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BULLETIN  No.  39 





Printed  by   WILLIAM   H.   CULLIN,   Printer  to   the  King's  Most   Excellent   Majestj. 



VICTORIA,  B.C.,  JANUARY,  1914. 

The  Honourable  Price  Ellison, 

Minister  of  Agriculture. 

SIR, — I  have  the  honour  to  submit  herewith  Bulletin  No.  39,  compiled 
by  J.  R.  Terry,  Chief  Poultry  Instructor,  entitled  "  Natural  and  Artificial 
Incubation  and  Brooding." 

I  have  the  honour  to  be, 

Your  obedient  servant, 

WM.  E.  SCOTT, 
Deputy  Minister  of  Agriculture. 

Acknowledgments  are  due  to  the  following  for  loan  of  cuts  used  in 
the  following  pages:  Prof.  J.  Dryden,  Corvallis,  Ore.,  and  Prof.  J.  Rice, 
Cornell  University,  Ithaca,  N.Y. 





Minister  of  Agriculture. 

WM.  E.  SCOTT, 
Deputy  Minister  of  Agriculture. 

w.  T.  MCDONALD,  B.S.A.,  M.S.A., 

Live-stock  Commissioner. 

H.  RIVE,  B.S.A., 

Chief  Dairy  Instructor. 

J.  R.  TERRY, 
Chief  Poultry  Instructor. 

H.  E.  UPTON, 

Poultry  Instructor. 

H.  E.  WALKER,  B.S.A., 


J.  C.  READEY,  B.S.A., 
Soil  and  Crop  Instructor. 

A.  KNIGHT,  V.S., 
Chief   Veterinary  Inspector. 

T.  A.  F.  WIANCKO, 
Dairy  Instructor. 

S.  A.  K.  WHITE,  V.S., 

Veterinary  Inspector. 

B.  R.  ILSLEY,  V.S., 
Veterinary  Inspector. 

W.  W.  ALTON,  V.S., 

Veterinary  Inspector. 


Secretory  to  the  Department. 




bulletin  has  been  prepared  with  the  idea  of  helping,  if  possible,  those  already 
•*•  in  the  poultry  business,  both  large  and  small  breeders,  who  have,  perhaps, 
experienced  some  difficulty  in  the  hatching  or  brooding  branch  of  their  work,  and 
those  without  experience  who  intend  starting  in  this  branch  of  agriculture. 


The  most  common  cause  of  poor  results  or  failure  in  incubation  is  the  use  of  eggs 
of  low  vitality.  Successful  incubation  begins  long  before  the  eggs  are  laid.  The 
eggs  must  be  from  stock  of  high  vitality  that  have  never  been  forced ;  that  are  fed 
all  the  green  food  they  will  eat,  and  some  form  of  animal  food  as  well  as  grain. 
While  fowls  will  sometimes  lay  a  goodly  number  of  eggs  upon  a  grain  diet,  yet  the 
eggs  are  oftentimes  lacking  in  those  food  elements  that  the  embryo  requires,  and  they 
often  hatch  poorly,  and  those  chicks  that  do  hatch  will  be  of  impaired  vitality,  very 
difficult  to  raise.  The  vitality  of  the  breeding  stock,  food  or  housing,  and  the  range 
should  be  carefully  looked  after,  as  the  neglect  of  any  one  of  these  factors  will 
impair  the  vitality  of  the  stock;  consequently  the  eggs  will  not  give  good  results 
with  either  incubator  or  hen. 



Care  should  be  exercised  in  the  selection  of  the  male,  since  his  influence  in  the 
flock  is  so  great.  He  should  be  fully  matured  and  well  developed,  though  not  too 
heavy.  Medium-sized  male  birds  give  good  results  when  mated  to  hens  of  good 
proportions.  That  he  be  a  sound  bird  constitutionally  is  of  vital  import.  His 
head  should  give  every  evidence  of  masculinity,  and  should  be  of  good  size  and 
of  symmetrical  proportions.  A  bright  eye  and  a  rather  short,  stout  beak  are  other 
requisites.  The  body  should  present  a  symmetrical  appearance,  being  filled  out  and 
carried  well  on  stout  legs  of  medium  length,  set  well  apart.  In  general,  he  should 
be  active,  a  bird  of  quality,  and  one  possessed  of  abundance  of  vitality  and  vigour. 


The  above  general  characteristics  may  also  be  applied  to  the  female.  A  two- 
year-old,  a  yearling  hen,  or  a  well-grown,  well-developed,  and  fully-matured  pullet 
may  be  used,  but  only  when  absolutely  necessary.  Many  times  the  vigour  of  the 
flock  has  been  greatly  reduced  by  breeding  from  pullets.  In  some  places  where  the 
raising  of  poultry  is  the  main  industry,  the  size  of  the  fowls  as  well  as  the  eggs 
has  been  reduced  in  just  this  way.  Breeders  are  beginning  to  realize  the  necessity 
of  breeding  from  fully  matured,  well-developed  fowls  if  vitality,  vigour,  and  prc>- 
liflcacy  are  to  be  maintained  year  after  year.  Indications  as  noted  in  the  male  will 
suffice  to  differentiate  the  desirable  from  the  undesirable  type.  Generally  speaking, 
about  ten  or  fifteen  females  is  considered  a  sufficient  number  for  one  male  of  the 
general-purpose  breeds,  such  as  Rocks,  Wyandottes,  Orpingtons,  and  Reds,  and  from 
fifteen  to  twenty  for  the  Mediterranean  breeds,  as  Leghorns  and  Anconas.  The  exact 
number  of  birds  per  male  in  either  class  depends  greatly  upon  the  vigour  and  con- 
stitution of  the  particular  male  bird  used. 

Among  the  contributory  causes  to  the  loss  of  physical  vigour  are  the  following : 
The  greatest  and  most  potent  cause  is  soil-contamination,  congestion  and  crowding 
of  breeding  stock  upon  limited  areas,  bringing  with  it  lack  of  exercise,  improper 
housing  and  feeding ;  in-and-in-breeding,  without  selecting  the  most  vigorous  birds ; 
the  too-common  use  of  pullets,  instead  of  matured  fowls,  for  breeding  stock ;  forced 
egg  yield  by  heavy  feeding  during  the  fall  and  winter;  carelessness  in  keeping 
eggs  for  incubation ;  hatching  from  eggs  selected  indiscriminately ;  faulty  methods 
of  incubation ;  the  use  of  poor  incubators  and  brooders ;  too  rapid  forcing  on  rich, 
easily  assimilated  food,  with  lack  of  exercise;  general  violation  of  the  principles 
of  sanitation  and  brooding,  "housing  and  range ;  failure  to  select  breeding  stock  of 
recognized  superior  physical  vigour ;  the  use  of  birds  that  have  been  hatched  too 
early — that  were  stunted  in  growth  or  hatched  too  late,  and  were  not  grown  under 
proper  conditions,  and  do  not  reach  full  size  when  breeding  season  commences. 

It  is  impossible  to  pass  judgment  on  the  merits  of  any  particular  variety  or 
individuals  of  the  breed  without  knowing  how  they  have  been  bred  and  handled,  but 
there  are  some  physical  characteristics  that  will  aid  any  one  in  selecting  breeders 
that  are  very  apt  to  turn  out  to  be  of  strong  vitality  and  vigour,  and  only  such 
should  be  placed  in  the  breeding-yards. 


