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August  2015 
Number  10® 


Journal  of  Natural  History  for  the  North  of  England 

The  Naturalist 

Vol.  140  No.  1089  August  2015 

Contents  Page 

From  Yorkshire  to  China  via  Borneo:  a biological  excursion  through  tropical  moth  81 
ecology  (YNU  Presidential  Address)  Terry  M.  Whitaker 

Nine  years  of  change  in  the  flora  of  Ellerburn  Bank,  a limestone  grassland  in  the  North  96 
York  Moors*  Peter  J.  Mayhew,  Susan  E.  Firth  and  Paul  R.  Waites 

Local  effects  of  climate  change  - has  the  date  of  first  emergence  changed  in  several  112 
species  of  Lepidoptera  in  Yorkshire  during  the  period  1995  to  2014?  * 

David  R.  R.  Smith  and  Heather  A.  R.  Smith 

A Question  of  Ecology  - answers  from  biological  recording  Paula  Lightfoot  119 

An  investigation  of  the  caddisfly  (Insecta:  Trichoptera)  fauna  of  the  Malham  Tarn  121 
NNR;  with  special  reference  to  the  Malham  Sedge  Agrypnetes  crassicornis 

S.  Flint  and  P.W.H.  Flint 

Notes  on  the  dolichopodid  flies  of  two  contrasting  Yorkshire  bogs  Roy  Crossley  128 

Geological  and  land  use  influences  on  Badger  sett  densities  across  South  Yorkshire  132 

Colin  Howes 

Increase  in  bog-mosses  Sphagnum  and  other  changes  in  the  vegetation  of  134 

Ringinglow  Bog  (Southern  Pennines)  since  the  1940s  R.  Goulder 

Additions  and  corrections  to  the  Yorkshire  Diptera  list  (part  6)  Andrew  Grayson  145 

YNU  VC63  Field  Excursion  to  Thorpe  Marsh  14th  June  2014  Bryology  Report  152 

Colin  Wall 

Botanical  Report  for  2014  Phyl  Abbott,  Richard  Middleton,  Gill  Smith  & Linda  153 


Book  Review  159 

YNU  Calendar  2015  160 


Erratum  pl31 

YNU  Annual  General  Meeting  pl58 

An  asterisk*  indicates  a peer-reviewed  paper 

Front  cover:  Fly  Orchid  Ophrys  insectifera,  a rare  plant  of  Ellerburn  Bank  YWT  reserve  in  the  North  York 
Moors  (see  p97).  Photo:  P.  Mayhew. 

Back  cover:  Potamogeton  lucens  bed  in  Malham  Tarn,  looking  towards  Tarn  House  and  the  East  Boathouse 
(see  pl26).  Photo:  S.  Flint. 


^ Union 


Potential  hazards  and  procedures  to  consider  before 
starting  any  field  work  or  wildlife  survey 

Please  spend  a few  minutes  reading  this  guidance.  If  you 
have  any  questions,  please  ask  the  organiser/leader.  Health 
and  safety  is  an  individual’s  responsibility  and  each  person 
is  responsible  for  drawing  the  attention  of  the  group  to  any 
hazard  observed  during  the  course  of  the  work. 

A risk  assessment  should  be  carried  out  before  field  work  is  started.  Consider 
the  following: 

General  points 

Appropriate  clothing.  Consider  the  weather  forecast  and  the  terrain  to 
be  covered,  including  scrubby  and  prickly  vegetation. 

Sun  protection  cream,  even  in  cloudy  weather. 

Sufficient  drinking  water,  even  on  cool  wet  days. 

Ensure  supplies  of  any  required  medicine  e.g.  hay  fever  tablets.  Diabetics 
should  have  adequate  food  and  medication. 

An  up  to  date  tetanus  vaccination  is  advised. 

Have  a small  first  aid  kit  available. 

Latex  gloves  are  useful  in  handling  biological  material,  e.g.  dead  animals  or 
dung  or  when  working  in  water. 

Working  in  pairs/lone  working 

It  is  advisable  to  work  in  communicative  pairs  whilst  surveying,  i.e.  in  earshot  of 
each  other,  but  there  are  times  when  this  is  not  possible.  Consider  the  following 

• Be  aware  of  your  surroundings  and  be  conscious  of  the  dangers 
associated  with  the  different  natural  habitats  in  which  you  are  working, 
e.g.  fissures  in  the  ground  hidden  by  vegetation,  wet  flushes  and  fallen 
wet  timber.  Many  places  are  on  steep  slopes,  be  aware  of  cliffs  or  wet 
rocks  or  flushes.  Remain  aware  of  the  surroundings  of  the  site. 

• Isolation:  Check  your  mobile  telephone  is  packed,  charged  and  is  within 
range  of  a mast.  Carry  a card  for  telephone  boxes  and  have  change 
available  in  case  you  need  to  ask  another  person  to  telephone  on  your 
behalf.  Check  the  location  of  the  nearest  settlement. 

• Advise  a reliable  contact  of  the  exact  site  where  you  are  working,  its 
location  and  likely  route  and  parking  place.  Advise  the  person  of  the 
estimated  time  you  will  leave  the  site.  Most  organisations  have  an 
agreed  contingency  plan  should  you  not  return.  Call  your  contact  on 
leaving  the  site. 

Surveying  along  roads  and  railways 

When  surveying  hedges  or  verges  running  along  a road  or  a railway,  consider 
the  following: 

• Wear  fluorescent  clothing  for  visibility. 

• Try  to  keep  off  roads  and  work  from  the  verge. 

• Place  warning  signs  100m  either  side  of  a survey  area  where  there  is 
no  verge.  Consider  the  need  for  a look  out. 

• Remain  aware  of  where  you  are. 

• If  the  survey  involves  a railway,  you  need  consent  of  Network  Rail  or 
other  track  owner. 


Fauna  and  flora 

Most  wildlife  and  livestock  are  not  a threat  to  humans  or  will  avoid  humans,  but 
in  some  situations  you  may  become  bitten  or  be  stung.  Consider  the  following: 

• Avoid  startling  animals  and  livestock  where  possible. 

• Some  plants  and  caterpillars  release  irritants  and  toxins. 

• Are  there  deer  or  sheep  in  the  area?  If  suspected,  protect  the  skin  from 
ticks  to  reduce  the  risk  of  Lyme  Disease.  Check  yourself  thoroughly 
after  returning  home.  If  you  find  ticks,  remove  them  as  soon  as  possible 
with  a proprietary  tick-removal  device  - do  not  use  chemicals  such  as 
washing-up  liquid,  soap,  or  meths  as  these  are  more  likely  to  cause  the 
tick  to  expel  bacteria  into  your  bloodstream.  Keep  an  eye  on  the 
affected  area  and  if  it  develops  into  a 'bulls-eye'  pattern,  seek  medical 
treatment  quickly.  Antibiotics  will  be  needed  to  prevent  Lyme  Disease, 
which  is  a serious  long-term  condition  if  not  dealt  with. 

• Bracken  spores  are  carcinogenic.  It  is  advisable  to  avoid  bracken- 
covered  areas  from  mid-  July  onwards. 

Water  bodies 

• Consider  the  risks  associated  with  water  bodies  and  wet  flushes, 
especially  areas  of  soft  mud  with  no  vegetation  in  fens  and  bogs. 

• Avoid  steep  banks  which  could  allow  you  to  slip  into  a water  body.  Be 
aware  of  becoming  trapped  in  muddy  conditions. 

• If  working  close  to  a water  body,  it  may  be  advisable  to  carry 
emergency  flotation  equipment  or  'throw  line'.  Carry  dry  clothing  and 
equipment  to  prevent  hypothermia. 

• Leptospirosis  (Weil’s  disease):  most  commonly  associated  with  rats, 
through  bacteria  in  their  urine,  which  can  survive  up  to  four  weeks  in 
water.  Humans  can  become  contaminated  via  infected  urine,  water  or 
mud.  Bacteria  enter  humans  via  cuts  or  through  mucous  membranes 
(e.g.  eyes,  mouth  or  nose).  Simple  precautions  include  cleansing  and 
covering  cuts  with  waterproof  plasters.  Avoid  rubbing  eyes,  nose  and 
mouth  and  wash  hands  thoroughly  after  the  survey.  If  flu  like  symptoms 
develop  within  three  to  19  days  of  the  survey,  contact  a doctor  and  ask 
for  an  ELISA  blood  test.  Other  animals  can  carry  the  bacteria. 

Surveying  at  night. 

Such  surveys  should  always  be  carried  out  in  communicative  pairs. 

Equipment  should  include  primary  and  back-up  torches  as  well  as  a whistle  for 

each  surveyor.  Sites  should  be  visited  in  daylight  and  a risk  assessment  carried 

out  before  night-time  surveys  are  undertaken.  Consider  the  following: 

• It  may  be  advisable  to  wear  high  visibility  clothing 

• Mark  hazards  with  hi-viz  tape,  lamps  or  light  sticks. 

• Consider  marking  the  way  to  the  survey  site. 

• If  using  a generator,  follow  the  manufacturer’s  safety  instructions. 


Some  landowners  require  the  surveyor  to  have  insurance  or  indemnification. 

The  organiser  is  responsible  for  ensuring  such  insurance  is  in  place. 

The  guidance  given  above  is  based  on  appendix  II  of  the  Hedgerow  Survey 

Handbook  by  Catherine  J.  Bickmore.  English  Nature,  Peterborough. 

Risk  assessment 

Some  definitions: 

• An  accident  is  an  unforeseeable  event.  Most  incidents  that  occur  during 
surveys  are  not  accidents. 

• A hazard  is  an  object,  which  is  capable  of  causing  harm  to  people. 

• A risk  occurs  when  somebody  is  exposed  to  a hazard  that  causes 
serious  harm,  is  in  close  proximity  to  a hazard  or  is  exposed  to  a 
hazard  for  an  extended  period  of  time. 

Five  steps  to  risk  assessments: 

1 . Identify  hazards 

2.  Identify  who  is  at  risk  from  hazards  identified 

3.  Establish  how  hazards  can  be  removed  or  risk  of  injury  reduced. 

4.  Record  steps  1-3  above 

5.  Review  the  risk  assessment  periodically  in  the  light  of  working 

Each  surveyor  should  take  part  in  the  risk  assessment  process.  Surveys 
should  only  go  ahead  if  measures  could  be  taken  to  reduce  risks  to  an 
acceptable  level. 

All  incidents  must  be  reported  to  the  survey  leader,  who  should  record  the 

incident  in  writing. 


In  the  past  few  years,  there  have  been  a number  of  outbreaks  of  disease 
amongst  farm  animals.  We  ask  that  field  naturalists  working  in  areas  where 
farm  animals  are  present  should  obey  the  following  guidelines: 

• If  visiting  farmland  by  car,  try  to  avoid  parking  in  a farmyard  where 
animals  are  kept.  Try  to  park  on  hard  standing,  not  in  muddy  gateways, 
likely  to  be  used  by  animals. 

• Avoid  touching  farm  animals  or  deer.  Always  wash  your  hands  if  an 
animal  is  touched. 

• Clean  mud  from  boots  and/  or  your  car  after  each  farm  visit. 

• In  areas  of  potential  high  risk,  wash/  spray  your  boots  with  an  approved 
disinfectant  (see  the  Defra  website  for  a list  of  suitable  disinfectants 
obtainable  from  an  agricultural  merchant). 

• Seek  permission  from  the  farmer  to  enter  premises  or  fields. 

• We  also  alert  you  to  an  increase  in  Lyme  Disease  from  ticks.  The 
number  of  cases  has  doubled  in  the  past  two  years.  Should  you  have 
difficulty  removing  a tick  or  suffer  from  a fever  after  a tick,  seek  medical 
assistance  and  ask  for  a Lyme  disease  test. 

JAN/RPS  Aug  2015 


August  2015  Volume  140  Number  1089 

From  Yorkshire  to  China  via  Borneo:  a biological  excursion 
through  tropical  moth  ecology 

The  Presidential  Address  delivered  following  the  Annual  General  Meeting  at  Mai  ham  Tarn  Field 
Centre , 15th  November  2014. 

Terry  M.  Whitaker 

4 Crowtrees,  Low  Bentham,  Via  Lancaster,  LA2  7EE. 


In  this  address  I hope  to  introduce  you  to  some  of  the  questions  about  moth  species 
distributions  and  population  diversities  that  I have  had  a minor  part  in  helping  study  in  South- 
east Asia.  Some  Yorkshire-born  or  based  researchers  have  played  a major  part  in  researching  the 
associated  ecology,  especially  Dr.  Stephen  Sutton,  a past  YNU  President;  more  recently  by  the 
research  group  of  Professor  Roger  Kitching  of  Brisbane,  Australia.  Many  of  the  questions  have 
not  been  fully  answered  yet. 

The  Big  Questions: 

1)  What  is  the  moth  diversity  in  various  biotopes? 

lb)  Does  it  depend  on  the  biotope  involved? 

lc)  What  is  the  taxonomic  structure  of  the  species  composition? 

ld)  How  many  moth  species  are  there  in  Borneo? 

2)  Which  areas  & biotopes  have  the  highest  diversities? 

3)  How  does  moth  diversity  change  with  geographic  distances? 

3a)  At  what  geographic  scale? 

3b)  Are  moths  stratified  vertically(ground  to  canopy)? 

3c)  How  does  moth  diversity  change  temporally? 

3d)  How  does  moth  diversity  change  on  altitudinal  transects? 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


3e)  How  does  moth  diversity  change  on  latitudinal  transects  within  forest  biotopes? 

3f)  How  do  patterns  of  moth  diversity  change  between  continents? 

Biodiversity:  the  importance  of  robust  data  (and  big  numbers) 

A variety  of  objective  measures  have  been  created  in  order  to  measure  biodiversity  empirically. 
The  basic  idea  of  a diversity  index  is  to  obtain  a quantitative  estimate  of  biological  variability 
that  can  be  used  to  compare  biological  entities,  composed  of  direct  components,  in  space  or  in 
time.  Indirectly  this  can  be  used  to  estimate  the  number  of  species. 

The  term  alpha  diversity  (a-diversity  = within  habitat  diversity)  was  introduced  by  Whittaker 
(1960,  1972)  together  with  the  terms  beta  diversity  ((3-diversity=  between  habitat  diversity)  and 
gamma  diversity  (y-diversity  = whole  landscape  diversity  (a  larger  geographical  unit)). 
Whittaker's  idea  was  that  y-diversity  is  determined  by  two  different  things,  the  mean  species 
diversity  in  sites  or  habitats  at  a more  local  scale  (a-diversity)  and  the  rate  of  change  within 
those  habitats  ((3-diversity).  Definitions  of  a-diversity  can  also  differ  in  what  they  assume 
diversity  to  be.  Often  researchers  use  the  values  given  by  one  or  more  diversity  indices,  such  as 
species  richness,  by  the  Shannon  index  or  the  Simpson  index.  Species  richness  is  the  number  of 
different  species  represented  in  an  ecological  community,  landscape  or  region.  It  is  simply  a 
count  and  does  not  take  into  account  abundances,  relative  abundance  distributions  or  the  rarity 
of  individuals,  whereas  biodiversity  can.  However,  it  has  been  argued  that  it  would  be  better  to 
use  the  effective  number  of  species  as  the  universal  measure  of  species  diversity.  This  measure 
allows  weighting  of  rare  and  abundant  species  in  different  ways,  just  as  the  diversity  indices 
collectively  do,  but  its  meaning  is  intuitively  easier  to  understand.  The  effective  number  of 
species  is  the  number  of  equally  abundant  species  needed  to  obtain  the  same  mean 
proportional  species  abundance  as  that  observed  in  the  dataset  of  interest  (where  all  species 
are  not  equally  abundant)  (Hill,  1973;  Jost,  2007;  Tuomisto,  2010).  It  is  important  to  distinguish 
'richness'  from  'diversity'.  Diversity  usually  implies  a measure  of  both  species  number  and 
'equitability'  (or  'evenness').  Fisher's  logarithmic  series  model  (Fisher  et  ol.  1943),  log  Series  a 
distribution  (like  the  more  commonly  used  Poisson  log  series)  describes  the  relationship 
between  the  number  of  species  and  the  number  of  individuals  of  those  species,  and  is  one 
measure  that  has  been  commonly  adopted  (Taylor  et  ai,  1976)  which  I am  going  to  use  to 
introduce  some  of  the  concepts  of  species  diversity  in  moths.  At  its  simplest  for  a sample  of  a 
given  number  of  individuals  the  diversity  will  be  highest  in  the  sample  containing  the  greater 
number  of  groups  (species).  In  the  tropics  moth  species  rank  abundance  curves  from  the  most 
diverse  sites  and  the  least  diverse  sites  show  similar  inverse  exponential  curves  but  they  differ 
markedly  in  detail.  The  former  have  few  abundant  species  and  a long  tail  of  rare  ones  whereas 
less  diverse  sites  have  several  abundant  species  and  many  fewer  scarce  ones.  In  order  to 
compare  biodiversity  of  samples  from  different  locations  it  was  necessary  to  elucidate  the 
statistics  of  sampling  and  a measure  was  needed  to  understand  species-richness  expressed  in  a 
way  that  was  independent  of  samples  size  (Robinson  & Tuck  1993a,  1996).  This  led  to  the  use  of 
rarefaction  curves  (Sanders  1968). 

la.  What  is  the  moth  diversity  in  various  biotopes? 

The  first  people  to  estimate  moth  species  richness  in  SE  Asia  were  Barlow  and  Woiwod  (1989, 
1990)  and  they  were  the  first  to  consider  the  contribution  of  'micro-moths'  to  diversity.  Their 
samples  proved  what  had  been  suspected,  that  the  values  of  a-diversity  of  moths  in  tropical 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

forests  could  be  extremely  high  (Table  1).  This  was  confirmed  by  Holloway  et  al.  (1990),  who 
obtained  an  a-diversity  value  of  309  for  macrolepidoptera  in  lowland  dipterocarp  forest  in 
Sarawak.  Robinson  & Tuck  (1993a,  1996)  found  that  micromoths  from  two  primary  forest  sites  in 
Brunei  were  particularly  diverse,  showing  a-diversity  values  of  414  in  pooled  samples.  Diversity 
will  also  vary  within  an  order  related  to  the  infra-ordinal  taxonomic  status  of  the  sample  group. 
Samples  restricted  to  micromoths,  macromoths  or  pyralids  will  show  lower  values  of  a than 
those  counting  all  moths  (Table  1).  Sample  size  is  important  but  larger  samples  will  have  greater 
diversity  values,  especially  in  highly  diverse  places.  This  effect  is  the  result  of  casual  migration 
and  an  increasing  opportunity  for  rare  moths  from  a wider  area  to  be  captured  over  a longer 
time  period.  In  effect,  collecting  is  an  open-ended  enterprise.  In  practice,  samples  greater  than 
1000  individuals  tend  to  have  stabilized  variances  and  were  thought  to  provide  useful  'snapshot' 
measures  of  diversity. 

Holloway  et  al.  (1992)  and  Chey  et  al.  (1997)  used  pooled  samples  of  fewer  than  900 
individuals  from  single  locations,  which  seemed  to  show  that  primary  natural  forest  in  Danum 
Valley  had  a low  moth  diversity  leading  to  the  assertion  that  a-diversity  at  Danum  appeared  to 
be  lower  than  that  recorded  in  other  Bornean  primary  forests  but  similar  to  disturbed  forest 
habitats  in  Brumas.  Also,  nine  equally  spaced  sample  sites  within  1.5km  in  the  Danum  Valley 
Conservation  area  sampled  by  Beck  et  al.  (2006)  showed  a very  low  a-diversity  of  only  14.5  ± 
2.9.  It  was  based  on  only  1596  geometrids  (127  species)  and  his  conclusion,  that  one  sample  in 
an  area  of  225ha  for  the  investigated  taxon  is  representative,  is  now  considered  totally 
unjustified.  This  is  refuted  here  as  Table  2 (from  Willott  et  al.  unpubl.)  demonstrates,  a for  the 
pyraloids  (186)  is  similar  to  that  recorded  from  Brunei  (203)  (Robinson  & Tuck,  1993a)  and 
higher  than  for  Peninsular  Malaysia  (91)  (Barlow  & Woiwod,  1989),  although  another  study 
based  on  small  samples  and  methodological  differences  between  the  latter  and  the  collections 
from  Borneo  makes  comparisons  difficult.  Similar  criticism  of  measurements  based  on  very 
small  numbers  can  be  applied  to  some  of  the  a-diversity  values  from  West  Java  reported  by 
Sutrisino  (2008). 

The  monumental  dataset  collected  by  Henry  Barlow  and  analysis  based  on  the  staggering 
number  of  70,529  individuals  of  Macros  and  Pyraloidea  plus  Thyridoidea  should  draw  some  of 
the  above  arguments  to  a close  (Ashton  et  al.,  2014).  The  authors  say  that  there  is  no  substitute 
for  long-term  'old  fashioned'  accumulation  of  data.  Snapshot  surveys  will  only  provide  a relative 
measure  of  species  richness. 

To  put  the  a-diversity  figures  in  Table  1 into  context:  in  Yorkshire  (with  c.500  species  of 
macromoths)  the  richest  sites  have  an  a-diversity  of  value  <41  (Sutton  & Beaumont  1989,  Anon 
1996).  An  a-diversity  of  40  would  represent  221  species  for  every  10,000  individuals  sampled.  In 
contrast  the  mean  UK  a-diversity  of  Pyraloidea  is  2.9  whereas  at  Genting  it  is  91  (Barlow  & 
Woiwod  1989).  In  comparison  considering  the  Brunei  case  an  a-diversity  of  414  suggests  c. 1,333 
species  of  microlepidoptera  occur  near  the  Batu  Api  Forest  Reserve  sites  (Robinson  & Tuck 
1993a, b;  1996). 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


Table  1.  Some  estimates  of  moth  diversity  in  South-east  Asia. 










Trapped  Types 

a-diversity  ± 



W.  Malaysia,  Genting 



h 309 

Holloway  1987 

W.  Malaysia,  Genting 




386  + 11 

Barlow  & Woiwod  1989 

W.  Malaysia,  Genting 




91 1 5 

Barlow  &.  Woiwod  1989 


(in  Schulze  2000) 






Holloway  et  al.  1990 

Sulawesi,  Dumoga-Bone  NP 




303.1  +9.2 

Barlow  & Woiwod  1990 

Sulawesi,  Dumoga-Bone  NP 




|234.5  1 9.4 

Barlow  & Woiwod  1990 

Brunei,  Kuala  Belalong  1 




355  1 46 

Robinson  & Tuck  1993a 

Brunei,  Kuala  Belalong  2 




413  1 74 

Robinson  &Tuck  1993a 

Brunei,  Kuala  Belalong  1+2 




414  1 39 

Robinson  & Tuck  1993b 

Brunei,  Kuala  Belalong  1 




193  1 35 

Robinson  & Tuck  1993a 

Brunei,  Kuala  Belalong  2 




218  + 46 

Robinson  & Tuck  1993a 

Brunei,  Kuala  Belalong  1+2 




203  1 25 

Robinson  & Tuck  1993b 

Brunei,  Kuala  Belalong  1+2 





Robinson  & Tuck  1993a 

Brunei,  Kuala  Belalong  2 




222  1 77 

Robinson  & Tuck  1993a 

Brunei,  Kg.  Kapok  1 




39  1 19 

Robinson  &.  Tuck  1993a 

Brunei,  Kg.  Kapok  2 




56  1 9 

Robinson  & Tuck  1993a 

Brunei,  Kg.  Kapok  (1+2) 




69  + 11 

Robinson  & Tuck  1993a 

Brunei,  Kg.  Kapok  (1+2) 




120  + 13 

Robinson  &.  Tuck  1993b 

Brunei,  Kg.  Kapok, 





Robinson  & Tuck  1993a 

Brunei,  Kg.  Kapok 




105  1 13 

Robinson  & Tuck  1993a 

Brunei,  Kg.  Kapok 




120  1 13 

Robinson  & Tuck  1993a 

Sabah,  Crocker  Range 





Robinson  &.  Tuck  1993a,  1996 

Sabah,  Crocker  Range 




64  + 20 

Robinson  & Tuck  1993a,  1996 

Temengor,  W.  Malaysia 




120  1 24 

Robinson  et  al.  1995 

Sabah,  Danum  Valley 




292  1 14 

Willott  1999 

Sabah,  Danum  Valley 




234  1 15 

Willott  1999 

Sabah,  Danum  Valley 




244  1 15 

Willott  1999 

Sabah,  Poring  (Pori)) 





Schulze  2000 

Sabah,  Poring  (Por2) 





Schulze  2000 

Sabah,  Poring  (Por3) 





Schulze  2000 

China,  Xishuangbanna 





Kitching  et  al.  (2015) 

China,  Xishuangbanna 




Kitching  et  al.  (2015) 

W.  Malaysia  Sg.  Halong 





Ashton  et  al.  (2015a  in  press) 

W.  Malaysia,  Genting  1980 





Ashton  et  al.  (2015a  in  press) 

W.  Malaysia,  Genting  2000 





Ashton  et  al.  (2015a  in  press) 

Sabah,  BRL 





Ashton  et  al.  (2015a  in  press) 

KEY  PI  = primary  lowland  forest;  P2  primary  hill  forest;  P3  primary  submontane  forest;  PC  primary 

lowland  forest  canopy;  PA  = primary  alluvial  lowland  forest;  PL  = primary  lowland  forest  on  limestone; 
L = logged  over  forest;  S = Secondary  Forest  (Mature);  M = Mangrove  Forest;  * disturbance  present; 
h = macro-Lepidoptera;  m = micro-Lepidoptera  sensu  stricto;  p = Pyraloidea. 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

lb.  Does  it  depend  on  the  biotope  involved? 

Beck  et  al.  (2002)  presented  geometrid  data  along  two  habitat  gradients  ranging  from  primary 
rainforest  to  cultivated  land  in  Sabah,  North  Borneo.  The  moth  diversity  in  the  forest  plantations 
such  as  Acocio  mongium,  Gmelino  orboreo,  Paraserianthes  falcotorio,  Pin  us  coriboeo  and 
Eucalyptus  deglupta,  is  unexpectedly  high.  Moth  diversity  in  the  E.  deglupta  plantation  was 
particularly  high  and  comparable  to  that  in  old-growth  secondary  forest,  possibly  because  this 
plantation  has  a very  diverse  understorey  both  in  terms  of  plants  (secondary  regrowth  species) 
and  architecture.  Disturbed  tropical  forest  usually  shows  lower  a-diversity  (but  higher  p- 
diversity)  and  peat  swamp  forests  also  show  lower  a-diversity  (Holloway  1992;  Chey  1994,  2000, 
Chey  et  al.  1997;  Schulze  2000;  Fiedler  & Schulze  2004).  In  some  other  woodland  biotopes  such 
as  mangrove  forests,  oil  palm  and  agricultural  landscapes,  a-diversity  is  inherently  very  low, 
reflecting  the  smaller  pool  of  specialist  moths  dependent  on  the  lower  vegetational  diversity 
and  the  simpler  forest  architecture  (Table  1,  Robinson  & Tuck,  1993a, b,  1996;  Willott,  1999; 
Beck  et  al.,  2002).  Kitching  et  al.  (2015)  found  that  faunas  in  lowland  alluvial  forest  and 
limestone  forest  in  China  (Yunnan,  Xishuangbanna)  had  similar  a and  P-diversities  and 
comparable  moth  species  compositions.  Submontane  forest  sites  can  show  quite  high  a- 
diversities  until  the  vegetation  changes  and  it  becomes  depauperate  in  the  higher  altitude 
montane  forests. 

In  trying  to  estimate  how  many  moths  were  restricted  to  primary  forest  (a  presence  - absence 
criterion),  Willott  (1999)  showed  that  c.55%  were  not  sampled  in  primary  forest  and  11%  were 
only  encountered  in  logged  forest.  The  proportion  changed  if  moths  with  a minimum 
abundance  were  excluded.  If  this  was  restricted  to  those  represented  by  at  least  ten  individuals 
it  suggested  that  at  least  10%  were  confined  to  primary  forest  while  <1%  were  restricted  to 
logged-over  forest.  Unpublished  data  from  the  Whitaker  & Kitching  (2008)  study  did  not  confirm 
this  over  a larger  geographic  scale.  602  of  2283  morphospecies  (26%)  were  unique  to  secondary 
and  537  (24%)  confined  to  primary  forest.  A morphospecies  is  an  unidentified  taxon  close  to 
species  level  which  can  be  reliably  distinguished  by  external  appearance.  However,  as  primary 
forest  samples  are  typified  by  a large  number  of  rare  moths  represented  by  only  singletons  this 
may  not  be  a realistic  measurement.  Species  totals  in  primary  and  post-logging  secondary 
forests  confirm  that  each  forest  type  presents  similar  levels  of  species  richness  (Hamer  et  al. 
2003,  Kitching  et  al.  2012,  Willott  1999)  but  these  are  not  composed  of  the  same  species. 
Deaton  (1993  unpubl.)  showed  similar  results  (but  with  limited  data)  when  comparing  primary, 
secondary  and  heath  forest  (kerangas)  at  Barito  Ulu,  Kalimantan. 

lc.  What  is  the  taxonomic  structure  of  the  species  composition? 

As  reported  by  many  authors  working  worldwide  in  perhumid  tropical  forests,  micromoths  of 
the  superfamily  Geometroidea,  Crambidae  plus  Pyraloidea  (sensu  Regier  et  al.  2012)  and 
Noctuoidea  were  known  to  form  a large  proportion  of  all  tropical  forest  moths  and  the  fauna  is 
dominated  by  these  and  other  tympanate  moth  families  (e.g.  Sutrisino  2008).  After  recent  major 
taxonomic  changes  following  DNA  sequencing  studies  (Zahiri  et  al.  2011),  the  quadrifid 
Noctuoidea  (traditionally  divided  into  the  Noctuidae,  Lymantridae  and  Arctidae  (LAQ  clade))  is 
now  partitioned  into  the  Erebidae.  This  forms  a large  family  with  21  subfamilies  and  several  as 
yet  unassigned  groupings  which  contain  the  lymantrids,  arctiids  and  other  parts  of  the  LAQ  clade 
(especially  the  catocalids,  originally  considered  with  the  Noctuidae).  To  illustrate  this,  Whitaker 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


& Kitching  working  at  10  sites  in  primary  (virgin)  tropical  forest  and  disturbed  (logged-over) 
forest  in  Sabah  (North  Borneo),  constructed  a morphoseries  from  14,013  specimens  captured  in 
Pennsylvania-pattern  actinic  light  traps  (Kitching  et  al.  2005).  Those  that  were  identifiable  were 
allocated  to  39  'families'.  Converting  the  dataset  to  reflect  modern  taxonomy,  the  tympanate 
families  Erebidae  (36.8%),  Geometridae  (14.1%),  and  the  Pyraloidea  (20.7%  (Crambidae  14.2% 
and  Pyralidae  6.5%))  were  found  to  make  up  the  majority  (72%)  of  the  taxa  caught.  The  other 
tympanate  families  contributed  less  than  2.1%  individually  (Notodontidae  (1.9),  Noctuidae 
(1.3%),  Nolidae  (1.2%)  and  Uraniidae  (0.9))  as  did  the  non-tympanate  families  with  the 
exception  of  the  Limacodidae  (7.0%)  and  Drepanidae  (4.1%).  There  was  no  significant  difference 
in  familial  composition  between  primary  and  disturbed  forest  samples. 

Id.  How  many  moth  species  are  there  in  Borneo? 

This  question  has  been  asked  of  many  geographic  areas  and  for  the  apocryphally  speciose 
tropical  forest  it  was  undoubtedly  a very  large  number.  Holloway  (1987),  using  his  experience  of 
the  region,  initially  suggested  a total  of  4,500  larger  moths  in  Borneo.  Initial  estimates  were 
made  by  intuition,  a variety  of  indirect  sampling  methods  (which  have  been  refined  in  time  with 
repeated  sampling  and  improved  statistical  treatments  such  as  the  Chao  1 estimator  (Chao, 
1984))  and  cumulative  catalogues  of  species  and  morphotypes.  As  an  example,  Robinson  & Tuck 
(1993a, b)  initially  estimated  that  a-diversities  of  macrolepidoptera,  Pyraloidea  and 
microlepidoptera  of  310,  170  and  210  respectively,  suggested  c.3,750  moths  occur  in  lowland 
Bornean  forest  and,  extrapolating  from  a number  of  taxonomic  and  field  observations, 
suggested  a Bornean  total  for  all  moths  of  8,628  species  (3,614  macrolepidoptera  and  5,014 
microlepidoptera)  (Robinson  & Tuck,  1993a, b,  1996).  Holloway  (1986-2011)  produced  a list  of 
4,563  macromoths  which,  combined  with  936  butterflies  and  c.6,331  microlepidoptera,  gave 
a minimum  total  of  1 1,830  lepidoptera.  The  conclusion  to  his  massive  revision  of  the  taxonomy 
of  Bornean  macromoths  amended  this  to  an  estimated  total  of  12,684,  which  was  revised  to 
12,777  using  data  in  Ashton  et  al.  (2014).  This  may  still  be  an  underestimate  as  Pyraloid 
micromoths  alone  probably  total  in  excess  of  3,000  species  (Sutton,  Barlow  & Whitaker,  2015  in 

Species  richness  estimators  estimate  the  total  number  of  species  present  in  a community.  The 
Chao  1 index  is  commonly  used  and  is  based  upon  the  number  of  rare  classes  found  in  a sample 
(Chao,  1984):  Using  the  Chao  1 estimator  (Colwell  & Coddington,  1994),  an  increment  to  the 
numbers  observed  is  derived  from  the  square  of  the  singleton  number  divided  by  twice  the 
doubleton  number  in  a series.  Applying  the  Chao  1 estimator  to  the  Whitaker  & Kitching  Sabah 
dataset  of  14,013  specimens  of  2,283  morphospecies  of  macros  and  micros  (1,681  (6,831 
individuals)  in  primary  forest  and  1,746  (7,182  individuals)  in  logged-over  forest  with  1,144 
morphospecies  in  common)  suggests  at  least  4,285  morphospecies  in  primary  and  disturbed 
forest  across  northeast  Borneo  (2,430  in  primary  forest  and  1,962  in  logged-over  forest).  Using 
the  same  methodology,  Ashton  et  al.  (2014)  estimate  5,422  macros  and  micros  at  Genting 
(disturbed  forest)  and  5,097  macros  and  micros  in  primary  forest  at  Borneo  Rainforest  Lodge 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

3.  How  does  diversity  change  with  geographic  distances? 
a)  Measuring  Beta  Diversity;  Does  'McDonaldisation'  Exist? 

