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Officers for 1978 

Pat Rowen 

Keith Martin 

Treasurer: Stephen Harwood Meetings and Exhibition Co-ordinator: Stephen Swanson 

Field Trips Co-ordinator: Alan Wade Librarian: Elizabeth Estbergs 

Editor of The N.T. Naturalist 
Rob McConchie 

Editorial Committee 

Chris Dias Elizabeth Estbergs Keith Martin Margaret Wallen Stephen Harwood 

Stephen Swanson Suzanne Avery 

The objects of this club are to promote the study of and interest in the flora and fauna of the Northern 
Territory and in its conservation. The club provides opportunities for discussion and dissemination of 
information among its members by regular meetings, publications and fieldword. It works in close contact 
with scientific institutions wherever possible, and encourages the publication of scientific and informed 
popular literature in the various fields of natural history. 

N.T.F.N.C. Subscription Rates: $5.00 (under review) 

All members receive the regular newsletter Nature Territory and the bi-annual N.T. NATURALIST. The 
price of the journal to non-members is currently $1.00. The club holds monthly general meetings and field 

P.O. BOX 39565 WINNELLIE N.T. 5789 
Registered in Australia for posting as a periodical — Category B. 



It is an exciting, yet demanding task to produce the first edition of a magazine such as this one. Contributions 
have reached the Editor’s desk more as a trickle than as a flood. Many potential authors have waited for this 
edition to appear before committing pen to paper. It must be emphasized that contributions are welcome 
from all naturalists, both amateur and professional, junior and senior. It is firm editorial policy that the 
magazine be as readable as possible in order, to reach a wide cross section of the community, both here and 

1978 sees two thriving Field Naturalists Clubs in the Northern Territory, in Darwin and Alice Springs. Both 
were established in 1977 and are going from strength to strength. It is encouraging to note the emphasis that 
the Alice Springs group is placing on Junior Membership. However, it is with some regret although probably 
unavoidable in the circumstances, that this issue contains all Darwin based material. The magazine will only 
be as representative as its contributions, and looks forward to receiving copy from other Territory centres 
for its next issue. 

Perhaps the two Clubs could also consider a structural change for the future, whereby both became 
autonomous branches of a true N.T. Field Naturalists Club. This would pave the way for other Clubs to form 
(e.g. Arnhem, Tennant Creek, Gove, etc.) The N.T. club could be administered by several senior officers of 
the Branch clubs. The Editor of the N.T. Naturalist and the editorial committee would be appointed by, and 
be responsible to, the N.T. club. The magazine itself could be funded by a levy, based on membership, from 
each branch club. This form of organisation would not hinder the activities of the Branch clubs in any way, 
but would facilitate a higher quality, more widely appealing journal through increased funding. 

Finally, intending authors should post their contributions for the next issue to arrive by July 31. 


Dear Sir, 

At approximately two thirty on a hot', tnUrfid 
afternoon in October 1975, I was with a group of 
picknickers at a location on the Adelaide River 
known as the ‘Gravel Pit'. The area is a 
sandy/gravel river bed with Wattles, Paperbarks, 
Bamboo. Northern Ti-Tree, Barringtonia, Bush- 
apples, Leichardt pines, Banyans, native Jasmine 
and sparse undergrowth merging into open Eucalypt 
forest with occasional E. papuana. 

The permanent water of the Adelaide River makes 
an ideal habitat for at least fifty species of birds, 
numerous reptiles, native cats and numerous Agile 

A rustling sound caught the attention of another 
person and myself. Under a huge bamboo thicket we 
saw a strange little animal scratching through the 
leaf debris, apparently looking for food. It had a 
pointed snout, fairly prominent ears, thinnish legs 
with visible claws, and a feathery tail held vertically 
in almost the shape of a question mark. Colouration 
was difficult to observe due to the dense shade. It 
had an unusual mincing, almost bouncing, gait. 

Being an extremely shy and agile diurnal animal, 
never venturing far from refuge, it is logical to 
assume that it has evaded discovery by taking for 
cover at the approach of man and machine. The 
‘Gravel Pit’ is an extremely isolated area being 
rarely visited by Mt. Bundey personnel and a few 
priveleged visitors. 

Areas adjacent to the Adelaide River levee are 
cleared for pasture improvement programs. These 
animals may therefore have survived the distur¬ 
bance to their habitat by re-establishing themselves 
in the relatively narrow strips of virgin forest 
merging into the levees. 

Extreme care is taken by graziers in the area with 
fire control measures, so there is no reason to 
believe that the existing habitat will be further 
eroded in the near future, however 1 believe a 
thorough search of the area in the near future is 
warranted. Mr. Humphreys has outlined a search 
method used in the Dryandra Forest which may be 
of great assistance to the N.T. Field Naturalists 

Yours faithfully, 

Our exclamation of surprise frightened the 
animal. It vanished almost magically into the 
bamboo thicket. A close scrutiny of the area failed to 
find any trace of footprints. 

In August 1977, a further sighting of a similar 
animal was made several kilometres from the 
‘Gravel Pit’. It was at 6.00 p.m. opposite Gubb’s 

In my opinion, the animal resembles a numbat 
[Myrmecobius fasciatus]. The other witness agrees. 

I have since read many articles on numbats and 
have received some excellent information from Mr. 
John Humphreys. Forests Department, Narrogin, 
W.A., who is in charge of the Dryandra State Forest, 
which is the only known stronghold of numbats in 
Australia. The Wandoo tree is the singularly most 
important tree in the Dryandra Forest for numbat 
habitation. It is prone to termite infestation which 
causes branches to be deposited on the forest floor, 
which in turn, become refuges for the numbats. A 
similar tree at the ‘Gravel Pit’ is E. miniata, or 
Darw in Woolybutt . 

On December 17, 1977, a field trip to the ‘Gravel 
Pit’ by the N.T. Field Naturalists Club failed to find 
any sign of the animal, however, the searchers 
found heavy termite infestation in fallen trees, 
branches and logs over the entire area. 

Chris Cox 

EDITOR’S NOTE: The Numbat has a well-known 
distribution from southern West¬ 
ern Australia to North-western 
South Australia. Being diurnal 
makes it all the more likely that if 
it existed here, it would have 
been seen before and collected. 
Sightings such as this require 
collection of a specimen for 
museum examination before they 
can be verified. 


On the morning of the 4th of August 1977, John 
Estbergs and myself were sitting on the dam wall at 
Fogg Dam watching Banded Landrails [Rallus 
Philippensis] at the edge of a large area of tall sedge 
[Sclera sp. 1 growing in a water-logged black soil 
plain. At the edge of this large clump of sedge were 
four smaller clumps only a few feet in diameter and 
about twenty feet from the main expanse. 

While watching the Banded Landrails, I noticed a 
small, dark crake emerging from the edge for a 
moment and then ran very rapidly across the open 
area to one of the smaller clumps. I immediately 

informed John and as we carefully scanned the 
clump tvith binoculars, the crake slowly came out to 
the edge, where it stood motionless for a few 
moments. Suddenly it turned, running very rapidly 
back to the main sedge area. As it ran back, the tail 
was held in an erect position, and distinctive white 
barring was noticed on the underside of the tail. The 
head, breast and belly all were a dark bluish grey 
colour, w hile the w ings were brownish black. The 
legs were also dark, possibly covered in mud, as 
were the legs of the Banded Landrails. After the 
observations were made, we walked back to our 
vehicle, and on checking through the field guides, 
we confirmed our identification of the Spotless 

All observations were made with the aid of 8x 
binoculars at a distance of not more than thirty feet. 
The w eather was fine and sunny and both observers 
have had experience with this species before. On the 
next visit to the area (25th August 1977), 1 was again 
fortunate to observe a similar bird as it moved across 
the track made through the sedge by buffalo. 
Unfortunately, this w as a very brief glimpse and of 
little identification value, except to identify it as a 

As far as it is know n, this is the first record of the 
Spotless Crake in the top end of the Northern 

Tony Hertog, 

P.O! Box 38595, 

WINNELLIE, N.T. 5789. 

