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NÄTUR cutdru 

A Review o/ WILDLIFE in Wales ^ Rhif/Number 5 ■ Gaeaf/Winter 2002 


A Review o/WILDLIFE in Wales 

Golygydd/ Editor: James Robertson 
Tel: 01248 385602 

Golygydd cynorthwyol/Assistant editor: Mandy Marsh 
Tel: 01248 385574 
m. marsh @ccw. 

Natur Cymru 

Maes y Ffynnon 
LL57 2DN 

Cyhoeddir erthyglau yn yr iaith wreiddiol. Mae 
crynodeb yn yr iaith arall yn dilyn pob erthygi. Ceir rhai 
colofnau arferol yn y ddwy iaith. Os dymunwch gael 
cyfìeithiad o unrhyw erthygl, cysylllwch â’rgolygydd. 

Cyhoeddir Natur Cymru dair gwaith y flwyddyn, 
arddiwedd Chwefror, Mehefin, a Hydref (rhifynnau 
Gwanwyn, Haf, a Gaeaf). Cefnogir y cylchgrawn gan 
bartneriaeth o gyrff sy’n aelodau o Grŵp Bioamrywiaeth 
Cymru. Y rhain yw: Cyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru, 
y Comisiwn Coedwigaeth, Cynulliad Cenedlaethol 
Cymru, Amgueddfeydd ac Orielau Cenedlaethol 
Cymru, Cymdeithas Frenhinol er Gwarchod Adar, 
Ymddiriedolaethau Bywyd Gwyllt Cymru, a WWF 

Bwriedir i Natur Cymru hyrwyddo a chyfnewid 
gwybodaeth am fìoamrywiaeth a hyrwyddo dadl. Nid 
yw'rfarn afynegir yn y cylchgrawn hwn o anghenraid yn 
farn y noddwyr. Anfonwch erthyglau ar gyfer y rhifyn 
nesaf, yn y Gymraeg neu'r Saesneg, erbyn diwedd mis 
Rhagfyr 2002. Os oes gennych wybodaeth, erthyglau 
neu waith celf y credwch a allai fod o ddiddordeb i’r 
darllenwyr, cysylltwch â'r Golygydd os gwelwch yn dda. 


£ 10 y flwyddyn/per year 

Afyddech gystal ag anfon sieciau yn daladwy i: 

Please send cheques payable to Natur Cymru to: 

Natur Cymru 

Radnorshire Wildlife Trust 
Wan/vick House 
High Street 
Llandrindod Wells 
Powys LDI 6AG 

Tel: 01597 823298 

Articles are published in the language in which they are 
submitted. They are followed by summaries in the other 
language, and some regular columns appear in both 
languages. If you would like to receive a translation of 
any article, please contact the editor. 

Natur Cymru is published three times per year, at the 
end of February, June and October (Spring, Summer 
and Winter issues). It is supported by a partnership of 
organisations which are members of the Wales 
Biodiversity Group. They are: Countryside Councíl for 
Wales, Forestry Commission, National Assembly for 
Wales, National Museums and Galleries ofWales, 

Royal Society forthe Protection of Birds, Wildlife Trusts, 
Wales and WWF 

Natur Cymru is intended to promote the exchange of 
information about biodiversity and encourage debate. 
The views expressed in this magazine are not 
necessarily those ofthe sponsors. Please submit articles 
for the next issue, in Welsh or English, by the end of 
December 2002. If you have information, ideas for 
articles or artwork which you think míght be of interest 
to readers, please contact the Editor. 

Mae Natur Cymru wedí i argraffu ar bapur drglorin/Natur Cymru is printed on chlorine-free paper. 

Llun y clawr/Cover photo: Ponies graze on Conwy mountain by Stewart Campbell 

ISBN: I 86169 105 x 

Cynhyrchwyd gart/proçJuced by: Hughes Design Limited, Argraftwyd gan/Printed by: Powisons Limited, Colwyn Bay 

Golygyddol/Editorial .2-3 

■James Robertson 

The pine marten in Wales - ourgreatest enigma? 4-8 

■ Johnny Birks, Tony Braithwaite and John Messenger 

Johannesburg - afuturefor nature, or business as usual? .. ... ... 9-11 

■ Morgan Parry 

In view of the wind ... 12-14 

■ Malcolm Smith 

Llên y llysîau - rhedytien gyfrdwy . ....... 15-17 

■ Twm Elias 

Seeing black grouse through the trees. 18-21 

■ Patrick Lindley and Dave Smith 

Opening up the forest - a new prospectfor Newborough . 22-26 

■ James Robertson 

How to house sparrows - colonial nest boxes boost house sparrow numbers . 27-31 

■ Tony Jenkins 

The history, status and control of common cord-grass in Wales 32 - 34 

■ Peter Rhind 

Re-introductions - the under benefits ..35 - 36 

■ Ian Carter 

Welsh islands round-up - north Wales 37-39 

■ Geoff Gibbs 

Wil Jones .40 

■ Tom Pritchard 

Hela’r carlwm . 41-42 

■ Duncan Brown 

Nodweddion arferol/Regular features: 

Nodiadau o’r Cynulliad/Assembly notebook * Gethyn Williams 43 

Green booltshelf /Silfflyfrau amgylcheddol ■ Andew Lucas/Jamc.s Robertson . 44 

Marine matters /Materion morol .45 - 46 

Biodiversity News .46 

Natur y byd /Nature at large ■ Hywel Roberts. 47 

Nature in resenre/Natur mewn gwarclwdfeydd ■ Michael Hughes. 48 


M ae’n fraint cael byw a gweithio yng Nghymru, 
ac mae'n fwy fyth o fraint bod â swydd fel yr 
un sydd gennyf i: rhoi cylchgrawn ynghyd ynghylch 
bywyd gwyllt bendigedig Cymru, a’r materion sy’n 
effeithio arno. Rydw i angen fy atgoffa fy hun, a 
darpar gyfranwyr, mai eich diddordebau chi a ddaw 
yn gyntaf- mae’r cylchgrawn ar gyfer eich pleser chi 
ac er eich budd chi. Ond sut y gwn i beth rydych chi 
ei eisiau? 

Er mwyn cael ateb, anfonwyd dau gant o holiaduron 
gyda’r rhifyn diwethaf, ac mae tua 100 ohonynt wedi 
dod yn ôl. Mae pobl sy’n ymhél â marchnata yn 
dweud wrthyf fod cael 30% o bobl i ymateb i 
holiadur yn cael ei ystyried yn dda, felly mae cael 
bron i 50% ohonoch i ymateb yn eithriadol o dda. 
Gwell fyth yw ansawdd yr ymatebion, sydd wedi 
rhoi i mi a Mandy gyfoeth o wybodaeth ynghlwn â 
beth rydych yn ei hoffì orau a beth rydych yn ei hoffi 
leíaf, a sut y gallwn wella’r cylchgrawn. Mae’n dda 
gwybod bod Natur Cymru yn ymddangos fel pebai 
wedi canfod y cydbwysedd cywir, ac wedi cael 
cymaint o negeseuon o gefnogaeth. Diolch i bawb a 

Y pwnc a oedd ar frig y rhestr o bethau poblogaidd 
oedd rheoli cynefinoedd. Gellir rheoli mewn sawl 
ffordd, gan gynnwys torri coed. Yn y rhifyn hwn 
rydw i’n adrodd am freuddwyd a all, gyda 
chydweithrediad a phenderfyniad, ddod yn 
wirionedd; ailffurfìo a chrebachu planhigfa fawr sy’n 
ymestyn ar draws un o’r systemau twyni tywod 
gorau yn y byd. Bydd rhifyn y Gwanwyn yn adrodd 
ar gyfres o brosiectau cyffrous i adfer cynefìnoedd ar 
hyd a lled Cymru - storiau sy’n cynnau’r gobaith bod 
cadwraeth o’r diwedd yn cael y sylw dyledus. 

Ysgrifau yn sôn am rywogaethau oedd eich ail 
ddewis, gyda nifer o geisiadau yn gofyn am fwy o 
erthyglau ar adar. Yma gallwch ddarllen am 

randiroedd aderyn y to, am gynnydd y rugiar ddu, 
am ailgyflwyno’r barcud coch, am bele’r coed (sy’n 
anodd ei ddal) ac am garlymod yn y gaeaf. Sonnir am 
blanhigion mewn erthyglau ar y rhedynen gyfrdwy 
a’r cordwellt. 

Er y peth cynnydd a wnaed yn Uwch-gynhadledd y 
Byd yn Johannesburg, ni fydd y materion a godwyd 
gan chwe biliwn o bobl sy’n byw mewn un blaned 
fechan werdd yn diflannu. Tra mae’r galw am ynni yn 
cynyddu, felly hefyd y cynydda’r posibilrwydd o gael 
newid cataclysmig yn yr hinsawdd oherwydd 
llygredd. Efallai y byddwch yn dod ar draws un dewis 
glân, sef ynni gwynt, ar arfordir cyfagos. Ond yn ôl 
Malcolm Smith, dydi'r ffynhonnell ynni adnewyddol 
alltraeth yma ddim heb ei phroblemau, ychwaith. 

Does gennym ni ddim prinder o storíau da i'w 
cynnwys, na phrinder o ysgrifenwyr i wneud 
cyfìawnder â nhw, felly byddwn yn edrych ar y 
posibilrwydd o gynyddu maint ein cylchgrawn gan 
lunio pedwar o rifynnau bob blwyddyn o’r haf nesaf 
ymlaen. Os na chawsoch holiadur, ac os oes gennych 
unrhyw syniadau eraill ynghylch sut i wella’r 
cylchgrawn, cofiwch gysylltu â ni. Pam nad 
edrychwch ar ein gwefan newydd,, a rhoi gwybod inni beth 
rydych chi’n ei feddwl ohoni? Y cymorth mwyaf, 
fodd bynnag, fyddai i chi gynorthwyo tanysgrifìwr 
arall i ymrestru. Amgaeir ffurflen i chi ei phasio 
ymlaen, neu pam na wnewch chi ei defnyddio i 
danysgrifio fel anrheg Nadolig ar gyfer ffrind neu 

James Robertson 


I t is a privilege to live and work in Wales, and even 
more so to have a job like mine: putting together 
a magazine about Wales’ glorious wildlife, and the 
issues affecting it. I need to remind myself, and 
prospective contributors, though, that your interests 
come first - the magazine is for your pleasure and 
benefìt. But how do I know what you want? 

To look for the answers, two hundred 
questionnaires were sent out with the last issue, and 
nearly 100 have come back. Marketing people who 
know about these things tell me that a 30% return 
is considered good, so nearly half returned is 
spectacularly good. Even better is the quality of the 
responses, which have given Mandy and me a 
wealth of information about what you like best and 
least, and how we can improve the magazine. It is 
good to know that Natur Cymru seems to have 
found the right balance, and to have received so 
many messages of support. Thanks to all who 

Rhys Davies (left) is one offour WWF Earth Champions wlto 
ihsìted South Africa suring the Summit. 

The subject that topped the popularity list was the 
management of habitats. Management can take 
many forms, including cutting down trees. In this 
issue I report on a dream that, with cooperation and 
determination, could become reality; the re-shaping 

and shrinldng of a great plantation that stretches 
across one of the fìnest sand dune systems in 
the world. Our Spring edition will report on a 
series of exciting habitat restoration projects 
across Wales - stories which give hope that 
conservation has really turned the corner. 

Features on species were your second choice, with 
several requests for more articles on birds. Here 
you can read about house sparrow tenements, black 
grouse on the up, re-introducing the red kite, the 
elusive pine marten and observations of white stoats 
in winter. Plants are featured in articles on royal fern 
and common cord-grass. 

For all the modest progress at the Earth Summit in 
Johannesburg, the issues raised by six billion people 
living on one small green planet will not go away. 

As the demand for energy rises, so does the 
prospect of cataclysmic climate change due to 
pollution. One clean option, wind energy, may be 
heading for a coast near you. Malcolm Smith reports 
that even this off-shore renewable energy source is 
not without its problems. 

With no shortage of good stories to cover, and the 
writers to do them justice, we will look hard at the 
possibility of increasing the size of the magazine, and 
moving to four issues each year from next summer. 
If you did not get a questionnaire, but have any 
thoughts about other improvements we can make, 
please get in touch. Why not lool< at our new web- 
site,, and let us know 
what you think of it. The greatest help, though, 
would be to enrol another subscriber. A form is 
enclosed for you to pass on, or why not use it to 
take out a subscription as a Christmas gift for a 
friend or relative? 

James Robertson 

The pine marten in Wales - 

ourgreatest enigma? 

Male pine marten in winter pelage Jeeding in a rowan tree. 

The Principality’s rarest 
mammal is so elusive that 
some believe it to be 
extinct. Gathering 
convincing evidence of 
pine martens under these 
circumstances is a major 
challenge for naturalists. 
Johnny Birks, Tony 
Braithwaite and John 
Messenger of The 
Yìncent Wildlife Trust 
(VWT) explain the 
current situation. 

F or today’s naturalist there are few mysteries to rival the ethereal status 
of the pine marten in Wales. Close to vanishing point for over a 
hundred years, this agile, cat-sized member of the weasel family defìantly 
refuses to join the list of extinctions. From Forrest and Bolam in the early 
I900s, to CCW staff such as Duncan Brown and lan Morgan, naturalists 
have confìrmed the persistence of martens in Wales (and, to a lesser 
extent, the Marches) through the twentieth century. As Frances Cattenach 
reported in Natur Cymru no.2, reliable records of Welsh pine martens 
continue to trickle in at the start of the 21 st century. Although Snowdonia 
has long been regarded as the marten’s Welsh stronghold, many recent 
records come from further south, some of which we describe below. 

Recent evidence 

A marten encounter can be a moving experience for the modern naturalist, 
as one of us can testify: Tony saw one in Brechfa Forest, Carmarthenshire, 
one late May afternoon in 1999; the distinctive creamy throat and ear tips 
stood out against the mid-brown body fur as the animal climbed with 
astonishing speed up a steep bank. In September 1996 Chris Hall had a 
famous torchlight encounter in the grounds of Plas Tan-y-Bwlch, 
Meirionydd. The prominent ears, pale front and long bushy tail were 

Photo: D. Balharry. 

Photo: Frank Greenaway. 

clearly visible as a large marten bounded across a track 
in front of him, jumped over a wall and crossed a 
ravine via a tree trunk. Reports come from a variety of 
observers: Llandovery District foresters Steve Pococlc 
(Brechfa Forest, 1997) and John Dodd (Crychan 
Forest, 1999) enjoyed clear sightings of martens 
displaying their remarkable agility up trees; while deer 
stallcing near Golden Grove, Carmarthenshire, 
gamekeeper Malcolm Bessant watched one in early 
1997 moving from tree to tree; another ‘tree’ 
encounter involved farmer Brian Jones whose dogs 
chased a marten up a tree near Tirabad, Brecknock 
when he was moving sheep in April 1999. In places this 
Welsh evidence extends over the border: forester 
Tom Fairfìeld has seen martens three times in one part 
of West Herefordshire over the past ten years. 

Pinc martcns are agile tree dimbers, 

These sightings are the latest links in a tantalising chain 
of evidence stretching back to the early I800s when 
the species was apparently better-established, though 
probably uncommon even then. Whilst sightings 
represent valuable evidence of rare species, they have 
to be treated with caution because of the rislcs of 
misidentification; corpses or photographs are more 
valuable. Frustratingly, although corpses are still 
reported from time to time, no specimen from Wales 
has been retained for examination since November 
1950, when an adult female was killed in a rabbit snare 
at Glyn Collwn between Brecon and Methyr Tŷdfìl. The 
only indisputable recent evidence is pine marten DNA 
extracted from marten faeces from Gwydyr Forest 
near Betws-y-Coed in 1996. 

The pine marten situation is similar in northern 
England, where sparse populations hang on in upland 
areas such as Lakeland, the Cheviots, the Pennines and 
North York Moors. But martens are not rare 
everywhere: in the Scottish Highlands and parts of 
Ireland a steady recovery is under way, offering hope 
that we might one day see a resurgence in England and 
Wales when conditions are right. Iwo important 
questions face us now in Wales: how can we improve 
our understanding of the pine marten and its needs in 
the Principality? And what action can we take to 
promote natural recovery in today’s populations that 
may represent locally distinctive relicts that have 
persisted since the lce Age? 

Marten habitat 

Nowadays the pine marten is so elusive that it is 
impossible to study by methods such as radio-tracking. 
This leaves us reliant on the observations of early 
naturalists, and on gleanings from modern studies in 
countries where the species is more accessible. 

Caution is needed with both approaches, as much has 
changed in the Welsh l'andscape since martens were 
last common enough to observe readily; equally, huge 
ecological contrasts exist within the pine marten’s 
European range, making it unwise to assume that 
behaviour observed in one area may be expected in 

We can learn lessons from our predecessors about 
habitat selection. Over most of its European range the 
pine marten is associated with extensive forest. 

In Britain and Ireland, however, we cleared our forests 
earlier and more completely than any other country 
(down to less than 5% cover in Wales at its nadir), 
forcing our martens to adapt or die. Fortunately our 
topography provided alternative three-dimensional 
habitats for martens to occupy, and many naturalists 
noted the pine marten’s choice of mountains, cliffs and 
crags in preference to forests. Forrest 1 wrote of the 
marten in Wales "it has learned by experience that the 
woods do not secure it suffìciently from its enemies, 
for at the present day the marten has taken to the 
rocks as a dwelling place rather than to the thick 

Similarly, Bolam 2 refers to English and Welsh martens 
“almost invariably inhabiting mountain tops, often far 
away from trees”, and notes that this behaviour is 
reflected in local Welsh names for the species: “In 
Wales, the Marten is generally called 
Pala-coed, or Bela-coed i.e. ‘Wood Marten’, but in some 
districts Bela-graig, or ‘Rock Marten’, is the more usual 
name". Many place names include bele, bela or pe/e, 
attesting to the widespread historical presence of 
martens in Wales and their place in local culture. Some 
suggest associations with rocky places, such as Cerrig 
Bela (‘Marten Stone’) near Llanddewi Brefì, and a rock 
named Castell Bele (‘Marten’s Castle’) near 

So, when searching for martens today, we should not 
focus exclusîvely on forests. Even though forest cover 
has grown since the early I900s (currently 14% in 
Wales, compared with the EU average of 32%), the 
legacy of an association with open, rocky country may 
still influence the species' behaviour. This is especially 
likely if our forests still fail to meet some of the 
marten’s needs. For example, European studies have 
stressed the importance to breeding females of 
abundant arboreal cavities within forests. Suitably sized 
tree-holes are preferred as breeding dens because of 
their insulative properties and the protection they 
afford against predators. However, such cavities are 
characteristic of old trees that are rare in Welsh 
woodlands due to their management history. Fox 
predation is recognised as a further constraint on 
marten populations in Europe, and in Britain this effect 
is likely to be serious where foxes are abundant and 
woodland cover is scarce. 

Too elusive to survey easily? 

