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( Second  Edition , Revised  and  Greatly  Enlarged ) 





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New  Zealand  Ferns 

A TRIBUTE  to  the  ferns  of  New  Zealand  in  the 
form  of  a popular  illustrated  description  may 
Lnot  come  amiss  during  the  Great  War,  that 
titanic  conflict  in  which  our  soldiers  have  borne  the 
National  Emblem  with  honour  round  the  world.  The 
enemies  of  the  British  Empire  have  been  taught  to 
fear,  the  Allies  to  respect,  the  down-trodden  peoples  to 
hail  as  deliverers,  those  vigorous  young  battalions  bear- 
ing as  their  badge  the  fern-leaf  of  New  Zealand. 

There  can  have  been  no  hesitation  in  choosing  the 
fern  as  the  national  plant;  it  is  questionable  if  ferns 
formed  so  large  a proportion  of  the  vegetation  in  any 
other  country  as  they  did  in  New  Zealand  before  the 
advent  of  the  white  man.  Even  now  there  are  thousands 
upon  thousands  of  acres  monopolised  by  the  bracken; 
groves  upon  groves  of  tree-ferns  in  the  sequestered 
glades  of  our  forests,  on  river  banks  and  hillsides;  mile 
upon  mile  of  roads,  and  gullies  innumerable  bordered 
with  the  palm-like  fronds  of  Lomaria ; millions  of  tree 
trunks  decked  and  festooned  from  root  to  summit  with 
the  most  beautiful  forms  imaginable;  square  miles  of 
the  moist  Westland  forests  carpeted  with  the  trans- 
lucent cups  of  the  kidney  fern.  It  is  the  same  story 
from  one  end  of  the  Dominion  to  the  other — ferns 
everywhere  ; on  surf  - beaten  rocks,  rolling  downs, 
swamps,  hungry  clay  land  that  will  hardly  support  a 
blade  of  grass,  shady  forests  where  they  revel  in  the 
greatest  luxuriance,  mountain  tops  up  to  the  snow  line, 
upon  lava  flows — even  the  black  cinder  slopes  of  Rangi- 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

To  a newcomer  the  variety  and  abundance  of  the  ferns 
is  simply  bewildering.  Noble  tree-ferns  raising  their 
feathered  tops  high  above  the  bushes  until  a hillside 
when  viewed  from  a distance  appears  to  be  clothed  with 
nothing  else.  Tree  trunks  adorned  with  pellucid  fronds 
that  give  an  indescribable  luxuriance  to  the  scene; 
drooping  species  of  Asplenium  hanging  from  the  forks 
of  great  trees;  broad  glistening  leaves  that  brighten  the 
gloom  of  a shady  dell ; fronds  of  pure  tender  green  ris- 
ing from  the  ground  in  graceful  curves  to  the  height  of 
a man;  the  sides  and  summits  of  grey  weather-beaten 
rocks  made  beautiful  with  masses  of  shining  Polypod- 
ium; acre  upon  acre  of  the  sweet-scented  Pteris;  banks 
of  trembling  maidenhair.  Their  beauties  are  endless.  One 
could  fill  a volume  and  still  not  describe  a tithe  of 
Nature’s  prodigality. 


The  study  of  botany  as  a science  is  comparatively 
modern,  dating,  practically  from  the  time  of  Linnaeus, 
who  introduced  his  initial  reform  in  the  year  1736. 
He  was  the  first  to  attempt  a classification  of  the  ferns, 
of  which  he  enumerated  190  species,  using  as  a guide  to 
his  genera  the  outward  appearances  of  the  plants,  a plan 
which  naturally  led  to  some  confusion.  Dr.  Swartz,  in 
1806,  increased  the  number  of  species  to  700,  Sprengel 
to  1,309  in  1836,  and  Sir  William  Hooker  to  2,400  in 
1846.  At  the  present  day  there  are  not  less  than  3,500. 

If  Linnaeus  got  into  difficulties  with  the  classification 
of  190  species,  the  attempt  to  classify  3,500  on  the  same 
system  would  have  ended  in  chaos.  Some  more  reliable 
guide  than  the  shape  of  the  plant  had  to  be  discovered. 
It  was  found  in  the  seeds  and  their  receptacles  and  in 
their  position  on  the  veins.  Hooker  and  Baker’s  “Syn- 
opsis Filicum”  divided  the  species  into  75  genera,  31  of 
which  are  represented  in  New  Zealand.  But  even  the 
present  system  is  not  quite  perfect,  as  can  be  shown  by 
the  genus  Polypodiuni — many  footed,  in  allusion  to  the 
number  of  rootlets  by  which  some  of  the  species  hold  on 

New  Zealand  Ferns 


to  the  rocks  and  trees  up  which  they  climb.  The  seeds 
of  the  common  Polypody  of  Europe  are  placed  on  the 
back  of  the  frond  in  roundish  masses  without  any  pro- 
tective covering — indusium,  as  the  botanists  call  it. 
Therefore  all  ferns  bearing  such  seeds  are  classed  as 
P olyp odium,  though  a large  number  of  them  have  but 
a single  tufted  root,  and  do  not  climb.  Consequently  it 
must  be  borne  in  mind  that  the  name  Polypodium  doe-s 
not  necessarily  imply  a many-footed  plant,  but  one  that 
bears  naked,  roundish  seeds. 

Mr.  John  Smith,  for  many  years  curator  of  Ivew  Gar- 
dens, suggested  a system  based  on  the  growth  of  ferns, 
but  he  found  few  followers,  and  Hooker’s  system  is 
the  one  generally  adopted  in  the  British  Empire  and 

Before  the  advent  of  Darwin’s  theory  of  the  “Origin 
of  Species,”  most  botanists  believed  that  each  species 
was  a separate  creation  and  immutable,  entitled  there- 
fore, to  a separate  name.  This  led  to  frequent  misun- 
derstandings about  the  intermediate  forms  that  connect 
some  of  the  species  with  each  other,  a difficulty  which 
Darwin’s  theory  explains,  though  it  does  not  make  the 
classification  any  easier.  To  be  told  that  plants  are 
always  producing  varieties,  and  that  if  any  of  these  are 
profitable  to  the  plant,  that  one  will  have  a better  chance 
of  surviving,  seems  to  make  a hard  and  fast  division 
only  more  difficult. 

To  take  a concrete  example.  Pellaca  falcata  and  P. 
rotundifolia  are  to  be  found  near  Auckland,  growing 
together  in  the  same  locality,  though  rotundifolia  is  far 
the  more  abundant  plant.  Typical  specimens  of  the  two 
are  very  different  from  each  other,  yet  there  are  a num- 
ber of  gradations  which  connect  them.  Which  is  the  or- 
iginal type?  One  might  say  falcata , it  is  being  left  behind 
and  slowly  exterminated  in  the  struggle  for  existence  by 
the  more  prolific  rotundifolia,  which  also  explains  its 
rarity.  Yet,  how  do  we  know  that  falcata  is  not  the  new 
type,  which  in  course  of  time  will  swamp  the  other?  Or 
the  original  form  may  be  midway  between  the  two. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

To  paraphrase  Darwin,  we  are  so  profoundly  ignor- 
ant of  the  plants  living  round  us,  that  no  one  can  tell 
why  one  species  spreads  and  is  numerous,  and  another 
has  a narrow  range  and  is  rare. 

Take  that  most  puzzling  genus  Asplenium.  One  could 
not  have  more  divergent-looking  species  than  A.  bulbi- 
fcnnn  and  A.  flaccidum;  the  one  terrestrial,  viviparous, 
with  a broad  succulent  frond;  the  other  epiphytic,  gen- 
erally non-viviparous,  with  narrow  tough  fronds.  Yet 
they  are  connected  with  each  other  by  a series  of  inter- 
mediate forms. 

One  is  forced  to  Darwin’s  conclusion  that  the  term 
species  is  arbitrarily  given  for  the  sake  of  convenience. 
The  manner  of  bearing  seeds  in  Asplenium  gives  us  a 
convenient  and  easily-recognised  guide  to  a large  group 
of  ferns.  The  collector  must  not  expect  every  rarity  he 
finds  to  be  a new  species  or  even  a new  variety;  it  may 
be  only  one  of  the  puzzling  connecting  links. 

No  doubt  locality  has  something  to  do  with  the  diver- 
gent forms.  I remember  spending  a day  on  the  Moro-tiri 
Islands;  the  leaves  of  all  the  trees  had  a slightly  different 
appearance  from  those  on  the  mainland.  There  seems  a 
probability  that  Asplenium  lucidum  and  A.  obtusatum 
— the  roots  of  one  luxuriating  in  the  rich  vegetable 
mould  of  the  shady  forest,  the  other  existing  precari- 
ously on  storm-beaten  cliffs  near  the  sea — are  really  the 
same  species  growing  in  different  environments,  though 
it  is  not  likely  that  they  could  be  brought  together  again. 
The  stunted,  dwarfed  obtusatum  must  have  existed  in 
its  present  habitat  for  such  countless  ages  that  it  would 
possibly  take  as  long'  a period  to  re-develop  and  re-ex- 
pand  its  growth  to  the  extent  of  A.  lucidum. 

Botanists,  who  are  by  no  means  at  one  on  the  question 
of  species,  may  be  divided  into  two  camps — what  might 
be  called  Liberals  and  Conservatives — those  who  would 
increase  the  number  of  genera  and  species,  and  those 
who  would  reduce  them.  Until  the  advent  of  Hooker  the 
Liberals  held  the  field ; the  number  of  varieties  recorded 

New  Zealand  Ferns 


was  appalling.  In  his  “British  Ferns,”  Thos.  Moore  de- 
scribes 44  species  and  no  less  than  462  varieties!  Since 
the  publication  of  his  book  in  1875  the  pendulum  has 
swung  the  other  way — botanists  have  become  more  con- 

No  doubt  a man  of  world-wide  experience  like  Dr. 
Hooker;  who  had  access  to  the  great  British  herbarium 
at  Ivew  numbering  50,000  specimens,  would  be  inclined 
to  lump  together  a number  of  examples  from  different 
countries;  whereas  the  local  collector,  from  his  narrower 
outlook,  would  separate  them. 

I am  inclined  to  think  some  of  the  New  Zealand  bot- 
anists err  on  the  conservative  side.  Bearing  in  mind 
Darwin's  conclusion  that  the  term  species  is  arbitrarily 
given  for  the  sake  of  convenience,  not  because  all  fulfil 
the  character  implied  by  the  name,  a genus  of  ferns  has 
been  given  the  name  of  Poly  podium,  though  a large 
number  of  them  are  not  many-footed. 

Some  argue  that  if  two  species  are  connected  by  a 
series  of  intermediates  they  should  be  classed  as  one  and 
the  same  species.  That  is  to  say,  they  should  be  differ- 
ently treated  from  two  other  species  where  the  interme- 
diates have  disappeared.  This  seems  to  be  harking  back 
to  the  original  creation  theory.  What  we  require  is  a 
convenient  division  of  the  genus  into  certain  easily 
recognised  groups. 

Ptcris  macilenta,  Var.  pendula,  and  P.  comans  have 
a strong  family  likeness  to  one  another,  but  are  suffi- 
ciently distinct  to  be  easily  recognised ; to  class  them  as 
one  species  would  lead  only  to  confusion.  Indeed,  a fur- 
ther division  of  P.  macilenta  might  be  of  advantage  to 
collectors.  The  two  specimens  illustrated  on  pages  173 
and  175  have  well-marked  and  very  constant  features, 
which  they  maintain  even  when  growing  side  by  side 
under  cultivation.  In  the  same  way,  I believe,  as  the 
numbers  of  observers  increase  and  ferns  are  more  care- 
fully studied,  the  time  will  come  when  some  of  the  step- 
ping stones  between  the  species  of  Asplenium  will  be 
classed  as  distinct  varieties,  if  not  species. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

The  variation  of  species  must  be  an  extremely  slow 
operation  in  nature.  If  the  plants  on  a certain  area  have 
been  striving  for  a “better  place  in  the  sun”  for  millions 
and  millions  of  years,  every  conceivable  form  of  varia- 
tion must  have  been  exhausted  many  times  over.  It  is 
only  when  something  extraordinary  happens  to  upset 
the  balance  of  Nature  that  the  change  is  visible  to  the 
human  eye;  for  example,  the  introduction  of  the  furze 
bush  into  New  Zealand. 

The  other  day  I was  exploring  one  of  the  few  wild 
places  near  Auckland.  Every  step  over  the  rough  scoria 
rocks  brought  before  my  eyes  some  fresh  beauty — a pile 
of  hoary  slabs  grey  with  lichen,  decked  with  the  radiat- 
ing fronds  of  Pcllaca  rotundifolia,  the  chinks  giving 
shelter  to  tender  sprays  of  Asplenium  flabellifolium; 
bunches  of  Astelia  beneath  which  peeped  handsome 
fronds  of  Asplenium  falcatum;  an  aged  ngaio  tree  re- 
newing its  youthful  appearance  with  a gay  cloak  of 
Polypodium  serpens;  miniature  forests  of  Cheilanthes 
Sicberi,  their  trim  fronds  as  straight  as  pine  trees. 

Then  I encountered  a thicket  of  furze  pushing  its  way 
ruthlessly  over  everything,  choking  and  smothering  each 
native  plant  that  came  in  its  path.  Climbing  a wall  to 
gain  the  road,  I entered  a land  of  desolation — black 
earth,  black  rocks,  black  furze  stumps;  not  a sign  of  the 
delicate  trailing  ferns,  the  climbing  polypodium,  the  grey 
lichen;  not  a green  blade  to  be  seen!  This  was  a visible 
change  with  a vengeance;  the  beautiful  native  flora 
utterly  killed  by  the  prickly  alien,  which  would  come  up 
all  the  thicker  for  having  been  burnt — a veritable  Hun 
in  Arcadia! 

To  lighten  this  gloomy  picture  of  the  march  of  “pro- 
gress” (?)  I will  give  an  example  of  retrocession.  In 
1878  I was  stationed  at  Picton.  The  sweet-smelling 
musk  from  some  garden  had  run  wild  over  a large  area 
of  swamp  land  skirted  by  the  railway  line.  Not  only  was 
the  surface  of  the  swamp  yellow  with  flowers,  but  the 
scent  was  quite  noticeable  on  the  train  as  one  went  bv. 

New  Zealand  Ferns 


Twenty  years  later  I was  again  in  Picton.  Remember- 
ing my  former  experience,  I looked  out  for  the  musk — • 
it  was  gone!  Only  after  a careful  search  along  the  edge 
of  the  swamp  did  I find  a solitary  plant — and  there  had 
formerly  been  hundreds  of  acres ! 


Several  attempts  have  been  made  to  find  popular 
names  for  the  New  Zealand  ferns.  Mr.  T.  W.  Potts 
went  into  the  question  whole-heartedly.  No  matter  how 
uncouth  or  crabbed  the  scientific  names,  he  roped  them 
all  in.  Gleichenia  became  “Tangle-fern”;  Asplenium 
flaccidum,  “Planging-tree  Spleenwort”  (I  prefer  Miss 
Pules’  “Feeble  Spleenwort”) ; Nephrodium  hispidum, 
“Hairy  Boss-fern”;  Nothochlaena  distans,  “Woolly- 
cloak  Fern”  (one  of  the  best)  ; Schizaca  fistulosa,  “Slen- 
der Comb-fern”;  Lygodium  articulatum,  “Climbing- 
string Fern”;  Loxsoma  seems  to  have  floored  him;  he 
could  do  nothing  better  than  “Loxsoma-fern.”  The 
quaintest  I keep  to  the  last,  Adiantum  hispidulum, 
“Hairy  Maidenhair”  (the  inclination  to  drop  the  last 
syllable  is  irresistible). 

Mr.  H.  C.  Field  also  tried  his  hand,  but  with  more 
restraint.  Adiantum  formosum,  “Plumed  Maidenhair” ; 
Adiantum  aethiopiciim,  “African  Maidenhair”  (I  fancy 
it  will  always  be  called  “The  True  Maidenhair”)  ; Ptcris 
tremula,  “Scented  Fern”  (surely  this  is  more  applicable 
to  P.  scabenila?) . When  he  calls  Nephrodium  veluti- 
num , one  of  our  most  beautiful  species,  “Dirty-fern,”  it 
makes  my  gorge  rise. 

With  names,  as  with  species,  I fancy  it  will  be  a case 
of  the  survival  of  the  fittest.  If  Mr.  Potts’  “Woolly- 
cloak  Fern,”  Miss  Pules’  “Feeble  Spleenwort,”  and  Mr. 
Field’s  “Plumed  Maidenhair”  survive,  they  have  each 
done  something  to  be  proud  of. 

Four  of  the  Maori  names — the  natives  distinguished 
only  a few  of  the  species — may  persist.  Cyathca  rncdid- 
laris,  “Mamaku  or  Korau”;  Cyathca  dealbata,  “Ponga”; 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

Marattia  fraxinea,  ‘"Para”  (pronounced  short);  Lygo- 
dimn  articulatum,  “Mange-mange.”  Some  of  the  popu- 
lar names  have  come  to  stay.  Trichomanes  reniforme, 
“Kidney-fern”;  Cyathea  medullaris  “Black  Tree-fern”; 
Cyathea  dcalbata,  “Silver  King”;  Adiantum  aethiopi- 
cam,  “Maidenhair”;  Gleichenia  Cunninghaniii,  “Um- 
brella-fern”; Todca  Supcrba,  “Prince  of  Wales  Feath- 
ers”; Marattia  fraxinea,  “King-fern.” 

When  all  is  said,  a name  is  not  of  vital  importance, 
but  it  is  as  easy  to  select  a good  one  as  a bad  one,  a 
truth  which  the  great  European  botanists  do  not  seem 
to  have  realised.  There  is  something  revolting  in  calling 
such  a dainty  creation  as  a fern,  a plant  that  cannot  en- 
dure the  least  foulness  of  soil,  air,  or  water,  by  such  a 
name  as  “pustulatum”  (covered  with  pustules)  ; that  its 
obvious  perfections  should  be  overlooked  in  favour  of 
so  repulsive  a comparison. 

One  does  not  expect  much  imagination  in  a German 
botanist;  but  Dr.  Swartz  might  have  managed  some- 
thing better,  when  naming  one  of  the  noblest  families 
of  tree-ferns  in  the  world,  than  an  allusion  to  a micro- 
scopic peculiarity  of  the  seed  vessels ; a more  dignified 
title  for  the  “Silver  King”  tree-fern  than  “The  white 
fern  with  a cup-shaped  seed  vessel”;  something  more 
inspiring  for  the  monarch  of  the  fern  grove,  a giant  who 
towers  to  a height  of  50ft.,  one  of  the  loftiest  in  the 
world,  than  “The  pithy  fern  with  a cup-shaped  seed 
vessel”;  the  imagination  is  not  exalted  by  the  mention 
of  such  a poor  material  as  pith. 

Why  should  the  most  beautiful  fern  in  New  Zealand 
be  called  “Herr  Tode’s  superb”?  to  make  a literal  trans- 
lation; it  smacks  too  much  of  labelling  a cask  of  lager 
beer.  This  is  a name  which  may  very  well  be  altered. 

No  systematic  plan  has  been  followed  in  finding  names 
for  the  31  genera  existing  in  New  Zealand.  Fourteen 
refer  to  the  seeds,  six  are  called  after  individuals,  three 
from  the  frond,  and  one  each  from  the  habitat,  medi- 
cinal properties,  root,  and  stalk.  In  selecting  the  indi- 

New  Zealand  Ferns 


viduals  for  so  distinguished  an  honour  a cosmopolitan 
taste  has  been  shown.  Two  were  Scotchmen,  two  Ger- 
mans, one  Italian,  and  one  Englishman — Mr.  Doody,  a 
London  apothecary. 

I understand  that  some  of  the  names  will  be  altered 
in  the  forthcoming  revised  edition  of  Mr.  Cheese- 
man’s  Manual.  But  as  it  may  be  two  or  three  years 
before  this  is  out,  I think  it  wiser  not  to  attempt  any 
alterations.  This  changing  of  names  is  a source  of 
irritation  to  the  public,  who  would  prefer  something 
fixed  and  immutable.  They  are  only  concerned  in 
a designation  by  which  they  may  know  the  fern; 
advertising  the  name  of  the  finder  does  not  interest 
the  general  public. 


As  a photographic  picture  of  the  plant  itself  will  give 
a more  accurate  representation  than  the  most  laboured 
description,  and  in  a fraction  of  the  time,  I have  ob- 
tained an  illustration  of  practically  each  known  species 
and  variety  of  fern  in  New  Zealand,  and  have  confined 
the  description  to  those  points  beyond  the  power  of  a 
photograph  to  portray.  First  of  all  the  characteristic 
feature  of  the  plant  is  set  down,  so  that  the  reader  may 
at  once  grasp  the  clue.  Then  comes  a short  description 
of  the  size,  colour,  habitat,  etc.,  generally  taken  from 
Mr.  T.  F.  Cheeseman’s  Manual,  which,  for  clearness 
of  expression,  terseness,  and  accuracy,  leaves  nothing 
to  be  desired.  (Of  course,  Mr.  Cheeseman  is  in  no  way 
responsible  for  my  translation  of  botanical  terms,  or  for 
additions  and  omissions).  Then  come  observations  on 
the  growth,  and  other  particulars  that  may  interest  the 
reader.  The  size  of  the  picture  from  which  the  photo- 
graph was  taken  is  noted  at  the  top  of  each  illustration. 

I have  followed  the  order  and  classification  of  Mr. 
Cheeseman’s  Manual,  entering  as  authentic  only  the 
species  and  varieties  therein  contained.  In  the  illustra- 
tions I have  endeavoured  to  follow  his  example  by  keep- 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

ing  to  medium-sized  specimens.  Had  I attempted  to 
portray  curiosities,  abnormal,  bifurcated,  or  crested 
forms  there  would  have  been  no  end  to  the  illustrations. 

Some  species  and  varieties  of  ferns  that  have  been 
announced  in  the  “Transactions  of  the  New  Zealand 
Institute”  since  the  publication  of  Mr.  Cheeseman’s 
Manual,  and  others  that  appear  to  be  worthy  of  note, 
I have  recorded  and  illustrated. 

The  colour  of  ferns  varies  according  to  age  and  lo- 
cality, the  young  fronds  being  of  a much  lighter  fresher 
green  than  the  mature  ones.  Exposure  to  the  sun  im- 
parts a yellow  or  golden  green,  sometimes  a reddish 
brown.  The  green  of  the  mature  leaves  differs  less  when 
placed  side  by  side  on  a table  than  one  would  expect  from 
their  appearance  in  the  bush.  In  the  tree  ferns  there  is 
a great  similarity;  Dicksonia  squarrosa,  D.  Janata,  and 
Cyathca  dealbata  being  of  almost  exactly  the  same 
shade.  When  held  up  to  the  light,  D.  squarrosa  looks  a 
little  darker. 

As  most  of  my  study  and  collecting  of  ferns  has  been 
in  the  Auckland  Province,  and  my  fernery  is  situated 
there,  my  experiences  apply  more  especially  to  that  part 
of  the  Dominion. 

The  plates  illustrating  the  manner  in  which  the  seeds 
are  carried,  both  in  Mr.  Field’s  book  and  the  one  I had 
published  in  1880,  were  copied  from  Hooker  and  Baker’s 
“Synopsis  Filicum.”  In  this  edition  I have  adopted  a 
more  direct  method.  It  occurred  to  me  that  an  enlarged 
photograph  of  the  actual  leaf  bearing  the  seeds  would 
give  a more  faithful  picture,  and  one  more  easily  recog- 
nised. Thanks  to  the  untiring  skill  and  enthusiasm  of 
Mr.  F.  W.  Birch  and  the  initial  help  of  Mr.  S.  G.  Frith 
and  Mr.  F.  G.  Radcliffe,  I have  succeeded  beyond  my 
expectations.  Hooker’s  plates  are  of  little  value  to  a 
New  Zealand  student;  they  give  sketches  of  species 
usually  unrepresented  in  this  country. 

The  work  of  an  artist,  however  proficient,  cannot  be 
so  exact  as  a photograph,  and,  as  most  of  my  illustra- 

New  Zealand  Ferns 


tions  have  been  taken  from  green  specimens,  there  has 
been  none  of  that  distortion  which  sometimes  occurs  in 
specimens  that  have  been  dried — see  the  illustration  of 
Loxsoma  in  the  ‘.‘Synopsis  Filicum.”  The  photographs 
in  this  work  are  all  of  New  Zealand  species,  no  pains 
having  been  spared  to  obtain  typical  specimens.  The 
student,  with  a little  application,  should  be  able  to 
recognise  all  the  herbaceous  ferns.  The  tree-ferns 
differ  so  much  in  size  and  general  appearance  that 
the  written  description  should  be  sufficient  guide. 

This  has  no  pretension  to  being  a scientific  work.  The 
language  is  what  I hope  the  average  reader  will  under- 
stand. I have  been  tempted  to  use  the  botanical  term 
“sori"  when  alluding  to  the  fructification  of  the  ferns, 
but,  in  a popular  work,  the  arguments  in  favour  of  the 
older  word  “seeds”  seem  to  me  to  be  unanswerable.  As 
defined  in  modern  popular  dictionaries  it  is  exactly  ap- 
plicable— “That  part  of  a plant  which  contains  the  rudi- 
ment or  embryo  of  the  future  plant.”  Nine  hundred  and 
ninety-nine  people  out  of  a thousand  do  not  know  the 
meaning  of  “sori” — the  botanist  possibly  being  the  soli- 
tary exception — but  they  understand  what  is  meant  by 
“seeds.”  This  is  a popular  work,  written  for  the  nine 
hundred  and  ninety-nine  majority.  To  cpiote  J.  FI. 
Fabre  in  his  “Life  of  a Grasshopper,”  page  69,  “Con- 
vinced as  I am  that  barbarous  terms  are  only  a cumber- 
some impediment  to  science.” 

I have  striven  after  accuracy,  and  have  always  tried 
to  verify  my  facts;  if  mistakes  have  crept  in,  I can  only 
crave  forbearance.  With  the  exception  of  the  scientific 
names  which  are  absolutely  necessary,  both  for  the  sake 
of  accuracy  and  because  most  of  our  ferns  have  no  other 
• — they  are  no  more  uncouth  than  those  of  many  garden 
flowers — I have  purposely  avoided  botanical  scientific 
terms.  This  book  is  not  a primer.  I claim  no  special 
knowledge  of  the  subject,  only  an  intense  love  for  the 
beautiful  plants  and  a desire  to  encourage  others  in  their 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

As  a boy  I collected  ferns  in  England;  when,  there- 
fore, I landed  in  Auckland,  after  a long  voyage  in  a sail- 
ing ship,  I knew  something  about  them.  So  eager  was  I 
to  explore  the  New  Zealand  bush  that  I walked  out  to 
Waitakere — there  was  no  railway  in  1875 — a few  days 
after  coming  ashore.  Scrambling  over  some  fern  hills, 
I entered  a belt  of  tall  manuka  and  emerged  suddenly 
into  a bush  gully.  Never  shall  I forget  that  first  half 
hour;  the  sensation  of  beholding  entirely  new  ferns  in 
whichever  direction  I turned  my  eyes.  As  I had  seen  no 
work  on  the  New  Zealand  ferns — not  even  a collection 
— they  were  just  as  great  a find  to  me  as  to  the  first  dis- 

After  a bewildered  look  all  round,  my  attention  was 
arrested  by  a handsome  Lomaria  (discolor) , a spread- 
ing crown  of  broad  leaves  surrounding  the  central  group 
of  upright  fronds;  then,  luxuriant  plants  of  Asplenium 
( lucidum  and  bulbiferum ) which  I could  measure  by 
feet,  not  inches  as  in  Cumberland;  feathery  fronds  of 
a buckler  fern  ( Ncphrodium  hispidum)  carpeting  the 
sward.  Not  until  several  minutes  had  elapsed  did  I raise 
my  eyes  to  the  trees — I had  been  trained  to  cast  them 
down  when  looking  for  the  lowly  plants  in  England — 
there  were  as  many  there  as  on  the  ground;  drooping 
Aspleniums,  climbing  Lomarias  and  Polypodiums.  But 
the  filmy  ferns ! I had  not  the  remotest  conception  that 
such  plants  existed ; they  fairly  took  away  my  breath ; 
I seemed  to  be  in  fairyland. 

There  were  six  times  as  many  species  as  I had  ever 
seen  growing  in  one  locality  in  the  Old  Country.  And 
the  profusion!  No  painful  search  for  perfect  specimens, 
they  were  at  my  hand  literally  in  hundreds.  So  vivid 
was  the  impression  on  my  mind  that  I can  recall  the 
sensation  as  if  it  were  yesterday  instead  of  43  years  ago. 

In  these  days  of  material  striving,  when  a man’s  worth 
is  measured  by  his  credit  balance  at  the  bank,  it  is  not 
out  of  place  to  make  an  attempt  to  inspire  the  rising 
generation  with  a love  of  the  beautiful,  the  simple,  the 

New  Zealand  Ferns 


rare,  as  exemplified  by  our  ferns.  Something  that  is 
valued  for  itself  alone,  not  for  the  reflected  glory  its 
possession  gives  the  owner.  The  pride  which  a fern  col- 
lector takes  in  showing  a friend  some  rare  specimen  is 
not  measured  by  its  intrinsic  value,  but  by  the  difficulty 
involved,  the  patience  endured,  his  good  luck  in  finding 
it.  His  first  impulse  after  gathering  and  recording  a 
prize  is  to  get  some  for  his  friends. 

There  were  several  ferns  that  I had  never  collected, 
others  of  which  my  specimens  were  poor,  or  not  typical. 
Only  to  mention  my  want  to  other  fern  collectors  was 
to  ensure  their  giving  me  of  their  best.  My  warmest 
thanks  are  especially  due  to  Mr.  T.  F.  Cheeseman,  Mr. 
D.  Petrie,  Mr.  H.  B.  Matthews,  Messrs.  Hunt  and 
Davis,  and  Mr.  H.  Carse  for  serving  me  in  this  direc- 

One  word  of  warning,  O trustful  reader;  when  you 
see  a species  marked  “abundant,”  do  not  be  too  san- 
guine. I have  searched  for  some  so  described  for  40 
years,  and  never  found  them. 

H.  B.  Dobbie. 

Auckland,  1916. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

A Few  Notes  on  Cultivation 

Generally  speaking,  ferns  with  tufted  roots  are  more 
easily  transplanted  and  grow  better  than  those  with 
creeping  roots.  The  same  rule  is  more  or  less  true  with 
regard  to  those  growing  in  rich  or  poor  soil,  some  of 
the  latter  being  almost  impossible  to  transplant.  When 
both  a creeping  root  and  a preference  for  poor  soil  occur 
in  one  and  the  same  plant,  then  you  reach  the  extreme 
of  intractibility — as  instanced  in  Lindsaya  linearis  and 
Gleichenia  Cunninghamii. 

All  the  Hymenophyllums,  Trichomanes  and  the  two 
filmy  Todcas  grow  best  in  a Wardian  case. 

For  some  years  I tried  in  vain  to  establish  a fernery 
in  my  garden ; the  plants  would  not  thrive.  Then  the 
ferns  themselves  showed  me  where  they  wished  to  grow. 
Some  four  or  five  feet  below  the  surface  of  the  ground 
occurs  a stratum  of  hard  sand  or  tufa  that  can  be  cut 
into  blocks  with  a sharp  spade.  With  these  I faced  seve- 
ral terraces.  The  wet  years  of  1916  and  1917  induced 
an  abundant  crop  of  moss  on  the  steeply  sloping  surface, 
to  be  followed  by  a luxuriant  growth  of  ferns  upon  those 
which  faced  the  south  (the  tiny  seedlings  appear  about 
September  and  October).  One  wall,  shaded  by  a young 
totara  tree,  was  covered  in  a few  months  with  a dense 
growth  of  graceful  ferns. 

As  the  southern  aspect  exposed  them  to  cold  winds,  I 
built  a protecting  wall  of  the  same  porous  material  about 
5ft.  high.  When  this,  in  turn,  began  to  grow  moss  and 
ferns,  I kept  the  surface  damp  by  making  a shallow 
trough  along  the  top  and  keeping  it  filled  with  water. 
The  fernery  now  recpiires  little  attention  beyond  remov- 
ing the  young  tree-ferns  and  the  more  robust  species, 

A Few  Notes  on  Cultivation 


which,  if  allowed  to  grow,  would  soon  bring  down  the 
structure  in  ruins. 

I have  also  had  to  wage  war  upon  the  slugs  and  snails, 
whose  depredations  were  almost  incredible.  For  months 
they  devoured  the  young  shoots  of  Asplenium,  Cheil- 
anthes,  and  Nothochlaena  distans  as  fast  as  they  ap- 
peared. My  reliance  on  the  ducks  to  keep  the  fernery 
clear  of  these  pests  was  not  warranted.  I set  about  twenty 
slug  traps — flat  pieces  of  wood  sprinkled  with  bran. 
Upon  the  first  night  I caught  340,  and  for  six  weeks 
averaged  50  a night;  it  was  only  after  three  months  of 
unremitting  attention  that  the  nightly  catch  dropped 
below  20.  But,  meanwhile,  the  ferns  were  left  alone, 
and  grew  apace.  The  traps  should  be  set  at  sundown 
and  examined  at  about  1 1 p.m.,  the  early  hours  of  the 
night  being  the  slugs’  feeding  time.  I have  visited  them 
at  3 a.m.  with  but  little  success.  There  is  also  a grey- 
green  caterpillar  that  feeds  upon  the  young  fronds  of 
Pteris  tremula;  it  is  very  voracious. 

The  following  is  a list  of  those  ferns  which  grew 
spontaneously  on  the  damp  sand-blocks  in  my  garden, 
and  three  (102,  130,  133)  on  a young  totara  tree.  At 
the  top  of  the  list  I have  placed  the  most  prolific,  and 
at  the  bottom  those  least  so. 

AUCKLAND,  1915-18 

(63)  Pteris  tremula.  Hundreds  of  plants. 

(67)  Pteris  incisa.  Scores  of  plants. 

(31)  Cyathea  medullaris.  The  black  tree-fern.  Scores  of  plants. 
(61)  Pteris  aquilina.  The  common  bracken.  Scores  of  plants. 
(130)  Polypodium  serpens.  Dozens  of  plants. 

(123)  Polypodium  pennigerum.  More  than  a dozen  plants. 

(83)  Doodia  media.  More  than  a dozen  plants. 

(30)  Cyathea  dealbata.  Silver  King  tree-fern.  Several  plants. 
(76)  Lomaria  capensis.  Several  plants. 

(133)  Polypodium  Billardieri.  Several  plants. 

(65)  Pteris  macilenta.  Several  plants. 

(65)  Pteris  macilenta,  Var.  Saxitilis.  Several  plants. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(108)  Aspidium  Richardi.  Several  plants. 

(102)  Asplenium  flaccidum.  Three  plants. 

(37)  Dicksonia  squarrosa.  Tree-fern.  Three  plants. 
(62)  Pteris  scaberula.  Two  plants. 

(54)  Hypolepis  tenui folia.  Several  plants. 

(117)  Nephrodium  hispidum.  Two  plants. 

(132)  Polypodium  pustulatum.  One  plant. 

(78)  Lomaria  filiformis.  One  plant. 

New  Zealand  Ferns 


Table  of  Genera,  Species,  and 




rarum  ....  ....  



polyanthos  ....  




































Cheesmanii  .... 



„ Var.  Armstrongii.... 









„ f ar.  cupressif orme 
















Lyallii  ... 


























medullar  is 



Milnei .... 











„ Var.  microphylla  . . 











fibrosa  .... 



lanata  .... 







novae  zealandiae 














Microphylla  .... 



„ Var.  Lessonii 



viridis  .... 




aethiopicum  .... 






„ Var.  polymorphum 









affine  .... 



J'ulvum .... 

(12)  HYPOLEP1S 









millefolium  .... 










Sieberi ... 



New  Zealand  Ferns 


(14)  PELLAEA 








(15)  PTERIS 













macilenta  ....  



„ Far.  saxatilis  .... 



„ Var.  pendula  .... 






(16)  LOMARIA 













lanceolata  .... 



dura  .... 












„ Var.  minor 






nigra ....  ....  












(17)  DOODIA 

media  ....  



„ Far.  Milnei  .... 










trichomanes .... 









obtusatum  .... 






„ Var.  obliquum  .... 



„ Var.  scleroprium 



„ Var.  Lyallii 



„ Var.  anomodum  .... 






„ Var.  Colensoi  .... 



bulbiferum  .... 



„ Var.  laxum 



„ Var.tripinnatum 









„ Var.  Shuttleivorthianum 



umbrosum  .... 



japonicum  .... 




aculeatum  .... 




„ Far.  sylvaticum  .... 





108a  „ Far 



cystostegia  .... 










thelypteris  .... 
































punctatum  .... 



pennigerum  .... 



„ Var.  Hamiltoni  ... 






„ Var.  villosum 



„ Var.  pumilum 



grammitidis  .... 












pustulatum  .... 



Billardieri  .... 



novae  zealandiae  .... 




distorts  ....  







leptophylla  .... 










„ Far.  hecistophylla 



„ Var.  alpina 









dichotoma  .... 


Table  of  Genera,  Species  and  Varieties 






..  353 


„ Var.  Australis 

..  355 


bifida  ... 

..  357 



..  359 



articulatum  .... 

..  361 


(28)  TODEA 


..  365 


hymenophylloides  .... 

..  367 



..  369 



153  fraxinea  ....  ....  ....  375 


154  lusitanicum  ....  ....  ....  379 

155  vulgatum  ....  ....  ....  381 


156  lunaria  ....  ....  ....  383 

157  ternatuin  ....  ....  ....  385 

158  „ Var.  dissection  ....  387 

Genera,  31 

Well-authenticated  species  134 

Well-authenticated  varieties 24 

Total  158 

Species  Varieties 

Reported  from  both  Islands 106  18 

Reported  from  North  Island,  not  from  South  17  3 

Reported  from  South  Island,  not  from  North  3 
Found  on  islets,  not  on  mainland 8 3 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

Ferns  Found  Only  in  New  Zealand 

44  Species,  13  Varieties,  3 of  which  are  doubtful 

3 Hymenophyllum  villosum 

5 Hymenophyllum  atrovirens 

6 Hymenophyllum  pulcherrimum 
9 Hymenophyllum  scabrum 

11  Hymenophyllum  rufescens 

13  Hymenophyllum  Malingii 

14  Hymenophyllum  Cheesemanii 

15  Hymenophyllum  Cheesemanii,  Yar.  Armstrongii 

16  Hymenophyllum  minimum 

21  Hymenophyllum  bivalve 

22  Trichomanes  reni  forme 

23  Trichomanes  Lyallii 

26  Trichomanes  Colensoi 

27  T richomanes  strictum 

28  Trichomanes  elongatum 

29  Loxsoma  Cunninghamii 

32  Cyathea  Milnei 

33  Cyathea  Cunninghamii 

34  Hemitelia  Smithii 

35  Hemitelia  Smithii,  Var.  microphylla 

36  Alsophila  Colensoi 

37  Dicksonia  squarrosa 

38  Dicksonia  fibrosa 

39  Dicksonia  lanata 

40  Davallia  Tasmani 

41  Davallia  novae  zealandiae 
46  Lindsaya  viridis 

54a  Hypolepis  Petrieana 

55  Hypolepis  millefolium 

56  Hypolepis  distans 
62  Pteris  scaberula 
65  Pteris  macilenta 

65a  Pteris  macilenta,  Var.  saxatilis 

73  Lomaria  dura 

74  Lomaria  Banksii 
79  Lomaria  nigra 

81  Lomaria  membranacea 

Ferns  Found  Only  in  New  Zealand 


82  Lomaria  Fraseri 

92  Asplenium  lucidum,  Var.  obliquum 

93  Asplenium  lucidum,  Var.  scleroprium 

94  Asplenium  lucidum,  Var.  Lyalli 

95  Asplenium  lucidum,  Var.  anomodum 

97  Asplenium  Hookerianum,  Var.  Colensoi  (?) 
99  Asplenium  bulbiferum,  Var.  laxum 
100  Asplenium  bulbiferum,  Var.  tripinnatum 
103  Asplenium  flaccidum,  Var.  Shuttleworthianum 
109  Aspidium  cystostegia 
115  Nephrodium  velutinum 

123  Polypodium  pennigerum 

124  Polypodium  pennigerum,  Var.  Flamiltoni 

126  Polypodium  australe,  Var.  villosum  ( ?) 

127  Polypodium  australe,  Var.  pumilum  (?) 

134  Polypodium  novae  zealandiae 

140  Gleichenia  dicarpa,  Var.  hecistophylla 
142  Gleichenia  C unninghamii 
149  Lygodium  articulatunr 

151  Todea  hymenophylloides 

152  Todea  superba 


New  Zealand  Ferns 


HYMENOPH  YLLUM  (hymen,  membrane; 
phyllon,  leaf).  “Filmy  ferns.”  A genus  of  about  90 
species,  represented  in  New  Zealand  by  19  authentic 
species  and  two  varieties.  Found  only  in  shady  forests 
where  the  air  is  moist  and  still;  mostly  of  small  size, 
covering  trees  and  rocks  with  lovely  drooping  fronds, 
through  which  the  light  glances,  or  with  feathery  mats 
of  a tender  translucent  green.  Seeds  in  little  cup-shaped 
vessels  on  the  margins  of  the  leaflets. 

(1  )H.  rarurn  (rare — meaning  thin).  A small,  deli- 
cate fern  of  a pale  glistening  green;  pendulous  from 
trees  and  rocks;  of  a broader  pattern  than  the  other 
small  members  of  the  genus. 

