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AECIDIACEAE (conclusio) 





+ OcTOBER 29, 1924 

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Part 9, 1924] AECIDIACEAE 

3. UREDO. 


Uredinia subepidermal, definite, erumpent, sometimes surrounded by paraphyses or 
peridium. Urediniospores borne singly on pedicels, from which they readily separate, leaving 
a hilum, 1-celled; wall colored or colorless, echinulate, or in a few species verrucose, the pore 
one or more, variously disposed. Sometimes accompanied by pycnia, by aecia, or by both. 

Genus based upon a concept, and not upon a type species. 

Host belonging to family Pinaceae. 

Host belonging to family Araceae 

Host belonging to family Commelinaceae. 

Host belonging to family Dioscoreaceae. 

Host belonging to family Iridaceae. 

Host belonging to family Orchidaceae. 

Sori superficial; hyphae emerging through stomata. 
Sori subepidermal, erumpent. 
Urediniospore-wall rather thin (1.5—2.5 y). 
Urediniospore-wall rather thick (2-3 y). 
Sori round, tardily naked. 
Sori small; urediniospores 23-29 yu long. 
* Sori large, bullate; urediniospores 29-37 yu long. 
Sori large and flat, early naked. 
Host belonging to family Piperaceae. 
Host belonging to family Artocarpaceae. 
Paraphyses short and inconspicuous. 
Paraphyses united at bases into a membrane. 

Host belonging to family Loranthaceae. 

Host belonging to family Polygonaceae. 

Host belonging to family Chenopodiaceae. 
Urediniospores large (32—42 yu), with wall thicker above. 
Urediniospores smaller (23-29 uw), with wall uniform. 

Host belonging to family Amaranthaceae. 
Urediniospores echinulate, with 2 pores. 
Urediniospores verrucose, with 3 or 4 pores. 

Host belonging to family Petiveriaceae. 

Host belonging to family Corrigiolaceae. 

Host belonging to family Annonaceae. 

Host belonging to family Amygdalaceae. 

Host belonging to family Mimosaceae. 

Host belonging to family Caesalpiniaceae. 
Urediniospore-wall 1 » thick below, 2—4 u above. 
Urediniospore-wall uniformly thick. 

Urediniospores large (26-29 yu), wall cinnamon-brown. 

Urediniospores smaller (19-26 yu), wall nearly colorless. 

Host belonging to family Geraniaceae. 

Host belonging to family Erythroxylaceae. 

Host belonging to family Meliaceae. 

Host belonging to family Polygalaceae. 

Host belonging to family Euphorbiaceae. 
Urediniospore-wall cinnamon-brown, pores 3. 
Urediniospore-wall nearly colorless, pores obscure. 

Host belonging to family Ochnaceae. 

Host belonging to family Clusiaceae. 

Host belonging to family Bixaceae. 

Host belonging to family Flacourtiaceae.. 

Host belonging to family Loasaceae. 

Host belonging to family Lythraceae. 

Host belonging to family Onagraceae. 

Host belonging to family Sapotaceae. 
Urediniospore-wall hygroscopic, tuberculate. 
Urediniospore-wall firm, echinulate. 

Urediniospore-wall uniformly thin (1.5—2 yu). 
Urediniospore-wall thick (2-3 y), thicker above. 
Host belonging to family Convolvulaceae. 
Host belonging to family Hydrophyllaceae. 

Host belonging to family Lamiaceae; urediniospore-pores basal. 

Urediniospore-wall thicker above, pores 2. 
Urediniospore-wall uniformly thick. 
Urediniospore-pores 1. 
Urediniospore-pores 2. 
Host belonging to family Solanaceae. 
Host belonging to family Scrophulariaceae. 
Host belonging to family Rubiaceae. - 
Uredinia with peripheral paraphyses. 
Uredinia without paraphyses. 
Urediniospore-wall pale-yellow. 
Urediniospore-wall cinnamon-brown, 


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Urediniospore-wall very thin, | yu. 53, U. Rondeletiae. 
Urediniospore-wall thicker, 1—1.5 yu. 54. U. Cephalanthi. 
Host belonging to family Valerianaceae. 55. U. Reicheana. 
Host belonging to family Carduaceae. 
Uredinia without paraphyses. 
Urediniospore-wall colorless (tribe Vernonieae). 56. U. Sparganophori. 
Urediniospore-wall cinnamon- or chestnut-brown. 
Urediniospore-wall thick, 2—2.5 « (tribe Eupatorieae). 57. U. suspecta. 
Urediniospore-wall thin, 1—2 u (tribe Heliantheae). 
Urediniospores medium-size, 24-29 yu long. 58. U. vicina. 
Urediniospores small, 18-22 p long. 59. U. Garcilassae. 
Uredinia with prominent paraphyses (tribe Mutisieae). 60. U. Wilsoni. 

1. Uredo Holwayi Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 518. 1906. 

O. Pyecnia hypophyllous, numerous, scattered, inconspicuous, subcuticular, pale-yellow 
becoming brownish, discoidal or sometimes columnar, 80-1 12 » in diameter by 40-70 u high. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, from a limited mycelium, in two rows on yellow spots occupying 
part or all of a leaf, subepidermal, round or oval, 0.1—0.3 mm. across, brownish-yellow, dehiscent 
by a small central orifice, ruptured epidermis not noticeable; paraphyses united to form a 
hemispheric pseudoperidium, free at the orifice, clavate-capitate, 10-144 wide, the wall 
3-4 » thick; urediniospores broadly ellipsoid or obovoid, 15-19 by 21-264; wall nearly 
colorless, rather thick, 2-3 », conspicuously or moderately echinulate below, finely echinulate 
or smooth above, the pores about 4, scattered, obscure. 


Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg., Alaska, Idaho, Montana; British Columbia. 

Tsuga Mertensiana (Bong.) Carr., British Columbia. 
Typr Locatity: Glacier, British Columbia, on ‘‘ Tsuga Mertensiana,” error for T. heterophylla. 
DIsTRIBUTION: Northern Idaho and British Columbia to southeastern Alaska. 

2. Uredo Anthurii (Hariot) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 11: 229. 1895. 
Caeoma Anthurii Hariot, Jour. de Bot. 6: 458. 1892. 

II. Uredinia chiefly hypophyllous, scattered, or somewhat grouped on slightly discolored 
spots, bullate, the membranous epidermis tardily breaking away, pale, somewhat pulverulent, 
0.5-0.8 mm. across; peridium and paraphyses none; urediniospores irregularly obovoid, 
18-26 by 29-37 u; wall colorless or nearly so, thin, 1-1.5 p, moderately echinulate, the pores 


Anthurium scandens (Aubl.) Engler, Porto Rico. 
TypE LocALIty: Greenhouses of Jardin des Plantes in Paris, on Anthurium sp. 
DISTRIBUTION: Porto Rico; also in greenhouses of France. 

3. Uredo Commelyneae Kalchbr. Grevillea 11: 24. 1882. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, scattered, round or mammillose, 0.1-0.4 mm. in diameter, 
dark cinnamon-brown, long covered by the epidermis, finally opening by a small central pore; 
paraphyses united by their bases and imbricated to form a pseudoperidium, clavate or capitate, 
8-12 » wide, the wall colorless or golden-brown, thickened up to 4 y, frequently thinner on one 
side, smooth; urediniospores angular-ellipsoid, 15-23 by 19-29 yu; wall colorless, thin, 1-2 u, 
closely and finely echinulate or verrucose-echinulate, the pores obscure. 


Commelina elegans H.B.K., Porto Rico; St. Thomas. 

Commelina longicaulis Jacq., Porto Rico. 
TypE LOCALITY: Port Natal, South Africa, on Commelina sp. 
DISTRIBUTION: West Indies; also in South Africa and South America. 

4. Uredo Dioscoreae P. Henn. Hedwigia 35: 255. 1896. 

II. Uredinia mostly hypophyllous, scattered or circinating on pale discolored spots in 
groups 2-3 mm. in diameter, roundish, small, 0.2-0.6 mm. across, early naked, pulverulent, 
yellow or light cinnamon-brown, ruptured epidermis evident; urediniospores globoid or obovoid, 
16-24 by 23-31 y; wall colorless or pale-yellow, 1—2 » thick, moderately and strongly echinulate, 
the pores equatorial, obscure. 

Part 9, 1924] AECIDIACEAE cena 607 


Dioscorea polygonoides H. & B., Porto Rico. 

Dioscorea sp., Cuba. 

Rajania cordata 1,., Cuba; Porto Rico. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Rio de Janerio, Brazil, on Dioscorea grandiflora. 
DISTRIBUTION: West Indies; also in South America and Asia. 

5. Uredo nominata Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 49: 194. 1922. 

II. Uredinia amphigenous, grouped upon discolored areas 5-10 mm. across, oblong or 
linear, 0.4—1.5 mm. long, somewhat tardily naked, pulverulent, light-brown, ruptured epidermis 
evident; urediniospores ellipsoid or obovoid, 18-23 by 23-324; wall light cinnamon-brown, 
1.5—2 » thick, moderately echinulate, the pores 3 or 4, approximately equatorial. 


Sisyrinchium bermudianum I,., Bermuda. 
TYPE LocaLity: St. Davids; Bermuda, on Sisyrinchium bermudianum. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

6. Uredo Behnickiana P. Henn. Hedwigia 44: 169. Mr 1905. 

Hemileia americana Massee, Gard. Chron. III. 38: 153. Au 1905. 
Uredo americana Arth. Mycologia 10: 149. 1918. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, evenly scattered over large, slightly discolored areas, minute, 
emerging through the stomata, yellowish, pulverulent; urediniospores globoid or broadly 
ellipsoid, 18-21 by 18-24 u; wall colorless or light yellow, thin, 1-1.5 u, noticeably echinulate 
with blunt echinulations, the pores obscure, probably equatorial; pedicels profusely branched. 

Cattleya Dowiana Batem., imported into England from Costa Rica. 
Epidendrum vitellinum Lindl., imported into New Jersey from Mexico 
Oncidium Cavendishianum Batem., imported into England from Guatemala. 
TYPE LOCALITY: In greenhouses of Kew gardens, England, on Oncidium Cavendishianum 
imported from Guatemala. 
DISTRIBUTION: On cultivated plants in greenhouses of New Jersey; also in Europe; probably 
native of Central America and Mexico. 
ILLtustRations: Gard. Chron. III. 38: f. 53; Grove, Brit. Rust Fungi f. 285. 

7. Uredo Gynandrearum Corda, Ic. Fung. 3:3. 1839. 

II. Uredinia amphigenous, numerous, early scattered or sometimes confluent over large 
areas, roundish, 0.4-1 mm. in diameter, rather early naked, pulverulent, yellowish, ruptured 
epidermis evident; urediniospores broadly ellipsoid or obovoid, 15-21 by 20-26 u; wall 
1.5—2.5 u thick, sparsely and noticeably echinulate, the pores obscure. 

Habenaria maculosa Lindl., Cuba; Jamaica; Porto Rico. 
Prescottia oligantha (Sw.) Lindl., Porto Rico. 
TYPE LocaLity: South America, on an unidentified orchid. 
DISTRIBUTION: West Indies; also in South America. 
ILLUSTRATION: Corda, Ic. Fung. 3: pl. 1, f. 9. 

8. Uredo pustulata P. Henn. Hedwigia Beibl. 35: 129. 1899. 

II. Uredinia amphigenous, scattered, round or oblong, 0.6—-1.2 mm. across, tardily naked, 
yellowish, pulverulent, ruptured epidermis conspicuous; urediniospores obovoid or ellipsoid, 
18-23 by 23-29 u; wall colorless or pale-yellow, thick, 2-3 u, strongly and sparsely echinulate, 
the pores obscure. 


Stenorrhynchus lanceolatus (Aubl.) Griseb., Porto Rico. 
TyPE LOcALIty: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on Stenorrhynchus sp. 
DistTRIBUTION: Porto Rico; also in South America. 

9. Uredo Guacae Mayor, Mém. Soc. Neuch. Sci. Nat. 5: 583. 1913. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, scattered or circinating in groups 3-10 mm. wide, sometimes 
confluent, round or oblong, bullate, large, 0.5-2 mm. across, tardily naked, orange- or light- 


yellow, pulverulent, ruptured epidermis conspicuous; urediniospores obovoid or ellipsoid, 
20-27 by 29-37 u; wall colorless or light-yellow, thick, 2.5-3 4, sparsely and conspicuously 
echinulate, the pores probably 2 or 3, equatorial, obscure. 


Epidendrum difforme Jacq., Porto Rico. 

Spathiger rigidus (Jacq.) Small (Epidendrum rigidum Jacq.), Porto Rico. 
TYPE LocaLity: Central Andes, near road to Guaca, Antioquia, Colombia, on Epidendrum sp. 
DISTRIBUTION: Porto Rico; also in South America. 

10. Uredo nigropuncta P. Henn. Hedwigia 35: 254. 1896. 
Uredo Cyrtopodii Sydow, Bull. Herb. Boiss. II. 1:77. 1901. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, forming conspicuous irregular orange or blackish masses, round 
or oblong, 1-2 mm. across, rather early naked, pulverulent, cinnamon-brown, ruptured epider- 
mis evident; urediniospores obovoid or ellipsoid, 20-25 by 24-32; wall brownish-yellow, 
thick, 2-3 yu, sparsely and coarsely verrucose-echinulate, the pores 3, equatorial. 


Bletia patula Hook., Cuba; Porto Rico. 

Bletia purpurea (Lam.) DC., Florida; Bahamas; Haiti. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Rio Janeiro, Brazil, on ‘‘ Stanhopea sp.,’’ error for Cyrlopodium punctatum. 
DISTRIBUTION: Southern Florida and the West Indies; also in South America. 

11. Uredo Piperis P. Henn. Hedwigia Beibl. 38:70. 1899. 

II. Uredinia amphigenous, numerous, scattered or circinating on discolored areas, round, 
0.3-0.6 mm. across, rather tardily naked, somewhat pulverulent, dirty cinnamon-brown, 
ruptured epidermis conspicuous; urediniospores obovoid or ellipsoid, 16-21 by 21-26 u; wall 
colorless, 1—1.5 « thick, sparsely and prominently echinulate, the pores obscure. 


Peperomia hernandifolia (Vahl) A. Dietr., Porto Rico. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on Piper sp. 
DISTRIBUTION: West Indies; also in South America. 

12. Uredo rubescens Arth. Mycologia 7: 327. 1915. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, irregularly grouped on indefinite pale spots, round, small, 
0.2-0.4 mm. across, soon naked, as if by a central pore, ruptured epidermis scarcely noticeable; 
paraphyses peripheral, cylindric, hyphoid, incurved, scarcely rising above the spore-mass, 
the wall colorless, smooth; urediniospores ellipsoid, 18-24 by 24-32 4; wall pale cinnamon- 
brown, 1-2 u thick, rather closely and strongly echinulate, the pores obscure. 

Dorstenia Contrajerva L.., Guatemala; Salvador; Porto Rico. 
Dorstenia Houstoni L., Guatemala. 
TYPE LocALIty: Camuy, Porto Rico, on Dorstenia Contrajerva. 
DISTRIBUTION: Porto Rico and Guatemala; also in South America. 

13. Uredo Artocarpi Berk. & Br. Jour. Linn. Soc. 14:93. 1873. 
Physopella (?) Artocarpi Arth. N. Am. Flora 7: 103. 1907. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, thickly scattered over wide areas, or somewhat gregarious, 
bullate, round, small, 0.1-0.2 mm. across, dehiscent by a central pore, overarching epidermis 
persistent; paraphyses colorless, delicate, hyphoid, at the sides of the sorus uniting to forma 
membrane with polygonal cells above; urediniospores ellipsoid or obovoid, 16-23 by 18-26 yu; 
wall colorless or pale-yellow, 1-1.5 u thick, moderately and noticeably echinulate, the pores. 
probably 2, approximately equatorial, obscure. 

Artocarpus Camansi Blanco, Porto Rico. 
Artocarpus communis Forst., Porto Rico. 
Artocarpus incisa L., Cuba. 
Castilloa elastica Cerv., Cuba. 
TyPE LocaLity: Ceylon, on Artocarpus Lakoocha. 
DISTRIBUTION: West Indies; also in India. 

Part 9, 1924] AECIDIACEAE 609 

14. Uredo Phorodendri H. S. Jackson, Brookl. Bot. Gard. Mem. 
285s ONS: 

II. Uredinia amphigenous, gregarious, not crowded, punctate, rounded or slightly elongate, 
0.4-0.8 mm. across, tardily naked, somewhat pulverulent, bright-orange, dehiscent by an 
elongate or lacerate fissure of the epidermis, ruptured epidermis remaining firm and persistent; 
peridium membranous, at first hemispheric, remaining closely adherent to the ruptured 
epidermis, the cells colorless, isodiametric or somewhat rhomboidal, 14-19 uw across, the wall 
1-1.5 » thick, smooth; urediniospores ellipsoid or obovoid, 17-33 by 26-32 4; wall colorless, 
1.5-2.5 yu thick, very closely and minutely echinulate, the pores 10-12, scattered, very indistinct. 


Phoradendron longispicum Trel., California. 
Phoradendron villosum Nutt., Oregon. 

TYPE LOCALITY: Corvallis, Oregon, on Phoradendron villosum. 
DISTRIBUTION: Western Oregon to northern California. 

15. Uredo Coccolobae P. Henn. Hedwigia 35: 253. 1896. 

II. Uredinia mostly hypophyllous, numerous, scattered, minute, about 0.1-0.3 mm. 
across, punctiform, tardily naked, opening by a central pore, pulverulent, appearing as a 
rusty discoloration, ruptured epidermis conspicuous; paraphyses encircling the sorus imbricated 
into a pseudoperidium, clavate or sometimes capitate, 9-10 by 27-504, the wall colorless, 
thickened up to 54 at apex, smooth; urediniospores ellipsoid, 21-24 by 29-37 yu; wall pale- 
yellow or colorless, 1—1.5 » thick, frequently somewhat thickened at hilum, finely and closely 
echinulate, the pores about 4, scattered, obscure. 


Coccolobis Uvifera (L..) Jacq., Florida; Cuba; Porto Rico. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on Coccolobis populifolia. 
DISTRIBUTION: Southern Florida and the West Indies; also in South America, 
Exsiccati: Barth. N. Am. Ured. 1980. 

16. Uredo Grayiae Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 34: 591. 1907, 

II. Uredinia amphigenous, scattered, sometimes confluent, roundish, 0.5—1 mm. across, 
soon naked, pulverulent, chocolate-brown, ruptured epidermis somewhat noticeable; uredinios- 
pores ellipsoid or obovate-ellipsoid, 19-23 by 32—42 4; wall dark cinnamon-brown, somewhat 
lighter below, rather thick, 2—2.5 y, slightly thicker above, 2.5—3.5 4, moderately and noticeably 
echinulate above, smooth along the sides, the pores 8, in two transverse zones, equidistant 
from the equator. 


Grayia spinosa (Hook.) Mog. (G. polygaloides H. & A.), Nevada. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Fallon, Nevada, on Grayia spinosa. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

17. Uredo Spirostachydis Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 37:576. 1910. 

II. Uredinia caulicolous, scattered or irregularly grouped, roundish, 0.4-0.8 mm. across, 
rather tardily naked, pulverulent, cinnamon-brown, ruptured epidermis conspicuous; uredi- 
niospores ellipsoid, 18-21 by 23-29 »; wall cinnamon-brown, 2-2.5 » thick, moderately and 
rather finely echinulate, the pores 6-8, scattered, somewhat obscure. 


Allenrolfea occidentalis (S. Wats.) Kuntze (Spirostachys occidentalis S. Wats.), Arizona, 
Type LocaLity: North Yuma, Arizona, on Spirostachys occidentalis. 
DisTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

18. Uredo Cyathulae Mayor, Mém. Soc. Neuch. Sci. Nat. 
5: 584. 1913. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, scattered or confluently circinating in groups 2-10 mm. 
wide on slightly discolored spots, round or oblong, 0.5-2 mm. across, early naked, compact 
becoming pulverulent, dark cinnamon- or chestnut-brown, ruptured epidermis conspicuous; 


urediniospores broadly ellipsoid, 23-26 by 26-29; wall light chestnut- or golden-brown, 
about 3, thick, sparsely and strongly echinulate, the pores usually 2 and approximately 
Cyathula achyranthoides (H.B.K.) Moq., Panama. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Near Honda, Cundinamarca, Colombia, on Cyathula achyranthoides. 

DISTRIBUTION: Panama; also in South America. 
ILLUSTRATION: Mém. Soc. Neuch. Sci. Nat. 5: f. 89. 

19. Uredo maculans Pat. & Gaill. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 4:98. 1888. 

II. Uredinia amphigenous, scattered or confluently circinating in groups 3-8 mm. wide on 
slightly discolored areas, round or oblong, 0.5—3 mm. across, early naked, pulverulent, dark 
cinnamon-brown, ruptured epidermis somewhat noticeable; urediniospores globoid or broadly- 
ellipsoid, 23-27 by 24-29 »; wall cinnamon-brown, thick, 3-4 4, very closely and finely ver- 
rucose, the pores 3 or 4, approximately equatorial. 

Achyranthes Williamsii peucley: Panama. 
Achyranthes sp., Costa Rica. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Caracas, Venezuela, on Amaranthaceae. 
DISTRIBUTION: Central America; also in South America. 

20. Uredo panamensis Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 45: 155. 1918. 

Il. Uredinia hypophyllous, rarely epiphyllous, crowded and often confluent in circular 
groups, round or oval, 0.2-0.8 mm. across, early naked, pulvinate, cinnamon-brown, ruptured 
epidermis evident; urediniospores globoid or broadly ellipsoid, 20-27 by 24-314; wall 
cinnamon-brown, thick, 2-3, very closely and finely echinulate, the pores distinct, 3, ap- 
proximately equatorial. 


Phytolacca decandra I,., Panama. 

TYPE LOCALITY: Panama, on Phytolacca decandra. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

21. Uredo Paronychiae H. S. Jackson, sp. nov. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, solitary, one to few on discolored spots 1-2 mm. across, round, 
small, 0.2-0.5 mm. in diameter, tardily naked, yellowish-brown, pulverulent, ruptured epider- 
mis conspicuous; urediniospores broadly ellipsoid or globoid, 20-23 by 23-26; wall light 
golden—brown, 2-2.5 u thick, closely and evenly verrucose-echinulate, the pores indistinct, 
4 to 6, scattered. 


Paronychia chilensis DC., California. 

aepe collected at Lands End, San Francisco, California, on Paronychia chilensis, October 15, 
1921, W. C. Blasdale 1156. 

22. Uredo Cherimoliae Lagerh. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 11: 215. 1895. 
Uredo cupulata Ellis & Ev. Field Mus. Publ. Bot. 2:16. 1900. 
Physopella Cherimoliae Arth. Résult. Sci. Congr. Bot. Vienne 338. 1906. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, numerous, scattered or somewhat aggregated into irregular 
groups, small, 0.1-0.4 mm. in diameter, early naked, pylverulent, pale-brownish, ruptured 
epidermis evident; paraphyses surrounding the sorus, somewhat imbricated to form a pseudo- 
peridium, clavate, contracted near apex, 10-13 » wide by 40-504 long, the wall colorless, 
about 1 » thick below, thickened above so as to obliterate the lumen; urediniospores obovoid, 
16-19 by 26-31 4; wall pale-yellow, thin, about 1 yz, finely and rather closely echinulate, the 
pores obscure. 


Annona Cherimolia Mill., Florida. 
Annona muricata L,., Cuba. 

Part 9, 1924] AECIDIACEAE 611 

Annona reticulata 1,., Cuba. 
Annona squamosa L,., Florida; Cuba. 
Annona sguamosa X Cherimolia, Florida. 
Annona sp., Yucatan. 
TYPE LocaALity: Ecuador, on Annona Cherimolia. 
DISTRIBUTION: Southern Florida; western Cuba and northeastern Yucatan; also in South 
America. . 

23. Uredo Licaniae P. Henn. Hedwigia 34:99. 1895. 

II. Uredinia amphigenous, scattered or indefinitely grouped, round, prominent, 0.2—0.8 
mm. in diameter, early naked, pulvinate, lemon-yellow, somewhat pulverulent, ruptured 
epidermis inconspicuous; paraphyses none; urediniospores obovate-globoid or obovate, 14-20 
by 17-264; wall pale-yellow or colorless, 1.5 4 thick, appearing thicker, evenly verrucose- 
echinulate, the pores obscure, apparently equatorial. 


Couepia polyandra (H.B.K.) Rose, Salvador. 

TYPE LOCALITY: Goyaz near Meiaponte, Brazil, on Licania sp. 
DisTRIBUTION: Southern Salvador; also in South America. 

24. Uredo curvata Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 49: 195. 1922. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, loosely grouped on slightly discolored areas 3-5 mm. across, 
round, small, 0.1—0.3 mm. in diameter, soon naked, pulverulent, dark chestnut-brown, ruptured 
epidermis inconspicuous; paraphyses numerous, peripheral, incurved, hyphoid or somewhat 
clavate, slender, about 7 by 30 u, colorless below, light chestnut-brown above, sometimes one- 
or two-septate; urediniospores obovate, 14-16 by 26-324, very strongly incurved; wall 
chestnut-brown, uniformly thin, 1 u, with one indistinct pore on the concave side below the 
equator, evenly echinulate-verrucose. 

On MIMosacEsE: 

Inga vera Willd., Cuba. 
TYPE LOCALITY: San Diego de los Bafios, Cuba, on Inga vera. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

25. Uredo Hymenaeae Mayor, Mém. Soc. Neuch. Sci. Nat. 
55 So olor 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, numerous, scattered or loosely grouped on brownish spots, 
round, 0.3-0.7 mm. across, opening by an irregular central break in the overarching epidermis, 
pulverulent, dark cinnamon-brown; paraphyses none; urediniospores obovoid or ellipsoid, 
13-17 by 26-39; wall golden- or cinnamon-brown, thin, 1», thicker at the apex, 2-4 yn, 
moderately echinulate, the pores 2, superequatorial. 

Hymenaea Courbaril L., Cuba; Porto Rico. 
Type LocaLity: Central Andes, between Sabaletas and Titiribi, Antioquia, Colombia, on 
Hymenaea sp. 
DIsTRIBUTION: West Indies; also in South America. 

26. Uredo lutea Arth. Mycologia 7: 321. 1915. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, abundantly scattered or in small groups on discolored spots, 
pustular, 0.3-0.7 mm. across, long covered by the brown overarching epidermis, finally sparingly 
pulverulent; paraphyses none; urediniospores irregularly ellipsoid or obovoid, 19-21 by 26- 
29 u; wall cinnamon-brown, about 1.5 u thick, moderately echinulate, the pores usually in- 
distinct, 2 or rarely 3, equatorial. 


Chamaefistula antillana Britt. & Rose, Porto Rico. 
Type LocALity: Porto Rico, on “ Cassia quinquangulata,”’ error for Chamaefistula antillana, 
DistrRisuTION: Porto Rico, 


27. Uredo bauhiniicola P. Henn. Hedwigia 34: 98. 1895. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, scattered or sometimes circinating in groups 2-3 mm. wide 
and confluent, on dark-brown circular spots, roundish, 0.2-0.7 mm. across, rather tardily 
naked, pulverulent, yellowish or dirty-gray, ruptured epidermis evident; urediniospores 
ellipsoid or obovoid, 15-18 by 19-26 4; wall colorless or light-yellow, 1.5—-2.5 thick, moder- 
ately and noticeably echinulate, the pores obscure, probably equatorial. 


Bauhinia heterophylla Kunth, Cuba. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Goyaz, Brazil, on Bauhinia rubiginosa. 

DISTRIBUTION: Cuba; also in South America. 
Exsiccati: Barth. N. Am. Ured. 2183. 

28. Uredo unilateralis Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 45: 155. 1918. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, in groups 2-4 mm. across, more or less circinating, or scattered, 
round, 0.2—0.8 mm. in diameter, soon naked, cinnamon—brown, somewhat pulverulent, ruptured 
epidermis evident; urediniospores broadly obovoid or spatulate-obovoid, flattened or concave 
on one side, 20-26 by 26-32; wall cinnamon—brown, 1-2 thick, sparsely and noticeably 
echinulate except on concave side which is smooth, with one pore on concave side, subequa- 
torial, sometimes near the hilum. 


Geranium mexicanum H.B.K., Mexico (state). 
‘TYPE LOCALITY: Amecameca, Mexico, on Geranium mexicanum. 

DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 
ExsiccaTi: Barth. N. Am. Ured. 2481. 

29. Uredo Erythroxylonis Graz. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 7: 152. 1891. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, numerous, scattered, small, 0.2-0.5 mm. across, roundish, 
cinnamon-brown, tardily erumpent, ruptured epidermis conspicuous; urediniospores angularly 
ellipsoid, obovoid, or pyriform, 17-23 by 21-30 4; wall cinnamon-brown above, much paler 
below, uniformly thin, 1, sparsely echinulate above becoming smooth toward the base, 
the pores 2 or 3, approximately equatorial or scattered. 

Erythroxylon areolatum L,., Mona Island. 
Erythroxylon brevipes DC., Porto Rico, 
Erythroxylon havanense Jacq., Cuba. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Bolivia, on Erythroxylon Coca. 
DISTRIBUTION: West Indies; also in South America. 
ExsiccaTi: Barth. Fungi Columb. 2287. 

30. Uredo Trichiliae Arth. Mycologia 9:90. 1917. 

II. Uredinia caulicolous or hypophyllous, on etiolated shoots and on midrib and veins, 
oblong or linear, 0.5—3.5 mm. long, numerous, soon naked, pulverulent, bright-yellow, ruptured 
epidermis evident; peridium and paraphyses none; urediniospores obovoid or ellipsoid, small, 
13-15 by 16-23 u; wall colorless or nearly so, thin 1-1.5 », closely and finely echinulate, the 
pores obscure. 


Trichilia pallida Sw., Porto Rico. 

‘TYPE LOCALITY: Maricao along Rio Grande, Porto Rico, on Trichilia pallida. 
DISTRIBUTION: Porto Rico; also in South America. 

31. Uredo peribebuyensis Speg. Anal. Soc. Ci. Argent. 
17: 123. 1884. 

II. Uredinia caulicolous and hypophyllous, irregularly grouped or sometimes confluent, 
on light discolored areas, roundish, 0.4-1 mm. across, rather tardily naked, pulverulent, 
cinnamon-brown, ruptured epidermis noticeable; paraphyses none; urediniospores ellipsoid 
or obovoid, 19-23 by 24-34; wall golden-brown, variable in thickness, 1-2.5 y, closely 
echinulate, the pores 2—4, equatorial, evident. 

Part 9, 1924] AECIDIACEAE 613 


Polygala americana Mill., Guatemala. 

Polygala Watsoni Chod. (P. acicularis S. Wats.), Chihuahua. 
TYPE LocaLity: Cordillera de Peribebuy, Paraguay, on Monninia sp. 
DisTRIBUTION: Northern Mexico to Guatemala; also in South America. 

32. Uredo Saviae Arth. & Johnston, Mem. Torrey Club 
17: 168. 1918. : 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, scattered, oval or oblong, 0.1-0.3 mm. long, rather early 
naked, cinnamon-brown, ruptured epidermis usually overarching and conspicuous; uredinio- 
spores angularly pyriform or obovoid, 16-21 by 23-29 uw; wall cinnamon-brown, about 1 u 
thick, closely echinulate, the pores 3, approximately equatorial, in the angles of the spore. 


Savia sessiliflora (Sw.) Willd., Cuba. 

TYPE LOCALITY: San Juan, Isle of Pines, on Savia sessiliflora. 
DIsTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

33. Uredo jatrophicola Arth. Mycologia 7: 331. 1915. 

II. Uredinia mostly hypophyllous, crowded or confluent on slightly discolored spots or 
evenly scattered, bullate-conic, small, 0.1-0.3 mm, in diameter, long covered by the overarch- 
ing epidermis, opening by a central pore that gradually enlarges; peridium paraphysoid, the 
paraphyses clavate or capitate with the slender stalks firmly united into an enveloping wall 
imbricately projecting into the cavity of the sorus, 9-12 » broad, the wall about 1 u thick and 
colorless below, 3-7 », and colorless or tinted above, smooth; urediniospores ellipsoid or 
obovoid-ellipsoid, 16-20 by 24-29 yu; wall very pale-yellow or colorless, thin, 1-1.5 4, moderately 
and rather finely echinulate, the pores obscure. 