Whilst passive recording has kept tabs on the pine 
marten situation in Wales, systematic surveys have 
foundered for the lack of distinctive fìeld signs. Two 
recent surveys based mainly on systematic searches for 
droppings or ‘scats’ drew conflicting conclusions: the 
1987-88 JNCC survey, 3 which covered a wide range of 
marten habitat and included a detailed collation of 
recent and historical records, concluded that martens 
in Wales were “thriving at the time of the survey, or at 

least thriving in comparison with several of the English 
populations”. A 1994 survey with a narrow focus on 
forests and little reference to recent records concluded 
that “there is no viable population of martens in Wales” 
and that the species is “functionally extinct”. 4 The fact 
that these two surveys, separated by only a few years, 
should reach such different conclusions raises questions 
about the reliability of the method, Recently, DNA 
evidence revealed that a significant proportion of 
‘marten’ scats collected by experienced surveyors were 
from foxes or polecats, and the error rate was highest 
in sparse marten populations. This revelation further 
erodes our confìdence in scat surveys, at least until the 
time when DNA determination is a cost-effective 
option. Painful though it is to accept in this age of 
‘quick and dirty’ status assessments, monitoring the 
pine marten in Wales requires a very different 
approach, involving a patient, open-minded willingness 
to consider all evidence over a substantial tìme period. 

Wdsh pine marten pehs. 


The VWT marten records database 

Since the mid-1990s the VWT has acted as a focal 
point for reporting evidence of martens in England and 
Wales. Using non-leading questions within structured 
interviews we have assessed 320 post-1989 sightings 

Photo:John Mcsscnger. 

reported from Wales and the Marches {these must 
represent only a tiny proportion of human-marten 
encounters). Our approach enables us to attach a 
confidence score (on a scale of I -10) to each record, 
based upon the quality of the sighting and the 
experience of the observer. Thus we can discriminate 
between reports that were probably martens (score 
> 5) on the evidence available, and those that were 
probably not (score 5 or less). A subset of the former 
involves ‘high confìdence’ sightings (score 8+) of 
exceptional quality, typically reported by experienced 
naturalists. The distribution of these 86 most reliable 
sightings is illustrated on the map and shown in the 
central column in Table I. This reveals the extent to 
which reliable records are concentrated in the three 
Vice Counties Caernarvon, Carmarthen and 
Merioneth. The importance of Carmarthen may be 
partly due to greater recording effort in recent years. 
Nevertheless, it challenges the 20th century wisdom 
that Snowdonia is the species’ main Welsh stronghold. 


Vice County 

Post 1989 Records 

Score = 8+ All records 

















































West Gloucester 1 1 







Table 1 . The distribution of reported sightings of pine martens across 
Vice Countíes ìn Wales ancl the Marches, showing (in bold type) the 
three counties that have contributed the most records. 

Are conditions right for the recovery of 
the pine marten in Wales? 

The persistence of sparse marten populations in Wales 
indicates viability, yet the apparent lack of recovery 
suggests that all is not well. For a species that thrives 
best in extensive, prey-rich forests with abundant tree 
cavities we can predict the main constraints in Wales: 

• carrying capacity is low because a) forest cover 
remains limited and fragmented within an 
inhospitable matrix of managed agricultural land, and 
b) many of the larger blocks are upland plantations 
where prey diversity and biomass are low 

• reproduction and recruitment are constrained by the 
scarcity of secure breeding sites within forests 

• rocky uplands offering an alternative refuge are 
heavily grazed and prey-poor, thereby limiting 
population productivity 

• high fox abundance raises mortality rates among 
martens foraging or dispersing in open country 

• accidental mortalîty due to predator control (notably 
traps, snares and poisons, legal or otherwise) 
imposes an additional burden upon vulnerable 

Action for the future 

If this assessment is correct, then changes are required 
before we can expect a natural recovery of the pine 
marten in Wales. Equally, reintroduction is unwise if 
conditions remain suboptimal, notwithstanding the 
adverse effect it might have upon the genetic integrity 
of Welsh martens. Put simply, the recovery of martens 
in Wales lies principally in foresters’ hands. 

In recognising that, we must patiently accept the 
forester’s primary objectives and timescale. A large, 
carefully planned increase in the area of natural forest 
(see George Peterken’s article ‘Restoring networks of 
forest habitats’ in Natur Cymru no.3), ideally 
concentrated in zones currently occupied by martens, 
should guarantee the species’ future in the long term. 

In the medium term, management of existing woods 
and forests needs to change slightly so as to provide an 
adequate supply of old, cavity-bearing trees for 
successful marten reproduction in future. 

Photo: Johnny Birks. 

In the short term, provision within forests of abundant 
artificial structures that reliably mimic the properties of 
natural tree cavities should improve reproductive 
performance. Encouragingly, through its strategy 
document ‘Woodlands for Wales’, the National 
Assembly for Wales is committed to changes in 
forestry practice that should benefìt pine martens. 
What better measure could there be of the strategy's 
success than the widespread re-establishment in Wales 
of the Bele’r coed? 

Pine marten den in a dead scots pine. 

Reporting pine martens 

The VWT welcomes all reports of pine martens from 
England and Wales. We are especially keen to hear 
about any preserved specimens of known origin since 
the 1950s. Please contact us at The VWT, 3&4 Bronsil 
Courtyard, Eastnor, Ledbury, Herefordshire HR8 IEP; 
tel. (01531) 636441; email 


1 Forrest, H.E. (1907). The \krtebrate Fauna ofNorth 
Wales. Witherby, London. 

2 Bolam, G. ( 1 91 3). Wild Life in Wales. Frank Palmer, 

3 Strachan, R., Jefferies, D.J. &Chanîn, RR.F (1996). Pine 
marten survey ofEngland and Wales 1987-1988. Joint 
Nature Consen/ation Committee, Peterborough. 

4 McDonald, R., Bright, P W. and Harris, S, (1994) Base/ine 
survey of pine martens ìn Wale s. Unpublished report 
Contract FC 73-01 -91 from Bristol University to the 
Countryside Council for Wales. 

Ble mae’r Bele? 

Mae ymchwil ddiweddar yn awgrymu nad yw’r 
bele wedi diflannu o Gymru - ond mae’n anodd 
iawn cael tystiolaeth bendant. Mae unigolion 
profiadol wedi gweld yr anifail mewn coedwigoedd 
yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwetha’ ac fe gasglwyd 
sampl o DNA’r bele yn 1996. 

Mae Ymddiriedolaeth Bywyd Gwyllt Vincent wedi 
dosbarthu’r gwahanol gofnodion, gan nodi fod 86 o 
rai eitha’ sicr ers 1989, yn benna’ yn siroedd 
Caerfyrddin a Gwynedd. Er y gall addasu at dir 
creigiog, y gred yw fod diffyg coedwigoedd llawn- 
ysglyfaeth, prinder hen geubrennau ar gyfer magu a 
bygythiad llwynogod wedi effeithio’n ddiwg ar y 
bele. Yr ateb, felly, yw adfer coedwigoedd naturiol, 
amrywio patrymau rheoli a chreu ‘ceubrennau’ 
artiffisial. Fe ddylai strategaeth goedwigaeth y 
Cynulliad Cenedlaethol helpu yn hynny o beth. 

The distribution of reported post-1989 sightings of pine martens in 
Wales and the Marches that scored 8 or more on the VWT's 
confidence scale. 


Courtesy Welsh Assembly Government. 

Johannesburg - afuturefor nature, 
or business as usual? 

First Minister cm his hike at the Ivory Park Eco-village. 

Morgan Parry reports 
on the latest Earth 
Summit, and the 
emironmental challenges 
which the world now 

Meeting the Eco-viUage representatives. 

T en years ago in Rio, world governments took a major step forward 
by recognising the significance of biodiversity and its importance for 
humankind. The Convention on Biological Diversity has shaped much of 
our public policy and practical action on conservation ever since. As an 
issue it was never going to be high on the agenda of this summer’s World 
Summit though, and the final text from Johannesburg adds nothing to the 
Rio accords. But the commitment of the Welsh Assembly Government to 
the process of sustainable development, and the involvement of the First 
Minister in Johannesburg, raises expectations that biodiversity will get a 
higher profìle in economic decision making. 

In the run-up to Johannesburg, against a global backdrop of continuing 
species loss and habitat destruction, there had been pressure from a 
number of NGOs (Non-governmental Organisations) to get biodiversity 
debated. But with poverty alleviation occupying political minds, the UN 
secretariat was determined that Johannesburg should not be ‘Rio + 10’ 
and would be a people-focussed world summit rather than an 
environmental Earth summit. Since it already had an international process 
in place, however imperfect, biodiversity took a back seat. 


Photo: Courtesy Welsh Assembly Government. 

The few words accorded to biodiversity in the fìnal 
‘Plan of Implementation’ raise an interesting possibility. 
They commit governments to ‘signifìcantly reduce' loss 
of biodiversity by 2010, and one of the signatories was 
the United States.The US had previously refused to 
endorse the Convention on Biological Diversity, with its 
target to ‘halt’ the loss of biodiversity by 2010, but its 
acceptance of the weaker Johannesburg wording may 
indicate a willingness to join the club. If it does so, 
progress may be made on issues such as genetic 
property rights and the funding of conservation 
programmes in developing countries. 

For many, the World Summit’s biggest challenge was to 
tame the monster of globalisation, or (to use Summit- 
speak) to make globalisation work for sustainable 
development. The World Trade Organisation's powers 
have multiplied in the ten years since Rio, and its 
agenda has been the removal of all obstacles to free 
trade. NGOs led by Friends of the Earth insisted that 
environmental protection and development goals 
should not be compromised, a position that won the 
bacldng of grass roots activists in developing countries. 
Most big issues were fudged in Johannesburg, but this 
one was fought over to the death, and there were 
some unlikely combatants. Ethiopia, which as one of 
the poorest countries on earth is supposed to benefit 
from free trade, was amongst those insisting that the 
development and environmental agreements have 
primacy. The US disagreed, and even after most 
delegates had gone home they were quibbling about 
what they had signed up to, but the wording was 
retained in the fìnal statement. It remains to be seen 
whether the WTO carries on as if Johannesburg never 
happened, but an important principle has been 

For most of the issues addressed by the Summit, the 
results reflect the narrow interests of a few powerful 
countries, rather than the wishes of the many. An 
overloaded agenda and a lack of focus on overarching 
global challenges contributed to the sense of failure. 
Many previous agreements, such as that on toxic 
chemicals, were watered down rather than augmented 
by the Summit. WWF was pleased that lobbying on 

oceans recovery produced some positive outcomes 
through recognition of the ecosystem approach, a 
target for replenishment of depleted fìsh stoclcs by 
2015 and the elimination of harmful subsidies. The 
European Union now has the opportunity to be the 
first region to meet the target, by reforming its 
Common Fisheries Policy. Agriculture would benefìt 
from similar reform, but the US, France and others 
prevented agreement on subsidies in Johannesburg. 

For a conference that was supposed to address 
sustainable development, there was scant recognition 
of the links between poverty alleviation and 
environmental protection. Take the deal on water: the 
Summit agreed to halve the number of people without 
access to sanitation and dean water supplies by 2015, 
a laudable aim. But where will that water come from? 
Will massive dams and river diversions be the answer, 
with all the habitat destruction and cross-border 
conflicts that those entail? By failing to link this 
agreement to one on river basin management, so that 
this natural resource is utilised sustainably, the Summit 
has failed to learn lessons from the past. 

Action at home: a leading role for Wales? 

The World Summit on Sustainable Development was 
much more than a meeting of Heads of State - 
it brought together local and regional governments, 
business groups, academics and non-governmental 
organisations. Assembly First Minister Rhodri Morgan 
led a small delegation from Wales visiting, amongst 
other places, a zero energy housing development 
sponsored by WWF which may stimulate new thinking 
back home. He also co-chaired a global conference of 
regional governments to promote sustainable 
development, leading to the signing of the ‘Gauteng 
Declaration’. When we look back on Johannesburg, we 
may fìnd that the progress of sustainable development 
was better served by the involvement of lower tiers of 
government such as the Welsh Assembly, than by the 
largely empty gestures of the heads of state. 

Sustainability will be achieved only if the sum total of 
small decisions taken by public authorities, business and 
consumers around the world combine to give 

substance to global conventions and protocols. The 
Assembly Government has considerable powers to 
guide such decisions in Wales, and is aclcnowledging the 
global impact of its decisions through the ecological 
footprint project, an initiative no other government has 

Rhodri Morgan has claimed a leadership role for Wales 
on sustainable development, but so far it’s the process 
that’s been distinctive rather than the policies or 
actions, although there are some promising proposals 
in the pipeline. That process (arising from the 
Assembly’s sustainable development scheme) has had 
the support of a broad coalition of public agencies, 
voluntary organisations, business people, academics and 
politicians of all parties, and will soon be enabled by a 
Sustainable Development Forum for Wales. 

A huge responsibility now rests on the Assembly 
Government to turn the process into real action, one 
outcome of which must be the survival and vitality of 
Wales’ wildlife and habitats. The Assembly has provided 
solid support and encouragement to local authoritìes 
and the Countryside Council for Wales, who 
implement many biodiversity action plans at a local 
level, but ultimateiy the fate of our wildlife depends on 
more powerful forces which must be controlled. 
Economic development is not about making Wales 
competitive at the expense of other nations, and 
environmental and social costs cannot be exported 
overseas. A radical new approach to agriculture and 
industrial development is required: these have been 
highly damaging to Wales' environment and society in 
the past, and the agencies which promote them must 
be reformed. Sustainability has to become their 
business, and their central organising principle. 

There will be political debate about how those reforms 
can be achieved, but the Assembly Government must 
be courageous in turning its principles into actions. If it 
comes back from Johannesburg with a ‘business as 
usual’ agenda, its leadership role will be lost. 

Morgan Parry is Director, WWF Cymru. 

Johannesburg - gobaith i 
natur neu fusnes fel arfer? 

Os bydd Llywodraeth y Cynulliad yn parhau fel 
o’r blaen ar ôl Johannesburg, bydd wedi colli’r 
cyfle 1 arwain. Roedd presenoldeb Prif Weinidog 
Cyrnru yn Uwch-Gynhadledd y Ddaear yn codi 
gobeithion y bydd y pwnc yn cael rhagor o sylw 
wrth wneud penderfyniadau economaidd. Mae 
sgôp gan Lywodraeth y Cynulliad, ond y broses 
sy’n hynod hyd yn hyn, nid y canlyniadau. Bydd 
y broses yn cael hwb pellach gan Fforwm 
Datblygu Cynaliadwy Cymru ond mae 
cyfrifoldeb ar y Llywodraeth i droi’r dweud yn 
wneud. Mae angen agwedd newydd radical at 
amaeth a datblygu economaidd gyda 
chynaliadwyedd yn rhan ganolog o waith yr 
asiantaethau sy’n eu hyrwyddo. 

Er nad ychwanegodd yr Uwch-Gynhadledd at 
benderfyniadau Rio ym maes bioamrywiaeth, 
roedd yr ychydig eiriau a gafodd y maes yn codi 
pwynt diddorol. Er bod yr Unol Daleithiau wedi 
gwrthod arwyddo Confensiwn Rio i “atal colli 
bioamiywíaeth”, y tro yma, arwyddodd y 
Cynllun yn galw am “leihau’n sylweddol” ar 
golli bioamrywiaeth erbyn 2010. Diddordebau 
ychydig wledydd cyfoethog sydd amlyca’ yng 
nghanlyniadau’r Uwch-Gynhadlcdd gyda rhai 
cytundebau cynharach yn cael eu glastwreiddio. 
Ond roedd camu ymlaen wrth ystyried adfer y 
cefnforoedd hefyd. Sialens fwya’r Uwch- 
Gynhadledd oedd dofi bwystfil globaleiddio. 
Roedd NGOs dan arweiniad Cyfeillion y 
Ddaear yn mynnu na ddylai masnach rydd 
beryglu’r nod o ddatblygu a gwarchod yr 

Cafwyd cefnogwyr annisgwyl, gan gynnwys 
Ethiopia, un o’r gwledydd tlawd sydd i fod i 
elwa fwya’ o fasnach rydd. Prin oedd y 
cysylltiadau a wnaed rhwng datrys tlodi a 
gwarchod yr amgylchedd. Wrth alw am haneru 
nifer y bobl heb ddŵr glân a charthffosiaeth, 
methwyd â chysylltu hynny â defnydd 
cyanliadwy. Wrth ediych yn ôl efallai y gwelwn 
fod gwasanaeth gwell wedi’i wneud gan lefelau 
is o lywodraeth, fel y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol, 
na chan eiriau gwag penaethiaid y 

The hunt is on for sources 
of renewable energy to 
replace fossil fuels , and 
wind power is the front- 
runner. As giant turbines 
on Welsh hilltops have 
proved controversial, 
off-shore wind farms 
may be the answer. 
Malcolm Smith sets the 
scene, and looks at the 
merits of‘blades at sea’. 

Y ear in and year out, tens of thousands of visitors to the sedate, seaside 
resort of Llandudno venture by train, car or - more rarely - on foot to 
the summit of the nearby Great Orme's Head, the massive limestone 
headland that dominates the town, and marvel at the incredible sea views. 

A grey-blue tablecloth of open water stretches north beyond the Isle of Man, 
west to the Irish coast and east to the dunes of Formby and Southport. 

Apart from a few passing ships and a distant gas production platform, it is a 
view largely devoid of industrial development. 

But that is about to change. Some of Britain’s fìrst - and tallest - electricity 
generatìng wind turbines may soon dominate the sea views to the east of the 
Orme. Thirty turbines are proposed 8 Idlometres off Abergele and another 
thirty off Prestatyn. More may be planned. 

Traditioml wind powcr. 

According to the British Wind Energy Association (BWEA), 1,300 offshore 
wind turbines could produce a little under 2% of the UK’s electricity needs. 
They base their calculation on each one producing 2 megawatts of electricity 
when it is turning. Each one would be the height of Big Ben, nearly 300 feet. 

Well over three hundred smaller turbines - half the UK total - already sprout 
from many of the rolling hilltops of mid-Wales. Another nine hundred or 
more are at various planning stages. Many people fìnd these three-bladed, 
wind-swooshing, giant white towers perfectly acceptable, even attractive. 
After all, they emit no pollution and - compared with conventional power 
stations - are much easier to decommission and dismantle. But there are 
others who argue that the Welsh upland landscape of heather moors and 
coarse, grass-covered hills has been industrialised in the frantic search for 
greener means of generating electricity. 

So could building large aggregations of turbines off our 
coast be more acceptable, especially if they were 
constructed in places where they were not in conflict 
with cherished sea views or wildlife? 

Any visitor to the British seaside knows just how windy 
our coast can be. A European Commission study in 1995 
estimated our offshore wind resource, within 30 
kilmometres of the coast, as capable of producing around 
three times our total electricity demand. We are 
endowed with a third of the marine wind energy in 
Europe. Lucky us. It’s why the BWEA claims that “an area 
of sea roughly the size of London would be enough to 
provide 10% of the UK’s electricity needs". 

But there are no wind turbines planned in or around 
London. Nor in Cardiff for that matter, even though 
industrial areas nearby might be a very acceptable location 
for some energy generating developments. Instead, the 
most rural locations most distant from urban centres 
where most of the electricity is consumed seem to be 
constantly in the front line when it comes to producing it. 
Perhaps that’s what ‘green energy’ refers to. 

Wind turbine technology is moving on apace. Most of the 
turbines turning in the wind on Welsh hills are relatively 
small by today’s standards. Some of the earliest turbines 
generate only 0.3 megawatts each. That’s enough to run 
just three hundred single bar electric fìres. And they do 
that, of course, only when the wind blows. 

When it doesn’t, we still have to rely on conventional 
power stations burning gas, coal or nuclear fuel. And 
when it gets too windy, the turbines have to be switched 
off because their gear boxes can’t cope with steady 
generation if the wind is blowing too strongly. This is why 
wind power needs to be a part of our energy generating 
strategy but cannot do the whole job. 

The Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) - the Welsh 
Assembly Government’s adviser on wildlife, landscape 
and access - is very concerned at the impact of air 
pollutants from conventional power stations using fossil 
fuels, in particular those burning coal. CCW therefore 
backs wind energy provided that the turbines don’t 
compromise precious landscapes and wildlife nor diminish 
the experience of wallcing in the countryside. 

In order to cut emissions of greenhouse gases and other 
airborne pollutants, the UK Government has a target of 
generating a tenth of our electricity from renewable 
sources by 2010. In theory, technologies such as solar 
panels, biomass, hydro generation using riverflow, and sea 
wave energy are all in the frame. But the only renewable 
source with the technology up and turning on a large 
scale is wind energy. Hence it dominates the market and 

“We support wind turbines at sea in principle, too,” says 
Dr Maggie Hill, Head of CCW's Maritime and Earth 
Sciences, “but we need to assess the impact of each 
proposal in case they affect cherished sea views and 
sensitive wildlife. Well sited and carefully designed, sea 
wind farms could provide refuges for marine life, but if 
poorly sited they could damage seabed features or pose 
a threat if they are on the flight paths of seabirds. We 

the arguments. 

have done a considerable amount of cutting edge work 

to draw up guidance for developers on where best to 


Baglan Bay 

2nd Severn 


Pen Dinas 






105m to 





blade tip 


height I37m 

45 m 


currently proposed for wind turbine construction. Three 
of these are in Welsh waters; two off the north Wales 
coast and one off Porthcawl. 

In future, the bulk of wind-generated electricity is likely 
to be at sea. At the moment there is only one offshore 
wind farm operating in the UK. That’s at Blyth in 
Northumberland with just two, albeit moderately large, 
turbines. A second, much larger one with 38 turbines, 
off the Norfollt coast, was recently given the go ahead. 

How much of a visual impact large numbers of turbines 
will make is difficult to gauge - even with computer 
graphics - until they are built. Simon Reddy, 

Greenpeace's renewable energy campaigner, is upbeat: 

“We acknowledge that visual impact must be a 
consideration, but their impact should be reduced if they 
are at least fìve kilometres out to sea. We think that the 
initial visual shock of seeing a new development like this 
will subside”. 

The advocates of wind energy point to its enẃonmental 
benefits. If we generated a tenth of our electricity from 
wind we would reduce the production of carbon dioxide 
— a greenhouse gas — by around 5% and cut other 
pollutants a little too. 

On the other hand, at times when the turbines hit the 
doldrums because there isn’t any wind to turn them, or 
when the wind blows too violently for them to cope, 
conventional power stations are still essential. Effective 
energy conservation schemes in homes, offìces and 
industry would reduce the need to produce so much 
electricity in the fìrst place. 

Nor do all wind energy developments need to be on a 
monumental scale. Small generators, perhaps linked to 
other forms of generation such as solar power or 
electricity generated from wood burning, could be 
developed in rural communities. There would need to 
be a lot more of this, but several US States and one or 
two European countries actively support such locally 
based renewable energy technology. It’s a practical 
example of acting sustainably and CCW has earmarked a 

substantia! amount of grant aid money to help local 
communities to start such ventures. 

If the enẃonmental benefits of wind-generated 
electricity are to be realised, and the environmental 
drawbacks minimised, building large turbines well out to 
sea in the least visually sensitive locations off our coast 
may be a much better option than scattering them 
across the hills of mid Wales. 

Dr Malcolm Smith is a regular contributor on 
environment, travel and gardening to The Ttmes and a 
number of magazines. He is the Senior Director of 
The Countryside Council for Wales. The views 
expressed are his own and do not necessarily reflect 
CCW policy. 

Gweld y gwynt 

Mae angen amrywiaeth o ddulliau gwyrdd o 
gynhyrchu trydan ond gwynt yw’r unig 
ffỳnhonnell sydd â’r dechnoleg yn barod i 
gynhyrchu ar raddfa fawr. Er mai’r dinasoedd sy’n 
defnyddio mwya’ o ynni, yng nghetn gwlad y mae’r 
gorsafoedd ac mae hanner tyrbinau gwynt y DU 
yng Nghymru. Bellach, mae cynlluniau am dair 
gorsaf ger glannau Cymru hefyd. 

Gallai gwynt o’r môr gynhyrchu tair gwaith y 
trydan sydd ei angen ar y DU ond mae cyrff fel y 
Cyngor Cefn Gwlad eisiau ystyried effaith 
gorsafoedd môr ar olygfeydd a bywyd gwyllt. Er y 
bydd golygfeydd yn newid, fe allai fod yn well í 
osod tyrbinau mawr ymhell allan yn y môr na’u 
gwasgaru nhw tros fryniau canolbarth Cymru. 

Llên y llysiau 

gan Twm Elias 

Prosiect a gychwyrmwyd 
gan Cymdeithas Edward 
Llwyd yw Llên y Llysiau i 
gofnodi pob math o 
gysylltiad rhwng pobl 
Cymru a phlanhigion. 

Mae’n ceisio casglu 
gwybodaeth am y 
rhywogaethau o dan nifer 
o benawdau, gan gynnwys 
tarddiad yr enw, 
cyfeiriadau llenyddol, 
enwau lleoedd, cofnodion 
hanesyddol, a’r defnydd o’r 
planhigion. 0s oes 
gennych unrhyw beth i’w 
ychwanegu at y manylion 
isod, cysylltwch â Duncan 
Brown (rhifffôn: 01286 
650547 neu e-bost: 

- rhedynen gyfrdwy 

Enw Gwyddonol: Osmunda regalis (L): Tarddiad ansicr yn dyddio o’r 
Canol Oesoedd yw’r enw Osmunda. Ceir amryw o ymgeisiadau ffansiol 
i’w esbonio, e.e. mai o’r Sacsoneg am ‘nerth’ y deillia, neu o enw 
personol - crybwyllir ‘Osmund the waterman’, oedd yn Sacson a 
guddiodd ei blant ymysg dail y rhedynen rhag y Daniaid, ac roedd hefyd 
yn un o enwau Thor y duw Scandinafaidd. Posibilrwydd arall yw y 
tardda o’r Lladin os (asgwrn) a mundare (glanhau), sy’n gyfeiriad at un o 
ddefnyddiau meddygol y planhigyn. Ystyr regalis yw brenhinol. (1,2, 3). 

Disgrifiad Rhedynen fawr braff hyd at 4 - 6 troedfedd, ond weithiau 
hyd at 10 troedfedd gyda gwaelodion llafnau’r dail yn ffurfìo twffyn 
trwchus. Y ffrondiau llystyfol ar rannau isa’r llafnau yn felynwyrdd, a’r 
ffrondiau rhywiol ar y blaenau yn glystyrau melyngoch. Y dail yn marw 
dros y gaeaf ac yn aildyfu yn y gwanwyn. 

Dosbarthiad a Chynefin: Yr unig aelod Ewropeaidd o genws a 
theulu’r Osmundaceae. Dosbarthiad eang ond gwasgaredig trwy 
orllewin Ewrop yn tyfu ar gorsdir mawnog ac mewn coedlannau 
gwlybion, yn enwedig ar lawr gwlad. Weithiau ar greigiau mewn 
mannau cysgodol a llaith. Yn brin yn y gwyllt erbyn hyn oherwydd iddi 
gael ei chasglu gymaint yn y 19g a dechrau’r 20g i’w thyfu mewn gerddi 
ac oherwydd draenio corsydd. Cofnodwyd yn gyntaf yng Nghymru gan 
John Ray yn 1670: ‘I have observed it in boggy Wales.’ (4) 

Enwau Cymraeg eraill: cyfrdwy, cyfrdwy brenhinawl, rhedyn 
bonheddig, rhedyn cyfrodedd, rhedyn blodeuog, rhedyn y cadno, 
rhedyn y gors, rhedyn y dŵr, rhedyn Crist, rhedyn Mair, rhedyn 
bendigaid, lloer-redynen gyfrdwy, lleuadlys cyfrdwy, dibedoliad y 
meirch. (5, 6, 7) 

Tarddiad yr enwau Cymraeg: “Cyfrdwy” yn hen enw ar nifer o 
redynnau ( kyffrdwy I6g (8)); ‘brenhinawl' a ‘bonheddig’o regalis; 
‘cyfrodedd’ yn cyfeirio at natur blethiedig y dail; ‘cadno’ oherwydd lliw 
ei ddail ffrwythlon. Yr elfennau ‘Crist’ a ‘Mair’ yn datgan ei bod yn 
rhinweddol/feddyginiaethol, ond ‘lloer’ a ‘lleuad’ (cyfeiriad at ffurf 
hanner lleuad y pinnae mewn rhai rhywogaethau o redynnau), yn codi 
o gymysgedd tacsonomegol yn y gorffennol. Er enghraifft, yn Welsh 
Botanology (1813) dosberthid y rhedynen fechan ( Botrychium lunaria ) - 
y lloer redynen - i’r un teulu â’r rhedynen gyfrdwy dan yr enw 
Osmunda lunaria (9), oherwydd tebygrwydd yn ffurf y dail ffrwythlon 

Ffoto: Jonathan Cox. 

mae’n debyg. ‘Dibedoliad y meirch’ yn gyfeiriad at 
hen goel, ond am y lloer redynen, fel arfer, y byddai 
march yn colli ei bedolau pe’i marchogid dros y 
rhedynen hon (10). 

Defnyddiau Meddyginiaethol: Ar dudalen 48 o 
Y Gestiana (II) ceir y frawddeg ganlynol: ‘Byddai 
cyrchu mawr o bell i Lyn Ystumliyn, am Elod, 

Rhedyn Cyfrdwy, a Chyrs i wehyddion; hefyd am 
amryw o lysiau prinion.’ Cesglid y rhedynen gyfrdwy 
yn arbennig ar gyfer y llysnafedd gludiog geid yn y 
gwreiddyn a bonion trwchus y dail i wneud amryw o 

• Yn y llawysgrif o’r 16g a elwir A Welsh Leech Book 
(8) ceir y rysáit: ‘Rhag torriad Assau. Gwna ddiod 
or kyffrdwy.. .a dwfr a dod blastr o beillied blawd 
haidd merlys a chagl devaid.. .ai roi yn blastr or tu 
allan ar ddiod or tu iach fydd.’ 

Rhedynen gyfrdwy Osmunda regalis. 

• Gwnaed eli neu bowltris ar gyfer cleisiau, yn 
enwedig y briwiau geid wrth ymladd, a phan 
dynnid cymal o’i le (2, 12). ‘...mae yn un o’r 
llysiau rhagoraf rhag ysigiadau mewnol ac allanol, 
esgyrn wedi eu tori, a chymalau wedi eu hysigo.’ 
(13), ac ‘,..i gryfhau esgyrn pan y byddont wedi 
torri...iddynt asio yn gynt.’ (14) 

• ‘Mae eu gwreiddiau wedi eu berwi mewn gwin 
gwyn...yn glanhau yr arennau a’r bledren, a 
phibau y dwfr o bob mân raian a cherrig.’ (13), ac 
‘...i wneuthur dwfr yn helaethach i’r rhai sydd yn 
ei wneuthur yn rhy brin’ (14). 

• ‘Gwelaís hen bobl yn defnyddio llawer ar ei 
wraidd i esmwythau y gwynegon a'r gewynwst.’ 

• Tybid bod potas ohono yn ‘...lladd pob math o 
iyngyr (13). 

Defnyddiau eraill: 

• Arferid berwi’r gwreiddyn mewn dŵr i gael 
startsh ac roedd galw mawr amdano ar un cyfnod 
i galedu neu stiffìo Hín. (15). 

• Daeth yn blanhigyn gardd poblogaidd yng ngerddi 
plasdai’r 19g ac yn darged i gasglwyr rhedyn. 
Parodd hynny iddi fynd yn weddol brin yn y 

• Bydd garddwyr yn defnyddio compost ( Osmunda 
fìbre) o wraidd a bonion dail pydredig y rhedynen 
gyfrdwy fel y cyfrwng gorau i botio tegeiriannau 
tramor mewn tŷ gwydr. Mae’n gompost ffìbraidd 
sydd ag ychydig o faeth ynddo, ond ddim gormod, 
sydd hefyd yn draenio’n dda tra ar yr un pryd yn 
cadw lleithder digonol. (16). 

Coelion ac arferion: 

• Yn Galway yn yr Iwerddon credid bod y rhedynen 
gyfrdwy yn blodeuo yn y nos ym Mehefìn, ond 
bod y blodau’n diflannu cyn y bore - rhaid bod 
hynny’n wir oherwydd byddai’r ‘hadau’ yno erbyn 
y bore! (II). 

• Yn yr Alban roedd un math o swyn garu angen 9 
coesyn o’r rhedynnen gyfrdwy (17). 

Mae Twm Elias yn ddarlithydd a threfnydd cyrsiau 

ym Mhlas Tan y Bwlch, Canolfan Astudio Parc 

Cenedlaethol Eryri. 


1 Johnson, A.T a Smith, H.A., Plan t Names Simplified, 

(i 986) [Cyh. gyntaf yn 1931] 

2 Grieve, Mrs M,, A Modern Herbal. (1977). [Cyh. gyntaf 
yn 1931] 

3 Grigson, G., A Dictionary ofEnglish Plant Names. (1974) 

4 Ray, J., Catalogus Plantarum Angliae. (1670) 

5 Davies, D, a Jones, A,, Enwau Cymraeg ar Blanhìgion, 

6 Hayes, D., Planhigion Cymru a'r Byd, Gwasg Maes Onn. 

7 Geiriadur Prifỳsgol Cymru 

8 Lewis, T (Ed.), A Ẃelsh Leech 6 ook, (1914), tud.7 

9 Davies, H,, Welsh Botanology, (1813) 

10 Baker, M., Discoverin g the Folklore of Plants, (1996) 

I I Alltud Eifìon, Y Gestiana, (1892) 

12 Vickery, Roy, Oxford Dictìonary of Plant Lore, (1995) 

13 Price, R. a Griffìths, E,, Llysieulyfr Teuluaidd, (1858), tud. 

14 Jones, TJ., Y Uysieulyfr Teuluaidd, (Arg. 1881), tud. 79. 
[Cyfieithiad o weithiau Culpepper (I7g)] 

15 Freethy, Ron, British Ferns, (1987) 

16 Thomas, Maldwyn, (Dolgellau), cys. pers., (2002) 

17 Darwin, Tess, The Scots Herbal, (1996) 

« ••• 

• • • 

• □* 
v r* 

• •• 

• •• • 



,••• * 

• □ <T~ 

• Ui 

■ • • 

• • -••••••□ □ s 

▲• ;• ••••••□ 

.* ••••: □ • □: 

• • □ • 

Dosbarthiad y 
rhedynen gyfrdwy yng 
Nghymru, ynghyd ä 
dyddiad y cofnodion 

• 1970-1995 
■ 1950-1969 

★ 1930-1969 
. cyn 1950 

□ a blannwyd rhwng 1970 a 1995 

Royal fern Osmunda regalis 

Regalis means ‘royal’ but the name Osmunda is of 
uncertain derivation. It may be from the Anglo- 
Saxon word for strength, or from a personal name - 
Osmund the waterman was a Saxon who hid his 
children from the Danes among fern-leaves and 
Osmund was also one of the names of the 
Scandinavian god Thor. Or it may derive from the 
Latin 05 (bone) and mundare (to clean), and refers to 
the medicinal uses of the plant. 

First recorded in Wales in 1670, it grows on peaty 
fenland and ín wet copses, particularly on lowlands. 
A large, sturdy fern that grows usually to 4-6 feet, 
the bases of the leaf blades form a thick tuft. The 
fronds on the lower parts are yellow-green, and the 
sexual fronds at the tips of the blades are reddish- 
yellow clusters. The leaves die back in winter and 
re-grow in spring. 

In the 19th century it became a target for fern 
collectors and was a popular plant in mansion 
gardens. This, and the draining of fens, caused it to 
become fairly rare in the wild. 

Welsh names for the fern refer to it variously as 
royal, noble, twined (from the plaited leaves), and 
fox (for the colour of the fertile leaves). The use of 
Christ and Mary in the name signify its medicínal 
uses. Dibedoliad y meirch (horses’ unshoeing) refers 
to an old belíef, usually relating only to the 
moonwort, that a horse would lose its shoes if it 
were ridden over tliis fern. 

Medicinal uses 

A viscous slime found in the roots and thick leaf 
stems was used to make several kinds of medication. 
Ointments and poultices were used to ease the pain 
of internal and external bruising, rheumatism and 
gout, and the roots boiled in white wine were 
thought to cleanse the kidneys and bladder. A broth 
made from it was reputcd to ‘kill all kinds of 

The fern was particularly used for the mending of 
broken or dislocated bones and sprained joints: 

“For breakage of ribs. Make a drink of the royal 
fern.. .and water, and make a plaster ot a measure 
of two-rowed barley flour and sheep’s dung... 
and apply it as a plaster externally and as a drink 
internally...and [the rib] will be healthy.” 

(H. Welsh Leech Book, 16th century). 

Photo: © RSPB. Photo: © RSPB. 

An ecosystem is a tapestry 
of species and relationships. 
Chop away a section, 
isolate that section and there 
arises a problem of 

David Quatntneti 

The Song of the Dodo 

Black grouse displaying 
provide a spectacular but 
increasing rare sight. Now 
help is at hand. Patrick 
Lindley and Dave Smith 
report on a remarkable 
success story. 

Male blach grouse displaying. Photo: © rspb. 

can see four maies, and they are really having a good fight,” whispered 
lolo, conservation manager with Forest Enterprise. I crouch down, 
screened by trees, to witness the drama that has unfolded in the uplands 
since the lce Age. A side step, neclc craned, one of the combatants jostles 
and counter jostles and then performs the c oup de grace, a stunning strike to 
his opponent’s scarlet eye comb. The loser, falling from grace, retreats to 
the security of tall heather. Lost in the drama of the moment, both lolo and 
I watch patiently, hands numb with cold as the April sun rises above the 
darlcness of the moor. You may be forgiven for thinking that the event 
witnessed was a territorial brawl between top predators. Not so, it is an 
intricate display performed every spring on traditional mating arenas (leks) 
by the thespians of the bird world - male black grouse. However, this 
spectacle, often viewed by many as one of the ornithological wonders of the 
uplands, is perilously close to disappearing. 

A chronic decline 

The black grouse is declining rapidly throughout large parts of its natural 
range in Europe 1 ' 5 . This large-scale decline is mirrored in the UK where 
black grouse may have undergone a 75% decline between 1990 
(estimated 25,000 lekking males) and 1995/1996 (estimated 6,510 lekking 
males). In Wales, historical population estimates of black grouse are vague. 
Nevertheless, anecdotal evidence suggests a serious decline occurred in 
the I9th century throughout the principality, except in Breconshire. With 
the continued loss of fringe native woodland between marginal farmland 
and the moorland edge, by the I940s blaclc grouse were in ‘free fall’ 


decline throughout Wales and were considered in all 
counties to have an 'uncommon’ status. 

However, it is generally agreed that post-war 
afforestation in the uplands initially led to an increase in 
the species’ range and numbers. With the exclusion of 
sheep, important food plants such as heather and 
bilberry flourished within these young plantations and 
the open canopy structure provided shelter and nesting 
cover. With a quarter of the Welsh uplands planted 
predominantly with non-native Sitka spruce these large- 
scale forests loolted attractive habitats but flattered to 
deceive. The densely planted trees quickly grew and 
shaded out favourable food plants. With many upland 
forests reaching closed canopy in synchrony, blaclc 
grouse began to be squeezed outside the forest to 
occupy a niche devoid of tree cover - open moorland. 

