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Full text of "Notes of a course of nine lectures on light delivered at the Royal institution of Great Britain April 8-June 3, 1869"

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J.ONDON  :     PJlINTIin    BV 



OF     A      COUESE      OF     NINE     LECTURES      ON 




APRIL  8— JUNE  3,  1869 


JOHN    TYNDALL,    LL.D.    F.B.S. 


LONGMANS,     OKEEN,     AND     CO. 

[TJie  right  of  translation  is  reserved.] 



THESE  NOTES  were  prepared  for  the  use  of  those  who  attended 
my  Lectures  on  Light  last  year,  and  were  not  intended  for 
further  publication.  Enquiries  and  requests  regarding  them 
from  teachers  and  students  who  have  read  them,  cause  me 
now  to  think  that  the  Notes  may  be  useful  beyond  their 
contemplated  limits.  The  Messrs.  Longman  have  therefore 
undertaken  their  publication  in  a  very  cheap  form. 

To  my  friend  Professor  Goodeve,  who  has  been  kind 
enough  to  look  over  the  proofs,  my  best  thanks  are  due 
and  tendered. 




General  Considerations.     Rectilinear  Propagation  of  Light  V  .1 

Formation  of  Images  through  small  Apertures         .             .  i  .       2 
Shadows       .........       f» 

Enfeeblement  of  Light  by  Distance  ;  Law  of  Inverse  Square!  r  .3 

Photometry,  or  the  Measurement  of  Light               .        .-    ,'  '-  «  .       4 

Brightness                .             *"'••'           *•'           .             .  .  .6 

Light  requires  Time  to  pass  through  Space              f'           .  .  .6 

Aberration  of  Light             .             .             »             .-'....*  .  .7 

Reflexion  of  Light  (Catoptrics) — Plane  Mirrors      .             .  .  .8 

Verification  of  the  Law  of  Reflexion            ,.  '^'        .             .  .                    „ 

Reflexion  from  Curved  Surfaces  :  Concave  Mirrors             .  .  .11 

Caustics  by  Reflexion  (Catacaustics)            '.            .         '  '.""'  '  '.  l  .13 

Convex  Mirrors       .....         •<''.*>-v  '" '*  .     14 

Refraction  of  Light  (Dioptrics)        .             .             .'        * '  T' '"  '    . '   '  .15 

Opacity  of  Transparent  Mixtures    .             «-             .'            .  •  .19 

Total  Reflexion        .            .            .        -:^          •.  -      '^v  >'  .     20 

Lenses         .            .•            .             ,            .            .            «  .  .22 

Converging  Lenses  .             i    .    .  •' *            «  '•'    '•  >            *  .''  •       >» 

Diverging  Lenses     .             .             <    •         .*'  •-         .        .     .  ,                  „ 

Vision  and  the  Eye              .-'         ,^<;        .            .        l^j    .  .  .     23 

Adjustment  of  the  Eye :  tTse  of  Spectacles  .             .            .  .  .24 

The  Punctum  Coecum          .            .            .            .             .  .  .26 

Persistence  of  Impressions  ,             ,             .             .             .  .  .26 

Bodies  seen  within  the  Eye             .             .            .            .  .  .27 

The  Stereoscope      .            .            .            .            .            .  .  .     2S 

Nature  of  Light ;  Physical  theory  of  Reflexion  and  Refraction  .  .     29 

viii  Contents. 


Theory  of  Emission  V  .  .  .  .  .  .30 

Theory  of  Undulation          .  .  .  .  .  .  .31 

Prisms         .  »  ,.  ,»  .  .  .  .  .34 

Prismatic  Analysis  of  Light :  Dispersion    .  .  .  .  „ 

Invisible  Eays :  Calorescence  and  Fluorescence      .  .  .  .35 

Doctrine  of  Visual  Periods  .  .  .  .  .  .36 

Doctrine  of  Colours  .  .  .  .  .  .  .37 

Chromatic  Aberration.     Achromatism         .  .  .  .  .38 

Subjective  Colours  .  .  .  .  .  .  .39 

Spectrum  Analysis  .  .  .  .  .  .  .40 

Further  Definition  of  Radiation  and  Absorption     .  .  .  .41 

The  pure  Spectrum :  Fraunhofer's  Lines     .  .  ;  .  .42 

Reciprocity  of  Radiation  and  Absorption    .  .  .  .  .43 

Solar  Chemistry      .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .44 

Planetary  Chemistry  .  .  .  .  .  .  .45 

Stellar  Chemistry    ......... 

Nebular  Chemistry  .  .  .  .  .  .  .46 

The  Red  Prominences  and  Envelope  of  the  Sun  .  .  .  -  .  „ 

The  Rainbow          .  .  .  .  .  .  . 

Interference  of  Light  ....... 

Diffraction,  or  the  Inflexion  of  Light  ..... 

Measurement  of  the  Waves  of  Light  .  .  .  . 

Colours  of  Thin  Plates        .  .  .  .  .  » 

Double  Refraction  .  .  .  .  . 

Phenomena  presented  by  Iceland  Spar        .  .  ,;4  .        :    < 

Polarization  of  Light  .....  ? I 

Polarization  of  Light  by  Reflexion  .  .  .J  ;v 

Polarization  of  Light  by  Refraction  .  .  . 

Polarization  of  Light  by  Double  Refraction 

Examination  of  Light  transmitted  through  Iceland  Spar    . 

Colours  of  Double-refracting  Crystals  in  Polarized  Light    . 

Rings  surrounding  the  Axes  of  Crystals  in  Polarized  Light 

Elliptic  and  Circular  Polarization  . 

Rotatory  Polarization          .  .  .  .  •        ,  if > . 

CONCLUSION  *  .  .  %  *  •  .§ 




General  Considerations.     Rectilinear  Propagation  of  Light. 

1.  The  ancients  supposed  light  to  be  produced  and  vision  excited 
by  something  emitted  from  the  eye.     The  moderns  hold  vision  to 
be  excited  by  something  that  strikes  the  eye  from  without.     What 
that  something  is  we  shall  consider  more  closely  subsequently. 

2.  Luminous   bodies   are   independent   sources   of  light.     They 
generate  it  and  emit  it,  and  do  not  receive  their  light  from  other 
bodies.     The  sun,  a  star,  a  candle-flame,  are  examples. 

3.  Illuminated  bodies  are  such  as  receive  the  light  by  which  they 
are  seen  from  luminous  bodies.   A  house,  a  tree,  a  man,  are  examples. 
Such  bodies  scatter  in  all  directions  the  light  which  they  receive ; 
this  light  reaches  the  eye,  and  through  its  action  the  illuminated 
bodies  are  rendered  visible. 

4.  All  illuminated  bodies  scatter  or  reflect  light,  and  they  are  dis- 
tinguished from  each  other  by  the  excess  or  defect  of  light  which  they 
send  to  the  eye.     A  white  cloud  in  a  dark-blue  firmament  is  distin- 
guished by  its  excess  of  light;  a  dark  pine-tree  projected  against  the 
same  cloud  is  distinguished  through  its  defect  of  light. 

5.  Look  at  any  point  of  a  visible  object.     The  light  comes  from 
that  point  in  straight  lines  to  the  eye.    The  lines  of  light,  or  rays  as 
they  are  called,  that  reach  the  pupil  form  a  cone,  with  the  pupil  for  a 
base,  and  with  the  point  for  an  apex.     The  point  is  always  seen  at 
the  place  where  the  rays  which  form  the  surface  of  this  cone  inter- 
sect each  other,  or,  as  we  shall  learn  immediately,  where  they  seem  to 
intersect  each  other. 

6.  Light,  it  has  just  been  said,  moves  in  straight  lines;  you  see  a 
luminous  object  by  means  of  the  rays  which  it  sends  to  the  eye,  but 
you  cannot  see  round  a  corner.    A  small  obstacle  that  intercepts  the 
view  of  a  visible  point  is  always  in  the  straight  line  between  the  eye 


2  :  Votes  on  Light. 

und  tlie  point. ,  In  ii  darlVropm  let  a  small  hole  be  made  in  a  window- 
shutter,  and  let  the  sun  "shine  through  the  hole.  A  narrow  luminous 
beam  will  mark  its  course  on  the  dust  of  the  room,  and  the  track  of 
the  beam  will  be  perfectly  straight. 

7.  Imagine  the  aperture  to  diminish  in  size  until  the  beam  passing 
through  it  and  marking  itself  upon  the  dust  of  the  room  shall  dwindle 
to  a  mere  line  in  thickness.     In  this  condition  the  beam  is  what  we 
call  a  ray  of  light. 

Formation  of  Images  through  small  Apertures. 

8.  Instead  of  permitting  the  direct  sunlight  to  enter  the  room  by 
the  small  aperture,  let  the  light  from  some  body  illuminated  by  the 
sun — a  tree,  a  house,  a  man,  for  example — be  permitted  to  enter.  Let 
this  light  be  received  upon  a  white  screen  placed  in  the  dark  room. 
Every  visible  point  of  the  object  sends  a  straight  ray  of  light  through 
the  aperture.     The  ray  carries  with  it  the  colour  of  the  point  from 
which  it  issues,  and  imprints  that  colour  upon  the  screen.     The  sum 
total  of  the  rays  falling  thus  upon  the  screen  produces  an  inverted 
image  of  the  object.     The  image  is  inverted  because  the  rays  cross 
each  other  at  the  aperture. 

9.  Experimental  Illustration. — Place  a  lighted  candle  in  a  small 
camera  with  a  small  orifice  in  one  of  its  sides,  or  a  large  one  covered 
by  tinfoil.    Prick  the  tinfoil  with  a  needle;  the  inverted  image  of  the 
flame  will  immediately  appear  upon  a  screen  placed  to  receive  it.  By 
approaching  the  camera  to  the  screen,  or  the  screen  to  the  camera, 
the  size  of  the  image  is  diminished ;  by  augmenting  the  distance 
between  them,  the  size  of  the  image  is  increased. 

10.  The  boundary  of  the  image  is  formed  by  drawing  from  every 
point  of  the  outline  of  the  object  straight  lines  through  the  aperture, 
and  producing  these  lines  until  they  cut  the  screen.     This  could  not 
be  the  case  if  the  straight  lines  and  the  light  rays  were  not  coincident. 

11.  Some  bodies  have  the  power  of  permitting  light  to  pass  freely 
through  them ;  they  are  transparent  bodies.     Others  have  the  power 
of  rapidly  quenching  the  light  that  enters  them  ;  they  are  opaque 
bodies.     There  is  no  such  thing  as  perfect  transparency  or  perfect 
opacity.     The  purest  glass  and  crystal  quench  some  rays  ;  the  most 
opaque  metal,  if  thin  enough,  permits  some  rays  to  pass  through  it. 
The  redness  of  the  London  sun  in  smoky  weather  is  due  to  the  partial 
transparency  of  soot  for  the  red  light.     Pure  water  at  great  depths  is 
blue;  it  quenches  more  or  less  the  red  rays.     Ice  when  seen  in  large 
masses  in  the  glaciers  of  the  Alps  is  blue  also. 


12.  As  a  consequence  of  the  rectilinear  motion  of  light,  opaque 
bodies  cast  shadows.     If  the  source  of  light  be  a  point,  the  shadow  is 
sharply  defined ;   if  the  source  be  a  luminous  surface,  the  perfect 
shadow  is  fringed  by  an  imperfect  shadow  called  a  penumbra. 

Shadows.  3 

13.  When  light  emanates  from  a  point,  the  shadow  of  a  sphere 
placed  in  the  light  is  a  divergent  cone  sharply  defined. 

14.  When  light  emanates  from  a   luminous   globe,  the  perfect 
shadow  of  a  sphere  equal  to  the  globe  in  size  will  be  a  cylinder  •   it 
will  be  bordered  by  a  penumbra. 

15.  If  the  luminous  sphere  be  the  larger  of  the  two,  the  perfect 
shadow  will  be  a  convergent  cone ;  it  will  be  surrounded  by  a  penum- 
bra.   This  is  the  character  of  the  shadows  cast  by  the  earth  and  moon 
in  space ;  for  the  sun  is  a  sphere  larger  than  either  the  earth  or  the 

16.  To  an  eye  placed  in  the  true  conical  shadow  of  the  moon,  the 
sun  is  totally  eclipsed ;   to  an  eye  in  the  penumbra,  the  sun  appears 
horned ;  while  to  an  eye  placed  beyond  the  apex  of  the  conical  shadow 
and  within  the  space  enclosed  by  the  surface  of  the  cone  produced, 
the  eclipse  is  annular.     All  these  eclipses  are  actually  seen  from  time 
to  time  from  the  earth's  surface. 

17.  The  influence  of  magnitude  maybe  experimentally  illustrated 
by  means  of  a  batswing  or  fishtail  flame ;  or  by  a  flat  oil  or  paraffin 
flame.     Holding  an  opaque  rod  between  the  flame  and  a  white  screen, 
the  shadow  is  sharp  when  the  edge  of  the  flame  is  turned  towards  the 
rod.     When  the  broad  surface  of  the  flame  is  pointed  to  the  rod,  the 
real  shadow  is  fringed  by  a  penumbra. 

18.  As  the   distance  from  the  screen  increases,  the  penumbra 
encroaches  more  and  more  upon  the  perfect  shadow,  and  finally 
obliterates  it. 

19.  It  is  the   angular  magnitude  of  the   sun  that  destroys  the 
sharpness  of  solar  shadows.     In  sunlight,  for  example,  the  shadow  of 
a  hair  is  sensibly  washed  away  at  a  few  inches  distance  from  the 
surface    on  which    it   falls.     The    electric   light,   on  the  contrary, 
emanating   as   it  does  from   small  carbon  points,  casts  a   defined 
shadow  of  a  hair  upon  a  screen  many  feet  distant. 

Enfeeblement  of  Light  by  Distance;  Law  of  Inverse  Squares. 

20.  Light  diminishes  in  intensity  as  we  recede  from  the  source  of 
light.     If  the  luminous  source  be  a  point,  the  intensity  diminishes  as 
the  square  of  the  distance  increases.     Calling  the  quantity  of  light 
falling  upon  a  given  surface  at  the  distance  of  a  foot  or  a  yard — 
1,  the  quantity  falling  on  it  at  a  distance  of  2  feet  or  2  yards  is  ^, 
at  a  distance  of  3  feet  or  3  yards  it  is  -^,  at  a  distance  of  10  feet  or 
10  yards  it  would  be  T-^-,  and  so  on.    This  is  the  meaning  of  the  law 
of  inverse  squares  as  applied  to  light. 

21.  Experimental   Ilhtstrations.—  Pl&ce    your    source    of    light, 
which  may  be  a  candle-flame — though  the  law  is  in  strictness  truo 
only  for  points — at  a  distance  say  of  9  feet  from  a  white  screen. 
Hold  a  square  of  pasteboard,  or  some  other  suitable  material,  at  a 

4  Notes  on  Light. 

distance  of  2^  feet  from  the  flame,  or  ^th  of  the  distance  of  \ the 
screen.     The  sqtfare  casts  a  shadow  upon  the  screen. 

22.  Assure  yourself  that  the  area  of  this  shadow  is  sixteen  times 
that  of  the  square  which  casts  it;  a  student  of  Euclid  will  see  in  a 
moment  that  this  must  be  the  case,  and  those  who  are  not  geometers 
can  readily  satisfy  themselves  by  actual  measurement.    Dividing,  for 
example,  each  side  of  a  square  sheet  of  paper  into  four  equal  parts, 
and  folding  the  sheet  at  the  opposite  points  of  division,  a  small  square 
is  obtained  y^gth  of  the  area  of  the  large  one.     Let  this  small  square, 
or  one  equal  to  it,  be  your  shadow- casting  body.     Held  at  2^  feet 
from  the  flame,  its  shadow  upon  the  screen  9  feet  distant  will  be 
exactly  covered  by  the  entire  sheet  of  paper.     When  therefore  the 
small  square  is  removed,  the  light  that  fell  upon  it  is  diffused  over 
sixteen  times  the  area  on  the  screen ;  it  is  therefore  diluted  to  T^th 
of  its  former  intensity.     That  is  to  say,  by  augmenting  the  distance 
four-fold  we  diminish  the  light  sixteen-fold. 

23.  Make  the  same  experiment  by  placing  a  square  at  a  distance 
of  3  feet  from  the  source  of  light  and  6  from  the  screen.     The 
shadow  now  cast  by  the  square  will  have  nine  times  the  area  of  the 
square  itself;  hence  the  light  falling  on  the  square  is  diffused  over 
nine  times  the  surface  upon  the  screen.     It  is  therefore  reduced  to 
•|th  of  its  intensity.     That  is  to  say,  by  trebling  the  distance  from 
the  source  of  light  we  diminish  the  light  nine-fold. 

24.  Make  the  same  experiment  at  a  distance  of  4^-  feet  from  the 
source.     The  shadow  here  will  be  four  times  the  area  of  the  shadow- 
casting  square,  and  the  light  diffused  over  the  greater  square  will  be 
reduced  to  ^th  of  its  former  intensity.     Thus,  by  doubling  the  dis- 
tance from  the  source  of  light  we  reduce  the  intensity  of  the  light 

25.  Instead  of  beginning  with  a  distance  of  2J  feet  from  the 
source,  we  might  have  begun  with  a  distance  of  1  foot.     The  area  of 
the  shadow  in  this  case  would  be  eighty-one  times  that  of  the  square 
which  casts  it ;  proving  that  at  9  feet  distance  the  intensity  of  the 
light  is  -j^y  of  what  it  is  at  1  foot  distance. 

26.  Thus  when  the  distances  are 

1,     2,     3,     4,     5,     6,     7,     8,     9,     &c, 
the  relative  intensities  are 

1>      ?>      4>      TB")      ^5>       ^V?       TIT?      ~tti      "gT>       &C> 

This  is  the  numerical  expression  of  the  law  of  inverse  squares. 

Photometry,  or  the  Measurement  of  Light. 

27.  The  law  just  established  enables  us  to  compare  one  light  with 
another,  and  to    express  by  numbers   their  relative   illuminating 

28.  The  more  intense  a  light,  the  darker  is  the  shadow  which  it 

Photometry,  or  the  Measurement  of  Light.          5 

casts;    in  other  words,  the  greater  is    the    contrast  between   the 
illuminated  and  unilluminated  surface. 

29.  Place  an  upright  rod  in  front  of  a  white  screen  and  a  candle- 
flame  at  some  distance  behind  the  rod,  the  rod  casts  a  shadow  upon 
the  screen. 

30.  Place  a  second  flame  by  the  side  of  the  first,  a  second  shadow 
is  cast,  and  it  is  easy  to  arrange  matters  so  that  the  shadows  shall  be 
close  to  each  other,  thus  offering  themselves  for  easy  comparison  to 
the  eye.    If  when  the  lights  are  at  the  same  distance  from  the  screen 
the  two  shadows  are  equally  dark,  then  the  two  lights  have  the  same 
illuminating  power. 

31.  But  if  one  of  the  shadows  be  darker  than  the  other,  it  is 
because  its  corresponding  light  is  brighter  than  the  other.     Remove 
the  brighter  light  farther  from  the  screen,  the  shadows  gradually 
approximate  in  depth,  and  at  length  the  eye  can  perceive  no  dif- 
ference between  them.     The  shadow  corresponding  to  each  light  is 
now  illuminated  by  the  other  light,  and  if  the  shadows  are  equal  it 
is  because  the  quantities  of  light  cast  by  both  upon  the  screen  are 

32.  Measure  the  distances  of  the  two  lights  from  the  screen,  and 
square  these  distances.     The  two  squares  will  express  the  relative 
illuminating  powers  of  the  two  lights.     Supposing  one  distance  to 
be  3  feet  and  the  other  5,  the  relative  illuminating  powers  are  as  9 
to  25. 


33.  But  if  light  diminishes  so  rapidly  with  the  distance — if,  for 
example,  the  light  of  a  candle  at  the  distance  of  a  yard  is  100  times 
more  intense  than  at  the  distance  of  10  yards — how  is  it  that  on 
looking  at  lights  in  churches  or  theatres,  or  in  large  rooms,  or  at 
our  street  lamps,  a  light  10  yards  off  appears  almost,  if  not  quite,  as 
bright  as  one  close  at  hand  ? 

34.  To  answer  this  question  I  must  anticipate  matters  so  far  as  to 
say  that  at  the  back  of  the  eye  is  a  screen,  woven  of  nerve-filaments, 
named  the  retina ;  and  that  when  we  see  a  light  distinctly,  its  image 
is  formed  upon  this  screen.      This   point  will  be  fully  developed 
when  we  come  to  treat  of  the  eye.  Now  the  sense  of  external  brightness 
depends  upon  the  brightness  of  this  internal  retinal  image,  and  not 
upon  its  size.     As  we  retreat  from  a  light,  its  image  upon  the  retina 
becomes  smaller,  and  it  is  easy  to  prove  that  the  diminution  follows 
the  law  of  inverse  squares.    That  at  a  double  distance  the  area  of  the 
retinal  image  is  reduced  to  one-fourth,  at  a  treble  distance  to  one- 
ninth,  and  so  on.     The  concentration  of  light  accompanying  this 
decrease  of  magnitude  exactly  atones  for  the  diminution  due  to  dis- 
tance ;   hence,  if  the  air  be  clear,  the  light,  within  wide  variations 
of  distance,  appears  equally  bright  to  the  observer. 

35.  If  an  eye  could  be  placed  behind  the  retina,  the  augmentation 

6  Notes  on  Light. 

or  diminution  of  the  image,  with  the  decrease  or  increase  of  dis- 
tance, might  be  actually  observed.  An  exceedingly  simple  apparatus 
enables  us  to  illustrate  this  point.  Take  a  pasteboard  or  tin  tube, 
three  or  four  inches  wide  and  three  or  four  inches  long,  and  cover  one 
end  of  it  with  a  sheet  of  tinfoil,  and  the  other  end  with  tracing-paper, 
or  ordinary  letter  paper  wetted  with  oil  or  turpentine.  Prick  the 
tinfoil  with  a  needle,  and  turn  the  aperture  towards  a  candle-name. 
An  inverted  image  of  the  flame  will  be  seen  on  the  translucent  paper 
screen  by  the  eye  behind  it.  As  you  approach  the  flame  the  image 
becomes  larger,  as  you  recede  from  the  flame  the  image  becomes 
smaller ;  but  the  brightness  remains  throughout  the  same.  It  is  so  with 
the  image  upon  the  retina. 