At  a landscape  scale  there  is  often  a continuum  of  habitat  change  and  it  is  difficult  to  determine 
the  limits  of  a particular  biotope.  Beck  & Chey  (2003)  attempted  to  address  this  and  other 
problems  of  temporal  change  and  altitudinal  change  using  published  datasets  of  geometrid 
assemblages  across  700km  in  Borneo.  They  concluded  that  the  variation  between  the  moth 
ensembles  was  mainly  explained  by  factors  such  as  elevation,  habitat  disturbance  and  temporal 
factors  such  as  weather  and  habitat  changes  over  three  decades.  The  validity  of  their  conclusion 
that  residual  variation  still  contains  a pattern  was  tentatively  explained  by  geographical  distance, 
particularly  <20km,  but  methodological  differences  made  their  comparison  unreliable. 

Prof.  Roger  L.  Kitching  set  out  to  start  to  answer  the  question  of  (3-diversity  and  its  role  in  y- 
diversity.  This  included  the  statistically  robust  study  on  two  forest  biotopes  in  Sabah  introduced 
above  (Whitaker,  2007,  2008  unpubl.;  Whitaker  & Kitching,  2008;  Kitching  et  oi,  2013).  The 
results  showed  that  there  were  very  similar  patterns  in  moth  species  richness  and  levels  of 
diversity  in  both  the  primary  and  logged-over  forest.  However,  a strong  relationship  was 
observed  between  moth  assemblages  in  primary  forest,  decreasing  in  similarity  with  increasing 
geographic  distances  over  80km  but  no  such  pattern  was  found  in  post-logging  forest  (Figure  1). 
We  speculated  that  the  strong  spatial  heterogeneity  in  moth  assemblages  in  the  primary  forest 
landscapes  may  be  absent  from  logged-over  forest,  through  the  removal  of  canopy  niche  space 
(Kitching  et  oi,  2013).  The  small  scale  spatial  heterogeneity  in  primary  forest  may  be  the  reason 
why  some  a-diversity  measurements  in  primary  forest  show  relatively  low  values.  However, 
Novotny  et  oi  (2007)  found  a low  rate  of  change  in  species  composition  (p-diversity)  of  many 
insect  groups  across  lowland  primary  forest  in  Papua  New  Guinea. 

Sharp  (2014)  applied  Jost's  (2007)  'true'  diversity  measures  with  a functionally  diverse  group 
(Coleoptera)  to  estimate  ecosystem-level  changes  in  a-diversity,  p-diversity  and  y-diversity 
associated  with  disturbance.  Calculating  diversity,  y-diversity  and  P-diversity  decreased  with 
disturbance  based  on  taxa  richness  but  not  on  proportions  of  taxa  counts.  In  all  cases  p-diversity 
was  influenced  by  interactions  between  distance  and  disturbance,  and  provided  a more 
descriptive  insight  into  changing  community  structure  than  either  other  component.  Declines  in 
P-diversity  are  likely  to  result  from  reduced  habitat  heterogeneity  and  a switch  from  niche 
differentiation  to  habitat  filtering  (Kitching  et  oi,  2013) 

3b)  Are  Moths  Stratified  (Ground  to  Canopy)? 

The  concept  of  the  tropical  forest  canopy  as  a distinct  biotope  that  determines  arthropod 
vertical  distribution  due  to  its  abiotic  factors,  forest  physiognomy  and  tree  architecture, 
resource  availability  and  arthropod  behaviour,  has  been  proposed  for  many  years.  Many  workers 
(e.g.  Stork,  1988)  postulated  that  a significant  proportion  of  the  biodiversity  of  primary  tropical 
forests  was  held  in  the  canopy.  The  canopies  of  tropical  forests  were  once  thought  to  contain 
the  most  rich  and  diverse  assemblages  of  insects,  and  moth  abundance  was  shown  to  be  higher 
in  the  forest  canopy  in  Borneo,  Papua  New  Guinea  and  Panama  (Sutton  et  oi,  1983;  Kato  et  oi, 
1995),  although  whether  this  was  a real  difference  cannot  be  established  as  identification  was 
not  to  species  so  there  can  be  no  estimate  of  species  richness  or  correction  for  sample  size. 
However,  there  was  growing  evidence  that  the  canopy  was  no  more  diverse  than  the 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


understorey  (Hammond,  1990;  Wolda  et  al.,  1998;  Willott,  1999),  though  the  distributions  of 
insects  in  woodland  appear  to  be  strongly  vertically  'compartmentalised'  with  more  or  less 
isolated  assemblages  of  species  occupying  closely  adjacent  habitat  components  within  a forest 
(Basset  etol.,  1992a;  Amedegnato,  2003;  Wardhaugh  et.  al.,  2012;  Ashton  et  al.,  2015b  in  prep). 
Intachat  & Holloway  (2000)  found  that  there  was  no  consistently  significant  difference  in  species 
richness,  abundance  or  diversity  (as  measured  by  a)  between  the  three  levels  1,  15  & 30m  at 
Brumas,  although  values  tended  to  be  lower  at  the  highest  level.  The  diversity  for  the  canopy 
(high)  level  was  significantly  lower  when  all  samples  were  pooled.  Here  plant  diversity  is  lower 
and  the  forest  architecture  is  less  complex.  Individual  flight  height  preferences  varied  according 
to  the  taxa  studied. 

Figure  1. Relationships  between  geographical  distance  and  (A)  Chao-Sprensen  & (B)  Sprensen 
similarity  values  using  moth  assemblages  collected  from  primary  (triangle)  and  post-logging 
secondary  (circle)  forest.  Trend  lines  are  drawn  for  primary  forest  only. 

From  Kitching  et  al.,  2012 

These  comparisons  of  canopy  and  understorey  faunas  in  tropical  forests  are  of  more  than  purely 
theoretical  interest.  Several  papers  have  examined  the  extent  to  which  lepidopteran  diversity  is 
maintained  in  disturbed  forests  or  plantations  but  without  samples  from  the  canopy  of  the 
primary  forest  'control'  site  (Holloway  et  al.,  1992;  Hill  et  al.,  1995;  Chey  et  al.,  1997;  Holloway, 
1998;  Hamer  et  al.,  2003).  If  a large  number  of  canopy  specialists  are  missed  in  the  process  then 
the  species  richness  of  the  primary  forest  may  be  severely  underestimated  or  the  taxonomic 
composition  misjudged.  Furthermore,  there  is  some  evidence  that  canopy  insects  may  fly  closer 
to  the  ground  in  disturbed  or  plantation  forest  where  the  canopy  is  lower  and  more  open  (Davis 
& Sutton,  1998;  Willott,  1999).  If  these  species  are  detected  in  ground-based  sampling  in  the 
disturbed  habitat  but  not  the  primary,  then  the  estimate  of  species  richness  in  the  former  will  be 
inflated  relative  to  that  of  the  latter.  Willott  (1999),  confirmed  by  Beck  et  al.  (2002),  showed  that 
there  was  a substantial  turnover  of  larger  moths  between  the  canopy  and  ground  faunas  with  a 
combined  a-diversity  of  367  ± 15,  larger  than  that  of  its  independent  components  (Table  1). 

The  same  is  true  of  the  Pyraloidea:  Willott  et  al.  (unpubl.  ms.)  collected  a total  of  5,322 
individual  moths  comprising  1,207  species  on  just  four  nights  from  April  to  July  1995.  Light  traps 
were  sited  at  Danum  Valley  Field  Station  at  ground  level  and  at  40m  in  primary  forest  canopy. 
Randomised  species  accumulation  curves  for  both  the  macrolepidoptera  and  Pyraloidea  were 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

generated  by  randomly  sampling  without  replacement  from  each  dataset  to  compensate  for 
more  species  and  individuals  being  collected  from  the  understorey,  taking  the  mean  of  1000 
iterations  for  each  sample  size.  Following  the  same  procedure,  the  mean  number  of  species 
expected  in  a sample  of  1000  individuals  (Siooo)  was  generated  to  provide  an  estimate  of  species 
richness  independent  of  sample  size.  The  data  are  presented  in  Table  2. 

Table  2.  Numbers  of  species  (S),  individuals  (n),  diversity  (alpha  of  the  log-series)  and  rarefied 
species  richness  (Siooo)  (both  mean  ± 95%  Cl).  From  Willott  et  al.  (unpubl.) 












235  ±22 
242  ± 19 

382  ±7 




375  ± 12 




305  ±18 

410  ±14 





143  ± 14  295  ± 6 




171  ±14 

325  ±11 




186  + 12 

| 328  + 13 






371  ±25 

447  ± 18 




412  ±23 





487  ± 21 

487  ±20 

A randomised  species  accumulation  curve  for  the  macrolepidoptera  was  steeper  than  that  for 
the  Pyraloidea,  suggesting  that  a greater  proportion  of  the  species  pool  of  Pyraloidea  had  been 
sampled.  The  most  abundant  macromoth  was  Amato  prepuncta  Holloway  (Erebidae:  Arctiinae, 
Syntomini)  with  a total  of  151  individuals  and  the  most  abundant  pyraloid  was  Pagyda  salvalis 
Swinhoe  (Pyralidae:  Spilomelinae)  with  102  individuals.  In  this  limited  unreplicated  study  the 
significant  species  turnover  between  the  understorey  and  canopy  confirmed  that  sampling  in 
the  canopy  is  a pre-requisite  for  an  accurate  estimate  of  the  diversity  and  faunal  composition  of 
a site.  While  comprising  fewer  species,  the  number  of  individuals  of  Pyraloidea  approached  that 
of  the  macromoths  in  total  but  the  Pyraloidea  in  Brunei  comprised  approximately  half  the  total 
of  species  and  individuals  of  the  micromoths  as  a whole  (Robinson  & Tuck,  1993a).  This  suggests 
that  up  to  two  thirds  of  the  abundance  of  flying  moths  may  be  microlepidopterans.  A large 
proportion  of  lepidoptera  are  layer-specialists,  with  mixing  between  ground  and  canopy  being 
the  exception  rather  than  the  rule  (Schulze  et  al.,  2001;  Schulze  & Fiedler,  2003;  Basset  et  al., 
2003;  Brehm,  2007).  In  addition,  most  are  narrowly  oligophagous,  often  being  restricted  to  a 
single  genus  or  genus-group  within  a particular  plant  family  while  some  feed  on  leaf  litter  and 
detritus  (Bassett,  1992;  Novotny  et  al.,  2002,  2003;  Dyer  et  al.,  2007).  However,  Willott  et  al. 
(unpubl.)  tested  groups  with  >20  individuals  in  total  against  the  null  hypothesis  of  equal 
abundance  between  canopy  and  understorey  in  a numerically  limited  study  and  showed  that  the 
Herminiinae,  thought  of  as  leaf  litter  and  detritus  feeders,  did  not  conform  to  that  expectation, 
being  found  mainly  in  canopy  samples.  Possibly  this  is  related  to  the  high  biomass  of  canopy 
detritus.  The  families  found  predominately  in  the  understory  were  Nolidae:  Chloephorinae 
(Sarrothripini  & Chloephorini),  Euteliidae  (Stictopterinae)  and  (Pyralidae)  Epipaschiinae. 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


Beck  et  al.  (2002)  showed  that  canopy  assemblages  of  geometrids  were  not  very  similar  to  each 
other  and  more  closely  resembled  their  corresponding  understorey  samples,  a feature  noted  by 
Ashton  (pers.  com.,  Ashton  et  al.,  2015b  in  prep.)  in  Yunnan,  China,  where  different  types  of 
forest  all  showed  distinct  canopy  components  to  their  biodiversity  at  all  sites.  Differentiation 
between  samples  in  the  understorey  and  in  the  canopy  is  still  a valid  concept  but  may  not  be 
universal.  Stratification  within  the  canopy  itself  (which  can  be  >20m  thick  in  Borneo)  still 
remains  a mystery  and  may  not  exist. 

3c)  How  does  moth  diversity  change  temporally? 

Wolda  (1983)  considered  that  seasonal  variation  of  tropical  animals  was  the  rule,  even  where 
seasonal  weather  changes  are  minimal,  but  definitive  studies  involving  large  datasets  were 
lacking.  Studies  in  Sulawesi  and  Peninsular  Malaysia  showed  slight  evidence  of  temporal 
heterogeneity  (Barlow  & Woiwod  1989,  1990).  Generally  in  undisturbed  perhumid  forests  there 
often  seems  little  difference  between  samples  in  successive  years  (Kitching  et  al.,  2013)  but 
there  is  usually  a significant  increase  in  diversity  when  the  data  sets  are  added  (Barlow  & 
Woiwod,  1989;  Kitching  et  al.,  2013).  A principal  component  analysis  on  monthly  catches  in 
traps  at  various  levels  in  primary  lowland  dipterocarp  forest  in  Sarawak  detected  non-random 
seasonal  trends  of  insect  abundance  (Kato  et  al.,  1995).  These  could  have  been  due  to 
vegetational  succession,  phenology  or  slight  seasonal  changes  during  short  dry  spells  (Robinson 
& Tuck,  1993a, b).  Fiedler  and  Schulze  (2004)  showed  higher  temporal  variation  at  primary  forest 
and  agricultural  sites  than  in  sites  with  intermediate  disturbance.  This  could  be  traced  down  to 
the  species  level.  That  diversity  changes  over  longer  periods  has  been  demonstrated  on  Mt. 
Kinabalu  (Sabah;  Borneo)  by  Chen  (2011).  This  could  probably  be  ascribed  to  climatological 
changes  (Chen  et  al.,  2009,  2011).  A similar  long-term  change  was  demonstrated  at  Genting, 
West  Malaysia,  by  Ashton  et  al.  (2015a  in  press)  using  the  data  sets  from  1980-2000  and  2000- 
2013.  This  distinct  temporal  component  was  possibly  associated  with  vegetational  changes. 

3d)  How  does  moth  diversity  change  on  altitudinal  transects? 

Depending  on  the  geographic  location  of  the  tropical  forest  transect,  the  position  of  highest 
species  richness  can  vary  and  this  is  not  uniform  at  smaller  taxonomic  scales.  In  many  cases  this 
is  a result  of  vegetational  changes  along  the  transects  - see  Axmacher  & Fiedler  (2008)  on  Mt 
Kilimanjaro,  a-diversity  of  Geometridae,  Pyraloidea  and  Arctiidae  significantly  declined  in 
Ecuador  between  1,040m  and  2,677m  a.s.l.,  but  was  overall  remarkably  high:  250.1,  185.1,  and 
96.1  respectively  (combined  a-diversity  of  531.6)  and  a was  120-185  even  at  the  highest  sites. 
The  Geometroidea  maintained  their  diversity  to  the  highest  levels  whereas  most  of  the 
Pyraloidea  showed  the  expected  decline  of  ectothermic  herbivores  from  a 100  at  1,040m  to  <35 
above  2,000m  while  the  Arctiidae  showed  a much  less  steep  decline,  similar  to  the  Crambidae  as 
compared  with  the  Pyraustinae  (Brehm  et  al.,  2003;  Fiedler  et  al.,  2008). 

Maximum  diversity  for  macromoths  in  Borneo  was  noted  around  1,000m  a.s.l.  (Holloway,  1987; 
Holloway  et  al.,  1990;  Chey,  2000).  These  differences  may  relate  to  vegetational  richness  of  food 
plants  (Holloway  & Nielsen,  1999;  Beck  et  al.,  2002)  or  to  moth  clade  tolerance  of  lower 
temperature  regimes  (Fiedler  et  al.,  2008).  On  Mt  Kinabalu  maximum  vegetational  richness  is 
around  1,000-1, 299m  (Ashton,  2003). 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

The  Queensland-Chinese  Academy  of  Sciences  project  (Q-CAS)  was  born  to  test  these  ecological 
concepts  on  an  ever  greater  scale  across  the  length  of  Yunnan  Province  from  the  south-western 
lowland  tropical  forests  at  Mengla  through  mid-altitude  subtropical  and  deciduous  forests  of 
Aila  Shan  to  the  alpine  coniferous  forests  near  Lijiang  on  the  borders  of  Tibet.  It  involved 
replicated  sampling  of  canopy  and  ground.  The  enormous  dataset  of  botanical  and 
entomological  samples  from  replicated  altitudinal  transects  between  800m  and  3,800m  is  still 
being  worked  on  (Ashton  et  al.,  2015b  in  prep.). 

3e)  How  does  moth  diversity  change  on  latitudinal  transects  within  forest  biotopes? 

There  are  two  current  models  of  community  assembly  based  on  one  hand  on  ideas  of  neutral 
species  replacement  and  on  the  other  of  resource-based  niche  partitioning.  Niche  dimensions 
can  be  determined  by  two  non-overlapping  sets  of  physico-chemical  parameters  (or  their 
surrogates:  altitude,  latitude  or  substrate)  and  the  physiologically  defined  envelope  in  which  an 
organism  can  exist.  Kitching  (2013)  examined  the  geographic  scale  of  when  wholly  stochastic 
processes  give  way  to  deterministic  processes  (the  stochastic-deterministic  switch  line  (SDL)) 
and  concluded  that  there  is  a point  for  each  class  of  ecological  community  at  which  an  assembly 
cannot  be  distinguished  from  a random  combination  of  species.  This  model  explains  the 
distance-decay  change  observed  in  primary  forest  moth  communities  over  80km  first  elucidated 
in  Sabah  and  its  absence  in  logged-over  forest  (Kitching  et  al.,  2013).  Kitching  (2013)  considered 
that  the  associated  changes  in  moth  assemblages  are  driven  by  locally  changing  availability  of 
larval  food  plants.  The  underlying  vegetation  changes  can  usually  be  explained  by  neutral  ideas 
over  a scale  of  several  hundred  kilometres  as  modified  to  include  dispersal  distances.  The  bio- 
geography of  lowland  forest  moths  in  Malaysia  over  several  hundred  kilometres  (Ashton  et  al., 
2015a  in  press)  can  probably  be  explained  by  a combination  of  niche  suitability  and  random 
(stochastic)  dispersal  plus  colonisation  and  speciation  events. 

The  Q-CAS  Project  with  its  large  collections  of  several  invertebrate  groups  will  undoubtedly  add 
to  our  knowledge  of  these  processes.  Combined  moth  collections  (macromoths  and  pyralids, 
determined  as  morphospecies)  from  each  of  the  three  Q-CAS  altitudinal  transects  showed  the 
following  approximate  numbers;  2,500  from  Mengla  (800-1400m);  1,600  from  Ailoa  Shan  (2000- 
2700m)  and  750  from  Lijiang  (Mt  Satseto)  (3200-3800m).  At  Mengla  it  is  probable  that 
Lepidopteran  diversity  is  extremely  high,  higher  than  any  measured  in  the  Malaysian  Peninsular 
and  probably  approaching  those  of  Borneo  (Ashton  et  al.,  2015a  in  press). 

3f)  How  do  patterns  of  moth  diversity  change  between  continents? 

Ashton  et  al.  (2015a  in  press),  working  on  64  data  sets  from  China  (Yunnan),  Panama,  Vietnam, 
Borneo  and  Papua  New  Guinea  (containing  175,768  moths)  showed  consistent  differences 
between  canopy  and  ground  assemblages  at  almost  all  rainforest  locations  and  across  altitudinal 
and  latitudinal  gradients.  Vertical  beta  diversity  increases  with  increasing  elevation  in  each 
of  the  northern  hemisphere  transects  that  have  been  undertaken.  This  is  a reverse  (and 
unexpected)  pattern  compared  to  that  in  the  southern  hemisphere.  This  is  possibly  related  to 
structural  differences  in  vegetation  patterns. 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 



I would  like  to  acknowledge  the  contribution  of  many  fellow  workers  in  the  research  field  and  in 

the  Queensland-Chinese  Academy  of  Sciences  (Q-CAS)  Project.  I am  especially  grateful  to  Prof 

Roger  Kitching,  Dr  Louise  Ashton,  Dr  A.  Nakamura  and  Dr  J.  Willott. 


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Nine  years  of  change  in  the  flora  of  Ellerburn  Bank,  a limestone 
grassland  in  the  North  York  Moors 

Peter  J.  Mayhew,  Susan  E.  Firth,  Paul  R.  Waites  and  the  Second-Year  Ecology  Field  Course. 

Department  of  Biology,  University  of  York,  Heslington,  York  YO10  5DD. 



Limestone  grassland  is  one  of  the  most  biodiverse  habitats  on  Earth  at  a small  scale  (Wilson  et 
a!.,  2012).  Floristic  richness  within  Europe  can  reach  80  species  per  m2  (Butaye  et  al.,  2005)  and 
many  plants  are  found  in  no  other  habitat.  Limestone  grassland  also  supports  important 
invertebrate  communities  as  well  as  specialist  birds  (UK  Steering  Group,  1998).  However,  it  is 
also  one  of  Europe's  most  threatened  habitats  (WallisDeVries  et  al.,  2002).  In  1998  there  was  a 
maximum  of  41,000  hectares  of  lowland  calcareous  grassland  remaining  in  the  UK  (UK  Steering 
Group,  loc.  cit.).  Loss  of  habitat  continues  from  forestry,  conversion  of  pastureland  to  crops  and 
land  abandonment  (WallisDeVries  et  al.,  loc.  cit.),  leading  to  reductions  in  the  area  and  increases 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

in  the  isolation  of  habitat  patches  (Fisher  & Stocklin,  1997).  Quality  reductions  come  from  the 
abandonment  of  traditional  agricultural  practices  leading  to  land-use  intensification  such  as 
increased  fertilization,  herbicides,  reseeding  and  frequent  or  early  mowing  (WallisDeVries  et  a!., 
loc.  cit.).  They  may  also  result  from  overgrazing,  undergrazing  leading  to  the  encroachment  of 
scrub,  Bracken  Pteridium  oquilinum  and  coarse  grasses  (Bobbink  & Willems,  1987),  and 
atmospheric  nitrogen  deposition  leading  to  loss  of  richness  (van  den  Berg  et  al. , 2011).  The 
latter  threats  mean  that  their  quality  may  decline  even  if  sites  are  enclosed  in  protected  areas, 
due  to  pervasive  forces  beyond  the  control  of  reserve  managers  (van  den  Berg  et  ol.,  loc.  cit.)  or 
as  a consequence  of  suboptimal  management.  Indeed,  JNCC  declared  that  only  29%  of  Sites  of 
Special  Scientific  Interest  (SSSI)  and  27%  of  Special  Areas  of  Conservation  (SAC)  on  lowland 
calcareous  grassland  in  the  UK  were  in  favourable  condition  in  2006,  below  the  average  for 
habitats  in  general  (Williams,  2006).  Optimal  management  is  difficult  to  achieve  because  the 
effects  of  different  practices  can  vary  depending  on  local  conditions  (Klimek  et  ol.,  2007)  and  the 
taxonomic  group  under  consideration  (WallisDeVries  et  ol.,  loc.  cit.). 

Ellerburn  Bank  is  a 2.91ha  grassland  site  sloping  south-east  on  oolitic  limestone  on  the  southern 
edge  of  the  North  York  Moors  near  Pickering  (SE853849:  VC62).  Despite  its  modest  size,  it  is  one 
of  the  most  extensive  areas  of  unimproved  limestone  grassland  remaining  in  the  North  York 
Moors  (Sykes,  1993).  It  was  notified  as  a SSSI  in  1983  and  has  been  managed  as  a nature  reserve 
by  the  Yorkshire  Wildlife  Trust  (YWT)  since  1966,  having  been  informally  managed  for  nature 
conservation  perhaps  for  the  previous  decade  (Yorkshire  Wildlife  Trust,  2012).  The  flora  and 
fauna  of  the  site  is  exceptional  for  the  region,  with  over  150  species  of  plant  recorded  (Sykes, 
loc.  cit.)  including  large  displays  of  Cowslip  Primula  veris  in  spring,  orchids  in  early  summer  (Plate 
1,  centre  pages)  and  Felwort  Gentianella  omorello  in  late  summer  (Leadley  & Richards,  2012). 
Flowering  plants  of  regional  note  include  Dropwort  Filipendulo  vulgaris,  Woolly  Thistle  Cirsium 
eriophorum,  Saw-wort  Serrotulo  tinctorio,  Fly  Orchid  Ophrys  insectifero  and  Greater  Butterfly 
Orchid  Plotonthero  chlorontho.  The  site  is  noted  for  its  extensive  Lepidoptera  fauna  (Frost, 
2005),  including  butterflies  of  regional  note  such  as  Dark  Green  Fritillary  Argynnis  oglojo  and 
Dingy  Skipper  Erynnis  toges,  and  the  site  also  supports  a population  of  Glow-worm  Lompyris 
noctiluco.  Management  of  the  reserve  currently  consists  of  low-intensity  winter  grazing  by 
Hebridean  sheep  (Leadley  & Richards,  loc.  cit.)  and  rotational  scrub  clearance  (often  burnt  on 
site).  The  site  is  listed  as  in  100%  favourable  condition  by  Natural  England  (2014)  and  light 
winter  grazing  is  its  official  management  advice  (English  Nature,  2004).  The  upper,  north- 
western margin  borders  an  agricultural  field  and  consists  of  a Bronze  Age  earthwork  (a  double 
ditch  and  bank)  partially  covered  with  Hawthorn  Crataegus  monogyna  and  Blackthorn  Prunus 
spinosa  scrub,  whilst  the  lower,  south-eastern  side  bordered  by  forestry,  consists  of  a patchwork 
of  taller  grass  and  Gorse  Ulex  europaeus  scrub  (Fig.  1,  Plate  lc,  centre  pages). 

From  1999  to  2011,  with  the  exception  of  2001  due  to  the  Foot-and-Mouth  disease  epidemic, 
the  bank  and  surrounding  areas  of  Dalby  Forest  were  visited  in  the  first  week  of  July  as  part  of 
the  second  year  Ecology  Field  Course  run  by  the  Department  of  Biology  at  the  University  of  York. 
In  the  early  years  of  this  field  course  it  was  noticed  that  one  of  the  taller  grasses,  False  Brome 
Brachypodium  sylvaticum,  common  around  the  scrubby  fringes  of  the  reserve,  also  occupied 
large  visible  patches  across  the  central  and  south-eastern  parts  of  the  pasture  where 
colonization  of  young  woody  scrub  plants  was  noticeable  (see  Plates  1(b),  1(c)  and  1(d),  centre 
pages).  It  was  decided  to  attempt  to  monitor  the  spread  of  False  Brome  and  woody  scrub  as  well 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


as  their  potential  effects  on  the  other  flora  from  year  to  year.  24  permanent  lm2 quadrats  (Fig  1) 
were  sited  throughout  an  area  where  small  woody  scrub  plants  and  False  Brome  were 
noticeable  in  2003,  from  which  time  they  were  systematically  surveyed  for  flowering  plants.  The 
quadrats  were  re-surveyed  in  five  of  the  nine  years  subsequent  to  that  (2004,  2005,  2008,  2009, 
2011).  Changes  to  the  structure  of  the  degree  programme  at  York  in  2012  necessitated  running 
the  field  course  earlier  in  the  year,  in  May  and  then  June.  Although  the  quadrats  were  surveyed 
in  2012  and  2013,  the  different  survey  dates  make  the  data  less  comparable  with  those  from 
previous  years  because  of  the  different  apparency  of  above-ground  parts  of  the  plants  used  for 
identification.  It  therefore  seems  timely  to  summarize  here  some  of  the  findings  from  the  initial 
years  of  survey  work. 

During  or  just  prior  to  the  years  of  study  reported  here,  the  following  management  on  the 
reserve  was  carried  out  (Yorkshire  Wildlife  Trust,  loc.  cit.):  in  February  1999,  a strip  of  Gorse 
adjacent  to  the  south-eastern  boundary  of  the  reserve,  extending  south-west  from  quadrats  5 
and  6 (Fig.  1),  was  removed  by  British  Trust  for  Conservation  Volunteers.  In  November  1999,  an 
area  of  Gorse  on  the  south-eastern  boundary  of  the  Reserve,  close  to  quadrats  18  and  22,  was 
probably  removed  by  contractors.  Other  small  areas  of  scrub  on  the  earthwork  and  Gorse 
further  south  from  the  study  quadrats  were  removed  in  1999.  In  October  2001,  because  of 
absence  of  grazing  due  to  the  Foot-and-Mouth  epidemic,  a strip  of  long  grass  along  the  north- 
eastern and  south-eastern  boundaries  of  the  reserve  was  mown.  This  may  have  encroached 
over  quadrats  5,  9,  10,  13,  18  and  22.  In  2003  an  area  of  Hawthorn  saplings  immediately  to  the 
north  of  quadrats  15,  20,  23,  and  24  was  removed  by  strimming.  In  January  2007  a small  area  of 
scrub  on  the  earthwork  was  cleared  by  a National  Park  volunteer  group.  In  October  2007  YWT 
staff  cut  and  treated  an  area  of  Gorse  to  the  north-east  of  the  study  quadrat  area  but  also  in  the 
vicinity  of  quadrats  17,  18,  21-24.  In  January/February  2008  the  Hobs  volunteer  group  also  cut 
and  burnt  an  extensive  area  of  scrub  along  the  earthwork  and  Gorse  close  to  quadrats  5,  6,  9 
and  10.  Bracken  was  cleared  along  the  north-eastern  reserve  boundary  in  1998  and  2008. 

From  1998  to  2004  a creep  grazing  regime  was  used,  which  saw  21  sheep  being  grazed 
progressively  on  three  enclosed  paddocks  on  the  centre  of  the  pasture,  from  south-west  to 
north-east,  the  last  of  which  covered  the  area  of  the  study  quadrats,  for  around  18  days  on  each 
during  the  winter  period.  An  extra  paddock  was  grazed  in  1999  extending  grazing  north-east.  In 
2003  grazing  pressure  was  increased  from  21  sheep  to  40  sheep  which  grazed  the  four 
successive  pastures,  still  in  a creep  grazing  routine.  From  2005-2010  a continuous  winter  grazing 
regime  was  used.  Approximately  30  Hebridean  sheep  were  located  on  the  site  between  October 
and  March.  Overall  then,  annual  grazing  was  the  main  management  activity  immediately 
affecting  the  quadrated  area,  though  some  scrub  removal  took  place  immediately  adjacent  to 
the  quadrated  area,  and  over  the  north-eastern  part  of  it  in  October  2007. 

In  this  article  we  first  summarize  the  community  of  flowering  plants  found  in  the  permanent 
quadrats.  We  then  test  four  hypotheses  of  vegetation  change  related  to  the  efficacy  of 
management  of  calcareous  grassland  sites  which  motivated  the  work:  that  False  Brome  is 
increasing  in  frequency  in  the  sampled  area;  that  woody  scrub  plants  are  increasing  in  frequency 
in  the  sampled  area;  that  richness  and  alpha  diversity  are  decreasing  over  time;  and  that  the 
Ellenberg  indicator  nitrogen  scores  (Hill  et  al.,  1999)  are  increasing  over  time. 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


Twenty-four  permanent  lm2  quadrats  were  sited  across  an  area  of  the  central  and  south-eastern 
parts  of  the  pasture  measuring  120m  x 40m  using  a stratified  random  design  (Fig  1,  Appendix  1). 
The  total  area  was  divided  into  twelve  20m  x 20m  units  and  two  lm2  quadrats  were  randomly 
sited  in  each.  The  corners  of  each  lm2  quadrat  were  marked  by  six  inch  steel  nails  hammered 
into  the  ground.  In  subsequent  years  the  quadrats  were  relocated  by  metal  detector,  aided  in 
later  years  by  the  use  of  a hand-held  GPS  receiver. 

Figure  1:  Map  of  the  northern  part  of  Ellerburn  Bank  showing  the  location  of  the  survey 

quadrats  and  local  surroundings. 

Plants  were  recorded  using  a semi-quantitative  method.  A gridded  quadrat  consisting  of  25 
divisions  of  20cm  x 20cm  was  placed  over  each  lm2  location.  Presence/absence  of  each  plant 
species  was  recorded  in  each  of  these  sub-units  of  the  quadrat  and  the  number  of  these 
subunits  totalled  to  give  an  occupancy  score  between  0 and  25,  representing  how  widely  that 
plant  occurred  in  each  quadrat.  This  method  allowed  year-to-year  consistency  and  is  relatively 
rapid,  given  that  surveying  had  to  be  completed  in  2-3  days  each  year  and  by  different  students 
in  each  year.  Leaf  shape  was  generally  sufficient  to  allow  accurate  identification  for  the  herbs 
but  presence  of  a grass  was  only  recorded  if  a flowering  stem  was  present,  allowing  accurate 
identification.  The  exceptions  were  Cock's-foot  Dactylis  glomerota,  whose  fleshy  leaves  are 
distinctive,  and  False  Brome,  whose  wide  tough  and  yellow  leaves  are  also  distinctive.  One  grass, 
Creeping  Bent  Agrostis  stolonifero,  was  also  initially  identified  by  leaf  alone  but  subsequent 
observations  cast  doubt  on  the  efficacy  of  this  identification  and  only  flowering  stems  were  used 
in  subsequent  years.  However,  because  of  this  inconsistency,  this  plant  is  eliminated  from  the 
analyses  below  requiring  occupancy  estimates.  Mosses  were  not  recorded. 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


Two  teams  of  two  students  conducted  the  surveying  each  year.  This  arrangement  facilitated 
speedy  recording  and  allowed  students  to  consult  each  other  in  case  of  doubt.  Each  team  was 
armed  with  a flower  guide  (Fitter  et  ol.,  1996)  and  a grass  guide  (Fitter  et  ol.,  1984),  along  with 
the  species  list  from  previous  years'  surveying.  In  addition,  each  team  received  close  tuition  on 
plant  identification  during  their  first  quadrats  from  the  first  author,  who  revisited  them  at 
approximately  hourly  intervals  during  surveying  to  handle  identification  queries.  All  students 
had  previously  participated  in  a class  quadrating  practical  on  the  bank  as  part  of  the  field  course, 
giving  them  some  experience  with  plant  identification.  Despite  this  effort  to  minimize 
identification  errors,  some  students  found  it  difficult  to  distinguish  some  plants  by  leaf  shape, 
particularly  Common  Knapweed  Centourea  nigro  and  Field  Scabious  Knautia  orvensis,  which  can 
have  quite  similar  leaves  to  the  inexperienced  eye.  Year-to-year  fluctuation  in  occupancy  may, 
therefore,  to  some  extent  reflect  year-to-year  variability  in  identification  error.  However, 
consistent  temporal  trends  are  still  likely  to  represent  real  changes  in  the  plant  community. 

The  community  composition  of  all  plants  within  quadrats  was  explored  graphically  using  Non- 
metric Multidimensional  Scaling  (NMDS),  implemented  using  the  metaMDS  function  in  the 
vegan  package  in  R (R  Core  Team,  2014).  NMDS  is  an  ordination  analysis  in  which  differences  in 
community  composition  are  summarized  in  a small  number  of  dimensions  (normally  two)  for 
ease  of  visualization.  Species  and  quadrats  close  together  in  a plot  of  the  NMDS  axes  show 
closer  associations  in  occupancy  across  quadrats.  Occupancy  data  were  logi0(x+l)  transformed 
prior  to  analysis. 