Editor's Note: 

This bird has been previously recorded in all 
Australian States except the Northern Territory, 
including the S.E. Gulf of Carpentaria region in 
Queensland. Its distribution is not well understood, 
probably because of its secretive habits. The 
recorded race in Australia is Porzumi tubuensis 
plumbea, but other races occur in the islands north 
of this continent, from the Phillipines through to the 
S.W. Pacific. Note that the Marsh Crake. Porzana 
pusillu, found in the Darw in area also has barred 
undertail coverts. A distinguishing feature of the 
Spotless Crake it its deep pink legs. 



Lingula is a very ancient genus belonging to the 
Pvlum Brachiopode. Members of this phylum have 
the common name “Lamp Shells", as some 
examples resemble a Roman oil-lamp. 

As the Brachiopods were most abundant in the 
Ordovician and Devonian periods, geologists use 
:heir fossils as a means of dating rocks. 

Lingula has remained virtually unchanged since 
the Ordovician period, almost 500 million years ago, 
and now arc uncommon but fairly widespread 
throughout the world. They are most common in 
Japanese and Australian w aters. 

Lingula live in burrows, five to thirty centimetres 
long in mud and sand at the low tide mark and 
resemble bivalve molluscs. However, whilst the 
valves of the bivalve are joined by a hinge, 
brachiopods hold their valves together solely by 

This animal can be easily distinguished from a 
bivalve as it has a long, fleshy "arm", extending 
down into the burrow . This structure allows it to 
withdraw into the burrow at any sign of danger. 

Although this animal probably occurs over much 
of the Northern Territory coastline in the littoral 
zone, to date, specimens have only been collected at 
Melville Bay on the Gove Peninsula and at 
Camerons Beach, Shoal Bay, near Darwin. 

Graham White, 

Dept, of Fisheries, Forestry & Wildlife, 

Dept, of the N.T., 



D. L. Grey 

The name 'sea wasp' is generally applied to a 
group of marine jellyfish responsible for severe and 
often fatal stings to bathers. 

Members of the Class Scyphozoa occur around the 
Australian coastline and about thirty are recognised 
as stingers. Of these, the two most dangerous 
species are members of the Family Chirodropidae, 
Order Cubomedusae, namely Chironex fleckeri 
(Southcott) and Chiropsalmus quadrigatus 
(Haeckel). In addition, there are several generally 
smaller tropical species which can inflict very 
painful stings but are not responsible for fatalities. 
While both Chironex and Chiropsalmus sp. are 
present in waters of Northern Australia, only 
Chironex fleckeri has been confirmed as a killer in 
the Northern Territory. (Cleland and Southcott 

The Cubomedusae are sometimes called box 
jellyfish due to their shape (fig. 1). They consist of a 
roughly cuboid bell of a tough gelatinous consisten¬ 
cy which is almost transparent. This bell contains 
the digestive and reproductive functions as well as 
motive power. Each corner of the bell has a, 
protruding pedalium branching into as many as 
twelve tentacles. (Southcott 1956, 1962; Barnes 

The presence of the sea wasps during only six or 
less months of the year has been attributed 
primarily to the dietary requirements of the group. 
During the wet season, coastal waters are enriched 
by freshwater discharge from the land, carrying 
large organic loads. As a result of this, phytoplank¬ 
ton proliferates and is in turn grazed by small 
crustaceans, particularly the Sergestid shrimp 
Acetes australis (Colefax). It appears that Chironex 
in particular is w ell adapted to feed on this species. 
(See fig. 2) 

On their arrival, many Chironex are small 
specimens (approx. 10-15 mm diam.) with a single 
tentacle on each comer of the bell. However, they 
grow rapidly and by February can reach 200 mm 
diameter with tentacles over 2 metres long. 
However, in contrast, large specimens have been 
observed early in the season and this, along with the 
virtual disappearance of the animals during the dry 
season, presents a rather confusing glimpse of the 
life history. Many members of the Class Scyphozoa 
have a dormant or sessile phase in their life cycle, 
including Chironex (Hartwick pers. comm.) but the 
details of the dry season whereabouts of this species 
have yet to be fully explained. 

The feeding mechanism of the Cubomedusae is 
well adapted to its specific needs and it is this 
mechanism which is responsible for the severe 
stings. Each tentacle is lined with bands of stinging 
cells know n as cnidoblasts. Within these cells are 
very efficient organoids or nematocysts (one per 
cell). These nematocysts are composed of a capsule 
of highly toxic venom, a barbed, finely coiled tube 
and a protruding trigger. When the trigger is 
stimulated by contact with food, it fires or 
discharges the tube with significant force (at least 
enough to penetrate the live prey) and the venom is 
then discharged down the tube. (Details of this 
action are provided in Southcott, and Cleland and 

Under natural circumstances, the prey would be a 
small shrimp or fish larvae and only a small number 
of nematocysts would be discharged. The extremely 
toxic venom is capable of stunning the prey, minimi¬ 
zing any struggles that could damage the relatively 
fragile body of the sea wasp. However, when 
bathers are stung, a great deal of tentacle contact 
occurs (see Maguire) and possibly thousands of 
nematocysts are discharged and inject their venom. 
Consequently, the severity of the sting depends to a 
great extent on the amount of tentacle contact, this 
obviously being less with smaller individuals. 

There is some evidence to suggest that 
nematocysts discharge more readily in diluted sea 
water as there is a statistical correlation between 
massive and fatal stings and recent heavy rain. 
(Barnes 1966). 

Most Cubomedusae are particularly sensitive to 
turbulence and they are generally found close 
inshore only on calm days. The group are all active 
swimmers, propulsion being achieved by muscular 
contractions of the bell expelling water. This 
swimming action is utilised during feeding — once 
the prey has been located and paralysed, it is 
transferred to the gastric region using gravity. The 
animal merely settles upside down and the tentacles 
fall within the bell where the food is removed. 

The medusa then rises towards the surface and 
swims. After a short while, all activity is suspended 
and it gradually sinks until the tentacles encounter 
food, whereupon it repeats the operation (Barnes 

The clinical effects on humans of the toxin 
released by Chironex fleckeri have been well 
documented by several authors, including Cleland 

and Southcott (1965), Barnes (1976), Maguire 
(1968), Keen (1970) and. Southcott (1974). 

Detailed pharmacological studies of the toxin have 
been carried out by Endean et al (1969), Keen and 
Crone (1969), Freeman and Turner (1971), and many 
others. In brief, the effects of the toxin can be 
summarized into three categories: namely neuro¬ 
toxic (lethal factor causing cardiac and respiratory 
arrest), dermatonecrotic (skin death) and haemolytic 
(destruction of red blood cells). 

In the North of Australia, recorded sea wasp 
deaths easily outnumber those attributed to sharks, 
sea snakes and other dangerous marine creatures. 
The nature of the animal renders the chance of 
physical exclusion from swimming areas minimal. 
Many proposals for exclusion have been considered, 
but the safest way to avoid being stung is to avoid 
swimming in the sea during the wet season. 
Protective clothing is quite effective provided the 
trunk is adequately covered and the material thick 
enough to prevent nematocyst penetration. 

Research is being conducted into a variety of 
treatments for stings. One handicap with anti- 
venenes designed to be administered after a major 

sting, is that some training would be needed for 
correct administration and the victim may suffer 
cardiac arrest within 1 to 2 minutes of the attack. 
The chances of having the anti-venene and a 
qualified person close enough to be effective are 
fairly low . particularly in remote areas. 

Tlte structure of the active component in the toxin 
suggests a chemical antidote may be advised which 
can be administered via innoculation. While such an 
antidote could probably be prepared, the problems 
of testing it on humans and the possibility of its low 
effectiveness against toxins from other species have 
not been overcome. 

First Aid treatment of victims of stings must be 
immediate, and medical attention is very important. 
The first concern is to prevent further nematocyst 
discharge by dehydrating adherent tentacles using 
methylated spirit or other alcohol. Removal of 
tentacles bv gently peeling them off should be 
carried out, but on no account should they be rubbed 
or rolled across the body. 

Further information is available from the local 
health authorities and in the literature cited, 
including Edmonds (1975?) and Anon (1975). 


Anon (1975) “Marine Stingers” 

Pamphlet prepared for the Queensland Health Education Council 
(Available from the N.T. Department of Health). 