36.  If  a  sunbeam  be  permitted  to  enter  a  room  through  a  small 
aperture,  the  spot  of  light  formed  on  a  distant  screen  will  be  round, 
whatever  be  the  shape  of  the  aperture ;  this  curious  effect  is  due  to 
the  angular  magnitude  of  the  sun.     Were  the  sun  a,  point,  the  light 
spot  would  be  accurately  of  the  same  shape  as  the  aperture.  Supposing 
then  the  aperture  to  be  square,  every  point  of  light  round  the  sun's 
periphery  sends  a  small  square  to  the  screen.    These  small  squares  are 
ranged  round  a  circle  corresponding  to  the  periphery  of  the  sun ; 
through  their  blending  and  overlapping  they  produce  a  rounded  out- 
line.    The  spots  of  light  which  fall  through  the  apertures  of  a  tree's 
foliage  on  the  ground  are  rounded  for  the  same  reason. 

Light  requires  Time  to  pass  through  Space. 

37.  This  was  proved  in  1675  and  1676  by  an  eminent  Dane,  named 
Olaf  Rcemer,  who  was  then  engaged  with  Cassini  in  Paris  in  observing 
the  eclipses  of  Jupiter's  moons.     The  planet,  whose  distance  from  the 
sun  is  475,693,000  miles,  has  four  satellites.  We  are  now  only  con- 
cerned with  the  one  nearest  to  the  planet.     Roemer  watched  this 
moon,  saw  it  move  round  in  front  of  the  planet,  pass  to  the  other 
side  of  it,  and  then  plunge  into  Jupiter's  shadow,  behaving  like  a 
lamp  suddenly  extinguished :  at  the  other  edge  of  the  shadow  he 
saw  it  reappear  like  a  lamp  suddenly  lighted.     The  moon  thus  acted 
the  part  of  a  signal  light  to  the  astronomer,  which  enabled  him  to 
tell  exactly  its  time  of  revolution.     The  period  between  two  suc- 
cessive lightings  up  of  the  lunar  lamp  gave  this  time.     It  was  found 
to  be  42  hours,  28  minutes,  and  35  seconds. 

38.  This  observation  was  so  accurate,  that  having  determined  the 
moment  when  the  moon  emerged  from  the  shadow,  the  moment  of  its 
hundredth  appearance  could  also  be  determined.    In  fact  it  would  be 
100  times  42  hours,  28  minutes,  35  seconds,  from  the  first  observation. 

39.  Roemer's  first  observation  was  made  when  the  earth  was  in  the 
part  of  its  orbit  nearest  Jupiter.     About  six  months  afterwards,  when 
the  little  moon  ought  to  make  its  appearance  for  the  hundredth  time, 
it  was  found  unpunctual,  being  fully  15  minutes  behind  its  calculated 

Light  requires  Time  to  pass  through  Space.         7 

time.  Its  appearance,  moreover,  had  been  growing  gradually  later,  as 
the  earth  retreated  towards  the  part  of  its  orbit  most  distant  from 

40.  Rcemer  reasoned  thus : — '  Had  I  been  able  to  remain  at  the 
other  side  of  the  earth's  orbit,  the  moon  might  have  appeared  always 
at  the  proper  instant ;  an  observer  placed  there  would  probably  have 
seen  the  moon  15  minutes  ago,  the  retardation  in  my  case  being  due 
to  the  fact  that  the  light  requires  15  minutes  to  travel  from  the  place 
where  my  first  observation  was  made  to  my  present  position.' 

41.  This  Hash  of  genius  was  immediately  succeeded  by  another. 
'  If  this  surmise  be  correct,'  Rcemer  reasoned,  '  then  as  I  approach 
Jupiter  along  the  other  side  oi  the  earth's  orbit,  the  retardation  ought 
to  become  gradually  less,  and  when  I  reach  the  place  of  my  first  obser- 
vation there  ought  to  be  no  retardation  at  all.'     He  found  this  to  be 
the  case,  and  thus  proved  not  only  that  light  required  time  to  pass 
through  space,  but  also  determined  its  rate  of  propagation. 

42.  The  velocity  of  light  as  determined  by  Rcemer  is  192,500  miles 
in  a  second. 

The  Aberration  of  Light. 

The  astounding  velocity  assigned  to  light  by  the  observations  of 
Roemer  received  the  most  striking  confirmation  from  the  English 
astronomer  Bradley  in  the  year  1723.  In  Kew  Gardens  to  the  present 
hour  there  is  a  sundial  to  mark  the  spot  where  Bradley  discovered 
the  aberration  of  light. 

43.  If  we  move  quickly  through  a  rain-shower  which  falls  vertically 
downwards,  the  drops  will  no  longer  seem  to  fall  vertically,  but  will 
appear  to  meet  us.     A  similar  deflection  of  the  stellar  rays  by  the 
motion  of  the  earth  in  its  orbit  is  called  the  aberration  of  light. 

44.  Knowing  the  speed  at  which  we  move  through  a  vertical  rain- 
shower,  and  knowing  the  angle  at  which  the  rain-drops  appear  to 
descend,  we  can  readily  calculate  the  velocity  of  the  falling  drops  of 
rain.     So  likewise,  knowing  the  velocity  of  the  earth  in  its  orbit,  and 
the  deflection  of  the  rays  of  light  produced  by  the  earth's  motion,  we 
can  immediately  calculate  the  velocity  of  light. 

45.  The  velocity  of  light,  as  determined  by  Bradley,  is  191,515 
miles  per  second — a  most   striking  agreement   with  the  result  of 

46.  This  velocity  has  also  been  determined  by  experiments  over 
terrestrial  distances.     M.  Fizeau  found  it  thus  to  be  194,677  miles  a 
second,  while  the  later  experiments  of  M.  Foucault  made  it  185,177 
miles  a  second. 

47.  'A  cannon-ball,'  says  Sir  John  Herschel,   'would   require 
seventeen  years  to  reach  the  sun,  yet  light  travels  over  the  same  space 
in  eight  minutes.     The  swiftest  bird,  at  its  utmost  speed,  would  re- 
quire nearly  three  weeks  to  make  the  tour  of  the  earth.     Light 
performs  the  same  distance  in  much  less  time  than  is  necessary  for  a 

8  Notes  on  Light. 

single  stroke  of  its  wing  ;  yet  its  rapidity  is  but  commensurate  with  the 
distance  it  has  to  travel.  It  is  demonstrable  that  light  cannot  reach  our 
system  from  the  nearest  of  the  fixed  stars  in  less  than  five  years,  and 
telescopes  disclose  to  us  objects  probably  many  times  more  remote.' 

The  Reflexion  of  Light  (Catoptrics) — Plane  Mirrors. 

48.  When  light  passes  from  one  optical  medium  to  another,  a 
portion  of  it  is  always  turned  back  or  reflected. 

49.  Light  is  regularly  reflected  by  a  polished  surface  ;  but  if  the 
surface  be  not  polished  the  light  is  irregularly  reflected  or  scattered. 

50.  Thus  a  piece  of  ordinary  drawing-paper  will  scatter  a  beam  of 
light  that  falls  upon  it  so  as  to  illuminate  a  room.     A  plane  mirror 
receiving  the  sunbeam  will  reflect   it  in  a  definite  direction,  and 
illuminate  intensely  a  small  portion  of  the  room. 

51.  If  the  polish  of  the  mirror  were  perfect  it  would  be  invisible, 
we  should  simply  see  in  it  the  images  of  other  objects;  if  the  room 
were  without  dust  particles,  the  beam  passing  through  the  air  would 
also  be  invisible.     It  is  the  light  scattered  by  the  mirror  and  by  the 
particles  suspended  in  the  air  which  renders  them  visible. 

52.  A  ray  of  light  striking  as  a  perpendicular  against  a  reflecting 
surface  is  reflected  back  along  the  perpendicular ;  it  simply  retraces 
its  own  course.     If  it  strike  the  surface  obliquely,  it  is  reflected 

53.  Draw  a  perpendicular  to  the  surface  at  the  point  where  the 
ray  strikes  it ;  the  angle  enclosed  between  the  direct  ray  and  this  per- 
pendicular is  called  the  angle  of  incidence.     The  angle  enclosed  by 
the  reflected  ray  and  the  perpendicular  is  called  the  angle  of  reflexion. 

54.  It  is  a  fundamental  law  of  optics  that  the  angle  of  incidence  is 
equal  to  the  angle  of  reflexion. 

Verification  of  the  Law  of  Reflexion. 

55.  Fill  a  basin  with  water  to  the  brim,  the  water  being  blackened 
by  a  little  ink.    Let  a  small  plummet — a  small  lead  bullet,  for  example 
— suspended  by  a  thread,  hang  into  the  water.    The  water  is  to  be  our 
horizontal  mirror,  and  the  plumb-line  our  perpendicular.     Let  the 
plummet  hang  from  the  centre  of  a  horizontal  scale,  with  inches 
marked  upon  it  right  and  left  from  the  point  of  suspension,  which  is 
to  be  the  zero  of  the  scale.     A  lighted  candle  is  to  be  placed  on  one 
side  of  the  plumb-line,  the  observer's  eye  being  at  the  other. 

56.  The  question  to  be  solved  is  this : — How  is  the  ray  which 
strikes  the  liquid  surface  at  the  foot  of  the  plumb-line  reflected  ? 
Moving  the  candle  along  the  scale,  so  that  the  tip  of  its  flame  shall 
stand  opposite  different  numbers,  it  is  found  that,  to  see  the  reflected 
tip  of  the  flame  in  the  direction  of  the  foot  of  the  plumb-line,  the  line 
of  vision  must  cut  the  scale  as  far  on  the  one  side  of  that  line  as  the 

Verification  of  the  Law  of  Reflexion.  9 

candle  is  on  the  other.  In  other  words,  the  ray  reflected  from  the 
foot  of  the  perpendicular  cuts  the  scale  accurately  at  the  candle's  dis- 
tance on  the  other  side  of  the  perpendicular.  From  this  it  immediately 
follows  that  the  angle  of  incidence  is  equal  to  the  angle  of  reflexion. 

57.  With. an  artificial  horizon    of  this  kind,   and  employing  a 
theodolite  to  take  the  necessary  angles,  the  law  has  been  established 
with  the  most  rigid  accuracy.     The  angle  of  elevation  to  a  star  being 
taken  by  the  instrument,  the  telescope  is  then  pointed  downwards 
to  the  image  of  the  star  reflected  from  the  artificial  horizon.     It  is 
always  found  that  the  direct  and  reflected  rays  enclose  equal  angles 
with  the  horizontal  axis  of  the  telescope,  the  reflected  ray  being  as  far 
below  the  horizontal  axis  as  the  direct  ray  is  above  it.     On  account 
of  the  star's  distance  the  ray  which  strikes  the  reflecting  surface  is 
parallel  with  the  ray  which  reaches  the  telescope  directly,  and  from  this 
follows,  by  a  brief  but  rigid  demonstration,  the  law  above  enunciated. 

58.  The  path  described  by  the  direct  and  reflected  rays  is  the 
shortest  possible. 

59.  When  the  reflecting  surface  is  roughened,  rays  from  different 
points,  more  or  less  distant  from  each  other,  reach  the  eye.     Thus,  a 
breeze  crisping  the  surface  of  the  Thames  or  Serpentine  sends  to  the 
eye,  instead  of  single  images  of  the  lamps  upon  their  margin,  pillars 
of  light.     Blowing  upon  our  basin  of  water,  we  also  convert  the 
reflected  light  of  our  candle  into  a  luminous  column. 

60.  Light  is  reflected  with  different  energy  by  different  substances. 
At  a  perpendicular  incidence,  only  18  rays  out  of  every  1000  are 
reflected  by  water,  25  rays  per  1000  by  glass,  while  666  per  1000 
are  reflected  by  mercury. 

61.  When  the  rays  strike  obliquely,  a  greater  amount  of  light  than 
that  stated  in  60  is  reflected  by  water  and  glass.     Thus,  at  an  inci- 
dence of  40°,  water  reflects  22  rays  ;  at  60°,  65  rays  ;  at  80°,  333 
rays;  and  at  89^-°  (almost  grazing  the  surface),  it  reflects  721  rays 
out  of  every  1000.     This  is  as  much  as  mercury  reflects  at  the  same 

62.  The    augmentation    of  the    light   reflected  as  the  obliquity 
of  incidence  is  increased  may  be  illustrated  by  our  basin  of  water. 
Hold  the  candle  so  that  its  rays  enclose  a  large  angle  with  the  liquid 
surface,  and   notice  the  brightness  of  its  image.     Lower  both  the 
candle  and  the  eye  until  the  direct  and  reflected  rays  as  nearly  as 
possible  graze   the  liquid  surface ;  the  image  of  the  flame  is  now 
much  brighter  than  before. 

Reflexion  from  Looking-glasses. — Various  instructive  experiments 
with  a  looking-glass  may  here  be  performed  and  understood. 

63.  Note  first  when  a  candle  is  placed  between  the  glass  and  the 
eye,  so  that  a  line  from  the  eye  through  the  candle  is  perpendicular 
to  the  glass,  that  one  well-defined  image  of  the  candle  only  is  seen. 

64.  Let  the  eye  now  be  moved  so  as  to  receive  an  oblique  reflexion; 
••^9  image  is  no  longer  single,  a  series  of  images  at  first  partially 

10  Notes  on  Light. 

overlapping  each  other  being  seen.  By  rendering  the  incidence 
sufficiently  oblique  these  images,  if  the  glass  be  sufficiently  thick, 
may  be  completely  separated  from  each  other. 

65.  The  first  image  of  the  series  arises  from  the  reflexion  of  the 
light  from  the  anterior  surface  of  the  glass. 

66.  The  second  image,  which  is  usually  much  the  brightest,  arises 
from  reflexion  at  the  silvered  surface  of  the  glass.     At  large  in- 
cidences, as  we  have  just  learned,  metallic  reflexion  far  transcends 
that  from  glass. 

67.  The  other  images  of  the  series  are  produced  by  the  reverbera- 
tion of  the  light  from  surface  to  surface  of  the  glass.    At  every  return 
from  the  silvered  surface  a  portion  of  the  light  quits  the  glass  and 
reaches  the  eye,  forming  an  image ;  a  portion  is  also  sent  back  to  the 
silvered  surface,  where  it  is  again  reflected.     Part  of  this  reflected 
beam  also  reaches  the  eye  and  yields  another  image.     This  process 
continues :  the  quantity  of  light  reaching  the  eye  growing  gradually 
less,  and,  as  a  consequence,  the  successive  images  growing  dimmer, 
until  finally  they  become  too  dim  to  be  visible. 

68.  A  very  instructive  experiment  illustrative  of  the  augmentation 
of  the  reflexion  from  glass,  through  augmented  obliquity,  may  here  be 
made.     Causing  the  candle  and  the  eye  to  approach  the  looking-glass, 
the  first  image  becomes  gradually  brighter  ;  and  you  end  by  rendering 
the  image  reflected  from  the  glass  brighter,  more  luminous,  than  that 
reflected  from  the  metal.  Irregularities  in.  the  reflexion  from  looking- 
glasses  often  show  themselves ;  but  with  a  good  glass — and  there  are 
lew  glasses  so  defective  as  not  to  possess,  at  all  events,  some  good 
portions — the  succession  of  images  is  that  here  indicated. 

69.  Position  and  Character  of  Images  in  Plane  Mirrors.— The 
image  in  a  plane  mirror  appears  as  far  behind  the  mirror  as  the  object 
is  in  front  of  it.     This  follows  immediately  from  the  law  which 
announces  the  equality  of  the  angles   of  incidence  and  reflexion. 
Draw  a  line  representing  the  section  of  a  plane  mirror;  place  a 
point  in  front  of  it.    Rays  issue  from  that  point,  are  reflected  from  the 
mirror,  and   strike  the  pupil  of  the  eye.     The  pupil  is  the  base  of 
a  cone  of  such  rays.    Produce  the  rays  backward ;  they  will  intersect 
behind  the  mirror,  and  the  point  will  be  seen  as  if  it  existed  at  the 
place  of  intersection.     The  place  of  intersection  is  easily  proved  to  be 
as  far  behind  the  mirror  as  the  point  is  in  front  of  it. 

70.  Exercises  in  determining  the  positions  of  images  in  a  plane 
mirror,  the  positions  of  the  objects  being  given,  are  here  desirable. 
The  image  is  always  found  by  simply  letting  fall  a  perpendicular 
from  each  point  of  the  object,  and  producing  it  behind  the  mirror,  so 
as  to  make  the  part  behind  equal  to  the  part  in  front.    We  thus  learn 
that  the  image  is  of  the  same  size  and  shape  as  the  object,  agreeing 
with  it  in  all  respects  save  one — the  image  is  a  lateral  inversion  of 
the  object. 

71.  This  inversion  enables  us,  by  means  of  a  mirror,  to  read 

Verification  of  the  Law  of  Reflexion.  11 

writing  written  backward,  as  if  it  were  written  in  the  usual  way. 
Compositors  arrange  their  type  in  this  backward  fashion,  the  type 
being  reversed  by  the  process  of  printing.  A  looking-glass  enables 
us  to  read  the  type  as  the  printed  page. 

72.  Lateral  inversion  comes  into  play  when  we  look  at  our  own 
faces  in  a  glass.     The  right  cheek  of  the  object,  for  example,  is  the 
left  cheek  of  the  image  ;  the  right  hand  of  the  object  the  left  hand  of 
the  image,  &c.     The  hair  parted  on  the  left  in  the  object  is  seen 
parted  to  the  right  of  the  image,  &c. 

73.  A  plane  mirror  half  the  height  of  an  object  gives  an  image 
which  embraces  the  whole  height.     This  is  readily  deduced  from 
what  has  gone  before. 

74.  If  a  plane  mirror  be  caused  to  move  parallel  with  itself,  the 
motion  of  an  image  in  the  mirror  moves  with  twice  its  rapidity. 

75.  The  same  is  true  of  a  rotating  mirror:  when  a  plane  mirror  is 
caused  to  rotate,  the  angle  described   by  the  image  is  twice  that 
described  by  the  mirror. 

76.  In  a  mirror  inclined  at  an  angle  of  45  degrees  to  the  horizon, 
the  image  of  an  erect  object  appears  horizontal,  while  the  image  of  a 
horizontal  object  appears  erect. 

77.  An  object  placed  between  two  mirrors  enclosing  an  angle 
yields  a  number  of  images  depending  upon  the  angle  enclosed  by  the 
mirrors.     The  smaller  the  angle,  the  greater  is  the  number  of  images. 
To  find  the  number  of  images,  divide  360°  by  the  number  of  degrees 
in  the  angle  enclosed  by  the  two  mirrors,  the  quotient,  if  a  whole 
number,  will  be  the  number  of  images,  plus  one,  or  it  will  include  the 
images  and  the  object.     The  construction  of  the  kaleidoscope  depends 
on  this. 

78.  When  the  angle  becomes  0, — in  other  words,  when  the  mirrors 
are  parallel, — the  number  of  images  is  infinite.    Practically,  however, 
we  see  between  parallel  mirrors  a  long  succession  of  images,  which 
become  gradually  feebler,  and  finally  cease  to  be  sensible  to  the  eye. 

Reflexion  from  Curved  Surfaces :   Concave  Mirrors. 

79.  It  has  been  already  stated  and  illustrated  that  light  moves  in 
straight  lines,  which  receive  the  name  of  rays.     Such  rays  may  be 
either  divergent,  parallel,  or  convergent. 

80.  Rays  issuing  from  terrestrial  points  are  necessarily  divergent. 
Rays  from  the  sun  or  stars  are,  in  consequence  of  the  immense  dis- 
tances of  these  objects,  sensibly  parallel. 

81.  By  suitably  reflecting  them,  we  can  render  the  rays  from 
terrestrial  sources  either  parallel  or  convergent.     This  is  done  by 
means  of  concave  mirrors. 

82.  In  its  reflexion  from  such  mirrors,  light  obeys  the  law  already 
enunciated  for  plane  mirrors.     The  angle  of  incidence  is  equal  to  the 
angle  of  reflexion. 

83.  Let  M  N  be  a  very  small  portion  of  the  circumference  of  a  circle 


Notes  on  Light. 

with  its  centre  at  O.  Let  the  line  a  x,  passing  through  the  centre,  cut 
the  arc  M  N  into  two  equal  parts  at  a.  Then  imagine  the  curve  M  N 
twirled  round  a  a?  as  a  fixed  axis ;  the  curve  would  describe  part  of  a 
spherical  surface.  Suppose  the  surface  turned  towards  x  to  be 
silvered  over,  we  should  then  have  a  concave  spherical  reflector ;  and 
we  have  now  to  understand  the  action  of  this  reflector  upon  light. 

FIG.  1. 

84.  The  line  a  x  is  the  principal  axis  of  the  mirror. 

85.  All  rays  from  a  point  placed  at  the  centre  O  strike  the  surface 
of  the  mirror  as  perpendiculars,  and  after  reflexion  return  to  O. 

86.  A  luminous  point  placed  on  the  axis  beyond  O,  say  at  #,  throws 
a  divergent  cone  of  rays  upon  the  mirror.     These  rays  are  rendered 
convergent  on  reflexion,  and  they  intersect  each  other  at  some  point 
on  the  axis  between  the  centre  O  and  the  mirror.     In  every  case  the 
direct  and  the  reflected  rays  (x  m  and  m  x'  for  example)  enclose  equal 
angles  with  the  radius  (O  m)  drawn  to  the  point  of  incidence. 

87.  Supposing  x  to  be  exceedingly  distant,  say  as  far  away  as  the 
sun  from  the  small  mirror, — or,  more  correctly,  supposing  it  to  be 
infinitely  distant, — then  the  rays  falling  upon  the  mirror  will  be 
parallel.     After  reflexion  such  rays  intersect  each  other,  at  a  point 
midway  between  the  mirror  and  its  centre. 

88.  This  point,  which  is  marked  F  in  the  figure,  is  the  principal 
focus  of  the  mirror ;  that  is  to  say,  the  principal  focus  is  the  focus  of 
parallel  rays. 