The  necessity  of  fresh  air  is  being  realized  to  a  greater  extent  than  ever  before. 
Poultrymen  are  finding  that  to  have  the  best  success  with  their  breeders  they  must 
be  kept  under  as  natural  conditions  as  possible.  Fresh  air  is  of  great  value,  especi- 
ally at  night.  Besides  keeping  the  birds  in  fresh-air  houses,  they  should,  if  possible, 
be  given  free  range,  or  at  least  75  square  feet  per  bird  of  yard-room. 


Together  with  the  selection  of  the  breeders,  a  careful  selection  should  be  made 
of  the  eggs  laid  by  the  breeding  stock.  A  poor  egg,  even  from  one  of  the  best 
breeders,  should  not  be  used.  A  poorly  shelled,  an  unevenly  shaped  egg,  or  one 
otherwise  lacking  in  qualities  which  make  up  a  good  egg,  should  be  discarded.  The 
normal  egg  is  one  of  average  size,  weighing  about  2  oz.,  with  a  smooth  surface  and 

Eggs  unsuitable  for  hatching  purposes.  Rough-shelled,  deformed,  undersized, 
double-yolked,  mottled  shelled,  elongated,  or  globular  eggs  will  give  very  poor 
results,  being  mostly  infertile. 

an  even  shape,  being  slightly  larger  at  one  end  than  the  other.  An  extra  large  »>Lru' 
or  a  small  one  should  be  rejected;  the  large  ones  are  seldom  fertile,  and  the  small 
ones,  If  fertile,  produce  very  small  chicks.  There  is  nearly  always  a  percentage  of 
eggs  from  any  flock  which  have  never  been  fertilized.  There  may  be  also  broken 
yolks,  "  green  "  eggs,  "  blood  yolks,"  mottled  and  cracked  shells.  None  of  these,  of 
course,  are  satisfactory  for  incubation. 



On  many  farms  the  number  of  fowls  kept  is  too  small  to  warrant  the  use  of  an 
incubator.  On  such  places  the  chicks  are  hatched  by  the  hen,  and  for  such  as  use  this 
method  the  remarks  in  this  chapter  are  intended.  When  setting  hens,  it  is  important 
that  the  proper  surroundings  be  provided.  Where  good  eggs  are  used  and  poor  hatch- 
ing results  are  secured,  this  can  often  be  attributed  to  poor  accommodation. 

To  get  the  best  results  from  sitting  hens,  the  nest 
should  be  large  and  roomy,  and  not  too  far  from  the 
floor.  A  box,  about  18  inches  square  and  about  a  foot 
deep,  should  be  half  filled  with  moist  earth  or  an 
upturned  sod,  and  care  taken  to  hollow  out  the  earth 
somewhat  in  the  centre.  Experiments  have  proved  the 
superiority  of  nests  composed  of  moist  earth  over  nests 
which  are  of  dry  earth,  sand,  or  ashes.  The  moist  earth 
approaches  nearest  to  nature,  and  helps  to  retard  evap- 
oration of  the  egg-content  during  incubation.  See  that 
the  earth  in  the  corners  of  the  box  slopes  towards  the 
centre,  so  that  the  eggs  cannot  roll  out  of  the  nest  and 
get  chilled.  Then  place  a  small  quantity  of  fine-cut 
straw,  hay,  or  excelsior  in  the  nest.  Care  should  be 
taken  that  sufficient  straw  or  hay  be  placed  in  the  nest, 

An  egg-tester.     When  using  so  that  the  moist  earth  does  not  chi11  the  eggs, 
this  type  of  tester,  it  is  dan-      The  room  where  the  nests  are  placed  should,  contrary 
gerous  to  hold  the  egg  against 
the  tester  too  long,  as  some-  to  general  instructions  on  this  matter,  be  well  lighted, 

STth|beg|-|Se  hcat  Wi"  but  cooh  Tnis  can  be  «*ured  by  having  the  nests 
placed  in  a  room  where  the  windows  face  the  north,  if  possible,  and  lots  of  room 
should  be  provided  for  exercise  when  the  hen  comes  off.  Many  cases  can  be  recorded 
of  hens  forsaking  the  nest,  and  even  dying,  through  lack  of  room  to  exercise. 

A  useful  grit,   charcoal,   or  shell  hopper. 

A    drinking    fountain    of    useful    design. 
A    disused    salmon-can     with     small    hole 
pierced  in   the  top  and  a  saucer  answers 
very  well  for  individual  hen  and  chicks. 

Yearling  or  older  hens  are  more  reliable  than  pullets  as  sitters,  and  are  prefer- 
able whenever  possible.  Hens  or  pullets  that  are  of  an  excitable  disposition  should 
never  be  used  as  sitters.  In  the  Rhode  Island  districts,  where  millions  of  chicks 
are  hatched  yearly  by  the  natural  method,  it  is  the  custom  to  specially  mark  and 
keep  hens  that  show  good  hatching  power  and  ability. 

Medium-sized  hens  are  best  for  incubation  purposes,  because  they  are  less  liable 
to  crush  eggs  than  if  large  heavy  hens  are  used.  Even  with  hens  the  hatching  period 

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varies.  A  hen  that  frequently  leaves  the  nest  will  not  hatch  out  chicks  as  quickly 
as  a  hen  that  broods  closely,  and  only  leaves  the  nest  probably  once  every  two  or 
three  days. 

A  dust-box  should  be  provided,  and  should  be  at  least  8  inches  deep,  and  filled 
to  within  2  or  3  inches  of  the  top  with  earth  or  road-dust  mixed.  A  handful  or  two 
of  powdered  sulphur  sprinkled  in  the  dust-box  is  also  helpful. 

The  proper  time  to  set  a  hen  is  after  dark.  Place  two  or  three  infertile  eggs  in 
the  nest  beforehand.  It  is  advisable  to  have  these  warm,  if  possible,  especially  early 
in  the  season,  as  a  hen  will  often  take  a  dislike  to  stone-cold  eggs.  Sometimes  it  is 
advisable  to  place  a  basket  over  the  hen  when  sitting,  and  remove  this  after  the  first 
day.  When  sitting  hens  are  attended  to  at  regular  intervals,  it  is  not  necessary  to 
coop  a  hen  up  in  this  fashion.  Allow  them  to  come  off  when  they  feel  inclined,  and 
if  they  do  not  come  off  daily,  then  they  may  be  lifted  from  the  nest.  This  should  be 
done  carefully,  and  as  follows :  Lift  out  both  wings  first,  and  then  gently  lift  with 
both  hands  pressed  to  the  sides  of  the  hen.  If  the  wings  are  not  opened  out,  an  egg 
or  two  is  often  cracked  by  being  lifted  up  with  the  hen,  and  then  falling  on  the  eggs 
in  the  nest. 

The  eggs  should  be  tested  the  seventh  day  in  the  same  way  as  those  in  incubators, 
removing  the  infertile  and  those  in  which  dead  germs  appear.  An  egg-tester  can  be 
procured  at  any  poultry-supply  house  for  a  small  sum.  They  are  generally  given 
free  to  purchasers  of  incubators.  An  acetylene  cycle  lamp  makes  a  first-class  tester. 
If  a  number  of  hens  are  set  at  the  same  time,  the  fertile  eggs,  after  testing,  can  be 
rearranged  under  the  hens  necessary  to  cover  them,  and  the  remainder  of  the  hens 
reset  or  placed  back  in  the  laying  or  breeding  house,  as  desired. 

