
much  the  longest. 

XXV.  25.  CONFERVA.  Pliny.  CrowsilL 

Threads  uniform,  simple  or  branched,  greenish,  jointed ; 
knots  pellucid;  spores  granular,  enclosed  in  the  joints. 

a.  Plant  greenish , sunk,  branched. 

1.  Conferva  lubrica.  Slippery  crow  silk. 

Threads  very  much  branched,  very  slender,  minute,  ge- 
latinous, slippery,  green;  branches  divaricating,  scattered, 
close,  awlshape;  tip  long,  transparent;  joints  2 or  3 times 
as  long  as  broad,  with  a central,  transverse  band. 

Conferva  lubrica,  Dillwyn,  57  ; Engl.  Rot.  2087. 

Draparnaldia  tenuis,  Agardh  Decad.  3,  30. 

On  wood  and  stones  in  rivers  or  stagnant  waters;  summer. 
Tufts  glaucous  green,  dense,  1 or  2 inches  long;  threads 
weak,  flaccid,  attenuated. 

(3.  exigua.  Threads  less  than  a quarter  of  an  inch  long; 
joints  about  as  long  as  broad. 

Conferva  exigua,  Dillwyn  Syn.  62. 

2.  Conferva  protensa.  Extended  crow  silk. 

Threads  branched,  slippery,  green;  branches  diffused, 

very  long,  attenuated ; tip  pellucid ; joints  rather  longer 
than  broad. 

Conferva  protensa,  Dillwyn , 67. 

3.  Conferva  nigricans.  Blackish  crowsilk. 

Threads  forked,  rather  stiff,  straight,  thick,  equal;  branches 

distant,  long,  spreading  at  bottom ; joints  4?  times  as  long 
as  broad. 

Conferva  nigricans,  Roth.  Cat.  3, 277  ; Dillwyn , 63. 


S04?  25.  Conferva.  1.  HYDROPHYT7E.  Pl.cell.apk. 

T breads  in  tufts,  3 or  4 inches  long ; small  branches  short, 
scattered,  greenish  black,  does  not  adhere  in  drying  to 
either  glass  or  paper,  becomes  blackish ; joints  sometimes 
contracted  alternately, 

4.  Conferva  crispata.  Crisped  crow  silk. 

Fresh-water;  threads  branched,  crisped,  dark  green; 

branches  alternate,  very  remote ; joints  cylindrical,  four  or 
six  times  as  long  as  broad,  when  dried  alternately  com- 

Conferva  crispata,  Roth  Cat.  1,  178;  Engl.  Bot.  2350. 

Conferva  rivuiaris  crispata,  Agartlk  Syn.  86. 

Stagnant  pools;  July. 

Tufts  very  dense,  about  2 feet  long;  threads  very  closely 

5.  Conferva  Jlavescens.  Yellowish  crowsilk . 

Fresh-water ; threads  very  much  branched,  bent;  branches 

alternate,  divaricating;  lateral  twigs  short,  spreading  hori- 
zontally ; joints  cylindrical,  8 or  10  times  as  long  as  broad* 

Conferva  flavescens,  Roth  Cat.  2,  224  ; Eng.  Bot.  2088. 

Conferva  pennalula,  Dillwyn  Syn.  64? 

Fresh-water  ditches;  summer. 

Tufts  very  thick;  threads  entangled,  very  slender,  9 inches 
long;  branches  attenuated,  blunt. 

6.  Conferva  fracta . Broken  crowsilk . 

Threads  much  branched,  hairlike,  stiff,  bent;  branches 

and  twigs  divaricating,  mostly  alternate;  joints  4 to  8 times 
as  long  as  broad,  becoming  oblong. 

Conferva  bullosa,  Lin.  Sp.  PI.  1637. 

Conferva  vagabunda,  Hudson  FI.  Angl.  601  ; Dillw.  5. 

Conferva  divaricata,  Roth  Cat.  1,  179. 

Conferva  fracta,  FI.  Ban.  946;  Billw.  14;  Engl.  Bot.  2338. 

Ditches  and  pools. 

Tufts  expanded,  very  thick,  floating,  buliated ; threads 
2 to  4 inches  long ; branches  attenuated,  tip  acute. 

/3.  hirta.  Knots  obsolete,  by  reason  of  the  echinellae  pa- 
rasitic upon  them. 

Conferva  hirta,  FI.  Ban.  947. 

Conferva  fracta  hirta,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Ban.  152. 

y.  elongaia.  Marine  threads  straight ; upper  branches. 
very  long,  simple. 

Conferva  divaricata  elongata,  Roth  Cat.  1, 181. 

Conferva  fracta  elongata,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Ban.  1 52. 

PL  cell.  aph.  1.  HYDROPHYTE.  25.  Conferva.  305 

& marina . Threads  thicker,  greenish  yellow. 

Conferva  fracta  marina,  Roth  Cat.  3,234. 

Conferva  vagabunda,  Roth  Ft.  Germ.  3,  465. 

Conferva  refracta,  Roth  Cat.  2, 193. 

7.  Conferva  Jiexuosa.  Bent  crowsilk . 

Threads  very  much  branched,  rather  stiff,  dark  green; 

branches  bent,  twigs  mostly  simple,  alternately  2-ranked, 
spreading;  joints  2 or  3 times  as  long  as  broad. 

Conferva  flexuosa,  FI.  Dan.  882;  Dillwyn , 10;  Engl.  Bot.  1944. 
Conferva  rupestris  flexuosa,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  156. 

Salt-water  ditches,  at  the  bottom ; April. 

Threads  entangled,  main  threads  once  or  twice  branched ; 
knots  dark. 

8.  Conferva  rupestris.  Rock  crowsilk. 

Threads  very  much  branched,  in  bundles,  stiff,  slender, 

dull  green  ; branches  adpressed,  nearly  3-forked,  blunt ; 
joints  cylindrical,  4 times  as  long  as  broad  ; knots  pellucid. 

Conferva  marina  triclioides,  seu  muscus  marinus  virens  tenuifolius,  Dil- 
len  in  Raii  Syn.  60. 

Conferva  rupestris,  Lin.  Sp.  PI.  1637  ; Engl.  Bot.  1699. 

Conferva  glauca,  Roth  Cat.  2,  208. 

Conferva  virgata,  Roth  Cat.  1,  195. 

Ceramium  asperum,  Roth  Cat.  2,  180. 

Ceram ium  rupestre,  De  Candolle.  FI.  Fr.  2,  42. 

Rocks  by  the  sea ; annual. 

Threads  verdigris  green,  in  very  thick  bundles,  repeatedly 
branched  from  base  to  tip ; joints , when  dry,  alternately 

9.  Conferva  diffusa.  Diffuse  crowsilk. 

Threads  forked,  branched,  rather  zigzag,  stifR,  green  ; 

branches  diffuse,  remote;  twigs  short,  approximate,  blunt, 
joints  cylindrical,  four  times  as  long  as  broad ; knots  pel- 

Conferva  diffusa,  Roth  Cat.  2,  207  ; Engl.  Bot.  2289. 

Sea- shore. 

Base  callous ; tufts  dull  green,  loosely  entangled,  2 to 
6 inches  long;  threads  branched  from  the  base,  spreading. 

10.  Conferva  glomer  at  a.  Glomerated  crowsilk. 

Threads  much  branched,  rather  stiff,  green;  branches 

alternate;  twigs  short,  rather  bundled,  pencilshape,  rather 
blunt;  joints  4 times  as  long  as  broad. 

VOL.  i.  x 

306  25.  Conferva.  1.  HYDROPHYTE.  Pl.cell.apk. 

Alga  sive  Conferva  fontinalis  trichoides,  Park.  1261,  1. 

Conferva  fontinalis  rainosissima,  glomeratim  confesta,  Dillen  in  Rati 
Syn.  59,  8. 

Conferva  glomerata,  Lin.  Sp.  PI.  1637  ; Engl.  Bot.  2192. 

Conferva  cristata,  Roth  Cat.  1,  193. 

Conferva  canalicularis,  Girod  Chnntr.  Conf.  173. 

Folysperma  glomerata.  Voucher , 99. 

Chantransia  glomerata,  De  Candolle  FI.  Fr.  2,51. 

Stones  in  running  waters ; summer. 

Threads  aggregate,  3 inches  long,  crowded,  attenuated ; 
branches  bundled  towards  the  tip,  stiff". 

11.  Conferva  Icetevirens.  Light-green  crow  silk. 

Threads  very  much  branched,  rather  stiff",  bent  like  a 

bow,  light  green ; branches  approximate,  pointed,  twigs 
short,  alternately,  facing  one  way ; joints  5 times  as  long 
.as  broad. 

Conferva  laetevirens,  Dillwyn , 48;  Engl.  Bot.  1854. 

Conferva  glomerata  marina,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  154. 

Stones  on  the  sea-shores. 

Tufts  bushy,  light  green  ; twigs  pointing  many  together 
all  on  one  side,  then  several  together  all  to  the  other. 

12.  Conferva  albida.  Whitish  crow  silk. 

Threads  very  much  branched,  in  close  tufts,  greenish 

white,  rather  opake;  branches  clustered  about  4 together ; 
twigs  opposite,  zigzag,  the  smallest  nearly  parallel;  joints 
4 times  as  long  as  broad. 

Conferva  marina  tomentosn,  tenerior  et  albicans,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn. 
59,  13. 

Conferva  albida,  Hudson  FI.  Angl.  595  ; Engl.  Bot.  2327. 

Sea-coasts;  June  and  July. 

Tufts  dull,  opake,  cottonlike,  whitish ; threads  3 inches 
long,  densely  interwoven  ; twigs  nearly  horizontal. 

f 3 . protensa.  Threads  7 or  3 inches  long,  rather  bushy, 
twigs  spreading,  mostly  opposite,  straight. 

13.  Conferva  pellucida.  Transparent  crow  silk. 

Threads  very  much  branched,  stiff",  light  green ; branches 

mostly  three  together,  blunt;  joints  4 or  6 times  as  long  as 

Conferva  pellucida,  Hudson  FI.  Angl.  601 ; Engl.  Bot.  1716. 

Tufts  large,  green,  shining,  pellucid,  6 inches  long; 
threads  naked  below,  repeatedly  branched  above,  cylin- 

Pl.cell.aph.  I.  HYDROPHYTiE.  25.  Conferva.  SOT 

14.  Conferva  riparia.  Bankside  crowfoot * 

Threads  nearly  simple  below,  branched  above,  yellow 

green ; handles  remote,  divaricating,  long,  mostly  simple, 
coming  out  at  a rounded  angle;  joints  twice  as  long  as 
broad ; knots  pellucid. 

Conferva  riparia,  Dillwyn  Syn.  69  ; Engl.  Bot.  2100. 

Conferva  obtusangula,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  159. 

Sea- shore,  or  banks  of  salt  pools. 

Tvfts  thickly  entangled ; joints  divided  in  the  fork* 

15.  Conferva  lanosa.  Woolly  crowfoot . 

Threads  branched,  very  slender,  straight,  clustered,  yel- 
lowish green ; twigs  remote,  long ; joints  lower  twice,  up- 
per 5 or  6 times  as  long  as  broad. 

Conferva  lanosa,  Roth  Cat.  3, 291  ; Engl.  Bot.  2099. 

Rocks  near  the  sea ; summer. 

Tvfts  very  close,  roundish ; threads  about  three  quarters 
of  an  inch  long ; joints  rather  bellied,  upper  much  the 

0.  zoster  a.  Threads  light  green,  shining. 

On  marine  plants. 

16.  Conferva  arcta.  Contracted  crowsilk. 

Threads  branched,  stiff,  bluish  green ; branches  rather 

spreading ; twigs  scattered,  adpressed ; knots  pellucid,  con- 
tracted; joint 5,  lower  as  long,  upper  8 or  10  times  as  long 
as  broad. 

Conferva  arcta,  Dillwyn , 67  ; Engl.  Bot.  2090. 

Sea  shores,  or  on  rocks. 

Tvfts  very  close,  2 or  3 inches  long;  branches  nearly 

17.  Conferva  cervginosa.  Coppery  crowsilk . 

Threads  branched,  bent,  short,  verdigris  green ; branches 

scattered,  spreading,  blunt;  joints  rather  longer  than 

Conferva  marina  capillacea  brevis,  viridissima  mollis,  Dillen  Muse . 
4, 20. 

Conferva  aeruginosa,  Hudson  FI.  Angl.  595. 

On  other  marine  plants. 

Threads  about  half  an  inch  long. 

x 2 

SOB  25.  Conferva.  1.  HYDROPHYTE.  El.ceU.aph. 

18  .Conferva  Hutchinsia . Hutchins’  crow  silk. 

Threads  very  much  branched,  bent,  rather  cartilaginous, 
brittle,  glaucous  green ; branches  and  twigs  scattered,  smallest 
1 -rowed,  adpressed ; joints  torulose,  twice  as  long  as  broad. 

Conferva  Hutchinsia,  Dillwyn , 65. 

Conferva  centralis,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  161  ? 

Sea-shores;  spring. 

19.  Conferva,  nana.  Dwarf  crow  silk. 

Threads  pale  reddish  green,  branched,  very  minute,  in 

tufts;  branches  and  twigs  alternate,  pointed,  remote;  joints 
2 or  3 times  as  long  as  broad ; knots  obscure. 

Conferva  nana,  Dillwyn , 30. 

On  fontinalis  antipyretica,  in  alpine  rivers. 

Tufts  about  half  an  inch  long,  pale  reddish. 

20.  Conferva  vini . Wine  crows  ilk. 

Tufts  brownish  yellow;  threads  hyaline,  much  branched, 

entangled;  branches  attenuated,  acute,  twice  as  long  as 

Conferva  vini,  Agardh  Syn.  72. 

In  Madeira  wine. 

Tufts  cloudlike,  floating,  an  inch  broad,  brownish  yellow 
threads  very  slender  indeed. 

21.  Conferva  stellar  is.  Starry  crowsilk . 

Threads  hyaline,  arising  parallelly  from  an  orbicular 

basis,  very  minute,  equal. 

Conferva  stellaris,  FI.  Dan.  660. 

On  the  inside  of  glass  bottles. 

Shoots  green,  about  a line  in  diameter,  edges  stellate; 
threads  about  an  inch  long,  branched ; branches  remote,  al- 
ternate; joints  4 or  5 times  as  long  as  broad. 

22.  Conferva  cegagropilaris.  Hairball  crowsilk . 

Threads  arising  from  a common  centre,  forming  a globe, 

much  branched;  branches  rather  crowded,  blunt;  joints 
4 times  as  long  as  broad ; rather  swollen  above. 

Conferva  iEgagropila,  Lin.  Sp.  PI.  1637  ; Engl.  Bat.  1377. 

Moor  balls. 

Bottom  of  alpine  lakes. 

Balls  dark  green,  from  the  size  of  a pea  to  3 inches 
diameter,  exactly  spherical,  hollow ; branches  rather  spread- 
ing; knots  pellucid,  when  dry  contracted. 

PLcelLaph.  1.  HYDROPHYTE.  25.  Conferva.  3Q9 

23.  Conferva  Brownii.  Brown's  crow  silk. 

Tufts  close;  threads  much  branched,  rather  stiff,  short, 

green;  branches  slightly  1 -rowed,  blunt;  joints  4 times as 
long  as  broad,  rather  thicker  above. 

Conferva  Brownii,  Dillwyn , 5S. 

On  wet  rocks  in  caves. 

Tuft  flat  or  convex ; threads  upright,  about  the  eighth 
of  an  inch  long,  rather  thick,  resembling  those  of  c.  sega- 

24.  Conferva  velutina.  Velvetty  crow  silk. 

Tuft  close,  green,  velvetty;  threads  branched,  bent,  en- 
tangled at  bottom,  rooting,  hyaline,  at  top  blunt ; joints 
longer  than  broad. 

Byssus  tenerrima  viridis,  veiutum  referens,  Dillen  in  Rail  Syn.  56,  ,1* 

Byssus  velutina,  Lin.  Sp.  PI.  1638. 

Conferva  varia,  Roth  Cat.  3,301. 

Conferva  velutina,  Dillwyn , 17  ; Engl.  Bot.  1556. 

On  the  ground  in  damp  places. 

Tufts  very  close ; branches  alternate,  bent,  lower  distant, 
twigs  nearly  one-rowed,  short,  bent,  blunt,  diffuses  a sweet 
fragrance  not  only  when  growing,  but  also  for  some  time 
after  being  dried. 

25.  Conferva  cryptarum.  Cave  crow  silk. 

Threads  green,  entangled,  much  branched ; branches 

forked,  divaricating,  pointed  \ joints  twice  as  long  as  broad, 
rather  gibbous. 

Conferva  cryptarum,  Dillwyn , 59  ; Engl.  Bot.  2588. 

Conferva  muscicola  cryptarum,  Agardh  Syn.  73. 

Caves  and  caverns. 

Branches  recurved,  entangled;  when  dry  rather  stiff, 
elastic,  pellucid. 

26.  Conferva  umbrosa . Shade  crow  silk. 

Tuft  blackish  green,  velvetty ; threads  entangled,  branch- 
ed, brittle,  branches  upright,  blunt;  joints  longer  than 
broad;  those  of  the  tips  inflated,  as  long  as  broad. 

Conferva  umbrosa,  Roth  Cat.  1,  191. 

Conferva  arenaria,  Roth  Cat • 2,  217. 

Damp  shady  places;  summer. 

Tufts  very  close;  threads  short;  branches  rather  crowded. 

310  25.  Conferva.  1.  HYDROPHYTjE.  PLcell,  aph* 

b.  Threads  greenish , simple. 

27.  Conferva P ecliinulala.  Hedgehog-like  crow  silk. 

Threads  simple,  very  short,  blunt,  spreading  every  way 

from  a centre,  and  forming  a globe,  glaucous  green;  joints 
as  long  as  broad.  ' 

Rivularia  echinulata,  Engl.  Bot.  1378. 

Floating  on  lakes. 

Threads  rather  clubshape ; joints  about  5 or  6. 

28.  Conferva  sordida.  Dirty  crow  silk. 

Threads  simple,  very  slender,  cobweblike,  tenacious,  yel- 
low green ; joints  4 times  longer  than  broad;  knots  pellucid. 

Conferva  sordida,  Roth  Cat.  1,171;  Engl.  Bot.  2303. 

Conferva  caljcina,  Agardh  Syn.  78  ? 

Stagnant  water  adhering  to  grass;  April  to  July. 

Mass  cloudlike,  yellowish  green;  threads  shining,  curved; 
hyaline,  equal. 

Q.fuscata.  Threads  very  slender,  very  closely  entangled 
into  a light  brownish  cloud. 

y.  utriculata.  Threads  very  slender;  granules  collapsed 
into  several,  distinct,  oblong  globules  in  each  joint;  knots 
here  and  there  contracted. 

29.  Conferva  Jloccosa.  Flocklike  crow  silk. 

Threads  simple,  very  slender;  joints  about  twice  as  long 

as  broad,  hyaline  with  a pellucid,  globular  spot  in  the 

Prolifera  floccosa,  Voucher , 131. 

Conferva  floccosa,  Agardh  Dispos,  29. 

Ditches  and  running  water. 

Tufts  straight,  2 or  3 inches  long. 

30.  Conferva  fngacissima.  Fugacious  crowsilk . 

Threads  simple,  very  slender,  slimy,  rather  straight ; 

joints  rather  longer  than  broad,  with  a granular  band  in 
the  middle. 

Conferva  fngacissima,  Roth  Cat.  3,  176. 

Ditches  adhering  to  grasses. 

31.  Conferva  oscillatorioides.  Oscillatoria  crowsilk. 

Threads  simple,  cobweblike,  very  slender,  very  long; 

joints  longer  than  broad,  with  a granular  band  in  the 

PI.  cell.  aph.  1.  HYDROPHYTE.  25.  Conferva.  311- 

Conferva  oscillatorioides,  Jgardh  Disp , ed.  1,29. 

Conferva  fugacissima  oscillatorioides,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  137. 

Ditches,  adhering  to  grass. 

32.  Conferva  puncialis.  Dot  crowsilk. 

Threads  simple,  very  slender,  rather  slimy.  Ion g’,  joints 

about  twice  as  long  as  broad ; granules  collapsing  into  a 
solitary  globule. 

Conferva  punctalis,  Dillwyn , 51. 

Conferva  brevi-articulata,  Mohr  in  Schrader  Journ.  1801,475. 

Ditches  and  running  water. 

Tufts  about  an  inch  long;  threads  twice  as  thick  as 
c.  floccosa,  pale  yellowish  green. 

33.  Conferva  zonata.  Girded  crowsilk. 

Threads  simple,  slender,  slimy;  joints  as  long  as  broad ; 

granules  in  a transverse  band. 

Conferva  zonata,  Roth  Cat.  2,269. 

Conferva  lucens,  Dillwyn,  47  ; Engl.  Bot.  1655. 

Lakes  and  rapid  streams. 

Tufts  gelatinous;  threads  2 to  4 inches  long,  tapering, 

34.  Conferva  dissiliens.  Parting  crowsilk. 

Threads  simple,  slender,  equal,  straight,  slimy,  brittle; 

joints  half  as  long  as  broad ; at  length  separating  from  one 

Conferva  disiliens,  Dillwyn , 63 ; Engl.  Bot.  4464. 

Diatoma?  dissiliens,  yjgardh  Disp.  ed.  1,34. 


Tufts  floating;  joints  hyaline,  with  a transverse  or  ovate 
spot  in  the  centre. 

35.  Conferva  mucosa.  Mucous  crowsilk. 

Threads  simple,  very  slender,  slimy,  yellowish  green ; 

joints  rather  torose,  about  as  long  as  broad. 

Conferva  mucosa,  Dillwyn}  46. 

Stagnant  pools. 

Tufts  floating ; threads  straight,  3 inches  long,  very 

36.  Conferva  vesicata . Bladder  ed  crowsilk. 

Threads  simple,  slender ; joints  here  and  there  inflated, 

and  proliferous,  rather  longer  than  broad. 

m 25.  Conferva.  1.  HYDROPHYTE.  Pi.  cell.  aph. 

Prolifera  vesicata,  Vaucher , 132. 

Conferva  vesicata,  Agardh  Disp.  ed.  1,  30. 

Conferva  alternata,  Dillwyn , 43  ; Engl.  Bot.  2304. 

Chantransia  vesicata,  Be  Candolle  Ft.  Fr.  2,  52. 

Floating  in  ditches  and  rivulets. 

Tufis  closely  entangled ; threads  6 or  8 inches  long ; 
joints  sometimes  alternately  green  and  brownish. 

fi.fusca.  Threads  brownish. 

Conferva  alternata  /3,  Dillwyn. 

37.  Conferva  capillar  is.  Hair  crow  silk* 

Threads  simple,  slender,  crisp,  proliferous,  entangled ; 

joints  even,  about  twice  as  long  as  broad,  alternately  com- 
pressed when  dry ; spores  scattered,  or  in  an  oblong  spot. 

Conferva  fluitans  filamentis  genieulatis,  Dillen  Muse.  26. 
Conferva-capillaris,  Lin.S.  P.  1636. 

Conferva  crispa,  Dillwyn,  46. 

Chantransia  crispa,  De  Candolle  FI.  Fr.  2,  52. 

Stones  in  rapid  rivers. 

Threads  8 to  20  feet  long,  slimy,  rough  and  brittle  when 

0.  ramosa.  Threads  proliferous. 

Conferva  capillaris,  Engl.  Bot.  2364. 

Prolifera  crispa,  Vaucher , 130. 

38.  Conferva  rivularis.  Rivulet  crow  silk. 

Threads  simple,  slender,  straight,  very  long,  dark  green; 

joints  about  3 times  as  long  as  broad,  alternately  com- 
pressed when  dry ; knots  pellucid. 

Conferva  Plinii,  Ger.em.  1570,2;  Park.  1261,2;  Raii  Syn.  58;  1. 
Conferva  fluviatilis  serieea  vulgaris  et  fluitans,  Dillen  Muse.  12. 
Conferva  rivularis,  Lin.  Sp.  PI.  1633. 

Prolifera  rivularis,  Vaucher , 130. 

Conferva  funiformig.  Roth  Cat.  1,  169. 

Crow-silk.  Hairy  river-weed. 

Running  waters:  June  to  September. 

Tufts  1 to  2 feet  long,  fluctuating,  loosely  entangled; 
threads  rather  stiff. 

& aculeata.  Branches  many,  very  short,  acute. 

39.  Conferva  compact  a.  Compact  crow  silk. 

Threads  simple,  slender,  compactly  entangled,  dark 

green;  joints  rather  longer  than  broad;  alternately  com- 
pressed when  dry. 

Pi.  cell.  aph.  1.  HYDROPHYTE.  25.  Conferva.  313 

Conferva  compacts,  Roth  FI.  Germ.  497. 

Conferva  rivularis,  Dillwyn  y30  ; Engl.  Bot.  1654. 

Rivers  and  rivulets;  June  and  July. 

Threads  about  100th  of  an  inch  thick,  sometimes  less. 

40.  Conferva  lipartita.  Two-parted  crowsilk . 

Threads  simple,  slender,  very  long,  densely  compacted, 

yellow  green ; joints  2 or  3 times  as  long  as  broad ; granules 
forming  2 transverse  bands  in  each  joint. 

Conferva  bipartita,  Dillwyn , 105;  Engl.  Bot.  2302  ? 

Conferva  semistriangulata,  Roth. 

Salt  ditches;  July. 

Joints  vary  from  as  long  as  broad,  Eng.  Bot.  to  3 times 
as  long  as  broad,  as  in  Dillwyn. 

41.  Conferva  linoides.  Flaxlike  croivsilk. 

Threads  simple,  very  long,  rather  thick  and  stiff,  curled, 

brittle,  loosely  entangled,  green ; joints  as  long  as  broad; 
when  dry  cylindrical. 

Conferva  palustris  seu  Filurn  marinum  Anglicum,  Rail  Syn.  60,  16. 
Conferva  filamentis  longis  geniculatis  simplicibus,  Dillen  Muse.  25. 
Conferva  capillaris,  Hudson  FI.  Angl.  598. 

Conferva  Linum,  FI.  Ban.  771  ; Engl.  Bot.  2364. 

Conferva  Melagonium,  FI.  Dan.  1438. 

Marsh  thread. 

Stagnant  salt-ponds,  and  in  the  sea. 

Threads  dull  green,  elastic,  slimy,  rather  even;  knots 

0.  minor.  Threads  3 times  slenderer. 

Inland  ditches. 

42.  Conferva  aere a.  Brazen  crowsilk . 

Threads  simple,  stiff,  rather  thick,  straight,  light  green ; 

joints  broader  than  long;  knots  pellucid. 

Conferva  serea,  Dillwyn , 80;  Engl.  Bot.  1929. 

Sea-coasts  on  wood  or  stones. 

Tufts  bright  verdigris  green,  3 to  5 inches  long,  fluc- 
tuating ; granules  forming  two  bands. 

£.  luhrica.  Threads  very  soft,  slippery,  glossy. 

43.  Conferva  Melagonalis.  Blacksided  crowsilk. 

Threads  simple*  stiff,  rather  thick,  straight,  dark  green; 

joints  cylindrical,  3 times  as  long  as  broad. 

Conferva  Melag°nium,  Weber  et  Mohr.  Reiscj  194. 

Conferva  area,  var.  Dillwyn  Descript.  80. 

314.  25.  Conferva.  1.  HYDROPHYTE.  Pl.cell.aph. 
Sea-coasts  on  wood. 

Threads  6 to  9 inches  long,  appearing  like  polished  iron 
when  in  the  sea,  when  dry  dark  green ; lower  joints  short, 
alternately  compressed  when  dry ; granules  contracting  in 
drying,  and  forming  a black  line  on  each  side  of  the  knot. 

44.  Conferva  tortuosa.  Winding  crowsilk. 

Threads  simple,  slender,  rather  stiff,  curled,  twisted, 

loosely  entangled,  dark  green ; joints  cylindrical,  3 times 
as  long  as  broad. 

Conferva  tortuosa,  Dillwyn,  46 ; Engl.  Bot.  2220. 

Sea-shore,  or  salt-water  ditches. 

Tufts  rather  elastic ; knots  pellucid. 

j3.  ramosa.  Threads  with  open  lateral  branches. 

45.  Conferva  ramosa.  Branched  conferva. 

Threads  simple,  very  slender,  curled,  entangled,  even 

soft,  dark  lurid  green;  joints  even,  rather  longer  than 

Conferva  impleva,  Dillwyn , 46. 

Bangia  viridis,  FI.  Dan.  1601. 

Rocks,  salt-water  ditches,  and  on  marine  plants. 

Tuj'ts  closely  entangled ; threads  rather  silky  not  stiff ; 
knots  and  edges  hyaline;  spores  ovate. 

46.  Conferva  nummuloides.  Money  crowsilk. 

Threads  simple,  slender,  brittle,  yellowish  brown ; joints 

shorter  than  broad,  becoming  close,  beadlike,  and  nearly 

Conferva  nummuloides,  Dillwyn , 44. 

Fragilaria  nummuloides,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  184. 

Leaves  of  fresh-water  plants. 

47.  Conferva  Youngana . Young’s  crowsilk. 

Threads  simple,  slender,  bristlelike,  in  tufts,  weak,  blunt, 

equal,  light  green ; joints  as  long  as  broad ; knots  con- 

Conferva  Youngana,  Dillwyn , 102. 

Conferva  isogona,  Engl.  Bot.  1930. 

Sea-shores,  on  wood  and  marine  plants. 

Tufts  yellowish  green,  half  an  inch  long;  threads  rather 
stiff,  not  attenuated. 

Pl.cell.aph.  1.  HYDROPHYTE.  25.  Conferva.  515 

48.  Conferva  fiacca . Flagging  crowsilk. 

Threads  simple,  slender,  bristlelike,  very  minute,  flaccid; 

joints  rather  shorter  than  broad ; knots  pellucid,  contracted. 
Conferva  flacca,  Dillwyn , 49. 

On  stones,  or  wood  in  the  sea,  and  on  marine  plants. 

c.  Coloured , brownish , marine . 

49.  Conferva  curt  a.  Short  crowsilk . 

Threads  simple,  in  bundles,  nearly  cartilaginous,  short, 

attenuated  below,  olive  brown ; joints  rather  longer  than 
broad  ; knots  pellucid,  contracted. 

Conferva  curta,  Dillwyn , 76 ; Engl . Hot.  2084. 

On  marine  plants. 

Threads  nearly  upright,  light  brown. 

50.  Conferva  flaccida.  Flaccid  crowsilk . 

Threads  simple,  in  bundles,  short,  flaccid,  straight, 

broader  at  bottom,  attenuated  at  the  tip,  light  brown ; 
lower  joints  shorter  than  they  are  broad  ; upper  longer. 
Conferva  flaccida,  Dillwyn,  6. 

On  marine  plants. 

Tufts  half  an  inch  long;  threads  rather  cartilaginous. 

5 1 . Conferva  fucicola.  Fucus  crowsilk. 
Threads  simple,  slender,  tufted,  straight,  short,  blunt, 

iron-brown  ; joints  twice  as  long  as  broad  ; knots  pellucid. 
Conferva  fucicola,  Velley  Marine , PI.  4 ; Dillwyn , 66. 

Conferva  ferruginea,  Roth  Cat.  3,274. 

Coiiferva  fucorurn,  Roth  Cat.  3,  273. 

On  marine  plants. 

Tufts  half  an  inch  long;  threads  from  a shieldlike  base, 
tip  attenuated,  blunt. 


52.  Conferva  scutellaia.  Saucer  crowsilk. 

Tufts  depressed,  peltate,  closely  entangled,  rooted  in  the 

centre;  threads  branched  at  the  bottom;  joints  as  long  as 

Conferva  scutellaia,  Engl.  Bot.  2311. 

Parasitical  on  the  apothecia  of  himanthalia  loreus. 
Threads  above  simple,  long;  below  having  a fewT  short 
alternate  branches,  entangled  into  a dense,  viscid,  pale  ap- 
parently homogeneous  mass. 

SI 6 25.  Conferva.  1.  HYDROPHYTE.  PLcell.apli. 

e.  Coloured , simple , brittle.  Chantransia. 

53.  Conferva  fas  data.  Banded  crow  silk. 

Threads  simple,  slender,  slimy,  purplish  brown ; joints 

as  long  as  broad,  with  a narrow,  central,  transverse  band. 
Conferva  fasciata,  Dillwyn , 23. 

On  decayed  sticks  and  leaves,  in  fresh  water. 

Threads  about  half  an  inch  long. 

54.  Conferva  lineata . Lined  crowsilk. 

Threads  simple,  slender,  brittle,  brown ; joints  two  or 

three  times  as  long  as  broad,  with  one  or  two  transverse 
lines  at  uncertain  distances  from  each  other ; knots  con- 

Conferva  lineata,  Dillwyn , 44. 

Fragilaria  lineata,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  184, 

Leaves  of  fresh-water  plants. 

55.  Conferva  Borreri.  Borrer* s crowsilk. 

Threads  simple,  slender,  brittle,  palish  brown ; joints  ra- 
ther shorter  than  broad,  combined  in  pairs ; spores  in  the 
centre  of  each  joint. 

Conferva  nummuloides,  Engl.  Hot.  2287. 

On  marine  plants. 

Threads  short,  tortuous,  cylindrical,  dirty  white.— These 
three  last  species,  as  also  c.  dissiliens,  might  be  formed 
into  a very  natural  genus,  bordering  upon  the  diatomideae, 
from  which  they  differ  by  the  threads  being  cylindrical  and 

PL  cell.  aph.  2.  THALASSIOPHYT JE. 


Fam.  II.  2.  THALASSIOPHYT^.  Lamouroux. 

Algarum  pars , Linnaeus  and  Jussieu, 
Thallus  coriaceous,  membranaceous,  or  fleshy;  continuous 
or  jointed;  fibrous  or  cellular;  sporidia  enclosed  in  thecae, 
or  immersed  in  the  substance  of  the  thallus*— Plants  mostly 
marine,  olive  green  or  red,  absorbing  water  by  their  sur- 
face in  the  immersed  part,  but  not  transmitting  it  to  other 
parts ; emit  oxygen  gas  by  the  action  of  light. 

A.  Thallus  jointed,  membranaceous,  titbular  ; joints  formed 
of  a simple  tube;  sporidia  enclosed  in  thecae.  Ceramideae. 

Thallus  olive-green,  gelatinous, 

from  a common  axis Mesogloja.  26. 

Thallus  green  ; secondary  branches 
simple,  bristlelike,  swollen  at  bottom  ..  BuLBOCHiETE.  27, 
Thallus  brownish ; 

branches  jointed ; thecae  naked Ectocarpus.  28. 

Thallus  red;  knots  pellucid; 

thecae  naked Callithamnion.  29. 

Thallus  red;  knots  coloured; 

thecae  involucrated  Ceramium.  30. 

Thallus  red ; knots  pellucid  ; 

sporidia  involucrated Griffitsia.  31. 

Thallus  red,  gelatinous; 

branches  in  whirls;  thecae  naked  Borrichius.  32. 

Thallus  green,  gelatinous; 

branches  in  whirls ; thecae  naked  Batrachospemum.  38. 

B.  Thallus  jointed , coriaceous , or  membranaceous ; main 
stem  solid , or  compoundly  jointed  ; sporidia  enclosed  in  thecae * 

Thallus  olive- green ; 

branches  in  whirls;  joints  simple ....  Cladostephus.  84  > 
Thallus  olive-green; 

branches  2-rowed;  joints  compound  ..  Sphacelaria.  35, 
Thallus  red ; 

branches  scattered;  joints  simple;  Ellisius.  36, 

Thallus  red ; 

branches  scattered ; joints  compound  . . . Hutchinsia.  37. 
Thallus  red,  pervaded  by  a 

central,  jointed  axis Vertebrata.  38, 


2.  THALASSIOPHYTAE.  PI  cell.  aph. 

C.  Thallus  with  a continued  fibrous  axis  j bark  chalklike , 
jointed . Corallideae. 

Thallus  forked;  joints  cylindrical Jania.  39. 

Thallus  three-forked ; joints  wedgelike  Corallina.  40. 

D.  Thallus  continutus  green  or  reddish ; fibres  parallel , 
diverging  from  the  base;  lark  chalklike  or  hairy . Zonarideae. 

Thallus  ribless,  fanshaped  Zonaria.  41. 

Thallus  ribless,  forked  . . . . Dictyota.  42. 

Thallus  ribbed,  forked Dictyopteris.  43. 

E.  Thallus  continuous , cellular , green  becoming  luhite ; 
bark  smooth ; sporidia  scattered , immersed.  Ulvoideae. 

Thallus  compressed ; sporidia  prominent 

Asperococcus.  44. 
Thallus  membranaceous,  flat;  sporid. immersed  Ulya.  45. 
Thallus  tubular ; sporidia  immersed  Scytosiphon.  46. 

Thallus  threadlike,  solid  Palmella.  47. 

Thallus  flat,  fleshy Merrettia.  48. 

Thalli  globular  or  ovate,  aggregated Olivia.  49. 

F.  Thallus  continuous , gelatinous,  fleshy,  cellular ; spori- 
dia in  many  immersed  beaded  filaments.  Linkidese. 

Thallus  long;  sporidia  elliptic Carrodorus.  5J. 

Thallus  bullated ; sporidia  globular Nostoc.  50. 

G.  Thallus  continuous , gelatinous , cellular , smooth,  olive 
becoming  black  ; spoiidia  scattered , immersed.  Alcyonidese. 

Cells  6-edral,  long ; marine Alcyonidium.  52. 

Cells  long,  regular,  radiating Ephidatia.  53. 

Cells  irregular ; marsh Spongilla.  54. 

H.  Thallus  continuous , spongy , gelatinous,  formed  of  in- 
terlaced fibres  or  spicula  yellowish  ; sporidia  scattered,  im- 
mersed. Spongidiae. 

Thallus  branched,  solid;  fibres  entangled  ..  Tupha.  55. 

Thallus  tubular  y fibres  entangled Scypha.  56. 

Thallus  not  branched  ; fibres  entangled  . . Spqngia.  57. 
Thallus  orbicular ; fibres  radiated  Tethya.  58. 


PL  cell.  aph.  2.  THALASSIOPHYTiE. 

I.  Thallus  continued , fibrous , membranaceous  or  leather- 
like, purple  or  red ; sporidia  immersed  or  in  thecae,  Floridese. 

Thallus  flat,  membranaceous,  veined ; 
sporidia  immersed  and  in  tubercles  ....  Delesseria.  59. 

Thallus  flat,  membranaceous,  veined; 
thecae  podshaped,  axillary Odonthalia.  60. 

Thallus  flat,  membranaceous,  ribless ; 
thecae  tubercular  . Sph^erococcus.  61. 

Thallus  linear,  compressed  or  round, 
much  branched ; thecae  tubercular Gigartina.  62. 

Thallus  linear,  round  or  compressed ; 
sporidia  immersed  and  in  thecse Gastridium.  63. 

K.  Thallus  continuous,  woody,  fibrous,  coriaceous;  olive- 
brown  becoming  black  ; sporidia  in  thecae  or  immersed . Fu- 

Ka.  Sporidia  superficial  among  gelatinous  fibres. 

Thallus  membranaceous,  flat; 

fruit  scattered ; holdfasts  peltate  Fascia.  64. 

Thallus  leatherlike,  flat; 

fruit  scattered;  holdfasts  fibrous Laminaria.  65. 

Thallus  leatherlike,  flat; 

fruit  on  the  stirps ; holdfasts  fibrous  ....  Phasgonon.  66. 
Thallus  threadlike,  tubular,  supple ; 

sporidia  scattered  on  the  surface Chorda.  67, 

Thallus  threadlike,  solid,  branched ; 
sporidia  scattered  on  the  whole  surface  . . Chordaria.  68. 

Kb.  Sporidia  in  scattered,  immersed  thecae . 

Thallus  threadlike,  cartilaginous  ....  Sporochnus.  69. 
Thallus  compressed,  membranaceous  Desmarestia.  70. 

Kc.  Sporidia  in  a terminal  theca. 

Thallus  shrubby,  compressed Lychina.  71. 

Kd.  Sporidia  in  thecae,  immersed  on  an  apothecium. 

Thallus  cupshaped ; vesicles  0; 

apoihecia  compressed,  forked Himanthalia.  72. 

Thallus  round,  forked,  ribless; 
vesicles  0 ; apoihecia  terminal Cervina.  73. 


2.  THALASSIOPHYTAE.  PI.  cell  aph. 
Thallus  confluent,  flat,  ribbed,  forked ; 

vesicles  innate  or  0 ; apothecia  terminal Fucus.  74. 

Thalhis  confluent,  compressed,  ribless; 

vesicles  innate ; apothecia  pedicelled Halidrys.  75. 

Thalhis  leaflike,  branched ; 

vesicles  innate ; apothecia  terminal Mackaia.  76. 

Thallus  leaflike,  branched ; t 

vesicles  pedicelled,  globular  Baccalaria.  77. 

Thallus  confluent;  vesicles  pedicelled, 
podshape;  apothecia  lateral  Siliquaria.  78. 

Ke.  Sporidia  scattered  in  the  swollen  tips  of  the  branches . 
Thallus  threadlike,  forked  Furcell  aria.  79. 

A.  Ceramide.32.  Thallus  threadlike,  membranaceous, 
or  leatherlike,  tubular,  jointed ; joints  all  formed  of  a single 
tube ; knots  generally  pellucid ; sporidia  enclosed  in  a naked, 
or  involucrated  capsular  theca.-— Generally  rose-red,  rarely 
brown  or  green,  mostly  marine. 

I.  26.  MESOGLOJA.  Agardh.  Slime-gut . 

Thallus  threadlike,  jointed,  forked ; branches  springing 
horizontally  from  an  imaginary  central  axis;  the  whole 
forming  a branched,  threadlike,  olive,  gelatinous  mass ; 
inner  part  very  compact,  outer  looser ; thecce  ovate  at  the 
end  of  the  threads,  surrounded  by  the  swollen  beadlike 
branches. — Marine. 

Mesogloja  vermiculata . Wormlike  slime-gut . 

Mass  much  branched,  cylindrical ; branches  scattered, 
crooked,  attenuated,  mostly  divided ; thallus  branched ; 
branches  alternate ; joints  rather  longer  than  broad ; knots 

Rivularia  vermiculata,  Engl.  Bot.  1818. 

Sea-shores;  July  and  August. 

Mass  4 to  9 inches  long,  olive-brown,  very  unequally 
branched.  It  differs  from  the  M.  vermicularis  of  Agardh, 
Syn.  126,  and  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  165,  by  the  lower  joints 
being  3 or  four  times  as  long  as  broad,  and  the  mass  not 
being  so  much  branched. 

Pl.celLaph.  2.THALASSIOPHYTAS.  27.Bulboch.  321 

II.  27.  BULBOCHiETE.  Agardh.  Bristle-weed . 

Th alius  green,  membranaceous,  much  branched,  jointed; 

Iranches  bristlelike,  continuous,  bulbous  at  the  bottom, 
from  the  end  of  the  joints;  thecce  ovate,  capsular,  sessile, 
lateral,  alternating  with  the  branches. 

Bulhochcete  Rolhii.  Rottis  bristle-weed . 

Thallus  branched,  flexuous,  yellowish-green ; branches 
bulbous  at  the  base ; joints  3 times  as  long  as  broad. 
Conferva  vivipara,  Dillwyn , 59. 

Conferva  setigera,  Roth  Cat.  3,238. 

Bulbochaete  setigera,  Agardh  Syn.  71. 

Fresh-water  plants. 

Tafts  half  an  inch  long,  upright,  weak;  stem  forked; 
Iranches  very  slender,  simple,  straight,  very  long. 

III.  28.  ECTOCARPUS.  Lyngbye.  Brown-weed . 

Thallus  threadshape,  jointed,  membranaceous,  very 

much  branched,  brown ; joints  all  simple ; knots  pellucid; 
thecce  ovate  or  podshape,  on  the  side  or  ends  of  the  twigs. 
—Mostly  marine;  threads  entangled  into  a branched  tuft. 

1.  Ectocarpus  tomentosus.  Woollike  brown-weed. 

Thallus  very  slender,  very  closely  entangled  into  a rope- 
like, spongy  mass,  very  much  branched;  branches  vague, 
divaricated ; joints  4*  times  as  long  as  broad. 

Conferva  marina  toinentosa  minus  tenera  et  ferruginea,  Dillen  in  Raii 
Syn.  59,  1 5. 

Conferva  tomentosa,  Dillwyn  Conf.  56. 

Ceramium  tomentosum,  Agardh  Syn.  64. 

Ectocarpus  tomentosus,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  132. 


Tufts  2 or  3 inches  long,  very  much  branched,  pale 
green;  threads  equal;  branches  spreading;  thecce  capsular, 
lateral,  podshaped  terminal. 

2.  Ectocarpus  littoralis.  Shore  brown-weed . 

Thallus  ropelike ; threads  very  slender,  entangled ; 

Iranches  upright,  opposite  and  alternate ; joints  as  long  as 

Conferva  marina  capillacea  longa  ramosissima  mollis,  Dillen  in  Raii 
Syn.  59, 9. 

Conferva  littoralis,  Dillwyn , 31  ; Engl.  Bot.  2290. 

Ceramium  tomentosum,  Roth  Cat.  3,  147. 

Sea-shores  on  rocks,  shells,  or  other  sea-plants. 

Thallus  pale  green,  not  spongy,  less  densely  entangled. 

TOL.  I.  Y 

3M  28.Ectoear.  2.TH  AL  ASSI OPH  YTiE . Pl.cell.aph. 

3.  Eciocarpus  granulosus Granular  brown-weed. 
Threads  slender,  free;  branches  scattered,  compound, 

spreading,  with  pellucid,  taper  points;  joints  as  long  as 
broad,  becoming  tumid,  terminal  joints  the  longest. 

Conferva  granulosa,  Engl.  Bot.  2351. 

Sea-shores;  July. 

Tufts  olive-green,  flaccid  ; branches  various,  spreading ; 
tkeecB’  lateral,  scattered,  sessile,  reverse-ovate. 

4.  Ectocarpus  siliculosus.  Touch  brown-weed. 

Threads  very  slender,  free ; branches  numerous,  upright, 

alternate,  awlshape;  joints  rather  longer  than  broad. 
Conferva  siliculosa,  Dillwyn , 69;  Engl . Bot.  2319. 

Ceramium  confervoides,  Roth  Cat.  3,  148. 

Ceram i urn  siliculosum,  Agardh  Disp.  18-. 


Tufts  greenish  or  yellowish  brown,  3 to  6 inches  high, 
flaccid;  threads  membranaceous,  not  entangled;  branches 
alternate,  nearly  upright. 

5.  Ectocarpus  brachialus.  Cross-armed  brown-weed. 

Threads  slender,  wavy,  entangled;  branches  very  nume- 
rous, opposite,,  crossing  each  other,  widely  spread,  taper, 
pointed ; joints  cylindrical,  about  as  broad  as  long. 

Conferva  brachiata,  Engl.  Bot.  2571. 

Ceramium  braehiatum,  Agardh  Syn.  67  ? 

Salt-marshes  and  the  sea-shore. 

Light  yellowish-brown,  woolly,  very  soft. 

6.  Ectocarpus  chalybeus . Steel  brown-weed. 

Threads  crowded;  branches  stiff,  ascending y joints  three 

times  as  long  as  broad ; thecce  ovate,  racemose. 

Conferva  chalybea,  Roth  Cat.  3,  286  ; Dillw.  91. 

Conferva  corymbifera,  Engl.  Bot.  1996. 

Ceramium  chalybeum,  Agardh  Disp.  19. 

Ceramium  pulchellum  chalybeum,  Agardh  Syn.  69. 

Eresh- water. 

Tufts  small,  close,,  2 or  3 lines  broad?;  threads.  irregu- 
larly branched;  branches  pressed  close. 

IT.  29.  CALLITHAMNION.  Lyngbye.  Pretty-weed. 

Thallus  rose-red,  threadlike,  jointed,  very  much  branch- 
ed; joints  formed  of  a single  longitudinal  tube;  knots  pel- 
lucid; thecce  ovate-globular,  capsular,  naked,  nearly  sessile, 
on  the  side  of  the  twigs  at  the  tips  of  the  joints,— Marine. 

PL  cell.  aph.  2.THALASSIOPHYT^E,  29.  Callith. 

1.  Callith.  purpurascens.  Purplish,  pretty-weed. 

Threads  thrice  pinnately  divided,  very  slender,  membra- 
naceous, purplish  red ; branches  and  twigs  spreading;  knots 
contracted;  joints  3 times  as  long  as  broad. 

Conferva  marina  nodosa,  coralloidis  montani  instar  ramosa,  Dillm 
Muse.  36. 

Conferva  purpurascens,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  600  ; Engl.  Hot.  2465. 

Conferva  rosea,  Dillwyn  Conf.  17. 

Ceramium  rose um,  Roth  Cat.  2, 182. 

Callithamnion  roseum,  Lyngbye  Hydr,  Dan.  126. 

Sea-shore,  on  stones  or  marine  plants. 

Thallus  tufted,  2 or  3 inches  long ; branches  many,  alter- 
nate; twigs  very  numerous;  capsules  on  the  upper  side  of 
the  twigs. 

0.  rosea.  Tuft  closer,  rose  red. 

Conferva  rosea,  Engl.  Bot.  966. 

2.  Callithamnion  corymbosum.  Corymbus  pretty-weed. 
Thallus  branched  like  network,  corymbose,  slender* 

tufted,  rose-colour;  branches  alternate,  many-cut,  in  bun- 
dles; apex  2-cut;  joints  slightly  dilated  above,  about  twice 
as  long  as  broad ; knots  pellucid ; thecae  ovate,  scattered* 
peduncled;  peduncles  very  short. 

Conferva  corymbosa,  Engl.  Bot.  2352. 

Ceramium  pedicellatum,  Ft.  Dan.  1596. 

Callithamnion  corymbosum,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan,  125. 


Thallus  outline  round. 

3.  Callithamnion  Borreri . Borrer’s  pretty-weed l 

Thallus  repeatedly  branched,  hairlike,  bright  red; 

branches  all  alternate,  spreading  in  2 directions,  zigzag* 
level-topped;  joints  cylindrical,  about  twice  as  long  as 

Conferva  Borreri,  Engl.  Bot.  1741. 

Sea-shore;  October. 

Thallus  tufted,  about  2 inches  high,  becomes  orange- 
yellow  by  weathering,  very  slender ; twigs  corymbose;  knots 
slightly  contracted. 

4.  Callith.  thujoides.  Arbor-vitce  pretty-weed . 

Thallus  repeatedly  branched,  very  slender,  tufted  ; 

branches  alternate,  zizgag ; side-shoots  alternate,  com- 
pound; joints  very  short,  cylindrical. 

Conferva  thujoides,  Engl.  Bot.  2205. 

Y 2 

324  29.  Callith.  S.THALASSIOPHYTbE.  Pl.ceU.aph. 

Sea-coast;  September,  October. 

Thallus  tufted,  1 or  2 inches  long;  joints  of  the  stem  4 
to  6 times  as  long  as  broad,  of  the  twigs  only  as  long. 

5.  Callith.  tetragonum.  Four-sided  pretty-weed . 

Thallus  much-branched,  red;  twigs  bundled,  short, 
spreading  horizontally  attenuated  at  bottom,  pointed  at 
the  tip ; joints  ovate-cylindrical,  twice  as  long  as  broad. 

Conferva  (etragona,  Withering  Bot.  4,  405;  Engl.  But.  1690. 

Sea-shore,  or  parasitical  on  other  sea-plants. 

Thallus  tufted,  2 or  3 inches  long;  branches  4-sided, 
sides  hollowed ; joints  of  the  twigs  about  as  long  as  broad ; 
thecae  globular. 

6.  Callithamnion  tetricum.  Dirty  pretty-weed . 

Thallus  several  times  pinnated,  brown  red,  lurid ; seg- 
ments and  lobes  alternate ; points  rather  curved ; joints 
about  3 times  as  long  as  broad ; thecae  single,  slightly  pe- 

Conferva  tetrica,  Dillwyn  Conf.  81 ; Engl.  Bot.  1915. 

Sea-shore,  on  stones  and  marine  plants. 

Stems  many,  tufted,  6 or  8 inches  high,  alternately* 
doubly  pinnate  ; twigs  pinnate ; joints  equal. 

7.  Callithamnion  Hookeri.  Hooker  s pretty-weed . 

Thallus  very  much  branched;  stem  thick,  not  visibly 

jointed,  pale  reddish-brown;  twigs  crowded,  short, ‘[pin- 
nate ; lobes  alternate,  jointed ; joints  rather  longerj’than 

Conferva  Hookeri,  Dillw.  Conf.  106. 


8.  Callithamnion  floccosum.  Flock  pretty-weed 

Thallus  branched,  rose-colour ; branches  alternately  pin- 
nated ; segments  opposite,  pectinated,  horizontally  recurved; 
lobes  pointing  one  wa y ; joints  about  [3  times Jas  long  as 

Conferva  Turneri,  Engl.  Bot.  1637. 

Conferva  Plumula,  Ellis  Ph.  Tr . 57,  425  j D iliac.  Conf.  50. 

Conferva  floccosa,  Ft.  Dan.  828. 

Ceramium  floccosum,  Roth  Cat.  2, 185. 

Ceram iu rn  Plumula,  Agardh  Syn,  62. 

Sea-sliore;  May  to  July. 

Thecae  sessile,  globular,  on  the  lobes. 

PL  cell.  aph.  2.  THAL ASSIOPHYTiE.  29.  Callith.  325 

9.  Callithamnion  Turneri . Turner's  pretty-iveed . 

Thallus  pinnated,  rose-colour;  lobes  opposite,  simple, 

or  rather  pinnate;  joints  3 times  as  long  as  broad. 

Conferva  Turneri,  Dillw.  Conf.  100. 

Ceramium  Turneri,  Roth  Cat.  3,  128. 

Sea-shore,  on  sea-plants. 

Thallus  closely  tufted,  an  inch  high,  upright,  linear, 

10.  Callithamnion  repens . Creeping  pretty -weed* 

Thallus  creeping,  closely  entangled,  branched,  minute, 

light  rose-red;  branches  and  twigs  mostly  pointing  one 
way ; knots  slightly  contracted ; joints  3 times  longer  than 

Conferva  repens,  Dillw.  Conf.  13;  Engl.  Bot.  1608. 

Ceramium  repens,  Agardli  Syn.  63. 

Callithamnion  repens,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  128. 

Sea-shore  on  shells  and  marine  plants;  Autumn. 

Tufts  rather  stiff,  brownish  red;  stem  creeping;  branches 
upright,  mostly  divided ; twigs  spreading. 

tenellum.  Thallus  light  rose- red,  flaccid,  very  slender; 
branches  simple. 

Conferva  tenellu,  Dillw.  Syn.  72. 

Callithamnion  repens  tenellum,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  128. 

11.  Callithamnion  plumosum..  Feather  pretty-weed* 

Thallus  creeping,  branched,  minute,  deep  rose-colour; 

branches  upright,  below  rather  naked,  above  pinnated; 
segments  opposite,  close ; joints  twice  as  long  as  broad. 
Conferva  Plurna,  Dillw.  Syn.  72. 

Parasitic  on  larger  marine  plants. 

Thecce  globose,  mostly  terminal. 

12.  Callithamnion  Davie sii.  Davies' s pretty-weed *. 

Thallus  branched,  tufted,  upright,  very  minute,  free, 

rose-red;  branches  and  twigs  alternate,  scattered,  pointed; 
joints  3 times  as  long  as  broad. 

Conferva  Daviesii,  Dillw.  Syn.  73;  Engl.  Bot.  2329. 

Callithamnion  Daviesii,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  129. 

Sea;  on  marine  plants. 

Thallus  rarely  more  than  a quarter  of  an  inch  long,  not 
entangled ; thecce  placed  in  rows  along  the  upper  side  of 
the  twigs. 

326  29.  Callitli,  2.THALASSIOPHYTiE.  Pl.ceU.apL 

13.  Callithamnion  Rolhii.  Roth’s  pretty-weed . 

Thallus  forked,  branched,  tufted,  upright,  short;  tuft 

close,  scarlet;  branches  and  twigs  alternate;  joints  about 
3 times  as  long  as  broad. 

Conferva  phoenicia,  R.  Brown  MSS.  With  Bot.  4,  165. 

Conferva  Rolhii,  Turton's  Syst.  Nat.  6,1806;  Dillw.  Conf.  13  ; Engl . 
Mot.  1702. 

Conferva  violacea,  Roth  Cat.  1,  190. 

Callithamnion  Rolhii,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  129. 


Tufts  oblong,  bright  red,  when  dry  crimson  or  purplish; 
thallus  about  half  an  inch  high ; branches  below  distant, 
above  crowded. 

14.  Callithamnion  lanuginosum.  Woolly  pretty-weed. 

Thallus  short,  slender,  mostly  branched,  light  reddish ; 

branches  simple,  upright,  scattered,  going  out  horizontally. 
Conferva  lanuginosa,  Dillw.  Conf. 

Callithamnion  lanuginosum,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  131. 

On  marine  plants. 

Threads  very  minute,  coming  out  horizontally  from  the 
base,  simple  or  branched  above. 

15.  C alii ih.  flor idulum.  Smallflowered  pretty-weed. 

Thallus  short,  slender,  tufted,  entangled,  mostly  branch- 
ed, very  light  rose-red  ; branches  scattered,  mostly  simple, 
remote,  placed  towards  the  apex ; joints  about  3 times  as 
long  as  broad. 

Conferva  floridula,  Dillw.  Syn.  73. 

Rocks  on  the  sea-shore. 

Threads  very  fine,  about  half  an  inch  long;  becomes  dull 
reddish  green  when  dry. 

16.  Call'll h.  interruptum.  Interrupted  pretty-weed. 

Thallus  branched,  short,  purplish;  branches  and  twigs 

alternate ; joints  dilated  above,  truncated,  about  four  times 
as  long  as  broad ; thecae  lateral,  elliptical,  with  a transverse 
separation,  on  short  pedicells. 

Conferva  interrupta,  Engl.  Bot.  1838. 

On  marine  plants. 

Thallus  dull  rose-red,  about  an  inch  high. 

17.  Callith.  pedicellalum.  Pedicelled  pretty-weed. 

Thallus  much  branched,  forked,  hairlike,  red ; twigs 

many-cut;  joints  slightly  dilated  above,  5 or  6 times  as 

PL  cell,  aph.  2.THALASSIOPHYTbE.  29.  Callith.  327 

long  as  broad;  thecae  reverse  ovate,  pedicelled,  solitary; 
pedicells  short,  in  the  forks. 

Conferva  pedicellata,  Engl.  Hot . 1817  ; DlUw.  Conf.  [08. 


Thallus  2 inches  high,  forming  straight,  stilt  tufts  of  a 
very  pale  dull  rose-colour. 

V.  30.  CERAMIUM.  Agardh.  Horn-weed . 

Thallus  rose- red,  threadlike,  jointed,  forked,  branched; 
joints  (solid  ?)  when  magnified  coloured  in  fine  network ; 
thecce  ovate,  lateral,  involucrated  with  the  short  branches, 

1.  Ceramium  rulrum.  Red  horn-weed. 

Threads  very  much  branched,  red,  cartilaginous;  twigs 

bristlelike,  forked  at  the  tip ; joints  ovate,  about  as  long  as 
broad ; knots  contracted. 

Conferva  marina  geniculata  ramosissima  lubrica,  longis  sparsisve  ra- 
mul is,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  61.  S3. 

Conferva  rubra,  Ifuds.  FI.  Angl.  600 ; Diltu . Conf.  S i. 

Conferva  nodulosa,  Liglilf.  Scot.  094. 

Conferva  fiosculosa,  Ellis  Phil.  Tr.  57,425. 

Ceramium  virgatum,  Roth  Cat.  1. 

Ceramium  elongatum,  Roth  Cat.  2,  178. 

Ceramium  riibrum,  Agardh  Syn.  60. 

Ceramium  diaphanum  purpureum,  Roth  Cat.  2,228. 

Fucus  Lagasca,  Clem.  Ens.  315. 

Parasitic  on  other  sea-plants. 

Tufts  dark  red,  becoming  yellow  by  decay;  joint  pel- 
lucid in  the  centre. 

j3.  maculatum.  Thallus  small,  thin ; joints  with  a dark 
central  spot. 

2.  Ceramium  diaphanum . Transparent  horn-weed „ 

Thallus  threadlike,  very  much  branched,  rather  mem- 
branaceous, variegated  with  transparent  and  purple;  twigs 
forcepshape  at  the  tip ; joints  cylindrical,  hyaline;  knots 
elevated,  coloured. 

Conferva  marina  nodosa  lubrica  ramosissima  et  elegantissima  riibens, 
Dillen  in  Rail  Syn.  62,  25. 

Conferva  diaphana,  Lightf.  Scot.  996  ; Engl.  Bot.  1742. 

Conferva  nodulosa,  Hitds.  FI.  Angl.  600. 

Conferva  elegans,  Roth  Cat.  1. 

Conferva  fastigiata,  Roth  Cat.  2,  224. 

Conferva  globulosa,  Roth  Cat.  2, 233. 

Conferva  moniliformis,  Roth  Cat.  2,236. 

Ceramium  diaphanum,  Roth  Cat.  3,  154. 

Ceramium  forficatum  glabellum,  De  Cand.  FI.  Fr.  2,  46. 

328  30.  Ceram.  2.  THALASSIOPHYTiE.  PI.  cell.  aph. 

Sea-coasts  on  rocks  and  large  marine  plants. 

Threads  divaricated  ; joints  vary  in  length ; sporidia  im- 
mersed in  the  joints. 

3.  Ceramium  ciliatum.  Fringed  horn-weed . 

Thallus  threadlike,  forked,  slender,  very  much  branched, 
variegated,  transparent,  and  pale  red;  twigs  forcepshape 
at  the  tip ; joints  cylindrical,  hyaline,  scarcely  longer  than 
broad ; knots  fringed,  in  a single  whirl. 

Conferva  ciliata,  Ellis  Ph.  Tr.  57,  425;  Dillw.  Conf.  53;  Engl.  Bot. 

Ceramiuui  ciliatum,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  121. 

Conferva  pilosa,  Ruth  Cat.  2,225. 

Ceramium  forcipatum  ciliatum,  De  Cand.  FI.  Fr.  2,46. 

Sea-shore,  on  stones  and  sea-plants. 

Thallus  tufted ; knots  red,  fringed  with  short,  white, 
spreading,  pellucid  spines;  tkecce  aggregated. 

VI.  31.  GRIFFITSIA.  Agardh.  Griffiths. 

Thallus  rose-red,  threadlike,  branched ; branches  forked, 
whirled,  or  scattered ; joints  pearshaped,  composed  of  a 
single  tube ; knots  pellucid ; thecas  lateral,  appearing  like 
a young  shoot,  surrounded  by  many  jointless  threads ; 
sporidia  roundish. — Marine. 

1.  Grffitsia  seiacea.  Bristle  grffiths. 

Thallus  forked,  branched,  rodlike,  stiff,  deep  rose-colour, 

shining;  branches  long;  joints  nearly  cylindrical,  five  times 
as  long  as  broad. 

Corallina  confervoides  gelatinosa  rubens,  ramulis  et  geniculis  peran- 
gustis,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  34,  8. 

Conferva  marina  gelatinosa  corallinae  instar  geniculata  tenuior,  Dillen 
Muse.  33. 

Conferva  setacea,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  599;  Eng.  Bot.  1689;  Dillw.  Conf. 


Griffitsia  setacea,  Agardh  Disp.  28. 

Sea-shores;  June  to  September. 

Thallus  very  bushy,  becoming  orange-coloured  by  ex- 
posure to  the  air;  branches  rather  obtuse;  fruit  peduncled. 

2.  Griffitsia  corallina.  Coralline  griffiths. 

Thallus  forked,  shining,  fine  golden-red  ; joints  thickenecf 

above,  4 times  as  long  as  broad. 

Pl.  cell.  aph.  2.THALASSIOPHYTJE.  31.  Griffit.  329 

Corallina  confervoides  gelatinosa  alba,  gcniculis  crassiu3culis  pelluci- 
dis,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  34,  8. 

Conferva  marina,  gelatinosa,  corallinae  instar  geniculata  crassior,  Dil- 
len Muse.  33. 

Conferva  geniculata,  Ellis  Ph.  Tr.  57,  425. 

Conferva  corailoides,  Lin.  S.  P.  1636. 

Conferva  corallina,  Lin.  Syst.  Peg.  973;  Dillwyn  Conf.  98;  Engl.  Bot . 

Callithamnion  corallinutn,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  126. 

Sea-shore;  July. 

Thallus  2 or  3 inches  high ; thecce  sessile. 

3.  Griffitsia  larbnia.  Bearded  griffiths. 

Thallus  forked,  branched,  pale  crimson,  fibrous  at  the 

tip;  twigs  opposite,  many-cut,  very  slender ; joints  thick- 
ened above,  5 times  as  long  as  broad. 

Conferva  florifera,  Ellis  Ph.  Tr.  57,425. 

Conferva  barbata,  Engl.  Bot.  1814;  Dillvo.  Syn.  75. 

Griffitsia  barbata,  Agardh  Disp.  28. 

Sea-shores;  July. 

Thallus  2 or  3 inches  high;  lower  branches  divaricating; 
thecce  lateral,  often  sessile. 

4.  Griffitsia  multifida.  Many-cut  griffiths. 

Thallus  branched,  red ; twigs  opposite  or  ternate,  dis- 
tant, many-cut ; joints  cylindrical,  4 or  5 times  as  long  as 

Conferva  multifida,  Engl.  Bot.  1818,  not  of  Hudson;  Dillvo.  Syn.  75. 
Griffitsia  multifida,  Agardh  Disp.  23, 

Thalli  several,  3 to  5 inches  high,  fugacious  rose-colour; 
branches  unequal. 

5.  Griffitsia  equiseti folia.  Horsetail  griffiths. 

Thallus  very  much  branched,  thick,  purplish  red ; 

branches  attenuated  at  both  ends;  twigs  in  whirls,  tiledlike, 
short,  many-cut,  covering  the  stem  entirely ; joints  3 to 
5 times  as  long  as  broad. 

Conferva  imbricata,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  603. 

Conferva  multifida,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  603. 

Conferva  equisetifolia,  Light/ . Scot.  984;  Engl.  Bot.  1479;  Dillvo. 
Conf.  54. 

Sea- shore. 

Thallus  3 or  4 inches  long,  branched,  bright  red  when 
young;  purplish  brown  when  older;  branches  cylindrical, 

330  32.  Borrich.  2.THALASSIOPHYT,E.  PL  cell.  aph. 

VII.  32.  BORRICHIUS.  Borrichius. 

Thallus  rose-red,  threadshape;  branches  forked,  verti- 

cillate ; joints  cylindrical,  composed  of  a single  tube ; knots 
pellucid ; thecce  ovate,  naked,  on  the  side  of  the  twigs.— 
Gelatinous,  marine. 

Borrichius  g elatinosus.  Gelatinous  borrichius . 

Thallus  cylindrical,  much  branched,  very  gelatinous, 
very  pale  pink ; branches  alternate,  very  numerous,  cylin- 
drical, blunt,  recurved. 

Iiivularia  verticillata,  With.  Bot.  Arr.  4,  127  ; Engl.  Bot.  2466. 

Sea-coasts;  July  and  August. 

VIII.  33.  BATRACHOSPERMUM.  B.  de  St.Vincent. 

Knot  weed. 

Thallus  green  or  brown,  threadlike,  branched  ; twigs 
forked,  in  whirls ; joints  cylindrical,  composed  of  a single 
tube ; knots  pellucid ; thecce  ovate,  naked,  on  the  side  of 
the  twigs. — Very  gelatinous,  beadlike,  appearing  like  a 
dotted  picture  when  dry,  in  marshes. 

1.  Batrachospermum  moniliforme.  Necklace  knot-weed. 
Thallus  much  branched,  forming  tufts,  attenuated  ; 
branches  alternate,  spreading;  twigs  in  whirls,  forked,  very 
close;  joints  ovate,  necklacelike. 

Conferva  fontana  nodosa,  spermatis  ranarum  instar  hibrica,  major  et 
fusca,  Dillen  in  Rail  8yn.  62,26. 

Ctiara  batrachosper ma,  Weiss  Crupt.  Gott.  33,  1. 

Chara  gelatinosa,  Roth  Cat.  125. 

Conferva  gelatinosa,  Lin.  Syst.  Nat.  2,  720;  Billie.  Conf.  32:  Engl. 
Bot.  6S9. 

Batrachosperma  ludibunda,  B.  de  S.  Vine.  Ann.  Mus.  12,310. 
Batrachospermum  moniliforme,  Roth  Germ.  3,480. 

In  clear  rivulets  and  springs,  on  pebbles. 

Thallus  1 to  3 inches  long;  lower  joints  very  long,  upper 


£.  purpurascens . Branches  more  pointed  ; thallus  pur- 
plish blue. 

y.  deter  sum.  Twigs  wanting  ; thallus  appearing  like 

naked,  knotted  threads. 

Conferva  fontana  nodosa,  lubrica;  filamentis  tenuissimis  nigris,  Dillen 
Muse.  39. 

Conferva  atra,  ffuds.  Angl.  597  ; Dillw.  Conf.  11  ; Engl.  Bot , 690. 
Ceramium  nodulosum,  Agariih  Dec.  23. 

Batrachospermum  moniliforme  detersum,  Agardh  Syn.  122. 

PL  cell,  aph.  2.THALASS10PHYTYE.  33.  Batrach.  331 

2.  Batrachospermum  vagum.  Vague  knot-weed . 

Thallus  forked,  round,  equal;  branches  spreading ; twigs 
in  whirls,  forked,  very  close ; joints  ovate,  beadlike. 

Conferva  alpina  lubrica,  filarnentis  nodosis  caeruleis,  Dillen  Muse. 

Conferva  gelatinosa  8,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  598. 

Chara  gelatinosa  vaga,  Roth  Germ.  1,  127. 

Conferva  gelatinosa  caerulescens,  Wahl,  510. 

Batrachosperma  turfosa,  B.  de  St.  Vine.  Ann  Mus.  12,  310. 

Batrachospermum  moniliforme  vagum,  Roth  Cat.  3,482. 

Batrachospermum  vagum,  Agardh  Syn.  123. 

Ponds  in  boggy  soils. 

Thallus  less  slimy,  stiffer  and  more  slender  than  the 
preceding ; not  appearing  like  a row  of  beads. 

B.  HutchinsidEzE.  Thallus  threadlike,  main  stem  solid, 
continuous,  jointed  or  with  an  internal  jointed  axis;  joints 
composed  of  many  veins  or  tubes;  twigs  jointed,  joints 
simple  or  compound ; knots  mostly  coloured ; sporidia  en- 
closed in  a capsule-like  theca.  — Reddish  or  greenish ; 
mostly  marine. 

IX.  34.  CLADOSTEPHUS.  Agardh.  Bottlehrush-weed. 

Thallus  olive,  branched  ; main  filament  solid,  jointed  ; 
twigs  jointed,  in  whirls,  mostly  simple;  joints  simple;  thecae 
ovate,  peduncled,  on  the  side  of  the  twigs. 

1.  Cladostephus  verticillatus . IVhirl  lottlel rush-weed. 

Thallus  forked,  branched,  brownish  olive ; twigs  mostly 

2-cut,  incurved,  in  regular  whirls,  short,  tiledlike;  joints 
broader  than  long;  thecae  elliptical,  oblong. 

Conferva  verticillata,  Light f.  Scot.  984 ; Dillw.  Conf.  55  ; Engl.  Bot 

Conferva  myriophyllum,  Roth  Cat.  3,212. 

Cladoslephus  verticillatus,  Agardh  Disp.  26. 

Ceramium  verticillatum,  De  Cand.  FI.  Fr.  39. 

Fucus  verticillatus,  Wulf.  Crypt.  Gott.  15. 


Main  stem  very  thick,  spreading ; thec-ae  on  the  twigs  of 
the  old  main  stem. 

2.  Cladoslephus  spongiosus.  Spongy  lottlelrush-weed. 

Thallus  branched,  olive-green ; twigs  simple,  bent  in- 
wards, scattered,  tiledlike;  joints  little  longer  than  broad; 
thecae  reverse-ovate. 

Fucus  teretifolius  spongiosus  pilosissimus,  Raii  Syn.  46. 

Fucus  hirsutus,  Lin.  Mant.  134. 

Conferva  spongiosa,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  596;  Dillw.  Conf.  42. 

Cladostephus  spongiosus,  Agardh  Disp.  26. 

332  34.  Cladost.  2.THALASSIOPHYTiE.  Pl.cell.aph . 

Sea- shore. 

Theccc  on  the  shorter  twigs  of  the  branches. 

3.  Cladostephus  niveus.  White  bottlebrush-weed. 

Thallus  branched;  branches  slender,  rather  stiff,  white; 
twigs  in  obscure  whirls;  joints  as  long  as  broad,  dark. 
Conferva  nivea,  Dillwyn  Syn.  54  ; Engl.  Bot.  2529  ; Agardh  Disp.  30. 
Byssus  lanuginosus,  Willan  Sulph.  Wat.  10. 

Roots  and  dead  leaves  in  sulphureous  springs. 

Thaili  very  slender;  branches  very  numerous,  ringed 
with  black,  mostly  covered  with  a white  crust.  Perhaps  a 
thorea;  but  it  is  very  imperfectly  described  by  authors. 

X.  35.  SPHACELARIA.  Lyngbye.  Rust-weed. 

Thallus  olive-branched,  jointed ; branches  2-rowed ; 
joints  all  compound;  sporidia,  enclosed  in  the  tip  of  the 
branches  which  become  sphacellated  and  open,  rarely  in 
lateral,  ovate,  capsular  thecse. 

1 . Sphacelaria  pennata.  Pinnate  rust-weed. 

Thallus  much  branched,  slender ; branches  alternate, 

rather  bipinnate,  lobes  2-rowed,  alternate  and  opposite ; 
joints  as  long  as  broad. 

Conferva  cirrhosa,  Roth  Cat.  3,  294. 

Conferva  pennata,  Iluds.  FI.  Angl.  604;  Dillw.  Conf.  S6  ; Engl.  Bot. 

Ceramium  cirrhosum,  Agardh  Disp.  21. 

Sphacelaria  pennata,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  195. 

Sea-shore,  on  rocks,  corallines,  and  sea-plants. 

Tufts  bushy,  from  one-half  to  two  inches  high;  threads 
olive- brown. 

2.  Sphacelaria  scoparia.  Shore  rust-weed. 

Thallus  much  branched,  stiff;  branches  in  bundles,  al- 
ternate, nearly  bipinnate,  crowded;  lobes  short,  alternate, 
2-rowed,  pressed  close,  pointed;  joints  as  long  as  broad. 

Muscus  marinus  rubens,  Ger.  emac.  1571  ; Park.  1296. 

Conferva  marina  pinnata,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  59,  14. 

Conferva  scoparia,  Lin.  S.  P . 1655;  Engl.  Bot.  1552;  Dillw.  Conf.  52. 
Ceramium  scoparium,  Roth  Cat.  2,  141. 

Sphacelaria  scoparia,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  104,3. 

Sea-shores,  on  shells  and  pebbles;  all  the  year. 

Thallus  dull,  olive-brown,  3 to  6 inches  high ; stems 
many,  clothed  with  entangled  jointed  threads  or  twigs 

PI.  cell.  aph.  2.THALASSIOPHYT7E.  35.  Sphacel.  333 

3.  Sphacelaria  Merteiisli . Merten's  rust-weed. 

Thatlus  branched,  yellowish  brown;  branches  'pinnate; 

lobes  mostly  opposite,  short;  joints  half  as  long  as  broad. 
Conferva  Mertensii,  Engl.  Bot.  999  ; Dillw.  Syn.  79. 

Tufts  3 inches  high;  stems  many,  cylindrical,  pinnate; 
branches  short,  opposite,  2-rowed,  from  the  base  of  th^ 
stem;  pellucid. 

4.  Sphacelaria  ccespitula.  Small-tufted  rust-weed. 

Thallus  tufted,  very  small;  branches  mostly  simple,  al- 
ternate, long,  blunt. 

Conferva  olivacea,  Dillw.  Syn.  57. 

Sphacelaria  caespilula,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  106. 

On  other  sea-piants. 

Threads  about  a line  high,  aggregated,  yellowish  green. 

5.  Sphacelaria  fusca.  Brown  rust-weed . 

Thallus  threadlike;  branches  distant,  mostly  alternate; 

twigs  spreading,  clublike;  joints  transversely  banded  in  the 
middle,  as  long  as  broad. 

Conferva  fusca,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  602  ; Dillw.  Conf.  95. 

Stones  and  rocks  in  the  sea. 

Threads  3 or  4 inches  long. 

XI.  36.  ELLISIUS.  Ellis. 

Thallus  rose-red,  branched ; main  stem  solid,  continuous, 
or  slightly  jointed;  branches  and  twigs  scattered,  jointed; 
joints  of  the  twigs  simple,  composed  of  one  tube;  thecce 
ovate,  lateral,  or  immersed  in  the  tip  of  the  branches.  — 

1.  Ellisius  glaber . Bald  ellis. 

Threads  much  branched,  red ; stem  thick,  jointless,  net- 
like,  naked  below,  very  much  branched  above ; twigs 
crowded,  nearly  in  whirls,  short,  alternately  branched, 
jointed ; joints  as  long  as  broad. 

Conferva  Arbuscula,  Dillw.  Conf.  85;  Engl.  Bot.  1916. 


Thallus  tufted,  2 inches  high. 

36.  Ellis.  2.THALASSIOPHYTZE.  PLcellaph. 

2.  Ellisius  coccineus.  Scarlet  ellis. 

Threads  much  branched,  scarlet;  stem  thick,  shaggy, 
obscurely  jointed  ; branches  alternately  doubly  pinnate  ; 
lobes  many-cut,  tufted,  jointed ; joints  rather  shorter  than 

Conferva  coceinea,  Huds.  Fl.Angl.  603;  Engl.  Bot . 1055;  Bilim,  Conf.3. 
**  Conferva  plumosa,  Lightf.  Scot.  966. 


Main  stem,  rough ; younger  branches  bright  scarlet ; thecce 
ovate  and  lanceolate. 

/3.  tenuior.  Threads  slender,  twigs  short,  and  less  fea- 

XII.  37.  HUTCHINSIA.  Agardh.  Hutchins. 

Thallus  rose-red,  branched,  jointed;  joints  with  a central 
tube,  all  compound,  streaked,  or  composed  of  many  pa- 
rallel longitudinal  lines ; thecce  external,  ovate,  lateral, 
or  immersed  in  the  tips  of  the  branches. —-Marine. 

a.  Threads  pervaded  by  4 tubes , veined  in  network j branches 
long , bristlelike . 

1.  Hutchinsia  elongata.  Long  hutchins. 

Threads  much  branched,  cartilaginous,  purple;  branches 

and  twigs  bristlelike,  long,  very  slender,  stiff;  joints  half 
as  long  as  broad ; lower  joints  obsolete,  veined  in  network. 

Conferva  elongata,  Bilim.  Conf.  33  ; Engl.  Bot.  4229. 

Geramium  elongatum,  Both  Cat.  3,  128. 

Hutchinsia  elongata,  Agardh  Syn.  54. 

Lobster-horn  conferva. 

Sea-shore;  October. 

Thallus  spreading,  3 to  12  inches  high,  purplish  brown  ; 
branches  and  twigs  narrower  at  both  ends ; joints  veiny, 
rather  straight,  angles  of  the  branches  rounded. 

2.  Hutchinsia  brachygona.  Short-jointed  hutchins . 

Thallus  diffused,  vaguely  branched  ; branches  rather  re- 
mote, spreading  ; twigs  mostly  simple,  attenuated ; joints 
half  as  long  as  broad,  veined  in  network. 

Fucus  diffusus,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  589. 

Geramium  brachygonum,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Ban.  118. 

Sea-shore,  on  the  rocks ; annual ; spring  and  summer. 

Thallus  red,  when  dry  blackish,  stiff. 

PL  cell.  aph.  2.THAL4SSIOPHYTiE.  37.  Hutchin.  SSS 
b.  Thallus  tubular , solid  ; joints  streaked  lengthways. 

3.  Hutchinsia  fucoides . Wracklike  hutchins. 

Threads  very  much  branched,  diffused,  rather  cartilagi- 
nous, brownish-black;  twigs  horizontally  spreading,  forked; 
last  twigs  alternate,  bent  inwards,  pointed ; joints  rather 
longer  than  broad. 

Conferva  fucoides,  Huds.  FI.  Ansi.  G08  ; Dill  us.  Conf.  75;  Engl.  Bot. 

Ceramium  violaceum,  Roth  Cat.  1,  150. 

Hulcliinsia  violacea,  Agardh  Syn.  54  ? 

Sea-shore ; July  to  September. 

Thallus  very  bushy,  3 to  12  inches  high;  outline  orbi- 
cular, blackish  brown  when-  dry,. elastic';  joint's  composed 
of  a simple  series  of  small  oblique  veins. 

4.  Hidchinsia  nigrescens.  Blackish  hutchins . 

Threads  very  much  branched,  stiff,  rather  cartilaginous, 

brownish  black;  twigs  upright,  forked,  pointed;  joints  ra- 
ther longer  than  broad. 

Conferva  nigrescens,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  602?  Engl.  Hot.  1717. 

Thallus  closely  tufted,  4 to  6 inches  high,  outline  nar- 
row wedgeshape;  main  filament  very  thick;  branches  and 
twigs  straight,  upright. 

5.  Hutchinsia  fibrata.  Threaded  hutchins. 

Threads  branched,  reddish  purple ; branches  forked;  twigs 

rather  bundled ; tips  furnished  with  pellucid  jointed  fibres ; 
joints  of  the  stem  long,  of  the  twigs  as  long  as  broad. 

Cbnferva  fibrata,  Dillm.  Syn.  159  ; Engl.  Bot.  2139. 

Sea-shore,  on  marine  plants. 

Thallus  closely  tufted,  2 or  3 inches  high ; end  of  the 
twigs  often  pellucid,  colourless,  fringed  with  many  long, 
slender,  forked,  transparent  fibres. 

6.  Hutchinsia  urceolata.  Pitcher  hutchins. 

Threads  much  branched,  diffuse,  reddish  brown ; twigs 

spreading,  short;  joints  of  the  stem  longer,  of  the  twigs 
shorter  than  broad ; veins  few ; thecce  pitchershape. 

Conferva  nigrescens,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  602  ? 

Conferva  urceolata,  Dillw.  Syn.  156  ; Engl.  Bot.  2365. 

Sea-shores  on  rocks,  or  marine  plants. 

336  37.  Hutchin.  2.THALASSI0PHYTiE.  PI.  cell.aplu 

Thallus  slender,  bushy,  rich  red  brown,  when  dry  dull 
black ; joints  of  4 or  6 veins,  long  near  the  root  but  be- 
come gradually  shorter. 

7.  Hulchinsia  badia.  Bay  hutchins. 

Threads  branched,  stiflj  reddish  black;  branches  long; 

twigs  short,  distant,  mostly  simple ; joints  rather  longer 
than  broad. 

Conferva  badia,  Dillw.  Syn.  85,  not  of  Agardh  ? 


8.  Hutchinsia  strict  a.  Stiff  hutchins . 

Threads  branched,  stiff,  equal,  level-topped,  tender, 

scarlet;  branches  forked,  nearly  upright;  joints  about  three 
times  as  long  as  broad. 

Conferva  stricta,  Dillw.  Conf.  40. 

Hutchinsia  stricta,  Agardh  Syn.  56. 


Thallus  tufted ; outline  wedgeshape ; glossy  red  when 
dried  ; threads  of  nearly  equal  thickness  throughout. 

0.  diffusa . Threads  diffused;  outline  nearly  orbicular, 
dull  dirty  brown  when  dry. 

9.  Hutchinsia  patens.  Spreading  hutchins . 

Threads  branched,  slightly  diffused,  rose-red ; branches 

scattered,  rather  spreading ; joints  about  twice  as  long  as 

Conferva  patens,  Dillw.  Syn.  83. 

Sea-coast;  on  marine  plants. 

Thallus  tufted,  diffuse;  branches  lateral;  twigs  short, 

10.  Hutchinsia  fibrillosa.  Fibrillous  hutchins. 

Threads  much  branched,  red ; branches  scattered,  rather 

truncated,  ending  in  a close  pencil  and  fibres;  lower  joints 
longer  than  broad,  the  upper  shorter. 

Conferva  fibrillosa,  Dillvs.  Syn.  86. 

Hutchinsia  fibrillosa,  Agardh  Syn.  57. 


Thallus  tufted,  spreading,  irregularly  branched;  twigs 
many  fibres  simple,  tubular,  appearing  as  if  jointed  \ joints 
much  longer  than  broad ; thecce  slightly  pedicelled. 

PL  cell.  apk.  2.THALASSIOPHYT7E.  37.  Hutchin.  337 

11.  Hutchinsia  nigra.  Black  hut  chins. 

Threads  branched,  reddish  black;  branches  long;  twigs 

short,  awlshape,  distant,  generally  many-cut,  nearly  pencil-, 
shape ; joints  of  the  stem  longer  than  broad,  of  the  twigs 
as  long. 

Conferva  nigra,  ITuds.  FI.  Angl.  595  ; Engl.  Bot.  2340,*  Dillw.  Syn.  86. 
Conferva  atrorubescens,  Dillw.  Conf.  70. 

Hutchinsia  atrorubescens,  Agardh  Syn.  58. 

Sea-coasts;  July. 

„ Plant  black  when  dry ; joints  composed  of  S or  10  veins; 
thecce  ovate,  sometimes  pedicelled. 

12.  Hutchinsia  denudata.  Naked  hutchinsia . 

Threads  very  much  branched,  spreading,  brownish; 

branches  scattered,  divaricating,  long,  distant;  joints  rather 
longer  than  broad. 

Conferva  denudata,  Dillw.  Syn.  85. 

Hutchinsia  divaricata,  Agardh  Syn.  59  ? 

Sea- shore. 

T hall  us  *2  to  4?  inches  long;  threads  repeatedly  branched  ; 
branches  issue  almost  at  right  angles;  twigs  pointed,  very 
long,  slender. 

13.  Hutchinsia  Griffithsiana.  Griffiths'  hut  chins. 

Threads  repeatedly  branched,  pale  red;  branches  spread- 
ing; twigs  solitary  or  clustered,  very  short,  simple,  awl- 
shape;  joints  as  long  as  broad;  thecce  on  the  twigs,  some- 
times aggregate. 

Conferva  Griffithsiana,  Engl.  Bot.  2312. 

Sea-shores;  March. 

Thallus  3 or  4?  inches  high,  when  dry  dark  brownish 
green,  when  in  decay  light  green. 

14.  Hutchinsia  byssoides.  Byssus  hut  chins. 

Threads  more  than  twice  pinnated,  weak,  red ; segments 

and  lobes  alternate;  lobes  gradually  smaller,  many-cut, 
pencilshape;  lower  joints  long,  upper  short;  thecce  sessile. 

Fucus  byssoides,  Tr.  Lin.  Soc.  3,  229. 

Conferva  byssoides,  Engl.  Bot.  347  ; Dillw.  58. 

Ceramium  raolle,  Roth  Cat.  3,  138. 

Ceramium  byssoides,  Agardh  Disp.  20. 

Hutchinsia  byssoides,  Agardh  Syn.  60. 

Sea -shore;  August. 

Main  thread  obscurely  jointed,  composed  of  many  pa- 
rallel veins ; twigs  in  bundles,  short,  rose-red. 

vol.  i.  a 

S3 8 37.  Hutchin.  2.THALASSI0PHYTJE.  Pl.cell.apk - 

15.  Hutchinsia  parasitica.  Parasitic  hut  chins- 

Threads  doubly  pinnate,  rather  stiff,  brownish  red ; seg- 
ments and  lobes  alternate;  joints  not  quite  so  long  as  broad* 

Conferva  parasitica,  Huds.  FlAngl.  604  ; Engl.  Hot.  1429;  Dillw.  87. 
Hutchinsia  Mostingii,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  116? 

Sea-shore;  on  marine  plants. 

Thallus  1 or  2 inches  long,  slender;  twigs  pointed, 
gradually  smaller ; thecce  oblong,  axillary,  pedicelled. 

16.  Hutchinsia  Brodicei.  Brodie’s  hut  chins. 

Threads  very  much  branched,  purplish  black ; branches 

long;  twigs  scattered,  spreading,  many-cut,  in  bundles; 
joints  of  the  branches  obsolete,  or  the  twigs  rather  longer 
than  broad. 

Conferva  Brodiaei,  Dillw.  Conf.  107  ; *Engl.  Bot.  2589. 

Thallus  1 or  2 feet  long,  repeatedly  and  finely  branched; 
thecce  lateral  or  axillary. 

17.  Hutchinsia  pulchella.  Pretty  hutchins. 

Thallus  much  branched,  round  ; braiiches  and  twigs 

ascending,  alternate,  close,  pointed,  simple  or  2-cut ; joints 
shorter  than  broad. 

Fucus  cristatus  y,  Turner  Hist.  Fuc.  48. 

Fucus  cristatus*  Engl.  Bot.  1925. 


Thallus  2 or  3 inches  high,  compressed,  repeatedly  alter- 
nately branched. 

XIII.  38.  VERTEBR  ATA.  Backbone . 

Thallus  round,  forked,  branched,  smooth ; axis  central, 
jointed;  joints  composed  of  many  tubes,  with  a cewtral 
opake  spot;  thecce  ovate,  lateral,  or  in  the  tip  of  the  twigs. 

Vertebrata  fastigiata.  Even-topped  backbone. 

Threads  forked,  even-topped  ; joints  half  as  long  as 
broad,  with  a central  black  spot. 

Conferva  marina  geniculata  ramosissima  lubrica,  brevibus  ct  paltnatim 
congestis  ramulis,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  61, 24. 

Conferva  marina,  nigra  palmata,  Dillen  Muse.  32. 

Conferva  polymorpha,  Lin.  S.  P.  1636;  Engl.  Bot.  1764;  Dillw.  44. 
Fucus  lanosus,  Lin.  Syst.  Veg.  ed.  13,  815. 

Ceramium  fastigiatum,  Roth  Cat.  2, 175. 

-Hutchinsia  fastigiata,  Agardh  Syn.  53. 

Sea  and  mouths  of  rivers;  parasitic  on  fuci. 

PI.  cell.  aph.  2.THALASSIOPHYTiE.  S8.Verteb.  339 

Tufts  stiff,  close,  blackish  brown,  >2  or  3 inches  high,  not 
adhering  to  paper;  joints  composed  of  an  internal  annular 
series  of  interrupted  cells. 

C.  CoiiALLiDEiE.  Thallus  threadshape,  jointed;  axis 
membranaceous,  fibrous,  continuous ; lark  cellular,  creta- 
ceous, jointed;  thecce  terminal  or  lateral. — Marine. 

XIV.  39.  JANIA.  Lamarck.  Jania . 

Thallus  threadlike,  hairlike,  forked,  jointed ; joints  cy- 
lindrical ; axis  horny ; bark  thin,  chalky. 

1.  Jania  rubens.  Reddish  jania. 

Joints  of  the  stem  roundish,  of  the  forks  clubbed ; thecce. 

polymorphous,  appendiculated,  or  naked. 

Jania  rubra,  Lamouroux  Zooph.  212. 

Sea- shores. 

/3.  communis.  Branches  long ; thecce  0. 

Corallina  rubra,  Ellis  Corail.  64. 

S'.  cristata.  Thecce  appendiculated;  appendix  truncated. 

Corallina  cristata,  Ellis  Corail.  65. 

<■.  spermatophoros.  Thecce  very  numerous,  broad ; ap- 
pendix long,  bristlelike. 

Corallina  spermatophoros,  Ellis  Corall.  66. 

2.  Jania  corniculata.  Horned  jania. 

Joints  of  the  stem  and  branches  roundish,  rather  com- 
pressed in  the  upper  part,  2-horned. 

Corallina  corniculata,  Ellis  Zooph.  121  ; Corall.  65. 

Sea-shore,  and  on  marine  plants. 

Appendices  or  horns  at  the  top  of  the  joints  vary  much 
in  length,  and  are  sometimes  jointed. 

XV.  40.  CORALLINA.  Pliny.  Coralline. 

Thallus  threadlike,  jointed;  branches  three-forked;  axis 

fibrous,  horny ; bark  chalklike,  thick,  cellular. 

1 . Corallina  officinalis.  Shop  coralline. 

Three-forked , greenish;  branches  pinnate;  pinnules  two- 
rowed  ; joints  of  the  stem  rather  compressed,  wedgeshaped* 
©f  the  twigs  cylindrical ; thecce  terminal,  capitate. 

z 2 

340  40.  Coral.  2. THAL  ASSIOPHYT7E.  PL  cell.  apL 

Corallina,  Raii  Syn.  33,  1. 

Corallina  Anglica,  Ger.em.  1379. 

Corallina  officinalis,  Ellis  Zooph.  1 10  ; Co-rail.  24. 

Rocks  and  shells  in  the  sea. 

2.  Corallina  elongata.  Long  coralline , 

Three-forked ; joints  of  the  stem  roundish,  wedgeshape, 

of  the  branches  cylindrical ; thecce  terminal,  obtuse  or 

Corallina  elongata,  Ellis  Zooph.  119. 

Corallina,  &c.  Ellis  Corail.  03,4. 


3.  Corallina  squamata . Scaled  coralline  „ 

Three-forked ; joints  of  the  stem  round,  compressed,, 

wedgeshape,  of  the  twigs  compressed,  flat;  thecce  terminal,, 
flattened,  edge  acute. 

Corallina  squamata,  Ellis  Zooph.  117  ; Corail.  63. 

Corallina  abietina,  Lamouroux  Hist. 

Rocks  in  the  sea. 

D.  Dictyotide^e.  Thallus  continuous,  membranaceous 
or  rather  leatherlike,  flat,  fanshaped  or  forked ; fibres  pa- 
rallel from  the  base  to  the  tip,  finely  reticulated  by  con- 
centric parallel  lines;  bark  chalklike,  hairy,  conferva-like; 
sporidia  scattered ; colour  green  or  reddish,  permanent. 

XVI.  41.  ZONARIA.  Draparnaud.  Girdleweed. 

Thallus  flat,  fanshaped,  ribless ; base  villous  ; sporidia  so- 
litary in  immersed,  concentric  lines. — Brownish. 

1 . Zbnaria  pavonia.  Peacock  girdleweed . 

Thallus  flat,  leatherlike,  fanshaped,  simple  or  lobed, 
streaked ; streaks  crossing  each  other. 

Fiicus  maritimus  gallopavonis  pennas  referens,  Raii  Syn.  43, 14  ; Ellis 
Corall.  88. 

Ulva  pavonia,  Ldn.  Syst.  Nat.  ed.  12,  2,  719. 

Frattinickia  pavonia,  Web.  and  Mohr.  Ind.  Mils. 

Zonaria  pavonia,  Agardh  Bisp.  20. 

Dictyota  (Padina)  pavonia,  Lamouroux  Biss. 

Rock  on*  sea-shore. 

Thalli  several  together  from  a central  base,  spreading 

PI.  cell.  aph.  2.THALASSI0PHYTiE.  41.  Zonar.  341 

2.  Zonaria  alomaria.  Speckled  girdleweed. 

T/iallits  flat,  dilated  above,  fanshaped,  palmate;  lobes 
linear,  slightly  divided. 

Ulva  atomaria,  Woodward  in  Tr.  Lin.  Soc.  3 , 53^  Engl.  Bot . 419. 
Dictyota  zonata,  Lamouroux  Diss.  25,  1. 

Zonaria  zonata,  Agardh  Dispos.  20. 


Thallus  yellowish  brown,  edge  not  cut. 

0.  ciliata . Lobes  slender ; edge  fringed,  serrated. 

Dictvota  ciliata,  Lamouroux  Diss. 

Ulva  atomaria,  Engl.  Bot.  the  lower  fig. 

Ulva  serrata,  De  Cand.  FI.  Gall.  Syn.  3. 

XVII.  42.  DICTYOTA.  Lamouroux.  Diclyofe. 

Thallus  flat,  membranaceous,  ribless,  mostly  forked, 
much  branched;  sporidia  immersed  in  interrupted  series, 
or  scattered. 

1.  Dictyota  dickotoma.  Two-forked  dictyote* 

Thallus  olive,  yellowish,  membranaceous,  forked ; lobes 

linear,  not  cut. 

Fucus  membranaceus  dichotomus  gramineus,  Raii  Syn.  45,  2. 

Ulva  dichotoma,  Lightf.  Scot.  975;  Engl.  Bot.  774. 

Dictyota  dichotoma,  Lamouroux  Diss. 

Zonaria  dichotoma,  Agardh  Disp.  22. 


0.  inequalis.  Last  lobes  3 or  4 times  narrower  than  the 
primary  ones. 

y.  implexa.  Thallus  small,  lobes  very  slender,  linear, 

Ulva  dichotoma,  Engl.  Bot.  775,  lower  fig. 

Dictyota  implexa,  Lamouroux  Diss. 

2.  Dictyota  ligulata . Touguelike  dictyote. 

Thallus  flat,  membranaceous,  reddish,  branched ; branches 

dilated,  rather  forked  with  obtuse  angles,  terminating  with 
straplike  fringed  segments. 

Ulva  ligulata,  Woodward  Tr.  Lin.  Soc.  3,54;  Engl.  Bot.  420. 

Zonaria?  ligulata,  Agardh  Disp.  21. 


XVIII.  43.  DICTYOPTERIS.  Lamouroux.  Dictyoptere . 

Thallus  flat,  membranaceous,  midribbed,  olive-green, 
forked,  branched ; sporidia  in  clusters ; clusters  prominent* 
scattered,  in  a line  on  each  side  of  the  midrib. 

342  43.  Dictyopt.  S.THALSSIGPHYTAL  PI  cell.  aph. 

Dictyopteris  elongata.  Long  dictyoptere. 

Thallus  linear,  membranaceous,  pellucid,  greenish  brown; 
midrib  slightly  prominent,  here  and  there  proliferous ; edge 
not  in  the  least  cut ; branches  long. 

Fucus  membranaceus,  Stackh.  Nereis , 13  ; Engl.  Bot.  1758. 

Dictyopteris  elongata,  Lamoaroux  Essai. 


Holdfasts  callous ; thallus  woolly,  very  thin,  when  dry 
transparent,  greenish. 

E.  Ulvoide^:.  Thallus  continuous,  membranaceous, 
leatherlike  or  gelatinous,  regularly  cellular ; integuments 
smooth,  membranaceous;  sporidia  scattered  in  the  substance 
of  the  thallus,  or  in  prominent  spots. — Greenish,  either 
permanent,  or  becoming  whitish. 

XIX.  44.  ASPEROCOCCUS.  Lamour.  Roughfruit. 
Thallus  leatherlike,  compressed,  tubular  ? branched, 

brownish ; sporidia  peduncled,  in  scattered  groups  on  the 
surface  of  the  thallus;  holdfasts  shieldlike. 

Asperococcus  multifida . Many-cut  roughfruit . 

Thallus  cartilaginous,  brownish,  repeatedly  branched, 
rather  palmate;  lobes  spreading,  linear,  various  in  length 
and  breadth. 

Ulva  multifida,  Engl . Bot.  1913. 


Holdfasts  shieldlike;  thallus  4 or  5 inches  long. 

XX.  45.  ULVA.  Linnaeus.  Laver . 

Thallus  membranaceous,  flat,  nerveless,  mostly  green, 

rarely  purplish;  stirps  none ; holdfasts  shieldlike;  sporidia 
4 together,  immersed  in  the  substance  of  the  thallus. 

1.  Ulva  laclucccfolia.  Lettuce-leaf  laver. 

Thallus  bright  green,  aggregate,  oblong,  undulated,  bul- 
lated,  below  attenuated,  above  dilated,  lobed,  crisped. 

Ulva  marina  lactucae  similis,  Ran  Syn.  62,  1. 

Tremella  marina  vulgaris  lactucae  similis,  Dillen.  Muse.  42. 

Ulva  Lactuca,  Lin . S.  P.  1682;  Engl.  Bot.  1551. 

Green  laver.  Oyster  green. 

Stones  and  shells  in  the  sea;  annual. 

Thallus  pale  green,  very  tender,  thin,  flaccid. — Salt  and 
bitterish,  eaten  stewed  with  lemon-juice  as  an  antiscorbutic, 
but  acts  strongly  upon  the  bowels. 

PL  cell.  aph.  2.  THALASSIOPHYTiE.  45.  Ulva.  34$ 

2.  Ulva  lalissirna.  Broadest  layer. 

Thallus  yellow-green,  solitary,  oblong,  very  broad,  flat* 

edge  waved. 

Ulva  latissima,  Lin.  S.  P . 1632. 

Sea- shores. 

Thallus  2 or  3 feet  long,  nearly  a foot  broad,  edge  waved,, 
base  not  narrower. 

3.  Ulva  bullosa.  Bullate  layer . 

Thallus  dark  green,  dilated,  at  first  tubular,  then  flat- 
tened, sinuous,  rather  plaited,  slippery. 

Ulva  palustris  lactuca?  marina?  similis,  sed  multo  minor  et  tenerior*. 
Dill  n in  Itaii  Syn.  63,  6. 

Tremella  palustris,  vulgari  similis,  sed  minor  et  tenerior,  Dillen  Muse. 

Ulln  bullosa,  Roth  Cat.  3,  329. 

Ulva  Lactuca  jS,  Hudson  FI.  Angl . 567. 

On  aquatic  plants  in  ditches;  annual;  Sept,  to  May. 
Thallus  solitary  or  aggregate. 

4.  Ulva  lanceolata.  Lance  l aver. 

Thallus  pale  green,  ovate,  spearshape. 

Ulva  lanceolata,  Lin.  S.  P. 

Rocks  on  the  sea-shore. 

Thallus  9 inches  to  a foot  long. 

5.  Ulva  fasciala.  Banded  laver „ 

Thallus  green,  aggregate,  lanceolate,  not  cut,  narrower 

at  both  ends,  flat ; edge  fiexuous. 

Ulva  Linza,  Lin.  S.  P.  1633. 

Tremella  marina  fasciata,  JJillcn  in  Raii  Syn.  62,  3 ; Muse.  46. 

Thallus  6 to  12  inches  long,  an  inch  broad. 

6.  Ulva  plicata.  Folded  laver ... 

Thallus  dark  green,  connate  at  bottom,  imbricate,  plaited*. 

ovate,  blunt. 

Lichen  marinus,  Taberncnn.  Icon.  814. 

Bryon  lactucaefolium,  Label.  2,  247. 

Ulva  plicata,  Flor.  Dan.  829. 

Rocks  and  the  sea-shore. 

Thalli  many,  aggregate,  umbilicated  at  bottom,  in  the 

7.  Ulva  terrestris.  Land  laver,, 

Thallus  dark  green,  aggregate,  ovate,  crowded,  slender* 

decumbent,  plaited,  crisped. 

344  45.  Ulva.  2,THALASSI0PHYTiE.  Pl.cell.aph. 

Ulva  terresiris,  Roth  Cat.  211. 

Ulva  crispa,  Lightfoot  Ft.  Scot.  9T2. 

Ulva  Lactuca,  y,  Huds.  Fl.Angl.  567. 

Damp,  shady  places. 

Thalii  many,  aggregated,  in  a crisp  and  bullated  bed. 

8.  Ulva  umbilicata.  Umbilicated  laver. 

Thallus  reddish  brown,  flat,  tiled-like,  gregarious,  nearly 

©rbiculate,  umbilicated,  sessile,  longitudinally  plaited. 

Ulva  marina  umbilicata,  Dillen  in  Rail  Syn.  63,3. 

Tremella  marina  umbilicata,  Dillen  Muse.  45. 

Ulva  umbilicalis,  Lin.:S.  P.  1633,;  Engl.  Bot.  2286. 

Fucus  Tremella  umbilicata,  Gmel.  219. 

Ulva  purpurea  umbilicata,  Agardh  Syn.  41. 

On  stones,  on  the  sea-shore. 

9.  Ulva  purpurea.  Purple  laver. 

Thallus  purple,  flat,  solitary,  lanceolate;  edge  not  cut, 

wavey,  crisp. 

Ulva  purpurea,  Roth  Cat.  1,209. 

Ulva  umbilicalis  /3,  Wahl.  Lapp.  967. 

Rock  on  the  sea-shores. 

Thallus  rounded  and  contracted  at  bottom. 

10.  Ulva  edulis.  Eatable  laver. 

Thallus  very  dark  red,  nearly  opake,  wedgeshape,  not  in 

the  least  cut,  rounded  at  the  tip,  narrowed  at  bottom. 

Fucus  Scoticus,  latissimus  edulis  duleis,  Raii  Syn.  46,30. 

Ulva  edulis,  De  Candolle  FI.  Gall.  2,  12. 

Fucus  edulis,  Stackh.  Nereis  Brit.  12;  Engl.  Bot.  1307. 

Fucus  duleis,  Gmelin , 189. 

Fucus  Lactuca,  Esper,  64. 

Fucus  carnosus,  Esper , 76. 

Fucus  palmatus  j6,  Light/.  Scot.  934. 

Ualymenia  edulis,  Agardh  Syn.  35. 



Odour  like  tea ; eaten  raw  before  dinner. 

1 1 . Ulva  palmata.  Palmate  laver. 

Thallus  purplish  red,  pellucid,  palmate,  not  in  the  least 

cut;  lobes  oblong,  mostly  simple. 

Fucus  membranaceus  ceranoides,  Raii  Syn.  46,29. 

Ulva  palmata,  De  Cand.  FI.  Gall.  2,  12. 

Halymenia  palmata,  Agardh  Syn.  35. 

Fucus  palmatus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1630  ; Turner  Hist.  115;  Engl.  Bot.  1306. 
Fucus  ovinus,  Fl.Norv.  96. 

Fucus  enprinus,  FI.  Dan.  1 128. 

Fucus  bullatus,  FI.  Dan.  770. 

Fucus  rubens,  Espert15. 

PI.  cell. aph.  2.THALASSIOVHYTM.  45.  U Ivu.  MS 
Rocks  on  the  sea-shore. 

Thalli  gregarious,  slenderer  at  bottom.  2-forked  or  pal- 
mate with  2 or  3 lobes. 

,S.  marginifer.  Thallus  oblong,  mostly  simple,  edge  pro- 

Ulva  caprina,  FI.  Norv.  2,  126. 

y.  laciniata.  Thallus  finely  jagged;  lobes  linear. 

Ulva  delicatula,  Gunn  FI.  Norv. 8. 

Fucus  delicatula,  FI.  Dan.  1190. 

Fucus  laciniatus,  Wahl.  497. 

12.  Ulva,  sobolifera.  Young-bearing  laver . 

Thallus  rose-red,  membranaceous,  flat,  palmately  lobed; 
edge  proliferous ; lobes  dilated,  tip  many-cut,  toothed. 

Fucus  soboliferus,  FI.  Dan.  1065  ; Engl.  Hot.  2133 ; Turner  Hist.  1,  97. 
Halymenia  sobolifera,  Agardh  Syn.3 6. 

Ulva  sobolifera,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  27. 


Thallus  3 to  6 inches  long,  branched. 

XXI.  46.  SCYTOSIPHOM.  Lyngbye.  Leathernpipe. 

Thallus  round,  tubular,  continuous,  even,  branched  or 
simple,  leatherlike,  membranaceous;  sporidia  solitary  or 
crowded,  scattered  over  the  whole  surface  of  the  thallus.; 
stirps  0. 

a.  Thallus  green , membranaceous. 

1.  Scytosiphon  intestinalis.  Gut  leathernpipe . 

Thallus  light  green,  membranaceous;  tube  simple,  bent, 

wavey,  puckered. 

Ulva  marina  tubulosa,  intestinorum  figuram  referens,  Rati  Syn.  62, 4. 
Ulva  intestinalis,  Lin.  S.  P.  1632. 

Conferva  intestinalis,  Roth  Cat.  1,  159. 

Scytosiphon  intestinalis,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  67. 

Stagnant  fresh-waters,  and  the  sea-shore. 

Thalli  aggregate,  resembles  the  intestines  of  animals  as 
it  floats  on  the  water. 

/3.  crispus.  Thallus  compressed,  wrinkled  and  crisp. 

Ulva  intestinalis,  Roth  Cut.  1,  159. 

Thallus  olive  green,  leatherlike. 

2.  Scytosiphon  compressm.  Compressed  leathernpipe . 

Thallus  dark  green,  membranaceous,  round,  threadlike, 

tubular,  branched,  compressed ; branches  scattered,  simple, 

346  46.  Scytosip.  2.THALASSIOPHYT7E.  PI.  cell,  apk, 

Ulva  compressa,  Lin.  S.  P.  1632 ; Engl.  Hot.  1739. 

Ulva  marina  tenuissima  et  compressa,  Raii  Syn.  63,5. 

Tretnella  marina  tenuissima  et  compressa,  Dillen  Muse.  48. 

Conferva  compressa,  Roth  Cat.  1,  163. 

Conferva  erinita,  Ruth  Cat.  2,  191. 

Scytosiphon  coinpressus,  Lyngbye  Hydr.Dan.  64. 


T ha llus  polymorphous,  narrower  at  bottom,  simple  or 
branched  ; branches  narrower  at  bottom,  mostly  simple. 

b.  Clathrata.  Thallus  green,  branched,  veined  in  squares 
like  casement-windows  ; sporidia  in  each  cell. 

3.  Scytosiphon  ramulosus . Small-branched  leathernpipe. 

Thallus  green,  membranaceous,  tubular,  much  branched, 

rather  compressed;  branches  thickest  above;  twigs  scattered', 
very  numerous,  pointed. 

Ulva  ramulosa,  Engl.  But.  2137. 


Thalli  numerous,  aggregated,  2 inches  high;  branches 

4.  Scytosiphon  Temple  torn.  Temple  tori s leathernpipe . 

Thallus  pale  green,  tubular,  hairlike,  repeatedly  branch- 
ed ; branches  and  twigs  alternate,  pressed  to  the  stem,  at- 
tenuated, acute. 

Conferva  paradoxa,  Dillw.  Syn.  70;  Engl.  Bot.  2328. 


Thallus  closely  tufted,  4 or  5 inches  long,  slippery. — It 
appears  to  differ  from  S.  erecta  of  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  15. 

5.  Scytosiphon  clathratus.  Window  leathernpipe . 

Thallus  pale  green,  round,  hairlike,  tubular,  repeatedly 

branched;  branches  and  twigs  alternate,  spreading,  diverg- 
ing, lying  down,  pointed. 

Conferva  clathrata,  Roth  Cat.  175. 

Ulva  clathrata,  Agardli  Syn.  46. 


c.  Thallus  olive,  leatherlike  ; sporidia  scattered,  solitary. 

6.  Scytosiphon  J oeniculaceus.  Fennel  leathernpipe. 

Thallus  olivaceous,  leatherlike,  round,  threadlike,  much 

branched ; branches  and  twigs  vague,  bent,  very  closely 
entangled,  attenuated,  hairlike. 

PL  cell.  aph.  2.  TH  ALASSIOPHYT^E.  46.  Scytosip.  347 

Conferva  fceniculacca,  Hudson  Fl.Angl.  594. 

Ceramium  inflexum,  Roth  Cat.  3,131. 

Hippuris  setaceus,  Barretter  Icon.  1123. 

Fucus  subtilis,  Turner  Hist.  2,34. 

Scytosiphon  fceniculaceus,  FI.  Dan.  1595,  1. 

Halymenia  fceniculacea,  Agardh  Syn.  38. 

Hutchinsia  inflexa,  Agardh  Syn.  58. 

Sea-shores;  annual;  spring. 

Thalli  aggregate,  6 or  9 inches  high,  pale  yellow  or 

7.  Scytosiphon Jisiulosus.  Fistular  leat hornpipe. 

Thallus  olive,  leatherlike,  round,  threadshaped,  simple* 

narrower  at  both  ends. 

Ulva  fistulosa,  Hudson  FI.  Angl.bC)9$  Engl.  Bot.  642. 

Conferva  fistulosa,  Roth  Cat.  3,  i 69. 

Chordaria  Filum  ,6,  Agardh  Syn.  14. 

Scytosiphon  fistulosus,  Agardh  Disp.  24. 

Sea-shores  attached  to  rocks. 

Thalli  numerous,  flexuous,  gelatinous;  sporidia  four  to- 
gether, disposed  longitudinally. 

d.  Thallus  olive ; sporidia  clustered. 

8.  Scytosiphon filiformis.  Threadlike  lealhernpipcc 

'1  hallus  reddish  brown,  gelatinous,  soft,  round  or  com- 
pressed; branches  scattered,  mostly  simple,  long. 

Conferva  filiformis, -Ft.  Dan.  1480. 

Ulva  filiformis,  Hudson  Fl.Angl.  570. 

Ulva  purpuraseens,  Engl.  Bot.  641,  not  of  Hudson. 

Ulva  compressa  purpurea,  Agardh  Syn.  45. 

Sea-shores ; annual ; spring  and  summer. 

Thallus  6 inches  high ; branches  alternate,  rarely  slightly 

9.  Scytosiphon  Turneri.  Turner's  leathernpipe . 

Thallus  yellowish  brown,  membranaceous,  finely  reticu- 
lated, round,  threadshape,  simple,  attenuated  at  bottom, 
very  obtuse  at  top. 

Ulva  Turneri,  Dillvo.  in  Engl.  Bot  2570. 

Gastridium  Opuntia,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  71. 

Sea-shores  on  rocks  and  plants ; annual;  summer. 

Thalli  aggregate,  1 to  6 inches  long,  rarely  globose ; 
sporidia  in  clusters. 

3*8  47.  Palmel.  2.THALASSI0PHYTiE.  Pl.cell.aph . 

XXII.  47.  PALMELLA.  Lyngbve.  Trembler . 

Thallus  cylindrical^  simple  or  branched,  solid;  integu- 
ment membranaceous;  inside  gelatinous,  cellular ; sporidia 
globular,  immersed  in  the  thallus. — Marine. 

1.  Palmella  defracta.  Broken  trembler. 

Thallus  threadlike,  simple,  twisted,  elastic,  viscid,  pel- 
lucid ; sporidia  globular,  pale  red. 

Ulva  defracta,  With.  Bot.  Arr.  4,  124;  Engl.  Bot.  1-626. 

On  sea-plants. 

Thallus  2 to  12  inches  long,  l-8th  inch  in  diameter. 

2.  Palmella  elminthoides.  Wormlike  trembler . 

Thallus  threadlike,  mostly  simple,  opake,  slippery,  rather 

blunt;  central  line  dark,  parenchymatous;  sporidia  very 
minute,  opake. 

Ulva  elminthoides,  With.  Bot.  Arr.  4, 141. 

Rocks  in  the  sea;  July. 

Thalli  aggregated,  4 to  7 inches  long,  twisted. 

XXIII.  48.  MERRETTIA.  Merrett . 

Thallus  flat,  diversely  shaped,  solid ; integuments  mem- 
branaceous; inside  cellular,  gelatinous;  sporidia  scattered, 

1.  Merreltia  adnata.  Adnate  merrett. 

Thallus  diversely  shaped,  gelatinous,  wrinkled,  brownish 

yellow;  sporidia  globular,  brown. 

Tremeila  adnata,  Hudson  FI.  Angl.  565. 

Palmella  adnata,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dun.  205. 

On  rocks  between  high  and  low  water  in  the  sea. 

Thallus  wrinkled,  3 to  6 inches  in  diameter,  less  than  a 
quarter  thick. 

2.  Merrettia  coriacea.  Leathery  merrett. 

Thallus  flat,  adnate,  very  wide,  indeterminate,  smooth, 

slippery,  dull  red;  sporidia  globular, 

Ulva  rupestris,  Engl.  Bot.  2194. 

Upright  faces  of  fells  over  which  water  trickles. 

Thallus  2 or  3 feet  wide,  resembles  a spread-out  piece  of 
very  wet  reddish  or  greenish  brown  washed  leather,  but  is 
not  so  tenacious;  has  been  mistaken  for  flesh. 

PLcelLaph.  2.THALASSIOPHYT.ZE.  48.  Merret.  340 

3.  Merrettia  alpicola.  Alp-loving  merret t. 

Thallus  not  uniform,  lobes  numerous,  rounded,  wrinkled, 

soft,  reddish;  sporidia  very  small,  reddish. 

Ulva  montana,  Light f.  Scot.  973 ; Engl.  Hot.  2193. 

Palmella  alpicola,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  296. 

Mountain  dulse. 

Sides  of  mountains,  among  grass  and  moss. 

Thallus  deep  blood-red  or  dull  green  ; lobes  several, 
fiattish,  rounded,  ascending,  imbricate,  rather  leatherlike,, 
pulpy. — Used  to  purge  calves. 

4.  Merrettia  protulerans.  Protuberant  merrett . 

Thallus  thick,  gelatinous,  fleshy,  angular,  pellucid,  green  ; 

sporidia  large,  elliptical,  growing  protuberant,  green. 

Ulva  protuberans,  Engl.  Bot.  2533. 

Shady  wet  places,  among  mosses ; September. 

Thallus  composed  of  thick,  fleshy,  juicy,  wrinkled,  rough 
lobes;  sporidia  the  size  of  poppy  seeds. 

XXIV.  49.  OLIVIA.  OlivL 

Thallus  ovate  or  globular,  solid,  aggregated  into  a gela- 
tinous or  powdery  crust;  sporidia  globular,  immersed,  scat- 

1.  Olivia  botryoides . Bunch- of- grapes  olivL 

Thalli  minute,  globular,  pellucid,  green,  aggregated  into 

a greenish  crust. 

Byssus  botryoides  saturate  virens,  Dilltn  in  Rail  Syn.  56,  5. 

Byssus  botryoides,  Lin.  S.  P.  1639. 

Lichen  botryoides,  Acharius  Prod.  10. 

Tremeilo  botryoides,  Schreber  Spicil.  141. 

Nostoc  botryoides,  Agardh  Syn.  135. 

Palmella  botryoides,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  205. 

Lepraria  botryoides,  Engl.  Bot.  2148. 

On  the  ground,  or  bark  of  trees,  in  damp  places. 

Thalli  the  size  of  maw-seed,  solid ; stain  the  fingers  when 

2.  Olivia  ochracea.  Okery  olivL 

Thalli  minute,  ovate,  oker  yellow,  aggregated  into  thin, 

scattered,  powdery  patches. 

Lepraria  ochracea.  Turn,  and  Bor.  Lick.  Brit.  1,  8$  Engl.  Bot.  2408. 

Trunk  of  old  trees  and  on  moss. 

350  49.  Olivia.  2.  THALASSIOPHYTAE.  Pl.cell.aph . 

3.  Olivia  cinerea.  Ashcoloured  olivi. 

Thalli  very  minute,  roundish,  ash-grey,  aggregated  into 

a powder  crust. 

Byssus  saxatilis,  Withering  Bot.  Arr.  erf.  2. 

Lichen  cinereus,  With . Bot.  Arr.  eel.  4. 

Limestone-rocks  and  stones. 

4.  Olivia  nigra . Black  olivi. 

Thalli  very  minute,  roundish,  dull  black;  aggregated 

into  a black  powdery  crust. 

Byssus  antiquitatis,  Lin.  S.  P.  ? 

Lepraria  nigra,  Turn,  and  Borr.  Lich.  Brit.  1,21?  Eng.  Bot.  2409. 
Tops  of  oak-posts  and  old  wood. 

5.  Olivia  violacea.  Violet  olivi . 

Thalli  minute,  ovate,  dull  red,  aggregated  into  a reddish 


Byssus  lolithus,  Lin . 8.  P.  1638. 

Lichen  lolithus,  With.  Boi.  Arr.  4,  3. 

Lichen  rubens,  Acharius  Meth.  Lich.  G. 

Lepraria  lolithus,  Achar.  Meth.  8;  Engl.  Bot.  2471. 

St.  Winifred's  blood , in  the  Holy-well,  Cheshire. 

Bark  of  trees,  rocks  and  stones  in  springs. 

Crust  dull  crimson,  smells  like  violets,  or  orrice-roots. 

6.  Olivia  cruenta.  Bloody  olivi. 

Thalli  minute,  ovate,  red,  aggregated  into  a dark  red, 

gelatinous  crust. 

Tremella  cruenta,  Engl.  Bot. 

Bottom  of  walls  in  damp  places. 

F.  LiNCKiDEiE.  Thallus  continuous;  integuments  mem- 
branaceous, smooth;  inside  fleshy,  cellular,  slippery ; spo - 
ridia  in  beadlike  filaments  sunk  in  the  substance  of  the 
thallus. — Green  or  brownish,  not  becoming  black. 

XXV.  50.  CARRODORUS.  Carrodori. 

Thallus  long,  branched,  brownish ; sporidia  elliptical,  in 
anastomosing  lines. — Marine,  foetid,  slippery. 

Carr  odor  us  foe  tidus.  Stinking  carrodori . 

Thallus  pale  olive,  branched ; branches  crowded,  acute. 

Conferva  foetida,  Villars  Dauph.  3, 1010  ; Dillw.  Conf,  104;  Engl.  Bot . 

Ulva  foetida,  Voucher  Conf.  285. 

PL  cell.  aph.  2.THALASSIOPHYT7E.  50.  Carrod.  351 

Salt  marshes  and  the  sea-shore. 

Thallus  slippery,  flaccid,  2 inches  high. 

XXVI.  51.  NOSTOC.  Paracelsus.  Nosfoch. 

Thallus  not  uniform  or  globular,  vesicular,  greenish,  ge- 
latinous; sporidia  globose,  in  curved,  beadlike  threads. — 
This  genus  has  much  affinity  with  oscillatoria,  but  the 
threads  of  that  genus  radiate,  and  have  no  integument 
over  them. 

1 . Nostoc  commune.  Common  nosloch . 

Terrestrial ; thallus  not  uniform,  solid,  plated,  wavey; 

threads  loosely  interwoven. 

. Ulva  terrestris  pinguis  et  fugax,  Dillen  in  Rnii  Syn.  64, 11. 

Linckia  terrestris  gelatinosa  membranacea  vulgatissima,  ex  pallida  et 
<virescente  fulva,  Micheli  Nov.  Gen.  PI.  126,  1. 

Tremella  Nostoc,  Lin.  S.  P.  1625;  Engl.  Bot.  461. 

Fucus  Tremella  Nostoc,  Gmel.  Hist,  Fuc.  222. 

Nostoc  commune.  Voucher , 222. 

Nostoc  vulgare,  Wahl.  FI.  Lapp.  992.- 
JLinckia  terrestris,  Roth  Cat.  3,  345. 

Alcyonidium  Nostoc,  Lamouroux  Thai.  Ess.  71. 

Star-shoot.  Star-slough. 

Damp,  shady,  gravelly  places;  summer  and  autumn. 
Thallus  lobed,  2 or  3 inches  in  diameter;  pale  green, 
mostly  seen  after  rain. 

2.  Nostoc  verrucosum.  Warty  nostoch . 

Thallus  rather  globose,  rather  leatherlike,  hollow, 

plaited;  threads  very  closely  interwoven. 

Linckia  pal ust ris  gelatinosa,  saxis  adnascens,  ex  obscuro  fulva,  et  con- 
eava  vesicam  referens,  Micheli  Nov.  Gen.  PI.  126,2. 

Nostoc  verrucosum,  Voucher,  225. 

Tremella  fluviatilis,  Dillen  Mus.  10. 

Tremella  verrucosa,  Lin.  S.  P.  1625  ; Hudson  FI.  Angl.  565. 

Tremella  utricwlata,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  564? 

Fucus  Tremella  verrucosa,  Gmel.  Fuc.  227. 

Linckia  verrucosa,  Roth  Cat.  3,  345. 

Rocks  and  stones  in  rivers,  often  floating. 

Thalli  aggregated ; when  young  solid,  smooth,  opake, 
when  old,  hollow,  yellowish  green. 

3.  Nostoc  musconm . Moss  nostoch . 

Thallus  2-formed,  papillose,  tuberculate,  rather  leather- 

Nostoc  muscorurn,  Agardh  Syn.  132. 

Tremella  intestinalis,  FI.  Dan.  885. 

Damp  mossy  places. 

Blackish  green , harder  and  smaller  than  n.  commune. 

352  51.  Nostoc.  2.THALASSIOPHYTJE.  PL  cell  aph. 

4.  Nostoc  pruniforme.  Plumshape  nostoch . 

Thallus  blackish,  globose,  splitary,  solid,  leatherlike, 

gelatinous,  smooth. 

Ulva  pruniformis,  Lin.  S.  P.  1633. 

Tremella  pruniformis,  Roth  Germ.  548. 

Linckia  pruniformis,  Roth  Cat.  3,  343. 

Nostoc  pruniforme,  Agardli  Syn.  134. 

Adhering  to  trees,  or  floating  in  lakes;  summer. 

Thallus  gelatinous  on  the  inside,  coriaceous  on  the  out- 

5.  Nostoc  sphcericum.  Sphcerical  nostoch . 

Thallus  black  green,  globose,  solid,  smooth,  aggregated. 

Ulva  pruniformis,  Hudson  Fl.Angl.  572,  not  of  Eng.  Bot. 

Conferva  Pyrum,  FI.  Dan.  660,  not  of  Linnaeus. 

Nostoc  sphaericum,  Vaucher , 223. 

Linkia  granulata,  Roth  Cat.  3^342. 

Lakes  and  stagnant  waters. 

Thallus  hardish,  gelatinous,  mostly  aggregated,  the  size 
of  peas. 

6.  Nostoc  cceruleum.  Blue  nostoch . 

Thallus  small,  globose,  solid,  solitary,  smooth,  pale  blue, 

shining,  pellucid. 

Nostoc  caeruleum,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  201. 

Ditches  and  pools  on  hypni;  summer. 

Thallus  hard,  slippery,  about  a quarter  of  an  inch  in 

7.  Nostoc  papyraceum.  Paper  nostoch . 

Thallus  frothy,  gelatinous,  slippery,  easily  parted, 


Byssus  latissima  papyri  instar  super  aquam  sparsa,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn. 
57,12;  Dillen  Muse.  21. 

Byssus  Flos  aquae,  Lin.  S.  P.  1637. 

Nostoc  Flos  aquae,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  201. 

Stagnant  waters,  floating;  spring  and  summer. 

Thallus  pale  bluish  green;  when  it  covers  ponds,  they 
are  said  to  be  in  flower. 

G.  Alcyonideje.  Thallus  continuous,  gelatinous,  olive 
green  becoming  black,  cellular;  cells  membranaceous, 
long,  hexaedral ; sporidia  elliptical, scattered  in  the  cells. 

XXVII.  52.  ALCY ONIDIUM.  Lamour.  Haley onide. 

Thallus  roundish,  long,  gelatinous, branched,  olive-green; 
inner  cells  large,  hexaedral,  outer  cells  slender,  closed. 
— Marine. 

PL  cell.  ctph.  2.TPIALASSIOPHYT7E.  52.  Alcyon.  353 

Alcyonidium  dxaphanum . Transparent  kalcyonide . 

Thallus  nearly  round,  branched ; branches  short. 

Fucus  spongiosus  nodostis,  liaii  Syn.  49,  42;  Ger.  cm.  1570. 

Spongia  ramosa  altera  Anglica,  Park.  1304. 

Alcyonium  geiatinosum.  Lin.  Syst.  Nat.  1, 1295. 

Ulva  diaphana,  Huds.  Fi.  stngl.  570  ; Engl.  Bot.  36 3. 

Alcyonidium  diaphanum,  Lamour . Thai.  71. 

Sea  ragged  staff. 

Thallus  6 to  12  inches  long;  branches  irregular,  rather 
acute;  sporidia  large,  yellowish. 

Q.flavescens.  Branches  obtuse. 

Ulva  fiavescens,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  570. 

XXVIII.  53.  EPHIDATIA.  Lamouroux.  Ephidaie . 

Thallus  sessile,  orbicular,  lobed,  gelatinous,  cellular* 
greenish ; cells  long,  pentagonal,  radiating  from  a common 
point,  open  at  top;  sporidia  elliptical,  enclosed  in  the  cells. 
— ~F  resh- water. 

Ephidatia  Gihbsii.  Gills ’ ephidate* 

Thallus  sessile,  thick,  slightly  lobed,  more  or  less  orbi- 
cular, fetid. 

Bottom  of  the  reservoir  in  the  Green  Park,  Mr.  Gibbs. 
Thallus  orbicular  or  oblong. — This  may  be  the  following 
species,  but  Lamarck  describes  the  cells  of  spongilla  as  ir- 
regular ; or  it  may  be  an  alcyonella ; I could  not,  however* 
perceive  any  polypi  in  it,  but  plenty  of  sporidia. 

XXIX.  54?.  SPONGILLA.  Lamarck.  Spongille . 

Thallus  sessile,  polymorphous,  irregular,  cellular  and 
lacunose ; cells  unequal,  formed  of  membranaceous  laminae, 
scattered  without  any  order;  sporidia  free,  in  the  cells. 

1.  Spongilla  pulvinala.  Cushion  spongille. 

Thallus  rather  incrusting,  sessile,  thick,  convex,  slightly 
lobed ; lacuntz  longish,  scattered. 

Spongilla  pulvinata,  Lam.  Hist.  2,  100. 

Ephidatia  fluviatilis,  Lamour.  Pol.  6. 

Bottom  of  rivers. 

2.  Spongilla  ramosa.  Branched  spongille . 

Thallus  sessile,  branched*;  branches  long,  roundish,  un- 
equal, rather  lobed. 

yol.  i.  2 a 

354.  54.  Spongil.  2.THALASSIOPHYTiE.  PI.  cell,  aph. 

Spongia  ramosa  fluviatilis,  Raii  Syn.  30,  5. 

Spongilla  ramosa,  Lam.  Hist.  2,  100.  » 

Spongia  lacustris,  Lin.  Syst.  Nat.  1,  1299. 

Ephidaiia  lacustris,  Lamour.  Pol.  6. 

Bottoms  of  lakes  and  ponds. 

|3.  digilata.  Thallus  digitate,  slightly  branched. 

Spongia  fluviatilis  ramosa  fragilis,  Raii  Syn.  30,  6. 

y.  gracilis.  Thallus  and  branches  slender,  branched. 

Spongia  canalium,  Gmel.  Syst.  Nat.  1, 3826. 

Ephidaiia  canalium,  Lamouroux , 6. 

H.  SpongiditE.  Thallus  continuous,  gelatinous,  formed 
of  interlaced,  flexuous,  horny  fibres  or  asbestine  spiculae, 
very  porous,  absorbing  much  water;  sporidia  scattered  in 
the  jelly  of  the  thallus. — Yellow  or  brown,  becoming  white; 
when  dry  tough  and  flexible. 

XXX,  55.  TUPHA.  Tuphe . 

Thallus  fixed,  roundish,  solid,  very  porous,  leaflike; 
branches  simple  or  compound;  formed  of  interwoven,  bent, 
horny,  reticulated  fibres,  without  any  chalklike  matter. 

a.  Branched , branches  simple  or  compound . 

I.  Tupha  oculata.  Eyelet  tuphe > 

Thallus  much  branched,  soft;  branches  roundish,  blunt, 

dotted  with  marginal  pores. 

Spongia  oculata,  Ellis  Corail.  80. 


Thallus  9 inches  high,  bottom  naked,  tough,  woody; 
above  branched. 

elegans.  Thallus  pale  brown;  branches  divaricating 
and  closing  together  at  top  ; tips  blunt,  4 or  5-cut. 

2.  Tupha  stuposa.  Towlike  tuphe. 

Thallus  branched ; branches  towlike,  round,  covered 
with  pointed  hairs. 

Spongia  stuposa,  Ellis  Zooph,  186. 

Spongia  cervicornis,  Pallas? 


|3.  gracilis.  Thallus  very  slender,  beautifully  white ; 
branches  ascending,  very  hairy. 

y.  damicormis.  Thallus  palmate,  divaricating,  like  the 
antlers  of  a buck. 

PL  cell.  aph.  2. THALASSIOPHYTiE.  55. Tupha.  355 

3.  Tupha  palmata.  Palmate  tuphe. 

'Phallus  palmate,  with  fingerlike  divisions  on  the  edge, 

and  small  prominent  pores  irregularly  disposed. 

Spongia  palmata,  Ellis  Zooph.  189. 


Texture  similar  to  that  of  t.  oculala,  but  not  so  soft  when 
dry ; pores  more  numerous,  disposed  over  the  whole  surface. 

4.  Tupha  coalila.  Coalescent  tuphe. 

Thallus  much  branched,  corky,  brittle;  branches  irregu- 
lar, distorted,  rather  compressed. 

Spongia  coalita,  Gmelin  Syst.Nat.  1, 3825. 

Spongia  Lycopodium,  Esper,  2,269. 


5.  Tupha  hispida.  Hispid  tuphe. 

Thallus  branched;  branches  long,  slender,  round,  two* 

forked,  covered  with  stiff  hairs. 

Spongia  hispida,  Montague  in  Wern.  Tr.  2,  81. 


Thallus  a foot  long,  or  more. 

@.  fur  cat  a.  Thallus  with  short  forked  tips. 

6.  Tupha  dichotoma.  Tuuo-forked  tuphe. 

Thallus  branched,  upright,  nearly  cylindric,  tomentose, 

covered  with  small  pores. 

Spongia  dichotoma,  Ellis  Zooph.  187  ; Lin.  Syst.  Nat.  1, 1299. 


Thallus  brown,  long,  two-forked,  straight,  tapering,  be- 
coming compressed  at  the  fork,  but  not  so  much  as  t.  ocu- 
lata ; branches  longer  and  straighter,  texture  firmer  and 
less  woody. 

7.  Tupha  digitata.  Finger  tuphe. 

Thallus  branched;  branches  very  slender,  two-forked, 

fingerlike  at  their  tip ; surface  granulated. 

Spongia  digitata,  Montague  Wern.  Tr.  2,84. 

Bottom  of  the  sea. 

Thallus  iron-brown  at  bottom,  above  pale  yellow,  not  so 
thick  as  a straw,  slightly  compressed,  tough,  flexible. 

8.  Tupha  ramosa.  Branched  tuphe. 

Thallus  palmated  and  fingered  round  the  top. 

Spongia  ramosa,  Montague  Wern.  Tr.  2,84. 

2 A 2 

356  55*Tupha.  2.  THAL  ASSIOPH  YTiE.  Pt.cell.aph . 


Thallus  5 inches  long,  stiff,  slightly  elastic. 

b.  Thallus  branched;  branches  leajlike,  on  the  sides  or  tips . 

9.  Tupha  conica . Conical  tuphe . 

Branches  numerous,  short,  flattish,  from  the  sides. 

Spongia  Conus,  Montagus  Wcrn.  Trans.  2,  85. 


Thallus  when  dry  dark  yellowish  brown ; texture  rather 
coarse ; outside  covered  with  short  bristles. 

10.  Tupha  lobata.  Lobed  tuphe . 

Branches  ovate,  clustered. 

Spongia  lobata,  Montague  Wern.  Tr.  2,  85. 


Thallus  yellowish  brown,  2 inches  high ; branches  ovate 
or  oblong,  from  an  irregular  kind  of  stem. 

1 1 . Tupha  perlcevis.  Very-light  tuphe . 

Thallus  indeterminate;  texture  close;  surface  covered 

with  blunt  nipplelike  prominences. 

Spongia  perlaivis,  Montague  Wern.  Tr.  2,  86. 


Thallus  yellow,  when  dry  light  brown ; texture  similar 
to  that  of  t.  tomentosa,  equally  light,  not  so  soft  or  crumbly, 
or  so  pale;  nipples  1-Sth  of  an  inch  long. 

12.  Tupha  aur'ea.  Golden  tuphe. 

Thallus  broad,  flat,  slightly  divided  at  the  tip. 

Spongia  aurea,  Montague  Wern.  Tr.  2,  86. 

Sea-shore,  covering  the  stones  at  lowr  water. 

Thallus  2 inches  high,  2 or  3 broad,  orange-colour,  when 
dry  brown ; not  so  much  divided  as  Ellis’s  spongia  pro- 

13.  Tupha  rigida.  Stiff  tuphe. 

Thallus  blunt,  rather  flat,  spreading,  irregular,  arising 

from  a basis,  generally  a short  stalk. 

Spongia  rigida,  Montague  Wern.  Tr.  2,  87. 


Thallus  about  an  inch  high,  orange-colour,  which  it 
partly  retains  on  drying  if  tolerably  freed  from  the  paren- 
chyme;  texture  as  coarse  as  that  of  common  sponge. 

PL  cell.  aph.  2.THALASSIOPHYTiE.  55.Tupha.  357 

/3.  minor.  Smaller  branches  more  numerous  and  distinct, 
spreading  from  a shorter  pedicel  1. 

XXXI.  56.  SCYPHA.  Scyphe. 

Thallus  shooting  into  tubular  processes,  either  simple  or 
compound,  very  porous,  formed  of  interwoven,  bent,  reti- 
culated horny  fibres,  without  any  chalklike  matter. 

1 . Scypha  coronata . Crowned  scyphe. 
Tube  solitary;  tip  crowned  with  radiating  spines. 

Spobgia  coronata,  Ellis  Zooph.  190. 

On  fuci  and  other  marine  bodies. 

Thallus  above  an  inch  long,  yellowish  sometimes  a 
shining,  silvery  white,  not  always  crowned  but  covered 
with  spiculse. 

2.  Scypha  botryoides.  Bunch-of- grapes  scyphe. 

Thallus  minute,  ovate,  tubular,  in  bunches  covered  with 

radiated  spines. 

Spongia  botryoides,  Ellis  Zooph.  190. 


Thallus  composed  of  minute  branches,  oval  like  grapes, 
each  open  at  the  tip,  as  if  tubular. — The  spines  are  the 
asterias  radiata  of  Walker. 

3.  Scypha  papillaris.  Nipple  scyphe. 

Thallus  sessile,  flat,  spreading  with  scattered  tubular 


Spongia  papillaris,  Gmel.  Syst,  Nat.  1,3S24. 

Rocks  rarely  left  uncovered  by  the  sea. 

Thallus  soft,  yellow ; tubercles  sometimes  tipped  with 
tflue;  when  dry  less  soft,  brown  or  gray;  surface  like  gauze. 

0.  Sowerbeii.  Tubercles  longer  and  more  numerous. 

Spongia  compacta,  Brit.  Miseell.  1,42. 

Bottom  of  the  sea? 

4-.  Scypha  tubulosa.  Tubular  scyphe . 

Thallus  tubular,  branched,  tough;  tubes  erect,  slightly 
tapering.  t 

Spongia  tubulosa,  Ellis  Zooph.  1S8. 

Spongia  fasligiata,  Pallas  Zooph.  392. 

Sea-shore  at  very  low  water,  and  bottom  of  the  sea. 
Thallus  3 inches  high  and  4 or  5 wide,  yellow,  when  dry 
pale  brown  or  dirty  white. 

358  56.  Scypha.  2.  TH  AL  ASSIOPHYT7E.  Pl.cell.aplu 

5.  Scypha  foliace a.  Leafy  scyphe . 

Thallus  tubular,  much  compressed  ; texture  fine,  inside 

finely  reticulated. 

Spongia  compressa,  Fabricius  Faun . Greenl.  448. 


Thallus  an  inch  long,  dull  yellow,  pendent  ; from  its 
thinness  it  may  be  mistaken  for  a flustra. 

6.  Scypha  laevigata.  Smooth  scyphe . 

Thallus  soft,  compressible,  elastic  ; texture  extremely 

fine  and  reticulated. 

Spongia  laivigata,  Montague  Wern.  Tr.  2,95. 

Bottom  of  the  sea? 

Texture  extremely  fine,  equal  to  that  of  the  internal 
spongy  part  of  some  kinds  of  puff-ball. 

7.  Scypha  ovata.  Ovate  scyphe , 

Thallus  ovate,  wrinkled,  tubular;  summit  crowned  with 

spines  surrounding  the  aperture. 

Spongia  Ananas,  Montague  Wern.  Tr.  2,  96. 


Thallus  minute. 

@.  tomentosa.  Thallus  clothlike. 

Upon  cellaria  scruposa. 

8.  Scypha  complicata . Complicated  scyphe . 

Thallus  tubular ; branches  numerous,  most  intricately 

interwoven,  and  frequently  anastomosing. 

Spongia  complicata,  Montague  Wern.  Tr.  2,  97. 

On  fuci. 

9.  Scypha  cancellata.  Railwork  scyphe. 

Fibres  in  network,  inosculations  tuberous,  with  a pore. 
Spengia  cancellata,  Brit.  Misc.  131,  not  of  Gmelin. 

Thallus  yellowish ; fibres  horny  in  railwork  writh  large 

XXXII.  57.  SPONGIA.  Aristotle.  Sponge 

Thallus  sessile  or  pedicelled,  of  a compact  or  slightly 
lobed  indeterminate  form,  composed  of  interwroven,  bent^ 
reticulated  horny  fibres,  without  any  chalklike  matter. 

Pl,  cell.  aph.  2.  THALASSIOPHYTiE.  57.Spongia.  359 

a.  Thallus  peduncled , concave,  funnelshape. 

1.  Spongia  infundihuliformis.  Funnelshape  sponge . 

Thallus  funnelshape,  flexible;  surface  rather  rough,  ir- 

Spongia  infundihuliformis,  Lin.  Syst.  Nat.  1296. 

Spongia  crateriformis,  Pallas  Zooph,  386. 


2.  Spongia  foliascens.  Leajlike  sponge . 

Thallus  stifli  but  not  woody,  arising  from  a corky  base 

and  spreading  into  a cup;  edge  slightly  cut  and  indented  ; 
pores  fine. 

Spongia  foliascens,  Pallas  Zooph.  395. 

Spongia  Scypha,  Montague  Wern.  Tr.  2,107. 


Thallus  about  2 inches  and  a half  high ; bowl  2 inches 
deep,  and  as  wide  at  top,  bottom  half  an  inch  wide,  pale 
brown,  impervious  to  light. 

b.  Thallus  peduncled,  flat,  funnelshape,  simple  or  loled. 

3.  Spongia  crist  at  a.  Crested  sponge . 

Thallus  flat,  upright,  tender,  resembling  a cockscomb, 

pores  in  rows,  small,  slightly  projecting,  along  the  top. 

Spongia  cristata,  Ellis  Zooph.  186. 

Cocks  comb  sponge , Phil.  Tr.  55,  288. 


Thallus  said  by  Mr.  Ellis  to  have  a visible  systole  of  the 
water  in  and  out  of  its  pores. 

4.  Spongia  ventilahriformis . Fanshape  sponge , 

Thallus  fanshaped;  fibres  reticulated,  woody;  covered 

with  large  spongy  pores. 

Spongia  Ventilahrum,  Lin.  Syst.  Nat.  1,  1296. 

Sea-fan  sponge , Phil.  Tr.  55,  289. 


Thallus  10  inches  high,  a quarter  of  an  inch  thick  in  the 
widest  part,  may  be  seen  through  if  held  pretty  close  to 
the  eye. 

5.  Spongia  pulchella . Pretty  sponge, 

Thallus  generally  compressed  and  bald  ; reticulations 

fine,  smooth,  soft. 

Spongia  pulchella,  Brit.  Misc,  87. 


360  57.  Spong.  S.THALASSIOPHYT^E.  PLcell.aph. 

Thallus  fanshaped,  palmated,  or  digitate;  fibres  in  deli- 
cate network,  pale  brown  changing  to  yellowish  or  reddish 
brown,  coarser  and  stiffer  than  common  sponge. 

c.  Thallus  sessile , simple  or  lobed , often  erect . 

6.  Spongia  limhata . Lohed  sponge* 

Fibres  formed  into  circular  pore9  resembling  lace. 

Spongia  Iimlmla,  Montague  Wern.  Tr.  2,  111. 


Thallus  whitish,  firm,  elastic,  pores  very  large,  circular, 
fibres  smooth. 

7.  Spongia  fruticosa.  Shrublike  sponge . 

Thallus  tough,  elastic,  in  network ; fibres  smooth,  slightly 

connected,  distant. 

Spongia  lichenoides,  Valias  Zoopk.  378. 

Spongia  fruticosa,  Montague  Wern.  Tr.  2,  112. 


Thallus  6 or  7 inches  long,  and  half  as  wide,  irregular, 
very  light,  elegant;  fibres  distant;  network  very  irregular. 

8.  Spongia  fragilis.  Brittle  sponge. 

Thallus  brittle,  friable,  in  coarse  network;  fibres  wrinkled 

as  if  covered  with  minute  sand. 

Spongia  friabilis,  Montague  Wern.  Tr.  2,  114. 


Thallus  brown,  breaking  between  the  fingers  and  soon 
rubbing  into  a powder  like  sand  with  a micaceous  lustre. 

9.  Spongia  parasitica.  Parasitic  sponge . 

Thallus  coarse;  form  indefinite,  determined  by  the  body 

upon  which  it  creeps;  fibres  imbricated. 

Spongia  parasitica,  Monlague  Wern.  Tr.  2,  114.  N 

On  sertularise. 

10.  Spongia  Java.  Honeycomb  sponge . 

Thallus  irregular,  rather  hard,  brittle,  extremely  porous. 

Spongia  fava,  Montague  Wern.  Tr.  2,  115. 


Thallus  8 inches  long,  2 broad,  and  half  an  inch  thick, 
resembling  a piece  of  old  worm-eaten  cork. 

PL  cell.  aph.  2.THALASSI0PHYT/E.  57.  Spong.  361 

11.  Spongia  plumoss.  Feathery  sponge. 

Thallus  irregular,  rather  soft,  tough  when  deprived  of  its 


Spongia  plumosa,  Montague  TVern.  Tr.  2, 1 16. 


Thallus  3 inches  high,  2 inches  broad,  paler  than  com- 
mon sponge,  not  so  compressible  or  elastic,  resembles  com- 
pressed tow. 

d.  Thallus  sessile , simple , irregular , creeping  on  other  lodies. 

12.  Spongia  coriacea . Leathery  sponge. 

Thallus  indefinite,  wrinkled,  cavernous. 

Spongia  coriacea,  Montague  Worn.  Tr.  2,  116. 

Thallus  4>  inches  long,  2 broad,  not  unlike  a piece  of 
burnt  leather. 

13.  Spongia  tomentosa.  Clothlike  sponge. 

Thallus  irregular,  soft,  brittle,  full  of  pores,  interwoven 

with  minute  spines. 

Alcyonium  ramosum  inolle,  medullas  panis  intus  simile,  Raii  $yn.3 1,  1. 
Spongia  tomentosa,  Lin.  Syst.  Nat.  1,  i299. 

Spongia  urens,  Ellis  Zooph.  187. 

Spongia  panicea,  Pallas  Zooph.  308. 

Sponge  like  crumb  of  bread,  Ellis  Corail.  80. 

Sea-shores  and  adhering  to  fuci. 

Thallus  orange-colour,  soft ; when  dry  white,  extremely 
light,  and  brittle;  when  broken  resembles  crumb  of  bread, 
and  causes  a stinging  pain  like  cowage. 

1 4.  Spongia  sulerosa.  1 Corky  sponge. 

Thallus  crustaceous,  compact,  tough,  without  visible 

pores  externally. 

Spongia  suberosa,  Montague  Wern.  Tr.  2,  100. 

On  old  univalve  shells,  covering  them  and  filling  up  the 

Thallus  indefinite,  orange-brown  turning  brown  when 

; a O 


XXXIII.  58.  TETHYA.  Lamarck.  Tethya. 

Thallus  tubercular,  orbicular,  inside  fibrous ; fibres  in 
bundles,  stiff;  asbestine,  radiating  from  the  centre  to  the 
circumference,  scarcely  gelatinous. 

362  SS.Tethya.  2.THALASSIOPHYTiE.  Pl.cell.aph . 

1.  Tethya  verrucosa.  IVarted  tethya. 

Tkallus  globose,  externally  warted,  internally  fibrous; 

Jibrous  in  bundles,  stiff,  asbestine,  radiating. 

Alcyonium  Lyncurium,  Lin.  Syst.  Nat.  1,1295? 

Alcyonium  Aurantiurn,  Pallas  Zooph.  357  ? 

Spongia  verrucosa,  Montague  Wern.  Tr.  2, 117. 

Tethya  Lyncurium,  Lamarck  Hist.  2,  386? 


Thallus  more  than  an  inch  in  diameter,  yellowish,  slightly 
compressed,  uncoated  at  bottom  where  it  adheres  to  the 
rock,  by  which  the  asbestine  spiculae  are  shown. 

2.  Tethya  pilosa.  Hairy  tethya. 

Thallus  globose,  fleshy,  covered  with  short,  thick-set 

hair,  internally  fibrous ; fibres  in  bundles,  stiff,  asbestine, 

Tethya  pulvinata,  Lamarck  Hist.  2,  386. 

Spongia  piiosa,  Montague  Wern.  Tr.  2,  1 19. 


Thallus  not  quite  an  inch  diameter. 

3.  Tethya  P penicilliformis . Pencil-like  tethya . 

Thallus  yellowish,  spreading  horizontally ; surface  tube- 
bearing; tubes  upright,  white,  flexible,  fibrous;  fibres  en- 

Spongia  Penicillus,  Montague  Wern.  Tr.  2,  95. 


Perhaps  only  a species  of  tethya  enwrapping  a tubular 


I.  Floridea:.  Thallus  continuous,  leatherlike  or  mem- 
branaceous, formed  of  interwoven  longitudinal  fibres,  rose- 
red,  sometimes  growing  white  in  the  air ; sporidia  either 
immersed  in  the  substance  of  the  thallus,  or  in  capsular 
or  tubercular  thecae,  rarely  intermixed  with  jointed  fibres. 

XXXIV.  59.  DELESSERIA.  Lamouroux.  Delesser . 

Thallus  flat,  membranaceous,  regularly  veined ; sporidia 
immersed,  scattered  in  the  marginal  processes  of  the  ribs 
and  in  roundish  spots  in  the  thallas. 

1 . Delesser ia  sanguined.  Blood-red  delesser. 

Thallus  round  at  bottom,  branched  ; lobes  distinct,  oblong, 
ovate,  simple,  not  in  the  least  cut. 

PI.  cell.  aph.  2.THALASSIOPH  YTiE.  59.  Delesser.  365 

Fucus  sive  Alga  folio  membranaceo  purpureo  lapathe  sanguinei  figura 
et  rnagnitudine,  Raii  Syn.  47,35. 

Fucus  sanguineus,  Lin.  Mant.  136;  Engl.  Rot.  1041. 

Delesseria  sanguinea,  Lamouroux  Thai. 


2.  Delesseria  sinuosa.  Sinuous  delesser. 

Thallus  round  at  bottom,  branched;  lobes  distinct,  oblong, 

sinuated,  pinnatifid;  edge  crenated  or  fringed. 

Fucus  rnembranaceus  purpureus  latifolius  pinnatus,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn. 
47,  34. 

Fucus  rubens,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  578. 

Fucus  sinuosa,  Turner  Hist.  35;  Engl.  Rot.  822. 

Fucus  roseus,  Flor.  Dan.  652. 

Fucus  crenatus,  Gmel.  Fuci , 184. 

P'ucus  Palmella,  var.  Esper.  42. 

Delesseria  sinuosa,  Lamour.  Thai. 


Thallus  pale  uniform  red. 

/3.  incrassala . Thallus  rather  cartilaginous;  cilice  reverse- 
ovate.  * 

7.  quercifolia.  Thallus  lobes  rounded ; edge  naked,  with- 
out ciliae. 

3.  Delesseria  ruscifolia.  Knee-holly  delesser. 

Thallus  branched,  winged;  lobes  distinct,  oblong,  ovate, 

blunt,  flat;  edge  not  cut;  midrib  proliferous;  veins  pellucid, 

Fucus  ruscifolius,  Turner  Lin.  Tr.  6,  127  ; Engl.  Rot.  1395. 

Delesseria  ruscifolia,  Agardh  Disp.  14. 

Sea-shore;  perennial;  Jan.  and  Feb. 

Thallus  about  4?  inches  long,  and  a quarter  of  an  inch 

/3.  minor.  Thallus  ovate,  lanceolate,  about  an  inch  and 
a half  long. 

3.  Delesseria  ligulata.  Strap  delesser. 

Thallus  branched  below,  winged;  lobes  distinct,  linear, 
lanceolate,  pointed,  flat,  simple,  not  cut,  reticulated ; 'midrib 

Fucus  Hypoglossum,  Woodward  Linn.  Tr.  2,30;  Engl.  Rot.  1396. 
Delesseria  Hypoglossum,  Lamour.  Thai. 

Fucus  ligulatus,  Solander  in  MS. 

Sea-shore;  annual;  June  and  July. 

Thallus  3 inches  long  and  a quarter  wide. 

364  59.  Deless.  2 . T II A L A S S I O P H Y T IE.  Pl.cell.opk. 
minor.  T/iallus  very  narrow. 

Fucus  hypoglossoides,  Stackh.  Ner.  Brit.  176. 

y.  incrass  folia.  Thallus  narrow,  linear;  network  scarcely 

4.  Delesseria  alata.  Winged  delesser. 

Thallus  winged,  repeatedly  and  alternately  branched; 
loles  confluent,  decurrent,  alternately  branched. 

Fucus  dichotomus  parvus  costatus  et  membranaceus,  Dillen  in  Rail  Syn. 
44, 20. 

Fucus  alatus,  Lin.  Mnnt.  135  ; Engl.  Bot.  1837. 

Delesseria  alata,  Lamour.  Thai. 

Sea-shore;  perennial. 

& dilatata.  Thallus  broad ; wings  broad,  waved. 

y.  angustissima.  Thallus  \e ry  slender;  wings  very  nar- 
row, scarcely  any. 

XXXV.  60.  ODONTH A LIA.  Lyngbye.  Sea-tooth. 

Thallus  flat,  membranaceous,  confluent,  reddish';  midrib 
slightly  prominent ; edge  toothed ; sporidia  in  two  lines  on 
solitary  or  clustered  lanceolate  marginal  processes  ; ihecceP 
pedicelled,  wine-glass-shape.  The  tliecse  are  by  some 
thought  to  be  parasitic  animals. 

Odonthalia  pinnatifida.  Pinnatifid  sea-tooth . 

Thallus  branched,  alternately  pinnatifid;  twigs  alternate, 
toothed  at  the  tip,  teeth  short. 

Fucus  dentdtus,  Lin.  Mant.  135. 

Fucus  piunatifidus,  FI.  Lfyn.  354. 

Delesseria  dentala,  Lamour.  Thai  36. 

Splia?.rococcus  dentatus,  Agardh  Syn.  22. 

Odonthalia  dentata,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  9. 

Sea-shore;  perennial;  autumn. 

Thallus  solitary,  about  4 inches  long. 

XXXVI.  61.  SPR/EROCOCCUS.  Stackh.  Roundfruit . 

Thallus  flat,  membranaceous  or  coriaceous,  confluent, 
ribless;  sporidia  in  roundish  tubercles;  thecce  scattered 
on  the  surface,  or  on  the  edge. 

a.  Dromius.  Thallus  membranaceous , ribless,  tubercles  flat 
on  the  surface. 

1 . Sphcerococcus  punctatus . Dotted  roundfruit. 

Thallus  very  thin,  membranaceous,  palmate,  two-forked, 
lobes  linear,  tip  two-cut,  blunt,  edge  flat,  tubercles  oblong. 

Pl.cell.aph.  2.THALASSIOPHYTYE.  61.  Sphseroc.  365 

Ulva  punctata,  Stackhouse , Lin . Tr.  S,  536. 

Fucus  punctatus,  With.  Bot.Arr.  4,405;  Engl.  Bot.  1573  ; Turn.  Hist. 

Delesseria  punctata,  Agardh  Disp.  14. 

On  marine  plants. 

Thallus  delicate  pale  pink  ; sporidia  dark  red. 

2.  Sphcerococcus  ulvoides.  Ulva  roundfruit . 

Thallus  membranaceous  lobed;  lobes  blunt,  pinnatifid, 

edges  not  cut ; tubercles  hemispherical. 

Fucus  ulvoides.  Turner  Hist.  80  ; Engl.  Bot.  2154, 

Delesseria  ulvoides,  Agardh  Disp.  14. 


b.  Sphserococcus.  Thallus  slightly  ribbed  lengthways  at 
the  base , proliferous  ; tubercles  flat  on  the  surface. 

3.  SphcBrococcus  miens.  Reddish  roundfruit . 

Thallus  rather  membranaceous,  slightly  ribbed  length- 
ways at  the  bottom,  mostly  two  forked ; lobes  linear,  ellip- 
tical, tip  round;  edge  jagged,  wavy;  surface  proliferous; 
tubercles  hemispherical. 

Fucus  membranaceus  purpureus  varie  ramosus,  Dillen  in  liaii  Syn. 

Fucus  rubens,  Lin.  S.  P.  1630;  Engl.  Bot.  1053;  Turn,  Hist.  42. 

Fucus  epipbyllus,  FI.  Dan.  708. 

Fucus  prolifer,  Lightf.  Scot.  2. 

Fucus  laciniatus,  Gmel.  182. 

Fucus  crispus,  Huds.  FI.  ylngl.  580. 

Delesseria  rubens,  Lamour  Essai. 

Sphcerococcus  rubens,  Agardh  Syn.  23. 

Chondrus  rubens,  Lynghye  Hydr.  Dan.  IS'. 

Sea-shore ; perennial. 

Micl~rib  visible  at  the  base  of  the  thallus,  but  is  after- 
wards lost  in  its  substance. 

4.  Sphcerococcus  laceratus.  Torn  roundfruit . 

Thallus  membranaceous,  tender,  slightly  veined,  mostly 

forked;  lobes  linear;  tip  rounded;  edge  waved  and  tom; 
tubercles  hemispherical ; sporidia  solitary,  scattered. 

Fucus  laceratus,  Gmel.  Fuci , 179  ; Turn . Hist.  68 ; Engl.  Bot.  1067. 
Fucus  crispatus,  Lin.  Syst.  Nat.  2,  7 18. 

Fucns  cristatus,  With.  Bot.  Arr.  4,  103. 

Fucus  laciniatus  1,  With.  Bot.Arr.  4, 102. 

Fucus  endivifolia,  Light.  Scot.  948. 

Rocks  and  stones  on  the  sea-coast;  autumn. 

0.  papyraceus . Segments  and  lobes  linear. 

366  61 . Sphaeroc.  2.THALASSIOPHYT^E.  Pl.cell.aph. 

y.  granatinus.  Thallus  roundish;  segments  widen  up- 
wards mostly  simple,  lobed  at  the  end. 

^.fimbriatus.  Segments  linear,  proliferous  at  the  edge. 

e.  elegans.  Thallus  roundish;  segments  widening  up- 
wards; tip  repeatedly  divided,  sinuated. 

£.  uncinatus.  Segments  linear;  tip  forked,  hooked  and 

y.  ligulatus . Segments  widening  upwards ; tip  palmate; 
lobes  simple,  oblong,  lanceolate. 

0.  multifidus . Segments  linear,  repeatedly  divided;  ex- 
treme lobes  very  numerous,  narrow,  long,  branched. 

1.  incrassatus . Segments  linear,  flattish ; tip  forked ; lobes 
linear,  lanceolate,  spreading,  acute. 

c.  Thallus  ribless , leat  her  like  ; edge  proliferous  ; tubercles 
flat , on  the  surface, 

5.  Sphcerococcus  Sarniensis.  Guernsey  roundfruit. 

Thallus  membranaceous,  cartilaginous,  nerveless,  pal- 

mately  divided;  edge  proliferous;  segments  linear;  tu- 
bercles immersed. 

Fucus  Sarniensis,  I'urn.  Hist.  95;  Engl.  Bot.  2132. 

Sphaerococcus  Sarniensis,  Agardh  Syn.  16. 


Thallus  purplish  red,  becoming  brown  when  dry. 

6.  Sphcerococcus  reniformis.  Kidney  shape  roundfruit . 

Thallus  membranaceous,  cartilaginous ; branches  thread- 
like; segments  dilated,  kidneyshape  or  orbicular ; tubercles 
hemispherical,  immersed. 

Fucus  reniformis,  Turn.  Hist . 109  ; Engl.  Bot.  21 16. 

Sphaerococcus  reniformis,  Agardh  Disp.  16. 


Thallus  thin  at  the  base,  compressed,  irregularly  divided ; 
segments  suddenly  expanding,  thin. 

£.  tenuis.  Thallus  slightly  expanded  at  bottom,  edge  ir- 
regularly ciliated. 

d.  Thallus  ribless,  leather  like,  forked ; tubercles  on  the 
surface , flat. 

PL  cell,  aph.  2.THALASSIOPHYTiE.  61.Sphseroc.  367 

7.  Sphccrococcus  Norvegicus.  Norway  roundfruit. 

Thallus  cartilaginous,  forked,  veinless;  segments  linear; 

edge  not  cut;  tip  blunt;  tubercles  hemispherical. 

Fucus  Norvegicus,  Turn.  Syn.  222  ; Engl.  Bot.  1080. 

Fucus  crenulatus  k.  Turn.  Tr.  Lin.  Soc.  17,  131. 

Fucus  polymorphic,  var.  Lamour  Biss. 

.Sphaerococcus  Norvegicus,  Agardh  Disp.  15. 

Chondrus  Norvegicus,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  16. 

Sea-shore;  perennial;  March. 

8.  Sphcerococcus  crispus.  Crisp  roundfruit . 

Thallus  cartilaginous,  forked,  crisp,  palmate;  segments 

dilated ; edge  not  cut ; tubercles  solitary,  immersed  in  the 
tip  of  the  thallus. 

Fucus  membranaceus,  ceranoides  varie  dissectus,  Raii  Syn.  44,  16. 

Fucus  membranaceus  ceranoides  ramosus,  per  siccitatem  obsolete  vi- 
rescens,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  44,  17. 

Fucus  crispus,  Lin.  Mant.  134. 

Fucus  ceranoides,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  582. 

Fucus  polymorphic,  Lam.  Essai. 

Sphserococcus  crispus,  Agardh  Syn.  24. 

Ulva  crispa,  De  Candolle  FI.  Tr.  2,  15. 

Sea-shores;  perennial;  October  to  May. 

£.  virens.  Thallus  rather  membranaceous;  segments 
widening  at  top,  flattish ; lobes  long,  pointed. 

y.  stellatus.  Thallus  rather  leatherlike;  segments  widen- 
ing at  top;  tip  divided  into  many  short,  clustered  lobes. 

Fucus  stellatus,  Stackh.  Ner.  Brit.  53. 

cequalis.  Thallus  cartilaginous,  thick ; segments  all 
equal,  linear;  lobes  blunt. 

Fucus  crispatus,  FI.  Dan.  326. 

Fucus  crispus,  Stackh.  Ner.  Brit.  12. 

Fucus  foliifer,  Esper , 106. 

e.Jiliformis.  Thallus  cartilaginous,  compressed;  segments 
linear,  flat;  lobes  long,  acute. 

Fucus  filiformis,  Huds.  Ft.  Angl.  585. 

Fucus  ceranoides  albidus,  ramulorum  apicibus  stellatis,  Dillen  in  Raii 
Syn.  44, 18. 

£.  patens . Thallus  rather  cartilaginous,  linear,  here  and 
there  channelled ; angles  of  the  forks  spreading. 

Fucus  patens,  Lin.  Trans.  3,  173. 

y\.  lacerus.  Thallus  cartilaginous,  compressed;  tip  very 
narrow,  long,  lobed. 

Fucus  lacerus,  Stackh.  Ner.  Brit.  11. 

Q.  Sarniensis . Thallus  leatherlike,  cartilaginous ; seg- 
ments here  and  there  rather  channelled,  dilated ; tip  round- 
ed, nicked. 

368  6I.Sph0eroc.  2.THALASSIOPHYTiE.  Pl.cell.aph. 

t.  planus . Thallus  leatherlike,  flat,  broad ; segments 

linear  ; tip  blunt. 

e.  Mammillaris.  Thallus  leatherlike , channelled,  forked ; 
tubercles  on  tie  surface  and  edge , nipplelike. 

9.  Sphcerococcus  mamillosus . Nipple  roundfruit * 

Thallus  cartilaginous,  forked,  long,  wedgeshape,  chan- 
nelled above;  segments  dilated;  edge  not  cut:  theca  nip- 
plelike, pedicelled  on  the  surface  and  edge  of  the  thallus; 
pedicells  short. 

Furus  mamillosus,*  Good.  Tr.  Lin.  Soc.  6,  174 ; r»rrt.  Hist.  122;  Ensk 
Sot.  1054.  & 

Fucus  canal iculatus  /S,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  583. 

Fueus  ceranoides  «,  Light/.  Scot.  916. 

Fucus  ceranoides,  With.  Bot.Arr.  4,  99. 

Fucus  alveolatus,  Esper , 139. 

Fucus  ceranoides  S,  Gniel.  115, 

Spoerococcus  mamillosus,  Agardh  Disp.  16. 

Sea-shores ; perennial. 

j3.  linearis.  Thallus  slender,  linear;  tip  blunt,  naked. 

y.  proliferus . Thallus  proliferous  on  the  surface  and 
edge,  wrinkled ; tubercles  numerous,  crowded,  oblong,  nip- 

fr.  echinatus.  Segments  widening  upwards,  nearly  naked 
on  one  side. 

Fucus  echinatus,  StacJch.  Ner.  Brit.  65. 

s.  incurvatus . Thallus  nearly  linear,  tips  rounded ; tu- 
bercles nearly  terminal ; peduncles  bent  inwards. 

f.  Chondrus.  Thallus  threadlike  at  bottom , wedgeshape 
at  the  tip  ; tubercles  on  the  edge . 

10.  Sphceroc. membranifolius.  Membraneleaved  roundfruit . 

Thallus  threadlike  at  bottom  and  compressed;  tip  ex- 
panded, wedgeshape;  segments  2-lobed,  forked;  tubercles 
globose,  peduncled  on  the  base  of  the  thallus. 

Fucus  membranifolius,  Esper , 115;  Turn.  Hist.  74;  Engl.  Bot.  1965. 

Fucus  rubens,  FI.  Dan.  827. 

Fucus  Palmetta,  Gmelin , 22. 

Sphaerococcus  membranifolius,  Agardh  Syn.  26. 

Delesseria  membrani folia,  Lamour.  Thai. 

Sea-shore;  perennial;  winter. 

|8.  lacerus.  Segments  forked;  lobes  linear;  tip  acute. 

Fucus  parvus  cauliculis  teretibus,  summitatibu§  membranaceis  dilatatis 
<st  laceratis,  Rail  Syn.  44,  19,  excluding  Morison’a  synonym. 

Fucus  ceranoides  y,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  583 . 

Fucus  pseudoceranoides,  Gmelin,  119. 

PI.  cell,  aph.  2.  THAL  ASSIOPHYTiE.  Gl.Spbeeroc^  369 

y.  slellatus.  Segments  very  numerous;  tips  finely  di- 

3".  fimbriatus.  Segments  fringed. 

Fucus  fimbriatus,  Iluds.  FI.  Angl.  574. 

Focus  cer'anoides  8,  Ligktf.  Scot.  916. 

e.  latifolius.  Segments  membranaceous,  nearly  orbicular, 
many- cut,  palmate;  lobes  short;  tip  rounded. 

£.roseus.  Thallus  simple;  tip  expanded,  oblong,  simple. 

11.  Spheerococcus  Brodicei.  Brodie’s  roundfruit. 

Thallus  bottom  tlireadshape,  round,  branched  ; tip  ex- 
panded, oblong,  simple  or  forked;  edge  proliferous;  tu- 
bercles spherical,  sessile  or  nearly  sessile  on  the  tip  of  the 

Fucus  Brodicei  fTurn.  Hist.  72  ; Engl.  Bot.  1966. 

Focus  membrantfoSius,  Lamour.  Ess.  21. 

Delesseria  Brodicei,  Lamour,  Thai.  37. 

Sphserococeus  Brodicei,  Agardh  Disp.  27. 

Sea-shores;  perennial;  March. 

Thallus  aggregate;  tubercles  soli tary  or  in  pairs. 

12.  Sphcerococcus  palmatus.  Palmli  he  roundj  ru  it. 

Thallus  round  at  bottom,  mostly  simple;  tip  expanded, 

wedgeshape,  palmated ; tubercles  hemispherical,  sessile, 
mostly  on  the  edge  of  the  lobes. 

Fucus  Palmetta,  Esper,  4 0;  Turn.  Hist.  73  ; Engl.  Bot.  1126,  not  of 

Fucus  Palmetta  6,  Lamour.  Essai,  19. 

Delesseria  Palmetta,  Lamour.  Thai. 

Sphcerococcus  Palmetta,  Agardh  Disp.  16. 

Sea-shores,  on  stones  or  marine  plants. 

Thallus  2 or  3 inches  long;  edge  not  in  the  least  cut; 
tubercles  superficial,  without  interwoven  fibres. 

(3.  bifidus.  Thallus  simple;  tip  expanded,  wedgeshape, 
simple  or  2-cut. 

Fucus  bifidus,  Iluds.  Ft.  Jtngt  581. 

y.  crassiusculus.  Thallus  linear,  much  and  irregularly 
divided;  tip  pointed. 

3“.  linearis . Thallus  linear ; segments  long,  simple  or 
forked ; tip  rounded. 

13.  SphcBroCoccUS  bifidus . Two-cut  roundfruit. 

Thallus  fiat#  membranaceous,  linear,  forked;  segments 

divaricating;  edges  here  and  there  united  together  by  very 
VOL.  i.  2 b 

370  61.  Sphaeroc.  2.THALASSIOPHYTiE.  Pl.cell.apk. 

short  scattered  cilise ; tubercles  hemispherical,  immersed  in 
the  thallus  near  the  edge. 

Fucus  bifidus,  Iluds.  FI.  Angl.  581  ; Turn.  Hist.  154;  Engl.  Bot.  773. 

Sphaerococcus  bifidus,  Agardh  Disp.  16. 

Ddesseria  bifida,  Lamour.  Thai. 

Rocks  and  plants  in  the  sea;  perennial;  Sept,  to  Jan. 

j3.  cilialus.  Thallus  linear,  fringed  along  the  edge',  fringe 
minute,  toothlike;  tip  lanceolate,  pointed. 

y.  decipiens.  Thallus  irregularly  divided ; edge  here  and 
there  fringed;  tip  oval  and  pointed. 

& subpalmatus,  Thallus  linear,  nearly  palmate,  rounded 
at  the  tip. 

s.  sinuosus.  Thallus  somewhat  dilated,  slightly  sinuated 
towards  the  tip. 

£.  stipilatus.  Thallus  nearly  cylindrical;  tips  either  di- 
lated and  blunt,  or  narrow  and  pointed,  proliferous  at  the 

g.  Thallus  flat , forked  or  palmate , fringed;  tubercles  on 
the  edge. 

14?.  T bhcerococcus  lacinialus.  Jagged  roundfruit . 

Thallus  flat,  leatherlike,  lobed  ; segments  dilated  up- 
wards; tip  palmate,  blunt;  edge  crenated,  proliferous; 
sporidia  in  the  thickened  edge,  or  marginal  fringe. 

Fucus  laciniatus,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  579;  Turn.  Hist.  69 ; Engl.  Bot.  1068. 

Fucus  rainiatus,  FI.  Dan.  769. 

Fucus  ciliatus,  Gmel.  176. 

Fucus  crispus,  Esper.  18. 

Fucus  crispatus,  Stackh.  Ner.  Brit.  15. 

Fucus  laceratus  y,  Linn.  Tr.  3,  156. 

On  rocks  and  stones  in  the  sea ; February  to  May. 

Thallus  aggregated,  smaller  at  bottom. 

0.  ovalifolius.  Thallus  proliferous  on  the  edge;  marginal 
processes  elliptical  roundish,  simple,  on  short  petioles. 

h.  Thallus  flat , pinnately  lobed , fringed;  tubercles  on  the 

15.  Sphcerococcus  cilialus.  Fringed  roundfruit. 

Thallus  flat,  membranaceous,  cartilaginous,  lanceolate, 
pinnately  divided ; surface  and  edge  fringed ; fringe  mostly 
simple,  awlshape,  spread ; tubercles  on  the  edge. 

Pl.cell.aph.  2.THALASSIOPHYTiE.  61.  Sphseroc.  371 

Fucus  meinbranaceus  rubens  angustifolius,  marginibus  ligulis  armatis, 
RaiiSyn.  47,33. 

Fucus  ciliatus,  Lin.  Mnnt.  436;  Turn.  Hist.  70;  Engl.  Bot.  1069. 

Fucus  holosetaceus,  Gmel.  177. 

Fucus  ligolatus,  Gmel.  178. 

Ulva  ciliata,  De  Cand.  FI.  Fr.  2,  13. 

Sphaerococcus  ciliatus,  Agardh  Syn.  28. 

Delesseria  ciliata,  Lamour.  Thai. 


Sea-shore;  perennial;  winter. 

Thallus  3 or  4?  inches  long;  eaten  as  a salad  either  alone 
or  after  being  sprinkled  before  drying  with  a little  alkaline 

/3.  pinnatifdus.  Thallus  lanceolate,  pinnately  divided ; 
segments  long,  lanceolate,  simple. 

y.  palmalus.  Thallus  lanceolate,  rather  naked,  undi- 
vided or  palmate. 

S.jubatus.  Fringes  branched. 

Fucus  jubatus,  Linn.  Trans.  3,  162. 

s.  lanceolatus.  Thallus  linear,  lanceolate,  very  much  di- 
vided ; fringes  divided. 

Fucus  lanceolatus,  With.  Bot.  Arr.  4, 104. 

(.  angustus.  Thallus  linear,  very  much  divided;  seg- 
ments nearly  hairlike,  very  slender,  compressed. 

y\.  spinosus.  Thallus  linear,  compressed,  much  and  irre- 
gularly divided,  entirely  covered  with  short,  simple,  awl- 
shape  cilise. 

XXXVII.  62.  GIGARTINA.  Plum-weed . 

Thallus  linear,  compressed  or  cylindrical,  very  much 
branched,  nearly  of  equal  thickness  throughout;  sporidia 
in  roundish  tubercles,  either  lateral  or  terminal. 

a.  Gelidium.  Thallus  toothed  on  the  edge9  fringed  j tu- 
bercles roundish , on  the  marginal  cilice. 

1 . Gigartinus  pistillatus.  Pistilled  plum-weed. 

Thallus  cartilaginous,  linear,  compressed,  irregularly 
two-forked;  twigs  awlshape,  rather  two-rowed,  horizontal; 
tubercles  on  the  twigs,  globose. 

2 B 2 

372  62.  Gigart.  2.THALASSIOPHYT2E.  PI.  cell.  apL 

Fucus  gigartinus,  Lin.  Syst.  Veg.  816;  Turn.  Hist.  28  ; Engl.  Bot.  908r 
not  of  FI.  Dan. 

* Focus  pistillajop,  Gme.l.  156. 

Focus  Oederi,  Esper , 135. 

Ceramium  gigartinum,  Roth  Cat.  3,  109. 

Gigartina  pistillata,  Lamour.  Thai.  46. 

Gelidium  gigartinus,  Lyngbye  Ilydr.  Ban.  41. 

Sphairococcus  gigartinus,  Agardh  Disp.  16. 

Sea-shore;  perennial. 

Thallus  aggregate ; forks  spreading. 

2.  Gigartinus  coronopifolia.  Swines-cr ess-leaf  plum-weed* 

Thallus  cartilaginous,  flattish,  compressed,  much  and 
irregularly  branched ; twigs  two-forked,  spreading,  alter- 
nate, cylindrical ; tubercles  spherical,  on  the  short  hori- 
zontal two-rowed  ciiise. 

Focus  coronopi  facie,  Dille.n  in  Raii  Syn.  45,23. 

Fucus  ccronopifoiius,  Lin.  Tr.  3,  185;  Turn.  Hist,  122;  Engl.  Bot. 

Fucus  cartilagineus,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  586. 

Spheerococcus  coronopifolius,  Agardh  Syn.  30,  not  the  synonyms. 

Sea-shores;  perennial;  October. 

Thallus  deep  transparent  red,  flexuous ; lobes  slightly 
veined  and  dilated,  when  barren  palmate. 

b.  Hypnea.  Thallus  compressed , branched ; tubercles 
immersed  in  the  lanceolate  compressed  twigs. 

S.  Gigartina  cartilaginea.  Gristlelike  plum-weed . 

Thallus  cartilaginous,  flat  or  compressed,  naked  below, 
repeatedly  pinnate  above;  segments  horizontal,  mostly  al- 
ternate, linear;  ultimate  segments  very  short,  blunt;  fruit- 
bearing segments  ovate,  lanceolate,  sharp-pointed. 

Fucus  cartilagineus,  Lin.  Syst.  Veg.  816;  Turn.  Hist.  124;  Engl.  Bot. 

Fucus  Capensis,  Gmel.  157. 

Fucus  versicolor,  Gmel.  158. 

Sea-coast ; perennial. 

Thallus  red,  purple,  greenish,  brownish  or  tawny. 

4.  Gigartina  cornea.  Hornlike  plum-weed* 

Thallus  cartilaginous,  horny,  compressed,  irregularly 
branched;  branches  linear,  narrowed  at  each  end;  pinnate 
or  bipinnate;  segments  opposite,  spreading,  rather  blunt. 

Fucus  flavicans  teretifolius  ramulis  pennatim  enascentibus,  Dillen  in 
j Raii  Syn.  50,  49. 

Fucus  corneus,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  585;  Turn.  Hist.  257  ; Engl.  Bot.  1970.. 

Fucus  senicnus,  Gmel.  149. 

Fucus  spinosus,  Gmel.  161. 

Fucus  pumilus,  Stackh.  Ner.  Brit.  16,  16? 

Sea-coasts;  perennial;  May  to  October. 

PL  cell.  aph.  2.THALASSIOFHYT;E.  62.  Gigart.  373 

@.filicinus.  Thallus  very  slender;  lobes  horizontal,  di- 
lated, very  blunt. 

£ Fucus  filicinus,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  586. 

Fucus  nereideus,  Light f.  956. 

y.  pinnatus.  Thallus  narrow,  tri-piniiate;  lobes  nearly 
linear,  rather  blunt. 

Fucus  pinnatus,  Iluds.  FI.  Angl.b 86. 

Fucus  sericeus,  Gmel.  149. 

$.  reniformis . Branches  and  twigs  spreading,  scattered, 
narrow  at  bottom,  tip  blunt. 

£.  capillaceus.  Thallus  slender;  upper  lobes  crowded, 
bristlelike,  nearly  upright. 

Fucus  capillaceus,  Gmel.  146. 

£.  deformis.  Thallus  twisted,  irregularly  pinnated : lobes 
divaricated,  oblong,  very  short,  not  divided. 

rj.  pule  hell  us.  Thallus  hairlike,  compressed,  tripinnate ; 
lobes  linear,  clublike,  blunt. 

Q.  claviferus.  Thallus  cylindrichl,  hairlike,  irregularly 
divided;  twigs  reverse  ovate;  edge  with  minute  scattered 

i.  coronatus.  Thallus  compressed,  irregularly  branched, 
naked  below;  having  in  the  middle  a few,  simple-,  scattered 
lobes,  and  at  top  clusters  of  short  twigs  bent  back. 

5.  Gigartina  Wigghii.  IViggh’s  plum-weed. 

Thallus  slightly  gelatinous,  cylindrical,  threadlike,  much 

and  irregularly  branched;  twigs  very  numerous,  on  all 
parts,  bristlelike,  mostly  simple,  scattered ; fruitbearing 
twigs  lanceolate,  compressed. 

Fucus  Wigghii,  Turn,  in  Lin.  Tr.  6,  11  ; Turn.  Hist.  102;  Engl.  Bot . 

Spheerococcus  Wigghii,  Agardh  Disp.  17. 

Hypnea  Wigghii,  Lamour.  Thai. 

Sea-shore;  annual;  Midsummer. 

c.  Thallus  roundish , branched ; twigs  threadlike ; theccE 
globular , on  the  end  of  the  twigs. 

6.  Gigartina  asparagoides.  Asparagus  plum-weed. 

Thallus  slightly  gelatinous,  cylindrical,  threadlike,  much 

and  irregularly  branched;  twigs  simple,  spreading  hori- 
zontally, bristlelike,  2-rowed,  opposite,  ending  alternately 
in  a spherical  theca. 

374  62.  Gigart.  2.THALASSIOPHYTA2.  PI.  cell.  aph. 

Fucus  asparagoides,  Woodvo.  in  Tr.  Lin.  Soc.  2,29. 

Sphaerococcus  asparagoides,  Agardh  Disp.  IT. 

Piocamiurn  asparagoides,  Lamuur.  Thai. 


d.  Thallus  threadlike , equal ; tubercles  lateral , wartlikey 
firmed  of  jointed  threads. 

7.  Gigartina  fastigiata.  Even-topped  plum-weed. 

Thallus  cartilaginous,  threadlike,  2-forked,  level-topped, 

angle  of  the  fork  bluntish,  tip  acute;  tubercles  irregular, 
hemispherical,  sessile,  lateral. 

Fucus  rotundus,  Gmel.  Fuci , 1 10  ; Engl.  Bot.  1739  ; Turn.  Hist.  5. 

Fucus  radiatus,  Gooden.  Tr.  Lin.  Soc.  3,202. 

Fucus  fastigiatus,  Staclch.  Her.  Brit.  15. 

Fucus  caprinus,  FI.  Norv.  1,96. 

Chordaria  rotunda,  Agardh  Syn.  12. 

Furcellaria  rotunda,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  49. 

Furcellaria  fastigiata,  Lamour.  Thai. 

Sea-shore;  perennial;  September  to  February. 

Thallus  deep  brownish  purple,  white  when  exposed  to 
the  weather;  tips  rather  blunt. 

j3.  tenuior . Thallus  with  the  extreme  segments  long  and 
linear;  tips  bluntish. 

y. fastigiata.  Thallus  very  slender,  about  2 inches  high. 

Fucus  fastigiatus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1631. 

8.  Gigartina  plicata . Pleated  plum-weed. 

Thallus  horny,  cylindrical,  uniform,  very  much  branch- 
ed; branches  mostly  simple,  clustered,  entangled,  horizon- 
tal, slightly  one-sided;  tips  blunt;  tubercles  irregular,  he- 
mispherical, sessile. 

Fucus  trichoides  nostras  aurei  coloris,  ramulorum  apicibus  furcatis, 
Jiaii  Syn.  45,26. 

Fucus  coralloides  erectus,  Raii  Syn.  51, 57. 

Fucus  plicatus,  ILuds.  Ft.  Angl.  5S9 ; Turn.  Hist.  180;  Engl.  Bot.  1088, 
not  of  Esper. 

Fucus  albus,  FI.  Dan.  408. 

Ceramium  plication,  Roth  Cat.  2,  162. 

Gigartina  plicata,  Lamour.  Thai.  48. 

Sphaerococcus  plicatus,  Agardh  Disp.  17. 

Sea-coast ; perennial ; October  to  April. 

Thallus  tufted,  stiffj  wirelike,  entangled.  „ 

&.  elongata.  Thallus  rather  forked  ; branches  long, 
straight,  level-topped. 

Fucus  longissimus,  Espcrt  44. 

PI.  cell.aph,  2.THALASSIOPHYTiE.  62.  Gigart.  37 5 

9.  Gigartina  Griffitsice.  Griffith's  plum-weed. 

Thallus  cartilaginous,  cylindrical,  threadlike,  forked, 

level-topped ; tubercles  lateral,  oblong,  embracing  the 

Fucus  Griffitsiae,  'Turn.  Hist.  126;  Engl.  Hot.  1926. 

Sphaerococcus  Griffitsise,  Agardh  Disp. 

Gigartina  Griffitsia?,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  43. 

Sea-shores;  October  to  December. 

Thallus  2 or  3 inches  high,  purplish ; tubercles  composed 
of  horizontally  radiating  filaments. 

10.  Gigartina  acicularis.  Needlelike  plum-weed. 

Thallus  rather  cartilaginous,  soft,  threadlike,  irregularly 

dichotomous;  branches  spreading,  pointed;  twigs  scattered, 
short,  spearshape,  horizontal. 

Fucus  acicularis,  Turn.  Hist.  126. 

Splufirococcus  acicularis,  Agardh  Disp.  17. 

Sea-shores;  winter. 

Thallus  2 or  3 inches  long;  above  slightly  flattened. 

11.  Gigartina  con fervoidcs.  Conferva  plum-weed. 

Thallus  threadlike,  much  and  irregularly  branched ; 

branches  long,  mostly  simple;  twigs  scattered,  bristlelike, 
narrower  at  each  end ; tubercles  hemispherical,  scattered. 

Fucus  inarlnus  purpurascens  parvus,  caule  et  ramulis  sen  foliolis  tereti- 
bus,  Ruii  Syn.  50,  60. 

Fucus  confervoides,  Lin.  S.  P.  1629  ; Engl.  Bot,  1669  ; Turn.  Hist.  84. 
Fucus  elongatus,  FI.  Norv . 2,  143. 

Fucus  verrucosus,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  583. 

Fucus  acerosus,  Espcr , 103. 

Fucus  longissitnus,  Gme.l.  134. 

Gigartina  confervoides,  Lamour.  Thai.  48. 

Sphaerococcus  confervoides,  Agardh  Syn.  35. 

Sea-shores ; perennial ; September  and  December. 

<3.  procerrima.  Branches  very  long,  mostly  simple,  rather 

Fucus  teres  rubens  minus  ramosus  in  longum  protensus,  Dillen  in  Raii 
Syn.  51,53. 

Fucus  procerriinus,  Espcr,  133. 

Fucus  longissimus,  Wolf.  Jacq.  Coll.  1,361. 

Ceramium  longissimum,  Roth  Cat.  3,  116. 

y.  amplexa.  Thallus  entangled ; branches  and  twigs  very 
numerous,  crowded,  twisted. 

8.  gracilis . Thallus  threadlike;  tubercles  lateral,  clus- 
tered, minute,  flaccid  towards  the  tips. 

Fucus  gracilis,  Stackh,  Ner.  Brit.  100. 

376  62.  Gigart.  2.THALASSIOPHYT7E.  Pl.  cell  aph. 

s.  albida.  T hall  us  rather  compressed,  slightly  forked; 
twigs  a wish  ape. 

Fucus  albidus,  Hud?.  FI.  Angl.  582. 

Fucus  verrucosus,  Grrich  136. 

inflate.  Thallus  bent  in,  near  the  tip  swollen  here 
and  there  with  lanceolate,  podshape  tumours. 