89.  The  distance  between  the  surface  of  the  mirror  and  its  prin- 
cipal focus  is  called  the  focal  distance. 

90.  In  optics,  the  position  of  an  object  and  of  its  image  are  always 
exchangeable.     If  a  luminous  point  be  placed  in  the  principal  focus, 
the  rays  from  it  will,  after  reflexion,  be  parallel.     If  the  point  be 
placed  anywhere  between  the  principal  focus  and  the  centre  O,  the 
rays  after  reflexion  will  cut  the  axis  at  some  point  beyond  the  centre. 

91.  If  the  point  be  placed  between  the  principal  focus  F  and  the 

Reflexion  from  Curved  Surfaces.  13 

mirror,  the  rays  after  reflexion  will  be  divergent — they  will  not  inter- 
sect at  all — there  will  be  no  real  focus. 

92.  But  if  these  divergent  rays  be  produced  backwards,  they  will 
intersect  behind  the  mirror,  and  form  there  what  is  called  a  virtual,  or 
imaginary  focus. 

Before  proceeding  further,  it  is  necessary  that  these  simple  details 
should  be  thoroughly  mastered.  Given  the  position  of  a  point  in 
the  axis  of  a  concave  mirror,  no  difficulty  must  be  experienced  in 
finding  the  position  of  the  image  of  that  point,  nor  in  determining 
whether  the  focus  is  virtual  or  real. 

93.  It  will  thus  become  evident  that  while  a  point  moves  from 
an  infinite  distance  to  the  centre  of  a  spherical  mirror,  the  image  of 
that  point  moves  only  over  the  distance  between  the  principal  focus 
and  the  centre.     Conversely,  it  will  be  seen  that  during  the  passage 
of  a  luminous  point  from  the  centre  to  the  principal  focus,  the  image 
of  the  point  moves  from  the  centre  to  an  infinite  distance. 

94.  The  point  and  its  image  occupy  what  are,  called  conjugate  foci. 
If  the  last  note  be  understood,  it  will  be  seen  that  the  conjugate  foci 
move  in  opposite  directions,  and  that  they  coincide  at  the  centre  of 
the  mirror. 

95.  If  instead  of  a  point  an  object  of  sensible  dimensions  be  placed 
beyond  the  centre  of  the  mirror,  an  inverted  image  of  the  object 
diminished  in  size  will  be  formed  between  the  centre  and  the  principal 

96.  If  the  object  be  placed  between  the  centre  and  the  principal 
focus,  an  inverted  and  magnified  image  of  the  object  will  be  formed 
beyond  the  centre.     The  positions  of  the  image  and  its  object  are,  it 
will  be  remembered,  convertible. 

97.  In  the  two  cases  mentioned  in  95  and  96  the  image  is  formed  in 
the  air  in  front  of  the  mirror.     It  is  a  real  image.    But  if  the  obj  ect  be 
placed  between  the  principal  focus  and  the  mirror,  an  erect  and  mag- 
nified image  of  the  object  is  seen  behind  the  mirror.     The  image  is 
here  virtual.     The  rays  enter  the  eye  as  z/they  came  from  an  object 
behind  the  mirror. 

98.  It  is  plain  that  the  images  seen  in  a  common  looking-glass  are 
all  virtual  images. 

99.  It  is  now  to  be  noted  that  what  has  been  here  stated  regarding 
the  gathering  of  rays  to  a  single  focus  by  a  spherical  mirror  is  only 
true  when  the  mirror  forms  a  small  fraction  of  the  spherical  surface. 
Even  then  it  is  only  practically,  not  strictly  and  theoretically,  true. 

Caustics  by  Reflexion  (Catacaustics). 

100.  When  a  large  fraction  of  the  spherical  surface  is  employed  as 
a  mirror,  the  rays  are  not  all  collected  to  a  point ;  their  intersections, 

14  Notes  on  Light. 

on  the  contrary,  form  a  luminous  surface,  which  in  optics  is  called  a 
caustic  (German,  Brennflache). 

101.  The  interior  surface  of  a  common  drinking-glass  is  a  curved 
reflector.     Let  the  glass  be  nearly  filled  with  milk,  and  a  lighted 
candle  placed  beside  it ;  a  caustic  curve  will  be  drawn  upon  the 
surface  of  the  milk.     A  carefully  bent  hoop,  silvered  within,  also 
shows  the  caustic  very  beautifully.     The  focus  of  a  spherical  mirror 
is  the  cusp  of  its  caustic. 

102.  Aberration. — The  deviation  of  any  ray  from  this  cusp  is 
called  the  aberration  of  the  ray.     The  inability  of  a  spherical  mirror 
to  collect  all  the  rays  falling  upon  it  to  a  single  point  is  called  the 
spherical  aberration  of  the  mirror. 

103.  Real  images,  as  already  stated,  are  formed  in  the  air  in  front 
of  a  concave  mirror,  and  they  may  be  seen  in  the  air  by  an  eye  placed 
among  the  divergent  rays  beyond  the  image.     If  an  opaque  screen, 
say  of  thick  paper,  intersect  the  image,  it  is  projected  on  the  screen 
and  is  seen  in  all  positions  by  an  eye  placed  in  front  of  the  screen. 
If  the  screen  be  semi-transparent,  say  of  ground  glass  or  tracing- 
paper,  the  image  is  seen  by  an  eye  placed  either  in  front  of  the  screen 
or  behind  it.     The  images  in  phantasmagoria  are  thus  formed. 

Concave  spherical  surfaces  are  usually  employed  as  burning- 
mirrors.  By  condensing  the  sunbeams  with  a  mirror  3  feet  in 
diameter  and  of  2  feet  focal  distance,  very  powerful  effects  may  be 
obtained.  At  the  focus,  water  is  rapidly  boiled,  and  combustible 
bodies  are  immediately  set  on  fire.  Thick  paper  bursts  into  flame 
with  explosive  violence,  and  a  plank  is  pierced  as  with  a  hot  iron. 

Convex  Mirrors. 

104.  In  the  case  of  a  convex  spherical  mirror  the  positions  of  its 
foci  and  of  its  images  are  found  as  in  the  case  of  a  concave  mirror. 
But  all  the  foci  and  all  the  images  of  a  convex  mirror  are  virtual. 

105.  Thus  to  find  the  principal  focus  you  draw  parallel  rays  which, 
on  reflection,  enclose  angles  with  the  radii  equal  to  those  enclosed  by 
the  direct  rays.    The  reflected  rays  are  here  divergent ;  but  on  being 
produced  backwards,  they  intersect  at  the  principal  focus  behind  the 

106.  The  drawing  of  two  lines  suffices  to  fix  the  position  of  the 
image  of  any  point  of  an  object  either  in  concave  or  convex  spherical 
mirrors.     A  ray  drawn  from  the  point  through  the  centre  of  the 
mirror  will  be  reflected  through  the  centre ;  a  ray  drawn  parallel  to 
the  axis  of  the  mirror  will,  after  reflection,  pass,  or  its  production 
will  pass,  through  the  principal  focus.    The  intersection  of  these  two 
reflected   rays   determines  the  position  of  the  image  of  the  point. 
Applying  this  construction  to  objects  of  sensible  magnitude,  it  follows 
that  the  image  of  an  object  in  a  convex  mirror  is  always  erect  and 

107.  If  the  mirror  be  parabolic  instead  of  spherical,  all  parallel 

Refraction  of  Liyht. 


rays  falling  upon  the  mirror  are  collected  to  a  point  at  its  focus ; 
conversely,  a  luminous  point  placed  at  the  focus  sends  forth  parallel 
rays :  there  is  no  aberration.  If  the  mirror  be  elliptical,  all  rays  emitted 
from  one  of  the  foci  of  the  ellipsoid  are  collected  together  at  the 
other.  Parabolic  reflectors  are  employed  in  lighthouses,  where  it  is 
an  object  to  send  a  powerful  beam,  consisting  of  rays  as  nearly  as  pos- 
sible parallel,  far  out  to  sea.  In  this  case  the  centre  of  the  flame  is 
placed  in  the  focus  of  the  mirror;  but,  inasmuch  as  the  flame  is  of 
sensible  magnitude,  and  not  a  mere  point,  the  rays  of  the  reflected 
beam  are  not  accurately  parallel. 

The  Refraction  of  Light  (Dioptrics). 

108.  We  have  hitherto  confined  our  attention  to  the  portion  of  a 
beam  of  light  which  rebounds  from  the  reflecting  surface.     But  in 
general,  a  portion  of  the  beam  also  enters  the  reflecting  substance, 
being  rapidly  quenched  when  the  substance  is  opaque  (see  note  11), 
and  freely  transmitted  when  the  substance  is  transparent. 

109.  Thus  in  the  case  of  water,  mentioned  in  note  60,  when  the 
incidence  is  perpendicular  all  the  rays  are  transmitted,  save  the  18 
referred  to  as  being  reflected.    That  is  to  say,  982  out  of  every  1000 
rays  enter  the  water  and  pass  through  it. 

110.  So  likewise  in  the  case  of  mercury,  mentioned  in  the  same 
note ;   334  out  of  every  1 000  rays  falling  on  the  mercury  at  a  perpen  - 
dicular  incidence,  enter  the  metal  and  are  quenched  at  a  minute  depth 
beneath  its  surface. 

We  have  now  to  consider  that  portion  of  the  luminous  beam  which 
enters  the  reflecting  substance ;  taking,  as  an  illustrative  case,  the 
passage  from  air  into  water. 

111.  If  the  beam  fall  upon  the  water  as  a  perpendicular,  it  pur- 
sues a  straight  course  through  the  water :  if  the  incidence  be  oblique, 
the  direction  of  the  beam  is  changed 

at  the  point  where  it  enters  the  water. 

112.  This  bending  of  the  beam  is 
called  refraction.    Its  amount  is  dif- 
ferent in  different  substances. 

113.  The  refraction  of  light  obeys 
a  perfectly  rigid  law  which  must  be 
clearly  understood.     Let  A  B  C  D, 
fig.  2,  be  the  section  of  a  cylindrical 
vessel  which  is  half  filled  with  water, 
its  surface  being  AC.    E  is  the  centre 
of  the  circular  section  of  the  cylinder, 
and  B  D  is  a  perpendicular  to  the 
surface  at  E.    Let  the  cylindrical  en- 
velope of  the  vessel  be  opaque,  say  of 

brass  or  tin,  and  let  an  aperture  be  imagined  in  it   at  B,  through 

16  Notes  on  Light. 

which  a  narrow  light-beam  passes  to  the  point  E.  The  beam  will 
pursue  a  straight  course  to  D  without  turning  to  the  right  or  to  the 

114.  Let  the  aperture  be  imagined  at  m,  the  beam  striking  the 
surface  of  the  water  at  E  obliquely.     Its  course  on  entering  the  liquid 
will  be  changed  ;   it  will  pursue  the  track  E  n. 

115.  Draw  the  line  m  o  perpendicular  to  B  D,  and  also  the  line 
n  p  perpendicular  to  the  same  B  D.     It  is  always  found  that  m  o 
divided  by  n  p  is  a  constant  quantity,  no  matter  what  may  be  the 
angle  at  which  the  ray  enters  the  water. 

116.  The  angle  marked  x  above  the  surface  is  called  the  angle 
of  incidence  ;  the  angle  at  y  below  the  surface  is  called  the  angle  of 
refraction  ;  and  if  we  regard  the  radius  of  the  circle  A  B  C  D  as 
unity  or  1,  the  line  m  o  will  be  the  sine  of  the  angle  of  incidence; 
while  the  line  n  p  will  be  the  sine  of  the  angle  of  refraction. 

117.  Hence  the  all-important  optical  law  —  The  sine  of  the  angle  of 
incidence  divided  by  the  sine  of  the  angle  of  refraction  is  a  constant 
quantity.     However  these  angles  may  vary  in  size,  this  bond  of  rela- 
tionship is  never  severed.    If  one  of  them  be  lessened  or  augmented, 
the  other  must  diminish  or  increase  so  as  to  obey  this  law.    Thus  if 
the  incidence  be  along  the  dotted  line  m'  E,  the  refraction  will  be  along 
the  line  E  n'j  but  the  ratio  of  mf  o'  to  n'  p'  will  be  precisely  the  same 
as  that  of  m  o  to  n  p, 

118.  The  constant  quantity  here  referred  to  is  called  the  index  of 

119.  One  word  more  is  necessary  to  the  full  comprehension  of  the 
term  sine,  and  of  the  experimental   demonstration  of  the  law  of 
refraction.     When  one  number  is  divided  by  another  the  quotient 
is  called  the  ratio  of  the  one  number  to  the  other.     Thus  1  divided 
by  2  is  J-,  and  this  is  the  ratio  of  1  to  2.     Thus  also  2  divided  by  1 
is  2,  and  this  is  the  ratio  of  2  to  1.    In  like  manner  12  divided  by 
3  is  4,  and  this  is  the  ratio  of  12  to  3.    Conversely,  3  divided  by  12 
is  ^,  and  this  is  the  ratio  of  3  to  12. 

120.  In  aright-angled  triangle  the  ratio  of  any  side  to  the  hypo- 
thenuse  is  found  by  dividing  that  side  by  the  hypothenuse.     This 
ratio  is  the  sine  of  the  angle  opposite  to  the  side,  however  large  or 
small  the  triangle  may  be.     Thus  in  fig.  2  the  sine  of  the  angle  x  in 
the  right-angled  triangle  E  o  m  is  really  the  ratio  of  the  line  o  m  to 
the  hypothenuse  E  w;  it  would  be  expressed  in  a  fractional  form 

thus,    —  .     In  like  manner  the  sine  of  y  is  the  ratio  of  the  line  n  p 

to  the  hypothenuse  E  n,  and  would  be  expressed  in  a  fractional  form 
thus,  JJT-.     These  fractions  are  the  sines  of  the  respective  angles, 

whatever  be  the  length  of  the  line  E  m  or  E  n.     In  the  particular 
case  above  referred  to,  where  these  lines  are  considered  as  units,  the 

The  Refraction  of  Light. 


77?,  0 


fractions  — p  and  -y- ,  or  in  other  words  m  o  and  n  p,  become,  as  stated, 

the  sines  of  the  respective  angles.     We  are  now  prepared  to  under- 
stand a  simple  but  rigid  demonstration  of  the  law  of  refraction. 

FIG.  3. 


121.  MLJKisa  cell  with  parallel  glass  sides  and  one  opaque 
end  M  L.     The  light  of  a  candle  placed  at  A  falls  into  the  vessel, 
the  end  M  L  casting  a  shadow  which  reaches  to  the  point  E.    Fill  the 
vessel  with  water,  —  the  shadow  retreats  to  H  through  the  refraction 
of  the  light  at  the  point  where  it  enters  the  water. 

122.  The  angle  enclosed  between  M  E  and  M  L  is  equal  to  the 
angle  of  incidence  rr,  and  in  accordance  with  the  definition  given 

L  E  L  H 

in  120 

is  its  sine;  while  Trrr  is  the  sine  of  the  angle  of  re- 

fraction y.     All  these  lines  can  be  either  measured  or  calculated. 
If  they  be  thus  determined,  and  if  the  division  be  actually  made,  it 

L  E         L  H 

will  always  be  found  that  the  two  quotients  TTF~P  and  AFT?  stand  in 

a  constant  ratio  to  each  other,  whatever  the  angle  may  be  at  which 
the  light  from  A  strikes  the  surface  of  the  liquid.     This  ratio  in  the 

case  of  water  is  -q,  or,  expressed  in  decimals,  1*333.* 

123.  When  the  light  passes  from  air  into  water,  the  refracted  ray 
is  bent  towards  the  perpendicular.    This  is  generally,  but  not  always, 
the  case  when  the  light  passes  from  a  rarer  to  a  denser  medium. 

124.  The  principle  of  reversibility  which  runs  through  the  whole 
of  optics  finds  illustration  here.     When  the  ray  passes  from  water  to 
air  it  is  bent  from  the  perpendicular:  it  accurately  reverses  its  course. 

125.  If  instead  of  water  we  employed  vinegar  the  ratio  would  be 
1-344;   with  brandy  it  would  be  1*360;  with  rectified  spirit  of  wine 
1-372;  with  oil  of  almonds  or  with  olive  oil  T470;  with  spirit  of 

*  More  accurately,  1-336. 

18  Notes  on  Light. 

turpentine  1/605;  with  oil  of  aniseed  1*538;  with  oil  of  bitter 
almonds  1*471;  with  bisulphide  of  carbon  T678;  with  phosphorus 

126.  These  numbers   express   the   indices   of  refraction   of  the 
various  substances  mentioned ;  all  of  them  refract  the  light  more 
powerfully  than  water,  and  it  is  worthy  of  remark  that  all  of  them, 
except  vinegar,  are  combustible  substances. 

127.  It  was  the  observation  on  the  part  of  Newton,  that,  having 
regard  to  their  density,  'unctuous  substances'  as  a  general  rule  re- 
fracted light  powerfully,  coupled  with  the  fact,  that  the  index  of 
refraction  of  the  diamond  reached,  according  to  his  measurements, 
so  high  a  figure  as  2'439,  that  caused  him  to  foresee  the  possible 
combustible  nature  of  the  diamond.     The  bold  prophecy  of  Newton* 
has  been  fulfilled,  the  combustion  of  a  diamond  being  one  of  the 
commonest  experiments  of  modern  chemistry. 

128.  It  is  here  worth  noting  that  the  refraction  by  spirit  of  tur- 
pentine is  greater  than  that  by  water,  though  the  density  of  the 
spirit  is  to  that  of  the  water  as  874  is  to  1000.  A  ray  passing  obliquely 
from  the  spirit  of  turpentine  into  water  is  bent  from  the  perpendicular, 
though  it  passes  from  a  rarer  to  a  denser  medium  ;    while  a  ray 
passing  from  water  into  the  spirit  of  turpentine  is  bent  towards  the 
perpendicular,  though  it  passes  from  a  denser  to  a  rarer  medium. 
Hence  the  necessity  for  the  words  '  not  always'  employed  in  123. 

129.  If  a  ray  of  light  pass  through  a  refracting  plate  with  parallel 
surfaces,  or  through  any  number  of  plates  with  parallel  surfaces,  on 
regaining  the  medium  from  which  it  started,  its  original  direction  is 
restored.     This  follows  from  the  principle  of  reversibility  already 
referred  to. 

130.  In  passing  through  a  refracting  body,  or  through  any  number 
of  refracting  bodies,  the  light  accomplishes  its  transit  in  the  minimum 
of  time.     That  is  to  say,  given  the  velocity  of  light  in  the  various 
media,  the  path  chosen  by  the  ray,  or,  in   other  words,  the   path 
which  its  refraction  imposes  upon  the  ray,  enables  it  to  perform 
its  journey  in  the  most  rapid  manner  possible. 

131.  Eefraction    always  causes  water  to  appear  shallower,  or  a 
transparent  plate  of  any  kind  thinner,  than  it  really  is.     The  lifting 
up  of  the  lower  surface  of  a  glass  cube,  through  this  cause,  is  very 

132.  To  understand  why  the  water  appears  shallower,  fix  your 
attention  on  a  point  at  its  bottom,  and  suppose  the  line  of  vision  from 
that  point  to  the  eye  to  be  perpendicular  to  the  surface  of  the  water. 
Of  all  rays  issuing  from  the  point,  the  perpendicular  one  alone 
reaches  the  eye  without  refraction.     Those  close  to  the  perpendi- 
cular, on  emerging  from  the  water,  have  their  divergence  augmented 

*  '  Car  ce  grand  homrae,  qui  mettait  la  plus  grande  severite  dans  ses  expe- 
riences, et  la  plus  grande  reserve  dans  ses  conjectures,  n'hesitait  jamaisa  suivre 
les  consequences  d'une  verite  aussi  loin  qu'elle  pouvait  le  conduire.' — BIOT. 

The  Re/r  action  of  Light.  1 9 

by  refraction.  Producing  these  divergent  rays  backwards,  they  in- 
tersect at  a  point  above  the  real  bottom,  and  at  this  point  the  bottom 
will  be  seen. 

133.  The  apparent  shallowness  is  augmented  by  looking  obliquely 
into  the  water. 

134.  In  consequence  of  this  apparent  rise  of  the  bottom,  a  straight 
stick  thrust  into  water  is  bent  at  the.  surface  from  the  perpendicular. 

Note  the  difference  between  the  deportment  of  the  stick  and  of  a 
luminous  beam.  The  beam  on  entering  the  water  is  bent  towards 
the  perpendicular. 

135.  This  apparent  lifting  of  the  bottom  when  water  is  poured  into 
a  basin  brings  into  sight  an  object  at  the  bottom  of  the  basin  which  is 
unseen  when  the  basin  is  empty. 

Opacity  of  Transparent  Mixtures. 

136.  Reflexion  always  accompanies  refraction  ;  and  if  one  of  these 
disappear,  the  other  will  disappear  also.     A  solid  body  immersed  in 
a  liquid  having  the  same  refractive  index  as  the  solid,  vanishes ;  it 
is  no  more  seen  than  a  portion  of  the  liquid  itself  of  the  same  size 
would  be  seen. 

137.  But  in  the  passage  from  one  medium  to  another  of  a  different 
refractive  index,  light  is  always  reflected ;  and  this  reflexion  may  be 
so  often  repeated  as  to  render  the  mixture  of  two  transparent  substances 
practically  impervious  to  light.     It  is  the  frequency  of  the  reflexions 
at  the  limiting  surfaces  of  air  and  water  that  renders  foam  opaque. 
The  blackest  clouds  owe  their  gloom  to  this  repeated  reflexion,  which 
diminishes  their  transmitted  light.     Hence  also  their  whiteness  by 
reflected  light.     To  a  similar  cause  is  due  the  whiteness  and  imper- 
viousness  of  common  salt,  and  of  transparent  bodies  generally  when 
crushed  to  powder.     The  individual  particles  transmit  light  freely  ; 
but  the  reflexions  at  their  surfaces  are  so  numerous  that  the  light  is 
wasted  in  echoes  before  it  can  reach  to  any  depth  in  the  powder. 

138.  The  whiteness  and  opacity  of  writing-paper  are  due  mainly  to 
the  same  cause.     It  is  a  web  of  transparent  fibres,  not  in  optical  con- 
tact, which  intercept  the  light  by  repeatedly  reflecting  it. 

