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The New Forage Plant 

A. BhANC & CO. 
Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A. 

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(Polygonum Sachalinense. ) 


Produces from 90 to 180 Tons 

of Green Forage per acre in one year. 

“ More Nutritious than Clover or Lucerne.’ 

Tried and recommended by the 
very highest authorities ; endorsed by the most promi- 
nent horticultural and agricultural publications of all parts of the world. 
Of immense value to cattle raisers, farmers, 

dairymen and nurserymen. 

First introduced in the United States AS A FORAGE PLANT 

» A. Blanc & Co. 

in | 

314 and 316 North Eleventh Street, 
uiladelipintar liza Ss Ay 


(Polygonum Sachalinense,) 


Is perfectly hardy even in Siberia—Flourishes in the Indies. 
Requires no plowing before planting. 
Needs no cultivation, no manuring, no re-planting. 
Roots penetrate deep into the soil. 

Once planted, stands forever. 

Endures severest drought with impunity. 
Grows in poorest soils. Luxuriates in wet lands. 
Thrives where no other forage plant will grow. 
Young shoots and leaves eaten as a vegetable. 
Stems and leaves, green or dry, greatly relished by cattle, sheep and horses. 
More nutritious than Clover or Lucerne. 
Gives three and four cuttings per year. 
Produces 90 to 180 tons of green forage per acre. 
Grows 14 feet high by June. 

Excellent soil enricher. Planted at any time. 
Affords shade to cattle in Summer. 
Protection against storms in Winter. 

Floods will not destroy it. Fire will not kill it. 
Cattle cannot trample it out. 

Seed has been sold at $3,500 per pound. 
Endorsed by the highest authorities. 

First introduced as a forage plant by 

A BEANG 8&1 GOs 

Favorably described and noticed by editors 

of ‘‘ The American Agriculturist,”’ ‘*‘ Garden and Forest,’ ‘The Garden,”’ ‘*‘ Gardeners’ 
Chronicle,’’? ‘‘Gardening Illustrated,’ ‘‘ The Journal of Horticulture,’ ‘‘ Revue 
Horticole,”’ ‘‘ Chronique Horticole,’’ ‘‘ Le Jardin,’’ ** Revue de l’Horticulture Belge,” 
“Le Petit Havre,’ ‘‘ Le Petit Marseillais,’? ‘‘ Le Provencal,’’ ‘‘ Moller’s Deutsche 
Gartner Zeitung,’’ ‘‘ The Indian Agriculturist,’’ ‘*‘ The Practical Farmer,” etc., etc., 




E have again experienced a drought, equalled, perhaps, only by that of 1893. 
In many parts of the United States, farmers, truckers, dairymen and cattle- 
men have been nearly ruined, and the scarcity of pasture has been felt all over the 
land. It is, therefore, with great satisfaction that we are able to introduce Sacaline 
into this country as a New Forage Plant. In the pages that follow will be found 
condensed extracts from nearly a score of the most prominent agricultural and horti- 
cultural journals of France, England, Belgium, Germany, the United States, etc., all 
of them, without any exception, praising its value. Sacaline has the endorsement 
of the most eminent horticulturists of France, who discovered its properties as a 
forage during the severe drought experienced in that countryin 1893. Mr. Edouard 
André,* Mr. Carriere, Mr. Gustave Huot, Mr. Martinet, Mr. Doumet-Adanson and 
Mr. Charles Baltet (who is the introducer abroad), are men occupying such exalted 
positions as editors and horticulturists, that we can, without fear of contradiction, 
accept every word they say in regard to Sacaline. Never before, indeed, has any 
plant received such flattering consideration. But this is not to be wondered at, when 
it is shown that it really possesses properties and qualities almost fabulous. 

The following claims, fully borne out by proofs and experiments, are made for it : 

Perfectly Hardy Even in Siberia. 

Being a native of Siberia, it is perfectly hardy. As an ornamental plant it has 
been grown for twelve years at the lowa Experimental Station, and the original plant 
is stillstanding there. It has also been grown in New York and Massachusetts. In 
India it has been used asa forage plant, and there it produces phenomenal crops. 
Its roots penetrate so deep into the soil that it requires no manuring, yet it will grow 
more luxuriantly in rich, moist lands. 

Once planted, it stands forever. (See Mr. Baltet’s claim, and also Prof. Pammel’s. ) 

That it stands the drought better than any other forage plant known is also a 
well-established fact ; and one of the qualities claimed for it is that it will grow, not 
only in poor soils, but also in marshes, swamps and wet places, such as ditches and 
river banks, and where no other plant will grow. 

In France, it has been recommended for railroad embankments as a protective 
against land-slides. 

* “Mr. Edouard André, editor of the Revue Horticole, the most distinguished living representative 
of the Art of Gardening in Europe.’’—Professor C. S. Sargent, in Garden and Forest. 



Grows in Poorest Soils. 

As it accommodates itself to all kinds of soil, it must prove a valuable forage 
plant, especially for all parts of the West and South, and there it should be grown in 
immense tracts. But even in the Eastern and Central States hay and other fodder is 
seldom abundant, and we have already the assurance of a great demand from many 
interested parties in those localities. Since attention was called to it as a forage 
plant, we understand it is being tested as such at nearly every national experimental 

Cattle Cannot Destroy It. 

The roots penetrate so deep into the soil that cattle cannot pull it up nor trample 
it out. We were told by a Texan cattle raiser that in Uvalde County, where abund- 
ance of water is at hand, cattle had to be driven seven miles to pasture, growth of all 
kinds having been trampled down. ‘This would be an impossibility with Sacaline, as 
the more the tops are eaten off or cut, the more the roots will ramify, producing an 
increased number of shoots and foliage. 

Fourteen Feet of Growth by June. 

It is stated that in France the plants make a growth of ten to twelve feet per year. 
In Iowa it grew twelve feet by the month of June. If cut then it would undoubtedly 
have made that much more growth again. ‘This proves that in this country, and 
especially in the South, it will be greatly more vigorous than in Europe. There, it is 
said, that three or four cuttings, made when the plants are three or four feet high, 

Produce from 44 to 88 pounds of green fodder per 
square yard, or go to 180 tons per acre. 

This phenomenal product in weight is quite within reason, when it is considered 
that the stems grow as close together as asparagus. Indeed, we are confident 
that these returns will be increased here.—Dr. Robert P. Harris, of Philadelphia, 
states that at the Pennsylvania Hospital grounds a plant grew seven inches in 
a day, and a French writer in the Revue Horticole mentions twenty feet as the 
annual growth. 

Professor Pammel, of the Iowa Agricultural College, states that at Ames, Iowa, 
Sacaline grew fourteen feet high by the month of June. This would indicate a much 
greater product than we mention above, and it is safe, therefore, to surmise that in 
this country, and especially in the South, one cutting could be made regularly 
every mouth during the growing season. 

Let it be understood, however, that it is advisable to cut Sacaline when from three 
to five feet high, and to make several cuttings rather than allow the plants to make 
full growth. 

Once Planted, Stands Forever. 

Professor Budd, of Iowa, states that he brought this plant from Russia twelve 
years ago, and that it still occupies the same spot as an ornamental plant. 
More Nutritious Than Clover or Lucerne. 