Adenoropium angustifolium (Griseb.) Arth. (Jatropha angustifolia Griseb.), Cuba. 
Adenoropium gossypiifolium (L.) Pohl (Jatropha gossypiifolia L.), Cuba; Porto Rico; 
St. Croix; Santo Domingo. 
Curcas Curcas (L.) Britt. & Millsp. (Jatropha Curcas 1,.), Cuba; Porto Rico; Santo Do- 
TYPE LOCALITY: Hormigueros, Porto Rico, on Jatropha Curcas. 
DIsTRIBUTION: West Indies. 

34. Uredo Sauvagesiae Arth. Mycologia 8:23. 1916. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, grouped on blackish-purple spots, 1-3 mm. across, round, 
small, 0.1 mm. in diameter, ruptured epidermis prominent, dark cinnamon-brown; uredinio- 
spores ellipsoid or obovoid, 17-20 by 24-27 4; wall cinnamon-brown, thin, 1—1.5 yu, closely 
and finely echinulate, the pores probably 2, equatorial, indistinct. 


Sauvagesia erecta L,., Porto Rico. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Jejome Alto, Porto Rico, on Sauvagesia erecta. 

35. Uredo Clusiae Arth. Mycologia 9:91. 1917. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, scattered, mammilliform, 0.3-0.6 mm. across, dark-brown, 
opening by a central pore or rupture, deep-seated; urediniospores obovoid or ellipsoid, 19-23 
by 28-35 u; wall light-yellow, about 1.5 » thick, sparsely and strongly echinulate. the markings 
1-2 u long and 3 » apart, the pores obscure. 


Clusia rosea Jacq., Porto Rico. 

TYPE LOCALITY: Maricao, mountains along Rio Grande, Porto Rico, on Clusia rosea. 
DistTRiBuTION: Known only from the type locality. 

36. Uredo Bixae Arth. Mycologia 7: 327. 1915. 

II. Uredinia amphigenous, numerous, scattered singly in groups of two to four on small 
purple spots, very small, about 0.1 mm. across, soon naked, ruptured epidermis inconspicuous; 


paraphyses peripheral showing as a whitish circle, rising but little above the surface of the 
leaf, numerous, incurved, clavate-cylindric, 9-10 by 27-35 y, the walls colorless, smooth, the 
inner thin, 1 u, the outer thicker, 2-5 4; urediniospores obovoid, 16-23 by 26-37 y; wall nearly 
colorless, thin, 1 » or less, closely and finely echinulate, the pores obscure. 

ON BrxacCEAE: 

Bixa Orellana L., Porto Rico. 
TYPE LocaLity: Adjuntas, Porto Rico, on Bixa Orellana. 

37. Uredo recondita Speg. Bol. Acad. Ci. Cordoba 
Pasta Wetey, WEEE 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, scattered, round or oblong, 0.2—0.5 mm. long, tardily naked, 
opening by irregular splitting of the epidermis, somewhat pulverulent, cinnamon-brown, 
ruptured epidermis conspicuous; peridium and paraphyses none; urediniospores ellipsoid or 
oblong, 13-18 by 19-294; wall cinnamon-brown, thin, 1», moderately and conspicuously 
echinulate, the pores inconspicuous, probably 3 or 4, scattered. 


Myroxylon Salzmanni (Clos) Kuntze (Xylosma Salzmanni Eichl.), Costa Rica. 
TYPE LocaLity: Carthago, Costa Rica, on Xylosma Salzmannt. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

38. Uredo floridana Sydow, Hedwigia Beibl. 40: 129. 1901. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, in indefinite groups, small, round, soon naked, pulverulent, 
orange-yellow; peridium and paraphyses none; urediniospores ellipsoid or obovoid, 14-20 by 
20-30 u; wall pale-yellow, thin, 1.5—2 4, rather sparsely echinulate with blunt conic warts, 
the pores equatorial, obscure. 

Mentzelia cordata Kellogg, Lower California. 
Mentzelia floridana Nutt., Florida. 
TYPE LocaALity: Florida on Mentzelia floridana. 
DISTRIBUTION: Southern Florida and Lower California. 

39. Uredo Cupheae P. Henn. Hedwigia 34:99. 1895. 

II. Uredinia amphigenous, scattered or loosely grouped, roundish, 0.3-0.7 mm. in 
diameter, dark cinnamon-brown, rather early naked, pulverulent, ruptured epidermis con- 
spicuous; paraphyses none; urediniospores ellipsoid or obovoid, 15-19 by 21-28 yu; wall light 
cinnamon-brown, often paler below, thin, 1 », moderately echinulate, the pores 2 or 3, equa- 
torial, indistinct. 


Ginoria americana Jacq., Cuba. 
Parsonsia Parsonsia (L.) Britton (Cuphea Parsonsia R. Br.), Jamaica; Porto Rico. 

TYPE LocaLity: Goyaz, Brazil, on Cuphea [micrantha]. 
DISTRIBUTION: West Indies; also in South America. 

40. Uredo Fuchsiae Arth. & Holway; Arth. Am. Jour. Bot. 
5: 538. 1918. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, in small irregular groups 0.5—3 mm. across, round, 0.1-0.2 mm. 
in diameter, long covered by the epidermis, pulverulent, pale-yellow, ruptured epidermis 
evident; peridium hemispheric, delicate, opening at first by a small pore, later more or less 
uncovered, the peridial cells rectangular or rhombic, abutted, the walls colorless, thin, 1 y, 
smooth; urediniospores ellipsoid, 13-16 by 18-24; wall colorless, moderately thick, 1-2 B, 
moderately and rather inconspicuously echinulate, the pores obscure. 


Fuchsia splendens Zucc., Guatemala. 

Lopezia hirsuta Jacq., Costa Rica; Guatemala. 
TYPE LocaLity: Volcan de Agua, Antigua, Guatemala, on Fuchsia splendens. 
DISTRIBUTION: Central America. 

Part 9, 1924] AECIDIACEAE 615 

41. Uredo Lucumae Arth. & Johnston, Mem. Torrey Club 
L769 LOS. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, numerous, on spots with the uredinia, subcuticular, brownish, 
flattish, 80-100 » in diameter by 40-60 u in height; ostiolar filaments wanting. 

II. Uredinia amphigenous, sometimes only hypophyllous, in groups 1-15 mm. across on 
dark spots, roundish, 0.1—0.3 mm. in diameter, early naked, pulverulent, light chestnut-brown, 
surrounded and partly covered by the hypertrophied tissues; urediniospores globoid or broadly 
ellipsoid, 29-35 by 35-42 yu, larger when wet through the swelling of an outer gelatinous 
covering; wall of two layers, the inner golden- or cinnamon-brown, 2-3 u thick, the outer pale, 
2-6 uw thick in water, bearing coarse conic tubercles, the pores 2 or more, scattered or some- 
times equatorial, indistinct. 


Lucuma nervosa A. DC., Cuba. 

‘TYPE LOCALITY: Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba, on Lucuma nervosa. 

42. Uredo Sapotae Arth. & Johnston, Mem. Torrey Club 
W769! 1918: 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, scattered or gregarious in close groups of a few each on small 
discolored areas 0.5-1 mm. in diameter, oval, 0.1-0.3 mm. long, rather tardily naked, 
cinnamon-brown, pulverulent, opening by a lateral rupture of the epidermis which remains 
as an evident flap; urediniospores with pores in surface view appearing triangular, with 
pores in optical section broadly obovoid, 18-22 by 21—26 4; wall cinnamon-brown, moder- 
ately thick, 1.5—2 yu, closely echinulate, the pores 2, opposite, close to the hilum. 


Sapota Achras Mill. (Achras Sapota L,.), Bahamas; Bermuda; Cuba. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba, on Achras Sapota. 
DistTRiIBuTION: Islands from Bermuda to Cuba. 

Exsiccati: Barth. N. Am. Ured. 2184. 

43. Uredo amicosa Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 46: 121. 1919. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, scattered, bullate, 0.2-0.4 mm. in diameter, opening by a 
central pore; paraphyses thickly imbricated, the united bases forming a tissue-like lining to 
the sides of the sorus, the long free ends cylindric or fusiform-cylindric, 10-16 by 67-112 pn, 
acuminate or acute, the wall colorless, thickened to nearly or quite obliterate the lumen; 
urediniospores pedicellate, angularly oblong, ellipsoid, or obovoid, 23-24 by 40-60; wall 
golden-brown, 2-3 u thick, sometimes twice as thick at apex, sparsely and strongly echinulate, 
the pores obscure, possibly 3 or 4 and equatorial. 


Chrysophyllum Cainito L,., Porto Rico. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Mesas near Mayagiiez, Porto Rico, on Chrysophyllum Cainito. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

44. Uredo laeticolor Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 47: 473. 1920. 
Uredo Operculinae Arth. Mycologia 9:95. 1917. Not U. Operculinae Sydow, 1913. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, in small crowded groups on slightly discolored spots, or scat- 
tered singly, bullate, small, light cinnamon-brown, opening by a small rupture of the over- 
arching epidermis; peridium and paraphyses none; urediniospores obovoid or oblong-obovoid, 
14-23 by 23-29 u; wall pale-brownish or nearly colorless, thin, about 1 u, finely and closely 
echinulate, the pores obscure. 


Operculina dissecta (Jacq.) House (Impomoea dissecta Pursh), Cuba; Porto Rico. 

Type LOCALITY: Yauco, along railroad east, Porto Rico, on Operculina dissecta. 


45. Uredo contraria Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 47: 472. 1920. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, scattered, round, minute, 0.1-0.3 mm. in diameter, early 
naked, yellow, very pulverulent, ruptured epidermis inconspicuous; urediniospores oblong or 
obovate-oblong, 20-24 by 27-35 4; wall colorless, 1.5-2 4 thick, finely and rather sparsely 
echinulate, the pores obscure. 


Phacelia californica Cham., California, 
Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth., California. 

TYPE LocALITty: Carmel, California, on Phacelia tanacetifolia. 
DIsTRIBUTION: Coast of central California in vicinity of the type locality. 

46. Uredo sphacelicola Dietel & Holway; Dietel, Erythea 
1592485) 1893: 

II. Uredinia amphigenous, scattered or circinating on pale discolored spots, round, 0.4-2 
mm. in diameter, early naked, cinnamon-brown, pulverulent or sometimes appearing pulvinate, 
ruptured epidermis evident; urediniospores oblate-spheroid or sometimes ellipsoid, 26-31 by 
23-34 4; wall dark cinnamon-brown, 1-1.5 4 thick, sometimes thickened above to 2.5 yn, 
moderately echinulate, markings sometimes more conspicuous above, the pores 2, opposite or 
nearly so, basal. 


Sphacele calycina Benth., California. 
Type Locatity: Mt. Tamalpais, California, on Sphacele calycina. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

Exsiccati: Barth. N. Am. Ured. 584; Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 560, 766; Ellis & Ev. N. 
Am. Fungi 3149, 3249. 

47. Uredo degener (Mains & Holway) Arthur. 
Puccinia (?) degener Mains & Holway; Arth. Am. Jour. Bot. 5: 482. 1918. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, scattered or crowded in small groups, round, 0.1—0.3 mm. in 
diameter, early naked, pulverulent, cinnamon-brown, ruptured epidermis evident; uredinio- 
spores broadly obovoid, globoid or flattened-globoid, 19-23 by 19-25 x; wall light cinnamon- 
brown, thin, 1-1.5 », moderately and rather prominently echinulate, with one pore, subequa- 
torial, usually 5—7 » from the hilum. , 


Salvia albiflora Mart. & Gal. (?), Guatemala. 

TYPE LOCALITY: Road from Quezaltenango to Colomba, Guatemala, on Salvia albiflora (?). 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

48. Uredo biporula Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 46: 121. 1919. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, scattered or somewhat crawded, round, 0.2—0.3 mm. in diame- 
ter, early naked, pulverulent, dark cinnamon-brown, ruptured epidermis inconspicuous; 
urediniospores triangular-obovoid, 21-23 by 23-26; wall dark cinnamon-brown, 1-2 pz 
thick, moderately echinulate, the pores 2, basal on opposite sides of the hilum. 


Salvia fulgens Cav., Mexico (state). 

TYPE LOCALITY: Amecameca, Mexico, on Salvia fulgens. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

49. Uredo Nicotianae Arth.; Blasdale, Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 
Teale 919. 

II. Uredinia mostly hypophyllous, scattered upon discolored areas 1-1.5 cm. across, 
round, 0.2-0.5 mm. in diameter, early naked, applanate, pulverulent, pale-cinnamon to 
whitish, ruptured epidermis evident; urediniospores globoid or broadly ellipsoid, 23-26 by 
24-32 u; wall colorless, 1.5—3 » thick, closely and coarsely verrucose, the pores obscure. 


Nicotiana Bigelovii S. Wats., California. 

TYPE LOCALITY: Rionido, California, on Nicotiana Bigelovii. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

Part 9, 1924] AECIDIACEAE 617 

50. Uredo cumula Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 49: 195. 1922. 

II. Uredinia amphigenous, somewhat aggregate or scattered, round, applanate, small, 
0.1-0.4 mm. across, soon naked, pulverulent, cinnamon-brown, conspicuous, ruptured epidermis 
noticeable; urediniospores broadly ellipsoid or obovate, small, 18-20 by 22-25 4; wall pale 
cinnamon-brown, thin, 1 u or less, finely echinulate, the pores 2, equatorial, indistinct. 


Buchnera elongata Sw., Cuba. 

TYPE LocaLity: Herradura, Cuba, on Buchnera elongata. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

51. Uredo sabiceicola Arth. Mycologia 7: 323. 1915. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, scattered singly in groups of 2-5 on small discolored spots 
0.5—1 mm. across, round, small, 0.1-0.3 mm. in diameter, dull cinnamon-brown; paraphyses 
peripheral, numerous, incurved, clavate, stout, 10-12 by 19-25 yu, the wall colorless, thin, 
0.5 u, somewhat thickened on the outer convex part, 1.5—2 u, smooth; urediniospores obovoid, 
16-23 by 25-29 u; wall golden-yellow, thin, 1 4, moderately verrucose-echinulate, the pores 


Sabicea hirsuta H.B.K., Porto Rico. 

TYPE LocaLity: Mayagiiez, Porto Rico, on ‘Sabicea aspera,” error for S. hirsuta. 
DIsTRIBUTION: Porto Rico; also in South America. 

52. Uredo Hameliae Arth. Mycologia 8: 23. 1916. 

II. Uredinia amphigenous, loosely grouped on indefinite, slightly paler spots, 1-1.5 cm. 
across, applanate, round, 0.2-0.6 mm. in diameter, pale cinnamon-brown; urediniospores 
globoid or obovoid, 15-21 by 19-24 u; wall pale-yellow, thin, 1 , distinctly and moderately 
echinulate, the pores possibly 2 and equatorial, obscure. 


Hamelia erecta Jacq. (H. patens Jacq.), Costa Rica; Porto Rico. 

TYPE LOCALITY: Lajos, Porto Rico, on Hamelia patens. 
DISTRIBUTION: Porto Rico and Central America. 

53. Uredo Rondeletiae Arth. & Holway; Arth. Am. Jour. Bot. 
D009.) 1918: 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, scattered, round, 0.1—0.4 mm. across, early naked, pulverulent, 
cinnamon-brown, ruptured epidermis evident; peridium and, paraphyses none; uredinio- 
spores obovoid-reniform, 13-21 by 23-29 u; wall cinnamon-brown, thin, 1 y, closely echinulate, 
the pores obscure. 


Rondeletia cordata Benth., Guatemala. 

TYPE LocaLity: Guatemala City, Guatemala, on Rondeletia cordata. 
DIsTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

54. Uredo Cephalanthi Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 29: 231. 1902. 

II. Uredinia mostly hypophyllous, diffusely scattered, irregularly bullate, small, 0.1-0.4 
mm. across, rather early naked, pulverulent, pale-yellowish, ruptured epidermis evident; 
urediniospores ellipsoid or obovoid, 15-20 by 19-26y; wall very light cinnamon-brown, 
thin, 1-1.5 uw, closely echinulate, the pores probably 4, equatorial, obscure. 


Cephalanthus occidentalis L., Florida; Cuba. 

Type LocaLity: Palmetto, Florida, on Cephalanthus occidentalis. 
Distripution: Southern Florida and Cuba. 

55. Uredo Reicheana Arthur, sp. nov. 

II. Uredinia amphigenous, chiefly hypophyllous, occurring singly or gregarious in groups 
of 2-4 on angular, yellowish areas 1-4 mm. across, round, rather large, 0.5-0.8 mm. in diameter, 


early naked, pulverulent, cinnamon-brown, ruptured epidermis usually noticeable; uredinio- 
spores depressed-globoid, 18-22 u high by 24-28 » wide; wall light cinnamon-brown, 1.5—2 u 
thick, moderately and strongly echinulate, the pores 4-5 around hilum, and one or two in 
upper part. 
Valeriana subincisa Benth., Mexico (state). 

Type collected in Federal District, Mexico, February, 1922, K. Reiche, communicated by 
P. Dietel, February, 1924. 

56. Uredo Sparganophori P. Henn. Hedwigia 43: 160. 1904. 

II. Uredinia amphigenous, scattered singly or in irregular, sometimes circinating groups 
on brownish discolored spots, bullate, round or oblong, 0.2—0.6 mm. across, rather tardily 
naked, pulverulent, light yellowish-brown, ruptured epidermis conspicuous; urediniospores 
ellipsoid or obovoid, 18-23 by 24-31 4; wall colorless, thin, 1-1.5 4, moderately or sparsely 
and strongly echinulate, the pores probably 2, equatorial, obscure. 


Struchium Sparganophorum (1,.) Kuntze (Sparganophorum Vailantii Gaert.), Cuba; 
Jamaica; Porto Rico. . 

TYPE LOCALITY: Rio Jurua, Santa Clara, Brazil, on Sparganophorum Vailantii. 
DISTRIBUTION: West Indies; also in South America. 

57. Uredo suspecta Jackson & Holway; Arth. Mycologia 
LO 1505 1918: 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, few, gregarious, scattered or frequently confluent, roundish, 
0.2-0.5 mm. across, tardily naked, pulverulent, dark cinnamon-brown, ruptured epidermis 
conspicuous; urediniospores ellipsoid or obovoid, 26-29 by 30-35 4; wall dark cinnamon- 
brown, 2—2.5 » thick, moderately and prominently echinulate, the pores 2, distinct, opposite 
and approximately equatorial. 


Eupatorium daleoides (DC.) Hemsl.?, Costa Rica. 

TYPE LocALITy: Cartago, Costa Rica, on Eupatorium daleoides. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

58. Uredo vicina Arth. Mycologia 7: 325. 1915. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, scattered, round, 0.3—0.5 mm. across, early naked, pulverulent, 
dark cinnamon-brown, ruptured epidermis evident; urediniospores globoid, often flattened 
above, 24-29 » in diameter; wall chestnut-brown, 1.5—2 u thick, closely echinulate, the pores 
3 or 4, equatorial. 


Wedelia lanceolata DC., Porto Rico. 

TYPE Locality: Guanica, Porto Rico, on Wedelia lanceolata. 
DISTRIBUTION: Porto Rico; also in South America. 

59. Uredo Garcilassae P. Henn. Hedwigia 43: 160. 1904. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, scattered, round, small, 0.2-0.5 mm. across, somewhat tardily 
naked, pulverulent, cinnamon-brown, becoming bare and whitish through scattering of spores, 
ruptured epidermis not conspicuous; urediniospores broadly ellipsoid or obovate, small, 
16-18 by 18-22 ; wall light cinnamon-brown, thin, 1—1.5 y, closely and very finely echinulate, 
the pores 2, approximately opposite and considerably subequatorial. 


Garcillassa rivularis Poepp. & Endl., Panama. 

TYPE LOCALITY: Terapoto, Peru, on Garcilassa rivularis. 
DISTRIBUTION: Panama; also in South America. 

60. Uredo Wilsoni Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 37: 577. 1910. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, scattered, punctiform, 0.1-0.3 mm. across, soon naked, pul- 
verulent, chestnut-brown, ruptured epidermis inconspicuous; paraphyses abundant, peripheral, 

Part 9, 1924] AECIDIACEAE 619 

cylindric, septate, the walls smooth, colored; urediniospores globoid or broadly ellipsoid, 
21-25 by 26-294; wall light chestnut-brown, rather thick, 2—2.5 u, strongly and closely 
echinulate with conic, blunt warts, the pores 2, equatorial and opposite. 


Anastraphia bahamensis Urban, Bahamas. 
TYPE LocALITY: Hanna Hill, Long Cay, Bahamas, on Anastraphia bahamensis. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 


UREDO AECIDIOIDES Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 24: 88. 1872. (Uredo Peckiit Thiim. 
Myc. Univ. 538. 1877). On Amphicarpa monoica Ell. (Falcata comosa Kuntze), New 
York. This is Synchytrium decipiens Farl. 

UREDO CALIFoRNICA Ellis & Ev. Erythea 1: 205. 1893. On Vicia gigantea Hook., Mill 
Valley, California. This does not belong to the Uredinales; may be a Gloeosporium. 


Sori on angiospermous hosts (usually aecia, or in a few cases telia), definite, subepidermal, 
erumpent, the spore-mass usually surrounded by a peridium; peridium one cell in thickness, 
cupulate, urceolate or cylindric, firm or evanescent, opening at the apex, the margin becoming 
erect or revolute, erose or lacerate, the peridial cells abutted or overlapping, usually smooth 
without and verrucose within; aeciospores catenulate, one-celled, usually globoid, or not 
much longer than broad; wall colorless, or occasionally colored, verrucose, the pores rarely 

Pyenia when present subepidermal, definite, with protruding ostiolar filaments, or oc- 
casionally subcuticular, and then without ostiolar filaments. 

Genus based upon a concept, and not upon a type species. 

Host belonging to family Liliaceae. 1. A. anthericicola. 
Host belonging to family Dracaenaceae. 2. A. Yuccae. 
Host belonging to family Trilliaceae. 3. A. Trillii. 
Host belonging to family Amaryllidaceae. 
Aeciospores rather small, 16—20 x 20-27 yp. 4. A. Zephyranthis. 
Aeciospores large, 23-26 x 27-32 u. 5. A. modestum. 
Host belonging to family Iridaceae. 6. A. residuum. 
Host belonging to family Orchidaceae. 7. A. Graebnerianum., 
Host belonging to family Urticaceae. 
Aeciospores very small, 10-13 x 13-l6 yu. 8. A. Boehmeriae. 
Aeciospores larger, 17-19 x 18-23 yp. 9. A. libertum. 
Host belonging to family Loranthaceae. 10. A. Loranthi. 
Host belonging to family Allioniaceae. 
Aeciospores small, 15-16 x 16~—23 yu, the wall 1 yu. 11. A. Pisoniae. 
Aeciospores larger, 16-19 x 21-28 uw, the wall 1-1.5 pw. 12..A. Mirabilis. 
Host belonging to family Ranunculaceae. 13. A. indecisum. 
Host belonging to family Berberidaceae. 14. A. Butlerianum. 
Host belonging to family Papaveraceae. 15. A. plenum. 
Host belonging to family Saxifragaceae. 16. A. Mitellae. 
Host belonging to family Caesalpiniaceae. 17. A. Chamaecristae. 
Host belonging to family Fabaceae. 18. A. Onobrychidis. 
Host belonging to family Linaceae. 19. A. Lini. 
Host belonging to family Malphigiaceae. 20. A. Byrsonimatis. 
Host belonging to family Rutaceae. 21. A. Xanthoxyli. 
Host belonging to family Polygalaceae. 
Aeciospores small, 16—20 » in diameter. 22. A. renatum. 
Aeciospores larger, 18-26 uw in diameter. 23. A. polygalinum. 

Host belonging to family Euphorbiaceae. 
Pycnia subcuticular. 

Aeciospores small, 12-18 x 13-19 yw. 24. A. seriatum, 
Aeciospores larger, 15-20 x 16-25 p. 25. A. favaceum. 
Pycnia subepidermal. 
Aeciospore-wall thick, 2—2.5 mu. 26. A. Mozinnae. 
Aeciospore-wall much thinner, 1—1.5 yp. 
Aeciospores small, 13-16 x 16-19 yp. 27. A. albicans. 
Aeciospores larger, 18-22 x 19-24 yw. 28. A. Tithymali. 
Aeciospore-wall very thin, | y or less. 29. A. Argithamniae. 
Host belonging to family Cyrillaceae. 30. A. Cyrillae. 
Host belonging to family Hippocastanaceae. 31. A. Aesculi. 
Host belonging to family Sapindaceae. 32. A. Reichet. 
Host belonging to family Vitaceae. 33. A. mexicanum, 
Host belonging to family Tiliaceae. ' 34. A. Triumfettae. 

Host belonging to family Fouquieriaceae. 35. A. Cannonii. 
Host belonging to family Thymelaeaceae. 36. A. hydnoideum. 
Host belonging to family Elaeagnaceae. 37. A. arctoum. 
Host belonging to family Onagraceae. 
Aeciospores large, with wall 2-3 yu thick. 38. A. Amograe. 
Aeciospores small, with wall 1 u thick. 39. A. Betheli. 
Host belonging to family Ammiaceae. 
Aecia cupulate, margin revolute. 40. A. Ligustici. 
Aecia cylindric, margin erect. 41. A. mutum. 
Host belonging to family Apocynaceae. 
Aeciospore-wall thin, 1—-1.5 yu. 
Aeciospores large, 16-22 u in diameter, the wall evenly thick. 42. A. A pocynti. 
Aeciospores small, 14-16 uw in diameter, the wall thicker above. 43. A. Thenardiae. 
Aeciospore-wall thick, 2-4 yu. 
Aeciospores large, 20-29 y» in diameter, the wall thicker above. 44. A. leporinum. 
Aeciospores small, 16—25 » in diameter, the wall evenly thick. 45. A. Thevetiae. 
Host belonging to family Convolvulaceae. 46. A. Jacquemontiae. 
Host belonging to family Heliotropiaceae. 47. A. guatemalense. 
Host belonging to family Boraginaceae. 
Aeciospores rather small, 13-19 x 17-24 yp. 48. A. Tournefortiae. 
Aeciospores larger, 19-23 x 23-26 yp. 49. A. Bourreriae. 
Host belonging to family Ehretiaceae. 50. A. Cordiae. 
Host belonging to family Verbenaceae. 51. A. Verbenae. 
Host belonging to family Lamiaceae. 
Aeciospores small, 17-20 x 19-24 yw, the wall 1 yp. 52. A. zonatum. 
Aeciospores larger, 19-23 x 23-29 yp, the wall 1.5-2.5 yu. 53. A. subsimulans. 
Host belonging to family Solanaceae. 
Aecia scattered over large areas, systemic. 54. A. Physalidis. 
Aecia in limited groups. 
Aeciospores inconspicuously verrucose. 55. A. tenerius. 
Aeciospores noticeably verrucose. 56. A. Lycii. 
Host belonging to family Scrophulariaceae. 
Aecia scattered over the whole leaf. 57. A. Collinsiae. 
Aecia in limited groups. 58. A. insulsum. 
Host belonging to family Bignoniaceae. 59. A. simplicius. 
Host belonging to family Acanthaceae. 60. A. Tracyanum. 
Host belonging to family Rubiaceae. 
Aeciospore-wall evenly thick. 
Aeciospore-wall 1 yu thick or less. 61. A. Ixorae. 
Aeciospore-wall 1—2 uw thick. 
Aecia scattered over entire leaf. 62. A. Borreriae. 
Aecia in groups. ; 
Aeciospore-wall colorless. 63. A. Bouvardiae. 
Aeciospore-wall pale-yellow. 64. A. abscedens. 
Aeciospore-wall much thicker above. 
Aeciospore-wall cinnamon-brown. 65. A. pulverulentum. 
Aeciospore-wall colorless. 66. A. Farameae. 
Host belonging to family Caprifoliaceae. 67. A. Triostei. 
Host belonging to family Campanulaceae. 68. A. Campanulastri. 
Host belonging to family Ambrosiaceae. 69. A. Ivae. 
Host belonging to family Carduaceae. 
Of the tribe Eupatorieae. 
Aeciospore-wall evenly thick. 
Aeciospore-wall 1—1.5 uw thick. 70. A. arcularium. 
Aeciospore-wall | » thick. 71. A. ampliatum. 
Aeciospore-wall much thicker above. 72. A. steviicola. 
Of the tribe Astereae. 73. A. Keerliae. 
Of the tribe Heliantheae. 

Aeciospore-wall thin, 1-1.5 u. : 
Aeciospores large, 24-40 u in length. 74. A. Wedeliae-hispidae. 
Aeciospores small, 16—27 u in length. 

Peridial cells slightly or not imbricated. 75. A. Batesii. 
Peridial cells strongly imbricated. 76. A. Dahliae. 
Aeciospore-wall thick, 2.5-3.5 p. 77. A. Borrichiae. 
Of the tribe Helenieae. 78. A. conspicuum, 
Of the tribe Senecioneae. 

Aeciospore-wall colorless. 

Aeciospore-wall thin, 1 yu or less. 79. A. Mesadeniae. 
Aeciospore-wall moderately thick, 1.5—2.5 yp. 80. A. Liabi. 
Aeciospore-wall very thick, 2.5-3.5 yp. 81. A. praecipuum. 

Aeciospore-wall cinnamon-brown. 82. A. hualtatinum. 

Of the tribe Mutisieae. 83. A. Pereziae. 
Host belonging to family Cichoriaceae. 84. A. columbiense. 

1. Aecidium anthericicola Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 45: 149. 


O. Pycnia amphigenous, in small orbicular groups, small, honey-yellow becoming chocolate- 
brown, inconspicuous, subepidermal, flattened-globoid, 80-98 by 64-77 u; ostiolar filaments 
up to 60 » long, not projecting beyond the ostiole. 

Part 9, 1924] AECIDIACEAE 621 

I. Aecia hypophyllous in annular groups 2-7 mm. across about the pycnia, at first bullate 
then erect, the margin erose; peridial cells quadrate, 16-20 by 20-26 yn, abutted or overlapping, 
the outer wall slightly or no thicker than the inner wall, 3-6 1; aeciospores globoid, 16-20 by 
19-23 »; wall colorless, thin, 1.5 4, very finely verrucose, appearing smooth when wet. 

Anthericum nanum Baker, Mexico (state). 

TYPE LOCALITY: Dedregal near Tlalpam, Valley of Mexico, Mexico, on Anthericum nanum. 

DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

2. Aecidium Yuccae Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 49: 194. 1922. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, in small and crowded groups, inconspicuous, honey-yellow, 
subepidermal, small, globoid, 80-115 » in diameter; ostiolar filaments prominent, 45-65 » long, 
aggluginated into a column. 

I. Aecia amphigenous, irregularly arranged in loose groups, cylindric, 0.3-0.5 mm. in 
diameter, somewhat higher; peridium firm, erect, the margin finely erose; peridial cells 
angularly globoid or ellipsoid in face view, rectangular or somewhat rhomboidal in section, 
16-18 by 23-35 u, abutted or slightly overlapping, the outer wall 3-5 » thick, smooth, the 
inner wall thinner, about 2 u, finely verrucose; aeciospores globoid or broadly ellipsoid, 16-20 by 
19-24 yw; wall colorless, thin, 1 u or less, very closely and finely verrucose. 


Yucca glauca Nutt., Nebraska. 
TYPE LocaLity: Crawford, Nebraska, on Yucca glauca. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

3. Aecidium Trillii Burrill, Bot. Gaz. 9: 190. 1884. 

QO. Pycnia amphigenous, crowded in groups 1-3 mm. across, conspicuous, subepidermal, 
chestnut- or chocolate-brown, flattened globoid, 112-128 1 wide by 65-75 » high; ostiolar 
filaments 64-80 u long, agglutinated into a column up to 50 u in diameter, conspicuous. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, crowded in circular areas about the pycnia, the groups 4-6 mm. 
in diameter, cupulate, 0.2-0.3 mm. in diameter, 0.1—0.2 mm. high; peridium light yellow, the 
margin recurved, erose or somewhat lacerate, soon falling apart; peridial cells rhombic in side 
view, 17-23 by 26-29 u, slightly overlapping, the outer wall thick, 7-10 yu, transversely striate, 
the inner wall thin, about 1.5 y, finely and closely verrucose; aeciospores globoid or ellipsoid, 
19-22 by 20-24; wall colorless or slightly yellow, thin, 1 u or less, very finely and closely 


Trillium erectum L., New York. 