139.  But  if  the  interstices  of  the  fibres  be  filled  by  a  body  of  the 
same  refractive  index  as  the  fibres  themselves,  the  reflexion  at  their 
limiting  surfaces  is  destroyed,  and  the  paper  is  rendered  transparent. 
This  is  the  philosophy  of  the  tracing-paper  used  by  engineers.    It  is 
saturated  with  some  kind  of  oil,  the  lines  of  maps  and  drawings  being 
easily  copied  through  it  afterwards.  Water  augments  the  transparency 
of  paper,  as  it  darkens  a  white  towel ;  but  its  refractive  index  is  too 
low  to  confer  on  either  any  high  degree  of  transparency.     It  however 
renders  certain  minerals,  which  are  opaque  when  dry,  translucent. 

140.  The  higher  the  refractive  index  the  more   copious  is  the 
reflexion.    The  refractive  index  of  water,  for  example,  is  1*336;  that 


20  Notes  on  Light. 

of  glass  is  1-5.  Hence  the  different  quantities  of  light  reflected  by 
water  and  glass  at  a  perpendicular  incidence,  as  mentioned  in  note  GO. 
It  is  its  enormous  refractive  strength  that  confers  such  brilliancy 
upon  the  diamond. 

Total  Reflexion. 

Bead  notes  123  and  124;  then  continue  here. 

141.  When  the  angle  of  incidence  from  air  into  water  is  nearly  90°, 
that  is  to  say,  when  the  ray  before  entering  the  water  just  grazes  its 
surface,  the  angle  of  refraction  is  48-1°.  Conversely,  when  a  ray  passing 
from  water  into  air  strikes  the  surface  at  an  angle  of  48^-°  it  will,  on 
its  emergence,  just  graze  the  surface  of  the  water. 

142.  If  the  angle  which  the  ray  in  water  encloses  with  the  per- 
pendicular to  the  surface  be  greater  than  48^°,  the  ray  will  not  quit 
the  water  at  all:  it  will  be  totally  reflected  at  the  surface. 

143.  The  angle  which  marks  the  limit  where  total  reflexion  begins 
is  called  the  limiting  angle  of  the  medium.     For  water  this  angle  is 
48°  27',  for  flint  glass  it  is  38°  41',  while  for  diamond  it  is  23°  42'. 

144.  Realise  clearly  that  a  bundle  of  light  rays  filling  an  angular 
space  of  90°  before  they  enter  the  water,  are  squeezed  into  an  angular 
space  of  48°  27'  within  the  water,  and  that  in  the  case  of  diamond  the 
condensation  is  from  90°  to  23°  42'. 

145.  To  an  eye  in  still  water  its  margin  must  appear  lifted  up. 
A  fish,  for  example,  sees  objects,  as  it  were,  through  a  circular  aperture 
of  about  97°  (twice  47°  27')  in  diameter  overhead.  All  objects  down 
to  the  horizon  will  be  visible  in  this  space,  and  those  near  the  horizon 
will  be  much  distorted  and  contracted  in  dimensions,  especially  in 
height.     Beyond  the  limits  of  this  circle  will  be  seen  the  bottom  of 
the  water  totally  reflected,  and  therefore  depicted  as  vividly  as  if  seen 
by  direct  vision.* 

146.  A  similar  effect,  exerted  by  the  atmosphere  (when  no  clouds 
cross  the  orbs),  gives  the  sun  and  moon  at  rising  and  setting  a  slightly 
flattened  appearance. 

147.  Experimental  Illustrations. — Place  a  shilling  in  a  drinking- 
glass ;  cover  it  with  water  to  about  the  depth  of  an  inch,  and  tilt  the 
glass  so  as  to  obtain  the  necessary  obliquity  of  incidence  at  the  surface. 
Looking  upwards  towards  the  surface,  the  image  of  the  shilling  will 
be  seen  shining  there,  and  as  the  reflexion  is  total,  the  image  will  be 
as  bright  as  the  shilling  itself.     A  spoon  suitably  dipped  into  the 
glass  also  yields  an  image  due  to  total  reflexion. 

148.  Thrust  the  closed  end  of  an  empty  test-tube  into  a  glass  of 
water.    Incline  the  tube,  until  the  horizontal  light  falling  upon  it  shall 
be  totally  reflected  upwards.     When  looked  down  upon,  the  tube 
appears  shining  like  burnished  silver.     Pour  a  little  water  into  the 

*  Sir  John  Herschel. 

Total  Reflexion.  21 

tube :  as  the  liquid  rises,  it  abolishes  total  reflexion,  and  with  it 
the  lustre,  leaving  a  gradually  diminishing  lustrous  zone,  which  dis- 
appears wholly  when  the  level  of  the  water  within  rises  to,  or  above, 
that  of  the  water  without.  A  tube  of  any  kind  stopped  watertight  will 
answer  for  this  experiment,  which  is  both  beautiful  and  instructive. 

149.  If  a  ray  of  light  fall  as  a  perpendicular  on  the  side  of  a  right- 
angled  isosceles  glass  prism,  it  will  enter  the  glass  and  strike  the 
hypothenuse  at  an  angle  of  45°.     This  exceeds  the  limiting  angle  of 
glass ;  the  ray  will  therefore  be  totally  reflected  ;  and,  in  accordance 
with  the  law  mentioned  in  note  54,  the  direct  and  reflected  rays  will 
be  at  right  angles  to  each  other.     When  such  a  change  of  direction 
is  required  in  optical  instruments,  a  right-angled  isosceles  prism  is 
usually  employed. 

150.  When  the  ray  enters  the  prism  parallel  to  the  hypothenuse, 
it  will  be  refracted,  and  will  strike  the  hypothenuse  at  an  angle 
greater  than  the  limiting  angle.     It  will  therefore  be  totally  reflected. 
If  the  object,  instead  of  being  a  point,  be  of  sensible  magnitude,  the 
rays  from  its  extremities  will  cross  each  other  within  the  prism,  and 
hence  the  object  will  appear  inverted  when  looked  at  through  the 
prism.     Dove   has   applied   the  '  reversion  prism  '  to  render  erect 
the  inverted  images  of  the  astronomical  telescope. 

151.  The   mirage   of  the    desert  and  various  other  phantasmal 
appearances  in  the  atmosphere  are,  in  part,  due  to  total  reflexion. 
When  the  sun  heats  an  expanse  of  sand,  the  layer  of  air  in  contact 
with  the  sand  becomes  lighter  than  the  superincumbent  air.     The 
rays  from  a  distant  object,  a  tree  for  example,  striking  very  obliquely 
upon  the  upper  surface  of  this  layer,  may  be  totally  reflected,  thus 
showing  images  similar  to  those  produced  by  a  surface  of  water.     The 
thirsty  soldiers  of  the  French  army  were  tantalised  by  such  ap- 
pearances in  Egypt. 

152.  Gases,  like  liquids  and  solids,  can  refract  and  reflect  light; 
but,  in  consequence  or  the  lowness  of  their  refractive  indices,  both 
reflection  and  refraction  are  feeble.     Still  atmospheric  refraction  has 
to  be  taken  into  account  by  the  astronomer,  and  by  those  engaged  in 
trigonometrical  surveys.  The  refraction  of  the  atmosphere  causes  the 
sun  to  be  seen  before  it  actually  rises,  and  after  it  actually  sets. 

153.  The  quivering  of   objects    seen   through  air  rising  over  a 
heated  surface  is  due  to  irregular  refraction,  which  incessantly  shifts 
the  directions  of  the  rays  of  light.     In  the  air  this  shifting  of  the 
rays  is  never  entirely  absent,  and  it  is  often  a  source  of  grievous 
annoyance  to  the  astronomer  who  needs  a  homogeneous  atmosphere. 

154.  The  flame  of  a  candle  or  of  a  gas-lamp,  and  the  column  of 
heated  air  above  the  flame  ;  the  air  rising  from  a  red-hot  iron  ;  the 
pouring  of  a  heavy  gas,  such  as  carbonic  acid,  downwards  into  air;  and 
the  issue  of  a  lighter  one,  such  as  hydrogen,  upwards, — may  all  be 
made  to  reveal  themselves  by  their  action  upon  a  sufficiently  intense 
light.     The  transparent  gases  interposed  between  such  a  light  and 

22  Notes  on  Light. 

a  white  screen  are  seen  to  rise  like  smoke  upon  the  screen  through 
the  effects  of  refraction. 


155.  A  lens  in  optics  is  a  portion  of  a  refracting  substance  such 
as  glass,  which  is  bounded  by  curved  surfaces.     If  the  surface  be 
spherical  the  lens  is  called  a  spherical  lens. 

156.  Lenses  divide  themselves  into  two  classes,    one   of   which 
renders  parallel  rays  convergent,  the  other  of  which  renders  such  rays 
divergent.     Each  class  comprises  three  kinds  of  lenses,  which  are 
named  as  follows :  — 

Converging  Lenses. 

1.  Double  convex,  with  both  surfaces  convex. 

2.  Plano-convex,  with  one  surface  plane  and  the  other  convex. 

3.  Concavo-convex  (Meniscus),  with  a  concave  and  a  convex 
surface,  the  convex  surface  being  the  most  strongly  curved. 

Diverging  Lenses. 

1 .  Double  concave,  with  both  surfaces  concave. 

2.  Plano-concave,  with  one  surface  plane  and  the  other  concave. 

3.  Convexo-concave,  with  a  convex  and  a  concave  surface,  the 
concave  surface  being  the  most  strongly  curved. 

157.  A  straight  line  drawn  through  the  centre  of  the  lens,  and  per- 
pendicular to  its  two  convex  surfaces,  is  the  principal  axis  of  the  lens. 

158..  A  luminous  beam  falling  on  a  convex  lens  parallel  to  the  axis, 
has  its  constituent  rays  brought  to  intersection  at  a  point  in  the  axis 
behind  the  lens.  This  point  is  the  principal  focus  of  the  lens.  As 
before,  the  principal  focus  is  the  focus  of  parallel  rays. 

159.  The  rays  from  a  luminous  point  placed  beyond  the  focus 
intersect  at  the  opposite  side  of  the  lens,  an  image  of  the  point  being 
formed  at  the  place  of  intersection.     As  the  point  approaches  the 
principal  focus  its  image  retreats  from  it,  and  when  the  point  actually 
reaches  the  principal  focus,  its  image  is  at  an  infinite  distance. 

160.  If  the  principal  focus  be  passed,  and  the  point  come  between 
that  focus  and  the  lens,  the  rays  after  passing  through  the  lens  will  be 
still  divergent.     Producing  them  backwards,  they  will  intersect  on 
that  side  of  the  lens  on  which  stands  the  luminous  point.     The  focus 
here  is  virtual.     A  body  of  sensible  magnitude  placed  between  the 
focus  and  the  lens  would  have  a  virtual  image. 

161.  When  an  object  of  sensible  dimensions  is  placed  anywhere 
beyond  the  principal  focus,  a  real  image  of  the  object  will  be  formed 
in  the  air  behind  the  lens.     The  image  may  be  either  greater  or  less 
than  the  object  in  size,  but  the  image  will  always  be  inverted. 

162.  The  positions  of  the  image  and  the  object  are,  as  before, 

Diverging  Lenses.  23 

1G3.  In  the  case  of  concave  lenses  the  images  are  always  virtual. 

104.  A  spherical  lens  is  incompetent  to  bring  all  the  rays  that 
fall  upon  it  to  the  same  focus.  The  rays  which  pass  through  the  lens 
near  its  circumference  are  more  refracted  than  those  which  pass 
through  the  central  portions,  and  they  intersect  earlier.  Where  per- 
fect definition  is  required  it  is  therefore  usual,  though  at  the  expense 
of  illumination,  to  make  use  of  the  central  rays  only. 

165.  This  difference  of  focal  distance  between  the  central  and  cir- 
cumferential rays  is  called  the  spherical  aberration  of  the  lens.     A 
lens    so    curved   as  to    bring   all  rays  to  the  same  focus   is  called 
aplanatic;  a  spherical  lens  cannot  be  rendered  aplanatic. 

166.  As  in  the  case  of  spherical  mirrors,  spherical  lenses  have  their 
caustic  curves  and  surfaces  (diacaustics)  formed  by  the  intersection 
of  the  refracted  rays. 

Vision  and  the  Eye. 

167.  The  human   eye  is  a  compound  lens,  consisting  of  three 
principal  parts :  the  aqueous  humour,  the  crystalline  lens,  and  the 
vitreous  humour. 

168.  The  aqueous  humour   is  held  in  front  of  the  eye  by  the 
cornea,  a  transparent,  horny  capsule,  resembling  a  watch-glass  in  shape. 
Behind  the  aqueous  humour,  and  immediately  in  front  of  the  crystal- 
line lens,  is  the  iris,  which  surrounds  the  pupil.     Then  follow  the 
lens  and  the  vitreous  humour,  which  last  constitutes  the  main  body 
of  the  eye.     The  average  diameter  of  the  human  eye  is  10*9  lines.* 

169.  When  the  optic  nerve  enters  the  eye  from  behind,  it  divides 
into  a  series  of  filaments,  which  are  woven   together  to  form  the 
retina,  a  delicate  network  spread  as  a  screen  at  the  back  of  the  eye. 
The  retina  rests  upon  a  black  pigment,  which  reduces  to  a  minimum 
all  internal  reflexion. 

170.  By  means  of  the  iris  the  size  of  the  pupil  may  be  caused  to 
vary   within    certain   limits.     When  the  light  is  feeble  the  pupil 
expands,  when  it  is  intense  the  pupil  contracts  ;  thus  the  quantity  of 
light  admitted  into  the  eye  is,  to  some  extent,  regulated.     The  pupil 
also  diminishes  when  the  eye  is  fixed  upon  a  near  object,  and  expands 
when  it  is  fixed  upon  a  distant  one. 

171.  The  pupil  appears  black;  partly  because  of  the  internal 
black  coating,  but  mainly  for  another  reason.     Could  we  illuminate 
the  retina,  and  see  at  the  same  time  the  illuminated  spot,  the  pupil 
would  appear  bright.     But  the  principle  of  reversibility,  so  often 
spoken  of,  comes  into  play  here.     The  light  of  the  illuminated  spot 
in  returning  outwards   retraces  its  steps,  and  finally  falls  upon  the 
source  of  illumination.     Hence,  to  receive  the  returning  rays,  the 
observer's  eye  ought  to  be  placed  between  the  source  and  the  retina. 
But  in  this  position  it  would  cut  off  the  illumination.     If  the  light 
be  thrown  into  the  eye  by  a  mirror  pierced  with  a  small  orifice,  or 

*  A  line  is  ^th  of  an  inch. 

24  Notes  on  Light. 

with  a  small  portion  of  the  silvering  removed,  then  the  eye  of  the 
observer  placed  behind  the  mirror,  and  looking  through  the  orifice, 
may  see  the  illuminated  retina.  The  pupil  under  these  circumstances 
glows  like  a  live  coal.  This  is  the  principle  of  the  Ophthalmoscope 
(Augenspiegel,  Helmholtz),  an  instrument  by  which  the  interior  of 
the  eye  may  be  scanned,  and  its  condition  in  health  or  disease  noted. 

172.  In  the  case  of  albinos,  or  of  white  rabbits,  the  black  pigment 
is  absent,  and  the  pupil  is  seen  red  by  light  which  passes  through  the 
sclerotica,  or  white  of  the  eye.     When  this  light  is  cut  off,  the  pupil 
of  an  albino  appears  black.     In  some  animals  the  black  pigment  is 
displaced  by  a  reflecting  membrane,  the  tapetum.     It  is  the  light 
reflected  from  the  tapetum  which  causes  a  cat's  eye  to  shine  in  par- 
tial darkness.     The  light  in  this  case  is  not  internal,  for  when  the 
darkness  is  total  the  cat's  eyes  do  not  shine. 

173.  In  the  camera  obscura  of  the  photographer  the  images  of 
external  objects  formed  by  a  convex  lens  are  received  upon  a  plate 
of  ground  glass,  the  lens  being  pushed  in  or  out  until  the  image  upon 
the  glass  is  sharply  defined. 

174.  The  eye  is  a  camera  obscura,  with  its  refracting  lenses,  the 
retina  playing  the  part  of  the  plate  of  ground  glass  in  the  ordinary 
camera.     For  perfectly  distinct  vision  it  is  necessary  that  the  image 
upon  the  retina  should  be  perfectly  defined ;  in  other  words,  that  the 
rays  from  every  point  of  the  object  looked  at  should  be  converged  to 
a  point  upon  the  retina. 

175.  The  image  upon  the  retina  is  inverted. 

Adjustment  of  the  Eye  :  use  of  Spectacles. 

176.  If  the  letters  of  a  book  held  at  some  distance  from  the  eye 
be  looked  at  through  a  gauze  veil  placed  nearer  the  eye,  it  will  be 
found  that  when  the  letters  are  seen  distinctly  the  veil  is  seen  indis- 
tinctly ;  conversely,  if  the  veil  be  seen  distinctly,  the  letters  will  be 
seen  indistinctly.     This  demonstrates  that  the  images  of  objects  at 
different  distances  from  the  eye  cannot  be  defined  at  the  same  time 
upon  the  retina. 

177.  Were  the  eye  a  rigid  mass,  like  a  glass  lens,  incapable  of 
change  of  form,  distinct  vision  would  only  be  possible  at  one  particular 
distance.     We  know,  however,  that  the  eye  possesses  a  power  of 
adjustment  for  different  distances.     This  adjustment  is  effected,  not 
by  pushing  the  front  of  the  eye  backwards  or  forwards,  but  by 
changing  the  curvature  of  the  crystalline  lens. 

178.  The  image  of  a  candle  reflected  from  the  forward  or  back- 
ward surface  of  the  lens  is  seen  to  diminish  when  the  eye  changes 
from  distant  to  near  vision,  thus  proving  the  curvature  of  the  lens  to 
be  greater  for  near  than  for  distant  vision. 

179.  The  principal  refraction  endured  by  rays  of  light  in  crossing 
the  eye  occurs  at  the  surface  of  the  cornea,  where  the  passage  is  from 

Adjustment  of  the  Eye  :  use  of  Spectacles.        25 

air  to  a  much  denser  medium.  The  refraction  at  the  cornea  alone 
would  cause  the  rays  to  intersect  at  a  point  nearly  half  an  inch  behind 
the  retina.  The  convergence  is  augmented  by  the  crystalline  lens, 
which  brings  the  point  of  intersection  forward  to  the  retina  itself. 

180.  A  line  drawn  through  the  centre  of  the  cornea  and  the  centre 
of  the  whole  eye  to  the  retina  is  called  the  axis  of  the  eye.     The 
length  of  the  axis,  even  in  youth,  is  sometimes  too  small;  in  other 
words,  the  retina  is  sometimes  too    near  the  cornea ;    so  that  the 
refracting  part  of  the  organ  is  unable  to  converge  the  rays  from  a 
luminous  point  so  as  to  bring  them  to  a  point  upon  the  retina.     In 
old  age  also  the  refracting  surfaces  of  the  eye  are  slightly  flattened, 
and  thus  rendered  incompetent  to  refract  the  rays  sufficiently.     In 
both  these  cases  the  image  would  be  formed  behind  the  retina,  instead 
of  upon  it,  and  hence  the  vision  is  indistinct. 

181.  The  defect  is  remedied  by  holding  the  object  at  a  distance 
from  the  eye,  so  as  to  lessen  the  divergence  of  its  rays,  or  by  placing 
in  front  of  the  eye  a  convex  lens,  which  helps  the  eye  to  produce  the 
necessary  convergence.     This  is  the  use  of  spectacles. 

182.  The  eye  is  also  sometimes  too  long  in  the  direction  of  the 
axis,  or  the  curvature  of  the  refracting  surfaces  may  be  too  great.     In 
either  case  the  rays  entering  the  pupil  are  converged  so  as  to  intersect 
before  reaching  the  retina.     This  defect  is  remedied  either  by  holding 
the  object  very  close  to  the  eye,  so  as  to  augment  the  divergence  of  its 
rays,  thus  thro  wing  back  the  point  of  intersection ;  or  by  placing  in  front 
of  the  eye  a  concave  lens,  which  produces  the  necessary  divergence. 

183.  The  eye  is  not  adjusted  at  the  same  time  for  equally- distant 
horizontal  and  vertical  objects.     The  distance  of  distinct  vision  is 
greater  for  horizontal  lines  than  for  vertical  ones.     Draw  with  ink  two 
lines  at  right  angles  to  each  other,  the  one  vertical,  the  other  horizontal: 
Bee  one  of  them  distinctly  black  and  sharp ;  the  other  appears  indis- 
tinct, as  if  drawn  in  lighter  ink.     Adjust  the  eye  for  this  latter  line, 
the  former  will  then  appear  indistinct.     This  difference  in  the  cur- 
vature of  the  eye  in  two  directions  may  sometimes  become  so  great 
as  to  render  the  application  of  cylindrical  lenses  necessary  for  its 

The  Punctum  Caecum. 

184.  The  spot  where  the  optic  nerve  enters  the  eye,  and  from 
which  it  ramifies  to  form  the  network  of  the  retina,  is  insensible  to 
the  action  of  light.     An  object  whose  image  falls  upon  that  spot  is 
not  seen.    The  image  of  a  clock-face,  of  a  human  head,  of  the  moon, 
may  be  caused  to  fall  upon  this  *  blind  spot,'  and  when  this  is  the 
case  the  object  is  not  visible. 

185.  To    illustrate    this  point,  proceed    thus: — Lay  two    white 
wafers  on  black  paper,  or  two  black  ones  on  white  paper,  with  an 
interval  of  3  inches  between  them.     Bring  the  right  eye  at  a  height 
of  10  or  11  inches  exactly  over  the  left-hand  wafer,  so  that  the  line 

26  Notes  on  Light. 

joining  the  two  eyes  shall  be  parallel  to  the  line  joining  the  two 
wafers.  Closing  the  left  eye,  and  looking  steadily  with  the  right  at 
the  left-hand  wafer,  the  right-hand  one  ceases  to  be  visible.  In  this 
position  the  image  falls  upon  the  '  blind  spot '  of  the  right  eye.  If 
the  eye  be  turned  in  the  least  degree  to  the  right  or  left,  or  if  the 
distance  between  it  and  the  paper  be  augmented  or  diminished,  the 
wafer  is  immediately  seen.  Preserving  these  proportions  as  to  size 
and  distance,  objects  of  far  greater  dimensions  than  the  wafer  may 
have  their  images  thrown  upon  the  blind  spot,  and  be  obliterated. 