Were this all, the plant might yet be quite worthless as a forage ; but it has been 
proved to be superior in nutritive qualities to any other plant known, even to clover 
or lucerne (see analysis on page 6), and that 


Horses, Cattle, Sheep and even Rabbits eat it with avidity when it is 
green or dried. A French writer, Mr. Emile Gautier, says: ‘‘They seem to know 
what is good for them, the way they eat it.’ Another advises that the Government 
grow it along the railroads so that it could easily be cut and transported in case of 
army mobilization or in case of war. Still another says that it will prove more 
valuable to French farmers than grape culture. In fact, the enthusiasm over it is 

Green Fodder all the Year Round in the South. 

Perpetual Grower. We are informed that wherever severe frost does not injure 
the foliage, Sacaline will grow the whole year round, thereby giving fresh, green 

Sacaline. Showing 12 feet of growth by June. 

fodder at all times. This will make it doubly valuable for many Southern States, the 
Bermudas, Cuba, Mexico and Central America. 

As a Drought Resister. 

At the Iowa Agricultural College, Sacaline has withstood the severest drought 
ever experienced. On our own very dry and sandy bulb farm, in New Jersey, it has 
resisted this year’s drought, scarcely any rain falling during three months. Mr. 
Samuel Wilson, of Mechanicsville, Pa., writes that it stood the drought exceedingly 
well, seeming to get along without any care, while geraniums growing alongside of 
it were entirely burned up. 

As a Winter Food, 

Sacaline has been highly recommended for ensilage, and for this purpose it will 
undoubtedly be used extensively. All dairymen will be greatly benefited by the 
immense crops that they will be able to cure at so little expense. 

Will it not be valuable for the South and West, where cattle are raised in such 
enormous numbers on millions of acres of poor, cheap, arid and unproductive soils ? 
(see article from Garden and Forest, page 16); or for the Eastern and Middle States ? 
(see American Agriculturist, page 17). 

A Soil Enricher. 

As a soil enricher, there is undoubtedly an immense future for it. True, it might 
be troublesome to exterminate, but, as one of our friends who intends to grow it for 
that purpose suggests: ‘‘Why not grow it on fields adjoining the ones to be fertil- 
ized? Certainly 90 to 180 tons of ‘greens’ per acre would be worthit.’’ The only 
fault found with Sacaline as an ornamental plant is that it grows and spreads too 
rapidly ; but as a forage plant this is one of the great advantages claimed for it. 
However, that it can be eradicated by ploughing up the roots has been thoroughly 


Knowing that the stalks are over 3 inches in diameter at the base when Io to 12 
feet high, would the suggestion to utilize them as storm-breaks be preposterous? 
Let it be remembered, also, that these stems should be cut before new growth 
commences, and that, if thoroughly dried, they make an excellent fuel. 

Floods will not destroy it (we also venture to suggest), owing to the intricate 
webbing ofits roots. Indeed, it has been recommended as a preventative against the 
encroachments of strong running streams. 

Prairie fires could not kill the roots, which enter so deep into the ground. 
A proposition to grow it as a hedge is probably impracticable—(although the stems 
grow very close together, making it almost impenetrable)—unless it should be 
planted in considerable breadth. Under these conditions, if allowed to grow to its 
full extent, the tall shoots and foliage would certainly 

Afford to cattle a refreshing shade from the torrid rays of the sun. 

A Good Vegetable Plant. 

As a vegetable plant for the table, Sacaline has been highly recommended A 
writer in leur des Serres says that to him the blanched stems were more delicious 
than Asparagus. Messieurs Pailleux & Bois, in their work, entitled ‘‘ Experiments 
with One Hundred New and Unknown Vegetables,”’ praise it highly. Mr. Baltet and 
others also recommend it, stating that the leaves and stems, properly cooked, make 
an excellent summer vegetable. If the stems can be canned, like those of aspara- 
gus, the plants will certainly be eagerly sought for, inasmuch as they are produced 
until freezing weather. 

As an Ornamental Plant. Polygonum Sachalinense has been offered by a few 
of our principal nurserymen only, who have admired its fine foliage, rapid growth 
and picturesque effect. However, at this date those who have it refuse to sell, pre- 
ferring to hold their plants for propagation, a sure sign that a large demand is 
anticipated. Plants sent to this country years ago have been bought up by agents of 
French nurserymen, until to-day, after diligent inquiries, we have failed to find any 
plants for sale here, at any price. 



Makes a Good Paper Pulp. 

The proprietor of a large paper factory says that the stems and leaves can be 
macerated and used as a paper pulp. 

Sacaline takes care of itself. It does not winter-kill nor burn in sum- 
mer; needs no cultivation, manuring or replanting. 

As a money-saver it will be invaluable, one acre of poor land producing more 
fodder than five acres of good land in clover. 

No Insect Enemies. 

Among all that has been written in regard to Sacaline, we fail to discover that the 
plant is ever affected by disease or by insect enemies. Clover and other forage plants 
are subject to fungus growth. Clover will not grow in wet soil, where Sacaline will 
revel. Lathyrus Sylvestris is extremely difficult to establish, Few, if any, of these 
are able to stand a drought of any length. 

Cultivation and Planting. 

The cultivation of Sacaline is very simple. Our experiments with the seed were 
not made until June, and the seed, being of last year’s crop, germinated in about 
two weeks. Seed should be procured as early as possible, and sown in boxes of 
very rich soil kept very wet, and protected from frost. The plants should after- 
wards be set out three feet apart each way. The seed may also be sown where 
wauted, and the plants thinned out properly afterwards. By far the quickest result, 
however, will be obtained by procuring roots and setting these out at any time of the 
year three feet apart each way. They will begin to grow early, and soon cover the 
entire field. Plants with foliage will make even a quicker growth, but these should 
not be set out until danger of frost injuring the roots is past. 

The roots can be planted even where other crops of grass, clover or 
lucerne are growing, as they will soon outgrow these. 

Where very large tracts are to be planted, we would recommend the plants. 
Where economy is necessary, we would recommend the roots, as these can be carried 
in a bag by the planter and quickly inserted by means of a tool that will make a hole 
¥, to 1 inch in diameter and 6 to 8 inches deep, into which the roots can be dropped 
and covered. In this way thousands can be planted by one man in a day. 

Roots have been sent to all parts of the world, even to Japan, and have invari- 
ably reached their destination in good condition. 

It is said that the ground need not be ploughed before the roots are planted, but it 
cannot be denied that ploughing and cultivating will materially increase the product 
of the first year. Such, at least, has been our experience. In dry countries, where 
irrigation can easily be made, we strongly recommend it; for while the plants resist 
long droughts with impunity, they grow more vigorously in wet soils. 

Multiplies Rapidly. We have stated that young plants set out in the spring 
soon cover a space three feet square. Such a plant lifted in the fall will give at least 
100 root cuttings. Each of these, if only one inch long, will, if properly planted, 
produce a good plant. A large plantation can, therefore, be set out at very little 

With the endorsements that follow, we unhesitatingly recommend Sacaline 
as a forage and industrial plant of immense value to this country. Its fame 
has spread from Europe to Japan, and even into Australia. That it will be welcomed 
in America is an assured fact. 


Yes> What Mr. Baltet, of France, says about Sacaline. 2-37 

Asa forage and industrial plant the qualities of Sacaline have been practically 
studied and tested on many plantations in the Bourbonnais, Touraine, Champagne, 
etc., notably by Mr. Gustave Huot, the honorable president of the Horticultural 
Comity of the Aube, whose stables are always foremost at exhibitions for purity of 
strain and productiveness. The experiments of Mr. Doumet-Adanson and others, 
transmitted to the Academy of Sciences of Paris, by Mr. Duchartre, and the com- 
munications made by myself to the National Society of Agriculture, have brought 
Sacaline prominently into notice. 