From  the  seventh  to  the  ninth  day  the  fertile  eggs  with  live  germs  will  have  a 
dark  spot,  the  germ,  in  the  larger  end  with  the  veins  radiating  from  it,  making  a 
spider-like  appearance.  Eggs  showing  a  red  ring,  or  eggs  showing  a  dark  spot  with- 
out blood-vessels,  clouded  or  infertile  eggs,  should  also  be  removed. 

The  eggs  should  again  be  tested  on  the  fourteenth  or  fifteenth  day,  removing  any 
in  which  the  chicks  have  died. 

If  testing  takes  place  on  the  sixteenth  or  seventeenth  day,  at  this  stage  of 
incubation  a  live  chick  will  have  darkened  all  the  egg  with  the  exception  of  the  air- 
cell.  If  the  egg  is  closely  watched,  a  movement  of  the  chick  can  often  be  detected. 

The  eggs  should  be  examined  every  other  day  to  see  if  they  have  been  soiled. 
Should  this  happen,  wash  them  in  water  of  90  degrees  temperature,  and  dry  before 
putting  in  nest.  Dust  the  hen,  when  first  setting,  and  on  about  the  seventeenth  day, 
with  a  good  dusting-powder. 

Place  a  pan  of  whole  corn  or  corn  and  wheat  near  the  nest,  some  clam  or  oyster 
shell,  and  about  every  other  day  provide  a  sod  of  young  tender  grass-shoots.  Change 
the  drinking-water  frequently. 

Immediately  after  the  chicks  are  removed,  the  litter  should  be  taken  out  of  the 
box  and  burnt,  the  box  washed  or  disinfected,  and  placed  in  the  sun  to  dry  before 
using  again.  Setting  a  hen  on  a  nest  that  has  been  previously  used  is  an  unprofit- 
able proceeding,  for  red  mites  will  generally  put  in  an  appearance,  and  they  are 
easier  to  rear  than  chickens. 

By  having  the  nest  box  a  foot  deep,  the  chicks  are  not  liable  to  get  out,  and 
probably  get  chilled ;  or,  as  sometimes  happens,  a  hen  will  leave  ten  chicks  in  the 
nest,  to  mother  one  that  has  fallen  out. 


The  hen  with  her  brood  should  not  be  disturbed  too  frequently  during  the  first 
few  days  after  hatching.  As  the  chicks  develop  they  require  less  restricted  quarters, 
but  it  is  wise  to  keep  the  mother  hen  confined.  Chicks  should  not  be  allowed  to  run 
through  long  wet  grass  or  grass  heavy-laden  with  dew.  Where  the  grass  is  long  it 
is  advisable  to  cut  short  a  small  space  around  the  chicken-coop. 

Upon  removal,  which  should  take  place  twenty-four  hours  after  the  last  chick 
has  hatched,  the  first  feed  may  consist  of  dried  bread-crumbs,  crushed  egg-shell,  or 


oatmeal,  with  milk,  if  possible,  to  drink.  Various  other  kinds  of  feeds  may  be  used, 
such  as  commercial  chick-feed,  hard-boiled  egg,  bread  and  milk  (the  bread  being 
squeezed  dry),  etc.  When  buying  chick-feed,  if  possible  purchase  it  without  the 
grit  added.  The  latter  is  very  heavy,  and  some  samples  contain  more  grit  than 

A  mash  which  the  author  has  found  to  give  splendid  satisfaction  is  composed 
as  follows:  Two  large  slices  of  dry  breAd,  two  hard-boiled  eggs  (shells  included), 
one  medium-sized  onion,  and  a  piece  of  charred  bone,  about  walnut  size. 

The  eggs  and  onions  will  generally  provide  all  moisture  needed  to  mix  the  mash. 
These  ingredients  are  ground  up  very  fine  in  a  meat-mincer.  Feed  this  about  twice 
daily;  the  other  feeds  to  consist  of  rolled  oats,  commercial  chick-feed,  or  bread  and 
milk.  It  is  not  advisable  to  feed  beef-scraps  to  little  chicks  under  fourteen  days  old. 
The  chicks  need  feeding  at  least  four  times  daily  the  first  month,  the  amount  to  be 
given  to  be  judged  by  the  attendant.  By  experience  and  observation,  coupled  with 
intelligence,  a  poultryman  or  woman  will  soon  be  able  to  give  the  right  quantity 
desired  at  each  meal.  After  a  month's  hand-feeding  the  chicks  can  be  hopper-fed, 
as  explained  in  the  chapter  on  feeding. 

A  good  coop  for  hen  and  chicks  is  shown  in  Fig.  A.  This  coop  is  easily  con- 
structed and  may  be  moved  about  readily.  It  is  2  feet  high  in  front,  15  inches  high 
at  the  back,  and  is  2  feet  wide  by  3  feet  in  length.  The  wire  portion  is  1  foot  in 
width.  The  board  is  used  to  cover  the  front  at  night,  and  utilized  in  the  daytime  to 
place  the  food  on.  The  board  should  be  scrubbed  at  regular  intervals  if  used  for 
a  feed-board. 

As  soon  as  the  chickens  are  large  enough  to  do  without  the  mother,  say  at  from 
five  to  eight  weeks,  the  hen  should  be  placed  back  in  the  laying-house  with  the  adult 
fowls.  When  the  chicks  get  too  large  for  the  Coop  A,  which  will  be  in  about  ten 
weeks,  they  are  put  into  B  coop.  Overcrowding  of  young  stock  is  to  be  guarded 
against,  as  once  they  get  a  set-back  in  this  way  it  is  likely  to  be  noticed  all  winter. 
Roup,  stunted  growth,  bronchitis,  etc.,  can  be  directly  attributed  to  overcrowding 
during  growth. 

The  B  coop  in  illustration  will  accommodate  twenty  chicks  until  full  grown. 

B  or  secondary  coop.  Dimensions :  Length,  6  feet ;  width,  2  feet  6  inches ; 
height,  front  2  feet  4  inches,  back  18  inches.  A  hen's  brood  of  chicks,  at  about 
eight  weeks  of  age,  should  be  placed  in  here  from  smaller  quarters,  or  the  B 
coop  itself  makes  a  splendid  coop  for  hen  and  chicks  from  the  start.  When  using 
the  coop  for  this  purpose,  the  roosts  can  be  removed,  and  roost-holes  in  ends 
covered  temporarily  with  a  shingle  tacked  over  to  keep  out  draughts  and  vermin. 

The  coop  should  be  moved  its  own  length  or  width  about  twice  weekly,  and  lime 
sprinkled  on  land  so  used.  When  moving  see  that  it  is  placed  forwards  or  sidewards, 
never  backwards,  as  this  brings  the  droppings  to  the  front  of  the  coop.  In  the  case 
of  colony  houses,  the  -manure  should  be  collected,  and  taken  away  to  compost  heap, 
rather  than  scattered  around  near  the  colony  houses.  The  latter  procedure  has  often 
been  the  means  of  spreading  epidemics  amongst  the  flocks. 