Persistence  of  Impressions. 

186.  An  impression  of  light  once  made  upon  the  retina  does  not 
subside  instantaneously.    An  electric  spark  is  sensibly  instantaneous  ; 
but  the  impression  it  makes  upon  the  eye  remains  for  some  time  after 
the  spark  has  passed  away.     This  interval  of  persistence  varies  with 
different  persons,  and  amounts  to  a  sensible  fraction  of  a  second. 

187.  If,  therefore,  a  succession    of   sparks  follow  each  other  at 
intervals  less  than  the  time  which  the  impression  endures,  the  separate 
impressions  will  unite  to  form  a  continuous  light.    If  a  luminous  point 
be  caused  to  describe  a  circle  in  less  than  this  interval,  the  circle  will 
appear  as  a  continuous  closed  curve.    From  this  cause  also,  the  spokes 
of  a  rapidly  rotating  wheel  blend  together  to  a  shadowy  surface. 
Wheatstone's  Photometer  is  based  on  this  persistence.  It  also  explains 
the  action  of  those  instruments  in  which  a  series  of  objects  in  dif- 
ferent positions  being  brought  in  rapid  succession  before  the  eye,  the 
impression  of  motion  is  produced. 

188.  A  jet  of  water  descending  from  an  orifice  in  the  bottom  of  a 
vessel  exhibits  two  distinct  parts :  a  tranquil  pellucid  portion  near  the 
orifice,  and  a  turbid  or  untranquil  portion  lower  down.     Both  parts 
of  the  jet  appear  equally  continuous.     But  when  the  jet  in  a  dark 
room  is  illuminated  by  an  electric  spark,  all  the  turbid  portion  reveals 
itself  as  a  string  of  separate  drops  standing  perfectly  still.    It  is  their 
quick  succession  that  produces  the  impression  of  continuity.     The 
most  rapid  cannon-ball,  illuminated  by  a  flash  of  lightning,  would  be 
seen  for  the  fraction  of  a  second  perfectly  motionless  in  the  air. 

189.  The  eye  is  by  no  means  a  perfect  optical  instrument.     It 
suffers  from  spherical  aberration  ;  a  scattered  luminosity,  more  or 
less  strong,  always  surrounding  the  defined  images  of  luminous  objects 
upon  the  retina.    By  this  luminosity  the  image  of  the  object  is  sensibly 
increased  in  size  ;  but  with  ordinary  illumination  the  scattered  light 
is  too  feeble  to  be  noticed.     When,  however,  bodies  are  intensely 
illuminated,  more  especially  when  the  bodies  are  small,  so  that  a 
slight  extension  of  their  images  upon  the  retina  becomes  noticeable, 
such  bodies  appear  larger  than  they  really  are.     Thus,  a  platinum- 
wire  raised  to  whiteness  by  a  voltaic  current  has  its  apparent  diameter 
enormously  increased.    Thus  also  the  crescent  moon  seems  to  belong 

Persistence  of  Impressions.  27 

to  a  larger  sphere  than  the  dimmer  mass  of  the  satellite  which  it  par- 
tially clasps.  Thus  also,  at  considerable  distances,  the  parallel  flashes 
sent  from  a  number  of  separate  lamps  and  reflectors  in  a  lighthouse 
encroach  upon  each  other,  and  blend  together  to  a  single  flash.  The 
white-hot  particles  of  carbon  in  a  flame  describe  lines  of  light,  because 
of  their  rapid  upward  motion.  These  lines  are  widened  to  the  eye ; 
and  thus  a  far  greater  apparent  solidity  is  imparted  to  the  flame  than 
in  reality  belongs  to  it. 

189a.  This  augmentation  of  the  true  size  of  the  optical  image  i» 
called  Irradiation. 

Bodies  seen  within  the  Eye. 

190.  Almost  every  eye  contains  bodies  more  or  less  opaque  dis- 
tributed through  its  humours.    The  so-called  muscce  volitantes  are  of 
this  character  ;  so  are  the  black  dots,  snake-like  lines,  beads,  and  rings, 
which  are  strikingly  visible  in  many  eyes.    Were  the  area  of  the  pupil 
contracted  to  a  point,  such  bodies  might  produce  considerable  annoy- 
ance ;  but  because  of  the  width  of  the  pupil  the  shadows  which  these 
small  bodies  would  otherwise  cast  upon  the  retina  are  practically  obli- 
terated, except  when  they  are  very  close  to  the  back  of  the  eye.*    It 
is  only  necessary  to  look  at  the  firmament  through  a  pinhole  to  give 
these  shadows  greater  definition  upon  the  retina. 

191.  The  veins  and  arteries  of  the  retina  itself  also  cast  their 
shadows  upon  its  posterior  surface  ;  but  the  shaded  spaces  soon  become 
so  sensitive  to  light  as  to  compensate  for  the  defect  of  light  falling  upon 
them.    Hence  under  ordinary  circumstances  the  shadows  are  not  seen. 
But  if  the  shadows  be  transported  to  a  less  sensitive  portion  of  the 
retina,  the  image  of  the  vessels  becomes  distinctly  visible. 

192.  The  best  mode  of  obtaining  the  transference  of  the  shadow 
is  to  concentrate  in  a  dark  room,  by  means  of  a  pocket  lens  of  short 
focus,  a  small  image  of  the  sun  or  of  the  electric  light  upon  the  white 
of  the  eye.     Care  must  be  taken  not  to  send  the  beam  through  the 
pupil.     When  the   small  lens   is  caused   to  move  to  and  fro,  the 
shadows  are  caused  to  travel  over  different  portions  of  the  retina,  and 
a  perfectly  defined  image  of  the  veins  and  arteries  is  seen  projected 
in  the  darkness  in  front  of  the  eye. 

193.  Looking  into  a  dark  space,  and  moving  a  candle  at  the  same 
time  to  and  fro  beside  the,  eye,  so  that  the  rays  enter  the  pupil  very 
obliquely,  the  shadow  of  the  retinal  vessels  is  also  obtained.  In  some 
eyes  the  suddenness  and  vigour  with  which  the  spectral  image  displays 
itself  are  extraordinary  ;  others  find  it  difficult  to  obtain  the  effect. 

194.  Finally,  a  delicate  image  of  the  vessels  may  be  obtained  by 
looking  through  a  pinhole  at  the  bright  sky,  and  moving  the  aperture 
to  and  fro. 

See  Notes  18  and  19. 

28  Notes  on  Light. 

The  Stereoscope. 

195.  Look  with  one  eye  at  the  edge  of  the  hand,   so  that  the 
finger  nearest  the  eye  shall  cover  all  the  others.     Then  open  the 
second  eye  ;  by  it  the  other  fingers  will  be  seen  foreshortened.    The 
images  of  the  hand  therefore  within  the  two  eyes  are  different. 

196.  These  two  images  are  projected  on  the  two  retinae;   if  by 
any  means  we  could  combine  two  drawings,  executed  on  a  flat  surface, 
so  as  to  produce  within  the  two  eyes  two  pictures  similar  to  the  two 
images  of  the  solid  hand,  we  should  obtain  the  impression  of  solidity. 
This  is  done  by  the  stereoscope. 

197.  The  first  form  of  this  instrument  was  invented  by  Sir  Charles 
Wheatstone.     He  took  drawings  of  solid  objects  as  seen  by  the  two 
eyes,  and  looked  at  the  images  of  these  drawings  in  two  plane  mirrors. 
Each  eye  looked  at  the  image  which  belonged  to  it,  and  the  mirrors 
were  so  arranged  that  the  images  overlapped,  thus  appearing  to  come 
from  the  same  object.     By  this  combination  of  its  two  plane  projec- 
tions, the  object  sketched  was  caused  to  start  forth  as  a  solid. 

198.  In  looking  at  and  combining  two  such  drawings,  the  eyes 
receive  the  same  impression,  and  go  through  the  same  process  as  when 
they  look  at  the  real  object.     We  see  only  one  point  of  an  object 
distinctly  at  a  time.     If  the  different  points  of  an  object  be  at  different 
distances  from  the  eyes,  to  see  the  near  points  distinctly  requires  a 
greater  convergence  of  the  axes  of  the  eyes  than  to  see  the  distant  ones. 
Now,  besides  the  identity  of  the  retinal  images  of  the  stereoscopic 
drawings  with  those  of  the  real  object,  the  eyes,  in  order  to  cause  the 
corresponding  pairs  of  points  of  the  two  drawings  to  coalesce,  have 
to  go  through  the  same  variations  of  convergence  that  are  necessary  to 
see  distinctly  the  various  points  of  the  actual  object.     Hence  the 
impression  of  solidity  produced  by  the  combination  of  such  drawings. 

199.  Measure  the  distance  between  two  pairs  of  points,  which 
when    combined   by  the  stereoscope  present  two  single  points  at 
different  distances  from  the  eye.     The  distance  between  the  one  pair 
will  be  greater  than  that  between  the  other  pair.     Different  degrees 
of  convergence  are  therefore  necessary  on  the  part  of  the  eye  to 
combine  the  two  pairs  of  points.     It  is  to  be  noted  that  the  coales- 
cence produced  in  the  stereoscope  at  any  particular  moment  is  only 
partial.     If  one  pair  of  corresponding  points  be  seen  singly,  the 
others  must  appear  double.     This  is  also  the  case  when  an  actual 
solid  is  looked  at  with  both  eyes ;   of  those  points  of  it  which  are  at 
different  distances  from  the  eyes  one  only  is  seen  singly  at  a  time. 

200.  The  impression  of  solidity  may  be  produced  in  an  exceed- 
ingly striking  manner  without  any  stereoscope  at  all.     Most  easily, 
thus  : — Take  two  drawings — projections,  as  they  are  called — of  the 
frustum  of  a  cone ;  the  one  as  it  is  seen  by  the  right  eye,  the  other 
as  it  is  seen  by  the  left.     Holding  them  at  some  distance  from  the 
eyes,  let  the  left-hand  drawing  be  looked  at  by  the  right  eye,  and  the 

The  Stereoscope.  29 

right-hand  drawing  by  the  left.  The  lines  of  vision  of  the  two  eyes 
here  cross  each  other  ;  and  it  is  easy,  after  a  few  trials  with  a  pencil- 
point  placed  in  front  of  the  eyes,  to  make  two  corresponding  points 
of  the  drawings  coincide.  The  moment  they  coincide,  the  combined 
drawings  start  forth  as  a  single  solid,  suspended  in  the  air  at  the 
place  of  intersection  of  the  lines  of  vision.  It  depends  upon  the 
character  of  the  drawings  whether  the  inside  of  the  frustum  is  seen, 
or  the  outside,  whether  its  base  or  its  top  seems  nearest  to  the 
eye.  For  this  experiment  the  drawings  are  best  made  in  simple 
outline,  and  they  may  be  immensely  larger  than  ordinary  stereoscopic 

Take  notice  that  here  also  the  different  pairs  of  the  corresponding 
points  are  at  different  distances  apart.  Two  corresponding  points, 
for  example,  of  the  top  of  the  frustum  will  not  be  the  same  distance 
asunder  as  two  points  of  the  base. 

201.  Wheatstone's  first  instrument  is  called  the  Reflecting  Stereo- 
scope ;  but  the  methods  of  causing  drawings  to  coalesce  so  as  to 
produce  stereoscopic  effects  are  almost  numberless.     The  instrument 
most  used  by  the  public  is  the  Lenticular  Stereoscope  of  Sir  David 
Brewster.     In  it  the  two  projections  are  combined  by  means  of  two 
half  lenses  with  their  edges  turned  inwards.     The  lenticular  stereo- 
scope also  magnifies.* 

202.  It  has  been  stated  in  note  198  that  for  the  distinct  vision  of 
a  near  point  a  greater  convergence  of  the  lines  of  vision  of  the  two 
eyes  is  necessary  than  for  that  of  a  distant  one.     By  an  instru- 
ment in  which  two  rectangular  prisms  are  employed,!  the  rays  from 
two  points  may  be  caused  to  cross  before  they  enter  the  eyes,  the 
convergence  being  thus  rendered  greater  for  the  distant  point  than 
for  the  near  one.     The  consequence  of  this  is,  that  the  near  point 
appears  distant,  and  the  distant  point  near.     This  is  the  principle  of 
Wheatstone's  pseudoscope.     By  this  instrument  convex  surfaces  are 
rendered  concave,  and  concave  surfaces  convex.     The  inside  of  a  hat 
or  teacup  may  be  thus  converted  into  its  outside,  while  a  globe  may 
be  seen  as  a  concave  spherical  surface. 

Nature  of  Light ;  Physical  Theory  of  Reflexion  and  Refraction. 

It  is  now  time  to  redeem  to  some  extent  the  promise  of  our  first 
note,  that  the  '  something '  which  excites  the  sensation  of  light  should 
be  considered  more  closely  subsequently. 

203.  Every  sensation  corresponds  to  a   motion   excited  in  our 
nerves.     In  the  sense  of  touch,  the  nerves  are  moved  by  the  contact 
of  the  body  felt ;  in  the  sense  of  smell,  they  are  stirred  by  the  infini- 
tesimal particles  of  the  odorous  body  ;  in  the  sense  of  hearing,  they 
are  shaken  by  the  vibrations  of  the  air. 

*  Fuller  and  clearer  information  regarding  the  stereoscope  -will  be  found  in 
the  Journal  of  the  Photographic  Society,  vol.  iii.  pp.  96,  116,  and  167- 
f  See  Note  150. 

30  Notes  on  Light. 

Theory  of  Emission. 

204.  Newton  supposed  light  to  consist  of  small  particles  shot  out 
with  inconceivable  rapidity  by  luminous  bodies,  and  fine  enough  to 
pass  through  the  pores  of  transparent  media.     Crossing  the  humours 
of  the  eye,  and  striking  the  optic  nerve  behind  the  eye,  these  particles 
were  supposed  to  excite  vision. 

205.  This  is  the  Emission  Theory  or  Corpuscular  Theory  of  Light. 

206.  Considering  the  enormous  velocity  of  light,  the  particles,  if 
they  exist,  must  be  inconceivably  small ;  for  if  of  any  conceivable 
weight,  they  would  infallibly  destroy  so  delicate  an  organ  as  the  eye. 
A  bit  of  ordinary  matter,  one  grain  in  weight,  and  moving  with  the 
velocity  of  light,  would  possess  the   momentum   of  a  cannon-ball 
150  Ibs.  weight,  moving  with  a  velocity  of  1000  feet  a  second. 

207.  Millions  of  these  light  particles,  supposing  them  to  exist, 
concentrated  by  lenses  and  mirrors,  have  been  shot  against  a  balance 
suspended  by  a  single  spider's  thread ;    this  thread,  though  twisted 
18,000  times,  showed  no  tendency  to  untwist  itself;  it  was  therefore 
devoid  of  torsion.     But  no  motion  due  to  the  impact  of  the  particles 
was  even  in  this  case  observed.* 

208.  If  light  consists  of  minute  particles,  they  must  be  shot  out 
with  the  same  velocity  by  all  celestial  bodies.      This  seems  ex- 
ceedingly unlikely,  when  the  different  gravitating  forces  of  such 
different  masses  are  taken  into  account.     By  the  attractions  of  such 
diverse  masses,  the  particles  would  in  all  probability  be  pulled  back 
with  different  degrees  of  force. 

209.  If,  for  example,  a  fixed  star  of  the  sun's  density  possessed 
250  times  the  sun's  diameter,  its  attraction,  supposing  light  to  be 
acted  on  like  ordinary  matter,  would  be  sufficient  to  finally  stop  the 
particles  of  light  issuing  from  it.     Smaller  masses  would  exert  cor- 
responding degrees  of  retardation ;  and  hence  the  light  emitted  by 
different  bodies  would  move  with  different  velocities.     That  such  is 
not  the  case — that  light  moves  with  the  same  velocity  whatever  be 
its  source — renders  it  probable  that  it  does  not  consist  of  particles 
thus  darted  forth. 

But  a  more  definite  and  formidable  objection  to  the  Emission 
Theory  may  be  stated  after  we  have  made  ourselves  acquainted  with 
the  account  it  rendered  of  the  phenomena  of  reflexion  and  refraction. 

210.  In  direct  reflexion,  according  to  the  emission  theory,  the  light 
particles  are  first  of  all  stopped  in  their  course  by  a  repellent  force 
exerted  by  the  reflecting  body,  and  then  driven  in  the  contrary  direc- 
tion by  the  same  force. 

211.  This  repulsion  is  however  selective.    The  reflecting  substance 
singles  out  one  portion  of  the  group  of  particles  composing  a  luminous 
beam  and  drives  them  back  ;  but  it  attracts  the  remaining  particles 
of  the  group  and  transmits  them. 

212.  When    a    light   particle    approaches     a    refractive  surface 

*  Bennett,  Phil.  Trans.  1792. 

Theory  of  Emission.  31 

obliquely,  if  the  particle  be  an  attracted  one,  it  is  drawn  towards  the 
surface,  as  an  ordinary  projectile  is  drawn  towards  the  earth.  Re- 
fraction is  thus  accounted  for.  Like  the  projectile,  too,  the  velocity 
of  the  light  particle  is  augmented  during  its  deflection;  it  enters  the 
refracting  medium  with  this  increased  velocity,  and  once  within  the 
medium,  the  attractions  before  and  behind  the  particle  neutralising 
each  other,  the  increased  velocity  is  maintained. 

213.  Thus,  it  is  an    unavoidable  consequence  of  the  theory  of 
Newton,  that  the  bending  of  a  ray  of  light  towards  the  perpendicular 
is  accompanied  by  an  augmentation  of  velocity — that  light  in  water 
moves  more  rapidly  than  in  air,  in  glass  more  rapidly  than  in  water, 
in  diamond  more  rapidly  than  in  glass.    In  short,  that  the  higher  the 
refractive  index,  the  greater  the  velocity  of  the  light. 

214.  A  decisive  test  of  the  emission  theory  was  thus  suggested, 
and  under  that  test  the  theory  has  broken  down.     For  it  has  been 
demonstrated,  by   the    most  rigid  experiments,  that  the  velocity  of 
light  diminishes  as  the  index  of  refraction  increases.     The  theory, 
however,  had  yielded  to  the  assaults  made  upon  it  long  before  this 
particular  experiment  was  made. 

Theory  of  Undulation. 

215.  The  Emission  Theory  was  first  opposed  by  the  celebrated 
astronomer  Huygens  and  the  no  less  celebrated  mathematician  Euler, 
both  of  whom  held  that  light,  like  sound,  was  a  product  of  ivave  motion. 
Laplace,  Malus,  Biot,  and  Brewster  supported  Newton,  and  the  emis- 
sion theory  maintained  its  ground  until  it  was  finally  overthrown  by 
the  labours  of  Thomas  Young*  and  Augustin  Fresnel. 

216.  These  two  eminent  philosophers,  while  adducing  whole  classes 
of  facts  inexplicable  by  the  emission  theory,  succeeded  in  establishing 
the  most  complete  parallelism  between  optical  phenomena  and  those 
of  wave  motion.     The  justification  of  a  theory  consists  in  its  exclu- 
sive competence  to  account  for  phenomena.     On  such  a  basis  the 
Wave  Theory,  or  the   Undulatory  Theory  of  light,  now  rests,  and 
every  day's  experience  only  makes  its  foundations  more  secure.    This 
theory  must  for  the  future  occupy  much  of  our  attention. 

*  Dr.  Young  was  appointed  Professor  of  Natural  Philosophy  in  the  Koyal 
Institution,  Aiigust  3,  1801.  From  a  marble  slab  in  the  village  church  of 
Earnborough,  near  Bromley,  Kent,  I  copied,  on  the  llth  of  April,  the  following 
inscription : — 

'  Near  this  place  are  deposited  the  remains  of  THOMAS  YOUNG,  M.D.,  Fellow 
and  Foreign  Secretary  of  the  Koyal  Society,  Member  of  the  National  Institute 
of  France.  A  man  alike  eminent  in  almost  every  department  of  human 
learning,  whose  many  discoveries  enlarged  the  bounds  of  Natural  Science,  and 
who  first  penetrated  the  obscurity  which  had  veiled  for  ages  the  Hieroglyphics 
of  Egypt. 

'  Endeared  to  his  friends  by  his  domestic  virtues,  Honoured  by  the  world  for 

his  unrivalled  acquirements,  He  died  in  the  hope  of  the  resurrection  of  the  just. 

'Born  at  Milverton,  in  Somersetshire,  June  13th,  1773. 

'  Died  in  Park  Square,  London,  May  29th,  1829, 

'  In  the  66th  year  of  his  age.' 

32  Notes  on  Light. 

217.  In  the  case  of  sound,  the  velocity  depends  upon  the  relation 
of  elasticity  to  density  in  the  body  which  transmits  the  sound.     The 
greater  the  elasticity  the  greater  is  the  velocity,  and  the  less  the 
density  the  greater  is  the  velocity.     To  account  for  the  enormous 
velocity  of  propagation  in  the  case  of  light,  the  substance  which 
transmits  it  is  assumed  to  be  of  both  extreme  elasticity  and  of  extreme 
tenuity.     This  substance  is  called  the  iMminiferous  ether. 

218.  It  fills  space ;  it  surrounds  the  atoms  of  bodies  ;  it  extends, 
without  solution  of  continuity,  through  the  humours  of  the  eye.    The 
molecules  of  luminous  bodies  are  in  a  state  of  vibration.    The  vibra- 
tions are  taken  up  by  the  ether,  and  transmitted  through  it  in  waves. 
These  waves  impinging  on  the  retina  excite  the  sensation  of  light. 

219.  In  the  case  of  sound,  the  air-particles  oscillate  to  and  fro  in 
the  direction  in  which  the  sound  is  transmitted ;  in  the  case  of  light, 
the  ether  particles  oscillate  to  and  fro  across  the  direction  in  which 
the  light  is  propagated.    In  scientific  language  the  vibrations  of  sound 
are  longitudinal ,  while  the  vibrations  of  light  are  transversal.  In  fact, 
the  mechanical  properties  of  the  ether  are  rather  those  of  a  solid  than 
of  an  air. 