To  identify  if  woody  scrub  plants  and  False  Brome  were  associated  with  particular  plant 
communities,  the  herb  and  grass  occupancies  within  quadrats  were  subjected  to  Detrended 
Correspondence  Analysis  (DCA),  another  ordination  analysis,  using  the  decorana  function  in  the 
vegan  package  in  R.  The  analysed  data  omitted  False  Brome  and  woody  scrub  plants  and  were 
logi0(x+l)  transformed  prior  to  analysis,  with  rare  species  downweighted.  The  extracted  axis 
scores  for  each  quadrat  were  correlated  against  the  mean  occupancy  of  Hawthorn  and  False 
Brome  within  quadrats,  as  a statistical  test  of  association  between  those  species  and  the 
community  of  other  plants. 

Temporal  changes  in  the  occupancy  of  False  Brome,  of  woody  scrub  plants,  richness  and  alpha 
diversity  and  of  the  occupancy-weighted  Ellenberg  indicator  nitrogen  scores  (Hill  et  ol.,  loc.  cit.) 
were  analysed  by  linear  mixed  effect  models  with  repeated  measures,  with  quadrat  coded  as  a 
fixed  factor  repeat-measured  across  year,  and  with  year  as  a covariate.  Analysis  was  conducted 
in  SPSS  v.21.  Alpha  diversity  was  scored  using  Simpson's  index  on  the  occupancy  data,  which  is 
recommended  for  small  sample  sizes  (Magurran,  2004),  using  the  inverse  index  1/D,  where 
larger  values  indicate  a more  even  community,  in  which  species  have  more  similar  occupancies 
to  each  other;  Ellenberg  nitrogen  scores  for  flora  scale  from  1 (extremely  infertile)  to  9 
(extremely  fertile)  (Hill  et  ol.  loc.  cit.). 


The  plant  community 

A total  of  62  species  (Appendix  2)  was  recorded  over  the  six  survey  years,  comprising  42  forbs 
(of  which  6 were  legumes),  12  grasses,  1 sedge  and  7 woody  scrub  plants.  A rank  occupancy 
chart  (omitting  Creeping  Bent)  (Fig  2)  shows  that  the  most  common  twelve  plants  account  for 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

79%  of  the  average  occupancy  and  that  other  plants  have  very  low  occupancy.  These  twelve 
were,  in  decreasing  rank  occupancy  order,  Common  Bird's-foot-trefoil  Lotus  corniculotus, 
Glaucous  Sedge  Carex  flocco,  Salad  Burnet  Sanguisorbo  minor , Field  Scabious,  Rough  Hawkbit 
Leontodon  hispidus,  Quaking  Grass  Brizo  medio,  Cock's-foot,  Common  Knapweed,  Upright 
Brome  Bromopsis  erecto,  Lady's  Bedstraw  Go  Hum  verum,  Red  Clover  Trifolium  pratense,  False 
Brome,  Fairy  flax  Linum  cothorticum,  Ribwort  Plantain  Plontogo  lonceolota  and  Yellow  Oat-grass 
Trisetum  flovescens.  Several  of  these  are  central  to  the  entomological  interest  of  the  site,  with 
Common  Bird's-foot-trefoil  and  Red  Clover  supporting  Common  Blue  Butterfly  Polyommotus 
icorus,  Six-spotted  Burnet  Zygoeno  filipenduloe,  Narrow-bordered  Five-spotted  Burnet  Z. 
loniceroe,  Burnet  Companion  Euclidio  glyphico  and  Dingy  Skipper.  Cock's-foot  and  False  Brome 
are  favoured  foodplants  of  many  grass-feeding  butterflies,  including  Small  Skipper  Thymelicus 
sylvestris.  Other  recorded  plants  included  Hairy  Violet  Viola  hirto,  which  supports  Dark  Green 
Fritillary,  and  Common  Rock-rose  Helionthemum  nummulorium , which  supports  Brown  Argus 
Aricio  agestis,  whilst  in  the  recent  past  Cowslip  has  held  populations  of  Duke  of  Burgundy 
Homeoris  lucino  and  Milkwort  Polygolo  vulgaris  supported  Small  Purple-barred  Phytometro 
viridorio  (Sutton  & Beaumont,  1989).  The  woody  scrub  plants  were,  in  order  of  decreasing  rank 
occupancy:  Hawthorn,  Dog  Rose  Roso  conino,  Gorse,  brambles  Rubus  fruticosus  agg, 
Pedunculate  Oak  Quercus  robur,  Blackthorn  and  Scots  Pine  Pinus  sylvestris.  Other  plants  of  note 
for  their  vivid  floral  displays  include  Common  Spotted  Orchid  Doctylorrhizo  fuchsii  (see  Plate  I 
(a),  centre  pages)  and  Felwort;  and  the  regionally  scarce  Dropwort,  Fly  Orchid  (see  front  cover) 
and  Woolly  Thistle. 

25  -i 

Ra nk  ord e r occu paney 

Figure  2:  Rank  occupancy  plot  of  the  plant  species  recorded.  Precise  occupancy  values,  with 

standard  errors,  are  given  in  Appendix  2. 

An  ordination  of  quadrats  using  NMDS  shows  close  associations  between  the  twelve  most 
ubiquitous  plants,  as  expected  (Fig  3b):  those  with  low  scores  on  the  first  axis  (Fig  3a)  include 
Sweet  Vernal  Grass  Anthoxonthum  odorotum  (code  F),  Yorkshire  Fog  Holcus  lonotus  (code  b), 
Gorse  (code  Gg)  and  Wild  Strawberry  Frogorio  vesco  (code  W),  along  with  three  occasionals: 
Chickweed  Stellorio  medio  (code  z),  Woolly  Thistle  (code  0)  and  Bearded  Couch  Grass  Elymus 
coninus  (code  S),  whilst  on  the  opposite  end  of  the  first  axis  lie  Rockrose  (code  Z),  Meadow 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


Buttercup  Rononculus  acris  (code  u)  and  Blackthorn  (code  s),  which  tended  not  to  be  associated 
with  the  former  group.  On  the  second  axis,  the  lowest  scores  come  from  the  same  three 
occasionals  plus  Hogweed  Herocleum  sphondilium  (code  a)  and  Dog  Rose  (code  v).  At  the 
opposite  end  of  this  axis  are  Sweet  Vernal  Grass  (code  F),  Bramble  (code  w),  and  Sweet  Violet 
Viola  odorata  (Jj).  The  scrub  plants  (e.g.  Pedunculate  Oak,  code  t),  with  the  exception  of 
Hawthorn  (code  P),  tend  to  occur  on  the  fringes  of  the  core  set.  False  Brome  (code  H)  has  a 
slightly  negative  score  on  both  axes  and  is  most  closely  associated  with  Hogweed  (code  a), 
eyebrights  Euphrasia  officinalis  s.l.  (code  T)  and  Meadow  Vetchling  Lathyrus  pratensis  (code  e) 
within  the  core  community.  Plants  not  associated  with  False  Brome  include  Wild  Thyme  Thymus 
polytrichus,  Harebell  Campanula  rotundifolia,  Common  Rock-rose  and  Felwort.  Common 
Spotted  Orchid  (code  R)  is  associated  with  Goatsbeard  Tragopogon  pratensis  (code  Cc),  Upright 
Brome  Bromopsis  erecta  (code  J),  and  Quaking  grass  (code  I). 

A plot  of  the  first  two  DCA  axes  (scrub  plants  and  False  Brome  not  included)  (Figure  4)  shows 
similar  sets  of  species  associations.  The  mean  occupancy  of  False  Brome  within  a quadrat  was 
significantly  positively  correlated  with  the  DCA1  score  for  that  quadrat  (rs  = 0.44,  n = 24,  P = 
0.03)  but  not  any  of  the  other  DCA  axis  scores.  The  mean  occupancy  of  Hawthorn  within  a 
quadrat  was  significantly  positively  correlated  with  the  DCA2  score  for  that  quadrat  (rs=  0.47,  n = 
24,  P = 0.02)  but  not  with  any  of  the  other  DCA  axis  scores. 

Figure  3.  Non-metric  Multidimensional  Scaling  (NMDS)  plots  of  the  plant  communities  sampled. 

Figure  3a.  Species  (letter  codes  identified  in  Appendix  2)  are  filled  circles  and  quadrats  are 
open  circles.  The  central  box  is  the  area  plotted  below. 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


Figure  3b.  The  centre  of  the  plot  denoted  by  the  box  in  Fig.  3a  at  a finer  axis  scale,  with 
quadrats  also  identified  by  number  used  in  Fig.l  and  Appendix  1,  and  species  identified  by 
letter  codes  in  Appendix  2. 

Figure  4:  Detrended  Correspondence  Analysis  plot  of  the  plant  communities  sampled,  showing 
axes  1 and  2. 


Figure  4a.  Species  letter  codes  identified  in  Appendix  2 are  filled  circles  and  quadrats  are 
open  circles.  The  central  box  is  the  area  plotted  below. 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


Figure  4b.  The  centre  of  the  plot  denoted  by  the  box  in  Fig.  4a  at  a finer  axis  scale,  with 
quadrats  also  identified  by  number  used  in  Fig.  1 and  Appendix  1,  and  species  identified  by 
letter  codes  in  Appendix  2. 

Changes  through  time 

The  lm2  quadrats  varied  in  mean  plant  species  richness  from  16  to  23,  with  the  lowest  value  in 
any  year  being  14  and  highest  28,  a two-fold  difference  (Appendix  3).  A linear  mixed  effects 
model  showed  that  richness  per  quadrat  significantly  increased  slightly  over  time  at  a rate  of 
about  0.2  species  per  year  (F  = 10.2,  df  = 1,36,  P = 0.003)  and  differed  amongst  quadrats  (F  = 
5.21,  df  = 23,  36,  P < 0.001).  Richness  was  not  correlated  with  the  occupancy  of  False  Brome  (rs  = 
-0.202,  n - 24,  P = 0.345)  nor  with  the  commonest  scrub  plant:  Hawthorn  (rs=  0.387,  n = 24,  P = 

Simpson's  diversity  (1/D),  calculated  on  occupancy  within  lm2  quadrats,  varied  from  an  average 
of  9.9  to  15.0  with  the  highest  value  in  any  year  being  18.1  and  lowest  value  6.5  (Appendix  3),  a 
nearly  three-fold  difference.  A linear  mixed  effects  model  showed  that  diversity  per  quadrat 
increased  slightly  but  significantly  over  time  at  a rate  of  about  0.2  units  per  year  (F  =22.68,  df  = 
1,33,  P < 0.001)  and  differed  amongst  quadrats  (F  = 6.31,  df  = 23, 11,  P = 0.002).  Simpson's  index 
was  not  significantly  correlated  with  either  False  Brome  occupancy  (rs=  -0.053,  n = 24,  P = 0.806) 
or  the  occupancy  of  the  commonest  scrub  species  (Hawthorn)  (rs  = 0.173,  n = 24,  P = 0.418). 

Weighted  average  Ellenberg  nitrogen  scores  per  quadrat  varied  from  3.1  to  3.6  across  quadrats, 
with  the  highest  annual  figure  being  3.9  and  lowest  2.9  (Appendix  3).  A linear  mixed  effects 
model  showed  a small  but  significant  decline  (0.01  units  per  year)  in  average  nitrogen  scores 
over  time  ( F - 4.22,  df  = 1,  54,  P = 0.045)  and  a significant  difference  between  quadrats  (F  = 9.27, 
df  = 23,  85,  p<  0.001). 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

Quadrats  varied  considerably  in  their  occupancy  by  False  Brome,  from  zero  in  all  years  in  one 
quadrat  to  a mean  of  over  21  in  another,  with  25  reached  in  at  least  one  year  by  four  quadrats 
(Appendix  3).  A linear  mixed  effects  model  shows  no  significant  effect  of  year  on  False  Brome 
occupancy  (F  = 0.341,  df  = 1,  68,  P = 0.561),  though  occupancy  differed  between  quadrats  (F  = 
27.5,  df  = 23,  92,  P < 0.001).  This  suggests  that  the  quantity  of  False  Brome  shows  no  overall 
trend  from  year  to  year,  though  it  differs  from  place  to  place. 

Quadrats  varied  in  their  woody  scrub  species  occupancy  from  zero  in  all  years  in  two  quadrats  to 
a highest  average  of  11.5,  with  the  highest  value  reached  in  a single  year  being  20  (Appendix  3). 
Occupancies  were  square  root  transformed  prior  to  analysis  to  normalize  the  variance.  There 
was  no  significant  effect  of  year  on  scrub  species  occupancy  (F  = 2.803,  df  = 1,  64,  P = 0.099)  but 
occupancy  differed  between  quadrats  (F  = 12.1,  df  = 23,  110,  P < 0.001).  This  suggests  that  the 
quantity  of  scrub  shows  no  overall  trend  from  year  to  year,  though  it  differs  from  place  to  place. 


The  data  presented  here  do  not  suggest  that  False  Brome  or  woody  scrub  plants  have  noticeably 
increased  across  the  sampled  area  of  Ellerburn  Bank  over  the  period  investigated,  but  both 
groups  of  plants  are  well  represented  in  the  quadrats.  The  spread  of  woody  scrub  through 
succession  to  a woodland  climax  (Tansley,  1922)  is  a well-known  reason  for  the  loss,  and 
reduction  in  quality,  of  calcareous  grassland  in  Europe  and  requires  careful  management 
(Butuye  et  al.,  loc.  cit.).  At  Ellerburn  Bank,  two  interventions  are  taken  to  reduce  scrub  invasion: 
winter  grazing  by  sheep  (Leadley  & Richards,  loc.  cit.;  YWT,  loc.  cit.)  and  less  frequent  cutting  by 
hand.  In  addition,  grazing  by  wild  vertebrates  such  as  deer  and  Rabbits  Oryctolagus  cuniculus 
occurs.  The  optimal  level  of  scrub  removal  is  hard  to  gauge.  At  Ellerburn  Bank,  the  central  area 
of  pasture,  including  the  area  covered  by  the  quadrats,  is  intended  to  be  maintained  as 
calcareous  grassland,  leaving  scrub  to  the  fringes  of  the  reserve.  Hence,  it  would  probably  be 
preferred  if  there  were  no  scrub  at  all  over  the  quadrated  area.  The  fact  that  scrub  maintains  a 
noticeable  and  constant  presence  indicates  that  the  current  level  of  grazing  should  not  be 
lowered  in  future,  otherwise  one  could  expect  scrub  to  encroach  more  rapidly  over  the  pasture, 
necessitating  further  targeted  cutting  activity  in  order  to  maintain  the  quantity  of  grassland. 
Higher  levels  of  grazing  may  help  reduce  the  problem  of  scrub  encroachment  from  the  fringes, 
but  may  harm  flora  less  tolerant  of  grazing  or  trampling.  The  scrub  around  the  fringes  is 
tolerated  as  it  provides  wind  shelter  and  a mosaic  of  taller  vegetation,  adding  structural  and 
biological  diversity  to  the  site  that  is  necessary  for  many  of  the  grassland  invertebrates. 
Although  the  management  plan  (YWT,  loc.  cit.)  calls  for  annual  removal  of  parcels  of  scrub  from 
the  earthwork  and  south-eastern  boundary,  in  practice  such  interventions  have  been  less 
frequent,  perhaps  meaning  that  sources  of  scrub  seeds  that  can  encroach  over  the  meadow  are 
more  numerous  than  would  be  ideal,  and  that  the  shorter-growth  regenerating  areas  are 
actually  encroaching  onto  the  pasture  rather  than  remaining  around  the  fringes  of  the  reserve. 

One  of  the  possible  negative  consequences  of  limited  scrub  invasion  is  that  it  facilitates  the 
spread  of  coarse  grasses,  such  as  False  Brome.  This  was  one  of  the  plants  found  to  have 
significantly  increased  in  calcareous  grasslands  in  Dorset  in  recent  decades  (Newton  et  al., 
2011).  Despite  being  abundant  in  our  quadrats,  this  study  provides  no  evidence  for  a recent 
increase  on  Ellerburn  Bank.  Nine  years  is  a relatively  short  timescale  compared  to  the  timescale 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


of  decades  on  which  Newton's  study  was  based,  and  yet  the  data  solidly  reject  any  rapid 
increase  but  suggest  that  once  established,  False  Brome  does  not  inevitably  continue  to  spread. 

False  Brome  occupancy  was  significantly  correlated  with  the  first  DCA  axis  (Fig.  4)  whilst 
Hawthorn  was  significantly  correlated  with  the  second.  This  suggests  that  both  are  non- 
randomly  distributed  in  relation  to  the  other  plants  in  the  community.  Non-random  associations 
in  space  could  be  caused  by  a number  of  different  factors,  including  proximity  to  a seed  or 
vegetative  growth  source,  establishment  success  and  competitive  exclusion  of  other  plants. 
Since  these  studies  were  observational  rather  than  experimental,  it  is  difficult  to  distinguish 
these  different  possibilities,  although  competitive  exclusion  of  stress-tolerating  plants  by 
competitors  would  be  expected  (Newton  et  ol.,  loc.  cit.).  NMDS  (Fig.  3)  suggests  that  False 
Brome  tends  not  to  be  associated  with  several  low-growing  stress-tolerators  such  as  Wild 
Thyme,  Harebell,  Common  Rock-rose,  Felwort  and  Rough  Hawkbit  but  that  it  is  more  associated 
with  Hogweed,  Meadow  Vetchling,  Eyebright  and  Yellow  Oat-grass.  Whatever  the  causes  of 
these  associations,  these  data  do  suggest  that  potential  winners  and  losers  were  the  frequency 
of  False  Brome  to  either  increase  or  decrease  further,  and  they  also  suggest  what  is  added  and 
lost  through  allowing  a certain  quantity  of  False  Brome  to  establish  on  site.  Given  that  False 
Brome  persists  anyway  around  the  scrubby  fringes  of  the  reserve,  there  is  an  argument  for 
increasing  the  intensity  of  grazing  and  scrub  removal  to  avoid  further  establishment  of  False 
Brome  across  the  grassland  at  the  expense  of  the  shorter  stress-tolerators. 

Apart  from  scrub  invasion,  one  further  reason  to  expect  increases  in  False  Brome  frequency  is 
the  deposition  of  atmospheric  nitrogen  leading  to  eutrophication  (Newton  et  ol .,  loc.  cit.,  van 
den  Berg  et  al.,  loc.  cit.).  Sampling  from  across  the  UK  has  shown  that  nitrogen  deposition 
significantly  predicts  reductions  in  floral  diversity  and  evenness  and  the  absence  of  rare  plants. 
Being  on  the  North  York  Moors,  Ellerburn  Bank  is  expected  to  receive  a high  nitrogen  deposition 
load,  estimated  at  20.4  kgha'V 1 in  2008  (data  from  the  Centre  for  Ecology  and  Hydrology  in  van 
den  Berg  et  ol.,  loc.  cit.).  This  is  within  the  range  of  critical  loads  for  adverse  effects  on 
calcareous  grassland  based  on  field  experiments  (Bobbink  et  ol.,  2010).  Comparisons  of  two  long 
term  quadrats  on  the  bank  between  1990  and  2008  showed  a slight  increase  in  Shannon 
diversity,  a slight  decrease  in  evenness  and  a slight  reduction  in  richness  (data  from  van  den  Berg 
et  ol.,  loc.  cit.,  courtesy  of  Leon  van  den  Berg).  The  majority  of  managed  sites  in  the  UK  with  a 
similar  nitrogen  load  actually  increased  in  richness  and  evenness  over  the  same  time  period, 
whilst  several  decreased  (van  den  Berg  et  ol.,  loc.  cit.,  their  Fig.  3),  and  those  that  increased 
tended  to  have  a higher  soil  pH.  In  addition,  those  that  experienced  an  increase  in  grazing 
pressure  tended  to  experience  reductions  in  their  average  Ellenberg  nitrogen  index.  Ellerburn 
Bank  is  sited  on  shallow,  free-draining  alkaline  soil  and  experienced  an  estimated  increase  in 
grazing  pressure  between  1990  and  2008  of  approximately  four  times  (data  from  van  den  Berg 
et  ol.,  loc.  cit.).  Grazing  is  likely  to  be  the  chief  intervention  responsible  for  the  (slight)  downward 
trajectory  of  the  Ellenberg  nitrogen  scores  shown  in  the  present  study,  and  this  adds  to  the 
above  arguments  for  at  least  maintaining  the  current  level  of  grazing  pressure.  If,  as  expected, 
nitrogen  deposition  remains  a problem  in  the  future,  grazing  should  probably  be  increased  to 

Part  of  the  interest  in  maintaining  the  flora  of  the  reserve  is  the  conservation  of  the  invertebrate 
community  that  depends  on  it.  The  butterflies  have  received  most  attention  in  this  regard;  a 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

monitoring  transect  begun  in  2010  (YWT,  loc.  cit.)  showed  that  the  most  abundant  species  were 
Small  White  Pieris  ropae,  Green-veined  White  Pieris  nopi  (ubiquitous  species  not  relying  on  the 
calcareous  grassland  but  visiting  flowers  such  as  Knapweeds  and  Scabious),  Meadow  Brown 
Maniolo  jurtino  and  Small  Heath  Coenonympho  pomphilus  (both  grass  feeders).  Small  Skipper  is 
another  common  grass-feeder.  Dingy  Skipper  and  Common  Blue  are  other  abundant  butterflies, 
and  both  rely  on  the  Common  Bird's-foot-Trefoil  which  our  quadrats  show  to  be  one  of  the  most 
abundant  plants  in  the  calcareous  grassland.  Common  Rock-rose  (supporting  Brown  Argus), 
Milkwort  (supporting  Small  Purple-barred  moth),  and  violets  (supporting  Dark  Green  Fritillary) 
are  frequent  but  less  dominant  components  of  the  community;  both  Common  Rock-rose  and 
violets  are  more  common  on  the  earthwork  than  in  the  area  of  our  quadrats  but  management 
needs  to  take  account  of  them  given  that  these  butterflies  are  less  common  on  site  and 
regionally.  Should  the  Duke  of  Burgundy  ever  return  to  the  vicinity,  it  will  still  find  abundant 

Taken  together,  our  results  suggest  that  current  management  of  the  calcareous  grassland  at 
Ellerburn  Bank  is  currently  sufficient  to  offset  the  deleterious  effects  of  atmospheric  nitrogen 
deposition,  but  a significant  presence  of  woody  scrub  and  False  Brome  persists,  which  is 
probably  undesirable  away  from  the  reserve  fringes.  There  is  a case  for  more  frequent  scrub 
removal  at  the  reserve  fringes  and  increased  grazing  pressure  on  the  grassland  to  prevent 
further  encroachment  of  scrub  and  the  effects  of  atmospheric  nitrogen  deposition.  Intermittent 
monitoring  will  be  necessary  in  future  to  gauge  whether  the  current  situation  continues.  To 
facilitate  this,  we  have  provided  details  of  the  permanent  quadrat  locations  in  Appendix  1,  a 
summary  of  the  species'  occupancies  from  our  survey  in  Appendix  2,  and  the  average  properties 
of  the  quadrats  in  Appendix  3.  Future  monitoring  work  could  also  specifically  target  the  plant 
species  of  regional  note  (such  as  Fly  Orchid  and  Woolly  Thistle)  which  were  not  best  surveyed 
using  the  present  methods,  but  which  should  feature  highly  in  management  priorities. 


We  thank  Bill  Ely  and  an  anonymous  referee  for  comments  and  corrections  on  the  manuscript; 
the  Yorkshire  Wildlife  Trust,  Forest  Enterprise  and  the  Thornton  Dale  Estate  for  permission  to 
work  at  Ellerburn  Bank;  Graham  Young,  Phil  Dunning  and  Jim  Cooper  from  York  Metal  Detecting 
Club  for  annual  assistance  in  relocating  the  quadrats;  Alastair  Fitter  for  initial  identification 
assistance  and  discussion  of  ideas  about  False  Brome;  Leon  van  den  Berg  for  providing  data  on 
past  Ellerburn  surveys;  Jeremy  Searle,  who  first  decided  to  bring  the  field  course  to  Ellerburn; 
and  the  many  students  whose  surveying  work  is  recorded  here  and  whose  enthusiasm  and 
energy  combined  with  the  wonderful  location  to  make  it  a very  enjoyable  enterprise. 


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The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

Appendix  1.  Locations  of  permanent  quadrats  on  Ellerburn  Bank.  Quadrat  number  refers  to 
identities  on  the  map  in  Fig.  1 and  in  Fig.  3b. 

Appendix  2.  Complete  plant  list  and  mean  (SE)  occupancy  (out  of  25)  per  quadrat.  Species  are 
assigned  a letter  code  identifying  them  in  the  ordination  plots  (Figures  3 & 4). 

Species  (code) 




Species  (code) 




Species  (code) 




millefolium  (A) 


vulgaris  (V) 


Primula  veris 



eupatoria  (B) 


Fragaria  vesca 


vulgaris  (r) 


capillarum  (C) 


Galium  verum  (X) 


Prunus  spinosa 


stolon  if  era  (D) 


amarella  (Y) 


Quercus  robur 


pyramidal  is  (E) 


nummularium  (Z) 


acris  (u) 


odoratum  (F) 


sphondylium  (a) 


Rosa  canina  (v) 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


Anthyllis  1.76(0.52) 

vulneraria  (G) 

Holcus  lonotus  0.74(0.25) 

Brochypodium  7.76(1.45) 
sylvaticum  (H) 

Briza  media  (I)  11.08(0.52) 

| Bromopsis  j 8.44(0.99) 

e recto  (J) 

j Camponulo  0.08(0.05) 
rotund  if  olio  (K) 

Knoutio  12.72(0.56) 

arvensis  (c) 


fruticosus  agg. 

minor  (x) 




Carexflocco  (L)  18.99(0.58) 

Centoureo  10.23(0.90) 
nigra  (M) 

Centoureo  0.45(0.16) 

scobioso  (N) 

Cirsium  0.05(0.05) 

eriophorum  (0]j 
Crataegus  \ 1.93(0.43) 

monogyno  (P) 

Doctylis  1 10  38(0.55) 

glomeroto  (Q) 

Doctylorrhizo  2.46(0.44) 

fuschii  (R) 

Elymus  coninus  0.01(0.01) 


Euphrasia  0.13(0.77) 

officinalis  agg. 


Festuca  rubra  1.82(0.24) 


macro ntha  (d) 


columbaria  (y) 


pratensis  (e) 


r—  ~~  ~ ■ *-] 

Stellaria  media 


hispidus  (f) 


officinale  agg. 



catharticum  (g) 






Listera  ovata 


pratensis  (Cc) 



corniculatus  (i) 


Tri folium 
pratense  (Dd) 


lupulina  (j) 


re pens  (Ee) 


insectifera  (k) 


f lave  see  ns  (Ff) 


officinarum  (1) 



europaeus  (Gg) 


saxifraga  (m) 






Pin  us  sylvestris 


Viola  hirta  (li) 


lanceolata  (o) 


Viola  odorata 



vulgaris  (p) 


r— — — ™— — 

Appendix  3.  Changes  in  the  lm2  quadrats  across  years.  Quadrats  are  identified  by  their  number 
in  Appendix  1.  Numbers  in  each  cell  denote  species  richness,  Simpson's  diversity  (1/D), 
occupancy  weighted  Ellenberg  nitrogen  score,  False  Brome  occupancy,  and  woody  scrub  species 









21,  11.24, 
3.85,  7,  4 

23,  15.22, 
3.43,  11,  7 

21,  12.77, 
3.59,  7,  5 

24,  14.65, 
3.48,4,  6 

24,  12.72, 
3.40,  5,  7 

22,  15.25, 
3.41,  11,  7 


17,  6.47, 
3.50,  24,  4 

17,  9.56,  3.66, 

21,  11.72, 
3.63,  24,  3 

21,  11.43, 

17,  12.62, 
3.69,  19,  7 

19,  11.32, 
3.67,  14,  9 


19,  11.22, 
3.67,  20,  0 

17,  10.63, 

21,  14.80, 
3.57,  16,  0 

21,  13.93, 
3.48,  15,  0 

22,  14.06, 
3.54,  20,  0 

20,  13.60, 
3.43,  16,  0 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


22,  10.66, 
3.44,  0,  11 

0,  10 

18,  10.75, 
3.41,  0,  10 

19,  12.24, 
3.19,  1,  11 

24,  15.62, 
3.43,  4,  20 

23,  13.68, 
3.35,  3,  7 


23,  14.95, 
3.61,  0,  7 

23,  14.44, 
3.49,  2,  3 

20,  12.48, 
3.55,  4,3 

26,  14.71, 
3.31,  4,  2 

19,  14.18, 
3.62,  4,4 

23,  14.23, 
3.41,  1,  3 


22,  10.41, 
3.60,  5,  3 

23,  11.84, 
3.38,  8,  2 

22,  12.56,  20,  11.04, 

3.65,  3,  2 3.65,  7,  2 

24,  14.05, 
3.39,  9,  2 

25,  14.73, 
3.64,  13,  2 


21,  11.00, 
3.49,  10,  0 

17,  11.66, 
3.11,  15,0 

21,  12.88, 
3.47,  11,  0 

20,  13.24, 
3.24,  15,  0 

13,  11.19, 
3.36,  18,  0 

18,  12.28, 
3.29,  17,  0 


17,  8.48, 
3.44,  22,  0 

17,  9.65,  3.15, 

19, 12.57, 
3.42,  17,  0 

21,  12.78, 
3.42,  19,  0 

18, 11.18, 
3.23,  20,  1 

23,  12.66, 
3.31,  23,  1 



19,  11.37, 
3.29,  22,  1 

15,  9.29,  3.36, 

21,  12.76, 
3.50,  23,  4 

22,  13.56, 
3.32,  15,4 

21,  12.51, 

15,  11.52, 
3.42,  21,  3 


26,  15.54, 
3.40,  24,  1 

17,  10.34, 
3.40,  25,  0 

22,  13.78, 
3.31,  6,1 

18,  12.36, 

16,  10.82, 
3.33,  10,  1 

20,  12.56, 
3.44,  10,  1 


26,  16.19, 
3.47,  10,  1 

19,  10.69, 
3.14,  8,0 

18,  11.81, 
3.64,  8,  0 

19,  13.39, 

25, 17.65, 
3.33,  10,  2 

23, 13.84, 
3.44,  12,  1 


21, 10.86, 

3.27,  1,  2 

20, 10.87, 
3.21,  2,  2 

24,  15.60, 

3.40,  4,  0 

' ' : 

25,  15.15, 
3.37,  9,  4 

17,  11.57, 
3.68,  1,  0 

20,  11.78, 
3.42,  2,  1 



21,13.65,  j 24,  17.07, 
3.24,1,0  3.01,3,0 

22,  13.76, 
3.10,  0,0 

22,  13.85, 
2.94,  4,  1 
28,  16.90, 
3.74,  19,  5 

16,  10.82, 
3.33,  10,  1 

22,  14.73, 
2.97,  0,  2 

3.34,  2,  2 

21,  12.70, 
3.35,  0,  2 

25,  12.61, 
3.58,  0,  0 

16,  9.93, 
3.43,  1,  0 

20,  14.08, 
3.71,  4,  2 

15  j 

18,  11.61, 
3.17,  0,  0 

18, 12.54, 
3.23,  0,  2 

19,  11.51, 
! 3.41,  0,  0 

21,  13.05, 
3.28,  7,  0 

19,  11.10, 
3.15,  1,0 

20,  11.88, 
3.17,  4,  3 


I J 

20,  11.79, 
3.31,  8,  0 

24,  15.48, 
3.31,  14,  2 

28,  16.54, 
3.31,  7,4 

26,  18.09, 
3.35,  10,  2 

19,  13.49, 
3.35,  18,  3 

25,  14.73, 
3.23,  15,  1 







2.97, 1,2  1,1 
20,11.42,  22,12.62, 

3.26,14,1  3.09,1,0 

3.36,  3,  0 
26,  15.87, 

3.45,  9,  1 

20,  10.82, 
3.16,  0,  3 

20,  11.57, 
3.08,  0,  7 

28,  17.39, 
3.38,  0,  3 

24,  11.78, 
3.21,  0,4 
14,  8.85, 
3.42,  2,  1 

21,  12.78, 
3.42,  0,  4 
20,  12.25, 
3.36,  3,  5 

22,  12.47, 
3.55,  7,  2 

19,  10.53, 
3.54,  5,  2 
19,  10.04^  |l7,  10.13, 
3.30,  0,  0 [ 3.20,  0,  3 
2l7 10.45,  [l6,  9597^87, 
3.03,  0,  0 0,  0 

16,  11.02, 
3.47,  0,  3 
25,  12.79, 
3.01,  6,  1 
20,  12.07, 
3.66,  6,  3 

23,  12.10, 

3.46,  2,  0 
20,  12.02, 
3.21,  0,  0 

3.31,  0,  3 
21,  12.64, 
3.23,  8, 1 
21,  10.98, 
2.98,  1,  1 
25,  15.56, 
3.35,  0,  5 
21,  13.91, 

3.46,  0,  6 
20, 11.39, 

D.±  / , / , U 

24, 12.97, 
3.38,  0,  0 
17,  12.42, 
3.12,  5,0 

2.95,  5,0 

20, 11.88, 

3.14,  7,  1 
20,  13.22, 

3.14,  0,5 

20,  12.73, 

3.15,  0,  4 

21,  12.16, 
3.33,  1,  5 
21,  13.24, 

3.47,  9,  0 
3.24,  1,  0 

2.91,  2, 1 

23,  15.44, 
3.20,  10,  2 
27,  12.08, 
3.04,  0,  4 

24,  14.63, 
3.10,  0,  6 
19,  12.30, 
3.17,  1,  0 
24,  14.38, 

3.47,  10,  0 

19,  12.35, 

3.16,  0,  1 

15,  10.04, 
3.10,  0,2 

19,  11.27, 
3.03,  0,  1 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


Local  effects  of  climate  change  - has  the  date  of  first 
emergence  changed  in  several  species  of  Lepidoptera  in 
Yorkshire  during  the  period  1995  to  2014? 

David  R.  R.  Smith1  and  Heather  A.  R.  Smith 

department  of  Psychology,  University  of  Hull,  Hull,  HU6  7RX,  UK. 