While  the  law  of  incubation  seems  comparatively  simple,  yet  the  proper  applica- 
tion of  these  principles  in  an  incubator  is  extremely  difficult.  It  means  a  well-built 
case,  to  withstand  both  moisture  and  changes  of  outside  temperature;  a  reliable 
and  constant  source  of  heat ;  a  uniform  distribution  of  the  heat,,  so  each  egg  gets 
a  uniform  amount ;  a  sensitive  and  reliable  regulation ;  constant  ventilation,  and  the 
constant  supply  of  humidity,  to  prevent  the  excessive  evaporation  of  the  eggs,  and 
withal  so  arranged  as  not  to  introduce  undesirable  factors  which  work  injury  to  the 
developing  embryo  or  germ. 

Briefly  stated,  all  that  is  required  to  hatch  eggs  artificially  is  a  temperature  of 
100^  degrees  at  the  centre  of  the  eggs  (101  to  103  degrees  by  contact).  At  the  same 
time  the  eggs  should  be  immersed  in  still  air  (quiescent  atmosphere)  containing 
moisture  of  a  relative  humidity  of  45  to  70  per  cent.  If  we  can  believe  the  incubator 
manufacturers,  their  respective  machines  are  built  so  that  the  exact  humidity  neces- 
sary is  supplied. 

This  atmosphere  should  be  changed  sufficiently  often  to  carry  off  the  waste  gases 
eliminated  by  the  eggs.  Any  excess  of  ventilation  beyond  this  may  be  deleterious. 

There  is  a  great  difference  in  the  various  types  of  incubators  manufactured. 
The  use  of  the  standard  makes  will  prove  more  satisfactory.  Many  machines  have 
been  placed  on  the  market  which  will  hatch  successfully  for  one  or  two  seasons,  and 

Mammoth  Incubator  of  10,000  eggs  capacity.     These  machines  are  coming  into  use  on 
some  of  the  larger  ranches,  where  they  are  used  principally  for  custom  hatching. 

then  practically  become  worthless.  They  have  been  constructed  of  cheap  materials, 
have  not  been  put  together  very  well,  and  cannot  be  relied  on  to  give  satisfactory 
hatches  season  after  season.  Then,  again,  there  are  some  machines  placed  on  the 
market  which,  as  regards  manufacture,  are  all  that  can  be  desired,  but  fail  to  glv 
good  results  simply,  because  the  temperature-regulating  device  is  cheap,  flimsy,  and 
unreliable.  Therefore  it  is  wise  to  take  no  risk  with  inferior  makes,  but  secure 
durable  and  efficient  machines  with  which  to  do  this  important  work. 

There  are  many  different  kinds  of  machines,  but  a  description  of  all  of  them  is 
quite  impossible  in  a  publication  of  this  kind.    They  are  nearly  all  constructed  on 


similar  principles  and  along  tbe  same  lines.  The  majority  of  them  receive  their  heat 
from  lamps  that  burn  kerosene.  In  some  places  gas  is  being  used  for  heating  pur- 
poses. Recently  a  few  makes  have  been  constructed  with  electrical  attachments. 
However,  the  employment  of  gas  or  electricity  in  incubators  depends  largely  upon 
local  conditions,  and  these  methods  of  hatching  chicks  will  not  be  discussed  here. 
The  hot-air  and  hot-water  incubators  usually  hatch  with  equal  success,  each 
involving  the  same  general  principles,  with  slight  variations  of  minor  importance. 


Much  depends  upon  the  location  of  the  incubator,  for  the  reason  that  influences 
external  to  the  incubator  may  influence  the  hatch.  The  incubator-cellar  should  be 
well  ventilated,  thus  providing  for  an  abundant  supply  of  oxygen  for  the  developing 
chicks.  Although  fresh  air  is  essential,  direct  draughts  through  the  cellar  should  be 
avoided.  The  cellar  should  be  clean  and  sweet  smelling. 

The  most  successful  incubator-rooms  are  built  half  in  the  ground  and  half  above 
ground,  because  of  the  more  equable  temperature  obtained.  A  house  4  feet  in  the 
ground  and  3  or  4  feet  above  makes  an  ideal  place  for  the  incubator.  Where  this 
is  not  possible,  the  incubator-house  should  be  built  on  the  north  side  of  a  house,  barn, 
or  building,  and  the  windows  placed  on  the  north  side. 

A  house-cellar,  providing  it  is  sweet  and  clean,  may  be  utilized.  However,  where 
so  done,  it  is  advisable  to  apply  to  the  fire  insurance  company  for  permission,  as  some 
companies  will  not  allow  incubators  to  be  operated  in  a  house-cellar  or  room. 

A-shape  colony  bouse,  suitable  for  growing  stoc  k.  Tbe  writer  has  found  that  this  type  of  house 
affords  too  much  surface  to  the  sun's  rays  durln  g  the  day.  However,  when  placed  under  trees  It 
is  satisfactory. 


The  degree  of  success  in  incubation  depends  to  a  great  extent  upon  the  operation 
of  the  incubator  for  the  first  week.  It  may  be  well  to  point  out  that  it  is  very 
desirable,  especially  for  amateurs,  to  follow  the  directions  of  the  manufacturer  more 


or  less  closely.  It  is  very  important  that  the  thermometer  used  is  absolutely  correct, 
and  should  be  tested  before  setting  the  machine.  Most  druggists  or  opticians  will 
test  thermometers  free,  or  for  a  nominal  sum. 

The  incubator  should  be  started  a  few  days  before  the  eggs  are  to  be  placed  in 
the  egg-chamber,  so  that  a  temperature  of  103  degrees  may  be  readily  maintained. 
The  temperature  which  the  thermometer  should  register,  however,  depends  somewhat 
upon  its  position  in  the  iucubating-chamber.  The  eggs  should  not  be  placed  in  the 
incubator  until  a  fairly  uniform  temperature  has  been  maintained.  An  important 
factor  which  has  to  do  with  the  maintaining  of  a  uniform  temperature  is  the  flame. 
The  wick  of  the  incubator-lamp  should  be  trimmed  in  such  a  manner  as  to  give  a 
broad,  even  flame,  the  corners  of  which  are  slightly  rounded.  When  the  wick  is  In 
use  it  should  be  trimmed  in  the  following  manner:  With  the  fingers  rub  off  the 
charred  portion  carefully,  and  light.  If  an  even  flame  does  not  show  as  the  wick  is 
turned  up,  remedy  the  defect,  and  then  round  off  the  corners  of  the  wick  so  that  no 
smoking  will  result. 

Small  colony  houses  in  use  at  the  Oregon  Agricultural  College,  Corvallis.  Ore.     The  writer 
would  substitute  cloth  or  glass  for  the  hinged  board  shutters,  preferably  one  of  each  kind. 

Most  of  the  large  hatching  establishments  do  not  commence  to  turn  eggs  till 
the  evening  of  the  third  day.  The  eggs  require  to  be  turned  often.  The  purpose 
of  turning  them  is  to  prevent  the  embryo  in  the  egg  from  sticking  to  the  shell,  for 
should  this  occur  growth  would  be  stopped.  It  is  still  an  open  question  whether 
turning  eggs  twice  daily  during  incubation  is  sufficient.  It  is  known  that  the  hen 
turns  the  eggs  more  than  this  number  of  times,  some  having  been  observed  to  con- 
tinually turn  the  eggs.  However,  most  authorities  on  the  subject  advise  twice  daily. 
Where  good  results  are  obtained  from  this  procedure,  it  would  be  unwise  to  depart 

Regarding  the  use  of  moisture,  experiments  have  proved  that  where  moisture 
has  been  supplied  the  chicks  are  generally  larger  and  more  vigorous.  As  to  the 
exact  or  proper  amount  of  moisture  to  use,  this  is  a  very  difficult  question  to  answer 
satisfactorily.  However,  it  is  generally  conceded  that  to  be  of  use  the  moisture  needs 


to  be  used  right  from  the  beginning  of  the  hatch.  Several  large  operators  state  it  as 
their  opinion  that  along  the  Coast  and  on  Vancouver  Island  moisture  is  not  needed 
owing  to  the  heavy  rainfall,  and  others  yet  again  declare  that  they  use  moisture  and 
get  better  results  in  these  same  districts  than  they  did  when  operating  their  machine 
without  moisture. 