According to Mr. Doumet, cattle, sheep and horses are extremely fond of the 
leaves and stems, both fresh and dry. Mr. Edouard André has tried it under these 
conditions, and so have other growers. That cattle like it is quite evident, from the 
fact that the analysis, which is given below, 

Clearly demonstrates its superiority in nutritive qualities over any other 
forage plant, even that of Clover and Lucerne. 

NETS? 6S S060 00) 0 o 6 pio. Boul Extractive matter, not nitrogenous 24°64 
Organic nitrogenous matter ... 19°06 Mineral matters......... 74 
Matty smatte rasa cm tmtsee Tel ancien cA Phosphoricyacidlicacse iret mms 5Y) 
Wioodysniatteriir-ur-ae ian ieem ca amauta 

This analysis is much more favorable than that of Clover and Lucerne, 
which contain only 16 per cent. of nitrogenous and 3 per cent. of the fatty matters. 

A native of Siberia, it has resisted the severest cold ever experienced in France, 
viz.: 30° Centigrade of cold in 1879, and + 40° 
of heat in 1891, 1892 and 1893, without the 
slightest injury. 

All soils and climates suit our Saca= 
line. Once planted, it need not be touched. Its ,°274 
roots penetrate deep into the soil in every di- 
rection, developing new shoots yearly, and 
soon covering all available space. It needs 
no cultivation, no manuring, no re=plant- 
ing. It will grow in marshes, dunes or 
swamps, as well as on the poorest soil. 

For twenty years that we have had this 
plant in our possession, it received neither cultivation nor manuring, yet it forms 
to-day a superb specimen, growing ten feet high every season (see illustration on 

cover). Its life is, therefore, unlimited. 


The young shoots and leaves pre- 
pared in various fashions, furnish the table 
with an excellent summer vegetable, 
equal to spinach, chickory, or lettuce ; 
while by some they are considered as rival- 
ling Asparagus. In years of abundance, 
these shoots, if in excess of home require- 
ment, can be used for industria! purposes. 




As soon as the stems attain a height of four to six feet, they can be cut close 
to the ground and fed to the cattle. If the second growth is vigorous, another 
cutting can be made. The last cutting is done in late autumn, before frost. The 
following years, three, or often four, cuttings can be made. Used in ensilage, like 
corn, this is certain to prove a yaluable nourishment for cattle in winter. 

Product in Green Forage. 

According to the calculation of Mr. Doumet-Adanson, he does not hesitate 
to recommend this as a forage plant; in good soils it will produce from forty-four 
to eighty-eight pounds of green forage per square yard, or over 90 to 180 tons to the 

Mr. Charles Baltet, author of the above article, is a member of the house of 
Baltet Freres, founded in 1820. He is Laureate of the National Agricultural Society 
of France, of the National Horticultural Society, of the Pomological Society, the 
Society of National Acclimatation, the Society of Agriculture, the National Society 
for the Encouragement of Agriculture; author of ‘‘The Art of Grafting’’ (gold 
medal), ‘‘ Treatise on Fruit Culture’’ (gold medal), ‘“‘Action of Cold on Vegetables ’”’ 
(gold medal), ‘‘ Popular Fruits,’’ ‘‘ French Horticulture’’ (gold medal). 

As an illustration of the value placed upon the seed, we reproduce the accom- 
panying price-list of Mr. Baltet : 

WOO) GEAEG oo noo oon do WiC  WCCOSEGS o 6015 465 6 0 9 BNA Co) 
SOORSCCU SHG ORIO TS Clic rn 7HOOn 5 O00;Seed sw ynaee ERE Hen be SOOO 

There are probably over 350,000 seeds to the pound, and at $50 per 5,000 seeds, 
one pound would cost $3,500. (A. B. & Co.) 

We read in the American Agriculturist, the authority on American horticulture: 

A New Forage Plant from Russia, 
SACALINE (Polygonum Sachalinense), 

was discovered by the Russian explorer, Maximowicz, in the Island of Saghalin,* 
situated in the Sea of Okhotsk, between Japan and Siberia. In 1869, Mr. Edouard 
André, the world-wide-known horticulturist, noticed it in the Jardin d’Acclimatation 
at Moscow, where it was exceedingly decorative, and brought it to France, telling 
us of its vigorous growth, both above and below ground. The roots branch on all 
sides, and pass horizontally from the rhizomes, penetrating the hardest soils, 
and giving origin to new shoots, which further increase the size of the clump. The 
stems are numerous and closely set. They vegetate early, and soon attain a 
height of ten feet. 

The foliage is most effective, and measures twelve inches long by four inches wide, 
smooth, with no trace of hairs. Dull white flowers appear in small axillary bunches, 
growing together in long paniculate clusters, which bend slightly under their own 
weight. The bees freely visit the plants in autumn, but bloom does not appear on 
plants regularly cut for forage purposes. 

* Saghalin, or Sakhalin, is the name improperly given to a large islandin the North Pacific, lying 
off the coast of Russian Manchuria. Its proper name is Karaftu, or Kavafuto, ‘Theclimate is very cold, 
and a dense covering of clouds for the most part shuts out the rays of the sun. Saghalin has been 
inhabited since at least the Neolithic Stone Age, support being obtained by hunting and fishing. The 
Mongolian “‘ Ainos,’’ who are of great interest to ethnologists, are the aborigines. Recent efforts to 
colonize the island with convicts have encountered great difficulties from the quality of the soil.— 
Extract from Encyclopedia Britannica. 

The experiments made at Baleine are sufficiently conclusive as regards the ques- 
tion of fodder. According to the President, Mr. Doumet, cattle are extremely fond 
o: it. Mr. Edouard André has tried it under these conditions, also Mr. Gustave Huot, 
President of the Comité Agricole de 1’Aube, and so have other growers, with equal 
success. The experiments of Mr. Doumet-Adanson on the forage uses of Sacaline, 
transmitted to the Academy of Sciences at Paris by Mr. Duchartre, and the commu- 
nications made by Mr. Baltet, have brought the plant into notice. 

Sacaline is extremely vigorous, b2aring with equal indifference extremes 
of heat in summer and cold in winter. 

A young plant soon covers a surface three feet square with its leafy branches. 


Sacaline growing on dry rocky mountain and on wet lands. 

The frsé cutting is made when the stems are from two to four and one-half feet in 
height. If the second growth is tall enough, a second harvest is gathered; but in 
each following year three or four annual cuitings can be made with safety.* It issaid 

* Professor Pammel, of the Iowa Agricultural College, states that on his station the plants made a 
growth of fourteen feet by June. It is therefore safe to assume that at least four cuttings can be 
made yearly, as the plants start to grow very early, and continue to do so until the foliage is cut 
down by severe frosts. Dr. Robert P. Harris, of Philadelphia, states that on the Pennsylvania 
Hospital grounds the plant grew at the rate of seven inches in a day. 


that the total produce of green forage may range from about forty-four to 
eighty-eight pounds per square yard. 

This would make a total of about 90 to 180 tons per acre in one year. 

From ‘‘ Garden and Forest.’’ 