The  Earth  has  undergone  a period  of  sustained  growth  in  global  average  temperature  from  the 
early  twentieth  century  onwards  (Stott  et  oi,  2000;  IPCC,  2013).  The  impact  of  substantial 
climate  change  upon  Lepidoptera  includes  such  changes  as  shifts  in  first  emergence  date  and 
peak  flight  date,  in  flight  period  length  and  pattern,  in  voltinism,  abundance,  distribution,  etc. 
(e.g.,  Sparks  & Yates,  1997;  Roy  & Sparks,  2000;  Asher  et  oi,  2001;  Diamond  et  oi,  2011; 
Karlsson,  2014).  Given  that  climate  change  is  likely  to  affect  all  flora  and  fauna  to  a greater  or 
lesser  extent,  and  that  each  species  lies  in  the  middle  of  a complex  web  of  interdependencies 
with  the  rest  of  nature,  the  way  that  climate  change  ramifies  upon  any  given  species  may  not  be 

Yorkshire  is  a particularly  interesting  arena  to  test  for  the  effect  of  global  temperature  increases 
upon  butterfly  emergence  patterns,  lying  as  it  does  at  a sufficiently  northerly  latitude  (between 
53°  18'  N and  54°  40'  N)  that  many  butterflies  are  (or  were)  at  the  northern  edge  of  their  range 
where  they  are  particularly  sensitive  to  climate  change.  Interestingly,  in  the  last  few  decades,  we 
have  seen  butterflies  once  rare  or  absent  in  Yorkshire,  such  as  the  Comma  Polygonio  c-olbum, 
Speckled  Wood  Porarge  oegerio  and  Holly  Blue  Celostrina  orgiolus,  sweep  northwards  to 
become  commonplace  (Asher  et  oi,  2001;  Fox  et  oi,  2007).  Butterflies  are  poikilothermic,  and 
are  heavily  dependent  on  external  air  temperature  and  incident  sunlight  to  raise  their  body 
temperature  to  levels  at  which  they  are  able  to  mate  and  lay  eggs  (at  least  18-28°C).  During 
winter  months,  butterflies  enter  diapause  - a period  of  physiological  dormancy  to  survive  colder 
temperatures  - in  a variety  of  overwintering  states  (e.g.,  Brown  Hairstreak  Theclo  betuloe,  egg; 
Meadow  Brown  Maniola  jurtino,  larva;  Orange-tip  Anthochoris  cordomines,  pupa;  Brimstone 
Gonepteryx  rhomni,  adult).  As  global  surface  temperatures  have  increased  since  the  early 
twentieth  century  onwards  (IPCC,  2013),  this  has  coincided  with  earlier  emergence  (e.g.,  Sparks 
& Yates,  1997;  Roy  & Sparks,  2000),  perhaps  because  the  insects  are  awakened  from  diapause  at 
an  earlier  point  of  the  year. 

We  wished  to  (a)  quantify  date  of  first  emergence  of  a range  of  butterfly  species  in  Yorkshire 
from  1995  to  2014,  (b)  investigate  what  changes  in  temperature  there  might  have  been  in 
Yorkshire  over  the  same  time  period  and  (c),  explore  the  relationship  between  date  of  first 
emergence  and  temperature.  The  years  between  1995  and  2014  represent  the  longest  range 
over  which  we  have  detailed  and  plentiful  records  of  butterflies  in  Yorkshire,  representing  a 
period  of  time  of  sufficient  length  to  potentially  demonstrate  historical  change  in  phenology 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

(Roy  & Sparks,  2000)  and  is  the  first  systematic  analysis  of  local  effects  of  climate  change  upon 
date  of  first  emergence  in  Yorkshire's  butterflies. 

The  criteria  for  the  choice  of  species  were  that  the  butterflies  should  be  a mix  of  habitat 
generalists  and  specialists,  have  an  early  spring  emergence,  be  easily  identifiable  by  recorders, 
should  not  overwinter  as  adults,  should  be  from  different  families  and  be  present  in  sufficiently 
large  numbers  so  as  not  to  invite  sampling  problems.  Some  of  these  choices  are  motivated  by 
pragmatic  reasons,  such  as  a wish  to  increase  our  sampling  pool,  to  reduce  opportunities  for 
recorder  misidentifications1  and  to  discount  early  sightings  of  hibernating  adults  due  to  physical 
disturbance  or  one-off  warm  days.  The  choice  of  having  a mix  of  generalists  and  specialists, 
across  a range  of  families,  is  to  strengthen  the  applicability  of  our  results  to  all  butterflies. 
Finally,  studies  have  shown  that  earlier  emergence  of  butterfly  species  is  especially  marked  for 
spring  species  (Sparks  & Yates,  1997;  Roy  & Sparks,  2000).  As  such,  we  chose  a 'Nymphalid' 
(Nymphalidae),  the  Speckled  Wood;  a 'Blue'  (Lycaenidae),  the  Holly  Blue  ; a 'White'  (Pieridae), 
the  Orange-tip  Anthocharis  cordomines;  and  a 'Skipper'  (Hesperidae),  the  Dingy  Skipper  Erynnis 


We  searched  the  Butterfly  Conservation  database  for  records  of  our  target  species  for  the  period 
1995  to  2014  from  the  five  Watsonian  vice-counties  (VC61-VC65)  traditionally  comprising  the 
county  of  Yorkshire  for  recording  purposes.  For  each  year  we  found  the  dates  of  the  five  earliest 
records  of  each  target  species  and  took  the  mean.  This  provided  a reasonably  unbiased  estimate 
of  each  year's  date  of  first  emergence  for  each  species. 

We  analysed  the  butterfly  data  using  a bivariate  Pearson's  correlation,  with  the  variables  of  year 
of  recording  and  mean  date  of  the  five  earliest  records  for  each  year.  We  are  interested  in 
exploring  how  date  of  first  emergence  and  year  co-vary,  so  we  adopted  a non-directional  two- 
tailed  analysis.  The  equation  of  the  best-fitting  line  (least  squares  linear  regression)  to  the  data 
was  used  for  the  purposes  of  quantifying  changes  in  date  of  first  emergence.  This  general 
statistical  approach  was  used  to  analyse  local  and  regional  temperature  data  series  (variables 
year  of  recording  and  temperature),  and  to  compare  temperature  and  date  of  first  emergence. 


Date  of  first  emergence  was  significantly  inversely  related  to  recording  year  for  Speckled  Wood 
(r(16)  I -0.52,  95%  BCa  Cl  [-0.824,  -0.057],  p = 0.027),  Orange-tip  (r(18)  = -0.57,  95%  BCa  Cl  [- 
0.781,  -0.261],  p = 0.009),  Dingy  Skipper  (r(18)  = -0.45,  95%  BCa  Cl  [-0.747,  -0.180],  p = 0.049), 
and  insignificantly  related  to  recording  year  for  Holly  Blue  (r(18)  = -0.19,  95%  BCa  Cl  [-0.680, 
0.422],  p = 0.422  NS).  The  scatter  plots  and  lines  of  best-fit  (linear  regression)  are  shown  in 
Figure  1.: 

1 Small  Whites  Pieris  rapae  and  female  Green-veined  Whites  Pieris  napi  being  an  obvious 
misidentification  pair 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


Recording  Year 

O Speckled  Wood 

y = -x  + 2104.6 
R2  = 0.2693 

Recording  Year 

O Orange-tip 

-1.2128X+  2530 
R2  = 0.3236 

Recording  Year 

1990  1995  2000  2005  2010  2015 

Recording  Year 

O Dingy  Skipper 

-0.7609X+ 1653.1 
R2  = 0.1989 

Figure  1. 

Day  in  year  of  first  emergence,  as 
a function  of  recording  year,  for 
Speckled  Wood  Porarge  oegerio, 
Orange-tip  Anthochoris 

cordomines,  Holly  Blue  Celastrinia 
aegiolus  and  Dingy  Skipper 
Erynnis  toges  (pll5). 

Day  of  first  emergence  in  each 
year  is  calculated  by  taking  the 
mean  of  the  dates  of  the  five 
earliest  records  of  each  target 
species.  The  number  of  records 
for  1995  and  1996  were  so  few  for 
Speckled  Wood  that  those  years 
were  omitted  from  the  analysis, 
hence  Speckled  Wood  is  analysed 
between  1997  to  2014.  The  best- 
fitting least  squares  linear 
regression  line  for  1995  to  2014 
(Speckled  Wood)  is  dotted  and 
shown  for  illustrative  purposes 
only.  Solid  best-fitting  least 
squares  linear  regression  lines  are 
calculated  for  1995  to  2014  for  all 
species,  except  Speckled  Wood 
where  it  is  calculated  for  1997  to 
2014.  Equation  shown  is  for  solid 
least  squares  linear  regression 
lines.  Error  bars  represent  ± 1 
standard  deviation. 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

The  day  of  first  emergence  of  Speckled  Wood  has  shifted  17  days  earlier2  in  the  year  between 
1997  and  2014;  equivalent  to  1 day  per  year  or  10  days  per  decade.  Thus  in  1997  the  mean  date 
of  first  emergence,  using  the  linear  regression  equation,  would  have  been  18  April  and  this  had 
shifted  to  1 April  by  2014.  For  the  other  three  species  between  1995  and  2014,  the  shifts  are  23 
days  earlier  in  the  year  for  the  Orange-tip  (equivalent  to  1.21  days  per  year);  9 days  earlier  in  the 
year  for  the  Holly  Blue  (equivalent  to  0.47  days  per  year)  and  14  days  earlier  in  the  year  for  the 
Dingy  Skipper  (equivalent  to  0.74  days  per  year).  This  is  consistent  with  earlier  work  on  British 
butterflies  (Sparks  & Yates,  1997;  Roy  & Sparks,  2000)  which  suggested  climate  warming  of  3°C 
could  advance  date  of  first  emergence  by  two  to  three  weeks.  Table  1 summarises  these 
changes  in  phenology  with  additional  statistical  findings  taking  into  account  the  variability  of  the 
data  over  the  recording  years.  If  a weighted  correlation,  that  takes  into  account  the  variability  of 
the  data,  is  applied  then  the  pattern  of  results  is  unchanged  but  the  correlation  coefficients  and 
level  of  significance  increase  even  more.  There  is  an  undeniable  shift  towards  earlier  emergence 
in  the  year  over  the  last  two  decades  for  three  of  the  butterfly  species. 

Table  1.  Species  statistical  summary 






yr  shift 












r 5 

• w 

A Jw 

i j 













18  April 

1 April 








_ . j 




20  April 





T_  , . -T-T  j 

Holly  Blue 







: ...  J 

17  April 

8 April 




\ ] 

Dingy  Skipper 
Erynnis  tages 




! I 




15  May 

2 May 

1 j 



Pearson's  r 2two-tailed  3Start  and  end  year  within  UK  BMS  (BCY)  database  4Date  of  first 
emergence  5Pearson's  r calculated  with  each  year's  data  weighted  in  proportion  to  its  variability. 
*significant  p<0.05  **significant  p<0.01  ***significant  p<0.001 

What  should  be  considered  now  is  whether  there  has  been  an  actual  shift  in  average 
temperature  in  the  Yorkshire  region  in  the  period  of  study.  Figure  2 plots  spring  and  summer 
temperature  series  covering  the  period  from  1995  to  2014  - one  from  Sherburn  in  Elmet 
(roughly  in  the  centre  of  the  county  with  Lat.  53°  47'  48"  N,  Long.  1°  15'  26"  W,  Elev.  27  m)  and 

2 The  least-squares  line  of  best  fit  has  equation  y=-x  + 2104.6  (see  Figure  1).  This  is  the  straight-line 

linear  form  y=mx  + c , where  y is  date  of  first  emergence  (day  in  year),  x is  recording  year,  c is  y-axis 

intercept  (^constant)  and  m is  the  gradient  (=1).  The  first  year  of  recording  period  was  1997  so, 
substituting  into  the  equation,  gives  the  answer  of  day  in  year  of  1 08  (rounded  to  nearest  whole 
integer).  This  equates  to  18  April.  Similarly,  substituting  in  last  year  of  the  recording  period  of  2014, 
gives  the  answer  of  day  in  the  year  of  91  (=1  April).  This  is  a difference  of  17  days.  See  Table  1 for 
further  details  and  the  other  species  calculations. 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


the  other  from  the  Central  England  Temperature  (CET)  data  series.  The  CET  series  gives  mean 
temperature  readings  from  the  Midlands  (extending  back  to  1659)  and  is  taken  to  be  a 
reasonable  proxy  for  temperature  in  other  parts  of  the  UK  (Duncan,  1991). 





& 8 

1990  1995  2000  2005  2010  2015 


QSpring- Sherburn 
•Summer  - Sherburn 
■ Spring  - CET 
□ Summer -CET 

Figure  2.  Temperature  time  series  for  spring  (mean  February— April)  and  summer  (mean  May— 
July)  calculated  from  a weather  station  at  Sherburn  in  Elmet  and  the  Central  England 
Temperature  (CET)  data  set,  between  the  years  1995—2014.  Best-fitting  lines  (least  squares 
linear  regression)  are  solid  for  Sherburn  in  Elmet  and  dotted  for  CET. 

There  is  little  discernible  shift  in  mean  spring  (February— April),  summer  (May— July),  autumn 
(August— Oct)3  and  winter  (November— January)  temperature  in  Yorkshire  between  1995  and 
2014.  Yorkshire  seasonal  temperature  data  series  show  no  significant  trends  over  the  twenty 
year  time  period:  spring  temperature  series  r(18)  = -0.18,  95%  BCa  Cl  [-0.680,  0.357],  p = 0.44 
A/S;  summer  temperature  series  r(  18)  = -0.043,  95%  BCa  Cl  [-0.524,  0.423],  p = 0.858  A/S;  autumn 
temperature  series  r(18)  = -0.339,  95%  BCa  Cl  [-0.738,  0.258],  p = 0.143  A/5;  winter  temperature 
series  r(18)  = 0.168,  95%  BCa  Cl  [-0.317,  0.777],  p = 0.478  NS.  The  cross-check  from  the  CET 
temperature  series  against  the  Sherburn  data  series  shows  close  agreement.  An  analysis  of  the 
CET  and  Sherburn  data  for  spring  and  summer  show  them  to  be  significantly  correlated:  spring 
r(  18)  = 0.96,  95%  BCa  Cl  [0.920,  0.986],  p < 0.001;  summer  r(18)  = 0.89,  95%  BCa  Cl  [0.746, 
0.944],  p < 0.001.  Therefore  we  can  be  confident  that  the  Sherburn  data  is  representative  of  UK 
temperatures  and  is  not  anomalous.  If  we  are  to  make  some  link  between  earlier  date  of  first 
emergence  and  increased  spring  temperatures  in  the  year  of  emergence  (say),  then  it  is  not 
obviously  to  be  found  in  increased  mean  spring  temperature  because  there  is  no  increase. 

We  should  not  (and  logically  cannot)  rule  out  the  date  of  first  emergence  as  being  temperature 
dependent.  The  problem  is  that  what  exactly  is  driving  earlier  emergence  could  be  buried  deep 
within  the  temperature  series.  It  is  beyond  the  scope  of  this  report  to  exhaustively  chase  all 
possible  factors.  We  checked  for  correlations  with  preceding  season  (autumn,  winter,  spring, 
summer)  temperatures  and  date  of  first  emergence  in  the  subsequent  year.  In  no  instance  was 

3 To  avoid  clutter  the  autumn  and  winter  temperature  series  for  Sherburn  and  CET  are  not  shown  in 
Figure  2. 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

there  a significant  correlation  between  preceding  season  and  subsequent  year  date  of  first 
emergence  (see  Table  2).  There  are  then  no  obvious  associations  between  the  temperature  data 
and  changes  in  the  dates  of  first  emergence.  Perhaps  earlier  trends  in  increased  temperature 
(such  as  the  1.5  °C  increase  in  central  England  spring  temperatures  between  1976  and  1998  (Roy 
& Sparks,  2000))  have  induced  a long-term  change  that  takes  years  to  work  through  the  gene 
pool  of  the  population?  This  is  beyond  the  scope  of  this  short  report. 

Table  2.  Correlation  between  preceding  season  temperature  and  date  of  first  emergence  in 
subsequent  year  (statistical  summary) 





95%  BCa  Cl3  [lower, 


, . _ , , 

Speckled  Wood  Pararge 





[-0.636,  0.202] 





[-0.567,  0.194] 

\ 1 




[-0.261,  0.742] 




[-0.676,  0.355] 





[-0.257,  0.649] 


Anthocharis  cardamines 




[-0.525,  0.400] 





[-0.138,  0.639] 

■ • 1 




[-0.478,  0.321] 

Dingy  Skipper  Erynnis 




[-0.532,  0.640] 






[-0.494,  0.473] 




[-0.127,  0.770] 




[-0.702,  0.374] 

Pearson's  r 2two-tailed  3Bias  corrected  accelerated  confidence  intervals  for  the 
correlation  coefficient. 

Another  concern  is  a possible  intervening  relationship  between  increased  observer  effort  and 
earlier  emergence  dates.  Basically,  the  more  'abundant'  the  butterfly  (which  again  might  be  no 
more  than  an  intervening  variable  for  having  more  observers  around  actively  recording),  then 
the  greater  the  chance  for  a given  individual  butterfly  to  be  seen.  Thus  increased  observer  effort 
or  increased  abundance  can  theoretically  lead  to  a pattern  of  apparent  earlier  emergence.  This 
is  hinted  at  in  Figure  1 for  Speckled  Wood,  where  the  mean  dates  of  first  emergence  for  1995 
and  1996  were  both  late  in  the  year  and  associated  with  a great  deal  of  uncertainty  (shown  by 
the  large  standard  deviations).  The  dates  of  first  emergence  were  presumably  late  in  the  year 
and  more  variable  because  Speckled  Wood  was  present  in  very  small  numbers  in  those  years 
(having  only  just  reached  the  southern  borders  of  Yorkshire  in  a general  northwards  movement, 
see  Asher  et  oi,  2001),  so  the  chance  of  spotting  a Speckled  Wood  was  relatively  small.  This 
could  lead  to  a confounding  effect  where  the  specimens  seen  are  not  necessarily  newly 
emerged  but  could  be  post-emergent  adults  by  a number  of  days  or  even  weeks.  However,  it  is 
hard  to  see  how  changes  of  up  to  17  days  (Speckled  Wood)  could  be  accounted  for  by  an 
increased  chance  to  spot  individual  butterflies  once  a species  has  become  relatively  well 
established  in  the  region.  Interestingly,  Speckled  Wood  abundance  peaked  in  Yorkshire  in  2009 
with  recorded  numbers  in  the  last  five  years  dropping  by  a factor  of  two  but  with  little 
discernible  change  in  observed  date  of  first  emergence.  The  particularly  late  date  of  first 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


emergence  in  2013  was  attributable  to  the  severe  spring  in  that  year.  Further  work  on  possible 
interactions  of  increased  observer  effort  and  changes  in  recorded  first  emergence  will  be 
needed  to  clarify  the  role  of  climate  change  upon  driving  changes  in  phenology,  both  at  the  local 
and  global  scale. 


We  are  grateful  to  the  UK  BMS  and  Butterfly  Conservation  and  its  volunteer  recorders,  for  the 
butterfly  records  from  Yorkshire  (VC61-65)  upon  which  this  research  is  based.  Dave  Ramsden 
provided  the  temperature  series  for  Sherburn  in  Elmet  and  the  Central  England  Temperature 
(CET)  series  was  downloaded  from  www.metoffice,  We  wish  to  thank  an 
anonymous  reviewer  for  helpful  comments. 


Asher,  J.,  Warren,  M.,  Fox,  Richard,  Harding,  P.,  Jeffcoate,  G.,  & Jeffcoate,  S.  (2001)  The 
Millennium  Atlas  of  Butterflies  in  Britain  and  Ireland , Oxford  University  Press. 

Diamond,  S.  E.,  Frame,  A.  M.,  Martin,  R.  A.,  & Buckley,  L.  B.  (2011).  Species'  traits  predict 
phenological  responses  to  climate  change  in  butterflies.  Ecology,  92,  1005-1012. 

Duncan,  K.  (1991).  A comparison  of  the  temperature  records  of  Edinburgh  and  central  England. 
Weather,  46,  169-173. 

Fox,  R.,  Warren,  M.  S.,  Asher,  J.,  Brereton,  T.  M.,  & Roy,  D.  B.  (2007).  The  state  of  Britain's 
butterflies  2007.  Butterfly  Conservation  and  the  Centre  for  Ecology  and  Hydrology, 
Wareham,  Dorset. 

IPCC,  2013:  Climate  Change  2013:  The  Physical  Science  Basis.  Contribution  of  Working  Group  I to 
the  Fifth  Assessment  Report  of  the  Intergovernmental  Panel  on  Climate  Change. 

[Stocker,  T.  F.,  Qin,  D.,  et  al.  (eds)].  Cambridge  University  Press,  Cambridge,  UK  and  New 
York,  NY,  USA,  1535pp. 

Karlsson,  B.  (2014).  Extended  season  for  northern  butterflies.  International  Journal  of 
Biometeorology,  58,  691-701. 

Roy,  D.  B.,  & Sparks,  T.  H.  (2000).  Phenology  of  British  butterflies  and  climate  change.  Global 
Change  Biology,  6,  407-16. 

Sparks,  T.  H.,  & Yates,  T.  J.  (1997).  The  effect  of  spring  temperature  on  the  appearance  dates  of 
British  butterflies  1883-1993.  Ecography,  20,  368-374. 

Stott,  P.  A.,  Tett,  S.  F.  B.,  Jones,  G.  S.,  Allen,  M.  R.,  Mitchell,  J.  F.  B.,  & Jenkins,  G.  J.  (2000). 
External  control  of  20th  century  temperature  by  natural  and  anthropogenic  forcing. 
Science,  290,  2133-2137. 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

A Question  of  Ecology  answers  from  biological  recording 

Paula  Lightfoot,  NFBR 

The  British  Ecological  Society  Macroecology  Special  Interest  Group  and  the  National  Forum  for 
Biological  Recording  organised  a joint  conference  in  late  April  2015  at  the  University  of  Sheffield. 
The  event  was  attended  by  100  delegates  from  a wide  range  of  organisations  involved  in 
collecting,  managing,  interpreting  and  using  biodiversity  information. 

Biodiversity  information  is  crucial  to  understanding  ecological  relationships  and  supporting 
conservation  effort  in  a changing  climate.  Use  of  volunteer-collected  biological  records  by  the 
professional  scientific  community  is  widely  encouraged  and  celebrated,  but  interpretation  of 
biological  records  is  also  carried  out  by  amateur  naturalists,  who  are  uncovering  new  ecological 
knowledge  from  their  own  records  and  sharing  that  knowledge  with  others.  Biological  recording 
is  not  just  about  producing  checklists,  dot  maps  or  providing  'big  data'  for  others  to  analyse;  it  is 
a way  of  engaging  with  the  natural  world  which  raises  questions  and  provides  answers  to  them. 

A Question  of  Ecology  celebrated  achievements,  highlighted  opportunities  and  sought  to 
overcome  obstacles  regarding  the  use  of  biological  records  to  answer  ecological  questions. 

The  conference  aimed  to: 

• Raise  awareness  of  how  biological  records  can  be  interpreted  to  answer  ecological 

questions  and  lead  to  conservation  action. 

• Empower  volunteer  recorders  and  their  organisations  to  get  more  out  of  their  biological 

records  by  highlighting  effective  approaches  to  data  collection  and  analysis. 

• Foster  collaboration  between  the  professional  research  community  and  volunteer 

recording  community  through  examples  of  good  practice. 

• Discuss  barriers  to  the  use  of  biological  records  for  research  and  start  a dialogue  between 

the  recording  and  research  communities  about  how  to  overcome  those  barriers. 

The  conference  began  with  a demonstration  workshop  on  software  and  tools  for  capturing  and 
interpreting  biological  records,  including  rNBN,  SPARTA  (Species  Presence/Absence  R Trends 
Analyses),  Scratchpads,  Indicia  and  QGIS.  This  was  a lively  interactive  session,  and  delegates 
were  inspired  by  the  enthusiasm  of  the  presenters  and  the  opportunities  provided  by  new 

This  was  followed  by  a workshop  in  which  challenges  and  opportunities  regarding  the  collection 
and  interpretation  of  biological  records  for  ecological  research  were  discussed.  Topics  included 
DNA  techniques,  Open  Data  and  data  quality.  The  diverse  range  of  sectors  present  at  the 
conference  and  the  mix  of  delegates'  experience,  knowledge  and  viewpoints  ensured  a useful 
and  informative  debate.  One  delegate  from  the  research  community  stated  that  "the  most 
valuable  thing  about  the  conference  was  the  opportunity  to  fill  the  gap  between  my  models  and 
the  data  that  goes  into  them,  by  speaking  directly  with  the  people  that  collect  those  data." 

The  programme  on  the  second  day  highlighted  original  work  at  all  scales  and  levels,  from  global 
to  local,  where  knowledge  of  species  and  systems  is  being  advanced  through  accurate 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


observation  and  recording.  Professor  Kate  Jones  from  University  College  London  and  Bat 
Conservation  Trust  opened  proceedings  with  an  excellent  keynote  address  on  the  topic  of 
Technology  for  Nature?  This  was  followed  by  a session  dealing  with  methods  for  analysing  'big 
data'  to  understand  a changing  environment,  with  speakers  including  Dr  David  Roy  from  the 
Biological  Records  Centre  and  Dr  Jon  Yearsley  from  University  College  Dublin.  Delegates  from  the 
volunteer  recording  community  and  the  professional  research  community  alike  were  inspired  to 
learn  how  large,  unstructured  datasets  can  be  analysed  to  provide  insight  into  trends  in 
populations  and  ranges. 

The  focus  then  shifted  to  the  collection  and  interpretation  of  data  on  a local  scale,  particularly 
the  role  of  local  environmental  records  centres  and  natural  history  societies  in  supporting  this. 
Dr  Teresa  Frost  presented  examples  of  how  Cumbria  Biodiversity  Data  Centre  empowers 
volunteer  recorders  to  get  more  out  of  their  biological  records  by  assisting  with  survey  design, 
data  management  and  analysis.  Dr  Andy  Millard  reported  on  the  initiatives  being  undertaken  by 
the  YNU,  with  particular  reference  to  the  use  of  The  Naturalist  to  disseminate  information. 

After  lunch,  delegates  heard  how  biological  records  from  museum  specimens  and  naturalists' 
diaries  can  be  explored  and  interpreted  to  answer  ecological  questions.  Ivan  Wright  from 
Shotover  Wildlife  described  how  local  naturalists  are  following  in  the  footsteps  of  eminent 
entomologists  of  the  Victorian  and  Edwardian  era,  comparing  current  data  to  historic  records  to 
establish  a new  benchmark  of  knowledge  for  a fascinating  and  diverse  SSSI  near  Oxford.  Dr  Mark 
Spencer  from  the  Natural  History  Museum,  London,  explained  how  new  approaches  to  citizen 
science  and  crowd-sourcing  can  release  a wealth  of  scientific  information  from  the  natural 
history  collections  that  await  discovery  in  our  museums. 

Speakers  from  Newcastle  University  and  the  Woodland  Trust  went  on  to  describe  cutting-edge 
citizen  science  projects  that  are  engaging  amateur  naturalists  in  structured  data  collection  to 
support  hypothesis-driven  science,  fostering  collaboration  between  professional  researchers, 
the  public  sector  and  the  volunteer  recording  community.  The  conference  concluded  with  case 
studies  to  highlight  how  research  based  on  biological  records  by  amateur  naturalists  is  leading  to 
conservation  action,  from  site-specific  to  landscape-scale  examples.  An  excellent  range  of 
posters  were  displayed,  complementing  the  programme  of  talks.  Peter  and  Sharon  Flint 
presented  their  investigation  of  the  caddisflies  of  Malham  Tarn  (see  page  121)  in  one  of  these. 

On  Saturday  there  was  a very  enjoyable  and  well-attended  field  meeting  to  Thorne  and  Hatfield 
Moors,  organised  by  Yorkshire  Wildlife  Trust  and  Natural  England.  Thorne  and  Hatfield  Moors 
form  the  core  of  the  Humberhead  Peatlands  NNR,  the  largest  lowland  raised  mire  system  in  the 
UK  and  the  beating  heart  of  the  Nature  Improvement  Area.  This  was  an  excellent  opportunity 
to  see  examples  of  how  science  can  influence  conservation  action  and  delivery  on  a landscape 
scale  - and  to  get  out  and  enjoy  some  biological  recording  at  a beautiful  site!  Species  records 
from  the  field  trip  have  been  collated  and  will  be  shared  via  the  NBN  Gateway. 

NFBR  and  BES  Macroecology  SIG  would  like  to  thank  the  speakers,  chairs,  workshop  facilitators, 
software  demonstrators,  poster  exhibitors  and  all  the  delegates  for  participating  so  actively  and 
enthusiastically  and  making  the  conference  such  a great  success!  A version  of  this  report  has 
been  published  in  the  BES  Bulletin. 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

Plate  I.  Ellerburn  Bank.  See  pp  96-111. 

Above  left  (a):  View  of  the  sward  looking  south.  Visible  are  Common  Spotted  Orchids,  Common 
Bird's-foot-trefoil,  Salad  Burnet,  Upright  Brome,  Quaking  Grass  and  Cock's-foot. 

Above  right  (b):  Looking  east  along  the  reserve,  a patch  of  invading  scrub,  mainly  Hawthorn,  sur- 
rounded by  the  wide  yellow  leaves  of  False  Brome. 

Below  left  (c):  Gorse  invading  the  south-eastern  part. 

Below  right  (d):  View  of  the  sampled  area  at  Ellerburn  Bank,  looking  north-east.  Small  Hawthorn  and 
Gorse  bushes  are  visible  in  the  grass,  with  yellow  patches  of  False  Brome. 

P.  Moyhew 

b)  The  Malham  Sedge,  mature  larva  and  its  case.  S.  Flint 

c)  The  Grouse  Wing  Mystacides  longicornis,  adult  male  on 

a rock  on  the  north  shore  of  Malham  Tarn.  S.  Flint 

d)  Egg  masses  of  Limnephilus  politus,  with  spent  females, 

among  moss-covered  rocks  at  the  high  water  level  on  the 
north  shore  of  Malham  Tarn.  S.  Flint 

e)  Phryganeid  egg  ropes,  on  rocks  in  shallow  water  off  the 

west  shore  of  Malham  Tarn.  5.  Flint 

f)  Grapnel  sampling  Stonewort  Chara  sp.,  from  a boat  on 

Malham  Tarn  off  the  wooded  shore  near  the  East  Boat- 
house. P.  Flint 

Plate  II  continued 

g)  Larval  case  of  Limnephilus  politus;  fixed  to  leaf  of  Potomogeton  lucens  and  with  the  ends  closed 
using  fragments  of  marl;  ready  for  pupation. 

h)  Limnephilus  politus,  adult.  S.  Flint 

Plate  III.  Ringinglow  Bog,  main  flush  area.  See  pp  134-145 

a)  vegetation  dominated  by  Common  Cottongrass,  December  2014. 

b)  bog-moss  amongst  Common  Cottongrass,  September  2014. 

c)  tussocks  of  Hare's-tail  Cottongrass,  February  2015. 

d)  bog-moss  amongst  Hare's-tail  Cottongrass,  February  2015. 

R.  Goulder 

Plate  V.  Biodiversity  of  moths  in  Borneo  and  China. 
See  pp  81-96. 

Above:  A few  of  the  circa  2,500  Q-CAS  voucher  speci- 
mens from  Yunnan,  China. 

Right:  Dr  Louise  Ashton  with  a Pennsylvania  moth 
trap  in  tropical  forest  understorey. 

Below:  Antheroeo  lorissa  ssp.  ridlyi;  Lepidoptera: 
Saturniidae.  A Bornean  rainforest  moth. 


Plate  IV.  BES/NFBR  Conference.  See  pll9. 
Delegates  on  the  field  trip  to  Thorne  and 
Hatfield  Moors. 


An  investigation  of  the  caddisfly  (Insecta:  Trichoptera)  fauna  of 
the  Malham  Tarn  NNR;  with  special  reference  to  the  Malham 
Sedge  Agrypnetes  crassicornis 

S.  Flint  and  P.W.H.  Flint 



During  the  1950s  some  of  the  members  of  the  entomological  section  of  the  YNU  carried  out  an 
extensive  investigation  of  the  insect  fauna  of  the  area  around  Malham  Tarn.  For  a period  of 
seven  to  ten  days  each  year  from  1954-1958  this  group,  led  by  W.  D.  Hincks  and  J.  H.  Flint,  were 
resident  at  Tarn  House  which  had  recently  become  a Field  Studies  Centre  run  by  the  Field 
Studies  Council.  The  then  warden  of  the  centre,  P.  F.  Holmes,  who  had  a strong  interest  in 
caddisflies,  took  an  active  part  in  this  investigation  and  wrote  the  section  of  the  published  report 
(Henson,  1963)  concerning  them.  Seventy  one  species  of  caddis  flies  were  recorded  in  the  study 
area;  which  included  the  upper  reaches  of  the  nearby  Gordale,  Cowside  and  Darnbrook  becks. 
This  is  approximately  a third  of  the  British  caddis  fly  list  and  underlines  Malham  as  an  important 
area  for  this  group  of  insects.  Most  of  the  caddis  collecting  was  carried  out  by  P.F.  Holmes  (who 
incorporated  his  records  from  1948  onwards  into  the  report)  and  A.  Brindle.  During  2013  a study 
of  the  caddisflies  of  the  current  Malham  Tarn  National  Nature  Reserve,  a much  smaller  area 
than  that  covered  by  the  1950s  study,  was  undertaken  by  S.  and  P.W.H.  Flint.  A good  description, 
and  historical  review,  of  this  high  moorland  site  (centred  on  NGR  SD890670;  at  c.380m  above 
sea  level)  set  in  the  karst  landscape  of  the  Yorkshire  Dales  National  Park,  is  given  by  Corey  Jones 
(Centre  Director  of  the  Malham  Tarn  Field  Centre  1997-2000)  in  the  magazine  British  Wildlife 
(Jones,  2001)  and  need  not  be  repeated  here. 


The  aims  of  the  2013  study  were  threefold.  Firstly,  as  there  had  been  no  concentrated  work  on 
the  caddis  of  the  area  for  many  years,  we  wanted  to  bring  the  list  of  the  Malham  caddis  fauna 
up  to  date;  and  into  line  with  current  taxonomy.  Were  the  species  which  had  been  previously 
recorded  still  present?  Secondly  we  wanted  to  find  out  more  about  the  ecology  of  these 
species.  What  observations  could  we  make  of  adult  behaviour  such  as  swarming  and 
oviposition?  Where  were  the  larvae  to  be  found;  and  what  were  they  doing?  Thirdly  we  wanted 
to  know  whether  Agrypnetes  crassicornis  McLachlan  (recently  honoured  with  the  vernacular 
name  'Malham  Sedge')  discovered  at  Malham  Tarn  by  P.F.  Holmes  in  1950,  was  still  present  as  a 
breeding  species  in  its  only  known,  British,  locality. 


Larvae  were  collected  by  pond  netting  in  the  standing  and  running  water  habitats  where  this 
was  practicable  and  by  hand  searching  where  use  of  the  net  was  not  practicable.  A grapnel  was 
used  for  sampling  the  vegetation  in  the  tarn  both  from  the  shore  and  from  a boat.  Collecting 
commenced  in  mid-April  and  continued  until  the  end  of  October. 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


Adults  were  collected  from  the  ground  vegetation,  and  from  the  lower  canopy  of  the  trees,  by 
the  use  of  a sweep  net.  The  net  was  also  used  to  catch  flying  specimens.  A malaise  trap  was 
deployed  on  Malham  Fen,  the  catch  from  which  was  collected  fortnightly  from  the  middle  of 
April  to  the  end  of  October.  The  catch  from  an  actinic  light  trap,  situated  in  one  of  the  cottage 
gardens,  just  off  the  fen,  and  operated  from  the  end  of  April  until  the  end  of  July,  was  also 
examined.  Hand  searching  of  the  rocks  around  the  tarn  shore,  and  other  likely  resting  places 
such  as  the  boat  houses,  birdwatching  hide,  tree  trunks  and  post  and  rail  fences,  was  also 
undertaken  during  the  day.  Observations  were  extended  well  into  the  evenings  as  many  species 
are  crepuscular  and  this  was  thought  to  be  the  best  time  to  find  the  adults  of  A.  crossicornis. 