Description. — Roots  small,  wiry,  black.  Fronds  very  variable, 
1 to  4 inches  long,  but  sometimes  dwarfed  to  ^in.  or  lengthened 
to  8 inches ; narrow,  rarely  exceeding  1 inch  in  width ; flaccid  and 
quite  smooth,  thin,  membranous,  pale-green.  Seeds  large,  near 
the  summit  of  the  frond. 

From  Mongonui  and  Kaitaia  southwards,  not  uncommon.  Sea- 
level  to  3,000  feet. 

This  slender  delicate  species  occurs  in  shady  forests 
in  both  islands.  It  is  difficult  to  cultivate,  because  the 
wiry  roots  creep  under  the  bark  and  fibres  of  the  trees 
upon  which  it  grows ; the  best  plan  is  to  bring  away  some 
of  the  bark  with  the  plant  growing  upon  it. 

Distributed  widely  in  both  hemispheres. 

NOTE. — The  popular  terms  “root”  and  “seeds”  are  used  throughout,  in  place 
of  the  botanical  terms  “rhizome”  and  “sori.” 



SIZE,  7in.  x 5in. 


A Large  Specimen.  Upper  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

(2)  H.  polyanthos  (many  flowers — in  connection 
with  the  seed  vessels)  Var  sanguinolentum  (reddish). 
“Piri-piri.”  A medium-sized  species;  fronds  often 
curved ; leaflets  closely  set,  undulating,  of  a somewhat 
opaque  olive-green. 

Description. — Forming  matted  patches  on  the  trunks  or 
branches  of  trees,  or  on  rotten  logs.  Root  rather  stout,  creeping, 
usually  bristly  with  reddish-brown  hairs.  Stalks  stout,  narrowly 
winged  above.  Fronds  2 to  9 inches  long  by  1 to  3 inches  broad, 
erect  or  curved,  dull-green  to  olive-green.  Seeds  small,  usually 
on  upper  portion  of  leaf.  Midrib  sinuous. 

Abundant  throughout  the  Dominion.  Sea-level  to  3,000  feet. 

The  crowded  tilted  leaflets  give  the  frond  a thick  ap- 
pearance. Sometimes  it  grows  in  extraordinary  abun- 
dance, covering  every  trunk  and  branch  with  a lovely 
tapestry  of  transparent  green.  Its  identity  can  be  fixed 
with  certainty  in  the  course  of  drying  for  the  herbarium 
as  it  stains  the  paper  brown  and  gives  off  a peculiar 
scent,  which  hangs  about  the  specimen  for  years. 

It  is  found  in  almost  all  tropical  countries,  but  appar- 
ently not  in  Australia. 



SIZE,  9jin.  x 8|in. 

A Large  Specimen.  Upper  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(3)  H.  villosum  (bearing  long  hairs).  A small 
mountain  species,  sometimes  confused  with  H.  poly- 
anthos.  The  smaller  size  of  the  fronds,  the  hairiness  of 
the  stalks  and  midribs,  the  more  finely-cut  leaves,  and 
the  narrower  final  divisions — almost  like  threads — suffi- 
ciently distinguish  it. 

Description. — Root  wiry,  creeping.  Stalks  1 to  3 inches  long, 
hairy,  ultimate  leaflets  crowded  and  very  narrow.  Fronds  erect 
or  curved,  2 to  6 inches  long  by  1 to  \\  inches  broad,  opaque, 
dull  brownish-green. 

Mountains,  North  Island.  Hawke’s  Bay — Tukituki  River, 
Ruahine  Mountains.  Wellington — Tararua  Ranges.  South 

Island : In  sub-alpine  forests  not  uncommon  throughout.  Stewart 
Island,  Auckland  Islands.  Usually  from  2,000  to  4,000  feet,  but 
descends  almost  to  sea-level  in  Westland. 

It  is  confined  to  New  Zealand. 



SIZE,  6in.  x 4in. 


A Large  Specimen.  Upper  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(4)  H.  australe  (southern).  Readily  distinguished 
by  the  crinkled  wing  running  both  along  the  stalks  and 
throughout  the  whole  frond,  which  gives  the  species  a 
wonderfully  pellucid  appearance;  called  “Javanicum”  in 
the  older  works. 

Description. — Roots  creeping,  branched,  wiry.  Stalks,  mid- 
ribs, indeed  the  whole  frond,  more  or  less  winged  throughout. 
Fronds  erect  or  curved,  very  membranous,  3 to  9 inches  long  by 
1^  to  4 inches  broad ; forming  matted  patches  on  rocks  or  among 
the  moss  on  tree  trunks ; pale-green  when  young,  becoming  lurid- 
green  with  age.  Seeds  numerous,  terminal  on  the  leaflets. 

Not  uncommon  in  damp  woods  throughout  the  Dominion.  Sea- 
level  to  2,000  feet. 

A beautiful  soft-looking  plant  of  an  engaging  appear- 
ance most  attractive  to  the  fern  collector.  Abundant  on 
the  west  coast  of  Otago. 

A fairly  wide-spread  plant. 



SIZE,  9in.  x 7in. 


A Large  Specimen.  Upper  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

{S')  H.  atrovirens  (blackish-green).  Smaller  than 
H.  australe,  from  which  it  differs  chiefly  in  the  nar- 
rower and  more  sparingly  divided  frond,  and  in  the 
wings  of  the  stalk  and  midrib  being  flat,  not  crinkled. 

Description. — Usually  terrestrial.  Root  slender,  wiry,  creep- 
ing. Stalks  about  half  the  length  of  the  frond,  winged  almost  to 
the  base.  Fronds  few,  somewhat  rigidly  erect,  membranous,  dull 
dark-green,  2 to  6 inches  long  by  ^in.  to  1 inch  broad.  Seeds  few, 
terminating  the  leaflets. 

A rare  fern.  Auckland — Bay  of  Islands,  Whangarei,  Mamaku 
near  Rotorua,  Lake  Waikaremoana.  South  Island:  Wakatipu. 
Sea-level  to  2,500  feet. 

Apparently  confined  to  New  Zealand. 



SIZE,  5in.  x 3ain. 


A Large  Specimen.  Upper  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(6)  H.  pulcherrimum  (most  beautiful).  A large  and 
very  distinct  species;  recognised  by  its  great  length  of 
leaf  in  comparison  with  its  width,  the  much  finer  and 
more  open  pattern,  the  smaller  seeds,  and  the  winged 

Description. — Roots  short,  stout,  densely  covered  with  red- 
brown  scales.  Stalks  2 to  6 inches  long,  winged  to  the  base,  wings 
not  crinkly.  Fronds  very  handsome,  pale-green,  erect  or  pendu- 
lous, 9 to  30  inches  long,  including  the  stalk,  by  2 to  6 inches 
broad.  Seeds  small,  terminating  the  ultimate  divisions. 

North  Island:  Mountains  of  the  interior,  from  Te  Aroha  and 
Lake  Waikaremoana  southwards.  South  Island : Rare  and  local 
in  Nelson,  Marlborough  and  Canterbury;  abundant  in  Westland 
and  Otago.  Stewart  Island.  Sea-level  to  3,000  feet. 

This  lovely  fern  is  not  difficult  to  grow  under  glass. 
It  is  confined  to  New  Zealand. 


SIZE,  ll|in. 


A Medium  Specimen. 

Upper  Side. 


x 5£in. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

(7)  H . dilatatum  (widened).  Easily  recognised  by 
the  large  size  of  its  leaves  and  the  great  width  of  the 
ultimate  divisions.  The  broad  pellucid  fronds  look  like 
a superfine  seaweed. 

Description. — Root  long,  stout,  wiry,  smooth.  Stalks  2 to  6 
inches  long,  winged  almost  to  the  base,  wings  not  crinkly.  Fronds 
remarkably  handsome,  pale-green  to  deep-green,  erect  or  pendu- 
lous, 9 to  30  inches  long,  including  the  stalk,  by  3 to  6 inches 
broad.  Seeds  numerous,  terminating  the  ultimate  divisions. 

Abundant  in  the  woods  throughout  the  Dominion.  Sea-level  to 
3,000  feet. 

A large  and  very  handsome  filmy  fern,  of  a bright 
pellucid  green,  clothing  the  trunks  and  branches  of  trees 
and  rotting  stumps.  I shall  never  forget  my  first  sight 
of  the  glossy  green  leaves  hanging  in  profuse  luxuriance 
from  the  tree  trunks.  To  one  who  had  seen  only  the 
filmy  ferns  of  England — an  inch  or  two  long — this  was 
a positive  giant.  Even  now,  after  40  years  in  New 
Zealand,  the  glorious  broad-leaved  fronds  fascinate  me 
Given  conditions  like  its  natural  environment,  it  can  be 
grown  as  easily  as  the  other  filmy  ferns.  Found  also  in 
several  of  the  Polynesian  Islands  and  Java. 



SIZE,  13in.  x 5£in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Upper  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

(8)  H.  demissum  (drooping).  “Piri-piri.”  This  spe- 
cies grows  more  stiffly  and  more  upright  than  the  other 
large  members  of  the  genus ; it  is  also  a good  deal  more 
finely  cut  than  H.  dilatatum,  the  final  divisions  of  the 
leaf  measuring  only  i-20th  inch  in  width.  In  lowland 
districts  it  is  the  most  abundant  of  the  species,  often 
carpeting  large  areas  of  the  forest  floor. 

Description. — Root  long,  wiry,  creeping.  Stalks  2 to  6 inches 
long,  smooth,  wiry,  not  winged.  Fronds  erect  or  curved,  mem- 
branous, bright  pale-green,  4 to  16  inches  long,  including  the 
stalk,  by  2 to  5 inches  broad.  Seeds  small,  very  numerous,  at  the 
tips  of  the  leaflets. 

Abundant  in  woods  throughout  the  Dominion.  Sea-level  to 
3.000  feet. 

When  the  sun  shines  on  this  beautiful  fern  after  a 
shower,  the  light  glances  from  its  crowded  seeds  as  from 
a hundred  emeralds.  Of  the  filmy  ferns  it  is  one  of  the 
easiest  to  grow  under  glass.  In  her  “British  Ferns”  Miss 
Pules  includes  it  in  her  list  of  the  most  attractive  green- 
house ferns — “Pendant  filmy  fern.  This  is  the  New 
Zealand  brother  of  our  minute  native  hymenophyllum, 
and  may  be  considered  by  them  as  a veritable  giant,  for 
the  fronds  exceed  a foot  in  length !”  What  would  she 
have  said  to  H.  dilatatum,  which  often  attains  a length 
of  2 feet  6 inches? 

It  is  found  also  in  Polynesia,  Java,  and  the  Philippine 



SIZE,  12in.  x 9in. 


Large  to  Medium  Specimen.  Upper  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(9)  H.  scabrum  (rough).  One  of  the  largest  and 
handsomest  species  of  the  genus;  easily  recognised  by 
the  reddish  appearance  given  by  a thick  growth  of  hairs 
on  stalk  and  midribs;  usually  hanging  pendant  from  the 
tree  trunks. 

Description. — Root  long,  creeping,  bristly  with  reddish-brown 
scales.  Stalks  2 to  6 inches  long,  not  winged.  Fronds  very  vari- 
able in  size,  dark  olive-green,  or  tinged  with  brown,  erect  or  pen- 
dulous, 6 to  20  inches  long  by  2 to  5 inches  broad,  sometimes 
attaining  a length  of  30  inches.  Seeds  numerous,  terminal. 

Moist  forests  from  Mangonui  and  Hokianga  southwards,  not 
uncommon.  Sea-level  to  3,000  feet. 

A strikingly  handsome  fern;  one  that  sorely  tempts 
the  collector  by  its  production  of  unusually  perfect  speci- 
mens. It  prefers  a very  damp  situation,  and  under  such 
conditions  will  grow  readily  under  glass.  Found  only 
in  New  Zealand. 



SIZE,  13in.  x 9hin. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Upper  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(10)  H.  flabellatum  (fan-like).  So  named  from  the 
shape  of  the  leaflets,  which,  by  an  effort  of  the  imagina- 
tion, may  be  likened  to  fans.  A pale-green  pendulous 
fern,  growing  in  patches  on  the  trunks  of  trees. 

Description. — Root  long,  wiry,  creeping,  more  or  less  clothed 
with  woolly  brown  hairs.  Stalks  slender,  smooth,  except  for  a 
tuft  of  silky  hairs  at  the  base.  Fronds  very  variable  in  size  and 
shape,  usually  3 to  9 inches  long,  but  sometimes  reduced  to  less 
than  an  inch,  at  others  attaining  a length  of  12  inches.  The 
smaller  specimens  generally  erect,  the  larger  pendulous,  pale 
shining-green  or  yellow-green.  Seeds  small,  terminal. 

Not  uncommon  throughout  the  Dominion.  Sea-level  to  2,500 

Usually  a small,  delicate  fern,  seldom  more  than  I.V 
inch  wide,  though  sometimes  reaching  a length  of  12 
inches.  Like  H.  ranim,  it  is  somewhat  difficult  to  culti- 
vate. Found  also  in  Tasmania  and  South-eastern  Aus- 
tralia, and  reported  from  Sumatra  and  the  Philippine 



SIZE,  9in.  x 6in. 


Large  to  Medium  Specimen.  Upper  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(11)  H.  rufescens  (reddish).  A very  curious  little 
mountain  fern,  the  stalks  longer  than  the  triangular 
leaves,  the  whole  being  covered  with  silky  hairs  that 
look  like  spun  glass. 

Description.- — Root  very  slender,  almost  thread-like,  creep- 
ing, clothed  with  soft  spreading  hairs.  Stalks  much  longer  than 
the  leaf,  1 to  2 inches,  hair-like.  Fronds  ^in.  to  1^  inches  long 
by  ^in.  to  ^in.  broad  at  the  base,  more  or  less  covered  with  long 
silky  hairs. 

North  Island:  Te  Aroha,  Ruahine  Range,  Mount  Egmont. 
South  Island:  Nelson — Mount  Arthur  Plateau,  Takaka  Valley, 
Mount  Rochefort;  Westland;  Stewart  Island.  1,000  to  3,000 

Nearest  to  H.  flabellatum,  some  mountain  forms  of 
which  approach  it  very  closely,  but  are  separated  by  the 
much  longer  hair-like  stalks,  the  shorter,  broader,  more 
delicate  fronds  and  the  copious  hairs.  It  often  forms 
mats  on  the  trunks  of  trees  and  the  perpendicular  faces 
of  shaded  rocks. 

It  is  confined  to  New  Zealand. 

Note. — H.  ciliatum  is  not  included  in  this  book,  as  it  has  been 
only  once  reported,  and  that  50  years  ago. 




(11)  HYMENOPHYLLUM  RUFESCENS.  A Medium  Specimen.  Upper  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(12 ) H . subtilissimum  (very  delicate).  A medium- 
sized  filmy  fern,  usually  pendulous  from  the  stems  of 
tree-ferns  or  tree  trunks ; most  readily  distinguished  by 
the  curious  colour — a dull  green  tinged  with  brown, 
given  to  the  leaf  by  a dense  clothing  of  silky  hairs;  if 
examined  through  a magnifying  glass  the  surfaces  have 
a rough,  almost  furry  appearance. 

Description. — Forming  dense  mats  on  the  stems  of  tree-ferns, 
tree  trunks,  or  the  perpendicular  faces  of  shaded  rocks.  Root 
long,  slender,  creeping,  covered  with  red-brown  hairs.  Stalks 
narrow,  not  winged.  Fronds  2 to  10  inches  long  by  fin.  to  2 
inches  broad,  thin  and  membranous,  dark-green  to  reddish-green, 
sometimes  tawny,  usually  pendulous.  Seeds  numerous,  small, 

Not  uncommon  in  damp  forests  from  Mangonui  southwards; 
rare  and  local  on  the  East  Coast  of  the  South  Island.  Sea-level 
to  2,500  feet. 

This  graceful  fern,  which  looks  something  like  a small 
copy  of  H.  scabntm,  is  also  found  on  the  island  of  Juan 
Fernandez  and  in  Chili. 



SIZE,  8in.  x 8in. 


A Large  Specimen.  Upper  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(13)  H.  Malingii  (Mr.  Maling).  A most  curious 
little  mountain  fern  of  an  opaque,  slate-green  colour  on 
the  upper  and  reddish-brown  on  the  under  side.  The 
fronds,  when  examined  closely,  appear  to  be  built  up  of 
innumerable  short  pieces  of  brown  cord,  generally  ter- 
minated by  a knob.  The  leaflets  are  not  flat,  the  cross- 
section  being  round. 

Description. — Roots  slender,  creeping.  Stalks  1 to  3 inches 
long,  very  slight,  almost  thread-like.  Fronds  2 to  8 inches  or 
even  20  inches  long  by  Jfin.  to  \\  inches  broad,  erect  or  pendu- 
lous, opaque,  rigid,  slate-green,  covered  densely  everywhere  with 
small  hairs.  Seeds  small,  terminating  the  leaflets  like  little  knobs. 

North  Island:  Te  Aroha,  Mount  Egmont,  Ruahine  Moun- 
tains, Ruapehu.  South  Island:  Mountains  Nelson,  Westland, 
Otago,  Banks  Peninsula. 

A rare  fern,  found  sparingly  on  the  mountains  of 
both  islands,  though  fairly  abundant  in  the  Libocedrus 
forests  near  Waimarino;  almost  confined  to  the  kawaka 
trees.  Named  after  its  first  discoverer,  Mr.  Maling,  a 
surveyor,  who  was  killed  at  the  Wairau  massacre.  It  is 
confined  to  New  Zealand. 



SIZE,  7in.  x 3iin. 


A Large  Specimen.  Upper  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(14)  H.  Cheesemanii  (Mr.  Cheeseman).  A very 
minute  fern,  found  among  moss  on  the  branches  of 
trees  or  on  perpendicular  rocks.  A glance  at  the  illus- 
tration, which  is  life  size,  will  show  how  easily  it  may 
be  overlooked. 

Description. — Root  creeping,  wiry.  Stalks  very  short,  fin.  to 
fin.,  thread-like.  Fronds  very  small,  fin.  to  1 inch  long,  simple  or 
forked,  dark-green,  texture  firm. 

Found  in  a number  of  localities  in  both  Islands.  Sea-level  to 
3,500  feet. 

This  tiny  species  was  first  detected  by  Mr.  Cheeseman 
at  Titirangi  on  the  tops  of  some  trees  that  had  been  felled 
in  road-making.  It  forms  cushions  on  the  branches  of 
trees,  or  creeps  among  the  moss  and  hepaticte.  It  is  con- 
fined to  New  Zealand. 




(14)  HYMENOPHYLLUM  CHEESEMANII.  A Large  Specimen.  Upper  Side.  TITIRANGI. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(15)  Var.  Armstrongii.  Precisely  similar  in  size  and 
habit  to  the  foregoing,  but  firmer  in  texture  and  the 
margins  thickened.  Originally  called  Trichomancs 

(16)  H.  minimum  (very  small).  A minute  fern, 
forming  matted  patches  on  the  trunks  of  trees  and  on 
rocks;  even  rarer  than  the  last. 

Description.— Roots  creeping,  thread-like,  smooth,  f,in.  to 
4in.  long.  Fronds  very  small,  fin.  to  -fin.  long,  firm,  pale-green. 
Seeds  never  more  than  one  in  a frond. 

A littoral  plant.  South  Island:  Tasman  Bay;  Westland — coast 
near  Okarito ; Otago — Resolution  Island ; East  Coast.  Stewart 
Island,  not  uncommon.  Auckland  Islands. 

A very  small  species,  never  found  far  from  the  sea- 
coast.  Easily  confounded  with  H.  tunbridgense,  from 
which  it  differs  by  the  uniformly  solitary  and  terminal 
seeds.  It  is  confined  to  New  Zealand. 

(17)  H.  tunbridgense  (from  near  Tunbridge).  A 
small  fern,  with  distinctly  serrated  margins,  growing 
in  thick  masses  on  rocks  and  tree  trunks  where  the  shade 
is  densest.  May  be  mistaken  for  moss  by  the  unobser- 

Description. — Root  long,  wiry,  creeping.  Stalks  fin.  to  If 
inches  long,  slender,  wiry,  naked.  Fronds  variable  in  size,  fin. 
to  3 inches  long  by  fin.  to  1 inch  broad,  pale-green,  membranous. 
Seeds  usually  near  the  midrib.  Forming  matted  patches  on  rocks 
or  the  trunks  of  trees. 

Abundant  throughout  the  Dominion.  Sea-level  to  3,000  feet. 




(17)  HYMENOPHYLLUM  TUNBRIDGENSE.  Medium  to  Small  Specimen.  WHANGAREI. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

I have  often  seen  this  little  fern  covering  the  trunks 
of  tree-ferns  from  top  to  bottom  with  a feathery  green 
mat.  There  is  surely  something  more  than  coincidence 
in  the  fact  of  this  delicate,  fragile  little  plant  holding  its 
own  all  over  the  world,  just  as  a minute  weak-flying  but- 
terfly, a small  species  of  “blue,”  is  found  everywhere, 
even  in  the  Arctic  regions. 

(18)  Var.  cupressiforme  (cypress-like).  Fronds 
taller  and  narrower,  more  erect,  i to  4 inches  high, 
more  open  in  texture. 





A Medium  Specimen.  Upper  Side.  WHANGAREI. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(19)  H.  unilaterale  (one-sided).  Very  similar  to  H. 
timbridgense,  but  the  frond  is  usually  taller,  more  rigid, 
more  sparingly  divided,  and  the  leaflets  are  often  one- 

Description.—- Root  long,  creeping.  Stalks  ^in.  to  1^  inches 
long,  slender,  wiry,  naked.  Fronds  1 to  4 inches  long  by  ^in.  to 
1 inch  broad,  dark-green,  rigidly  membranous,  margins  serrated. 
Seeds  near  the  midrib,  as  in  H.  timbridgense. 

From  Te  Aroha  southwards,  chiefly  in  mountain  forests,  some- 
what scarce.  Sea-level  to  3,500  feet. 

The  geographical  range  of  this  species  is  nearly  the 
same  as  that  of  H.  timbridgense,  but  it  is  a rarer  plant. 




(19)  HYMENOPHYLLUM  UNILATERALE.  A Medium  Specimen.  Upper  Side.  TE  AROHA. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(20)//.  multifidum  (much  cleft).  A medium-sized 
filmy  fern;  the  margins  of  the  leaflets  serrated  like  the 
two  preceding  species,  but  a much  larger  plant,  finely 
cut,  leaflets  often  overlapping. 

Description. — Root  creeping,  wiry.  Stalks  1 to  5 inches  long, 
wiry,  naked.  Fronds  variable  in  size,  usually  4 to  8 inches  high, 
including  stalks,  but  sometimes  dwarfed  to  1 inch,  and  occasion- 
ally attaining  12  inches,  erect,  curved,  or  even  pendulous,  dark 
olive-green  to  light-green,  membranous.  Margins  of  the  leaflets 
serrate.  Seeds  few,  large,  mostly  in  the  upper  part  of  the  frond. 

Abundant  throughout  the  Dominion.  Sea-level  to  4,000  feet. 

This  delicately  beautiful  fern  is  found  growing  in 
patches  on  the  ground  when  the  leaflets  are  close  and 
overlapping,  or  on  the  trunks  and  branches  of  trees 
when  they  are  more  open.  It  is  also  found  in  Fiji  and 
other  Pacific  Islands. 



SIZE,  8iin.  x 6in. 


Large  to  Medium  Specimen.  Upper  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

(21)  H.  bivalve  (two-valved).  A very  graceful  me- 
dium-sized fern,  usually  growing  among  moss  on  the 
ground,  more  rarely  on  trees.  Allied  to  H.  multi fiduni, 
but  larger,  less  rigid,  and  of  a paler  green;  usually  with 
far  more  numerous  seeds. 

Description. — Roots  stout,  wiry,  creeping;  rootlets  densely 
hairy.  Stalks  2 to  5 inches  long,  wiry,  smooth,  not  winged. 
Fronds,  including  stalks,  usually  from  6 to  9 inches  high  by  2 to 
4 inches  broad,  but  luxuriant  specimens  reach  12  to  14  inches, 
erect,  curved,  rather  rigid,  margins  of  leaflets  serrate.  Seeds 
usually  numerous,  enclosed  in  a two-valved  vessel. 

Hilly  forests  from  Great  Barrier  and  Cape  Colville  south- 
wards to  East  Cape,  somewhat  scarce.  South  Island,  Stewart 
Island,  Chatham  Island,  not  uncommon.  Sea-level  to  3,000  feet. 

A very  beautiful  species,  confined  to  New  Zealand. 



SIZE,  llin.  x lOjin. 


A Large  Specimen.  Upper  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 


TRICHOMANES  (thrix,  a hair;  manos,  soft). 
“Bristle  ferns.”  A genus  of  about  90  species,  with  7 in 
New  Zealand.  Small  filmy  ferns,  differing  from  Hy- 
menophyllum  by  the  presence  of  a hair,  or  short  spike, 
proceeding  from  the  trumpet-shaped  seed  vessel,  except 
in  T.  Lyallii,  which  is  intermediate  between  Hymeno- 
phyllum  and  Trichomanes. 

(22)  T.reniforme  ( kidney-shaped  ) . “Rau-renga,” 
“Kidney-fern.”  Distinguished  at  once  by  its  broad  kid- 
ney-shaped fronds,  quite  entire  and  of  a pellucid  green. 

Description. — Root  stout,  hard,  wide-creeping;  rootlets  woolly. 
Stalks  2 to  8 inches  long,  erect,  wiry,  smooth.  Fronds  2 to  4 
inches  broad,  of  the  purest  light-green  when  young,  dark-green 
when  old,  glossy,  undulating.  Seeds  very  numerous  in  a fringe 
round  the  margin  of  the  leaf. 

Abundant  in  damp  woods  throughout  the  Dominion  except 
the  East  Coast  of  the  South  Island,  where  it  is  rare  and  local. 
Sea-level  to  3,000  feet. 



SIZE,  6in.  x 6in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Upper  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

The  most  remarkable  fern  in  New  Zealand.  In  out- 
ward appearance  the  seeds  resemble  Loxsoma  more  than 
Trichomanes.  Those  who  have  been  brought  up  in  the 
land  of  the  kidney-fern  can  hardly  realise  how  unique  is 
the  form  of  the  frond.  I shall  never  forget  my  first  sight 
of  it.  I could  not  believe  it  was  a fern ; none  of  the  leaves 
happened  to  be  unrolling.  For  half  an  hour  I sat  in 
doubt,  deciding  at  last  that  perhaps  it  was  a fern.  Since 
then  I have  seen  it  hundreds  of  times,  but  it  does  not 
lose  its  glamour ; there  is  still  a return  of  that  first  thrill 
when  I thought  it  might  be  a fern. 

This  species  is  found  only  in  New  Zealand;  had  it 
been  known  to  the  Old  World  the  weavers  of  fairy  tales 
would  have  transformed  its  dainty  green  chalice  cush- 
ioned in  moss  into  a cup  for  the  wood-nymphs,  or  some 
such  fanciful  conceit.  This  gem  of  the  vegetable  king- 
dom is  so  plentiful  that  we  are  apt  to  lose  sight  of  its 
rare  beauty.  One  can  hardly  enter  an  undisturbed  piece 
of  bush  without  finding  it  clustered  about  the  tree  roots 
or  upon  decaying  trunks.  Recently,  when  searching  for 
a seeded  specimen  wherewith  to  illustrate  this  book,  I 
came  across  a sylvan  arch,  formed  by  a massive  trunk 
bridging  the  space  between  two  trees.  From  end  to  end 
it  was  robed  with  the  clustering  green  cups.  I might 
have  taken  a thousand  specimens  without  marring  Na- 
ture's masterpiece. 



It  often  surprises  one  in  the  most  unlikely  spots,  such 
as  the  cinder  slopes  of  Rangitoto,  where  it  grows  luxuri- 
antly, notwithstanding  the  total  absence  of  soil.  It  is  not 
difficult  to  cultivate  if  conditions  are  suitable.  For  many 
years  it  has  been  a great  favourite  in  the  fern-houses  of 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(23)  T.  Lyallii  (Mr.  Lyall).  The  daintiest,  most 
delicate  little  fern,  often  broader  than  it  is  long,  shaped 
like  a fairy  fan,  sometimes  covering  with  a feathery 
green  mat  the  trunk  of  every  tree  and  sapling  within  a 
radius  of  many  yards. 

Description. — Roots  branched,  creeping,  hair-like.  Stalks 
slender,  thread-like,  1 to  2 inches  long.  Fronds  fin.  to  If  inches 
long  by  fin.  to  If  inches  broad,  delicately  membranous,  nearly 
transparent,  light-green.  Seeds  large  for  the  size  of  the  frond, 
at  the  tips  of  the  leaflets,  giving  them  the  appearance  of  being 
cut  off  square. 

Not  uncommon  from  Kaipara  southwards  in  dense  moist 
forests,  except  on  the  East  Coast  of  the  South  Island,  where  it 
is  rare  and  local.  Sea-level  to  3,000  feet. 

The  species  is  intermediate  between Trichomancs  and 
Hymenophyllum,  and  was  classed  under  the  latter  genus 
by  Dr.  Hooker  in  his  great  work  on  the  ferns  of  the 
world.  There  is  no  bristle  protruding  from  the  seed. 
An  exquisite  little  fern,  found  nowhere  but  in  New  Zea- 




(23)  TRICHOMANES  LYALLII.  Large  to  Small  Specimen.  Upper  Side.  WAITAKERE. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(24)  T.  liumile  (lowly).  A modest  little  fern  that 
hides  its  head  in  some  retired  shady  nook,  where  the 
light  is  screened  and  the  air  still;  easily  recognised  by 
the  hairs  which  proceed  from  the  trumpet-shaped  seed 
vessel  on  each  side  of  the  midrib. 

Description.- — Roots  slender,  creeping,  matted.  Stalks  slen- 
der, fin.  to  fin.  long,  winged  almost  to  the  base.  Fronds  1 to  3 
inches  long  by  fin.  to  fin.  broad,  smooth,  membranous,  dark 
dull-green,  pendulous.  Seeds  producing  thread-like  hairs,  down 
the  centre  of  the  frond. 

From  the  North  Cape  southwards  not  uncommon  in  dark 
woods.  South  Island:  Nelson,  Marlborough,  Banks  Peninsula. 
Sea-level  to  2,000  feet. 

I first  gathered  this  tender  little  fern  in  the  year  1880 
at  the  bottom  of  Pohe-rua  crater,  Bay  of  Islands,  at  that 
time  so  choked  with  bushes  and  small  trees  as  to  produce 
the  effect  of  a dim  twilight  down  below.  The  whole  of 
the  ground — rocks,  stones,  and  earth — was  carpeted  a 
shadowy-green;  I could  not  set  down  my  foot  without 
crushing  the  humble  little  fronds. 

It  is  also  found  in  Java  and  the  Pacific  Islands. 




(24;  TRICHOMANES  HUM1LE.  A Medium  Specimen.  Upper  Side.  WHANGARE1. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(25)  T .venosum  (veined).  A curious,  delicate  little 
fern,  generally  growing  pendulous  from  tree-ferns;  the 
sinuous  veins  which  show  clearly  in  the  illustration,  are 
very  remarkable,  quite  unlike  those  of  any  other  species 
of  filmy  fern. 

Description. — Root  short,  slender,  wide-creeping.  Stalks  fin. 
to  2 inches  long,  very  slender,  hair-like.  Fronds  1 to  4 inches 
long  by  -fin.  to  If  inches  broad,  very  delicate,  translucent,  shining, 
pale-green.  Seeds  irregular,  but  usually  occurring  down  each  side 
of  the  midrib. 

Abundant  throughout  the  Dominion.  Sea-level  to  3,500  feet. 

Though  not  much  larger  than  T.  Lyalli  and  T.  humile, 
this  little  fern  succeeds  in  making  itself  far  more  con- 
spicuous. Instead  of  hiding  its  charms  in  dark  nooks 
and  corners  like  T.  lmmile,  it  prefers  the  open  glade, 
flaunting  its  bright-green  fronds  in  the  checkered  light 
that  filters  through  the  tree-ferns. 

Found  also  in  Australia  and  Tasmania. 





A Medium  Specimen.  Upper  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(26)  T.  Colensoi  (Mr.  Colenso).  A somewhat  rare 
fern,  differing  from  T.  Jnimilc  in  being-  more  finely  cut, 
the  leaflets  more  branched  and  open,  and  the  stalk  run- 
ning through  the  centre  of  the  frond  more  hair-like,  not 

Description. — Root  branching,  wide-creeping,  hair-like.  Stalks 
short,  very  slender.  Fronds  rather  distant,  2 to  5 inches  long  by 
■jin.  to  1 inch  broad.  Seeds  small,  near  the  centre  stalk,  provided 
with  long  hair-like  bristles. 

North  Island : Rotorua,  Waikaremoana,  Mount  Egmont 

Ranges,  Tararua  Ranges.  South  Island:  Nelson,  Collingwood, 
Takaka  Valley,  West  Wanganui,  Banks  Peninsula,  Okarito,  near 
Dunedin,  Lake  Wanaka.  Sea-level  to  3,000  feet. 

This  elegant  little  fern  grows  pendulous  from  rocks 
and  trees.  It  is  confined  to  New  Zealand. 




A Large  Specimen.  Upper  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

(27)  T.  strictum  (narrow  and  upright).  A stiff,  up- 
right little  fern,  hardly  thin  enough  in  the  leaves  to  be 
called  “filmy.”  The  fronds,  of  a pale-green,  grow  in 
crowded  tufts;  a scarce  fern. 

Description. — Root  very  short,  erect  or  inclined,  not  creep- 
ing, stout,  woody.  Stalks  2 to  4 inches  long,  stiff,  erect  with  a 
tuft  of  reddish-brown  bristles  at  the  base.  Fronds  3 to  6 inches 
by  1^  to  2^  inches,  rigidly  erect,  yellowish-green.  Seeds  small, 
not  very  numerous,  producing  hair-like  bristles. 

North  Island:  Mangonui  County  to  Wellington,  somewhat 
rare.  South  Island:  Nelson,  Westland,  Otago.  Sea-level  to  3,000 

A handsome  fern  of  a distinct  appearance,  rather  dif- 
ficult to  cultivate ; the  only  chance  of  success  is  to  move 
some  of  the  sod  of  earth  in  which  it  is  growing  without 
in  any  way  disturbing  the  roots.  It  is  confined  to  New 

Trichomanes  ■ 


SIZE,  loin,  x 9in. 


A Large  Specimen.  Upper  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

(28 )T.elongatum  (lengthened).  Easily  recognised 
by  the  dark  olive-green,  the  broad  triangular  shape  of 
the  frond,  and  the  long  bristles  that  sometimes  cover  the 
under  surface  so  thickly  as  to  give  it  a brown  colour — a 
peculiarity  that  no  doubt  suggested  the  name. 

Description. — Root  short,  stout,  erect  or  inclined,  not  creep- 
ing. Stalks  3 to  9 inches  long,  stout,  rigid,  with  a tuft  of  bristles 
at  the  base.  Fronds  somewhat  scanty,  3 to  8 inches  long  by  11 
to  3 inches  broad,  dark  olive-green,  often  coated  on  the  upper 
surface  with  moss.  Seeds  numerous. 

North  Island : Abundant  in  dark  woods  north  of  East  Cape ; 
from  thence  to  Cook  Strait  rare  and  local.  South  Island:  Nelson, 
Marlborough,  Canterbury.  Sea-level  to  2,500  feet. 

To  find  this  fern  it  is  necessary  to  go  to  the  wettest 
and  shadiest  corner  of  a bush  gully,  such  as  the  steep 
mossy  bank  by  a waterfall.  A difficult  species  to  grow; 
in  transplanting,  care  must  be  taken  not  to  disturb  the 
roots.  Though  closely  allied  to  the  wide-spread  T.  rigi- 
diun,  it  is  found  only  in  New  Zealand. 



SIZE,  13in.  x 7in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 


LOXSOMA  (loxos,  oblique;  soma,  a band).  A 
genus  of  a single  speyies,  found  only  in  the  north  of  New 
Zealand.  An  exceedingly  beautiful  fern;  the  seeds  pro- 
jecting so  far  from  the  cup-shaped  seed  vessel  as  to  be 
visible  on  the  upper  side  of  the  frond. 

(29)  L.Cunninghamii  (Mr.  Cunningham).  A re- 
markably handsome  fern,  sometimes  standing  4 feet 
from  the  ground.  Recognised  most  readily  by  the  beau- 
tiful contour  of  the  fronds,  the  lovely  contrast  between 
the  cinnamon-brown  stalks  and  the  deep-greep  leaves, 
the  lighter  shade  or  milky-white  of  the  under  surface, 
and  the  remarkable  shape  and  position  of  the  seeds. 

Description. — Root  long,  stout,  creeping,  densely  covered  with 
red-brown  hairs.  Stalks  1 to  2 feet  high,  light-brown  when  ma- 
ture, smooth,  polished,  sometimes  partially  fluted.  Fronds  9 to 
24  inches  long  by  6 to  12  inches  broad,  texture  firm,  green,  light- 
green,  often  yellow-green  above,  light-green  or  milky-white  be- 
low. Seeds  conspicuous,  inserted  in  the  notches. 

North  Island:  In  woods  from  Kaitaia  and  Mangonui  south- 
wards to  Te  Aroha,  somewhat  scarce  and  local.  Sea-level  to 
1,200  feet. 



SIZE,  13in.  x 9jin. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side — Green  Variety. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

This  is  one  of  the  rare  ferns  of  the  world;  it  repre- 
sents a genus  of  but  one  species ; by  far  the  most  inter- 
esting fern  in  New  Zealand.  This  somewhat  bald  des- 
cription gives  a very  inadequate  notion  of  the  unique 
position  held  by  this  remarkable  plant.  By  way  of  illus- 
tration, it  might  be  supposed  that,  of  the  Order  Ranu- 
culus,  consisting  of  30  genera,  one,  the  clematis,  was 
represented  by  a single  species,  found  only  in  the  north 
of  New  Zealand.  That  is  to  say,  this  beautiful  family 
of  climbers  would  be  known  to  mankind  only  by  this  one 
species.  In  its  way,  Loxsoma  is  just  as  beautiful  as 
Clematis,  and  it  is  known  to  the  world  only  from  this 
limited  locality  in  the  north  of  New  Zealand. 

I shall  never  forget  finding  it  for  the  first  time.  I had 
not  been  many  months  in  New  Zealand,  and  my  only 
source  of  information  about  the  ferns  was  represented 
by  an  album  of  dried  specimens,  which  did  not  contain 
Loxsoma,  so  that  it  struck  me  with  all  the  novely  of  an 
original  discovery.  On  a journey  from  the  Northern 
Wairoa  to  Auckland,  I. arrived  at  Helensville  several 
hours  before  the  train  left  for  Riverhead.  Being  young 
and  full  of  zeal,  I determined  to  walk  across,  a distance 
of  15  miles,  in  the  hope  of  getting  something  new  for  my 
collection.  I found  absolutely  nothing  until  crossing  a 
small  creek  close  to  my  destination.  I can  claim  but  little 
skill  or  sagacity  in  finding  it,  for  the  Loxsoma  actually 
hit  me  in  the  face  before  I noticed  anything  unusual.  A 
single  glance  told  me  it  was  something  new,  an  examina- 
tion of  the  seeds  that  it  was  of  a different  genus  from 
any  fern  I had  seen.  I called  it  “The  Riverhead  Fern." 
Many  months  elapsed  before  I met  with  anyone  who 
could  tell  me  its  name. 

It  is  fairly  easy  to  grow.  The  young  stalks,  of  a pale 
tender  green,  rise  from  the  ground,  slowly  uncurl  until 
the  first  leaves  appear,  the  whole  frond  maturing  in  due 
course.  I know  of  no  colour  like  that  of  the  young'  frond 
( Pteris  incisa  approaching  it  most  nearly),  a soft,  eth- 
ereal pastel  green,  as  if  Nature  had  put  in  a little  white 



SIZE,  8in.  x 12in. 


A Small  Specimen.  Under  Side — White  Variety. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

and  a little  blue  pigment  when  mixing  the  colours  on 
her  palette.  As  the  leaf  matures  this  soft  virginal  colour 
gives  place  to  a darker  green — a more  weather-beaten 
shade.  There  is  something  free  and  bold  about  the 
contour  of  the  leaf,  so  very  distinctive  that  one  can 
recognise  the  species  from  a single  barren  leaflet.  The 
curious  seeds  protrude  so  far  beyond  the  cup-shaped 
vessel  in  which  they  rest  as  to  be  plainly  visible  on  the 
upper  side  of  the  leaf. 

The  botanist  responsible  for  the  naming  of  this  rare 
fern  does  not  seem  to  have  been  endowed  with  much 
imagination,  for  here,  if  anywhere,  was  room  for  its  dis- 
play. Does  the  name  advertise  its  extreme  rarity,  the 
lovely  colour,  the  elegant  outline  of  the  frond,  or  the  very 
unusual  shape  of  the  seeds?  Nothing  of  the  sort;  it  is 
merely  “Cunningham’s  fern  with  the  oblique  band,”  in 
allusion  to  a microscopic  peculiarity  of  the  seeds,  and  to 
the  man  who  first  recorded  its  discovery.  With  all  due 
respect  to  the  great  botanist,  the  discovery  of  this  fern 
was  no  very  wonderful  feat;  it  might  have  discovered 
itself  by  hitting  him  in  the  face,  as  was  my  case.  Why 
should  this  remarkable  fern  be  cumbered  with  a name 
suggesting  so  little  of  interest?  It  is  no  answer  to  say 
that  a name  is  of  no  importance  ; not  only  is  a good  name 
as  easy  to  invent  as  a bad  one,  but  it  is  much  easier  to 





New  Zealand  Ferns 


CYATHEA  (cyathos,  a cup).  A genus  of  120 
species,  with  4 in  New  Zealand.  Large  tree-ferns,  their 
classification  based  on  a microscopic  difference  in  the 
seed  vessel — a cup  surrounding  the  base  of  the  seeds. 