Yj.  geniculate.  Thallus  bent  as  if  broken  at  the  tubercles. 

12.  Gigartina  Turneri.  Turner's  plum- weed . 

Thallus  threadlike,  pale  reddish  brown,  hairlike,  uneven, 

much  and  very  irregularly  branched;  twigs  scattered;  tu- 
bercles hemispherical,  sessile,  scattered. 

Conferva  verrucosa,  Turnerii,  Engl.  Bot.  1688. 

Sea-shores  ; annual ; summer. 

Thallus  3 inches  long. 

13.  Gigartina  viridis.  Green  plum-weed. 

Thallus  cartilaginous,  threadlike,  repeatedly  and  conti- 

Dually  pinnate;  branches  and  twigs  opposite;  tubercles  he- 
mispherical, sessile. 

Fucus  viridis,  FI.  Dan.  886  ; Dot.  1689  ; Turner  Hist.  97. 

Desmaretia  viridis,  Lam.  Thai.  25. 

Chordaria?  viridis,  Agardh  Syn.  14. 

Cigar  tin?*  viridis,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  44. 

Sea- shore;  annual;  spring  and  summer. 

Thallus  1 or  2 feet  long,  fine  orange,  growing  verdigris 

e.  Gigartina.  Thallus  threadlike , equal  ; tubercles  rounds 
immersed  in  the  twigs. 

14.  Gigartina  lycopodioides.  Wolfs- claw  plum-weed. 

Thallus  threadlike,  mostly  simple,  entirely  covered  with 

threadlike  twigs,  closely  imbricated  and  slightly  forked  at 
the  tip. 

Fucus  lycopodioides,  Lin.  Syst.  Nat.  717;  Turn.  Hist.  12;  Engl.  Bat. 

Conferva  squarr^sa,  FI.  Dan.  367. 

Fucus  Lycopodium,  Stackh.  Ner.  Brit.  107. 

Furcellaria  lycopodioides,  Agardh.  Syn.  11. 

Gigartina  lycopodioides,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  43* 


Thalli  aggregate,  naked  at  bottom,  above  densely  imbri- 
cated with  simple  or  pinnated  twigs,  brownish  red  growing, 

FL  cell.  apk.  2.  THALASSIOPHYTiE.  62.  Gigart.  377 

15.  Gigarlina  subfusca.  Brownish  plum-weed. 

Thallus  threadlike ; branches  irregular,  many,  alternate, 

awlshape,  spreading ; twigs  pencilshape,  in  bundles ; tu- 
bercles unevenly  pinnate,  on  the  tip  of  the  twigs. 

Fucus  subfuscus,  Woodward  Lin.  Tr.  1,  131  ; Turn.  Hist.  10;  Engl.  Bet. 

Fucus  setaceus,  Wulff.  Cryptog.  40. 

Fucus  variabilis,  Gooden  in  Lin.  Trans , 3,222. 

Gigarlina  subfusca,  Lamour.  T/ialas.  48. 

SpliEerococcus  subfuscus,  Agardh  Syn.  32. 

Sea- shore;  perennial;  spring. 

Thallus  very  variable  in  form : twigs  often  appearing  as 
if  jointed. 

16.  Gigarlina  purpura  seems.  Purplish  plum-weed. 

Thallus  threadlike,  soft,  cartilaginous,  much  and  irregu- 
larly branched;  twigs  bristlelike,  scattered;  tubercles  sphe- 
rical, solitary,  immersed  in  the  twigs. 

Fucus  teres  albus  tenuissime  divisis,  Rail  Syn.  50,  51. 

Fucus  purpurascens,  Huds.  FL  Angl.  588;  Engl.  Bot.  1243;  Turn. 
Hist.  9. 

Fucus  tuberculatus.  Light/.  Scot.  926. 

Fucus  coraliinus,  FL  Dan.  709. 

Fucus  capillaceus,  Esper , 35. 

Fucus  acicularis,  Esper,  9!. 

Gigarlina  purpurea,  Lamour.  Thai.  48. 

Sphaerocoecus  purpurascens,  Agardh  Syn.  31. 

Sea-coast;  perennial;  summer  and  autumn. 

Thallus  1 foot  long,  light  red,  fleshy. 

0.  cirrhosa.  Tips  of  the  twigs  twisted  spirally. 

17.  Gigarlina  capillaris.  Flair  plum-weed . 

Thallus  rather  gelatinous,  threadlike,  much  and  irregu- 
larly branched;  twigs  awlshape,  pointed;  tubercles  solitary, 
imbedded  in  the  twigs* 

Fucus  capillaris,  Huds.  Fl.Angl.  591  ; Turn.  Hist.  31  ; Engl.  Bot.  2191. 
Sphaerocoecus  capillaris,  Agardh  Disp.  18. 

Gigarlina  capillaris,  Lamour.  ThaLAb. 

Sea-shore;  perennial;  April,  October. 

Thallus  6 to  8 inches  long,  pale  pink  or  crimson. 

IS.  Gigarlina  furfuracea.  Branny  plum-weed. 

Thallus  gelatinous,  fleshy,  reddish,  round ; repeatedly 
forked ; twigs  rather  flattened,  lanceolate,  cloven ; tubercles. 
scattered,  imbedded  in  the  twigs. 

Ulva  furfuracea,  Turn,  in  Schrad.  Journ.  2,  SOI ; Engl.  Bot.  1891. 
Chondria  furfuracea,  Agardh  Disp.  18. 

378  62.  Gigart.  2.  THALASSIOPHYTJE.  Pl.cell.aph. 

Sea-shore,  or  submarine  stones  or  rocks. 

Thallus  1 to  3 inches  high,  more  or  less  compressed, 

XXXVIII.  63.  GASTRIDIUM.  Lyngbye.  Belly-weed . 

Thallus  threadlike,  round,  tubular,  gelatinous,  cartila- 
ginous ; tubercles  roundish,  lateral  or  terminal ; sporidia 
in  the  tubercles  and  also  on  the  twigs. 

a.  Lauren tia.  Thallus  compressed ; tubercles  terminating 
the  twigs. 

1.  Gastridium  pinnatifidum.  Feather-cut  belly-weed . 

Thallus  compressed,  cartilaginous,  branched ; branches 

mostly  alternate,  doubly  pinnatifid;  twigs  blunt,  callous. 

Fucus  Dealensis  pedicularis  rubri  folio,  Dillen  in  Rail  Syn.  48,37. 

Fucus  ramosus  pi  peris  sapore,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  51, 55. 

Fucus  pinnatifidus,  Huds.  FI.  Ansi.  581  ; Engl.  Rot.  1202  ; Turn.  Hist. 


Fucus  multi  fid  us,  Hudson , 581. 

Fucus  corymbifcr,  Wulff.  Crypt.  32. 

Fucus  cbrymbiferus,  Esper , 94. 

Laurentia  pinnatifida,  Lamour.  Thall. 

Chondria  pinnatifida,  Agardh  Syn.  35. 

Gelidium  pinnatifidium,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan,  40. 

Pepper  dulse.  Faminkiren , Ireland. 

Sea-shore;  annual;  autumn. 

Thalli  aggregate,  yellowish  red,  diaphanous;  taste  hot, 

Q.filicinum.  Thallus  roundish;  twigs  cylindrical,  thick- 
ened upwards,  clustered,  mostly  simple. 

Fucus  Osmunda,  Nereis  Brit.  46. 

Fucus  filicinus,  Lightf.  Scot.  954,  not  of  Hudson. 

y.  angustum.  Thallus  compressed;  twigs  clublike,  crowd- 
ed, mostly  simple. 

£.  tenuissimum.  Thallus  compressed  ; twigs  divaricated, 
branches  very  slender. 

2.  Gastridium  obtusum.  Blunt  belly-weed. 

Thallus  cartilaginous,  cylindrical,  threadlike,  repeatedly 

pinnated;  branches  generally  opposite;  twigs  cylindrical, 
short,  spreading,  blunt. 

Fucus  obtusus,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  586  ; Engl.  Bot.  1201  ; Turn.  Hist.  21. 
Fucus  spinosus,  Wulf.  in  J acq.  Coll.  3,  156. 

Laurentia  obtusa,  Lamour.  'Thai. 

Chondria  obtusa,  Agardh  Diss.  18. 

Pl.celLaph.  2.  THALASSIOPHYTiE.  63.  Gastrid.  319 

Sea-shores;  annual;  summer. 

Thallus  6 to  12  inches  long,  twice  or  thrice  pinnate. 

jS.  hylridum.  Thallus  almost  cylindrical,  rather  cartila- 
ginous; twigs  slightly  attenuated  at  the  bottom,  and  rounded 
at  the  tip. 

b.  Gastridium.  Thallus  even , or  unequally  contracted  into 
apparent  joints  ; tubercles  on  the  sides . 

3.  Gastridium  ovale.  Oval  belly-weed. 

Thallus  nearly  cylindrical,  threadlike,  irregularly  two- 
forked,  below  naked,  covered  above  on  all  sides  with  simple 
elliptical  twigs. 

Fucus  ovalis,  Huds.  Fl.Angl.  573;  Engl.  Bot.  711  ; Turn.  Hist.  81. 

Fucus  sedoides,  Stackh.  Ner.  Brit.  07. 

Fucus  vermicularis,  Lightf.  Scot.  958. 

Gigartina  ovalis,  Lumour.  That. 

Chondria  ovalis,  Agardh  Disp.  18. 

Submarine  rocks;  annual;  summer. 

Thallus  3 or  4 > inches  high ; pale  reddish  brown. 

#.  bolryoides.  Twigs  short,  nearly  globular. 

Fucus  botryoides,  Wulf.  in  Jacq.  Collect.  3,  146. 

y.  subarticulatum.  Twigs  long,  linear,  contracted  as  if 

4>.  Gastridium  tenuissimum.  Very  thin  belly-weed. 

Thallus  gelatinous,  threadlike,  cylindrical,  pinnately 
branched;  branches  alternate,  spreading,  mostly  simple; 
twigs  cylindrical,  simple,  scattered. 

Fucus  tenuissimus,  Gooden,  in  Tr.  Lin.  Soc.  3,215;  Engl.  Bot.  1682  ; 
Turn.  Hist.  100. 

Ulva  capillaris,  Huds.  571. 

Gigartina  tenuissima,  Agardh  Disp.  18. 

Sea-shore,  or  on  other  marine  plants;  annual;  summer. 

Thallus  pale  flesh-colour,  tender,  6 to  10  inches  long. 

5.  Gastridium  purpurascens.  Purplish  belly-weed. 

Thallus  threadlike,  branched ; branches  and  twigs  two- 
rowed,  nearly  opposite;  last  ones  pinnate;  segments  small, 

Ulva  purpurascens,  Huds.  Ft.  Angl.  569. 

Gastridium  purpurascens,  Lyngbye  Hydr.Dan.  69. 

Sea-shore ; annual ; summer. 

Thallus  6 to  9 inches  high,  attenuated  at  bottom,  tubu- 
lar, apex  acute;  branches  smaller  at  each  end,  spreading; 
segments  lanceolate. 

380  63.  Gastrid.  2.THALASSIOPHYTbE.  PL  cell.  aph. 

6.  Gastridium  dasyphyllum.  Thickleaved  belly -weed. 
Thallus  gelatinous,  threadlike;  branches  irregularly  pin- 
nate, spreading,  mostly  simple;  twigs  cylindrical,  scattered, 
narrower  at  bottom,  proliferous. 

Fucus  dasyphyllus,  JVoodvc.  Tr.Lin.  Soc.  3,  239;  Engl.  Bot.  847  ; Turn . 
Hist.  22. 

G'gartina  dasyphylla,  Lamour.  Thai. 

Ctiond rla  dasyphylla,  Agardh  Disp.  18. 

Sea-shore;  annual;  summer. 

Thallus  3 to  6 inches  high,  pale  red  or  reddish  green. 

<3.  articulatum.  Thallus  jointed. 

7.  Gastridium  clavellosum.  Twiggy  belly-iveed . 

Thallus  threadlike,  cylindrical ; branches  many,  irregular, 

mostly  alternate,  2- rowed. 

Fucus  clavellosus,  Turn,  in  Lin.  Trans.  4, 10  ; Hist.  30  ; Engl.  Bot.  1203. 
Gastridium  clavellosum,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  70. 

Chorulria  clavellosa,  Agardh  Disp.  18. 

Sea-shores,  or  parasitic  ; annual;  summer. 

0.  sedifolium.  Tivigs  oblong,  oval,  crowded,  undivided. 

8.  Gastridium  kaliforme.  Kali- like  belly-weed . 

Thallus  threadlike;  branches  many,  irregular,  generally 

in  whorls,  contracted  as  if  jointed. 

Fucus  kaliformis,  fVoodio.  in  Lin.  Tr.  3,206;  Turn.  Hist.  29 ; EngL 
Bot.  640. 

Fucus  verticillatus,  Lightf.  Scot.  962. 

Gigartina  kaliformis,  Lamour.  Thai.  49. 

Ceramium  tubulosum,  Roth  Cat.  3,  124. 

Cliondria  kaliformis,  Agardh  Disp.  18. 

Gastridium  kaliforme,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  70. 

Sea-shore;  annual;  summer. 

Thallus  solitary;  branches  opposite,  alternate,  or  in 
whorls,  slender  at  bottom,  blunt  at  top. 

j3.  diaphanum . Thallus  roundish ; twigs  long,  generally 
simple ; contractions  very  slight. 

y.  nanum.  Threads  long,  jointed;  branches  and  twigs 

9.  Gastridium  pusillum . Dwarf  belly-weed . 

Thallus  cartilaginous,  compressed,  threadlike,  contracted 

as  if  jointed;  branches  many,  irregular;  twi gs  horizontal ; 
bottom  slenderest;  tips  dilated,  roundish. 

Fucus  pusillus,  Staclch.  Ner.  Brit.  16 ; Turn^ . Hist.  108. 

Sphserococcus  pusillus,  Agardh  Disp.  17. 

Sea-shores;  annual;  summer. 

PI.  cell.  aph.  2.  THALASSI0PHYT7E.  63.  Gastrid.  381 

10.  Gastridium  repens.  Creeping  belly-weed . 

Thallus  nearly  cylindrical,  threadlike,  solid,  contracted 

as  if  jointed,  branched,  with  a network  of  internal  fibres; 
handles  horizontal,  pointed ; joints  lanceolate,  obsolete. 

Treinella  marina  coespitosa,  segmentis  tenuibus,  Dillen  Hist,  Muse.  50. 
Fucus  repens,  Lightf.  Scot.  961. 

Ulva  articulata  /3,  Hulls.  FI.  Angl.  569. 

Fucus  Opuntia,  Goodan,  Tr.  Lin.  Soc.  3,219  ; Turn.  Hist.  107. 

Rivularia  Opuntia,  Engl.  Bot.  1868. 

Sea-shores;  annual;  summer. 

ccespitosum.  Thallus  entangled,  half  an  inch  high ; 

tip  clublike. 

Fucus  caespitosus,  Stackh.  Ner.  Brit.  39. 

Gigartina  piiosa,  Lamour.  Thai. 

c.  Lomentaria.  Thallus  regularly  contracted , appearing 
as  if  jointed  ; branches  verticiUate  ; tubercles  lateral. 

11.  Gastridium  articulatum.  Jointed  belly-weed. 

Thallus  cylindrical,  thi'eadlike,  tubular,  contracted 

throughout  as  if  jointed ; branches  level-topped,  2-forked 
or  whirled;  joints  nearly  cylindrical,  pilchershape. 

Corallina  lenta  purpurea  compressa,  Raii  Syn.  34,9. 

Ulva  articulata,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  560. 

Fucus  articuiatus,  Lightf.  Scot.  959. 

Fucus  sericeus,  var.  Esper , 82. 

Gigartina  articulata,  Lamour.  Thai.  49. 

Caeramium  torulosum,  Roth  Cat.  6,  125. 

Sea-shores;  annual;  June  and  July. 

£.  replans.  Thallus  slender,  creeping,  shining. 

Conferva  reptans,  Roth  Cat.  1,  186. 

d.  Plocamium.  Thallus  compressed,  membranaceous, 
mostly  pinnate  ; tubercles  lateral. 

12.  Gastridium  glandulosum.  Glandular  belly-weed, 

Thallus-  membranaceous,  linear,  compressed  (tubular 

Engl.  Bot.)  branched;  branches  alternate,  decumbent; 
twigs  2-cut,  bent  inwards. 

Fucus  gland ulosus.  Turn.  IJist.  38;  Engl.  Bot.  2135. 

Dele.sseria  glandulosa,  Agardh  Disp.  14. 

Thallus  1 or  2 inches  long,  creeping,  variously  and  re- 
peatedly branched;  sporidia  immersed  in  the  oblong,  swol- 
len twigs. 

$82  63.  Gastrid.  2.THALASSI0PHYTyE.  PL  cell  aph. 

13.  Gaslridium  amphibium . Amphibious  belly-weed * 

Thallus  cylindrical,  hairlike,  twice  or  thrice  pinnate; 

branches  and  twigs  horizontal,  alternate,  uppermost  lan- 
ceolate, rolled  inwards  at  the  tip. 

Fucoides  erectum  fruticuli  specie,  summitatibus  inflexis,  Dilten  in  Ran 
Syn.  38,  4. 

Fucus  scorpioides,  Iluds.  FI.  Angl.  ed.  1,  471. 

Fucus  amphibius,  Huds.  ed.  2,  590;  I'urn.  Hist.  101 ; Engl.  Bot.  1428. 
Chondria  amphibia,  Agardh  Disp.  18. 

Plocamium  amphibium,  Lamour.  Thai. 

Sea-shores;  perennial;  summer. 

14.  Gaslridium  coccineum . Scarlet  belly-iveed. 

Thallus  compressed;  branches  many,  irregular;  twigs 

awlshape,  pectinate,  on  one  side. 

Miiscus  marinus  rubens  pennatus,  Raii  Syit.  ed.  2,  8. 

Fucus  Plocamium,  Gmelin.  16. 

Fucus  coccineus,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  586. 

Fucus  cartilagineus,  (Eder  Enuin.  2,  131. 

Ceramium  Plocamium,  Roth  Cat.  3,  107. 

Plocamium  vulgare,  Lamour.  Thai.  50. 

Delesseria  coccinea,  Agardh  Lisp.  14. 

Plocamium  coccineus,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  39. 

e.  Rytiphlaea.  Thallus  thread  shape ; branches  2-rowed  ; 
twigs  slightly  jointed,  incurved;  tubercles  lateral . 

15.  Gaslridium  pinastroides.  Pinasterlike  belly-weed . 
Thallus  threadlike;  branches  numerous;  tip  rolled  in- 
wards; twigs  mostly  simple,  awlshape,  scattered,  facing 
one  way. 

Fucus  pinastroides,  Gmelin,  127  ; I'urn.  Hist.  11  ; Engl.  Bot.  1042. 
Fucus  incurvus,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  590. 

Ceramium  incurvum,  De  Candolle  FI.  Gall . 2,  43. 

Rytipltsea  pinastroides,  Agardh  Disp.  25. 

Cigartina  pinastroides,  Lyngbye  Hart.  Dan.  45. 

Sea-shores ; annual ; summer. 

Thallus  3 to  6 inches  high,  naked  below;  twigs  very 
dense,  tiledlike. 

f.  Ptilota.  Thallus  cartilaginous , compressed , pinnate ; 
sporidia  in  a globe  surrounded  with  bristlelike  involucra, 

16.  Gastridium  plumosum.  Feathery  belly-weed „ 

Thallus  much  and  irregularly  branched ; branches  pin- 
nate ; segments  opposite,  pectinate. 

VI.  cell,  aph . 2.  THALASSIOPHYTiE.  63.  Gastric].  383 

Fucoides  purpureum  clcganter  plurnosum,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  38,2. 
Fuchs  plumosus,  Lin.  Sp.  PI.  Turn . Hist.  60;  Engl.  Rot.  1308. 

Fucus  pectinatus,  FI.  Norv.  2, 132. 

Fucus  ptilotus,  FI.  Norv.  2,  135. 

Ceramium  plurnosum,  Roth  Cat.  3, 135. 

Plocamium  plurnosum,  Lamour.  Thai.  50. 

Ptilota  plumosa,  Agardh  Syn.  39. 

Sea-shores;  perennial;  June,  October. 

Thallus  9 to  12  inches  long;  branches  2-rowed;  lobes 
close  together,  plumose,  reddish  growing  purplish. 

/3.  capillare.  Thallus  very  narrow,  nearly  cylindrical, 

Fucus  plumosus,  Stackh.  Ner.  Brit.  105. 

K.  Fucoides.  Thallus  continuous,  leatherlike,  carti- 
laginous, formed  of  longitudinally  entangled  fibres;  colour 
olivaceous,  growing  black,  flat  or  threadlike;  often  inflated 
into  vesicles;  holdfasts  fibrous  or  shieldlike : sporidia  scat- 
tered, in  the  substance  of  the  thallus,  or  among  conferva- 
like threads  either  on  the  surface  or  in  thecae  immersed  in 
the  thallus. 

XXXIX.  64.  FASCIATA.  Ribband- weed. 

Thallus  flat,  membranaceous,  ribless;  stirps  0;  holdfasts 
peltate;  sporidia  immersed  in  superficial  mucilaginous 
warts,  formed  of  jointed  fibres. 

1.  Fasciata  plantaginea.  Plantain  ribband-weed. 

Thallus  membranaceous,  aggregate,  narrow  at  bottom, 

lanceolate,  blunt ; edge  flat. 

Tremella  marina  calendulas  folio,  Dillen  Muse.  46. 

Ulva  plantaginifolia,  JVulf.  Aquat.  23. 

Ulva  plantaginea,  Roth  Cat.  3,326;  Engl.  Bot.  2136. 

Laminaria  plantaginea,  Agardh  Syn.  20. 

Sea-shores,  parasitic  on  zostera  marina ; annual ; spring 
Thallus  3 to  6 inches  high ; edge  mostly  uncut,  seldom 

2.  Fasciata  attenuata.  Narrowed  ribband-weed. 

Thallus  membranaceous,  linear,  narrower  at  both  ends, 

waved,  not  cut. 

Fucus  Fascia,  FI.  Dan.  768  ; Turn.  Syn.  187. 

Laminaria  Fascia,  Agardh  Syn.  19. 

Sea-shores  ; annual ; spring. 

Thalli  aggregated,  6 to  9 inches  high,  waved  or  spirally 

384  65.  Lamina.  ^.THALASSIOPHYTiE.  I Pl.cell.  aph. 

XL.  65.  LAMINARIA.  Flake-weed. 

Thallus  flat,  leatherlike,  ribless;  stirps  roundish;  hold- 
fasts fibrous;  sporidia  placed  horizontally  in  superficial 
mucilaginous  warts,  formed  of  jointed  filaments. 

1.  Laminaria  membranacea.  Membranaceous  flake-weed. 
Stirps  roundish,  compressed  ; thallus  flat,,  linear,  lanceo- 
late, narrower  at  both  ends ; edge  cut. 

Fucus  Phyllitis,  Esper , 149;  Turn.  Hist.  164;  Engl.  Hot.  1331. 

Uiva  Phyllitis,  De  Candolle  FI.  Fr.  2,  15. 

Laminaria  Phyllitis,  Lamour.  Thai.  22. 

Sea-shore;  parasitical;  annual. 

Thalli  mostly  aggregate;  edge  not  cut. 

2.  Laminaria  saccharin  a.  Sugar  fake-weed. 

Stirps  roundish;  thallus  fiat,  linear,  lanceolate,  edge  not 


Fucus  lo-ngis*imo,  latissimo,  crassoque  folio,  Dillen  in  Rail  Syn , 39,  1. 
Focus  saccharin  us,  Lin.  S.  P.  1630. 

Ulva  saccharina,  De  Cand.  FI.  Fr.  2,  15. 

Phasgonon  balteiformis,  Walk. 

Laminaria  saccharina,  Lamour.  Thai.  22. 

Sea-shores ; perennial ; summer. 

/3.  bullala.  Thallus  bullated  ; edge  waved. 

Fucus  latissimus  et  longissimus,  oris  crisp  us,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  39,  1. 
Fucus  folio  singulari,  longissimo,  lato,  in  medio  rugoso,qui  balteiformis 
dici  potest,  Raii  Syn.  39,  1. 

Ulva  latissima,  Lin.  Syst.  Nat.  719. 

Fucus  saccharin  us,  FI.  Dan.  416  ; Engl.  Bot.  1376. 

Ulva  mesenteriformis,  Roth  Cat.  1,210. 

y.  longissima.  Thallus  oblong,  membranaceous,  pointed. 

Ulva  longissima,.  FI.  Norv.  2,  128. 

3.  Laminaria  latissima.  Broadest  flake-weed. 

Stirps  short,  roundish  ; thallus  expanded,  flat,  ribless, 

elliptical,  orbicular,  mucilaginous. 

Ulva  maxima,  FI.  Norv.  2,  7. 

Fucus  saccharinus  latissimus,  Turn.  Hist.  163- 
Laminaria  saccharina  latissima,  Jgardh  Syn.  18. 


Thalli  gregarious,  yellowish,  nearly  as  broad  as  long. 

3.  Laminaria  digitaia.  Fingered  flake-weed. 

Stirps  roundish ; thallus  expanded  into  an  oval,  heart- 
shape,  cut  in  many  short,  shallow  lobes;  edge  not  cut. 

PI.  cell.  aph.  2.  THALASSIOPH  YT/E.  65.Lamin.  385 

Fucus  arboreus  polyschides  edulis,  Raii  Syn.  46,  31  ; Park.  1292,2. 

Fiiciis  digitatus,  Lin.  Mant.  134  ; Turn.  Hist.  162  ; Engl.  Bot.  2274. 

Fucus  hyperboreus,  Fl.Norv.  2,61. 

Fucus  bifurcatns,  FI.  Norv.  1,96. 

Ulva  digitata,  Be  Cand.  FI.  Fr.  2,  16. 

Laminaria  digitata,  Lamour.  Thai.  22. 

Phasgonon  esculentum,  Walker. 

Sea-shores;  perennial. 

Thalli  gregarious. — Eaten  as  a salad. 

XLI.  66.  PHASGONON.  Walker.  Phasgone. 

Thallus  flat,  leatherlike,  often  ribbed ; stirps  roundish; 
holdfasts  fibrous;  sporidia  placed  horizontally  in  superficial 
mucilaginous  warts,  formed  of  jointed  filaments,  placed  in 
appendages  attached  to  the  stirps. 

1.  Phasgonon  bulbosum.  Bulbous  phasgone. 

Stirps  flat,  edge  waved;  thallus  expanded,  flat,  cut  in 

many  swordshape  lobes ; edges  not^cut. 

Fucus  bulbosus,  Esper,  123;  Engl.  Bot.  1760;  Turn.  Hist.  161. 

Fucus  polyschides,  Light/.  Scot.  936. 

Fucus  palmatus,  Gmelin , 30. 

Ulva  bulbosa,  He  Cand.  FI.  Gall.  2,  16. 

Phasgonon  Mariae,  Walker. 

Laminaria  bulbosa,  Lamour.  Thai.  22. 

St.  Mary's  Thistle. 

Sea- shores. 

Holdfasts  tuberous,  globose,  hollow ; outside  fibrous. 

2.  Phasgonon  esculentum.  Eatable  phasgone, 

Stirps  roundish;  middle  compressed,®  pinnately  lobed;  ‘ 

lobes  many,  lanceolate ; thallus  expanded,  flat,  swordshape, 
undivided,  midribbed. 

Fucus  Scoticus  latissimus  edulis  dulcis,  Raii  Syn.  46,  30. 

Fucus  esculentus,  Lin.  Mant.  135  ; Turn.  Hist.  117  ; Engl.  Bot.  1759. 
Fucus  fimbriatus,  Gmcl.  200. 

Fucus  tetragonus,  Woodw.  in  Lin.  Tr.  3,  110. 

Fucus  pinnatus,  Fl.Norw.  1,96. 

Phasgonon  Scoticum,  Walker. 

Laminaria  esculenta,  Lamour.  Thai.  22. 


Thalli  gregarious;  holdfasts  fibrous. 

/3.  minus . Thallus  narrower  at  bottom. 

Fucus  teres,  Woodw.  in  Lin.  Tr.  3,  140. 

2 C 

VOL.  I. 

386  67.  Chorda.  2.  TH  ALASSIOFHYTiE.  Pl.cell.apk . 

XLXI.  67.  CHORDA.  Lamouroux.  Rope-weed. 

Thallus  round,  tubular,  not  branched;  holdfasts  shield- 
like; sporidia  in  clublike  threads,  scattered  on  the  surface 
of  the  thallus. 

1.  Chorda  filif or  mis.  Threadlike  rope-weed. 

Thallus  round,  not  in  the  least  branched,  narrower  at 

each  end ; when  old  twisted  up  spirally. 

Fucus  chordam  referer.s  teres  praelougus,  Raii  Syn.  40,  3. 

Focus  Filum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1631  ; Turn.  Hist.  86;  Engl.  Bot.  2487. 

Fucus  Tendo,  Esper,  22. 

Ceram i u m Filum,  Roth  Cat.  1,  147. 

Chorda  Filum,  StacJch.  Ner.  Brit.  Introd.  24  ; Lamour.  Thai.  27. 
Chordaria,  Link  in  Schrad.  Journ.  1809,  8. 

Chordaria  Filum,  Agardh  Syn.  13. 

Flagellaria  Filum,  Nsr.  Brit.  ed.  2.  Intr.  9. 


Sea-shore;  annual. 

Thalli  aggregate,  from  1 to  20  feet  long,  often  spirally 
twisted;  tubes  divided  on  the  inside;  sporidia  pearshaped. 

2.  Chorda  tomentosa.  Woolly  rope-weed. 

Thallus  cylindrical,  not  branched,  naked  at  the  bottom, 

in  all  other  parts  covered  with  a very  manifest  slippery 
downiness,  formed  of  jointed  fibres. 

Chorda  tomentosa,  Lynghye  Hydr.  Dan.  74. 

Fucus  Filum,  var.  Engl.  Bet.  2487. 


XLIII.  68.  CHORDARIA.  Link.  Thong-weed. 

Thallus  solid,  round,  threadlike,  branched  ; sporidia 
scattered  in  clublike  threads  on  the  surface  of  the  thallus. 

Chordaria  flagelliformis.  Whiplike  thong-weed . 

Thallus  slender,  slippery ; branches  numerous,  slightly 
2-rowed,  very  long,  simple  or  forked,  blunt. 

Fucus  flagelliformis,  FI.  Dan.  650  ; Turn.  Hist.  85  ; Engl.  Bot.  1222. 
Conferva  dichotoma,  FI.  Dan.  358. 

Cerarnium  longissimum,  Schum.  Enum.  2,  111. 

Gigariina  flagelliformis,  Lamour.  Thai.  48. 

Chordaria  flagelliformis,  Agardh  Disp.  12. 


Thalli  aggregate,  6 to  9 inches  long. 

|3.  tor tilis.  Thallus  small,  slender ; branches  pinnate; 
twigs  spreading,  clawlike,  not  branched,  close. 

Conferva,  1172;  Lin.  Suec.  4,36. 

Chordaria  flagelliformis  minor.  Agardh  Syn.  13. 

Fucus  flagelliformis  tortilis,  Turn.  Hist.  85. 

PL  cell.  aph.  S.THALASSIOPHYTiE.  69.Sporoch.  387 

XLIV.  69.  SPOROCHNUS.  Agardh.  Sporochnus * 

Thallus  threadlike,  cartilaginous ; branches  pinnate ; spo- 
ndia  scattered  in  the  ovate  or  globular  ends  of  the  twigs? 
which  end  in  jointed  radiating  filaments. 

1 . Sporochnus  pedunculatus.  Foot  stalked  sporochnus . 
Thallus  cartilaginous,  threadlike;  branches  irregularly 

pinnated,  mostly  alternate,  elliptical. 

Fucus  pedunculatus,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  5S7  ; Turn . Hist.  188  ; Engl.  Bat . 

Fucus  Gsertneri,  Gmelin,  164. 

Gigartina  pedunculata,  Lamour.  Thai. 

Sporochnus  pedunculatus,  Agardh  Disp.  12. 


2.  Sporochnus  villosus.  Villous  sporochnus . 

Thallus  cartilaginous,  threadlike ; branches  opposite,  dis- 
tant, pinnate,  spreading;  twigs  elliptical. 

Conferva  villosa,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  60S  ; Engl.  Bot.  546  ; Dillw . 37  ? 
Chordaria?  villosa,  Agardh  Syn.  14. 

Sea-shores;  annual. 

XLV.  70.  DESMARESTIA.  Lamouroux.  DesmaresL 
Thallus  compressed,  pinnately  branched ; twigs  slenderest 
at  bottom ; edges  serrate ; holdfasts  shieldlike ; sporidia 
along  with  jointed  threads  from  the  serrated  edges  of  the 

1 . Desmarestia  acuieala.  Prickly  desmarest . 

Thallus  woody  at  the  bottom,  cylindrical,  very  much 
branched ; branches  flat,  cartilaginous,  linear,  ribless,  re- 
peatedly branched;  twigs  pinnate;  edges  spinose;  spines 

Fucus  angustifolius,  foliis  dentatis,  R'aii  Syn.  48,  3S. 

Fucus  aculeatus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1632;  Turn.  Hist.  187  ; Engl.  Bot.  2445. 
Fucus  muscoules,  Gmelin,  i 30. 

Fucus  virgatus,  FI.  Norv.  45. 

Fucus  contortus,  Esper , 43. 

Fucus  usneoides,  Oeder  Enunt.  113. 

Desmarestia  aculeata,  Lamour.  Thai.  25. 

Sporochnus  aculeatus,  Agardh  Syn.  10. 

Desmia  ligulata,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Han.  34. 

Sea-shores;  perennial;  winter. 

Thallus  obsoletely  contracted,  olive-green  becoming 

2 c 2 

388  YO.Desmar.  2.THALASSIOPHYTJE.  PI.  cell.  aph. 

2.  Desmaresiia  ligulata.  Straplike  desmarest. 

Phallus  flat,  nearly  ribless,  doubly  pinnate  ; branches 
2-row ed,  opposite,  membranaceous,  linear,  lanceolate ; edge 
serrate  with  spinous  teeth. 

Fucus  ligulatus,  Lightf.  Scot.  949  ; Turn.  Hist.  98  ; Engl.  Bot.  1636. 
Fucus  herbaceus,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  582. 

Desmarestia  ligulata,  Lamour.  Thai.  25. 

Laminaria  ligulata,  Agardh  Disp.  13. 

De9mia  ligulata,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  34. 

Sea-shores ; perennial ; summer. 

Phallus  2 to  3 feet  high,  delicate,  yellow,  becomes  pale 
green,  when  exposed  to  the  air. 

/ 3 . angustior . Phallus  narrow,  trebly  pinnate ; twigs 
scarcely  cut  on  the  edges. 

y.  dilatata.  Pwigs  nearly  elliptical,  narrowest  at  bottom. 

XL VI.  71.  LICHINA.  Agardh.  Lichen-weed. 

Phallus  cartilaginous,  roundish  or  angular,  branched, 
shrublike ; sporidia  ovate,  intermixed  with  jointed  fibres,  in 
the  ovate  thecae  immersed  in  the  swollen  apex  of  the  twigs, 
leaving  a hole  at  the  top,  then  dilating  and  becoming  con- 
cave.— Has  the  appearance  of  a lichen. 

1.  Lichina  pygmea.  Pigmy  lichen-weed. 

Phallus  compressed;  branches  very  short,  divaricating, 

dilated ; tubercles  globose. 

Fucus  pygmaeus,  Lightf.  Scot.  964  ; Turn.  Hist.  258  ; Engl.  Bot.  1322. 
Fucus  pumillus,  Huds.  FI.  Ang.  584. 

Fucus  lichenoides,  Gooden,  in  Linn.  Tr.  3,  192. 

Gigariina  pygmaea,  Lamour.  Thai.  49. 

Lichina  pygmaea,  Agardh  Syn.  9. 

Gelidium  pygmaeum,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  41. 

Rocks  below  low  wrater;  perennial. 

Phallus  forming  very  thick  tufts,  upright,  a quarter  of 
an  inch  hisrh. 


2.  Lichina  pnmila.  Dwarf  lichen-weed. 

Phallus  roundish;  branches  long,  nearly  cylindrical:  tu- 
bercles elliptical,  at  the  ends  of  the  branches. 

Fucus  pygmaeus  13,  Turn.  Hist.  4, 17. 

Lichen  confinis,  Achar.  Prod.  208  ; Engl.  Bot.  2573. 

Stereocaulon  confinis,  Achar.  Meth.  317. 

Lichina  pygmaea  minor,  Agardh  Syn.  10. 

On  rocks  in  the  sea. 

Phallus  tufted,  upright. 

PI.  cell.  aph.  2.THALASSIOPHYT.E.  72.  Himant.  389 

XLV1I.  72.  HIMANTHALIA.  Lyngbye.  Sea-strap . 

Thallus  egglike,  becoming  shieldlike,  stipitated  ; holdfasts 
shieldlike;  apothecia  forked,  compressed,  arising  from  the 
centre  of  the  thallus  ; sporidia  intermixed  with  jointed  fibres 
in  thecae  immersed  in  the  apothecia. 

Himanthalia  elongata.  Long  sea-strap . 

Fucus  longo  angusto  crassoque  folio,  Raii  Syn.  43,  1 1. 

Fucus  fungis  affinis,  Raii  Syn.  43,  15. 

Fucus  loreus,  FI.  Dan.  710;  Turn.  Hist.  196  ; Engl.  Bot.  569. 

Fucus  elongatus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1627. 

Ulva  pruniformis,  FI.  Norveg.  2,  89. 


Thallus  2 or  3 inches  high ; apothecia  solitary  or  aggre- 
gate, 1 to  10  feet  long;  angles  of  the  forks  and  tips  acute. 

(3.  inequalis.  Receptacles  irregular  in  breadth  ; angles  of 
the  fork  and  tips  blunt. 

XLVIII.  73.  CERVINA.  Horn-weed. 

Thallus  roundish,  forked,  with  a small  black  longitudinal 
line  in  the  centre;  vesicles  0;  holdfasts  shieldlike;  sporidia 
intermixed  with  jointed  fibres  in  thecae  immersed  in  ter- 
minal apothecia. 

Cervina  tuherculata.  Tulercled  horn-weed. 

Thallus  leatherlike,  cartilaginous,  threadlike,  irregularly 
two-forked;  angles  of  the  forks  rounded;  apothecia  oblong, 
cylindrical,  blunt. 

Fucus  kali  geniculato  similis,  non  lamen  geniculatus,  Raii  Syn.  43,  13. 
Fucus  tuberculatiis,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  588. 

Fucus  bifurcatus,  Withering  Bot.Arr.  4,  109. 

Sea-shore;  perennial;  June  to  October. 

XLIX.  74.  FUCUS.  Theophrastus.  Wrack. 

Thallus  flat,  confluent,  forked,  mid-ribbed ; vesicles  0 
or  innate;  holdfasts  shieldlike;  sporidia  intermixed  with 
jointed  fibres,  in  roundish  thecae,  immersed  in  terminal 

1.  Fucus  serratus.  Serrated  wrack . 

Thallus  flat,  mid-ribbed,  linear;  forked  ; edge  serrated, 
toothed;  apothecia  flat,  linear,  slightly  pointed. 

Fucus  sive  alga  latifolia  major  deutata,  Raii  Syn.  42,7. 

Fucus  serratus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1626. 

Sea-shore ; perennial ; winter  and  spring. 

390  74.  Fucus.  2.THALASSIQPHYT.ZE.  PL  cell.aph. 

& latifolius.  Upper  lobes  ovate,  lanceolate,  widening 

7.  Integer . Edges  scarcely  serrate. 

2.  Fucus  ceranoides.  Horn  wrack. 

Thallus  flat,  mid-ribbed,  slightly  forked ; edge  not  cut; 

iside  branches  slender;  apothecia  compressed,  linear,  pointed. 

Fucus  ceranoides,  Lin.  S.  P.  1626  ; Turn.  Ilisl.  89  ; Engl.  Hot.  215. 
Fucus  distichus,  Esper , 139. 

Sea-shore;  perennial;  winter. 

3.  Fucus  vesiculosus.  Bladdery  wrack . 

Thallus  flat,  mid-ribbed,  linear,  forked;  edge  not  cut; 

vesicles  spherical,  innate;  apothecia  compressed,  elliptical. 

Fucus  sive  alga  marina  latifolia  vulgatissima,  Rail  Syn.  40,  4. 

Fucus  vesiculosus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1026. 

Fucus  inamillaris,  Esper,  1 18. 

Fucus  quercus  marina,  Gmelin , 60. 

Fucus  divaricatus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1627. 

Sea-shore;  perennial;  winter. 

f3.  inflatus.  Thallus  inflated  at  the  tip;  vesicles  long. 
Fucus  inflatus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1637. 

7.  spiralis.  Thallus  twisted,  spiral;  vesicles  0;  apothecia 


Fucus  spiralis  niaritimus  major,  Raii  Syn.  41,5. 

Fucus  spiralis,  Lin.  S.  P.  1627  ; Engl.  Bot.  1685. 

volubilis . Thallus  twisted ; vesicles  0 ; tips  long,  pointed. 

s.  aciilus.  Thallus  narrow;  vesicles  innate;  tips  long, 
lanceolate,  pointed. 

£.  anguslifolius.  Thallus  narrow;  vesicles  0;  apothecia 
slightly  pedicelled,  linear,  lanceolate,  pointed. 

Fucus  angustifolius.  Withering  Bot.  Arr.  92. 

>?.  Sherardi.  Thallus  narrow,  small;  vesicles  0;  apothecia 

short,  oblong. 

Fucus  Sherardii,  Stackh.  Ner.  Brit.  72. 

L linearis.  Thallus  narrow,  small;  vesicles  0;  apothecia 
long,  linear,  lanceolate. 

Fucus  linearis,  Iluds.  FI.  Angl.  578. 

Fucus  distichus,  Light/ . FI.  Scot.  912. 

PI.  cell,  aph.  2.  TH  ALASSIOPHYTiE.  75.  Halidrys.  39-1 

L.  75.  HALIDRYS.  Lyngbye.  Sea-oak. 

Thallus  compressed,  confluent,  forked,  ribless ; vesicles  0, 
or  innate;  holdfasts  shieldlike;  sporidia  intermixed  with 
jointed  fibres  in  roundish  thecse  immersed  in  pediceiled, 
lateral  apothecia. 

1.  Plalidrys  nodosa.  Knobbed  sea-oak. 

Thallus  pinnately  branched. 

Fucus  maritimus  nodosus,  Raii  Syn.  48,41. 

Fucus  nodosus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1628;  Engl.  Rot.  570;  Turn.  Hist. >91. 
Halidrys  nodosa,  Lyngbye  Hydr.  Dan.  37. 

Sea-shore;  perennial;  winter. 

Thallus  3 or  4 feet  long,  flat;  apothecia  roundish,  mostly 

(3.  minor.  Apothecia  ovate,  hardly  wider  than  the  pe- 

7.  siliquatus.  Apothecia  linear,  lanceolate. 

2.  Halidrys  canaliculata.  Channelled  sea-oak. 

Thallus  compressed,  ribless,  linear,  grooved  on  one  side, 

level-topped;  edge  not  cut;  tip  2-cut;  apothecia  oblong, 
2-cut,  turned. 

Fucus  pumilus  dichotomus,  segmentis  ex  una  parte  gibbosis,  ex  altera 
excavatis,  Raii  Syn.  43,  12. 

Fucus  canal iculatus,  Linn.  Syst.  Nat.  716  ; Engl.  Bot . 823  ; Turn.  Hist.  3. 
Fucus  excisus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1627. 

Fucus  rotundus,  Esper , 17. 

Sea-shore;  perennial. 

Thalli  aggregate,  2 to  4 inches  long. 

3.  Halidrys  Mackaii.  Mackay’s  sea-oak. 

Thallus  leatherlike,  cylindrical,  threadlike,  forked,  level- 

topped;  tips  blunt;  vesicles  scattered,  innate,  elliptical* 
solitary,  wider  than  the  thallus. 

Fucus  Mackaii,  Turn.  Hist.  52;  Engl.  Bot.  1927. 

Sea-shore;  perennial;  winter. 

Thallus  6 to  12  inches  high,  low7er  part  compressed; 
angles  of  the  fork  roundish. 

LI.  71.  MACKAIA.  Mackay. 

Thallus  cartilaginous,  rod-like,  shrubby ; upper  part 
branched,  narrow,  roundish  compressed,  below  compressed, 
broad,  leaflike;  holdfasts  shieldlike;  vesicles  0,  or  innate 
in  the  branches;  sporidia  in  roundish  thecse  intermixed 
with  jointed  fibre*,  or  in  terminal  apothecia. 

392  76.  Mackaia.  2.THALA8SIOPHYTiE.  PL  cell.  aph. 

1.  Mackaia  abrotanifiolia.  Southern-wood  mackay . 

Phallus  threadlike,  compressed,  bipinnate*;  lobes  alter- 
nately forked,  threadlike,  spreading,  edge  not  cut;  vesicles 
innate;  apothecia  terminal,  many  cleft. 

Fucus  abrotanifolius,  Lin.  S.  P.  1629;  Turn.  Hist.  252;  Engl.  Bot. 

Sea-shore;  perennial;  winter. 

Phallus  12  to  18  inches  long;  rough  at  the  base. 

2.  Mackaia  discors.  Discordant  mackay. 

Phallus  round,  branched ; branches  alternately  pin- 
nate; lower  branches  winged,  serrated;  upper  branches 
linear ; apothecia  terminal,  oblong. 

Fucus  discors,  Lin.  Syst.  Nat.  2,717;  'Turn.  Hist.  252;  Engl.  Bot.  2131. 
Sea-shore ; perennial ; summer. 

Phalli  many,  crowded,  rough. — According  to  Mrs.  Grif- 
fiths is  the  young  state  of  the  preceding  species. 

3.  Mackaia  barbata.  Bearded  mackay. 

Phallus  round,  very  much  branched;  branches  alternate, 

threadlike';  apothecia  oblong,  acute,  terminal. 

Fucus  barbatus,  IVuodw.  Tr.  Lin.  Soc.  3,128;  Turn.  Hist.  250 ; Engl. 
Bot.  2170. 

Fucus  foeniculaceus,  Gmel.  S6. 

Sea-shores;  perennial;  summer. 

/3„  granulata.  Apothecia  linear,  tubercular. 

Fucus  granulatus,  Woodw.  Tr.  Lin.  Soc.  3,  131. 

4.  Mackaia  fibrosa.  Fibrous  mackay . 

Phallus  compressed  and  woody  at  the  base  ; branches 

2-rowed,  long,  variously  divided ; upper  branches  with 
bristlelike  twigs,  lowTer  branches  naked ; vesicles  roundish, 
innate;  apothecia  cylindrical. 

Fucus  radicibus  arborum  fibrosis  similis,  Raii  Syn.  49,45. 

Fucus  fibrosus,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  575  ; Eng.  Bot.  1969  ; Turn.  Hist . 209. 
Fucus  setaceus,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  575. 

Fucus  barbatus,  Gmelin , 90. 

Sea-shores;  perennial;  Feb.  and  August. 

Phallus  1 to  3 feet  high. 

5.  Mackaia  mucronata . Stiff-pointed  mackay. 

Phallus  round,  vrarty,  very  much  branched ; branches 

threadlike,  spinous;  young  branches  linear,  flat,  not  cut, 
mid-ribbed ; tip  stiff  pointed ; apothecia  cylindrical. 

PI.  cell.  aph.  2 . T H A L A S S I O P H Y T /E . 76.  Mackaia.  393 

Fucus  granulatus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1629  ; Engl.  Hot.  2169. 

Fucus  inucronatus,  Turn.  Syn.  73;  Hist.  251. 

Fucus  radicaulis,  Wither.  Bot.  Arr.  4,  111. 

Sea-shore;  perennial;  Feb.  and  August. 

6.  Mackaia  ericoides.  Heathlike  mackay . 

Thallus  cylindrical  and  naked  at  bottom ; branched  at 
the  tip;  branches  variously  divided,  long;  twigs  mostly 
simple,  avvlshape,  imbricate,  spreading;  vesicles  roundish. 

Fucus  foil Ls  ericae  seu  tamarisci,  Rnii  Syn.  49,44. 

Fucus  ericoides,  Lin.  S.  P.  1631  ; Engl.  Bot.  1968 ; Turn.  Hist.  191. 

Fucus  tamariscifolius,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  576. 

Fucus  Erica  marina,  Gmcl , 128. 

Fucus  selaginoides,  Lin.  Mtint.  134. 

Sea-shore;  perennial;  summer. 

Thallus  reflects  bright  tints  when  in  a growing  state. 

LII.  77.  BACCALARIA.  Gulf-weed. 

Thallus  distinct  as  to  its  parts ; holdfasts  shieldlike;  stirps 
threadlike,  much  branched;  branches  mid-ribbed,  mem- 
branaceous, often  pierced  with  holes,  dilated  at-  the  tip, 
edges  serrate;  vesicles  spherical,  peduncled,  awnless  or  end- 
ing in  a round  or  dilated  awn ; sporidia  in  roundish  thecae 
intermixed  with  jointed  fibres  immersed  in  axillary,  soli- 
tary or  racemous  apothecia. 

1 . Baccalaria  natans.  Floating  gulf-weed . 

Thallus  compressed,  bipinnated  ; branches  alternate, 

simple ; twigs  linear,  lanceolate,  serrated ; vesicles  spheri- 
cal; peduncles  flat;  apothecia  cylindrical,  racemose. 

Fucus  natans,  Lin.  S.  P.  1628  ; Engl.  Bot . 2114;  Turn.  Hist.  46. 

Sea-shores;  perennial;  summer. 

Thallus  alternately  bipinnate,  twigs  blunt,  smooth. 

2.  Baccalaria  teres . Cylindrical  gulf-weed. 

Thallus  cylindrical,  threadlike,  bipinnate;  branches  al- 
ternate, mostly  simple;  twigs  linear,  serrated  ; vesicles  sphe- 
rical; peduncles  cylindrical. 

Fucus  natans,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  572. 

Fucus  bacciferus,  Turn.  Syn.  55;  Hist.  27  ; Engl.  Bot.  196T. 

Sea,  floating  in  large  masses ; perennial ; winter. 

3.  oblong ifolius.  Twigs  oblong,  blunt,  large  toothed. 

394-  78.  Siliquar.  2.THALASSIOPHYT^.  Pl.celLaph . 

LIII.  78.  SILIQUARIA.  Podweed. 

Phallus  compressed,  ribless,  branched ; vesicles  pedicel! ed, 
lanceolate,  jointed;  sporidia  intermixed  with  jointed  fibres 
in  roundish  thecae  in  terminal  lanceolate  podshaped  apo- 

Siliquaria  angustifolia.  PI  arrow-leaved  podweed. 

T/iallus  branched;  branches  alternate,  2-rowed  ; vesicles 

Fucus  angustifolius  vesjculis  longis  siliquarutn  semulis,  Raii  Syn.  49,39. 

Fucus  siliquosus,  Lin.  S.  F.  1629  ; Engl.  Bot.  474  ; Turn.  Hist.  159. 

Halymenia  siliquosa,  Lyngbye  Hydr . Dan.  37. 

Sea-shore;  perennial;  winter. 

/3.  minor.  Thallus  not  more  than  6 or  9 inches  long. 

Fucus  siliquosus,  Stackh.  Ner.  Brit. 

y.  denndata.  Thallus  long,  much  branched;  vesicles  0. 

LIV.  79.  FURCELLARIA.  Lamouroux.  Fork-weed . 

Thallus  threadlike,  forked,  level-topped ; sporidia  im- 
mersed in  regular  lines  in  the  swollen  tips  of  the  twigs. 

Flagellaria  luhricalis.  Slippery  fork-weed. 

Thallus  threadlike,  forked,  angles  acute,  tips  blunt. 

Fucus  parvus  scgtnenlis  prcelongis  teretibus  acutis,  Raii  Syn.  45,24. 

Fucus  iubricalis,  Gmelin,  108  ; Engl.  Bot.  824  ; Turn.  Hist.  6. 

Fucus  fastigiatus,  Stackh.  Ner.  Brit.  15. 

Fucus  furcellatus,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  589. 

Furcellaria  Iubricalis,  Lamour.  Thai. 

Sea-shore;  perennial;  Nov.  Feb. 

(3.  fastigiata.  Twigs  compressed,  transparent,  ovate, 
lanceolate,  short,  pointed. 

Fucus  sive  alga  exigua  dichotoma,  foliorum  segmenlis  longiusculis, 
crassis  et  subrot undis,  Raii  Syn.  45,  25. 

Fucus  fastigiatus,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  588. 

Furcellaria  fastigiata,  Lamour.  Thai. 

Fam.  III.  3.  HOMOTHALAMEiE.  Lichenes  homotha - 
lami.  Acharius, 

Thallus  leatherlike,  cartilaginous  or  shrubby;  sporidia 
scattered,  innate  throughout  the  whole  thallus,  or  in  apo- 
thecia  of  the  same  colour  and  substance  as  the  thallus  with- 
out any  proligerous  skin  or  central  nucleus. — Terrestrial 
or  parasitic,  perennial,  greenish  or  becoming  so  when 
grazed,  absorbing  water  at  the  surface  and  transmitting  it 
to  every  part. 


PL  cell.  aph.  3.  HOMOTH  ALAMEiE. 

A.  Phallus  gelatinous , when  dry  cartilaginous ; Colle- 

Phallus  crustlike,  slightly  figured  or 

uniform Placynthium.  80. 

Phallus  pleated  tile-wise,  roundish ; 

lobes  minute,  thick,  turgid Enchylium.  81. 

Phallus  rather  leaflike,  irregular ; 

lobes  thick,  naked,  turgid Scytenium.  82. 

Phallus  leaflike ; 

lobes  rounded,  downy  beneath  ........  Mallotium.  83. 

Phallus  leaflike ; lobes  naked, 

rather  membranaceous,  blackish  green  Lathagrium.  84. 
Phallus  leaflike;  lobes  naked, 

membranaceous,  greyish Leptogium.  85. 

Phallus  very  finely  torn  and 

branched Polychidium.  86. 

B.  Phallus  with  a fibrous  axis , bark  crustlike . Usneadese. 
Apothecia  shieldlike,  terminal,  edgeless ....  Usnea.  87. 

C.  Phallus  cartilaginous , inside  tow-like.  Ramalinidese. 

Apotliecia  shieldlike,  terminal,  nearly 

marginless Cornicularia.  88. 

Apothecia  saucerlike,  edged,  slightly 

pedicelled;  thallus  nearly  solid Ramalina.  89. 

Apothecia  saucerlike,  edged,  not 
pedicelled ; thallus  rather  pipey Alectoria.  90. 

A.  CoLLEMATiDEis.  Phallus  entirely  gelatinous,  homo- 
geneous; when  dry  hard,  cartilaginous,  crustlike,  leafiike, 
or  branched ; apothecia  shieldlike,  sessile  or  slightly  pedi- 
celled, sometimes  when  dry  coloured  in  the  centre.  These 
ought  to  be  moistened  before  they  are  examined,  as  many 
of  them  have  their  apothecia  of  a different  colour  when 

I.  80.  PLACYNTHIUM.  Acharius.  Placynthe . 

Phallus  crustlike,  slightly  irregular  or  uniform. 

Placynthium  nigrum.  Black  placynthe. 

Phallus  crustlike,  nearly  orbicular,  browm-black;  mar- 
ginal lobes  deeply  crenate;  central  lobes  seedlike,  slightly 
branched ; apothecia  at  length  convex,  black,  edged. 

396  80.  Placynth.  3.  HOMOTHALAMEiE.  Pl.celLaph . 

Lichen  niger,  Hudson  FI.  Angl.  524;  Engl.  Bot.  1161. 

Lecidea  corallinoides,  Florke , Berl.  Mag.  1809,  5. 

Lecidea  nigra,  Achar.  Meth.  Lich.  76. 

Stereocaulon  corallinoides,  Hoffm.  FI.  Germ.  129. 

Collema  nigrum,  Achar.  Lichen.  TJniv.  628. 

On  rocks,  espcially  limestone. 

II.  81.  ENCHYLIUM.  Acharius.  Enchyle . 

Thallus  plaited  tilewise,  nearly  orbicular,  composed  of 
minute  lobes,  when  moist  turgid,  very  thick. 

1.  Enchylium  microphyllum.  Small-leaved  enchyle. 

Thallus  slightly  spreading,  tilewise,  blackish  green;  lobes 

thick,  minute,  crowded,  deeply  crenate;  apothecia  sessile, 
crowded,  pitchershape,  hollow,  colour  of  the  thallus,  edge 
not  in  the  least  cut,  contracted. 

Collema  microphyllum,  Achar.  Lich.  TJniv.  630, 

On  the  bark  of  old  trees. 

2.  Enchylium  fragrans.  Sweet-scented  enchyle. 

Thallus  nearly  orbicular;  lobes  round,  expanded,  naked, 

edge  thick,  crenate,  ascending;  apothecia  scattered,  minute, 
hollow,  dark  yellowish  brown;  edge  swollen  outwardly, 

Lichen  fragrans,  Engl.  Bot.  19, 12. 

Trunks  of  trees. 

When  moistened  has  a sweet  odour. 

3.  Enchylium  crispum.  Crisp  enchyle. 

Thallus  nearly  orbicular;  central  lobes  rather  upright, 

granular;  lobes  of  the  circumference  depressed,  large, 
blunt,  crenate;  apothecia  scattered,  slightly  concave,  reddish, 
edge  granular. 

Lichenoides  gelatinosum  atrovirens,  crispum  et  rugosum,  Dillen  Muse. 

Lichen  trispus,  Engl.  Bot.  834. 

Lichen  pulposus  /3,  Bernh.  in  Schrad.  Journ.  1799. 

Parmelia  crispa,  Achar . Meth.  Lich.  254. 

Collema  crispum,  Hoffm.  FI.  Germ.  100. 

Collema  crenulatum,  Hoffm.  FI.  Germ.  103. 

Collema  glaucescens,  Hoffm.  FI.  Germ.  105. 

Collema  pulposum  crispum,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  652. 

On  the  ground  among  mosses,  and  on  mountains. 

4.  Enchylium  turgidum.  Swollen  enchyle . 

Thallus  irregularly  expanded,  depressed,  slightly  lobed 

and  tiledlike;  lobes  raised,  thick,  wartlike,  wrinkled,  gra- 

PLcell.aph.  3.  HOMOTHALAMEiE.  81.  Enchyl.  397 

nulated ; apothecia  sessile,  pitchershape,  dark  brown ; edge 
slightly  swollen  ; outside  wrinkled-granular. 

Collema  turgidum,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  634. 

On  rocks  among  mosses. 

5.  Enchylium  tenax.  Tough  enchyle . 

Thallus  nearly  orbicular,  tilewise ; lobes  rather  thick, 

flat,  lying  down,  nearly  round,  deeply  cut  and  crenate ; 
apothecia  scattered,  immersed  in  the  lobes,  concave,  reddish, 
edge  scarcely  cut. 

Lichen  tenax,  Swartz  in  N.  Act.  Ups.  4,  249. 

Parmelia  tenax,  Achar.  Meth.  Lich.  231. 

Collema  tenax?  Hoffm.  FI.  Germ.  105. 

Collema  tenax,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  635. 

Among  mosses  on  rocks,  adhering  strongly  to  them. 

6.  Enchylium  plicatile.  Folding  e chyle. 

Thallus  round,  tilewise;  lobes  thick,  roundish,  pleated  in 

circles,  wavey,  rather  upright,  not  cut ; apothecia  scattered, 
sessile,  hollow,  colour  of  the  thallus,  edge  not  cut. 

Lichen  pi icat is,  Achar.  in  N.  Act.  Stoch.  16,  11. 

Parmelia  plicatilis,  Achar.  Meth.  Lich.  240. 

Collema  plicatile,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  655. 

On  rocks. 

7.  Enchylium  Jluviale . Fiver  enchyle . 

Thallus  slightly  cushion-like;  lobes  thick,  crowded,  blunt, 

complicately  wavey,  deeply  cut;  apothecia  near  the  edge, 
slightly  globular,  colour  of  the  thallus,  centre  pitchershape; 
edge  nearly  double. 

Lichenoides  gelatinosum  opuntoides,  Dilten  in  Raii  Syn.  72,  58. 

Lichen  fluviatilis,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  536. 

Parmelia  fluviatilis,  Achar.  Meth.  Lich.  249. 

Collema  fluviale,  Achar.  Lichen.  Univ.  636. 

On  stones  under  water  in  rivulets. 

8.  Enchylium  marginale . Marginal  enchyle. 

Thallus  orbicular,  rather  stellate,  tiledlike;  lobes  deeply 

jagged,  narrow,  many-cut,  winding,  rather  flat,  crenate; 
apothecia  marginal  and  scattered,  blackish-brown,  edge  not 
in  the  least  cut. 

Lichenoides  gelatinosum  fuscum,  jacobaeae  maritimae  divisura,  Dillen . 
Muse.  140. 

Lichen  marginalis,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  534 ; Engl.  Bot.  1924. 

Parmelia  melsena  marginalis,  Achar.  Meth.  Lich.  241. 

Collema  laciniatum,  Hoffm.  FI.  Germ.  100. 

Collema  melaenum  marginale,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  637. 

On  limestone  rocks,  occasionally  overflowed. 

398  81.  Enchyl.  3.  HOMOTHALAMEAE.  Pl.cell.aph. 

9.  Enchyliurn  fasciculare.  Bundled  enchyle. 

Thallus  nearly  orbicular,  folded  tilewise;  central  folds. 

upright,  winding,  anastomosing ; folds  in  the  circumference 
rounded,  deeply  crenate ; apothecia  marginal,  topshape, 
bundled;  centre  rather  convex,  reddish. 

Lichenoides  gelatinosum  palmatum,  tuberculis  conglomerate,  Bill. 
Muse.  141. 

Lichen  fascicularis,  Lin.  M ant.  133;  Engl.  Bot.  1162. 

Parmelia  fascicularis,  Achar.  Meth.  Licit.  239. 

Collema  fasciculare,  Achar.  Licit.  Univ.  639. 

On  rocks,  mountains,  and  trunks  of  trees. 

(3.  aggregatum.  Marginal  lobes  very  small;  central  lobes 
obliterated  by  the  crowded  apothecia. 

Lichen  fascicularis  /3,  Bern,  in  Schrad.  Journ.  1799. 

Collema  polycarpon,  Hoffm.  Ft.  Germ.  102. 

Collema  fasciculare  aggregatum,  Achar.  Lich.  Un.  640. 

10.  Enchyliurn  corrugatum.  Pur sed-up  enchyle. 

Thallus  thick,  blackish  green,  with  raised  gutlike  convo- 

Lichen  eorrugatus,  Dickson  PI.  Crypt.  Brit.  4. 

Parmelia  plocina,  Achar.  Meth.  Lichen.  247. 

Collema  corrugatum,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  642. 

Mountains  and  rocks  in  the  sea. 

11.  Enchyliurn  cretaceum.  Chalky  enchyle. 

Thallus  lobed  starwise,  blackish  green  ; apothecium  cen- 
tral, raised,  brownish  flesh-colour,  edge  paler,  not  cut. 

Lichen  cretaceus,  Engl.  Bot.  738. 

Parmelia  cretacea,  Achar.  Meth.  Licit.  248. 

Collema  Cretaceum,  Achar.  Licit.  Univ.  642. 


III.  82.  SCYTENIUM.  Acharius.  Scytene . 

Thallus  irregular,  nearly  leaflike;  lobes  separate,  spread- 
ing, thick,  swollen,  naked. 

Scytenium  palmatum.  Palmate  scytene. 

Thallus  nearly  leaflike,  brownish  blue  green;  lobes  thick* 
crowded,  palmately  cut,  jags  nearly  linear,  round ; apothecia 
reddish  brown. 

Lichenoides  gelatinosum  tenerius  laciniatum,  ex  fusco  purpurascens, 
Raii  Syn.  72,  54. 

Lichen  palmatus,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  535. 

Parmelia  palmata,  Achar.  Meth.  Licit.  242. 

Collema  palmatum,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  643. 

Upon  muddy  ground  and  trunks  of  trees. 

PL  cell.  aph.  3.  HQMOTHALAMEiE.  SS.Mallot.  399 

IV.  83.  MALLOTIUM.  Acharius.  Mallote . 

Thallus  leaflike  ; lobes  rounded,  underneath  woolly  or 
with  small  fibres. 

1.  Mallotium  Saiurninum.  Saturnine  mallote . 

Thallus  leaflike,  blackish  green,  beneath  sea-green,  ra- 
ther woolly ; lobes  oblong,  rounded,  wavey,  not  cut ; apo - 
thecia  lateral,  raised,  flat,  red,  edge  not  cut. 

Lichen  Saturninus,  Dickson  Pl.  Crypt.  Bot.  2,21  ; Engl.  Bot,  19S0. 
Lichen  myochrous,  Erhh.  PI.  Crypt.  Dec.  29,236. 

Lichen  discolor,  Acliar.  in  Nov.  Act.  Stockh.  16,  16. 

Parmelia  Saturnina,  Achar.  Meth.  Lic/i.  221. 

Collema  tomentosum,  Hoffm.  FI.  Germ.  99. 

Collema  Saiurninum,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  644. 

Trunks  of  trees  and  rocks. 

2.  Mallotium  Burgessii . Burgess ’ mallote . 

Thallus  leaflike,  slightly  tiledwise,  brownish  sea-green, 

underneath  grows  spongy,  villous;  lobes  rounded,  jagged, 
crenular,  crisp ; apothecia  depressed,  flattish,  brown  ; edge 
crisp,  leaflike. 

Lichen  ornatus,  Lin.  Suppl.  PI. 

Lichen  Burgessii,  Lightf.  FI.  Scot.  827. 

Parmelia  Burgessii,  Achar.  Meth.  Lich.  251. 

Collema  Burgessii,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  645. 

On  trunks  of  trees. 

V.  84.  LATHAGRIUM.  Acharius.  Lathagrium . 

Thallus  leaflike ; lobes  nearly  membranaceous,  weak, 
naked,  blackish  green. 

1.  Lathagrium  nigrescens.  Blackish  lathagrium . 

Thallus  leaflike,  membranaceous,  nearly  one-leafed,  or- 
bicular, depressed,  radiately  plaited,  round-lobed,  blackish 
green ; apothecia  central,  crowded,  at  length  convex,  red- 
dish brown,  edge  not  in  the  least  cut. 

Lichenoides  saxatile  membranaceum  gelatinosum,  tenue  nigrescens, 
Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  72,  53. 

Lichen  nigrescens,  Huds.  Fl.Angl.  537. 

Lichen  vespertilio,  Lightf,  FI.  Scot.  840. 

Lichen  papyraceus,  Jacq.  Coll.  3,  154. 

Parmelia  nigrescens,  Achar.  Meth.  Lich,  227. 

Collema  vespertilio,  Hoffm.  FI.  Germ.  98. 

Collema  nigrescens,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  646. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees,  rocks,  and  stones. 

400  84.  Lathag.  3.  HOMOTH ALAMEiE.  FI.  cell.  aph. 

2.  Lathagrium  flaccidum . Flaccid  lathagrium. 

Thallus  leaflike,  membranaceous,  smooth,  blackish  green; 

loles  separate,  reverse  ovate,  bluntly  divided,  not  jagged, 
weak,  flexible;  apothecia  scattered,  few,  rather  flat,  reddish  ; 
edge  thin,  not  cut. 

Lichen  nigrescens,  Ehrh.  PI.  Cr.  10,98. 

Lichen  rupestris,  Swartz  Meth.  Muse.  37. 

Lichen  flaccidum,  Achar.  N.  A.  Stockh.  16,  14. 

Parmelia  liaccida,  Achar.  Metli.  Lich.  229 . 

Collema  flaccidum,  Achar.  Lich . Univ.  647. 

Among  mosses  on  rocks  exposed  to  the  drip  of  water. 

3.  Ijathagrium  furvum . Dusky  lathagrium . 

Thallus  leaflike,  membranaceous,  rather  wrinkled,  folded, 

blackish  green,  granular  on  both  sides ; loles  rounded 
irregularly,  frequently  wavey-crisped,  not  cut;  apothecia 
scattered,  flat,  blackish  brown,  edge  not  cut. 

Lichen  granulosus,  FI.  Ban.  462. 

Lichen  furvus,  Achar.  N.  A.  Stockh.  22,  164. 

Parmelia  furva,  Achar.  Meth.  Lich.  230. 

Collema  granulosum,  Hoffm.  FI.  Germ.  99. 

Collema  furvum,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  650. 

On  the  bark  of  old  trees,  rocks,  walls,  and  wooden  roofs. 

4.  Lathagrium  sinuatum.  Jagged  lathagrium . 

Thallus  leaflike,  membranaceous,  tiledlike,  congregated, 

naked,  black;  loles  deeply  jagged,  crisp,  toothed;  apothecia 
scattered,  sessile,  colour  of  the  thallus,  edge  not  cut. 
Lichenoides  tenue  crispum,  foliis  parvis  depressis,  Billen.  Muse.  145. 
Lichen  sinuatus,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  509?  Engl.  Bot.  772. 

Collema  sinuatum,  Hoffm.  FI.  Germ.  Add. 

Parmelia  scotina  sinuata,  Achar.  Meth.  Lich.  257. 

Collema  scotinum  sinuatum,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  652. 

Among  grass  and  moss  on  the  ground. 

VI.  85.  LEPTOGIUM.  Acharus.  Leplogium. 

Thallus  leaflike;  lobes  rounded,  membranaceous,  very 
tender,  naked,  greyish  green,  nearly  transparent;  apothecia 
on  very  short  pedicells. 

1.  Leptogium  tremelloides.  Tremella  leplogium. 

Thallus  leaflike,  membranaceous,  very  tender,  nearly 
transparent,  lead  colour,  slightly  wrinkled  and  hollow  dot- 
ted ; loles  oblong,  rounded,  cut,  smooth-edged ; apothecia 
scattered,  with  short  pedicells,  flat,  reddish  brown,  after- 
wards black,  edge  pale. 

PI.  cell.  aph.  HOMOTI-IALAMEiE,  85.  Leptog.  401 

Lichen  tremelloides,  Lin.  Suppl.  PI.  450. 

Parmelia  tremeiloides,  Achur.  Meth.  Lick.  224. 

Collema  plicatum,  Hoffm.  PL  Lick.  2,41. 

Collema  tremeiloides,  A char.  Lick.  Univ.  655. 

On  trunks  of  trees  and  amona*  mosses. 


2.  Leptogium  marginellum.  Edged  leptogium . 

Thallus  leaflike,  membranaceous,  nearly  transparent, 

slightly  wrinkled,  sea-green ; lobes  rather  long;  edges  wavey, 
pleated,  crisp ; apothecia  minute,  marginal,  iron-brown ; 
edge  pale. 

Lichen  marginellus,  Bern,  in  Schrad.J.  Bot.  1799,21. 

Pannelia  marginalia,  Achur.  Meth.  Lich.  225. 

Collema  marginale,  Hoffm . PL  Lich.  2,47. 

Collema  marginellum,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  696. 

Upon  mosses. 

3.  Leptogium  lacerum.  Torn  leptogium. 

Thallus  leaflike,  membranaceous,  nearly  transparent, 

slightly  wrinkled  in  network,  sea-green;  lobes  small,  rather 
tiiedlike,  irregularly  jagged,  toothed,  fringed ; apothecia 
scattered,  slightly  concave,  red,  edge  pale. 

Lichenoides  saxatile  tenne  rufescens,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  77,  89. 

Tremelia  lichenoides,  Lin.  S.  P.  1625. 

Lichen  tremeiloides,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  537, 

Lichen  Tremelia,  Roth  FI.  Germ.  503. 

Lichen  lacer,  Engl.  Bot.  1982;  Achar.  Prod.  135. 

Parmelia  laciniata,  Achar.  Meth.  Lich.  225. 

Collema  lacerum,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  657. 

On  the  ground  among  mosses. 

VII.  86.  POLYCH  IDIOM.  Acharius,  Poly  chide. 

Thallus  very  finely  jagged  and  branched. 

1 . Polychidium  subtile.  Fine  polychide. 
Thallus  slightly  starlike,  jaggs  very  narrow,  linear, 

pressed  close,  subdivided,  blunt,  radiating,  edge  smooth; 
apothecia  central,  rather  flat,  colour  of  the  thallus,  edge 
thin,  not  cut. 

Lichen  subtilis,  Schrad.  Spic.  95  ; Diclcs.  Crypt.  4,  25  ; Engl.  Bot.  1008. 
Parmelia  subtilis,  Achar.  Meth.  Lich.  243. 

Collema  subtile,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  659. 

On  clay  and  limestone. 

Scarcely  visible  to  the  naked  eye,  but  grows  in  patches. 

2.  Polychidium  tenuis. simum.  Thinnest  polychide. 

Thallus  rather  tiiedlike ; jaggs  minute,  linear,  many-cut, 

unequal,  granular,  rather  pointed,  very  crowded ; apothecia 
scattered,  rather  flat,  reddish,  edged. 

VOL.  I.  9 D 

402  86.  Polychid.  3.  HOMOTHALAME^.  Pl.cell.aph. 

Lichen  byssinus,  Wahl.  FI.  Lapp.  442. 

Lichen  tenuissimus,  Dickson  Crypt.  1,  12. 

Parmelia  tenuissima,  Achar.  Melh.  Lich.  244. 

Coliema  byssinutn,  Hoffm.  Germ.  105. 

Coliema  tenuissimum,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  659. 

On  gravel-banks,  walls,  and  mosses. 

3.  Polycfudium  Schraderi.  Schrader s poly  chide. 

Thallus  rather  tufted  ; jaggs  linear,  flat,  irregularly  un- 
divided, wrinkled,  blunt;  edges  turned  over,  slightly  cre- 
nate;  apothecia  scattered,  colour  of  the  thallus. 

Lichen  Schraderi,  Bern,  in  Schrad.  Journ.  1799,  22. 

Parmelia  Schraderi,  Achar.  Meth.  Lich.  24 3. 

Coliema  Schraderi,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  658. 

On  rocks  among  mosses. 

4.  Polychidium  muscicolum.  Moss  poly  chide. 

Thallus  shrublike,  cushioned,  brownish ; branches  cylin- 
drical, rather  upright,  bent,  knotted,  nearly  even-topped*, 
bluntish ; apothecia  nearly  terminal,  flat,  brown,  edged. 

Lichen  Muscieola,  Swartz  in  N.  Act.  Ups.  4,  248  ; Dicks.  Crypt.  2,  8. 
Parmelia  muscieola,  Achar.  Meth.  Lich.  244. 

Coliema  Muscieola,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  660. 

On  the  ground,  and  mountains  among  moss. 

6.  Polychidium  velutinvm . Velvet  poly  chide. 

Thallus  cushioned,  black jaggs  cylindrical,  very  tender* 
scarcely  branched,  bent,  interwoven,  even-topped ; apo- 
thecia rather  concave,  minute,  colour  of  the  thallus,  pressed 
close,  edged. 

Lichen  exilis,  Lightf.  Scot.  894. 

Lichen  velulinus,  Achar.  Prod.  218. 

Parmelia  pannosa,  Achar.  Meth.  Lich.  246. 

Conferva  pannosa,  Web.  el  Mohr  Reise,  105. 

Coliema  nigrum  ? Hoffm.  Germ.  103. 

Coliema  pannosum,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  660,  not  of  Hoffman. 

On  rocks  and  mountains  amon<>-  mosses. 

6.  Polychidium  spongiosum.  Spongy  poly  chide. 

Thallus  dark  green  ; jaggs  aggregated,  branched,  gra- 
nular, cylindrical,  blunt  ; apothecia  scattered,  hollow, 
brown ; outside  spongy,  pale ; edge  upright,  thin. 

Lichen  spongiosus,  Engl.  Dot.  1374. 

Coliema  spongiosum,  Achar.  Lichen.  Univ.  661. 

Durham;  perennial. 

PL  cell.  aph.  3.  HOMQTHALAMEiE.  87.  Usnea.  403 

B.  UsNEADEiE.  Phallus  slightly  crustlike,  penetrated 
by  an  elastic,  central  bundle  of  ducts;  apothecia  regular, 
shieldlike,  pedicelled,  sometimes  proliferous  from  the  edge; 
pedicels  central,  accompanied  with  cephalodia  and  sorediae. 

VIII.  87.  USNEA.  Dillenius.  Usnea. 

Phallus  slightly  crustlike,  rather  cylindrical,  branched, 
mostly  hanging  down,  enclosing  a transparent,  central, 
elastic,  threadlike  bundle  of  ducts ; apothecia  orbiculate, 
terminal,  shieldlike,  entirely  formed  of  the  thallus,  and 
covered  in  every  part  with  its  cortical  substance,  keeping 
nearly  the  same  colour,  circumference  without  any  defined 
edge,  generally  fringed. 

1.  Usnea  Jlorida.  Florid  usnea. 

Phallus  rather  upright,  rough,  pale  grey;  holdfasts  slen- 
der, horizontal  ; branches  very  much  spread,  scarcely 
branched ; apothecia  flat,  very  broad,  whitish,  fringed  ; 
fringe  radiating,  long. 

Lichenoides  quod  Muscus  arboreus  cum  orbiculis,  Raii  Syn.  65,  6. 

Lichen  floridus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1624;  Engl.  Bot.  872. 

Usnea  florida,  Achar.  Meth.  Lich.  307  ; Lich.  Un.  620. 

On  trunks  of  old  trees  and  palings. 

j3.  rigida.  Phallus  long,  stiff,  straight,  very  slender, 
rather  hanging,  rough ; branches  rather  long,  bent, 
branched,  twiggy. 

y.  rubiginea.  Phallus  rather  hairy,  rusty  red ; apothecia 
of  the  same  colour. 

2.  Usnea  plicata.  Folded  usnea . 

Phallus  hanging,  smooth,  pale ; branches  weak,  very 

much  divided,  the  last  twigs  hairlike ; apothecia  Hat,  broad, 
fringed ; fringe  very  fine,  very  long. 

Lichenoides  quod  Muscus  arboreus,  Usnea  officinarum,  Raii  Syn.  64,  1. 

Lichen  plicatus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1622;  Engl.  Bot.  257. 

Usnea  plicata,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  622. 

Hairy  tree-moss. 

From  the  trunks  and  branches  of  trees. 

£.  comosa.  Phallus  slightly  upright,  shrublike,  pale 
white;  side  branches  very  much  spread,  diffuse,  smooth, 
much  divided;  last  twigs  fibrelike,  rather  rough,  slightly 
nodding;  cephalodia  pale  flesh-colour,  growing  brown. 

Lichen  comosus,  Achar.  N.  Act.  Stockh.  16,209. 

Usnea  plicata  comosa,  Acliar.  Meth.  Lich.  3 11 ; Lich.  Univ.  623. 

2 D 2 

404  87.  Usnea.  3.  HOMOTHAL AMEiE.  PL  cell.  aph. 

y . kirta.  Thallus  slightly  upright,  rather  shrublike,  yel- 
lowish grey,  much  branched,  rather  powdery,  roughish; 
branches  much  divided,  bent,  intricate,  slender,  fibreiike. 

3.  Usnea  barbata.  Bearded  usnea . 

Thallus  hanging,  smooth,  round,  rather  thick,  pale 
greenish  grey;  branches,  diverging,  frequently  fibrelike,  hair- 
like at  the  tip,  beneath  jointed. 

Lichen  barhatus,  Lin.  Sp.  PI.  1622  ; Engl.  Bat.  258,  fig.  2. 

Usnea  barbata,  Achar.  Meth.  Lick.  315  ; Lich.  Univ.  624. 

On  the  branches  of  old  trees. 

12.  articulata.  Thallus  bald,  grey,  branches  long,  forked, 
branched,  jointed ; joints  bellied,  separate;  last  twigs  hair- 
like, fibrelike. 

Lichenoides  quod  Muscus  arboreus  nodosus,  Rail  Syn.  65,4. 

Usnea  barbata  articulata,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  605. 

Lichen  artieulatus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1623  ; Engl.  But.  258,  fig.  1. 

C.  liAMALiisriDEiE.  Thcdlus  cartilaginous,  branched ; 
inside  stuffed  with  fibres  like  tow ; apothecia  same  colour 
as  the  thallus,  formed  entirely  from  it. 

IX.  88.  CORNXCUL  A RI  A.  Horn-moss . 

Thallus  cartilaginous,  rather  solid  inside,  towlike, 
branched,  shrublike;  apoihecia  orbicnlate,  terminal,  oblique, 
shieldlike,  entirely  formed  of  the  thallus,  similar  to  its  outer 
surface,  become  convex  and  rather  inflated  ; edge  scarcely 
distinct,  slightly  toothed,  at  length  turned  back,  .slightly 
altered  in  colour. 

1.  Cornicularia  tristis.  Dull  horn-moss . 

Thallus  pitch-black,  compressed,  cylindrical,  rather 
smooth,  2-rowed,  2-forked;  branches  even-topped,  black 
above;  apothecia  plano-convex,  brownish  black,  slightly 
margined,  edge  not  toothed,  not  cut. 

Coralioides  cornicuiafum,  fuel  lenuioris  facie,  Dillen  Muse.  118. 

Lichen  radiatus,  lluds.  FI.  Angl,  559;  Dicks.  Crypt.  9,  25. 

Lichen  fucoides,  Wulf.  in  Jacq.  Coll.  3. 

Lichen  corniculatus,  Light/.  FI.  Scot.  385. 

Lichen  rigid  us,  Wulf.  in  Jacq.  Coll.  2. 

Lichen  tristis,  Engl.  Bot.  720. 

Lobaria  rigida,  Hoffni.  Germ.  142. 

Cornicularia  tristis,  Achar.  Meth.  Lich.  300;  Lich.  Univ.  610. 

On  rocks. 

Apothecia  sometimes  radiately  toothed,  and  the  branches 
tuberculated,  toothed. 

PL  cell . aph.  3.  HOMOTHALAMEiE.  88.  Cornicul.  405 

2.  Comic  alar  ia  aculeata.  Pricldy  horn-moss. 

Phallus  bald,  chestnut-brown,  rather  cylindrical,  angu- 
larly compressed,  nakedish ; branches  and  twigs  divari- 
cated, bent,  prickly;  apothecia  reddish,  edge  slightly  tooth- 
ed, turned  back. 

Lichen  aculeatus,  Achar.  Prod.  215. 

Cornicularia  aculeata,  Achar.  Met/i.  Lick.  502  ; Lich.  Univ.  612. 

On  dry,  sunny  mountains; 

3.  Cornicularia  spadicea.  Chestnut  horn-moss. 

Phallus  bald,  dark  bay-colour,  flatly  compressed,  rather 

indented ; edges  toothed ; branches  and  twigs  short,  spread- 
ing, narrow;  apothecia  spinous,  radiated,  reddish  brown. 

Lichenoides  non  tubulosum  rainosissimum  frutlculi  specie,  nifo-n’gres- 
cens,  Raii  Syn.  66,  10. 

Lichen  Islandicusy,  Huds.  Angl.  539. 

Lichen  hispid  us,  Light/.  Scot.  883  ; Engl.  Hot.  452. 

Lichen  spadiceus,  Roth  in  Uster  Ann. 

Lobaria  aculeata,  Hojjra.  Germ.  142. 

Cornicularia  spadicea,  Achar.  Meth.  Lich.  301  ; Lich.  Univ.  611. 

On  open  places  on  rocks  covered  with  earth. 

4.  Cornicularia  bicolor.  Two-coloured  horn-moss. 

Phallus  roughish,  black,  cylindrical,  nearly  upright, 

branched,  fibrous;  branches  very  short,  scattered,  spread- 
ing; tips  nodding,  greyish  brown. 

Lichen  bicolor,  Ehrh. 

Us  tie  a bicoior,  Hoffm.  Germ.  15,5. 

Cornicularia  bicolor,  Achar.  Meth.  Lich.  504;  Lich . Univ.  615. 

Upon  rocks  among  mosses. 

5.  Cornicularia  lanala.  Woolly  horn-moss. 

Phallus  lying  down,  cylindrical,  smoothish,  forked, 

greyish  black ; branches  and  twigs  variously  bent,  inter- 
woven, forked  at  the  tip;  apothecia  slightly  edged,  flat, 
edge  naked,  granular. 

Lichenoides  quod  Muscus  coralloides,  lanae  nigrjB  instar  saxis  adherens, 
Lillen  in  Raii  Syn.  65,  3. 

Lichens  pubescens,  Huds.  Angl.  562. 

Lichen  laneus,  Ehrh.  PI.  Crypt.  7,70. 

Lichen  lanatus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1623;  Engl.  Bot.  846. 

Usnea  lanea,  Hoffm.  Germ.  135. 

Usnea  lanata,  Hoffm.  Germ.  135. 

Usnea  pubescens,  Hoffm.  Germ.  136. 

Cornicularia  lanata,  Achar . Meth.  Lich.  304;  Lich.  Univ.  615. 

On  dry  barren  places  upon  mountains. 

406  88.  Cornicul.  3.  HOMOTHALAMEiE.  Pl.cell.aph. 

6.  Cornicularia  P pitlescens.  Downy  horn-moss. 

Thailus  lying  down,  cylindrical,  wrinkled,  ronghisb, 
black;  branches  interwoven,  hairlike,  twigs  not  branched ; 
apothecia  same  colour  as  the  thailus,  edge  not  cut. 

Lichen  lanatus,  Wulf.  inJacq.  Misc.  2. 

Lichen  intricatus,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  8,80. 

Lichen  pubescens,  Lin.  S.  P.  1628. 

XJsnea  intricata,  Hojffm.  Germ.  136. 

Cornicularia  pubescens,  Achar.  Meth.  Lich.  505  ; Lich.  Univ.  616. 
Conferva?  atrovirens,  Dillw.  Conf.  25. 

Scyfonerna?  atrovirens,  Agardh  Disp.  39. 

On  rocks  and  fells  where  water  drips. 

Thalli  aggregate,  very  similar  to  the  preceding;  apothecia 
rarely  to  be  found ; so  that  it  is  doubtful  whether  this  and 
girardia  atrovirens  be  one  species  or  two. 

/3.  hispidula.  Thailus  rather  stellate,  brownish  black, 
proliferous  in  whirls,  hispid,  branchy;  branches  slightly 
radiating,  depressed,  interwoven,  very  thin ; apothecia 
crenate,  dark  brown. 

Scytonema  atrovirens  prolifera,  Agardh  Disp.  39. 

Cornicularia  hispidula,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  617. 

X.  89.  RAMALINA.  Acharius.  Branch-moss. 

Thailus  cartilaginous,  inside  like  tow,  rather  solid, 
branched,  jagged,  rather  shrublike,  mostly  with  soredia; 
apothecia  saucershape,  thickish,footstalked,somewhatshield- 
like,  flat,  edged,  entirely  formed  of  the  thailus,  covered  with 
u similarly  coloured  cortical  substance. 

1.  Ramalina  fastigiata.  Even-topped  branch-moss. 

Thailus  compressed,  cylindrical,  smooth,  pitted,  branched, 

light  sea-green  ; branches  thicker  at  top,  even-topped; 
apothecia  terminal,  shieldlike,  sessile,  whitish. 

Lichen  populinus,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  276. 

Lichen  fastigiatus,  Engl.  Uot.  890. 

Lobaria  populina,  Hoffm.  Germ.  140. 

Parmelia  fastigiata,  Achar.  Meth.  Lich.  260. 

Ramalina  fastigiata,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  603. 

On  the  trunks  of  old  trees. 

2.  Ramalina  scopulorum.  Sea-shore  branch-moss. 

Thailus  compressed,  smooth,  slightly  pitted,  branched, 

pale  grey;  branches  linear,  slender;  apothecia  pedicelled, 
of  the  same  colour. 

Lichen  calicaris,  Lin.  S.  P.  1613  ; Engl.  Bot.  688. 

Lichen  scopulorum,  Dicks.  Crypt.  3,  18. 

Parmelia  scopulorum,  Achar.  Meth.  Lich.  261. 

Ramalina  scopulorum,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  604. 

On  rocks  by  the  sea-side. 

PI.  cell.  apk.  3.  HOMOTHALAMEAE.  89.  Ramalin.  407 

/3.  cornuata.  Branches  cylindrical,  compressed,  seldom 
divided,  bent,  knobbed,  rather  pipey,  interwoven. 

Coralloides  fasciculare  verrucosum  et  veluti  siliquosum,  Dillen  Muse* 

Lichen  siliquosus,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  559. 

Parmelia  siliquosa,  Aclir.  Metk.  Lick.  262. 

Ramalina  scopulorum,  cornuata,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  605. 

On  insulated  rocks  scattered  on  plains,  as  the  Grey 
wethers  on  Salisbury  Plain. 

3.  Ramalina  farinacea . Floury  branch-moss, 

Thallus  cylindrical,  compressed,  bald,  slightly  pitted, 

stiff,  branched,  whitish  grey,  with  soredia;  branches  linear, 
slender;  apothecia  scattered,  pedicelled,  flat,  scarcely  bor- 
dered, whitish. 

Lichenoides  segmeniis  angustioribus  ad  margines  verrucosis  et  pulveru- 
lentis,  Dillen  Muse.  172. 

Lichen  farinaceus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1613  ; Engl.  Bot.  889. 

Lobaria  farinacea,  Hoffm.  Germ.  139. 

Parmelia  farinacea,  Achar.  Metli.  Lich.  263. 

Ramalina  farinacea,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  606. 

On  the  trunks  and  branches  of  trees. 

Branches  simple  or  divided,  sometimes  fringed  and 
slightly  proliferous;  sometimes  short  and  slender,  or  long 
and  strong,  sometimes  hanging;  naked  or  covered  with 
rather  elliptic  soredia;  apothecia  rarely  occurring. 

4.  Ramalina  pollinaria . Powdery  branch-moss , 

Thallus  flat,  slightly  membranaceous,  bald,  rather  pitted, 

white,  slightly  hoary,  jagged;  soredia  dilated,  flat,  powdery; 
apothecia  nearly  terminal,  growing  dilated,  very  large,  sea- 
green  beneath;  centre  flesh-colour;  edge  raised,  slightly 
bent  inwards. 

Lichen  pollinarius,  Achar  in  N.  Act.  Slockh.  18,263. 

Lichen  sqtiarrosus,  Persoon  in  Usler  Ann.  Bot.  14,  35. 

Lobaria  squarrosa,  Hoffm.  Germ.  139. 

Lobaria  dilacerala,  Hoffm.  Germ.  140. 

Parmelia  pollinaria,  Achar.  Meth.  Lich.  264. 

Ramalina  pollinaria,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  608. 

On  rocks  and  stones,  old  timber-work  and  trees. 

XI.  90.  ALECTORIA.  Acharius.  Cockscomb-moss . 

Thallus  cartilaginous,  nearly  threadlike,  inside  towlike, 
branched,  prostrate  or  hanging;  apothecia  saucerlike,  thick, 
sessile,  rather  flat,  bordered,  convex,  entirely  formed  of 
the  thallus,  of’  the  same  colour  and  substance. 

408  90.  Alector.  3.  HOMOTHALAME M.  PL  cell.  aph. 

1.  A lector  la  jubata.  Mane  cockscomb-moss . 

Thallus  cylindrical,  slightly  shining,  livid  brown  and 

black,  compressed  at  the  joints ; apothecia  of  the  same  co- 
lour, growing  convex,  border  not  in  the  least  cut. 

Lichenoides  quod  Muscus  coraliinus  saxaiilis  foeniculaceus,  Raii  Syn* 


Usnea  jubata  nigricans,  Dill.  Muse.  64. 

Lichen  jubafus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1622;  Engl.Bot.  1880. 

Usnea  jubata,  Hoffm.  Germ.  134. 

Parmelia  jubafa,  Achar.  Meth.  Licit.  272. 

Alectoria  jubata,  Achar.  Lick.  Univ.  592. 

On  the  trunks  and  branches  of  old  trees. 

2.  Alec foiia  chalybeiformis.  Iron-wire  cockscomb-moss . 
Thallus  and  branches  rather  simple,  bent,  straggling, 

tufted,  stiffish,  lead  black,  lying  down. 

Lichenoides  quod  Muscus  caule  rigido  instar  fili  chalybei,  Rail  Syn. 


Lichen  chalybei formis,  Lin.  S.  P.  1623. 

Lichen  jubatus  jS,  Engl.  Pol.  1880. 

Usnea  irnplexa,  Hoffm.  Germ.  134. 

Usnea  chalybei  form  is,  Hoffm.  Germ.  135. 

Parmelia  jubata  8,  Achar.  Meth.  Licit.  273- 
Alectoria  jubata  chalybeiformis,  Achar.  Licit.  Univ.  595. 

On  banks,  palings,  trees,  and  rocks. 

3.  Alectoria  sarmentosa.  Runner  cockscomb-moss . 

Thallus  rather  cylindrical,  angularly  pitted,  two-forked, 

pale  whitish,  tips  much  branched,  weak,  very  slender; 
apothecia  slightly  concave,  livid,  hoary,  afterwards  spread 

out  flat. 

Usnea  loris  longis  dichotomis,  extremitatibus  tenuioribus,  Dillen  Muse . 

Lichen  sarmentosus,  Achar.  Prod.  180;  Engl.  Hot.  2040. 

Lichen  dichotomies,  Achar.  Prodr.  181. 

Usnea  dichotoma,  Hoffm.  Germ.  134. 

Parmelia  sarmentosa,  Achar.  Meth.  Lich.  271. 

Jtamalina  sarmentosa,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  595. 

On  the  trunks  and  branches  of  trees,  and  on  rocks. 

Earn.  IV.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  Lichenes  cenotha- 
lami , Acharius.  Algarum  pars , Linnaeus. 
Lichenum  pars , Jussieu. 

Thallus  crustaceous  or  leatherlike;  sporidia  scattered, 
innate  in  the  substance,  and  in  a naked  proligerous  flake  of 
a different  colour  placed  upon  the  thallus,  without  any 
internal  nucleus  or  perithecium. — Thallus  perennial,  ter- 
restrial or  parasitic,  greenish  or  becoming  so  when  wetted; 
absorbing  water  by  the  surface,  and  transmitting  it  to  all 



PZ.  ceZZ.  aph. 

A.  y ipothecia  nearly  globose,  not  bordered , terminating  a 
solid  podeiium.  Bsemycideae. 

Thallus  shrublike,  branched,  cartilaginous; 

Z'fl'rA  crustaceous,  unequal Stereocaulon.  91* 

Thallus  rather  crustaceous,  uniform, 
lying  close;  apothecia  at  first  bordered Isidium.  92. 

Thallus  crustaceous,  uniform,  close ; 
podetia  soft ; apothecia  large Bjemyces.  93* 

B.  Apothecia  nearly  globose , not  bordered , terminating  a 
hollow , cylindrical  thallus  or  podeiium.  Cenomycidese. 

Thallus  cylindrical,  soft,  awlshape  ; 
axillae  not  perforated  Cerania.  94. 

Thallus  leaflike,  very  small ; podetia  car- 
tilaginous, stifli  awlshape  ; axillce  mostly 
perforated  Cladonia.  95* 

Thallus  leaflike;  podetia  cylindrical; 
apex  fringed,  radiated,  rays  fertile Helopodia.  96. 

Thallus  leaflike;  podetia  dilated  above, 
cuplike,  cup  open  Schasmaria.  97. 

Thallus  leaflike ; podetia  dilated  above, 
cuplike,  cup  closed * Scyphophora.  98. 

Thallus  crustlike,  uniform ; 

podetia  hollow,  short  Pycnothelia.  99. 

C.  Apothecia  shieldlike , bordered,  lateral : thallus  nearly 
crustaceous , branched.  Evernidece. 

Thallus  compressed,  inside  towlike; 
apothecia  sessile,  circumference  raised  ....  Evernia.  100. 

D.  Apothecia  shieldlike , bordered ; thallus  leatherlike 9 
cartilaginous , leafy.  Peltidese. 

Apoth.  adnate,  terminal,  ascending ; 
thallus  leaflike,  lobed,  expanded  ........  Peltidea.  103. 

Apoth.  adnate,  terminal,  resupinate ; 

thallus  leaflike,  lobed,  expanded Nephroma.  102. 

Apoth.  adnate,  subcentral,  discoid ; 

thallus  leaflike,  lobed,  expanded Solorina.  104. 

Apothecia  sessile,  lateral ; 

thallus  branched,  inside  towlike  Rocella.  101. 


4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  PL  cell.  aph. 

Apoth.  sessile,  oblique,  marginal ; 

thallus  leaflike,  smooth Cetraria.  106. 

Apoth.  rather  pedicelled,  free ; 

thallus  cartilaginous ; lobes  fringed Borreria.  107. 

Apothecia  nearly  sessile,  edge  free ; 

thal.  leaflike,  interspersed  with  soredia Sticta.  105. 

Apothecia  nearly  sessile,  edge  free; 

thal . leaflike,  tips  inflated ; soredia  0 Physcia.  108. 

Apothecia  nearly  sessile,  edge  free; 

thallus  leaflike,  tips  equal;  soredia  0 ....  Parmelia.  109. 

E.  Apothecia  shieldlike , bordered ; thallus  crustaceous, 
adnate.  Lecideadeee. 

Thallus  figured,  scaly,  tiled-like, 

raised  high  around  the  apothecia Psoroma.  110. 

Thallus  figured,  lobed,  raised 

high  around  the  apothecia Placodium.  111. 

Thallus  uniform,  raised  high 

around  the  apothecia  Rimodina.  112. 

Thallus  uniform,  elevated  around 

the  immersed  apothecia Urceolaria.  113. 

Thallus  figured  or  leaflike; 

apothecia  not  sunk  in  the  thallus Lepidoma.  114. 

Thallus  uniform;  apothecia  not  sunk  in  Lecidea.  115. 

F.  Apothecia  jlattish , plaited , bordered ; thallus  shield - 
like,  free  underneath.  Gyrophorideae. 

Thallus  leatherlike; 

apoth.  meandering  plaited  Gyrophora.  116. 

G.  Apothecia  Jlattish , di/form,  not  bordered ; thallus 
crustaceous,  flat,  adnate.  Spilomideae. 

Apothecia  round,  black,  solid Arthonia.  117. 

Apothecia  coloured,  powdery Spiloma.  118. 

‘ H.  Apothecia  cupshaped , bordered ; thallus  crustaceous , or 
very  thin.  Calicidese. 

Apothecia  nearly  sessile Acolium.  119. 

Apothecia  stipitate,  border  prominent  Phacotium.  120. 
Apothecia  stipitate,  centre  swollen  ; 
border  0 Strongylium.  121. 

Pl.cell. aph.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  91.Stereoc.  411 

A.  B^eomycide^e.  Apothecia  nearly  round,  not  bor- 
dered, placed  upon  a solid  podetium. 

I.  91.  STEREOCAULOM.  Schreber.  Stereocaulon . 

Thallus  cartilaginous,  rather  woody?  branched,  shrub- 
like, bark  unequal;  apothecia  topshape,  sessile,  solid,  flat 
at  top,  bordered,  becomes  hemispherically  convex ; proli - 
gerous  flake  thick,  covering  the  apothecium  at  top,  flat, 
girt  nearly  equally  with  a border  formed  of  the  thallus, 
then  dilated,  convex,  covering  the  border,  turning  over, 
coloured ; inside  similar,  slightly  streaked. 

1 . Siereocaulon  paschale.  Easter  stereocaulon . 

Thallus  greyish  green,  branched,  granulated,  fibrilled  ; 

branches  crowded,  much  divided,  short;  apothecia  scattered, 
terminal,  becoming  convex,  conglomerated,  blackish 

7 O 7 o 7 


Lichenoides  non  tubulosum  cinereum  rarnosnm  totum  crustaceum,  Rail 
Syn.  66, 1 1 . 

Lichen  paschalis,  Lin.  S.  F.  1621  ; Engl  Rot.  282. 

Baeomyces  paschalis,  Wahlenb . Lapp.  450. 

Corallinoides  paschale,  Hoffrn.  Lich.  25. 

Stereocaulon  paschale,  Acliar.  Meth.  315 ; Lich.  581. 

On  dry  hills  and  rocks  on  mica  or  lava. 

2.  Stereocaulon  nanum.  Dwarf  stereocaulon. 

Thallus  white,  greyish,  very  slender,  thread,  branched ; 

branches  nearly  even-topped,  floeky,  powdery ; apothecia  la- 
teral, crowded,  convex,  black  brown. 

Lichen  qnisquiliaris.  Leers  FI.  Herborn.  993. 

Lichen  nanus,  Achar.  Prod.  206. 

Stereocaulon  quisquilare,  Hoffm.Germ.  150. 

Stereocaulon  nanum,  Achar.  Meth.  515  ; Lichen.  582. 

On  the  ground,  in  rocky  countries. 

Tufts  a quarter  of  an  inch  high. 

II.  92.  ISIDIUM.  Acharius.  Isis-lichen. 

Thallus  crustlike,  flat,  expanded,  adnate,  uniform ; po- 

detia  solid,  fertile,  rather  short;  apothecia  round,  convex, 
growing  nearly  globular,  solid,  sessile  on  the  top  of  the 
podetia;  proligerous  flake  included  in  the  tip  of  the  podetia, 
girt  with  a border  formed  of  them,  convex  above,  flat  be- 
neath, coloured,  afterwards  prominent,  bordered,  hemi- 
spherical ; inside  similar. 

412  92.  Isidium.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  Pl.  cell.  apli. 

1.  Isidium  corallinum.  Coral  isis-lichen. 

Crust  tartarlike,  afterwards  cracked  rather  chequerlike, 

white,  rather  greyish;  podetia  become  longish,  cylindrical, 
simple  or  branched ; flake  of  the  apothecia  brownish  grey. 

Lichen  coraliinus,  Lin.  Mant.  131  ; Engl.  Bot.  1541. 

Stereocaulon  inadreporiforme,  Hoffm.  Germ.  129. 

Stereocauion  corallinum,  Sckracl.  Germ. 

Isidiutn  corallinum,  Achar.  Meth.  153;  Lichen.  575. 

On  rocks  and  stones. 

2.  Isidium  Westringii.  Westring's  isis-Uche$L . 

Crust  tartarlike,  chequered,  cracked,  unequal,  greyish ; 

podetia  nearly  globular,  afterwards  long,  cylindrical,  simple 
or  branched;  flake  of  the  apothecia  brown. 

Lichen  punctatus,  Dickson  Crypt.  Brit.  3, 15. 

Lichen  Westringii,  Achar.  Prodr.  88. 

Isidium  Westringii,  Achar.  Meth.  138;  Lich.  577. 

On  rocks  and  stones. 

3.  Isidium  coccodes . Lady-hird  isis-lichen. 

Crust  cracked,  rather  powdery,  hoary ; podetia  nearly 

globular,  nippleshape,  very  crowded ; flake  of  the  apothecia 
brown,  greyish  hoary. 

Lichen  coccodes,  Achar.  Prod.  10. 

Lepra  obscura,  Ehrh.  Crypt. 

Isidium  coccodes,  Achar . Meth.  139  ; Lich.  578. 

On  the  old  bark  of  trees. 

III.  93.  BiEOMYCES.  Ehrhart.  Mushroom-lichen . 

Thallus  crustlike,  flat,  expanded,  adnate;  podetia  soft, 
solid,  fertile;-  apothecia  headed,  not  bordered,  solid,  sessile 
on  the  top  of  the  podetia;  proligerous  flake  covering  the 
entire  apothecium,  adnate  to  it,  convex,  turned  back,  rather 
thick,  coloured ; inside  similar. 

1 . Beeomyces  roseus . Rose  mushroom-lichen . 

Crust  uniform,  warty,  hoary; podetia  very  short;  apothecia 
nearly  globular,  pale  flesh-colour. 

Lichenoides  fungiforme,  crusta  leprosa  Candida  capitulis  et  pediculis 
incarnatis,  Dilten  in  Raii  Syn.  70,40. 

Lichen  ericetorum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1608  ; Engl.  Bot.  572. 

Bseomyces  roseus,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  512. 

On  dry  clays. 

Pl.cell.aph.  4.  CENQTHALAMEiE,  93.  Bseomyc.  413 

2.  Bceomyces  rnfus.  Red  mushroom-lichen. 

Crust  uniform,  wrinkled,  granular,  powdery,  white, 

greyish,  greenish;  podeiia  short,  slightly  compressed ; apo- 
thecia slightly  convex,  growing  conglomerate,  reddish 

Lichenoides  fungiforme  terreslre,  capitulis  fuscis,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn. 
70,  39. 

Lichen  byssoides,  Lin.  Mant , 135. 

Lichen  peltifer,  Wulf.  in  Jacq,  Coll.  3. 

Lichen  fungiform  is*,  Weber.  FI.  Germ.  198. 

Lichen  rufus,  Huds.  Fl.Angl.  527. 

Baeomyces  ropes* ris,  Pers.  in  lister  Ann.  7,  19;  AcJiar.  Lich.  573. 

# Baeomyces  rufus,  Wahlenb.  Lapp.  449. 

On  gravelly  soils,  and  in  the  chinks  of  rocks. 

3.  Baeomyces  lignorum.  JVoocl  mushroom-lichen . 

Crust  dark  grey ; podetia  white,  broadest  at  top  ; apothecia 

nearly  simple,  sessile  on  the  crust  or  on  podetia,  not  uni- 
form, brown  black. 

Baeomyces  rupeslris  jS,  AcJiar,  Lich.  573  ; Meth,  522. 

B.  Cenomycide^e.  Apothecia  nearly  round,  not  bor- 
dered, either  terminating  hollow  podetia,  or  the  branches 
of  the  tubular  thallus  itself,^ 

IV.  94.  CERANIA.  Acharius.  Morn-lichen . 

Thallus  scarcely  any,  crustaceous ; podetia  soft,  nearly 
solid,  slightly  branched,  branches  barren,  axillse  not  per- 
forated ; apothecia  round,  not  bordered,  growing  convex 
and  like  a head,  underneath  hollow,  attached  by  the  edge 
to  the  podetia,  terminal;  proligerous  flake  forming  the 
upper  part  of  the  apothecia,  rather  thick,  coloured,  inside 
similar,  convex  turned  over  the  edge  and  affixed,  clothed 
beneath  by  the  flocklike  skin  of  the  thallus. 

Cerania  vermicularis.  Wormlike  horn-lichen . 

Podetia  awlshaped,  seldom  branched,  small,  very  white, 
slightly  pipey,  bent,  lying  down. 

Lichenoides  tubulatus,  nivei  fere  candoris,  ramcsus,  apicibus  recurvis? 
acutis.  Dill.  Muse.  91. 

Lichen  vermicularis,  Swart,  in  Lin.  Meth.  Muse.  37  ; Dicks.  Crypt.  2. 
Lichen  subuliformis,  Ehrh.  3,  82. 

Cladonia  subuliformis,  Hoffm.  Lich.  29. 

Baeomyces  vermicularis,  Achar.  Meth.  359. 

Cenomyce  vermicularis,  Achar.  Lich.  566. 

On  the  ground,  among  mosses  and  grasses,  mostly  of 
alpine  hills. 

414  95.  Cladonia.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  PI.  cell.aph. 

V.  95.  CLADONIA.  Schreber.  Cladonia . 

Thallus  leaflike,  scarcely  any;  podetia  cartilaginous,  stiff, 
pipey,  all  pointed  and  awlshape,  branched  axillae  mostly 
perforated;  apothecia  round,  not  bordered,  growing  con- 
vex and  headlike,  underneath  hollow,  terminal,  fixed  by 
the  edge  to  the  podetia;  proligerous  flake  forming  the  upper 
part  of  the  apothecium,  rather  thick,  coloured,  inside  simi- 
lar, convex,  turned  over  the  edge  and  fastened,  covered 
beneath  the  flocklike  skin  of  the  thallus. 

1.  Cladonia  racemosa.  Bunched  cladonia . 

Podetia  long,  smooth,  growing  scaly,  greenish  white,  at 
length  inflated,  curved,  branched;  branches  weak,  rather 
one-rowed ; tips  diverging,  slightly  spinous ; fertile  branches 
with  pale  brown  apothecia. 

Lichenoides  tubulosum  ramosum  rigidus,  majus  et  crassus,  cinereo- 
fuscum,  Raii  Syn.  67,  16. 

Muscus  coralloides  saxatilis,  Park.  1310,  1311. 

Lichen  spinosus,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  556. 

Cladonia  racemosa,  Hoffm.  Germ.  114. 

Cladonia  spinosa,  Hoffm.  Germ.  114. 

Cladonia  spinescens,  Hoffm.  Germ.  115. 

Baeomyces  spinosus,  Acliar.  Meth.  568. 

Baeomyces  racemosus,  Wahl.  Lapp.  457. 

Cenomyce  furcata,  Acliar.  Licli.  562. 

On  the  ground,  and  the  trunks  of  rotten  trees. 

Thallus  variously  formed,  so  as  to  be  scarcely  recog- 

2.  Cladonia  furcata.  Forked  cladonia. 

Podetia  long,  smooth,  livid  inclining  to  bay,  two-forked, 

axillae  not  perforated  ; branches  needlelike,  bent;  tips  forked, 
diverging;  fertile  branches  with  brown  apothecia. 

Lichenoides  tubulosum  cinereum,  ramosus  et  crustaceum,  Raii  Syn.  67, 


Lichen  furcatus,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  556. 

Coralloides  furcata,  Rory.  Voy.  3. 

Cladonia  furcata,  Hoffm.  Germ.  115. 

Basomyces  furcatus,  Achar.  Meth.  357. 

Cenomyce  furcata,  Achar.  Lich.  560. 

On  the  ground,  in  woody  heaths. 

3.  Cladonia  subulata.  Aivlshape  cladonia 

Podetia  long,  slender,  seldom  branched;  branches  rather 

erect;  fertile  branches  headed  with  brown  apothecia. 

Pl.cell,  aph.  4.  CENOTHALAMEfE.  95.  Cladon.  415 

Lichenoides  tubulosum  cinereum,  minus  crustaceum  minusque  ramosum, 
Raii  Syn.  67,  17. 

Muscus  cornicula(us,  Ger.em.  1560;  Park.  1308. 

Lichen  subulatus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1620. 

Baeomyces  subulatus,  Acliar.  Meth.  357. 

Cenomyee  ecmocyna  subulata,  Achar.  Lich.  550. 

On  the  ground,  on  heaths. 

4.  Cladonia  uncialis.  Inch  cladonia . 

Podetia  long,  bald,  pale,  two-forked,  axillse  perforated, 
open ; tips  of  the  branches  spreading,  short,  stiff1;  apothecia 
terminal,  brownish. 

Lichenoides  tubulosum,  cauliculis  mollioiibus  et  crassioribus,  minus,, 
Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  67,  21. 

Lichen  uncialis,  Lin.  S.  P.  1621  ; Light/.  Scot.  880. 

Cladonia  uncialis,  Hoffm.  Germ.  117. 

Baeomyces  uncialis,  Achar.  Method.  352. 

Cenomyee  uncialis,  Achar.  Lich.  558. 

On  the  ground  in  fields  and  hills. 

0.  adunca.  Podetia  pale  or  hoary,  two-forked,  branched; 
axillae  perforated;  tips  of  the  branches  radiately  spined, 
spines  hooked;  apothecia  headlike,  pale  brown. 

Cladonia  uncinata,  Hoffm.  Germ.  1 16. 

Cladonia  biuncialis,  Hoffm.  Germ.  116. 

Cladonia  ceranoides,  Hoffm.  Germ.  116. 

Cenomyee  adunca,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  559. 

5.  Cladonia  rangiferina.  Rein-deer  cladonia. 

Podetia  long,  cylindrical,  upright,  roughish,  greyish, 

branched;  axillae  frequently  perforated,  branches  scattered, 
slightly  twigged ; twigs  nearly  radiate,  tips  nodding;  apo- 
thecia nearly  globular,  aggregated,  brown. 

Lichenoides  tubulosum  ramosissimum  fruticuli  specie  candicans,  Raii 
Syn.  66, 14. 

Coralloides  montanum,  fruticuli  specie  ubique  candicans.  Dill.  Muse. 

Lichen  rangiferinus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1620;  Engl.  Rot.  173. 

Cladonia  rangiferina,  Hoffm.  Germ.  114. 

Baeomyces  rangiferinus,  Achar.  Meth.  355. 

Cenomyee  rangiferina,  Achar.  Lich.  564. 

On  the  ground  on  high  hills. 

6.  Cladonia  pun  gens.  Stinging  cladonia. 

Podetia  grey,  two-forked  branched,  rather  stiff,  forming 

a cushionlike  tuft;  axillce  imperforated ; tips  of  the  twigs 
armed,  diverging,  brownish. 

Lichen  pungens,  Achar.  Prod L 202. 

Cladonia  rangiformis,  Hoffm.  Germ.  114. 

Baeomyces  rangiferinus  pungens,  Wahl.  Lapp.  458. 

Baeomyces  pungens,  Achar.  Meth.  35 4. 

Cenomyee  furcata  pungens,  Achar.  Lich.  562. 

416  95.  Cladon.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE,  PI.cell.aph. 
On  the  ground  on  high  hills. 

Podeiia  rather  bald,  slightly  warty,  sometimes  scaly. 

VI.  96.  HELOPODIUM.  Michaux.  Helopodium . 
Thallus  leaflike;  podetia  rather  pipey,  cylindrical,  simple; 

tips  split,  or  radiated,  nearly  fingerlike,  all  the  rays  fertile; 
apothecia  round,  not  bordered,  grows  convex,  headlike, 
beneath  hollow,  fixed  by  the  edge  to  the  podetia,  terminal; 
proligerous  flake  forming  the  upper  part  of  the  apothecium, 
rather  thick,  coloured,  inside  similar,  convex,  edge  turned 
over  and  affixed,  clothed  beneath  with  flocklike  skin  of 
the  thallus. 

1 . Helopodium  delicatum.  Delicate  helopodium . 
Thallus  leaflike;  lobes  minute,  gnawed,  jagged,  granu- 
lar ; podetia  bald,  granular,  pale,  divided  at  the  tip ; 
branches  very  short ; apothecia  conglomerate,  brownish 

Lichen  parasiticus,  Hoffm.  Lick.  39. 

Lichen  delicatus,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  25,  247. 

Baeomyees  quercinus,  Persoon  in  Uster  Ann.  7, 19. 

Bffiomyces  delicatus,  A char.  Meth.  327. 

Cenomyce  delicata,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  569. 

On  the  bark  and  rotten  trunks  of  trees;  also  on  the 

2.  Helopodium  leptophyUum . Scale-leaf  helopodium. 

Thallus  leaflike;  lobes  very  small,  roundish,  not  cut  and 

crenate  intermixed ; podetia  scarcely  branched,  rather  bald, 
pale  greenish ; apothecium  terminal,  usually  single,  reddish. 
Cenomyee  leptophylla,  Achar.  Lichen.  XJniv.  563. 

On  the  ground. 

VII.  97.  SCHASMARIA.  Acharius.  Schasmar. 

Thallus  leaflike;  podetia  pipey,  dilated  at  top,  cupshaped, 

cups  open;  apothecia  round,  not  bordered,  grow  convex, 
lieadlike,  inflated  or  hollow  beneath,  fixed  by  the  edge  to 
the  podetia,  terminal ; proligerous  flake  forming  the  top  of 
the  apothecium,  rather  thick,  coloured,  inside  similar,  con- 
vex turned  over  the  edge  and  affixed ; clothed  beneath  with 
the  flocklike  skin  of  the  thallus. 

Schasmaria  sparassa . Sprinkled  schasmar . 

Thallus  leaflike,  small,  lobed,  crenate;  podetia  long,  ra- 
ther bellied,  granulated,  warty,  scaly,  cupbearing,  cups 

PI,  cell*  aph.  4-  CENOTHALAMEiE.  97.  Schasm.  41? 

rather  saucershaped,  irregular,  open,  toothed ; prolific 
teeth  radiated ; apothecia  on  the  podetia ; pale  brown. 

Lichenoides  tubulosum  fcinereum,  valde  crustaceum,  ramulis  breviorL 
bus,  et  crebrioribus  ex  acetabulis  enascentibus,  Dilten  in  Raii  Syn . 68,20. 

Lichen  caespitosus,  Lamarck  Encycl. 

Lichen  ventricosus,  Hudson  Angl.  554. 

Lichen  squamulosus,  Schrader  Rr.  Sami. 

Cladonia  squamosa,  Hoffm.  Germ.  125. 

Cladonia  coronata,  Hoffm.  Germ.  125. 

Baeomyces  squamosus,  Wahl.  Lapp.  456. 

Baeomyces  sparassus  «,  /3,  y,  Achar.  Meth.  346. 

Cenomyce  gonoregae  blastica,  Achar.  Licit.  552. 

Cenomyce  allotropa  sparassa,  Achar.  Lich.  556. 

On'  the  trunks  of  rotten  trees. 

Podetia  rather  bald,  pale,  made  rough  by  numerous  gra~ 
nules  and  leafy  scales;  in  summer  very  different,  greyish 
almost  black,  with  cups  at  the  beginning  scarcely  cut,  and 
very  small. 

VIIL  98.  SCYPHOPHORA.  Acharius.  Cap-moss, 

Thallus  leaflike ; podetia  pipey,  dilated  at  top,  cup-bear- 
ing, or  slender,  awlshape;  cups  closed  with  a midriff;  apo- 
thecia  round,  bordered,  growing  convex,  headlike,  hollow 
underneath;  fixed  by  the  edge  to  the  podetia;  proligerous 
flake  forming  the  upper  surface  of  the  apothecium,  rather 
thick,  coloured,  inside  similar,  convex,  turned  over  the 
edge  and  affixed,  clothed  underneath  with  the  flocklike  in- 
tegument of  the  thallus. 

a.  Apothecia  hrown  or  pale . 

1.  Scyphophora  ccespiticia.  Tuft  cup-moss. 

Thallus  leaflike,  small;  jaggs  pinnatifid,  torn,  crisp ; po- 
detia  very  small,  smooth,  slightly  bordered,  toplike,  cup- 
shape,  regular ; apothecia  growing  convex,  conglomerate, 
nearly  sessile  in  the  lobes  of  the  thallus. 

Lichen  symphycarpus,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  267. 

Lichen  epiphyllus,  Achar.  Prodr.  185. 

Baeomyces  epiphyllus,  Achar.  Meth.  525. 

Baeomyces  epiphyllus,  Persoon  in  Uster  Ann.  7,255. 

Cladonia  fusca,  Hoffm.  Germ.  127. 

Capitularia  caespiticia,  Florke  in  Weber , 2,277. 

Cenomyce  epiphylla,  Achar.  Lichen.  Univ,  527. 

On  the  ground  and  rotten  trees,  also  among  mosses,  and 
upon  rocks. 

2 E 

VOL.  I. 

418  98. Scyphoph.  4.CENOTHALAMEiE.  Pl.celLaph. 

2.  Scyphophora  alcicornis.  Elk-horn  cup-moss , 

Thallus  leaflike,  large,  pale,  greenish;  jags  slightly  pal- 
mate, ascending,  repand,  toothed,  blunt,  bent  inwards,  with 
bundles  of  hairs  on  the  edge ; podeiia  long,  toplike,  all  cup*- 
bearing,  smooth;  cups  regular,  crenate;  edge  becoming 
leafy,  and  proliferous;  apothecia  brown. 

Lichenoides  cartilaginosum,  tubulis  et  pyxidulis  exiguis,  Dillen  in  Rau 
Syn.  70,  38. 

Lichen  foliaceus,  Huds.  Ft.  Angl.  ed.  1, 457. 

Lichen  pyxidatus  foliaceus,  Huds.  Angl.  ed.  2,552. 

Lichen  alcicornis,  Lightf.  Scot.  372. 

Cladonia  foliacea,  Hoffm.  Germ.  123. 

Cladonia  phyllophora,  Hoffm.  Germ.  123. 

Cladonia  cornucopioides,  Hoffm.  Germ.  123. 

Capitularia  alcicornis,  Florke  in  Weber , 2,  336. 

Baeomyces  alcicornis,  Achar.  Meth.  349. 

Cenoinyce  damsecornis,  Achar.  Lich . Univ.  530. 

Cenomyce  alcicornis,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  529. 

On  the  ground  on  heaths  and  mountainous  places. 

3.  Scyphophora  endivictfolia.  Endive-leaf  cup-moss. 

Thallus  leaflike,  large,  sea-greenish ; jags  many-eut,  bent, 

crenate,  crisp ; podetia  toplike,  cupshape,  seldom  branched  ; 
apothecia  reddish. 

Lichen  endivifolius,  Dickson  Crypt.  Br.  3, 17. 

Baeomyces  endivifolius,  Achar.  Meth.  351. 

Cenomyces  endivifolia,  Achar.  Lich.  528. 

On  the  ground,  on  barren  heaths. 

4.  Scyphophora  cervicornis.  Stags-horn  cup-moss. 

Thallus  leaflike,  greyish  green;  jags  upright,  many-cut, 

narrow,  slightly  toothed,  repand ; podetia  cylindrical,  short, 
bald,  livid,  afterwards  black,  all  cupbearing;  cups  small, 
regular,  dilated,  not  in  the  least  cut,  flattish ; proliferous 
from  the  centre;  apothecia  marginal,  sessile,  brownish  black, 

Lichen  cervicornis,  Achar.  in  Act.  Stockh.  22, 342. 

Baeomyces  cervicornis,  Achar.  Method.  336. 

Cenomyce  cervicornis,  Achar.  Lich.  531. 

Upon  the  ground,  on  rocks  and  among  mosses. 

Cups  sometimes  simple,  sometimes  proliferous  from  the 
centre  of  the  midriff;  podetia  when  old  leafy. 

5.  Scyphophora  verticillata . Whirl  cup-moss. 

Thallus  leaflike;  jags  rather  upright,  crisp,  crenately 

cut;  podetia  cylindrical,  rather  bald,  livid  greenish,  all 
cup-bearing;  cups  regular,  toothed,  flattish,  then  rising 
up  from  the  centre,  and  becoming  repeatedly  and  aggre- 
gatedly  proliferous ; apothecia  marginal,  brown. 

Pl.cell.aph.  4.CEN0THALAMEiE.  98.Scyphoph»  419 

Lichen  pyxidatus,  Ehrh.  Sami.  Kr. 

Capitularia  verticillata,  Florke  in  Weber.  2,  285. 

Cladonia  cristata,  Hoffm.  Germ.  124. 

Cladonia  pyxidata,  Hoffm.  Germ.  122. 

Cladonia  dilatata,  Hoffm.  Germ.  126. 

Pyxidaria  nigrescens,  Bory  Voyag.  3. 

Pyxidaria  diploca,  Bory  Voyag.  3. 

Scyphophorus  verticillaris,  Michaux  FI.  Amer . Supp. 

Baeomyces  verticillatus,  Wahlenb.  Lapp. 

Baeomyces  pyxidatus  apolictus,  Achar.  Meth.  338. 

Baeomyces  turbinatus  verticillatus,  Achar.  Meth.  340. 

Cenomyce  allotropa  verticillata,  Achar.  Lich.  555. 

Upon  the  ground  in  rocky , woody,  and  sunny  places. 

6.  Scyphophora  pyxidata.  Box  cup-moss . 

Thallus  leaflike  ; jags  crenate,  ascending ; podetia  all  top- 
like cupbearing,  bald,  afterwards  granular,  warty,  rough, 
greenish  grey ; cup  regular ; edge  frequently  spread  and 
proliferous ; apothecia  brown. 

Lichenoides  tubulosum  pyxidatum  cinereum.  Rail  Syn , 68,28. 

Muscus  pyxidatus,  Ger.em.  1560;  Park.  1308. 

Lichen  pyxidatus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1619. 

Capitularia  neglecta,  Florke  in  Weber , 2,  506. 

Baeomyces  neglectus,  Wahlenb.  Lapp.  454. 

Baeomyces  pyxidatus,  Achar.  Meth.  357. 

Cenomyce  pyxidata,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  534. 

Cup-moss.  Chalice-moss . 

On  the  ground  in  heaths,  and  on  rocks. 

Podetia  various,  sometimes  pale  or  lead-grey,  when  old 
the  edge  of  the  cups  becomes  powdery. — Emetic  in  in- 
fusion, used  as  a specific  in  hooping  cough. 

7.  Scyphophora  fimbriata.  Fringed  cup-moss* 

Thallus  leaflike;  jags  small,  crenate;  podetia  long,  cylin- 
drical, cupbearing,  some  awlshape,  dusty,  white ; cups 
wineglass-shape,  regular ; edge  sometimes  not  cut,  some- 
times crenate,  at  last  proliferous;  apothecia  brown. 

Coralloides  scyphiforme  gracile,  marginibus  serratis,  Dillen  Muse.  84. 

Lichen  fimbriatus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1619. 

Lichenoides  tubulosum  proliferum,  marginibus  serratis,  Dillen  in  Raii 
Syn.  69, 30. 

Capitularia  pyxidata  longipes  fimbriata,  Florke  in  Weber , 2,  290. 

Cladonia  fimbriata,  Hoffm.  Germ.  122. 

Baeomyces  iimbriatus,  Achar.  Meth.  341. 

Baeomyces  pyxidatus,  Wahlenb.  Lapp.  455. 

Cenomyce  pyxidata  fimbriata,  Achar.  Lich.  535. 

Upon  rotten  trees,  and  the  ground  on  rocks  and  moun- 

2 e 2 

420  98,  Scyplioph.  4.CENOTHALAMEJE.  Pl.cell.aph. 

j3.  radiata.  Podetia  long,  powdery,  white,  cupbearing ; 
cups  radiated  on  the  edge,  rays  awlshape,  mostly  fertile ; 
apothecia  brown. 

Lichenoides  tubulosum  cinereum,  pulverulentum  et  crustaceum,  ramulis 
ex  acetabulis  enascentibus  minus  copiosis,  Dillen  in  Rail  Syn.  68,  25. 

Lichen  radiatus,  Schreb.  Germ. 

Lichen  ventricosus,  Hudson  FI.  Angl.  554. 

Capitularia  pyxidata  longipes  radiata,  Plorke  in  We bery  2, 300, 

Cladonia  radiata  polyceras,  Hoffm.  Germ.  120. 

Cladonia  radiata  furcellato-radiata,  Hoffm.  Germ.  120. 

Baeomyces  radiatus,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  542. 

Cenomyce  radiata,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  547. 

y.  ahortiva.  Podetia  long,  powdery,  white ; tips  blunt, 
or  slightly  cupbearing;  cups  slightly  crenate,  barren  or 
fertile ; apothecia  small,  nearly  sessile,  brown. 

Lichenoides  tubulosum  cinereum  non  ramosum,  Raii  Syn.  68,27. 

Capitularia  pyxidata  longipes  abortiva,  Fl&rke  in  Weber , 2,  294. 

Cladonia  cornuta,  Hoffm.  Germ.  119. 

Baeomyces  cornutus  proboscidaps, Achar.  Meth.  344. 

Cenomyce  cornhta  proboscidalis,  Achar.  Lich.  546. 

Cenomyce  radiata  koloschista,  Achar.  Lich.  547. 

'S.jibularia.  Podetia  long,  nearly  cylindrical,  powdery, 
white;  cups  narrow  or  0;  apothecia  sessile,  heaped,  or 
slightly  pedicelled,  brown. 

Lichen  Fibula,  Achar.  Prod.  194. 

Capitularia  pyxidata  longipes  Fibula,  Florke  in  Weber , 2,295. 

Cladonia  macilenta,  Fibula,  Hoffm.  Germ.  127. 

Baeomyces  turbinatus,  Fibula,  Achar.  Meth.  340. 

Baeomyces  bacillaris  apolepta,  Achar.  Meth.  350. 

Cenomyce  bacillaris  apolepta,  Achar.  Lich.  542. 

Cenomyce  allotropa,  Fibula,  Achar.  Lich.  554. 

g.  prolifera.  Podetia  powdery,  white,  cupbearing ; cups 
proliferous  on  the  edge. 

Lichenoides  tubulosum  pyxidatum,  tuberculis  fusconigris,  proliferurn, 
Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  69,34. 

Capitularia  pyxidata  longipes  prolifera,  Florke  in  Weber , 302. 

Cladonia  pyxidata  prolifera,  Hoffm.  Germ.  122. 

Cenomyce  allotropa  lomagona,  Achar.  Lich . Un.  555. 

%.  nemoxyna . Podetia  long,  branched,  powdery,  white, 
branches  divided,  awlshape,  barren  or  fertile;  apothecia 
terminal,  solitary  or  conglomerated,  brown. 

Lichenoides  tubulosum  pyxidatum,  tuberculis  fusconigris,  Dillen  Muse. 


Capitularia  pyxidata  longipes  cladocarpa,  Florke  in  Weber , 293, 

Baeomyces  radiatus  nemoxynus,  Achar.  Meth . 342. 

Cenomyce  radiata  nemoxyna,  Achar.  Lich.  548. 

Cenomyce  radiata  contortuplicata,  Achar . Lich.  548. 

rj.  cornuta.  Podetia  long,  awlshape,  simple  or  branched, 
powdery,  white,  sometimes  barren. 

PI.  cell.  aph.  4.  CENOTH  ALAMEiE.  98.  Scyphoph.  421 

Coralloides  vix  ramosum,  scyphis  obscuris,  Dillen  Muse.  90. 

Coralloides  scyphifonne  coruutum,  Dillen  Muse.  92. 

Lichen  cornutus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1620. 

Capitularia  pyxidata  longipes  cornuta,  Florke  in  Weber,  29$. 

Cladonia  cornuta,  Hoffm.  Germ.  1 19. 

Bseomyces  cornutus,  Achar.  Meth.  345. 

Cenomyce  cornuta  chordalis,  Achar.  Lich.  545. 

8.  Scyphophora  conista.  Cone  cup-moss, 

Podetia  nearly  topshape,  powdery,  greenish  grey ; cups 

wineglass-shape,  simple5  edge  rarely  cut;  apothecia  mar- 
ginal, nearly  sessile,  small,  brown. 

Capitularia  pyxidata,  Florke  in  Weber , 2S7. 

On  the  ground,  and  rotten  trunks  of  trees. 

|3.  exilis.  holes  of  the  thallus  small,  crenate,  cut  or 
somewhat  seedlike;  podetia  short,  greyish  green;  cups  cre- 
nate or  not  cut;  apothecia  very  few,  nearly  sessile,  brown. 

Coralloides  scyphis  humilibus  intus  fuscis,  Dillen  Muse.  14,  11. 

Lichen  exiguus,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  552. 

Capitularia  pyxidata  exilis,  Florke  in  Weber , 239. 

Cladonia  pyxidata  exilis,  Hoffm.  Germ.  121. 

Bceomyces  pyxidatus  exilis,  Achar.  Meth.  358. 

Cenomyce  pyxidata  exilis,  Achar.  Lich.  555. 

9.  Scyphophora  ecmocyna.  hong-stemmed  cup-moss „ 

Thallus  leaflike,  jags  small,  crenate;  podetia  long,  awl- 

shape,  barren,  cupbearing,  smooth,  livid,  brownish;  cups 
glass- shape,  edge  fine- toothed,  frequently  proliferous;  apo- 
thecia brown. 

Cenomyce  ecmocyna,  Achar.  Lich.  Un.  549. 

On  the  ground,  and  rotten  trunks  of  trees. 

fi.  gracilis . Podetia  longish,  threadshape,  very  simple, 
few,  cupbearing;  cups  narrow^  edge  small-toothed;  apo- 
thecia small,  sometimes  both  sessile  and  podicilled. 

Lichenoides  pyxidatum  cinereum  elatics,  ramulis  pyxidatum  desiaenti* 
bus,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  69,  32. 

Lichen  gracilis,  Lin.  S.  P.  1619. 

Capitularia  gracilis  chordalis,  Florke  in  Weber , 2,  524. 

Cladonia  gracilis,  IToffm.  Germ.  119. 

Baeomyces  gracilis,  Achar.  Meth.  344. 

Cenomyce  cornuta  chordalis,  Achar.  Lich.  545. 

Cenomyce  ecmocyna  gracilis,  Achar.  Lich.  550. 

10.  Scyphophora  oxyceras.  Sharp-homed  cup-moss . 

Thallus  leaflike,  scarcely  any;  podetia  long,  cylindrical, 

-curved,  lying  down,  cupbearing ; prolification  branched, 
awlshape,  bald,  pale,  milky,  tips  brownish  black;  cups  nar- 
row, oblique,  edge  toothed,  radiated  and  proliferous;  apo- 
thecia small,  brown. 

422  98.  Scyphoph.  4.CEN0THALAMEiE.  PLgelhaph , 

Capitularia  amaurocrma,  Florae  in  Weber , 2,  334. 

Baeomyces  amaurocraeus,  Wahlenb.  Lapp.  455. 

Cenomyce  uncialis  bolacina,  Achar.  Lick.  559. 

Cenomyce  oxycera,  Achar . ZicA.  557. 

On  the  ground,  on  mountains, 

j3.  cladonioides . Podetia  upright,  slender,  straw-whitish, 
slightly  forked,  branched,  bald,  unarmed  and  spinous  5 
fwps  narrow,  edge  black,  radiated  and  proliferous. 

Capitularia  amaurocraea  cladonioides,  Florke  in  Weber}  335. 

Baeomyces  gracilis  cladonioides,  Achar.  Meth.  545. 

b.  Apothecia  scarlet , or  dark  red . 

1 1 . Scyp/iophora  lacillaris . cup-moss , 

Thallus  leaflike,  small;  jags  deeply  lobed,  crenate,  rather 

naked  below ; podetia  cylindrical,  simple  or  slightly 
branched  at  the  tip,  greyish  white,  granular  powdery,  very 
rarely  cupbearing;  cups  narrow,  becoming  radiated;  apo- 
thecia scarlet. 

Lichenoides  tubulosum  pyxidatum  exiguum,  fuscovirens,  Raii  5y«.70,3T» 

Lichen  macilentus,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  27,  267. 

Lichen  tubiformis,  Lightf.  Scot.  871. 

Lichen  filiformis,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  552;  Engl.  Rot.  2028. 

Capitularia  macilenta,  Florke  in  Berl.  Mag.  1808,  214, 

Baeomyces  macilentus,  Wahlenb.  Lapp.  452. 

Baeomyces  bacillaris,  Achar.  Meth.  529. 

Cenomyce  bacillare,  Achar.  Licli.  542. 

12.  Scyphophora  digitata.  Fingered  cup-moss, 

Thallus  leaflike,  small ; jags  expanded,  rounded,  cre- 
nate, greenish  yellow,  powdery;  podetia  cylindrical,  cup- 
bearing, same  colour  as  the  thallus,  also  powdery ; cups 
narrow,  edge  rather  bent  in,  proliferous,  growing  large, 
with  difform  prolifications;  apothecia  scarlet. 

Capitularia  digitata,  Florke  in  Berl.  Mag.  1808,  216, 

Cladonia  digitata,  Iloffm.  Germ.  124. 

Baeomyces  digitatus,  Achar.  Meth.  333. 

Cenomyce  deformis  digitata,  Achar.  Licli.  539. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees,  and  rotten  wood. 

(3.  mcmtrosa . Podetia  with  branched,  fingered,  sometimes 
barren  prolifications  of  the  irregular  and  extremely  sipall 

Lichenoides  coraliiforme,  apicibus  coccineis,  Raii  Syn.  68,  g4. 

Lichen  digitatus,  Lin.  S.  P . 1620. 

Scarlet-headed  moss. 

13.  Scyphophora  deformis.  Deformed  cup-moss. 

Thallus  leaflike,  small ; jags  rather  broad,  deeply  ere- 

nate,  naked  underneath ; podetia  longish  thick,  rather  beU 

Pl.cell.aph.  4.  CENOTHALAMEZE.  98.  Scyphoph.  423 

lied,  sulphur-coloured,  dusty,  cupbearing;  cups  narrow, 
crenately  toothed,  afterwards  dilated  and  torn ; apothecia 
sessile  and  podicilled,  scarlet. 

Lichenoides  tnbulosum  minus  ramosum,  cauliculis  crassioribus  difformi- 
bus,  Raii  Syn.  68,  22. 

Lichenoides  tubulosum  magis  ramosum,  maxime  difforme,  Dillen  in  Rail 
Syn.  68, 23. 

Lichen  deformis,  Lin.  S.  P.  1620. 

Capitularia  crenulata,  FlorJce  in  Berl.  Mag.  1808,  219. 

Cladonia  deformis,  Hoffm.  Germ.  120, 

Baeomyces  deformis,  Achar.  Meth.  334. 

Cenomyce  deformis,  Achar.  Lich.  538. 

Upon  the  ground  in  mountain  woods. 

14.  Scyphophora  coccifera.  Ladybird  cup-moss. 

Thallus  leaflike,  small ; jags  rounded,  crenate,  naked  be- 
neath ; podetia  long,  topshape,  naked,  warty,  rough,  pale 
yellowish  and  greyish,  all  cupbearing ; cups  glass-shape ; 
edge  pushed  out,  fertile ; apotliecia  rather  large,  growing 
podicilled,  scarlet. 

Lichenoides  tubulosum  ^yxidatum,  tuberculis  amcene  coccineis,  Raii 
Syn.  69, 35. 

Lichen  cocciferus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1618. 

Capitularia  extensa,  Florlce  in  Berl.  Mag.  1808,222. 

Cladonia  coccinea,  Hoffm.  Germ.  123. 

Cladonia  extensa,  Hoffm.  Germ.  123. 

Baeomyces  cocciferus,  Achar.  Meth.  331. 

Cenomyce  coccifera,  Achar.  Lich.  537. 

On  the  ground  on  mountains,  and  sunny,  woody  hills. 

15.  Scyphophora  asotea.  Leafless  cup-moss. 

Thallus  leaflike,  small,  jags  rounded,  crenate,  naked  be- 
neath ; podetia  reverse-conical,  cupshape,  naked,  afterwards 
warty,  rough,  grey  or  greenish  yellow ; cups  regular,  glass- 
shape,  proliferous  in  heaps  from  the  centre  of  the  midriff; 
apothecia  of  the  edges  small,  sessile,  grow  slightly  podi- 
cilled, large,  scarlet. 

Capitularia  asotea,  Florke  in  Berl.  Mag.  1808,  225. 

Baeomyces  coccifera  asotea,  Achar.  Meth.  332. 

Baeomyces  coccifera  polycephala,  Achar.  Meth.  332. 

Cenomyce  coccifera  asotea,  Achar.  Lich.  537. 

On  the  ground,  with  the  preceding. 

cornucopioides.  Podetia  short,  cupshape;  cups  dilated, 
from  the  midriff,  edge  crisp,  leaflike ; apothecia  slightly  po- 
dicilled, scarlet,  crowned,  growing  proliferous. 

Lichenoides  pyxidatum,  marginibus  eleganter  foliatis,  Dillen  in  Rail 
Syn.  69,  33. 

Lichen  cornucopioides,  Lih.  S.  P.  1619. 

Baeomyces  cornucopioides,  Achar.  Meth.  533. 

Cenomyce  coccifera  cornucopioides,  Achar.  Lich,  538. 

424  98.Scyphoph.  4.CEN0THALAMEiE.  PLcelLapK 

16.  Scyphophora  pleurota.  Swollenside  cup-moss, 

Thallas  leaflike,  small  ; jags  deeply  crenate,  naked  be- 

neath;  podetia  reverse  conical,  cupsbape,  powdery,  white, 
pale  greenish ; cups  enlarged,  grow  swollen,  slightly  ribbed ; 
edge  scarcely  cut,  afterwards  sinuated  and  radiated ; apo * 
thecia  slightly  podicilled,  scarlet. 

Capitularia  pleurota,  Florke  in  Berl.  Mag.  1808,218. 

Cladonia  incana,  Hoffm.  Germ.  121. 

Baeomyces  pleurotus,  Wahlenb.  Lapp.  452. 

Baeomyces  pyxidatus  macroscypb us,  Achar.  Meth.  33 8. 

On  sunny  ground,  and  rotten  wood. 

17.  Scyphophora  hellidiflora.  Daisy-flower  cup-moss , 
Thallus  leaflike,  small;  jags  deeply  crenate,  naked  be^ 

low;  podetia  long,  cylindrical,  stiff,  bald,  leaflike-scaly, pale, 
all  cupbearing;  cups  narrow,  edge  fertile  and  proliferous; 
apothecia  very  crowded,  conglomerate,  scarlet. 

Lichen  bellidiflorus,  Achar.  N.  Act.  Stockh.  22,  218. 

Capitularia  bellidiflora,  Florke  Berl.  Mag.  1808,224. 

Baeomyces  bellidiflorus,  Achar.  Meth.  335. 

Cenomyce  coccocephala  bellidiflora,  Achar.  Lich.  540. 

On  the  ground  in  hilly  and  mountainous  places. 

IX.  99.  PYCNOTHELIA.  Acharius.  Pycnothelia. 

Thallus  nearly  crustlike,  uniform ; podetia  hollow ; apo «r 
thecia  round,  not  bordered,  convex,  headlike,  hollow  be- 
neath, fixed  by  the  edge,  terminal ; proligerous  flake  form- 
ing the  upper  part  of  the  apothecium,  rather  thick,  co- 
loured, inside  similar,  convex,  turned  over  the  edge  and 
fastened,  clothed  beneath  with  the  flocklike  integument  of 
the  thallus. 

Pycnothelia  papillaria.  Papillary  pycnothelia , 

Thallus  nearly  crustlike,  uniform,  granulated,  grey ; po- 
detia bellied,  bald,  white,  simple  and  branched;  branches 
short,  confluent,  nearly  equal-topped ; apothecia  small,  red^* 
dish  brown. 

Lichen  papillaria,  Ehrh.  2,  105. 

Cladonia  papillaris,  Hoffm.  Germ.  117. 

Cladonia  molariformis,  Hoffm.  Germ.  1 17. 

Baeomyces  papillaris,  Achar.  Meth.  324. 

Baeomyces  papillaris  molariformis,  Achar.  Meth.  325. 

Cenomyce  papillaria,  Achar.  Lich,  571. 

Cenomyce  papillaria  molariformis,  Achar.  Lich.  571. 

On  the  ground  upon  muddy  and  dry  ground. 

PL  cell*  aph,  4.CENOTHALAMEJE.  10Q. Evernia.  425 

C.  Evernidejs.  Thallus  nearly  crustaceous,  branched; 
apothecia  shieldshape,  bordered,  lateral. 

X.  100.  EVERNIA.  Acharius.  Evernia. 

Thallus  nearly  crustaceous,  branched,  jagged,  angular 

or  compressed,  flat;  rather  upright  or  pendulous,  inside 
towlike ; apothecia  saucershape,  sessile,  raised  up  around ; 
proligerous  flake  forming  the  centre,  thin,  concave,  coloured, 
inside  similar,  bent  in,  with  a thalloid  border  exceeding  it. 

Evernia  prunastri.  Plum-tree  evernia. 

Thallus  palish  white ; jags  two-forked,  many-cut,  ascend- 
ing almost  upright,  linear,  narrow,  flat,  wrinkled,  hollow; 
underneath  very  white,  slightly  grooved ; apothecia  reddish 
in  the  centre. 

Lichenoides  arboreum  ramosum  majus  et  mollius,  colore  candicante, 
Raii  Syn.  75, 80. 

Lichen  arboruin,  Ger.  em.  1377 , fig.  only. 

Lichen  prunastri,  Lin.  S.  P.  1614  ; Engl.  Bot.  859. 

Lichen  stictaceros,  Engl.  Bot.  1355. 

Lichen  corniculatus,  Relh.  Cantab. 

Lobaria  prunastri,  Hoffm.  Germ.  140. 

Parmelia  prunastri,  Achar.  Meth.  257. 

Evernia  prunastri,  Achar.  Lick.  442. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees,  and  wooden  palings. 

Cephalodia  black,  sometimes  occur  in  the  tips  of  the  jags, 
and  scattered ; soredia  white,  also  found  in  very  old  plants. 

D.  Peltide^.  Thallus  leatherlike,  cartilaginous  or 
leaflike;  apothecia  shieldlike,  bordered. 

XI.  101.  ROCCELLA.  Imperati.  Pock-moss. 

Thallus  leatherlike,  cartilaginous,  branched,  jagged,  cy- 
lindrical or  flat,  erect  or  pendulous,  inside  towlike;  apo- 
thecia saucershape,  thick,  innate  in  the  thallus;  proligerous 

N flake  forming  the  centre,  plano-convex,  coloured,  cartila- 
ginous; inside  transparent,  similar,  girt  with  a thalloid 
border,  at  last  prominent,  sessile,  and  even  with  the  centre, 
covering  a black,  compact,  powdery  rather  lentilshape 
mass  hidden  within  the  substance  of  the  thallus. 

1.  Roccella  tinctoria.  Dyeing  rock-moss. 

Thallus  cylindrical,  sea-greenish,  rather  upright,  branch- 
ed; apothecia.  scattered,  raised;  centre  flat,  greyish,  hoary, 
even  with  the  thalloid  border. 

426  101.  Roccel.  4.  CENOTHALAME/E.  Pl.cell.aph. 

Coralloides  corniculatum  faseiculare  tinctorium  fuci  teretis  facie,  Dil- 
len  Muse.  120. 

Lichen  Roccella,  Lin.  S.-P.  1622;  Engl.  Bot.  211. 

Parmelia  Roccella,  Achar.  Meth . 274. 

Roccella  tinctoria,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  439. 

On  rocks  by  the  sea-side. 

Thallus  used  in  dyeing,  when  moistened  with  urine  or 
volatile  alkali,  to  dye  a beautiful  but  perishable  purple,  and 
to  give  a fine  bloom  to  other  colours. 

2.  Roccella  phycopsis . Tanglike  rock-moss . 

Thallus  cylindrical,  compressed,  rather  angular,  grey 

greenish,  very  much  branched ; branches  and  twigs  nearly 
even-topped ; apothecia  scattered,  centre  hoary,  flat,  at  last 
■naked,  black;  thalloid  border  slightly  irregular,  very  small. 

Lichen  fucoides,  Dickson  Crypt.  Brit.  2,  22. 

Roccella  phycopsis,  Achar.  Lich.  440. 

On  rocks  by  the  sea-side. 

3.  Roccella  fuciformis.  Wracklike  rockmoss . 

Thallus  flat,  grey,  greenish,  two-forked,  jagged;  jags 

narrow ; apothecia  marginal. 

Lichenoides  fucifonne  tinctorium,  corniculis  longioribus  et  acutioribus, 
Dillen  Muse.  1 68. 

Lichen  fuciformis,  Lin.  S.  P.  1614  ; Engl.  Bot.  728, 

Parmelia  fuciformis,  Achar.  Meth.  258. 

Rocpella  fuciformis,  Achcar.  Lich.  440. 

On  rocks  by  the  sea. 

XII.  102.  NEPHROMA.  Acharius.  Kidney^moss, 
Thallus  leaflike,  leatherlike,  membranaceous,  expanded, 
lobed;  underneath  free,  naked  or  slightly  villous;  apothecia 
resupinate,  formed  above  from  the  lobes  of  the  thallus, 
produced,  ascendin g;  proligerous  flake  kidneyshape,  adnate 
to  the  thallus  on  its  under  surface,  coloured,  flat;  inside 
eellularly  streaked ; thalloid  edge  bent  inwards,  outwardly 
close  to  the  apothecia,  inwardly  more  remote,  rather  raised. 

1.  Nephroma  resupinalum.  Down-lying  kidney-moss. 
Thallus  chestnut  colour,  livid,  rather  pale,  downy,  gra- 
nular; fertile  lobes  short;  flake  of  the  apothecia  red. 

Lichenoides  saxatile  fuscum,  peltis  in  aversa  foliorum  superficie  locatis, 
Jlaii  Syn.  77, 91. 

Lichen  resupinatns,  Lin.  S.  N.  1615. 

Peltigera  tomentosa,  Hoffm.  Germ.  103, 

Peltidea  resupinata,  Achar.  Meth.  289. 

Nephroma  resupinata,  Achar.  Lich.  522. 

On  the  ground  among  roots  of  trees  and  on  hills* 


Pl.cell.aph.  4.CEN0THALAME.ZE.  102.  Nephrom.  427 

2.  Nephroma  par  He*  Equal  kidney-moss. 

Thallus  livid,  brown;  beneath  naked,  rather  wrinkled, 
blackish;  fertile  lobes  short;  flake  of  the  apothecia 

Lichen  parilis,  Achar.  Prod.  164. 

Peltidea  parilis,  Achar . Meth.  289. 

Nephroma  parilis,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  522. 

Upon  mosses,  on  hills. 

XIII.  103.  PELTIDEA.  Acharius.  Shield-moss. 

Thallus  leaflike,  leatherlike,  expanded,  nearly  adnate, 
lobed;  underneath  woolly,  veiny  ; apothecia  formed  under- 
neath from  the  ascending,  lengthened,  proper  lobes  of  the 
thallus;  proliferous  flake  round,  adnate  throughout,  rather 
oblique  to  the  thallus;  the  inward  segment  slightly  ele- 
vated, coloured,  flat,  inside  cellular,  streaked ; thalloid  lor •*> 
der  thin,  elevated,  close  all  round. 

1.  Peltidea  venosa.  Veiny  shield-moss. 

Thallus  gray,  green,  underneath  veined ; veins  branched, 

running  about,  grey  brown ; lobes  rounded,  very  slightly 
cut;  apothecia  marginal,  flat,  round,  tumid,  dark  brown, 
rather  crenate. 

Lichen  venosus,  Lin.  S.  V.  1615  ; Engl.  Eot.  887. 

Peltigera  venosa,  Hoffm.  Germ.  107. 

Peltidea  venosa,  Achar . Meth . 282  ; Lich.  514. 

On  the  ground,  on  the  edges  of  paths  and  ditches. 

2.  Peltidea  scutata.  Buckler  shield-moss. 

Thallus  greyish,  underneath  whiter,  veinless  ; lobes 

rounded;  sinuately  cut,  crenate,  crisp;  fertile  lobes  very 
short;  apothecia  round,  ascending,  rather  flattish,  brown, 
scarcely  cut. 

Lichen  scutatus,  Dickson  Crypt.  Hot.  3,18. 

Peltidea  scutata,  Achar.  Meth.  285  ; Lich.  515. 

On  the  mossy  trunks  of  trees. 

3.  Peltidea  horizontalis.  Horizontal  shield-moss. 

Thallus  sea-green,  brown,  and  greenish,  bald ; under- 
neath very  white,  networked  with  black  veins ; fertile  lobes 
very  short;  apothecia  terminal,  flat,  horizontal,  transversely 
oblong,  bay-colour,  not  in  the  least  cut. 

Lichenoides  subfuscum,  peltis  horizontalibus,  Dillen  Muse.  205. 

Lichen  horizontalis,  Lin.  Mant.  1, 132  ; Engl  Bot.  888. 

Peltigera  horizontalis,  Hoff.  Germ.  107. 

Peltidea  horizontalis,  Achar.  Meth,  288  j Lich.  515. 

Among  mosses  on  stones  in  mountain  woods. 

428  4.  Peltidea.  103.  CENOTHALAMEdS.  Pl.eell.aph . 

4.  Peltidea  aphthosa.  Thrush  shield-moss . 

Thallus  livid  greenish,  smooth ; underneath  networked 

with  black  veins ; cephalodia  wartshape,  scattered ; fertile 
lobes  rather  long,  narrow  in  the  middle,  edge  turned  over ; 
apothecia  terminal,  large,  ascending,  red;  thalloid  border 
turned  in,  rather  torn. 

Lichenoides  digitatum  laete  virens  ; verrucis  nigris  notatum,  Dillen 
Muse.  207. 

Lichen  verrucosus,  Weber  FI.  Germ.  275. 

Lichen  aphthosus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1616;  Engl.  Bot.  1119. 

Peltigera  aphthosa,  Hoffrn.  Germ.  107. 

Peltidea  aphthosa,  Achar.  Meth.  287  ; Lichen.  516. 

On  the  ground  and  mosses  in  thick  woods. 

5.  Peltidea  canina . Mad-dog  shield-moss . 

Thallus  grey,  greenish,  rather  downy;  underneath  net- 
worked with  grey-brown  veins;  fertile  lobes  rather  long, 
edge  turned  over ; apothecia  terminal,  rather  upright,  rolled 
outwards,  reddish;  thalloid  border  thin,  slightly  crenulated. 

Lichenoides  peltatutn  terrestre  cinereum  majus,  foliis  divisis,  Rail  Syn. 
76,  87. 

Lichen  caninus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1616. 

Peltigera  canina,  Hoffrn.  Germ.  106. 

Peltidea  spuria,  Achar.  Meth.  283. 

Peltidea  canina,  Achar.  Lich.  517. 

Ashcolour  ground-liverwort. 

On  the  ground  in  woody  mountainous  places. 

Recommended  by  Dr.  Mead  as  a specific  for  the  bite  of 
a mad  dog,  mixed  with  an  equal  weight  of  pepper. 

6.  Peltidea  crispa . Crisp  shield-moss. 

Thallus  many-leaved,  grey,  brown,  reddish,  rather 

downy;  lobes  deeply  sinuately-jagged ; jags  narrow,  edge 
raised,  crisp ; fertile  lobes  very  rare,  short ; apothecia  hood- 
ed, rolled  over. 

Lichenoides  peltatum  terrestre  rufescens,  Rati  Syn.  76,88. 

Lichen  rufescens,  Necker.  Meth.  79. 

Peltigera  rufescens,  Hoffrn.  Germ.  107. 

Peltidea  rufescens,  Achar.  Meth.  285. 

Peltidea  canina  crispa,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  519, 

On  the  ground  among  and  on  stones. 

7.  Peltidea  polydactyla.  Many-fingered  shield-moss . 

Thallus  sea-greenish,  naked,  bald ; underneath  net- 
worked with  brown  veins ; fertile  lobes  very  numerous, 
long ; apothecia  terminal,  dark  brown ; edge  hooded,  rolled 

Pl.cell.aph.  4.CENOTIIALAME/E.  103.  Peltidea.  429 

Lichenoides  cinereum  polydactylon,  Dillen  Muse.  207. 

Lichen  caninus  y,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  547. 

Lichen  polydactylus,  Neck.  Meth.  85. 

Peltigera  polydactyla,  Hoffm.  Germ.  106, 

Peltidea  polydactyla,  Achar.  Meth . 286  ; Licit.  519. 

On  the  ground,  in  woods  and  coppices. 

8.  Pcltidea  pellucida.  Transparent  sliield-moss . 

Thallus  membranaceous,  nearly  transparent ; fertile 
loles  long,  ascending,  doubled. 

Lichenoides  membranaceum  pellucidum,  peltis  digitatis  geminatis,  Dil- 
len Muse.  208. 

Lichen  caninus  5,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  547. 

Lichen  caninus  pellucidus,  Web.  FI.  Germ.  270. 

Peltidea  polydactyla  pellucida,  Achar.  Meth.  287  ; Licit.  520. 

On  the  ground,  in  woods. 

XIV.  104.  SOLORINA.  Acharius.  Buckler-moss . 

Thallus  leaflike,  leatherlike,  expanded,  lobed ; under- 
neath free,  veined  or  fibrillous;  apothecia  adnate,  round, 
covered  with  a coloured  thin  membrane;  inside  solid,  with 
vesicular  cells ; thalloid  border  0. 

1.  Solorina  crocea.  Saffron  buckler-moss . 

Thallus  lobed,  cinnamon  coloured,  underneath  yellow, 

veined ; apothecia  swollen,  chestnut-colour. 

Lichenoides  subtus  croceum,  peltis  appressis,  Dillen  Muse.  211. 

Lichen  croceus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1616;  Engl.  Bot.  493. 

Peltidea  crocea,  Achar.  Meth.  290. 

Solorina  crocea,  Achar.  Lich.  149. 

On  the  ground,  on  rocks  and  dry,  naked,  alpine  places. 

2.  Solorina  saccata.  Bagged  buckler-moss „ 

Thallus  lobed,  grey,  greenish  ; underneath  whiter, 

fibrilled ; apothecia  at  last  pitted,  rather  brownish. 

Lichenoides  lichen  facie,  peltis  acetabulis  immersis,  Dillen  Muse.  221. 
Lichen  sacchatus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1616  ; Engl.  Bot.  288. 

Peltidea  sacchata,  Achar.  Meth.  291. 

Solorina  saccata,  Achar.  Lich.  149. 

On  shady  rocks,  and  on  mosses  at  the  roots  of  trees. 

XV.  105.  STICTA.  Schreber.  DoUmoss . 

Thallus  leaflike,  leatherlike,  cartilaginous,  expanded, 

lobed ; underneath  free,  villous,  interspersed  with  cyphells, 
soredise,  and  spots;  apothecia  bucklershape,  lower  part 
formed  of  the  thallus,  affixed  and  pressed  to  it  by  a central 
point;  preligerous flake  forming  the  centre,  coloured,  flat, 
internally  cellularly  streaked  ; thalloid  border  exceeding. 

430  105.  Sticta.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  PL  cell,  aph, 

1.  Sticta  crocata.  Saffron  dot-moss. 

Thallus  pale  red  brownish,  slightly  hollowed,  large,  un- 
derneath downy;  sorediae  minute,  lemon  yellow;  jags  torn, 
lobed;  edges  powdery,  yellow;  apothecia  scattered,  centre 
brown  black ; thalloid  border  not  in  the  least  cut. 

Lichen  croeatus,  Lin . Mant.  310  ; Engl.  Bot.  2110. 

Pulmonaria  aurigera,  Bory  Voy.  3. 

Sticta  crocata,  Achar.  Meth.  277  ; Licit.  447. 

On  rocks,  and  the  trunks  of  trees. 


2.  Sticta  anrata.  Gilt  dot-moss. 

Thallus  green  shining,  very  broad,  underneath  downy ; 

sorediae  very  small,  yellow;  jags  rounded,  sinuated,  cut; 
edges  waved,  crisp,  bent  in,  yellow,  powdery. 

Lichenoides  lacunosum  rutilum,  marginibus  flavis,  Dillen  Muse.  549. 

Platisma  crocatum,  Hoffm.  Lich.  2,  52. 

Sticta  aurata,  Achar.  Meth . 277  ; Lich.  448. 

On  trees  ? 

3.  Sticta  pulmonacea.  Lung  dot-moss . 

Thallus  fallow,  olive,  netlike  hollowed ; underneath  vil- 
lous ; papulae  naked  pale ; jags  sinuated,  lobed,  bluntly 
truncated ; apothecia  nearly  marginal ; centre  flattish,  red ; 
thalloid  border  slightly  wrinkled. 

Lichenoides  peltatum  arborenm  maximum,  Raii  Syn.  76,  86. 

Muscus  pulmonarius,  sive  Lichen  arbormn,  Park.  1311,  desc. 

Lichen  sive  hepatica  vulgaris.  Park.  1315,  fig. 

Hepatica  terrestris,  Ger.ein.  1566. 

Lichen  pulmonarius,  Lin.  S.  P.  1612;  Engl.  Bot.  572. 

Lobaria  pulmonaria,  Hoff.  Germ.  146. 

Parmelia  pulmonacea,  Achar.  Meth . Lich.  220. 

Sticta  pulmonacea,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  449. 


On  the  trunks  of  trees,  especially  on  oaks. 

Thallus  astringent,  used  in  infusion  to  cure  wounds  and 
ulcers,  and  esteemed  a specific  in  spitting  of  blood  and 
consumption ; as  a native  plant  it  was  despised  by  the  re- 
gular faculty,  and  the  cetraria  Islandica,  as  long  as  it  was 
esteemed  a foreigner,  usurped  its  place;  but  that  being 
now  found  to  be  a native,  has  fallen  into  the  like  disrepute. 

4.  Sticta  scrobiculata.  Pitted  dot-moss. 

Thallus  nearly  orbicular,  lead  grey,  very  broad,  smooth, 

pitted,  underneath  ash-colour,  woolly,  with  white  naked 
spots;  jags  rounded,  lobed,  irregular,  and  very  slightly 
cut;  apothecia  scattered,  centre  rather  flat,  reddish ; thalloid 
border  slightly  crenate. 

Pl.cell.aph.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  105.Sticta.  431 

Lichenoides  arboreum  foliosum  cinereum  et  sinuatum,  inferne  scab  rum, 
Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  75,  77. 

Lichen  plumbens,  Roth  Rot.  Mag.  2. 

Lichen  verrucosus,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  545. 

Lichen  scrobiculatus,  Scop.  Cam.  1591 ; Engl.  Bot.  497. 

Lobaria  verrucosa,  Hoffm.  Germ.  146. 

Parmelia  scrobiculata,  Achar.  Meth.  219. 

Sticta  scrobiculata,  Achar.  Lick.  453. 

On  the  ground  amongst  mosses,  on  rocks  and  the  trunks 
of  trees. 

5.  Sticta  herbacea.  Herbaceous  sticta . 

Thallus  nearly  round,  slightly  membranaceous,  smooth, 

herbaceous,  underneath  paler,  brown,  woolly;  spots  few, 
naked  ; jags  sinuated,  cut,  rounded,  spreading,  slightly  cre- 
nate ; apothecia  scattered,  centre  slightly  concave,  red ; 
thalloid  border  wrinkled,  crenulate. 

Lichenoides  arboreum  cinerea  virens  tenue  et  laeve  ubique,  scutellis 
minoribtis,  Raii  Syn.  73,  64. 

Lichen  herbaceus,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  544. 

Lobaria  herbacea,  Hoffm.  Germ.  147. 

Parmelia  herbacea,  Achar.  Meth.  218  ; Lich.  459. 

On  trunks  of  trees,  also  among  mosses,  and  on  rocks. 

6.  Sticta  limbata.  Bordered  dot-moss. 

Thallus  round,  sea-green,  brownish ; lobes  round ; soredice 

nearly  marginal,  grey ; underneath  villous ; cyphels  hollow, 
whitish  ; apothecia  with  a rust-colour  centre. 

Lichen  limbalus,  Engl.  Bot.  1 104. 

Sticta  limbata,  Achar.  Meth.  280;  Lich.  45 3. 

On  mossy  rocks  and  the  roots  of  trees. 

7.  Sticta  fuliginosa.  Sooty  dot-moss. 

Thallus  round,  sea-green,  lurid,  rough  with  brown  gra- 
nules ; underneath  greyish,  villous ; cyphels  plano-concave, 
whitish ; jags  round-lobed,  very  slightly  cut ; apothecia 
scattered ; centre  rust-coloured  and  black ; thalloid  border 
elevated,  not  in  the  least  cut. 

Lichen  ambavillarius,  Bory  Voy.  3,  100. 

Lichen  fuliginosus,  Hicks.  Crypt.  Brit.  1,  13';  Engl.  Bot.  1103. 

Sticta  ambavillaria,  Achar.  Lich.  455. 

Sticta  fuliginosa,  Achar.  Meth.  281  ; Lich.  454. 

On  the  stems  of  trees  and  shrubs. 

8>  Sticta  syluatica.  IVood  dot-moss. 

Thallus  large,  light  brown,  rather  naked,  slightly  pitted ; 
underneath  brown,  villous;  cyphels  hollowed,  white,  palish 
white;  jags  deeply  cut;  lobes  turned  back,  crenate;  apo- 
thecia marginal,  centre  brown. 

4*32  105*  Sticta.  4.  CENOTHALAMlEAE,  Pl.cell.aph . 

Lichenoides  polyschides  villosum  el  scabruin,  peltis  parvis,  Dill.  Muse. 

Lichen  sylvaticns,  Engl.  Hot.  2298. 

Peltigera  sylvatica,  Hoffm.  Germ.  109. 

Sticta  sylvatica,  Achcir . Meth.  231  ; Lich.  454. 

On  the  roots  of  trees  in  forests,  or  among  mosses. 

XVI.  106.  CETRARIA.  Acharius.  Cetraria. 

Thattus  cartilaginous,  membranaceous,  ascending  or  ex- 
panding, lobed,  cut ; on  both  sides  naked,  and  smooth ; 
apothecia  shieldlike,  obliquely  adnate  to  the  edge  of  the 
thallus;  lower  segment  free,  upper  sessile;  proligerous flake 
forming  the  centre,  coloured,  plano-concave,  inside  similar 
or  cellularly  streaked ; thalloid  border  exceeding. 

1.  Cetraria  juniper ina.  Juniper  cetraria . 

Thallus  pale  yellow,  underneath  very  yellow ; jags  flat, 

ascending,  torn  crenate,  crisp;  apothecia  elevated,  centre 
bay  colour;  thalloid  border  crenulate. 

Lichen  juniperinus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1614. 

Lobaria  j uni  peri na,  lloffm.  Germ.  145.  ' 

Cetraria  juniperina,  Achar.  Meth.  298  ; Lich,  506. 

On  the  stems  and  branches  of  shrubs,  especially  of  ju- 

2.  Cetraria  pinastri.  Pinaster  cetraria. 

Thallus  pale  yellow,  underneath  very  yellow ; jags  de- 
pressed, round  lobed,  crenate : edges  crisp,  powdery,  very 

Lichen  pinastri,  Scopoli  Cam.  1387. 

Lobaria  pinastri,  Hoffm . Germ.  146. 

Cetraria  juniperina  pinastri,  Achar.  Meth.  298  ; Lich.  506. 

On  the  trunks  of  pines,  near  the  ground. 

3.  Cetraria  scepincola.  Hedge  cetraria . 

Thallus  chestnut-colour,  underneath  livid ; jags  flat, 

ascending,  lobed,  wavev,  slightly  crenate;  apothecia  ele- 
vated, similarly  coloured;  thalloid  border  wrinkled,  crenu- 

Lichen  Saepincola,  Ehrh.  Hanov.  Mag.  206. 

Lobaria  saepincola,  Hoffm.  Germ.  1 45. 

Cetraria  saepincola,  Achar.  Meth.  297  ; Lich.  507. 

On  the  stem  and  branches  of  shrubs  in  hedges. 


Pl.cell.aph.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  106.  Cetraria.  433 

4.  Cetraria  glaaca.  Sea-green  cetraria „ 

Thallus  sea-green,  rather  shining,  underneath  brownish 

black,  sinuately  lobed ; jags  deeply  cut,  torn,  complicated, 
ascending;  apothecia  elevated,  bright  bay  ; thalloid  border 

Lichenoides  endiviae  foliis  cnspis  splendenlibus,  subtus  nigricantibus, 
Dillen  Muse.  192. 

Lichen  glaucus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1615. 

Lobaria  glaucas  Hoffm.  Germ.  149. 

Cetraria  glauca,  Achar.  Mein.  296;  Lich.  509. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees,  and  rocks.. 

/3.  fallax.  Thallus  White  on  both  sides,  underneath  fre- 
quently spotted  with  black. 

Lichen  glaucus,  Wulf.  inJaeq.  Colt.  4. 

Lichen  fallax,  Weber  FI.  Germ.  244. 

Lobaria  fallax,  Hoffm.  Germ.  149. 

Cetraria  fallax,  Achar.  Meth.  296. 

Cetraria  glauca  fallax,  Achar.  Lick.  509. 

5.  Cetraria  nivalis.  Snow  cetraria . 

Thallus  white,  yellowish  at  bottom,  net-worked  in  holes ; 

jags  rather  upright,  flattish,  deeply  and  many-cut,  torn, 
crisp,  crenately  toothed  ; apothecia.  pale  flesh-colour ; thal - 
loid  border  crenulated. 

Lichenoides  lacunosum  candidum  glabrum,  endivite  crispse  facie,  Dillen 
Mum.  162? 

Lichen  nivalis,  Lin.  S.  P.  1612. 

Lobaria  nivalis,  Hoffm.  Germ.  145. 

Cetraria  nivalis,  Achar.  Meth.  294;  Licit.  510. 

On  dry,  gravelly,  barren  soils,  especially  if  alpanei 

6.  Cetraria  Islandica.  Iceland  cetmria. 

Thallus  olive-chestnut  colour,  whitish  blood-colour  at 

bottom,  underneath  whiter;  jags  rather  upright,  nearly 
linear,  many-cut,  grooved,  toothed,  fringed ; fertile  jags 
dilated ; apothecia  pressed  close,  flat,  similarly  coloured  * 
thalloid  border  elevated,  not  in  the  least  cut. 

Lichenoides  rigid um,  eryngii  foliis  referens,  Raii  Syn.  77,  90. 

Lichen  Islandicus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1611  ; Engl.  Bot.  1530. 

Physcia  Islandica,  Michaux  FI.  Bav.  Amer.  2,  326. 

Lobaria  Islandica,  Hoffm.  Germ.  143. 

Cetraria  Islandica,  Achar.  Meth.  293  ; Lich.  512. 

Iceland  moss. 

On  the  ground  in  dry  soils,  and  mountain  woods. 

Thallus  bitter,  but  when  soaked  in  water  to  get  rid  of 
this  bitterness,  it  yields  a nutritive  farina,  forming  a jelly 
on  being  boiled  in  water,  recommended  in  phthisis ; forms 
the  principal  vegetable  food  of  the  Icelanders, 
tol.  i.  2 F 

434  107.  Borrera.  4.  CENOTHALAMEJE.  Pl.cell.aph. 

XVII.  107.  BORRERA.  Acharius.  Borrer. 

Tkallus  cartilaginous,  jaggod-branched ; jags  free,  un- 
derneath mostly  grooved,  edge  fringed;  apolkecia  shield- 
like, thick,  formed  underneath  from  the  thallus,  podicilled  : 
proligerous  flake,  forming  the  centre,  coloured,  inside  simi- 
lar or  vesicled ; ikalloid  border  elevated,  bent  inwards,  ex- 

1.  Borrera  ciliaris.  Fringe  borrer. 

Thallus  greenish  brown ; jags  linear,  branched,  nar- 
rowed, tips  fringed  ; underneath  whitish,  grooved ; apo - 
thecia  nearly  terminal ; centre  hollow,  then  flat,  black 
brown  and  grey;  thalloid  border  crenated  and  fimbriated. 

Lichenoides  arboreum  folioswn  einereum,  sculellis  nigris,  foliorum  ex- 
tern i tat  i bus  hispidis  et  pilosis.  Rail  Syn.  73,67. 

Lichen  ciliaris,  Lin.  S.  P.  101 1 ; Engl.  Bat.  1352. 

Lobaria  ciliaris,  Hoffm.  Germ.  144. 

Parmelia  ciliaris,  Achar.  Meth.  255. 

Borrera  ciliaris,  Achar.  Licit.  490. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees,  and  on  rocks. 

2.  Borrera  tenella . Tender  borrer. 

Thallus  greyish  white;  both  sides  naked,  similarly  co- 
loured, rather  starlike,  jags  pinnately  cut ; tips  ascending, 
dilated,  arched,  fringed;  apothecia  scattered,  centre  flat, 
blackish  grey  ; ihalloid  border  not  in  the  least  cut. 

Lichen  hispidus,  Schreb.  FI.  Germ.  126. 

Lichen  tenellus,  Scop.  Cam.  1406;  Engl.  Bot.  1351. 

Lobaria  hispida,  Hoffm.  Germ.  151. 

Parmelia  tenella,  Achar.  Meth.  250. 

Borrera  tenella,  Achar.  Lich.  493. 

On  the  trunks  and  branches  of  trees,  and  on  palings. 

3.  Borrera  leucomela.  Pied  borrer . 

Thallus  palish ; jags  upright,  linear,  many-cufc,  narrowed, 

fringed;  underneath  very  white,  rather  powdery,  slightly 
grooved;  centre  of  the  apothecia  flat,  black  grey;  thalloid 
border  fringed. 

Lichen  comosus,  Bory  Voy. 

Lichen  leucomelas,  Lin.  S.  P.  1613. 

Physcia  leucotnelos,  Mickaux  Amer.  526. 

Parmelia  leucomela,  Achar.  Meth.  256. 

Borrera  leucomela,  Achar.  Licit.  499. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees. 

PI.  cell.  aph.  4.  CENOTH  ALAMEiE.  107-Borrera.  4 3B 

4.  Borrer a furfur acea.  Branny  boner. 

Thallus  grey,  floury ; jags  linear,  narrow,  branched,  un- 
derneath grooved,  naked,  wrinkled,  violet,  blackish  ; apo - 
thecia  nearly  marginal,  cupshape,  centre  red  ; ihalloid  bor- 
der thin,  slightly  bent  in. 

Lichenoides  cornutum  amarura,  superne  cinereum,  inferne  nigrum,, 
Dillen  Muse.  157. 

Lichen  furfuraceus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1612. 

Lobaria  furfnracea,  Hoffm.  Germ.  143. 

Parmelia  furfuracea,  Acliar.  Meth.  254. 

Borrera  furfuracea,  Achar.  Lich.  500. 

On  rocks,  and  the  trunks  of  trees. 

5.  Borrera  Atlantica.  , sltlantic  borrer 

Thallus  pale  reddish,  downy;  jags  divaricated,  twisted 

linear,  narrow ; underneath  grooved ; apothecia  scattered^ 
centre  brownish  black;  thalloid  border  thin*  not  in  the 
least  cut. 

Lichen  iutricatus,  1 Jesfont.  FI.  Atlant.  2,420. 

Parmelia  Atlantica,  Achar.  Meth.  Suppl.  50. 

Borrera  Atlantica,  Achar . Lich.  502. 

On  the  bark  of  trees, 

6.  Borrera  chrysophlhalma.  Gold-eye  borrer * 

Thallus  yellow,  yelklike;  both  sides  naked,  alike  co- 
loured ; jags  linear,  flattish,  pinnately  branched ; tips  fibril- 
lous;  apothecia  nearly  terminal,  centre  orange;  ihalloid 
border  fibrilled,  fringed. 

Lichen  chrysophthalmus,  Engl.  Bot.  1083. 

Platisma  armatum,  Hoffm.  Lich.  2,43. 

Parmelia  chrysophlhalma,  Achar.  Meth.  267 . 

Borrera  chrysophthalma,  Achar.  Lich.  502. 

On  the  trunks  and  branches  of  trees. 

7.  Borrera  lata.  Pleasant  borrer w. 

Thallus  very  yellow,  jags  thin,  vaguely  branched,  com- 
plicated, fibrilled,  cirrous ; apothecia  scattered,  centre  flat* 
red ; thalloid  border  not  cut,  naked. 

Lichenoides  quod  Muscus  aureus  tenuissimus,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  65,8 

Lichen  vulpinus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1623. 

Physcia  flavicans,  De  Candolle  Voy.  Bot.  25. 

Borrera  flavicans  laeta,  Achar.  Syn.  Lich.  225. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees. 

XVIII.  108.  PHYSCIA.  Achard.  Physcia. 

Thallus  leaflike,  leatherlike,  slightly  membranaceous.^ 
flat,  expanded,  pressed  close,  round  starlike  lobed  or 
many-jagged;' underneath  fibrillous,  jags  slightly  inflated 

2 f 2 

436  108.  Physcia.  4.  CENOTHALAMEAE.  PI.  cell,  aph . 

at  the  tip;  apothecia  shieldlike,  slightly  membranaceous, 
formed  underneath  from  the,  free,  affixed  to  the 
same  by  the  centre;  proligerous  flake  forming  the  centre, 
hollow,  coloured,  covering  the  apothecia  entirely  above; 
inside  similar,  streaked,  with  a few  cellules;  thalloid  border 
bent  inwards. 

1.  Physcia  physodes.  l¥r a cklike  physcia. 

Thallus  slightly  stellate,  sea-greenish  white;  jags  tiled- 

like,  sinuate,  many-cut,  slightly  convex,  bald ; tips  inflated, 
ascending;  underneath  blackish  brown,  naked ; apothecia 
red,  edge  not  cut. 

Lichenoides  ceratophyllon  obtusius  et  minus  ramosnm,  Rmi  Syn,  76,85. 
Lichen  physod-es,  Lin.  S,  P.  1610;  Engl.  Boi.  126. 

Lobaria  physodes,  Hoffm.  Germ.  150. 

Parmelia  physodes,  A char.  Meth.  250;  Lich.  492. 

On  palings,  trunks  of  trees,  and  rocks. 

2.  Physcia  diatry pa.  Pierced  physcia. 

Thallus  slightly  stellate,  greenish  white;  jags  sinuated, 

many-cut,  flattish,  smooth,  perforated  and  with  soredise  ; 
tips  inflated ; underneath  wrinkled,  folded,  black ; inter- 
stices white ; apothecia  pale  red ; edge  not  cut. 

Lichen  pertusus,  Schrad.  FI.  Germ.  96. 

Lichen  diatnypus,  Achar.  Prod.  1 1 6 ; Engl.Bot.  1248. 

Lobaria, terebrata,  Hoffm.  Germ.  151. 

Parmelia  diatrypa,  Achar.  Meth.  251  ; Lich.  493. 

On  the  bark  of  trees. 

XIX.  109.  PARMELIA.  Acharius.  Border-moss. 

Thallus  leaflike,  leatherlike,  slightly  membranaceous, 
flat,  spread  out,  pressed  out,  round  and  stellately  lobed  or 
many-cut,  jagged;  underneath  fibrillous;  jags  all  equal  at 
their  tips;  apothecia  shieldlike,  slightly  membranaceous, 
formed  underneath  from  the  thallus,  free,  connected  only 
by  a central  point;  proligerous  fluke  forming  the  centre, 
hollow,  coloured,  covering  the  apothecia  entirely  at  top ; 
inside  similar,  streaked,  with  a few  cellules ; thalloid  border 
bent  inwards. 

1 . Parmelia  glomulifera.  Ballbearing  border-moss. 

Thallus  cartilaginous,  stiff,  round,  livid,  smooth,  inter- 
spersed with  blackish  green  pulvinuli ; underneath  ocliry 
wfiite,  downy ; lobes  sinuately  jagged,;  jags  angular  and 
bordered  ; apothecia  reddish  chestnut,  border  wrinkled. 

PI.  cell.  aph.  4.  CENOT II AL  AMEiE.  109.  Parmelia.  437 

Lichenoides  subglaucuin  eumatile,  foliis  tenacibus,  eleganter  laciniatis, 
Lillen  Muse.  197. 

Lichen  laciniatus,  Hudson  FI.  AngL  544. 

Lichen  mutabilis,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  5,  50. 

Lichen  glomuliferus,  Light f.  Scot.  853. 

Lobaria  glomulifera,  Hoffm.  Germ.  148. 

Parmelia  glomulifera,  Achdr.  Meth.  218;  Licit.  45C. 

On  the  roots  and  trunks  of  trees. 

2.  Parmelia  caper  at  a.  Caper  border-moss. 

Phallus  round,  pale  yellow,  greenish,  wrinkled,  growing 

granulated;  underneath  black,  hispid;  lobes  folded,  sinu- 
ated,  jagged,  rounded,  slightly  cut;  apothecia  scattered, 
rather  brown;  border  bent,  not  cut,  at  length  powdery. 

Lichenoides  crusta  foliosa,  ex  cinereo  et  luteo  virescente,  in  feme  nigra 
et  lsevi,  Raii  Syn.  73,  62. 

Lichen  caperatus,  Lin.  S.  P.  i614  ; Engl.  Bot.  654. 

Lobaria  caperata,  Hoffm.  Germ.  148. 

Parmelia  caperata,  Achar.  Meth.  216  ; Licit.  457. 

On  rocks  and  the  trunks  of  trees. 

3.  Parmelia  Borreri.  BorrePs  border-moss. 

Phallus  round,  grey,  interspersed  with  grey-bordered 

sorediee ; underneath  brownish,  spongy,  fibrilled ; lobes 
concreted,  folded ; outer  lobes  rounded,  deeply  crenate ; 
apothecia  red  ; border  swollen,  bent  inwards. 

Lichen  Borreri,  Engl.  Bot.  1780. 

Parmelia  Borreri,  Turner  in  Lin.  Tr.  9,  148  ; Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  461. 
On  the  bark  of  trees. 

4.  Parmelia  perlata.  Pearl  border-moss. 

Phallus  round,  greenish  white,  naked;  underneath  black- 
ish brown,  rather  naked  or  villous;  lobes  rounded,  cut, flat, 
edge  slightly  folded,  not  cut;  apothecia  red;  border  thin, 
not  in  the  least  cut. 

Liehemaides  glaucum  perlatum,  sublus  nigrum  et  cirrosum,  Lilian  Muse. 

Lichen  perlatus,  Huds.  FI.  AngL  543. 

Parmelia  perlata,  Achar.  Meth.  216;  Lich.  458. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees,  and  rocks. 

5.  Parmelia  perforata.  Perforated  border-moss . 

Phallus  round,  rather  sea-green,  naked ; underneath 

black,  fibrilled;  lobes  rounded,  cut,  flat;  edge  folded,  cre- 
nate, fringed ; apothecia  red,  growing  perforated  ; border 
not  in  the  least  cut. 

■438  109.  Parmelia.  4.  CENOTPIALAMEiE.  PL  cell.  aph. 

Lichen  melanoleucus,  Willd.  Bot.  Mag.  4,  9. 

Lichen  perforatus, Jacq.  Cell.  1,  116. 

Platisma  perforatum,  Hoffm.  Lich.  13,  1. 

Parmelia  perforata,  Achar.  Meth.  217  ; Lich.  459. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees. 

6.  Parmelia  tiliacea.  Lime-tree  border-moss . 

Tkallus  round,  membranaceous,  greyish  sea-green,  rather 

lioary;  underneath  blackish  brown;  fibrils  black;  lobes 
sinuated,  jagged ; outer  lobes  rounded,  crenate ; apothecia 
brownish  ; border  not  cut. 

Lichen  quercifolius,  Waif,  in  Jacq.  Coll . 3, 127. 

Lichen  quercinus,  Willd.  FI.  Berol.  7,15. 

Lichen  tiliaceus,  Hoffm.  Lich.  96;  Engl.  Bot.  700. 

Lobaria  tiliacea,  Hoffm.  Germ.  149. 

Parmelia  tiliacea,  Achar.  Meth.  215  ; Lich.  460. 

On  the  bark  of  trees. 

7.  Parmelia  corrugata.  Wrinkled  border-moss . 

Thallus  round,  membranaceous,  very  thin,  wrinkled, 

«ea-greenish ; underneath  black,  brown,  fibrilled;  lobes 
cut,  rounded,  loose,  folded,  winding,  not  cut;  apothecia 
winding,  red;  border  crenulate. 

Lobaria  Acetabulum,  Hoffm.  Germ.  147. 

Lichen  Acetabulum,  Neck.  Delic.  et  Meth. 

Lichen  corrugatus,  Smith  in  Lin.  Tr.  1,83. 

Parmelia  corrugata,  Achar.  Meth.  215;  Lich.  462. 

On  the  bark  of  old  trees. 

S.  Parmelia  olivacea . Olive  border-?noss . 

'Thallus  round,  olive  umber,  wrinkled,  raised,  dotted; 
underneath  paler,  brownish,  rough,  slightly  fibrilled ; lobes 
radiating,  pressed  close,  flat,  dilated,  rounded,  crenate; 
apothecia  flattish,  nearly  the  same  colour  as  the  thallus; 
harder  crenulate. 

Lichenoides  crusta  foliosa  scuSellala,  puilum,  Raii  Syn.  72,  60. 

Lichen  olivaceus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1610. 

Lobaria  olivacea,  Hoffm.  Germ.  150. 

Parmelia  olivacea,  Achar.  Meth.  215;  Lich.  462. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees,  and  wooden  palings. 

9.  Parmelia  parietina . Wall  border-moss . 

Thallus  round,  very  yellow:  underneath  paler,  slightly 
fibrilled;  lobes  radiating,  pressed  close,  flat,  dilated  at  the 
tip,  rounded,  crenate,  crisp;  apothecia  similar  in  colour; 
border  not  in  the  least  cut.  t 

PL  cell,  aph,  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE,  109.  Parmelia.  439 

Lichenoides  cnista  foliosa  scutellafa,  flavescens,  Raii  Syn.  59. 

Lichen  parietinus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1610, 

Lobaria  parietina,  Hojfm.  Germ.  15S. 

Parmelia  parietina,  Achar.  Meth.  213;  Lick.  465. 

On  walls,  trunks  of  wood  and  stones. 

10.  Parmelia  el&ina . Olive-brown  border-moss . 

Thallus  round,  nearly  membranaceous,  contiguous,  fold- 
ed, radiated,  olive-brown  ; circumference  lobed,  lobes 
deeply  crenated,  flat,  nearly  truncated ; apothecia  dark  um- 
ber; border  not  in  the  least  cut. 

Lichen  elceinus,  Wahlenb.  FI.  Lapp.  425. 

Lecanora  ehsina,  Achar.  Licit.  429. 

Parmelia  elaeina,  Wahlenb.  in  Achar.  Meth.  Suppl.  45. 

On  rocks. 

1 1 . Parmelia  pityrea . Pine  border-moss . 

Thallus  round,  grey,  powdery;  underneath  white;  fibrils 

black;  central  jags  folded,  torn,  crisp,  edge  powdery;  out- 
ward jags  flat,  rounded,  crenate,  hoary ; apothecia  concave, 
black  brown,  hoary;  border  not  in  the  least  cut. 

Lichen  laniiginosus,  Hojfm.  IJch.  32. 

Lichen  pifyreus,  Achar.  Prod,  124;  Engl.  But.  2064. 

Lobaria  pulveracea,  Hojfm.  Germ.  153. 

Parmelia  pityrea,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  483. 

On  the  bark  of  the  trunks  of  trees. 

12.  Parmelia  Clemen  liana.  Clement  border-moss . 

Thallus  round,  greyish  white,  granularly  powdery;  un- 
derneath the  same  colour ; fibrils  very  small,  blackish  ; jags 
of  the  circumference  flat,  deeply  crenate,  rather  naked; 
apothecia  pressed  close,  flat,  brown  black;  border  not  in 
the  least  cut. 

Parmelia  Clementiana,  Turner  in  Trans.  Lin.  Soc.  9,  146. 

Lichen  dementi,  Engl.  But. 

On  the  bark  of  oak-trees. 

13.  Parmelia  lanuginosa.  Woolly  border-moss . 

Thallus  round,  white,  slightly  brimstone-yellow,  pow- 
dery ; underneath  black,  bluish,  woolly ; lobes  tiledlike, 
flat,  rounded,  very  finely  crenated;  apothecia  red;  border 

Lichen  membranaceus,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,21. 

Lichen  laniiginosus,  Achar.  Prod.  120. 

Parmelia  lanuginosa,  Achar.  Meth.  207  ; Licit.  465. 

On  the  ground,  and  mosses  on  moist  shady  hills. 

440  109.  Farmelia.  4.  CEN QTH  A L AMEiE.  PL  cell,  aph. 