Trillium grandiflorum (Michx.) Salisb., New York. 

Trillium recurvatum Beck, Illinois. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Pine Hills, Union County, Illinois, on Trillium recuryatum. 
DistrrBvuTion: Local in Illinois and New York. 

4, Aecidium Zephyranthis Shear, Bull. Torrey Club 29: 454. 1902. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, crowded in elliptic groups 1-2 mm. long, conspicuous, subepider- 
mal, honey-yellow becoming chestnut-brown, flattened-globoid, 65-110 uw in diameter, 50-80 u 
high; ostiolar filaments up to 70 long, agglutinated but spreading out somewhat after 
emerging from the ostiole to form an inverted top-shaped mass. 

I. Aecia amphigenous, crowded about the pycnia in groups 5-10 mm. long, short-cylindric, 
0.2 mm. in diameter, 0.2-0.3 mm. high; peridium light-yellow, the margin somewhat recurved, 
erose; peridial cells rhomboidal in side view, 16-19 by 23-35 y, in face view irregularly oblong 
or elliptic, 13-20 u wide, overlapping, the outer wall 7—9 » thick, transversely striate, the inner 
wall 3-4 uw thick, closely and coarsely verrucose; aeciospores irregularly globoid or ellipsoid, 
16-20 by 20-27 u; wall colorless, 1-1.5 u thick, closely and very finely verrucose. 


Zephyranthes sp., Mexico (state). 
Type LocaLity: Tlalpam, Valley of Mexico, Mexico, on Zephyranthes sp. 
Distrieution: Southern Mexico in vicinity of the type locality. 


5. Aecidium modestum Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 46: 124. 1919. 

O. Pycnia caulicolous, few in groups 1-3 mm. across, inconspicuous, subepidermal, dark- 
brown, globoid, 160-220, in diameter; ostiolar filaments up to 90x long, projecting only 
slightly beyond the ostiole. 

I. Aecia caulicolous, crowded in elliptic or oblong groups 4-10 mm. long, short-cylindric or 
laterally compressed, 0.3-0.4 by 0.3-0.7 mm. broad by 0.5—0.7 mm. high; peridium white, 
erect, erose or somewhat lacerate; peridial cells narrow and seen with difficulty in side view, 
in face view very irregular in shape, 19-32 by 35-58 », the outer wall thin, about !-1.5 n, 
almost smooth, the inner and side walls 2-3 u thick, closely and prominently verrucose, aecio- 
spores ellipsoid or oblong, 23-26 by 27-32 »; wall colorless, 1-1.5 » thick, finely and closely 


Zephyranthes sp., Hidalgo. 

TypE LocaLity: Near Ixmiquilpan, Hidalgo, on Zephyranthes sp. 
DiIsTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

6. Aecidium residuum Arthur, sp. nov. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, numerous, small, inconspicuous, pale honey-yellow, subepidermal, 
deep-seated, scarcely protruding above surface of leaf, globoid, 50-80 u in diameter; ostiolar 
filaments few, 30-35 pu long. 

I. Aecia amphigenous, on scarcely discolored spots, usually concentric, large, 0.3-0.5 mm. 
in diameter, pustulate, deep-seated, the epidermis overarching, cpening by a central aperture; 
peridium fragile, evanescent; peridial cells ovoid in face-view, angularly globoid in section, 
abutted, 20-24 by 22-26 y, the outer wall 5-7 » thick, transversely striate, smooth, the inner 
wall 3-5 » thick, coarsely verrucose; aeciospores globoid or broadly ellipsoid, 19-24 by 22-27 u; 
wall colorless, moderately thick, 1.5-2.5 , finely and prominently verrucose. 


Sisyrinchium graminoides Bickn., Oklahoma. 

Type collected at Enid, Oklahoma, on Sisyrinchium graminoides, November 1, 1919, W. H. 
Ballamy, communicated by R. S. Kirby 

7. Aecidium Graebnerianum P. Henn. Hedwigia 37: 273. 1898. 
Aecidium alaskanum Trel. Harriman Alaska Exp. Crypt. 37. 1904. 

O. Pycnia not seen. 

I. Aecia usually hypophyllous, crowded in groups 2-4 mm. across, cupulate, 0.3-0.4 mm. 
in diameter, 0.1-0.2 mm. high; peridium light-yellow, the margin recurved, erose; peridial 
cells rhombic or rhomboidal, 19-26 by 23-35 uw, the outer wall thick, 7-12 4, transversely 
striate, the inner wall thinner, 3-5.y, closely tuberculate; aeciospores irregularly globoid or 
ellipsoid, 15-18 by 16-22 »; wall colorless, thin, 1—1.5 4, very closely and finely verrucose. 

Coeloglossum bracteatum (Willd.) Parl. (Habenaria bracteata R. Br.), Alaska. 
Limnorchis borealis (Cham.) Rydb., Montana. 
Limnorchis dilatata (Pursh) Rydb. (Habenaria dilatata Hook.), Alaska, Oregon, Washington. 
Limnorchis leucostachys (Lindl.) Rydb. (Habenaria leucostachys S. Wats.), Alaska, California, 
Limnorchis stricta (Lindl.) Rydb. (Habenaria gracilis S. Wats.), Alaska; British Columbia. 
Limnorchis viridiflora (Cham.) Rydb. (Habenaria hyperborea Coult.), Alaska. 
Orchis aristata Fisch., Alaska. 
TYPE LocALITY: On the Clukow River, Death Valley, California, on Habenaria dilatata. 
DISTRIBUTION: Southeastern California, northward into Alaska. 
*Exsiccati: Barth. N. Am. Ured. 1401; Sydow, Ured. 1799. 

8. Aecidium Boehmeriae Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 34: 590. 1907. 

O. Pyenia epiphyllous, subepidermal, few in small groups about 1 mm. across, honey- 
yellow becoming brownish, punctiform, not conspicuous, globoid or depressed-globoid, small, 
70-90 uw in diameter by 50-75 uw high; ostiolar filaments up to 65 u long. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, gregarious, in irregular or sometimes in annular groups 2-10 mm. 
across, on larger discolored spots, short, small, about 0.1 mm. in diameter, rather pale-yellow; 

Part 9, 1924] AECIDIACEAE 623 

peridium colorless, margin erose, recurved; peridial cells rhombic or rhomboidal in side view, 
small, 13-19 by 19-26 », the outer wall thick, 5-7 u, transversely striate, smooth, the inner 
wall thinner, 3 », closely and finely verrucose; aeciospores globoid, often angular, very small, 
10-13 by 13-16 u; wall pale-yellow, very thin, 0.5-1 y, very finely verrucose, appearing smooth 
when wet. 
Boehmeria cylindrica (L.) Willd., District of Columbia, Indiana, Maryland. 

TYPE LOCALITY: Takoma Park, District of Columbia, on Boehmeria cylindrica. 
DISTRIBUTION: Vicinity of the type locality and one locality in central Indiana. 

9. Aecidium libertum Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 37: 580. 1910. 

O. Pyenia hypophyllous, in small groups usually in the points of the teeth, conspicuous, 
subepidermal, honey-yellow to chestnut-brown, somewhat flattened-globoid, 125-160 u in 
diameter by 95-110 uw high; ostiolar filaments up to 128 » long, projecting in a short, broad 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, evenly distributed over the whole surface of the leaf, substratum 
neither thickened nor discolored; peridium short-cylindric, 0.3-0.4 mm. in diameter, margin 
somewhat recurved, lacerate; peridial cells cuboidal in side view, 13-19 by 23-26 y, in face 
view square or rectangular, 15—23 u wide, squarely abutted except a downwardly imbricated 
outer tooth, the outer wall smooth, 5-7 u, the inner wall slightly thinner, 3-4 u, and closely 
verrucose; aeciospores angularly globoid, 17-19 by 18-234; wall pale-yellow, thin, 1 y, 
closely and finely verrucose. 


Urtica chamaedryoides Pursh, Oklahoma. 

TYPE LOCALITY: Sapulpa, Oklahoma, on Urtica chamaedryoides. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

10. Aecidium Loranthi Thiim. in Lorentz, Veg. Entre Rios 3. 1878. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, in small groups with the aecia, rather inconspicuous, subepi- 
dermal, dark-brown, globoid or ellipsoid, 128-190 by 160-270 uw; ostiolar filaments 120-160 u 
long, not projecting much beyond the ostiole. 

I. Aecia amphigenous, upon somewhat thickened areas of the leaf up to 8 mm. in diameter, 
cupulate, 0.3-0.6 mm. in diameter, up to 1 mm. high; peridium light-yellow, fragile, soon 
breaking off; peridial cells rhombic or rhomboidal, 21-26 by 30-42 4, abutted or slightly 
overlapping, the outer wall about 7 » thick, transversely striate, the inner wall 4~7 yu, closely 
tuberculate; aeciospores globoid, ellipsoid or oblong, 26-35 by 35-45 4; wall colorless, 2-2.5 u 
thick, closely and finely verrucose. 


Psittacanthus calyculatus (DC.) G. Don, Guatemala. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Vicinity of Santa Candida, South America, on Loranthus uruguensis. 
DisTRIBuTION: Guatemala; also in South America. 

st eneetasia Pisoniae Arth. & Johnston, Mem. Torrey Club 
T7161 e198; 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, few, on discolored areas, noticeable, subepidermal, dark chestnut- 
brown, globoid, 96-128 » in diameter; ostiolar filaments 64-80 » long. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, crowded in groups 3-5 mm. across, cupulate, 0.1-0.2 mm. in 
diameter; peridium colorless, the margin erose, somewhat recurved, the peridial cells rhomboidal 
in longitudinal section, 12-16 by 16-34 y, abutted, the wall 1.5-2 4 thick, the outer smooth, 
the inner very finely and closely verrucose; aeciospores globoid or oblong, 15-16 by 16-23 u; 
wall tinted with yellow, thin, about 1 y, very finely and closely verrucose. 


Pisonia aculeata 1. (?), Cuba. 
Type LOCALITY: Ceballos, Cuba, on Pisonia aculeata? 
DistTr1euTion: Known only from the type locality. 


12. Aecidium Mirabilis Dietel & Holway; Holway, Bot. Gaz. 
24737, 18976 

O. Pycnia epiphyllous, loosely grouped upon reddish-brown spots about 1 cm. across, 
noticeable, subepidermal, dark chestnut-brown, slightly flattened-globoid, 95-140 in diameter, 
80-95 » high; ostiolar filaments up to 30 » long, not projecting beyond the ostiole. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, crowded in groups about 1 cm. across, cylindric, 0.3-0.4 mm, in 
diameter, 0.7-0.9 mm. high; peridium yellow, the margin recurved, lacerate; peridial cells 
rhomboidal, 18-23 by 29-32 u, slightly overlapping, the outer wall thick, 7-10 u, finely trans- 
versely striate, the inner wall thinner, 3-4 », very closely and strongly verrucose; aeciospores 
ellipsoid or oblong, 16-19 by 21-28 uw; wall colorless, thin, 1-1.5 u, closely and finely verrucose. 


Mirabilis multiflora A. Gray, Arizona. 

Mirabilis sp., Mexico (state). 
TYPE LOCALITY: Rio Hondo near City of Mexico, Mexico, on Mirabilis sp. 
DISTRIBUTION: Southern Arizona to southern Mexico. 

13. Aecidium indecisum Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 47: 474. 1920. 

O. Pycnia hypophyllous, scattered over all or large areas of the leaves among the aecia, 
conspicuous, subepidermal, honey-yellow, globoid, 80-110 in diameter; ostiolar filaments 
long, 75-100 pz. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, scattered over all or large areas of the leaf, cupulate, 0.3-0.5 mm. 
in diameter, projecting but slightly above the host-tissue; peridium remaining somewhat 
incurved and covered by the host-tissues, erose; peridial cells oblong or rhomboidal in side 
view, 16-26 by 30-40 yu, abutted or slightly overlapping, the outer wall thick, 8-10 u, trans- 
versely striate, smooth, the inner wall thinner, 3-6, closely and rather finely verrucose; 
aeciospores ellipsoid or globoid, 16-19 by 21-264; wall colorless, thin, 1-1.5 », closely and 
inconspicuously verrucose. 


Ranunculus Bolanderi Greene, California. 
Ranunculus californicus Benth., California. 
Ranunculus Lobbii A. Gray, California. 
TypE LocALIty: Berkeley, California, on Ranunculus californicus. 

DIstRIBUTION: Central California. 
ExsiccaTi: Barth. N. Am. Ured. 1303; Sydow, Ured. 900. 

14. Aecidium Butlerianum Rosen & Arth.; Rosen & Kirby, 
Phytopathology 9:572. 1919. 

O. Pycnia epiphyllous, gregarious, on bluish-brown spots 1-3 mm. across, inconspicuous, 
honey-yellow becoming blackish, punctiform, subepidermal, globoid seen in section, 140-160 u 
in diameter; ostiolar filaments short. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, opposite the pycnia on slightly hypertrophied spots 1-3 mm. 
across, low, 1.5—3 mm. broad; peridium fragile; peridial cells polygonal in face view, oblong or 
rhombic in section, 12-16 by 28-35 uw, overlapping, the outer wall 5—7 w thick, transversely 
striate, smooth, the inner wall 1.5—2 yw thick, verrucose; aeciospores ellipsoid, 20-26 by 29-37 pu; 
wall colorless, 2.5-3.5 « thick, closely and noticeably verrucose. 

Mohonia trifoliolata (Moric.) Fedde (Berberis trifoliolata Moric., B. trifoliata Hartw.), 
TYPE LOCALITY: Boerne, Texas, on Berberis trifoliolata. 
DIsTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

15. Aecidium plenum Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 45: 149. 1918. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, crowded in groups 0.2—0.3 mm. across, cinnamon-brown, small, 
inconspicuous, subepidermal. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, crowded in circular groups about the pycnia, 1-2 mm. across, 
without conspicuous spots, cupulate or short cylindric; peridium erect or somewhat recurved, 

Parr 9, 1924] AECIDIACEAE 625 

irregularly and deeply lacerate; peridial cells angularly oblong in face view, about 20 by 30 yn, 
narrowly oblong in radial section, somewhat overlapping, about 8-10 by 30 u, the outer wall 
5—9 u thick, smooth, the inner wall 3-6 u, coarsely verrucose; aeciospores globoid or ellipsoid, 
16-21 by 18-24; wall colorless, thin, 1 u, finely and closely verrucose. 
Argemone intermedia Sweet, Texas. 

TYPE LocaLity: Burkburnett, Texas, on Argemone intermedia. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

16. Aecidium Mitellae Ellis & Ev.; Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 
47: 475. 1920. 

O. Pycnia not seen. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, in crowded circular groups 2-3 mm. across; peridium cupulate, 
small; aeciospores globoid or broadly ellipsoid, 15-18 by 18-264; wall thin, 1 y, colorless, 
minutely verrucose. 


Mitella nuda 1,., Newfoundland. 

TYPE LOCALITY: Shoal Point, Bay of Islands, Newfoundland, on Mitella nuda. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

17. Aecidium Chamaecristae Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 
46: 123. 1919. 
coir case Ellis & Kellerm. Trans. Kans. Acad. 10: 91, hyponym. 1887. Not A. Cassiae 
res. . 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, in small groups upon reddish discolored areas of the leaf, notice- 
able, subepidermal, honey-yellow becoming chocolate-brown, globoid, 70-96 by 80-96 yn; 
ostiolar filaments 60—100 uw long, agglutinated into a column. 

I. Aecia amphigenous, loosely grouped upon reddish spots 2-8 mm. across, cupulate, 
0.1-0.2 mm. in diameter, short; peridium yellow, recurved, erose; peridial cells rhombic or 
thomboidal, 16-23 by 26-35 yu, considerably overlapping, the outer wall thiek, 9-10 y, trans- 
versely striate, smooth, the inner wall thinner, 4-6 yu, closely verrucose; aeciospores globoid or 
ellipsoid, 15-19 by 18-25 u; wall colorless, thin, 1—-1.5 y, finely and closely verrucose. 


Chamaecrista fasciculata (Michx.) Greene (Cassia fasciculata Michx.), Kansas, Nebraska. 

TYPE LocaLity: Manhattan, Kansas, on Cassia ‘“‘Chamaecrista,”’ error for C, fasciculata, 

DISTRIBUTION: Eastern Kansas and Nebraska. 
Exsiccati: Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 1825. 

18. Aecidium Onobrychidis Burrill, Bot. Gaz. 9: 189. 1884. 

Aecidium amphigenum Ellis & Kellerm. Jour. Myc. 2:4. 1886. Not A. amphigenum Hazsl. 1877. 
Aecidium Kellermanni De-Toni, in Sacc. Syll. Fung. 7: 788. 1888. 

Aecidium Daleae Kellerm. & Swingle, Jour. Myc. 5:13. 1889. 

Aecidium Lupini Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 46:33. 1893. 

Aecidium Falcatae Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 33:32. 1906. 

Aecidium Petalostemonis Kellerm. & Carl.; Arth. Torrey Club Bull. 34: 589. 1907. 

Aecidium fluxum Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 34: 590. 1907. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, crowded in small groups on discolored spots, noticeable, subepi- 
dermal, honey-yellow becoming chestnut-brown, globoid or flattened-globoid, 100-160 by 
80-140 uw; ostiolar filaments 50-100 uw long, agglutinated into a column. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous or amphigenous, crowded in groups 2-6 mm. across on discolored 
spots, cupulate, 0.2-0.3 mm. in diameter; peridium yellowish, the margin recurved, lacerate; 
peridial cells rhomboidal in side view, 16-27 by 26-42 u, considerably overlapping, the outer 
wall thick, 5-12 yu, transversely striate, the inner wall thinner, 3-5 y, closely and rather promi- 
nently verrucose; aeciospores globoid or ellipsoid, 18-27 by 21—29 yu; wall colorless, 1-2 » thick, 
smooth or inconspicuously verrucose except for an irregularly placed and shaped band of 
coarse verrucose markings. 


Baplisia australis (L.) R. Br., Kansas. 
Baptisia bracteata Ell. (B. leucophaea Nutt.), Kansas, Nebraska, 


Falcata comosa (L.) Kuntze (Amphicarpa monoica Ell.), Iowa, North Dakota, Wisconsin. 

Glycine Apios L. (Apios A pios MacM., A. tuberosa Moench), Iowa, Nebraska. 

Lupinus argenteus Pursh, South Dakota, Wyoming. 

Lupinus perennis L.., New York, Wisconsin. 

Orbexilum Onobrychis (Nutt.) Rydb. (Psoralea Onobrychis Nutt.), Illinois. 

Parosela enneandra (Nutt.) Britt. (Dalea enneandra Nutt., D. laxiflora Pursh), Kansas, 

Petalostemon candidus (Willd.) Michx., Kansas, Nebraska. 

Petalostemon oligophyllus (Torr.) Rydb., Nebraska. 

Petalostemon purpureus (Vent.) Rydb. (P. violaceus Michx.), Kansas, Nebraska. 

Petalostemon villosus Nutt., Colorado, Nebraska, North Dakota. 

TyPE LOCALITY: LaSalle County, Illinois, on Psoralea Onobrychis. 

DIstRIBUTION: Plains of western North Dakota and central Colorado eastward to Illinois, 
and one station in New York. 

Exsiccatt: Barth. Fungi Columb. 2204, 2296, 2303, 2497, 2602, 2604, 2903, 3301; Barth. N. 
Am. Ured. 1, 402, 706, 1502; Brenckle, Fungi Dak. 326, 501; Clements, Crypt. Form. Colo. 595; 
Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 1436; Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 1473; Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 1845; Sydow, 
Ured. 1448. 

19. Aecidium Lini Dearness & House, Bull. N. Y. State Mus. 
179: 26. 1915. 

O. Pyenia amphigenous or caulicolous, on yellowish or reddish spots 2-6 mm. long, notice- 
able, subepidermal, deeply seated in the host-tissue, honey-yellow becoming chestnut-brown, 
ellipsoid or oblong, 112-128 » wide by 128-160 » high; ostiolar filaments up to 60 u long, not 
projecting beyond the ostiole. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous or caulicolous, loosely grouped upon the discolored spots with the 
pycnia, cupulate, small, 0.1—0.2 mm. in diameter; peridium pale-yellow, the margin erose, 
somwhat recurved; peridial cells rhombic or rhomboidal in side view, 19-23 by 24-29 n, 
overlapping considerably, the outer wall thick, 7-10 y, faintly transversely striate, the inner 
wall thinner, 3—4 yu, closely and rather finely verrucose; aeciospores ellipsoid or oblong, 13-16 by 
18-23 y; wall colorless, 1.5 # thick, minutely and inconspicuously verrucose. 


Linum virginianum 1,., New York. 
TyPE LocALITY: New York, on Linum virginianum. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

20. Aecidium Byrsonimatis P. Henn. Hedwigia 34: 101. 1895. 

Aecidium byrsonimaticola P. Henn. Hedwigia 34: 322. 1895. 
Endophyllum singulare Dietel & Holway, Bot. Gaz. 31: 336. 1901. 
Aecidium Byrsonimae Kern & Kellerm. Jour. Myc. 13: 24. 1907. 
Aecidium singulare Arth. Am. Jour. Bot. 5: 540. 1918. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous and caulicolous, preceding or among the aecia, numerous, evenly 
scattered over the hypertrophied leaves and branches, conspicuous, subcuticular, becoming 
chestnut-brown, conic, large, 150-200 » broad by 75-85 u high; ostiolar filaments wanting. 

I. Accia amphigenous and caulicolous, from an unlimited mycelium causing extensive 
hypertrophy, numerous, scattered, often crowded, cylindric, deep-seated, 0.5-0.7 mm. in 
diameter by 1-1.5 mm. high; peridium white, margin erose, somewhat recurved, often deeply 
torn; peridial cells rhomboidal in side view, 19-26 by 35-65 y, overlapping, the outer wall 
3-4 thick, smooth, the inner wall 5-7 » thick, coarsely papillate-verrucose, the markings some- 
what deciduous; aeciospores angularly oval or oblong, often truncate at base and narrowed 
above, 26-35 by 39-47 u; wall pale golden-brown, thick, 3-5 », much thicker above, 5-15 y, 
closely and coarsely verrucose, the markings somewhat deciduous, leaving smooth patches. 

Byrsonima crassifolia (L..) DC., Guatemala, Jalisco. 
Byrsonima variabilis A. Juss., Nicaragua. 
TYPE LocaLity: Goyaz, Brazil, on Byrsonima sp. 
DISTRIBUTION: Central Mexico southward through Central America; also in South America. 

21. Aecidium Xanthoxyli Peck, Bot. Gaz. 6: 275. 1881. 

O. Pyenia mostly epiphyllous or caulicolous, intermingled with or opposite the aecia, 
conspicuous, subepidermal, chestnut-brown, globoid or flattened-globoid, 100-140 by 100-130 yu; 
ostiolar filaments up to 30.4 long, projecting slightly beyond the ostiole. 

Part 9, 1924] AECIDIACEAE 627 

I. Aecia hypophyllous or caulicolous, sometimes amphigenous, loosely grouped upon 
spots 0.2—2 cm. in diameter or sometimes occupying most or all of the leaflet, cylindric, 0.2—-0.3 
mm. in diameter, up to 1 mm. high; peridium yellow, the margin erect, erose; peridial cells 
rhomboidal, 16-26 by 26-40 u, overlapping, the outer wall thick, 7-14 u, transversely striate, 
the inner wall thinner, 3-8 y, closely and strongly verrucose; aeciospores globoid or ellipsoid, 
15-23 by 18-26 u; wall colorless, rather thin, 1-2 u, very closely and finely verrucose. 


Fagara Clava-Herculis (1,.) Small (Xanthoxylum Clava-Herculis I,.), Texas. 
Fagara fruticosa (A. Gray) Small (Xanthoxylum carolinianum fruticosum A, Gray), Alabama. 
Xanthoxylum americanum Mill., lowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Wisconsin. 

TYPE LocaLity: Decorah, Iowa, on Xanthoxylum americanum. 

DISTRIBUTION: Southwestern Wisconsin to Nebraska southward to Alabama and central Texas. 

Exsiccati: Barth. N. Am. Ured. 102, 1004; Carleton, Ured. Am. 6; Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 
1477; Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 1/013; Rab.-Wint. Fungi Eur. 2928; Sydow, Ured. 1548. 

22. Aecidium renatum Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 47: 477. 1920. 

O. Pycnia epiphyllous, inconspicuous, subepidermal. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, thickly covering the surface of the leaf, short-cylindric, 0.2—0.4 mm. 
in diameter; peridium erect, erose; peridial cells rhomboidal, 16-19 by 26-32 y, strongly 
overlapping, the outer wall 3-5 u thick, smooth, the inner wall 6-9 , prominently verrucose; 
aeciospores globoid, 19-23 by 21-24 4; wall colorless, thin, 1 y, closely and finely verrucose. 


Polygala longa Blake, New Mexico. 

TYPE LocaLity: Organ Mountains, New Mexico, on Polygala longa. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

23. Aecidium polygalinum Peck, Bot. Gaz. 6: 275. 1881. 

O. Pyenia epiphyllous, in small groups about 1 mm. in diameter, rather inconspicuous, 
subepidermal, honey-yellow, globoid or broadly ellipsoid, 100-120 by 140-1504; ostiolar 
filaments short, up to 30 y, slightly projecting. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, loosely grouped upon yellowish spots 3-10 mm. in diameter, 
cupulate, 0.2-0.3 mm. in diameter; peridium yellow, the margin erose, recurved; peridial 
cells rhomboidal, 16-23 by 32-35 », overlapping, the outer wall thick, 8-10 uw, transversely 
striate, the inner wall thinner, 3.5-4 u, closely and strongly verrucose; aeciospores irregularly 
globoid or ellipsoid, 15—20 by 18-26 »; wall colorless, thin, 1 u, very closely and finely tne 


Polygala Senega L., lowa, Michigan, Wisconsin. 
TPE LocaLity: Ann Arbor, Michigan, on Polygala Senega. 

Distrisution: Isolated localities from southern Michigan to northeastern Iowa. 
Exsiccati: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 1009; Rab.-Wint. Fungi Eur. 3319; Sydow, Ured. 1396. 

24. Aecidium seriatum Arth. & Holway; Arth. Am. Jour. Bot. 
5:541. 1918. 

O. Pycnia hypophyllous, numerous in circular groups 1-3 mm. in diameter, surrounded 
by the aecia, punctate, noticeable, subcuticular, hemispheric, chestnut-brown, 80-1124 
wide by 40-75 uw high; ostiolar filaments wanting. 

Aecia hypophyllous, abundant in more or less evident concentric circles surrounding the 
pyenia, the outer circle 1.5—2 cm, in diameter; sori low-cupulate, 0.25-0.5 mm. in diameter, 
scarcely exceeding the somewhat raised and browned ruptured epidermis in height; peridium 
white, margin rather smoothly torn; peridial cells almost rectangular in radial longitudinal 
section, 15-22 yu thick by 18-26 u long, overlapping about one-fourth by a downward extension 
of the outer part of the outside wall, the outer wall smooth, transversely striate, 6-8 u thick, 
the inner wall closely and prominently verrucose, 3-4 y thick; aeciospores irregularly globoid, 
12-18 » wide by 13-19 uw long; wall colorless, about 1 y thick, very finely and inconspicuously 
verrucose, often appearing smooth. 


Eumecanthus lancifolius (Schlecht.) Millsp. (Euphorbia lancifolia Schlecht.), Guatemala, 
Type Locaity: Cahabor river, Alta Vera Paz, Guatemala, on Eumecanthus lancifolius. 
DistRiIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 


25. Aecidium favaceum Arth. Mycologia 7: 254. 1915. 

O. Pyenia amphigenous, very numerous on discolored spots 3-5 mm. across, minute, 
evident, subcuticular, 60-90 » across, flattened; ostiolar filaments wanting. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, crowded in groups on the pyenial area, hemispheric, the sori 
open; peridium about 0.3 mm. across, delicate and evanescent; peridial cells oblong, 12-16 by 
22-26 p, readily separating, the walls 3-5 » thick, the inner slightly thicker and strongly 
verrucose, the outer smooth; aeciospores globoid or broadly ellipsoid, 15-20 by 16-25 y; wall 
nearly or quite colorless, 1.5—2 » thick, minutely and closely verrucose. 


Phyllanthus nobilis (L.f.) Mill.-Arg., Porto Rico. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Hormigueros, Porto Rico, on Phyllanthus nobilis. 

26. Aecidium Mozinnae Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 45: 152. 1918. 

O. Pyenia chiefly epiphyllous, few in orbicular groups, honey-yellow, inconspicuous, 
subepidermal, globoid, 90-125 » across; ostiolar filaments present, abundant, up to 65 w 
long, agglutinated into a column. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, encircling the pycnial area, on yellowish spots 2-5 mm. across; 
peridium cylindric, the margin erect and erose; peridial cells quadrate or rectangular, 19-24 by 
29-34 wp, abutted or slightly overlapping, the outer wall 10-12 thick, transversely striate, 
smooth, the inner wall 3-5 thick, strongly verrucose; aeciospores angularly ellipsoid or 
globoid, 19-23 by 24-29 »; wall nearly or quite colorless, 2—2.5 » thick, closely and noticeably 


Mozinua spathulata Ortega (Jatropha spathulata Mill.-Arg.), Guanajuato. 
TYPE LOCALITY: State of Guanajuato, Mexico, on Mozinna spathulata. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

27. Aecidium albicans Arth. & Holway; Arth. Mycologia 
10: 146. 1918. 

O. Pycnia hypophyllous, few, usually wanting, associated when present with the small 
groups of aecia, subepidermal, yellowish-brown, ovoid, 26-48 by 48-67 y; ostiolar filaments 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, solitary, scattered or in small groups of two to four, short-cylindric, 
0.1 mm. or less across, 0.1-0.3 mm. high; peridium white, the margin recurved, erose; peridial 
cells rhombic, 12-13 by 16-19 un, abutted, the outer wall smooth, the inner wall very finely and 
closely verrucose, both walls 1.5—3 » thick; aeciospores angularly globoid or ellipsoid, 13-16 by 
16-19 »; wall colorless, 1-1.5 u thick, finely and closely verrucose. 


Phyllanthus acidus (1,.) Skeels, Salvador. 

Phyllanthus acuminatus Vahl. Costa Rica, Guatemala. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Orotina, Costa Rica, on Phyllanthus acuminatus. 
DISTRIBUTION: Central America. 

28. Aecidium Tithymali Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 45: 151. 1918. 

O. Pyenia hypophyllous, scattered sparsely over the surface of the leaf, preceding and 
accompanying the aecia, punctiform, honey-yellow or brownish, noticeable, subepidermal, 
globoid or flask-shaped, 110-150 » broad; ostiolar filaments 60-100 u long, agglutinated into a 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, evenly and loosely scattered, at first bullate and opening by a pore 
or irregular break of the epidermis; peridium erect or recurved, torn, fragile; peridial cells 
thomboidal, 10-15 by 23-27 », somewhat overlapping, the outer wall 5-7 u thick, transversely 
striate, the inner wall 2-3 » thick, verrucose; aeciospores globoid or broadly ellipsoid; 18-22 
by 19-24 »; wall nearly or quite colorless, thin, 1—-1.5 y, finely verrucose. 

Part 9, 1924] AECIDIACEAE 629 

Tithymalus commutatus (Engelm.) Klotzsch & Garcke (Euphorbia commutata Engelm.), 
Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Wisconsin. 
Tithymalus leiococcus (Engelm.) Small (Euphorbia texana Boiss.), Texas. 
Tithymalus missouriensis (Norton) Small (Euphorbia dictyosperma auct.), Nebraska. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Lafayette, Indiana, on Tithymalus commutatus. 
DisTRIBUTION: Local from Maryland to eastern Nebraska and southern Texas. 
Exsiccati: Barth. N. Am. Ured. 703. 