Figure 1 The number of dispbying male blackgrouse 
in Wales (1986-1997) 

Despite the surprising upsurge in numbers, by 1975 
there was evidence of an equally dramatic decline. This 
decline prompted the fìrst systematic survey of black 
grouse in Wales in 1986 which recorded 264 displaying 
males. 3 Repeat surveys in 1992 and 1995 showed 
numbers had further declined and by 1997 black grouse 
numbers had diminished by 50% since the fìrst Welsh 
survey in 1986 (Fig /.) Various other causes of the 
decline in black grouse have been identified; some 
factors may result in habitat fragmentation and direct 
loss of habitat, while other more subtle changes may 
reduce breeding success and adult survival. 

Blach grouse require a patchworb of different habitats. 

Fighting species extinction; 

The Welsh Blaclt Grouse Recovery Project 

With the speed of population decline, there was 
agreement by a group of Welsh conservation agencies 
and organisations that unless a large-scale intervention 
project was implemented to arrest the decline, black 
grouse in Wales would be extinct within 10-15 years. 
With this in mind, following successful grant applications 
to the European Union (European Agriculture Guidance 
and Guarantee Fund) and National Assembly for Wales 
(Rural Development Grant), coupled with substantial 
investment from RSPB, Forest Enterprise and the 
Countryside Council for Wales, the Welsh Black Grouse 
Recovery Projectwas launched in 1999. Following small 
scale management initiated in 1997, between 1999- 
2001 the recovery project integrated a comprehensíve 
suite of habitat prescriptions at 6 black grouse sites 
(termed key areas) in mid and north Wales (Llandegla 
and Ruabon Moors, Clocaenog, North Berwyn, Pâle, 
Llanbrynmair and Migneint/Dduallt). Collectively these 
sites are referred to as the project core area and 
comprised 80% of the remaining blackcocl< (male black 
grouse) population in Wales in I997. 6 

The recovery project had the following three key aims; 

• In the short term (3 years), arrest the long-running 
decline of black grouse. 

• In the long term, increase the range and numbers of 
black grouse. 

• Develop public awareness of the plight of blacl< 
grouse and the measures to reverse the current 


Photo: © RSPB. 

What do black grouse require? 

The habitat requirements of black grouse are complex. 
They are a sedentary species that require a continuous 
mosaic of upland habitats such as wet heath, blanket 
bog, and open forest for feeding, displaying, breeding, 
roosting and moulting. The majority of black grouse in 
Wales (over 90%) are now associated with upland 
conifer plantations that have a mosaic of vegetation 
communities along the forest edge with a well- 
developed ground layer of heather and bilberry. 

We know black grouse favour an open patchwork of 
widely spaced trees with a regenerating ground layer of 
bilberry, heather and grasses. The question facing the 
project was how to replicate this environment? With a 
legacy of mature, close ranked, impenetrable stands of 
Sitlca spruce characteristic of many forest edges the 
answer was more problematic. 

Working closely with Forest Enterprise, Tilhil Forestry 
and Canon Farm, the project identified 5 forests within 
the core area that could be managed for black grouse 
on a large scale (>50ha). Here we removed different 
densities of trees (up to 90% removal at a maximum 
height of 7m) over large areas to create the desired 
‘feathering' along forest edges and rides. After tree 
removal, the canopy is opened to sunlight and the vital 
components of black grouse diet (heather, bilberry and 
cotton grass) quickly regenerate. When completed, the 
forest edge structure resembles the loose structure of 
Northern Fenno-Scandinavian forests. 

The next phase was to focus on managing the tall, 
uniform, ungrazed ground layer within and outside 
these forests. Extensive areas of tall, continuous 
heather can hinder chick movement and may chill small 
chicks leading to death during bouts of continuous cold, 
wet weather. In the absence of natural forest 
herbivores that would have grazed and browsed the 
ground layer, the project used novel intervention 
practices developed by the RSPB at their Lake Vyrnwy 
Reserve. Mowing a patchworlc of small blocks and 
strips of heather on the open moor and within forest 
firebreaks, rides and tree-thinned areas, with either a 
tractor mounted flail or manually operated brush- 
cutters, created the mosaic of vegetation that black 

grouse require. Mires and wet flushes, where sedges 
and grasses predominate, are insect-rich areas and thus 
important feeding areas for black grouse and broods. 

As well as forest thinning and heather management, the 
project has managed and reinstated some wet areas by 
rendering drains and ditches ineffective. 

During 1999 to 2001, 1,400ha were managed directly 
for black grouse. All the habitat management within the 
project core area was undertaken by hired contractors 
(local where possible) and represented 3,052 
contractor man-days or 14 man-years (I man year 
equals 220 man days). 

Figure 2. The number ofdisplaying male blackgrouse within the 
project core area (Í997-2002) 

Status of black grouse in Wales: census update 

Because black grouse are secretive and elusive, the 
only practical survey method to measure populations is 
to count displaying males on their lek sites in spring 2 . 
Systematic searches of all leks within the key areas 
were conducted between 1997-2002, (except in 2001 
- cancelled due to the outbreak of Foot and Mouth). 
The leks were visited once between 15 April to 15 
May and all displaying males counted to assess 
population change.The lek counts between 1997 and 
2002 show an increase of 94 males or 87% (Fig 2). 
However, this comparison should be treated with 
caution, due to incomplete lek coverage in 1997. 

A comparison between 1998-2002, suggests a more 
realistic population increase of 59 males (41 %). 

Photo: © RSPB. 

The 2002 lel< counts suggest the numbers of displaying 
males within the project's core area are showing signs 
of recovery and increase. The results from the Wales 
2002 Black Grouse Census reveal that where no 
favourable management outside the project core area 
has occurred black grouse are continuing to decline in 
numbers and range. Yet the census estimates a Welsh 
black grouse population of 260 lekking males, (Lindley 
e£ o/. in prep.), almost on par with the 1986 survey 
population of 264 males. 3 

Male black grouse at a ‘lek 

Part of the success of the Welsh Black Grouse 
Recovery Project is due to the behind scenes toil of our 
project partners, land owners, farmers, game 
managers, conservationists and local contractors. With 
black grouse widely recognised as a Welsh forest edge 
species, support from the Welsh forestry sector has 
and will continue to be vital. Forests, upland heath and 
marginal farmland, always changing in structure, will 
require further conservation intervention to encourage 
black grouse to stay and to re-colonise formerly 
occupied haunts. RSPB Cymru will continue to work 
closely with the farming, game and forestry sectors, 
and we hope that blaclc grouse can once again be 
observed through the trees. 

Pati"icl< Lindley, RSPB’s 
Black Grouse Officer 
for Wales, has run the 
recovery project 
over the 
last three 
assisted by 
Dave Smith. 


1 Baines, D, 1993. The Black Grouse Report: first approaches 
towards the restoration of black grouse numbers ìn Britain. 
Report to English Nature and Scottísh Natural Heritage. 

2 Gilbert, G., Gibbons, D.W. & Evans, J. 1998. Bird 
Monitoring Methods. RSPB. 

3 Grove, S.J., Hope Jones, P, Malkinson, A.R. & Thomas, 
D.H. 1986. Number and distríbution ofblack grouse in 
Wales. RSPB Unpub. Report 

4 Hancock, M., Baines, D„ Gibbons, D„ Etheridge, B. & 
Shepherd, M. 1999: Status ofmale black grouse "letrao 
Tetrix in Britain in 1995-96. Bird Study 46:1 -15. 

5 Hughes, J„ Baines, B„ Grant, M„ Roberts, J„ Williams, I. 
& Bayes, K, 1998. RSPB Conservation Revìew. 12. 

6 Williams, l„ King, A„ Cowan, T & Hughes, B. 1997. 
Black grouse in WatesSpríng 1997. Unpub. reportto 
Countryside Council for Wales. 

Adfer y Grugieir Du 

Mae un o ryfeddodau byd adar yr ucheldir mewn 
peiyg o ddiflannu - perfformiadau cystadleuol 
ceiliogod y rugiar ddu. Mae’r aderyn yn cilio trwy 
Ewrop, gydag amcangyfrif o ostyngiad o 75% yn y 
DU rhwng 1990 ac 1996. Erbyn yr 1940au roedd 
yn lleihau’n ddychrynllyd yng Nghymru ac, er fod 
coedwigo wcdi’r rhyfel wedi helpu i ddechrau, 
roedd niferoedd wedi haneru rhwng 1986 ac 1997. 
Lansiwyd Cynllun Adfer Grugieir Du Cymru yn 
1999, gan ddefnyddio cyfuniad cynhwysfawr o 
ddulliau adfer cynefin mewn 6 saflc yn y 
Canolbarth a’r Goglcdd. 

Roedd tri nod: 

• Atal y gostyngiad o fewn tair blynedd. 

• Cynyddu niferoedd ac ehangu ardal yn y tymor 

• Codi ymwybyddiaeth. 

Mae angen brithwaith o gynefinoedd ar y rugiar 
ddu ond mae hynny’n anodd lle mae coedwigoedd 
pin yn ddwys. Felly, dewiswyd 5 coedwig i’w 
teneuo er mwyn hybu llystyfiant sy’n fwyd i’r 
aderyn. Y cam nesa’ oedd rheoli grug trwy ei dorrí 
ac adfer rhai llecynnau gwlyb. Rhwng 1998 a 2002 
bu cynnydd o 41% mewn ceiliogod yn ardal y 
prosiect. Y tu allan iddi, tnae’r dirywiad yn parhau. 


Opening up the forest - 

a new prospect for Newborough 

The plantation covers much of the former dunes.. 

Photo:John RatclifFe. 

While the conservation of 
nature has traditionally 
been a rear-guard struggle, 
a new age of ambitious 
habitat restoration projects 
is dawning. James 
Robertson considers what 
it would take to transform 
a large plantation on 
Anglesey into a mosaic of 
trees and open duneland. 

A nglesey is roughly diamond-shaped; at its southern apex, the ocean 
has deposited a convincingly acute angle of sand, which trails into the 
sea like the string of a kite, ending at Abermenai Point. Across the narrow 
mouth of the Menai Strait, the sand dunes continue on the mainland, south 
of Caernarfon. 

This is the strangest of the angles of Anglesey; it is old, and yet has 
constantly reinvented itself, changing its contours and at times inundating 
human settlements and over-running farmland, a reminder of the dynamic 
power of nature. ft is a sandscape of marram-covered hills, some gouged 
out by the wind into moon craters, and low-lying slacks, which can turn to 
shallow lakes in winter. 

Common blue buttetfìy. 

Until the middle of last century there were nearly 1,300ha, or five square 
miles of this Lawrence of Arabia landscape, lying between the Menai Strait 
and the Cefni estuary. Unstable and subject to wind-blows, the dunes were 
ideal territory for those once scarce and prized food animals, rabbits. The 
whole area was shown as a warren on the fìrst Ordinance Survey maps of 
1850. At that time it also provided huge quantities of marram grass for the 
manufacture of ropes and mats, nets and cordage, and even shoes. 

The arrival of forestry and conservation 

The abundance of rabbits, before myxomatosis decimated the population 
in the I950s, combined with military use during the last war, resulted in a 
period of great sand movement, raising fears of inundation 

Photo: CCW. 

in the village of Newborough. After the war the 
Government handed the management of half the sand 
dunes nearest the village to the Forestry Commissìon. 
Their brief was to establish a forest of mainly Corsican 
pines, which would stabilise the dunes and provide 
local employment while producing timber. 

The conver$ion of half of Newborough warren’s vast 
acres to forest encountered hardly a murmur of 
opposition. Timber production was a national priority, 
and there appeared to be few drawbacks, such as lost 
grazing, to offset the benefits to the local community. 
The unplanted dunes still covered an enormous area, 
and contained an abundance of rare plants and animals. 
In 1955, the Nature Conservancy declared the 
unafforested Newbororough Warren a National 
Nature Reserve, only the second in Wales. 

The young plantatíon, Whit Sunday, 1966. 

Forty years later, in 1995, the dunes were put forward 
as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) under the 
European Union’s Habitats Directive. But the forest 
was excluded from the SAC, apart from small patches 
where the rare shore docl< was hanging on. This was 
due to a reluctance to designate large and potentially 
controversial areas. The review of SACs requested by 
the European Union in 1999 has prompted a more 
holistic approach to the SAC boundary definition at 
Newborough, which now encompasses the whole sand 
body in recognìtion of its ecologica! integrity. 

Skylarks outside the dark forest 

Step into this duneland world, and you will discover 
how pulsating with life it is. Skylarks soar and hover, 
their songs filling the air, while beneath them waves of 
marsh orchids bring vivid splashes of colour to the 
dune slacks in early summer. As the season progresses, 
the scent of thyme grows stronger, and its purple 
flowers attract brightly coloured six-spot burnet moths 
and common blue butterflies which come to sip the 

The adjacent forest has fossilised 700ha. of dunes, so 
that the sand dune landforms are frozen in time, 
beneath a dark, silent cloalc of trees. Where trees are 
planted up to the beach, they prevent natural recovery 
and re-vegetation of the dunes after winter storms, 
leaving steep sand cliffs between the forest and the sea. 
Where attempts have been made to protect the trees 
from the forces of erosion, through the construction of 
a wooden ‘revetment’, of brushwood fences or by 
thatching and re-profìling frontal dunes, these have 
largely failed, and they cause unwelcome interference 
with natural coastal processes. Conifer litter smothers 
most of the natural dune flora leaving only sand sedge, 
dune helleborine and round leaved wintergreen in any 
abundance. As the forest matures and the soils 
develop, brambles, lady fern and common woodland 
mosses carpet the floor. 

Most serious for the dunes which are not afforested, 
the forest has sucked water from the aquifer just 
below the surface and has dried out the unplanted 
dunes. Winter flooding of dune slaclcs has decreased 
over the last forty years and is now a rare occurrence, 
limited to slacks furthest from the forest. Dune slacks 
within the forest which were not planted fifty years ago 
because they flooded in winter are now completely dry 
all year round. Rainfall averages have not changed for 
Anglesey over this period, but the loss of water from 
the forest canopy (estimated at between 10.8 and 
19.2mm/day) compared to that from the dune 
vegetation (less than 2mm/day) may explain the 

Photo: Peter Rhind. 

Re-shaping the forest 

So is it time to think the unthinloble; that the forest 
should be cleared, and the sand dunes restored to their 
former glory? IMo-one is calling for the destruction of 
the forest, which has become very much a feature of 
the Newborough area, with its own conservation and 
recreational value. But many conservationists would 
like to see a re-shaping of the forest, with the area of 
plantation being reduced by less than a half in order to 
restore the water table and the mobility of the forward 
dunes. This is the kind of bold, visionary project which 
will prove that conservation and the ‘sustainable 
development’ agenda have really come of age. It is 
surely time to open up discussion about the future of 
the forest. Elsewhere the Forestry Commission has 
carried out forest redesigns to transform plantations 
imposed on the landscape into forests which fit into it. 

Fifty years after the first trees were planted, there are 
new national priorities, and much has changed at 
Newborough. The Government and Assembly have 
drawn up a national Biodiversity Action Plan, in 
recognition of the huge losses of habitats and wildlife 
since the war. Many sand dunes, such as those along 
the north Wales coast, have been lost to golf courses, 
holiday developments and, of course, forestry. Sand 
dunes are an exceptionally diverse and rare habitat 
internationally, and special efforts are needed to 
conserve what is left. Wales has some of Europe’s best 
sand dune systems, Newborough being amongst the 
top sites. 

Six-spot burnet month. 

Wildlife uses the forest, too. A small population of red 
squirrels established itselí in the conifer plantations, 
although it is now thought to be extinct. There is an 
exceptionally large raven roost located near the central 
rock rídge, which is free from disturbance and offers 
good iook-out posts within the plantation. Great 
crested newts and medicinal leeches are found in 
forest pools, which have been created to provide a 
source of water in the event of fìre, although these are 
found in greater numbers in the dunes. Visitors to the 
forest are often struck by the numerous, colourful fungi 
which grow under the pines, such as the saffron milk 
cap, and several rare species are only found under the 
trees. Several rare dune plants hang on in the 

At Newborough the Commission has a great 
opportunity to restore the natural ‘sandscape' of this 
unique corner of Anglesey, and increase its biodiversity 
without losing some of the benefits which the forest 
has brought. 

For there are many attractions for visitors and wildlife 
within the forest. Most of the quarter of a million 
visitors a year come to the car parlc near the beach, 
which gives easy access to the coast. Many walk along 
the beach and cross the causeway to Ynys Llanddwyn. 
Others walk along the various forest traclcs and 
through the dunes. The shelter provided by the forest 
is particularly welcome in winter. 
A car park by the road also gives 
access to the forest. 

Photo: CCW. 

Photo: Mikc Hammett. 

plantation, but as the forest becomes darlcer and more 
mature, many of these plants will probably disappear. 
Insect life in the forest is mainly limited to common 
species, and is not as rich as it would be if the trees 
were removed. 

Sand and trees - a new balance? 

Fifty years after the fìrst trees were planted, there is a 
wonderful opportunity to shrink the forest and bring 
back the domain of the sand, without losing the 
benefìts which trees bring to this windswept corner of 
Anglesey. Trees near the frontal dunes could be 
cleared, to restore the natural processes of sand 
movement between the beach and the dunes. 

Existing clearings could be extended, and new clearings 
opened up, to allow light back into areas where the 
origina! dune vegetation still clings on. The plantation to 
the east of the rocky ridge could be cleared to restore 
water levels in the dune slack$. Some of the most 
recently planted areas to the west of the ridge could 
be restored to dune grassland. Well established forest 
areas could be managed for conversion to native dune 
woodland, a rare feature anywhere in Britain. The 
main car park could be located a little further inland to 
allow natural movement of the fore-dunes without 
threatening visitor facilities. 

Most exciting of all is the possibility of re-establishing at 
least some of the processes that underlie this 
ecosystem rather than merely the static features. 

These processes include the movement of sand, to 
scour out new dune slaclcs; the unhindered movement 
of water, to re-wet many of the old dune slacks; and 
extensive grazing of the dunes and woodlands by large 

Agor y goedwig - 
dyfodol newydd i Niwbwreh 

Mae Coedwig Niwbwrch wedi ei lleoli ar gornel 
tywodlyd anghysbell o Ynys Môn. Plannwyd y 
coed cyntaf hanner canrifyn ôl, ac erbyn hyn 
mae’n llenwi tua hanner ardal y twyni tywod, 
gyda’r gweddill yn Warchodfa Natur Genedlaethol. 

Mae’r goedwig wedi dod â rhai buddion i fỳwyd 
gwyllt a hamdden, ond mae hefyd wedi cael effaith 
andwyol ar ddeinameg naturiol un o systemau 
twyni tywod mwyaf Ewrop. Ceir cyfle yn awr, trwy 
bartneriaeth rhwng Cyngor Cefn Gwlad, y Fenter 
Goedwigaeth a’r gymuned leol, i beri i’r goedwig 
esblygu’n raddol trwy symud rhai o’r coed oddi 
yno i greu ardaloedd agored a thrwy ganiatáu i 
goetir naturiol sefydlu ei hun mewn man arall. 

Byddai hyn yn creu dyfodol newydd i Niwbwrch 
gyda’r bwriad o ailddargantod prosesau natur. 

herbivores, to re-create a dynamic landscape where 
the distribution of dunes and woodland is defined by 
natural processes, not by a draughtsman with a ruler 
on a map. 