(30)  C.  dealbata  (whitish).  “Tonga,”  ‘'Silver  King.” 
There  is  no  mistaking  this  noble  tree-fern;  the  pure 
white  underside  of  the  fronds  must  attract  the  notice  of 
the  veriest  tyro. 

Description. — Trunk  10  to  30  feet  high,  about  8 inches  thick, 
stalks  rather  slender,  clothed  at  the  base  with  shining  dark-brown 
scales,  elsewhere  covered  with  yellow-brown  hairs  that  drop  ofif 
as  the  frond  becomes  older.  Fronds  numerous,  spreading  hori- 
zontally, 6 to  12  feet  long  by  2 to  4 feet  broad,  green  or  yellow- 
green  above,  pure  white  below  from  a coating  of  deciduous 
powder.  Seeds  small,  round,  copious,  contained  in  a cup-shaped 

Abundant  throughout  the  Dominion,  perhaps  the  most  gen- 
erally distributed  among  the  arborescent  species.  Sea-level  to 
2.000  feet. 



SIZE,  -ljin.  x 9in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

The  numbers  of  this  handsome  tree-fern  are  almost 
incredible;  not  only  does  one  come  across  them  in  end- 
less groves,  but  they  are  scattered  everywhere  among 
the  vegetation,  singly  and  in  groups.  The  warm,  nut- 
brown  colour  of  the  trunks  makes  a pleasing  contrast  to 
the  surrounding  greenery. 

The  “bunga”  of  the  bushman,  used  for  all  manner  of 
purposes — fences,  verandah  posts,  even  for  making 
roads.  It  puts  forth  its  principal  growth  in  the  spring, 
when  every  tree  is  crowned  with  a ring  of  light-brown 
crooks.  Compared  with  C.  medullaris , its  growth  is 
slow,  and  the  feathery  crown  is  more  horizontal,  not  so 
curved.  When  growing  from  the  side  of  a ravine,  the 
stem  often  leans  towards  the  stream,  and  then,  with  a 
graceful  curve,  regains  the  vertical.  Although  unusually 
abundant,  this  species  is  almost  restricted  to  the  Domin- 
ion, being  reported  with  certainty  only  from  Lord  Howe 

(31)  C.  medullaris  (pithy).  “Korau,”  “Mamaku,” 
“Black  tree-fern.”  The  tallest  of  the  tree-ferns,  the 
great  spreading  crown  supported  on  a slender  black 
stem.  Monarch  of  the  grove.  The  curved  fronds,  cover- 
ing an  area  36  feet  across,  make  a picture  of  unsurpass- 
ing splendour. 

Description. — Trunks  20  to  50  feet  high,  or  even  more  in  old 
plants,  furnished  at  the  base  with  hard  thick  buttresses  formed 
of  matted  aerial  rootlets  from  1 to  2\  feet  in  diameter,  tapering 
to  the  trunk  proper,  which  is  slender  for  its  height — 7 to  8 inches 
through,  black,  and  decorated  with  a formal  hexagonal  pattern 
running  diagonally  round  the  stem.  Stalks  stout,  clothed  at  the 
base  with  copious  black  scales.  Fronds  numerous,  20  to  30  in 



SIZE,  24in.  x 9in. 


A Small  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

a crown,  curving,  8 to  20  feet  long  by  3 to  5 feet  broad,  darkish 
green  above,  paler  beneath,  texture  firm.  Midrib  more  or  less 
clothed  with  silky  tawny  hairs.  Seeds  very  numerous. 

Abundant  throughout  the  Dominion,  except  the  east  coast  of 
Canterbury  and  Otago.  Sea-level  to  2,000  feet. 

One  of  the  tallest  and  handsomest  tree-ferns  in  the 
world.  It  is  seen  to  the  greatest  advantage  when  grow- 
ing on  a river  bank,  overhanging  the  water.  One  that 
grew  on  the  river  bank  below  my  house  at  Whangarei 
measured  6i  feet.  I used  to  swim  on  my  back  in  the  pool 
below,  and  look  up  at  the  blue  sky  through  its  feathery 
fronds.  It  died  of  old  age.  I should  imagine  they  do  not 
live  very  long',  rarely,  if  ever,  attaining  man’s  allotted 
span.  On  several  occasions  I have  tested  its  rate  of 
growth ; it  averages,  roughly,  a foot  a year  up  to  ten 
years,  possibly  it  may  be  slower  as  they  become  old. 

The  fronds  keep  appearing  all  the  year  round.  Who 
has  not  admired  the  majestic  unrolling  crooks  densely 
covered  with  dark-brown  scales  to  protect  the  tender  life 
from  sun  and  wind?  It  is  averred  that  the  Maori  got 
his  beautiful  scrolls  for  carving  and  tattooing  from  the 
tree-fern.  I had  one  growing  near  a totara  tree,  whose 
quickly  spreading  branches  gradually  thrust  it  out  of 
the  perpendicular.  After  an  unusually  wet  winter  and 
spring,  it  sent  up  a grand  crown  of  fronds,  more  than 
the  sloping  trunk  could  support,  for  it  snapped  off  close 
to  the  ground.  It  had  been  planted  a seedling  1 1 years 
before,  and  had  attained  a height  of  io  feet.  I dug  a 
hole,  placed  it  in  and  rammed  it  tight,  like  a fencing  post. 
After  struggling  through  the  summer,  it  began  to  put 
out  new  fronds,  and  now  shows  signs  of  complete  re- 

I can  remember  as  a young  man  being  shown  the 
largest  tree-fern  in  Scotland.  The  glasshouse  had  been 
specially  raised  to  accommodate  its  aspiring  head — it 
was  4 feet  high!  a poor,  scraggy  specimen,  but  almost 
venerated  by  its  owner.  In  New  Zealand  they  are  seldom 
less  than  20  feet  when  mature,  and  so  abundant  that  the 






New  Zealand  Ferns 

settlers  look  upon  them  as  only  an  encumbrance,  to  be 
cut  down  and  burnt  out  of  the  way  as  soon  as  possible. 

The  pith  of  the  trunk  and  lower  part  of  the  stalks — 
from  which  the  species  receives  its  name — was  formerly 
baked  by  the  Maoris  for  food;  when  properly  prepared 
it  resembled  dried  apples. 

This  splendid  fern  is  easily  cultivated,  growing  luxuri- 
antly on  the  lawns  about  Auckland,  and  giving  to  the 
suburbs  quite  a distinctive  appearance. 

The  perfection  of  growth  is  well  illustrated  by  the 
expanded  frond.  I have  counted  no  less  than  40,000 
leaflets  on  one  frond,  all  perfect,  not  one  missing  or  de- 
formed. No  doubt  the  same  may  be  said  of  most  of  Na- 
ture’s work,  it  is  only  more  visible  to  the  eye  in  the  prim 
regularity  of  a fern. 

The  rate  of  growth  in  the  different  species  of  tree- 
ferns  varies  considerably.  Cyathca  medullaris  grows 
about  a foot  a year;  I doubt  if  Cyatlica  dcalbata  grows 
more  than  4 inches.  The  growth  of  the  fronds  I have 
measured  more  exactly.  The  plants  were  two  years  old. 

Greatest  Average 

Daily  growth  Daily  growth 

Dicksonia  squcirrosa 2fin.  lfin. 

Dicksonia  lanata  2fin.  lfin. 

Cyathca  dcalbata  lfin.  fin. 

Cyathca  medullaris  4in.  2in. 

These  measurements  were  taken  from  14  tree-ferns 
during  the  months  of  September  and  October. 

A pumpkin  runner  averaged  6 inches  a day  for  a 

It  is  hard  to  believe  that  so  soft  and  tender  a plant  as 
a fern  could  possess  anything  so  harsh  as  a thorn.  On 
visiting  one  of  the  remnants  of  real  forest  near  Umtali, 
in  Rhodesia,  my  guide  assured  me  that  the  tree-ferns 
had  thorns.  I scoffed  at  the  idea,  but  not  for  long.  As 
I descended  the  steep  path  my  foot  slipped,  and  to  save 
myself  I grabbed  the  nearest  support.  I let  go  with  a 
cry  of  pain,  for  it  had  torn  my  hand.  Instead  of  showing 



sympathy  my  guide  laughed  and  pointed  upwards — it 
was  a tree-fern!  the  trunk  very  slender,  perhaps  15  feet 
high,  with  a lovely  spreading  top.  Not  only  were  there 
thorns  on  the  trunk,  but  even  the  lower  part  of  the  leaf- 
stalks was  similarly  provided. 

In  the  ’eighties  of  last  century  the  market  price  for 
tree-ferns  in  London  ranged  from  £5  to  £47.  A few 
years  ago  Maori  women  peddled  young  tree-ferns  from 
door  to  door  in  Auckland,  exchanging  them  readily  for 
an  old  skirt. 

Found  also  in  South-east  Australia,  Tasmania,  and 
several  of  the  Pacific  Islands. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(32)  C.Milnei  (Mr.  Milne).  A noble  tree-fern,  allied 
to  C.  mcdullaris,  but  sufficiently  distinct  to  be  classified 
as  a separate  species.  Found  only  on  the  Kermadec 

Description. — Trunk  20  to  40  feet  high,  1 foot  in  diameter 
at  the  base.  Leaf-stalks  stout,  thickly  clothed  at  the  base  with 
scales.  Fronds  numerous.  6 to  18  feet  long  by  2 to  4 feet  broad, 
dark-green  above,  paler  beneath.  Seeds  copious,  rather  large. 

Kermadec  Islands : Sunday  Island,  abundant  from  sea-level  to 
the  top  of  the  highest  hills — 1,700  feet. 



SIZE,  16in.  x 8in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(33)  C.Cunninghamii  (Mr.  Cunningham).  “Gully 
Fern.”  A graceful  tree-fern,  very  similar  to  C.  medul - 
laris,  but  smaller,  the  trunk  more  slender — usually  only 
half  the  diameter — the  fronds  less  robust,  wider  in  pro- 
portion to  their  length,  more  irregularly  curved,  not  so 
drooping,  more  membranous.  Midribs  covered  with  yel- 
lowish hairs.  Seeds  smaller. 

Description. — Trunk  8 to  20  feet  or  more  high,  3 to  3^  inches 
diameter.  Often  coated  at  the  base  with  matted  aerial  rootlets. 
Leaf-stalks  rather  slender.  Fronds  numerous,  20  to  30;  6 to  10 
feet  long  by  2 to  4 feet  broad,  almost  membranous,  flaccid,  dark- 
green  above,  paler  beneath.  Seeds  copious. 

North  Island:  Bay  of  Islands,  Whangarei,  Great  Barrier,  Wai- 
takere,  Hunua ; Wellington — Hutt  Valley.  South  Island : Nel- 
son. Chatham  Islands.  Sea-level  to  1,500  feet. 

After  fully  describing  the  trunks  and  fronds  of  the 
tree-ferns,  their  beauties  are  not  nearly  exhausted.  The 
fibrous  trunks  form  natural  hanging  gardens  for  innu- 
merable species  of  ferns  and  mosses,  besides  many  flow- 
ering plants.  I have  observed  some  40  or  50  species  of 
ferns  flourishing  in  this  airy  situation,  from  mats  of 
tiny  filmy  ferns,  pellucid  cups  of  the  kidney  fern,  to  long 
pendulous  fronds  of  Hymenophyllum  scabnnn  and  H. 
dilatatum;  several  species  of  climbing  Polypodium  and 
Lomaria;  handsome  fronds  of  Aspidium  capense  richly 
decorated  with  patches  of  black  seeds;  picturesque  tufts 
of  Aspleniuni  falcatum , the  broad  shining  leaves  of  A. 
lucidum;  great  hirsute  fronds  of  N ephrodium  hispidum, 
and  the  twining  mange-mange,  etc.,  etc. 



SIZE,  19in.  x 14) in. 


A Large  Specimen.  UnderSide.  (See  also  past  149) 



New  Zealand  Ferns 


HEM] TELIA  (half  complete).  A genus  of  45 
species  of  tree-ferns,  with  one  species  and  one  recognised 
variety  in  New  Zealand;  not  so  big  as  Cyathea,  from 
which  it  differs  in  the  smaller  size  of  the  cup-shaped 
vessel  supporting  the  seeds. 


(34)  H.  Smithii  (Mr.  Smith).  Named  after  John 
Smith,  curator  of  Kew  Gardens.  A very  beautiful  tree- 
fern,  with  the  most  tender  foliage  of  any  New  Zealand 
arborescent  species;  easily  recognised  by  the  soft  woolly 
scales  of  a light  straw  colour  about  the  base  of  the 

Description. — Trunk  6 to  25  feet  high,  about  9 inches  dia- 
meter. Stalks  slender,  clothed  at  the  base  with  a dense  brush  of 
chestnut-brown  scales.  Fronds  numerous,  spreading  horizontally. 
5 to  9 feet  long  by  1J  to  2J  feet  broad,  thin  and  membranous, 
bright  fresh  green.  Seeds  copious. 

Abundant  throughout  the  Dominion.  Sea-level  to  2,000  feet. 

The  species  is  easy  of  cultivation,  though  usually  neg- 
lected for  the  more  showy  tree-ferns.  The  trunk  is  some- 
times branched.  It  is  found  in  the  Auckland  Islands 
(South  latitude  47.20),  the  extreme  limit  of  arborescent 
ferns,  and  is  confined  to  New  Zealand. 

(35)  Var.  microphylla  (small  leaved).  Fronds  fewer, 
soft,  delicately  membranous,  pale  grass-green,  more  fine- 
ly divided.  Habitat  similar  to  the  foregoing. 



SIZE,  loin,  x 2iin. 


A Small  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 


ALSOPHILA  (alsos,  grove;  philo,  love).  A 
genus  of  about  120  species,  with  one  in  New  Zealand. 
Tree-ferns  mostly  tropical;  the  stem  low  or  prostrate  on 
the  ground.  A mountain  species ; the  seed-covering  alto- 
gether absent. 


(36)  A.  Colensoi  (Mr.  Colenso).  “The  Golden 
Tree  Fern.”  A semi-prostate  tree-fern  found  on  the 
mountains  of  the  interior. 

Description. — Stem  long,  prostrate,  rooting,  seldom  more  than 
8 inches  in  circumference,  sometimes  erect  or  ascending  at  the  tip 
and  attaining  a height  of  3 to  5 feet.  Stalks  short,  densely  cov- 
ered with  pale-brown  scales.  Fronds  2 to  5 feet  long  by  f to 
2 feet  broad,  membranous,  yellowish-green  or  reddish-brown. 
Seeds  conspicuous.  Upper  part  of  stalks  and  midribs  thickly 
clothed  with  red-brown  hairs  intermixed  with  pale-coloured 

North  Island:  Mountains  of  the  interior  from  Hikurangi  and 
Mount  Egmont  southwards.  South  Island:  Not  uncommon  in 
the  sub-alpine  forests  throughout.  Usually  between  2,000  and 
4,000  feet,  descending  to  low  levels  in  South  Otago. 

The  hardiest  of  our  tree-ferns;  easily  cultivated.  Con- 
fined to  New  Zealand. 



SIZE,  13ain.  x 4|in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 


DICIvSONIA  (named  after  James  Dickson,  a 
British  cryptogamist).  A genus  of  about  25  species, 
with  3 in  New  Zealand;  usually  medium-sized  tree- 
ferns.  Seeds  marginal,  contained  in  a two-valved  vessel. 


(37)  D . squarrosci  (rough).  “Wheki.”  A medium- 
sized tree-fern,  with  slender  trunk  and  leaf-stalks,  fronds 
nearly  horizontal,  easily  recognised  by  the  red-brown 
dead  leaves  that  hang  down  the  stem  from  under  the 

Description. — Trunk  6 to  20  feet  high,  slender,  black  or  dark- 
brown.  Stalks  slender,  dark-brown  or  black  at  the  base,  paler 
above,  clothed  when  young  with  long  darDbrown  hairs,  nearly 
smooth  when  old.  Fronds  4 to  8 feet  long  by  2 to  3J  feet  broad, 
rigid,  harsh  to  the  touch,  dark-green,  paler  below.  Seeds  rather 
large,  copious,  covering  the  whole  back  of  the  frond. 

Abundant  throughout  the  Dominion.  Sea-level  to  2,500  feet. 

This  slender,  somewhat  trim  species  of  tree-fern  is 
confined  to  New  Zealand,  where  it  is  exceedingly  abun- 
dant. The  trunk  occasionally  branches,  and  sometimes 
produces  adventitious  buds  along  its  whole  length 
crowned  with  miniature  fronds.  It  is  easily  cultivated. 



SIZE,  13jin.  x 33in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side.  ( See  aha  pane  159) 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

(38)  D.  fibrosa  (fibrous).  “Wheki-ponga.”  A me- 
dium-sized tree-fern,  with  a stout  columnar  trunk  every- 
where thickly  coated  with  matted,  fibrous  aerial  root- 
lets; not  found  in  the  North. 

Description. — Trunk  8 to  20  feet  high,  stout,  columnar,  coated 
with  matted  aerial  rootlets,  giving  it  a diameter  when  mature  of 
from  1 to  2 feet.  Stalks  very  short,  clothed  at  the  base  with 
bright  red-brown  scales.  Fronds  numerous,  30  or  more,  spread- 
ing, 4 to  8 feet  long  by  1^  to  2 feet  broad,  not  so  harsh  as  D. 
squarrosa.  Seeds  small,  very  numerous,  covering  the  whole  back 
of  the  frond. 

From  Tauranga  and  middle  Waikato  southwards  abundant. 
Sea-level  to  2,500  feet. 

A handsome,  sturdy-looking  species  very  closely  allied 
to  D.  antarctica,  and  so  named  in  the  earlier  works,  but 
it  is  a much  smaller  plant,  with  smaller  seeds.  Confined 
to  New  Zealand.  The  Maoris  used  to  slice  the  outside 
of  the  trunk  into  slabs  for  the  construction  of  their  food- 
houses  (whare  puni),  as  they  found  the  fibrous  material 
almost  impervious  to  rats.  An  easily  cultivated  plant, 
the  spreading  crown  hardly  affected  by  sun  or  wind. 



SIZE,  lOlin.  x 2iin. 


A Large  Specimen.  Under  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

(39)  D.  lanata  (woolly).  A semi-erect  tree-fern; 
easily  distinguished  from  the  other  Dicksonias  by  its 
short  trunk,  or  absence  of  a trunk,  and  the  broader, 
iaxer  fronds. 

Description. — Trunk  usually  long,  prostrate  and  rooting — as 
thick  as  the  wrist — more  rarely  stout,  erect,  attaining  a height  of 
from  3 to  6 feet.  Stalks  from  half  as  long  to  quite  as  long  as  the 
frond,  pale,  smooth,  clothed  at  the  base  with  brown  scales ; when 
young  the  upper  part,  together  with  the  midrib,  covered  with  soft 
woolly  hairs.  Fronds  few,  3 to  6 feet  long  by  1 to  3 feet  broad, 
thick,  but  hardly  rigid,  green  to  yellowish-green  above,  paler  be- 
neath. Seeds  copious. 

North  Island:  Hilly  forests  from  Mangonui  to  Cook  Strait, 
somewhat  scarce  and  local.  South  Island:  Nelson — Massacre 
Bay,  Pakawa  ; Westland — Okarito  ; Canterbury — Banks  Penin- 
sula. Sea-level  to  2.000  feet. 

At  Whangarei  and  further  north  this  species  usually 
possesses  a short  trunk,  but  to  the  south  it  is  invariably 
stemless.  It  is  an  easy  plant  to  cultivate.  Four  years  ago 
I brought  a seedling  from  Whangarei  and  planted  it  in 
Auckland.  It  will  he  interesting  to  see  if  it  produces  a 
stem  similar  to  the  parent  plant.  So  far  it  has  not,  al- 
though it  has  put  forth  several  seeded  fronds,  a sign 
of  maturity. 



SIZE,  loin,  x 4lin. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 


DAYALLIA  (named  to  honour  Edmond  Davall, 
a Swiss  botanist).  A genus  of  over  ioo  species,  with 
two  authentic  species  in  New  Zealand,  both  medium- 
sized plants. 

Seeds  in  small  globular  vessels  near  the  margins  of 
the  leaflets. 

(40)  D.  Tasmani  (named  to  honour  Tasman).  Should 
any  of  my  readers  have  the  good  fortune  to  land  on  the 
Three  Kings  Islands,  they  can  hardly  fail  to  find  this 
fern,  which  its  discoverer  describes  as  abundant. 

Description. — Root  long,  stout,  as  thick  as  the  finger,  densely 
clothed  with  chestnut-brown  scales.  Stalks  strong,  rigid,  smooth, 
3 to  9 inches  long.  Fronds  4 to  12  inches  long  by  3 to  9 inches 
broad,  very  thick  and  leathery,  quite  smooth.  Seeds  numerous,  in 
cup-shaped  vessels  on  the  margins  of  the  leaflets. 

Three  Kings  Islands,  abundant. 

This  most  interesting  fern  was  found  by  Mr.  T.  F. 
Cheeseman.  Up  to  the  present  it  has  been  reported  from 
nowhere  else  in  the  world  than  these  minute  islets.  In 
all  its  aspects  it  is  much  more  like  D.  solida,  a common 
Pacific  species,  than  D.  novae  scalandiae.  It  is  strange 
that  it  should  have  skipped  the  Kermadec  Islands,  which 
are  several  hundred  miles  nearer  the  headquarters  of 
the  genus,  from  whence  the  ancestor  of  the  plant  must 
have  come  and  established  itself  on  these  small  islets. 
This  must  have  occurred  at  a remote  period,  to  account 
for  its  divergence  from  its  nearest  ally. 



SIZE,  lOiin.  x 6in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(41)  D.  novae  zealancliae  (New  Zealand).  A very 
handsome  species,  with  wide-spreading  finely-cut  fronds 
of  a lace-like  texture,  and  numerous  small  seeds  in  de- 
tached vessels  near  the  margins  of  the  leaflets. 

Description. — Root  long,  branched,  wide-creeping,  as  thick  as 
a quill,  clothed  with  yellowish-brown  scales.  Stalks  6 to  18  inches 
long,  red-brown,  firm,  erect,  rough  and  bristly  at  the  base,  smooth 
and  polished  above.  Fronds  1 to  2 feet  long  by  6 to  12  inches 
broad.  Seeds  very  numerous,  contained  in  round-shaped  vessels. 

North  and  South  Islands,  in  woods  from  Mangonui  to  Fo- 
veaux  Strait,  but  often  local.  Sea-level  to  2,000  feet. 

An  elegant  and  very  distinct  species  with  an  unusually 
fine-cut  frond.  It  makes  a beautiful  specimen  for  the 
herbarium.  Mr.  Thomson  reports  it  as  growing  readily 
under  cultivation.  It  is  found  only  in  New  Zealand. 

Note. — D.  FORSTERI  is  only  known  from  Forster’s  speci- 
mens preserved  in  the  British  Museum  Flerbarium  and  labelled 
“Dusky  Sound.”  It  has  not  been  found  since,  and  was  possibly 
collected  in  some  of  the  Polynesian  Islands,  where  the  genus  is 
very  abundant. 



SIZE,  13in.  x Tain. 


A Medium  Specimen.  LTnder  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 


CYSTOPTERIS  (kystos,  a cyst;  pteris,  a fern). 
"Bladder  Fern.”  A genus  of  5 species,  with  1 in  New 
Zealand.  A small  tender  fern;  the  seeds  covered  by  an 
egg-shaped  envelope  somewhat  like  a bladder. 

(42)  C.  fragilis  (fragile).  A delicate,  pale-green  soft 
little  mountain  fern,  growing  among  the  clefts  of  rocks 
in  dry  open  ground. 

Description. — Root  short,  semi-erect,  often  branched  near  the 
top,  clothed  with  red-brown  scales.  Stalks  1 to  4 inches  long, 
slender,  fragile,  slightly  scaly  at  base.  Fronds  3 to  9 inches  long 
by  1 to  2 inches  broad,  pale-green,  thin  and  membranous.  Seeds 
protected  by  a bladder-like  covering. 

North  Island : Mount  Egmont,  Tararua  Ranges,  Wairarapa 
Valiev.  South  Island:  Not  uncommon  in  mountainous  districts 
throughout.  1,000  to  4,000  feet. 

This  delicate,  unobtrusive  little  fern  is  found  all  over 
the  world.  Mr.  Field  describes  it  as  growing  easily 
under  cultivation  if  sheltered  from  the  wind. 



SIZE,  8in.  x 8in. 


A Large  Specimen. 


Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 


LINDSAYA  (to  honour  Dr.  Lindsay,  of  Ja- 
maica, a writer  on  the  germination  of  mosses  and  ferns). 
A very  distinct  genus  of  about  60  species,  with  3 species 
and  1 variety  in  New  Zealand.  Small,  bright-green, 
terrestrial  ferns.  The  margins  of  the  leaflets  have  the 
appearance  of  being  double,  the  seeds  lying  between. 


(43)  L.  linearis  (narrow).  A small,  very  narrow 
fern,  growing  on  poor,  hungry  land  among  light  scrub; 
a very  distinct  species. 

Description. — Root  slender,  creeping,  clothed  with  yellow- 
brown  scales.  Stalks  2 to  9 inches  long,  slender,  flexuous,  wiry, 
dark  red-brown,  smooth  and  glossy.  Fronds  3 to  8 inches  long 
by  Jin.  broad,  barren  ones  shorter,  broader,  and  less  erect  than 
the  fertile,  green  to  light-green.  Seeds  forming  a continuous  line 
along  the  upper  edge  of  the  leaflets. 

Plentiful  on  clay  hills  and  cold  swampy  soils  from  the  North 
Cape  to  the  East  Cape ; rare  and  local  in  the  South  Island.  Sea- 
level  to  2,000  feet. 

Linds a ya 


SIZE,  8in.  x loin. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Upper  and  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

This  pretty  little  fern  is  no  believer  in  self-advertise- 
ment, for  one  rarely  sees  its  trim  fronds  in  the  open.  It 
is  only  by  searching  among  the  manuka  or  light  scrub 
that  one  realises  how  plentiful  it  is  in  many  localities. 
Although  growing  in  such  poor  soil,  it  is  difficult  to  cul- 
tivate; Mr.  Field  had  recourse  to  a Wardian  case  before 
he  succeeded.  I have  been  quite  unsuccessful.  It  is  also 
found  in  Australia,  Tasmania,  Norfolk  Island,  and  New 

(44)  L.  trichomanoides  (resembling  Trichomanes). 
A little  gem,  perfect  in  all  its  aspects — outline,  form, 
colour;  usually  growing  on  dry  banks  in  thick  scrub  or 
bush.  There  is  no  mistaking  the  slender,  polished, 
golden-brown  stalks,  the  deep-green  leaves,  the  narrow 
line  of  seeds  round  the  margin. 

Description. — Root  slender,  creeping,  covered  with  reddish- 
brown  scales.  Stalks  3 to  8 inches  long,  slender,  polished,  shining 
red-brown,  rather  rigid.  Fronds  3 to  8 inches  long  by  l\  to  4 
inches  broad,  texture  firm,  green  to  dark-green.  Seeds  forming 
a continuous  line  round  the  margins  of  the  leaflets. 

Fairly  abundant  in  the  North  Island ; local  in  the  South  Island. 
Sea-level  to  2,500  feet. 

This  lovely  species  varies  greatly  in  appearance;  the 
more  northern  specimens  are  not  so  much  divided  or  so 
finely  cut  as  those  coming  from  further  south. 

It  seems  to  grow  well  in  a thin  layer  of  vegetable 
mould  above  poor,  hungry  clay  soil,  yet  it  is  a difficult 
species  to  transplant.  Though  I have  tried  many  times, 
the  plants  gradually  faded  and  died.  Found  also  in 
Australia,  Tasmania,  and  Fiji. 



SIZE,  llin.  x lOin. 


A Large  Specimen.  Under  and  LTpper  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

I have  illustrated  a form  of  this  species  that  grew 
plentifully  near  Picton  (44a),  formerly  classed  as  Lind- 
saya  micro pliylla.  In  my  judgment  it  diverges  further 
from  L.  tricJwmanoides  than  does  Lessonii. 

Lindsay a 


SIZE,  7in.  x 7lm. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Upper  and  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(45)  t ar.Lessonii  (M.  Lesson).  Leaflets  spreading 
laterally,  not  so  much  divided,  the  final  divisions  larger. 
It  is  the  more  usual  form  in  the  Auckland  district.  The 
curves  of  the  leaflets  are  absolutely  perfect  in  outline. 



SIZE,  12in.  x 9in. 


A Large  Specimen.  Under  Side.  All  five  fronds  are  growing  from  one  stalk. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(46)  L.viridis  (green).  A very  beautiful  little  fern, 
always  found  growing  on  dripping  rocks  set  in  a bed  of 
moss,  and  usually  shunning  the  sunlight.  The  long,  nar- 
row fronds  are  inclined  to  be  pendulous.  When  seen 
growing  on  a shaded  slope  of  moss-covered  rock  in 
crowded  tufts,  they  give  one  the  impression  of  intense, 
vivid  green. 

Description. — Root  very  short,  inclined,  not  erect.  Stalks 
densely  tufted,  1 to  4 inches  long,  slender,  wiry,  dark  chestnut- 
brown,  polished  and  shining.  Fronds  6 to  14  inches  long  by  1 to 
H inches  broad,  bright-green  to  pale-green,  firm  in  texture,  mid- 
rib sinuous.  Seeds  very  numerous,  in  a short  line  at  the  tips  of 
the  leaflets.  A somewhat  rare  species. 

North  Island:  Great  Barrier,  Little  Barrier,  Thames,  Hender- 
son, Huia  Creek.  Mauku,  between  Tauranga  and  Rotorua,  East 
Cape,  Mount  Egmont,  Upper  Wanganui  to  Tararua  Ranges. 
South  Island:  Massacre  Bay,  Torrent  Bay,  near  Hokitika, 
Sounds  of  West  Coast. 

Mr.  Field  describes  this  species  as  not  very  difficult 
to  grow  if  supplied  with  sufficient  moisture;  personally, 
I have  not  been  very  successful.  It  is  the  rarest  of 
the  New  Zealand  Lindsayas  and  is  found  in  no  other 



SIZE,  llin.  x 5:n. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  and  Upper  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 


ADIANTUM  (adiantos,  unwetted;  from  the 
property  the  leaves  have  of  throwing  off  water).  “Maid- 
enhair,” so  called  from  the  slender,  hair-like  stalks,  or 
because  it  is  sometimes  made  into  a wash  to  promote 
the  growth  of  hair.  A very  distinct  genus  of  about  80 
species,  with  6 species  and  1 variety  in  New  Zealand. 
Seeds  marginal,  kidney-shaped  in  the  New  Zealand 


(47)  A.  aethiopicum  (African).  “Makaka,”  “The 
True  Maidenhair.”  Easily  distinguished  by  the  small 
roundish  leaflets  and  the  black,  hair-like  stalks.  Usually 
growing  in  masses  to  the  exclusion  of  other  plants  be- 
neath manuka  or  small  scrub. 

Description. — Root  creeping,  sending  out  suckers.  Stalks  4 
to  10  inches  high,  very  slender,  dark-brown,  almost  black,  shining, 
smooth.  Fronds  6 to  12  inches  long  by  3 to  6 inches  broad,  erect 
or  drooping,  pale-green,  very  thin  and  membranous.  Secondary 
leaf-stalks  hair-like.  Seeds  placed  in  notches  on  the  outer  margins 
of  the  leaflets. 

North  Island:  Plentiful  in  lowland  districts  from  the  North 
Cape  to  the  Thames  and  Waikato ; from  thence  rare  and  local  to 
Hawke’s  Bay  and  Taranaki.  South  Island  doubtful. 



SIZE,  llin.  x 9iin. 


A Large  Specimen.  Under  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

A most  graceful  species,  almost  indispensable  for 
bridal  bouquets.  Although  called  “The  Real  Maiden- 
hair,” in  distinction  from  the  five  other  New  Zealand 
species,  it  differs  slightly  from  A.  capillus  veneris — 
the  Maidenhair  of  Europe — by  the  larger  fronds  and 
smaller  leaflets.  However,  as  the  stalks  are  just  as  hair- 
like,  I think  it  is  equally  entitled  to  the  name. 

The  persistence  of  some  small  weak  plants  is  very 
remarkable.  I first  gathered  this  fern  in  1878  at  Muri- 
wai,  near  Helensville,  at  that  time  a populous  Maori 
settlement,  presided  over  by  one  of  the  old-time  cannibal 
chiefs,  a fine  upstanding  old  man  of  eighty  years,  with 
all  his  teeth  intact — no  doubt  a useful  equipment  in  his 
young  days.  The  fern  grew  in  some  high  manuka  just 
beyond  the  village;  but  there  were  no  other  trees  in  the 
vicinity.  I next  visited  the  spot  38  years  later.  Not  only 
had  the  rangatira  departed,  but  every  vestige  of  the 
settlement  was  gone — the  whares,  the  kumara  fields,  and 
the  manuka.  There  was  literally  nothing  to  show  where 
the  village  had  been.  The  only  thing  to  fix  the  spot  in 
my  memory — collectors  know  how  rooted  in  one’s  recol- 
lection is  the  scene  of  a first  find — was  a large  patch  of 
the  soft  green  maidenhair,  shaded  by  umbrageous  trees. 
The  Maoris  had  vanished,  the  manuka  was  gone,  yet, 
notwithstanding  the  advent  of  large  trees,  the  humble 
little  fern  still  held  its  ground. 

It  is  a widely-distributed  species  in  both  tropical  and 
sub-tropical  countries.  Easily  grown,  either  in  pots  or 
in  the  fernery. 





New  Zealand  Ferns 

(48)  A.  diaphanum  (semi-transparent).  The  small- 
est— referring  to  the  whole  frond — of  the  New  Zealand 
species;  either  a single  leaf  or  branched  once  or  twice. 
Growing  on  dry  banks  under  the  shade  of  bushes. 

Description. — Root  very  short,  tufted;  rootlets  long,  fibrous, 
densely  hairy,  bearing  numerous  small  tubers.  Stalks  2 to  6 inches 
long,  very  slender,  almost  hair-like,  purplish-brown  or  nearly 
black,  wiry,  slightly  scaly  towards  the  base.  Fronds  3 to  6 inches 
long,  rarely  more,  either  single  or  branched  once  to  twice,  each 
leaf  ?in.  to  1 inch  wide,  thin  and  membranous,  dark-green.  Seeds 
placed  in  the  notches  of  the  upper  and  outer  margins  of  the  leaf- 
lets, surfaces  sparingly  covered  with  minute  black  hairs. 

North  Island:  Not  uncommon  in  woods  at  low  elevation, 
usually  in  rich  alluvial  soil.  South  Island:  Apparently  rare  and 
local.  Nelson — Bateman’s  Gully,  Collingwood  ; Canterbury— gorge 
of  the  Rakaia ; Otago — various  localities.  Sea-level  to  1,000  feet. 

This  modest  little  fern,  though  easily  grown,  is  gen- 
erally neglected  in  favour  of  its  more  showy  brethren. 
Outside  New  Zealand  it  is  a widely-spread  species. 




A Large  Specimen. 


Under  Side. 

SIZE,  llin.  x 8iin. 


New  Zealand  Fekns 

(49)  J cir.  polymorphum  (many  shaped).  Fronds 
smaller,  pale-green ; leaves  usually  simple,  rarely 
branched  at  the  base ; surface  of  the  leaves  quite  smooth. 
Much  the  same  habitat  as  A.  diaphannm. 



SIZE,  9in.  x -tlm. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

(50)  A.  hispidulum  (bristly).  This  differs  from  the 
other  maidenhairs  in  the  stiff,  harsh  texture  of  the 
fronds,  their  broad  fan-shaped  outline,  the  bright  red 
colour  of  the  young  leaves,  and  its  habit  of  growing  in 
the  open. 

Description. — Root  short,  stout,  creeping.  Stalks  6 to  15 
inches  long,  stout,  erect,  rough  to  the  touch,  dark-brown  or  al- 
most black.  Fronds  broad,  6 to  12  inches  or  more  across,  widely 
fan-shaped,  green  to  olive-green,  often  bright-red  or  reddish- 
brown  when  young;  midribs  rough  and  hairy.  Seeds  numerous, 
placed  in  the  notches  of  the  upper  and  outer  margins. 

North  Island : Abundant  as  far  south  as  East  Cape  and  Rag- 
lan, from  thence  southwards  rare  and  local  to  Cook  Strait.  South 
Island  : Nelson — Bishopdale. 

The  fronds,  usually  with  ten  points  in  two  groups  of 
five  like  a pair  of  hands,  when  young  are  a bright  pink, 
and  make  a very  beautiful  object  when  spangled  with 
dew,  the  light  scintillating  through  the  drops  as  from 
burnished  copper.  At  certain  seasons  a bank  will  be 
rosy-red  with  the  opening  crooks,  for  this  hardy  species 
braves  the  fiercest  sunlight.  I experienced  no  difficulty 
in  growing  it  in  my  fernery.  I have  seen  it  badly  cut  at 
Whangarei  by  an  unusually  sharp  frost.  It  is  a widely- 
spread  species. 



SIZE,  Ulin.  x 9iin. 


. A Large  Specimen. 


Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(51)  A.  formosum  (beautiful).  The  largest  of  the 
New  Zealand  maidenhairs,  apparently  confined  to  two 
districts — the  Northern  Wairoa  and  the  Manawatu  and 
its  tributaries.  A handsome,  branching  fern,  with  small 

Description. — Root  long,  stout,  creeping,  scaly.  Stalk  1 to  3 
feet  high,  purplish-black  or  quite  black,  shining,  sometimes  hairy 
towards  the  base,  rough  throughout.  Fronds  1-^  to  3 feet  long 
by  12  to  20  inches  broad,  dark-green,  texture  firm,  under  surface 
smooth,  or  bearing  scattered  hairs.  Midrib  sinuous,  black  and 
glossy.  Seeds  numerous,  placed  in  shallow  depressions  at  the  top 
of  the  leaflets. 

Alluvial  banks  of  Northern  Wairoa.  Manawatu  River  and  its 
tributaries  from  Woodville  to  below  Palmerston  North. 

A very  handsome  species,  sometimes  attaining  a 
height  of  5 feet,  with  more  than  20  branches  and  1,000 
leaflets.  Mr.  Field,  who  calls  it  “The  Plumed  Maiden- 
hair/’ also  states  that  it  is  easily  grown  in  light  sandy 
loam,  but  it  is  difficult  to  transplant  on  account  of  the 
deep  roots.  Found  also  in  Eastern  Australia. 



SIZE,  12lin.  x 9iin. 


A Small  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(52)  A.  affine  (related).  A lowland  fern,  fond  of 
dry  shady  slopes;  the  most  abundant  maidenhair  in  New 
Zealand,  with  large-leaved  straggling  fronds. 

Description. — Root  long,  creeping,  stout,  clothed  with  glossy 
dark  chestnut-brown  scales.  Stalks  4 to  12  inches  long,  stout, 
erect,  shining-black,  rough  and  scaly  at  the  very  base,  smooth 
and  polished  above.  Fronds  6 to  15  inches  long  by  3 to  9 inches 
broad,  green  to  pale-green  above,  usually  sea-green  below,  quite 
smooth.  Seeds  numerous,  rather  large,  placed  in  small  notches 
on  the  upper  and  outer  margins  of  the  leaflets. 

Abundant  throughout  the  Dominion. 

A very  variable  species  in  size,  the  amount  of  branch- 
ing of  the  frond,  and  the  shape  of  the  leaflets.  When 
growing  on  rock  faces  it  is  often  dwarfed  to  an  inch  or 
two.  It  is  easily  cultivated.  Found  also  in  Australia. 



SIZE,  13|in.  x 9in. 


A Large  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(53)  A.  fulvum  (tawny).  The  written  description  of 
this  species  differs  but  little  from  A.  affine,  yet  a glance 
at  the  illustration  shows  a marked  divergence.  The 
fronds  are  a darker  green,  the  under  surface  is  not  sea- 
green,  the  leaflets  are  narrower  and  more  pointed,  the 
stalks  are  rougher,  and  the  whole  frond  more  symmetri- 

The  roughened  stalk  and  the  presence  of  tawny  hairs 
upon  the  midribs  distinguish  this  species  most  certainly 
from  A.  affine,  but  their  detection  requires  the  aid  of  a 

Description. — Root  long,  creeping,  clothed  with  brown  scales. 
Stalk  4 to  12  inches  long,  erect,  dark  reddish-brown  or  almost 
black,  rough  to  the  touch,  scaly  at  the  base.  Fronds  6 to  15  inches 
long  by  3 to  9 inches  broad,  olive-green  or  pale-green,  not  sea- 
green  below.  Midribs  more  or  less  covered  with  stiff  tawny  hairs. 
Seeds  usually  numerous,  in  shallow  notches  on  the  upper  mar- 
gins of  the  leaflets. 

North  and  South  Islands : Lowland  districts  as  far  south  as 
Banks  Peninsula,  not  uncommon. 

This  species  is  connected  by  intermediate  forms  with 
A.  affine.  It  is  found  also  in  Norfolk  Island,  New  South 
Wales,  and  Fiji. 



SIZE,  13 Jin.  x 9Jin. 




New  Zealand  Ferns 


HYPOLEPIS  (hypo,  under;  lepis,  a scale).  A 
genus  of  12  species,  with  4 in  New  Zealand.  Large  to 
medium-sized  branching  ferns.  Seeds  small,  placed  in 
the  notches  of  the  leaflets.  Margin  of  the  leaf  modified 
and  curved  so  as  partly  to  cover  the  seeds. 