Barnes J.H. (1965) 

"Chirortex fleckeri and Chiropsalmus quadrigatus - morphological distinctions" 

North Queesland Naturalist 33, 13. 

Barnes J.H. (1966) 

“Studies on three venomous Cubomedusae” in 

“The Cnidaria and their Evolution” p. 307 - 332 (Academic Press). 

Cleland J.B. and Southcott R.V. (1965) 

“Injuries to Man from marine invertebrates in the Australian region”. 

National Health and Medical Research Council Special Report Series No. 12 pp. 1-282. 
Edmonds C. (1975?) 

“Dangerous Marine Animals of the Indo-Pacific Region” 
p. 103 (Wedneil Publications). 

Endean R., Duchemin C., McColm D., and Hope Frazer E. (1969) 

“A study of the biological activity of toxic material derived from nematocysts of the 
Cubomedusan Chironex fleckeri" Toxicon 6 pp. 179-204. 

Freeman S.E. and Turner R.J. (1971) 

“Cardiovascular effects of toxins isolated from the Cnidarian Chironex fleckeri 
(Southcott)” Br. J. Pharmac 41 pp. 154-166. 

Keen T.E.B. (1970) 

“Recent Investigations on Sea-Wasp Stingings in Australia”. 

Australian Medical Journal 5 71 (6) 

Keen T.E.B. and Crone H.D. (1969) 

“Dermatonecrotic properties of extracts from the tentacles of 
the Cnidarian Chironex fleckeri" Toxicon 7 pp. 173-180. 

Maguire E.J. (1968) 

"Chironex fleckeri (Sea Wasp) sting”. 

Australian Medical Journal 55-11 (25). 

Southcott R.V. (1956) 

“Studies on Australian Cubomedusae including a new genus 

and species apparently harmful to man”. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res 7 pp. 254-280. 

Southcott R.V. (1962) 

"Jellyfish and Medicine”. 

The AMSS Review May 1962 pp. 33-42. 

Southcott R.V. (1974) 

"Boxjellies...beautiful but very, very deadly” 
N. T. Affairs 8 2, p. 20. 

Fig. 2 ChironexJleckeri with partly digested Acetes sp. 


H.A.F. Thompson 

Despite the continuing expansion of the urban 
area and the damage to woodland caused by Cyclone 
Tracy in 1974, there is still a large number of bird 
species to be found regularly in the Darwin area. 
Since the start of European occupation in 1869, 262 
species have been reliably recorded within a twenty 
kilometre radius of the General Post Office, 
excluding Cox Peninsula with the west side of the 
harbour. However, many of these species are 
occasional or seasonal visitors. 

This account covers sixty species occuring 
regularly in suburban Darwin and are those most 
likely to be seen by the casual observer. Rare 
sea-birds, occuring as beach-washed vagrants and 
the non-breeding but plentiful shore-birds such as 
waders and terns are omitted. The species included 
are generally the commonest and those found most 
closely in association with man; together they 
provide an introduction to Darwin’s bird-life. 

The distribution and abundance of Darwin’s birds 
depends largely on trees used as sign-posts, 
nest-sites, feeding places and refuges. Consequent¬ 
ly the variety and number of birds is greater in 
longer established suburbs such as Nightcliff and 
Fannie Bay and less in newer developments such as 
Wulagi and Anula. Nightcliff and Fannie Bay also 
have relics of the original monsoon-forest that 
covered the area (for instance, mature banyan trees 
Ficus virens) and attract species like the Torres 
Strait Pigeon Ducula spilurrhoa and the Koel 
Eudynarhys scolapacea. Most of the northern 
suburbs from Alawa, Jingili, Moil and through to 
the new subdivisions of Wulagi and Anula were 
formerly clothed in open forest dominated by 
Eucalyptus tetrodonta and E. miniata and at present 
support birds characteristic of this habitat such as 
the Pied Butcherbird Cracticus nigrogularis. In 
some coastal areas, bird diversity may be influenced 
by mangrove communities from which species like 
the Red-headed Honeyeater Myzomela erythroce- 
phala may overspill into suburban gardens. 

As regards the gardens themselves, those with 
native plants usually attract more species than those 
with mainly introduced trees and shrubs. Plants 
such as crotons [Codiaeum] may be attractive to the 
human eye but seem to hold little appeal for small 
nectar or insect-eating birds. Other factors, such as 
the presence of cats or the lavish misuse of 
pesticides will also have their effects. 

List of Species 

Straw-necked Ibis [Threskiomis spinicollis] A large, 
distinctive species. Mainly a dry season visitor, 
especially to watered artificial grasslands such as 

ovals, golf-courses and suburban lawns and verges. 
Non-breeding birds lack the straw-coloured plumes 
and immatures apparently have a brownish head 
and neck. Apparently dependent to some extent on 
local abundance of grasshoppers and locusts. (Storr 

Magpie Goose 1 Anseranas semipalmata] Builds up 
into large flocks at the end of the dry season, often in 
thousands in the Leanyer swamp area. Small parties 
sometimes come close to the city near the Botanical 
Gardens or are seen in flight overhead. Its future in 
the Darwin area is threatened by urban expansion, 
uncontrolled shooting and the threatened drainage 
of Leanyer swamp. 

Burdekin Duck [Tadoma radjah] This conspicuous 
black and w'hite duck is most commonly seen close to 
the built-up area and breeds regularly within the 
twenty kilometre radius. 

Black-shouldered Kite [Elanus notatus ] An elegant 
small hawk, visiting suburban fringes, especially 
where there is rough grassland, in the dry season. 
Confusion possible with the vagrant Letter-winged 
Kite [J?. scriptus] which invaded the Top End 
during the 1977 dry season. 

Brahminy Kite | Haliastur irtdus] A coastal hawk; 
adult with distinctive chestnut and white plumage. 
Usually seen in the coastal suburbs, Nightcliff, 
Rapid Creek, Fannie Bay, and the city and Stuart 
Park areas. Has recently bred in the city area (P. 
Rowen, Pers. Comm.). Also occurs in the Gove area. 

Whistling Kite [ Haliastur sphenurus ] Common; 
often found near fresh water and occurring in mixed 
flocks w ith the next species. Has bred on the fringes 
of the suburbs. 

Black (Fork-tailed) Kite [Milvus migrans] One of the 
most familiar birds of Darwin, occurring in large and 
apparently increasing numbers in the dry season, 
especially around Leanyer dump where flocks of 
2000 plus are not uncommon and in the Berrimah 
area. Widespread over all suburban areas and 
hawking for insects along highways when grass is 
burnt-off early in the dry season. Appears to suffer 
high mortality from accidents, especially on roads, 
and disease. Leaves Darwin during the wettest 
months, from about January to April. Also common 
inland, especially around Katherine. A successful 
commensal of man, it is widespread in Asia and 
southern Europe. 

Brow n Falcon [ Falco berigora] and Nankeen Kestrel 
[Falco cenchroides] are two species of falcon, 

White Bellied Cuckoo Shrike 

sometimes visiting suburban fringes, mainly during 
the dry season. 

Whistling Kite 

Masked Plover ( Vanellus miles miles ] Quite 
common around the fringes of Darwin, sometimes 
heard near water at night or seen feeding near 
Mindil Beach or the Botanical Gardens. Breeds close 
to the northern suburbs at the end of the wet season 
but is apparently not as much at ease with man as its 
close relative in southern Australia, the Spur- 
winged Plover [V.M. novaehollundiue] 

Little Whimbrel [Numenius minuius] The traditional 
herald of the Darwin wet season, usually arriving in 
the mid-September (not on the same day each year, 
in spite of the popular myth to the contrary!) and 
leaving late December or early January. Especially 
common on well-watered ovals or lawns, at the 
airport, natural non-saline swamps at Leanyer and 
Holmes Jungle. The name Whimbrel originates 
from the call of a related coastal species, simply 
called whimbrel, [Numenius phaeopus] which 
occurs on the coasts around Darwin. 