Nomenclature  follows  the  checklist  in  Barnard  and  Ross  (2012).  Most  caddis  species  do  not  have 
vernacular  names  but  some  have  been  included,  where  appropriate,  in  the  body  of  the  text. 
Adults  were  identified  using  both  Barnard  and  Ross,  and  Macan  (1973).  Larvae  were  identified 
using  Edington  and  Hildrew  (1995)  and  Wallace,  Wallace  and  Philipson  (2003). 


Table  1.  List  of  species  recorded  during  the  2013  survey  compared  with  the  list  published  in 

1 1963  List 


2013  List 

All  All 
records  records 



Rhyacophila  dorsalis 
[ R.  fasciata 
R.  munda 
R.  obliterata 
A.  sexmaculata 
Hydroptila  angulata 
H.  forcipata 
H.  tineoides 
H.  vectis 

Oxyethira  falcata 






























-t— > 











1 1 



' 1 










■4— 1 



The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

0.  flavicorn[s 

Wormoldio  subnigra 


Cyrnus  flavidus 

C.  trimoculatus 

P.  irrorotus 
Lype  phaeopa 
Psychomyio  frogilis 
P pusilla 

Tinodes  dives 

T.  rostocki 

T.  waeneri 




H.  siltalai 




Agrypnia  obsoleto 

Oligotricha  striata 

Lepidostoma  hirtum 
Drusus  annulatus 

Chaetopteryx  villosa 
Anabolia  nervosa 

Limnephilus  affinis 
L.  auricula 

L centralis 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


L.  coenosus 




L.  elegans 



L extricatus 




L griseus 



L.  hirsutus 



L.  incisus 




L lunatus 








L luridus 





L politus 







L.  rhombicus 






L sporsus 




L.  stigma 





L.  vittatus 







Halesus  digitatus 


H.  radiatus 





inf u mat  us 
















Micropterna  lateralis 




M.  sequax 











P.  rotundipennis 




| P.  stellatus 







S.  i /ibex 











Beraea  pullata 




Beraeoides  minutus 









Arthripsodes  cinereus 





Ceraclea  albimacula 










C.  nigronervosa 


_ J 

L - 




The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

Mystacides  azurea 


~r~  f~!  T~ 



M.  longicornis 






M.  nigra 



r i r T 





17  Jj> 

14  3 11  2 



(?  Indicates  tentative  identification;  + indicates  species  recorded  outside  the  current  NNR; 
indicates  single  specimen) 


Of  the  29  species  listed  in  1963  and  not  recorded  by  us,  11  occurred  outside  the  current  reserve 
area  and  8 were  only  recorded  as  single  specimens.  We  have  recorded  8 species  which  were  not 
listed  in  1963,  bringing  the  total  number  of  species  for  the  area  as  a whole  to  79,  with  68  species 
being  recorded  within  the  current  NNR.  Thus  more  than  a third  of  the  196  currently  recognised 
British  species  have  now  been  recorded  from  the  NNR  itself. 

Adults  of  44  species  were  recorded  during  2013,  two  of  which  (Agrypnetes  crossicornis  and 
Agroyleo  multipunctata)  were  only  found  by  hand  searching  along  the  shore  of  the  tarn.  The 
Malaise  trap  produced  the  largest  number  (20  species)  though  this  was  slightly  less  than  half  the 
total  recorded.  The  Light  trap  and  sweep  net  sampling  produced  very  similar  numbers  (17  and 
15)  though  only  four  species  were  taken  by  both  methods  (only  one  species,  Cinnamon  Sedge 
Limnephilus  lunotus,  was  taken  by  all  three  methods).  Thus  the  combined  total  for  sweep 
netting  and  light  trapping  was  just  over  half  of  the  total  number  of  adults  recorded  showing  that 
it  is  necessary  to  use  several  methods  in  parallel  to  obtain  anything  approaching  a full  species 
list  and  even  then  some  species  were  missed  as  adults  which  were  found  as  larvae.  For  all 
except  one  of  the  species  the  period  of  adult  activity  was  as  expected.  Only  in  the  case  of  A. 
crossicornis,  see  below,  was  adult  activity  observed  outside  previously  published  'flight  times'. 

Larvae  of  23  species  were  recorded  during  2013;  14  of  them  in  Malham  Tarn  itself,  of  which  8 
were  not  found  elsewhere  on  the  NNR.  The  small  spring-fed  stream  entering  the  east  shore  of 
Malham  Tarn  produced  2 species  of  Micropterno,  both  M.  lateralis  (which  was  only  found  here) 
and  M.  sequax  (which  also  occurred  in  the  fen  runnel).  The  runnels  carrying  water  through  the 
fen  and  into  Malham  Tarn  produced  11  species,  4 of  which  were  only  found  here  and  1,  (M. 
sequax)  was  also  found  in  the  small  stream  on  the  East  shore  of  the  tarn;  the  other  6 species 
were  not  confined  to  running  water  and  were  also  found  in  Malham  Tarn  itself.  Only  3 species 
were  recorded  from  the  ponds  on  the  fen,  none  of  which  were  found  elsewhere. 

Examination  of  the  Chara  sp.  (Stonewort)  beds  in  the  tarn  (in  the  search  for  Agrypnetes) 
produced  large  numbers  of  larvae  and  pupae  of  Limnephilus  politus.  Juveniles  of  this  species 
were  found  nowhere  else  and  the  adults  were  found  all  along  the  northern  shore  of  the  tarn, 
resting  and  mating  on  the  ground  vegetation,  and  spent  females,  with  abundant  egg  masses, 
were  found  among  the  mossy  stones  at  the  high  water  level  all  along  the  northern  shore.  Adults 
of  L.  politus  were  caught  in  the  light  trap  which  indicates  that  they  were  attracted  to  the  light 
some  distance  from  the  tarn  but  they  were  not  caught  in  the  Malaise  trap  on  the  fen.  Another 
abundant  species  in  the  tarn  was  Welshman's  Button  Sericostoma  personatum  whose  larval 
cases  were  found  all  round  the  edges  of  the  tarn  and  in  the  Chara  beds.  The  adults  of  this 
species  are  day  flyers  and  were  to  be  seen  all  over  the  NNR  from  mid-June  to  mid-July  flying  in 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


hot,  bright,  sunshine.  Mating  pairs  of  S.  personatum  were  found  sitting  on  the  upper  surfaces  of 
leaves  in  bright  sunshine  and  were  also  taken  in  flight. 

Adults  of  the  Hydroptillid  Agroylea  multipunctota  were  present  in  enormous  numbers  and  were 
collected  by  'pootering'  directly  off  the  rocks  around  the  tarn  shore,  where  they  were  sitting  and 
running  in  the  sunshine.  Final  instar  larvae,  in  their  cases,  were  found  among  the  Choro  and  also 
on  the  leaves  of  both  Curled  Pondweed  Potamogeton  crispus,  growing  just  off  shore  in  Boat 
House  Bay,  and  Shining  Pondweed  P lucens,  a large  stand  of  which  grows  out  in  the  middle  of 
the  tarn.  They  were  also  taken  by  pond  netting  in  Ha  Mire  Bay  and  we  sometimes  found  them 
attached  to  the  (occupied!)  cases  of  L.  politus  during  grapnel  sampling.  Between  mid-June  and 
mid-August  males  and  females  of  Oxyethira  flavicornis,  another  Hydroptilid,  were  taken  in  the 
Malaise  trap.  Larvae  identified  as  Oxyethira  sp.  (probably  O.  flavicornis)  were  found  in  the  tarn, 
attached  to  both  Potamogeton  spp.  and  by  pond  netting  in  Ha  Mire  Bay  where  some  of  them 
were  attached  to  (occupied!)  cases  of  L.  lunatus,  but  we  did  not  find  the  adults  here. 

A common  species  on  the  fen  was  Chaetopteryx  villosa  whose  larvae  live  in  stony  cases  in  the 
fen  runnels  and  adults  of  which  were  found  by  beating  and  sweeping  along  the  fen  runnels 
during  October  when  it  was  also  found  in  the  Malaise  trap. 

The  fact  that  some  species  are  only  known  on  the  NNR  from  single  adult  records  does  not 
necessarily  mean  that  they  are  vagrant  individuals  and  do  not  breed  here.  Hydatophylax 
infumatus , for  example,  is  included  in  the  1963  list  on  the  basis  of  a single  adult  male  attracted 
to  a Tilley  lamp  on  the  tarn  shore  at  the  inflow  and  we  know  of  no  subsequent  records.  We  have 
not  seen  any  adults  but  we  found  two  larvae  in  the  main  runnel  through  the  fen  not  far  from 
where  that  adult  was  taken.  A viable,  though  possibly  small,  breeding  population  must  therefore 
exist  here,  possibly  confined  to  this  small  area. 

An  abundant  species  round  the  tarn  is  Grouse  Wing  Mystacides  longicornis,  adults  of  which  can 
be  found  resting  by  day  on  fences  and  among  the  ground  vegetation.  They  start  to  become 
active  in  the  early  evening  and  large  swarms,  of  males  and  females,  can  be  seen  flying  as  the 
light  begins  to  fade  and  until  well  into  the  twilight.  Mating  pairs  can  be  seen  flying  and  on  the 
leaves  of  the  vegetation  near  the  tarn  shore;  they  can  even  be  seen  running  on  the  water 
surface  in  calm  conditions.  Larvae  are  abundant  in  the  tarn  and  were  found  by  grapnel  sampling 
the  Chara. 

The  Malham  Sedge 

Grapnel  sampling  from  a boat  showed  that  the  Chara,  with  which  the  larvae  of  Agrypnetes 
crassicornis  are  associated,  and  from  which  the  early  instars  construct  their  cases  (large  larvae 
construct  cases  of  a variety  of  materials)  was  widespread  but  patchy  in  Malham  Tarn.  We 
examined  Chara  from  many  parts  of  the  tarn  but  we  were  only  able  to  find  juveniles  of  A. 
crassicornis  in  one  small  area;  offshore  near  the  East  Boathouse.  Three  well  grown  larvae  were 
seen  on  the  18  June  and  a dead  pupa  (in  its  larval  case)  on  the  28  August.  We  had  also  found  a 
live  pupa  in  this  same  area  of  the  tarn  on  7 September  2012.  Only  a single  adult  specimen  was 
seen,  on  the  evening  of  6 August,  when  hand  searching  among  rocks  on  the  shore  of  the  tarn  in 
this  same  area  produced  a female  specimen.  This  record  extends  the  known  period  of  adult 
activity  into  early  August  (previously  it  had  been  recorded  between  30  June  and  25  July)  and  the 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

record  of  a pupa  in  the  previous  September  indicates  the  possibility  that  adult  activity  might  be 
even  further  extended.  Adults  of  this  species  are  regarded  as  flightless  and  have  been  observed 
running  across  the  surface  of  the  tarn;  it  is  interesting  therefore  that  this  specimen  was 
observed  to  flutter  a distance  of  at  least  10cm  between  the  tops  of  two  adjacent  rocks  before 
scuttling  down  into  another,  narrower,  gap.  A search  for  eggs  among  the  rocks  just  offshore  was 
unsuccessful  but  it  appears  that  this  population  is  still  surviving  even  if  its  numbers  are  low.  The 
records  from  the  1950s  indicate  that  adult  numbers,  then,  fluctuated  from  year  to  year.  In  the 
1963  report  P.  F.  Holmes  said  of  A.  crassicornis  must  be  some  sort  of  relict  species  here/7;  it 
has  since  been  found,  as  a sub-fossil  in  peat  deposits  some  10  to  15  thousand  years  old,  at  two 
widely  separated  localities  (I.  D.  Wallace,  pers.  com.)  so  it  appears  that  he  was  right. 

A.  crassicornis  is  not  the  only  member  of  the  family  Phryganeidae  in  the  tarn.  Several  adults  of 
Great  Red  Sedge  Phryganea  bipunctata  were  seen  on  the  north  shore  of  the  tarn  and  very  large 
numbers  of  pupal  exuviae,  which  we  assume  to  be  this  species  but  which  it  was  not  possible  to 
confirm  the  identity  of  (other  than  that  they  were  Phryganeidae  but  not  Agrypnetes),  were 
found  along  the  western  shore  at  the  same  time  as  the  adults  were  flying  (mid-  to  late-June). 
The  adults  were  flying  at  dusk  and  it  was  noticeable  that  fish  were  rising  to  feed  at  the  surface  of 
the  tarn  at  the  same  time.  No  larvae  were  seen  though  they  must  have  been  present  in 
considerable  numbers.  Phryganeid  egg  loops  were  seen  among  the  rocks  off  the  western  shore 
at  the  same  place  as  the  pupal  exuviae  were  found  and  we  assume  that  these  were  also  P. 
bipunctata;  though  the  only  way  to  be  sure  would  have  been  to  collect  and  hatch  them,  rearing 
the  larvae  to  sufficient  size  to  be  identifiable. 


We  thank  the  National  Trust  and  English  Nature  for  permission  to  collect  specimens  on  the 
Malham  Tarn  NNR.  We  thank  all  the  staff  of  the  Malham  Tarn  Field  Studies  Centre  for  their 
enthusiastic  support  and  hospitality,  and  the  use  of  their  boat  and  other  equipment.  We  thank 
Robin  Sutton  for  his  light  trap  caddis  captures.  We  thank  the  YNU  for  the  use  of  the  Malaise 


Barnard,  P.  & Ross,  E.  (2012).  The  adult  Trichoptera  (caddisflies)  of  Britain  and  Ireland. 

Handbooks  for  the  Identification  of  British  Insects  1 (17):  iv  + 192  pp. 

Edington,  J.  M.  & Hildrew,  A.  G.  (1995).  A revised  key  to  the  caseless  caddis  larvae  of  the  British 
Isles  with  notes  on  their  ecology.  Scientific  Publications  of  the  Freshwater  Biological 
Association  53:  1-134. 

Henson,  H.  (1963).  The  Insects  of  the  Malham  Tarn  Area.  Proceedings  of  the  Leeds  Philosophical 
and  Literary  Society:  Scientific  Section  9:  ii,  15-91. 

Jones,  C.  (2001).  Malham  Tarn  National  Nature  Reserve.  British  Wildlife  13:  29-37. 

Macan,  T.  T.  (1973).  A key  to  the  adults  of  the  British  Trichoptera.  Scientific  Publications  of  the 
Freshwater  Biological  Association  28: 1-151. 

Wallace,  I.  D.,  Wallace,  B.  & Philipson,  G.  N.  (2003).  Keys  to  the  case-bearing  caddis  larvae  of 
Britain  and  Ireland.  Scientific  Publications  of  the  Freshwater  Biological  Association  61: 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


Notes  on  the  dolichopodid  flies  of  two  contrasting  Yorkshire 

Roy  Crossley 

1 The  Cloisters,  Wilberfoss,  York  Y041  5RF 

Askham  Bog  near  York  (SE575481,  VC64)  is  a 44.1ha  remnant  of  a post-glacial  mire  at  an  altitude 
of  c.lOm  which  formed  behind  a terminal  moraine  to  the  south,  along  whose  summit  now  runs 
the  dual  carriageway  of  the  A64  York  by-pass.  It  has  long  been  known  as  a haunt  of  rare  fenland 
plants  and  insects,  to  the  extent  that  in  the  past  it  was  called  'the  Wicken  Fen  of  the  North'. 
There  is  an  account  of  a visit  by  boys  of  York  Quaker  (now  Bootham)  School  in  1834  in  search  of 
water  beetles  and  plants  (Fitter  & Smith,  1979),  and  in  1946  the  site  became  the  first,  and  for 
almost  ten  years  the  only,  nature  reserve  of  the  Yorkshire  Naturalists'  Trust  (YNT),  as  the 
Yorkshire  Wildlife  Trust  (YWT)  was  then  known. 

Fen  Bog  (SE857982,  VC62)  is  a valley  mire  of  some  18.3ha  at  the  head  of  the  glacial  drainage 
channel  of  Newton  Dale  in  the  heart  of  the  North  York  Moors  National  Park  at  an  altitude  of 
c.l50m.  It  was  gifted  to  the  (YNT)  in  1964  and  it  was  well  known  amongst  entomologists  as  a 
site  for  a variety  of  peat-bog  insects,  including  the  Large  Heath  Coenonympho  tullio. 

Although  both  sites  are  called  'Bog'  they  differ  markedly  in  structure:  Askham  Bog  is  mainly  an 
alkaline-neutral  fen  whereas  Fen  Bog  is  mostly  waterlogged  acid  peat.  The  vegetation  of  the  two 
reserves  is  quite  different  but  both  are  superb  examples  of  their  types. 

These  differences  are  also  reflected  in  the  dipterous  fauna,  of  which  the  Dolichopodidae  is  an 
important  component.  The  combined  species-list  for  the  two  sites  numbers  83,  of  which  only  29 
are  common  to  both.  The  total  number  for  Askham  Bog  now  stands  at  61,  of  which  32  have  not 
been  recorded  from  Fen  Bog.  The  total  list  for  the  latter  numbers  51,  of  which  22  have  not  been 
recorded  at  Askham  Bog. 

The  29  species  recorded  at  both  sites  are  mostly  widespread  and  common  generalists.  Examples 
are:  Chrysotus  gromineus,  Dolichopus  plumipes,  D.  po  pul  oris,  D.  ungu  lotus,  Gymnopternus 
oerosus,  Sybistromo  obscurellus,  Compsicnemus  curvipes,  C.  scombus,  Sympycnus  desoutteri  and 
Syntormon  pollipes. 

Dolichopodids  recorded  from  Askham  Bog  only  include  several  which  are  restricted  in  their 
Yorkshire  distribution.  Noteworthy  amongst  these,  in  a regional  context,  are  Argyro  elongoto, 
Diophorus  oculotus,  Dolichopus  wohlbergi,  Ethiromyio  cholybeo,  Gymnopternus  ongustifrons, 
Rhophium  fosciotum  and  Lomprochromus  bifosciatus. 

Argyro  elongoto  is  little  known  in  Yorkshire:  first  recorded  from  a water  trap  on  West  Fen, 
Malham  (VC64)  on  11/9/1980,  the  next  was  a single  female  at  Askham  Bog  on  16/7/1985  (this 
specimen,  much  damaged  but  still  identifiable,  is  in  my  collection).  Much  subsequent  collecting 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

at  the  site  has  failed  to  locate  any  more  examples.  A third  and  more  recent  record  by  Andrew 
Godfrey  from  Inkle  Moor,  Thorne  (VC63)  on  25/6/2012  completes  the  tally.  I have  taken  single 
specimens  at  Loch  Morlich  (Aviemore)  and  Fenn's/Whixhall  Moss  (Shropshire),  so  this 
dolichopodid  is  widely  spread  nationally  but  apparently  always  scarce. 

Diophorus  oculatus  was  reported  by  Chris  Cheetham  from  'Austwick.  Lawkland1  (VC64)  in  a note, 
according  to  his  record  card,  published  in  The  Naturalist  in  1919.  This  remained  the  only  known 
Yorkshire  locality  until  1985  when  it  was  recorded  at  Askham  Bog,  at  which  site  it  has 
subsequently  been  found  frequently  in  the  fen  meadows.  It  has  also  been  found  at  the  YWT 
reserves  at  Ashberry  (VC62)  and  Upper  Dunsforth  (VC61)  and  also  at  Sand  Dale  on  the  southern 
edge  of  Dalby  Forest  (VC62),  and  in  2008  at  Ellington  Banks  near  Ripon  (VC64).  These  widely 
scattered  records  over  the  past  thirty  years  doubtless  reflect  the  mobility  of  the  present 
generation  of  recorders  and  an  increasing  interest  in  dipterology.  The  eyes  of  the  males  in  life 
are  of  the  most  beautiful  blue,  hence  the  name. 

Dolichopus  wahlbergi  is  very  similar  in  general  appearance  to  D.  plumipes , one  of  the  most 
common  and  widespread  of  dolichopodids.  The  males  of  both  have  distinctive  pennate  lateral 
fringes  to  the  basal  segments  of  the  middle  tarsi  and  the  hind  margins  of  the  wings  are 
conspicuously  sinuate  towards  the  bases.  These  are  thought  to  be  male  secondary  sexual 
characters,  and  leg  adornments  in  particular  occur  in  a number  of  dolichopodid  genera, 
especially  the  species-rich  Dolichopus.  D.  wahlbergi  is  found  less  frequently  than  D.  plumipes, 
usually  singly  or  in  very  small  numbers,  and  it  appears  to  be  absent  from  much  of  the  upland 
western  parts  of  Yorkshire. 

Ethiromyia  chalybea  was  first  recorded  in  Yorkshire  in  1987  from  the  towpath  of  Doncaster 
Canal  and  thereafter  from  Gypsy  Marsh,  a wetland  site  in  the  south  of  VC63,  in  1992  and  1997 
and  Holbrook  Marsh  in  1993.  In  1996  a single  female  was  found  in  a fen  bordering  Hornsea 
Mere  (VC61)  and  subsequently  at  half  a dozen  further  sites,  mostly  in  VC61.  The  first  to  be 
recorded  at  Askham  Bog  was  in  2010  and  further  examples  were  found  in  the  same  area  of  carr- 
woodland  near  the  entrance  to  the  reserve  in  2014. 

Gymnopternus  angustifrons  (Lower  Risk  = Nationally  Notable)  is  a tiny  black  fly  for  which  there  is 
a record  from  Askham  Bog  (date  unclear  but  pre-1953).  That  remained  the  sole  record  until 
1971,  when  it  was  found  at  Hotham  Carrs  (VC61).  The  next  was  in  1984  from  Askham  Bog, 
where  it  still  occurs,  and  in  the  same  year  from  Allerthorpe  Common  (VC61).  Thereafter  it  has 
been  reported  from  several  other  damp,  peaty  sites  in  lowland  Yorkshire:  Skipwith  (VC61)  and 
Strensall  (VC62)  Commons,  Thorne  Moors  and  sites  in  the  Lower  Derwent  Valley  (VC61). 

Rhaphium  fasciatum  has  a long  association  with  Askham  Bog,  the  first  record  being  in  1953.  This 
was  the  only  known  Yorkshire  site  until  it  was  found  during  the  Malham  survey  undertaken  by 
the  Entomological  Section  of  the  YNU  between  1954/58  (Henson,  1963).  Since  then  it  has  been 
recorded  from  about  a dozen  widely  scattered  localities  in  the  county  but  surprisingly  from  only 
one  in  VC63:  Inkle  Moor,  2012.  At  Askham  Bog  several  specimens  of  both  sexes  were  found  in  a 
small  area  of  carr-woodland  near  the  entrance  to  the  Reserve  between  1-19  May  2014. 

Lamprochromus  bifasciatus  was  first  recorded  in  Yorkshire  in  1996,  when  a single  male  was 
found  at  Sand  Dale,  and  there  have  been  several  subsequent  records  from  the  same  locality. 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


There  was  a further  VC62  record  from  Ashberry  in  2008  and  then  from  Askham  Bog  in  2013  and 

Dolichopodids  reported  from  Fen  Bog  but  not  Askham  Bog  include  Diophorus  nigricans, 
Dolichopus  longitarsis,  Tachytrechus  consobrinus,  Hydrophorus  albiceps,  Schoenophilus  versutus, 
Rhaphium  longicorne  and  Syntormon  zelleri. 

Diaphorus  nigricans  was  first  reported  in  Yorkshire  from  Thorne  Moors  in  1975.  Since  then  it  has 
been  found  at  about  a dozen  widely  scattered  sites  in  the  county,  mainly,  but  not  exclusively,  on 
peat  in  both  lowland  and  upland  localities. 

Dolichopus  longitarsis  records  are  mostly  from  upland  localities,  especially  calcareous  sites  on 
the  North  York  Moors  (VC62).  There  are  three  known  Pennine  sites  and  an  isolated  coastal  one 
from  Easington  (VC61).  One  of  the  Pennine  sites  (Bingley  Bog)  is  the  only  one  for  VC63  and  there 
are  no  records  from  VC65. 

Tachytrechus  consobrinus  (Lower  Risk  = Nationally  Notable)  was  first  recorded  in  Yorkshire  at 
Fen  Bog  in  2002  and  it  has  been  found  on  several  subsequent  occasions  at  this  site.  Elsewhere 
on  the  North  York  Moors  it  has  been  found  at  Tranmire  Bog  and  Bonfield  Gill.  The  only  other 
Yorkshire  record  is  from  the  shore  of  a sandy  lagoon  on  Hatfield  Moor  (VC63)  in  2004. 

Hydrophorus  albiceps  was  first  recorded  in  Yorkshire  at  Helwith  Moss,  Austwick  in  1921,  and 
subsequently  there  have  been  numerous  reports  from  Pennine  localities  including  Warley  Moor 
Reservoir  and  Studley  Pike  (both  in  VC63).  There  are  two  further  sites  on  the  North  York  Moors 
in  addition  to  Fen  Bog  - Tranmire  Bog  and  Bonfield  Gill.  The  majority  of  localities  are  acid  bogs 
dominated  by  Sphagnum  spp.  As  is  the  case  with  some  other  insects  once  regarded  as  being 
restricted  to  upland  bogs,  H.  albiceps  also  occurs  in  similar  situations  in  the  lowlands,  and  there 
are  records  from  Skipwith  Common  and  Thorne  Moors;  specimens  were  reported  as  being 
'abundant'  at  the  latter  site  in  1969. 

Schoenophilus  versutus  is  a tiny  (2mm)  dull  grey  fly  of  undistinguished  appearance  which  can 
easily  be  overlooked  in  the  field.  The  first  Yorkshire  record  was  in  1948  at  Gristhorpe  Bay  (VC62) 
on  the  coast  south  of  Scarborough  and  then  followed  reports  from  Great  Close  Mire  and  Ha 
Mire  in  the  1954/8  survey  at  Malham  (Henson,  loc.  cit.).  There  was  a further  record  for  the 
former  site  at  Malham  in  1993.  The  only  other  reported  County  site  is  Fen  Bog,  where  single 
specimens  were  found  in  July  2013  and  2014. 

Rhaphium  longicorne  is  a well-known  member  of  the  dipterous  fauna  of  peat  bogs,  mainly  in  the 
uplands  but  also  in  similar  lowland  places  (Crossley,  2014),  and  this  spectacular  dolichopodid  is 
frequent  at  Fen  Bog. 

Syntormon  zelleri  has  been  known  in  Yorkshire  since  first  being  recorded  in  1982  at  Catcliffe 
Flash  (VC63).  Three  years  later  it  was  found  at  Sug  Marsh  at  Timble  (VC64),  and  since  then  there 
have  been  reports  from  five  sites  on  the  North  York  Moors  in  addition  to  Fen  Bog,  where  it  was 
first  recorded  in  1988.  There  is  a recent  (2009)  lowland  record  from  the  tiny  conservation  area  at 
the  Yorkshire  Air  Museum,  Elvington  (VC61)  near  York.  This  is  only  c.lOkm  from  Askham  Bog  and 
the  fly  may  well  be  there,  awaiting  discovery! 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

In  the  foregoing  account  nomenclature  follows  Chandler  (1998  with  updates)  and  threat 
statuses  are  in  Falk  & Crossley  (2005). 


As  always,  a huge  debt  is  owed  to  past  and  present  entomologists  who  have  given  of  their  time 
to  submit,  and  in  some  cases  to  maintain,  the  records  of  the  Yorkshire  Naturalists'  Union, 
without  whose  efforts  articles  such  as  this  could  not  be  written.  It  is  my  privilege  to  maintain  the 
dolichopodid  records  at  the  present  time  and  full  details  concerning  any  species  noted  in  this 
paper  will  gladly  be  provided  on  application. 

All  records  pertaining  to  reserves  of  the  Yorkshire  Wildlife  Trust  are  deposited  with  the  Trust, 
and  it  is  a pleasure  to  record  my  thanks  for  the  support  received  from  Officers  of  the  Trust  in  this 
and  other  studies  over  more  years  than  I now  care  to  remember! 


Chandler,  P.  J.  (1998)  Checklists  of  Insects  of  the  British  Isles  (New  Series),  Part  1:  Diptera. 
Hondbk.ldent.  Br.  Insects  12  (1):  1-234. 

Crossley,  R.  (2014)  Notes  on  the  distribution  and  habitat  associations  of  dolichopodid  flies  in 
Yorkshire.  The  Naturalist  139: 108-111. 

Falk,  S.  J.  & Crossley,  R.  (2005)  A review  of  the  scarce  and  threatened  flies  of  Great  Britain.  Part 
3:  Empidoidea.  Species  Status  3: 1-134.  JNCC.  Peterborough. 

Fitter,  A.  FI.  & Smith,  C.  J.  (eds)  (1979)  A Wood  in  Ascam-  A Study  in  Wetland  Conservation,  v.-viii. 

1-164.  Wm.  Sessions,  York,  and  Yorkshire  Naturalists'  Trust. 

Flenson,  H.  (1963).  The  Insects  of  the  Malham  Tarn  Area.  Proceedings  of  the  Leeds  Philosophical 
and  Literary  Society:  Scientific  Section  9:  ii,  15-91. 


The  Spurn  Bird  Observatory  was  established  in  1946  under  the  auspices  of  the  Yorkshire 
Naturalists'  Union  at  Warren  Cottage  on  the  Spurn  peninsula.  It  is  now  a separate  trust.  The 
Yorkshire  Wildlife  Trust  (then  the  Yorkshire  Naturalists'  Trust)  bought  Spurn  from  the  Ministry  of 
Defence  in  1959  but  did  not  create  the  bird  observatory  as  I erroneously  stated  on  p.36  of  my 
recent  article  (Moore  2015).  I thank  Jan  Crowther  and  Barry  Spence  for  bringing  this  to  my 

P.G.  Moore 


Moore,  P.  G.,  (2015).  Michael  Clegg  DSc  (Hon.),  FMA,  MBOU  (1933-1995):  a biography  and 
bibliography.  The  Naturalist  140:  33-40. 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


Geological  and  land  use  influences  on  Badger  sett  densities 
across  South  Yorkshire 

Colin  Howes 

7 Aldcliffe  Crescent,  Doncaster  DN4  9DS 


Badgers  Meles  meles  generally  prefer  to  excavate  their  setts  into  a steep  or  even  vertical  surface 
(Paget  & Middleton  1969,  1974);  it  is  therefore  understandable  that  their  distribution  should 
reflect  the  prevailing  topography  and  geology.  From  data  available  in  the  archived  Mammal 
Society  Yorkshire  Badger  Sett  Survey  files  and  data  from  Mike  Dyson,  one-time  member  of  the 
South  Yorkshire  Badger  Group,  it  has  been  possible  to  examine  the  geographical  distribution  of 
208  setts  known  to  be  active  from  1974  to  1988  across  the  Metropolitan  County  of  South 
Yorkshire.  This  has  revealed  an  intriguing  association  with  the  exposed  solid  geology,  the  history 
of  human  exploitation  of  mineral  resources,  the  management  of  arable  agricultural  landscapes 
across  the  Holocene  drift  geology  and  the  fluctuating  performance  of  the  Sherwood  sandstone 
aquifer  in  the  east  of  the  region. 

By  counting  the  numbers  of  1 km  squares  of  the  Ordnance  Survey  National  Grid  north  and  south 
along  a line  of  64  1 km  squares  from  west  to  east  of  the  Metropolitan  County,  those  squares 
known  to  contain  setts  were  expressed  as  a percentage  of  the  total  at  each  easting.  By  plotting 
the  percentage  scores  along  the  line  of  the  64  eastings,  a pattern  of  sett  preference  was 
revealed  in  Figure  1. 

Examination  of  the  solid  and  drift  geological  maps  of  the  British  Geological  Survey  for  the 
Sheffield,  Barnsley,  Doncaster  and  Goole  regions  has  shown  a rationale  for  the  uneven 
distribution.  Geological  divisions  which  run  conveniently  in  five  belts  from  west  to  east, 
commence  with  the  Carboniferous  Namurian  Millstone  Grit,  the  Westphalian  Lower  coal 
measures,  the  Middle  coal  measures,  often  overlain  by  alluvium  of  the  Don  and  Dearne  valleys, 
the  Permian  Magnesian  Limestone  and  marl  ridge,  the  Triassic  Sherwood  sandstones  overlain  by 
the  25  ft  drift  of  the  bed  of  the  post-glacial  Lake  Humber  and  by  deposits  of  morainic  and  glacio- 
fluvial  debris. 

The  tough  Millstone  Grits  of  the  Pennine  Peak  District  (between  OS  easting  12  and  18)  are 
occupied,  but  relatively  sparsely  compared  with  the  Westphalian  Lower  coal  measures  (within 
OS  eastings  19  to  32)  which  provide  more  friable  strata  including  sandstones,  coal,  shale  and 
clay.  These  form  the  'exposed'  coalfield,  where  strata  have  been  worked  at  the  surface.  Over  the 
centuries,  the  landscape  has  been  pitted  by  hundreds  of  disused  shallow  mine  workings 
(including  large  numbers  of  'bell  pits',  now  abandoned  and  wooded),  quarries  and  clay  pits.  This 
industrial  heritage  has  provided  numerous  artificially  excavated  structures  which  badgers  have 
taken  over  and  developed  as  sett  systems.  These  occupied  sites  are  particularly  resistant  to 
illegal  badger  digging  and  are  therefore  disproportionately  represented  across  South  Yorkshire 
(Mike  Dyson  pers.  comm.). 


The  Noturolist  140  (2015) 

OS  Eastings 

Figure  1:  Relative  frequencies  of  Badger  setts  across  the  geological  zones  of  South  Yorkshire 

The  alluvial  river  washland  landscapes  of  the  Don  and  Dearne  valleys  overlie  parts  of  the 
Westphalian  Middle  Coal  measures  (within  OS  eastings  33  to  44)  to  the  west  of  the  Permian 
Magnesian  Limestone  ridge.  This  was  commercially  exploited  by  deep  mine  technology  offering 
fewer  opportunities  for  sett  excavation  and  those  that  are  present  in  the  landscape  are  subject 
to  high  levels  of  illegal  badger  digging. 