Sensitively managed, this shrinldng of the dune 
plantation and conversion of the remainder to native 
woodland would not affect any existing interests, 
except for a modest long-term reduction in low value 
timber. Change will not happen overnight, and needs 
goodwill and cooperation between the relevant 
statutory and voluntary bodies, including the local 
community council, which is sympathetic to the needs 
of managing the site for conservation. Nature 
conservation in recent decades has been on the 
defensive. What better start to this millennium than the 
restoration of one of the finest sand dune systems in 

James Robertson is an environmental writer and 
editor, and has a small organic farm not too far from 
Newborough warren. 


How to house sparrows - 

colonial nest boxes boost house sparrow numbers 

Female house sparrow. 

The house sparrow, a 
symbol of our inner cities, 
has been in decline for the 
past twenty years. Now 
help is at hand. Houses 
have been provided for 
house sparrows, built in 
terraces or tenements to 
encourage their colonial 
nesting behaviour. Tony 
Jenkins reports on the 
experiment’s resounding 

T he decline of the house sparrow (Passer domesticus) over the last 
twenty years has been well documented in Britain and Ireland with 
the most severe declines noted from inner cities. Surveys such as the 
British Trust for Ornithology's (BTO) Common Bird Census and Garden 
Bird Feeding Survey have shown that the house sparrow population 
dropped sharply in the early 1980s, followed by a more gradual but 
continuing decline to the present day. For example, an 85% decline was 
reported at Kensington Gardens in London between 1970 and 1995, while 
numbers dropped by over 50% in rural areas during the same period 1 . 
House sparrows are now rare in many parts of Brìtain and have all but 
vanished from several city centres. 

Other seed eating farmland birds have shown similar declines, perhaps 
indicative of a common cause. Between 1968 and 1991, linnet (Carduelis 
cannabina) and reed bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus) both declined in 


Photo: Michael Smith. 

Jmeníle house sparrow on the aíert. 

numbers by over 50% while the tree sparrow 
(Passer montanus) population decreased by over 85% 
during the same period. The house sparrow decline is 
not however uniform, but shows considerable regional 
differences. Numbers in Wales and Scotland have 
increased since 1994, while in England there has been 
population variation, with some areas indicating stable 
numbers 2 . However, across regions, house sparrows in 
urban localities, particularly inner cities, have been hit 
hardest. The disappearance of this once abundant 
species from central London has stimulated much 
public concern, as reflected in The Independent 
newspaper’s campaign to fìnd out what has happened 
to this emblem of coclcney life. Even in suburban 
localities between rural and urban habitats, which are 
traditionally thought to represent the best breeding 
conditions for house sparrows, there has been a 
15-20% decline over the period 1978-88 3 . 

Causes of dedine 

A number of possible causes have been attributed to 
this reported dedine in the house sparrow population. 
Crop spraying, selective herbicide application and 
changes in farming practice (particularly the change to 
autumn sown cereals) have all been implicated as 
factors in rural areas, which have also been suggested 
as the causes of decline in other seed eating farmland 
birds. Predation, disease, garden pesticides, traffìc 
pollution and a lack of nest sites probably represent the 
major contributory factors in large conurbations. In the 
absence of traditional sites, house sparrows sometimes 

nest in dense hedges and conifers. 
However, changes to modern house 
design and renovation of older 
buildings may have 
signifìcantly reduced 
the availability of 
suitable nesting sites. 

Study site 

To breed successfully house sparrows require buildings 
to provide nest sites and open spaces to furnish an 
adequate food supply. Such conditions are present at 
the National Wetlands Centre Wales (NWCW), 
Pendacwydd, Llanelli, where nest boxes, bird hides and 
outbuildìngs provide suitable breeding sites. The 16 ha 
of landscaped grounds also provide a plentiful supply of 
both invertebrate and grain food. The NWCW lies 
adjacent to the Burry Inlet, an estuary recognised 
internationally for its habitats and overwintering 
waterfowl, that has the most extensive area of 
saltmarsh (l,600ha) wholly in Wales. 

Sparrow terrace 

I began monitoring individuai nest boxes at the NWCW 
in 1995 when most of the boxes were occupied by 
blue tits (Parus caeruleus) and great tits (P major ), 
although a few nest boxes with entrance holes larger 
than 32mm diameter were taken by house sparrows. 
They also used outbuildings, particularly the Flamingo 
House, where nests were located on ledges provided 
by the interior wooden framework. All nesting 
attempts have been recorded on a weekly basis, and 
the data submitted on nest record cards to the BTO. 
Given that house sparrows often breed in loose 

colonies 4 , the provision of multiple nest sites designed 
exclusively for the species may help the breeding 
success of local populations. 

In 1997, Dr. DerekThomas (Glamorgan Regional 
Development Offìcer, BTO) therefore designed a 
multiple nest box to encourage house sparrows to 
breed in adjacent nest sites and the ‘sparrow terrace’ 
was constructed and installed at the rear of the 
Flamingo House prior to the 1998 breeding season. 
The design incorporates twenty-four boxes in two 
banks of twelve {dimensions: I40mm high x I95mm 
wide x 2IOmm deep for each compartment) sited 
2 metres above ground level and each with a 37mm 
entrance hole. 

Importantly, this hole size is larger than the more 
typical 26-32mm diameter commonly used to attract 
various tit species, because house sparrows are 
generally excluded from boxes with such small 
entrance holes. Unlilce conventional nest box designs in 
which the roof is usually hinged to provide access for 
monitoring, the compartments of the sparrow terrace 
have hinged fronts that open from the centre line 
between the two rows. 


The terrace ofnest boxes, designedfor house sparrows. 

Photo: TonyJenkins. 

Photo: TonyJenkins. 

Early days 

I began monitoring the terrace in 1998 when two 
compartments were occupied. These were located at 
opposite ends of the terrace, suggesting that the 
respective occupants obviously required extreme 
privacy! Double broods were recorded in each box 
giving a total of four breeding attempts. In 1999 only 
one box was occupied although two broods were 
recorded. After two years the experiment had not 
proved to be a resounding success, with only limited 
uptalse of the terrace by house sparrows. However, 
this was about to change! 

Cheching the nests. 

Success at last 

In 2000 no fewer than fìfteen of the boxes in the 
sparrow terrace were used for breeding, ten in the 
upper and fìve in the lower bank. One triple and four 
double broods were recorded, all from the upper 
boxes, and a total of twenty-one separate nesting 
attempts were recorded (see table). The sparrows had 
finally decided to move in to the ‘terraced houses’ 
en masse, and the following year proved even more 
successful. Twenty boxes were occupied in 2001 that 
included one triple and eleven double broods from 
thirty-three nesting attempts. All but one of the boxes 
in the upper row were occupied, together with nine in 
the lower bank. Over the four year perîod of 
monitoring to date, no other bird species has occupied 

the terrace, although queen wasps appear to have a 
penchant for starting new colonies in the boxes! 

The results of nestbox occupancy in 2002 were 
surprisingly identical to those of the previous year with 
33 nesting attempts in 20 boxes. Again, eleven boxes in 
the upper row and nine in the lower bank were 
occupied. From the early days of 1998-99 this 
experiment has proved to be a resounding success, 
which clearly demonstrates both the colonial nesting 
behaviour of house sparrows and the potential role 
such multiple nest box designs could play in maintaining 
the UK population. 

Unlike other common nest box species, house 
sparrows exhibit some unusual traits. Females shoot 
out of the boxes whenever I approach the terrace 
which at least makes counting eggs a relatively easy 
task! Clutches are generally small (3-5 eggs) with an 
average of 3.9 eggs per nest over the five year period 
of the study. Nestlings do not have down feathers and 
are naked until the primary feather quills are fully 
formed. Adults are never observed carrying food to the 
nests or seen in the vicinity of the terrace giving alarm 
calls. Also, the young are very prone to ‘exploding’ 
from the nest ie. Ieaving prematurely before the flight 
feathers are fully formed, which makes observations 
towards the end of a nesting attempt somewhat 






No. of boxes 






No. of nesting 






No. of eggs 






No. of young 






% breeding 







* Percentage breeding success is calculated as the 
number of successfully fledged young relative to the 
number of eggs laid. 


The future 

In gardens where house sparrows are regular visitors, 
the provision of nest boxes with entrance holes of 32- 
37 mm diameter may encourage this declining species 
to breed, A smaller version of the sparrow terrace, 
incorporating three compartments, ís currently offered 
for sale by CJ Wildbird Foods in Shropshire. The 
national press has also recently stressed the need for 
garden nest boxes to provide entrance holes large 
enough to attract house sparrows 5 . 

At the NWCW future research will include a colour- 
ringing scheme for nestlings to establish whether young 
house sparrows return in following years to breed at 
their natal sites. 

Finally, the BTO’s theme for National Nest Box Week 
in February 2002 was the ‘Plight of the House 
Sparrow’. The decline of this species was highlighted 
and the general public asked to provide nest boxes 
with large entrance holes in the hope that the fortunes 
of this once ubiquitous bird may be reversed. 


I am grateful to Dr. Derek Thomas for his oríginal idea of a 
sparrow terrace at the NWCW, which inspired my ongoing 
study ofthis species, My thanl<s are also due to Dr, Geoff 
Proffìtt (Curator) and Nigel Williams (Resen/e Manager) 
both for assistance with the project and for permission to 
access the study sîte. I also thank my son Richard, for his 
constructive comments on the manuscript, 


1 Summers-Smith, J, D. (1999). Current status of the House 
Sparrowìn britain. Br, Wildlife, 10, 381-386. 

2 British Trust for Ornithology, National Nest Box Week, 
February, 2002. 

3 Gibson, D.W., Reid, J.B. & Chapman, R.A, (1993). The 
New Atlas of Breedìng Birds in Brìtain and Ireland: 1988- 
9/, T & A.D, Poyser. 

4 Summers-Smith, J.D. (1954). Colonial behayiour in the 
House Sparrow, Br. Birds, 47, 249-265. 

5 The Independent, 14 January, 2002. 

Tony Jenlcins is a consultant hydrobiologist with a 
longstanding interest in the role of nestboxes for 

Teras i adar y to 

Fe allai arbrawf gyda nythod teras yng Nghymru 
helpu i ddod ag adar y to yn ôl yn gry’ i ardaloedd 
yn Lloegr. Cafwyd canlyniadau trawiadol o waith 
sy’n digwydd yn y Ganolfan Wlyptiroedd 
Genedlaethol ym Mhenclacwydd ger Llanelli. 

Yn 1998, gosodwyd 24 o flychau nythu mewn dwy 
res, gyda thyllau digon mawr i adar y to. Ar ôl dau 
dymor siomedig, cafodd 15 o’r blychau eu 
defnyddio yn 2000 gan godi i 20 yn y ddau dymor 
ers hynny. Cafodd mwy na 60 o gywion eu deor 'yn 
y teras y ddau dro hwnnw. Fe allai’r blychau gyda’r 
tyllau mwy fod yn batrwm at y dyfodol ac mae 
fersiwn masnachol eisoes ar wcrth. 

Er eu bod ar gynnydd yng Nghymru ers 1994, fe 
fu dirywiad mawr yn nifer yr adar to mewn 
ardaloedd gwledig a threfol, er enghraifft yng 
nghanol Llundain, lle maen nhw’n symbol o fỳwyd 
y Cocni. 

What will another year bring? 


Photo: Tonyjenlcins, 

Common cord-grass imading mudjiats on Anglesey. 

O f the three species of S partina found in Britain only one, common 
cord-grass S partina anglica, occurs in Wales. This vigorous, fertile 
plant was derived from the sterile hybrid between small cord-grass and 
smooth cord-grass, which arose naturally in Southampton Water sometime 
prior to 1870. Later at this site the species transformed itself into the 
fertile common cord-grass through a doubling of the chromosomes of the 
hybrid. It was deliberately introduced into the Severn estuary as a mud- 
binder in 1913 at Clevedon in Somerset. From here it probably established 
itself on the Welsh side of the Severn and was recorded in 1920 when it 
was introduced to the Dyfi Estuary near Glandyfì. Today the species has 
spread to virtually every saltmarsh in Wales. In the 1960s about 1 306 ha of 
land dominated by common cord-grass was recorded in Wales, and by the 
1980s this had risen to approximately 1,680ha. 

Despite this rise there is both anecdotal and documentary evidence to 
suggest that common cord-grass is now partly in decline. For example, a 
recent survey (2000) of saltmarsh in the Dee Estuary showed that it had 
declined by about 90% since 1983. There are similar reports for other 
parts of the UK, and this has been attributed to various causes, inciuding 
cessation of sediment accretion, oxygen defìciency, water logging, 
pathogenic fungi and wave damage. It has also been put down 

Common cord-grass arose 
in Southampton Water 
from a natural hybrid and 
gives point to the term 
‘hybrid vigour’. Originally 
introduced to help bind 
mud and accumulate 
land, it quickly got out of 
control and became a 
conservation problem, 
threatening mudflats 
which were important for 
wildlife. Much time and 
energy has been spent 
controlling it over the last 
thirty years or more, but 
has this effort been 
worthwhile ? Signs are that 
common cord-grass is 
loosing its powers. 

Peter Rhind reports. 


Photo: Petcr Rhind. 

Photo: Peter Rhind. 

to an inherent loss of vigour within the species, 
possibly due to its lack of genetic variation. 
Nevertheless, despite over two decades of research, 
the reason for this phenomenon has still not been fully 
resolved, and dieback may be the result of several 

Common cord-grass injiower. 

Control measures 

Efforts to control common cord-grass have been 
carried out at many sites around Wales. 

Malltraeth estuary, Anglesey 

A control programme involving spraying and digging 
was started in the early 1970s by the Nature 
Conservancy Council. Although it was at fìrst 
successful, the plant rapidly regenerated and grew 
back. Further control, initiated in 1978, had produced 
little effect by 1982, but by 1987 it had largely been 
cleared from the lower saltmarsh and was being 
contained in other areas. To keep the species in check 
it was necessary to spray on an annual basis. This 
control programme was ended in 1998 for two 
reasons: fìrstly because the spray was also damaging 
Salicornia and other saltmarsh pioneer species (now 
listed as a qualifying SAC feature for this site), and 
secondly because there was increasing acceptance of 
common cord-grass as an integral part of the 

Red Wharf bay, Anglesey 

Two attempts have been made to control common 
cord-grass by Anglesey Borough Council. The area was 
sprayed in 1970-71, but although this may have slowed 
down its rate of spread, it did not halt its progress. A 
survey in 1980 showed that its overall area had 
increased to about 2.6ha. A second attempt was made 
in September 1982, but by 1983 the estimated area of 
common cord-grass marsh had expanded to 5.02ha. 

Conwy estuary, north Wales 

Attempts to control the plant in the upper reaches of 
the estuary were initiated by Aberconwy Borough 
Council, but in the event only a one-day pilot study to 
assess the effectiveness of hand spraying was 
undertaken, and no follow-up work was carried out. 

Borth-y-Gest harbour, Porthmadog 

A more determined effort was carried out by Dwyfor 
District Council. By 1977 common cord-grass had 
spoiled a sandy amenity beach in the harbour, but 
attempts to remove it by bulldozer and digging were 
ineffective. Later between 1984-86 more success was 
gained by spraying. The herbicides were applied using 
backpack sprayers and by 1986 between 70-80% had 
been eradicated. 

Dyfi estuary 

After a pilot project by the Nature Consen/ancy 
Council to assess the effectiveness of spraying, several 
plots were sprayed in Wader Bay in August 1989, but 
no visible effects could be detected by june the 
following year, when the programme was abandoned. 

Blackpill, Swansea Bay 

In one of the longest campaigns, Swansea City Council 
spent some 14 years trying to eradicate common cord- 
grass. At least three determined attempts were made 
using a combination of herbicides and excavators. 
Unfortunately, much of it appears to have been 
unnecessary since recent geomorphological changes 
have now made the area unsuitable. 

Mawddach estuary, Snowdonia 

Finally, the most ambitious eradication programme in 
Wales was carried out by the Snowdonia National 
Park. In 1989 approximately 54 ha were sprayed by 
helicopter. The following season, ‘lcills’ of between 60- 
80% were recorded in some areas, but other areas 
were unaffected. One of these, Coed y Garth, was re- 
sprayed in 1991, but this also proved to be ineffective. 
A survey in 1993 indicated that some of the sprayed 
areas had not re-grown, but in other areas rapid re- 
colonisation had taken place and its rate of spread had 
actually accelerated. 

New controls 

More recently, Englìsh Nature has pioneered a new 
technique of control. It involves a form of ploughing 
called ‘rotoburying’, which effectively turns the entire 
plant upside-down and buries it to a depth of about 
30cm. Early indications suggest that the procedure is 
effective. 1 Six years after plots of the grass had been 
rotoburied at Lindisfarne NNR there was no sign of it 
returning. The newly formed mudflats have now been 
recolonised by invertebrates, and waders have 
returned to feed in the area for the first time in fìve 
years. However, because the procedure requires the 
use of a tractor and a stone-burying machine, it is 
difficult to apply in very muddy situations. 

Rheoli cordwellt 

Mae cordwellt wedi lledu i bron bob morfa yng 
Nghymru ers ei gyflwyno’n fwriadol ddechrau’r 
ganrif ddiwetha’. Hyd yn ddiweddar, roedd ar 
gynnydd, ond mae arwyddion bellach ei fod yn 
cilio. Cafwyd sawl ymgais yng Nghymru i reoli’r 
planhigyn, sy’n fỳgythiad i aberocdd cyfoethog eu 
bywyd gwyllt. Cymysg fu llwyddiant y rheiny. Er 
fod English Nature wedi arloesi’n llwyddiannus 
gyda dull roto-gladdu, sy’n troi’r planhigyn ben 
chwith lawr a’i gladdu, byddai’n anodd gwneud 
hyn ar dir mwdlyd iawn. Beth bynnag, os yw r 
tueddiadau presennol yn parhau, fydd cordwellt 
ddim yn elfen amlwg o aberoedd gwledydd 
Prydain yn y degawdau nesaf 

Conservation implications 

According to Doody 2 the nature conservation pros and 
cons of common cord-grass can be summarised as 

Detrimental effects 

0 lnvades and degrades inter-tidal flats rich in marine 
invertebrates utilized by overwintering waders and 

• Replaces more diverse plant communities. 

• Produces dense, monospecifìc swards, which can 
alter natural succession. 

• Promotes the potential for agricultural reclamation. 

Possible beneficial effects 

Prevents coastal erosion and stabilizes mudflats. 

• Aids reclamation for agriculture. 

Contributes to the productivity of estuarine 

• Creates additional saltmarsh habitat via succession. 
Has value for research. 

On balance, though, Doody concludes that common 
cord-grass must be regarded as a threat in estuaries of 
high wildlife interest, both to bird populations and to 
natural saltmarsh succession. However, if current 
trends continue it should be considered a declining 
threat in Britain, and it will become an insignifìcant 
component of British estuaries over the coming 
decades. Any large-scale control programme would 
not be recommended. 

Peter Rhind is Coastal Ecologist witli thc Countryside 
Council for Walcs and editor of the recently published 
Flowering Plants of Snowdonia. 


1 Anderson, G. & Denny, M. 1999, The effects of 
rotoburyìng Spartina anglìca at Undisfame. Report to 
English Nature. 

2 Doody, R J. 1990. 'Spartina - friend or foe? A conservation 
wewpoírtt' in: Spartína anglíca - A Research Review 

(Ed. A.J. Grayand PE.M. Benham). pp. 77-79. HMSO, 

Re-introductions - the wider henejits 

Are re-introductions a 
help or a hindrance to 
wildlife conservation? 
Nigel Ajax-Lewis got the 
debate going in the last 
issue. Here lan Carter, 
who has played an active 
part in the successful 
re-introduction of the red 
kite to England and 
Scotland, strikes a 
positẁe note in favour of 
bird re-introductions. 