29. Aecidium Argithamniae Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 33:33. 1906. 

O. Pycnia epiphyllous, few, upon yellowish, red-bordered spots, conspicuous, subepidermal, 
deeply seated in the tissue, honey-yellow becoming chocolate-brown, ellipsoid, 160-175 » 
broad by 225-240 u high; ostiolar filaments up to 90 uw long, projecting but little beyond the 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, circinating opposite the pycnia on spots 2-5 mm. across, cupulate, 
0.2-0.3 mm. in diameter; peridium pale-yellow, the margin recurved, lacerate; peridial cells 
rhomboidal in side view, 15-16 by 32-35 4, somewhat overlapping, the outer wall 5-6 yu, 
smooth, the inner wall 3-4 » thick, closely verrucose; aeciospores globoid or ellipsoid, 15-18 
by .J8-23 »; wall nearly colorless, very thin, 1 » or less, very closely and finely verrucose, 
appearing smooth. 


ecg Schiedeanum (Miill.-Arg.) Pax (Argyrothamnia Schiediana Miill.-Arg.) (?), 

TYPE LOCALITY: Trinidad, Hidalgo, Mexico, on “‘ Argithamnia”’ Schiediana. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

30. Aecidium Cyrillae Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 45: 150. 1918. 

O. Pycnia epiphyllous, few on reddish-brown spots, inconspicuous, subepidermal, globoid 
or flask-shaped, 128-140 u broad by 160-175 uw high; ostiolar filaments up to 60 u long, slightly 
projecting beyond the ostiole. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, in groups of two to eight, rarely more, on reddish-brown spots 2—4 
mm. across, short-cylindric, white; peridium erect, erose; peridial cells quadrangular in radial 
section, 16-21 by 24-32 u, with a strongly overlapping projection, the outer wall 4-6 » thick, 
smooth, the inner wall 7-9 » thick, often thickened up to 13 » at the apex, verrucose; aecio- 
spores irregularly ellipsoid or globoid, 19-23 by 23-26 4; wall colorless, thin, 1-1.5 uw, greatly 
thickened above, 7-9 yu, closely and finely verrucose. ‘ 


Cyrilla racemiflora 1,., Louisiana, Mississippi. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Ocean Springs, Mississippi, on Cyrilla racemiflora. 
DistTRwvurion: Near the coast of the Mississippi Sound. 

31. Aecidium Aesculi Ellis & Kellerm. Bull. Torrey Club 
11: 114. 1884. 

O. Pycnia epiphyllous, crowded in groups about 1 mm. in diameter upon yellowish-brown 
spots, noticeable, subepidermal, honey-yellow, slightly flattened-globoid, about 130 «1 wide by 
120 u high; ostiolar filaments up to 40 u long, projecting slightly beyond the ostiole. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, loosely grouped upon yellowish-brown spots 2-6 mm. across, 
cylindric, 0.1—0.2 mm. in diameter, 0.5-1.2 mm. long; peridium light-yellow, the margin at 
first erect, becoming recurved and lacerate; peridial cells rhombic or rhomboidal, 18-23 by 
24-35 yu, slightly overlapping, the outer wall thick, 9-12 u, transversely striate, the inner wall 
thinner, 3.5—5 u, closely verrucose; aeciospores globoid or ellipsoid, 17-22 by 21-26; wall 
colorless, thin, 1 », very closely and finely verrucose. 

Aesculus arguta Buckl., Kansas. 
Aesculus glabra Willd., Kansas, Nebraska, 
TyPE LocALIty: Manhattan, Kansas, on Aesculus glabra. 
DistriBution: North-central Kansas and adjoining Nebraska. 
Exsiccati: Barth. Fungi Columb. 230/; Barth, N. Am. Ured. 50/; Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 1429; 
Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 1296; Kellerm. & Swingle, Kans. Fungi /; Roum. Fungi Gall. 3865; 
Sydow, Ured. 1198. 


32. Aecidium Reichei Dietel, Ann. Myc. 12: 85. 1914. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous or caulicolous, in small groups, subepidermal, brownish, globoid 
in section, 100-140 » in diameter; ostiolar filaments up to 135 u long, slightly projecting. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous or caulicolous, in small groups 1-5 mm. across, cupulate, 0.2 mm. in 
diameter; peridium yellowish, the margin erect or incurved, erose; peridial cells rhomboidal in 
longitudinal section, 16-19 by 29-42 yu, abutted or slightly overlapping, the outer wall trans- 
versely striate, about 10 « thick, smooth, the inner wall coarsely verrucose, 4-7 pu; aeciospores 
irregularly globoid or oblong, 13-20 by 20-29 y; wall colorless, 1-1.5 » thick, finely and closely 
verrucose. ; 


Cardiospermum Halicacabum L1,., Mexico (state). 

TYPE LocaLity: [Near City of Mexico], Mexico, on Cardiospermum Halicacabum. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

33. Aecidium mexicanum Dietel & Holway; Holway, Bot. Gaz. 
24:36. 1897. 

Aecidium Clemensae Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 46: 122. 1919. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, grouped or scattered upon light-colored spots 3-4 mm. in diameter, 
conspicuous, subepidermal, honey-yellow becoming chocolate-brown, globoid or flattened- 
globoid, 95-110 » broad by 85-100 » high; ostiolar filaments up to 90 yu long. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, grouped on light-colored spots 3-6 mm. across, short-cylindric, 
0.2-0.3 mm. in diameter, 0.3-0.5 mm. high; peridium white, the margin erect, erose, rarely 
revolute and lacerate; peridial cells rhomboidal or rectangular, 18-24 by 29-35 u, considerably 
overlapping, the outer wall 5-7 » thick, transversely striate, smooth, the inner wall 3.5-4 4 
thick, closely verrucose; aeciospores globoid, 19-24 by 21-27 »; wall colorless, rather thick, 
1.5-2 uw, very closely and finely verrucose. 


Cissus incisa (Nutt.) DesMoul., Oklahoma, 

Cissus sp., Mexico (state). 
TYPE LOCALITY: Near City of Mexico, Mexico, on Cissus sp. 
DISTRIBUTION: Southwestern Oklahoma to southern Mexico. 

34. Aecidium Triumfettae P. Henn. Hedwigia 35: 259. 1896. 

O. Pyenia amphigenous, crowded in small groups 1-1.5 mm. in diameter upon yellowish 
spots, conspicuous, subepidermal, dark chestnut-brown, globoid or flask-shaped, 100-110 4 
broad by 95-110. high; ostiolar filaments up to 90 long, somewhat agglutinated into a 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, ‘crowded upon yellowish spots 3-10 mm. in diameter; peridium 
white, the margin recurved, somewhat fimbriate; peridial cells rhombic or rhomboidal, 19-26 
‘by 32-39 uw, overlapping somewhat, the outer wall 7-9 u thick, transversely striate, the inner 
wall 5-7 » thick, strongly verrucose; aeciospores globoid, 15-19 by 19=23 4; wall colorless, 
1.5—2 uw thick, very closely and finely verrucose. 


Triumfetta polyandra DC. (T. insignis S. Wats.), Jalisco. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Loreto, Argentina, on Triumfelta sp. 
DISTRIBUTION: Southern Mexico; also in South America. 

35. Aecidium Cannonii D. Griff. Bull. Torrey Club 34: 210. 1907. 

O. Pycnia chiefly epiphyllous, crowded in small groups 1-1.5 mm. in diameter upon dark 
discolored spots, inconspicuous, subepidermal, flattened-globoid, 80-110 4 broad by 50-65 u 
high; ostiolar filaments up to 100 u long, projecting in a short agglutinated column. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, crowded upon dark discolored areas 5—10 mm. in diameter, cylindric, 
0.2-0.3 mm. in diameter, up to 1 mm. high; peridium white, the margin recurved, erose; 
peridial cells rhombic or rhomboidal, 19-26 by 26-39 u, overlapping by a downward projection 
of the outer wall, the outer wall thick, 9-114, faintly transversely striate, the inner wall 

Part 9, 1924] AECIDIACEAE 631 

thinner, 3-4 y, closely verrucose; aeciospores angularly globoid or ellipsoid, 24-27 by 29-31 y; 
wall colorless, thick, 2.5—3.5 u, very closely and finely verrucose, appearing smooth, 


Fouquieria splendens Engelm., Arizona. 
Type LocaLity: Sabifio Cafion, Santa Catalina mountains, Arizona, on Fouquieria splendens. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

36. Aecidium hydnoideum Berk. & Curt. Grevillea 3:61. 1874. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, crowded in small groups 1-2 mm. in diameter upon yellowish 
spots, noticeable, subepidermal, honey-yellow becoming chestnut-brown, flattened-globoid, 
80-100 uw broad by 50-70 uw high; ostiolar filaments up to 55 uw long, agglutinated into a short 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, crowded upon yellowish spots 2-10 mm. in diameter, cupulate or 
short-cylindric, 0.3-0.5 mm. in diameter; peridium white, the margin recurved, lacerate; 
peridial cells rhomboidal, 15-19 by 19-27 u, slightly overlapping, the outer wall 5—9 uw thick, 
faintly transversely striate, the inner wall 2.5—4 u thick, closely and strongly verrucose; aecio- 
spores globoid or ellipsoid, 12-17 by 14-19 u; wall colorless, thin, 1 u or less, very closely and 
finely verrucose. 


Dirca palustris 1,., Alabama, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, 
New York, Ohio, Wisconsin 

TYPE Locatity: Alabama, on Dirca palustris. 

DistRIBuTION: Northern Alabama and Maine, westward to Missouri and northern Minnesota. 

ExsiccaTi: Barth. Fungi Columb. 450/; Barth. N. Am. Ured. 901; Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 

1816; Rab.-Wint. Fungi Eur. 3017; Rav. Fungi Car. 4: 94; Roum. Fungi Gall. 3862; Thiim. Myc. 
Univ. 1120. é 

37. Aecidium arctoum Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 47: 477. 1920. 

O. Pycnia epiphyllous, and to a less extent hypophyllous among the aecia, numerous, 
rather inconspicuous, small, subepidermal, in section globoid, 128-160 uw in diameter; ostiolar 
filaments prominent, up to 80 u long. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, diffused on slightly paler spots 3-7 mm. across, cupulate, very 
small, 0.1-0.2 mm. in diameter; peridium delicate, erect or somewhat recurved, the margin 
erose or fimbriate; peridial cells rhomboidal, 16-19 by 28-32 u4, somewhat overlapping, the 
outer wall 1-1.5 u thick, smooth, the inner wall 3-6 u thick, moderately verrucose; aeciospores 
globoid, or some of them oblong, 21-26 by 23-29 4; wall colorless, thin, 1-1.5 u, minutely 


Elaeagnus angustifolia L., North Dakota. 
Type LocaLity: Kulm, North Dakota, on Elaeagnus angustifolia. 

DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 
Exsiccati: Brenckle, Fungi Dak. 476 

38. Aecidium Anograe Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 28: 664. 1901. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, grouped on the spots with the aecia, inconspicuous, subepidermal, 
honey-yellow becoming brownish, globoid, 100-120 4 in diameter by 80-100 u high; ostiolar 
filaments 30-80 y» long. 

I. Aecia amphigenous, chiefly hypophyllous, gregarious on roundish or irregular reddened 
spots, cylindric, 0.2-0.3 mm. in diameter by 0.5-0.6 mm. high; peridium white, the margin erect, 
toothed; peridial cells rectangular, 18-24 by 22-35 y, slightly overlapping, the outer wall 
6-10 uw, transversely striate, the inner wall 3-5 », coarsely verrucose; aeciospores irregularly 
globoid or ellipsoid, 18-23 by 22-26 u; wall pale-yellow, thick, 2-3 4, evenly verrucose, 


Anogra Nuttallii (Sweet) Spach, Nebraska. 
Type LocaLity: Long Pine, Nebraska, on Anogra “' pallida,” error for A. Nuttallii. 

DistRIBUTION: Known only from the arid northwestern part of Nebraska. 
Exsiceatt: Barth. Fungi Columb. 260/; Barth..N. Am. Ured. /701. 


39. Aecidium Betheli Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 47: 476. 1920. 

O. Pycnia not seen. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, in small and crowded groups 1-3 mm. across, on a hemispheric, 
hypertrophied substratum, cupulate, small, 0.1-0.2 mm. in diameter; peridium low, erect, the 
margin erose; peridial cells readily falling apart, rhomboidal, 13-18 by 19-23 u, strongly 
overlapping, the outer wall 7—9 u thick, transversely striate, smooth, the inner wall 1 », evenly 
and noticeably verrucose; aeciospores globoid, small, 13-18 by 16-18 n; wall colorless, thin, 
1 uz or less, very finely and evenly verrucose. 


Jussiaea californica (S. Wats.) Jepson, California. 

‘Tyre LocaLity: Long Beach, California, on Jussiaea californica. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

40. Aecidium Ligustici Ellis & Ev. Bull. Torrey Club 
11:73. 1884. 

O. Pycnia epiphyllous, scattered upon yellowish swollen areas 0.7—2 cm. across, notice- 
able, subepidermal, honey-yellow becoming chestnut-brown, globoid, 110-128 » in diameter; 
ostiolar filaments up to 40 » long, projecting and agglutinated into a short column. 

I. Aecia mostly hypophyllous, loosely grouped upon yellow swollen areas of the blade and 
veins, cupulate, 0.2-0.5 mm. in diameter; peridium white, fragile, projecting only slightly 
beyond the host-tissue, the margin revolute, lacerate; peridial cells oblong or ellipsoid in face 
view, 17-23 by 29-37 u, in side view narrow, usually collapsed, overlapping, the walls about 
2-3 u thick, finely and closely verrucose; aeciospores globoid or ellipsoid, 13-19 by 18-23 yu; 
wall colorless, thin, 1—1.5 y, closely and finely verrucose. 


Ligusticum scoticum L., Maine; Quebec. 
Tyre LocaLity: Island of Anticosti, Gulf of St. Lawrence, on Ligusticum scolicum. 

DIsTRIBUTION: Coastal region from Maine to the mouth of the St. Lawrence River. 
ExsiccaTi: Thaxter, Rel. Farl. 208. 

41. Aecidium mutum Arthur, sp. nov. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, loosely surrounded by the aecia, numerous, conspicuous, honey- 
yellow becoming brownish, subepidermal, in section globoid, 85-125 » in diameter; ostiolar 
filaments up to 90 u in length. 

I. Aecia amphigenous, gregarious in small groups 1-3 mm. across or on petioles elongate, 
cylindric, 0.2-0.3 mm. in diameter, 0.5-1 mm. high; peridium firm, yellowish, the margin 
erect, erose; peridial cells rhomboidal, 16-18 by 24-34 u, considerably overlapping, the outer 
wall 8-9 » thick, transversely striate, smooth, the inner wall, 3—3.5 » thick, very finely verrucose- 
rugose; aeciospores angularly globoid or ellipsoid, 16-18 by 18-24; wall colorless, 1-1.54 
thick, very finely verrucose. 


Musineon divaricatum (Pursh) Coult. & Rose, South Dakota. 

Type collected at Newell, South Dakota, June 12, 1912, W. P. Carr. 
Exsiccati: Barth. Fungi Columb. 3846; Barth. N. Am. Ured. 643; Brenckle, Fungi Dak. 204. 

42. Aecidium Apocyni Schw. Schr. Nat. Ges. Lepizig 1:68. 1822. 
Aecidium (Caeoma) A pocynatum Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4:309. 1832. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, crowded in small groups about 1 mm. in diameter upon yellow or 
brown spots, noticeable, subepidermal, chocolate-brown, globoid, 65—80 u in diameter; ostiolar 
filaments up to 80,4 long, agglutinated and projecting in a column almost as wide as the 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, circinating about the pycnia upon slightly swollen areas 1.5—5 mm. 
across, cupulate, 0.1—0.3 mm. in diameter, slightly projecting above the host-tissue; peridium 
pale-yellow, the margin erect, erose; peridial cells rhomboidal, 16-19 by 26-32 u, overlapping, 
the outer wall 3-7 u thick, transversely striate, smooth, the inner wall 3-4 u thick, closely and 

ParT 9, 1924] AECIDIACEAE 633 

coarsely tuberculate; aeciospores angularly globoid, 15-19 by 18-224; wall colorless, thin, 
1-1.5 yu, closely and minutely verrucose. 
Apocynum cannabinum L,., Delaware, District of Columbia, New Jersey, North Carolina, 
Apocynum androsaemifolium 1,., Massachusetts. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Salem, North Carolina, on A pocynum cannabinum. 
DISTRIBUTION: Central North Carolina to eastern Massachusetts, 
Exsiccati: Thaxter, Rel. Farl. 206. ¢ 

43. Aecidium Thenardiae Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 45: 150. 1918. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, upon spots with the aecia, few, rather inconspicuous, subepi- 
dermal, chestnut- or chocolate-brown, 100-128 » in diameter; ostiolar filaments short, not 
projecting beyond the ostiole. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, in circular groups 8-10 mm. across, often circinating on somewhat 
larger, yellowish spots, short-cylindric; peridium white, the margin erect, erose or torn; 
peridial cells in face view oblong, 16-22 by 24-30 yu, in side view rhomboidal, 13-15 u wide, 
somewhat overlapping, the outer wall 5-6 yu thick, transversely striate, the inner wall 3-4 uw 
thick, moderately verrucose; aeciospores quadrately globoid, 14-16 in diameter; wall 
colorless, thin, 1—1.5 1 in diameter, somewhat thicker above, 2-6 y, finely and closely verrucose. 


Thenardia Galeottiana Baill., Oaxaca. 
‘TYPE LOCALITY: Near Oaxaca, Mexico, on Thenardia Galeottiana. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

44. Aecidium leporinum Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 37: 578. 1910. 

O. Pycnia not seen. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, gregarious in circular groups 1-3 mm. across, crowded on substra- 
tum, scarcely thickened and little discolored, cylindric, 0.2-0.4 mm. high; peridium erect or 
somewhat recurved, erose; peridial cells strongly imbricated, rhomboidal below, becoming 
ovate-lanceolate above when seen in radial section, the outer wall nearly or quite smooth, the 
inner wall somewhat thicker, closely and prominently verrucose with slender elongate 

- warts; aeciospores angularly and broadly ellipsoid or nearly globoid, 18-21 by 24-29 un; 
wall pale-yellow, rather thick, 2-2.5 u, greatly thickened above, 7—9 yn, closely and finely 


Macrosiphonia brachysiphon (Torr.) A. Gray, Chihuahua. 
TYPE LocaALity: Guayamoba Cafion, Sierra Madre Mountains, Chihuahua, Mexico, on Macro- 

siphonia brachysiphon. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

45. Aecidium Thevetiae Sacc. Ann. Myc. 11:14. 1913. 

O. Pycnia epiphyllous, opposite the aecia. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, crowded in annular groups 5—6 mm. across, cylindric, 1 mm. high, 
0.2-0.3 mm. in diameter; peridium colorless, erect, the margin fimbriate; peridial cells oblong- 
polygonal, 16 by 25 yu, the wall thick; aeciospores angularly globoid, 16-19 » in diameter; wall 
colorless, thick, 3-4 u, appearing smooth in water. 


Thevetia cuneifolia A. DC., Veracruz. 

TYPE LOCALITY: Veracruz, Mexico, on Thevelia cuneifolia. 
DisTRiBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

46. Aecidium Jacquemontiae Ellis & Ey. Jour. Myc. 8:11. 1902. 

O. Pycnia not seen. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, crowded in groups 1-5 mm. in diameter upon brown areas, some- 
times circinating, cupulate, 0.1-0.3 mm. in diameter, long covered by the epidermis; peridium 
white, not projecting beyond the ruptured epidermis, the margin erect, erose; peridial cells 


oblong or broadly oblong in side view, 15-19 by 23-29 », abutted or slightly overlapping, the 
outer wall 4-7 » thick, transversely striate, the inner wall 2-3 » thick, closely verrucose; 
aeciospores angularly ellipsoid, 13-14 by 18-19 »; wall colorless, 1 » thick, closely and minutely 

Jacquemontia pentantha (Jacq.) G. Don, Yucatan. 
Thyella hirtiflora (Mart. & Gall.) House (T. lactescens House, Jacquemontia lactescens 
Seem., Ipomoea hirtiflora Mart. & Gall.), Panama. 
Sypp LocaLity: Yucatan, Mexico, on Jacquemontia pentantha. 
DISTRIBUTION: Southern Mexico and Central America. 

47. Aecidium guatemalense Kern & Kellerm. Jour. Myc. 
Soa oOde 

O. Pycnia epiphyllous, gregarious, abundant on discolored spots opposite the aecia, 
inconspicuous, punctiform, subepidermal, becoming dark-brown, globoid, 95-115 » wide, 
80-105 uw high; ostiolar filaments up to 90 p» long. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, gregarious, numerous, on indefinite discolored spots, 0.5-1.5 em. 
across, especially extending along the veins, short, 0.2-0.3 mm. in diameter; peridium white, 
the margin erect, slightly erose; peridial cells broadly rhomboidal, 14-16 by 15-25 4 long, 
somewhat overlapping, the walls ‘of equal thickness, 2-4 y, the inner moderately verrucose, the 
outer smooth, transversely striate; aeciospores globoid, 16-21 by 18-23 u; wall colorless, thin, 
about 1 y, finely and inconspicuously verrucose. ; 


Heliotropium indicum 1,., Guatemala. 
Typr LocaLity: Gudlan, Department Zacapa, Guatemala, on Heliotropium indicum. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

48. Aecidium Tournefortiae P. Henn. Hedwigia 34: 338. 1895. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, in small groups 1-4 mm. in diameter, noticeable, subepidermal, 
white becoming dark-brown, globoid or ellipsoid, 95-128 » broad by 80-112 » high; ostiolar 
filaments up to 50 u long, slightly projecting beyond the ostiole. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, loosely grouped upon dark-colored spots 0.5-1.5 cm. in diameter, 
cupulate, small, about 0.1 mm. in diameter; peridium pale-yellow, the margin erect, erose, 
fragile; peridial cells rhomboidal, 15-19 by 23-27 u, slightly overlapping or abutted, the outer 
wall 3-5 » thick, transversely striate, the inner wall 2-3 y, closely verrucose with the markings 
often uniting and becoming rugose; aeciospores globoid or ellipsoid, 13-19 by 17-24»; wall 
colorless, thin, 1—1.5 u, very closely and finely verrucose. 


Tournefortia bicolor Sw., Porto Rico. 
Tournefortia hirsutissima 1,., Cuba, Porto Rico. 
Tournefortia peruviana Poir., Cuba. 
Tournefortia volubilis L., Panama. 

TYPE LOCALITY: Blumenau, Santa Catharina, Brazil, on Tournefortia sp. 
DISTRIBUTION: West Indies and Panama; also in South America. 

49, Aecidium Bourreriae Holway; Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 
46: 123. 1919. 

O. Pyecnia amphigenous, few, in center of spots with the aecia, noticeable, subepidermal, 
chocolate-brown, flattened-globoid, 128-160 » broad by 95-110 » high; ostiolar filaments short, 
not extending beyond the ostiole. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, loosely grouped in irregular spots 3-10 mm. across, short-cylindric, 
0.2-0.3 mm. in diameter; peridium light-yellow, fragile; peridial cells rhombic in side view, 
13-15 by 23-24 uy, slightly overlapping, the outer wall 6-7 « thick, transversely striate, the inner 
wall 3.5—4.5 u» thick, closely and rather prominently verrucose; aeciospores globoid or ellipsoid, 
19-23 by 23-26 »; wall colorless, rather thick, 1.5—2.5 u, closely and finely verrucose. 


Bourreria havanensis Miers, Bahamas. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Nassau, New Providence Island, on Bourreria havanensis. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

Part 9, 1924] AECIDIACEAE 635 

50. Aecidium Cordiae P. Henn.; Bres., Henn. & Magn. Bot. 
Jahrb. 17: 491. 1893. 

Aecidium brasiliense Dietel, Hedwigia 36:35. 1897. 

QO. Pyenia epiphyllous, subepidermal, scattered on yellowish spots 8-10 mm. across, 
globoid, 80-100 » in diameter; ostiolar filaments up to 65 y, slightly projecting. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, on yellowish spots 8-10 mm. across, cupulate, 0.1-0.2 mm. broad, 
the margin erose; peridial cells rhombic in longitudinal section, 23-26 by 27—32 yu, the outer wall 
transversely striate, 7-10 4 thick, smooth, the inner wall closely tuberculate, 3-4 » thick; 
aeciospores angularly ellipsoid, 20-29 by 23-33 4; wall colorless, 1-1.5 uw, thicker above, up 
to 10 u, closely and finely verrucose. 


Varronia bullata (1,.) Jacq. (Cordia bullata L,.), Haiti. 

TYPE LOCALITY: Haiti, on Cordia bullata. 
DISTRIBUTION: Haiti; also in South America. 

51. Aecidium Verbenae Speg. Anal. Soc. Ci. Argent. 9: 174. 1880. 

Aecidium verbenicola Speg. Anal. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires 19: 323. 1909. Not A. verbenicola 

Ellis & Kellerm. 1884. 

Aecidium Lantanae Mayor, Mém. Soc. Neuch. Sci. Nat. 5: 567. 1913. 

O. Pycnia hypophyllous, in small groups upon brownish spots about 3 mm. across, subepi- 
dermal, globoid, 70-904 in diameter; ostiolar filaments about 80, long, agglutinate and 
projecting as a prominent column. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous or caulicolous, few in small groups on brownish spots, cupulate, 
small, about 0.1 mm. across, the margin erose; peridial cells overlapping, rhomboidal in 
longitudinal section, 13-16 by 19-30 yu, the outer wall, 2-3 , transversely striate, smooth, the 
inner wall, 2-3 », closely verrucose; aeciospores globoid, 15-19 uw in diameter; wall colorless, 
thin, 1 u or less, very closely and inconspicuously verrucose. 


Lantana trifolia L., Nicaragua; Panama. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Rio de la Plata, Argentina, on Verbena litoralis. 
DISTRIBUTION: Central America; also in South America. 
ILLUSTRATION: Mém. Soc. Neuch. Sci. Nat. 5: 568, f. 75. 

52. Aecidium zonatum Sacc. Ann. Myc. 11:14. 1913, 

O. Pycnia epiphyllous, subepidermal, noticeable, dark-brown. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, crowded in brownish spots 2-4 mm. in diameter, encircled by a 
light-yellow ring 1-2 mm. wide, cupulate, 0.2-0.3 mm. in diameter; peridium yellowish, the 
margin erect, erose; peridial cells in face view oval or ellipsoid, 23-28 by 33-45 y, in radial 
longitudinal section 7-10 » thick, collapsed, probably thicker, the walls 2—2.5 yw thick, finely: 
and closely verrucose; aeciospores ellipsoid or globoid, 17-20 by 19-24; wall colorless, 
thin, 1 », rather closely and finely verrucose. 

Salvia sp., Mexico [Veracruz?]. 
+» TYPE LOCALITY: Mexico, on Salvia sp. 
DistrR1BuTION: Known only from the type locality. 

53. Aecidium subsimulans Arth. & Mains; Arth. Bull. Torrey 
Club 47: 475. 1920. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, on brownish or reddish spots, 2-5 mm. in diameter, noticeable, 
subepidermal, cinnamon-brown, flattened-globoid, 95-125 1 in diameter by 60-95 w high; 
ostiolar filaments up to 125 yu long. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, crowded on spots with the pycnia, cylindric, 0.2-0.3 mm. wide, 
0.5—-1 mm. high; peridium white, the margin somewhat erect, erose; peridial cells rhomboidal, 
19-26 by 32-45 u, somewhat overlapping, the outer wall thick, 9-13 y, transversely striate, 
smooth, the inner wall 4-6 yu thick, closely and rather coarsely verrucose; aeciospores globoid 
or ellipsoid, 19-23 by 23-29 u; wall colorless, 1.5—2.5 » thick, very closely and finely verrucose. 



Salvia candicans Mart. & Gal., Puebla. 

Salvia Lemmoni A. Gray, Arizona. 

Salvia sp., Hidalgo, Mexico (state). 
Type Locatity: Carr Peak, Huachuca mountains, Arizona, on Salvia Lemmoni. 
DISTRIBUTION: Southern Arizona southward to southern Mexico. 

54. Aecidium Physalidis Burrill, Bot. Gaz.9: 190. 1884. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous or caulicolous, scattered, covering all or a large portion of the 
plant, arising from an unlimited mycelium, conspicuous, subepidermal, honey-yellow or pale- 
brown, globoid or flattened-globoid, 95-120 by 80-100 u; ostiolar filaments up to 80 yu long, 
agglutinated into a column. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous or caulicolous, scattered, covering all or a large portion of the plant, 
arising from an unlimited mycelium, cupulate, 0.3-0.5 mm. in diameter; peridium pale-yellow, 
the margin erose becoming lacerate, recurved; peridial cells rhombic or broadly rhomboidal, 
15—23 by 24-32 u, overlapping somewhat, the outer wall thick, 5—10 u, transversely striate, the 
inner wall thinner, 3-4, closely tuberculate-verrucose; aeciospores globoid or ellipsoid, 
14-19 by 16-24 un; wall colorless, 1-2 » thick, very closely and inconspicuously verrucose. 

Physalis comata Rydb., New Mexico, Texas. 
Physalis heterophylla Ne ees (P. viscosa Pursh not L.), Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Nebraska. 
Physalis lanceolata Michx., Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska. 
Physalis longifolia Nutt., Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska. 
Physalis virginiana Mill., Colorado, Missouri, Oklahoma, Wisconsin. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Urbana, Illinois, on Physalis viscosa. 
DISTRIBUTION: Southwestern Wisconsin to the foothills of Colorado, southward to northern 

Texas and northeastern New Mexico. 
Exsiccati: Barth. Fungi Columb. 3856, 4201; Barth. N. Am. Ured. 56/, oie 903, 1604, 1803; 
Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 558, 1578, 1860; Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2992, 3147. 

55. Aecidium tenerius Arth. & Holway; Arth. Mycologia 
10: 147. 1918. 

O. Pycnia not seen. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, scattered or loosely grouped, round, 0.3-0.8 mm. across; peridium 
inconspicuous, usually hidden by the persistent epidermis; peridial cells long and narrow, 
often becoming curved, 5—9 by 29-48 u, the outer and inner walls quite thin, the inner wall very 
finely and inconspicuously verrucose; aeciospores globoid or ellipsoid, 19-23 by 24-32 yu; 
wall colorless, 2—2.5 » thick, frequently slightly thickened above and below, inconspicuously 
verrucose, appearing smooth when wet. 


Acnistus arborescens Schlecht., Costa Rica. 
TYPE LOCALITY: San José, Costa Rica, on Acnistus arborescens. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

56. Aecidium Lycii Arthur, sp. nov. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, numerous, in groups 1-2 mm. across, small, inconspicuous, 
pale-yellow, subepidermal, slightly protruding above surface of leaf, globoid in section, 100-1 i5u 
in diameter; ostiolar filaments short. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, numerous, in orbicular groups surrounding the pycnia on somewhat 
discolored spots, cupulate, 0.2-0.3 mm. in diameter; peridium white, short, erect or recurved, 
the margin erose; peridial cells abutted or somewhat overlapping, polygonal in face-view, 
squarish-oblong in side-view, 16-20 by 25-30 u, the outer wall 3-5 » thick, smooth, the inner 
wall 1.5—2.5 u thick, closely and strongly verrucose; aeciospores globoid or broadly ellipsoid, 
20-24 by 23-28 »; wall colorless, 2-3 u thick, finely and closely verrucose. 


Lycium pallidum Miers, Arizona. 

Type collected in the Santa Rita Mountains, Arizona, on Lycium pallidum, July 21, 1911, 
E. O. Wooton. 

Part 9, 1924] AECIDIACEAE 637 

57. Aecidium Collinsiae Ellis & Ev. Bull. Washburn Lab. 
Nat. Hist. 1:4. 1884. 

Aecidium Tonellae Dietel & Holway, Erythea 3:77. 1895. 