It  has  been  proved  by  exhaustive  experiments  that  the  evaporation  of  eggs 
during  artificial  incubation  is  greater  than  by  natural  methods,  and  to  even  up  this 
evaporation  the  supplying  of  moisture  is  the  only  solution  thus  far  advanced. 

Some  machines  are  equipped  with  moisture-pans,  and  others  classed  as  non- 
moisture  incubators  are  not  provided  with  this  apparatus.  Where  it  is  decided  to 
apply  moisture,  this  can  be  done  by  procuring  a  shallow  pan,  about  1  inch  in  depth, 
or  several  small  pans.  Where  one  pan  is  used,  it  is  important  that  the  pan  should 
be  at  least  an  inch  less  in  length  and  width  than  the  bottom  of  the  incubator  to 
allow  proper  ventilation.  The  pan  should  always  be  supplied  with  water,  for  should 
it  run  dry  it  is  liable  to  affect  the  temperature  adversely. 

Regarding  the  practice  of  cooling  the  eggs,  no  set  rules  can  be  laid  down  as  to 
the  exact  time  to  be  allowed  for  cooling.  Some  operators  get  good  results  without 
cooling,  others  with  slight  cooling,  and  yet,  again,  others  cool  very  freely  and  get 
satisfactory  results.  A  lot  depends  on  the  time  of  year,  whether  the  machine  has 
been  overheated  or  the  reverse,  temperature  of  the  room,  and  also  age  of  eggs,  as 
to  how  long  it  is  advisable  to  cool.  Should  cooling  be  practised,  it  is  the  general 
rule  to  cool  very  little  the  first  week,  and  gradually  increase  the  period  up  to  the 
night  of  the  seventeenth  day,  after  which  the  eggs  should  not  be  disturbed. 

A  flock  of  birds  the  picture  of  health  and  vigour,  a  combination  exemplified  wherever 
proper  attention,  right  feeding,  and  sufficient  free  range  is  provided. 

It  has  been  found  that  where  an  incubator-room  temperature  is  above  70  degrees, 
the  ventilators  of  an  incubator  are  not  of  much  avail  for  furnishing  additional  venti- 
lation ;  but  where  the  room  temperature  is  low — from,  say,  55  degrees  to  as  low  as 
45  degrees — the  ventilators  will  be  found  much  more  effective. 

Whilst  cooling  the  eggs  it  is  advisable,  especially  in  a  cool  room,  to  cover  the 
eggs  with  a  blanket,  and  also  to  see  that  the  tray  does  not  overlap  the  incubator-top. 
Eggs  thus  exposed  get  chilled  much  quicker  than  the  rest  of  the  tray,  and  may  be 
injuriously  affected  thereby. 

The  chicks  should  not  be  removed  from  the  incubator  till  at  least  twelve  hours 
after  the  last  chick  has  hatched,  but  the  tray  and  shells  may  be  removed  as  soon 
as  the  chicks  are  dry.  This  will  give  the  chicks  more  room.  Great  care  should  be 


taken  not  to  overheat  the  chicks  whilst  they  are  in  the  incubator.  In  hot  weather 
it  may  be  necessary  to  open  the  door  an  inch  or  so  to  provide  additional  ventilation. 
Chicks  should  on  uo  account  be  allowed  to  pant.  This  is  the  primary  cause  of  much, 
mortality  by  lung-affections. 


The  germ  will  show  signs  of  development  within  a  few  hours  of  its  first  exposure 
to  heat.  It  is  not  until  about  the  fourth  or  fifth  day  that  any  marked  difference 
between  fertile  and  unfertile  eggs  may  be  detected  with  the  naked  eye.  The  unfertile 
eggs  and  those  with  dead  germs  are  usually  tested  out  twice  during  the  hatch,  on  the 
seventh  and  sixteenth  days  generally.  The  process  of  testing  is  simple,  and  after  a 
little  experience  is  easily  acquired.  The  appearance  of  the  egg  can  be  clearly  seen 
when  placed  between  the  light  of  the  tester  and  the  eye. 

When  testing,  care  should  be  taken  to  see  that  the  eggs  are  not  held  too  close  to 
the  tester.  If  this  precaution  is  not  taken,  the  heat  generated  by  the  testing-lamp 
will  kill  the  germ.  Temperatures  of  150  to  ISO  degrees  have  been  obtained  by 
holding  thermometers  for  a  few  seconds  against  the  mouth  of  the  tester. 

When  testing,  the  egg  should  be  lifted  straight  from  the  tray  to  the  lamp  with- 
out turning  or  twisting,  because  by  so  doing  the  yolk  is  frequently  ruptured. 


There  are  many  different  methods  employed  in  the  brooding  of  chicks.  The 
advantages  and  disadvantages  of  these  methods  will  be  pointed  out.  The  main 
things  in  artificial  brooding  is  sufficient  even  temperature  and  cleanliness.  Little 

Colony  houses  and  hen-coops  on  free  range.  A  cornfield  makes  Ideal  range  for 
poultry,  giving  plenty  of  shade,  and  owing  to  continual  cultivation  needed  during 
the  major  portion  of  growth,  provides  chicks  with  an  Incalculable  quantity  of  animal 
food.  The  corn  acts  as  a  splendid  protection  from  hawks  and  crows. 

chicks  three  or  four  days  old  are  fairly  hardy  creatures,  but  when  placed  under 
extreme  conditions  weakness  or  death  is  sure  to  follow.  The  chick's  lungs  are 
situated  along  the  spinal  column,  and  are  protected  only  by  a  thin  membraneous 
lining  over  which  a  light  covering  of  feathers  grow.  Provided  with  such  meagre 
protection,  the  lungs  may  become  readily  chilled  or  overheated.  An  even  tempera- 
ture, with  as  few  variations  as  possible,  is  most  desirable.  The  brooder  should  be 
started  up  a  day  or  two  before  the  chicks  are  ready  to  be  placed  in  it,  so  that  an 
even  temperature  of  about  95  degrees  may  be  maintained.  This  temperature  should 


be  gradually  lowered,  and  it  depends  upon  the  season  of  the  year  just  how  much  it 
should  be  lowered.  The  poultryman  must  use  his  judgment  and  operate  the  brooder 
according  to  the  condition  of  the  chicks.-  Many  poultrymen  use  no  thermometer  in 
their  brooders.  They  study  the  chicks,  and  can  tell  by  looking  at  them  if  the  tem- 
perature is  right.  This  emphasizes  the  fact  that  for  best  success  the  poultryman 
must  understand  his  business. 