(54)  H.  tenui folia  (thin-leaved).  A large,  branching- 
species;  the  soft  pale-green  fronds  yielding  to  the  touch. 
Usually  found  on  the  edge  of  bush  or  in  clearings. 

Description. — Roots  long,  stout,  creeping,  clothed  with  red- 
brown  scales.  Stalks  1 to  2 feet  high  or  more,  strong,  erect,  brown 
or  yellow-brown,  usually  scaly  towards  the  base.  Fronds  1 to 
feet  long  by  6 inches  to  2 feet  broad,  pale-green,  membranous, 
midribs  covered  with  soft  white  hairs.  Seeds  numerous,  small,  at 
the  bottom  of  the  notches,  shaped  like  an  ear. 

Abundant  throughout  the  Dominion.  Sea-level  to  2,000  feet. 



SIZE,  13in.  x 6iin. 


A Large  Specimen.  Under  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

After  making  several  long  and  fruitless  journeys  in 
search  of  a young  plant  for  my  fernery,  I discovered  a 
seedling  growing  on  a wall  in  my  garden.  It  afforded 
me  continual  interest  to  watch  its  rapid  development 
when  moved  to  a suitable  site.  After  sending  up  a few 
small  fronds  it  became  firmly  established,  putting  out 
strong  roots  as  thick  as  my  finger  and  covered  with 
dark-brown  hairs,  which  crept  boldly  over  the  surface 
of  the  ground,  each  being  preceded  by  a blunt  foot  of  a 
lovely  pellucid  green  thickly  coated  with  white  hairs. 
The  growing  end  gradually  widened  and  eventually 
divided,  one  part  continuing  to  creep  over  the  ground, 
the  other  rising  in  the  form  of  a circular  crook,  of  a 
pure  indescribable  green,  softened  by  the  clothing  of 
white  hairs,  which  were  not  thick  enough  to  conceal  the 
symmetrical  outline.  In  a few  days  the  handsome  un- 
folding crozier  stood  majestically  on  a tall  green  column, 
the  folded  leaves  packed  so  closely  as  to  resemble  a 
tightly-clenched  fist.  Then  it  divided  and  sent  out  two 
lateral  crooks,  which  gradually  disclosed  their  hidden 

Within  six  months  of  planting  out  the  seedling  of 
H.  tcnuifolia,  it  had  developed  into  a robust  plant  with 
strong  roots  radiating  in  all  directions,  great  branching 
fronds  nearly  6 feet  long  and  5 feet  wide,  of  a soft  ten- 
der green,  yielding  to  the  touch,  and  the  seeds  fully 

It  is  a most  variable  fern ; in  habit  and  general  appear- 
ance very  close  to  Polypodium  punctatum.  The  partial 
seed  covering  is  sometimes  so  feebly  developed  that  the 
technical  distinction  separating  Hypolcpis  from  Poly- 
podium is  obliterated.  It  can  usually  be  distinguished 



from  the  latter  plant  by  the  curved  margin  of  the  leaf 
partially  covering  the  seed,  and  the  absence  of  sticky 
hairs  on  the  midrib. 

Found  also  in  Norfolk  Island,  Australia,  the  Pacific 
Islands,  and  Java. 

Note. — A description  of  the  following  new  species  was  pub- 
lished in  the  “Transactions  of  the  New  Zealand  Institute”  by 
Mr.  H.  Carse.  24th  May,  1918. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

Hypolepis  Petrieana.  A much  smaller  plant,  and  less 
hairy  than  H.  tenuifolia,  usually  growing  in  the  open. 

Description. — Root  slender,  creeping,  thickly  covered  with 
rusty  scales.  Stalks  4 to  6 inches  long,  rigid,  moderately  stout, 
yellow,  or  the  lower  part  brownish,  somewhat  rough,  but  free 
from  hairs.  Fronds  12  to  14  inches  long  by  8 to  10  inches  broad, 
light-green.  Midrib  sparingly  clothed  with  delicate  hairs.  Seeds 
one,  rarely  two,  on  each  ultimate  division  of  the  leaf. 

North  Island:  Mangonui,  Whangarei,  Great  Barrier,  Port 
Charles  (Coromandel),  and  Otorohanga  (Waipa  County),  Ken- 
nedy Bay  (Coromandel),  Lower  Waikato,  Rotorua,  Te  Whaiti. 



SIZE,  loin,  x 12in, 


A Small  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(55)  H.  millefolium  (thousand-leaved).  One  of  the 
most  finely  and  openly  cut  of  the  New  Zealand  ferns. 
A mountain  species,  confined  in  the  North  Island  to  the 
high  ranges  of  the  interior.  Wide-spread  in  the  South 
Island,  frequenting  open,  hilly  ground. 

Description. — Root  long,  slender,  creeping,  naked  or  nearly 
so.  Stalks  3 to  9 inches  long,  rigid,  erect,  yellowish-brown,  glossy, 
smooth,  or  slightly  rough.  Fronds  6 to  18  inches  long  by  3 to  9 
inches  broad,  pale-green,  firm.  Midribs  clothed  with  scattered 
hairs.  Seeds  numerous,  placed  in  the  notches  of  the  leaflets. 

North  Island : East  Cape,  Ruapehu,  Mount  Egmont,  Ruahine 
Mountains,  Manawatu  Gorge,  Tararua  Ranges.  South  Island: 
Not  uncommon  in  mountain  districts  throughout.  Usually  1,500 
to  4,000  feet,  but  descends  almost  to  sea-level  in  South  Otago. 

When  growing  in  shade  this  fern  has  a beautiful, 
lace-like  texture.  I first  gathered  it  at  Picton  in  1878. 
Setting  out  at  dawn  with  the  determination  of  scaling 
the  highest  peak — Piri-piri,  3,200  feet — I plunged  into 
the  narrow  gorge  above  the  railway  viaduct.  There  was 
absolutely  no  track  of  any  kind,  and  the  bush  was  so 
dense,  even  on  the  summits  of  the  mountains,  that  I had 
recourse  to  breaking  off  twigs  of  the  Panax  to  mark  my 
path  for  the  return  journey.  There  is  no  difficulty  in 
finding  one’s  way  to  the  top  of  a bush-clad  mountain, 
but  it  is  not  so  easy  to  keep  to  the  main  ridge  coming 
down,  and  a side  spur  would  have  landed  me  at  the 
bottom  of  a rocky  gorge  where  progress  was  well  nigh 

After  a struggle  of  seven  hours,  which  had  yielded 
nothing  new  in  the  way  of  ferns,  I came  within  sight  of 
the  summit,  so  crowded  with  gnarled  birch  trees,  from 
which  hung:  great  festoons  of  moss  and  lichen  as  to  rob 



SIZE,  loin,  x lOiin. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

me  of  any  view  the  lofty  peak  promised  of  the  surround- 
ing country — I only  got  glimpses  of  Port  Underwood 
between  the  tree  trunks. 

Upon  the  very  apex,  confined  to  a circuit  of  150  yards, 
the  ground  was  carpeted  a soft  green  with  the  recum- 
bent fronds  of  this  delicate  fern.  I searched  all  round, 
but  could  find  no  trace  of  it  below  that  central  patch. 
Though  disappointed  in  my  view,  I was  more  than  satis- 
fied by  the  addition  of  this  beautiful  fern  to  my  collec- 
tion. The  soft,  tender  fronds  covered  the  ground  with 
an  exc|uisite  green  lace-work  in  marked  contrast  to  the 
gnarled,  hoarv-looking  trees,  bearded  with  moss,  patri- 
archs of  the  forest.  The  return  journey,  thanks  to  my 
precaution  with  the  Panax,  was  accomplished  without 

According  to  Mr.  Field,  it  is  not  easily  cultivated  in 
the  North  Island,  though  it  was  successfully  acclimatised 
in  the  Christchurch  Botanical  Gardens.  It  is  confined 
to  New  Zealand. 




A full-grown  tree-fern,  about  26  feet  high,  the  trunk  3in.  to  3£in.  diameter.  Behind  is  the 
head  of  a young  C.  medullar  is.  Observe  the  more  curving,  more  robust  fronds. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(56)  H.  distans  (distant).  A fragile  and  extremely 
graceful  fern,  the  leaflets,  in  opposite  pairs,  being  fur- 
ther apart  than  in  others  of  the  genus;  usually  growing 
on  mouldering  tree  stumps,  decaying  grass  tussocks,  or 
any  accumulation  of  light  mould  on  the  forest  floor. 

Description. — Roots  creeping,  slender,  rigid,  clothed  with  red- 
brown  scales.  Stalks  3 to  9 inches  long,  slender,  fragile,  red- 
brown,  glossy,  yet  rough  to  the  touch.  Fronds  6 to  15  inches  long 
by  3 to  6 inches  broad,  bright-green  to  brownish-green,  the 
larger  specimens  prostrate  and  interlacing  with  one  another. 
Seeds  small,  placed  in  the  indentations  of  the  leaflets. 

From  the  North  Cape  to  South  Otago,  not  common,  usually 
at  low  elevations. 

A graceful,  delicate  fern  that  does  not  always  shun 
the  sunbeams.  It  is  not  difficult  to  cultivate  if  planted 
in  light  mould,  where  the  slender  roots  can  push  their 
way.  Mr.  Field  describes  it  as  looking  very  well  when 
grown  in  a hanging  basket;  the  long  drooping  fronds 
hang  over  the  sides  and  interlace.  Confined  to  New  Zea- 



SIZE,  14in.  x lOlin. 


1 ^ 

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j i / 


A Large  Specimen.  Under  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 


CHEILANTHES  (cheilos,  lip  or  margin;  an- 
thos,  flower — the  fructification  on  the  margin).  A genus 
of  60  species,  with  2 in  New  Zealand.  Small  upright 
ferns,  generally  growing  on  rocks  in  the  open.  Seeds 
along  the  margins  of  the  leaves,  which  curve  over  in 
indented  folds. 


(57)  C.  tenuifolia  (thin-leaved).  A small  upright 
fern  growing  in  exposed  situations;  the  leaves  bright 
green,  the  shining  stalks  a golden-brown.  A very  much 
scarcer  species  than  C.  Sieberi,  from  which  it  differs  in 
the  width  and  shape  of  the  frond.  C.  tenuifolia  is, 
roughly,  half  as  broad  as  it  is  long,  C.  Sieberi  only  one- 

Description.— Root  very  short,  clothed  with  silky  scales.  Stalks 
3 to  9 inches  long,  wiry,  erect,  dark  red-brown,  smooth  and 
polished.  Fronds  4 to  10  inches  long  by  2 to  4 inches  broad, 
rather  membranous,  yellow-green.  Seeds  along  the  margins  of 
the  leaflets. 

Auckland — near  Tauranga;  Flawke’s  Bay — Mohaka;  Welling- 
ton— near  Wanganui.  South  Island : Canterbury — Banks  Penin- 
sula; Otago — Lakes  Wakatipu  and  Wanaka.  Sea-level  to  2,500 

This  is  a wide-spread  species.  The  New  Zealand  specimens 
I have  seen  approach  C.  Sieberi  much  more  closely  than  speci- 
mens gathered  in  Samoa  and  Fiji.  It  is  easily  cultivated,  pre- 
ferring an  open,  dry  situation. 



SIZE,  7in.  x 10|in. 


Large  to  Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(58)  C.  Sieberi  (Herr  Sieber).  A small  species, 
growing  rigidly  upright;  the  prim,  narrow  fronds  rarely 
exceeding  an  inch  in  width.  Plentiful  on  the  scoria  fields 
about  Auckland — even  upon  the  cinder  slopes  of  Rangi- 

Description. — Root  short,  stout,  creeping,  clothed  with  chest- 
nut-brown scales.  Stalks  3 to  9 inches  long,  erect,  rigid,  wiry, 
bright  chestnut-brown,  polished.  Fronds  densely  tufted,  3 to  9 
inches  long  by  fin.  to  If-  inches  broad,  dark-green,  smooth.  Mid- 
rib smooth  and  glossy.  Seeds  round  the  margins  of  the  leaflets, 
which  curve  over  in  indented  folds. 

North  and  South  Islands,  abundant  in  rocky  places.  Sea-level 
to  2,500  feet. 

Excepting  Nothoclaena  distans,  which  it  closely  resembles, 
this  quaint  little  species  is  quite  unlike  any  other  fern  in  New 
Zealand.  It  grows  on  summits  of  rocks  exposed  to  the  blazing 
sun — the  very  last  place  one  would  look  for  a fern.  The  trim 
fronds,  standing  in  serried  ranks  on  their  glossy  brown  stalks, 
have  the  appearance  of  miniature  pine  forests. 

According  to  Mr.  Cheeseman  this  fern  is  often  confused 
with  Nothoclaena  distans;  so  far  as  I am  concerned  he  might 
have  said  “generally  confused.”  Until  I grew  the  plants  side  by 
side  I was  always  in  doubt. 

The  receptacle  for  the  seeds  by  which  the  genus  is  deter- 
mined is  the  most  radical  difference,  but  as  this  requires  the  aid 
of  a magnifying  glass  or  very  sharp  eyes,  one  needs  a readier 
mode  of  discrimination.  The  unrolling  fronds  of  C.  Sieberi  are 
of  a fresh  green,  almost  naked;  those  of  N.  distans  are  so  cov- 
ered with  white  hairs  as  to  look  like  little  tufts  of  cotton  wool. 
In  N.  distans  the  leaflets  are  broader  and  blunter,  and  the  whole 
plant  has  a woolly  appearance. 

Found  also  in  Australia,  New  Caledonia,  and  the  Isle  of 




A Large  Specimen.  Under  and  Upper  Side. 

SIZE,  12in.  x Sin. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 


14. — PELLAEA  (pellos,  dark  coloured,  referring  to 
the  frond).  A genus  of  about  60  species,  with  2 in  New 
Zealand.  Fronds  long  and  narrow;  seeds  forming  a 
wide  band  round  the  margins  of  the  leaves. 


(59 ) Pellaea  falcata  (scythe-shaped).  A handsome, 
dark-green  species,  fond  of  dry  stony  ground;  usually 
growing  in  the  same  locality  as  P.  rotundifolia,  though 
a very  much  rarer  plant.  When  comparing  the  two  spe- 
cies the  barren  fronds  differ  from  each  other  far  more 
than  do  the  fertile  ones. 

Description. — Root  stout,  scaly,  creeping.  Stalks  3 to  6 inches 
long,  strong,  erect,  dark  red-brown  or  almost  black,  more  or  less 
bristly.  Fronds  12  to  18  inches  long  or  more  by  l^  to  3 inches 
broad,  dark-green,  texture  firm  and  smooth,  shining,  lighter  be- 
low. Seeds  forming  a broad  band  round  the  margins  of  the  leaf- 
lets, except  the  tips. 

North  Island:  Mangonui  County  to  Waikato  River,  rare  and 
local.  South  Island : Dunn  Mount  Graham  River. 

For  many  years  I looked  upon  this  species  as  merely 
a robust  form  of  P.  rotundifolia.  The  leaves  in  typical 
specimens  of  the  latter  that  I had  planted  in  my  fernery 
became  longer  and  more  falcate — scythe-shaped — this  I 
attributed  to  the  richer  soil.  Now  that  I have  studied 



SIZE,  I3in.  x 9in. 


A Medium  Specimen. 

Under  and  Upper  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

many  plants,  I am  convinced  that  it  is  sufficiently  differ- 
ent to  be  classed  as  a true  species,  possibly  connected 
with  the  other  by  intermediates. 

So  ill  bad  been  my  success  in  looking  for  this  species 
that,  in  my  secret  heart,  I bad  begun  to  doubt  its  exist- 
ence, and  only  included  it  in  my  first  edition  out  of  res- 
pect for  the  botanists.  But  there  is  always  hope-even 
for  the  blindest.  After  40  years  my  eyes  have  been 

One  day  I was  bunting  in  a rough  piece  of  ground  near 
Auckland  for  N otlioclaena  distans.  I had  not  walked  a 
hundred  yards  when  I came  to  a chaos  of  rocks  and  loose 
scoria;  but  made  beautiful  with  moss  and  lichen,  lovely 
sprays  of  Asplenium  fl abb elli folium  down  in  the  inter- 
stices, quantities  of  Pellaea  rotundifolia  everywhere, 
and  handsome  patches  of  Polypodium  Billardieri  crown- 
ing the  weather-beaten  crags  with  masses  of  broad 
bright-green  fronds.  A dark-leaved  plant  at  my  feet 
caught  my  eye,  evidently  a seedling  tree  or  bush.  I was 
about  to  pass  on,  when  a second  glance  arrested  me — 
the  tops  of  the  sprays  looked  uncommonly  like  ferns,  yet 
the  leaves,  wide  and  crowded  together  on  the  stalks, 
were  unlike  any  that  I knew.  To  make  quite  certain  l 
went  down  on  my  knees  and  parted  the  foliage  with  my 
hands.  The  sight  of  a small  hairy  crook  made  me  catch 
my  breath — it  was  undoubtedly  a fern!  But  what?  I 
knew  none  like  it.  Then  it  dawned  on  my  slow  under- 
standing that  this  must  be  P.  falcata,  whose  occurrence 
in  New  Zealand  I had  always  doubted.  Needless  to  say, 
I was  converted  on  the  spot.  The  leaves  were  so  entirely 
different  from  those  of  P.  rotundifolia  that  there  was  no 
possibility  of  confounding  the  two. 

If  planted  in  leaf  mould  in  a dry  sunny  locality,  it  is 
easily  grown. 

A wide-spread  species,  extending  to  Australia,  the 
Malay  Archipelago,  and  India. 




A Tree-fern,  not  mature,  about  16  feet  high. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

(60)  P.rotundifolia  (round-leaved).  Very  similar  to 
P.  falcata,  but  the  leaflets,  as  suggested  by  the  name, 
are  sometimes  nearly  circular.  One  of  the  most  decora- 
tive ferns  we  have,  equally  at  home  in  the  bright  sun- 
shine or  the  gloomy  shade  of  a cave-mouth.  It  is  easily 
recognised  by  the  single  row  of  round  leaflets  on  either 
side  of  the  stalk,  dark  and  shining,  of  a peculiar  shade, 
as  if  the  leaf  had  been  blackleaded. 

Description. — Root  long,  rigid,  wiry,  creeping,  scaly.  Stalks 
3 to  6 inches  long,  densely  covered  with  scales.  Fronds  6 to  14 
inches  long  or  more  by  fin.  to  \\  inches  broad,  dark-green,  shining, 
lighter  below.  Seeds  forming  a broad  band  round  the  margins 
of  the  leaflets,  but  not  so  continuous  as  in  P.  falcata. 

Not  uncommon  in  dry  woods  throughout  the  Dominion.  Sea- 
level  to  2,000  feet. 

An  easy  fern  to  grow,  making  an  attractive  addition 
to  the  fernery;  but  the  leaflets  have  a habit  of  falling 
and  leaving  the  bare  stalks  exposed  to  view.  The  brown 
shaggy  crook  of  a new  frond  is  first  seen  in  a semi- 
recumbent  position,  then,  rising  as  if  hinged,  it  soon 
becomes  upright.  The  leaves  mature  quickly.  Found 
also  in  Norfolk  Island. 



SIZE,  9in.  x 5in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  and  Upper  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 


PTERIS  (pterix,  the  Greek  name  for  the 
bracken).  A genus  of  about  125  species,  with  6 species 
and  1 variety  in  New  Zealand.  Mostly  large  branching 
ferns;  seeds  in  a line  along  the  margins  of  the  leaflets, 
which  are  slightly  curved  over  as  a protection. 


(61 ) P.  aquiliana  (aquiline),  Vcir.  esculenta  (edible). 
“Rahurahu,”  “Bracken,”  the  common  “Fern,”  abundant 
— too  abundant  everywhere.  The  fronds  curved  like  an 
eagle’s  beak. 

Description. — Root  thick,  creeping  below  the  ground,  produc- 
ing numerous  scattered  fronds.  Stalks  variable  in  length,  stout, 
rigid,  erect,  smooth  and  shining.  Fronds  usually  from  2 to  6 feet 
long,  sometimes  10  to  12  feet,  stiff  and  harsh,  green  to  reddish- 
green,  lighter  below.  Seeds  generally  continuous  round  the  mar- 
gin of  the  fertile  leaflets. 

Abundant  everywhere,  except  in  dense  forests.  Sea-level  to 
4,000  feet. 

The  avowed  enemy  of  the  early  settlers,  many  of 
whom  spent  their  lives  in  trying  to  eradicate  it  from 
their  pastures.  Some,  by  an  ingenious  plan  of  fencing  in 
small  areas,  tried  to  kill  it  off  by  heavily  stocking  with 
sheep — sometimes  it  was  the  sheep  who  suffered.  Bear- 
ing in  mind  this  extreme  tenacity  of  life,  it  is  interesting 



SIZE,  12Sin.  x 8in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side.  Seedling  Frond,  4jin.  long. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

to  read  Mr.  Field's  experiments.  He  found  it  most  diffi- 
cult, almost  impossible,  to  grow  in  his  fernery,  and  came 
to  the  conclusion  that  it  was  cross-grained  by  nature, 
and  would  not  stand  petting. 

It  was  one  of  the  species  that  grew  spontaneously  in 
my  garden.  When  young  it  is  not  in  the  least  like  the 
mature  plant,  either  in  outline,  texture  or  colour.  A 
friend  dug  up  a plant  with  great  care,  under  the  impres- 
sion that  it  was  Hy  pole  pis  distans,  and  took  the  utmost 
pains  in  packing,  watering  and  carrying  it  many  miles 
to  my  fernery,  where  it  proved  its  identity  by  giving  up 
the  ghost  with  the  same  promptitude  as  Mr.  Field’s 
plants.  I have  observed  this  delicate,  drooping  habit  in 
a seedling  with  its  roots  near  the  surface;  eventually  it 
put  out  a strong  underground  root  to  the  nearest  open 
ground,  which  in  due  course  sent  up  the  coarse,  robust 
frond  associated  with  the  name  “bracken.” 

When  thrusting  their  young  shoots  through  the 
ground,  it  is  the  bend  of  the  crook  which  bears  the 
strain  and  first  appears  above  the  surface,  not  the  tip, 
as  with  daffodils,  lilies,  etc.  The  shoulder  of  the  crook 
is  sufficiently  rigid  and  strong  to  push  its  way  through 
tough  dry  clay  and  to  protect  the  tender  folded  tip. 

The  underground  roots  of  this  species,  called  “Aruhe” 
by  the  Maoris,  used  to  be  their  principal  food.  It  is  the 
most  universally  distributed  fern  in  the  world. 



SIZE,  12lin.  x 6iin. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(62 ^P.scaberula  (a  little  rough).  A very  fine-cut 
fern,  rather  harsh  to  the  touch ; sometimes  called  “The 
Scented  Fern/’  or  “The  Lace  Fern.”  It  gives  forth  a 
sweet  aromatic  perfume,  especially  in  the  hot  sunshine. 
Fond  of  growing  on  sunny  banks  to  the  exclusion  of 
other  plants. 

Description. — Root  wide-creeping,  rigid,  wiry,  clothed  with 
chestnut-brown  scales.  Stalks  4 to  12  inches  long,  rigid,  erect, 
yellow-brown,  rough  to  the  touch,  more  or  less  bristly.  Fronds 
9 to  18  inches  high,  rarely  more,  by  4 to  9 inches  broad,  pale 
yellow-green,  somewhat  harsh  to  the  touch.  Midrib  sinuous, 
rough.  Seeds  copious,  when  mature  covering  the  under  surface 
of  the  leaflets,  except  the  extreme  tips  and  the  base. 

Abundant  throughout  the  Dominion.  Sea-level  to  2,500  feet. 

This  very  beautiful  and  typically  New  Zealand  fern 
will  grow  in  the  most  unpromising  situations  imagin- 
able, the  dry  clay  cutting  of  a bush  road  being  a favour- 
ite locality;  indeed,  it  seems  to  prefer  poor  soil.  Though 
a little  difficult  to  transplant,  it  is  apt  to  take  charge 
when  once  established  in  the  fernery.  In  her  book 
“British  Ferns,”  Miss  Pules  included  it  among  the  most 
attractive  foreign  ferns  suitable  for  greenhouse  cultiva- 
tion, “8  or  9 inches  high.  A perfect  little  gem.”  The 
other  day  I walked  through  acres  of  it  up  to  my.  knees; 
lovely  soft-green  fronds  that  filled  the  air  with  perfume. 
It  is  confined  to  New  Zealand. 



SIZE,  14|in.  x 4|in. 


A Small  Specimen.  Under  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

(63)  P.tremula  (trembling).  “Turawera.”  A hand- 
some graceful  fern,  of  a pure  pale  green,  a favourite  for 
pot  culture ; it  prefers  dry  soil  and  a moderately  sunny 
aspect.  Very  free  in  its  growth,  sowing  itself  on  all 

Description. — Root  short,  stout,  putting  up  tufts  of  numerous 
erect  fronds.  Stalks  1 to  2 feet  high,  stout,  erect,  smooth  and 
polished,  bright  chestnut-brown.  Fronds  1 to  3 feet  long  by  6 
inches  to  2 feet  broad,  bright-green,  soft,  membranous.  Seeds 
copious,  usually  continuous  in  a narrow  line  along  the  margins  of 
the  leaflets. 

Kermadec  Islands  and  North  Island,  abundant.  South  Island, 
in  various  localities  in  Nelson  and  Marlborough;  also  recorded 
from  Banks  Peninsula.  Sea-level  to  2,500  feet. 

This  fern,  called  “The  Shaking  Brake”  by  Miss  Pules, 
comes  up  all  over  my  garden.  It  grows  rapidly  in  a shel- 
tered spot  where  it  gets  plenty  of  sunlight,  soon  attain- 
ing a height  of  4 or  5 feet.  The  young  fronds  come  up 
like  a green  shepherd’s  crook,  bending  over  backwards 
as  the  leaves  unroll.  Perhaps  the  name  “tremula”  was 
given  from  its  habit  of  growing  in  somewhat  open  bush, 
where  its  leaves  are  constantly  agitated  by  the  freely 
circulating  air.  It  is  very  variable  in  the  size  and  shape 
of  the  leaflets.  Injured  by  frost,  especially  the  older 
fronds.  Eaten  voraciously  by  the  caterpillar  Agrotis 
compta.  See  page  203.  Found  also  in  Australia,  Tas- 
mania, Norfolk  Island,  and  Fiji. 



SIZE,  13in.  x 10£in. 



A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(64)  P.  comans  (hairy).  A large,  handsome  fern, 
with  broad,  irregular  leaves.  A northern  species,  plen- 
tiful on  some  of  the  outlying  islands,  rare  and  local  on 
the  mainland;  at  once  distinguished  from  other  species 
of  the  genus  by  the  copiously  netted  veins. 

Description. — Root  short,  stout.  Stalks  1 to  2 feet  long  or 
more,  erect,  yellow-brown,  polished,  clothed  at  the  base  with 
dark-brown  scales.  Fronds  1 to  4 feet  long  by  6 inches  to  3 feet 
broad,  membranous,  dark-green,  quite  smooth.  Veins  copiously 
netted.  Seeds  in  a continuous  line  round  the  margins  of  the  leaf- 
lets, except  the  tips. 

Kermadec  Islands,  most  abundant.  North  Island:  From  Three 
Kings  Islands  and  North  Cape  to  the  Bay  of  Plenty,  usually  in 
shaded  places  near  the  sea;  plentiful  in  the  outlying  islands;  rare 
and  local  on  the  mainland. 

Mr.  Cheeseman  says  it  is  often  confounded  by  fern 
collectors  with  large  states  of  P.  macilenta,  Var.  pen- 
dula,  but  it  is  an  altogether  different  plant,  with  a coarser 
and  stouter  habit  of  growth,  much  broader  and  less- 
divided  fronds,  and  unusually  long  and  narrow  leaflets. 
I must  confess  to  having  always  confounded  it  with  P. 
macilenta.  I did  not  realise  my  error  until  shown  a speci- 
men of  the  true  P.  comans.  It  is  a very  different  and  a 
much  more  tropical-looking  fern.  Found  also  in  Aus- 
tralia, Tasmania,  and  the  Pacific  Islands. 

SIZE,  13in.  x 7in. 



(61)  PTERIS  COMANS.  A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side.  CUVIER  ISLAND. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(65)  P.  macilenta  (thin).  A very  beautiful  fern  of  an 
open  pattern  like  lace-work,  soft  and  membranous;  a 
lover  of  shade,  though  I have  seen  it  growing  where  the 
bush  had  been  cleared. 

Description. — Roots  very  short.  Stalks  6 to  18  inches  long, 
pale  yellow-brown,  darker  towards  the  base,  smooth  or  slightly 
scaly  below.  Fronds  1 to  3 feet  long  by  9 to  18  inches  broad, 
membranous,  flaccid,  glistening,  green  to  pale-green,  yellow-green 
in  the  open.  Seeds  marginal,  in  the  notches  of  the  leaflets,  not 
nearly  reaching  the  tips.  Veins  netted  along  the  midrib,  else- 
where free. 

North  Island:  Not  uncommon  in  dry  woods.  South  Island: 
Near  Nelson,  Takaka  ; Marlborough.  Also  said  to  occur  on  Banks 
Peninsula  and  near  Greymouth. 



SIZE,  l-tjin.  x 7in. 



^ $fr 

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*sS  -4^/fjT  > < v v jV#**- 

Vvr  ||  ^ 

Jv5  * /£“i:  . 




A Large  Specimen.  Under  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

This  fern  thrives  better  than  almost  any  other  in  my 
fernery.  It  is  a very  variable  species.  The  smaller, 
more  delicate  specimen  figured  65a  is  of  so  constant  a 
type,  and  so  different  from  the  large  states  of  P.  maci- 
lenta,  that  I think  it  is  worthy  of  being  classed  as  a 
variety.  Although  the  two  plants  grew  spontaneously 
on  an  earthen  bank  in  my  garden  within  12  inches  of 
each  other,  and  are  subject  to  exactly  the  same  environ- 
ment, they  have  not  in  any  way  approached  each  other. 
It  is  confined  to  New  Zealand.  Since  the  above  was 
written  it  has  been  described  and  named  Var.  saxatilis 
by  Mr.  H.  Carse. 



SIZE,  llin.  x 8Jin. 


A Large  Specimen.  Under  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

( 66)  J ar.  pendula  (drooping).  Not  so  finely  divided 
as  P.  macilcnta,  the  terminal  leaflets  larger.  Growing  in 
much  the  same  habitat  as  P.  macilcnta. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

(67)  P.  incisa  (toothed).  A large,  branching,  some- 
what straggling  species.  Readily  distinguished  by  the 
pea-green,  almost  blue-green,  of  the  young  stalks  and 
leaves,  the  luxuriant  way  in  which  the  base  of  the  leaf- 
lets overlap  the  central  and  side  stalks,  and  the  toothed, 
sawlike  outline.  Usually  growing  on  the  outskirts  of 
the  bush. 

Description. — Root  long,  creeping,  rather  slender,  producing 
numerous  scattered  fronds.  Stalks  1 to  3 feet  high  or  more,  erect, 
smooth  and  glossy,  yellow-brown  to  red-brown,  sometimes  nearly 
black  when  mature.  Fronds  variable  in  size,  2 to  4 feet  long  by 
1 to  2 feet  broad,  quite  smooth,  bright-green  to  bluish-green. 
Seeds  in  nearly  continuous  rows  along  the  margins  of  the  leaflets, 
but  never  extending  to  the  tips.  Veins  more  or  less  netted  near 
the  midribs  of  the  leaflets. 

Abundant  throughout  the  Dominion.  Sea-level  to  3,000  feet. 

A strong-growing  species,  often  forming  thickets  on 
the  outskirts  of  the  bush.  It  sowed  itself  about  my  gar- 
den in  several  places,  sending  out  exploring  surface  roots 
in  every  direction ; indeed,  they  grew  so  vigorously  that 
I had  to  dock  them  to  prevent  their  taking  full  charge 
of  the  fernery.  It  seems  to  thrive  in  every  situation  but 
the  shady  depths  of  the  forest,  and  flourishes  exceed- 
ingly among  the  hot  springs  of  the  thermal  regions. 

It  is  found  also  throughout  the  tropics  and  the  south 
temperate  zone.  I shall  never  forget  coming  across  it  in 
Fiji;  the  smooth  sea-green  stalks,  covered  with  a milky- 
white  bloom,  growing  out  of  the  earth  close  to  the  path, 
4 or  5 feet  high  and  without  a side  shoot — only  the 
tightly-rolled  crook  on  the  top.  A full-grown  trailing 
frond  measured  23  feet. 

SIZE,  12in.  x 53 i n . 



(67)  PTERIS  INCISA.  A Small  Specimen.  Under  Side.  WHANGAREI. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 


LOMARIA  (loma,  a fringe  or  border;  referring 
to  the  seed  cover).  A genus  of  about  50  species,  with  14 
species  and  1 variety  in  New  Zealand;  producing  two 
kinds  of  fronds — barren  and  fertile.  Seeds  on  narrow 
leaflets,  in  a continuous  line  occupying  the  whole  space 
between  the  midrib  and  the  margin,  which  curves  over 
as  a protection. 

( 68)  L.  Patersoni  (Mr.  Paterson).  A very  striking 
dark-green  fern,  with  broad  leaves,  either  entire  or  deep- 
forked four  to  twelve  times.  A lover  of  moisture  and 
shade;  somewhat  rare  in  the  North  Island. 

Description. — Root  short,  stout,  creeping,  clothed  with  black- 
ish-brown scales,  sometimes  sending  out  suckers.  Stalks  3 to  9 
inches  long,  stout,  black,  scaly  at  base.  Barren  fronds  very  vari- 
able; sometimes  simple,  6 to  12  inches  long  by  1 to  \\  inches 
broad ; sometimes  broadly  forked,  1 to  3 feet  long  or  more  by 
6 inches  to  1 foot  wide,  stiff,  shining  dark-green  above,  paler  be- 
neath. Veins  numerous,  forked.  Fertile  frond  as  long  as  the 
barren.  Seeds  continuous,  ultimately  covering  the  whole  under 

North  and  South  Islands,  Stewart  Island.  Damp  hilly  forests 
from  the  Thames  and  Te  Aroha  southwards.  Local  on  the  east 
side  of  the  South  Island.  Sea-level  to  3,000  feet. 



SIZE,  14in.  x 9in. 


A Small  Specimen.  Barren  and  Fertile  Frond. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

Somewhat  rough-looking'  for  a fern  when  examined 
closely;  at  a distance,  on  a steep  bank,  its  glistening 
dark-green  leaves  have  a very  handsome  appearance. 
According  to  Mr.  Thomson  it  succeeds  well  in  cultiva- 
tion if  provided  with  shade  and  an  almost  constant  drip. 
I have  had  no  difficulty  in  growing  it. 

Found  also  in  the  Pacific  Islands,  Malaya,  and  India. 
As  in  most  species  of  the  genus,  the  fronds  are  some- 
times partly  fertile  and  partly  barren. 

(69)  L.  discolor  (different-coloured).  “Piu-piu.”  An 
exceedingly  handsome  species,  growing  in  great  tufts, 
sometimes  as  much  as  6 feet  across ; the  broad  barren 
fronds  on  the  outside,  the  fertile  standing  stiffly  upright 
in  the  centre ; the  whole  forming  an  elegant  crown,  often 
raised  from  the  ground  on  a short  stem. 

Description. — Root  short,  stout,  producing  suckers  at  the 
base,  often  lengthened  into  a stem  1 or  2 feet  high.  Stalks  3 to  6 
inches  long,  stout,  polished,  densely  covered  at  the  base  with  dark- 
brown  scales.  Fronds  numerous,  forming  an  elegant  crown  1 to 
4 feet  high;  barren  2 to  6 inches  broad  in  the  middle,  gradually 
tapering  at  both  ends,  texture  stiff,  glossy-green  above,  dirty- 
white  or  reddish-brown  beneath.  Fertile  fronds  about  as  long  as 
the  barren,  1^  to  3 inches  wide,  leaflets  usually  with  a broad 
leafy  base.  Seeds  continuous,  covering  the  whole  under  surface 
except  the  midrib. 

Abundant  in  open  forests  throughout  the  Dominion.  Sea-level 
to  3,000  feet. 

A gregarious  species,  often  filling  a glade  to  the  ex- 
clusion of  every  other  plant,  and  forming  a picture 
hardly  to  be  paralleled  in  the  vegetable  world. 

It  is  also  a native  of  Norfolk  Island,  Australia,  and 



SIZE,  13in.  x 9in. 


A Small  Specimen.  Barren  and  Fertile  Fronds. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(70)  L.  vulccinicci  (from  a volcanic  district?).  Most 
readily  distinguished  by  the  general  outline  of  the  frond, 
which  is  wedge-shaped,  the  lowest  leaflets  being  the 
longest.  A rather  local  fern. 

Description. — Root  short,  stout,  woody,  erect  or  inclined. 
Stalks  4 to  9 inches  long,  slender,  pale  yellowish-brown,  clothed 
towards  the  base  with  dark-brown  shining  scales,  smooth  and 
polished  above.  Barren  fronds  4 to  14  inches  long,  without  the 
stalks,  by  2 to  5 inches  broad  at  the  base,  texture  stiff,  dull-green. 
Fertile  fronds  usually  exceeding  the  barren.  Seeds  continuous. 

North  and  South  Islands,  Stewart  Island.  In  dry  open  woods 
from  Auckland  and  Coromandel  southwards ; but  often  rare  and 
local.  More  frequent  in  the  sub-alpine  forests  of  Nelson  and 
Canterbury.  Sea-level  to  3,500  feet. 

I did  not  come  across  this  fern  until  quite  recently. 
When  bicycling  between  Rotorua  and  Taupo,  along  a 
bad  road  and  against  a head  wind  through  the  dreary 
pumice  country,  I noticed  a fern  that  struck  me  as 
strange  growing  about  a rabbit  hole.  In  a moment  I 
was  off  the  bicycle  and  held  a frond  in  my  hand.  At  a 
glance  I saw  it  was  “vulcanica.”  Then  it  became  almost 
abundant,  hardly  a day  passed  that  I did  not  find  it, 
usually  growing  on  rocky  banks  near  the  edge  of  the 
bush — at  Axatiatia,  Tauhara,  Otukou  Pa,  and  Waima- 
rino.  It  extends  northwards  through  Australia  and  the 
Pacific  Islands  to  Malaya. 



SIZE,  lliin.  x 9jin. 


A Large  Specimen.  Barren  and  Fertile  Fronds. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(71)  L.  Norfolkiana  (after  Norfolk  Island).  A 
large  form  of  L.  lanceolata,  occurring  on  the  Kerma- 
decs,  Three  Kings,  and  Little  Barrier. 

Description. — Root  short,  stout,  erect  or  inclined.  Stalks 
short,  stout,  2 to  4 inches  long,  scaly  at  base.  Barren  fronds  nu- 
merous, forming  a large,  handsome  crown,  erect  or  spreading, 
1 to  3 feet  long  by  3 to  6 inches  broad,  tapering  from  the  middle 
to  both  ends,  dark-green.  Fertile  fronds  rather  shorter  than  the 

Ivermadec,  Three  Kings  and  Little  Barrier  Islands. 

The  species  can  be  distinguished  from  L.  lanceolata 
only  by  the  greater  size,  the  more  pointed  barren  and 
the  much  longer  fertile  leaflets.  Both  on  the  Three  Kings 
and  the  Little  Barrier  it  seems  to  merge  into  L.  lance- 
olata. Found  also  in  Norfolk  Island. 



SIZE,  14in.  x 9iin. 


A Medium  Specimen. 

Barren  and  Fertile  Fronds. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(72)  L.lanceolato  (lance-like).  A graceful  symmet- 
rical species,  the  long  narrow  fronds  tapering  from  the 
middle  to  either  end  by  a remarkably  even  gradation ; 
usually  found  about  river  banks. 

Description. — Roots  stout,  erect  or  inclined,  rarely  extending 
to  a short  stem.  Stalks  2 to  6 inches  long,  firm,  erect,  dark-brown, 
scaly  at  the  base,  paler  and  smooth  above.  Barren  fronds  form- 
ing a handsome  crown,  erect  or  spreading,  rather  thin  and  mem- 
branous, often  curved  in  general  outline,  6 to  8 inches  long  by 
2 to  4 inches  broad,  green  or  dark-green.  Veins  showing  con- 
spicuously. Fertile  fronds  usually  shorter  than  the  barren  ones. 

Abundant  throughout  the  Dominion  by  the  margins  of  streams, 
etc.  Sea-level  to  2,500  feet. 

A hardy  fern,  thriving  well  under  cultivation  if  sup- 
plied with  damp  and  shade.  The  young  fertile  fronds 
are  sometimes  a deep  pink.  Found  also  in  Victoria,  Tas- 
mania, South  Australia,  and  the  Pacific  Islands. 



SIZE,  lliin.  x 9»in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Barren  and  Fertile  Fronds. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(73)  L.  dura  (hard  in  texture).  A seaside  fern,  con- 
fined to  the  southern  portion  of  the  South  Island  and 
some  of  the  outlying  islands.  Easily  recognised  by  the 
fleshy,  leathery  leaves  of  the  barren  fronds,  and  the 
crowded,  close-set  leaflets  of  the  fertile  ones. 

Description. — Root  stout,  erect,  sometimes  extended  to  a 
short  stem.  Stalks  1 to  2 inches  long,  clothed  at  the  base  with 
large  brown  scales,  paler  and  smooth  above,  firm,  erect.  Fronds 
numerous,  tufted,  forming  a crown;  barren  1 to  2%  feet  long  bv 
1^  to  4 inches  broad,  usually  broadest  above  the  middle,  very 
gradually  narrowed  to  the  base,  dark-green,  fleshy  to  tough.  Fer- 
tile fronds  shorter  and  narrower  than  the  barren.  Seeds  very 
copious,  covering  the  whole  under  surface. 