Australian Pratincole [Siiltia isabella] A regular 
dry-season visitor in erratic numbers. Most often 
seen on ovals. Unusually scarce in the 1977 dry 

Torres Strait Pigeon [ Ducula spilorrhou] A large 
pigeon, apparently a trans-Arafuran migrant, 
arriving in Darwin from New Guinea from July 
onwards and breeding where suitable trees are 
available. Favours large banyans in Nightcliff but 
occurs in other woodland habitats including 

Peaceful Dove [ Geopelia striata] Common dove 
around the fringes of Darwin in a variety of wooded 
habitats including mangroves. Occurs sparingly in 
the suburbs and even the city where cover is 

Bar-shouldered Dove [ Geopelia humeralis] Also 
common on the fringes of thp built-up area and in 
mangroves but seems more wary than the previous 

Red-tailed Black Cockatoo | Calyptnrhynchus 
magnificus] A dry season visitor, which can be very 
conspicuous in small flocks, often flying over the 
suburbs in early morning or evening between roosts 
and feeding-grounds. Only the adult male has the 
bright red patches on the tail; birds with yellowish 
patches are adult female or immatures of either sex. 

Galah [Cacatua roseicapilla] Not especially common 
around Darwin itself and at present mainly a dry 
season visitor but there are some signs that it has 
increased in the suburbs since the cyclone, possibly 
because thinning out of the trees has created a more 
suitable habitat. Fairly regular throughout the 1977 
dry season in the Lee Point Road area. 

White Cockatoo (Sulphur-crest) [ Cacatua galerita] 
Fairly frequent visitor to well-wooded suburbs but 
also on the fringes of the development around 

Red-collared Lorikeet [Trichoglossus haematodus] 
The common parrot of suburban Darwin, occurring 
in most areas but especially where there are mature 
eucalypts. Numbers erratic, depending on the 
tree-blossom (Eucalyptus and Melaleuca) that 
provides the nectar on which they feed. Before 
cyclone Tracy, there was a large roost in Alawa, 
numbering several hundred birds. 

Red-winged Parrot [Aprosmictus erythropterus] 
Quite common in wooded fringes around Darw in and 
frequently visits suburbs. 

Koel ( Eudynamys scolupacea] A wet-season visitor, 
this species is a parasitic cuckoo laying its eggs in 
the nests of other birds especially friarbirds. More 
often heard than seen, especially in the evenings, 
early mornings or at night, from the thick cover of 
banyans. Has loud “coo-ee” call, often rising in 
pitch and sounding more hysterical. Seems to be 
noisiest in November. 

Pheasant Coucal [Centropus phasianinus] A non- 
parasitic cuckoo; quite common on the fringes of 
Darw in where there is rough grassland and edges of 
woodland, in the Fannie Bay area, around Lee Point 
Rd. and elsewhere. Apparently scarce in the dry 
season but very noisy at the beginning of the wet. 

Blue-winged Kookaburra [Dacelo leachii] Common 
where there are mature eucalypts, venturing into 
the suburbs and becoming tame enough to feed from 
the hand (D. Grey, Pers. Comm.) Very noisy at dawn 
and dusk. Breeding September to December (Storr. 
1977) in holes in old trees. 

Sacred Kingfisher [ Halcyon sanctu] The commonest 
small kingfisher in the suburbs, sometimes picked 
up after Hying into glass or following misadventures 
with cats. Perches quite freely on power-line and 
sometimes buildings. Two other small kingfishers 
also occur in the suburbs or on the fringes: 

I he Red-backed [ Halcyon pyrrhopygia\ is mainly a 
dry season visitor and the forest \H. macleayii ] 
seems to prefer Melaleuca (paperbark) swamps. 

Rainbowbird [Merops omatus ] One ot the most 
attractive birds of the Darwin suburbs, most 
common during the dry season. Has adapted to 
living alongside man, using power-lines as vantage- 
points from which to sally after flying insects, 
especially the dragonflies that are common early in 
the dry season. Sometimes roosts communally in the 
suburbs, for instance, Rapid Creek in 1976-7 or can 
be seen flying over to roost in the early evening. 

Dollarbird [Eurystomus orientalis) Conspicuous 
bird, visiting suburban fringes during the wet 
season. Using power-lines as “bas'es" for display- 
flights and feeding sallies. 

Tree Martin [Cecropis nigricans] The common 
member of the sw'allow family [Hirundinidae] in the 
Darwin area, especially near water, but scarce 
during the wettest months when it possibly moves 
out to breed. Large flocks occur around the 
Sanderson sewage ponds and birds are frequentlj 
seen hawking over the suburbs. 

Richard’s Pipit [Anthus nuvaeseelandiae] An 
occasional visitor to grassy areas on the fringes of 
the suburbs such as Casuarina Drive in Rapid Creek. 

Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike [Coracina novaehol- 
landiae] This species, one of the most widespread in 
Australia is apparently mainly a dry season visitor to 

Darwin. However, at this season it is very common 
in the suburbs, often perching on power-lines or 
even clothes-hoists. Immatures lack the full black 
face and throat patch and can be confused with the 
next species. 

White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike [Coracina papuensis] A 
resident species but generally less obtrusive than 
the previous. Favours well-wooded suburbs; it is 
uncertain whether it still breeds regularly in Darwin 
but in 1977 it attempted to breed in Nightcliff (C. 
Peterson, pers. comm.) and successfully bred in the 
city alongside the MLC Building (D. Jacobs, pers. 
comm.) Breeding may generally be earlier than the 
December and January suggested by Storr. The 
MLC birds had young fledged in November. 
Plumages are whiter on the underparts than C. 
novaehollundiae and favours some habitats, such as 
rain-forest, that the other usually avoids. Although 
the two species may occur close together, they 
apparently do not mix. 

White-winged Triller [Lalage sueurii] Quite common 
as a dry-season visitor when the nondescript female 
or non-breeding males visit suburban gardens and a 
variety of woodland habitats including mangroves. 
Recently, in 1976 and 1977, males have been 
frequently seen in breeding plumage and heard in 
full song in several suburbs and in the city itself. 
There was a breeding attempt in mangroves at 
Nightcliff in November 1977. It seems that this may 

Torrcsian Crow 

be a local change in status for a species which is 
common in the arid and semi-arid areas of the 

Varied Trill er \Lalage leucomela] A common 
resident, sometimes visiting well-wooded suburbs, 
especially during caterpillar plagues. Otherwise it is 
a faith retiring although noisy species, most often 
found in mangroves or monsoon forest. Could be 
confused with previous species which is never 
barred on the underparts, lacks the buff on the 
under tail coverts and has different calls (refer 
Slater 19'4 for description). Both species sometimes 
occur together; Varied does not have the brerttn 
nondescript plumage of the female or non-breeding 
male White-winged. 

Green-backed Warbler |Gerygone chloronotu | A 
small, inconspicuous, resident species common in 
monsoon-forest on the fringes of Darwin, especially 
in the Fannie Bay area. 

Golden-headed Cisticola [Cisticola exilis ] A common 
but rarely seen bird frequenting patches of under¬ 
grow th and rough grass, for instance, around 
Salonika, Fannie Bay and parts of Nightcliff. At the 
beginning of its breeding season during the humid 
build-up to the wet season in November-December it 
perches prominently and calls frequently. 

Hclmeted (Mangroves, Melville Is.) Friarbird 
|Philemon bitceruides] Of the two Friarbird species 
in Darwin, this is mainly found in monsoon-forest or 
mangroves but is quite a common visitor to gardens 
adjoining these habitats in Nightcliff. Rapid- Creek 
and Fannie Bay. The difficulties of distinguishing 
this species from the next are overstated: it lacks the 
conspicuous "lump" at the base of the bill and the 
white feathers on the head which characterize P. 
urgemiceps. The underparts arc browner and with 
practice, many of the calls can be separated. 

Silver-crowned Friarbird |Philemon argenticeps] 
Quite common, but usually avoiding monsoon-forest 
and mangroves. Freely visits suburban gardens to 
feed on nectar-bearing flowers and breeds on the 
outskirts of the built-up area. Flabitat overlaps 
somewhat with the previous species but Ffelmeted is 
unusual in the open eucalypt forest which is the 
principal habitat of this species. 

Blue-faced Honeyeater [Entomyzon cyanotis] A 
large honeyeater which prefers open eucalypt 
woodland where it breeds, generally avoiding the 
monsoon forest remnants of Nightcliff and Fannie 
Bay and mangroves. Visits gardens to feed on 
banana flowers. Has a penetrating single whistle, an 
early morning call often heard in the dry season. 