O. Pyenia hypophyllous, subepidermal, scattered over the entire surface of the leaf, 
conspicuous, chestnut-brown becoming chocolate-brown, slightly flattened-globoid, 110-160 u 
broad by 80-115 u high; ostiolar filaments up to 80 u long, agglutinated into a narrow column. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, scattered over the entire surface of the leaf, cupulate, 0.2-0.4 mm. 
in diameter, about 0.1 mm. high; peridium yellow, the margin recurved, lacerate; peridial 
cells rhomboidal, 16-25 by 24-35 uw, considerably overlapping, the outer wall thick, 7-10 un, 
transversely striate, the inner wall thinner, 3.5—5 u, closely and strongly verrucose; aeciospores 
angularly globoid or ellipsoid, 14-18 by 16-20 u; wall colorless, thin, 1—1.5 yw, closely and finely 


Collinsia parviflora Dougl., Oregon, Washington. 
Collinsia Ratiani A. Gray, Washington. 
Tonella tenella (Benth.) Heller (T. collinsioides Nutt.), Washington. 

TYPE LocaLity: Falcon Valley, Washington, on Collinsia parviflora. 

DISTRIBUTION: Southern Washington and northern Oregon. 
Exsiccati: Barth. N. Am. Ured. 202, 301. 

58. Aecidium insulsum Arthur, sp. nov. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, in small groups, inconspicuous, pale-yellow, subepidermal, 
small, submerged beneath surface of leaf, globoid, sometimes angular, 90-125 u in diameter; 
ostiolar filaments short. 

I. Aecia chiefly hypophyllous, crowded in orbicular groups 1-2 mm. across which often 
coalesce to cover a large part or all of the leaf, cupulate, small, 0.1-0.2 mm. in diameter; 
peridium colorless, short, strongly revolute, the margin irregularly lacerate; peridial cells 
angularly ellipsoid in face-view, rhomboidal in section, 18—21 by 26-30 u, somewhat overlapping, 
the outer wall 5-7 » thick, smooth, the inner wall 1—2 u thick, coarsely verrucose; aeciospores 
angularly globoid or quadrilaterally oblong, 16-20 by 18-23; wall thin, 1-1.5 4, finely 

Collinsia parviflora Dougl., Utah. 
Type collected at Hot Springs, Utah, on Collinsia parviflora, May 29, 1917, Wyatt W. Jones. 

59. Aecidium simplicius Arth. & Johnston, Mem. Torrey Club 
172162. W918: 

O. Pycnia not seen. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, scattered or indefinitely grouped, cupulate, short, 0.8—1.5 mm. in 
diameter; peridium white, the margin erect, lacerate; peridial cells rhomboidal, 21-29 
long, slightly or not at all overlapping, the outer wall transversely striate, rather thick, 4-7 yu, 
the inner wall rugose, somewhat thinner, 2.5-4 4; aeciospores globoid, 21-26 by 26-29 yu; 
wall colorless, rather thin, 1-1.5 y, very finely and closely verrucose. 


Tecoma pentaphylla (L.) Juss., Cuba. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Taco, Oriente, Cuba, on Tecoma pentaphylla. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

60. Aecidium Tracyanum Sydow, Hedwigia Beibl. 40: 129. 1901. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, in small groups 0.5-1.5 mm. in diameter, conspicuous, subepi- 
dermal, chestnut-brown, globoid, 90-120 by 80-130 y; ostiolar filaments up to 65 » long, 
projecting slightly beyond the ostiole. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, loosely grouped upon yellowish spots 0.5-1 cm. across, the spots 
often uniting, covering the leaf, cupulate, small, about 0.1 mm. in diameter; peridium white, 
the margin somewhat recurved, erose; peridial cells rhomboidal, 15-23 by 30-42 yu, overlapping, 



the outer wall 4-7 » thick, faintly transversely striate, smooth, the inner wall 3-6 » thick, 
moderately verrucose, the markings often uniting to form rugose or reticulate arrangements; 
aeciospores globoid or ellipsoid, 18—23 by 21—26 u; wall colorless, thin, 0.5—1 y», very closely and 
finely verrucose. 

Dyschoriste capitata (Oerst.) Kuntze (Calophanes capitata Oerst.), Jalisco. 
Dyschoriste oblongifolia (Michx.) Kuntze (Calophanes oblongifolia D. Don, Ruellia oblongi- 
folia Michx.), Florida. 
TYPE Locality: Bradentown, Florida, on Ruellia [oblongifolia]. 
DISTRIBUTION: Southern Florida and southern Mexico. 

61. Aecidium Ixorae Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 47: 473. 1920. 

O. Pyenia epiphyllous, scattered unevenly over large discolored areas often 4-8 em. 
across, punctiform, prominent, dark-brown, becoming whitish by age, subepidermal, flattened- 
hemispheric, 150-200 in diameter, about half as high, with a flat hymenium; ostiolar 
filaments wanting. ’ 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, opposite the pycnia, scattered, deep-seated, cylindric, 0.2-0.3 mm. 
across; peridium colorless, the margin strongly recurved, lacerate; peridial cells rhombohedric, 
strongly imbricate, the exposed inner face about 16-19 uw across, in section much prolonged 
downward on outer side, the inner wall about 3 u» thick, verrucose, the outer wall about 24 
thick, smooth; aeciospores globoid, small, 16-19 » in diameter; wall colorless, 1 u or less thick, 
finely verrucose, appearing smooth. 


Ixora ferrea (Jacq.) Benth. (Siderodendron triflorum Vahl), Cuba. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Bahia Honda, Cuba, on Ixora ferrea. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

62. Aecidium Borreriae Pat.; Duss, Enum. Champ. Guad. 7. 1903. 

O. Pycnia hypophyllous, numerous, scattered over the entire leaf, conspicuous, subepi- 
dermal, dark chestnut- or chocolate-brown, flattened-globoid, 120-150 u broad by 115-128 u 
high; ostiolar filaments not seen. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, loosely scattered over the entire leaf, evidently arising from an 
unlimited mycelium, cupulate, 0.2-0.3 mm. in diameter; peridium white, strongly recurved, 
deeply lacerate, fragile; peridial cells rhomboidal, 13-21 by 30—42 u, considerably overlapping, 
the outer wall 2.5—3 » thick, smooth, the inner wall somewhat thicker, 3-4 u, closely and promi- 
nently verrucose; aeciospores globoid or broadly ellipsoid, 18-23 by 19-26 u; wall colorless, 
thin, 1-1.5 yw, closely and minutely verrucose. 

Hemidiodia ocimifolia (Willd.) K. Schumann (Spermacoce ocimifolia Willd.), Guadeloupe, 
Porto Rico. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe, on ‘‘ Borreria sp.,”” now determined as Hemidiodia 
DISTRIBUTION: West Indies; also in South America. 
ILLUSTRATION: Mém. Soc. Neuch. Sci. Nat. 5: 569, f. 76. 

63. Aecidium Bouvardiae Dietel & Holway; Holway, Bot. Gaz. 
24:36. 1897. : 

Allodus Bouvardiae Arth. Résult. Sci. Congr. Bot. Vienne 345. 1906. 

O. Pycnia epiphyllous, few, crowded in small groups upon brownish spots, inconspicuous, 
subepidermal, chocolate-brown, flattened-globoid, 95-125 4 in diameter by 64-80, high; 
ostiolar filaments up to 80 uw long, agglutinated into a short column. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, loosely grouped upon brown spots 3-15 mm. in diameter, short- 
cylindric, about 0.2 mm. in diameter, up to 1 mm. high; peridium white, the margin erect, 
erose; peridial cells narrowly rhomboidal, 12-19 by 26-39», overlapping, the outer wall 
3-6 u thick, faintly transversely striate, the inner wall 3-5 u thick, closely and coarsely ver- 
rucose; aeciospores globoid or ellipsoid, 15-19 by 17-23 u; wall colorless, 1-2 » thick, closely 
and finely verrucose. 

ParT 9, 1924] AECIDIACEAE 639 

Bouvardia ternifolia (Cav.) Schlecht. (B. triphylla Salisb., B. hirtella H.B.K.), Guanajuato, 
Mexico (state), Querétaro. 
TYPE LocaLity: Rio Hondo, near City of Mexico, Mexico, on Bouvardia triphylla. 
DISTRIBUTION: Central and southern Mexico. 

64. Aecidium abscedens Arth. Mycologia 7: 315. 1915. 

O. Pycnia epiphyllous, numerous on brownish spots 4-9 mm. across, prominent, golden- 
yellow becoming dark-brown, hemispheric, subcuticular, 90-200 4% broad by about half as 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, very deep-seated, numerous in crowded groups, cupulate, 0.1—0.3 
mm. in diameter, soon open; peridium somewhat revolute, coarsely lacerate; peridial cells 
oblong, 11-16 by 20-37 yn, colorless, somewhat overlapping, the outer wall 3-5 u thick, smooth, 
the inner wall 3—5 », moderately verrucose; aeciospores broadly ellipsoid or globoid, 16-21 by 
20-27 u; wall pale-yellow, thin, 1-1.5 u, very closely and finely verrucose. 

Randia mitis 1. (aculeata 1,.), Costa Rica, Porto Rico. 
- Randia Watsoni B. 1. Robinson, Jalisco. 
TYPE Locality: Aguada, Porto Rico, on Randia aculeata. 
DIsTRIBUTION: Porto Rico, southern Mexico, and Central America. 

65. Aecidium pulverulentum Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 33:521. 1906. 

O. Pycnia epiphyllous, numerous, gregarious on dark-brown spots 2-9 mm. in diameter, 
conspicuous, subcuticular, chocolate-brown, hemispheric, 80-140 » in diameter, 40-55 uw high; 
ostiolar filaments wanting; pycniospores numerous from a flat hymenium. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, numerous in groups 3-9 mm. in diameter, short-cylindric, deep- 
seated, small, about 0.1 mm. in diameter; peridium white, evanescent; peridial cells narrowly 
rhomboidal, 13—16 by 30-45 yu, overlapping, the outer wall about 2.5 » thick, smooth, the inner 
wall 3.5—4 » thick, coarsely verrucose; aeciospores ellipsoid or broadly obovoid, 18-29 by 24-32 y; 
wall light cinnamon-brown, 3-4 » thick, thickened at apex, 7-13 y, closely and prominently 


Randia Watsoni B. L,. Robinson, Jalisco. 
Randia sp., Morelos. 

TYPE LOCALITY: Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico, on Randia sp. 
DIsTRIBUTION: Southern Mexico. 

66. Aecidium Farameae Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 42: 592. 1915. 

O. Pycnia epiphyllous, in small groups, 1-3 mm. across, or scattered over larger hypertro- 
phied areas, subepidermal, deep-seated, becoming blackish-brown, globoid, 144-200, in 
diameter; ostiolar filaments short, about 30 yw high. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous and caulicolous, in circular groups, 2-5 mm. across, on discolored 
slightly thickened spots, or scattered over large areas and producing considerable distortion on 
the immature petioles and stems, low-cylindric, small, 0.2-0.3 mm. in diameter; peridium 
colorless, the margin erect or somewhat incurved, irregularly torn; peridial cells rhomboidal or 
oblong, overlapping, 18-26 by 32-39 yw, the outer wall rather thin, 3-5 4, smooth, the inner 
wall thicker, 5-9 u, coarsely verrucose; aeciospores angularly globoid or oblong, 23-26 by 
26-34 4; wall colorless, 1.5 thick, much thicker above, 7-12 4, moderately and evenly 


Faramea occidentalis (1,.) A. Rich., Cuba. 
Type LocaLity: San Diego de los Bafios, Pinar del Rio, Cuba, on Faramea occidentalis. 
DistrR1ButTion: Known only from the type locality. 

67. Aecidium Triostei Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 32. 1906. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, crowded in small groups about 2 mm. in diameter, noticeable, 
subepidermal, light-brown, flattened-globoid, 65-95 u in diameter, 30-50 high; ostiolar 
filaments up to 30 u long, only slightly projecting beyond the ostiole. 


I. Aecia hypophyllous, circinating about the pycnia in groups 4-5 mm. across, cupulate, 
0.1-0.3 mm. in diameter; peridium pale-yellow, the margin erect, erose; peridial cells rhom- 
boidal, 16-21 by 29-32, slightly overlapping, the outer wall 7—8.5 4 thick, transversely 
striate, the inner wall 4~4.5 u thick, closely and finely verrucose; aeciospores angularly globeid 
or ellipsoid, 19-23 by 23-26 4; wall colorless, thin, 1 u, closely and minutely verrucose. 


Triosteum angustifolium 1,., Missouri. 

TYPE LOCALITY: Perryville, Missouri, on Triosteum angustifolium. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

68. Aecidium Campanulastri G. W. Wilson, Proc. Iowa Acad. 
W274, AOL: 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, few, loosely grouped upon yellowish spots 4-10 mm. in diameter, 
inconspicuous, dark-brown, subepidermal, flattened-globoid, 95-110 u in diameter by 65-80 u 
high; ostiolar filaments short, about 50 » long, not projecting beyond the ostiole. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, loosely grouped upon yellowish spots 4-10 mm. in diameter, 
cupulate, 0.1-0.3 mm. in diameter; peridium pale-yellow, usually almost entirely covered by 
the ruptured epidermis, the margin erose, soon breaking away; peridial cells rhomboidal, 
12-16 by 21-26 u, overlapping, the outer wall 3-5 4 thick, transversely striate, the inner wall 
thinner, 2-3 u, closely and finely verrucose; aeciospores globoid or ellipsoid, 12-15 by 13-18 yp; 
wall colorless, thin, 1—1.5 », very obscurely verrucose. 


Campanula americana L. (Campanulastrum americanum Small), Iowa, Minnesota. 

TYPE LOCALITY: Fayette, Iowa, on Campanulastrum americanum. 

DISTRIBUTION: Northern Iowa and southern Minnesota. 
ExsiccaTi: Barth. Fungi Columb. 4603; Barth. N. Am. Ured. 1102. 

69. Aecidium Ivae H. S. Jackson, Proc. Ind. Acad. 
1917: 373. 1918. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, crowded on yellowish spots, 3-15 mm. in diameter, noticeable, 
subepidermal, light-yellow or light chestnut-brown, punctiform, globoid, 95-160 u in diameftr; 
ostiolar filaments up to 80 uw long. 

I. Aecia usually hypophyllous, sometimes amphigenous, crowded on spots with the 
pycnia, cupulate, 0.2-0.4 mm. in diameter; peridium brownish-yellow, the margin recurved, 
erose; peridial cells rhomboidal, 19-27 by 35-51 yu, overlapping, the walls 5-7 u» thick, the 
outer wall smooth, transversely striate, the inner wall closely and coarsely verrucose; aecio- 
spores globoid or ellipsoid, 21-29 by 26-33 1; wall colorless or pale-yellow, 2-3 y» thick, finely 
and closely verrucose. 


Iva frutescens 1,., Delaware, Florida, Louisiana, Maryland, Virginia. 

E LOCALITY: Lewes, Delaware, on Iva frutescens. 
DIsTRIBUTION: Coast of the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico from Delaware to Louisiana. 

70. Aecidium arcularium Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 47: 478. 1920. 

O. Pycnia epiphyllous, few, gregqrious, minutely punctiform, inconspicuous, subepidermal, 
globoid or depressed-globoid, 100-130 » broad by 90-100 uw high; ostiolar filaments up to 45 u 

I. Aecia hypophyllous and caulicolous, usually densely crowded in groups 4-10 mm. 
across; peridium cylindric, the margin erect, erose or deeply lacerate; peridial cells ellipsoid 
or oblong-angular, 21-29 by 27-40 u, the cells overlapping, the outer wall 5-10 u thick, trans- 
versely striate, smooth, the inner wall 2-5 uw thick, finely verrucose; aeciospores globoid or 
ellipsoid, 18-23 by 22-29; wall colorless or pale cinnamon-brown, 1-1.5 y thick, finely 


Coleosanthus grandiflorus (Hook.) Kuntze (Brickellia grandiflora Nutt.), Arizona, Colorado, 
New Mexico. 

TYPE LocALity: Grousemont, Platte Canyon, Colorado, on Coleosanthus grandiflorus. 
DISTRIBUTION: Northern Colorado to southern Arizona and New Mexico. 

ParT 9, 1924] AECIDIACEAE 641 

71. Aecidium ampliatum Jackson & Holway; Arth. Mycologia 
10: 148. 1918. 

O. Pycnia epiphyllous, numerous, gregarious in the center of yellowish spots, conspicuous, 
subepidermal, yellowish becoming orange, globoid or flask-shaped, 80-100 in diameter; 
ostiolar filaments short. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, crowded on yellowish spots 2-8 mm. across opposite the pycnia, 
or more often extending along the sides of the veins, cupulate, 0.1-0.2 mm. in diameter; peridi- 
um white or yellowish, the margin recurved, lacerate or erose; peridial cells rhomboidal, 
21-23 by 42-45 yp, distinctly overlapping, the outer wall 2.5-3 » thick, transversely striate, 
smooth, the inner wall somewhat thicker, 3.5—4.5 4, prominently rugose-verrucose; aeciospores 
globoid or broadly ellipsoid, 23-27 by 27-30 u; wall colorless, thin, 1 u, very finely and closely 


Eupatorium sp., Costa Rica. 

TYPE Locality: El Alto, near Carthago, Costa Rica, on Eupatorium sp. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

72. Aecidium steviicola Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 45: 154. 1918. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, numerous, in loose groups, punctate, honey-yellow becoming 
brown, noticeable, subepidermal, globoid, 65-80, in diameter; ostiolar filaments short, 
20-50 u long, not projecting beyond the ostiole. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, in loose groups surrounding the pycnia on yellowish spots 10-15 
mm. across, cupulate, the margin somewhat recurved, erose or lacerate; peridial cells irregularly 
oblong, 16-19 by 39-45 u, overlapping by a downward projection of the outer wall, the outer 
wall 5-7 » thick, faintly transversely striate, smooth, the inner wall thinner, about 3 yu, closely 
and rather coarsely verrucose; aeciospores globoid, large, 24-32 by 30-40 u; wall colorless, 
rather thin, about 1.5 u, considerably thickened above, 6-9 », minutely and closely verrucose. 


Stevia sp., Mexico (state). 
‘TYPE LOCALITY: Popo Park, Federal District, Mexico, on Stevia sp. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

73. Aecidium Keerliae Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 45: 154. 1918. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, in close groups 1—2 mm. across, punctiform, honey-yellow becom- 
ing brown, noticeable, subepidermal, globoid or slightly flattened-globoid, 95-145 » broad by 
80-125 u high; ostiolar filaments short, up to 50 » long, not projecting beyond the ostiole. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, in groups 3-8 mm. across, on somewhat larger, yellowish spots, 
cupulate, low; peridium slightly recurved, erose or lacerate; peridial cells rhomboidal, 16-18 by 
27-31 uw, abutted or slightly overlapping, the outer wall 5—6 uw thick, transversely striate, the 
inner wall 3.5—4 yw, closely and finely verrucose; aeciospores globoid or ellipsoid, small, 12-18 
by 15-20; wall nearly or quite colorless, thin, 1 4, much thicker above, 3-6 u, finely and 
closely verrucose. 


Keerlia mexicana A, Gray, Jalisco. 

Type Locatity: Guadalajara, Mexico, on Keerlia mexicana. 
DistTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

74. Aecidium Wedeliae-hispidae Dietel, Ann. Myc. 20: 294. 1922. 

O. Pycnia epiphyllous, few in small groups, punctiform, subepidermal, dark-brown, notice- 
able, in section globoid, 112-130 u in diameter; ostiolar filaments short. 

I. Aecia chiefly hypophyllous, few in small, annular groups, on yellowish spots 1-1.5 mm, 
across, cylindric; peridium white, 0.3-0.5 mm. in diameter, about 0.4 mm. high, deeply lobed 
and incised; peridial cells in face view rhomboid or oblong, 12-30 by 30-50 u, in side view 
linear-oblong, moderately imbricated, the outer wall 2.5-3 4 thick, smooth, the inner wall 
3-5 » thick, closely verrucose; aeciospores oblong, obovate or ellipsoid, 13-23 by 24-40 yu; 
wall colorless, thin, 1-1.5 y, finely and closely verrucose. 



Stemmodontia scaberrima Cass. (Wedelia hispida H.B.K.), Mexico (state). 
TYPE LOCALITY: Mexico, on Wedelia hispida. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

75. Aecidium Batesii Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 47: 479. 1920. 

O. Pycnia mostly epiphyllous, in groups 1-3 mm. in diameter, noticeable, subepidermal, 
chestnut- or chocolate-brown, flattened-globoid, 125-160 » broad by 90-115 » high; ostiolar 
filaments up to 95 » long, agglutinated into a column. 

I. Aecia amphigenous, loosely grouped upon brownish spots 4-8 mm. across, cupulate, 
0.5-0.8 mm. in diameter; peridium yellowish, the margin remaining for a time incurved, 
covered more or less by the epidermis, finally becoming recurved, lacerate; peridial cells 
oblong, 15-19 by 32-35 u, slightly overlapping or abutted, the outer wall rather thick, 6-10 yn, 
transversely striate, smooth, the inner wall thinner, 3-4 u, closely and finely verrucose; aecio- 
spores angularly globoid, 19-23 by 24-27 »; wall colorless, 1—1.5 « thick, very closely and 
finely verrucose. 


Rudbeckia hirta 1,., Nebraska. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Callaway, Nebraska, on Rudbeckia hirta. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

76. Aecidium Dahliae Sydow, Ann. Myc. 18: 155. 1920. 

O. Pycnia epiphyllous, in small groups, yellowish-brown, not conspicuous, about 100 » in 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, in dense groups, 4-8 mm. across, cupulate, about 0.3 mm. in 
diameter; peridium recurved, the margin lacerate; peridial cells firmly united, rhomboidal, 
17-20 by 30-45 », strongly imbricated; aeciospores angularly globoid, 15-18 by 16-20 n; 
wall nearly colorless, 1-1.5 » thick, minutely and closely verrucose. 

Dahlia rosea Cav. (D. variabilis Desf.), Mexico (state). 

TYPE LocaLity: Pedregal, Mexico, on Dahlia variabilis. 

DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

77. Aecidium Borrichiae Sydow, Hedwigia Beibl. 40: 129. 1901. 

O. Pyenia amphigenous in small groups about 1 mm. across, punctiform, noticeable, 
subepidermal, dark-brown, slightly flattened-globoid, 130-160 4 broad by 100-1304 high; 
ostiolar filaments up to 130 » long, agglutinated into a column. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, loosely grouped about the pycnia in groups 2-5 mm. in diameter, 
cupulate, 0.1-0.2 mm. in diameter; peridium pale-yellow, the margin recurved, soon falling 
apart; peridial cells rhomboidal in side view, 16-19 by 34~45 yw, considerably overlapping, the 
outer wall rather thick, 8-10 y, faintly transversely striate, the inner wall thinner, 4-5 yp, 
closely yerrucose; aeciospores angularly globoid or ellipsoid, 24-28 by 26-32 4; wall colorless, 
thick, 2.5—-3.5 y, closely and minutely verrucose. 


Borrichia frutescens (1,.) DC., Alabama. 
TYPE LocaLity: Fort Morgan, Alabama, on Borrichia frulescens. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

78. Aecidium conspicuum Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 45: 153. 1918. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, crowded in round groups about 1 mm. in diameter, noticeable, 
subepidermal, honey-yellow, deep-seated, flask-shaped, 125-150 u broad by 90-125 » high not 
including the long ostiole; ostiolar filaments up to 80 » long, not projecting beyond the ostiole. 

I. Aecia amphigenous, very closely crowded in large groups 3-12 mm. across on slightly 
larger discolored spots, cupulate, 0.3-1 mm. in diameter; peridium white, fragile, the margin 
erect, erose, not projecting much beyond the ruptured epidermis; peridial cells rhomboidal in 
side view, 16-26 by 29-39 yu, strongly overlapping, the outer wall thick, 7-11», transversely 

Part 9, 1924] AECIDIACEAE 643 

striate, the inner wall thinner, 2-3 u, very closely and finely verrucose; aeciospores angularly 
globoid, 18—23 by 19-26 4; wall colorless, thin, 1 x, very closely and finely verrucose. 
Dugaldea Hoopesii (A. Gray) Rydb. (Helenium Hoopesii A. Gray), Arizona, Colorado, 
New Mexico. 

TYPE LocaLity: Snowball Creek, near Pagosa Springs, Colorado, on Dugaldea Hoopesii. 
DISTRIBUTION: Mountains of southern Colorado into Arizona and New Mexico. 

79. Aecidium Mesadeniae Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 47: 479. 1920. 

O. Pyenia epiphyllous, few, crowded in small groups 1-2 mm. across, inconspicuous, 
dark-brown, subepidermal, flattened-globoid, 95-125 uw broad by 50-65 u high; ostiolar filaments 
up to 40 » long, not projecting beyond the ostiole. 

I. Aecia usually hypophyllous, crowded in groups 2-6 mm. across, cupulate, small, 0.1—0.3 
mm. in diameter; peridium light-yellow, the margin recurved, lacerate; peridial cells rhomboi- 
dal, 14-18 by 24-29 uw, overlapping, the outer wall 7—9 » thick, transversely striate, smooth, 
the inner wall 2-3 u thick, closely and rather finely verrucose; aeciospores globoid or ellipsoid, 
12-16 by 15-19 uw; wall colorless, thin, 1 « or less, closely and finely verrucose. 

Mesadenia atriplicifolia (I,.) Raf. (Cacalia atriplicifolia L.), Kansas, Missouri. 
Mesadenia reniformis (Muhl.) Raf. (Cacalia reniformis Muhl.), Wisconsin. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Somers, Wisconsin, on Mesadenia reniformis. 
DISTRIBUTION: Northeastern Wisconsin to northeastern Kansas, 
Exsiccati: Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi /8/1; Rab.-Wint.-Paz. Fungi Eur. 3833a. 

80. Aecidium Liabi Mayor, Mém. Soc. Neuch. Sci. Nat. 
BP Silos | USE, 

Aecidium Liabi Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 47: 479. 1920. 

O. Pycnia epiphyllous, somewhat loosely grouped on discolored areas, inconspicuous, 
dark-brown, subepidermal, ellipsoid, about 95 by 128; ostiolar filaments short, about 45 y, 
not projecting beyond the ostiole. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, in groups up to 8 mm. in diameter, cupulate, 0.3-0.8 mm. in 
diameter; peridium pale-yellow, fragile; peridial cells rhomboidal, 19-23 by 35-55 yu, con- 
siderably overlapping, the outer wall 2-5 » thick, smooth, the inner wall thicker, 5—7 yu, closely 
tuberculate-verrucose; aeciospores angularly globoid, 21-26 by 26-31 4; wall colorless, 1.5- 
2.5 uw thick, closely and distinctly verrucose. 

Liabum sp., Veracruz. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Summit of Alto Don Elias, 2100 meters, Antioquia, Colombia, on Liabum 
DISTRIBUTION: Southern Mexico; also in South America. 
ILLUSTRATION: Mém. Soc. Neuch. Sci. Nat. 5: 576, f. 82. 

81. Aecidium praecipuum Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 47: 480. 1920. 

O. Pyenia amphigenous, in small groups about 2 mm. across, noticeable, pale-yellow 
becoming dark-brown, subepidermal, flattened-globoid, 110-130 4% broad by 80-95 w high; 
ostiolar filaments up to 60 u long, slightly projecting beyond the ostiole. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, crowded on spots 2-10 mm. across, short-cylindric, 0.3-0.5 mm. 
in diameter; peridium pale-yellow, the margin erect, erose; peridial cells irregularly oblong, 
20-23 by 32-40 uw, considerably overlapping by a long projection of the outer wall, the outer 
wall thick, 9-11 yu, transversely striate, smooth, the inner wall thinner, 4—5.5 yw, closely and 
noticeably verrucose; aeciospores angularly globoid or ellipsoid, 16-19 by 19-26; wall 
colorless, thick, 2.5—3.5 4, very closely and inconspicuously verrucose. 


Senecio praecox DC., Hidalgo, Mexico (state). 

TYPE LOCALITY: Sierra de Pachuca, State of Mexico, Mexico, on Senecio praecox. 
DistrisuTION: Southern Mexico. 


82. Aecidium hualtatinum Speg. Bol. Acad. Ci. Cordoba 
11: 184. 1888. 

Aecidium thermarum Dietel & Neger, Bot. Jahrb. 24: 161. 1897. 
Aecidium Herrerianum Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 520. 1906. 

O. Pycnia hypophyllous, in small groups 1 mm. or less across, surrounded by aecia, incon- 
spicuous, subepidermal, almost wholly immersed, honey-yellow becoming dark-brown, flask- 
shaped, 80-125 » broad by 80-110 » high; ostiolar filaments 40-65 u long, agglutinated into a 

J. Aecia hypophyllous, gregarious, crowded in small groups 2-5 mm. across, cylindric, 
0.2-0.5 mm. in diameter, up to 1.5 mm. long; peridium pale-yellow, the margin erect, deeply 
lacerate; peridial cells rhomboidal, 15-25 by 32-50 », occasionally up to 65 4 long, considerably 
overlapping, the outer wall much thickened, 9-12 y, transversely striate, the inner wall thinner, 
4-5 p, closely rugose; aeciospores globoid, often angular, large, 23-27 by 28-344; wall pale 
cinnamon-brown, thick, 3-4 u, closely and finely verrucose. 


Senecio salignus DC., Hidalgo. 
‘TPE LOCALITY: Gabel Island, Patagonia, on Senecio (Hualtata). 
DISTRIBUTION: Southern Mexico; also in South America. 

83. Aecidium Pereziae Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 45: 153. 1918. 

O. Pycnia chiefly epiphyllous, closely grouped, honey-yellow becoming brown, punctiform, 
noticeable, subepidermal. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, numerous, opposite the pycnia, in well defined groups 0.3-0:6 mm. 
across, on roseate or yellowish spots 10-15 mm. across, cupulate; peridium usually erect, the 
margin erose or lacerate; peridial cells easily separating, rhomboid, 19-26 by 26-37 n, the 
outer wall 8-10 u thick, faintly transversely striate, the inner wall 3-6 u thick, moderately 
verrucose; aeciospores globoid, 13-18 by 16-19 4; wall nearly or quite colorless, thin, 1=iS7z5 
very minutely verrucose, appearing smooth when wet. 


Perezia sp., Mexico. 
‘TYPE LOCALITY: Barranca, Mexico, on Perezia sp. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

84. Aecidium columbiense Ellis & Ev. Erythea 1: 206. 1893. 

O. Pyenia amphigenous, scattered over the entire leaf, conspicuous, subepidermal, light- 
brown, flattened-globoid, 90-130 » in diameter by 70-95 » high; ostiolar filaments 50-100 4 
long, agglutinated into a column. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, scattered over the entire leaf, arising from a diffused mycelium 
causing a narrowing of the leaves, cupulate, rather large, 0.3-1 mm. in diameter; peridium 
pale-yellow, the margin incurved, erose; peridial cells rhomboidal, 16-19 by 25-32 y, overlap- 
ping slightly, the outer wall 5-8 « thick, transversely striate, the inner wall 3-4 u thick, closely 
and rather finely verrucose; aeciospores globoid, 16-20 by 18-21 4; wall colorless, thin, 1-1.5 », 
closely and minutely verrucose. 

Hieracium albertinum Farr. (H. Scouleri A. Gray not Hook.), Washington. 
Hieracium albiflorum Hook., Oregon, Washington; British Columbia. 
Hieracium sp., California. 

Type LocaLity: British Columbia, on Hieracium sp. 

DISTRIBUTION: Northern California to British Columbia. 

ExsiccaTi: Barth. N. Am. Ured. 468 in part. 


AgEcIDIUM ASPERIFOLIT Schw. Schr. Nat. Ges. Leipzig 1:66, hyponym. 1822. Not A. Asperi- 
folti Pers. No specimen extant, and the evidence is strongly indicative of some errror 
in determination. 

AEcIDIUM IPOMOEAE-PANDURANAE Schw. Schr. Nat. Ges. Leipzig 1: 69. 1822. (Caeoma 
convoloulatum Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 292, and Aecidium Schw.|.c. 

ue wee?) A species of the Peronosporales, Albugo Ipomoeae-panduranae (Schw.) 

Part 9, 1924] AECIDIACEAE 645 

ArEcipIum (CAEoMA) OSMUNDATUM Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4: 309. (Caeoma Os- 
mundatum Schw. I. c. 294.) 1832. It is now determined as Mycosyrinx Osmundae 
Peck, and thought to be a member of the Ustilaginales or a Hyphomycete. 