14.  Farmelia  plumbea.  Lead  border-moss , 

Thallus  round,  livid,  lead-colour;  underneath  bluish, 

spongy,  woolly ; jags  of  the  circumference  fiattish,  folded, 
radiant,  rounded,  deeply  crenate;  apothecia  scattered, 
growing  convex,  brown  ; border  nearly  the  same  colour, 
not  cut. 

Lichen  plumbous.  Light f.  Scot.  826. 

Parmelia  plumbea,  Achar.  Meth.  212  ; Lich.  466. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees,  rarely  on  rocks. 

15.  Farmelia  rubiginosa.  Rusty  border-moss , 

Thallus  round,  livid,  lead-colour;  underneath  woolly, 

spongy,  blackish  blue;  jags  of  the  circumference  deeply 
lobed,  fiattish;  edges  slightly  elevated  and  crenulate;  apo- 
thecia flat,  crowded,  central,  reddish  brown ; border  cre- 

Lichen  affinis,  Dickson  Crypt.  4,24  ; Engl.  Hot.  983. 

Lichen  rubiginosus,  Thunberg  FI.  Cap.  176. 

Parmelia  affinis,  Achar.  Meth.  212. 

Parmelia  rubiginosa,  Achar.  Meth.  212  ; Lich.  467. 

On  the  bark  of  trees. 

1,6.  Parmelia  omphalodes.  Navel  border-moss . 

Thallus  round,  brassy,  blackish  brown,  shining,  dotted 
with  black;  underneath  black,  fibrilled;  jags  sinuated, 
inany-cut,  linear,  flat,  slightly  truncated,  in  the  circumfe- 
rence rounded,  crenate;  apothecia  bay-colour;  border 
slightly  crenate. 

Lichenoides  saxatile  tinctorium,  foil  is  pilosis  purpureis,  Dillen  in  Ran 
Syn.  74,  70. 

Lichen  petraeus  purpureas  Derbiensb,  Park.  1315. 

Lichen  omphalodes,  Lin.  S.  P.  1609  ; Engl.  Hot.  604. 

Lobaria  omphalodes,  Hoffm.  Germ.  145. 

Parmelia  omphalodes,  Achar.  Meth.  204;  Lich.  469. 

Cork . Arcell.  Kenkerigy  Wales. 

On  rocks  and  stones. 

17.  Parmelia  saxatilis.  Rock  border-moss, 

Thallus  round,  greyish,  roughish,  open  in  network ; un- 
derneath black,  fibrilled ; jags  tiledlike,  deeply  lobed,  flat, 
rather  blunt  and  dilated,  rounded ; apothecia  bay-colour; 
border  crenate. 

Lichenoides  crusta  foliosa,  superne  cinereo-glauca,  interne  nigra  et 
cirrhosa,  scutellis  nigricantibus,  Ran  Syn.  72,  16. 

Lichen  saxatilis,  Lin.  S.  P.  1609;  Engl.  Bot.  603. 

Lobaria  saxatilis,  Hoffm.  Germ.  145. 

Parmelia  saxatilis,  Achar.  Meth.  204;  Lich.  469. 

On  stones  and  the  bark  of  trees. 

PL  cell.  aph.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  109.  Parmelia.  441 

18.  Parmelia  Fahlunensis.  Fafilun  border-moss. 

Thallus  round,  pitch  black,  smooth ; underneath  black, 

unequal,  slightly  fibrilled ; jags  sinuated,  many-cut,  fin- 
gered, diverging,  flattish,  slightly  grooved  ; edge  raised, 
torn,  granulated ; apothecia  brassy  brown  ; border  granu- 

Lichenoides  tinctorrum  atrum,  foliis  minimis  crispis,  Dillen  Muse.  188.. 
Lichen  Fahlunensis,  Lin.  S.  P.  1610;  Engl.  Bot.  653. 

Lobaria  Fahlunensis,  Hoffm.  Germ.  154. 

Parmelia  Fahlunensis,  Achar.  Meth.  203  ; Licit.  470. 

On  rocks  and  stones. 

19.  Parmelia  Slygia.  Stygian  border-moss  - 

Thallus  stellate,  chestnut,  pitch-black,  shining;  under- 
neath pitch-black,  unequal,  rather  naked ; jags  nearly 
linear,  many-cut,  slightly  palmate,  convex;  edge  and  tip 
bent  back ; apothecia  same  colour  as  the  thallus,  afterwards 
black ; border  crenate. 

Lichen  Stygius,  Lin.  S.  P.  1610. 

Lobaria  Stygia,  Hoffm.  Germ.  154. 

Parmelia  Stygia,  Achar.  Meth.  203  ; Lich.  471. 

On  stones  and  hills. 

20.  Parmelia  aquila.  Eagle-broum  border-moss* 

Thallus  round,  chestnut  brown;  underneath  paler,  fibril- 

led  ; fibrils  black ; jags  many-parted,  nearly  linear,  convex ; 
of  the  circumference  dilated,  flattish,  crenate;  apothecia 
brown  black ; border  crenate. 

Lichen  pullus,  Light f.  Scot.  825. 

Lichen  aqulhis,  Achar.  Prod.  109;  Engl.  Bot.  982. 

Parmelia  aquila,  Achar.  Meth.  201  ; Lich.  483. 

Upon  rocks  near  the  sea-coast. 

21.  Parmelia  encausta.  Enamel  bidder -moss. 

Thallus  stellate,  pale  grey ; underneath  black,  unequal, 

rather  naked;  jags  flattened,  convex,  rather  cylindrical, 
linear,  many-cut,  rather  wrinkled,  dotted  with  black;  apo- 
thecia chestnut-colour;  border  very  slightly  crenate. 

Lichen  multi punctus,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  31, 305. 

Lichen  encaustus.  Smith  in  Lin.  Tr.  183  ; Engl.  Bot.  2049. 

Lobaria  pulla,  Iloffm.  Germ.  154. 

Parmelia  encausta,  Achar.  Meth . 202;  Lich.  489. 

On  alpine  rocks. 

442  109.  Parmelia.  4.  CENOTHALAME/E.  PI.  cell.  aphm 

22.  Parmelia  recurva.  Bent-lack  border-moss. 

Thallus  stellate,  pale,  slightly  greenish,  bearing  soredia; 

underneath  black,  fibrilled,  spongy;  jags  in  the  circum- 
ference many-cut,  very  narrow,  convex,  nearly  cylindrical; 
a pothecia  reddish  brown ; border  scarcely  cut. 

Lichen  multifidus,  Dickson  Crypt.  3,  16. 

Lichen  incurvus,  Per  so  on  in  Usler  Ann.  7,24. 

Parmelia  recurva,  Achar.  Meth.  201  ; Lich.  490. 

On  stones  and  hills. 

23.  Parmelia  sim/osa.  Jagged  border-moss. 

Thallus  stellate,  pale  grey,  smooth;  underneath  black, 

fibrilled ; jags  linear,  broader  outwardly,  sinuately  pinna- 
tifid,  sinuses  broad,  circular;  apothecia  flattish,  brown; 
border  thin,  not  cut. 

Lichen  sinuosus,  Engl.  Hot.  2050. 

On  walls,  rocks,  and  trunks  of  trees. 

24.  Parmelia  diffusa.  Spread  border-moss. 

Thallus  round,  contiguous,  wrinkled,  folded,  pale,  grey- 
ish, powdery;  underneath  the  same  colour,  black,  fibrilled; 
jags  in  the  circumference  separate,  flat,  rounded,  wavey, 
deeply  crenate;  apothecia  flat,  brownish  black;  border  at 
length  crenulate,  powdery. 

Lichen  diffusus,  Dicks.  Crypt.  3,  7. 

Lichen  aleurites,  Achar.  Prod.  117;  Engl.  Bot.  858. 

Lobaria  diffusa,  Hoffm.  Germ.  156. 

Parmelia  aleurites,  Achar.  Meth.  20S ; Lick.  484. 

On  joists,  planks,  and  palings. 

25.  Parmelia  conspersa.  Sprinkled  border-moss. 

Thallus  round,  pale,  livid,  smooth,  dotted  with  black; 

underneath  brownish,  fibrilled  ; jags  sinuated,  lobed, 
rounded,  crenate,  flattish ; apothecia  central,  chestnut;  bor- 
der very  slightly  cut. 

Lichenoides  imbricatum  viridans,  scutellis  badus,  Dillen  Muse.  ISO. 
Lichen  centrifugus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1609. 

Licheri'eor'ispersus,  Achar.  Prod.  118. 

Lobaria  centrirngn,  Hoffm.  Germ.  154. 

Parmelia  conspersa,  Achar.  Meth.  205;  Lich.  486. 

On  stones  and  rocks. 

26.  Parmelia  speciosa.  Handsome  border-moss. 

Thallus  stellate,  bald,  white,  rather  greyish;  underneath 

milky,  softish ; fibrils  dark,  marginal ; jags  tilediike,  flat, 
cut,  branched,  crenate,  divisions  ascending,  powdery;  apo- 
thecia central,  brownish  ; border  bent  in,  swollen,  at  length 
wrinkled,  crenate. 

Pl,  cell . ccph.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  109.  Parmelia.  443 

Lichen  speeiosus,  WulfinJacq.  Coll.  3,  119. 

Lobaria  speciosa,  Hoffm.  Germ.  153. 

Parmelia  speciosa,  Achar.  Meth.  198;  Lick.  480. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees  and  rocks. 

27.  Parmelia  Icevigata.  Smooth  border-moss. 

Thallus  stellate,  smooth,  greyish  white ; underneath 

black,  fibrilled : jags  many-cut,  linear,  broader  outwardly 
cut,  divaricated,  pointed,  frequently  having  soredia  in  the 
circumference;  apothecia  concave,  chestnut;  border  not  cut. 
Lichen  laevigatus,  Engl.  But.  1852. 

On  rocks. 

28.  Parmelia  farrea.  Floury  border-moss . 

Thallus  round,  greenish,  grey,  powdery;  underneath 

whitish,  fibrils  brown-black  ; jags  short,  deeply  crenate, 
tiledlike,  edges  raised,  granulated,  powdery;  apothecia 
black,  grey,  and  hoary:  border  bent  in,  swollen,  slightly 

Parmelia  farrea,  Achar.  Licit.  Univ.  475. 

On  the  ground,  on  trees,  and  rocks. 

29.  Parmelia  pulverulenta . Powdery  border-moss. 

Thallus  stellate,  greyish  white,  hoary;  underneath  black* 

woolly,  hispid ; jags  linear,  many-cut,  separate  in  the  cir- 
cumference, flat,  pressed  close,  wavey ; tips  blunt ; apothecia 
grey;  border  not  in  the  least  cut,  bent. 

Lichenoides  arboreum  et  saxatile,  crusta  foliosa  tenni,  fusco-virenti 
in  segmenta  latiora  plerumqne  divisa,  Dillon  in  11  ai  Syn.  74,  74. 

Lichenoides  arboreum,  crnsta  foliosa  informi,  scu  tell  is  subnigris,  limbo 
cinereo  crispo  cinetis,  Dillen  in  JRaii  Syn.  75,  75. 

Lichen  steilaris  /3  et  y,  Huds.  Fl.Angl.  534. 

Lichen  allochrons,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  39,  187. 

Lichen  pulverulentus,  Schreber  Germ.  1 123;  Engl.  Bot.  2063. 

Lobaria  pulverulenta,  Hoffm.  Germ.  152. 

Parmelia  pulverulenta,  Achar.  Meth.  210;  Licit.  475. 

On  the  bark  of  trees. 

30.  Parmelia  ccesia.  Grey  border-moss. 

Thallus  starlike,  greyish  white  or  grey,  bearing  soredia; 

underneath  grey;  fibrils  black;  jngs  linear,  many-cut, 
deep,  slightly  convex,  the  last  jags  flat;  apothecia  slightly 
concave,  black ; border  rather  bent  inwards. 

Lichen  pulchellus,  WulfinJacq.  Coll.  2. 

Lichen  caedus,  Hoffm.  Licit.  12,  1 ; Engl.  Bot.  1052. 

Lichen  Psora,  Dicks.  Crypt.  3,  17. 

Lobaria  cassia,  Hoffm.  Germ.  1 56. 

Parmelia  cassia,  Achar.  Meth.  197  ; Lich.  479. 

On  rocks,  wood,  mosses,  and  the  trunks  of  trees. 

414  109.  Parmelia.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  Pl.cell.aph. 

31.  Parmelia  cycloselis.  Circular  border-moss . 

Thallus  round,  livid  grey;  underneath  black,  fibrilled, 
spongy ; jags  grown  together,  tiledlike,  rather  flat,  finger- 
like, many-cut,  crenately  torn,  slightly  fringed;  edges  at 
length  raised  up,  crisp  rather  powdery ; apothecia  scattered, 
black,  brown;  border  raised,  not  in  the  least  cut. 

Lichen  subtilis,  Persoon , according  to  Achar  Syn.  Licit.  217. 

Lichen  dentatus, *Persoon,  according  to  Acharius  1.  c. 

Lichen  orbicularis,  Neckar  Meth.  88. 

Lichen  cycloselis,  Achar.  Prod.  115  ; Engl.  Bot.  1942. 

Lobaria  orbicularis,  Hoffm.  Germ.  15&. 

Parmelia  cycloselis,  Achar.  Meth.  199  ; Lich.  482. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees. 

E.  Lecidea;.  Thallus  crustaceous,  adnate ; apothecia 
shieldlike,  bordered. 

XX.  110.  PSO ROMA.  Acharius.  Psorome . 

Thallus  crustaceous,  flat,  expanded,  adnate,  uniform,  in- 
determinately figured,  scaly  or  tiledlike;  apothecia  saucer- 
shape,  thick,  sessile,  adnate;  proligerous  flake  forming  the 
centre,  plano-convex,  coloured,  covering  the  apothecium 
above;  inside  cellular,  streaked;  border  thickish,  formed 
of  the  thallus  and  similar  in  colour,  nearly  free. 

1.  Psoroma  cervinum.  Stags- horn  psorome. 

Crust  in  beds,  figured,  scaly,  rather  lobed,  chestnut- 

colour;  apothecia  immersed,  flattish,  brownish  black;  thal- 
loid  border  at  length  prominent. 

Lichen  squamulosus,  Achar.  Prod.  230;  Engl.  Bot.  2011. 

Lichen  cervinus,  Persoon. 

Parmelia  peliscy  pha,  (Vaklenb.  in  Achar.  Meth.  Sup  pi.  41. 

Parmelia  squamulosa,  Achar.  Meth.  181. 

Lecanora  halophaea,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  408. 

Lecanora  badia,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  407. 

On  walls  and  rocks,  especially  limestone. 

2.  Psoroma  crassum.  Thick  psorome. 

Crust  scalelike,  greenish  white  and  brown ; lobes  tiled- 
like, deeply  crenate,  waved,  irregular ; apothecia  flat,  swol- 
len, brownish  red,  afterwards  blackish  brown ; thalloid  bor- 
der thin,  not  cut,  at  last  very  small. 

Lichen  laqueatus,  WulfinJacq.  Coll.  3. 

Lichen  cartilagineus,  Lightf.  Scot.  815. 

Lichen  crassus,  Hudson  FI.  Angl.  659. 

Parmelia  crassa,  Achar.  Meth.  Lich.  185. 

Lecanora  crassa,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  191. 

On  the  ground  on  mountains. 

PI.  cell.  aph.  4.  CENOTHALAME  JS.  110.  Psoroma.  445 

3.  Psoroma  tribacium.  Torn  psorome . 

Crust  scalelike,  silvery,  greyish  white ; lobes  irregular, 
differently  shaped,  torn  crenate,  tiledlike;  underneath  the 
same  colour,  slightly  fibrilled ; apothecia  pressed  close, 
centre  flat,  pale  circumference  at  length  crenated  and 
lobed  ; thalloid  border  raised,  persistent. 

Lecanora  tribacia,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  415. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees  and  rocks. 

4.  Psoroma  candetarium.  Candle  psorome. 

Crust  scalelike,  yellow ; lobes  very  crowded,  torn-jagged, 

tiledlike;  edges  granulated,  powdery  ; apothecia  flattish* 
similar  in  colour ; thalloid  border  raised,  not  cut. 

Lichenoides  crustosmn  orbiculis  et  scutellis  flavis,  Dillen  Muse.  236  - 
Engl.  Bot.  1794. 

Lichen  candelarius,  Lin.  S.  P.  1608. 

Lichen  concolor,  Dickson  Crypt . 3,  18. 

Parmelia  candelaria,  Achar.  Me.tli.  1S7. 

Lecanora  candelaria,  Achar.  Lich.  416. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees,  palings,  rocks,  and  walls. 

5.  Psoroma  polycarpum.  Many-fruiled  psorome. 

Crust  composed  of  conglomerated,  granulated,  lemon- 

yellow  lobes;  apothecia  crowded,  bent;  centre  flat,  dilated, 
similarly  coloured,  afterwards  pale -red ; thalloid  border  at 
length  crenulated. 

Lichen  polycarpus,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  14,  136. 

Verrucaria  fulva,  Hoffm.  Germ.  193. 

Parmelia  citrina,  Achar,  Meth.  Lich-  179. 

Lecanora  caudelaria,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  416. 

On  old  wood  and  the  trunks  of  trees. 

6.  Psoroma  hypnorum.  Hypnum  psorome. 

Crust  scalelike,  brownish  yellow,  flame-colour ; lobes 

small,  roundish,  dissimilar,  edge  granular,  crenulate ; apo- 
thecia slightly  membranaceous ; centre  concave,  at  length 
flat,  dilated,  bay  and  black ; thalloid  edge  raised,  bent  in, 

Lychen  hypnorum,  FI.  Dan.  956  ; Engl.  Bot.  740. 

Psora  hypnorum,  Hoffm.  Germ.  166. 

Parmelia  lepidora,  Achar.  Metk.  185. 

Leeauora  lepidora,  Achar.  Lich.  418. 

On  the  ground,  and  on  rotten  moss. 

446  110.  Psoroma.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  PL  cell,  aph. 

7.  Psoroma  muscorum.  Moss  psorome. 

Crust  scalelike,  brownish  livid;  lobes  irregularly  and 

deeply  torn  jagged;  apothecia  thick;  centre  flat,  obscurely 
blackish  red,  even  with  the  thalloid  border,  which  after- 
wards becomes  very  small. 

Lichen  carnosus,  Dicks.  Crypt.  2,21  ; Engl.  Bet.  1684. 

Lichen  hypnorum,  Achar.  Prod.  93. 

Parmelia  hypnorum,  Achar.  Mcth.  185. 

Lecanora  hyphoruEi,  Achur . Lich.  417. 

Among  and  upon  rather  rotten  mosses. 

8.  Psoroma  Irunneiirn . Brown  psorome . 

Crust  tiledlike,  granulatedly  lobed,  liver-grey;  apothecia 

innate  in  the  crust,  very  crowded,  not  uniform;  centre  ra- 
ther convex,  brown  red  ; thalloid  border  raised,  crenulate, 

Lichen  pezizoide-,  Dicks.  Crypt.  1,10. 

Lichen  innhiflorus,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  156. 

Lichen  brunneus,  Swartz  Nov.  Act.  Upsal.  4,247  ; Engl.  Bol.  1246. 
Psora  ncbulosa,  Hoffm.  Germ.  166. 

Psora  brunnea,  Hoffm.  Germ.  166. 

Parmelia  brunnea,  Achur.  Mcth.  186. 

Lecanora  brunnea,  Achar.  Lich.  419. 

On  the  ground,  and  upon  rotten  mosses. 

XXL  111.  PL ACOD1UM.  Acharius.  Placodhmu 

Thallus  crustaceous,  flat,  expanded,  adnate,  uniform, 
the  circumference  figured,  radiated,  stellate,  and  slightly 
lobed;  apothecia  saucershape,  thick,  adnate,  sessile;  pro - 
ligerous  flake  forming  the  centre,  plano-convex,  coloured, 
covering  the  apothecium  above ; inside  cellularly  stri- 
ated; border  rather  thick,  formed  of  the  thallus  and  the 
same  colour,  nearly  free. 

1.  Placodium  epigeum . Ground  placodium* 

Crust  plaited,  wrinkled,  whitish  ; circumference  smooth, 
lobed ; apothecia  blackish  brown,  growing  rather  convex 
in  the  centre;  thalloid  border  thin,  not  in  the  least  cut. 

Lichen  candicans,  Dicks.  Crypt.  3, 15  ; Engl.  Bot.  1778. 

Lichen  epigeus,  Persoon  in  Ulst.  Ann.  7,25. 

Parmelia  epigea,  Achar.  Metli.  191 . 

Lecanora  epigea,  Achar.  Lich.  422. 

On  the  ground  among  the  mosses  on  rocks. 

PL  cell.  aph.  4«.  CENOTHALAME/E.  11].  Placed.  447 

2.  Placodium  lentigerum.  Lentil  placodium. 

Crust  slightly  tiledlike,  white;-  lobes  rather  concave, 

bent,  deeply  crenate ; apothecia  fiattish  in  the  centre,  red- 
dish yellow;  tkalloid  border  raised,  tumid,  bent  in,  slightly 

Lichen  lenligerus,  Web.  Goett.  192;  Engl . Bot.  S71. 

Psora  lentigera,  Iloffm.  Germ.  164. 

Parmelia  lentigera,  A char.  Meth.  192. 

Lecanora  lentigera,  Achar.  Lich.  425. 

On  the  ground  and  mosses  on  mountains. 

3.  Placodium  saxicolurn.  Rock  placodium* 

Crust  slightly  tiledlike,  scaly,  wrinkled,  unequal,  pale 

greenish ; circumference  rayed,  lobed  ; apothecia  very 
crowded,  centre  flat,  yellowish,  pale  red,  rather  ochry; 
thalloid  border  becomes  bent,  crenate. 

Lichen  ochroleucus,  Jaeq.  Coll.  2. 

Lichen  saxicola,  Pollich  Palat.  225  ; Engl.  Bot.  1695. 

Lichen  muralis,  Dicks.  Crypt.  1,11. 

Psora  muralis,  Iloffm.  Germ.  157. 

Parmelia  saxicola,  Achar.  Meth.  157. 

Lecanora  saxicola,  Achar.  Lich.  451. 

On  stones,  walls,  and  timber-buildings. 

4.  Placodium  murorum.  Wall  placodium . 

Crust  plaited,  wrinkled,  cracked,  }Telk  of  egg  yellow; 

surface  powdery,  lioayy  ; circumference  rayed,  plaited  ; 
jags  linear,  convex,  Cut;  apothecia  crowded,  centre  growing 
convex,  darker;  thalloid  border  not  cut,  bent. 

Lichen  candelarius,  Lin.  S.  P.  1608. 

Lichen  murorum,  Iloffm.  Lich.  63. 

Lobaria  saxicola,  Iloffm.  Genn.  158. 

Parmelia  murorum,  Achar.  Meth.  198. 

Lecanora  murorum,  Achar.  Lich.  455. 

On  stones  and  walls. 

5.  Placodium  fulgevs.  Shining-yellow  placodium. 

Crust  almost  contiguous,  pale-yellowish ; circumference 

plaited,  slightly  lobed ; lobes  bent,  flat ; apothecia  scattered, 
centre  very  red,  plano-convex;  thalloid  border  at  length 
bent  and  crenate,  very  small. 

Lichen  fulgens,  Swartz  in  Nov.  Act.  Ups.  4,  246, 

Lichen  citrinus,  Ehrhart. 

Psora  citrina,  Iloffm.  Germ.  165. 

Parmelia  fulgens,  Achar.  Meth.  192. 

Lecanora  fulgens,  Achar.  Lich,  457. 

On  the  ground  on  limestone  rocks. 

448  111.  Placod.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  PLcelLaplu 

6.  Placodium  circinatum . Compass  placodium. 

Crust  cracked  in  beds,  greyish  white ; circumference 

rayed,  plaited,  linear,  jagged ; apothecia  very  crowded,  at 
length  angular;  centre  with  innate  beds,  flat,  brown-black; 
thalloid  edge  nearly  even. 

Lichen  radiosus,  Hoffm.  Lich.  4,  6. 

Lichen  circinatus,  Persoon  in  Uster  Ann.  7,  25  ; Engl.  Bot.  1941. 

Lichen  subimbricatus,  Relhan  Cant.  459. 

Lobar ia  radiosa,  Hoffm.  Germ.  157. 

Parmelia  circinata,  Achar.  Meth.  189. 

Lecanora  circinata,  Achar.  Lich.  425. 

On  limestone. 

7.  Placodium  gelidum.  Cold  placodium . 

Crust  cracked,  flesh -grey ; circumference  rayed,  jagged ; 

central  wart  brown,  radiately  wrinkled ; apothecia  depressed 
in  the  centre,  red ; thalloid  border  thick,  raised,  not  cut. 

Lichen  gelidus,  Lin.  Mnnt.  133  ; Engl.  Bot.  699. 

Lichen  Hecloe,  FI.  Dan.  470. 

Parmelia  gelida,  Achar.  Meth.  188. 

Lecanora  gelida,  Achar.  Lich.  428. 

On  rocks. 

Thalloid  wart  in  the  centre  very  singular,  it  probably 
should  form  a separate  genus. 

8.  Placodium  dispersum.  Dispersed  placodium. 

Crust  dispersed,  granulated,  unequal,  nearly  grey,  some- 
times very  small ; apothecia  scattered ; centre  flattish,  pale 
brown-grey,  and  black;  thalloid  border  raised,  thin,  cre- 

Lichen  crenulatus,  Dicks.  Crypt.  5,  9 ; Engl.  Bot.  930. 

Lichen  dispersus,  Persoonin  Ulst.Ann.  7,27. 

Parmelia  dispersa,  Achar.  Meth.  169. 

Lecanora  galactina  dispersa,  Achar.  Lich.  424. 

On  walls,  stones,  and  limestone  rocks. 

XXII.  112.  RINODINA.  Acharius.  Rinodine. 

Thallus  crustaceous,  flat,  expanded,  adnate,  uniform ; 
apothecia  saucershape,  thick,  adnate,  sessile ; proligerous 
Jlake  forming  the  centre,  plano-convex,  coloured,  covering 
the  apothecium  above;  inside  cellular,  streaked;  thalloid 
border  rather  thick,  colour  of  the  thallus,  nearly  free. 

PI.  cell,  aph.  4.  CENOTHALAMEZE.  112.  Rinod.  449 
a.  Apothecia  naked , black. 

1.  Rinodina  atra.  Black  rinodine. 

Crust  indeterminately  formed,  cracked,  granular,  warty, 

greyish  white ; apothecia  flat  in  the  centre,  afterwards 
slightly  swollen,  black ; thalloid  border  raised,  free,  at  length 
bent  and  crenulated. 

Lichenoides  crustaceum  et  leprosum,  scutellis  nigricantibus  majoribus 
etminoribus,  Dillen  Muse.  133. 

Lichen  tephromelas,  Ehrh.  Crypt . 

Lichen  ater,  Hudson  FI.  Angl.  530 ; Engl.  Bot.  949. 

Parmelia  atra,  Achar.  Meth.  154. 

Lecanora  atra,  Achar.  Lich.  344. 

On  stones,  rocks,  and  the  bark  of  trees. 

Thallus  sometimes  whiter,  sometimes  greyer;  apothecia 
either  very  crowded,  flat  and  then  convex  with  the  border 
not  cut ; or  varying  in  size,  with  the  border  crenate  and 

2.  Rinodina  oculata.  Eyed  rinodine . 

Crust  bald,  nippled,  branchbearing,  black ; apothecia 

sessile,  scattered,  some  slightly  podicelled;  centre  rather 
concave,  black,  their  proper  edge  at  length  bent ; thalloid 
border  swollen. 

Lichen  dactylinus,  Wahl.  Lapp.  414. 

Lichen  oculatus,  Dicks.  Crypt.  Brit.  2,  17. 

Isidium  oculatum,  Achar.  Meth.  140  ; Lich.  576. 

Forming  a crust  on  alpine  mosses. 

3.  Rinodina  coarctata.  Contracted  rinodine. 

Crust  diffuse,  thin,  cracked,  slightly  wrinkled,  unequal, 

greyish;  apothecia  black,  centre  sunk,  then  raised,  flat; 
thalloid  border  raised,  bent  in,  irregular,  contracted,  pow- 

Lichen  coarctatus,  Engl.  Bot.  534. 

Parmelia  coarclata,  Achar.  Meth.  Lich.  158. 

Parmelia  elacista,  Achar.  Meth.  Lich.  159. 

Lecanora  coarctata,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  352. 

Oh  stones  and  brick  walls, 

4.  Rinodina  periclea.  Shielded  rinodine . 

Crust  thin,  nearly  leprous  and  dispersed,  whitish ; apo- 

thecia  plano-convex  in  the  centre,  black,  transparent,  rough; 
thalloid  border  at  the  base,  very  small,  powdery,  becoming 

VOL.  I.  2 G 

450  112.  Rinod.  4.  CENOTHALAMEjE.  Pl.cell.aph, 

Verrucaria  abietina  pilularis,  Iloffm.  Germ.  193. 

Pannelia  periclea,  Achar.  Meth.  Lich.  156. 

Lecanora  periclea,  Achar.  Lich.  Univ.  355. 

Lichen  pericleus,  Achar.  Prod.  78  ; Engl.  Bot.  1850. 

Lichen  abietinus,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  166. 

On  the  bark  of  fir-trees,  and  on  old  posts  or  palings. 

5.  Rinodina  exigua.  Diminutive  rinodine. 

Crust  unequal,  dark,  blackish  grey;  apothecia  very  small, 

aggregate,  flat,  afterwards  slightly  convex ; thalloid  border 
white,  crenulate,  growing  brownish  and  disappearing. 

Lichen  exiguus,  Achar.  Prodr.  69;  Engl.  Bot.  1849. 

Pannelia  exigua,  Achar.  Meth.  154. 

Lecanora  periclea  exigua,  Achar.  Lich.  356. 

On  old  timber-work,  and  on  the  bark  of  oak-trees. 

6.  Rinodina  privigna.  Starved  rinodine. 

Crust  dispersed,  pitch-black;  apothecia  flattish,  centre 

grows  nippled ; thalloid  border  raised,  very  slightly  cut. 

Lichen  simplex,  Davies. 

Lecidea  privigna,  Achar.  Meth.  149. 

Lecanora  milvina  privigna,  Achar.  Lich.  359. 

On  sand-stone  rocks. 

b.  Apothecia  naked , black , when  moistened  brown . 

7.  Lecanora  sophodes . Grave  rinodine . 

Crust  rather  determinately  formed,  warty  granular,  grey, 

greenish  brown ; apothecia  aggregated ; centre  flat,  at 
length  convex,  black,  when  moistened  brown ; thalloid 
border  swollen,  slightly  bent,  not  in  the  least  cut. 

Lichen  sophodes,  Achar.  Prod.  67 ; Engl.  Bot.  1791. 

Parmelia  sophodes,  Achar.  Meth.  155. 

Lecanora  sophodes,  Achar.  Lich.  556. 

On  the  bark  of  trees,  rotten  wood  and  mosses. 

c.  Apothecia  naked , centre  blacky  brown  or  brownish . 


8.  Rinodina  badia.  Bay  rinodine . 

Crust  spreading,  unequal  and  rather  scaly,  warty,  olive 
larown,  bald ; apothecia  pressed  close ; centre  flat  at  length 
slightly  convex,  brownish  black,  rather  shining;  thalloid 
lorder  persisting. 

Pl.cell.aph.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  112.Rinod.  451 

Lichen  fuscatus,  Schrad.  Germ.  83. 

Lichen  piceus,  Dicks.  Crypt.  Brit.  4,  12. 

Lichen  bad i us,  Achar.  Prodr.  67. 

Verrucaria  badia,  Hoffm.  Germ.  182. 

Lecidea  picina,  Achar.  Meth.  51. 

Parmelia  squamulosa  amaura,  Achar.  Meth.  182. 

Parmelia  fuscata,  Achar.  Meth.  189. 

Lecanora  badia  fuscata,  Achar.  Lich.  407. 

Lecanora  badia  amaura,  Achar.  Lich.  408. 

On  stones  and  rocks  almost  everywhere. 

9.  Rinodina  vent  os  a.  Blown-up  rinodine . 

Crust  cracked  in  beds,  rather  pale;  beds  convex,  plaited, 

warted ; apothecia  pressed  close,  at  length  irregular ; centre 
flat,  swelling,  brownish  red ; thalloid  border  thin,  not  cut, 
lower  than  the  centre. 

Lichenoides  tartareum  lividum,  scutellis  rufis;  margine  exili,  Dillen 
Muse.  133. 

Lichen  ventosus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1607. 

Lichen  gelidus,  Hudson  Ft.  Angl.  528. 

Lichen  flavescens,  Jacq.  Misc . 2,  79. 

Lichen  cruentus,  Weber  Goett.  1. 

Lichen  scopulorum.  Ft.  Dan.  712. 

Verrucaria  ventosa,  Hoffm.  Lich.  27. 

Parmelia  ventosa,  Achar.  Meth.  166. 

Lecanora  ventosa,  Achar.  Lich.  399. 

On  stones  and  rocks. 

10.  Rinodina  frustulos a.  Broken  rinodine. 

Crust  tartarlike,  much  cracked,  variegated  black  and 

white;  apothecia  flat,  pale  brown;  thalloid  border  white, 
growing  convex,  blackish  brown. 

Lichen  frustulosus,  Dickson  Crypt.  Br.  3,  13  ; Engl.  Bot.  2273. 

Parmelia  frustulosa,  Achar.  Meth.  172. 

Lecanora  frustulosa,  Achar.  Lich.  405. 

On  rocks. 

11.  Rinodina  effusa . Spread  rinodine. 

Crust  spread,  thin,  rather  powdery,  grey , brassy;  apo- 

ihecia  small,  pressed  close,  centre  flat  afterwards  convex, 
pale  reddish  brown;  thalloid  border  thin,  soon  disappearing. 

Lichen  salignus,  Schrad.  Germ.  84. 

Lichen  effusus,  Persoon. 

Verrucaria  effusa,  H<ffm.  Germ.  174. 

Parmelia  effusa,  Achar.  Meth.  174. 

Lecauora  effusa,  Achar.  Lich.  386. 

On  the  hollow  trunks  of  willows. 


452  112.  Rinod.  4.  CENOTHALAMErE.  Pl.cell.oph . 

12.  Rinodina  varia.  Variable  rinodine. 

Crust  unequal,  granulated,  rather  warty,  pale  greenish ; 

apothecia  crowded ; centre  flat,  pale,  brownish  and  varie- 
gated; thailoid  border  raised,  rather  bent  in,  afterwards 
bent,  slightly  crenulate. 

Lichen  varius,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  7, 68 ; Engl.  Bot.  1666. 

Verrucaria  varia,  Hoffm.  Germ.  196. 

Parmelia  varia,  A char.  Meth.  178. 

Lecanora  varia,  Achar.  Lich.  377. 

On  planks,  palings,  and  wooden  buildings. 

1 3.  Rinodina  apochroea.  Different-coloured  rinodine. 
Crust  scarcely  any ; apothecia  thickly  scattered  in  a very 

thin  coat,  smooth,  sea-green  white,  naked,  frequently  with 
soredia,  centre  flattish,  pale,  yellow,  livid  brown  or  black; 
thailoid  border  thin,  rather  crenulate,  pale  yellowish,  even 
with  the  centre. 

Parmelia  sulphureo-nigricans,  Florke  in  Berl.  Mag.  1809,  197. 

Spiloma  vitiligo,  Achar.  Lich.  138. 

Spiloma  sorediatum,  Achar.  Lich.  139. 

Parmelia  eerina  ravida,  Achar.  Meth.  175. 

Lecanora  varia,  Achar.  Lich.  378. 

On  timber- work. 

14.  Rinodina  rubricosa.  Ruddle  rinodine . 

Crust  cracked  in  beds,  slightly  granular,  whitish ; apo- 

tkecia  with  the  centre  flat,  rust-colour,  afterwards  brown ; 
thailoid  border  white  or  yellowish,  at  last  bent. 

Lichen  csesio-rufus,-  Schrad,  Germ.  80;  Engl.  Bot.  1040. 

Palellaria  arenaria  ? Hoffm.  Lich.  58,  1. 

Lichen  arenarius,  Dickson  Crypt.  Brit.  4,  23. 

Parmelia  eraspedia,  Achar.  Meth.  172. 

Lecanora  eraspedia,  Achar.  Lich.  391. 

Lecanora  rubricosa,  Achar.  Lich.  386, 

On  stones  and  roeks,  especially  sandstone. 

d.  Apothecia  always  hoary ; cenire  greyish  black , sea-green^ 
or  variously  coloured. 

1 5.  Rinodina  tuberculosa.  Tubercular  rinodine. 

Crust  greyish  green,  granulated  with  nearly  globular 

warts,  circumference  fibrous,  radiated;  apothecia  inter- 
mixed; centre  rather  concave,  at  last  flat,  sea-green  black, 
hoary;  thailoid  border  raised,  thick. 

Lichen  tuberculosus,  Engl.  Bot.  1733. 

Lecanora  (Rinodina)  tuberculosa,  Achar.  Syn.  164. 

On  flint  stones. 

PL  cell.  aph.  4.  CENOTHALAME.ZE.  112.  Rinod.  453 

16.  Rinodina  glaucoma.  Wall-eyed  rinodine . 

Crust  tartarlike,  cracked  in  beds,  even,  greyish  white ; 

apothecia  sunk  in  the  crust;  centre  flat,  afterwards  convex 
nearly  globular,  sea-green,  hoary,  at  length  becomes  naked 
and  black;  thalloid  border  not  in  the  least  cut,  and  when 
old  disappears. 

Lichen  rupicola,  Lin.  Slant.  182. 

Lichen  composite,  Wither.  Bot.  Arr.  4,  14. 

Lichen  glaucoma,  Engl . Bot.  2156. 

Lichen  varians,  Davies  in  Lin.  Trans.  2,  18. 

Lichen  albido  cresius,  Schrad.  Germ.  87. 

Lichen  sordid  us,  Persoon  in  lister  Ann.  7,26. 

Urc Solaria  tessulata  composita,  Achar.  Meth.  143. 

Parmelia  glaucoma,  Achar.  Meth.  161,  except  var.  /3. 

Lecanora  glaucoma,  Achar.  Lich.  562,  except  var.  ft. 

On  whinstone  and  other  rocks. 

17.  Rinodina  lutescens.  Yellowish  rinodine. 

Crust  spreading,  thin,  membranaceous,  warty,  pale, 

sprinkled  over  with  a pale  yellowish  green  powder;  apo - 
thecia  scattered;  centre  plano-convex,  slightly  bordered, 
hoary,  upon  a flesh-colour,  reddish  yellow  or  grey  ground; 
thalloid  border  bent. 

Verrucaria  lutescens,  Hoffni.  Germ.  195. 

Parmelia  lutescens,  Florkc,  Bert.  Slag.  1807. 

Lecanora  elatina,  Achar.  Lich.  387. 

Lecanora  lutescens,  Achar.  Lich.  367. 

On  the  bark  of  fir  and  other  trees. 

18.  Rinodina  albella.  Whiting  rinodine . 

Crust  thin,  cartilaginous,  smooth,  milky  white ; apothecia 

scattered  ; centre  slightly  concave,  pale  flesh-colour,  after- 
wards convex,  grey,  hoary;  thalloid  border  swollen,  not  in 
the  least  cut. 

Lichen  albellus,  Persoon  in  Ust.  Ann.  11,  18;  Engl.  Bot.  2154. 
Verrucaria  umbilicata,  Hoffni.  Germ.  171. 

Parmelia  albella,  Achar.  Meth.  163. 

Lecanora  albella,  Achar.  Lich.  36 9. 

On  the  smooth  bark  of  young  trees. 

e.  Apothecia  with  the  centre  slightly  flesh-colour , pale 5 
pearly , yellowish,  wax-colour  or  inclining  to  orange. 

3 9.  Rinodina  parella.  Archel  rinodine. 

Crust  cracked,  plaited,  warty,  very  white;  apothecia 
thick,  crowded,  mis-shapen  by  squeezing ; centre  slightly 
concave;  thalloid  border  turgid,  not  cut,  nearly  the  same 
colour  as  the  centre. 

454  112.  Rinod.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  PLcell.aph . 

Lichenoides  crustaceum  et  leprosum,  scutellare,  cinereum,  Raii  Syn. 
70,  42. 

Lichen  Parellus,  Lin.  Mant.  132  ; Engl.  Dot.  727. 

Verrucaria  parella,  Hoffm.  Germ.  169. 

Parmelia  parella,  Achar.  Meth.  164. 

Lecanora  parella,  Achar.  Lich.  370. 

Orchal.  Perelle.  French  Rock-moss. 

Thallus  used  in  dyeing,  giving  every  tinge  of  purple  and 

20.  Lichen  Upsaliensis.  Upsal  rinodine . 

Crust  extremely  thin,  membranaceous,  even,  greenish. 

white;  centre  of  the  regular  apothecia  growing  dilated, 
flat,  pale  yellowish. 

Lichen  Upsaliensis,  Lin.  S.  P.  1609;  Engl.  Bot.  1634. 

Lichen  parellus  Upsaliensis,  Wahlenh.  Lapp.  403. 

Psora  Upsaliensis,  Hoffm.  Germ.  168. 

Lecanora  parella  Upsaliensis,  Achar.  Meth.  165  : Lich.  371. 

On  the  ground,  and  encrusting  mosses. 

21.  Rinodina  Turneri.  Turner's  rinodine . 

Crust  leprous,  granular,  powdery,  white,  greenish  grey ; 

apothecia  scattered,  thick,  powdery ; centre  slightly  con- 
cave, pale  flesh-coloured ; thalloid  border  swollen,  not  cut, 
bent  inwards. 

Lichen  Turneri,  Engl.  Bot.  857. 

Parmelia  Turneri,  Achar.  Meth.  165. 

Lecanora  Turneri,  Achar. Lich.  373. 

On  the  bark  of  old  oak  and  other  trees. 

22.  Rinodina  cam eo-lutea.  Yellow- flesh-colour  rinodine . 

Crust  thin,  smooth,  grey-white;  apothecia  at  first  con- 
cealed in  the  crust;  centre  flat,  yellowish  flesh-colour; 
thalloid  border  thin,  slightly  bent  in,  crenated. 

Parmelia  carneo-lutea,  Turner  in  Lin.  Tr.  9,  145. 

Lichen  carneo-luteus,  Engl.  Bot.  2010. 

Lecanora  carneo-lutea,  Achar.  Lich.  374. 

On  the  bark  of  trees. 

‘23.  Rinodina  conizea . Cone-tree  rinodine. 

Crust  leprous,  powdery,  pale  grey;  apothecia  sessile, 
centre  flat,  afterwards  convex,  pale  brownish;  thalloid  bor- 
der swelling,  raised,  powdery,  at  length  nearly  obliterated. 
Lichen  expallens  conizea,  Achar.  Lich.  574. 

On  the  bark  of  fir-trees,  and  on  oak  timber. 

PL  cell,  apk.  4.  CENOTHALAME.E.  112.  Rinod.  455 

24.  Rinodina  lari  area.  Tartar  rinodine . 

Crust  tartarlike,  granular,  glomerated,  greyish  white, 

apotkecia  scattered ; centre  flat  but  very  slightly  convex, 
wrinkled,  pale  pearly;  thalloid  border  bent  in,  afterwards 

Lichenoides  crustaceum  et  leprosum,  acetabilis  majoribus  luteis,  limbis 
argenteis,  Dillen  in  Rnii  Syn.  71,  46. 

Lichen  tartareus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1603  ; Engl.  Hot,  156. 

Lichen  saxorum,  FI.  Dan.  710. 

Verrucaria  tartarea,  IJoffm.  Germ.  173. 

Parmelia  tartarea,  Achar.  Meth.  165. 

Lecanora  tartarea,  Achar.  Lich.  371. 

Cuthbert.  Cudbear. 

On  rocks. 

Thallus  collected  for  the  dyers,  the  rocks  being  scraped 
once  in  five  years ; when  prepared  by  grinding  and  the 
addition  of  ammonia  and  alum  used  to  dye  woollen  yarn, 
or  give  a bloom  to  other  colours. 

25.  Rinodina  grandinosa . Hailstone  rinodine . 

Crust  cartilaginous,  warty  granular;  warts  rather  glo- 
bular, bald;  apotkecia  with  the  centre  concave,  smooth, 
yellowish  flesh-colour. 

Lecanora  tartarea  grandinosa,  Achar.  Lich.  372. 

On  the  stems  of  broom. 

26.  Rinodina  frigida.  Cold  rinodine* 

Crust  tartarlike,  granular,  glomerate,  greenish  white* 

forming  nipples  and  thornlike  branches;  apotkecia  scat- 
tered; centre  slightly  convex,  wrinkled,  pale  pearl-colour  ; 
thalloid  border  bent  in,  at  length  wrinkled. 

Lichen  frigidus,  Swartz  Meth.  Muse.  3d;  Engl.  Bot.  1879. 

Lichen  tartareus  frigidus,  Wahlen.  Lapp.  403. 

Lecanora  tartarea  frigida,  Aehar.  Lich.  472. 

Incrusting  mosses,  on  the  highest  mountains,  near  the 
line  of  perpetual  snow. 

27.  Rinodina  Stonei.  Slone’s  rinodine * 

Crust  leprous,  tartarlike,  granulated,  powdery,  dirty 

whitish ; apotkecia  scattered,  centre  wax-colour,  half-con- 
cealed, afterwards  dilated,  rather  convex ; thadoid  border 
nearly  covering  the  centre  of  the  apothecium,  powdery* 
bent  in. 

Lichen  haematomma,  Ehrh.  Beytr.  2,  157  ; Engl.  Bot.  486. 

Lecidea  Stonei,  Achar.  Meth.  65. 

Lecanora  Stonei,  Achar.  Lich.  373. 

On  brick  walls  and  the  bark  of  trees. 

456  1 12.  Rinod.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  Pl.cell.aph . 

28.  Kinodina  cerina.  Wax-colour  rinodine . 

Crtts/  slightly  granular,  grey;  apothecia  flat  in  the  cen- 
tre, then  convex,  wax-yellow;  thalloid  border  raised,  bent 
In,  hoary  white,  at  Length  black. 

Lichen  cerinus,  Dickson  Crypt.  3,  14  ; Engl.  But.  627. 

Verrucavia  cerina,  Iloffm.  Germ.  179. 

Parmelia  cerina,  Achar.  Meth.  175. 

Lecanora  cerina,  Achar.  Lich.  390. 

On  the  bark  of  trees  and  palings. 

29.  Kinodina  stillicidioram.  Icicle  tinodine. 

Crust  granulated  rathery  powdery,  greyish  white,  green- 
ish ; apothecia  with  the  centre  slightly  concave,  wax-yel- 
low; thalloid  border  bent  in,  rather  crenated,  powdery. 

Lichen  varius,  Dicks.  Crypt. 

Lichen  stillicidiorum,  FI.  Dan.  1063. 

Lichen  cerinus  stillicidiorum,  Wahlen.  Lapp.  404. 

Verrucaria  stiliicidiorum,  Iloffm.  Germ.  179. 

Lecanora  cerina  stillicidiorum,  Achar.  Meth.  176 ; Lich.  390. 

On  the  ground,  and  overlaying  rotten  mosses. 

SO.  Kinodina  salicina.  Willow  rinodine. 

Crust  granulated,  unequal,  dirty  yellowish ; apothecia 
with  the  centre  flat,  afterwards  convex,  slightly  orange- 
colour;  thalloid  border  thin,  slightly  crenulated,  at  length 
even,  bent. 

Lichen  salieinus,  Schrad.  Germ.  82;  Engl.  Bot.  1305. 

Verrucaria  salicina,  Hoffm.  Germ.  197. 

Pannelia  salicina,  Achar.  Meth.  173. 

Lecanora  salicina,  Achar.  Lich.  400. 

On  the  bark  of  willow  and  other  trees. 

Thallus  when  moist  smells  strongly  of  saffron. 

j3.  microthelia . Crust  bald,  plaited,  warted,  nipply  yel- 
lowish ; nipples  nearly  globular  ending  in  apothecia. 

31.  Kinodina  erythrella.  K eddish  rinodine. 

Crust  cracked  in  beds,  rather  wrinkled,  yellowish  slightly 
greenish ; apothecia  at  length  nearly  globular,  orange-red, 
shining;  thalloid  border  not  in  the  least  cut,  at  last  lost 
under  the  increased  centre  of  the  apothecia. 

Lichen  flavoviresGens,  Wulf.  inJacq.  Coll.  2,  25. 

Verrucaria  viridi-rufa,  Hoffm.  Germ.  179. 

Lichen  erythrellus,  Achar.  Prod.  43  ; Engl.  Bot.  1993. 

Parmelia  erythrella,  Achar.  Meth.  174. 

Lecanora  erythrella,  Achar.  Lich,  401. 

On  walls. 

PL  cell.  aph.  4.  CENOT  HAL  A M E /E.  112.  Rinod.  4*57 

f.  Apothecia  with  the  centre  red , scarlet,  or  purple  and 
blood- colour. 

32.  Rinodina  rubra.  Red  rinodine. 

Crust  nearly  membranaceous,  smooth,  becoming  unequal, 

granulated,  powdery,  white;  apothecia  crowded,  centre 
concave,  red;  thalloid  border  swollen,  bent  in,  crenulated. 
Lichen  ulmi,  Swartz  in  N.  Act.  Upsal.  4,  247  ; Engl.  Hot.  2218. 
Verrucaria  rubra,  Hoffm.  Germ.  175. 

Parraelia  rubra,  A char.  Met  It . 170. 

Lecanora  rubra,  Achar.  Lick.  389. 

On  the  bark  of  trees,  and  running  over  mosses. 

33.  Rinodina  licemaiomma.  Blood-spotted  rinodine. 

Crust  tartarlike,  glebose,  in  beds,  powdery,  brimstone- 

colour;  apothecia  innate,  scattered  and  confluent;  centre 
very  red,  slightly  bordered,  rather  convex ; thalloid  border 
powdery,  nearly  over-run. 

Lichen  coccineus,  Persoon  in  Ust.  Ann.  11,  17. 

Verrucaria  hasmatomma,  Hoffm.  Germ.  198. 

Verrucaria  frondosa,  Hoffm.  Germ.  199. 

Lecidea  haematomma,  Achar.  Meth.  63. 

Lecanora  haematomma,  Achar.  Licit.  388. 

On  stones,  and  the  trunks  of  oaks. 

34.  Rinodina  porphyria.  Scarlet  rinodine . 

Crust  tartarlike,  rather  solid,  granular,  powdery,  white 

and  pale ; apothecia  sessile ; centre  flat,  deep  blood-red ; 
thalloid  border  raised,  thick,  wrinkled,  crenulate,  remaining. 

Lichen  coccineus,  Diclcson  Crypt.  1,8. 

Lichen  Vahlii,  FI.  Dan.  1185. 

Lichen  porphyrius,  Persoon  in  Uster  Ann.  11,  17. 

Lichen  haematomma,  Wahlenh.  Lapp.  406. 

Verrucaria  porphyria,  Hoffm.  Germ.  199. 

Lecanora  haematomma  porphyria,  Achar.  Meth.  65 ; Licit.  389. 

On  stones  and  the  bark  of  oak-trees. 

XXIII.  113.  URCEOLARIA.  Acharius.  Pitcher-moss. 

Thallus  crustaceous,  flat,  expanded,  adnate,  uniform ; 
apothecia  bucklershape ; proligerous  Jiake  concave,  coloured, 
immersed  in  the  crust,  inside  streaked,  cellular;  thalloid 
edge  same  colour,  sessile,  raised. 

1 . Urseolaria  Acharii.  Acharius^  pitcher-moss. 

Crust  slightly  regular,  smooth,  very  thin,  cracked,  pale 
pearl-colour ; proligerous  flake  red  ; thalloid  border  swollen. 

458  113.  Urceol.  4.  CENOTHALAMEJE.  Pl.cell.aph . 

Lichen  Acharii,  Wahlenb.  Lapp.  405  ; Engl.  Bot.  1087. 

Lichen  lacustris,  Wither.  Bot.  Arr.  4,  21. 

Urceolaria  Acharii,  Achar.  Meth.  150;  Lich . 331. 

On  stones  inundated  in  winter. 

Thallus  varies  in  colour,  red,  yellowish,  or  rust-colour; 
apolkecia  flattish  in  the  centre,  rising  up  when  old. 

2.  Urceolaria  cyrtaspis . Short-shielded  pitcher-moss . 

Crust  regular,  smooth,  very  thin,  cracked  in  beds,  red- 
dish, at  last  whitish  ; apothecia  becoming  elevated  ; centre 
slightly  convex,  reddish  brown ; thalloid  border  even  with 
the  centre. 

Lichen  punctatus,  Ft.  Dan.  46S,  2 ; Engl.  Bot . 450. 

Lichen  Acharii  cyrtaspis,  Walden.  Lapp.  405. 

Urceolaria  Acharii  cyrtaspis,  Achar.  Meth,  151. 

Lecanora  cyrtaspis,  Achar.  Lich.  597. 

On  stones. 

Thallus  with  a black  border. 

3.  Urceolaria  diamarla.  Rusty  pitcher-moss . 

Crust  nearly  regular,  cracked  in  beds,  slightly  wartlike, 

red  ochre-colour ; proligerous  flake  rather  concave,  black ; 
thalloid  border  raised,  at  last  bent. 

Lichen  Sinopicus,  Engl.  Bot.  1776. 

Lichen  diamartus,  Walden.  Lapp.  414. 

Urceolaria  diamarta,  Achar.  Meth.  151  ; Lich.  331. 

On  rocks  and  stones. 

Confounded  with  endocarpon  Sinopicum. 

4.  Urceolaria  gibbosa . Bunched  pitcher-moss . 

Crust  nipply  warted,  smooth,  whitish,  slightly  greyish ; 

proligerous  flake  sunk  in  the  tip  of  the  warts,  rather  con- 
cave, black;  thalloid  border  contracted,  protuberant,  crenate. 
Urceolaria  gibbosa,  Achar.  Meth.  144  ; Lich.  334. 

On  stones  and  mountains. 

Warts  conoid,  bald ; border  of  the  apothecia  rather  sharp, 
afterwards  thicker,  wrinkled. 

(3 .fimbriata.  Thallus  black,  radiated,  fringed,  covered 

with  grey  warts. 

Lichen  fibrosus,  Engl.  Bot.  1732. 

Urceolaria  fimbriata,  Achar.  Meth.  145. 

Urceolaria  gibbosa  fimbriata,  Achar.  Lich.  335. 

5.  Urceolaria  cinerea.  Grey  pitcher-moss . 

Crust  cracked  in  wartlike  beds,  grey,  divided  by  black; 

proligerous  flake  immersed  in  the  warts,  slightly  concave, 
black,  afterwards  elevated ; thalloid  border  prominent,  ra- 
ther thick,  not  divided. 

Pl.cell.aph.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  113.  Urceol.  459 

Lichen  cinereus,  Lin.  Mant.  132  ; Engl.  Bot.  1751,  not  820. 

Verrucaria  ocellata,  Hoffm.  Germ.  183. 

Urceolaria  ocellata,  Florke  in  Berl.  Mag.  1810,  317. 

Urceolaria  cinerea,  Achar.  Meth.  143  ; Lich.  336. 

On  stones  and  mountains. 

Thallus  sometimes  white,  sometimes  smoke-grey;  beds 
flat  or  convex ; apothecia  few,  or  very  numerous,  when  old 
elevated,  sometimes  with  a very  small  border. 

6.  Urceolaria  scruposa.  Rugged  pitcher-moss. 

Crust  wrinkled,  plaited,  granulated,  greyish  white;  pro- 

ligerous  flake  pitchershape,  black ; thalloid  border  swollen, 
bent  in,  rather  wrinkled,  drawn  over  the  centre. 

Lichenoides  crustaceum  et  leprosum,  scutellis  nigricantibus  majoribus 
et  minoribus,  var.  /S,  Dillen  Muse.  133.' 

Lichen  scruposus,  Schreb.  Germ.  1 133  ; Engl.  Bot.  266. 

Lichen  excavatus,  Relhan  Cant.  426.. 

Patellaria  scruposa,  Hoffm.  Germ.  186. 

Urceolaria  scruposa,  Achar.  Meth.  147  ; Lich.  338. 

On  the  ground,  and  on  stones  and  rocks. 

Proligerous  flake  has  a border  of  its  own. 

7.  Urceolaria  calcarea.  Calcareous  pitcher-moss. 

Crust  determinately  figured,  very  thin,  rather  cracked, 

slightly  powdery,  very  white,  at  last  greyish  ; proligerous 
flake  minute,  rather  concave,  black,  with  a little  hoary 
whiteness ; thalloid  border  slightly  prominent,  discoid,  thin, 
at  length  separate,  not  cut. 

Lichen  calcareus,  Lin.  Syst.  Nat.  ed.  12,  2,  709. 

Verrucaria  contorta,  Hoffm.  Germ.  186. 

Urceolaria  contorta  nivea,  Florke  in  Berl.  Mag.  1810. 

Urceolaria  cinerea,  FI.  Dan.  1432. 

Urceolaria  calcarea,  Achar.  Meth.  142  ; Lich.  340. 

Thallus  very  variable;  proligerous  flake  with  a border  of 
its  own. 

8.  Urceolaria  Hoff manni.  Hoffmann' s pitcher-moss. 

Crust  thin,  cracked  in  beds,  smooth,  dirty  greyish ; fer- 
tile beds  raised  in  the  middle,  lead-white ; proligerous  flake 
slightly  concave,  black,  with  a greyish  hoar ; thalloid  border 
wrinkled,  powdery,  whiter. 

Lichen  rupicola,  Hoffm.  Lich.  1, 97. 

Urceolaria  contorta,  Fiorke  in  Berl.  Mag.  1810. 

Urceolaria  Hoffmanni,  Achar.  Meth.  145  ; Lich.  353. 

On  stones  and  rocks  of  different  kinds. 

460  113.  Urceol.  4.CENOTHALAME.ZE.  PL  cell,  ap/u 

9.  Urceolaria  tessellata.  Chequered  pitcher-moss. 

Crust  divided  into  very  crowded  beds,  flattened,  running 
together,  at  last  cracked  in  chequers,  rather  bald,  greyish 
white,  those  in  the  middle  fertile;  proliferous  flake  rather 
loose,  black,  with  a greyish  hoar;  thalloid  border  raised, 
angular,  whitish. 

Lichen  tesselatus,  Engl.  Bot.  533. 

Verrucaria  tessellata,  Hoff  lit ; Germ.  185. 

Urceolaria  contorta  tessellata,  F/orke  in  Berl.  Mag. 

Urceolaria  tessulata,  Achar.  Meth.  142. 

Urceolaria  cinerea  tessulata,  Achar . Lich,  337. 

On  rocks  and  brick  walls. 

XXIV.  114.  LEPIDOMA.  Acharius.  Lepidome, 

Thallus  crustaceous,  expanded,  adnate,  figured,  leaflike, 
towlike ; apothecia  saucerlike,  sessile,  entirely  covered  with 
a cartilaginous  membrane,  including  a similar,  rather  solid 
parenchyme,  centre  even,  bordered. 

1.  Lepidoma  candidum.  White  lepidome. 

Crust  nearly  tiledlike,  white,  hoary  ; lobes  crenate,  com- 
plicated, turned  back,  swollen  ; apothecia  pressed  close, 
black,  greenish  hoaiy;  edge  at  length  waved. 

Psora  Candida,  Hoffm.  Germ.  164. 

Lichen  candidus,  Weber  Germ.  193  ; Engl.  Bot.  1138. 

Lecidea  Candida,  Achar.  Meth.  79  ; Lich.  212. 

On  rocks  and  rotten  mosses. 

2.  Lepidoma  vesicular e.  Bladdery  lepidome. 

Crust  nearly  tiledlike,  brown-black,  with  a slightish  grey 

hoariness ; lobes  not  cut,  folded,  reverse-ovate,  bullate ; 
apothecia  black,  naked ; at  last  hemispherical,  not  bor- 

Lichen  caeruleo-nigricans,  Light f.  Scot.  805;  Engl.  Bot.  1139. 

Lichen  versicularis,  Achar.  Prod.  94. 

Lichen  paradoxus,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  206 
Patellaria  vesicularis,  Hoffm.  Lich.  32,  3. 

Psora  vesicularis,  Hoffm.  Germ.  163. 

Psora  paradoxa,  Hoffm.  Germ.  163. 

Lichen  graniformis,  Ehrh.  Crypt. 

Lecidea  paradoxa,  Achar.  Meth.  82;  Lich.  214. 

Lecidea  vesicularis,  Achar.  Meth.  78  ; Lich.  212. 

On  the  ground  ii-i  mountainous  places. 

3.  Lepidoma  luridum.  Lurid  lepidome . 

Crust  tiledlike,  greenish  brown ; lobes  round,  crenate, 

paler  underneath ; apothecia  flat,  at  last  slightly  convex, 

PI,  cell, aph.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  114.  Lepid.  461 

Lichenoides  pulmonarius  saxatilis  vi  rid  is,  foliis  vix  conspicuis  squama- 
tim  sibi  incumbentibus,  receptaculis  florum  nigris,  Dill.  Muse.  228. 

Lichen  luridus,  Achar . Prod.  95;  Engl.  Bot.  1329. 

Lecidea  lurida,  Achar.  Meth.  77  ; Lich.  213. 

On  rocks. 

4.  Lepidoma  atrorufum.  Reddish  Hack  lepidome. 

Crust  nearly  of  one  piece,  lobed  in  beds  and  tiledlike, 

dark  brownish  grey ; lobes  at  last  bent,  deeply  crenate  ; 
apolhecia  pressed  close,  with  scarce  any  border,  flattish,  at 
length  running  into  one  another,  blackish  brown. 

Lichen  luridus,  Vahl.Fl.Dan. 

Lichen  atrorufus,  Dickson  Crypt.  4,22;  Engl.  Bot.  1102. 

Lecidea  atrorufa,  Achar.  Meth.  74  ; Lich.  200. 

On  rotten  mosses  on  the  ground. 

5.  Lepidoma  testaceum.  Pearly  lepidome. 

Crust  nearly  tiledlike,  greyish ; lobes  thick,  crenate 

turned  back ; apothecia  marginal,  convex,  red. 

Lichen  saxifragus,  Smith  Lin.  Tr.  2. 

Psora  testacea,  Hoffni.  Germ.  162. 

Lecidea  testacea,  Achar.  Meth.  80. 

Lecanora  testacea,  Achar.  Lich.  409. 

On  stones,  and  limestone-rocks. 

6.  Lepidoma  scalar e.  Step  lepidome. 

Crust  nearly  tiledlike,  pale  fawn-colour;  lobes  slightly 

distinct,  kidneyshape,  rather  erect,  powder  beneath  and  on 
the  edge ; apothecia  flat,  bordered,  greenish  black. 

Lichen  leucophaeus,  Dicks.  Crypt.  2,  20. 

Psora  ostreata,  Hoffm.  Germ.  163. 

Lichen  scalaris,  Achar.  N.  Act.  Stockh.  16. 

Lecidea  scalaris,  Achar.  Meth.  78 : Lich.  214. 

On  the  bark  of  old  sapless  pines  and  juniper-trees,  and 
on  the  slight  coating  of  earth  on  rocks. 

7.  Lepidoma  rubiformis.  Raspberry  lepidome. 

Crust  nearly  tiledlike,  lobes  rounded,  crenate,  brownish 

livid,  underneath  white;  apothecia  hemispherical,  conglo- 
merate, dark  brown,  not  bordered. 

Basomyces  rubiformis,  Achar.  Meth.  324. 

Lichen  rubiformis,  Engl.  Bot.  2112. 

Cenomyce  rubiformis,  Achar.  Lich.  5£6. 

Lecidea  rubiformis,  Wahlemb.  Lapp.  479. 

On  turfy  earth. 

462  114.Lepid.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  Pl.cell.aph. 

8.  Lepidoma  decipiens.  Deceiving  lepidome . 

Crust  nearly  tiledlike;  lobes  separate,  slightly  shieldlike, 

roundish,  flesh -colour  and  brownish,  underneath  wnitish  ; 
apothecia  marginal,  convex,  nearly  globular,  black,  hardly 

Psora  decipiens,  Iloffm.  Germ.  162. 

Lichen  decipiens,  Ehrh.  Crypt. ; Engl.  Bot.  870. 

Lichen  incarnatus,  Thunb.  Cap.  176. 

Lichen  sleliatus,  Relhan  Cant.  430. 

Lecidea  incnrnata,  Achar.  Meth.  58;  Lich.  199. 

Lecidea  decipens,  Achar.  Meth.  80. 

On  the  ground  upon  limestone-rocks. 

9.  Lepidoma  glebulosum.  Clodded  lepidome* 

Crust  tiledlike,  greenish  white;  lobes  small,  rounded, 

convex ; apothecia  convex,  brown-red,  at  least  blackish ; 
edge  thin,  not  cut. 

Lecidea  testacea,  Winch  Guide , 2,42. 

Lichen  glebulosus,  Engl.  Bot.  1955. 

Lecidea  pholidiota,  Achar.  Syn.  Lich.  53. 

On  quartz-rocks. 

10.  Lepidoma  iriplophyllum . Jagged-leaf  lepidome. 

Thallus  greyish  fawn  ; lobes  near  the  centre  pressed 

close,  flattish,  irregularly  jagged ; afterwards  rising  up  in 
cylindrical  branches,  coral-like,  very  much  crowded;  apo - 
t/iecia  convex,  brownish  red. 

Lichen  microphyllus,  Schrad.  Germ.  97  ; Engl.  Bot.  2128. 

Lecidea  microphylla  coraliinoides,  Achar.  Meth.  76. 

Lecidea  thriptophylla,  Achar.  Lich.  215. 

On  old  bark  of  trees. 

1 1 . Lepidoma  canescens.  Grey  lepidome. 
Crust  round,  wrinkled,  folded,  white ; circumference 

lobed,  plaited ; apothecia  central,  plano-convex,  black. 

Lichenoides  cinereum,  mere  crustaceum,  eleganter  expansura,  Dilhn  in 
Raii  Syn.  71,  47. 

Lichen  canescens,  Dicks.  Crypt.  1,  10;  Engl.  Bot.  582. 

Lichen  incanus,  Relhan  Cant.  424. 

Lecidea  canescens,  Achar.  Meth . 84;  Lich.  216. 

On  walls  and  trunks  of  trees. 

XXV.  115.  LECIDEA.  Acharius.  Lecidea. 

Thallus  variable,  crustaceous,  expanded,  adnate,  uni- 
form,  towlike ; apothecia  shieldshape,  sessile,  entirely  covered 
with  a cartilaginous  membrane,  including  an  uniform* 
nearly  solid  parenchyme ; centre  even,  bordered. 

Pl.celLaph.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  11 5.  Lecidea.  463 
a.  Apolhecia  always  Hack , naked. 

1.  Lecidea  atro-alba . lecidea. 

Crust  spreading,  very  thin,  cracked,  black ; beds  tuber- 
cular, whitish ; apothecia  plano-convexish,  black ; inside 
of  the  same  colour. 

Lichen  atro-albus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1607  ; Engl  hot.  2336. 

Verrucaria  atro-alba,  Hoffm.  Germ.  182. 

Lecidea  atro-alba,  Achar.  Meth.  45;  Lich.  162. 

On  stones. 

Thallus  sometimes  fringed  on  the  edge. 

2.  Lecidea  fusco-atra.  Brown-black  lecidea. 

Crust  very  thin,  black ; beds  chestnut,  flat,  bordered, 

shining ; apothecia  slightly  convex,  black,  bordered  ; inter- 
nally whitish. 

Lichen  fusco-ater,  Lin.  S.  P.  1607. 

Lichen  dendriticus,  Achar.  Prod.  77  ; Engl.  Bot.  1734. 

Yerrucaria  fusco-ater,  Hoffm.  Germ.  181. 

Psora  dendritica,  Hoffm,  Germ.  168. 

Lecidea  fusco-atra,  Achar.  Meth.  44. 

Lecanora  fusco-atra,  Achar.  Lich.  359. 

On  stones  and  exposed  mountains. 

Thallus  sometimes  fringed,  black. 

3.  Lecidea  fumosa.  Smoky  lecidea . 

Crust  rather  cartilaginous,  cracked  in  beds,  smooth,  grey, 

brownish ; apothecia  sunk  in  the  crust,  flat,  bordered,  after- 
wards convex  and  conglomerated,  not  bordered,  black  ; in- 
side blackish  grey. 

Lichen  arthroocarpus,  Achar.  Prod.  77  ; Engl.  Bot.  3829. 

Lichen  gibbosus,  Dicks.  Crypt.  2,  6. 

Verrucaria  fumosa,  Hoffm.  Germ.  190. 

Lecida  cecumena,  Achar.  Meth.  42  ; Lich.  157. 

Lecidea  fumosa,  Achar.  Lich.  157. 

On  stones,  and  dry,  exposed  rocks. 

4.  Lecidea  petrcea.  Rock  lecidea. 

Crust  thin,  round,  very  finely  cracked,  nearly  powdery, 

white;  apothecia  innate  in  the  crust,  thick,  protuberant, 
nearly  concentric,  black;  inside  same  colour ; centre  sunk 
in,  edge  swollen,  raised,  rather  squeezed  up. 

Lichen  cor.centricus,  Davies  Lin.  Tr.  2,  284  ; Engl.  Bot.  246. 

Lichen  petraeus,  Wulf.  inJacq.  Coll.  3,  116. 

Verrucaria  petraea,  Hoffm.  Germ.  184. 

Lecidaea  petraea,  Achar.  Meth.  37  ; Lich.  155. 

On  stones  and  rocks. 

464  115.  Lecidea.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  PL  cell.  aph. 

5.  Lecidea  conjluens.  Confluent  lecidea . 

Crust  tartarlike,  rather  spreading,  cracked  in  beds,  even, 

smoke-grey;  apotliecia  sessile,  growing  irregular,  convex, 
nearly  globular,  confluent,  black,  not  bordered;  inside  the 
same  colour,  with  a thin,  grey  bed  under  the  centre. 

Lichen  confluens,  Weber  Germ.  130;  Engl.  But . 1964. 

Yerrucaria  confluens,  Hojfm,  Germ.  184. 

Lecidea  confluens,  Acliar.  Metk.  40 ; Lick.  174,  except  8. 

On  stones  and  rocks. 

Phallus  sometimes  0 ; sometimes  coloured  ochre  yellow. 

6.  Lecidea  limitata . Bordered  lecidea . 

Crust  thin,  rather  membranaceous,  white,  greyish,  bor- 
dered with  black,  grows  spreading,  slightly  granular ; apo- 
thecia  flattish,  sessile,  bordered,  black;  inside  blackish. 

Lichenoides  leprosum,  crusta  cinereo-virescente,  tuberculis  nigerrimis, 
Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  71,52. 

Lichen  sanguinarius,  Ligktf.  Scot.  803,  not  of  Linnaeus. 

Lichen  parasernns,  Ackar.  Prod.  64;  Engl.  Bot.  1450. 

Lichen  limitatus,  Scopoli.  Corn. 

Lecidea  parasema,  Ackar.  Metk.  35  ; Lick.  175,  except  /3. 

On  the  bark  of  trees,  and  on  timber- work. 

7.  Lecidea  aromatica.  Spicy  lecidea . 

Crust  rather  cartilaginous,  scaly,  granular,  greyish,  glau- 
cous; granules  flattish,  frequently  rather  tiledlike,  crenate; 
apothecia  sessile,  plano-concave,  bordered,  growing  bent, 
aggregated,  black;  inside  solid,  similarly  coloured. 

Lecidea  aromatica,  Turner  in  Linn.  Tr.  5,2. 

Lichen  aromaticus,  Engl.  Bot.  1777. 

On  concreted  sandy  earth,  or  old  flint  walls. 

Thallus  when  rubbed  emits  a highly  powerful  and  fra- 
grant scent. 

8.  Lecidea  sanguinaria . Bloody  lecidea * 

Crust  wrinkly  warted,  whitish  grey ; apothecia  growing- 

convex,  hemispheric,  slightly  tubercular,  black;  inside 
homy,  black,  with  a lower  blood-coloured  stratum. 

Lichen  sanguinarius,  I An.  S.  P.  1607  ; Engl.  Bot.  155. 

Yerrucaria  sanguinaria,  Hoffm.  Germ.  194. 

Lecidea  sanguinaria,  Ackar.  Metk.  59;  Lick.  170. 

On  timber,  dry  branches,  and  rocks. 

9.  Lecidea  geochroa.  Earth-colour  lecidea . 

Crust  spread,  granulated,  slightly  coherent,  whitish,  grey 

or  brownish  grey ; apothecia  hemispherical,  nearly  globu- 
lar, often  crowded,  conglomerated,  slightly  shining. 

Pl.cell.aph.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  115.Lecidea.  465 

Lichen  muscorum,  Lin.  Meth.  Muse.  36;  Engl.  Bot.  626. 

Lecidea  muscorum  geochroa,  Achar.  Lich.  179. 

Lecidea  sabuletorum  syncomista,  Florke  in  Berl.  Mag.  1808,  309. 

On  verdant  and  healthy  tufts  of  mosses. 

10.  Lecidea  miscella.  Mixed  lecidea . 

Crust  tartarlike,  broken,  cracked;  beds  wartlike,  bald, 

wrinkled,  cracked,  greyish ; apolhecia.  deeply  sunk,  convex, 
aggregated,  conglomerated,  very  slightly  bordered,  black; 
inside  similar. 

Lichen  miscellus,  A char.  Prod.  62;  Engl.  Bot.  1831. 

Lecidea  misceUa,  Aehar.  Meth.  62;  Lich.  167. 

L'chen  escharoides  ? Ehrh.  Crypt.  313  ; Engl.  Bot.  1247. 

On  rocks  and  turfy  ground. 

1 1 . Lecidea  atro-virens.  Greenish-hlack  lecidea . 

Crust  spread,  thin,  black;  beds  flattish,  nearly  contigu- 
ous, deep  yellow;  apothecia  plano-concave,  black;  inside 
the  same  colour. 

Lichen  afrovirens,  Lin.  S.  P.  1607. 

Yerrucaria  atrovirens,  Hoffm.  Germ.  200. 

Lecidea  atro virens,  Achar.  Meth.  45  ; Lich.  163. 

On  rocks  and  stones. 

/3.  geographica.  Beds  yellowish,  flat,  angular,  half  co- 
vering a blackish  underlayer,  intersected  with  black  lines, 
and  with  a black  border. 

Lichenoides  nigroflavum,  tabulae  geographicae  instar  pictum,  DilL 
Muse.  126. 

Lichen  geographicus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1607  ; Engl.  Bot.  245. 

Verrucaria  geographica,  Hoffm.  Germ.  199. 

Lecidea  atrovirens  geographicus,  Achar.  Meth.  46;  Lich.  163. 

12.  Lecidea  silacea.  Ochre  lecidea * 

Crust  tartarlike,  winding,  warted,  very  red;  apothecia 

sessile,  flat,  growing  convex,  difform,  confluent,  black; 
inside  horny,  black. 

Lichen  silaceus,  Achar.  Prod.  66;  Engl.  Bot.  1118. 

Yerrucaria  silacea,  Hoffm.  Germ.  187. 

Lichen  Oederi,  Weber  Germ.  182. 

Lecidea  silacea,  Achar.  Meth.  48;  Lich.  164. 

On  rocks. 

13.  Lecidea  Oederi . Oeder's  lecidea . 

Crust  bedded,  granular,  slightly  powdery,  ochry  rust- 

colour;  apothecia  minute,  raised;  edge  swollen,  centre 
depressed,  powdery,  black ; inside  similarly  coloured. 

VOL.  i.  2 H 

466  1 IS.  Lecidea.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  Pl.ceU.aph. 

Lichen  leprosus  ruber,  tuhercnlis  nigris,  Oeder  in  FI.  Dan.  470. 

Lichen  Oederi,  Achar.  Prod.  68;  Engl.  Bot.  1117. 

Lichen  csesius  ? Dicks.  Crypt.  2,  19. 

Lichen  Dicksoni,  Wither.  Bot.Arr . 4,20. 

Lecidea  Oederi,  Achar.  Meth.  49. 

Lecidea  Dicksonii,  Achar.  Lich.  165. 

On  stones. 

14.  Lecidea  flavicunda . Yellow-stained  lecidea. 

Crust  very  thin,  cracked,  pale-yellowish  ochry,  beds  flat ; 

apolhecia  half  sunk  in  the  thallus,  flat,  scattered,  black, 
slightly  hoary,  inside  black,  with  a transparent  horny  stra- 
tum under  the  centre. 

Lichen  csesius?  Dicks.  Crypt.  2,  19. 

Lecidea  flavicunda,  Achar.  Lich.  166. 

On  rocks. 

15.  Lecidea  alba.  While  lecidea . 

Crust  indeterminate,  membranaceous,  rather  cracked,, 

whitish,  sprinkled  over  with  a grey  or  greenish  white  con- 
glomerated powder;  apothecia^ .minute,  pressed  close,  flat, 

Byssus  candidissima  calcis  instar  muscos  vestiens,  Dillen  Muse.  2. 
Byssus  lactea,  Lin.  S.  P.  1639. 

Lidien  lacteus,  Schreber  Spic. 

Lichen  albus,  Achar.  Prod.  7. 

Lepraria  alba,  Achar.  Meth.  3 ; Engl.  Bot.  1349. 

Lecidea  alba,  Achar.  Lich.  185. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees. 

16.  Lecidea  citrinella.  Citron-yellow  lecidea . 

Crust  leprous,  gi  anularly  powdery,  greenish  yellow ; 

apolhecia  sessile,  bordered  becoming  convex,  black ; inside 
similarly  coloured. 

Lichen  citrinellus,  Achar.  Prod.  64. 

Lichen  flavo-virescens,  Dicks.  Crypt.  3,  13. 

Lecidea  citrinella,  Achar.  Meth.  47. 

On  rotten  mosses,  and  the  cracks  in  walls. 

17.  Lecidea  scabrosa . Rough  lecidea . 

Crust  in  warty  clots,  powdery,  yellowish  grey ; apolhecia 

convex,  rough. 

Lichen  flavo-virescens,  Dickson  Crypt.  3,  13. 

Lecidea  scabrosa,  Achar.  Meth.  48. 

Lecidea  citrinella  jS,  Achar.  Lich.  ISO. 

On  naked  gravelly  soils. 

PI.  cell.  aph.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  115.  Lecidea.  46? 

18.  Lecidea  uliginosa.  Bog  lecidea . 

Crust  granulated,  rather  gelatinous,  brownish  green; 

apothecia  pressed  close,  bordered,  at  last  hemispherical, 
crowrded,  black  ; inside  similarly  coloured. 

Lichen  uliginosus,  Schrader  Spicil.  88  ; Eng!.  Bot.  1466. 

Lichen  huinosus,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  135. 

Verrucaria  uliginosa,  Hoffm.  Germ.  190. 

Verrucaria  humosimilis,  Hoffm.  Germ.  190. 

Lecidea  uliginosa,  Achar.  Meth.  43;  Lick.  180. 

On  the  ground  in  turfy,  boggy  places. 

b.  Apothecia  hlack,  naked,  when  moistened  reddish  or 

19.  Lecidea  immersa.  Sunk  lecidea . 

Crust  spreading,  thiri,  scarcely  lobed,  whitish  ; apothecia 

plano-concave,  sunk  even  into  the  stone,  bordered,  black ; 
centre  rather  hoary,  when  moistened  very  dark  blood-red, 
at  last  slightly  convex,  inside  whitish. 

Lichen  immersus,  Schrad.  Spicil.  1 ; Engl.  Bot.  193. 

Lichen  calcivorus,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  244. 

Verrucaria  atrosanguinea,  Hoffm.  Germ.  192. 

Verrucaria  immersa  ? Hoffm.  Lich.  12. 

Lecidea  immersa,  Achar.  Meth.  34  ; Lich.  153. 

On  limestone. 

Thallus  almost  as  hard  as  the  stone  itself,  although  per- 
fectly distinct;  apothecia  fall  out  in  time,  leaving  their  ca» 
vities  in  the  thallus,  which  is  very  permanent. 

20.  Lecidea  rivulosa.  Rivulet  lecidea . 

Crust  cracked  in  beds,  brownish  grey  divided  by  black 

lines;  apothecia  sessile,  flat,  growing  convex,  bordered,  ir- 
regular, black;  inside  whitish;  when  moistened  brown. 

Lecidea  rivulosa,  Achar.  Meth.  38. 

Lichen  rivulosus,  Engl.  Bot.  1737. 

Lecanora  falsaria  rivulosa,  Achar.  Lich.  350. 

On  quartz  rocks. 

Thallus  when  moistened  umber-brown ; apothecia  when 
moistened  brown  in  the  centre,  border  keeps  its  own  co- 
lour; small  apothecia  are  scattered  amongst  the  others. 

c.  Apothecia  black,  greenish,  grey , hoary. 

21.  Lecidea  albo-ccerulescens.  Bluish-white  lecidea . 

Crust  tartarlike,  contiguous,  even,  when  old  cracked, 

whitish;  apothecia  sessile  and  elevated,  flat,  black,  with  a 
bluish  bloom ; border  free,  bent,  naked,  black. 

2 h 2 

468  115.  Lecidea.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  Pl.cell.aph 

Lichen  pruinosus,  Achur.  Prod.  77  ; Engl.  Bot.  2244. 

Lichen  pruinatus,  Dickson  Crypt.  3,  15. 

Verrucaria  albo  coerulescens,  Hoffm.  Germ.  189. 

Lecidea  pruinosa,  Achar.  Meth.  55. 

Lecidea  albo-caerulescens,  Achar.  Lich.  188. 

On  rocks  and  stones. 

Thalius  varies  according  to  the  age  of  the  plant,  cracked, 
smooth,  powdery,  or  even  0 ; and  in  colour  white,  grey  or 

22.  Lecidea  ahietina.  Fir  lecidea . 

Crust  spreading,  very  thin,  smooth,  greenish  grey;  apo- 

ihecia  nearly  sessile,  flat,  black,  grey  hoary;  edge  raised, 

Lichen  abietinus,  Achar.  Prod.  57  ; Engl.  Bot.  1682. 

Lecidea  abietina,  Achar.  Lich.  188. 

On  the  bark  of  fir-trees,  and  the  dead  wood. 

23.  Lecidea  speirea.  Veiled  lecidea . 

Crust  tartarlike,  not  broken,  very  white;  apothecia  sessile, 

thick,  black  with  a white  hoariness,  bordered,  afterwards 
convex,  naked,  frequently  surrounded  with  a thalloid  base 
inside  black  with  a greyish  bed  under  the  centre. 

Verrucaria  calcarea  ? Hoffm.  Germ.  135. 

Lichen  rimosus,  Dickson  Crypt.  1,  12;  Engl.  Bet.  1736. 

Lichen  speireus  ? Engl.  Bot.  1542. 

Lecidea  ainylacea  speirea,  Wahlenh.  Lapp.  476. 

Lecidea  speirea,  Achar.  Meth.  52  ; Lich.  184,  exci.  var.  /3. 

On  stones  and  rocks. 

24.  Lecidea  margaritacea.  Pearly  lecidea. 

Crust  tartarlike,  not  broken,  whitish  green  marked  with 

black ; apothecia  minute,  sunk  then  rising  up,  sessile,  thick, 
with  a white  hoariness,  inside  black;  border  swollen. 
Lecidea  margaritacea,  Achar.  Lich.  135. 

On  rocks. 

25.  Lecidea  epipolia . Wall  lecidea. 

Crust  tartarlike,  spread  regularly,  cracked  in  beds, 

white;  beds  swollen,  rough;  apothecia  sessile,  hemispheri- 
cal, greyish  hoary;  inside  black,  edge  of  the  base  thin, 

Lichen  niveo-ater,  Dickson  Crypt.  4. 

Lichen  epipolius,  Engl.  Bot.  1137. 

Lecidea  epipolia,  Achar.  Meth.  65;  Lich.  186. 

On  walls  and  stones. 

Pl.cell.oph.  4.  CENOTHALAME^E.  115.  Lecidea.  469 

26'.  Lecidea  corticola.  Bark  leeidea . 

Owif  rather  tartarlike,  granularly  bedded,  rough,  very 
white;  apothecia  small,  slightly  sunk,  grey  hoary,  growing 
globular,  not  bordered,  naked,  black;  inside  greyish. 

Lichen  corticola,  Achar.  Prod.  57  ; Engl.  Bot.  1892. 

Lichen  albo-ater,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  176. 

Lichen  aroylaceus,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  3 03. 

Yerrucaria  albo-atra,  Hoffm  Germ.  193. 

Lecidea  corticola,  Achar.  Meth.  53  ; Licit.  IS6. 

On  the  bark  and  trunks  of  trees. 

d.  apothecia  brown-black , brownish , or  inclining  to  brown.  ~ 

27.  Lecidea  Lightfmtii.  Light  foods  lecidea . 

Crust  rather  spreading,  granulated,  greenish  grey;  cipo- 

thecici  pressed  close,  flat,  brown  black,  inside  dirty  white; 
edges  thin,  winding,  paler  than  the  center. 

Lichen  Lightfootii,  Engl  Bot.  1451. 

Lecidea  Lightfootii,  Achar.  Licit.  177. 

On  the  bark  of  birch  trees. 

28.  Lecidea  fiscal  a.  Embrowned  lecidea , 

Crust  leprous,  rather  powdery,  blackish  brown ; apothecia 

bordered,  dark  red,  when  old  blackish. 

Lichen  fuscatus,  Lamarck  Encycl. 

Lecidea  obscura,  Achar.  Meth.  75. 

Lecidea  fuscata,  Achar.  Licit.  211. 

On  stones. 

29.  Lecidea  quernea.  Oak  lecidea » 

Crust  leprous,  granular  powdery,  pale  yellowish  brown; 

apothecia  rather  sunk,  afterwards  convex,  not  bordered, 
brown  and  black. 

Lichen  querneus,  Dickson  Crypt.  1,9;  Engl . Bot.  485. 

Lecidea  quernea,  Achar.  Meth.  62  ; Licit.  202. 

On  the  clefts  of  the  bark  of  old  oaks,  and  on  other  lichens* 

80.  Lecidea  viriclescens.  Greenish  lecidea * 

Crust  thin,  granulated  floury,  coppery  green ; apothecia 
convex,  wrinkled,  irregular,  confluent,  brown-black. 

Lichen  viridescens,  Schrad.  Germ.  1 , 88  ; Engl.  Bot.  2217. 

Lecidea  viridescens,  Achar.  Meth.  62;  Licit.  200. 

Lecidea  hypnophyla,  Winch  2,  37. 

On  ruins,  and  decayed  mosses. 

470  115.  Lecidea.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  PI.cell.aph. 

31.  Lecidea  incana.  Silver-grey  lecidea . 

Crust  spreading,  leprous  floury,  soft,  uneven  light  green- 
ish grey;  apothecia  scattered,  sessile,  brownish;  border 
not  cut,  paler. 

Byssus  pulverulenta  incana,  farinas  instar  strata,  Dillcn  in  Raii  Sun. 
56,  2. 

Byssus  incana,  Lin.  S.  P.  1639. 

Lichen  incanus,  Achar.  Prod.  7 ; Engl.  Rot.  1683. 

Pulveraria  incana,  Ftorkein  Berl.  Mag.  1807,7. 

Lepraria  incana,  Achar.  Meth.  4 ; Licit.  665. 

On  the  bark  of  trees,  on  mosses  and  the  ground. 

32.  Lecidea  vernalis . Springtide  lecidea. 

Crust  very  thin,  greenish  white;  apothecia  slightly  bor- 
dered, afterwards  nearly  globular,  crowded,  conglomerated, 
rusty  flesh- colour. 

Lichen  vernalis,  Lin.  Syst.  Nat.  ed.  12,  3,  234  ; Engl.  Rot.  845. 

Lecidea  vernalis,  Achar.  Meth.  68;  Licit.  198,  excl.  var.  /8. 

On  mosses,  which  it  encrusts. 

33.  Lecidea  sulphur ea.  Brimstone  lecidea. 

Crust  tartarlike,  cracked,  broken,  uneven,  smooth,  pale 

brimstone-colour;  apothecia  adnate,  flat,  scarcely  bordered, 
brown  and  hoary,  paler  in  the  circumference,  grow  irre- 
gular and  convex. 

Lichen  sulphureus,  Achar.  Prod.  58;  Engl.  Rot.  1186. 

Verrucaria  sulphurea,  Hoffm.  Germ.  196. 

Lecidea  sulphurea,  Wahlenb.  Lapp.  477. 

Parmelia  sulphurea,  Achar.  Meth.  159. 

Lecanora  sulphurea,  Achar.  Licit.  399. 

On  rocks  and  stones. 

34.  Lecidea  orosthea.  Mountain  lecidea . 

Crust  cracked  in  beds,  uneven,  rather  powdery,  brim- 
stone yellow;  apothecia  small,  sessile,  slightly  convex,  not 
bordered,  nearly  the  same  colour,  grow  hemispherical,  pale 
brownish,  paler  towards  the  bottom. 

Lichen  orostheus,  Achar.  Prod.  38  ; Engl.  Rot.  1549. 

Lecidea  orosthea,  Achar.  Meth.  72. 

Lecanora  orosthea,  Achar.  Licit.  400. 

On  rocks. 

35.  Lecidea  decolor ans.  Bleached  lecidea . 

Crust  granular,  greyish  white,  granules  falling  into  pow- 
der; apothecia  flattish,  vermillion-red,  flesh-grey,  livid  and 
brown,  border  raised,  paler,  grows  bent. 

PL  cell  aph,  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  115.  Lecidea.  471 

Lichen  muscorum,  Weber  Spic.  183. 

Variolaria  tenella,  Achar.  Lich.  326,  the  crust  only. 

Verrucaria  decoJorans,  Hoffm.  Germ.  177. 

Lecanora  minutula,  Achar.  Lich.  385. 

Lecanora  granulosa,  Achar.  Lich . 384. 

Lecidea  jungei  manniae,  Achar.  Melh.  7. 

Lecidea  granulosa,  Achar.  Lich.  65. 

Lecidea  decolorans,  Florke  in  Berl.  Mag.  1809, 193. 

On  rotten  moss  and  wood,  and  on  the  ground. 

36.  Lecidea  granulosa.  Granular  lecidea . 

Crust  solid,  granular,  rather  nipply;  apothecia  grow  he- 
mispherical, wrinkled,  blackish  brown  and  black,  con- 

Lichen  quadricolor,  Dickson  Crypt.  3,  15;  Engl.  Bot.  1185. 

Lichen  escharoides,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  313;  Engl.  Bot.  1247. 

Lichen  granulosus,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  145;  Dicks,  Cr.? 

Verrucaria  escharoides,  Hoffm.  Germ.  194. 

Verrucaria  granulosa,  Hoffm.  Lich.  2,21. 

Lecidea  granulosa,  Achar.  Meth.  67. 

Lecanora  granulosa  aporetiea,  Achar.  Lich . 384. 

Lecidea  desertorum,  Achar.  Lich.  168. 

Lecidea  escharoides,  Achar.  Lich.  167. 

On  the  ground,  in  heathy  sandy  places. 

37.  Lecidea  anomala.  Anomalous  lecidea. 

Crust  rather  cartilaginous,  cracked,  smoothish,  grows 

uneven,  wartlike,  greyish  white;  apolhecia  pale  flesh-colour, 
brown  and  black,  flattish  afterwards  convex;  border  paler 
and  at  length  disappears. 

Lichen  tricolor,  Withering  Bot.  Arr.  4,  20. 

Lichen  ferruginosus,  Turner  in  Lin.  Tr.  7. 

Lecidea  hamadryus,  Achar.  Lich.  672. 

Lecanora  anomala  ferruginosa,  Achar.  Lich.  381. 

Lecanora  anomala  tenebricosa,  Achar.  Lich.  382. 

On  the  bark  and  trunk  of  trees. 

Tkallus  very  variable,  and  still  more  the  apothecia. 

38.  Lecidea  cyrlella.  Convex  lecidea . 

Crust  thin,  nearly  membranaceous,  smooth,  whitish ; 

apothecia  crowded,  small,  convex  and  nearly  globular,  pale 
brown,  afterwards  blackish  brown ; edge  when  young 
thin,  whitish,  similarly  coloured  or  disappearing. 

Lecidea  cyrlella,  Achar.  Meth.  67. 

Lichen  cyrtellus,  Engl.  Bot.  2155. 

Lecanora  anomala  cyrtella,  Achar.  Lich.  382. 

On  the  bark  of  trees. 

472  115.  Lecidea.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  Pl.cell.aph. 

39.  Lecidea  rupestris.  Rock  lecidea. 

Crust  thin,  tartarlike,  not  broken,  greyish  white ; apo- 

thecia  sunk,  flat,  bordered,  when  old  convex,  border  some- 
times disappearing,  bald,  brownish  red,  inside  the  same 


Lichen  rupestris,  Scopoli  Cam.  1372. 

Lichen  calvus,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,  18 ; Engl.  Bot.  918. 

"Verrucaria  rufescens  ? Hojfm.  Germ.  173. 

Lecidea  rupestris  cal vo,  Achar.  Meth.  70. 

Lecidea  rupestris,  Achar.  Lich.  206,  exc.  var.  j8. 

On  rocks,  especially  lime-stone. 

40.  Lecidea  luteola.  Yellowish  lecidea. 

Crust  thin,  whitish,  granules  nearly  globular,  pale  be- 
coming dirty  grey ; apothecia  sessile  afterwards  convex, 
brownish  yellow. 

Lichen  vernalis,  Hnffm.  Lich.  5,  1 ; Engl.  Bot.  845. 

Lichen  luteolus,  Schrad.  Germ.  85. 

Lichen  porriginosus,  Turner  in  Linn.  Trans.  7,94. 

Lichen  rubelius,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  14,  136. 

Verrucaria  rubella,  Hojfm.  Germ.  174. 

Verrucaria  vernalis,  Ilojfm.  Germ.  175. 

Lecidea  luteola,  Achar.  Meth.  60;  Lich.  195,  a,  /3,  y,  8,  e,  excluding 

On  the  bark  of  trees. 

41.  Lecidea  carneola.  Flesh-red  lecidea. 

Crust,  thin,  membranaceous,  grey,  at  length  granular, 

nearly  powdery;  apothecia  sessile,  concave,  thick,  swollen, 
brownish  flesh-colour,  border  similarly  coloured,  when  old 

Lichen  corneus,  Withering  Bot.Arr.  4,20;  Engl.  Bot.  965. 

Lecidea  cornea,  Achar.  Meth.  56. 

Lecidea  carneola,  Achar.  Lich.  194. 

On  the  scaly  bark  of  trees. 

42.  Lecidea  arcenlina . Whitish  lecidea. 

Crust  very  thin,  naked,  whitish  ; apothecia  flattish,  slightly 

bordered,  purplish  wax-colour,  brown  and  black. 

Lichen  Griffithsii,  Engl  Bot.  17 35. 

Lichen  corneus,  Withering  Bot.  Arr.  4,  20. 

Lecidea  luteola  3-  and  <,  Achar'.  Lich.  197. 

On  oak-trees. 

43.  Lecidea  fusco-lutea.  Yellow-brown  lecidea. 

Crust  spread,  very  thin,  membranaceous,  whitish  and 

grey,  rather  shining,  slightly  granular;  apothecia  super- 
ficial, flat,  brownish  yellow,  growing  reddish  brown ; edge 
paler,  raised,  at  length  bent. 

PL  cell.  aph.  4.  CENOTH  ALAME/E.  115.  Lecidea.  473 

Lichen  fusco-luteus,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,  18;  Engl.  Hot.  1007. 

Patellaria  fusco-Iutea,  Hoffm.  Lich.  8,  10. 

Parmelia  fusco-Iutea,  AcUar.  Lich.  180. 

Lecidea  cinaereo-fusca  juugermannise,  Achar.  Licit.  208. 

Lecidea  fusco-Iutea,  A char.  Lich.  198. 

On  decayed  mosses. 

Thallus  envelopes  the  mosses  so  completely  as  to  appear 

44.  Lecidea  ccesio-rufa.  Reddish- prey  lecidea. 

Crust  cracked  in  beds,  wrinkled,  greenish  grey;  apo- 
thecia flat,  rusty  red,  edge  at  last  crenated,  grows  convex, 
scarcely  bordered,  reddish  black. 

Lichen  femigineus,  Huds.  Angl.  526. 

Lichen  crenularius,  Wither.  Bot.  Arr.  4,  23. 

Lecidea  crenulata,  Achar . Meth.  7 1. 

Lecidea  caesio  rufa,  Achar.  Meth.  71  ; Lich.  203. 

On  stones  and  mountains. 

45.  Lecidea  icmadophila.  IVe  l -loving  lecidea . 

Crust  leprous,  uneven,  slightly  granular,  green ish- white ; 

apothecia  nearly  sessile,  flat,  flesh-colour,  afterwards  bent, 
centre  wrinkled;  edge  thin,  scarcely  any. 

Lichen  ei  icetorum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1608 ; Engl.  Bot.  372. 

Lichen  aeruginosas,  Scopoli  Cam.  2,  361. 

Lichen  icmadophila,  Lin.  Suppl.  450. 

Lichen  elveloides,  Weber  Gott.  186. 

Lecidea  icmadophila  a,  /3,  y,  Achar.  Meth.  58;  a,  /?,  Lich.  191. 

On  the  ground,  on  mosses,  trunks  of  trees  and  rotten 


46.  Lecidea  marmorea . Mar  hie  lecidea . 

Crust  thin,  greyish-white ; apothecia  nearly  globular,  af- 
terwards pitchershape,  white,  centre  fiesh-colour,  edge 
swollen,  not  cut. 

Lichen  marmoreus,  Scop.  Cam.  1579;  Engl.  Bot.  739. 

Parmelia  marmorea,  Achar.  Meth.  170. 

Lecidea  marmorea,  Achar.  Lich.  192. 

On  decayed  mosses. 

47.  Lecidea  cupularis.  Cup  lecidea . 

Crust  rather  tartarlike,  scarcely  divided,  greenish-white; 

apothecia  superficial,  pitchershape,  white,  centre  pale  brick- 
red,  externally  frequently  powdery. 

Lichen  marmoreus.  Withering  Bot.  Arr.  4,  24. 

Lichen  cupularis,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,  58  ; Wither.  B.  Arr.  4,  23. 

Lecidea  cupularis,  Achar.  Meth.  56. 

Lecidea  marmorea  cupularis,  Achar . Lich.  193. 

On  slaty  and  limestone  rocks. 

474  115.Lecidea.  4.  CENOTHALAME.ZE.  Pl.cell.  aph. 

48.  Lecidea  alabastrina.  Alabaster  lecidea. 

Crust  thin,  smooth,  slightly  hoary,  rather  greenish-white; 

apolhecia  plano-convex,  not  cut,  similarly  coloured,  centre 
rosy- white. 

Lichen  albo-incarnafus,  Wulf.  inJacq.  Coll.  3,  107. 

Lichen  glabratus,  Dickson. 

Lecidea  alabastrina,  Acliar.  Lich . 190. 

On  the  bark  of  old  trees. 

49.  Lecidea  splicer  aides.  Spherical  lecidea. 

Crust  thin,  rather  powdery,  greenish  white;  apothecia 

not  bordered,  growing  nearly  globular,  conglomerate,  pale 

Lichen  sphseroides,  Dickson  Crypt.  1,9. 

Verrucaria  conglomerata,  Hoffm.Germ.  174. 

Lecidea  vernalis  sphaeroides,  Achar.  Meth.  68;  Lich.  199. 

On  the  bark  of  old  trees. 

50.  Lecidea  rosella.  Rose  lecidea . 

Crust  nearly  cartilaginous,  broken,  cracked,  frequently 

granular  and  leprous,  greenish  grey;  apothecia  plano-con- 
vex, rosy  flesh-colour,  afterwards  brownish,  edge  paler. 
Lichen  rosellus,  Persoon  in  Uster  Ann.  7,75. 

Lecidea  rosella,  Achar.  Melh.  57. 

Lecidea  alabastrina  @ and  y,  Achar.  Lich.  199. 

On  the  bark  of  old  trees. 

e.  Apolhecia  pale , yellowish,  wax-colour , and  nearly 

51.  Lecidea  melizea.  Honey-yellow  lecidea. 

Crust  thin,  white,  powdery;  apothecia  plano-concave,- 

bordered,  pale  yellow. 

Lichen  luteiis,  Dickson  Crypt.  1,11. 

Lecidea  melizea,  slchar.  Lich.  194. 

On  the  mossy  trunk  of  trees. 

52.  Lecidea  Lhrhartiana.  Ehrharl  lecidea . 

Crust  cartilaginous,  cracked,  wrinkled  plaited,  granular, 

white,  rather  greenish ; apothecia  .nearly  sessile,  flat,  after- 
wards slightly  convex,  bent,  irregular,  conglomerated,  pale 

Lichen  Ehrhartianus;  Achar . Prod.  39;  Engl.  Bot.  1136. 

Lecidea  Ehrartiana,  Achar.  Meth.  73;  Lich.  191. 

On  the  bark  and  wood  of  trees. 

PL  cell.  aph.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  115.Lecidea.  475 

53.  Lecidea  polytropa . Many-coloured  lecidea . 

Oms/  nearly  tartarlike,  cracked  in  beds ; apothecia  flat- 

tish,  lobed,  bent,  conglomerated,  growing  nearly  globular, 
not  bordered,  yellowish  flesh-colour. 

Lichen  atro-virens,  Wolf  in  Jacq.  Coll.  2. 

Verrucaria  polytropa,  Hojfm.Ge.rm.  196. 

Lichen  varius  maculiformis,  Wahlenb.  Lapp.  403. 

Lichen  polytropus,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  294  ; Engl.  Bot.  1264. 

Lecanora  varia  illusoria,  Achar.  Lick.  380. 

Lecidea  Ehrhartiana  polytropa,  Achar.  Licit.  192. 

Lecidea  polytropa,  Achar.  Meth.  72. 

54.  Lecidea  lucida.  Shining  lecidea. 

Crust  leprous,  flocky  powdery,  lemon-coloured ; apothecia 

plano-convex,  slightly  bordered,  pale  yellowish. 

Lichen  lucidus,  Achar.  Prodr.  39  ; Engl.  Bot.  1550. 

Lecidea  lucida,  Achar.  Meth.  74  ; Lich,  209. 

Lepraria  Florkeana,  Achar.  Lich.  663. 

Pulveraria  albo-flava,  Flurlce  in  Berl.  Mag.  1807,  10. 

On  stones  and  sand-stone  rocks. 

55.  Lecidea  atro-Jlava.  Black-and-yellow  lecidea. 

Crust  thin,  spread,  slightly  granular,  black ; apothecia 

small,  crowded,  flat,  yellow,  border  raised,  not  cut,  paler. 

Lecidea  atro-flava,  Turner  in  Lin.  Tr.  9,  142 : Achar.  Syn.  49. 

Lichen  atro-flavus,  Engl.  Bot.  2009. 

On  flint  stones. 

56.  Lecidea  luteo-alba.  Yellow -and- white  lecidea. 

Crust  thin,  smooth,  white;  apothecia  crowded,  growing* 

convex,  hemispherical,  bordered,  yelk-colour,  inside  white. 

Lichen  luteo-aibus,  Turner  in  Lin.  Tr.  7,92. 

Lecidea  cinereo-fusca  luteo-alba,  Achar.  Meth.  Suppl.  12. 

Lecidea  luteo-alba,  Achar.  Lich.  207. 

On  the  dead  bark  of  trees,  rarely  on  stones. 

57.  Lecidea  pyracea.  Pear  lecidea . 

Crust  greyish,  uneven,  afterwards  black  ; apothecia 

crowded,  at  last  convex,  scarcely  bordered,  yelk-vellow. 

Lichen  aurantiacus,  Lightfoot  Scot.  810. 

Verrucaria  byssina,  Hojfm.  Germ.  197. 

Verrucaria  aurantiaca,  Iloffm.  Germ.  198. 

Parmelia  cerina  pyracea,  Achar.  Meth.  176. 

Parmelia  vitellina  byssina,  Achar.  Meth.  177. 

Lecidea  luteo-alba  papyracea,  Achar.  Lich.  207. 

On  the  roofs  of  houses,  and  lime-stone  rocks. 

476  115.  Lecidea.  4.  CENOTHALAMEfE.  Pl.cell.aph. 

58.  Lecidea  aurantiaca.  Orange  lecidea . 

Crust  cartilaginous,  determinate!}^  figured,  smooth,  un- 
eveivwidely  cracked,  whitish ; apotkecia  crowded,  growing 
convex,  hemispherical,  orange-yellow ; border  thin,  paler, 
not  cut,  at  length  nearly  disappearing. 

Lecidea  aurantiaca,  Achar.  Meih.  69  ; Lich.  201. 

On  the  trunk  of  the  trembling  poplar. 

F.  Gyiiophokide^e.  Thallus  shieldlike,  free  under- 
neath; apothecia  dattish,  plaited,  bordered. 

XXVI.  1 16.  GYROPHOR A.  Acharius.  Brain-moss. 

Thallus  leaflike,  leatherlike,  cartilaginous,  shieldlike, 
one-leaved,  when  luxuriant  many-leaved,  underneath  free; 
apotkecia  nearly  saucerlike,  sessile,  adnatc,  covered  with  a 
black  cartilaginous  membrane,  including  a similar,  slightly 
solid  parenchyme ; centre  warty  or  meanderingly  plaited  in 
circles,  and  bordered. 

1.  Gyropkora  glabra.  Bald  brain-moss. 

Thallus  nearly  bald,  greenish  black,  underneath  naked, 

smooth,  very  black  ; apotkecia  grow  convex,  wrinkly 

Lichenoides  (enue  pullum,  foliis  utrinque  glabris,  Dillen  Muse,  225. 
Lichen  glaber,  Achar.  Prodr.  144. 

Lichen  anthracinus,  Jacquin  Miscell.2. 

Umbilicaria  anthracina,  Hoffm.  Germ.  111. 

Gyrophora  anthracina,  Achar.  Meth.  102. 

Gyrophora  heteroides  a and  y,  Achar.  Lich.  218. 

Gyrophora,  Achar.  Meih.  101. 

On  stones  and  mountains. 

/3.  polyphylla.  Thallus  many-leaved,  folded,  greenish- 
black,  underneath  black;  both  sides  naked,  very  smooth. 

Lichen  pulyphyllus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1618;  Engl.  Bot.  1282. 

Umbilicaria  polyphylla,  Hoffm.  Germ.  109. 

Gyromiutn  polyphyllum,  Wahlenb.  Lapp.  434. 

Gyrophora  heteroides  /5,  Achar.  Lich.  219. 

Gyrophora  glabra  polyphylla,  Achar.  Meth.  101. 

2.  Gyrophora  proboscidea.  Proboscis  brain-moss. 

Thallus  membranaceous,  wrinkled  in  network,  afterwards 

rough  scaly,  olive-grey;  underneath  smooth,  paler  slightly 
fibrilled ; apothecia  topshape,  afterwards  convex,  meander- 
ingly plaited. 

Pl.cell.aph.  4,  CENOTHALAMEtE.  I16.Gyroph.  477 

Lichen  proboscideus,  Lin.  S . F.  1617. 

Lichen  deustus,  Light/.  Sjcot.  861. 

Lichen  exasp erat us,  Gun.  Norv. 

Lichen  mesenteriformis,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  89. 

Umbilicaria  mesentcrica,  Schrad.  Germ.  103. 

Umbilicaria  eorrugaia,  Hoffm.  Germ.  112. 

Gyromium  proboscideum,  W ahlenb.  Lapp.  483. 

Gyrophora  Jacquinia,  Achar.  Meth.  104. 

Gyrophora  proboscidea  a,  (3 , and  y,  Achar.  Meth.  105  ; Lich.  220. 

Upon  rocks. 

3.  Gyrophora  arctica.  Arctic  brain-moss . 

Thallus  thick,  hard,  stiff,  with  raised  dots,  wrinkled, 

brown-olive  afterwards  blackish;  underneath  naked,  bald, 
pale  ochre-yellow,  blackish  in  the  middle : apotkecia  nearly 
globular,  very  much  wrinkled. 

Gyrophora  arctica  a and  /3,  Achar.  Meth.  106  ; Lich.  221. 

Gyromium  proboscideum  arcticum,  IV ahlenb.  Lapp.  483. 

On  alpine  rocks. 

4.  Gyrophora  cylindrica.  Cylindrical  brain-moss. 

Thallus  rather  naked,  livid  grey,  plaited  and  lobed, 

fringed;  underneath  smooth,  pale  with  branched  fibrils; 
apothecia  raised,  flattish,  circularly  and  meanderingly 

Lichen  cylind'ricus,  Lin.  Arnoen.  Acad. 

Lichen  crinitus,  Light/.  Scot.  360. 

Lichen  proboscideus,  Hedwig  Crypt.  1 ; Engl.  Hot.  522. 

Umbilicaria  crinita,  Hoffm.  Germ.  1 12. 

Gyromium  cylindricum,  IVahlenb.  Lapp.  483. 

Gyrophora  cylindrica,  Achar.  Meth.  107  ; Lich.  223. 

Upon  mountains  and  rocks. 

13.  Jimbriala.  Thallus  many-leaved,  folded  up,  lobes 
round,  underneath  fibrilled,  edge  with  very  close,  short, 
branched  fringe;  apothecia  saucershape,  nearly  plain. 

Gyrophora  cylindrica  fimbriata,  Achar.  Lich.  224. 

5.  Gyrophora  erosa.  Torn  brain-moss. 

Thallus  wrinkled,  olive-brown ; circumference  perforated, 

sivelike,  irregularly  jagged;  underneath  greyish,  bald,  ra- 
ther granular,  slightly  fibrilled ; apothecia  rather  convex, 
meanderingly  plaited.  ; 

Lichenoides  rugosum  durum  pulluin,  peltis  atris  verrucosis,  Dillen 
Muse.  220. 

Lichen  torrefactus,  Light/.  Scot.  862. 

Lichen  erosus,  Weber  Golt.  251). 

Umbilicaria  torrefacta,  Schrad.  Germ.  1,  104. 

Umbilicaria  erosa,  Hoffm.  Germ.  111. 

Gyromium  erosum,  Wahlenb.  Lapp.  482. 

Gyrophora  erosa,  Achar.  Meth.  103;  Lich.  224;  Engl.  Bot.  2086. 

478  116.  Gyroph.  4.  CENOTIiALAMEiE.  Pl.cell.aph * 
On  mountains. 

Fibrils  flat  like  shavings  of  wood. 

6.  Gyrophora  deusla.  Burnt  brain-moss. 

Thallus  rather  rough,  olive-brown,  sprinkled  with  a 

sooty  powder;  underneath  smooth,  hollow  dotted,  pitted, 
naked,  similarly  coloured ; apothecia  flat,  plaited  in  circles, 
afterwards  convex,  very  meandering. 

Lichen  flocculosus,  Wulf.  in  Jacq.  Coll.  3,99. 

Lichen  deustus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1618. 

Umbilicaria  flocculosa,  Hoffm.  Germ.  110. 

Gyrophora  deusta,  Achar.  Meth.  102;  Licit.  225;  Engl.  Bot.  2483. 

On  stones  and  rocks. 

7.  Gyrophora  pus tulata.  Blistered  brain-moss. 

Thallus  nipply,  greenish-grey;  underneath  deeply  pitted, 

smooth,  naked,  pale  brownish ; apothecia  few,  flat,  bor- 
dered; centre  rather  even,  nipply  and  plaited. 

Lichenoides  pustulosum  cinereum  et  veluti  ambnstum,  Dillen  Muse.  226. 
Lichen  pustuiatus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1617  ; Engl.  Bot.  1285. 

Lecidea  pustulata,  Achar.  Meth.  85. 

Umbilicaria  pustuiata,  Hoffm.  Germ.  111. 

Gyrophora  pustniata,  Achar.  Licit.  226. 

On  stones  and  mountains. 

8.  Gyrophora  pellita.  Fleecy  brain-moss. 

Thallus  smooth,  sinuately  lobed,  brassy-brown;  under- 
neath black,  fibrilled  and  clothlike;  apothecia  sessile,  at 
length  nearly  globular,  meanderingly  plaited. 

Lichenoides  pullum  snperne  et  glabrum,  inferne  nigrum  et  cirrhosum, 
Dillen  Muse.  226. 

Lichen  scalopodora,  Ehrlt.  Crypt. 

Lichen  pellitus,  Achar.  Prod.  149  ; Engl.  Bot.  931. 

Umbilicaria  vellea,  Hoffm.  Germ.  113. 

Gyrophora  pellita,  Achar.  Meth.  103;  Lich.  228. 

On  stones  and  rocks. 

Thallus  generally  many-ieaved,  sometimes  naked  be- 

9.  Gyrophora  murina . Mouse  brain-moss . 

Thallus  rather  stiff,  mouse- colour,  underneath  brown- 

black,  rough  with  raised  paler  spots;  apothecia  slightly 
convex,  circularly  and  meanderingly  plaited. 

Lichen  griseus,  Achar.  in  Act.  Holm.  1794,  91. 

Lichen  murinus,  Achar.  Prod.  143. 

Gyrophora  murina,  Achar.  Meth.  110  ; Lich.  251. 

On  rocks  and  mountains. 

Pl.cell.aph.  4.  CENOTHALAMEAE.  117.  Arthon.  479 

G.  Spilomide^e.  Thallus  crustlike,  flat,  adnate;  apo- 
thecia  flattisb,  irregular,  not  bordered. 

XXVII.  117.  ARTHONIA.  Acharius.  Sprinkled-moss ^ 
Thallus  crustlike,  flat,  expanded,  adnate,  uniform  ; apo- 
thecia  innate,  sessile,  roundish,  not  regular,  not  bordered, 
deep  black,  covered  with  a rather  cartilaginous  membrane ; 
parenchyme  similar,  solid. 

1.  Arthonia  Swartziana , Swartz  sprinkled-moss .. 

Crust  cartilaginous,  membranaceous,  whitish  ; apothecia 

sessile,  rather  broad,  slightly  tumid,  roundish,  turned 
back,  irregular,  confluent,  raised,  dotlike,  deep  black. 

Arthonia  Swartziana,  Achar.  in  Schrader's  Journ.  1, 3,  13  ; Engl.  Bot. 

On  the  bark  of  trees. 

2.  Arthonia  astroidea . Starred  sprinkled-moss . 

Crust  membranaceous,  white,  greenish-grey ; apothecia 

pressed  to  the  thallus,  flat,  angular,  rather  starlike,  irre- 
gular, deep  black. 

Lichen  astroites,  Achar.  Prod.  24. 

Opegrapha  radiata,  Persoon  in  TTster.  Ann.  7,  29. 

Opegrapha  astroidea,  Acliar.  Meth.  25;  Engl.  Bot.  1847. 

Arthonia  radiata  astroidea,  Achar.  Lick.  144. 

On  the  smooth  bark  of  trees. 

3.  Arthonia  ohscura . Dark  sprinkled-moss. 

Crust  membranaceous,  rather  olive-colour  ; apothecia 

small,  flat,  slightly  concave,  rather  membranaceous,  oval, 
elliptic,  and  kidneyshape,  slightly  sunk,  wrinkled,  deep 

Lichen  obscuru?,  Achar.  Prod.  20;  Engl.  Bot.  1752. 

Opegrapha  obscura,  Achar.  Meth.  22. 

Opegrapha  reniformis,  ylchar.  Beth.  23. 

Arthonia  obscura  a and  jS,  Achar.  Licit.  146. 

On  the  bark  of  trees. 

4.  Arthonia  lyncea.  Lynx  sprinkled-moss. 

Crust  thin,  rather  tartarlike,  even,  rather  cracked,  white ; 

apothecia  crowded,  flat,  slightly  sunk,  roundish  oblong  and 
bent,  black  with  a grey  hoar. 

Lichen  lynceus,  Engl.  Bot.  809. 

Lecidea  lyncea,  Achar.  Meth.  52. 

Arthonia  lyncea,  Achar.  Lich.  147. 

On  the  bark  of  old  trees. 

480  117.  Arthon.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  PL  celLaph. 

5.  Arthona  pruinosa.  Hoary  sprinkled-moss. 

Crust  thin,  rather  tartarlike,  uneven,  smooth,  cracked 
white ; apothecia  flat,  sunk,  roundish,  many-sided,  con- 
fluent, dark  brown,  with  a greenish-white  hoar. 

LiichtMi  impolitus,  Ehrh.  Crypt. ; Engl.  Bot.  981. 

Verrucaria  impoliia,  Hoffm.  Germ.  172. 

Parmelia  impoliia,  Achar.  Meth.  160. 

Arthonia  pruinosa,  Achar.  Lich.  147. 

On  the  bark  of  trees,  especially  oaks. 

XXVIII.  118.  SPILOMA.  Acharius.  ( Spotted-moss* 

Thallus  crustlike,  flat,  expanded,  adnate,  uniform ; apo- 
thecia composed  of  aggregated  corpuscules;  mass  compact, 
homogeneous,  rather  mealy,  naked,  irregular. — Differ  from 
the  nematomyceae  by  the  presence  of  the  thallus,  and  by 
having  no  flocky  threads  mingled  with  the  sporee. 

1.  Spiloma  tumidulum . Swollen  spotted-moss. 

Crust  rather  cartilaginous,  whitish ; apothecia  crowded, 

swollen,  oblong,  irregular,  rough,  reddish  afterwards  black- 
ish-brown and  slightly  hoary. 

Sphaeria  gregaria,  Dicks.  Crypt.  1, 22. 

Arthonia  tumidula,  Achar.  in. ad.  Journ.  1,3,  11. 

Spiloma  fallax,  Achar.  Meth.  10. 

Spiloma  tumidulum  u and  /3,  Achar.  Lich.  136. 

On  the  bark  of  trees. 

2.  Spiloma  versicolor.  Changeable  spotted-moss . 

Crust  rather  cartilaginous,  powdery,  cracked , greyish 

and  yellow;  apothecia  sunk,  superficial,  roundish,  fiat,  af- 
terwards rather  convex,  confluent,  rough,  deep  black. 

Arthonia  versicolor,  Achar.  in  Schrad.  Journ.  1,39. 

Spiloma  versicolor,  Achar.  Lich.  138  ; Engl.  Bot.  2073. 

On  the  bark  of  trees. 

|3.  variolosum.  Crust  leprous,  powdery,  greyish,  rather 
warty ; apothecia  hemispherical,  crowded,  rather  confluent, 
deep  black. 

Spiloma  variolosum,  Engl.  Bot.  2077. 

Spiloma  versicolor  variolosum,  Achar.  Lich.  138. 

3.  Spiloma  tricolor.  Three-colour  spotted-moss . 

Crust  rather  tartarlike,  cracked,  powdery,  white;  apo- 
thecia roundish,  convex,  aggregated,  confluent,  red,  when 
rubbed  yellowish  rust-colour. 

Spiloma  tuberculosum,  Engl.  Bot.  2556. 

Spiloma  tricolor,  Achar.  Lich.  137. 

On  stones  and  the  trunks  of  trees. 

PI.  cell.  aph.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  118.  Spiloma.  481 

4.  Spiloma  microclonium.  Fine-branched  spotted-moss. 

Crust  very  thin,  greenish  ; apothecia  bursting  forth,  small, 

convex,  crowded  and  confluent,  slightly  branched,  deep 

Spiloma  microclonium,  Achar.  Meth.  Suppl.  5 ; Engl.  Bot.  2150. 

On  old  wood. 

5.  Spiloma  microscopicum.  Microscopic  spotted-moss . 

Crust  spreading,  very  thin,  membranaceous,  greyish ; 

apothecia  very  minute,  dotlike,  black,  lead-colour  when 

Spiloma  microscopium,  Turner  and  Burrer  in  Engl . Bot.  2396. 

On  timber-work  exposed  to  the  air. 

Thallus  scarcely  conspicuous,  except  by  the  bluish  co- 
lour it  gives  to  the  wood ; apothecia  only  discernible  by  a 
powerful  microscope,  yet  stain  the  fingers  black. 

6.  Spiloma  dispersum.  Scattered  spotted-moss. 

Crust  very  thin,  film-like,  greenish  grey;  apothecia  dis- 
persed, hemispherical,  sooty,  internally  yellowish-green. 

Spiloma  dispersuni,  Turner  and  Borrer  in  Engl.  Bot.  2398. 

On  old  rails,  like  a greenish  stain. 

7.  Spiloma  decolorans.  Staining  spotted-moss. 

Crust  spreading,  very  thin,  membranaceous,  greyish 

white,  when  rubbed  yellowish-green  ; apothecia  minute, 
flat,  confluent,  purplish-grey. 

Spiloma  decolorans,  Turner  and  Borrer  in  Engl ■ Bot.  2,399. 

On  the  bark  of  oak,  on  boarded  buildings  and  pales. 

8.  Spiloma  punclatum.  Dotted  spotted-moss. 

Crust  thin,  rather  powdery,  white;  apothecia  scattered, 

minute,  dotlike,  solid,  black,  with  dark-brown  hoar. 

Spiloma  punctatum,  Turner  and  Borrer  in  Engl.  Bot.  2472. 

On  old  oaks. 

G.  Calicidl®.  Thallus  crustlike  or  very  thin,  uni- 
form; apothecia  cupshape,  bordered,  podicilled,  including 
a naked  powdery  mass  forming  a flat  or  convex  centre,  ra- 
ther solid  internally;  sporidia  very  crowded,  among  the 
powdery  mass,  accompanied  with  many  twin  vesicles,  or 
scattered,  nestling  in  the  consolidated  parenchyme  of  the 
swollen  centre. — Differ  from  protomycese  by  the  presence  of 
a thallus  and  apothecia ; in  very  young  plants  the  apothecia 
are  covered  with  a membrane  which  soon  disappears. 

VOL.  i.  2 i 

482  119.  Acolium.  4.  CENOTHALAMEAE.  Pl.cell.aph. 

XXIX.  1 19.  ACOLIUM.  Acharius.  Acolium . 

Thallus  crustlike,  flat,  expanded,  adnate,  uniform ; apo- 

thecia  cuplike,  nearly  sessile,  cartilaginous,  composed  of  a 
compact  powdery  mass  forming  a naked  centre,  the  upper 
part  flat  or  nearly  globular. 

1.  Acolium  tigillare.  Rafter  acolium . 

Crust  in  beds,  wartlike,  rather  bald,  lemon-yellow;  apo - 

thecia,  sessile,  deep  black,  opake,  centre  flat,  border  swollen. 

Lichen  tigillaris,  Achar . Prod.  67  ; Engl.  Bot.  1530. 

Tiecidea  tigillaris,  Achar.  Meth.  46;  Lick.  164. 

On  old  timber-work. 

2.  Acolium  lympanellum.  Little-drum  acolium . 

Crust  cartilaginous,  smooth,  afterwards  rather  warty, 

uneven,  gray;  apothecia  sessile,  black,  centre  flat,  with  a 
greyish  hoar;  border  thin,  even  with  the  centre. 

Lichen  inquinans,  Engl.  Bot.  810. 

Calicium  tympanellum,  Achar.  Meth.  89  ; Lich.  233. 

On  timber-work. 

When  touched  stains  the  fingers  black. 

3.  ylcolium  stigonellum.  Dimpled  acolium . 

Crust  scarcely  cracked,  uneven,  whitish,  or  0;  apothecia 

sessile,  nearly  globular,  black,  bald ; centre  dotlike,  after- 
wards flattish,  opake;  border  thin,  naked. 

Lichen  gelasinatus,  Withering  Bot . Arr.  4. 

Lecidea  gelasinata,  Achar.  Meth.  33. 

Sphaerocarpus  sessilis,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  320. 

Sphseria  sphincterica,  Sowerby  Bril.  Fnngiy  386,  1. 

Calicium  sessile,  Persoon  Tent.  Fang.  Suppl . 59. 

Calicium  stigonellum,  Achar.  Meth.  88;  Lich.  232. 

On  the  bark  of  oak-trees,  and  on  the  crust  of  porina  per- 

XXX.  120.  PHACOTRUM.  Acharius.  Phacotrum . 
Thallus  crustlike,  flat,  expanded,  adnate,  uniform;  apo- 
thecia podicilled,  centre  powdery,  flat  or  globular,  border 
prominent. — The  centre  of  the  apothecia  sometimes  falling 
out,  they  are  left  hollow. 

1.  Phacotrum  microcephalum.  Small-headed  phacotrum. 
Crust  rather  tartarlike,  not  broken,  wrinkled,  olive- 
colour  ; apothecia  nearly  globular,  black,  shining ; centre 
depressed,  opake;  podicils  short,  similar  in  colour. 

Lichen  microcephalus,  Engl.  Bot.  1865. 

Calicium  microcephalum,  Achar.  Syn.  Lich.  57,8. 

On  oak-wood. 

Pl.cell.aph.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  120.  Phacotr.  4S3 

2.  Phacotrum  claviculare.  Nail-head  phacoirum. 

Crust  spreading,  granular,  slightly  powdery,  greyish; 

apothecia  nearly  globular,  afterwards  lentilshape,  greyish- 
black;  podicils  cylindrical,  thickish,  black. 

Lichen  clavieularis,  Engl.  Bot.  1465. 

Calicium  salicinum,  Persoon  in  Ust.  Ann.  7,  20. 

Calicium  claviculare,  Achar.  Meth.  90;  Lich.  234. 

On  beams,  rafters,  and  the  bark  of  old  trees. 

3.  Phacotrum  sphcerocephalum.  Round-head  phacoirum . 

Crust  very  thin,  smooth,  greyish ; apothecia  nearly  lentil- 

shape  ; centre  brownish,  edge  greyish ; podicils  threadlike, 

Coralloides  fungiforme  arboreum  nigrum,  vix  crustosum,  Dillen  Muse . 

Mucor  lichenoides,  Lin.  S.  P.  1655. 

Lichen  sphaeroceplialus,  Sicart.  N.  Act.  Ups.  4 ; Engl.  Bot.  414. 

Trichia  lichenoides,  Sibth.  Oxon.  406. 

Clathrus  cinereus,  Huds.  FI.  Angt.  631 . 

Calicium  claviculare  sphserocephalum,  Achar.  Lich.  255. 

Calicium  sphaerocephalum,  Achar.  Meth.  91. 

On  palings. 

4.  Phacotrum  hispidulum.  Roughish  phacotrum. 

Crust  thin,  greenish ; apothecia  cupsliape,  as  well  as  the 

centre  roughish  with  a flocklike  rust-coloured  powder. 

Calicium  trachelinum  hispidulum,  Achar.  Lich.  237. 

On  the  bark  of  trees. 

5.  Phacoirum  hyperellum.  Bark  phacotrum . 

Crust  cartilaginous,  wrinkled  in  beds,  bald,  greenish- 

yellow;  apothecia  lentilshape,  rust-colour,  powdery;  podi- 
cils thick,  cylindrical,  pitch-black,  thickest  at  bottom. 

Lichen  hyperellum,  Achar.  Prod.  85;  Engl.  Bot.  1832. 

Calicium  hyperellum,  Achar.  Meth.  93  ; Lich.  237. 

On  the  bark  of  trees. 

Sporidia  combined  in  pairs. 

(3.  roscidum.  Crust  granularly  wrinkled,  greenish  or 
greyish ; apothecia  lentilshape,  with  a rust-colour  powder, 
underneath  greyish,  afterwards  irregular,  conglomerated; 
podicils  thick,  short,  black. 

Lichen  graniformis,  Dickson  Crypt.  1,  10;  Engl.  Bot.  1464. 

Calicium  claviculare  roscidum,  Achar.  Meth.  90. 

Calicium  hyperellum  roscidum,  Achar.  Lich.  238. 

On  the  bark  of  trees,  and  timber-work. 

2 i 2 

484  120.  Phacotr.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiE.  Pl.ceil.aph. 

6.  Phacotrum  chrysocep/ialum;  Gold-head  phacotrum . 

Crust  granular,  conglomerated,  lemon-yellow;  apothecia 

nearly  topshape ; centre  convex,  umber-brown ; border 
yellow,  powdery ; underneath  naked,  black,  shining ; podi- 
cils  threadlike,  brassy,  powdery. 

Lichen  chrysocephalus,  Turner  in  Lin.  Tr.  7,  88  ; Engl.  Bot.  2501. 
Calicium  chlorellum  elatiimm,  Acluir.  Meth.  95. 

Calicium  chrysocephalum  a and  /3,  Achar.  Meth.  Suppl.  15;  Lich.  239. 

On  old  wood,  walls,  and  the  bark  of  trees. 

7.  Phacotrum  trabinellum.  Board  phacotrum. 

Crust  thin,  greyish-white;  apothecia  at  last  lentilshape, 

centre  black-brown,  with  a grey  hoar  ; border  yellow- 

Calicium  trabinellum,  Achar.  Meth.  Suppl.  15. 

Lichen  trabinellus,  Engl.  Bot.  1540, 

Calicium  cluviculare  yS  and  y,  Achar.  Lich.  255. 

Calicium  xylonellum  trabinellum,  Achar.  Meth.  95. 

Calicium  chlorellum  trabinellum,  Wahl.  Lapp.  487. 

On  boarded  buildings. 

8.  Phacotrum  cantherellum.  Beam  phacotrum. 

Crust  thin,  whitish,  rather  powdery;  apothecia  lentil- 

shape  ; centre  flesh-colour  afterwards  reddish,  with  a white 
hoar;  podicils  threadlike,  naked,  pale,  growing  brownish 
and  black. 

Lichen  cantherellus,  Achar.  Prod.  85. 

Calicium  pallidum,  Persoon  in  Ust.  Ann.  7 ,20. 

Calicium  cantherellum,  Achar.  Meth.  96  ; Engl.  Bot.  2557. 

Calicium  peronellum,  Achar.  Meth.  96. 

Calicium  cantharellum  a and  /3,  Achar.  Lich . 240. 

On  rotten  wood  and  the  bark  of  old  trees. 

9.  Phacotrum  ferrugineum . Bust-colour  phacotrum. 

Crust  thin,  granular,  tartarlike,  rusty- white;  apothecia 

thick,  black,  often  conglomerate ; centre  pale  rust-colour ; 
podicils  short. 

Calicium.  ferrugineum,  Engl.  Bot.  247 3. 

On  pales. 

10.  Phacotrum  ceruginosum.  Verdigris  phacotrum . 

Crust  thin,  tartarlike,  rather  granulated,  verdigris-grey ; 

apothecia  black,  hemispherical,  centre  very  convex,  brown- 
ish-black ; podicils  slender  black. 

Calicium  aBiugirosum,  Engl.  Bot,  2502. 

On  old  boards. 

Pl.cell.aph.  4.  CENOTHALAMEiB.  120.  Phacotr.  485 

1 1 . Phacotrum  curium . Short  phacotrum . 

Crust  very  thin,  filmlike,  whitish ; apothegm  revei'se  egg- 
shape  or  hemispherical,  black ; centre  covered  with  black, 
loose,  powdery;  podicils  thick,  black. 

Calicium  curtum,  Turn,  and  Borr.  in  Engl.  Bot.  2503. 

On  decaying  wood  in  shady  places. 

XXXI.  121.  STRONGYLXUM.  Acharius.  Strongyle . 

Thallus  crustlike,  flat,  adnate,  uniform;  apothecia  cup- 
shape,  podicilled,  cartilaginous;  centre  swollen,  nearly 
globular,  running  over  the  edge,  formed  of  a compact 
powdery  mass. 

1.  Strongylium  capitellalum.  Headed  strongyle . 

Crust  spreading,  powdery,  yellowish-green ; apothecia 

globular ; podicils  threadlike,  very  long,  bent,  greenish- 

Mucor  furfuraceus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1655. 

Lichen  capitatus,  Achar.  Prod.  86;  Engl.  Bot.  1639. 

Caiicium  sulphureum,  Schrad.  Krypt. 

Calicium  furfuraceum,  Persoon  lent.  Fung.  Suppl.  60. 

Clathrus  virescens,  Hudson  FI.  Angl.  632. 

Trichia  furfuracea,  Withering  Bot.  Arc.  4,  398. 

Calicium  capitellatum,  Achar.  Meth.  98;  Lich.  241. 

On  stones,  the  ground,  and  rotten  roots  of  plants. 

2.  Strongylium  aciculare.  Pin  strongyle . 

' Crust  leprous,  powdery,  pale  greenish-yellow ; apothecia 

hemispherical  globular,  brown,  powdery;  podicils  slender 
at  bottom. 

Mucor  fulvus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1655. 

Lichen  fulvus,  Schwartz  in  N.  Act.  Ups.  4. 

Lichen  acicularis,  Achar.  Prod.  85;  Engl.  Prod.  2385. 

Calicium  aciculare,  Achar.  Meth.  98  ; Lich.  242. 

On  the  bark  of  dry  roots  and  dead  branches. 

3.  Strongylium  debile.  Weak  strongyle . 

Crust  membranaceous,  very  thin,  white;  apothecia  black, 

convex;  edge  turned  back;  podicils  long,  slender,  wavy, 

Coralloides  fungiforrne  arboreum  nigrum,  vix  crustosum,  Dillen  Muse. 

Calicium  debile,  Turner  and  Borrer  in  Engl.  Bot.  2462. 

On  old  timber,  especially  under  thatched  roofs. 


5.  IDIOTHALAMEiE.  Pl.  cell  aph. 

Fam.  V.  5,  IDIOTHALAMEIE.  Algarum  pars,  Linn. 

Lichenum  pars , Jussieu,  Acharius* 

Thallus  crustlike  or  leatlierlike ; sporidia  scattered,  in- 
nate in  the  substance,  and  in  a nucleus  or  proligerous  flake 
covered  by  the  thallus,  or  by  a single  or  double  perithe- 
cium .—Thallus  perennial,  terrestrial,  or  parasitical;  greenish 
or  becoming  so  when  wetted ; absorbing  water  by  the  sur- 
face, and  transmitting  it  to  all  parts. 

A.  Thallus  leatherlike , shrublike ; apothecia  tubercular ; 
perithecium  0.  Rhizomorphidae. 

Thallus  crustlike,  cartilaginous, 
branched,  shrublike,  upright Sph^erophoron.  122* 

Thallus  crustlike,  membranaceous, 
branched,  creeping,  prostrate Rhizomorpha.  123. 

B.  Thallus  crustlike;  apothecia  warilike  ; perithecium 
distinct.  Variolaridae. 

Thallus  crustlike Variolaria.  124* 

C.  Thallus  crustlike ; apothecia  w artlike ; perithecium 
distinct.  Porinidse. 

Nucleus  single; 

perithecium  simple,  black  Pyrenula.  125. 

Nucleus  simple;  perithecium  double, 
first  thick,  second  membranaceous. . . Thelotrema.  126. 

Nucleus  mostly  single,  covered  ; 
perithecium  simple  Porina.  127- 

D.  Thallus  crustlike ; apothecia  round , not  bordered; 
perithecium  distinct.  Verrucaridse. 

Thallus  cartilaginous,  membranaceous, 

perithecium  double  Lejophlea.  128. 

Thallus  crustlike,  cracked  in  beds, 

or  powdery;  perithecium  double Lithocia.  129. 

Thallus  soft,  towlike,  spongy  or 

cobwebby;  perithecium  double Inoderma.  130. 

Thallus  leaflike  or  shieldlike; 

perithecium  single  Endocarpon.  131. 


PL  cell.  aph.  5.  IDIOTHALAMEAE. 

E.  Thallus  crust  like  ; apothecia  flat , bordered , linear. 

Perithecium  simple Graphis.  132. 

Apothecia  hollow*  grooved  or  flat ; 

edges  open ; perithecium  0 Alexoria.  133. 

Apothecia  slitlike ; edges  swollen  ; 
perithecium  0 Hysterina.  134  . 

A.  Rhizomorphid^:.  Thallus  leatherlike,  shrubby; 
apothecia  tubercular;  perithecium  0. 

I.  122.  SPPLEROPHORON.  Persoon.  Ball-moss. 

Thallus  crustlike,  cartilaginous,  branched,  shrublike; 
inside  towlike,  rather  solid  ; apothecia  nearly  globular, 
sessile,  terminating  the  branches  of  the  thallus,  and  formed 
of  it,  which  tearing  open  shows  a black,  powdery,  globular 
mass  included  with  it. 

1 . Sphcerophoron  coralloides.  Coral-like  ball-moss . 

Thallus  pale  chestnut,  scarcely  divided ; branches  lateral, 

long,  weak,  divaricated,  forked,  pointed,  fibrilled ; apothecia 
nearly  globular,  smooth. 

Lichenoides  non  tubulosum,  ramulis  scutellis  nigris  terminatis,  Dillen  in 
j Raii  Syn.  66,  13. 

Lichen  globiferus,  Lin.  Mant.  133. 

Lichen  globosus,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  ed.  1, 460. 

Lichen  fragilis  /3,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  558. 

Stereocaulon  globiferum,  Hojfm.  Germ.  151. 

Sphaerophoron  coralloides,  Achar.  Meth.  134;  Lich.  585. 

On  mountain-heaths,  and  on  the  roots  of  fir-trees. 

2.  S peer  op  hor  on fragile.  Brittle  ball-moss. 

Thallus  greyish,  branched  ; branches  forked,  short, 

crowded,  eventopped,  naked,  cylindrical,  bluntish ; apo- 
thecia  globular  topshape,  rather  warty. 

Lichen  fragilis,  Lin.  S.  P.  1621. 

Lichen  casspitosum,  Roth  1'ent. 

Coralloides  fragile,  Hoffni.  Lich.  2,34. 

Stereocaulon  fragile,  Hoffm.  Germ.  131. 

Sphaerophoron  fragile,  Achar . Meth.  135  ; Lich.  585  ; Engl.  Bot.  2474. 
On  stones,  and  mountains  among  mosses. 

3.  Sphcerophoron  compressum . Compressed  ball-moss . 

Thallus  whitish,  branched ; branches  compressed,  twig- 
ged, rather  fibrilled,  naked;  apothecia  nearly  globular, 
rather  depressed  above,  smooth. 

488  133.Rhizomor.  5.  IDIOTHALAMEiE.  Pl.  cell.  aph. 

Lichenoides  non  tubal osurn  ramosissiroum,  fruticuli  specie,  cinereo- 

fuscurn,  Raii  Syn.  65,  10. 

Lichen  fragllis,  Lin.  S.  P.  1621  ; Engl.  Bat.  114. 

Lichen  melanocarpos,  Swartz  Inch  Occid.  147. 

Sphserophoron  compressum,  Achar.  Meth.  135;  Lick.  586. 

On  rocks  and  heaths  in  mountainous  places. 

II.  123.  RHIZOMORPHA.  Root-moss. 

Thallus  cartilaginous,  membranaceous,  cylindrical, 
branched  repeatedly,  creeping,  prostrate,  inside  towlike 
fibrous;  apothecia  globular,  sessile,  frequently  conglome- 
rated, formed  of  the  cortical  part  of  the  thallus,  opening 
irregularly,  filled  with  powder. 

1 . Rhizomorpha  subcorticalis . Bark  root-moss , 

Thallus  compressed,  blackish-brown,  shining;  branches 

scattered,  anastomosing  in  a network;  apothecia  conglo- 

Fungoides  q.  Fungus  niger  compressus,  varie  divaricatus  et  implexus, 
inter  lignum  et  corticem,  Raii  Syn.  15,9. 

Lichen  aidaelus,  Humboldt  FI.  Frib.  33. 

Clavaria  phosphorea,  Sowerby  Fungi,  100. 

Rhizomorpha  fragilis,  Roth  Cat.  Bot.  1,252. 

Rhizomorpha  subcorticalis,  Persoon  Syn.  Fung.  704. 

On  the  trunks  of  dead  trees,  especially  firs;  also  in 

Thallus  luminous  in  the  dark,  at  the  ends  of  the  branches. 
(3.  patens . Thallus  dilated,  broad,  compressed. 

Rhizomorpha  patens,  Sowerby  Engl.  Fungi,  392,  1 and  2. 

2.  Rhizomorpha  spinosa.  Thorny  root-moss. 

Thallus  cylindrical,  slightly  compressed,  spinous,  dull- 

brown  ; branches  scattered,  frequently  anastomosing. 
Clavaria  hypoxvlon,  Withering  Bot.  Arr . 4,404. 

Rhizomorpha  spinosa,  Achar.  Lich.  588  ; Sowerby  Fungi , 299. 

In  lead-mines. 

3.  Rhizomorpha  subterranea.  Underground  root-moss. 

Thallus  cylindrical,  bald,  black,  very  much  branched ; 

branches  and  twigs  crowded,  pointed,  free. 

Lichen  radiciformis,  Lin.  Syst.  Nat.  ed.  2,  984. 

Usnea  radiciformis,  Scopoli  Diss.  1,95. 

Rhizomorpha  subterranea,  Achar.  Lich.  588. 

On  half-rotten  wood  and  stones  in  mines. 

4.  Rhizomorpha  dichotoma.  Forked  root-moss, 

Thallus  cylindrical,  greenish-brown;  branches  forked, 

spreading,  long,  cylindrical,  naked,  free. 

PI.  cell.  aph.  4.  IDIOTHALAME/E.  123.Rhizom.  489 

Clavaria  hypoxylon  2,  Withering  Bot.  Arr.  4,  404. 

Rhizpmorpha  diehotoma,  Achar.  Licit.  589;  Sowerby  Fungit  298. 

In  mines. 

5.  Rhizomorpha  setiformis.  Brisflelike  root-moss . 

Thallus  cylindrical,  very  slender,  black,  shining,  scarcely 

branched,  tips  divided. 

Lichen  hippotrichoides,  Weber  Germ.  231. 

Usnea  hippotrichoides,  Hoffm.  Germ.  137. 

Rhizomorpha  setiformis,  Achar.  Lich.  589  ; Persoon  Syn.  Fung.  705 . 
On  dead  fallen  fir-leaves. 

6.  Rhizomorpha  tuberculosa.  Tubercular  root-moss . 

Thallus  threadlike,  slightly  compressed,  not  branched ; 

apothecia  scattered,  globular,  acuminated,  deep  black. 

Lichen  setosu?,  Leyser  FI.  Halens.  1171. 

Hypoxylum  loculiferum  ? Bulliard  Herb. 

Rhizomorpha  setiformis  tuberculata,  Achar.  Lich.  589. 

On  wood  long  kept  in  cellars. 

7.  Rhizomorpha  Stokesii.  Stokes’  root-moss . 

Thallus  dull  foxy-brown,  compressed ; branches  divari- 
cated, rounded,  blunt. 

Rhizomorpha  Stokesii,  Sowerby  Engl.  Fungi , 430. 

On  chalk-pits. 

Thallus  fiat,  netlike,  entangled,  sometimes  covered  with 
the  chalk. 

8.  Rhizomorpha  Harrimanni.  Harriman’ s root-moss . 

Thallus  dull-brown ; main  stems  irregularly  angular, 

brittle;  covering  cracking  transversely;  branches  long, 

Rhizomorpha  Harrimanni,  Sowerby  Eng.  Fungi , 431,  I. 

In  mines. 

Thallus  resembles  bugle-trimming;  inside  white,  cot- 
tony, tough. 

9.  Rhizomorpha  variegata.  Variegated  root-moss . 

Thallus  long,  round,  nearly  of  uniform  thickness; 

branches  in  bundles,  lighter  coloured;  twigs  still  lighter, 

Rhizomorpha  variegata,  Sowerby  Engl.  Fungiy  431,  2. 

Under  ground. 

Thallus  crowded ; pith  scarcely  any. 

490  123.  Rhizom.  5.  IDIOTHALAMEiE.  PI.  cell.  apli. 

10.  Rhizomorpha  Martini.  Martin's  root-moss. 

Phallus  brown,  brittle,  woody,  in  round  threads  branch- 
ing in  all  directions,  serpentine,  hairlike  and  matted. 

Rhizomorpha  Martini,  Sowerby  Engl.  Fungi,  431,3. 

In  mines. 

1 1 . Rhizomorpha  medullaris.  Pith  root-moss . 

Thallus  cylindrical,  very  much  branched,  inside  snow- 

white  ; cellules  yellowish. 

Rhizomorpha  medullaris,  Smith  in  Lin.  Tr.  12. 

In  an  old  well  upon  boards. 

B.  VARioLARiDiE.  Thallus  crustlike ; apothecia  wartlike  ; 
perithecium  0. 

III.  124.  VARIOLA RIA.  Persoon.  Smallpox-moss. 

Thallus  crustlike,  Oat,  expanded,  uniform ; apothecia 
wartlike,  formed  of  the  thallus,  most  commonly  soredium- 
like,  slightly  bordered,  white;  nucleus  naked  and  without 
a perithecium,  compressed,  cellular,  hidden  in  the  sub- 
stance of  the  wart,  and  usually  covered  with  the  thallus, 
sometimes  becomes  uncovered. — Soredia  very  numerous. 

1 . Variolaria  velata.  Veiled  smallpox-moss. 

Crust  regular,  rather  cartilaginous,  bald,  very  white, 

nearly  radiately  plaited ; apothecia  smooth,  compressed, 
swollen ; nucleus  rather  lentilshape,  covered  above  with  a 
thin  powdery  veil. 

Parmelia  velata.  Turner  in  Lin.  Tr.  9,  143. 

Lichen  velalus,  Engl.  Bot.  2062. 

Variolaria  velata,  Achar.  Lick.  319. 

On  the  bark  of  trees. 

2.  Variolaria  mnltipunda.  Dotted  smallpox-moss. 

Crust  rather  cartilaginous,  cracked  in  beds,  granular, 

greyish ; apothecia  convex,  crowded,  granulated ; nucleus 
lentilshape,  enclosed. 

Variolaria  multipuncta,  Turner  in  Lin.  Tr.  9,  137  ; Achar.  Lich,  321 . 
Lichen  multipunctus,  l$ngl.  Bot.  2061. 

On  the  bark  of  trees. 

3.  Variolaria  glohulifera.  Globule  smallpox-moss. 

Crust  rather  cartilaginous,  greyish,  sprinkled  irregularly 

with  granules  and  soredia,  uneven ; apothecia  nearly  glo- 
bular, bald,  becoming  depressed  above,  bearing  soredia ; 
nucleus  concave,  enclosed. 

PI.  cell.  aph.  5. 1DIOTHALAMEZE.  124*.  Variolar.  491 

Variolar la  globulifera,  Turner  in  Lin.  Tr.  9,  139  ; Achar.  Lich.  322. 

Lichen  globuli ferus,  Engl.  Bot.  2008. 

On  the  bark  of  trees. 

4.  Variolaria  communis.  Common  smallpox-moss . 

Crust  cartilaginous,  smooth,  whitish,  growing*  uneven 

and  grey,  sprinkled  with  white,  unbordered  soredia; 
apothecia  sphaeroid,  powdery;  nucleus  rather  membrana- 
ceous, flattish,  pale,  at  length  becoming  naked. 

Variolaria  communis,  Achar.  Lich.  322. 

On  the  bark  of  trees,  old  wood  and  stones. 

Thallus  nearly  insipid,  varying  from  white  to  grey  ac- 
cording to  the  age ; soredia  nearly  globular,  convex  or  flat. 

/ 3 . orliculata . Crust  thin,  granular,  rather  radiately 

cracked,  marked  with  zones,  grayish-white;  soredia  cen- 
tral and  scattered,  flattish,  scarcely  bordered,  similar  in 

Verrucaria  orbiculata,  Hoffm.  Germ.  170. 

Lichen  pallescens  ?  J acq.  Coll.  3. 

Variolaria  orbiculata,  Achar.  Meth,  13. 

Variolaria  communis  orbiculata,  Achar.  Lich.  323. 

On  wood  and  barked  trees. 

y.faginea.  Crust  rather  spreading,  bald,  wrinkled  and 
cracked,  whitish ; soredia  hemispherical,  scattered,  not  bor- 
dered, rather  solid,  powdery,  very  white. 

Lichen  fagineus,  Lin.  S.  F.  1608. 

Variolaria  faginea,  Persoon  in  Uster  Ann.  7 ; Achar.  Meth.  12. 

Verrucaria  tubercularia,  Hoffm.  Germ.  170. 

Variolaria  communis  faginea,  Achar.  Lich.  323. 

On  the  bark  of  trees,  especially  on  beech,  also  on  stones. 

aspergilla.  Crust  tartarlike,  cartilaginous,  regular, 
greenish ; circumference  smooth,  cracked  in  rays ; soredia 
scattered,  superficial,  flat,  very  slightly  bordered,  wrhiter 
than  the  thallus. 

Variolaria  aspergilla,  Achar.  Meth.  13;  Lich.  325  ; Engl.  Bot.  2401. 

On  rocks  and  stones. 

5.  Variolaria  amara.  Bitter  smallpox-moss . 

Crust  wrinkled,  cracked,  uneven,  rather  powdery  w*hite, 

slightly  greyish ; apothecia  pressed  close,  plano-concave, 
bordered,  bearing  soredia,  similar  in  colour  to  the  thallus. 

Lichen  fagineus,  Engl.  Bot.  1713. 

Variolaria  amara,  Achar . Lich.  324. 

On  the  bark  of  trees. 

492  124.  Variolar.  5.  IDIOTHALAMEiE.  Pl.  cell,  aph. 

Tkallus  very  bitter,  like  Peruvian  bark,  not  immediately 
perceptible,  but  extremely  permanent ; nucleus  not  yet 

f 3 . discoidea.  Crust  powdery,  whitish  then  greyish,  naked; 
soredia  very  crowded,  then  dilated,  wavy,  plano-concave ; 
border  raised,  swollen. 

Lichenoides  candid uin  et  farinaceura,  scutellis  fere  planis,  Dillen  Muse, 

Lichen  discoideus,  Engl.  Bot.  1714. 

Variolaria  discoideus,  Achar.  Meth.  14. 

Lichen  albescens,  finds.  FI.  Angl.  529. 

Lichen  carpi nens,  Light f.  Scot.  809. 

Variolaria  amara  discoidea,  Achar.  Lich.  325. 

On  the  bark  of  trees. 

6.  Variolaria  lactea.  Milky  smallpox-moss. 

Crust  tartarlike,  regular,  cracked  in  beds,  smooth,  milky, 

circumference  slightly  radiated  and  crenately  lobed ; apo- 
thecia  crowded,  bordered ; above  very  white,  powdery. 

Lichen  lacteus,  Lin.  Mant.  132  ; Engl.  Bot.  2410. 

Variolaria  lactea,  Persoon  in  Ust.  Ann.  1 ; Achar.  Meth.  14;  Lich . 321. 

On  rocks  and  stones. 

Nucleus  not  yet  discovered. 

7.  Variolaria  corallina.  Coralline  smallpox-moss . 

Crust  tartarlike,  cracked,  white,  frequently  nipply, 

branched;  apothecia  hemispherical,  rather  depressed  at 
top ; nucleus  ientilshape,  covered  above  with  a thin  pow- 
dery veil. 

Lichen  dealbafus,  Achar.  Prod.  29. 

Isidium  corallinum,  Achar.  Meth.  138. 

Variolaria  dealbata,  Be  Cand.  FI.  Fr.  2,  525  ; Engl.  Bot.  2519. 
Variolaria  corallina,  Achar.  Lich.  319. 

On  stones  and  rocks. 

Barren  apothecia  whiter  and  more  convex,  contain  no 

8.  Variolaria  griseo-virens.  Greyish-green  smallpox-moss . 
Crust  elliptical,  thin,  slightly  tartarlike,  rugged,  grey, 

scarcely  limited ; apothecia  roundish,  narrow-bordered ; 
soredia  greenish. 

Variolaria  griseo-virens,  Turner  and  Borrer  in  Engl.  Bot.  2400. 

On  the  bark  of  birch  and  cherry  trees. 

PLcelLaph.  5.  IDIOTHALAMEiE.  124?.  Variolar.  493 

9.  Variolaria  clnerea.  Grey  smallpox-moss . 

Crust  round,  tartarlike,  thin,  ash-colour,  cracked;  cir- 
cumference indeterminate ; apothecia  orbicular,  very  small, 
white,  edge  raised,  soredia  white. 

Yariolaria  cinerea,  Engl.  Bot.  241 1. 

On  whinstone. 


C.  Porid.ze.  Thallus  crustlike;  apothecia  wartshape; 
perilhecium  distinct. 

IV.  125.  PYRENULA.  Acharius.  Nut-moss . 

Thallus  crustlike,  flat,  expanded,  adnate,  uniform;  apo- 
thecia wartshape,  formed  of  the  thallus,  enclosing  or  sur^ 
rounding  at  the  base  a single  thalamium,  with  a simple, 
thick,  black,  nippled  perithecium  covering  a globular,  cell- 
bearing throughout  nucleus. 

a.  Apothecia  open  at  the  mouth , or  surrounding  a naked 

1 . Pyrenula  umbonata.  Button  nut-moss . 

Crust  tartarlike,  regular,  very  finely  cracked,  greyish- 

red;  apothecia  bald,  reddish,  rather  depressed  above,  slightly 
surrounding  the  rather  prominent,  nipplelike  opening  of 
the  thalamium. 

Verrucaria  thelostoma,  Achar.  in  Winch.  Bot.  Guide , 2,44. 

Lichen  thelostomus,  Engl.  Bot.  2153. 

Pyrenula  umbonata,  Achar.  Lich.  316. 

On  whinstone. 

b.  Apothecia  closed , strictly  surrounding  the  prominent 
nipple , or  thalamium , hut  without  forming  a border . 

2.  Py  renula  tessellata.  Tessellated  nut-moss . 

Crust  tartarlike,  uneven,  cracked  in  beds,  yellowish-grey ; 

apothecia  enlarged  at  bottom,  depressed,  closed,  strictly 
surrounding  the  prominent  part  of  the  thalamium,  which 
is  terminated  above  by  a slightly  bordered  mouth. 

Lichen  tessellatus,  Engl.  Bot.  533. 

Verrucaria  fuscella  viridula,  Achar.  Lich.  290. 

Verrucaria  tessellata,  Achar.  Meth.  115 ; Lich.  2S9, 

Pyrenula  tessellata,  Achar.  Syn.  126. 

On  brick-walls  and  stones. 

494  125.  Pyrenula.  5.  IDIOTHALAMEiE.  Pl.cell.aph . 

3.  Pyrenula  nigrescens . Blackish  nut-moss. 

Crust  tartarlike,  slightly  cracked,  uneven,  brownish- 
black  ; apothecia  enlarged  at  bottom,  depressed,  rather 
wrinkled,  closed,  strictly  surrounding  the  greatest  part  of 
the  prominent,  nipplelike  thalamium. 

Lichen  umbrinus,  Achar.  Prod.  14;  Engl . Bot.  1499. 

Verrucaria  umbrina,  Achar.  Melh.  122. 

Verrucaria  antiquitatis,  Florke  in  Berl.Mag.  1807,  1,  17. 

Pyrenula  nigrescens,  Achar.  Syn . 126. 

On  stones. 

V.  126.  THELOTREMA.  Acharius.  Open-iv art-moss. 

Thallus  crustlike,  cartilaginous,  flat,  expanded,  adnate, 
uniform;  apothecia  wartshape,  formed  of  the  thallus,  open, 
bordered;  thalamium  single,  enclosed  in  the  wart;  peri - 
thecia  double;  one  halved  above,  thick,  black,  seldom  want- 
ing ; the  other  very  thin,  membranaceous,  sometimes  alone, 
or  broken  above ; surrounding  a compressed,  cellular, 
slightly  streaked  nucleus,  placed  in  the  bottom  of  the  wart. 

1.  Thelotrema  lepadinum.  Barnacle  open-wart-moss . 

Crust  smooth,  whitish ; apothecia  smooth,  nearly  conoid, 

edge  of  the  opening  thin,  simple,  rather  bent  inwards,  con- 
tracted ; bottom  covered  with  a membrane  which  becomes 

Lichen  inclusus,  Engl.  Bot.  678. 

Lichen  lepadinii3,  Achar.  Prod.  30. 

Thelotrema  lepadinum,  Achar.  Meth.  132  ; Lich.  312. 

On  the  bark  of  trees. 

2.  Thel.  exanthematicum.  Eruptive  open-wart-moss . 

Crust  rather  tartarlike,  thin,  not  cracked,  greyish ; apo- 
thecia convex,  half  sunk,  whiter ; opening  half  closed, 
radiately  cracked,  becomes  gaping ; bottom  veiled,  yellow- 
ish flesh-colour. 

Lichen  volvatus,  Vi  liars  Delph.  55. 

Lichen  exanthematicus,  Smith  in  Lin.  Tr.  1,81  ; Engl.  Bot.  1184. 

Urceolaria  exanthematica,  Achar.  Meth.  146. 

Thelotrema  exanthematica,  Achar.  Lich.  313. 

On  rocks,  especially  limestone. 

Halit  peculiar,  but  seems  most  referable  to  this  genus. 

3.  Thelotrema  agelceum.  Inelegant  open-wart-moss . 

Crust  white,  rather  powdery,  or  sprinkled  with  very 

small  granules  or  soredia;  apothecia  pressed  close,  few, 
slightly  sunk  in  the  crust. 

PL  cell.  aph.  5.  IDIOTH  ALAMEAE.  126.Thelotr.  495 

Lichen  argenu*,  Achar.  Prod,  8. 

Lichen  agelceus,  Achar.  Prod.  30;  Engl.  Bot.  1923. 

Urccolaria  agelaea,  Achar.  Meth.  150. 

Lecidea  argena,  Achar.  Meth.  74. 

Lecanora  verrucosa  ,8  and  y,  Achar.  Lich.  355. 

Thelotrema  variolarioides  agelEeum,  Achar.  in  Act.  Stockh.  33,  149. 

On  the  bark  of  old  poplars  and  firs. 

VI.  127.  PORINA.  Acharius.  Callus-moss. 

Thallus  crustlike,  cartilaginous,  flat,  expanded,  adnate, 
uniform ; apothecia  wartlike,  formed  of  the  thallus,  not 
bordered;  thalamium  one  or  more,  hidden  within  the  sub- 
stance of  the  wart;  penthecium  simple,  very  thin,  membra- 
naceous, transparent ; opening  on  the  surface  of  the  wart, 
coloured,  thick;  nucleus  nearly  globular,  cellular,  vesicle- 

1.  Porina  pertusa.  Pierced  callus-moss. 

Crust  smooth,  even,  greyish  white;  apothecia  nearly  glo- 
bular, openings  many,  depressed,  black. 

Lichenoides  verrucosum  et  rugosum,  cinereum,  glabrum,  Dillen  Muse 

Lichen  pertusus,  Lin.  Mant.  131  ; Engl.  Bot.  677. 

Endocarpon  pertusum,  Wahlenb.  Lapp.  459. 

Sphaeria  melanostoma,  Bern,  in  Romer  Archiv.  4,  10. 

Thelotrema  pertusum,  Achar.  Meth.  131. 

Porina  pertusa,  Achar.  Lich.  308. 

On  the  bark  of  the  trunks  of  trees. 

2.  Porina  hymenea . Maidenhead  callus-moss . 

Crust  greyish,  growing  uneven  ; apothecia  hemispherical, 

at  length  irregular,  angular;  openings  many,  cracked, 

Lichen  pertusus,  Jacq.  Coll.  2,  181. 

Lichen  hymeneus,  Achar.  Prod.  80;  Engl.  Bot.  1731. 

Thelotrema  hymeneum,  Achar.  Meth.  133. 

Porina  lejoplaca  hymenea,  Achar.  Lich.  310. 

Porina  fallax  hymenea,  Achar.  Syn.  120. 

On  the  bark  of  old  oak-trees. 

D.  Verrucaridte.  Thallus  crustlike;  apothecia  round, 
without  any  border;  perithecium  distinct. 

VII.  128.  LEJOPPILEA.  Acharlfis.  Smooth-moss. 

Thallus  crustlike,  flat,  expanded,  adnate,  uniform,  carti- 
laginous, membranaceous,  not  cracked,  smooth;  apothecia 
with  a nearly  globular  hemispherical  thalamium,  innate  at 

496  128.Lejoph.  5.  IDIOTHALAMEiE.  PI.  cell.  aph. 

bottom  in  the  thallus ; perithecia  double ; the  exterior  ra- 
ther cartilaginous,  thick,  hard,  halved,  with  a nipple  or 
opening  above;  the  interior  very  thin,  membranaceous, 
entirely  enclosing  a nearly  globular,  vesicular,  cellular 

1.  Lejophlea  punctiformis.  Dotlike  smooth-moss. 

Crust  very  thin,  rather  regular,  smooth,  brownish ; apo- 
thecia small,  hemispherical,  nearly  globular ; mouths 
scarcely  open ; nucleus  globular,  white. 

Lichen  punctiformis,  Achar.  Prod.  18;  Engl.  Bot.  2412. 

Verrucaria  punctiformis,  Achar.  Meth.  119:  Lich.  274. 

On  smooth  barks  of  trees. 

2.  Lejophlea  analepta.  Strengthening  smooth-moss . 

Crust  membranaceous,  rather  irregular,  shining,  olive; 

apothecia  nearly  sessile,  scattered,  hemispherical,  conoid, 
nipplelike;  nucleus  compressed,  nearly  membranaceous, 


Lichen  analeptus,  Acliar.  Prod.  15;  Engl.  Bot.  1848. 

Verrucaria  olivacea,  Persoonin  Us  ter  Ann.  7,28. 

Verrucaria  analepta,  Achar.  Meth.  119;  Lich.  275. 

On  bark  of  trees,  especially  beeches. 

3.  Lejophlea  stigmatella.  Small-dot  smooth-moss. 

Crust  thin,  cartilaginous,  membranaceous,  smooth,  grow- 
ing cracked,  whitish ; apothecia  small,  hemispherical,  crowd- 
ed, nearly  confluent ; mouths  extremely  small ; nucleus 
globular,  greyish. 

Lichen  stigmatellus,  Achar.  Prod.  15  ; Engl.  Bot.  1891. 

Verrucaria  cinerea,  Persoon  in  Ust.  Ann.  7,  28. 

Verrucaria  stigmatella,  Achar.  Meth.  117  ; Lich , 276. 

On  the  smooth  bark  of  trees. 

4.  Lejophlea  gemmata . Gemmed  smooth-moss . 

Crust  spreading,  thin,  smooth,  silvery  white ; apothecia 

scattered,  hemispherical,  nipplelike,  shining;  nucleus  glo- 
bular, transparent. 

Lichen  melaleucus,  Engl.  Bot.  240. 

Verrucaria  alba,  Schrad.  Germ.  109. 

Verrucaria  melaleuca,  Achar.  Meth.  117. 

Verrucaria  gemmata,  Achar.  Lich.  278. 

On  the  bark  of  tall  trees. 

PL.cell.aph,  5.  IDIOTHALAMEiE.  129.  Lithocia.  49? 

VIII.  129.  LITHOCIA.  Acharius.  Stone-moss . 

Th alius  crustlike,  nearly  tartarlike,  unbroken,  cracked 
in  beds,  or  powdery,  flat,  expanded,  adnate,  uniform ; apo - 
thecia  with  a nearly  globular  hemispherical  thalamium,  in- 
nate at  bottom  in  the  thallus ; perithecium  double,  the  ex- 
terior nearly  cartilaginous,  thick,  black,  halved  above,  with 
a nipple  or  mouth;  the  interior  very  thin,  membranaceous; 
enclosing  all  around  a nearly  globular,  vesicular,  cellular 

1.  Lithocia  Schraderi.  Schrader* s stone-moss. 

Crust  tartarlike,  unbroken,  whitish ; opothecia  small, 

crowded,  sunk,  nearly  globular;  inside  dirty-white,  trans- 

Lichen  Schraderi,  Achar.  Prod.  13;  Engl . Bot.  1711. 

Lichen  immersus,  Hoffm.  Lich.  24. 

Verrucaria  immersa,  Persoon  in  Uster.  Ann.  7. 

Verrucaria  rupestris,  Schrader  Germ,  109. 

Yerrucaria  Schraderi,  Achar.  Meth.  114;  Lich.  284. 

On  limestone  and  chalk. 

2.  Lithocia  Harrimanni..  Harrimann’s  stone-moss. 

Crust  tartarlike,  unbroken,  distinctly  limited,  very  thin, 

slightly  pitted,  mouse-colour ; apothecia  minute,  nearly 
globular,  sunk,  nipple  conical ; inside  dirty  white. 

Verrucaria  Harrimanni,  Achar.  Lich.  284;  Engl.  Bot.  2539. 

On  hard  grey  limestone  rocks. 

3.  Lithocia  plumhea.  Lead- grey  stone-moss. 

Crust  tartarlike,  scarcely  broken,  regular,  very  finely 

cracked,  rather  wrinkly,  lead-colour  ; apothecia  nearly  glo- 
bular, innate,  become  depressed  above,  saucershape;  in- 
side white. 

Verrucaria  plutnbea,  Achar.  Lich.  285. 

Lichen  plumbosus,  Engl.  Bot.  2540. 

On  limestone-rocks. 

4.  Lithocia  glaucina.  Greenish  stone-moss. 

Crust  cracked  in  beds,  greenish-brown ; apothecia  half- 

sunk,  prominent  part  hemispherical,  afterwards  pierced;  in- 
side dirty  white,  transparent. 

Verrucaria  glaucina,  Achar.  Syn.  94. 

On  the  hardest  stones. 

VOL.  i. 

2 K. 

498  129.  Lithocia.  5.  IDIOTHALAMEiE.  Pl.cell.aph. 

5.  Lithocia  maura . Blackmoor  stone-moss . 

Orzz?/  tartarlike,  thin,  smooth,  very  much  cracked,  very 

deep  black ; apothecia  minute,  nearly  globular,  immersed ; 
tip  umbilicated,  prominent ; nucleus  blackish. 

Verrucaria  maura,  Achar.  Meth.  Suppl.  19 ; Lich , 291. 

Lichen  maurus,  Engl.  Bot.  2456. 

On  rocks  and  stones  near  the  seaside. 

6.  Lithocia  striatula.  Fine-streaked  stone-moss . 

Crust  figured,  shrublike,  bordered  with  greenish-black, 

beds  rather  separate,  branched,  radiating;  apothecia  conoid, 
afterwards  slightly  concave  above,  bordered ; nucleus  dot- 
like, transparent. 

Verrucaria  striatula,  Achar.  Meth.  Suppl.  21  ; Lich.  293. 

/ 3 . acrotella  Beds  of  the  crust  dispersed,  irregular, 

Verrucaria  acrotella,  Achar.  Meth.  123. 

Lichen  acrotellus,  Engl.  Bot.  IT  12. 

Verrucaria  striatula  acrotella,  Achar.  Lich.  293. 

On  flint-stones. 

IX.  130.  INODERMA.  Acharius.  Tow-moss. 

Thallus  soft,  towlike,  rather  spongy,  or  thin  cobwebby, 
adnate;  apothecia  containing  a nearly  globular  or  hemi- 
spherical thalamium,  innate  at  bottom  in  the  thallus;  peri- 
thecium  double,  the  external  rather  cartilaginous,  thick, 
black,  halved  above,  with  a nipple  or  mouth ; the  interior 
very  thin,  membranaceous ; including  all  around  a nearly 
globular,  vesicular,  cellular  nucleus. 

1.  Inoderma  epigea.  Above-ground  tow-moss . 

Thallus  thin,  nearly  fibrous,  uneven,  pale  yellowish ; 

apothecia  very  small,  globular,  sunk;  mouth  prominent, 
inside  black. 

Sphaeria  epigea,  Persoon  Syn.  Fung.  App.  27. 

Verrucaria  epigea,  Achar.  Meth.  123;  Lich.  295. 

On  muddy  ground. 

2.  Inoderma  lyssacea . Byssus  tow-moss. 

Thallus  rather  leprous,  cobwebby,  dirty  white ; apothecia 

very  small,  nearly  globular,  half-sunk,  pierced,  inside 

Sphaeria  byssacea,  Persoon  Syn.  Fung.  App . 32. 

Verrucaria  byssacea,  Achar.  Meth.  116;  Lich . 294. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees. 

Pl.cell.apk.  5.  IDIOTHALAMEiE.  131.  Endocarp.  49.9 

X.  131.  ENDOCARPON.  Hedwig.  Hidden-fruit . 

Thallus  crustlike,  fiat,  adnate,  rather  regular,  or  leaflike, 
and  peltate ; apothecia  composed  of  a globular  thalamium 
hidden  in  the  substance  of  the  thallus;  perithecium  single, 
membranaceous,  thin,  transparent,  with  a thick,  nearly 
nipplelike  prominent  mouth,  at  the  surface  of  the  thallus; 
and  enclosing  a globular  nucleus,  nearly  similar  to  the 

1.  Endocarpon  sinopicum.  Jasper  hidden-fruit. 

Thallus  crustlike,  cracked  in  beds,  slightly  lobed,  green- 
ish, rusty,  circumference  depressed ; mouths  depressed, 

Endocarpon  Sinopicum,  Achar.  Meth.  Supp.  30;  Lich.  207. 

Lichen  Sinopicus,  Engl.  Bot.  1776,  but  not  the  magnified  figure. 

On  slate. 

2.  Endocarpon  smaragdulum . Emerald  hidden-fruit. 

Thallus  crustlike,  cartilaginous,  rather  leaflike,  very 

small,  slightly  peltate,  flat,  pressed  close,  rounded,  not 
cut,  yellowish-green  ; mouths  depressed,  reddish-brown. 

Endocarpon  smaragdulum,  Achar.  Meth.  Supp.  29  ; Lich.  298. 

Lichen  smaragdulus,  Engl.  Bot.  1512. 

On  rocks,  and  in  their  cracks. 

3.  Endocarpon  tephroides.  Ash- colour -hidden-fruit. 

Thallus  crustlike,  membranaceous,  spreading,  rather 

leaflike,  unbroken,  wavy,  frequently  tiledlike,  cracked,  ash- 
grey,  hoary;  circumference  irregular,  crenately  lobed,  un- 
derneath black,  rather  spongy;  mouths  raised,  convex, 
black,  pierced. 

Lichen  tephroides,  Achar.  Prod.  18;  Engl.  Bot.  2013. 

Endocarpon  einereum,  Persoon  in  Uster  Ann.  7,28. 

Endocarpon  tephroides,  Achar.  Meth.  129;  Lich.  297. 

Upon  the  ground,  and  on  rotten  mosses. 

4.  Endocarpon  polythecium.  Many -cased  hidden-fruit . 
. Thallus  spreading,  wrinkled,  cracked,  dark  brownish- 

grey,  hoary ; mouths  hemispherical,  pierced,  afterwards 
slightly  bordered,  crowded,  tuberculated. 

Lichen  fuscellus,  Turner  in  Lin.  TV.  7,90;  Engl.  Bot.  1500. 

Verrucaria  fuscella  a and  y,  Achar.  Lich.  289  and  675. 

Verrucaria  polythecia,  Achar.  Lich.  288. 

On  stones,  walls,  and  the  ground, 

2 k 2 

500  131.  Endocarp.  5.  IDIOTHALAMEiE.  PI.  cell,  aph. 

5.  Endocarpon  Hedwigii.  Hedwig’s  hidden-fruit. 

Thallus  nearly  cartilaginous,  roundish,  cornered  and 

lohed,  olive-colour;  underneath  at  the  edge  paler,  grow 
blackish,  fibrilled;  mouths  rather  prominent,  blackish 

Lichen  trapeziformis,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,22;  Engl.  But.  595. 

Lichen  Endocarpon,  Withering  Bot.Arr.  4,52. 

Endocarpon  hepaticum  a and  /S,  Achar.  Lich.  298,  299. 

Endocarpon  pusillum,  Hedwig.  Crypt.  2,  56. 

Endocarpon  Hedwigii,  Achar.  Met h.  125;  Lich.  298. 

On  barren  heaths  and  the  sides  of  mountains. 

Thallus  scarcely  discernible  except  in  wet  weather,  va- 
rious  in  colour,  both  above  and  beneath,  paler  or  darker, 
olive,  rust-colour,  brownish,  brown,  and  blackish. 

6.  Endocarpon  lachneum.  Woolly  hidden-fruit. 

Thallus  nearly  cartilaginous,  lobed;  lobes  aggregated, 

rather  tiledlike ; edge  raised,  turned  over,  wavy ; under- 
neath woolly,  black. 

Lichen  lachneus,  Achar , Prod.  140;  Engl.Bot.  1698. 

Endocarpon  lachneum,  Achar.  Meth.  127  ; Lich . 299. 

On  downs  and  rocks. 

7.  Endocarpon  pallidum.  Pale  hidden  fruit . 

Thallus  leatherlike,  membranaceous,  leaflike,  pale,  green- 
ish, crenately  lobed,  grows  irregularly  jagged ; jags  bent, 
rather  tiledlike;  external  jags  underneath  paler,  naked; 
mouths  hemispherical,  pale,  with  a black  dot. 

Endocarpon  pallidum,  Achar.  Lich.  301  ; Engl.  Bot.  2541. 

Endocarpon  muscorum,  Achar.  Lich.  300. 

Upon  mosses,  and  rocks  barely  covered  with  earth. 

8.  Endocarpon  parasiticum.  Parasitic  hidden-fruit. 

Thallus  crustlike,  leatherlike,  coppery,  underneath  black, 

fibrilled ; lobes  roundish,  lobed,  flat,  smooth,  afterwards 
convex,  wrinkled,  cracked,  broken  ; mouths  depressed, 
slightly  bordered,  at  length  convex. 

Lichen  parasiticus,  Engl.  Bot.  1866. 

Endocarpon  parasiticum,  Achar.  Syn.  100. 

Parasitic  on  parmelia  omphalodes. 

9.  Endocarpon  viride.  Green  hidden-fruit. 

Thallus  thin,  membranaceous,  leaflike,  roundish,  slightly 

concave ; edge  not  in  the  least  cut,  light  greenish,  under- 
neath whitish,  naked. 

PL  cell.  aph.  5.  IDIOTHALAMEJE.  131*Endocarp.  501 

Endocarpon  viride,  Achar.  Lich.  300. 

On  the  ground  among  mosses. 

Mouths  not  yet  discovered. 

10.  Endocarpon  miniatum.  Scarlet  hidden-fruit. 

Thallus  thick,  crustlike,  cartilaginous,  leaflike,  round 

peltate,  greyish;  circumference  turned  back,  bent,  plaited; 
underneath  smooth,  afterwards  wrinkled,  reddish  brown  ; 
mouths  small,  few,  slightly  prominent,  red. 

Lichenoides  coriacemn  nebulosum  einereum  punctatum,  subtus  fulvum, 
Bilim  Muse.  223. 

Lichen  miniatus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1617  ; Engl.  But.  593,  1. 

Endocarpon  miniatum,  Achar.  Meth.  121 ; Lich.  302. 

On  stones  and  rocks. 

11.  Endocarp.  leptophyllum.  Small-leaved  hidden-fruit. 

Thallus  cartilaginous,  leaflike,  round,  peltate,  black- 

brown  or  rather  grayish ; circumference  turned  back,  bent ; 
underneath  smooth,  wrinkled  rather  plaited,  black ; mouths 
black,  slightly  prominent. 

Lichen  leptophyllus,  Achar.  Prod.  141  ; Engl.  Bot.  2012. 

Endocarpon  leptophyllum,  Achar.  Meth.  127  ; Lich.  502. 

On  rocks  exposed  to  the  drip  of  water. 

12.  Endocarp . complicatum.  Complicated  hidden-fruit. 

Thallus  leatherlike,  cartilaginous,  lobed,  grey;  under- 
neath blackish-brown;  lobes  rather  upright,  roundish, 
plaited,  convoluted ; mouths  crowded,  convex,  black. 

Lichen  polyphyllus,  Wulf.  in  Jacq.  Coll.  2. 

Lichen  ainphibius,  Wither.  Bot.  Arr.  4,  66;  Engl.  Bot.  593,  2, 

Lichen  complicatus,  Swartz  in  N.  Act.  JJps.  4. 

Endocarpon  complicatum,  Achar.  Meth.  123  ; Lich.  303. 

On  rocks  and  stones  near  the  water. 

Thallus  sometimes  simple,  approaches  nearer  to  E.  We- 
beri  in  habit  than  to  E.  miniatus,  although  esteemed  by 
some  a variety  of  the  latter ; retains  its  colour  when 

13.  Endocarpon  Weberi . Weber's  hidden-fruit. 

Thallus  cartilaginous,  nearly  leatherlike,  leaflike,  lobed, 

greyish-brown-olive ; underneath  fawn-brown  and  black ; 
each  face  smooth ; lobes  jagged,  bent,  plaited,  crisp,  hud- 
dled, irregular;  mouths  slightly  convex,  black. 

502  131.  Endocarp.  5.  IDIOTHALAMEiE.  PL  cell.  aph. 

Lichen  iluviatilis,  Weber  Gotting.  265. 

Lichen  aquaticus,  Weiss  Crypt.  77 ; Engl.  Bot.  594. 

Platisma  aquaticum,  Hoffm.  Lich.  2,  64. 

Endocarpon  fluviatile,  Wahlenb.  Lapp.  462. 

Endocarpon  Weberi,  Achar.  Meth.  128  ; Lich.  304. 

On  rocks  and  stones  under  water. 

Thallus  while  wet  a fine  green ; when  dry  blackish-brown 
or  dark  green ; underneath  sometimes  deep  black. 

E.  Ofegraphide.®.  Thallus  crustlike,  flat,  expanded, 
adnate,  uniform ; apothecia  sessile,  flat,  bordered,  linear. 

XI.  132.  GRAPHIS.  Adanson.  Trait-moss. 

Thallus  crustlike,  flat,  expanded,  adnate,  uniform ; apo- 
thecia composed  of  a long  thalamium  immersed  in  the 
thallus;  perithecium  single,  cartilaginous,  halved,  lateral, 
black,  enclosing  a linear  nucleus  on  both  sides;  centre 
naked  above  and  below ; inside  cellular-streaked. 

1.  Gr aphis  scripta . Written  trait-moss . 

Crust  membranaceous,  smooth,  rather  shining,  whitish 

and  rather  greyish,  nearly  regular;  apothecia  slightly  raised, 
naked,  wavy,  simple  or  branched ; centre  slitlike;  thalloid 
border  raised,  membranaceous. 

Lichenoides  crusta  tenuissima,  peregrinis  velut  literis  inscripta,  Lillen 
in  Raii  Syn.  7 1, 48. 

Lichen  scriptus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1606. 

Opegrapha  scripta,  Achar.  Meth.  30;  Engl.  Bot,  1813. 

Graphis  scripta,  Achar.  Lich.  265. 

On  the  smooth  bark  of  trees  in  woods. 

Apothecia  resemble  Hebrew  or  Chinese  characters. 

2.  Graphis  pulverulenta . Powdery  trait-moss. 

Crust  spreading,  membranaceous,  whitish ; apothecia 

slightly  raised,  wavy;  centre  grooved,  gaping,  grey-hoary; 
thalloid  border  raised,  slightly  swollen. 

Opegrapha  pulverulenta,  Persoon  in  Uster  Ann.  7,  29  ; Engl.  Bot.  1754. 
Graphis  pulverulenta,  Achar.  Lich.  266. 

On  the  bark  of  trees. 

3.  Graphis  cerasi . Cherry-tree  trait-moss. 

Crust  very  thin,  grey,  greenish,  shining;  apothecia 

slightly  raised,  straight,  long,  simple,  pointed,  nearly  pa- 
rallel; centre  grooved,  slightly  hoary;  thalloid  border  thin. 

Opegrapha  cerasi,  Persoon  in  Uster  Ann.  11,  20;  Engl.  Bot.  2301  ; 
Achar.  Meth.  27. 

Graphis  cerasi,  Achar.  Lich.  268. 

On  the  bark  of  cherry  and  sloe  trees* 

PL  cell.  aph.  5.  IDIOTHALAMEiE.  132.  Graphis.  503 

4.  Graphis  betulina . Birch  trait-moss* 

Crust  very  thin,  white,  bordered,  with  black;  apothecia 

sunk,  nearly  simple,  elliptic,  long  or  starlike;  centre  broad, 
Hat,  rather  hoary ; thalloid  border  raised  membranaceous. 

Opegrapha  betulina,  Persoon  in  Ust.  Ann.  7,  31  j Engl.  Dot.  2281  ; 
Achar.  Meth.  20. 

Graphis  betulina,  Achar.  Lich.  268. 

On  the  bark  of  birch-trees. 

5.  Graphis  dendritica.  Shrublike  trait-moss . 

Crust  rather  cartilaginous,  uneven,  very  white ; apothecia 

sunk,  wavy,  branched,  black ; branches  diverging,  forked, 
pointed;  centre  broad,  flat,  naked;  border  of  the  perithe- 
cium  scarcely  any,  thalloid  border  very  slight. 

Opegrapha  dendritica,  Achar.  Meth.  31  ; Engl.  Bot.  1756. 

Graphis  dendritica,  Achar.  Lich.  271. 

On  the  bark  of  trees. 

Apothecia  when  moistened  becomes  transparent,  brownish. 

6.  Graphis  serpentina . Serpentine  trait-moss . 

Crust  cartilaginous,  membranaceous,  uneven,  wrinkled, 

regular,  white  and  grey ; apothecia  sunk,  long,  crowded, 
bent,  sometimes  branched,  blunt,  grey-hoary  ; centre 
grows  flat;  thalloid  border  thick. 

Opegrapha  serpentina,  Achar.  Meth.  29*  Engl.  Bot.  1755. 

Graphis  serpentina,  Achar.  Lich,  269. 

On  the  bark  of  trees. 

Habit  singular,  and  quite  distinct  from  G.  pulverulenta. 

7.  Graphis  Lyelli . Ly  ell's  trait-moss. 

Crust  membranaceous,  smooth,  pale  olive-colour;  apo- 
thecia crowded,  seldom  branched,  curved,  swollen,  blunt; 
centre  broad,  convex,  grey-hoary;  thalloid  border  thick, 
white,  powdery. 

Opegrapha  Lyelli,  Engl.  Bot.  1876. 

Graphis  Lyelli,  Achar.  Syn.  85. 

On  rugged  barks  of  trees. 

8.  Graphis  elegans.  Elegant  trait-moss. 

Crust  round,  granular,  bald,  white ; apothecia  sunk,  scat- 
tered, short,  straight,  seldom  branched ; edge  of  the  peri- 
thecium  grooved  lengthways. 

Opegrapha  elegans,  Engl.  Bot.  1852. 

Graphis  elegans,  Achar.  Syn.  85. 

On  the  smooth  bark  of  young  trees. 

504.  133.  Alyxoria.  5.  IDIOTH  ALAMEiE.  Plcellaph . 

XII.  133.  ALYXORIA.  Acharius.  Wide-moss. 

Thallus  crustlike,  flat,  expanded,  adnate,  uniform  ; apo - 

thecia  oblong  or  long,  sessile;  covered  with  a black,  carti- 
laginous membrane,  enclosing  a similar,  rather  solid  pa- 
renchyme;  centre  linear,  bordered  on  both  sides,  hollow, 
grooved  or  flat,  open ; borders  distant. 

1.  Alyxoria  notha.  Spurious  wide-moss. 

Crust  cartilaginous,  rather  leprous,  whitish ; apolhecia 

sessile,  scattered,  rather  roundish  or  oval,  irregular;  centre 
flat,  grows  convex,  hemispherical,  slightly  tuberculated, 
edge  very  small. 

Arthronia  gibberulosa,  Achar.  Lick.  142. 

Opegrapha  verrucaroides  /3  and  8,  Achar.  Lick.  244. 

Opegrapha  Lichenoides,  Persoon  in  TJster  Ann.  7,30. 

Opegrapha  notha,  Achar.  Meth.  17  ; Lich.  252;  Engl.  Hot.  1S90. 

On  the  bark  of  old  elms,  fig,  and  other  trees. 

2.  Alyxoria  diaphora.  Variable  wide-moss. 

Crust  cartilaginous,  membranaceous,  dirty  greyish-white ; 

apothecia  sessile,  variable,  oblong,  rather  long,  narrow  both 
ways,  opake;  centre  flat;  edges  persistent,  rather  bent. 

Opegrapha  varia,  Persoon  in  Us'ter  Ann.  7,  30. 

Opegrapha  diaphora,  Achar.  Meth.  19;  Lich.  254. 

Opegrapha  diaphora  spanista,  Achar.  Meth.  19  ; Lich.  254. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees. 

XIII.  134*.  HYSTERINA.  Acharius.  Slit-moss, 

Thallus  crustlike,  flat,  expanded,  adnate,  uniform  ; apo- 
thecia oblong  or  long,  sessile,  covered  with  a black  carti- 
laginous membrane,  enclosing  a similar  rather  solid  paren- 
chyme;  centre  linear,  very  narrow,  slitlike,  enclosed  on 
each  side  with  a swollen,  connivent  border  nearly  close. 

1.  Hysterina  nimbosa.  Cloudlike  slit-moss. 

Crust  slightly  cracked,  uneven,  very  white;  apothecia 

crowded,  small,  oval  oblong,  turgid ; centre  closed. 

Opegrapha  notha  conferta,  Achar.  Meth.  18. 

Opegrapha  nimbosa,  Achar.  Meth.  18  ; Lich.  245  ; Engl.  Bot.  2346. 
On  the  bark  of  trees. 

2.  Hysterina  Versoonii.  Persoon' s slit-moss. 

Crust  tartarlike,  smoothish,  coherent,  uneven,  whitish  ; 

apothecia  innate,  oblong;  centre  slitlike,  growing  wrinkled, 
bent,  plaited,  irregular,  slightly  running  into  one  another ; 
irregularly  slightly  gaping. 

PL  cell.  a pit.  5.  IDIOTHALAMEiE.  1 34-.  Hysterina.  505 

Opegrapha  rupestris,  Persoon  in  Uster  Ann.  11,20. 

Opegrapha  Persoonii,  Achar.  Meth.  17  ; Lich.  246;  Engl.  Bot.  2345. 

On  rocks  and  walls. 

/3.  aporea.  Crust  tartarlike,  leprous,  uneven,  powdery; 
apoihecia  roundish,  irregular,  wavy,  plaited,  serpentine,  in 
various  manners,  gaping. 

Lichenis  simplieis  varietas,  Dailies  Tr.  Lin.  Soc.  2,  284. 

Lecidea  privigna,  Achar.  Mdh.  49. 

Opegrapha  Persoonii  aporea,  Achar.  Meth.  17  ; Lich.  246. 

y.  strepsodina.  Crust  very  thin,  scarcely  any,  smooth, 
greyish ; opothecia  crowded,  roundish,  irregular,  wrinkled 
and  bordered. 