Red kite chick,jrom a nest in the English Midlands. 

Y ddadl am 





Bydd llawer o adarwyr pybyr yn 
teimlo siom o sylweddoli fod dyn 
wedi ymyrryd i gynnal 
rhywogaeth ond dyw’r cyhoedd 
yn gyfíredinol ddim yn teimlo 
felly. Elfen fach fydd ail-gyflwyno 
beth bynnag - gwarchod a rheoli 
cynefinoedd yw’r allwedd. Dyw 
ail-gyflwyno diangen, sy’n rhoi’r 
argraff fod atebion hawdd ar gael, 
o ddim help i neb. Mae angen 
ystyried y tymor hir. Am gyfnod 
byr y bydd angen ymyrraeth fel 
arfer ac mae ail-gyflwyno’r barcud 
yn Líocgr, er enghraifft, wedi creu 
diddordeb mawr a all helpu adar 
ysglyfaethus eraill. O ran 
barcutiaid Cymru, roedd eu 
cronfa genetig yn wan. Heb ail- 
gyflwyno rhywogaethau gyda 
geneteg mwy amrywiol efallai na 
fyddai eu dyfodol yn sicr. 

he article by Nigel Ajax-Lewis in the Summer issue of Natur Cymru raises 
some very ínteresting issues concerning species re-introductions, a subject 
has long been controversial within conservation circles. Despite my 
involvement in the red kite re-introduction programme, I found myself nodding 
in agreement with many of the concerns that Nigel raised. 

I was reminded of an experience some years ago when bird-watching in the 
northern mountains of Majorca. My fìrst ever sighting of a black vulture started 
out as a truly thrilling experience as this huge fiying-door of a bird came drifting 
slowly towards me. Then I noticed the unmistakable rectangles of plastic, flapping 
gently on the upper surface of the bird’s wings. As is the case with red lcites 
released in England and Scotland, this bird had been wing-tagged. Suddenly, what 
had been a hugely impressive symbol of those wild, rugged mountains, came to 
represent the degree to which human activities had adverse!y affected the area’s 
wildlife. Black vultures had once been common on the island but had been 
persecuted to near extinction and, as I later confìrmed with a local naturalist, a 
re-introduction programme was in progress to restore their population. 

Some birdwatchers (and almost all photographers!) equally dislike the wing-tags 
seen on released, and some wild-fledged, red kites in Britain. For them, the tags 
highlight the fact that the bird has been handled by man and it is then viewed as 
somehow less wild, despite its obvious free-flying state. As in the case of the 
blacl< vulture, I suspect that for some people the pleasure of seeing a tagged red 
kite is reduced because they are forced, perhaps sub-consciously, to confront the 
appalling impact of human activities in the past - the fact that a bird once so 
common and widespread throughout Britain was all but wiped out at the hands 
of man, so necessitating the re-introduction programme. 


Photo: Ian Carter. 

The complaints I have heard about wing-tags, as weli as the 
wider concerns about the justification of bird 
re-introduction projects, have been voiced mainly by keen 
birdwatchers or naturalists. It seems not to be an important 
issue for the very many local people who derive great 
pleasure from simply watching such a spectacular bird of 
prey in their local countryside. Non-birdwatchers seem far 
more ready to take the birds at face value, quickly 
accepting that they would once have been a common sight 
in the area and that human inten/ention was required for 
them to make such a rapid comebaclt. 

I believe that we should all try to take a long-term view of 
what might be achieved by species re-introductions. 

In most bird re-introductions, human intervention is 
required for only a relatively short period of time. Once a 
species has been successfully re-established in the wild, 
increasing and spreading to new areas naturally, then the 
part played by humans is increasingly forgotten. Not too 
many birdwatchers think twice when they see a little owl 
or capercaillie in Britain, yet both these species are only 
present because of the deliberate release of birds in the 

It is also important to realise that re-introductions involving 
high profile, attractive species have considerable knock-on 
benefits to a range of other wildlife. Local people in the 
release areas in England and Scotland have taken red Idtes 
to their hearts and in the Chilterns projects have been set 
up specifically to use the red kite to raise awareness of local 
landscapes and wildlife more generally. Incidents where red 
kites have been killed by illegal poison baits or as a result of 
secondary poisoning by modern rat poisons have caused 
considerable concern and prompted action to try to reduce 
the threat from such poisons. This will benefit not only the 
red kite but also other birds of prey and predatory 
mammals that are affected by the same problems. The 
disproportionate interest in impressive and easily visible 
species may be unpalatable to some, but is a fact of life and 
we need to adopt a pragmatic approach and make full use 
of such species if the cause of wildlife conservation in 
general is to be well served. 

It may be of some comfort to those who harbour 
reservations about re-introduction projects that they are 
only ever likely to play a fairly small role in bird 
conservation in Britain. Inadequate protection and 

management of our remaining semi-natural habitats and the 
increasingly intensive way in which the farmed landscape is 
managed are the main threats faced by birds today. The 
majority of birds have good powers of dispersal and are 
perfectly capable of re-colonising areas where suitable 
habitat is available within a reasonable period of time. 
Unnecessary re-introductions do nothing to further the 
cause of nature conservation, giving the impression that 
there is aiways a quick-fìx available and potentially 
distracting attention away from the main threats faced by 
the species in question. The barn owl is one species where 
re-introductions have perhaps been used to excess in the 
past although following a recent Government review there 
is now a presumption against issuing licenses to permit 
further releases. In this case, Government accepted the 
views of conservation organisations that releases did little to 
improve the conservation status of the barn owl and that 
there would be greater benefìts from focussing effort into 
the restoration of suitable nesting and foraging habitats. 

Returning to the red kite, I would like to end by scotching a 
myth sometimes put forward by those opposed to the 
re-introduction programme and to which Nigel Ajax-Lewis 
referred in his artide. The restored populations in England 
and Scotland, according to his line of argument, will 
contaminate the gene pool of the native ‘British’ red kite 
through interbreeding with birds from Wales. In reality, the 
Welsh red Idtes are highly impoverished genetically, having 
been reduced to just a handful of birds, and perhaps just a 
single breeding female, in the early part of the 20th century. 
This was the direct result of human persecution and so is a 
completely unnatural situation. It is entirely possible that the 
genetic make-up of the birds imported from Sweden, Spain 
and Germany is closer to that of the 'old race of British red 
kites than are the birds now present in Wales. As is often 
pointed out, the Welsh red lcites would have spread to 
re-colonise more suitable lowland habitats in England 
without the reintroduction programme, although this might 
have taken a very long tîme. What is less clear is whether 
this would have provided the firm basis for the bird’s 
long-term future that has now been secured through the 
re-introduction of more genetically diverse populations 
outside Wales. 

lan Carter, whose monograph The Red Kite (Arlequin 
Prcss) was published last year, is an ornithologist with 
English Nature’s Bird Unit, based in Peterborough. 

Welsh islands round-up - north Wales 

Bardsey Island (Vnys Enlli) at sunset. Photo: Peter Hope joncs. 

Compiled by Geoff 
Gibbs, who has recently 
returned to live on the 
North Wales coast after 
25 years of exile in Essex. 

Bardsey Island 

Bardsey (Ynys Enlli) lies 3km off the Lleyn Peninsula; the 178ha island is a 
National Nature Reserve owned by a Trust established in 1979. Staff and 
visitors at the Bird & Field Observatory have been studying the island’s 
wildlife since 1953, and the Annual Report for 2001 contains the latest 
fìndings. The best general introduction to the island’s wildlife is The Natural 
History of Bardsey by Peter Hope Jones, published by the National Museum 
of Wales in 1988. 

Manx shearwaters 

Although the Bardsey colony is not as large as those in Pembrokeshire, 
sustained ringing over the years has produced an extensive data set. The 
discovery in 2002 of a bird ringed in 1957 made the national press with 
headlines like 'Britain’s oldest known bird’. As it was at least four years old 
when ringed, this bird was at least 49 by 2002! Its annual movements to 
and from the wintering grounds off Brazil have amounted to around a 
million kilometres, the equivalent of a return trip to the moon. With only 
one egg laid per year, and breeding not starting until they are at least four 
years old, longevity is of course the order of the day. 

Counting these nocturnal seabirds in their colonies is not straightforward, 
but a well-organised census in 2001, led by Genevieve Leaper, produced a 
fìgure of around 10,000 to 16,000 pairs. The lower fìgure is based on males 

responding to taped calls played down burrows, the 
upper on apparently occupied sites (by visual 
inspection). This means that about 5% of all the Manx 
shearwaters in the world nest here. Comparison with 
previous surveys suggests that the colony continues to 

Known predators of shearwaters on Bardsey include 
large gulls and the breeding pair of peregrines (which 
feed mainly on shearwaters). A new departure 
reported in 2002 by Observatory warden Steve 
Stansfìeld was egg predation by a pair of carrion crows. 
Around 70 shearwater eggs were found under the 
crows’ nest in one of the withy beds, with remains of 
more eggs on the steeply sloping East Side. At least one 
crow must have learnt to enter the occupied burrows, 
get past the adult and remove the egg. As this habit is 
obviously undesirable and could spread to other 
individual crows, arrangements are being discussed to 
remove this pair of crows next year. 

A conservation conundrum 

Seven pairs of red-billed choughs bred in 2001, around 
4% of the Welsh population. Although they managed 
to rear 20 young, the adults were observed making 40- 
50 minute feeding trips to the mainland, suggesting a 
shortage of their invertebrate food on the island. 
Choughs feed mainly on short turf grazed by sheep and 
rabbits. Although good numbers of sheep still graze the 
island, the rabbits, which had been on the island for 
over 600 years, died out after an outbrealc of 
myxomatosis in 1996 (rabbit haemorrhragic disease 
may have been involved also). A study of chough 
numbers on the Calf of Man has shown that choughs 
did best when both sheep and rabbits were present. 

It was therefore suggested that rabbits should be 
reintroduced. There are, however, some counter- 
arguments: CCW point out that rabbits on other Welsh 
islands have caused the collapse of banks, altered 
sward composition, and contributed to over-grazing 
which has led to animal welfare problems. If rabbits 
were re-introduced, it is very diffìcult to see how their 
numbers could be controlled. Further discussion of 
these complex issues is obviously required. 


Although the Observatory birdwatchers make casual 
records of these while watching seabirds, the 
systematic observations in the 2001 report were made 
by Whale & Dolphin Conservation Society volunteers 
in August. Harbour porpoise and Risso’s dolphin were 
the main species, with one unidentifìed whale in 
Bardsey Sound on 16th August. As elsewhere round 
the British coast, seabirds often feed in association with 
these mammals and make them easier to locate. 

Arctic tern. 

Lichens and buildings 

Tony Fletcher from Leicester Museum Service has 
studied the lichens of Bardsey for many years, fìnding 
about 280 species during the summer of 1977. One of 
the most spectacular is the golden-hair lichen 
Teloschistes flavicans which grows sparingly on the 
flanks of the I67m ‘Mountain'. His records in the 2001 
Report add a further 35 species. He stresses that a 
conservation issue arises from the work of renovatìng 
the buildings owned by the Trust. Several new lichen 
records are from the slate roofs of barns, and Tony has 
provided detailed advice on how to avoid potentially 
damaging operations on buildings, walls and elsewhere. 


Photo: GeofF Gibbs. 

Photo: GeofF Gibbs. 

Accommodation on Bardsey: residential 
accommodation is available on a weeldy basis, crossings 
on Saturdays (weather permitting). For the Bird and 
Field Observatory, contact Alicia Normand (01626 
773908, email: bob& 

To rent one of the island houses owned by the Bardsey 
Island Trust, contact Simon Glyn, Coed Anna, 
Nanhoron, Pwllheli, Gwynedd LL53 8PR. 

Information on day trips is avaiiable locally. 

Terns breed near the Sherries helipad. 

The Skeiries 

The Skerries are a cluster of low-lying, inter-connected 
islands approximately 3km off the north-west coast of 
mainland Anglesey. They consist of relatively low (max 
height c20m) rocky outcrops with a shallow but stable 
soil-cap supporting a limited but representative range 
of coastal plant species such as common scurveygrass, 
lesser sea-spurrey, red fescue and common sorrel. 

The RSPB has been wardening the islands since 1989. 
The society has an annual licence with Trinity House 
which allows two wardens to occupy redundant 
accommodation in the lighthouse buildings from early 
May until mid August. 

The islands had a history of supporting large numbers 
of breeding terns until the 1950s. They were 

re-colonised by arctic terns in 1980, by roseate terns in 
1987 and by common terns in 1991. Although it has 
been suggested that rats caused the original desertion 
of the islands there is no defìnitive evidence for this and 
it remains undear why the terns deserted and 
subsequently re-colonised the islands. 

Arctic terns have gradually increased to the 2002 total 
of 1600 pairs, the largest colony in the Irish Sea. Their 
productivity has been particularly good recently 
(estimated at > 1.3 fledged young/pair in each of the 
past 5 years). Common terns now number 100 pairs, 
but roseate terns last bred in 1997 (I pair) and despite 
regular summering by a few individuals have not 
established themselves. 

Around 250 pairs of puffìns breed, making this the 
second largest colony in north Wales, after the Gwylan 
Islands in Aberdaron Bay. Other breeding birds include 
great and lesser black-backed gulls, and herring gulls 
(800 pairs in 2002). As well as the bird interest on the 
island there are also good numbers of grey seals 
present - frequently 60-70 animals. 

Thanks to Alastair Moralee (RSPB) for the Skerries 

Ynysoedd y Gogledd 

Dangosodd cyfrifiad yn 2001 fod 10-16,000 o 
adar drycin Manaw yn Ynys Enlli - 5% o’r holl 
niferoedd trwy’r byd. Yn ogystal â gwylanod a 
hebogiaid tramor, daeth yn amlwg fod pâr o 
gigfrain yn eu difa ac mae bwriad i’w symud 
oddi yno y flwyddyn nesa’. Problem arall i’w 
thrafod yw ail-gyflwyno cwningod. Fe fyddai’r 
rheiny’n help i greu amodau ffafriol ar gyfer y 
brain coesgoch sy’n nythu yno, ond maen nhw 
hefyd yn difrodi tir ac fe allai fod yn anodd i’w 
rheoli. Ar Ynysoedd y Moelrhoniaid ger Ynys 
Môn y mae’r casgliad mwyaf o fôr-wenoliaid y 
Gogledd ym Môr Iwerddon a’r ail gasgliad 
mwyaf o balod yng ngogledd Cymru. 

Wil Jones 

F e gwrddais â Wil Jones tua deng mlynedd ar hugain yn 
ôl pan ymunodd â’r Warchodfa Natur fel warden ar 
gyfer gwarchodfeydd natur cenedlaethol Maentwrog. 
Daeth â sgiliau, agwedd a phrofìad i’r sefydliad - elfennau 
prin iawn yr adeg honno - sef gwybodaeth wyddonol ac 
ymarferol o ecoleg coetiroedd derw cynhenid a 
gwybodaeth o fyd natur ynghyd â’r profìad o fod wedi 
gweithio ar y tir a dysgu mewn ysgolion. Roedd yn aelod 
newydd trawiadol o’n tîm. Yna datblygodd ffyrdd o 
gyfathrebu sydd, erbyn heddiw, yn amhrisiadwy i gyrff 
cadwraethol llywodraethol ac anllywodraethol sy’n 
gorfod dibynnu mwyfwy ar ewyllys dda a chydweithio 
rhwng pobl sy’n byw mewn cymunedau gwledig ac sy’n 
ennill eu bywoliaeth trwy gyfrwng y tir. Llwyddodd i 
gynnwys y gymuned yn yr egwyddorion a’r arferion a 
gyfrannai at warchod natur, yn ystod cyfnod pan oedd 
llawer yn gwrthwynebu’n gryf y syniad o gael 
gwarchodfeydd natur a fyddai'n cystadlu â chynhyrchiadau 
amaethyddo! a choedwigaeth fasnachol. 

Rai blynyddoedd yn ddiweddarach, trefnais seminar er 
mwyn dod â wardeniaid Prydain ynghyd i ganolbwyntio ar 
yr angen i ddiffinio’n well swyddogaethau’r rhai oedd ar 
flaen y gad o ran cadwraeth. Cyflwynwyd papur gan Wil 
o’r enw Communìcation with the local community. Roedd 
yn gampwaith, a bu’n sail i bolisíau wardenio’r dyfodol. 
Ddarllenais ef eto rai dyddiau’n ôl. Mae’n dadansoddi’n 
ddwfn strwythurau cymdeithasol cymunedau gwledig a'u 
hagweddau tuag at yr amgylchedd naturiol, ac mae'r cyfan 
mor fyw a pherthnasol heddiw ag ydoedd ugain mlynedd 
yn ôl. Roedd Wil Jones yn feddyliwr gwreiddiol gyda’i 
draed yn gadarn ar y ddaear. Hefyd, roedd ganddo allu 
rhyfeddol i berswadio’i gydwladwyr i roi sylw dyledus a 
blaenoriaeth i warchod y dreftadaeth naturiol a oedd o’u 

Roedd tri dimensiwn yn perthyn iddo o ran bod yn 
gadwraethwr proffesiynol. Yn gyntaf, ei fagwraeth fel 
siaradwr Cymraeg brodorol yng nghymuned wledig 
arbennig Gwynedd. Cymraeg a siaradai o'r cychwyn 
cyntaf; meddyliau Cymraeg a wibiai drwy’i ben; ac yr 
oedd yn cyflawni ei waith o safbwynt ei brofiadau ef fel 
Cymro Cymraeg. Ond fe sylweddolai mai tasg fyd-eang 
oedd gwarchod y blaned. Doedd o ddim yn blwyfol. Yn 
ail, deallai gymhlethdodau’r gymuned yr oedd yn byw ac 
yn gweithio ynddi, ei naws a’i sensitifedd, ynghyd â hanes 
a diwylliant y bobl. Teimlai fod yn rhaid iddo gynnwys y 
bobl yma yn ei waith. O ganlyniad, daeth gwarchod natur 

yn nyffryn Maentwrog, a thrwy De Gwynedd, yn 
rhywbeth a oedd a wnelo’r gymuned gyfan, ac yn 
weithgaredd pwysig a oedd yn cynnwys y bobl leol. Yn 
drydydd, roedd yn briod â phostfeistres Croesor. I’r 
Warchodfa Natur, ac yn ddiweddarach i’r Cyngor 
Gwarchod Natur a Chyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru, 

Wil Jones ydoedd, warden uchel ei barch yng 
ngwarchodfeydd Maentwrog. Ond i bobl Maentwrog, Wil 
Post oedd o, sef gŵr un o’r bobl bwysicaf ym mywydau’r 
rhai a oedd yn byw yng Nghroesor neu ger Croesor! 

Ers dod yn ymddiriedolwr i’r Gronfa Loteri Treftadaeth, 
rwy’n ymwybodol iawn o’r angen enbyd am fynediad 
deallusol a chorfforol i dreftadaeth naturiol 
gwarchodfeydd natur a thirweddau nas difethwyd. Enwau 
rhai fel Wil Jones sy'n dod ar fríg y rhestr wrth i rywun 
ddyfeisio a hybu polisi'au i wella mynediad o’r fath. Yr 
oedd yn un o hoelion wyth y sefydliad treftadaeth naturiol 
yn hyn o beth. Dangosodd i ni sut i fod yn agored a sut i 
ddeall, gan ganolbwyntio’n arbennig ar Gymru, ac yn hyn 
o beth chwalodd yn chwilfriw y syniad o wahardd 
mynediad a nodweddai’r mudiad gwarchod natur yn ei 
flynyddoedd cynnar. Parhau i gynyddu y mae ei 
ddylanwad, ac y mae ei syniadau wedi eu sefydlu eisoes 
yn y dulliau newydd o ymdrin â natur a chefn gwlad. Mae 
ein colled yn fawr ar ôl y gâr bonheddig hynaws a 
charedig yma. Roedd yn gyfaill ac yn gydweithiwr i lawer 
ohonom. Braint oedd cael gweithio ag o, a gallwn 
ymfalchi'o yn yr hyn a gyflawnodd. 