Some years ago, a knot-grass, under the name of Poligonum Sachalinense, was 
introduced as an ornamental plant from the Garden of Acclimatation, at Moscow. It 
grew vigorously, and has been recommended for use on river-banks, and in other 
positions where tall and fast-growing perennials are needed. It is a rather handsome 
plant, with smooth green leaves, and leaf-stalks of cardinal red. Its flowers produce 
a good deal of nectar, and are much frequented by bees. This Polygonum has 
especial interest just now, however, as a forage plant, since it has been recom- 
mended in several European journals for that purpose. Young plants quickly 
push up fresh roots in all directions, and will soon occupy an area a yard square. 
These shoots, when young, ave edible, and when blanched, they can be used as aspara- 
gus, although they are not of so high a quality. When they have grown from three 
to five feet high, these shoots can be cut and fed to cattle, which seem to relish them 
very much. It would be worth while to try the plant where no other forage plant 
will grow, especially since it has such endorsements as MM. Edouard Andre 
and Uustave Huot. Its yield of green fodder is said to be from 60 to 120 tons 
per acre, and it might prove a valuable crop for ensilage. It is in favor of Sacaline 

that it belongs to the same family as plants of such economic value as buckwheat 
and rhubarb. 

A Strong Testimonial—Tried in lowa—Perfectly Hardy—Drought-Resisting. 

The new forage plant. —There never has been a time when the question of forage 
plants did not merit consideration here. Portions of the West have passed through 
a drought such as we have not had for years. There can be no question that certain 
of our best forage plants have suffered seriously, and we shall have a thin stand next 
year. In Garden and Forest, attention is called to Polygonum Sachalinense, which has 
received such high praise in Europe. It is certain that this plant will prove valu- 
able in many parts of the United States, especially in the West. It is not only 
perfectly hardy in Central lowa, as far as cold is concerned, but it stands the 
dry weather remarkably well. We have had no rain to speak of since the latter 
part of July, but ¢h7s plant is as green at the end of September as tt was early in July. 
The root stock of this plant is sent out in all directions. The original plant has been 
in a dry place for many years, but in all this time it has not once been killed back. It 
is a remarkable grower. Early in June stalks were fourteen feet high. What is 
needed in the West is a plant that can be used in August and September when pas- 
tures are nearly always short. If the first and second crops could be used for the 
silo (it is said they can), the crop in August and September would be excellent for 
immediate use. Rape is now used to some extent, but the Polygonum Sachalinense 
would be easier to grow, as it does not require re-planting every year, as rape does. 

Towa Agricultural College, Ames, Ta. 

From Professor J. L. Budd. 

Prof. J. L. Budd, of Iowa Agricultural College, says: ‘‘I found the plant in 
Russia in 7882, and introduced it as a botanical curiosity and as an ornamental plant. 
It still holds its place where first planted.” 

The old stalks dry up and stand erect. My assistant, Professor Hansen, has 
been in Europe allsummer. He believes it will prove very valuable in the dry 
West as a forage plant. It is very hardy. It has stood here twelve years without 
cover. It proves quite a spreader ; but one spot could be reserved for practical use 
as a fodder. 


From the ‘‘Garden’’ (LONDON, SEPTEMBER 2, 1893). 

In the protracted drought of the present season, Horticulture may be able to 
come to the aid of Agriculture just as, twenty-five years ago, the gardener’s art helped 
the vine-grower out of his difficulties by showing him howto make use of the remedy 
of grafting vines on the phylloxera-proof American stocks. 

The remedy in the present case is a robust and vigorous-growing plant, equally 
unaffected by excessive heat in summer and extreme cold in winter, namely, Polygo- 
num Sachalinense, etc., etc. 

Extract from the ‘‘ Gardeners’ Chronicle ’’ (LONDON, JULY 22, 1893). 

Few perennials have a nobler effect on the lawn, or wherever there is sufficient 
space, than Polygonum Sachalinense. One drawback it has, in that it throws its 
asparagus-like shoots about in profusion, and not always where they are wanted. A 
gravel path, as we know, offers no resistance to this very pushing intruder. We have 
cultivated this plant since its introduction for purely decorative purposes. The 

A Suggestion for the South. 

young white shoots are edible, but they do not rival asparagus. Its splendid foliage 
may be made use of for garnishing dessert and packing fruit. 

The trials made in France on the forage uses of this Polygonum have called the 
attention of cultivators to it. The experiments made are conclusive as regards the 
question of fodder. The total yield can be reckoned at about 95 to 195 tons per acre. 
Cattle are exceedingly fond of it. 

The cultural difficulties are not worth mentioning, and during winter no protec- 
tion is needed. 

We may add that the Sacaline is a forage plant with an assured future. 
Chemical analysis has demonstrated its superiority in nutritive principles 
over other fodders. 

Compared with dried clover and lucerne, which contain only 16 per cent. of 
nitrogenous and 3 per cent. of fatty matter, the analysis is very favorable. In 
fact, it is shown that, without cultural care or cost of manure, Sacaline pros= 


pers in all soils and all climates, cold, damp, dry, and by the seaside, and that 
its yield is so much more considerable, as its growth is prolonged until the 

Its vegetative power is the same in sand, on banks, slopes, or in flat marshes. 
Its success in the South, as well as in the North, is assured, in spite of its Northern 
origin. The Government Report from South Australia declares that ‘“‘ The cattle and 
sheep relish it.” 

From the ‘ Journal of Horticulture’? (may 3, 1894). 

The statement of a daily contemporary is that Lord Morton is growing the Giant 
Knot Weed, Polygonum Sachalinense, with a view to test its utility as a fodder plant. 
It grows vigorously on comparatively poor soils, and is not materially affected by 
drought. It is also being planted in many parts of France, where, it is stated, the suc- 
culent shoots are much appreciated by the cattle. 

A Free Advertisement. 

We observe that Mr. T. Christy, Malvern House, is making efforts to propagate 
the extraordinarily heavy cropping fodder plant, and he has a number of sprouted 
rhizomes to part with. We take this opportunity of mentioning the fact, several 
persons, both at home and abroad, being anxious to obtain sets of the plant. 

Epitor Gardeners’ Chronicle, May 19, 1894. 

From L’Horticulture Belge (GHENT, BELGIUM). 

L Horticulture Belge, after devoting three pages to favorable description of Saca- 
line, and endorsing all that other journals have said about it, states that Mr. Ed. 
Pynaert-Van Geert, the publisher of the journal, can offer plants to his readers at the 
rate of $6 per twenty-five, for delivery next September. 

From ‘‘ Gardening Illustrated’’ (MARCH 24, 1894). 

In reply to ‘“‘J. B.,” “R. S.,’’ and others, this plant (here illustrated) is a native 
of the Island of Sachalan, is of asimilar habit to Polygonum Cuspidatum, but larger, 
sometimes attaining a height of twelve feet. It has broadly oblong, bright green 
leaves, upwards of one foot in length. Its flowers are rather inconspicuous, being of 
a greenish white, and disposed in slender drooping racemes. It luxuriates in a moist 
subsoil near water, where it is very effective when in company with grassy vegetation. 
It makes a bold feature on the turf, or in a good position where it can develop its 
noble proportions. No better plant could be employed for semi-wild places, or for 
association with vigorous herbaceous plants on the turf in the pleasure-ground. For 
those whose gardens will not admit of such special places, the tuft on the end of a 
shrubbery will well repay the planter. It should not always be in the shrubbery, but 
just a few feet clear of it. 

Sacaline in Germany. 

We extract from a letter by Mr. Carl Weigelt, which appears in MWoller’s Deutsche 
Gartner Zeitung, for June, that a risk exists to purchasers of seed of the above pro- 
digiously productive fodder plant having Polygonum Cuspidatum palmed off on 
them in the place of it. The only right way to proceed, he says, is by propagation, 
and the planting out of the root stocks, or, at least, one-year-old seedlings. The true 
species has a future without a doubt. A feeding trial gave astonishing results, the 
horses devouring P. Sachalinense with great greed, whilst they would not touch 
P. Cuspidatum, which was eaten only by the goats, animals which will eat what 
horses and oxen ‘‘ nicht mogen.”’ 