White-gaped Honeyeater \Lichenostomus unicolor] 
A common species but one which avoids open 
eucalypt"woodland. As a suburban bird favours the 
more established gardens but freely uses exotic 
trees, such as poincianas and mangoes. It is also 
quite common in the city area where suitable trees 
are available but is largely absent from the newer 
northern suburbs. 

White-throated Honeyeater [Melithreptus albogtr 
laris | Prior to cyclone Tracy, a common species in 
eucalypt woodland and its vestiges around Darwin 
but wind damage to its habitat and interference with 
re-growth from badly controlled or accidental 
burning has reduced it considerably, although it 
remains common outside the area of the most 
damage. It is now scarce in the Lee Point Rd. area, 
adjoining the Wanguri and Wulagi subdivisions 
where it was common formerly but still occurs in 
eueulypts in Nightcliff and elsewhere. 

Brow n Honeyeater [Lichmera indistincta] Common, 
but mainly on the fringes of the built-up area, 
favouring mangroves, but also visiting suburban 
gardens. Breeds in the dry season and is very quiet 
and unobtrusive at other times. 

Rufous-banded Honeyeater [Cunopophila ulbogu- 
luris 1 One of the commonest small birds in the 
Darwin area, apparently a mangrove species and 
very common in this habitat where competition with 
the Brown Honeyeater seems to be minimised; 
Rufous-Banded breeds mainly in the wet season and 
is relatively unobtrusive during the dry. It is a 
frequent visitor to suburban gardens and is quite 
common even in the city itself; its song can often be 
heard in Smith and Mitchell streets. 

Red-headed Honeyeater \Myzomela erythrocephala ] 
Mainh a mangrove species which sometimes visits 
nearby suburban gardens with suitable cover, for 
example, in Stuart Park and Fannie Bay. 

Mistletochird |Dicueum hirundimteeum ] Formerly 
quite common but much scarcer since Cyclone 
Tracy, possibly because of the destruction of its 
main food-source, the native mistletoes which are 
semi-parasitic on large trees. 

Striated (Black-headed) Pardalote |Pardalotus 
striatus\ A common dry season visitor and breeding 
species with a monotonous disyllabic call heard 
throughout the day, even in the heat of the afternoon 
when other birds are silent. Generality shuns rain 
and monsoon-forest, mangroves and prefers open 
eucalypt woodland. Nests in burrows in the ground, 
in dry creek-beds, deep w heel ruts, piles of top-soil 
dumped in gardens or heaps of builder's sand. 

Yellow White-eye [Zosterops lutea] A mangrove 
species that sometimes wanders into adjoining 
suburban areas, for example at Stuart Park or 

Double-barred Finch |Poephilu bichenovii ] Fairly 
common in some areas, for example Parap and 
Fannie Bay and perhaps Ludmilla and Nightcliff but 
absent elsewhere. Status uncertain; may breed 

Chestnut-breasted Mannikin [Lonchura castaneo- 
thorax] Occurs in wastelands, areas cleared but with 
some regrowth, cyclone-damaged or otherwise 
degraded scrub, near the suburbs and roosts in 
some numbers just east of Darwin but status 
uncertain and apparently no definite breeding 

Yellow-rumped Mannikin [Lonchura flaviprymna] 
This species is in an obscure taxonomic position but 
is clearly related to the previous and sometimes 
occurs in small numbers in flocks of Chestnut¬ 

Yellow Oriole [Oriolus Flavocinctus] Primarily a bird 
of the mangroves and coastal monsoon-forest, 
relatively common in suburban areas adjoining 
these habitats, as in Nightcliff, Rapid Creek and 
Fannie Bay. 

Olive-backed Oriole [ Oriolus sagittatus ] An erratic 
visitorto Darwin, mainly in dry season. Occasionally 
seen in gardens but care is needed to separate from 
the female of the much commoner Yellow- Figbird. 

Yellow Figbird [Sphecotheres viridis] Common; 
especially conspicuous and noisy from September 
onwards, at the beginning of its breeding season. 
Occurs in all suitable suburbs with adequate cover 
and breeds even in the city itself. Can be heard 
calling close to the Smith-Knuckey intersection or in 
Bennett Street near the Reserve Bank. The brightly 
coloured male is distinctive but the female could be 
confused with the Olive-backed Oriole which is 
slimmer, has a more slender bill and lacks the area 
of pink skin around the eye. 

Spangled Drongo [Dicrurus hottentottus] Mainly a 
monsoon forest and mangrove bird that overspills 
into adjoining suburbs. 

Great Bowerbird [Chlamydera nuchalis] Not 
uncommon in the Darwin area but is generally a 
bird of the suburban fringes, w hereas in Batchelor it 
is common in gardens and occurs freely around 
road-houses on the Stuart Highway. Uses flip-tops 
from cans in the decoration of its bower. There are 
no confirmed breeding records but ‘active’ bowers 

have been found near Holmes Jungle and Nakara in 
1974. Present status uncertain. 

Australian Magpie Lark (Mudlark Pee-wee) 
[Grallina cyanoleuca] A conspicuous dry season 
visitor and one of Australia’s most widespread and 
familiar species. Apparently does not breed in the 
coastal Darwin area. 

White-breasted Woodswallow [Artamus leucor- 
hynchus] A common dry season visitor, often seen in 
small flocks on power-lines. Absent during its wet 
season breeding period when it seems to move 
eastwards into Arnhem Land. 

Grey (Silver-backed) Butcherbird [Cracticus 
torquatus] Present in eucalypt woodland in the Lee 
Point Road area. Refer next species. 

Pied Butcherbird [Cracticus nigrogularis ] This 
species has probably suffered with the previous 
species from cyclone damage to its preferred habitat 
of eucalypt woodland and from the encroachment of 
the suburbs but it is still common just outside 
Darwin. Has bred in the Wanguri area (1974) and 
probably still does; occurs close to the new 
subdivisions at Wulagi and Anula. Avoids monsoon 
forest, mangroves and completely open habitats 
without trees. 

Torresian Crow [ Corvus orru] An occasional visitor 
to the area, especially in the dry season although it 
breeds in the Humpty Doo area. The comparative 
scarcity in Darwin is surprising as the author has 
seen it scavenging on the town dump at Gove and 
this is apparently common behaviour. (K. Grant, 
pers. comm.). (The two main species at Leanyer 
dump are Pied Heron [Ardea picata ] and Black 


The following have been used in the preparation of this article and are gratefully acknowledged: 

Crawford, D.N. (1972) BIRDS OF DARWIN AREA, with some records from other parts 

of the Northern Territory. (Emu 72:131 - 147) 



Slater, P. (1970 & 1974) A FIELD GUIDE TO AUSTRALIAN BIRDS. 

2 volumes: Non-Passerines and Passerines. 

Storr. G.M. (1977) 



Delius argenthona fragalactea 
by Alan Wade 


The larvae of the north-western subspecies of the 
Northern Jezabel Delias argenthona fragalactea 
(Butler, 1869) feed on the mistletoe Decaisnina 
signata. This mistletoe is parasitic on the Northern 
Milkwood Alstonia actinophylla. During the late wet 
season (March - May 1977) adults of both sexes of 
the Northern Jezabel were seen feeding on the 
nectar of the flowers of the Darwin Stringybark 
Eucalyptus tetrudonta. but not on the flowers of the 
mistletoe. However, the mistletoe flowers were a 
nectar source during the drv season when there 
were few other flowers. 