Figure  2.  A badger  sett  under  the  Permian  limestone,  which  is  visible 
immediately  above  the  entrance.  P Simmons 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


A second  favoured  area  for  sett  creation,  from  OS  eastings  45  to  58,  is  provided  by  the  Permian 
limestone  and  marl  ridge.  The  underlying  basal  Permian  sand,  revealed  largely  along  the 
western  escarpment  of  the  ridge,  is  particularly  favoured  by  badgers  for  the  excavation  of  setts 
(Fig.  2),  as  are  the  numerous  fissures  and  crevices  exposed  by  quarries  and  disused  railway 

Across  the  low-lying  bed  of  the  former  Lake  Humber,  from  OS  eastings  59  to  75,  setts  are  largely 
absent.  This  is  probably  due  to  a relatively  high  water  table  and  a notably  flat  landscape.  Islands 
of  occurrence  do  occur  in  a series  of  slightly  elevated  areas  of  moraine  and  glacio-fluvial  erratic 
debris,  between  OS  eastings  69  and  72  as  at  Lindholme  Island  on  Hatfield  Chase.  Human 
constructions  in  the  form  of  flood  embankments  and  the  faces  of  networks  of  Internal  Drainage 
Board  ditches  and  drains  are  increasingly  being  utilised  (Mike  Dyson  pers.  comm.).  Exploitation 
of  these  sites  appears  to  be  a post  1970s  phenomenon,  coinciding  with  the  lowering  water 
table,  through  agricultural  irrigation  and  over-exploitation  for  public  supply  of  the  underlying 
Sherwood  sandstone  aquifer. 


I am  greatly  indebted  to  Ron  Deaton  of  the  Harrogate  Naturalists'  Society  for  making  available 
the  Mammal  Society  Yorkshire  Badger  Sett  Survey  files  and  Mike  Dyson  for  his  exhaustive 
knowledge  of  former  badger  setts  across  South  Yorkshire. 


Ordnance  Survey  Londronger  Series  1:50,000  scale  sheets  109;  110;  111;  112;  118;  119  and  120. 
Paget,  R.J.  and  Middleton,  A.L.V.  (1969)  National  Badger  Survey.  The  Naturalist  94:  81-82. 

Paget,  R.J.  and  Middleton,  A.L.V.  (1974)  Badgers  of  Yorkshire  and  Humberside.  Ebor  Press,  York. 

Increase  in  bog-mosses  Sphagnum  and  other  changes  in  the 
vegetation  of  Ringinglow  Bog  (Southern  Pennines)  since  the 

R.  Goulder 

5 Bishops  Croft,  Beverley  HU  17  8JY 


It  is  well  known  that  bog-mosses  typically  thrive  on  cold,  nutrient-poor  upland  bogs  where  they 
can  out-compete  vascular  plants  and  are  responsible  for  the  bulk  of  peat  deposition  (e.g.  van 
Breemen,  1995).  By  the  mid-20th  century  it  was  recognized  that  the  blanket  bogs  of  the 
Southern  Pennines  were  atypical:  bog  surfaces  were  often  dominated  by  cotton-grasses 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

(Common  Cottongrass4  and/or  Hare's-tail  Cottongrass)  while  bog-mosses  were  few  or  absent 
(e.g.  Pearsall,  1950;  Anderson  & Shimwell,  1981).  Nevertheless,  studies  of  stratigraphy  showed 
that  much  of  the  peat  deposits  underlying  the  current  vegetation  had  been  formed  from  bog- 
mosses  (Tallis,  1964)  while  Pearsall  (loc.cit.)  reported  an  account  of  upland  blanket  bog  in  the 
area  with  great  abundance  of  bog-mosses  as  recently  as  1813.  Potential  reasons  for  the  loss  of 
bog-mosses  include  changes  in  drainage,  grazing  pressure  and  moor-burning  regimes  but  the 
likely  cause  that  has  been  most  stressed  is  deposition  of  atmospheric  industrial  pollutants.  The 
industrial  conurbations  of  Sheffield  and  Manchester  are  close  by  and  Tallis  (1965,  1985)  showed 
that  blanket  bog  in  the  Kinder-Bleaklow  area  had  surface  deposits,  <10-cm  deep,  of  soot- 
contaminated  humified  peat  overlying  peat  that  was  formed  from  bog-mosses;  the  discontinuity 
appears  to  have  occurred  since  about  1800  and  is  aligned  with  the  development  of 
manufacturing  industry  and  a general  increase  in  coal  burning. 

Experimental  evidence  supports  the  hypothesis  that  atmospheric  pollution  has  been  responsible 
for  loss  of  bog-mosses.  For  example,  Ferguson  et  al.  (1978)  used  laboratory  experiments  to 
demonstrate  inhibition  of  extension  growth,  chlorophyll  synthesis  and  photosynthesis  in  diverse 
bog-mosses  at  concentrations  of  bisulphite  (HS03_)  and  sulphate  (S04_  -)  that  were 
commensurate  with  concentrations  in  Sheffield  and  Manchester  rain  in  the  1970s.  Subsequent 
field  experiments  (Ferguson  & Lee,  1980)  showed  that  bog-mosses  at  an  unpolluted  site  in 
North  Wales  were  inhibited  by  application  of  artificial  rain  that  contained  bisulphite  and 
sulphate  at  1970s  Sheffield-Manchester-region  concentrations.  It  has  also  been  suggested  that 
high  concentrations  of  combined  inorganic  nitrogen  in  acid  deposition  may  disrupt  nitrogen 
metabolism  and  retention  by  bog-mosses  (Press  & Lee,  1982;  Press  et  al.,  1986)  and  lead  to 
disruption  of  the  nitrogen  regime  of  bog  surfaces  and  upset  of  interactions  between  bog-mosses 
and  vascular  plants,  to  the  detriment  of  the  bog-mosses  (Woodin  & Lee,  1987;  Gunnarsson  et 
al.,  2004). 

This  article  is  concerned  with  an  area  of  blanket  bog  in  the  Southern  Pennines  that  was  given 
the  name  "Ringinglow  Bog"  by  Conway  (1947).  Ringinglow  Bog  forms  part  of  the  Eastern  Peak 
District  Moors  SSSI  and  lies  at  altitude  c.400m  within  National  Grid  monads  (1km  x 1km  squares) 
SK2583,  2683,  2783,  2584,  2684,  2784  and  2682;  Upper  Burbage  Bridge  (SK261830)  is  at  the 
south-west  corner  of  the  bog.  The  bog  is  bordered  to  the  south  by  the  Hathersage-Ringinglow 
road,  from  which  it  extends  northwards  for  c. 1500m,  and  to  the  west  by  Burbage  Brook,  from 
which  it  extends  eastwards  for  c. 1400m.  Conway  (loc.cit.)  summarized  the  vegetation  of  the 
bog:  she  described  Heather,  Common  Cottongrass  and  Hare's-tail  Cottongrass  as  dominant/co- 
dominant, Wavy  Hair-grass  as  widespread  and  Soft-rush  as  locally  dominant.  Bog-mosses  were 
not  conspicuous,  with  the  exception  of  a wetter  area  towards  the  north-western  part  of  the  bog 
where  Flat-topped  Bog-moss  was  abundant  amongst  the  cotton-grasses.  She  stressed,  however, 
that  unconsolidated  remains  of  bog-mosses  are  revealed  over  much  of  the  bog  if  the  superficial 
5cm  or  so  of  deposit  is  scraped  away  and  suggested  that  the  dominance  of  bog-mosses  was  lost 
perhaps  about  100  years  before  this  1940s  study.  She  acknowledged  the  possible  role  in  this  of 
atmospheric  pollution  but  concluded  that  cutting  of  drainage  channels  was  a more  likely  cause. 

4 Scientific  names  which  are  included  in  the  tables  are  not  repeated  in  the  text.  Nomenclature  of 
vascular  plants  follows  Stace  (2010)  and  that  of  bryophytes  Atherton,  Bosanquet  & Lawley  (2010). 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


A view  more  aligned  to  recent  work,  reviewed  above,  is  that  deposition  from  atmospheric 
pollution  was  probably  the  key  factor  at  Ringinglow  Bog.  Evidence  of  extreme  deposition  of 
industrial  pollutants  specific  to  Ringinglow  Bog  is  provided  by  metal  concentrations  in  the  peat 
(e.g.  cadmium,  copper,  iron  and  lead)  that  greatly  exceed  those  at  unpolluted  bog  sites  (Markert 
& Thornton,  1990;  Jones  & Hao,  1993;  Gao  et  al.,  1999). 

Vegetation  of  the  main  flush  area  of  Ringinglow  Bog  in  the  1940s  and  2014 

Conway  (1949)  described  the  vegetation  of  Ringinglow  Bog  as  it  was  in  the  1940s.  Part  of  that 
study  focussed  on  one  of  the  wetter  parts  of  the  site  that  was  referred  to  as  the  "main  flush". 
This  lay  in  the  central  and  eastern  part  of  the  bog  and,  from  the  sketch  map  provided  had  an 
area  of  c.31ha.  Conway  emphasized  that  the  term  'flush'  was  used  to  describe  an  area  in  which 
surface  water  accumulated  and  that  its  use  did  not  imply  that  there  was  upwelling  of  inorganic 
nutrients.  She  described  two  vegetation  types  within  the  main  flush:  (1)  an  area  with  much 
Common  Cottongrass  (Plate  Ilia,  centre  pages)  along  with  dominant  Hare's-tail  Cottongrass 
(Plate  lllc,  centre  pages)  found  in  the  central  area  of  the  main  flush;  (2)  wide  bands  to  the  north 
and  south  of  the  central  area  dominated  by  Hare's-tail  Cottongrass  but  where  Wavy  Hair-grass 
was  also  important. 

Conway  recorded  plants  in  lm2  quadrats  at  intervals  of  10  paces  along  a c.HOOm  transect  A-B 
that  crossed  the  main  flush,  taking  in  both  vegetation  types,  and  extended  onto  Heather- 
dominated  heath  beyond.  Her  Table  1 includes  the  percentage  frequency  for  occurrence  of  each 
plant  in  1-m2  quadrats  in  both  vegetation  types  of  the  main  flush.  The  site  was  species  poor; 
only  ten  plants  (five  vascular  plants  and  five  bryophytes)  were  recorded  in  20  quadrats  placed  in 
the  Common  Cottongrass-Hare's-tail  Cottongrass  vegetation  type,  the  most  frequent  vascular 
plants  were  Hare's-tail  Cottongrass  100%,  Common  Cottongrass  45%  and  Wavy  Hair-grass  15%. 
Thirteen  (seven  angiosperms  and  six  bryophytes)  were  found  in  25  quadrats5  placed  in  the 
Hare's-tail  Cottongrass-Wavy  Hair-grass  vegetation  type,  including  Hare's-tail  Cottongrass  100%, 
Wavy  Hair-grass  100%,  Common  Cottongrass  52%,  Crowberry  24%  and  Cranberry  24%.  Bog- 
mosses  were  not  recorded  in  any  of  the  quadrats  placed  on  the  main  flush. 

The  author  of  the  present  article  participated  in  an  undergraduate  field  course  to  the  site  in  May 
1963  (led  by  Dr  D.  J.  Boatman);  my  notes  record  abundant  cotton-grasses  with  bog-mosses 
confined  to  ditches.  A more  recent  visit  to  the  main  flush  area  was  made  in  September  2014. 
The  zonation  of  vegetation  observed  by  Conway  was  in  general  terms  still  discernible  from  the 
Hathersage-Ringinglow  road;  the  reddish  leaves  of  Common  Cottongrass  gave  the  vegetation 
that  it  dominated  a reddish  tinge,  making  it  clearly  distinguishable  from  the  greener  Hare's-tail 
Cottongrass-dominated  vegetation.  Also,  it  was  observed  while  walking  approximately 
northwards  from  the  road  (beginning  at  SK26938307)  that  an  initial  Heather-dominated  slope 
gave  way  after  c.80m  to  Hare's-tail  Cottongrass-dominated  tussocky  blanket  bog  with  Wavy 
Hair-grass.  There  were  abundant  bog-mosses  (Flat-topped  and  Fringed  Bog-mosses)  amongst 
the  tussocks  (Plate  Hid,  centre  pages).  At  c.l30m  from  the  road  the  vegetation  changed  to 
Common  Cottongrass  dominance  with  Hare's-tail  Cottongrass  and  Wavy  Hair-grass.  Bog-mosses 

5 The  relevant  column  in  Conway’s  Table  1 states  that  percentage  frequencies  were  determined  from 
20  quadrats  but  the  values  given  are  all  integers  that  are  multiples  of  four  hence  it  is  likely  that  they 
are  from  25  quadrats. 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

were  also  present  including  Flat-topped  and  Fringed  Bog-mosses.  Also  present  were  red  plants 
from  Sphagnum  section  Acutifolia.  During  a subsequent  visit  in  February  2015  it  became 
apparent  that  these  comprised  Lustrous  Bog-moss,  identifiable  in  the  field  by  red  capitula  with 
green  centres,  and  Acute-leaved  Bog-moss.  At  c.730m  from  the  road  the  Common  Cottongrass 
was  lost  and  Hare's-tail  Cottongrass  became  dominant  again,  with  Wavy  Hair-grass  and  some 
Purple  Moor-grass;  bog-mosses  were  abundant.  At  c.800m  Heather  again  became  dominant.  An 
elongated  pool  orientated  about  east-west  was  found  to  the  south-east  of  the  main  flush;  it 
contained  abundant  Feathery  Bog-moss  with  Fringed  Bog-moss  and  Common  Cottongrass  (Plate 
lllb,  centre  pages).  This  was  presumably  a remnant  of  the  ditch  complex  shown  on  Conway's 
sketch  map. 

The  plants  found  in  the  main  flush  area  in  September  2014  are  listed  in  Table  1;  also  included 
are  those  found  in  quadrats  on  the  main  flush  by  Conway  in  the  1940s  (taken  from  her  Table  1). 
The  principal  change  since  the  1940s  is  clearly  the  reappearance  of  Sphagnum.  The  vascular 
plants  found  in  2014  were  much  the  same  as  in  the  1940s;  all  seven  of  those  recorded  in  the 
1940s  were  still  there  in  2014. 

More  systematic  recording  of  the  vegetation  of  the  main  flush  was  undertaken  in  November- 
December  2014.  Plants  were  recorded  in  1-m2  quadrats  using  the  Braun-Blanquet  abundance 
scale  (Kent,  2012);  i.e.  + = sparse,  1 = common  but  <5%  cover,  2 = 5-25%  cover,  3 = 25-50%  cover, 
4 = 50-75%  cover  and  5 = >75%  cover.  Acute-leaved  and  Lustrous  Bog-mosses  were  not 
separated;  liverworts,  always  inconspicuous,  were  not  included  in  the  recording.  Quadrats  were 
located,  so  far  as  possible,  as  described  by  Conway;  that  is,  they  were  placed  at  10-pace 
intervals  along  a transect  from  the  Hathersage-Ringinglow  road  that  began  at  SK27148316  and 
crossed  the  main  flush  at  an  alignment  40  degrees  west  of  north.  Twenty  quadrats  were  placed 
across  the  central  area  of  the  main  flush  (between  c.l90m  and  340m  from  the  road)  in 
vegetation  that  was  perceived  to  be  dominated  by  Common  Cottongrass,  and  20  quadrats  were 
placed  in  the  zone  between  the  marginal  heath  and  the  central  area  of  the  main  flush  (between 
c.50m  and  190m  from  the  road)  in  vegetation  that  was  perceived  to  be  dominated  by  Hare's-tail 
Cottongrass  with  Wavy  Hair-grass  (two  of  these  latter  quadrats  were  placed  15m  west  of  the 

The  aims  of  the  recording  were: 

• To  test  whether  the  subjective  discernment  of  two  vegetation  types  in  the  main  flush  is 
supported  by  an  objective  analysis  of  records.  To  this  end  the  Braun-Blanquet  scores  for 
each  species  in  each  quadrat  were  re-coded  and  simplified;  i.e.  not  recorded  = 0;  + & 1 = 
1;  2 & 3 = 2;  4 & 5 = 3.  The  re-coded  scores  were  used  to  compare  quadrats  on  the  basis  of 
species  present  and  their  abundance  using  de-trended  correspondence  analysis 
(DECORANA)  (Kent,  2012);  Community  Analysis  Package  3.0  was  used  (Henderson  & 
Seaby,  2008). 

• To  look  for  statistically  significant  change  since  the  1940s  in  the  percentage  frequency 
of  each  species  recorded,  within  both  vegetation  types  in  the  main  flush.  Analysis  of 
association  (Campbell,  1967)  was  used  to  achieve  this;  a 2 x 2 contingency  table  was 
prepared  for  observed  frequencies  (number  of  quadrats  with  or  without  the  species)  in 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


the  1940s  and  2014  and  another  for  expected  frequencies.  The  1940s  data  were  taken 
from  Table  1 of  Conway  (1949).  This  was  done  for  each  species  and  each  of  the  two 
vegetation  types;  a two-tailed  chi-square  test  was  used  to  look  for  significant  differences 
between  frequencies  in  the  1940s  and  2014. 

The  Braun-Blanquet  scores  for  20  quadrats  in  the  Common  Cottongrass-dominated  vegetation 
towards  the  centre  of  the  main  flush  are  available  as  additional  electronic  material  (Appendix 
la).  The  scores  for  some  quadrats  suggest  more  than  100%  cover  but  this  is  because  of  overlap 
of  species.  Nine  vascular  plants  were  recorded.  The  dominant  Common  Cottongrass  was  present 
in  all  quadrats  and  was  recorded  as  50-75%  or  >75%  cover  in  18  out  of  20  quadrats.  Hare's-tail 
Cottongrass  and  Wavy  Hair-grass  were  also  recorded  in  all  quadrats  but  with  much  lower 
percentage  cover;  because  recording  was  in  December  the  Wavy  Hair-grass  foliage  was  largely 
withered  and  dead.  Cranberry  was  inconspicuous  but  was  found  in  18  quadrats;  Cross-leaved 
Heath  was  found  in  11  quadrats  and  its  cover  was  estimated  as  25-50%  in  two  of  these.  Bog- 
mosses  were  recorded  in  13  out  of  20  quadrats;  five  of  these  records  were  for  cover  of  25-50% 
or  50-75%.  Species  found  were  Acute-leaved/Lustrous,  Feathery  and  Fringed  Bog-mosses. 
Bryophytes  were  otherwise  largely  inconspicuous;  Heath  Plait-moss  was  recorded  in  three 
quadrats,  Common  Haircap  in  two  quadrats  (albeit  at  25-50%  in  one  of  these)  and  Springy  Turf- 
moss  in  one  quadrat. 

The  Braun-Blanquet  scores  for  quadrats  on  the  vegetation  dominated  by  Hare's-tail  Cottongrass 
with  Wavy  Hair-grass  are  also  available  as  additional  electronic  material  (Appendix  lb).  Eight 
vascular  plants  were  recorded.  The  dominant  Hare's-tail  Cottongrass  was  in  all  20  quadrats  with 
cover  estimates  of  25-50%  in  seven  quadrats,  50-75%  in  eight  quadrats  and  >75%  in  five 
quadrats.  Wavy  Hair-grass  was  also  in  all  quadrats,  although  largely  withered  and  much  less 
conspicuous.  Cranberry,  although  inconspicuous,  was  recorded  in  16  quadrats;  Common 
Cottongrass  was  also  frequently  encountered  being  recorded  in  14  quadrats,  although  with  low 
values  (5-25%  in  one  quadrat,  otherwise  <5%  cover).  Bog-mosses  were  recorded  in  17  quadrats 
and  two  species  were  found;  Flat-topped  and  Fringed  Bog-mosses.  The  latter  was  the  most 
abundant,  being  found  in  14  quadrats  and  conspicuously  abundant  in  some  of  them  (25-50%  in 
three  quadrats,  50-75%  in  two  quadrats  and  >75%  in  one  quadrat).  Flat-topped  Bog-moss  was 
found  in  seven  quadrats,  being  notably  abundant  in  a few  of  them  (25-50%  in  one  and  50-75% 
in  another).  Otherwise,  amongst  bryophytes,  Common  Haircap  was  recorded  in  eight  quadrats 
(at  25-50%  cover  in  two  of  these)  while  there  were  occasional  records  of  Rusty  Swan-neck  Moss, 
Silky  Forklet-moss,  Heath  Plait-moss  and  Springy  Turf-moss. 

The  DECORANA  ordination  plot  for  quadrats  (Fig.  1)  largely  supported  the  initial  subjective  visual 
categorization  of  the  main  flush  vegetation  into  two  distinct  types.  Although  there  is  an  element 
of  subjective  judgement  in  the  drawing  of  the  cluster  boundaries,  it  appears  that  17  of  the 
quadrats  (prefix  a)  from  the  Common  Cottongrass-dominated  area  were  in  a cluster  towards  the 
lower  left  of  the  plot  while  15  quadrats  (prefix  v)  from  the  Hare's-tail  Cottongrass  (with  Wavy 
Hair-grass)  vegetation  type  occupied  a cluster  towards  the  upper  right  of  the  plot.  There  were 
eight  intermediate  or  outlying  quadrats  which  is  concomitant  with  the  observed  patchy  nature 
of  the  vegetation.  The  species  plot  is  available  as  additional  electronic  material  (Appendix  2). 
This  suggested  that  Common  Cottongrass,  Cross-leaved  Heath,  Acute-leaved/Lustrous  and 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

Feathery  Bog-mosses  were  important  in  pulling  quadrats  into  the  lower  left  cluster  while  Hare's- 
tail  Cottongrass,  Flat-topped  and  Fringed  Bog-mosses  were  important  in  pulling  quadrats  into 
the  upper  right  cluster. 

Figure  1.  Ringinglow  Bog,  main  flush  area,  November-December  2014;  DECORANA  ordination 
plot  for  quadrats.  Quadrats  al-20  are  for  the  vegetation  dominated  by  Common  Cottongrass 
with  Hare's-tail  Cottongrass  ; quadrats  vl-20  are  for  the  vegetation  dominated  by  Hare's-tail 
Cottongrass  with  Wavy  Flair-grass.  Points  for  quadrats  a5  & al7  are  co-incident  as  are  those  for 
quadrats  al2  & al4.  The  scale  on  the  axes  indicates  relative  difference  between  the  quadrats. 

In  the  central  area  of  the  main  flush,  dominated  by  Common  Cottongrass,  this  plant  had 
increased  significantly  since  the  1940s  to  be  present  in  100%  of  quadrats  in  2014  (Table  2,  pl44). 
Three  other  vascular  plants  had  significantly  increased  in  frequency  (Wavy  Hair-grass,  Cross- 
leaved Heath  and  Cranberry).  Amongst  bryophytes,  bog-mosses  (Acute-leaved  Bog- 
moss/Lustrous  Bog-moss,  Feathery  Bog-moss  and  Fringed  Bog-moss)  had  increased  significantly 
(from  zero).  Nodding  Thread-moss  had  apparently  been  lost. 

In  the  Hare's-tail  Cottongrass  (with  Wavy  Hair-grass)-dominated  area  of  the  main  flush  only 
Cranberry  had  increased  since  the  1940s  (Table  3,  pl45);  otherwise  the  vascular  plants  showed 
no  significant  change  in  frequency.  Amongst  bryophytes,  Flat-topped  Bog-moss  and  Fringed  Bog- 
moss  had  increased  significantly  (from  zero).  Common  Haircap  had  also  increased  significantly 
while  Nodding  Thread-moss  had  apparently  disappeared. 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 



The  substantial  increase  in  bog-mosses  at  Ringinglow  Bog  since  the  1940s  (Tables  2 & 3)  can  be 
seen  in  the  context  of  the  report  on  the  recent  status  of  bog-mosses  on  the  Peak  District 
moorlands  that  has  been  published  by  the  Moors  for  the  Future  Partnership  (Carroll  et  al., 
2009).  That  report  accepted  that  gross  sulphur  dioxide  and  acid  deposition  from  around  the 
1850s  onward  was  the  principal  cause  of  the  widespread  disappearance  of  bog-mosses  from  the 
region.  The  report  also  suggests  that  bog-mosses  are  now  returning  to  these  moorlands  and 
relates  this  to  greatly  reduced  atmospheric  pollution  over  the  past  40  years,  a reduction  that  is 
part  of  a Europe-wide  improvement;  since  1980  total  European  land-based  emissions  (i.e.  not 
from  shipping)  of  sulphur  dioxide  have  fallen  by  84%  and  those  of  nitrogen  oxides  by  46% 
(Agren,  2013).  Furthermore,  Caporn  et  al.  (2006)  observed  a marked  increase  of  bog-mosses 
between  the  early  1980s  and  2005-6  on  blanket  bog  at  Holme  Moss,  also  in  the  Southern 
Pennines;  this  they  concluded  is  likely  to  be  due  to  amelioration  in  atmospheric  pollution.  Thus 
the  increase  in  bog-mosses  at  Ringinglow  Bog  is  liable  to  be,  at  least  in  part,  related  to  reduced 
incidence  of  pollution  even  though  it  is  likely  that  a legacy  of  pollutants  remains  in  the  peat. 

The  increase  in  bog-mosses  in  the  main  flush  area  of  Ringinglow  Bog  has  not  taken  place  in  a 
landscape  otherwise  devoid  of  bog-mosses.  Carroll  et  al.  (loc.cit.)  reviewed  Peak  District  records 
between  1989  and  2007  and  showed  that  bog-mosses  are  widely  distributed,  albeit  not 
necessarily  abundant.  Twenty  were  found,  the  most  frequently  recorded  being  Flat-topped, 
Fringed  and  Blunt-leaved  Bog-mosses.  Even  in  the  1940s  bog-mosses  were  to  be  found  at 
Ringinglow  Bog  (Conway,  1949),  although  not  recorded  in  quadrats  across  the  main  flush. 
Conway  recorded  Flat-topped  Bog-moss  at  frequencies  of  75-85%  in  quadrats  across  an  area  of 
c.l5ha  that  she  called  the  "north-western  flush".  Blunt-leaved  Bog-moss  was  present  in  one 
quadrat;  Fringed  and  Lustrous  Bog-mosses  were  also  in  this  part  of  the  bog  although  not  in  the 
quadrats  and  a patch  of  Papillose  Bog-moss  Sphagnum  papillosum  was  found  in  the  central  part 
of  the  bog. 

As  is  emphasized  by  Carroll  et  al.  (loc.cit.)  there  are  other  environmental  and  management 
factors  in  addition  to  atmospheric  pollution  and  its  amelioration  that  might  have  contributed  to 
the  loss  and  recovery  of  bog-mosses  in  the  Southern  Pennines;  these  include  changes  in  erosion, 
burning,  grazing,  trampling  and  drainage.  Conway  (1949)  inferred  that  loss  of  bog  mosses 
through  erosion  at  Ringinglow  Bog  was  unimportant;  erosion  was  proceeding  only  slowly,  in 
contrast  with  the  summits  of  Kinder  Scout  and  Bleaklow,  and  she  attributed  this  to  local 
topography.  Nor  was  erosion  especially  obvious  in  2014.  Conway  (1949)  mentions  periodic 
burning  at  Ringinglow  Bog;  no  evidence  of  burning  was  observed  in  2014.  Conway  also  mentions 
sheep  on  the  bog.  Sheep  grazing  generally  in  the  Peak  District  increased  substantially  in  the  20th 
century;  the  number  of  sheep  on  the  hills  trebled  between  1930  and  1976  (Anderson  & Yalden, 
1981).  Since  2000,  however,  this  trend  has  been  reversed  with  numbers  of  breeding  ewes  in  the 
South  Pennines  decreasing  by  3.6%  between  2000  and  2010  (Silcock  et  al.,  2012).  I do  not  have 
information  about  whether  sheep  numbers  have  decreased  at  Ringinglow  Bog;  there  were 
about  ten  sheep  on  the  bog  on  4 September  2014  and  23  on  26  February  2015.  Yalden  (2004) 
found  that  slow  regeneration  of  Flat-topped  Bog-moss  took  place  over  the  years  1980-2004 
when  sheep  were  excluded  from  eroded  blanket  bog  in  the  Southern  Pennines,  with  no  other 
treatment.  He  concluded  that  grazing  and  trampling  had  hitherto  hindered  regeneration. 
Conway  (1949)  concluded  that  artificial  drainage  was  important  in  the  loss  of  bog-mosses  at 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

Ringinglow.  Since  the  1940s  the  ditches  that  she  described  are  likely  to  have  become  more 
occluded,  hence  there  may  now  be  a higher  water  table.  Furthermore,  at  least  one  watercourse 
towards  the  west  of  the  bog  has  been  blocked  by  a series  of  dams,  although  it  is  not  clear  to  me 
whether  this  has  raised  water  levels  in  the  main  flush  area.  Such  gully  blocking  has  recently 
become  a useful  technique  in  the  management  of  blanket  bogs  (Evans  et  a!.,  2005). 

The  preliminary  visit  to  Ringinglow  Bog  in  September  2014  suggested  that  the  vascular-plant 
flora  of  the  main  flush  area  has  not  changed  much  since  the  1940s  because  all  seven  of  the 
vascular  plants  found  by  Conway  (1949)  were  still  there  (Table  1).  Furthermore,  the  overview  of 
the  site  from  the  Hathersage-Ringinglow  road  suggested  that  Conway's  separation  of  the  main- 
flush  vegetation  into  (1)  Common  Cottongrass  with  Hare's-tail  Cottongrass  in  the  central  area 
and  (2)  Hare's-tail  Cottongrass  with  Wavy  hair-grass  towards  the  margins  of  the  flush,  still  holds 
good.  DECORANA  (Fig.  1),  using  the  data  from  quadrats  collected  in  November  and  December 
2014,  confirmed  that  there  genuinely  are  two  distinct  vegetation  types  in  the  main  flush  area, 
albeit  with  some  patchiness  and  overlap. 

It  seems,  however,  that  there  has  been  some  recognizable  change  shown  by  vascular  plants 
since  the  1940s.  This  is  most  obvious  in  the  central  area  of  the  main  flush,  where  Conway 
described  Common  Cottongrass  as  abundant  but  Hare's-tail  Cottongrass  as  dominant.  Since  then 
Common  Cottongrass  has  increased  in  frequency  from  45%  to  100%  of  quadrats.  Moreover,  the 
Braun-Blanquet  abundance  scores  for  Common  Cottongrass  were  always  greater  than  those  for 
Hare's-tail  Cottongrass  (Appendix  la).  Common  Cottongrass  had  clearly  become  dominant  by 
2014.  Other  evidence  of  change  is  provided  by  the  significant  increase  in  frequency  of  Wavy 
Hair-grass,  Cross-leaved  Heath  and  Cranberry  (Table  2,  pl44).  The  possible  changes  in  habitat 
described  above  that  might  have  led  to  the  regeneration  of  bog-mosses  (e.g.  reduced  pollution, 
perhaps  less  grazing  and  trampling)  are  also  potentially  relevant  to  the  increase  in  species 
richness  shown  by  vascular  plants.  Change  has  apparently  been  less  in  the  Hare's-tail 
Cottongrass-Wavy  Hair-grass  vegetation  towards  the  margin  of  the  main  flush.  Here  there  were 
no  significant  changes  in  frequency  except  for  Cranberry,  which  increased  from  24%  to  80%  of 
quadrats  (Table  3,  pl45). 

Two  vascular  plants  that  were  only  occasionally  seen  in  the  main  flush  area  in  2014  are  also 
worth  comment.  Firstly,  Purple  Moor-grass  was  noted  in  September  2014  (Table  1,  pl43)  and 
was  later  recorded  in  one  quadrat  (Appendix  la).  This  plant  was  not  recorded  in  the  main  flush 
by  Conway  (1949)  and  only  sparingly  in  the  north-western  flush  area.  In  contrast,  by  September 
2014  there  was  extensive  Purple  Moor-grass  in  the  north-western  flush  area  with  Hare's-tail 
Cottongrass  and  Wavy  Hair-grass.  Vegetation  dominated  by  Soft-rush  observed  by  Conway  in  the 
north-western  flush  persisted  in  2014.  Secondly,  a sapling  of  Rowan  was  observed  in  the  main 
flush  in  September  2014  (Table  1,  pl43)  and  another  (height  76  cm)  was  later  recorded  in  a 
quadrat  (Appendix  la).  This  incipient  colonization  by  trees  might  indicate  reduction  in  grazing. 

The  decrease  in  frequency  of  Nodding  Thread-moss  since  the  1940s  was  the  only  significant 
change  found  for  mosses  other  than  increase  in  bog-mosses  (Tables  2 & 3 ppl44,  145)  and 
Common  Haircap  (Table  3,  pl45).  Indeed,  Nodding  Thread-moss  was  not  recorded  in  2014; 
Atherton  et  ol.( 2010)  suggest  that  this  species  has  declined  generally  in  recent  years. 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 



I am  grateful  to  Natural  England  and  to  land  holders  for  permission  to  work  on  the  bog  and  to 

Professor  G.  W.  Scott  for  his  helpful  comments  on  the  manuscript. 


Agren,  C.  (2013)  European  emissions  keep  on  slowly  shrinking.  Acid  News , No.  4,  pp.  2. 

Anderson,  P.  & Shimwell,  D.  (1981)  Wild  Flowers  and  other  Plants  of  the  Peak  District.  Moorland 
Publishing,  Ashbourne. 

Anderson,  P.  & Yalden,  D.W.  (1981)  Increased  sheep  numbers  and  the  loss  of  heather  moorland  in 
the  Peak  District,  England.  Biological  Conservation , 20:  195-213. 

Atherton,  I.,  Bosanquet,  S.  & Lawley,  M.  (2010)  Mosses  and  Liverworts  of  Britain  and  Ireland:  a Field 
Guide.  British  Bryological  Society,  London. 

Campbell,  R.C.  (1967)  Statistics  for  Biologists.  CUP,  Cambridge. 

Caporn,  S.J.M.,  Carroll,  J.A.,  Studholme,  C.  & Lee,  J.A.  (2006)  Recovery  of  ombrotrophic  Sphagnum 
mosses  in  relation  to  air  pollution  in  the  Southern  Pennines.  A Report  to  Moors  for  the 
Future  Partnership,  Edale. 



Carroll,  J.,  Anderson,  P.,  Caporn,  S.,  Eades,  P,  O'Reilly,  C.  & Bonn,  A.  (2009)  Sphagnum  in  the  Peak 
District:  Current  Status  and  Potential  for  Restoration.  Moors  for  the  Future  Report  No  16. 
Moors  for  the  Future  Partnership,  Edale. 




Conway,  V.  M.  (1947)  Ringinglow  Bog,  near  Sheffield  part  I.  Historical.  Journal  of  Ecology,  34:  149- 

Conway,  V.  M.  (1949)  Ringinglow  Bog,  near  Sheffield  part  II.  The  present  surface.  Journal  of  Ecology, 
37:  148-170. 

Evans,  M.,  Allott,  T.,  Holden,  J.,  Flitcroft,  C.  & Bonn,  A.  (2005)  Understanding  Gulley  Blocking  in  Deep 
Peat.  Moors  For  the  Future  Report  No  4.  Moors  for  the  Future  Partnership,  Castleton. 