Opegrapha  Persoonii  strepsodina,  Achar.  Lich.  247. 

On  slate-rocks. 

3.  Hysterina  petr&a.  Rock  slit-moss. 

Crust  tartarlike,  cracked  in  beds,  dirty-white  ; beds 

smooth ; apothecia  sessile,  oblong,  nearly  linear,  swollen, 
straightish,  rather  shining;  centre  slitlike,  between  raised 

Opegrapha  petrasa,  Achar.  Syn.  72. 

On  rocks. 

4.  Hysterina  calcar ea.  Limestone  slit-moss. 

Crust  tartarlike,  powdery,  very  white;  apothecia  rather 

long,  straight,  swollen,  opake,  aggregated  in  stars ; centre 

Opegrapha  calcarea,  Engl.  Bot.  1790;  Achar.  Lich.  250. 

On  the  mortar  of  old  walls,  and  on  limestone. 

5.  Hysterina  macularis . Spotted  slit-moss. 

Crust  regular,  uneven,  brown-black ; apothecia  small, 

run  together,  roundish,  elliptic,  growing  wrinkled,  irregu- 
lar ; centre  slitlike. 

Lichenoides  punctatum  et  rugosum  nigrum,  Dillen  Muse.  125. 

Lichen  rugosus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1607. 

Lichen  macularis,  Relhan  Cant.  446. 

Opegrapha  quercina,  Persoon  in  Uster  Ann.  7,31. 

Opegrapha  conglomerata,  Persoon  in  Uster  Ann.  7,  31  ; Achar.  Meth. 

Opegrapha  faginea,  Persoon  in  Uster  Ann.  7,31. 

Opegrapha  macularis,  Achar.  Lich.  247  ; Meth.  21. 

Opegrapha  epiphega,  Achar.  Meth.  24. 

Opegrapha  macularis  conglomerata,  Achar.  Lich . 247. 

Opegrapha  macularis  fagiuea,  Achar.  Lich.  248. 

On  the  bark  of  the  branches  of  beech  and  oak  trees. 

506  134.  Hysterina.  5.  IDIOTHALAME^.  PLcelLaph. 

6.  Hysterina  herpetica.  Eruption  slit-moss. 

Crust  nearly  membranaceous,  very  finely  cracked  and 

wrinkled,  rather  rough,  grey-brown  ; opolhecia  very  small, 
innate  ih  the  crust,  crowded,  convex,  elliptically  oblong, 
rather  long,  straight ; centre  slitlike. 

Opegrapha  herpetica,  Achar.  Meth.  25  ; Lich.  248. 

Opegrapha  rubella  decolorata,  Achar.  Meth.  21  ; Lich.  248. 

Opegrapha  fuliginosa,  Persoon  in  Act.  JVetteraw , 2,44. 

Opegrapha  rimalis  fuscata,  Achar.  Lich.  261, 

On  the  trunks  of  trees. 

7.  Hysterina  dispar  a ta.  Unlike  slit-moss. 

Crust  membranaceous,  rather  smooth,  pale  olive,  or 

brownish  with  a green  or  red  cast;  apothecia  various,  round- 
ish, oblong,  longish,  straight  or  crooked ; centre  slitlike. 

Opegrapha  rubella,  Persoon  in  Uster  Ann . 7,  31. 

Opegrapha  aenea,  Persoon  in  Uster  Ann.  7,31. 

Opegrapha  viridis,  Persoon  in  Uster  Ann.  7,31. 

Opegrapha  rubella  a and  8,  Achar.  Meth.  21 , 22. 

Opegrapha  siderella  aenea,  Achar.  Meth.  26. 

Opegrapha  rubella  «,  y and  8,  Achar.  Lich.  249,  250. 

On  the  bark  of  trees. 

8.  Hysterina  vulgata.  Common  slit-moss . 

Crust  cartilaginous,  membranaceous,  broken,  rather 

scaly,  smoothish,  greenish-white;  apothecia  sessile, variously 
formed,  long,  cylindrical,  wavy,  rather  shining ; centre 

Opegrapha  vulgata,  Achar.  Meth.  20  ; Lich.  250;  Engl.  Bot.  255, 1811. 
On  the  clefts  of  old  trees,  especially  fir-trees. 

9.  Hysterina  epipasta.  Sprinkled  slit-moss . 

Crust  very  thin,  rather  irregular,  smooth,  grey ; apothecia 

innate,  slightly  raised,  very  small,  convex,  wrinkled,  opake, 
various;  the  smaller  apothecia  dotlike;  the  longer  ex- 
tremely narrow,  crooked,  sometimes  branched ; centre  and 
edges  very  slender,  scarcely  any. 

Opegrapha  dispersa,  Schrad.  Krypt.  167. 

Opegrapha  epipasta,  Achar.  Meth.  26;  Lich.  258  ; Engl.  Bot.  1828. 

On  smooth  bark  of  trees,  particularly  maple  and  horse 

10.  Hysterina  microscopica.  Microscopic  slit-moss. 

Crust  very  thin,  rather  shining,  pale  olive;  apothecia 

rather  elliptic,  not  branched,  nearly  parallel,  growing  star- 
like,  branched  and  angular;  border  very  slight. 

PLcelLaph.  5.  IDlOTHALAMEiE.  134.  Hysterina.  507 

Graphis  microscopica,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  278. 

Opegrapha  microscopica,  Eng l.  Bot.  1911. 

Opegrapha  epipasta  caruganae,  Achar.  Meth.  26;  Lich.  258. 

On  the  smooth  bark  of  trees,  mostly  in  company  with 
lejophlea  analepta,  gen.  128,  2. 

1 1 . Hysterina  venosa.  Veiny  slit-moss . 

Crust  powdery,  white;  apothecia  close  together,  branch- 
ed, stuffed,  prominent,  bald. 

Opegrapha  venosa,  Persoon  in  Act.  Wetter.  2,  44  ; Achar.  Syn.  334. 

On  the  trunks  of  beech-trees ; always  surrounded  with 
arthonia  obscura,  gen.  117j  3. 

12.  Hysterina  denigrata . Smutted  slit-moss . 

Crust  regular,  membranaceous,  palish-white;  apothecia 

sessile,  crowded,  rather  shining,  longish,  bent,  sometimes 
branched;  centre  slightly  channelled. 

Opegrapha  atra,  Persoon  in  Uster  Ann.  7,  30. 

Opegrapha  denigrata,  Achar.  Meth.  26;  Lich.  259;  Engl.  Bot.  1753. 
Opegraplia  denigrata  melanochroa,  Achar.  Meth.  27. 

Opegrapha  denigrata  atra,  Achar.  Lich.  260. 

On  the  bark  of  wallnut,  ash,  oak,  and  beech  trees. 

Earn.  VI.  6.  SARCOTHALAMEiE.  Fungorum  pars , 

Linnseus.  Hypoxylorum  pars , De  Candolle. 
Xylaria , Link.  Myelomyci , Esenbeck. 

Algarum  pars , Jussieu. 

Thallus  corky,  fleshy,  or  0 ; thecce  mostly  immersed  in 
the  thallus  or  substance  of  the  plant,  coriaceous  or  bony, 
of  a different  substance  from  the  thallus,  opening  by  a re- 
gular mouth,  sometimes  but  rarely  bursting  irregularly; 
sporidia  ringed,  intermixed  with  a deliquescent,  deciduous 
pulp. — Grows  generally  on  decayed  plants,  under  the  epi- 

A.  Sporidia  fixed;  thecce  opening  ly  a slit ; thallus  0. 

Theca  roundish,  erumpent; 

mouth  valvular ; Actidium.  135. 

Theca  long,  erumpent ; mouth  linear  Hypoderma.  136. 
Theca  long,  naked;  mouth  linear  ....  Hysterium.  137. 

508  6.  SARCOTHALAMEJE.  Pl.celLaph. 

Be  Sporidia  deliquescent ; thecae  ivith  a mouth  or  r up  t ile, 
fixed . Spherideae. 

Thallus  clublike,  succulent; 

thecae  peripherical,  horizontal Xylaria.  138. 

Thallus  clublike,  corky; 

thecae,  peripherical,  horizontal Hypoxylon!  139. 

Thallus  hemispherical,  sessile; 
thecae  peripherical,  horizontal  ..  Periphorostoma.  140. 
Thallus  cupshape,  stipitate ; 

thecae  vertical,  immersed , Poronia.  141. 

Thallus  spreading,  sessile; 

thecae  vertical,  immersed Neman  ia.  142. 

Thallus  spreading,  irregular; 

thecae  clustered,  naked Cucurbitaria.  143. 

Thallus  spreading;  thecae  immersed 

in  the  bark;  mouths  connivent Engizostoma.  144. 

Thallus  0 ; thecae  immersed, 

connivent;  mouths  erumpent Circinostoma.  145. 

Thallus  0 ; thecae  immersed, 

upright;  mouths  erumpent Exormatostoma.  146. 

Thallus  0;  thecae  naked; 

mouths  not  discernible Astoma.  147. 

Thallus  0 ; thecae  naked ; 

mouths  conspicuous Sphteria.  148. 

C.  Sporidia  gelatinous ; thecae  globular , projectile; 
thallus  cupshaped.  Theleobilideae. 

Thecae  when  mature  projected Thelebolus.  146. 

D.  Sporidia  threadlike , waxy,  persisting  ; thecae  fixed, 
with  a mouth . Nemasporidese. 

Sporidia  tendril-like Nemaspora.  147. 

A.  Hysterideje.  Thallus  0;  thecae  long  or  round; 
mouth  opening  by  one  or  more  slits;  sporidia  fixed,  up- 
right; sporae  oval. 

I.  135.  ACTXDIUM.  Fries.  Actidium . 

Thallus  0 ; thecae  round,  bursting  through  the  epidermis 
of  plants;  mouth  with  many  radiating  slits. 

PL  celL  apk.  6.  SARCOTHALAMEZE.  135.  Actid.  509 

Actidium  Esenbeckii.  Esenbeck's  actidium. 

Thecae  roundish,  flat ; mouth  with  five  or  six  valves  turned 

Hysterium  valvatum,  Esenbeck  Syst.  1,281. 

On  decayed  wood. 

II.  136.  HYPODERMA.  De  Candolle.  Hypoderme . 

Thallus  0;  thecae  long,  linear,  bursting  the  epidermis; 
mouth  a simple,  linear  slit. 

1.  Hypoderma  fraxini.  Ash-tree  hypoderme . 

Thecae  opake,  blackish,  ovate  oblong,  convex;  mouth 

deep,  lips  turned  back. 

Sphmria  sulcata,  Bolton  Fungi,  124;  Sowerby  Engl , Fungiy  315. 
Hysterium  fraxini,  Persoon  Syn.  Fung.  100. 

Hypoderma  fraxini,  De  Cand.  Syn.  FI.  Gall.  64. 

On  the  branches  of  ash  and  maple. 

2.  Hypoderma  quercinum.  Oak  hypoderme . 

Thecae  greyish-black,  oblong,  large,  rather  bellied,  bent; 

lips  acute,  crisped. 

Hysterium  nigrum,  Tode  Fung.  1,5. 

Variolaria  corrugata,  Bulliard  Champ.  117. 

Sphceria  collapsa,  Sowerby  Engl.  Fungi,  373. 

Hypoderma  quercinum,  De  Cand.  Syn.  64. 

On  dead  sticks. 

3.  Hypoderma  cojiigerum.  Conebearing  hypoderme . 

Thecae  blackish,  rather  ovate,  very  small;  inside  wrinkly, 


Hysterium  conigerum,  Persoon  Syn.  102. 

Hypoderma  conigerum,  De  Cand.  Syn.  824. 

On  dried  strobiles  of  fir-trees. 

4.  Hypoderma  crispum.  Crisp  hypoderme . 

Thecae  long,  convex,  rather  bellied ; Ups  thin,  crisp. 

Hysterium  crispum,  Persoon  Syn.  F.  101. 

Hypoderma  crispum,  De  Cand.  Syn.  826.*  * 

On  the  bark  of  pine-trees. 

5.  Hypoderma  arundinaceum.  Reed  hypoderme , 

Thecae,  oval,  depressed,  greyish  black,  granular. 

Hypoderma  arundinaceum,  De  Cand.  Syn.  825. 

On  dead  stems  of  arundo  vallatoria. 

510  136.  Hypod.  6.  SARCOTHALAMEiE.  Plcell.aph. 

6.  Hypoderma  xylomoides . Xyloma  hypoderme . 

Thecce  elliptical,  flat,  shining,  black. 

Xyloma  hysteroides,  Persoon  Syn.  106. 

Hypoderma  xylomoides,  De  Cand.  Syn.  823. 

On  dead  hawthorn  and  laurel-leaves. 

III.  137.  HYSTERIUM.  Persoon.  Hysterium . 

Thallus  0 ; thecce  long,  naked ; mouth  a simple  linear  slit. 

—On  old  dead  wood. 

1.  Hysterium  mytilinum.  Mussel  hysterium. 

Thecce  aggregate,  black-green,  upright,  lenticular, 

streaked  crosswise,  slightly  pedicelled. 

Hysterium  mytilinum,  Persoon  Syn.  97. 

On  the  bark  of  abies  excelsa. 

2.  Hysterium  pulicare.  Flea-hrown  hysterium . 

Thecce  gregarious,  oblong,  blunt,  streaked,  black ; lips 


Hysterium  pulicare,  Persoon  Syn.  9S. 

Lichen  scriptus  #,  Light f.  Scot.  2,  801. 

On  dead  branches  of  oak-trees. 

3.  Hysterium  angustatum . Narrow-mouth  hysterium . 
Thecce  crowded,  linear,  parallel,  black;  lips  sharp. 
Hysterium  angustatum,  Persoon  Syn.  99. 

On  decayed  wood. 

B.  SpHERTDEiE.  Thallus  fleshy,  leatherlike,  crustlike, 
or  0 ; thecce  fixed,  roundish,  opening  by  a roundish  mouth, 
sometimes  remaining  closed ; sporidia  long,  mostly  club- 
shape,  twisted,  deliquescing  into  a liquid  slime;  sporce  ob- 
long, ringed. 

IV.  138.  XYLARIA.  Hill.  Xytaria. 

Thallus  long,  clubshape,  fleshy ; thecce  roundish,  in  the 

circumference  of  the  thallus ; mouths  circular. 

a.  Growing  on  the  earth. 

1 . Xylaria  militaris.  Soldierlike  xylaria, 

Thallus  yellowish  red,  head  rough,  rather  tubercular ; 
mouth  slightly  prominent. 

Pl. cell. aph.  G.  SAIICOTII  ALAMEiE.  138.  Xylan  .511 

Clavaria  militaris,  Lin.  S.  P.  1652. 

Sphaeria  militaris,  Persoon  Syn.  1 ; Sowerby  Fungi,  60. 

Among  grass  and  mosses  ; autumn. 

Thallus  2 or  3 inches  long,  club  rarely  2 or.3-cut. 

2.  Xylaria  alutacea.  Leathery  xylaria . 

Thallus  opake,  ochraceous;  club  smooth;  mouth  not 


Sphaeria  alutacea,  Persoon  Syn.  2. 

Pine-woods ; autumn. 

Club  gradually  thickening. 

3.  Xylaria  albicans . Whitish  xylaria . 

Thallus  pale  whitish ; club  and  bottom  of  the  stipes 

swollen,  smooth. 

Sphaeria  clavata,  Sowerby  Fungi,  159. 

Woods;  autumn. 

Thallus  hollow,  2 inches  high. 

? (3.  cylindrical  Thallus  nearly  cylindrical. 

Clavaria  cylindrica,  Sowerby  Fungi , 90. 

4.  Xylaria  agariciformis . Mushroomlike  xylaria . 

Thallus  tuberous  at  bottom;  stipes  yellow;  club  ovate, 

dark  chestnut,  dotted. 

Sphaeria  agariciformis,  Bolton  Fung . 130  j Sowerby  Fungi , 354. 

Sphaeria  capitata,  Persoon  Syn.  3. 

In  woods. 

Thallus  2-coated  at  bottom,  inside  black ; stipes  rather 

b.  Growing  upon  dead  insects . 

5.  Xylaria  entomorhiza.  Insect-rooting  xylaria . 

Stipes  long,  very  slender;  club  spherical,  brown,  gra- 

Sphaeria  entomorhiza,  Dickson  Crypt.  22  ; Persoon  Syn.  4. 

On  the  dead  larvae  of  wasps. 

Stipes  simple  or  branched,  compressed,  2 inches  long. 

6.  Xylaria  apum.  Bee  xylaria . 

Stipes  shortish,  thick,  tuberous  at  bottom ; club  granu- 
lated, chocolate-brown. 

On  the  pupae  of  bees. 

Stipes  an  inch  long ; head  a quarter  as  long,  one  or  two 
from  the  same  base. 


512  139.  Hypox.  Q.  SAilCOTHALAME/E.  PI;  cell  apt*. 

\\  139.  HYPOXYLON.  Hy  poxy  Ion. 

Thallus  long,  slightly  clubshape,  or  branched;  leather- 
like; inside  blackish;  outside  whitish;  thecce  roundish; 
mouths  circular,  in  the  circumference  of  the  thallus. 

1.  Hypoxylon  pedunculatum.  Footstalked  hypoxylon . 

Thallus  leatherlike,  corky,  black,  bald ; inside  white ; 

stipes  simple,  roundish,  slender;  club  ovate,  conical. 

Sphaeria  pedunculata,  Sowerby  Fungi , 437- 
Clavaria  parasitica,  Withering  j Sot.  Arr . 4,397. 

On  lycoperda. 

2.  Hypoxylon  ophioglossoides.  Adders- tongue  hypoxylon . 
Thallus  blackish ; inside  yellowish  green ; club  ovate, 

roundish,  thickened. 

Clavaria  radicosa,  Bulliard  Champ.  195. 

Sphaeria  ophioglossoides,  Persoon  Syn.  4. 

Sphaeria  radicosa,  De  Cand.  Syn.  754. 

On  heaths  and  pine-woods  ; autumn. 

Club  sometimes  2-cut. 

3.  Hypoxylon  cornutum . Horned  hypoxylon , 

Thallus  leatherlike,  corky,  black,  compressed,  grega- 
rious; base  hirsute;  tip  white,  powdery. 

Clavaria  Hypoxylon,  Lin.  Syst.  Veg.  ed.  15,  1013. 

Sphaeria  cornuta,  Hojpm.  Crypt.  4,  11. 

Sphaeria  Hypoxylon,  Persoon  Syn.  5;  Sowerby  Fungi , 55. 

On  rotten  wood  in  gardens. 

Thecce  below  the  tip. 

0.  cupressiforme . Thallus  small ; club  bellied  or  round, 

Sphaeria  cupressiformis,  Woodward  in  Wither.  Bot.  Arr.  3,457. 
Lichen-agaricus  nigricans,  cupressiformis,  ramosus  et  non  ramosus, 
lignis  aridis  adnascens,  Micheli  N.  Gen.  PI.  104. 

y.  ramosum.  Thallus  slender,  very  much  branched. 

Sphaeria  ramosa,  Sowerby  Fungi,  395. 

4.  Hypoxylon  polymorphum.  Very-various  hypoxylon . 
Thallus  leatherlike,  corky,  black,  bald,  gregarious;  in- 
side white,  tip  yellowish,  compressed,  branchy,  tuberculate. 

Clavaria  digilata,  FI.  Dan.  900. 

Sphaeria  digitata,  Sowerby  Fungi , 69. 

Sphaeria  carcharias,  Gmel.  Syst.  Nat.  2,  1474. 

Sphaeria  polyinorpha,  Persoon  Syn.  7. 

On  rotten,  decayed  wood. 

Thallus  very  variable;  tip  of  the  club  blunt. 

Pl.cell.aph.  6.  SARCOTHALAMEiE.  139.  Hypox.  51S 


0.  spathulaturru  Thallus  slightly  compressed,  reverse- 
conical ; stipes  very  short. 

y.  mammillanum.  Club  bellied,  ending  in  a long  barren 

5.  Hypoxylon  digitatum . Fingered  hypoxyloru 

Thallus  leatherlike,  corky,  black;  inside  white;  stipes 
connate  at  bottom ; tip  white,  powdery,  pointed,  naked. 

Clavaria  digitata,  Lin.  Syst.  Veg.  ed.  15,  1010. 

Sphaeria  digitata,  Persoon  Syn.  7. 

On  rotten  wood. 

VI.  140.  PERIPHEROSTOMA.  Peripherostome . 

Thallus  leatherlike,  corky,  hemispherical,  sessile,  de- 
pressed ; thecce  in  the  circumference  of  the  thallus. 

a.  Thallus  naked,  free, 

1.  Periph.  concentricum.  Concentric  peripherostome, 

Thallus  nearly  globose,  bald,  uneven ; thecce  immersed, 

in  concentric  striae. 

Sphaeria  concentrica,  Bolton  Fungi , 180. 

Sphaeria  fraxinea,  Sowerby  Fungi , 160. 

On  ash  and  hornbeam  trees. 

Thallus  2 or  3 inches  in  diameter. 

0.  multicap sulare.  Thallus  small. 

Sphaeria  multicapsula,  Sowerby  Fungi , 436. 

2.  Periph.  fragiformis.  Strawberry  peripherostome . 

Thallus  nearly  globular,  black ; surface  granulated  \ 
thecce  rather  prominent,  reddish-brown. 

Lycoperdon  variolosuin,  Lin.  Syst.  Veg.ed.  15,2,  1019. 

Sphagna  fragiformis,  Persoon  Syn.  9. 

On  birch-trees. 

S.  Peripherostoma  fuscum . Brown  peripherostome . 

Thallus  brown,  hemispherical,  flattened,  confluent;  thecce 
swollen,  umbilicated,  tubercular. 

Sphaeria  confluens,  JVilld.  Berol.  416. 

Sphaeria  fragiformis,  Hoffm.  Crypt.  1,20. 

Sphaeria  tuberculosa,  Bolton  Fungi , 123 ; Sowerby  Fungi , 374. 

Sphaeria  aciniformis,  Sowerby  Fungi , 273  ? 

Sphaeria  fusea,  Persoon  Syn.  12. 

On  the  dried  branches  of  hawthorn  or  of  nut-trees.. 
Thallus  conical,  scattered,  dark  opake  dull  brown  ; thecas: 
sometimes  even,  not  swollen. 
vol.  i . 2l 

514?  140.  Peripb.  6.  SARCOTHALAMEiE.  Pl.cell.apk . 

&•  depressum.  Thallus  flattened,  rather  wrinkled. 
y.  inequale . Thallus  wartlike,  unequal,  confluent. 

4.  Peripherostoma  confluens.  Confluent  peripherostome. 
Thallus  black,  unequal,  expanded ; thecce  free  above. 

Sphaeria  cohaerens, ' Persoon  Syn.  II. 

On  the  trunks  of  beech- trees. 

5.  Peripherostoma  irrcgulare.  Irregular  peripherostome . 
Thallus  irregular,  tubercular,  black ; thecce  reddish- 

brown,  irregularly  scattered. 

Sphaeria  irregularis,  Sowerby  Fungi , 374. 

On  rotten  wood. 

6.  Peripherostoma  granulosum . Granular  peripherostome . 

Thallus  light,  spongy,  knoblike,  black;  thecce  immersed; 

mouth  level  with  the  surface. 

Sphaeria  granulosa,  Bulliard  Champ. ; Sowerby  Fungi.  356. 

On  dead  birch-trees. 

7.  Periph.  multiceps.  Many-headed  peripherostome . 

Thallus  flat,  black,  sooty,  irregular,  spreading;  inside 

green ; thecce  with  a pointed  acuminated  mouth. 

Sphaeria  multiceps,  Sowerby  Fungi , 395. 

On  decayed  sticks. 

b.  Bursting  through  the  lark. 

8.  Periph . melogramma.  Black-letter  periphrosiome. 

Thallus  reverse-conical,  soot-black ; thecce  rather  pro- 

Sphaerica  ocellata,  Persoon  Disp.  2. 

Variolaria  melogramma,  Bulliard  Champ.  182. 

Sphaeria  obducta,  Bolton  Fungi.  125. 

Sphaeria  melogramma,  Persoon  Syn.  13. 

On  branches  of  beech  and  birch  trees. 

9.  Peripherostoma  ribis.  Currant-tree  peripherostome . 
Thallus  elliptical,  bursting  forth  across  the  branches, 

brown,  grooved. 

Sphaeria  Ribesia,  Persoon  Syn.  14. 

On  dry  branches  of  red-currant  bushes,  winter. 

Pl.cell.  aph.  6.  SARCOTH  ALAMEiE.  140.  Periph.  515 

10.  Peripherostoma  samluci . Elder-tree  peripherostome. 

Thallus  flat,  grayish,  soft;  outside  black;  thecce  pro- 

Sphaeria  sambuci,  Persoon  Syn.  15. 

On  elder-trees. 

11.  Peripherostoma  parallelum . Parallel  peripherostome . 

Thallus  nearly  smooth,  blackish ; thecce  embedded. 
Sphaeria  parallela,  Sowerby  Fungi,  374,4. 

12.  Peripherostoma  populi.  Poplar  peripherostome . 

Thallus  scattered,  orbicular,  on  poplar  leaves. 

Sphaeria  populi,  Sowerby  Fungi.  374,  2. 

1 3.  Peripherostoma  ulmi.  Elm-tree  peripherostome . 

Thallus  scattered,  orbicular;  on  the  leaves  of  ulmus 


Sphaeria  ulinaria,  Sowerby  Fungi,  374,3. 

14.  Peripherostoma  depressum.  Flattened  peripherostome. 
Thallus  orbicular,  flat,  black,  inside  white;  thecce  not 


Sphaeria  depressa,  Sowerby  Fungi,  216. 

Variolaria  punctata,  Bulliard  Champ.  432,  2. 

On  rotten  sticks. 

15.  Peripherostoma  arundinacea.  Reed  peripherostome. 
Thallus  oblong,  long,  flat,  black ; thecae  in  a single  lon- 
gitudinal row. 

Sphaeria  arundinacea,  Sowerby  Fungi,  336. 

On  the  stalks  of  arundo  vallatoria. 

VII.  141.  PORONIA.  Willdenow.  Poronia . 

Thallus  leatherlike,  stipitate,  cupshaped;  centre  orbi* 
cular,  truncated ; thecce  scattered,  immersed  vertically  in 
the  thallus. 

Poronia  Gleditschii.  Gleditsch’s  poronia . 

Thallus  cupshape  ; stipes  sooty  ; centre  snow-white ; 
thecce  scattered,  like  black  spots. 

Sphaeria  truncata,  Bulliard  Champ.  127,2. 

Sphaeria  punctata,  Sowerby  Fungi,  54. 

Sphaeria  Poronia,  Persoon  Syn.  15. 

Peziza  punctata,  Lin.  Syst.  ed.  15,  1017. 

Poronia  Gleditschii,  Willd.  Berol.  400. 

Sandy  places,  on  horse-dung,  rarely  on  cow-dung. 

2 L 2 

516  142.  Neman.  6.  SARCOTHALAMEiE.  Pl.cell.aph . 

VIII.  142.  NEMANIA.  Nemania • 

Thallus  sessile,  spreading,  orbicular  or  elliptical;  thecce 
scattered,  immersed  vertically  in  the  thallus. 

a.  Thallus  naked , free. 

1.  Nemania  deusta.  Burnt  nemania . 

Thallus  broad,  thick,  wrinkled,  spreading,  brown  ; moutks 


Hypoxylon  ustulatum,  Bulliard  Champ.  487,  1. 

Sphaeria  deusta,  Persoon  Syn.  16. 

Sphaeria  maxima,  fVcber  Germ.  286;  Sowcrby  Fungi , 338. 

Sphaeria  versipellis,  Tode  Fung.  2,  55. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees,  in  woods;  spring. 

Thallus  centre  gray,  powdery;  limb  whitish,  at  length 
bullated,  waved,  ridged,  entirely  black. 

2.  Nemania  graminis. 

Thallus  black,  equal,  spotlike. 

Sphaeria  graminis,  Persoon  Syn.  30. 

On  the  withered  leaves  of  grasses. 

3.  Nemania  typhina . 

Thallus  dark  yellow. 

Sphaeria  typhina,  Persoon  Syn.  13. 

On  withered  leaves  of  grasses  and  bullrushes. 

4.  Nemania  serpens . Creeping  nemania. 

Thallus  black,  flat,  spreading  lengthways ; thecce  pro- 

Sphaeria  serpens,  Persoon  Syn . 20. 

On  oak  and  beech-wood. 

5.  Nemania  uda.  Moist  nemania . 

Thallus  oblong,  aggregate,  black ; thecce  very  prominent. 

Sphaeria  uda,  Persoon  Syn.  33. 

On  dry  oak-wood. 

6.  Nemania  picea.  Pitchy  nemania . 

Thallus  spreading,  irregular,  smooth,  brownish-black, 

pitchy,  cracked ; thecce  embedded. 

Sphaeria  picea,  Sovoerby  Fungi,  374,  5. 

On  the  outside  of  wood. 

Grass  nemania. 

Bullrush  nemania . 

JPL cell, apk.  6.  SARCOTHALAMEiE.  142.  Neman.  5l1 

7.  Nemania  immersa.  Sunken  nemania. 

Thallus  spherical,  black,  penetrating  wood  in  various 

Sphaeria  immersa,  Sowerby  Fungi , 374,  1. 

8.  Nemania  diffusa.  Spread  nemania. 

Thallus  spreading,  irregular,  black. 

Sphaeria  diffusa,  Sowerby  Fungi , 373,  10. 

On  the  bark  of  dry  wood,  under  the  epidermis. 

9.  Nemania  fuliginos a.  Suoty  nemania. 

Thallus  black;  thecce  prominent. 

On  rotten  branches  of  oak-trees,  on  the  epidermis. 

10.  Nemania  Crustacea . Crustlike  nemania. 

Thallus  spread;  thecce  slightly  prominent;  mouth  pro- 

Sphaeria  Crustacea,  Sowerby  Fungi , 372,  1 1. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees. 

b.  Bursting  forth  from  under  the  hark. 

1 1 . Nemania  stigma.  Stigma  nemania. 

Thallus  broad,  flat,  equal,  spreading  under  the  epidermis; 

inside  white,  outside  black ; mouths  immersed,  flattish, 

Sphaeria  stigma,  Hoffm.  Crypt.  1,7. 

Hypoxylon  operculatum.  Bull.  Champ.  177. 

On  dried  branches  of  hawthorn. 

12.  Nemania  decorlicata.  Unlarked  nemania. 

Theca  inside  white,  outside  black ; mouths  rather  pro- 
minent, conical. 

Sphaeria  decorticath,  Sowerby  Fungi , 137. 

Sphaeria  stigma  decorticala,  Persoon  Syn.  21. 

On  dead  branches  of  hazel. 

13.  Nemania  maculata . Spotted  nemania. 

Thallus  broad,  spread,  quite  flat,  black;  thecce  pointed, 

globular,  covered  with  a rust-colour  veil. 

Sphaeria  cinerea,  Sowerby  Fungi , 373,  11. 

Sphaeria  macula,  Tode  Meckl,  2,  33. 

On  dry  branches  of  oak-trees. 

Spot  black,  large;  thecce  wool-like;  mouths  slightly  pro- 

518  142.  Neman.  6.  SARCOTHALAMEiE.  PL  cell,  aph . 

14.  Nemania  lata . Broad  nemania . 

Thallus  scarcely  any,  spreading;  thecce  black;  mouths 

rather  conical,  angular. 

Sphaeria  lata,  Persoon  Syn.  20. 

On  dry  branches  and  wood. 

15.  Nemania  quercina.  Oak  nemania . 

Thallus  black-brown,  nearly  orbicular,  girt  by  the  epi- 
dermis; mouths  rather  prominent,  quadrangular,  blunt. 

Sphaeria  quercina,  Persoon  Syn.  24. 

On  dry  branches  of  oak-trees. 

16.  Nemania  disciformis.  Dishlike  nemania. 

Thallus  black,  nearly  orbicular,  flat ; mouths  sunk,  spot- 

Sphaeria  disciformis,  Hoffm.  Crypt.  1,15. 

On  dry  branches  of  beech- trees. 

Thallus  shining,  inside  whitish-gray. 

17.  Nemania  ferruginea.  Iron-colour  nemania . 

Thallus  brown-black,  inside  iron-colour,  transverse  ; 

mouths  prominent,  thornlike. 

Sphaeria  ferruginea,  Persoon  Syn.  35. 

On  dry  branches  of  hazel. 

18.  Nemania  cerato-sperma.  Horn-seed  nemania . 

Thallus  convex,  black,  smooth,  scattered;  mouths  spi- 

nulous,  connate. 

Sphaeria  Ceratosperimim,  Tode  Meckl.  2,  55. 

Under  the  bark  of  the  dog-rose. 

Thalli  gregarious ; inside  white. 

1 9.  Nemania  protracta.  Protracted  nemania . 

Thallus  bursting  forth  lengthways,  protracted,  black; 

thecae  globular,  approximated  in  pairs ; mouths  very  short, 
blunt,  rather  wrinkly,  angular. 

Sphaeria  protracta,  Persoon  Syn.  34. 

On  the  branches  of  maple-trees. 

20.  Nemania  flavo-virens.  Yellow-green  nernania . 

Thallus  roundish,  flattish  yet  convex,  black,  inside 

greenish,  powdery. 

Sphaeria  flavovirens,  Hoffm . Crypt . 1,  10. 

On  dead  branches  and  sticks  in  woods. 

PL  cell.  aph.  6.  SARCOTHALAMEiE.  142.  Neman.  519 

21.  Nemanla  Icevis.  Smooth  nemania. 

Thallus  smooth,  shining,  oblong,  black ; inside  whitish  ; 
thecce  ovate. 

Sphaeria  laevis,  Soveerby  Fungi,  394,  5. 

On  hazel-sticks  ? 

IX.  143.  CUCURBITARIA.  Cucurhitaria. 

Thallus  spreading,  irregular ; thecce  in  tufts,  placed  on 
the  thallus. 

1.  Cucurhitaria  herleridis.  Berberry  cucurhitaria  * 

Tufts  bursting  out  from  the  bark,  irregular ; thallus 

thin,  blackish ; thecce  mouthless,  ovate,  cracked. 

Sphaeria  berberidis,  Persoon  Syn.  52. 

On  the  branches  of  berberry  bushes. 

Tufts  long. 

2.  Cucurhitaria  cupularis.  Cup  cucurhitaria . 

Tufts  black;  thecce  wrinkled,  mostly  collapsed,  mouth- 

Sphaeria  cupularis,  Persoon  Syn.  53. 

On  the  dead  branches  of  lime  and  hornbeam  trees. 

3.  Cucurhitaria  rubra.  Bed  cucurhitaria . 

Tufts  roundish,  pale  vermilion-red  ; thallus  scarcely  any ; 

thecce  collapsed,  porringershaped,  smoothish,  mouthless. 

Sphaeria  cucurbitula,  1'ode  Meckl.  38. 

On  the  branches  of  various  trees. 

4.  Cucurhitaria  coccinea.  Scarlet  cucurhitaria . 

Tufts  bursting  out  of  the  bark,  nearly  round,  scarlet; 

thallus  scarcely  any;  thecce  ovate;  mouths  blunt. 

Sphaeria  coccinea,  Persoon  Syn.  49. 

Sphaeria  decidua,  Tode  Meckl.  2,31. 

On  the  bark  of  beech-trees. 

X.  144.  ENGIZOSTOMA.  Engizostome . 

Thallus  scarcely  any,  filling  up  the  interstices  between 
the  thecae  which  are  sunk  in  the  bark,  concentrically  con- 
nivent;  mouths  circular,  connivent. 

520  144.  Engiz.  6.  SARCOTHALAMEJE.  PLcelLaph . 

1.  E?igizosloma  ciliatum.  Fringed  engizoslome . 

Thecce  black ; mouth  bristlelike,  flexible,  diverging  above. 

Sphaeria  ciliata,  Persoon  Syn.  35. 

On  the  branches  of  elm-trees. 

2.  Engizostoma  corniculatum . Jnkhorn  engizoslome, 

Thecce  roundish,  black;  mouths  cylindrical,  congregated 

Into  a compact  neck ; tip  umbilicated. 

Sphaeria  corniculata,  Persoon  Syn.  40. 

Under  the  bark  of  trees. 

3.  Engizostoma  microstomum . Small-mouth  engizoslome » 

Thecce  roundish ; disk  prominent,  flattish,  black;  mouths 

very  numerous,  growing  together  into  a finely  granular 

Sphffiria  microstoma,  Persoon  Syn.  40. 

On  the  branches  of  plum-trees. 

4.  Engizostoma  leucostomnm . IVhiteynouth  engizoslome , 
Thecce  whitish;  neck  truncated,  bursting  forth;  mouths 

2 or  3,  black,  dotlike. 

Sphaeria  leucostoma,  Persoon  Syn.  29. 

Sphaeria  marginata,  Sowerby  Fungi , 372,7. 

On  the  branches  of  cherry  and  plum  trees. 

5.  Engizostoma  scutellatum.  Saucerlike  engizoslome • 

Thallus  saucerlike,  bursting  the  bark;  thecce  bottleshape, 

loosely  conglutinated,  brown. 

Sphaeria  scutellata,  Persoon  Syn.  37. 

On  the  branches  of  maple. 

Thallus  at  first  simple,  with  a thick,  central  mouth,  then 
enlarging  and  disclosing  the  thick  bottleshape  thecse. 

6.  Engizostoma  pustulatum.  Eruption  engizoslome . 

Thallus  blackish-brown,  orbicular,  plano-convex,  con- 
tracted above,  perforated  with  a single  central,  powdery 
pore  ; thecce  very  small. 

Sphaeria  pustulata,  Hoffm.  Crypt.  1,26. 

On  the  trunks  of  willows. 

XL  145.  CIRCiNOSTOMA.  Circinosiome . 

Thallus  0 ; thecce  growing  under  the  epidermis  of  plants, 
and  perforating  it,  placed  in  a circle;  mouths  close  to- 

PI,  cell,  aph,  6.  SARCOTHALAMEiE.  145.Circin.  521 

1.  Circinostoma  pulchellum,  Pretty  eircinostome 

Thecce  close,  deep,  very  much  crowded,  inclined,  black ; 

mouths  very  long,  cylindrical,  bent. 

Sphwria  pulchella,  Persoon  Syn.  43. 

Upon  cherry-trees. 

Thecce  ovate,  collapsed ; mouths  pressed  together,  mostly 
flexuous ; perforated  at  the  tip. 

2.  Circinostoma  ambiens.  Girding  eircinostome, 

Thecce  rather  ovate,  girt  with  a white  disk. 

Sphaeria  ambiens,  Persoon  Syn.  44. 

On  hawthorn  and  beech  trees. 

S.  Circinostoma  quaternatum.  Quaternion  eircinostome , 

Thecce  in  fours,  depressed;  mouths  very  short,  blunt, 
joined  together. 

Sphaeria  quaternata,  Persoon  Syn.  45. 

On  dry  beech  and  maple  trees. 

Thecce  lying  down  ; mouths  bent  inwards,  very  short. 

4.  Circinostoma  conjunctum.  Conjoined  eircinostome 

Thecce  3 to  9,  depressed ; mouths  conjoined  into  a black, 

shining,  umbilicated  disk. 

Sphaeria  conjuncta,  Esenbeck  Syst.  80. 

On  the  branches  of  hazel-trees ; spring. 

5.  Circinostoma  convergens.  Converging  eircinostome . 

Thecce  ovate,  nearly  upright;  mouths  straight,  cylin- 

Sphaeria  convergens,  2'ode  Meckl.  2,  39;  Soiverby  Fungi , 374,  6. 

On  the  branches  of  trees. 

Thecce  scarcely  decumbent ; mouths  converging. 

6.  Circinostoma  umbilicatum.  Umbilicated  eircinostome * 

Thecce  small,  crowded,  nearly  cupshape,  rough. 

Sphaeria  umbilicata,  Persoon  Syn.  45. 

On  hazel-trees. 

Mouths  rather  prominent;  tip  deeply  umbilicated. 

XII.  146.  EXORMATOSTOMA.  Exormatostome. 

Thallus  0 ; thecce  growing  under  the  epidermis  of  plants 
and  perforating  it,  scattered  ; mouths  upright. 

522  146.  Exorm.  6.  SARCOTHALAME-E.  Pl.cell.  apfu 

1 . Exorm.  rhodostomum.  Posy-mouth  exormatostome . 
Thecce  hemispherical,  black,  barked,  aggregated  into  a 

black  stratum ; tip  flat,  perforated,  rosy-red. 

Sphaeria  rhodostoma,  Alb.  et  Schw.  Fung.  43. 

On  rhamnus  frangula. 

2.  Exormatostoma  tilice.  Lime-tree  exormatostome. 

Thecce  pitchershape,  saucerlike,  brownish-black;  tip  flat, 

membranaceous;  containing  within  them  an  unattached 

Sphaeria  tiliae,  Persoon  Sy>i.  84. 

On  decayed  branches  of  lime-trees. 

3.  Exormatostome  lessellatum.  Chequered  exormatostome . 
Thecce  black,  hollowed  at  the  base;  mouths  dotlike,  per- 
forating the  epidermis  in  a regular  series. 

Sphaeria  tessellata,  Persoon  Syn.  48. 

On  the  bark  of  trees. 

Mouths  placed  in  quincunx,  in  parallel  lines,  or  in 

4.  Exormatostoma  nebulosum . Cloudlike  exormatostome . 

Thecce  grey,  very  minute,  forming  irregular,  interrupted, 

blackish-grey  spots;  mouths  prominent,  rather  acute. 

Sphaeria  nebulosa,  Persoon  Syn.  31. 

Sphaeria  maculans,  Sowerby  Fungi , 394,  9. 

On  the  stems  of  large  herbaceous  plants. 

Spots  greyish,  cloudlike,  about  a quarter  of  an  inch 

5.  Exormatostoma  herharum . Herb  exormatostome . 

Thecce  scattered,  flat,  depressed ; mouths  short,  nipple- 

Sphaeria  herbarum,  Persoon  Syn.  78. 

On  dry  stems  of  herbs. 

Thecce  at  first  covered,  afterwards  naked,  collapsed. 

6.  Exormatostoma  iubiforme.  Tubeshape  exormatostome. 
Thecce  hemispherical,  brown,  on  leaves ; mouths  cylin- 
drical, twice  as  long  as  the  thecae,  bursting  forth. 

Sphaeria  tubiformis,  Tede  Meckl.  2,  51. 

On  beech,  hornbeam,  and  birch  leaves. 

PI  cell.  aph.  6.  SARCOTHALAME^.  146.  Exorm.  523 

7.  Exormatostoma  barb  atum . Bearded  exormatostome. 

Thecce  nearly  globular,  brown,  on  leaves;  mouths  eight 

times  as  long  as  the  thecse,  bristlelike;  tips  bearded. 

Sphaeria  barbala,  Persoon  Syn.  60. 

On  the  fallen  leaves  of  oak-trees. 

8.  Exormatost.  suhcorticale.  Underhark  exormatostome. 

Thecce  depressed,  within  the  outer  bark,  piercing  the 

epidermis,  when  dry  collapsed  at  bottom. 

Sphaeria  subcortiealis,  Sowerby  Fungi , 296. 

On  the  bark  of  plants  and  on  rotten  sticks. 

9.  Exorm.  subimmer sum.  Half-sunk  exormastotome. 

Thecce  globular,  black,  pushing  up  the  epidermis  into  a 

dark-grey  hemisphere. 

Sphaeria  subimraersa,  Sowerby  Fungi , 372,  8, 

On  the  bark  of  trees. 

10.  Exormatostoma  duplex.  Double  exormatostome. 

Thecce  globular,  within  the  outer  bark,  piercing  the 

epidermis ; mouths  globular,  black. 

Sphaeria  duplex,  Sowerby  Fungi,  Sib,  4. 

On  the  stems  of  umbelliferous  plants. 

XIII.  147.  ASTOMA.  Astome. 

Thallus  0;  thecce  naked,  innate  or  free,  placed  on  wood, 

a.  Growing  upon  wood. 

1.  Astoma  cylindricum.  Cylindrical  astome. 

Thecce  extremely  small,  gregarious,  cylindrical,  black; 

tipped  with  a whitish  globule. 

Sphaeria  cylindrica,  Persoon  Syn.  93. 

On  willow-wood. 

2.  Astoma  parabolicum.  Parabolic  astome. 

Thecce  extremely  small,  gregarious,  conical,  cylindrical, 

smooth,  black,  with  a livid  globule  at  the  tip. 

Sphaeria  parabolica,  Tode  Meckl.  43. 

On  rotten  wood. 

3.  Astoma  subulatum.  Awlshape  astome. 

Thecce  aggregate,  awlshape,  yellowish,  larger  at  bottom, 

globule  at  the  tip  pale,  deliquescent. 

Sphaeria  subulata,  Persoon  Syn.  94. 

On  rotten  agaries. 

524  147.  Astoma.  6.  SARCOTHALAMEiE.  PL  cell,  apfu 

4.  Astoma  solidum.  Solid  astome . 

T hecce  elliptical,  depressed,  placed  longitudinally,  black, 

with  bent  bristles  of  the  same  colour. 

Sphaeria  solida,  Sowerhy  Fungi , 314. 

On  stems  of  herbs. 

5.  Astoma  carlonarium . Carbonaceous  astome . 

Thecce  crowded,  black,  roundish,  ovate,  rather  tubercu- 

late,*  tip  nipply. 

Sphaeria  Pulvis  pyrius,  Persoon  Syn,  86. 

Sphaeria  Pulvis,  Persoon  Disp.  51. 

On  dry  wood. 

6.  Astoma  moriforme.  Mulberry  astome . 

Thecae  aggregate,  scattered,  black,  oval,  tuberculate. 

Sphaeria  moriformis,  Persoon  Syn.  86. 

On  dry  trunks  of  trees. 

7.  Astoma  nigrum.  Black  astome , 

Thecce  flattish,  small,  tip  indented,  black. 

Sphaeria  nigra,  Sowerhy  Fungi,  393,  1. 

On  the  decayed  stems  of  umbelliferous  plants. 

8.  Astoma  tuberosum.  Tuberous  astome . 

Thecce  wartlike,  outside  black,  inside  white,  protruding. 
Sphaeria  tuberosa,  Sowerhy  Fungi , 393, 2. 

On  the  bark  of  plants. 

9.  Astoma  brassiere.  Cabbage  astome , 

Thecce  tubercular,  large,  black,  inside  white. 

Sphaeria  brassicae,  Sowerhy  Fungi , 393,  3. 

On  rotten  cabbage-leaves. 

10.  Astoma  guttceforme.  Droplike  astome . 

Thecce  black,  nearly  conical,  very  minute,  brittle. 

Sphaeria  Gutta,  Sowerhy  Fungi , 393,  5. 

On  plants. 

b.  Growing  upon  the  leaves  of  plants . 

11.  Astoma  punctiforme.  Dotlike  astome , 

Thecce  dotlike,  scattered,  at  last  collapsed,  umbilicated, 

rather  shining. 

Sphaeria  punctiformis,  Persoon  Syn.  90. 

On  oak-leaves. 

PI.  cell.  aph.  6.  SARCOTHALAMEiE.  147.  Astoma.  5 25 

12.  Astoma  hederce . Ivy  as  tome. 

Thecae  depressed,  cupsliape. 

Sphaeria  punctiformis  (3,  Persoon  Syn.  90. 

Sphaeria  hederae,  Sowerby  Fungi , 371,5. 

On  ivy-leaves. 

13.  Astoma  iofieldiae.  Tofidd  as  tome. 

Tkecce  depressed,  partly  immersed. 

Sphaeria  tofieldiae,  Sowerby  Fungi , 370,  3. 

On  the  leaves  of  tofieldia  palustris. 

14.  Astoma  potentillceo  Potent  ilia  astome . 

Thecae  naked. 

Sphaeria  poteutillae,  Sowerby  Fungi , 370,2. 

On  the  leaves  of  potentilla  verna. 

15.  Astoma  arbuti.  Arbutus  astome . 

Thecae  hemispherical. 

Sphaeria  arbuti,  Sowerby  Fungi,  370,  6. 

On  the  leaves  of  arbutus. 

16.  Astoma  ? lauri . Bay  astome . 

i Thecae  conical,  penetrating  the  leaves,  and  forming  a 
black  ring  on  the  under  side. 

Sphaeria  lauri,  Sowerby  Fungi3  371, 4. 

On  bay  leaves. 

17.  Astoma  salicinum . Willow  astome . 

Thecae  conical,  penetrating  the  leaves  and  forming  a 

black  ring  on  the  under  side,  sometimes  dotted  in  the 

Sphaeria  salicina,  Sowerby  Fungi , 372,  1. 

On  willow-leaves. 

1 8.  Astoma  circumvallatum . Fortified  astome . 
Thecae  depressed,  blackish. 

Sphaeria  circumvallata,  Sowerby  Fungi^  373,4. 

On  oak-leaves. 

19.  Astoma  b if r oris.  Two-faced  astome . 

Thecae  black,  penetrating  and  rising  a little  above  the 

surface  on  both  faces  of  leaves. 

Sphaeria  bifrons,  Sowerby  Fungi%  316. 

On  holly-leaves. 

526  147.  Astoma.  6.  SARCOTHALAMEiE.  PL  cell.  aph. 

20.  Astoma  concavum.  Concave  astome . 

Thecce  flat,  beneath  concave,  black,  on  the  upper  surface 

only  of  the  leaves. 

Sphaeria  concava,  Soieerby  Fungi,  317. 

On  holly-leaves. 

21.  Astoma  pustulatum.  Pustule  astome . 

Thecce  flat. 

Sphaeria  pustula,  Sowerby  Fungi , 370  and  375,  1. 

On  the  bark  of  trees. 

XIV.  148.  SPHAERIA.  Haller.  Spheiia. 

Thallus  0 ; thecce  free,  placed  on  the  wood,  or  naked 
and  attached  to  it ; mouths  cylindrical  or  slightly  com- 

a.  Mouth  short , or  nipplelike. 

1.  Sphceria  aurantiaca.  Orange  spheria » 

Thecce  globular,  orange-colour ; mouths  minute,  nipple- 
like, blunt,  crowded  in  the  middle  of  a very  slender  yellow 

Sphaeria  aurantia,  Persoon  Syn.  68. 

On  rotten  fungi. 

2.  Sphceria  pezizceformis.  Cupmoss  spheria . 

Thecce  aggregate,  red-lead-colour,  soft,  collapsed,  cup- 

shape,  rather  woolly  at  bottom ; mouths  small,  nipplelike. 

Sphaeria  Peziza,  Persoon  Syn.  66. 

Sphaeria  miniata,  Hoffm.  Germ.  2. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees. 

3.  Sphceria  sanguinea.  Blood-red  sphei'ia . 

Thecce  aggregated,  ovate,  smooth,  scarlet;  mouths  blunt? 


Sphaeria  sanguinea,  Sibth.  Oxf.  404;  Bolton  Fung.  121. 

Hypoxylon  phceniceum,  Bull.  Champ.  171. 

On  rotten  wood. 

4.  Sphceria  araneosa.  Colweh  spheria. 

Thecce  opake,  black,  nipply,  smooth,  covered  by  a very 

fine  whitish  down. 

Sphaeria  araneosa,  Persoon  Syn.  67. 

On  dry  branches  of  barked  trees. 

Thecce  large,  sometimes  solitary,  sometimes  aggregated* 

Pl,  cell.  aph.  6.  SARCOTHALAMEiE.  148.$ph0er.  527 

5.  Spheria  lyssoidea.  Byssus  spheria. 

Thecce  rather  large,  globular,  nippled,  girt  with  a thick 

brown  down. 

Sphaeria  byssoidea  fusca,  Tode  Meckl.  2,  10. 

On  branches  of  trees. 

6.  Spheria  ovina . Egglike  spheria . 

Thecce  scattered,  globular,  egglike,  covered  with  a com- 
pact white  wooliness ; mouths  nipplelike,  blackish. 

Sphaeria  mucida  /3,  Tode  Meckl.  2,  16. 

Sphaeria  ovina,  Perscon  Syn.  71. 

Sphaeria  lichenoides,  Sowerby  Fungi , 373,  12? 

On  the  trunks  of  trees. 

7.  Spheria  hirsuta.  5/zaggy  spheria. 

Thecce  rather  crowded,  brittle,  black,  ovate,  with  scat- 
tered bristle ; mouths  blunt,  slightly  angular. 

Sphaeria  hirsuta,  Persoon  Syn.  73. 

Sphaeria  terrestris,  Sowerby  Fungiy  373,7. 

On  rotten  trunks  of  trees,  and  the  ground. 

8.  Sphaeria  lomhardica.  Explosive  spheria. 

Thecce  nearly  cylindrical,  brownish-black,  small,  crowd- 
ed, upright;  mouths  very  short,  nipplelike. 

Sphaeria  Bombarda,  Persoon  Syn.  75. 

Naemaspora  glabra,  ff 'illd.  Bcrl.  1207. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees. 

9.  Spheria  equina.  Horsedung  spheria . 

Thecce  nearly  crustlike,  partly  immersed ; mouths  long, 

rather  oblique. 

Sphaeria  fimeti,  Persoon  Syn.  64. 

On  cow  or  horse  dung. 

10.  Sphaeria  star  cor  aria.  Dung  spheria. 

Thecce  scattered,  orbiculate,  convex;  mouths  nipplelike, 

very  short. 

Sphaeria  stercoria,  Sowerby  Fungi , 357,  1* 

On  dung. 

1 1 . Sphaeria  solitaria . Solitary  spheria. 
Thecce  scattered,  nearly  globular ; mouths  acute,  nipple- 

like  ; on  the  ground. 

Sphaeria  solitaria,  Sowerby  Fungif  357,  2. 

On  the  ground. 

528  148.  Sphaer.  6.  SARCOTHALAMEiE.  PLcell.aph. 

12.  Sphceria  coriacea . Leatherlike  spheria . 

Thecce  reverse-ovate,  often  collapsed  at  the  tip. 

Sphaeria  coriacea,  Sowerby  Fungi , 371,  1. 

IS.  Sphceria  rimosa . Cracked  spheria „ 

Thecce  clustered,  reverse-ovate,  collapsed  at  the  tip* 
conglutinated  together;  masses  cracked. 

Sphaeria  rimosa,  Sowerby  Fungi , 375,3. 

On  plants. 

14.  Sphceria  rupestris.  Rock  spheria . 

Thecce  nearly  globular,  almost  loose. 

Sphaeria  rupestris,  Sowerby  Fungi , 371,2. 

On  slate. 

15.  Sphceria  communis . Common  spheria . 

Thecce  depressed,  orbicular  becoming  cupshape,  blackish. 

Sphseria  communis, Sowerby  Fungi , 295. 

On  walls. 

16.  Sphceria  insidens . Seated  spheria . 

Thecce  nearly  globular,  black,  sometimes  confluent* 

rough ish,  hard. 

Sphaeria  insidens,  Sowerby  Fungi , 372,  12. 

On  wood. 

1 7.  Sphceria  rubiformis.  Raspberry  spheria . 

Thecce  nearly  globular,  crowded,  finely  tuberculated. 
Sphaeria  rubiformis,  Sowerby  Fungi , 373,  2. 

On  wood. 

18.  Sphceria  vaccinii,  Whortleberry  spheria* 

Thecce  ovate,  nearly  eggshape,  acute,  crowded. 

Sphaeria  vaccinii,  Sowerby  Fungi , 373,  1. 

On  the  stems  of  vitis  Idsea  punctifolia,  surrounding  them. 

19.  Spheria  viridis,  Green  spheria , 

Thecce  nearly  globular,  black,  inside  green. 

Sphaeria  viridis,  Sowerby  Fungi , 375,  8. 

On  wood. 

20.  Sphceria  lonicerce . Wooodbine  spheria , 

Thecce  oval  or  globular,  black;  mouths  very  minute, 


Sphaeria  lonicerae,  Sowerby  Fungi , 393, 6. 

On  the  stems  of  woodbine. 

PI.  cell.  aph.  6.  SARCOTHALAME^E.  148.  Sphser.  52$ 

21.  Sphceria  nidula.  Nestling  spheria . 

Thecce  small,  crowded,  nearly  globular,  black ; mouth 


Spheria  nidula,  Sowerby  Fungi,  394,  2. 

On  the  roots  of  beans. 

22.  Sphceria  fusca.  Brown  spheria, 

Thecce  round,  brownish. 

Sphaeria  fusca,  Sowerby  Fungi , 395,3. 

On  rotten  fir-wood. 

23.  Sphceria  claviformis.  Nailshape  spheria • 

Thecce  ovate,  large,  outside  wrinkled,  black;  middle  coat 

white;  mouths  perforated. 

Sphseria  claviformis,  Sowerby  Fungi,  337. 

On  rotten  sticks. 

24.  Sphceria  Kir  Hi.  Kirhy's  spheria. . 

Thecce  nearly  globular,  black. 

Sphaeria  Kirbii,  Sowerby  Fungi , 371,3. 

Oil  the  cores  of  apples. 

25.  Sphceria  suhsecreta . Nearly-hidden  spheria u 

Thecce  orbicular,  black,  partly  immersed,  collapsed 

above;  mouths  nippleshape,  prominent,  lips  4-parted. 
Sphaeria  suhsecreta,  Sowerby  Fungi,  373,8. 

On  rotten  poplar  sticks. 

26.  Sphceria  longa.  Long  spheria, 

Thecce  black,  immersed,  oblong,  small,  inside  white; 

mouth  lightish,  nipplelike. 

Sphaeria  longa,  Sowerby  Fungi,  393,  4. 

On  reeds,  under  the  epidermis. 

b.  Mouths  round , as  long  as  the  thecce. 

27.  Sphceria  dry  in  a . Oak  spheria. . 

Thecce  extremely  small,  clustered,  naked,  globular, 

black ; mouths  eight  times  as  long  as  the  thecae,  bristlelike, 
very  slender,  flexible,  drooping. 

Sphaeria  dryina,  Persoon  Syn.  58. 

Sphaeria  rostrata  nigrofusca,  Tode  Mcckl.  2,  14, 

Sphaeria  ciliaris,  Sowerby  Fungi , 339  ? 

On  oak-timber. 

vol.  i.  2 m 

5 SO  148.Sphser.  6.  SARCOTHALAMEiE.  Pl.cell.aph . 

28 . Sphceria  rostrata.  Beaked  spheria. 

Thecce  naked,  globular,  black,  granulated;  mouths  very 

long,  bristlelike. 

Sphaeria  rostrata,  Todc  Meckl.  2, 14. 

On  rotten  sticks;  July. 


29.  Sphceria  acuta . Pointed  spheria . 

Thecce  naked,  gregarious,  black,  shining,  nearly  globular; 

mouth  bristlelike,  thickish,  cylindrical. 

Sphceria  acuta,  Hoffm.  Crypt.  1,22;  Sowerby  Fungi , 11  - 

On  decayed  herbage  under  hedges ; winter  and  spring. 

30.  Sphceria  curvirostra.  Bent-leak  spheria. 

Thecce  partly  immersed,  ovate;  mouths  cylindrical,  bent 

obliquely  on  one  side. 

Sphceria  curvirostra,  Sowerby  Fungi,  373,  5. 

On  the  stems  of  herbs. 

31.  Sphceria  slylif era.  Stylehearing  spheria. 

Thecce  mostly  collapsed  above;  mouths  clubshape,  quite 


Sphaeria  Gnomon,  Persoon  Syn.  61  ; Sowerby  Fungi , 373,  6. 

On  the  leaves  of  the  hazel ; spring. 

32.  Sphceria  floriformis.  Flowerlike  spheria . 

Thecce  gregarious,  immersed,  large;  mouths  as  long  as 

the  thecse ; tip  plaited,  flowerlike. 

Sphaeria  floriformis,  Sowerby  Fungi , 297. 

On  the  bark  of  hornbeam. 

33.  Sphceria  acuminata.  Acuminated  spheria. 

Thecce  partly  immersed,  ovate,  conical,  black;  mouths 

conical,  pointed,  as  long  as  the  thecse. 

Sphceria  acuminata,  Sowerby  Fungi,  394,  3. 

On  the  stalks  of  thistles. 

34.  Sphceria  decomponens.  Decomposing  spheria . 

Thecce  gregarious,  immersed,  large,  globular;  mouths 

as  long  as  the  thecse,  slightly  prominent. 

Sphaeria  decomponens,  Sowerby  Fungi,  217. 

On  sticks  destitute  of  bark.  Black,  giving  the  sticks  a 
charred  appearance. 

PLcell,  aph.  6.  SARCOTHALAMEiE.  148.  Sphaer.  531 

c.  Mouth  very  broad , compressed. 

35  .Sphceria  compressa.  Compressed  spheria . 

Thecce  immersed,  scattered,  elliptical,  compressed ; 
mouth  compressed. 

Sphaeria  compressa,  Persoon  Syn.  54. 

On  dry  wood. 

36.  Sphceria  cristata . Crested  spheria . 

Thecce  naked,  scattered,  globular,  black ; mouth  crested. 
Sphaeria  cristata,  Persoon  Syn.  54. 

On  the  branches  of  sloe- trees. 

C.  THELEBOLiDEiE.  Thallus  hemispherical;  thecce  im- 
mersed, nipplelike,  afterwards  ejected;  sporidia  deli- 
quescent,  gelatinous ; sporce  granular. 

XIV.  149.  THELEBOLUS.  Tode.  Thelelole . 

Thallus  hemispherical,  bellied,  edge  not  cut;  thecce  im- 
mersed ; sporidia  gelatinous. 

Thelebolus  terrestris . Earth  thelelole . 

Thallus  hemispherical,  saffron-yellow,  congregated  on 
a yellowish,  flocky  basis. 

Thelebolus  terrestris,  Albert,  et  Schwein.  Fung.  71. 

Peziza  hydrophora,  Bulliard  Champ.  410. 

Lycoperdon  hydrophoron,  Sotcerby  Fungi , 23. 

On  rotten  wood. 

D.  Nemasporideje.  Thallus  0,  or  spreading;  thecce  im- 
mersed in  wood ; sporidia  ejected,  waxlike,  threadlike* 
twisted,  persistent;  sporce  granular. 

XVI.  150.  NEMASPORA.  Nemaspore ► 

Thallus  spreading  or  0;  thecce  immersed. 

1.  Nemaspora  profusa.  Spreading  nemaspore . 

Thecce  orbicular,  depressed,  black,  immersed,  above 
yellowish,  convex ; sporidia  yellow,  2 or  3 from  each  thecae. 

Sphaeria  profusa,  Sowerby  Fungi , 377. 

On  the  bark  of  trees  and  old  wood. 

Thallus  spongy,  yellowish,  spreading;  thecce  black, 

2 m 2 

532  150.  Nemasp.  6.  SARCOTBALAMEAE.  Pl.cell.apti 

2.  Nemaspora  chrysosperma . Gold-seeded  nemaspore , 

Thecce  rather  conical,  truncated;  sporidia  solitary,  golden 


Sphaeria  cirrhata,  Sowerby  Fungi , 138. 

Nemaspora  chrysosperma,  Peraoon  Syn„  80. 

Under  the  bark  of  the  black  poplar. 

3.  Nemaspora  composita.  Compound  nemaspore . 

Thecce  orbicular,  depressed,  black;  mouths  many,  in  a 

circle ; central  mouth  largest,  the  rest  small ; sporidia  yel- 

Sphaeria  composita,  Sowerby  Fungi,  237. 

On  sticks,  and  the  bark  of  trees. 

4.  Nemaspora  dubia.  Doubtful  nemaspore v 

Thecce  orbicular,  rather  depressed,  black,  cottony,  soli- 
tary; sporidia  solitary,  yellowish. 

Sphaeria  dubia,  Sowerby  Fungi , 375,  7. 

On  the  stem  of  vines. 

5.  Nemaspora  carpini.  Hornbeam  nemaspore . 

Thecce  orbicular,  depressed,  black,  solitary,  immersed; 

sporidia  black,  thick. 

Sphaeria  carpini,  Sowerby  Fungi , 376. 

On  the  bark  of  the  hornbeam. 

Fam.VII.  7.  PROTOMYCEiE.  Mycetoidece , Esenbeck. 

Fungorum  pars , Linnceus,  Jussieu. 
Anandrce  epiphytce , Link. 

Sporidia  simple,  free,  sessile  or  pedicelled,  one  or  many- 
celled,  naked  or  innate  on  a stroma. 

A.  Sporidia  free,  sessile  or  pedicelled,  under  the  epidermis 
of  living  plants  ; stroma  0.  Cceomideae. 

Sporidia  free,  1- celled,  globular; 
false  peridium  tubular,  cut. ............  Rcestelia.  15L 

Sporidia  free,  1 -celled,  globular; 
false  peridium  calyxlike,  short ..........  AEcidium.  152, 

Sporidia  free,  1 -celled,  globular, 
naked,  on  the  fructification  of  plants  ....  Ustilago.  153. 

Sporidia  free,  1 -celled,  globular, 
naked ; epidermis  ruptured  Uredo.  154. 


PL  cell  aph.  7.  PROTOMYCEiE. 

Sporidia  free,  1 -celled,  globular, 
naked;  epidermis  bullated Albugo.  155. 

Sporidia  pedicelled,  1-celled,  ovate, 
naked;  epidermis  ruptured  Cceomurus.  156. 

Sporidia  pedicelled,  2-celled,  ovate, 
naked;  epiderihis  ruptured  Diceoma.  157. 

Sporidia  pedicelled,  many-celled, 
naked;  pedicells  free Puccinia.  158. 

Sporidia  pedicelled,  many-celled, 
naked;  pedicells  conglomerated Podjsoma.  159. 

B.  Sporidia  many-celled,  free,  naked ; stroma  0;  growing 
on  decayed  vegetables . Stilbosporideae. 

Sporidia  spindleshape,  pellucid  ......  Fusidium.  160. 

Sporidia  oblong,  blunt.  Stilbospora.  161. 

C.  Sporidia  budlike , under  the  epidermis  of  living  plants, 


Crust  cellular,  inside  pale  . Xyloma.  162. 

D.  Sporicfia  2- celled , pedicelled ; ihecce  irregular , gelati- 
nous, on  live  plants,  Gymnosporangideae. 

Erumpent;  thecce  irregular  Gymnosporangium.  163. 

E.  Sporidia  1- celled,  free,  expanding  ; thecce  free. 
iEge  ritideee. 

Sporidia  globular;  thecce  round  ......  AEgerita.  164. 

Sporidia  spindleshape ; thecce  globular  Fusarium.  165. 

F.  Sporidia  1 -celled,  free  ; thecce  evolute,  pedicelled,  free. 


Sporid.  globular ; thecce  pedicelled  Tubercularia.  166. 

A.  CcEOMiDEiE.  Sporidia  dustlike,  free,  heaped,  sessile 
or  pedicelled,  one  or  many-celled,  growing  at  first  under 
the  epidermis  of  living  plants,  then  bursting  through  it, 
naked  or  covered  with  a false  peridium  or  thecae  formed  of 
the  epidermis  of  the  plant  on  which  it  grows. 

I.  151.  RGESTELIA.  Link.  Restelia. 

Sporidia  1-celled,  free,  sessile,  globular,  heaped  together, 
girt  with  a false  peridium ; peridium  irregularly  glomerated. 

534.  151.  Rcestelia.  7.  PROTOMY CEiE.  PI.  cell . aph. 

1.  Rcestelia  cancellata.  Rail-like  restdia. 

Tufts  brown,  aggregated;  thecce  cancellated,  bellied; 

tip  closed. 

jLcidium  cancellation,  Persoon  Syn.  205. 

Lycoperdon  cancellation,  Jacq.  Austr.  1,  13. 

Cancellaria  pyri,  Sowerby  Fungi , 409  and  410 

On  the  lower  surface  of  pear-leaves. 

2.  Rcestelia  lacerata . Torn  restelia. 

Tufts  iron-colour,  aggregated;  thecce  cancellated,  con- 
cave ; tip  toothed ; teeth  separate,  spreading. 

JEcidiutn  laceratum,  Sowerby  Fungi , 318. 

JEcidium  oxyacanthae,  Persoon  Syn.  206. 

On  the  lower  surface  of  the  leaves  of  apple-trees,  haw- 
thorn, and  mountain-ash. 

3.  Rcestelia.  cornuta . Horned  restelia. 

Tufts  brown,  aggregate ; base  reddish ; thecce  long  co- 
nical, cylindrical ; tip  toothed,  turned  back. 

jEcidiuin  cornutum,  Persoon  Syn.  205;  Sowerby  Fungi,  319, 

Lycoperdon  corniferuin,  FI.  Dan.  838. 

Lycoperdon  corniculatum,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  20. 

On  the  lower  surface  of  the  leaves  of  wild  service. 

Leaves  spotted  red  on  the  upper  surface;  peridia  few 
together;  sporidia  greyish-red. 

4.  Rcestelia  berberidis.  Berberry  restelia . 

Tufts  yellowish,  round,  convex ; thecce  cylindrical,  orange- 

y'ellow;  mouth  5-toothed. 

42cidium  berberidis,  De  Cand.  Syn.  51. 

Lycoperdon  poculiforme,  Jacq.  Coll . 1, 122. 

On  the  lower  face  of  berberry-leaves. 

5.  Rcestelia  campanulata.  Bellshape  restelia . 

Tufts  reddish-yellow,  round,  convex;  thecce  cylindrical, 

bellshape ; mouth  not  cut,  yellowish. 

iEcidimn  berberidis,  Sowerby  Fungi , 397. 

^cidium  berberidis  j3,  De  Cand,  FI.  Gall.  247. 

On  the  lower  face  of  berberry-leaves. 

II.  152.  iECIDIUM.  Persoon.  Ecidium. 

Sporidia  1 -celled,  sessile,  globular,  in  heaps,  bursting 
from  the  epidermis  of  plants,  and  girt  with  a short,  calyx- 
like peridium  or  theca  formed  of  it. 

PLcell.apk.  7.  PROTOMYCEjE.  152.  JEcidium.  535 

a.  Thecce  crowded  together  irregularly. 

1.  JEcidium  ranunculi . Crowfoot  ecidium . 

Tufts  few,  peridiated;  thecce  crowded,  pale,  prominent; 

mouths  torn,  edges  turned  back. 

./Ecidium  ranunculi,  De  Cand.  Syn.  51. 
jEcidium  ranunculi  acris,  Persoon  Syn.  210. 

On  the  lower  face  of  the  leaves  of  ranunculus  acris,  and 
r.  bulbosus. 

2.  JEcidium  hunii.  Earth-nut  ecidium. 

Tufts  ovate  or  orbicular,  bullate,  irregular;  thecce  nu- 
merous, rather  distinct,  yellow  and  orange;  mouths  scarcely 

jEcidium  bunii,  De  Cand.  Syn.  51. 

On  the  leaves  of  earth-nut. 

3.  JEcidium  irregulare.  Irregular  ecidium. 

Tufts  brownish,  thickish ; peridium  pale-yellow,  at  first 

cylindrical  blunt,  then  disappearing. 
jEcidium  irregulare,  De  Cand.  Syn.  51. 

On  the  lower  face  of  the  leaves  of  buckthorn. 

4.  JEcidium  confer  turn.  Crowded  ecidium. 

Tufts  with  a whitish  edge;  thecce  crowded,  confluent, 

white;  mouths  toothed;  sporidia  yellow,  become  brown. 

jEcidium  confertuin,  De  Cand.  Syn.  51. 

JEcidium  crassum  /3,  Persoon  Syn.  208. 

On  the  lower  surface  of  the  leaves  of  ranunculi. 

5.  JEcidium  crassum.  Thick  ecidium. 

Tufts  irregularly  crowded,  thick,  convex;  thecce  pitcher- 

shape,  orange ; sporidia  pale-yellow. 

JEcidium  crassum,  Persoon  Syn.  208. 

On  the  berry-bearing  alder. 

6.  JEcidium  harharecp.  French-cress  ecidium. 

Thecce  crowded,  orbicular;  mouths  whitish,  crenulated; 

sporidia  orange-yellow. 

JEcidium  barbareae,  De  Cand.  Syn.  51. 

On  both  faces  of  the  leaves  of  French  cresses. 

Tufts  girt  with  a brownish  margin. 

BBS  1 52.  JEcidium.  7.  PROTOMYCEiE.  PL  cell  aph. 

7.  JEcidium  urticce.  Nettle  ecidium . 

Tkecce  belishape,  yellow;  mouths  toothed ; sporidia  first 

yellow,  then  red. 

JScidium  urticse,  Be  Cand.  Syn.  51. 

On  common  stinging-nettles. 

8.  JEcidium  petasitidis.  Butterhurr  ecidium . 

Thecae  belishape,  light-brown;  mouths  cracked,  turned 

black ; sporidia  yellowish. 

iEcidium  tussilaginis,  Sowerby  Fungi , 397,  1. 

On  the  lower  face  of  the  leaves  of  butter-burr. 

9.  JEcidium  corni.  IVild- cornel  ecidium . 

Tnfts  crowded,  base  orange;  thecce  yellowish-orange; 

month  not  cut? 

JEcidium  corni,  Sowerby  Fungi , 397,  3. 

On  the  lower  face  of  the  leaves  of  the  wild  cornel-tree, 
b.  Thecce  in  concentric  circles. 

10.  JEcidium  clematitis.  Travellers-joy  ecidium . 

Tkecce  pale-yellow;  mouths  slightly  toothed,  at  length 

vanishing;  sporidia  yellow. 

JEcidium  clematitis,  De  Cand.  Syn.  50. 

On  the  lower  face  of  the  leaves  of  travellers-joy. 

Leaves  marked  with  brown  spots  on  the  upper  face. 

1 1 . JEcidium  asperifoliarmn.  Asperifolice  ecidium . 

Tkecce  white,  confluent,  wineglass-shape,  half-immersed, 

pale-yellow;  sporidia  yellowish-white. 
jEcidium  asperifoliae,  Be  Cand.  Syn.  50. 

On  the  lower  face  of  the  leaves  of  various  boraginese. 
Leaves  hollowed  on  the  upper  face. 

12.  JEcidium  rule  Hum.  Small-red  ecidium „ 

Thecce  very  small,  confluent,  partly  immersed,  pale  yel- 
low; sporidia  yellowish-white. 

JEcidium  rubellum,  Be  Cand . Syn.  50. 
iEeidium  rumicis,  Persoon  Syn.  207. 

On  the  lower  face  of  great  water-dock  leaves. 

Leaves  spotted  red  on  the  upper  face. 

/S.  sparsum.  Spots  scattered,  on  both  faces,  bordered 
with  yellow. 

JEcidium  rumicis,  Sowerby  Fungij  405. 

PL  cell,  aph.  7.  PROTOM Y CEiE.  152.  JEcidiurn.  537 

13.  JEcidium  tussilaginis.  Coltsfoot  ecidium* 

Thecae  immersed,  confluent,  very  short,  white ; edge 


Ecidium  tussilaginis,  Be  Cand.  Syn.  50. 

Lycoperdon  epiphyllum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1655. 

On  the  lower  face  of  coltsfoot  leaves. 

Leaves  spotted  with  purple  on  the  upper  face. 

c.  Thecce  distinct . 

1 4.  VLcidium  characice.  Unsavoury-spurge  ecidium . 
Thecae  remote;  mouths  scarcely  cut,  turned  back ; spo- 
ridia orange-colour. 

./Ecidium  euphorbias-sylvaticae,  Be  Cand.  Syn.  50. 

On  the  lower  face  of  the  leaves  of  characias  amygda- 
loides,  rarely  on  the  upper. 

15.  VLcidium  periclymeni . Woodbine  ecidium* 

Thecce  numerous,  first  nearly  globular,  then  rather  co- 
nical ; mouths  toothed ; sporidia  orange-yellow. 

./Ecidium  perichymeni,  Be  Cand.  Syn.  50. 

On  the  upper  face  of  woodbine-leaves. 

Leaves  spotted  with  yellow  on  the  upper  face. 

16.  VLcidium  violarum.  Violet  ecidium * 

Thecce  many,  close  together,  rather  prominent,  whitish; 

mouths  toothed;  sporidia  orange,  becoming  brownish. 
.Ecidium  violarum,  Be  Cand.  Syn.  50. 

On  the  stems  and  leaves  of  hearts-ease. 

17.  TEcidium  cichor  ace  arum.  Succory  ecidium* 

Thecce  hemispherical,  white  ; mouths  unequally  tom ; 

lobes  few,  broad,  turned  back ; sporidia  yellow. 

Ecidium  cichoracearum,  Be  Cand.  Syn.  50. 

Ecidium  tragopogonis,  Sowerby  Fungi , 397,2. 

Ecidium  tragnpogi,  Persoon  Syn.  211. 

On  the  stems  and  leaves  of  yellow  goats-beard. 

18.  JEcidium  leucosperrnum.  White-seeded  ecidium . 

Thecce  cylindrical,  prominent,  whitish ; mouths  thick, 

mostly  toothed;  sporidia  very  copious,  white. 

Lycoperdon  anemones,  Pultney  in  Lin.  Tr.  2,  331. 

Ecidium  anemones,  Persoon  Syn.  212. 

Ecidium  leucosperrnum,  Be  Cand.  Syn.  50. 

On  the  lower  face  of  the  leaves  of  wood  anemonies. 

6.  iniegra . Mouths  not  cut. 

538  1 52.  iEcidium.  7.  PROTOMYCEiE.  PI,  cell  apk . 

19.  JBcidium  punctatiim.  Dotted  ecidium. 

Thecce  hemispherical,  pale-yellow;  mouths  not  cut;  spo - 

ridia  brown. 

./Ecidium  punctatum,  Persoon  Syn.  212. 

.Ecidium  anemones,  Hoffm.  Germ.  2,  2. 

On  the  lower  face  of  the  leaves  of  yellow  anemonies. 

20.  JEcidium  rubi,  Bramble  ecidium, 

Thecce  flattish,  edge  white;  mouth  orbicular,  prominent, 

not  cut  or  but  slightly  toothed ; sporidia  yellowish-brown. 
./Ecidium  rubi,  De  Cand.  Syn.  50. 

On  the  lower  face  of  the  bramble-leaves. 

21.  JEcidium  epilobii.  Willow-herb  ecidium, 

Thecce  scattered,  distinct,  white;  mouth  torn,  expanded, 

withering;  sporidia  orange,  becoming  brownish. 

./Ecidium  epilobii,  De  Cand.  Syn.  50. 

On  the  lower  face  of  the  leaves  of  squarestalk  willow-herb, 
rarely  on  the  upper. 

III.  153.  USTILAGO.  Persoon.  Smut, 

Sporidia  1 -celled,  globular,  sessile,  free,  heaped,  spread- 
ing,  girt  with  a false  peridium  or  theca,  black  or  brown, 
growing  on  the  parts  of  fructification. 

1.  Ustilago  segetum.  Corn-smut , 

Black , greenish  or  brownish,  involute. 

Ustilago  segetum,  Persoon  Syn.  224. 

Reticularia  segetum,  Bull.  Champ.  1,90. 

On  deformed  glumes  of  the  grasses. 

2.  Ustilago  utriculosa.  Utricular  smut. 

Blackish  violet ; sporidia  large. 

Caeoma  (ustilago)  utriculosum,  EsenbecJc  Syst.  2. 

' On  enlarged  fruit  of  water-pepper. 

3.  Ustilago  violacea.  Violet  smut, 

Violet;  sporidia  minute. 

Uredo  violacea,  Persoon  Syn.  225. 

Caeoma  (ustilago)  violaceum,  Esenbeck  Syst.  2. 

On  enlarged  anthers  of  the  caryophylleae. 

Pl.cell.aph.  7.  PROTOM YCEiE.  154.  Uredo.  539 

IV.  154.  UREDO.  Blight. 

Sporidia  1 -celled,  globular,  sessile,  free,  heaped,  spread- 
ing, girt  with  the  ruptured  epidermis,  growing  on  living 

a.  Sporidia  Hack  or  brown . 

1.  Uredo  suaveolens.  Sweet-scented  blight. 

Tufts  reddish-brown,  flattish,  running  together. 

Uredo  suaveolens,  Persoon  Syn.  221. 

On  the  lower  face  of  the  leaves  of  the  common-way 

Odour  grateful. 

2.  Uredo  fab<z.  Bean  blight. 

Tufts  chestnut-brown,  scattered,  very  numerous,  round- 
ish, irregularly  depressed. 

Uredo  fabse,  De  Cand.  Syn.  47. 

Uredo  viciae  fabae,  Persoon  Syn.  221. 

On  the  stems  and  leaves  of  beans. 

S.  Uredo  cichor  ace  arum.  Succory  blight. 

Tufts  brown,  distant,  small,  orbicular. 

Uredo  cichoracearum,  J De  Cand.  Syn.  47. 

On  both  faces  of  the  leaves  of  dandelion,  and  similar 

4.  Uredo  anemones.  Anemone  blight. 

Tufts  black,  oblong,  orbicular. 

Uredo  anemones,  Persoon  Syn.  223. 

On  both  faces  of  the  leaves  of  wood  anemonies. 

5.  Uredo  bifrons.  Through-and- through  blight . 

Tufts  reddish,  distant,  orbiculate. 

Uredo  bifrons,  De  Cand.  Syn.  47. 

On  both  faces  of  the  leaves  of  curled-leaf  dock, 
b.  Sporidia  yellowish. 

6.  Uredo  vitellina.  Golden-osier  blight. 

Tufts  orange-yellow',  convex,  orbicular,  at  last  running 


Uredo  vitellina,  De  Cand.  Syn.  48. 

On  the  lower  face  of  the  leaves  of  golden  osier. 

54G  154.  Uredo.  7.  PROTOMY CEiE.  PL  cell  apL 

7.  Uredo  tussilaginis . Coltsfoot  lUght . 

Tw//s  orange-yellow,  rather  concentric,  running  together. 
Uredo  tussilaginis,  De  Cand.  Syn.  48. 

On  the  lower  surface  of  coltsfoot-leaves. 

8.  Uredo  senecionis . Groundsel  Might . 

Tufts  saffron-colour,  oblong  or  irregular,  at  length  run- 
ning together. 

Uredo  senecionis,  De  Cand.  Syn.  48. 

On  the  lower  surface  of  the  leaves  of  groundsel. 

9.  Uredo  linearis . Linear  Might . 

Tufts  yellow,  becoming  brown ; sporidia  rather  ovate. 

Uredo  linearis,  Persoon  Syn.  216. 

Uredo  longissima,  Sowerby  Fungi , 139. 

On  both  faces  of  the  leaves  of  wheat  and  other  corn. 

10.  Uredo  confluens.  Confluent  Might . 

Tufts  pale  yellow,  concentric,  confluent;  sporidia  scarcely 


Uredo  confluens,  De  Cand.  Syn.  48. 

On  the  lower  face  of  the  leaves  of  dogs-mercury. 

Y.  155.  ALBUGO.  Persoon.  Albugo. 

Sporidia  globular,  sessile,  1 -celled,  enclosed  in  the  bul- 
lated  epidermis  of  live  plants. — White. 

1.  Albugo  crucifer  arum.  Cruciferous  albugo. 

Tufts  broad,  depressed  ; sporidia  very  copious. 

Uredo  candidum  a,  Persoon  Syn.  222. 

Uredo  thlaspi,  Sowerby  Fungi , 340. 

Uredo  cruciferarum,  De  Cand.  Syn.  49. 

On  the  lower  face  of  the  leaves  of  cruciferous  plants. 

2.  Albugo  tragopogi.  Goatsbeard  albugo . 

Tufts  white,  scattered,  oblong,  minute. 

Uredo  candidum  j 6,  Persoon  Syn. 223. 

Uredo  tragopogi,  De  Cand.  Syn.  49. 

On  purple  goatsbeard. 

3.  Albugo  petroselini.  Parsley  albugo. 

Tufts  scattered,  roundish,  oblong,  confluent ; sporidia 

very  copious. 

Uredo  petroselini,  De  Cand.  Syn.  49. 

On  the  stem  and  leaves  of  parsley. 

Pl.cell.  aph.  7.  PROTOMYCEiE.  156.  Coeomurus.  541 

VI.  1 56.  CCEOMURUS.  Link.  Ceomure . 

Sporidia  ovate  or  globular,  1 -celled,  pedicelled;  girt  with 

the  ruptured  epidermis  of  live  plants. 

1.  Coeomurus  phaseolarum.  Kidney- bean  ceomure. 

Sporidia  ovoid ; pedicells  rather  long ; tufts  blackish- 

red,  orbicular. 

Uredo  appendiculata,  Persoon  Syn.  222. 

Puccinia  phaseolarum,  De  Cand.  Syn.  46. 

On  both  faces  of  the  leaves  of  kidney-beans. 

2.  Coeomurus  pi  si.  Pea  ceomure. 

Sporidia  ovoid ; pedicells  short ; tufts  brown,  orbicular. 

or  oblong. 

Uredo  appendiculata  /?,  Persoon  Syn.  222. 

Puccinia  pisi,  De  Cand.  Syn.  46. 

On  the  stems  and  leaves  of  peas. 

3.  Coeomurus ficarioe.  Pilewort  ceomure . 

Sporidia  ovoid;  pedicells  rather  long;  tufts  brown,  con- 
fluent; epidermis  at  first  raised,  then  burst. 

Puccinia  ficariae,  De  Cand.  Syn.  46. 

On  the  stems,  and  upper  face  of  the  leaves  of  pilewort. 

4.  Coeomurus  trifolii . Trefoil  ceomure . 

Sporidia  ovoid,  nearly  sessile ; tufts  reddish-brown,  ob- 
long, or  irregular,  bursting  the  epidermis. 

Puccinia  trifolii,  De  Cand.  Syn.  46. 

On  the  stems  and  leaves  of  several  species  of  trefoil. 

5.  Coeomurus  porri . Leek  ceomure. 

Sporidia  reverse,  eggshape;  pedicells  rather  short;  tufts 

reddish-brown,  oblong,  bursting  the  epidermis. 

Uredo  porri,  Sowerby  Fungi , 41 1. 

On  both  faces  of  the  leaves  of  leaks. 

VII.  157.  DICJEOMA.  Diceome. 

Sporidia  ovate,  2-celled,  pedicelled,  girt  by  the  ruptured 

epidermis  of  the  living  plant. 

1 . Dicceoma  persicarice.  Persicaria  diceome . 

Sporidia  clubbed;  upper  cell  thick,  globular;  lower  cell 
long,  slender ; pedicells  short ; tufts  red-brown,  small,  or- 

54*2  157.  Dicaeoma.  7.  PROTOMYCEfE.  Pl.cell.apk . 

Puccinia  polygoni  amphibii,  Persoon  Syn.  227. 

On  the  lower  face  of  the  leaves  of  narrow-leaved  pond- 

2.  Dicceoma  scirpi.  Rush  diceome. 

Sporidia  rather  clubbed ; upper  cell  large,  globular  ; 

pedicell  short;  tufts  blackish,  roundish,  compact. 

Puccinia  scirpi,  De  Cand.  Syn.  46. 

On  the  decaying  stems  of  bullrushes. 

3.  Dicceoma  graminis.  Grass  diceome . 

Sporidia  rather  clubbed ; upper  cell  large,  globular ; 

pedicells  short;  tufts  yellow,  brown,  or  black,  scattered, 

Puccinia  graminis,  Persoon  Syn.  228. 

Uredo  frumenti,  Sowerby  Fungi , 140. 

On  the  stem  and  leaves  of  grasses. 

4<.  Dicceoma  anemones.  Anemone  diceome . 

Sporidia  oblong ; cells  rounded ; pedicells  short ; tufts 
brown,  hemispherical,  in  rows  or  marginal. 

Puccinia  anemones,  Persoon  Syn.  226. 
jEcidium  fuscum,  Sowerby  Fungi , 53. 

On  the  lower  face  of  the  leaves  of  wood-anemonies. 
Plants  on  which  this  fungus  is  parasitic  have  been  taken 
for  a new  species  of  fern,  under  the  name  of  the  Conjurer 
of  Chalgrave  s fern , he  having  been  the  first  botanist  who 
observed  it. 

5.  Dicceoma  menthce . Mint  diceome . 

Sporidia  oblong ; cells  rounded ; pedicells  short ; tufts 

brown,  threadlike,  rather  thicker  at  bottom ; tufts  black, 
hemispherical,  powdery. 

Puccinia  menthae,  De  Cand.  Syn.  45. 

On  the  lower  face  of  the  leaves  of  several  species  of  mint. 

6.  Dicceoma  ribis.  Currant  diceome . 

Sporidia  cylindrical,  blunt ; pedicells  short ; tufts  brown, 

orbicular,  girt  with  the  epidermis. 

Puccinia  ribis,  De  Cand.  Syn.  45. 

On  the  upper  face  of  the  leaves  of  red  currants. 

7.  Dicceoma  aviculare.  Knotgrass  diceome. 

Sporidia  ovoid,  blunt ; pedicells  long,  flaccid ; tufts  brown, 

oblong,  or  roundish. 

PL  cell.  aph.  7.  PROTOMYCEiE.  157.  Dicaeoma.  543 

Puccinia  polygoni  aviculariae,  Persoon  Syn.  227. 

Puccinia  aviculariae,  De  Cand.  Syn.  45. 

On  the  stem  and  leaves  of  knotgrass. 

8.  Dicceoma  adoxce.  Moscalell  diceome . 

Sporidia  oblong,  blunt ; pedicells  short ; tufts  brown, 

irregularly  confluent. 

Puccinia  adoxae,  De  Cand.  Syn.  45. 

On  the  stem  and  leaves  of  tuberous  moscatell. 

9.  Dicceoma  luxi . Boxtree  diceome . 

Sporidia  oblong,  lanceolate,  cells  rather  acute;  pedicells 

long;  tufts  black,  orbicular,  convex. 

Puccinia  buxi,  Sowerby  Fungi , 439. 

On  box-leaves. 

VIII.  158.  PUCCINIA.  Micheli.  Puccini 

Sporidia  cylindrical,  many-celled,  pedicelled,  free,  upon 
the  epidermis  of  living  plants. 

1 . Puccinia  rosce . Rose  puccinl 
Sporidia  cylindrical,  3 to  5-celled,  pointed  ; pedicells 

white,  threadlike,  thicker  at  the  bottom ; tufts  black,  rather 

Ascophora  disciflora,  Tode  Meckl.  3,  26. 

Puccinia  mucronata,  Persoon  Syn.  230. 

Puccinia  rosae,  De  Cand.  Syn.  44. 

On  the  lower  face  of  rose-leaves. 

2.  Puccinia  mil  Bramble  puccinl 

Sporidia  cylindrical,  3 to  5-celled,  bluntly  pointed ; pe- 

dicells  white,  threadlike,  thicker  at  the  bottom ; tufts  black, 
rather  powdery. 

Ascophora  disciflora  Tode  Meckl.  3,27. 

Puccinia  mucronata  /?,  Persoon  Syn.  230. 

Puccinia  rubi,  De  Cand.  Syn.  44  ; Sowerby  Fungi , 400,  9. 

On  the  lower  face  of  the  leaves  of  blackberry  bushes. 

3.  Puccinia  potentillce.  Cinquefoil  puccini. 

Sporidia  cylindrical,  4-celled,  blunt ; pedicells  white, 

threadlike ; tufts  black,  compact. 

Puccinia  potentill®,  Persoon  Syn.  229. 

On  dry  leaves  of  vernal  cinquefoil. 

544  158.  Puccinia.  7.  PROTOMYCEiE.  VI.  cell.  aph. 

4.  Puccinia  ulmi.  Elm  puccini. 

Sporidia  cylindrical,  3 or  4-celled,  blunt;  pedicells  white, 

threadlike  •,  tufts  free,  black,  rather  powdery. 

Puccinia  ulmi,  De  Cand.  Syn.  44. 

On  the  lower  face  of  elm-leaves. 

5.  Puccinia  spergulce  Spurrey  puccini. 

Sporidia _ cylindrical,  3-celled,  blunt;  pedicells  white, 

threadlike  ; tufts  compact,  brown. 

Puccinia  spergulse,  De  Cand.  Syn.  44. 

On  the  stem  and  leaves  of  spurrey. 

IX.  159.  PODISOMA.  Link.  Podisome . 

Sporidia  cylindrical,  many-celled ; pedicells  long,  united 

into  a rather  gelatinous  or  fleshy  mass,  protuberant  from 
the  live  branches. 

Podisoma  j uniperi.  Juniper  podisome. 

Tufts  yellow,  conical. 

Puccinia  non  raransa  major  pyramidata,  Micheli  N.  Gen.  213. 

Clavaria  resinosorum,  Gmel.  Linn.  Syst.Nat.  2,  1443. 

Puccinia  cristata,  Schmidel  Ic.  3,  254. 

Puccinia  juniperi,  Persoon  Syn.  228. 

Gymnosporangium  conicum,  De  Cand.  Syn . 44. 

Podisoma  juniperi,  Esenbeck  Syst.  2,4. 

On  the  stems  of  juniper- bushes. 

B.  Stilbosporide^.  Sporidia  dustlike,  free,  naked, 
many-celled,  growing  on  wood  and  other  dead  substances. 

X.  160.  FUSIDIUM.  Link.  Fusidium. 

Sporidia  spindleshape,  transparent,  lying  down. 

1.  Fusidium  griseum.  Grey  fusidium. 

Heaps  grey,  thin,  spreading. 

Fusidium  griseum,  Link  Berl.  Mag.  1809,8. 

On  oak-leaves. 

2.  Fusidium  ceruginosum.  Verdigris  fusidium. 

Heaps  verdigris-green,  thin,  spreading. 

Fusidium  aeruginosuin.  Link  Berl . Mag . 1809,  8. 

On  dry  leaves. 

3.  Fusidium  candidume  White  fusidium. 

Heaps  snow-white,  thick,  irregular. 

Fusidium  candidum,  Link  Berl  Mag.  X&Q9,  8» 

On  decayed  beech-leaves. 

PLcell.aph.  7.  PROTOMYCEiE.  161.  Stilbospora.  54-5 

XI.  161.  STILBOSPORA.  Persoon.  Stilbospore. 

Sporidia  dark-coloured,  ringed,  in  irregular  heaps. 

1.  Stilbospora  asterosperma . Star-seeded  stilbospore . 

Sporidia  starlike,  3 or  4-rayed. 

Stilbospora  asterosperma,  Persoon  Syn.  96. 

On  the  branches  of  beech,  birch,  and  maple-trees. 

2.  Stilbospora  sphcerosperma . Round-seeded  stilbospore . 

Sporidia  globular,  minute. 

Stilbospora  sphasrosperma,  Persoon  Syn.  9T. 

On  the  dry  stems  of  the  common  bankside  reed. 

C.  Xylomide.®.  Sporidia  budlike,  enclosed  in  a crust; 
crust  swollen,  variable  in  shape;  inside  pale;  texture  ir- 
regular, cellular,  under  the  epidermis  of  plants. 

XII.  162.  XYLOMA.  Persoon.  Xyloma, 

Crust  hard,  inside  fleshy,  cellular. 

1 . Xyloma  salicinum . Willow  xyloma. 
Crust  black,  shining,  thick ; inside  granular,  white. 

Xyloma  salicinum,  Persoon  Syn.  103. 

On  willow-leaves. 

Solitary,  bossed. 

/3.  confluens.  Crust  confluent,  disk  naked. 

2.  Xyloma  acerinum . Maple  xyloma . 

Crust  black,  flat,  surface  rather  unequal  with  winding 


Xyloma  acerinum,  Esenbeck  Syst.  2,  5. 

Xyloma  punctatum,  Persoon  Syn.  104. 

On  the  leaves  of  maple  and  sycamore-trees. 

Aggregate,  orbicular. 

/3.  confluens.  Crusts  confluent. 

Xyloma  acerinum,  Persoon  Syn.  104. 

3.  Xyloma  leucocreas.  White-flesh  xyloma . 

Crust  thick,  tubercular;  inside  white. 

Xyloma  leucocreas,  Be  Cand.  Syn.  63. 

On  the  leaves  of  different  species  of  willow. 

VOL.  i.  2 N 

546  162.  Xyloma.  7.  PROTOMYCEiE.  Pl.cell.aph* 

4.  Xyloma  multivalve.  Many-valved  xyloma. 

Crusts  dotlike,  scattered,  slightly  convex ; epidermis 

raised  round  the  tubercles  in  many  valvelike  divisions. 
Xyloma  multivalve,  De  Cand.  Syn.  63. 

On  holly-leaves. 

5.  Xyloma  pezizoides.  Peziza-like  xyloma . 

Crusts  scattered,  orbicular,  black;  afterwards  ruptured, 

border  upright,  slightly  crenate;  centre  pale. 

Peziza  comitialis,  Sowerby  Fungix  118. 

Peziza  vi  rid  is,  Bolton  Fungi , 119,  1. 

Xyloma  pezizoides,  Persoon  Syn . 105. 

D.  Gymnosporangidea:.  Sporidia  one-ringed,  pedi- 
celled;  pedicells  irregularly  grown  together  into  a firm 
gelatinous  stroma. — On  live  plants. 

XIII.  163.  GYMNOSPORANGIUM.  Link.  Soft-hall. 
Sporidia  1-ringed  ; pedicells  long;  stroma  gelatinous. 

Gymno  sporangium  juniper  inum.  Juniper  soft-hall. 

Sporidia  yolk-of-egg  yellow,  plaited. 

Agaricus  membranaceus  sinuosus,  substantia  gelatince,  Raii  Syn.  21,3. 
Tremella  juniperina,  Lin.  S.  P.  1625;  Villars  Dauph.  3,  1007. 
Gymnosporangium  juniperum,  Esenbeck  Syst.  2,6. 

On  the  stem  of  juniper-bushes. 

E.  iEGERiTADE.®.  Sporidia  1 -celled,  free,  naked,  on  an 
irregular  expanded  stroma. — On  decayed  vegetables. 

XIV.  164.  iEGERITA.  Persoon.  Egsrita . 

Sporidia  globular,  embedded  on  a round,  sessile  stroma. 

JEgerita  Candida.  White  egerita . 

Tifts  snow-white,  hemispherical,  scattered. 

Sclerotium  iEgerita,  Hoffm.  Crypt.  9,  1. 
iEgerita  Candida,  Persoon  Syn.  684. 

On  alder-trees ; autumn. 

XV.  165.  FUSARIUM.  Link.  Fusarium. 

Sporidia  spindleshape,  sessile,  diffusible,  on  a globular 

sessile  stroma. 

PL  cell.  aph.  7.  PROTOM  YOEiE.  165.  Fusarium.  547 

Fusarium  roseum.  Rose-red  fusarium . 

Stromata  gregarious,  hemispherical,  rose-red  ; sporidia 
lighter  coloured. 

Fusarium  roseum,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  1809,  10. 

On  the  stems  of  the  malvaceae. 

F.  Tubercularim.  Sporidia  1 -celled,  bursting  forth 
from  the  top  of  a free,  pedicelled  stroma. 

XVI.  166.  TUBERCULARIA.  Tode.  Tuhercularia . 

Sporidia  small,  globular;  strom, a wine-glass-shape,  pedi- 
celled ; pedicell  short,  from  an  expanded  gelatinous  mass. 

1.  Tuhercularia  granulata.  Granulated  tuhercularia. 

Stroma  rather  globular,  nearly  sessile,  surface  granular, 

brownish  ; sporidia  intermixed  with  flocks. 

Tuhercularia  granulata,  Fersoon  Syn . 113. 

On  the  branches  of  maple*  trees. 

2.  Tuhercularia  vulgaris.  Common  tuhercularia. 

Stroma  stipitate,  thick,  pale,  furrowed,  wrinkled. 

Tuhercularia  vulgaris,  Persoon  Syn.  112. 

Tremella  purpurea,  Lin.  S.  Veg.  1004. 

Sphseria  miniata,  Bolt.  Fung.  127. 

Sphaeria  tremelloides,  Weis.  Obs.  Bot.  3,  1. 

Clavaria  coccinea,  Sowerby  Fungi , 294. 

On  the  branches  of  trees. 

Fam.VIII.  8.  NEMATOMYCEiE.  Esenbeck.  Fungorum 
pars , Linnaeus.  Algarum  pars , Linnaeus, 
Jussieu.  Anandrce  Mucedines , Link. 
Sporidia  naked,  attached  to  the  thallus ; thallus  thread- 
like, simple  or  branched. — Plants  terrestrial  or  parasitic, 
generally  growing  in  damp  places,  minute : when  put  into 
water  they  expand,  and  may  be  displayed  with  ease  for 

A.  Mucedineae.  Thallus  flocky , tubular ; sporidia  free , 
scattered  on  the  surface. 

Flocks  rather  branched ; 

sporidia  single ; pedicells  long Acremonium.  167* 

Flocks  spreading; 

spor.  loose,  oblong;  pedic.  short  .....  Epochnium.  168. 

2 N 2 



PL  cell.  aph. 

Flocks  branched; 

spar,  ovate,  2-celled,  much  scattered  Tricothecium.  169. 
Flocks  branched,  entangled; 

spor.  ovate  or  globose,  scattered  . . . Sporotrichum.  170. 
Flocks  branched,  radiated ; 

spor.  small,  globular,  scattered  .....  Byssocladium.  171. 

B.  Aspergillideae.  Thallus  tubular , simple  or  jointed ; 
sporidia  scattered , towards  the  top . 

Flocks  simple,  or  slightly  branched ; 

spor.  globular,  in  heaps  Haflaria.  172. 

Flocks  simple,  aggregated,  beadlike, 

with  separated  joints  Acrosporum.  178. 

Flocks  upright,  twiglike,  forked ; 

spor.  globular,  crowded  at  top  Virgaria.  174. 

Flocks  upright,  interwoven,  corymbose ; 

spor . globular,  on  the  tips Botrytis.  175. 

Flocks  upright,  branched  in  whirls; 

spor.  globular,  on  the  whirls Stachylidium.  176. 

Flocks  upright,  branched  at  top ; 

spor.  globular  Polyactis.  177. 

Flocks  branched  at  the  tip,  headlike ; 
spor.  globular,  clustered,  on  the  tip  ...  Penicillum.  178. 

Flocks  dilated  at  the  tip,  clublike; 
spor.  globular,  clustered,  on  the  tips  . . Aspergillum.  479. 

C.  Erineideae.  Thallus  fibrous , unbranched , on  the  epi- 
dermis ofi  plants. 

Fibres  threadlike,  twisted Erineum.  180. 

Fibres  clublike,  twisted Rubigo.  181. 

I),  Byssidese.  Thallus  fibrous , free. 

Fibres  upright,  pellucid,  crowded ; 

spor.  in  rows,  ovate,  falling  off Cladosporium.  182. 

Fibres  upright,  opake,  aggregated  ; 
spor.  oblong  clublike,  ringed  ......  Helmosporium.  183. 

Fibres  upright,  stiff; 

spor.  spiral,  ringed Helicosporium.  184. 

Fibres  upright,  jointed ; 

joints  ovate  Monilia.  185. 

Fibres  decumbent,  jointed  ; 
joints  globular,  separating  . . 

Torula.  186. 


PI.  cell.  aph.  8.  NEMATOMYCEiE. 

Fibres  entangled,  jointless,  opake; 
granules  formed  of  beadlike  twigs  ......  Racodium.  187. 

Fibres  decumbent,  stiff,  opake, 
branched;  twigs  jointless,  persistent ....  Dematium.  188. 

Fibres  decumbent,  very  slender,  opake, 
branched;  twigs  jointless,  deliquescent  ....  Byssus.  189. 

Fibres  decumbent,  jointed,  pellucid, 

entangled  into  a pellicle Typhoderma.  190. 

Fibres  decumbent, jointless,  entangled 
into  a leatherlike  mass Xylostroma.  191. 

E.  Trichodermideae.  Thallus  tubular,  jointed,  entangled 
into  a globe  covering  the  sporidia. 

Flocks  branched  ; sporidia  globular  Trichoderma.  192. 

F.  Mucorideae.  Thallus  tuhdar ; sporce  enclosed  in  a 
terminal , membranaceous , bladderlike  sporidium. 

Thallus  branched  at  bottom,  simple  at  top ; 

spor.  globose,  solitary,  terminal Thamnidium.  193. 

Thallus  simple  or  branched ; 

spor.  nearly  globular Mucor.  194. 

Thallus  simple  or  branched ; 

spor.  globular,  then  inverted,  bellshape.  Ascophora.  195. 

Thallus  simple,  jointless,  clublike ; 
spor.  globular,  projected Pilobolus.  196. 

G.  Isarideae.  Thallus  tubular ; tubes  united  at  bottom  to 
form  a simple  or  branched  stroma,  free  at  the  other  end. 

Stroma  membranaceous,  branched ; 

flocks  simple  ; spor.  vanishing Ceratium.  197. 

Stroma  cylindrical; 

flocks  branched ; spor.  globular,  scattered  ...  Isaria.  198. 
Stroma  simple,  headed  at  top ; 

flocks  pencilshape ; spor . scattered Coremium.  199. 

Stroma  simple,  threadlike; 

flocks  entangled ; spor.  globular,  in  heads 

Cephalotrichum.  200. 

H.  Stilbideae.  Thallus  fibrous,  entangled  into  a gelatinous 
stroma  ; tip  headlike,  fleshy  ; sporidia  scattered . 

Stroma  simple;  head  naked,  soft  Stilbum.  201. 

550  167.Acremon.  8.  NEMATOMYCEiE.  Pl.cell.aph. 

A.  MucEDiNEiE.  Thallus  threadlike,  tubular,  simple  or 
branched,  mostly  jointed,  free;  sporidia  naked,  scattered 
on  the  surface. 

I.  167.  ACREMONIUM.  Link.  Clung-mould. 

Thallus  slightly  branched ; sporidia  single,  on  long  pe- 


1 . Acremoniurn  verticillatum.  Whirled  clungmould. 
Thallus  expanded,  white;  sporidia  in  whirls. 

Acremoniurn  verticillatum,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3, 15. 

On  the  bark  of  fir-trees. 

2.  Acremoniurn  alternatum.  Alternate  clungmould . 

Thallus  spreading,  white;  sporidia  placed  alternately. 

Acremoniurn  alternatum,  Link  in  Bert. Mag.  3, 15. 

On  fir-trees. 

II.  168.  EPOCHNIUM.  Link.  Stalked-mould. 

Thalli  dispersed ; sporidia  separating,  oblong,  on  short 


Epochnium  monilioides.  Beadlike  stalked-mould . 

Thalli  tufted,  white  or  grey,  spotlike,  round. 

Torula  fructigera,  Persoon  Obs.  Mic.  2,  26. 

Monilia  fructigera,  Persoon  Syn.  693. 

Epochnium  monilioides,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3,  18. 

On  dried  plants  and  pears. 

III.  169.  TRICHOTHECIUM.  Link.  Twin-mould. 

Thallus  branched  ; sporidia  ovate,  2-celled,  copiously 


Trichothecium  roseum . Rose  twinmould. 

Thalli  white,  interwoven ; sporidia  rose-red. 

Trichoderma  roseum,  Persoon  Syn.  231. 

Trichothecium  roseum,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3, 18. 

On  rotten  wood,  especially  willow  and  poplar  trees. 

IV.  170.  SPOROTRICPIUM.  Link.  Dust-mould. 

Thalli  branched,  entangled;  sporidia  globular  or  ovate, 

scattered  here  and  there. 

FL  cell,  aph.  8.  NEMATOMYCEiE.  170.  Sporot.  551 

1.  Sporolrichum  fuscum.  Brown  dustmould. 

Thaili  in  very  tliin  tufts,  brown,  lying  down;  sporidia 


Sporotrichum  fuscum,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3,  12. 

On  felled  timber. 

2.  Sporotrichum  badium.  Bay  dustmould . 

Thaili  in  thin  tufts,  bay,  lying  down ; sporidia  small. 
Sporotrichum  badium,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3,  12. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees. 

3.  Sporotrichum  stuposum.  Towlike  dustmould. 

Thaili  in  rather  thick  close  tufts,  black-brown,  lying 

down ; sporidia  small. 

Sporotrichum  stuposum,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3,  12. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees. 

4.  Sporotrichum  aureum . Golden  dustmould. 

Thaili  in  thick  tufts,  gold-yellow,  nearly  upright ; spo- 
ridia minute. 

Sporotrichum  aureum,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3,  13. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees. 

5.  Sporotrichum  candidum.  White  dustmould . 

Thaili  in  thin  tufts,  snow-white,  lying  down;  sporidia 


Sporidium  candidum,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3, 13. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees. 

Y.  171.  BYSSOCL ADIUM.  Link.  Meal-mould, 

Thaili  branched,  spreading  in  rays;  sporidia  small,  glo- 

1.  Byssocladium  candidum.  White  mealmould . 

Thaili  in  thin  tufts,  snow-white,  close,  much  branched ; 

tips  pencilshape. 

Byssocladium  candidum,  Link  in  Berl . Mag.  7, 13. 

On  rotten  leaves,  and  wood. 

2.  Byssocladium  fenestrale.  Window  mealmould . 

Thaili  tufted,  grey,  pressed  close,  very  minute,  branched, 

bent;  branches  spreading;  joints  indistinct. 

Conferva  fenestralis,  Dillw.  Conf.  94. 

Byssocladium  fenestrale,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  7,  36. 

Sporotrichum  fenestrale,  Dittmar  in  Sturm.  Germ.  3,  I. 

On  neglected  windows  in  damp  places. 

552  171.  Byssoclad.  8.  NEMATOMYCEiE.  PI.  cell.  aph. 

3.  Byssocladium  punctiformis.  Dotlike  mealmould. 

Thalli  in  tufts,  blackish-grey,  opaque,  pressed  close ; 

very  minute,  rather  torulose;  branches  slightly  one-rowed; 
joints  rounded. 

Conferva  punctiformis,  Roth  Cut.  3,  220. 

On  neglected  windows. 

Thallus  rather  bead)ike,  joints  as  long  as  broad. 

4.  Byssus  dendritica . Treelike  mealmould . 

Thalli  in  tufts,  blackish-green,  bent;  branches  slender, 

slightly  pinnated. 

Conferva  dendritica,  Agardh  Syn.  96. 

Dematium  olivaceum,  Albert  et  Schw.  Consp. 

On  old  books  in  damp  places. 

Tufts  circular,  a quarter  of  an  inch  in  diameter. 


B.  Aspergillide^e.  Thallus  flocklike,  simple  or 
branched,  mostly  jointed,  tubular,  free;  sporidia  naked, 
towards  the  tip  of  the  thallus. 

VI.  172.  HAPLARIA.  Link.  Skein-mould. 

Thalli  simple  or  slightly  branched,  distant;  sporidia 

globular,  crowded  in  places. 

Haplaria  grisea.  Grey  skeinmould. 

Thalli  scattered,  simple,  2-cut,  forked,  grey. 

Haplaria  grisea,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3,  11. 

On  dry  leaves  of  reeds,  bur-reeds,  &c. 

VII.  173.  ACROSPORIUM.  Esenbeck.  Chain-mould. 
Thalli  simple,  aggregated,  beadlike  at  top ; joints  sepa- 
rating by  age. 

Acrosporium  monilioides.  Necklacelike  chainmould. 

Thalli  in  tufts,  snow-white,  spreading,  powdery. 
Acrosporium  monilioides,  Esenbeck  Syst.  2,  14. 

Monilia  hyalina,  Fries  Obs.  Mycet.  1815,  210. 

Botrytis  simplex  monilis,  Alb.  et  Schw.  Consp.  363. 

On  the  leaves  of  grasses. 

VIII.  174.  VIRGARIA.  Esenbeck.  Brush-mould. 

Thalli  flocklike,  upright,  stiff;  branches  forked;  spo- 
ridia difluent,  globular,  crowded  towards  the  tips. 

Pl.cell.aph.  8.  NEMATOMYCEiE.  174.  Virgaria.  553 

1.  Virgaria  nigra.  Black  hrushmould. 

Thalli  in  tufts,  spreading,  black,  crowded. 

Botrytis  nigra,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3,  14. 

Virgaria  nigra,  Esenbeck  Syst.  2,  14. 

On  felled  trees. 

2.  Virgaria  olivacea . Olive  hrushmould. 

Thalli  in  tufts,  spreading,  very  thin,  olive-green,  rather 


Botrytis  olivacea,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3, 14. 

On  felled  trees. 

IX.  175.  BOTRYTIS.  Micheli.  Grape-mould. 

Thalli  flocklike,  upright,  generally  entangled  at  the  bot- 
tom, much  branched ; branches  corymbose ; sporidia  glo- 
bular, collected  about  the  ends  of  the  branches. 

Botrytis  allochroa.  Shotten  grapemould. 

ThaUi  in  small  tufts,  upright,  white  afterwards  reddish ; 
sporidia  whitish. 

Botrytis  allochroa,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3,  16. 

On  dead  stalks;  autumn. 

X.  176.  STACHYLIDIUM.  Link.  Ear-mould. 

ThaUi  flocklike,  ascending,  entangled  at  bottom ; twigs 

whirled  at  top,  short,  blunt;  sporidia  globular,  crowded 
about  the  whirls. 

1.  Stachylidium  bicolor.  Ttvo-coloured  earmould. 

Thalli  in  tufts,  white,  the  barren  lying  down,  greenish- 

grey;  the  fertile  upright,  not  branched  at  top. 

Dematium  verticillatum,  Persoon  Syn.  694. 

Stachylidium  bicolor,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3,  15. 

On  the  stem  of  herbaceous  plants. 

2.  Stachylidium  ferrestre.  Land  earmould . 

Thalli  in  tufts,  spreading,  white ; the  barren  lying  down, 

few ; the  fertile  upright,  branched. 

Monilia  racemosa,  Persoon  Syn.  692. 

Aspergillus  terrestris  caespitosus  ac  ramosus  albus,  Micheli  N.  Gen.  PI. 

Stachylidium  terrestre,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3, 15. 

On  the  ground. 

554  177.  Polyactis.  8.  NEMATOMYCEiE.  Pl.  cell.  aph. 

XI.  177.  POLYACTIS.  Link.  Rayed-mould. 

Thalli  upright,  stiff;  branches  naked  at  bottom,  divided 

at  top;  twigs  short,  blunt,  crowded;  sporidia  globular,  on 
the  twigs. 

Polyactis  vulgaris . Common  rayed-mould. 

Thalli  greenish-grey,  close ; sporidia  glaucous. 

Botrytis  ramosa,  Persoon  Syn.  690. 

Botrytis  ramosa  cinerea,  seminibus  ereetis,  Micheli  N.  Gen.  PL  212. 
Polyactis  vulgaris.  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3,  16. 

On  rotten  herbs. 

XII.  178.  PENICILLUM.  Link.  Pencil-mould. 

Thalli  flocklike,  simple  or  branched,  dilated  at  top  and 

split  into  a bundle  of  twigs,  which  enclose  a head  of  glo- 
bular sporidia. 

1.  Penicillum  expansum.  Expanded  pencil-mould. 

Thalli  flocklike,  naked ; the  barren  lying  down*  en- 
tangled, greyish;  the  fertile  upright,  simple,  white;  spo- 
ridia ash-colour,  glaucous. 

Monilia  digitata,  Persoon  Syn.  693. 

Penicillum  expansum,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3,  17. 

On  rotten  fruit,  or  mushrooms. 

2.  Penicillum  candidum.  fVhite  pencil-mould. 

Thalli  flocklike,  branched,  snow-white  ; sporidia  white. 

Penicillum  candidum,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3,  17. 

On  rotten  herbs  and  fungi. 

Tufts  roundish  or  irregular. 

XIII.  179.  ASPERGILLUS.  Micheli.  Knot-mould. 
Thalli  flocklike,  simple  or  branched,  thickened  at  top 

into  a club ; sporidia  globular,  collected  about  the  tip  in 
heads,  and  rather  in  rows. 

1 . Aspergillus  glaucus.  Glaucous  knot-mould. 

Thalli  in  loose  tufts,  grey,  not  branched,  white ; heads 
at  first  white,  afterwards  glaucous. 

Aspergillus  capitatus,  capitulo  glauco,  seminibus  rotundis,  Micheli  N. 
Gen.  PL  212. 

Mucor  glaucus,  Lin.  Syst.  Veg.  2, 1022. 

Monilia  glauca,  Persoon  Syn.  691. 

Aspergillus  glaucus,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3, 16. 

On  apples,  and  other  juicy  fruits. 

PL  cell  aph.  8.  NEMATOMYCE.ZE.  179.  Aspergil.  555 

2.  Aspergillus  flavus.  Yellow  knot-mould. 

Thalli  in  loose  tufts,  not  branched,  white,  erect;  heads 

first  white,  afterwards  yellow. 

Aspergillus  flavus,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3,  16. 

On  dry  plants. 

3.  Aspergillus  laneus . Woolly  knot-mould. 

Thalli  in  close  tufts,  branched,  entangled,  yellowish- 

white,  nearly  upright;  heads  yellowish. 

Aspergillus  laneus,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag . 3,  16. 

On  rotten  fungi. 

4>.  Aspergillus  virescens.  Greenish  knot-mould . 

Thalli  in  close  tufts,  branched,  entangled,  greenish, 
nearly  upright;  heads  greenish. 

Aspergillus  virescens,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3, 16. 

On  rotten  fungi. 

C.  Erineide^e.  Thalli  fibrous,  not  branched,  nor 
jointed ; sporidia  contained  in  the  threads.-— On  the  epi- 
dermis of  plants. 

XIV.  180.  ERINEUM.  Persoon.  Rust-byssus . 

Thalli  threadlike,  not  branched,  twisted,  short,  in  tufts 

on  decaying  leaves. 

Erineum  tiliaceum.  Lime-tree  rust-byssus . 

Thalli  in  round  tufts,  whitish-violet,  hooked. 

Erineum  tiliaceum,  Persoon  Syn.  700. 

On  the  leaves  of  lime-trees. 

XV.  181.  RUBIGO.  Link.  Funnel-mould . 

Thalli  funnelshape  or  clubshape,  twisted,  in  tufts  on  de- 
caying leaves. 

1.  Rubigo  faginea.  Beech  funnel-mould. 

Thalli  in  round  or  oblong  tufts,  brown,  globularly  club- 
bed, tip  mostly  closed;  tufts  confluent,  pale  on  the  edge. 

Rubigo  faginea,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3, 16. 

On  beech-leaves;  spring. 

556  181.  Rubigo.  8.  NEMATOMYCEiE.  PLcell.apk. 

2.  Rubigo  alnea.  Alder  funnel-mould . 

Thalli  in  convex  tufts,  reddish-brown,  shining,  funnel- 

shape,  open  at  the  tip. 

Rubigo  alnea,  Esenbecfc  Syst.  2, 17. 

Erineum  alneum,  Persoon  Syn . 701. 

On  the  leaves  of  black  alder. 

3.  Rubigo  acerina.  Maple  funnel-mould, 

Thalli  in  broad,  flattish  tufts,  reddish-brown,  when 

young  pale. 

Mucor  ferrugineus,  Bull.  Champ.  514. 

Erineum  acerinum,  Persoon  Syn.  700. 

On  maple-leaves,  that  have  fallen. 

D.  Bysside^e.  Thalli  fibrous,  sometimes  jointed,  mostly 
free;  sporidia  mostly  enclosed  in  the  thallus. — On  decayed 

XVI.  182.  CLADOSPORIUM.  Link.  Chain-byssus . 

Thalli  upright,  simple  or  slightly  branched,  rather  trans- 
parent, crowded;  sporidia  in  rows  on  the  thalli,  ovate, 
falling  off’. 

Cladosporium  herbarum . Herb  chain-byssus. 

Thalli  in  close  tufts,  light  olive-green. 

Dematium  herbarum,  Persoon  Syn.  699. 

Acladium  herbarum,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3,  12. 

Cladospei  mium  herbarum,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  7,37. 

On  decaying  herbs. 

XVII.  183.  HELMISPORIUM.  Link.  Ring-byssus. 

Thalli  upright,  stiff,  slightly  branched,  opake,  crowded ; 

sporidia  oblong,  clubshape,  ringed,  falling  off. 

1.  Helmisporium  nanum.  Dwarf  ring-byssus. 

Thalli  scattered,  forked  or  simple,  slightly  knotted ; 
sporidia  nearly  cylindrical,  scattered  on  the  thalli,  scarcely 
shorter  than  them. 

Helmisporium  nanum,  Esenbeck  Syst.  2,  67. 

On  decaying  plants. 

Pl.  cell.  aph.  8.  NEMATOMYCEiE.  183.  Helmispor.  557 

2.  Helmisporium  velutinum.  Velvet  ring-byssus. 

Tkalli  spreading,  black,  forked,  rather  stiff;  sporidia 
pearshape,  on  the  thalli,  and  much  shorter  than  them. 
Helmisporium  veluUnum,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3, 10. 

On  rotten  birch-wood. 

XVIII.  184.  HELICOSPORIUM.  Esenb.  SpiraVbyssus. 

Thalli  upright,  stiff,  seldom  branched,  opake;  sporidia 
spiral,  distantly  kneed,  fugacious,  interspersed  among  the 

Helicosporium  vegetum.  Quick  spiral-byssus. 

Thalli  black,  distant;  sporidia  yellowish-green. 

Helicosporium  vegeturn,  Esenbeck  Syst.  2,  19. 

On  oak-wood. 

XIX.  185.  MONILIA.  Link.  Jointed-jibre. 

Thalli  fibrous,  upright,  in  tufts,  dark  colour,  opake, 

distinctly  jointed,  lasting;  joints  ovate. 

Monilia  antennceformis.  Peeler  jointed- fibre. 

Thalli  in  velvet  black  close  tufts. 

Dematium  antennaeforme,  Hoffm.  Germ.  13. 

Monilia  antennata,  Persoon  Syn.  694. 

On  trunks  of  trees,  and  plants;  autumn. 

XX.  186.  TORULA.  Link.  Clinging-jibre. 

Thalli  threadlike,  lying  down,  not  branched,  often  crust- 
like, jointed ; joints  globular,  separating. 

Torula  herb  arum.  Herb  clinging-jibre. 

Thalli  black,  forming  a broad  crust. 

Monilia  herbarum,  Persoon  Syn.  693. 

Torula  herbarum,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3. 

On  the  dry  stems  of  large  herbs ; autumn. 

XXL  187.  RACODIUM.  Persoon.  Headed-fbre. 

Thalli  threadlike,  closely  entangled,  not  jointed,  branch- 
ed, opake;  interspersed  with  granules  conglobated  from 
the  beadlike  twigs. 

Racodiwn  cellare.  Cellar  headed-jibre. 

Thalli  greyish-black,  entangled  into  a silky  clothlike 


558  187.  Raced.  8.  NEMATOMYCEiE.  Pl.cell.aph. 

Fungus  sponsiosus  niger  reticulatus,  doliolis  vinosis  adnascens,  Raii 
Syn.  57,  10. 

Byssus  mollissiina,  j Ehrh.  Crypt.  217. 

Byssus  septica,  Roth  Germ.  4,  561. 

Fibrillaria  vinaria,  Sowerby  Fungi,  432. 

Racodium  cellulare,  Persoon  Syn.  701. 

Mouse-skin  byssus. 

• On  casks  in  wine-cellars,  from  the  rotten  hoops ; some- 
times entirely  covering  the  cask. 

When  compressed,  resembles  the  skin  of  a mouse. — ■ 
Used  as  an  excellent  styptic. 

XXII.  188.  DEMATIUM.  Link.  Star-fibre. 

Thalli  lying  down  or  ascending,  stiff,  opake,  branched, 
not  jointed  in  any  part,  lasting. 

Dematium  rupestre.  Rock  star-fibre. 

Thalli  black,  interwoven,  cushionlike. 

Byssus  petraea  nigerrima,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  57,8. 

Byssus  nigra,  Hudson  FI.  Angl.  606. 

Byssus  amiquitatis,  Weiss  Crypt. 

Conferva  nigra,  Roth  Cat.  3,  299. 

Conferva  eburnea,  Dillwyn  Conf.  101. 

Racodium  rupestre,  Persoon  Syn.  701. 

Dematium  rupestre,  Esenbeck  Syst.  2,21. 

On  rocks,  especially  sandstone. 

XXIII.  189.  BYSSUS.  Micheli.  Byssus. 

Thalli  threadlike,  lying  or  hanging  down,  very  tender, 
opake,  branched,  not  jointed  in  any  part;  soon  melting 

Byssus  bombycina.  Cottony  byssus. 

Thalli  very  long,  slender,  collected  into  close  flocks,  ex- 
tremely white. 

Byssus  bombycina,  Roth  Germ.  3,  563. 

Mucor  fugacissima,  Schrank  Brief  j 2,  32L 
Byssus  floccosa,  Schreb.  Germ.  144. 

Byssus  subterranea,  Scopoli  Cam.  2,411. 

On  wood,  in  cellars. 

XXIV.  190.  TYPHODERMA.  Death-skin. 

Thalli  fibrous,  not  branched,  lying  down,  jointed,  en- 
tangled  into  a pellucid  pellicle. 


Pl.  cell. aph.  8.  NEMATOMYCEiE.  190.Typhoder.  559 

1.  Typhoderma  Dillwynii . Dillwyn’s  death-skin . 

Thalli  slightly  branched ; joints  as  long  as  broad ; pellicle 


Conferva  typhoderma,  Dillw.  Conf.  83. 

Conferva  atramenti  /3,  Lingby  Hydr.  Dan.  165. 

On  a solution  of  gum  Arabic  in  water. 

2.  Typhoderma  sanguinea.  Bloody  death-skin. 

Thalli  branched ; branches  divaricating ; joints  rather 

longer  than  broad;  pellicle  red,  gelatinous. 

Conferva  sanguinea,  Dillw.  Conf.  55. 

On  a solution  of  isinglass  in  water. 

3.  Typhoderma  pallida.  Pale  death-skin . 

Thalli  forked,  bent  different  ways,  even-topped ; angles 

of  the  forks  rounded  ; joints  very  long  ; pellicle  pale  ochry 
yellow,  gelatinous,  leatherlike. 

Conferva  pallida,  Dillw.  Conf.  78. 

4.  Typhoderma  lactea.  Milky  death- skin. 

Thatli  branched;  joints  very  long;  pellicle  gelatinous, 

hyaline,  dull  milky  yellow. 

Conferva  lactea,  Dillvo.  Conf.  79. 

XXV.  191.  XYLOSTROMA.  Tode.  Oak-leather. 

Thalli  fibrous,  branched,  lying  down,  not  jointed,  very 
closely  entangled  into  a soft  leatherlike  mass. 

Xylostroma  giganteum.  Gigantic  oak-leather. 

Mass  very  broad,  soft,  ochre-yellow. 

Xylostroma  giganteum,  Tode  Meckl.  1, 36;  Sowerby  Fungi , 358. 
Racodium  Xylostroma,  Persoon  Syn.  702. 

Dry  rot. 

On  rotten  oak-trees  and  timber. 

The  terror  of  house  and  ship-owners  of  late ; destroying 
them  with  great  rapidity,  if  built  of  too  young  or  unsea- 
soned timber,  and  not  sufficiently  ventilated;  destroyed  by 
green  vitriol,  sal  enixum,  common  salt,  but  especially  by 
the  admission  of  a free  current  of  air. 

560  192.Trichoder.  8.  NEMATOMYCEiE.  Pl.cell.apL 

E.  Trichodermide^e.  Thalli  flocklike,  tubular,  jointed, 
entangled  into  a globule,  covering  the  sporidia;  sporidia 

XXVI.  192.  TRICHODERMA.  Persoon.  Hair-skin. 

Thalli  branched,  jointed,  entangled,  covering  the  spori- 
dia ; sporidia  globular. 

1.  Trichoderma  viride.  Green  hair-skin. 

Thalli  snow-white,  in  a nearly  orbicular  tuft;  sporidia 


Trichoderma  viride,  Persoon  Syn.  231. 

Pyrenium  lignorum  vulgare,  Tode  Meckl.  1,33. 

Sphaeria  olivacea,  Willden.  Berol.  416. 

On  the  fallen  branches  of  trees,  and  stems  of  herbs. 

2.  Trichoderma  tuberculatum.  Tuberculated  hair-skin. 

Thalli  snow-white,  in  a nearly  orbicular  tuft;  at  first  to- 

mentose,  then  tubercular;  sporidia  grey. 

Trichoderma  tuberculatum,  Persoon  Syn.  234. 

On  the  ground  in  shady  woods;  summer  after  heavy 

F.  MucoRiDEiE.  Thalli  flocklike,  tubular,  not  jointed 
or  partitioned ; sporidia  terminal,  membranaceous,  bladder- 
like ; sporce  roundish . 

XXVII.  193.  THAMNIDIUM.  Link.  Branch-fibre . 

Thalli  branched  at  the  bottom,  branches  each  ending  in 
a single  spore;  sporidium  terminal,  globular,  bursting. 

Thamnidium  elegans.  Elegant  branch-fibre. 

Thalli  white ; branches  much  divided. 

Thamnidium  elegans,  Link  in  Bert.  Mag.  3,31. 

On  paste. 

XXVIII.  194.  MUCOR.  Columella.  Mould. 

Thalli  simple  or  branched ; sporidia  terminal,  globular, 

1 . Mucor  flavidus . Yellowish  moidd. 

Thalli  branched,  rather  forked;  sporidia  globular,  first 
yellowish,  then  blackish. 

Mucor  flavidus,  Persoon  Syn.  199. 

On  rotten  mushrooms. 

PI.  cell.  aph.  8.  NEMATOMYCEiE.  194.  Macor.  561 

2.  Mucor  lolrijtis.  Bunck-of- grapes  mould . 

Thalli  branched,  slightly  forked;  sporidia  globular, white. 

Mucor  botrytis,  Sowerby  Fungi,  359. 

Mucor  erysimi,  Sowerby  Fungi . 400,  7. 

On  cruciferous  plants. 

S.  Mucor  hydrophora.  Pitcher  mould . 

Thalli  not  branched,  yellowish;  sporidia  transparent,  at 
first  oval,  growing  globular. 

Hydrophora  minima,  Tode  Meckl.  2,  5. 

Mucor  Hydrophora,  Fersoon  Syn . 202. 

On  decaying  beech-trees. 

4.  Mucor  caninus.  Dog  mould , 

Thalli  not  branched,  aggregated ; sporidia  yellowish, 

nearly  globular,  umbilicated  beneath. 

Hydrophora  stercoraria,  Tode  Meckl . 2,  6. 

Mucor  caninus,  Fersoon  Syn.  201. 

On  dogs’  dung. 

5.  Mucor  murinus . Mice  mould . 

Thallus  not  branched,  scattered,  minute,  white,  shortish, 

stiff;  sporidia  globular,  yellow. 

Mucor  rnurinus,  Persoon  Syn.  201, 

On  mice-dung. 

XXIX.  195.  ASCOPHORA.  Tode.  Bottle-mould . 

Thalli  simple  or  branched ; sporidia  terminal,  globular, 

turning  inside  out  and  becoming  bellshape. 

1.  Ascophora  grisea . Grey  lot  tie-mould, 

Thalli  not  branched ; sporidia  large,  blackish-grey. 

Ascophora  Mucedo,  Tode  Meckl.  1, 13. 

Mucedo  grisea,  Persoon  JDisp.  14. 

Mucor  Mucedo,  Persoon  Syn.  201. 

On  decayed  vegetables,  and  on  rotten  wal] nut- shells. 

2.  Ascophora  vulgaris.  Common  lottle-mould , 

Thalli  not  branched,  crowded;  sporidia  minute,  blackish. 

Mucor  Mucedo,  Lin.  S.  P. 

Mucor  Mucedo  /3,  Persoon  Syn.  201. 

On  rotten  plants. 

XXX.  196.  PILOBOLUS.  Persoon.  Spring-mould, 
Thalli  not  branched,  pot  jointed,  dilated  at  top,  cup- 

shape;  sporidia  globular,  springing  with  a jerk  from  the 
tips  of  the  thalli. 

VOL.  i.  2 o 

562  196.  Pilobolus.  8.  NEMATOMYCEiE.  PL  cell  aph. 

Pilobolus  crystallinus.  Crystalline  spring-mould . 

Thalli  transparent,  clear ; sporidia  black. 

Pilobolus  crystal  litius,  Persoon  Obs.myc.  1,76;  Syn.  117. 

Mucor  urceolatus,  Dickson  Crypt.  1 , 25 ; Sowerby  Fungi , 300. 

Hydrogora  crystallina,  Wigg.  FI.  Hols.  111. 

Mucor  roridus,  Bolton  Fungi , 122. 

On  dung  of  various  animals. 

G.  IsARiADEiE.  Thalli  tubular,  united  at  bottom  into  a 
stroma,  free  at  the  tip ; sporidia  scattered  in  the  flocklike 

XXXI.  197.  CERATIUM.  Link.  Plaited-tuft. 

Thalli  not  branched,  united  at  bottom  into  a stroma ; 
stroma  membranaceous,  plaited  ; sporidia  globular,  inter- 
spersed, fugacious. 

Ceratium  hydnoides.  Hydnumlike  plaited-tuft. 

Stroma  white,  oblique,  branched;  branches  short, obtuse. 

Puccinia  byssoides,  Gmelin  Syst.  Nat.  2, 1462. 

Byssus  fruticolosa,  FI.  Dan.  741. 

Clavaria  Puccinia,  Batsch  Fungit  49.  , 

Isaria  mucida,  Persoon  Syn.  688. 

Ceratium  hydnoides,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3. 

On  rotten  wood,  especially  fir;  summer  and  autumn. 

XXXII.  198.  ISARIA,  Persoon.  Clul-tuft. 

Thalli  branched,  united  at  bottom  into  a stroma;  stroma 
long,  fleshy,  clubshape,  sometimes  branched ; sporidia  glo- 
bular, white,  softish,  interspersed. 

1 . Isaria  velutipes . Velvet-footed  clul-tuft . 
Stroma  simple,  clubbed  at  the  top ; tips  of  the  thalli 


Isaria  velutipes,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3,  20. 

Isaria  velutina,  Esenbeck  Syst.  2,  23. 

On  the  larvae  and  pupse  of  lepidopterous  insects. 

2.  Isaria  crassa.  Thick  clul-tuft. 

Stroma  not  branched,  thick,  rather  conical ; pedicel! 

distinct,  bald. 

Isaria  crassa,  Persoon  Syn.  C87. 

On  chrysalides  covered  with  earth. 

PL  cell,  apk . 8.  NEMATOMYCEJE.  198.  Isaria.  563 

3.  Isaria  eleutheratorum . Beetle  club-tuft. 

Stroma  threadlike,  twisted,  slightly  compressed,  branch- 
ed ; branches  spreading. 

Isaria  eleutheratorum,  Esenbeck  Syst,  2,23, 

On  dead  carabideas. 

XXXIII.  199.  COREMIUM.  Link.  Pencil-tuft. 

Thalli  pencilshape,  united  at  bottom  into  a stroma; 
stroma  not  branched,  headed  at  top ; sporidia  interspersed 
among  the  tip  of  the  thalli. 

1.  Coremiuni  candidum . White  pencil-tuft . 

Stroma  snow-white ; base  flocular. 

Coremium  candidum,  Esenbeck  Syst.  2,2-1. 

Monilia  Candida,  Persoon  Syn,  692. 

On  rotten  fruit. 

2.  Coremium  glaucum.  Glaucous  pencil-tuft . 

Stroma  yellowish,  short;  sporidia  greenish. 

Coremium  glaucum,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3,  19. 

Mucor  glaucus,  Lin.  Syst.  Veg.  ed.  15,  1020. 

On  rotten  fruit. 

XXXIV.  200.  CEPHALOTRICHUM.  Tangle-tufL 

Thalli  fibrous,  entangled  at  bottom  into  a stroma,  at  top 
into  a head ; stroma  threadlike  or  awlshape,  not  branched ; 
sporidia  interspersed,  in  the  head. 

Cephalotrichum  nigrescens * Blackish  tangle-tuft . 

Stroma  awlshape,  flocklike,  black ; head  globular,  brown. 

Cephalotrichum  nigrescens,  Link  in  Berl . Mag.  3,  20. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees. 

H.  Stilbide^.  Thalli  tubular,  entangled  at  bottom 
into  a gelatinous  6troma,  at  top  into  a fleshy  head ; sporidia 
interspersed  in  the  head. 

XXXV.  201.  STILBUM.  Persoon.  Glance-head , 

Stroma  not  branched ; head  rather  naked,  soft. 

I . Stilbum  piliforme.  Hairlike  glancehead . 
Stroma  slightly  bundled,  awlshape,  black ; heads  globu- 
lar, hyaline,  deliquescent. 

Stilbum  minimum  nigripes,  Tode  Meclcl.  1,  11. 

Stilbum  piliforme,  Persoon  Syn.  681. 

On  rotten  stems  of  trees. ' 

2 o 2 

564  201.  Stilbum.  8.  NEMATOMYCE^E.  Pl.cell.dpk. 

2.  Stilhum  villa  are.  Common  glancehead. 

Stromata  cylindrical,  thickish,  crowded  into  yellowish 

white  tufts;  heads  hemispherical,  withering. 

Stilbum  vulgare,  Persoon  Syn.  682. 

On  half- rotten  stalks;  autumn. 

3.  Stilhum  hulhosum.  Bullous  glancehead . 

Stroma  slender,  bulbous  at  bottom,  ochre-yellow ; head 

spherical,  white,  strewed  with  a yellowish  powder. 

Stilbum  bulbosum,  Persoon  Syn.  682. 

On  rotten  plants,  in  covered  situations;  autumn  after 
heavy  rains. 

Fam.  IX.  9.  GASTEROMYCE^E.  Fungorum  pars, 
Linnaeus,  Jussieu.  Gasteromyci , Persoon. 
Thallus  0;  peridium  single  or  double,  membranaceous 
or  leatherlike,  bladdershape ; sporidia  naked,  or  intermixed 
with  fibres,  included  in  the  peridium,  at  first  generally  liquid. 

A.  Peridium  thm , sessile , irregular , becoming  fibrous , or 
skinny  ; sporidia  in  heaps . Spumarideae. 

Peridium  membranous,  globular; 

sporidia  naked,  conglomerate  Eurotium.  202. 

Per.  sessile,  outside  towdike,  ins.  flaky; 

sporidia  naked,  conglobate JEthalium.  203. 

Per . membranous,  fibres  membranous 

at  the  axillae ; spor.  in  heaps Lignydium.  204. 

Per.  cellularly  fibrous,  ascending ; 

sporidia  in  heaps Spumaria.  205. 

Per.  membranous ; fibres  upright; 

sporidia  in  cylinders Strongylium.  206. 

Per.  membranous,  becoming  fibrous ; 
sporidia  crowded Lycogala.  207. 

B.  Peridium  thin , sessile,  irregular , vanishing  in  dust ; 
sporidia  in  heaps . Myrotheciadeae. 

Perid.  flattened,  branlike,  brittle; 
sporidia  conglutinated  ............  Myrothecium.  208. 

Perid.  flattened,  covered  with  granules; 

sporidia  conglobated  Dichosporium.  209. 

Perid.  globular  or  cylindrical,  thin; 

sporidia  heaped  Licea.  210. 

Perid.  irregular,  very  thin,  vanishing; 
sporidia  conglobated,  very  numerous  . . Dermodium.  211. 

PL  cell.  aph.  9.  G ASTEROMY CEiE. 


C.  Peridium  thin , pedicelled  or  regular , brittle;  fibres 
! rowing  from  the  base,  enclosed;  sporidia  conglobated . 

Peridium  double;  columell  distinct . . . Didymium.  212. 

Perid.  double ; columell  0 Diderma.  213. 

Perid . single,  scaly;  col.  distinct Cionium.  214. 

Perid.  single,  scaly;  col.  0 . . Physarum.  215. 

Perid.  single,  membranous;  col. distinct  Leangium.  216. 
Perid . single,  membranous;  col.  0 . . . Leocarpus.  217. 

D.  Peridium  thin , pedicelled  or  regular , brittle  ; fibres 
exserted , springing  elastically  from  the  base.  Trichiadese. 

Perid.  bursting;  fibres  ascending  in 

an  irregular  mass  from  the  bottom Trichia.  218. 

Perid.  vanishing,  leaving  a saucer; 
fibres  rising  elastically,  falling  off Arcyrxa.  219. 

E.  Peridium  thin , pedicelled,  regular , becoming  flocklike , 
networked . Cribarideae. 

Perid . becoming  netlike  at  top  .......  Crxbaria.  220. 

Perid.  becoming  netlike  throughout . . Dictydium.  221. 

F.  Peridium  thin , single  pedicelled,  vanishing  away  ; fibres 
free , in  network , perforated  by  the  stem . Stemonitideae. 

Perid.  globular  or  long  ...........  Stemonitis.  222. 

G.  Peridium  thin,  single , operculated  ; fibres  0 or  free  and 
falling  off  with  the  sporidia.  Craterideae. 

Peridium  pedicelled  ; flood  many  . Craterium.  223. 

Peridium  sessile;  flocci  0 Pyxidium.  224. 

H.  Peridium  crustlike , fibrous,  single ; sporidia  naked 9 
conglobated.  Onygenideae. 

Perid.  globular;  pedicells  fibi'ous Onygena,  225. 

I.  Peridium  leatherlike,  double , outer  peridium  starlike, 
the  inner  projectile ; sporidia  naked , conglobated.  Sphaero- 

Perid.  globular,  sessile Sphjerobolus.  226. 


9.  GASTEROMYCEiE.  PL  cell  aph. 

K.  Peridium  leather  like,  double;  the  inner  fixed;  sporidia 
fioccular , conglomerated . Lycoperdeae. 

Perid.  outer  warty,  rooting ; 

spor.  collected  in  heaps Scleroderma.  227- 

Perid . outer  warty,  rootless ; 

spor . collected  in  heaps Hypogasum.  228. 

Perid . outer  adnate,  splitting  in  lobes ; 

spor.  pedicelled  Bovista.  229. 

Perid . outer,  falling  off  like  bran ; 

spor . scattered,  crowded Lycoperdon.  230. 

Perid.  outer  leatherlike,  stellate ; 
inner  one-pedicelled  or  sessile; 

mouth  1;  spor.  pedicelled Geastrum.  231. 

Perid.  outer  leatherlike,  stellate; 
inner  many -pedicelled ; mouths 

many;  spor. pedicelled,  from  the  first ....  Polystoma.  1232. 

L.  Peridium  single , leatherlike , mouth  cartilaginous , cir- 
cular ; sporidia  conglobated.  Tulostomideee. 

Peridium  globular Tulostoma.  233. 

M.  Peridium  single , thin , membranaceous , containing  pe- 
ridiola,  filled  with  sporidia . Polyangideae. 

Peridiola  ovate Polyangium.  234. 

N.  Peridium  thick , leatherlike , containing  peridiola  filled 
with  sporidia.  Cyathidese. 

Peridium  cuplike, open Cyathus.  235. 

A.  Spumarideje.  Peridium  single  or  double,  sessile, 
spread  out  irregularly,  becoming  fibrous  or  skinny,  inside 
smooth  or  lamellar,  membranaceous ; columella  0 ; sporidia 
numerous,  scattered  or  placed  in  lines  between  the  laminae. 
— Plant  at  first  liquid,  afterwards  powdery. 

I.  202.  EUROTIUM.  Link.  Purse-mould* 

Peridia  membranaceous,  nearly  globular,  innate  on  a 
jointed  stroma. 

Eurotium  kerbariorum . Herbarists>  purse-mould . 

Peridia  dotlike,  yellow ; stroma  whitish. 

PL  cell.  aph.  9.  GASTEROMYCEiE.  202.  Eurot.  £67 

Monilia  nidulans,  Roth  FI.  Germ.  1, 559. 

Stemonitis  sulphurea,  Roth.  FI.  Germ.  1,443  ? 

Mncor  herbariorum,  Persoon  Syn.  202,  9. 

Eurotium  herbariorum,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3. 

On  dried  plants,  placed  in  damp  situations,  or  on  recent 
plants  while  being  dried,  if  not  changed  often  enough. 

II.  203.  JETHALIUM.  Link.  Froth-mould . 

Sporangium  irregular;  peridia  sessile,  double;  the  outer 

towlike,  vanishing;  the  inner  membranaceous,  flakey; 
sporidia  naked,  conglomerate. 


JFthalium  flavum . Yellow  froth-mould . 

Peridia  yellow;  becoming  whitish,  branny  ; sporidia  pur- 

Reticularia  lutea,  Bulliard  Champ.  87, 380 ; Sowerby  Fungi , 399,  2. 
Retieularia  carnosa,  Sowerby  Fungiy  399,3. 

Reticularia  cerea,  Sowerby  Fungi , 399,  4. 

Reticularia  hortensis,  Sowerby  Fungi , 391, 1. 

Fuligo  flava,  Persoon  Syn.  161,4  ; Bolton  Fung . 134. 
iEthalium  flavum,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3. 

On  grasses,  fallen  leaves,  &c.;  autumn  after  rain. 
Resembles  a froth  fallen  upon  plants ; in  a few  hours  it 
grows  brittle,  fibrous,  and  filled  with  sporidia. 

III.  204*.  LIGNYDIUM.  Link.  Leaf-mould . 

Sporangium  nearly  globular,  adnate  to  a membranaceous 

stroma;  peridium  single,  membranaceous,  bursting,  flocks 
adherent  to  the  inside ; sporidia  crowded,  among  the  flocks. 

Lignydium  griseo-Jlavum.  Greyish-yellow  leaf-mould . 

Peridia  grey;  flocks  yellow;  sporidia  brown. 

Lignydium  griseo-flavum,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3,  24, 

On  the  bark  of  trees. 

From  one-third  to  half  an  inch  in  diameter. 

IV.  205.  SPUMARIA.  Persoon.  Fold-mould , 

Sporangium  irregular,  on  a membranaceous  stroma;  pe- 
ridium loose,  cellularly  flocky;  inside  with  various  twisted, 
plaits  arising  from  the  stroma ; sporidia  heaped  in  the  folds, 

Spumaria  alia.  White  fold-mould « 

Sporangium  white ; plaits  iron-black ; sporidia  brown. 

Reticularia  alba,  Bulliard  Champ.  92. 

Spumaria  Mucilago,  Persoon  Syn.  163,  1. 

On  the  stem  or  leaves  of  plants;  autumn. 

568  206.  Strongyl.  9.  GASTEROMYCEiE.  Pl.cell.apL 

V.  206.  STRONGYLITJM.  Ditmar.  Cylinder-mould . 

Sporangidium  indeterminate  in  form;  peridium  simple, 

membranaceous;  flocks  upright,  stiff,  bundled,  ascending 
from  the  bottom ; spor.idia  crowded  into  cylinders. 

Strongylium  fuliginoides.  Smokelike  cylinder-mould . 

Sporangium  roundish,  rather  convex,  brown. 

Trichodertna  fuliginoides,  Persqon  Syn.  231, 1. 

Lycoperdon  fuliginosum,  Sowerby  Fungi , 257. 

Lycogala  atrum,  Alb.  et  Schwein.  Fung.  131. 

On  rotten  trees,  and  floating  timber. 

VI.  207.  LYCOGALA.  Micheli.  Blood-mould. 

Sporangium  globular,  or  slightly  irregular;  peridium 

membranaceous,  becoming  a mass  of  fibres;  sporidia 

1.  Lycogala  punctata.  Dotted  llood-mould . 

Sporangi  hemispherical  or  globular,  in  tufts  reddish 

grey-brown  both  inside  and  out;  surface  dotted. 

Reticularia  Lycoperdon  3,  Bulliard  Champ.  95. 

Lycogala  punctata,  Persoon  Syn.  158,3. 

On  rotten  trunks  of  trees. 

2.  Lycogala  turldnata.  Topshape  Hood-mould . 

Sporangium  topshape,  pale,  smooth. 

Reticularia  Lycoperdon  2,  Bulliard  Champ.  95. 

Lycogala  turbinata,  Persoon  Syn.  158,  2. 

On  rotten  wood. 

8.  Lycogala  argentea.  Silvery  llood-mould. 

Sporangium  nearly  hemispherical,  silver-grey,  smooth. 

Lycogala  griseum  inajus,  Micheli  N.  Gen.  Pi.  216. 

Reticularia  Lycoperdon,  Bulliard  Champ . 95. 

Mucor  Lycogalus,  Bolton  Fungi,  133. 

On  rotten  trunks  of  trees. 

4.  Lycogala  miniata.  Scarlet  Hood-mould. 

Sporangia  globular,  aggregated ; surface  smooth,  blood- 
red,  afterwards  brownish ; sporidia  rose-colour,  afterwards 

Mucor  fragiformis,  Schaeffer  Fung.  193. 

Lycoperdon  Epidendrum,  Soyaerby  Fungi,  52,  and  400. 

Lycogala  miniata,  Persoon  Syn.  158,4. 

Lycoperdon  variolosum,  Hudson  Angl.  645. 

On  rotten  trunks  of  trees ; autumn  after  rain. 

Pl.cell.aph.  9.  GASTEROMYCEiE.  207.  Lycogal.  569 
fi.fuligineum.  Sporangium  covered  with  a spongy  crust. 

Lycoperdon  Epidendrum  fuligineum,  Bull.  Champ.  503. 

y.  marginata.  Sporangium  blood-red,  black  at  the  base. 

B.  Myrotheciade.®.  Peridium  thin,  single  or  double, 
sessile,  spread  out,  irregular,  falling  to  pieces  and  vanishing; 
columella  0 ; flocks  0 ; sporidia  in  tufts,  afterwards  sepa- 
rating.— Sporangium  at  first  liquid,  afterwards  solid. 

VII.  208.  MYROTHECIUM.  Tode.  Slime-mould, 
Sporangium  irregular,  flattened,  sessile ; peridium  simple, 

brittle,  branlike,  at  length  vanishing ; sporidia  very  small, 
globular,  at  length  conglutinated. 

Myrothecium  inundatum . Inundated  slime-mould . 

Sporangium  snow-white,  irregular,  confluent;  sporidia 

Myrothecium  inundatum,  Tode  Meckl.  1,25. 

On  rotten  fungi ; autumn. 

VIII.  209.  DICHOSPORIUM.  Esenb.  Douhle-mould. 
Sporangium  flattened,  hemispherical ; peridium  membra- 
naceous, covered  with  a bed  of  granules ; sporidia  at  first 
fluid,  then  compact,  conglutinated. 

Dichosporium  aggregatum.  Aggregated  douhle-mould. 
Sporangia  crowded;  peridia  brown;  led  of  granules 
snow-white,  shining;  sporidia  black. 

Spumaria  physaroides,  Persoon  Syn.  103. 

Dichosporium  aggregatum,  Esenbeck  Fungi , 2,23. 

On  rotten  branches  of  trees;  autumn. 

IX.  210.  LICE  A.  Link.  Bare-mould. 

Sporangium  nearly  globular,  or  lengthened  into  a cylin- 
der; peridium  thin,  membranaceous,  becoming  cracked; 
sporidia  crowded. 

1 . Licea  strolilina.  Cone  hare-mould. 

Sporangia  crowded,  orbicular  or  elliptical,  smooth, 
brown ; sporidia  ovate,  yellow. 

Licea  strobilina,  Alb.  et  Schwein.  Fung.  2, 20. 

On  rotten  pine-cones. 

5*70  210.  Licea.  9.  GASTEROMYCEJE.  PLcell.aph. 

2.  Licea  fragiformis.  Strawberry  hare-mould. 

Sporangia  cylindrical,  in  hemispherical  tufts,  at  first 
fulvous-red,  afterwards  pale- brown;  sporidia  brown. 

Tubifera  ferruginosa,  Gmelin  Syst.  Nat.  2,  1472. 

Tubulifera  arachnoidea,  Jacq.  Miscel.  1, 144. 

Tubulifera  Cremor,  (Eder  Ft.  Dan.  659. 

Stemonitis  ferruginosa,  Batsch.  Fung.  175. 

Tubulina  fragiformis,  Persoon  Syn.  198. 

On  rotten  trunks  of  trees;  autumn. 


X.  211 . DERMODIUM.  Link.  Flight-mould. 

Sporangium  irregularly  formed ; peridium  single,  mem- 
branaceous, very  thin,  vanishing;  sporidia  very  numerous, 

1.  Dermodium  inquinans . Dirtying  flight-mould. 

Spora?igium  widely  expanded,  black ; sporidia  black. 

Dermodium  inquinans,  Link  in  Bert.  Mag.  3. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees. 

2.  Dermodium  fall  ax.  Deceiving  flight-mould. 

Sporangium  umber-brown ; surface  warty,  cellular ; spo - 

ridia  in  tufts,  cylindrical,  globular. 

Dermodium  fallax,  Esenbeck  Syst.  2,29. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees. 

C.  Physaridejs.  Peridium  thin,  single  or  double,  re- 
gular, mostly  pedicelled,  skinny,  the  outer  falling  into  an- 
gular pieces;  flocci  adnate  to  the  base  of  the  peridium,  not 
extending  beyond  it ; sporidia  collected  into  a ball ; colu- 
mella mostly  distinct. 

XI.  212.  DIDYMIUM.  Schrader.  Skin-mould. 

Sporangium  nearly  globose;  peridia  double,  both  mem- 
branaceous, crustlike,  falling  to  pieces ; columella  distinct, 
nearly  globular ; sporidia  globular, 

1 . Didymium  candidum.  White  skin-mould , 

Sporangia  sessile,  smooth,  globular  or  rather  hemisphe* 
yical,  snow-white. 

Diderma  globosum,  Persoon  Syn.  167. 

On  decayed  leaves;  autumn. 

Resemble  the  eggs  of  insects. 

PL  cell,  aph,  9,  GASTEROMYCEiE.  212.Didym.  571 

2.  Didymium  testaceum . Pearly  skin-mould , 

Sporangia  sessile,  roundish,  hemispherical,  flesh-colour, 

afterwards  whitish. 

Didymium  testaceum,  Schrad.  N.  Gen.  PI.  1, 25. 

Diderma  testaceum,  Persoon  Syn.  167. 

On  decayed  leaves;  autumn. 

3.  Didymium  difforme.  Irregular  skin-?nou2 * * * * 7d. 

Sporangia  sessile,  smooth,  difForm  ; outer  peridium.  snow- 

white;  inner  bluish;  sporidia  dull-brown. 

Reticularia  angulata,  Gmelin  Syst.  Nat.  2, 1472. 

Diderma  difforme,  Persoon  Syn.  167. 

On  the  stems  of  the  potatoe-plant. 

XII.  213.  DIDERMA.  Link.  Tall-mould . 

Sporangium  roundish  or  globular ; peridia  double,  both 

membranaceous,  bursting ; outer  chaffy ; columella  0 ; spo- 
ridia crowded. 

Diderma  muricolum . Wall  tall-mould . 

Sporangium  roundish,  lobed,  rather  angular,  sessile ; 
outer  peridium  white ; inner  brown ; sporidia  black-brown. 

Diderma  Muricola,  Link  in  Bert.  Mag.  3. 

Diderma  difforme,  Alb.  et  Schwein.  Fung.  90. 

On  mosses. 

XIII.  214.  CIONIUM.  Link.  Flock-mould . 

Sporangium  globular,  pedicelled ; peridium  single,  mem- 
branaceous, bursting,  separating  into  scales ; columella 

1.  Cionium  iridis.  Flag  flock-mould . 

Sporangium  globular,  pedicelled ; peridium  grey ; pedicell 

yellow,  thickest  at  bottom. 

Cionium  iridis,  Ditmar  in  Sturm.  Deutsch.  FI.  3, 1. 

On  the  leaves  of  the  yellow  water-flag ; summer. 

2.  Cionium  far inaceum.  Floury  flock-mould. 

Sporangium  globular,  pedicelled ; peridium  grey ; pedicell 

grey,  thickest  at  bottom. 

Didymium  farinaceum,  Schrad.  N.  Gen.  26. 

Trichia  compressa,  Trentepohlin  Both  Cat.  Bot.  1,  229. 

Physarum  melanospermum,  Persoon  Disp.  3 . 

Physarum  farinaceum,  Persoon  Syn.  175, 15. 

On  the  branches  of  pine-trees,  or  the  mosses  on  them. 
Sporangia  sometimes  unite  in  pairs. 

572  214.  Cionium.  9.  GASTEROMYCEiE.  PL  cell , aph, 

5.  Cionium  P muricatum.  T horned  flock-mould. 

Sporangia  sessile,  blood- red,  globular,  woolly,  clustered. 

Trichia  polymorpha,  Sowerby  Fungi , 180,  part. 

On  rotten  cheese  and  wood. 

4.  Cionium  P lacteum . Milky  flock-mould . 

Sporangia  crowded,  pedicelled,  yellowish  white,  ovate, 

woolly ; pedicells  yellow,  thickest  at  bottom,  upright. 

Trichia  polymorpha,  Sowerby  Fungiy  180,  part. 

On  rotten  wood  and  branches. 

5.  Cionium  P nigrescens.  Blackish  flock-mould . 

Sporangia  scattered,  pedicelled,  whitish,  growing  black, 

globular;  pedicell  short,  thick  at  bottom. 

Trichia  sphaerocarpus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 240. 

On  rotten  wood  and  branches. 

6.  Cionium  P fulvum.  Red-brown  flock-mould 

Sporangia  scattered,  pedicelled,  reddish-brown-yellow, 

globular ; pedicells  long,  narrowing  upwards,  pellucid, 

Mucor  fulvus,  Sowerby  Fungit  400,  4. 

On  rotten  dung. 

XIV.  215.  PH YS ARUM.  Persoon.  Scale-mould, 

Sporangium  nearly  globular;  peridium  simple,  mem- 
branaceous, bursting  and  separating  in  scales  or  wartlike 
pieces;  columella  0. 

1 . Physarum  cinereum.  Grey  scale-mould. 
Sporangia  sessile,  globular,  grey,  often  confluent;  flocci 

white ; sporidia  collected  into  a globe. 

Lycoperdon  cinereum,  Batsch  Fung.  249. 

Trichia  caerulea,  Roth  Cat.  Bot.  1,229. 

Physarum  cinereum,  Persoon  Syn.  170. 

On  trunks  of  trees ; autumn. 

2.  Physarum  bivalve,  Two-valved  scale-mould. 

Sporangia  compressed,  flexuous,  greyish  white,  long, 

sinuous,  opening  on  one  side. 

Reticularia  sinuosa,  Bulliard  Champ.  94. 

Trichia  sphaerica  /3,  Roth  Cat.  1, 230. 

Physarum  bivalve,  Persoon  Syn.  169. 

On  dry  leaves  and  branches ; autumn. 

Pl.ceU.aph.  9.  GASTEROMYCEiE.  215.  Physaf.  573 

3.  Physarum  nutans.  Drooping  scale-mould. 

Sporangia  globular,  beneath  flattish,  grey ; fiocci  brown ; 

pedicell  long,  slender,  weak,  brownish. 

Sphaerocarpus  albus,  Bulliard  Champ.  137. 

Trichia  haemispherica,  Roth  Cat.  Bot.  1,288? 

Trichia  alba,  Sowerby  Fungi , 259. 

Physarum  nutans,  Persoon  Syn.  171. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees. 

4.  Physarum  sulcatum . Furrowed  scale-mould. 

Sporangium  globular,  beneath  flattish,  grey;  fiocci  brown; 

pedicell  long,  slender,  weak,  white,  furrowed. 

Physarum  sulcatum,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees. 

5.  Physarum  ni gripes.  Blackfooted  scale-mould. 

Sporangia  globular,  beneath  flattish,  grey  ; fiocci  brown ; 

pedicells  long,  blackish-brown. 

Physarum  nigripes,  Link  in  Berl.  Mag.  3. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees. 

6.  Physarum  viride.  Green  scale-mould. 

Sporangia  globular,  beneath  umbilicated,  yellowish- 

green  ; pedicells  slender,  weak,  grey. 

Sphaerocarpus  viridis,  Bulliard  Champ.  115. 

Physarum  viride,  Persoon  Syn.  172. 

On  the  ground,  and  on  trees. 

7.  Physarum  luteum . Yellow  scale-mould. 

Sporangia  globular,  beneath  umbilicated,  white;  fiocci 

white ; pedicells  long,  cylindrical,  slender. 

Sphaerocarpus  luteus,  Bulliard  Champ.  136, 

Physarum  luteum,  Persoon  Syn.  172. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees. 

XV.  216.  LEANGIUM.  Link.  Slash-mould . 

Sporangium  globular ; peridium  simple,  membranaceous, 
brittle,  bursting  starwise ; columella  distinct. 

1 . Leangium  stellar e.  Star  slash-mould. 

Sporangia  pale-brown,  beneath  umbilicated;  lobes  of  the 
peridium  turned  back;  pedicells  short. 

Didymium  stellare,  Schrader  N.  Gen.  25. 

Di  derma  stellare,  Persoon  Syn.  164. 

Leangium  stellare,  Link  Berl.  Mug.  3. 

On  trunks  of  trees ; autumn. 

m 216.  Lean g.  9.  GASTEROVLY CEiE.  PleeU.aplh 

2.  Leangium  floriforme . Flowershape  scale-mould. * 

Sporangia  straw-colour,  first  globular,  afterwards  stel- 
late, spreading ; pedicells  long,  slender,  cylindrical. 

Didytnium  floriforme,  Schrader  N.  Gen.  1, 25. 

Sphserocarpus  floriformis,  Halliard  Champ.  142. 

Diderma  floriforme,  Persoon  Syn.  164. 

On  trunks  of  trees,  and  on  hypna. 

XVI.  217.  LEOCARPUS.  Link.  Glance-mould . 

Sporangium  roundish  or  ovate;  peridium  simple,  mem- 
branaceous, brittle,  bursting ; columella  0. 

1 . Leocarpus  vernicosus.  Varnished  glance-mould. 
Sporangium  reverse-ovate,  shining,  brown ; pedicells 

short,  dilated  at  bottom,  membranaceous. 

Lycoperdon  fragile,  Dickson  Crypt.  1,25;  Sowerhy  Fungi , 136. 

Trichia  lutea,  Perth  Cat.  Hot.  2,330. 

Diderma  vernicosum,  Persoon  Syn.  16T. 

Leocarpus  vernicosus,  Link  Bert.  Mag.  3. 

On  ivy-leaves,  and  large  mosses. 

2.  Leocarpus  parasiticus.  Parasitic  glance-mould. 

Sporangium  nearly  globular,  dull  tawny;  pedicells  cylin- 
drical, yellowish-white. 

Diderma  vernicosum  parasiticum,  Persoon  Syn.  165. 

Lycoperdon  cylindricum,  Withering  Bot.Arr.  414. 

On  grasses  and  mosses,  in  clusters. 

D.  Trichiade^s.  Peridium  thin,  single,  regular,  mostly 
pedicelled,  smooth,  bursting  or  falling  into  regular  pieces  ; 
jlocci  springing  out  from  the  bottom  of  the  peridium,  and 
extending  elastically  after  its  destruction;  sporidia  scattered 
among  the  flocci. 

XVII.  218.  TRICHIA.  Persoon.  Hair-mould . 

Sporangium  determinately  figured ; peridium  membra- 
naceous, cracking ; jlocci  ascending  in  a winding  manner 
from  the  bottom ; sporidia  angular. 

a.  Sporangia  creeping. 

1.  Trichia  reticulata.  Network  hair-mould. 

Sporangia  spreading,  yellow;  peridium  very  thin,  in  ir- 
regular network. 

Lycoperdon  lumbricale,  Batsch  Fungi , 1,259. 

Trichia  reticulata,  Persoon  Syn.  182. 

On  the  mossy  trunks  of  trees;  autumn. 

PL  cell.  aph.  8.  GASTEROMYCEiE.  218.  Tricliia.  575 
b.  Sporangia  round . 

2.  Tricliia  varia . Various  hair-mould. 

Sporangia  scattered,  yellowish,  lying  down,  roundish  or 

Stemonitis  varia,  Gmelin  Syst.  Nat.  2,  1470. 

Trichia  varia,  Persoon  Syn.  181. 

Lycogala  luteum,  Micheli  N.  Gen.  PI.  216. 

On  felled  trees. 

S.  Trichia  nitens.  Shining  hair-mould . 

Sporangia  crowded,  sessile,  roundish,  shining-yellow,  or 

Stemonitis  favaginea,  Gmel.  Syst.  Nat.  2,  1470. 

Lycoperdon  favagineum,  Batsch  Fungi , 1,253. 

Trichia  nitens,  Persoon  Syn.  181. 

On  rotten  fir,  or  beech-trees ; autumn. 

c.  Sporangia  ovate . 

4.  Trichia  ovata.  Ovate  hair-mould . 

Sporangia  crowded,  sessile,  reverse-ovate,  opake,  ochrey- 


Clathrus  turbinatns,  Bolton  Fungi , 43,  7. 

Trichia  ovata,  Persoon  Syn.  180. 

Lycoperdon  epiphyllum,  Lightfoot  Scot.  1069. 

In  woods;  autumn. 

Sporangium  exactly  reverse-ovate ; sporidia  stellate. 

5.  Trichia  vulgaris . Common  hair-mould. 

Sporangia  scattered,  roundish,  topshape;  pedicells  very 

short,  blackish. 

Trichia  nigripes  S,  Persoon  Syn.  179. 

Trichia  turbinata,  Sowerby  Fungi , 85  ? 

On  trunks  of  trees ; autumn. 

6.  Trichia  pyriformis.  Pearshape  hair-mould . 

Sporangia  gregarious,  rather  scattered,  pearshape,  yel- 
lowish; pedicells  shortish,  blackish. 

Sphasrocarpus  pyriformis,  Bulliard  Champ.  129. 

Trichia  nigripes  pyriformis,  Persoon  Syn.  178. 

On  trunks  of  trees. 

7.  Trichia  fallax.  Deceiving  hair-mould . 

Sporangia  gregarious,  pedicelled,  pearshape,  beneath 

plaited,  brown-red,  afterwards  dull  yellow,  bursting  at  the 

576  218.  Trichia.  9.  GASTEIIOMYCEjE.  Pl.cell.aph. 

Mucor  miniatus,  Jacquin  Austr.  299. 

Trichia  fallax,  Persoon  Syn.  177. 

Sphaeroeephalus  fragilis,  Sowerby  Fungi , 279. 

On  rotten  trunks  of  trees ; autumn. 

8.  Trichia  ruliformis.  Brambleherry  hair-mould. 

Sporangia  pedicelled,  cylindrical,  purplish ; pedicells  short, 
forming  a membranaceous  thallus.  , 

Stemonitis  fasciculata,  Gmelin  Syst.  Nat.  2,  1468. 

Lycoperdon  vesparium,  Batsch  Fungiy  1,254. 

Lycoperdon  favaceum,  Schrank  Bavar.  2,667. 

Trichia  rubiformis,  Persoon  Syn.  176,2. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees  in  woods ; end  of  summer. 

XVIII.  219.  ARCYRIA.  Persoon.  Cup-mould. 

Sporangia  ovate  or  cylindrical,  pedicelled ; peridium 
membranaceous,  upper  half  vanishing,  lower  half  saucer- 
like, persistent;  flocci  expanding  elastically,  falling  off; 
sporidia  globular. 

1.  Arcyria  punicea.  Scarlet  cup-mould. 

Sporangia  in  tufts,  dull  scarlet,  oblong,  pedicelled ) flocci 

ovate,  slightly  persistent ; sporidia  blood-red. 

Stemonitis  crocata,  Roth  Cat.  Bot.  1,220. 

Trichia  cinnabarina,  Bulliard  Champ.  121. 

Trichia  denudata,  Sowerby  Fungi , 49. 

Clathrus  denudatus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1649. 

Arcyria  punicea,  Persoon  Syn.  185,5. 

On  rotten  wood  ; summer. 

2.  Arcyria  coccinea.  Cochineal  cup-mould. 

Sporangia  in  tufts,  scarlet,  spherical,  pedicelled ; flocci 


Trichia  coccinea,  De  Candolle  Syn.  FI.  Gall.  55. 

On  rotten  wood. 

3.  Arcyria  hcemispherica.  Hemispherical  cup-mould. 

Sporangia  spherical,  depressed,  snow-white,  pedicelled; 

pedicells  grey,  thick  at  bottom ; sporidia  reddish-brown,  on 
an  expanded  disk. 

Reticularia  haemisphaerica,  Sowerby  Fungi , 12. 

Trichia  cinerea  ? De  Candolle  FI.  Gall.  685, 

On  sticks  and  rotten  wood. 

PL  cell.  apfi.  9.  GASTEROMYCE7E.  219.  Arcyria.  577 

4.  Arcyria  jlava.  Yellow  cup-mould . 

Sporangia  scattered,  yellow ; Jlocci  long,  drooping. 

Trichia  nutans,  Sowerby  Fungi,  260. 

Stenionitis  amcena,  Roth  Cat.  Hot.  1,220. 

Arcyria  flava,  Persoon  Syn.  184. 

On  rotten  trunks  of  trees. 

Flocci  weak,  very  long,  lying  down ; when  young,  milk- 

5.  Arcyria  turbinata.  Topshape  cup-mould . 

Sporangia  clustered,  yellowish-white,  globular,  sessile. 
Trichia  turbinata,  Soioerby  Fungi , 85. 

Clathrus  turbinatus,  Hudson  FI.  Angl.  632. 

Lycoperdon  luteum,  Relhan  Cant.  1103. 

On  rotten  wood. 

E.  Cribarideal  Sporangium  regularly  formed,  pedi- 
celled ; peridium  thin,  single,  breaking  into  regular  pieces ; 
Jlocci  expanding  from  the  bottom,  or  forming  a regular 
network;  sporidia  conglobated,  or  interwoven  among  the 

XIX.  220.  CRIBARIA.  Schrader.  Sieve-mould. 

Sporangia  globular,  pedicelled ; peridium  breaking  above 
into  regular  pieces,  remaining  entire  below. 

1 . Crib  aria  vulgaris.  Common  sieve-mould. 

Sporangia  gregarious,  globular,  drooping,  brown;  pedi - 

cells  brownish-purple. 

Cribaria  vulgaris,  Schrader  N.  Gen.  1,  6. 

On  rotten  trees  in  woods,  and  on  mosses. 

2.  Cribaria  Bulliardi.  Bulliard’s  sieve-mould. 

Sporangia  scattered,  globular,  upright;  pedicells  white, 

pellucid,  slender. 

Sphaerocarpus  semitrichoides,  Sowerby  Fungi , 400,  5. 

On  rotten  wood. 

S.  Cribaria  rufescens . Reddish  sieve-mould. 

Sporangia  scattered,  reverse-ovate,  reddish ; pedicells  ra- 
ther bent. 

Cribaria  fulva,  Schrader  N.  Gen.  1,  5. 

Cribaria  rufescens,  Persoon  Syn.  193,  7. 

On  rotten  trunks  of  trees,  near  the  ground;  autumn. 

VOL.  i.  2 p 

578  221.  Dictyd.  9.  GASTEROMYCEJE.  PI.  cell.aph. 

XX.  221.  DICTYDIUM.  Schrader.  Net-mould. 

Sporangia  globular,  pedicelled;  peridium  either  entirely 
or  for  the  greater  part  breaking  off  in  regular  pieces. 

1.  Diclydium  cernuum.  Drooping  net-mould. 

Sporangia  gregarious,  globular,  brownish  purple,  droop- 
ing, umbilicated  at  the  tip. 

Dictydium  umbilicatum,  Schrader  N.  Gen.  1,  11. 

Mucor  canceliatus,  Batsch  Fungi,  2,  135. 

Cribaria  cermia,  Persoon  Syn.  189. 

Dictydium  eernuum,  Esenbeck  Syst.  2,  33. 

On  rotten  wood. 

2.  Dictydium  splendens.  Resplendent  net-mould. 

Sporangia  upright,  roundish,  shining ; pedicells  bent, 

purplish-brown;  sporidia  yellow. 

Dictydium  splendens,  Schrader  N.  Gen.  1.  4. 

Cribaria  splendens,  Persoon  Syn.  191. 

On  the  trunks  of  fir-trees. 

F.  Stemonitide^:.  Sporangia  regularly  formed,  pedi- 
celled ; peridium  thin,  single,  vanishing  away ; jlocci  free, 
netlike,  perforated  by  the  stem. 

XXL  222.  STEMONXTIS.  Persoon.  Thread-mould . 

Sporangmm  globular  or  long ; peridium  membranaceous, 
vanishing  \ jlocci  entangled,  netlike,  perforated  by  the  stem, 

a.  Flocci  in  an  ovate  mass . 

1 . Stemonitis  papillata.  Papillated  thread-mould. 
Sporangia  scattered,  reddish-brown,  globular ; pedicell 

perforating  the  fiocci  to  the  top. 

Stemonitis  reticulata,  Roth  Cat.  Bot.  1,223. 

Stemonitis  papillata,  Persoon  Syn.  188. 

On  bared  branches  of  oak-trees. 

2.  Stemonitis  ovata.  Eggshape  thread-mould. 

Sporangia  scattered,  blackish,  ovate  or  roundish ; pedicell 

perforating  half-way  through  the  flocci. 

Stemonitis  nigra,  Gmelin  Syst.  Nat.  2,  146T. 

Stemonitis  ovata,  Persoon  Syn.  189. 

Stemonitis  atrofusca,  Persoon  Disp.  11. 

On  rotten  wood. 

PI.  cell.  aph.  9.  GASTEROMYCE7E.  222.  Stemon.  579 

b.  Embolus.  Flocci  in  a long  mass. 

3.  Stemonitis  fasciculata.  Bundled  thread-mould. 

Sporangia  clustered,  on  a shining  base,  dark-brown,  long, 

tip  drooping ; pedicells  passing  through  the  flocci,  exserted 
at  the  top. 

Stemonitis  fusca,  Roth  Cat . Bot.  1, 222. 

Trichia  axifera,  Bulliarcl  Champ.  118. 

Stemonitis  typhina,  Gmelin  Syst.  Nat.  2,  1461. 

Trichia  mida,  Sowerby  Fungi , 50. 

Clathrus  nudus,  Lin.  Syst.  Veg.  1017. 

Embolus  lacteus,  Hoffm.  Crypt.  2,  8,  when  young. 

On  trunks  of  trees ; autumn. 

4.  Stemonitis  typhina.  Bull-rush  thread-mould . 

Sporangia  scattered,  cylindrical,  blunt,  slightly  bent. 

Trichia  typhoides,  Bulliard  Champ.  113. 

Embolus  pertusus,  Batsch  Fung.  1,263. 

Stemonitis  typhina,  Persoon  Syn.  187. 

On  trunks  of  trees ; autumn. 

Sporangia  smaller  than  S.  fasciculata ; peridium  does  not 
vanish  entirely,  some  pieces  remaining;  base  none. 

G.  CrateuidetE.  Sporangium  regularly  formed,  pedi- 
celled,  operculated  ; peridium  single,  membranaceous ; 
flocci  0,  or  enclosed,  free ; sporidia  intermixed  with  the  flocci. 

XXII.  223.  CRATERIUM.  Trentepohl.  Pitcher-mould . 

Sporangium  pitcher  or  cupshape,  operculated,  pedicelled ; 
peridium  membranaceous ; operculum  flattish ; flocci  free, 
coming  out  with  the  sporidia. 

1.  Crater,  leucocephalum.  White-headed  pitcher-mould. 

Sporangium  funnelshape,  reddish-brown  ; operculum  pale ; 

flocci  white;  sporidia  globular,  white. 

Arcyria  leucocephala,  Hoffm.  Germ.  2,  6. 

Stemonitis  leucocephala,  Gmel.  Syst.  Nat.  2,  1467. 

Trichia  cinerea,  Roth  Cat.  Bot.  1,237. 

On  mosses. 

2.  Craterium  vulgare.  Common  pitcher-mould. 

Sporangium  bellshape,  greyish-brown ; mouth  expanded  ; 

pedicell  dark-yellow ; sporidia  brown. 

Craterium  pedunculatum,  Roth  Cat.  Bot.  1,224. 

Craterium  vulgare,  Sowerby  Fungi , 239,  lowest  figure. 

Trichia  minuta,  Relhan  FI.  Cant. 

Trichia  capsulifer,  Be  Candolle  Syn.  FI.  Gall.  35. 

On  rotten  wood  and  mosses. 

2 p 2 

580  223.  Crater.  9.  GASTEROMYCEiE.  Pl.cell.aph. 

3.  Crater  ium  ovatum.  Eggshape  pitcher -mould. 

Sporangium  eggshape,  truncated,  straight,  brownish  ; 
pedicells  yellow  ; sporidia  brown. 

Cyathus  minutus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 239,  upper  figure. 

On  rotten  wood. 

XXIII.  224.  PYXIDIUM.  Goblet-mould. 

Sporangium  ovate,  operculated,  sessile;  operculum  large 
convex ; jlocci  very  few  or  none. 

Pyxidium  sessile.  Squatted  goblet-mould. 

Sporangia  eggshape,  clustered,  yellowish-brown ; opercula 

Sphaeroearpus  sessilis,  Bull . Champ.  417  ; Sowerby  Fungi,  258. 

Trichia  gymnosperma,  Persoon  Obs.  Myc.  63. 

Licea  circumcissa,  Persoon  Syn.  196. 

On  the  trembling  poplar,  under  tne  bark ; autumn. 
Sporangia  resembles  the  eggs  of  insects. 

H.  Onygenade^;.  Sporangia  pedicelled;  peridium  crust- 
like,  formed  of  interwoven  fibres;  Jlocci  0;  sporidia  closely 

XXIV.  225.  ONYGENA.  Persoon.  Cap-mould. 

Sporangia  globular,  pedicelled;  peridium  crustlike,  brit- 
tle, fibrous ; pedicells  fibrous ; Jlocci  0 ; sporidia  conglobated. 

Onygena  equina . Horse-hoof  cap-mould. 

Sporangia  greyish-brown,  hemispherical. 

Coralloides  fungiforme  ex  ungula  equina,  viride  rufescens,  Dillen  Muse. 

Lycoperdon  equinum,  JVilldenow  Berl.  412;  Sowerby  Fungi , 292. 
Onygena  equina,  Persoon  Syn.  203, 

On  the  hoofs  and  horns  of  animals,  left  on  the  ground. 

I.  Sphasuobolide^:.  Peridia  double ; the  outer  leather- 
like, lobed  starwise;  inner  fibrous,  membranaceous,  ejectile; 
sporidia  naked,  closely  conglomerated. 

XXV.  226.  SPHiEROBOLUS.  Persoon.  Spring-bag. 
Sporangium  globular,  sessile  ; peridia  double,  outer  lea- 
therlike, 5 or  6-cut ; inner  membranaceous,  projected  elas- 
tically; sporidia  naked,  closely  conglomerated. 

PL  cell,  aph.  9.  GASTEROMYCEiE.  226.Sphmrob.  581 

Sphcerobolus  stellatus.  Starry  spring-bag . 

Sporangium  globular,  white,  becoming  yellow,  and  after- 
wards brown. 

Carpobolus  albicans,  Micheli  N.  Gen.  221. 

Lycoperdon  Carpobolus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1654;  Sowerly  Fungi , 22. 
Sphaerobolus  stellatus,  Tode  Meckl.  1,43. 

On  rotten  leaves  and  wood. 

Peridia  covered  at  first  with  a white  wool-like  substance. 

K.  Lycoperdonidea:.  Peridia  double,  the  outer  sepa- 
rating in  scaly,  prickly  flocci,  or  regularly  formed  pieces ; 
the  inner  membranaceous,  of  interwoven  fibres,  torn  by 
the  expansion  of  the  flocci. 

XXVI.  227.  SCLERODERMA.  Persoon.  Skin-litter. 

Sporangia  nearly  globular,  often  attenuated  below,  with 
rootlike  fibres;  peridia  double,  the  outer  adnate,  warty, 
cracked,  bursting  irregularly;  sporidia  collected  into  heaps, 
purplish  brown  or  ferrugineous. 

1.  Scleroderma  citrinum.  Lemon-yellow  skin-litter . 

Sporangia  middle-size,  roundish,  depressed,  pale  lemon- 

yellow,  slightly  scaly;  scales  thick. 

Lycoperdon  defossutn,  Batsch  Fung.  2,  126. 

Scleroderma  citrinum,  Persoon  Syn.  153. 

Scleroderma  Aurantiurn,  Persoon  Syn.  153. 

Lycoperdon  eervinum,  Bolton  Fung.  162,  not  of  Linnaeus. 

Lycoperdon  Aurantiurn,  Bulliard  Champ.  158;  Sowerby  Fungi,  268. 

On  the  ground  and  mosses  at  the  roots  of  trees. 

Sporangia  1 or  2 inches  in  diameter,  depressed ; sporidia 

2.  Scleroderma  verrucosum.  Warty  skin-litter. 

Sporangia  large,  roundish,  reddish-brown,  scaly;  scales 

small ; base  pedicell-like,  long,  rooting. 

Lycoperdon  verrucosum,  Bulliard  Champ.  157. 

Scleroderma  verrucosum,  Persoon  Syn.  154. 

Lycoperdon  defossum,  Sowerby  Fungi , 331,  not  Batsch. 

On  the  ground  at  the  root  of  trees. 

3.  Scleroderma  spadiceum.  Chestnut  skin-litter. 

Sporangia  globular,  depressed,  smooth,  chestnut-brown, 

stemlike  basis  thickest  at  bottom,  hard,  fibrous ; sporidia 

582  227.  Sclerod.  9.  GASTEROMYCEiE.  PL  cell.  apli. 

Scleroderma  spadiceum,  Persoon  Syn.  155, 

Lycoperdon  spadiceum,  Dickson  Crypt.  1,25. 

On  the  ground  at  the  roots  of  trees. 

4.  Scleroderma  cepoides.  Onionlike  skin-litter . 

Sporangia  roundish,  depressed,  rather  smooth,  shining ; 
stemlike  basis  short,  thickest  at  bottom,  scarcely  fibrous. 
Lycoperdon  cepae  facie,  Vaillant  Bet . Par.  123. 

Tuber  solidum,  Withering  Bot.  Arr,  4,407. 

Scleroderma  Cepa,  Persoon  Syn.  155,  10. 

In  woods  under  oak-trees ; August. 

XXVII.  228.  HYPOGiEUM.  Persoon.  Hypogeum . 

Sporangia  globular,  rootless ; peridia  double,  the  outer 
adnate,  warty,  cracked ; sporidia  in  heaps,  among  the  fiocci. 
—Grows  under  ground. 

Hypogceum  cervinum.  Stag  hypogeum. 

Sporangium  round  or  oblong ; peridium  granulated. 
Lycoperdon  cervinum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1053;  Sowerby  Fungi,  269. 
Lycoperdastrum  tuberosum,  arhizon  fulvum,  cortice  duriore  Crasso  et 
granuiato,  medulla  ex  albo  purpurascente,  semine  nigro  crassiore,  Micheli 
N.  Gen.  220. 

Hypogseum  cervinum,  Persoon  Dispos.  7. 

Scleroderma  cervinum,  Persoon  Syn.  156. 

Under  ground,  near  fir-trees.  Perhaps  a tuber. 

XXVIII.  229.  BOVI8TA.  Dillenius.  Bull-fist. 

Sporangium  globular,  generally  sessile,  bottom  rooted; 
outer  peridium  adnate  to  the  inner,  separating  into  lobes, 
tip  bursting  irregularly,  vanishing;  sporidia  pedicelled  on 
the  fiocci,  brownish-purple.— Grows  on  the  ground,  some- 
times half-sunk  in  it. 

1 . Bovista  plumlea . Lead-colour  lull-fist. 
Sporangium  globular,  umbilicated  beneath,  rooting,  lead- 


Lycoperdon  ardesiaceum.  Bull.  Champ.  146. 

Bovista  plumbea,  Persoon  Syn.  137,2. 

On  fields  and  grassy  places,  after  rain. 

Outer  peridium  white,  becoming  lead-colour,  vanishing 
entirely,  except  at  the  base. 

2.  Bovista  nigrescens.  Blackish  bull-fist. 

Sporangium  globular  or  roundish,  brownish-black,  be- 
neath plaited. 


PL  cell.  ap/i.  9.  GASTEROMYCE.ZE.  229.  Bovista.  583 

Lycoperdon  arrhizon,  Batsck  Fung.  239. 

Lycoperdon  globosum,  Bolton  Fung.  118. 

Lycoperdon  Bovista,  Lin,  S.  P.  1653  ; Sowerby  Fungi , 331. 

Bovista  nigrescens,  Persoon  Syn.  136,  1. 

In  shady  woods;  autumn. 

Sporangium  an  inch  and  half  in  diameter. 

8.  Bovista- gigantea . Giant  bull-fist. 

Sporangium  globular,  pale-whitish ; scales  scattered, 
scarcely  distinguishable. 

Lycoperdon  giganteum,  Batsch  Fung.  135. 

Lycoperdon  maximum,  Schaeffer  Bau.  4,  130. 

Lycoperdon  Bovista,  Bulliard  Champ.  154. 

Bovista  gigantea,  Esenbeck  Syst.  2,  34. 

In  grassy  places;  autumn. 

Sporangium  from  5 inches  to  2 feet  in  diameter,  at  first 
white,  afterwards  reddish  straw-colour;  root  very  slender. 

XXIX.  230.  LYCOPERDON.  Tournefort.  Puff-ball. 

Sporangium  nearly  globular,  often  narrowed  at  bottom 
into  a stemlike  appearance,  rooting-;  peridium  mostly  spi- 
nous or  scaly,  becoming  chaffy?  vanishing,  bursting  at  the 
tip;  sporidia  in  heaps,  scattered  among  the  flocci,  green.— 
Grows  on  the  ground. 

1 . Lycoperdon  ccelatum.  Latticed  puff-lall. 

Sporangium  globular,  conical  at  the  bottom,  plaited, 

brownish-grey,  scales  rather  broad. 

Lycoperdon  gemmatum,  Schceffer  Fung.  4,  130. 

Lycoperdon  areolatum,  Schceffer  Fung.  4,  190. 

Lycoperdon  cadatum,  Bulliard  Champ.  156. 

Lycoperdon  Bovista,  Persoon  Syn.  141. 


In  grassy  places;  autumn. 

Sporangium  about  4 inches  in  diameter ; the  bottom  part 
prepared  by  beating  is  used  as  tinder. 

2.  Lycoperdon  pratense . Meadow  puff-ball. 

Sporangium  hemispherical,  snow-white,  soft;  warts  few, 

scattered ; stem  very  short. 

Lycoperdon  Proteus  cepiforme,  Bull.  Champ.  143. 

Lycoperdon  papillatura,  Schccff.  Bav.  4,  127. 

Lycoperdon  pratense,  Persoon  Syn.  142,  3. 

On  grassy  hills  after  rain;  summer. 

Sporangium  about  an  inch  and  half  broad;  sunk  in  the 
ground  one  half  its  depth. 