Larvae of the Delias butterfly genus feed almost 
exclusively on parasitic plants, including the mistle¬ 
toes. The larvae of the Australian east-coast 
subspecies of the Northern Jezabel Delias urgen- 
thona argenthona are known to feed on several 
species of mistletoe including M uellerina 
celastroides and Amy etna bifurcatum (Common and 
Waterhouse. 1972). A. bifurcatum occurs in the 
Northern Territory (Harmer, 1976) and D. argen- 
thona frugajuctea may well feed on this mistletoe 


The study was made on the Esplanade Reserve in 
the Darwin town area. Adults of the Northern 
Jezabel were first observed in gardens along the 
Esplanade and were subsequently seen in the 
canopies of some thirty Northern Milkwoods 
Alstonia actinophylla which were located on the 
Reserve. The butterflies were also observed in the 
canopy of a large solitary Darwin Stringybark 
Eucalyptus tetrudonta where they were more 
common than elsewhere. At the time of these 
observations in March 1977. the eucalypt was in full 
flower and there were usually from two to four 
individuals on the wing or feeding from flowers at 
any one time. From observations made over a period 
of several weeks, 1 concluded that there were usually 
more individuals, up to eight or ten, active in the 
eucalypt canopy around dusk than at any other time 
of the day. Similar habits were observed with the 
adult male Wood White butterflies Delias aganippe 
feeding from mistletoe flowers- at Kambah in the 
Australian Capital Territory at dusk in February 
1977. White there are some notable exceptions, 
most butterflies settle at least an hour before sunset. 

The association of the butterfly w ith the canopy of 
the milkwoods was almost certainly because of the 
presence of the mistletoe Decaisnina signata in 90% 
of all miklw ood trees on the Reserve. The Northern 
Jezabel lays yellow eggs in clusters on the 
undersides of young mistletoe leaves. In each of the 
three separate colonies 1 studied during April 1977, 
there were nineteen or more one or two day old 
larvae and up to sixty eggs. Yet natural survival is 
low. In the colony of nineteen young larvae, I 
observed the number surviving after two or three 
days to be about one half of the number seen at last 
count. Within a fortnight no larvae could be seen. 
The larvae have a gregarious feeding habit and 
availability of very young shoots on a single branch 
appears to be the critical factor in determining the 
survival of larvae. Attempts to rear larvae seem to 
support this. While nearly all eggs hatched, larvae 
survived only on young mistletoe and were reluctant 
to move onto fresh mistletoe supplied daily. Only 
two of the original larvae, totalling about one 
hundred individuals, survived to pupate after 
approximately twenty-eight days. In a new- finding 
(18 February 1978). twenty two to three day old 
larvae, were found feeding on young tips of 
mistletoe on w hich larvae had been found feeding in 
early March 1977. Four days later there were only 
eight surviving larvae, and within eight days, no 
larvae could be seen. 

The eastern subspecies of the Northern Jezabel is 
on the wing throughout the year (McCubbin 1971). 
The north-western subspecies was common in late 
September, but by late December, no individuals 
could be sighted on the the wing. Whereas during 
the wet season the Northern Jezabel w as rarely seen 
near mistletoe flowers, by September they were 
freely feeding at the conspicuous red flowers. The 
mistletoe flowers throughout the wet season and 
almost until the end of the dry season. Lack of 
suitable flowers towards the end of the dry season 
may be a factor in limiting numbers of adults. 

The life cycle of the Northern Jezabel appears to 
be confined almost entirely to the canopies of trees. 
Other members of the genus favour hilly areas. The 
close proximity of a small escarpment and the ready 
availability of food appears to make the reserve a 
suitable habitat for the Northern Jezabel. 


t v 

7 •"*' 

' % 

C'f* ■ 

§ ' 

l 7?%t~ 

V- ’f 

? a 

f" c ^i 

/'. #. 

a) (x3) 


Delias argenthona fragalactea 

a) Mature larva 

b) Adult 

Line drawing courtesy of W. Loh Choy 


Common, I.F.B. and Waterhouse, D.F. (1972) 

“BUTTERFLIES OF AUSTRALIA”, pp. 205-206. Angus & Robertson. 

Harmer, J. (1976) “NORTHERN AUSTRALIAN PLANTS. P. 1, Top End Wildflowers” 

p. 64. Surrey Beatty and Sons, N.S.W. 

McCubbin, C. (1971) “AUSTRALIAN BUTTERFLIES”, p. 122. Thomas Nelson Ltd. 


K. Martin 


M any Darwin people spend their leisure time 
fishing, snorkelling or reef fossicking, and invari¬ 
ably have at one stage seen or caught a fish that they 
cannot identify. Unfortunately, most of the classic 
literature pertaining to this area is difficult to obtain, 
and even then, some of the more common species 
are not listed. In fact, very little study has been 
carried out on the reef fish of this area, and there is 
every likelihood of a casual observer finding a rare 
or undescribed species. 

Obviously, in an article such as this, it is 
impossible to present a comprehensive guide to our 
fish fauna. Instead, it is may endeavour to present a 
general discussion of the environment in which 
these animals live, how to observe them, and a 
resume of the various families. Included is a 
checklist of those species which 1 have recorded in 
this area. 


Darwin lies fairly centrally on the southern edge 
of a large oceanographic zone known as -the 
Indo-Pacific Region. This region is a vast area which 
extends from Eastern Africa, through the tropical 
Indian Ocean. South East Asia, and the Western 
Pacific, where it extends south to Lord How e Island, 
cast to Gambier Island, and north to Hawaii. Many 
Barrier Reef species occur in Darwin, and the 
majority of Darwin fish extend down the tropical 
west coast of Australia. Some species are distributed 
throughout the Indo-Pacific, while several are found 
only in the Northern Territory. 


Due to extremes in tidal variation, the proximity 
of large rivers and estuaries and the monsoonal 
effect, waters around Darwin are generally fairly 
turbid. Visibility is at besf about seven metres, at 
worst - zero, but in sheltered areas, is usually about 
four metres during the dry season. 

The main coral reefs of Darwin occur in protected 
areas near headlands, such as those at East Point. 
Lee Point, and Gunn Point. Coral filled lagoons 
occur in rocky areas such as Nightcliff, and Lee 
Point, where the low tides provide clear, still waters. 
Many areas of coral are completely exposed on tides 
of less than 1.5 metres, and in this case, fish either 
vacate the reef, or shelter in shallow pools. Large 
amounts of weed bloom over the reefs tow ards the 
end of the wet season, and it is at this time that 
many species breed (although some species will 
breed all year round). 

The coral reef is regarded as a very stable 
environment. Consequently, reef-dwelling fish are 
extremely specialised and adapted to conditions 
which remain virtually unchanged throughout the 
year. Waters of the coral reef are almost always 
calm and fairly clear, and have a small temperature 
range. They have a high salinity and oxygen 
content, and maintain a PH value of about eight. 

In shore reefs such as those in the vicinity of 
Darwin are occasionally muddy and turbulent, and 
therefore support a less diverse fish population. In 
contrast, the vast coral reefs of the Vernon Islands, 
about eighty kilometres to the north-east of Darwin, 
support a number of species which are not found 
along the coast. 


Due to the very nature of their environment, 
collecting specimens of reef fish is a difficult task. 
Netting a coral reef is comparatively futile and most 
collecting for research material is clone with the aid 
of a drug. Rotenone, which quickly kills any fish 
coming in contact with it. Fish can be fairly safely 
collected with the aid of an anaesthetic, such as 
Quinaldine or MS222, but these drugs are very 
expensive, and must be used cautiously. Some 
tropical fish importers even use Cyanide to obtain 
specimens, a practice which is fortunately gaining 
worldwide disapproval. 

Obviously, the best way to observe fish in their 
natural environment is to get in there with them. 
Snorkelling or skindiving in a coral reef is a 
fascinating pastime. Pick a low netip tide during the 
dry season, when the reef is submerged to a depth of 
about two or three metres, and the visibility w ill be 
fairly good. To actually catch fish in this situation, 
with nets or a slurp gun, will at first seem very 
difficult, but a little practice yields results. 

Wandering out upon the coral on a very low tide is 
also a good w ay to find fish. If you go out during the 
low night tide, you will be greatly rewarded, as the 
resting fish arc seen hiding under overhangs or just 
drifting about, are are quite easily caught. 

Great care should be taken when walking on the 
reef, as some corals are very brittle, and easily 
damaged. Strong shoes should be worn, as many 
corals can give a painful sting, not to mention the 
possibility of treading on a Stonefish. 