220.  The  intensity  of  the  light  depends  on  the  distance  to  whicli 
the  ether  particles  move  to  and  fro.     This  distance  is  called  the  am- 
plitude of  the  vibration.     The  intensity  of  light  is  proportional  to  the 
square  of  the  amplitude;  it  is  also  proportional  to  the  square  of  the 
maximum  velocity  of  the  vibrating  particle. 

221.  The  amplitude  of  the  vibrations  diminishes  simply  as  the 
distance  increases  ;  consequently  the  intensity,  which  is  expressed  by 
the  square  of  the  amplitude,  must  diminish  inversely  as  the  square  of 
the  distance.     This,  in  the  language  of  the  wave  theory,  is  the  law 
of  inverse  squares. 

222.  The  reflexion  of  ether  waves  obeys  the  law  established  in 
the  case  of  light.     The  angle  of  incidence  is  demonstrably  equal  to 
the  angle  of  reflexion. 

223.  To  account  for  refraction,  let  us  for  the  sake  of  simplicity 
take  a  portion  of  a  circular  wave  emitted  by  the  sun  or  some  other 
distant  body.     A  short  portion  of  such  a  wave  would  be  straight. 
Suppose  it  to  impinge  from  air  upon  a  plate  of  glass,  the  wave  being 
in  the  first  instance  parallel  to  the  surface  of  the  glass.     Such  a  wave 
would  go  through  the  glass  without  change  of  direction. 

224.  But  as  the  velocity  in  glass  is  less  than  the  velocity  in  air, 
the  wave  would  be  retarded  on  passing  into  the  denser  medium. 

225.  But  suppose  the  wave,  before  impact,  to  be  oblique  to  the 
surface  of  the  glass ;  that  end  of  the  wave  which  first  reaches  the 
glass  will  be  first  retarded,  the  other  portions  being  held  back  in 
succession.     This  retardation   of  one  end  of  the  wave  causes  it  to 
swing  round ;   so  that  when  the  wave  has  fully  entered  the  glass  its 
course  is  oblique  to  its  first  direction.     It  is  refracted. 

226.  If  the  glass  into  which  the   wave  enters  be   a   plate  with 

Theory  of  Undulation.  33 

parallel  surfaces,  the  portion  of  the  wave  which  reached  the  upper 
surface  first,  and  was  first  retarded,  will  also  reach  its  under  surface 
first,  and  escape  earliest  from  the  retarding  medium.  This  pro- 
duces a  second  swinging  round  of  the  wave,  by  which  its  original 
direction  is  restored.  In  this  simple  way  the  Wave  Theory  accounts 
for  Kefraction. 

227.  The  convergence  or  divergence  of  beams  of  light  by  lenses 
is  immediately  deduced  from  the  fact  that  the  different  points  of  the 
ether  wave  reach  the  lens,  and  are  retarded  by  the  lens  in  succession. 

228.  The  density  of  the  ether  is  greater  in  liquids  and  solids  than 
in  gases,  and  greater  in  gases  than  in  vacuo.     A  compressing  force 
seems  to  be  exerted  on  the  ether  by  the  molecules  of  these  bodies. 
Now  if  the  elasticity  of  the  ether  increased  in  the  same  proportion  as 
its  density,  the  one  would  neutralise  the  other,  and  we  should  have 
no  retardation  of  the  velocity  of  light.     The  diminished  velocity  in 
highly  refracting  bodies  is  accounted  for  by  assuming  that  in  such 
bodies  the  elasticity  in  relation  to  the  density  is  less  than  in  vacuo. 
The  observed  phenomena  immediately  flow  from  this  assumption. 

229.  The  case  is  precisely  similar  to  that  of  sound  in  a  gas  or 
vapour  which  does  not  obey  the  law  of  Mariotte.     The  elasticity  of 
such  a  gas  or  vapour,  when  compressed,  increases  less  rapidly  than 
the  density  ;  hence  the  diminished  velocity  of  the  sound. 

230.  But  we  are  able  to  give  a  more  distinct  statement  as  to  the 
influence  which  a  refracting  body  has  upon  the  velocity  of  light. 
Regard  the  lines  o  m  and  np  in  Fig.  2,  Note  113.      These  two  lines 
represent  the  velocities  of  light  in  the  two  media  there  considered ; 
or,  expressed  more  generally,  the    sine   of  the  angle  of  incidence 
represents  the  velocity  of  light  in  the  first  medium,  while  the  sine  of 
the  angle  of  refraction  represents  the  velocity  in  the  second.     The 
index  of  refraction  then  is  nothing  else  than  the  ratio  of  the  two  velo- 
cities.   Thus  in  the  case  of  water  where  the  index  of  refraction  is  f 
the  velocity  in  air  is  to  its  velocity  in  water  as  4  is  to  3.     In  glass  also, 
where  the  index  of  refraction  is  f  the  velocity  in  air  is  to  the  velo- 
city in  glass  as  3  is  to  2.     In  other  words  the  velocity  of  light  in 
air  is  1^-  times  its  velocity  in  water,  and  !•§•  times  its  velocity  in 
glass.     The  velocity  of  light  in  air  is  about  2  J  times  its  velocity  in 
diamond,  and  nearly  three  times  its  velocity  in  chromate  of  lead, 
the    most    powerfully    refracting     substance    hitherto    discovered. 
Strictly  speaking,  the  index  of  refraction  refers  to  the  passage  of  a 
ray  of  light,  not  from  air,  but  from  a  vacuum*  into  the  refracting 
body.     Dividing  the  velocity  of  light  in  vacuo  by  its  velocity  in  the 
refracting  substance,  the  quotient  is  the  index  of  refraction  of  that 

231.  In  the  wave  theory,  the  rays  of  light  are  perpendiculars  to 
the  waves  of  ether.     Unlike  the  wave,  the  ray  has  no  material 
existence  ;  it  is  merely  a  direction. 

*  That  is  to  say,  a  vacuum  save  as  regards  the  ether  itself. 

34  Notes  on  Light. 


232.  It  has  been  stated  in  note  129,  that  in  the  case  of  a  plate  of 
glass  with  parallel  surfaces,  the  direction   possessed  by  an  oblique 
ray,  prior  to  its  meeting  the  glass,  is  restored  when  it  quits  the  glass. 
This  is  not  the  case  if  the  two  surfaces  at  which  the  ray  enters  and 
emerges  be  not  parallel. 

233.  When  the  ray  passes  through  a  wedge-shaped  transparent 
substance,  in  a  direction  perpendicular  to  the  edge  of  the  wedge,  it 
is  permanently  refracted.     A  body  of  this  shape  is  called  a  prism  in 
optics,  and  the  angle  enclosed  by  the  two  oblique  sides  of  the  wedge 
is  called  the  refracting  angle. 

234.  The  larger  the  refracting  angle  the  greater  is  the  deflection 
of  the  ray  from  its  original  direction.     But  with  the  self-same  prism 
the  amount  of  the  refraction  varies  with  the  direction  pursued  by  the 
ray  through  the  prism. 

235.  When  that  direction   is  such  that  the  portion  of  the  ray' 
within  the  prism  makes  equal  angles  with  the  two  sides  of  the  prism, 
or  what  is  the  same,  with  the  ray  before  it  reaches  the  prism  and 
after  it  has  quitted  it,  then  the  total  refraction  is  a  minimum.     This 
is  capable  both  of  mathematical  and  experimental  proof;   and  on 
this  result  is  based  a  method  of  determining  the  index  of  refraction. 

236.  The  final  direction  of  a  refracted  ray  being  unaltered  by  its 
passage  through  glass  plates  with  parallel  surfaces,  we  may  employ 
hollow  vessels  composed  of  such  plates  and  filled  with  liquids,  thus 
obtaining  liquid  prisms. 

Prismatic  Analysis  of  Light:  Dispersion. 

237.  Newton  first  unravelled  the  solar  light,  proving  it  to  be  com- 
posed of  an  infinite  number  of  rays  of  different  degrees  of  refrangi- 
bility;  when  such  light  is  sent  through  a  prism,  its  constituent  rays 
are  drawn  asunder.     This  act  of  drawing  apart  is  called  dispersion. 

238.  The  waves  of  ether  generated  by  luminous  bodies  are  not  all 
of  the  same  length ;    some  are  longer  than  others.     In  refracting 
substances  the  short  waves  are  more  retarded  than  the  long  ones ; 
hence  the  short  waves  are  more  refracted  than  the  long  ones.     This 
is  the  cause  of  dispersion. 

239.  The  luminous  image  formed  when  a  beam  of  white  light  is 
thus  decomposed  by  a  prism  is  called  a  spectrum.     If  the  light  em- 
ployed be  that  of  the  sun,  the  image  is  called  the  solar  spectrum. 

240.  The  solar  spectrum  consists  of  a  series  of  vivid  colours, 
which,  when  reblended,  produce  the  original  white  light.      Com- 
mencing with  that  which  is  least  refracted,  we  have  the  following 
order   of  colours  in  the  solar  spectrum  : — Red,  Orange,   Yellow, 
Green,  Blue,  Indigo,  Violet. 

Prismatic  Analysis  of  Light :  Dispersion.       35 

241.  The  Colour  of  Light  is  determined  solely  by  its  Wave-length. 
—The  ether  waves  gradually  diminish  in  length  from  the  red  to  the 

violet.  The  length  of  a  wave  of  red  light  is  about  ^-g-oir  °f  an  mcn  ? 
that  of  a  wave  of  violet  light  is  about  -g-y-g^th  of  an  inch.  The 
waves  which  produce  the  other  colours  of  the  spectrum  lie  between 
these  extremes. 

242.  The  velocity  of  light  being  192,000  miles  in  a  second,  if 
we  multiply  this  number  by  39,000  we  obtain  the  number  of  waves 
of  red  light  in  192,000  miles;  the  product  is  474,439,680,000.000. 
All  these  waves  enter  the  eye  in  a  second.     In  the  same  interval 
699,000,000,000,000  waves  'of  violet  light  enter  the  eye.     At  this 
prodigious  rate  is  the  retina  hit  by  the  waves  oflight. 

243.  Colour,  in  fact,  is  to  light  what  pitch  is  to  sound.     The  pitch 
of  a  note  depends  solely  on  the  number  of  aerial  waves  which  strike 
the  ear  in  a  second.     The  colour  of  light  depends  on  the  number  of 
ethereal  waves  which  strike  the  eye  in  a  second.     Thus  the  sensation 
of  red  is  produced  by  imparting  to  the  optic  nerve  four  hundred  and 
seventy-four  millions  of  millions  of  impulses  per  second,  while  the 
sensation  of  violet  is  produced  by  imparting  to  the  nerve  six  hundred 
and  ninety-nine  millions  of  millions  of  impulses  per  second.     In  the 
Emission  Theory  numbers  not  less  immense  occur,  '  nor  is  there  any 
mode  of  conceiving  the  subject  which  does  not  call  upon  us  to  admit 
the  exertion  of  mechanical  forces  which  may  well  be  termed  infinite.'  * 

Invisible  rays :   Calorescence  and  Fluorescence. 

244.  The  spectrum  extends  in  both  directions  beyond  its  visible 
limits.     Beyond  the  visible  red  we  have  rays  which  possess  a  high 
heating  power,   though  incompetent  to  excite  vision ;    beyond  the 
violet  we  have  a  vast  body  of  rays  which,  though  feeble  as  regards 
heat,  and  powerless  as 'regards  light,  are  of  the  highest  importance 
because  of  their  capacity  to  produce  chemical  action. 

245.  In   the  case  of   the  electric  light,  the  energy  of  the  non- 
luminous  calorific  rays  emitted  by  the  carbon  points  is  about  eight 
times  that  of  all  the  other  rays  taken  together.     The  dark  calorific 
rays  of  the  sun  also  probably  exceed  many  times  in  power  the  lumi- 
nous solar  rays.     It  is  possible  to  sift  the  solar  or  the  electric  beam 
so  as  to  intercept  the  luminous  rays,  while  the  non-luminous  rays 
are  allowed  free  transmission. 

246.  In  this  way  perfectly  dark  foci  may  be  obtained  where  com- 
bustible bodies  may  be  burned,  non-refractory  metals  fused,  and 
refractory  ones  raised  to  the  temperature  of  whiteness.     The  non- 
luminous  calorific  rays  may  be  thus  transformed  into  luminous  ones, 
Avhich  yield  all  the  colours  of  the  spectrum.     This  passage,  by  the 
intervention  of  a  refractory  body,  from  the  non-luminous  to  the  lumi- 
nous state,  is  called  Calorescence. 

*  Sir  John  Herschel. 

36  Notes  on  Light. 

247.  So    also   as   regards  the  ultra-violet  rays;    when  they  are 
permitted  to  fall  upon  certain  substances — the  disulphate  of  quinine 
for  example — they  render  the  substance  luminous ;  invisible  rays  are 
thereby  rendered  visible.      The  change  here  receives  the  name  of 

248.  In  calorescence  the  atoms  of  the  refractory  body  are  caused 
to  vibrate  more  rapidly  than  the  waves  which  fall  upon  them ;  the 
periods  of  the  waves  are  quickened  by  their  impact  on  the  atoms. 
The  refrangibility  of  the  rays  is,  in  fact,  exalted.    In  fluorescence,  on 
the  contrary,  the  impact  of  the  waves  throws  the  molecules  of  the 
fluorescent  body  into  vibrations  of  slower  periods  than  those  of  the 
incident  waves ;    the  refrangibility  of  the  rays  is  in  fact  lowered. 
Thus  by  exalting  the  refrangibility  of  the  ultra-red,  and  by  lower- 
ing the  refrangibility  of  the  ultra-violet  rays,  both  classes  of  rays  are 
rendered  capable  of  exciting  vision. 

249.  Though  the  term  is  by  no  means  faultless,  those  rays,  both 
ultra-red  and  ultra-violet,  which  are  incompetent  to  excite  vision,  are 
called  invisible  rays.     In  strictness  we  cannot  speak  of  rays  being 
either  visible  or  invisible;  it  is  not  the  rays  themselves  but  the  objects 
they  illuminate  that  become  visible.     '  Space,  though  traversed  by 
the  rays  from  all  suns  and  all  stars,  is  itself  unseen.     Not  even  the 
ether  which  fills  space,  and  whose  motions  are  the  light  of  the  world, 
is  itself  visible.'  * 

Doctrine  of  Visual  Periods. 

250.  A  string  tuned  to  a  certain  note  resounds  when  that  note  is 
sounded.    If  you  sing  into  an  open  piano,  the  string  whose  note  is  in 
unison  with  your  voice  will  be  thrown  into  sonorous  vibration.     If 
there  be  discord  between  the  note  and  the  string,  there  is  no  re- 
sonance, however  powerful  the  note  may  be.  A  particular  church-pane 
is  sometimes  broken  by  a  particular  organ-peal,  through  the  coinci- 
dence of  its  period  of  vibration  with  that  of  the  organ. 

251.  In  this  way  it  is  conceivable  that  a  feeble  note,  through  the 
coincidence  of  its  periods  of  vibration  with  those  of  a  sounding  body, 
may  produce  effects  which  a  powerful  note,  because  of  its  non- 
coincidence,  is  unable  to  produce. 

252.  This,  which  is  a  known  phenomenon  of  sound,  helps  us  to 
a  conception  of  the  deportment  of  the  retina  towards  light.     The 
retina,  or  rather  the  brain  in  which  its  fibres  end,  is,  as  it  were, 
attuned  to  a  certain  range  of  vibrations,  and  it  is  dead  to  all  vibra- 
tions which  lie  without  that  range,  however  powerful  they  may  be. 

253.  The  quantity  of  wave  motion  sent  to  the  eye  at  night,  by 
a  candle  a  mile  distant,  suffices  to  render  the  candle  visible.     Em- 
ploying the  powerful  ultra-red  rays  of  the  sun,  or  of  the  electric  light, 

*  '  Proceedings  of  the  Eoyal  Institution,'  vol.  v.,  p.  456. 

Doctrine  of  Visual  Periods.  37 

it  is  demonstrable  that  ethereal  waves  possessing  many  millions  of 
times  the  mechanical  energy  of  those  which  produce  the  candle's 
light,  maybe  caused  to  impinge  upon  the  retina  without  exciting  any 
sensation  whatever.  The  periods  of  succession  of  the  waves,  rather 
than  their  strength,  are  here  influential. 

254.  When  in  music  two  notes  are  separated  from  each  other  by 
an  octave,  the  higher  note  vibrates  with  twice  the  rapidity  of  the  lower. 
In  Note  241  the  lengths  of  the  wave  of  red  light  and  of  violet 
light  are  set  down  as  33-^5-  of  an  inch  and  ^T^VTTTF  of  an  inch 
respectively;  but  these  numbers  refer  to  the  mean  red  and  the  mean 
violet.  The  waves  of  the  extreme  violet  are  about  half  the  length 
of  those  of  the  extreme  red,  and  they  strike  the  retina  with  double 
the  rapidity  of  the  red.  While,  therefore,  the  musical  scale,  or  the 
range  of  the  ear,  is  known  to  embrace  nearly  eleven  octaves,  the  optical 
scale,  or  range  of  the  eye,  is  comprised  within  a  single  octave. 

Doctrine  of  Colours. 

255.  Natural  bodies  possess  the  power  of  extinguishing,  or,  as  it  is 
called,  absorbing  the  light  that  enters  them.  This  power  of  absorption 
is  selective,  and  hence,  for  the  most  part,  arise  the  phenomena  of 

256.  When  the  light  which  enters  a  body  is  wholly  absorbed  the 
body  is  black ;  a  body  which  absorbs  all  the  waves  equally,  but  not 
totally,  is  grey;   while  a  body  which  absorbs  the  various  waves 
unequally  is  coloured.     Colour  is  due  to  the  extinction  of  certain 
constituents  of  the  white  light  within  the  body,  the  remaining  con- 
stituents which  return  to  the  eye  imparting  to  the  body  its  colour. 

257.  It  is  to  be  borne  in  mind  that  bodies  of  all  colours,  illuminated 
by  white  light,  reflect  white  light  from  their  exterior  surfaces.     It  is 
the  light  which  has  plunged  to  a  certain  depth  within  the  body,  which 
has  been  sifted  there  by  elective  absorption,  and  then  discharged 
from  the  body  by  interior  reflexion  that,  in  general,  gives  the  body  its 

258.  A  pure  red  glass  interposed  in  the  path  of  a  beam  decomposed 
by  a  prism,  either  before  or  after  the  act  of  decomposition,  cuts  off  all 
the  colours  of  the  spectrum  except  the  red.     A  glass  of  any  other 
pure  colour  similarly  interposed  would  cut  off  all  the  spectrum  except 
that  particular  portion  which  gives  the  glass  its  colour.     It  is,  how- 
ever, extremely  difficult,  if  not  impossible,  to  obtain  pure  pigments  of 
any  kind.     Thus  a  yellow  glass  not  only  allows  the  yellow  light 
of  the  spectrum  to  pass,  but  also  a  portion  of  the  adjacent  green  and 
orange ;   while  a  blue  glass  not  only  allows  the  blue  to  pass,  but  also 
a  portion  of  the  adjacent  green  and  indigo. 

259.  Hence,  if  a  beam  of  white  light  be  caused  to  pass  through  a 
yellow  glass  and  a  blue  glass  at  the  same  time,  the  only  transmissible 
colour  common  to  both  is  green.  This  explains  why  blue  and  yellow 

38  Notes  on  Light. 

powders,  when  mixed  together,  produce  green.  The  white  light 
plunges  into  the  powder  to  a  certain  depth,  and  is  discharged  by 
internal  reflexion,  minus  its  yellow  and  its  blue.  The  green  alone 

260.  The  effect  is  quite  different  when,  instead  of  mixing  blue  and 
yellow  pigments,  we  mix  blue  and  yellow  lights  together.     Here  the 
mixture  is  a  pure  white.  Blue  and  yellow  are  complementary  colours. 

261.  Any  two  colours  whose  mixture  produces  white  are  called 
complementary  colours.     In  the  spectrum  we    have  the  following 
pairs  of  such  colours  : — 

Ked  and  greenish  Blue. 
Orange  and  cyanogen  Blue. 
Yellow  and  indigo  Blue. 
Greenish  yellow  and  Violet. 

262.  A  body  placed  in  a  light  which  it  is  incompetent  to  transmit 
appears  black,  however  intense  may  be  the  illumination.     Thus,  a 
stick  of  red  sealing-wax,  placed  in  the*  vivid  green  of  the  spectrum, 
is  perfectly  black.    A  bright  red  solution  similarly  placed  cannot  be 
distinguished  from  black  ink ;  and  red  cloth,  on  which  the  spectrum 
is  permitted  to  fall,  shows  its  colour  vividly  where  the  red  light  falls 
upon  it,  but  appears  black  beyond  this  position. 

263.  We  have  thus  far  dealt  with  the  analysis  of  white  light.    In 
reblending  the  constituent  colours,  so  as  to  produce  the  original,  we 
illustrate,  by  synthesis,  the  composition  of  white  light. 

264.  Let  the  beam  analyzed  be  a  rectangular  slice  of  light.     By 
means  of  a  cylindrical  lens  we  can  recombine  the  colours,  and  produce 
by  their  mixture  the  original  whita.    It  is  also  possible,  by  the  com- 
bination of  the  colours  of  its  spectrum,  to  build  up  a  perfect  image 
of  the  source  of  light.     The  persistence  of  impressions  on  the  retina 
also  offers  a  ready  means  of  blending  colours. 

Chromatic  Aberration.     Achromatism. 

265.  Owing  to  the  different  refrangibility  of  the  different  rays  of 
the  spectrum,  it  is  impossible  by  a  single  spherical  lens  to  bring  them 
all  to  a  focus  at  the  same  point.     The  blue  rays,  for  example,  being 
more  refracted  than  the  red  will  intersect  sooner  than  the  red. 