From the ‘‘ Indian Agriculturist.’’ 

Sacaline is well known and greatly used as a forage plant in the province of 
Bengal. Here it assumes the same eminent growth as with us, penetrating the 
hardest soil and developing with astonishing rapidity. 

The stems are numerous and closely set. They begin to grow early, and soon 
reach a height of twelve feet. 

Experiments made prove, without fear of contradiction, its great value as a forage 
plant and the avidity with which cattle eat it. 

The quantity of forage gathered here is from 250 to 475 tons per hectare 
(2% acres). 


Sacaline as a Vegetable. 

Mr. J. Weber was the first to recommend this as a vegetable in Revue Horticole 
(edited by Mr. Ed. André). A plant had accidentally been covered with dry leaves 
during winter; in spring, when these were removed, he discovered a dozen nice 
white shoots of the thickness of a thumb. ‘They appeared so appetizing that he had 
them cooked like asparagus. ‘‘And,”’ said he, “‘my hopes were not deceived ; they 
were of a very agreeable taste, but, being very tender, they should be but 
slightly cooked.” 


In ‘‘ Experiments with 100 New Vegetables.’’ 
‘““We have covered young shoots of P.Cuspidatum and P. Sachalinense, and 

they have given us very numerous and fine asparagus-like shoots, full, tender, 
and of slightly acid taste.” 

Sacaline as a storm-break ? 

We have already eaten the young, asparagus-like shoots of Sacaline ourselves, 
several times during the spring and summer, and even as late as the 15th of October, 
and find them an agreeable dish. While not so delicious as asparagus, they will be 
welcomed by those who cannot grow asparagus. They should be thoroughly 
washed and allowed to stand in water foratime Not being stringy like asparagus, 
they should be cooked quickly and served witha sour dressing or drawn butter. Some 
persons prefer to cut off the green tips.—A. B. & Co. 

From [lessrs. Vilmorin, Andrieux & Co., Paris, 
In ‘‘Fleurs de Pleine terre.’’ 

“Polygonum Sachalinense is recommended as a new forage plant. 
“Tt can be kept from spreading by gathering fresh soil and fertilizers on the old 

The Revue Horticole, of August, 1894, states that Sacaline—the forage plant in 
vogue—attains a height of six metres (20 feet). 


Best [Method of Cultivating Sacaline. 

At the general agricultural meeting in Paris, some interesting specimens of the 
Sacaline were lately seen. After the experience of last year, when we sent consider- 
able quantities of it in various directions, and obtained useful information concerning 
the success of different methods of packing, we should say that Root Stocks or Seed, 
well packed, bear very long journeys perfectly. Their stratification or first wintering 
in the ground being preferable, it is best to procure in winter, say, from January to 
April, seeds and root cuttings. On getting them, they should be stratified for multi- 
plication with sand or sandy soil in a box or flower-pot, and protected from frost. 
The beds of root stocks or of seeds may be overlaid with a light layer of fine earth. 
In spring, when the buds of the stock begin to shoot, they should be placed in their 
final position, and thus vigorous roots of rapid growth are obtained. As to the 
seeds, when these begin to grow, on the appearance of the radicle, they should be 
treated like flower or vegetable seeds, sown first in a garden in good, rich soil, in 
rows; and afterwards put out into nursery beds, or in their final position. The double 
method of multiplication by roots and seeds enables a permanent plantation to be 
formed and combined. ‘The roots at several yards apart yield early vegetation and 
well-established stock from the first. 

Young plants raised from seed, planted at a distance of one yard apart, soon 
fill the intervening space and cover all the plot. The field under cultivation soon 
becomes covered, which is most economical and productive. 

Sacaline a Remedy for Scarcity of Forage. 

Le Jardin, of July 20, 1893, states that owing to the extreme scarcity of fodder 
in France. occasioned by the continued drought, the Minister of Agriculture has 
issued circulars giving advice as to what plants could be used as substitutes 
for hay, and that Sacaline is recommended as such. As this plant will not 
produce the greatest results the first year, it is recommended that farmers should 
import forage rather than sell their cattle at a ruinous sacrifice, which they have 
done to such a great extent. 

From ‘‘ Le Jardin’’ of June 5, 1894. (Mr. S. Mottet devotes three columns in 
this issue, describing minutely the growth, etc., of Sacaline.) ‘‘ Among the plants pro- 
posed to overcome the scarcity of forage, Sacaline is certainly the one in which the 
greatest interest has been taken. In fact, 

‘‘There is not one journal, horticultural, agricultural, or even political, 
which has not spoken of it and strongly recommended it. 

‘“Far from us the thought of saying that the Sacaline does not possess the 
marvellous qualities assigned to it as a forage, ornamental or economical plant. We 
think, on the contrary, that it can be utilized with profit in many given cases. 

“Tt is on the borders of the streams, ditches, etc., that the Sacaline makes the 
most prodigious growth. Undoubtedly it will resist drought and grow in poorest soil, 
owing to the depth of its root work, but its product will be much smaller.”’ 

Five Columns in Le Jardin. 

Mr. H. Martinet, Mr. J. Gerome and Mr. H. Sagnier devote five columms to Saca- 
line and P. Cuspidatum, in Le Jardin, of May 20, 1894, discussing their origin, merits 
and demerits. Among other things, they say : 

‘Cultivated as an ornamental plant, the Sacaline has a fault of spreading too 
rapidly beyond the limits assigned to it, and it is dificult to eradicate.”’ (This, we 
think, is one of the great claims in its favor as a forage plant; for this purpose 
we need something that cannot be killed, pulled out, or readily destroyed. Wedo not 
recommend planting it on valuable soil, but on waste lands where nothing else will 
grow—swamips, ditches, meadows, rocky or sloping lands that cannot be cultivated— 
but, at the same time, we would not hesitate to devote a good acreage to it wherever 
cattle are kept in quantity.) 


y From ‘Le Jardin.’’ 
Sacaline for Game Preserves. 

We are not aware that Sacaline has been recommended for forming game pre- 
serves in forest clearances, or for marshy places not used for cultivation, where its 
spreading propensities can be no objection. However, we give the idea for what it is 
worth, and we would advise our readers to try it. A proprietor friend of ours has 
already, upon our advice, planted a quantity of it for this purpose. 

The great claims made for Saca/ine have created a large demand for the seed, 
which certain merchants have been selling at the rate of 4,500 francs per kilo (about $400 
per pound). It has also induced unscrupulous parties to substitute seeds, roots and 
plants of another variety, P. Cuspidatum, which has no value whatever as a forage 
plant, for the true Sacaline, which is very scarce here. 

Lengthy articles appeared also in the Journal d@ Agriculture, in Le Journal and 
in Le Petit Journal, all showing that the plant has really created great excitement 

Sacaline—Its History and Discovery. 

Extract from Revue Horticole, of Paris, February 4, 1894, which devotes three 
full pages to Sacaline. 