Ferguson,  P.  & Lee,  J.A.  (1980)  Some  effects  of  bisulphite  and  sulphate  on  the  growth  of  Sphagnum 
species  in  the  wild.  Environmental  Pollution  (Series  A),  21:  59-71. 

Ferguson,  P.,  Lee,  J.A.  & Bell,  J.N.B.  (1978)  Effects  of  sulphur  pollutants  on  the  growth  of  Sphagnum 
species.  Environmental  Pollution,  16:  151-162. 

Gao,  K.,  Pearce,  J.,  Jones,  J.  & Taylor,  C.  (1999)  Interaction  between  peat,  humic  acid  and  aqueous 
metal  ions.  Environmental  Geochemistry  and  Flealth,  21:  13-26. 

Gunnarsson,  U.,  Granberg,  G.  & Nilsson,  M.  (2004)  Growth,  production  and  interspecific  competition 
in  Sphagnum : effects  of  temperature,  nitrogen  and  sulphur  treatments  on  a boreal  mire. 
New  Phytologist,  163:  349-359. 

Henderson,  PA.  & Seaby,  R.M.H.  (2008)  A Practical  Flandbook  for  Multivariate  Methods.  Pisces 
Conservation,  Lymington. 

Jones,  J.M.  & Hao,  J.  (1993)  Ombrotrophic  peat  as  a medium  for  historical  monitoring  of  heavy  metal 
pollution.  Environmental  Geochemistry  and  Flealth,  15:  67-74. 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

Kent,  M.  (2012)  Vegetation  Description  and  Data  Analysis:  a Practical  Approach,  2nd  edition.  Wiley- 
Blackwell,  Chichester. 

Markert,  B.  & Thornton,  I.  (1990)  Multi-element  analysis  of  an  English  peat  bog  soil.  Water,  Air  and 
Soil  Pollution,  49:  113-123. 

Pearsall,  W.H.  (1950)  Mountains  and  Moorlands.  Collins,  London. 

Press,  M.C.  & Lee,  J.A.  (1982)  Nitrate  reductase  activity  of  Sphagnum  species  in  the  South  Pennines. 
New  Phytologist,  92:  487-494. 

Press,  M.C.,  Woodin,  S.J.  & Lee,  J.A.  (1986)  The  potential  importance  of  an  increased  atmospheric 
nitrogen  supply  to  the  growth  of  ombrotrophic  Sphagnum  species.  New  Phytologist,  103: 

Silcock,  P.,  Brunyee,  J.  & Pring,  J.  (2012)  Changing  Livestock  Numbers  in  the  UK  Less  Favoured  Areas  - 
an  Analysis  of  Likely  Biodiversity  Implications.  Final  report  prepared  for  the  Royal  Society  for 
the  Protection  of  Birds.  Cumulus  Consultants,  Wormington. 

Stace,  C.A.  (2010)  New  Flora  of  the  British  Isles,  3rd  edition.  CUP,  Cambridge. 

Tallis,  J.H.  (1964)  Studies  on  Southern  Pennine  peats  III.  The  behaviour  of  Sphagnum.  Journal  of 
Ecology,  52:  345-353. 

Tallis,  J.H.  (1965)  Studies  on  Southern  Pennine  peats  IV.  Evidence  of  recent  erosion.  Journal  of 
Ecology,  53:  509-520. 

Tallis,  J.H.  (1985)  Mass  movement  and  erosion  of  a Southern  Pennine  blanket  peat.  Journal  of 
Ecology,  73:  283-315. 

van  Breemen,  N.  (1995)  How  Sphagnum  bogs  down  other  plants.  Trends  in  Ecology  & Evolution,  10: 

Woodin,  S.J.  & Lee,  J.A.  (1987)  The  fate  of  some  components  of  acidic  deposition  in  ombrotrophic 
mires.  Environmental  Pollution,  45:  61-72. 

Yalden,  D.W.  (2004)  The  slow  recovery  of  eroded  blanket-bog  vegetation  in  the  Peak  District.  The 
Naturalist,  129:  113-117. 

Table  1.  Plants  recorded  in  the  main  flush  area  of  Ringinglow  Bog  in  September  2014  and  by 
Conway  in  the  1940s 

Recorded  by  Recorded  September 
Conway  in  the  2014 


Vascular  plants 

Calluna  vulgaris  Heather  + + 

Deschampsia  flexuosa  Wavy  Hair-grass  + + 

Empetrum  nigrum  Crowberry  + + 

Erica  tetralix  Cross-leaved  Heath  + + 

Eriophorum  angustifolium  Common  Cottongrass  + + 

Eriophorum  vaginatum  Hare's-tail  Cottongrass  + + 

Juncus  effusus  Soft-rush  - + 

Molinia  caerulea  Purple  Moor-grass  - + 

Sorbus  aucuparia  Rowan  (sapling)  - + 

Vaccinium  myrtillus  Bilberry  - + 

Vaccinium  oxycoccos  Cranberry  + + 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 



Compylopus  flexuosus  Rusty  Swan-neck  Moss  + + 

Compylopus  introflexus  Heath  Star-moss  - + 

Dicranella  heteromall  a Silky  Forklet-moss  + + 

Hypnum  jutlandicum  Heath  Plait-moss  - + 

Pohlia  nutans  Nodding  Thread-moss  + 

Polytrichum  commune  Common  Haircap  + + 

Sphagnum  capillifolium/subnitens  - + 

Acute-leaved/Lustrous  Bog-mosses 

Sphagnum  cuspidatum  Feathery  Bog-moss  - + 

Sphagnum  fallax  Flat-topped  Bog-moss  - + 

Sphagnum  fimbriatum  Fringed  Bog-moss  - + 

Sphagnum  palustre  Blunt-leaved  bog-moss  - + 


Calypogeia  azurea  Blue  Pouch  wort  + 

Cephalozia  bicuspidata  Two-horned  Pincerwort  + + 

Gymnocolea  inf  lata  Inflated  Notchwort  + + 

(+)  = present,  (-)  = not  recorded.  *Data  from  Table  1 of  Conway  (1949). 

Table  2.  Percentage  frequency  of  plants  in  1-m2  quadrats  in  the  vegetation  dominated  by 
Common  Cottongrass  with  Hare's-tail  Cottongrass  in  the  main  flush  area  of  Ringinglow  Bog  in 
the  1940s  and  in  November-December  2014. 

Percentage  frequency 




Vascular  plants 



Calluna  vulgaris  Heather 




Deschampsia  flexuosa  Wavy  Hair-grass 




Empetrum  nigrum  Crowberry 




Erica  tetralix  Cross-leaved  Heath 




Eriophorum  angustifolium  Common  Cottongrass 




Eriophorum  vaginatum  Hare's-tail  Cottongrass 




Molinia  caerulea  Purple  Moor-grass 





Sorbus  aucuparia  Rowan  (sapling) 




Vaccinium  oxycoccos  Cranberry 





Hypnum  jutlandicum  Heath  Plait-moss 




Pohlia  nutans  Nodding  Thread-moss 




Polytrichum  commune  Common  Haircap 




Rhytidiadelphus  squarrosus  Springy  Turf-moss 




Sphagnum  capillifolium/subnitens 
Acute-leaved/Lustrous  Bog-mosses 




Sphagnum  cuspidatum  Feathery  Bog-moss 




Sphagnum  fimbriatum  Fringed  Bog-moss 




1940s  records  are  from  Conway  (1949).  Values  are  derived  from  20  quadrats;  NS=P>0.05. 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

Table  3.  Percentage  frequency  of  plants  in  1-m2  quadrats  in  the  vegetation  dominated  by  Hare's- 
tail  Cottongrass  with  Wavy  Hair-grass  in  the  main  flush  area  of  Ringinglow  Bog  in  the  1940s  and 
in  November-December  2014. 

Percentage  frequency 


2014  P 

Vascular  plants 

Calluna  vulgaris  Heather 


25 j 


Deschampsia  flexuosa  Wavy  Hair-grass 




Empetrum  nigrum  Crowberry 




Erica  tetralix  Cross-leaved  Heath 




Eriophorum  angustifolium  Common  Cottongrass 




Eriophorum  vaginatum  Hare's-tail  Cottongrass 




Galium  saxatile  Heath  Bedstraw 




Vaccinium  oxycoccos  Cranberry 





Campylopus  flexuosus  Rusty  Swan-neck  Moss 




Dicranella  heteromalla  Silky  Forklet-moss 




Hypnum  jutlandicum  Heath  Plait-moss 




Pohlia  nutans  Nodding  Thread-moss 




Polytrichum  commune  Common  Haircap 




Rhytidiadelphus  squarrosus  Springy  Turf-moss 




Sphagnum  fallax  Flat-topped  Bog-moss 




Sphagnum  fimbriatum  Fringed  Bog-moss 




1940s  records  are  from  Conway  (1949). 

Values  for  the  1940s  are  from  25  quadrats  while  those  for  2014  are  from  20  quadrats; 

Appendices  la,  lb  and  2 can  be  downloaded  from  The  Naturalist  page  of  the  YNU  website  . 

Additions  and  corrections  to  the  Yorkshire  Diptera  list  (part  6) 

Andrew  Grayson 

56  Piercy  End,  Kirkbymoorside,  York,  North  Yorkshire,  Y062  6DF 

A small  number  of  Diptera  enthusiasts  steadily  continues  to  discover  new  flies  in  Yorkshire. 
Some  of  them  are  within  underworked  and  difficult  groups  and  were  previously  overlooked 
whereas  others  are  recent  arrivals  to  the  county,  e.g.  the  horsefly  Tabanus  autumnalis  which 
was  found  at  Fairburn  Ings  during  July  2014  (Brothers  & Grayson,  2014).  Many  of  the  additions, 
etc.,  given  here  are  due  to  the  work  of  Ian  Andrews  (IA),  John  Coldwell  (JDC),  Roy  Crossley  (RC) 
and  Bill  Ely  (WAE).  Most  additions  result  from  Bill  Ely's  prolific  and  longstanding  recording  in  the 
Rotherham  area.  Ian  Andrews'  recent  fieldwork  at  such  regionally  important  sites  as  Allerthorpe 
Common  and  Calley  Heath  has  produced  a good  number  of  additions  to  the  county  and  VC61 
lists.  John  Coldwell  continues  to  investigate  underworked  Diptera  assemblages  in  the  Barnsley 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


area,  which  has  resulted  in  many  additions  to  the  county  and  VC63  lists  over  many  years.  Roy 
Crossley  has  recently  restricted  his  studies  to  Dolichopodidae,  yet  he  continues  to  make  new 
and  interesting  discoveries. 

An  updated  version  [dated  22.1.2015]  of  A Simplified  Provisional  List  of  Yorkshire  Diptera  is  now 
available  via  the  YNU's  web-site.  This  list  names  various  species  as  being  'excluded'  from  the 
county  list,  or  'queried'  - usually  by  the  determiner.  It  is  inevitable  that  many  of  these  'queried' 
species  would  be  excluded  from  any  definitive  county  list,  therefore  the  previous  paper  in  this 
series  (Grayson,  2014)  provisionally  excluded  many  of  them.  The  current  paper  continues  that 
process  and  also  continues  the  policy  of  only  including  additions  which  have  not  been  published 

Taking  into  account  all  adjustments  due  to  additions,  corrections,  species  lost  to  synonymy  and 
provisionally  excluded,  etc.,  the  provisional  Yorkshire  Diptera  list  at  20.2.2015  contained  4,296 
species,  including  1,578  in  the  sub-order  Nematocera.  This  is  a net  increase  of  24  species  to  the 
list  at  3.3.2013  (Grayson,  2014).  This  modest  increase  would  be  far  greater  if  so  many  'queried' 
species  were  not  now  considered  'provisionally  excluded'.  In  the  list  below,  (CJtf)  or  (99) 
denotes  that  the  precise  number  of  males  or  females  was  not  recorded  (W.A.  Ely,  pers.  Comm.). 

Additions  to  Yorkshire  Diptera  List 


Obolodiplosis  robinae  (Haldeman,  1847):  VC63  Elmfield  Park,  Doncaster.  Gall  on  False  Acacia 
Robinia  pseudoacacia  T.  Higgin bottom. 


Telmatoscopus  ambiguus  (Eaton,  1893):  VC63  woodland  around  Woodall  and  Killamarsh  Ponds 
(SK477807)  28.6.2000  (OU)  WAE. 


Simulium  ( Simulium ) posticatum  Meigen,  1838  [=  austeni  Edwards,  1915]:  VC63  stream  and  marsh 
at  Birch  Wood  (SK435977)  18.10.2005  (99)  WAE;  Kilnhurst  Ings  (SK466977)  7.8.2006  (99) 


Serromyia  ledicola  Kieffer,  1925:  VC63  Old  Spring  Wood  (SK535811)  23.5.2001  WAE;  The 
Deans,  Listerdale  (SK465922)  30.6.1991  WAE. 


Parachironomus  monochromus  (van  der  Wulp,  1874):  VC63  Harthill  Lower  Reservoir  (SK489802) 
2.6.2005  (dtf)WAE. 

Paraphaenocladius  penerasus  (Edwards,  1929):  VC63  Sheffield  Airport  (SK414885)  12.8.2001  (Otf) 

Paratanytarsus  inopertus  (Walker,  1856):  VC63  Nor  Wood,  Roche  Abbey  (SK538904)  10.8.2001  (Otf) 
WAE;  Quarry  Hills,  Roche  Abbey  (SK5490)  28.6.1984  (Otf)  WAE. 

Psectrocladius  ( Psectrocladius ) limbatellus  (Holmgren,  1869):  VC63  Thurcroft  Colliery  tip 
(SK503906)  27.9.2003  (CfcT)  WAE. 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


Platypalpus  incertus  (Collin,  1926):  VC63  Dalton,  Huddersfield  (SE157169)  30.5.2014  (2$) 
Gavin  Boyd  det.  RC,  teste  Adrian  R.  Plant.  Both  specimens  are  now  deposited  in  the 
National  Museum  of  Wales  in  Cardiff  (RC,  pers.  comm.). 


Chrysotus  collini  Parent,  1923:  VC61  Reighton  Cliffs,  (clay  cliffs)  (TA1476)  26.6.2013  (3Cf)  RC. 

Medetera  bispinosa  Negrobov,  1967:  VC62  Cayton  Bay  5.7.1990  ((f)  RC.  Male  genital  examination  is 
necessary  to  separate  this  species  from  M.  nitida  (Macquart,  1834),  which  was  added  to  the 
Yorkshire  list  by  Skidmore  (1985).  British  records  of  M.  nitido  may  all  refer  to  M.  bispinoso 
(RC,  pers.  comm.). 


Megaselia  brunneipennis  Costa,  1857:  VC65  Thorpe  Perrow  Arboretum  (SE2585/2685)  17.7.1982 

M.  collini  (Wood,  1909):  VC63  Don  Canal  towpath,  Holmes  Lock(SK415923)  13.8.2000  ((f(f)  WAE. 

M.  stichata  (Lundbeck,  1920):  VC63  Birch  Wood  (SK437978)  18.10.2005  (OtT)  WAE; 

Herringthorpe  Wood  (SK458919)  11.10.2005  ((f6)  WAE;  Old  Spring  Wood  (SK533810) 
30.8.2000  (CfcT)  WAE. 

Triphleba  smithi  Disney,  1982:  VC63  Quarry  Hills  (SK541901)  6.5.2000  (Otf)WAE. 


Chalarus  gynocepholus  Jervis,  1992:  VC63  Old  Spring  Wood  (SK535811)  19.7.2000  ((ftf)  WAE. 

Eudorylas  kowarzi  (Becker,  1898):  VC63  Barrow  Colliery  (SE3503)  5.6.2013  (Cf  [dissected])  JDC. 


Agromyza  lithospermi  Spencer,  1963:  VC63  Wath  Wood  Drive,  Swinton  (SK439991)  1.6.2011, 
leafmine  in  forget-me-not  Dean  Stables;  VC64  Hayton  Wood  near  Aberford  (SE445381) 
7.2008,  leafmine  in  Common  Gromwell  Lithospermum  officinale,  Chris  S.  V.  Yeates. 

A.  sulfuriceps  Strobl,  1898:  VC64  Newton-in-Bowland  (SD6950)  1.8.2011,  leafmine  in 
Meadowsweet  Filipendula  ulmaria  WAE;  Swinsty  Moor  Plantation  (SE1843)  17.9.2011, 
leafmine  in  Raspberry  Rubus  idaeus  WAE. 

Cerodontha  (Dizygomyza)  iridis  (Hendel,  1927):  VC63  Sheffield  Airport  (SK414885)  12.8.2001  ((Qtf) 

C.  (D.)  morosa  (Meigen,  1830):  VC63  Maltby  Low  Common  (SK544914)  5.6.1983  (CJtf)  WAE. 

Liriomyza  eupatoriana  Spencer,  1954:  VC63  Greasbrough  Street,  Rotherham  (SK426931) 
7.8.1991  WAE. 

L flavopicta  Hendel,  1931:  VC63  Treeton  Wood  (SK445867)  25.5.2000  (CfcT)  WAE. 

Melanagromyza  cunctans  (Meigen,  1830):  VC63  Dodworth  (SE3105)  3.7.2013  ((f)  JDC;  Edderthorpe 
Ings  (SE4106)  29.6.2013  ((f)  JDC;  Haigh  (SE3011)  17.11.2013  ((f),  25.7.2014  (C?)  JDC;  Old 
Moor  (SE4202)  19.6.2013  (4(f)  JDC;  Rabbit  Ings  (SE3711)  26.6.2013  ((f),  21.9.2013 
(C?[dissected])  3.9.2014  (Cf)  JDC;  all  taken  where  Bird's-foot-trefoil  Lotus  corniculatus  occurs 
at  these  Barnsley  area  sites  (JDC,  pers.  comm.). 

M.  eupatorii  Spencer,  1957:  VC63  Maltby  Common  (SK548914)  8.6.1991  WAE;  Shireoaks  Quarry 
(SK5481)  5.6.1985  WAE. 

Ophiomyia  collini  Spencer,  1971:  VC63  Thundercliffe  Grange  (SK379937)  3.8.1997  WAE. 

O.  melandricaulis  Hering,  1943:  VC63  Quarry  Hills  (SK5490)  18.5.1986  WAE. 

O.  orbiculata  (Hendel,  1931):  VC63  Edderthorpe  Ings  (SE4106)  29.6.2013  ((f  [dissected])  JDC. 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


Phytomyza  (Phytomyza)  artemisivora  Spencer,  1971:  VC63  Swinton  Lock  Adventure  Park 
(SK464991)  26.6.2003,  leafmine  in  Mugwort  Artemisia  vulgaris  WAE. 

P.  (P.)  conii  Hering,  1931:  VC61  Catwick  (TA1345)  25.7.2011  WAE;  VC63  Broad  Lane,  Sykehouse 
(SE6317)  21.5.2011  WAE;  VC64  Thwaite  Mill,  Leeds  (SE3231)  27.7.2011  WAE;  all  recorded 
from  leafmines  in  Hemlock  Conium  maculatum. 

P.  (P.)  fulgens  Hendel,  1920:  VC63  Dodworth,  by  Whinby  Road  (SE3105)  2013,  leafmines  quite 
common  in  Old  Man's  Beard  Clematis  vitalba  JDC  (teste  Andy  N.R.  Godfrey  [ANRG]). 

P.  (P.)  pastinacae  Hendel,  1923:  VC63  Rainborough  Park  (SK402995)  28.7.1988  (C^)  WAE. 


Metopia  staegeri  Rondani,  1859:  VC61  Allerthorpe  Common  (SE755480)  17.7.2013  (Cf)  IA  det. 
Daniel  Whitmore;  Calley  Heath  (SE751498)  4.6.2014  (Cf),  15.6.2014  (Cf)  IA. 


Dufouria  chalybeata  (Meigen,  1824):  VC61  Allerthorpe  Common  (SE755480)  30.5.2014  (Cf)  IA 
(teste  Chris  Raper  [CR]);  Calley  Heath  (SE751498)  4.6.2014  (C?)  IA. 

Gonia  picea  (Robineau-Desvoidy,  1830):  VC61  Allerthorpe  Common  (SE755480)  26.3.2012  IA 
(teste  CR). 

Phryxe  heraclei  (Meigen,  1824):  VC61  Allerthorpe  Common  (SE755480)  28.7.2014  (Cf)  IA. 

Subclytia  rotundiventris  (Fallen,  1820):  VC63  Haigh  (SE3011)  17.6.2013  (9)  JDC. 

Re-instatements  to  Yorkshire  Diptera  List 


Neurolyga  truncata  (Felt,  1912)  [=  hammi  (Edwards,  1938)]:  VC63  Lindrick  Golf  Course  (SK544824) 
1986  Richard  J.  Hall;  Roche  Abbey  (SK5489)  1985  John  Pearson.  Both  these  records  are  ex 
Rotherham  Data  Bank  sub  nom.  Cordylomyia  hammi  and  were  of  galls  on  Lady's  Bedstraw 
Galium  verum  (WAE,  pers.  comm.).  N.  truncata  was  provisionally  excluded  by  Grayson 

Rhopalomyia  palearum  (Kieffer,  1890):  VC64  Ling  Ghyll  (SD8078)  8.8.1987,  gall  on  Yarrow 
Achilea  millefolium  WAE.  This  [sub  nom.  Misospatha  palearum]  was  excluded  from  the 
Yorkshire  list  by  Grayson  (2005)  as  the  only  record  known  to  him  at  the  time  was  a 
transcription  error. 


Cricotopus  ( Isocladius ) ornatus  (Meigen,  1818):  VC 63  Chesterfield  Canal  (SK507823)  18.6.2000  (Otf) 
WAE;  Thrybergh  Tip  (SK460960)  12.7.2001  (Cfc?)  WAE.  This  non-biting  midge  was  formerly 
excluded  by  Grayson  (2009). 


Dolichopus  ( Dolichopus ) caligatus  Wahlberg,  1850:  VC65  Marske,  by  river  (SE113994)  13.7.2008 
ANRG.  An  earlier  record  was  stated  to  be  a transcription  error  by  Grayson  (2006d). 


Volucella  zonaria  (Poda,  1761).  This  very  large  hoverfly  can  here  be  excluded  from  the  county  list 
and  re-instated  again  by  virtue  of  the  following  notes.  V.  zonaria  was  recorded  from  the 
York  area  by  Fife  & Walls  (1973);  however,  the  record  is  suspect  and  can  be  discounted 
without  serious  misgivings.  All  Diptera  identifications  in  Fife  & Walls  (loc.  cit.)  are 
questionable,  some  being  obviously  erroneous  and  others  very  doubtfully  authentic.  The 
next  published  mention  of  V.  zonaria  in  Yorkshire  was  by  Stubbs  (2005),  followed  by 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

enumeration  of  the  relevant  record  by  Grayson  (2006a).  These  referred  to  a sighting  of  V. 
zonorio  on  the  Yorkshire  side  of  the  River  Rother  in  Rother  Valley  Country  Park  by  WAE  in 
2004;  however,  WAE  (pers.  comm.)  subsequently  reported  that  the  River  Rother  was  re- 
routed since  Watson  defined  his  vice-county  borders  and  his  sighting  was  on  land  in  the 
neighbouring  VC57  (Derbyshire).  The  re-instatement  of  V.  zonorio  is  due  to  Brian  Smith's 
photographs  of  a 9on  Butterfly  Bush  Buddleio  dovidii  in  his  garden  in  Hilda  Street,  Goole, 
on  26.8.2013.  Two  good  photographs  were  forwarded  to  me  by  Peter  Kendall  for 
verification  of  this  record. 


Lonchaea  scutellaris  Rondani,  1874:  VC65  Thorpe  Perrow  Arboretum  (SE2585/2685)  17.7.1982 
WAE.  This  fly  was  recorded  from  Yorkshire  in  MacGowan  & Rotheray  (2008)  but  provisionally 
excluded  by  Grayson  (2014). 

Exclusions  from  Yorkshire  Diptera  List 


Mycetophila  bohemica  (Lastovka,  1963).  Falk  & Chandler  (2005)  stated  "A  record  from  Studley 
Royal  Park,  Yorkshire,  requires  confirmation".  This  refers  to  a 9 taken  at  SE287691  on 
19.6.1989  by  Peter  Skidmore  and  tentatively  identified  by  him  with  the  note  "queried  as 
this  species".  There  is  no  specimen  standing  under  M.  bohemico  in  Doncaster  Museum  and 
Art  Gallery.  On  this  basis,  M.  bohemica  is  best  provisionally  excluded  from  the  Yorkshire  list. 

Phthinia  humilis  Winnertz,  1863.  This  fungus  gnat  is  best  provisionally  excluded  from  the 
county  list  pending  verification  of  its  occurrence  in  Yorkshire.  The  three  Yorkshire 
records  are  from  1980-1982;  therefore,  specimens  require  re-examination,  as  they  are  likely 
to  be  P.  miro  (Ostroverkhova,  1977)  (JDC,  pers.  comm.). 


Contarinia  acetosellae  (Rubsaamen,  1891).  The  gall  of  this  midge  would  appear  to  have  been 
erroneously  recorded  from  Yorkshire  due  to  a transcription  error.  It  was  listed  by  Grayson 
(2007)  on  the  basis  that  it  was  recorded  from  Yorkshire  by  Bagnall  & Harrison  (1918)  as  their 
species  no.  266,  according  to  John  Robbins  (pers.  comm.).  However,  there  is  no  such  record. 


Forcipomyia  ( Thyridomyia ) monilicornis  (Coquillett,  1905).  This  biting  midge  was  tentatively 
recorded  as  "?  this  sp."  from  Hatfield  Moors  by  Skidmore  (2001).  There  is  another 
Yorkshire  record  on  the  Malham  Tarn  cards,  viz.  "5.8.1978,  North  Wing  9 (runs  t0 
F.polustris  in  Edwards,  1926:  no  literature  on  rest  of  sub-genus,  Thyridomio  available) 
RHLDisney".  F.  (7.)  polustris  sensu  Edwards  (1926)  is  synonymous  with  F.  (7.)  monilicornis 
(Coquillett)  but  there  are  two  other  British  Forcipomyia  in  the  sub-genus  Thyridomyia,  of 
which  F.  (7.)  rugosa  Chan  & Le  Roux,  1970,  was  recorded  from  Yorkshire  by  Boorman  (1974) 
[from  the  Rothwell  area  of  Leeds,  det.  M.W.  Service].  Provisional  exclusion  of  F.  (7.) 
monilicornis  from  the  county  list  would  appear  logical,  given  the  degree  of  doubt  about  its 
occurrence  in  Yorkshire. 


Cerodontha  ( Butomomyza ) eucaricis  Nowakowski,  1967.  The  record  from  Skipwith  Common  in 
Grayson  (2006b)  was  a misidentification  for  C.  ( B .)  scutellaris  (von  Roser,  1840)  (J.H.  Cole, 
pers.  comm.). 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


Phytomyza  ( Phytomyza ) pauliloewii  Hendel,  1920.  Spencer  (1972)  mentioned  leafmines  on 
Burnet-saxifrage,  stating  " Pimpinella  saxifraga  L.  Yorks.:  nr.  Settle,  30.vii.62  (G.C.D. 
Griffiths).  Whitish  blotch  mines  (brown  when  old)  of  a Phytomyza  sp.,  possibly  referable 
to  Phytomyza  pauli-loewi  Hendel,  1920  (fig.  360)".  This  identification  was  tentative  and 
there  have  been  no  further  Yorkshire  records;  hence,  P.  [P.)  pauliloewii  is  best  provisionally 
excluded  from  the  county  list,  pending  verification  of  its  occurrence. 


Trachyopella  ( Trachyopella ) atomus  (Rondani,  1880).  This  lesser  dung  fly'  is  probably  best 
provisionally  excluded  from  the  county  list  as  Pitkin  (1988)  knew  of  only  one  British  site, 
and  the  record  in  Payne  (1957)  probably  referred  to  T.  (T.)  lineafrons  (Spuler,  1925); 
however,  this  is  not  entirely  certain  as  Payne  ( loc . cit.)  intriguingly  stated  his  specimen  from 
Copmanthorpe  on  22.9.1956  was  "very  small". 


Leiophora  innoxia  (Meigen,  1824)  [=  procera  sensu  auctt.,  nec  (Meigen,  1824)].  This  parasitic  fly 
is  best  provisionally  excluded  from  the  Yorkshire  list.  Belshaw  (1993)  stated  that  the  only 
record  in  northern  England  was  an  unconfirmed  literature  record  from  Yorkshire.  Chris 
Cheetham's  record  card  [for  Hypostena  procera]  probably  alludes  to  the  same  record,  as 
Cheetham  wrote  "Ripon  dist:  C Morley  in  litt.  Hincks". 

Phebellia  villica  (Zetterstedt,  [1838])  [=  ingens  (Brauer  & von  Bergenstamm,  1891)].  A 2 was 
listed  from  Frog  Hall  in  Durham,  27.8.1929  by  van  Emden  (1954).  Probably  this  was  in  error 
for  Frog  Hall  at  the  edge  of  Allerthorpe  Common  in  Yorkshire;  but  regardless,  the 
review  by  Belshaw  (1993)  considered  Q p-  villica  was  indistinguishable  from  2 P vicina 
(Wainwright,  1940). 

Further  Notes 

A Simplified  Provisional  List  of  Yorkshire  Diptera  [on  the  YNlTs  web-site]  is  a 'work-in-progress' 
which  lists  many  species  as  being  'excluded'  from  the  county  list  or  'queried'  by  their 
determiners.  Grayson  (2014)  regarded  many  of  these  'queried'  species  as  warranting  provisional 
exclusion  from  any  definitive  county  list.  No  records  have  been  published  for  any  of  the 
following  'queried'  species,  which  also  warrant  provisional  exclusion:  PSYCHODIDAE:  Psychoda 
erminea  Eaton,  1898:  DOLICHOPODIDAE:  Dolichopus  (Dolichopus)  mediicornis  Verrall,  1875: 
AGROMYZIDAE:  Phytomyza  (Phytomyza)  murina  Hendel,  1935  [=brevicornis  sensu  Brit,  auctt., 
nec  Hendel,  1934]:  and  EPHYDRIDAE:  Parydra  ( Chaetoapnaea ) hecate  (Haliday,  1833). 


Ken  Payne's  record  lists  [in  13  folders  now  in  the  YNU  archives]  contain  an  intriguing 
unpublished  record  of  the  robber-fly  Eutolmus  rufibarbis  (Meigen,  1820),  which  may  be  correct. 
However,  it  would  represent  a remarkable  find  and  no  voucher  specimen  has  thus  far  been 
located.  As  the  asilid  involved  may  have  been  a Machimus,  then  provisional  exclusion  from  the 
Yorkshire  list  is  desirable.  Ken's  record  was  of  a C?  from  Snake  Hill  Plantation,  North  Cave 
(SE8634)  4.7.1981,  with  the  note  that  it  was  initially  recorded  as  Philonicus  albiceps  (Meigen, 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


Writing  on  the  fauna  of  Beacon  Lagoons  Nature  Reserve  near  Spurn,  Cook  (2009)  mentioned  "a 
Dolichopodid  fly  (Tachytrechus  hyollipennis),  not  previously  recorded  in  Yorkshire."  This  refers  to 
Tochytrechus  insignis  (Stannius,  1831)  taken  from  an  old  drainage  ditch  by  RC  (RC,  pers.  comm.). 
There  is  no  such  species  as  T.  hyollipennis.  The  first  published  Yorkshire  record  of  T.  insignis  is 
contained  in  Chandler  (2002). 


This  paper  would  not  have  been  possible  without  information  and  co-operation  from  the 
following:  Ian  Andrews,  John  Coldwell,  Jon  Cole,  Roy  Crossley,  Bill  Ely,  Andy  Godfrey,  Tom 
Higginbottom,  Peter  Kendall  and  Chris  Yeates. 


Bagnall,  R.S.  & Harrison,  J.W.H.  (1918)  A Preliminary  Catalogue  of  British  Cecidomyidae  (Diptera) 
with  special  reference  to  the  Gall-midges  of  the  North  of  England.  The  Transactions  of  the 
Entomological  Society  of  London,  [65]  (1917):  346-426. 

Belshaw,  R.  (1993)  Tachinid  Flies:  Diptera:  Tachinidae.  Handbooks  for  the  Identification  of 
British  Insects,  10  (4a i). 

Boorman,  J.  (1974)  Forcipomyia  ( Thyridomyia ) rugosa  Chan  & Leroux  (Dipt.,  Ceratopogonidae)  from 
Britain.  The  Entomologist's  Monthly  Magazine,  109  (1973):  183. 

Brothers,  P.  & Grayson,  A.  (2014)  Large  Marsh  Horsefly  Tabanus  autumnalis  new  to  Mid-west 
Yorkshire.  Soldierflies  and  Allies  Recording  Scheme  Newsletter,  2:  10. 

[Chandler,  P.J.]  (2002)  Dipterists  Day  Exhibits  2001  - compiled  by  Editor  from  exhibitors'  notes. 
Dipterists  Digest,  (Second  Series)  9:  19-21. 

Cook,  P.J.  (2009)  Erosion  & Accretion  - Threats  and  Ephemeral  Opportunities.  YNU  Bulletin,  52 
(Suppl):  33-36. 

Edwards,  F.W.  (1926)  On  the  British  Biting  Midges  (Diptera,  Ceratopogonidae).  The  Transactions  of 
the  Entomological  Society  of  London,  74:  389-426. 
van  Emden,  F.l.  (1954)  Diptera:  Cyclorrhapha:  Calyptrata.  (1)  section  (a):  Tachinidae  and 
Calliphoridae.  Handbooks  for  the  Identification  of  British  Insects,  10  (4a). 

Falk,  S.J.  & Chandler,  P.J.  (2005)  A review  of  the  scarce  and  threatened  flies  of  Great  Britain.  Part  2: 
Nematocera  and  Aschiza  not  dealt  with  by  Falk  (1991).  Species  Status  2.  Joint  Nature 
Conservation  Committee.  Peterborough. 

Fife,  M.G.  & Walls,  P.J.  (1973)  The  River  Foss.  From  Yearsley  Village  to  York:  Its  History  and  Natural 
History.  Sessions  Book  Trust,  York. 

Grayson,  A.  (2005).  Additions  and  corrections  to  the  Yorkshire  Diptera  list  (Part  1).  The  Naturalist, 
130:  129-136. 

Grayson,  A.  (2006a)  Volucella  inanis  and  V.  zonaria  in  Yorkshire,  plus  notes  on  other  species. 
Hoverfly  Newsletter,  41:  9. 

Grayson,  A.  (2006b).  New  Yorkshire  Mycetophilidae  and  Agromyzidae  (Diptera).  YNU  Bulletin,  46: 

Grayson,  A.  (2006c)  Additions  and  corrections  to  the  Yorkshire  Diptera  list  (Part  2).  The  Naturalist, 

Grayson,  A.  (2006d)  Additions  and  corrections  to  the  Yorkshire  Diptera  list  (Part  3).  The  Naturalist, 
131:  131-138. 