South  Island : Banks  Peninsula ; eastern  and  southern  coasts 
of  Otago,  not  uncommon;  West  Coast  Sounds,  Stewart  Island 
and  Chatham  Island,  abundant.  Auckland,  Campbell,  and  Anti- 
podes Islands. 

This  species  is  never  found  far  from  the  influence  of 
the  sea  spray.  Mr.  Field  describes  it  as  easy  to  grow, 
requiring  no  shelter.  It  is  confined  to  New  Zealand. 



SIZE,  12in.  x 5in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Barren  and  Fertile  Fronds. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(74)  L.  Banksii  (Sir  Joseph  Banks).  A seaside 
plant,  never  found  beyond  the  influence  of  salt  spray. 
Recognised  by  the  short  wide  leaflets  in  the  barren  fronds 
attached  to  the  midrib  by  a broad  base,  often  alternate, 
and  the  fertile  leaflets,  which  are  sometimes  curved  like 
the  roof  of  a pagoda. 

Description. — Root  short,  stout,  woody,  erect  or  inclined. 
Stalks  short,  stout,  dark-coloured,  scaly  at  base.  Fronds  numer- 
ous; barren  4 to  12  inches  high,  rarely  more,  by  Jin.  to  1 inch 
broad,  rather  firm  in  texture,  dark-green,  sometimes  with  a sea- 
green  tinge.  Fertile  fronds  usually  shorter  than  the  barren  ones. 
Seeds  copious,  covering  the  whole  under  surface. 

North  Cape,  Ahipara,  Bay  of  Islands,  Little  Barrier,  Manu- 
kau  Heads,  East  Cape,  Cape  Egmont,  Wellington  Heads,  Cape 
Terawhiti,  Queen  Charlotte  Sound,  Cape  Farewell,  West  Wanga- 
nui, Banks  Peninsula,  Otago  not  uncommon  both  east  and  west 
coast,  Stewart  Island. 

This  species  grows  readily  under  cultivation.  It  is 
confined  to  New  Zealand. 



SIZE,  7in.  x 7in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Barren  and  Fertile  Fronds. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(75)  L.  alpina  (alpine).  Fronds  much  narrower  than 
any  others  of  the  genus — half  to  three-quarters  of  an 
inch  wide — usually  in  mountain  regions;  stalks  unusu- 
ally long,  barren  fronds  shorter  than  the  fertile. 

Description. — Roots  long,  slender,  creeping,  clothed  with 
rusty-looking  scales.  Stalks  2 to  6 inches  long  or  more,  slender, 
red-brown,  smooth  and  polished,  sparingly  scaly.  Fronds  tufted 
along  the  root ; barren  shorter  than  the  fertile,  4 to  18  inches  long, 
including  the  stalks,  by  Jin.  to  fin.  broad,  spreading  or  decum- 
bent, dark-green,  varying  in  texture  from  thick  and  firm  to  almost 
membranous.  Fertile  fronds  erect.  Seeds  copious,  covering  the 
whole  under  surface. 

North  and  South  Islands,  Chatham  Island,  Stewart  Island. 
From  the  Upper  Thames  Valley  and  Rotorua  southwards;  abun- 
dant south  of  East  Cape.  Sea-level  to  4,000  feet. 

A very  handsome  little  fern,  easily  cultivated.  With 
me  it  thrives  best  under  swamp  conditions.  Also  found 
in  South  America  and  Australia. 




New  Zealand  Ferns 

( 76)  L.  capensis  (native  of  the  Cape).  “Kio-kio.”  A 
species  which  rivals  the  tree-fern  in  dominating  the  land- 
scape ; often  completely  clothing  the  hanks  of  streams  or 
the  sides  of  roads  with  dense  masses  of  great  sweeping 
fronds  that  rattle  in  the  breeze.  Very  variable  in  size, 
ranging  from  a half-starved  leaf  a few  inches  long 
growing  in  a rocky  cleft,  to  great  curved  fronds  10  feet 
long,  each  bearing  more  than  40  pairs  of  leaflets. 

Description. — Roots  short,  stout,  often  woody,  erect  or  in- 
clined, sometimes  prostrate,  clothed  at  the  top  with  large  chest- 
nut brown  scales.  Stalks  stout,  long  or  short,  usually  densely 
scaly  at  the  base.  Fronds  numerous,  very  variable  in  size,  usually 
from  1 to  4 feet  long,  but  in  dry,  exposed  places  often  dwarfed 
to  a few  inches,  while  on  the  sides  of  deep  wooded  ravines  they 
occasionally  extend  to  10  feet  or  even  more,  very  stiff  and  rigid, 
or  almost  membranous,  bright-green  or  brown-green,  sometimes 
chequered  with  both  colours,  6 to  24  inches  broad.  Leaflets  of 
fertile  fronds  very  narrow.  Fertile  and  barren  leaflets  often 
mixed  on  the  same  stalk.  Seeds  copious,  covering  the  under  side. 

Most  abundant  throughout  the  Dominion.  Sea-level  to  4,000 

Even  more  ubiquitous  than  the  bracken,  which  shuns 
swamps  and  the  deep  shady  forest ; it  grows  everywhere, 
no  soil  or  situation  seeming  to  come  amiss — on  open 
downs,  dry  hill-sides  and  ridges,  the  clefts  of  rocky 
peaks,  on  dripping  cliffs  in  deep  ravines  beside  water- 
falls, in  wet  swamps,  on  banks  overlooking  the  sea. 

In  making  my  way  up  a narrow  gully  it  has  sometimes 
been  necessary  to  leave  the  bed  of  the  stream  to  avoid 
deep  pools  and  clamber  along  the  steep  banks.  Should 
these  be  clothed  with  L.  capensis  I know  of  no  tougher 
battle  than  to  struggle  through  the  tangled  fronds ; they 
are  too  close  to  creep  beneath,  while  to  trample  under 
foot  the  palm-like  leaves  that  rise  high  above  one’s  head 
is  a herculean  task. 

The  barren  fronds  are  strikingly  handsome,  the  shin- 
ing leaves  serrated  finely  along  the  margins,  the  undu- 
lating surface  catching  the  light  at  different  angles  and 
giving  the  fronds  a singularly  glistening  appearance. 




A Small  Specimen.  Barren  and  Fertile  Fronds. 

SIZE,  Min.  x iiin. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

Even  the  parti-coloured  leaves  add  an  artistic  charm, 
and  the  bright  salmon-pink  which  the  young  fronds 
sometimes  assume  is  indescribably  beautiful. 

Needless  to  say,  this  was  one  of  the  species  that  grew 
spontaneously  in  my  garden.  The  young  fronds  soon 
make  their  appearance  after  transplanting,  and  grow 
rapidly.  In  a specimen  from  swampy  ground  the  soft 
young  shoots  were  very  tender,  of  a delicate  reddish- 
green,  that  looked  almost  transparent,  the  leaves  smooth 
and  flat  without  any  undulations,  quite  unlike  the  bright 
salmon-pink  I have  seen  in  specimens  growing  in  drier 
localities.  This  abundant  and  very  varied  species  was 
broken  up  into  four  varieties  by  Sir  J.  D.  Hooker,  but 
the  definitions  are  hardly  clear  enough  for  anyone  but 
a practised  botanist  to  follow  with  any  certainty. 

On  the  roads  between  Picton,  Nelson,  and  Hokitika 
I passed  along  miles  where  the  upper  bank  was  fringed 
with  the  great  sweeping  fronds,  which  gave  quite  a char- 
acter to  the  landscape.  It  is  widely  distributed  in  the 
Southern  Hemisphere,  extending  to  Mexico  and  Ma- 



SIZE,  20in.  x 17in. 


Medium  Specimen.  Barren  and  Fertile  Frond.  Taken  from  a frond  6ft.  high. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(77)  Var.  minor  (less).  Smaller  than  the  foregoing; 
i to  3 feet  high,  dark  olive-green,  sometimes  a coppery- 
brown  ; fertile  fronds  usually  exceeding  the  barren ; 
leaflets  few,  four  to  eight  pairs.  In  some  respects  it  ap- 
proaches L.  vulcanica.  It  has  so  different  a habit  and 
mode  of  growth  from  L.  capensis  that  Mr.  Cheeseman 
thinks  it  may  prove  to  be  a separate  species. 



SIZE,  14in.  x 9iin. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Barren  and  Fertile  Fronds. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

SIZE,  8in.  x 8in. 


A Small  Specimen.  Barren  and  Fertile  Fronds. 





Caterpillar  very  destructive  to  P.  trcmula ; one  and  a half  times  natural  size.  (See  also  page  168) 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(78)  L.  fill for  mis  (thread-like — in  allusion  to  the 
fertile  fronds).  An  inveterate  climber,  usually  seeding 
at  some  height  above  the  ground,  sometimes  almost  out 
of  sight  up  lofty  trees,  most  readily  distinguished  by  the 
graceful  fertile  fronds. 

Description. — Root  long,  stout,  branched,  climbing  up  trees 
to  a great  height,  clothed  with  rough  scales.  Barren  fronds  very 
numerous,  scattered  along  the  root,  those  on  the  ground  or  the 
lower  part  of  the  creeping  root,  small,  3 to  6 inches  long  by  Jrin. 
to  1 inch  broad,  sharply  and  deeply  toothed,  and  those  up  the 
trees  much  larger,  12  to  30  inches  long  by  3 to  6 inches  broad, 
pendulous,  inclined  to  be  stiff,  green  to  dark-green.  Fertile  fronds 
from  the  upper  part  of  the  root.  Leaflets  numerous,  3 to  6 inches 
long  by  ^in.  broad,  very  narrow,  almost  thread-like.  Seeds  copi- 
ous, covering  the  whole  under  side. 

Abundant  throughout  the  Dominion.  Sea-level  to  2,000  feet. 

A species  very  remarkable  for  having  two  forms  of 
barren  fronds;  the  smaller,  with  sharp-toothed  leaves 
4in.  by  fin.,  often  covering  the  ground  for  a consider- 
able area,  is  not  accompanied  by  fertile  fronds;  it  grows 
over  everything — earth,  stones,  fallen  logs,  roots.  On 
reaching  a tree  trunk  it  at  once  begins  to  mount,  when  a 
curious  change  takes  place;  the  creeping  root  thickens, 
the  leaves,  assuming  their  second  form,  grow  six  times 
as  large,  attaining  a size  of  30m.  by  6in.,  festooning 
lofty  tree  trunks  with  innumerable  drooping  fronds, 
and  eventually  putting  forth  those  bearing  seeds,  which, 
seen  high  overhead  against  the  sky,  have  the  thread-like 
appearance  that  suggested  the  name. 

If  care  be  taken  in  selecting  a terrestrial  portion  of 
the  root  it  is  easily  cultivated.  Specimens  have  been  in- 
troduced into  my  fernery  on  the  roots  of  other  plants, 
and  have  become  well  established;  in  one  instance  it 
sowed  itself  spontaneously.  Found  also  in  the  Fiji  Is- 



SIZE,  13in.  x 9|in. 


A Small  Specimen.  ISarrtn  and  Fertile  Fronds.  Small  Ground  Frond,  3ain.  long. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(79)  L.  nigra  (black).  A small  species,  readily  recog- 
nised by  the  blackish-green  colour  and  the  broadening 
out  of  the  terminal  part  of  the  fronds.  It  is  a scarce 

Description. — Root  short,  stout,  semi-erect.  Stalks  densely 
clothed  with  chaffy  scales,  1 to  3 inches  long.  Barren  fronds  in 
spreading  tufts,  3 to  8 inches  long  by  1 to  \\  inches  broad,  mem- 
branous, blackish-green  or  lurid-green.  Leaflets,  4 to  8 pairs,  un- 
equal in  size,  the  terminal  one  much  the  largest,  the  lowest  pair 
larger  than  those  immediately  above.  Fertile  fronds  few,  erect. 

North  Island  and  East  Coast  of  South  Island,  scarce.  1,000 
feet  to  3,000  feet.  Abundant  in  Westland,  where  it  descends  to 
the  sea. 

Almost  a mountain  species  in  the  North  Island,  where 
it  frequents  dark,  gloomy  forest  gullies.  As  it  is  difficult 
to  reproduce  its  natural  haunts  it  is  not  easily  cultivated. 
Confined  to  New  Zealand. 



SIZE,  8in.  x 7lin. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Barren  and  Fertile  Fronds. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(80)  L.  fluviatilis  (riverine).  Most  readily  recog- 
nised by  the  fertile  fronds  on  which  the  short  leaflets 
grow  very  upright,  almost  parallel  with  the  stalk.  The 
barren  fronds  are  not  unlike  those  of  Pcllaca  rot  undi- 
folia in  general  outline. 

Description. — Root  stout,  semi-erect,  often  woody,  densely 
clothed  with  chestnut-brown  scales.  Stalks  very  short,  covered 
with  scales.  Barren  fronds  very  numerous,  12  to  30  inches  long 
by  fin.  to  IV  inches  broad,  texture  rather  membranous,  dark- 
green  to  olive-green.  Fertile  fronds  erect.  Midribs  densely  scaly, 
giving  a brown  hue  to  the  plant.  Seeds  copious,  covering  the 
whole  surface. 

Fairlv  abundant  throughout  the  Dominion.  Sea-level  to  2,500 

A very  handsome,  decorative  species,  hardy  and  easily 
cultivated,  showing  to  perfection  when  the  narrow  dark- 
green  fronds  droop  over  the  edge  of  a flower  pot  and 
form  a crown-like  setting  to  the  tall,  erect  fronds  in  the 
centre.*  It  is  also  found  in  Victoria  and  Tasmania. 



SIZE,  13jin.  x 9in. 


A Small  Specimen.  Barren  and  Fertile  Fronds. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(81)  L.  membranacea  (membranous).  A species  that 
usually  grows  in  tufts  on  river  banks  close  to  the  water, 
and  at  first  sight  is  apparently  a small  form  of  L.  lancc- 
olata,  but,  on  a nearer  inspection,  the  leaflets  are  seen  to 
be  shorter,  rounder,  more  blunt,  and  distinctly  separated 
from  one  another. 

Description. — Root  stout,  semi-erect.  Stalks  very  short,  scaly 
at  base.  Fronds  tufted,  barren  3 to  10  inches  long  by  fin.  to  Fl- 
inches broad,  membranous,  pale-green,  smooth,  margins  coarsely 
toothed,  veins  conspicuous;  fertile  fronds  usually  longer  than 
the  barren.  Seeds  copious,  covering  the  whole  surface. 

North  Island:  In  shaded  places  by  the  banks  of  streams,  not 
uncommon  throughout.  South  Island : In  various  localities  on 
the  East  Coast  from  Nelson  to  Otago,  but  rare  and  local.  Sea- 
level  to  2,000  feet. 

Large  forms  of  this  species  are  difficult  to  distinguish 
from  L.  lanccolata,  if,  indeed,  the  two  species  do  not 
pass  directly  into  each  other.  It  is  easily  cultivated,  and 
is  confined  to  New  Zealand. 



SIZE,  9iin.  x 8lin. 


A Large  Specimen.  Barren  and  Fertile  Fronds. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(82)  L.  Fraseri  (Mr.  Fraser).  A very  handsome 
and  distinct  species,  sometimes  covering-  the  forest  floor 
with  miniature  forests,  for  it  usually  grows  upon  a stem. 
Unlike  the  other  species  of  Lomaria,  the  fertile  and  bar- 
ren fronds  bear  a close  resemblance  to  one  another  when 
viewed  from  above. 

Description. — Roots  erect,  with  a dense  tuft  of  dark-brown 
scales  at  the  tip,  often  elongated  into  a stem  6 to  24  inches  high 
or  more,  resembling  the  trunk  of  a minute  tree-fern.  Stalks  3 to 
9 inches  high,  scaly  towards  the  base.  Fronds  9 to  18  inches  long 
by  3 to  6 inches  broad,  quite  smooth,  almost  membranous,  glisten- 
ing, dark-green.  Midrib  and  upper  part  of  stalk  furnished  with 
deeply-indented  wings.  Fertile  fronds  similar  to  barren,  but  rather 
smaller  and  with  narrower  leaflets.  Seeds  copious,  covering  the 
whole  under  surface. 

North  Island:  Abundant  in  dry  woods  from  the  North  Cape 
to  Upper  Waikato  and  Taranaki.  South  Island : Massacre  Bay, 
West  Wanganui,  extending  along  the  West  Coast  to  Charleston. 
Sea-level  to  2.000  feet. 

A very  remarkable  species;  the  curious  toothed  wing- 
showing  on  either  side  of  the  midrib  like  triangular 
teeth,  gives  the  frond  a most  unique  appearance.  It  is 
most  abundant  in  the  North,  sometimes  covering  acres 
of  ground  with  innumerable  tufts  of  shining,  dark- 
green  fronds.  It  is  not  difficult  to  grow  if  young  plants 
are  taken  from  open  situations.  Confined  to  New  Zea- 



A Medium  Specimen. 

Barren  and  Fertile  Fronds. 



SIZE,  13in.  x 9iin. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 



DOODIA  (to  honour  Mr.  Doody,  a London 
apothecary  and  British  cryptogamist),  A small  genus  of 
5 species,  with  2 species  and  1 variety  in  New  Zealand. 
Little  tufted  ferns  with  narrow  fronds.  Seeds  oblong 
or  slightly  curved,  generally  in  one  row  parallel  to  and 
on  each  side  of  the  midrib,  protected  by  a thin  covering 
which  springs  from  the  under  side  of  the  leaf. 

(83)  D.  media  (intermediate).  There  is  no  mistak- 
ing the  tufts  of  lance-like  fronds,  the  sprouting  young 
ones  of  a rosy-red  that  tinges  a whole  bank  with  colour. 
Seeds  parallel  to  and  nearer  the  midrib  than  the  margin, 
a habit  quite  unlike  that  of  any  other  New  Zealand 

Description. — Root  short,  stout,  semi-erect.  Stalks  3 to  18 
inches  long,  more  or  less  scaly  towards  the  base,  smooth  or  rough, 
blackish-brown.  Fronds  12  to  18  inches  long  by  ll>  to  4 inches 
broad,  texture  firm  and  stiff,  dark-green,  rough  to  the  touch. 
Seeds  short,  oblong,  usually  in  one  row  on  each  side  of  the  mid- 
rib, but  sometimes  portions  of  a second  row  are  irregularly  devel- 

North  Island:  Abundant  from  the  North  Cape  to  the  East 
Cape ; from  thence  rare  and  local  to  Cook  Strait.  South  Island : 
Port  Hills,  Nelson.  Sea-level  to  1,000  feet. 

This  species  is  very  abundant  about  Auckland,  being 
one  of  the  last  to  disappear  before  settlement.  One  still 




A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

SIZE,  12in.  x 7in. 

(83a)  DOODIA  MEDIA. 

A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 






New  Zealand  Ferns 

sees  it  in  the  suburbs  in  situations  where  it  cannot  be 
trodden  upon  by  grazing  animals,  such  as  under  hedge- 
rows. It  also  thrives  on  clay  banks  almost  washed  by 
the  salt  tide.  I have  gathered  on  Waiheke  Island  a form 
that  has  a double  row  of  seeds  on  each  side  of  the  midrib 
throughout.  An  easy  fern  to  cultivate  in  Auckland;  one 
of  those  that  sowed  itself  in  my  garden.  When  once 
established  it  does  not  mind  the  blazing  sun  or  a few 
weeks’  drought.  Found  also  in  Australia,  Norfolk  Is- 
land, and  the  Pacific  Islands. 

(84)  l ar.  Milnei  (Mr.  Milne).  Larger  than  D. 
media',  fronds  i to  2 feet  long  by  6 to  12  inches  broad. 
Leaflets  closely  placed,  narrowed  into  long  tapering 
points.  Seeds  copious  in  two  rows  on  each  side  of  the 
midrib.  Kermadec  Islands  abundant. 



SIZE,  19in.  x llin. 


A Large  Specimen.  Under  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

(85)  D.  caudata  (tailed).  “Moki-moki.”  A smaller 
and  slighter  plant  than  D.  media;  the  leaflets  of  a dif- 
ferent shape,  stalked,  much  wider  apart;  it  also  has  dis- 
tinct barren  and  fertile  fronds. 

Description. — Root  short,  semi-erect.  Stalks  2 to  4 inches 
long,  slender,  black  or  nearly  so.  Fronds  numerous,  densely 
tufted,  3 to  12  inches  long,  rarely  more,  by  fin.  to  2 inches  broad, 
membranous,  green  to  pale-green.  Barren  fronds  usually  shorter 
and  less  erect  than  the  fertile,  often  decumbent.  Fertile  fronds 
harsher  and  more  rigid.  Seeds  in  a single  row  on  each  side  of 
the  midrib. 

North  Island:  From  Kaitaia  southwards  to  Cook  Strait;  but 
local  and  often  absent  from  large  areas.  Sea-level  to  2,500  feet. 

This  species  does  not  grow  in  the  profuse  abundance 
of  D.  media.  It  is  a pretty,  dainty  little  fern;  apparently 
a common  plant  in  Australia. 

According  to  Air.  Cheeseman,  “A  small  variety  found 
on  the  Rimutaka  Ranges,  Wellington,  is  said  to  have 
scented  fronds,  and  to  have  been  formerly  collected  by 
the  Maoris  for  the  purpose  of  mixing  with  oil  for  anoint- 
ing the  person;  but  I have  never  been  able  to  perceive 
any  fragrance.  Perhaps  Polypodium  pustulatum  has 
been  mistaken  for  it.” 



SIZE,  13lin.  x 8in. 


A Large  Specimen.  Barren  and  Fertile  Fronds. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 


ASPLENIUM  (splen,  the  spleen — used  as  a 
remedy  for  diseases  thereof).  A large  genus  of  about 
350  species,  with  12  species  and  8 varieties  in  New  Zea- 
land ; very  variable  in  size  and  shape.  Seeds  linear  or 
oblong,  placed  obliquely  to  the  midrib,  protected  by  a 
blade-like  covering  springing  from  the  under  surface  of 
the  leaf. 


(86)  A.  flabelli folium  (fan-leaved) . “Necklace  fern.'’ 
A charming  little  fern,  quite  different  from  any  other 
New  Zealand  species  of  Asplenium.  The  small,  fan- 
shaped leaflets,  set  on  each  side  of  a long  slender  stalk, 
adapt  themselves  to  the  uneven  surface  of  the  rocks  and 
stones,  among  which  they  love  to  grow. 

Description. — Roots  short,  stout,  clothed  at  the  top  with 
blackish  scales.  Stalks  1 to  4 inches  long,  rarely  more,  slender, 



SIZE,  12in.  x loin. 


Medium  to  Large  Specimen.  Upper  and  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

green  above,  dark-brown  below.  Fronds  few,  tufted  at  the  top  of 
the  root,  weak  and  tender,  decumbent,  green  to  light-green,  6 to 
14  inches  long  by  ^in.  to  1 inch  broad.  Midrib  smooth  and  green, 
rooting  at  apex.  Seeds  in  short  oblique  lines. 

From  the  Bay  of  Islands  to  Otago,  not  uncommon  in  rocky 
and  stony  places.  Sea-level  to  2,000  feet. 

Besides  the  unusual  property  of  taking  root  at  the  end 
of  the  long  slender  stalk  and  producing  a fresh  plant, 
the  upper  leaflets  are  sometimes  extended  into  naked 
tips  which  also  root  and  produce  fronds.  It  is  easily  cul- 
tivated, either  in  a rockery  or  in  hanging  pots.  Though 
usually  growing  in  rocky  or  stony  ground,  I have  found 
it  luxuriating  under  a hawthorn  hedge  on  rich  alluvial 
soil  at  Tua-marina,  near  Blenheim. 

The  following  account  of  this  charming  little  fern  is 
taken  from  a letter: — 

The  other  day  I set  out  to  get  a specimen  for  my  fer- 
nery. After  a considerable  hunt  I found  some  plants 
growing  on  a rough  stone  wall,  but  they  were  small  and 
meagre.  I turned  to  retrace  my  steps,  disappointed  at 
my  failure,  and  had  reached  a swelling  mound  of  lava, 
when  a boy  hailed  me  from  over  the  wall. 

“Are  you  getting  ferns,  mister?” 

“I’m  trying  to — there’s  hardly  one  to  be  seen.” 

“Have  you  been  into  the  cave?” 

“I  see  no  cave.” 

“Over  there,”  he  said,  pointing  to  the  bare  mound  be- 
hind me. 

I could  not  perceive  the  least  sign  of  a cave,  and  turned 
to  see  if  the  boy  were  in  earnest.  He  got  over  the  wall 
and  showed  me.  Within  ten  yards  of  where  I was  stand- 
ing was  a slight  depression  in  the  ground,  partially  hid- 
den by  grass  and  weeds.  Dropping  to  my  hands  and 
knees,  and  parting  the  herbage  I looked  down  into  the 
most  lovely  grotto  I ever  beheld.  Below  the  narrow 
opening  it  widened  out  to  a diameter  of  about  six  feet. 
Moss-grown  rocks  projected  from  the  sides  and  bottom, 
almost  hidden  under  a green  tracery  of  the  fan-leaved 



fern,  of  a larger  and  more  luxuriant  growth  than  I had 
ever  seen — a bridal  veil  of  light-green  lacework.  Fur- 
ther down  I caught  sight  of  the  little  round  leaves  of 
Pellaca  rotundifolia  and  a few  ethereal-looking  fronds 
of  Pteris  tremula;  altogether  an  entrancing  picture  be- 
yond the  power  of  words  to  describe.  After  feasting  my 
eyes  for  several  minutes,  I raised  my  head  to  look  round; 
the  contrast  could  not  have  been  greater — a scanty  turf, 
black  rocks,  a few  coarse  bushes  of  ink-weed ! 

It  filled  me  with  wonder  to  think  of  this  fairy  grotto 
within  a few  miles  of  a large  city  containing  thousands 
of  wanton  hands  that  would  have  ravaged  and  despoiled 
it  of  its  treasures  did  they  but  know  of  its  existence. 
Was  I the  first  to  appreciate  the  beauty  of  those  fragile 
fronds,  clothing  the  moss-grown  rocks  with  radiating 
sprays — one  of  Nature’s  masterpieces?  The  boy  had 
certainly  seen  the  grotto  first,  but  he  regarded  it  only 
with  disfavour,  having  made  the  discovery  by  falling  in 
and  bruising  his  shins  when  driving  home  the  cows. 

Nature,  with  her  scorn  for  vulgar  advertisement  and 
her  prodigality  of  superlative  workmanship,  taught  me  a 
lesson.  Had  I created  anything  only  a thousandth  part 
as  beautiful,  instead  of  hiding  it  away  with  a chaste  re- 
serve, I should  have  brought  all  my  friends  to  admire. 
The  boy  urged  me  to  climb  down  and  help  myself,  he 
could  not  understand  my  forbearance,  my  disinclination 
to  mar  such  perfection. 

The  species  is  found  also  in  temperate  Australia  and 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(87)  A.  trichomanes  (hair-like).  A smaller  and  much 
more  rigid  species  that  A.  flabellifolium,  usually  only 
6 inches  long,  with  a single  row  of  closely-set  leaflets  on 
either  side  of  the  stalk,  found  generally  in  the  moun- 

Description. — Roots  short,  stout,  fibrous,  more  or  less  clothed 
with  dark-brown  scales.  Stalks  1 to  4 inches  long,  dark  chestnut- 
brown,  smooth  and  glossy.  Fronds  tufted,  rigid,  erect,  3 to  12 
inches  by  Jin.  to  Sin.  broad,  firm  in  texture,  green  to  dull-green. 
Seeds  in  oblique  lines. 

North  Island:  Kaimanawa  Mountains,  Otorohanga,  Petane, 
Puketapu,  Mount  Egmont,  Tararua  Ranges.  South  Island:  Not 
uncommon  in  mountainous  regions  throughout.  Sea-level  to  4,000 

For  many  years  it  was  supposed  to  be  confined  to  the 
South  Island,  but  of  late  it  has  been  found  in  several 
parts  of  the  North  Island.  A very  widely  distributed 
species;  the  Maidenhair  Spleenwort  of  England. 




A Small  Specimen.  Upper  and  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(88)  A.  falcatum  (scythe-shaped).  Most  readily  dis- 
tinguished by  the  uneven  shape  of  the  leaflets — rounded 
above,  hollowed  or  straight  below.  Seeds  in  long  narrow 
lines  slightly  oblique. 

Description. — Roots  short,  stout,  creeping,  more  or  less 
clothed  with  brown  scales.  Stalks  6 to  12  inches  long,  dark-brown, 
firm,  hairy  at  the  base,  sometimes  throughout.  Fronds  erect  or 
pendulous,  1 to  3 feet  long  or  more  by  3 to  7 inches  broad,  tex- 
ture firm,  dark-green  or  brownish-green  above,  paler  beneath. 
Veins  close  and  distinct.  Seeds  numerous,  diverging  obliquely 
from  the  midrib. 

Abundant  throughout  the  Dominion.  Sea-level  to  2,000  feet. 

An  exceedingly  handsome  decorative  species,  varying 
greatly  in  size  and  shape,  and  growing  everywhere — the 
trunks  of  trees,  rocks,  perpendicular  or  overhanging 
banks,  among  the  crowded  tufts  of  Astelia  in  tree-forks 
or  upon  rocks.  One  day  I encountered  a lovely  sight ; 
the  roots  had  clasped  a slender  sapling  about  five  feet 
from  the  ground,  and  thrown  out  a fringe  of  great 
sweeping  fronds  that  nearly  touched  the  earth — some 
measuring  over  4 feet  in  length.  A stray  sunbeam, 
filtering  through  the  branches  of  a giant  kauri  pine, 
lighted  up  the  dark  glossy  leaves  with  splashes  of  silver. 

Though  it  has  an  irresistible  attraction  for  the  fern 
gatherer,  and  often  seems  to  subsist  on  nothing  more 
substantial  than  air,  it  is  by  no  means  easy  to  transplant. 
The  young  crooks  appear  in  the  usual  way,  expanding 
the  lower  leaflets  long  before  the  upper  ones  come  into 



SIZE,  13in.  x 7^in. 


Small  to  Medium  Specimen.  Upper  and  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

sight.  It  was  one  of  those  that  sowed  themselves  in  my 
garden.  Widely  distributed  in  the  temperate  regions  of 
both  hemispheres. 

(89)  A.  caudatum( tailed).  Hardly  to  be  distinguished 
from  A.  falcatum;  reported  only  from  the  Kermadec 
Islands.  A widely  distributed  species,  named  caudatum 
because  of  the  tailed-like  terminations  of  the  leaflets. 

Description. — Root  short,  creeping,  scaly.  Stalks  6 to  9 inches 
long,  scaly  or  not.  Fronds  1 to  2 feet  long  by  3 to  8 inches  broad, 
dark-green.  Veins  close  and  distinct.  Seeds  shorter  than  in  A. 
■falcatum,  not  nearly  reaching  the  margin. 

Kermadec  Islands,  Sunday  Island,  not  uncommon. 

A widely-spread  plant;  differing  from  A.  falcatum 
only  in  the  more  tailed  leaflets  and  the  shorter  seeds. 
“Apparently  a form  of  A.  falcatum,”  Sir  J.  D.  Hooker. 



SIZE,  17in.  x 5in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(90)  A.  obtusatum  (blunt).  A seaside  plant,  usually 
growing  on  rock  faces;  more  plentiful  on  the  outlying 
islands.  Sometimes  confused  with  A.  liicidiim,  but  a 
much  smaller  plant,  with  short,  thick,  bluntly-rounded 

Description. — Root  short,  thick,  often  forming  a hard  rounded 
mass,  densely  scaly.  Stalks  2 to  6 inches  long,  erect,  very  stout, 
almost  fleshy,  greyish-green,  scaly  at  base.  Fronds  2 to  12  inches 
long,  without  the  stalk,  by  1 to  3 inches  broad,  very  thick  and 
tough,  deep  green.  Seeds  oblique,  usually  copious,  not  reaching 

On  maritime  rocks  throughout  the  Dominion. 

My  first  sight  of  this  curious-looking  fern  came  as 
somewhat  of  a shock;  the  leaves  were  so  round  and 
packed  so  close  together  I took  it  for  a large  species  of 
ice-plant — it  was  growing  in  a neighbouring  fernery.  It 
is  easily  cultivated.  A widely-spread  species  in  the 

Southern  Hemisphere. 




A Large  Specimen.  Under  Side. 

SIZE,  llin.  x 3iin. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

(91)  A.  lucidum  (bright),  “huruhuru-whenua.” 
Perhaps  the  most  easily  found  fern  in  New  Zealand; 
there  is  no  overlooking  the  broad  glossy  fronds  that  seem 
to  wave  an  invitation  to  the  fern  gatherer — to  be  stuffed 
into  a kerosene  tin  or  an  old  box  and  allowed  to  languish 
in  a neglected  corner  of  the  verandah  ! Easily  recognised 
by  the  herring-bone  pattern  on  the  backs  of  the  broad 

Description. — Root  short,  stout,  often  forming  a hard  rounded 
mass,  clothed  at  the  top  with  large  brown  scales.  Stalks  6 to  18 
inches  long,  stout,  densely  scaly  at  base,  sometimes  dark-brown 
above  and  below,  separated  by  a narrow  hair-like  line  of  green  on 
either  side.  Fronds  12  to  36  inches  long  without  the  stalks,  by 
6 to  14  inches  broad,  erect  or  drooping,  dark-green,  glossy  and 
shining,  paler  beneath,  texture  firm,  margins  of  the  leaflets  finely 
serrated.  Veins  usually  evident.  Seeds  very  numerous,  in  long 
oblique  lines. 

Abundant  in  lowland  districts  throughout  the  Dominion. 

A strikingly  handsome  species;  its  presence  in  a forest 
glade  adds  not  a little  to  the  richness  and  luxuriance  of 
the  scene.  It  differs  markedly  from  all  the  other  native 
species  except  A.  obtusatum,  with  which  it  is  connected 
by  transitional  forms.  It  grows  in  almost  every  situation 
— on  dry  rocky  banks  exposed  to  the  blazing  sun,  in  the 
deep  cool  shade  of  the  forest,  in  the  upper  forks  of  tall 
trees,  about  old  stumps,  on  the  ground,  on  the  stems  of 

The  growth  of  a young  frond,  though  somewhat  slow, 
is  an  interesting  study.  As  the  crook  unrolls  it  exposes 
the  side  leaves,  of  a light  vivid  green,  shining  as  if 
lacquered  over  with  a transparent  varnish.  The  young 



SIZE,  18in.  x 12in. 


A Medium  Specimen. 


Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

SIZE.  17in.  x 15in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 



(110a)  ASPIDIUM  CAPENSE.  A Leaflet  magnified  to  show  the  Veining,  etc.  {Sre  also  face  282)  WAIKUMETE. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

leaflets,  standing  in  a row  on  either  side  of  the  upright 
midrib,  slightly  curved  towards  each  other,  give  the  im- 
pression of  clasping  something  precious  between  their 
tender  green  tips.  As  the  frond  matures  the  colour 
darkens,  the  leaves  flatten  and  soon  develop  the  long 
conspicuous  lines  of  seed.  It  is  very  easily  grown — even 
surviving  the  neglected  kerosene  tin — and  has  a wide 
range  outside  New  Zealand — Norfolk  Island,  Lord 
Howe  Island,  Australia,  and  some  of  the  Pacific  Islands. 

(92)  V ar . obliquum  (slanting).  Fronds  smaller  and 
inclined  to  be  leathery;  leaflets  placed  closer,  not  so 
pointed;  seeds  shorter;  approaches  A.  obtusatum.  From 
the  North  Cape  to  Campbell  Island. 



SIZE,  12iin.  x 63in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(93)  Var.scleroprium  (scleros,  hard;  prion,  a saw). 
Fronds  fleshy,  leathery,  12  to  18  inches  high  or  more. 
Leaflets  closely  placed,  deeply  serrate  or  forked.  Seeds 
linear,  marginal.  A transitional  form  from  A.  flaccidum. 
Here-kopere  Island,  near  Stewart  Island,  Auckland  and 
Campbell  Islands. 



SIZE,  12iin.  x 5in. 


A Medium  Specimen  (Gathered  by  Sir  J.  D.  Hooker).  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(94)  Var.  Lyalli  (Mr.  Lyall).  The  same  size  and 
habit  as  the  type,  but  more  divided.  In  various  localities 
from  Mangonui  and  the  Bay  of  Islands  to  Otago,  but 
rare  and  local,  and  always  in  small  quantities.  Also  in 
the  Chatham  Islands. 



SIZE,  16in.  x 9in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(95)  Var.anomodum  (?).  Fronds  small,  2 to  12 
inches  long',  including  the  stalk,  pale-green,  almost  mem- 
branous, more  or  less  covered  beneath  with  chaffy  scales, 
the  lower  leaflets  divided;  seeds  short,  oblique.  Found 
usually  in  limestone  districts.  Hawke’s  Bay — Petane, 
Te  Ante,  Norsewood,  Takapau.  Nelson — Whanga-peka 
Valley  and  Mount  Arthur  Plateau,  ascending  to  nearly 
4,000  feet. 



SIZE,  7in.  x 2in. 


A Small  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(96)  A.  Hookerianum  (Sir  J.  D.  Hooker).  A small, 
dark-green  species  with  fronds  of  an  open  pattern, 
usually  growing  below  overhanging  banks,  on  steep 
faces,  and  on  rocky  ground. 

Description. — Root  short,  stout,  rounded,  clothed  at  the  top 
with  brownish  scales.  Stalks  1 to  4 inches  long  or  more,  greyish- 
green.  Fronds  tufted,  spreading,  2 to  10  inches  long,  without  the 
stalk,  by  1 to  4 inches  broad,  almost  membranous,  dark-green. 
Seeds,  2 to  5 on  a leaflet,  short,  oblong,  remote  from  the  margin. 

From  Mangonui  and  Kaitaia  to  the  south  of  Otago;  but  often 
local.  Sea-level  to  2,500  feet. 

A very  variable  little  plant,  reminding  one  of  small 
forms  of  A.  bulbifenun,  but  more  open.  It  is  easily  cul- 
tivated. Found  also  in  New  South  Wales  and  Victoria. 



SIZE,  lOin.  x 7in. 

A Large  Specimen.  Upper  and  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 



A Small  Specimen.  Under  and  Upper  Side. 



(97)  Jar.  Colens oi  (Mr.  Colenso).  A small  fern 
with  pale-green  fronds,  usually  flaccid.  Seeds  oblong, 
solitary,  along  the  margins  of  the  leaflets.  Found 
throughout  the  Dominion,  but  often  local. 



A Small  Specimen.  Under  and  Upper  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

(98)  A.  bulbiferum  (producing  bulbs).  Any  person 
at  all  familiar  with  the  New  Zealand  bush  cannot  fail 
to  have  noticed  a very  beautiful  and  typical  fern  leaf 
bearing  on  its  surface  a number  of  seedlings.  With  one 
somewhat  rare  exception  this  is  the  only  native  species 
possessing  this  mode  of  reproduction,  consequently  there 
can  be  no  difficulty  in  fixing  its  identity.  It  is  the  most 
plentiful  of  the  Aspleniums  in  New  Zealand. 

Description. — Root  short,  stout,  erect  or  oblique,  crowned 
with  brown  scales.  Stalks  4 to  12  inches  long  or  more,  dark- 
brown  below,  green  or  greyish-green  above,  densely  scaly  at  the 
base.  Fronds  1 to  4 feet  long  or  more  by  6 to  12  inches  broad, 
bright-green,  firm,  almost  succulent,  upright  or  drooping.  Seeds 
short,  oblique,  often  marginal. 

Abundant  throughout  the  Dominion,  especially  in  damp  woods. 
Sea-level  to  3,000  feet. 

A handsome,  graceful  species,  a very  giant  in  com- 
parison with  the  English  spleenworts.  In  damp  shel- 
tered gullies  near  Auckland  I have  seen  the  tender  green 
fronds  rising  from  the  ground  in  graceful  curves  to  a 
height  of  6 feet — a sight  not  easily  forgotten. 



SIZE,  14in.  x 9iin. 


A Medium  Specimen. 

Under  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

The  stalks  and  all  the  branches  are  grooved  on  the 
upper  surface  with  a double  furrow,  which  imparts  an 
extraordinary  richness  to  the  appearance  of  the  fronds. 
The  little  bulbs  that  appear  on  the  face  of  the  leaf  are 
not  true  seedlings.  Though  they  give  the  appearance  of 
fertility  to  the  leaf  they  are  scattered  too  irregularly  to 
add  much  to  its  beauty.  I have  gathered  a large  species 
of  Asplenium  in  Samoa  that  had  a row  of  these  seedlings 
down  each  side  of  the  midrib,  one  at  the  base  of  every 
leaflet;  they  looked  extremely  ornamental,  like  a double 
row  of  green  rosettes.  If  these  bulbs  are  carefully  re- 
moved with  a piece  of  the  leaf  to  which  they  are  attached, 
and  planted  on  damp  mould,  they  will  strike  root  and 
produce  mature  plants.  Probably  the  New  Zealand  badge 
of  the  fern-leaf  was  taken  from  this  species. 

A wide-spread,  easily-cultivated  plant. 




(98a)  ASPLENIUM  BULBIFERUM.  A Single  Leaflet  to  show  Flutings.  AUCKLAND. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(99)  T ar.  laxum  (loose).  Fronds  smaller,  more 
slender,  with  narrower  and  more  remote  leaflets;  more 
deeply  divided,  the  upper  surface  glistening  brightly, 
seeds  often  marginal ; it  does  not  produce  bulbs.  Found 
throughout  the  Dominion 



SIZE,  14lin.  x loiin. 