The Sacaline, or Polygonum Sachalinense, was discovered in September of 1853, 
by Dr. Weyrich, and not by J. C. Maximowicz, as erroneously stated (J. D. Hooker in 
Bot. Mag. t. 6540), on the Island of Saghalin,* near Notosama. The plant was in 
bloom and spread over large areas of submergable land in continuous masses. It is 
from herbarium samples that F. Schmidt described it in Primitine Floree Amurensis, 
of Maximowicz. How was it introduced into Europe? This is not yet accurately 
known. The first plants that I saw in Moscow in 1869, and those which I brought to 
France, had already been for some time in Russia. Sir Joseph Hooker remembers 
what I stated in regard to it, a record of which will be found in my book, ‘‘ One 
Month in Russia,’’ published in 1869. He adds that the plant had already been grown 
at Kew for some years, having been sent there by Oldham or Wilford, English col- 
lectors. Some years after 1870 (when it was already in France and England, where 
W. Bull introduced it), a horticulturist from Ghent (Van Houtte?) sent it to the Paris 
Museum, where it bloomed for the first time in 1875. Dr. Masters had already 
spoken of it as an ornamental plant of great effect for parks, and it was everywhere 
considered as such. It took twenty-three years before its great value as a 
forage plant was discovered, and it was owing to the scarcity of forage during the 
severe drought of 1893 that the idea occurred to Mr. Doumet-Adanson to bring it to 
light. EDOUARD ANDRE, in Revue Horticole. 

Where Sacaline is needed. 

The face of the country from Laredo to San Diego, about 100 miles, does not differ materially 
in aspect from the country along the railway from Laredo to San Antonio, and the forests are com- 
posed of nearly the same kinds of shrubs. The country is more sandy, apparently more sterile, and 
shows less sign of civilization. Around the little village of Pena, the deep sand is blown and drifted 
like snow. It needs only the presence of Arabs and camels to make it a literal desert, But a few 
miles back we have seen an artesian well of moderate depth overflowing from a six-inch pipe. 
Such wells may prove the material salvation of this region. 

This part of Texas is mainly a cattle country. The occasional windmill towers, which the travel- 
ler may see from the car-windows, usually mark the location of the ranches. Vast tracts of land are 
he'd by the cattle-kings of Texas, containing from ten thousand to five hundred thousand and even a 
million acres. These ranges are valuable for stock-raising, because the original cost of the land is a 
mere trifle, and the present taxes are merely nominal The present drought, of nearly three years’ 
duration, has caused great losses of live stock through this region. It was told at Alice that, during 
the period of the drought, six hundred carloads of cattle-bones, gathered from the pastures, have been 
shipped from that station. All stock-raising in such a loose way is destructive to civilization, and to 
the natural wealth of the country. Even merely pastoral countries gradually become a desert The 
tendency is always to overstock the range. ‘To destroy and then to seek new pastures is the rule. A 
region depastured by cattle, swine, sheep and goats will rapidly change for the worst; and every 
plant and tree, whose leaves, fruit or roots any of those animals use for food, will, sooner or later, 

Our Sacaline would certainly be a gold mine to this section of the 
United States. 

* The Germans say Sachalins, hence the ‘‘Sachalinense,’’ given by Schmidt, should be used. 


Where to Plant Sacaline. 

Improving the Cattle Pastures. ° 


There is not one pasture out of fifty, in the Middle and New England States, that could not be 
made to produce an increased amount of feed, and of improved quality. Nearly every dairy farm 
contains more or less boggy land that is sodded over with a growth of ridges and marsh grass, which 
cows will not eat. This moist land is worth far more for grass than the dry soil about it, as it is richer 
and always moist. In its present condition, it is too moist to support timothy and clover, and needs 
some draining to make it available. Then, plowing and seeding to nutritious cultivated grasses 
would make it the most profitable pasture land on the farm. ; ; 

There are often large tracts upon the hillside fields of a soft, springy character, and covered with 
bog grass, which cannot be made dry enough by drainage to support even upland grasses. Such soil 
should be drained as well as possible (no draining required for Sacaline), and seeded to red-top, of 
which cattle are very fond. Besides the waste marsh land, the pastures may be studded with sterile 
knolls, supporting a growth of ferns, or other worthless vegetation, and these are also waste places. 
A limited amount of labor will eradicate the unprofitable growth, and clothe these spots with sweet, 
nutritious grass. But some say, ‘‘ Why should one be so particular about reclaiming these little cor- 
ners, when land is plenty?’ Every successful farmer and dairyman knows that it is not what land he 
owns, but the land he cultivates that yields a profit. It is vitally important that the fertility of dairy 
farms should not retrograde, as sterility of the soil would mean dairy failure. (Sacaline will enrich 
your landif plowed under.—A. B. & Co.) It is better to realize this now than to wake up to the fact 
atter the ruin has come. We should reclaim the waste places in our pastures, and husband the 
fertility of our dairy farms. No systems of feeding can wholly supplant nutritious and reliable pas- 
turage, and on its permanency rests the future stability of dairying. The sources of springs should 
be jealously guarded, and where it is expedient to drain an excessively moist spot in the pasture 
(there is where Sacaline will grow.—A. B. & Co.), the outlet should be directed, if possible, to a dry 
portion of the field, that the surplus water of one part may freshen the arid spots of another. 

The space in a pasture taken up by bushes, briars and weeds is waste ground, but that occupied 
by a judicious sprinkling of shade trees, well occupied. There is no reasov why pasture land should 
not produce a third more grass than at present. But it does not follow that a third more cows could 
be supported on the increased growth of grass. The cows at present do not have all that they 
could graze, and that is one reason why they do not yield more milk. In the matter of feed, 
always give the cow the benefit of the doubt ; in most cases, more food can be supplied with profit. 
Seen will, at all times, give more fodder on one acre of land than five acres planted to any other 

River Lands in the South. 


The lowlands near the rivers are the richest soils in the South, and, of course, are the best. To be 
profitably utilized for cultivation, they must be properly drained. If they are to remain too wet for 
satisfactory cultivation, they are valueless, so far as farming them is concerned. ‘The lowlands are 
continually being enriched, by reason of overflows that Jeave a valuable sediment upon them. A 
large share of the fertility of our uplands in the South is constantly being washed away by reason of 
the imperfect methods of managing them, and this soil fertility is much of it deposited on the low- 
lands, and is lost where the lowlands are not well enough protected against the floods to invite profit- 
able cultivation with plow and hoe; they can best be utilized by putting them down to grass, permia- 
nent meadow. The grass will hold the soil from washing, and catch and retain rich sediment. There 
are many grasses that would prove very profitable in such soils, especialiy Bermuda and Timothy, 
and even very many of our native wet land grasses that now seem to be of so little agricultural value. 
Japan clover, Lespedeza striata, would succeed admirably in such soils if not excessively wet. Grasses 
grown on such soils would be necessarily more nutritious than if grown on less fertile lands. We 
cannot afford not to utilize these rich lands to the very best advantage possible, and there is no crop 
that will pay on them so well as a grass crop. 

Clover and Some of its Enemies. 

Clover rust, during the last three years, has become a serious enemy to rowen or second crop 
clover, at least in Iowa, The fungus causing this disease is called Uvomyces tvifoliz, and is related to 
comnion wheat rust. It has long been known to occur on white clover in this country, although first 
observed on red clover by Professor Underwood, in 1888, near Syracuse, N. Y. It has now been 
reported in other localities in the United States. Miss Howell, writing about this disease near Ithaca, 
N. Y., says: ‘‘The disease has not been long known in America, but has prevailed to such an 
extent during the several wet seasons preceding 1890, in many sections of the Northern States, that it 
must be regarded as a disease likely to affect seriously, under conditions favorable to its development, 
a farin crop.’’ I have seen it so common at Ames, that, in picking clover, my hands became covered 
with the brown spores. 