266.  Hence,  when  a  divergent  cone  of  white  light  is  rendered 
convergent  by  a  lens,  the  convergent  beam,  as  far  as  the  point  of 
intersection  of  the  rays,  will  be  surrounded  by  a  sheath  of  red  ;  while 
beyond  the  focus  the  divergent  cone  will  be  surrounded  by  a  sheath  of 
blue.     Hence,  when  the  refracted   rays  fall  upon  a  screen  placed 
between  the  lens  and  the  focus  of  blue  rays,  a  white  circle  with  a  red 
border  is  obtained,  while  if  the  screen  be  placed  beyond  the  focus  of 
red  rays  the  white  circle  will  have  a  blue  border.     It  is  impossible 
to  produce  a  colourless  image  in  these  positions  of  the  screen. 

267.  This  lack  of  power  on  the  part  of  a  lens  to  bring  its  differently 

Chromatic  Aberration.     Achromatism.          31) 

coloured  constituents  to  a  common  focus,  is  called  the  Chromatic  aber- 
ration of  the  lens. 

268.  Newton  considered  it  impossible  to  get  rid  of  chromatic 
aberration ;  for  he  supposed  the  dispersion  of  a  prism  or  lens  to  be 
proportional  to  its  refraction,  and  that  if  you  destroyed  the  one  you 
destroyed  the  other.  This,  however,  was  an  error. 

'269.  For  two  prisms  producing  the  same  mean  refraction  may 
produce  very  different  degrees  of  dispersion.  By  diminishing  the 
angle  of  the  more  highly  dispersive  prism  we  can  make  its  dispersion 
sensibly  equal  to  that  of  the  feebly  dispersive  one ;  and  we  can  neu- 
tralize the  colours  of  both  prisms  by  placing  them  in  opposition  to 
each  other,  without  neutralizing  the  refraction. 

270.  When,  for  example,  a  prism  of  water  is  opposed  to  a  prism 
of  flint-glass,  after  the  dispersion  of  the  water,  which  is  small,  has 
been  destroyed,  the  beam  is  still  refracted.    If  a  prism  of  crown-glass 
be  substituted  for  the  prism  of  water,  substantially  the  same  effect  is 
produced.     The  flint-glass  is  competent  to  neutralize  the  dispersion 
of  the  crown  before  it  neutralizes  the  refraction. 

271.  What  is  here  said  of  prisms  applies  equally  to  lenses.     A 
convex  crown-glass  lens,  opposed  to  a  concave  flint-glass  lens,  may 
have  its  dispersion  destroyed,  and  still  images  may  be  formed  by  the 
combination  of  the  two  lenses,  because  of  the  residual  refraction. 

272.  A  combination  of  lenses  wherein  colour  is  destroyed  while  a 
certain  amount  of  refraction  is  preserved,  is  called  an  achromatic  com- 
bination, or  more  briefly  an  achromatic  leus. 

273.  The  human  eye  is  not  achromatic.    It  suffers  from  chromatic 
aberration  as  well  as  Irorn  spherical  aberration. 

Subjective  Colours. 

274.  By  the  action  of  light  the  optic  nerve  is  rendered  less  sensi- 
tive.   When  we  pass  from  bright  daylight  into  a  moderately  lighted 
room,  the  room  appears  dark. 

275.  This  is  also  true  of  individual  colours ;  when  light  of  any 
particular  colour  falls  upon  the  eye  the  optic  nerve  is  rendered  less 
sensitive  to  that  colour.     It  is,  in  fact,  partially  blinded  to  its  per- 

276.  If  the  eyes  be  steadily  fixed  upon  a  red  wafer  placed  on 
white  paper,  after  a  little  time  the  wafer  will  be  surrounded  by  a 
greenish  rim,  and  if  the  wafer  be  moved  away,  the  place  on  which  it 
rested  will  appear  green. 

277.  This  is  thus  explained: — the  eye  by  looking  at  the  wafer  has 
its  sensibility  to  red  light  diminished;  hence,  when  the  wafer  is 
removed,  the  white  light  falling  upon  the  spot  of  the  retina  on  which 
the  image  of  the  wafer  rested,  will  have  its  red  constituent  virtually 
removed,  and  will  therefore  appear  of  the  complementary  colour. 
The  first  rim  of  green  light  observed  is  due  to  the  extension  of  the  red 

40  Notes  on  Light. 

light  of  the  wafer  a  little  beyond  its  geometrical  image  on  the  retina, 
in  consequence  of  the  spherical  aberration  of  the  eye. 

278.  Coloured  shadows  are  reducible  to  the  same  cause.     Let  a 
strong  red  light,  for  example,  fall  upon  a  white  screen.    A  body  in- 
terposed between  the  light  and  the  screen  will  cast  a  shadow,  and  if 
this  shadow  be  moderately  illuminated  by  a  second  white  light  it  will 
appear  green.     If  the  original  light  be  bluo,  the  shadow  will  appear 
yellow ;  if  the  original  light  be  green,  the  shadow  will  appear  red. 
The  reason  is,  that  the  eye  in  the  first  instance  is  partially  blinded 
to  the  perception  of  the  colour  cast  upon  the  screen  ;  hence  the  white 
light,  which  reaches  the  eye  from  the  shadow,  will  have  that  colour 
partially  withdrawn,  and  the  shadow  will  appear  of  the  complementary 

279.  Colours  of  this  kind  are  called  subjective  colours;  they  depend 
upon  the  condition  of  the  eye,  and  do  not  express  external  facts  of 

Spectrum  Analysis. 

280.  Metals  and  their  compounds  impart  to  flames  peculiar  colours, 
which  are  characteristic  of  the  metals.     Thus  the  almost  lightless 
flame  of  a  Bunsen's  burner  is  rendered  a  brilliant  yellow  by  the  metal 
sodium,  or  by  any  volatilizible  compound  of  that  metal,  such  as 
chloride  of  sodium  or  common  salt.     The  flame  is  rendered  green  by 
copper,  purple  by  zinc,  and  red  by  strontian. 

281.  These  colours  are  due  to  the  vapours  of  the  metals  which  are 
liberated  in  the  flame. 

282.  When  such  incandescent  metallic  vapours  are  examined  by 
the  prism,  it  is  found  that  instead  of  emitting  rays  which  form  a 
continuous  spectrum,  one  colour  passing  gradually  into  another,  they 
emit  distinct  groups  of  rays  of  definite,  but  different  refrangibilities. 
The  spectrum  corresponding  to  these  rays  is  a  series  of  coloured  bands, 
separated  from  each  other  by  intervals  of  darkness.     Such  bands  are 
characteristic  of  luminous  gases  of  all  kinds. 

283.  Thus   the    spectrum  of  incandescent    sodium-vapour    con- 
sists of  a  brilliant  band  on  the  confines  of  the  orange  and  yellow ; 
and  the  vapour  is  incompetent  to  shed  forth  any  of  the  other  light  of 
the  spectrum.  When  this  band  is  more  accurately  analyzed  it  resolves 
itself  into  two  distinct  bands  ;  greater  delicacy  of  analysis  resolves 
it  into  a  group  of  bands  with  fine  dark  intervals   between  them. 
The  spectrum  of  copper-vapour  is  signalized  by  a  series  of  green 
bands,  while  the  incandescent  vapour  of  zinc  produces  brilliant  bands 
of  blue  and  red. 

284.  The  light  of  the  bands  produced  by  metallic  vapours  is  very 
intense,  the  whole  of  the  light  being  concentrated  into  a  few  narrow 
strips,  and  escaping  in  a  great  measure  the  dilution  due  to  dispersion. 

285.  These   coloured  bands  are   perfectly  characteristic   of  the 

Spectrum  Analysis.  41 

vapour  ;  from  their  position  and  number  the  substance  that  produces 
them  can  be  unerringly  inferred. 

286.  If  two  or  more  metals  be  introduced  into  the  flame  at  the 
same  time,  prismatic  analysis  reveals  the  bands  of  each  metal  as  if 
the  others  were  not  there.     This  is  also  true  when  a  mineral  contain- 
ing several  metals  is  introduced  into  the  flame.     The  constituent 
metals  of  the  mineral  will  give  each  its  characteristic  bands. 

287.  Hence,  having  made  ourselves  acquainted  with  the  bands 
produced  by  all  known  metals,  if  entirely  new  bands  show  themselves, 
it  is  a  proof  that  an  entirely  new  metal  is  present  in  the  flame.     It 
is  thus  that  Bunsen  and  KirchhofF,  the  founders  of  spectrum  analysis, 
discovered  Rubidium  and  Caesium;  and  that  Thallium,  with  its  superb 
green  band,  was  discovered  by  Mr.  Crookes. 

288.  The  permanent  gases  when  heated  to  a  sufficient  temperature, 
as  they  may  be  by  the  electric  discharge,  also  exhibit  characteristic 
bands  in  their  spectra.  By  these  bands  they  may  be  recognized,  even 
at  stellar  distances. 

289.  The   action  of  light  upon  the   eye  is  a  test  of  unrivalled 
delicacy.     In  spectrum  analysis  this  action  is  brought  specially  into 
play  ;  hence  the  power  of  this  method  of  analysis.* 

Further  Definition  of  Radiation  and  Absorption. 

290.  The  terms  ray,  radiation,  and  absorption,  were  employed 
long  prior  to  the  views  now  entertained  regarding  the  nature  of  light. 
It  is  necessary  more  clearly  to  understand  the  meaning  attached  by  the 
undulatory  theory  to  those  terms. 

291.  And  to  complete  our  knowledge  it  is  necessry  to  know  that 
all  bodies,  whether  luminous  or  non-luminous,  are  radiants ;  if  they 
do  not  radiate  light  they  radiate  heat. 

292.  It  is  also  necessary  to  know  that  luminous  rays  are  also  heat 
rays ;   that  the  self-same  waves  of  ether  falling  on  a  thermometer 
produce  the  effects  of  heat ;  and  impinging  upon  the  retina  produce 
the  sensation  of  light.     The  rays  of  greatest  heat  however,  as  already 
explained,  lie  entirely  without  the  visible  spectrum. 

293.  The  radiation  both  of  light  and  heat  consists  in  the  commu- 
nication of  motion  from  the  vibrating  atoms  of  bodies  to  the  ether 
which  surrounds  them.  The  absorption  of  heat  consists  in  the  accept- 
ance of  motion,  on  the  part  of  the  atoms  of  a  body,  from  ether  which 

*  Many  persons  are  incompetent  to  distinguish  one  colour  of  the  spectrum 
from  another ;  red  and  green,  for  example,  are  often  confounded.  Dalton,  the 
celebrated  founder  of  the  Atomic  Theory,  could  only  distinguish  by  their  form 
ripe  red  cherries  from  the  green  leaves  of  the  tree.  This  point  is  now  attended 
to  in  the  choice  of  engine-drivers,  who  have  to  distinguish  one  coloured  signal 
from  another.  The  defect  is  called  colour-blindness,  and  sometimes  Daltonism. 

42  Notes  on  Light. 

has  been  already  agitated  by  a  source  of  light  or  heat.  In  radiation, 
then,  motion  is  yielded  to  the  ether;  in  absorption,  motion  is  received 
from  the  ether. 

294.  When  a  ray  of  light  or  of  heat  passes  through  a  body  without 
loss ;  in  other  words,  when  the  waves  are  transmitted  through  the  ether 
which  surrounds  the  atoms  of  the  body,  without  sensibly  imparting 
motion  to  the  atoms  themselves,  the  body  is  transparent.     If  motion 
be  in  any  degree  transferred  from  the  ether  to  the  atoms,  in  that 
degree  is  the  body  opaque. 

295.  If  either  light  or  radiant  heat  be  absorbed,  the  absorbing 
body  is  warmed]  if  no  absorption  takes  place,  the  light  or  radiant 
heat,  whatever  its  intensity  may  be,  passes  through  the  body  without 
affecting  its  temperature. 

296.  Thus  in  the  dark  foci  referred  to  in  Note  246,  or  in  the  focus 
of  the  most  powerful  burning  mirror  which  concentrates  the  beams 
of  the  sun,  the  air  might  be  of  a  freezing  temperature,  because  the 
absorption  of  the  heat  by  the  air  is  insensible.     A  plate  of  clear  rock- 
salt,  moreover,  placed  at  the  focus,  is  scarcely  sensibly  heated,  the 
absorption  being  small ;  while  a  plate  of  glass  is  shivered,  and  a  plate 
of  blackened  platinum  raised  to  a  white  heat,  or  even  fused,  because 
of  their  powers  of  absorption. 

297.  It  is  here  worth  remarking  that  calculations  of  the  tempera- 
tures of  comets,  founded  on  their  distances  from  the  sun,  may  be,  and 
probably  are,  entirely  fallacious.     The  comet,  even  when  nearest  to 
the  sun,  might  be  intensely  cold.     It  might  carry  with  it  round  its 
perihelion  the  chill  of  the  most  distant  regions  of  space.     If  trans- 
parent to  the  solar  rays  it  would  be  unaffected  by  the  solar  heat,  as 
long  as  that  heat  maintained  the  radiant  form. 

The  pure  Spectrum  :  Fraunhofer^  s  Lines. 

298.  When  a  beam  of  white  light  issuing  from  a  slit  is  decomposed, 
the  spectrum  really  consists  of  a  series  of  coloured  images  of  the  slit 
placed  side  by  side.     If  the  slit  be  wide,  these  images  overlap  ;  but 
in  a  pure  spectrum  the  colours  must  not  overlap  each  other. 

299.  A  pure  spectrum  is  obtained  by  making  the  slit  through 
which  the  decomposed  beam  passes  very  narrow,  and  by  sending 
the  beam  through  several  prisms  in  succession,  thus  augmenting  the 

300.  When  the  light  of  the  sun  is  thus  treated,  the  solar  spectrum 
is  found  to  be  not  perfectly  continuous ;  across  it  are  drawn  innume- 
rable dark  lines,  the  rays  corresponding  to  which  are  absent.     Dr. 
Wollaston  was  the  first  to  observe  some  of  these  lines.     They  were 
afterwards  studied  with  supreme  skill  by  Fraunhofer,  who  lettered 
them  and  made  accurate  maps  of  them,  and  from  him  they  have  been 
called  Fraunhofer  s  lines. 

Reciprocity  of  Radiation  and  Absorption.        43 

Reciprocity  of  Radiation  and  Absorption. 

301.  To  account  for  the  missing  rays  of  the  lines  of  Fraunhofer 
was  long  an  enigma  with  philosophers.     By  the  genius  of  KirchhofF 
the  enigma  was  solved.     Its  solution  carried  with  it  a  new  theory  of 
the  constitution  of  the  sun,  and  a  demonstration  of  a  method  which 
enables  us  to  determine  the  chemical  composition  of  the  sun,  the 
stars,  and  the  nebulae.     The  application  of  Kirchhoff's  principles  by 
Messrs.  Huggins,  Miller,  Secchi,  Janssen,  and  Lockyer  has  been  of 
especial  interest  and  importance. 

302.  Kirchhoff's  explanation  of  the  lines  of  Fraunhofer  is  based 
upon  the  principle  that  every  body  is  specially  opaque  to  such  rays 
as  it  can  itself  emit  when  rendered  incandescent. 

303.  Thus  the  radiation  from  a  carbonic  oxide  flame,  which  con- 
tains carbonic  acid  at  a  high  temperature,  is  intercepted  in  an  astonish- 
ing degree  by  carbonic  acid.    If  the  rays  from  a  sodium  flame  be  sent 
through  a  second  sodium  flame,  they  will  be  stopped  with  particular 
energy  by  the  second  flame.     The  rays  from  incandescent  thallium 
vapour  are  intercepted  by  thallium  vapour,  those  from  lithium  vapour 
by  lithium  vapour,  and  so  of  the  other  metals. 

304.  In  the  language  of  the  undulatory  theory,  waves  of  ether  are 
absorbed  with  special  energy — their  motion  is  taken  up  with  special 
facility — by  atoms  whose  periods"  of  vibration  synchronise  with  the 
periods  of  the  waves.     This  is  another  way  of  stating  that  a  body 
absorbs  with  special  energy  the  rays  which  it  can  itself  emit. 

305.  If  a  beam  of  white  light  be  sent  through  the  intensely  yellow 
flame  of  sodium  vapour,  the  yellow  constituent  of  the  beam  is  inter- 
cepted by  the  flame,  while  rays  of  other  refrangibilities  are  allowed 
free  transmission. 

306.  Hence,  when  the  spectrum  of  the  electric  light  is  thrown 
upon  a  white  screen,  the  introduction  of  a  sodium  flame  into  the  path 
of  the  rays  cuts  off  the  yellow  component  of  the  light,  and  the  spec- 
trum is  furrowed  by  a  dark  band  in  place  of  the  yellow. 

307.  Introducing  other  flames  in  the  same  manner  in  the  path  of 
the  beam,  if  the  quantity  of  metallic  vapour  in  the  flame  be  sufficient, 
each  flame  will  cut  out  its  own  bands.     And  if  the  flame  through 
which  the  light  passes  contain  the  vapours  of  several  metals,  we  shall 
have  the  dark  characteristic  bands  of  all  of  them  upon  the  screen. 

308.  Expanding  in  idea  our  electric  light  until  it  forms  a  globe 
equal  to  the  sun  in  size,  and  wrapping  round  this  incandescent  globe 
an  atmosphere  of  flame,  that  atmosphere  would  cut  off  those  rays  of 
the  globe  which  it  can  itself  emit,  the  interception  of  the  rays  being 
declared  by  dark  lines  in  the  spectrum. 

309.  We  thus  arrive  at  a  complete  explanation  of  the  lines  of 
Fraunhofer,  and  a  new  theory  of  the  constitution  of  the  sun.     The 
orb  consists  of  a  solid  or  molten  nucleus,  in  a  condition  of  intense 

44  Notes  on  Light. 

incandescence,  but  it  is  surrounded  by  a  gaseous  photosphere  con- 
taining vapours  which  absorb  those  rays  of  the  nucleus  which  they 
themselves  emit.  The  lines  of  Fraunhofer  are  thus  produced. 

310.  The  lines  of  Fraunhofer  are  narrow  bands  of  partial  dark- 
ness ;  they  are  really  illuminated  by  the  light  of  the  gaseous  envelope 
of  the  sun.     But  this  is  so  feeble  in  comparison  with  the  light  of  the 
nucleus  intercepted  by  the  envelope,  that  the  bands  appear  dark  in 
comparison  with  the  adjacent  brilliance. 

311.  Were  the  central  nucleus  abolished,  the  bands  of  Fraunhofer 
on  a  perfectly  dark  ground,  would  be  transformed  into  a  series  of 
bright  bandy.     These  would  resemble  the  spectra  obtained  from  a 
flame  charged  with  metallic  vapours.     They  would  constitute  the 
spectrum  of  the  solar  atmosphere. 

312.  It  is  not  necessary  that  the  photosphere  should  be  composed 
of  pure  vapour.     Doubtless  it  contains  vast  masses  of  incandescent 
cloudy  matter,  composed   of  white    hot    molten    particles.     These 
intensely  luminous  white  hot  clouds  may  be  the  main    origin  of 
the  light  which  the  earth  receives  from  the   sun,  and  with  them 
the  true  vapour  of  the  photosphere  may  be  more  or  less  confusedly 
mingled.     But  the  vapour  which  produces  the  lines  of  Fraunhofer 
must  exist  outside  the  clouds,  as  assumed  by  Kirchhoff. 

Solar  Chemistry. 

313.  From  the  dark  bands  of  the  spectrum  we  can  determine 
what  substances  enter  into  the  composition  of  the  solar  atmosphere. 

314.  One  example  will  illustrate  the  possibility  of  this.     Let  the 
light  from  the  sun  and  the  light  from  incandescent  sodium  vapour 
pass  side  by  side  through  the  same  slit,  and  be  decomposed  by  the 
same  prism.      The  solar  light  will  produce  its  spectrum,  and  the 
sodium   light  its   yellow  band.      This  yellow  band  will  coincide 
exactly  in  position  with  a  characteristic  dark  band  of  the   solar 
spectrum,  which  Fraunhofer  distinguishes  by  the  letter  D. 

315.  Were  the  solar  nucleus  absent,  and  did  the  vaporous  photo- 
sphere alone  emit  light,  the  dark  line  D  would  be  a  bright  one.     Its 
character  and  position  prove  it  to  be  the  light  emitted  by  sodium. 
This  metal,  therefore,  is  contained  in  the  atmosphere  of  the  sun.* 

316.  The  result  is  still  more  convincing  when  a  metal  which 
gives  a  numerous  series  of  bright  bands  finds  each  of  its  bands 
exactly  coincident  with  a  dark  band  of  the  solar  spectrum.     By  this 
method  Kirchhoff,  to  whom  we  owe,  in  all  its  completeness,  this 
splendid  generalization,  established  the  existence  of  iron,  calcium, 

*  By  reference  to  note  283  it  will  be  seen  that  the  sodium  line  is  resolved  by 
delicate  analysis  into  a  group  of  lines.  The  Fraunhofer  dark  band  D  is  similarly 
resolved.  It  ought  to  be  mentioned  that  both  Mr.  Talbot  and  Sir  John  Herschel 
clearly  foresaw  the  possibility  of  employing  spectrum  analysis  in  detecting 
minute  traces  of  bodies. 

Solar  Chemistry.  45 

magnesium,  sodium,  chromium,  and  other  metals  in  the  solar 
atmosphere ;  and  Mr.  Huggins  has  extended  the  application  of  the 
method  to  the  light  of  the  planets,  fixed  stars,  and  nebulae.* 

Planetary  Chemistry. 

317.  The  light  reflected  from  the  moon  and  planets  is  solar  light; 
and,  if  unaffected  by  the  planet's  atmosphere,  the  spectrum  of  the 
planet  would  show  the  same  lines  as  the  solar  spectrum. 

318.  The  light  of  the  moon  shows  no  other  lines.     There  is  no 
evidence  of  an  atmosphere  round  the  moon. 

319.  The  lines  in  the  spectrum  of  Jupiter  indicate  a  powerful 
absorption  by  the  atmosphere  of  this  planet.     The  atmosphere  of 
Jupiter  contains  some  of  the  gases  or  vapours  present  in  the  earth's 
atmosphere.      Feeble  lines,   some  of  them  identical  with  those  of 
Jupiter,  occur  in  the  spectrum  of  Saturn. 