ArEcipium Rumicis Schw. Schr. Nat. Ges. Leipzig 1: 66, hyponym. 1822. Not A. Rumicis 
Hoffm. Said to have been on Rumex and Grossularia. No specimen preserved, and 
probably not a rust, but some fungus imperfectus, as the description says ‘‘rarely perfect.” 


Aecia on gymnospermous hosts, definite, subepidermal, erumpent; peridium usually 
more than one cell in thickness either above or at base, or throughout, cylindric, flattened 
laterally, or irregularly bullate, firm or less often delicate and fragile, opening by circumscissile 
rupture, or less often at apex, the margin erect, frayed, the peridial cells abutted or overlapping, 
usually smooth without and verrucose or tuberculate within; aeciospores catenulate, one- 
celled, globoid or ellipsoid; wall colorless, verrucose or tuberculate, the tubercles often 

Pycnia subcuticular or subepidermal, or subcortical and more or less indefinite, with 
short or no ostiolar filaments. 

Genus based upon a concept, and not upon a type species. 

Host belonging to family Pinaceae. 
Of the genus Pinus; pycnia subepidermal. 

Aeciospores ellipsoid, the wall thick, 3-3.5 yu. 1. P. guatemalense. 
Aeciospores oblong, the wall thin, 2—2.5 yu. 2. P. Weiris. 

Of the genus Abies; pycnia subcuticular. 
Aecia large; peridial cells finely verrucose. 3.. P. ornamentale. 
Aecia small; peridial cells rugose. 4. P. rugosum. 

Of the genus Picea. 
Pycnia subcuticular; mycelium annual. 5. P. ingenuum. 
Pycnia subepidermal; mycelium perennial. 6. P. coloradense, 

Host belonging to family Ephedraceae. 7. P. Ephedrae. 

1. Peridermium guatemalense Arth. & Kern, Mycologia 
6:121. 1914. 

Peridermium gracile Arth. & Kern, Bull. Torrey Club 33: 417. 1906. Not P. gracile Hark. 1884. 
Peridermium floridum Hedge. & Hahn, Mycologia 12: 194. 1920. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, numerous, subepidermal, low-conoidal, dehiscent by a longitudinal 
slit, 190-350 uw broad by 0.5-0.8 mm. long and 60-75 yu high. 

I. Aecia amphigenous, numerous on discolored spots occupying part of the leaf, erumpent 
from longitudinal narrow slits; peridium flattened laterally, 0.3-0.5 by 0.5-1.5 mm. by 
1-1.8 mm. high, rupturing irregularly; peridial cells broadly ellipsoid in face view, 23-29 by 
30-60 yu, overlapping, the outer wall 4-6 uv thick, smooth, the inner wall 6-10 u thick, finely and 
closely verrucose; aeciospores ellipsoid, 18-24 by 22-394; wall 3-3.5u thick, closely and 
evenly verrucose with large deciduous tubercles. 


Pinus filifolia Lindl., Jalisco, Oaxaca; Guatemala. 

Pinus palustris Mill. (P. australis Michx.), Florida. 

— LOCALITY: Antigua, Sacatepéquez, Guatemala, on Pinus filifolia. 
DistrieuTion: Central Florida, southern Mexico, and Guatemala. 

2. Peridermium Weirii Arthur sp. nov. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, brownish, conspicuous, originating between the mesophyll and 
subepidermal layer, linear, 0.3-0.8 mm. wide by 0.6—-1.3 mm. long, dehiscent by a longitudinal 
slit, slightly raising the leaf-surface, in section 70-96 yu high. 

I. Aecia from a limited mycelium, amphigenous, sparse, on yellowish spots, erumpent 
from longitudinal slits, tongue-shaped, 0.5-1.3 mm. long by 0.5—0.7 mm. high; peridium white, 
rupturing at first along the summit, fragile; peridial cells not or slightly over-lapping, broadly 
oblong in face view 23-38 by 30-50 y, the inner wall closely and rather coarsely verrucose, 
4-5 u thick, the outer wall nearly or quite smooth and thinner; aeciospores oblong, ovoid, or 


broadly ellipsoid, 16-20 by 29-35 u; wall colorless, 2-2.5 u thick, evenly and closely verrucose 
with short rods about | u long. 

Pinus contorta Dougl. (P. Murrayana Balf.), Idaho. 
Type collected at Kooskia, Idaho, July, 1917, James R. Weir 14716. 

3. Peridermium ornamentale Arth. Bull Torrey Club 
28: 665. 1901. 2 
Peridermium Holwayi Sydow, Ann. Myc. 1: 19. 1903. 4 
Aecidium ornamentale Farl. Bibl. Index 1:71. 1905. Not A. ornamentale Kalchbr. 1875. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, numerous, hemispheric or flat, often confluent, inconspicuous, 
subcuticular, sometimes sunken into and depressing the epidermal cells, 130-175 uw broad, 
25-35 pw high. 

I. Aecia chiefly hypophyllous, on yellowish spots; peridium cylindroid, somewhat flattened 
laterally, 0.2-0.4 by 0.3-0.6 mm. by 0.5-1.5 mm. high, dehiscent at apex or irregularly; 
peridial cells oblong or lanceolate-oblong, overlapping, the outer wall 1-1.5 » thick, smooth, 
the inner wall thicker, 2—4 y, finely verrucose; aeciospores broadly ellipsoid, 15-18 by 18-29 p; 
wall colorless, thin, 1—1.5 u, finely and closely verrucose. 


Abies concolor Lindl. & Gord., California, Oregon. 
Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt., Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington; Alberta, British 
‘Tyre LocaLity: Mountains of Skamania County, Washington, on Abies lasiocarpa. 

DISTRIBUTION: Western Montana to northern California, northward into Canada. 
Exsiccati: Barth. N. Am. Ured. 2005. 

4. Peridermium rugosum H. S. Jackson, sp. nov. 

O. Pycnia hypophyllous, rather numerous, inconspicuous, scattered, only slightly raised 
above leaf-surface, subcuticular, hemispheric or lenticular, extending between the cells beneath 
and greatly depressing the tissues, giving the appearance of being subepidermal, 140-1704 
broad by 120-160 u high. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, on leaves of the preceding season, in two rows on yellow spots, 
either side of midrib, occupying part or all of leaf, white, deep-seated, cylindric, 0.4-0.5 mm. 
in diameter by 0.6—1 mm. high; peridium colorless, the margin erect, erose or deeply lacerate; 
peridial cells polygonal or angularly ellipsoid in face view, oblong in side view, somewhat 
overlapping, 14-16 by 30-45 u, the outer wall smooth 1-1.5 » thick, the inner wall 3-4.5 u 
thick, strongly rugose-verrucose, best seen in face view; aeciospores broadly ellipsoid, 16-24 by 
24-32 uw; wall thin, 1.5—2 u, colorless, closely and prominently verrucose, the markings some- 
what deciduous. 

Abies grandis Lindl., Oregon, Washington. 
e ie ype collected at Lake Cushman, Olympic Mountains, Washington, October, 1915, Rose M. 

5. Peridermium ingenuum Arthur. 
Bea ant ingenuum Arth.; Rhoads, Hedge., Bethel & Hartley, Phytopathology 8: 336, hyponym. 
Aecidium ingenuum Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 46: 124. 1919. 

O. Pyenia hypophyllous, discoid, inconspicuous, subcuticular, 80-130 u broad by 40-50 u 
high; ostiolar filaments wanting. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, closely packed in rows, over part or the whole leaf, often confluent; 
peridium nearly cylindric to tongue-shaped, 0.5-0.8 mm. high, very delicate and fragile; 
peridial cells in radial section narrowly oblong or linear, 10-16 by 32-42 u, somewhat overlap- 
ping, the outer wall 1-2 u thick, smooth, the inner wall 3-5 » thick, closely verrucose with 
slender tubercles; aeciospores globoid or broadly ellipsoid, 13-16 by 16-23 »; wall colorless, 
2-3 » thick, half the thickness being due to the close, rather fine, and somewhat deciduous 

Part 9, 1924] AECIDIACEAE 647 

Picea canadensis (Mill.) B.S. P. (P. alba Link, Abies canadensis Mill.), South Dakota, 
Vermont, Wisconsin. 
TYPE LocALITY: Walden, Vermont, on Picea canadensis. 
DistriBution: Northern Vermont to the Black Hills in South Dakota. 

6. Peridermium coloradense (Dietel) Arth. & Kern, Bull. Torrey 
Club 33: 426. 1906 

Aecidium coloradense Dietel, in E. & P. Nat. Pfl. 1!**: 78. 1897. 
Peridermium boreale Arth. & Kern, Bull. Torrey Club 33: 425. 1906. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, numerous, conspicuous, honey-yellow becoming blackish-brown, 
punctiform, subepidermal, in section globoid or flask-shaped, slightly protruding, 100-150 » 

I. Aecia from perennial mycelium, forming witches’ brooms often of great size, hypophyl- 
lous, in two irregular rows, erumpent from a lenticular opening 0.5—2.5 mm. long; peridium 
flattened laterally, 0.5-1.2 mm. high, dehiscent along the sides, the upper part often falling 
away; peridial cells oblong or ellipsoid, slightly overlapping, the outer wall 1.5—2.5 u thick, 
smooth, the inner wall 3-4 4, verrucose; aeciospores broadly ellipsoid or globoid, 16-25 by 
23-35 u; wall colorless, 2—4 uw thick, densely and rather finely verrucose. 

Picea albertiana S. Brown, Alberta, British Columbia. 
Picea canadensis (Mill.) B. S. P. (P. alba Link, Abies canadensis Mill.), Michigan, South 
Dakota, Washington; Saskatchewan, Yukon. 
Picea Engelmanni (Parry) Engelm., Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, 
Wyoming; Saskatchewan. 
Picea excelsa (Lam.) Link (P. abies Karst., P. vulgaris Link, Pinus Abies L.), Washington; 
Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S. P. (P. nigra Ait.), Maine, Michigan, Wisconsin; Quebec. 
Picea pungens Engelm. (P. Parryana Sarg.), Colorado, New Mexico, South Dakota, 
Picea rubens Sarg. (P. rubra Dietr.), Maine, New York. 
Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr., Alaska. 
TYPE LocALITy: Music Pass, Sangre de Christo Range, Colorado, on Picea Engelmanni. 
DISTRIBUTION: Across the northern part of the continent from Maine, Michigan, and South 
Dakota northward, and in the mountains from northern New Mexico to Oregon northward. 
Exsiccati: Barth. Fungi Columb. 2740; Barth. N. Am. Ured. 112, 1213, 1620, 1729, 1820, 
1921, 2024, 2123, 2215, 2332, 2922; Clements, Crypt. Form. Col. 152; Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 
876, 1479; Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 2223; Seym. & Earle, Econ. Fungi 221. 

7. Peridermium Ephedrae Cooke, Indian Forester 3:95. 1877. 

Peridermium Pini minor Berk. & Curt. Grevillea 3:59. 1874. 
Coleosporium Senecionis minus De-Toni, in Sacc. Syll. Fung. 7: 752. 1888. 
Aecidium Ephedrae Dietel, in E. & P. Nat. Pfl. 1'**: 79. 1897. 

O. Pycnia caulicolus, numerous, conspicuous, scattered irregularly, honey-yellow becoming 
golden-brown, subcuticular, conic, often truncate, 75-130 » broad, 50-70 u high. 

I. Aecia caulicolous, from a perennial mycelium, numerous, scattered over slightly hyper- 
trophied shoots; peridium cylindric, slender, 0.3-0.4 mm. in diameter, 1.5-2.5 mm. high, 
firm, dehiscent at apex; peridial cells oblong, abutted, the walls 4-5 » thick, the inner wall 
finely verrucose; aeciospores broadly ellipsoid or globoid, 16-20 by 19-264; wall colorless, 
thin, 1-1.5 yu, closely and finely verrucose. 

Ephedra antisyphilitica C. Meyer, New Mexico, Texas; Lower California, San Luis Potosi. 
Ephedra californica S. Wats., California; Lower California. 
Ephedra nevadensis S. Wats., Arizona. 
Ephedra trifurca Torr., New Mexico. 
Ephedra viridis Coville, Arizona. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Texas, on Ephedra antisyphilitica. 
DistriBuTion: Southwestern Texas and southern California to central Mexico. 
Exsiccati: Barth. N. Am. Ured. 1/621; Rav. Fungi Car. 3: 95 


Aecia (or in some instances uredinia) without peridia (sometimes with paraphyses), 
more or less indefinite, subepidermal; aeciospores catenulate, one-celled, globoid or ellipsoid; 
wall colorless or yellowish, verrucose. 


Pycnia subcuticular or subepidermal; ostiolar filaments wanting. 
Genus based upon a concept, and not upon a type species. 

1. Caeoma dubium C. A. Ludwig, Phytopathology 5: 281. 1915. 

O. Pycnia hypophyllous, rather numerous, scattered, noticeable, golden-brown, subepi- 
dermal, hemispheric or discoid, 80-115 » wide by 50-80 high; ostiolar filaments wanting. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous in two longitudinal lines, subepidermal, oblong, 0.2-0.4 mm, 
wide by 0.3-0.8 mm. long, not crowded, early naked, pulverulent, light-yellow when dry, 
ruptured epidermis evident; aeciospores broadly ellipsoid or globoid, 15-21 by 15-22 y; 
wall colorless, 1.5-2.5 u thick, often thicker above, 3-4.5 y, prominently and very closely 


Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg., Idaho, Oregon, Washington. 
‘TYPE LOCALITY: Bainbridge Island, Kitsap County, Washington, on Tsuga heterophylla. 
DISTRIBUTION: Northern Idaho to northwestern Washington. 
Exsiccati: Barth. Fungi Columb. 3/03; Barth. N. Am. Ured. 103. 


CAEOMA ABERRANS Peck, Bull. Torrey Club 22:210. 1895. On bark of living alder, New- 
foundland. Nota fungus, but the natural development of lenticels under moist conditions. 

Caroma (UREDO) BRUNNEUM Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4:291. 1832. Onan unknown 
plant from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Examination of the original material shows the 
spots due probably to some pathological condition and not caused by a fungus of any 

Caroma (AEcipIuM) ConvoLVvULATUM Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4:292. 1832. (Aecidi- 
um convolvutatum Schw. Trans. Am. Phil.Soc. II. 4:309. 1832, A. Ipomoeae-panduranae 
Schw. Schr. Nat. Ges. Leipzig 1:69. 1822). On Convolvulus panduratus 1,., Pennsylvania. 
A species of the Peronosporales, Albugo Ipomoeae-panduranae (Schw.) Swingle. 

Caroma (UREDO) LOBELIAE-CARDINALIS Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4:291. 1832. 
The original material consists of a leaf well covered by a brown growth of the hyphomyce- 
tous fungus, Cercospora effusa (Berk. & Curt.) Ellis & Ev. 

Caroma (AECIDIUM) OsmuNDATUM Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4:294. 1832. On 
Osmunda spectabilis Willd., New York. Not a rust, but is determined as Mycosyrinx 
Osmundae Peck, and considered to be either a member of the Ustilaginales or a 

Caroma (UREDO) TEUcRII Schw. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 4:291. 1832. On Teucrium 
virginicum L,. (T. canadense 1,.), Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. ‘The original material shows 
ihe I hated fungus, Cercospora Teucrii (Schw.) Arth. & Bisby (C. racemosa Ellis & 




As the additions and corrections to Ustilaginales must in any event be separated by hundreds 
of pages from the original text, they have been deferred, to follow the corrections and addi- 
tions, and the host-index, to the Uredinales, thus making the entire treatment of Uredinales 

Self-evident errors, and such as may readily be detected by reference to the bibliography 
or index, are not listed here. Ina few cases so many additions have been made to the number 
of species under a genus that a new key, wholly or in part, has been substituted. Few changes 
have been made in the descriptions of genera or species, although in some cases a more exact 
statement could now be given. Unless the name of the host is erroneous it has not been 
changed to make it agree with recent studies, except in a few instances, even when the synonymy 
is antiquated. Additional localities for hosts are given near the end of the volume, except 
in a few instances where the range of the species is greatly extended. The statement regarding 
distribution has not been changed, except in rare instances, although in a number of cases 
added hosts have evidently extended the range. 

Omit the word “ four ”’ in the 20th line of the diagnosis, and make the last lines of 
the same sentence read as follows: ‘‘ each basidium supporting four stalked or sessile 


Substitute the following key to genera: 

Basidiospores on long sterigmata. Subfamily CoLEOSPORIATAE. 
Life-cycle with all spore-forms. 1. CoLEosPportumM. 
Life-cycle with pycnia, aecia, and telia. la. SYNOMYCES. 
Life-cycle with telia only. b 2. GALLOWAYA. 
Basidiospores on short sterigmata. Subfamily CHRYSOPSORATAE. 3. CHRYSOPSORA. 
Omit the first line in the key. 
Insert, after no. 4: 
Host belonging to family Oleaceae. 4a. C. minutum. 
Host belonging to family Loganiaceae. 4b. C. Spigeliae. 
Replace nos. 12-14 by: 
Urediniospores coarsely verrucose or tuberculate. 
Urediniospores small, 22-27 u long. 12. C. Eupatorit. 
Urediniospores large, 26-35 u long. 13. C. Steviae. 
Urediniospores finely verrucose. 
Urediniospores small, 20-28 u long. 13a. C. aridum. 
Urediniospores large, 24-35 yu long. 14. C. Laciniariae. 
Replace no. 15 by: 
Of the tribe Astereae. 
Urediniospores ellipsoid; wall strongly verrucose. 15. C. Solidaginis. 
Urediniospores oblong; wall finely verrucose. 15a. C. delicatulum. 
Of the tribe Inulae. 15b. C. Adenocaulonis. 

Replace no. 18 by: 

Teliospores narrowed at both ends, apical outlines distinct. 
Urediniospores small, 19-27 yu long, the wall finely verrucose. 

Urediniospores ellipsoid, 14-20 u wide, the wall 1.5 u thick, 18. C. Helianthi. 
Urediniospores broadly ellipsoid, 18-23 u wide, the wall ly 
thick. 18a. C. inconspicuum. 

Urediniospores larger, oblong, 16-22 X 24-32 uw, the wall tubercu- 
late-verrucose. 18b. C. Viguierae. 







Omit no. 21. 

Add to the key. 

Host belonging to family Cichoriaceae. 25. C. Sonchi-arvensis. 

Coleosporium Bletiae. 

Omit all pertaining to this species. The record was based on scanty material from 
imported plants. The rust has not persisted, and seems not to have been found a second 
time in North America. It, therefore, can not be said to form any genuine part of the 
North American flora. 

Coleosporium ribicola. 

Add the synonym: Peridermium ribicola Long, Mycologia 8: 310. 1916. 

Replace the line following the synonymy by: 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, scattered, low-conoidal, chestnut-brown, noticeable, sub- 
corticular, dehiscent by a longitudinal slit, 0.5-1 mm. long by 0.3-0.5 mm. broad, about 
0.1 mm. high. 

I. Aecia from a limited mycelium, amphigenous, few, flattened laterally, 0.5—1 mm. 
long by 0.5-1.2 mm. high; peridium colorless, fragile; peridial cells slightly or not over- 
lapping, the outer wall smooth or nearly so, the inner wall finely and moderately verru- 
cose, the lower cells elliptic, oval or lanceolate, 16-24 by 33-50 u, with walls 2-3 u thick, 
the upper cells irregularly orbicular, nearly isodiametric, 18-30 u in diameter, with walls 
2-4 u thick; aeciospores elliptic-oblong, oval, or obovate. 20-28 by 30-43 4; wall color- 
less, 2-34 thick, uniformly verrucose with rather coarse irregular warts, which are 
tardily deciduous. 


Caryopitys edulis (Engelm.) Small (Pinus edulis Engelm.), Arizona, Colorado, New 

Replace the five hosts under Grossulariaceae by: 

Grossularia Cynosbati (1,.) Mill. (Ribes Cynosbati L., R. gracile Michx.), Wisconsin. 

Grossularia inermis (Rydb.) Cov. & Britt. (Ribes inerme Rydb., R. Purpusii Koehne, 
R. vallicola Greene), California, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming. 

Grossularia leptantha (A. Gray) Cov. & Britt. (Ribes leptantha A. Gray), Colorado, 
New Mexico. 

Grossularia pinetorum (Greene) Cov. & Britt. (Ribes pinetorum Greene), New Mexico. 

Grossularia reclinata (1,.) Mill. (Ribes Grossularia L., R. Uva-crispa 1,.), Colorado. 

Ribes americanum Mill. (R. floridum L’Hér.), Colorado. 

Ribes aureum Pursh (Chrysobotrya aurea Rydb.), Colorado. 

Ribes cereum Lindl., Utah. 

Ribes coloradense Coville, Utah. 

Ribes inebrians Lindl. (R. pumilum Nutt.), Arizona, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, 
South Dakota, Utah. 

Ribes lacustre (Pers.) Poir. (Limnobotrya lacustris Rydb.), Montana. 

Ribes montigenum McClatchie (R. lentum Cov. & Rose, Limnobotrya montigena Rydb.), 
Colorado, New Mexico. 

Ribes nevadense Kellogg, California. 

Ribes odoratum Wendl. (R. longiflorum Nutt., Chrysobotrya odorata Rydb.), Arizona, 
Colorado, New Mexico. 

Ribes Wolfii Rothr., New Mexico. 

Add the exsiccati: Barth. Fungi Columb. 2920, 3514, 3515, 4812; Barth. N. Am. 
Ured. 305, 306, 602, 709, 1404, 1607, 1809, 1908, 1909, 2807, 3008, 3009; Garrett, Fungi 
Utah. 201. 

Coleosporium Mentzeliae. 

Add the host: Mentzelia cordata (Kell. & Curr.) Arth. (Eucnida cordata Kell. & Curr.), 
Lower California. 

86. Coleosporium Begoniae. : 

Add the host: Begonia gracilis Kunth, Mexico (state). 


87. Insert: 


4a. Coleosporium minutum Hedge. & Hunt, Mycologia 12: 187. 1920. 
Peridermium minutum Hedge. & Hunt, Mycologia 9: 242. 1917. 

O. Pycnia few, solitary or wanting, tawny to chestnut-brown, 0.2—0.4 mm. wide by 
0.3—0.5 mm. long. 

I. Aecia largely epiphyllous, scattered, often in a single row, low and inconspicuous, 
flattened laterally, 0.3-0.7 mm. broad by 0.5-1.2 mm. long and 0.3-0.5 mm. high; 
peridia very delicate, rupturing longitudinally with finely fimbriated edges which recurve 
on maturity; peridial cells ovoid, ellipsoid, or rhomboid in face view, slightly overlapping 
or abutted, 18-28 by 35-70 uw, with walls 2-4 u thick, the outer smooth, the inner finely 
verrucose; aecicspores ovoid, ellipsoid, or oblong, sometimes pointed at one end; wall 
colorless, 2—4 » thick, verrucose with blunt tubercles 2.5—3.5 u long. 

Pinus glabra Walt., Florida. 
Pinus Taeda \,., Florida. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, scattered on slightly chlorotic areas, roundish, small, 
0.1-0.5 mm. across, orange-yellow fading to white, ruptured epidermis inconspicuous; 
urediniospores globoid or ellipsoid, 15-23 by 18-31 4; wall 1—1.5 w thick, thicker above, 
2-8 u, coarsely verrucose with conic tubercles. 

III. Telia hypophyllous, scattered or somewhat gregarious, roundish, small, 0.2—0.4 
mm. across, reddish, ruptured epidermis inconspicuous; teliospores cylindric or somewhat 
clavate, 18-32 by 30-704, rounded or obtuse above, obtuse or narrowed below; wall 
colorless, thin, swelling above, 20-26 yp. 


Forestiera ligustrina Poir. (Adelia ligustrina Michx.), Florida. 
Type Locauity: Gainesville, Florida, on Pinus glabra. 
DISTRIBUTION: Central Florida. 

4b. Coleosporium Spigeliae Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 51:51. 1924. 

O and I. Pycnia and aecia unknown. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, in groups 2-6 mm. across, on slightly discolored areas, 
the sori 0.3-0.5 mm. apart or somewhat confluent, roundish, 0.3-0.8 mm. in diam- 
eter, soon naked, yellowish or nearly colorless, pulverulent, ruptured epidermis in- 
conspicuous; urediniospores irregularly globoid or ellipsoid, 13-18 by 15-23; wall 
colorless, thin, about 0.5 yu, closely and evenly verrucose. 

Ill. Telia unknown. 


Spigelia Humboldtiana Cham. & Schlecht., Guatemala; Salvador. 
Type Locatity: Near Ahuachapan, Salvador, on Spigelia Humboldtiana. 
DistTRipuTion: Central America. 

Coleosporium apocynaceum. 

Add the synonym: Peridermium apocynaceum Hedge. & Hunt, Mycologia 12: 183. 

Replace the line below the synonymy by: 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, in one row on each side of the leaf, conspicuous, opening by 
a longitudinal slit, chestnut-brown, 0.4-0.8 mm. wide by 0.6-1.4 mm. long, and 0.1—0.2 
mm. high; pycniospores 2-3 by 4-7 yu. 

I. Aecia chiefly hypophyllous, from a limited mycelium, flattened laterally, 0.3-0.5 mm. 
wide by 2-20 mm. long, and 0.3-0.5 mm. high; peridium thin, fragile, rupturing cir- 
cumscissilely, the margins recurved, lacerate or fringed; peridial cells ellipsoid or cylindric, 
18-33 by 25-63 u, slightly overlapping, readily separating, the outer wall 3-6 » thick, 
verrucose, the inner somewhat thinner, verrucose with cylindric tubercles 2-6 » long; 
aeciospores ovoid or ellipsoid, 16-23 by 22-42 u; wall 3-6 uw thick, verrucose with blunt 
tubercles 2-6 yu long. 

Pinus caribaea Morelet (P. Elliottii Engelm., P. heterophylla Sudw.), Florida. 
Pinus palustris Mill. (P. australis Michx.), Florida, 
Pinus Taeda 1,., Florida. 


87. Coleosporium Plumierae. 


Replace this name by: Coleosporium domingense (Berk.) Arth. Am. Jour. Bot. 5: 
329. 1918. 

Add the synonyms: Uredo domingensis Berk. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. II. 9: 200. 1852. 
Uredo plumierticola P. Henn. Hedwigia 43: 161. 1904. 

Add the hosts: 

Plumiera emarginata Griseb., Cuba. 

Plumiera Krugii Urban, Porto Rico. 

Plumiera lutea Ruiz & Pav., Guatemala. 

Plumiera obtusa 1.., Cuba; Bahamas; Mona Island. 
Plumiera sp., Panama. 

Substitute the type locality: Santo Domingo, on unknown plant [Plumiera, possibly 
P. rubra}. 
Add the exsiccati: Kellerm. Fungi Sel. Guat. 13. 

Coleosporium Ipomoeae. 

Add the synonym: Peridermium Ipomoeae Hedge. & Hunt, Mycologia 9: 239. 1917. 

Replace the line following the synonymy by: 

O. Pyenia amphigenous, scattered or arranged in rows, on light- or yellow-green 
spots, dark-olivaceous, 0.1—-0.35 mm. broad by 0.3—0.65 mm. long. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, usually in single rows, flattened laterally, 0.9-2.3 mm. long by 
0.3-0.6 mm. high; peridial cells elliptic or rhomboid in face view, mostly overlapping, 
16-26 by 18-47 u, with walls 2-5 u thick, the outer wall smooth, the inner wall closely 
and finely verrucose; aeciospores ovoid or ellipsoid, 16-20 by 22-27 4; wall colorless, 
verrucose with somewhat deciduous tubercles 1-2 u in diameter and 1-3 » high. 


Pinus caribaea Morelet (P. Elliottii Engelm., P. heterophylla Sudw.), Florida. 

Pinus chichuachuana Engelm., Arizona. 

Pinus echinata Mill. (P. mitis ’Michx. ), Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, North Carolina, 
Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia. 

Pinus palustris Mill. (P. australis Michx.), Florida, South Carolina. 

Pinus rigida Mill., Maryland, Pennsylvania. 

Pinus serotina Michx., Florida, South Carolina. 

Pinus Taeda L., Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Caro- 
lina, Virginia. 

Add the telial hosts: 

Ipomoea angustifolia Jacq., Porto Rico. 

Ipomoea digitata L. (cult.), Mississippi. 

Ipomoea fistulosa Mart., Salvador. 

Ipomoea glabriuscula House, Guatemala. 

Ipomoea hirsutula Jacq. f. (I. mexicana A. Gray), Guanajuato. 

Ipomoea littoralis Blume, Porto Rico. 

Ipomoea microsepala Benth. (IJ. Nelsoni Rose), Jalisco. 

Ipomoea muricata R. & S., Guatemala. 

Ipomoea mutabilis Lindl., Cuba. 

Ipomoea Petri Donn.-Smith (I. sericophylla Peter not Meissn.), Guatemala. 
Ipomoea purga Hayne, Costa Rica. 

Ipomoea ruber (Vahl) Millsp., Porto Rico. 

Ipomoea stolonifera (Cyrill.) Poir., Cuba; Porto Rico. 

Ipomoea tiliacea (Willd.) Choisy (I. fastigiata Sweet), Porto Rico, 
Ipomoea trichocarpa Ell. (I. carolina Pursh not L.), Florida, Texas. 

Phar bitis barbigera (Sims) G. Don (Ipomoea Eanes Sims), Mississippi. 
Rivea speciosa Sweet, Cuba. 

Add the exsiccati: Barth. Fungi Columb. 2816, 2817, 2919, 3010, 4214, 4519, 4617, 
4810; Barth. N. Am. Ured. 304, 708, 908, 1107, 1305, 1403, 2009, 2110, 2306, 2307, 

2405, 2505, 2506, 2709, 2805, 2806, 2906, 3006, 3007; Rav. Fungi Am. 488; Rav. Fungi 
Car. 4: 99. 

88. Coleosporium Viburni. 

Add the hosts: 

Viburnum pubescens (Ait.) Pursh, Wisconsin. 
Virburnum sp., Costa Rica; Guatemala. 

Add: Exsiccati: Barth. N. Am. Ured. 1006. 




Coleosporium Campanulae. 
Add the host, under Pinaceae: Pinus resinosa Ait., Michigan. 
Add the hosts, under Campanulaceae: 
Campanula aparinoides Pursh, Wisconsin. 

Campanula divaricata Michx., Kentucky. 
Campanula persicifolia L,., California. 

Add the exsiccati: Barth. Fungi Columb. 2508; Seym. & Earle, Econ. Fungi 224. 

Insert: ILLUSTRATIONS: Briosi & Cavara, Funghi Par. 103; Ber. Deuts. Bot. Ges. 20: 
pl. 17, f. 1, 2; Grove, Brit. Rust Fungi f. 246; Ann. Rep. Conn. Exp. Sta. 1907: i. 
25, 32, f. 22. 

Coleosporium Vernoniae. 

Replace this name by: Coleosporium carneum (Bosc) H. S. Jackson, Proc. Ind. Acad. 
1917: 312. 1918. 

Insert the synonyms: Tubercularia carnea Bosc, Ges. Nat. Freunde Berlin Mag. 5: 
88. 1811. Peridermium oblongisporium Ravenelit Thiim. Mitth. Forstl. Vers. Oesterr. 2: 
316. 1880. Peridermium Ravenelii Kleb. Ber. Deuts. Bot. Ges. 82:69. 1890. Aecidium 
Ravenelii Dietel, in E. & P. Nat. Pfl. 1'**: 78. 1897. Peridermium carneum Seym. & 
Earle, Econ. Fungi 550. 1899. Aecidium carneum Farlow, Bibl. Index 1: 25. 1905. 
Aecidium Vernoniae-mollis Mayor, Mém. Soc. Neuch. Sci. Nat. 5:570. 1913. 

Replace the line following the synonymy by: 

O. Pyenia chiefly epiphyllous, one to many in a single row on either side of the leaf, 
at first reddish-orange, becoming chestnut-brown, 0.1—-0.2 mm. wide by 0.6-1.4 mm. 
long, and 0.4-1 mm. high. 