584  230.  Lycop.  9.  GASTEROMYCEiE.  Pl.celLaph. 

3.  Ly  coper  don  utriforme.  Bottle  puff-ball . 

Sporangium  reverse-ovate,  cylindrical,  pale  smoke-grey, 

smoothish ; stem  not  distinct. 

Lycoperdon  utriforme,  Bulliard  Champ.  153. 

On  grass-ground. 

4.  Lycoperdon  excipuliformis.  Receiverlike  puff-ball. 

Sporangium  white,  nearly  globular,  scaly;  scales  spinous, 

scattered ; stem  roundish,  long,  plaited. 

Lycoperdon  exci puli  forme,  Scopoli  Cam.  1631. 

Lycoperdon  Proteus  exeipuliforme,  Bulliard  Champ.  149. 

Lycoperdon  Proteus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 332,  in  part. 

In  fir-plantations  on  the  ground ; autumn. 

5.  Lycoperdon  perlatum . Pearly  puff-ball. 

Sporangia  in  tufts,  bossed,  whitish ; stern  rather  long, 

cylindrical;  warts  compact,  round,  deciduous,  ending  in  a 

Lycoperdon  gemmatum,  FI.  Dan.  1120. 

Lycoperdon  Proteus,  Bulliard  Champ.  14S. 

Lycoperdon  exciptali  chemici  forma,  Vaillanl  Paris , 12,  15. 

Lycoperdon  album,  totum  aculeatum,  altiori  basi  donatum,  Micheli  N. 
Gen.  217. 

Lycoperdon  perlatum,  Persoon  Syn.  145. 

In  woods;  autumn. 

6.  Ijycoperdon  pyriforme.  Pearshape  puffball. 

Sporangia  in  tufts,  pearshaped,  bossed,  pale  smoke-grey; 

scales  very  thin ; roots  long,  fibrous. 

Lycoperdon  pyriforme,  Schceffer  Icon.  Fung.  135. 

Lycoperdon  Proteus  ovoideum,  Bulliard  Champ.  143. 

On  rotten  trunks  of  trees,  seldom  on  the  ground ; 

7.  Lycoperdon  gossypinum.  Cottony  puff-ball . 

Sporangia  gregarious,  minute,  globular  topshape,  slightly 

cottony,  pale. 

Lycoperdon  gossypinum,  Bulliard  Champ.  147. 

On  rotten  trunks  of  trees. 

XXX.  231.  GEASTRUM.  Persoon.  Shell-puff. 

Sporangium  globular,  sessile ; outer  peridium  leatherlike, 
expanding  and  turning  back  starwise ; inner  peridium  mem- 
branaceous, sessile  or  pedicelled ; apex  ending  in  a cylin- 
drical mouth;  peduncle  simple;  sporidia  pedicelled  upon 
the  flocci. 

PL  cell . aph.  9.  G ASTEROM  Y CEiE.  231.  Geastrum.  585 
a.  Inner  peridium  pedicelled . 

1.  Geastrum  quadrifidum.  Four-cut  shell-puff '. 

Outer  peridium  four-cut,  arched;  inner  globular,  pedi- 
celled; mouth  blunt,  ciliated,  greyish. 

Lycoperdon  fornicatum,  Hudson  Angl.  644;  Engl.  Bot.  198. 

Geastrum  quadrifidum,  Persoon  Syn.  133. 

In  pine  plantations;  autumn. 

2.  Geastrum  stellatum.  Starred  shell-puff. 

Outer  peridium  many-cut,  brownish,  outside  granular, 

rather  flat;  inner  globular,  pedicelled,  centre flattish  ; mouth 
broad,  conical. 

Geastrum  coronatum,  Persoon  Syn.  132. 

Geastrum  muUifidum  jS,  Persoon  Disp.  1, 6. 

Lycoperdon  volvam  explanans,  Schmidel  Icon.  179. 

Lycoperdon  stellatum,  Sowerby  Fungi , 312. 

In  woods. 

<3.  Woodvuardi.  Sporangium  small,  flat  above;  mouth 
acuminated,  ciliated ; cilice  and  stem  long. 

Geastrum  coronatum  Woodward),  Persoon  Syn.  132. 

On  dry  banks,  among  ivy. 

Sporangium  dark-brown ; does  not  exceed  an  inch  and 
half  in  diameter. 

3.  Geastrum  pectinatum.  Comllike  shell-puff. 

Outer  peridium  many-cut,  pale,  arched;  inner  pedicelled, 

dark-brown;  mouth  pointed,  conical. 

Geastrum  multifidum  a,  Persoon  Disp.  6. 

Geastrum  pectinatum,  Persoon  Syn.  132. 

In  fir-plantations. 

b.  Inner  peridium  sessile. 

4.  Geastrum  rufescens.  Reddish  shell-puff. 

Outer  peridium  many-cut,  reddish;  inner  sessile,  bald, 


Geastrum  rufescens,  Persoon  Syn.  134. 

Geastrum  sessilis  ? Sowerby  Fungi , 80. 

In  fir-plantations. 

5.  Geastrum  recolligens.  Retracting  shell-puff. 

Outer  peridium  many-lobed,  spreading,  lobes  equal,  out- 
side yellowish,  inside  brown ; inner  depressed  spherical, 
sessile ; mouth  conical. 

586  231.  Geastrum.  9.  GASTEROMYCEAL  PI.  cell,  aph. 

Lycoperdon  stellatum,  Bulliard  Champ.  238. 

Lycoperdon  reeolligens,  Wood  in  Lin.  Tr.  2,  58  ; Sowerby  Fungi , 401. 
In  woods ; spring  and  autumn. 

Outer  peridium  expands  with  moisture,  and  contracts 
again  on  drying ; contrary  to  the  other  geastra. 

6.  Geastrum  cylindricum.  Cylindrical  shell-puff. 

Outer  peridium  many-cut ; inner  cylindrical,  sessile. 

Lycoperdon  cylindricum,  Withering  Bot.  Arr.  4,411. 

In  fir-plantations. 

XXXI.  232.  POLYSTOMA.  Pill-box. 

Sporangium  globular  or  depressed,  sessile ; outer  peridium 
expanding  starwise ; inner  membranaceous,  pedicelled  ; 
pedicells  and  mouths  many. 

Polystoma  coliforme.  Sievelike  pill-box. 

Outer  peridium  many-cut;  inner  5 or  6-pedicelled ; pe- 
cells  short;  mouths  ciliated. 

Lycoperdon  coliforme,  Dickson  Crypt.  24 ; Sowerby  Fungi , 313. 
Geastrum  coliforme,  Persoon  Syn.  131. 

On  sandy  banks. 

L.  TuLOSTOMiDEiE.  Peridia  single,  leatherlike;  mouth 
cartilaginous,  circular;  sporidia  conglobated,  scattered 
among  the  flocci. 

XXXII.  233.  TULOSTOMA.  Persoon.  Tulostome. 

Sporangium  globular,  pedicelled;  peridium  single,  lea- 
therlike; mouth  single,  cylindrical,  cartilaginous;  sporidia 
conglomerated,  among  the  flocci. 

Tulostoma  brumale.  Winter  iulastome. 

Sporangium  whitish ; pedicell  slightly  scaly ; peridium 
attached  to  the  stem;  mouth  flattish. 

Lycoperdon  pedunculatum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1654;  Sowerby  Fungi , 406. 
Tulostoma  brumale,  Persoon  Syn.  139. 

Among  moss  on  walls ; autumn. 

M.  PolyangidE-ZE.  Peridium  single,  thin,  membra- 
naceous, bursting  irregularly,  enclosing  many  peridiola ; 
sporidia  grumose,  naked,  in  the  peridiola. 

XXXIII.  234.  POLYANGIUM.  Ditmar.  Bud-mould. 

Sporangium  roundish,  sessile ; peridium  membranaceous ; 
peridiola  ovate,  inside  grumous. 

PL  cell.  aph.  9.  GASTEROMYCEiE.  234.  Polyang.  58 7 

Polyangium  vitellinum.  Yelk-of-egg  ludmould. 

Sporangia  gregarious,  yellow;  periodola  deep  reddish- 

Polyangium  vitellinum,  Ditmar  in  Sturm.  Germ . 3,2. 

On  rotten  wood. 

N.  Cyathide.®.  Peridium  single,  leatherlike,  opening 
at  the  tip,  containing  many  periodola;  peridiola  membra- 
naceous, or  coriaceous;  enclosing  the  sporidia;  sporidia 
naked,  or  floccular. 

XXXIV.  235.  CYATHUS.  Persoon.  Cup-mushroom. 

Sporangium  cupshape,  closed  ^t  first  with  an  epiphragma, 
afterwards  open  at  the  top ; peridiola  lentilshape,  nestling, 
fleshy,  inside  woolly ; sporidia  naked,  conglobate,  in  the 
centre  of  the  periodola. 

1 . Cyathus  striatus . Streaked  cup-mushroom. 
Sporangium  reverse-conical  ; outside  blackish-brown, 

shaggy;  inside  pale,  streaked. 

Peziza  quae  fungus  seminifer,  externe  hirsiTtus,  interne  striatus,  Raii 
Syn.  20, 22. 

Peziza  lentifera  /3,  Lin.  S.  P.  1650. 

Peziza  striata,  Hudson  FI.  Angl.  634. 

Nidularia  striate,  Sowerby  Fungi , 29. 

Cyalhus  striatus,  Persoon  Syn.  237. 

In  woods  on  the  ground ; summer  and  autumn. 

2.  Cyathus  ollaris . Skellet  cup-mushroom. 

Sporangium  bellshape;  outside  grey  or  brownish,  rather 

downy;  mouth  wide;  inside  smooth,  livid  lead-grey. 

Cyathus  Ice  vis,  Hoffman  Crypt.  2,  31. 

Nidularia  verrucosus,  Bulliard  Champ.  164. 

Nidularia  Icevis?  Sowerby  Fungi , 31,  outside  yellow. 

Peziza  lentifera,  Lin.  S.  P.  1650. 

Nidularia  campanulata  ? Sowerby  Fungi , 28. 

Cyathus  Olla,  Persoon  Syn.  237. 

On  rotten  wood. 

3.  Cyathus  erucihuliformis.  Crucibleshape  cup-mushroom. 
Sporangium  nearly  cylindrical,  hard,  bald,  ochry-yellow  ; 

bottom  woolly,  whitish. 

Peziza  Icevis,  Hudson  FI.  Angl.  639. 

Nidularia  Icevis,  Sowerby  Fungi , 30. 

Cyathus  Crueibulum,  Hoffm.  Crypt.  2,  29  ; Persoon  Syn.  238,  3. 

On  rotten  wood. 

Sporangium  at  first  cylindrical,  afterwards  reverse-conical. 

588  235.  Cyathus.  9.  GASTEROMYCEiE.  PL  cell  aph. 

4.  Cyathus  scutellaris.  Saucer  cup-mushronm. 

Sporangia  globular,  grey;  inside  pale  whitish ; peridiola 
white,  afterwards  blackish. 

Cyathoidcs  scutellatum,  ore  crispo,  fructibus  nigris  majoribus  Micheli 
N.  Gen.  202,4. 

Cyathus  scutellaris,  Roth  Cat.  1,217  ; Persoon  Syn.  239. 

Cvathus  complanatus,  De  Candolle  Syn.  56  ? 

On  the  ground,  in  woods. 

Sporangia  the  size  of  a large  pea,  at  first  globular,  then 
hemispherical ; edge  not  cut, 

Fam.  X.  10.  SARCOTHECEiE.  Fungorum  pars , Lin- 
neeus,  Jussieu.  Fungi  sar  cocarpi,  Persoon. 
Vegetahilium  fungosorum  pars , Esenbeck. 
Thallus  solid,  entirely  covered  with  a membranaceous 
or  leatherlike  epidermis;  flesh  becoming  cellular;  sporidia 
scattered  in  the  substance  of  the  flesh. 

A.  Thallus  solid,  globular ; inside  smooth.  Sclerotidese. 

Thallus  globular ; basis  radiated Erysibe.  236. 

Thallus  tuberous;  basis  creeping, 

rootlike Thanatophyton.  237. 

Thallus  roundish ; basis  not  ex- 
panded   Sclerotium.  238. 

B.  Thallus  globular ; inside  cellular , or  veiny.  Tuberidese. 

Thallus  subterraneous;  inside  veiny; 
sporidia  pedicelled Tuber.  239. 

C.  Thallus  irregular , gelatinous  fibrous , cellular  ; sporidia 

scattered , immersed.  Tremellidese. 

Thallus  variously  formed ; 

spor.  in  the  inside  only  Tremella.  240. 

Thallus  dilated,  in  folds; 

spor.  internal  and  external Gyraria.  241. 

Thallus  caulescent,  slightly  branched; 
spor.  internal  and  external Coryne.  242. 

A.  Sclerotide^.  Thallus  variously  shaped,  mostly 
globular,  solid,  obscurely  cellular,  covered  with  an  epi- 

Pl.cell.aph.  10.  SARCOTHECEiE.  236.  Erysibe.  589 

I.  236.  ERYSIBE.  Rebentisch.  Mould-bud. 

Thalli  globular,  upon  a radiated  basis. 

1.  Erysibe  suffulta . Propped  mould-bud. 

Thalli  lentilshape,  brown;  basis  fibrous,  fulcrate,  ra- 
diating irregularly. 

Erysibe  suffulta,  Rebentisch  FI.  Neomont. 

Sclerotium  Erysiphe  coryleum,  Persoon  Syn.  124, 12. 

Erysiphe  coryli,  De  Candolle  FI.  Gall.  730. 

On  the  lower  face  of  hazebleaves. 

2.  Erysibe  alni . Alder  mould-bud . 

Rays  many,  expanded,  very  long,  free. 

Erysiphe  alni,  De  Candolle  FI.  Gall.  730.* 

On  the  lower  face  of  alder-leaves. 

3.  Erysibe  aceris.  Maple  mould-bud. 

Rays  many,  long,  interwoven  into  a thin  membranaceous 

pellicle ; thalli  at  length  collapsing  and  becoming  concave. 
Erysiphe  aceris,  De  Cand.  FI.  Gall.  732.* 

On  the  lower  face  of  maple-leaves,  rarely  on  the  upper. 

4.  Erysibe  polygoni . Knot-grass  mould-bud. 

Rays  many,  long,  interwoven  into  a membranaceous 

pellicle ; thalli  few. 

Erysiphe  polygoni,  De  Cand.  FI.  Gall.  733. 

On  the  lower  face  of  knot-grass  leaves. 

5.  Erysibe  populi.  Poplar  mould-bud. 

Rays  many,  interwoven  into  a slight  crustlike  pellicle. 
Erysiphe  populi,  De  Cand.  FI.  Gall.  733.* 

On  the  upper  face  of  black  poplar-leaves,  rarely  on  the 

6.  Erysibe  pisi.  Pea  mould-bud . 

Rays  numerous,  very  long,  very  slender,  sometimes  in- 
terwoven into  an  irregular  pellicule. 

Erysiphe  pisi,  De  Cand.  FI.  Gall.  734. 

On  the  leaves  of  peas. 

7.  Erysibe  convolvuli.  Bindweed  mould-bud. 

Rays  numerous,  interwoven  into  a slightly  membra- 
naceous adhering  pellicle ; thalli  scattered,  or  in  rings. 

Erysiphe  convolvuli,  De  Cand.  FI.  Gall.  736. 

On  the  upper  face  of  bindweed-leaves. 

590  236.  Erysibe.  10.  SARCOTHECEfE.  Pl.cell.aph . 

8.  Erysibe  berberidis . Berberry  mould-bud . 

two-forked  at  the  tip. 

Erysiphe  berberidis,  De  Can'd.  FI.  Gall.  737. 

On  the  upper  face  of  berberry-leaves. 

9.  Erysibe  acariforme.  Ticklike  mould-bud. 

Thalli  heartshape,  brown,  rather  downy;  rays  interwoven, 

tom,  yellow. 

Lycoperdon  acariforme,  Sowerby  Fungi , 146. 

On  rotten  wood. 

10.  Erysibe  Sower bii.  Sowerbyys  mould-bud. 

Thallus  nearly  globular,  brown,  woolly;  rays  very  slen- 
der, very  long,  radiately  regular,  yellowish, 

Lycoperdon  radiatum,  Sowerby  Fungi,  143. 

On  plaistered  walls. 

II.  237.  THANATOPHYTUM.  Esenb.  Death-mould. 
Thallus  tuberous,  expanded  creeping,  rootlike. 

Thanatophytum  crocorum.  Saffron  death-mould. 

Thallus  red. 

Tuber  parasiticum,  Bulliard  Champ.  81. 

Sclerotium  crocorum,  Persoon  Syn.  119. 

Thanatophytum  crocorum,  Esenbecfc  Syst.  2,38. 

La  vnort  dc  saffron. 

On  the  bulbs  of  crocuses,  the  roots  of  dwarf  elder  and 

Very  destructive  to  saffron,  speedily  destroying  a whole 
plantation  of  it.  The  French  cultivators  trench  the  ground 
very  deep  round  the  infected  spot,  throwing  the  earth  of 
the  trench  upon  it,  and  no  longer  cultivate  saffron  thereon, 
as  it  will  remain  in  the  ground  for  15  or  20  years. 

III.  238.  SCLEROTIUM.  Persoon.  Corn-mould . 

Thallus  variously  shaped,  mostly  globular,  without  any 


1 . Sclerotium  vaporariorum.  Stove  corn-mould. 

Thallus  flat,  often  lobed,  rather  hard ; at  first  smooth- 
brown  ; when  old  black,  wrinkled. 

Sclerotium  vaporariorum,  Albert  and  Schwein.  Nish,  73. 

On  the  bark-bed  of  hot-houses. 

Pl.cell,  aph.  10.  SARCOTHECEiE.  238.  Sclerot.  591 

2.  Sclerotium  Ictcunosum.  Pitted  corn-mould, 

Thallus  roundish,  pitted,  black ; inside  palish. 

Sclerotium  lacunosurn,  Persoon  Syn.  121. 

On  the  roots  of  agaricus  racemosus,  and  other  plants. 

3.  Sclerotium  muscorum.  Moss  corn-mould. 

Thallus  roundish  or  irregularly  lobed,  surface  tubercu- 
lar; inside  yellow. 

Sclerotium  subterraneum  muscorum,  Tode  Meckl.  3. 

Sclermiuin  muscorum,  Persoon  Syn.  120. 

On  the  roots  of  mosses. 

4.  Sclerotium  Irassicce.  Callage  corn-mould. 

Thallus  oblong,  depressed,  black ; inside  black,  dotted. 

Sclerotium  Brassicce,  Persoon  Syn.  122. 

On  the  rotten  leaves  of  cabbage,  kept  in  cellars ; winter. 

5 Sclerotium  varium.  Various  corn-mould. 

Thallus  roundish  or  oblong,  rather  lobed,  slightly  wrin- 
kled, whitish,  becoming  brownish-black. 

Elvella  brassicae,  Hoffm.  Crypt.  2,  18. 

Sclerotium  varium,  Persoon  Syn.  122. 

On  the  stems  and  ribs  of  cabbages ; winter. 

6.  Sclerotium  seminiforme.  Seedlike  corn-mould. 

Thalli  gregarious,  nearly  globular,  scrobiculate,  blackish- 

bay,  becoming  wrinkled. 

Sphseria  brassicas,  Dickson  Crypt.  23  ; Bolton  Fungi , 119. 

Sclerotium  Semen,  Tode  Meckl . 1,4;  Persoon  Syn.  123. 

On  potatoe-stalks  rotting  in  the  fields ; autumn  and 

7.  Sclerotium  quercinum.  Oak  corn-moidd. 

Thalli  scattered,  nearly  hemispherical,  convex,  smooth, 

dirty  white,  rather  blackish. 

Sclerotium  quercinum,  Persoon  Syn.  124. 

On  dry  fallen  oak-leaves ; summer. 

8.  Sclerotium  scutellatum . Saucer  corn-mould. 

Thallus  rounded,  hollowed,  black,  inside  white,  slightly 


Sclerotium  scutellatum,  Albert  and  Schwein. Nisk.  74. 

On  the  branches  and  leaves  of  willows. 

592  238.  Sclerot.  10.  SARCOTHECEiE.  Pl.cell.aph. 

9.  Sclerotium  complanatum.  Flattened  corn-mould. 

Thallus  nearly  orbicular,  compressed,  smooth,  pale, 
slightly  stemmed. 

Sclerotium  complanatum,  Tode  MecJclen.  5. 

On  rotten  dung  and  straw ; winter. 

B.  Tuberide^;.  Thallus  solid,  globular  or  irregular, 
inside  cellular  or  veiny;  sporidia  scattered  in  the  cells. 

IV.  239.  TUBER.  Matthioli.  Truffle . 

Thallus  globular,  irregular,  bark  thick,  cracked,  inside 
veiny ; sporidia  nearly  globular,  pedicelled,  affixed  to  the 
veins. — Subterraneous. 

a.  Root  0,  grows  deep  in  the  ground . 

1.  Tuler  cilarium.  Food  truffle. 

Thallus  nearly  globular,  outside  black,  warty;  warts 

large,  blunt,  angular. 


Lycoperdon  Tuber,  Lin . S.  P.  1653. 

Lycoperdon  gulosorum,  Scopoli  Cam.  2,491. 

Tuber  gulosorum,  Wigg  Holsat.  109. 

Tuber  cibarium,  Sibthorp  Oxon.  398. 

Truffs.  Truffles. 


Flavour  very  grateful  in  made-dishes ; procured  by  ob- 
serving where  hogs  wish  to  turn  up  the  ground,  and  there 
digging,  or  by  having  spaniels  trained  to  point  at  them. 

2.  Tuber  moschatum.  Musk  truffle. 

Thallus  roundish,  smooth,  black  inside  and  out;  flesh 

soft  becoming  wrinkled;  when  fresh  smelling  like  musk. 
Tuber  moschatum,  Bulliard  Champ.  79;  Sowerby  Fungi,  426. 

Used  as  the  former. 

b.  Root  fibrous , grows  near  the  surface.  Tartufa. 

3.  Tuber  album.  White  truffle. 

Thallus  smooth,  inside  and  outside  white,  afterwards 

dull-red  with  red  lines. 

Tuber  album,  Bulliard  Champ.  30;  Sowerby  Fungi,  320. 

Lycoperdon  gibbosum,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,  26. 

White  truffle. 

Under  ground,  near  the  surface. 

Inodorous,  becoming  yellow,  and  wrinkly  when  dry.— 
Used  for  sauce,  but  inferior  to  the  common. 

Pl.cell.ap/t.  10.  SARCOTHECEiE.  240.  Tremella.  593 

C.  TREMELLiDEiE.  Thallus  variously  shaped,  rather 
gelatinous ; epidermis  thin ; inside  cellular,  fibrous ; sporidia 
naked,  scattered  in  the  substance,  and  very  copiously  on 
the  outer  surface. 

V.  240.  TREMELLA.  Dillenius.  Tremelle . 

Thallus  variously  shaped ; sporidia  scattered  in  the  in- 
side only. 

Tremella  recisa.  Cut-off  tremelle * 

Thallus  reverse-conical,  umber-brown,  inside  rather 

Peziza  granulosa,  Persoon  Syn.  633,4. 

Tremella  recisa,  Dilmar  Fung . 

On  dry  willow-branches. 

VI.  241.  GYRARIA.  Esenbeck.  Gyraria . 

Thallus  dilated,  meandering;  sporidia  scattered  in  the 

substance,  and  over  the  external  surface. 

1.  Gyraria  mesenterica.  Cawl  gyraria. 

Thallus  roundish,  orange-colour ; plaits  vertical,  twisted. 

Tremella  mesenterica,  Jacq.  Miscell.  Austr.  1,  13. 

On  the  fallen  branches  of  trees. 

Becomes  hard,  but  not  much  smaller  when  dry. 

2.  Gyraria  P alhida . Whitish  gyraria . 

Thallus  whitish,  sessile,  rather  wrinkled,  solid,  semi- 
transparent, variously  shaped,  jellylike. 

Tremella  albida,  Huds.  FI.  Angl.  565  ; Engl.  Bot.  2117. 

Tremella  cerebrina,  Bulliard  Champ.  386. 

On  half- rotten  branches,  or  wet  wood. 

3.  Gyraria  ferruginea.  Iron-brown  gyraria  » 

Thalli  clustered,  rusty-brown,  lobed ; lobes  waved ; sur- 

Lace  finely  pulverulent,  granulated ; inside  white. 

Tremella  ferruginea,  Engl.  Bot * 1454. 

On  the  dead  branches  of  trees. 

4.  Gyraria  intumescens.  Swelling  gyraria . 

Thalli  clustered,  twisted,  swollen,  brown,  shining,  jelly- 

like;  when  dry  thin,  membranaceous. 

Tremella  intumescens,  Engl.  Bot.  1870. 

On  rotten  wood  in  wet  weather, 


VOL,  i. 

594  241.  Gyraria.  10.  SARCOTHECEiE.  Pl.cell.aph . 

5.  Gyraria  violacea.  Violet  gyraria. 

Thallus  roundish,  violet,  slightly  compressed,  small,  com- 
pact, meandering. 

Tremella  violacea,  Relhan  Cantab.  442. 

On  the  trunks  of  pear-trees ; winter. 

6.  Gyraria  spiculosa.  Spicular  gyraria. 

Thallus  flattened,  spreading,  rather  thick,  black;  nipples 

conical,  spicular. 

Tremella  spiculosa,  Persoon  Syn.  624. 

Tremella  arborea,  Hudson  Angl.  565. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees ; autumn. 

7.  Gyraria  auricularis.  Ear  gyraria. 

Thalli  in  tufts,  thin,  winding,  concave,  blackish,  beneath 

plaited,  slightly  woolly,  olive-grey. 

Peziza  auriculam  referens,  Raii  Syn.  18,  9. 

Tremella  Auricula,  Lin.S.  P.  1625. 

Peziza  Auricula,  Lin.  Syst.  Veg.  ed.  15,  1013. 

Merulius  Auricula,  Roth  Germ.  625. 

Tremella  Auricuia-judae,  Persoon  Syn.  624. 

Jews'  ears. 

On  the  trunks  of  elder-trees ; annual;  autumn. 

Used  in  a poultice,  soaked  in  milk  or  vinegar  as  an  ap- 
plication to  sore  throats,  also  the  infusion  strained  as  a 

8.  Gyraria  foliacea.  Leafy  gyraria. 

Thalli  in  tufts,  entirely  bald,  thin,  plaited  wavy,  concave, 

base  crisp,  dark  red  flesh-colour. 

* Tremella  mesenteriformis,  Bulliard  Champ.  230. 

Tremella  foiiacea,  Persoon  Syn. '626. 

On  rotten  trunks  of  trees ; autumn. 

9.  Gyraria  juniper ina.  Juniper  gyraria. 

Thallus  brownish-red,  sessile,  membranaceous,  roundish- 


Tremella juniperina,  Lin.S.  P.  1625. 

On  juniper,  furze,  and  common  broom. 

10.  Gyraria  zistulata.  Burnt  gyraria. 

Thallus  small,  vesicular,  slightly  gelatinous-fleshy,  brown- 
ish-black ; surface  furrowed,  furrows  winding. 

Tremella  ustulata,  Bulliard  Champ.  221. 

On  half-rotten  fleshy  fruits. 

PI,  cell,  apk,  lO.SARCOTHECE^.  241.Gyraria.  595 

11.  Gyr aria  lachry mails.  Tear  gyr  aria. 

Thallus  roundish  or  slightly  uneven,  peziza-like,  shining, 

pellucid,  yellow. 

Tremella  deliquescens,  Bulliard  Champ.  219. 

Tremella  Iachrymalis,  Persoon  Syn.  628. 

On  rotten  wood. 

12.  Gyr  aria  cinnabarina.  Vermilion  gyr  aria. 

Thallus  very  small,  slightly  gelatinous,  fleshy,  bullate, 

purplish;  surface  granular,  rough. 

Tremella  cinnabarina,  Bulliard  Champ.  218. 

On  mosses  and  several  other  herbs. 

VII.  242.  CORYNE.  Esenbeck.  Coryne . 

Thallus  long,  stemlike,  slightly  branched,  thickened ; 
sporidia  scattered  in  the  cellular  substance  and  on  the  out- 

1 . Coryne  dubium.  Doubtful  coryne, 
Thallus  pale  flesh-colour,  nearly  spatulashape ; tip  white, 

Tremella  dubia,  Persoon  Syn.  630,25. 

Acrosperma  dubium,  Persoon  Comm.  92. 

Tremella  (Coryne)  Acrospermum,  Esenbeck  Syst.  2,40. 

On  the  rotten  trunks  of  trees. 

2.  Coryne  clavatum.  Clubbed  coryne. 

Thallus  solitary,  reddish  flesh-colour,  clubshape. 

Tremella  stipitata,  Willd.  Berol.  420. 

Tremella  clavata,  Persoon  Syn.  630,24. 

Acrospermum  clavatum,  Persoon  Comm.  90. 

On  rotten  branches  ; autumn. 

Fam.  XI.  11.  HYMENOTHECEiE.  Fungorum  pars, 

Ray,  Linnaeus,  Jussieu.  Fungi 
clavati  et  pileati , Esenbeck. 

Thalli  long  or  expanded  into  an  hemispherical  cap,  in- 
side cellular  or  fibrous  ; sporidia  threadlike,  on  the  whole 
surface,  or  the  flat  surface  of  the  cap. 

A.  Hymenium  lamellar,  gills  decaying  without  changing 
colour;  cap  fleshy  or  leathery,  juiceless.  Agaricideae. 

Volva,  collar , and  radical  tuber , distinct  Amanita.  243. 
Volva  cylindrical ; collar  0 Vaginata.  244. 

2 fi  2 


11.  H YM  ENOTHE  CEAE . PL  cell  apL 

Volvo,  0 ; collar  distinct Lepiota.  24 <5. 

Stem  central,  naked ; cap  convex  ....  Gymnopus.  246. 
Stem  central,  naked;  cap  concave ....  Omphalia.  247. 

Stem  eccentric,  naked  Pleuropus.  248. 

Stem  marginal,  naked  . Crepidopus.  249. 

Stem  0 ; cap  sessile Apus.  250. 

Thallus  attached  by  its  back Resupinatus.  251. 

B.  Hymenium  lamellar  ; gills  decaying  without  changing 
colour;  cap  fleshy  or  membranaceous,  juicy.  Mycenadeae. 

Texture  venulose,  cellular; 

cap  fleshy  ; stem  naked Russula.  252. 

Text,  fibrous ; cap  membranaceous ; 

stem  naked;  sporidia  short Mycena.  2 53. 

Text,  fibrous;  cap  membranaceous; 

stem  naked ; sporidia  long Micromphale.  254. 

Text . fibrous ; cap  funnelshape ; 
gills  milky  Lactarius.  255. 

C.  Hymenium  lamellar  ; gills  becoming  black , powdery  / 
cap  fleshy  or  skinny  ; texture  fibrous.  Prateliidese. 

Cap  thick;  gills  persisting; 

sporidia  single ; collar  distinct Pratella.  256. 

Cap  thin  ; gills  persisting  ; 

sporidia  single;  collar  fibrous Cortinaria.  257. 

Cap  thin;  gills  persisting; 

sporidia  in  pairs ; collar  0 Prunulus.  258. 

Cap  thin;  gills  diffluent;. 

sporidia  in  fours;  collar  distinct  or  0 ... . Coprinus.  259. 

D.  Cap  beneath  lamellar;  gills  barren;  apex  woolly ; 
sporidia  interspersed  in  the  wool  of  the  cap.  Asterophoridese. 

Sporidia  angular Asterophora.  260. 

E.  Hymenium  veined;  veins  superficial , distinct ; cap 
fleshy.  Merulidese. 

Stem  central ; cap  round,  convex  .....  Merulius.  261. 
Stem  central  ; cap  round,  concave  Cantharellus.  262. 

Stem  lateral;  cap  semicircular Corniola.  268. 

Thallus  attached  by  its  back Serpula.  264.. 

Thallus  clubshape,  sessile,  sides  plaited  Gomphus.  2 65- 

PL  cell.  aph.  1 1 . HYMENOTHECEiE.  597 

F.  Hymenium  veined ; veins  anastomosing  ; cap  leatherlike , 
corky.  Daedaleadese. 

Cap  semicircular D^edalea.  266. 

G.  Hymenium  tubular;  tubes  short , persistent , not  cut; 
cap  leatherlike  or  woody.  Boletideae. 

Thallus  attached  by  its  back Poria.  267. 

Thallus  semicircular Boletus.  268. 

Stem  lateral ; cap  semicircular Grifola.  269. 

Stem  central ; cap  orbicular,  mem- 
branaceous  CoLTRICIA.  270. 

Stem  central ; cap  orbicular,  fleshy, 
concave Strilia.  271. 

Stem  central ; cap  orbicular,  fleshy, 
convex Albatrellus.  272. 

Stem  lobed ; lobes  branchlike,  porous  Polyporus.  278. 

H.  Hymenium  tubular  ; tubes  long , separable  from  the 
cap,  not  cut ; cap  convex,  fleshy.  Suillidese. 

Tubes  close ; stem  central ; 

collar  distinct ; cap  orbicular  Suillus.  274. 

Tubes  close;  stem  central; 

collar  fibrous;  cap  orbicular Pinuzza.  275. 

Tubes  close ; stem  central ; 

collar  0 ; cap  orbicular Leccinum.  276. 

Tubes  separate ; stem  lateral ; 

collar  O',  cap  semicircular Fistulina.  277. 

I.  Hymenium  toothed,  teeth  lamellar , torn ; cap  leather- 
like.  Sistotremadese. 

Stem  distinct ; cap  concave  Sistotrema.  278. 

Stem  0;  cap  semicircular Cerrena.  279. 

Thallus  attached  by  its  back Xylodon.  280. 

K.  Hymenium  spinose  ; spines  not  divided . Hydnidese. 
Cap  regular,  fleshy,  convex ; 

stem  central,  naked Hydnum.  281. 

Cap  regular,  fleshy,  concave; 

stem  central,  naked  Dentinum.  282. 

Cap  regular,  membranaceous ; 

stem  lateral,  naked Auriscalpium.  283. 

Cap  semicircular,  sessile Stecherina.  284. 


11.  HYMENOTHECEiE.  PL  cell.apk. 

Thallus  on  its  back,  spreading  Odontia.  285. 

Phallus  branched  or  clublike,  spinose..  Hericium.  286. 

L.  Hymenium  smooth , hairy  or  warty , expanded ; thallus 
leatherlike , sometimes  capped . Thelephoridese. 

Stem  central ; cap  concave Craterella.  287. 

Stem  eccentric  or  0 ; cap  semicircular  . . Stereum.  288. 
Thallus  attached  by  its  back  ........  Corticium.  289. 

Thallus  branched,  compressed  ........  Merisma.  290. 

M.  Hymenium  smooth , expanded;  thallus  fleshy , long , 
uniform , simple  or  branched.  Clavaridese. 

Thallus  cartilaginous  or  gelatinous ..  Cqrynoides.  291. 
Thallus  fleshy,  cylindrical,  branched . . . Ramaria.  292. 
Thallus  fleshy,  clubshape,  simple Clavaeia.  293. 

N.  Hymenium  smooth , expanded  ; thallus  fleshy , long ; tip 
expanded , clubshape  or  capped ; cap  smooth . Geoglossideae. 

Club  compressed,  edge  prominent . . Geoglossum.  294. 

Club  compressed  or  ovate;  edge  free  . . Mitrula.  295. 

Cap  orbicular Leotia.  296. 

Cap  hemispherical  , Helotium.  297. 

Cap  conical Relhanum.  298. 

O.  Hymenium  smooth , expanded  ; thallus  fleshy,  long;  tip 
capped ; cap  plaited  or  cellularly  networked.  Helvellideae. 

Mitre  conical  above,  reticulated  ....  Morci-iella.  299. 

Mitre  plaited,  distinct Helvella.  300. 

Mitre  compressed,  connate  to  the  stem 

Spatularia.  301. 

P.  Hymenium  smooth , expanded  ; sporidia  clubshape , inter- 
mixed with  barren  filaments,  fixed  ; thallus  fleshy  or  waxlike , 
cupshape . Pezizadese. 

Cup  sessile,  immersed,  dry  Stictis.  302. 

Cup  sessile,  dry,  edged ; edge  flat . . . Patellaria.  303. 

Cup  sessile,  woolly Peziza.  304. 

Cup  sessile,  soft,  fibrous,  cellular,  naked  Octospora.  305. 

Cup  sessile,  hemispherical,  spread, 

scaly Scodellina.  306. 

Cup  pedicelled,  dry,  fibrous,  woolly 
or  bald Calycina.  307. 

5 99 

PL  cell.  aph.  11.  HYMENOTHECEiE. 

Cup  pedicelled,  soft,  fibrous,  cellular, 

surface  woolly Dasyscyphus.  308. 

Cup  pedicelled,  soft,  cellular,  slightly 

fibrous,  scaly  or  bristly Macroscyphus.  309. 

Cup  pedicelled,  thin,  fibrous,  cellular, 
bald  Hymenoscyphus.  310. 

Q.  Hymenium  smooth , expanded  ; sporidia  clubshape , inter- 
mixed with  barren  filaments , ejectile  ; thallus  fleshy . Asco- 

Thallus  dishlike  or  reverse-conical  ..  Ascobolus.  311. 

A.  Agaricide^:.  Hymenium  lamellar;  gills  separable 
from  the  cap,  not  becoming  black  or  juicy;  cap  thick, 
fleshy,  or  leathery ; texture  vesicular  or  cellular. 

I.  243.  AMANITA.  Dillenius.  Amanite . 

Volva  at  first  covers  the  whole  thallus;  fragments  left 
on  the  cap ; stem  central,  bulbose  at  bottom ; collar  distinct ; 
cap  fleshy;  gills  crowded. — Poisonous. 

1.  Amanita  lulbosa.  Bulbous  amanite. 

Thallus  white;  cap  convex;  stem  long,  slender,  bulbous. 

Agaricus  bulbosus,  Schoeff.  Fung.  241. 

Amanita  bulbosa,  Persoon  Syn.  250,  7. 

In  woods  and  pastures ; autumn. 

2.  Amanita  citrina.  Lemon-yellow  amanite. 

Cap  bald,  lemon-yellow ; gills  and  stem  white. 

Agaricus  citrina,  Sclueff.  Fung.  20. 

Amanita  citrina,  Persoon  Syn.  251. 

In  woods,  on  the  ground,  in  sandy  soils. 

/3.  mappalis.  Cap  yellowish,  with  brownish  warts. 

Agaricus  Mappa,  Willd.  Berol.  381. 

Amanita  citrina  Mappa,  Persoon  Syn.  251. 

3.  Amanita  aurantiaca.  Orange  amanite. 

Thallus  large;  cap  bellshape,  orange-red;  gills  bellied, 

gold-yellow ; warts  scattered,  white ; stem  white. 

Amanita  aurantiaca,  Bull . Herb.  120;  Pers.  Syn.  252, 10. 

In  woods. 

600  243.  Araanit.  11.  HYMENOTHECEiE.  Pl.cell.aph . 

4.  Amanita  muscaria.  Fly  amanite. 

Stem  white ; cap  orange-red,  shining,  flattish ; warts  and 

gills  white. 

Amanita  muscaria,  Schccff.  Fung.  27  ; Persoon  Syn.  253, 11. 

Agaricus  muscarius,  3,  4,  With.  218  ; Sowerby  Fungi , 286. 

In  plantations  of  firs. 

Powder  in  doses  of  gr.  x.  to  xxx.  with  vinegar,  cathartic 
and  sudorific,  useful  in  epilepsy  and  palsy  occasioned  by 
eruptions  which  have  been  improperly  repelled ; also  used 
externally  sprinkled  upon  ulcers  and  gangrene : the  juice 
rubbed  upon  bedsteads  kills  or  expels  bugs,  and  mixed 
with  milk  is  used  in  Sweden  to  kill  flies. 

|3.  minor . Thallus  small ; cap  convex,  warts  generally 


5.  Amanita  umbrina . Umber  amanite . 

Stem  white;  cap  flattish,  greyish-bay;  warts  and  gills 


Agaricus  verrucosus,  Hudson  Angl.  613. 

Agaricus  maoulatus,  Schceff.  Fungi , 90. 

Amanita  umbrina,  Persoon  Syn.  254, 12. 

Agaricus  muscarius,  var.  6,  With.  Arr.  219. 

In  beech-woods. 

6.  Amanita  rubescens . Reddish  amanite. 

Cap  convex,  opake,  reddish;  warts  crowded,  white; 

gills  white. 

Agaricus  margaritiferus,  Schecff.  Fung.  91. 

Amanita  rubescens,  Persoon  Syn.  67. 

Agaricus  muscaricus,  var.  7,  Withering  Arr . 219. 

In  beech-woods ; autumn. 

7.  Amanita  circinnata.  Compassed  amanite. 

Stem  bulbous,  rather  scaly,  reddish ; cap  hemispherical, 

slightly  umbilicated,  reddish ; warts  oblong,  round,  whitish ; 
gills  flattish,  whitish. 

Agaricus  myodes,  Schtpff.  Fung.  261. 

Agaricus  muscarius,  var.  5.  Wither.  Arr.  4,218. 

In  woods ; rare. 

8.  Amanita  aspera.  Rough  amanite. 

Stem  long,  fibrilled,  slightly  bulbed ; cap  fleshy,  com- 
pact, bossed,  reddish  grey ; warts  pointed,  rough ; gills 
crowded,  white. 

Agaricus  verrucosus,  Bulliard  Herb.  316,  warts  globular. 

Amanita  aspera,  Persoon  Syn.  256, 

In  woods ; late  in  autumn. 

Odour  strong. 

PL  cell.  aph.  1 1 . HYMENOTHECEiE.  244.Vaginat.  601 

II.  244.  VAGINATA.  Esenbeck.  Boot-mushroom. 
Stem  cylindrical  at  bottom ; volva  cylindrical;  collar  0* 

cap  fleshy;  gills  crowded,  equal. — Poisonous. 

1.  Vaginata  livida.  Livid  boot-mushroom . 

Stem  long,  white;  cap  bossed,  flattish,  streaked,  livid 

lead-colour;  gills  white. 

Agaricus  vaginatus,  Bulliard  Herb.  512,  M. 

Agaricus  plumbeus,  ScJueff.  Fung.  35  & 3 6. 

Boders  of  shady  woods,  after  long  rains. 

2.  Vaginata  spadicea.  Dark-bay  boot-mushroom. 

Stem  scaly, brown;  cap  rather  bellshape, bossed, streaked, 

brittle,  bay ; gills  white. 

Agaricus  fuscus,  Schreff.  Fung.  95. 

Amanita  spadicea,  Persoon  Syn.  248,2. 

In  fir  plantations. 

3.  Vaginata  virgata.  Stiff  boot-mushroom. 

Thalli  in  tufts;  cap  bellshape,  conical,  hairy,  grey  and 

black,  stiff;  gills  powdery,  cinnamon-red. 

Agaricus  volvaceus,  Bulliard  Herb.  261. 

Amanita  virgata,  Persoon  Syn.  249,4. 

In  the  bark-bed  of  hot-houses;  summer. 

III.  245.  LEPIOTA.  Persoon.  Lepiote. 

Stem  central;  volva  0;  collar  distinct;  cap  fleshy;  oills 

equal  in  length,  or  mixed  with  shorter,  juiceless,  not  varie- 
gated.— Wholesome. 

1 . Lepiola  procera . ~ Tall  lepiote. 

Thallus  large;  stem  bulbous,  very  long;  collar  moveable; 

cap  fleshy,  bossed,  scaly,  reddish-grey;  gills  very  far  apart, 

Agaricus  procerus,  Schceff.  Fung.  22  & 23;  Sowerby  Fungit  190. 

In  woods. 

Thallus  elegant,  esculent. 

/3.  excoriatus.  Thallus  small,  whitish ; scales  scarcely  dis- 

Agaricus  excoriatus,  Scheeff.  Fung.  18  & 19;  Sibth.  Ox.  341. 

2.  Lepiota  colubrina.  Snake  lepiote. 

Thallus  large;  stem  rather  long,  villous,  soft;  collar 

decaying;  cap  bellshape,  scaly,  pale;  scales  large,  scat- 
tered, reddish ; gills  whitish,  free. 

602  245.  Lepiot.  11.  HYMENOTHECEJE.  Pt.eetl.aph. 

Agaricus  calceolarius,  Bull.  Herb.  405. 

Agaricus  colubrinus,  Persoon  Syn.  258,2. 

In  woods,  on  moist  land ; autumn. 

Stem  3 inches  long ; cap  about  2 broad,  brittle. 

j6.  cristata.  Thallus  small ; stem  shortish,  hollow,  light 
reddish,  bald ; ring  vanishing ; cap  bellshape,  whitish ; 
centre  and  scales  brown ; gills  free,  white. 

Agaricus  cristatus,  Willd.  Bsfbl.  1104. 

Agaricus  subantiquatus,  Batsch  Fung.  2,  59. 

In  beech  woods,  on  the  ground,  or  stems. 

Stem  2 inches  long;  cap  half  an  inch  broad ; odour  heavy; 
taste  very  ungrateful. 

y.  pantherina . Stem  middling,  rather  bulbous,  slightly 
scaly;  cap  rather  fleshy,  bossed;  scales  crowded,  dark- 
cinnamon,  pressed  close ; gills  free,  broadish,  yellowish. 

In  pine  woods. 

Cap  2 inches  broad ; collar  scarcely  any. 

3.  Lepiota  granulosa.  Granular  lepiote. 

Thalli  middle-size,  several  together;  stem  scaly,  collared; 

cap  rather  fleshy,  bossed,  rust-colour;  gills  crowded,  mostly 

Agaricus  granulosus,  Batsch  Fung.  79  & 170. 

Agaricus  flavo-floccosus,  Batsch  Fung.  117. 

Agaricus  ochraceus,  Bull.  Herb.  583. 

Agaricus  croceus,  Bolt.  Fung.  51 ; Sowerby  Fungi , 19. 

In  woods,  and  plantations  of  firs. 

Stem  2 inches  long,  2 lines  broad,  hollow ; cap  an  inch 

4,  Lepiota  squarrosa.  Rough  lepiote . 

Thalli  in  tufts;  stem  rough,  scaled,  ochry-brown;  cap 

fleshy,  gills  crowded,  pale  olive. 

Agaricus  floccosus,  Curtis  Land.  264. 

Agaricus  squarrosus,  Willd.  Berol.  380. 

At  the  root  of  oak  trees;  autumn. 

Stem  stiff  or  ascending ; collar  small ; cap  3 inches  broad ; 
flesh  lemon-yellow ; odour  fishy. 

(3.  aurivella . Thallus  rusty  yellow ; cap  bellshape,  scaly ; 
stem  hairy,  bent. 

Agaricus  aurivellus,  Batsch.  Fung.  153. 

Agaricus  filamentosus,  Scheeff.  Fung.  209. 

PL  cell.  aph.  11.  HYMENOTHECEiE.  2*5.  Lepiot.  603 

5.  Lepiota  aurea . Golden  lepiote. 

Thalli  in  small  tufts,  large,  entirely  reddish-brown ; stem 

stiff,  bald,  thickish;  collar  rather  small;  cap  fleshy,  flattish, 
slightly  scaly  or  hairy;  gills  crowded,  thin,  slightly  nicked. 
Agaricus  aureus,  Soieerby  Fungi , 77. 

In  woods,  on  the  ground. 

Cap  3 or  * inches  broad;  flesh  brimstone-yellow;  taste 

6.  Lepiota  polymyces . Many-stemmed  lepiote. 

Thalli  in  close  tufts ; stem  collared,  conical,  greyish- 

olive  ; cap  bossed,  scaly,  greyish-yellow ; gills  rather  decur- 
rent, pale-whitish. 

Agaricus  melieus,  Bolton  Fung.  141. 

Agaricus  congregatus,  Bolton  Fung.  140. 

Agaricus  annularius.  Bull.  Herb.  540. 

Agaricus  stipitis,  Sowerby  Fungi , 101. 

Agaricus  cumulatus,  Withering  Arr.  4,  195. 

Agaricus  polymyces,  Persoon  Syn.  269. 

In  woods,  at  the  roots  of  trees,  or  on  the  ground. 

Stem  solid,  elastic ; collar  thick. 

7.  Lepiota  caudicina.  Stem  lepiote . 

Thalli  in  tufts ; stem  scaly,  rather  slender,  cylindrical ; 

cap  rather  fleshy,  bossed,  bald,  cinnamon-colour;  gills 
slightly  decurrent,  pale  rusty-brown. 

Agaricus  mutabiUs,  Scluzff.  Fung.  9. 

Agaricus  annularis,  Bull.  Herb.  543. 

Agaricus  ligaatilis,  Bull.  Herb.  534,  1. 

Agaricus  caudicinus,  Persoon  Syn.  271. 

On  rotten  trunks  of  trees;  autumn. 

Cap  quite  bald,  rather  slimy ; esculent. 

8.  Lepiota  helvola . Reddish-brown  lepiote . 

Thalli  gregarious,  middle-size ; stem  rather  long,  cylin- 
drical, girt  at  bottom  with  a very  small  collar ; cap  rather 
fleshy,  bossed,  nearly  cinnamon-coloured;  gills  distant,  of 
the  same  colour. 

Agaricus  hinnuleus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 173. 

Agaricus  helvolus,  Persoon  Syn.  273. 

In  woods,  grassy  grounds,  and  paths. 

Cap  half  an  inch  over ; stem  3 inches  long. 

604.  246.  Gymnop.  1 1 . HYMENOTHECEiE.  Pl.cell.aph . 

IV.  246.  GYMNOPUS.  Persoon.  Naked-foot. 

Stem  central ; collar  and  volva  0 ; cap  fleshy,  orbicular, 
convex. — Wholesome. 

a.  Cap  lay , cinnamon , chestnut , reddish  or  Irown. 

1 . Gymnopus  pratensis.  Meadow  naked  foot. 

Thallus  brownish-red,  rather  hard;  stem  short,  rather 

thin,  smallest  at  bottom;  cap  bellshape,  bluntly  bossed  or 
flattish,  bald ; gills  thick,  distant,  decurrent. 

Agaricus  ficoides,  Bull.  Herb.  587. 

Agaricus  miniatus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 141. 

Agaricus  fulvosus,  Bolt.  Fung.  56. 

Agaricus  pratensis,  Persoon  Syn.  304. 

In  meadows,  pasture-lands,  and  grassy  hills. 

Stem  solid;  gills  rather  yellowish. 

0.  vitulinus.  Cap  pale-reddish;  gills  and  stem  white. 

Agaricus  orearles,  Bolton  Fung.  ? 

Agaricus  pratensis  vitulinus,  Persoon  Syn.  305. 

2.  Gymnopus  rimosus.  Cracked  naked-foot. 

Stem  scaly,  hoary,  pale;  cap  conical,  cracked  length- 
ways, rather  reddish;  gills  broadish,  olive  clay-colour, 
white  on  the  edge. 

Agaricus  rimosus,  Bull.  Herb.  599* 

Agaricus  aurivenius,  Batsch  Fung.  20,  107. 

In  grassy  woods,  on  the  ground ; August  and  September. 

Stem  2 inches  long,  2 lines  and  a half  thick,  swollen  at 
top  and  bottom ; cap  2 inches  broad,  1 high,  dirty;  taste 
and  odour  not  unpleasant. 

S.  Gymnopus  reflexus.  Reflected  naked-foot . 

Thalli  gregarious,  ochry  rust-colour ; stem  long,  slender, 
fibrous-scaly ; scales  turned  backwards ; cap  rather  fleshy, 
acutely  bossed,  scaly,  ochre-yellow;  gills  distinct,  pale 

Agaricus  pilosus,  Schcoff.  Bav.  80? 

Agaricus  reflexus,  Persoon  Syn.  311. 

On  stumps  of  apple  and  pear  trees. 

4.  Gymnopus  fusipes.  Spindle  naked-foot. 

Thalli  in  tufts;  stem  furrowed,  bellied,  rooted,  bald; 
cap  rather  tough,  reddish-buff;  gills  distant,  reddish- 

Pl.cell.apfi.  ll.HYMENOTHECEfE.  246.Gymnop.  <305 

Agaricus  fusipes,  Bull.  Herb.  516. 

Agaricus  crassipes,  Schceff.  Fung.  88;  Sowerby  Fungi , 129. 

At  the  foot  of  decaying  trees ; autumn. 

Stem  4 or  5 inches  high,  3 quarters  thick ; cap  4 to  6 
inches  over,  often  slopes  very  much. 

5.  Gymnopus  radicatus.  Hooted  naked-foot. 

Hoot  long,  spindleshape;  stein  very  long;  cap  fleshy, 

bossed,  slimy,  wrinkled,  grey-cow  colour  or  brownish ; gills 
slightly  decurrent,  white. 

Agaricus  macrorhizus,  Persoon  Obs.  Myc.  1, 47. 

Agaricus  radicatus,  Relhan  Cant.  1040;  Sowerby  Fungi , 48. 

In  felled  wroods,  at  the  side  of  the  fallen  trees,  after  rain. 

6.  Gymnopus  pudens.  Modest  naked-foot. 

Root  long,  spindleshape;  stem  very  long,  solid,  downy, 

rooted,  rust-brown ; cap  rather  fleshy,  bossed,  smooth, 
dun-colour;  edge  villous;  gills  ascending,  white. 

Agaricus  longipes.  Bull.  Herb.  232  ? 

Agaricus  radicatus  pudens,  Persoon  Syn.  314. 

In  shady  woods,  at  the  foot  of  trees. 

7.  Gymnopus  velutipes.  Velvet  stem  naked-foot . 

Thalli  in  tufts;  stem  downy,  very  dark  bay;  cap  rather 

fleshy,  turned  up,  bald,  brown ; gills  bellied,  yellowish. 

Agaricus  velutipes,  Curtis  Land.;  Sowerby  Fungi,  163. 

Agaricus  nigripes,  Bull.  Herb.  344. 

In  willow  plantations;  autumn  and  mild  winters. 

Stem  2 inches  long,  2-tenths  thick ; cap  1 inch  to  3 inches 
over;  flesh  white. 

8.  Gymnopus  hadipus.  Bay-stemmed  naked-foot „ 

Stem  whitish,  fibrilled,  bay  colour  at  bottom,  rather 

tough ; cap  fleshy  membranaceous,  bellshape,  blunt,  bald, 
rather  rust-brown ; gills  broadish,  flat  ascending,  simi- 
larly coloured. 

Agaricus  badipus,  Persoon  Syn.  318. 

Agaricus  caulicinalis,  Sowerby  Fungi , 163. 

In  plantations. 

b.  Cap  greenish , yellowish,  pale , or  light  fawn-colour. 

9.  Gymnopus  rutilans.  Brilliant  naked-foot. 

Stem  long,  solid,  thick  at  bottom,  yellowish ; cap  fleshy, 

flattish,  same  colour  as  the  stem,  mostly  spotted  red  towards 
the  edge ; gills  pale. 

606  lO.Gymnop.  1 1 . H YMENOTH ECE/E.  Pl.cell.aph. 

Agaricus  rutilans,  Sclueff.  218. 

Agaricus  xerampelinus,  Sowerby  Fung.  31. 

In  woods. 

Stem  3 inches  long,  half  an  inch  thick,  sometimes  bent, 
spotted  with  red ; cap  2 inches  and  a half  broad. 

10.  Gymnopus  luridus . Lurid  naked-foot. 

Thalli  rather  gregarious  ; stem  solid,  slightly  scaly, 

pale;  cap  fleshy,  rather  bent,  bald,  greenish-grey;  gills 
narrow,  yellowish. 

Agaricus  luridus,  Schceff,  Fung.  69. 

In  woods ; autumn. 

T/iallus  middle-size;  stem  rather  thick. 

11.  Gymnopus  sulphureus.  Brimstone  naked-foot . 

Thalli  gregarious,  nearly  brimstone-colour,  odorous ; 

stem  long,  hollow,  bent,  pale;  cap  fleshy,  slightly  bossed, 
bald;  gills  distinct,  nicked. 

Agaricus  sulphureus,  Bull.  Herb.  163  ; Sowerby  Fungi , 44. 

In  woods,  on  sandy  soils,  on  the  ground. 

Stem  4 inches  long ; cap  3 inches  over,  dirty  yellow ; 
odour  of  philadelphus  coronarius. 

12.  Gymnopus  odorus.  Scented  naked-foot . 

Stem  solid,  slightly  bent,  green  or  greenish ; cap  fleshy, 

flattish,  smooth,  greenish ; gills  crowded,  slightly  decurrent, 

Agaricus  odorus,  Bull.  Herb.  146;  Sowerby  Fungi , 42. 

In  oak  woods,  among  the  fallen  leaves. 

13.  Gymnopus  viridis.  Green  naked-foot. 

Stem  long,  solid,  white;  cap  fleshy,  bald,  green;  gills 


Fungus  magnus  viridis,  Raii  Syn.  2,  3. 

Agaricus  viridis,  Withering  Arr.  4,233. 

Agaricus  caeruleus,  Bolton  Fung.  12. 

In  woods ; August  to  October. 

Stem  3 inches  long;  cap  3 inches  broad. 

14.  Gymnopus  fertilis.  Fertile  naked-foot. 

Thalli  gregarious,  large,  pale  white ; stem  slightly 

bulbous,  thickish ; cap  flattish,  same  colour  as  the  stem; 
gills  distinct ; sporce  copious,  brilliant. 

Agaricus  phonospermus,  Bull.  Herb.  547. 

Agaricus  pall  id  us,  Sowerby  Fungi , 143. 

In  open  spaces  in  woods. 

Cap  3 or  4 inches  over. 

Pl.cell.aph.  18.HYMENOTHECEAE.  24?6.Gymnop.  607 

15.  Gymnopus  obesus.  Fat  naked-foot . 

Thalli  gregarious;  stem  bulbous,  short,  whitish,  pale; 

cap  fleshy,  flattish,  bent,  pale ; gills  grow  chestnut-colour. 
Agaricus  obesus,  Batsch  Fung.  216;  Persoon  Syn.  330. 

In  pastures  among  mosses  ; August. 

16.  Gymnopus  collinus . Hill  naked-foot. 

Thalli  rather  gregarious;  stem  long,  tough,  pale;  cap 

rather  fleshy,  membranaceous,  blunt,  bossed,  pale-red, 
streaked ; gills  distant. 

Agaricus  collinus,  Schceff.  Fung.  220;  Persoon  Syn.  330. 

Agaricus  pratensis,  Sowerby  Fung.  127  ? 

Agaricus  arundinaceus,  Bull.  Herb.  50. 

On  grassy  hills. 

17.  Gymnopus  per onatus.  Shaggy  naked-foot. 

Thallus  pale;  stem  solid,  whitish,  rooted,  yellow  and 

shaggy  at  bottom ; cap  fleshy,  thin,  convex,  slightly  bossed, 
wrinkled ; gills  distinct. 

Agaricus  peronatus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 37  ; Persoon  Syn.  331. 

In  woods  among  the  fallen  leaves. 

c.  Cap  shining , scarlet , brownish-red  or  yellow. 

18.  Gymnopus  ceraceus.  Waxlike  naked-foot . 

Stem  yellow;  cap  hemispherical,  smooth,  yellow;  gills 

watery  yellowish. 

Agaricus  ceraceus,  Wulf  \ inJacq.  Aust.  2, 105  ; Persoon  Syn.  336. 

On  dry  hills  and  edges  of  woods ; autumn. 

d.  Cap  flesh-red. 

19.  Gymnopus  russulus.  Rosy  naked-foot. 

Thallus  large ; stem  solid,  short,  rose-red ; cap  fleshy, 

slightly  convex,  granular  with  small  scales ; gills  unequal, 

Fungus  magnus  rubentis  seu  incarnati  coloris,  Rail  Syn.  3,7. 

Fungus  minor  campestris  rotundus,  lamellatus,  inferne  alb  us,  superne 
purpureus,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  3,  9. 

Agaricus  Russula,  Schecff.  Fung.  58. 

Agaricus  integer,  var.  2,  Withering  Arr.  4,227. 

In  woods  and  pastures  under  trees ; Aug.  to  November. 

608  246.  Gymnop.  1 1 . HYMENOTHECEiE.  PLcell. apln 

20.  Gymnopus  purus . Pz/re  naked-foot . 

Thalli  gregarious:  stem  hollow,  villous  and  paler  at  the 
bottom ; cap  nearly  membranaceous,  rose-colour,  shining ; 
gills  broadish,  veiny  at  the  bottom,  pale-rose. 

Agaricus  roseus,  Sowerby  Fungi,  12. 

Agaricus  purus  roseus,  Persoon  Syn.  339, 

Agaricus  incarnatus,  Relhan  Cant.  Supjpl.  2,  1092. 

In  woods,  among  dead  leaves ; November. 

/3.  purpureas . Stem  purple ; cap  hemispherical,  purple ; 
gills  three  in  a set. 

Agaricus  purpureus,  Bolton  Fungi , 41. 

Agaricus  purus  purpureus,  Persoon  Syn.  339,  !49,y. 

e.  Cap  more  or  less  violet , purplish  or  grey . 

21.  Gymnopus  geophilus.  Ear  Moving  naked  foot* 

Thalli  gregarious,  rather  small ; stem  nearly  cylindrical* 

powdery,  same  colour  as  the  cap;  cap  bellshape,  rather 
fleshy,  pale-violet ; centre  brownish ; gills  cinnamon  clay- 

Agaricus  affinis,  Sowerby  Fungi,  124. 

Agaricus  geophilus,  Persoon  Syn.  340. 

In  woods,  on  clay-ground. 

22.  Gymnopus  chalybeus . Steel-grey  naked-foot * 

Stem  rather  slender,  same  colour  as  the  cap ; cap  rather 

fleshy,  bellshape,  rather  scaly,  at  first  steel-grey,  afterwards 
blackish-grey ; gills  purplish-gre}^. 

Agaricus  columbarius,  Sowerby  Fungi,  161. 

Agaricus  chalybeus,  Persoon  Syn.  343. 

On  grassy  hills ; autumn. 

f.  Cap  grey , smoke-colour , or  blackish. 

23.  Gymnopus  myomyces.  Mouse-colour  naked  foot * 

Thalli  gregarious;  stem  bald,  whitish-grey;  cap  fleshy, 

bossed,  scaly,  grey;  gills  whitish-grey. 

Fungus  superficie  murini  coloris  ; lamellis  albicantibus,  Raii  Syn.  5,21. 
Agaricus  terreus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 76. 

Agaricus  myomyces,  Persoon  Syn.  345. 

In  pine  and  beech  woods. 

When  broken,  or  rubbed,  it  emits  the  odour  of  burnt 

PLcell. aph.  ll.HYMENOTHECEJE.  246.Gymnop.  609 

24.  Gymnopus  meleagris.  Turkey-fowl  naked- foot. 

Root  networked;  stem  solid,  blackish  at  bottom;  cap 

rather  fleshy,  flattish,  scaly ; scales  scattered,  blackish. 

Agaricus  meleagris,  Sowerby  Fungi , 171. 

Agaricus  meleagris,  Persoon  Syn.  347. 

On  hot-beds. 

25.  Gymnopus  plumosus.  Feathery  naked-foot. 

Stem  long,  slender,  feathery ; cop  hemispherical,  feathery 

with  scales,  mouse-colour;  gills  3 in  a set,  whitish. 

Agaricus  plumosus,  Bolton  Fung.  33  ; Persoon  Syn.  347. 

In  woods. 

26.  Gymnopus  nebularis.  Cloudy  naked-foot. 

Thalli  gregarious,  firm ; stem  solid,  rather  bulbous, 

greyish-white;  cap  thick,  bossed,  livid-grey ; gills  crowded, 
slightly  decurrent,  pale-white. 

Agaricus  nebularis,  Batsch  Fung,  193  ; Persoon  Syn.  349. 

Agaricus  mollis,  Bolton  Fung.  40. 

Agaricus  pileolarius,  Sowerby  Fungi>  61. 

Agaricus  albellus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 122. 

In  fir  plantations ; autumn  to  November. 

27.  Gymnopus  limacinus.  Snail  naked-foot. 

Stem  solid,  naked,  cracked  transversely,  same  colour  as 

the  cap,  tip  snow-white;  cap  fleshy,  rather  narrow,  plano- 
convex, glutinous,  olive-grey,  blackish ; gills  decurrent, 

Agaricus  limacinus,  Schceff.  Fung.  312  ; Persoon  Syn.  355. 

In  woods  and  plantations. 

28.  Gymnopus  hrevipes.  Short-stemmed  naked-foot. 

Thalli  rather  gregarious;  stem  solid,  very  short,  colour 

of  the  cap ; cap  fleshy,  bossed  or  rather  smooth,  grey ; 
centre  blackish;  gills  crowded,  nicked,  grey. 

Agaricus  brevipes,  Bull.  Herb.  521  ; Persoon  Syn.  360. 

On  the  ground. 

Stem  scarce  an  inch  long,  inside  reddish ; cap  3 inches 

29.  Gymnopus  graveolens.  Stinking  naked-foot. 

Thallus  heavy ; stem  solid,  rather  disposed  to  split, 

whitish ; cap  fleshy,  thick,  nearly  hemispherical,  bald, 
smoke-grey ; gills  crowded,  nicked. 

VOL.  i.  2 R 

610  246.Gymnop.  II.HYMENOTHECEjE.  P l.cell.aph. 

Agaricus  graveolens,  Persoon  Syn.  361. 

In  grassy  places,  and  plantations. 

Taste  and  smell  very  disagreeable,  also  heavy  on  the 

SO.  Gymnopus  compressus.  Flattened  naked-foot. 

Thallus  brittle ; stem  compressed,  rather  twisted ; cap 
thin,  flattish,  irregular,  brown,  waxy ; gills  rather  thick,  dis- 
tant, white. 

Agaricus  compressus,  Withering  Arr.  4,278;  Sowerby  Fungi , 66;  Per- 
soon Syn.  363. 

On  grassy  hills ; June. 

g.  Cap  white . 

31.  Gymnopus  alius . White  naked-foot . 

Thallus  entirely  white,  usually  solitary,  stem  thick,  short, 

nearly  upright,  rather  smaller  at  bottom ; cap  fleshy,  con- 
vex ; gills  distinct. 

Agaricus  virgineus,  Batsch  Fung.  39. 

Agaricus  albus,  Persoon  Syn.  363. 

On  the  ground,  in  sandy  soils. 


32.  Gymnopus  elurneus.  Ivory  naked-foot . 

Thalli  gregarious,  white;  stem  long,  scaly  at  the  tip; 

cap  rather  fleshy,  viscous,  plano-convex,  edge  smooth ; gills 
rather  distant,  slightly  decurrent. 

Agaricus  eburneus,  Persoon  Syn.  364. 

In  beech  woods,  rarely  among  firs;  autumn. 


0.  nitens.  Stein  rather  short. 

Agaricus  Jozzolus,  Scopoli  Cam.  2,431. 

Agaricus  eburneus,  Bull.  Herb.  551. 

Agaricus  nitens,  Sowerby  Fungi , 71. 

33.  Gymnopus  parasiticus . Parasitic  naked  foot. 

Thalli  rather  small,  in  tufts,  parasitic;  stem  bent,  hairy, 

solid ; cap  bellshape,  rather  turned  back,  pale-white ; gills 
distant,  thickish,  brown. 

Agaricus  parasiticus,  Bull.  Herb.  574;  Persoon  Syn.  371. 

Agaricus  umbratus,  Withering  Arr.  4,  235. 

On  rotten  fungi. 

PLcell.  aph.  1 1.  HYMENOTHECEiE.  246.  Gymnop.  611 

34.  Gymnopus  pUlpes.  Hairy-stemmed  naked-foot. 

Thalli  in  bundles,  brown ; stem  covered  throughout  with 

scattered  hairs ; cap  bellshape. 

Agaricus  pilipes,  Sowerby  Fungi , 249. 

On  rotten  fungi, 

35.  Gymnopus  tuberosus.  Tuberous  naked-foot. 

Thalli  gregarious,  small,  whitish;  stem  short,  rather 

reddish,  innate  in  tubers;  cap  convex,  nippled. 

Agaricus  tuberosus.  Bull.  Herb.  256. 

Agaricus  Amanitae,  Butsch  Fung.  1,  109. 

Agaricus  alumnus,  Bolton  Fung.  155. 

Agaricus  albus,  var.  2,  Withering  Arr.  4,254. 

On  rotten  fungi;  autumn. 

36.  Gymnopus  ramealis.  Branch  naked-foot. 

Thalli  gregarious,  small,  slightly  persistent;  cap  bent, 

powdery;  cap  rather  fleshy,  hemispherical,  whitish  ; centre 
reddish  ; gills  narrow,  crowned. 

Agaricus  ramealis,  Bull.  Herb.  336  ; Persoon  Syn.  315. 

Agaricus  candid  us,  Bolton  Fung.  39. 

In  beech  woods,  on  sticks,  after  rain ; autumn. 

V.  247.  OMPHALIA.  Persoon.  Navel-stool. 

Volva  0;  stem  central;  collar  0;  cap  fleshy,  orbicular, 
funnelshape  or  umbilicated ; edge  smooth ; gills  unequally 
long,  decurrent. — All  are  supposed  to  be  poisonous. 

a.  Cap  yellowish , pale , liver-brown  or  chestnut. 

1.  Omphalia  involuta.  Involved  navel-stool. 

Thallus  large;  cap  fleshy,  depressed,  liver-colour;  edge 
turned  back,  downy;  gills  two-forked,  rather  porous  at 

Agaricus  involutus,  Batsch  Fung.  1,39;  Persoon  Syn.  448. 

Agaricus  contiguus,  Bull.  Herb.  240  ; Sowerby  Fungif  56. 

On  sandy  soils,  on  the  ground. 

£.  truncigena.  Thallus  small;  cap  not  quite  expanded, 

Agaricus  cyathiformis,  Schceff.  Fung.  252. 

Agaricus  involutus  truncigenus,  Persoon  Syn.  448. 

Agaricus  castaneus,  var.  2,  Withering  Arr.  4,  198. 

2 R 2 

612  247.0mphal.  1 1 . HYMENOTHECEiE.  Vl.cell.aph. 

2.  Omphalia  gilva.  Pale-red  navel-stool, 

Thalli  gregarious,  rather  large,  yellow,  ferrugineous, 

shining;  stem  thick,  rather  tuberous;  cap  funnelshape, 
stiff,  edge  turned  up. 

Agaricus  infund ibuliformis,  Bull.  Herb.  553. 

Agaricus  cyathiformis,  Vahl.  in  FI.  Dan.  101 1. 

Agaricus  gilvus,  Persoon  Syn.  448. 

Agaricus  flaccid  us  ? Sowerby  Fungi , 185. 

In  fir  woods,  on  the  ground. 

Thalli  usually  grow  in  regular  rows. 

3.  Omphalia  gihba.  Bunched  navel-stool. 

Stem  tough,  slightly  bulbous ; cap  rather  thin,  pale,  fun- 
nelshape, bossed  in  the  centre ; gills  white. 

Agaricus  membranaceus,  FI.  Dan.  1012. 

Agaricus  gibbus,  Persoon  Syn.  449. 

In  beech  and  fir  woods. 

4.  Omphalia  lohata.  Lohed  navel-stool . 

Thalli  gregarious;  stem  oblong,  thickest  at  top;  cap  fun- 
nelshape, lobed,  chestnut-brown ; gills  crowded,  pale. 

Agaricus  lobatus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 186. 

On  the  ground  in  gardens. 

5.  Omphalia  cochleata.  Snail  navel-stool. 

Thalli  in  tufts ; stems  furrowed,  red,  connate  at  bottom  ; 

cap  lobed,  twisted,  reddish-brown;  gills  serrate,  pale. 
Agaricus  cochleatus,  Persoon  Syn.  450. 

Agaricus  confluens,  Sowerby  Fungi , 168, 

At  the  root  of  trees. 

<3.  cornucopioides.  Stem  bent;  cap  lobed;  gills  3 in  a 
set,  decurrent. 

Agaricus  cornucopioides,  Bolton  Fung.  8. 

Merulius  cornucopioides,  Gmelin  Syst.  Nat.  2,  1429. 

6.  Omphalia  dryophilus . Grove-loving  navel-stool. 

Thalli  gregarious ; stem  hollow,  yellowish,  brilliant;  cap 

rather  fleshy,  hemispherical,  umbilicated,  pale;  gills  pale. 
Agaricus  dryophilus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 127. 

In  fir  plantations;  autumn. 

7.  Omphalia  farinacea.  Mealy  navel-stool. 

Stem  long,  ochry-red;  cap  rather  fleshy,  umbilicated, 

slightly  scaly;  gills  distant,  rose-colour,  at  last  mealy. 
Agaricus  farinaceus,  Hudson  FI.  Angl.  616 ; Sowerby  Fungi , 208. 

In  woods,  on  the  ground. 

PLcell. aph.  11.  HYMENOTHECEiE.  247.  Omphal.  613 

8.  Omphalia  rosella.  Rose-hud  navel-stool . 

Thalli  gregarious,  small ; stem  long,  pinky-red ; cap  ra- 
ther fleshy,  slightly  umbilicated,  smooth,  brown-red ; gills 

Agaricus  rosellus,  Batsch  Fung.  123. 

Agaricus  farinaceus  rosellus,  Persoon  Syn.  453. 

In  grassy  woods  ; end  of  summer. 

9.  Omphalia  tortilis.  Twisted  navel-stool . 

Stem  short;  cap  brown,  streaked,  wavy;  gills  flesh- 


Agaricus  tortilis,  Bolton  Fung.  41. 

Agaricus  farinaceus  tortilis,  Persoon  Syn.  454. 

In  shady  coppices,  on  rich  mould. 

10.  Omphalia  fragrans.  Sweet-scented  navel-stool. 

Thalli  gregarious,  scented,  brownish-white  or  pale ; 

stem  long,  solid ; cap  umbilicated,  smooth ; gills  horizontal. 

Agaricus  fragrans,  Sowerby  Fungi , 10. 

In  meadows. 

Scent  resembles  that  of  new-made  hay. 

b.  Thallus  white. 

11.  Omphalia  virginea.  Virgin  navel-stool. 

Thalli  gregarious,  white,  rather  small,  pale;  cap  fleshy, 

first  convex,  then  slightly  depressed,  when  full  grown  with 
the  edge  turned  in,  streaked ; gills  distant,  decurrent,  con- 
nected by  veins. 

Agaricus  virgineus,  Schceff.  Fung.  232  ; Persoon  Syn.  456. 

Agaricus  ericeus,  Bull.  Herb.  183. 

In  meadows,  rarely  in  woods ; autumn. 

12.  Omphalia  candicans.  Whitish  navel-stool . 

Thallus  tough  throughout,  shining-white;  cap  umbili- 
cated, very  smooth,  at  first  convex. 

Agaricus  umbilicatus,  Bolton  Fung.  17. 

Agaricus  candicans,  Persoon  Syn.  456, 

In  woods;  autumn. 

13.  Omphalia  tigrina . Tiger  navel-stool. 

Stem  hard,  rather  scaly ; cap  fleshy,  umbilicated,  whitish, 

scaly;  scales  rather  hairy,  blackish. 

Agaricus  tigrinus,  Sowerby  Fungif  68 ; Persoon  Syn.  458. 

Agaricus  gquamosus,  Schceff.  Fung.  29  et  30. 

On  trunks  of  trees. 

614  247. Omphal.  1 1 . HYMENOTHECEiE.  Pl.cell.aph. 

c.  Thallus  blackish , smoke-grey , grey , Zfwia  or  inclining 
to  violet. 

14.  Ompkalia  adust  a.  Burnt  navel-stool. 

Thallus  rather  large;  stem  solid,  shortish,  grey;  cap 

fleshy,  depressed,  olive-grey,  afterwards  black,  as  if  burnt; 
gills  thick,  palish-white. 

Agaricus  nigricans,  Bull  Herb.  370. 

Agarietis  adustus,  Persoon  Syn.  459. 

In  woods,  on  the  ground;  autumn. 

In  their  black  state  taken  for  the  remains  of  fires  made 
by  gypsies. 

j6.  elephantinus.  Thallus  large,  at  first  white. 

Agaricus  elephantinus,  Sowerby  Fungi,  36. 

15.  Ompkalia  elixa . Sodden  navel-stool. 

Thallus  large;  stem  solid,  rather  long;  cap  fleshy,  slightly 

depressed,  turned  back,  stiff,  blackish-grey ; gills  pale,  ra- 
ther decurrent. 

Agaricus  eiixus,  Sowerby  Fung.  172  ; Persoon  Syn.  460. 

In  damp  meadows;  autumn. 

16.  Omphalia  cyathoides.  Cyathus  navel-stool. 

Roots  numerous,  fibrous;  stem  very  long,  bulbous;  cap 

rather  thin,  at  first  flattish,  then  funnelshape,  umber-brown  ; 
gills  decurrent,  whitish-brown. 

Agaricus  cyathoides,  Bolton  Fung.  145;  Persoon  Syn.  460. 

On  an  old  hot-bed;  February. 

17.  Omphalia  tarda.  Late  navel-stool. 

Thallus  tough,  blackish-brown;  stem  conical,  elastic: 

cap  funnelshape ; edge  turned  back,  smooth. 

Agaricus  Infundibulum,  Leyser  Halens. 

Agaricus  sericeus,  Plan.  Erfurt.  73. 

Agaricus  sordidus,  Dickson  Crypt.  Brit.  1,  16. 

Agaricus  cyathiformis,  Bull.  Herb.  575. 

Agaricus  tardus,  Persoon  Syn.  461. 

In  woods  on  the  ground,  or  on  trees ; late  in  autumn. 

18.  Omphalia  amethystea . Amethyst  navel-stool. 

Thalli  gregarious,  rather  tough,  when  fresh  light  violet, 

turning  greyish ; stem  long,  fibrilled,  slender ; cap  umbili- 
cated ; gills  distant. 

Agaricus  amethysteus,  Persoon  Syn.  465;  Sowerby  Fungi , 187. 

On  trees,  or  at  their  roots,  in  shady  woods ; early  in  au- 

PI.  cell.  aph.  1 1.  HYMENOTHECEjE.  248.Pleurop.  615 

/3.  incana.  Cap  smooth  or  slightly  scaly,  pale. 

Agaricus  incanus,  Bull.  Herb.  570. 

VI.  248.  PLEUROPUS.  Persoon.  Side-fool. 

Volva  0;  stem  not  in  the  centre  of  the  cap;  collar  0 ; 
cap  fleshy,  depressed,  orbicular,  oblique;  gills  decurrent. — 
Poisonous,  or  at  least  suspected. 

1 . Pleuropus  orcellus.  Litmus  side-foot. 
Thalli  gregarious ; stem  pale ; cap  elliptic  or  circular ; 

gills  crowded,  flesh-red. 

Agaricus  orcellus,  Bull.  Herb.  575;  Persoon  Syn.  473. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees. 

2.  Pleuropus  ulmarius.  Elm  side-foot. 

Stem  ascending;  cap  fleshy,  very  broad,  uniformly  pale 

or  marked  with  stripes ; gills  very  broad,  slightly  nicked, 

Agaricus  ulmarius,  Sowerby  Fungi , 67  ; Persoon  Syn.  473. 

On  trees,  especially  on  elm  trees;  autumn. 

3.  Pleuropus  palmatus.  Palmate  side-foot. 

Thalli  in  tufts;  stem  nearly  straight,  whitish ; cap  and 

gills  opake,  reddish-chestnut. 

Agaricus  palmatus,.  Bull.  Herb.  216  ; Persoon  Syn.  474. 

On  trees,  or  carpenters’  work. 

/3.  rubescens.  Thallus  reddish  throughout, 

Agaricus  palmatus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 62. 

4.  Pleuropus  fornicatus.  Arched  side-foot. 

Thallus  solitary,  compact;  stem  very  short,  downy,  slightly 

eccentric;  cap  flattish,  rather  livid;  gills  distinct,  rather 
decurrent,  brilliant  red. 

Agaricus  carnosus?  Bolton  Fung.  146. 

Agaricus  fornicatus,  Persoon  Syn.  474. 

On  trees. 

5.  Pleuropus  inconstans . Inconstant  side-foot. 

Thallus  rather  large  ; cap  rather  tough,  depressed,  whole 

or  halved,  lobed,  bent,  rather  reddish  ; gills  slightly 
branched,  crisp  at  bottom,  white  and  rather  brilliant-red. 

Agaricus  flabellifonnis,  Scheeff.  Fung.  43  et  44. 

Agaricus  inconstans,  Persoon  Syn.  475. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees. 

616  249.Crepid.  1 1.  HYMENOTHECE^.  PLcelLaph. 

VII.  249.  CREPIDOPUS.  Esenbeck.  Slipper-stool . 

Volva  0;  stem  marginal  or  0;  collar  0;  cop  fleshy,  de- 
pressed, semicircular,  oblique ; gills  decurrent. 

1 . Crepidopus  ostreatus.  Oyster  slipper-stool. 

Thalli  slightly  stipitate,  in  imbricated  bundles;  cap  con- 
vex, grey  or  brownish,  reverse-ovate;  gills  white,  decurrent, 
anastomosing  at  bottom. 

Agaricus  ostreatus,  Curtis  Lond.  216;  Persoon  Syn.  477. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees. 

/3.  atro-albus.  Thalli  in  tufts ; stem  lateral,  short,  dirty 
white;  cap  fleshy,  plano-convex,  edge  turned  over,  blackish ; 
gills  decurrent,  veiny,  white. 

Agaricus  nigricans,  FI.  Dan.  892. 

Agaricus  ostreatus,  Sowerby  Fungi,  241. 

2.  Crepidopus  mollis.  Soft  slipper-stool. 

Thalli  gregarious,  soft;  cap  bald,  bunched,  pale;  gills 

watery,  brownish. 

Agaricus  mollis,  Dickson  Crypt.  1,  17;  Sowerby  Fungi , 98;  Persoon 
Syn.  480. 

On  rotten  trees;  autumn. 

3.  Crepidopus  stypticus.  Styptic  slipper-stool. 

Thalli  in  close  tufts;  stem  compressed,  ascending,  dilated 

at  bottom ; cap  leatherlike,  nicked,  rather  tough,  somewhat 
powdery ; gills  very  thin,  connected  by  veins,  cinnamon- 

Agaricus  stypticus,  Bull.  Herb.  140  ; Sowerby  Fungi , 109;  Persoon  Syn. 

On  dry  trunks  of  trees ; autumn  and  mild  winters. 

Taste  at  first  nauseously  sweet,  afterwards  styptic. 

4.  Crepidopus  variahilis . Variable  slipper-stool. 

Thalli  gregarious,  stemless;  cap  rather  woolly,  white; 

gills  whitish,  afterwards  rust-colour. 

Agaricus  ni veus,  Dickson  Crypt.  1,17;  Sowerby  Fungi , 97. 

Agaricus  sessilis,  Bulliard  Herb.  152. 

Agaricus  variabilis,  Persoon  Syn.  483. 

Agaricus  pubescens,  FI.  Dan.  1073. 

In  damp  woods  or  hedges,  upon  sticks. 

5.  Crepidopus  epigceus.  Ground  slipper-stool. 

Cap  kidneyshape,  brittle,  reddish-grey ; bottom  villous, 

whitish ; gills  distinct,  watery,  reddish,  diverging. 

PL  cell.  aph.  1 1.  HYMENOTHECEiE.  249*  Crepid.  617 

Agaricus  depluens,  Batsch  Fung.  167. 

Agaricus  epigaeus,  Fersoon  Syn.  484. 

In  woods,  on  the  ground ; rarely  on  the  side  of  rocks. 

0.  tremulus . Stem  short,  slate-grey,  downy;  cap  smooth. 
Agaricus  tremulus,  Schceff.  Fung.  53;  Sowerby  Fungi , 242. 

VIII.  250.  A PUS.  Esenbeck.  Footless-stool . 

Fo7va  0;  stem  0;  collar  0;  cap  corklike  or  leatherlike, 

sessile,  semicircular. 

1.  Apus  alneus.  Alder  footless-stool. 

Thallus  leatherlike,  woolly,  whitish-grey  ; gills  split, 

edges  turned  back,  purplish-grey. 

Agaricus  alneus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1645 ; Sowerby  Fungi , 183;  Persoon  Syn. 

Agaricus  multifidus,  Batsch  Fung.  126. 

On  timber. 

2.  Apus  coriaceus.  heathery  footless-stool. 

Thallus  leatherlike,  zoned,  woolly,  pale;  gills  slightly 

branched,  pale,  woody. 

Agaricus  villosus,  lamellis  sinuosis  et  invicem  implexis,  Raii  Syn.  24, 

Agaricus  betulinus,  Sowerby  Fungii  182,  young?  Withering  Arr.  4,  339. 
Agaricus  coriaceus,  Bolton  Fung.  158,  old  ? Persoon  Syn.  486. 

On  dry  trunks  of  trees. 

Perhaps  a species  of  dasdalea : is  often  confounded  with 
dsedalea  quercina,  266,  1 . 

IX.  251.  RESUPINATUS.  Esenbeck.  Turn-over . 
Volva  0 ; stem  0 ; collar  0 ; cap  membranaceous,  orbi- 
cular, attached  by  the  back. 

Resupinatus  applicatus.  Applied  turn-over . 

Cap  thin,  dark-grey;  gills  broad,  unequal. 

Agaricus  applicatus,  Batsch  Fung.  171  ; Sowerby  Fungi , 301. 

Agaricus  epigaeus  tephromelas,  Persoon  Syn.  484. 

On  rotten  sticks. 

B.  Mycenade^:.  Volva  0 ; stem  central,  juicy ; collar  0 ; 
cap  orbicular,  thick,  fleshy  or  membranaceous;  texture 
vesicular,  cellular  or  fibrous;  hymenium  lamellar;  gills 
separable  from  the  cap,  juicy,  not  becoming  black  when 

618  252.  Russul.  1 1 . HYMENOTHECEiE.  Pl.cell.aph. 

X.  252.  RUSSULA.  Persoon.  Russule. 

Texture  vesicular  or  cellular;  stem  mostly  white;  cap 
fleshy,  mostly  depressed ; gills  equal,  not  terminated  by  an 
annular  margin. — Most  are  poisonous. 

a.  Cap  reddish. 

1.  Russula  rosacea.  Rose  russule. 

Cap  plano-convex,  rather  smooth,  rose  or  pale-red;  gills 

and  stem  white. 

Agaricus  integer,  Lin.  S.  P.  1640;  Sowerby  Fungi , 201. 

Agaricus  roseus,  Sc/uejf.  Fung.  58. 

Agaricus  russula  rosaceus,  Persoon  Syn.  439. 

In  shady  woods. 

Thallus  smaller  than  r.  emetica ; taste  sometimes  acrid, 
sometimes  mild. 

2.  Russula  emetica.  Emetic  russule . 

Thallus  acrid ; stem  white  or  pink ; cap  depressed,  edge 

furrowed,  blood-red ; gills  white. 

Agaricus  integer,  Lin.  S.  P.  1640;  Sowerby  Fungi , 201. 

Agaricus  emeticus,  Schceff.  Fung.  15. 

Agaricus  integer,  var.  3,  Withering  Arr.  4,228. 

Agaricus  russula  emeticus,  Persoon  Syn.  439. 

In  woods. 

A favourite  food  of  snails,  so  that  a perfect  specimen  is 
rarely  found. 

b.  Cap  reddish-lrown  or  yellowish. 

3.  Russula  vitellina.  Yelk  russule. 

Thallus  small;  stem  slender,  white;  cap  flattish,  pale 

yelk-colour ; gills  shining,  pinky  inclining  to  yellow. 

Agaricus  integer,  Lin.  S.  P.  1640;  Sowerby  Fungi , 201. 

Agaricus  risigallinus,  Batsch  Fung.  67. 

Agaricus  russula  vitellinus,  Persoon  Syn.  442. 

In  woods. 

4.  Russula  lutea.  Yellow  russule. 

Stem  very  long,  white;  cap  rather  slimy,  umbilicated, 

pale;  gills  distinct,  yelk-colour. 

Agaricus  luteus,  Hudson  Angl.  611. 

Agaricus  russula  luteus,  Persoon  Syn.  442. 

In  woods. 

Pl.cell.aph.  11 . H YMENOTHEOEiE.  253.Mycen.  619 

XI.  253.  MYCENA.  Persoon.  High-stool . 

Texture  fibrous ; stem  long,  mostly  pipey ; cap  membra- 
naceous, streaked,  pellucid,  convex,  persisting ; gills  of  the 
same  colour;  sporidia  short. — Thalli  small,  poisonous. 

1.  Mycena  porrea.  Leek  high-stool . 

Thalli  gregarious,  large ; stem  long,  rather  downy, 

blood-red  at  bottom ; cap  rather  membranaceous,  hemi- 
spherical, yellowish  ; gills  same  colour. 

Agaricus  alliaceus,  Scop.  Cam.  2,454;  Sowerby  Fungi , 81. 

Agaricus  porreus,  Persoon  Syn.  376.  ' 

In  woods;  autumn. 

Odour  like  garlick. 

2.  Mycena  galericulata.  Helmet  ted  high-stool. 

Thalli  in  tufts,  scentless;  stem  smooth,  rooted,  juiceless, 

shaggy  at  the  bottom ; cap  membranaceous,  bossed,  livid- 
brown  ; gills  distinct,  white. 

Agaricus  galericulatus,  Schceff.  Fung.  52;  Persoon  Syn.  376 ; Sowerby 
Fungi , 165. 

On  stumps  of  willows;  autumn. 

3.  Mycena  poly  gramma.  Many-streaked  high-stool . 

Thalli  solitary ; stem  tailed,  streaked  lengthways,  sattiny, 

grey;  cap  bellshape,  bossed,  greyish. 

Agaricus  polygramimis,  Sowerby  Fungi , 222  ; Persoon  Syn.  377. 

On  the  ground  among  dead  leaves ; autumn. 

4.  Mycena  atro-alba.  Pied  high-stool. 

Stem  rooted,  pipey,  feathery  at  bottom ; cap  smooth, 

edge  whitish,  tip  black. 

Agaricus  atro-albus,  Bolton  Fung.  137  ; Persoon  Syn.  378. 

Agaricus  varius,  var.  8,  Withering  Arr.  4,278. 

On  the  ground  ? 

5.  Mycena  jlavipes.  Yellow-stalked  high-stool . 

Thalli  gregarious ; stem  long,  rather  slimy,  yellowish ; 

cap  bellshape,  streaked,  whitish-grey ; gills  the  same  colour. 
Agaricus  plicatus)  Schcejf.  Fung.  51. 

Agaricus  ilavipes,  Sibthorp  Oxon.  305  ;•  Persoon  Syn.  382. 

In  woods  on  the  ground  ; autumn. 

6.  Mycena^  epipterygia.  Top-winged  high-stool. 

Thalli  rather  in  tufts;  stem  brimstone-yellow,  slimy; 

cap  bellshape,  smoothish,  blunt  or  slightly  bossed,  dark- 
grey,  rather  slimy ; gills  distant,  white. 


620  253.  Mycen.  11.  HYMEtfOTHECEiE.  Pl.  cell.aph. 

Agaricus  epipterygius,  Persoon  Syn.  382. 

In  woods  on  dead  sticks ; autumn. 

/3.  nutans  P Cap  when  young  nodding,  reddish,  edge 
toothed;  teeth  when  young  surrounding  the  stem. 

Agaricus  nutans,  Sowerby  Fungi , 92. 

7.  Mycena  luteo-alha . Yellowish-white  high-stool. 

Thallus  small;  stein  threadlike;  cap  conical,  streaked, 

yellow ; gills  3 in  a set,  white. 

Agaricus  luteo-albus,  Bolton  Fung.  38;  Persoon  Syn.  383. 

In  woods. 

8.  Mycena  tenera . Tender  high-stool . 

Thalli  nearly  solitary,  rust- colour,  small ; stem  rather 

long ; cap  membranaceous,  conical,  smoothish ; gills  distant. 
Agaricus  tener,  Sowerby  Fungi , 33  ; Persoon  Syn.  386. 

On  osier  grounds  and  grassy  places;  summer  and  autumn. 

9.  Mycena  atro-rufa.  Reddish-Mack  high-stool. 

Stem  very  long,  slender ; cap  nearly  conical,  brown,  dry, 

tough ; gills  few,  3 in  a set,  brownish-red. 

Agaricus  atro-rufus,  Bolt.  Fung.  52  ; Persoon  Syn.  386. 

In  dry  pastures,  and  among  mosses. 

10.  Mycena  racemosa.  Racemelike  high-stool. 

Stem  racemelike;  cap  membranaceous,  nipplelike,  grey; 

gills  white. 

Agaricus  racemosus,  Persoon  Syn.  389  ; Sowerby  Fungi , 287. 

In  woods. 

Stem  resembles  a raceme  of  the  currant-bush,  from 
whence  the  berries  have  been  plucked;  branches  termi- 
nated by  hyaline  heads  which  disappear. 

11.  Mycena  Hudsoni.  Hudson's  high-stool. 

Thalli  gregarious;  stem  hairy,  reddish;  cap  convex, 

whitish,  hairy;  hairs  scattered,  stiff,  red. 

Agaricus  pilosus,  Hudson  A ngl.  622;  Sowerby  Fungi7  164. 

Agaricus  Hudsoni,  Persoon  Syn . 390. 

On  holly-leaves. 

12.  Mycena  Adonis.  Adonis  high-stool. 

Thalli  gregarious ; cap  smooth,  bellshape,  whitish  rose- 

red  or  green ; gills  rather  hooked,  adnate,  white. 

Agaricus  Adonis,  Persoon  Syn.  391  ; Sowerby  Fungi , 385. 

In  woods. 

Pl.  cell.  aph.  11.  HYMENOTHECEiE.  2.53.  Mycen.  621 

13.  Mycena  variegata.  Variegated  high-stool. 

Thalli  gregarious,  rather  large;  stem  white;  cap  rather 

fleshy,  bellshape,  smooth  or  nippled,  variegated  with  red- 
dish lines;  gills  hooked,  decurrent,  white. 

Agaricus  tentaculatus,  Bull.  Herb.  560;  Suwerby  Fungi , 385. 

Agaricus  variegatus,  Persoon  Syn.  391. 

In  grassy  places,  on  the  ground. 

14.  Mycena  claviformis . Nail-like  high-stool. 

Thalli  gregarious,  minute;  stem  solid,  slender,  white; 

cap  rather  fleshy,  nippled,  orange  or  red ; gills  broadjsh, 

Agaricus  Clavus,  Bolt.  Fung.  39 ; Persoon  Syn.  392. 

On  the  ground,  or  on  dead  trees ; autumn. 

15.  Mycena  strohilina.  Cone  high-stool. 

Thalli  gregarious,  rather  tufted,  red;  stem  solid,  tailed 

at  bottom,  hairy;  cap  bellshape,  rather  fleshy,  smooth. 

Agaricus  coccineus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 197. 

Agaricus  strobilinus,  Persoon  Syn.  393. 

On  the  branches  and  cones  of  the  Scotch  fir. 

16.  Mycena  integrella.  Small-entire  high-stool. 

Thalli  small,  in  bundles,  white;  stem  downy  at  bottom; 

cap  membranaceous,  hemispherical;  gills  decurrent,  rather 
distant,  mostly  entire. 

Agaricus  integrellus.  Persoon  Syn.  393. 

Agaricus  Mycena  integrella,  Esenbeck  Syst.  2,  51. 

In  shady  woods. 

1 7.  Mycena  corticola.  Bark  high-stool . 
Thalli  minute,  scattered,  brownish;  stem  rather  short, 

bent;  cap  hemispherical,  slightly  plaited;  gills  hooked, 
adnate,  whitish. 

Agaricus  corticalis,  Bull.  Herb.  519  ; Sowerby  Fungi , 243. 

On  stumps  of  trees,  in  damp  weather. 

XII.  254.  MICROMPHALE.  Dimple-stool. 

Texture  fibrous ; stem  often  pipey ; cap  membranaceous, 
streaked,  pellucid ; tip  umbilicated ; sporidia  long.— -Thalli 

822  2S4.Microm.  1 1 . HYMENOTHECEAE.  PLcell. aph. 

] . Micromphale  Jimbriatum.  Fringed  dimple-stool. 

Phallus  large;  stem  slender,  short;  cap  funnelshape, 
edge  crisp,  elegantly  lobed,  fringed,  thin,  semitransparent ; 
gills  3 in  a set,  very  long,  narrow,  translucid. 

Agaricus  fiaibriatus,  Bolt.  Fung.  61  ; Persoon  Syn.  466- 
In  grass  land. 

2.  Micromphale  venosum.  Veiny  dimp1  e-stool. 

Stem  compressed,  blackish,  hoary ; cap  nearly  membra- 
naceous, tough,  veiny,  streaked,  reddish-brown ; gills  few, 
nearly  the  same  colour,  glaucous,  affixed  nearly  in  a ring. 

Merulius  fcetidus  ? Sowerby  Fungi , 21. 

Agaricus  venosus,  Persoon  Syn.  467. 

In  woods ; August. 

Odour  like  garlick. 

3.  Micromphale  collar iatum.  Collared  dimple-stool. 

Thalli  in  tufts,  white;  stem  blackish;  cap  deeply  fur- 
rowed ; gills  annexed  to  a tube  surrounding  the  stem. 

Agaricus  Rotula,  Scop.  Cam.  2,  1569;  Sowerby  Fungi , 95;  Persoon 
Syn.  467. 

Agaricus  collariatus,  Withering  Arr.  ed.  2. 

Merulius  collariatus,  Withering  Arr.  4,  178. 

On  sticks. 

Stem  frequently  branched  repeatedly. 

4.  Micromphale  perforans.  Perforating  dimple-stool. 

Thalli  gregarious,  persisting;  stem  dark  bay;  cap  flattish, 

slightly  plaited,  very  slightly  bossed ; gills  simple,  entirely 

.Agaricus  androsaceus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 94;  Persoon  Syn.  468. 

Agaricus  perforans,  Hoffman  Nomencl.  4,2. 

On  the  leaves  of  trees,  perforating  them. 

5.  Micromphale  epiphyllum.  Leaf  dimple-stool. 

Thalli  gregarious,  minute,  white;  stem  blackish;  cap 

membranaceous,  convex,  at  length  slightly  umbilicated; 
gills  distant,  branched. 

Agaricus  Squamula,  Sowerby  Fungi , 93. 

Agaricus  epiphyllus,  Persoon  Syn.  468. 

Agaricus  lacteus,  Bull.  Herb.  601. 

On  beech  and  other  leaves ; autumn. 

Pl.cell.aph.  11.  HYMENOTHECEiE.  254.Microm.  623 

6.  Micrumphale  fragile.  Brit  lie  dimple- stool. 

Thalli  gregarious ; stem  pipey,  chestnut ; cap  hemi- 
spherical, umbilicated,  streaked,  rust-colour;  gills  decur- 

Agaricus  fragilis,  Schreff.  Fungi , 230. 

Agaricus  Campanella,  Batsch.  Fung.  74  ; Persoon  Syn.  470. 

On  the  trunks  of  fir-trees. 

7.  Micromphale  fihulare.  Button  dimple-stool. 

Thallus  small ; stem  long,  solid ; cap  umbilicated,  smooth, 

reddish-ochry ; gills  distant,  white. 

Agaricus  Fibula,  Sowerby  Fungi,  45  ; Persoon  Syn.  471. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees. 

8.  Micromphale  ericetorum.  Heath  dimple-stool. 

Thallus  gregarious,  entirely  grey,  membranaceous;  stem 

middle  size;  gills  distant,  very  broad  at  bottom. 

Agaricus  ericetorum,  Persoon  Syn.  472. 

On  heaths  and  woods  on  a sandy  soil. 

XIII.  255.  LACTARIUS.  De  Candolle.  Milk-stool. 

Texture  fibrous ; cap  fleshy,  depressed  or  funnelshape ; 
gills  unequal. — Emit  a white  yellow  or  red  milky  liquor ; 
they  are  all  usually  suspected  to  be  poisonous,  but  some 
are  eaten,  after  they  have  been  thoroughly  dressed. 

a.  Cap  whitish. 

1.  Lactarius  piperatus.  Pepper  milk-stool. 

Cap  funnelshape,  edge  spread  out,  bald,  whitish ; gills 

crowded,  forked,  white,  pale. 

Agaricus  Listeri,  Sowerby  Fungi , 104. 

Agaricus  lactifluus  piperatus,  Persoon  Syn.  429. 

Agaricus  piperatus,  Bolt.  Fung.  21. 

In  woods. 

Cap  at  first  hemispherical,  flattened ; juice  very  acrid, 
pepperlike,  does  not  tarnish  steel ; when  dried,  green ; flesh 
when  boiled  becomes  mild. 

b.  Cap  yellowish. 

2.  Lactarius  torminosus.  Bellyach  milk-stool. 

Cap  umbilicated,  zoned,  pale  ochry-yellow ; edge  turned 

back,  downy. 

624  255.Lactar.  ll.HYMENOTHECEiE.  PLcetl.aph. 

Agaricus  piperatus,  Withering  Arr.  4,205. 

Agaricus  torminosus,  Schceff.  Fung.  12;  Sowerby  Fungi , 103. 

Agaricus  lactifluus  torminosus,  Persoon  Syn.  450. 

In  grassy  places,  near  woodlands. 

Juice  acrid. 

3.  Lactarius  flexuosus.  Bent  milk-stool . 

Thalli  gregarious,  bent ; stem  very  short,  whitish ; cap 

broad,  umbilicated,  reddish-yellow,  slightly  zoned. 

Agaricus  zonarius.  Bull.  Herb.  104. 

Agaricus  lactifluus  flexuosus,  Persoon  Syn.  430. 

In  mountain  pastures,  or  woods;  after  rain. 

4.  Lactarius  theiogalus.  Brimstone  milk-stool . 

Thalli  small ; stem  reddish ; cap  depressed,  nearly  grown 

together,  reddish ; juice  yellowish  red. 

Agaricus  theiogalus,  Bull.  Herb.  567  ; Withering  Arr,  245. 

Agaricus  lactifluus  theiogalus,  Persoun  Syn.  431. 

In  woods. 

Poisonous;  juice  does  not  keep  its  colour. 

5.  Lactarius  aurantiacus.  Orange  milk-stool. 

Stem  long;  cap  rather  narrow,  flattish,  orange-colour; 

gills  slightly  decurrent. 

Agaricus  lactifluus,  Bolton  Fung.  3. 

Agaricus  lactifluus  aurantiacus,  Persoon  Syn.  432. 

Agaricus  dulcis,  Withering  Arr.  4,206. 

In  fir  plantations. 

6.  Lactarius  deliciosus.  Delicious  milk-stool. 

Cap  umbilicated,  nearly  orange-colour ; when  dry,  dirty 

white;  gills  and  juice  yellowish  brick-red. 

Lactarius  lateritius,  Persoon  Disp.  Fung.  64. 

Agaricus  deliciosus,  Schceff.  Fung.  11  ; Sowerby  Fungi , 202. 

Agaricus  lactifluus  deliciosus,  Persoon  Syn.  432. 

In  fir  plantations ; September  and  October. 

Juice  ungrateful,  acrid ; yet  when  dressed  this  mushroom 
is  highly  esteemed. 

c.  Cap  reddish , pink , or  luff. 

7.  Lactarius  ruber.  Red  milk-stool. 

Thalli  gregarious,  large;  stem  thickish,  ochry-red ; cap 

flattened,  red  ochre-colour ; gills  yellowish. 

Agaricus  lactifluus,  Schceff.  Fung.  5;  Sowerby  Fungi , 204. 

Agaricus  lactifluus  ruber,  Persoon  Syn.  433. 

In  fir  plantations. 

Taste  at  first  mild,  but  afterwards  acrid. 

PI.  cell.  aph.  11.  HYMENOTHECEiE.  255.  Lactar.  625 

8.  Lactarius  subdulcis.  Sweetish  milk-s tool. 

Cap  funnelshape,  reddish;  gills  pale  pinkj^’ce  sweetish. 

Agaricus  rubescens,  Scheeff.  Fung.  75. 

Agaricus  lactifluus  dulcis,  Bull.  Herb.  224. 

Agaricus  lactifluus  subdulcis,  Persoon  Syn.  433. 

In  grass  ground. 

(3.  cimicarius.  Stem  longish ; cap  opake,  slightly  umbili- 
cated,  scarcely  zoned,  buff*;  gills  yellowish,  rather  shining. 
Agaricus  cimicarius,  Batch  Fung.  69  j With.  Arr.  4,  206. 

Odour  strong,  like  that  of  bugs. 

d.  Cap  dark  brown , or  blackish- grey. 

9.  Lactarius  necans.  Destructive  milks  tool. 

Cap  olive-brown;  edge  woolly,  turned  in. 

Agaricus  lactifluus  necator,  Bull.  Herb.  529  ; Persoon  Syn . 435. 

In  woods ; autumn. 

10.  Lactarius  plumbeus.  Lead-colour  milk-stool . 

Stem  dark  grey ; cap  very  broad,  funnelshape,  blackish- 

grey ; gills  yellowish. 

Agaricus  plumbeus,  Bull.  Herb.  559,  2. 

Agaricus  lactifluus  plumbeus,  Persoon  Syn.  435, 

Agaricus  Listeri,  Sowerby  Fungi , 245. 

In  woods. 

1 1 . Lactarius  luridus.  Dark  milk-stool. 

Stem  downy  at  bottom ; cap  flattish ; edge  turned  up, 

slightly  zoned,  rather  slimy,  reddish-grey;  gills  short, 
whitish ; juice  acrid. 

Agaricus  fuscus  ? Scheeff.  Fung.  235, 

Agaricus  zonarius,  Withering,  Arr.  4, 227  ; Sowerby  Fungit  202. 
Agaricus  lactifluus  luridus,  Persoon  Syn.  436. 

On  heaths. 

1 2.  Lactarius  acris.  Acrid  milk-stool. 

Stem  whitish ; cap  not  zoned,  flattish,  rather  oblique, 

dark  grey;  gills  at  first  white,  then  leathery \ juice  reddish- 

Agaricus  acris,  Bolton  Fung.  60. 

Agaricus  lactifluus  acris,  Persoon  Syn.  437. 

Ill  woods. 

Juice  at  first  yellowish-white,  very  acrid. 

VOL.  i.  2 s 

626  256.  Pratel.  1 1 . HYMENOTHECEiE.  PI.  cell . aph. 

C.  PratellidejE.  Volva  0 ; stem  central ; collar  distinct 
or  0;  cap  orbicular,  fleshy  or  membranaceous;  texture 
fibrous ; hymenium  lamellar ; gills  separable  from  the  cap, 
becoming  black,  watery  or  powdery ; thecce  single,  in  pairs 
or  four  together. 

XIV.  256.  PRATELLA.  Persoon.  Mushroom, 

Stem  collared ; collar  distinct ; cap  thick,  fleshy,  smooth, 
persistent;  gills  clouded  becoming  black,  or  uniform 
watery  becoming  darker;  sporidia  single,  scattered. — Flesh 

a.  Cap  fleshy  ; stem  with  a collar, 

1.  Pratella  edulis.  Eatable  mushroom, 

Thalli  gregarious,  large;  stem  long,  bulbous;  collar  ma- 
nifest; cap  snow-white,  smooth,  or  very  slightly  scaly; 
gills  red. 

Fungus  campestre  albus  superne,  inferne  rubens,  Rail  Syn.  2, 1. 

Fungus  minor  pileolo  lato,  superne  candido,  lamellis  subtus  creberrimis 
pallide  rubentibus  seu  incarnati  coloris,  Raii  Syn.  3,8. 

Agaricus  edulis,  Bull-  Herb.  514;  Persoon  Syn.  418. 

Agaricus  arvensis,  Schceff.  Fung.  310. 


In  parks  and  pastures,  also  cultivated. 

Flesh  of  the  cap  delicately  flavoured ; used  in  cookery, 
either  eaten  by  itself,  or  dried  and  powdered  as  a sauce. 

2.  Pratella  campestris.  Field  mushroom. 

Stem  short ; collar  incomplete ; cap  fleshy,  flattish,  with 

red  scales ; gills  reddish-brown. 

Agaricus  campestris,  Lin.  S.  P.  1614;  Schceff,  Fung.  33;  Withering 
Arr.  4,  266,  var.  2 ; Persoon  Syn.  418. 

In  fields  and  hilly  pastures. 

(3.  vapor  aria.  Thallus  large;  stem  tuberous,  scaly;  cap 
convex,  hairy  or  scaly,  reddish-brown ; gills  brown. 

On  hot-beds ; also  cultivated. 

Cap  very  broad,  sometimes  9 inches  or  more  across. 

3.  Pratella  aeruginosa.  Coppery  mushroom . 

Stem  scaly ; collar  fugacious ; cap  fleshy,  glutinous,  cop- 

perv ; when  dry  yellowish ; pills  flat,  annexed,  purple  va- 
riegated with  brown. 

PL  cell.  aph.  11.  HYMENOTHECEJE.  256.Pratel.  627 

Agaricus  amiginosus,  Curtis  Lond.  309?  Persoon  Sun.  419 
Agaricus  viridulus,  Schceff.  Fung.  1. 

Agaricus  cyaneus,  Bull.  Herb.  530 ; Wither.  Arr.  4,  243 
Agaricus  politus,  Bolt.  Fung.  30. 

Agaricus  Beryllus,  Batsch  Fung.  213. 

In  woods,  near  trees. 

l°teritia*  Brickred  mushroom. 

Itialli  m tufts,  large,  on  trees:  stem  long,  rather  solid; 
collar  fugacious,  blackish ; cap  fleshy,  rather  slimy,  brick- 
red ; edge  yellowish;  gills  distinct,  slightly  clouded, 

Agaricus  laterilius,  Schceff.  Fung.  49  4 5- 
Agaricus  amarus.  Bull.  Herb.  30.  ’ ' 

Agaricus  auralus,  FI.  Dan.  820. 

Agaricus  pomposus,  Bolton  Fung.  5. 

On  rotten  trees. 

Taste  bitter. 

Persoon  Syn.  421. 

Pivtett0 fascicu laris.  Bundle  mushroom, 

lhalli  small,  in  tufts;  stem  hollow,  slender;  curtain 
hairy,  blackish;  cap  rather  fleshy,  bossed,  ochre-yellow 
gills  clouded,  greenish. 

Agaricus  fascicularis,  Bolt.  Fung.  29 ; Persoon  Sun.  421 
Agaricus  pulverulentus,  Bull.  Herb.  49. 

About  trees,  after  long  rain. 

XV.  257.  CORTINARIA.  Persoon.  Curtain-stool. 

Stem  central,  generally  bulbous;  collar  separating  into 
threads;  cap  mostly  fleshy ; gills  nicked,  unequal,  ?t  first 
uniform  coloured,  afterwards  clouded  with  brown.— Gene- 
rally to  be  suspected. 

1.  Cortinaria  cyana. 
lhallus  entirely  violet,  shining;  stem 
the  bulb ; cap  fleshy,  bald. 

Blue  curtain-stool. 
bulbous,  pale  below 

Agaricus  cyanus,  Schceff.  Fung.  34 ; Persoon  Syn.  27 6. 

In  woods. 

0.  ccerulescens.  Stem  bulbous,  blue;  bulb  bordered,  pale- 
cap  fleshy,  convex,  pale  blue;  gills  at  first  nale  blue,  then 
cinnamon-colour.  A 3 

Agaricus  caerulescens,  Schceff.  Fung.  34. 

Agaricus  cyanus  caerulescens,  Persoon  Syn.  277 . 

2 S 2 

628  257. Cortinar.  1 1 . HYMENOTHECEiE.  Pl.cell.aph . 

2.  Cortinaria  violacea.  Violet  curtain-stool. 

Stem  bluish;  collar  rust-colour;  cap  split,  edge  violet, 


Agaricus  violaceus,  JBolton  Fung.  52;  Persoon  Syn „ 277. 

On  the  borders  of  woods. 

3.  Cortinaria  nuda . Naked  curtain-stool. 

Thalli  gregarious;  stem  rather  long,  slenderish,  cylin- 
drical, naked,  pale  violet;  collar  mostly  0;  cap  fleshy, 
plano-convex,  edge  expanded,  changing  from  violet  to 
reddish  ; gills  crowded,  pale  violet. 

Agaricus  nudus,  Bull.  Herb.  439  ; Persoon  Syn.  277. 

Agaricus  violaceus,  var.  2,  Withering  Arr.  4,  243. 

In  fir  plantations. 

4.  Cortinaria  cinerea.  Grey  curtain-stool. 

Stem  bulbous ; cap  fleshy,  hemispherical,  dotted  or  scaly, 

wrinkled,  violet-grey;  gills  distinct,  purplish-brown, 

Agaricus  violaceus,  Schteff.  Fung , 3 ; Withering  Arr.  4,242. 

Agaricus  violaceo-cinereus,  Persoon  Syn.  279. 

In  oak  woods. 

b.  Cap  Iroum-bay. 

5.  Cortinaria  licolor.  Two-coloured  curtain-stool. 

Stem  thick,  rather  tuberous,  woolly,  pale  violet ; cap 

fleshy,  convex,  reddish-brown ; edge  turned  in,  rather 
woolly ; gills  pale  violet. 

Agaricus  violaceus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 209,  not  of  Persoon, 

Agaricus  bicolor,  Persoon  Syn-  2$1. 


In  woods. 

Taste  inferior  to  that  of  the  common  mushroom;  but 
sold  for  making  katsup. 

c.  Cap  yellowish , or  cinnamon-colour . 

6.  Cortinaria  collinita.  Glued  curtain-stool . 

Stem  split  transversely  into  cartilaginous,  gelatinous 

scales;  collar  nearly  vanishing;  cap  fleshy,  bossed,  covered 
with  a viscous  slime,  drying  on  it. 

Agaricus  collinitus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 9;  Persoon  Syn.  281. 

Agaricus  mucosus,  Bull.  Herb.  549. 

In  woods. 

PLceLLaph.  1 1 . H Y MENOTHECEiE.  257.Cortinar.  629 

7.  Cortinaria  glaucopa.  Blue-footed  cur  tain- stool. 

Thallus  large;  stem  rather  short,  bulbous,  thick,  bluish; 

cap  chestnut  or  brownish-olive;  gills  bluish  clay-colour, 
afterwards  cinnamon-colour. 

Agaricus  glaucopus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 223  ; Persoon  Syn.  282. 

Agaricus  araneosus,  Bull.  Herb.  598. 

Agaricus  varius,  Schceff.  Fung.  42. 

In  woods. 

Esculent  ? 

8.  Cortinaria  callochroa.  Fair-coloured  cur  tain- stool. 

Stem  pale,  bulbous;  bulb  bordered;  cap  rather  broad, 

dry,  yellow ; gills  with  a fine  purple  cast. 

Agaricus  turbinatus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 102. 

Agaricus  callochrous,  Persoon  Syn.  283. 

In  grassy  woods. 

d.  Cap  more  or  less  purplish , livid,  red , hlood-colour , or 
scarlet . 

,9.  Cortinaria  sanguinea.  Bloody  curtain-stool. 

Thallus  saffron-red ; stem  solid,  long ; cap  pink,  convex ; 
gills  distinct. 

Agaricus  sanguineus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 43 ; Persoon  Syn.  290. 

Agaricus  rubens,  Bolt.  Fung.  36. 

In  woods. 

10.  Cortinaria  viscida . Viscid  curtain-stool. 

Thalli  gregarious ; stem  thickest  at  bottom,  inside  and 

bottom  yellow ; collar  blackish ; cap  fleshy,  first  convex, 
afterwards  depressed,  gelatinous,  purplish  brown;  gills 
decurrent,  branched,  rather  grey. 

Agaricus  glutinosus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 7. 

Agaricus  viscidus,  Persoon  Syn.  291. 

In  fir  plantations. 

0.  atropuncta.  Stem  thickish,  whitish,  with  black  scaly 
spots ; cap  bluntly  bossed,  viscid ; gills  snow-white. 

11.  Cortinaria  rutila.  Brilliant  curtain-stool. 

Thalli  gregarious ; stem  long,  scaly,  flesh-red  ; cap  bossed, 

livid  purple  or  flesh-red,  rather  slimy ; gills  simple,  de- 
current, purplish-brown. 

Agaricus  rntilus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 105. 

Agaricus  gomphus,  Persoon  Syn.  292. 

In  fir  plantations. 

630  257. Cortinar.  1 1 . HY MENOTHECEiE.  PLcell.aph . 

e.  Cap  yellow , rust-colour , cinnamon  or  chestnut . 

12.  Cortinaria  lulbosa.  Bullous  curtain-stool. 

Thallus  bald,  large,  nearly  chestnut ; stem  solid,  rather 

long,  bulbous,  ovate ; collar  vanishing ; cap  bellshape,  edge 
thin ; gills  distant. 

Agaricus  bulbosus,  Sowerby  Fungiy  130;  Persoon  Syn.  295. 

In  woods. 

13.  Cortinaria  crocea.  Saffron  curtain-stool. 

Thalli  gregarious,  small;  stem  rather  slender,  fibrilied, 

yellowish ; collar  vanishing ; cap  rather  fleshy,  bossed, 
slightly  woolly,  reddish  cinnamon,  opake;  gills  saffron- 

Agarieus  croceus,  Batsch.  Fung.  1 1 T ; Persoon  Syn.  297. 

Agaricus  cinnamomeus,  Bolt.  Fung.  150. 

In  woods. 

14.  Cortinaria  cinnamomeus.  Cinnamon  curtain-stool. 

Stem  rather  long,  at  first  slightly  bulbous,  pale  brown  ; 

cap  rather  fleshy,  bossed,  bald,  shining,  cinnamon  or  pale 
chestnut;  gills  broadish,  cinnamon-red. 

Agaricus  cinnamomeus,  Sowerby  Fung.  205 ; Persoon  Syn.  298. 

In  woods. 

15.  Cortinaria  scabra.  Rough  curtain-stool. 

Thalli  gregarious,  rather  small,  greyish-brown;  stem 

fibrilied,  pale,  cylindrical ; cap  scaly ; gills  dark-coloured. 
Agaricus  scaber,  Sowerby  Fungi}  207  ; Persoon  Syn.  301. 

Iii  woods. 

XVI.  258.  PRUNULUS.  Cesalpini.  Prune-stool. 

Stem  naked ; collar  0 ; cap  brittle,  scaly,  membranaceous ; 
gills  persisting;  sporidia  in  pairs. 

1 . Prunulus  denticulalus.  Toothed  prune-stool. 
Thallus  rather  watery,  weak;  stem  pipey,  brownish;  cap 

hemispherical,  livid  purple ; gills  toothed  on  the  edge. 
Agaricus  denticulalus,  Bolt.  Fung,  4;  Persoon  Syn.  425. 

In  woods. 

2.  Prunulus  gracilis.  Slender  prune-stool. 

Thallus  weak,  very  brittle;  stem  very  long,  bald;  cap 

membranaceous,  bellshape,  pointed,  very  soft;  gills  linear, 

PI.  cell . aph.  11.  HYMENOTHECEiE.  258.  Prunul.  631 

Agaricus  gracilis,  Persoon  Syn.  425. 

In  woods,  amongst  dead  leaves. 

(3.  cuspidata.  Stem  pipey;  cap  conical,  pointed,  reddish- 
brown  ; gills  rather  brown,  narrow  at  bottom. 

Agaricus  cuspidatus,  Bolton  Fung.  66. 

3.  Prunulus  papyraceiis.  Paper  prunestool. 

Stem  pipey,  whitish ; cap  hemispherical,  membranaceous, 

whitish ; gills  3 in  a set,  distant,  pale. 

Agaricus  membranaceus.  Bolt.  Fung.  11. 

Agaricus  papyraceus,  Persoon  Syn.  425. 

In  shady  places,  near  oak-trees. 

Thallus  dry,  and  feels  like  paper. 

4.  Prunulus  confer tus.  Crowded  prune-stool. 

Thalli  numerous,  in  tufts ; stem  whitish ; cap  whitish, 

pointed  ; gills  pale  brown. 

Agaricus  confertus,  Bolt.  Fung.  18}  Persoon  Syn.  426. 

On  the  bark-bed  in  hot-houses. 

5.  Prunulus  foenisicii.  Haymaking  prune-stool. 

Thalli  gregarious,  brittle;  stem  rather  thick,  bald ; cap 

bellshape,  brownish-grey;  gills  slightly  bellied,  clouded, 

Agaricus  foenisicii,  Persoon  Syn.  411. 

In  meadows,  after  haymaking;  also  on  cowdung. 

6.  Prunulus  ericceus.  Heath  prune-stool. 

Thalli  solitary;  stem  rather  tough,  long;  cap  rather 

fleshy,  hemispherical,  slightly  nippled,  rusty  brown;  gills 
rather  broad,  clouded,  black. 

Agaricus  helvolus,  Scheeff.  Fung.  210. 

Agaricus  ericacus,  Persoon  Syn.  413. 

On  heaths  and  commons. 

7.  Prunulus  varius.  Variegated  prune-stool. 

Thallus  small ; stem  slender,  reddish,  rather  tough ; cap 

bellshape,  shining,  pale  and  livid,  variegated ; gills  varie- 
gated, ascending. 

Agaricus  varius-,  Bolt.  Fung.  66 ; Persoon  Syn.  414. 

In  grass,  among  willows. 

632  258.  Prunul.  11.  HYMENOTHECEiE.  PLcell  apli.  ‘ 

8.  Prunulus  Boltonii.  Boltov? s prune-stool. 

Thallus  weak;  stem  rather  thickish  at  bottom;  collar 

^vanishing;  cap  hemispherical,  bossed,  pale-yellow. 

Agaricus  flavidus,  Bolt . Fung.  149;  Sowerby  Fungif  96;  Persoon  Syn . 

In  meadows,  and  on  cow-dung. 

9.  Prunulus  titulans.  Tottering  prune-stool. 

Thallus  small,  shining,  brittle ; stem  yellowish ; cap  bell- 

shape,  streaked,  viscous,  rather  pale;  centre  yellow;  gills 
distinct,  pink. 

Agaricus  tituhans,  Sowerby  Fung.  123;  Persoon  Syn.  415. 

On  horsedung. 

10.  Prunulus  extinctorius.  Extinguisher  prune-stool. 

Stem  rather  bulbous,  awlshape;  cap  bellshaped,  whitish, 

torn ; gills  brownish  or  snow-white. 

Agaricus  extinctorius,  Bolt . Fung.  24  ; Persoon  Syn.  417. 

In  sandy  ground. 

XVII.  259.  COPRINUS.  Persoon.  Dung-stool 

Stem  naked,  sometimes  collared ; cap  thin,  brittle,  mem- 
branaceous, vanishing ; gills  unequal,  growing  watery, 
black ; sporidia  in  fours. — Poisonous. 

a.  Cap  slightly  fleshy  ; gills  at  last  dark  grey , spotted 
or  cloudy. 

1 . Coprinus  semiglohatus.  Hemispherical  dung-stool. 
Stem  long,  collared;  cap  fleshy,  hemispherical,  rather 

glutinous,  yellowish ; gills  very  broad,  horizontal,  clouded, 

Agaricus  glutinosus,  Curtis  Land.  69. 

Agaricus  semiglobatus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 248;  Persoon  Syn.  407. 

Agaricus  virosus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 480  and  481. 

In  meadows,  pastures,  and  on  dung. 

Poisonous,  and  has  caused  several  fatal  accidents  by 
having  been  mistaken  for  champignons,  gen.  246,  sp.  17. 

2.  Coprinus  semiovatus.  Half-egg  dung-stool. 

Stem  long ; collar  small ; cap  bellshape,  glutinous,  yel- 
lowish ; gills  ascending,  blackish-grey,  clouded. 

Agaricus  semiovatus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 131  ; Persoon  Syn.  408. 

Agaricus  fimiputris,  Bull.  Herb.  66. 

On  cowdung. 

Pl.cell.apk.  11.  HYMENOTHECEiE.  259.Coprin.  633 

3.  Coprinus  velutinus.  Velvetty  dung-stool . 

Thalli  in  tufts,  brittle ; stem  fibrilled,  collared ; cap  he- 
mispherical, bossed,  hairy  or  scaly,  rust-yellow ; gills 
crowded,  clouded,  brown ; edge  whitish. 

Agaricus  lacrymabundus,  Sowerby  Fung.  41. 

Agaricus  velutinus,  Persoon  Syn.  408. 

In  grass-land,  or  on  trees ; autumn. 

4.  Coprinus  papilionaceus.  Butterfly  dung-s tool. 

Stem  furrowed  at  top,  covered  with  black  powder ; cap 

rather  fleshy,  bellshape,  grey,  almost  black ; gills  entirely 
adnexed,  variegated  grey  and  black ; edge  whitish. 

Agaricus  papilionaceus,  Bull.  Herb.  561  ; Persoon  Syn.  410. 

Agaricus  acuininatus,  Scheeff.  202. 

In  pastures,  and  grassy  woods. 

5.  Coprinus  cinctulus . Girdle  dung-stool . 

Stem  long,  pipey,  brown ; cap  convex,  reddish-brown, 

with  a dark  ring  towards  the  edge ; gills  3 in  a set,  broad, 

Agaricus  cinctulus,  Bolton  Fung.  152  ; Persoon  Syn.  41 1. 

In  meadows,  and  on  dunghills. 

6.  Coprinus  cepcestipes.  Onion-stalked  dung-stool. 

Thalli  in  tufts,  entirely  yellow;  stern  bellied,  solid  at 

bottom  ; cap  bellshaped,  streaked ; gills  free. 

Agaricus  cepaestipes,  Persoon  Syn.  416  ; Sowerby  Fungi , 2. 

Agaricus  luteus,  Bolt.  Fung . 50. 

On  dunghills. 

/3.  cretaceus.  Thallus  entirely  white. 

Agaricus  cretaceus,  Bull . Herb.  374. 

7.  Coprinus  ciliaris.  Fringe  dung-stool . 

Thallus  large;  stem  bulbous,  collared;  cap  conical,  co- 
vered with  a snow-white  powder,  afterwards  glutinous ; 
edge  fringed;  gills  3 in  a set,  black. 

Agaricus  ciliaris,  Bolt.  Fung.  53  ; Persoon  Syn.  416. 

In  meadows,  and  on  fresh  dunghills. 

b.  Cap  membranaceous , running  almost  entirely  into  water  ; 
gills  very  thin. 

8.  Coprinus  comatus.  Wig  dung-stool. 

Thalli  gregarious;  stem  very  long;  collar  moveable;  cap 

conical,  scaly,  whitish ; scales  yellowish ; gills  crowded,  at 
first  purplish- white. 

6 34  259.  Coprin.  11.  HYMENOTHECEiE.  PLcell,  aph. 

Agaricus  cylindricus,  Sovcerby  Fungi , 189. 

Agaricus  porcellaneus,  Schaeffer  Fung.  46  & 47. 

Agaricus  comatus,  Persoon  Syn.  396. 

In  grass-ground,  gardens,  and  on  dunghills;  autumn. 

9.  Coprinus  plicatus.  Plaited  dung-stool. 

Thalli  in  tufts;  cap  bellshape,  plaited,  brownish  grey, 

scaly  at  the  tip,  edge  at  last  turned  up;  gills  crowded, 
broad,  at  first  purplish-brown,  hoary. 

Agaricus  plicatus,  Curtis  Lond.  101  ; Persoon  Syn.  396. 

Agaricus  fimetarius,  Sovcerby  Fungi , 188. 

In  meadows,  hedges,  and  near  villages. 


10.  Coprinus  pica ceus.  Pitchy  dung-stool. 

Stem  very  long,  bulbous,  naked ; cap  bellshape,  very  ten- 
der, whitish,  afterwards  breaking  into  broad  scattered 
scales;  gills  becoming  bare,  crowded,  umber-brown. 

Agaricus  picaceus,  Sovcerby  Fungi , 397  ; Persoon  Syn.  397. 

Among  rubbish,  and  heaps  of  rotting  plants. 

11.  Coprinus  oblectus.  Attractive  dung-stool. 

Stem  collared  at  the  bottom ; cap  whitish,  woolly,  va- 
nishing; gills  becoming  bare,  at  first  red. 

Agaricus  oblectus,  Bolton  Fung.  142 ; Persoon  Syn . 397. 

On  dunghills. 

12.  Coprinus  cinereus.  Grey  dung- stool. 

Stem  long,  scaly ; cap  conical,  furrowed,  rather  woolly, 

grey ; tip  smooth,  livid ; edge  at  last  torn,  bent  in ; gills 
linear,  dotted,  slightly  bent. 

Agaricus  cinereus,  Schaeff.  Fung.  100;  Persoon  Syn.  39S. 

In  gardens  and  vroods. 

f 3 . tomentosus.  Stem  short,  cylindrical,  downy;  cap  ob- 
long, at  first  pyramidal,  then  bellshape,  torn ; gills  nume- 
rous, narrow,  pale;  edge  black. 

Agaricus  tomentosus,  Bolt.  Fung.  156. 

y.  pullalus.  Stem  long,  bellied,  whitish ; cap  bellshape, 
plaited,  black. 

Agaricus  pullatus,  Bolt.  Fung.  20. 

In  pastures  and  on  dunghills. 

IS.  Coprinus  disseminatus.  Disseminated  dung-stool. 

Thalli  crowded,  small,  ephemeral;  stem  generally  bent; 
cap  half-oval,  streaked,  plaited,  ochry-yellow,  growing 
grey ; gills  distinct,  half-annexed,  brownish-white. 

Pl.cell.aph.  11.  IIYMENOTHECEAE.  259.  Coprin.  635 

Agaricus  coprinus  disseminatus,  Persoon  Syn.  403. 

On  the  trunks  of  willows,  especially  when  hollow ; au- 

(5  striatus.  Thallas  rather  large. 

Agaricus  striatus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 166. 

14.  Coprinus  domesticus . House  dung-stool. 

Cap  bellshape,  blunt,  waved,  furrowed,  smoke-grey; 

scales  branny  ; gills  crowded,  linear,  forming  a collar, 
greyish-red,  growing  black‘ish-brown. 

Agaricus  coprinus  domesticus,  Persoon  Syn.  404. 

Agaricus  domesticus,  Bolt.  Fung.  26. 

In  houses  near  moist  walls. 

15.  Coprinus  pulcher.  Handsome  dung-stool. 

Thallus  tender,  ephemeral ; stem  long,  reddish-white ; 

cap  umbilicated,  flattish,  plaited;  plaits  broadish,  grey; 
gills  free,  distant,  forming  a collar. 

Agaricus  coprinus  pulcher,  Persoon  Syn.  404. 

Agaricus  semistriaius,  FI.  Dan.  1134. 

Agaricus  plicatus,  Curtis  Lond. 

In  well-dunged  gardens. 

16.  Coprinus  radiatus.  Radiated  dung-stool. 

Thallus  very  minute,  grey,  ephemeral;  stem  threadlike; 

cap  grows  flattish,  splitting  in  rays ; centre  ochre-yellow  ; 
gills  distant. 

Agaricus  radiatus,  Bolt.  Fung.  39  ; Persoon  Syn.  40T. 

Agaricus  ephemerus,  Bull.  Herb.  342. 

In  grass-land  in  woods,  on  horsedung;  autumn. 

Thallus  very  tender,  blown  down  by  the  breath. 

D.  Asterophoridea:.  Volva  0 ; stem  central ; collar  0 ; 
cap  hemispherical,  texture  fibrous,  beneath  lamellar,  above 
woolly,  at  length  bursting,  becoming  floccular ; gills  bar- 
ren, naked ; sporidia  stellate,  intermixed  with  the  flocci. 

XVIII.  260.  ASTEROPHORA.  Ditmar.  Starhead. 
Stem  central,  orbicular ; sporidia  stellate. 

Asterophora  ly coper doides.  Lycoperdon  starhead. 

Stem  woolly,  greyish;  cap  woolly,  fawn-colour;  gills 
rather  gelatinous,  thick,  slightly  prominent,  grey. 

Agaricus  lycoperdoides,  Bull.  Herb.  519;  Persoon  Syn.  325. 

On  rotten  mushrooms,  especially  omphalia  adusta. 

Stem  above  an  inch  long,  rather  bent ; cap  half  an  inch 

636  261.  Merul.  1 1.  HYMENOTHECEiE.  Pl.cell.aph. 

E.  Merulideje.  Volva  0 ; stem  central,  lateral  or  0 ; 
collar  0 ; cap  fleshy  or  membranaceous ; hymenium  veiny ; 
veins  superficial,  distinct,  simple  or  forked. — None  are 

XIX.  261.  MERULIUS.  Merule. 

Stem  central ; cap  orbicular,  fleshy,  convex. 

Merulius  aurantiacus.  Orange  merule . 

Stem  ochry-yellow ; cap  fleshy,  woolly ; veins  stifij 

Agaricus  aurantiacus,  Wulff.  Misc.  Austr.  2, 107. 

Merulius  aurantiacus,  Persoon  Syn.  4S8. 

In  grass  land. 

XX.  262.  CANTHARELLUS.  Chanterelle . 

Stem  central;  cap  orbicular,  fleshy  or  rather  membra- 
naceous, concave,  umbilicated. 

1.  Caniharellus  vulgaris.  Common  chanterelle . 

Thalli  gregarious,  entirely  yelk-yellow;  cap  fleshy,  bald, 


Agaricus  Cantharellus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1641  ; Soiverby  Fungi , 46. 

Merulius  Cantharellus,  Persoon  Syn.  488. 

In  woods. 

Esteemed  as  a sauce ; odour  like  ripe  apricocks. 

2.  Cantharellus  lutescens . ' Yellowish  chanterelle. 

Stem  hollow,  yellow;  cap  umbilicated,  bald, yellow;  veins 

bright  grey. 

Agaricus  cantharelloides,  Sowerby  Fungi , 47. 

Helvella  cantharelloides,  Bull.  Herb.  478. 

Merulius  lutescens,  Persoon  Syn.  489. 

In  woods;  autumn. 

3.  Cantharellus  tulceformis . Trumpet  chanterelle. 

Thalli  gregarious,  small ; stem  yellow,  rather  thick ; cap 

membranaceous,  umbilicated,  wrinkly,  scaly,  brown;  veins 
straight,  yellow,  rather  grey. 

Helvella  tubaeformis.  Bull.  Herb.  461. 

Peziza  undulata.  Bolt.  Fung.  105. 

Merulius  tubiformis,  Persoon  Syn.  489. 

4.  Cantharellus  cornucopioides.  Cornucopice  chanterelle. 

Thalli  in  tufts,  blackish ; cap  membranaceous,  rather 

scaly  ; veins  scarcely  visible. 


Pl.cell.aph.  1 1.  HYMENOTHECEAE.  262.Canthar.  637 

Peziza  cornucopioides,  Lin.  S.  N.  1650  % Sowerby  Fungi , 74. 

Merulius  cornucopioides,  Fersoon  Syn,  491. 

In  woods ; autumn. 

5.  Cantharellus  undulatus.  Waved  chanterelle . 

Thallus  pale-livid ; cap  rather  leatherlike,  depressed ; 
edge  upright,  waved,  crisp,  underneath  wrinkled. 

Helvetia  crispa,  Sowerby  Fungi , 75. 

Merulius  undulatus,  Persoon  Syn . 493. 

In  beech  woods. 

XXI.  263.  CORNIOLA.  Corniole. 

Stem  lateral ; cap  semicircular,  nearly  membranaceous. 

1.  Corniola  muscigena,  Mosslorn  corniole. 

Stem  short,  rather  thick  ; cap  pale  brown  ; veins 


Helvella  dimidiata,  Bull.  Champ.  1,  290. 

Agaricus  muscigenus,  Bull.  Herb.  288. 

Merulius  muscigenus,  Withering  Arr,  4,  183. 

On  hypnum  sericeum. 

2.  Corniola  lob  at  a.  Lohed  corniole. 

Thallus  stemless,  irregular,  brownish;  edge  variously 

lobed,  crisp ; veins  branched,  anastomosing. 

Helvella  membranacea,  Dickson  Crypt.  1,21  ; Sowerby  Fungi , 348. 
Merulius  membranaeeus,  Withering  Arr.  4,  184. 

Merulius  lobatus,  Persoon  Syn.  494. 

In  bogs,  upon  moss ; spring. 

XXII.  264.  SERPULA.  Persoon.  Rot . 

Thallus  stemless?  affixed  by  its  back. 

Serpula  destruens.  Destroying  rot. 

Thallus  spreading,  large,  yellowish-red ; edge  whitish, 
woolly;  veins  large,  porous,  crooked. 

Boletus  lacrymans,  Sowerby  Fungi , 113. 

Merulius  destruens,  Persoon  Syn.  496. 

Upon  timber-work,  where  it  joins  the  walls,  in  damp 

Appears  at  first  like  a byssus ; when  dry  covered  with 
brown  powder;  destroyed  by  spirit  of  vitriol,  and  other 
corroding  substances,  in  the  same  manner  as  xylpstroma 
giganteum . 

638  265.  Gomph.  1 1.  HYMENOTHECEiE.  Pl.cell.aph. 

XXIII.  265.  GOMPHUS.  Gomphe. 

Thallus  clubshaped  ; sides  plaited,  veiny ; cap  not 

Gomphus  clavatus.  Clubbed  gomphe. 

Thalli  in  tufts,  truncated,  veiny  on  the  sides. 

Clavaria  truncata,  Schmid.  Jeon.  3,237. 

Merulius  clavatus,  Persoon  Syn.  498. 

In  grassy  places  in  woods. 

F.  D^dalideas.  Volva  0;  stem  0;  cap  semicircular, 
leatherlike  or  corklike,  sessile ; hymenium  veiny ; veins 
anastomosing  and  forming  a network. 

XXIV.  266.  PiEDALEA.  Persoon.  Labyrinth-s tool. 
Cap  semiorbicular,  beneath  netlike. 

1.  Dcedalea.  quercina . Oak  labyrinth-stool. 

Thallus  leatherlike,  pale  woody ; cap  wrinkly,  bald, 

flakes  branched,  sinuated,  sinuses  large. 

Agaricus  quercinus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1644  ; Sowerby  Fungi , 181. 

Agaricus  labyrinthiformis,  Bull.  Herb.  442. 

Merulius  quercinus,  Gmel.  Syst.  Nat.  2, 1431. 

Daedalea  quercina,  Persoon  Syn.  500. 
jigaric  of  the  oalc. 

On  the  trunks  of  oak-trees. 

Texture  delicately  fibrous,  flexible,  and  may  be  readily 
cut  into  slices ; used  as  a styptic  to  restrain  the  bleeding 
from  wounded  arteries. 

/3.  dura,  Thallus  hard,  thick,  in  network  like  peach- 

2.  Dcedalea  sinuosa.  Sinuous  labyrinth-stool . 

Thallus  downy,  knobby,  zoned  and  wavy  in  ridges  5 veins 

sinuous,  oblong,  or  irregular. 

Boletus  sinuosus,  Sowerby  Fungi,  194. 

Daedalea  gibbosa  jS  ? Persoon  Syn.  501. 

On  old  poplar-trees. 

3.  Dcedalea  covfragosa.  Broken-in  labyrinth-stool. 

Thallus  leatherlike,  woody,  rough  zoned,  brown-brick- 

red  ; sinuses  labyrinthlike,  grey. 

Boletus  confragosus,  Boll.  Fung.  160. 

Boletus  labyrinthiformis,  Bull.  Champ.  357. 

Daedalea  con fragosa,  Persoon  Syn.  501. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees. 

PI.  cell . aph.  1 1.  HYMENOTHECEiE.  266.  Dtedal,  639 

4.  Dcedalea  angustata . Narroiv  labyrinth- stool . 

Cap  flattish,  much  blotched  with  dull  crimson,  lobed, 

zoned  ; edges  sattiny,  silvery-brown  ; veins  olive,  long, 

Boletus  angustatus,  Sowerby  Fungi,  193. 

Dcedalea  angustata,  Persoon  Syn.  502. 

At  the  feet  of  poplar-trees. 

5.  Dcedalea  suaveolens.  Sweet-scented  labyrinth-stool . 

Thallus  leathery  corklike,  sessile,  bald,  slightly  reddish- 

brown  ; inside  greyish-straw ; tubes  very  long,  reddish. 
Boletus  suaveolens,  Bull.  Champ.  342. 

Daedalea  ? suaveolens,  Persoon  Syn.  502. 

On  the  trunks  of  willows. 

G.  BoLETiDEiE.  Vulva  0 ; stem  central,  lateral,  or  0 ; 
collar  0 ; cap  thin,  leathery  or  rather  woody,  rarely  fleshy ; 
hymenium  tubular ; tubes  short,  not  longer  than  the  thick- 
ness of  the  cap,  not  separable  from  it,  united  or  distinct, 
not  cut. 

XXY.  267.  PORIA.  Persoon.  Honey  comb- stool. 

Thallus  spreading,  attached  by  its  back,  leatherlike  or 

1.  Poria  vulgaris.  Common  honeycomb-stool. 

Thallus  spreading,  inclining  backwards,  leathery  cork- 
like, bristled,  zoned,  greyish-brown ; tubes  long,  very  wide, 
grey,  honeycomblike. 

Boletus  Favus,  Bull.  Champ.  363 ; Persoon  Syn.  542. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees,  and  fir- timber  in  damp-places. 

2.  Poria  cryptarum.  Cellar  honeycomb-stool. 

Thallus  leathery,  spongelike,  sessile,  rather  greyish-red, 

thin ; border  above  gaping ; tubes  very  long. 

Boletus  cryptarum,  Bull.  Champ.  350;  Persoon  Syn.  542. 

Upon  beams  in  cellars. 

3.  Poria  destruens.  Destroying  honeycomb-stool. 

Thallus  whitish,  spreading;  cap  unequal,  wavy,  wrinkled; 

pores  roundish,  blunt. 

Boletus  Destructor,  Schrad.  Germ.  166;  Persoon  Syn.  543. 

Boletus  sebaceus,  Leyss.  FI.  Halens , 1250. 

On  timber-work  in  damp  houses. 

Substance  fibrous,  when  dry  friable ; odour  heavy,  but  not 

640  267.  Poria.  11.  HYMENOTHECE^E.  PL  cell.  aph. 

4.  Poria  spongiosa.  Spongy  honeycomb-stool. 

Thallus  leathery,  spongelike,  sessile,  rust-colour ; tubes 

very  long,  upright;  pores  minute,  round. 

Boletus  spongiosus,  Bolt.  Fung.  165 ; Persoon  Syn.  543,  not  of  Light- 

On  trees. 

5.  Poria  medullaris.  Crumb  like  honeycomb-stool . 

Thallus  spreading,  white,  hard,  flat,  crustlike,  above 

perforated  ; tubes  oblique  and  straight. 

Boletus  Medulla  panis,  Bolt.  Fung.  166;  Persoon  Syn.  545. 

On  timber- work  as  old  garden-gates,  and  old  trees. 

XXVI.  268.  BOLETUS.  Dillenius.  Bolete. 

Cap  sessile,  semicircular,  attached  by  the  side. 

1 . Boletus  ccesius.  Grey  bolete . 

Thallus  rather  small,  soft;  cap  fleshy,  bald,  streaked, 

wrinkled,  whitish-grey ; pores  white. 

Boletus  albidus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 226. 

Boletus  caesius,  Schrad.  Germ.  167  ; Persoon  Syn.  526. 

In  fir  plantations. 

Thalli  mostly  solitary,  turn  blue  when  bruised. 

2.  Boletus  hispidus.  S/zaggy  bolete . 

Thallus  rust-red;  cap  thick,  stiff-haired;  underneath  pale. 
Boletus  hispidus,  Bull.  Herb.  493 ; Persoon  Syn.  526. 

Boletus  villosus,  Hudson  FI.  Angl.  626. 

Boletus  velutinus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 345,  not  of  Persooq. 

Boletus  spongiosus?  Lightf.  Scot. 

On  apple-trees. 

3.  Boletus  heteroclitus.  Mis-shapen  bolete . 

Thallus  sessile,  lobed,  irregular- shaped ; above  villous, 

orange-colour;  tubes  short;  pores  variously  shaped. 

Boletus  heteroclitus,  Bolt.  Fung.  164;  Persoon  Syn.  528. 

On  the  ground. 

4.  Boletus  alneus.  Alder-tree  bolete. 

Thalli  gregarious,  rather  tiledlike ; cap  unequal,  rather 

woolly,  rust-red;  pores  fawn-colour,  shining,  afterwards 

Boletus  radiatus?  Sowerby  Fungi^  196. 

Boletus  alneus,  Persoon  Syn.  528, 

On  sickly  alder- trees. 

Pl.cell.aph.  11.  HYMEN OTHECEiE.  268.  Boletus.  641 

5.  Boletus  carpineus.  Hornbeam  holele . 

Thalli  in  tufts;  cap  bald,  yellowish,  bordered;  under- 
neath grey. 

Boletus  carpineus,  Sowerby  Fungi,  231. 

On  the  trunks  of  hornbeam. 

6.  Boletus  suaveolens.  Sweetscented  bolete. 

Thallus  scented,  fleshy,  rather  corky;  cap  slightly  woolly, 

white;  pores  large,  brownish,  some  prominent,  pointed, 
with  an  unequal  surface. 

Boletus  suaveolens,  Lin.  S.  P.  1646  ; Persoon  Syn.  530, 

Boletus  suberosus,  Bolt.  Fung.  162. 

Boletus  salicinus,  Bull.  Herb.  340. 

On  the  white  willow  and  other  trees  ; mild  winters. 

Odour  grateful,  when  dry  like  that  of  anise-seeds. 

7.  Boletus  igniarius.  Tinder  holete. 

Thallus  dilated,  smooth  ; skin  wrinkly;  cap  hard,  blackish 

at  bottom;  edge  vermillion  red,  underneath  ochry-yellow. 
Boletus  igniarius,  Lin.  S.  P.  1645;  Persoon  Syn.  534. 

On  the  trunks  of  fir-trees. 

When  beaten,  used  for  tinder,  under  the  name  of  amadou. 

8.  Boletus  betulinus.  Beech  bolete. 

Thallus  short-stemmed,  rather  large;  cap  fleshy  cork- 
like, kidneyshape,  grey-reddish  ; . beneath  whitish. 

Boletus  betulinus,  Gmel.  Syst.  Nat.  2, 1436;  Sowerby  Fungi , 212  ; Per- 
soon Syn.  535. 

On  the  trunks  of  beech-trees. 

Taste  acid. 

9.  Boletus  fomentarius.  Spunk  bolete. 

Thallus  halved,  hard ; cap  rather  3-cornered,  slightly 

banded,  smoke-grey ; pores  whitish-grey,  becoming  rather 

Agaricus  pedis  equini  facie,  Raii  Syn.  22,1. 

Boletus  fomentarius,  Sowerby  Fungi , 153  ; Persoon  Syn.  536. 

On  sickly  beech-trees. 

When  beaten,  used  for  tinder,  or  quick-match,  also  to 
restrain  haemorrhage,  instead  of  the  true  agaric,  daedalia 
quercina,  genus  266. 

VOL.  i.  2 T 

642  268.  Boletus.  1 1.  HYMENOTHECEiE.  Fl.cell.aph. 

10.  Boletus  applanaius.  Flattened  holete. 

Thallus  dilated,  flattish  above  and  below ; cap  tubercu- 

lated,  wrinkly,  reddish-grey ; pores  very  minute,  white, 
becoming  reddish-grey. 

Boletus  Lipsiensis,  Baisch  Fung.  130. 

Boletus  fomentarius  /3,  Persoon  Syn.  536. 

On  dry  rotten  beech-trees. 

1 1.  Boletus  dryadeus.  Oak  lolele. 
Thallus  very  broad,  soft ; cap  rather  flattened,  wrinkled, 

tubercular,  brown ; zones  0 ; pores  pale. 

Boletus  pseudo-igniarius,  Bull.  Herb.  458. 

Boletus  fomentarius  y,  Persoon  Syn.  537. 

On  oak-trees. 

12.  Boletus  imgulatus.  Hoojlike  holete . 

Thallus  nearly  cylindrical,  tall,  greyish-brown,  banded; 

bands  prominent;  pores  flattened,  whitish  or  rust-red. 
Boletus  Hippocrepis,  Schrank  Bav.  1731  & 34. 

Boletus  fomentarius  8,  Persoon  Syn.  537. 

On  old  willow*  trees. 

18.  Boletus  ohtusus.  Blunt  holete . 

Thallus  thick,  blunt,  irregular;  cap  globular  growing 
nearly  horizontal,  smooth,  grey,  edge  and  under  surface 
cinnamon-colour ; pores  convex,  scarcely  visible. 

Boletus  igniarius,  Bull.  Herb.  361. 

Boletus  fomentarius  e,  Persoon  Syn.  538. 

On  old  willow-trees. 

14.  Boletus  pomaceus.  Apple  holete. 

Thallus  halved,  small,  grey ; cap  perpendicular,  edge 

sharp,  bands  brownish-grey ; pores  manifest,  flat,  rust- 

Boletus  fomentarius  Persoon  Syn.  538. 

In  orchards,  at  the  foot  of  the  trees. 

0.  prunastri.  Cap  nearly  attached  by  its  back,  thick, 
smooth,  truncated. 

Boletus  prunastri,  Persoon  Syn . 538. 

15.  Boletus  versicolor.  Changeable  holete. 

Thalli  in  tufts,  leatherlike ; cap  thin,  blue,  zoned  of  many 

colours;  pores  white. 

Boletus  versicolor,  Lin.  S.  P.  1645  ; Sowerby  Fungi , 135 ; Persoon  Syn. 

On  trees  and  timber-work ; autumn. 

PI.  cell.  aph.  II.  HYMENOTHECEiE.  268.  Boletus.  643 

16.  Boletus  ahietinus.  Fir  lolete. 

Thaili  crowded,  tiledlike;  cap  spreading  at  bottom,  thin, 

woolly,  greyish- white ; pores  acute,  purple-brown. 

Boletus  abietinus,  Dickson  Crypt.  3,  9;  Persoon  Syn.  541. 

On  decaying  larch-trees. 

17.  Boletus  citrinus.  Lemon  holete. 

Thallus  halved,  tiledlike,  fleshy,  bald,  lemon-yellow. 

Boletus  citrinus,  Plan.  Erfurt.  26  ; Persoon  Syn.  524. 

Boletus  caudicinus,  Schcejf.  Fung,  131  & 132. 

Boletus  sulphureus,  Sourer  by  Fungi,  135. 

On  willow,  old  oak,  plum  and  other  trees ; summer. 
When  young  soft  like  a custard ; on  drying  exudes 
crystals  of  pure  oxalic  acid. 

XXVII.  269.  GR1FOLA.  Micheli.  Grifole. 

Stem  lateral ; cap  semicircular. 

1 . Gr  folia frondosa.  Frondose  grifole. 
Thallus  much  branched;  caps  numerous,  halved,  smoke 


Boletus  entybaceus,  Baumgart.  Lips.  631. 

Boletus  frondosus,  Dickson  Crypt.  1,  18;  Sowerby  Fungi,  87  ; Persoon 
Syn.  520. 

At  the  foot  of  oak-trees  ; autumn. 

Eatable,  but  requires  thorough  dressing ; about  a foot 

2.  Grifola  platypora.  Wide-pored  grifole. 

Thallus  large;  stem  thick;  cap  fleshy,  corklike,  ochre 

yellow;  centre  scaly,  scales  umber-brown  or  blackish; 
pores  large,  bent. 

Boletus  juglandis,  Schcejf.  Fung.  103,  102. 

Boletus  squamosus,  Bolton  Fung.  77. 

Boletus  cellulosus,  Light f.  Scot.  1052. 

On  willows  and  other  trees. 

3.  Grifola  cristata . Crested  grifole. 

Thaili  in  tufts;  stem  white;  cap  fleshy,  irregular,  rather 

turned  inwards,  greenish  ; pores  white,  growing  light  ochry. 

Boletus  cristatus,  Schcejf.  Fung.  316,317j  Persoon  Syn.  522. 

Boletus  floriforrnis,  Schcejf.  Fung.  113. 

In  shady  beech  woods. 

2 t 2 

644  269.  Grifola.  1 1 . HYM  ENOTHECEAE.  Pl.cell.aph. 

4.  Grifola  lucicla . Shining  grfole. 

Stem  variously  coloured  ; cap  leatherlike,  chestnut, 

shining,  furrowed  concentrically ; pores  small,  white. 

Boletus  lucidus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 134;  Persoon  Syn.  522. 

Boletus  vernicosus,  Berg.  PJiyt.  99. 

Boletus  laccatus,  Timm.  FI.  Megap. 

Boletus  nitens,  Batsch.  Fung. 

On  the  trunks  of  oak  and  other  trees. 

5.  Grifola  hadia.  Bay  grfole. 

Thalli  in  tufts;  stem  short,  thick,  blackish-grey;  cap 

bald,  tough,  bay  or  chestnut;  pores  minute,  pale. 

Boletus  durus,  Timm.  FI.  Megap.  271. 

Boletus  badius,  Persoon  Syn.  523. 

Boletus  perennis,  Batsch  Fung.  131. 

On  rotten  willows ; autumn. 

/3.  calceolformis.  Cap  hollowed  in  the  middle ; edge 
thin,  wavy;  tubes  short;  pores  small. 

Boletus  Calceolus,  Bull.  Champ.  338. 

6.  Grifola  varia.  Changing  grfole. 

Thalli  nearly  solitary;  stem  long,  the  lower  half  black; 

cap  tough,  ochry,  sometimes  circular. 

Boletus  lateralis,  Bolt.  Fung.  83. 

Boletus  varius,  Persoon  Syn.  524.  / 

On  beech  and  fir  trees. 

XXVIII.  270.  COLTRICIA,  Micheli.  Coltricione. 

Stem  central ; cap  orbicular,  umbilicated,  membra- 

1.  Coltricia  connata.  United  coltricione. 

Thallus  leatherlike,  tough,  cinnamon;  caps  thin,  zoned, 

velvetty,  mostly  growing  into  another. 

Boletus  perennis,  Lin.  S.  P.  1646;  Sowerby  Fungi , 193;  Persoon  Syn. 

Boletus  fimbriatus,  Bull.  Champ.  332. 

Boletus  subtomentosus,  Bolt.  Fung.  37. 

In  woods  on  sandy  soils,  at  the  foot  of  trees ; autumn. 

2.  Coltricia  nummular  ia.  Money  like  coltricione. 

Thallus  small,  entirely  bald ; stem  slightly  eccentric, 

black  at  bottom;  cap  hard,  convex,  thin,  flat,  pale  whitish- 

Boletus  nurnmularius,  Dickson  Crypt.  1,18;  Sowerby  Fungi , 89  ; Persoon 
Syn.  519. 

On  sticks  in  beech  woods  and  fir  plantations. 

Pl.  cell.  aph.  11.  HYMENOTHECE2E.  270.  Coltric.  645 

3.  Collricia  leptocephala.  Smooth-head  coltricione. 

Stem  rather  eccentric,  short,  pale;  cap  flat,  thin,  above 
fawn-colour;  beneath  white. 

Boletus  leptocephalus,  Persoon  Syn.  519;  Withering  Arr.  4,346. 

On  rotten  sticks. 

XXIX.  271.  STRILIA.  Micheli.  Striglia. 

Stem  central;  cap  orbicular,  umbilicated,  fleshy. 

Strilia  cinnamomea.  Cinnamon  striglia. 

Thallus  cinnamon,  brittle;  cap  concave,  villous,  centre 
funnelshape,  reddish-brown  ; pores  ringed. 

Boletus  cinnamomeus,  Gmel.  Syst.  Nat.  2,  1433;  Persoon  Syn,  515. 
Boletus  perennis,  var.  2,  Withering  Arr.  4,349. 

In  pastures. 

XXX.  272.  ALBATRELLUS.  Micheli.  Alhatrello . 

Stem  central ; cap  orbicular,  convex. 

1.  Albatrellus  alhidus.  Whitish  alhatrello. 

Thalli  gregarious,  whitish ; stem  rather  short,  unequal ; 

cap  bald,  fleshy,  brittle ; pores  minute,  at  last  lemon-yellow. 

Boletus  albidus,  Persoon  Syn.  51 6. 

Boletus  ovinus,  Schceff.  Fung.  121  ? 

Boletus  constrictus,  Bolt.  Fung. 

In  fir  plantations,  on  buried  sticks ; Aug.  and  Sept. 

2.  Albatrellus  fuligineus.  Smoke- grey,  alhatrello. 

Thallus  nearly  leatherlike,  soft;  cap  nearly  smoke-grey, 

flapping  down  all  round ; flesh  white,  very  thin. 

Boletu?  fuligineus,  Persoon  Syn.  516. 

Boletus  polyporus,  Bull.  Champ.  331  ; Withering  Arr.  4,345. 

On  the  ground,  at  the  foot  of  palings. 

XXXI.  273.  POLYPORUS.  Persoon.  Sponge-stool. 
Thallus  branched,  lobed,  every  where  porous. 

Poly  porous  ramosus.  Branched  sponge-stool . 

Thallus  leatherlike,  brittle,  reddish-yellow,  branched, 
everywhere  tubular ; branches  nearly  cylindrical ; flesh 
whitish ; tubes  short. 

Polyporus  ramosus,  Bull.  Champ.  349 ; Persoon  Syn.  549. 

Boletus  sulphureus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 135,  lower  fig. 

In  quarries  and  cellars,  on  rotten  beams. 

When  dry  very  friable. 

646  274.  Suillus.  11.  HYMENOTHECEAE.  Pl.cell.aph. 

H.  SuiLLiDEiE.  Volva  0 ; stem  central,  fleshy,  nearly 
lateral;  cap  fleshy,  convex;  hymenium  tubular;  tubes  long, 
not  shorter  than  the  thickness  of  the  cap,  united  or  dis- 
tinct from  one  another,  separable  from  the  cap. 

XXXII.  274.  SUILLUS.  Micheli.  Porcino. 

Stem  central ; collar  distinct ; cap  circular ; tubes  ad- 
hering together. 

Suillus  luteus.  Yellow  porcino. 

Cap  cushionlike,  bellshape,  glutinous,  livid-yellow,  va- 
riegated with  brick-red  spots ; pores  yellow. 

Boletus  luteus,  Sch&ff.  Fung.  114  ; Sowerby  Fiaigi,26 5?  not  of  Linnseus. 
Boletus  annularius,  Bull.  Champ.  316. 

Boletus  annulatus,  Persoon  Syn.  503. 

In  plantations;  autumn. 

XXXIII.  275.  PINUZZA.  Micheli.  Pinuzzo. 

Stem  central;  collar  fibrous;  cap  circular;  tubes  adhering 

Pinuzza  jlava.  Yellow  pinuzzo . 

Cap  yellow,  centre  orange \ flesh  white,  crisp,  firm;  tubes 
yellow ; collar  white. 

Boletus  flavus,  Bolt.  Fung.  169. 

Boletus  annularius  } Bull.  Champ.  332. 

Boletus  cortinatus,  Persoon  Syn.  503. 

In  fir  plantations. 

XXXIV.  276.  LECCINUM.  Micheli.  Leccino . 

Stem  central ; collar  0 ; cap  circular ; tubes  adhering 

1.  Leccinum  aurantiacum.  Orange  leccino . 

Stem  long,  white,  with  orange-yellow  wartlike  scales ; 
cap  fleshy,  shining,  orange-colour;  pores  minute,  white. 
Boletus  aurantiacus,  Bull.  Champ.  300;  Persoon  Syn.  504. 

In  beech  woods;  autumn. 


(3.  leucopodium . Stem-scales  white;  cap  flattish,  orange 
inclining  to  cinnamon,  shining;  pores  white. 

y.  rufum.  Stem  long,  wrinkly  torn ; scales  blackish  ; 
gap  swollen,  plano-convex,  reddish-streaked;  pores  whitish. 
Boletus  aurantiacus,  Bull.  Champ,  489,  2;  Sowerby  Fungi . 110. 

PL  cell.  aph.  11.  HYMENOTHECEJE.  276.  Leccin.  647 

2.  Leccinum  scabrum.  Rough  leccino. 

Stem  slender,  scales  blackish  ; cap  rather  wrinkled, 

opake,  smoke-grey ; pores  pale  white,  depressed  round 
the  stem. 

Boletus  scaber,  Sowerby,  175;  Persoon  Syn . 505. 

In  beech  woods;  autumn. 

Esculent;  pickled  by  the  Russians  and  Poles. 

3.  Leccinum  lactifluum.  Milk-yielding  leccino. 

Stem  pale-yellow;  cap  reddish-buff,  thick,  convex,  glu- 
tinous, flesh-white  ; tubes  yellow,  filled  with  a milklike 

Boletus  lactifluus,  Withering  Arr.  4,  355 ; Persoon  Syn.  506. 

In  parks. 

4.  Leccinum  subtomentosum . Rather-woolly  leccino . 

Thallus  middle-size ; stem  rather  slender,  reddish  in  the 

middle,  or  uniformly  yellowish ; cup  cushionlike,  plano- 
convex, rather  woolly,  reddish  or  greyish-yellow ; flesh 
scarcely  altering;  pores  large. 

Boletus  subtomentosus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1647  ; Persoon  Syn.  507. 

In  woods;  autumn. 

5.  Leccinum  piper atum.  Pepper  leccino • 

Stem  yellow  at  bottom  and  in  the  inside;  cap  rather 

thick,  cushionlike,  bent,  cinnamon;  pores  large,  convex, 

Boletus  piperatus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 34;  Persoon  Syn.  507. 

In  woods. 

Taste  acrid  and  burning,  like  capsicum. 

6.  Leccinum  constrictum.  Bound  leccino . 

Stem  smooth,  bellied,  greyish-white  at  top ; cap  broad, 

greyish ; flesh  bluish ; pores  white. 

Boletus  cyanescens,  Bull.  Champ.  319;  Withering  Arr.  4,345. 

Boletus  constrictus,  Persoon  Syn.  508. 

In  gardens. 

7.  Leccinum  edule.  Eatable  leccino . 

Stem  tuberous,  rather  bellied,  greyish-red,  with  net- 
work; cap  cushionlike,  very  wide,  brownish-red;  flesh  not 
changing  colour ; pores  at  first  stuffed,  whitish,  grow  yellow. 

Boletus  edulis,  Bull.  Herb.  494;  Persoon  Syn.  510. 

In  woods  and  heaths;  autumn. 

Taste  grateful,  like  that  of  the  cocoa-nut. 

648  276.  Leccin.  11.  HYMENOTHECEAE.  Pl.celLapfi. 

8.  Leccinum  elephantinum.  Elephant  leccino. 

Stem  yellow,  short,  thick;  cap  white,  convex,  very  irre- 
gular ; tuhes  yellow,  short. 

Boletus  elephantiiius,  Withering  Arr.  4,351. 

Boletus  edulis  elephantinus,  Persoon  Syn.  510. 

In  fir  plantations. 

9.  Leccinum  luridum.  Lurid  leccino. 

Thallus  large;  stem  long,  reddish,  networked,  rather 

bulbous;  cap  cushionlike,  brownish-olive;  tubes  equal,  red, 
afterwards  orange. 

Boletus  luridus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 250  ; Persoon  Syn.  512. 

In  grassy  woods. 

10.  Leccinum  ruleolarium.  Measle  leccino . 

Stem  short,  bulbous,  thick,  smoothish,  olive;  cap  cu- 
shionlike, nearly  hemispherical,  olive,  slightly  woolly;  tubes 
plano-convex,  dark-red. 

Boletus  rubeolarius,  Sowcrby  Fungi , 250;  Persoon  Syn.  512. 

In  oak  woods;  autumn. 

XXXV.  277.  FISTULINA.  Persoon.  Pipe-stool . 

Stem  lateral,  naked ; cap  semicircular ; tubes  separate 
from  one  another. 

Fistulina  hepatica.  Liver  pipe-stool . 

Thallus  fleshy,  blood-red ; tubes  free,  growing  yellow. 
Agaricus  porosus  rubens,  carnosus,  hepatis  facie,  Ran  Syn.  23,  12. 
Boletus  hepatieus,  Sowerby  Fungi,  58;  Persoon  Syn.  549. 

Boletus  buglossum,  FI.  Dan.  1039. 

Fistulina  buglossoides,  Bull.  Champ.  314. 

On  oak-trees  ; autumn. 

Resembles  bullock’s  liver;  esculent  and  thought  to  be 
equal  in  flavour  to  the  mushroom. 

I.  Si  stotrem  ideas.  Volva  0;  thallus  leatherlike ; hyme- 
nium  at  first  meandering,  porous,  becoming  toothed  ; teeth 
lamellar,  torn. 

XXXVI.  278.  SISTOTREMA.  Persoon.  Sistotreme . 

Stem  distinct ; cap  round. 

1.  Sistotrema  bienne.  Two-year  sistotreme. 

Stem  contracted,  woolly ; cap  cuplike,  thick,  rather  rust- 
colour  ; tubes  grey,  labyrinthlike. 

PI.  cell.  aph.  1 1 . HYMENOTHECEiE.  278.  Sistot.  649 

Boletus  biennis,  Bull.  Champ.  333  ; Sowerhy  Fungi , 191  ? 

Sistotrema  bienne,  Persoon  Syn.  550. 

On  rotten  wood  and  the’ground. 

2.  Sistotrema  confluens . Confluent  sistotreme . 

Thalli  gregarious,  usually  in  pairs,  white*,  pale ; cap 
fleshy,  bent,  running  together;  teeth  decurrent,  whitish. 

Hydnum  sublameilosum,  Sowerhy  Fungi , 112. 

Sistotrema  confluens,  Persoon  Syn.  551. 

In  beech  woods  and  fir  plantations,  on  the  ground. 

XXXVII.  279.  CERRENA.  Micheli.  Cerrena . 

Stem  distinct ; cap  semicircular. 

Cerrena  cinerea.  Grey  cerrena. 

Tiiallus  tiledlike,  corklike;  cap  semicircular,  rough,  un- 
derneath grey. 

Boletus  uni  color,  Sowerhy  Fungi , 325. 

Sistotrema  cinereum,  Persoon  Syn.  551. 

On  trunks  of  trees. 

XXXVIII.  280.  XYLODON.  Persoon.  Wood-tooth. 

Thallus  attached  by  its  back;  teeth  irregular,  cut. 

1.  Xylodon  quercinum.  Oak  wood-tooth . 

Thallus  bald,  pale  reddish-grey;  teeth  thick,  irregular, 

cut,  slightly  tiledlike. 

Hydnum  candidum,  Bull.  Herb.  481. 

Odontia  quercina,  Persoon  Ohs.  Myc.  2,  17. 

Sistotrema  quercinum,  Persoon  Syn.  552. 

On  dry  oak-sticks. 

2.  Xylodon  digitatum.  Fingered  wood-tooth . 

Thallus  white,  diverging;  teeth  fingerlike,  crowded. 

Hydnum  paradoxum,  Schrad.  Germ.  179. 

Sistotrema  digitatum,  Persoon  Syn.  553. 

On  trees. 

650  281. Hydnum.  1 1 . HYMENOTHECEiE.  Pl.cell.aph. 

K.  HYDNiDEiE.  Volvo  0;  collar  0;  cap  leatherlike  or 
fleshy;  hymenium  prickly;  prickles  awlshape,  not  divided. 
— None  are  known  to  be  poisonous. 

XXXIX.  281.  HYDNUM.  Dillenius.  Prickle-stool. 

Stem  central ; cap  regular,  round,  fleshy,  convex. 

Hydnum  imhricatum.  Tiled  prickle-stool. 

Cap  umbiKcated,  umber-brown,  scaly;  scales  thick, 
nearly  upright,  darker. 

Hydnum  imbricatum,  Lin.  S.  F.  1647  ; Sowerby  Fungi , 73;  Persoon 
Syn.  554. 

In  fir  plantations. 


XL.  282.  DENTINUM.  Micheli.  Dentino . 

Stem  nearly  central ; cap  regular,  round,  fleshy,  umbi- 


1 . Dentinum  repandum . Spread  dentino. 

Thallus  pale  flesh-colour ; stem  tuberous,  rather  eccen- 
tric; cap  wrinkled,  bent,  slightly  lobed,  bald;  prickles  ra- 
ther thick,  many,  compressed. 

Hydnum  repandum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1647  ; Sowerby  Fungi , 176;  Persoon  Syn. 

In  woods. 

2.  Dentinum  rufescens . Reddish  dentino. 

Stem  rather  slender,  nearly  cylindrical ; cap  rather  thin, 

fleshy,  slightly  woolly,  flesh-red;  prickles  pointed,  slightly 
compressed,  yellowish. 

Hydnum  rufescens,  Bolton  Fung , 88 ; Persoon  Syn.  555. 

In  woods. 

XLI.  283.  AURISCALPIUM.  Earpick- stool. 

Stem  lateral,  naked ; cap  leatherlike,  membranaceous, 
nearly  round. 

Auriscalpium  vulgare.  Common  ear pick-s tool. 

Thallus  bay-colour;  cap  halved,  leatherlike. 

Hydnum  Auriscalpium,  Lin.  S.  P.  1648  ; Persoon  Syn.  557. 

On  the  cones  of  fir ; all  the  year. 

PLcell. aph.  1 1.  HYMENOTHECEiE.  284.Steccher.  651 

XLII.  284.  STECCHERINUM.  Mich.  Hedgehog-stool. 
Stem  0 ; cap  semicircular,  horizontal. 

1.  Sieccherinum  ochraceum.  Ochry  hedgehog-stool. 

Thallus  spreading,  turned  back,  rather  tiledlike ; cap 

leatherlike,  thin,  zoned,  ochraceous ; prickles  minute,  yel- 
low flesh-colour. 

Hydnum  Daviesii,  Sowerby  Fungi , 15. 

Hydnum  ochraceum,  Persoon  Syn.  559. 

On  fir-trees. 

2.  Sieccherinum  gelatinosum.  Gelatinous  hedgehog- stool. 

Thallus  gelatinous,  glaucous  white;  stem  lateral;  cap  flat 

on  both  faces. 

Hydnum  gelatinosum,  Persoon  Syn.  560. 

On  the  branches  of  firs. 

3.  Steccherinum  quercinum.  Oak  hedgehog-stool. 

Thallus  large,  convex,  yellowish-white,  leatherlike; 

prickles  very  long,  hanging  down  in  stages. 

Hydnum  Erinaceus,  Bull,  Champ.  34;  Persoon  Syn . 560. 

On  old  oak-trees. 


XLIIL  285.  ODONTIA.  Persoon.  Toothless-stool. 

Thallus  spreading,  attached  by  its  back;  prickles  round. 
— Wholesome. 

1.  Odontia  ohtusa.  Blunt  toothless-stool. 

Thallus  white ; prickles  cylindrical,  blunt,  villous  at  the 


Fungoides  humile  ex  albido  livescens,  apicihus  tenuissime  crenatis, 
Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  14,  7. 

Hydnum  obtusum,  Schrader  Germ.  178;  Persoon  Syn.  562. 

On  felled  trees. 

2.  Odontia  diaphana.  Transparent  toothless-stool. 

Thallus  paperlike,  transparent;  prickles  awlshape,  scat- 

Hydnum  diaphanum,  Schrader  Germ.  178;  Persoon  Syn.  563, 

On  beech-trees. 

652  286.  Heric.  11.  HYMENOTHECEAE.  Pl.cell.aph . 

XLIV.  286.  HER  I Cl  UM.  Persoon.  Spine-stool. 

Thallus  clublike,  simple  or  branched ; prickles  covering 
every  part. — Wholesome. 

Hericium  coralloides.  Coral-like  spine-stool . 

Thallus  large,  much  branched ; branches  crowded,  bent 
in ; prickles  terminal,  rather  bundled. 

Hydnum  coralloides,  Sowerby  Fungi , 252  ; Persoon  Syn.  252. 

In  woods,  upon  oak  and  other  trees. 


L.  THELEPHORiDEiE.  Thallus  leathery,  rarely  with  a 
cap  3 hymenium  smooth,  hairy  or  warty,  expanded. 

XLV.  287.  CRATERELLA.  Persoon.  Crater-stool. 

Stem  central ; cap  round,  umbilicated  or  funnelshape ; 
centre  shaggy. 

Cratella  caryophyllea.  Vink  crater-stool. 

Thallus  varying ; cap  funnelshape,  thin,  brown  then 
purple;  edge  generally  cut,  rather  crisp. 

Oaterella  ambigua,  Persoon  Comment.  128. 

Helvella  caryophyllea,  Dickson  Crypt.  1,20. 

Thelephora  caryophyllea,  Persoon  Syn.  565. 

In  fir  plantations,  on  the  ground. 

XLVI.  288.  STEREUM.  Persoon.  Stereum. 

Cap  semicircular,  at  length  horizontal. 

1.  Stereum  laciniatum.  Jagged  stereum. 

Thallus  tiledlike,  dark  brown ; cap  thin,  jagged,  crisp, 

beneath  rough  with  nipples  crowded  together. 

Stereum  laciniatum,  Persoon  Ohs.  Myc.  1,36. 

Auricularia  caryophyllea,  Sowerby  Fungi , 213? 

Thelephora  laciniata,  Persoon  Syn.  567. 

On  trees,  near  their  roots. 

2.  Stereum  ruliginosum.  Rusty  stereum . 

Thallus  tiledlike,  stiff,  rusty  chestnut,  smooth  on  both 

faces ; nipples  scattered,  large. 

Helvella  rubiginosa,  Dickson  Crypt.  1,20. 

Auricularia  rubiginosa,  Sowerby  Fungi,  26. 

Thelephora  rubiginosa,  Persoon  Syn.  567. 

On  the  mossy  trunks  of  oak  and  other  trees. 

PLcell. aph.  ll.HYMENOTHECEAE.  288.  Stereum.  653 

3.  Stereum  ferrugineum.  Ferruginous  stereum. 

Phallus  spreading,  turned  back,  rust-colour;  cap  thin, 

slightly  woolly,  smoothish ; beneath  hairy. 

Thelephora  variegata,  Schrad.  Germ.  185. 

Auricularia  tabacina,  Sowerby  Fungi,  25. 

Thelephora  ferruginea,  Persoon  Syn.  560. 

On  fallen  sticks,  in  woods. 

4.  Stereum  hirsutum.  Shaggy  stereum. 

Phalli  in  tufts,  leatherlike,  yellowish,  shaggy;  under- 
neath bald. 

Auricularia  reflexa,  Sowerby  Fungi , 27. 

Thelephora  hirsuta,  Persoon  Syn.  570. 

On  trees  and  palings. 

5.  Stereum  mesentericum.  Caivl  stereum. 

Phallus  large,  leathery,  gelatinous;  cap  horizontal,  rather 

thin,  with  impressed  zones,  woolly,  greyish-brown ; beneath 
turning  purple,  with  scattered,  longitudinal  folds. 

Helvella  mesenterica,  Dickson  Crypt.  1,20. 

Thelephora  mesenterica,  Persoon  Syn.  571. 

On  trees. 

XLV1I.  289.  CORTICIUM.  Persoon.  Bark-ear. 

Phallus  spread,  attached  by  its  back,  nipply. 

Corticium  quercinum.  Oak  bark-ear. 

Phallus  attached  lengthways,  leatherlike,  wrinkly,  rather 
fleshy;  edge  somewhat  turned  in;  beneath  brown. 
Auricularia  corticalis,  Withering  Arr.  4,377. 

Thelephora  quercina,  Persoon  Syn.  573. 

On  the  branches  of  oak-trees. 

XLVIII.  290.  MERISMA.  Persoon.  Branch-ear. 

Phallus  branched,  leatherlike,  compressed,  smooth ; tip 
mostly  hairy. 

1.  Merisma  cristatum.  Crested  branch-ear. 

Phallus  rather  lying  down,  encrusting,  pale;  branches 
jagged,  thickened,  wrinkly. 

Clavaria  laciniata,  Sowerby  Fungi , 158. 

Merisma  cristatum,  Persoon  Syn.  583. 

In  woods,  on  the  ground. 

654?  290.Merism.  11.  HYMENQTHECEiE.  Vl.cell.aph . 

2.  Merisma fcetidum.  Stinking  branch-ear. 

Thallus  brown-purplish ; branches  palmate,  close ; tips 
whitish,  shining. 

Clavaria  palmata,  ScopoJi  Cam.  2,  485. 

Clavaria  anthocephala,  Sowerby  Fungi , 156. 

Merisma  foetidum,  Persoon  Syn.  584. 

In  hr  plantations,  on  the  ground. 

Odoiw  very  disagreeable. 

M.  Clavaride^.  Thallus  fleshy,  long,  uniform,  simple 
or  branched;  hymenium  smooth,  expanded. 

XLIX.  291.  CORYNOIDES.  Corynoide . 

Thallus  cartilaginous  or  gelatinous,  compressed ; sporidia 
scattered  over  the  whole  surface  of  the  thallus. 

1.  Corynoides  cornea . Horny  corynoide. 

Thalli  gregarious,  small,  glutinous,  yellowish ; simple  or 

branched,  connate  at  bottom. 

Clavaria  cornea,  Sowerby  Fungi , 40  ; Persoon  Syn.  596. 

On  trees  after  rain  in  autumn,  and  on  timber. 

2.  Corynoides  fab  arum.  Bean  corynoide. 

Thallus  brownish  olive,  scaly,  divided  above;  branches 

blunt  or  nicked ; scales  brown. 

Clavaria  fabas,  Sowerby  Fungi , 404. 

On  bean-stalks ; autumn. 

3.  Corynoides  farinosa.  Mealy  corynoide. 

Thalli  pale-yellow,  mealy,  scattered,  branched ; branches 

short,  scalloped  ; meal  white. 

Clavaria  farinosa,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,  25  ; Sowerby  Fungi , 308. 

On  decayed  pupae,  at  the  bottom  of  walls  or  trees. 

4.  Corynoides  byssoides.  Byssuslike  corynoide. 

Thalli  snow-white,  in  tufts,  entangled,  much  and  irre- 
gularly branched. 

Clavaria  byssoides,  Sowerby  Fungi , 335. 

On  the  stumps  of  old  trees. 

PLcell. aph.  1 8.  HYMENOTHECEiE.  292.  Ramar.  655 

L,  292.  RAMARIA.  Holmskiokl.  Ramaria. 

Phallus  fleshy,  cylindrical,  branched,  generally  pipey, 
below  slender  ; sporidia  scattered  on  the  upper  part  of  the 
thallus. — None  are  poisonous. 

' 1 . Ramaria  ceranoides.  Hornlike  ramaria . 

Phalli  in  tufts ; clubs  toothed,  or  slightly  branched,  yel- 
lowish ; branches  irregular,  brown  at  the  tip. 

Clavaria  rugosa,  Sowerby  Fungi , 235. 

Clavaria  ceranoides,  Persoon  Syn . 594. 

On  the  ground. 

2.  Ramaria  rugosa.  Wrinkled  ramaria. 

Phallus  rather  large,  whitish,  thick,  wrinkled,  simple  or 

branched  ; branches  few,  irregular. 

Clavaria  rugosa,  Bull.  Herb.  448;  Persoon  Syn.  595. 

Clavaria  elegans,  Bolton  Fung.  1 15. 

Clavaria  coralloides,  Sowerby  Fungi , 278,  centre  fig.  below. 

On  the  ground  under  trees ; September. 

3.  Ramaria  tuberosa.  Puberous  ramaria. 

Phallus  yellowish,  scarcely  branched,  tuberous  at  bottom. 
Clavaria  tuberosa,  Sowerby  Fungi , 199;  Persoon  Syn.  593. 

On  the  bark  of  trees. 

Puber  inserted  into  the  bark. 

4-.  Ramaria  corniculata.  Hoi'ned  ramaria. 

Phallus  slightly  branched,  yellow;  stem  slender,  long, 
twice  or  thrice  forked ; branches  acute. 

Fungus  parvus  luteus  ramosus,  Rail  Syn.  16,  15. 

Clavaria  muscoides,  Lin.  S.  P.  1652  ; Sowerby  Fungi , 157. 

Clavaria  corniculata,  Persoon  Syn.  589. 

In  woods,  on  dry  soils. 

/3.  alba.  Phallus  white. 

Clavaria  coralloides,  Sowerby  Fungi , 278,  upper  figure. 

5.  Ramaria  pratensis.  Meadow  ramaria. 

Phalli  in  tufts,  yellowish;  stem  short;  branches  kneed, 
spreading;  twigs  rather  even-topped,  blunt. 

Fungoides  coralliforme  luteurn  fcetidum  et  minus  ramosum,  Dillen  in 
Raii  Syn.  479. 

Clavaria  fastigiata,  Lin.  S.  P.  1652. 

Clavaria  muscoides,  FI.  Ban.  836. 

Clavaria  praten  is,  Persoon  Syn.  590. 

Among  grass;  autumn. 


656  292.Ramar.  1 1.  HYMENOTHECEiE.  PI.cell.aph. 

6.  Ramalaria  coriacea.  Leatherlike  ramaria. 

Thallus  soft,  leatherlike,  flat,  grooved,  ends  fringed,  grey 

turning  dark-brown. 


Clavaria  coriacea,  Bull.  Hetrb.  452  ; Withering  A rr.  4,403. 

On  the  ground,  in  plantations. 

7.  Ramaria  amethystea.  /Imethyst  ramaria . 

Thallus  brittle,  tender,  very  much  branched,  smooth, 

violet- colour. 

Clavaria  coralloides,  var,  b.  Bolt.  Fung.  1 13. 

Clavaria  amethystea,  Persoon  Syn.  590. 

On  heaths  and  woods  among  fallen  leaves;  autumn. 

8.  Ramaria  ciner ea.  Grey  ramaria . 

Thallus  brittle,  tender,  solid,  greyish-brown,  branched; 

twigs  dilated. 

Clavaria  coralloides,  a,  Bolt.  Fung . 113. 

Clavaria  cinerea,  Persoon  Syn.  1S6. 

Menottes  grises.  Gantelines. 

In  woods. 


LI.  293.  CLAVARIA.  Micheli.  Club-stool. 

Thallus  long,  cylindrical,  clublike,  mostly  simple;  stem 
scarcely  distinct;  sporidia  scattered  on  the  tip. 

1.  Clavaria  gracilis . Slender  club-stool. 

Thalli  in  clusters,  brittle,  snow-white;  club  pipey,  slightly 

thicker  at  the  tip. 

Clavaria  gracilis,  Bolton  Fung.  3,  1 ; Sowerby  Fungi , 232. 

Clavaria  eburnea  a,  Persoon  Syn.  603. 

On  decayed  sticks. 

2.  Clavaria  cylindrica.  Cylinder  club-stool. 

Thalli  in  clusters,  brittle,. snow-white;  stem  long,  slen- 
der ; club  rather  thick,  cylindrical,  blunt,  pipey. 

Clavaria  cylindrica,  Sowerby  Fungi , 90,  part  only. 

Clavaria  fragilis,  HolmsJciold , a — e. 

Clavaria  eburnea  /3,  Persoon  Syn.  603. 

In  damp  woods. 

3.  Clavaria  solida.  Solid  club-stool. 

Thalli  in  clusters,  brittle,  snow-white,  nearly  cylindrical 

tapering  to  a point,  solid. 

PI.  cell.  aph.  1 1 . HYMENOTHKCE/E.  298.  Clavar.  657 

Fungoiries  clavalum  incurvum  in  acutum  mucronem  productum,  Dillen 
in  Raii  Syn.  14,  3. 

Ciavaria  pi=tillaris,  Lin.  S.  P.  165!. 

Clavaria  veriniculata,  Light f.  Scot . in  part. 

Ciavaria  ebui  nea  y,  Persoon  Syn.  603. 

On  heaths,  and  in  woods  on  a dry  soil. 

4.  Ciavaria  acuta , Pointed  club-stool. 

Thallus  solitary,  snow-white;  stem  cylindrical,  long,  ra- 
ther transparent ; club  rather  conical,  pointed,  opake, 

Ciavaria  acuta,  Sowerby  Fungi,  333. 

Jn  damp  places,  on  the  ground. 

5.  Ciavaria  veriniculata . JVorm  club-stool . 

Thalli  in  clusters,  brittle,  snow-white,  nearly  cylindri- 
cal, pipey,  bent,  tapering  to  a point. 

Ciavaria  vermiculata,  Lightf.  Scot,  in  part. 

In  woods  and  pastures ; autumn. 

6.  Ciavaria  fusiformis.  Spindlelike  club-stool. 

Thalli  in  clusters,  crowded,  gokl-yellow,  rather  tough, 

pointed  at  each  end,  cohering  at  the  bottom. 

Ciavaria  fusiformis,  Sowerby  Fungi , 234;  Persoon  Syn.  601. 

Ciavaria  fasciculata,  Persoon  Comm.  73. 

On  heath}7,  mossy  woods. 

7.  Ciavaria  bifur ca.  Two-forked  club-stool. 

Thalli  in  clusters,  yellowish,  brittle,  solid,  bald,  simple 

afterwards  becoming  forked ; tips  pointed. 

Ciavaria  bifurea,  Bull , Champ.  207. 

Ciavaria  vermicularis,  Lightf.  Scot. 

Ciavaria  inequa'tis  y , Persoon  Syn.  601. 

In  grassy  woods,  on  the  ground. 

8.  Ciavaria  Ar denies . Lady- Arden’s  club-stool. 

Thalli  scattered,  very  long,  chestnut-brown,  hollow  ; 

base  woolly ; tip  becomes  truncated. 

Ciavaria  Ardenia,  Sowerby  Fungi , 215;  Persoon  Syn.  599. 

On  decaying  hazel-sticks. 

Thallus  above  a span  long. 

9.  Ciavaria  Herculeana.  Herculean  club-stool. 

Thallus  solitary,  large,  light  chestnut-brown,  wrinkled, 

solid  ; tip  cut  off,  depressed. 

Ciavaria  Herculeana,  Lightf.  Scot.  2, 1056. 

Ciavaria  pistillaris  Persoon  Syn.  597. 

In  fir  plantations,  on  the  ground. 

VOL.  i.  2 v 

658  293.  Clavar.  1 1.  HYMENOTHECEiE.  Pl.cell.aph. 

10.  Clavaria  pistillaris.  Pistil-like  club-stool. 

Thallus  solitary,  large,  yellowish-red,  thicker  at  top, 

wrinkled,  solid ; top  rounded  off. 

Clavaria  Herculanea,  Bull.  Herb.  244  ; Sowerby  Fungi , 277. 

Clavaria  pistillaris,  Persoon  Syn.  597. 

In  woods,  on  the  ground. 

Taste  very  bitter. 

1 1 . Clavaria  erythropus . Red-fooled  club-stool 
Stem  stiff,  long,  dark-red;  club  cylindrical,  short,  white. 