A Large  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(100)  Var.  tripinnatum  (three-pinnate).  Fronds 
ample;  thrice  divided;  leaflets  narrow,  resembling  some 
forms  of  A.  flaccidam,  but  more  compound  and  the  tex- 
ture thinner ; producing  bulbs  sparingly.  Found  through- 
out the  Dominion.  I have  met  with  no  more  ravishing 
picture  than  the  uncurling  fronds  of  this  species. 

Mr.  Cheeseman  has  an  interesting  note  on  this  species. 
“The  typical  state  of  A.  bulbiferum  is  a well-known 
plant  throughout  the  whole  of  New  Zealand,  and  is  at 
once  distinguished  from  the  other  species  of  the  genus 
by  the  ample  dark-green  bipinnate  fronds  with  compara- 
tively broad  pinnules,  and  especially  by  its  habit  of  pro- 
ducing small  bulbils  on  the  upper  surface  of  the  frond. 
. . . When  the  bulbils  are  not  developed,  and  the  frond 
is  more  slender,  with  narrower  and  more  deeply-divided 
pinnules,  so  that  the  sori  are  often  almost  marginal,  the 
plant  becomes  Var.  laxum.  . . Var.  tripinnatum  has  still 
narrower  pinnules  . . . and  the  sori  are  quite  marginal. 
. . . In  addition  to  the  above  varieties,  there  are  a large 
number  of  puzzling  forms  which  apparently  connect  the 
species  with  A.  jalcatum,  A.  lucidum  Var.  Lyalli,  A. 
lucidum  Var.  scleroprium,  A.  Hookerianum,  A.  Rich 
ardi,  and  A.  flaccidum.  . . .” 



SIZE,  ltin.  x 8in. 


Medium  to  Small  Size.  Under  and  Upper  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

(101)  A.  Richard i (M.  Richard).  A somewhat  puzz- 
ling' species,  standing  midway  between  A.  Hookerianum 
Var.  Colensoi  and  A.  flaccidum.  A South  Island  fern, 
reported  only  from  the  Tararua  Ranges  in  the  North 

Description. — Root  short,  stout,  usually  forming  a rounded 
knot-like  stem,  clothed  at  the  top  with  dark-brown  scales.  Stalks 
2 to  6 inches  long,  stout,  rigid,  erect,  greenish,  usually  clothed 
with  scales.  Fronds  tufted,  3 to  9 inches  long,  without  the  stalks, 
by  1 to  4 inches  broad,  dark-green,  varying  from  firm  to  almost 
membranous  in  texture.  Seeds  short,  broad,  along  the  margins 
of  the  leaflets. 

North  Island:  Tararua  Ranges.  South  Island:  Not  uncommon 
in  hilly  and  mountainous  country  throughout.  Sea-level  to  4,000 



SIZE,  14in.  x lolin. 


A Medium  Specimen. 

Upper  and  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(102)  A.  flaccidum  (limp).  “Pohutu-kawa.”  When 
seen  hanging  from  the  forest  trees,  3 feet  long,  the  leaf- 
lets narrow  and  thick,  as  if  cut  from  a piece  of  pale- 
green  leather,  it  is  an  odd-looking  plant,  quite  unlike  any 
other  New  Zealand  fern. 

Description. — Root  short,  stout,  erect,  clothed  at  the  top  with 
dark-brown  scales.  Stalks  usually  rather  short,  greenish,  scaly  at 
the  base.  Fronds  tufted,  very  variable  in  size  and  shape,  3 inches 
to  3 feet  long  or  more  by  2 to  9 inches  broad,  thick  and  leathery, 
flaccid  and  pendulous,  or  rigid  and  erect,  green  to  pale-green, 
quite  smooth.  Seeds  oblong,  usually  on  the  margins  of  the  leaflets. 

Abundant  throughout  the  Dominion.  Sea-level  to  3,500  feet. 

A most  ubiquitous  species,  growing  in  all  sorts  of  odd 
corners,  most  usually  on  trees  and  rocks,  varying  so 
much  in  size  and  appearance  that  division  into  groups 
would  facilitate  classification.  It  is  putting  a severe 
strain  on  the  faith  of  a student  to  be  asked  to  believe 
that  a great  pendulous  frond  hanging  3 feet  from  the 
trunk  of  a tree  is  the  same  species  as  a stiff,  upright, 
almost  spiky  little  plant  a few  inches  high.  Dr.  Hooker 
enumerated  five  varieties  in  his  Handbook;  only  one — 
Shuttleworthiamim — has  been  retained  by  Mr.  Cheese- 

The  illustrations  show  what  very  divergent  forms  are 
classed  under  A.  flaccidum.  It  is  easy  of  cultivation, 
being  one  of  those  which  grew  spontaneously  in  my 
garden.  A wide-spread  plant,  occurring  in  Australia, 
Tasmania,  and  the  Pacific  Islands. 



SIZE,  lOlin.  x 8in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

SIZE,  6in.  x 6in. 






SIZE,  llin.  x 9l\n. 



[Ste  also  page  271) 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(103)  Var.Shuttlewortliianum  (Mr.  Shuttleworth). 
Fronds  broader  and  much  more  compound,  i to  2 feet 
long  by  4 to  10  inches  broad,  leathery,  dark-green.  Seeds 
short,  quite  marginal.  Kermadec  Islands,  abundant. 



SIZE,  17in.  x 7~in. 



A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(104)  A.  umbrosum  (shady).  A somewhat  scarce 
fern  in  New  Zealand,  frequenting  alluvial  or  calcareous 
soils  in  dark  shady  woods,  or  along  river  banks,  disap- 
pearing before  settlement.  A large,  handsome  species, 
the  little  herring-bone  rows  of  seeds  very  noticeable. 

Description. — Root  short,  stout.  Stalks  1 to  2 feet  long,  stout, 
erect,  scaly  at  the  base,  brownish-green.  Fronds  variable  in  size, 
1 to  4 feet  long,  without  the  stalks,  by  9 inches  to  3 feet  broad, 
spreading,  sometimes  drooping  at  the  tip,  light  to  dark-green, 
membranous,  flaccid.  Seeds  conspicuous,  usually  five  to  six  rows 
on  each  leaflet,  short,  oblong. 

North  Island:  Not  uncommon  from  Mangonui  County  to  the 
East  Cape  and  Taranaki ; from  thence  to  Cook  Straits  somewhat 
rare.  South  Island:  Picton,  Nelson,  Foxhill,  West  Wanganui. 
Sea-level  to  1,800  feet. 

I was  unfortunate  in  my  early  search  for  this  fern, 
finding  it  first  at  Koromiko,  Picton,  a locality  not  men- 
tioned in  Mr.  Cheeseman’s  Manual. 

Mr.  Thomson  describes  it  as  too  delicate. for  outdoor 
culture,  an  opinion  not  endorsed  by  Mr.  Field.  No  doubt 
they  are  each  right,  for  their  respective  districts — Dun- 
edin and  Wanganui.  In  Auckland  it  is  one  of  the  easiest 
ferns  to  grow. 

It  is  a wide-spread  species,  found  in  Australia,  India, 
Africa,  Canary  Islands,  Azores  and  Madeira. 



SIZE,  19in.  x llin. 


A Small  Specimen. 


Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(105)  A.  japonicum  (from  Japan).  A small,  delicate, 
pale-green  fern,  the  rarest  Asplenium  in  New  Zealand; 
reported  only  from  the  Kermadec  Islands  and  the 
northern  end  of  the  North  Island.  Usually  growing  on 
the  shady  banks  of  creeks. 

Description. — Root  long,  slender,  creeping,  densely  scaly  at 
the  tip.  Stalks  3 to  9 inches  long,  slender,  pale-brown  or  straw- 
coloured,  scaly  when  young,  especially  near  the  base.  Fronds  6 to 
12  inches  long,  without  the  stalk,  by  2J  to  5 inches  broad,  pale- 
green,  thin  and  membranous.  Seeds  narrow,  oblong. 

Kermadec  Islands,  not  uncommon.  North  Island:  Fairly  plen- 
tiful on  banks  of  creeks,  Mangonui  County,  Bay  of  Isalnds, 
YVhangarei,  Northern  Wairoa. 

The  following  extract  from  a letter  to  a brother  col- 
lector describes  my  finding  of  this  fern: — 

“I  experienced  the  most  extraordinary  luck  at  Wha- 
ngarei.  Whether  due  to  my  disturbed  night  on  board 
the  steamer  or  the  ungodly  hour  at  which  I had  been 
roused  from  my  bunk  I cannot  say,  but  my  wits  were 
somewhat  confused;  I seemed  to  be  in  a kind  of  trance. 
On  reaching  the  hotel  I had  three-quarters  of  an  hour  to 
wait  for  breakfast,  with  absolutely  nothing  to  do,  so  I 
jumped  on  my  bicycle  and  rode  out  in  search  of  Doodia 
caudcita,  which  I knew  was  to  be  found  in  the  neighbour- 
hood. It  was  a clear,  still  day,  with  very  few  people 
about.  I looked  absent-mindedly  along  the  hedgerows, 
but  my  bicycle  seemed  to  take  charge;  instead  of  con- 
tinuing along  the  straight  road  it  turned  down  one  that 
led  to  the  right,  took  me  down  a hill  and  then  stopped 
dead;  I could  not  move  it  a yard!  In  front  was  a level 
road,  on  the  right  a gate  into  a field  where  there  was 
some  bush,  on  the  left  an  unusually  stiff  barbed-wire 




A Large  Specimen. 


Under  Side. 

SIZE,  13in.  x 7^in. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

fence;  yet  it  was  this  to  which  I was  irresistibly  drawn, 
and  over  which  1 had  to  climb. 

Under  some  trees  1 saw  plenty  of  Doodia  media  and 
some  Adiantums,  but  no  D.  caudata,  the  fern  for  which 
I was  looking.  I also  noticed  several  small  pointed 
fronds  of  what  I took  to  be  Hy  pole  pis,  and  I looked  out 
for  a full-grown  specimen,  but  there  was  none.  After 
traversing  the  patch  of  bush  twice,  I turned  to  retrace 
my  steps,  concluding  that  I had  been  an  ass  to  put  such 
a formidable  fence  between  me  and  the  road.  Some- 
thing unusual  about  the  outline  drew  my  eyes  again  to 
the  young  pointed  fronds  growing  on  the  side  of  a little 
bank.  Mechanically  I stooped  down  and  turned  up  the 
back  of  a frond — ASPLENIUM!!!  Without  a doubt, 
there  were  the  little  herringbone  lines  of  seed — JAPON- 
ICUM!!!  Yes,  it  must  be,  though  it  had  never  been  re- 
ported from  Whangarei. 

Wonderful  luck.  Within  half  an  hour  of  reaching 
Whangarei  I had  found  a fern  that  I had  not  seen  dur- 
ing my  40  years’  collecting— what  collectors  call  “be- 
ginner’s luck.’’  Digging  up  a root  or  two  for  my  fernery 
in  Auckland,  I packed  them  carefully  in  my  kit  and  re- 
turned to  the  hotel  with  my  wits  remarkably  on  the 
alert.  I was  so  bursting  with  exultation  that  I had  to 
tell  the  first  person  I met — a commercial  traveller — my 
excitement  being  such  that  it  stirred  even  his  mercenary 
soul.  Since  this  was  written  it  has  been  reported  from 
south-west  of  Taupo  and  Nelson.” 

This  is  a wide-spread  species,  ranging  through  Poly- 
nesia, Malay  Archipelago,  India,  China,  and  Japan. 





Maritime  Form.  A Tufted  Specimen. 


{See  also  pa^e  260) 


New  Zealand  Ferns 


ASPIDIUM  (aspidos,  of  a shield — the  covering 
of  the  seeds).  “Shield  Fern.”  A genus  of  about  70  spe- 
cies, with  5 well-authenticated  species  and  1 variety  in 
New  Zealand. 


( 106)  A.aculeatum  (sharp  pointed).  Var.vestitum 
(clothed).  Most  easily  recognised  by  the  dark-coloured 
scales  on  the  stalk  and  running  right  up  the  middle  of 
the  frond.  Usually  a terrestrial  plant,  forming  a hand- 
some crown  of  radiating  leaves. 

Description. — Root  short,  stout,  erect,  sometimes  extending 
to  a stem,  1 to  4 feet  high.  Stalks  6 to  18  inches  long,  stout, 
erect,  densely  clothed  with  spreading  scales,  glossy,  black  or  dark- 
brown  with  a pale  margin,  or  tawny.  Fronds  numerous,  forming 
a spreading  crown,  1 to  3 feet  long,  without  the  stalks,  by  4 to  9 
inches  broad ; the  points  of  the  leaflets  almost  like  prickles,  tex- 
ture firm,  dark-green,  sometimes  with  shades  of  brown.  Seeds, 
6 to  8 to  a leaflet,  in  two  rows  nearer  the  midrib  than  the  margin. 

Found  throughout  the  Dominion ; rather  local  from  Cape  Col- 
ville to  East  Cape ; not  uncommon  in  hilly  districts  from  thence 
to  Wellington ; abundant  to  the  south  of  Cook  Strait.  Sea-level 
to  3,500  feet. 



SIZE,  12iin.  x 5in. 


A Small  Specimen.  Under  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

An  extremely  handsome  species;  the  conspicuous 
scales  making-  a fine  contrast  to  the  dark-green  leaves. 
It  is  easily  cultivated,  and  makes  a welcome  addition  to 
the  fernery.  The  species  varies  greatly  in  the  size,  shape, 
and  texture  of  the  fronds,  and  in  many  other  respects. 
The  fronds  are  sometimes  forked  or  crested  at  the  tip, 
and  are  sometimes  proliferous. 

A.  aculcatum,  in  some  of  its  forms,  is  found  in  almost 
all  parts  of  the  world.  The  English  type  is  known  as  the 
“Narrow  Prickly  Shield  Fern.”  The  New  Zealand  va- 
riety, mainly  distinguished  by  the  dark-coloured  scales 
covering  stalk  and  midrib,  is  also  found  in  Australia, 
Tasmania,  and  Fuegia. 

(107)  Var.  sylvaticum  (sylvan).  Smaller  and  much 
more  slender.  Fronds  few,  12  to  24  inches  long,  includ- 
ing the  stalks,  less  firm  in  texture  and  of  a lighter  green; 
the  covering  of  the  seeds  not  developed. 

Note. — I have  not  included  A.  mohriodes,  which  has 
only  once  been  reported  from  the  Auckland  Islands. 



SIZE,  12^in.  x 9in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


JJ  a 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(108)  A.  Richardi  (M.  Richard).  A prickly-look- 
ing  species,  harsh  to  the  touch,  clark-green ; the  seeds 
when  young  covered  by  a circular  disc  with  a black  dot 
in  the  centre. 

Description. — Root  short,  thick,  densely  clothed  with  dark- 
brown  scales.  Stalks  6 to  18  inches  long,  more  or  less  clothed 
with  scales  and  woolly  hairs.  Fronds  few,  tufted,  9 to  18  inches 
long,  without  the  stalks,  by  3 to  9 inches  broad,  dark-green,  some- 
times changing  to  red-brown  towards  the  outer  edges,  lighter 
coloured  beneath ; leaflets  pointed  finely,  like  prickles.  Seeds  cov- 
ered by  a circular  disc,  in  two  rows  on  each  leaflet,  about  midway 
between  the  midrib  and  the  margin. 

From  the  North  Cape  to  South  Otago,  not  uncommon,  especi- 
ally near  the  sea ; abundant  in  the  King  Country,  unusually  large 
and  luxurious  on  Mokoia  Island,  Rotorua. 

A species  easily  grown,  not  averse  to  hot  sunshine; 
one  of  those  which  sowed  themselves  in  my  garden.  The 
unrolling  crook  is  of  a speckled  grey  colour,  maturing 
quickly  and  soon  producing  seeds.  Found  also  in  Fiji. 

The  young  fronds  of  this  fern  show  none  of  the 
harshness  and  rigidity  of  the  mature  plant;  the  grey 
stalks  making  a lovely  contrast  to  the  tender-green 
leaves;  the  black-green  stripe  shooting  like  a dart  along 
each  midrib  adds  much  to  the  beauty  of  the  frond. 

A very  divergent  form  of  this  species  is  illustrated 
(io8a)  from  the  West  Coast,  near  Manukau  Heads. 
The  difference  between  the  young  plants  as  pictured 
(To8b)  is  very  striking. 



SIZE,  12in.  x loin. 


A Medium  Specimen. 


Upper  and  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

SIZE,  14in.  x 8in. 



SIZE,  9in.  x 65in. 


From  young  plants  growing  in  my  garden.  Upper  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

Left-hand  Specimen. — Colour  of  frond  bright  glistening 
green,  as  if  polished.  No  darkening  of  stalk  or  midribs,  the  leaf 
being  of  an  even  colour  throughout.  Growth  decumbent,  fronds 
curved,  leaflets  crowded,  soft  to  tbe  touch. 

Right-hand  Specimen. — Colour  of  frond  dark  dull-green, 
not  shining.  Stalk  and  midribs  strongly  defined  by  a dark,  nearly 
black,  spear-shaped  line.  Growth  upright  and  straight,  leaflets 
spaced  at  a little  distance  apart,  harsh,  almost  prickly  to  the  touch. 

Both  these  varieties  have  grown  spontaneously  in  my 
garden  within  a few  yards  of  each  other. 

Note. — I have  not  included  A.  oculatum.  Both  Mr. 
Cheeseman  and  Mr.  Baker  consider  it  as  only  a trivial 
variety  of  A.  Richardi. 

(109)  A.  cystostegia  (bearing  coverings  of  bladders). 
A small,  very  distinct  alpine  species,  easily  recognised 
by  the  fluffy  pale-brown  scales  on  stalks  and  midribs. 

Description. — Root  short,  stout,  densely  scaly,  sometimes 
branched  above.  Stalks  2 to  6 inches  high,  pale-brown,  clothed 
with  large,  membranous,  light-brown  scales.  Fronds  tufted,  very 
numerous,  4 to  10  inches  long,  without  the  stalk,  by  lJf  to  2 inches 
broad,  pale-green,  soft,  membranous  and  almost  flaccid,  both 
surfaces  clothed  with  scales  when  young.  Seeds  numerous,  2 to 
4 to  a leaflet ; covering  of  the  seeds  thin,  membranous,  pale-col- 
oured, very  convex. 

North  Island:  Mount  Egmont,  Tongariro,  Tararua  Moun- 
tains. South  Island : Not  uncommon  in  alpine  districts  through- 
out. Auckland  Islands.  3,000  to  5,500  feet. 

A form  with  a firmer  frond  and  dark-coloured  scales 
on  the  stalks  is  occasionally  met  with.  According  to  Mr. 
Thomson  it  is  extremely  hardy  and  easy  of  cultivation, 
but  Mr.  Field’s  experience  was  of  a negative  character. 
It  is  confined  to  New  Zealand. 



SIZE,  8jin.  x 3in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

(no)  ^ .capense  (a  native  of  the  Cape).  A remark- 
ably handsome  fern,  whether  viewed  closely  or  at  a dis- 
tance. Most  easily  recognised  by  the  large,  circular, 
jet-black  patches  of  seed.  I have  usually  found  it  climb- 
ing trees,  especially  tree-ferns. 

Description. — Root  long,  stout,  creeping,  covered  with  large, 
tawny,  silky  scales.  Stalks  1 to  2 feet  long,  stout,  erect,  more  or 
less  densely  clothed  with  scales.  Fronds  scattered  along  the  root, 
9 to  18  inches  long,  without  the  stalks,  by  6 to  12  inches  broad, 
texture  very  firm  and  rigid,  smooth  and  shining  on  the  upper 
surface,  lighter  below,  brownish-green,  bright-green,  to  golden- 
green.  Seeds  conspicuous,  in  two  rows  near  the  midrib,  often 
covering  the  whole  under  surface. 

Abundant  throughout  the  Dominion. 

The  seeds  at  a certain  stage  of  their  growth  are  jet- 
black,  giving  the  leaf  a very  remarkable  appearance 
when  viewed  from  below.  The  graceful  frond  stands 
out  silhouetted  against  the  sky,  with  row  upon  row  of 
conspicuous  seeds  showing  on  the  under  side.  It  also 
differs  from  the  other  New  Zealand  species  in  having 
blunt  rounded  points  to  most  of  the  leaflets,  and  the 
veins  show  so  distinctly  in  dark-green  lines  on  the  upper 
surface  as  to  greatly  enrich  its  appearance.  ( Seepage  237) 

It  is  a somewhat  difficult  species  to  transplant;  I have 
found  the  best  plan  is  to  cut  away  some  of  the  fibres  in 
which  the  rootlets  are  embedded.  Mr.  Field  recommends 
taking  up  a very  young  plant  and  transferring  it  to  good 
vegetable  mould,  when  it  will  thrive  well. 

In  the  Auckland  district  it  shows  a preference  for 
tree-ferns.  The  roots,  rendered  conspicuous  by  the  thick 



SIZE,  12ain.  x 4iin. 


A Medium  Specimen. 


Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

covering  of  pale-brown  scales,  can  be  traced  through 
the  moss,  filmy  ferns,  and  other  creeping  plants,  as  they 
branch  and  climb  the  stem,  putting  out  here  and  there  a 
few  graceful  fronds,  which  become  larger  and  more 
plentiful  near  the  summit,  and  culminate  in  one  or  two 
laden  with  jet-black  seeds. 

It  is  a widely  distributed  fern,  found  in  temperate 
Australia,  Polynesia,  South  Africa,  Mauritius,  and  in 
America  from  Cuba  to  Patagonia. 

( 111)  A.  aristatum  (awned).  A wide-spread  tropi- 
cal species,  extending  to  the  Ivermadec  Islands,  where 
it  is  abundant. 

Description.- — Roots  long,  stout,  creeping,  clothed  with  rusty 
scales.  Stalks  9 to  18  inches  long,  stout,  densely  scaly  towards 
the  base.  Fronds  scattered  along  the  root,  1 to  2 feet  long  by  9 to 
12  inches  wide,  dark-green,  glossy,  the  tips  of  the  leaflets  like 
prickles.  Seeds  rather  small,  in  two  rows  near  the  midrib. 

Kermadec  Islands,  Sunday  Island,  abundant. 

Found  also  in  Polynesia,  Australia,  Malaya,  India,  China, 
Japan,  and  South  Africa. 



SIZE,  Hin.  x 9iin. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 


NEPHRODIUM  (nephros,  kidney — shape  of  the 
seed  cover).  “Buckler  Fern.”  A genus  of  over  400 
species,  with  8 in  New  Zealand.  Medium-sized  ferns; 
the  round  patches  of  seed  protected  by  a kidney-shaped 


(112 ) N.Thelypteris  (lady-fern).  V ar . squamulo- 

sum  (scaly).  A marsh  fern,  with  barren  and  fertile 
fronds;  seeds  covered  with  a kidney-shaped  membrane. 

Description. — Root  long,  slender,  creeping,  branched.  Stalks 
4 to  12  inches  long,  slender,  smooth,  straw-coloured.  Fronds 
scattered  along  the  root,  6 to  12  inches  long,  without  the  stalks, 
rarely  more,  by  2 to  5 inches  broad,  pale-green,  membranous. 
Seeds  numerous,  small,  in  two  rows,  rather  nearer  the  margin 
than  the  midrib. 

North  Island:  Marshes  from  the  North  Cape  to  the  East  Cape, 
Taupo,  and  Wanganui ; but  often  local.  Sea-level  to  2,000  feet. 

The  typical  form  is  found  in  Europe,  Asia,  and  America.  Var. 
squamnlosum  is  confined  to  New  Zealand  and  South  Africa. 



SIZE,  13Sin.  x 7in. 


A Large  Specimen.  Barren  and  Fertile  Fronds. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(113)  N.  decom positum ( decompound ) . A soft,  pale- 
green  fern,  usually  growing  in  alluvial  soil  near  river 
banks.  Perhaps  the  distinguishing  feature,  which  it 
shares  in  common  with  the  other  species  of  the  genus, 
is  the  larger  size  of  the  lowest  pair  of  leaflets  near  the 

Description. — Root  long  and  slender,  creeping,  branched, 
more  or  less  clothed  with  chaffy  scales.  Stalks  6 to  18  inches 
long,  firm,  erect,  scaly  towards  the  base,  hairy  above.  Fronds 
scattered  along  the  root,  not  tufted,  though  they  sometimes  grow 
in  crowded  groups,  9 to  18  inches  long,  without  the  stalks,  often 
almost  as  broad,  texture  inclined  to  be  firm,  pale-green,  more  or 
less  covered  with  fine  hairs;  midrib  the  same  colour  as  the  frond. 
Seeds  rather  large,  distant,  about  half-way  between  the  margin 
and  the  midrib. 

From  the  North  Cape  to  Foveaux  Strait,  not  uncommon.  Sea- 
level  to  1,200  feet. 

A pretty,  soft-green  fern,  varying  considerably  in 
size.  Upon  the  Island  of  Waiheke,  in  poor  soil,  I have 
found  them  under  shady  trees  with  fronds  that  did  not 
rise  6 inches  above  the  sward;  while,  in  the  Waitakere 
district,  on  alluvial  soil  and  almost  in  the  open,  the 
sturdy  fronds  stood  up  3 feet  from  the  ground.  It  is  an 
easy  species  to  grow.  Some  which  I brought  from  Wai- 
heke have  quickly  responded  to  the  richer  soil  by  putting 
forth  larger  and  stronger  fronds.  An  abundant  Aus- 
tralian plant,  ranging  from  North  Queensland  to  Tas- 
mania and  Norfolk  Island. 



SIZE,  llin.  x 9lin. 


A Small  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(114)  N.glabellum  (smooth).  Very  similar  in  gen- 
eral appearance  to  N.  decomposition,  but  the  fronds  are 
a darker  green,  more  finely  cut,  somewhat  smaller,  and 
almost  free  from  hairs.  A closer  inspection  also  reveals 
the  fact  that  the  root  is  short  and  tufted — not  creeping. 

Description. — Roots  short,  stout.  Stalks  4 to  10  inches  long, 
slender,  firm,  usually  reddish-brown,  scaly  at  base,  smooth  or 
nearly  so  above.  Fronds  tufted,  6 to  14  inches  long  or  more, 
without  the  stalks,  by  4 to  10  inches  broad,  membranous  but  firm, 
dark-green,  glossy;  the  lowest  pair  of  leaflets  the  largest;  midrib 
reddish-brown.  Seeds  distant,  about  half-way  between  the  mar- 
gin and  the  midrib. 

In  dry  woods  from  North  Cape  to  Foveaux  Strait,  not  un- 

This  beautiful  fern,  with  its  tufts  of  glossy  fronds, 
was  for  some  time  classed  as  a variety  of  N.  decomposi- 
tion; its  recognition  as  a valid  species  is  chiefly  due  to 
the  entirely  different  rooting  of  the  two  plants.  It  is  one 
of  the  easiest  ferns  to  cultivate.  Occurring  in  Australia 
and  several  of  the  Polynesian  Islands. 



SIZE,  14in.  x 9in. 


A Medium  Specimen. 


Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(115)  N.  velutinum  (velvety).  Distinguished  by  the 
reddish-brown  colour  of  the  stalks  and  midribs,  which 
imparts  to  the  frond  a delicate  tint  of  Indian  red;  the 
velvety  feel  of  the  leaves,  and  the  large  size  of  the  lowest 
leaflets.  The  silky  brown  hairs  which  cover  the  whole 
frond  are  so  abundant  on  the  midribs  as  to  give  them  a 
much  darker  hue  than  the  rest  of  the  leaf. 

Description. — Root  short,  stout,  erect.  Stalks  9 to  18  inches 
long,  firm,  erect,  densely  hairy,  clothed  at  the  base  with  large 
red-brown  scales.  Fronds  tufted,  9 to  18  inches  long,  without  the 
stalks,  almost  the  same  in  breadth,  green  to  greeii  with  a reddish- 
brown  tinge,  membranous  and  soft,  clothed  on  both  surfaces  with 
soft  silky  hairs ; lower  primary  and  secondary  leaflets  much  the 
largest.  Seeds  copious,  rather  small. 

In  dry  woods  from  the  North  Cape  to  Otago;  but  rather  local 
in  the  South  Island.  Sea-level  to  1,000  feet. 

By  some  considered  one  of  the  most  beautiful  of  our 
ferns,  having  three  good  claims  to  that  distinction — the 
aesthetic  colour  of  the  broad  fronds,  their  soft  velvety 
texture,  and  the  wonderfully  graceful  outline — the  ex- 
tension of  the  lower  leaflets  being  more  pronounced  than 
in  any  other  species  of  the  genus.  I have  found  it  grow- 
ing on  dry  banks  overlooking  the  sea,  sometimes  within 
reach  of  the  spray.  It  used  to  be  plentiful  near  Auck- 
land, about  Hobson  Bay  and  Orakei,  but  of  late  years  I 
have  not  been  able  to  find  a plant.  It  is  easily  cultivated, 
sometimes  developing  forked  tips  to  the  fronds,  and 
makes  a very  handsome  addition  to  the  fernery. 

I know  of  nothing  more  daintily  perfect  than  the 
young  fronds  of  this  species.  One  wonders  at  their  soft 
bloom  surviving  undamaged  the  rude  buffeting  of  the 
wind  and  the  plash  of  heavy  raindrops.  The  tender, 
immature  leaves,  perfect  in  every  detail,  of  a virginal 
green  shading  off  to  a lighter  tint  at  the  margins,  are 
greatly  embellished  by  the  soft  brown  of  the  stalks  and 

Found  only  in  New  Zealand. 



SIZE,  13iin.  x 9ain. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

(116)  N.  setigerum  (bristly).  Hitherto  reported  only 
from  the  Kermadec  Islands. 

Description. — Root  short.  Stalks  1 to  2 feet  long  or  more, 
firm,  erect,  straw-coloured,  slightly  chaffy  at  the  base,  smooth 
above.  Fronds  tufted,  1 to  3 feet  long  by  9 to  18  inches  broad, 
pale-green,  membranous.  Midribs  densely  clothed  with  hairs  on 
upper  surface ; under  side  of  the  fronds  bristly.  Seeds  copious, 

Kermadec  Islands : Ravines  on  north  side  of  Sunday  Island, 
not  uncommon. 

An  abundant  species  throughout  Polynesia,  ranging  from  Aus- 
tralia to  Malaya,  India,  China,  and  Japan. 



SIZE,  lllin.  x loin. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(117)  N.  hispidum  (hairy).  The  most  plentiful  of 
the  genus  in  New  Zealand.  Easily  recognised  by  the  ex- 
cessive hairiness  of  the  stalks  and  midribs,  the  finely- 
divided  frond,  and  the  thin,  dry  texture  of  the  leaves. 

Description. — Root  long,  stout,  creeping,  densely  clothed  with 
red-brown  scales.  Stalks  9 to  18  inches  long,  stout,  erect,  brown, 
everywhere  bristly  with  long  brown  hairs.  Fronds  9 to  18  inches 
long  or  more,  without  the  stalks,  by  6 to  12  inches  broad,  thin 
and  firm  in  texture,  green,  yellow-green,  sometimes  tinged  with 
brown.  Midribs  bristly,  like  the  stalks.  Seeds  copious,  large. 

Abundant  throughout  the  Dominion.  Sea-level  to  2,000  feet. 

This  species  is  so  plentiful  in  lowland  bush  that  it 
often  covers  the  ground  far  and  wide  with  a mat  of 
feathery  fronds;  specimens  for  the  herbarium  may  be 
gathered  by  the  hundred,  so  flat  and  dry  that  little  press- 
ing is  necessary.  I have  encountered  it  festooning  the 
stem  of  a tree-fern  with  handsome  fronds  over  2 feet 
long,  the  under  side  heavy  with  an  abundant  crop  of 

It  is  easily  cultivated,  sending  up  its  perfect  fronds 
with  the  same  regularity  in  the  fernery  as  it  does  in  the 
forest.  The  colours  of  the  young  fronds  are  distractingly 
lovely,  several  shades  appearing  on  the  plants  simulta- 
neously— light  shiny  green,  pale  golden-brown  with 
emerald  tips,  bronze-green  shaded  off  into  lighter  hues 
at  the  margins. 

Found  also  in  Victoria,  where  it  is  rare  and  local. 



SIZE,  llin.  x llin. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(118 ) N.unitum  (united).  A swamp-loving  fern, 
for  long  reported  only  from  the  thermal  springs  district, 
but  found  of  late  years  in  the  far  north  of  Auckland ; it 
is  a larger  and  a darker  green  plant  than  N.  thelypteris 
— our  other  marsh  fern. 

Description. — Root  long,  stout,  creeping,  sparingly  clothed 
with  dark-brown  scales.  Stalks  6 to  14  inches  long,  smooth,  erect, 
almost  black  at  the  base,  brownish  above.  Fronds  6 to  18  inches 
long,  without  the  stalks,  by  3 to  9 inches  broad,  somewhat  rigid 
and  dry  in  texture,  smooth,  dark-green.  Seeds  copious,  nearer 
the  margin  than  the  midrib. 

North  Island:  Swamps  in  the  North  Cape  district,  at  Hou- 
lioura,  Waihi,  Rangaunu  Harbour,  Ahipara,  etc. ; hot  springs  at 
Miranda.  Thames;  hot  water  swamps  in  thermal  springs  district; 
not  uncommon  from  Maketu  and  Rotorua  to  Waiotapu,  Roto- 
kawa,  Wairakei,  and  Tokaanu.  Sea-level  to  1,800  feet. 

When  returning  from  a trip  to  the  Taupo  district  with 
plants  of  our  two  swamp-loving  ferns — N.  thelypteris 
and  N.  unitum , I was  at  a loss  where  to  put  them.  Then 
a happy  and  very  obvious  solution  occurred  to  me — make 
a swamp!  I made  a swamp  on  a diminutive  scale,  and, 
so  far,  with  complete  success.  Fresh  fronds  are  appear- 
ing each  week. 

An  abundant  species  in  most  tropical,  and  warm  tem- 
perate countries. 



SIZE,  13in.  x loin. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  and  Upper  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(119)  N.  molle  (soft).  Like  N.  unitum , this  species 
was  supposed  to  be  confined  to  the  thermal  springs  dis- 
trict until  Mr.  R.  H.  Matthews  found  a small  patch 
growing  beside  the  Mangatete  Stream,  near  Rangaunu 
Harbour.  The  frond  is  not  unlike  that  of  P oly podium 
pennigerum,  but  the  plant  is  very  much  smaller,  softer 
and  more  tender,  of  a paler  green,  the  midribs  of  a 
lighter  colour  than  the  leaves,  not  darker,  as  with  P. 

Description. — Root  very  short,  creeping,  erect.  Stalks  9 to 
24  inches  long,  slender,  greenish,  smooth  or  bearing  a few  soft 
hairs.  Fronds  tufted,  1 to  3 feet  long  by  6 to  12  inches  broad, 
pale-green,  membranous  and  flaccid.  Midribs  pale,  furnished  with 
downy  hairs.  Seeds  copious,  about  half-way  between  the  midrib 
and  the  margin. 

Kermadec  Islands.  North  Cape  district ; thermal  springs,  by 
banks  of  the  Otumakokori,  near  Waiotapu ; Wairakei. 

A wide-spread  species,  abundant  in  tropical  and  semi- 
tropical  countries.  I have  seen  it  growing  vigorously 
under  cultivation  in  an  Auckland  fernery. 



SIZE,  12in.  x 82m. 



A Medium  Specimen. 

Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 


NEPHROLEPIS  (nephros,  kidney;  lepis,  scale). 
A genus  of  only  7 or  8 species,  with  2 in  New  Zealand. 
Fronds  long  and  narrow;  seeds  roundish,  protected  by 
a kidney-shaped  covering. 


(120)  N.  cordifolia  (heart-leaved).  There  is  no  con- 
fusing this  with  any  other  New  Zealand  species;  the 
long  narrow  frond  with  a close-set  row  of  small  leaflets 
on  either  side  of  the  midrib  is  quite  distinct.  Found  only 
in  the  thermal  district. 

Description. — Root  short,  semi-erect  or  oblique,  producing 
numerous  suckers,  which  root  here  and  there,  and  produce  new 
plants,  sometimes  bearing  small  scaly  tubers.  Stalks  short,  1 to 
4 inches  long,  red-brown,  glossy,  more  or  less  clothed  with  scales. 
Fronds  numerous,  tufted,  1 to  3 feet  long  by  1^  to  2 inches  broad, 
pale-green,  membranous.  Midrib  usually  shaggy  with  scales. 
Seeds  in  two  rows  on  the  leaflets,  rather  nearer  the  margin  than 
the  midrib. 

North  Island : Thermal  springs  district  in  localities  heated  by 
hot  water,  Otumakokori  Stream  near  Waiotapu,  Wairakei,  Kara- 
piti,  and  other  localities  at  Taupo. 

A species  easily  grown  in  the  fernery,  and  a favourite 
pot  plant.  An  abundant  tropical  fern,  extending  north- 
wards to  Japan  and  southwards  to  New  Zealand. 
According  to  Mr.  Thomson  the  roots  bear  egg-shaped 
tubers  in  tropical  America  and  India,  which  constitute 
an  article  of  food. 



SIZE,  12iin.  x 2in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(121)  N.  exaltata  (exalted).  A fern  with  a very 
much  broader  frond  than  N.  cordifolia,  an  abundant 
tropical  species,  so  far  reported  only  from  the  Kerma- 

Description . — Root  short,  indistinct,  emitting  long,  wiry  creep- 
ing suckers.  Stalks  3 to  9 inches  long,  stout,  erect.  Fronds  nu- 
merous, 1 to  3 feet  long  by  4 to  5 inches  broad,  rather  stiff  in 
texture.  Midribs  and  sometimes  the  under  surface  of  the  leaflets 
woolly.  Seeds  numerous,  close  to  the  margin,  rather  small. 

Kermadec  Islands : Sunday  Island,  sandy  flats  in  Denham  Bay ; 
not  seen  elsewhere.  An  abundant  tropical  fern  all  round  the 



SIZE,  16in.  x 5in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 


POLYPODIUM  (polys,  many;  podos,  of  a foot). 
A genus  of  over  500  species  (the  largest  in  the  world), 
with  10  species  and  3 varieties  in  New  Zealand.  Very 
variable  in  size,  shape,  and  manner  of  growth.  Seeds 
in  roundish  patches  on  the  backs  of  the  leaves,  with- 
out any  protective  covering. 


(122)  P.  punctatum  (dotted).  A wide-spreading, 
handsome  fern,  resembling  Hypolcpis  tenui folia  in  habit 
and  in  the  shape  of  the  fronds,  but  the  seeds  have  no 
protective  covering,  and  are  not  placed  so  close  to  the 
margin,  while  both  stalks  and  leaves  are  covered  with 
sticky  hairs. 

Description. — Root  long,  creeping,  clothed  with  red  hairs. 
Stalks  6 to  18  inches  long,  firm,  erect,  red-brown,  rough  and 
densely  covered  with  viscid  hairs.  Fronds  scattered  along  the 
root,  very  variable  in  size,  from  6 to  36  inches  long  by  3 to  18 
inches  broad,  rather  membranous,  green  to  yellow-green  and 
brown-green,  both  surfaces  carrying  small  silky  hairs.  Midrib 
viscid  and  rough  like  the  stalk.  Seeds  rather  large,  round,  in  two 
rows  on  the  leaflets,  close  to  the  margin,  often  covering  the  whole 
under  surface. 



SIZE,  12in.  x 9oin. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

Abundant  throughout  the  Dominion.  Sea-level  to  2,500  feet. 

The  fundamental  difference  between  this  species  and 
Hypolepis  tcnui folia  lies  in  the  seeds,  the  former  being 
devoid  of  any  covering,  the  latter  protected  by  a slight 
fold  of  the  leaf,  but,  as  this  fold  is  sometimes  absent, 
one  must  look  for  a more  persistent  divergence,  perhaps 
the  stickiness  of  P.  punctatmn  is  the  surest  guide;  the 
stalks  and  midribs  are  provided  with  viscid  glandular 
hairs.  I have  often  seen  thistle-down  caught  and  held  by 
these  ferns.  In  the  young  state  they  are  most  dissimilar 
and  can  hardly  be  confused.  Hypolepis  is  of  a pale 
bright  green,  both  stalks  and  leaves,  covered  with  scat- 
tered white  hairs.  Poly  podium  is  of  a dull  darkish  green, 
the  stalks  and  midribs  reddish-brown,  which  gives  to  the 
frond  a dusky  aspect.  A wide-spread  species  in  the  tro- 
pics and  the  south  temperate  zone. 

(123) P.  pennigerum  (bearing  wings).  One  of  the 
most  abundant  ferns  in  New  Zealand,  forming  hand- 
some crowns  of  radiating  leaves,  often  growing  with  a 
short  stem;  seeds  small  and  round. 

Description.- — Root  short,  erect,  sometimes  lengthened  into  a 
stem  1 to  2 feet  high.  Stalks  6 to  12  inches  long,  stout,  rather 
succulent,  more  or  less  clothed  with  brown  scales  near  the  base, 
smooth  above.  Fronds  2 to  5 feet  long  by  9 to  18  inches  broad, 
thin  and  membranous,  lightish-green.  Seeds  small,  numerous,  in 
two  rows  on  the  leaflets,  much  nearer  the  midrib  than  the  margin. 



SIZE,  23in.  x 18in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Upper  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

Abundant  in  woods  throughout  the  Dominion.  Sea-level  to 
2.000  feet. 

The  beauty  of  this  fern  is  greatly  enhanced,  the  sym- 
metrical frond  much  enriched,  by  the  dark  brown  of  the 
midribs,  both  primary  and  secondary,  and  the  conspicu- 
ous veins.  It  seems  to  grow  anywhere,  but  is  most  luxu- 
riant in  wet  alluvial  ground,  where  it  often  assumes  the 
form  of  a miniature  tree.  Needless  to  say,  it  was  one  of 
those  which  grew  spontaneously  in  my  garden.  It  is 
easily  cultivated,  practically  requiring  no  attention. 