I. Aecia amphigenous, one to many in single rows, flattened laterally, usually irregu- 
larly rectangular or truncate, occasionally irregularly triangular in side view, 0.4-0.9 
mm. wide by 1.5—8.4 mm. long, and 1.8—4 mm. high; peridium sometimes vertically striate, 
rupturing by a longitudinal slit, the margin irregular; peridial cells rhomboidal in cross 
section, usually considerably overlapping, 20-38 by 33-45 u, the walls 4-8 u thick, the 
inner wall and sometimes the outer wall closely and moderately verrucose; aeciospores 
obovoid or ellipsoid, 16-25 by 25-38 u; wall thick, 3-9 uw, often thicker above, closely 
and coarsely verrucose. 


Pinus caribaea Morelet (P. Elliottii Engelm., P. heterophylla Sudw.), Florida, Georgia, 

Pinus echinata Mill. (P. mitis Michx.), Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Missouri, North 
Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia. 

Pinus glabra Walt., Florida. 

Pinus nigra Arnold (P. austriaca Hoss.), Ohio. 

Pinus palustris Mill. (P. australis Michx.), Florida, Mississippi, South Carolina. 

Pinus ponderosa Dougl., District of Columbia, Ohio. 

Pinus rigida Mill., Connecticut, District of Columbia, Maryland, North Carolina, 
Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginiq. 

Pinus scopulorum (Engelm.) Lemmon (P. ponderosa scopulorum Engelm.), Ohio. 

Pinus serotina Michx., Florida, Georgia, South Carolina. 

Pinus Taeda \,., Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, 
South Carolina, Texas, Virginia. 

Omit Kansas after Vernonia Baldwinii. 
Add the telial hosts: 

Lachnorhiza piloselloides A. Rich., Cuba. 

Vernonia Blodgettii Small, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina. 
Vernonia illinoensis Gleason, Indiana. 

Vernonia insularis Gleason, Bahamas. 

Vernonia oligantha Greene, Florida, Louisiana. 

Vernonia pulchella Small, Georgia. 

Vernonia tomentosa (Walt.) Ell., District of Columbia. 

Change the latter part of the distribution to read: southward to Florida, the Bahamas 
and Texas; also in South America. 
Insert: ILLUSTRATION: Mém. Soc. Neuch. Sci. Nat. 5: 570, f. 77. 








Add the exsiccati: Barth. N. Am. Ured. 1408, 1409, 1503, 1727, 1728, 1730, 1819, 
1920, 2012, 2023, 2113, 2122, 2206, 2214, 2319, 2320, 2407, 2408, 2511, 2616, 2715, 2716, 
2811, 2812, 3010; Barth. Fungi Columb. 2511, 2618, 2715, 2822, 2823, 2824, 3043, 3518, 
4814; Ellis, N. Am. Fungi /026a, 6b; Rab.-Wint. Fungi Eur. 3315); Seym. & Earle, 
Econ. Fungi 224, 550. 

Coleosporium Elephantopodis. 

Add the synonyms: Peridermium intermedium Arth. & Kern, Bull. Torrey Club 33: 
416. 1906. Peridermium Elephantopodis Hedge. & Hahn, Mycologia 12: 190. 1920. 

Replace the line following the synonymy by: 

O. Pyenia chiefly epiphyllous, one to many in one or two rows, at first orange-yellow, 
becoming golden-brown, 0.3—0.6 mm. wide by 0.3—-1 mm. long, and 0.1—0.2 mm. high. 

I. Aecia amphigenous, one to few in two short rows, flattened laterally, irregularly 
triangular or rectangular in side view, 0.3-0.9 mm. wide by 1.1—1.9 mm. long, and 1-3.6 
mm. high; peridium often vertically striate, rupturing by a longitudinal slit, the margin 
notched; peridial cells rectangular in cross-section, slightly or not overlapping, 20—40 
by 32-72 yu, the walls very thick, 6-12 », the inner wall closely verrucose; aeciospores 
globoid, obovoid, or ellipsoid, 14-24 by 20-32 1; walls 3-6 u thick, slightly or not at all 
thicker above, closely and coarsely verrucose. 


Pinus caribaea Morelet (P. Elliottii Engelm., P. heterophylla Sudw.), Florida. 

Pinus echinata Mill. (P. mitis Michx.), Arkansas, Georgia, Maryland, Missouri. 

Pinus palustris Mill. (P. australis Michx.), Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, North 
Carolina, South Carolina. 

Pinus rigida Mill., North Carolina. 

Pinus serotina Michx., Florida, South Carolina. 

Pinus Taeda \., Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South 
Carolina, Tennessee, Texas. 

In the hosts listed under Carduaceae, place Elephantopus scaber 1. as a synonym to 
E. mollis H.B.K., with localities, and add: Elephantopus elatus Bertol., Georgia, 
Mississippi; and Elephantopus hypomalacus Blake, Costa Rica; Guatemala; Salvadoz. 

Add the exsiccati: Barth. Fungi Columb. 2815, 4518, 4616, 4809; Barth. N. Am. 
Ured. 3, 906, 907, 1105, 1606, 2007, 2108, 2201, 2303, 2304, 2503, 2707, 2804, 3005; 
Rab.-Wint. Fungi Eur. 3315a; Sydow, Ured. 2391; Thiim. Myc. Univ. 953. 

Insert: ILLUSTRATION: Mém. Soc. Neuch. Sci. Nat. 5: 552, f. 61. 

Coleosporium Eupatorii. 
Add the host: Eupatorium Oerstedianum Benth., Costa Rica 
Add: ILLUSTRATION: Mém. Soc. Neuch. Sci. Nat. 5: 552, f. 62. 

Coleosporium Steviae. 
Insert the synonym: Aecidium Carpochaetes Sydow, Ann. Myc. 1: 20. 1903. 
Change the description of the urediniospores to read: coarsely verrucose with deciduous 
Add the hosts: 

Carphochaete Grahami A. Br., San Luis Potosi. 
Stevia clinopodioides Greenman, Mexico (state). 
Stevia lucida Lag., Guatemala. 

Stevia subpubescens Lag., Guatemala. 

Stevia tomentosa Lag., Mexico (state). 

Add: Exsiccatr: Barth. N. Am. Ured. 1207, 1407. 
13a. Coleosporium aridum H. S. Jackson; Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 51: 
52. 1924. 
O and I. Pycnia and aecia unknown. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, scattered or gregarious, small, roundish, 0.2-0.3 mm. 
across, orange-yellow fading to pale-yellow, early naked, ruptured epidermis noticeable; 




urediniospores globoid or ellipsoid, 16-20 by 20-28; wall colorless, 1-1.5 4 thick, 
closely, finely, and uniformly verrucose. 
III. Telia unknown. 

Coleosanthus californicus (T. & G.) Kuntze (Brickellia californica A. Gray), California. 
TYPE LocaLiry: Andreas Cafion in the Mojave desert, Riverside County, California, on 
Coleosanthus californicus. 
DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

Coleosporium Laciniariae. 

Insert the synonym: Peridermium fragile Hedge. & Hunt, Mycologia 9: 241. 1917. 

Replace the first line of the description by: 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, few or singly on somewhat paler spots, 0.4-0.5 by 0.5—0.9 
mm., dark-olive to blackish. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, solitary or few, small and inconspicuous, 0.4-0.5 mm. high by 
0.8-2 mm. long; peridium flattened laterally, rupturing longitudinally with irregularly 
notched edges; peridial cells ovoid or ellipsoid in face view, frequently pointed at both 
ends, somewhat overlapping, 17-25 by 37—46 yu, the wall 4-8 yw, the inner wall verrucose 
with crowded papillae 1.1-1.9 by 4.1-5.6 4; aeciospores ovoid or ellipsoid, 18-22 by 
25-34 u; wall 2-3 u thick, closely verrucose with irregularly arranged rows of more or 
less deciduous tubercles 1.7—3.2 u long. 

Pinus palustris Mill. (P. australis Michx.), Florida. 
Pinus rigida Mill., District of Columbia, New Jersey. 

Add the hosts, under Carduaceae: 

Laciniaria elegans (Walt.) Kuntze, Florida. 

Laciniaria elegantula Greene, Alabama. 

Laciniaria gracilis (Pursh) Kuntze, Florida. 

Laciniaria laxa Small, Florida. 

Laciniaria Nashii Small, Florida. 

Laciniaria pilosa (Ait.) Heller, Georgia. 

Laciniaria scariosa (1,.) Hill (Liatris squarrulosa Michx.), Arkansas, Georgia, Ten- 

Laciniaria tenuifolia (Nutt.) Kuntze, Florida. 

Add: Exsiccati: Barth. Fungi Columb. 2818; Barth. N. Am. Ured. 2406, 2507. 

Coleosporium Solidaginis. 

Add the synonyms: Peridermium Pini-densiflorae P. Henn. Bot. Jahrb. 28: 263. 1900. 
Peridermium montanum Arth. & Kern, Bull Torrey Club 33: 413. 1906. Coleosporium 
Pini-Asteris Orishimo, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 24:4. 1910. Coleosporium Asterum Sydow, 
Ann. Myc. 12:109. 1914. 

Add the hosts, under Pinaceae: 

Pinus Banksiana Lamb. (P. divaricata Sudw.), Wisconsin; Manitoba, 

Pinus contorta Dougl. (P. Murrayana Balf.), Colorado, Montana, Oregon, Washing- 
ton; Alberta. 

Pinus echinata Mill. (P. mitis Michx.), Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, District of 
Columbia, Georgia, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, 
South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia. 

Pinus pungens Michx. f., Maryland, Pennsylvania. 

Sepa resinosa Ait., Minnesota, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, 


Pinus scopulorum (Engelm.) Lemmon (P. ponderosa scopulorum Engelm.), Montana. 

Pinus Taeda \., Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, 

Pinus Thunbergii Parl., Maryland. 

Pinus virginiana Mill. (P. inops Soland.), Pennsylvania, Virginia. 

Omit, under Carduaceae, the two species of Euthamia and their distribution, and 
also Wisconsin after Aster Eatoni, and add: 
Aster acuminatus Michx., Maryland, New York. 
Aster adscendens Lindl., Colorado, Idaho. 
Aster amplissimus Greene, Oregon. 

Aster commutatus (T. & G.) A. Gray (A. incanopilosus Sheldon), Nebraska. 
Aster crassulus Rydb., Colorado. 



Aster Cusickii A. Gray, Oregon. 

Aster Douglasii Lindl., Montana, Oregon, Washington. 

Aster foliaceus Lindl., Washington. 

Aster Fremontii (T. & G.) A. Gray, Montana. 

Aster Geyeri (A. Gray) Howell, Colorado, Idaho, Washington. 

Aster Hallii A. Gray, Oregon. 

Aster hirsuticaulis Lindl., North Carolina. 

Aster junceus Ait., Ontario. 

Aster kentuckyensis Small, Alabama. 

Aster Lowrieanus Porter, Virginia. 

Aster Menziesii Lindl., California. 

Aster meritus A. Nelson, Montana. 

Aster Porteri A. Gray, Colorado. 

Aster Pringlei (A. Gray) Britt., Pennsylvania. 

Aster Tweedyi Rydb., Colorado. 

Brachyactis frondosa (Nutt.) A. Gray (Aster frondosus 'T, & G.), Colorado. 

Chrysopsis caudata Rydb., Colorado. 

Chrysopsis hirsutissima Greene, Colorado. 

Chrysopsis horrida Rydb., Colorado. 

Chrysopsis mariana (1,.) Ell., Florida. 

Chrysopsis scabrella T. & G., Florida. 

Chrysopsis villosa (Pursh) Nutt., Colorado, Nebraska. 

Erigeron inornatus A. Gray, California. 

Ervigeron peregrinus (Pursh) Greene, Alaska. 

Grindelia oregana A. Gray, Washington. 

Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dunal, Colorado, Wisconsin. 

Gutierrezia texana (DC.) T. & G., Texas. 

Heterotheca subaxillaris (Lam.) Britt. & Rusby, Florida. 

Machaeranthera viscosula Rydb., Colorado. 

Oligoneuron canescens Rydb. (Solidago rigida humilis Porter), Nebraska. 

Psilactis asteroides A. Gray, New Mexico. 

Pyrrocoma lanceolata (Hook.) Greene (A plopappus lanceolatus 'T. & G.), Montana. 

Solidago altissima 1.., Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Nebraska, New Jersey, Pennsyl- 
vania, Tennessee, Wisconsin. 

Solidago austrina Small, Georgia. 

Solidago Boottii Hook., Tennessee. 

Solidago brachyphylla Chapman, Georgia. 

Solidago caurina Piper, Oregon. 

Solidago celtidifolia Small, Arkansas. 

Solidago Chapmanii A. Gray, Florida. 

Solidago concinna A. Nelson, Colorado, Montana. 

Solidago confinis A. Gray, California. 

Solidago Curtisii T. & G., North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia. 

Solidago decumbens Greene, Colorado. 

Solidago elongata Nutt., Idaho, Oregon, Washington. 

Solidago erecta Pursh (S. speciosa angustata 'T. & G.), District of Columbia, Georgia, 
Indiana, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia. 

Solidago fistulosa Mill., Florida, Mississippi, New Jetsey. 

Solidago gilvocanescens (Rydb.) Smyth, North Dakota, South Dakota. 

Solidago hispida Muhl., Arkansas, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina. 

Solidago mollis Bartl., Nebraska. 

Solidago multiradiata Ait., Manitoba. 

Solidago odora Ait., Georgia, Massachusetts, New Jersey, North Carolina, Virginia. 

Solidago oreophila Rydb., Colorado. 

Solidago petiolaris Ait., Arkansas, Missouri. 

Solidago radula Nutt., Missouri. 

Solidago rigidiuscula (T. & G.) Porter, Arkansas. 

Solidago rupestis Raf., North Carolina, Virginia. 

Solidago speciosa Nutt., Maryland, New York, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia. 

sSulniaeo squarrosa Muhl., Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, West 


Solidago stricta Ait., Florida. 

Solidago tortifolia Ell., Florida. 

Solidago uniligulata (DC.) Porter, Maine. 

Solidago Vaseyi Heller, Tennessee. 

Insert: InLusTRATIONS: Ann. Rep. Conn. Exp. Sta. 1907: pl. 26, 27, 32, f. 1’. 

Omit from the exsiccati ‘‘ Carleton, Ured. Am. 44,” and add: Barth. Fungi Columb. 
2382, 2510, 2541, 2616, 2617, 2713, 2714, 2819, 2820, 2821, 2921, 2922, 2923, 3011, 3012, 
3013, 3217, 3311, 3418, 3516, 3517, 3614, 3905, 3906, 4011, 4112, 4113, 4215, 4312, 4313, 
4520, 4618, 4813, 4911, 4912, 5008, 5009, 5074; Barth. N. Am. Ured. 5, 105, 209, 307, 
308, 404, 405, 406, 603, 604, 710, 711, 712, 802, 909, 1005, 1108, 1205, 1206, 1306, 1307, 
1405, 1406, 1608, 1708, 1709, 1810, 1811, 1812, 1910, 2010, 2011, 2112, 2203, 2204, 2205, 
2308, 2309, 2310, 2311, 2312, 2313, 2314, 2315, 2316, 2317, 2508, 2509, 2510, 2615, 2710, 



2711, 2712, 2713, 2714, 2808, 2809, 2810, 2907, 2908, 2909; Brenckle, Fungi Dak. 77, 
276, 276a, 305, 305a, 355, 355a; D. Griff. W. Am. Fungi 173; Rav. Fungi Car. 3: 96; 
Thaxter, Rel. Farl. 2/5a; Seym. & Earle, Econ. Fungi 480; Sydow, Ured. 2448; Thiim. 
Myc. Univ. 1443. 


15a. Coleosporium delicatulum (Arth. & Kern) Hedge. & Long, 
Phytopathology 3: 250. 1913. 

Peridermium delicatulum Arth. & Kern, Bull. Torrey Club 33: 412. 1906. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, few, scattered, conspicuous, brownish, dehiscent by a longi- 
tudinal slit, deep-seated, large, 0.3-0.4 mm. broad by 0.5-1 mm. long, low-conoidal, 
80-100 uw high. 

I. Aecia amphigenous, from a limited mycelium, numerous, in rows on discolored 
spots occupying part of a leaf, erumpent from longitudinal slits 1-5 mm. long extending 
along one side, the epidermis recurved; peridium delicate, inconspicuous, scarcely 
protruding above the ruptured epidermis; peridial cells isodiametric, slightly or not 
overlapping, 20-25 uw long, the walls transversely striate, the inner wall 4-5 » thick, 
finely verrucose, the outer wall slightly thinner, smooth; aeciospores ovoid or cuboidal, 
19-21 by 21-28 uw; wall colorless, 2.5—3 yw thick, finely verrucose. 

Pinus rigida Mill., Connecticut, Massachusetts. 
Pinus Taeda \,., Florida, Texas. 

II. Uredinia amphigenous, irregularly scattered, round, 0.3—-0.5 mm. in diameter, soon 
naked, yellow or orange-yellow fading to white, ruptured epidermis inconspicuous; 
urediniospores oblong or ovoid, 13-19 by 20-304; wall thin, about 1 yu, closely and 
finely verrucose. 

III. Telia amphigenous, scattered irregularly, single or in confluent groups of three or 
four, 0.3—-0.5 mm. across, elevated, waxy, at first reddish-orange; teliospores with wall 
swelling to 25-30 u above; contents orange-yellow fading to colorless, terete, 16-26 by 
60-90 yw, rounded or truncate above and below. 


Euthamia graminifolia (L.) Nutt. (Solidago lanceolata L.), Connecticut, Delaware, 
District of Columbia, Indiana, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, New 
Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia. 

Euthamia gymnospermoides Greene (Solidago gymnospermoides Fernald), Texas. 

Euthamia leptocephala (T. & G.) Greene (Solidago leptocephala T. & G.), Texas. 

Euthamia minor (Michx.) Greene (Solidago minor Fernald), Florida. 

Euthamia tenuifolia (Pursh) Greene (Solidago tenuifolia Pursh, E. caroliniana Greene), 
Florida, New Hampshire, New York. ; 

TYPE LOCALITY: St. Augustine, Florida, on Pinus [Taeda L.]. 

DIsTRIBUTION: Maine to eastern Kansas, and southward to Florida and eastern Texas. 

Exsiceati: Barth. Fungi Columb. 2509; Barth. N. Am. Ured. 5/7, 720, 2302, 3004; 
Carleton, Ured. Am. 44; Thaxter, Rel. Farl. 2156. 

15b. Coleosporium Adenocaulonis H. S. Jackson, Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Mem. 
P2027 9 LoS: 

O and I. Pyenia and aecia unknown. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, few, scattered on conspicuous angular yellowish spots, 
small, 0.1-0.2 mm. across, early naked, orange-yellow fading to whitish, pulverulent, 
ruptured epidermis conspicuous; urediniospores globoid or ellipsoid, 18-24 by 23-26 uy; 
wall light golden-brown or colorless, 2-3 » thick, prominently and moderately verrucose. 

Ill. Telia unknown. 


Adenocaulon bicolor Hook., Oregon. 
Type LocaLity: Corvallis, Oregon, on Adenocaulon bicolor. 
DisrriputTion: Known only from the type locality. 






Coleosporium Madiae. 

Add the synonyms: Coleosporium arnicale Arth. N. Am. Flora 7: 94. 1907. Peri- 
dermium californicum Arth. & Kern, Mycologia 6: 118. 1914. 

Replace the first line below the synonymy by: 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, large, 0.4-0.7 mm. broad by 0.5-1 mm. long, low-conoidal, 
about 90 uw high. 

I. Aecia amphigenous, few, scattered on scarcely discolored spots, large, tongue- 
shaped, 0.7-1.5 mm. long by 0.8-1.2 mm. high; peridial cells ellipsoid in face view, 
usually rounded at both ends, overlapping, 29-35 by 50-87 y, the walls colorless, 5-7 
thick, the inner wall rather coarsely and closely verrucose with slightly irregular papillae; 
aeciospores broadly ellipsoid, 25-29 by 40-45; wall 3-4.5 4 thick, moderately and 
rather coarsely verrucose. 

Pinus radiata D. Don (P. insignis Dougl.), California. 

Add the telial hosts: 

Centromadia pungens (H. & A.) Greene (Hemizonia pungens T. & G.), California. 
Harpaecarpus exiguus (Smith) A. Gray (Madia exigua Greene), Oregon. 
?Hemizonella Durandi A. Gray (Hemizonia Durandi A. Gray), Washington. 
Hemizonia citriodora (Greene) A. Gray (Madia citriodora Greene), Oregon. 
Hemizonia congesta DC., California. 
Madaria elegans (D. Don) DC. (Madia elegans D. Don), California. 
Madia glomerata Hook., Oregon. 
Madia ramosa Piper, Oregon. 
Add the exsiccati: Barth. Fungi Columb. 4714, 4811, 4910; Barth. N. Am. Ured. 
1707, 1808, 2111. 

Coleosporium Helianthi. 

Add the synonym: Peridermium Helianthi Hedge. & Hunt, Mycologia 9: 240. 1917. 

Omit Coleosporium Viguierae and C. Verbesinae, with their citations. 

Replace the first line below the synonymy by: 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, few or solitary, brownish-olive, applanate, large, 0.2-0.5 mm. 
wide by 0.3—0.6 mm. long. 

I. Aecia amphigenous, few in open groups or solitary, on slightly discolored areas, 
flattened becoming tongue-shaped, 0.5—1.2 mm. long by 0.8-1.8 mm. high, rupturing 
longitudinally with coarsely toothed edges; peridial cells ovoid or ellipsoid in face view, 
13-25 by 27-43 yn, rhombic or rhomboidal in section, 26-29 by 30—45 u, the wall colorless, 
the outer wall 3-4 » thick, transversely striate, smooth, the inner wall slightly thicker, 
4-5», rather evenly and finely verrucose; aeciospores globoid or broadly ellipsoid, 
sometimes pointed below, 15-20 by 20-28; wall colorless, 2.5-3.5 4 thick, rather 
uniformly and evenly verrucose, the tubercles 1-2 » long. 

Pinus virginiana Mill. (P. inops Soland.), North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia. 

Omit all species of Coreopsis, Verbesina, and Viguiera with their distributions, and 
add the telial hosts: 

Helianthus divaricatus 1,., New York, North Carolina, Tennessee. 
Helianthus hirsutus Raf., West Virginia. 

Helianthus microcephalus T. & G., Georgia, Maryland, South Caroli T 
Helianthus occidentalis Riddell, ieee es = a 

Helianthus scaberrimus Ell., Oklahoma. 
Helianthus strumosus L., Missouri. 
Helianthus tuberosus 1,., Ulinois. 

Change the distribution to read: Northern Louisiana to South Carolina and northward 
to central Illinois and southern New York. 

Omit from the exsiccati ‘‘ Seym. & Earle, Econ. Fungi Suppl. B22.” 

Add the exsiccati: Barth. Fungi Columb. 4909; Barth. N. Am. Ured. 1106, 1402, 
2008, 2202, 2305, 2504, 2614, 2708. 


18a. Coleosporium inconspicuum (Long) Hedge. & Long, Phytopathology 
322505) 1913: 

Peridermium inconspicuum Long, Mycologia 4: 283. 1912. 

O. Pyenia chiefly hypophyllous, few or many, low-conoidal, dehiscent by a longitudinal 
slit, 0.2-0.3 mm. broad, 0.3-0.7 mm. long by 85-120 pu high. 

I. Aecia amphigenous from a limited mycelium, one to several on slightly discolored 
spots, erumpent from a narrow slit, flattened laterally, 0.3-0.7 mm. long by 0.3-0.9 mm. 
high; peridium colorless, fragile, evanescent; peridial cells oblong or lanceolate-oblong 
in face view, somewhat overlapping, 19-27 by 32-55 u in face view, the wall 3—4 u thick, 
the inner wall closely verrucose; aeciospores ellipsoid or obovoid, 15-18 by 21-30 yn; 
wall colorless, thin, 2—3 u, minutely verrucose. 

Pinus echinata Mill. (P. mitis Michx.), Georgia. 
Pinus palustris Mill. (P. australis Michx.), South Carolina. 
Pinus virginiana Mill. (P. inops Soland.), District of Columbia, Kentucky, Maryland, 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, scattered irregularly, round, 0.3-0.5 mm. in diameter, 
golden-yellow fading to white, soon naked, pulverulent, ruptured epidermis noticeable; 
urediniospores broadly ellipsoid or globoid, 19-23 by 23-26 »; wall thin, 1 y, finely and 
closely verrucose. 

III. Telia hypophyllous, scattered irregularly, roundish, 0.3-0.5 mm. across, orange- 
yellow fading to pale-yellow, pulvinate, waxy; teliospores with wall swelling 20-29 u 
thick above, outline of the spores distinct, the contents bright orange-red fading to color- 
less, oblong or somewhat clavate, 16-24 by 65-75 yu, obtuse or somewhat narrowed 
above, usually acuminate below. 

Coreopsis major Walt., North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, 
Type Locatity: Glen Echo, Maryland, on Pinus virginiana. 

DIstRIBUTION: The Alleghany Mountains and eastward from Maryland to South Carolina, 
Exsiccati: Barth. N. Am. Ured. 2109, 2404. 

18b. Coleosporium Viguierae Dietel & Holway; Holway, Bot. Gaz. 24: 
34. 1897. 

Coleosporium Verbesinae Dietel & Holway; Holway, Bot. Gaz. 31: 337. 1901. 

OandI. Pyenia and aecia unknown. 

II. Uredinia amphigenous, scattered or gregarious, on discolored spots 0.5-1 cm. 
across, small, round, 0.5—1 mm. in diameter, pulverulent, yellowish fading to whitish, 
ruptured epidermis usually conspicuous; urediniospores ellipsoid or oblong, 16-22 by 
24-32 u; wall colorless, thin, 1-1.5 4, rather coarsely tuberculate-verrucose, tubercles 
longer on one end and side of spore, usually with a smooth spot near one end. 

II. Telia hypophyllous, scattered irregularly or sometimes gregarious, often crowded, 
0.5—1 mm. across, orange-yellow fading to pale-yellow, pulvinate; teliospores with apical 
wall swelling 20-30 uw, oblong or clavate, 16-22 by 50-704, rounded at both ends or 
truncate above. 

Phaethusa laciniata (Poir.) Small (Verbesina laciniata Poir.), Florida. 
Verbesina apleura Blake, Guatemala. 
Verbesina gigantea Jacq., Guatemala; Jamaica. 
Verbesina guatemalensis Rob. & Greenm., Salvador. 
Verbesina Holwayi B. L. Robinson, Guatemala, 
Verbesina montanoifolia Rob. & Greenm., Michoacan. 
Verbesina myriocephala Schultz-Bip., Costa Rica. 
Verbesina nicaraguensis Benth., Costa Rica. 
Verbesina perymenioides Schultz-Bip., Guatemala. 
Verbesina pinnatifida Cav., Jalisco. 
Verbesina scabriuscula Blake, Guatemala, 
Verbesina sublobata Benth., Guatemala. 
Verbesina texana Buckl., Texas. 
Verbesina turbacensis H.B.K., Guatemala. 
Verbesina virgata Cav., Oaxaca, Mexico (state), Morelos. 
Viguiera helianthoides H.B.K. (V. dentata Spreng.), Hidalgo, Mexico (state), Puebla. 








Ximenesia exauriculata (Rob, & Greenm.) Rydb., Arizona. 
Zexmenia helianthoides A. Gray, Jalisco. 
TyPrE LocaLity: Near Tula, Hidalgo, Mexico, on Viguiera helianthoides. 
DISTRIBUTION: Southern Florida and southern Texas, southward through Mexico and 
Central America, and in Jamaica. 
Exsiccati: Barth. N. Am. Ured. 4, 539; Sydow, Fungi Exot. 115. 

Coleosporium Terebinthinaceae. 

Add the synonym: Peridermium Terebinthinaceae Hedge. & Hunt, Mycologia 9: 240. 

Replace the line below the synonymy by: 

O. Pyenia amphigenous, solitary or few, usually in short rows, blackish-brown, flat- 
tened, 0.2-0.3 mm. broad by 0.3-0.6 mm. long, in section about 128 » in diameter by 
55 uw high. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, solitary or few on scarcely discolored spots, flattened laterally, 
0.7-1.3 mm. long by 1.1-2 mm. high, opening by a longitudinal rupture, leaving erose 
edges; peridial cells colorless, in face view ovoid or ellipsoid, often angular, 19-30 by 
39-66 uw, in section rhomboidal, slightly or not overlapping, the walls colorless, the outer 
wall 1.5-2 » thick, smooth, the inner wall 5—7 » thick, closely and strongly verrucose, 
with somewhat deciduous papillae 2.5-4 » long; aeciospores ellipsoid or ovoid, 18-22 
by 29-36 yu; wall colorless, 2—3.5 » thick, closely and strongly verrucose, with somewhat 
deciduous papillae 1—2.5 » long. 

Pinus echinata Mill. (P. mitis Michx.), Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South 
Pinus serotina Michx., South Carolina. 
Pinus Taeda 1,., Alabama, South Carolina. 

Add the telial host: Silphium perfoliatum \., Indiana, Missouri. 

Add: Exsiccati: Barth. Fungi Columb. 4619; Barth. N. Am. Ured. 713, 1109, 
2318; Seym. & Earle, Econ. Fungi Suppl. B22. 

Coleosporium arnicale. 
Omit all pertaining to this species, as it is represented under C. Madiae, the host being 
erroneously determined. 

Coleosporium paraphysatum. 
Add the hosts: 

Liabum hypochlorum Blake, Guatemala. 
Liabum sublobatum B. 1,. Robinson, Guatemala. 

Coleosporium occidentale. 
Add the hosts: 

Senecio aronicoides DC., California. 

Senecio canus Hook., Wyoming. 

Senecio Fendleri A. Gray (S. Nelsoni Rydb., S. rosulatus Rydb.), Colorado, Wyoming. 
Senecio serra Hook., Wyoming. 

Senecio triangularis Hook., Montana, Oregon. 

Senecio uintahensis (A. Nelson) Greenman, Utah. 


25. Coleosporium Sonchi-arvensis (Pers.) Lév.; Berk. Outl. Brit. Fungol. 
333. 1860. 

Uredo Sonchi-arvensis Pers. Syn. Fung. 217. 1801. 
Uredo tuberculosa Schum. Enum. Pl. Saell. 2: 229. 1803. 
Uredo Sonchi Schum. Enum. Pl. Saell. 2: 229. 1803. 
Uredo fulva Schum. Enum. Pl. Saell. 2: 229. 1803. 
Coleosporium Sonchi Schroet. Beitr. Biol. Pfl. 3:57. 1879. 
Peridermium Fischeri Kleb. Zeits. Pflanzenkr. 5:71. 1895. 

O. Pyenia chiefly epiphyllous, 0.5—1 mm. long, 0.2-0.3 mm. broad. 

I. Aecia amphigenous, few, flattened laterally, 0.5-2 mm. long, 0.5-1 mm. high, 
irregularly dehiscent; peridial cells in face view broadly ellipsoid, 18-34 by 35-65 p, 




slightly overlapping, the outer wall smooth, but appearing punctate, the inner wall 
finely verrucose; aeciospores broadly ellipsoid, more or less angular, 18-25 by 25-35 yp; 
wall colorless, rather thin, about 2 » thick, closely and moderately verrucose. 
Pinus sylvestris ., Wisconsin. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, irregularly scattered, round or oblong, 0.4-0.6 mm. across, 
soon naked, pulverulent, ruptured epidermis evident; urediniospores globoid or broadly 
ellipsoid, 14-21 by 18-30 y; wall colorless, about 1.5 » thick, finely and densely verrucose. 

Ill. Telia hypophyllous, scattered or somewhat aggregate and confluent, waxy, 
roundish, 0.4-0.6 mm. in diameter; teliospores cylindric-clavate, 15-18 by 60-100 pn, 
rounded above, rounded or somewhat narrowed below; wall colorless, thin, thickened 
above up to 18 nz. 


Sonchus asper (1.) Hill, Wisconsin. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Europe, on Sonchus arvensis. 
DISTRIBUTION: Locally in Wisconsin; also in Europe. 

ILLUSTRATIONS: Cooke, Rust Smut Mildew pl. 8, r. 178, 179; DeBary, Brandpilze pl. 2, 
f. 10; Grove, Brit. Rust Fungi f. 244. 

Insert: : 
la. SYNOMYCES Arthur, gen. nov. 