Clavaria  gyrate  Bolton  Fung.  1 12. 

Clavaria  erythropus,  Persoon  Syn.  606. 

On  sticks. 

12.  Clavaria  phacorhiza.  Lentil-rooted  club-stool. 

Thallus  threadlike,  bent,  brown;  club  pipey;  root  lentil- 

shape,  black. 

Clavaria  phacorhiza,  Sowerby  Fungi , 233  ; Persoon  Syn.  607. 

Oil  the  ground  in  gardens. 

N.  Geoglosside^e.  Thallus  fleshy,  long,  expanded  at 
the  top,  either  clubshaped  or  capped ; cap  smooth ; hyme- 
nium  smooth,  expanded. 

LII.  291<.  GEOGLOSSUM.  Persoon,  Ground-tongue . 

Thallus  clubshape;  club  fleshy,  mostly  compressed,  short, 
edged ; edges  prominent ; sporidia  scattered  over  the  whole 
surlace  of  the  club. 

1.  Geoglossum  hirsutum.  Shaggy  ground-tongue . 

Thalli  in  clusters,  large,  black,  woolly. 

Clavaria  ophioglossoides,  Sowerby  Fungi , 83. 

Geoglossum  hirsutum  /3,  Persoon  Syn . 608. 

In  woods  and  pastures. 

2.  Geoglossum  glabrum . Bald  ground-tongue. 

Thallus  greyish-black,  bald ; stem  rather  scaly  ; club  li- 

gulate,  not  glutinous. 

Clavaria  ophioglossoides,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  140. 

Geoglossum  glabrum,  Persoon  Syn.  608. 

On  grassy  hills.;  beginning  of  autumn. 

3.  Geogl.  atropurpureum.  Dark-purple  ground- tongue. 

Thallus  bald,  dark-purple. 

Geoglossum  purpurascens,  Persoon  Comm.  39. 

Clavaria  atropurpurea,  Batsch.  Fung.  2,  48. 

Geoglossum  atropurpureum,  Persoon  Syn.  609. 

In  grassy  places. 

PL  cell.  aph.  11.  HYMEN0THECE7E.  294.  Geogl.  659 

4.  Geoglossum  viride.  Green  ground- tongue. 

Thalli  in  clusters,  green;  stem  rather  scaly;  chib  blunt. 

Clavaria  vi  rid  is,  Gmel.  Syst.  Nat.  2,  1443. 

Clavaria  serpentina,  Schrank  Bavar.  2,571. 

Geoglossum  viride,  Persoon  Syn.  010. 

In  woods ; autumn. 

5.  Geoglossum  P herb  arum . Herb  ground- longue. 

Thalli  in  clusters,  minute,  lanceolate,  rather  tough, 


Acrospermum  compressum,  Tode  Mecklenb.  1,3. 

Clavaria  herbarum,  Sowerby  Fungi , 353;  Persoon  Syn.  605. 

Sclerotium Esenbeck  Syst.  1,  171. 

On  dry  sticks,  covered  with  leaves. 

6.  Geoglossum  obtusum.  Blunt  ground- longue. 

Thalli  scattered,  small,  solid,  snow-white,  bald ; club 


Clavaria  obtusa,  Sowerby  Fungi , 334,  1 . 

On  dead  fern-stalks. 

7.  Geoglossum  oblongum.  Oblong  ground-tongue. 

Thalli  scattered,  small,  solid,  snow-white,  rather  woolly; 

club  oblong. 

Clavaria  obtusa,  Sowerby  Fungi , 334,2. 

On  dead  fern-stalks. 

8.  Geoglossum  minutum.  Small  ground-tongue. 

Thalli  scattered,  small;  stem  pale;  club  oblong,  reddish- 

Clavaria  minuta,  Sowerby  Fungi , 391. 

On  the  bracteae  of  galedragon  pilosus. 

9.  Geogl.  poly morphum.  Many-formed  ground-tongue. 

Thalli  scattered,  small;  stem  threadlike,  brown;  club  va- 
riously formed,  compressed,  hollow,  blunt. 

Clavaria  polymorpha,  Sowerby  Fungi,  276. 

On  fallen  elm-leaves. 

LIII.  295.  MITRULA.  Persoon.  Mitre-stool. 

Thallus  with  a club-head ; club  conical  or  ovate,  smooth, 
edge  turned  in ; sporidia  on  the  whole  surface  of  the  club. 

2 u 2 

660  295.-Mitrul.  11.  HYMENOTHECEJE.  PL  cell  aph. 

1 . Mitrula  Dicksoni.  Dickson’s  mitre-stool. 
Stem  pale  yellow;  cap  rather  clubshape,  blunt,  hollow, 


Clavaria  epiphylla,  Dickson  Crypt.  3,  22;  Persoon  Syn.  612. 

In  turf-bogs,  upon  half-rotten-leaves. 

2.  Mitrula  Heyderi.  Heyder’s  mitre-stool 

Thalli  scattered,  small;  club  ovate,  light  chestnut-brown. 
Elvella  cucullata,  Batsch  Fung.  189. 

Clavaria  ferruginea,  Sowerby  Fungi , 84. 

Leotia  Mitrula,  Per  go  on  Syn.  611. 

On  fir-leaves;  end  of  autumn. 

L1V.  296.  LEOTIA.  Persoon.  Leotia . 

Thallus  capped,  rather  gelatinous;  cap  orbicular,  smooth, 
edge  turned  in ; sporidia  scattered  on  the  gelatinous  upper 
surface  of  the  cap. 

1.  Leotia  marcida . Withered  leotia. 

Thallus  yellowish-green,  rather  gelatinous;  stem  very 

long,  narrowed  at  bottom;  cap  flattish,  turned  up. 

Phallus  marcidus,  FI.  Dan.  654,  1. 

Leotia  marcida,  Persoon  Syn.  613. 

In  woods. 

2.  Leotia  lubrica.  Slippery  leotia . 

Thallus  yellowish-green,  rather  gelatinous ; stem  cylin- 
drical ; cap  convex. 

Helvella  gelatinosa,  Bull.  Herb . 296;  Sowerby  Fungit  70. 

Leotia  lubrica,  Persoon  Syn.  613. 

In  woods,  after  heavy  rains. 

LV.  297.  HELOTIUM.  Persoon.  Head-stool 

Thallus  with  a cap ; cap  fleshy,  hemispherical,  smooth, 
edge  turned  in ; sporidia  on  the  upper  surface. 

1.  Helotium  aciculare . Needlelike  head-stool . 

Thalli  in  clusters,  small,  white,  lasting;  cap  at  first 
slightly  hollowed. 

Leotia  acicularis,  Persoon  Observ.  2,20. 

Helvella  agariciformis,  Sowerby  Fungi , 57. 

Helotium  aciculare,  Persoon  Syn.  677. 

On  decayed  oak-leaves. 

Stem  often  branched ; cap  consists  of  thecas  each  filled 
with  ?i  sporidia. 

PL  cell.  aph.  11.  HYMENOTHECE7E.  297.  Helot.  661 

2.  Helotium  ceruginosum . Brassy  head-stool, 

Thalli  in  clusters,  bright  green ; cap  concave,  variously 

shaped,  edge  irregular. 

Helvella  aeruginosa,  Sowerby  Fungi , 347  ; Persoon  Syn.  617. 

On  decayed  wood,  which  it  turns  of  a light  green. 

3.  Helotium  infundibuliformis . Funnelshape  head-stool. 

Thallus  large;  stem  thick,  pale-brown;  cap  hemispheri- 
cal; above  blackish,  becoming  concave;  beneath  pale. 

Helvella  infundibuliformis,  Schaeff.  Fung.  277  ; Sowerby  Fungi , 153. 

In  damp  shady  places. 

LVI.  298.  RELHANUM.  Relhan . 

Thallus  stipitate;  cap  conical,  bellshape,  edge  curtain- 
like, beneath  smooth  ; sporidia  on  the  silky  upper  surface 
of  the  cap. 

Relhanum  coni  cum.  Conical  Relhan , 

Stem  cylindrical,  pipey,  yellowish ; cap  above  brown, 
beneath  yellow. 

Phallus  conirus,  FI.  Dan.  654. 

Helvella  Relhani,  Sowerby  Fungi , 11. 

Leotia?  conica,  Persoon  Syn.  613. 

On  chalk  hills. 

0.  Belveixideje.  Thallus  fleshy,  long;  cap  mitrelike, 
plaited  or  cellular,  like  network ; hymenium  smooth,  ex- 

LVII.  299.  MORCHELLA.  Dillenius.  Morell. 

Stem  hollow ; cap  conical,  above  cellular  in  network ; 
sporidia  over  the  whole  surface. — Wholesome,  and  fine 

1.  Morchella  esculenta . Eatable  morell. 

Thallus  yellowish  ; stem  filled  up ; cap  contracted  at  the 


Fungus  favaginosus,  Park.  1317;  Rail  Syn.  11,7, 

Phallus  esculentus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1648, 

Helvella  esculenta,  Sowerby  Fungi , 51,  left-hand  fig. 

Morchella  esculenta,  Persoon  Syn.  618. 

White  morells. 

In  woods,  especially  where  fires  have  been  made ; spring. 
When  dry,  used  to  flavour  soups,  as  also  the  following. 

662  299.Morc.hel.  1 1.  HYMENQTHECEiE.  Pl.cell.aph. 

2.  Morchella  vulgaris.  Common  morell. 

Thallus  blackish ; stem  filled  up ; cap  contracted  at  bot- 
tom; cells  nearly  4-sided. 

Helvella  esculenta,  Sowerby  Fungi , 51,  right-hand  fig. 

Morchella  esculenta  0,  Persoon  Syn.  C19. 

In  woods ; spring. 

3.  Morchella  patnla.  Open  morell . 

Thallus  yellowish ; stem  hollow;  cap  short,  spreading  at 

bottom ; cells  rhomboidal. 

Phallus  patulus,  Gmelin  Syst,  Nat.  2,  1449. 

Helvella  esculenta,  Sowerby  Fungi , 51,  centre  fig. 

Morchella  patula,  Persoon  Syn.  619. 

In  woods;  spring. 

4.  Morchella  hylrida.  Bastard  morell. 

Stem  very  long,  cylindrical ; cap  short,  conical ; cells 

oblong,  ribbed  with  anastomosing  veins. 

Helvella  hybrida,  Sowerby  Fungi , 238. 

In  woods;  May. 

LVIII.  300.  HELVELLA.  Linnseus,  Helvelle. 

Thallus  plaited  ; stem  hollow  ; cap  membranaceous, 
plaited,  sinuated  mostly  irregular,  turned  down  on  all  sides ; 
sporidia  scattered  on  the  whole  surface. 

1.  Helvella  sulcata.  Furrowed  helvelle. 

Thallus  large ; stem  ribbed,  grooved,  whitish ; cap  swollen, 

free,  livid-black. 

Fungus  terrestris  pediculo  striato  et  eavernoso,  capitulo  plicatili  subtus 
piano,  Rail  Syn.  8,  39. 

Helvella  Mitra,  Schceff.  Fung.  154;  Persoon  Syn.  615. 

Helvella  sulcata,  JYilden  Berol.  398. 

On  the  ground. 

2.  Helvella  leucophcea.  Light-grey  helvelle. 

Stem  ribbed,  pitted,  bellied  at  bottom ; cap  free,  crisp, 


Phallus  crispus,  Scop.  Cam.  2,475. 

Helvella  nivea,  Schrad.  Bot.  Journ.  2,  66. 

Helvella  Mitra,  Sowerby  Fungi , 39. 

Helvella  leucophcea,  Persoon  Syn.  616. 

In  woods,  on  the  ground ; autumn. 

PL  cell,  aph.  11.  HYMENOTHECEiE.  300.  Helvel.  66S 

3.  Helvella  albida . Whitish  helvelle. 

Thallus  pale  white;  stem  long,  narrow;  cap  free,  rather 

Helvella  Mitra,  Bolt.  Fung.  95  ? 

Helvella  fuliginosa,  Sowerby  Fungi , 154, 

Helvella  albida,  Persoon  Syn.  616. 

In  damp  shady  places. 

LIX.  301.  SPATHULARIA.  Persoon.  Spat  hula-stool. 

Thallus  with  a stem;  club  compressed,  running  down 
the  stem  on  both  sides ; sporidia  on  the  upper  part  of  the 

Spathularia  Jlavida.  Yellowish  spatula-stool. 

Clavaria  Spathula,  Dickson  Crypt.  1,21. 

Helvella  spathulata,  Sowerby  Fungi , 35. 

Spathularia  fiavida,  Persoon  Syn.  610. 

In  fir  plantations;  autumn. 

Grows  in  clusters;  pale  white,  when  dried,  becomes 

P.  Peziza  de^l  Thallus  fleshy  or  waxlike,  hollowed 
out  like  a cup ; hymenium  smooth,  expanded ; sporidia 
clubshaped,  intermixed  with  barren  ovaries  as  in  mosses, 

LX.  302.  STICTIS.  Persoon.  Sunk-cup. 

Thallus  leatherlike,  membranaceous,  dry,  sunk  in  wood, 
edge  only  prominent. 

1.  Stictis  radiata.  Radiated  sunk-cup. 

Edge  snow-white,  rather  mealy,  cut  in  rays,  or  undi- 

Lycoperdon  radiatum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1654. 

Lichen  excavatum,  Hoffm.  Lichen.  7,4. 

Sphaerojbolus  rosaceus,  Tode  Meckl.  1,44. 

Peziza  marginata,  Sowerby  Fungi , 16. 

Peziza  stictis  radiata,  Persoon  Syn.  674. 

On  wood  and  dry  sticks. 

2.  Stictis  cecidioides.  JEcidium  sunk-cup , 

Edge  orange-colour;  accessory  edge  white,  rather  torn, 


Peziza  cecidioides,  Esenbeck  Syst.  2,  66. 

Upon  the  dead  stems  of  herbs ; spring  and  autumn. 

664  302.  Stictis.  11.  HYMENOTHECEiE.  Pl.cell.aph. 

3.  Stictis  terresiris.  Ground  sunk-cap. 

Thallus  globular,  fleshy,  when  dry  leatherlike,  smooth 
on  both  sides. 

Peziza  immersa,  Sotverby  Fungi , 389. 

Sunk  in  the  ground,  edge  level  with  the  surface. 

LXI.  303.  PATELLARIA.  Esenbeck.  Flat-cup . 

Thallus  leatherlike,  dry,  sessile,  edged,  edge  flat. 

1.  Patellaria  populnea.  Poplar  flat-cup. 

Thalli  in  tufts,  rather  large ; cups  when  dry  wrinkled, 


Peziza  spbaerioides,  Roth  Cat . 1,239.  ** 

Peziza  populnea,  Persoon  Syn.  671. 

On  dry  branches  of  the  trembling  poplar ; winter  and 

2.  Patellaria  prunastri.  Plum-tree  flat-cup. 

Thalli  in  bundles,  slightly  stemmed,  hard,  black  on 

both  sides,  opake. 

Peziza  prunastri,  Persoon  Syn.  673. 

On  the  branches  of  sloe-trees. 

3.  Patellaria  cartilaginea.  Cartilaginous  flat-cup . 

Thallus  cartilaginous,  bright  scarlet. 

Peziza  eartilaginea,  Sowerby  Fungi,  369. 

On  damp  walls,  among  moss;  spring  and  autumn. 

4*.  Patellaria  rimosa . Cracked  flat-cup. 

Thallus  cartilaginous,  white;  when  old  cracked  in  the 

Peziza  rimosa,  Sowerby  Fungi , 369. 

On  brown  paper,  left  on  a beer  barrel  in  a cellar. 

5.  Patellaria  immersa.  Sunk  flat-cup . 

Thallus  black,  sunk  in  the  wood,  beneath  rather  woolly. 
Peziza  immersa,  Sowerby  Fungi , 369. 

On  wood, 

LX II.  304.  PEZIZA..  Pliny.  Rough-cup. 

Thallus  mostly  small,  sessile ; outer  surface  shaggy,  hairy, 
woolly  or  downy. 

PL  cell.  aph.  11.  HYMENOTHECEiE.  304.  Peziza.  665 

1.  Peziza  sanguined . Blood-red  rough-cup . 

Cups  very  minute,  black,  bald,  placed  on  a blood-red 

woolly  strome. 

Peziza  sanguinea,  Per  soon  Syn.  657. 

On  trees  and  planks. 

2.  Peziza  ccesia.  Grey  rough-cup . 

Thalli  crowded ; raps  grey,  cohering  on  a white  woolly 


Peziza  lichenoides,  Persoon  Jc.fung.  29,31. 

Peziza  caesia,  Persoon  Syn.  657. 

On  oak-branches  bared  of  bark;  autumn. 

3.  Peziza  hcemispherica.  Hemispherical  rough-cup . 

Thalli  gregarious,  large,  hemispherical ; raps  internally 

white,  greenish,  externally  brown;  hairs  in  bundles. 

Peziza  hispida,  Hudson  Angl.  635;  Sowerby  Fungi , 147. 

Peziza  fasciculata,  Schrad . Journ.  60. 

Peziza  haemisphaerica,  Persoon  Syn.  648. 

In  woods  and  moist  places,  on  the  ground  ; autumn. 

4.  Peziza  sulphured.  Brimstone  rough-cup. 

Thallus  sessile,  nearly  globular,  shaggy,  brimstone-yel- 

Peziza  hydnoides,  Sowerby  Fungi , 178. 

Peziza  sulphurea,  Persoon  Syn.  649. 

On  dry  large  herbs  among  dead  leaves. 

5.  Peziza  scutellata.  Saucerlike  rough-cup . 

Thallus  rather  large,  flat,  orange-red,  externally  shaggy ; 

bristles  diverging,  black. 

Peziza  scutellata,  Sowerby  Fungi%  24;  Persoon  Syn.  650. 

In  the  moist  parts  of  rotten  trees,  or  wood. 

6.  Peziza  ccerulea.  Blue  rough-cup. 

Thallus  flat,  sessile,  blue ; edge  blunt,  hairy ; underneath 


Peziza  caerulea,  Bolt.  Fung.  108 ; Persoon  Syn.  650. 

In  moist  places,  on  trees. 

7.  Peziza  s ter corea.  Dung  rough-cup. 

Thalli  in  clusters,  sessile,  deep,  entirely  reddish-brown, 

bristly ; bristles  bay,  nearly  upright. 

Peziza  scutellata,  Bolt.  Fungi , 108. 

Octospora  scutellata,  Hedieig.  Muse.  2. 

Peziza  stercorea,  Persoon  Syn.  650. 

On  horse  and  other  dung. 

666  304?.  Peziza.  11.  HYMENOTHECEiE.  Pl.cell.aph. 

8.  Peziza  argillacea.  Clay  rough-cup. 

Thcillus  globular,  narrow-mouthed,  splitting  when  old, 


Peziza  argillacea,  Sowerby  Fungi , 148. 

On  black  modelling  clay. 

9.  Peziza  papillaris . Papillalike  rough- cup. 

Thalli  in  clusters,  flat,  reddish-grey,  externally  hairy, 

hairs  falling  off. 

Peziza  papillaria,  Bull.  Herb.  467  ; Sowerby  Fungi , 177. 

On  rotten  stumps  of  trees. 

10.  Peziza  cellular  icef or  mis.  Cellularia  rough-cup. 

Thallus  large,  spreading  at  top ; internally  yellow,  exter- 
nally woolly,  wool  white. 

Peziza  cellularia,  Sowerby  Fungi , 91. 

Cellularia  cyathiformis,  FI.  Dan.  1450. 

On  timber. 

11.  Peziza  hyhrida.  Mule  rough-cup. 

Thallus  hemispherical,  inside  reddish,  outside  hairy, 


Peziza  hybrida,  Sowerby  Fungi , 369. 

On  the  ground  ? 

12.  Peziza  domestica » House  rough-cup. 

Thalli  in  clusters,  conical;  outside  hairy,  salmon-colour. 
Peziza  domestica,  Sowerby  Fungi , 351. 

On  new- plastered  ceilings,  or  damp  walls. 

1 3.  Peziza  nigra.  Black  rough-cup. 

Thallus  cartilaginous,  small,  entirely  black. 

Peziza  nigra,  Sowerby  Fungi , 369. 

On  old  palings. 

14?.  Peziza  equina.  Horse-dung  rough-cup . 

Thallus  globular,  not  expanded,  dull  fox-red;  outside 
rough  hairy. 

Helvella  equina,  FI.  Dan.  779. 

Peziza  equina,  Sowerby  Fungi , 352. 

On  horsedung  in  damp  shady  places. 

LXIII.  305.  OCTOSPORA.  Hedwig.  Eight-seeds. 

Thallus  soft,  sessile,  fibrous-cellular,  naked  ; sporidia 
large,  with  6 to  8 sporae  in  each. 


PI.  cell,  aph.  11.  HYMENOTHECEiE.  305.Octosp.  667 

1 . Octospora  atrata . Blackened  eight-seeds. 
Thalli  in  clusters,  hemispherical,  hollowed  out,  black, 

edge  greyish. 

Peziza  atra,  Persoon  Syn.  669. 

On  rotten  trunks  of  trees*;  spring. 

2.  Octospora  leucoloma.  IVhite-edged  eight- seeds. 

Thallus  very  small,  flat,  scarlet;  edge  snow-white,  jagged. 

Peziza  cartilaginea,  Bolt.  Fung.  101. 

Octospora  leucoloma,  Hedwig  Muse.  13. 

On  clay  banks,  in  mossy  tufts ; spring. 

3.  Octospora  cinerea . Grey  eight- seeds. 

Thalli  clustered,  small,  grey,  rather  gelatinous ; edge 

upright,  whiter. 

Peziza  cinerea,  Sowerby  Fungi,  634  ; Persoon  Syn.  634. 

On  rotten  trees  ; spring  and  autumn. 

4.  Octospora  hyalina.  Transparent  eight-seeds. 

Thalli  in  clusters,  sessile,  whitish,  transparent,  rather 


Peziza  hyalina,  Persoon  Syn.  655. 

On  rotten  trunks  of  trees. 

5.  Octospora  inquinans.  Dirtying  eight-seeds . 

Thalli  in  clusters,  large,  black,  dirtying;  at  last  convex, 

reverse  conical,  outside  wrinkled,  brownish. 

6.  Octospora  sarcoides.  Fleshlike  eight-seeds. 

Thalli  in  tufts,  fleshy,  gelatinous,  flesh-red ; outside  ra- 
ther veiny. 

Peziza  tremelloidea,  Bull.  Herb.  410. 

Peziza  porphyria,  Batsch  Fung.  53. 

Peziza  hepatica,  Batsch  Fung.  138. 

Peziza  sarcoides,  Persoon  Syn.  633. 

Tremella  sarcoides,  Withering  A rr.  4,84. 

On  rotten  timber;  autumn. 

7.  Octospora  lenticularis . Lenticular  eight-seeds. 

Thallus  convex,  pressed,  light-yellow;  stem  scarcely  any, 

nipplelike,  blackish. 

Peziza  flava,  Willden.  Prodr.  404. 

Peziza  aurea,  Sowerby  Fung.  150. 

In  woods,  upon  trees ; late  in  autumn. 

668  305.  Octosp.  1 1.  H YMENOTHECEiE.  Pl.  cell.apk . 

8.  Octospora  lurida.  Dark  eight-seeds. 

Thallus  sessile,  greyish  white,  turned  back;  edge  ochre- 
yellow,  dark  yellow. 

Peziza  lurida,  Persoon  Syn.  666. 

Peziza  pineti,  Batsch  Fungi , 201. 

In  fir  plantations ; on  the  fallen  leaves. 

LXIV.  306.  SCODELLINA.  Micheli.  Spread-cup . 

Thallus  fleshy,  membranaceous,  brittle,  sessile,  hemi- 
spherical, spreading;  outside  scaly  or  mealy. 

1.  Scodellina  leporina.  Hares- ear  spread-cup. 

Thallus  rust-colour,  long,  open  on  one  side,  ear-shape, 

inside  smooth  at  bottom. 

Peziza  leporina,  Persoon  Syn.  6. 

In  fir  plantations. 

2.  Scodellina  onotica . Ear  spread-cup. 

Thallus  one-sided,  long,  pale-rose,  woolly  at  bottom, 

inside  plaited,  wrinkled. 

Peziza  leporina,  Sowerby  Fungi , 79. 

Peziza  onotica,  Persoon  Syn.  637. 

In  woods. 

3.  Scodellina  aurantiaca.  Orange  spread-cup . 

Thalli  in  tufts,  one-sided,  bent,  often  split;  inside  orange, 

outside  white. 

Helvella  coccinea,  Bolt.  Fung.  100. 

Peziza  coccinea,  Bull.  Herb.  474. 

Peziza  Aurantia,  Persoon  Syn.  637. 

At  the  foot  of  rotten  oak-trees ; autumn, 

4.  Scodellina  umbrina.  Umber-brown  spread-cup . 

Thalli  large,  in  tufts,  twisted,  umber-brown. 

Peziza  umbrina,  Persoon  Syn.  638. 

In  grassy  grounds,  on  sandy  soils. 

5.  Scodellina  alutacea.  Leathery  spread-cup . 

Thalli  in  tufts;  outside  whitish;  inside  pale  grey;  stem 

very  short,  woolly,  whitish. 

Peziza  alutacea,  Persoon  Syn.  638, 

In  woods. 

PI.  cell.  aph.  1 1 . H YMENOTHECEiE,  306.  ScodeL  669 

6.  Scodellina  badia.  Bay  spread-cup . 

Thallus  nearly  stemless,  not  divided;  edge  turned  in* 

dark  brown  ; externally  rather  olive. 

Peziza  coehleata,  Bolt.  Fung.  99. 

Peziza  badia,  Persoon  Syn.  639. 

Mushroom  flaps. 

In  woods  and  damp  places. 

Dried,  and  eaten  in  hashes  and  soups. 

7.  Scodellina  violacea.  Violet  spread-cup . 

Thallus  flat,  round,  inside  violet  with  black  dots ; edge 

and  outside  whitish,  granulated. 

Peziza  violacea,  Bull.  Herb.  438  ? Withering  Arr.  4,  390,  not  of  Per- 

On  the  bark  of  trees. 

8.  Scodellina  pyxidata.  Box  spread-cup . 

Thalli  in  small  tufts,  yellowish  white;  bottom  rather  tu- 
bercular on  the  inside. 

Peziza  Marsupium  jS,  Persoon  Syn.  640. 

Elvella  pyxidata,  Schccff.  Germ.  230. 

Helvella  vesiculosa,  Bolt.  Fung.  175. 

In  woods;  summer  and  autumn,  after  rain. 

9.  Scodellina  vesiculosa.  Bladderlike  spread-cup. 

Thalli  in  tufts,  large,  olive  brown,  outside  whitish  yel- 
low; mouth  slightly  connivent;  hymenium  separable  from 
the  outer  bark. 

Peziza  vesiculosa,  Soiverby  Fungi , 4j  Persoon  Syn.  641. 

On  dunghills. 

10.  Scodellina  pustulata.  Pusluled  spread-cup. 

Thallus  not  divided,  brown ; outside  branny-pustuled, 

Octospora  pustulata,  Hedvoig  Muse.  6. 

Peziza  pustulata,  Persoon  Syn.  646. 

Peziza  cochleata  j3,  Batsch  Fung.  223. 

In  fir  plantations,  banks,  and  shady  places. 

Eaten  up,  while  quite  young,  by  some  insect  or  cater- 

LXV.  307.  CALYCINA.  Esenbeck.  Funnel-stool. 

Thallus  cuplike,  pedicelled,  dry,  fibrous;  surface  woolly 
or  bald  ; barren  ovaries  copious. 

670  307.  Calycin.  11.  HYMENOTHECE^E.  Pl.ceH.aph. 

1.  Calycina  firma . Firm  funnel-stool. 

Thallus  rather  large,  irregular,  rather  tough,  watery, 

brown ; stem  long,  growing  black  at  the  bottom ; cup  glass- 
shape,  afterwards  spreading,  turned  over. 

Peziza  ochroleuca,  Bolt.  Fung.  105  ; Sowerby  Fungi , 115. 

Peziza  firma,  Persoon  Syn.  658. 

On  trees  in  shady  places. 

2.  Calycina  citrina.  Lemon  funnel-stool. 

Thalli,  crowded,  of  various  sizes,  entirely  lemon-yellow ; 

stem  thick,  short,  reverse-conical. 

Octospora  citrina,  Hedwig  Muse.  28. 

Peziza  citrina,  Sowerby  Fungi , 151  ; Persoon  Syn.  663. 

On  dry  trees  and  sticks,  especially  beech. 

3.  Calycina  pallescens.  Pale  funnel-s tool. 

Thalli  crowded,  bald,  whitish,  afterwards  pale  brown ; 

stem  rather  thick;  cup  nearly  funnelshaped. 

Peziza  lenticularis,  Hoffm.  Crypt.  13. 

Peziza  pallescens,  Persoon  Syn.  664, 

In  woods. 

4.  Calycina  herbarum.  Herb  funnel- stool. 

Thalli  in  clusters,  nearly  sessile,  whitish-brown,  grows 

convex ; stem  very  short. 

Peziza  herbarum,  Persoon  Syn.  664. 

On  the  dry  stem  of  large  herbs. 

5.  Calycina  melastoma.  Black-mouth  funnel-stool. 

Thalli  scattered  or  in  clusters,  large,  thick,  hard,  red- 
dish-brown, woolly ; inside  black,  cracked  when  dry. 

Peziza  melastoma,  Sowerby  Fungi , 149. 

On  the  roots  of  common  heath  or  ling ; spring, 

LXVI.  308.  DASYSCYPHUS.  Esenb.  Bough-funnel. 

Thallus  cuplike,  soft,  fibrous,  cellular;  surface  woolly ; 
sporidia  large,  with  6 sporse  in  each. 

1.  Dasyscyphus  pule hellus.  Handsome  rough-funnel. 

Thalli  scattered,  nearly  sessile,  woolly,  white;  centre 
orange  inclining  to  scarlet. 

Peziza  bicolor,  Sowerby  Fungi , 17. 

Peziza  pulchella,  Persoon  Syn.  653. 

On  dry  branches  of  oak-trees,  firs,  &c. ; spring. 

Thallus  closes  up  in  dry  weather. 

Pl.cell.aph.  1 1 . HYMENOTHECEiE.  308.Dasych.  671 

2.  Dasyscypkus  virginetis.  Virgin  rough- funnel. 

Thalli  gregarious,  white;  stem  rather  long;  cap  hemi- 
spherical, open,  villous. 

Peziza  nivea,  Sowerby  Fungi , 65. 

Lachnum  agaricinum,  Retz  Scand.  ed.  2,329. 

Peziza  virginea,  Persoon  Syn.  653. 

On  sticks  and  trunks  of  trees. 

3.  Dasyscypkus  patulus . Open  rough-funnel. 

Thalli  scattered,  villous,  white ; centre  flat,  ochre-yellow. 

Peziza  patula,  Persoon  Syn.  654. 

Peziza  Abbotiana?  Sowerby  Fungiy  389. 

On  rotten  oak-leaves ; autumn. 

4.  Dasyscypkus  fuscescens.  Brownish  rough-funnel. 

Thallus  very  small,  entirely  brown. 

Peziza  fuscescens,  Persoon  Syn.  654. 

On  rotten  beech-leaves  in  shady  places ; spring. 

5.  Dasyscyphus  sessilis.  Squatted  rough-funnel. 

Thallus  very  small ; inside  smooth,  whitish ; outside  cot- 
tony, white. 

Peziza  sessilis,  Sowerby  Fungi , 389. 

On  rotten  sticks. 

6.  Dasycyphus  tricolor.  Three-colour  rough-funnel, 

Thallus  very  small,  inside  pale  yellow;  edge  thick,  out- 
side dark  grey,  white  at  bottom. 

Peziza  tricolor,  Sowerby  Fungi , 369. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees. 

LXVII.  309.  MACROSCYPHUS.  Esenb.  Long-funnel . 

Thallus  cuplike,  soft,  cellular,  rather  fibrous ; surface 
scaly  or  slightly  bristly ; sporidia  with  6 or  8 sporse  in  each, 
in  a single  row. 

1.  Macroscyphus  radicatus.  Rooted  long-funnel . 

Thallus  brown,  hemispherical,  bald  ; root  long,  simple. 
Peziza  radicata,  Withering  Arr.  4,  381  ; Persoon  Syn.  642. 

In  mountain  pastures;  spring. 

2.  Macroscyphus  Sowerbei.  Sowerby  s long-funnel. 

Thalli  large,  in  tufts;  inside  yellowish ; outside  cottony, 

white ; root  long,  thick,  cottony,  white. 

6 72  3G9.  Maerosc.  1 1 .HYMENOTHECEAL  PLcell.  aph. 

Peziza  radiculata,  Sowerby  Fungi , 114,. 

Peziza  Sowerbea,  Persoon  Syn.  642, 

In  gardens. 

3.  Macroscyphus  cereus.  IVaxlike  long-funnel . 

Thalli  in  tufts,  large;  s/era  thick,  cottony,  reverse-coni- 
cal ; cup  nearly  funnelshape,  turned  back,  yellowish. 

Peziza  cerea,  Sowerby  Fungi,  3 ; Persoon  Syn . 643. 

In  hot-houses. 

4.  Macrosc . acetalul forme.  Eggcupshape  long-funnel. 

Thallus  earthy-brown,  eggcupshape,  stalked;  cup  an- 
gular on  the  outside;  veins  branched. 

Peziza  Acetabulum,  Sowerby  Fungi,  59;  Persoon  Syn.  643. 

In  shady  places. 

5.  Macroscyphus  tuber osus.  Tuberous  long-funnel. 

Root  tuberous,  irregular;  stem  very  long;  cup  rather 

small,  funnelshape,  chestnut  or  bay. 

Peziza  tuberosa,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,  25 ; Sowerby  Fungi,  63  ; Persoon  Syn. 

In  woods ; April. 

6.  Macroscyphus  perennis . Perennial  long-funnel. 

Thalli  in  tufts,  stalked;  root  tuberous,  black,  perennial; 

cup  funnelshape,  reddish  brown. 

Peziza  Tuba,  Batsch  Fung.  121. 

Peziza  perennis,  Persoon  Syn.  644. 

In  woods ; April. 

7.  Macroscyphus  macropus.  Long-stalked,  long-funnel. 

Thallus  large;  stem  very  long,  smooth  or  pitted;  cup 

hemispherical,  inside  mouse-colour,  outside  grey. 

Peziza  macropus,  Bolt.  Fung.  96;  Persoon  Syn.  645. 

In  woods;  autumn. 

8.  Macroscyphus  coccineus.  Scarlet  long-funnel. 

Thallus  stalked,  rather  large,  topshape  or  funnelshape, 

inside  scarlet;  outside  slightly  cottony,  whitish;  edge  ge- 
nerally crenate. 

Peziza  coccineus,  Bolt.  Fung.  104;  Persoon  Syn.  652. 

Peziza  poculiformis,  Hoffm.  Crypt.  2,27. 

Peziza  epidendra,  Bull.  Herb.  467  ; Sowerby  Fungi,  13. 

On  dry  sticks  in  woods ; on  mountains  on  the  ground ; 

Pl.cell.aph . 1 1 . HYMENOTHECEiE.  310.  Hymen.  673 

LXIX.  310.  HYMENOSCYPHUS.  Fruit-cup. 

Thallus  cuplike,  thin,  fibrous  cellular,  bald  ; sporidia 
clubshape,  with  8 sporae  in  each,  in  two  rows. 

1 . Hymenoscyphus  rapceformis.  Rapelike  fruit-cup. 

Thallus  waxlike,  light  brown  growing  nearly  chestnut, 

thin,  brittle,  bald ; stem  long,  with  rooting  fibres. 

Peziza  Rapula,  Persoon  Syn.  654. 

On  the  ground. 

2.  Hymenoscyphus fibulceformis.  Buttonshape  fruit-cup. 

Thallus  stalked,  cartilaginous,  above  yellowish  white  ; 

beneath  dark  brown ; stem  dark  brown. 

Peziza  Fibula,  Bolt.  Fung.  176;  Persoon  Syn.  660. 

On  elm-trees. 

3.  Hymenoscyphus  lubceformls.  Trumpetshape  fruit-cup * 

Thallus  stalked,  entirely  yellow ; stem  threadlike ; cup 


Peziza  Tuba,  Bolt.  Fung.  106;  Persoon  Syn.  660. 

On  rotten  trees  in  bogs. 

4.  Hymenosc.  infundihuliformis.  Funnelshape  fruit-cup. 

Thallus  entirely  pale  brown ; stem  thickish,  stiff,  rather 

short;  cup  nearly  funnelshape;  edge  upright. 

Peziza  Calyculus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 116;  Persoon  Syn.  660. 

Peziza  Infundibulum  ? Batsch.  Fung.  147. 

On  rotten  trunks  of  trees. 

5.  Hymenoscyphus  fructigenus.  Bearing  fruit-cup. 

Thalli  in  clusters  or  scattered;  stem  long,  rather  bent, 

narrowest  at  bottom ; cup  nearly  funnelshape,  pale  brown 
grows  reddish. 

Peziza  fructigena,  Sowerby  Fungi , 117  ; Persoon  Syn.  660. 

On  acorns  and  other  fruits;  summer  and  autumn. 

Used,  in  decoction,  in  hooping  cough. 

6.  Hymenoscyphus  radiatus.  Radiated  fruit  cup. 

Thallus  small,  stalked,  whitish  turning  pale  brown  ; edge 

toothed ; teeth  bristlelike,  upright. 

Peziza  coronata,  Bull.  Herb.  411. 

Peziza  armata,  Roth  Cat.  Bot.  1,  140. 

Peziza  radiata,  Persoon  Syn.  662. 

Peziza  inflexa,  Sowerby  Fungi , 306. 

In  woods,  on  sticks  and  stems;  summer. 

2 x 

VOL.  1. 

674  310.  Hymen.  1 1.  HYMENOTHECEiE.  Pl.cell.aph. 

7.  Hymenoscyphus  cyathoideus.  Cyaihuslike  fruit-cup. 

Thalli  in  clusters,  whitish  or  pale  brown;  stem  long, 

rather  thicker  at  bottom;  cup  glass-shape,  unarmed,  rather 

Peziza  cyathoidea,  Bull.  Champ.  250;  Persoon  Syn.  662. 

Peziza  solani,  Persoon  Ohs . 2,  80. 

On  dry  stems  of  large  herbs  ; autumn. 

8.  Hymenoscyphus  tenellus.  Very -tender  fruit- cup. 

Thalli  in  clusters,  very  minute,  funnelshape,  tender, 

snow-white  growing  yellow ; stem  threadlike. 

Peziza  tenella,  Batsch  Fungi , 150. 

On  dry  stems  of  large  herbs;  autumn. 

9.  Hymenoscyphus  chrysocomus.  Gold-head  fruit-cup . 

Thalli  in  clusters,  globular  becoming  flat,  dull  yellow, 

smooth,  brittle,  thin. 

Peziza  chrysocoma,  Sowerby  Fungi , 152. 

On  bits  of  wood,  especially  the  under  side. 

Q.  AscoBOLiDEiE.  Thallus  fleshy;  hymenium  smooth, 
expanded  over  the  surface;  sporidia  clubshape,  intermixed 
with  barren  filaments,  flung  out  with  force,  usually  con- 
taining three  sporae  in  each. 

LXIX.  31 1.  ASCOBOLUS.  Persoon.  Spring-cup. 
Thallus  dishlike,  or  reverse- conical,  fleshy. 

Ascoholus  furfur aceus.  Branny  spring-cup. 

Thalli  in  clusters,  rather  concave,  greenish  ; outside 

Peziza  stercoraria,  Bull.  Champ . 256  ; Sowerby  Fungi , 18. 

Ascobolus  furfnraceus,  Persoon  Syn.  676. 

On  cowdung;  late  in  autumn. 

Fam.  XII.  12.  LYTOTH ECEiE,  Persoon.  Fungorum 
pars,  Linn.  Fungi  pistillares,  Esenb. 
Thallus  fleshy,  clubshape,  rising  from  a volva ; hymenium 
expanded,  superficial,  deliquescing  into  a slime  containing 
the  sporse. 

Cap  hemispherical,  above  hairy ; 
involucrum  triple 

Bata  rhea.  312. 

PI.  cell.  apk.  12.  LYTOTHECEiE.  312.  Batarrea.  675 

Cop  joined  to  the  stem,  tuberculate; 

involucrum  doable Ithyphallus.  313. 

Cap  cellular,  networklike,  bare; 
involucrum  double  Phallus.  314. 

I.  312.  BATARREA.  Persoon.  Batarrea. 

Thallus  stipitate;  volva  triple,  filled  with  mucilage;  stem 
smooth;  cap  hemispherical,  bellshape,  with  sporiferous 
flocks  under  the  crown. 

Batarrea  phalloides.  Phalluslike  latarrea. 

Thallus  brown. 

Lycoperdon  phalloides,  Dickson  Crypt.  1,24;  Sowerby  Fungi , 390. 
Batarrea  phalloides,  Persoon  Syn.  129. 

On  sand}'  banks. 

Stem  at  first  short,  then  springing  up  on  a sudden  to  a 
foot  high. 

II.  313.  ITHYPHALLUS.  Dog's-acorn. 

Thallus  stipitate;  volva  double,  the  outer  large;  stem 

networked ; cap  ovate,  tubercled,  confluent  into  the  stem ; 
indusium  0. 

Ithyphallus  inodorus.  Scentless  dog' s- acorn. 

Stem  cellular;  cap  ovate,  tip  blunt,  not  perforated;  edge 

Phallus  caninus,  Curt.  Lond.  235  ; Persoon  Syn.  245. 

Phallus  inodorus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 330. 

On  rotten  wood ; autumn. 

III.  314.  PHALLUS.  Micheli.  Acorn-stool . 

Thallus  stipitate ; volva  double,  the  outer  large ; stem 

networked ; cap  ovate,  not  cut,  free  from  the  stem,  net- 
worked ; indusium  0. 

1.  Phallus  impudicus.  Immodest  acorn-stool. 

Stem  pitted  obliquely ; cap  cellular,  perforated  at  top. 

Fungus  phalloides,  Raii  Syn.  12,8. 

Phallus  impudicus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1648;  Bolt.  Fung.  92. 

Phallus  fcetidus,  Sowerby  Fungi , 242. 


In  shady  woods ; autumn. 

Volva  egglike ; cap  dissolves  into  a very  foetid  slime, 
containing  the  sporse,  greedily  devoured  by  flesh-flies.— 


616  314.  Phallus.  12.  LYTOTHECEiE.  PLcell.aph. 

Plant  oftener  smelt  than  seen,  the  fetor  being  so  like  that 
of  carrion  causing  persons  to  avoid  the  spot,  yet  when 
near  the  nostrils  it  has  only  the  pungent  odour  of  spirit  of 
hartshorn;  used  by  some  Dutch  villagers  as  a poultice  in 
rheumatism,  but  infects  the  whole  house  for  some  days 
with  its  disagreeable  odour. 

2.  Phallus  cancellatus.  Rail-work  acorn-stool. 

Stem  cylindrical,  smooth;  cap  networked,  not  perforated. 
Phallus  cancellatus,  Fersoon  Syn.  243. 

On  barren  mossy  grounds. 

Odour  like  that  of  the  orchideae. 



Subseries  I.  B.  Plants  cellulose  folios.®. 

Muscorum  et  algarum  pars , Linnaeus.  Cryptogamia 
monoecia  and  dioecia , Stokes.  Cryptogamce  calyptratce , 


Plants  having  true  foliaceous  expansions  or  leaves  mostly 
distinct,  rarely  united  into  a broad  herbaceous  frond,  affixed 
to  their  place  of  growth  by  fibrous  roots  by  which  they 
absorb  their  nourishment,  propagated  by  budlike  sporae, 
or  by  seeds  which  are  enclosed  in  capsules  covered  with 


Capsule  valvular ; columella  0 ; oper- 
culum 0;  seeds  with  elaters  intermixed  HEPATICiE.  13. 

Capside  operculated  ; columella  distinct ; 
elaters  0 MUSCI.  14. 

Fam.  I.  13.  II E P A T I C JE . Jussieu.  Algarum  pars , Lin. 

Cryptogamia  dioecia , Stokes.  Calyp- 
tratce deoperculataz,  Mohr. 

Flowers  unisexual. — Male.  Anthers  oblong  or  sphaerical, 
networked,  bursting  irregularly,  either  pedicelled  in  the 
axillae  of  the  perichetial  leaves,  or  sessile  on  the  frond  or 
on  a peculiar  receptacle ; pollen  granular. — Fem.  terminal, 
axillary,  lateral  or  marginal;  ovaries  many,  clustered,  sel- 
dom more  than  one  fertile,  covered  with  a calyptra  ending 
in  a style,  and  surrounded  generally  with  a calyx ; calyx 
single  or  double,  rarely  0,  mostly  surrounded  with  peri- 
chetial leaves ; calyptra  bursting  and  emitting  the  capsule  ; 
capsule  mostly  pedicelled,  valvular,  rarely  bursting  irregu- 
larly; valves  2,  4,  8 or  16,  equal;  columella  0;  operculum  0; 
seeds  P spherical,  intermixed  with  elaters ; elaters  membra- 
naceous, tubular,  containing  a single  or  double  helix ; 
helices  twisted  spirally.  — Plants  monoicous  or  dioicous, 
small,  frondose  or  leafy ; revive  quickly  after  being  dried 
by  absorption  of  moisture;  leaves  undivided  or  simply  cut, 
ribless,  mostly  bald ; texture  loosely  cellular  ; sporidia  bud- 
like, roundish  or  lenticular,  scattered  on  the  leaves  and 
frond,  or  collected  in  origomes  of  various  shapes. 


13.  HEPATIC^. 

Pl.  cell.fol. 

A.  Fruit  solitary  ; capsule  sessile , bursting  ; calyx  0. 

Thallus  starlike Riccia.  315. 

B.  Fruit  solitary  : capsule  sessile , bursting  ; calyx  2-valved. 


Calyx  closed  above  ..............  Targionia.  316. 

Calyx  perforated  at  top Sph^rocarpus.  317. 

C.  Fruit  solitary  ; capsule  pedicelled , linear  ; calyx  tubular . 


Thallus  oblong,  lobed  Anthoceros.  318. 

D.  Fruit  on  a common  receptacle  ; capsules  pedicelled , 

roundish . Marchantiadeae. 

Recept.  crosslike;  lobes  tubular; 
caps.  4-valved;  origomes  moonlike. . . Staurophora.  322. 

Recept.  hemispherical ; calyx  0 ; 
caps,  many-valved;  calyptra  tubular  Cyathophora.  321. 

Recept.  hemispherical ; calyx  0 ; 
caps.  4 or  5-valved ; calyptra  tubular  ...  Strozzius.  320. 

Recept.  peltate,  lobed;  calyx  tubular; 
capsule  6 or  8-lobed Marchantia.  319. 

E.  Fruit  solitary ; capsule  pedicelled , roundish;  calyx 

l-leafed  or  0.  Jungermannideae. 

Capsule  bursting  irregularly ; 

calyx  simple ; helix  double Maurocenius.  328, 

Caps,  seeming  4-valved,  irreg.  cellular  ; 
pedic.  jointed ; cal.  5-angular ; hel.  double 

Pandulphinius.  330. 
Caps,  seeming  4-valved,  irreg.  cellular ; 

pedic.  jointless;  cal.  compressed; 

helix  double Cavendishia.  332. 

Capsule  4-valved;  calyx  0; 

helix  single;  calyptra  exserted Scalius.  338. 

Capsule  4-valved ; calyx  0 ; 

helix  double  ; perich.  leaves  distinct Cesius.  339. 

Capsule  4-valved ; calyx  0 ; 

helix  double;  perich . leaves  united  ....  Herbertus.  340. 

Capsule  4-valved ; calyx  double ; 
helix  double Herverus.  324. 



PI.  cell,  f oh 

Capsule  4-valved  ; calyx  lateral ; 
helix  double ; valves  of  capsule  spiral  .....  Kantia.  342. 

Capsule  4-valved  ; calyx  lateral ; 
helix  double;  valves  of  capsule  straight ....  Lippius.  341. 

Capsule  4-valved ; calyx  basiliary, 
triangular ; mouth  contracted ; 

helix  double Marchesinius.  331. 

Caps.  4-valved;  cal.  basiliary,  com- 
pressed; mouth  slit;  hel . double  ....  Martinellius.  333. 

Caps.  4-valved  ; cal.  basiliary,  com- 
pressed; mouth  2-lipped;  hel.  double Mylius.  334. 

Caps . 4-valved ; cal.  basiliary,  ovate, 
immersed;  mouth  acute;  hel.  double Blasia.  327. 

Caps.  4-valved ; cal.  basiliary,  ovate, 
imbedded;  mou.  open,  toothed;  hel.  double  Nardius.  335. 

Caps.  4-valved ; cal.  basiliary,  ovate, 
exserted ; mo.  circular,  mostly  toothed  ; 
helix  double  Jungermannia.  336. 

Caps.  4-valved;  cal.  basiliary,  ovate, 
exserted;  mo.  slit  on  one  side;  hel.  doub.  . . JDonnia.  337. 

Caps.  4-valved ; cal.  basiliary,  bell-like, 
very  short;  mo.  expanded ; hel.  doub.  Pallavxcinius.  326. 

Caps.  4-valved;  cal . basill.  bellshape, 
very  short ; mo.  expanded ; hel.  single, 
ends  slender  Riccardius.  323. 

Caps.  4-valved ; cal.  basiliary,  2-lobed, 
short;  mouth  expanded;  helix  single, 
ends  smaller Papa.  325. 

Caps.  4-valved ; cal.  basill.  rev.  heart- 
shape,  long ; mouth  contracted ; helix 
single,  ends  expanded Salviatus.  329. 

A.  RicciADEiE.  Male  . . . .?  Fern.  Fruit  solitary;  capsule 
spherical,  sunk,  opening  irregularly  ? crowned  with  the 
exserted  style. 

I.  315.  R1CCIA.  Micheli.  Riccio. 

Fruit  solitary,  immersed  in  the  frond,  spherical ; thallus 
reverse-heartshape  or  forked,  radiating  from  a centre, 
grooved  on  the  upper  surface. 

1.  Riccia  latifolia.  Broad-leaved  riccio. 

Thallus  bluntly  nicked  at  the  tips,  dotted  in  network. 

Riccia  minor  latifolia  pinguis,  aspergine  crystallina  perfusa,  Micheli 
Nov.  Gen.  PI.  107,  1. 

Riccia  glauca,  Purton  Midland  Flora , 5. 

On  damp  sandy  places ; annual ; Nov.  and  Dec. 


315.  Riccia.  13.  HEPATICLE. 

PI.  cell.foL 

2.  Riccia  glauca.  Greenish  riccio. 

Thallns  oblong,  forked,  lobes  blunt,  dotted  in  network. 

Lichen  sive  Hepatica  foliis  erassis,  rutae  murariae  ant  chama&dryos  foliis 
laciniatis  quodammodo  similis,  Raii  Syn.  116,  1. 

Riccia  glauca,  Lin.  S.  P.  1605  ; Engl.  Bot.  2546. 

On  moist  sandy  heaths  ; annual. 

3.  Riccia  minima.  Smallest  riccia. 

Thallus  forked,  lobes  pointed,  very  slightly  networked. 

Lichen  omnium  minimus,  foliolis  scissis,  super  terram  expansis,  Dillen 
in  Raii  Syn.  115,  2. 

Riccia  minima,  Lin.  S.  P.  1605. 

Riccia  bifurca,  De  Cand.  FI.  Gall.  1127. 

On  inundated  sandy  places. 

4.  Riccia.  natans.  Swimming  riccio 

Thallus  reverse-heartshape ; beneath  ciliated,  fibrous. 
Lichen  parvus  vernus  cordiformis,  irna  parte  fimbriatus,  lentis  palustris 

modo  aquae  innatans,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  1 16,  2. 

Riccia  natans,  Lin.  Sysl.  Nat.  2,708;  Engl.  Bot.  252. 

Floating  on  pools. 

|3.  ovata.  Thallus  reverse-ovate,  rounded  at  the  tip. 

5.  Riccia  P spuria.  Bastard  riccio. 

Thallus  membranaceous,  lobed,  pellucid;  fructification 

beneath  the  sinuses  of  the  lobes,  solitary,  exserted,  top- 
shape,  toothed. 

Riccia  spuria,  Dickson  Crypt.  4,20. 

On  turf  bogs  in  mountains. 

B.  TARGioNiDEiE.  Male  . . . . ? Fem.  Calyx  globular, 
pitchersbape*  2-valved ; capsule  nearly  sessile,  enclosed  in 
the  calyx,  globular,  bursting  irregularly  at  the  tip ; seeds 
and  elaters  many. — Frondose. 

II.  316.  TARGIONIA.  Micheli.  TargionL 

Calyx  globular,  from  the  under  side  of  the  extremities 
of  the  thallus,  closed,  becoming  2-valved. 

Targionia  hypophylla.  Underlying  targioni. 

Thallus  dark-green,  oblong  ovate,  beneath  scaly,  pur- 

Lichenastrum  capitulo  oroboide,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  110,2. 

Targionia  hypophylla,  Lin.  S.  P.  1603  ; Engl.  Bot.  287. 

On  heaths  and  sides  of  ditches;  perennial;  March  to 

PLcell. fol.  13.  HEPATICiE.  317.  Sphserocarpus.  681 

III.  317.  SPHSEROCARPUS  Micheli.  Ball-fruit. 
Calyx  on  the  upper  surface  of  the  frond,  topshape, 

2-valved ; tip  truncated,  perforated. 

Sphcerocarpus  Michelii.  Micheli’ s hall-fruit. 

Thallus  nearly  orbicular;  fruit  crowded  together. 
Sphserocarpus  terrestris  minima,  Micheli  N.  Gen.  PI.  4, 1. 

Sphaerocarpus  terrestris,  Eng.  Hot.  299. 

Targionia  Sphserocarpus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1603. 

In  clover  fields  on  sandy  loams. 

C.  Anthoceride^.  Male.  Anthers  sunk  in  the  thallus. 
Fein,  solitary;  calyx  tubular,  1 -leafed,  tip  cut;  capsule  pe- 
dicelled,  linear,  2-valved ; seeds  and  elaters  numerous,  en- 
tangled together;  origomes  cupshape,  sunk. — Frondose. 

IV.  318.  ANTHOCEROS.  Micheli.  Flower-horn . 

Calyx  tubular ; capsule  linear,  2-valved. 

1 . Anthoceros  punctatus . Dotted  flower-horn. 
Thallus  undivided,  sinuated,  edge  waved. 

Lichenastrum  gramineum  pediculo  et  capitulo  oblongo,  bifurco,  Dillen 
in  Rail  Syn.  109,  1 . 

Anthoceros  punctatus,  Lin.  S.  P.  1606 ; Engl.  Bot.  1537. 

On  moist  sandy  heaths ; perennial ; August  to  April. 

2.  Anthoceros  Icevis.  Smooth  flower-horn . 

Thallus  undivided,  flat,  edge  scarcely  waved. 

Anthoceros  lsevis,  Lin.  S.  P.  1606  ; Engl.  Bot.  1538. 

On  damp  shady  places. 

3.  Anthoceros  multifidus.  Many-cut  flower-horn. 

Thallus  bipinnately  cut,  lobes  linear. 

Anthoceros  multifidus,  Dickson  Crypt.  3, 13. 

On  damp  shady  places. 

D.  March  anti  adeje.  Male.  Anther  oblong,  imbedded 
in  a flat,  sessile  or  peduncled  fleshy  disk.  Female.  Re- 
ceptacle peduncled,  peltate ;( fructification  under  the  recep- 
tacle; calyx  tubular,  1 -leaf  or  0;  capsule  slightly  pedicelled, 
4 to  8-valved  or  toothed ; seeds  globular ; elaters  narrow  at 
each  end ; helices  double ; huds  lenticular,  variously  en- 
closed in  origomes. — Plants  frondose,  networked,  areoles 
ending  in  a pore  at  the  top. 

682  319.  Marchantia.  13.  HEPATICiE.  Pl.cell.fol, 

V.  319.  MARCHANTIA.  Micheli.  Marchant. 

Male.  R.eceptacle  of  the  anther  peduncled,  peltate, 

above  wrinkled. — Fem.  Receptacle  of  the  capsule  stellately 
lobed,  lobes  deep;  calyx  tubular,  toothed;  calyptra  tubu- 
lar; capsule  globular,  tip  5 to  S-lobed,  lobes  revolute; 
elaters  tubular;  helices  double;  origomes  tubular,  reverse- 

1.  Marchantia  laiifolia.  Broad-leaved  marchant. 

Thallus  oblong,  dark  green,  shining,  in  network  ; 

areoles  porous;  lobes  blunt;  receptacle  of  the  capsule  with 
round  rays. 

Lichen  petraeus  latifolius  sive  Hepatica  fontana,  Raii  Syn.  1 15,  1. 
Marchantia  polymorpha,  Lin.  S.  P.  1603 ; Engl.  Hot.  219. 

Marchantia  umbellata,  Scop.  Cam.  2,  854.  Male. 

Marchantia  stellata.  Scop.  Cam.  2,  353.  Female. 

On  damp  places ; perennial;  midsummer. 

2.  Marchantia  minor.  Small  marchant. 

Thallus  oblong,  opake,  scarcely  in  network,  lobes  blunt ; 

receptacle  of  the  capsule  with  round  rays. 

Marchantia  polymorpha  /£,  Engl.  Bot.  210. 

On  the  sides  of  houses ; perennial;  midsummer. 

VI.  320.  STROZZIUS.  Strozzi. 

Dioicous.  Male Fem.  Receptacle  of  the  capsules 

hemispherical;  calyx  0;  calyptra  tubular;  capsule  globu- 
lar, tip  4?  or  5-toothed  ? 4<  or  5-valved ; receptacle  of  the 
buds  orbicular,  flattish. — Redicells  from  beneath  the  lobes 
of  the  thallus. 

1.  Strozzius  hemisphericus.  Hemispherical  strozzi. 

Receptacle  of  the  capsules  hemispherical,  lobed ; lobes  5 

or  6,  blunt;  capsules  5 or  6,  tip  4 or  5-valved. 

Lichen  pileatus  parvus,  foliis  crenatis,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  114,2. 
Marchantia  hemispherica,  Lin.  S.  P.  1604  ; Engl.  Bot.  50 3. 

On  banks  of  rivers  and  ditches ; perennial ; Mar.  Apr. 

2.  Strozzius  conicus.  Conical  strozzi. 

Receptacle  of  the  capsules  ovate,  conical,  rather  pointed, 

nearly  5 or  7-lobed;  capsules  5 to  7 ; tips  4 or  5-valved. 
Lichen  petraeus  pileatus,  Raii  Syn.  114, 1 ; Park  1314, 1315. 

Marchantia  conica,  Lin.  S.  P.  1604. 

On  damp  shady  places ; perennial ; March  and  April. 

PI.  cell.fol.  13.  HEPATICiE.  321 . Cyathophora.  683 

VII.  321.  CYATHOPHORA.  Cupbearer. 

Dioicous.  Male  ....  Fem.  Receptacle  of  the  capsules 

hemispherical ; calyx  0 ; calyptra  tubular ; capsules  globu- 
lar, tip  4 or  5-toothed,  many-valved,  valves  linear ; recep- 
tacle of  the  buds  orbicular,  flattish. — Pedicells  from  beneath 
the  lobes  of  the  thallus. 

Cyathophora  angustifolia.  Narrrow-leaved  cupbearer . 
Receptacle  of  the  capsules  hemispherical,  4-lobed;  cap- 
smiles  4 ; thallus  membranaceous,  semi-pellucid ; edge  si- 

Marchantia  androgyna,  Lin.  S.  P.  1605. 

On  damp  places. 

VIII.  322.  STAUROPHORA.  Esenbeck.  Crossbearer. 
Monoicous.  Male  ....  Fem.  Receptacle  of  the  capsules 

4-cut,  crosslike;  calyx  0?  capsules  ovate,  4-valved,  valves 
spreading;  receptacles  of  the  buds  crescentlike,  flattish. — 
Peduncle  of  the  fruit  from  the  upper  face  of  the  thallus, 
surrounded  by  a tubular  perithecium. 

Staurophora  pulchella.  Pretty  crossbearer. 

Thallus  oblong,  forked,  light  green,  opake,  veinless. 

Lichen  sive  Hepatica  lunulata,  e7ri(puW6Koig7ro?,  Raii  Syn.  ed.  2 ; 41,  6. 
Lichen  pileatus  parvus,  capitulo  crucis  instar  se  expandente,  Dillen  in 
Raii  Syn.  1 15,  2. 

Marchantia  cruciata,  Lin.  S.  P.  1604. 

Staurophora  pulchella,  Esenb.  in  Berl.  Mag. 

On  shady  places  and  garden  walks;  perennial;  June  to 

E.  J UNGERMANNiDEiE.  Male.  Anther  round,  sessile,  or 
globular,  pedicelled,  axillary.  Female  solitary : calyx  tu- 
bular, single,  double,  sometimes  0;  capsules  pedicelled, 
4-valved,  very  rarely  valveless  and  bursting  irregularly; 
elaters  tubular;  helices  single  or  double;  buds  oblong, 
scattered.— Thallus  frondose  or  leafy;  areoles  not  ending 
in  a pore. 

IX.  323.  RICCARDIUS.  Riccardi. 

Male.  Anthers  spherical,  on  the  upper  face  of 

the  thallus,  imbedded  in  it,  or  surrounded  by  a perithe- 
cium. Fem.  from  near  the  edge  of  the  lower  face;  calyx 
single,  bellshape,  very  short;  mouth  expanded,  lobed, 

684  323.  Riccardius.  13.  HEPATlCiE.  Pl.cell.fdL 

fringed ; calyptra  exserted  ; capsule  oblong,  4-valved  ; 
valves  streaked  lengthways  and  crossways ; elaters  in  tufts, 
pencilshape,  on  the  tip  of  the  valves ; helices  single,  spindle- 
shap e,.— Thallus  fleshy,  ribless,  compressed,  branched. 

1.  Riccardius  multijidus . Many -cut  riccardi . 

Thalli  in  crowded  tufts,  linear,  ribless,  compressed, 

branched  pinnately ; calyx  marginal;  calyptra  tuberculated. 

Lichenastrum  ambrosiae  divisura,  Dillen  Muse. 

Jungermannia  multifida,  Lin.  S.  P.  1602;  Engl.  Bot.  186;  Hooker 
Jung.  45. 

Jungermannia  palmata,  Hedw.  Theor.  159.  ■ 

On  moist  heaths  and  ditch  sides ; spring. 

(3.  sinuatus.  Thallus  broad,  branched ; edge  sinuated. 

Ulva  palustris  foliss  ivae  moschatae  instar  divisis,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn. 
64,  10. 

Jungermannia  sinuata,  Dicks.  Crypt.  2,  16;  Engl.  Bot.  1476. 

2.  Riccardius  pinguis.  Fat  riccardi. 

Thallus  oblong,  ribless,  lying  down,  above  flattish,  be- 
neath swollen ; branched  vaguely,  edges  sinuated ; calyx 
uuder  the  edge ; calyptra  smooth. 

Jungermannia  pinguis,  Lin . S.  P.  2,  1602;  Engl.  Bot.  185;  Hooker 
Jung.  46. 

In  moist  shady  places  and  shallow  pools;  summer. 

/3.  angustior.  Thallus  long,  nearly  linear,  simple  or  ra- 
ther pinnately  branched. 

3.  Riccardius  dichotomus.  Two-forked  riccardi . 

Thallus  linear,  compressed,  forked,  branched. 

Ulva  palustris  furCata,  angustioribus  et  firmioribus  segmentis,  Dillen  in 
Raii  Syn.  63,9. 

Riccia  fluitans,  Lin.  S.  P.  1686;  Engl.  Bot.  251. 

In  ditches,  stagnant  waters,  and  damp  places. 

X.  324.  HERBERTUS.  Herbert. 

Dioicous.  Male.  Anthers  roundish,  dispersed  among 
the  perigonial  scales  ; pedicells  short ; perigonium-scales 
jagged. — Fem.  Calyx  from  the  upper  surface  of  the  mid- 
rib, double;  outer  short,  jagged,  herbaceous;  inner  nearly 
cylindrical,  membranaceous;  mouth  cut  on  one  side,  ra- 
ther toothed ; capsule  oblong,  3 or  4-valved ; valves  streaked 
lengthwise  and  crosswise ; seeds  spherical ; elaters  long, 
attached  to  the  inner  valves ; helices  double,  closely  twisted. 
- — Thallus  frondose,  thin,  mid-ribbed. 

Pl.cell.fol.  13.  HEPATICvE.  324.  Herberts.  68$ 

1 . Herhertus  Hibernicus . Irish  Herbert . 

Thallus  oblong,  ribbed,  forked,  edge  not  in  the  least  di- 
vided; outer  calyx  short,  jagged;  inner  longly  exserted, 
ovate,  cylindrical;  calyptra  much  shorter  than  the  inner 

Jungermannia  Hibernica,  Hooker  Jung . 78. 

Among  mosses ; April. 

2.  Herhertus  Lyellii . LyelVs  Herbert , 

T Halli  in  loose  tufts,  oblong,  ribbed,  rather  branched, 

edge  scarcely  cut;  outer  calyx  short,  jagged,  toothed;  inner 
longly  exserted,  cylindrical,  slightly  plaited ; calyptra  rather 
longer  than  the  inner  calyx. 

Jungermannia  Lyellii,  Hooker  Jung.  77. 

On  bogs;  May. 

XI.  325.  HERVERUS.  Herver. 

Dioicous.  Male.  Anthers  in  a perigonium,  ovate,  sphe^ 
rical,  clustered ; pedicells  very  short,  attached  to  the  mid- 
rib.— Fem.  Calyx  on  the  lower  face  of  the  mid-rib,  single, 
scalelike,  becoming  2-lobed ; lobes  deeply  conduplicate, 
fringed ; calyptra  reverse-ovate,  spinous,  irregularly  torn  ; 
capsule  ovate,  4-valved,  valves  streaked  lengthways  and 
across,  twisted ; seeds  spherical ; elaters  long,  on  the  top  of 
the  valves;  helices  single,  small  at  each  end. — Thallus  fron- 
dose,  mid-ribbed. 

1.  Herverus fur  cat  us.  Forked  herver. 

Thallus  linear,  ribbed,  forked,  membranaceous,  above 

smooth,  beneath  and  on  the  edge  hairy. 

Ulva  saxatilis  furcata,  latusculis  et  tenerioribus  segmentis,  Raii  Syn. 

Jungermannia  furcata,  Lin.  S.  P.  1602  ; Engl.  Bot.  1632  ; Hooker  Jung. 
55  & 56. 

On  rocks,  heaths,  and  trees ; October  to  May. 

£.  elongatus.  Thallus  large,  long,  streaked, 
y.  ceruginosus.  Thallus  broad,  tip  dilated,  very  blunt. 

2.  Herverus  pubescens.  Downy  herver, 

Thallus  linear,  ribbed,  forked,  membranaceous,  all  over 


Jungermannia  furcata,  Leers  Herborn,  25. 

Jungermannia  pubescens,  Schrank  Salisb.  231  ; Hooker  Jung.  73. 
Jungermannia  lomentosa,  Hofftn,  Germ.  2,  91. 

On  wet  alpine  rocks. 


PL  cell,  f 61. 

326.  Papa.  13.  HEPATICiE 

XII.  326.  PAPA.  Papa . 

Mcnoicous  or  dioicous,  Male.  Anthers  spherical,  soli- 
tary; pedicells  very  short,  deeply  imbedded  in  the  upper 
face  of  the  mid-rib.  Fem.  Calyx  on  the  upper  face  of 
the  mid-rib,  rather  cylindrical;  mouth  rather  dilated,  cut, 
toothed;  calyptra  exserted ; capsule  spherical,  4-valved, 
valves  streaked  lengthways  and  across,  bent  back ; elaters 
long,  pencilshape,  in  tufts,  attached  to  the  base  of  the  cap- 
sule ; helices  double,  much  twisted ; seeds  irregular.-—  Phallus 
rather  membranaceous,  scarcely  mid-ribbed. 

Papa  epiphylla . Overleaf  papa . 

Phallus  oblong,  slightly  ribbed,  rather  membranaceous, 
cut  here  and  there,  edge  not  cut,  or  sinuated ; fruit  from 
near  the  tips. 

Lichenastrum  capitulis  rotundatis,  e foliorura  medio  enascenlibus,  Raii 
Syn.  110,3. 

Jungermannia  epiphylla,  Lin.  S.  P.  1602;  Engl.  Bot.  771;  Hooker 
Jung.  47. 

In  wet  shady  places;  spring  and  autumn. 

(3.  longifolia.  Phallus  long,  simple,  or  with  a few  shoots. 

Jungermannia  endiviiefolia,  Dickson  Crypt.  4,  19. 

Jungermannia  epiphylla  /3,  Lamarcke  Encycl.  Bot.  3,286. 

7 . furcigera.  Phallus  with  narrow-forked  shoots  at  the 
tips,  twigs  forked. 

XIII.  327.  BLASIA.  Micheli.  Blasius. 

Dioicous.  Male.  Anthers  elliptical,  sessile,  2 or  3,  im- 
bedded in  the  upper  face  of  the  mid-rib,  covered  by  the 
cuticle.  Fem.  Calyx  from  the  upper  part  of  the  mid-rib, 
oblong,  lanceolate,  enclosed  in  the  thallus ; mouth  acute ; 
calyptra  enclosed ; capsule  ovate  globular,  4-valved ; valves 
ovate,  streaked  lengthways  and  across ; elaters  long ; helices 
double,  closely  twisted ; seeds  girt  with  a pellucid  border ; 
buds?  spherical,  gelatinous,  enclosed  in  an  ovate  receptacle, 
placed  on  the  upper  face  of  the  mid-rib,  and  ending  in  a 
long  cylindrical  tube.  — Phallus  branched,  beneath  with 
tufted  scales. 

Blasia  pusilla.  Dwarf  blasius. 

Phallus  oblong,  ribbed,  lobed,  branched ; beneath  scaly, 
scales  toothed. 

Mnium  lichenis  facie,  Dillen  Muse.  237. 

Blasia  pusilla  lichenis  pyxidati  facie,  Micheli  N.  G.  P.  14,  7. 

Blasia  pusilla,  Lin.  S . P.  1605,  Engl.  Bot.  1328. 

Jungermannia  Blasia,  Hooker  Jung.  82,  83,  and  84. 

On  moist  sandy  alpine  heaths ; spring. 

PLcelLfol.  13.  HEPATICAE.  328.  Maurocenius.  687 

XIV.  328.  MAUROCENIUS.  Mauroceni 

Monoicous.  Male.  Anthers  spherical,  pedicelled,  scat- 
tered on  the  upper  face  of  the  stem,  uncovered. — Fem.  Ca- 
lyx terminal,  simple,  bellshaped,  jagged,  surrounded  by 
five  bracteae;  peduncles  continued;  capsule  spherical,  very 
thin,  networked,  bursting  irregularly  ; seeds  spherical, 
rough ; elaters  short;  helices  double.— Leaves  2-rowed,  many- 
cut,  base  parallel  to  the  stem ; stipules  0. 

Maurocenius  pusillus.  Tiny  mauroceni . 

Stem  lying  down,  nearly  simple ; leaves  bluntly  crenated. 

Lichenastrutn  minimum  capitulis  nigris  lucid  is,  Dillen  in  Rail  Syn. 

Jungermannia  pusiila,  Lin.  S.  P.  1602;  Engl.  Bot.  1175;  Hooker 
Jung.  69. 

Jungermannia  angulosa,  Dickson  Crypt.  1,7. 

Jungermannia  pygmsea,  TYulf  in  Berl.  Mag.  8, 151. 

On  moist  banks  in  clayey  soils ; October  to  May. 

Plant  matted ; roots  deep  purple ; perichetial  leaves  0 ; 
odour  similar  to  calamus  aromaticus. 

XV.  329.  SALVIATUS.  _ . Salviati. 

Monoicous.  Male.  Anthers  spherical,  olive-green,  pe- 
dicelled, scattered,  axillary;  pedicells  long,  streaked  across. 
— Fem,  Calyx  terminal  or  lateral,  reverse  ovate  or  reverse- 
heartshape,  compressed  below,  triangular  ; mouth  con- 
tracted, depressed  ; peduncle  short  ; capsule  spherical, 
4-valved ; internal  base  orbicular ; valves  regularly  net- 
worked; seeds  spherical,  tuberculated ; elaters  tubular,  at- 
tached to  the  tip  of  the  valves;  helix  single. — Thallus 
creeping,  branched ; leaves  2-rowed,  stipuled,  2-cut,  seg- 
ments unequal,  conduplicate,  lower  segment  smallest,  sack- 
like,  pressed  close,  inflated. 

1.  Salviatus  tamarisci.  Tamarisk  salviati. 

Stem  pinnately  branched  ; leaves  upper  lobes  ovate, 
roundish,  lower  lobes  reverse-ovate ; stipules  rather  square, 
nicked,  edge  turned  over;  fruit  terminal,  on  the  branches; 
calyx  reverse-ovate,  smooth. 

Lichenastrutn  imbricatum,  tamarisci  Narbonensis  facie,  Dillen  Muse. 
73,  31. 

Jungermannia  tamarisci,  Lin.  S.  P.  1600;  Hooker  Jung.  6. 

Jungermannia  rubiginosa,  Neckar  Pal.  2,  447. 

Jungermannia  dilatata,  Roth  Germ.  3,406. 

Jungermannia  nigricans,  Lamarcke  Encycl.  3,283. 

On  exposed  alpine  hills. 

688  329.  Salviatus.  13.  HEPATXCiE.  PL  cell, f oh 

2.  Salviatus  dilatatus.  Dilated  salviati. 

Stem  irregularly  branched ; leaves  upper  lobes  roundish, 

lower  lobes  rounded;  stipules  rounded,  flat,  nicked \ fruit 
terminal ; calyx  reverse-heartshape,  tuberculate. 

Lichenastrum  imbricatum  minus,  Rail  Syn.  111,11. 

Jungermannia  dilatata,  Lin.  S.  P.  1600;  Hooker  Jung.  5. 
Jungermannia  tamariscifolia,  Engl.  Bot.  1086. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees ; winter. 

3.  Salviatus  Hutchinsice . Hutchins’  salviati. 

Stem  branched ; leaves  upper  lobes  spinous,  serrated ; 

lower  lobes  minute,  mostly  toothed  at  the  base;  stipules 
rounded*  ovate,  slightly  serrate,  acutely  2-cut \ fruit  lateral; 
calyx  reverse-heartshape,  smooth. 

Jungermannia  Hutchinsiae,  Hooker  Jung.  1;  Engl.  Bot.  2480. 

On  the  side  of  mountain  rivulets. 

XVI.  330.  PANDULPHINIUS.  Pandulphini. 

Monoicous.  Male.  Anthers  spherical,  pedicelled,  soli- 
tary in  the  axillse  of  the  perichetial  leaves. — Fem.  Calyx 
lateral,  ovate  or  reverse-ovate,  slender  at  bottom,  5- cor- 
nered; mouth  contracted,  elevated,  tubular,  toothed;  pe- 
duncle short,  jointed ; capsule  spherical,  seeming  4-valved  ; 
valves  upright,  irregularly  networked  ; seeds  roundish ; 
elaters  tubular,  membranaceous,  dilated  at  the  end,  ad- 
hering to  the  tip  of  the  valves ; helices  double,  slightly 
twisted. — Thallus  creeping;  leaves  2-rowed,  stipuled,  two- 
cut,  segments  unequal,  conduplicate,  lobes  rolled  in;  sti- 
pules nicked. 

1 . Pand . calyptrifolius.  Calyptra-leaved  pandulphini. 
Stem  branched ; leaves  upper  lobes  calyptriform  ; lower 

lobes  bluntly  4-sided,  rolled  up;  calyx  oblong,  top  flat, 
5-toothed;  mouth  minute,  contracted. 

Jungermannia  calyptrifolia,  Hooker  Jung.  43. 

On  the  stems  of  dwarf  furze,  near  the  ground. 

2.  Pand.  minutissimus . Minutest  pandulphini. 

Stem  irregularly  branched  ; leaves  upper  lobe  hemi- 
spherical, lower  lobe  extremely  minute;  stipules  ovate, 
rounded,  2-cut ; calyx  reverse-ovate,  rounded,  5-sided. 

Lichenastrum  quod  Jungermannia  omnium  minima,  seu  vix  conspicua, 
serpylli  aut  herniariae  foliis  auritis,  floribus  ex  albo  variegatis,  vagina  cor- 
diformi  Michelii,  Dillen  Muse.  12,2 9. 

Jungermannia  minutissima,  Engl.  Bot.  1633  ; Hooker  Jung.  52. 

On  rocks  and  trees. 

Thalli  in  tufts  like  a green  stain. 


Pl.cell.fol.  13.  HEPATICiE.  330.  Pandulph. 

3.  Pand.  hamalifolius.  Hook-leaved  pandulphini . 

Stem  irregularly  branched  ; leaves  upper  lobe  ovate, 

pointed,  tip  mostly  bent ; stipules  ovate,  acutely  2-cut ; 
calyx  reverse  ovate,  5-sided. 

Jungermannia  hainatifolia,  Hooker  Jung.  51. 

On  rocks  and  trees ; March  to  May. 

/3.  echiuatus.  Leaves  elegantly  spinous. 

4.  Pand.  serpyllifolius.  Thyme-leaved  pandulphini . 

Stem  pinnately  branched ; leaves  upper  lobes  rounded, 

lower  lobes  minute ; stipules  rounded,  acutely  2-cut ; calyx 
broad,  reverse-ovate,  5-sided. 

Lichenastrum  quod  Jungermannia  minima,  foliis  auritis,  ex  rotunditate 
acuminatis,  punciatis  ac  veluti  perforatis,  floribus  virescentibus,  vagina 
cordiformi,  Dillen  Muse.  72,  39. 

Jungermannia  serpyllifolia,  Dickson  Crypt.  4, 19;  Hooker  Jung.  42. 

On  trees  and  rocks;  male  in  June;  female  in  April  or 

j3.  ovatus.  Leaves  small,  ovate,  rather  pointed. 

XVII.  331.  MARCHESINUS.  Marchesini. 

Monoicous.  Male.  Anthers  spherical,  pedicelled,  soli- 
tary, in  the  axillae  of  the  perichetial  leaves.  Fem.  Calyx 
lateral,  sometimes  terminal,  reverse-heartshape,  flattened, 
3-sided;  mouth  contracted,  elevated,  4-toothed;  peduncle 
not  jointed,  short;  capsule  spherical,  4-valved;  valves  re- 
gularly networked,  turned  back ; seeds  roundish ; elalers 
tubular,  ends  dilated,  attached  to  the  tips  of  the  valves ; 
helices  double,  loosely  spiral. — Thallus  creeping ; leaves 

Marchesinius  Mackaii.  Mackay’s  marchesini. 

Stem  irregularly  branched  ; leaves  upper  lobe  roundish ; 
lower  lobe  minute;  stipules  large,  rounded,  reverse-heart- 

Jungermannia  Mackaii,  Hooker  Jung.  53  ; Engl.  Bot. 

On  lime-stone  rocks  and  old  trees ; February  and  March. 
Thalli  in  blackish  green  tufts. 

XVIII.  332.  CAVENDISHIA.  Cavendish. 

Monoicous.  Male.  Anthers  spherical,  pedicelled,  soli- 
tary, in  the  axillae  of  the  perichetial  leaves.  Fem.  Calyx 
lateral,  ovate,  narrow  at  bottom,  compressed,  becoming 
VOL.  i.  2 Y 

690  332.  Cavendishia.  13.  HEPATIC^.  PLcell.fol. 

cylindrical ; mouth  truncated,  serrate,  slit  on  one  side ; 
peduncle  short,  not  jointed;  capsule  spherical,  seeming 
4-valved  ; valves  upright,  irregularly  networked ; seed 
roundish;  elaters  membranaceous,  tubular;  helices  double, 
loosely  twisted ; leaves  2-rowed,  2-cut,  segments  unequal, 

1 . Cavendishia  platyphylla.  • Broad-leaved  cavendish . 

Stem  lying  down,  bi-pinnately  branched ; leaves  upper 
lobe  roundish,  ovate,  scarcely  cut ; lower  lobe  and  stipules 
straplike,  uncut. 

Lichenastrum  arboris  vitae  facie,  foliis  minus  rotundis,  Dillen  Muse. 
72,  32. 

Jungermannia  platyphylla,  Lin.  S.  P.  1600;  Engl.  Bot.  798;  Hooker 
Jung.  40. 

Jungermannia  cupressiformis  jS,  Lamarck  Encycl.  3,383. 

On  old  walls,  rocks,  and  trees,  even  in  towns;  March 
and  April. 

jS.  major.  Stem  bipinnately  branched  ; leaves  large, 
smooth,  yellowish  green. 

7.  thujeeformis.  Stem  long,  pinnately  branched ; leaves 
smooth,  brownish. 

Lichenastrum  arboris  vitae  facie,  foliis  rotundioribus,  Dillen  Muse.  72, 

Jungermannia  Thuja,  Dickson  Crypt.  4,  19. 

Jungermannia  platyphylla  jS,  Weiss  Crypt.  126. 

Jungermannia  cupressiformis  y,  Lamarck  Encyl.  3,283. 

2.  Cavendishia  Icevigata.  Smooth  cavendish . 

Stem  lying  down ; branches  irregularly  pinnate ; leaves 
2-rowed,  unequally  2-lobed,  thorny-toothed ; upper  lobes 
largest,  rounded  ovate,  lower  strapshape,  flat,  pressed 
close;  stipules  oblong,  4-sided,  thorny-toothed. 

Jungermannia  laevigata,  Schrad.  Samml.  2,  6 ; Hooker  Jung.  35. 

On  the  ground,  in  mountain  woods. 

XIX.  33 3.  MARTINELLXUS.  Martinelli. 

Monoicous.  Male.  Anthers  spherical,  pedicelled,  2 or 
3 together,  in  the  axillae  of  the  leaves.  Fem.  Calyx  ter- 
minal, ovate  oblong,  bottom  cylindrical,  tip  compressed,  at 
first  bent  in  ; mouth  truncated,  slit  on  one  side ; peduncle 
long,  not  jointed;  capsule  ovate,  4-valved;  valves  streaked 
longways  and  across;  seed  spherical;  elaters  membranaceous; 
helices  double;  buds  attached  to  the  side  of  the  leaves.— 
Leaves  2-rowed,  undivided,  or  unequally  2-lobed ; stipules  0. 

PL  cell. fol.  13.  HEPATICA3.  333.  Martinellius.  691 

a.  Leaves  2-lobed , lobes  unequal , conduplicate  ; fruit 

1.  Martinellius  complanatus.  Flattened  martinelli. 

Stem  creeping,  vaguely  branched ; leaves  2-rowed,  imbri- 
cate above ; upper  lobe  largest,  orbicular,  lower  lobe  ovate, 
flat;  calyx  oblong;  mouth  naked. 

Liciieuastrmn  imbricatum  majus,  Rail  Syn.  Ill,  10. 

Jungermannia  complanata,  Lin.  S.  P.  1133  ; Engl.  Bot.  2499;  Hooker 
Jung.  81. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees ; all  the  year. 

Leaves  flat,  pale  green. 

/3.  minor.  Leaves  more  convex,  brownish  green. 

2.  Martinellius  resupinatus.  Lying-down  martinelli . 

Stem  lying  down,  seldom  branched ; leaves  roundish, 

lobes  nearly  equal,  edge  not  cut;  calyx  oblong;  mouth 

Jungermannia  resupinata,  Lin.  S.  P.  1598;  Hooker  Jung.  23. 

On  loamy  heaths,  under  heath  ; May  and  June. 

3.  Martinellius  undulatus . Wavy  martinelli. 

Stem  upright,  slightly  forked ; leaves  lobes  roundish, 

wavy,  lower  lobes  largest;  calyx  oblong ; mouth  naked. 

Lichenastrum  pinnis  auriculatis  majoribus  et  non  crenatis,  Dillen  Muse. 

71, 17. 

Jungermannia  unduiata,  Lin.  S.  P.  1598;  Engl.  Bot.  225;  Hooker 
Jung.  22. 

On  wet  places,  especially  alpine ; May  to  July. 

4.  Martinellius  umbrosus.  Shady  martinelli. 

Stem  upright,  two-forked;  leaves  lobes  serrated  at  the 

end,  lower  lobes  largest,  ovate;  upper  roundish,  ovate; 
calyx  mouth  naked. 

Jungermannia  umbrosa,  Schrader  Samml.  2,  5;  Hooker  Jung . 24. 

On  damp  mountainous  places ; April  and  May. 

5.  Martinellius  planifolius.  Flat-leaved  martinelli. 

Stem  upright,  slightly  branched ; leaves  nearly  2-parted 

at  the  base,  toothed ; lower  lobe  largest,  ovate ; upper 
heartshape,  blunt. 

Jungermannia  planifolia,  Hooker  Jung.  67. 

On  damp  places,  in  mountains. 

Fructification  unknown. 

2 y 2 

692  333.  Martinellius.  13.  HEPATICiE.  Pl.cell.fol. 

6.  Martinellius  nemorosus . Grove  martinelli. 

Stem  upright,  rather  forked  ; leaves  seeming  2-lobed, 

toothed,  fringed,  lower  lobes  reverse  ovate,  upper  nearly 
heartshape,  blunt  ; calyx  mouth  toothed,  ciliated. 

Lichenastrum  auriculatum,  pinnis  minoribus,  crenatis,  Dillen  Muse.  7 1 » 


Lichenastrum  auriculatum,  pinnulis  rotundis,  crispum,  Dillen  Muse.  71, 

Jungermannia  nemorosa,  Lin.  S.  P.  1598;  Engl.  Bot.  607;  Hooker 
Jung.  21. 

Jungermannia  nemorea,  Lin.  Syst.  Nat.  2,  706. 

Jungermannia  resupinata,  Engl.  Bot.  2437. 

In  woods  and  hedge  banks ; April  to  August. 

|3.  purpurascens.  Leaves  turning  purplish. 

Lichenastrum  auriculatum  ornithopodii  minoris,  pinnulis  ciliatis,  Dillen 
Muse.  71,21. 

Jungermannia  purpurea,  Engl.  Bot.  1023,  in  part. 

Jungermannia  cochleariformis,  Withering  Arr.  3,  858. 

y.  recurvifolius . Leaves  with  the  lobes  turned  back. 

& denudatus . Leaves  with  the  lobes  scarcely  cut. 

b.  Leaves  undivided , toothed  ; fruit  lateral  and  terminal. 

7.  Martinellius  asplenioides.  Spleenwort  martinelli . 

Stem  ascending,  branched ; leaves  reverse-ovate,  round- 
ish, toothed,  slightly  bent  back ; fruit  terminal  and  lateral ; 
calyx  oblong,  mouth  slightly  fringed. 

Lichenastrum  trichomanis  facie, capitulis  e foliorum  summitate  enascen- 
tibus,  majus,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  112,  16. 

Jungermannia  asplenoides,  Lin.  S.  P.  1597  ; Engl.  Bot.  1061  ; Hooker 
Jung.  13. 

In  woods  and  moist  shady  banks,  among  mosses. 

8.  Martinellius  spinulosus . Thorny  martinelli. 

Stem  upright,  branched ; leaves  reverse-ovate,  bent  back, 

tip  toothed,  spinous;  fruit  lateral  and  axillary;  capsule 
roundish ; mouth  ciliated. 

Lichenastrum  pinnulis  alternis,  quasi  spinosis,  Dillen  Muse.  489. 
Lichenastrum  ramosius,  foliis  trifidis,  Dillen  Muse.  489. 

Jungermannia  spinulosa,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,  14  ; Hooker  Jung.  14. 
Jungermannia  serrata,  Roth  Cat.  Bot.  1, 144. 

On  mountainous  places. 

The  largest  and  handsomest  of  the  jungermannideae. 

,0.  tridenticulatus.  Leaves  small,  few;  tips  3-spined, 
Jungermannia  iridenticulata,  Micliaux  Bor.  Arr.  2,278. 

Pl.cell.foL  13.  HEPATIC^.  333.  Martinellius.  693 

9.  Martinellius  decipiens.  Deceiving  marlinelli. 

Stem  upright,  bent,  scarcely  branched ; leaves  lower 
smallest,  ovate,  not  cut;  upper  rounded  ovate  or  rarely 
4-sided,  with  one  or  two  spinelike  teeth. 

Jungermannia  decipiens,  Hooker  Jung.  50. 

On  rocky  places  and  heaths. 

XX.  334.  MYLIUS.  Mylius. 

Monoicous.  Male.  Anthers  spherical,  pedicelled,  clus- 
tered, in  the  axillae  of  the  perichetial  leaves.  Fem.  Calyx 
terminal,  exserted,  cylindrical,  tip  compressed,  truncated, 
2-lipped,  slit  on  both  sides,  slightly  toothed  ; peduncle  short, 
not  jointed;  capsule  ovate  or  spherical,  4-valved;  valves 
streaked  lengthways  and  across ; seed  spherical ; elalers 
tubular,  on  the  valves;  helices  double,  closely  twisted.— 
Leaves  2-rowed. 

] . Mylius  Taylori.  Taylor’s  mylius . 

Stem  upright,  scarcely  branched ; leaves  all  rounded ; 
stipules  broad-awlshape;jfn^7  terminal;  calyx  ovate,  mouth 

Jungermannia  Taylori,  Hooker  Jung.  57. 

On  mountainous  rocks. 

2.  Mylius  anomalies. . Anomalous  mylius . 

Stem  lying  down,  not  branched ; leaves  round,  or  rounded 

ovate,  or  ovate  pointed ; stipules  broadish  awlshape. 

Jungermannia  anornala,  Hooker  Jung.  34. 

On  bogs  among  mosses ; October  and  November. 

3.  Mylius  polyanthos . Many-flowered  mylius . 

Stem  lying  down,  slightly  branched ; leaves  horizontal, 

roundish,  roundish  4-sided,  flat,  sometimes  cut;  stipules 
oblong,  2-cut ; fruit  lateral,  peduncled,  from  the  lower 
part  of  the  stem ; calyx  half  the  length  of  the  calyptra, 
2-lipped,  jagged. 

Lichenastrum  trichomanoides  aquaticum  odoratum  fontis  Sanctae  Wini- 
fridae,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  112, 118. 

Jungermannia  polyanthos,  Lin.  S.  P.  1597  ; Engl.  Bot.  2479 ; Hooker 
Jung.  62. 

Jungermannia  viticulosa  /3,  Weber  Germ.  133. 

Jungermannia  aquatica,  Schranck  Bav.  2,496. 

Jungermannia  fragilis,  Roth  Germ.  3,370. 

Jungermannia  pallescens,  Schrader  Samml.  2,7. 

On  moist  and  very  wet  places. 


PL  cell.foL 

334*.  Mylius.  13.  HEPATICJE. 

4.  Mylius  cuneifolius.  Wedge-leaved  mylius. 

Stem  creeping,  not  branched  ; leaves  rather  distant, 
wedgeshape,  not  cut  or  very  bluntly  nicked  at  the  tip  ; 
stipules  small,  ovate,  pointed,  rough. 

Jungermannia  cuneifolia,  Hooker  Jung.  64. 

On  salviatus  tamarisci;  gen.  329,  sp.  1. 

Plant  extremely  minute,  like  the  filaments  of  a conferva ; 
in  loose  clusters. 

XXL  335.  NARDIUS.  Nardi. 

Monoicous.  Male.  Anthers  spherical,  pedicelled,  clus- 
tered, in  the  axillae  of  the  perichetial  leaves.  Fem.  Calyx 
terminal,  ovate ; mouth  rather  contracted,  4-toothed,  im- 
bedded in  the  perichetial  leaves;  peduncle  long,  not  jointed  ; 
capsule  roundish,  4-valved ; valves  furrowed  lengthways 
and  across;  seeds  spherical;  elaters  on  the  valves;  helices 
double,  closely  twisted  .—Leaves  2-rowed,  uncut. 

1.  Nardius  scalar  is.  Stair  nardi. 

Stem  creeping,  not  branched;  leaves  roundish,  hollow, 

not  cut  nor  nicked ; stipules  broad-awlshape ; perichetial 
leaves  united  together. 

Jungermannia  scalaris,  Schrader  Samml.  2,  4 ; Hooker  Jung.  61. 

Jungermannia  lanceolata,  Engl.  Bot.  605. 

On  hedge-banks,  on  loamy  soil,  or  woods. 

2.  Nardius  compressus.  Compressed  nardi. 

Stem  upright,  slightly  branched;  leaves  round;  upper- 
most kidneyshape,  pressed  close ; stipules  only  on  the  shoots ; 
calyx  oblong. 

Jungermannia  compressa,  Hooker  Jung.  58. 

In  mountain  rivulets. 

Tufts  dense,  purplish ; roots  scarcely  any. 

3.  Nardius  emarginatus.  Nicked  nardi . 

Stem  upright,  branched ; leaves  loosely  tiledlike,  spread- 
ing, reverse-hearted,  nicked ; calyx  ovate. 

Jungermannia  emarginata,  Ehrhart  Beitr.  3,  80;  Engl.  Bot.  1022; 
Hooker  Jung.  27. 

Jungermannia  macrorhiza,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,  16. 

In  very  wet  places,  or  alpine  rivulets ; early  in  summer. 

/3.  multifiorus.  Capsules  2 or  3 in  the  same  calyx ; Pe- 
duncles short. 

Pl.celLfoL  13.  HEPATICiE.  336.  Jungermannia.  693 

XXII.  336.  JUNGERMANNIA.  Ruppius.  Jungermann. 

Monoicous.  Male.  Anthers  spherical,  pedicelled,  clus- 
tered or  solitary  in  the  axillae  of  the  leaves.  Fem.  Calyx 
terminal  or  axillary,  ovate,  cylindrical,  mostly  plaited  ; 
mouth  contracted,  exserted,  toothed;  peduncle  long,  not 
jointed ; capsule  ovate  or  spherical,  4-valved ; valves  regu- 
larly streaked  lengthways  and  across ; seeds  spherical  ; 
elaters  on  the  valves;  helices  double. — Leaves  2-rowed  or 
tiledlike ; buds  at  the  tips  of  the  branches. 

a.  Stem  compressed ; leaves  2-rowed , 2 -cut,  lohes  unequal , 
conduplicate , stipuled. 

1 . Jungermannia  ciliaris.  Fringed  jungermann. 

Stem  lying  down,  pinnately  branched ; leaves  very  con- 
vex, unequally  2-lobed,  lobes  ovate,  2-parted,  fringed ; cilise 
long,  slender;  stipules  nearly  4-sided,  4 or  5-lobed  at  the 
end,  with  long  ciliae ; fruit  lateral;  calyx  reverse  ovate; 
mouth  contracted,  toothed. 

Lichenastrum  scorpioides  pulchruin  villosum,  Dill.  Muse.  69,3. 
Jungermannia  ciliaris,  Lin.  S.  P.  1601  ; Engl.  Bot.  2241  ; Hooker 
Jung.  65. 

Jungermannia  pulcherrima,  Weber  Spic.  151. 

Jungermannia  Leersii,  Roth  Germ.  2,  402. 

On  rocks  and  heaths. 

2.  Jungermannia  Woods'll.  Woods'  jungermann. 

Stem  lying  down,  2 or  3-pinnate ; leaves  very  convex, 

unequally  2-lobed ; upper  lobe  2-parted,  spinous,  toothed  ; 
lower  very  minute,  oblong,  scarcely  cut;  stipules  large, 
ovate,  2-parted,  spinous,  toothed ; spurred  on  each  side  of 
the  base. 

Jungermannia  Woodsii,  Ilooker  Jung.  66. 

On  mountains. 

b.  Stem  compressed ; leaves  2-rowed , 2 or  4>-cut,  lobes 
equal , stipuled. 

3.  Jungermannia  reptans.  Creeping  jungermann. 

Stem  creeping,  stellately  branched  ; leaves  tiledlike 

above;  rather  4-sided,  bent  in,  acutely  5-toothed;  stipules 
broad,  4-sided,  4-toothed;  fruit  radical;  calyx  oblong, 
plaited;  mouth  contracted,  toothed. 

Lichenastrum  trichomanis  facie,  foliolis  multifidis,  capitulis  ex  imis 
cauliculis  nascentibus,  Raii  Syn.  113,22. 

Jungermannia  reptans,  Lin.  S.  P.  1599  ; Engl.  Dot.  608;  Hooker  Jung. 

In  woods  and  shady  places. 

/3.  pinnata.  Thallus  large,  branches  2-pinnate. 

696  336.  Jungermannia.  13.  HEPATICiE,  PI,  cell,  f oh 

4.  Jungermannia  albescens . Whitish  jungermann. 

Stem  creeping,  branched ; leaves  very  concave,  nearly 

hemispherical;  stipules  ovate,  lanceolate,  blunt;  fruit  ter- 
minal, on  short  branches;  calyx  oblong,  ovate;  mouth 

Jungermannia  albescens,  Hooker  Jung.  72.  et  Suppl .4. 

On  the  ground  in  shady  places. 

5.  Jungermannia  barlata . Bearded  jungermann. 

Stem  lying  down,  scarcely  branched;  leaves  rounded, 

4-sided,  3 or  4-cut;  stipules  lanceolated,  acutely  2-cut,  edge 
jagged ; fruit  terminal ; calyx  ovate ; mouth  contracted, 

Lichenastrum  trichomanis  facie  ; foliolis  multifidis,  capitulis  e summis 
ramulis  nascentibus,  Dillen  in  Rail  Syn.  113,21. 

Jungermannia  barbata,  Schreb.  Lips.  107  ; Engl.  Bot.  25,  7 ; Hooker 
Jung.  70. 

Jungermannia  quinquedentata,  Hudson  Angl.  511. 

Jungermannia  Fiorkii,  Weber  et  Mohr.  Germ.  410. 

Jungermannia  dichotoma,  Schleich.  Cent.  2,  57. 

Jungermannia  gracilis,  Schleich.  Cent.  3,  6. 

Jungermannia  quadridentata,  Wulfin  Bert.  Mag.  8,  154. 

On  subalpine  rocks  and  in  woods  on  them ; March  to 

(3.  minor.  Stem  elongated  at  top,  ascending;  lower  leaves 
open,  upper  very  closely  tiledlike,  budbearing. 

6.  Jungermannia  Francisci.  Francis3  jungermann. 

Stem  nearly  upright,  simple  oF  branched ; leaves  ovate, 

concave,  acutely  nicked;  stipules  minute,  ovate,  2-cut \ fruit 
terminal,  on  short  branches  ; calyx  oblong  cylindrical, 
slightly  plaited ; mouth  toothed. 

Jungermannia  bifida,  Schmidel  leones , 244  et  250. 

Jungermannia  Francisci,  Hooker  Jung.  49. 

On  moist  ground  ; March  to  June. 

7.  Jungermannia  stipulacea.  Large-stipuled  jungermann. 
Stem  lying  down,  simple;  leaves  round;  tip  acutely 

nicked,  lobes  pointed,  straight  ; stipules  large,  ovate, 
pointed,  toothed  on  one  side,  near  the  base;  fruit  lateral; 
calyx  reverse- ovate,  tip  slightly  plaited;  mouth  contracted, 
bluntly  toothed. 

Jungermannia  stipulacea,  Hooker  Jung.  41. 

On  shady  rocks  in  woods. 

8.  Jungermannia  bidentata.  Two-toothed  jungermann. 
Stem  lying  down,  branched ; leaves  broad,  ovate,  decur- 
rent, tip  2-cut,  lobes  very  pointed,  not  jagged ; stipules  2 

PLcell.fol.  13.  HEPATICiE.  336.  Jungermannia.  697 

or  3-cut  or  jagged ; fruit  terminal;  calyx  oblong,  nearly 
three-cornered;  mouth  jagged. 

Lichenastrum  trichomanis  facie,  foliol is  bifidis,  majus,  Rail  Syn.  113, 

Jungermannia  bidentata,  Lin.  S.  P.  1598;  Engl.  Bot.  606;  Hooker 
Jung.  30. 

On  moist  ground  in  shady  places ; March  to  September. 

j3.  obtusata.  Leaves  bluntly  nicked,  blackish  green ; sti- 
pules many-cut. 

9.  Jungermannia  heterophylla . Oddleaved  jungermann. 

Stem  lying  down,  branched ; leaves  rounded,  ovate,  de- 
current, tip  rarely  acutely  nicked,  mostly  bluntly,  or  undi- 
vided ; stipules  2 or  3-cut,  sometimes  rather  jagged ; fruit 
terminal ; calyx  ovate,  bluntly  three-cornered ; mouth 

Lichenastrum  pinnulis  obtusioribus  bifidis,  minus,  Dillen  Muse.  488. 
Jungermannia  heterophylla,  Schrad.  Jour.  Bot.  5,  66;  Hooker  Jung.  31. 
Jungermannia  bidentata  minor,  Leers  Herbon.  249. 

Jungermannia  bicuspidata,  Engl.  Bot.  281,  not  the  syn. 

On  rocks  and  the  bark  of  trees ; male,  November ; fe- 
male, spring. 

c.  Stem  compressed;  leaves  2-rowed , 2-lobed ; lobes  un- 
equal, conduplicated ; stipules  0. 

10 . Junger.  cochleariformis.  Snailshape  jungermann. 

Stem  lying  down,  scarcely  branched ; leaves  closely  tiled- 

like  above;  upper  lobe  largest,  convex,  tip  2-cut,  toothed; 
lower  lobes  oblong,  ovate,  inflated. 

Lichenastrum  trichomanis  facie,  proelongum  foliis  concavis  unam  par- 
tem spectantibus,  Raii  Syn.  112,  17. 

Mnium  Jungermannia,  Lin.  S.  P.  1579. 

Jungermannia  cochleariformis,  Weiss  Crypt.  123;  Engl.  Bot.  2500; 
Hooker  Jung.  68. 

Jungermannia  purpurea,  Scop.  Cam.  2,  347. 

On  mountain-bogs. 

11.  Jungermannia  exsect  a.  Cut-out  jungermann. 

Stem  lying  down,  scarcely  branched;  leaves  unequally 

2-lobed,  slightly  folded  together ; lower  lobe  largest,  ovate, 
pointed,  concave ; tip  often  2-toothed ; upper  lobe  minute, 

Jungermannia  exsecta,  Schmidel  Icon.  241  ; Hooker  Jung.  19. 
Jungermannia  globulifera,  var.  1,  Roth  Germ.  3,381. 

On  moist  boggy  heaths. 

698  336.  Jungermannia.  13.  HEPATICiE.  Pl.cell.foL 

12.  Jungermannia  minuta.  Minute  j ung ermann . 

Stem  upright,  rather  two  forked ; leaves  horizontally 

spread,  slightly  folded  together;  upper  leaves  equally  two- 
lobed,  lower  leaves  unequally,  all  rather  pointed;  fruit  ter- 
minal ; calyx  reverse-ovate,  slightly  plaited  at  the  tip ; 
mouth  contracted,  toothed. 

Lichenastrum,  pinnulis  minutissimis  rotundis,  Dillen  Muse.  69,2. 
Jungermannia  minuta,  Crantz  Groenl.  285  ; Hooker  Jung.  44. 
Jungermannia  rupincola,  Sehleich.  Crypt,  exsic. 

Jungermannia  bicornis,  Mohr  Crypt.  Germ . 423. 

On  alpine  hills  among  mosses;  April  to  July. 

13.  Jungermannia  DicksonL  Dickson’ s jungermann. 

Stem  ascending,  seldom  branched ; leaves  unequally  two- 

lobed,  folded  together,  lobes  narrow,  ovate,  scarcely  cut, 
pointed;  lower  lobe  largest;  fruit  terminal;  calyx  ovate, 
plaited;  mouth  contracted,  toothed. 

Jungermannia  Dicksoni,  Hooker  Jung.  48. 

On  dry  rocks,  among  mosses. 

14.  Jungermannia  obtusifolia.  Blunt-leaved  jugermann. 

Stem  ascending,  simple;  leaves  unequally  2-1  obed ; lobes 

folded  together,  blunt,  not  cut;  lower  lobe  largest,  rather 
scymetarshape ; upper  ovate ; fruit  terminal ; calyx  reverse- 
ovate;  mouth  contracted,  toothed. 

Jungermannia  obtusifolia,  Hooker  Jung.  26. 

On  damp  rocky  places ; March  and  April. 

15.  Jungermannia  albicans.  Whitish  jungermann. 

Stem  upright,  slightly  branched ; leaves  unequally  two- 

lobed,  lobes  folded  together ; tip  toothed,  middle,  pellucid, 
whitish;  lower  lobe  largest,  nearly  scymetarshape,  upper 
oblong,  ovate,  pointed ; fruit  terminal ; calyx  reverse-ovate, 
cylindrical;  mouth  contracted,  toothed. 

Lichenastrum  triehomanis  facie,  capitulis  e foliorum  summitate  ena- 
scentibus  minus,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  112,  14. 

Lichenastrum  foliis  variis,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  113,23. 

Jungermannia  albicans,  Lin.  S.  P.  1599;  Eng.  Rot.  2240  ami  1023, 
left-hand  fig. ; Hooker  Jung.  25. 

Jungermannia  varia,  Lin.  S.  P.  1601. 

On  hedge-banks,  in  loamy  soils. 

(3.  procumbens.  Stem  lying  down  ; leaves  nearly  upright. 

Pl.ceil.fol.  13.  HEPATICiE.  336.  Jungermannia.  699 

d.  Stem  compressed ; leaves  2-rowed,  equally  3 or  4?  cut  j 
stipules  0. 

1 6 . Jungermannia  incisa.  Cut  jun  germ  ami. 
Stem  lying  down,  depressed,  seldom  branched;  leaves 

rather  4-sided,  wavy,  3-cut,  lobes  toothed  in  places;  fruit 
terminal;  calyx  reverse-ovate ; mouth  contracted,  toothed. 

Jungermannia  incisa,  Schard.  Samml.  2,  5;  Hooker  Jung.  10;  Eng.Bot. 

On  bogs,  moors,  and  moist  places  on  mosses. 

1 7.  Jungermannia  capitata.  Headed  jungermann. 
Stem  lying  down,  seldom  branched;  leaves  rounded, 

4-sided;  lower  2-cut;  upper  3 or  4-cut;  fruit  terminal; 
calyx  oblong,  ovate,  rather  plaited ; mouth  contracted, 

Jungermannia  capitata,  Hooker  Jung.  80;  Engl.  Bot. 

On  bogs  and  dry  mountainous  places. 

e.  Stem  compressed  ; leaves  2-rowed^  nicked  or  2-cut  ; 
stipules  0. 

18.  Jungermannia  curvifolia.  Curve-leaved  jungermann. 

Stem  lying  down,  branched  starwise ; leaves  roundish, 

very  concave,  2-cut;  lobes  pointed,  bent;  fruit  terminal, 
on  very  short  branches ; calyx  oblong,  slightly  plaited ; 
mouth  slightly  contracted,  toothed. 

Jungermannia  curvifolia,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,  15;  Engl.  Bot.  1304  ; 
Hooker  Jung.  16. 

Jungermannia  birostrata,  Schleicher  Cent.  3,59. 

On  alpine  rocks  and  decayed  wood. 

19.  Jungermannia  connivens.  Connivent  jungermann. 

Stem  lying  down,  branched  starwise ; leaves  round,  con- 
cave, tip  nicked,  crescentlike;  fruit  terminal,  on  short 
branches ; calyx  oblong  ovate ; mouth  contracted,  fringed. 

Jungermannia  connivens,  Dickson  Crypt.  4, 19;  Hooker  Jung.  15. 

On  damp  shady  places ; April  and  May. 

20.  Jungermannia  hyssacea.  By ssus  jungermann. 

Stem  lying  down,  branchwise;  leaves  nearly  4-sided, 

bluntly  2-cut,  lobes  pointed;  fruit  terminal;  calyx  oblong, 
plaited ; mouth  open,  toothed. 

Jungermannia  byssacea,  Roth  Cat.  Bot.  2,  158  ; Hooker  Jung.  12. 
Jungermannia  bifida,  Schmidel  Icon.  250. 

Jungermannia  divaricata,  Engl.  Bot.  719. 

On  sand-hills  and  exposed  heaths, 


700  336.  Jungermannia.  13.  HEPATICiE.  Pl.cell.fol. 

21 . Jungermannia  licuspidata.  Two-pointed  jungermann. 
Stem  lying  down,  branched  starwise ; leaves  nearly  four- 
sided, pointedly  2-cut;  lobes  pointed,  straight,  not  cut; 

fruit  terminal ; calyx  oblong,  plaited ; mouth  open,  toothed. 

Lichenastrum  trichomanis  facie,  foliolis  bifidis  minimum,  Raii  Syn. 
1 13,  20. 

Jungermannia  bicuspidata,  Lin.  S.  P.  1589;  Engl.  Bot.  2239 ; Hooker 
Jung.  11. 

Jungermannia  globulifera,  Pollich  Pal.  3, 182. 

Jungermannia  sphaerocephala,  Roth  Germ.  1,481. 

Jungermannia  fissa,  Scop.  Cam.  1345. 

Jungermannia  bicornis,  FI.  Dan.  888.  a. 

On  moist  hedges  and  banks  on  heaths ; Mar.  and  April. 

/3.  patens . holes  of  the  leaves  spreading. 

In  marshy  places. 

22.  Jungermannia  Turner i.  Turner's  jungermann. 

Stem  lying  down,  bent,  branched  starwise;  leaves  broad 

ovate,  acutely  2-par  ted  ; lobes  folded  together,  spinous, 
toothed ; fruit  terminal  ; calyx  linear,  oblong,  plaited 
lengthways ; mouth  rather  contracted,  toothed. 

Jungermannia  Turneri,  Hooker  Jung.  29. 

On  sha<iy  banks  of  mountain  rivulets  ; March. 

23.  Jungermannia  ventricosa.  Bellied  jungermann. 

Stem  lying  down,  slightly  branched ; leaves  open,  nearly 

4-sided,  bluntly  and  broadly  nicked,  sides  bent  in ; fruit 
terminal;  calyx  oblong;  mouth  contracted,  plaited,  toothed. 

Lichenastrum  quod  Jungermannia  minima  repens,  foliis  bifidis,  vagin& 
florum  ventricosa  Michelii,  Dillen.  Muse.  70,  14. 

Jungermannia  ventricosa,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,  14  ; Hooker  Jung.  28. 
Jungermannia  bidentata  globulifera,  Weber  Goett.  134. 

Jungermannia  bidentata,  Schmidel  Jung.  106. 

Jungermannia  globulifera,  Pollich  Palat.  3,  182. 

Jungermannia  bicornis,  Hoffm.  Germ.  2,89. 

Mnium  fissum,  Necker  Muse.  237. 

On  boggy  soils,  and  in  woods ; winter  and  spring. 

24.  Jungermannia  excisa . Cut-off  jungermann. 

Stem  lying  down,  nearly  simple;  leaves  open,  nearly 

4-sided,  very  deeply  nicked ; fruit  terminal ; calyx  oblong ; 
mouth  slightly  contracted,  plaited,  toothed. 

Jungermannia  excisa,  Dickson  Crypt.  3,  11 ; Hooker  Jung.  9. 
Jungermannia  globulifera,  Roth  Germ.  3,  379. 

Jungermannia  Funckii,  Mohrh  Crypt.  Germ.  492. 

In  moist  shady  woods  and  hedge-banks. 

|3.  crispata.  Leaves  wavy  lengthways ; lobes  unequal, 

Pl.cell.fol.  13.  HEPATICiE.  336.  Jungermannia.  701 

25.  Jungermannia  infiata.  Blown-up  jungermann. 

Stem  lying  down,  simple  or  branched ; leaves  roundish, 

concave,  acutely  2-cut ; lobes  straight,  blunt ; fruit  termi- 
nal; calyx  reverse  pearshape;  mouth  contracted,  toothed. 
Jungermannia  infiata,  Hudson  An gl.  511  ; Hooker  Jung.  38. 
Jungermannia  bicrenata,  Schmidel  Icon.  246. 

Jungermannia  bidentata,  var.  2,  Withering  Arr.  3,  853. 

In  moist  boggy  places;  all  the  year. 

26.  Jungermannia  Orcadensis.  Orkney  jungermann. 

Stem  upright,  not  branched  ; leaves  closely  tiledlike, 

upright  or  spreading,  heartshape  ovate,  flat,  tip  notched, 
edge  turned  over. 

Jungermannia  Orcadensis,  Hooker  Jung.  71. 

On  moss,  at  the  feet  of  mountains. 

f.  Stem  compressed  ; leaves  2-row ed,  undivided ; stipules  0. 

27 . Jungermannia  hyalina.  Transparent  jungermann. 
Stem  ascending,  bent,  forked  ; leaves  rounded,  wavy  ; 

fruit  terminal;  calyx  ovate,  cornered;  mouth  contracted, 

Jungermannia  hyalina,  Hooker  Jung.  63. 

On  boggy  places,  and  rocks  near  waterfalls ; April  and 

2 S.Junger.  sphcerocarpa.  Round-fruited  jungermann. 
Stem  ascending,  not  branched  ; leaves  round;  calyx  ob- 
long, reverse-ovate,  cylindrical,  4-cut;  capsule  spherical. 

Jungermannia  sphaeroearpa,  Hooker  Jung.  74. 

On  bogs ; March  to  May. 

29.  Jungermannia  crenulata.  Crenulate  jungermann. 

Stem  lying  down,  branched ; leaves  rounded,  bordered ; 
fruit  terminal ; calyx  reverse-ovate,  compressed,  4-cornered 
lengthways;  mouth  contracted,  toothed. 

Jungermannia  crenulata,  Engl.  Bot.  1463  ; Hooker  Jung.  37. 

On  bogs  and  wet  places ; October  to  April. 

(3.  gracillima.  Stem  rather  slender;  leaves  minute,  distant. 

Jungermannia  gracillima,  Eng.  Bot.  2238. 

30.  Jungermannia  sphagni.  Bog-moss  jungermann. 

Stem  lying  down,  seldom  branched ; bud-bearing  shoots 
only  stipuled ; leaves  round ; fruit  terminal,  on  peculiar 

702  336.  Jungermannia.  13.  HEPATICiE.  Pl.  cell,  f oh 

branches ; calyx  oblong,  smaller  at  both  ends ; mouth  con- 
tracted, slightly  toothed. 

Jungermannia  sphagni,  Dickson  Crypt.  1 , 6 ; Engl.  Bot.  2470;  Hooker 
Jung.  33. 

In  marshy  places,  among  sphagna;  October  to  April. 

31.  Jungermannia  cordifolia.  Heart-leaved  jungermann. 

Stem  upright,  bent,  forked ; leaves  upright,  hollow,  heart- 

shape,  rolled  round ; fruit  terminal  and  axillary ; calyx 
oblong  ovate,  slightly  plaited ; mouth  minute,  toothed. 
Jungermannia  cordifolia,  Hooker  Jung.  32. 

On  moist  places  in  alpine  mountains ; August  to  March. 

32.  Jungermannia  pumila.  Dwarf  jungermann. 

Stem  ascending,  mostly  simple;  leaves  elliptical,  ovate; 

fruit  terminal ; calyx  oblong,  ovate,  pointed ; mouth  con- 
tracted, slightly  toothed. 

Lichenastrum  trichomanis  facie,  minus,  ab  extremitate  florens,  Dillen 
Muse.  70,  10. 

Jungermannia  pumila,  Withering  Arr.  3,  866 ; Engl.  Bot.  2230 ; Hooker 
Jung.  17. 

On  alpine  rocks  and  mountains;  May  and  June. 

(3.  nigricans.  Stem  branched ; leaves  distant,  growing 

33.  Jungermannia  lanceolata.  Spearshape  jungermann. 
Stem  lying  down,  seldom  branched;  leaves  spreading, 

ovate  rather  rounded ; fruit  terminal ; calyx  oblong,  cylin- 
drical ; tip  depressed,  flat ; mouth  contracted,  slightly 

Lichenastrum  capitulis  nudis,  trichomanis  facie,  foliolis  densius  con- 
gests, minus,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  112,  13. 

Jungermannia  lanceolata,  Lin.  S.  P.  1597  ; Hooker  Jung.  18. 

On  moist  places  in  woods,  and  trunks  of  rotten  trees. 

g.  Stem  round ; leaves  scattered  ; stipules  0. 

34.  Jungermannia  trichophylla.  Hair-leaved  jungermann. 
Stem  creeping,  irregularly  branched ; leaves  tiledlike  on 

all  sides,  in  bundles,  bristlelike,  jointed,  spreading,  straight ; 
fruit  terminal;  calyx  oblong;  mouth  contracted,  fringed. 

Lichenastrum  trichodes  minimum,  in  extremitate  florens,  Dillen  Muse. 

Jungermannia  trichophylla,  Lin.  S.  P.  1601 ; Engl.  Bot,  2252;  Hooker 
Jung.  7. 

On  turfy  heaths,  and  moist  rocks. 

Pl.cell.fol.  13.  HEPATICiE.  336.  Jungermannia.  703 

35.  Jungermannia  setacea.  Bristlelike  jungermann. 

Stem  creeping,  nearly  pinnately  branched;  leaves  tiled- 

like  on  all  sides,  in  pairs,  bristlelike,  jointed,  spreading, 
bent  inwards ; fruit  terminal;  calyx  oblong;  mouth  open, 

Lichenastrum  multiflorum  exile,  foliis  angustissimis,  Dillen  Muse.  69,  4. 

Jungermannia  setacea,  Weber  Goett.  155;  Hooker  Jung.  8. 

Jungermannia  multiflora,  Hudson  Angl.  510. 

Jungermannia  sertularioides,  Linn.  Suppl.  449. 

Jungermannia  p tucifiora,  Dickson  Crypt.  2, 15. 

Jungermannia  triehophylla,  var.  3,  Roth  Germ.  3,366. 

On  bogs,  amongst  mosses. 

h.  Stem  round ; leaves  2-rowed,  stipuled. 

36.  Jungermannia  tomentella . Fine-downy  jungermann. 

Stem  nearly  upright,  2~pinnate;  leaves  nearly  flat,  un- 
equally 2-lobed,  many-cut,  hairlike;  upper  lobes  2-parted, 
lower  lobes  very  small ; stipules  nearly  4-sided,  jagged ; 
fruit  axillary;  calyx  oblong,  cylindrical,  shaggy;  mouth 
open,  naked. 

Liclienastrum  filicinum  crispum,  DiUen  in  Raii  Syn.  111,7. 

Jungermannia  tomentella,  Ehrhart  Beitr.  2,  15;  Engl.  Bot.  2242; 
Hooker  Jung.  36. 

Jungermannia  ciliaris,  Weiss  Crypt.  189. 

On  moist  places;  October  to  March. 

i.  Stem  round ; leaves  2-rowed  j stipules  0. 

37 • Jungermannia  setiformis.  Bristleshape  jungermann. 

Stem  upright,  seldom  branched;  leaves  2-rowed,  closely 
tiledlike,  upright,  4-sided,  4-cut;  edge  irregularly  thorn- 
toothed; fruit  terminal  and  lateral;  calyx  oblong,  plaited; 
mouth  open,  toothed. 

Jungermannia  setiformis,  Ehrh.  Beitr.  3,  40  ; Hooker  Jung.  20. 

Jungermannia  concatenata,  Linn.  Lapp.  343. 

(3.  alpina.  Leaves  small;  segments  not  divided. 

k.  Stem  round ; leaves  4<-rowed;  stipules  0. 

38.  Jungermannia  julacea.  Catkin  jungermann. 

Stem  nearly  upright,  irregularly  branched,  threadlike; 
leaves  4- rowed,  ovate,  closely  tiledlike,  upright,  acutely 
2-cut ; lobes  lanceolate,  pointed,  slightly  serrate ; fruit  ter- 
minal; calyx  oblong,  plaited  above;  mouth  open,  toothed. 


704  336.  Jungermannia.  13.  HEPATICiE.  PL  cell, foil. 

Lichenastrum  alpinum,  bryi julacei  argentei  facie,  Dillen  Muse.  73,38. 

Jungermannia  julacea,  Lin.  S.  P.  1 60 J ; Engl.  Bot.  1023  ; Hooker 
Jung.  2. 

Jungermannia  concinnata,  Wahlenb.  Lapp.  384. 

On  wet  places,  on  alpine  heights. 

/3.  gracilis.  Stem  long;  leaves  small,  distant. 

39.  Jungermannia  laxifolia.  Loose-leaved  jungermann. 

Stem  upright,  scarcely  branched,  threadlike;  leaves  dis- 
tant, 4-rowed,  upright,  spreading,  ovate,  slightly  keeled, 
acutely  2-cut ; fruit  terminal ; calyx  oblong,  slightly  plaited ; 
mouth  contracted,  toothed. 

Jungermannia  laxifolia,  Hooker  Jung.  59. 

In  mountain  rivulets ; April  to  June. 

Perichetial  leaves  similar  to  the  stem  leaves,  distant, 
often  leaving  the  calyx  quite  exposed. 

XXIII.  337.  BAZZANIUS.  Bazzanio. 

Monoicous.  Male.  Anther  spherical,  pedicelled,  in  the 
axillae  of  the  perichetial  leaves. — Fem.  Calyx  from  the 
under  side  of  the  stem,  pedicelled,  oblong,  tubular,  narrow 
at  top ; mouth  slit  down  on  one  side,  toothless ; peduncle 
long;  capsule  ovate,  4-valved;  valves  streaked  regularly 
longways  and  across;  elaters  affixed  to  the  valves;  helices 
double;  seeds  spherical.-— Leaves  2-rowed,  stipuled,  lobed ; 
lobes  equal. 

Bazzanius  trilohatus.  Three-lohed  hazzanio. 

Stem  creeping,  bent,  slightly  branched ; leaves  tiledlike 
above,  ovate,  convex,  bluntly  8-lobed ; stipules  broad, 
4-sided,  crenated. 

Jungermannia  trilobata,  Lin.  S.  P.  1599  ; Hooker  Jung.  76. 

Jungermannia  radicans,  Hoffm.  Germ.  2,  87  ; Engl.  Bot.  2232. 

Jungermannia  Don niana,  Hooker  Jung.  39. 

On  alpine  rocks,  of  moderate  height. 

/3.  minor.  Thallus  small. 

Jungermannia  triangularis,  Schleichler  Cent.  2. 

y.  minimus.  Leaves  very  minute,  indistinct,  distant,  often 
2 -toothed. 

XXIV.  338.  SC  ALIUS.  Scalius. 

Monoicous.  Male.  Anthers  spherical,  pedicelled,  clus- 
tered in  the  axillae  of  the  perichetial  leaves. — Fem.  Calyx  0. 
calyptra  terminal,  large,  oblong,  fleshy,  bursting  irregu- 

13.  HEPATICiE.  338.  Scalius. 


PI.  cell.fol. 

larly;  peduncle  long;  capsule  ovate,  4-valved;  valves  re- 
gularly streaked  lengthways  and  across;  seeds  spherical, 
clustered,  in  threes ; elaters  affixed  to  the  tops  of  the  valves ; 
helices  single,  slenderer  at  each  end. — Root  fleshy,  branch- 
ed; stipules  0. 

Scalius  Hookeri . Hooker's  scalius. 

Stem  upright;  leaves  distant,  tiledlike,  ovate,  oblong  or 
lobed  and  cornered. 

Jungermannia  Hookeri,  Engl.  Bot.  2555;,  Hooker  Jung.  54. 

On  the  sides  of  ditches ; October  to  May. 

XXV.  339.  CESIUS.  Cesius. 

Monoicous.  Male. ?• — Fem.  Calyx  0;  calyptra 

terminal,  ovate,  bursting;  peduncle  long;  capsule  globular, 
4-valved;  valves  regularly  streaked  lengthways  and  across; 
seeds  spherical;  elaters  affixed  to  the  valves;  helices  double, 
rather  slender  at  each  end.- — Leaves  2-rowed;  stipules  0 ; 
perichetial  leaves  embracing  each  other,  and  serving  as  a 

Cesius  concinnatus.  Braided  cesius. 

Stem  upright,  branched,  top  enlarged  and  compressed ; 
leaves  2-rowed,  closely  tiledlike,  compact,  upright,  hollow, 
ovate,  nicked;  fruit  terminal. 

Jungermannia  concinnata,  Lightf.  Scot.  2,786;  Hooker  Jung.  3. 
Jungermannia  julacea,  FI.  Dan . 1002. 

On  barren  spongy  places  on  mountains. 

XXVI.  340.  HERBERTUS.  Herbert. 

Monoicous.  Male.  Anthers  spherical,  pedicelled,  in 

clusters,  in  the  axillae  of  the  perichetial  leaves. — Fem,  Ca- 
lyx 0 ; calyptra  terminal,  ovate ; peduncle  long ; capsule 
ovate,  4-valved ; valves  regularly  streaked  lengthways  and 
across ; seeds  spherical ; elaters  affixed  to  the  valves ; helices 
double,  slightly  narrowed  at  each  end. — Leaves  4-rowed ; 
stipules  0;  perichetial  leaves  united  at  bottom,  calyxlike. 

Herbertus  aduncus.  Hooked  herbert. 

Stem  upright,  bent,  seldom  branched ; leaves  4-rowed, 
scythelike,  facing  one  way,  linear  lanceolate,  2-parted,  lobes 
straight,  upright,  pointed ; perichetial  leaves  upright  at  the 

VOL.  i.  2 z 

Pl.  cell.fol. 

70 6 340.  Herbertus.  13.  HEPATICiE. 

Jungermannia  adunca,  Dickson  Crypt.  3,  12. 

Jungermannia  juniperina  adunca,  Hooker  Jung.  4. 

On  shady  spots  of  alpine  mountains. 

Tufts  thick  ; leaves  yellowish  brown. 

XXVII.  341.  LIPPIUS.  Lippi, us. 

Monoicous?  Male. ? Fem.  Calyx  from  the  side  of 

the  stem,  subterraneous,  affixed  to  the  upper  edge,  cylin- 
drical, pouchshaped;  mouth  circular,  fringed  with  scales; 
calyptra  enclosed;  peduncle  jointless,  long;  capsule  oblong, 
4-valved ; valves  streaked  lengthways  and  across ; seeds 
spherical ; elaters  affixed  to  the  valves ; helices  double,  ra- 
ther closely  twisted. — Leaves  2-rowed,  stipuled. 

Lippius  vitfculosus.  Sprigged  lippius. 

Stem  lying  down,  branched ; leaves  slightly  tiled  like, 
horizontal,  flat,  ovate,  not  cut ; stipules  broad,  ovate,  irre- 
gularly toothed. 

Lichenastrum  capitulis  nudis,  trichomanis  facie,  foliolis  densius  con- 
gestis,  majus,  Dillen  in  Rail  Syn.  Ill,  12. 

Jungermannia  viticulosa,  Lin.  S.  P.  1597  ; Engl.  Bot.  2513;  Hooker 
Jung.  60. 

On  mountains  on  the  ground,  and  on  mosses  and  other 
jungermannideae ; spring. 

XXVIII.  342.  KANTIUS.  Kant . 

Monoicous?  Male.  — — ? Fem.  Calyx  from  the  side  of 
the  stem,  subterraneous,  affixed  by  the  upper  edge,  cylin- 
drical, pouchshape;  mouth  circular,  crenated ; _ calyptra, 
enclosed;  peduncle  jointless,  long;  capsule  oblong,  4 valved, 
valves  spiral,  streaked  lengthways  and  across ; seeds  sphe- 
rical ; elaters  affixed  to  the  valves ; helices  double,  rather 
closely  twisted. — • Leaves  2-rowed,  stipuled. 

Kantius  trichomanis . Trichomanes  kant. 

Stem  lying  down,  seldom  branched ; leaves  tiledlike, 
horizontal,  convex,  ovate,  sometimes  nicked  ; stipules 
rounded,  crescentshape. 

Mnium  trichomanis  facie,  foliolis  bifidis,  Dillen  Muse.  31,6. 

Mnium  trichomanis  facie,  foliis  integris,  Dillen  Muse.  31,5. 

Mnium  Trichomanes,  Lin.  S.  P.  1579. 

Mnium  fissum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1579. 

Jungermannia  trichomanis,  Dickson  Crypt.  3,8;  Hooker,Jung.  79. 

Jungermannia  scalaris,  Schmid.  Jung.  20. 

Jungermannia  fissa,  Scopoli  Cam.  2,  348. 

Jungermannia  sphoerocephala,  Withering  A rr.  3,854. 

On  moist  places  in  heaths  and  woods;  summer. 

Forms  large  patches  of  a glaucous  green  colour. 


PL  cell.fol.  14.  MUSCI. 

Fam.  II.  14.  MUSCI.  Most  botanists.  Cryptogamce 

calyptratce  operculatce , Mohr. 

Flowers  unisexual  Male.  Anthers  oblong,  spherical, 
networked,  bursting  irregularly,  pedicelled,  in  the  axillae  of 
the  perichetial  leaves;  pollen  granular.  — Fem.  Flowers 
terminal  or  lateral;  pistills  many,  clustered,  only  one  fer- 
tile, style  terminal ; stigma  expanded ; calyptra  covering 
the  pistills,  bursting  across  at  bottom,  rising  up  with  the 
capsules ; calyx  0 ; perichetial  leaves  surrounding  the  ca- 
lyptra ; capsule  pedicelled,  valveless,  operculated ; columella 
central;  mouth  fringed,  fringe  single  or  double;  lid  mostly 
deciduous  ; seeds  roundish,  attached  to  the  columella ; 
elaters  0. — Plants  small,  texture  compactly  cellular;  leaves 
mostly  with  a main  rib,  undivided  or  slightly  toothed. 

A.  Peristome  0. 

Capsule  4-valved ............  3 . Andrea.  343. 

Caps,  not  cut,  sessile;  recept.  pedicelled  Sphagnum.  344. 

Caps,  not  cut,  pedicelled  ; recept.  sessile ; 
lid  adnate Phascum.  345. 

Caps,  not  cut,  pedicelled;  recept.  sessile; 
lid  deciduous,  at  last  jagged  ........  Schistostega.  346. 

Caps,  not  cut,  pedicelled;  recept.  sessile; 
lid  deciduous;  calyptra  bellshaped  . . Anictangium.  347. 

Caps,  not  cut,  pedicelled;  recept . sessile; 
ltd  deciduous;  calyptra  halved  ....  Gymnostomum.  348. 

B.  Peristome  single,  formed  of  a membrane  only. 

Peristome  conoid,  folded  ..........  Diphyscium.  349. 

C.  Peristome  single , formed  of  teeth  or  hairs. 

Teeth  of  the  peristome  4 Tetraphis.  350. 

Teeth  eight  pair Splachnum.  351. 

Teeth  16,  cohering  at  the  tip  .....  Conostomum.  352. 

Teeth  32,  tips  joined  by  a membranePoLYTRiCHUM.  353. 

Teeth  32,  twisted,  anastomosing  at 
bottom  Cinclidotus.  354. 

Teeth  32,  twisted,  joined  by  a mem- 
brane   Tortula.  355. 

Teeth  16,  not  divided,  straight,  free; 
calyptra  bellshape,  or  mitrelike,  smooth  Encalypta.  356. 

Teeth  16,  not  divided,  straight,  free; 
calyptra  bellshape  or  mitrelike,  furrowed  Grimmia.  357, 

2 z 2 


14.  MUSCI. 


Teeth  16,  not  divided,  straight,  free; 

calyptra  halved  \ fruit  lateral  Pterogonium.  358. 

Teeth  16,  not  divided,  straight,  free; 

calyptra  halved  ; fruit  terminal Weissia.  359. 

Teeth  16,  two-cut,  straight,  free Dicranum.  360. 

Teeth  16  pair,  straight,  free; 

calyptra  mitreshape Trichostomum.  361. 

Teeth  1 6 pair,  straight,  free ; 

calyptra  halved  ; fruit  lateral . . Leucodon.  362. 

Teeth  16  pair,  straight,  free; 

calyptra  halved  ; fruit  terminal  Didymodon.  363. 

D.  Peristome  double  ; the  internal  formed  of  cilice  not 
connected  together . 

Fruit  terminal ; teeth  oblique ; 
cilice  opposite  to  the  teeth  Funaria.  364. 

Fruit  terminal ; teeth  oblique ; 
cilice  alternating;  calyptra  halved.  Zygodon.  365. 

Fruit  terminal;  teeth  oblique; 
cilice  alternating;  calyptra  mitrelike  Orthotrichum.  366. 

Fruit  lateral;  calyptra  halved; 
cilice  from  an  interior  membrane  ........  Neckera.  367. 

Fruit  lateral ; calyptra  halved ; 
cilice  from  the  side  of  the  teeth Anomodon.  368. 

Fruit  lateral ; calyptra  mitrelike ; 
cilice  from  the  side  of  the  teeth Daltonia.  369. 

E.  Peristome  double ; the  internal  either  membranaceous , or 
formed  of  connected  cilice . 

Inter,  perist.  cancellated  \ fruit  lateral  Fontinalis.  370. 
Inter,  perist.  membranaceous,  plaited  Buxbaumia.  371. 
Inter,  perist.  of  16  equal,  2-cut  jags  . . Bartramia.  372. 
Inter,  perist.  of  16  jags,  not  cut; 

fruit  lateral ; calyptra  mitrelike Hookeria.  373. 

Inter,  perist.  of  16  jags,  not  cut; 

fruit  lateral;  calyptra  halved Hypnum.  374. 

Inter . perist.  of  16  jags,  not  cut; 
fruit  terminal;  calyptra  halved Bryum.  375. 

I.  343.  ANDRiEA.  Hedwig.  Blackmoss . 

Capsule  4-valved;  valves  cohering  together  at  the  tip, 
by  the  persistent  lid;  calyptra  torn  irregularly. — Plants 
alpine,  dark  brown,  nearly  black,  differ  from  jungerman- 
nidece  by  the  central  columella  of  the  capsule. 

Pl.cell.fol.  14.  MUSCL  343.  Andrma.  709 

1 . Andrcea  alpina . Alpine  blackmoss. 
Stems  branched  ; leaves  obovate,  suddenly  pointed, 

straight,  covering  the  stem  on  all  sides  tiledlike ; main-rib 

Lichenastrum  alpinum  atro-rubens  teres,  calycibus  squamosis,  Dillen 
Muse.  506. 

Jungermannia  alpina,  Lin.  S.  P.  1602. 

Andreas  alpina,  Hedwig  Sp.  Muse . 49. 

On  rocks;  summer. 

2.  Andrcea  rupestris . Rock  blacktnoss. 

Stem  branched ; leaves  ovate,  pointed  by  degrees ; main- 

rib  none;  upper  leaves  sickleshape. 

Jungermannia  rupestris,  Lin.  S.  P.  1601. 

Andraea  rupestris,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  47  ; Engl.  Bot.  1277. 

On  rocky  mountains. 

3.  Andrcea  Rothii.  Roth’s  blackmoss. 

Stems  almost  simple;  leaves  lanceolate,  awlshape,  sickle- 

like,  one-rowed,  main-ribbed ; perichetial  leaves  oblong, 
ribless ; edges  turned  in. 

Lichenastrum  alpinum  nigricans;  foliis  capillaceis  reilexis,  Dillen 
Muse.  507. 

Jungermannia  rupestris,  Lin.  S.  P.  1601. 

Andraea  rupestris.  Turner  Muse.  Hib.  14. 

Andraea  Rothii,  Mohr.  Crypt . Germ.  11  ; Engl.  Bot.  2162. 

On  alpine  rocks. 

4.  Andrcea  nivalis.  Snow  blackmoss. 

Stems  slightly  branched ; leaves  loosely  tiled-like,  lanceo- 
late, slightly  falcate,  one-rowed,  main-ribbed ; perichetial 
leaves  like  the  stem-leaves. 

Andrasa  nivalis,  Hooker  in  Lin.  Tr.  10,395;  Engl.  Bot.  2507. 

On  rocks. 

II.  344.  SPHAGNUM.  Dillenius.  Bogmoss. 

Receptacle  peduncled ; capsule  sessile,  not  valved ; lid 
falling  off ; mouth  toothless ; calyptra  irregularly  torn.— - 
Leaves  whitish,  with  large  network,  meshes  oblong,  trans- 
versely streaked  ; main  rib  0 : grow  in  bogs,  or  water. 

1 . Sphagnum  obtusifolium.  Bluntleaved  bogmoss. 

Branches  swollen ; leaves  ovate,  blunt,  closely  tiledlike. 

710  344.  Sphagnum.  14.  MUSCI.  Pl.cell.foL 

Sphagnum  cauliferum  et  ramosum  palustre  molle  candicans,  reflexis 
ramulis,  foliolis  latioribus,  Raii  Syn.  104, 1. 

Muscus  terrestris  vulgatissimus,  Park . 1306. 

Sphagnum  palustre,  Lin.  S.  P.  1569. 

Sphagnum  obtusi folium,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  241. 

Sphagnum  lati folium,  Hedwig.  Engl.  Bot.  1405. 

Sphagnum  cymbifolium,  Swartz  Suec. 

In  bogs. 

Very  retentive  of  moisture,  used  to  pack  up  live  plants 
to  send  to  a distance. 

/3.  minus.  Stems  in  close  tufts ; leaves  closely  tiledlike. 

Sphagnum  compactum,  Schwcegr.  Supp.  S. 

y. jluitans.  Stems  very  long,  slender;  leaves  scattered, 

Sphagnum  latifolium  fluitans,  Turner  Muse.  Hib.  6. 

Old  wives  tow. 

2.  Sphagnum  squarrosum. 

Branches  slender  at  the  end ; leaves  ovate,  pointed, 
scurfy,  turned  back. 

Sphagnum  squarrosum,  Weber  fy  Mohr  Reise , 2,  1 ; Engl.  Bot.  1498. 

On  bogs. 

3.  Sphagnum  acutifolium . Narrow-leaved  bogmoss. 

Branches  slender;  leaves  ovate,  lanceolate,  crowded. 

Sphagnum  cauliferum  et  ramosum  palustre  molle  candicans,  reflexis 
ramulis,  foliolis  angustioribus,  Raii  Syn.  104,2. 

Sphagnum  acutifolium,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  12. 

Sphagnum  capilli folium,  Engl.  Bot.  1406. 

On  bogs. 

4.  Sphagnum  cuspidatum.  Pointed  bogmoss . 

Branches  slender;  leaves  lanceolate,  awlshape,  weak. 

Sphagnum  cuspidatum,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  25  ; Engl.  Bot.  2392. 

In  water,  on  bogs. 

III.  345.  PHASCUM.  Haller.  Squat-moss . 

Receptacle  sessile;  capsule  pedicelled;  pedicell  terminal ; 
peristome  0;  lid  adnate,  persistent;  calyptra  halved. — Plants 
often  very  minute. 

a.  Shoots  creeping , leafless^  jointed,  branched. 

1.  Phascum  serratum.  Serrated  squcil-moss. 

Shoots  branched,  leafless,  jointed ; perichetial  leaves  lan- 
ceolate, serrated,  ribless. 

14.  MUSCI.  345.  Phascum. 


Pl.  cell,  f 61, 

Phascum  serratum,  Engl.  Bot.  460;  Dicks.  Crypt.  1,1. 

Phascum  stoloniferum,  Dicks.  Crypt.  3,  7 ? Engl.  Bot.  2006. 

On  shady  sandy  banks. 

Capsules  large;  seeds  about  100  in  a capsule,  large. 

b.  Creeping  shoots  0;  leaves  awlshape . 

2.  Phascum  alternifoUum . Alternate-leaved  squat-moss. 

Leaves  uncut,  lanceolate,  awlshape;  shoots  long. 

Phascum  alternifolium,  Dicks.  Crypt.  1,2;  Engl.  Bot.  2107. 

On  moist  banks. 

Perichetial  leaves  large,  long;  seeds  about  16  in  each 
capsule,  very  large,  greenish,  cornered,  without  any  border. 

3.  Phascum  crispum.  Crisp  squat-moss . 

Leaves  lanceolate,  awlshape,  bent,  crisp  when  dry. 

Phascum  crispum,  Engl.  Bot.  1680. 

Phascum  multicapsulare,  Engl.  Bot.  618. 

On  banks  and  fields. 

4.  Phascum  suhulatum . Awlshape  squatmoss. 

Leaves  awlshape,  bristlelike,  straight:  main  rib  disap- 
pearing below  the  point. 

Sphagnum  acaulon  trichoides,  Rail  Syn.  105,6. 

Phascum  suhulatum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1570;  Engl . Bot.  2177. 

On  dry  banks. 

5.  Phascum  axillare.  Axillary  squat-moss. 

Leaves  lanceolate,  awlshape,  straight;  main  rib  disap- 
pearing below  the  point;  fruit  becomes  lateral. 

Phascum  axillare,  Dicks.  Crypt.  1,2. 

Phascum  nitidum,  Hedwig  St.  Crypt.  1,34. 

Phascum  strictum,  Dicks.  Crypt . 1,2;  Engl.  Bot.  2093. 

On  moist  banks. 

ct  Creeping  shoots  0 ; leaves  ovale  ; pedicell  immersed  in 
the  leaves. 

6.  Phascum  patens.  Spreading  squat-moss. 

Leaves  spread  open,  narrow,  ovate,  serrated;  main  rib 

disappearing  below  the  point. 

Phascum  patens,  Hedwig.  Crypt.  1,  10;  Engl.  Bot.  1279. 

On  clay  fields. 

(3.  recurvifolium.  Leaves  very  narrow. 

Phascum  recurvifolium,  Dickson  Crypt. 


345.  Phascum.  14.  MUSCI. 

PI.  cell.fol. 

7.  Phascum  muticum.  Unarmed  squat-mos . 

Leaves  ovate,  rounded,  pointed,  concave,  connivent,  ser- 
rated at  the  point ; main  rib  reaching  to  the  point. 

Sphagnum  acaulon,  foliis  in  bulbi  forma  congestis,  minus,  Ran 
Syn.  105,  8. 

Phascum  muticum,  Schreb.  Phase.  8,  1 ; Engl.  Bot . 2027. 

Phascum  acaulon  j3,  Lin.  S.  P.  1570. 

On  moist  banks. 

0.  minus.  Plant  very  small ; leaves  uncut. 

On  banks  near  the  sea. 

8.  Phascum  cuspidatum.  Pointed  squat-moss . 

Leaves  ovate,  pointed,  upright ; main  rib  reaching  the 


Sphagnum  acaulon,  foliis  in  bulbi  formam  congestis,  majus,  Raii  Syn. 

Phascum  acaulon,  Lin.  S.  P.  1570. 

Phascum  cuspidatum,  Schreb.  Phase.  1 ; Engl.  Bot.  2025. 

Phascum  Schreberianum,  Dicks.  Crypt.  4,  2 ; Engl.  Bot.  2026. 

Phascum  curvisetum,  Dicks.  Crypt.  4,  2 $ Engl.  Bot.  2259. 

On  moist  hedge-banks. 

<3.  piliferum . Leaves  ending  in  a hair. 

Phascum  piliferum,  Schreb.  Phase.  1 ; Engl.  Bot.  1888. 

On  barren  pastures. 

d.  Creeping  shoots  0 ; leaves  ovate  ; pedicells  exserted . 

9.  Phascum  hryoides,  Bryum  squalmoss . 

Leaves  ovate,  with  a point ; capsule  elliptical. 

Phascum  bryoides,  Dicks.  Crypt . 4, 10;  Engl.  Bot.  1280. 

On  banks,  and  in  fields. 

10.  Phascum  rectum.  Straight  squatmoss. 

Leaves  ovate,  with  a short  point ; capsule  globular ; pe- 
duncle nearly  upright. 

Phascum  rectum,  Withering  Arr.  4,771  ; Engl.  Bot.  330. 

On  moist  banks,  along  with  weissia  Starkeana. 

1 1 . Phascum  curvicollum . Bent-necked  squat-moss. 
Leaves  narrow,  ovate,  pointed  \ capsule  globular ; pe- 
duncle bent. 

Phascum  curvicollum,  Hedwig  Crypt.  1,11;  Engl.  Bot.  905. 

On  moist  banks. 


Pl.cell.fol.  14.  MUSCI.  346.  Schistostega. 

IV.  346.  SCHISTOSTEGA.  Mohr.  Slate-moss . 

Capsule  valveless,  pedicelled,  terminal ; peristome  0 ; lid 

jagged ; jaggs  fall  off. 

Schistostega  pennata.  Feathered  slate-moss. 

Schistostega  osmundacea,  Mohr  Germ.  92, 

Gymnostomum  pennatum,  Hedwig  Crypt.  1,  Crypt.  1 , 29 ; Engl.  Bot. 

Mniurn  osmund aceum,  Dicks.  Crypt.  1,1. 

On  banks. 

V.  347.  ANICTANGIUM.  Hedwig.  Bell-moss. 

Capsule  valveless,  pedicelled,  terminal ; peristome  0 ; lid 

falling  off;  calyptra  bellshape. — Leaves  without  a main  rib. 

1.  Anictangium  ciliatum.  Fringed  lell-moss. 

Leaves  ovate,  longly  pointed,  points  transparent;  peri- 

clietial  leaves  fringed  at  the  tip. 

Sphagnum  cauliferum  et  ramosum  saxatile  hirsutum  incanum,  capitulis 
virentibus,  Raii  Syn.  105,  4. 

Bryum  apocarpum  /3,  Lin.  S.  P.  1579. 

Gymnostomum  ciliatum,  Swartz  Suec.  19;  Engl.  Bot.  1179. 
Gymnostomum  Hedwigia,  Hoffman  Germ.  2,28. 

Hedwigia  ciliata,  Hedw.  Crypt.  1,  107. 

Hedwigia  Anodon,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  192. 

Anictangium  ciliatum,  Hedw.  Muse.  40. 

Bryum  ciliatum,  Dickson  Crypt.  4,  6. 

Fontinalis  albicans,  Weber  Gott.  38. 

Phascum  piliferuin,  Withering  Arr.  4,786. 

On  high  rocks;  autumn. 

2.  Anictangium  imberbe.  Beardless  hell-moss. 

Leaves  ovate,  pointed,  coloured  at  the  tip;  perichetial 

leaves  serrated  at  the  tip. 

Gymnostomum  imberbe,  Engl.  Bot.  2237. 

Hedwigia  integrifolia,  Pal.  de  Beauv.  Prod.  60. 

Anictangium  imberbe,  Hooker  £>$  Taylor  Muse.  14. 

On  mountains. 

VI.  348.  GYMNOSTOMUM.  Plain-mouth. 

Capsule  valveless,  pedicelled,  terminal;  peristome  0;  lid 

falling  off ; calyptra  halved. 

a.  Stem  long , branched. 

1.  Gymnostomum  Lapponicum.  Lapland  plain-mouth. 
Leaves  linear,  lanceolate,  when  dry  crisp,  edges  turned 
in ; perichetial  leaves  broad,  ovate ; capsule  topshape, 


714?  34-8.  Gymnostomum.  14.  MLJSCI.  Pl.  cell.  J oh 

Gymnostomum  Lapponicum,  Hedw.  Crypt.  3,  5;  Engl.  Eot.  2216. 
Anictangium  Lapponicum,  Hedwig  Sp.  Muse,  40. 

Bryum  Lapponicum,  Dickson  Crypt.  4,  10. 

On  alpine  rocks. 

2.  Gymnostomum  cestivum.  Summer  plain-mouth. 

Leaves  lanceolate,  when  dry  twisted,  edges  turned  in  ; pe- 

richetial  leaves  broad,  ovate ; capsule  oblong,  smooth. 

Gymnostomum  aestivum,  Hedw.  Sp.  Muse.  32,  2. 

Gymnostomum  luteolum,  Engl.  Bot.  2201  ; not  of  Smith  FI.  Brit. 
Gymnostomum  tristichon,  Wahlenb.  Lapp. 

Anictangium  compactum,  Schwcegr.  Suppl.  11. 

On  wet  rocks. 

3.  Gymnostomum  viridissimum.  Greenest  plain-mouth . 

Leaves  broad,  lanceolate;  capsule  ovate. 

Gymnostomum  viridissimum,  Engl.  Bot.  1583. 

Bryum  viridissimum,  Dicks.  Crypt.  4,  9. 

Grimmia?  Forsteri,  Engl.  Bot.  2225 . 

Bryum  Forsteri,  Dicks.  Crypt. 

On  trees. 

4.  Gymnostomum  curvirostrum . Bent-beak  plain-mouth. 

Leaves  awlshape ; capsule  topshape,  ovate,  lid  obliquely 


Bryum  angustissimis  foliis  crebrioribus,  capitulis  erectis  brevibns,  pe- 
diculis  e surculis  novis  et  longis  enascentibus,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  99,38. 
Bryum  aestivum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1585. 

Gymnostomum  curvirostrum,  Hedw.  Crypt.  2,24;  Engl.  Bot.  2214. 
Bryum  palustre,  Huds.  Angl.  ed.  I,  411. 

Bryum  stelligerum,  Dicks.  Crypt.  2,  3. 

Gymnostomum  stelligerum,  Engl.  Bot.  2202. 

Gymnostomum  aeruginosum,  Engl.  Bot.  2200. 

Gymnostomum  luteolum,  Smith  FI.  Brit.  1163. 

Gymnostomum  rupestre,  Schwregr.  Suppl.  11. 

Dicranum  hyperboreum,  Engl.  Bot.  2552? 

On  moist  rocks. 

b.  Stem  short , not  branched . 

5.  Gymnostomum  GriffitsiL  Griffiths * plain-mouth. 

Leaves  reverse  ovate,  rounded,  networked;  main  rib  not 

reaching  to  the  point;  pedicell  fleshy,  thick;  lid  hemi- 

Bryum  Griffithsianum,  Dickson  Crypt.  4,  8. 

Splachnum  Frcelichianum,  Withering  Arr.  794. 

Gymnostomum  Griffithsianum,  Smith  FI.  Brit.  1162;  Engl.  Bot.  1938. 

On  mountains ; summer. 

The  appearance  is  that  of  a splachnum. 


Pl.cell.fol . 14.  MUSCI.  348.  Gymnostomum. 

6.  Gymnostomum  ovatum.  Ovate  plain-mouth . 

Leaves  ovate,  upright,  concave,  tip  hairlike,  main  rib 

furnished  with  a granule-bearing  membrane ; capsule  ovate; 
lid  beaked. 

Bryutn  ovatum,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,4. 

Gymnostomum  ovatum,  Hedw.  Sp.  31  ; Engl.  Bot.  1889. 

On  banks  and  walls. 

Q.  gracile.  Capsule  oblong. 

7.  Gymnostomum  truncatum . Truncated  plain-mouth . 

Leaves  ovate,  sharp-pointed,  spreading,  nearly  flat ; cap- 

side  topshape ; lid  obliquely  beaked. 

Bryum  parvum,  erectissubrotundis  majusculis  capitulis  subfuscis;  foliis 
serpilli  pellucidis,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  93. 

Bryum  truncatulum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1584. 

Gymnostomum  truncatum,  Hedw.  Sp.  30. 

Gymnostomum  truncatulum,  Hoffm.  Germ.  2,27  ; Engl.  Bot.  1975. 

On  banks  and  walls. 

(3.  intermedium . Capsule  ovate,  long. 

Bryum  exiguum,  erectis  parvis  subrotundis  creberrimis  capitulis  rufis, 
foliolis  serpilli  angustis  pellucidis,  Dill,  in  Raii  Syn.  94,  8. 

Bryum  truncatulum,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  14. 

8.  Gymnostomum  Heimii.  Heim’s  plain-mouth . 

Leaves  lanceolate,  serrated  at  the  point ; capsule  ovate, 

oblong ; lid  obliquely  beaked. 

Gymnostomum  Heimii,  Hedw.  Crypt.  1,  30;  Engl.  Bot.  1951. 
Gymnostomum  obtusum,  Hedw.  Sp.  2,34;  Engl.  Bot,  1407. 

Bryum  Heimii,  Dicks.  Crypt.  2,  4. 

Bryum  obtusum,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,  5. 

On  moist  banks ; annual ; spring  and  summer. 

9.  Gymnostomum  conicum.  Conical  plain-mouth. 

Leaves  oblong,  ovate,  sharp-pointed ; capsule  ovate ; 

operculum  conical,  bliint. 

Gymnostomum  conicum,  Schwcegr.  Suppl.  9. 

In  fields. 

10.  Gymnostomum  fascicular e.  Bundled  plain-mouth . 

Leaves  oblong,  pointed,  nearly  flat,  slightly  serrated, 

bordered ; capsule  pearshape ; lid  flat,  slightly  nipply. 

Bryum  iEgypti,  Hasselq.  Iter.  502. 

Bryum  fasciculare,  Dicks.  Crypt.  3,3. 

Gymnostomum  fasciculare,  Hedw.  Sp.  4,5;  Engl.  Bot.  1245. 

The  hyssop  that  groweth  on  the  wall . English  Bible. 

716  348.  Gymnostomum.  14.  MUSCI.  PLcell.fol. 

On  mountains  and  barren  pastures ; winter  and  spring. 
Abundant  on  the  walls  of  Jerusalem. 

1 1.  Gymnostomum  pyriforme . Pear  shape  plain-mouth. 
Leaves  ovate,  pointed,  concave,  serrated,  not  bordered ; 

capsule  roundish,  ovate ; lid  convex,  beaked,  beak  short. 

Bryum  parvura,  erectis  piriformibus  majusculis  capitulis,  foliis  serpilli 
pellucid  is,  Rail  Syn . 93,  7. 

Bryum  pyriforme,  Lin.  S.  P.  1580. 

Gymnostomum  pyriforme,  Hedw.  Sp.  38  ; Engl.  Bot.  413. 

On  wet  banks  and  sides  of  ditches ; winter  and  spring. 

12.  Gymnostomum  tenue.  Slender  plain-mouth. 

Stem  scarcely  any;  lower  leaves  very  short,  ovate,  lan- 
ceolate ; upper  linear,  lanceolate ; all  upright,  blunt ; main 
rib  strong,  not  reaching  the  point. 

Bryum  paucifolium,  Dicks.  Crypt.  4,7. 

Gymnostomum  tenue,  Hedw.  Sp.  4,1. 

Gymnostomum  paucifolium,  Engl.  Bot.  2506. 

Dicranum  cylindricum,  Smith  FI,  Brit.  1221. 

On  sandstone  rocks  and  ruins. 

13.  Gymnostomum  Donnii,  Bonn's  plain-mouth. 

Stem  very  short ; leaves  awlshape,  straight ; capsule  top- 


Gymnostomum  Donnianum,  Engl.  Bot.  1582. 

On  rocks. 

Appearance  very  similar  to  that  of  weissia  calcarea. 

14.  Gy mnost.  microstomum.  Small-mouth  plain-mouth. 

Leaves  broad,  awlshape,  edge  turned  in  above,  bent, 

crisped  when  dry;  capsule  elliptical,  contracted  at  the 
mouth ; lid  awlshape,  bent. 

Gymnostomum  microstomum,  Hedw.  Sp.  33 ; Engl.  Bot.  2215. 
Gymnostomum  rutilans,  Hedw.  Sp.  3. 

Gymnostomum  tortile,  Schwcegr.  Suppl . 10. 

On  banks. 

Very  like  weissia  controversa,  but  distinguishable  by  the 
mouth  of  the  capsule,  and  short  pedicell. 

VII.  349.  DIPHYSCIUM.  Double-hunch. 

Capsule  valveless,  gibbous,  pedicelled ; pedicell  terminal ; 
peristome  single,  membranaceous,  conical,  truncated,  plaited; 
calyptra  mitreshape. 


Pl.cell.foL  14.  MUSCI.  349.  Diphyscium. 

Diphyscium  foliosum.  Leeify  double- hunch. 

Sphagnum  acaulon  maximum,  foliis  in  centra  ciliaribus,  Dillen  Muse . 

Buxbaumia  foliosa,  Swartz  in  Lin.  Meth.  Muse.  33  ; Engl.  Bot.  329. 
Buxbaumia  sessilis,  Schmidel  Buxb.  22. 

Phas^um  montanum,  Hudson  Angl.  466. 

Phascum  maximum,  Light f.  Scot.  693. 

Dicranum  foliosum,  Mohr.  Obs.  Bot.  34. 

On  low  alpine  rocks,  and  in  woods ; annual ; July. 
Capsule  large,  ovate,  oblique. 

VIII.  350.  TETRAPHIS.  Hedwig.  Four-tooth . 

Capsule  valveless,  pedicelled,  pedicells  terminal ; peri- 
stome single ; teeth  four,  equidistant,  upright ; calyptra 

1.  Tetraphis  pellucida.  Transparent  four-tooth. 

Stems  long ; leaves  ovate,  pointed ; perichetial  leaves  lan- 
ceolate ; capsule  cylindrical. 

Mnium  minus  non  ramosum,  angustioribus  et  pellucidis  foliis,  Dillen  in 
Raii  Syn.  78,  4. 

Mnium  pellucidum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1574. 

Bryum  pellucidum,  Abbot  Bedf.  237. 

Tetraphis  pellucida,  Hedw.  Spec.  45. 

On  decaying  trees,  and  on  mountains. 

2.  Tetraphis  ovata.  Ovate  four-tooth. 

Stem  very  short;  leaves  few,  linear,  slightly  thickened 

upwards;  perichetial  leaves  ovate,  blunt;  capsules  ovate, 

Bryum  Brownianum,  Dicks.  Crypt.  4,7. 

Orthotrichum  Brownianum,  Smith  FI.  Brit.  1269. 

Griminia  Browniana,  Engl.  Bot.  1422,  very  incorrect, 

Tetraphis  ovata,  Hoppe  Deutsch.  FI. 

On  rocks,  especially  granite. 

IX.  351.  SPLACHNUM.  Linnaeus.  Gland-moss . 

Capsule  valveless,  pedicelled ; pedicell  terminal ; apophysis 

evident;  peristome  single;  teeth  8,  double;  calyptra  mitre- 
shape, not  furrowed. 

a.  Leaves  pointed. 

1.  Splachnum  sphcericum.  Spherical  glandmoss. 

Leaves  reverse  ovate,  rounded,  pointed,  slightly  serrate; 
apophysis  ovate,  globular,  wider  than  the  capsule. 

718  351.  Splachnum.  14.  MUSCI.  PLcell.foL 

Bryum  erectis  gigartinis  capitulis,  foliis  serpilli  pellucid  is  obtusis, 
DiUen  in  Raii  Syn.  93. 

Phascum  pedunculatum,  Iluds.  Angl.  ed.  1,  397. 

Splachnutn  sphaericum,  Lin.  Fil.  Muse.  33  ; Engl.  Bot.  785. 

Splachnum  gracile,  Dicks.  Crypt.  4,  3 ; Engl.  Bot.  1921. 

Splachnum  vasculosum,  Iluds.  Angl.  469. 

Splachnum  ovatum,  Hedwig  S.  Muse.  54,  8 ; Engl.  Bot.  1590. 

Splachnum  rugosum,  Dicks.  Crypt.  4,  3 ; Engl.  Bot.  2094. 

On  the  dung  of  animals  on  alpine  hills. 

2.  Splachnum  tenue.  Slender  glandmoss. 

Leaves  reverse  ovate,  pointed,  serrated ; apophysis  re- 
verse conical,  narrower  than  the  capsule;  columella  ex- 

Splachnum  lenue,  Dicks.  Crypt.  2,  2 ; Engl.  Bot.  1133. 

Splachnum  serratum,  Hedwig  S.Musc.  8,  1. 

Splachnum  longicollum,  Dicks.  Crypt.  4,4. 

Grimmia  splachnoides,  Smith  Ft.  Brit.  1197  ; not  of  Engl.  Bot. 

On  turfy  soils,  but  not  on  dung,  on  high  mountains. 

3.  Splachnum  mnioides.  Mniumlike  glandmoss . 

Leaves  ovate,  lan@eolate,  much  pointed,  concave,  not 

serrated ; apophysis  reverse  ovate,  nearly  as  narrow  as  the 

Splachnum  mnioides,  Lin.  Fil.  Muse.  6;  Engl.  Bot.  1539. 

Splachnum  urceolatum  /3,  Wahlenb.  Lapp. 

Splachnum  urceolatum,  Dicks.  Crypt.  2,  2. 

Among  mosses  on  high  rocky  mountains^ 

0.  majus.  Thallus  pale;  stem  long. 

Bryum  ampullaceum,  foliis  et  ampullis  angustioribus,  DiUen  Muse.  345. 
Splachnum  fastigiatum,  Dicks.  Crypt.  3,2;  Engl.  Bot.  786. 

Splachnum  Brewerianum,  Hedw.  Crypt.  2,38. 

4.  Splachnum  angustatwn.  Narrowed  glandmoss . 

Leaves  ovate,  lanceolate,  much  pointed,  serrated;  apo- 
physis reverse  ovate,  rather  narrower  than  the  capsule  ; pe- 
duncles scarcely  longer  than  the  leaves. 

Splachnum  angustatum,  Lin.  Fil.  Muse.  33  ; Engl.  Bot.  1 132. 

On  alpine  hills,  on  turf  and  cowdung. 

5.  Splachnum  ampullaceum.  Crewet  glandmoss. 

Leaves  ovate  lanceolate,  pointed,  serrated ; apophysis 

inverted  crewetshape,  twice  as  wide  as  the  capsule. 

Splachnum  ampullaceum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1572  ; Engl.  Bot.  144. 

Splachnum  Turnerianum,  Dicks.  Crypt.  4,  3 ; Engl.  Bot.  II  16. 

On  the  ground  and  on  dung,  on  alpine  hills. 


Pl.cell.fol.  14.  MUSCI.  351.  Splachnum. 

b.  Leaves  Hunt . 

6.  Splachnum  vasculosum.  Vasculose  glandmoss . 

Leaves  rhomboid,  rounded,  blunt;  main  rib  not  reaching 

the  point;  apophysis  globular,  much  wider  than  the  capsule. 

Splachnum  vasculosum,  Hedwig  Crypt . 2,  15. 

Splachnum  rugosum,  Engl.  Bot.  2094,  not  of  Dickson. 

On  alpine  bogs. 

7.  Splachnum  Froelichii.  Frcelichs  glandmoss . 

Leaves  ovate,  rounded  at  the  points ; main  rib  disappear- 
ing ; apophysis  reverse  ovate,  much  narrower  than  the 

Splachnum  Frcelichianum,  Hedw.  Crypt.  3,40. 

Bryum  reticulatum,  Dicks.  Crypt.  2,  4. 

Splachnum  reticulatum,  Engl.  Bot.  2507. 

On  alpine  mountains. 

X.  352.  CONOSTOMUM.  Swartz.  Cone-mouth . 

Capsule  valveless,  pedicelled  ; pedicells  terminal ; peri- 
stome single,  toothed;  teeth  16,  equally  distant,  all  united 
at  the  top ; calyptra  halved. 

Conostomum  horeale.  Northern  cone-mouth . 

Stem,  rather  short;  leaves  lanceolate,  pointed,  keeled, 
slightly  toothed. 

Conostomum  boreale,  Swartz  in  Schrad.  Journ.  1,24. 

Grimmia  Conostoma,  Engl.  Bot.  1135. 

Bryum  tetragonum,  Dicks.  Crypt.  2,8. 

On  very  high  mountains. 

XI.  353.  POLYTRICHUM.  Pliny.  Hairy- cap. 

Capsule  valveless,  pedicelled ; pedicells  terminal ; peri- 
stome single,  toothed ; teeth  32  or  64,  equally  distant,  bent ; 
tips  united  by  a horizontal  membrane  ; calyptra  small, 
halved. — Leaves  generally  thick,  opake,  winged. 

a.  Calyptra  naked . 

1 . Poly  trichum  undulatum.  Wavy  hairy-cap. 

Leaves  lanceolate,  wavy;  edge  flat,  fine-toothed;  main 
rib  winged;  capsule  cylindrical,  bent;  lid  awlshape. 

Bryum  capitulis  oblongis  rubentibus,  foliis  oblongis  angustis  pellucidis 
rugosrs,  Raii  Syn.  95,  15. 

Bryum  undulatum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1582. 

Poly  trichum  undulatum,  Hedw.  Crypt.  1,16;  Engl.  Bot.  1220, 
Catharinea  Callibryon,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  83. 

Catharinea  undulata,  fVehr  et  Mohr  Reise. 

Oligotrichum  undulatum,  De  Cand.  FI.  Gall.  1201 

In  shady  places. 


PL  cell,  f oh 

353.  Polytrichum.  14.  MUSCI. 

2.  Polytrichum  Hercynicum . Hercynian  hairy-cap. 

Leaves  lanceolate,  stiffs  not  toothed ; sides  turned  in ; 

main  rib  broad,  furrowed ; capsule  oblong,  nearly  upright. 

Polytrichum  Hercynicum,  Hedw.  Sp.  Muse.  94;  Engl.  Bot.  1209. 
Catharinea  Hercynica,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  12. 

Bryum  incurvum,  Hudson  Angl.  479. 

Oligotrichum  Hercynicum,  Be  Cand.  FI.  Gall.  1202. 

On  high  mountains. 

b,  Calyptra  covered  with  succulent  threads ; leaves  not  cut ; 
edges  turned  in. 

3.  Poly  trichum  pilifolium.  Hair-leaved  hairy-cap . 

Leaves  lanceolate,  awlshape;  edges  turned  in,  not  cut; 

tip  hairlike ; capsule  ovate,  bluntly  4-sided,  apophysed ; lid 

Polytrichum  quadrangulare  minus,  juniperi  foliis  pilosis,  Dillen.  Muse . 

Polytrichum  commune  y,  Lin.  S.  P.  1573. 

Poly  trichum  piliferum,  Schreb.  Lips. Ik  ; Engl.  Bot.  1199. 

On  dry  sandy  heaths  ; perennial ; spring. 

4.  Poly  trichum  juniperinum.  Juniper  hairy-cap . 

Leaves  lanceolate,  awlshape ; edge  not  cut,  turned  in ; 

tip  pointed,  coloured,  slightly  serrate;  capsule  ovate,  bluntly 
4-sided,  apophysed;  lid  conical. 

Polytrichum  montanum  et  miuus,  capsula  quadrangulari,  Raii  Syn . 

Muscus  capillaris  sive  Adiantum  aureum  minus,  Ger.  em.  1559. 

Poly  trichum  commune  (3,  Lin.  S.P.  1573. 

Poly  trichum  juniperinum,  Hedw.  Spec.  SO,  18;  Engl.  Bot.  1200. 

Poly  trichum  juniperi  folium,  Hoffm.  Crypt. 

Poly  trichum  strictum,  Menzies  in  T.  L.  S.  4,  77  ; Eng.  Bot.  2435. 
Polytrichum  alpestre,  Schwcegr.  Suppl.  97. 

On  mountain  heaths. 

5.  Poly  trichum  sept  entrionale.  . Northern  hairy-cap. 

Leaves  linear,  awlshape,  blunt ; edge  slightly  serrate  and 

turned  in,  especially  near  the  tip;  capsule  ovate,  rather 
cornered,  with  a minute  apophysis ; lid  conical,  pointed. 

Polytrichum  septentrionale,  Swartz  Muse.  Suec.  9,  18. 

Polytrichum  sexangulare,  Engl.  Bot.  1906. 

Poly  trichum  Norvegicum,  Hedw.  Spec.  22. 

Poly  trichum  crassisetum,  Be  Cand.  FI.  Fr.  1270, 

On  the  highest  mountains, 


Pl.cell.fol.  14.  MUSCf.  353.  Polytrichum. 

c.  Calyptra  covered  with  succulent  threads  ; leaves  serrated ; 
edges  flat . 

6.  Poly  trichum  commune.  Common  hairy-cap. 

Stem  long;  leaves  spread  open,  linear,  awlshape;  edges 

flat,  serrated;  keel  serrated  at  the  tip;  capsule  upright, 
4-cornered,  apophysed. 

Polytrichum  vulgare  et  majus,  capsula  quadrangulare,  Raii  Syn.  90,  1. 
Muscus  capillaris  sive  Adiantum  aureum  majus,  Ger.  em.  1559. 
Polytrichum  aureum  majus,  Park.  1052. 

Poly  trichum  commune,  Lin.  S.  P.  1573  ; Engl.  Rot.  1197. 

Poly  trichum  juccaefolium,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  214. 

Great  golden  maiden  hair.  Golden  locks.  Goldilocks. 

On  heaths. 

attenuatum.  Stem  short;  leaves  short;  edge  trans» 
parent;  capsule  bluntly  quadrangular;  apophysis  indistinct. 

Polytrichum  attenuatum,  Menzies  in  T.  L.  S . 4,  72;  Engl.  Rot . 1198. 
Polytrichum  formosum,  Hedw.  Spec.  92. 

Poly  trichum  gracile,  Menzies  in  T.  L.  S.  4,  73  ; Engl . Rot.  1827. 
Polytrichum  longisetum,  Swartz  Muse.  Suec.  103. 

Polytrichum  aurantiacum,  Hoppe. 

7.  Poly  trichum  alpinum . Alpine  hairy-cap. 

Stem  long,  branched ; leaves  spread  open,  awlshape 

lanceolate;  edge  flat,  serrated;  keel  serrated  at  the  tip; 
capsule  nearly  ovate ; apophysis  indistinct. 

Polytrichum  alpinum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1593 ; Engl.  Rot.  1905. 

Polytrichum  sylvaticum,  Menzies  in  T.L.  S.  4,  83. 

Polytrichum  aureum,  Swartz  Muse.  Suec.  76. 

On  subalpine  hills. 

8.  Polylrichum  urnigerum.  Urnhearing  hairy-cap . 

Stem  long,  branched ; leaves  slightly  spreading,  lanceo- 
late, pointed;  edge  flat,  serrated;  capsule  upright,  cylin- 
drical; apophysis  0. 

Polytrichum  ramosum,  setis  ex  alis  urnigeris,  Dillen.  Muse.  427. 

Poly  trichum  urnigerum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1573  ; Engl.  Ret.  1218. 

On  the  sides  of  mountain  streams. 

9.  Polylrichum  aloides.  Aloe  hairy-cap  > 

Stem  short;  leaves  linear,  lanceolate,  blunt;  edge  flat? 

serrated  especially  at  the  tip ; keel  serrated  at  the  end ; 
capsule  nearly  upright,  cylindrical ; apophysis  0. 

Polytrichum  parvum  aloes  folio  serrato,  capsulis  oblongis,  Dillen , Muse , 

Mnium  polytrichoides  /3,  Lin.  S.  P.  1577. 

Polytrichum  aloides,  Hedwig.  Crypt.  1,  14;  Engl.  Rot.  1649. 

Poly  trichum  ruhellum,  Menzies  T.L.  S.  2,79;  Engl.  Rot,  1939, 

On  moist  heaths. 

3 A 

VOL.  I. 

722  353.  Poly  trichum.  14*.  MUSCI.  Pl.cell.fol: 

(3.  Dicltsoni.  Pedicetts  very  short ; stems  branched. 

Poly  trichum  Dicksoni,  Turner  M.  Heb.  90;  Engl.  Bo t.  1605. 

y nanum.  Stem  short;  capsules  nearly  upright,  almost 

Polytrichum  capsulis  subrotundis,  calyptra  quasi  lacerft  coronatis,  Raii 
Syn.  91,3. 

Poly  trichum  nanum,  Hedw.  Crypt . 1,13;  Engl.  Bot.  1625. 

Polytrichum  subrotundum,  Menzies  in  T.  L.  S.  4,  69  ; Engl.  Bot.  1624. 
Polytrichum  pumilum,  Swartz  M.  Suec.  9, 19. 

XII.  354.  CINCLIDOTUS.  Pal.  de  Beauvois.  Net-tooth. 
Capsule  valveless,  pedicelled ; pedicells  terminal ; peri- 
stome single,  toothed;  teeth  32,  threadlike,  twisted,  anas- 
tomosing at  the  bottom ; calyptra  mitreshape. — Fruit  on 
such  short  branches  as  scarcely  to  leave  room  for  more 
than  the  perichetial  leaves. 

Cinclidotus fontinaloides.  Fontinalislike  net-tooth . 

Fontinalis  minor,  foliis  triangularibus  minus  complicatis,  capitulis  in 
summis  ramulis  sessilis,  Raii  Syn.  79,2. 

Fontinalis  minor,  Lin.  S.  P . 1571 ; Engl.  Bot.  557. 

Trichostomum  fontinaloides,  Hedw.  Crypt.  3,36. 

Cinclidotus  fontinaloides,  Beauv.  Prod.  JEth.  28. 

On  stones  and  wood  in  rivers ; perennial ; May  to  Aug. 

XIII.  355.  TORTULA.  Hedwig.  Screw-moss. 

Capsule  valveless,  pedicelled ; pedicell  terminal ; peristome 

single,  toothed;  teeth  32,  threadlike,  twisted,  united  at 
bottom  by  a tubelike  membrane;  calyptra  halved. 

1.  Tortula  riqida.  Stiff  screw-moss. 

Stem  scarcely  any;  leaves  spread  open,  oblong,  stiff; 

edge  much  turned  in,  main  rib  broad;  capsule  oblong; 
lid  conical,  pointed. 

Bryum  acaulon,  ericas  tenuifoliae  Gerardi  folio,  Dillen  Muse,  388. 
Tortula  rigida,  Swartz  M.  Suec.  40. 

Barbula  rigida,  Hedw.  Crypt.  1,65, 

Bryum  rigidum,  Huds.  Angl.  477  ; Engl.  Bot.  180. 

On  rocks,  clay-banks,  and  chalk-cliffs. 

2.  Tortula  muralis.  Wall  screw-moss . 

Stem  short;  leaves  spread  open,  linear,  oblong;  edge 

turned  over;  main  rib  produced  beyond  the  leaf  into  a 
white  hairlike  point;  capsule  oblong ; lid  conical,  pointed. 

PL  cell,  f oh 

14.  MUSCI.  355.  Tortula. 


Bryum  minus,  erectis  minus  falcatis  capitulis,  foliis  latiusculis  congestis, 
in  pilum  canescentem  desinentibus,  Raii  Syn.  94,  11. 

Bryum  mu  rale,  Lin,  S.  P.  1581. 

Tortula  muralis,  Hedw.  Spec.  123  ; Eng.  Bot.  2033. 

Barbula  muralis,  Moug.  et  Nestl.  127. 

Tortula  aestiva,  Bridel. 

On  walls  and  stones ; perennial ; winter  and  spring. 

3.  Tortula  ruralis.  Country  screw-moss. 

Stems  long;  leaves  oblong,  keeled,  spread  open,  bent 

back ; main  rib  ending  in  a long,  usually  transparent,  ser- 
rated point;  capsule  oblong;  lid  awlshape;  teeth  of  the 
peristome  only  united  at  bottom. 

Bryum  majus,  erectis  falcatis  capitulis,  foliis  latiusculis  extantibus,  in 
pilum  canescentem  desinentibus,  Raii  Syn.  94,  10. 

Bryum  rurale,  Lin.  S.  P.  1581. 

Tortula  ruralis,  Eiirh.  Crypt.  184;  Engl.  Bot.  2070. 

Barbula  ruralis,  Hedw.  Sp.  Muse , 121. 

Syntrichia  ruralis,  Bridel. 

On  banks,  trees,  and  roofs. 

4.  Tortula  suhulata.  ylwlshape  scrcwmoss. 

Stem  very  short;  leaves  oblong,  lanceolate,  pointed ; main 

rib  protruded,  often  forming  a point ; capsule  cylindrical  ; 
lid  conical,  awlshape ; teeth  of  the  peristome  united  nearly 
to  the  end. 

Bryum  erectis  longis  et  acutis  falcatis  capitulis,  ealyptret  subfusc^,  foliis 
serpylli  pellucidis,  Raii  Syn.  92,  3. 

Bryum  subulatum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1581. 

Tortula  subulata,  Hedw.  Spec.  122  ; Engl.  Bot.  1101. 

Barbula  subulata,  Moug.  et  Nestl.  126. 

Syntrichia  subulata,  Bridel. 

On  banks ; perennial ; winter  and  spring. 

5.  Tortula  cuneifolia.  Wedge-leaved  screw-moss . 

Stem  scarcely  any ; leaves  broad,  reverse  ovate,  concave ; 

main  rib  protruded,  forming  a rather  long  and  slightly 
serrated  point;  capsule  oblong;  lid  with  a short  beak; 
teeth  of  the  peristome  united  only  at  bottom. 

Bryum  humile,  pills  carens,  viride  et  pellucidum,  Dillen.  Muse.  386. 
Tortula  cuneifolia,  Roth  Germ.  3,213  ; Engl.  Bot.  1510, 

Bryum  cuneifolium,  Dickson  Crypt.  3,7. 

On  banks,  and  in  sandy  fields. 

6.  Tortida  stellata.  Starred  screw-moss. 

Stem  scarcely  any ; leaves  ovate,  concave  ; main  rib  pro- 
truded; capsule  ovate,  streaked;  lid  beaked. 

3 a 2 


355.  Tortula.  14.  MUSCI. 

PL  cell.fol. 

Tortula  stellata,  Engl.  Bot.  2384. 

Bryum  stellatum,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,  6. 

Barbula  agraria,  Hedw.  Crypt.  3,  6. 

On  banks  and  the  edges  of  rivulets. 

7.  Tortula  tortuosa.  Frizzled  screw-moss. 

Stem  long,  branched ; leaves  linear,  awlshape,  keeled, 
wavy,  when  dry  twisted;  capsule  cylindrical;  lid  beaked. 

Bryum  trichoides  longifolium,  crassiusculis  cauliculis;  capitulis  erectis 
aduncis  acutis,  Dillen.  in  Raii  Syn.  98,  35. 

Bryum  tortuosum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1583. 

Tortula  tortuosa,  Hedw.  Sp.  M.  124;  Engl.  Bot.  1708. 

Barbula  tortuosa,  Schwcegr.  Supp.  33. 

On  limestone  rocks. 

*8.  Tortula  fallax.  Deceiving  screw-moss . 

Stem  long,  branched  ; leaves  lanceolate,  awlshape, 
spread  open  or  bent  back ; edge  turned  over ; capsule  ob- 
long ; lid  beaked,  nearly  as  long  as  the  capsule. 

Bryum  perangustis  foliis  et  cauliculis,  foliis  crebrioribus  et  circa  ex- 
tremitates  magis  congestis,  capitulis  erectis  ad  summitatem  magis  egredi- 
entibus,  Raii  Syn.  99,  40. 

Bryum  angustis  viribus  foliis,  capitulis  erectis,  brevibus  pediculis  in- 
sidentibus,  calyptra  falcata  vel  avium  unguiculas  referente,  Dillen.  in  Raii 
Syn.  96,21. 

Bryum  imberbe,  Lin.  Mant.  309. 

Tortula  fallax,  Swartz  M.Suec.  40;  Engl.  Bot.  1708. 

Barbula  fallax,  Hedw.  Crypt.  1,24. 

Bryum  fallax,  Dicks  Crypt.  3,  5. 

Tortula  unguiculata,  Turner  M.  Hib.  47  ; Engl.  Bot.  2316. 

Tortula  imberbis,  Engl.  Bot.  2329. 

On  walls  and  banks ; or  among  grass ; perenn. ; spring. 

9.  Tortula  revoluta.  Turned-over  screw-moss. 

Stem  short ; leaves  lanceolate,  pointed ; edges  much 

turned  over ; perichetial  leaves  sheathing,  sides  turned  in  ; 
capsule  oblong ; lid  beaked,  shorter  than  the  capsule. 

Tortula  revoluta,  B ridel  in  Schr.  Journ.  1800,  l,  299. 

Barbula  revoluta,  Schwrrgr.  Supp.  33. 

Tortula  nervosa,  Engl.  Bot.  2383. 

On  banks ; perennial ; March. 

10.  Tortula  unguiculata.  Clawed  screw-moss „ 

Stem  branched;  leaves  linear,  lanceolate,  blunt;  main 

rib  prolonged  into  a point ; edges  nearly  flat ; capsule  ob- 
long; lid  beaked,  nearly  as  long  as  the  capsule. 

Pi.  cell.fol.  14.  MUSCI.  355.  Tortula.  725 

Bryum  unguiculatum  et  barbatum,  tenuius  et  stellatum,  Dillen.  Muse. 


Bryum  tenue  barbatum,  foliis  angustioribus  et  rarioribus,  Dillen.  Muse. 


Barbula  unguiculata,  Hedw.  Crypt.  1,23. 

Tortula  mucronulata,  Swartz  Muse.  Suec.  40;  Engl.  Bot.  1299. 

Tortula  aristata,  Engl.  Bot.  2392. 

Bryum  aristatum,  Dicks.  Crypt. 

Tortula  barbata,  Engl.  Bot.  2391. 

Tortula  humilis,  Turner  M.  Hib.  45;  Engl.  Bot.  1663. 

Tortula  apiculata,  Turner  M.  Hib.  46  ; Engl.  Bot.  2494. 

On  banks  and  hedges. 

11.  Tortula  convoluta.  Rolled  screw-moss. 

Stem  short;  leaves  oblong,  rather  blunt;  main  rib  not 
prolonged ; edge  flat  or  only  slightly  bent ; perichetial  leaves 
sheathing,  pointed,  rolled  up  ; capsule  oblong;  lid  beaked. 

Bryum  trichoides  exile  pallidum,  erectis  capitulis  e surculis  annotinis 
egredientibus,  Raii  Syn.  96,24. 

Tortula  convoluta,  Swartz  M.  Suec . 41  ; Engl.  Bot.  2382. 

Bryum  convolutum,  Dicks.  Crypt.  2,  6. 

Barbula  convoluta,  Hedw.  Sp.  Muse.  120. 

Bryum  setaceum,  Huds.  Angl.  481. 

On  heaths,  banks,  and  walls. 

XIV.  356.  ENCALYPTA.  Hedwig.  Extinguisher-moss. 

Capsule  valveless,  pedicelled,  pedicells  terminal;  peri- 
stome single,  toothed;  teeth  16 ; calyptra  bellshape,  smooth, 
entirely  enclosing  the  ripe  capsule. 

1.  Encalypta  strepiocarpa.  Streak-fruit  extinguisher-moss. 
Stem  long;  leaves  elliptical,  lanceolate,  rather  blunt, 

main  rib  not  prolonged ; capsule  cylindrical,  streaked,  spi- 
rally; calyptra  toothed  at  the  base. 

Hypnum  saxatile,  erectum,  ramulis  teretibus,  foliis  subrotundis  satu- 
rate viridibus,  Dillen  Muse.  335. 

Encalypta  streptocarpa,  Hedw.  Sp.  Muse,  62  ; Engl.  Bot.  2163. 

Bryum  ciliare,  Dicks.  Crypt.  4,  15. 

On  stony  mountains. 

2.  Encalypta  vulgaris.  Common  extinguisher-moss. 

Stem  short ; leaves  oblong,  elliptical,  blunt ; main  rib 

prolonged  slightly ; capsule  cylindrical,  smooth ; calyptra 
not  toothed  at  the  base. 

Bryum  erectis  capitulis  calyptra  laxa  conica,  foliis  serpylli  pellucidis 
angustioribus,  Raii  Syn.  92,  4. 

Bryum  extinctorum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1581  ; Engl.  Bot.  558, 

Encalypta  vulgaris,  Hedw.  Spec.  60. 

Encalypta  extinctoria,  Swartz  M.  Suec.  24. 

Leersia  vulgaris,  Hedw.  Crypt.  1, 18. 

On  banks,  limestone-rocks,  and  walls ; annual ; April. 


PI.  cell.fol. 

356.  Encalypta.  14.  MUSCI. 

3.  Encalypta  ciliata.  Fringed  extinguisher-moss. 

Stem  short;  leaves  oblong,  pointed;  main  rib  prolonged 
considerably ; capsule  cylindrical ; calyptra  toothed  at  the 

Bryum  calyptra  extinctorii  figura,  majus  et  ramosutn,  Dillen.  Muse.  350. 
Bryum  extinctorium  /?,  Lin.  S.  P.  1581. 

Encalyptra  ciliata,  Hedw.  Sp.  M 61  ; Engl.  Bot.  1418. 

Leersia  ciliata,  Hedw.  Crypt.  1,49. 

On  rocks ; perennial ; summer. 

|3.  alpina.  Leaves  much  pointed,  points  transparent ; 
capsule  smooth. 

Encalypta  alpina,  Engl.  Bot.  1419. 

Encalypta  affinis,  Hedw.  fit.  in  Web.  et  Mohr.  Beitr.  4. 

y.  rhaptocarpa.  Leaves  pointed,  points  of  the  same  co- 
lour; capsule  when  old  streaked  lengthways. 

Encalyptra  rhaptocarpa,  Schweegr.  Siipp.  16. 

XV.  357.  GRIMMIA.  Hedwig.  Grimm. 

Capsule  valveless,  pedicelled ; pedicells  terminal ; peri- 
stome single,  toothed;  teeth  16,  entire  or  perforated,  rarely 
cleft,  equidistant  ; calyptra  mitreshaped,  shorter  than  the 

1.  Grimmia  apocarpa.  Ses sile-fruited  grimm. 

Stem  branched  ; leaves  ovate,  lanceolate,  bent  back, 

open ; edges  turned  over ; main  rib  of  the  perichetial  leaves 
not  prolonged;  capsule  ovate,  nearly  sessile;  lid  with  a 
short  beak. 

Sphagnum  cauliferum  et  ramosutn  saxatile  hirsutum  virescens,  capitulis 
obscure  rubris,  Raii  Syn.  104,3. 

Bryum  apocarpon,  Lin.  S.  P.  1579. 

Grimmia  apocarpa,  Hedw.  Cryp.  1,39;  Engl.  Bot.  1134. 

Grimmia  alpicola,  Swartz  Muse.  Suec.  1. 

Grimmia  alpicola  /3  & y,  Wahlenb.  Lapp. 

Grimmia  rivularis,  Bridel  in  Schrad.  Journ.  5,3. 

Grimmia  gracilis,  Schweegr.  Supp.  23. 

On  trees,  and  alpine  rocks  or  rivulets. 

|3.  stricta.  Stem  long ; leaves  narrow,  reddish. 

Grimmia  stricta,  Turner  M.  Hiber.  20. 

2.  Grimmia  mar i lima.  Sea-shore  grimm. 

Stem  short,  cushionlike ; leaves  lanceolate,  pointed, 

nearly  upright,  crisp  when  dry;  edge  turned  over;  main 
rib  of  the  perichetial  leaves  prolonged  ; capsule  ovate, 
nearly  sessile;  lid  with  a short  beak. 

14.  MUSCI.  357.  Grimmia. 


PL  cell.fol. 