A very  distinct  species  confined  to  New  Zealand. 

(124)  Var.Hamiltoni  (Mr.  Hamilton).  Smaller  and 
more  delicate.  Fronds  i to  2 feet  long  by  3 to  5 inches 
broad.  Leaflets  irregular,  crisped,  pale-green.  Seeds 
midway  between  the  midrib  and  the  margin.  A very 
peculiar  plant,  possibly  an  abnormal  state.  Reported 
only  from  Kereru,  Hawke’s  Bay. 



SIZE,  7in.  x 2l\n. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

(125)  P.  australe  (southern).  A small  fern,  with  a 
narrow  undivided  leaf,  seldom  more  than  6 inches  long; 
usually  found  growing  in  small  tufts  upon  rocks  and 
tree  trunks;  seeds  rather  large  for  so  small  a plant,  in 
a slanting  row  on  either  side  of  the  midrib. 

Description.— Roots  very  short,  erect,  or  oblique,  crowned 
with  copious  brown  scales.  Fronds  numerous,  crowded  together, 
1 to  6 inches  long  by  Jin.  toJin.  broad,  green  to  dark-green, 
smooth,  texture  firm.  Seeds  in  a single  row  on  each  side  of  the 
midrib,  nearer  to  it  than  to  the  margin,  oblong,  oblique. 

Not  uncommon  throughout  the  Dominion. 

This  species  is  not  difficult  to  cultivate  if  part  of  the 
bark  in  which  the  roots  are  embedded  is  removed  with 
the  fern. 

A very  variable  little  plant,  found  also  in  Australia 
and  Tasmania,  Chili,  Fuegia,  Tristan  d’Acunha,  and 
Marion  Island. 

(126)  Var.  villosum  (hairy).  Stalks,  margins,  and 
the  under  surface  of  the  fronds  more  or  less  covered 
with  long  spreading  hairs,  often  partially  concealing 
the  seed.  Much  the  same  habitat  as  P.  australe. 

(127)  Var.  pumilum  (dwarfed).  Small,  very  densely 
matted.  Root  stout,  creeping,  sometimes  i to  2 inches 
long,  fronds  -3-in.  to  fin.  long,  very  thick  and  leathery, 
smooth  or  obscurely  hairy  beneath.  Seeds  large,  round- 
ish, solitary,  usually  near  the  tip  of  the  frond.  In  moun- 
tain districts  from  East  Cape  southwards,  ascending  to 
over  5,000  feet. 

SIZE.  7in.  x 2iin.  NATURAL  SIZE.  NATURAL  SIZE. 



< CQ  O 

(125)  POLYPODIUM  AUSTRALE.  A Large  Specimen.  Underside.  TAUPiRI. 

(126)  P.  AUSTRALE.  VAR.  V1LLOSUM.  A Medium  Specimen.  Underside.  EAST  CAPE. 

(127)  P.  AUSTRALE.  VAR.  PUMILUM.  A Large  Specimen.  Underside.  EAST  CAPE. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(128)  P.  grammitidis  (grammitis-like,  the  seeds 
being-  in  a line).  A small  species;  the  leaf  cut  into  nar- 
row, toothed  segments;  almost  confined  to  the  trunks 
of  trees. 

Description. — Root  short,  crowned  with  scales.  Stalks  short, 
wiry,  naked,  1 to  2 inches  long.  Fronds  tufted,  very  variable  in 
size  and  shape,  3 to  9 inches  long  by  1 to  3 inches  broad,  dark- 
green.  firm  in  texture.  Seeds  oblong  or  rounded. 

Abundant  throughout  the  Dominion  on  trunks  of  trees,  more 
rarely  on  rocks.  Sea-level  to  3,500  feet. 

This  species  is  not  difficult  to  transplant  if  a part  of 
the  bark  be  removed  with  the  plant.  Found  also  in  Aus- 
tralia and  Tasmania. 



SIZE,  7in.  x 52 in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Upper  and  Under  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

(129)  P.  tenellum  (tender).  A very  elegant  fern, 
usually  growing  on  trees  or  stony  ground;  easily  recog- 
nised from  the  illustration ; the  slightly  scalloped  mar- 
gins of  the  seeded  fronds  give  it  a very  attractive  ap- 

Description. — Root  very  long,  slender,  rigid,  wiry,  climbing 
up  the  trunks  of  trees  or  over  rocks,  clothed  with  chestnut-brown 
scales.  Stalks  short,  1 to  3 inches  long,  jointed  near  the  root. 
Fronds  scattered,  erect  or  pendulous,  1 to  2 feet  long  by  2 to  5 
inches  broad,  dark-green,  thin  but  firm  in  texture,  leaflets  jointed 
to  the  stalk.  Seeds  round,  two  rows  on  each  leaflet  close  to  the 

North  Island:  In  woods  from  Three  Kings  Islands  and  North 
Cape  to  Cook  Strait;  but  often  local.  South  Island:  Vicinity  of 
Nelson,  Banks  Peninsula. 

Mr.  Field  describes  this  as  easy  of  cultivation;  per- 
sonally I have  found  it  difficult  to  transplant,  though  I 
tried  to  carry  out  Mr.  Field’s  instructions  to  the  letter 
— “any  bit  of  the  terrestrial  rhizomes  (surface  root) 
will  grow  if  pegged  down  among  leaf-mould  and  dead 
leaves.”  See  page  325. 

Also  in  Norfolk  Island,  Australia  and  New  Caledonia. 



SIZE,  13in.  x 8in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(130)  P.  serpens  (creeping).  A small  climbing 
species,  with  very  thick  leaves,  whitish  or  buff-coloured 
underneath,  growing  on  rocks,  trees,  and  old  walls. 

Description. — Root  long,  creeping,  branched,  climbing  up  the 
trunks  of  trees  or  over  rocks,  thickly  clothed  with  brown  scales. 
Stalks  distant  from  each  other,  pn.  to  3 inches  long,  firm,  erect, 
jointed  to  the  root.  Fertile  fronds  2 to  6 inches  long  by  -gin.  to 
4-in.  broad,  dark-green  or  yellow-green,  densely  clothed  beneath 
with  whitish  or  buff-coloured  scales  almost  concealing  the  seeds. 
Barren  fronds  variable  in  size  and  shape,  1 to  3 or  even  4 inches 
long  by  ^in.  to  1 inch  broad,  sometimes  nearly  round.  Seeds  very 
copious,  irregularly  scattered,  prominent,  often  confined  to  the 
upper  part  of  the  frond. 

Abundant  throughout  the  Dominion.  Sea-level  to  3,500  feet. 

A species  that  does  not  disappear  before  settlement;  it 
has  already  taken  possession  of  introduced  trees  and 
stone  walls.  It  grows  on  the  trees  in  my  garden,  having- 
entered  without  the  formality  of  an  introduction.  In- 
deed, it  is  somewhat  of  an  importunate  guest,  almost  as 
ubiquitous  as  the  sparrow.  The  only  trees  which  seem 
to  escape  this  pushing  visitor  are  the  Californian  red- 
wood and  the  gums.  It  is  already  quite  at  home  on  the 
oak,  the  macrocarpa,  and  the  Norfolk  Island  pine. 

Plentiful  in  Eastern  Australia;  found  also  in  Norfolk 
Island,  and  several  of  the  Pacific  Islands. 



SIZE,  6in.  x 5?in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  and  Upper  Side.  ( Ser  aha  paet  3 5 1 ) 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

( 131)  P.  Cunninghamii  (Mr.  Cunningham).  A nar- 
row-leaved fern,  with  big  oval  patches  of  brown  seeds 
on  the  under  side.  Somewhat  similar  in  outline  to  P. 
serpens,  but  larger,  very  much  thinner  in  texture,  and 
green  below,  not  covered  with  whitish  scales.  Usually 
climbing  over  trees  and  rocks. 

Description. — Roots  short,  knot-like,  densely  clothed  with 
brown  scales,  emitting  woolly  rootlets,  some  of  which  creep  and 
produce  new  tufts  of  fronds.  Stalks  gradually  expanding  into 
the  leaf,  sometimes  bearing  a dense  tuft  of  scales  at  the  base. 
Fronds  4 to  12  inches  long  by  fin.  to  fin.  broad,  bright-green, 
rather  fleshy,  inclined  to  be  firm,  quite  smooth.  Midrib  stout,  con- 
spicuous. Seeds  large,  broadly  oblong  or  rounded,  prominent,  in 
a single  row  on  each  side  of  the  frond,  nearer  the  midrib  than 
the  margin. 

North  Island : In  forests  from  the  North  Cape  to  Cook  Strait, 
not  uncommon.  South  Island:  Nelson — Matai  Valley;  Marlbo- 
rough; Canterbury — Akaroa.  Sea-level  to  2,500  feet. 

A very  abundant  species  in  the  Auckland  district.  It 
sometimes  covers  every  stone,  rock,  tree-root  and  the 
lower  trunk,  over  large  areas,  with  a verdant  tapestry  of 
tender  green  fronds.  Found  also  in  the  New  Hebrides. 



SIZE,  9|in.  x 7£in. 


A Large  Specimen.  Upper  anti  Under  Sides.  The  three  plants  are  connected  by  rootlets. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(132)  P.  pustulatum  (covered  with  pustules).  An 
inveterate  climber;  fronds  long,  irregularly  cut,  droop- 
ing and  tender;  the  rounded  seeds,  forming  a conspicu- 
ous row  parallel  with  the  margin,  give  to  the  under  side 
a rich,  fruitful  appearance. 

Description—  Root  very  long,  much  branched,  climbing  up 
trunks  of  trees  and  over  rocks,  clothed  everywhere  with  dark- 
brown  scales.  Stalks  scattered  along  the  root,  2 to  14  inches  long, 
firm,  slender,  smooth.  Fronds  very  variable  in  size  and  outline, 
dark-green,  thin  and  membranous,  quite  smooth ; sometimes  long 
and  narrow,  3 to  9 inches  by  ^in.  to  fin.,  quite  entire ; at  other 
times  irregularly  forked,  6 to  18  inches  long  by  2 to  6 inches 
broad.  Veins  not  very  distinct,  netted.  Seeds  rather  small  com- 
pared with  P.  Cnnninghamii  and  P.  Billardieri,  rounded,  forming 
a parallel  row  with  the  margin  and  just  within  it,  or  overlapping 
it  when  ripe,  sunk  in  a small  cavity,  which  shows  as  a small  bulge 
on  the  upper  side  of  the  leaf. 

Abundant  in  woods  from  the  North  Cape  to  Nelson,  Marlbo- 
rough, and  Westland;  from  thence  to  the  south  of  Otago  less 
plentiful.  Sea-level  to  2,500  feet. 

A beautiful,  graceful  species,  notwithstanding  the  un- 
pleasant name  with  which  it  has  been  encumbered.  Re- 
cently 1 came  across  one  of  those  lovely  pictures  that 
only  Nature  can  contrive.  A fallen  monarch  of  the 
forest  lay  prone  upon  the  hillside,  the  unsightly  ravages 
of  age  veiled  under  a cascade  of  the  tender  green  fronds 
of  this  fern.  It  made  me  think  hard  things  of  the  botan- 
ist who  had  cursed  it  with  such  a name. 

The  fronds  are  fragrant  when  freshly  dried,  and  w'ere 
formerly  used  by  the  Maoris  for  scenting  oil.  It  is  found 
also  in  Australia  and  Norfolk  Island. 



SIZE,  14£in.  x 9in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Barren  Fronds.  Upper  and  Under  Sides. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(133)  P.  Billardieri  (M.  Billardiere).  Sometimes 
called  “Hound’s  Tongue.”  A broad-leaved,  bright-green 
species,  climbing  over  rocks  and  trees  with  a thick  creep- 
ing root;  very  irregular  in  shape  and  size;  the  large 
round  seeds  of  a bright  orange,  most  conspicuous. 

Upper  Side  Seeds  seen  through  the  leaf.  {See  also  page  306) 

Description. — Root  long,  stout,  creeping,  often  sea-green  in 
colour,  covered  with  black  specks.  Stalks  jointed  to  the  root,  2 to 
8 inches  long,  stout,  erect,  smooth  and  glossy.  Fronds  numerous, 
scattered  along  the  root,  bright-green,  stiff  and  firm  in  texture, 
polished  and  shining,  varying  greatly  in  shape,  sometimes  3 to  9 
inches  long  by  \m.  to  2 inches  broad,  quite  entire ; sometimes 
6 to  18  inches  long  by  3 to  9 inches  broad,  deeply  forked.  Veins 
netted,  and  conspicuous  in  young  fronds.  Seeds  numerous,  large, 
round,  orange-red,  forming  a single  row  on  each  side  of  the  mid- 
rib, sunk  in  shallow  cavities,  which  make  a small  bulge  on  the 
upper  side  of  the  frond. 

Abundant  throughout  the  Dominion,  usually  on  rocks  and 
trees,  but  sometimes  on  the  ground.  Sea-level  to  3,000  feet. 

The  large  glossy  leaves  of  this  handsome  fern  are 
very  noticeable,  giving  an  appearance  of  tropical  luxuri- 
ance to  the  scene.  The  contrast  of  the  brilliantly  coloured 
discs  of  orange-red  seeds  with  the  bright  green  leaves 
makes  them  most  attractive.  The  collector  is  lured  to 
gather  numerous  specimens,  which,  alas ! lose  nearly  all 
their  glory  in  the  process  of  drying. 

It  grows  everywhere,  in  the  shade  or  in  the  sun — one 
of  those  that  sowed  itself  in  my  garden;  very  easy  to 
cultivate.  The  stalk  of  the  young  frond  uncoils  slowly, 
expanding  above  into  a small  leaf,  which  increases  in 
size  (not  by  unrolling)  until  the  full  dimensions  of  the 

SIZE,  13in.  x 12jin. 

Poi.y  podium 


(133)  POLY  PODIUM  BI  LI.  ARDIERT.  Small  to  Medium  Specimen.  Under  and  Upper  Side.  PENROSE. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

frond  are  attained.  The  fresh  virginal  leaf,  with  its 
delicate,  very  distinct  veining,  is  a beautiful  object,  as 
smooth  and  shining  as  glass,  and  of  the  purest  and  most 
delicate  shades  of  green  imaginable. 

Found  also  in  Norfolk  Island,  Lord  Howe  Island, 
Australia,  and  Tasmania. 



SIZE,  12in.  x 6in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Upper  Side.  A Young  Frond,  showing  Veins. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

( 134)  P.  novae  zealandiae  (New  Zealand).  Though 
closely  allied  to  P.  Billardieri,  this  is  a larger  fern,  the 
creeping  root  much  stouter  and  covered  with  shaggy 
brown  scales;  the  leaflets  narrower,  more  pointed  and 
more  symmetrical.  Confined  to  the  forest  country  in  the 
centre  of  the  North  Island. 

Description. — Root  long,  stout,  woody,  as  thick  as  the  finger, 
densely  clothed  with  tawny  scales.  Stalks  6 to  12  inches  long, 
firm,  erect,  pale-brown,  shining,  quite  naked.  Fronds  scattered 
along  the  root,  large,  1 to  4 feet  long  by  6 to  14  inches  broad, 
texture  rather  firm,  dark-green,  quite  smooth.  Seeds  large,  round, 
forming  a single  row  on  each  side  of  the  midrib. 

North  Island:  Te  Aroha,  Pirongia,  Karioi  Mountain,  Lake 
YVaikaremoana,  Waimarino  Forest  to  the  west  of  Ruapehu. 
Usually  on  logs  or  climbing  up  trees;  rarely  on  the  ground. 
1.5C0  to  3,000  feet. 

An  extremely  handsome  species,  apparently  confined 
to  the  central  portion  of  the  North  Island.  Mr.  Field 
never  succeeded  in  growing  it,  though  he  took  consider- 
able pains.  Found  only  in  New  Zealand. 



SIZE,  14in.  x 8 i i 11 . 


A Small  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 


NOTHOCLAENA  (nothos,  spurious;  chlaena. 
cloak — imperfect  seed  covering.  A genus  of  between 
30  or  40  species,  with  1 in  New  Zealand.  Small, 
upright  ferns,  the  under  surface  of  the  fronds  more  or 
less  scaly  or  woolly;  seeds  marginal,  partially  covered 
by  a fold  of  the  leaf. 


(135)  N.  distans  (distant).  A small  tufted  fern, 
generally  growing  on  rocky  or  stony  ground  exposed  to 
the  full  blaze  of  the  sun;  the  dark-green  fronds  rigidly 
upright  and  narrow. 

Description. — Root  short,  stout,  semi-erect  or  prostrate, 
clothed  at  the  base  with  rusty-  looking  scales.  Stalks  1 to  4 inches 
long,  stiff,  wiry,  erect,  dark  chestnut-brown,  more  or  less  scaly. 
Fronds  numerous,  tufted,  3 to  6 inches  long,  without  the  stalks, 
by  -|in.  to  1 inch  broad,  erect,  rigid,  dark-green,  firm  in  texture, 
slightly  hairy  above,  densely  so  below.  Seeds  forming  a continu- 
ous line  round  the  margins  of  the  leaflets. 

North  Island:  Rocky  places  from  Whangaroa  and  the  Bay  of 
Islands  to  Cook  Strait;  local.  South  Island:  Near  Nelson,  Banks 
Peninsula  and  other  localities  in  Canterbury.  Sea-level  to  2,500 



SIZE,  9in.  x 5in. 


A Large  Specimen.  Under  and  Upper  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

Called  by  Mr.  T.  H.  Potts  the  “Woolly  Cloak  Fern.” 
Though  similar  in  some  respects  to  Cheilanthes  Sicberi, 
and  growing  in  exactly  the  same  local il ties,  it  may  be 
distinguished  by  the  darker-green  and  the  more  blunted 
outline  of  the  fronds,  the  general  hairiness  of  the  under 
side,  and  the  woolly  appearance  of  the  young  crooks. 
Its  favourite  situation  on  scoria  rocks  is  a depression 
where  some  mould  has  collected.  If  the  plant  and  soil 
he  removed  bodily  and  placed  in  a similar  position  in 
the  fernery,  it  will  continue  to  flourish  without  a check, 
sending  up  numerous  crooks  like  tufts  of  white  cotton ; 
hut  it  makes  little  or  no  growth  in  the  coldest  winter 
months,  and  suffers  somewhat  from  frost. 

Found  also  in  Australia,  Norfolk  Island,  and  New 

I had  an  unusually  luxuriant  specimen  of  this  little 
plant  growing  on  the  rocks  in  my  fernery.  The  old, 
frost-bitten  fronds  having  turned  an  unsightly  brown, 
I cut  them  off  before  the  spring  growth  appeared.  When 
week  followed  week,  and  spring  was  succeeded  by  sum- 
mer, with  no  young  crooks  showing,  I feared  the  plant 
was  dead,  for  it  is  a quick-growing  fern.  Occasionally 
T had  seen  the  woolly  green  head  of  a young  crook  push- 
ing through  the  soil,  but  it  never  came  to  anything. 

Thinking  that  my  cutting  away  of  the  old  fronds 
might  have  given  the  slugs  access  to  the  tender  young 
shoots,  I protected  the  plant  with  tobacco  dust.  In  less 
than  a week  there  were  15  vigorous  fronds  from  1 to  2 
inches  high,  and  now  the  fern  has  covered  the  summit 
of  the  rock  with  a forest  of  dark-green  fronds. 

I had  known  that  slugs  ate  down  the  tender  crooks  of 
many  ferns,  but  I was  not  aware  how  much  protection 
was  afforded  by  the  old  stalks. 

SIZE,  (jin.  x ll^in. 



U30aj  POLYPODIUM  SERPENS.  A Medium  Specimen.  Under  and  Upper  Side.  (s«  also  pace  319)  KAIPARA. 


New  Zealand  Fekns 


GYMNOGRAMME  (gymnos,  naked;  gramma, 
a line — referring  to  the  seeds).  A genus  of  over  ioo 
species,  with  2 very  small  ones  in  New  Zealand.  Seeds 
scattered  along  the  veins  without  any  covering. 


( 136)  G.  rutaefolia  (rue-leaved).  A small  fern,  cov- 
ered all  over  with  woolly  hairs,  growing  in  crevices  on 
exposed  cliffs. 

Description.— Root  short,  thick,  erect  or  ascending,  clothed 
with  blackish-brown  scales.  Stalks  ^in.  to  1 inch  long,  everywhere 
densely  woolly.  Fronds  1 to  3 inches  long  by  about  -gin.  broad, 
firm  in  texture,  dull-green,  both  surfaces  densely  clothed  with 
woolly  hairs.  Seeds  oblong,  occupying  most  of  the  veins  on  the 
under  surface. 

North  Island:  Hawke’s  Bay — Petane,  Kuripapanga;  Welling- 
ton— cliffs  in  Cook  Strait,  Cape  Terawhiti.  South  Island:  Marl- 
borough— D’Urville  Island,  Brothers  Island;  Canterbury — Banks 
Peninsula,  Upper  Ashburton,  Upper  Rangitata.  Southern  Alps, 
Otago,  Blacks.  Sea-level  to  3,500  feet. 

A rare  fern,  though  widely  distributed  in  Australia 
and  Tasmania. 




(136)  GYMNOGRAMME  RUTAEFOLIA.  A Large  Specimen.  Under  Side.  CROMWELL. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(137)  G.  leptophylla  (slender-leaved).  A tiny  little 
fern,  an  annual,  yet  a world-wide  plant.  What  with  its 
small  size  and  restricted  season,  it  is  very  easily  over- 

Description. — Roots  fibrous.  Stalks  -gin.  to  3 inches  long, 
slender,  brittle,  smooth  and  glossy,  bright  chestnut-brown.  Fronds 
1 to  3 inches  long  by  fin.  to  1 inch  broad,  pale-green,  shining, 
thin  and  membranous,  quite  smooth.  Seeds  oblong,  upon  the  veins. 

North  Island : Volcanic  hills  about  Auckland,  once  not  uncom- 
mon. now  rare;  Mount  Maunganui,  near  Tauranga;  East  Coast 
district ; Ftawke’s  Bay — Scinde  Island  ; Ruahine  Ranges ; Wel- 
lington— Miramar.  South  Island  : Canterbury — Lyttelton  Har- 
bour, abundant ; Otago — near  Dunedin  ; Upper  Clutha.  Sea-level 
to  1,500  feet. 

I remember  gathering  this  dainty  little  fern  on  Mount 
Smart  (Rarotonga)  near  Auckland — then  a shapely 
hill,  now  an  ugly  ruin,  thanks  to  our  Philistine  Govern- 
ments. This  fern  is  becoming  scarcer  each  year,  prob- 
ably eaten  dow  n by  cattle  and  sheep. 

The  fronds  begin  to  sprout  about  February,  last 
through  the  winter,  perfect  the  seeds  in  spring,  and  die 
in  summer.  It  is  not  difficult  to  cultivate,  and  sows  itself 
annually.  Found  also  in  Europe,  North  and  South 
Africa,  Persia,  India,  Australia,  and  South  America. 

Gym  nogram  me 




A Large  Specimen.  Under  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 


GLEICHENIA  (to  honour  Baron  P.  von  Glei- 
chen,  a German  botanist).  A genus  of  about  26  species, 
with  5 species  and  2 varieties  in  New  Zealand.  Medium- 
sized straggling  ferns;  fronds  branching  in  pairs  with 
a terminal  bud  in  the  fork,  often  spreading  in  horizontal 
tiers.  Seeds  scattered  over  the  under  surface  in  sym- 
metrical groups,  without  any  covering. 


( 138)  G.  circinata  (coiled  into  a ring).  “Wae-wae- 
kaka.”  Not  much  like  the  popular  conception  of  a fern 
— wiry,  scrambling,  the  branches  so  zigzagged  and  in- 
terlaced that  it  is  not  easy  to  determine  the  shape  of  the 

Description. — Very  variable  in  size  and  mode  of  growth, 
sometimes  stiff,  erect,  1 to  3 feet  high;  sometimes  weak  and 
scrambling  among  other  vegetation,  attaining  a height  of  4 to  6 
feet.  Root  long,  slender,  wiry,  often  much  branched,  more  or 
less  clothed  with  red-brown  scales.  Stalks  smooth  or  scaly,  of  a 
rich  red-brown,  slender,  cylindrical.  Fronds  usually  forking  in 
pairs ; branches  zigzag,  spreading,  often  interlaced,  light-green 
above,  pale  beneath.  The  upper  surface  often  convex.  Mid- 
ribs generally  clothed  with  rusty-red  hairs.  Ultimate  leaflets 
about  the  size  of  a small  pin’s  head.  Seeds  like  grains  of 
brown  sand,  in  symmetrical  groups  of  three,  four,  or  five. 

From  the  North  Cape  southwards  to  Cook  Strait,  plentiful. 
Rare  and  local  in  the  South  Island.  Sea-level  to  2,000  feet. 



SIZE,  12in.  x 9in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Upper  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

This  species  seems  to  prefer  poor  clay  soil  in  open 
land,  or  among  light  scrub,  never  growing  in  the  deep 
shade  of  the  forest.  It  is  sometimes  found  among  light 
scrub  in  dense  interlaced  masses  of  a bright  shining 
green,  the  topmost  branches  straggling  among  the  ma- 

nuka with  sprays  of  delicate  green  tracery,  presenting 
to  the  eye  one  of  those  unstudied  groupings  of  plants 
arranged  by  Nature  with  apparent  carelessness,  but  with 
a consummate  skill  man  may  never  hope  to  attain. 

Mr.  Thomson  and  Mr.  Field  are  not  agreed  about 
the  cultivation;  my  experience  has  been  most  encourag- 
ing. It  is  a wide-spread  species  south  of  the  Equator. 

(139)  G.  dicar  pa  (two-fruited).  Like  G.  c ire  in  at  a, 
but  smaller,  i to  2 feet  high.  The  margins  of  the  leaf- 
lets curved  over,  giving  the  under  side  the  appearance  of 
open  pouches,  each  containing  two  little  round  seeds. 

Description. — Root  slender,  wiry,  usually  clothed  with  chaffy 
scales.  Stalks  smooth,  slender,  a rich  red-brown.  Fronds  several 
times  forking  into  pairs,  branches  spreading  horizontally,  often 
interlaced,  the  upper  surface  sometimes  flat  or  even  concave, 
dull-green  above,  often  white  beneath,  harsh  to  the  touch.  Seeds 
small,  round,  two  in  each  pocket-like  cavity  of  the  under  leaf, 
sometimes  quite  concealed  by  woolly  hairs. 

SIZE,  8in.  x 13in. 



(139)  GLEICHENIA  DTCARPA.  A Medium  Specimen.  Upper  Side.  HENDERSON. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

Abundant  in  swampy  places  throughout  the  Dominion.  Sea- 
level  to  2,000  feet. 

The  ultimate  segments  in  this  species  are  even  smaller 
than  in  G.  circinata;  their  globular  form  giving  them  the 
appearance  of  a string  of  minute  green  beads.  It  is  found 
also  in  Eastern  Australia,  New  Caledonia,  and  Malaya. 

(140)  Var.  hecistophylla  (the  leaf  with  baskets). 
Usually  i to  3 feet  high.  The  angle  at  which  the  fronds 
fork  is  wider,  in  the  average,  than  in  either  G.  circinata 
or  G.  dicar  pa.  Fronds  spreading  horizontally,  green  to 
dark-green  above,  sea-green  to  white  beneath.  Stalks 
and  midribs  densely  woolly  and  scaly.  Much  the  same 
habitat  as  G.  dicarpa. 



SIZE,  13jin.  x lllin. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

(141)  f ar.  alpina  ( alpine).  Smaller  and  more  com- 
pactly tufted ; 2 to  12  inches  high ; midribs,  young  shoots, 
and  under  surface  of  leaves  clothed  densely  with  rusty- 
coloured  scales  and  wool.  Fronds  much  smaller  and 
more  sparingly  divided. 

Mountainous  localities  from  Cape  Colville  and  Roto- 
rua southwards,  ascending  to  4,000  feet.  Also  in  Tas- 

The  distinguishing  features  of  the  preceding  Glci- 
chenias  are  not  easily  described — circinata,  dicarpa, 
liccistophylla — especially  the  last  two.  Circinata , when 
growing  in  the  shade  of  light  scrub  near  Auckland,  is  a 
very  distinct  plant,  the  leaflets  open — five,  six  or  seven 
to  the  inch — shining  green  above,  light  green  and  quite 
flat  beneath.  Hccistophylla  from  a similar  station  is 
somewhat  smaller,  the  stalks  and  midribs  more  woolly 
and  scaly,  the  leaflets  closer — eight  to  ten  per  inch — 
straighter,  dull  green  above,  whitish  and  concave  be- 
neath, but  often  flat  when  growing  in  the  shade.  When 
growing  in  the  direct  sunlight  it  is  usually  from  6 
inches  to  2 feet  high,  closely  matted  together,  the  under- 
side of  the  segments  as  much  curved  over  as  in  dicarpa , 
but  never  so  much  as  to  hide  the  seeds — two  to  a pocket. 
Dicarpa  is  very  similar  to  hccistophylla,  but  longer 
in  the  leaflets,  which  are  spaced  eight  to  ten  per 
inch.  The  bead-like  appearance  of  the  segments  when 
viewed  from  above  give  the  leaves  a slightly  glistening 
appearance.  The  stalks  and  midribs  are  less  woolly 
and  scaly,  the  angles  of  divergence  a little  more  acute. 



SIZE,  7lin.  x 6l-in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(142)  G.Cumiinghamii (Mr.  Cunningham).  “Tapu- 
wae-kotuku,”  "Umbrella  Fern.”  Not  unlike  the  two  pre- 
ceding species  in  manner  of  growth,  but  the  leaves  are 
much  wider,  closer,  and  more  umbrageous;  dark-green, 
spreading  out  from  a centre  not  unlike  a star-fish. 

Description. — Usually  from  1 to  3 feet  high,  but  taller  plants 
are  sometimes  seen.  Root  long,  branched,  creeping,  stout  and 
woody,  clothed  with  red-brown  scales.  Stalks  stout,  erect,  grooved 
down  one  side,  densely  clothed  with  scales  when  young,  smooth 
when  old.  Fronds  several  times  divided  in  pairs,  spreading  in 
a horizontal  plane  and  forming  an  umbrella-like  top ; in  large 
specimens  sprouting  from  the  centre,  so  that  there  are  two  to 
four  tiers  of  superimposed  branches,  dark-green  and  smooth 
above,  sea-green  and  hairy  below.  Seeds  copious. 

From  North  Cape  to  Cook  Strait,  abundant.  South  Island, 
local.  Sea-level  to  4,000  feet. 

A very  handsome  and  distinct  species.  Often,  when 
growing  near  the  edge  of  the  bush,  it  has  an  odd  habit 
of  slanting  rakishly  to  one  side.  It  is  very  plentiful  be- 
tween Tokaanu  and  Waimarino,  especially  near  Otukou 
Pa.  A most  difficult  fern  to  cultivate,  which  is  a pity, 
for  it  has  a most  attractive  appearance.  The  descrip- 
tion Mr.  Field  gives  of  his  failures  is  almost  pathetic. 
My  attempts  have  been  equally  unsuccessful.  There  was 
never — not  for  one  single  moment — any  doubt  about  its 
dying;  within  a few  hours  of  being  planted  the  leaves 
shrivelled;  in  three  days  they  were  quite  black.  Found 
only  in  New  Zealand. 



SIZE,  9in.  x lOsin. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(143)  G.  flabellatu  (fan-like).  A very  beautiful  fern 
with  leaves  spreading  fan-wise.  Found  only  to  the  north 
of  Auckland;  easily  recognised  by  the  long  narrow  divi- 
sions, like  the  teeth  of  a comb. 

Description. — Root  long,  stout,  branched,  more  or  less  clothed 
with  reddish  scales.  Stalks  erect,  cylindrical,  hard  and  smooth. 
Fronds  several  times  forked  in  pairs,  branches  slanting  upwards, 
not  horizontal,  sometimes  superimposed  in  tiers,  from  1 to  4 feet 
high,  dark  shining-green.  Seeds  copious,  in  groups,  usually  three 
to  five. 

From  the  North  Cape  to  the  Bay  of  Islands,  not  uncommon 
by  the  sides  of  streams,  etc.  Southwards  to  the  Thames  'and 
Manukau  Harbour,  rare  and  local.  Great  Barrier,  Coromandel 

Mr.  Thomson  reports  this  very  beautiful  species  as 
easily  cultivated,  requiring  black  sandy  loam,  good  drain- 
age, plenty  of  pot  room,  and  an  abundance  of  water. 
“In  Kew  Gardens  a plant  of  this  species  has  attained  a 
circumference  of  12  to  13  feet,  with  fronds  4^  feet 
high.”  Mr.  Field  describes  it  as  difficult  to  grow;  my  ex- 
perience is  the  opposite.  In  the  outdoor  fernery  it  has 
grown  luxuriantly,  as  may  be  seen  in  the  illustration  on 
the  paper  wrapper.  A potted  plant,  growing  in  the  house 
flourished  for  a time  and  then  died.  A frond  from  this 
plant  is  reproduced  in  the  illustration. 

The  growth  is  interesting.  A slender  stalk  rises  per- 
pendicularly with  a grey-green  crook  at  the  top,  which 
presently  separates  into  two,  and  these  again  divide, 
thus  looking  like  a bird’s  inverted  foot  with  four  claws. 
The  young  fronds  are  very  thin,  with  a shining  surface 
like  satin.  The  plant  usually  grows  on  alluvial  soil  by 
the  sides  of  streams,  sometimes  in  the  open  fully  exposed 
to  sun  and  wind.  I have  also  found  it  high  up  on  a 
steep  hillside,  growing  in  poor  white  clay.  It  is  found 
also  in  Australia,  Tasmania,  and  New  Caledonia. 



SIZE,  Slin.  x lOin. 


A Small  Specimen.  Upper  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

(144)  G.  dichotoma  (forked).  Most  easily  recog- 
nised by  the  small  wing'-leaves  at  the  forks.  Found 
growing  only  in  the  heated  soil  of  the  thermal  springs 

Description. — Usually  from  2 to  4 feet  high,  sometimes 
dwarfed  to  a few  inches,  and  occasionally  reaching  6 feet.  Root 
long,  slender,  clothed  with  reddish-brown  scales.  Stalks  slender, 
smooth,  and  polished.  Fronds  repeatedly  forked,  pale-green  above, 
sea-green  below.  Seeds  small,  uncovered. 

On  heated  soil  near  hot  springs,  Otumakokori,  Orakeikorako, 
Karapiti,  Wairakei,  Matata.  Sea-level  to  1,600  feet. 

It  is  a curious  fact  that  this  common  tropical  species 
should  be  found  only  in  the  heated  soil  of  the  hot  springs 
district — N eplirolepis  cordifolia  is  in  exactly  the  same 
position.  It  is  probable  that  the  minute  seed  grains  of 
these  ferns  have  been  wafted  on  the  winds  from  some 
tropical  or  semi-tropical  country  and  deposited  all  over 
New  Zealand.  Meeting  with  the  warmth  necessary  for 
germination  on  the  hot  ground  adjacent  to  the  thermal 
springs,  they  have  grown  only  in  those  localities. 



SIZE.  llin.  x loin. 


A Large  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 


SCHIZAEA  (schizo,  to  divide — the  split  frond). 
A genus  of  about  18  species,  with  3 species  and  1 va- 
riety in  New  Zealand.  Small,  grass-like  plants,  the  seeds 
clustered  together  in  a tuft  terminating  the  frond. 


(145)  S.fistulosa  (hollow  like  a rush).  More  like  a 
very  slender  reed  than  a fern;  it  has  no  leaves  whatever, 
merely  a thin  stalk  topped  by  a bunch  of  seeds. 

Description. — Root  short,  thick,  creeping.  Fronds  rigid,  very 
erect,  clothed  with  chestnut-brown  scales,  numerous  towards  the 
end  of  the  root,  not  distinct  from  the  stalk,  dark-brown  below, 
greenish-brown  above,  4 to  12  inches  long  by  l-40th  inch  broad, 
thread-like.  Seed  tufts  terminating  the  frond,  gin.  to  1 inch  long 
by  gin.  to  gin.  broad.  Seeds  in  two  closely-placed  rows,  covering 
the  whole  under  surface. 

Not  uncommon  in  barren  clay  soils  throughout  the  North 
Island;  apparently  rare  and  local  south  of  Cook  Strait.  Sea-level 
to  4,000  feet. 

This  is  so  unlike  a fern,  such  a small,  insignificant, 
abnormal-looking  plant,  that  it  is  apt  to  be  overlooked. 
I have  found  it  growing  in  short  manuka  on  wet  hungry 
land.  It  is  found  also  in  Australia,  Tasmania,  New 
Caledonia,  Madagascar,  Chili,  and  the  Falkland  Islands. 



SIZE,  12in.  x Siin. 


A Large  Specimen.  Mature  and  Young  Fronds. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

(146)  Far.  Australis  (southern).  Smaller,  i to  3 
inches  high,  root  stouter  in  proportion  to  the  whole 
plant.  Seed  tuft  iin.  to  -jin.  long,  with  only  six  to  eight 
pairs  of  leaflets;  found  in  cold  peaty  localities  in  moun- 
tain districts  south  of  Cape  Colville,  descending  to  sea- 
level  in  Stewart  Island  and  Auckland  Islands. 





A Medium  Specimen.  Tuft  of  Fronds. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(147)  S.  bifida  (two-lobed).  A quaint-looking  little 
plant,  usually  forked,  sometimes  twice ; the  tuft  of  seeds 
shorter  and  broader  than  in  6'.  fistulosa. 

Description. — Root  very  short,  stout,  creeping.  Fronds  close 
together  along  the  root,  not  distinct  from  the  stalks,  6 to  12  inches 
high  or  more,  about  1 -30th  inch  diameter,  rigid,  erect,  wiry,  more 
or  less  rough,  usually  forked  at  or  below  the  middle,  rarely  un- 
divided, the  branches  sometimes  forked  a second  time.  Seed  tufts 
Jin.  to  fin.  long  by  Jin  to  Jin.  broad. 

North  Island : On  sterile  clay  or  pumice  soils  from  the  North 
Cape  to  Cook  Strait,  but  often  local.  South  Island:  Takaka  and 
Paramahoi,  Nelson.  Sea-level  to  2,000  feet. 

Unbranched  specimens  are  best  distinguished  from  S. 
fistulosa  by  the  rough  feel  of  the  stalks  and  the  broader 
seed  tuft.  It  is  found  also  in  Australia  and  Tasmania. 



SIZE,  lOlin.  x 4^in. 

(147)  SCHIZAEA  II I FI  DA. 

A Large  Specimen.  Fertile  and  Barren  Fronds. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

( 148)  S.  dichotoma  (divided).  Though  nearly  as 
unlike  a fern  as  the  other  species,  this  is  a pretty  fan- 
shaped little  plant.  So  far  reported  only  from  the  North 

Description. — Root  short,  stout,  creeping.  Fronds  few  or 
many,  close  together,  6 to  14  inches  long,  erect,  rigid,  wiry.  Lower 
portion  not  distinct  from  the  stalk,  upper  portion  repeatedly 
forked,  forming  a fan-like  leaf,  2 to  4 inches  or  more  across. 
Seeds  tufted,  ^in.  to  ’jin.  long,  in  two  closely-placed  rows. 

North  Island:  In  kauri  forests  from  Kaitaia  and  Mangonui 
southwards  to  Tairua  and  the  Lower  Waikato  River ; rare. 
Growing  in  heated  soil  near  the  hot  springs  at  Orakeikorako, 
Upper  Waikato.  Sea-level  to  1,500  feet. 

Once  only  did  I gather  this  quaint  little  fern  in  New 
Zealand,  although  I have  looked  for  it  hundreds  of 
times.  When  making  a path  through  the  bush  at  Wha- 
ngarei  my  daughter  spied  the  little  fronds  growing  about 
the  roots  of  a kauri  tree.  A wide-spread  tropical  and 
sub-tropical  species. 



SIZE,  8in.  x 5in. 


A Medium  Specimen. 


Fertile  Fronds. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 


LYGODIUM  (lygodon,  flexible).  A genus  of 
about  20  species,  with  i in  New  Zealand.  Climbing 
ferns  with  stems  that  twine.  A very  distinct  species, 
usually  tropical. 

(149)  L.  articulatum  (jointed).  “Mange-mange.” 
The  climbing  fern  proper  of  New  Zealand,  ascending 
bushes  and  trees  by  means  of  a long  twining  stem — not 
by  roots.  Impossible  to  confound  with  any  other. 

Description. — Root  slender,  creeping,  clothed  with  glossy 
brown  scales.  Stalks  very  numerous,  long,  slender,  climbing, 
reaching  the  tops  of  tall  forest  trees,  branched,  wiry,  often  inter- 
twined and  forming  impenetrable  screens.  Leaves  2 to  4 inches 
long  by  bn.  to  \m.  broad,  thin  and  tough,  bright-green,  often 
sea-green  below.  Seeds  in  branching  clusters,  usually  at  some 
height  above  the  ground. 

Abundant  in  woods  from  North  Cape  to  the  Bay  of  Plenty 
and  Kawhia.  Sea-level  to  2,500  feet. 

It  was  a most  interesting  study  to  watch  the  growth 
of  this  lovely  fern.  A slender  stalk  of  a pale  vernal  green 
rose  from  the  ground  to  the  height  of  a few  inches  and 



SIZE,  9ijin.  x 9|in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Barren  and  Fertile  Fronds. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

in  a perfect  frond,  divided  four  times;  thus  there  were 
sixteen  small  stalks  separated  into  four  groups,  one  in 
each  group  dividing  again  and  bringing  the  total  up  to 
twenty,  each  little  stalk  ending  in  a rudimentary  leaf. 
These  were  nearly  round,  small  green  discs,  about  ^-in. 
in  diameter,  spread  out  at  right  angles  to  the  main  stalk. 
So  far  the  growth  had  been  by  unrolling;  then  the 
method  changed,  the  leaves  expanding  gradually  until 
mature,  when  they  measured  about  2in  by  ^in. 