Cycle of development includes (pycnia ?), aecia and telia; autoecious. All sori 

Aecia erumpent, definite. Peridium colorless with verrucose walls. Aeciospores 
globoid to oblong, with colorless wall, strongly verrucose with somewhat deciduous 

Telia indehiscent except through weathering, waxy, roundish. ‘Teliospores sessile, 
one-celled (by early division of the contents appearing four-celled); wall smooth, color- 
less, thickened and gelatinous above. 

Type species, Coleosporium Reichei Dietel (on Stevia sp.). 

1. Synomyces Reichei (Dietel) Arthur. 
Coleosporium Reichei Dietel, Ann. Myc. 21: 341. 1923. 

O. Pycnia unknown. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, numerous, scattered singly or in small groups of two to six, 
cylindric, 0.2-0.5 mm. high; peridium firm, whitish, margin lacerate; peridial cells 
oblong or rhombic, 25-30 by 30-45 yu, slightly overlapping, the outer wall thin, minutely 
verrucose, the inner wall 6-8 u thick, densely and prominently verrucose-tuberculate; 
aeciospores globoid or depressed-globoid, 20-29 by 23-314; wall colorless, thin, 1 y, 
densely verrucose by columnar projections to 5 4 long on one side, shorter to nearly 
smooth on the opposite side. 

III. Telia hypophyllous, scattered or in small irregular groups, minute, waxy, reddish; 
teliospores cylindric or clavate, 22-25 by 70-904; wall golden-brown, thin, 1 y or less, 
swelling above to 25 yu. 

Stevia sp., Mexico (state). 

Type Locatiry: Near Tres Marias, Mexico, on Stevia sp. 
DIsTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality. 

Gallowaya Pini. 

Reduce this name to synonymy, and substitute: Gallowaya pinicola Arth. Bull. Torrey 
Club 48: 36. 1921. 
Add to the synonym as given: Not C. Pini Lagerh. 1889. 






3. CHRYSOPSORA Lagerh. Ber. Deuts. Bot. Ges. 9: 345. 1891. 

Cycle of development includes pycnia and telia, both being subepidermal. 

Pyenia globoid or flask-shaped, with slightly protruding or obsolescent ostiolar fila- 

Telia dehiscent, in concentric circles, elevated. Teliospores pedicellate, two-celled 
(by subsequent division of the contents appearing eight-celled); wall smooth, colorless, 
gelatinous, of uniform thickness. 

Type species, Chrysopsora Gynoxidis Lagerh. (on Gynoxis pulchella). 

1. Chrysopsora Cestri (Dietel & Henn.) Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 51: 53. 1924. 
Puccinia Cestri Dietel & Henn.; P. Henn. Hedwigia 41: 295. 1902. 

O. Pyenia epiphyllous, in small, crowded groups, usually 5-10 each, hemispheric in 
surface view, globoid in section, prominent, large, 200-225 u in diameter; ostiolar fila- 
ments none. 

III. Telia hypophyllous, in crowded annular groups 2-10 mm. in diameter, forming 
concentric circles, each ring 0.5-1 mm. thick, soon naked, orange-yellow fading*to white, 
somewhat waxy and finely pulverulent by the abundant production of basidiospores, 
ruptured epidermis noticeable; teliospores cylindric, 10-15 by 32-1004, not adhering 
laterally, rounded above; wall colorless, uniformly thin, about 1 4, smooth; pedicel 
colorless, of same diameter as spore, or slightly narrower, 30-50 u long. 


Cestrum aurantiacum Lindl., Panama. 

Cestrum sp., Costa Rica. 
TYPE LOCALITY: Serra da Cantareira, Sao Paulo, Brazil, on Cestrum sp. 
DISTRIBUTION: Central America; also in South America. 




In the first line after the words “ definite crust or column:”’ insert “ (except in Olivea) ” 
and in the third line before the word “ sessile ’’ insert “‘ or superficial (Olivea).” 

Substitute the following key to genera: 

Pyenia and other sori subcuticular or originating between the epi- 
dermis and mesophyll; telia indehiscent; teliospores com- 
pacted into dense layers forming a crust; aecia when present 
without peridium; uredinia when present without peridium, or 
with an imperfect one of paraphyses, the spores borne singly on 
pedicels. Subfamily UREDINATAE. 

Teliospores in a single layer. 
Life-cycle with all spore-forms, so far as known. 

Uredinia with paraphyses intermixed with the spores. 1. MELAMPSORA. 
Uredinia with paraphyses forming an imperfect peridium. la. APLOPSORA. 
Life-cycle only with telia. 1b. NEcrIuM. 
Teliospores in more than one layer. 2. PHAKOPSORA. 

Pycenia, uredinia, and telia subcuticular, aecia originating between 
the epidermis and mesophyll; teliospores following in the 
uredinial sori, arising from a somewhat branched hymenium, 
delicate, not compacted, one-celled; aecia when present without 

peridium, but with protective hyphae and host-tissue; uredinia 
arith strongly incurved paraphyses forming a cage, spores borne 
singly on pedicels. Subfamily OLIvEATAE. 3. OLIVEA. 
Pycnia subcuticular, other sori originating between the epidermis and 
mesophyll, or the telia within the epidermal cells; telia inde- 
hiscent, teliospores divided by yertical partitions or one-celled, 
forming imperfect layers; aecia when present with cylindric 
peridium, rupturing irregularly above; uredinia when present 
usually with peridium, spores borne singly on pedicels, or 
apparently so. Subfamily PuccINIASTRATAE. 
Life-cycle with all spore-forms. 

Part 9, 1924] 



Teliospore-wall colored. 


Urediniospores echinulate throughout. 4. PuccINIASTRUM. 
Urediniospores echinulate except apex. 5. MELAMPSORIDIUM. 
Teliospore-wall colorless; urediniospores echinulate. 6. MELAMPSORELLA. 
Life-cycle with pycnia, aecia, and telia; teliospore-wall colored. 7. CALypTosporRa. 
Pycnia subcuticular or subepidermal, other sori originating between 
the epidermis and mesophyll, or the telia within the epidermal 
cells or between cells of mesophyll; telia indehiscent, teliospores 
divided by vertical partitions or one-celled, forming imperfect 
layers; aecia with cylindric peridium, rupturing above, aecio- 
spores colorless; uredinia dimorphic, usually with peridium, 
spores either somewhat catenulate or borne singly on pedicels, 
or apparently so. Subfamily UREDINOPSATAE. 
Pycnia subcuticular, but often depressed and seemingly subepider- 
mal; urediniospores in one form pointed, in the other obovate. 8. UREDINOPSIS. 
Pycnia subepidermal. 
Urediniospores either pointed and smooth, or obovate and 
spinulose. 9. MILEsrIA. 
Urediniospores in both forms obovate, smooth or verrucose. 10. HyaLorsora. 
Pycnia and other sori originating beneath the epidermis; telia erum- 
pent, teliospores catenulate, with colorless wall, compacted 
laterally; aecia when present with somewhat flattened perid- 
ium, rupturing apically; uredinia when present with delicate 
peridium (rarely wanting) and catenulate spores. Subfamily 
Life-cycle with all spore-forms. 11. M®&LAMPSOROPSIS. 
Life-cycle with telia and possibly pycnia. lla. CHRYSOMYXA. 
Pycnia and other sori originating beneath the epidermis; telia erum- 
pent, with or without peridia, teliospores catenulate, compacted 
laterally, often adhering and extruded into long columns, one- 
celled, or two-celled by transverse septum, wall colorless or 
colored; aecia when present with inflated peridium, more than 
one cell thick above; uredinia when present with peridium, 
spores borne singly on pedicels. Subfamily CRONARTIATAE. 
Life-cycle with all spore-forms, so far as known. 
Telial column conspicuous, becoming horny. 
Uredinial peridium cellular. 12. CRONARTIUM. 
Uredinial peridium paraphysate. 12a. CROSSOPSORA. 
Telial column very short, becoming pulverulent at apex. 13. CEROTELIUM. 
Life-cycle with only pycnia and telia. 
Teliospores one-celled. 
Telia in columns; peridium none or rudimentary. 
Telial column long; teliospores somewhat fusiform. 14. CIONOTHRIX. 
Telial column short. 
Teliospores catenulate, globoid. 14a. ENDOPHYLLOIDES. 
Teliospores in transverse layers. 15. ALVEOLARIA. 
Telia not extruded. 
Telia compact; peridia none. 16. BArODROMUS. 
Telia pulverulent; peridia evanescent. 17. ENDOPHYLLUM. 
Teliospores two-celled; peridia persistent. 18. PuccINIOSIRA. 
Pycnia and other sori originating beneath the epidermis; telia erum- 
pent, without peridia, teliospores one-celled, elongate, sessile and 
not agglutinate, the wall colorless; aecia when present with hyphal 
layer in place of a peridium; uredinia unknown. Subfamily 
Pyenia, aecia and uredinia unknown. Telia originating beneath the 
epidermis, erumpent, without peridia, teliospores one-celled, borne 
singly on pedicels, with colorless walls, pulverulent. Subfamily 
BOTRYORHIZATAE. 20. BorryoruHIza. 


Exchange the generic name UreEpo and its citation with the first name and citation 

in the synonymy. After the synonymy insert the following note: 

It has been found during the interim since 1907, when the part of the North American 
Flora containing this genus was published, that it is very difficult and confusing to 
maintain the genus UrEpo in its restricted sense, it having had and still has so large a 
use in its broad sense, and consequently the next oldest name, MELAMPSORA, is now 

substituted. This name accords with common usage. 

Substitute the following key: 

Host of telia and uredinia belonging to family Salicaceae. 
Of the genus Populus. 
Urediniospores smooth on the thickened sides. 

Urediniospores ellipsoid, large, 26-35 y long. 
Urediniospores globoid, small, 18-24 yp long. 
Urediniospores without smooth spots. 








M. albertensis. 
M. occidentalis. 

M. Bigelowii. 

Urediniospores rather large, 23-32 u long. 
Urediniospores very large, 32-48 yu long. 
Of the genus Salix. 
Urediniospores large, 17—24 uw long; wall thick. 
Urediniospores small, 12-20 u long. 
Urediniospore-wall thick, 2—3.5 yu. 
Urediniospore-wall medium-thick, 1.5—2 u. 
Urediniospore-wall thin, 1-1.5 py. 
Host of telia and uredinia belonging to family Linaceae. 
Host of telia and uredinia belonging to family Euphorbiaceae. 
Uredinia large, mostly 0.5-1 mm. long; paraphyses few. 
Uredinia small, mostly less than 0.5 mm. long; paraphyses 
Urediniospore-wall thick, 2-3 u 
Teliospore-wall not or Bie slightly thickened 

. confluens. 

M. Humboldtiana. 
M. arctica. 

M. Lini. 

S ORIN wo po 


M. monticola. 

above. 11. M. Euphorbiae. 
Teliospore-wall decidedly thickened above. 12. M. Euphorbiae-Gerardianae. 
Urediniospore-wall thinner, 1.5—2 yu. 13. M. Piscariae. 

Uredo Medusae. 

Reduce this name to synonymy, and substitute for it the name now under synonymy. 

Substitute, under Pinaceae, for the line giving host: Larix laricina (DuRoi) Koch 
(L. americana Michx.), Connecticut, Michigan, New York; Nova Scotia. 

Change size of urediniospores to read “‘ 16-23 by 26-35 n.”’ 

Omit, under Salicaceae, Populus angustifolia, P. grandidentata and P. trichocarpa, 
with their localities, and also omit ‘“‘ Montana’’ under P. balsamifera, substituting for 
it ‘‘ Connecticut, New Hampshire,” and the same under P. candicans, substituting for it 
“ Massachusetts, West Virginia,” and also the same and “‘ Ohio”’ under P. tremuloides, 
substituting for them “ Arizona, Connecticut, Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, 

Add the telial host: 

Populus Wislizeni (S. Wats.) Sarg., New Mexico. 

Omit from the exsiccati: Kellerm. Ohio Fungi 144, 145; change Griff. W. Am. Fungi 
“ 369” to read “ 29,” and add: Barth. Fungi Columb. 2843, 3640, 3821, 3822, 4641, 
4737, 4940; Barth. N. Am. Ured. 9, 316, 614, 912, 1011, 1121, 1122, 1212, 2021, 2121, 
2212, 2331, 2414, 2415, 2624, 2726, 2727, 2728, 2918; Brenckle, Fungi Dak. 79; Thax- 
ter, Rel. Farl. 230. 

Uredo confluens. 

This species, and the two following, Uredo alpina and Uredo Rostrupiana (MM. arctica), 
in order to conform to the order given in the new key, are renumbered and redescribed 
below. Insert, in their place: 

2. Melampsora Abietis-canadensis (Farl.) C. A. Ludwig, Phytopathology 5: 279. 1915. 

Caeoma A bietis-canadensis Farl. Proc. Am. Acad. 20: 323. 1885. . 
Peridermium fructigenum Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 37: 578. 1910. 

Caeoma Tsugae Spaulding, Science II. 33: 194, hyponym. 1911. 

Melampsora Populi-Tsugae J. J. Davis, Trans. Wis. Acad. 19: 676. 1919. 

QO. Pycnia amphigenous and coniferous, scattered, punctiform, yellowish- or reddish- 
brown, noticeable, subcuticular, discoidal or conoidal, 50-125 » broad by 32-40 u high; 
ostiolar filaments none. 

I. Aecia amphigenous, and on young stems and cones, thickly scattered, often crowded, 
oblong, 0.3—-0.5 mm. broad by 0.7—1.5 mm. long, subepidermal, soon naked, dingy-white, 
somewhat pulverulent, ruptured epidermis noticeable; aeciospores broadly ellipsoid or 
obovate, rather small, 13-18 by 17-26 4; wall colorless, 1-2 » thick, finely and closely 

Tsuga canadensis (L,.) Carr. (Abies canadensis Michx.), Connecticut, Massachusetts, 
New York, Wisconsin; Nova Scotia, Quebec. 

II. Uredinia amphigenous or only hypophyllous, scattered, roundish, small, 0.1—-0.3 

mm. across, early naked, pulverulent, orange-yellow fading to pale-yellow, ruptured 


epidermis inconspicuous; paraphyses intermixed with the spores, capitate, smooth, 
40-70 uw long, the heads 15-23 » broad, the wall 3-5 u thick, or twice as thick above, 
peripheral paraphyses thinner-walled and more clavate; urediniospores broadly ellipsoid 
or globoid, 13-18 by 18-24 u, occasionally flattened laterally; wall colorless, uniformly 
1.5—2 » thick, or up to 5 » on the flattened side, sparsely and evenly verrucose, or some- 
times with a smooth spot on the flattened and thickened side. 

III. Telia amphigenous, or only hypophyllous, scattered, sometimes confluent, irregu- 
larly roundish, small, 0.2-0.4 mm. across, somewhat elevated, reddish-brown, becoming 
darker, subepidermal; teliospores prismatic, 9-12 by 30-40 4; wall smooth, cinnamon- 
brown, uniformly 1 yu thick, or slightly thickened above. 

Populus alba 1. (P. Bolleana Mast.) (cult.), California, Oregon, Rhode Island, 
Washington; Ontario. 
Populus candicans Ait., Connecticut, Massachusetts, Michigan. 
Populus grandidentata Michx., Connecticut, Indiana, Michigan, New York, Ohio; 
Nova Scotia, Quebec. 
Populus heterophylla L., Indiana. 
Populus occidentalis (Rydb.) Britton (P. Sargentii Dode), Colorado, Iowa. 
Populus tremuloides Michx., Connecticut, Indiana, Maine, New Hampshire, Ohio, 
Vermont; Ontario, Quebec. 
TYPE LocALITy: Chebacco Lake, Essex County, Massachusetts, on Abies canadensis. 
DISTRIBUTION: Nova Scotia and Connecticut westward to Wisconsin and Iowa. The 
uredinial stage on Populus alba, placed here with considerable doubt, occurs in the northeastern 
and northwestern parts of the country; also in South America. 
ILLUSTRATION: Bull. Penn. Agric. Exp. Sta. 160: f. 7, 8. 
Exsiccati: Barth. N. Am. Ured. 111, 2325, 2417, 2418, 2517; Ellis & Ev. N. Am. Fungi 
1882; Kellerm. Ohio Fungi 144, 145; Thaxter, Rel. Farl. 209. 

3. Melampsora albertensis Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 33: 517. 1906. 

Uredo albertensis Arth. N. Am. Flora 7:101. 1907. 

Caeoma occidentale Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 34: 591. 1907. 

Caéoma Pseudotsugae-Douglasii Tubeuf, Nat. Zeits. Forst. Landw. 12:91. 1914. 
Melampsora Pseudotsugae Tubeuf, Nat. Zeits. Forst. Landw. 12:91. 1914. 

O. Pycnia amphigenous, scattered, minute, inconspicuous, subcuticular, honey-yellow, 
hemispheric, 65-100 » broad by 23—32 u high. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, sparsely arranged in two rows on yellow spots occupying part 
or all of a leaf, roundish to oblong, 0.3—0.4 mm. wide by 0.3-1 mm. or more long, soon 
naked, orange-yellow when fresh; aeciospores broadly ellipsoid, 20-24 by 27-32 uy; 
wall colorless, moderately thin, 1.5—2.5 4, closely and finely verrucose. 

Pseudotsuga mucronata (Raf.) Sudw. (P. Douglasii Carr., P. taxifolia Britton, Abies 
Douglasii Lindl.), Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, 
Wyoming; British Columbia. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, numerous, scattered, round, 0.2-0.4 mm. across, early 
naked, pulverulent, pale-yellow, ruptured epidermis evident; paraphyses intermixed 
with the spores, clavate, 9-15 by 67—90 , the wall colorless, 3-5 y» thick, the stipe solid; 
urediniospores broadly ellipsoid, 15-22 by 23-32 u, usually flattened laterally and ap- 
pearing oblong and narrower; wall colorless, 1.5—-2 thick, much thickened on the 
flattened side, 2.5—3.5 u, evenly and sparsely verrucose, with smooth spots. 

III. Telia hypophyllous, or sometimes amphigenous, small, irregular, often confluent, 
usually crowded in more or less extensive, fused, cereous areas about the uredinia, sub- 
epidermal, waxy, orange-brown; teliospores prismatic, 10-13 by 29-39 4; wall golden- 
brown, smooth, thin, about | y, thicker above, 2-3 u, with an evident apical pore. 


Populus acuminata Rydb., Colorado. 

Populus angustifolia James, Colorado. 

Populus balsamifera 1,., Colorado, Washington. 

Populus mexicana Wesm., Lower California. 

Populus occidentalis (Rydb.) Britton (P. Sargentii Dode), Colorado, Montana. 

Populus tremuloides Michx. (P, aurea Tidestrom, P. vancouveriana Trel.), Colorado, 
Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming; Alberta, 

British Columbia. P 
Type LocaLity: Moraine Lake, Laggan, Alberta, on Populus tremuloides. 



DISTRIBUTION: Colorado and Wyoming to Oregon and British Columbia, and in northern 
Lower California. 

Exsiccatt: Barth. Fungi Columb. 2737, 2939, 3713, 4329, 4642, 5033; Barth. N. Am. 
Ured. 511, 512, 610, 911, 1311, 1511, 1721; Garrett, Fungi Utah. 205. 

4. Melampsora occidentalis H. S. Jackson, Phytopathology 7: 354. 1917. 

O and I. Pycnia and aecia unknown. 

II. Uredinia chiefly hypophyllous, scattered, roundish, 0.5-1.5 mm. across, early 
naked, somewhat pulverulent, orange-yellow fading to pale-yellow, ruptured epidermis 
conspicuous; paraphyses numerous, intermixed with the spores, capitate or clavate, 
42-77 » long, the heads 16—24 u broad, the wall colorless, 2.5-3 » thick, sometimes twice 
as thick above; urediniospores ellipsoid, oblong or pyriform, 16-29 by 32-48 uy, slightly 
flattened laterally; wall colorless, 2-3 » thick, or up to 7 u on the flattened sides, moder- 
ately and prominently echinulate, without smooth spots. 

III. Telia chiefly hypophyllous, scattered, or often crowded and confluent about the 
uredinia, irregularly round, small, 0.2-0.5 mm. across, slightly elevated, subepidermal, 
waxy, light cinnamon-brown becoming blackish-brown; teliospores prismatic, 10-20 by 
40-64 »; wall cinnamon-brown, smooth, 1—2 4 thick, darker and thicker above, 3-5 yp, 
the apical pore evident. 

Populus acuminata Rydb., Montana, Wyoming; British Columbia. 
Populus angustifolia James, California, Montana, Washington, Wyoming. 
Populus balsamifera 1,., Idaho, Montana, Washington, Wisconsin; British Columbia. 
Populus candicans Michx., Montana. 
Populus dilatata Ait. (P.nigra italica DuRoi, P. pyramidalis Salisb., P. italica Moench), 
Populus hastata Dode, Montana. 
Populus trichocarpa 'T. & G., California, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington; 
British Columbia. ‘ 
TYPE LocaLity: Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, on Populus trichocarpa. 
DistTRIBUTION: Northern Wyoming westward to southern California and British Columbia, 
with one collection from central Wisconsin. 

Exsiccati: Barth. Fungi Columb. 3143, 3915, 4034, 4332, 4434, 4435, 4548; Barth. N. 
Am. Ured. 806, 1315, 2920, 3021; D. Griff. W. Am. Fungi 369. 

100. Uredo Bigelowii. 

Reduce this name to synonymy, and substitute for it the name in the first line beneath. 
Add, under Pinaceae, the hosts: 

Larix decidua Mill. (L. europaea DC.), New York. 

Larix laricina (DuRoi) Koch (L. americana Michx.), Maine, Michigan, New York, 
Vermont, Wisconsin. 

Larix occidentalis Nutt., Oregon. 

Substitute, under Salicaceae, the hosts: 

Salix alaxensis (Anders.) Cov., Alaska. 

Salix amygdaloides Anders., Colorado, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Kansas, 
Michigan, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, South Dakota, 
Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming; Ontario. 

Salix arbusculoides Fisch., Alaska. 

Satix arctica Pallas, Alaska. 

Salix Barclayi Anders., Alaska. 

Salix Barrattiana Hook., Alberta. 

Salix bella Piper, Montana, Washington. 

Salix brachycarpa Nutt., Wyoming. 

Salix caudata Nutt. (S. lasiandra caudata Sudw., S. Bakeri Seem., S. lasiandra Fend- 
leriana Bebb, S. Fendleriana Auth. not Anders.), California, Idaho, Montana, 
Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming. 

Salix curtiflora Anders. (S. pseudocordata Anders.), Oregon. 

Salix discolor Muhl. (S. eriocephala Michx., S. prinoides Pursh), Indiana, Maine, - 
Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, Wisconsin. 

Salix exigua Nutt. (S. luteosericea Rydb.), Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, 
New Mexico, Utah, Washington, Wyoming. 

Salix fluviatilis Nutt., Oregon. 

Salix Geyeriana Anders., Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon. 

Salix glaucops Anders., Colorado, Idaho; Alberta. 

Salix irrorata Anders., Colorado, Idaho. 

Salix laevigata Bebb, California. 

Salix lasiandra Benth. (S. Lyallii Heller, S. lasiandra Lyallii Sarg.), California, 




Salix Lemmoni Bebb, California. 

Salix ovalifolia camdensis C. K. Schneid., Alaska. 

Salix pentandra L,., New York, Pennsylvania. 

Salix Piperi Bebb, Oregon, Washington. 

Salix pseudomyrsinites Anders., Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washing- 


Salix pulchra Anders., Alaska. 

Salix reticulata L., Alaska. 

Salix Scouleriana Barratt (S. flavescens Nutt., S. brachystachys Benth.), California, 
Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming. 

Salix sitchensis Sanson, Alaska, Oregon; British Columbia. 

Salix tenerrima Henderson (S. exigua tenerrima C. K. Schneid.), Idaho. 

Salix vestita Pursh (S. Fernaldii Blankinship) Alberta. 

Change, under exsiccati, Clements, Crypt. Form. Colo. “ 148’ to “ 603,” Griff. W. 
Am. Fungi “ 341” to “ 45,” Sydow, Ured. “ 1099” to “ 2343.” 

Omit the exsiccati: Ellis, N. Am. Fungi 1484, Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 355, 1937, 
2041, Kellerm. Ohio Fungi 46, 166. 

Add the exsiccati: Barth. Fungi Columb. 2533, 2735, 3141, 3333, 3528, 3637, 3715, 
3716, 3914, 4033, 4236, 4330, 4432, 4547, 4639, 4736; Barth. N. Am. Ured. 8, 214, 315, 
410, 611, 613, 718, 1008, 1118, 1209, 1210, 1507, 1508, 1509, 1510, 1617, 1722, 1814, 
1916, 2020, 2120, 2327, 2518, 2520, 2521, 2916, 2917; Brenckle, Fungi Dak. 176; Garrctt, 
Fungi Utah. 178. 

Uredo albertensis. 
See 3. Melampsora albertensis, above. 

Insert, before Uredo Lint, the 3 following species, in part given on pages 99 and 100 as 
nos. 2, 3, and 4: 

6. Melampsora confluens (Pers.) H. S. Jackson, Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Mem. 
T2105 918: 

Uredo confluens Pers. Obs. Myc. 1:98. 1796. 

Caeoma Ribesii Link, in Willd. Sp. Pl. 6?: 26. 1825. 

Caeoma Ribis-alpini Wint. in Rab. Krypt. Fl. 1!: 258. 1881. 

Caeoma confluens Schroet. Krypt. Fl. Schles. 31: 376. 1887. 

Melampsora Ribesii-purpureae Kleb. Jahrb. Wiss. Bot, 35: 667. 1901. 
Melampsora Ribesii-auritae Kleb. Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 35: 668. 1901. 

Melampsora Ribesii-grandifoliae O. Schneider, Centr. Bakt. 152: 233. 1905. 
Uredo Ribesii-purpureae Arth. Résult. Sci. Congr. Bot. Vienne 338. 1906. 
Melampsora Ribesii-Salicum Bubak, Arch. Nat. Land. Bdhmen 135: 200. 1908. 

O. Pyenia chiefly epiphyllous; in small groups, crowded, punctiform, subepidermal, 
spheroidal becoming conoidal, 125-200 » broad by 55-75 uw high. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, in small crowded groups on somewhat discolored spots, round, 
0.3-0.8 mm. across, often confluent, soon naked, applanate, bright yellow fading to 
pale-yellow, ruptured epidermis noticeable; aeciospores globoid or broadly ellipsoid, 
15-20 by 18-26 u; wall colorless, moderately thick, 1.5—-3 y, finely and closely verrucose. 


Grossularia divaricata (Dougl.) Coy. & Britt. (Ribes divaricatum Dougl.), British 

Grossularia inermis (Rydb.) Cov. & Britt. (Ribes inerme Rydb., R. saxosum Hook., 
R. vallicola Greene), Utah. 

Grossularia leptantha (A. Gray) Cov. & Britt. (Ribes leptanthum A, Gray), Utah. 

Ribes aureum Pursh (Chrysobotrya aurea Rydb.), Utah. 

Ribes lacustre (Pers.) Poir. (Limnobotrya lacustris Rydb.), Oregon, Washington; 
British Columbia. 

Ribes nevadense Kellogg, California. 

Ribes petiolare Dougl., Utah, Wyoming. 

Ribes triste Pall., Yukon. 

II. Uredinia chiefly hypophyllous, usually on noticeably yellow spots, scattered or in 
groups, round, small, 0.5-1 mm. across, soon naked, pulvinate, pale orange-yellow fading 
to yellowish-white, ruptured epidermis inconspicuous; paraphyses capitate or clavate, 
40-70 u long, the heads 16-25 » broad; urediniospores globoid or broadly ovoid, small, 
14-18 by 12-20 y; wall colorless, thick, 2—3.5 », sparsely and evenly verrucose-echinulate, 
the pores indistinct. 


Ill. Telia chiefly hypophyllous, scattered or in groups, often covering the entire 
surface, round, small, 0.3-0.5 mm. across, brownish, covered with the epidermis; telio- 
spores irregularly prismatic, rounded at both ends, 7-11 by 20-35 4; wall light-brown, 
smooth, thin, | » or less, not thickened above. 


Salix argophylla Nutt., Idaho, Oregon. 

Salix glauca 1,., Yukon. 

Salix lasiolepis Benth. (S. lasiolepis Bigelowii Bebb, S. Bigelowii Torr.), Arizona, 
California, Oregon, Washington. 

Salix lutea Nutt. (S. lutea platyphylla Ball), California, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, 
Utah, Wyoming. 

Salix Mackenziana (Hook.) Barratt, Washington. 

Salix monticola Bebb, Colorado. 

Salix pennata Ball, Washington 

Salix perrostrata Rydb., Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Nebraska ,New Mexico, Montana, 
Oregon, Wyoming; British Columbia. 

Salix pseudomonticola Ball, Montana. 

Salix Scouleriana Barratt (S. flavescens Nutt., S. brachystachys Benth.), Alaska, 
Caiifornia, Colorado, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, Washington; 
British Columbia. 

Salix sitchensis Sanson, Oregon, Washington. 

Salix subcoerulea Piper (S. pachnophora Rydb.), Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New 
Mexico, Utah, Washington, Wyoming. 

Salix tristis Ait., Minnesota. 

Salix Watsoni (Bebb) Rydb. (S. cordata Watsoni Bebb), Colorado, New Mexico, 
Wyoming, Utah. 

TYPE Locality: Europe, on Ribes alpinum. 

DISTRIBUTION: Wyoming to central California and northward in the mountains to central 
Yukon; also in Europe. 

Exsiccatr: Barth. Fungi Columb. 2532, 2736, 3142, 3714, 3717, 3718, 4032, 4937; Barth. 
N. Am. Ured. 314, 717, 1009, 1010, 1211, 1312, 1417, 1815, 2818, 2819; Clements, Crypt. 
Form. Colo. 148; Garrett, Fungi Utah. 7/, 206; D. Griff. W. Am. Fungi 341. 

7. Melampsora Humboldtiana Speg. An. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires 23: 
Psy eh 

Melampsora americana Arth. Bull. Torrey Club 47: 465. 1920. 
Melampsora americana Jgrstad, Rep. Sci. Res. Norw. Exped. Nov. Zemblya 18:11. 1923. 

O. Pycnia hypophyllous, scattered among the aecia, broadly conic or hemispheric, 
yellowish or light-brown, rather inconspicuous, subcuticular but extending into and 
disintegrating the epidermal cells beneath, 80-150 broad by 50-95 » high; ostiolar 
filaments none. 

I. Aecia hypophyllous, scattered over part or all of the leaf on yellowish areas, oval 
or oblong, 0.3-0.8 mm. long, soon naked, pulverulent, at first orange, becoming pale- 
yellow, ruptured cuticle barely noticeable; aeciospores globoid or ellipsoid, 12-18 by 
16-23 uw; wall colorless, 1.5—2.5 4 thick, closely and finely but noticeably verrucose. 

Abies balsamea (1,.) Mill., Michigan, Wisconsin, Vermont; Nova Scotia. 
Abies concolor Lindl. & Gord., Colorado. 
Abies grandis Lindl., Idaho, Oregon, Washington. 
Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt., Washington. 

II. Uredinia hypophyllous, irregularly scattered, usually on yellow spots, round, either 
very small, 0.1-0.2 mm. across, and pale, or large, 0.2—0.5 mm. across, pulvinate, orange 
fading to pale-yellow, ruptured epidermis inconspicuous; paraphyses capitate or clavate- 
capitate, 20-30 » broad in upper part, 30-60 u long, in strongly capitate forms the wall 
4-5 p thick, obliterating the lumen of stalk, thicker at apex, 6—9 yw, in clavate forms the 
wall 1-2 thick, thicker above, 2—5 yu, colorless, smooth; urediniospores globoid or 
broadly ellipsoid, small, 13-16 by 15-20; wall colorless, moderately thin, 1.5-2 yp, 
closely and finely verrucose. 

III. Telia hypophyllous, scattered, irregularly roundish, 0.2-0.4 mm. across, reddish- 
brown, subepidermal, indehiscent; teliospores oblong or prismatic, rounded at both ends, 
7-12 by 30-32 4; wall light-brown, thin, 1 or less, slightly or not thickened above, 

New York Botanical ii Libran 


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