If  a  brooder  has  contained  chicks  before,  it  should  be  thoroughly  cleaned  and 
disinfected  before  putting  in  a  new  brood,  both  to  discourage  lice  and  to  kill  any 
disease  germs  that  might  be  lurking  in  the  cracks  and  corners.  Scrub  thoroughly 
with  hot  water,  in  which  has  been  placed  good  commercial  disinfectant  or  cresol 
soap.  The  brooder  should  be  thoroughly  dried  before  the  chicks  are  placed  inside. 

In  the  round  hover,  instead  of  gradually  reducing  the  temperature  by  changing 
the  regulator,  it  is  preferable  to  tuck  up  the  curtain  a  little  at  a  time  as  the  chicks 
increase  in  age,  and  give  them  more  air,  which  has  the  advantage  of  reducing  the 
temperature,  and  the  fresh  air  aids  to  quick  development  and  hardiness. 


The  majority  of  poultry-breeders  employ  the  colony  system  in  brooding  their 
chicks.  The  individual  hover  is  used  probably  more  than  any  other.  This  hover 
may  be  placed  in  almost  any  kind  of  a  house,  and  is  sometimes  used  in  long  con- 
tinuous brooder-houses.  It  gives  very  good  satisfaction,  and  is  easily  operated. 
About  fifty  or  sixty,  and  with  some  hovers  seventy-five,  chicks  may  be  brooded  under 
one  hover  until  they  are  five  or  six  weeks  old.  In  the  case  of  colony  houses,  the 
hover  can  then  be  removed  and  roosts  placed  in  position. 

Combination  colony  brooder-house,  breeding  or  laying  pen.  The 
house  In  Illustration  Is  8  feet  deep  and  16  feet  long,  and  will  accom- 
modate up  to  300  chicks ;  Is  built  upon  two  4  x  4-inch  runners,  and 
has  two  sliding  windows  in  front.  Can  be  used  as  a  primary  brooder 
till  chicks  are  past  the  danger-point,  i.e.,  the  first  fourteen  days ;  and 
they  can  then  be  removed  to  colony  houses  on  free  range.  When  used 
for  this  purpose,  the  house  can  be  stationed  close  to  farm  buildings 
and  enable  rancher  to  pay  more  attention  to  chicks  with  less  labour 
and  time  than  when  they  are  out  on  free  range. 

To  save  the  expense  of  a  brooder-house  for  comparatively  early  spring  work, 
when  the  weather  is  bad,  and  before  green  food  is  available  on  the  range,  colony 
houses  can  be  brought  up  near  the  farm  buildings.  The  limit  of  time  for  caring  for 
the  chicks  can  be  much  reduced  by  this  method.  As  soon  as  the  weather  moderates, 
however,  it  is  very  desirable  that  the  chicks  be  placed  out  upon  the  open  range. 

The  house  in  the  illustration  is  8  x  16  feet,  and  will  hold  four  hovers,  with  a 
capacity  of  fifty  chicks  in  each.  This  can  be  utilized  as  a  breeding-pen,  laying-pen, 
or  cockerel-pen  later  on.  Twenty  or  twenty-five  birds  can  be  easily  accommodated. 
This  house  can  be  readily  moved  by  a  team  of  horses.  The  advantages  of  the  colony- 
house  brooding  system  over  the  permanent  continuous  brooder-house  are  that  no 
permanent  wire  fencing  is  needed,  except  a  small  portable  fence  of  2-foot  %-inch 


mesh  wire,  to  be  used  for  a  day  or  two  when  the  chicks  are  first  put  in  the  brooder ; 
they  can  be  moved  to  any  part  of  the  ranch,  thus  giving  the  chicks  the  benefit  of 
clean  virgin  soil  and  free  range.  On  the  other  hand,  a  hot-water  pipe  brooder-house 
can  only  be  used  during  the  hatching  period.  It  is  generally  not  suitable  to  place 
half-grown  or  mature  fowls  in,  because  of  the  danger  from  lice,  red  mites,  or  disease, 
and  lack  of  sufficient  ventilation  for  large  fowls. 

An  illustration  is  given  of  a  combination  colony  house  that  can  be  used  with  an 
individual  hover  in  rearing  young  chicks  or  for  growing  stock  upon  the  open  range. 
In  the  winter-time  it  may  be  used  for  a  laying-house.  This  house  can  be  closed 
during  early  spring  work  for  rearing  young  chicks,  and  ventilation  secured  through 
a  cloth  screen,  which  can  take  the  place  of  the  tight-board  shutter  as  seen  in  the 
illustration.  When  used  for  growing  stock  or  laying  hens,  the  windows  and  screens 
are  opened,  so  as  to  make  it  practically  any  open-front  colony  house.  The  colony 
houses  may  be  put  upon  runners,  so  as  to  be  drawn  readily  from  place  to  place. 
The  colony  house  should  not  be  less  than  6x6  feet,  6x8  feet,  or  8  x  10  feet  in 
size.  Permanent  colony  houses  are  usually  8  x  16  feet  in  size. 

A  good  type  of  colony  house.  Measurements,  6  feet  long,  8  feet  deep, 
6  feet  6  inches  in  front,  4  feet  6  inches  rear.  Colony  houses  can  be  hauled 
to  any  part  of  the  ranch,  thus  giving  young  or  old  stock  opportunity  to  rai 
on  clean  soil.  Can  be  used  as  cockerel,  pullet,  or  breeding  bouses  after  chickens 
are  matured.  The  top  shutter  or  board  window  makes  a  splendid  hood  or  rain- 
shield  and  can  be  changed  to  a  muslin-curtain  screen  if  desired. 

After  the  chicks  are  a  month  old,  the  house  can  be  raised  up  about  a  foot  from 
the  ground,  providing  splendid  shade  for  the  chickens,  and  also  preventing  rats  or 
vermin  from  sheltering  underneath. 

Where  chicks  are  raised  on  free  range  in  this  fashion,  the  labour  of  daily  feec 
ing  can  be  dispensed  with  by  means  of  hopper-feeding.     A  large  barrel  or  cask  can 
also  be  utilized  to  hold  a  sufficient  quantity  of  water  to  last  for  several  days.    A 
sprinkling  of  permanganate  potash  crystals  now  and  again  will  keep  the  water 
good  condition. 

Sunflowers  or  corn  can  be  grown,  and  even  potatoes  or  cabbages,  on  ram 
same  time  as  the  chickens.     Sunflowers  or  corn  make  splendid  shade,  and  are  a  great 
protection  against  hawks,  owls,  blue-jays,  etc.     The  constant  cultivation  needed  1 
crops  of  this  kind  afford  the  chickens  every  facility  to  secure  the  abundan( 


worms  and  insects  turned  up  by  the  cultivator.  An  orchard  is  also  an  ideal  location, 
especially  if  clover  or  alfalfa  is  available. 

Where  vermin  abound  it  is  advisable  to  shut  chickens  up  at  nights,  and  set 
traps  to  catch  the  marauders.  For  skunks,  minks,  and  weasels,  a  portion  of  chicken 
carcass,  sprinkled  with  strychnine  crystals,  is  recommended.  This  should  be  placed 
near  coop  at  night,  and  remains  carefully  removed  before  letting  out  the  chicks. 
Dogs  and  cats  should  be  kept  shut  up  when  this  remedy  is  used. 

For  hawks,  owls,  and  crows,  an  ordinary  mink-trap,  securely  fastened  to  the  top 
of  a  pole  some  20  feet  high,  is  recommended.  The  trap  need  not  be  baited.  A  rusty 
trap  is  more  effective  than  a  bright  new  one. 