Finally, collectors should remember that corals 
take a long time to grow, regenerating very slowly if 
damaged. Indiscriminate collecting of species such 
as Clownfish and their anemones will destroy the 
reef. Future generations should be able to observe 
these fascinating communities as they exist at 


The following is a description of some of the larger 
or more common families of reef-dwelling fish which 
are likely to be encountered in the vicinity of 


The Reef Sharks are recognised by their bottom 
dwelling habits, and unlike the larger pelagic 
sharks,^hev do not need to swim constantly in order 
to breathe. They are small and nocturnal, but may 
be encountered during the day, hiding under rocks 
and overhangs. 

PLOTOSIDAE (Eel Tailed Catfish) 

A group of nocturnal reef scavengers which 
possess four pairs of fleshy barbels on the snout. 
They arc scaleless, and are endowed with sharp 
dorsal and pectoral spines w hich can inflict a painful 

MURAENIDAE (Moray Eels) 

Medium to large predatory fish, they generally 
live in holes and under coral colonies. Although not 
poisonous, their strong jaw s and savage disposition 
should be respected. 

APOGONIDAE (Cardinalftsh) 

A large group of nocturnal fish, many are brightly 
coloured. They are often seen in large shoals milling 
around stands of Staghorn \Acropont\ coral. They 
are characterised bv their large and often bright 
blue eyes, and a tendancy to hover motionless in the 

SERRAN1DAE (Rock Cod) 

A large family of secretive predatory fish. They 
have unmistakably large mouths, and the corres¬ 
ponding appetite makes them easy prey for the reef 

LUTJANIDAE (Snapper, Sea Perch) 

A large and common group of active, carnivorous 
fish, which may occur in big schools on coral reefs. 
Most are of a streamlined appearance, often 
coloured with lateral stripes and a black blotch on 
the side. 

MULLINDAE (Goatfish) 

A group of bottom dwelling fish recognised by a 
pair of fleshy barbels projecting from under the 


A group well-known in the fishing fraternity, the 
Moonfish or Silver Batfish, is a laterally compressed 
fish bearing a superficial resemblance to the true 

Batfish [Ephippidae]. The juveniles inhabit brack¬ 
ish water and are often sold as freshwater aquarium 


Large, laterally compressed fish with extended! 
dorsal and pelvic fins. Because of great variations, 
between individuals from different areas, and the 
change of shape from juvenile to adult, this family 
has presented many problems for taxonomists. 


Subfamily CHAETODONTINAE (Butterflyfish) 

This is a very large and colourful family of small,, 
laterally compressed ftsh, which feed almost wholly 
on choral polyps. These are the typical fish that most 
people identify with tropical coral reefs. Their 
delicate colours and appearance make them attrac¬ 
tive aquarium fish, but they are not recommendedl 
for the beginner. At least six species occur in the- 
Darwin area, although two of these [Chuetodorv 
adiergastos and Heniochis acuminatus ] can be 1 
regarded as very rare. 

Subfamily POMACANTHINAE (Marine Angelfish)! 

This group is distinguished from the previous 
subfamily by the strong spine which projects from 
below the gills. As well, they generally attain a 
larger size. They are amongst the world's most 
colourful and graceful animals, and are much sought 
after by marine aquarists. Probably only two species 
occur in Darw in, the commonest being the Scribbled 
Angelfish [Shuetodontoplus duboulayi ] undoubtedly 
the most colourful fish to be encountered in these 


Subfamily AMPH1PRIONINAE (Clownftsh) 

The Clownftsh are a brightly coloured group 
which are found in association with sea anemones. 
The mucus covering on their skin gives them 
immunity from the anemone's deadly stinging 
tentacles, and the fish use the protection of the 
anemone to survive, as they are a slow swimming 
and fairly defenceless group. In the w ild, the three 
species which are found in Darwin, all inhabit 
different anemone species, although in captivity, 
they will readily swap anemones, or even live quite 
happily without them. It is worth mentioning that 
the spectacular black and white colour form of 
Amphiprion ocelluris is strictly confined to North 
Western Australia, particularly the Darwin area. 

Subfamily POMACENTR1NAE (Damselfish) 

A very large group of small, brightly coloured fish 
which are thought to be close relatives -of the 
freshw ater Cichlids. They are extremely territorial, 
and are one of the commonest of our reef fish. They 
are active and alert, and the colourful juveniles are a 
prolific sight in the rockpools around our coastline. 

LABRIDAE (Wrasses, Tuskfish) 

The Wrasses and Tuskfish are a large family but 
one which is poorly represented in Darwin. 1 have 
encountered only one species of wrasse here 
|Htilichocres nigrescens], which is abundant in this 
area. It is basically green in colour and burrows in 
the sand at night, or when disturbed. Tuskfish of the 
genus Choerodon have presented many problems 
for the taxonomist. so the classifica¬ 
tion of at least one Darw in species is doubtful. These 
fish are generally known as "Parrotfish" by 
fishermen, due to their colourful appearance and 
mouth structure, but in fact, the true Parrotfish 
[Scuridae family! are essentially coral feeders, and 
not very common in this area. Due to their 
specialised feeding habits, it is unlikely that many 
hook and line fishermen have ever landed a true 

GOBUDAE (Gobies) 

distinguished by the retractible knife-life weapon 
w hich they sport on either side of the tail base. 

SCORPAENIDAE (Scorpionfish, Lionfish) 

The Darw in area supports a large variety of fish 
from this family. They are a bizarre looking group, 
containing such creatures as the Butterfly Cod 
(Lionfish). several small and colourful species of 
Scorpionfish. and of course, the Stoncfish, all of 
which may be encountered in the Darwin area. All 
possess poisonous dorsal spines capable of inflicting 
painful wounds, or causing death, to humans. 

BALISTIDAE (Leatherjackets, Triggerfish) 

Slow sw imming, herbivorous fish, having a single 
dorsal spine and no ventral fins, the Leatherjackets 
generally frequent weedy areas. The sub-family 
Bulislinae (Triggerfish) are noticeably absent from 
Darwin waters. 

This and other related families, such as the 
Blennies and Gudgeons, are small, carnivorous fish 
which generally inhabit shallow water and coastal 
tide-pools. They are bottom dwellers, and include 
some of the world's smallest vertibrates. 

S1GANIDAE (Rabbitfish, Spinefeet) 

Medium sized herbivorous fish found in weedy 
areas and often around stands of coral. The juveniles 
may be found in brackish areas such as around 

ACANTHUR1DAE (Surgeonfish) 


Small, curious looking fish which are awkward 
swimmers, and as the name implies, have a 
box-shaped body. The scales are formed into bony 
plates which cover the body. 

ANTENNARI1DAE (Anglerfish) 

Darwin supports a variety of these strange fish. 
They are generally found sitting motionless on the 
bottom of tidal pools, waiting patiently for some 
small animal to be attracted by the "fishing pole” 
projecting from the top of their head. 

A family poorly represented in Darw in by a single 
species. The are coral and algae feeders, and can be 

Chetodon aureofasciata — Golden Striped Butterflyfish 




Orectolobus wardi 

Hemiscyllium ocellatum 

Hemiscyllium trispeculare 

Stegostomu fasciatum 

Rhinobutos batillum 

Carcharhinus Spallanzani 

Himuntura uarnak 

Dasyatis kuhlii 

Plotosus anguillaris 

Peraplotosus albilabris 

Netuma thulassina 

Gymnothorax sp. * 

Lycodontis pictus * 

Hemiramphus quoyi 

Hyporhamphus sp. 

Holocentms ruber. 