Grayson,  A.  (2007)  A brief  progress  report  on  the  forthcoming  provisional  list  of  Yorkshire  Diptera. 
YNU  Bulletin,  48:  60-61. 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


Grayson,  A.  (2009)  Additions  and  corrections  to  the  Yorkshire  Diptera  list  (Part  4).  The  Naturalist, 
134: 24-29. 

Grayson,  A.  (2014)  Additions  and  corrections  to  the  Yorkshire  Diptera  list  (part  5).  The  Naturalist, 
139:  14-22 

MacGowan,  I.  & Rotheray,  G.[E.]  (2008)  British  Lonchaeidae:  Diptera  Cyclorrhapha,  Acalyptratae. 

Handbooks  for  the  Identification  of  British  Insects,  10  (15). 

Payne,  K.G.  (1957)  Diptera  in  The  Yorkshire  Naturalists'  Union:  Ninety-fifth  Annual  Report: 
Entomology.  The  Naturalist,  [82]:  21-25. 

Pitkin,  B.R.  (1988)  Lesser  Dung  Flies.  Diptera:  Sphaeroceridae.  Handbooks  for  the  Identification  of 
British  Insects,  10  (5e). 

Skidmore,  P.  (1985)  Diptera  Report:  1977-84.  The  Naturalist,  110:  111-117. 

Skidmore,  P.  (2001)  A provisional  list  of  the  insects  of  Hatfield  Moors.  THMCF  Technical  Report  7. 

Doncaster:  Thorne  and  Hatfield  Moors  Conservation  Forum. 

Spencer,  K.A.  (1972)  Diptera:  Agromyzidae.  Handbooks  for  the  Identification  of  British  Insects,  10  (g). 
Stubbs,  A.[E.]  (2005)  Flies.  In  Wildlife  reports.  British  Wildlife,  16:  437-438. 

YNU  VC63  Field  Excursion  to  Thorpe  Marsh  14th  June  201 4 
Bryology  Report 

Colin  Wall 

The  old  railway  embankment  bisecting  the  reserve  from  east  to  west  was  probably  the  most 
productive  area  for  the  bryologist.  With  a substrate  rich  in  acid  clinker/ash  and  basic  slag  ballast, 
it  exhibited  a high  degree  of  opportunity  for  both  calcicoles  and  acidophiles,  and  a variety  of 
common  examples  from  both  persuasions  had  become  established,  interspersed  with  more 
neutral  species.  Within  a footfall  of  acid-loving  Campylopus  introflexus  and  Brachythecium 
albicans  could  be  found  calcicoles  such  as  Plagiomnium  undulatum  and  Didymodon  insulanus, 
against  a general  background  of  neutral  and  ubiquitous  Brachythecium  rutabulum  and 
Kindbergia  praelonga.  Small  acrocarps  such  as  Pseudocrossidium  hornschuchianum,  Barbula 
unguiculata  and  B.  convoluta  had  become  established  where  the  substrate  had  become  hard- 
packed.  The  embankment,  shaded  by  mature  oaks  and  hawthorns,  had  Fissidens  taxifolius  and 
F.  bryoides  with  a little  Mnium  hornum  and  Polytrichum  juniperinum. 

Despite  the  virtual  absence  of  suitable  host  trees  for  epiphytes  (only  two  Ash  trees  were  noted), 
the  oaks  supported  a number  of  mosses  that  were  rare  only  ten  years  ago  but  are  now  thriving 
due  to  the  reduction  of  atmospheric  sulphur  dioxide  levels.  These  included  Ulota  bruchii,  U. 
phyllantha,  Cryphaea  heteromalla,  Orthotrichum  affine,  O.  diaphanum  and  O.  lyellii . The  latter  is 
still  scarce  in  the  Doncaster  area,  so  it  was  pleasing  to  see  it  on  Ash,  though  it  was  first  found  on 
the  reserve  in  2011  on  oak.  Other  epiphytes  included  the  liverworts  Frullania  dilatata  and 
Metzgeria  furcata,  both  on  oak. 

On  the  day  43  species  of  bryophytes  were  recorded,  compared  to  49  recorded  on  visits  in  2009 
and  2011.  There  were,  however,  five  that  had  not  been  previously  recorded.  Among  these  was 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

the  thalloid  liverwort  Pellia  epiphyllo,  the  flap-like  involucre  in  evidence.  The  most  surprising 
addition  to  the  reserve's  list  was  a very  small  amount  of  the  tiny  Leskea  polycorpo  on  Elder  at 
the  foot  of  the  embankment. 

Botanical  Report  for  2014 

Phyl  Abbott,  Richard  Middleton,  Gill  Smith  & Linda  Robinson 


VC61  South-east  Yorkshire 

The  greater  part  of  all  botanical  recording  activity  during  2014  was  directed  towards  achieving 
good  coverage  for  the  forthcoming  Atlas  2020.  This  has  resulted  in  a great  many  new  records 
but  mainly  for  more  common-place  plants  in  areas  which  have  been  less  well  recorded.  All 
records  for  rare  and  scarce  plants  have  been  published  in  the  3rd  Edition  of  the  Rare  Plants 
Register  (Middleton  & Cook  2015).  There  was,  of  course,  the  occasional  surprise.  Among  these 
was  a clump  of  Monk's-hood  Aconitum  napellus  on  the  verge  at  Thwing;  obviously  an 
introduction  but  matching  a herbarium  specimen  collected  by  Professor  Ron  Good  from  this 
locality  in  1956!  The  'square  bashing'  also  provided  useful  records  for  Spiny  Restharrow  Ononis 
spinosa  and  Lesser  Hawkbit  Leontodon  soxotilis  on  the  Humber  banks  at  Pauli  Fort.  Less 
welcome  was  the  large  quantity  of  New  Zealand  Pigmyweed  Crassulo  helmsii  in  the  village  pond 
at  Fimber  (John  Killingbeck). 

Over  the  previous  winter,  storm  surges  re-modelled  the  landscape  around  Kilnsea  and  Spurn. 
Large  amounts  of  sand  were  moved  and  it  was  feared  that  much  damage  would  have  been  done 
to  the  flora.  The  large  patch  of  Intermediate  Polypody  Polypodium  interjectum  south  of  the 
Warren  Cottage  seems  to  have  succumbed  but,  rather  surprisingly,  Sea-holly  Eryngium 
moritimum  now  seems  to  be  thriving  on  the  dunes  between  Kilnsea  and  Easington  and  the 
upper  strand-line  in  this  area  has  sprouted  a long  line  of  the  UK  BAP  species  Prickly  Saltwort 
So  I solo  koli  subsp.  koli. 

There  were  two  records  this  year  for  Small-flowered  Catchfly  Silene  gollico,  the  first  this 
millennium,  from  farms  in  the  Vale  of  York.  Although  neither  is  thought  to  have  been  a 
deliberate  introduction,  caution  must  be  exercised  in  interpreting  these  occurrences  as  they 
were  both  near  areas  where  other  cornfield  flowers  had  been  seeded. 

The  late  May  Botanical  Section  meeting  in  Millington  Dale  was  notable  for  a large  well-spread 
colony  of  over  100  flowering  spikes  of  Frog  Orchid  Coeloglossum  viride,  found  by  Martin 
Stringer;  this  is  a site  for  which  there  seem  to  be  no  previous  records.  The  cliffs  between 
Reighton  and  Speeton  provided  several  sites  for  Grass-of-Parnassus  Parnossio  polustris,  a plant 
which  is  now  confined  in  the  vice-county  to  Filey  Bay.  Alerted  to  its  presence  by  Sarah  White,  it 
was  good  to  see  it  growing  so  well.  It  was  with  Felwort  Gentionello  omorello  in  areas  that  had, 
earlier  in  the  year,  produced  a profusion  of  Pyramidal  Anocomptis  pyromidolis  and  Fragrant 
Orchids  Gymnodenio  conopseo. 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


Two  notable  sedge  records  were  Pale  Sedge  Corex  pollescens,  found  by  Gabrielle  Jarvis  and 
Rohan  Lewis  near  Houghton  Hall  and  considered  rare  in  the  vice-county,  and  a patch  of  Divided 
Sedge  Corex  divisa  at  Skeffling,  last  recorded  by  Eva  Crackles  in  1956  and  now  re-discovered  by 
Peter  Cook. 

The  South-east  Yorkshire  Rare  Plants  Register  (RPR)  is  available  for  free  download  from  the  VC61 
BSBI  pages: 

Richard  Middleton 

VC62  North-east  Yorkshire 

These  notes  are  heavily  biased  to  Ryedale  as  I received  no  other  records,  nor  did  I botanise  in 
other  parts  of  the  vice-county  myself.  2014  had  a remarkably  mild  start,  with  plenty  of  sunshine 
in  Ryedale. 

Snowdrops  Golonthus  nivalis  were  more  or  less  fully  out  by  1 February  and  at  their  best  to  24 
Feb.  White  and  purple  Sweet  Violets  Viola  odorata  were  flowering  nicely  near  Whitwell  by  12 
March.  Blackthorn  Prunus  spinosa  was  out  by  9 April,  and  Wild  Cherry  Prunus  avium  and  Plum 
Prunus  domestica  were  opening.  On  24  April  both  golden  saxifrages  were  flowering  together 
near  Hovingham,  but  there  was  no  sign  of  the  Greater  Chickweed  Stellaria  neglecta.  I counted 
24  Early-purple  Orchids  Orchis  mascula  on  the  roadside  just  south  of  Gilling  with  a few  hybrid 
False  Oxlips  Primula  x polyantha  nearby. 

Herb  Paris  Paris  quadrifolia  was  doing  very  well  in  Gilling  with  50+  plants.  The  Baneberry  Actaea 
spicata  was  weak  though,  with  one  plant  of  the  three  broken/eaten,  probably  by  deer,  and  only 
one  showing  flowers  and  on  only  one  spike.  Those  on  the  east  side  of  the  road  at  Ashberry  were 
faring  poorly  but  the  plants  on  the  west  side  were  strong  and  healthy,  though  again  with  only 
one  flower  spike. 

On  the  Ryedale  Naturalists'  trip  to  Raindale  on  11  May  it  was  good  to  re-find  Intermediate 
Wintergreen  Pyrola  media  in  the  same  spot  (SE806924)  where  it  had  been  seen  50  years  before 
by  Gordon  Simpson.  He  also  showed  us  Dwarf  Willow  Salix  herbacea  at  SE813923.  Bob  Dicker, 
via  Nan  Sykes,  reported  quite  a good  population  of  the  wintergreen  not  far  from  the  'fire  tower', 
or  Red  Dyke  (at  c.  SE892887),  on  19  June. 

Globeflower  Trollius  europaeus  was  reported  in  woodland  at  Beadale,  Wrelton.  This  is  an  old 
site  but  it  hadn't  been  seen  for  several  years,  so  it's  great  to  have  it  back.  In  Spaunton  Quarry 
(SE7287)  on  20  May  we  found  a swathe  of  Adders-tongue  Ophioglossum  vulgatum  - 100  or 
more  plants  under  bracken  , as  well  as  some  Fly  Orchids  Ophrys  insectifera . 

Hairy  Rock-cress  Arabis  hirsuta  and  Knotted  Clover  Trifolium  striatum  were  both  in  flower  at 
Hutton  Common  (SE7088)  on  5 June.  There  was  a small  patch  of  the  former  of  about  20  stalks, 
and  three  small  clumps  of  Knotted  Clover. 

As  a result  of  some  wet  weather  all  the  roadside  vegetation  grew  incredibly  tall  and  lush. 
Southern  Marsh-orchids  Dactylorhiza  praetermissa  at  Castle  Howard  Arboretum  were 
spectacular  on  11  June.  Horse-radish  Armoracia  rusticana  on  a roadside  verge  at  Whitwell 
produced  a flower  spike  - the  first  I can  remember  seeing. 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

Roy  Crossley  recorded  Lesser  Water-plantain  Baldellio  ronunculoides  in  flower  on  16  June  on 
the  shore  of  a recently  created  pod/scrape  near  a track  within  the  Strensall  Common  MOD 
Danger  Area  at  ca. SE650595. 

A small  colony  of  Bee  Orchids  Ophrys  apifera  in  a clearing  in  Gilling  Woods,  which  I have  been 
watching  for  a few  years,  produced  13  spikes  this  year,  some  very  tiny  with  only  one  flower,  but 
the  highest  number  so  far.  There  were  two  Bee  Orchids  at  Bull  Ings  , which  is  good  as  I didn't  see 
any  there  last  year.  Eight  Fragrant  Orchids  Gymnadenia  conopseo  and  Pepper-saxifrage  Siloum 
silaus  were  just  coming  into  flower  on  4 July. 

In  late  June/early  July  something  very  nasty  affected  willows,  notably  Goat  Willow  Solix  caprea, 
around  Gilling.  A combination  of  rust  and  beetle  attack  meant  that  many  trees  looked  dead  by 
mid  July,  although  some,  at  least,  tried  to  put  out  new  shoots.  In  the  second  half  of  July  there 
was  perfect  summer  weather.  A plant  of  Welted  Thistle  Corduus  crispus  was  found  near  Gilling 
on  a field  edge  (SE6276)  on  20  July. 

It  was  a poor  acorn  year,  though  good  for  beech  mast,  hazel  nuts,  plums,  haws  and  some 
blackberries  - but  plenty  of  knopper  galls.  The  end  of  October  to  mid  November  was  remarkably 
warm  and  quite  wet.  There  was  poor  autumn  colour,  as  there  was  no  frost. 

A further  species  list  is  available  from  the  YNU  website 

Gill  Smith 

VC63  South  West  Yorkshire 

Report  not  available. 

VC64  Mid-west  Yorkshire 

Many  interesting  plants  were  seen  during  field  meetings  of  the  Bradford  Botany  Group.  Among 
an  extensive  display  of  Bluebells  Hyocinthoides  non-scripto  at  Rougement  Carr  in  April,  a few 
had  pink  (var  rosea)  or  white  (var  alba)  flowers.  Also  in  the  woodland  were  a few  spikes  of 
Toothwort  Lathraea  squamaria  and  in  the  nearby  Weeton  churchyard  at  SE283465  the 
Goldilocks  Buttercup  Ranunculus  auricomus  was  surprisingly  frequent.  During  the  visit  to  Park 
Rash  on  7 June,  in  monad  SD9774  Mountain  Everlasting  Antennaria  dioica  and  Fragrant  Orchid 
were  found  and  in  SD9874  Pyrenean  Scurvygrass  Cochlearia  pyrenaica,  Bird's-eye  Primrose 
Primula  farinosa,  and  Globeflower. 

On  the  naturally  revegetated  Sun  Lane  tip  at  Burley-in-Wharfedale,  SE1546,  on  23  July,  we  saw 
Small  Teasel  Dipsacus  pilosus  in  one  of  its  seven  sites  in  VC64,  Water  Violet  Hottonia  palustris, 
and  several  alien  species  including  Stinking  Iris  Iris  foetidissima  in  its  third  site  in  VC64  and 
Filbert  Corylus  maxima,  a new  plant  for  the  vice-county.  On  26  July  the  Attermire  and  Langcliffe 
reserve  in  SD8365  was  particularly  species-rich.  Finds  there  included  Moonwort  Botrychium 
lunaria , Dioecious  Sedge  Carex  dioica , the  hybrid  between  Tawny  Sedge,  and  Long-stalked 
Yellow  Sedge  Carex  x fulva,  Autumn  Gentian  Gentianella  amarella,  Herb  Paris,  Grass  of 
Parnassus  Parnassia  palustris,  Spreading  Meadow-grass  Poa  humilis,  Holly  Fern  Polystichum 
lonchitis,  Lesser  Clubmoss  Selaginella  selaginoides,  Limestone  Fern  Gymnocarpium 
robertianum,  Mountain  Pansy  Viola  lutea , and  Green  Spleenwort  Asplenium  viride,  some  of 
whose  fronds  were  forked  making  it  A.  viride  var.  multifidum. 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


Visits  to  Fairburn  Ings  RSPB  reserve,  by  Leeds  Naturalists'  Club  on  16  July  and  by  Bradford 
Botany  Group  on  21  August,  boosted  the  total  number  of  plants  recorded  in  SE4527  to  327.  The 
most  intriguing  plant  was  a dwarf  Centaury,  about  3 inches  tall  and  with  bright  pink  flowers, 
growing  in  patches  alongside  the  Common  Centaury  Centourium  erythreo  at  the  edge  of  the  car 
park.  This  was  identified,  from  photographs  sent  to  Dr  F.  Ubsdell,  the  BSBI  referee  for 
Centaurium,  as  Lesser  Centaury  Centourium  pulchellum.  Most  of  its  British  sites  are  in  southern 
England  with  a few  in  coastal  areas  further  north.  The  only  previous  records  in  Yorkshire  were 
from  Redcar  in  1892  and  1930.  It  is  new  to  VC64. 

John  Webb  has  found  two  new  sites  for  Narrow-leaved  Water-plantain  Alismo  lonceolotum , in 
the  Leeds  and  Liverpool  canal  near  Silsden  at  SE053447  and  near  Morton  at  SE092415.  A steeply 
sloping,  north-facing  field  in  Littondale,  SD9569,  had  a good  diversity  of  plants  including  Marsh 
Helleborine  Epipactis  palustris,  Autumn  Gentian,  Grass  of  Parnassus,  Sea  Plantain  Plantago 
maritima,  Creeping  Willow  Solix  repens , and  Saw-wort  Serrotulo  tinctorio.  While  monitoring 
plants  on  the  Malham  Tarn  estate  we  found  Jacob's-ladder  Polemonium  coeruleum  in  a new  site 
to  the  west  of  the  tarn  and,  although  Alpine  Bartsia  Bartsia  olpino  was  quite  plentiful,  there 
were  no  flowers  this  year 

During  the  YNU  meeting  in  SD7666,  at  Austwick  Moss  we  could  find  only  a small  amount  of 
Cranberry  Vaccinium  oxycoccos  amongst  the  dominant  Purple  Moor  Grass  Molinio  coeruleo.  In  a 
damp  hollow  there  was  a beautifully  flowering  patch  of  Round-leaved  Sundew  Drosero 
rotundifolia  at  SD762666.  Lawkland  Moss  had  more  plants  of  interest,  including  Meadow 
Saffron  Colchicum  autumnole  at  SD767666,  Dyer's  Greenweed  Genista  tinctoria  (SD767666), 
Slender  St  John's-wort  Hypericum  pulchrum  (SD767666),  Blunt-flowered  Rush  Juncus 
subnodulosus,  Bogbean  Menyanthes  trifoliata,  (SD761664),  Marsh  Cinquefoil  Comarum  palustre 
(SD763667)  and  Saw-wort  Serratula  tinctoria  (SD767666). 

Rare  and  scarce  plants  in  new  tetrads: 

Scientific  name 

Vernacular  name 



Dryopteris  submontana 

Rigid  Buckler  Fern 

Attermire,  SD8264 

Bradford  Botany  Group 

Alchemilla  glaucescens 

l ! 

Silky  Lady's  Mantle 

Sleets  Gill,  SD958688 

P.  Abbott,  B.  Brown,  C. 

Primula  farinosa 

Bird's-eye  Primrose 

Attermire,  SD8264 

Bradford  Botany  Group 

Species  new  to  the  vice  county 

Scientific  name 

Vernacular  name 




Betula  populifolia 

Grey  Birch 

Allerton  Bywater 

P.  Abbott,  K.  McDowell 

r"1"" - — — ~~  *i 

Centaurium  pulchellum 

Lesser  Centaury 

Fairburn  Ings,  SE4527 

Leeds  Naturalists'  Club, 
Bradford  Botany  Group 

Corylus  maxima 


! i 



Bradford  Botany  Group 

Phyl  Abbott 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

VC65  North  West  Yorkshire 

Yellow  Star-of-Bethlehem  Gogea  luteo  was  found  near  the  Round  Howe  below  Richmond  at  the 
end  of  March  by  Jan  Owen  and  LR,  last  recorded  from  here  in  the  1960s.  It  was  also  found  in 
Iron  Banks  Woodland  in  April,  and  downstream  from  Richmond  in  a few  new  sites  by  Trevor 
Lowis  (TL)  and  LR.  Further  sightings  were  on  the  riverbank  near  Brompton-on-Swale  and  in 
profusion  in  the  riverside  woodland  near  Catterick  village  in  April  by  Trevor  Lowis  and  LR,  all  new 
sites.  There  is  an  old  1800s  record  for  the  plant  near  Asenby. 

Henbit  Deadnettle  Lomium  omplexicoule  was  found  in  April  on  dry  banks  between  Catterick 
Bridge  and  Scorton  by  Brian  Burrow  (BB)  and  LR,  and  more  has  been  spotted  since  then  in  arable 
fields  near  Ainderby  Steeple  and  Danby  Wiske  later  in  the  year.  These  are  the  first  records  for 
VC65  since  the  1960s. 

Juniper  Juniper  communis  - a seedling  found  among  the  heather  at  Uldale  Head  by  Tim  & Eileen 
Laurie  (T&EL),  TL  and  LR  in  August  was  the  second  seedling  spotted  well  away  from  any  Juniper 
stands  and  bodes  well  for  the  plant  now  that  grazing  on  the  fells  has  reduced.  The  first  seedling 
was  noted  just  over  the  border  into  Cumbria. 

Pyrenean  Lily  Lilium  pyrenaicum  - a few  plants  naturalised  on  the  edge  of  the  Tees  about  200 
yards  downstream  from  Wynch  Bridge  are  probably  garden  escapes.  Spotted  by  LR  in  June. 

Dwarf  Mallow  Malva  neglecto  was  seen  in  profusion  in  the  village  of  Danby  Wiske  by  Allison  and 
LR  in  August,  it  was  also  growing  alongside  tracks  through  arable  fields  around  the  village. 

Vernal  Sand-wort  Minuartio  verna,  a beautiful  double-flowered  form  was  spotted  by  Dave 
Hickson  and  LR  in  June  on  the  Ballowfield  Nature  Reserve  in  Wensleydale. 

Royal  Fern  Osmundo  regolis  - one  plant  was  seen  by  Chris  Irvine  and  LR  in  the  gorge  at  the  Fairy 
Glen  Waterfall  near  Holwick  in  Teesdale  in  June. 

Scottish  Goat  Willow  Salix  coprea  subsp.  sphacelota  has  been  found  in  previous  years  in  upland 
gills  and  scars  in  Swaledale,  Teesdale  and  Wensleydale.  T&EL  and  LR  spotted  another  ancient 
specimen  in  Hebblethwaite  Gill  above  Hebblethwaite  Hall  near  Sedbergh.  It  must  have  been  an 
integral  part  of  the  original  woodland  which  is  now  just  hanging  on  in  these  upland  gills  and 
scars.  I believe  that  these  unique  scar  woodlands  need  protection  as  examples  of  the  original 
'wildwood'  with  its  unique  DNA,  present  after  the  ice  melted  12,000  years  ago.  Planting  of 
shrubs  and  trees  from  'foreign'  sources  should  be  prevented  to  protect  their  unique 

Hairy  Stonecrop  Sedum  villosum  was  seen  by  Brian  Burrow  (BB)  and  LR  in  June  whilst  walking 
down  Arten  Gill  as  a small  patch  of  around  34  plants  on  a flushed  stream  bank. 

Tomato  Solanum  lycopersicum  plants  were  found  naturalised  on  the  shingle  banks  on  the  Swale 
near  Great  Langton  by  LR  in  August.  This  is  a new  record  for  VC65. 

During  a Field  trip  to  Morton-on-Swale  we  came  across  a drainage  ditch  with  old  fenland  plants 
including  Common  Reed  Phrogmites  australis,  Bottle  Sedge  Carex  rostrata,  Brown  Sedge  Carex 
disticha,  False  Fox-sedge  Carex  otrubae,  Common  Meadow-rue  Thalictrum  flavum  and  Purple- 
loosetrife  Lythrum  salicaria  still  growing  on  the  ditch  edge.  Nick  Morgan  got  permission  to  visit 

The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


a garden  bordering  the  old  fen  site  below  Ainderby  Steeple  the  following  week,  where  we  found 
a remnant  about  quarter  of  an  acre  in  size  of  this  fen  vegetation  still  intact  bordering  the  old 
'bottoms7.  The  owner  of  the  garden  had  built  a pond  just  above  this  remnant  and  the  fen 
vegetation  was  spreading  nicely  round  it.  Plants  found  here  were  Skullcap  Scutellaria 
galericulata,  Common  Meadow-rue,  Bottle  Sedge,  Purple-loosestrife,  Amphibious  Bistort 
Persicaria  amphibia,  Common  Reed  and  Greater  Pond-sedge  Carex  riparia,  all  mentioned  in  a 
Yorkshire  Naturalists'  Union  Report  of  a Field  Meeting  to  Ainderby  Steeple  on  22  June  1946.  The 
wet  field  beside  this  remnant  fen  has  only  just  been  successfully  drained  in  the  last  two  or  three 
years  and  it's  a pity  that  funding  couldn't  be  found  to  purchase  this  field  and  re-wet  it.  It  would 
make  a wonderful  Nature  Reserve  and  preserve  an  example  of  the  now-lost  botanically  rich  fens 
and  carrs,  once  common  in  this  area  before  they  were  drained  for  arable  crops  in  the  1950s. 

Linda  Robinson 

YNU  Notice 

YNU  Annual  General  Meeting 

Notice  is  hereby  given  that  the  153rd  Annual  General  Meeting  of  the  Yorkshire  Naturalists'  Union 
will  take  place  at  the  'Lakehouse',  Ron  Cooke  Hub,  University  of  York  on  14  November  2015. 
The  meeting  will  be  preceded  by  a meeting  of  the  Natural  Sciences  Forum  and  followed  by  an 
address  from  outgoing  YNU  President  Dr.  Geoff  Oxford. 

The  full  programme  for  the  day  is  as  follows: 

9:30  Registration 

9:45  Short  guided  walk  around  the  Heslington  East  development,  led  by  Professor  Chris 

Thomas  FRS  (expert  on  butterflies  and  climate  change).  Chris  has  been  on  the  committee 
planning  the  environment  of  Heslington  East  from  the  start  and  will  explain  the  thinking 
behind  the  extensive  landscaping  features,  which  include  lakes,  hay  meadows  and 

10:30  Refreshments 
11:00  Natural  Sciences  Forum 
12:30  Cold  Buffet  Lunch 
13:30  Group  photo 

13:45  AGM,  hosted  by  the  Yorkshire  Mammal  Group 

14:45  Presidential  Address:  'A  roll  of  the  dice:  the  unnatural  history  of  Large  House  spiders  in 
the  British  Isles. 

15:30  Refreshments 

16:00  Meeting  close  and  departure 

The  charge  for  the  day  will  be  £14.00,  which  includes  lunch. 

Members  may  book  online  at,  or  with  a cheque  to  the  YNU  Treasurer,  Barry 
Warrington,  Hessle  Mount  Farm,  Jenny  Brough  Lane,  Hessle,  HU13  0JZ  ( 

Details  of  how  to  get  to  the  site  can  be  found  at:  Parking  is 
free  on  campus  at  weekends,  and  there  is  a car  park  a short  walk  from  the  venue,  signposted 
'Ron  Cooke  Hub'.  Inside  the  building,  go  to  the  second  floor,  following  signs  to  the  Lakehouse. 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

Book  review 

Butterflies  of  Lesbos  and  Dragonflies  of  Lesbos,  ebooks  by  John  Bowers.  These  ebooks  will  be 
available  as  free  downloads  when  the  Friends  of  Green  Lesbos  website  is 
rebuilt.  In  the  interim  they  are  available  from  the 

The  subject  matter  of  these  ebooks  lends  itself  well  to  this  modern  treatment.  The  author's  aim 
is  to  enable  general  naturalists  and  members  of  the  public  to  be  able  to  recognise  the  island's 
butterflies  and  dragonflies  with  a minimum  of  need  to  catch  specimens,  other  than  with  a 
camera.  He  provides  good  photographs  of  all  of  the  species  (including  upper  and  lower  surfaces 
when  necessary)  and  each  is  annotated  with  clear  identification  features.  Similar  species  are 
compared  side  by  side.  There  are  some  groups  of  butterfies,  such  as  Meadow  Browns  and 
Graylings  where  this  treatment  doesn't  work,  and  the  author  admits  that  these  can  only  be 
identified  to  genus  level.  He  points  out  that  greater  confidence  cannot  be  achieved  by  anything 
other  than  microscopic  examination  of  dead  specimens,  something  that  he  does  not  feel  is 
justified  for  mere  casual  identification. 

The  general  biology  of  both  groups  of  insects  is  included  where  it  will  assist  with  finding  them. 
Status,  habitat  and  distribution  notes  are  given  for  each  species  and  there  are  introduction 
pages  for  each  of  the  major  groups  and  sub-groups  (e.g.  Whites,  Graylings,  Damselflies  etc). 
Photographs  and  descriptions  of  the  main  habitat  types  on  the  island  are  useful  features  and  a 
list  of  the  larval  food  plants  of  butterflies  will  aid  the  search  for  a particular  species,  as  well  as 
identifications.  Given  that  Lesbos  can  appear  a hot  and  dry  island  in  summer,  he  gives  good 
information,  with  maps,  of  where  water  is  present  year-round  and  will  have  likely  places  to  find 

For  many  readers  a difficulty  of  the  Dragonflies  book  could  be  that,  though  a table  of  English 
names  is  given  at  the  end,  all  the  species  descriptions  mention  only  their  scientific  ones.  Whilst 
there  is  unfortunately  no  general  agreement  over  many  of  the  English  names,  a good  number 
(e.g.  Emperor  Dragonfly,  Broad-bodied  Chaser)  are  well-established  and  could  perhaps  have 
been  included  in  the  main  text. 

This  said,  the  real  joy  of  both  of  these  ebooks  is  their  effective  use  of  a simple  technology  trick  - 
the  hyperlink.  A comprehensive  index  and  a link  symbol  on  each  page  allow  the  user  to  move 
from  page  to  page  with  a simple  tap  or  key  press.  The  layout  is  clear  and  consistent,  though 
perhaps  not  'polished',  and  there  are  a few  textual  errors  which  will  no  doubt  be  removed  as  the 
books  evolve.  The  author's  informal  style  encourages  involvement  and  interest  and  because  it 
works  well  on  ipads  and  mobile  phones  as  well  as  on  a laptop  it  should  allow  any  of  us  to 
identify  the  butterflies  and  dragonflies  seen  on  Lesbos  (and  many  of  those  seen  on  neighbouring 
islands)  with  confidence. 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 


YNU  Calendar  201 5 

Up-to-date  information  can  also  be  found  on  the  YNU  website  at: 

w w w.y  n u . o rg.  u k/e  ve  nts/ge  n e ra  I 

Sept  5 Conchological  Section  Field  Meeting.  10:30.  Fridaythorpe,  Driffield,  East  Riding  of 

Yorkshire.  For  further  details  contact  A. Norris  via 

Oct  3 Conchological  Section  Field  Meeting.  10:30.  Murton  Wood,  North  York  Moors 

National  Park.  For  further  details  contact  A. Norris  via 

10  Bryology  Section  Field  Meeting,  Kilburn.  Meet  at  10:00  in  the  White  Florse  car  park 
at  SE514811. 

24  YNU  Executive  Meeting.  10:30-  12:30  St  Chad's  Parish  Hall,  Headingley,  Leeds 

31  Conchological  section  AGM. 13:00  - 16:00.  For  further  details  contact  A. Norris  via 

Nov  14  AGM,  York.  Preceded  by  Natural  Sciences  Forum  (see  details  on  pl59). 


Mar  19  YNU  Conference  - advance  notice.  Theme:  'Names,  knowledge  and  natural 

history  - the  importance  of  modern  taxonomy  to  the  amateur  naturalist'.  At  the 
National  Science  Learning  Centre,  University  of  York. 

Endpiece:  Cowslip  Primula  veris,  by  Dorothy  Bramley  (see  The  Naturalist  140,  68-70) 


The  Naturalist  140  (2015) 

Yorkshire  Naturalists'  Union 

c/o  NEYEDC,  St  William  College,  5 College  Street,  York  YOl  7JF 
Tel:  01904  641631  Email: 
Registered  Charity  No.  224018 

The  Naturalist 

This  publication  is  issued  free  to  individual  members  of  the  Yorkshire  Naturalists'  Union  and  to 
Affiliated  Societies.  The  Editorial  Board  of  The  Naturalist  is  currently: 

J.  Bowers,  W.  Ely,  A.  Henderson,  A.  Millard,  P.  Simmons 

Notice  to  contributors 

Contributors  should  indicate  whether  they  wish  their  manuscripts  to  be  subjected  to  anonymous  peer  review.  All  other 
manuscripts  will  be  reviewed  by  the  Editorial  Board  who  at  their  discretion  may  send  them  to  third  parties  for  comment 
and  advice. 

Please  note  change  of  email  address  for  submission  of  articles,  which  should  now  be  sent  as  an  MS  Word  document 
to  Dr  A.  Millard  at 

Please  look  at  a recent  issue  of  the  journal  for  a general  idea  of  how  to  present  your  article.  Also  see  The  Naturalist 
Guide  to  Consistency  on  p77  of  The  Naturalist  1079  and  please  avoid  the  following: 

• using  any  paragraph  formatting  and  line  spacings  other  than  single. 

• using  tabs  to  tabulate  information  (please  use  MS  Word  table  format). 

• inserting  any  figures,  graphs  or  plates  into  the  text;  indicate  their  proposed  locations  in  the  text  and  send  them 
as  separate  files. 

Good  quality,  high  resolution  images  are  very  welcome  and  should  be  sent  as  .jpg  files,  with  a separate  MS  Word  file 
containing  the  caption  and  name  of  the  person  to  whom  the  image  should  be  attributed. 

If  electronic  submission  is  not  possible,  contributions  should  be  sent  to  Dr.  A.  Millard,  Woodland  Villas,  86  Bachelor 
Lane,  Horsforth,  Leeds  LS18  5NF  (Tel.  0113  258  2482). 

Contributors  should  ensure  the  accuracy  of  reference  citations.  The  Editorial  Board  and  Council  accept  no  responsibility 
for  opinions  expressed  by  contributors. 

Copy  Dates: 

April  issue  - 14  February;  August  issue  - 14  June;  December  issue  - 14  October 

© Yorkshire  Naturalists'  Union  - 2015 

Single  copies  may  be  made  of  single  articles  in  this  journal  provided  that  due  acknowledgement  is  made  and  the  copies 
are  for  non-profit  making  educational  or  private  use.  Copying  of  more  than  one  article  or  multiple  copying  of  a single 
article  is  forbidden  unless  special  permission  has  been  obtained  from  the  Yorkshire  Naturalists'  Union.  Permission  is 
granted  for  the  use  of  brief  quotations  in  published  work  provided  that  acknowledgement  of  the  source  is  clearly  stated 
but  the  use  of  substantial  sections  of  text  and  any  illustrative  matter  requires  the  express  permission  of  the  Yorkshire 
Naturalists'  Union. 

ISSN  0028-0771 




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