White  strings  festooned  across  the  front  of  houses  on  sticks  is  successful  in 
warding  off  hawks.  It  has  been  stated  that  the  presence  of  guinea  fowl  will  scare 
hawks  from  the  poultry-yards.  In  the  writer's  experience  this  has  proved  a  complete 
failure.  Hawks  were  seen  to  repeatedly  seize  chicks  within  a  few  feet  of  a  flock  of 
guinea  fowl. 

Fireless  brooders  have  not  given  universal  satisfaction.  One  poultry-breeder  in 
California  used  the  fireless  brooders  with  excellent  success  for  two  years,  though  the 
chicks  were  hatched  later  in  the  season  than  usual.  It  was  tried  again  last  year, 
early  in  the  season,  and  was  a  total  failure.  The  great  difficulty  is  to  keep  the 
brooder  perfectly  dry.  It  is  doubtful  if  the  "  fireless "  system  would  prove  satis- 
factory in  this  Province,  with  its  moist  climate ;  certainly  not  with  the  early  hatches. 

These  chicks  are  all  of  one  age,  and  affords  an  illustration  of  what  sometimes  happens 
when  pullets'  eggs  are  used  for  hatching;  eggs  from  forced  stock;  inbred  fowls;  lice-infested 
chicks ;  improperly  fed  or  improperly  boused  breeding  stock. 

Another  system  of  brooding  chicks  involves  the  use  of  gasolene.  The  chief 
feature  of  this  system  is  that  the  cost  of  brooding  is  materially  lessened.  Also  there 
is  less  labour,  since  150  or  200  chicks  may  be  brooded  together.  The  gasolene  is 
placed  in  a  tank  considerably  above  the  burner,  and  is  connected  with  the  burner 
by  the  use  of  %-inch  pipes.  The  burner  is  placed  under  the  brooder-house,  directly 
under  the  middle  of  the  circular  drum.  The  drum  is  fastened  to  the  hover,  which 
may  be  round  or  otherwise,  and  which  is  hinged  to  the  side  of  the  house.  Gas  which 
is  generated  from  the  gasolene  is  ignited  at  the  burner,  and  this  heats  the  drum, 


a  flue  passing  through  the  floor  into  the  centre  of  the  drum.  An  outlet  at  the  back 
of  the  drum  connects  with  a  flue  running  up  the  back  of  the  house  which  allows 
fumes  to  pass  off.  The  temperature  may  be  controlled  by  the  use  of  thermostats. 
This  system  involves  the  same  principles  as  in  the  round-hover  brooding. 

Instead  of  using  gasolene  with  the  galvanized-iron  drum,  the  same  kind  of  a 
brooder  may  be  heated  by  means  of  hot-water  pipes.  One-inch  pipes  run  lengthwise 
of  the  hover,  being  slightly  lower  at  one  end  than  the  other.  At  the  low  end,  heat 
is  supplied  either  by  kerosene  or  coal. 

Many  poultrynien  of  California  have  discarded  this  method,  and  have  adopted 
the  comparatively  new  method  of  "  room  "  brooding.  This  brooder-house  is  generally 
20  feet  long  by  12  wide,  and  is  divided  into  two  equal  parts.  In  each  room  is  a 
distillate  burner,  which  heats  the  room  for  about  1,000  to  1,400  chickens.  In  the 
upper  right-hand  corner  is  placed  a  galvanized-iron  tank.  This  is  the  supply-tank 
for  the  burner.  Three  grades  of  oil — engine,  No.  28,  and  No.  34 — may  be  used,  but 
the  engine-oil  is  more  satisfactory  than  either  of  the  other  grades.  All  of  these 
grades  are  extracts  of  the  crude  oil.  From  the  supply-tank  the  oil  passes  through 
pipes  under  the  floor  to  the  burner.  The  burner  is  in  the  centre  of  the  stove,  and 
from  the  base  of  the  stove  a  pipe  reaches  up  to  and  through  the  ceiling.  About 
3  feet  from  the  floor  a  large  umbrella-shaped  hover  is  attached  to  the  pipe.  When 
the  burner  has  become  sufficiently  hot  to  convert  the  oil  into  gas,  the  burner-valve 
is  turned  on  and  the  gas  is  ignited.  The  adoption  of  this  method  would  only  be 
justified  on  large  poultry  plants.  There  are  quite  a  number  of  the  room  brooders  in 
use  in  the  Province  at  the  present  time.  In  some  cases  the  owners  have  reverted 
back  to  the  small  individual  hover,  and  in  others  the  owners  swear  by  the  room- 
brooder  method. 

An  expensive  way  of  raising  chicks.  Chicks  kept  in  such  small 
quarters  cost  more  to  rear,  inasmuch  as  everything  they  consume 
has  to  be  provided  for  them,  and  in  addition  the  ground  becomes 
"  chicken-tainted,"  causing  disease  and  mortality.  In  such  quarters 
chicks  need  to  be  supplied  with  green  food.  There  is  no  comparison 
as  regards  constitution,  vigour,  and  size,  between  chicks  reared  in 
such  quarters  and  those  raised  on  free  range,  such  as  orchard,  corn, 
or  pasture  land. 


This  system  is  quite  often  practised  on  extensive  poultry-farms,  while,  on  the 
other  hand,  the  round  hovers  and  other  brooders  originally  adapted  for  the  colony 
system  are  often  installed  in  a  continuous  house.  The  larger  the  number  of  chicks 
that  can  be  brooded  together  without  doing  any  injury  to  one  another,  the  less  will 
be  the  cost.  It  is  very  doubtful  if  1,000  to  1,500  chicks  can  be  brooded  together  witl 
entire  satisfaction  to  the  majority  of  breeders. 


On  large  plants,  where  chicks  are  to  be  raised  on  a  large  scale,  the  brooder-house 
heated  by  hot-water  pipes  is  one  of  the  most  economical.  In  this  case,  only  one 
building  is  required,  and  all  the  work  to  be  done  in  caring  for  the  chicks  can  be 
done  in  the  one  place.  There  is  only  one  fire  to  tend,  and  the  work  of  feeding  and 
watering  the  chicks  can  be  done  much  easier  than  wlien  the  chicks  are  scattered 
about  in  individual  brooders.  However,  there  is  no  doubt  but  that  the  chicks  have 
a  little  better  chance  in  the  colony  brooders,  for  they  are  kept  in  small  numbers, 
have  less  restricted  range,  and  have  a  better  chance  to  pick  up  more  of  their  living. 
The  furnace  for  heating  purposes  is  usually  situated  in  the  basement,  at  one  end  of 
the  brooder-house.  The  pipes  run  from  the  furnace  to  the  other  end  of  the  house 
and  return.  The  pipes  may  be  of  any  size,  the  1-inch  and  2-inch  sizes  being  most 
frequently  used.  These  pipes,  two  "  outflows  "  and  two  "  inflows  "  or  more,  if  neces- 
sary, run  parallel  to  one  another  the  length  of  the  house,  and  are  about  6  inches 
above  the  floor.  In  some  brooder-houses  the  pipes  are  higher  at  the  extreme  end 
of  the  building  than  where  they  enter  the  furnace.  This  allows  for  graduted  heat 
for  chicks  of  different  ages. 