Yozia bicoarctata 

Liza dussumieri 

Liza vaigiensis 

Absalom radiatus 

Apogon cooki 

Apogon opercularis 

Archumia melasma * 

Plectropoma maculutum 

Epinephelus tauvina 

Epinephelus gilberti 

Cephulopholis pachycentron 

Cromileptes ultivelis 

Disloprion bifasciatum 

Pseudochromis wilsoni 

Pseudochromis putictutus 

Gnathypops darwiniensis 

Hulophryne diemensis 

Lutjanus russelli 

Lutjanus johni 

Lutjanus argentimuculatus 

Lutjanus carponotatus 

Lutjanus sebae 

Caesio cuning 

Scolopsis nicanor 

Nemipterus sp. * 

Plectorhynchus pictus 

Therapon jarbua 

Amphitherapon caudavittatus 

Upeneus tragula 

Mulloidichthys auriflamma 

Monodactylus argenteus 

Platux pinnatus * 

Platax batavianus 

Drepane punctata 

Selenotoca multifasciata 

Chelmon marginalis 

Chelmon muelleri 

Heniochus acuminatus 

Parachaetodon ocellatus 

Chaetodon aureofasciatus 

Chaetodon adiergastos 

Chaetodontoplus duboulayi 

Euxiphipops sexstriatus 

Amphiprion rubrocinctus 

Amphiprion ocellaris 

Northern Wobbegong Shark 

Epaulette Shark 

Spotted Cat shark 

Leopard Shark 

Shovel Nosed Shark 

Black Tipped Shark 

Coachwhip Ray 

Blue Spotted Stingray 

Striped Catfish 

Common Catfish 

Salmon Catfish 

Green Moray Eel 

Speckled Reef Eel 

Short Nosed Garfish 

Sea Garfish (several species) 

Red Squirrelfish 



Diamond Scaled Mullet 

Fringe Finned Trevally 

Red Cardinalfish 



Coral Trout 

Estuary Rock Cod 

Wire Netting Cod 

Banded Rock Cod 

Leopard Cod 

Yellow Emperor 

Yellow Finned Dottyback 

Long Finned Dottyback (“Marine Siamesefignter”) 


Moses Perch 

Sea Perch 

Mangrove Jack 

Spanish Flag 

Red Emperor 

Yellow Tailed Fusilier 

Monocle Bream (several species) 

Painted Sweetlips ■ 

Crescent Perch 

Bar Tailed Perch 

Bar Tailed Goatfish 

Red Goatfish 


Long Finned Batfish 

Hump Headed Batfish 

Short Finned Batfish 


Silver Scat 

Long Nosed Butterflyfish 

Chocolate Butterflyfish 

Pennant Butterflyfish 

Six Spined Butterflyfish 

Golden Striped Butterflyfish 


Scribbled Angelfish 

Six Banded Angelfish 

Red Qownfish 

Black and White Clownfish 

Chelmon marginalis Long Nosed Butterflyfish 

The following is a list of retJf-dwelling fish which 1 have observed or collected in the Darw in area; (for our 
purposes, I have taken the definition of "Darwin area" as being that stretch of coastline which lies roughly 
between Gunn Point and Bynoe Harbour). Species marked with an asterisk should be regarded as tentative 
identifications only, due to either insufficient data and specimens, or taxonomic uncertainty. It is likely that 
many other species occur in this area. 


Amphiprion clarkii * 

Puma cen trus lilt oralis 
Pomacentrus milleri 
Pomacentrus amboinensis 
Disch is loci us fascial us 
Abudefduf palmeri 
Abudejduf melanopus 
Choe mdon schoenleini 
Choerodon albigena * 
Halichoeres nigreseens 
Scarus fasciatus * 
Istiblennium edentulus 
Siganus virgatus 
Siganus vermiculatus 
A can lb liras xunthopterus 
Ctenogobius criniger 
Eleol nodes mural is 
Phttycephulus indicus 
Pierois volitans 
Dendrochirus zebra 
Synanceja Irachynis 
Scorpaenopsis gibhosa 
Scurpaena bynoensis 
Tricanthus biaculeaius 
Monocant has chinensis 
Usi ra cion l uberculatum 
Diodon hysirix 
Chelonodon pataca 
Antennarius sp. 

Yellow Faced Clownftsh 
Blue Damselfish 
Beau Gregory 
Yellow Damselfish 
Bumble Bee Damselfish 
Seven Banded Damselfish 
Black Footed Damselfish 
Black Spot Tuskfish 
Blue Tuskfish 
Green Sand Wrasse 
Parrot fish 

Rabbit Faced Spinefoot 

Scribbled Spinefoot 

Ring Tailed Surgeonfish 

Hair Finned Gobie 

Lined Gudgeon 



Dwarf Lionfish 


False Stonefish 



Fan Bellied Leatherjacket 
Box fish 
Marbled Toadfish 
Anglerfish (several species) 


Axelrod, H.R. & Burgess, W.E., FISHES OF THE GREAT BARRIER REEF — Pacific Marine Fishes, Book 7, 
(T.F.H. Publ. N.J. 1976) 

London & Sydney 1977) 

Deas, W. & Domm. S., CORALS OF THE GREAT BARRIER REEF (Ure Smith, Sydney, 1976) 

Grant, E.M., GUIDE TO FISHES (Coord. General's Dept., Qld. 1975) 

Robertson, Sydney 1964) 

Munro, I.S.R., THE FISHES OF NEW GUINEA (Dept, of Agriculture, Port Moresdy, N.G. 1967) 

Vol. 4, Zoology. (Melbourne University Press 1964) 


In preparing this Checklist, I have generally adopted the scientific nomenclature used in Munro’s “Fish of New 
Guinea” where possible, and have tried to utilize local common names of the more well-known species. I would 
be grateful to hear from anyone who may be able to expand on or otherwise modify this checklist. If you have 
any information or specimens, please contact me through the N.T.F.N.C. 


On the 19 December, 1977, a well attended meeting in Alice Springs set about forming an Alice Springs Field 
Naturalists Club. Membership fees have been set at $5 for the first six months of 1978 and will be reviewed 
shortly. Office bearers of the Club, elected at its second meeting are: 

President: Mike Fisher 

Vice President: Doug Meek 
Secretary: Andrew Mitchell 

Treasurer: Lesley Sealey 

Liaison Officer: Jeff Godden 

The Club is producing a newsletter to keep members informed of its activities and welcomes contributions 
from interested people: In addition, members from Alice Springs are encouraged to contribute to the N.T. 
Naturalist in order that it has more appeal throughout the Territory. There is strong feeling that the Club 
form a junior section and Jeff Godden is contacting all Alice Springs schools to ascertain support for such a 
move. The Club also hopes to join with the Society for Growing Australian Plants in running a stall at the 
Alice Springs Show later this year. Already several successful field trips have been organized, and more are 
planned for the rest of the year. 

The address of the Club is P.O. Box 2483, Alice Springs, 5750. Meetings are held on the first Monday of each 
month and further information can be obtained by ringing Andrew Mitchell on Alice Springs 52 2344. 

All N T. Naturalists join in wishing the Alice Springs Field Naturalists Club every success in the future. 


Advice to Contributors: 

The N T. NATURALIST is published bi-annually. Contributors need not be members of the N.T.F.N.C. 
although all members are urged to contribute. Contributions may take one of the following forms: 

1. Letter to the Editor 

A letter should be a short comment on a previous publication in the N T. NATURALIST, a comment on an 
issue of topical interest in natural history, or a brief report of a field trip. Letters may be handwritten 
provided they are well presented. Only one copy of a letter is required. 

2. Notes 

If you have made a series of observations (for example, on the behaviour of a bird or other animal) or have noted 
something new or unusual in the field, then this is the place to report your findings. Contributions should be in 
the order of 200 - 500 words and provided with a title. 

3. Articles 

An article should run to a maximum of about 1500 words (four to five double-spaced typed, A4 pages) and 
deal with a topic in the natural sciences. It should be written in a manner intelligible to readers without a 
specialist knowledge of the subject. Articles should be appropriately illustrated by clear, black ink graphs, 
drawings, diagrams or photographs. 

4. Research Papers 

Longer research papers will be considered. A paper should be an original scientific communication and be 
fully referenced. 

5. Special Contributions 

Feature articles, cover designs, photographs suitable for publication, drawings and reports on field trips are 
welcome. Contact the editor if you have any innovative ideas. 


Manuscripts must be submitted in duplicate, typed on one side of the page only, double-spaced with a forty 
millimetre margin. The Editor will be pleased to give intending authors further guidance on the preparation 
of manuscripts. 

journal of 
northern territory 
field naturalists club 


Sea Wasps in the Northern Territory — D. L. Grey 
Common Birds of the Darwin Suburbs — Hillary Thompson 
Notes on the Northern Jezebel Butterfly — Alan Wade 
Reef Fishes of the Darwin Area — Keith Martin 
Notes on the Genus Lingula — Graham White 

Cover Design: Susanne Avery 

Cover Photograph: Sea Wasp Chironexfleckeri — D. L. Grey 