Tom Pritchard, Cyfarwyddwr dros Gymru, Cyngor 
Gwarchod Natur, 1973-1991 

Remembering Wil Jones 

Wil Jones, Warden for the Maentwrog Nature 
Reserves, was born and raised in rural Gwynedd. He 
had a natŵe’s instinctŵe understanding of his 
surroundings and yet was never parochial; he saw his 
work as part of the wider task of protecting the 
planet. He involved his community in the principles 
and practices of nature conservation and had an 
uncanny perception of how to persuade his fellow 
countrymen to give rightful priority to protecting 
their natural heritage. He will be much missed by 
his friends and colleagues. 

Ffoto: Duncan Brown. 

Hela’r carlwm 

Roedd ffwr gwyn y carlwm 
yn ystod y gaeaf yn cael ei 
ystyried yn werthfawr 
iawn am ganrifoedd. Ond 
wrth i’r bydgynhesu, a 
fydd y lliw yma i’w weld 
mor aml? Moe Duncan 
Brown yn gobeithio dod 
o hyn i’r ateb. 

Y m/sg yr anifeiliaid a’r planhigion y bûm yn eu cofnodi dros y 

blynyddoedd y mae’r carlymod, yn enwedig rhai yn y gaeaf, ac yn 
bennaf, y rhai sydd wedi troi’n wyn. Un yn unig welais i â’m llygaid fy 
hun, ond cefais wybod am amryw gan fy ffrindiau. 

Pan cofnodi carlymod gaeaf felly? Dyma rai o’r cwestiynau y gallwn eu 
hateb o dderbyn digon o gofnodion: 

Ydi’r carlwm y troi’n wyn yn y gaeaf: 

• yn amlach ac am gyfnod hwy yn y Gogledd? 

• yn amlach ac am gyfnod hwy yn yr ucheldir? 

• yn llwyrach yn y Gogledd ac yn yr ucheldir? 

• i raddau llai heddiw nag ers talwm (oherwydd Newid yn yr hinsawdd 

Ffeithiau am y carlwm 

• Hyd y dydd sydd yn rheoli pryd y bydd y carlwm yn bwrw ei flew ac 
yn adnewyddu ei gôt 

• Ei wrth pennaf oedd fel croen amheuthun i addurno clogynnau'r 

• Ar faner Llydaw, cynffonnau 
carlymod/carlymod gwyn (ermin) 
yw’r smotiau duon sydd i’w gweld 
ar y sgwâr gwyn. Mae gan garlymod 
gwynion gynffonau duon bob amser. 

Pan gâi’r cwyn cyfan eu defnyddio i 
wneud clogynnau, roedd y 
cynffonau'n creu patrwm o smotiau 
duon ar wisg a oedd, heblaw am hynny, yn wyn. Mae’r gwyn yn 
cynrychioli purdeb i r dugiaid Llydewig (yr adeg honno, roedd Llydaw 
yn dalaith annibynnol) 

Yn yr (hen) Undeb Sofietaidd nid ydynt yn troi’n wyn yn yr ardaloedd 
lle bydd eira yn gorwedd am lai na 40 diwrnod y flwyddyn 
Mae’r benywod yn troi’n wyn yn amlach na'r gwrywod 
• Ymadrodd ar lafar: “cyn wynned â charlwm” 

Yn yr hen gyfreithiau Cymreig (I3G) dywedir: 

Tri phryf ydyly y brenhineu gwerth py tu bynhac y llather, llostlydan, a 
beleu, a charlwnc. (Tri anifail sydd o werth i’r brenin o’u hela, yr 
afanc, y bela a’r carlwm) 

Credir i’r gair carlwm darddu o cardd (carcharor, sef yr ysglyfaeth a 
llwng (llwnc) 


nifer a welwyd (1 980-2001 ) 

Ffigwr I. Carlymod Cymru yn y gaeaf yn ôl eu lliw 
ac uchder uwchben lefel y môr lle’i gwelwyd. 










0-99m 100-199m 200-299m 300-399m 400-499m 

Gwyn/rhannol wyn ! Brown 

medrau uwchlaw'r môr 

LooUing for the stoat 

So far I have records of 45 sightings of stoats in Wales. 

I am interested to know whether stoats turn white 
in winter: 

• mainly in the North? 

• mainly in the uplands? 

• rnore in thc North than the uplands? 

• less today than previously? 


• Daylight lcngth determines whcn the stoat will moult 
and rencw its coat 

• The black spots on the Breton flag are ermine tails. 

• More female stoats turn white than males 

• “Kings should value three animals.. .the beaver, the 
marten and the ermine.” (Welsh Laws, 13th century) 

• It is thought that the Welsh word ‘carlwm’ comes 
from ‘gulping prey’ 

Sightings in Wales 

It scems from evidence so far that white/partially white 
stoats arc seen at high and low lcvels, but that brown 
stoats are seen mainly in the lowlands. However, more 
data is needed, in particular about stoats that remain 
brown during the winter. 

If you see, or have seen, a stoat between Octobcr and 
March, please send me details ofwhen and where, and 
what the stoat was doing. Note thc colour, but 
remember that all stoats have white chests throughout 
the year, so a partial ermine will have white somewhere 
other than on its chest. 

Duncan Brown, CCW, Maes y Ffynnon, 
Penrhosgamedd, Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 2DN. 


Lle cawsant eu gweld yng Nghymru 

Hyd yma llwyddais i gasglu 45 o gofnodion o Gymru. 
Yn anffodus, i raddau bychan iawn y mae’r rhain yn 
ateb y cwestiynau uchod. Mae Ffigwr I yn dangos 
beth mae 33 o’r cofnodion hyn (sef y rhai sydd yn 
cynnwys lleoliad manwl) yn ei ddweud am 
ddosbarthiad y carlymod (y ddau liw) rhwng lefel y 
môr a’r copaon uchaf. 

Os yw graff sydd wedi ei seilio ar gyn lleied o 
gofnodion yn golygu rhywbeth o gwbl, mae n 
ymddangos ei fod yn dweud bod carlymod gwyn, neu 
sy’n rhannol wyn, i'w gweld ar unrhyw lefel, isel neu 
uchel, ond bod y rhai lliw arferol yn debycach o fod ar 
yr iseldir yn unig. 

I ateb y cwestiynau uchod yn iawn mae n rhaid 

a) cael llawer mwy o ddata, a 

b) cofnodi carlymod yn y gaeaf nad ydynt mewn 
gwenwisg yr un mor drwyadl â’r rhai gwyn neu led- 

Felly, a fyddech cystal ag anfon cofnodion i mi ynghylch 
unrhyw garlymod a welwyd gennych rhwng Hydref a 
Mawrth, yn y gorffennol ac o hyn ymlaen. Does dim 
gwahaniaeth pa liw ydynt, cyn belled â ch bod yn 
cofnodi eu lliw. Ond cofiwch fod gan bob carlwm 
fynwes wen drwy gydol y flwyddyn ac y bydd gan 
garlwm sydd yn datblygu ei wenwisg aeaf rannau gwyn 
mewn mannau eraill yn ogystal â'r fynwes. Wnewch 
chi, os gwelwch yn dda, gynnwys y manylion canlynol: 

• Eich enw a’ch cyfeiriad. 

• Pwy welodd y carlwm? 

• Pa liw oedd o (heblaw am ei fynwes wen), brown, 
gwyn ynteu rhannol wyn? 

• Pryd welsoch chi o (y dyddiad yn llawn NEU fis neu 
flwyddyn os nad ydych yn cofìo). 

• Ble welsoch chi o (enw'r lle a chyfeirnod grid). 

• Beth oedd o yn ei wneud? 

Diolch yn fawr iawn. 

Duncan Brown, e-bost: 

CCGC, Maes y Ffynnon, Penrhosgarnedd, Bangor, 
Gwynedd LL57 2DN 

Mae Duncan Brown yn gweithio yng Nghyngor Cefn 
Gwlad Cymru fel Warden Gwarchodfa Natur 
Genedlaethol Coedydd Aber. 


Noàiadau’r Cynulliad/Assembly Notebook 

gan/by Gethyn Williams 

D yw gwyliau'r haf yn y Cynulliad ddim mor dawel â hynny. 

Mae yna lawer i fynd â’r sylw y tu ôl i'r llenni, ynghanol y 
paratoadau ar gyfer tymor newydd ac wrth i’r pedair plaid 
wleidyddol geisio cael y pleidleiswyr i feddwl yn galed yn y cyfnod 
cyn etholiadau’r flwyddyn nesaf. 

Ers y Nadolig, rydym wedi gweld llond llaw o ACau yn cyhoeddi y 
byddan nhw’n rhoi'r gorau iddi ym mis Mai. Mae rhestrau’r 
pleidiau wedi dechrau siapio a bydd wynebau newydd yn dod i’r 
Siambr y flwyddyn nesaf. Bydd rhaid aros i weld pa mor effeithiol 
fydd y to newydd a faint o grebwyll y maen nhw wedi ei ennill o’r 
tu allan yn ystod tymor cynta’r Cynulliad. 

Rydym yn sicr yn gobeithio y byddan nhw’n llenwi esgidiau rhai y 
bydd colled ar eu hôl: wrth i Dr Phil Williams o Blaid Cymru fynd, 
bydd y Cynulliad yn colli cefnogwr huawdl i ynni adnewyddol, yn 
ogystal ag un o aelodau mwy uniongyrchol a gwybodus y Pwyllgor 
Datblygu Economaidd. Yn yr aelod Llafur, Richard Edwards, hefyd, 
mae'r sector Amgylchedd yn ffarwelio â Chadeirydd Pwyllgor cryf 
sydd wedi rhoi gwasanaeth da i’r Cynulliad gyda’i ymarferoldeb 
egwyddorol. Bydd Tŷ Crughywel hefyd yn colli llaw ddiogel 
Dafydd Wigley ar y llyw, gan fod ei brofìad gwleidyddol yn llawer 
mwy na’r rhan fwyaf o'i gyfoedion. 

I eraill, er hynny, dyw’r calendr erioed wedi bod yn brysurach. 
Wrth ddod yn ôl i Lywodraeth y Cynulliad, cymerodd Mike 
German gyfrifoldeb am bwnc newydd, Datblygu Gwledig a 
Chymru Dramor. Tra bod swyddogion y Cynulliad wedi treulio’r 
haf yn smwddio'r mân rychau yn swydd Mr German, roedd y 
Gweinidog ei hun wedi mynd ati ar unwaith gydag ymweliad 
uchel-ei-broffìl â’r Sioe Fawr yn Llanelwedd, tra’n mynd i’r afael â 
phwnc pigog yr adolygiad canol-tymor o’r Polisi Amaeth 
Cyffredinol (CAP). 

Trwy argymhellion y Comisiwn Ewropeaidd, gallai’r DU weld 
newidiadau yn agwedd y CAP at y farchnad, gyda symudiad oddi 
wrth sybsidi uniongyrchol tuag at ragor o fodiwleiddio a 
chynlluniau amaeth-amgylcheddol. Fodd bynnag, dyw manylion 
argymhellion y Comisiynydd Fischler ddim wedi eu rhyddhau eto, 
felly wyddon ni ddim faint o gyfle fydd hyn i amaeth Cymru ac, yn 
ehangach, i gefn gwlad. Yr hyn sy’n sicr yw y gallwn ni ddisgwyl 
gweld cynlluniau polisi arwyddocaol gan Weinidog sydd wedi dod 
trwy’r felin ac sy’n awyddus i wneud ei farc cyn i Gymru a’r 
Llywodraeth Bartneriaeth wynebu etholiadau. Bydd y Gweinidog 
yn rhan o drafodaethau ar lefel y DU a’r UE - elfen y mae r 
Cynulliad fel petai'n ymgyfarwyddo â hi. Yn wir, mae swyddogion y 
Cynulliad wedi bod yn weithgar o fewn gweithgorau ar y pwnc 
yma. I Mike German, i Lywodraeth y Cynulliad ac í’r Cynulliad yn 
gyffredinol, mae'r mynydd yn tyfu o hyd. 

Gethyn Williams yw Swyddog Gwybodaeth Cymru ar gyter 
Cyswllt Bywyd Gwyllt a Chefn Gwlad Cymru. 

S ummer recess at the National Assembly is not as quiet a time 
as it may seem. There is much to distract us behind the scenes, 
as preparations are made for the new term and the four political 
parties will be seeking to concentrate the minds of the voters in 
the run up to next year’s elections. 

Since Christmas we have seen a triclde of AMs announce their 
intention to stand down in May. Party lists have begun to grind into 
action and new faces will enter the Chamber next year. It remains 
to be seen how effective the new flock will prove to be, and what 
sawy they have acquired as outsiders to the Assembly’s fìrst full 

We certainly hope they can fill the boots yacated by some, whose 
departure is regrettable: in Plaid’s Dr Phil Williams the Assembly 
loses a very vocal supporter of renewable energy, not to mention 
one of the more direct and informed members of the Economic 
Development Committee. In Labour’s Richard Edwards too, the 
Environmental sector says farewell to a strong Committee Chair 
whose principled pragmatism has served the Assembly well. 
Crickhowell House will also miss the steady tiller of Dafydd 
Wigley, whose political experience dwarfs most of his 

For others, however, the calendar has never been busier. Mike 
German’s re-admission to the Welsh Assembly Government in July 
saw him take on a new brief, that of Minister for Rural 
Development and Wales Abroad. Whilst Assembly offìcials spent 
the summer break ‘ironing out’ the finer creases of Mr German's 
responsibilities, the Minìster himself hit the ground running with a 
high profìle appearance at the Royal Welsh Show, whilst getting to 
grips with the thorny mid-term review of the Common 
Agricultural Policy (CAP). 

Under European Commission proposals, the UK could see 
changes in the market mechanisms on CAP with moves away 
from direct subsidy and further towards modulation and agri- 
environment schemes. However the detail of Commissioner 
Fischler’s proposals has not yet been released, so how great an 
opportunity this is for Welsh agriculture and in wider terms the 
countryside, is still unlsnown. What is certain is that we can expect 
to see some significant policy initiatives from a battle-hardened 
Minister who will be keen to make his mark before Wales and his 
Partnership Government go to the polls. The Minister will be 
involved in negotiations at a UK and EU level, something the 
Assembly seems to be getting used to, indeed Assembly officials 
have been active within EU working groups on this issue. For Mike 
German, the Welsh Assembly government and the National 
Assembly as a whole, the learning curve gets steeper all the time. 

Gethyn Williams is Assembly Information Officer for Wales 
; Wildlife & Countìyside Link 

Green Bookshelf 

Andrew Lucas, James Robertson 

Birders, Tales of a Tribe 

Mark Cocker, Vintage 2002 £7.99 paperback 
ISBN 0 099 289547 

The Future of Life 

Edward O. Wilson, Little, Brown 2002 £18.99 hardback 
ISBN 0 316 64853 I 

’ll admit it. As a ‘twenty something’ birder, I slept rough at the 
Cley beach ‘hotel’, ate tonnes of bread puddíng at Nancy’s, and 
jostled to the front of a crowd of Glastonbury proportions for a 
Philadelphia Vireo. So this book, which concentrates on the 
British, and particularly University of East Anglia, birding scene of 
the 70s and 80s, held me from the outset. Between '81 and '84 
I was, as they say, there. 

Starting with a sighting of Satyr Tragopan in Nepal (the poignant 
signifìcance of which is only revealed at the end of the book), it 
charts the author’s own birding odyssey from his childhood in 
Derbyshire to the Norfolls birding world. There are chapters on 
binoculars and telescopes of the times, birding gossip and the 
ultimate birding sin, stringing. Cocker defmes eight sub-clans of 
the birding tribe, induding the sadly over-used term, twitcher . 
That old canard about twitchers being mindless tick hunters is 
comprehensively shot. Most of the time, he says, birders who 
engage in twitching do what all bird people do...watching their 
local patch - sending in their records - or rattling the tin for a 
conservation charity’. Amen to that, Mark. 

The demi-gods of the birder’s pantheon are all there: Richard 
Richardson, who put Cley on the birding map, and inspired a 
generation of birders; Ron Johns, Britain’s top lister; Peter Grant, 
whose forensic identifìcation techniques revolutionised bird 
guides. But it’s the birds that really shine, such as the Uist Steller’s 
eider, the 1990 Pallas’s sandgrouse and the Lundy ancient 
murrelet. But even species like common swifts get reverential 
treatment. There’s no doubt that this guy loves his birds. 

Only towards the end did I become a little frustrated. Am I 
supposed to be awestruclc by the constant lists of exotic places 
yisited by yarious birders, or their escapades with border guards, 
hire cars and street robbers? Cocker describes a dique of birders 
in Norwich at the time, as a ‘dynamo of birding energy - 
committed world birder(s)’. Very true, but others may remember 
them as introverted, excìusive and, occasionally, dismissive either 
of other birders or those whose natural history interest lay 

There are minor omissions, like the absence of any real discussion 
of the Isles of Scilly, or the impact of the internet. Nonetheless 
Birders, Tale s ofa Tribe will appeal to all birdwatchers and, 
nowadays, that means an awful lot of people. But every naturalist 
should read Cocker’s atmospheric description of great bustards in 
Spain. This is how birds, indeed how all wildlife, should be. 

Quite whether B irders will be appreciated outside the tribe is 
questionable, which is a shame, because it’s an exciting book 
written from the heart. This is a book to enjoy by the f re, to 
inspire you to get out birding the next day. 

Now where are my bins? 

A t times like these, faced with a sombre outlook for the global 
environment, it is tempting to go along with the latest 
philosophical fashion: the one that says we are a species like any 
other, with no more control over our actions, and the effects we 
have on nature, than polar bears in the Canadian sub-arctic, or red 
ants putting black ants to slavery. The hope that we can save the 
world is pure illusion. 

Edward O. Wilson’s new book The Future ofLife should dispel such 
conservation fatigue, and the moral side-stepping which goes with it. 
Wilson has already tackled the influence of human biology on society 
(Sooobiology), the value of nature (The Diversity of Life), the role of 
the natural sciences in the unity of knowledge (Consilience) and the 
înnate love humans have for nature (Biophilia). His latest canvas is the 
thin membrane of organisms wrapped around the Earth called the 
biosphere. He describes our position as the dominant species at the 
centre of this web of life thus: 

Because all organisms have descended from a common ancestor. it is 
correct to soy that the biosphere as a whole began to think when 
humanity was born. If the rest oflife is the body, we are the mind. 
Thus, our place in nature, viewed from an ethical perspecẅe, is to 
think about the creation and to protect the livin g planet. 

Wilson artículates the moral questions at the heart of our world, 
including the need to lift the poor out of poverty. As he says, science 
and technology are what we can do; morality is what we should do. 
In doing so, he deploys atreasure chest of scientifìc knowledge, and 
his deep understanding of the non-human world underscores his 
attachment to it. But his writing is not only lucid and eloquent, it ìs 
also ambitious. 