The  runs  attached  to  permanent  brooder-houses  should  be  of  generous  size. 
Many  poultry  men  in  the  past  have  not  provided  sufficient  yard-room  for  brooder- 
chicks.  Whatever  size  the  yards  may  be,  they  should  be  frequently  disinfected  by 
air-slaked  lime,  dug  up,  and  some  quick-growing  grain  or  vegetable  planted,  such  as 
wheat,  oats,  rye,  kale,  millet,  or  rape.  The  latter  is  mostly  used. 

Fig.  G. — A  good  serviceable  grain-hopper.  Can  be  made  to  any  size,  with  parti- 
tion running  longitudinally  down  centre — one  side  being  utilized  for  cracked  or 
whole  grain,  the  other  for  dry  mash. 


No.  1.  Whole-wheat  bread  is  fed  for  the  first  day  or  two,  and  is  gradually 
substituted  by  johnny-cake.  After  a  few  days,  cracked  corn  and  cracked  wheat  are 
fed.  The  johnny-cake  is  made  of  five  parts  cornmeal,  one  part  wheat  middlings,  and 
one  part  beef-scrap,  with  a  little  soda  mixed  with  sour  milk  and  steamed  until 
thoroughly  cooked.  Another  johnny-cake  is  made  of  2^  quarts  of  bran,  2^  quarts 
of  cornmeal,  2  quarts  of  ground  oats  sifted,  1  quart  of  clover-meal.  These  are  mixed 
with  milk  or  water,  with  a  pinch  of  soda  added.  Mix  the  whole  thoroughly  into  a 
stiff  dough  and  bake  three  to  six  hours  in  a  slow  oven. 

No.  2.  Feed  cracker-crumbs  or  dried  bread-crumbs,  thoroughly  mixed  with  finely 
chopped,  hard-boiled  eggs.  There  should  be  four  or  five  times  as  much  crumbs  as 
there  is  egg.  Pinhead  oatmeal  or  rolled  oats  are  also  used.  The  chicks  are  fed  this 
several  times  a  day,  and  after  a  time  cracked  grains  are  fed. 


No.  3.  This  method  has  been  advocated  by  the  Maine  Experimental  Station. 
Bread  is  made  of  a  mixture  of  three  parts  cornmeal,  one  part  wheat-bran,  and  one 
part  wheat  middlings  or  flour.  This  is  mixed  with  milk  or  water  and  salt  is  added. 
It  is  well  baked  in  a  slow  oven.  The  infertile  eggs  are  boiled  until  hard,  and  are 
finely  ground,  shell  and  all.  One  part  ground  egg  and  four  parts  bread-crumbs  are 
then  mixed  together,  and  run  through  a  sausage-mill.  The  chicks  are  fed  in  the 
morning  and  at  night  on  the  bread-and-egg  mixture.  From  after  the  morning  feed 
until  night  they  scratch  in  the  litter  for  the  dry  cracked  grain  or  chick-food  which  is 
provided  for  them.  The  egg  mixture  is  used  for  about  two  weeks,  after  which  time 
grains  and  mashes  are  used. 

No.  4.  From  the  first,  the  chicks  are  fed  cracked  wheat  and  finely  cracked  corn. 
This  is  scattered  in  the  litter,  and  rolled  oats  are  fed  once  or  twice  a  day.  In  about 
two  weeks  a  dry  mash  consisting  of  two  parts  cornmeal,  three  parts  bran,  two  parts 
finely  crushed  oats,  sifted,  one  part  middlings,  and  one  part  beef-scraps  is  placed 
before  the  chicks. 

No.  5.  While  the  foregoing  methods  have  commendable  features,  the  following, 
though  simple  and  involving  less  labour,  gives  good  results  and  is  much  more  satis- 
factory in  feeding  large  flocks.  During  the  first  two  or  three  days  after  feeding 
commences,  the  chicks  are  fed  some  good  commercial  "  chick-feed  "  or  a  mixture  of 
finely  cracked  corn  and  cracked  wheat.  In  California  they  add  to  this  cracked  rice. 
The  chicks  are  given  this  mixture  several  times  a  day.  It  is  scattered  in  the  litter 
and  they  scratch  vigorously  for  it.  After  two  or  three  days,  they  are  given  a  dry 
mash.  There  is  no  one  best  mash,  though  some  are  superior  to  others.  A  very  good 
mash  is  composed  of  two  parts  of  bran,  one  part  cornmeal,  one  part  crushed  oats, 
and  one  part  beef-scraps.  This  mash  should  be  fed  in  a  hopper  similar  to  that  shown 
in  Fig.  G.  When  feeding  this  mash  for  the  first  time,  it  is  best  to  give  it  immediately 
after  they  have  had  a  good  feed  of  their  regular  cracked-grain  ration.  This  will 
tend  to  keep  the  chicks  from  overeating  the  dry  mash,  and  they  will  become  accus- 
tomed to  feeding  from  the  hopper  regularly.  It  is  sometimes  advisable  to  run  the 
dry-mash  mixture  through  a  sieve  for  the  first  few  feedings.  The  chicks  thrive 
well  on  this  combination  ration.  Some  poultrymen  in  California  and  other  places 
add  rolled  oats  to  the  cracked-grain  mixture.  Rolled  oats  forms  one  of  the  best 
chick-feeds,  and  is  comparatively  inexpensive.  Along  with  the  cracked  grains  and 
dry  niash,  green  food  in  the  form  of  kale  or  lettuce  should  be  given.  Grit,  fine 
particles  of  oyster-shell,  and  clean  water  should  be  kept  before  the  chicks  at  all 


No.     7. — Flax. 

„      8. — Feeding  Farm  Animals. 
„    22. — New  British  Columbia. 
„     25. — Orchard  Cleansing. 
„    26. — Practical  Poultry  Raising. 
„    30. — Guide  to  Bee-keeping  in  British  Columbia. 
,.    32. — Control  of  Tuberculosis. 

„     33. — Fruit-growing  Possibilities  of  the  Skeena  River. 
„    34. — Black-spot  Canker. 
„    35. — Place  and  Purpose  of  Family  Life. 
„    36.— Preparation  of  Food. 
„    37. — Preservation  of  Food. 
„    38. — Construction  of  Silos. 

..     39. — Natural  and  Artificial  Incubation  and  Brooding. 
„    40.— Alfalfa. 
.,    41. — Labour-saving  Devices. 
,,    42. — Agriculture  in  British  Columbia. 
„    43. — Women's  Institute  Work  in  British  Columbia. 
„    44. — Irrigation  in  British  Columbia. 
„    45.— Agricultural  Statistics,  1911. 


Cultivation  of  Fruit-trees  in  Cold  Climates. 

List  of  Poultry-breeders. 
,.    46.— Food  and  Diet.    Part  I. 
.,    47.— Food  and  Diet.    Part  II. 
„    48. — Exhibiting  Fruit  and  Vegetables. 

Market  Poultry. 

Care  and  Marketing  of  Eggs. 


No.    1. — Tuberculosis  in  Poultry. 
„      2. — Fresh-air  Brooders. 

„      3. — Clearing  Logged-off  Lands  and  Charpitting  Up-to-date. 
„      4.— Field-crop  Competitions.     1912. 
„      5. — Management  of  Turkeys. 

Applications  for  bulletins  published  by  the  Department  of  Agriculture  should 
be  addressed  to  the  Secretary,  Department  of  Agriculture,  Victoria,  B.C. 


Printed  by  WILLIAM  H.  CULLIN,  Printer  to  the  King's  Most  Excellent  Majesty. 




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