We will furnish electrotypes of cuts in this pamphlet to journals desiring to call 
the attention of their readers to the value of this ‘‘ New Forage Plant.” 


(Polygonum Sachalinense,) 

ESN EWeartOrwnGr PA Na, 

Is perfectly hardy even in Siberia—Flourishes in the Indies. 
Requires no plowing before planting. 
Needs no cultivation, no manuring, no re-planting. 
Roots penetrate deep into the soil. 
Once planted, stands forever. 

Endures severest drought with impunity 
Grows in poorest soils. Luxuriates in wet lands. 
Thrives where no other forage plant will grow. 
Young shoots and leaves eaten as a vegetable. 
Stems and leaves, green or dry, greatly relished by cattle, sheep and horses. 
More nutritious than Clover or Lucerne. 
Gives three and four cuttings per year. 
Produces 90 to 180 tons of green forage per acre. 
Grows 14 feet high by June. 

Excellent soil enricher. Planted at any time. 
Affords shade to cattle in Summer. 
Protection against storms in Winter. 

Floods will not destroy it. Fire will not kill it. 
Cattle cannot trample it out. 

Seed has been sold at $1,000 per pound. 
Endorsed by the highest authcrities. 

First introduced as a forage plant by 

A. BLANC & CO., 

Favorably described and noticed by editors 

of ‘* The American Agriculturist,” ‘‘ Garden and 
Forest,’ ‘‘The Garden,’’ ‘* Gardeners’ Chron- 
icle,’’ ‘‘ Gardening Illustrated,’’ ‘‘ The Journal of 
Horticulture,”’ *‘ Revue Horticole,’’ ‘‘ Chronique 
Horticole,’’ ‘*‘ Le Jardin,” ‘‘ Revue de 1|’Horti- 
culture Belge,’”’ ‘‘ Le Petit Havre,” ‘‘Le Petit 
Marseillais,’’ ‘‘ Le Provencal,’’ ‘* Moller’s Deut- 
sche Gartner Zeitung,’’ ‘‘The Indian Agricul- 
turist,”’ ‘‘ The Practical Farmer,” etc., etc., 

extracts from which will be found in 

illustrated pamphlet sent on application. 


The New Forage Plant. 


From L. H. Bailey, Professor of Horticulture, Cornell University. 
“We are growing Polygonum Sachalinense this year for the first time. From everything 

which I can learn from other sources, I am prepared to believe that it will be a valuable plant for 
many parts of the country.” 

From Mr. Samuel Wilson, Seedsman, Mechanicsville, Pa. 

‘““T want something extra-good in the shape of a Forage Plant. The most of our fall catalogues 
go to Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and other places where an everlasting Forage plant is needed, 
something that will grow in dry places without irrigation, and will flourish on the burning sides 
of volcanic mountains. This, your NEW AND WONDERFUL FORAGE PLANT will do. We have a 
plant sent by you, growing on our grounds. It seems to get right up without any care or trouble, 
and spreads rapidly. Now, what I want to know is whether you will not let me put it in my Fall 
Catalogue, and get it introduced into these dry countries. This would certainly help your sales 
next spring, and for a long time to come.’’ 

Mr. Wilson backed up his good opinion of Sacaline with an order for 30,000 plants. 

From Mr. Chas. I. Cragin, Philadelphia, Ex-President of the Cragin Cattle Company, 

‘Tam sure that your zew forage plant will be a great thing for the Cattle Ranges of the 

From Gabriel Du Val, Attorney-at-Law, Baltimore, Md. 

“What you write about the new fodder is, at least, interesting, and as in this age every intelli- 
gent farmer should, I think, be ready to take advantage of any new and successful agricultural 
experiment, I am disposed to give your plant a trial. Anything in the way of long fodder as 
feed for stock approaching the nutritious quality of timothy or clover, hay, or, indeed, corn-fodder, 
would unquestionably be valuable. I havea bit of meadow which, from what you say, I think 
would be suitable for a trial, but I would not care to put in more than half, maybe one acre, asa 
first planting.”’ 

From Mr. W. R. Smith, Director of the White House Gardens, and Ex-President Society of American Florists. 

“Tt is a plant of immense value to cattle-raisers. Come to Washington and call the attention 
of the Agricultural Department to it.”’ 

From Mr. Robert Craig, Ex-President of Society of American Florists. 

“Your Sacaline is certainly a wonderful plant. It has made tremendous growth. I have fed 
it to horses, and they seem to like it.”’ 

Dr. Wm. Van Fleet, Editor of Success with Flowers, says: 

‘“T have taken a hundred plants of Sacaline to my farm in Virginia, where fodder is extremely 
scarce. It will certainly be of great value in that state.’’ 

From Antoine Wintzer, West Grove, Pa. 

‘The farmers around here are very much interested in your new forage plant. I have no 
doubt you can sell thousands of it here as soon as you have sufficient stock. I am propagating 
the plants sent to me to their utmost capacity.’’ 

J’rom Charles H. Allen, Floral Park, L. I. 

“What I hear and have read about Sacaline assures me that it will become a valuable forage 
plant. As soon as you are ready to put it on the market I want a large number of the plants.”’ 

From Major Albert Bonnafon. 

_-Thave lived among cattle-raisers in the West for years. If half of what is said about Sacaline 
is true, it will revolutionize cattle raising in the West, and turn worthless lands into rich and valu- 
able grazing grounds. Stock raisers will be hungry for it, and you will not be able to raise enough 
plants to supply the demand. There is a fortune in it for yoz, if you do not let anyone get ahead, 
From Mr. F. B. Mills, Rose Hill, N. Y. 

“You may reserve for me 20,000 roots of Sacaline and ten pounds of the seed.’’ 

From John A. Salzer Seed Co., Lacrosse. Wis. 

~ “Book our order for 10 pounds of Sacaline in addition to 25 pounds ordered before.”’ 
From George W. West, Shelly Bay, Bermuda. 
“If Sacaline does one-fourth of what is said about it, it will certainly prove a most valuable 

plant for the West Indies, where we need forage at all times. I should be pleased to introduce it 
here, and will undoubtedly call the attention of our government to it.’’ 

From Mr. John German, Haddonfield, N. J. 

““T planted the root of Sacaline which you sent me in the driest spot on my farm, where clover 
and even grass would not grow. Yet in three months it made a solid bush three feet high and six- 
teen feet in circumference. Not a leaf wilted during a drought of nearly ten weeks.’’ 

The New Forage Plant. 


Our stock of plants and roots will not be 
ready for delivery until December ist. All 
orders will be filled in rotation as received. 
We will deliver strong and well-rooted plants 
from 2%4-inch pots, that can be set out at once 
in mild localities. 

Prices for Delivery December 1 to March 15. 

100 plants ee ee DRL OOO) 
1,000 ‘ Ee se 5/3 SO 
5,000 < io Pot BO ah) ae ES 5 OOO 

10,000 =“ ios Nou ee O75 OO 
Prices for Delivery after March 15, 1895. 

TOOhplants) os a ee ROBO 
Ts OCOMEane NYS mais... 7° 00 
5,000 ‘ 5 aioli ha, eres 2 SOO) 

10,000 =‘ at po B10 o a o COD OO 


Our stock of Sacaline Seed is at this date 
nearly all engaged; we have but a limited 
quantity remaining unsold. Delivery will be 
made as soon as fresh crop is received—prob- 
ably by December tst, or sooner (there are 
nearly 100,000 seeds to one pound). 