Grimmia  maritima,  Turn.  Muse.  Hib.  23;  Engl.  Bot.  1645. 

Grimmia  alpicola  8,  Wahlenb.  Lapp. 

On  rocks  by  the  sea;  perennial;  Septem.  and  October. 

3.  Grimmia  scixicola.  Rockloving  grimm. 

Stem  scarcely  any;  leaves  linear,  awlshape,  crisp  when 

dry ; pedicells  long,  bent,  kneed ; capsule  ovate ; lid  beaked, 
beak  straight. 

Dicranum  saxicola,  Mohr. 

Grimmia  geniculata,  Schweegr.  Supp.  22. 

On  rocks. 

4.  Grimmia  pulvinata.  Cushioned  grimnu 

Stem  short,  cushionlike ; leaves  narrow,  elliptical ; edge 

turned  over;  points  transparent,  hairlike;  pedicells  long, 
bent ; capsule  ovate,  streaked ; lid  conical,  pointed. 

Bryum  trichoides  hirsutie  canescens ; capitulis  subrotundis  reflexis,  in 
perbrevibus  pediculis,  Raii  Syn.  100,46. 

Bryum  pulvinatum,  Lin.  S.  P . 1586. 

Grimmia  pulvinata,  Engl.  Bot.  1728. 

Dicranum  pulvinatum,  Swartz  Muse.  Suec.  32. 

Fissidens  pulvinatus,  Hedw.  Sp.  Muse.  40. 

On  walls  and  rocks. 

5.  Grimmia  Daviesii.  Davies’  grimm . 

Stem  short;  leaves  lanceolate,  pointed,  keeled,  not  cut, 

very  crisp  when  dry ; edge  turned  over ; perichetial  leaves 
broad,  rolled  in ; pedicells  longer  than  the  leaves,  straight ; 
capsule  topshape ; lid  beaked. 

Grimmia  Daviesii,  Turner  M.  Hibern.  24. 

Bryum  Daviesii,  Dickson  Crypt.  3,3. 

Encalypta  Daviesii,  Engl.  Bot.  1 281. 

On  rocks  by  the  sea;  perennial. 

6.  Grimmia  ovata . Ovate  grimm . 

Stem  slightly  branched  ; leaves  lanceolate,  awlshape, 

points  long,  transparent,  hairlike ; edge  turned  in ; pedicells 
long,  straight ; capsule  ovate ; teeth  of  the  peristome  often 
perforated  and  split ; lid  beaked. 

Grimmia  ovata,  Weber  8$  Mohr.  Suec.  2,  4. 

Dicranum  ovatum,  Hedw.  Crypt.  3,  34. 

Dicranum  ovale,  Hedyo.  S.  Muse.  140;  Engl.  Bot.  2165. 

Trichostomum  ovatum,  Mohr. 

Bryum  ovale,  Dickson  Crypt.  4,  14. 

Grimmia  obtusa,  Schweegr.  Supp.  25. 

On  alpine  rocks. 


357.  Grimmia.  14.  MUSCI. 

PI.  cell.fol. 

7.  Grimmia  Donnii.  Dorm's  grimm. 

Stem  short ; leaves  lanceolate,  awlshape ; points  long, 
transparent, hairlike;  edge  turned  in;  pedicells  long, straight; 
capsule  ovate ; teeth  of  the  peristome  entire ; licL  beaked ; 
leak  short. 

Grimmia  Donniana,  Engl.  Bot.  1259. 

Grimmia  sudetica  ? Schwcegr.  Suppl.  24. 

On  rocks,  in  alpine  regions. 

XVI.  358.  PTERIGONIUM.  Swartz.  Wing-moss . 

Capsule  valveless,  pedicelled ; pedicells  from  the  side  of 
the  stem;  peristome  single,  toothed;  teeth  16,  not  cut, 
equidistant;  calyptra  halved. 

1.  Pterigonium  Smithii . Smith's  wing-moss. 

Stem  much  branched;  branches  pinnate;  leaves  tongue- 

shape,  blunt,  not  cut,  crisp  when  dry ; edge  turned  over, 
main  rib  reaching  more  than  half  wray  up ; pedicells  very 
short;  lid  beaked. 

Pterogonium  Smithii,  Swartz  in  Schrad.  Jour.  2,  173;  Engl.  Bot.  1326. 
Hypnum  Smithii,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,  10. 

Poly  trichum  Smithii,  Hull.  Engl.  Fl.  249. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees ; perennial ; spring. 

2.  Pterogonium  gracile.  Slender  wing-moss. 

Branches  in  bundles,  bent ; leaves  broad,  ovate,  pointed, 

concave;  edge  flat;  tip  serrated;  base  slightly  2-ribbed ; 
lid  conical. 

Hypnum  gracile  ornithopodioides,  Dillen.  Muse.  320. 

Hypnum  gracile,  Lin.  M ant.  310. 

Hypnum  ornithopodioides,  Huds.Angl.  508. 

Pterogonium  gracile,  Swartz  M.  Suec.  26 ; Engl.  Bot.  1085. 
Pterigynandrum  gracile,  Hedw.  Sp.  Muse.  80. 

Encalypta  gracilis,  Roth  Germ.  3, 154. 

Grimmia  ornithopodioides,  Mohr. 

On  subalpine  rocks. 

3.  Pterogonium  filiforme.  Threadlike  wing-moss. 

Stem  irregularly  branched,  bent;  leaves  ovate,  rather 

pointed,  concave ; edges  turned  over,  serrate ; main  rib 
single  or  forked,  short,  faintly  marked;  lid  conical. 

Hypnum  cylindricum,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,  12. 

Pterogynandrum  filiforme,  Hedw.  Crypt . 4,7. 

Pterogonium  filiforme,  Engl.  Bot.  2297. 

Pterogonium  coespitosum,  Engl.  Bot.  2526 
Grimmia  filiformis,  Mohr . 

On  mountains. 

14*.  MUSCI.  35 9.  Weissia. 


PI.  cell.fol. 

XVII.  359.  WEISSIA.  Hedwig.  Weiss. 

Capsule  valveless,  pedicelled ; pedicells  terminal ; peri- 
stome single,  toothed ; teeth  16,  entire,  equidistant ; calyptra 

a.  Capsule  with  an  apophysis. 

1.  Weissia  splachnoides.  Splachnumlike  weiss. 

Leaves  tongueshape,  tip  rounded ; main  rib  not  reaching 

the  tip ; capsule  reverse  ovate ; apophysis  reverse- conical ; 
lid  convex,  rather  pointed. 

Weissia  Splachnoides,  Schvccegr.  Suppl.  17. 

Grimmia  splachnoides?  Engl.  Hot.  2164,  leaves  differ. 

Splachnum  lingulatum,  Dicks.  Crypt.  4,  4 ; Engl.  Bot.  2095. 

On  alpine  bogs. 

2.  Weissia  Templetoni.  Templeton5 * 7 s weiss. 

Leaves  ovate,  lanceolate,  pointed ; capsule  with  the  apo- 
physis narrow,  pearlike;  lid  nearly  flat. 

Weissia  Templetoni,  Hooker  FI.  Lond.  ed.  2. 

Funaria  Templetoni,  Engl.  Bot.  2524. 

On  wet  banks. 

b.  Apophysis  0 ; leaves  without  a main  rih. 

3.  Weissia  nuda.  Naked  weiss. 

Stem  scarcely  any  ; leaves  ovate,  lanceolate,  riblcss ; cap- 
sule ovate,  bunched  on  one  side,  nodding. 

Bryum  nudism,  Dickson.  Cryp.  4,7. 

Grimmia  nuda,  Turner  M.  Hib.  25;  Engl.  Bot.  1421. 

Weissea  rosea,  Wahlcnb.  Lapp.  19. 

Weissia  incarnata,  SchwcEgr.  Suppl.  18. 

On  clay  soils. 

c.  Apophysis  0 ; leaves  main-ribbed,  ovate  or  lanceolate. 

4.  Weissia  nigrita.  Negro  weiss. 

Stem  long;  leaves  lanceolate,  pointed;  capsule  reverse- 

ovate,  nodding,  bunched,  furrowed ; lid  hemispherical, 

Weissia  nigrita,  Hedw.  Sp.  Muse.  72. 

Bryum  nigrilum,  Dicks.  Crypt.  3,9. 

Grimmia  nigrita,  Engl.  Bot.  1825. 

On  moist  banks  on  mountains. 

5.  Weissia  Starkeii.  Starkey's  weiss. 

Stem  very  short;  leaves  ovate;  main  rib  prolonged  into 

a point;  capsule  ovate,  upright;  teeth  of  the  peristome  awl- 
shape,  acute;  lid  conical. 


359.  Weissia.  14.  MUSCI. 

PI.  cell,  f 61. 

Weissia  Starkeana,  Hedw.  Sp.  Muse.  65. 

Bryum  minutum,  Dickson  Crypt.  4,7. 

Grimmia  Starkeana,  Roth  Germ.  3,  146;  Engl.  Bot.  1490. 

Bryum  Starkeanum,  Hoffm.  Germ.  2,  32. 

In  meadows;  autumn. 

6.  Weissia  affinls.  Kindred  weiss . 

Stem  very  short;  leaves  ovate;  main  rib  prolonged; 

capsule  ovate,  upright ; teeth  of  the  peristome  short,  broad, 
blunt;  lid  conical. 

Weissia  affinis,  Hooker  fy  Taylor  Muse.  Brit.  44. 

On  gravelly  banks  and  in  fields. 

7.  Weissia  lanceolata.  Lanceolate  weiss. 

Stem  rather  long;  leaves  ovate;  main  rib  prolonged 

nearly  into  a hair;  capsule  ovate;  lid  beaked,  beak  oblique. 

Leersia  lanceolata,  Hedw.  Sp.  Muse.  63. 

Grimmia  lanceolata,  Engl.  Bot.  1408. 

Grimmia  aciphylla,  Mohr. 

Encalypta  lanceolata,  Turner  M.  Hib.  19. 

Bryum  lanceolatum,  Dickson  Crypt.  3,  4. 

On  heaths  and  banks ; perennial ; May. 

d.  Apophysis  0 ; leaves  main-ribbed,  linear  or  awlshape . 

8.  Weissia  striata.  Streaked  weiss. 

Leaves  linear,  fine- toothed,  crisp  when  dry ; capsule 

ovate,  topshape,  furrowed,  upright ; lid  oblique,  awlshape. 

Grimmia  striata,  Schrad.  Diar.  Bot.  2,  57. 

Weissia  fugax,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  13. 

Bryum  crispatum,  Dickson  Crypt.  3,3. 

Weissia  striata,  Hooker  Taylor  Muse.  45. 

On  alpine  banks. 

|S.  major . Leaves  broad,  linear. 

Weissia  denticulata,  Schwcegr.  Suppl.  19. 

9.  Weissia  trichodes.  Hairlike  weiss. 

Ste?n  scarcely  any ; leaves  awlshape,  bristlclike,  not  cut ; 

capsule  ovate,  streaked ; lid  beaked. 

Gymnostomum  trichodes,  Mohr.  Cr.  Germ. 

Anictangium  trichodes,  Schwregr.  Supp.  12. 

Grimmia  trichodes,  Engl.  Bot.  2563. 

On  rocks. 

Resembles  weissia  pusilla  and  gymnostomum  tenue. 


14.  MUSCI.  359.  Weissia. 



10.  Weissia  cirrata.  Tendrilled  weiss . 

Leaves  broadly  awlshape ; crisp  when  dry ; edges  turned 

over;  capsule  ov ate ; lid  beaked. 

Bryum  trichoides  exile,  erectis  capitulis  in  pediculis  longioribus  rubris, 
Dillen.  in  Raii  Syn.  97,  25. 

Mnium  cirrhatum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1576. 

Weissia  Dicksoni,  Wilden.  Berol.  303. 

Weissia  cirrata,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  69. 

Encalypta  cirrata,  Swartz  M.  Sued  25. 

Afzelia  cirrhata,  E/irh.  Crypt.  232. 

Bryum  Dicksoni,  Dickson  Crypt.  3,4. 

On  rails  and  posts,  rarely  on  banks. 

11.  Weissia  curvirostra . Bentheak  weiss . 

Leaves  linear,  awlshape;  capsule  ovate,  cylindrical;  lid 


Bryum  stellare,  lacustre,  foliis  rubris  capillaceis,  Dillen.  Muse.  382. 
Grimmia  recurvirostra,  Roth  Germ.  3,  144;  Engl.  Rot.  1438. 

Bryum  curvirostrum,  Dicks.  Crypt.  2,7. 

Weissia  recurvirostra,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  71. 

Bryum  recurvirostrurn,  Wither.  Arr.  829. 

Bryum  setaceum  jS,  Hudson  Angl.  432. 

Weissia  curvirostra,  Hooker  fy  Taylor  Muse.  46. 

On  moist  banks  in  woods. 

Resembles  the  tortulae,  and  accompanies  them;  leaves 
very  stiff. 

12.  Weissia  crispula.  Small-crisped  weiss. 

Stem  divided ; leaves  broad  at  bottom,  lanceolate,  awl- 
shape, crisp  when  dry ; edges  turned  in ; capsule  ovato- 
elliptical ; lid  beaked. 

Weissia  crispula,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  68 

Grimmia  crispula,  Turner  M.  Hib.  28  ; Engl.  Bot.  2203. 

On  rocks ; perennial ; summer. 

Resembles  w.  cirrata,  but  is  smaller,  and  darker  green. 

13.  Weissia  controversa.  Controverted  weiss. 

Stem  nearly  simple ; leaves  linear,  awlshape ; crisp  when 

dry,  edge  turned  in ; capsule  ovate,  elliptical ; lid  beaked. 

Bryum  trichoides  exile,  erectis  capitulis  in  pedicellis  brevissimis,  Dillen. 
in  Raii  Syn.  97,  26. 

Grimmia  controversa,  Sibth.  Ox.  277  ; Engl.  Bot.  1367. 

Bryum  virens,  Dicks.  Crypt.  1, 4. 

Bryum  viridulum,  Huds.  Angl.  478. 

Weissia  controversa,  Hedwig  Crypt.  3,5. 

On  banks. 


359 . Weissia.  14.  MUSCI. 

PL  cell,  f oh 

14.  Weissia  Calcar  ea.  Limestone  weiss * 

Stem  scarcely  any ; leaves  broad  at  bottom,  linear,  blunt, 

thick,  main  rib  very  broad ; capsule  topshape  ; lid  beaked. 

Weissia  cakarea,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  66. 

Bryum  calcareum,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,  3. 

Grimmia  calcarea,  Turner  M.  Hib.  25. 

On  chalk ; perennial ; spring  and  summer. 

Resembles  very  strongly  polytrichum  aloides,  but  is 

15.  Weissia  recurvata . Bent-hack  weiss. 

Stem  scarcely  any ; leaves  awlshape ; capsule  broad, 

ovate ; pedicells  bent ; lid  beaked. 

Grimmia  recurvata,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  75 ; Engl.  Dot.  1489. 

Bryum  recurvatum,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,  7. 

Bryum  setaceum,  JYulfin  Jacq.  Misc.  2,  96. 

On  sandstone-rocks. 

1 6.  Weissia  pusilla.  Dwarf  weiss . 
Stem  scarcely  any ; leaves  awlshape ; capsule  ovate ; pe- 
dicells upright ; lid  beaked. 

Bryum  paludosum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1584. 

Grimmia  pusilla,  Roth  Germ.  3,  147  ; Engl.  Bot.  2551. 

Weissia  pusilla,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  64. 

Afzelia  pusilla,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  183. 

On  limestone-rocks. 

17.  Weissia  verticillaia.  Whirled  weiss. 

Stem  branched ; leaves  broad,  awlshape,  nearly  flat,  ra- 
ther weak;  capsules  ovate;  lid  beaked. 

Bryum  trijfchoides  brevifolium,  angustis  cauliculis,  capsulis  erectis 
parvis  et  minus  aduncis,  Dillen.  in  Raii  Syn.  98,  36. 

Bryum  verticillatum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1585. 

Bryum  fasciculatum,  Dickson  Crypt.  3,  3. 

Weissia  verticillata,  Schwecgr.  Supp.  20. 

Grimmia  verticillata.  Turner  M.  Hib.  31  ; Engl.  Bot.  1258. 

In  alpine  rivulets,  on  limestone. 

Stem  frequently  encrusted  at  bottom  with  carbonate  of 

18.  Weissia  acuta . Pointed  weiss. 

Stem  branched ; leaves  awlshape,  bristlelike,  nearly  one- 
rowed,  stiffj  grooved ; capsule  topshape ; lid  beaked. 

14.  MUSCL  359.  Weissia. 



Bryum  pilosum,  sphagni  subulati  facie,  Villen.  Muse.  374. 

Weissia  acuta,  Hedw.  Crypt.  3,  35. 

Weissia  rupestris,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  14. 

Bryum  vertieillatum,  Lightfoot  Scot.  733. 

Bryum  acutum,  Hudson  Angl.  484 ; Dickson  Crypt.  17,  20, 

Bryum  splachnoides,  Dickson  Crypt. 

Bryum  fulvellum,  Dickson  Crypt.  4, 11. 

Dicranuin  fulvellum,  Engl.  Bot.  226S. 

Grirnmia  acuta,  Turner  M.Hib.  29;  Engl.  Dot.  1644. 

On  alpine  rocks. 

XVIII.  360.  DICRANUM.  Hedwig.  Fork-moss . 

Capsule  valveless,  pedicelled ; pedicells  mostly  terminal ; 
peristome  single,  toothed  ; teeth  16,  mostly  two-cut,  equi- 
distant ; calyptra  halved. 

A.  Leaves  in  two  rows.  Fissidens. 

1.  Dicranum  hryoides.  Bryumlike  fork-moss . 

Peduncles  terminal ; perichetial  leaves  resembling  the 


Hypnum  repens  filicifolium  non  ramosum,  pediculis  brevioribus, versus 
foliorum  summitatem  egredientibus,  Raii  Syn.  88,42. 

Hypnum  bryoides,  Lin.S.P.  1588. 

Bryum  viridulum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1584. 

Dicranum  bryoides,  Swartz  M.  Suec.  2,  4 ; Engl.  Bot.  625. 

Fissidens  bryoides,  Hedwig  Crypt.  3,29. 

Dicranum  viridulum,  Swartz  M.  Suec.  2,  3 ; Engl.  Bot.  1368, 

Fissidens  exilis,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  38. 

Dicranum  osmundioides,  Turner  M.  Hib.  55;  Engl.  Bot.  1662= 

Fissidens  osmundioides,  Hedw.  S.  M.  40. 

Hypnum  asplenioides,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,5. 

Grimmia  viridula,  Roth  Germ.  3,  141  ? 

Dicranum  paucifolium,  Withering  Arr.  814. 

On  moist  banks  and  in  woods. 

/3.  nutans.  Capsule  drooping. 

Dicranum  tamarindifolium,  Turner  M.  Hib.  55. 

Dicranum  incurvum,  Mohr. 

Fissidens  incurvus,  Schwcegr.  Supp.  49. 

Fissidens  palmatus,  Hedw.  Crypt.  3,  30. 

Fissidens  iongifolius,  Sridel. 

2.  Dicranum  adiantoides.  Adiantumlike  fork-moss. 

Peduncles  lateral;  perichetial  leaves  ovate,  slightly  con- 
volute, pointed. 

Hydnum  erectum  filifolium  ramosum  pinnulis  acutis,  Raii  Syn.  87,39. 
Hypnum  adiantoides,  Lin.  S.  P.  1588 ; Engl.  Bot.  264. 

Dicranum  adiantoides,  Swartz  M.  Suec.  31. 

Fissidens  adiantoides,  Hedw.  Crypt.  3,  62. 

Fissidens  taxifolius  j8,  Wahlenb,  Lapp. 

On  wet  banks  and  bogs. 


360.  Dicranum.  14.  MUSCL 

PI.  cell,  f oh 

3.  Dicranum  taxifolium . Yew-leaf  fork-moss. 

Peduncles  from  the  bottom  of  the  stem  among  the  roots ; 

pericketial  leaves  ovate,  sheathing,  rolled  in,  pointed. 

Hypnum  repens  filicifolium  non  ramosum  ; pediculis  brevioribus,  ad 
fadicem  egredientibus,  Raii  Syn.  88,41. 

Hypnum  taxifolium,  Lin.  S.  P.  1587  : Engl.  Bot.  416. 

Dicranum  taxifolium,  Swartz  M.  Suec.  31. 

Fissideus  taxi  folios,  Media.  S.  Muse.  155. 

On  moist  shady  spots. 

b.  Leaves  all  round  the  stem  ; main  rib  0. 

4.  Dicranum  glaucum . Glaucous  fork-moss. 

Stem  branched;  branches  level-topped;  leaves  upright, 

spread,  ovate,  lanceolate,  straight,  ribless,  not  cut ; capsule 
ovate,  drooping ; lid  beaked. 

Bryum  trichoides,  erectis  capitulis,  albidum,  fragile,  Raii  Syn.  97,29, 
Bryum  glaucum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1582. 

Dicranum  glaucum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  135;  Engl.  Bot.  2166. 

On  heaths  and  mountain  pastures. 

c.  Leaves  not  two-rowed , main-ribbed , with  a point  or  hair 

at  the  tip. 

5.  Dicranum  latifolium . Broadleaf  fork-moss. 

Stem  short;  leaves  oblong,  concave,  not  cut,  tipped  with 

a point  or  hair;  capsule  upright,  ovate,  oblong;  lid  beaked. 

Dicranum  latifolium,  Hedw.  Crypt.  1,33. 

Bryum  piliferum,  Dickson  Crypt.  4,  10. 

Trichostomuin  piliferum,  Engl.  Bot.  2535. 

On  shady  mountain  banks. 

d.  Leaves  not  2-rowed ; main  rib  very  broad ; tip  not  pointed . 

6.  Dicranum  longifolium.  Long-leaf  fork-moss . 

Stem  long;  leaves  very  long,  awlshape,  bristlelike,  sickle- 
like, bent  one  way,  slightly  serrate ; main  rib  very  broad ; 
capsule  oblong,  ovate,  nearly  upright ; lid  beaked. 

Dicranum  longifolium,  Hedw.  Crypt.  3,  9. 

Dicranum  flagellare,  Funk. 

On  wet  rocks. 

7.  Dicranum  cerviculatum.  Necked  fork-moss. 

Stem  short;  leaves  lanceolate,  awlshape,  not  cut,  slightly 

facing  one  way  ; main  rib  very  broad  ; capsule  ovate, 
slightly  nodding;  lid  beaked. 

14.  MUSCI.  360.  Dicranum. 


FI.  cell.fol. 

Dicranum  cerviculatum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  149;  Engl.  Hot.  1661, 

Bryum  cerviculatum,  Dickson  Crypt.  3,7. 

Dicranum  pusjllum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  139  ; Engl.  Bot.  2491. 

Bryum  parvulum,  Dickson  Crypt.  3,7, 

' Dicranum  flavidum,  Schweegr.  Supp. 

Dicranum  uncinatum,  Engl.  Bot.  2261. 

On  banks  and  bogs. 

8.  Dicranum  ftexuosum.  Bending  fork-moss. 

Stem  scarcely  branched,  stiff ; leaves  lanceolate,  awl- 

shape,  pointed,  straight;  main  rib  very  broad;  pedicells 
bending;  capsule  ovate,  streaked ; lid  beaked. 

Bryum  trichoides,  capitulis  erectis,  pediculis  intortis  tenuibus  virentU 
bus,  Rail  Syn.  97,30. 

Sphagnum  subulatum  viridissimum  ; capsulis  ovatis,  Dillen.  Muse.  245, 
Bryum  flexuosum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1583. 

Sphagnum  alpinum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1570. 

Dicranum  flexuosum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  38;  Engl.  Bot.  1491. 

Bryum  immersum,  Dickson  Crypt. 

Bryum  fragile,  Dickson  Crypt.  3,  5. 

On  wet  rocks,  turf-bogs,  and  on  pastures. 

e.  Leaves  not  two-rowed , not  tipped  with  a point  or  hair ; 
main  rib  narrow  ; capsule  with  a tumour  at  the  base. 

9.  Dicranum  virens.  . Greenish  fork-moss. 

Stem  long;  leaves  awlshape,  crisp  when  dry,  pointing 

every  way;  base  broad,  sheathing;  edges  turned  over; 
capsule  smooth,  oblong,  cylindrical,  slightly  drooping,  with 
a tubercle  at  bottom ; lid  beaked. 

Dicranum  virens,  Hedw.  Crypt.  3,32;  Engl.  Bot.  1462. 

On  mountain-bogs. 

10.  Dicranum  strum iferum.  Strumous  fork-moss. 

Stem  long;  leaves  awlshape,  not  cut,  crisp. when  dry, 

pointing  every  way;  base  broad,  sheathing;  edge  flat; 
capsule  furrowed,  oblong,  ovate,  slightly  drooping,  with  a 
tubercle  at  bottom ; lid  beaked. 

Dicranum  strumiferum,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  74  ; Engl.  Bot.  2410. 

Fissidens  strumifer,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  160. 

Bryum  strumiferum,  Dickson  Crypt.  3,  8. 

On  alpine  bogs ; perennial ; summer. 

11 . Dicranum  falcatum.  Sickleshape  fork-moss. 
Stem  scarcely  branched ; leaves  long,  lanceolate,  awl- 
shape, sicklelike,  facing  one  way,  scarcely  cut  ; capsule 
ovate,  slightly  drooping,  with  a tubercle  at  the  base ; lid 


360.  Dicranum.  14.  MUSCI. 

Pl.  cell.fol 

Dicranum  falcatnm,  Iledvo.  S.  Muse.  150;  Engl.  Bot.  1989. 

Bryum  longifolium,  Dickson  Crypt.  3,7. 

On  alpine  rocks,  by  the  banks  of  streams. 

12.  Dicranum  Starkii.  Stark's  fork-moss. 

Stem  rather  branched ; leaves  lanceolate,  awlshape, 
sicklelike,  facing  one  way,  not  cut ; capsule  oblong,  ovate, 
nearly  upright,  with  a tubercle  at  the  base ; lid  beaked. 
Dicranum  Starkii,  Schwcegr.  Supp.  46;  Engl.  Bot.  2227. 

On  alpine  rocks. 

f.  Leaves  not  two-rowed , not  tipped  with  a point  or  hair; 
main  rib  narrow  ; capsule  not  tubercled  at  bottom. 

IS.  Dicranum  flavescens.  Yellowish  fork-moss. 

Stem  branched;  leaves  long,  lanceolate,  finely  serrated, 
pointing  every  way,  crisp  when  dry ; capsules  oblong,  up- 
right; lid  beaked. 

Dicranum  flavescens,  Engl.  Bot.  2263. 

Bryum  flavescens,  Dickson  Crypt.  2, 4. 

Dicranum  gracilescens,  Schwcegr.  Supp.  46. 

On  wet  sand,  on  the  banks  of  alpine  streams. 

14.  Dicranum  squarrosum.  Scurfy  fork-moss . 

Stem  rather  branched ; leaves  lanceolate,  blunt,  bent 

over,  spread  open,  crisp  when  dry,  pointing  every  way ; 
base  broad,  sheathing;  capside  ovate,  slightly  drooping ; 
lid  beaked. 

Bryum  ereclis  capitulis  brevibus,  foliis  reflexis,  Raii  Syn.  95,  18. 

Bryum  pellucidum  jS,  Lin.  S.  P.  1583. 

Dicranum  squarrosum,  Schrad.  Journ.  1802;  Engl.  Bot.  2004. 

Bryum  palustre,  Dickson  Crypt.  4,11. 

On  mountains,  in  wet  situations;  perennial;  spring. 

15.  Dicranum  pellucidum.  Transparent  fork-moss . 

Stem  branched ; leaves  lanceolate,  rather  blunt,  pointing 

everyway;  edge  slightly  waved,  serrated;  capsule  ovate, 
slightly  drooping ; ltd  beaked. 

Bryum  erectis  capitulis  subrotundis  fuscis  foliis  minoribus  pellucidis 
rugosis,  Raii  Syn.  96,  19. 

Bryum  pellucidum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1583. 

Bryum  aquaticum,  Hojfm.  Germ.  2,  35. 

Mnium  pellucens,  Withering  Arr.  802. 

Dicranum  pellucidum,  Hedio.  S.  Muse.  142  ; Engl.  Bot.  1346. 

Dicranum  aquatium,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  213. 

On  banks  of  streams  in  shady  places  ; perennial ; spring. 


14.  MUSCI.  360.  Dicranum. 


PI.  celLfol. 

16.  Dicranum  spurium.  Bastard  fork-moss, 

Ste?n  long;  leaves  in  bundles,  concave,  upright,  rather 

spreading,  pointing  every  way,  ovate;  upper  leaves  lan- 
ceolate, finely  serrate ; capsule  oblong,  bent ; lid  beaked. 

Dicranum  spurium,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  141 ; Engl.  Bot.  2167. 

Bryum  spurium,  Hoffm.  Germ.  2,38;  Dickson  Crypt.  4, 13. 

On  bogs;  perennial;  May  and  June. 

Teeth  of  the  peristome  sometimes  3-cut. 

1 7.  Dicranum  crispum.  Crisp  fork-moss . 
Stem  short;  leaves  nearly  2-rowed,  zigzag,  turned  back, 

crisp  when  dry;  base  bristlelike;  capsule  ovate,  upright ; 
lid  beaked ; beak  long. 

Dicranum  crispurn,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  132;  Engl.  Bot.  1151. 

Bryum  vaginale,  Dickson  Crypt.  3,  8. 

On  moist  banks  and  bogs ; perennial ; July. 

IS.  Dicranum  Scotlii.  Scott's  fork-moss. 

Stem  branched ; leaves  upright,  spreading,  pointing  every 
way,  awlshape,  crisp  when  dry ; edge  flat,  slightly  serrate ; 
capsule  ovate  cylindrical,  nearly  upright;  lid  beaked,  beak 

Dicranum  Scottianum,  Turner  M.  Hibern.  6,  l. 

Dicranum  flagellare,  Engl.  Bot.  1977,  not  of  Hedwig? 

Dicranum  strictum,  Schweegr.  Supp.  43. 

Dicranum  montanum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  35  ? 

On  rocks. 

1 9.  Dicranum  polycarpum . Many-fruited  fork-moss. 
Stem  branched ; leaves  spread  open,  pointing  every  way, 

lanceolate,  awlshape,  crisp  when  dry ; edge  turned  over, 
zigzag,  slightly  serrated ; capsule  reverse  ovate,  slightly 
drooping;  lid  beaked. 

Dicranum  polycarpum,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  84 ; Engl.  Bot.  2269. 

Fissidens  polycarpos,  Hew.  S.  Muse.  159. 

Dicranum  Bruntoni,  Engl.  Bot.  2509. 

On  alpine  rocks. 

Teeth  of  the  peristome  irregularly  divided. 

20.  Dicranum  undulatum.  Waved forked-moss . 

Stems  long ; leaves  nearly  flat,  lanceolate,  narrow,  waved 

across,  finely  serrated  at  the  tip ; capsule  cylindrical,  droop- 
ing ; lid  beaked,  beak  long. 

Dicranum  undulatum,  Ehrh.  Crypt . 271;  Engl.  Bot.  2260,  not  of 

Dicranum  polysetum,  Swartz  M.  Suec.  34. 

Bryum  rugosum,  Hoffm.  Germ.  2,  39. 

Perichcetium  encloses  1 to  4 peduncles. 

VOL.  i.  3 b 


360.  Dicranum.  14.  MUSCI, 

PI.  cell.fol. 

21.  Dicranum  scoparium.  Broom  fork-moss. 

Stem  long;  leaves  narrow,  awlshape,  grooved,  facing 
one  way ; capsule  cylindrical,  arched,  drooping ; lid  beaked, 
beak  long. 

Bryum  erectis  capitulis  angustifoliura,caule  reclinato,  Raii  Syn.  95,14. 

Bryum  scoparium,  Lin.  S\  P.  1582;  Engl.  Bot.  354. 

Dicranum  scoparium,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  126. 

Dicranum  majus,  Engl.  Bot.  1490. 

Mnium  scoparium,  Withering  Arr.  799. 

In  woods  and  hedges : perennial. 

13.  fuscescens.  Plant  only  half  as  large ; leaves  scarcely 
if  at  all  facing  one  way,  narrow,  much  crisped  when  dry. 

Dicranum  fuscescens.  Turner  M.  Hib.  60  ; Engl.  Bot.  1597. 

Dicranum  congestum^Sc/tie^gT.  Supp.  42. 

On  mountains. 

22.  Dicranum  varium . Variable  fork-moss. 

Stem  short;  leaves  narrow,  hastate,  lanceolate;  capsule 

ovate  ; lid  beaked. 

Bryum  simplex1,  Lin.  S . P.  1587. 

Bryum  ruforum,  finds.  Angl.  ed.  1 , 413. 

Dicranum  varium,  Hedta:  S.iMttsc.  133;  Engl.  Bot.  1215. 

Dicranum  rigidulum,  Swartz  M.  Suec.  3,  7. 

Dicranum  callistomum,  Smith  FI.  Brit.  1211. 

Bryum  callistomum,  Dickson  Ciypt.  3,  5. 

Bryum  pusillum,  Dickon  Crypt.  2,  6. 

Dicranum  simplex,  Sibthorp  Ox.  282. 

On  moist  banks ; annual ; spring  and  summer. 

Leaves  point  every  way,  green ; capsules  slightly 

& . rufeseens.  Leaves  rather  facing  one  way,  lanceolate, 
awlshape,  reddish ; capsules  upright. 

Dicranum  rufeseens,  Engl.  Bot.  121 6. 

Bryum  rufeseens,  Dickson  Crypt.  3,  6. 

Bryum  trichodes,  capsulis  rubris  cernuis,  Dillen  Muse.  390. 

y.  luridum.  Leaves  rather  facing  one  way,  awlshape, 
lurid ; capsules  slightly  drooping. 

Dicranum  varium  y,  Hooker  fy  Taylor  Muse.  Brit.  58. 

23.  Dicranum  heteromallum.  Odd-sided fork-moss. 

Stem  branched ; leaves  awlshape,  sicklelike,  facing  one 

way,  scarcely  cut ; capsule  ovate,  slightly  drooping ; lid 
beaked ; beak  long, 

Bryum  trichoides,  reclinatis  cauliculis,  capitulis  erectis  acutis,  Raii 
Syn.  96,  23. 

Bryum  heteromallum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1583. 

Dicranum  heteromallum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  128;  Engl.  Bot.  1272. 
Dicranum  orthocarpum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  130. 

Dicranum  interruptum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  129 ; Engl.  Bot.  2508. 

Mnium  heteromallum,  Wither  Arr.  801. 

On  mountains ; spring. 

14.  MUSCI.  360.  Dicranum. 


PL  cell.fol. 

24.  Dicranum  subulatum.  Awlshape  fork- moss* 

Stem  branched ; leaves  awlshape,  bristlelike,  facing  one 
way,  not  cut ; base  broad,  sheathing ; capsule  ovate,  slightly 
drooping;  lid  with  a long  beak. 

Dicranum  subulatum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  34;  Engl.  Hot.  1273. 

On  moist  banks. 

XIX.  361.  TRICHOSTOMUM.  Hairy-mouth * 

Capsule  valveless,  peduncled  ; peduncles  terminal ; peri- 
stome toothed;  teeth  16,  equal,  divided  to  the  bottom,  or 
32,  placed  in  pairs;  calyptra  mitreshape. 

a.  Peduncles  lent 

1.  Trichostomum  patens . Spreading  hairy-mouth * 

Stems  long;  leaves  lanceolate,  pointed,  keeled;  edges 

turned  over;  capsule  ovate ; peduncles  bent ; lid  conical. 

Bryum  hypnoides  alpinism,  operculis  obtusis,  Dillen  Muse.  371. 
Trichostomum  patens,  Schvocegr.  Supp.  37. 

Dicranum  patens,  Engl.  Bot.  1990. 

Bryum  patens,  Dickson  Crypt.  2, 6. 

Fissidens  patens,  Wahlenb.  Lapp. 

Trichostomum  obtusum,  Bridel  Muse.  1,  125. 

Bryum  hypnoides  8,  Hudson  Angl.  480. 

Trichostomum  funale,  Schwcegr.  Supp.  37  ? 

On  mountains. 

b.  Peduncles  straight ; leaves  with  transparent  points . 

2.  Trichostomum  lanuginosum.  Woolly  hairy-mouth * 

Stems  long;  branches  rather  pinnate;  leaves  lanceolate, 

awlshape,  pointed;  points  long,  transparent,  serrated ; edges 
turned  over;  capsules  ovate;  peduncles  short,  on  the  side 
branches ; lid  beaked. 

Bryum  hypnoides,  capitulis  plurimis  erectis,  lanuginosum,  Raii  Syn* 
97,  28. 

Bryum  hypnoides,  Lin.  S.  P.  1584. 

Trichostomum  lanuginosum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  109 ; Engl , Bot.  1348. 
Trichostomum  serratum,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  94. 

Bryum  lanuginosum,  Hoffm.  Germ.  2 , 41, 

On  mountains. 

3.  Trichostomum  canescens.  Hoary  hairy-mouth * 

Stem  long,  irregularly  branched ; leaves  ovate,  lanceo- 
late, pointed ; points  transparent,  slender,  slightly  serrated ; 
capsule  ovate ; teeth  of  the  peristome  very  long,  threadlike ; 
lid  awlshape. 

3 B 2 

740  361 . Trichostomum.  14.  MUSCI. 


Bryum  trichoides,  erectis  capitulis,  lanuginosum,  Raii  Syn.  97,27. 
Bryum  hypnoides,  capitulis  plurimis  erectis,  non  lanuginosum,  Diilen 
in  Raii  Syn.  478. 

Bryum  hypnoides  y,  Lin.  3.  P.  1585. 

Trichostomum  canescens,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  Ill  ; Engl.  Rot.  2534. 
Trichostoraum  erichoides,  Schrad.  Germ.  62;  Engl.  Bot.  1991. 

On  mountain  heaths,  and  the  sea  coast. 

4.  Trichostomum  heterostichum . One-sided  hairy -mouth. 

Stem  long,  branched ; leaves  ovate,  lanceolate,  pointed ; 

points  transparent,  slender,  slightly  serrated ; capsule  ob- 
long; teeth  of  the  peristome  rather  short;  lid  beaked. 

Trichostomum  heterostichum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  109  ; Engl.  Bot.  1347. 
Bryum  heterostichum,  Dickson  Crypt.  4,  14. 

Bryum  hypnoides,  hirsutie  canescens,  vulgare,  Diilen  Muse.  368,  fig.  A, 
F,  and  G. 

On  stones  in  mountainous  countries. 

5.  Trichostom . microcarpon.  Small-fruited  hairy-mouth. 
Stem  long,  branched ; leaves  lanceolate,  pointed ; points 

transparent,  slender,  slightly  serrated ; capsules  ovate;  teeth 
of  the  peristome  rather  short;  lid  beaked. 

Bryum  hypnoides  alpinum,  setis  et  capsulis  exiguis,  Diilen  Muse.  370. 
Bryum  hypnoides  S,  Lin.  FI.  Suec.  392. 

Trichostomum  microcarpon,  Hedvo.  S.  Muse.  112  ; Engl.  Bot.  1440. 
Dicranum  aciculare  y,  Turner  M.  Hib.  67. 

Bryum  macrocarpon.  Withering  Arr.  822. 

On  alpine  rocks. 

c.  Peduncles  straight ; leaves  not  transparent  at  the  points . 

6.  Trichostomum  aciculare.  Needlelike  hairy-mouth. 

Stem  long,  branched ; leaves  lanceolate,  blunt,  tip  finely 

serrated;  main  rib  not  reaching  the  tip ; capsule  oblong; 
lid  beaked. 

Bryum  hypnoides  erectum  montanum,  erectis  capitulis  acutis,  Diilen 
in  Raii  Syn.  94,  12. 

Brvum  hypnoides  repens  aquaticum,  erectis  capitulis  acutis,  Raii  Syn. 
94,  13l  , 

Bryum  aciculare,  Lin.  S.  P.  1583. 

Dicranum  aciculare,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  135;  Engl.  Bot.  1978. 
Trichostomum  aciculare,  P.  de  Beauv.  Prod.  90. 

On  wet  stones,  or  in  water ; perennial ; spring. 

7.  Trichostomum  fasciculare.  Bundled  hairy-mouth . 

Stem  long,  branched;  leaves  lanceolate,  not  cut;  tips 

never  transparent ; capsule  ovate,  oblong ; lid  beaked. 

Pl.cell.fol.  14.  MUSCI.  361.  Trichostomum.  741 

Bryum  hypnoides,  hirsutie  virescens,  fasciculare  alpinum,  Dillen  Muse. 

Bryum  hypnoides  £,  Lin.  S.  P.  1585. 

Trichostomum  fasciculare,  Schrad.  Germ.  61  ; Engl.  Bot.  2005. 

Bryum  fasciculare,  Hnffm.  Germ.  2,  42. 

Bryum  lutescens,  Dickson  Crypt.  4,  14. 

On  mountain  rocks. 

8.  Trichostom . polyphyllum . Many-leaved  hairy -mouth. 
Stem  branched ; leaves  lanceolate,  awlshape,  edges  turned 

over;  tips  serrated,  very  much  crisped  when  dry;  capsules 
oblong;  lid  beaked. 

Bryum  trichoides  erectis  sublongis  capitulis,  extremi(atibus  per  sicci- 
tatem  stellatis,  Raii  Syn.  98,  33. 

Trichostomum  polyphyllum,  Schwcegr.  Supp.  39. 

Dicranum  polyphyllum,  Engl.  Bot.  1217. 

Bryum  polyphyllum,  Dickson  Crypt. 

Bryum  cirratum  /3,  Hudson  Angl.  486. 

Trichostomum  cirratum.  Smith  FI.  Brit . 1239. 

Encalypta  crispata,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  10. 

On  mountains  and  rocks. 

9.  Trichostomum,  ellipticum.  Elliptical  hairy -mouth. 

Stem  short,  nearly  simple ; leaves  lanceolate,  straight, 

main  rib  broad,  edge  flat ; capsule  elliptical ; lid  beaked. 

Dicranum  ellipticum,  Turner  M.  Ilib.  76;  Engl.  Bot.  1901. 

On  rocky  mountains. 

XX.  362.  LEUCODON.  Schwsegrichen.  White-tooth . 
Capsules  valveless,  peduncled;  peduncles  lateral;  peri- 
stome single,  toothed;  teeth  32,  closely  united  in  pairs; 
calyptra  halved. 

Leucodon  sciuroides.  Squirrel-tail  white-tooth. 

Hypnum  trichoides  erectum,  ramulis  recurvis,  obscuri  coloris,  Raii  Syn. 
83, 22. 

Hypnum  sciuroides,  Lin.  S.  P.  1596. 

Dicranum  sciuroides,  Swartz  M.  Suec.  32;  Engl.  Bot.  1903. 

Fissidens  sciuroides,  Hedvo.  S.  Muse.  161. 

Trichostomum  sciuroides,  Mohr. 

Pterogonium  sciuroides.  Turner  M.  Hib.  32. 

Leucodon  sciuroides,  Schwcegr.  Supp.  2,  1. 

Leucodon  Morensis,  Schwcegr.  Supp.  2,  1. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees. 

XXI.  363.  DIDYMODON.  Hedwig.  Twin-tooth. 
Capsule  valveless,  peduncled ; peduncles  terminal;  peri- 
stome single,  toothed;  teeth  16  or  32,  closing  together  in 
pairs,  or  united  at  the  bottom ; calyptra  halved. 


PL  cell.fol. 

363 . Didymodon.  14.  MUSCI. 

a.  Capsules  inclined. 

1.  Didymodon  purpureum.  * Purple  twin-tooth. 

Stem  scarcely  branched ; leaves  lanceolate,  pointed, 

keeled;  edge  turned  over,  not  cut;  capsule  ovate,  cylin- 
drical, oblique,  with  a slight  tubercle,  furrowed  when  dry ; 
lid  conical. 

Bryum  perangustis  crebrioribus  foliis,  capitulis  erectis,  longiusculis  pe- 
diculis  e surculis  annotinis  innascentibus,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  99,  41. 

Bryum  Celsii,  Lin.  S.  P.  1585;  Dickson  €rypt.  3,  7. 

Mnium  purpureum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1575 ; Wither.  Arr.  802. 

Dicranum  purpureum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  136;  Engl.  Bot.  2262. 

Dicranum  intermedium,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  138. 

Bryum  bipartitum,  Dickson  Crypt. ; Engl.  Bot.  2357. 

Bryum  strictum,  Dickson  Crypt.  4,  13. 

Bryum  tenue,  Dickson  Crypt.  3,8. 

Bryum  papillosum,  Dickson  Crypt.  4,  12. 

Dicranum  strictum,  Engl.  Bot.  2294. 

Dicranum  Celsii,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  149  ; Engl.  Bot.  2418. 

Trichostomum  papillosum,  Engl.  Bot.  2533. 

Red  shanks. 

On  moist  banks. 

2.  Didymodon  inclinaium.  Inclined  twin-tooth * 

Leaves  in  two  rows,  awlshape,  sheathing  at  bottom ; cap- 
sule ovate,  inclined ; lid  conical. 

Didymodon  inclinatum,  Swartz  M.  Suec.  28. 

Bryum  inclinatum,  Dickson  Crypt.  3,  9. 

Swartzia  inclinata,  Hedw.  Crypt.  2,74. 

Cynontodium  inclinatum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  58. 

Grimmia  inclinata,  Engl.  Bot.  1824. 

On  rocky  mountains ; perennial ; summer. 

b.  Capsules  upright . 

3.  Didymodon  nervosum,  Ribbed  twin-tooth . 

Leaves  reverse-ovate,  main  rib  thickened  above;  tip 

short ; capsules  ovate,  upright ; lid  beaked ; beak  short, 

Grimmia  atrovirens,  Engl.  Bot.  2015. 

On  dry  banks  by  the  sea. 

Resembles  weissia  lanceolata,  gen.  359,  sp.  7. 

4 . Didymodon  fleocifolium.  Bent-leaf  twin-tooth. 
Stem  long;  leaves  oblong,  ovate,  bent,  deeply  serrated 

at  the  tip;  capsules  upright,  cylindrical;  lid  beaked. 

Bryum  Hexifolium,  Dickson  Crypt.  3,  5. 

'Trichostomum  flexifolium,  Engl.  Bot.  2490. 

On  barren  banks,  or  roofs. 

PLcelLfol.  14.  MUSCI.  363.  Didymodon.  743 

5.  Didymodon  rigidulum.  Stiffish  twin-tooth . 

Leaves  closely  tiledlike  on  all  sides,  lanceolate,  very 

pointed,  keeled;  main  rib  stiff,  running  beyond  the  point; 
capsules  oblong,  ovate,  upright ; lid  beaked. 

Didymodon  rigidulum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  104. 

Bryum  rigidulum,  Dickson  Crypt.  4,  12. 

Trichostomum  rigidulum.  Turner  M.  Hib.  34  ; Engl.  Bot.  2173. 

Bryum  lineare,  Dickson  Crypt.  3,  6. 

Trichostomum  lineare,  Engl.  Bot.  1598. 

On  rocks  and  walls;  perennial;  April. 

Very  similar  to  tortula  fallax,  gen.  355,  sp.  8. 

6.  Didymodon  trifarium.  Three-rowed  twin-tooth . 

Leaves  rather  distant,  somewhat  three-rowed,  lanceolate, 

bluntish,  keeled ; main  rib  scarcely  reaching  the^tip ; cap- 
sule oblong,  ovate,  upright;  lid  beaked. 

Didymodon  trifarium,  Swartz  M.  Suec.  28. 

Cynontodium  trifarium,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  57. 

Swartzia  trifaria,  Hedw.  Crypt.  2,  76. 

Bryum  trifarium,  Dickson  Crypt.  3,8. 

Trichostomum  trifarium,  Engl.  Bot.  1707. 

Trichostomum  linoides,  Engl.  Bot.  2295,  not  of  Dickson. 

On  moist  banks. 

7.  Didymodon  capillaceum . Hairy  twin-tooth . 

Stem  long ; leaves  nearly  2-rowed,  awlshape,  bristlelike ; 

capsule  upright,  ovate,  cylindrical;  lid  conical. 

Trichostomum  capillaceum,  Engl.  Bot.  1152. 

Cynontodium  capillaceum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  57. 

Swartzia  capillacea,  Hedw.  Crypt.  2,  72. 

Didymodon  capillaceum,  Schrad.  Germ.  64. 

Bryum  capillaceum,  Dickson  Crypt . 1,  4. 

Bryum  sestivum,  Hudson  An gl.  485. 

On  mountain  banks. 

8.  Didymodon  heteromallum.  Odd-sided  twin-tooth . 

Stem  rather  short ; leaves  mostly  facing  one  way,  awl- 

shape  ; capsule  ovate,  cylindrical ; lid  conical. 

Grimmia  heteromalla,  Roth  Germ.  3, 145 ; Engl.  Bot.  1899. 

Weissia  heteromalla,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  71. 

Afzelia  heteromalla,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  173. 

Bryum  Weissia,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,5. 

Didymodon  heteromallum,  Hedw . S.  Muse.  23. 

On  mountains. 


364.  Funaria.  14.  MUSCI. 

PL  cell.fol. 

XXII.  364.  FUNARIA.  Schreber.  Cord-moss . 

Capsule  valveless,  peduncled;  peduncles  terminal;  peri- 
stome double,  oblique,  outer  16-toothed,  inner  16-toothed, 
teeth  opposite  to  those  of  the  outer. 

1 . Funaria  hygrometrica.  Hygrometric  cord-moss . 

Leaves  very  concave,  ovate,  pointed,  not  cut ; main  rib 

excurrent;  peduncle  bent,  twisted. 

Bryum  aureum,  capitulis  reflexis  piriformibus,  calyptra  quadrangular!, 
foliis  in  bnlbi  forrnam  congestis,  Raii  Syn . 101,49. 

Polytrichum  aureum  minus,  Park.  1052. 

Mnium  hygrometi  icum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1575. 

Funaria  hygrometrica,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  172  ; Engl.  Bot.  342. 

Bryum  hygrometricum,  Huds.  Angl.  488. 

Little  golden-locks.  Golden  maiden-hair. 

On  old  walls  and  barren  soils. 

Peduncle  twists  and  untwists  by  the  least  change  of  dry- 
ness or  moisture. 

2.  Funaria  Muhlenlergii.  Muhlenberg' s cord-moss. 

Stem  short;  leaves  concave,  ovate,  suddenly  tapering, 

serrated ; main  rib  not  reaching  the  point ; peduncles 

Funaria  Muhlenbergii,  Schiccegr.  Supp.  66;  Engl.  Bot.  1498. 

On  sub-alpine  limestone  rocks. 

3.  Funaria  calcar ea.  Limestone  cord-moss. 

Stem  long;  leaves  flat,  ovate,  lanceolate,  gradually  ta- 
pering, serrated,  main  rib  disappearing ; peduncles  straight. 

Funaria  calcarea,  Wahlenb.  in  Act.  Holm.  1806. 

Funaria  Muhlenbergii,  Mohr.  Crypt.  Germ.  380. 

Funaria  Hibernica,  Hooker  in  FI.  Lond.  ed . 2. 

On  thatched  roofs. 

XXIII.  365.  ZYGODON.  Hooker.  Paired-teeth. 

Capsule  valveless,  peduncled;  peduncle  terminal;  peri- 
stome double;  outer  of  16  teeth,  in  pairs;  inner  of  16  cilise 
lying  horizontally  over  the  mouth ; calyptra  halved,  smooth. 

Zygodon  conoideum . Conical  paired-teeth. 

Bryum  conoideum,  Dickson  Crypt.  4, 9. 

Mnium  conoideum,  Engl.  Bot.  1239. 

Gymnocephalus  conoides,  Schuxegr.  Supp.  2,  87. 

On  trunks  of  trees. 


Pl.cell.fol.  366.  Orthotrichum.  14.  MUSCI. 

XXIV.  366.  ORTHOTRICHUM.  Hedw.  Bristle-moss. 

Capsule  valveless,  peduncled;  peduncles  terminal;  peri- 
stome double;  outer  of  16  teeth,  in  pairs;  inner  of  16  or 
8 cilise  lying  horizontally  over  the  mouth,  sometimes  0 ; 
calyptra  mitreshape,  furrowed,  hairy. 

a.  Peristome  without  cilice. 

1.  Orthotrichuir  anomalum . Odd  hristle-moss. 

Leaves  lanceolate,  upright,  rather  spreading ; peduncles 

longer  than  the  leaves;  peristome  of  8 double  teeth;  ca- 
lyptra slightly  hairy. 

Polytrichum  capsulis  subrotunriis,  pediculis  brevissimis  insidentibus, 
calyptra,  striata,  arboreum  et  terrestre,  minus  ramosum  et  breve,  Raii  Syn. 


Bryum  striatum  /3,  Lin.  S.  P.  1580. 

Orthotrichum  anomalum,  Hedw.  S.Musc.  162  j Dickson  Crypt.  4,6. 
Bryum  tectorum,  Wither.  Arr.  810. 

Polytrichum  striatum  /8,  Hudson  Ang.  471. 

Polytrichum  tectorum,  Hull  Br.  FI.  248. 

Weissia  anomala,  Sihthorp  Ox.  287. 

On  rocks  and  walls. 

2.  Orthotrichum  cupulatum.  Cupped  hristle-moss. 

Leaves  lanceolate,  upright,  slightly  spreading;  capsule 

nearly  sessile ; peristome  of  16  double  teeth  ; calyptra 
slightly  hairy. 

Orthotrichum  cupulatum,  Hoffm.  Germ.  2,20. 

Orthotrichum  nudum,  Dickson  Crypt.  4,  6;  Engl.  Bot.  1325. 

Bryum  sessile,  Withering  Arr.  310. 

Orthotrichum  anomalum,  Engl. Bot.  1423. 

On  woods  and  stones. 

b.  Peristome  with  8 cilice. 

3.  Orthotrichum  crispum.  Crisp  hristlemoss. 

Leaves  lanceolate,  awlshape,  much  crisped  when  dry; 

peduncles  very  long ; capsule  streaked ; peristome  with  eight 
cilise ; calyptra  very  hairy. 

Polytrichum  capsulis  oblongo-rotundis,  calyptris  pilosissimis,  Raii  Syn. 


Bryum  striatum  S,  Lin.  S.  P.  1580. 

Orthotrichum  crispum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  162  j Engl.  Bot.  996. 

Bryum  crispum,  Withering  Arr.  827. 

Polytrichum  striatum  S,  Hudson  Ang.  471. 

Polytrichum  capillaceum,  Hull  FI.  Br.  249. 

Neckera  ulophylla,  Mohr. 

On  trees  and  stones. 

Teeth  apparently  8,  but  marked  down  the  middle  with  a 
dark  line;  cilice  threadlike,  jointed. 


366.  Orthotrichum.  14.  MUSCI.  PL  cell.  foL 

4.  Orthotrichum  Hutchinsice . Hutchins ’ hristle-moss. 

Leaves  lanceolate,  upright,  nearly  straight  when  dry ; 

peduncles  very  long ; capsule  streaked ; peristome  with  eight 
ciliae ; calyptra  very  hairy. 

Orthotrichum  Hutchinshe,  Engl.  Bot.  2523. 

On  rocks. 

Teeth  eight,  when  turned  over  cleft  deeply  and  regularly 
down  the  middle. 

5.  Orthotrichum  affine . Kindred  hristle-moss. 

Leaves  spreading,  broadly  lanceolate;  capsules  sessile; 

peristome  with  8 ciliae ; calyplra  rather  hairy. 

Polytrichum  capsulis  sessilibus,  foliis  brevibus,  rectis,  carinatis,  Villen 
Muse.  432. 

Orthotrichum  affine,  Schrad.  Germ.  67 ; Engl.  Bot . 1323. 

Orthotrichum  striatum,  Schwcegr.  Supp.  49. 

Orthotrichum  rupestre,  Schweegr.  Supp.  53. 

Weissia  affinis,  Roth  Germ.  3,  217. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees,  and  palings. 

Stem  long;  calyptra  hairy,  especially  at  top ; peristome 
of  8 teeth  marked  with  3 lines  lengthways,  but  not  split 
even  when  turned  over. 

J3.  pumilum.  Stem  very  short ; calyptra  bald. 

Orthotrichum  pumilum,  Swartz  M.  Suec.  42;  Dickson  Crypt.  4,5;  Engl. 
Bot.  2168. 

c.  Peristome  vAth  16  cilice. 

6.  Orthotrichum  diaphanum.  Transparent  hristle-moss. 

Stem  short ; leaves  lanceolate,  pointed ; points  trans- 
parent; capsules  sessile;  peristome  with  16  ciliae;  calyptra 
rather  hairy. 

Orthotrichum  diaphanum,  Schrad.  Germ.  69;  Dickson  Crypt.  4,5 ; Engl. 
Bot.  1324. 

Orthotrichum  aristatum,  Turner  M.  Hib.  100. 

On  walls,  roofs,  pales,  and  trees. 

7.  Orthotrichum  pulchellum.  Pretty  hrittle-moss. 

Stem  short;  leaves  spreading,  narrow,  lanceolate,  crisped 

when  dry;  peduncles  long;  peristome  with  16  slender  ciliae; 
calyptra  rather  hairy. 

Orthotrichum  pulchellum,  Engl.  Bot.  1787. 

On  trees. 

Teeth  red. 


PL  cell.foL  14.  MUSCI.  366.  Orthotrichum. 

8.  Orthotrichum  rivulare.  River  Iristle-moss. 

Stems  long,  much  branched;  leaves  broad,  lanceolate, 

blunt;  capsules  sessile;  peristome  with  16  slender  cilise ; 
calyptra  smooth. 

Orthotrichum  rivulare,  Turner  M.  Hib . 06  ; Engl.  Bot.  2188. 

On  rocks  and  in  streams. 

9.  Orthotrichum  striatum.  Streaked  Iristle-moss, 

Stem  long,  branched ; leaves  lanceolate,  spreading, 

slightly  twisted  when  dry ; capsule  sessile,  ovate,  smooth; 
peristome  with  16  irregular  strung-bead-like  cilise;  calyptra 
rather  hairy. 

Polytrichum  cnpsulis  subrotundis,  pediculis  brevissimis  insidentibus, 
calyptra  striata,  arboreum  ramosum  majus,  Raii  Syn.  91,  4. 

Bryum  striatum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1579. 

Polytrichum  striatum,  Huds.  Angl.  471. 

Weissia  striata,  Sibthorp  Ox.  287. 

Orthotrichum  striatum,  Hertw.  S.  Muse.  163  ; Engl.  Bot.  2187. 

On  trees. 

Cilice  have  frequently  other  joints  attached  to  the  side  of 
the  real  ones. 

10.  Orthotrichum  Lyellii.  LyelVs  Iris  tie-moss. 

Stem  long,  much  branched ; leaves  long,  linear,  lanceo- 
late, bent  back,  open,  much  crisped  when  dry;  capsule 
oblong,  streaked ; cilice  16,  rather  broad,  distinctly  jointed ; 
calyptra  very  hairy. 

Orthotrichum  Lyellii,  Hooker  fy  Taylor  Muse.  76. 

On  trees. 

XXV.  367.  NECKERA.  Hedwig.  Necker. 

Capside  valveless,  peduncled ; peduncles  lateral ; peristome 
double;  outer  of  16  teeth;  inner  of  16  cilise,  connected  at 
the  very  base  only  by  a short  membrane;  calyptra  halved. 
-—Leaves  2-rowed. 

1.  Necker  a pumila.  Dwarf  Necker. 

Leaves  ovate,  pointed,  slightly  concave,  edges  turned 
over ; peduncles  scarcely  longer  than  the  perichetial  leaves ; 
capsule  oblong,  ovate. 

Fontinalis  pennata,  Hudson  Angl.  468. 

Neckera  pumila,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  205  ; Engl.  Bot.  1443. 

Hypnum  pennatum,  Dickson  Crypt.  1,5. 

On  trees,  and  in  woods. 


36 7.  Neckera.  14.  MUSCI. 

PL  cell.foL 

2.  Neckera  crispa,  Crisp  necker. 

Leaves  oblong,  pointed,  wrinkled  across ; peduncles  very 
long;  capsule  ovate. 

Hypnum  repens  crispum,  ramulis  compreasis,  filicinorum  more  dispo- 
ses, Raii  Syn.  89,  47. 

Hypnum  crispum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1589;  Engl.  Bot.  617. 

Neckera  crispa,  Hedw.S.  Muse . 206. 

On  trees  and  chalk-hills. 

XXVI.  368.  ANOMODON.  Hooker  & Taylor.  Odd-tooth. 

Capsules  valveless,  peduncled ; peduncles  lateral ; peri- 
stome double,  of  16  teeth,  and  16  cilise  placed  between  the 

1.  Anomodon  curtipendulum . Short-hanging  odd-tooth. 

Leaves  ovate,  pointed,  finely  serrated,  main  rib  disap- 
pearing below  the  point;  peduncle  twice  as  long  as  the 
perichetial  leaves ; capsule  ovate. 

Hypnum  arboreum  repens,  capitulis  reflexis,  brevibus,  pediculis  inci- 
dentsbus,  Raii  Syn.  89,49. 

Hypnum  curtipendulum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1594. 

Neckera  curtipendula,  Ilcdw.  S.  Muse.  209  ; Engl.  Bot.  1444. 

Anomodon  curtipendulum,  Hooker  fy  Taylor  Muse.  79. 

On  trees,  rocks,  and  the  ground ; perennial ; spring. 

2.  Anomodon  viticulosum.  Sprlggy  odd-tooth. 

Leaves  ovate,  lanceolate,  blunt,  not  cut ; main  rib  reach- 
ing the  tip ; peduncles  very  long ; capsule  cylindrical. 

Hypnum  repens  trichoides  arboreum  majus,  capitulis  et  surculis  erectis, 
minus  ramosis,  Raii  Syn.  85,  SO. 

Hypnum  viticulosum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1592;  Engl.  Bot.  265. 

Neckera  viticulosa,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  209. 

Anomodon  viticulosum,  Hooker  8$  Taylor  Muse.  79. 

On  trees  and  rocks,  rarely  on  the  ground. 

XXVII.  369.  DALTONIA.  Hooker  & Taylor.  Dalton. . 

Capsules  valveless,  peduncled ; peduncles  lateral ; peri- 
stome double,  consisting  of  16  teeth,  and  16  cilise  one  from 
the  side  of  each  tooth ; calyptra  mitreshape. 

1 . Daltonia  splachnoides . Splachnumlike  dalton . 

Leaves  oblong,  lanceolate;  peduncles  long;  calyptra 
fringed  at  bottom. 

Neckera  splachnoides,  Engl.  Bot,  2564,  not  of  Schwaegrichen. 

On  mountains,  by  the  sides  of  streams. 

14.  MUSCI.  369.  Dalton ia. 

PI.  cell.  fol. 


2.  Daltonia  heteromalla.  Odd-sided  dalton. 

Leaves  broad,  ovate,  pointed;  capsules  sessile,  sunk  in 
the  perichetium  ; calyptra  scarcely  cut. 

Sphagnum  cauliferum,  et  ramosum  minhs  hirsutum,  capitulis  crebris 
pilosis  per  ratnulorum  longiludinem  adnascentibus,  Raii  Syn.  105,  5. 
Sphagnum  arboreum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1750. 

Fontinalis  secunda,  Lin.  Fil.Meth.  Muse.  30. 

Neckera  heteromalla,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  202;  Engl.  Bot.  1180. 

Phascum  repens.  Withering  Arr.  785. 

On  the  trunks  of  trees. 

XXVIII.  370.  FONTINALIS.  Dillenius.  Spring-moss. 

Capsule  valveless,  peduncled ; peduncles  lateral ; peristome 
double;  the  outer  of  1 6 teeth ; the  inner  of  16  ciliae  con- 
nected by  cross  bars,  forming  a cone  of  network ; calyptra 

1.  Fontinalis  antipyretica.  Fireproof  spring-moss* 

Leaves  ribless,  usually  folded,  keeled. 

Fontinalis  major,  foliis  triangularibus  complicatis,  capitulis  in  folio- 
rum  alis  sessilibus,  Raii  Syn.  79,  1. 

Fontinalis  antipyretica,  Lin.  S.  P.  1571 ; Engl.  Bot.  859. 

W ater-moss. 

In  slow  rivers,  pools,  and  on  floating  wood. 

Used  in  Sweden  to  line  wooden  chimneys,  to  prevent  the 
wood  from  taking  fire,  because  very  difficult  to  burn. 

2.  Fontinalis  squamosa.  Scaly  spring-moss. 

Leaves  ribless,  flat,  or  very  slightly  concave. 

Fontinalis  squamosa  tenuis  sericea  atrovirens,  Dillen.  Muse.  258. 
Fontinalis  squamosa,  Lin.  S.  P.  1571  ; Engl.  Bot.  1861. 

In  swift  alpine  streams  and  waterfalls. 

3.  Fontinalis P capillacea.  Hairlike  spring-moss . 

Leaves  with  a main  rib,  slightly  concave. 

Fontinalis  capillacea,  calycibus  stili  instar  cuspidatis,  Dillen.  Muse.  260, 
Fontinalis  capillacea,  Dickson  Crypt,  2, 1 ; Engl.  Bot.  2432. 

In  alpine  rivulets. 

XXIX.  371.  BUXBAUMIA.  Linnaeus.  Buxlaum . 

Capsule  valveless,  oblique,  bunched;  peristome  double; 
the  outer  of  numerous,  threadlike,  jointless  ciliae ; the  inner 
membranaceous,  conical,  folded;  calyptra  mitreshape. 


372.  Bartramia.  14.  MUSCI. 

PI.  cell.foL 

Buxhaimia  curiosa.  Curious  buxbaum . 

Muscus  capillaceus  aphyilus,  capitulo  crasso  bivalvi,  Dillen  Muse.  477. 
Buxbaumia  aphylla,  Lin.  S.  P.  1570 ; Engl.  Bot.  1596. 

In  woods. 

Stem  0;  leaves  palmately  jagged;  perichetium  radical, 
bulblike ; peduncles  long,  red ; capsule  large,  ovate,  greenish. 

XXX.  372.  BARTRAMIA.  Hedwig.  Bartram . 

Capsules  valveless,  nearly  globular,  peduncled  ; peduncles 
terminal ; peristome  double ; the  outer  of  1 6 teeth ; the 
inner  membranaceous,  divided  into  16  segments,  each  of 
them  2-cut;  calyptra  halved. 

a.  Peduncles  long , straight. 

1.  Bartramia  pomiformis.  Appleshape  bartram . 

Leaves  spreading,  awlshape,  strongly  serrated ; main. 

rib  reaching  the  tip ; twisted  when  dry. 

Brvum  trichoides  virescens,  erectis  majusculis  capitulis  maliformibus. 
Ran  Syn.  97,  31. 

Bryuin  pomiforme,  Lin.  S.  P.  1580. 

Bartramia  pomiformis,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  164 ; Engl.  Bot.  998. 

Bartramia  crispa,  Swartz  M.  Suec.  73. 

Bryum  vulgaris,  Mong.  fy  Nestl.  137. 

On  heaths  and  dry  banks. 

Stem  short;  leaves  bent. 

{3.  major.  Stem  long,  branched  ; leaves  long,  crisped 
especially  when  dry. 

Bartramia  crispa,  Bridel  Muse.  2,  3 ; Engl.  Bot.  1526. 

Bartramia  pomiformis  elongata,  Turner  in  Ann.  Bot.  1, 1526,  $. 

2.  Bartramia  ithyphylla.  Stiff-leaved  bartram . 

Stem  short ; leaves  stiff,  upright,  rather  spreading,  awl- 
shape, bristlelike,  scarcely  cut,  main  rib  spreading  into  the 
substance  of  the  leaves  when  about  half-way  up,  straight 
when  dry ; peduncles  very  long. 

Bartramia  ithyphylla,  Bridel  Muse.  2, 1 ; Engl.  Bot.  1710. 

Bartramia  pomiformis,  Swartz  M.  Suec.  73. 

On  dry  mountain  banks. 

3.  Bartramia  gracilis.  Slender  bartram. 

Stem  long;  leaves  turned  over,  spreading,  lanceolate, 

grooved,  serrated;  peduncles  lateral  from  young  shoots. 

Bartramia  gracilis,  Florke  in  Schrad.  J ourn. ; Engl.  Bot.  1836. 

Bartramia  (Ederiana,  Swartz  in  Schrad,  Journ. 

Bartramia  (Ederi,  Schwcegr . Supp.  59. 

BartTamia  longiseta,  Brid.  Muse. 

Bartramia  grandiflora,  Schwagr.  Supp.  58. 

On  alpine  rocks. 

14.  MUSCI.  372.  Bartramia. 


Pl.  cell,  foil. 

4.  Bartramia  fontana.  Spring  hartram. 

Stems  eventopped ; leaves  dosed  tiledlike,  stiff,  upright, 

broad,  ovate  or  lanceolate,  pointed,  nearly  flat,  serrated ; 
peduncles  lateral  from  young  shoots. 

Bryum  quod  Muscus  palustris  adianto  aureo  aftinis,  scaprs  tenuibus, 
foliolis  brevibus,  editionis  prim®,  Rail  Syn.  98,28. 

Mnium  fontanum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1574. 

Bryum  fontanum,  Hudson  Angl.  475  j Engl.  But.  390. 

Bartramia  fontana,  Swartz  in  Schrader  Jour n. 

Grey  marsh-moss. 

Stems  6 inches  long;  leaves  ovate. 

/3.  Marchicum . Stem  an  inch  long ; leaves  lanceolate. 

Bartramia  Marchica,  Swartz  in  Schrad.  Jour. ; Engl.  Dot.  2074. 

Mrrium  Marchicum,  Hedw.  Crypt.  2,  39. 

Bartramia  fontana  pumila,  Turner  M.  Hib.  107. 

On  turf  bogs. 

b.  Peduncles  very  short,  Lent. 

5.  Bartramia  Halleri.  Haller  s bar  tram. 

Stem  very  long,  proliferous ; leaves  long,  awlshape,  bent 

variously,  serrated  above;  peduncles  lateral,  from  young 
shoots  very  short,  bowed. 

Bryum  laterale,  Hudson  Ang.  483. 

Mnhun  iaterale,  Hoffm . Germ.  2,  54. 

Bartramia  Halleriana,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  164  ; Engl.  Bot.  997. 

On  mountain  rocks,  near  streams. 

6.  Bartramia  arcuata . Bowed  hartram . 

Stems  very  long,  proliferous ; leaves  horizontal,  spread- 
ing, ovate,  lanceolate,  pointed,  serrated,  streaked ; peduncles 
very  short,  bowed,  become  lateral;  capsule  smooth. 

Hypnum  palustre  erectum,  coma  lutea,  basi  nigricante,  Dillen.  in  Raii 
Syn.  83,21. 

Bartramia  arcuata,  Engl.  Bot.  1237. 

Mnium  arcuatum,  Dickson  Crypt.  3,  2. 

Mnium  chrysocomum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  74. 

Hypnum  chrysocomum,  Dickson  Crypt.  2, 12. 

On  mountain  bogs  and  wet  rocks. 

XXXI.  373.  HOOKERIA.  Smith.  Hooker. 

Capsules  valveless,  peduncled ; peduncles  lateral ; peri- 
stome double;  the  outer  of  1 6 teeth ; the  inner  membra- 
naceous, divided  into  16  uncut  segments;  calyptra  mitre- 

1.  Hookeria  lucens.  Shining  hooker . 

Leaves  broad,  ovate,  uncut,  blunt,  ribless. 

7 52  373.  Hookeria.  14.  MUSCI.  PL  cell,  fob 

Hypnum  repens  filicifolium  ramosum,  foliolis  majoribus,  magisque 
crebris,  Dillen.  in  Raii  Syn.  88,  45. 

Hypnum  lucens,  Lin.  S.  P.  1589. 

Hookeria  lucens.  Smith  in  Lin.  Tr.  9,276. 

Leskea  lucens,  De  Candolle  FI.  Gall.  Syn. 

On  moist  banks  and  rocks. 

2.  Hookeria  Icetevirens.  Light- green  hooker . 

Leaves  ovate,  rather  pointed,  bordered,  very  obscurely 
serrated  at  the  tip,  main  ribs  2,  reaching  nearly  to  the  end. 

Hookeria  laete-virens,  Hooker  fy  Taylor  Muse.  89. 

On  bogs. 

XXXII.  374.  HYPNUM.  Dioscorides.  Feaiher-moss. 

Capsules  valveless,peduncled;  peduncles  lateral;  peristome 
double;  the  outer  of  16  teeth  ; the  inner  membranaceous, 
segments  16,  equal,  sometimes  with  threads  between  them; 
calyptra  halved. 

a.  Stem  with  the  leaves  flat ; capsules  upright . 

1.  Hymnum  trichomanoides.  Trichomanes  feather-moss. 

Leaves  broad,  scymetarshape,  serrated  at  the  point, 

main-ribbed  to  the  middle;  capsule  ovate,  upright;  lid 

Hypnum  erectum  filicifolium  ramosum,  pinnulis  obtusis,  Dillen.  in  Raii 
Syn.  87,40. 

Hypnum  Irichomanoides,  Schreb.  Lips.  88;  Engl.  Bot.  1493. 

Hypnum  complanatum  /3,  Huds.  Angl.  495. 

Leskea  trichomanoides,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  234. 

On  trunks  of  trees. 

2.  Hypnum  complanatum.  Flattened  feather-moss. 

Leaves  oblong,  pointed,  uncut,  ribless ; capsule  ovate, 

upright ; lid  beaked. 

Hypnum  repens  filicifolium  ramosum,  ramulis  appressis  et  raagis  com- 
planatis,  Raii  Syn.  87,  38. 

Hypnum  complanatum,  Lin.S.  P.  1588;  Engl.  Bot.  1492. 

Leskea  complanata,  Hedgw.  S.  Muse.  231. 

On  trees. 

b.  Stem  with  the  leaves  flat ; capsules  drooping , or  inclined. 

3.  Hypnum  riparium . Shore  feather-moss. 

Leaves  ovate,  lanceolate,  pointed,  uncut,  main-rib  nearly 

reaching  the  tip ; capsules  oblong,  drooping ; lid  conical. 

PL  cell,  f 61, 

14.  MUSCI.  374.  Hypnum, 


Hypnum  ramosum  fluitans  pennatum,  Rad  Syn.  81, 6. 

Hypnum  riparium,  Lin.  S.  P.  1595;  Engl.  Bot.  2060. 

On  river-banks,  and  inundated  places. 

4.  Hypnum  undulatum.  Wavy  feather-moss* 

Leaves  ovate,  pointed,  waved  across  ; ribs  2 at  the  bot- 
tom, faint;  capsule  oblong,  furrowed,  drooping;  lid  beaked* 

Hypnum  repens  erispum,  cauliculis  compressis,  lycopodii  in  inoren* 
per  terram  sparsis,  Raii  Syn.  88,  46. 

Hypnum  undulatum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1589;  Engl.  Bot.  1181. 

On  woods,  and  dry  heaths. 

Leaves  white,  membranaceous. 

5.  Hypnum  denticulatum . Fine-toothed  feather-moss * 

Leaves  ovate,  inclining  to  lanceolate,  pointed ; ribs  2 at 

the  bottom,  short ; capsule  oblong,  cylindrical,  inclined ; 
lid  conical. 

Hypnum  repens  filici folium  non  ramosum,  pedicuiis  et  capitulis  Ion- 
gioribus  ad  radicem  egredientibus ; foliolis  utrinque  duplicate,  Raii  Syn. 
88,  43. 

Hypnum  repens  filicifolium  ramosum,  pedicuiis  ct  capitulis  longioribus 
e foliorum  alis  egredientibus,  foliolis  utrinque  simplicibus,  Dillen.  in  Raii 
Syn.  88,  44. 

Hypnum  denticulatum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1588  ; Engl.  Bot.  1260. 

Hypnum  sylvaticum,  Lin.  Mant.  2,  310. 

In  woods. 

Leaves  ovate,  lanceolate,  distant,  quite  flat. 

#.  obtusfolium . Leaves  ovate,  blunt,  slightly  concave. 

Hypnum  denticulatum  obtusifolium,  Turner  M.  Hib.  146. 

Hypnum  obtusatum,  Wahlenb.  Lapp.  3T1. 

Hypnum  Donnianum,  Engl.  Bot.  1446. 

On  mountains. 

,e.  Stems  with  the  leaves  not  flat ; leaves  all  round  the  stem , 
uniform  in  their  direction , not  serrated , main  rib  reaching 
io  or  beyond  the  point . 

6.  Hypnum  medium . Middling  feather-moss. 

Leaves  ovate,  blunt,  concave,  uncut;  main  rib  reaching 

the  tip;  capsule  cylindrical,  nearly  upright;  lid  conical. 

Hypnum  trichoides,  capsulis  oblongis  in  setis  brevioribus,  Dillen.  Muse. 

Hypnum  heterophyllum  aquaticum,  polycephalum  repens,  Dillen.  Muse* 

Hypnum  medium,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,  12;  Engl.  Bot.  1274. 

Leskea  polycarpa,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  96. 

Hypnum  inundatum,  Dickson  Crypt.  4,  17  ; Engl.  Bot,  1922. 

On  trees  near  the  ground. 

VOL.  i,  3 c 

754  374.  Hypnum.  14.  MUSCI.  Pl.tell.fol. 

7.  Hypnum  tenellum . Tender  feather-moss . 

Leaves  in  bundles,  upright,  lanceolate,  awlshape,  uncut* 

main  rib  reaching  the  tip ; capsule  ovate,  drooping ; lid 

Hypnum  tenellum,  Dickson  Crypt.  4, 16  ; Engl.  Bot.  1859. 

On  limestone  rocks  and  old  walls. 

8.  Hypnum  serpens . Crawling  feather-moss. 

Leaves  ovate,  lanceolate,  rather  blunt,  spread  open,  un- 
cut, main  rib  reaching  to  the  point;  capsule  cylindrical, 
crooked,  drooping ; lid  conical. 

Hypnum  repens  trichoides  terrestre  minimum,  capitulis  majnsculis  ob- 
longis  erectis,  Raii  Syn . 85,27. 

Hypnum  serpens,  Lin.  S.  P.  1596  ; Engl.  Bot.  1037. 

Hypnum  tenue,  Schrader. 

Hypnum  contextum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse. 

Hypnum  spinulosum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  269. 

Hypnum  subtile,  Dickson  ; Engl.  Bot.  2496. 

On  moist  banks,  trees,  pales,  and  decayed  wood. 

d.  Stems  with  the  leaves  not  flat ; leaves  all  round  the  stem * 
uniform  in  their  direction , serrated  ; main  rib  reaching  to 
or  beyond  the  point. 

9.  Hypnum  populeum.  Poplar  feather-moss. 

Leaves  lanceolate,  pointed,  serrated,  edge  slightly  turned 

over ; main  rib  reaching  the  point ; capsule  ovate,  nearly 
upright ; peduncles  rough ; lid  conical. 

Hypnum  populeum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  70. 

Hypnum  implexum,  Swartz  Act.  Holm.  1793  ; Engl.  Bot.  1584. 

Hypnum  plumosum,  Swartz  M.  Suec.  66. 

On  trees  and  rocks. 

10.  Hypnum  reflexum.  Turned-over  feather-moss. 

Leaves  heartshape,  pointed,  serrated,  main  rib  reaching 

the  point,  edge  slightly  turned  over ; capsule  ovate,  droop- 
ing; peduncles  rough ; lid  conical. 

Hypnum  reflexum,  Web.  fy  Mohr  Crypt.  Germ.  306  & 476;  Hooker  Sf 
Taylor  Muse.  95. 

On  mountains. 

e.  Stem  with  the  leaves  not  flat ; leaves  all  round  the  stem , 
uniform  in  the  direction , ovate  or  elliptical , uncut ; main 
rib  shorter  than  the  leaf  or  0. 

11.  Hypnum  molle.  Soft  feather-moss . 

Leaves  loosely  tiledlike,  rounded,  ovate,  blunt,  concave, 

uncut,  faintly  2-ribbed  at  bottom,  or  with  one  short  rib ; 
capsule  ovate,  drooping ; lid  conical. 


Pl.  cell. foL  14.  MUSCI.  374.  Hypnum. 

Hypnum  molle,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,  11  ; Engl.  Bot.  1992. 

Hypnum  alpestre,  Swartz  M.  Suec.  63. 

In  alpine  rivulets. 

12.  Hypnum  Schreberi . Schreber’s  feather-moss . 

Leaves  closely  tiledlike,  nearly  upright,  elliptical,  point- 
ed, concave,  uncut,  faintly  2-ribbed  at  bottom ; capsule 
ovate,  drooping ; lid  conical. 

Hypnum  longum  erectum,  foliis  angustis  caulibus  appressus,  Rail  Syn. 
S3, 20. 

Hypnum  Schreberi,  Willd.  Berl.  325;  Engl.  Bot.  1621. 

Hypnum  purum,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  31 1. 

Hypnum  compressum,  Schreb.  Lips.  96. 

Hypnum  muticum,  Swartz  M.  Suec . 60. 

On  banks  in  woods. 

13.  Hypnum  moniliforme . Bead-necklace  feather-moss. 

Leaves  closely  tiledlike,  rounded,  ovate,  blunt,  very  con- 
cave, bellied,  ribless ; capsule  ovate,  nearly  upright. 

Hypnum  moniliforme,  IVahlen.  Lapp.  376. 

Leskea  julacea,  Mohr.  ' 

Hypnum  julaceum,  Schweegr.  Supp.  89. 

Plerogonium  ? rotundifolium,  Engl.  Bot.  2525. 

On  the  ground,  among  other  mosses. 

14.  Hypnum  catenulatum . Chained  feather-moss . 

Leaves  rather  spreading,  ovate,  slightly  pointed,  nipply 

on  the  back  and  edge,  rib  very  short ; capsule  ovate,  in- 
clined ; lid  conical,  pointed. 

Hypnum  catenulatum,  Schweegr.  Supp.  218. 

Pterigynandrum  catenulatum,  Bridel  Muse.  64. 

Grimmia  catenulata,  Mohr. 

On  wet  rocks. 

15.  Hypnum  stramineum.  Straw  feather-moss. 

Leaves  loosely  tiledlike,  upright,  spreading,  oblongs 

ovate,  blunt,  uncut,  rib  reaching  halfway ; capsule  oblong, 
ovate,  curved,  drooping ; lid  conical. 

Hypnum  stramineum,  Dickson  Crypt.  1,6;  Engl.  Bot.  2405. 

On  bogs  and  banks  among  other  mosses. 

16.  Hypnum  murale.  Wall  feather-moss. 

Leaves  nearly  upright,  tiledlike,  oval,  concave,  uncut, 

point  very  short,  main  rib  reaching  halfway ; capsule  ovate, 
drooping ; lid  beaked. 

3 c 2 

756  374-.  Hypnum.  14.  MUSCI.  PL  cell,  fo 

Hypnum  myosuroides  brevius  et  crassus,  capsulis  cernuis,  Dillen.  Muse . 

Hypnum  muralc,  Necker  Gallobelg.  479;  Dickson  Crypt . 3, 10. 

Hypnum  confertum,  Engl,  Dot.  1038. 

Hypnum  abbreviatum,  Iledw.  S.  Muse.  65. 

On  walls  and  stones. 

17.  Hypnum  purum.  Pure  feather-moss . 

Leaves  closely  tiledlike,  oval,  very  concave,  point  very 

short,  main  rib  reaching  halfway;  capsule  ovate,  drooping; 
lid  conical. 

Hypnum  terrestre  erectum,  ramulis  teretibus,  foliis  inter  rotunda  et 
acuta  medio  modo  se  habentibus,  llaii  Syn.  81,7. 

Hypnum  purum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1594;  Engl.  Dot.  1599. 

Hypnum  elegans,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  24 2. 

Hypnum  illecebrum,  Smith  FI.  Brit.  1314;  Engl.  Bot.  2189,  not  of 

In  fields  and  moist  woods. 

f.  Stem  with  the  leaves  not  flat ; leaves  on  all  sides , uniform 
in  their  direction , lanceolate  or  awlshape , uncut , without 
streaks  ; main  rib  shorter  than  the  leaf  or  0. 

18.  Hypnum fluitans.  Floating  feather-moss. 

Leaves  loosely  tiledlike,  lanceolate,  awlshape,  scarcely 

serrated  at  the  tip,  main  rib  reaching  more  than  halfway; 
the  upper  leaves  sickleshape,  one-rowed ; capsule  ovate, 
oblong,  bent,  drooping;  lid  conical. 

Hypnum  erectum  aut  fluitans  aquaticum,  foliis  oblongis  perangustis 
acutis,  Raii  Syn.  82. 

Hypnum  fluitans,  Lin.  FI.  Suec.  ed.  2,399 ; Engl.  Bot.  1448. 

In  water,  and  inundated  places. 

19.  Hypnum  plumosum.  Plumose  feather-moss , 

Leaves  upright,  spreading,  ovate,  lanceolate,  pointed, 

slightly  serrated,  main  rib  reaching  above  halfway;  the 
upper  leaves  sometimes  one-row7ed ; capsule  ovate,  droop- 
ing; lid  conical. 

Hypnum  plumosum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1592  ; Engl.  Bot.  2071  ; not  of  Hedwig. 
Hypnum  pseudoplumosum,  B ridel  Muse. 

Hypnum  alpinum,  Turner  M.  Tlib.  192  ; Engl . Bot.  1496. 

Hypnum  flagellare,  Hedw.  S.  M.  282. 

On  rocks. 

20.  Hypnum  pulchellum.  Pretty  feather-moss. 

Leaves  loosely  tiledlike,  lanceolate,  pointed,  uncut,  rib- 
less ; upper  leaves  slightly  one-rowed ; capsule  ovate,  cy- 
lindrical, nearly  upright;  lid  conical. 


PI.  cell,  f ol,  14.  MUSCI.  374.  Hypnum. 

Hypnum  pulcliellum,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,  13,  fig.  bad,  having  a ribbed 
leaf;  Engl.  But.  2006;  not  of  Hedwig. 

Hypnum  nitidulum,  Wahlenb.  Lapp. 

Leskea  pulchella,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  220. 

On  rocks  and  in  woods. 

g.  Stem  with  the  leaves  not  flat ; leaves  on  all  sides , uniform 
in  their  direction , lanceolate  or  awlshape,  streaked ; main 
rib  shorter  than  the  leaf  or  0. 

21.  Hypnum  rufescens.  Reddish  feather-moss. 

Leaves  upright,  spreading,  lanceolate,  pointed,  uncut, 

streaked,  faintly  2-ribbed  at  the  bottom ; capsule  ovate* 
nearly  upright ; lid  conical. 

Hypnum  rufescens,  Dickson  Crypt.  3,  9 ; Engl.  Bot.  2296. 

Leskea  rufescens,  Sc/iwcegr.  Supp.  88. 

On  alpine  rocks. 

22.  Hypnum  sericeum.  Silky  feather-moss. 

Leaves  upright,  spreading,  lanceolate,  pointed,  uncut, 

streaked,  main  rib  reaching  to  three  quarters  of  the  length ; 
capsule  ovate,  cylindrical,  upright;  lid  conical. 

Hypnum  repens  trichoides  terrestre  luteo-virens  vulgare  tnajus,  capi- 
tulis  erectis,  Raii  Syn.  84,23. 

Hypnum  sericeum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1595;  Engl.  Bot.  1445. 

Leskea  sericea,  Hedw.  S.  Muse . 223. 

On  rocks,  walls,  and  trees. 

23.  Hypnum  lutescens.  Yellowish  feather-moss. 

Leaves  upright,  spreading,  lanceolate,  pointed,  uncut, 

streaked,  main  rib  not  reaching  the  tip ; capsule  ovate, 
drooping;  peduncles  rough ; lid  conical,  pointed. 

Hypnum  lutescens,  Hudson  Angl.  ed.  1, 421  ; Engl.  Bot.  1301. 

Hypnum  sericeum  y,  Hudson  Angl.  506. 

On  banks  and  trees. 

24.  Hypnum  miens . Shining  feather-moss. 

Leaves  upright,  spreading,  narrow,  lanceolate,  pointed, 

scarcely  cut,  streaked,  main  rib  nearly  reaching  the  tip ; 
capsule  oblong,  ovate,  bent;  peduncles  smooth;  lid  conical. 

Hypnum  palustre  erectum  trichoides,  ramulis  crebris,  luteo  et  rufo- 
virentibus,  glabris,  Dillen.  Muse.  303. 

Hypnum  nitens,  Schreb.  Lips.  92  ; Engl.  Bot.  1646. 

On  bogs  and  marshes. 


374.  Hypnum.  14.  MUSCI.  Pl.cell.foL 

25.  Hypnum  albicans.  Whitish  feather-moss. 

Leaves  upright,  spreading,  ovate,  lanceolate,  pointed, 

streaked,  uncut;  main  rib  reaching  halfway;  capsules  ovate, 
drooping ; peduncles  smooth ; lid  conical. 

Hypnum  terrestre  e rectum  humilius  albicans,  ramulis  teretibus,  Dillen 
in  Rail  Syn.  S3,  19. 

Hypnum  albicans,  Necher  Muse.  180 ; Engl.  Bot.  1300. 

On  sandy  open  places. 

h.  Stein  with  the  leaves  not  flat , lower  part  bare  ; leaves  on 
all  sides , uniform  in  their  direction , serrated;  main  rib 
shorter  than  the  leaf  or  0. 

26.  Hypnum  alopecurum.  Foxtail  feather-grass . 

Stem  upright ; below  simple,  naked ; above  branched, 

branches  in  bundles  ; leaves  concave,  ovate,  elliptical,  point- 
ed, serrated,  main  rib  nearly  reaching  the  tip,  edge  turned 
over;  capsule  ovate,  drooping;  lid  beaked. 

Hypnum  palustre  erectum,  arbusculam  referens,  ramulis  subrotundis, 
Raii  Syn.  81,8. 

Hypnum  alopecurum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1594;  Engl.  Bot.  1182. 

On  shady  banks,  in  woods. 

27.  Hypnum  dendroides.  Treelike  feather-grass. 

Stem  upright;  below  simple,  naked;  above  branched, 

branches  in  bundles ; leaves  ovate,  lanceolate,  streaked, 
serrated  at  the  tip,  main  rib  nearly  reaching  the  tip ; capsule 
upright,  ovate,  cylindrical;  lid  beaked. 

Hypnum  erectum,  arbusculam  referens,  ramulis  subrotundis  confertim 
nascentibus,  Raii  Syn.  81, 9. 

Hypnum  dendroides,  Lin.  S.  P.  1593;  Engl.  Bot.  1565. 

Leskea  dendroides,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  228. 

Neck  era  dendroides,  Swartz  M.  Suec.  71. 

Climacium  dendroides,  Mohr.  Germ. 

In  woods  and  moist  pastures. 

Columella  in  dry  weather  raises  the  lid  spirally,  and  al- 
lows the  escape  of  the  seeds,  moisture  contracts  the  colu- 
mella in  the  same  spiral  manner,  and  again  closes  the  cap- 
sule : inner  peristome  segments  cleft  at  the  base. 

i.  Stem  with  the  leaves  not  flat , leafy  below  ; leaves  on  all 
sides , uniform  in  their  direction,  serrated , main  rib  shorter 
than  the  leaf  or  0;  capsules  upright. 

28.  Hypnum  curvatum.  Bent  feather-moss. 

Branches  in  bundles,  bent;  leaves  ovate,  elliptical,  con- 
cave, serrated  at  the  tip;  main  rib  disappearing  beyond ,the 
middle;  capsule  ovate,  upright;  lid  beaked. 

14.  MUSCI.  374.  Hypnum. 


PL  cell.fol . 

Hypnum  repens,  triangularibus  angustis  foliis,  ramulis  subrotundis, 
Dillen.  in  Raii  Syn.  83,  16. 

Hypnum  curvatum,  Swartz  M.  Suec.  64;  Engl.  Bot.  1566. 

Hypnum  myosuroides,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  266,  not  of  Linnaeus. 

Hypnum  myosuron,  Withering  Arr.  865. 

On  rocks  and  trees. 

29.  Hypnum  myosuroides.  Mouse  tail  feather-moss. 

Branches  in  bundles,  bent;  leaves  lanceolate,  pointed, 

serrated,  edges  turned  over  at  bottom ; main  rib  reaching 
to  the  middle ; capsule  ovate,  cylindrical,  upright ; lid 

Hypnum  polyanthon,  triangularibus  angustis  foliis,  Dillen.  in  Raii  Syn . 
83, 17. 

Hypnum  myosuroides, Lin.  S.  P.  1596;  Engl.  Bot.  1567,  not  of  Hedwig. 
Hypnum  myosurum,  Schrad.  Krypt.  17. 

On  limestone-rocks,  and  trees. 

k.  Stem  with  the  leaves  not  flat , leafy  below , 2 or  3- pinnate ; 
leaves  on  all  sides , uniform  in  their  direction , serrated ; 
main  rib  shorter  than  the  leaf  or  0;  capsules  drooping. 

30.  Hypnum  splendens.  Splendid  feather-moss. 

Stems  tripinnate;  leaves  ovate,  concave;  point  suddenly 

acuminated,  serrated;  main  ribs  2,  faint,  at  the  bottom; 
edge  turned  over  at  the  base;  capsule  ovate,  drooping;  lid 

Hypnum  repens  filicinum,  veluti  spicatum,  Raii  Syn.  86,35. 

]W uscus  filicinus,  Ger.  em.  1372;  Park.  1309. 

Hypnum  splendens,  Hedw.  S.  M.  262;  Engl.  Bot.  1424. 

Hypnum  parietinum,  Hudson  Angl.  499. 

Hypnum  proliferum,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  95. 

In  dry  woods  and  heaths. 

31.  Hypnum  proliferum.  Proliferous  feather-moss. 

Stem  tripinnate ; leaves  serrated,  nipply  on  the  back ; 

stem-leaves  heartshape,  pointed,  streaked,  main  rib  running 
nearly  to  the  tip;  branch-leaves  more  ovate,  with  a single 
or  double  rib  at  the  bottom. 

Hypnum  repens  filicinum  minus,  luteo-virens,  Raii  Syn.  86,36. 
Hypnum  proliferum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1590;  Engl.  Bot.  1494. 

Hypnum  tamariscinum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  261. 

Hypnum  tamariscifoliuro,  Necker  Muse.  158. 

Hypnum  delicatum,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  301. 

Hypnum  delicatulum,  Schrader  Germ.  73. 

Hypnum  recognitum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  261. 

Hypnum  parietinum,  Willd.  Bcrol.  322. 

On  heathy  banks  and  in  woods. 


VI.  cell.fol . 

374-.  Hypnum.  14.  MUSCI. 

32.  Hypnum  prcelongum . Very-long  feather-moss.. 

Stem  nearly  bipinnate;  leaves  distant,  open,  heartshape 

or  ovate,  pointed,  serrated;  main  rib  disappearing  below 
the  tip ; capsule  ovate,  drooping ; lid  beaked. 

Hypnum  repens  fllicimtm,  triangularibus  parvis  foliis,  praelonguin,, 
Raii  Syn.  80,  5. 

Hypnum  praelongum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1591  ; Engl.  Bot.  2035. 

Hypnum  Stokesii,  Turner  M.  Hib.  159. 

Hypnum  Swartzii,  Turner  M.  Hib.  151  ; Engl.  Bot.  2034. 

Hypnum  atrovirens,  Swartz  M.  Suec.  65. 

On  banks  and  decaying  trees. 

3.  Stem  with  the  leaves  not  flat , pinnate  or  irregularly  branch*- 
ed;  leaves  on  all  sides , uniform  in  their  direction,  serrated, 
main  rib  shorter  than  the  leaf  or  0;  capsules  drooping. 

33.  Hypnum  flagellare.  Whip  feather -moss. 

Stem  pinnate,  or  irregularly  bipinnate ; leaves  thickly 

set,  heartshape,  pointed,  serrated,  very  faintly  2-ribbed  at 
bottom  ; capsule  oblong,  drooping ; lid  conical. 

Hypnum  flagellare,  Dickson  Crypt.  2, 12. 

Hypnum  umbratum,  Engl.  Bot.  2565,  not  of  Hedwig. 

On  alpine  rocks. 

34.  Hypnum  abietinum.  Fir  feather-moss. 

Stem  pinnate  ; leaves  serrated,  nipply  on  the  back,  edge 

turned  over,  main  rib  nearly  to  the  tip ; stem-leaves  heart- 
shape,  sharp-pointed ; branch-leaves  heartshape,  pointed 
capsule  cylindrical,  inclined ; lid  conical. 

Hypnum  repens  filicinum  trichoides  montanum,  ramulis  teretibus  lute- 
scentibus  non  divisis,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  86,  34. 

Hypnum  abietinum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1591  ; Engl.  Bot.  2037. 

On  dry  chalk-hills. 

35.  Hypnum  Blandovii.  Blandof’s feather-moss. 

Stem  pinnate;  leaves  serrated,  smooth  on  the  back, 

edges  turned  over ; stem-leaves  heartshape,  pointed,  with  a 
short  main  rib ; branch-leaves  ovate,  sharp-pointed,  main 
rib  disappearing  beyond  the  middle;  capsule  cylindrical, 
inclined ; lid  conical. 

Hypnum  Blandovii,  IVeber  $$  Mohr  Germ.  332. 

On  rocks. 


Pl.cell.fol.  14.  MUSCI.  37^.  Hypnum. 

36.  Hypnum  piliferum.  Hairy  feather -moss* 

Stem  rather  pinnate;  leaves  ovate,  serrated;  tip  long, 

narrow;  main  rib  not  reaching  the  middle;  capsule  ovate,, 
drooping ; lid  beaked. 

Hypnum  piliferum,  Schrel/er  Lips . 91  ; Engl.  Bot.  1516. 

On  moist  shady  banks. 

37.  Hypnum  rutabuliforme.  Bake  shape  feather-moss - 

Stern  variously  branched;  leaves  open,  ovate,  pointed, 

serrated  at  the  tip,  streaked;  main  rib  reaching  halfway;: 
capsule  ovate,  drooping;  peduncle  rough;  lid  conical. 

Hypnum  repens  triangularibus  minoribus  foliis,  Rnii  Syn.  80. 

Muscus  terrestris  vulgaris,  Ger.  em.  1370. 

Hypnum  Rutabulum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1590. 

Hypnum  brevirostre,  Engl.  Bot.  1647,  not  of  Ehrhart. 

Hypnum  crenulatum,  Engl.  Bot.  1261. 


On  banks  and  trees. 

38.  Hypnum  velutinum.  Velvet  fecither-moss . 

Stem  variously  branched  ; leaves  upright,  spreading, 

ovate,  lanceolate,  pointed,  serrated,  streaked ; main  rib 
reaching  halfway;  capsule  ovate,  drooping;  peduncle  rough;. 
lid  conical. 

Hypnum  repens  trichoides  terrestre  viridius  minus,  capitulis  tumidiori- 
bus  cernuis,  Ruii  Syn.  84.24. 

Hypnum  velutinum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1595  ; Engl.  Bot.  1568. 

Hypnum  intricatum,  Schreber  Lips.  99;  Engl.  Bot.  2421. 

Hypnum  Teesdalii,  Dickson  Crypt.  4,  16. 

On  hedge-banks,  and  in  woods. 

39.  Hypn.  ruse  folium.  Butchers' -broomleaf feather-moss^ 
Stem  variously  branched ; leaves  loosely  tiledlike,  rather 

spreading,  broad,  ovate,  pointed,  serrated,  concave,  main 
rib  reaching  to  the  tip ; capsule  ovate,  drooping ; lid  beaked. 

Hypnum  repens,  triangularibus  minoribus  foliis,  pediculis  et  capitulis 
brevioribus  et  tumidioribus,  rnajus,  Dillen.  in  Raii  Syn.  SO,  3. 

Hypnum  ruscifolium,  Necker  Muse.  181  ; Engl.  Bot.  1275. 

Hypnum  rusciforme,  Necker  Gallob.  481. 

Hypnum  Rutabulum  5,  Hudson  Angl.  497. 

Hypnum  riparioides,  Hedtc.  S.  Muse.  242. 

Hypnum  prolixum,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,  13. 

Hypnum  Atlanticum,  Desfont.  FI.  At!. 

On  wood  and  stones  in  rivers  and  pools. 

40.  Hypnum  striatum.  Streaked  feather-moss . 

Stem  variously  branched;  leaves  open,  heartshape,  point- 
ed, serrated,  streaked  ; main  rib  reaching  beyond  the 

762  374.  Hypnum.  14.  MUSCI.  Pl.cell.fol. 

middle  ; capsule  oblong,  ovate,  drooping  ; peduncle  smooth  ; 
lid  beaked. 

Hypnum  repens  triangalaribus  minoribus  foliis,  pediculis  et  capitulis 
brevioribus  et  tumidioribus,  minus,  Raii  Syn.  80,4. 

Hypnum  striatum,  Sclireb.  Lips.  91  ; Engl.  Bot.  1648. 

Hypnum  longirostrum,  Ehrh.  Crypt.  75. 

Hypnum  Rutabulum  y,  Hudson  Angl.  497. 

Hypnum  Rutabulum  £,  Relhan  Cant.  433. 

In  woods. 

41.  Hypnum  confer  turn.  Crowded  feather-moss * 

Stem  variously  branched ; leaves  upright,  spreading, 

ovate,  pointed,  concave,  serrated,  main  rib  reaching  half- 
way ; capsule  ovate,  drooping ; peduncle  smooth ; lid  beaked. 
Hypnum  confertum,  Dickson  Crypt.  4,  17  ; Engl.  Bot.  2407. 

Hypnum  serrulatum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  60;  Engl.  Bot.  1262. 

On  banks,  trees,  and  old  rails. 

m.  Stem  with  the  leaves  not  flat ; leaves  on  all  sides,  very 
irregular  in  their  direction . 

42.  Hypnum  cuspidatum.  Dagger  feather-moss . 

Leaves  loosely  set,  ovate,  concave,  ribless,  uncut;  lower 

leaves  irregular ; top-leaves  closely  tiledlike  into  a sharp 
point ; capsule  oblong,  bent,  drooping ; lid  conical. 

Hypnum  repens  palustre,  foliis  triangularibus  per  caules  expansis,  ex- 
tremitatibus  convolutis  et  acuminatis,  Raii  Syn.  82, 14. 

Hypnum  cuspidatum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1595;  Engl.  Bot.  2407. 

On  bogs. 

43.  Hypnum  cor difolium.  Hear ishape-leaf feather-moss. 

Leaves  loosely  set,  irregular,  heartshape,  ovate,  blunt, 

concave,  uncut,  main  rib  running  to  very  near  the  tip ; 
capsule  oblong,  bent,  drooping ; lid  conical. 

Hypnum  cordifolium,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  254;  Engl.  Bot.  1447. 

Hypnum  cuspidatum  / 6,  Turner  M.  Hib.  177. 

On  bogs. 

44.  Hypnum  polymorphum.  Many  formed  feather-moss. 

Leaves  loosely  set,  irregular,  heartshape,  sharp-pointed, 

uncut,  main  rib  disappearing  halfway  up ; capsule  oblong, 
ovate,  bent,  drooping ; lid  conical. 

Hypnum  polymorphum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  66,  rib  omitted  in  fig. 

Hypnum  chrysophyllum,  Bridel  Muse.  2,  2. 

On  limestone  and  chalk. 


Pl.cell.fol.  14.  MUSCI.  374.  Hypnum. 

45.  Hypnum  stellatum.  Starry  feather-moss . 

Leaves  loosely  set,  irregular,  heartshape,  sharp-pointed, 

uncut,  ribless,*  capsule  oblong,  ovate,  bent,  drooping;  lid 

Hypnum  coma  lulescente,  extremitatibus  stellatis,  Dillen.  Muse.  302. 
Hypnum  stellatum,  Sckreb.  Lips.  92;  Engl.  Bot.  1302. 

Hypnum  protensum,  Bridel  Muse . 

In  marshes. 

/3.  minus.  Plant  smaller,  less  upright,  greener ; leaves 
more  turned  over. 

Hypnum  squarrulosum,  Bridel  Muse.  Engl.  Bot.  1709. 

On  rocks  and  stone  walls. 

46.  Hypnum  loreiforme . Thong  shape  feather-moss. 

Leaves  turned  over,  irregular,  lanceolate,  much  pointed, 

concave,  serrated,  streaked,  faintly  2-ribbed  at  bottom; 
capsule  globular,  ovate,  drooping;  lid  conical. 

Hypnum  repens,  surcuiis  tnagis  erectis,  foliis  reflexis  longioribus, 
cinctis,  operculo  capituli  magno,  Raii  Syn.  82, 12. 

Hypnum  Loreum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1593;  Engl.  Bot.  2072. 

On  heaths  among  bushes. 

47.  Hypnum  triquetrum.  Three-cornered  feather-moss . 

Leaves  irregular,  heartshape,  pointed,  serrated,  faintly 

streaked,  2-ribbed  at  bottom ; capsule  globular,  ovate ; lid 

Hypnum  repens,  triangularibus  major! bus  et  pallidioribus  foliis,  Raii 
Syn.  80. 

llypnum  triquetrum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1589  ; Engl.  Bot.  1622. 

In  woods. 

(3.  minus.  Plant  small. 

Hypnum  brevirostrum,  Ehrh.  Crypt,  not  of  Smith. 

48.  Hypnum  squarrosum.  Scurfy  feather-moss. 

Leaves  irregular,  wide,  heartshape,  very  much  pointed 

and  turned  over,  serrated,  faintly  2-ribbed  at  bottom ; capr- 
sale  ovate,  globular,  drooping ; lid  conical. 

Hypnum  repens,  triangularibus  reflexis  foliis,  majus,  Raii  Syn.  82,  10. 
Hypnum  repens,  triangularibus  reflexis,  foliis,  minus,  Dillen. in  Raii  Syn. 
82, 1 1 . 

Hypnum  squarrosum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1593;  Engl.  Bot.  1953. 

In  woods  and  on  heaths. 

764*  374?.  Hypnum.  14?.  MUSCI.  Pl.cell.foL 

n.  Stem  and  leaves  not  flat ; leaves  facing  one  waij^  1 -rilled* 

49.  Hypnum  fllicinum . Fern  feather-moss. 

Stem  rather  pinnate;  leaves , especially  the  upper,  sickle- 
like, facing  one  way,  broad,  ovate,  pointed,  serrated,  main- 
rib  reaching  to  the  tip;  capsule  oblong,  ovate,  bent,  droop- 
ing ; lid  conical. 

Hypnum  repens  filicinum  crispum,  Raii  Syn.  85,32. 

Hypnum  filicinum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1590;  Engl.  Bot.  1570. 

Hypnum  dubium,  Engl.  Bot.  2126. 

Hypnum  fallax,  Bridel  Muse.  3,  2;  Engl.  Bot. 

On  bogs  and  the  side  of  streams. 

50.  Hypnum  atrovirens.  Dark-green  feather-moss. 

Stem  variously  branched,  lying  down ; leaves  slightly 

facing  one  way,  broad,  ovate;  tip  narrow,  blunt;  main  rib 
running  nearly  to  the  tip ; capsule  ovate,  drooping ; lid 

Hypnum  atrovirens,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,  10;  Engl.  Bot.  2422. 

Hypnum  filameutosum,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,  11. 

Hypnum  attenuatum,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,  13;  Engl.  Bot.  2420. 

Leskea  incurvata,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  53. 

On  mountain  rocks  and  trees. 

51.  Hypnum  palustre.  Marsh  feather-moss. 

Leaves  facing  one  way,  ovate,  rather  pointed,  concave, 

uncut,  edges  turned  in  above ; main  rib  short,  often  forked, 
sometimes  faint ; capsule  oblong,  ovate,  drooping ; lid 

Hypnum  heterophyllum  aquaticum  polycephalum  repens,  Dillen.  Muse. 

Hypnum  palustre,  Lin.  S.  P.  1593 ; Engl.  Bot.  1665. 

Hypnum  Juridum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  291. 

Hypnum  fiuviatile,  1'urner  M.  Hib.  192;  Engl.  Bot.  1303,  not  of  Hed- 

Hypnum  ad natum,  Turner  M.  Hib.  165;  Engl.  Bot.  2406,  not  of  Hed- 

On  wet  rocks,  and  banks  of  rivers  and  of  pools. 

52.  Hypnum  aduncum.  Crooked  feather-moss. 

Leaves  sicklelike,  facing  one  way,  lanceolate,  awlshape, 

concave  or  almost  semicylindrical,  uncut;  main  rib  not 
reaching  the  tip;  capsule  oblong,  ovate,  bent,  drooping; 
lid  conical. 

Hypnum  palustre  erectum,  summitatibus  erectis,  Raii  Syn.  SO,  15. 
Hypnum  aduncum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1592. 

Hypnum  revolvens,  Swartz  Ml.  Suec.  58  ; Engl.  Bot.  2073. 

On  bogs. 

PL  cell.fol. 


14.  MUSCI.  374.  Hypnum. 

0.  rugosum.  Leaves  wide,  slightly  sickleshape,  wrinkled. 

Hypnum  lutescens  crispum,  lycopodii  facie,  Dillen.  Muse.  289. 

Hypnum  rugosum,  Lin.  Mant.  131  ; Engl.  Bot.  2250,  not  of  Hedwig. 
Hypnum  lycopodioides,  Schwcegr.  Supp.  2,300. 

53.  Hypnum  uncinalum . Hooked  feather-moss . 

Leaves  sickleshape,  facing  one  way,  lanceolate,  awlshape, 

serrated,  streaked,  main  rib  not  reaching  the  tip ; capsule 
cylindrical,  bent,  drooping;  lid  conical. 

Hypnum  uncinatum,  Iledw.  S.  Muse.  289  ; Engl.  Bot.  1600. 

On  moist  banks  and  walls,  in  hilly  countries. 

54.  Hypnum  rugulosum . S lightly- wrinkled  feather-moss. 
Leaves  facing  one  way,  ovate,  lanceolate,  serrated,  nearly 

flat,  crisped  across  when  dry;  edges  turned  over;  main 
rib  reaching  halfway. 

Hypnum  rugulosum,  Weber  fy  Mohr  Cr.  Germ.  366. 

Hypnum  rugosum,  Iledw.  S.  Muse.  293,  not  of  Linnaeus. 

On  heaths. 

55.  Hypnum  commutatum.  Changed  feather-moss . 

Stems  pinnate ; leaves  sicklelike,  facing  one  way,  heart- 

shape,  very  sharp-pointed,  serrated,  edges  turned  over; 
main  rib  not  reaching  the  tip ; capsule  oblong,  ovate, 
drooping;  lid  conical. 

Hypnum  repens  filicinum  crispum,  var.  B.  C.  D.  Dillen.  Muse.  283. 
Hypnum  commutatum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  284;  Engl.  Bot . 1569. 

On  wet  places,  especially  in  chalky  ground. 

o.  Stem  and  leaves  not  flat ; leaves  facing  one  way , ribs  2 
very  indistinct , or  0. 

56.  Hypnum  scorpioides.  Scorpion  feather-moss* 

Leaves  facing  one  way,  broad,  ovate,  bellied,  blunt,  un- 
cut, ribless ; capsules  oblong,  ovate,  bent,  drooping ; lid 

Hypnum  scorpioides,  Lin.  S.  P . 1592 ; Engl.  Bot.  1039. 

On  bogs. 

57.  Hypnum  Silesianum.  Silesia  feather-moss. 

Leaves  loosely  tiledlike,  facing  one  way,  narrow,  lanceo- 
late, pointed,  serrated,  ribless  or  very  slightly  2-ribbed ; 
capsule  cylindrical,  rather  drooping ; lid  conical,  blunt. 

Hypnum  Silesianum,  P.  da  Beauv * Prod.  70;  Engl.  Bot.  2016. 

Leskea  Seligeri,  Brid . Muse. 

On  mountains* 


37 4.  Hypnum.  14.  MUSCI. 

PZ.  cell.  fed. 

58.  Hypnum  cupressiforme.  Cypresslike  feat  her -moss. 

Leaves  closely  tiledlike,  sicklelike,  facing  one  way,  lan- 
ceolate, pointed,  uncut,  except  the  tip  which  is  serrated, 
very  faintly  2-ribbed  at  bottom  ; capsule  cylindrical,  slightly 
drooping ; lid  conical,  pointed. 

Hypnum  repens  crispum  cupressiforme,  Raii  Syn.  89,  48. 

Hypnum  myosuroides  sericeum  tenuius,  capsulis  erectis,  Dillen.  Muse. 

Hypnum  cupressiforme,  Lin.  S.  P.  1592  ; Engl.  Bot.  1860. 

Hypnum  nigro-viride,  Dickson  Crypt.  4, 18. 

On  banks,  and  trees,  also  on  walls. 

/3.  compressum.  Stem  slender,  compressed ; leaves  sickle- 
like, facing  one  way. 

Hypnum  filicinum  sericeum,  molle  et  pallidum,  mucronibus  aduncis, 
Dillen.  Muse.  286. 

Hypnum  compressum,  Lin.  Mant.  2, 310. 

In  shady  woods. 

y.  tenue . Stem  very  slender;  leaves  very  slightly  curved, 
narrow,  lanceolate,  uncut. 

Hypnum  repens  trichoides  terrestre  viridius  minus,  capitulis  cernuis 
minus  tumidis,  Raii  Syn.  84.  26. 

Hypnum  polyanthus,  Engl.  Bot.  1664,  not  of  Schreber. 

Hypnum  filiforme,  Hudson  Angl.  497. 

Hypnum  filifolium.  Withering  Arr.  862. 

Leskea  filiformis,  Sibthorp  Ox.  303. 

On  trees. 

59.  Hypnum  cristceforme . Crestlike  feather-moss. 

Stem  closely  comblike ; leaves  sicklelike,  facing  one  way, 

ovate,  lanceolate,  pointed,  finely  serrated,  streaked,  faintly 
2-ribbed  at  bottom  ; capsule  oblong,,  ovate,  bent,  drooping; 
lid  conical. 

Hypnum  Crista-castrensis,  Lin.  S.  P.  1591  ; Engl.  Bot.  2108,  not  of 

In  woods. 

60.  Hypnum  molluscum.  Softish  feather-moss , 

Stem  comblike ; leaves  sicklelike,  facing  one  way,  heart- 

shape,  sharp-pointed,  serrated,  not  streaked,  faintly  % ribbed 
at  bottom ; capsule  oblong,  ovate,  bent,  drooping ; lid 

Hypnum  quod  Muscus  filicifolius  luteus,  folio  crasso  et  undulato  D. 
Richardsoni,  Raii  Syn.  86,32. 

Hypnum  molluscum,  Hedw.  S.-  Muse.  289 ; Engl.  Bot.  1327. 

Hypnum  Crista-castrensis,  Hudson  Angl.  498,  not  of  Linnreus. 

On  dry  chalk-hills. 


Pl.cell.fol.  14.  MUSCI.  375.  Bryum. 

XXXIII.  375.  BRYUM.  Theophrastus.  Thread-moss . 

Capsule  valveless,  ped uncled ; peduncles  terminal;  peri- 
stome double ; the  outer  of  1 6 teeth ; the  inner  membra- 
naceous, segments  16,  equal,  sometimes  with  threads  be- 
tween them ; calyptra  halved. 

a.  Capsule  furrowed . 

1.  Bryum  androgynum.  Androgynous  thread-moss* 

Stem  nearly  simple ; leaves  lanceolate,  serrated,  edges 

turned  over ; capsule  nearly  upright,  cylindrical,  furrowed 
lid  conical. 

Mniutn  perangustis  et  brevibus  foliis,  Raii  Syn.  78, 1. 

Mniura  androgynum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1574 ; Engl.  Bot.  1238. 

Bryum  androgynum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  178. 

Gymnocephalus  androgynus,  Schwcegr,  Supp.  2,  87. 

Cluster-headed  golden  locks . 

On  banks,  in  woods. 

2.  Bryum  palustre.  Marsh  thread-moss.. 

Stem  much  branched;  leaves  lanceolate,  blunt,  uncut, 

edges  rolled  up ; capsule  ovate,  blunt,  furrowed ; lid  conical. 

Mnium  raajus,  ramis  longioribus  bifurcatis,  Raii  Syn.  78,  2. 

Mnium  palustre,  Lin.  S.  P.  1574. 

Bryum  palustre,  Roth  Germ.  3,233;  Engl.  Bot.  391. 

On  bogs. 

b.  Capsule  not  furrowed ; outer  teeth  of  the  peristome  shorter 
than  the  inner. 

3.  Bryum  trichodes . Hair-leaved  thread-moss . 

Stem  rather  branched ; leaves  linear,  blunt,  uncut,  net- 
worked ; capsule  reverse-ovate,  bent  back,  slightly  droop- 
ing; peduncles  very  short. 

Bryum  trichodes  aureum,  capsulis  incurvis  obtusis  in  setis  longis,  Dil- 
len . Muse.  389. 

Bryum  trichodes,  Lin.  S.  P.  1585  ; Eng.  Bot.  1517. 

Meesia  uliginosa,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  173. 

Mnium  uliginosum.  Withering  Arr.  800. 

Mnium  trichodes,  Hoffm.  Germ.  2,47. 

On  mountain  bogs. 

4.  Bryum  triquetrum.  Three-cornered  thread-moss. 

Stem  long,  branched;  leaves  lanceolate,  keeled,  pointed, 

serrated,  networked;  capsule  pearshape,  slightly  drooping; 
peduncles  very  long. 


PL  cell.foL 

375.  Bryum.  14.  MUSCI. 

Milium  triquetrum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1578. 

Meesia  longiseta,  Hedw.  Crypt.  1,  21. 

JDiplocomium  longisetum,  Weber  & Mohr  Cr.  Germ . 874. 

Bryum  triquetrum,  Turner  M.  Hib.  115}  Engl.  Bot.  2394. 

On  the  edges  of  lakes. 

5.  Bryum  dealbatum.  Whitened  thread-moss . 

Stem  short;  leaves  lanceolate,  pointed,  flat,  serrated  at 

the  tip,  networked ; capsules  pearshape,  nearly  upright. 
Bryum  dealbatum,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,8;  Engl.  Bot.  1571. 

Meesia  dealbatum,  Swartz  M.  Suec.  44. 

On  mountain-bogs. 

c.  Capsule  not  furrowed  ; outer  teeth  of  the  peristome  as  long 

as  the  inner ; leaves  awlshape. 

6.  Bryum  pyr  forme.  Pearshape  thread-moss . 

Stem  slightly  branched  ; leaves  awlshape,  bristlelike, 

bent,  serrated,  rib  very  broad ; capsule  pearshape,  hanging. 

Bryum  trichodes  aureum,  capsulis  pvriformibus  nutantibus,  Dillcn. 
Jf use.  39 1 . 

Mnium  pyriforme,  Lin.  S.  P.  1576. 

Bryum  aureum,  Schreb . Lips.  81  ; Engl.  Bot.  389. 

Bryum  mnioides,  Withering  Arr.  838. 

Bryum  pyriforme,  Swartz  M.  Suec.  45. 

Webera  pyriformis,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  169. 

On  sandstone-rocks,  and  the  mould  of  pots  in  green- 

d.  Capsule  not  furrowed;  outer  teeth  of  the  peristome  as 
long  as  the  inner ; leaves  not  awlshape , very  blunt9  edges 
not  thickened . 

7.  Bryum  julaceum.  Catkin  thread-moss . 

Stem  branched;  leaves  closely  tiledlike,  broad,  ovate, 

uncut,  blunt,  main  rib  nearly  reaching  the  tip ; capsule  re- 
verse ovate,  cylindrical,  hanging. 

Bryum  pendulum,  surculis  teretibus  viridibus,  Dillen . Muse.  394. 

Bryum  argenteum  jS,  Lin.  S.  P.  1586. 

Bryum  julaceum,  Schrad.  Germ.  70;  Engl.  Bot , 2270. 

Bryum  fili forme,  Dickson  Crypt.  4, 16. 

On  mountains. 

e.  Capsule  not  furrowed;  outer  teeth  of  the  peristome  as  long 
as  the  inner;  leaves  not  awlshape , pointed;  edges  not 

8.  Bryum  crudum.  Raw  thread-moss . 

Stem  simple ; leaves  stiff,  lanceolate,  flat?  finely  serrated. 


PL  cell,  f 61 . 14.  MUSCI.  37 5.  Bryum. 

main  rib  not  reaching  the  tip;  upper  leaves  narrowest, 
longest ; capsule  oblong,  pearshape,  drooping. 

Bryum  pendulum  hornum  molle,  foliis  et  lanceolatis  et  gramineis,  Dil - 
len . Muse.  401. 

Muium  crudum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1576. 

Bryum  crudum,  Hudson  Angl.  491  ; Engl.  Bot . 1604. 

On  mountain  banks,  and  in  the  crevices  of  rocks. 

9.  Bryum  cb'neum . Flesh  thread-moss . 

Stem,  simple ; leaves  lanceolate,  networked,  slightly  ser- 
rated at  the  tip ; main  rib  not  reaching  the  tip ; capsule 
reverse  ovate,  hanging. 

Bryum  nitidum,  foliis  serpylli  pellucidis  angustioribus,  reflexis  eapi- 
tulis  subrotundis,  carnei  coloris,  in  pediculis  brevioribus,  Dillen  in  RaiiSyn. 

Bryum  carneum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1587  ; Eng.  Bot.  360. 

Bryum  delicatulum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  179. 

Bryum  pulchellum,  Hedw . Crypt.  3,38. 

On  banks. 

10.  Bryum  argenteum.  Silvery  thread-moss . 

Stem  branched ; leaves  closely  tiledlike,  broad,  ovate, 

suddenly  pointed,  slightly  serrated,  very  concave,  main  rib 
not  reaching  the  point;  capsule  ovate,  pearshaped,  hanging. 

Bryum  capitulis  subrotundis  reflexis,  cauliculis  teretibus  argenteis, 
Maii  Syn.  100,  47. 

Bryum  argenteum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1586;  Engl.  Bot.  1602. 

On  open  ground,  rocks,  walls,  and  roofs. 

Leaves  green  at  bottom,  dry  and  white  at  the  tip. 

11.  Bryum  Zierii.  Zier's  thread-moss . 

Stem  branched;  leaves  closely  tiledlike,  broad,  ovate, 

rather  pointed,  very  concave,  networked,  main  rib  reaching 
nearly  to  the  point ; capsule  clublike,  drooping. 

Bryum  Zierii,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,  S ; Engl.  Bot.  1021. 

On  mountains. 

f.  Capsule  not  f urrowed ; outer  teeth  of  the  peristome  as  long 
as  the  inner ; leaves  not  awlshape , pointed , edges  not  thick- 
ened; main  rib  reaching  the  tip  or  beyond  it. 

12.  Bryum  roseum.  Rose  thread-moss. 

Leaves  reverse  ovate,  spatulashape,  pointed,  serrated, 

main  rib  reaching  the  point;  capsule  oblong,  ovate,  hanging. 
vol.  i.  3d 


375.  Bryum.  14.  MX] SCI. 

PL  cell.fol. 

Bryum  roseum  majus,  foliis  oblongis,  Raii  Syn.  92. 

Muscus  parvus  stellaris,  Ger.em.  1563  ; Park.  1308. 

Mnium  serpyllifolium  y,  Lin.  S.  P.  1578. 

Bryum  roseum,  Schreb.  Lips.  84. 

Bryum  serpyllifolium  8,  Hudson  Angl.  492. 

Bryum  proliferum,  Siblhorp  Ox.  292. 

Mnium  roseum,  Hedio.  S.  Muse.  194. 

Mnium  proliferum,  Withering  Arr.  806. 

On  banks  and  hilly  heaths. 

13.  Bryum  capillar e.  Hair-pointed  thread-moss . 

Stem  short;  leaves  reverse  ovate,  twisted  when  dry,  un- 
cut, main  rib  produced  into  a hairlike  point ; edges  slightly 
thickened ; capsule  oblong,  hanging. 

Bryum  capitulis  reflexis,  foliolis  latiusculis  congestis,  Raii  Syn.  100,45. 
Bryum  capillare,  Lin.  S.  P.  1586;  Engl.  Bot.  2007. 

Mnium  capillare;  Lin.  Fk  Suec.  385  ; Withering  Arr.  805. 

Bryum  stellare,  Engl.  Bot.  2434?  not  of  Hedwig. 

On  woods,  and  on  heaths  and  banks. 

14.  Bryum  ccespiticium . Tufted  thread-moss . 

Stem  short ; leaves  ovate,  pointed,  uncut  or  very  slightly 

serrated  at  the  point,  edges  slightly  turned  over ; main  rib 
reaching  to  or  beyond  the  point ; capsule  ovate,  pearshape, 

Bryum  trichoi/dps  capitulis-»  reflexis,  pediculis  ima  medietate  rubris, 
summ&  luter>jyi.rentibus*  Raii  Syn.  100,44. 

Bryum  eaespiiicium,  Lin.  S.  P.  1586;  Engl.  Bot.  1904. 

Bryum  "Wahlenbergii,  Schwcegr.  Supp.  70. 

Mnium  caespiticium,  Withering  Arr.  807. 

Mnium  la&ustre, ^Schv^cegr.  Supp.  77. 

Bryum  erythrocarpum,  Schwcegr.  Supp.  70. 

On  sandy  banks,  walls,  and  roofs. 

(3.  minor.  Plant  small. 

Bryum  bicolor,  Dickson  Crypt.  4,  16;  Engl.  Bot.  1601. 

15.  Bryum  turhinatum.  Topshape  thread-moss. 

Stem  short,  branched  with  young  shoots;  leaves  ovate, 

pointed,  scarcely  cut,  edges  slightly  turned  over ; main  rib 
reaching  beyond  the  tip ; capsule  long,  pearshape,  hanging. 

Bryum  nitidum  rubens,  capitulis  reflexis,  foliis  angustis  pellucidis,  eau- 
licelis  proliferis,  Dillen  in  Raii  Syn.  102,  55. 

Bryum  turbinatum,  Swartz  M.  Suec.  49;  Engl.  Bot.  1572. 

Mnium  turbinatum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  191. 

Pohlia  inclinata,  Schwcegr.  Supp.  63. 

Bryum  boreale,  Schwcegr.  Supp.  69. 

Bryum  pallens,  Schwcegr.. Supp.  72. 

Br)  um  Schleicheri,  Schwcegr.  Supp.  73. 

Bryum  longisetum,  Schwcegr.  Supp.  74. 

Webera  intermedia,  Schwcegr.  Supp.  75. 

Bryum  pallescens,  Schwcegr.  Supp.  75. 

Bryum  nigricans,  Engl.  Bot.  1528. 

Bryum  triquetrum  y,  Hudson  Angl.  491. 

Mnium  nutans,  Withering  Arr.  803. 

In  wet  sandy  places. 

PI.  celLfol.  14.  MUSCI.  375.  Bryum.  '*7 71 

16.  Bryum  nutans . Nodding  thread-moss * 

S/era  short ; Zeaz/es  upright,  lanceolate,  pointed,  serrated 

above,  main  rib  reaching  to  the  tip ; capsule  oblong,  pear- 
shape,  hanging. 

Bryum  trichodes  laete  virens  capitulis  cerauis  oblongis,  Raii  Syn.  100,43. 
Bryum  nutans,  Schreber  Lips.  81 ; Engl.  Bot.  1240. 

Webera  nutans,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  168. 

Bryum  compactum,  Dickson  Crypt.  4,  15;  Engl.  Bot.  1527. 

Bryum  serieeum,  Withering  Arr.  839. 

Mnium  nutans,  Hoffm.  Germ.  2,  49. 

On  mountain  heaths  and  walls. 

17.  Bryum  elongalum.  Long  thread-moss . 

Stem  short;  leaves  upright,  long,  lanceolate,  pointed, 

serrated,  main  rib  reaching  to  the  tip;  capsule  long,  club- 
like, inclined. 

Bryum  elongatum,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,  8 ; Engl,  Bot.  1603. 

Pohlia  elongata,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  171. 

Mnium  Pohlia,  Iloffm.  Germ.  2,48. 

Pohlia  minor,  Schweegr.  Supp.  64. 

Bryum  longicollum,  Swartz  M.  Suec.  6. 

Webera  longicolla,  Hedw.  S.  Muse. 

Bryum  cylindricumr  Dickson  Crypt.  4, 12. 

In  caves  and  clefts  of  rocks. 

18.  Bryum  alpinum . Alpine  thread-moss . 

Stems  stiff,  long,  branched;  leaves  closely  tiledlike,  up- 
right, lanceolate,  rather  blunt,  slightly  serrated  at  the  tip, 
edge  turned  over,  main  rib  reaching  to  the  tip;  capsule 
oblong,  ovate,  hanging. 

Brvum  hypnoides  pendulum  serieeum,  coma  insigni  atro-rubente,  Dil- 
len  Muse.  394. 

Bryum  alpinum,  Lin.  Mant.  2,  309  ; Engl.  Bot.  1623. 

On  rocks. 

19.  Bryum  ventricosum.  Bellied  thread-moss ^ 

Stems  long,  branched  with  young  shoots ; leaves  oblong, 

pointed,  very  slightly  serrated;  edges  turned  over;  main 
rib  reaching  beyond  the  tip ; capsule  oblong,  reverse  ovate, 

Bryum  nitidum,  foliis  serpylli  angustioribus,  majus,  Dillen  in  Bail  Syn. 

Bryum  nitidum,  foliis  serpylli  pellucidis  angustis,  capitulis  tumidis 
nutantibus,  praealtis  pediculis  e surculis  annotinis  egredientibus,  Dillen  in 
Raii  Syn.  102,  54. 

Bryum  ventricosum,  Dickson  Crypt.  1,4;  Engl.  Bot.  2270. 

Bryum  bimum,  Schreb.  Lips.  83;  Engl,  Bot.  1518. 

Bryum  cubitale,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,9. 

Mnium  pseudotriquetrum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  190. 

Bryum  triquetrum,  Hudson  Angl.  490. 

Bryum  pseudotriquetrum,  Roth  Germ.  3,243. 

Mnium  triquetrum,  Abbot  Bedf.  235. 

Mnium  bimum,  Hoffm.  Germ.  2,  48. 

In  marshes  and  wet  crevices  in  rocks. 

3 d 2 


375.  Bryum.  14?.  MUSCI.  PL  cell. fob 

g.  Capsule  not  furrowed;  outer  teeth  of  the  peristome  as  long 
as  the  inner;  leaves  not  awlshape , toothless , edges  thickened . 

20.  Bryum  punctatum . Dotted  thread-moss. 

Stem  long;  leaves  reverse  ovate,  rounded,  very  blunt, 

networked,  uncut,  edges  thickened ; main  rib  not  reaching 
the  tip ; capsule  ovate,  hanging ; lid  with  a short  beak. 

Bryum  nitidum,  serpylli  rotund  is  et  latioribus  foliis  pellucidis,  Raw 
Syn.  103,  59. 

Mnium  serpyllifolium  «,  Lin.  S.  P.  1577. 

Bryum  punctatum,  Roth  Germ.  3,245;  Engl.  Bot.  1183. 

Bryum  serpyllifolium,  Swartz  M.  Suec.  51. 

Mnium  punctatum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  193. 

In  marshy  places,  about  the  roots  of  alders  and  other 

Leaves  large. 

h.  Capsule  not  furrowed  ; outer  teeth  of  the  peristome  as  long 
as  the  inner ; leaves  not  awlshape , toothed , edges  thickened. 

21.  Bryum  ligulatum . Strap  thread-moss. 

Stem  long*;  leaves  wavy,  straplike,  networked ; edges 

thickened,  toothed  ; main  rib  reaching  a little  beyond  tne 
tip;  capsule  ovate,  hanging;  lid  conical. 

Bryum  nitidum,  foliis  oblongis  undatis,  capitulis  cernuis,  arbusculaaft 
referens,  Raii  Syn.  103,  60. 

Mnium  serpyllifolium  8,  Lin.  S . P.  1578. 

Bryum  ligulatum,  Schreber  Lips.  84  ; Engl.  Bot.  1449. 

Bryum  undulatum,  Sibthorp  Ox.  292. 

Mnium  undulatum,  Hedw.  S.  Muse.  195. 

On  moist  banks  and  in  woods. 

22.  Bryum  rostratum.  Beaked  thread-moss. 

Stem  long ; leaves  broad,  ovate,  networked ; edge  thick- 
ened, blunt,  toothed;  main  rib  reaching  a little  beyond  the 
point;  capsule  ovate,  hanging ; lid  beaked. 

Bryum  pendulum,  serpilli  folio  longiore  pellucido,  capsulis  oblongis 
Oispidatis,  Dillen.  Muse.  416. 

Bryum  rostratum,  Schrader  Germ.  72 ; Eng.  Bot.  1475. 

Mnium  rostratum,  Schiveegr.  Supp.  79. 

Bryum  serpyllifolium  /3,  Hudson  Angl.  492. 

Bryum  punctatum  2,  Hull.  FI.  266. 

Mnium  ellipticum,  Hoffm.  Germ.  2,  52. 

Mnium  punctatutu  2,  Withering  Arr.  806. 

On  mountain  bogs. 

23.  Bryum  marginatum.  Bordered  thread-moss * 

Stems  long;  leaves  ovate,  pointed,  networked;  edges 

thickened,  serrated;  main  rib  reaching  a little  beyond  tne 
tip ; capsule  ovate*  hanging ; lid  with  a short  beak. 

14.  MUSCI.  375.  Btyiira, 


Pl,  cell.fol. 

Bryum  marginatum,  Dickson  Crypt.  2,9;  Engl.  Dot.  1493. 
Mniuin  crudum,  Light f.  Scot.  712. 

Bryum  serratum,  Schrader  Germ. 

MnHim  serratum,  Schweegr.  Supp.  78. 

On  shaded  banks,  and  in  woods. 

24.  Bryum  hornum. 

Stem  long;  leaves  lanceolate,  pointed,  networked;  edges 
thickened,  toothed  ; main  rib  seldom  reaching  the  point ; 
capsule  oblong,  ovate,  hanging ; lid  hemispherical,  with  a 
short  point. 

Bryum  nitidum,  capitulis  majoribus  refiexis,  calyptrJt  imhm  vergente, 
pediculis  oblongis  e cauliculis  novis  egredientibus,  Raii  Syn.  102,51. 

Mnium  hornum,  Lin.  S.  P.  1576. 

Bryum  hornum,  Huds.  Angl.  491  ; Engl.  Bot.  2271. 

In  wet  woods. 

25.  Bryum  cuspidatum.  Pointed  thread-moss. 

Stems  long;  leaves  reverse  ovate,  pointed,  networked; 
edges  thickened,  toothed  at  top ; main  rib  reaching  beyond 
the  tip;  capsule  ovate,  hanging;  lid  conical,  hemispherical, 

Bryum  pendulum,  foliis  variis  pellucidis,  capsulis  ovatis,  Dillen.  Muse* 

Mnium  serpylli folium  /S,  Lin.  S.  P.  1577. 

Bryum  cuspidatum,  Schreber  Lips.  84;  Engl.  Bot.  1474. 

Mnium  cuspidatum,  Hedw.S.  Muse.  192. 

Bryum  serpyllifolium  y,  Hudson  Angl.  492. 

In  woods,  and  on  shady  walls. 


Page  340, 1. 6 from  bottom.  For  Frattinickia  read  Trat- 

P.  371,  1.  4 from  bottom.  For  gigartinus  pistillatus  read 
gigartina  pistillata. 

P.  372,  1.  10.  For  gigartinus  read  gigartina. 

P.  373.  The  varieties  of  gigartina  cornea,  /3,  y,  e,  vj, 
and  i , to  be  made  feminine  by  changing  the  final  us  into  a* 
as  filicinus  into  filicina,  &c. 

P.  394.  For  flagellaria  lubricalis  read  fureellaria  lubricalis* 

P.  412.  4.  Isidium  micro sticticum.  Small-footed  isis-lichen. 

Crust  cracked,  tartarlike,  rather  smooth,  nearly  even, 
brownish  cream-colour;  edges  thin;  podetia  scattered,  short, 
hemispherical,  not  branched,  same  colour  as  the  crust; 
apothecia  brownish. 

Lichen  microsticticus,  Engl.  But.  2243. 

On  rocks. 

P.  429,  1.  12  from  bottom.  For  lichenoides  lichen  facie 
read  lichenoides  lichenis  facie. 

P.  447.  4.#  Placodium  elegans.  Elegant  placodium . 

Crust  rather  tiledlike,  plaited,  wrinkled,  orange-yellow; 
surface  not  mealy;  lobes  linear,  jagged,  waved,  convex* 
rather  distant,  radiating;  apothecia  slightly  concave,  nearly 
the  same  colour  as  the  crust;  thalloid  border  slightly  waved, 
not  in  the  least  cut. 

Lecanora  elegans  a.  Achar.  Lich.  435. 

Parmelia  elegans,  Achar.  Meth.  195. 

Lichen  elegans,  Link  Ann . 1,  57;  Engl.  Bot.  2181. 

On  rocks,  especially  near  the  sea. 

P.  450.  spec.  7.  For  lecanora  sophodes  read  rinodina 
soph  odes. 

P.451.  8.#  Rinodina  subfusca.  Brownish  rinodine. 

Crust  cartilaginous,  smooth,  grows  granulated,  uneven, 
white  and  greyish;  apothecia  flat,  slightly  convex,  brownish 
and  black ; thalloid  border  swollen,  not  cut,  at  length  wavy, 
and  crenated. 



Lichen  subfuscus,  Lin.  S.  P . 1609. 

Verrucaria  subfusca,  Hoffm.  Germ.  ISO. 

Parmelia  subfusca,  Achar.  Meth.  167. 

Lecanora  subfusca,  Achar.  Lich.  393. 

On  the  bark  of  trees  and  old  timber  work. 

P.  460,  1.  13  from  bottom.  For  lichen  versicularis  read 
lichen  vesicularis. 

P.  476,  1.  14  from  bottom.  For  gyrophora,  Achar.  read 
gyrophora  glabra,  Achar. 

P.  556,  1.  11  from  bottom.  For  cladospermium  read 

P.  656,  line  the  first.  For  ramalaria  read  ramaria. 

P.  678,  line  the  last.  For  Herverus  read  Pallavicinius. 

P.  679,  1.  20.  For  Donnia  read  Bazzanius. 

P.  679,  1.  22.  For  Pallavicinius  read  Papa. 

P.  679,  1.  28.  For  Papa  read  Herverus. 

P.  684.  Change  the  name  of  the  genus  Herbertus  into 
Pallavicinius — in  English,  Pallavicini. 

P.  724,  1.  21.  For  viribus  read  viridibus. 

<(  The  fall  of  kings, 

The  rage  of  nations,  and  the  crush  of  states, 

Move  not  the  man,  who,  from  the  world  escaped, 

In  still  retreats,  and  flowery  solitudes, 

To  nature’s  voice  attends ; from  month  to  month. 

And  day  to  day,  through  the  revolving  year; 
Admiring  sees  her  in  her  every  shape.” 

Thomson. — Autumn . 



Abbot,  33. 
Abercrombie,  26. 
Acharius,  33 — 35. 
Actuaries,  10. 

Adanson,  22,  30. 
iEgineta,  10. 
jEtius,  10. 

Agardh,  35. 

Aiton,  32. 

Allen,  32. 

Alston,  29,  30. 
Andrews,  33. 

Apulejus,  8,  23. 
Aristotle,  6. 

Ayicena,  10. 

Barbier,  34. 

Batsch,  31. 

Bauhin,  Caspar,  17, 
24,  25. 

- — John,  25. 

Bergius,  31. 
Berkenhout,  30. 

Besler,  17,  24. 
Blackstone,  28,  29. 
Blackwell,  Eliz.  28. 
Blair,  27,  28. 

Bobart,  25. 

Bodard,  35. 

Boerhaave,  27,  28. 
Bolton,  31,  32. 
Bonpland,  35. 

Borlase,  29. 

Boutcher,  31. 

Bradley,  27,  28. 
Brewer,  27. 

Bridel,  33,  36. 

Brotero,  34. 

Broughton,  31. 

Brown,  Rob.  35. 
Browne,  Patrick,  29. 
— , Wm.  25. 

Brunsfel,  12,  23. 
Bullein,  15,  24. 
Bulliard,  30,  31,33. 
Caesalpinus,  16,  24. 
Catesby,  28,  30. 

Cato,  7. 

Cayanilles,  SI,  32. 

Clement,  14. 

Clusius,  24. 

Coel,  16. 

Cole,  25. 

Columella,  7. 

Columna,  24. 

Cordus,  13,  23. 

Coys,  16. 

Coyte,  32. 

Crantz,  30. 

Cratevas,  5. 

Crescentius,  23. 

Cuba,  12,  23. 

Cullen,  32. 

Cull  urn,  30. 

Culpeper,  25. 

Curtis,  30 — 32. 

Dale,  26,  28. 

Darwin,  32. 

Davis,  35. 

De  Candolle,  22,  34— 

Deering,  28. 

De  Franqueville,  16. 
Dickson,  31. 

Dillenius, 23,27, 28,  31. 
Dillwyn,  33. 

Diodorus,  8. 
Dioscorides,  7,11,23. 
Dodoens,  14,  24. 

Donn,  33. 

Donovan,  32. 

Doody,  26. 

Douglas,  28. 

Dryander,  33. 

Dubois,  34. 

Dunal,  35. 

Ehret,  29. 

Ellis,  29. 

Esenbeck,  23,  36. 
Evelyn,  18,  25,  26. 
Falconer,  14. 
Fitzherbert,  13,  23. 
Flora  Danica,  29. 
Forskahl,  30. 

Forster,  I.  R.  29. 

- — Thomas,  31,  33,  35. 
Freeman,  33,  35. 

Fuchs,  IS,  24. 

Gaertner,  23,  31,  32,  34* 
Galen,  9. 

Gal  pine,  35. 

Gaud  in,  34,  35. 

Geoffroy  de  St.  Hilaire, 

Gerarde,  16,  24. 

Gesner,  13,  23. 

Giseke,  31,  32. 
Glar.ville,  11. 

Glen,  26. 

Ginelin,  30,  33. 
Goodenough,  32. 
Gordon,  32. 

Grew,  25. 

Hales,  28. 

Haller,  21,  29,  30. 
Happe,  31. 

Harrison,  27. 

Haworth,  32,  34 — 36. 
Hebenstreit,  28. 
Hedwig,  23,  31,  33. 
Heister,  29. 

Herbal,  the  grete,  12, 

Herbarium,  12,  23. 
Hildeguard,  10. 

Hill,  30. 

Hippocrates,  5. 
Hoffmann,  31. 

Hooker,  35,  36. 

Hortus  Sanitatis,  12,  23, 
Hoskert,  35. 

How,  18,  25. 

Hudson,  30,  31. 

Hughes,  29. 

Hull,  33,  35. 

Humboldt,  35. 

Hunter,  33. 

Tmperati,  24. 

Isidore,  11. 

Jacob,  30. 

Jameson,  36. 

Jenkinson,  30. 

Johnson,  17,  25,26. 
Johren,  27. 

Jones,  31. 



Julius  Bassus,  8. 
Jussieu,  Antony,  22, 82. 

— Bernard,  22,  29. 
Kaempfer,  28. 

Keith,  35. 

Kerner,  34. 

Knaut,  the  elder,  26. 

— the  younger,  27. 
Knight,  35. 

Kniphoff,  29. 

Knowles,  27. 
Knowlton,  28. 

Knox,  34. 

Koenig,  34. 

Kunth,  35. 

Lamarke,  22,  3 1 , 32, 34. 
Lambert,  33,  34. 
Lamouroux,  35. 
Lawson,  26. 

Le  eaan,  27. 

Lee,  29. 

Leers,  32. 

L’Heritier,  31. 

Leigh,  27. 

Lejeune,  35. 

Lelamar,  11. 
Lestibnudois,  31^ 
Lightfoot,  30. 

Lindley,  36. 

Lingbye,  36. 

Link,  23. 

Linnaean  Society,  Tran- 
sactions, 32. 

Linnaeus,  21,  28 — 32. 

— Filius,  31. 

Llhwyd,  27. 

Lobel,  15,  24,  25. 

Lois,  34. 

Loureiro,  32. 

Lovell,  25. 

Ludwig,  28. 

Lyons,  30. 

Lyte,  24. 

Macer,  iBmilius,  11,23. 
Magnol,  26,  27. 
Malpighi,  25. 

Marcgraff,  25. 

Martyn,  John,  20,  28. 

— Thomas,  30 — 33. 
Matthiolus,  24. 

Merdy,  14. 

Merret,  18,  25. 

Mesue,  10. 

Meyrick,  32. 

Micheli,  23,  28. 

Miller,  28—30,  33. 
Milner,  30,  32. 

Miraldi,  24. 

Mirbel,  34,  35. 
Morgan,  16. 

Morison,  25 — 27. 

Morton,  27. 

Mouftet,  15. 

Mougeot,  35. 
Mountain,  24. 

Murray,  32. 

— Lady  C.  33. 
Nasmyth,  16. 

Nature,  the  book  of,  1 1 


Necker,  30,  32. 
Needham,  29. 

Nestler,  35. 

Newton,  24,  29. 

Odo,  11. 

Odobonus,  11. 

Oeder,  29,  30. 
Ordeyno,  36. 

Oribasius,  10. 

Palisot  de  Beauvois,  34 
Pallas,  31. 

Parkinson,  18,  25. 
Parsons,  29. 

Pa u let,  32. 

Pavon,  33. 

Peachy',  26. 

Pena,  15,  24. 

Penny,  15. 

Persoon,  23,  33 — 35. 
Petiver,  20,  26,  27. 
Platearius,  11. 

Pliny,  7,  11,23. 

Plott,  20,  26. 
Plukenet,  26,  27,  30 

Plumier,  27. 

Priest,  16. 

Pulteney,  31,  32. 
Purton,  36. 

Ray,  18,  25—28. 
Redoute,  33,  36. 
Relhan,  31. 

Rhazis,  10. 

Richard,  35,  36. 
Richardson,  27. 
Rivinus,  26,  27. 
Robinson,  26,  27. 
Robson,  30. 

Rose,  30. 

Rosseau,  31,  32. 

Roth,  31. 

Roxburgh,  32,  33. 
Rudge,  34. 

Ruiz,  33. 

Rupp  ins,  27 — 29. 

R.  W.  D.  31. 

Saint  Loo,  16, 

— Pierre,  33. 
Salisbury,  R.  A.  32 — ' 
Salmon,  27. 

Saiunders,  32. 

Sauvages,  29. 

Schaeffer,  29. 
Scheuchzer,  27. 
Schkuhr,  32 — 34. 
Schwaegrichen,  35. 
Schwenckfield,  24. 
Scot,  36. 

Serapio,  10,  24. 

, Seringe,  35. 

Sextius  Niger,  8. 
Sheldrake,  29. 

Sherard,  26. 

Short,  29. 

Sibbald,  26. 

Sibthorp,  32,  34. 

Sims,  33,  34. 

Sloane,  20,  27—29. 
Smith,  32—34. 
Solander,  29. 

. Sole,  33. 

Sowerby,  32,  33. 
Sprengel,  35. 
Stackhouse,  32. 
Stillingfleet,  29. 

Swartz,  34. 

Swayne,  32. 

Sylvaticus,  10. 

Symons,  33. 
Tabernsemontanus,  24. 
Taylor,  36. 

Theophrastus,  6,  12,  23. 
Thompson,  33. 
Threlkeld,  28. 
Thunberg,  34. 

Tode,  32. 

Tournefort,  26 — 28. 
Tradescant,  25. 

Tragus,  14,  24. 
Trattinick,  32 — 34. 
Trew,  29. 

Tupper,  35. 

Turner,  13,  24,  25,  33, 

Van  Rheede,  26. 

— Royen,  28. 

Vaucher,  34. 

Veliev,  32. 

Wade“,  32,  34. 

Walcot,  31. 

Wallis,  30. 

Warner,  30. 

Weiss,  30. 

Weston,  30,  31,  34. 
Wheeler,  26. 

White,  35. 

Willdenow,  33,  34. 
Wjllisell,  25. 

Wilson,  29. 

. Winch,  34. 

Withering,  30,  31,  33. 
Woodvilie,  32. 

Wooton,  14. 


English  terms , which  vary  but  slightly 
from  the  Latin , are  not  noticed 


Abbreviatus,  214. 
Abrupt©  pinnatus,  72. 
Abrupt©  terminatus,  72. 
Acaulis,  43. 
Accessorius,  223. 
Accompanying,  78. 
Acerescens,  128,  154. 
Accumbens,  214. 
Acenium,  165. 
Acephalus,  152. 
Acerosus,  66. 

Achasna,  165. 

Achena,  172. 

Achenium,  165. 
Acicularis,  66. 
Acinaciformis,  66, 181. 
Acinos,  179. 
Acoleoptilatus,  217. 
Acoty  ledoneus,  44,  211. 
Acrospira,  220. 
Aculeatus,  46,  59,  170. 
Aculei*  89. 

Acuminatus,  67,80, 171. 
Acute  angulatus,  55. 
Acutus,  67,  135,  143, 
146,  156,  169,  171, 
186,  218. 

Adducens,  151. 
Adelphicus,  140. 
Adelphus,  140. 
Adherens,  127,151 ,160, 
172,  176,  J 79,  184, 
188,  200,  209. 
Adnatus,  81,  145,  198. 
Adpressus,  63,  87. 
Adscensus,  52. 
Adversus,  63,  145,  155, 

Adzeshape,  66. 
JEquabilis,  168,  169. 

Alqualis,  121, 127,  128, 
140,  167. 

Aerius,  49. 

Aestivalis,  99. 
iEstivatio,  102. 

Aganuis,  43,  95,  220. 
Agenius,  43. 

Aggedula,  221. 
Agglomeratus,  108, 141. 
Agglutinatus,  150. 
Aggregatus,  85,  94,  164. 
Agrestris,  43,  66. 
Agynarius,  98. 

Akena,  165. 

Akenium,  165,  190. 
Ala,  130,  164,226. 
Alabastrum,  102. 
Alatus,  57,80,  165, 168, 
170,  172,  180,  183, 
185,  204. 

Albidus,  149. 

Albumen,  170,  209. 
Albuminosus,  209. 
Alburna,  53. 

Alburnum,  53. 

Albus,  132,  210,  213. 
Alike,  149,  215. 
Alimonia,  40. 

Alpestris,  47. 

Alpinus,  47. 

Alternately  disposed  ,72. 
Alternating  dispositus, 

Alternative,  103. 
Alteruatus,  103. 
Alteruus,  59,  62,  93, 
121,  132,  140. 

Altus,  218. 

Alveolatus,  107,  197, 

Amalthea,  190. 
Ambiguus,81,  127,196, 

in  their  termination 

Amentaceus,  101. 
Amentum,  108. 

Amnios,  210. 
Amphantium,  104. 
Amphibius,  47. 
Amphigaster,  84. 
Amphisarca,  174. 
Amphora,  184. 
Amplexicaulis,  62,81. 
Amplexus,  87. 

Ampulla,  49. 

Amygdala,  204,  208. 
Anabasis,  220. 
Anandriarius,  98. 
Anastomosans,  171. 
Anceps,  54,  105,  143. 
Androgynarius,  97. 
Androgynus,  44. 
Andropetalarius,  98. 
Androphoram,  142,144. 
Angiocarpicus,  164. 
Angular,  55,  125,  150, 
155,  165,  167,  203. 
Angulatus,  105, 136, 150, 

Angulosus,  55,  69,  105, 
125,  155,  167  , 203. 
Angustatus,  135,  214. 
Anisostemon,  96. 
Annual,  42. 

Annulares,  144,  212. 
Annularius,  161. 
Annulatus,  168. 
Annulus,  157,221,222, 

Annuus,  42,  51 , 54. 
Anomalus,  130. 
Antennaeformis,  171. 
Anterior,  81,  155. 
Anthera,  142,  145,  158, 

Antherbearing,  142. 
Antheriferus,  142. 



Antherless,  142. 
Antiierogenus,  97. 
Anthodium,  115. 
Authophorum,  160 
Antliurus,  104. 
Anticipating,  78. 
Anticus,  145,  148. 
Antrum,  177. 
Aperispermatus,  209. 
Apert  us,  1 15,  173. 
Apetalus,  98. 

Apex,  142,  148. 
Aphyllus,  .57. 
Apicilaris,  197,  213. 
Apicularis,  123. 
Apiculatus,  135. 
Apiculus,  226. 
Apophysis,  222. 
Apothecium,  223. 
Appendage,  142,  162, 
219,  226. 

Appendeus,  201. 
Appendicula,  226. 
Appendiculatus,  131, 
135,  143,  146. 
Appendiculum,  162. 
Appendix,  142,163,164, 

Appendixed,  143,  146. 
Applicatus,  1-98. 
Applied,  87. 

Appositus,  195. 
Approximatus,  62,  140, 

Appressus,  59,  63,  89. 
Apricus,  47. 

Aquaticus,  47,  49. 
Arachnoides,  89,  206. 
Arbor,  36. 

Arborescent,  42. 
Arbuscula,  36. 
Arbustum,  36. 
Arcesthida,  191. 
Arched,  138,  143. 
Arcuatus,  56,  135,  146, 
Arenarius,  46. 
Argillosus,  46. 
Arhizoblastus,  45. 
Aridus,  209. 

Arillatus,  204. 

Arillus,  204. 

Arista,  123,  226. 
Aristatus,  122,123, 146, 

A rma,  89. 

Armatus,  46. 

Armlike,  60. 

Arrow  head  like,  146, 155 
Arrowshape,  67. 
Articulatio,  3& 

Articnlaris,  61. 

Articulatus,  50,  55,  79, 

Articulus,  39,  142. 

Arvensis,  46. 

Ascendens,  52,  56,  89, 
133,  137,  141,  153, 
200,  220. 


Ascidiatus,  68. 

Ascidium,  68,  84. 

Asimina,  189. 

Asper,  45,  58,  77. 

Attenuatus,  67, 105,108, 
169,  171. 

Attire,  139. 

Auleum,  100,  129. 

Aura,  151. 

Aurantium,  178. 

Aurantiacus,  132,  150. 

Auricula,  84,  226. 

Auriculatus,  70. 

Autocarpicus,  164. 

Autumnalis,  99. 

Avenius,  76. 

Aversus,  218. 

Awlshape,  66,  83,  88, 
90,  116,121,124,135, 
143,  ,146,  153,  155, 
167,  183,  197. 

Awn,  123,  226. 

Awned,  122,  123,  146, 

Axilla,  92. 

Axillaris,  85, 90, 91, 92, 
109,  111,  112. 

Axillatus,  184. 

Axilis,  169,  197,  199, 


Axis,  104,  107. 


Bacca,  174,  178,  192, 

Baccalaurius,  189. 
Baccatus,  185,  189,191. 
Bacillus,  42,  85,  219. 
Balausta,  178. 

Bald,  45,  58,  147,  153, 
157,  166,  192,  203. 
Baldheaded,  204. 

Bale,  120. 

Banded,  77. 

Barba,  226. 

Barbatus,  144, 147, 153. 
Barbula,  222. 

Bark,  53. 

Barked,  179. 

Barren,  48,  95,  148. 
Base,  52,  207,  212. 
Based,  89. 

Basifixus,  145,  197. 
Basigyuium,  160. 
Basilaris,  123,  152, 197, 

Basilatus,  89. 

Bas  illary,  142. 

Basis,  148. 

Bast,  53. 

Beadlike,  88,  182. 
Beak,  164. 

Beaked,  161,  165,  ISO, 
183,  186. 

Beard,  226. 

Bearded,  144,  147,  153. 
Bellied,  105,  135,  180. 
Bellshape,  118, 125,130. 
Bent,  50,  87,  90,  107, 
135,  146,  165,  184, 
202,  211. 

Bent  back,  79, 133, 141, 
211,  218. 

Bent  backwards,  218. 
Bent  downwards,  90. 
Bent  in,  168. 

Bent  inwards,  133,  141, 

Bent  outwards,  60,  154. 
Bent  upwards,  90. 
Berry,  178,  194. 
Berrylike,  185,189,191. 
Besimen,  220. 
Bi-acuminatus,  88. 
Bi-alatus,  204. 
Biconjugatus,  73. 
Bicornis,  146,  166, 183, 

Bidentatus,  121,  122. 
Bidigitato-pinnatus,  73. 
Bidigitatus,  71. 

Biennis,  42,  51. 
Bieremus,  174. 

Biferus,  43. 

Bilidus,70,91, 126, 134, 
146,  154,  156. 
Biflorus,  106,  117,  119, 

Bifolliculus,  189. 
Biforatus,  148. 
Bifurcatus,  88,  143. 
Bigeminatus,  73. 
Bijugus,  72. 

Bilabiatus,  126,  131, 

Bilamellaris,  195. 
Bilamellatus,  157. 
Bilateralis,63,  149,197. 
Bilobatus,  70,  126,  156, 



Bilocularis,  64,147,151, 
172,  175,  176*  179, 
182,  184,  187. 
Bilobns,  70,  147 
Binatus,  71,  95. 

Binervis,  198. 

Bini,  62,  95. 
Bipaleaeeus,  120,  122, 

Bipaleolatus,  123. 
Bipartibilis,  168,  187, 
193,  198 

Bipartitus,  71,  90,  127, 
134,  154,  198. 
Biperuiatipartitus,  71. 
Bipennaticisus,  71. 
Bipinnatus,  73. 
Birostratus,  165. 
Birostrls,  186. 
Bispathellatus,  120. 
Bispathellulatus,  122. 
Bisexual  is,  44. 
Bisulcatus,  192. 
Biternatus,  73. 

Bitten,  50,  68. 

Bivalvis,  117,  176,  187. 
Bivittatus,  170. 
Bladders,  37. 

Bladdery,  51,  87,  206. 
Blastema,  217. 

Blastus,  219. 
Blastophora,  219. 
Blephora,  222. 

Bloom,  41,  100,  129. 
Blossom,  100,  129. 
Blossotnbearing,  159. 
Blossomlike,  117,  127, 
144,  155. 

Blue,  132,  150. 

Bluish  green,  132. 
Bluish  violet,  132. 
Blunt,  135,  143,  156, 
169,  171,218. 

Blunt  pointed,  186. 
Bluntly  notched,  68. 
Boaiiike,  121,122, 185, 

Bog,  47. 

Bouev,  175,  177,  19 1, 

Bottlebrushlike,  88,157. 
Bottleshape,  178, 
Bouquet,  114. 

Bowed,  153,  171,  181, 
Brachiatus,  60. 
Braeiea,  116. 
Bracteanus,  191. 
Bractearius,  98. 
Bracteatus,  98,  111. 
Bracteola,  116. 

Branch,  59,  61,  92, 

Branched,  50,  90,  92, 
104,  106,  107,  109, 
111,  112,  144,  208. 
Branchy,  56,  88. 
Brawny,  183,  185. 
Brevior,  127,  147. 
Brevis,  214,  218. 
Brevissimus,  106, 153. 
Bristle,  123,  226. 
Bristlelike,  83,  90,  116, 

Bristly,  107,  167,  169, 

Brittle,  55. 

Broad,  214. 

Bucklershape,  155,211. 
Bud,  85. 

Bulbbearing,  51. 
Bulbiferus,  51,  57. 

Bui  bill!  ferns,  42. 
Bulbillus,  42,  85. 
Bulbous,  42. 
Bulbo-tuber,  52. 
Bulbulus,  85. 

Bulbus,  85. 

Bullatus,  74. 

Bunch,  111,  162. 
Bunched,  124, 136,  161 
Bunches,  101. 

Bundle,  62,  113. 
Bundled,  91. 

Burlike,  119. 
Bursicula,  158, 

Bush,  36. 

Buttons,  85. 
Butterflylike,  130. 


Cadens,  201. 

Caducus,  78,  83,  117 
Cseruleo  violaceus,  132, 
Cmruleo  viridis,  132. 
Cm.uieus,  132,  150, 
Calamus,  52. 
Calathidis,  115. 
Calathiflorus,  118. 
Calathis,  102. 

Calcar,  139,  162. 
Calcaratus,  126, 134, lot 
Calcareus,  46. 

Cali  cistern  on,  43. 
Callosus,  69. 
Calopodium,  116. 

Cal  pa,  221. 

Calvus,  166,  204. 
Calybion,  173. 
Calyciflorus,  43. 
Calycinarius,  97,  0$', 

Calycinus,  88,  120, 128, 


Calycularis,  103. 
Calyculatus,  118,126. 
Calyculus,  119. 

Calyptra,  204, 222. 
Calyx,  100,  119,  120, 
124,  138. 

Calyx-flowering,  43. 
Camara,  180. 

Camare,  180. 
Camarelike,  179. 
Camareus,  179. 
Cambium,  40. 
Campaniforinis,  130. 
Campanulatus,  118,125, 

Campester,  47. 
Canaliculatus,  74,  135, 
165,  182,  203. 

Canalis,  53. 

Cancellatus,  76. 

Cap,  225. 

Capillamentum,  142. 
Capillaris,  50,  55,  66, 
105,  107,  143,  153, 
Capillitium,  225. 
Capitatus,  8S,  143,  155,. 
189,  191. 

Capitulum, 102,1 15,142, 
Capped,  75. 

Capreolus,  91. 

Capsnla,  142,  174,  184, 
185,  221,  222,  225. 
Capsularis,  180. 
Capulum,  162. 

Caput,  48,  115. 
Carcerula,  171. 
Careerularis,  165,  176, 
182,  183. 

Carcernius,  174. 

, Carina,  130. 

. Carinatus,  74, 116, 12!,. 
. 194. 

Cariopsis,  165,  190. 
Carnosus,  4 1 , 49,64,106, 
108,  155,  175,  176, 
193,  196,  205,  210, 

Caro,  175,  200. 
Carpadelium,  167,171, 
» Carpelle,  189. 

Carpel  lu  in,  164. 
Carpidium,  164. 
Carpophorum,  159. 
Cartilagineus,  69,  210, 
Caruncularis,  205. 
Caryopbyllatus,  130, 
Catkins,  101,  108. 
Catoclesium,  173. 
Catulus,  108,. 


Castratus,  142. 

Cauda,  226. 

Caudatus,  147,  180. 
Caudex,  52. 

Caudicula,  158. 
Gaulescens,  43. 
Cauliculus,  217. 
Caulinaris,  81,  88,  92. 
Caulinarius,  61. 

Caul  in  us,  61,  89. 

Caul  is,  52. 
Caulocarpicus,  42. 
Caulocarp'is,  43. 

Caul  on,  52. 
Gavernarius,  46. 
Cavitates,  38. 

Cavus,  64,  159,  210. 
Celled,  151. 

Cells,  37,  142,  199. 
Cellulae,  37. 

Cellulosus,  53. 
Cenobionaris,  174,  185. 
Cenobium,  174. 
Centralis,  197,209,212. 
Centrifugus,  219. 
Centripetus,  219. 
Cephalanthium,  115. 
Cephalodia,  224. 

Cerio,  165. 

Cerium,  165. 

Cernuus,  56,  93. 

Chaff,  120,  122,  227. 
ChafFy,  107,  166. 
Chaff-like,  167. 
Chalaza,  208. 

Chalk,  46. 

Changed,  97. 
Channelled, 74, 135, 182. 
Chartaceus,  177,193,206 
Childing,  98. 

Chive,  100,  139. 
Chorda,  151. 

Chorion,  164,  210. 
Chorionaris,  188. 
Cicatricula,  39, 60, 207. 
Cicatrix,  39. 

Ciliatus,  69,80,83, 116, 
124,  134,  136,  147, 
156,  166,  204. 

Cilium,  226. 

Circinalis,  87,  10. 
Circinatus,  68,  87  , 214. 
Circularis,  136. 
Circumaxilis,  199, 
Circumcinctus,  212. 
Circumferential,  209. 
Circumscissus,  184. 
Circumsepiens,  78. 
Cirrho  terminatus,  72, 
Cirriferus,  57,  80. 
Cirriformis,  80. 

Cirrosus,  63. 

Girrus,  91. 

Cistophorus,  225. 
disitula,  224. 

Cistus,  225. 
Clavaeformis,  218. 
Clavatus,  125,  130,  135, 
143,  153,  155,  164. 
Claviculus,  91. 
Claviformis,  88,  106, 
125,  130,  135,  143, 
153,  155,  171,  211. 
Clausus,  115,  128,  17.3. 
Clawed,  133. 

Clay,  46. 

Cleft,  80. 

Climbing,  57. 
Clinandrum,  158. 
Clinanthium,  104,  106. 
Close,  110,  114,  140. 
Closed,  59,  112,  113, 
115,  173,  182. 
Clothlike,  46,  170. 

Cloves,  85. 

Clubshape,  106,  125, 

130,  135,  153,  155, 
Coadnatus,  63, 121, 134. 
Coadnutus,  122. 
Coadunatus,  121. 
Coalitus,  121,  122,  140, 

Coarctatus,  112 — 114, 

Coarctura,  220. 

Coat,  226. 

Coated,  85,  208. 

Coats,  85. 

Cobweblike,  89,  206. 
Coccus,  185,  199. 
Cochlearis,  103. 
Cochleatus,  181. 

Cod,  181. 

Codlike,  180. 

Coherens,  141,  206. 
Cold-country.  47. 
Coleophyllum,  216. 
Coleoptila,  216. 
Coleoptilatus,  217, 
Coleorhiza,  219. 
Coleorhizatus,  217. 
Colesula,  222. 

Collar,  220,  225. 
Collare,  80,  119. 
Collected,  199. 
Collector,  151. 
Colliferus,  166. 
Colligatus,  199. 
Collinus,  47. 

Coll  urn,  166,  220. 
Coloratus,  77,  116,  127r 

Coloured,  77,  116,  127, 

Colum,  196. 

Columella,  222. 
Columna,  100, 142, 15S. 
Columuaris,  144. 

Coma,  116. 

Comatus,  204, 
Comblike,  71,  116. 
Com  bus,  52. 
Commissura,  168. 
Commissuralis,  170. 
Common,  79,  116. 
Communis, 79, 116,  117. 
Comosus,  50,  110,207. 
Compactus,  108,  110. 
Completns,94, 195,204. 
Complexus,  37,  53. 
Compositus,  71,  79,  85, 
86,  94,  102,  106,  108, 
109,  114,  164. 
Compound,  71,  79,  94, 
106,  108,  109,  114, 

Compressissimus,  66. 
Compressus,  54,  66,104, 
106,  107,  110, 7121, 
122,  125,  136,  138, 
146,  165,  167,  171, 
176,  180,  181,  183, 
185,  186,  202. 
Concavus,  74,  106,  114, 

121,  122,  133,  168, 
194,  207. 

Concentricus,  171. 
192,  221. 
Conduplicans,  78. 
Conduplicatus,212, 215. 
Confertus,  62,  141. 
Confluens,  148,  216. 
Congestus,  94. 

Conicus,  49,  90,  107, 
125,  153,  155,  159, 
191,  211,  218. 
Conjoined,  82, 121, 122, 
134,  140. 

Conjugato  -pennatus,73. 
Conjugatus,  72,  170. 
Conjunctorium,  222. 
Connatus,  63,  82,  121, 

122,  140. 

Connectivum,  142,  149. 
Connivens,  78,  129. 
Conspicuous,  217. 
Contextus,  37. 
Contiguus,  128,  214. 
Continued,  56. 



Contortuplicatus,  210, 

Contortus,  50,103. 
Contractus,  118,  136, 
149,  159,  168. 
Contrarius,  195. 

Conus,  190. 

Convergens,  76. 
Convergi-nervius,  75. 
Convexus,74,  106,  114, 
159,  168,  169,  207. 
Convolutivus,  87,  103. 
Convolutus,  80, 87,  117, 

Coque,  185,  199. 

Cor,  210. 

Corculum,  210. 

Cordatus,  67,  116,  146, 
Cordiformis,  67,1 16,133 
146,207,  211,  215. 
Cordshape,  49. 

Cord,  199. 

Coriaceus,  41,  64,  121, 

122,  175,  193,  196, 
206,  210. 

Corklike,  206. 

Corky,  41,  53,58,  193, 

Cormus,  220. 

Corn,  200. 

Cornered,  105,  136. 
Cornet,  162. 
Cornetshape,  134. 
Corneus,  41,  149,  210. 
Corniculatus,  97,  203, 
Corniculiferus,  136. 
Cornu,  151,  162—164. 
Corolla,88, 91,100, 122, 

123,  129. 

Corollaris,  91. 
Corollarius,  97,  98. 
Corollatus,  98. 
Corolliferus,  159. 
Coroliiformis,  144. 
Corona,  137,  163. 
Coronans,  62,  116,  161, 

168,  179. 

Corpus  ligneura,  53, 

Corrugatus,  210,  215. 
Cortex,  53. 

Cortical  is,  48,  53,  223. 
Corticosus,  179. 
Cortina,  225. 
Corymbosus,  60,  101. 
Corymbus,  112,  115. 
Costatus,  125, 168—170. 
Cotton,  226. 

Cottony,  77. 
Cotyledones,  213. 
Cotyledonic,  211. 

Contortus,  137. 
Contractus,  160. 

Cover,  85,  100,  148, 

Covering,  103. 

Coverlike,  194. 

Cracked,  58. 

Cradling,  79. 

Crassus,  108,  110,  121, 
144,  210,  214. 
Creeping,  51,  57. 
Cremocarpium,  167. 
Crenatus,  68,  126,  134, 
143,  144,  156. 
Crenulatus,  135,  156, 

Crested,  146. 

Cretaceus,  46. 

Creviced,  210. 

Crinula,  222. 

Crinus,  226. 

Crispus,  74. 

Cristatus,  146. 

Crooked,  212. 

Cross,  194. 

Crossed,  61. 

Crossing,  59. 

Crosslike,  130. 
Crossways,  148. 
Crosswise,  212. 
Crowded,  2,  141. 
Crown,  52,  137,  163. 
Crowned,  110,  168, 


Crowning,  62,  116,161. 
Crustaceous,4 1 , 1 7 5, 193, 

Cryptogamus,  43,  220. 
Cubicus,  202. 
Cucullatus,  75. 
Cuculliferus,  144. 
Cuculliformis,  117,  134. 
Cucurbitinus,  179. 
Culraus,  52. 

Cultivated,  43. 
Cunearis,  65,  133. 
Cunciformis,  143. 

Cup,  137,  163. 

Cuplike,  118,  205,208. 
Cupped,  99. 

Cupshape,  88,  125. 
Cupula,  113,  173,  191. 
Cupularis,l  18, 125, 208, 

Cupulatus,  99. 
Cupuliformis,  120. 
Curtain,  225. 
Curvativus,  87. 
Curvatus,  56,  135,  165, 
178,  181,  211. 
Curved,  56. 

Curve-ribbed,  75. 

Curvi-nervius,  75. 

Curvus,76,  90, 135,202. 

Cushion,  60. 

Cuspidatus,  67. 

Cuspis,  226. 

Cut,  70,  154. 

Cuticle,  39. 

Cuticula,  39. 

Cyathiformis,  88,  131. 

Cylindraceus,  118,  176, 
180,  181,  183,  185, 
191,  197. 

Cylindrantherus,  96. 

Cylindricus,  49,  54,  66, 
104—108,  110,  118, 
125,  135,  143,  144, 
153,  159,  181,  183— 
185,  211. 



Cyma^  113. 

Gyrnosus,  101. 

Cymus,  52. 

Cynarhodon,  190. 

Cyphella,  224. 

Cypsela,  165. 

Cystidium,  172. 


Dagger-pointed,  68. 
Day,  99. 

Debilis,  55,  105. 
Decander,  96. 
Decemfidus,  126. 
Decemlocularis,  178. 
Deciduus,  83,  127,  132. 
Declinatus,  141,  154. 
Decompositus,  56,  73. 
Decreasingly  pinnate,73 
Decrescens,  73. 
Decumbens,  141. 
Decurrens,  62. 

Decursive  pinnatus,73. 
Decursivus,  73. 
Decussatus,  6,  59. 
Definitus,  139. 
Deflectus,  128. 
Defioratus,  150. 
Dehiscens,  148,173,  180 
—182,  185,  188. 
Deltoideus,  67,  180. 
Demersus,  47,  63. 
Demissus,  63,  138,  21 
Densus,  1 14. 
Dentatus,51,69,  83,108, 
126,  134,  156. 
Deuticulatus,  69,  126, 



Dentes,  222. 
Depauperntus,  114. 
Dependens,  63,  79. 
Depressns,  172,  186, 


Dermoblastus,  45. 
Descendens,  89,  220. 
Descensus,  4S. 
Detached,  81. 

Deviatus,  63. 
Dextrorsum,  57. 
Diadelphus,  96,  140. 
Diander,  95. 
Dicephalus,  186. 
Dichotomus,  56,  71,  79, 
106,  154. 

Dicotyledoneus,  44,211. 
Dicoccus,  184,  185. 
Didymus,  146,  183,185. 
Didynamus,  96,  140. 
Dieresileus,  187. 
Dieresilis,  184. 
Difformis,  94,  134,  146. 
Diffusus,  60. 
Digitato-pinnatus,  73. 

tus,  72  . 

Digitatus,  50,71,  109. 
Digynus,  97. 

Dilatatus,  135, 136, 143, 
155  159. 

Dilated,  135,  136,  155, 

Dimidiatus,  118. 

Di  petal  us,  129. 
Diphyllus,  117,  124. 
Dipterus,  204. 
Disciforrnis,  161. 
Discoideus,  161,  179, 
185,  189,  203. 
Discolor,  77. 

Discretus,  139. 

Discus,  115,  159. 
Disepal  us,  124. 

Dioicus,  44. 

Disk,  115. 

Disk-like,  161,  189. 
Dispermus,  172,  175, 

177,  179,  182,  184, 

Dissepimentum,  196, 
Dissimilaris,  121,  122, 


Dissimilis,  66,  147, 149. 
Distant,  62,  140,  149. 
Distichus,  59,  62,  93, 

Distinctio,  194. 

Distinctus,82,  139,348, 
199,  206. 

Distylus,  152. 

Diurnus,  99. 
Divaricatus,  60,112, 180. 
Divergens,  60,  79,  128, 
149,  180,  214. 
Divergi-nervius,  75. 
Divergi-venosus,  76. 
Diverging  ribbed,  75. 
Diversiflorus,  114. 
Divided,  126,  144,  156. 
Divisus,  126,  144,  156. 
Dodecaedrus,  150. 
Dodecagynus,  97. 
Dodecander,  96. 
Dolabrifonnis,  66. 
Dorsalis,  123,  170. 
Dotlike,  207,  217. 
Dotted,  58,  77,  89,  107, 
176,  192,  203,  213. 
Double,  97,  118,  119, 
154,  171,  209. 
Doubly-crenate,  68. 

Don bly-ser rate,  69. 
Doubtful,  127,  196. 
Down,  226. 

Downy,  45,  58,77,  147, 
157,  170,  192. 

Drawn  in,  218. 
Drooping,  93,  109. 
Drupa,  175. 

Drupaceres  173,  182. 
Drupe,  175. 

Drupelike,  166,  173, 
180,  182,  204. 
Drupeola,  177. 
Drupeolatus,  166,  175, 
180,  184,  204. 

Dry,  176,  180,  209. 
Dumetum,  36. 

Dumus,  36. 
Duodecemfidus,  126. 
Duplicato-crcnatus,  68. 
Duplicato-pennatus,  73. 
Duplicato-serratus,  69. 
Duplicato-ternatus,  73. 
Duplicatus,  97. 

Duplex,  119,154,171, 

Byclosinm,  173. 
Dyplostemon,  96. 
Dyplotegia,  185. 


Ear,  226. 

Eared,  70. 

Early,  99. 

Ech'matus,  46,  59,  77, 
121,  593. 

Edged,  204. 

Effusus,  112. 

Egg,  200. 

Egglike,  118,  146,  150, 
155,  165,  167,  £02, 

Eggshaped,  106,  108, 
110,  124,  130,  218. 
Eight  cut,  126. 

Eight  petaled,  129. 
Eight  stamened,  95. 
Eights,  61. 

Elater,  222. 

Elaterium,  185. 
Elasticus,  144, 149, 194, 

Elementarius,  36,  40. 
Eleutherantherus,  96. 
Ellipsoideus,  167,  171, 
174,  177,  179,  186, 
190,  202,211. 
Ellipticus,  65,133,171, 
183,  186,  202,  207, 

Elongatus,  65,  215. 
Emarginatus,  68,  134, 
135,  138,  143,  156, 
166,  168,  183,  186. 
Embracing,  62. 

Embryo,  210. 
Embryo-cover,  204, 
Emerging,  47,  63. 
Emersus,  47,  63. 
Empalement,  100,  124, 
Enchased,  201. 
Enclosed,  210,  212 
Endocarpicus,  170. 
Endocarpium,  175,  179. 
Endogenus,  43. 
Endopleura,  206. 
Endorhizus,  20. 
Endospermicus,  209. 
Endospermum,  209. 
Enervis,  213. 

Engraved,  176. 
Enlarging,  128. 
Ensiformis,  66,  153, 
Enveloping,  103. 
Enveloped,  165. 
Ephemeras,  42,  99. 
Epiblastus,  219. 
Epicarpieus,  170. 
Epicarpium,  199. 
Epichilium,  138. 
Epiclinus,  160. 
Epiderma,  39,  53. 
Epidermis,  39,  53,  SOIL 
Epigeus,  216. 
Epigynophoricus,  160, 
Epigynus,  129, 139,161, 


Epiperispermicus,  209. 
Epipefaleus,  88. 
Epipetalus,  139. 
Epiphragtna,  222. 
Epiphyllus,  48. 
Epiphytus,  47. 
Epipteratus,  172,204. 
Epipterus,  181. 
Epirhizus,  48. 
Epispermicus,  209. 
Epispermius,  170. 
Epispermum,  205. 
Episfarainalis,  88. 
Epixyloneus,  48. 
Epizoarius,  48. 

Equal,  121,  140,  167. 
Equitans,  87,  214. 
Equitativus,  87. 
Erectus,  56,  59,  63,  93, 
109,  111,  128,  133, 
137,  141,  145,  157, 
174,  180,  191,200. 
Eremus,  174. 

Erosus,  69,  126,  134. 
Erythrostomum,  189. 
Etterio,  189. 
Etaerionaris,  188. 
Etaerioneus,  187. 
Evalvis,  176. 
Evanesceus,  162. 

Even,  76. 

Evergreen,  78. 
Evitlatus,  170. 
Exalbuminosus,  209. 
Excentricus,  171,212. 
Exhausted,  150. 
Exogenus,  43. 
Exorhizus,  213. 
Exostosis,  49. 
Exostylus,  175. 
Exoticus,  48. 

Expansus,  161. 
Exposed,  49. 

Exsertus,  141,  153. 
Exsuccus,  176. 
Extensus,  149. 

Exterior,  120,212. 
Externus,  86,  212. 
Extra-axillaris,  92. 
Extrafoliaceus,  104. 
Extrorsus,  145. 

Eye,  85,  207. 


Facing  inwards,  155. 
Faemineus,  95, 108, 109, 

VOL.  I, 

Falcatus,  137,  215. 
Fallen  down,  138. 
Falling,  201. 

Falling  off,  123, 154, 1 76. 
Fallow-land,  46. 

False,  178,  194. 
Fan-shaped,  65. 
Farinosus,  209. 
Fascialis,  66. 

Fasciatus,  77. 
Fasciculatus,  50,  62, 91, 

Fasciculus,  113,142. 
Fastened,  198. 
Fastigiatus,  60. 

Faux,  136. 

Faveolatus,  203. 
Favosus,  107. 
Feather-cut,  70,91, 116, 

Feather-like,  76. 
Feather-parted,  71. 
Feathery,  157,  167. 
Fecundating,  142. 
Fecundus,  148. 

Female,  44,95, 108,109. 
Femineus,  44. 

Fenestra,  207. 

Fern,  221. 

Fertilis,  48,  95,  148. 
Few-flowered,  1 15. 

Few -rayed,  114. 
Few-seeded,  179,  182, 

Fibra,  39. 

Fibres,  48. 

Fibrilla,  48,  223. 
Fibrosus,  49,  17G. 

Field,  46. 

Fig,  190. 

E'ilamentous,  41. 
Filamentum,  142,  143, 

Filiformis,  49,  55,  105, 
Filipendulus,  50. 

Filam,  171, 221. 
Fimbria,  222. 
Fimbriatus,  134. 
Fine-toothed,  126,  156, 

Fingered,  50,  71. 
Fingered-pinnate,  73. 
Fingerlike,  109. 
Fish-hooked,  119. 
Fissura,  148. 

Fissus,  70,  80,  83,  136, 
138,  144,  154. 
Fistulosus,  54,  66,  105, 


Five-angled,  69. 
Five-camared,  189. 
Five-celled,  174,  179, 
184,  185,  187. 
Five-cornered,  155. 
Five-cut,  126,  154. 
Five-fingered,  72. 
Five-leaved,  124. 
Five-lobed,  70,156,210, 

Five-paired,  72. 
Five-parted, 7 17,12,198 
Five-petaled,  129. 
Five-ribbed,  75. 
Five-sepaled,  124. 
Five-sided,  55,  186, 197, 
Five-stamened,  95. 
Five-styied,  97,  152. 
Five-toothed,  68,  126. 
Five-valved,  187. 

Five- winged,  172,  186. 
Fives,  61. 

Fixus,  196,  197. 

Flab  el  li  form  is,  65. 
Flagelliformis,  49,  54. 
Flagellum,  52, 

Flake,  162. 

Flakey,  136. 

Flat,  74,  106,  114,  138, 
143,  145,  159,  168, 
169,  190,  194,  203. 
Flat-topped,  60. 
Flatted,  218. 

Flattened,  186. 
Flavescens,  149. 

Fiavus,  150. 

Fleeciness,  226. 

Flesh,  175,  200,206. 
Fleshy,  39,  41,  49,  64* 
196,  205,  210,213. 
Flexuosus,  57,  107,212, 
Floating,  47,  63. 
FIoccosus,  77,  89. 
Floccus,  225. 

Floccy,  77. 

Flocklike,  89. 

Floralis,  61,  86. 
Floriferus,  64,  86,  116* 
Flos,  92,  115. 

Flosculus,  101. 
Flosculosus,  102,  115. 
Flower,  61,  92. 
Flowerbud,  102. 
Flowerbearing,  64,  86, 
1 16. 

Flower,  compound, 108, 

Flower-cup,  100,  1240 
Flower-stalk,  104. 
Flowret,  10L 
3 E 



Fluvialis,  47. 
Fluviatilis,  47. 

Fluitans,  47. 

Folded,  74,87, 137,156, 
202,  212,  215. 
Foliaceus,  82,  117, 118, 

Fol saris,  88,  89,  91. 
Foliates,  57,  92,  110, 

Folioleanns,  90. 
Folium,  61,  216,  220, 

Foliolum,  128. 
Folii-ferus,  86. 
Folii-flori-ferus,  86. 
Follicle,  180,  189. 
Follicle-shape,  187. 

Foil  i cula,  189. 
Folliculiformis,  187. 
Folliculus,  164,180,200. 
Fontinalis,  47. 

Footl  ike,  76. 

Footstalk,  79. 
Footstalked,  78,88,197, 
201,  215. 

Foramen,  207. 

Foratus,  168. 

Fore,  148. 

Foreign,  48. 

Forked,  71. 

Fornicatus,  138,  143. 
Four-eamared,  189. 
Four-celled,  147,  152, 
Four-cornered,  55,  65, 
110,  146,  155,  171, 
183,  203. 

Four-cut,  70,  126,  134, 

Four-edged,  55. 
Four-fingered,  72. 
Four-fingered  pinnate, 

Four-furrowed,  192. 
Four-horned,  146. 
Four-lobed,  150, 156. 
Four-paired,  72. 
Four-parted,  127,  198. 
Four-parting,  198. 
Four-petal  ed,  129. 
Four-rowed,  93. 
Four-seeded,  187. 
Four-sided,  55,  67,  105, 
Four-stamened,  95. 
Four-styled,  97, 152. 
Four-toothed,  121, 122, 

Four-valved,  148,  187. 
Four-winged,  172,  181. 

Fours,  61. 

Fovea,  226. 

Fovilla,  142, 

Fragilis,  55. 

Free,  127, 151, 160,172, 
176,  179,  184,  188, 
196,  198,  200,  208. 
Fretted,  76. 

Friabilis,  209. 

Fringe,  222,  226. 
Fringed,  69, 80, 83, 1 16, 
124,  134,  147,  156, 
166,  204. 

Frons,  220,  223. 
Fructus,  174,  175,  188, 

Fructificarcs,  225. 

Fruit, .164, 167,171,180, 
188,  190. 

Fruitful,  95. 

Frutex,  36. 
Fruticulus,  36. 
Fugacious,  127,  132. 
Fugax,  42,  78,  83,  117, 
127,  132. 

Fulcrum,  92,  104. 

Full,  97. 

Fundi  folia,  61. 
Fundus,  220. 
Fungiformis,  211. 
Fungosus,  41,  193,  206. 
Funiliformis,  49. 
Funiculatus,  201. 
Funiculus,  199. 
Funnelshape,  130,  153, 

Furrowed,  76, 126, 135, 
Fusiformis,49, 178,180, 



Galbulus,  191. 

Galea,  138,  162. 
Galeatus,  138. 
Galeiformis,  134. 
Gamopetalus,  129. 
Gamosepalus,  124. 
Gaping,  131,  152. 
Garden,  46. 
Gelatinosus,  41. 
Geminatus,  62,  94. 
Geminus,  82. 

Gemmae,  85,  86. 
Gemmula,  219. 

General  is,  117,  194. 
Geniculatus,  50,  55,105, 

Geniculum,  39* 
Genitalia,  100. 
Geoblastus,  45. 

Germen,  150. 
Gibbiferus,  136. 
Gibbosus,  67,  124,  136, 

Gibbositas,  162. 

Gibbus,  136. 

Gills,  225. 

Glaber,  45,  58,76,  147, 
153,  157,  192,  203. 
Glacialis,  47. 

Gladiatus,  66. 
Gland-bearing,  80,  89, 

Gland,  39,  40,87. 

Gians,  173. 

Gland ula,  38, 39, 40, 87, 

Glanduliferus,  80,  89,. 

131,  144,  147. 
Glareosus,  46. 

Glaucus,  41,  45,  58,  77, 


Globosus,  108, 118,130, 
155,  173,  176,  178, 
189,  190,  197,  202. 
Globula,  224. 