Not  until  the  second  year  did  the  climbing  stem  ap- 
pear, twining  round  the  first  available  support  from 
right  to  left,  mounting  upwards,  sending  forth  fronds 
at  intervals  of  a few  inches.  These  differ  considerably 
from  those  which  spring  from  the  ground,  being  shorter 
and  wider,  and  dividing  only  three  times,  a perfect  frond 
consisting  of  eight  leaves — the  usual  form. 

At  certain  points  where  the  leaves  issue  from  the 
climbing  stem  a secondary  stalk  springs  forth  and  climbs 
upward,  twining  round  the  parent  stem  or  any  support 
that  it  can  reach.  A ground  frond  with  twenty  leaves  is 
the  exception,  not  the  rule — they  usually  have  fewer. 

The  leaves  themselves  are  sometimes  forked,  which 
adds  yet  another  diversity. 

When  the  stem  has  climbed  to  some  height  the  fertile 
fronds  appear,  branching  several  times  and  forming 
pretty  clusters  of  brown  seeds.  As  the  plant  matures 
the  stalks  turn  a light  brown,  become  hard  and  wiry  like 
grape  stalks,  and  exceedingly  tough — a fact  which  is 
brought  forcibly  to  one’s  notice  in  the  hush  when  trying 
to  break  through  their  entangling  tendrils. 

Formerly  the  Maoris  twisted  the  tough  stalks  into 
ropes  for  securing  the  thatch  to  the  roofs  of  their  huts. 

The  fact  of  the  stems  being  nearly  of  the  same  thick- 
ness throughout,  made  them  very  suitable  for  the  weav- 
ing of  eel  baskets.  The  more  luxurious  European  some- 
times uses  them  for  mattresses. 

Found  only  in  New  Zealand. 

SIZE,  loin,  x 14in. 



<.149a)  LYGODIUM  ARTICULATUM.  Ground  and  Climbing  Fronds.  Left  hand  a well-grown  Ground  Frond;  centre  a very 
young  Ground  Frond  with  20  leaves;  light  a pair  of  Climbing  Fronds.  AUCKLAND. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 


TODEA  (to  honour  Henry  Julius  Tode,  of 
Mecklenburg,  a well-known  student  of  fungi).  A genus 
of  5 or  6 species,  with  3 in  New  Zealand.  Large  to 
medium-sized  ferns;  the  seeds  scattered  over  the  under 
surface  like  grains  of  sand. 

(150)  T.  barbara  (foreign).  A large,  handsome 
dark-green  fern.  The  seeds  covering  the  whole  under 
surface  of  the  lowest  leaflets  at  the  base  of  the  frond 
only.  Found  in  the  far  north  of  the  Auckland  Province. 

Description. — Root  stout,  erect,  sometimes  forming  a trunk 
4 feet  high  and  2 feet  in  diameter.  Stalks  1 to  2 feet  long  or 
more,  stout,  erect,  quite  smooth.  Fronds  2 to  4 feet  long  by  9 to 
12  inches  broad,  dark-green,  tough  and  firm  in  texture,  quite 
smooth.  Seeds  towards  the  base  of  the  frond,  usually  occupying 
the  whole  of  the  under  surface,  the  remainder  of  the  frond  barren. 

From  the  North  Cape  to  Mangonui,  abundant  in  open  gullies; 
southwards  to  W hangaroa,  more  sparingly. 

Easily  cultivated  in  the  Auckland  district ; its  large, 
shining,  upright  fronds  make  it  a very  attractive  species. 
Also  in  Australia,  Tasmania,  and  South  Africa.  In  Aus- 
tralia the  massive  trunk  sometimes  weighs  ij  tons. 



SIZE,  12in.  x 4lin. 


A Small  Specimen.  Under  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

(151)  T.  hymenophylloides  (filmy-like).  “Heru- 
heru.”  A very  beautiful,  dark-green,  crape-like  fern; 
usually  growing  in  the  deepest  recesses  of  the  forest. 

Description. — Root  stout,  erect,  often  produced  into  a thick 
stem.  Stalks  6 to  12  inches  long,  slender,  wiry,  erect,  brownish- 
green.  Fronds  forming  a crown,  1 to  2 feet  long  by  6 to  12  inches 
broad,  very  thin  and  membranous,  pellucid,  dark-green.  Seeds  on 
the  middle  of  the  leaflets,  usually  confined  to  the  lower  half. 

Not  uncommon  in  forest  districts  throughout  the  Dominion. 
Sea-level  to  3,000  feet. 

A soft  feathery  fern,  leaves  very  finely  cut  and  nearly 
transparent.  Not  difficult  to  cultivate  if  transplanted 
young,  provided  with  good  shade,  and  protected  from 
the  wind.  A form  with  the  leaves  closer  and  the  lower 
ones  reduced  in  size,  is  often  distinguished  as  Var.  inter- 
media by  fern  collectors.  Found  only  in  New  Zealand. 



SIZE,  14in.  x 7in. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(152)  T.  superba  (superb).  “Heru-heru.”  The  most 
beautiful  fern  in  New  Zealand;  sometimes  called  “Prince 
of  Wales  Feathers,”  or  “Crape  Fern”;  tall,  handsome, 
dark-green  plumes ; the  tiny  leaflets  standing  up  from 
the  surface  of  the  frond  like  pile. 

Description. — Roots  stout,  forming  a thick  erect  stem  1 to  3 
feet  high,  coated  with  densely  matted  fibrous  rootlets.  Stalks 
short,  1 to  4 inches  long,  stout,  erect,  more  or  less  woolly.  Fronds 
1-2  to  4 feet  long  by  6 to  10  inches  broad,  narrowed  very  gradu- 
ally to  the  base,  dark-green,  thin,  membranous  and  pellucid,  form- 
ing a handsome  spreading  crown.  Seeds  in  the  middle  of  the 
leaflets,  usually  confined  to  the  lower  half. 

In  dense  forests  from  Te  Aroha  and  Pirongia  southwards,  not 
uncommon,  except  in  Marlborough,  Canterbury  and  the  north  of 
Otago,  where  it  is  rare  and  local.  Sea-level  to  3,500  feet. 

Neither  of  the  popular  names  does  justice  to  this  mag- 
nificent fern.  To  compare  it  with  crape  is  not  a great 
compliment ; no  loom  invented  by  man  ever  wove  a fabric 
of  such  marvellous  texture;  nor  can  any  feathers  worn 
by  a Prince  of  Wales  compare  with  its  exquisite  crown 
of  great  sweeping  plumes,  the  younger  ones,  of  a trans- 
lucent shining  green,  rising  majestically  in  the  centre. 

Though  connected  by  intermediate  varieties  with  T. 
hyinenopliylloides,  the  typical  forms  of  either  species 
are  not  easily  confused  with  each  other.  The  larger, 
but  narrower,  frond,  the  gradual  tapering  towards  the 
base,  and  the  closer,  thicker  appearance  of  the  whole 
leaf,  at  once  distinguish  T.  superba.  The  singularly  soft, 
fluffy,  feathery  appearance  of  the  frond  is  due  to  the 
crowded  leaflets  standing  up  like  velvet  pile. 

All  growers  agree  in  the  opinion  that  it  is  a difficult 
fern  to  transplant.  The  slightest  breath  of  dry  air 
shrivels  the  tender  foliage  like  a blast  of  fire.  As  might 
be  expected  in  a plant  that  has  attained  such  perfection 
in  form  and  colour,  the  least  change  of  environment  is 
fatal.  Take  away  the  umbrageous  trees  that  screen  it 
from  sun  and  wind,  the  bushes  and  creepers  that  inter- 
cept any  stray  puffs  while  yet  allowing  the  moisture- 



SIZE,  21in.  x 6jin. 


A Medium  Specimen.  Under  Side. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

laden  atmosphere  to  refresh  the  great  feathery  fronds, 
and  it  is  doomed. 

The  above  description  will  prepare  the  reader  for  my 
difficulties  in  getting  a leaf  for  photographing.  Some 
plants  were  sent  me  from  Mamaku,  on  the  Rotorua 
railway.  The  day  was  moist  and  drizzling,  which  en- 
sured their  arriving  in  good  order.  The  best  leaf  was 
photographed,  but  alas ! it  was  not  a perfect  specimen, 
having  suffered  on  the  journey. 

Realising  more  fully  the  obstacles  that  had  to  be  over- 
come, I thought  out  a plan.  To  begin  with,  I spent  many 
hours  in  making  a flat,  air-tight  box,  with  cunning  con- 
trivances in  the  corners  to  hold  damp  moss,  and  a solid 
lid  that  screwed  on  tight,  the  whole  being  wrapped  in 
waterproof  paper.  This  was  sent  to  my  daughter  in  the 
King  Country,  where  the  fern  grows  in  abundance,  with 
the  most  elaborate  instructions — the  specimens  were  to 
be  perfect,  about  20  inches  long,  the  stalks  wrapped  in 
a wet  rag,  nailed  through  the  midrib,  one  frond  to  the 
bottom  and  one  to  the  lid,  and  the  space  between  packed 
with  light  moss,  etc.,  etc.  As  the  express  did  not  stop  at 
her  station,  it  was  to  be  forwarded  by  the  goods  train 
to  Te  Ivuiti,  catch  the  express  at  3 a.m.,  and  arrive  in 
Auckland  before  7. 

W hen  I heard  from  my  daughter  that  the  fern  would 
be  forwarded  on  Friday  evening  I hunted  up  the  powers 
that  be  in  Auckland,  to  make  sure  that  there  should  be 
no  hitch.  I calculated,  if  everything  went  well,  that  the 
fern  would  be  in  the  hands  of  the  photographer — Mr. 
Birch — 15  hours  after  it  had  been  gathered,  and  I hoped 
that  the  air-tight  box  would  preserve  it  for  that  length 
of  time.  However,  the  friend  upon  whose  judgment  I 
placed  most  reliance  predicted  that  the  fronds  would  be 
shrivelled  and  worthless  within  an  hour  of  their  being 
gathered ; my  only  chance  was  to  get  a well-rooted  plant 
packed  in  a large  case,  the  top  protected  with  bagging. 

Meanwhile,  my  daughter  and  her  henchman  set  out 
at  2 p.m.  on  horseback,  the  precious  box  slung  in  a sack 



over  his  back.  After  four  miles  up  and  down  gullies  lit- 
tered with  logs,  they  came  to  a terrific  spur,  where  the 
horses’  heads  seemed  to  overhang  a precipice  on  one  side 
and  their  tails  a sheer  drop  on  the  other,  and  eventually 
got  down  to  a small  piece  of  bush,  very  damp  and 
swampy,  where  they  searched  for  an  hour  and  a half  for 
a good  specimen.  The  old  growth  had  been  battered  and 
bruised  by  winter  storms,  and  the  young  was  not  mature. 
At  length  a plant  was  found  in  a sheltered  nook  with 
perfect  fronds.  The  box  was  opened,  the  moss  gathered, 
the  rag  damped  all  ready,  and  then  the  fronds  were  cut, 
nailed  into  place,  and  the  lid  screwed  on. 

To  cpiote  my  daughter’s  letter: — “The  wind  was  so 
cold  and  cutting  that  the  fronds  were  inclined  to  shrivel 
before  we  cut  them,  I expect  they  will  arrive  a withered 
up  mass.  We  got  home  with  it  at  6 p.m.,  and  went 
straight  down  to  the  train,  which  was  late,  and  a good 
deal  later  by  the  time  the  guard  had  finished  being  an 
idiot  (he  refused  to  give  the  box  to  the  stationmaster  at 
Te  Ivuiti,  as  had  been  arranged).  We  found  a very  im- 
patient family  waiting  for  dinner  when  we  got  back  at 


In  Auckland  I had  been  studying  the  weather — it  had 
been  a wet  week — for  I knew  that  much  rain  would 
render  the  bush  tracks  impassable  for  horses.  On  look- 
ing at  the  paper  for  the  weather  report  on  Friday  even- 
ing I was  dismayed  to  see  that  there  had  been  landslips 
on  the  Main  Trunk  railway.  In  answer  to  my  inquiries 
at  the  station,  I was  informed  that  the  train  would  be 
twelve  hours  late!  thus  defeating  all  my  plans  for  con- 
fining the  railway  journey  to  the  cool  hours  of  the  night. 

If  everything  had  gone  without  a hitch  there  was  just 
a chance  of  success ; now  that  chance  was  gone.  I was 
very  much  disappointed.  For  the  last  ninety-nine  days 
the  express  had  come  through  to  time,  and  now,  on  the 
hundredth,  the  day  that  was  to  see  the  consummation  of 
all  my  carefully-laid  plans,  it  failed. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

Passing  the  railway  station  at  a little  after  five  on 
Saturday  evening  I asked  at  the  parcel  office  when  the 
express  would  arrive. 

“Not  for  an  hour  or  two/’  said  the  porter,  civilly. 

I began  to  bewail  my  hard  luck,  to  tell  him  how  I had 
enlisted  the  aid  of  my  friends  in  the  Traffic  Department 
to  get  a box  of  botanical  specimens  through  from  the 
King  Country  before  they  had  time  to  wither. 

“That’s  a funny  thing,  sir,”  he  said  with  sudden  in- 
terest. “All  the  big  bugs  have  been  kicking  up  a dust 
about  a box  of  ferns  that  came  in  by  the  goods  half  an 
hour  ago.” 

“I  wonder  if  that  can  be  my  parcel?” 

“What  might  be  your  name,  sir?” 


“That’s  it,  right  enough,”  he  said,  disappearing  into 
a dark  corner  of  his  office,  and  reappearing  with  the 
precious  box. 

In  five  minutes  I was  in  the  tramcar  with  the  case  on 
my  knee ; it  looked  like  a commonplace  brown-paper 
parcel  from  the  back;  there  was  nothing  to  indicate  the 
treasures  within,  or  to  show  that  it  had  made  two  long 
journeys  by  train,  and  had  been  carried  over  breakneck 
spurs  on  horseback.  On  the  front  it  bore  many  caution- 
ary instructions,  including  “VERY  URGINT”  in  blue 

By  this  time  my  expectations  were  down  to  zero. 
What  chance  had  a delicate  fern  of  surviving  a twenty- 
two  hours’  journey  on  a jolting,  clattering  goods  train, 
stopping  at  every  station  and  shunting  violently  in  and 
out  of  sidings? 

I would  not  open  it  at  home,  or  allow  even  a corner  of 
the  paper  to  be  lifted  until  I got  it  to  Mr.  Birch  and  he 
had  all  his  apparatus  ready.  The  string  was  then  untied, 
the  waterproof  paper  removed,  the  lid  unscrewed.  It 
was  a dramatic  moment.  I looked  round  impressively 
before  uncovering  the  ruin,  as  I thought,  of  Nature’s 



It  was  then  the  miracle  happened.  The  beautiful 
green  plume  was  as  fresh  as  if  it  had  just  been  gathered, 
not  a withered  or  bruised  leaflet ; it  was  one  of  the  pleas- 
antest surprises  I ever  experienced.  Mr.  Birch  lost  no 
time  in  taking  the  photographs. 

Thus  were  our  efforts,  threatened  with  failure,  first 
by  an  inconsiderate  landslip  and  then  by  the  obstinacy 
of  an  intractable  guard,  crowned  with  success. 

It  is  a difficult  fern  to  transplant.  Young  plants  may 
be  coaxed  to  grow  if  kept  in  a still,  moist  atmosphere 
under  good  shade,  but  the  surest  plan  is  to  grow  from 
seed  in  a Wardian  case. 

Such  is  the  fame  of  this  splendid  fern,  the  apprecia- 
tion in  which  it  is  held,  that  it  is  often  found  in  the  fern- 
eries of  Europe.  Imagine  my  astonishment  on  entering 
a private  house  in  Carlisle,  Cumberland,  to  behold  fine 
specimens  of  this  fern  growing  in  a Wardian  case  in  the 

It  is  confined  to  New  Zealand. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 


MARATTIA  (to  honour  J.  M.  Maratti,  of  Tus- 
cany, who  wrote  on  ferns).  A genus  of  8 or  io  species, 
with  i in  New  Zealand.  One  of  the  largest  ferns  that 
grows  without  a trunk.  Seeds  in  little  oval,  hoat-shaped 
vessels  cleft  down  the  middle,  in  a single  row  close  to  the 
margins  of  the  leaflets. 

(153)  M.fraxinea  (like  an  ash  leaf).  “Para,”  “King 
Fern,”  “Horseshoe  Fern.”  The  largest  herbaceous  fern 
in  New  Zealand;  plentiful  in  the  early  days,  now  becom- 
ing scarce.  The  broad,  glossy,  dark-green  fronds,  and 
the'  little  boat-shaped  seed  vessels  are  unmistakable. 

Description. — Root  a large,  irregularly-shaped  tuberous  mass. 
Stalks  stout,  1 to  2 feet  long  or  more,  brownish-green,  jointed  at 
the  base.  Fronds  large,  6 to  12  feet  long  by  2 to  5 feet  broad, 
dark-green,  firm  and  stiff  in  texture.  Seeds  oblong,  brownish,  in 
a single  row  on  the  veins  just  within  the  margins  of  the  leaflets. 

North  Island:  Lowland  forests  from  Mangonui  southwards  to 
Cape  Egmont  and  Waitotara,  not  common;  usually  in  rich  damp 
soils.  Sea-level  to  1,000  feet. 

The  large  starchy  root  was  formerly  eaten  by  the 
Maoris,  who  occasionally  cultivated  the  plant  near  their 



SIZE,  12in.  x Tin. 


A Small  Specimen.  Under  Side. 



New  Zealand  Ferns 

villages.  I have  often  seen  it  crested  at  the  tips  of  the 
fronds.  Wild  pigs  are  said  to  have  nearly  exterminated 
it,  and  the  existence  of  the  few  surviving  plants  is 
threatened  by  horses  and  cattle,  who  browse  upon  the 
succulent  leaves,  and  that  enemy  whom  nothing  daunts 
— the  fern  collector! 

It  is  easily  grown,  but  will  not  bear  frost.  A great 
favourite  for  indoor  cultivation.  The  broad,  handsome 
fronds  look  as  well  in  a hall,  and  give  as  tropical  an 
aspect,  as  do  young  palm  trees.  In  Auckland  they  grow 
so  fast  that,  after  three  or  four  years,  they  become  too 
large  for  the  house,  and  have  to  be  taken  outside.  They 
may  be  propagated  by  sets  cut  from  the  tuberous  roots, 
as  one  treats  potatoes.  I knew  a gentleman  who  took  an 
especial  pride  in  his  para ; on  my  last  visit  he  showed  me 
into  his  large  drawing-room.  The  fern  monopolised 
more  than  half  the  apartment ; he  had  to  make  shift  with 
what  was  left. 

The  species,  though  large  in  New  Zealand,  is  almost 
gigantic  in  the  tropics.  I have  seen  them  filling  a gully 
in  the  jungle  with  radiating  fronds  from  20  to  30  feet 
long  by  15  feet  broad,  a picture  of  tropical  luxuriance 
I never  saw  surpassed.  It  is  a wide-spread  tropical  and 
semi-tropical  plant. 


SIZE,  liiin.  x 4jin. 


{See  also  fane  88) 


New  Zealand  Ferns 


OPHIOGLOSSUM  (ophios,  of  a serpent;  giossa, 
a tongue).  A genus  of  8 to  io  species,  with  2 in  New 
Zealand;  small  succulent  plants,  the  seeds  carried  on 
a projecting  spike. 

(154)  O.lusitanicum  (Portuguese).  “Narrow-leaved 
Adder's  Tongue.”  A small,  insignificant-looking  plant; 
easily  missed  by  the  casual  collector ; usually  growing  in 

Description. — Root  cylindrical,  semi-erect,  slightly  tuberous. 
Fronds,  one  to  three  from  a root,  pn.  to  5 inches  long,  including 
the  stalk  and  fertile  spike.  The  barren  leaf  usually  placed  below 
the  middle,  pn.  to  2 inches  long  by  pn.  to  pn.  broad,  of  a full 
green,  texture  firm  and  fleshy. 

Kermadec  Islands,  North  and  South  Islands,  not  uncommon 
throughout,  ascending  to  3,500  feet. 

Personally  I have  failed  to  find  it,  though  it  is  50 
years  since  I began  to  collect  ferns.  A very  wide-spread 





Medium  Specimens.  Barren  and  Fertile  Fronds. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(155 ) O.Vulgatum  (common).  “Adder's  Tongue.” 
Somewhat  like  O.  lusitanicum,  but  rather  larger;  easily 
overlooked  among  the  grass  and  bushes.  Once  only  did 
1 find  a specimen — near  St.  John's  Lake,  Auckland. 

Description. — Root  short,  cylindrical,  often  knotty.  Fronds, 
one  to  two  from  a root,  4 to  12  inches  long  over  all.  Barren  leaf 
placed  near  the  middle,  fin.  to  3 inches  long  by  Jin.  to  1J  inches 
broad,  pale-green,  very  smooth,  rather  fleshy  in  texture.  Fertile 
spike  fin.  to  1J  inches  long,  on  a slender  stalk,  much  longer  than 
the  barren  leaf. 

From  the  North  Cape  to  Foveaux  Strait,  in  moist  grassy 
places  by  margins  of  swamps,  etc.  Sea-level  to  2,000  feet. 

A cosmopolitan  plant,  split  up  into  a number  of  spe- 
cies bv  many  authors. 




A Medium  Specimen.  Barren  and  Fertile  Fronds. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 


BOTRYCHIUM  (botrys,  bunch — the  seeds,  like  a 
bunch  of  grapes).  A genus  variously  estimated  at  from 
6 to  15  species,  with  2 species  and  1 variety  in  New 
Zealand.  The  stems  are  divided,  one  part  supporting 
the  leaf,  the  other  the  seed-spike. 

(156)  B.  lunaria  (moonwort).  An  odd-looking  little 
plant,  not  in  the  least  like  other  ferns;  so  far  recorded 
only  from  Canterbury. 

Description. — Roots  short,  tuberous.  Fronds  solitary,  rarely 
two  together,  3 to  6 inches  high.  Stalks  stout,  with  one  or  two 
sheathing  scales  at  the  base.  Barren  leaves  about  the  middle  of 
the  frond,  fin.  to  3 inches  long  by  An.  to  1 inch  broad,  of  a full 
green,  rather  fleshy.  Fertile  spike  as  high  as  or  higher  than  the 
barren  leaf,  An.  to  3 inches  long. 

South  Island:  South-west  slopes  of  Mount  Torlesse,  Canter- 
bury; altitude  2,700  feet. 

There  is  some  doubt  as  to  this  fern  being  a native 
of  New  Zealand.  To  quote  Dr.  Cockayne’s  “New 
Zealand  Plants,”  page  21 1,  second  edition: — “In  the 
latter  region  (New  Zealand)  it  has  been  recorded  only 





A Medium  Specimen.  Barren  and  Fertile  Fronds. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

from  one  spot — south-western  slopes  of  Mount  Tor- 
lesse,  at  2,700  feet,  where  it  was  found  many  years 
ago  by  J.  D.  Enys,  but  has  not  been  rediscovered.” 

A wide-spread  species,  always  growing-  in  the  open. 

(157)  B.  ternatum  (divided  in  threes).  “Parsley 
Fern.”  A fern  with  barren  and  fertile  fronds  branching 
from  one  stem,  usually  growing  in  shade  when  it  is  ten- 
der and  succulent;  the  barren  frond  not  unlike  an  un- 
curled parsley  leaf. 

Description. — Root  short,  stout.  Fronds  solitary,  6 to  18 
inches  long  or  more.  Barren  leaf  variable  in  size,  usually  from 
3 to  6 inches  broad  and  long,  but  large  specimens  sometimes  reach 
9 to  13  inches,  and  small  ones  are  often  dwarfed  to  less  than 
2 inches,  light-green  to  yellow-green,  texture  thick  and  fleshy. 
Fertile  spike  on  a slender  stalk,  4 to  12  inches  long  or  more, 
nearly  overtopping  the  barren  leaf. 

The  ordinary  form  ranges  from  the  North  Cape  to  South 
Otago.  Sea-level  to  3,500  feet. 

Personally  I have  rarely  encountered  this  species.  Mr. 
Thomson  says: — “If  lifted  with  some  of  the  accom- 
panying sod,  this  fern  soon  establishes  itself  in  the  fer- 
nery. It  is  much  more  readily  shifted  about  than  Ophio- 
glossum,  and  is  an  extremely  hardy  plant.” 

Some  authorities  separate  it  into  seven  or  eight  dis- 
tinct species,  the  New  Zealand  form  being  placed  under 
B.  australe.  Found  also  in  North  America,  Asia,  Aus- 
tralia, and  Tasmania. 



SIZE,  13in.  x lOin. 


A I.arge  and  Small  Specimen.  Barren  and  Fertile  Fronds. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

(158)  Var.  dissectum  (much  divided).  Fronds  more 
slender;  barren  leaf  much  more  finely  cut  and  narrowly 
divided,  looking  like  moss. 

Found  throughout  the  Dominion,  but  often  local — I 
never  had  the  luck  to  find  it. 



SIZE,  13^in.  x 9iin. 


A Large  Specimen.  Barren  and  Fertile  Frond. 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

Popular  Names  for  Ferns 


Adders’  Tongue,  Ophioglossum  vulgatum  380 

Black  Tree-fern,  Cyathea  medullaris  88 

Bracken,  Pteris  aquilina,  var.  esculenta 162 

Buckler  Fern,  Nephrodium  286-299 

Fern,  Pteris  aquilina,  var.  esculenta  162 

Filmy  Ferns,  Hymenophyllum  26-63 

Filmy  Ferns,  Trichomanes  64-79 

Golden  Tree-fern,  Alsophila  Colensoi  100 

Gully  Fern,  Cyathea  Cunninghamii  .. 96 

Horseshoe  Fern,  Marattia  fraxinea  374 

Hound’s  Tongue,  Polypodium  Billardieri  324 

Kidney  Fern,  Trichomanes  reniforme  64 

King  Fern,  Marattia  fraxinea  374 

Lace  Fern,  Pteris  scaberula 166 

Lady  Fern,  Nephrodium  thelypteris,  var.  squamulosum  ....  286 

Maidenhair,  Adiantum  aethiopicum  124 

Maidenhair  Spleenwort,  Asplenium  trichomanes  226 

Narrow  Adder’s  Tongue,  Ophioglossum  lusitanicum  ....  378 

Necklace  Fern,  Asplenium  flabelli  folium  222 

Parsley  Fern,  Botrychium  flabelli  folium  222 

Plumed  Maidenhair,  Adiantum  formosum  134 

Prickly  Shield  Fern,  Aspidium  aculeatum  ....  272 

Prince  of  Wales  Feathers,  Todea  superba  368 

Scented  Fern,  Pteris  scaberula  166 

Shield  Fern,  Aspidium 272-285 

Popular  Names  for  Ferns  389 

Silver  King,  Cyathea  dealbata  86 

Umbrella  Fern,  Gleichenia  Cunninghamii  346 

Velvet  Fern,  Nephrodium  velutinum  292 

Woolly  Cloak  Fern,  Nothoclaena  distans  330 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

Maori  Names  for  Ferns 


Aruhi,  root  Pteris  aquilina,  var.  esculenta  164 

Heru-heru,  Todea  hymenophylloides  366 

Heru-heru,  Todea  superba  368 

Huru-huru-whenua,  Asplenium  lucidum  234 

Kio-kio,  Lomaria  Capensis  196 

Korau,  Cyathea  medullaris  88 

Makaka,  Adiantum  aethiopicum  124-126 

Mamaku,  Cyathea  medullaris  88 

Mange-mange,  Lygodium  articulatum  360 

Moki-moki,  Doodia  caudata 220 

Para,  Marattia  fraxinea  374 

Piri-piri,  Hymenophyllum  demissum  40 

Piri-piri,  Hymenophyllum  polyanthos  28 

Piu-piu,  Lomaria  discolor  182 

Pohutukawa,  Asplenium  flaccidum  260 

Ponga,  Cyathea  dealbata  86 

Rahu-rahu,  Pteris  aquilina,  var.  esculenta  162 

Raurenga,  Trichomanes  reni  forme  64 

Tapu-wae-kotuku,  Gleichenia  Cunninghamii  346 

Wae-wae-kaka,  Gleichenia  circinata  338 

Wheki,  Dicksonia  squarrosa  102 

Wheki-ponga,  Dicksonia  fibrosa  104 


General  Index 


Aculeatum,  Aspidium  ....  272 
Adder’s  Tongue  ....  ....  380 

,,  ,,  Narrow ...  378 

Adiantum,  Genus  ....  124-139 

Adventitious  Buds  102 

Aethiopicum,  Adiantum  ....  124 

Affine,  Adiantum  136 

Agrotis  Compta,  Caterpillar  203 


Alpina,  Lomaria  194 

,,  Gleichenia  var 344 

Alsophila,  Genus  ....  ....  100 

Anomodum,  Asplenium,  var.  244 
Antarctica,  Dicksonia  ....  104 

Aquilina,  Pteris  162 

Aristatum,  Aspidium  ....  284 
Armstrongii,  Hymenophyl- 

lum,  var  54 

Arrangement  of  Book  ....  13 

Articulatum,  Lygodium  ....  360 

Aruhe  164 

Aspidium,  Genus  ....  272-285 
Asplenium,  Genus  ....  222-269 
Atrovirens,  Hymenophyllum  34 
Australe,  Hymenophyllum  ..  32 

,,  Polypodium  ....  312 
Australis,  Schizaea,  var 354 

Badge,  N.Z 5,  253 

Banksii,  Lomaria  192 

Barbara,  Todea  364 

Bifida,  Schizaea  356 

Billardieri,  Polypodium  ....  324 

Birch,  Mr.  F.  W 14 

Bivalve,  Hymenophyllum  ....  62 

Black  Tree-fern  88 

Bladder  Fern 112 

Botrychium,  Genus ....  382-387 
Bracken  162 


Branched  Tree-fern 

....  102 

British  Ferns,  T.  Moore 

....  9 

Buckler  Fern  

....-  286 

Buds,  Adventitious  .... 

....  102 

Bulbiferum,  Asplenium 

....  250 

Capense,  Aspidium  .... 

....  282 

Capensis,  Lomaria  .... 

....  196 

Carse,  Mr.  H. 

17,  174 


19, 168 

Caudata,  Doodia 

....  220 

Caudatum,  Asplenium 

....  230 

Cheeseman,  Mr.  T.  F. 

13,  17 

52,  108 

Cheesemanii,  Hymenophyl- 


....  52 

Cheilanthes,  Genus  .... 


Ciliatum,  Hymenophyllum  ..  46 

Circinata,  Gleichenia 

....  338 

Classification  Ferns 

....  6 

Colensoi,  Asplenium,  var.  - 249 

,,  Alsophila  .... 

....  100 

,,  Trichomanes 

....  74 

Comans,  Pteris 

....  170 

Cordifolia,  Nephrolepis 

....  302 

Crape  Fern  

....  368 

Crook  Fern  

....  377 

Cultivation,  Ferns  .... 

....  18 


....  16 

Cunninghamii,  Cyathea 

96,  149 

,,  Gleicheina  ..  346 

,,  Loxsoma  ... . 80 

,,  Polypodium  320 

Cupressi  forme,  Hymeno- 
phyllum, var  56 

Cyathea,  Genus  ....86-97,  149 

Cystopteris,  Genus  112 

Cystostegia,  Nephrodium  ....  280 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

„ Page 

Darwin,  Charles  ....  7,  8,  9 

Davallia,  Genus  ....  108-111 

„ Fosteri  110 

,,  Solida  108 

Dealbata,  Cyathea  86 

Decompositum,  Nephrodium  288 
Demissum,  Hymenophyllum  40 
Diaphanum,  Adiantum  ....  128 

Dicarpa,  Gleichenia 340 

Dichotoma.  Gleichenia  ....  350 
„ Schizaea  ....  358 
Dicksonia,  Genus  102-107,  159 
Dilatatum,  Hymenophyllum  38 

Discolor,  Lomaria  182 

Dissectum,  Botrychium,  var.  386 

Distans,  Hypolepis  150 

„ Nothoclaena  ....  330 

Distribution  Ferns  23 

Doodia,  Genus  ....  214,221 

Doody,  Mr 13 

Dryad,  xA  New  Zealand  ....  85 
Duncan  and  Davies  ....  17 

Dura,  Lomaria  190 

Elongatum,  Trichomanes ....  78 

Emblem,  National  ....  5,  253 

Exaltata,  Nephrolepis  ....  304 

Fabre,  J.  H 15 

Fairy  Grotto 224 

Falcata,  Pellaea  156 

Falcatum,  Asplenium  ....  228 

Fern,  Common  162 

Ferns,  xAbundance  of  ....  5 

,,  Classification  ....  6 

,,  Found  New  Zealand  24 

Fibrosa,  Dicksonia  104 

Field,  Mr.  H.  C 11 

Filiformis,  Lomaria  ....  204 

Filmy  Ferns  26,  63 

Fistulosa,  Schizaea 352 

Flabellata,  Gleichenia  ....  348 
Flabellatum,  Hymenophyl- 
lum   44 

Flabellifolium,  Asplenium  ..  222 
Flaccidum,  Asplenium  260, 271 
Fluviatilis,  Lomaria  ....  208 
Formosum,  Adiantum  ....  134 


Fragilis,  Cystopteris  ....  112 

Fragrant  Fern  322 

Fraseri,  Lomaria  212 

Fraxinea,  Marattia 374 

Frith,  Mr.  S.  G 14 

Fronds,  Growth  of 92 

Fulvum,  Adiantum 138 

Furze  10 

Genera,  Naming  12 

,,  Table  of  21 

Glabellum,  Nephrodium  ....  290 
Gleichenia,  Genus  ....  338-351 

Golden  Tree-fern  100 

Grammitidis,  Polypodium  ..  314 

Grotto,  Fairy  225 

Growth,  Rate  of  92 

Gully  Fern  96 

Gymnogramme,  Genus  ....  334 

Hamiltoni,  Polypodium,  var.  310 

Hanging  Gardens  96 

Hecistophylla,  Gleichenia, 

var.  342 

Height,  Tree-ferns  ..  90,  91 

Hemitelia,  Genus  98 

Heru-heru  366, 368 

Hispidulum,  Adiantum  ....  132 
Hispidum,  Nephrodium  ....  296 

Hooker,  Dr 9,  68,  198 

„ Sir  W 6 

Hookerianum,  Asplenium  ..  246 

Horseshoe  Fern  374 

Hound’s  Tongue  324 

Humile,  Trichomanes  ....  70 

Heru-heru-whenua  234 

Hymenophylloides,  Todea  ..  366 
Hymenophyllum,  Genus  26-63 
Hypolepis,  Genus  ....  140-151 

Incisa,  Pteris 178 

Intermediate  Forms  ....  7 

Japonicum,  Asplenium  ....  268 
Javanicum,  Hymenophyllum  32 

Kew  Gardens 98,  348 

Kidney  Fern  64 

King  Fern  374 



Kio-kio  196 

Koran  88 

Lace  Fern  166 

Lady  Fern  286 

Lanata,  Dicksonia  106 

Lanceolata,  Lomaria  . ....  188 

Laxum,  Asplenium,  var 254 

Leptophylla,  Gymnogramme  336 

Lessoni,  Lindsaya,  var 120 

Limit  Tree-ferns  98 

Lindsaya,  Genus  ....  114-123 

Linearis,  Lindsaya  114 

Linnaeus  6 

Lomaria,  Genus  ....  180-213 

Loxsoma,  Genus  ....  80-85 

Lucidum,  Asplenium  ....  234 
Lunaria,  Botrychium  ....  382 
Lusitanicum,  Ophioglossum  378 

Lyalli,  Asplenium,  var 242 

,,  Trichomanes  ....  68 

Macilenta,  Pteris  172 

Maidenhair  124,  126 

,,  Spleenwort  ....  226 

Makaka  124,  126 

Maling,  Mr 50 

Malingii,  Hymenophyllum ..  50 

Mamaku  88 

Mange-mange  ....  360 

Maori  Names 390 

Matthews,  Mr.  H.  B 17 

Media,  Doodia  214 

Medullaris,  Cyathea  ....  88 

Membranacea,  Lomaria  ....  210 
Microphylla,  Hemitelia  ....  98 

,,  Lindsaya,  var.  118 
"Milli folium,  Hypolepis  ....  146 

Milnei,  Cyathea  94 

,,  Doodia,  var.  ....  218 
Minimum,  Hymenophyllum  54 
Minor,  Lomaria,  var.  200.  202 
Mohriodes,  Aspidium  ....  274 

Moki-moki  220 

Molle,  Nephrodium  ....  300 

Moro-tiri  8 

Multifidum,  Hymenophyl- 
lum   60 

Musk  10 



Narrow  Adder’s  Tongue  ....  378 
National  Emblem  ....  5, 253 

Necklace  Fern  . 222 

Nephrodium,  Genus  286-301 
Nephrolepis,  Genus  302-305 

Nigra,  Lomaria  206 

Nomenclature  11 

Norfolkiana,  Lomaria  ....  186 
Nothoclaena,  Genus  330-332 
Novae  Zealandiae,  Davallia  110 
,,  ,,  Polypodium  328 

Number  of  Ferns  23 

Obliquum,  Asplenium, 

var.  238 

Obtusatum,  Asplenium 

....  232 

Ophioglossum,  Genus 


Origin  of  Species  .... 

....  7 


....  374 

Parsley  Fern  

....  384 

Patersoni,  Lomaria  .... 

....  180 

Pellaea,  Genus 


Pendula,  Pteris,  var. 

....  176 

Pennigerum,  Polypodium  ..  308 

Perfumed  Fern 

....  166 

Petrieana,  Hypolepis 

....  144 

Petrie,  Mr.  D. 

....  17 


28.  40 


....  182 


14,  15 

Plumed  Maidenhair 

....  134 


....  70 

Pohutukawa  .... 

....  260 

Polyanthos,  Hymenophyl- 


....  28 

Polymorphum,  Adiantum, 


....  130 

Polypodium,  Genus  .... 



....  86 

Popular  Names 

....  389 

Potts,  T.  W 

....  11 

Price  of  Tree-ferns.... 

....  93 

Prickly  Shield  Fern 

....  272 

Prince  of  Wales  Feathers  ..  368 

Procera,  Lomaria 

. 196 

Pteris,  Genus 


Pulcherrimum,  Hymenc 



....  36 


New  Zealand  Ferns 

Punctatum,  Polypodium  .... 
Pumilum,  Polypodium 
Pustulatum,  Polypodium  .... 

RadclifFe,  Mr.  F.  G 


Rangitoto  5,  67, 

Rarum,  Hymenophyllum  .... 


Reni  forme,  Trichomanes  .... 
Richardi,  Aspidium 

,,  Aspidium,  var 

„ Asplenium 

Rigidum,  Trichomanes 
Rotundi  folia,  Pellaea 
Rufescens,  Flymenophyllum 
Rutaefolia,  Gymnogramme 

Saxatilis,  Pteris,  var 

Scaberula,  Pteris  

Scabrum,  Pteris  

Scented  Fern  

Schizaea,  Genus 


Scleroprium,  Asplenium, 


Seaside  Ferns 



Self-sown  Ferns 

Serpens,  Polypodium 


Settigerum,  Nephrodium  .... 
Shaking  Brake 
Shield  Fern 

Shuttleworthianum,  Asple- 
nium, var 

Sieberi,  Cheilanthes 

Silver  King  

Slugs  and  Snails  ..... 

Smithii,  Hemitelia  


,,  Table  of  

Squarrosa,  Dicksonia 
Strictum,  Trichomanes 
Subtilissimum,  Hymeno- 

Superba,  Todea  

Swamp  Ferns  286. 

Swartz,  W 6, 

Sylvaticum,  Aspidium,  var. 


Synopsis  Filicum  6,  14,  15 

Table  Genera,  etc 21 

Tasmani,  Davallia  108 

Tapu-wae-kotuku  ....  346 

Tenellum,  Polypodium  ....  316 
Tenui folia,  Cheilanthes  ....  152 
„ Hypolepis  ....  140 
Ternatum,  Botrychium  ....  384 
Thelypteris,  Nephrodium  ....  286 

Thorny  Tree-fern  92 

Tode,  Herr  12 

Todea,  Genus 364-373 

Transactions  Institute  ....  14 

Tree-ferns,  Growth 92 

„ Price  93 

„ Thorns  92 

Tremula,  Pteris  168 

Trichomanes,  Genus  64,  79 
,,  Asplenium  ..  226 
Trichomanoides,  Lindsaya  ..  116 
Tripinnatum,  Asplenium, 

var 256 

T unbridgense,  Hymenophyl- 
lum   54 

Umbrella  Fern  346 

Umbrosum,  Asplenium  ....  266 
Unilaterale,  Hymenophyl- 
lum, var.  58 

Unitum,  Nephrodium  ....  298 

Varieties  9 

Velutinum,  Nephrodium  ....  292 

Velvet  Fern  292 

Venosum,  Trichomanes  ....  72 

Vibrosa,  Dicksonia 104 

Villosum,  Hymenophyllum  30 
,,  Polypodium,  var.  312 

Viridis,  Lindsaya  122 

Vulcanica,  Lomaria  ....  184 

Vulgatum,  Ophioglossum  ....  380 

Wae-wae-kaka  338 

Wheki  102 

Wheki-ponga  ....  104 

Woolly  Cloak  Fern  ....  330 














































Whitcombe  and  Tombs  Limited 
Auckland,  n.z.