TOUDCEN a rats ce ORS O) 
¥ pound WM Doc aes a 0.) 1S OO 
Tass LGA ae? 5 BOO) 
5) use : 2 2) = LOOrCO 

Special prices for larger quantities. 
These prices are without engagement, sub- 
ject to being unsold, and likely to be increased. 
Introducer’s price to-day, $40 per 10,000 seeds. 

Showing two months’ growth. Unknown customers will please give satis- 

factory references. 
The principal Seedsmen and Nurserymen have agreed to make the retail price for 
Plants 25 cents each, three for 60 cents, six for $1; Seed, 15 cents per packet. 


The great demand for Sacaline, and the consequent scarcity and high price, has induced cer- 
tain parties to offer Polygonum Cuspidatum under the name of Polygonum Sachalinense. 
Plants received from several firms (even the one which supplied the Agricultural Department at 
Washington) proved, with one exception, to be Cuspidatum. Seed, which has been sent at a low 

price to prominent seedsmen, has also proved to be spurious. 
Our plants are the genuine species. We have propagated and grown everyone of them ourselves. 

Ordered by the United States Agricultural Department. 
The Agricultural Department of Washington, D. C., has purchased a large number of plants of Sacaline for 
distribution among the various National Experimental Stations. 
From Prof. J. L. Budd, lowa Agricultural College, Department of Horticulture, Ames, lowa 
“We got our Polygonum Sachalinense (Sacaline) in Russia. You are right; your large leaf is a true species. 
The old stalks dry up and stand erect. My assistant, Professor Hansen, has been in Europe all summer. He 
believes Sacaline will be very valuable in the dry West as a forage plant. It is very hardy, and has stood here 
twelve years without cover, ad proves quite a spreader from the running roots. It may not be easy to get rid 
of in crop rotation, but one spot could be reserved in practical use as a fodder.” 

We will furnish TO THE TRADE Our FORAGE-PLANT PAMPHLET, 16 pages, illustrated, printed 
on LIGHTER PAPER than copy herewith, at the following rates: 

100 for $2, 500 for $8, 1,000 for $15, 5,000 for $65. 

Our name does not appear on these Pamphlets. Purchaser’s name can be printed on cover at 
an extra cost of $1 for 100, $2.50 for 500, $3.50 for 1,000; no extra charge on 5,000 lots. 

aren A. Branc & Co.,, 

314-316 North Eleventh St. Philadelphia, Pa., U. Ss. A. 
Electrotypes will be furnished free to Horticultural Journals, also to Seedsmen 
and Nurserymen ordering a liberal quantity of Plants or Seed. 
‘NOVEMBER ust, 1894. 

1tS Introduction Wit Hieanuce, sce, : 
The young, white shoots are eatable, but they do not rival 
asparagus, though its splendid foliage may be made use of for 

SACALINE (Polygonum Sachalinense ) 

garnishing dessert and for packing fruit. Moreover, the experi- 
ments of M. Doumet-Adanson on the forage uses of our Poly- 
gonez transmitted to the Academie des Sciences of Paris by M. 
Duchartre, and the communications I have made to the Societe 
Nationale @ Agriculture of France have brought the plant into 
notice, and called the attention of farmers to it. The Sacaline 
was discovered by the Russian explorer, Maximowicz, in the Isle 
of Saghalin, situated in the Sea of Okhotsk, between Japan and 
Siberia, a moderately large island, ceded to Russia by Japan 
in exchange for the Kurile Archipelago. In 1869, Edouard 
André noticed this new introduction, in the Jardin @ Acclimata- 
tion of Moscow, where it was exceedingly decorative, and brought 
it into France, telling us of its vigorous growth both above and 
below ground. The roots branch on all sides, and pass hori- 
zontally from the rhizomes, penetrating the hardest soils and 
giving origin to new shoots which further increase tlie size of 
the clump. The stems are numerous and closely set; they 
vegetate early, and are not long in attaining a height of nearly 
ten feet. Small, long, zigzag ramifications develop in the mid- 
dle and at the top of the luxuriant plant. 

SACALINE is offered to the trade in seeds and 
plants by A. BLANC & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. 
Send for Illustrated Pamphlet. 

The total produce ofthe green forage may range from about 
forty-four to eighty-eight pounds per square yard, (or ninety- 
five to one hundred an ninety green tons per acre.) According 
to the observations of the president, M. Doumet, cattle are ex- 
tremely fond of it. M. Edouard Andre has tried it under these 
conditions, also M. Gustave Huot, president du Comite Agricole de 
l’ Aube, and so have other growers with equal success. T he Saca- 
line has not yielded seed in this climate, so it has to be multiplied | 
by the rhizomes. The best time to plant it isin August and Sep- | 
tember, or in spring. An ordinary soil suffices: nevertheless, a | 
little extra moisture serves to increase the strength and facilitate | 
a second greencrop. During the winter no protection is needed. 
The dormant stems should be cut down in spring before the 
new buds develop. In spacing the plants, allow for three feet of 
ground being covered by the abundant and nutritive vegetation. 

+S eo 


There never has been a time. when the question of forage 
plants did not merit consideration here. Portions of the West 
have passed through a drought such as we have not had for 
years. There can be no question that certain of our best forage | 
plants have suffered seriously and we shall have a thin stand 
next vear. In Garden and Forest attention is called to Poly- 
gonum Sachalinense (Sacaline) which has received such high | 
praise in Europe. It is certain that this plant will prove valua- | 
ble in many parts of the United States, especially in the West. 
It is not only perfectly hardy in Central lowa, so far as cold is | 
concerned, but it stands the dry weather remarkably well. We. 
have had no rain to speak of since the latter part of July, but 
this plant is as green at the end of September as it was early | 
in July. The root stock of this plant is sent out in all direc- | 
tions. The original plant has been in a dry place for many 
years, but in all this time it has not once been killed back. It | 
is a remarkable grower, early in June many stalks were fourteen 
feet in length ! !_What is needed in the West is a plant that | 
can be used in August and September when pastures are nearly | 
always short. df the first. and_second crop could be used for | 
the silo (it is satd it can) the crop in August and September | 
would be excellent for immediate use. Rape. is now used to | 
some extent, but the Polygonum. Sachalinense would be easier to 
grow as it does not require replanting every year as rape does. 

Professor L. H. PAMMELL. 

Towa Agricultural College, Ames, lowa.—In Garden and 

Forest, October 11th. 


Water (ag Ceti ie or seis lmcetel) clits Wlles some arr aL me tea anaes Old 
Osganic Nitrogenous:mattery= se clei mecen mn 19 06 
IDEAS OTE NONE GGG So Lig\poulOn ODO 60. OF OO, bo ac hae 4.4 
Woody, matter og. sieu-el ogee ees he ee ee 81 
Extractive matter not Nicene = phan i labet ola en ant 24.64 
Mineral Mattersis see mkem cara mene en aaa ST er canes 7.4. 
Phosphoric Acid. . . ere : alpine eee bac) 1.57 

This analysis proves Sacaline to Be more nutritious than 
Clover or Lucerne, which contains: only 16% of Nitrogenous 
matter and 3% of fatty matter.—C. BaLter. 

SACALINE is offered to the trade in seeds and 
plants by A. BLANC & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. 
Send for Illustrated Pamphlet. 

SACALINE (Polygonum Sachalinense). 

Photo. of one year’s growth of a twenty-year-old plant, which has 
never been cultivated, manured or replanted.