Globular,  87,  130,  146, 

150,  155,  165,  171, 
174,  176,  178,  179, 

183,  184,  186,  197, 

202,  211. 

Globulosus,  108,  118, 
130,  146,  165,  171, 
174,  176,  179,  183, 

184,  202,  211. 
Globulus,  142,  222. 
Gioehidaius,  168,  170. 
Glochis,  227. 
Glomerulus,  102, 115* 
Glomus,  115. 

Glurna,  120,  122. 
Glumaceus,  98. 
Glumella,  122,  123,165.. 
Glumellar,  200. 

Glume!  lean  us,  200. 
Glumellula,  123. 
Glutinosus,  45,  77* 
Gnawed,  69, 134. 
Goblet,  84. 

Gobletshape,  131. 
Gongyla,  224. 
Gongyliferus,  42. 
Gongylus,  220. 
Gonophorum,  160. 
Gourdlike,  179. 

Gracilis,  55,  108,  110, 

135,  144,  218. 

Grain,  53,  165,  200, 



Gramineus,  60. 
Graniticus,  46. 
Granular,  157. 
Granulatus,  149. 
Granulosus,  157. 

Gran  um,  200. 

Gravel,  46. 

Green,  77, 132,210,213. 
Greenish  yellow,  132. 
Gristly,  69. 

Grooved,  58,  74,  105, 
165,  203. 

Grouped,  108. 
Grown-together,  63. 
Grumosus,  50,  149. 
Gummatus,  206. 
Gummy,  206. 
Gymnocarpieus,  164. 
Gynander,  96. 
Gynandrus,  43. 
Gynizus,  158. 
Gynohasicus,  160, 174. 
Gynobasis,  150. 
Gynocidium,  221. 
Gyncecius,  43. 
Gynophorafus,  159. 
Gynophorelike,  161. 
Gynophoroideus,  161. 
Gynophorianus,  153. 
Gynophorum,  159. 
Gynostemium,  100,  158. 
Gyroma,  221, 223t, 
Gyrus,  221. 


Hasmisphaericus,  173. 
Hairlike,  55,  66,  105, 
107,  153. 

Hairpencillike,  157. 
Hairs,  40,  88. 

Hairy,  45,  58,  77,  107, 
170,  192. 
Halbertshape,  67. 
Half-adherent,  160. 
Half-cylindrical, 66, 104 
Half-heartshape,  82. 
Half-mooned,  82,  186. 
Half-moon  like, 156, 181 
Half-moon-shape,  67. 
Half-open,  115. 
Half-two-celled,  152. 
Half-whirls,  102. 
Halved,  118. 

Hamatus,  156. 

Hamosus,  119, 170. 
Hamus,  227. 

Handed,  50. 

Hanging,  63,  79,  111, 

200,  201. 

Hanging  down,  94, 105, 

Handlike,  76. 

Hastatus,  67. 
Haustorium,  92. 

Head,  48,  52,  3 14. 
Headed  ,88, 143, 155,191 
Heads,  302. 

Heart,  53,  210. 

H ear  tshape, 67,1 16,133, 

146,  207,  211,215. 
Heliacalis,  106. 

Helmet,  162. 
Helmetshape,  134. 
Hemi-cylindraceus,  66. 
Hemi-cylindricus,  66, 

104,  215. 

Memigoniarius,  98. 
Hemigyrus,  181. 
Hemisphericus, 118,155, 
159,  185,  190. 
Hen-and-chickeu,  98. 
Hepaticm,  222. 
Heptagynus,  97. 
Heptander,  95. 

Herba,  36. 

Herbaceus,  41,  54,  64, 
117,  121. 

Herraaphroditus,44, 94. 
Hesperidium,  178. 
Heterocarpicus,  164. 
Hexacoccus,  184. 
Hexagonus,  55,  97. 
Hexander,  95. 
Hexapetalus,  129. 
Hexaphyllus,  124. 
Hexapterus,  186. 
Hexasepalus,  124. 
Hiernalis,  99. 

High,  218. 

Hife,  47. 

Hilebearing,  210,  217. 
Hiliferus,  206, 210, 217. 
Hilum,  207. 

Hind,  148. 

Hip,  190. 

Hirsuties,  226. 

Hirsutus,  46,  59. 
Hirtuosus,  46. 

Hirtus,  46,  59,  147. 
Hispidnlus,  46,  170. 
Hispidus,  46,  59,  77, 

147,  150. 

Hiulcus,  152. 

Holdfast,  92. 

Holed,  168. 

Hollow, 54, 64, 159,210. 
Honeycombed,  19,  107, 


Hood,  162,  163. 
Hoodlike,  117,  144. 

Hook,  227. 

Hooked,  68,  131,  135, 
156,  170,  193,  199. 
Horizontalis,  51,  145, 

Horn,  163. 

Horned,  130. 

Horny,  41,  149,  210. 
Hortensis,  46. 
Humifusus,  56,  63. 
Humor,  40. 

Hybernalis,  99. 
Hybernus,  99. 

Hybridus,  41. 

Hylus,  207. 

Hymenium,  225. 

Hyper  bore  us,  47. 
Hypochilium,  130. 
Hypocrateriformis,  81, 

Hypogeus,  216. 
Hypogvnus,  129,  139. 
Hypophyllum,  84. 
Hvpopteratus,  191. 
Hysteranthos,  78. 


Icosaedrus,  150. 
Icosander,  96. 
Idiogynus,  44. 
Imbricans,  79. 
Imbricaiivus,  87,  103. 
Imbricatus,  62,  85,  87, 
103,  118,  122,  128, 
14i;  180,  201. 
Immediatus,  139. 
Immersus,  47. 
Immobilis,  145. 
Immoveable,  145. 
Impar,  72. 
Impari-pinnatus,  72. 
Impartibilis,  168. 
Inadherens,  127,  151, 
172,  176,  179,  188. 
Inaequalis,  67, 121, 128, 
134,  140,  167. 
Inantheratus,  142. 
Inarticulatus,  79. 
Incisus,  70,  126. 
Inclinatus,  56. 

Included,  153. 
Includens,  78. 

Inclusus,  141,  153,  210, 


Incolor,  208. 
Incompletus,  94,  195, 

Inconspicuus,  217. 

I ncrassatus,  105,1 68, 1 69 
3 E 2 



Increasing,  154. 
Incumbent,  133,  145, 

Ineurvus,  59,  63,  154. 
Iisdefinitus,  139. 
Indehiscens,  ITS,  174, 
181,  182,  185. 
Indeterminatus,  194, 
Indigenus,  48. 

Indistinct,  216. 
Indivisibilis,  168. 

1 nduplicativus,  103. 
Indusium,  221. 

Induvia,  164,  200. 
Induvialis,  128. 
Induviatus,  165,  172, 
182, 189. 

Inermis,  461. 
Inferaxillaris,  61,81 ,90. 
Inferus,  127,  151,  188. 
Inflatus,  80,  125,  135, 
180,  181,  183. 
Intiectus,  59,  63,  87, 


Inflexus,  63,87,90,  133, 
Infundibuliformis,  130, 
153,  156. 

Innervius,  75. 
Insertioues,  53. 
Inside-growing,  43. 
Integer,  56,  80,  83,  86, 
121,  122,  126,  135, 

138,  168,  171,  215. 
Integerrimus,  68. 
Integumentum,  100,204, 


Intergerinus,  194. 
Intermedius,  81. 
Internod ium,  39. 
Internus,  86. 
Interposed, 93, 132,195, 
Interpositivus,  93,  132 
140,  195. 

Interrupt^  pinnatus,  73 
?nterruptus,73,109,1 10 
Intervalvis,  199. 
Intervalvular,  199. 
Intrafoliaceus,  81,  93 

Introflexus,59, 168,193 

Inversus,  145,  155,218 
Inverted,  218. 
Ihvertens,  79. 
Invisibiiis,  217,  219. 
Involucellum,  119. 
Involucra,  53. 
Involucralis,  90. 
Involucratus,  99,  1 
114,  115,  120. 

Involucrum,  117,  221, 

222,  225. 

Involutivus,  87. 
Involutus,  87,  128,  133. 
Involves,  79. 

Inwards,  145,  157. 
Irregularis,  94, 1 13,125, 

Irritabilis,  144. 
Isostemon,  96. 


Jagged,  70, 83, 134,158, 

Joined,  215. 

Joint,  39,  63,  142. 
Jointed,  50,  55,  79,  88, 
10S,  123,  145,  171, 
181,  184,  216. 
Jointless,  79. 

Juba,  112. 

Jubatus,  101. 

Juices,  40. 

Juiceless,  176. 

J ulus,  101,  108. 
Junctura,  39. 


Keel,  130. 

Keeled, 74, 116,121,194. 
Kernel,  208. 

Kidney  shape,  67,  82, 
Kneebent,  212. 

Kneed,  50,  55, 105, 123, 
143,  154. 

Knobbed,  143. 

Knobby,  182. 

Knot,  39. 

Knotty,  50,  55. 


, Labellum,  138. 

Labium,  137,  138. 

, Lac,  41. 

Lacerus,  80,  83. 

. Laehrymaiformis,  202. 
Laciniatus,  70,  83,  134, 
156,  205. 

Lacinula,  335. 
Lactescentes,  41. 
Lacteus,  213. 

Lacunae,  33. 

, Lacustris,  47. 
Laevigatas,  45,  58,  203. 

Lffivis,  45,  57,  76,  147, 
150,  169,  192,203. 
Lageniformis,  178. 

Lake,  47. 

Lamella,  163,225. 
Lamellit'erus,  136. 
Lamina,  162,  224. 

Lana,  226. 

Lanatus,46, 58, 77,  192, 

Lanceshaped,  65. 
Laneeolatus,  65,83,107, 
116,  121,  122,  124, 
133,  146,  215. 

Land,  46. 

Lauaginosus,  166. 
Lanugo,  166,  226. 
Lapideus,  175,  205. 
Lappaceus,  119,  193. 
Large,  176,210,  214. 
Largefooted,  213. 
Largeheaded, 213. 
Lashed,  134,  136. 
Lasting,  117. 

f QQ 

Lateralis,  81,  92,  112, 
145,  152,  155,  169, 
212,  214,  217,  218. 
Laterifolius,  93. 

Latex,  225. 

Latus,  159,  214. 
Latuscula,  168. 

Laxus,  1 10,  1 12,  113, 
114,  149. 

Layers,  53. 

Leadcoiour,  213. 

Leaf,  60,  88,89,91,92, 
128,  216,  220,  221. 
Leaf-bearing,  86. 

Leaf,  floral,  116. 
Leafed,  57. 

Leafless,  57. 

Leaflike,  54,  82,  117, 
118,  213. 

Leafrib,  91. 

Leafstalk,  79,  90. 
Leafy,  110,  112. 
Leatherlikel93, 196,206 
Leathery,  41,  64,  121, 
122,  175,  210. 
Leaved,  217. 

Leaves,  61 . 

Lecus,  52. 

Legumen,  181. 
Leguminiformis,  180. 
Lengthened,  54. 
Lengthways,  148. 

Lens,  226. 

Lenticula,  226. 
Lenticularis,  202,211. 
Lentil  shape,  202. 



Lepicena,  120. 
Lepisma,  163. 

Liber,  53,127,151,  160, 
Lichen,  223. 

Ligatus,  150. 

Ligneus,  53,  54. 
Lignosus,  41,  49,  117, 
191,  193,  196. 
Lignum,  53,  194. 
Ligula,  80. 

Ligulatus,  115,  131. 
Liguliferus,  98. 
Like-flowered,  114. 
Limb,  137. 

Limbus,  137. 

Limes,  220. 

Limestone,  46. 

Linearis,  66,83,106,121, 
Linelike,  207. 
Lineolaris,  207. 
Linguiformis,  66,  172. 
Lingula,  164. 

Lip,  137,  138. 

Lirella,  223. 

Littoral  is,  47. 

Lobatus,  70,  126,  149, 
162,  176,  185,  197, 
210,  215. 

Lobed,  126,  149,  162, 
185,  197,  210,  215. 
Lobula,  216. 

Lobus,  142,  148,  213. 
Loceilus,  158. 
Loculamen*um,  199. 
Locular,  89. 
Loculicidus,  188. 
Loculosus,  64,80,  177. 
Loculus,  142,  199. 
Loeusta,  111. 

Lodicula,  123. 
Lomentaceus,  72. 
Lomentum,  182. 

Long,  65,127,  149,215. 
Longior,  127,  147. 
Longissimus,  106,  153. 
Longitudinaliter,  148. 
Longus,  135,  214,218. 
Loose,  110,  112,  113, 
114,  149. 

Lorica,  205. 

Loricatus,  208. 

Low,  218. 

Lucidus,45,58,77, 192, 

Lunulatus,  156. 
Luleo.auranliacus,  132. 

Lutescens,  213. 
Luteus,  132. 
Lycopodiaceae,  221. 
Lying  along,  145. 
Lying  down,  63. 
Lympha,  40. 
Lympbaeductus,  37. 
Lyratus,  70. 


Macrocephalus,  213. 
Macropodius,  213. 
Maculatus,  58,  77. 
Maculosus,  58. 

Magnus,  176,210,214. 
Main  body,  216. 

Male,  44,  95,  108,  109. 
Malicorium,  178. 
Mammula,  223. 
Manifold,  151. 

Many,  56,  152. 
Many-camared,  189. 
Many-celled,  147,  152, 
172,  179,  182,  184, 
185,  187. 

Man.y-cotyledon,  211. 
Many-cut,  91,  156. 
Many-fingered  pinnate, 

Many-fingered,  72. 
Many-flowered,  105, 
115,  117,  120. 
Many-Fruiting,  42. 
Many-headed,  187. 
Many-leaved,  117,  118, 

Many-lobed,  70,  147. 
Many-locular,  64. 
Many-paired,  72. 
Many-parted,  71,  91, 
127,  198,  205. 
Many-ribbed,  75,  198. 
Many-seeded,  172,  179, 
180,  182,  184,  187. 
Many-sepaled,  124. 
Many-styled,  97,  152, 

Many-valved,  187. 
Many-vittated,  170. 
Marcescens,  128. 
Marginalis,  81, 169, 195, 


Marginans,  160. 
Marginal  us,  80,166,204. 
Marinus,  47. 

Maritimus,  47. 

Marsh,  47. 

Masculus,  44,  95,  108, 
109,  223. 

Masklike,  131. 

Massa,  158. 

Massula,  158. 
Matutinus,  99. 
Meadow,  46. 

Mealy,  209. 

Meeting,  190. 

Medial,  212. 

Medianus,  195. 
Mediaris,  212. 
Mediatus,  139. 
Medifixus,  145. 
Mediocris,  214. 
Medivalvis,  195,198. 
Medulla,  52,  209. 
Medullaris,  53,  54,223. 
Meiosteinon,  96. 
Meionida,  177. 
Melonidium,  177. 
Meloniformis,  54. 
Melonshaped,  54. 
Membrana,  225. 
Membranaceus,  41,  64, 
Membranosus,  64. 
Membranula,  221,  222. 
Meridianus,  100. 
Mesocarpius,  170. 
Meteoricus,  99. 
Microbasis,  175. 
Micropyla,  207. 
Middle-fixed,  145. 
Middle-size,  214. 
Middle-valved,  198. 
Miliaris,  87. 

Miik,  41. 

Milky,  41. 

Minutus,  82. 

Misshapen,  134,  146. 
Mixtus,  86. 

Mobilis,  145. 

Mollis,  64. 

Monadelphus,  96,  140. 
Monander,  95. 
Moniliformis,  50,  88, 
171,  182. 

Monocarpicus,  42. 
Monocephalus,  186. 
Monocotyledoneus,  44, 


Monogynus,  96. 
Monoicus,  44. 
Monopetal  us,  129,  130. 
Monopbyllus,  117,  118, 

Monopterus,  172,  204. 
Monosepal  us,  124. 
Monospermus,  172, 175, 
177,  180,  182,  187. 
Monostylus,  152,  159, 



Montanas,  47. 

Monthly,  43. 

Moss,  47. 

Mosses,  221. 

Morning,  99. 

Mountain,  47. 
Moveable,  145. 
Mucilaginosus,  209. 
Mucro,  227. 
Mucronatus,  68,88, 121, 

Mule,  41. 
Multidigitatus,  72. 
Multiferus,  43. 
Multifidus,  91, 156. 
Multiflorus,  105,  115, 
117,  120. 

Multijugus,  72. 
Multilobus,  70, 147. 
Multilocularis,  147, 152, 
Multinervis,  198. 
Multinervius,  75. 
Multipartitus,  71,  91, 
198,  205. 
Multiplicatus,  97. 
Multiple-ribbed,  75. 
Multiplex,  56,  151,152, 
154,  164,  171. 
Multivalvis,  187. 
Mnltivittatus,  170. 
Munieus,  78. 

Mu  ri  cams,  150,170,192. 
Musearium,  113. 
Mushrooms,  225. 
Mushroomshape,  211. 
Muticus,  166. 

Mutually  riding,  87. 


Nailshape,  88, 143. 
Naked,  57,  86,  98,  106, 
107,109,1 14,115,136, 
Napiformis,  49. 

Nappy,  46,  192. 
Narrow,  171,  214. 
Narrowed,  67, 135, 169. 
Narrow-necked,  166. 
Natans,  47,  63. 

Native,  48. 

Naucum,  177. 
Navicularis,  121,  122, 
133,  194. 

Near  together,  148. 
Nearly'cylindrical,  181. 
Nearly  ovoid,  189. 
Nearly  sessile,  78. 
Nearly  terminal,  109. 

Necklaceshape,  171. 
Nectar,  41. 
Nectariferus,  162. 
Nectarilyma,  162. 
Nectaristigmata,  163. 
Nectarium,  101,  123, 
160,  162. 

Nectarotheca,  162. 
Needlelike,  66. 
Nemoblastus,  45. 
Nemorosu9,  47. 
Nephrosta,  221. 
Nervalis,  91. 
Nervato-venosus,  75. 
Nervatus,  75,  121,  122, 

Nervi,  39. 

Nervosus,  75,  121,  122. 
Nervus,  199. 

Nestling,  201,  213. 
Netted,  76. 

Networked,  203. 
Neuter,  43,  95. 

Nicked,  68,156,168,183 

Nidulans,  201. 
Nidulatus,  213. 

Night,  100. 
Nine-fingered,  72. 
Nine-lobed,  70. 
Nine-ribbed,  75. 
Nine-stamened,  95. 
Nipple,  226. 

Nipply,  45,  107. 
Nitidus,  77,  192,  203. 
Nivalis,  47. 

Nocturnus,  100. 
Nodding,  56,  93,  105. 
Nodositas,  39. 
Nodus,  39,  220. 

None,  149,  152. 

Noon,  100. 

Not  cut,  83,  121,  126. 
Notched,  68,  134,  135, 
138,  143,  166,  186. 
Novem-digitatus,  72. 
Novem-lobus,  70. 
Novem-nervius,  75. 
Nucamentum,  108. 
Nucleus,  1 75,  208,  224. 
Nucula,  174,  177. 
Nuculaneus,  179. 
Nucalanium,  177. 
Nuculosus,  177,  179. 
Nudus,  57,  86,  98,  106, 
Null  us,  149,  152,  167. 
Nut,  177,  191. 

Nutans,  56,  93,  105. 
Nux,  174,  177,  191. 


Obconicus,  118. 
Obcordatus,  68,  186. 
Obcordiformis,  68,  133, 
183,  186. 

Obcrenatus,  68,  181. 
Obcurrens,  190. 

Oblique  cordatus,67,82. 
Oblique  heartshape,  67, 


Obliquus,  56,  63,  135, 
157,  191,212. 
Oblongus,  65,  110,  146, 
150,  165,  167,  178, 

181,  190,202. 
Obovalis,  65. 
Obovoideus,  165,  175, 


Obstructs,  136. 
Obsuturalis,  195,  198. 
Obturbinatus,  118,178, 

Obtuse-angulatus,  54. 
Obtusus,  68,  135,  143, 
Obversus,  218. 
Obvolutus,  87,103,214. 
Ocrea,  83. 

Octander,  95. 

Octofidus,  126. 

Oetona,  61. 

Octopetalus,  129. 

Odd,  72. 

Offset,  52. 

Oily,  209. 

Oleaginous,  209. 
Oligospermus,  179,  182, 

Olopetalarius,  98. 
Omphalodius,  207. 
Once-bearing,  43. 
Once-fruiting,  42. 
One-cel  led,  147,  151, 

182,  184,  185,  187. 
One-corned,  173. 
One-cotyledon,  211. 
One- flowered,  105, 106, 

115,  119,  120. 
One-furrowed,  176,192. 
One-headed,  186. 
One-holed,  148. 
One-leafed,  117, 118,124 
One-leafletted,  71. 
One-lipped,  131. 
One-lobed,  147. 
One-paired,  72. 
One-paleolated,  123. 
One-petaled,  139. 
One-ribbed,  75,  198. 



■One-rowed,  59,  63,  93, 
172,  175,  177,  180, 
182,  187. 

One-sided,  121,133,161, 
197,  209. 

One-spathelled,  120. 
One-spathelluled,  122. 
One-stamened,  95. 
One-styled,  96, 152,159. 
One-valved,  187. 
One-vittated,  170. 

One  way,  93. 
One-winged,  172,  204. 
Opacus,  210. 

Open,  59,  63,  110,  112, 
115,  118,  133,  173. 
Open  ground,  47. 
Openings,  38. 

Opening,  145, 173, 181, 
182,  185,  188. 
Opercularis,  147,  104. 
Operculatus,  204. 
Operculiformis,  147. 
Operculum, 85, 148, 184, 

Ovoideus,  106, 108,110, 
118,  146,  150,  156, 
165,  174—176,  181, 
184,  186,  190,  191, 
202,  211,  218. 
Ovulum,  150. 

Ovum,  150,  200. 
Opposed,  155. 

Opposite  pennatus,  72. 
Oppositifolius,  93,  92, 
110,  111. 

Oppositive,  140. 
Oppositivus,  132,  140, 

Oppositus,  59,  63,  87, 
92,  93,  120,  132,  195, 


Oras,  49. 

Orange,  132,  150. 
Orbicularis,  65,  155, 
167,  186,  202,  207, 


Orbicnlatus,  183. 
Orbiculus,  137,  224. 
Orbilla,  223. 

Orbis,  212. 

Orderless,  62. 

Organic  us,  40. 
Organura,  36,  40,  100, 

Origoma,  222. 

Osseus,  175,  177,  191, 

Ossiculus,  175. 
Outside-growing,  43. 
Outwards,  145,  157. 

Ovalis,  65, 82, 133, 183, 

Ovarium,  150,  151. 
Ovatus,  65,  108,  134, 
130,  167,  176,  184, 

Ovoideus,  167. 


Paired,  72. 

Palatium,  131,  136. 
Palea,  120,  122,  227. 
Paleaceus,  107, 166,167. 
Paleola,  124. 

Palmatus,  50,  71,  76, 

Paludosus,  47. 

Paluster,  47. 
Panduriformis,  69. 
Panicula,  112. 
Paniculatus,  101,  109. 
Pannexterna,  176,  199. 
Panninterna,  1 75,  199. 
Paper-like,  64,  177, 

193,  206. 

Papilionaceus,  130. 
Papilla,  226. 

Papillaris,  88. 
Papillosus,  77,  107. 
Pappiformis,  199. 
Papposus,  3 66. 

Pappus,  166. 
Pappus-like,  199. 
Papula,  226. 

Papulosus,  45,  77. 
Papyraceus,  64. 
Parabolicus,  65. 
Paracarpium,  163. 
Paracorolla,  163. 
Parapetalum,  162,  163, 
Para phy sis,  221. 
Parastadis,  163. 
Parastamen,  163. 
Parastylus,  163. 
Parallelicus,  195. 
Paralleli-nervius,  75. 
Paralieli-venosus,  76. 
Parallel-ribbed,  75. 
Parallelus,  148,  195. 
Parasiticus,  47,  48. 
Parenchyma,  39,  53. 
Parted,  *71,  126,  138, 
154, 157. 

Partes,  36,  39,  40. 
Partialis,  79,  194. 
Partibiiis,  187. 
Particular,  1 17. 
Parietal,  197. 

Parting,  193. 
Partitional,  198. 
Partition  bearing,  194, 

Partitioned,  171. 
Partitioning,  197. 
Partitions,  194. 
Partitus,  70,  71,  126, 
138,  157,  205. 
Parvulus,  214. 

Parvus,  176,  214. 
Passing  away,  132. 
Patelliformis,  211. 
Patellula,  223. 

Patens,  59,  63,  89,  118, 
128,  133,  137,  141. 
Paientissimus,  60,  63. 
Pat  ulus,  59,  63,  112, 

Pauci-florus,  115. 
Pauci-radiatus,  114. 
Pearshape,  125,  190. 
Pectinatus,  71,  116. 
Pedately  cut,  71. 
Pedatifidus,  71. 
Pedatus,  73,  76. 
Pedicellatus,  86,  88, 

167,  197. 

Pedicellus,  104,  221. 
Peldiculus,  142. 
Pedilis,  166. 
Pedunculatus,  93. 
Pedunculeanus,  91, 101. 
Pedunculus,  104,  105. 
Pellicula,  205. 
Pellicularis,  209. 
Pellucidus,  210. 

Pelta,  223. 

Peltatus,  76,  78,  146, 
155,  201. 
Pelti-nervius,  75. 
Pendens,  141,  200,201. 
Pendulus,  94,  105,  109, 
111,  200,  201. 
Penicilliformis,  157. 
Penuatipartitus,  71. 
Pennatus,  76. 
Penni-nervius,  75. 
Pentacamarus,  189. 
Pentacoccus,  184,  185. 
Pentadelphus,  140. 
Pentagonus,  55,  155, 

186,  197. 

Pentagynus,  97. 
Pentander,  95. 
Pentapetalus,  129. 
Pentaphyllus,  124. 
Pentapterus,  172,  186. 
Pentaqueter,  197. 
Pentasepalus,  124. 
Pentabtylus,  152 


Pepo,  178. 

Peponida,  178. 
Peponium,  178. 
Peraphyllum,  162. 
Perennis,  42,  51,  54, 

Perfectus,  94. 
Perfoliatus,  63. 
Perforatus,  89,  156. 
Perfusus#  201, 
Periandricus,  161. 
Periantheus,  98. 
Perianthianus,  200. 
Perianthium,  100,  124, 

Pericarpialis,  85,  90. 
Pericarpaum,  164,  192. 
Perichaetialis,  221. 
Perichaetium,  221. 
Pericladium,  84. 
Periclinium,  119. 
Peridium,  225. 
Peridroma,  84. 
Perigonalis,  200. 
Perigoniarius,  97,  98. 
Perigonium,  100,  122, 
138.  221. 

Perigynandra,  100, 119, 
124,  129. 

Perigynium,  163. 
Perigynus,  129,  139. 
Periodicus,  99. 
Peripetalum,  161. 
Periphaericus,  209,  212. 
Periphyllium,  163. 
Periphorantium,  119. 
Peripteratus,  172,  191, 

Perispermatus,  209. 
Perispermicus,  209. 
Perispermum,  205,  209. 
Perisporium,  220. 
Perisporum,  163. 
Peristoma,  222. 
Peristomicus,  161. 
Perithecium,  224,  225. 
Permutatus,  97. 
Perocidium,  221. 
Perpendicularis,  51, 56, 

Persistens,  78,  83,  117, 
123,  128,  154,  162, 
176,  190,  198. 
Persistens  marcescens, 


Persistent  withering, 

Personates,  131. 
Pertusus,  76,  2 1 5. 
Perula,  86.  139. 
Perulatus,  86. 

Petal  iformis,  143,  153, 

Petal-like,  143,  153. 
Petaloideus,  97,98, 1 17, 


Petalus,  132. 
Petiolaneus,  64,  86,  90, 

Petiolaris,  81,  90 — 92. 
Petiolatus,  78,  215. 
Petiolularis,  81. 
Petiolules,  79. 

Petiolus,  79. 

Petrosus,  46. 
Phaenogamus,  43. 
Phoranthium,  104, 
Phragma,  196. 
Phragmigerus,  182. 
Phyllodium,  84. 
Phylloideus,  54. 
Phyllum,  128. 

Pierced,  76,  215. 
Pilaris,  167. 

Pileola,  216. 

Pileolatus,  219. 

Piieus,  225. 

Pili,  40,  81. 

Pilidia,  223. 

Piliai  like,  144. 

Pilosus,  45,  58,  77,  107, 
167,  170,  192. 
Pill-like,  212. 
Pinnaticisus,  70. 
Pinnatifidns,  70, 83,  91, 
116,  215. 

Pinnatipartitus,  70. 
Pinnatisectus,  71. 
Pinnatus,  72. 

Pipelike,  66,  125. 
Pipey,  105,  106,  153. 
Pips,  177. 

Pistillares,  151. 
Pistillarius,  97. 
Pistillum,  100,  150,158. 
Pit,  226. 

Pitcher,  157. 
Pitchershape,  64,  118, 
125,  13Q, 

Pith,  52. 

Pithy,  54. 

Pitted,  107,  203. 
Placenta,  196. 
Placentarianus,  195. 
Placentarimn,  196. 
Placentiferus,  194,  196. 
Planiusculus,  118. 
Planta,  36. 

Plan  tula,  217,  220. 
Planus,  74,  106,  114, 
138,  143.  159,  168, 
169,  190,  194,  203. 

Plenns,  54,  97,  102. 
Plexeoblastus,  45. 
Plicativus,  87,  103. 
Plicatus,  74,  87,  137, 
156,  215. 

Plopocarpium,  189. 
Plumbeus,  213. 
Plumosus,  157,  167. 
Plumula,  217. 
Plurilocularis,  151. 
Pluripartitus,  127. 
Plurivalvis,  187. 
Pneumatophora,  37. 
Pod,  182. 

Podetium,  223. 

Podlike,  185. 
Podogynium,  150. 
Podospermiuin,  199. 
Pointal,  100,  150. 
Pointed,  67,  88,  121, 
122,  135,  146,  156, 
186,  218. 

Polachena,  167. 
Polakena,  167,  171. 
Polexostylus,  175. 
Polished,  45,  169,  203. 
Pollen,  41,  142,  149. 
Pollen-mass,  158. 
Pollinicus,  158. 
Polyadelphus,  96,  140, 
Polyander,  96. 
Polycamarus,  189. 
Polycarpicus,  42. 
Polycephalus,  187. 
Polycblorio,  190, 
Polychlorionidis,  190. 
Polycoccus,  184,  185. 
Polvcoty  ledoneus,  44, 

Polygamus,  44. 
Polygynus,  97. 
Polypetalus,  129. 
Polyphorum,  160. 
Polyphyllus,  117,  118, 

Polysecus,  100 
Polysepalus,  124. 
Polyspermus,  172,  179, 
180,  182,  184,  187. 
Polyslemon,  96. 
Polystylus,  152,  159. 
Pomum,  177. 

Pori,  37,  39,  148. 
Porrectus,  137. 

Portio  lignea,  53. 
Posticus,  145,  148. 
Pouch,  183. 

Pouchlike,  185. 
Powder,  142. 

Powdery,  45,  58,  149. 
Prajfoliatio,  102. 



Praemorsus,  50,  68. 
Pratensis,  46. 

Precox,  99. 

Prickles,  89. 

Prickley,  46,59,  170. 
Pritnarius,  79. 
Primigenius,  41. 
Primitive,  41. 
Prisrnaticus,  125,  135. 
Procumbens,  56. 
Productiones,  53. 
Productum,  162. 
Progrediens,  51. 
Progressive,  51. 
Projectura,  61. 
Proliferus,  64,  98,  114. 
Proligerus,  224. 
Prolonged,  138. 
Prominens,  143,  159, 
194,  217. 

Propaculiferus,  42. 
Propaculum,  52. 
Propagaculum,  224. 
Propago,  42,  224. 
Proprius,  79,  117. 
Proscolla,  158. 
Prosphysis,  163,  222. 
Prostratus,  56. 
Prostypum,  207. 
Proteranthos,  78. 
Pruina,  41. 

Prunus,  175. 
Pseudocarpicus,  164. 
Pseudocarpium,  191. 
Pseudoparasiticus,  47. 
Pseudospermicus,  165. 
Pteratus,  194. 

Pterides,  173. 
Pteridium,  173 
Pubes,  226. 

Pubescens,  45,  58,  77, 
147,  157,  170,  192. 
Puckered,  74. 

Pul  pa,  200. 

Pulposus,  176,  193,205, 

Pulpy,  176,  193,  205, 

Pulverulentus,  45,  58, 

Pulvinulus,  224. 
Pulvinus,  60. 
Punctatus,  58,  77,  89, 
107,  176,  192,  203, 

Punctiformis,  207,  217. 
Purplish,  213. 
Purpureus,  213. 
Putamen,  175,  176. 
Pyramidalis,  60,  112. 
Pyrena,  175,  177. 

Pyrenarius,  177. 
Pyridion,  177. 
Pyriformis,  190. 
Pyxidium,  184,  221. 
Pyxis,  184. 


Quadrangularis,  55,  65, 
110,  183. 

Quadricornis,  146. 
Quadridentatus,  121, 
122,  126. 

Quadridigatato  - penua- 
tus,  73. 

Quadridigitatus,  72. 
Quadrieremus,  174. 
Quadrifidus,  70,  126, 

134,  156. 
Quadrijugus,  72. 
Quadrilobatus,  156. 
Quadrilobus,  150. 
Quads'ilocularis,  147, 
152,  176,  179,  187. 
Quad  ri  part  it  us,  127,1 98. 
Quadrisuleatus,  192. 
Quadrivalvis,  148,  187. 
Quaterna,  61. 

Quinatus,  72. 

Quina,  61,  62. 
Quincuncialis,  103. 
Quinque-angulatus,  69. 
Quinquedentatus,  68,126 
Quinquedigitatus,  72. 
Quiuque-eremus,  174. 
Quinquefidus,  126,  154. 
Quinquejugus,  72. 
Quiriquelobatus,  156, 
210,  215. 

Quinquelobus,  70. 
Quinquelocularis,  179, 

Quinquenervius,  75. 
Quinquepartitus,7 1,127. 

Quinquevalvis,  187. 
Quintuple  ribbed,  75. 
Quintuplex,  154. 
Quintupli-nervia,  75. 

, R. 

Racemosus,  101,  208. 
Racemus,  111. 

Rachis,  84,  104. 
Radiant,  114,  134,  186, 

Radiating,  134,  186, 

Radiatus,  103,  115,156. 
Radicalis,  61,  92. 

Radi  cans,  57,  64. 
Radicella,  48. 
Radicular,  48,  217. 
Radius,  53,  115V 
Radix,  48,  216. 

Raised,  151. 

Ramealis,  61,  92. 
Rameaneus,  64. 
Rameanus,  90. 

Ramenta,  60. 

Rameus,  61. 
Ramificatio,  60. 
Ramossissimus,  56,  112. 
Ramosus,  50,  56,  88, 
90,91,  104,100,  107, 
109,  111,  112,  144, 

Ramulus,  59. 
Ramunculus,  59. 

Ramus,  59. 

Rapha,  208. 

Raphe,  169. 

Raphida,  222. 

Rather  heartshape,  82. 
Rays,  53,  115. 
Receptacularis,  153. 
Receptaculum,  38,  1 01 , 
104,  159,  196,  222, 

Recessus,  194. 
Reclinatus,  87. 

Reel  us  us,  212. 
Rectilineus, 57,  90, 123 
135,  146,  153,  169, 
202,208,  211,  218. 
Recti-uervius,  75. 
Rectus,  57,  76,  90,  107, 
123,  135,  146,  153, 
202,  208,  211,  218. 
Recurvatus,  181,  202, 
211,  218. 

Recurvus,  63,  157,  202, 


Red,  132. 

Reddish  orange,  132. 
Redish  violet,  132. 
Reed,  52. 

Re-entering,  193. 
Reflectus,  63,  137. 
Refiexus,  63,  89,  90, 
141, 154,  157,214. 
Refractus,  60,  105. 
Regma,  185. 

Regressus,  218. 
Regularis,  94,  113,  128. 

Reliquia,  60. 
Remaining,  83,  198. 



Remains,  60. 

Remotus,  62,  149. 
Renarius,  82. 
Reniformis,  67,  82,  146, 
150,  178,  202,  215. 
Repandus,  69. 

Repens,  51,  57. 
Replicativus,  87. 
Replicatus,  202,  212. 
Reptans,  57. 
Reservoirs,  38. 
Restibilis,  42. 
Resupinatus,  131,  174, 

Reticulato-venosus,  76. 
Retlculatus,  76,  170, 

Reticulum,  84. 
Retinaculum,  158,  199. 
Retracted,  218. 
Retroflectus,  105. 
Retroflexus,  60. 
Retrorsus,  79. 

Retusus,  68. 

Reverse  conical,  118. 
Reverse  crenated,  181. 
Reverse  egglike,  165. 
Reverse  heartshape,  68, 
183,  186. 

Reverse  oval,  65. 
Reverse  ovoid,  175, 186. 
Reverse  topshape,  118, 
178,  186. 

Reversed,  63,  174,  191, 


Reversely  crenate,  68. 
Revolnte,  157. 
Revolutivus,  86. 
Revolutus,  70,  86,  128, 

Rhizanthus,  43. 
Rhiziophy sis,  219. 
Rhizoblastus,  45. 
Rhizocarpicus,  42. 
Rhizoma,  52. 

Rhombeus,  65. 

Ribband,  66. 

Ribbed,  75,  121,  122, 
125,  168—170,  213. 
Ribless,  75, 213. 

Ribs,  199. 

Riding,  87,  214. 

Rigens,  55. 

Rigid  us,  55,  64,  105. 
Rimosus,  58,  210. 

Rind,  177. 

Ring,  157,  221. 

Ringed,  168. 

Ringens,  131. 

Ringlike,  144,161,212. 
Riparius,  47. 

Rising,  200. 

River,  47. 

Rock,  46. 

Rolled,  70,  110,  128, 

Root,  48,  61,  92,  213, 

Root-flowering,  43. 
Rooting,  57,  64. 
Rootsucker,  52. 
Rootlet,  48. 

Rosaceous,  62,  130. 
Roselatus,  62,  130. 
Roselike,  62,  130. 
Rostellum,  58,217,227. 
Rostratus,  161,165,180, 

Rostrum,  164. 

Rotatus,  131. 

Rotundato  compresus, 


Rotundatus,  65,  185. 
Rough,  45,  58,  77, 192, 

Roughish,  170. 

Round,  65,  185. 
Rounded,  60,  65,  82, 
114,  116,  121,  122, 
176,  215. 

Roundish,  49,  133,  165, 
171,  177,  184,  186, 
191,  202,  218. 

Rows,  89,  201. 

Ruber,  132. 

Rubro-aurantiacus,  132. 
Rubro-violaceus,  132. 
Ruderalis,  46. 
Rudimental,  142. 
Rudimentarius,  142. 
Rugosus,  74,  192,  203. 

Rugulosus,  168,  169. 
Rumpled,  103,  215. 
Runcinatus,  70. 

Runner,  52. 

Rupestris,  46. 

Ruptiles,  117,  205. 


Sabre-shape,  68,  181. 
Sabulosus,  46. 
Sacelliformis,  161. 
Sacellus,  172. 

Saccus,  163. 

Sacklike,  161. 
Sagittatus,  67,  82,  146, 

Salinus,  47. 

Salsus,  47. 

Salt,  47. 

Salvershape,  131. 
Samara,  173. 

Sand,  46. 

Sap,  40. 

Sarco  basis,  175. 
Sarcocarpium,  175,200. 
Sarcodermis,  206. 
Sarcoma,  163. 
Sarmentosus,  55. 
Sarmentum,  52. 

Sativus,  43. 

Saucerlike,  211. 
Sautellae,  42. 
Sawdustlike,  203. 
Saxatilis,  46. 

Scaber,  58,  77,  192, 

Scale,  124,  163,  227. 
Scaled,  192. 

Scalelike,  65,  80,  161. 
Scaly,  51,  57,  85,  86, 

Scandens,  57. 

Scaphium,  130. 

Scapus,  104. 

Scar,  60. 

Scariosus,  64,  82,  119, 


Scattered,  59,  62,201. 
Schistosus,  46. 
Scleranthum,  173. 
Scobiformis,  213. 
Scooplike,  131. 
Scrobiculatus,  107,  169, 
176,  203. 

Scroti formis,  50. 
Scutella,  223. 
Scutelliformis,  211. 
Scutum,  i 64. 

Scyphus,  163. 

Se  invicem,  87. 

Sea,  47. 

Seagreen,  149. 

Seal-like,  51. 

Seat,  101. 

Secondarius,  79. 

Sectus,  7 1. 

Secundina,  209. 
Secundus,  59,  63,  93. 
Sedes,  101,  159. 

Seed,  165,  200,  210, 

Seed-bearing,  42,  194, 

Seed-covers,  204. 

Semen,  200,  224. 
160,  1 88. 



Semi-am  plexus,  87. 

Semi  apertus,  115. 
Semi-cordiformis,  82. 
Semi- cylindricus, 66,21 5 
Semi-double,  97. 
Semi-flosculosus,  102, 


Semi-inclusus,  201. 
Semi-inferus,  127. 

181,  186. 

Seminalis,  61,  151. 
Seminiferus,  42,  194, 

Semi-ovalis,  82. 
Semi-sagittatus,  82. 
Semi-staminarius,  97. 
Semi-verticillatus,  102. 
Sempervirens,  78. 

Sena,  61. 

Sepalum,  128. 
Septem-angulatus,  69. 
Septem-digitatus,  72. 
Septem-lobus,  70. 
Septem-nervius,  75. 
Septicidus,  188. 
Septiferus,  193,  194, 

Septiformis,  197. 
Septifragus,  188. 
Septilis,  198. 

Septulum,  158,  171. 
Septum,  195. 

Serialis,  89,  141,  201. 
Sericeus,  46,  58,  77, 

Serotinus,  99. 

Serratus,  68. 

Serrulatus,  69. 
Sertulum,  114. 

Sessilis,  62,  86,  88,  89, 
93,  133,  144,  151, 
155,  166,  197,  201, 
216,  219. 

Seta,  123,  142, 221,226. 
Setaeeus,  66,  83,  90, 

116,  121. 

Setosus,  107,  167,  169, 

Seven-angled,  69. 
Seven-fingered,  72. 
Seven-lobed,  70. 
Seven-ribbed,  75. 
Seven-etamened,  95. 
Seven-styled,  97. 

Seven  valved,  187. 
Sex-eremus,  174. 
Sexfidus,  126. 
Sexlocularis,  176,  187. 
Sextuplex,  154, 

Shady,  47. 

Shaggy,  147,  150. 

Sharp,  67,  143. 

Sheath,  53,  83. 

Sheathed,  57 , 105. 
Sheathing,  63,  80,  81, 
144,  157. 

Sheave-like,  211. 

Shell,  175,  205. 
Sheltering,  78. 

Shield,  164. 

Shielded,  147. 
Shield-like,  76,  201. 
Shining,  45,  58,  77,  192, 

Shore,  47. 

Short,  127,  214,  218. 
Shortened,  214. 

Shorter,  147. 

Shrub,  36. 

Shrubby,  56. 

Siccus,  180,  209. 
Sicklelike,  137. 
Sickle-hape,  215. 

Side,  93,  214. 

Side-lying,  141. 
Sigillatus,  51. 

Silicula,  183. 
Siliculseformis,  185. 
Silky,  46,  58,  77,  167. 
Siliqua,  182. 
Siliquaefonnis,  185. 
Silver  grain,  53. 
Siinilaris,  121,  122,215. 
Simiiiflorus,  114. 

Similis,  149. 
90,  91,  102,  104,  106 
-—109,  111 — 113, 118, 
144,  154,  156,  164, 
167,  169,  171,  208. 
Simplicissimus,  56. 
Single,  56,  81,  95,  108, 
117,  151,  152,  154. 

Sinistrorsum,  57. 
Sinochorium,  184. 
Sinuato-lobatus,  168. 
Sinuato-undulatus,  169. 
Sinuately  waved,  169. 
Sinuatus,  69,  162. 
Sinuolatus,  69. 

Sinuosus,  146,  208. 
Six-celled,  174,  176, 

184,  187. 

Six-cut,  126. 
Six-leaved,  124. 
Six-petaled,  129. 
Six-rowed,  93. 
Six-sepaled,  124. 
Six-sided,  55. 
Six-stamened,  95. 

Six-styled,  97. 

Six- winged,  186. 

Sixes,  61. 

Skin,  39,  205,  206. 

Slate,  46. 

Slender,  55,  108,  110, 
144,  218. 

Slime,  225. 

Slit,  83,  148. 
Slow-growing,  42. 

Small,  176,  214. 

Smooth,  45,  57,76,  147, 
150,  168,  169,  192, 

Sinoothened,  58. 
Snail-like,  103. 

Snow,  47. 

So  boles,  42,  85. 
Soboliferus,  42. 

Soft,  64. 

Soldered,  180. 

Solidus, 54, 85,  144, 171. 
Solitarius,  81,  91,  95, 

Solntus,  81. 

Sored i urn,  224. 

Sorosus,  190. 

Sorus,  221. 

Spaces,  38. 

Spadix,  104,  106. 
Sparsus,  59,  62. 

Spatha,  1 16. 

Spathaceus,  99. 
Spathatus,  99,  111,  114. 
Spathella,  120,  122. 
Spathellula,  122. 
Spathilla,  117. 
Spatula-shape,  65,  133. 
Spathulatus,  65,  133. 
Spearsbape,  107,  116. 
Spectans,  87. 
Spermapodium,  169. 
Spermatocystidium,  142. 
Spermodermis,  205. 
Spermophorus,  196. 
Sphaericus,  106,  108, 

114,  150,  167,  173, 
176—179,  186,  139, 
190,  197,  202,  211. 
Sphaeroblastus,  45^ 
Sphserula,  224. 
Sphalerocarpium,  173. 
Spica,  109. 

Spicatus,  101. 
Spiciformis,  189. 
Spicula,  111. 

Spiculatus,  109. 

Spike,  109. 

Spiked,  101. 

Spikelet,  111. 



Spikeletted,  109. 
Spike-like,  189. 

Spiles,  207. 

Spina,  89. 

Spindleshape,  49,  178, 
180,  211. 

Spined,  121. 
Spineliatus,  121. 
Spinellosus,  46,  59,  77, 


Spinescens,  60,  80,  82, 

Spiniferus,  64. 

Spinosus,  46,  59,  69, 

Spinous,  193. 

Spiralis,  62,  93,  106, 
143,  154,  181,  185. 
Splendens,  77. 

Split,  70,  136,  138,  144. 
Spongiolse,  39,  49. 
Spongiosus,  54. 

Spongy,  54. 

Spora,  220,  224,  225. 
Sporangium,  220,  221. 
Sporangidiurn,  222. 
Sporidium,  225. 
Sporula,  220,  225. 
Spotted,  58,77. 

Spread,  201. 

Spreading, 128, 133,137, 
141,  180. 

Spread  forward,  137. 
Spread  open,  112. 
Spring,  47. 

Spring-tide,  99. 
Sprouting,  51. 
Spumescens,  41. 

Spur,  139,  162. 

Spurred,  126,  134,  136. 
Spurius,  53,  178,  183, 

194,  223. 

Squama,  124,  163,  227. 
Squarniformis,  65,  80, 


Squamosus,  51,  57,  85, 
86,  105,  192, 
Squarrosus,  119. 

Squat,  89. 

Squatted,  62. 

Stages,  141. 

Stalked,  43. 

Stamen,  100,  139. 
Stamenbearing,  159. 
Staminal,  88. 
Staminarius,  97. 
Stamineus,  98. 
Staminiferus,  159. 
Staminodium,  158. 
Standard,  130. 

Star  like,  131,  156. 

Star-ribbed,  75. 

Starred,  88. 

Starry,  184. 

Slellatus,  61,  76,  88, 
131,  155,  184. 
Stellinervius,  75. 

Stem,  52,  61,  88,  89,  92, 

Stem-fruiting,  43. 
Stemless,  43. 
Sferigmum,  184. 

Sterilis,  48,  95,  148. 
Sticky,  45. 

Stiff,  55,  64,  105. 
Stigma,  49,  151,  154, 

Stimulus,  227. 

Sting,  227. 

Stipella,  84. 

Stipellatus,  80. 
Stipellus,  142. 

Stipes,  84, 166, 221, 225. 
Stipiformis,  55. 
Stipitatus,  167. 

Stipula,  81. 
Slipulaneus,  86,  90,  91. 
Stipularis,  88. 
Stipulates,  57. 

Stipuled,  80. 
Stipuliferus,  80. 

Stoio,  52. 

Stoloniferus,  51. 
Stomatia,  39. 

Stone,  175,  176. 
Stonelike,  175. 

Stool,  52. 

Stoolbearing,  42. 
Straight,  57,76,  90,  107, 
123,  135,  146,  153, 
169,  202,  208,  211, 

Stragula,  122. 
Straight-ribbed,  75. 
Straplike,  106. 

Stratum,  53. 

Strawq  52. 

Streaked,  58,  76,  135, 
169,  203. 

Striatus,  58,  76,  135, 
169,  192,  203. 
Strictus,  55,  105. 

Striga,  227. 

Strigosus,  46. 

Strobilus,  19. 

Stroma,  222,  224. 
Strombuliformis,  181. 
Strombuslike,  181. 
Strophiolatus,  205,  207. 
Styleless,  152. 

Styliscus,  151. 
Stylotegium,  163. 

Stylus,  151,  152. 
Subapiciiaris,  109,  112, 

Subaxilis,  169. 
Sub-bi!ocularis,  152. 
Subcordatus,  82. 
Subcordiformis,  82. 
Subcylindricus,  150,186. 
Suberosus,  41,  58,  193, 
196,  206. 

Subglobosus,  202. 
Sublatus,  151. 
Submerges,  47. 
Submerses,  63. 
Subovoideus,  189. 
Subperiphmricus,  212. 
Subrotundus,  49,  60, 

65,  82,  116,  121,  122, 
138,  165,  171,  176, 
177,  186,  191,  202, 
215,  218. 

Subsessilis,  78. 
Substance,  53. 
Substantia,  223. 
Subterraneous,  48,  49. 
Subulatus,  66,  83,  88, 
90,  116,  121,  124, 

135,  143,  146,  153, 
155,  167,  183,  197. 
Succeeding,  78. 
Succulentus,  41,  54,  64, 

175,  221. 

Succosus,  64. 

Succus,  40. 

Sucker,  92, 
Sucker-bearing,  51. 
SufFrutex,  38. 

Sulcatus,  58,  76,  105, 

126,  135,  157,  168, 

176,  192,203. 

Sulphur  colour,  150. 
Sulphureus,  150. 
Summer,  99. 

Summit,  142,  151. 

Sunk,  194. 

Sunken,  47,  63. 
Superaxillaris,  90, 
Superficialis,  218. 

Super  positus,  148. 
Superus,  127,  151,  188, 


Support,  84,  104. 
Supradecompositus,  73. 
Surculiferus,  42. 

Sure u)us,  52,  221. 
Surrounding,  78. 

Sutura,  194. 

Sutural,  198. 

Swimming,  47. 

Swollen,  125,  180,  181, 



Sword-edged,  143. 

S word-shape,  66, 153. 
Syncarpa,  189,  190. 
Syconus,  190. 
Sylvaticus,  47. 
Sylvester,  43. 
Symphyosternon,  96. 
Symphytantherus,  96. 
Syngenesus,  96,  140. 
Syngenesicus,  140. 
Synanthos,  78. 
Synantherus,  96. 
Synema,  158. 
Svnorhizus,  213. 
Synsfigmaticus,  149. 
Synzygia,  216. 


Tail,  226. 

Tailed,  147,  180. 

Talara,  130. 

Tearing,  117,  205. 

Tear! ike,  202. 

Tegmen,  120,206. 
Tegumentum,  100. 
Tegminatus,  208. 

Tela,  37. 

Ten-celled,  178. 
Ten-cut,  126. 
Ten-staniened,  96. 
Tendril,  72,  91. 
Tendril-hearing,  80. 
Tend  rilled,  57. 
Tendril-like,  80. 

Tenuis,  210. 

Teres,  49,  54,  66,  153. 
Tergeminatus,  73. 
Tergiminus,  73. 
Terminal  is,  89,  92,  109, 
Tern  a,  61,  62. 

Ternatus,  72,  94. 
Ternato-pinnatus,  73. 
Terraneus,  46. 
Terrestris,  46. 

Testa,  205. 

Testiculatus,  50. 
Tesliculus,  142. 

Testis,  142. 
Tetracamarus,  189. 
Tetracoccus,  184. 
Tetradynamus,  96,  140. 
Tetragonus,  55,  67,  105, 
183,  186,  197,  203. 
Tetragynus,  97. 
Tetrander,  95. 
Tetrapetalus,  129. 
Tetraphyllus,  124. 

Tetrapterus,  172,  181. 
Tetraqueter,  55,  197. 
Tetrasepalus,  124. 
Tetraspei  mus,  187. 
Tetrastichus,  93. 
Tetrastylus,  152. 
Texture,  37. 

Thalamia,  224. 
Tiialamiflorus,  43. 
Thalamus,  100,104,124, 
159,  223. 

Thall us,  223. 

Theca,  142,  199,221. 
Thecaphorum,  160. 
Thecidion,  172. 
Thecidium,  172. 

Thick, 108, 110, 121, 144, 
210,  214. 

Thickened,  168,  169. 
Thin,  210. 

Thongshape,  149. 

Thorn,  89. 
Thorn-bearing,  64. 
Thorned,  80. 
Thorn-ended,  60. 
Thorn-like,  116. 
Thorny,  46,  59,  69, 150, 
no;  192. 

Thread,  142. 
Thread-like,  105,  107, 
110,  135,  143,  148, 

153,  155,  171,  197, 
199,  211. 

Thread-shape,  49,  55. 
Thready,  176. 
Three-camared,  189. 
Three-celled,  152,  176, 
Three-chaffed,  166. 
Three-cornered,  55,  65, 
155,  171,  173,203. 
Three-cut,  70,  91,  126, 
134,  154,  156. 
Three-edged,  55. 
Three-fingered,  72. 

Three-forked,  56,80,88, 

Three-furrowed,  192. 
Three-headed,  187. 
Tiiree-leafletted,  72. 
Three-leaved,  124. 
Three-lobed,  70,  126, 
150,  156,  162,  210. 
Three-paired,  72. 
Three-paleolated,  123. 
Three-parted,  90,  127, 

154,  187,  198,  205. 
Three-parting,  198. 

Three-pcfnled,  129. 
Three-pointed,  135. 
Three-ribbed,  75,  198. 
Three-seeded,  172,  187. 
Three-sepaled,  124. 
Three-sided, 55, 67, 105, 
107,  153,  165,  175, 
176,  185,  197. 
Three-stamened,  95. 
Three-styled,  97,  152. 
Three-toothed,  68, 126. 
Three-valved,  148,  176, 

Three-winged,  172,186, 

Threes,  61,  94. 
Thrice-compounded,  73. 
Thrice-feafher-cut,  71. 
Throat,  136. 

Thyrsus.  101,  112. 

Tied,  150. 

Tigella,  219. 

Tigellatns,  217. 

Tiled,  103,  118,  122. 
Tile-like,  62,  141,  180, 

Tiling,  79. 

Tip,  148,213. 
Tornentosus,  46,  58,  77, 
170,  192. 

Tomentum,  226. 
Tongue,  164. 
Tongueshape,  66,  172. 
Tooth,  222. 

Toothed,  51, 69,83, 108, 
126,  134,  135,  156, 
168,  169. 

Topshape,  125,153,165, 
Topwinged,  181. 
Torfaceus,  47. 

Torn,  80,  83,  126. 
Torsus,  123, 146. 
Tortuosus,  57. 

Tortus,  137,  143,157. 
Torulosus,  143, 183,185. 
Torus,  101,  159. 
Tracheae,  37. 
Transversus,  193,  212. 
Transitorius,  132. 
Transparent,  210. 
Transversalis,  194. 
Transversim,  148. 
Trapezoideus,  65. 

Tree,  36. 

Triadelphus,  140. 
Trialatus,  204. 
Triander,  95. 
Triangularis,  55,65,1 7 1 . 
Trica,  223. 

Tricamarus,  189. 



Tricephalus,  187. 
Trichotomus,  56,  80. 
Tricoccus,  184, 185. 
Tricuspidatus,  135*143. 
Tridigitatus,  72. 
Trifidus,  70,91,126,134, 
154,  156. 

Triflorus,  106,  119. 
Trifoliolatus,  72. 
Trifureatus,  88. 
Trigeminate,  73. 
Triglans,  173. 

Trigonus,  55,  67,  105, 
107,  153,  155,  165, 
171,  175,  176,  185, 
186,  197,203. 
Trigynus,  97. 

Trijugus,  72. 
Trilateral^,  197. 
Trilobatus, 126,156, 162, 

Trilobus,  70,  150. 

Tri  I ocularis,  152,  176, 
178,  179,  187. 
Trinervis,  198. 
Trinervius,  75. 

Trioicus,  44. 
Tripaleaceus,  166. 
Tripaleolatus,  123. 
Tripartibilis,  187,  198. 
Tripartitus,  90,127,154, 
198,  205. 

Tripennaticisus,  71. 
Tripetalus,  129. 
Tripinnatus,  74. 
Triple-ribbed,  75. 
Triplex,  154. 
Triplinervius,  75. 
Tripterus,  172, 186,204. 
Triqueter,  55,  67,  155, 
171,  197,203. 
Trispermus,  172,  187. 
Tristylus,  152. 
Trisulcatus,  192. 
Triternatus,  74. 
Trivalvis,  148,176, 1S7. 
Trochlearis,  211. 
Trophospermum,  196. 
True,  178. 

Truncatus,  50,  68,  80, 
122,  124,  126,  146, 
156,  186. 

Truncus,  52. 

Tuba,  151. 

Tuber,  49,  50. 
Tubercular,  203,  223. 
Tuberculatus,  58,  107, 
197,  203,  208. 
Tuberculum,  49,  50. 

Tuberosus,  49,  85, 209. 
Tubiferus,  98. 
Tubularis,  80. 

Tubular,  125, 171. 
Tubulatus,  125, 130. 
Tubulosus,  81,  125,  130, 
144,  153,  171. 

Tubus,  37,  135,  225. 
Tuft,  116. 

Tufted,  204. 

Tunica,  204,  206. 
Tunicatus,  85,  208. 
Tunicosus,  85. 
Turhinatus,  125,  153, 
165,  177,  179,  186, 
190,  202,  211. 
Turgidus,  168,  180, 181, 

Turio,  85. 

Turioniferus,  51. 
Turned  back,  105,  H8, 
128, 137,  138,  214. 
Turned  backwards,  89. 
Turned  in,  137,  138. 
Turned  over,  131. 
Turnepshape,  49. 
Turning,  79,  145. 
Twelve-cut,  126. 
Twelve-sided,  150. 
Twelve-styled,  97. 
Twenty-sided,  150. 
Twice-compounded,  73. 
Twice-feather-cut,  71. 

Twice-flowering,  43. 
Twi°*s  59. 

Twin/ 62,"  82,  146,  183, 

Twisted,  103,  123,  137, 
146,  157. 

Two-beaked,  165. 
Two-celled,  147,  151, 
172,  174—176,  179, 
182,  184,  185,  187. 
Two-chaffed,  166. 
Two-cotyledon,  211. 
Two-cut,  70,  91,  126, 
134,  146,  154,  156. 
Two-edged,  54,105,143. 
Two-fingered,  7 l. 

Two-flaked,  157,  195. 
Two-flowered,  106,117, 
119,  120. 

Two-forked,  56,  79,  88, 
106,  143,  154. 
Two-furrowed,  192. 
Two-headed,  186. 
Two-holed,  148. 

Two-horned,  146,  160, 
183,  191. 

Two-leaved,  117,  124. 
Two-lipped,  126,  131, 


Two-!obed, 70, 126,147, 
156,  162,215.  ‘ 

Two-paired,  72. 
Two-paleolated,  123. 
Two-parted,  7 1,90, 127, 
134,  154,  187,  198. 
Two-parting,  198. 
Two-partible,  168. 
Two-petaled,  129. 
Two-pointed,  88. 
Two-ranked,  62. 
Two-ribbed,  198. 
Two-rowed,  59, 93, 122. 
Two-seeded,  172,  175, 
Two-sepaled,  124, 
Two-sided,  63,  149,197. 
Two-spathelled,  120. 
Two-spathelluled,  122. 
Two-stamened,  92. 
Two-styled,  97,  152. 
Two-teethed,  121,  122. 
Two-valved,  176,  187. 
Two-vittated,  170. 
Two-winged,  204. 

Twos,  95. 


Uliginosus,  47. 

Unarmed,  166. 

Umbella,  112,  113. 

Umbellatus,  102. 

Umbelflowered,  117. 

Umbelliferus,  117. 

Umbellula,  114,  156. 

Umbilicus,207,208,21 8. 

Umbrosus,  47. 

Uncinatus,  68, 131, 135, 
156,  199. 

Uncus,  227. 

Uncut,  80,  83,  122,135, 
138,  168,  215. 

Undivided,  106,  171. 



Undulatus,  74, 134, 135, 

Unequal,  67,  121,  128, 
134,  140,  167. 

Unguiculatus,  133. 

Unialatas,  172,  204. 

Unicus,  56, 95, 151, 152, 
154,  209. 

Uniferus,  43. 



Uniflorus,  105,  106, 1 15, 
117,  119,  120. 
Uniforatus,  148. 
Unifoliatus,  7 1. 
Uniformis,  94,  114. 
Uniglans,  173, 

Unijugus,  72. 
Unilabiatus,  131. 
Unilateralis,  63,  93,121, 
Unilobus,  147. 
Unilocularis,  147,  151, 
182,  184,  185,  187. 
Uninervatus,  75. 
Uninervis,  198. 
Uninervius,  75. 
Unipaleaceus,  120,  122. 
Unipaleolatus,  123. 
Unipetalus,  130. 
Unique,  94. 

Unisexualis,  44,  95. 
Unisulcatus,  176,  192. 
Univalvis,  117,  187. 
Univittatus,  170. 
Unlike,  147,  149,215. 
Uni  ike-flowered,  114. 
Upright,  56,93,109,111, 
’128,  133,  137,  141, 
145,  153,  157,  174, 
180,  191,  200, 
Urceolatus,l  18,125,130 
Urceolus,  157,  163. 
Urna,  221. 

Utricula,  177. 
Utricularis,  87,  176. 
Utricularius,  64. 
Utriculosus,  51. 
Utricuhis,  37,  142,  150, 


Yacillans,  145. 
Vanishing,  162. 

Vagina,  53,  83,  151. 
Vaginans,63,80,81 ,144, 

Vaginatus,  57,  105. 
Vaginella,  84, 
Vaginula,  221. 

Vagus,  194,  201,  213. 
Vallecula,  169. 

Valva,  116,120,122,148, 
193  213. 

Valvaris,  103,  195, 197. 
Valvatus,  103. 
Valveanus,  195. 
Valveless,  176. 

Val  vula,  120,  148,  193. 

Variegatus,  77. 

Vas,  37,  38, 39,151,216. 
Vasculuin,  84. 
Vegetabilia,  36. 

Veined,  76. 

Veinless,  76. 

Veiny,  192. 

Velumen,  226. 
Velutinus,  45,  58,  77, 
157,  192. 

Velvet,  45,  226. 
Velvetty,  58,  77,  124, 
144,  153,  157,  192. 
Vena,  225. 

Venosus,  7 6,  192. 
Ventricosus,  105,  125, 
135,  180. 

Vernalis,  99. 

Vernatio,  86. 

Vernus,  99. 

Verruca,  226. 
Verrucosus,  58,  77, 170, 

Versatilis,  145. 
Vertebral,  72. 
Vertebratus,  72,108,182 
Verticals,  56,  153. 
180,  196,  214. 
Verticilliflorus,  110. 
Vertieillus,  1 10. 

Verus,  178. 

Very  branchy,  56. 

Very  long,  106,  153. 
Very  much  compressed, 

Very  open,  60,  63. 
Very  short,  106,  153. 
Very  simple,  56. 

Very  small,  82,  214. 
Vesicles,  37. 

Vesicula,  84,  225, 
Vesicularis,  87,  206. 
Vessels,  37,  88. 
Vexillaris,  103. 
Vexillmn,  130. 
Villosity,  226. 

Viliosus,  45, 58,77,  107, 
170,  192,  197,204. 
Villus,  40,  226. 
Vinealis,  46. 

Vineyard,  46. 
Violaceus,  132. 

Violet,  132. 
Violon-shaped,  69. 
Virgatus,  54. 

Viridis, 77, 132,210,213. 
Viridi-lutens,  132. 
Viscosus,  45,  77,  157. 
Visibilis,  217,  219', 

Vitellus,  219. 

Viticula,  52. 

Vitta,  38,  170. 
Volubiiis,  57. 

Volva,  225. 


Wall,  46. 

Wanting,  167. 

Wart,  226. 

Waned,  192. 

Warty,  58, 77, 170,203. 
Water,  47. 

Waved, 7 4, 134, 135, 189, 

Wavy  crenulated,  135. 
Weak,  55,  105. 
Wedge-like,  65. 
Wedge-shape,  133,  143. 
Wheel-like,  131. 

Whirl,  61, 102, 110,180, 

Whirled,  59,  196. 

White,  132,210,213. 
Whitish,  149. 
Wide-apart,  214. 

Wild,  43. 

Winding,  146,208. 
Wing,  130,  164,226. 
Winged,  57,80,165,168, 
170,  172,  180,  183* 
185,  191,  194,  204. 
Winter,  99. 

Withering,  128. 

Wood,  53. 

Woodland,  47. 

Woody,  41,  49,  53,  54* 
117,  191,  196. 

Wool,  226. 

Woolliness,  226. 
Woolly,  46, 58, 77, 192* 

Wrinkled,  58,  74,  168,. 

169,  192,  203,210. 
Wrinkly,  168. 


Xylopodium,  174. 


Yellow,  132,  150. 
Yellowish,  149,  213. 
Yellowish  ora.nge,  132,- 


Zonatus,  78. 

Zoned,  78. 

Terminations  of  derivatives , 

adelphos,  142. 

• — anthos,  92. 

— athera,  123,  226. 

- — botane,  36. 

— botanos,  36. 

— botrys,  111. 

— car  pon,  164. 

— centhrum,  162. 

— cephalum,  115. 

— chceta,  123, 226. 

— clinium,  101, 159. 

— dendron,  36. 

— derma,  53. 

— erion,  226. 

• — gonoi,  100. 

— gyne,  100,  150. 

— gynos,  100,  150. 

— lepis,  227. 

• — nema,  142. 

— pes,  104. 

— phyllum,  61. 

— phytos,  36. 

podos,  104. 

— pogon,  222, 226. 

— pus,  104. 

— rhizos,  48. 

— stachys,  109. 

— stemon,  100,  139. 

— spermum,  200. 

— thalamum,  101, 159, 

— tropis,  130. 

— ura,  226. 

— xylon,  53. 



Acetabulum,  438,  672. 
Acladium,  556. 
Acoliuin,  482. 

Acorn,  dog’s,  675. 
Acremonium,  550. 
Acrospermum,  595,659. 
Acrosporium,  552. 
Actidium,  508,  509. 
Adiantum  aureum,  720, 

Adonis,  620. 
iEcidiura,  534 — 538. 

— ■ anemones,  537|  538. 

— asperifolias,  536. 

— asperifoliarum,  536. 

— barbareae,  535. 

— berberidis,  534. 

— bunii,  535. 

— cancellatum,  534. 

— characeae,  537. 

— cichoracearum,  537. 

— clematitis,  536. 

— conferturn,  535. 

— corni,  536. 

— cornutum,  534. 

— crassum,  535. 

— epilobii,  538. 

— euphorbias,  537. 

— fuscum,  542. 

— irregulare,  535. 

— laceratura,  534. 

— leucospermum,  537. 

— oxyacanthae,  534. 

— periclymeni,  537. 

— ■ punctatum,  538. 

— ranunculi,  535. 

— rubellum,  536. 

— rubi,  538. 

— rumicis,  536. 

— tragopogi,  537. 

— tragopogonis,  537. 

— tussilaginis,536,537. 

— urticae,  536. 

— violarum,  537. 
jEgagropila,  308. 
./Egerita,  546. 
/Egeritadeao,  546, 

VOL.  I. 

vEthalium,  567. 
Afzelia,  731,732,  743. 
Agaricideae,  599. 
Agaricus  acris,  625. 

— acuminatus,  633. 

— Adonis,  620. 

— adustus,  614. 

— asruginosus,  627. 

— affinis,  608. 

— - albellus,  609. 

— albus,  610,  61 1. 

- — alliaceus,  619. 

«—  alneus,  617. 

— alumnus,  611. 

— amanitas,  611, 

— amarus,  627. 

— amethysteus,  614. 

— androsaceus,  622. 

— annularius,  603. 

■ — applicatus,  617. 

— araneosus,  629. 

— arundinaceus,  607. 

— arvensis,  626, 

— atro-albus,  619. 

— atrorufus,  620. 

— aurantiaous,  636. 

— auratus,  627. 

— aureus,  603. 

— aurivellus,  602. 

— - aurivenius,  604. 

— badipus,  605. 

— Beryl lus,  627. 

— betulinus,  617. 

— bicolor,  628. 

— brevipes,  609. 

— bulbosus,  599,  630. 

— caeruleus,  606. 

— calceolarius,  602. 

— callochrous,  629. 

— campanella,  623. 

— campestris,  626. 

— candicans,  613. 

— candidus,  611. 

— cantharelloides,  636. 

— cantharellus,  636. 

— carnosus,  615. 

— castaneus,  611. 

— caulicinalis,  605. 

— cepaestipes,  633. 

Agaricus  ceraceus,  607. 

— chalybeus,  608, 

— ciliaris,  6 33. 

— cimicarius,  625. 

— cinctulus,  633, 

— cinereus,  634. 

— cinnamomeus,  630. 
citrinus,  599. 

■ — clavus,  621. 

— coccineus,  621. 

— cochleatus,  612. 

— collariatus,  622. 

— collinitus,  628. 

— collinus,  607. 

— colubrinus,  602. 

— columbarius,  608. 

— comatus,  634. 

- — compressus,  610, 

— - confertus,  631. 

— confluens,  612. 

— congregatus,  603. 

— contiguus,  611. 

— coprinus,  635. 

— coriaceus,  617. 

— cornucopioides,  612, 

— corticalis,  621. 

— crassipes,  605. 

— • cretaceus,  633. 

— cristatus,  602. 

— croceus,  602,  630. 

— cumulatus,  603. 

— cuspidatus,  631. 

— cyaneus,  627. 

— cyanus,  627. 

— cyathiformis,  611, 
612,  614. 

— cyathoides,  614. 

— cylindricus,  634. 

— deliciosus,  624. 

— denticulatus,  630. 

— depluens,  617. 

— domesticus,  635. 

— dryophilus,  612. 

- — dulcis,  624. 

— eburneus,  610. 

— edulis,  626. 

— elephantinus,  614, 

- — elixus,  614. 

— emeticus,618, 

3 F 



Agaricus  ephemerus, 

. — epigseus,  617. 

— epiphyllus,  622. 

— epipterygius,  620. 

— ericetorum,  623. 

• — ericeus,  613. 

• — ericaeus,  631. 

— excoriatus,  601. 

— extinctorius,  632. 

— facie,  641. 

— farinaceus,  612,  613. 

— fascicularis,  627. 

— - fibula,  623. 

* — ficoides,  604. 

— filamentosus,  602. 

— fimbriatus,  622. 

— fimetarius,  634. 

— fimiputris,  632. 

— flabelliformis,  615. 

■ — flaccidus,  612. 

— flavidus,  632. 

— flavipes,  619. 

— flavo-floccosus,  602. 

— floccosus,  602. 

— fcenisecii,  631. 

— fornicatus,  615. 

— fragilis,  623. 

— fragrans,  613. 

— fulvosus,  604. 

— fuscus,  601,  625. 

— ■ fusipes,  605. 

— - galericulatus,  619. 

— geophilus,  608. 

— gibbus,  612. 

— gilvus,  612. 

- — glaucopus,  629. 

■ — glutinosus,  629,  632. 

— gomphus,  629. 

■—  gracilis,  631. 

— granulosus,  602. 

— graveolens,  610. 

— helvolus,  603,  631. 

— hinnuleus,  603. 

— Hudsoni,  620. 

— incanus,  615. 

— incarnatus,.  608. 

— inconstans,  615. 

• — infundibuliformis, 

— infundibulum,  614. 

— integer,  607,  618. 

— integrellus,  621. 

— involutus,  611. 

— jozzolus,  610. 

« — laby.rinthiformis,  638 

— lacrymabundus,  633. 

— lacteus,  622. 

— lactifluus,  623 — 625. 

— lateritius,  627. 

— limacinus,609. 

Agaricus  Listeri,  623, 

— lobatus,  612. 

— longipes,  605. 

— luridus,  606. 

• — luteo-albus,  620. 

— luteus,  618, 633. 

- — lycoperdoides,  635. 

— macrorhizus,  605. 

— maculatus,  600. 

— - mappa,  599. 

— margaritiferus,  600. 

— meleagris,  609. 

— melleus,  603. 

— membranaceus,  546, 
612,  631. 

— miniatus,  604. 

— mollis,  609,  616. 

■ — mucosus,  628. 

— inultifidus,  617. 

— muscarius,  600. 

- — muscigenus,  637. 

— Mycena,  621. 

— - myodes,  600. 

— myomyces,  608. 

— nebularis,  609. 

— nigricans,  614,  616. 

— nigripes,  605. 

— nitens,  610. 

— niveus,  616. 

— nudus,  628. 

— nutans,  620. 

— obesus,  607. 

— oblectus,  634. 

— ochraceus,  602. 

— odorus,  606. 

— orcellus,  615. 

— oreades,  604. 

— ostreatus,  616. 

— pallidus,  606. 

— palmatus,  615. 

— papilionaceus,  633. 

- — papyraceus,  631, 

— parasiticus,  610. 

— perforans,  622. 

— peronatus,  607. 

— petasitidis,  536. 

— ])icaceus,634. 

— pileolarius,  609. 

■ — pilipes,  611. 

— pilosus,  604,  620. 

— piperatus,  623,  624. 

— phonospermus,  606. 

— plicatus, 61 9,634,635 

— plumbeus,  601,  625. 

■ — plumosus,  609. 

— politus,  627. 

■ — polygrammus,  619. 

— polymyces,  603. 

— - pomposus,  627. 

— porcellaneus,  634. 

Agaricus  porosus,  648.. 

■ — porreus,  619. 

— pratensis,  604,  607. 

— procerus,  601. 

— pubescens,  616, 

— pullatus,  634. 

- — pulverulentus,  627. 

— purpureus,  608. 

— purus,  608. 

— quercinus,  638. 

— radiatus,  605,  635. 

— racemosus,  620. 

— ramealis,  611. 

— reflexus,  604. 

— rimosus,  604. 

— - risigallinus,  618. 

— rosellus,  613. 

— roseus,  608,  6l8k 

— rotula,  622. 

— rubens,  629. 

— rubescens,  625; 

— russula,  607,  618. 

— rutilans,  606. 

— rutilus,  629. 

— sanguineus,  629. 

— scaber,  630. 

— semiglobatus,  632. 

— semiovatus,  632. 

■ — semistriatus,  63 5. 

— sericeus,  614. 

— sessil is,  616. 

— sordidus,  614. 

— squamosus,  613_ 

■ — squamula,  622. 

— squarrosus,  602. 

— stipitis,  603. 

• — striatus,  635. 

— strobilinus,  621. 

— stypticus,  616. 

— subantiquatus,  602. 

— sulphureus,  606. 

— tardus,  614. 

— tener,  620. 

— tentaculatus,  624. 

— terreus,  608. 

— theiogalus,  624. 

— - tigrinus,  613. 

— titubans,  632. 

■ — tomentosus,634. 

- — torminosus,  624.. 

— tortilis,  613. 
tremulus,  617. 

— tuberosus,  61 L 

— turbinatus,  629. 

— ulmarius,  615. 

— - umbilicatus,  613. 

— urn  brat  us,  610. 

— vaginatus,  601. 

— variabilis,  616. 

— variegatus,  621. 

— vari  us,  619,629,631. 



Agaricus  vein t inn's,  633, 

— velutipes,  605. 

— - venosus,  622. 

* — verrucosus,  600. 

— villosus,  617. 

— violaceus,  628. 

— violaceo-cinereus, 

— virgineus,  610,  613. 

— viridis,  606. 

— viridulus,  627. 

— virosus,  632. 

— viscid  us,  629. 

— volvaceus,  601. 

• — xerampelinus,  606. 

— zonarius,  624,  625. 
Agardh,  299. 

Agardhia,  299. 
Albatrello,  645. 
Albatrellus,  645. 
Albugo,  540. 
Alcyonideae,  352. 


Alcyonium, 292,353, 362 
Alectoria,  407,  408. 
Alga,  306. 

— exigua,  394. 

— latifolia,  389. 

— marina,  390. 

Algae,  408,486,507,547, 


Alyxoria,  501. 

Amanita,  4599—601. 
Amanite,  599,  600. 
Ananas,  358. 

Anandrae,  532,  547. 
Andraea,  708,  709. 
Anictangium,  713,  714, 

Anomodon,  748. 
Anthocerideae,  681 . 
Anthoceros,  681. 

Apus,  617. 

Arbuscula,  333. 

Arcell,  440. 

Arcyria,  4576,577,579. 
Ardeuia,  657. 
Arthronia,  4479,  480, 

Ascobolideae,  674. 
Ascobolus,  674. 
Ascophora,  543,  561. 
Aspergillideae,  552. 
Aspergillus,  4553 — 555. 
Asperococcus,  342. 
Asterophora,  635. 
Asterophorideae,  635. 
Astoma,  523 — 526. 
Astome,  523 — 526. 
Astroites,  479. 

Aurantia,  526. 
Aurantium,  362,  581. 
Auricula,  594. 
Auricularia,  652,  653. 
Auriscalpium,  650. 


Bacealaria,  393. 
Baeomyces,  412,  413. 

— alcicornis,  418. 

— amaurocraeus,  422. 

— bacillaris,  420,  422. 

— bellidiflorus,  424. 

■ — cervicornis,  418. 

— cocciferus,  423, 

— cornucopioides,  423. 

— cornutus,  420,  421. 

— deformis,  423. 

— delicatus,  416. 

— digitatus,  422. 
endivifolius,  418. 

— epiphyllus,  417. 

«—  timbriatus,  419. 

— furcatus,  414. 

— gracilis,  421. 

— lignorum,  413. 
macilentus,  422. 

— - neglectus,  419. 

— papillaris,  424. 

— paschalis,  411. 

— pleurotus,  424. 

— pungens,  415. 

— pyxidatus,  419,  421, 

y—  quercinus,  416. 

— racemosus,  414. 

— radiatus,  420. 

— rangiferinus,  415. 

— roseus,  412. 

— rubiformis,  461. 

— rufus,  413. 

— - rupestris,  413. 

— sparassus,  417. 

— - spinosus,  414. 

— squamosus,  417. 

— subulatus,  415. 

— turbinatus,  419,  420. 

— uncialis,  415. 

— vermicularis,  413. 

— verticillatus,  419. 
Baeomycideae,  411. 

Bag,  spring,  580,  581. 
Ball,  moor,  308. 

— puff,  583,  584. 

— soft,  546. 

Bangia,  287,  314. 
Bangideae,  287. 
Barbula,  722,  725. 

Bart  ram,  750,  751. 
Bartramia,  750,  751. 
Batarrea,  675. 

Bat  radio  sperm  urn,  284, 
302,  330,  331. 
Bazzanio,  704. 
Bazzanius,  704. 

Bearer,  cross,  683. 

cup,  683. 

Beryllus,  627. 

Biddulph,  294. 
Biddulphia,  294. 

Blasia,  686, 

Blasius,  686. 

Blewits,  628. 

Bolete,  640 — 643, 
Boletideae,  639. 

Boletus,  630,  640—643 

— abietinus,  643. 

— - albidus,  640,  645. 

— alneus,  640. 

— angustatus,  639. 

— annularius,  646. 

— annulatus,  646. 

— applanatus,  642. 

— aurantiacus,  646. 

— badius,  644. 

— betulinus,  641. 

— biennis,  649. 

— buglossum,  648. 

— caesius,  640. 

— calceolus,  644. 

— carpineus,  641. 

— caudicinus,  643. 

— cellulosus,  643. 

— cinnamomeus,  645. 

— citrinus,  643. 

— confragosus,  638. 

— constrictus,  645,647. 

— cortinatus,  646. 

— cristatus,  643. 

— cryptarum,  639. 

— - cyanescens,  647. 

— destructor,  639. 

— dryadeus,  642. 

— durus,  644. 

— edulis,  647,  648. 

— elephantinus,  648. 

— entybaceus,643. 

— timbriatus,  644. 

— flavus,  646. 

— floriformis,  643. 

— frondosus,  643. 

— fomentarius,641,642. 
• — fuligineus,  645. 

— hepaticus,  648. 

— heteroclitus,  640. 

— hippocrepis,  642. 

— hispidus,  640. 

— igniarius,  641,  642. 

— juglandis,  643, 

3 F 2 



Boletus  labyrinthifor- 
mis,  638. 

— laccatus,  644. 

— - lacrymans,  637 . 

— lactifiuus,  647. 

— lateralis,  644. 

— leptocephalus,  645. 

- — Lipsiensis,  612. 

— lueidus,  644. 

— luridus,  648. 

■ — luteus,  646. 

— medulla  panis,  640. 

— nitens,  644. 

— nunnnularius,  644. 

— obtusus,  642. 

■ — ovinus,  645. 

— perennis,  644,  645. 

— piperatus,  647. 

— polyporus,  645. 

— pomaceus,  642. 

— pruuastri,  642. 

— pseudo-igniarius,642 

— radiants,  640. 

•—  rubeolarius,  648. 

— salicinus,  641 . 

— scaber,  647. 

— sebaceus,  639. 

— sinuosus,  638. 

• — spongiosus,  640. 

— squamosus,  643. 

— suaveolens,  639,  641. 

— suberosus,  641. 

— subtomentosus,  644, 

■ — sulpbureus,  643,  645. 

— ungulatus,  642. 

— unicolor,  649. 

« — varius,  644. 

- — velutinus,  640. 

- — vernicosus,  644. 

• — versicolor,  642. 

— villosus,  640. 

Bone,  back,  338. 
Borrer,  434,  435. 
Borrera,  434,  435. 
Borrichius,  330. 
Botrytis,  552, 553, 554. 
Bovista,  582,  583. 

Box,  pill,  586. 

Brvon  lactucaefolium, 

Bryopsis,  288, 289. 
Bryum,  767 — 773. 

• — acaulon,  722. 

— aciculare,  741. 

— acutum,  733. 

« — iEgypti,  715. 

— aestivum,  714, 743. 

— - alpinum,  771. 

— - ampullaceum,718„ 

— androgypurn,  767. 

Bryum  apocarpon,  726. 

— apocarpurn,  713. 

— aquaticum,  736. 

— argenteum,  768,  769. 

— aristatum,  725. 

— aureutn,  744,  768. 

— bicolor,  770. 

— bimum,  771. 

— bipartitum,742. 

— boreale,  770. 

— Brownianum,  717. 

— C3sspiticiuin,  770. 

— callistomum,  738. 

— calyptra,  726. 

— capillaceum,  743. 

— capillare,  770. 

— capitulis,  718,  719, 
723,  725,  736,  738, 
769,  770. 

— carneum,.769. 

— Celsii,  722. 

— cerviculatum,  735. 

— ciliare,  725. 

— ciliatum,  7 13. 

•—  cirratum,  741. 

— compactum,  771. 

— conoideum,  744. 

— convolution,  725. 

— crispatum,  730. 

• — crispum,  745. 

*—  crudum,  768,  769. 

— cubitale,  771. 

— cuneifolium,  723. 

— curvirostrum,  731. 

— cuspidatum,  773. 
cylindricum,  771, 

— Daviesii,  727. 

— dealbatum,  768. 

— delicatulum,  769. 

— Dicksoni,  731. 

— elongatum,  771. 

— erythrocarpum,  770, 

— exiguum,  715. 

— extinctorium,775,726 

— fasciculare,  715,  741. 

— fasciculatum,  732. 

— fili forme,  768. 

— flavescens,  736. 

■ — flexifolium,  742. 

— flexuosum,  735. 

— foliis,  714,  724,  742. 

— fontanum,  751. 

— Forsteri,  714. 

— fragile,  735. 

- — ful vellum,  733. 

— glaucum,  734. 

— Griffithsianum,  714. 

— Heimii,  715. 

— lieteromallum,  738. 

• — heterostichum,  740. 

— ■*  hornum,  773. 

Bryum  hnmile,  723. 

— hygrometricum,  744. 

— hypnoides,739 — 741, 

— imberbe,  724. 

■ — immersum,  735. 

— inclinatum,  742. 

— incurvum,  720. 

— julaceum,  768. 

— ianceolatum,  730. 

— lanuginosum,  739. 

— lapponicum,  7 14. 

— - laterale,  751 . 

— ligulatum,  772. 

— linear,  743. 

— longicollum,  77 1 . 

— longifolium,  736. 

— longisetum,  770. 

— lutescens,  741 . 

— macrocarpon,  740. 

— majus,723. 

• — marginatum,  772. 

— minus,  723. 

— minutum,  730. 

— minoides,  768. 

• — mu  rale,  723. 

- — nigricans,  770. 

— nigritum,  729. 

— nitidum,769- — 773; 

— nutans,  771. 

— pallens,  770. 

— pallescens,  770. 

— paludosum,  732. 

— palustre, 7 14,736,767 

— papillosum,  742. 

— ■ parvulum,  735. 

— parvum,  715,  716. 

■ — patens,  739. 

— paucifolium,  716. 

— pellucidum,  717,736. 

— pendulum,  768,  773. 

— piliferum,  734. 

— pilosum,  733. 

— polyphyllum,  741. 

— pomiforme,  750. 

— proliferum,  770. 

— pseudotriquetrum, 

— pulchellum,  769. 

— pulvinatum,  727. 

— punctatum,772. 

— pusillum,  738. 

— pyriforme,  710,  768. 
■ — quod  muscus,  751. 

— recurvatum,  732. 

— recurvirostrum,  731. 

— reticula  turn,  719. 

— rigidulum,  743. 

— rigid  um,  722. 

— roseum,  769,  770. 

— rostrat-um,  772. 



Bryum  rubrum,  738. 

— rufescens,  738. 

— rugosum,  737. 

• — rurale,  723. 

— Schleicheri,  770. 

— scoparium,  738. 

— sericcum,771. 

— serpyllifolium,  770, 
772,  773. 

— serratum,773. 

— sessile,  745. 

■ — setaceum,  725,  731, 


— ■ simplex,  738. 

— splachnoides,  733. 

— spurium,  737. 

* — Starkeanum,  730. 

— stellare,  731,  770. 

— stellatum,  724. 

— stelligerum,  714. 

— striatum,  745,747. 

— strictum,  742. 

— strumiferum,  735. 

— subulatuin,  723. 

— tffctorum,  745. 

— tenue,  725,  742. 

— tortuosum,  724. 

— trichodes,  738,  767, 
768,  771. 

— trichoides,  724,  725, 

— trifarium,  743. 

— triquetrum,  767,768, 

• — truncatulum,  715, 

- — turbinatum,  770. 

— undulatum,  719,772. 

— unguiculatum,  725. 

— vaginale,  737. 

— ventricosum,  771 . 

— verticillatum,  732, 


— virens,  731. 

— viridissimum,  714. 

— viridulum,  731,  7 33. 

— vulgare,  750. 

— Wahlenbergii,  770. 

— Weissia,  743. 

— Zierii,  769. 

Bud,  mould,  589,  590. 
Bulbocheete,  321. 

Bivrsa,  292. 

Buxbaum,  749,  750. 
Buxbaumia,  717,  749, 

Byssideae,  556. 
Byssocladinm,  551,  552. 
Byssus,  558,  4562. 

— antiquitatis,  350,538. 

— bombycina,  558. 

Byssus  botryoides,  349. 

— candidissima,  466. 

— chain,  556. 

— floccosa,  558. 

— Cos  aquae,  352. 

— incana,  470. 

— jolithus,  350. 

— iactea,  466. 

— lanuginosa,  332. 

— latissima,  352. 

— moliissima,  558. 

— mouseskin,  558. 

— nigra,  558. 

— petraea,  558. 

— pulverulenta,  470. 

— ring,  556,  557. 

— rust,  555. 

— saxatilis,  350. 

— septiea,  558. 

— - spiral,  557. 

— subterranea,  558. 

■ — tenerrirna,  309. 

— velutina,  309. 


Caeoma,  538. 

Calceolus,  644. 
Calicidioe,  481. 
Calicium,  482,  485. 
Callibryon,  719. 
Callithamnion,  322,326, 

Calycina,  669,  670, 
Calyculus,  673. 
Calyptratae,  677. 
Campanella,  623. 
Cancellaria,  534. 
Cantharellus,  636,  637. 
Cap,  hairy,  719— 722. 
Capitularia,417 — 424. 
Carpobolus,  581. 
Carrodori,  350. 
Carrodorus,  350. 
Catharinea,  719,720. 
Cavendish,  689,  690. 
Cavendishia,  689,  690. 
Cellularia,  666. 
Cenomycideae,  413. 
Cenomyce  adunca,  415. 

— alcieornis,  418. 

* — allotropa,  417,  419, 

— bacillaris,  420,422. 

— cervicornis,  418. 

— coccifcra,  423. 

— coccocephala,  421. 

— cornuta,  420,  421. 

— damaecornis,  418. 

• — deformit>,422, 423. 

Cenomyce  delicata,  416. 

— ecmocyna,  415,  421. 

— endivifolia,  418. 

— epiphylla,  417. 

— furcata,  414,  415. 

— gonoregae,  417. 

— leptophylla,  416. 

— oxycera,  422. 

— papillaria,  424. 

— pyxidata,  419,421. 

— radiata,  420. 

— rangiferina,  415. 

■ — rubiformis,  461. 

— uncialis,  415,  422. 

— vermicularis,  413. 
Cenothalamese,  408. 
Cepa,  582. 
Cephalotrichum,  563. 
Ceramidese,  320. 
Ceramium  asperum,305, 

■ — bracheatum,  322. 

— brachygonum,  334. 

— - byssoides,  337. 

— • caespitosum,  289. 

— chalybeum,  322. 

— ciliatum,  328. 

— cirrhosum,  332. 

— confervoides,  322. 

— diaphanum,  327. 

— dichotomum,  289. 

— Dilwynii,  290. 

— elongatuin,  327, 334. 

— fastigiatum,  338. 

— filum,  386. 

— floccosum,  324. 

— forcipatum,  328. 

— forficatum,  327. 

— gigartinum,  372. 

— incurvum,  382. 

— inflexion,  347. 

— longissimuqi,  375, 

— molle,  337. 

— nodulosatn,  330. 

— pedicellatum,  323. 

— plic&tum,  374. 

— plocamium,  382. 

— plumosum,  383. 

— plumula,  324. 

— pulchellum,  322. 

— repens,  325. 

— roseum,  323. 

— rubrum,  327. 

— ru  pest  re,  305. 

— scoparium,  332. 

— siliculosurn,322. 

— tomentosum,  321. 

— torulosum,  381. 

— tubulosum,  380. 

— Turner!,  325. 

— verticillatum,  331. 



Ceramium  violaceum, 

<*—  virgatum,  327. 
Cerania,  413. 

Ceratium,  562. 
Ceratospermum,  518. 
Cerrena,  649. 

Cervina,  389. 

Cesius,  705. 

Cetraria,  432,  433. 
Chaetophora,  284,  301, 

Chaetophore,  301. 
Chanterelle,  636,  637. 
Chantransia,  288,  306, 
312  316 

Chara*  302*  330,  331. 

Chondria,  377,378,380, 

Chondrus,  365, 367,368. 
Chorda,  386. 

Chordaria,  301 ,347,374, 
376,  386,  387. 
Cinclidotus,  722. 
Cionium,  571,  572. 

Circi  nostoma,  520,  521. 
Circinostome,  520,  521. 
Cladonia,  4413—415, 
Cladosporium,  556. 
Clad  ostephus,33 1 , 4332. 
Clathrata,  346. 
Clathrus,  483,  485, 576, 
577  579. 

Clavaria,  656—658. 

— acuta,  657. 

— amethystea,  656. 

— anthocephala,  654. 

- — Ardenia,  657. 

— Ardeniae,  657. 

. — atropurpurea,  658. 

— bifurca,  657. 

— byssoides,  654. 

— ceranoides,  655. 

— cinerea,  656. 

— coccinea,  547. 

— coralloides,  655, 656. 
. — coriacea,  656. 

. — cornea,  654. 

— corniculata,  655. 

— cylindrica,  511,  656. 

— digitata,  512,  513. 

— eburnea,  656. 

— elegans,  655. 

epiphylla,  660. 

— erythropus,  658. 

— fabae,  654. 

. — farinosa,  654. 

. — fasciculata,  657. 

— fastigiata,  655. 

Clavaria  ferruginea,660 

— fragilis,  656. 

• — fusiformis,  657. 

— gracilis,  656. 

• — gyrans,  658. 

— herbarum,  659. 

— Herculeana, 657,658. 

— hypoxylon,  488, 489, 

— inequalis,  657. 

— laciniata,  653. 

■ — militaris,  511. 

— minuta,  659. 
muscoides,  655. 

— - obtusa,  659. 

— ophioglossoides,  658. 
• — pal  mat  a,  654, 

— pedunculata,  512. 

— phacorhiza,  658. 

— phosphorea,  488. 

— pistillaris,  657,  658. 

— polymorpha,  659. 

— pratensis,  655. 

— puccinia,  562. 

— radicosa,  512. 

— resinosorum,  544. 

— rugosa,  655. 

— serpentina,  650. 

— spathula,  663. 

— solida,  656. 

— truncata,  638. 

— tuberosa,  655. 

— vermicularis,  657. 

— vermiculata,  657. 

— viridis,  659. 
Clavarideae,  654. 
Clavus,  621. 

Climacium,  758. 
Codium,  292,  293, 
Cceomideae,  533. 
Cceomure,  541. 
Cceomurus,  541. 
Collema  bvssinum,  402. 

— corrugatum,  398. 

— crenulatum,  396. 

— cretaceum,  398. 

— crispum,  396. 

— fasciculare,398. 

— flaccidum,  400. 

— fluviale,  397. 

— furvum,  400. 

— glaucescens,  396. 

— granulossum,  400. 

— lacerum,  401. 

— laciniatum,  397. 

— marginale,  401. 

— marginellum,  401. 

— melaenum,  397. 

— microphyllum,  396. 

— muscicola,402. 

— nigrescens,  399. 

Collema  nigrum, 396  402 

— palmatum,  398. 

— pannosum,  402. 

— plicatile,  397. 

— plicatum,401. 

- — polvcarpon,  398. 

— pulposum,  396. 

— Saturninum,  399. 

— Schraderi,  402. 

— Scotinum,  400. 

— sinuatum,  400. 

— spongiosum,  402. 

— subtile,  401. 

- — tenax,  397. 

— tenuissimum,  402. 

- — tomentosura,  399. 

• — treraelloides,  401. 

— turgidum,  397. 

— vespertilio,  399. 
Collematideae,  395. 
Coltricia,  644, 645. 
Coltricione,  644,  645. 
Conferva,  303 — 316. 

— aegagropila,  308. 

— aegagro pi  laris,  308. 

— aerea,  313. 

— aeruginosa,  307, 

— Agardhiana,  299. 

— albida,306. 

— alpina,  331. 

• — alternata,  312. 

— araneosa,  286. 

— arbuscula,  333. 

— arcta,  307. 

• — arenaria,  309. 

— atra,  330. 

— atramenti,  559. 

- — atropurpurea,  287. 

— atrorubescens,  337. 

— atrovirens,  287,  406. 
■ — badia,  336.  , 

— barbata,  329. 

• — bicolor,  282. 

— Biddulphia,  294. 

— bi partita,  313. 

— bipunctata,  296. 

— Borreri,  316,323. 

— brachiata,  322. 

— branchialis,294. 

— brevi-articulata,311. 

— Brodiaei,  338, 

— Brownii,309. 

— bullosa,  304. 

— bursata,  289. 

— byssoides,  337. 

— caerulescens,  299. 

— calycina,  310. 

— canalicularis,  291. 

— capillaris,  312,  313. 

— centralis,  308. 

— chalybea,  322. 


Conferva  cliara,  302. 

— ciliata,  328. 

— cirrhosa,  332. 

— clathrata,  346. 

— - cocci  nea,  334. 

• — coincides,  286. 

— compacta,  312, 313. 

— compressa,  346. 

— confervicola,  284. 

— • confragosa,  282. 

— conjugata,  299. 

— corallina,  329. 

— • coralloides,  329. 

— corymbifera,  322. 

— coryrabosa,  323. 

— crinita,  346. 

— crispa,  312. 

— crispata,  304. 

— cristata,  306. 

— cruciata,  296. 

— cryptarum,  309. 

— cnrta,  315. 

— cyanea,  282. 

— Daviesii,  325. 

— decimina,  298. 

— decorticans,  282. 

— dendritica,  552. 

— denudata,  337, 

— diaphana,  327. 

— dichotoma,  289,  386. 
■ — diffusa,  305. 

— dilatata,  290. 

— Dillvvynii,  290. 

— dissiliens,  311. 

— distorta,  283. 

— divaricata,  304. 

— eburnea,  538. 

— echinulata,  310. 

— elegans,  327 . 

— elongata,334. 

— equisetifolia,  329. 

— exigua,  303. 

— fasciata,  316. 

— fastigiata,  327. 

— fenestralis,  551. 

— ferruginea,  315. 

— fibrala,  335. 

* — fibrillosa,  336. 

— fllamentis,  &c.  313. 

— filiforinis,  347. 

— fistulosa,  347. 

— flacca,  315. 

— flaccida,  315. 

— flavescens,  304. 

— flexuosa,  305. 

— floccosa,  310. 

— flocculosa,  295. 

— florid ula,  326. 

— florifera,  329. 

— flosculosa,  327. 

— fluitans,  312. 

Conferva  fluviatilis,288, 

— fcenieulacea,  347. 

— foetida,  350. 

— fontana,  330, 

— fontinalis,  280 — 282, 
291, 306. 

— fracta,  304,  305. 

— frigida,  290. 

— fucicola,  315. 

— fucoides,  335. 

— fueorum,  315. 

> — fugacissima,310,311. 

— funiformis,  312. 

— fusca,  333. 

— fusco-piupurea,  287. 

— gelatinosa,  281,  302, 
330,  331. 

* — geniculata,  329. 

— genuflexa,  300. 

— glauca,  305. 

— globulosa,  327. 

— glomerata,  305,  306. 

— gracilis,  296. 

— granulosa,  322. 

— Griffithsiana,  337. 

— hirta,  304. 

— - Hookeri, 324. 

— Hutchinsia,  308. 

— imbricata,  329. 

— implexa,  314. 

— inflata,  297. 

— interrupta,  326. 

— intestinalis,  345. 

— isogona,  314. 

— jugalis,  298. 

— lactea,  559. 

— laetevirens,  306. 

— lanosa,  307. 

— lanuginosum,  326. 

— limosa,  280,  281. 

— lineata,  316. 

— linoides,  315. 

— linmn,  313. 

— littoral  is,  32 1 . 

— lobster’s  horn,  334. 

— longata,  298. 

— lubrica,  303. 

— lucens,  311. 

— • majuscula,  283. 

— marina,  2S4,  305 — 
307,  321,  323,  327— 
329,  332,  338. 

— melagonalis,  313. 

— melagoniuin,  313. 

— Mertensii,  333. 

— mirabilis,  283. 

— moniliformis,  327. 

— mucosa,  311. 

-- — multicapsularis,  292. 

— multifida,  329. 

Conferva  inultistriata, 

— muralis,  282. 

— - muscicola,  309. 

— muscosa,  282. 

— mutabilis,  30. 

— myochrous,  286. 

— myriophyllum,  331. 

— nana,  308. 

— nigra,  336,  538. 

— nigrescens,  335. 

— nigricans,  303. 

— nitida,  298. 

— nivea,  332. 

— nodulosa,  327. 

— No.  1172,  386. 

— nummuloides,  314, 

— obliquata,  294. 

— obtusangula,  307. 

— ocellata,  286. 

— ochracea,  281. 

— olivacea,  333. 

— oscillatoriodes,  310, 

• — pallida,  559. 

— palustris,  313. 

— pannosa,  402. 

— paradoxa,  346. 

— parasitica,  338. 

— patens,  336. 

— pectinalis,  294. 

— pectinata,  296. 

— pedicellata,  326. 

— pellucida,  306. 

— pennata,  332. 

— pennatula,  304. 

— Phoenicia,  326. 

— pilosa,  328. 

— Plinii,  312. 

— pluma,  325. 

— plumosa,  334. 

— plumula,  324. 

— polymorpha,  338. 

— porticalis,  297. 

• — protensa,  303. 

— punctalis,  311. 

— punctiformis,  552. 

— purpurascens,  323. 

— pyrum,  352. 

— quinina,  297. 

— radicans,  287. 

— ramosa,  314. 

— refracta,  305. 

— repens,  325. 

— rep  tans,  381. 

— reticulata,  300. 

— rigida,  282. 

— riparia,  307. 

— rivularis,304,3I2,313 

— rosea,  323. 



Conferva  Rothii,  326. 

— rubra,  327. 

— rufa,  286. 

— rupestris,  305. 

— sanguinea,  559. 

— scalaris,  298. 

— scoparia,  332. 

— - scopulorum,  284. 

— scuteilata,  3]  5. 

— semistriangulata,313 
■ — seriata,  286. 

— serpentina,  300. 

— setacea,  328. 

— setiformis,  298. 

— setigera,  321. 

— - siliculosa,  322. 

— - sordida,  297,  310. 

• — spiralis,  297. 

• — spongiosa,  331. 

— squarrosa,  376. 

— stellaris,  308. 

— stellina,  296. 

— stictica,  299. 

— stipitata,  294. 

— striatula,  293. 

— stricta,  336. 

■ — taeniaeformis,  293. 

— tenella,  325. 

— tenuissima,  281. 

* — tetragona,  324. 

— tetrica,  324. 

— thujoides,  323. 

— tomentosa,  321. 

— tortuosa,314. 

— torulosa,  288. 

— trichoides,  287. 

— tumidula,  298. 

— Turneri , 324,  325. 

— typhoderma,  559, 

■ — umbrosa,  309. 

— urceolata,  335. 

* — vagabunda,  304,305. 
■ — vaginata,  280. 

— velutina,  309. 

— verrucosa,  376. 

— verticillata,  331. 

— vesicata,  290,  291, 

— villosa,  387. 

— vini,308. 

- — violacea,  282, 326. 

- — virgata,  305. 

— vivipara,  321. 

— Youngana,  314. 

— zonata,  311. 
zostericola,  284. 

Confervoideae,  301. 
Conjugata,  296,  +297, 
298,  300. 

Conjugate,  297,  298. 
Conjugutideae,  296. 

Conostomum,  7 19. 
Conus,  356. 

Coprinus,  632 — 635. 
Corallideaj,  339. 
Corallina,  328,  329, 
+ 339,340,  381. 
Coralline,  +339,  340. 
Corallinoides,  41 1. 
Coralloides  cornicula- 
tuin,  406,  426. 

— fasciculare,  407. 

- — fragile,  487. 

— fungiforme,483,485, 

— furcatum,414. 

— montanum,415. 

— scyphiforme,  419,421 

— scyphis,  421. 

— vix  ramosum,  421. 

Cork,  440. 

Cornicularia,  287,  404 

Corniola,  637. 

Corniole,  637. 
Corticium,  653. 
Cortinaria,  627 — 630. 
Coryne,  595. 

Corynoide,  654. 
Corynoides,  654. 
Craterella,  652. 
Crateridea;,  579. 
Craterium,  579,  580. 
Cremor,  570. 
Crepidopus,  616. 
Cribaria,  577. 
Cribarideae,  577. 
Crucibulum,  587. 
Cryptogamae,  707. 
Cryptogamia,  677. 
Cucurbitaria,  519. 
Cucurbitula,  519. 
Cudbear,  455. 

Cup,  flat,  664. 

— fruit,  673,674. 

— rough,  664 — 666. 

— spread,  668,  669. 

— spring,  674. 

— sunk,  663,  664. 
Cuthberf,  455. 
Cyathidese,  587. 
Cvathophora,  683. 
Cyathus,  580,  587,  588. 
Cynontodium,  742,  743. 


Daedalea,  638,  639. 
Dasdalideae,  638. 
Dalton,  748,  749. 

Daltonia,  748,  749. 
Dasyscyphus,  670,  67  1. 
Delesser,  362 — 364. 
Delesseria,  362 — 364, 
+365,  368—371,381, 

Dematium,  552,553,556, 
557,  +558. 

Dentino,  650. 

Dentinmn,  650. 
Dermodium,  570. 
Desmarest,  387,  388. 
Desmaretia,  376,  +387, 

Desmia,  387,  388. 
Destructor,  639. 
l)iatoraa,293,294,  +295, 


Diatome,  295. 
Diatomideae,  293. 
Dicseoma,  541 — 543. 
Dichosporium,  569. 
Dicranum,7 14,7 16,7 17, 
727,  +733—739,  740 

Dictydimn,  578. 
Dictyoptere,  +341,342. 
Dictyopteris,  +341, 342. 
Dictyota,  340,  +341. 
Dictyote,  340. 
Dictyotideae,  340. 
Diderma,570,  +57 1,573, 

Didymium,  +570,  571, 
573,  574. 

Didymodon,  +741 — 743 
Diphyscium,  716. 
Diplocomium,  768. 
Draparnaldia,  302, 303. 
Draparnaud,  302, 30 3. 
Dromius,  364. 

Dulesli,  371. 

Dulse,  344,  349,  378. 


Ear,  bark,  653. 

— branch,  653,  654. 

— Jews,  594. 

Ecidium,  534 — 538. 
Ectocarpus,  +321,  322. 
Ectospenua,  289 — 292. 
Elisa,  282—284. 

Ellis,  +333,  334. 
Ellisius,  +333,  334. 
Elvella,  660,  669. 
Embolus,  579. 
Encalypta,  +725,  726, 

727,7  28,7  30,7  3 1 ,74 1 . 
Enchyle,396— 398. 


Enchylimn,  396—398. 
Endocarpon,  495,  4499 

Engizostoma,  519,  520. 
Engizostoine,  519,  520. 
Ephidate,  353. 
Ephidatia,  353,  354. 
Epidendrum,  568. 
Epochnium,  550. 

Erica  marina,  393. 
Erinaceus,  651. 
Erineidese,  555. 

Eri  neum,  4555,  556. 
Erysibe,  589,  590. 
Eurotium,  566. 

Evernia,  425. 
Evernideae,  425. 
Exormatosioma,  521  — 

Exormatostome,  521  — 


Faminkiren,  378. 

Fan,  sea,  359. 

Fascia,  383. 

Fasciala,  383. 

Favus,  639. 

Fibre,  branch,  560. 

• — clinging,  557. 

— headed, 557. 

— jointed,  557. 

* — star,  558. 

Fibrillaria,  558. 

Fibula,  420,  623,  673. 
Filum,  313,  347,386. 
Fissidens,  727,  733— 

735,  737,  739,  741. 
Fist,  bull,  582,  583. 
Fistulina,  648. 
Fiagellaria,  386.  ^ 

Flaps,  mushroom,  669. 
Florideae,  362. 

Flos  aqua?,  352. 
Fontinalis, 7 13,722,747, 

Foot,  naked,  604 — 611. 

— side,  615. 

Fragilaria,  4293,  294, 

314,  316. 

Fruit,  hidden,499 — 501. 

— rough,  342. 

— round,  4364,  365, 

Fucoideae,  383. 
Fucoides,  382. 

Fucus,  389,  390. 

— abrotanifolius,  392. 

— ucerosus,  375. 

Fucus  acicularis,  375. 

— aculeatus,  387. 

— alatus,  364. 

— albidus,  376. 

— albus,  374. 

— alveolatus,  368. 

— asnphibius,  382. 

— angustifolius,  387, 

390,  394. 

— arboreus,  3S5. 

— arbusculus,  289. 

■ — articulatus,  381. 

— asparagoides,  374, 

— bacciferus,  393. 

— barbatus,  392. 

— bifidus,  369,  370. 

— bifurcatus,  385,  389. 

— botryoides,  379. 

— Brodisei,  369. 

— bulbosus,385. 

— bullatus,  344. 

— bursa,  292. 

— ■ byssoides,  337. 

— ctespitosus,  381. 

• — canaliculatus,  368, 


— capensis,  372. 

— capillaceus,  373,377. 

— capillaris,  377. 

— caprinus,  344, 374. 

— carnosus,  344. 

— cartiiagiueus,  372, 

— ceranoides,  367 — 

369,  390. 

— chordam  referens,386 
■ — ciliatus,  370,  371. 

— clavellosus,380. 

— eoccineus,  382. 

— coraliinus,  377. 

— - coralloides,374f 

— confervoides,  375. 

• — contortus,  387. 

— corneus,  372. 

— coronopi  facie,  372. 

— coronopifolius,  372. 

— corymb ifer,  378. 

— corymbiferus,  378. 

— crenatus,  363. 

— crenulatus,  367. 

— crispatus,  365,  367, 


— crispus,  365,367 ,370. 

— cristatus,  338. 

— dasyphyllus,  382. 

— Dealensis,  378. 

— delicatulus,  345. 

~ dentatus,  364. 

— dichotomus,  361. 

— diffusus,  334. 

— digitatus,  385. 


Fucus  discors,  392. 

— disticlr  us,  390. 

— divaricates,  390. 

— dulcis,  344. 

— echinatus,  368. 

— - edulis,  344. 

— elongatus,  375,  389. 

— endivifolius,365. 

— epiphyllus,  365. 

— erica  marina,  393. 

— ericoides,  393. 

— esculentus,  385. 

— excisus,  391. 

— fascia,  383. 

— fastigiatus,  374,394. 

— fibrosus,  392. 

— filicinus,  373, 378. 

— filiformis,  367. 

— filum,  386. 

— - fimbriatus,  369,  385. 

— flagelliformis,386. 

— fiavicans,372. 

— ■ fceniculaceus,  392. 

— foliifer,  367. 

— foliisericse,393. 

— folio  longissimo,  384. 

■ — - — longo,  389. 

singulari,  384. 

— fungis  afiiuis,  389. 

— fungosus,  293. 

— furcellatus,  394. 

— Gasrtneri,387. 

— gigartinus,  372. 

— giandulosus,  381. 

— gracilis,  375. 

— granulatus,  392,  393. 

— Griffitsiae,  375. 

— herbaceus,  388. 

— hirsutus,  331 . 

— holosetaceus,  371. 

— hyperboreus,  385. 

— hypoglossoides,  364. 

— hypoglossum,  363. 

— incurvus,  382. 

— in  Hat  us,  390. 

— kali  similis,  389. 

— kaliformis,  380. 

— laceratus,  365,  370. 

— lacerus,  367. 

— laciniatus,  345,  365, 

— laptuca,  344. 

— * * lagasca,  372. 

— lanceolatus,  371. 

— lanosus,  338. 

— latissimus,  384. 

— lichenoides,  388. 

— ligulatus,  363,  371, 

— linearis,  390. 

— longissimus,374,375. 



Fucus  Iorens,  389. 

— lubricalis,  394. 

— lycopodioides,  376. 

— lycopodium,  376. 

• — Mackaii,  391. 

— mamillaris,  390. 

— mamillosus,  368. 

— marinus,  375. 

— maritimus,  340,  391. 

— membranaceus,  341, 
342,  344,  363,  365, 

367,  371. 

— membranifolins,368, 

— miniatus,370. 

• — mucronatus,  39 3. 

— multifidus,  378. 

- — muscoides,  387. 

— - natans,393. 

— nereideusj  373. 

— • nodosus,  391. 

■ — Norwegicus,  367. 

• — obtusus,  378. 

— Oederi,  372. 

— opuntia,  381. 

— osmunda,  378. 

■ — ovalis,  379. 

— ovinus,344. 

— palmatus,  344,385. 

— palladia,  363. 

- — palmetta,  368,  369. 

— parvus,  368,  394. 

— patens,  367. 

— pectinatus,  383. 

— pedunculatus,  387. 

— phyllitis,  384. 

■ — pinastroides,  382. 

— pi  nnati  fid  us,  364,378 

— pinnatus,  373,  385. 

— pistillatus,  372. 

— plicatus,  374. 

■ — plocamiura,382. 

— plumosus,  383. 

— polymorphus,  367. 

- — polyschides,  385. 

— procerus,  375. 

• — proliferus,  365. 

— pseudoceranoides, 


— ptilotus,  383. 

— pumillus,  388. 

— pumilus,  372,  391. 

— punctatus,  365. 

— purpurascens,  377. 

— purpureum,  383. 

— pusillus,  380. 

— pygmaeus,  388. 

— quercus  marina,  390. 

— radiatus,  374. 

— radicaulis,  393. 

— radicibus  similis,392. 

Fucus  ramosus,  378. 

— reniformis,  366. 

— repens,  381. 

— roseus,  363. 

— rotundus,  374,  391. 

— rubens,  344, 363,365, 

— ruscifolius,  363. 

— saccharinus,  384. 

— sanguineus,  363. 

— Sarniensis,  366. 

— scorpioides,  382. 

— Scoticus,  344,  385. 

— sedoides,  379. 

*—  selaginoides,  393. 

— sericeus,  372,373,381 

— serratus,  389. 

— setaceus,  377, 392. 

— Sherardii,  390. 

— siliquosus,  394. 

— sive  alga,  363,  389, 
390,  394. 

— soboliferus,  345. 

— spinosus,  372,  378. 

— spiralis,  390. 

— spongiosus,  353. 

— stellatus,  367. 

— subfuscus,  377. 

• — subglobosus,  292. 

— subtilis,  347. 

— tamariscifolius,  393. 

— tendo,  386. 

— tenuissimus,  379. 

— teres,  375, 377,  385. 

— teretifolius,  331. 

— tetragonus,  385. 

• — tomentosus,293. 

— tremella,  284,  344, 
350.  r 

— triclioides,  374. 

— tuberculatus,  377, 


— ulvoides,  365. 

— usneoides,  387. 

— variabilis,  377. 

• — vermicularis,  379. 

— verrucosus,  375,376. 

— versicolor,  372. 

— verticillatus,  331,380 

— vesiculosus,  390. 

— virgatus,  387. 

— viridis,  376. 

— Wigghii,  373. 

Fuligo,  567. 

Funaria,  729,  + 744. 
Fungi,  507 ,532,547,564, 

588,  595,  674. 
Fungoides  clavaturn,657 

— coralli forme,  655. 

— bumile,  651. 

— quod  fungus,  488. 

Fungus  campestris,  626. 

— coloris,  608, 

— favaginosus,  661. 

— magnus,  606,  607. 

— minor,  607,  626. 

— niger,  488. 

— parvus,  655. 

— phalloides,  675. 

— seminifer,  587. 

— spongiosus,  558. 

• — terrestris,  662. 
Funnel,  long,  671,  672. 

— rough,  670, 671. 
Furcellaria,  374,  376, 


Fusarium,  546,  547. 
Fusidium,  544. 


Gantelines,  656, 
Gasteromyceae,  564. 
Gasteromyci,  564. 

Geastrum,  584 — 586. 
Gelidium,  371, 378,388. 
Geoglossideae,  658. 
Geoglossum,  658,  659. 
Gigartina,  +371 — 377, 
379,  380—382,  386, 

Girard,  287. 

Girardia,  287. 
Glaucoma,  453. 
Gomphe,  638. 

Gomphus,  638. 

Graphis,  +502, 503, 507. 
Green,  oyster,  342. 
Griffiths,  +32S,  329. 
Griffitsia,  +328,  329. 
Grifola,  643,  644. 
Grifole,  643,  644. 
Grimm,  726 — 728. 
Grimmia,  714,  717,718, 
+ 7 26 — 728,7 29 — 7 33, 
742,  743,755. 

Gut,  slime,  320. 

Gutta,  524. 

Gymnocephalus,  744, 

Gymnopus,  604 — 611. 

Gymnosporangium,  544, 

Gymnosfomum,  +713 — 
716,  730. 

Gyraria,  593 — 595. 
Gyromium,  476, 477. 



Gyrophora,  476 — 478. 
CJyrophorideae,  476. 


Haematonnna,  457. 
Hair,  maiden,  721 , 744. 
Halcyonide,  352,  353. 
Halidrys,  391. 
Halymenia,  344,  345, 
347,  394. 

Haplaria,  552. 

Head,  glance,  563,  564. 

— star,  635. 

Hedwigia,  713. 
Helicosporium,  557. 
Helmisporium,  556,557. 
Helopodium,  416. 
Helotium,  660,  661. 
Helvella,  662,  663. 

— aeruginosa,  661. 

— agarieiformis,  660. 

— albida,  663. 

— Candida,  649. 

— eantharelloides,  636. 

— caryophyllea,  652. 

— crispa,  637. 

— ^ dimidiata,  637. 

— equina,  666. 

— esculenta,  661, 662. 

— fnliginosa,  663. 

— gelatinosa,  660. 

— gelatinosa,  651. 

* — hybrida,  662. 

— infundibulifonnis, 

— leucophaea,  662. 

— membranacea,  637. 

— mesenterica,  653. 

— mitra,  662, 663. 

— nivea,  662. 

- — Relhani,  661. 

— rubiginosa,  652. 

— spathulata,  663. 

— sulcata,  662. 

— tubaeformis,  636. 

— vesiculosa,  669. 
Helvelle,  662,  663. 
Helvellideae,  661. 
Hepatica,  430,  680,682, 


Hepaticse,  677. 
Herbert,  684,685,705. 
Ilerbertus,  705,775. 
llericiun>,  652. 

Herver,  685. 

Herverus,  685. 
Himanthalia,  389. 
Hippuris,  347. 
Homothalameae,  394. 

Hooker,  751,  752. 
Hookeria,  751, 752. 
Horn,  flower,  681. 
Horns,  stink,  675. 
Humida,  4281,282. 
Hunch,  double,  716. 
Hutchins,  4334— 338. 
Hutchinsia,  4334 — 338, 

Hutchinsideae,  331. 
Hydnidese,  650. 
Hydnum,  650. 

— Daviesii,  651. 

— paradoxum,  649. 

— repandum,  650. 
Hydrodictyon,  300. 
Hydrodictyonideae,  300. 
Hydrophora,  561,  562. 
Hydrophytae,  278. 
Hymenoscyphus,  673, 


Hymenotheceae,  595. 
Hypnea,  372,  373. 
Hypnum,  752 — 766. 

— abbreviatum,  756. 

— abietinum,  760. 

— adiantoides,  733. 

— adnatmn,764. 

— aduncum,  764. 

— albicans,  758. 

— alopecurum,  758. 

— alpestre,  755. 

— alpinum,  756. 

— arboreum,  748. 

— asplenioides,  733. 

— Atlanticum,761. 

— atrovirens,  760,  764. 

— attenuation,  764. 

— auriscalpium,  650. 

— Blandovii,  760. 

— brevirostre,  761. 

— brevirostrum,  763. 

— bryoides,  733. 

■ — catenulatum,  755. 

— chrysocomum,  751. 

— chrysophyllum,  762. 

— coccinea,  668. 

— coma,  763. 

— commutation,  765. 

— eomplanatum,  752. 

— compression,  7 55, 7 66 

— confertum,  756, 762. 

— contextual,  754. 

— coral loides,  652. 

— cordifolium,  7 62. 

— crenulatum,  761. 

— crispum,  748. 

— crista-castrensis,766. 

— cristaeforme,  766. 

— cupressiforme,  766. 

— curlipenduluin,748. 

Hypnum  curvatum,758, 

— cuspidatum,  762. 

— cylindricum,  728. 

— delicatulum,  759. 

— delicatum,  759. 

— dendroides,  758. 

— denticulation,  753. 

— diaphanum,  651. 

— Donnianum,  753. 

— dubium,  764. 

— elegans,  756. 

— erectum,  733,  752, 
756,  758. 

— erinaceus,  651. 

— fallax,  764. 

— filamentosum,  764. 

— filicinum,  764,  766. 

— filifolium,  766. 

— fili  forme,  766. 

— flagellare,  756,  760. 

— fluitans,  756. 

— fluviatile,  764. 

— gracile,  728. 

— heterophyllum,  753, 

— illecebrum,  756. 

— implexum,  754. 

— intricatuin,  761. 

— inucdatum,  75 3. 

— julaceum,  755. 

— longirostrion,  762. 

— longum,  755. 

— loreiforme,  763. 

— loreum,  763. 

— lucens,  752. 

— luridum,  764. 

— 1 utescens,  7 57,  765. 

— lycopodioides,  765, 

— medium,  753. 

— molle,  754,  755. 

~ moJluscum,  766. 

— monili forme,  755. 

— murale,  755,  756. 

— muticum,  755. 

— myosuroides,  756, 
759,  766. 

— myosuron,  759. 

— inyosurum,  759. 

— nigroviride,  766. 

— nitens,  757. 

— nitidulmn,  757. 

— obtusatum,  75 3. 

— obtusum,  651. 

— ochraceum,  651. 

— ornithopodioides, 

— palustre,  751,  757, 
758,  76,4. 

— parietinum,  759. 

— pennatum,  747. 



Hypnnm  piliferum,  761. 
• — plumosum,  754,  756. 

— polyanthon,  759. 

— polyanthos,  766. 

■ — polymorphum,  762. 

— populeum,  754. 

— prselongum,760. 

— proliferum,759. 

— prolixum,  761. 

— pretension,  763. 

— pseudoplumossum, 

— pulchellum,756, 757. 

— purum,  755,  756. 

— - ramosum,  753. 

— recognitum,  759. 

• — reflexum,  754. 

— repens,  733, 734,748, 
752,  754,  757,759— 

revolvens,  764. 

— riparioides,  761. 

— riparium,  752,  753. 

— rufescens,  650,  757. 

■ — rugosum,  765. 

— rugulosuin,  765. 

— ruscifolium,  761. 

— rusciforme,  761. 

— rutabuliforme,  761. 

— rutabulum,761,762. 

— saxatile,  725. 

- — Schreberi,  755. 

— sciuroides,  741. 

- — scorpioides,  765. 

— sericeum,  757. 

* — serpens,  754. 

— serrulatum,  762. 
Silesianum,  765. 

— Stnithii,  728. 

— spinulosum,  754. 

— splendens,  759. 

— squarrosum,  763. 

— squarrnlosum,  763. 

— stellatum,  763. 

- — Stokesii,  760. 

— stramineum,  755. 

— striatum,  761,762. 

— sublamellosum,  649. 

— subtile,  754. 

— Swartzii,  760. 

- — sylvaticum,  753. 

— tamariscifolium,  759. 

— tamariscinum,  759. 

• — taxifolium,  734. 

— Teesdalii,761. 

— tenellum,  754. 

— ten  ue,  754. 

— terrestre,  756, 758. 

— trichoides,  741,  753. 
v — trichomanoides,  752. 
— • triquetrum,  763. 

Hypnum  umbratum,7  60. 

— uncinatum,  765. 

— undulation,  753. 

— velutinum,  761. 

— viticulosum,  748. 
Hypoderma,  509,  510. 
Hypoderme,  509,  510. 
Hypogseum,  582. 
Hypogeum,  582. 
Hypoglossum,  363. 
Hypoxyli,  507. 
Hypoxylon,  +512,  513, 

516,  517,  526. 
Hypoxylum,  489. 
Hyssop,  715. 
Hysteridese,  508. 
Hysterina,  504 — 507. 
Hysterium,  509,  +510. 


Idiothalameae,  486. 
Iolithus,  350. 
Infundibulum,  614,  673. 
Inoderma,  498. 

Isaria,  562,563. 
Isariadeae,  562. 

Isidium,  +411,412,449, 
492,  774. 

Ithy phallus,  675. 


Jania,  339. 

Jozzolus,  610. 
Jungermann,  695. 
Jungermannia,  695 — 


— adunca,  706. 

— albescens,  696. 

— albicans,  698. 

— • alpina,  709. 

- — angulosa,  687. 

■ — an o mala,  693. 

• — aquatica,  693. 

— asplenioides,  692. 

— barbata,  696. 

— bicornis,  698,  700. 

— bicrenata,  701. 

— bicuspidata,697,700. 

— bidentata,  696,  697, 
700,  701. 

— bifida,  696,  699. 

— birostrata,  699. 

— blasia,  686. 

— byssarea,  699. 

— calyptrifolia,  688. 

— capitata,  699. 

— ciliaris,  695,  703. 

Jungermannia  cochlea- 
riformis,  692,  697. 

- — complanata,  691. 

■ — compressa,  694. 

— concatenata,  703. 

— concinnata,704,705» 

— connivens,  699. 

- — cord i folia,  702. 

— crenulata,  701. 

— cuneifolia,  694. 

— cupressiformis,  690. 

— curvifolia,  699. 

— decipiens,  693. 

— dichotoma,  696. 

— dilatata,  687,  688. 

— divaricata,  699. 

— Donniana,  704. 

• — emarginata,694. 

— endivisefolia,  686. 

— epiphylla,  686. 

— excisa,  700. 

• — exsecta,  697. 

— fissa,  700,  706. 

— Florkii,  696. 

— fragilis,  693. 

— Francisci,  696. 

— Funckii,  700. 

— furcata,  685. 

— globulifera,  697,700. 

— gracillima,  701. 

• — gracilis,  696. 

— hamatifolia,  689. 

— heterophylla,  697. 

— Hibernica,  685. 

— Hookeri,  698,  705. 

— Hutchinsite,  688. 

— hyalina,  701. 

- — incisa,  699. 

— inflata,  701. 

— julacea,  703,  705. 

— j uni  peri  na,  706. 

— laevigata,  690. 

— lanceolata,  694,  702. 

— laxifolia,  704. 

— Leersii,  695. 

— Lyellii,  685. 

— Mackaii,  689. 

— macrorhiza,  694. 

— minima  omnium, 688. 

— minima,  700. 

— minuta,  698. 

— minutissima,  6S8. 

— multifida,  684. 

— multiflora,  703. 

■ — nemorosa,  692. 

— nigricans,  687. 

— obtusifolia,  698. 

— ■ Orcadensis,701. 

— pallescens,  693. 

— palmata,  684. 

’ — pauciflora,  703. 



Jungermannia  pinguis, 

— planifolia,  691. 

— platyphylla,  690. 

— polyanthos,  693. 

* — pubescens,  685. 

— pulcherrima,  695. 

— pumila,  702. 

— purpurea,  692, 697. 

— pusillosa,  687. 

■ — pygmaea,  687. 

— quadridentata,  696. 
“ quinquedentata,  696. 

* — radicans,  704. 

— replans,  695. 

■ — resit pinata,  691 , 692. 
— ■ rubiginosa,  687. 

~ rupestris,  709. 

— rupincola,  698. 
sealaris,  694,  706. 

— serpyllifolia,  689. 

— serrata,  692. 

“ sertularioides,  703. 

— setacea,  703. 

* — setiformis,  703. 

— sinuata,  684. 

— spbagni,  701. 

— sphaerocarpa,  701. 

“ sphaerocephala,  7 00, 


* — stipulacea,  696. 

— tamarisci,  687. 

— tamariscifolia,  688. 

— Taylori,  693. 

" — thuja,  690. 

— ■ tomentella,  703. 

‘ — tomentosa,  685. 

* — triangularis,  704. 

— trichomanis,  706. 

— trichophylla,702,703 

— tridenticulata,  692. 
~~  trilobata,  704. 

— Turneri,  700. 

““  umbrosa,  691. 

— undulata,  691. 

— varia,  698. 

— ventricosa,  700. 

— viticulosa,  693,706. 

— Woodsii,  695. 
Jungermannideae,  683. 


Kant,  706. 
Kantius,  706. 
Kenkerig,  440. 


Laces,  sea* 386. 

Lacjinum,  671. 
Lactarius,  623 — 625. 
Lactuca,  342 — 344. 
Lagasca,  327. 
Laminaria,  383,  +384, 
385,  388. 

Lathagrium,  399,  400. 

Laver,  +342—345. 
Leangium,  573,  574. 
Leather,  oak,  559. 
Leathes,  301 . 

Leathesia,  301. 
Lecanora,  495. 

— albella,  453. 

— anomala,  471. 

— atra,  449. 

— badia,  444,  451. 

— brunnea,  446. 

— candelaria,  445. 

— carneo  lutea,  454, 

— cerina,  456. 

— circinata,  448. 

— coarctata,  449. 

— craspedia,  452. 

— crassa,  444. 

— cyrtaspis,  458. 

— * effusa,  451. 

— elseina,  439. 

• — elatina,  453. 

-1—  epigea,  446. 

• — erytkrella,  456. 

- — falsaria,  467. 

— fulgens,  447. 

— ■ fusco  atra,  463. 

• — frustulosa,  451. 

— galactina,  448. 

— gelida,  448. 

— glaucoma,  453. 

— granulosa,  471. 

— haematomma,  457* 

— halophaea,  444. 

— hypnorum,  446. 

— lentigera,  447. 

— lepidora,  445. 

— lutescens,  453. 

— minutula,  471. 

— murorum,  447. 

— orosthea,  470. 

— parella,  454. 

— periclea,  450. 

— rubra,  457. 

— rubricosa,  452. 

— salicina,  456. 

— saxicola,  447. 

— sophodes,  450. 

— sulphurea,  470. 

— tartarea,  455. 

— testacea,  461. 

— tribacia,  445. 

— tuberculosa,  452. 

Lecanora  Turneri,  454* 

— varia,  452,  475. 

— ventosa,  451. 

Leccino,  646- — 648. 
Leccinum,  646 — 648. 
Lecidea,  462 — 476. 

— abietina,  468. 

— alabastrina,  474. 

— alba,  466. 

- — albo-caerulescens,^ 

467,  468. 

— amylacea,  468, 

«=—  anomala,  47 1. 

— arcentina,  472. 

— argena,  495. 

— aromafica,  464. 

— atro  alba,  463. 

— atroflava,  475. 

— atrorofa,  461. 

— alrovirens,  465. 

— aurantiaca,  476. 

— ca?sio-rufa,  473. 

• — Candida,  460. 

— canescens,  462. 

— carneola,  472. 

— cecumena,  463. 

— cinereofusca, 473,475* 

— citrinella,  466. 

— confluens,  464. 

— corallinoides,  396. 

— cornea,  472. 

— corticola,  469. 

— crenulata,  473. 

— cupularis,  473. 

— cyrtella,  47 1 . 

— decipiens,  462. 

— decolorans,  470, 471. 

• — desertorum,  47 1 . 

— Dicksoni,  466. 

— Ehrhartiana,474,47& 

— epipolia,  468. 

— escharoides,  471. 

” fiavicunda,  466. 

— fumosa,  463. 

— fuscata,  469. 

— fusco-atra,  463. 

— fusco-lutea,  472. 

— gelasinata,  4S2. 

— geochroa,  464. 

— granulosa,  471. 

— hsematomma,  457. 

— hypnophylla,  469. 

— icmadophila,  473, 

— immersa,  467. 

— incana,  470. 

• — jungermanniae,  471. 

— Lightfootii,  469. 

— limitata,  464. 

— lucida,  475. 

— lurida,  461. 

~~  luteo  alba,  475. 



Lecidea  luteola,  472. 

— lyncea,  479. 

— margaritacea,  468. 

— marmorea,  473. 

— melizea,  474. 

— microphylla,  462. 

■ — miscella,  465. 

— muscorum,  465. 

— nigra,  396. 

■ — obscura,  469. 

— Oederi,  465. 

— orosthea,  470. 

— papyracea,  475. 

— paradoxa,  460. 

— parasema,  464. 

— petraea,  463. 

— pholidiota,  462. 

— picina,  451. 

— polytropa,  475. 

— privigna,  450, 505. 

— pruiuosa,  468. 

— pustulata,  478. 

— quernea,  469. 

— rivulosa,  467. 

— * rosella,  474. 

— rubiformis,  462. 

— rupestris,  472. 

— sabuletorum,  465. 

— sanguinaria,  464. 

— scabrosa,  466. 

— scalaris,  461. 

— silacea,  465. 

— speirea,  468. 

■ — sphaeroides,474. 

— stellata,  462. 

— Stonei,  455. 

— salphurea,  470. 

— testacea,  461, 462. 

— thriptophylla,  462. 

— tigillaris,482. 

— uliginosa,  461. 

— vernalis,  470, 474. 

— vesicularis,  460. 

— viridescens,  469. 
Lecideae,  444. 

Leersia,  725,  726, 


Lejophlea,  495,  496. 
Leman,  288. 

Lemania,  288. 
Lemanideae,  288. 
Leocarpus,  574. 

Leotia,  +660,  661. 
Lepidoma,  460 — 462. 
Lepidome,  460 — 462. 
Lepiota,  601 — 603. 
Lepiote,  601—603. 
Lepra,  412. 

Lepraria,  349, 350, 466, 
470,  475. 

Leptogium,  400,  401. 

Leskea,  752,  753,  755, 
757,758,  764—766. 
Leucodon, 741. 

Licea,  +569,  570,  580. 
Lichen  abietinus,  450, 

— acetabulum,  438. 

— Acharii,  458. 

— acicularis,  485. 

— acrotellus,  498. 

— aculeatus,  405. 

— aeruginosus,473. 

— affinis,  440. 

— age! ecus,  495. 

— aidafclus,  488. 

— al  bell  us,  453. 

— albescens,  492. 

— albido-caesius,  453. 

- — albo-ater,  469. 

— albo-incarnatus,  474. 

— albus,  466. 

— alcicornis,  418. 

— allochrous,  443. 

— aleurites,  442. 

— ambavillarius,  431. 

— amphibius,  501. 

— amylaceus,  469. 

— analeptus,  496. 

— anthraciniis,  476. 

— apthosus,  428. 

— aquaticus,  502. 

— aquilus,  441 . 

— arborum,425,  430. 

- — arenarius,  452. 

— argenus,  495. 

— aromaticus,  464. 

— arthroocarpus,  463. 

— articulatus,  404. 

— astroites,  479. 

— ater,  449. 

— atroalbus,  463. 

— atroflavus,  475. 

— atrorufus,461. 

— - atrovirens,  465,  475. 

— aurantiacus,  47  5. 

— badius,  451 . 

■ — barbatus,  404. 

- — bellidiflorus,  424. 

— bicolor,  405. 

— Borreri,  437. 

— botryoides,  349. 

— brunneus,  446. 

— Burgesii,  399. 

— byssinus,  402. 

— byssoides,  413. 

— caeruleo-nigricans, 

— caesio-rufus,  452. 

— ceesius,  443,  466. 

— CEespitnsus,  417. 

— caespitosum,  487. 

Lichen  calcareus,  459; 

— calcivorus,  467. 

— calicaris,406. 

— calvus,472. 

— candejarius,445,447. 

— candicans,  446. 

— candidus,  460. 

— canescens,  462. 

- — caninus,  428, 429. 

— cantharellus,  484. 

— caperatus,  437. 

< — capitatus,  485. 

— carneo-luteus,  454. 

— carnosus,  446. 

— carpineus,  492. 

— cartilagineus,  444. 

■ — centrifugus,  442. 

— cerinus,  456. 

— cervicornis,  418. 

— cervinus,  444. 

• — cha!ybeiforrnis,40S. 

- — chrysocephalus,  484. 

— chrysophtha!mus,435 

— ciliaris,  434. 

— cinereus,  350, 459. 

— circinatus,448. 

— citrinellus,  466. 

— citrinus,  447. 

— clavicularis,  483. 

— Clement i,  439. 

— coarctatus,  449. 

— cocci ferus,  423. 

— coccineus,  457. 

— coccodes,  412. 

— comosus,  403,  434. 

— complicatus,  501. 

— compositus,  453. 

— concentricus,  463. 

— concolor,  445. 

— confinis,  388. 

— confluens,  464. 

— conspersus,  442. 

• — corallinus,  412. 

— corneus,  472. 

— corniculatus,404,425 

— cornucopioides,  423. 

— cornutus,  421. 

— corrugatus,  398, 438. 

— crassus,  444. 

• — crenularius,  473. 

— crenulatus,  448. 

— cretaceus,  398. 

— crinitus,  477. 

— crispum,  396. 

— crocatus,  430. 

— croceus,  429. 

■ — cruentus,  451. 

— cupularis,  473. 

— cycloselis,444. 

— cylindricus,  477. 

— cyrtellus,  471. 



Lichen  dactylinus,  449. 

— dealbatus,  492. 

— decipit  ns,  462. 

— deformis,  423. 

. — delicatus,  416. 

— dendriticus,  463. 

— dentatus,  444. 

— deustus,  476,  478. 

— diamartus,  458. 

— diatryphus,  436. 

• — dichotomus,  408. 

— Dicksoni,  466. 

— diffuses,  442. 

— digitafiis,  422. 

— discoideus,  492. 

— discolor,  399. 

— dispersus,  448. 

— effusus,  451. 

— - Ehrhartianus,  474. 

— elceinus,  439. 

— elveloides,  473. 

— encaustus,  441 . 

— endivifolius,  418. 

— endocarpon,  500. 

- — epigeus,  446. 

— epiphyllus,  417. 

— epipolius,  468. 

— ericetorum,412,473. 

— erosus,  477. 

• — erythrellus,  456. 

— escharoides,  465,471, 

■ — exanthematicus,  494. 

— exasperatus,  476. 

— excavatus,  459. 

— excavatum,  663. 

— exilis,  402. 

— exiguus,  421,  450. 

— expallens,  484. 

— faginens,  491. 

— Fahlunensis,  441. 

— fallax,  433. 

— farinaceus,  407. 

— fascicularis,  398. 

■ — fastigiatus,  406. 

— ferrugineus,  473. 

— ferruginosus,  471. 

— fibrosus,  458. 

— fibula,  420. 

— filiformis,  422. 

— fimbriatus,  419. 

— flaccidus,  400. 

— flavesceus,  451. 

— flavovirescens,  456, 

— - floccolosus,  478. 

— floridus,  403. 

— fluviatilis,  397,  502. 

— foliaceus,  418. 

— fragilis,  487,  488. 

— fragrans,  396. 

— - frigidus,  455. 

Lichen  frnstulosus,451. 

— fuciformis,  426. 

— fucoides,  404, 426. 

— fulgens,  447. 

— fuliginosus,  431. 

— fulvus,  485. 

— fungiformis,  413. 

— furcatus,  414. 

— furfuraceus,  435. 

— furvus,400. 

— fuscatus,  451 , 469. 

— fuscellus,  499. 

— fusco-luteus,  473. 

— gelasinatus,  482. 

— gelidus,  448,  451. 

. — geographicus,  465. 

— gibbosus,  463. 

— glaber,  476. 

— glabratus,  474. 

— glaucoma,  453. 

— glaucus,  433. 

— glebulosus,  462. 

. — globiferus,  487. 

— globosus,  487. 

— globuiiferus,  491. 

— glomuliferus,  437. 

— gracilis,  421. 

— graniformis,460,483. 

— granulosus,  400,471. 

— Griflithsii,  472. 

— griseus,  478. 

— haematomma,455,457 
— Heclae,  448. 

. — herbaceus,  431. 

— hippotrichoides,  489. 
— . hispidus,  405,  434. 

— horizontalis,  427. 

— horn,  413. 

— kumosus,  467. 

— fayineneus,  495. 

— hyperellum,  483. 

— hyp  no  rum,  445,  446. 

- — icmadophilus,473. 

— immersus,  467,  497. 

— incanus,  462,  470. 

— incarnatus,  462. 

— inclusus,  494. 

— incurvus,442. 

— inpolitus,  479. 

— inquinans,  482. 

— intricatus,  406,  435. 
— Isis,  411,412. 

— Island icus,  405,  433. 

— jubatus,  408. 

— juniperinus,  432. 

— iacer,  401. 

— lachneus,  500. 

— laciniatus,  437. 

— lacteus,  466, 492. 

— lacustris,  458. 

— lasvigatus,  443. 

Lichen  lana(us,405,406. 

— laneus,  405. 

— lanuginosus,  439. 

— laqueatus,  444. 

— lentigerus,  447. 

— lepadinus,  494. 

- — leprosns,  466. 

— leptophyllus,  501, 

— leucomelas,  434.. 

— leucophaeus,  461. 

— Lightfootii,  469. 

— limbatus,431 . 

— limitatus,  464.. 

— lucidus,  475. 

• — lurid  us,  461. 

— luteo  albus,  475. 

— luteolus,  472. 

— luteus,  474. 

— lynceus,  479- 

— macilentus,  422. 

■ — macrocephalus,  482. 

— macularis,  505. 

— marginalis,  397. 

— marginellus,  401. 

— marinus,  343. 

■ — marmoreus,473. 

— maurus,  498. 

- — melanocarpus,  488. 

— melanoleuca,  438, 

■ — melaleucus,  496. 

• — membranaceus,  439. 

— mesenteriformis,476. 

— microphylius,  462. 

— miniatus,  501. 

— minimus,  680. 

— miscellus,  465. 

— multifidus,  442. 

— multiflorus,  446. 

— multipunctus,  441 , 

— muraUs,  447. 

— murinus,  478. 

— murorum,  447. 

— muscicola,  402. 

— muscorum,  465, 471. 
* — mushroom,  412,  413. 

— mutabilis, 437. 

— myochrous,  399. 

— nanus,  41 1. 

— niger,  396. 

— nigrescens,  399, 400 

— nivalis,  433. 

— niveo-afer,  468. 

— obscures,  479. 

— ochroleucus,  447 

— oculatus,  449. 

— Oederi,  465,  466. 

— olivaceus,  438. 

— omphalodes,  440. 

— orbicularis,  444. 

— ornatus,  399. 



Lichen  orostheus,47G. 

— pallescens,  491. 

• — palmatus,  398. 

■ — papillarius,  424. 

— papyraceus,  399. 

— paradoxus,  460. 

— parasemus,  464. 

— parasiticus,  4 1 6, 500, 

— parellus,  454. 

— parietinus,  439. 

— parilis,  426. 

— parvus,  680. 

— paschalis,  411. 

• — perforatus,  43S. 

— pellitus,  478. 

— pericleus,  450. 

— perlatus,  437. 

— pertusus,  436, 495. 

— petrasus,440,463,682 

— pezizoides,  446. 

— physodes,  436. 

— piceus,  451. 

— pileatus,  682,  683. 

— pityreus,  439. 

— plicatilis,  397. 

— plicatus,  403. 

— plumbeus,  431,440. 

— plumbosus,  497. 

— pollinarius,  407. 

— polycarpus,  445. 

— polydactylus,  429. 

— p°lyphyllus,476,501. 

— polytropus,  475. 

— populinus,  406. 

— porphyrins,  457. 

— porriginosus,  472. 

— proboscideus,  476, 

— pruinatus,  468. 

— pruinosus,  468. 

— prunastri,425,  432. 

— psora,  443. 

— pubescens,  287,  405, 

— pulchellus,  443. 

— pul  I us,  441. 

■ — pulpqsus,396. 

— pulverulentus,  443. 

. — punctatus,  412,458. 

— punctiformis,  496. 

— pungens,  415. 

— pustulatus,  478. 

<— pyxidatus,  418, 419. 

— quadricolor,  471. 

— quercifolius,  438. 

. — quercinus,  438. 

— querneus,  469. 

■ — quisquilaris,  41 1 . 

— rad  i at  us,  404,  420. 

— radiciformis,  488. 

— radiosus,  448. 

Lichen  rangiferinus,415. 

— resup inatus,  426. 

— rigid  us,  404. 
rimosus,  468. 

— rivulosus,  467. 

— roccella,  426. 

— rosellus,  474. 

— rubellus,  472. 

— rubens,  350. 

— rubiformis,  461. 

■ — rubiginosus,  440. 

— rufescens,  428. 

— rufus,  413. 

— rugosus,505. 

■ — rupestris,  400,  472. 

— tupicola,  453,  459. 

— sacchatus,  429. 

— saepiucola,  432. 

— salicinus,456. 

— salignus,  451. 

— sanguinarius,  464. 

— sarmentosus,  408. 

— saturninus,  399. 

— saxatilis,  440. 

— saxicola,  447. 

— saxifragus,  461. 

— saxorum,  455. 

— scalaris,  461. 

— scalophora,  478. 

- Schraderi,  402, 497. 

- scopulorum,406,45i. 

- scriptus,  502,  510. 

- scrobiculatus,  431. 

- scruposus,  459. 

- scutatus,  427. 

- setosus,  489. 

- silaceus,  465. 

- siliquosus,  407. 

- simplex,  450,  505. 

- sinopicus,  458, 499. 

- sinuatus,  400. 

- sinuosus,  442. 

- sive  hepatica,  430, 
680,  683. 

- smaragdulus,  499. 

■ sophodes,  450. 

sordidus,  453. 

• spadiceus,  405. 
speciosus,  443. 
speireus,  468. 
sphaaroides,  474. 
spinosus,  414. 
spongiosus,  402. 
squamulosus,  41 7,444 
squarrosus,  407. 
stellaris,  443. 
stellatus,  462. 
stictaceros,  425. 
stigmatellus,  496. 

Lichen  stygius,  441. 

— subimbricatus,44S, 
■—  subtilis,  401, 444, 

— subulatus,  415. 

— subuliformis,  413. 

— sulphureus,  470. 

— sylvaticus,43J. 

— symphycarpus,  417. 
■ — tartareus,  455. 

— tenax,  397. 

— tenellus,  434. 

- — tenuissimus,  402. 

— tephroides,499. 

— tephromelas,  449. 

— tesselatus,  459,  493. 

— thelostomus,  493. 

— tigillaris,  482. 

— tiliaceus,  438. 

— torrefactus,  477. 

— trabinellus,  484. 

— trapeziformis,  500. 

— tremella,  401. 

— tremelloides,  401. 

— tricolor,  471. 

— tristis,  404. 

— tuberculosus,  452. 

— tubiformis,  422. 

— Turneri,  454. 

— uliginosus,  467. 

— ulmi,  457. 

— umbrinus,  494. 

— uncialis,  415. 

■ — Upsaliensis,  454. 

— Yahlii,  457. 

— varians,  453. 

■ — varius,  452,  456, 

— velatus,  490. 

— velutinus,  402. 

— venosus,  427. 

— ventosus,  451 . 

— ventricosus,417,420. 
■ — vermicularis,  413. 

— vernalis,470, 472. 

• — verrucosus,  428,431. 

— vesperfilio,  399. 

— - viridescens,  469. 

— volvatus,  494. 

— vulpirms,  435. 

— Westringii,  412. 
Liehenastrum  agaricus, 


— alpinum,  704,  709. 

— ambrosias,  684. 

— arboris  vitaa,  690. 

■ — auriculatum,  692. 

— capitulis,  686,  702, 

— eapitulo  oroboide, 

— filicinum,  703. 


Lichenastrum  foliis,69S. 

— gramineum,  681. 

• — imbrication,  6S7, 688, 


— minimum,  687. 

• — triehodes,  702. 

— trichomanis,  692, 695 
—698,  700,  702. 

— tricliomanoides,  693. 
- — * pinnis,  691. 

— pinnulis,  697,  698, 


— ramosius,  692. 
Lichenes,  394,  408,486. 
Lichenoides  arboreum, 

425,  431,434,  443. 

— candidum,  492. 

• — cartUaginosum,  418. 

— coratophyllon,  436. 

— cinereum,  429,  462. 

— coral li forme,  422. 

— coriaeeum,  501. 

— corn u turn,  435. 

— orusta,  437—440, 

— crostaceunv,  449,454, 
455,  459, 

— crustosum,  445. 

• — digitatum,  428. 

i — ■ eudivia?  folii>,433. 

— fuciforme,  426. 

— fungifonne,412,4l3. 

. — ■ gelatinosum,  396 — 


— glaucum,  437. 

— - imbricatum,  442. 

— lac unos urn,  430,  433. 
— • leprosum,  464. 

— lichenis  facie,  429, 

— membranaceus,429. 

— nigroflavum,  465. 

— non  tubulosum,  405, 

— peltatum,  428,  430. 

— poly schides,  431. 

— pullum,  478. 

— - pulmonarius,  461. 

— punctatum,  505. 

— pustulosum,  478. 

— pyxidatum,421,423. 

— rigidum,  433. 

— rugosum,  477. 

— saxatile,  399,  401, 

426,  440. 

— segmentis,  407. 

— subfuscdm,  426. 

— subglancum,  437. 

~r~?  subtus  croceum,  429, 

— tartaremn,  451. 
w tenue,  400,  47  6. 

tinctorium,  441, 
VOI,.  h 

Lichenoides  tubulatum, 

— tubulosum,  414,415, 
417,  419,  420,  422, 

— verrucosum,  495. 
Licliina,  3S8. 

Lignidium,  567. 

Liuckia,  284,  290,  351, 


Linckidece,  350. 

Liuum,  313. 

Linza,  343. 

Lippius,  706. 

Lithocia,  497,  498. 
Litter,  skin,  581 , 582. 
Lobaria,  404 — 407 , 425, 
430,  432—443,  447, 

Locks,  golden,  721,744, 

Lomentaria,  381. 
Loreum,  763. 

Lycogala,  568,575, 
Lycogalus,  568, 
Lycoperdastrum,  582. 
Lycoperdon,  568,  583, 

— acariforme,  590. 

— album,  584. 

— anemones,  537- 

— ardesiaceum,  582, 

— areolatum,  583. 

— arhizon,  583. 

— aurantium.  581. 

— bovista,  583. 

— caslatum,  583. 

— cancel  latum,  534, 

— earpobolus,  581. 

— cepae  facie,  582. 

— - cervinum,  581, 582. 

— cinereum,  572. 

— col  i forme,  586. 

— corniculatum,  534. 

— corniferutn,  534. 

— cylindricum,  586, 

— defossum,  581. 

— epidendrum,  568,569 
■ — epiphyllum,537,575. 

— equinum,  580. 

— excipuli  forme,  584^ 

— favaceum,  576. 

— favigineum,  575. 

— fornicatum,  585. 

— fragile,  574. 

— fuliginosum,  568. 

— gemma  turn,  583,  5S4, 

— gibbosum,  592, 

— ■ giganteum,  583. 

— globosum,  5S3, 

— gossypinuin,  5^4, 

Lycoperdon  gulosorum, 

— hydrophoron,  531, 

— lumbricale,  574. 

— - luteum,  577, 

— maximum,  583. 

— pedunculatum,  586, 

— perlatum,  584. 

— phalloides,  675, 

— poculiforme,  534. 

— pratense,  583. 

— Proteus,  583,  584. 

— pyri forme,  584. 

— radiatuio,  590,  663. 

— spadiceum,  582. 

— stellatum,  585,  586. 

— tuber,  592. 

— utri forme,  584. 

— variolosum,  513,568, 

— verrucosum,  581, 

> — vesparium,  576. 

— volvarn  explanans, 

Lycoperdonidete,  581. 
Lycopodium,  355,  37 6, 
Lyncurium,  362. 
Lytotheceaj,  674, 


Mackaia,  391—393. 
Maci:o3Cyphus,  671,672, 
Mailotium,  399, 
Mammillaris,  368, 
Mappa,  599. 
Marchqntia,  +681,683. 
Marchantidea?,  681. 
Marchesinus,  689, 
Marsupium,  669. 
Martinellius,  690 — 693, 
Maurocenius,  687, 
Medulla  panis,  640. 
Meesia,  767,  768. 
Melagonium,  313. 
Menoites  grises,  656, 
Merisma,  653,  654. 
Merrettia,  348,  319, 
Merulidese,  636. 
Merulius,  594, 612, 622g 
+ 636—638. 
Mesogloja,  320. 
Micromphale,  621 — 623 
Mitra,  662,  663. 
Mitrula,  659,660. 
Mnium  androgynum,76T 
- — arcuatum,  751. 

— bimum,  77 1. 

' — CEEspiticum,  770. 

— capillare,  770. 
chrysocomum,  751, 

3 a 



Mnium  cirrhatuin,  731. 

. — conoideum,  744. 

* — crudura,  769,  773. 

— - cuspidatum,  773. 

— ellipticum,  772. 

— fissum,  '700,  707. 

— foliis,  767. 

— fontanum,  751. 
heteromallum,  738. 

— hornum,  773. 

— hygfometricum,  744. 

- — jungermannia,  697. 

— lacustre,  770. 

— laterale,  751. 

. — lichen  is  facie,  686. 

— majus,  767. 

— - Marchicum,  751. 

— minus,  717. 

— nutans,  770,  771. 

* — osrmsndaeeum,  713. 

« — pellucens,  736. 

— pelliicidum,  717. 

— pohlia,771. 

— polytrichoides,  721. 

— proliferum,770. 

- — pseudotriquetrum, 

. — punctatum,772. 

— purpureum,  742. 

- — pyriforme,  768. 

— roseum,  770. 

— rostrafcum,  772. 

• — scoparsum,  738. 

* — serpyllifolium,  770, 
772,  773. 

— serratum,  773. 

— trichoides,  767. 

— trichomanes,  706. 

— triehomamsfacie,706 

— triquetrum,  768, 771. 

— turbinatum,  770. 

— uliginosum,  767. 

— undulatum,  772. 
Monilia,  550, 552—554, 

4557,  563,567. 
Moreheila,  661 , 662. 
Morel!,  661,  662. 

Moss,  ball,  487. 

— black,  708,  709. 

— bog,  709,7 10. 

— brain,  476—478. 

— branch,  406,  407. 

— brittle,  745—747. 

— buckler,  429. 

- — callus,  495. 

. — chalice,  419. 

— cockscomb,  407,408. 
- — cord,  744. 

— cup,  417—424. 

— dot,  429—431. 

— extinguisher,  7 25,726 

M oss, feather , 7 52 — 7 66. 

— French  rock,  454. 

— gland,  717 — 719. 

— grey  marsh,  751. 

• — ground,  761. 

— hairy  tree,  403. 

— horn,  404 — 406. 

— Iceland,  433. 

— kidney,  426,  427. 

• — mst,  493,494. 

— open  wart,  494. 

— pitcher,  457 — 460. 

— quick,  280,  281. 

— rivulet,  284, 285. 

— rock,  425,  426. 

— root,  488 — -490. 

— * scarlet-headed,  422. 

— screw,  722—725. 

■ — sheath,  280. 

— slate,  713. 

— slit,  504—507. 

• — small-pox, 490 — 493. 

— smooth,  495,  496. 

* — spotted,  480,  481. 

* — spring,  749. 

— sprinkled,  479, 480. 

— squat,  7 10— 712. 

— stone,  497,  498. 

— thread,  767. 

— tow,  498. 

— trait,  502, 503. 

— water,  749. 

— wide,  504. 

— wing,  728. 

Mould,  560,  561. 

— bare,  569,  570. 

— blood,  568. 

— bottle,  561. 

- — ■ brush,  552,  553. 

— bud,  586, 587. 

— cap,  580. 

— ■ chain,  552. 

— clung,  550. 

— corn,  530 — 592. 

— cup,  576, 577. 

— cylinder,  568. 

— death,  590. 

— • double,  569. 

— dust,  550,  551. 

— ear,  553. 

— flight,  570. 

— fold,  567. 

— froth,  567. 

— funnel,  555,  556. 

— glance,  574. 

■ — goblet,  580. 

— grape,  553. 

— hair,  574—576. 

— knot,  f 554,  555. 

* — leaf,  567. 

— » meal,  551,.  552. 

Mquld,  net,  578> 

— pencil,  554. 

— pitcher,  579,  580. 

— purse,  566. 

— rayed,  554. 

— scale,  572,  573. 

— sieve,  577. 

— skein,  552. 

— skin,  570,  571. 

— slash,  573,  574. 

— slime,  569. 

- — spring,  561,562. 

— stalked,  550. 

— tall,  571. 

— thread,  578,  579. 

— twin,  550. 

Mouth,  cone, 719. 

— plain,  713 — 716. 
Mucedinese,  550. 
Mueedo,  561. 

Mucilago,  567. 

Mucor,  284,  +560,561. 

— botrytis,56h 

— cancellatus,  578. 

— caninus,  561. 

— erysimi,  561. 

— ferrugineus,  556. 

— tiavidus,  560. 

• — fragiformis,  568. 

— fugacissimus,  558. 

— ftflvus,  585,572. 

— furfuraceus,  485. 

— glaucus,  554,  563. 

— herbariorutn,  567. 

• — hydrophorus,  561. 

— - lichenoides,  483. 

— lycogalus,  568. 

— miniatus,  576. 

— mueedo,  561. 

— murinus,  561. 

— roridus,  562. 

— ureeolatus.  562. 
Mucorideae,  560. 

Musci,  707. 

Muscus  arboreus,  403, 

— aureus,  435. 

— ■ capil!aceus,750. 

• — capillaris,  720,  721. 

• — caule  rigido,  408. 

— corallsnoides,  415. 

— corailinus,408. 

- — coralloides,  405,414. 
* — fllicinus,  759. 

— marines,  332,  382. 

— palustris,  751. 

— parvus,  770. 

• — puimonarius,  430. 

— pyxidatus,  419. 

■ — terrestris,  710,  761. 
Mushroom,  626,  627. 



Mushroom,  boot,  601. 
— cup,  587,  588. 
Mycena,  619 — 621. 
Mycenadeae,  617. 
Mycetoidese,  532. 
Myelomyci,  507. 

My  1 ins,  693,  694. 

My  riodacty  le,*J-30i,302 
Myriodactylon,  *f*301, 

Myriophyllum,  331. 
Myrotheciadeae,  569. 
Myrotliecium,  569. 


Nardius,  694. 
749,  758. 

Nemania,  516 — 519. 
Naemaspora,  527,  531, 

Nemasporideoe,  531. 
Nematomyceae,  547. 
Nephroma,  426,  427. 
Net,  water,  300. 
Nidularia,  587. 
Nodularia,  288. 

Nostoc,  301,349,  -{-351, 

Nostoch,351, 352. 


Oak,  agaric  of  the,  638. 

— sea,  391. 

Octospora,  665,-^666 — 

Odonthalia,  364. 
Odontia,  649,  -j-651. 
Oligotrichum,  719,720. 
Olivia,  349,  350. 

Olla,  587. 

Omphalia,  61 1 — 614. 
Onygena,  580. 
Onygenadeae,  580. 
Opegrapha  aenea,  506. 

— astroidea,  479. 

— atra,  507. 

— betulina,  503. 

- — calcarea,  505. 

— cerasi,  502. 

— conglomerata,503. 

— dendritica,  503. 

— denigrata,  507. 

— - diaphora,  504. 

— dispersa,  506. 

— elegans,  503. 

— epipasta,  506, 507. 

Opegrapha  epiphega, 


— faginea,  505. 

— fuliginosa,  506. 

— herpetica,  506i 

— lichenoides,  504. 

— Lyellii,  503, 

— macularis,  5 05. 

— microscopica,  507. 

■ — nimbosa,  504. 

— notha,  504,  505, 

— obscura,  479. 

— Persoonii,  505. 

— petraea,  505. 

— pulverulenta,  502. 

— quercina,505. 

— radiata,  479. 

— reniformis,  479* 

— rimalis,  506. 

— rubella,  506. 

— rupestris,  505. 

— scripta,  502. 

— serpentina,  503. 

— siderella,  506. 

— varia,  504. 

— venosa,  507. 

— verruearoides,  504. 

— viridis,  506. 

• — vulgata,  506. 
Opegraphideae,  502. 
Opuntia,  347, 381. 
Orchal,  454. 
Orthotrichum,  7 IT, f 745 

Oscillatoria,-|-280 — 283 
Oscillatorideae,  280. 
Osmunda,  378. 

Over,  turn,  617. 


Pallavicinius,  684,  685, 

Pal  mella,f348, 349,363 
Paimetta,  368,  369. 
Papa,  686. 

Parellus,  454. 
Parmelia,  436 — 444. 

— affinis,  440. 

— albella,  453. 

— aleurites,  442. 

— aquila,  441. 

— Atlantica,  435. 

— atra,  449. 

— Borreri,  437. 

— brunnea,  446. 

— Bnrgesii,  399. 

— caesia,  443. 

— candelaria,  445. 

Parmelia,  caperata, 437. 

— carneo  lutea,  454. 

— cerina,  452, 456,475. 

— chry  soph  thalma,  435. 

— ciiiaris,  434. 

— circinata,  448. 

— citrina,  445. 

— Clemen  tiana,  439. 
coarctata,  449. 

— conspersa,  442. 

— corrugata,  438. 

■ — craspedia,  452. 

— crassa,444. 

— cretacea,  398. 

— crispa,  396. 

— cycloselis,  444. 

— diatrypha,  436; 

— diffusa,  442. 

— dispersa,  448. 

— effusa,  451. 

— elacista,  449. 

— elaeina,  439. 

— cncausta,  441. 

— epigea,  446. 

— erythrella,  456. 

— exigua,450. 

— Fahlunensis,  441; 

— farinacea,  407. 

— farrea,  443. 

— fascicularis,  398* 

— fastigiata,  406. 

— liaccida,  400. 

— fluviatilis,  397. 

— frustulosa,  451. 

— fuciformis,  426. 

— fulgens,  447. 

— furfuracea,  435. 

— furva,  400. 

— fuscata,  451. 

— • fusco  lutea,  473. 

— gelida,  448. 

— glaucoma,  453. 

— glomulifera,  437. 

— herbacea,  431. 

— hypnorum,  446. 

" — impolita,  480. 

— jubata,408. 

— laciniata,  401. 

— laevigata,  443. 

— lanuginosa,  439. 

— lentigera,  447. 

— lepidora,  445. 

— leucomala,  434. 

— lutescens,  453. 

— marginella,  401. 

— marmorea,  473. 

— melaena,  397. 

— murorum,  447. 

— muscicola,  402. 

— nigrescens,  399. 

— olivacea,  438. 

3 G 2 



Parmelia  omphalodes, 

— palmata,  398. 

— paonosa,402. 

— parella,  454. 

— parietiua,  438. 

— peliscypha,  444. 

— perforata,  437. 

— peHclea,  450. 

— perlata,  437. 

■ — physodes,  436. 

— pityrea,  439. 

— plicatilis,  397. 

— plocina,  398. 

— - plumbea,  440. 

— pollinaria,  407. 

— • pulmonacea,  430. 

— pulverulenta,  443. 

— prunastri,  425. 

■ — recurva,  442. 

— roccella,426. 

— rubiginosa,  440. 

— rubra,  457. 
sal  i cilia,  456. 

— sarmentosa,  408. 

— Saturnina,  399. 

— - saxatilis,  440. 

— saxicola,  447. 

- — Schraderi,  402. 

— scopulorum,  406. 

— Scotiua,  400. 

— scrobiculata,  431. 

— siliquosa,407. 

— sinuosa,  442. 

— sophodes,450. 

• — speciosa,  442. 

— squamulosa,  444,451. 
' — sulphurea,  470. 

— sulphureo-nigricans, 


— Stygia,  441. 

--  subtilis,  401, 

— tar  tar  ea,  455. 

— tenax,  397. 

— - tenella,  434. 

— teouissima,  402. 

— tiliacea,  438. 

— tremelloides,  401. 

— Turneri,  454. 

— varia,  452. 

= — velata,  490. 

— ventosa,  451. 

— vitellioa,  475, 
Patellaria,  459,452,460, 

473,  +664. 

Peltidea,  426,  +427— 

Peltideae,  425. 

Pel  tigera, 426— 429,432 
Fenicillum,  554. 
Penicillus,  362. 

Perelle,  454. 
Peripherostoma,  513 — 

Peziza,526,+664 — 666. 
• — Abbotiana,  671. 

— acetabulum,  672. 

— aecidioides,  663. 

— alutacea,  668. 

■ — argillacea,  666. 

— armata,  673. 

— - atra,  667. 

— • aurantia,  668. 

— aurea,  667. 

— • auricula,  594. 

— auriculam  referens, 

— badia,  669. 

— bicolor,  670. 

— caerulea,  665. 

— cassia,  665. 

• — calyculus,  673. 

■ — cartilaginea,  664,667 

— cellnlaria,  666. 

— cellularia3forinis,666 

— cerea,  672. 

— chrysocoraa,  674. 

• — cinerea,  667. 

— citrina,  670. 

— - coccinea,  668,  672. 

- — cochleata,  669. 

— comitialis,  546. 

— cornucopioides,  637. 
• — coronata,  673. 

* — cyathoidea,  674. 

— domestica,  666. 

— epidendra,  672. 

■ — equina,  666. 

— fasciculata,  665. 

— fibula,  673. 

— firma,  670. 

— flava,  667. 

— fructigena,  673. 

—s  fuscescens,  67 1. 

■ — granulosa,  593. 

— haemisphaerica,  665. 

— hepatiea,  667. 

— herbarum,  670. 

— hispida,  665. 

- — hyalina,  667. 

bybrida,  666. 

— hydnoides,  665. 

■ — hydrophora,  531, 

— immersa,  664. 

— inflexa,  673. 

— infundibulum,  673. 

— • laevis,  587. 

— lenticularis,  670, 

— lentifera,  587. 

- — leporina,  668. 

— lichenoides,  665. 

■ — Juxida,  668. 

Peziza  macropu%  672„ 

— marginata,  663. 

— marsupium,  669. 

— melastoma,  670. 

■ — nigra,  666. 

— nivea,  671. 

— ochroleuca,  670. 

— onotica,  668. 

— pallescens,  670. 

— papillaria,  666. 

- — papillaris,  666. 

— patula,  671. 

— perennis,  672. 

— - pineti,  668. 

— poculiformis,  672. 

— populnea,  664. 

— porphyria,  667. 

— prunastri,  664. 

— pulcliella,  670. 

— pustulata,  669. 

— radiata,  673. 

— radicata,  671. 

— radiculata,  672. 

— rapula,  673. 

— t imosa,  664. 

— - sanguinea,  665. 

— sarcoides,  667. 

— scutellata,  665. 

* — sessilis,  67 1. 

— solani,  674. 

“ — Sowerbeana,  672. 

— - sphaerioides,  664. 

— stercoraria,  674. 

• — stercorea,  665. 

— stictis,  663. 

• — striata,  587. 

•—  sulphurea,  665, 

* — tenella,  674. 

* — tremelloidea,  667. 

~ tricolor,  671. 

— tuba,  672,  673. 

— tuberosa,  672. 

— ■ umbrina,  668, 

— uudulata,  636. 

• — vesiculosa,  669. 
violacea,  669. 

— virginea,  673. 

— viridis,  546. 
Pezizadeae,  663. 
Phacotr  urn,  482 — 485. 
Phall  us, 660—662,  f&75 


Phascum,  -f710 — 713, 
717,  718,  749. 
Phasgonon,  384,  -f-385. 
Phyllitis,  384. 
Physarideae,  570. 
Physarum,  571,  *f*572 

Pilobolus,  561,  562. 
Pinuzza,  646. 



Pinnuzzo,  616. 

Pi  pe,  leather, 4*345, 346, 

Placodium,  +446 — 448, 

Placynthium,  395. 

Plat  isma,  430, 435, 438, 

Pleuropus,  615. 
Plocamium,  374,  381 — 

Pluma.  325. 

Plumula,  324. 

Podisoma,  544. 

Pohlia,  771. 

Polyactis,  554. 
Polyangideae,  586. 
Polyangium,  586,  5S7. 
Polvchidium,  401,  402. 
Polyporus,  645. 
Polysperma,  306. 
Polyspermnm,  288. 
Polystoma,  586. 

Poly  trichum,  4*719— 
Poria,  639,  640. 
Porcino,  646. 

Poridae,  493. 

Porina,  495. 

Poronia,  515. 

Pratella,  626,  627. 
Pratellideae,  626. 
Prolifera,  310,  312. 
Protomyceae,  532. 
Prunulus,  630 — 632. 
Psora,  443,  445—447, 
454,  460-463. 
Psoroma,  444 — 446. 
Psvchia,  433, 434, +435, 

Pterigynandrum,  728, 



Ptilota,  382,  383. 

Pucci  n ia,54 1 ,542,4*543, 
544,  562. 

Puff,  shell,  584—586. 
Pulmonaria,  430. 
Pulveraria,  470,  475. 
Pulvis,  524. 

— pyrius,  524. 

Pustula,  526. 
Pycnothelia,  424. 
Pyrenium,  560. 
Pyreoula,  493,  494. 
Pyrum,  352. 
Pyxidaria,  419. 
Pyxidiutn,  580. 


Quercus  marina,  390. 


Racodium,  *f557 — 559. 
Ramalina,  -f-406 — 408. 
Ramalinideae,  404. 
Ramaria,  655,  656. 
Rapnla,  673. 

Relhanum,  661. 
Restellia,  533,534. 
Resupinatus,  617. 
Reticularia,  538,  567, 
568,  571,572,  576. 
Rhi  zomorpha,488 — 490 
Rhizomorphidere,  487. 
Riccardius,  683,684. 
Riccia,  290,  *j-679,  680, 

Ricciadeas,  679. 
Rinodina,448 — 457,774 
Rivularia,  -}-284,  285, 
301,  302,  310,  320, 
330,  381. 

Roccella,  425,426. 
Rcestellia,  533,  534. 
Rot,  637. 

— dry,  559. 

Rotula,  622. 

Rubigo,  555,  556. 
Rupicola,  453,  459. 
Russula,  607,  4*618. 
Rutabuluin,  761. 
Rytiphlam,  382. 


Saffron,  la  snort  de,  590. 
Salviatus,  687. 
Sareothalameae,  507. 
Sarcotheceae,  588, 

Seal i us,  704,  705. 
Schasmaria,  416. 
Schistostega,  713. 
Scleroderma,  581, 582. 
Sclerotium,  546,  589, 
590,  -j-590— 592,  659. 
Scodelliua,  668,  669. 
Scyp ha,  4*357,  358,  359. 
Scyphophora,4l7 — 424. 
Scytenium,  398. 
Scytoneina,  *|-285,  286, 
287,  406. 

Scytosiphon,  +345, 346, 

Seeds,  eight,  666 — 668. 
Semen,  591. 

Serpentinaria, -]*299, 300 
Serpula,  637. 

Shanks,  red,  742. 

Shoot,  star,  351. 

S'lk,  crow,  303— 316. 
Siliquaria,  394. 

Sistotrema,  648,  649. 
Sistotremidene,  648. 

Skin,  death,  558,  559. 

— hair,  560. 

Slough,  star,  351. 

Smut,  538. 

Solorina,  429. 
Sphacelaria,  *f*332,  333. 
Sphasria,  526—531. 

— aciniformis,  513. 

— acuminata,  530. 

— acuta,  530. 

— agariciformis,5l  1, 

— alutacea,51 1. 

— ambiens,  521. 

— araneosa,  526. 

— arbuti,  525. 

— arundinacea,  515. 

— aurantia,  526. 

— aurantiaca,  526. 

— barbata,  52 3. 

— berberidis,  519. 

— bifrons,  525. 

■ — bombarda,  527. 

— bom  bard  ica,  527. 

— brassicae,  524. 

— byssacea,  498. 

— byssoidea,  527. 

— capitata,  511. 

• — carcharias,  512. 

— carpini,  532. 

— ceratospermum,  518. 

— ciliaris,  529. 

— ciliata,  520. 

— cinerea,  517. 

— circumvallata,  525. 

— cirrhata,  532. 

— clavata,  511. 

— claviformis,  520. 

— coccinea,  519. 

— cohaerens,  514. 

— collapsa,  509. 

— communis,  528. 

— composita,  532. 

— compressa,  531. 

— con cava,  526. 

— concentrica,  513. 

— confiuens,  513. 

— conjuncta,  521. 

— convergens,  521. 

— coriacea,  528. 

— corniculata,  520. 

— cornuta,  512. 

— cristata,  531. 

— Crustacea,  51 7. 

— cucurbitula,  519. 

— cnpressiformis,512. 

— cupularis,  519. 

— curvirostra,  530. 

— cylindrica,  523. 

— decidua,  519, 



Sphaeria  decomponens, 

. — decorticata,  517. 

— depressa,  515. 

— deusta,  516. 

— diffusa,  517. 

— digitata,  512,  513. 

- — disciformis,  518. 

— dry ina,  529. 

— dubia,  532. 

— duplex,  523. 

. — entomorhiza,  511. 

— epigaea,  498. 

— equina,  527. 

— ferruginea,  518. 

. — fimeti,  527. 

— flavovirens,  518. 

— floriforrnis,  530. 

— fragiformis,  513. 

— fraxinea,  513. 

— fusca,  513,  529. 

— gnomon,  530. 

— graminis,  516. 

— granulosa,  514. 

. — gregaria,  4S0. 

— gutta,  524. 

— herbarum,  522. 

— hederae,  525. 

• — hirsuta,  527. 

— hypoxylon,  512. 

— immersa,  517. 

— insidens,  528. 

— irregularis,  514. 

— Kirbii,  529. 

— laevis,  519. 

— lata,  518. 

— lauri,  525. 

— leucostoma,  520. 

— lichenoides,  527. 

— longa,  529. 

— lonicerae,  528. 

— macula,  517. 

— maculans,  522. 

— marginata,  520. 

— maxima,  516. 

— melanostoma,  495. 

— melogramma,  514. 

. — microstoma,  520. 

— militants,  511. 

— miniata,  526, 547. 

— moriformis,524. 

— mucida,  527. 

— multicapsula,  513. 

— multiceps,  514. 

— nebulosa,  522. 

— nidula,  529. 

— nigra,  524. 

— obducta,  514. 

— ocellata,  514. 

— olivacea,  560. 

— ophioglossoides,  512. 

— ovina,  527. 

Sphaeria  parabolica,523 
- — parallela,  515, 

— pedunculata,  512. 

* — peziza,  526. 

— pezizaeformis,  526. 

— picea,  516. 

— polymorpha,  512. 

— popuii,  515. 

- — poronia,  515. 

— potehtillae,  525. 

— profusa,  531. 

— protracta,  518. 

— pulchella,  521. 

— pulvis,  524. 

pyrius,  524. 

— punctata,  515. 

— punctiformis,  524, 

— pustula,  526. 

— pustulata,  520. 

— quaternata,  521. 

— quercina,  518. 

— radicosa,  512. 

— ramosa,  512. 

— rhodostoma,  522. 

— ribesia,  514. 

— rimosa,  528. 

— rostrata,  529,  530. 

— rubiformis,  528. 

— rupestris,  528. 

— salicina,  525. 

— sambuci,  515. 

— sanguinea,  526. 

— scutellata,  520. 

— serpens,  516. 

— solida,  524. 

— solitaria,  527. 

— stercoraria,  527. 

— stigma,  517. 

- — stylifera,  530. 

— subcorticalis,  523. 

— subimmersa,  523. 

— subsecreta,  529. 

— subulata,  523. 

— sulcata,  509. 

■ — terrestris,  527. 

— tessellata,  522. 

— tiliae,  522. 

* — tofieldiae,  525. 
tremelloides,  547. 

— truncata,  515. 
tuberculosa, 513. 
tuberosa,  524. 

* — tubiformis,522. 

— typhina,  516. 

— uda,  516. 

* — ulmaria,  515. 

— umbilicata,  521. 

— " vaccinii,  528. 

— versipellis,  516. 

— viridis,  528. 
Spiiterideae,  510. 

Sphaerobolideae,  580. 
Sphserdbolus,  580,  581, 

Sphaerocarpus,  482,  572 
—577,  580,  681. 
Sphaerocephalus,  576. 
Sphserococcus,  +364 — 
Sphserophoron,  487. 
Sphagnum,  +709 — 713, 
717,  726,  735,749. 
Spheria,  526—531. 
Spiloma,  452,  +480, 

Splachnum,  714,+717 — 
719  729. 

Sponge,  358—361. 
Spongia,293,353 — 362. 
Spongidiae,  354. 
Spongidium,  292,  293. 
Spongilla,  353,  354. 
Sporochnus,  387. 
Sporotrichum,  550,  551. 
Spumaria,  +567,  569. 
Spumaridea?,  566. 
Spunk,  583. 

Squamula,  622. 
Stachylidium,  553. 

Staff,  sea  ragged,  353. 
Staurophora,  683. 
Steccheriuum,  651. 
Stellina,  296. 
Stemonitidefe,  578. 
Stemonitis,567, 570, 575 
— 577, +578, 579. 
Stereocaulon,  388,  396, 
+411,  412,  487. 
Stereum,  652,  653. 
Sticta,  429—432. 
Stictis,  663 — 664. 
Stilbideae,  563. 
Stilbospora,  545. 
Stilbospore,  545. 
Stilbosporideae,  544. 
Stilbum,  563,  564. 
Stool,  acorn,  675,  676. 

- — club,  656 — 658. 

— crater,  652. 

— curtain,  627 — 630. 

— dimple,  621 — 623. 

— dung,  632 — 635. 

— earpick,  650. 

— - footless,  617. 

— funnel,  669,  670. 

— head,  660,  661. 

— hedgehog,  651. 

— high,  619—621. 

— honeycomb,  639,640. 

— labyrinth,  638,  639. 

— milk,  623—625. 

— mitre,  659,  660. 



Stool,  navel,  611 — 614. 

— pipe,  648. 

— prickle,  650. 

* — prune,  630 — 632. 

— slipper,  616. 

— - spathula,  663. 

■ — spine,  652. 

— sponge,  645. 

— toothless,  651. 
Strap,  sea,  389. 

Strilia,  645. 
Strongylium,  485,  568. 
Strozzius,  682. 
Suillidem,  646. 

Suillus,  646. 

Swartzia,  742,  743. 
Syntrichia,  723. 


Targionia,  680,  681. 
Targionidea;,  680. 
Teeth,  paired,  744. 
Tendo,  386. 

Tethya,  361,  362. 
Tetraphis,  717. 
Thalassiophytae,  317. 
Thamnidium,  560. 
Thanatophyton,  590. 
Thelebolideae,  531. 
Thelebolus,  531 . 
Thelephora,  652, 653. 
Thelephorideae,  652. 
Thelotrema,  f494, 495. 
Thistle,  St.  Mary’s,  385. 
Thread, leather, 285,286. 

— marsh,  313. 

Thuja,  690. 

Tongue, ground, 658, 659 
Tooth,  four,  717. 

— net,  722. 

— odd,  748. 

— sea,  364. 

— white,  741. 

— wood,  649. 
Tortula,722— 725. 
Toruia,  550,  j*557. 
Tow,  old  wives,  710. 
Trattinickia,  340. 
Trembler,  348. 
Tremella,  401 , j-593. 

— acrospermum,  595. 

— adnata,  302,  348. 

— albida,593. 

— arborea,  594. 

* — auricula,  594. 

— botryoides,  349. 

— cerebrina,  593. 

— cinnabarina,  595. 

— clavata,  595. 

— cnienta,  350. 

Tremella  deliquescens, 


— diti'ormis,  301. 

— dubia,  595. 

— ferruginea,  593. 

— fluviatilis,  351. 

— foliacea,  594. 

— globulosa,  285. 

— granulata,  290. 

— hemisphenca,  284. 

— intestinalis,  351. 

— intumescens,  593. 

— juniperina,  546,  594. 

— lachrymal  is,  595. 

— lichenoides, 401. 

— marina,  342,344,346, 

— mesenterica,  593. 

— inesenteriformis,594. 

— natans,285. 

— ribs  tot,  354. 

. — palustris,  302,  342. 

■ — p run’s formis,  352. 

■ — purpurea,  547. 

— sarcoides,  667. 

— spiculosa,  594. 

— stipitata,  595. 

— ustulata,  594. 

— utriculata,  285,351. 

— veirucosa,  285,351. 

— violaeea,  594. 

Tremell ideas,  593. 
Trichia,  483,485,571— 

573,  -j-574-580. 
Trichiadese,  574. 
Trichoderma,  550,j-560, 

Trichodermidese,  560. 
Trichostomum,  722,727, 
Trichothecium,  550. 
Truffle,  592. 

Truffs,  592. 

Tuba,  672,  673. 

Tuber,  582,590,4592. 
Tubercular ia,  547. 
Tuberculatideae,  547. 
Tiiberidem,  592. 
Tubifera,  570. 
Tubulifera,  570, 
Tubulina,  570. 

Tuft,  club,  562,  563. 

— pencil,  563. 

— plaited,  562. 

— tangle,  563. 
Tulostoma,  586. 
Tulestomideae,  586. 
Tupha,  354,  355. 
Typhoderrna,  558,  559. 


Ulya,  4342—345. 

Ulva  articulata,  381. 

— atomaria,  341. 

— bulbosa,  343,  385. 

— capillaris,  379. 

- — caprina,  345. 

— ciliata,  371. 

— clathrata,  346. 

— compressa,  346,  347. 

— crispa,  344,367. 

— defracta,  348. 

— delicaiula,  345. 

— diaphana,  353. 

— dichotoma,  341. 

— » digitata,  385. 

■ — > edulis,  344. 

• — elminthoides,  348. 

— fasciata,  343. 

— filiformis,  347. 

— tistulosa,  347. 

— *■  flavescens,  353. 

• — fcetida,  350. 

— furfuracea,  377. 

— granulata,  290. 

— incrassata,  302. 

• — intestinalis,  345. 

— lactuca,  342 — 344. 

— lactucsefolia,  342. 

— lanceolata,  343. 

— latissima,  343,384. 

— ligulata,  341. 

- — linza,343. 

— marina,  342,  344— 

— maxima,  384. 

— mesenterica,  384. 

— montana,  349. 

— multifida,  342. 

— palmata,  344. 

— palustris,  343,684. 

— pavonia,  340. 

— Phyllitis,384. 

— plantnginea,  333. 

— plantaginifolia,  383. 

— plicata,  343. 

— plumosa,  289. 

— protuberans,  349. 

• — pruniformis,285,352, 

— punctata,  365. 

— purpurascens,  347, 

— purpurea,  344. 

— radicata,  290. 

— ramulosa,  346. 

- — rubra,  303 . 

— rupestris,  348. 

— saccharina,  384. 

— saxatilis,  685. 

— serrata,  341 . 

— sobolifera,  345. 

• — terrestris,  343,  344, 



Ulva  Turneri,  347. 

— umbilicalis,344. 

— umbilicata,  344. 
Ulvoideae,  342. 
Umbilicaria,  476,478. 
Up,  breaking,  293,294. 
Urceolaria,  453,  +457 — - 

460,  494, 495. 

Uredo,  538,1539—542. 
Usnea,  403,404. 

— barbata,  404. 

— bicolor,  405. 

— chaly  beiformis,  408. 

— dichotoma,  408. 

— florida,  403. 

— hippotrichioides,489 

— implexa,  408. 

— intricata,  406. 

— jubata,  408. 

— lanata,  405. 

— lanea,  405. 

— loris  longis,  408. 

— ofticinarum,  403. 

■ — plicata,  403. 

— pubescens,  405. 

— radiciformis,  488. 
Usueadea-,  403. 
Ustilago,  538. 


Vaginaria,  280. 
Yaginata,  601 . 
Variolaria,  47  l,  + 490 — 
Vario  lari  das,  490. 
Yaucheria,  289 — 292. 
Yauchei  idea',  288. 
Yentilabrum,  359. 
Verrucai  ia  abie(ina,450 
— - acrotella,  498. 

— alba,  496. 

— albo  atra,  469. 

— albo  cerulescens,468. 

— analepta,496. 

■ — antiquitatis,  494. 

— atro  alba, 463. 

— atrosanguinea,  467. 

— atrovirens,  465. 

— aurantiaca,  475. 

— > badia,  451. 

— byssacea,  498. 

— byssina,  475. 

— calearea,  468. 

— cerina,  456. 

Yerrucaria  cinerea,496 

— confluens,  464. 

— conglomerata,  474. 

— contorta,  459. 

— decolorans,  471. 

— elFusa,  451. 

— epigaea,  498. 

— escharoides,  471. 

— frondosa,457. 

— fulva,  445. 

— fumosa,  463. 

— fuscella,  493,  499. 

— fusco-ater,  463. 

• — gemmata,496. 

geographica,  465. 

— glaucina,  497. 

— granulosa, 471. 

— haematomma,  457. 

- — Harrimanni,  497. 

■ — liumosimilis,  467. 

— imtnersa,  467, 497. 

— impolita,  480. 

— lutescens,  453. 

• — maura,  498. 

- — melaleuca,  496. 

— ocellata,  459. 

— oli  vaeea,  496. 

— orbiculata,  491. 

— parella,  454. 

— betraea,  463. 

— plumbea,  497. 

— polythecia,  499. 

— polytropa,  475. 

— porphyria,  457. 

— punctiformis,  496. 

— rubella,  472. 

— rubra,  457. 

— rufescens,  472. 

— rupestris,497. 

— salicina,  456. 

— sanguinaria,  464. 

— Si  hraderi,  497. 

— silacea,  465. 

— stigraatella,  496. 

— stillicidiorum,  456. 

— striatula,  498. 

— sulphurea,  470. 

— tartarea,  455. 

— tesselata,459,493, 

- — thelostoma,  493. 

— tubercularia,  491, 

— - uliginosa,  467. 

- — umbilicata,  453. 

■ — umbrina,  494. 

— varia,  452. 

- — ventosa,  451. 

END  OF  VOL.  I. 

. Verrucaria  vernalis,4?2 
— viridirufa,  456. 
Verrucaridae,  495. 
Yertebrata,  338. 

Vesper til  io,  399. 
Virgaria,  552,  553. 


Wall,  hyssop  on  the, 7 1 5. 
Webera,  768,  770,771. 

Weed,  belly,  378 


- — bottle  brush,  +331, 

— bristle,  321. 

— brown,  +321,322, 

— flake,  384. 

— fork,  394. 

— girdlfc,  +340, 341, 

— gulf,  393. 

— hartshorn,  389, 

— horn,  +327,328. 

— knot, +330,331, 

— lichen,  388. 

— rnoss,  288,  289. 

— plum,  371—377. 

— pod,  394. 

— pretty,  +322,323., 

— • ribband,  383. 

— river,  312. 

— rope,  386. 

— rust,  +332,333. 

— thong,  386. 

Weissia,  +729 — 732, 


Wort,  ground  liver, 428. 

— lung,  430. 

Wrack,  389, 390. 


Xylaria,  507, +510, 51 1, 
Xylodon,  649. 

Xyloma,  545,  546. 
Xylomidese,  545. 
Xylostroma,  559. 


Zonaria,  +340,  341. 
Zygnema,  296 — 300. 

C.  Baldwin,  Printer, 
New  Bridge-street,  London. 