Take for example the prologue, a letter to Henry Thoreau. Wilson 
talks directly to the great American author and naturalist at his cabin 
at the edge of Walden Pond, and the fìve intervening generations 
melt away. The personal way in which he links hands with Thoreau 
and the natural history of this place, which has exerted such a hold 
on readers of Walden, has a metaphorical resonance: natural history 
is human history, too; precious indeed are the many fine threads 
: which connect us. 

Wilson is able to reínterpret an ant war that Thoreau observed for 
what it was: a slave raid. Red ants capture blaclc ant pupae to put 
them ínto slavery. Humans employ a similar strategy towards other 
; humans, but the choice is ours to make. We understand the moral 
case against slavery. Meanwhíle sub-arctic polar bears are scavenging 
at human dumps, and entertaining tourists and locals. Do we 
understanding the moral case against exterminating polar bears, 
which are likely to be early victims of global warming? 

Politicians are busy people, and few will have the time or mental 
energy to read this book. What a shame. The extended family of 
; nature, and our species in particular, might have a brighter future if 
I the world's leaders had all read The Future ofLife before they met in 

Andrew Lucas 

James Robertson 

We will fight them on the beaches 

ou know how it is - you’re strolling along the sand, sniffing 
the breeze and enjoying the sea and tumbling clouds; 
children and dogs are running in and out of the waves or 
scrambling over rocks, and all seems right with the world. 

You head for the spot of silvery sand between two outcrops, 
thinking to sit for a while. And then there it is. Caught between 
the rocks is a pile of orange twine, plastic bottles, paper, rags 
and all Idnds of unmentionable sludge. 

It’s an experience that’s only too common. Whether it’s 
dropped by careless visitors or, more like!y, washed ashore, 
litter on our beaches is a big problem. To try and combat this, 
the Environment Agency are supporting a web site with quick 
and easy access to beach quality information, so you can check 
out your destination before you go: http://www.environment- 

Better still, be involved. The site is “hungry for data”. 

If you would like to help with monitoring or surveying, contact 
Greg Brina (Environment Agency) by email: or fax 01225 468 935. 

Phocine Distemper Virus 

ln 1988 about 18,000 common seals died of this disease in 
Europe, including many along the UK coast. An outbreak has 
been confìrmed recently in the Wash off the east coast of 
England. It is too soon to predict the consequences for seals off 
UK coasts and in order to be well prepared a central 
information point for recording and reporting on the progress 
of the disease has been established. Common and grey seal 
mortalities are being recorded in the UK by a network of 

The grey seal Hatichoerus grypus is by far the most abundant 
seal in Wales. In north Wales there are a very small number of 
common seals Phoca vitulìna, the species currently suffering the 
PDV outbrealc In 1988 grey seals were signifìcantly more 
resistant to PDV but it cannot be assumed that this will be the 
case in 2002. However, some grey seal mortality unrelated to 
PDV is to be expected particularly during the pupping season. 

National helpline 

It is natural for seal pups to spend a lot of time on their own on 
beaches while their mothers are in the water - they are not in 
distress and need to be left alone. However, if you find a dead 
or sick seal washed up on a beach please call one of these 

National helpline 08712 447 999 

Welsh Mammal Strandings answer phone 01348 875 000 

RSPCA central number 0870 5555 999 

or email 

Never approach a sicl< or dead seal - some diseases may 
also be transmissible to humans. Infection by PDV reduces 
the immune system, resulting in the seal becoming a 
reservoir for other diseases 

• Keep dogs well away - they could contract the disease 

Further information 

Department for Envìronment, Food and Rural Affairs: 
Sea Mammal Research Unit: 

The Countryside Council for Wales INTERTIDAL TEAM 
has been out and about this summer; here are some of their 

Severn Estuary 

The Severn Estuary is one of Britain's largest estuaries and has 
the second largest tidal range in the world. We have been 
surveying the area since April, sometimes using a hovercraft to 
cover vast expanses of mud and sand that are too dangerous to 
visit on foot. We have found some very interesting hydroids and 
sponges on lower shore bedrock within the Severn. We have 
also visited Denny Island on the lower edge of the sandbanks 
on the Welsh/English border. Here we found an old Sabettaria 
reef, which unfortunately appeared to be dead. 

Mud, mud, glorious mud. 


Photo: CCW. 

Dee Estuary 

In June we began the survey of the Dee Estuary with some 
very early mornings! The Dee Estuary is smaller and sandier 
than the Severn. We have completed all the foot sites between 
Point of Ayr (at the mouth of the estuary) and Flint. Using a 
boat, we have surveyed some of Salisbury middle and all of 
Salisbury bank where we saw a large colony of seals, boring 
bivalves (we fmd them interesting), high densities of cockles 
and clams and a nationally scarce crab Thia 

Cetacean studies 
in Wales 

We are 
surveys of 
harbour porpoise for 
the north Anglesey coast and off 
south Wales, as well as further surveys ì 
of bottlenose dolphin, harbour porpoise 
and Risso’s dolphin in Cardigan Bay. An 
important element of the work involves 
training yolunteers in species recognition and 
recording methodologies. Disturbance to cetaceans, particularly 
from recreational activities, is an important issue that is being 
addressed by varîous groups, and we are making efforts to 
develop a standardised approach to assessing its impact. 

Thanks to Greg Brina. Mandy McMath and CCW’s 
Marine and Earth Science Group. 

Materion Morol 


Gallwcli ddysgu neu roi gwybod am gyflwr 
traethau trwy wefan arbennig Asiantaeth yr 

Clefyd y Morloi 

Mae clefyd wedi lladd morloi yn nwyrain Lloegr. 
Mae rhifau ffôn i roi gwybod am forloi marw, ond 
dylid cofio fod cenawon yn treulio llawer o amser 
ar draethau heb eu mamau. 


Darganfyddiadau tîm rhwng dau lanw’r Cyngor 
Cefn Gwlad: Aber Hafren - hydroidau a sbwngiau 
diddorol. Aber Dyfrdwy - llawer o forloi a chranc 
prin iawn. 


Mae arolygon ar droed o lamhidyddion a 
dolffiniaid Rossi a thrwynbwl. 




Where now for Wales? Debate, Decisions, Direction. 

Time for Action - a Key National Follow-up Conference 
to the World Summit on Sustainable Development 

A major outcome of the Summit was a dedaration detailing the 
way forward for sustainable development. Wales, with its 
constitutional commitment to sustainable development, is in an 
unprecedented position to become a world leader in turning the 
concept of sustaínable development into tangible social, economic 
and environmental benefits. Such change however requires a 
commitment from all sectors towards this common goal. 

The City and County of Swansea is hosting a conference entitled 
‘Debate, Decisions, Direction’ at Swansea's celebrated Brangwyn 
Hall on the 3rd and 4th December. The aim of the conference is 
to bring together key thinlcers, decision makers, leaders, analysts 
and advisors from all sectors to prioritise sustainable development 
issues in Wales and actually influence how we as a nation take 
these forward. Check out the conference website at 

In addition to this national conference the City and County of 
Swansea is supporting The Environment Centre, Swansea in a 
grass roots sustainable development conference to be held at the 
Guildhall, Swansea on the 5th December. For enquiries about the 
grass roots conference contactjenny Newman, The Enẃonment 
Centre, Tel: 01792 480 200 

Kerry Curran 

Nature Kimroo 

“Ghoti" said George Bernard Shaw when discussing English 
pronunciation, and he might have been taltóng about something in Natur 
Cyraru. We are pleased to welcome many subscribers from outside 
Wales and appreciate that non-Welsh speakers, wheresoever they may 
be, may have difflculties with the Welsh language, not least the name of 
the magazine itself, Take heart - unlike English, Welsh is a phonetic 
language. If you learn how to pronounce the letters correctly they will 
see you through the entire Welsh vocabulary (small print; except the 
letter y. The management accepts no responsíbìlíty for the 
mispronunciation of this letter.) Of course, not all the letters are easy to 
pronounce (ch. II. u, si...) but at least they’re consistent! 

Here are some notes which we hope will help: 

Natur Cymru 

The closest pronunciation in English (the Welsh u is particularly diffìcult 
for those not used to it) would be: 

Natur-To rhyme with ‘privateer’ and sounding nothing like ‘nay-chure'! 
Cym - as in Harry Secombe. 

Ru - as in Griffith (Anglicised spelling of the Welsh ‘Gruffydd', 
pronounced the same). 

Nateer Cumry - easy. 

And what was GBS talking about? Try taking the ‘gh’ from tough, the 'o’ 
from women and 'ti' from action. 

Natur y byd 

Nid pawb sy’n gwirioni yr un fath - 
ail-ddarganfyddiad yr Heboglys Eryri 

Hywel Roberts, Warden Cwm Idwal 

Y m mis Gorffennaf eleni ailddarganfuwyd yr 
heboglys Eryri (Hieracium snowdoniense) yng 
Ngwarchodfa Natur Genedlaethol Cwm Idwal yn 
Eryri. Ar ôl chwilio dyfal ers rhai blynyddoedd gan 
fotanegwyr, cafwyd hyd i’r planhigyn gan y 
botanegwr Tim Rich o Amgueddfeydd ac Orîelau 
Cenedlaethol Cymru a Scott Hand, Hywel Roberts a 
Janet Bucldes o Gyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru. 

Hieracium snowdoniense. 

Nid oedd yr heboglys arbennig yma wedi ei weld yn 
y Cwm ers bron i hanner canrif, pan y’i cofnodwyd 
gan Peter Sell a Cyril West. Roedd y rhain yn 
arbenigwyr ar adnabod gwahanol fathau o heboglys. 
Bu chwilio garw ers 1953 amdano, a disgrifiwyd cael 
hyd iddo eto eleni fel “cael hyd i ryw fath o ddodo 
Cymreig” gan Tim Rich. 

Pleser o’r mwyaf oedd cofnodi’r planhigyn, sydd 
efallai yn profi pa mor llwyddiannus yw’r rheoli sydd 
ar bori yn y Cwm. Mae nifer y defaid yno wedi 
lleihau yn arw ers 1998, trwy gytundeb â’r ffermwr 
a’r tirfeddiannwr (sef Yr Ymddiriedolaeth 
Genedlaethol). Awgrymwyd mai pwysau pori trwm 
gan ddefaid sydd wedi achosi i’r planhigyn fod mor 
anodd i’w ailddarganfod, trwy rwystro blodeuo a 
chynhyrchu hâd. Adnabyddir y rhywogaeth yma o’r 
hebogiys trwy nifer y blodau melyn/aur ar 
ganghennau byr, tyn ar ben coesyn syth, gyda’r 
blodyn ieuengaf ar flaen y clwstwr o flodau. 

Gall dylanwad pori hefyd fod yn ffactor yn nirywiad 
poblogaeth heboglys prin arall a geir yn Eryri sef yr 
Hieracium holosericium - yr oedd Evan Roberts, 
warden cyntaf Cwm Idwal yn y 1950au mor hoff o 
gyfeirio at gael hyd iddo ar y llechweddau. Ym mis 
Awst eleni, dychwelodd Tìm Rich a Scott Hand i 
Gwm Idwal a chasglwyd hadau o’r planhigyn. 

Y gobaith felly yw bod ffynhonnell o hâd tuag at 
barhad y rhywogaeth brin yma yn ddiogel nid yn unig 
ar lechweddau Cwm Idwal ond hefyd yn yr Ardd 
Fotaneg Genedlaethol yn Llanarthne. 

Nature at large 

The rediscovery of the Snowdonia hawkweed 

In July 2002 a rare species of hawkweed, the 
Snowdonia ITawkweed ( Hieraciurn snowdoniensé) 
was rediscovered at Cwm Idwal NNR, not having 
been seen for nearly 50 years. It was last recorded 
at the site by RD. Sell and Cyril West in 1953. 
Hieracium snowdoniense is one of the approximately 
400 microspccies of Hieracia currently recognised 
in Britain. It is therefore typical of this group in 
being very difficult to identify without detailed 
knowledge of its structure and habitat. This micro 
species is identified by its racemose flower head 
structure (with the youngest yellow/gold flower at 
the head of a cluster of flowers on the end of a 
straight stem). 

It is probablc that the discovcry of this flower is an 
indication of the success of the recently 
implemented grazing management at the NNR. 

In 1998 an agreement was reached with the farmer 
and the owner (National Trust) to remove sheep 
grazing from thc site, and so benefit the rare and 
typical upland vegetation. It is hoped that this 
management will also result in recovery of other 
plants including one othcr Hìeracium, namcly 
Hieracium holosericium (Beautiful hawkweed), 
which has been recorded there in the past. It 
would be a fitting memorial to Evan Roberts, the 
first nature reserve warden for Cwm Idwal, if this 
plant which hc enthuscd so much about was to bc 
re-found in the same way as Hieracium 

Photo: Scott Hand. 

Nature in reserue 

Merthyr Mawr Warren declared as a 
National Nature Reserve 

T he coast between Porthcawl and Ogmore is dominated by the 
rolling sand dunes of Merthyr Mawr Warren. This is a unique 
landscape in Britain; the sand has been carried far inland over an 
ancient limestone sea cliff, giving rise to the slightly spurious claìm 
that the dunes are the highest in the country! In addition, lime-rich 
springs emerge from the bottom of the buried cliff giving rise to 
wide deep pools in the winter and ephemeral streams in the 
summer. The largest of these springs is called Burrows Well and the 
pools it feeds can be 2m or more in depth. 

Though not as extensive as Kenfìg to the west, this is still a big dune 
system with the full range of wildlife habitats associated with such 
places. There are 32 different plant communities, plus a group 
associated with the Burrows Well pools that defy dassification and 
which may therefore be unique. From the statutory protection 
standpoint however, it is the dune grassland and slack communities 
that make the Warren a candidate Special Area of Conservation 
under the European Habitats Directive. Another European feature 
is the petalwort Petalophyllum ralfsii, a rare liverwort resembling a 
tiny cabbage. What really attracts the eye though, and makes an 
early summer visit to the Warren such an invigorating experience, is 
the sheer exuberant abundance of flowers. 

There are 437 different flowering plants at Merthyr Mawr including 
14 nationally scarce species such as sea heath Frankenia laevis and 
hutchinsia Hornungia petraea, and several locally scarce ones 
including yellow bird s-nest Monotropa hypopytys, white horehound 
Marrubium vulgare and birthwort Aristolochia clematitis. Excitingly, 
there are also one or two plants which though extinct, might just 
re-appear as a result of disturbance by natural sea erosion or 
movement of the ephemeral streams or by the tender ministrations 
of a mechanical excavator! 

If this were not enough, Merthyr Mawr is one of the top sand dune 
sites in Wales for both fungi and ínvertebrates. CCW’s invertebrate 
specialist Adrian Fowles has described Merthyr Mawr as the best 
sand dune site for insects in South Wales, particularly for beetles, 
solitary bees, sand wasps and flies. There are 28 confìrmed Red 
Data Book species with another dozen or so waiting confìrmation, 
induding half a dozen flies new to Britain. 

In short, Merthyr Mawr Warren is a very special place for wildlife, a 
fact acknowledged a long time ago by local naturalists and the old 
Nature Conservancy who designated Merthyr Mawr as a Site of 
Scientifìc Interest in 1950, amongst the fìrst such designations in 
Wales. Most importantly, the value of the Warren was recognised 
by Jennifer and Murray McLaggan, who have had the often 
thankless task of managing this valuable though economically 
unrewarding land for many years. One of the less desirable features 
of the Warren is the abundant presence of sea buckthorn 
Hippophae rhamnoides, a shrub introduced in the nineteenth century 
to stabilise the dunes. This was spreading at an alarming rate and in 
1995 Mr and Mrs McLaggan asked the Countryside Council for 
Wales (CCW) for advice and assistance with its control. This led to 

an invitation to CCW to lease the Warren and to take on other 
aspects of its management. Around 50% of the sea buclcthom has 
now been removed and follow up work carried out to prevent re- 
infestation and to control weeds. 

Whilst it was possible to use a mechanical excavator fìtted with a 
weed rake for some of this work, it has also been necessary to clear 
significant areas with hand-held machinery, in order to avoid 
damage to historical landscape and buried archaeological features. 
Much of the Warren is scheduled as an Ancient Monument because 
of these features and a wide range of fìnds - mesolithic flints, 
neolithic pottery, bronze age burial mounds, iron age hearths and 
Roman tiles and beads, 

As well as leading to the restoration of a flower-rich dune grassland, 
clearance of the sea buckthom is returning areas lost to the public 
for family picnics, dog walking and other outdoor recreation. The 
McLaggans have always welcomed people on foot and horseback to 
the Warren, which is particularly popular with orienteers, athletes 
and rugby players for training purposes. These activities will 
continue on the NNR though some measures have or are being 
introduced to ensure public safety, protect vulnerable wildlife and 
archaeology and to preserve the quiet amenity value of the site. 
CCW will also develop appropriate interpretation and education 
facilities for the site. 

Merthyr Mawr Warren was declared a National Nature Reserve on 
3rd July 2002 at an event attended by Carwyn Jones AM. 

Michael Hughes, Area Warden, CCW Soutli Wiles. 

Natur mewn gwarchodfeydd 

Gwarchodfa ym Merthyr Mawr 

Ym mis GorfFennaf, cafodd Twyni Merthyr Mawr eu troi’n 
Warchodfa Natur Genedlaethol. Mae’r safle’n unigryw yng 
ngwledydd Prydain, gyda thywod wedi ei sgubo tros glogwyn 
calchfaen a ffynhonnau calch sy’n creu pyllau dyfnion. Ond, yn 
ogystal â’r 32 cymuned o blanhigion a chasgliad hynod o 
amgylch un ffynnon, blodau yw gogoniant Merthyr Mawr gyda 
437 o blanhigion blodeuog gwahanol. Yn eu plith mae 14 
rhywogaeth sy’n brin ar raddfa genedlaethol a nifer sy’n brin yn 
lleol. Ar ben hynny, dyma rai o’r twyni gorau am ffwng ac am 
drychfilod, gyda 28 rhywogaeth yn y Llyfr Coch a dwsin arall 
yn aros i’w cadamhau, gan gynnwys chwe math o bryf sy’n 
newydd yng ngwledydd Prydain. Dyma pam fod pwysigrwydd 
Twyni Merthyr Mawr wedi ei hen gydnabod. Ond, oherwydd 
problemau gyda rhafnwydd, yn 1995, gofỳnnodd y pcrchnogion 
jennifer a Murray McLaggan i’r Cyngor Cefn Gwlad lesio’r 
twyni a helpu gyda’u rheoli. Roedd rhaid bod yn ofalus iawn 
oherwydd pwysigrwydd hanesyddol y safle ond mae hanner y 
thafnwydd wedi’i glirio gan adfer porfa flodeuog a chaniatáu 
Uawer rhagor o ddefnydd hamdden o’r twyni, Gyda rhai 
amodau, bydd hyn yn parhau yn y Warchodfa ac fe fydd rhagor 
o adnoddau dehongli ac addysgu hefyd. 

For photographs and illustrations, thanks to/diolch am y lluniau i: 

Amec Border Wind, D. Balharry, Johnny Birks, Duncan Brown, 
Stewart Campbell, lan Carter, CCGC/CCW, Jonathan Cox, 

English Nature, Andrew Ferguson, Geoff Gibbs, Frank Greenaway, 
Mike FHammett, Scott FHand, Peter FHopeJones, Tony Jenldns, Paul Kay, 
LCC/WAG, Mandy Marsh, John Messenger, Tony Oliver, John Ratcliffe, 
Peter Rhind, Alastair Robertson, RSPB, Michael Smith, WWF.