320.  The   lines  characterizing  the  atmospheres  of  Jupiter  and 
Saturn  are  not  present  in  the  spectrum  of  Mars.     The  blue  portion 
of  the  spectrum  is  mainly  the  seat  of  absorption  ;  and  this,  by  giving 
predominance  to  the  red  rays,  may  be  the  cause  of  the  red  colour  of 

321.  All  the  stronger  lines  of  the  solar  spectrum  are  found  in  the 
spectrum  of  Venus,  but  no  additional  lines. 

Stellar  Chemistry. 

322.  The  atmosphere  of  the  star  Aldebaran  contains  hydrogen 
sodium,  magnesium,  calcium,  iron,  bismuth,  tellurium,  antimony, 
mercury.     The  atmosphere   of  the  star  Alpha  in   Orion   contains 
sodium,  magnesium,  calcium,  iron,  and  bismuth. 

323.  No  star  sufficiently  bright  to  give  a  spectrum  has  been 
observed  to  be  without  lines.     Star  differs  from  star  only  in  the 
grouping  and  arrangement  of  the  numerous  fine  lines  by  which  their 
spectra  are  crossed. 

324.  The  dark  absorption  lines  are  strongest  in  the  spectra  of 
yellow  and  red  stars.     In  white   stars    the    lines,  though  equally 
numerous,  are  very  poor  and  faint. 

325.  A  comparison  of  the  spectra  of  stars  of  different  colours 
suggests  that  the  colours  of  the  stars  may  be  due  to  the  action  of 
their  atmospheres.     Those  constituents  of  the  white  light  of  the  star 
on  which  the  lines  of  absorption  fall  thickest  are  subdued,  the  star 
being  tinted  by  the  residual  colour. 

Father  Secchi,  of  Rome,  has  studied  the  light  of  many  hundreds 
of  stars,  and  has  divided  them  into  four  classes. 

*  Professor  Stokes  foresaw  the  possible  application  of  spectrum  analysis  to 
solar  chemistry. 

46  Notes  on  Light. 

Nebular  Chemistry. 

326.  Some  nebulae  give  spectra  of  bright 'bands,  others  give  con- 
tinuous spectra.     The  light  from  the  former  emanates  from  intensely 
heated  matter  existing  in  a  state  of  gas.     This  may  in  part  account 
for  the  weakness  of  the  light  of  these  nebulas. 

327.  It  is  probable  that  two  of  the  constituents  of  the  gaseous 
nebula?  are  hydrogen  and  nitrogen. 

The  Red  Prominences  and  Envelope  of  the  Sun. 

328.  Astronomers  had  observed  during  total  eclipses  of  the  sun 
vast  red  prominences  extending  from  the  solar  limb  many  thousand 
miles  into   space.      The  intense  illumination  of  the    circum-solar 
region  of  our  atmosphere  masks,  under  ordinary  circumstances,  the 
red  prominences.     They  are  quenched,  as  it  were,  by  excess  of  light. 

329.  But  when,  by  the  intervention  of  the  dark  body  of  the  moon, 
this  light  is  cut  off,  the  prominences  are  distinctly  seen. 

330.  It  was  proved  by  Mr.  De  la  Rue  and  others  that  the  red 
matter  of  the  prominences  was  wrapped  round  a  large  portion  of  the 
sun's  surface.     According  to  the  observations  of  Mr.  Lockyer,  the 
red  matter  forms  a  complete  envelope  round  the  sun. 

331.  Examined  by  the  spectroscope  the  matter  of  the  prominences 
shows  itself  to  be,  for  the  most  part,  incandescent  hydrogen.     With 
it  are  mixed  the  vapours  of  sodium  and  magnesium. 

332.  Mr.  Janssen  in  India,  and  Mr.  Lockyer  subsequently,  but 
independently,   in  England  proved  that  the   bright  bunds  of  the 
prominences  might  be  seen  without  the  aid  of  a  total  eclipse.     The 
explanation  of  this  discovery  is  glanced  at  in  Note  284,  where  the 
intensity  of  the  bright  bands  of  incandescent  gases  was  referred  to 
the  practical  absence  of  dispersion. 

333.  By  sending  the  light,  which  under  ordinary  circumstances 
masks  the  hydrogen  bands,  through  a  sufficient  number  of  prisms  it 
may  be  dispersed,  and  thereby  enfeebled  in  any  required   degree. 
When  sufficiently  enfeebled  the  undispersed  light  of  the  incandescent 
hydrogen  dominates  over  that  of  the  continuous  spectrum.    By  going 
completely  round  the  periphery  of  the  sun  Mr.  Lockyer  found  this 
hydrogen  atmosphere  everywhere  present,  its  depth,  generally  about 
5,000  miles,  being  indicated  by  the  length  of  its  characteristic  bright 
lines.     Where  the  hydrogen  ocean  is  shallow  the  bright  bands  are 
short,  where  the  prominences  rise  like  vast  waves  above  the  level  of 
the  ocean  the  bright  lines  are  long.     The  prominences  sometimes 
reach  a  height  of  70,000  miles. 

The  Rainbow. 

334.  A  beam  of  solar  light,  falling  obliquely  on  the  surface  of  a 
rain- drop,  is  refracted  on  entering  the  drop;   it  is  in  part  reflected 

The  Rainbow.  47 

at  the  back  of  the  drop,  and  on  emerging  from  the  drop  it  is  again 

335.  By  these  two  refractions  on  entrance  and  on  emergence  the 
beam  of  light  is  decomposed,  and  it  quits  the  drop  resolved  into  its 
coloured  constituents.     It  is  received  by  the  eye  of  an  observer  who 
laces  the  dr6p  and  turns  his  back  to  the  sun. 

336.  In  general  the  solar  rays,  when  they   quit  the  drop,  are 
divergent,  and  therefore  produce  but  a  feeble  effect  upon  the  eye. 
But  at  one  particular  angle  the  rays,  after  having  been  twice  refracted 
and  once  reflected,  issue  from  the  drop  almost  perfectly  parallel. 
They  thus  preserve  their  intensity  like  rays  reflected  from  a  parabolic 
mirror,  and  produce  a  corresponding  effect  upon  the  eye.    The  angle 
at  which  this  parallelism  is  established  varies  with  the  refrangibility 
of  the  light. 

337.  Draw  a  line  from  the  sun  to  the  observer's  eye  and  prolong 
this  line  beyond  the  observer.     Conceive  another  line  drawn  from 
the  eye  enclosing  an  angle  of  42°  30'  with  the  line  drawn  to  the  sun. 
The  rain-drop  struck  by  this  second  line  will  send  to  the   eye  a 
parallel  beam  of  red  light.     Every  other  drop  similarly  situated,  that 
is  to  say,  every  drop  at  an  angular  distance  of  42°  30'  from  the  line 
drawn  to  the  sun  will  do  the  same.    We  thus  obtain  a  circular  band 
of  red  light,  forming  part  of  the  base  of  a  cone,  of  which  the  eye  of 
the  observer  is  the  apex.     Because  of  the  angular  magnitude  of  the 
sun  the  width  of  this  band  will  be  half  a  degree. 

338.  From  the  eye  of  the  observer  conceive  another  line  to  be 
drawn  enclosing  an  angle  of  40°  30'  with  the  line  drawn  to  the  sun. 
A  drop  struck  by  this  line  will  send  along  the  line  an  almost  per- 
fectly parallel  beam  of  violet  light  to  the  eye.    All  drops  at  the  same 
angular  distance  will  do  the  same,  and  we  shall  obtain  a  band  of 
violet  light  of  the  same  width  as  the  red.     These  two  bands  consti- 
tute the  limiting  colours  of  the  rainbow,   and  between  them  the 
bands  corresponding  to  the  other  colours  lie. 

339.  The  rainbow  is  in  fact  a  spectrum,  in  which  the  rain-drops 
play  the  part  of  prisms.     The  width  of  the  bow  from  red  to  violet  is 
about  two  degrees.     The  size  of  the  arc  visible  at  any  time  mani- 
festly depends  upon  the  position  of  the  sun.     The  bow  is  grandest 
when  it  is  formed  by  the  rising  or  the  setting  sun.     An  entire  semi- 
circle is  then  seen  by  an  observer  on  a  plain,  while  from  a  mountain- 
top  a  still  greater  arc  is  visible. 

340.  The  angular  distances  and  the  order  of  colours  here  given 
correspond  to  the  primary  bow,  but  in  addition  to  this  we  usually  see 
a  secondary  bow  of  weaker  hues,  and  in  which  the  order  of  the  colours 
is  that  of  the  primary  inverted.    In  the  primary  the  red  band  forms  the 
convex  surface  of  the  arch  ;  it  is  the  largest  band ;  in  the  secondary 
the  violet  band  is  outside,  the  red  forming  the  concavity  of  the  bow. 

341.  The  secondary  bow  is  produced  by  rays  which  have  under- 
gone two  reflexions  within  the  drop,  as  well  as  two  refractions  at  its 

48  Notes  on  Light. 

surface.  It  is  this  double  internal  reflexion  that  weakens  the  colour. 
In  the  primary  bow  the  incident  rays  strike  the  upper  hemisphere  of 
the  drop,  and  emerge  from  the  lower  one  ;  in  the  secondary  bow  the 
incident  rays  strike  the  lower  hemisphere  of  the  drop,  emerge  from 
the  upper  one,  and  then  cross  the  incident  rays  to  reach  the  eye  of 
the  observer.  The  secondary  bow  is  3J  degrees  wideband  it  is  7-|- 
degrees  higher  than  the  primary.  From  the  space  between  the  two 
bows  part  of  the  light  reflected  from  the  anterior  surfaces  of  the  rain- 
drops reaches  the  eye ;  but  no  light  whatever  that  enters  the  rain- 
drops in  this  space  is  reflected  to  the  eye.  Hence  this  region  of  the 
falling  shower  is  darkest. 

Interference  of  Light. 

342.  In  wave  motion  we  must  clearly  distinguish  the  motion  of 
the  wave  from  the  motion  of  the  individual  particles  which  at  any 
moment  constitute  the  wave.     For  while  the  wave  moves  forward 
through  great  distances,  the  individual  particles  of  water  concerned 
in  its  propagation  perform  a  comparatively  short  excursion  to  and 
fro.    .A  sea-fowl,  for  example,  as  the  waves  pass  it,  is  not  carried 
forward,  but  moves  up  and  down.* 

343.  Here,  as  in  other  cases,  the  distance  through  which  the  indi- 
vidual water  particles  oscillate,  or  through  which  the  fowl  moves 
vertically  up  and  down,  is  called  the  amplitude  of  the  oscillation. 

344.  When  light  from  two  different  sources  passes  through  the 
same  ether,  the  waves  from  the  one  source  must  be  more  or  less 
affected  by  the  waves  from  the  other.     This  action  is  most  easily 
illustrated  by  reference  to  water-waves. 

345.  Let  two  stones  be  cast  at  the  same  moment  into  still  water. 
Eound  each  of  them  will  spread  a  series  of  circular  waves.     Let  us 
fix  our  attention  on  a  point  A  in  the  water,  equally  distant  from 
the  two  centres  of  disturbance.     The  two  first  crests  of  both  systems 
of  waves  reach  this  point  at  the  same  moment,  and  it  is  lifted  by 
their  joint  action  to  twice  the  height  that  it  would  attain  through  the 
action  of  either  wave  taken  singly. 

346.  The  first  depression,  or  sinus  as  it  is  called,  of  the  one  system 
of  waves  also  reaches  the  point  A  at  the  same  moment  as  the  first 
sinus  of  the  other,  and  through  their  joint  action  the  point  is  de- 
pressed to  twice  the  depth  that  it  would  attain  by  the  action  of  either 
sinus  taken  singly. 

347.  What  is  true  of  the  first  crest  and  the  first  depression  is  also 
true  of  all  the  succeeding  ones.     At  the  point  A  the  successive  crests 
will  coincide,  and  the  successive  depressions  will  coincide,  the  agita- 
tion of  the  point  being  twice  what  it  would  be  if  acted  upon  by  one 
only  of  the  systems  of  waves. 

*  Strictly  speaking  the  water  particles  describe  closed  curves,  and  not  straight 
vertical  lines. 

Interference  of  Light.  49 

348.  The  length  of  a  wave  is  the  distance  from  any  crest,  or  any 
sinus,  to  the  crest  or  sinus  next  preceding  or  succeeding.     In  the 
case  of  the  two  stones  dropped  at  the  same  moment  into  still  water,  it 
is  manifest  that  the  coincidence  of  crest  with  crest  and  of  sinus  with 
sinus  would  also  take  place  if  the  distance  from  the  one  stone  to  the 
point  A  exceeded  the  distance  of  the  other  stone  from  the  same  point 
by  a  whole  wave-length.     The  only  difference  would  be,  that  the 
second  wave  of  the  nearest  stone  would  then  coincide  with  the  first 
wave  of  the  most  distant  one.     The  one  system  of  waves  would  here 
be  retarded  a  whole  wave-length  behind  the  other  system. 

349.  A  little  reflection  will  also  mnke  it  clear  that  coincidence 
of  crest  with  crest  and  of  sinus  with  sinus  will  also  occur  at  the 
point  A  when  the  retardation  of  the  one  system  behind  the  other 
amounts  to  any  number  of  whole  ivave-lengths. 

350.  But  if  we  suppose  the  point  A  to  be  half  a  wave-length  more 
distant  from  the  one  stone  than  from  the  other,  then  as  the  waves 
pass  the  point  A  the  crests  of  one  of  the  systems  will  always  coincide 
with  the  sinuses  of  the  other.     When  a  wave  of  the  one  system  tends 
to  elevate  the  point  A,  a  wave  from  the  other  system  will,  at  the  same 
moment,  tend  to  depress  it.     As  a  consequence  the  point  will  neither 
rise  nor  sink,  as  it  would  do  if  acted  upon  by  either  system  of  waves 
taken  singly.     The  same  neutralization  of  motion  occurs  where  the 
difference  of  path  between  the  two  stones  and  the  point  A  amounts  to 
any  odd  number  of  half  wave-lengths. 

351.  Here,  then,  by  adding  motion  to  motion,  we  abolish  motion 
and  produce  rest.     In  precisely  the  same  way  we  can,  by  adding 
sound  to  sound,  produce  silence,  one  system  of  sound-waves  being 
caused  to  neutralize  another.     So  also  by  adding  heat  to  heat  we  can 
produce  cold,  while  by  adding  light  to  light  we  can  produce  darkness. 
It  is  this  perfect  identity  of  the  deportment  of  light  and  radiant  heat 
with  the  phenomena  of  wave-motion  that  constitutes  the  strength  of 
the  Theory  of  Undulation. 

352.  This  action  of  one  system  of  waves  upon  another,  whereby 
the  oscillatory  motion  is  either  augmented  or  diminished,  is  called 
Interference.     In  relation  to  optical  phenomena  it  is  called  the  Inter- 
ference of  Light.      We  shall  henceforth  have  frequent  occasion  to 
apply  this  principle. 

Diffraction,  or  the  Inflexion  of  Light. 

353.  Newton,  who  was  familiar  with  the  idea  of  an  ether,  and 
indeed  introduced  it  in  some  of  his  speculations,  objected  that  if 
light  were  propagated  by  waves,  shadows  could  not  exist ;  for  that 
the  waves  would  bend  round  opaque  bodies,  and  abolish  the  shadows 
behind  them.     According  to  the  wave  theory  this  bending  round  of 
the  waves  actually  occurs,  but  the  different  portions  of  the  inflected 
waves  destroy  each  other  by  their  interference. 


50  Notes  on  Light. 

354.  This  bending  of  the  waves  of  light  round  the  edges  of 
opaque  bodies,  receives  the  name  of  Diffraction  or  Inflexion  (Ger- 
man, Beugung).     We  have  now  to  consider  some  of  the  effects  of 

355.  And  for  this  purpose  it  is  necessary  that  our  source  of  light 
should  be  a  physical  point  or  a  fine  line :  for  when  an  extensive 
luminous  surface  is  employed,  the  effects  of  its  different  points  in 
diffraction  phenomena  neutralize  each  other. 

356.  A  point  of  light  may  be  obtained  by  converging,  by  a  lens 
of  short  focus,  the  parallel  rays  of  the  sun,  admitted  through  a  small 
aperture  into  a  dark  room.     The  small  image  of  the  sun  formed  at 
the  focus  is  here  our  luminous  point.     The  image  of  the  sun  formed 
on  the  surface  of  a  silvered  bead,  or  indeed  upon  the  convex  surface 
of  a  glass  lens,  or  of  a  watch-glass  blackened  within,  also  answers  the 

357.  A  line  of  light  is  obtained  by  admitting  the  sunlight  through 
a  slit,  and  sending  the  slice  of  light  through  a  cylindrical  lens.    The 
rectangular  beam  is  contracted  to  a  physical  line  at  the  focus  of  the 
lens.    A  glass  tube  blackened  within  and  placed  in  the  light,  reflects 
from  its  surface  a  luminous  line  which  also  answers  the  purpose.    For 
many  experiments,  indeed,  the  circular  aperture,  or  the  slit  itself, 
suffices  without  any  condensation  by  a  lens. 

358.  In  the  experiment  now  to  be  described,  a  slit  of  variable 
width  is  placed  in  front  of  the  electric  lamp,  and  this  slit  is  looked  at 
from  a  distance  through  another  slit,  also  of  variable  aperture.    The 
light  of  the  lamp  is  rendered  monochromatic  by  placing  a  pure  red 
glass  in  front  of  the  slit. 

359.  With  the  eye  placed  in  the  straight  line  drawn  through  both 
slits  from  the  incandescent  carbon  points  of  the  electric  lamp  an  extra- 
ordinary appearance  is  observed.    Firstly,  the  slit  in  front  of  the  lamp 
is  seen  as  a  vivid  rectangle  of  light ;   but  right  and  left  of  it  is  a 
long  series  of  rectangles,  decreasing  in  vividness,  and  separated  from 
each  other  by  intervals  of  absolute  darkness. 

360.  The  breadth  of  the  bands  varies  with  the  width  of  the  slit 
placed  in  front  of  the  eye.    If  the  slit  be  widened  the  images  become 
narrower,  and  crowd  more  closely  together;  if  the  slit  be  narrowed, 
the  images  widen  and  retreat  from  each  other. 

361.  It  may  be  proved  that  the  width  of  the  bands  is  inversely 
proportional  to  the  width  of  the  slit  held  in  front  of  the  eye. 

362.  Leaving  everything  else  unchanged,  let  a  blue  glass  or  a 
solution  of  ammonia  sulphate  of  copper,  which  gives  a  very  pure  blue, 
be  placed  in  the  path  of  the  light.     A  series  of  blue  bands  is  thus 
obtained,  exactly  like  the  former  in  all  respects  save  one  ;  the  blue 
rectangles  are  narrower,  and  they  are  closer  together  than  the  red 

363.  If  we  employ  colours  of  intermediate  refrangibilities  between 
red  and  blue,  which  we  may  do  by  causing  the  different  colours  of  a 

Diffraction,  or  the  Inflexion  of  Light.  51 

spectrum  to  shine  through  the  slit,  we  should  obtain  bands  of  colour 
intermediate  in  width  and  occupying  intermediate  positions  between 
those  of  the  red  and  blue.  Hence  when  white  light  passes  through  the 
slit  the  various  colours  are  not  superposed,  and  instead  of  a  series  of 
monochromatic  bands,  separated  from  each  other  by  intervals  of  dark- 
ness, we  have  a  series  of  coloured  spectra  placed  side  by  side,  the 
most  refrangible  colour  of  each  spectrum  being  nearest  to  the  slit. 

364.  When  the  slit  in  front  of  the  camera  is  illuminated  by  a 
candle  flame,  instead  of  the  more  intense  electric  light,  substantially 
the  same  effects,  though  less  brilliant,  are  observed. 

365.  What  is  the  meaning  of  this  experiment,  and  how  are  the 
lateral  images  of  the  slit  produced?    Of  these  and  certain  accompany- 
ing results  the  emission  theory  is  incompetent  to  offer  any  explanation. 
Let  us  see  how  they  are  accounted  for  by  the  theory  of  undulation. 

366.  For  the  sake  of  simplicity,  we  will  consider  the  case  of 
monochromatic  light.     Conceive  a  wave  of  ether  advancing  from  the 
first  slit  towards  the  second,  and  finally  filling  the  second  slit    When 
the  wave  passes  through  the  latter  it  not  only  pursues  its  direct 
course  to  the  retina,  but  diverges  right  and  left,  tending  to  throw 
into  motion  the  entire  mass  of  the  ether  behind  the  slit.    In  fact,  every 
point  of  the  wave  which  Jills  the  slit  is  itself  a  centre  of  new  wave- 
systems  ,  which  are  transmitted  in  all  directions  through  the  ether  behind 
the  slit.  We  have  now  to  examine  how  these  secondary  waves  act  upon 
each  other. 

367.  First,  let  us  regard  the  central  rectangle  of  the  series.     It  is 
manifest  that  the  different  parts  of  every  transverse  section  of  the 
wave,  which  in  this  case  fills  our  slit,  reach  the  retina  at  the  same 
moment.     They  are  in  complete  accordance,  for  no  one  portion  is 
retarded  in  reference  to  any  other  portion.     The  rays  thus  coming 
direct  from  the  source  through  the  slit  to  the  retina  produce  the 
central  band  of  the  series. 

368.  But  now  let  us  consider  those  waves  which  diverge  obliquely 
from  the  slit.     In  this  case,  the  waves  from  the  two  edges  of  the  slit 
have,  in  order  to  reach  the  retina,  to  pass  over  unequal  distances.  Let 
us  suppose  the  difference  in  path  of  the  two  marginal  rays  to  be  a 
whole  wave-length  of  the  red  light ;  how  must  this  difference  affect 
the  final  illumination  of  the  retina  ? 

369.  Fix  your  attention  upon  the  particular  ray  or  line  of  light  that 
passes  exactly  through  the  centre  of  the  slit  to  the  retina.  The  difference 
of  path  between  this  central  ray  and  the  two  marginal  rays  is,  in  the 
case  here  supposed,  half  a  wave-length.     The  least  reflection  will 
make  it  clear  that  every  ray  on  the  one  side  of  the  central  line  finds  a 
ray  upon  the  other  side,  from  which  its  path  differs  by  half  an  un- 
dulation, with  which,  therefore,  it  is  in  complete  discordance.     The 
consequence  is  that  the  light  on  the  ©ne  side  of  the  central  line  will 
completely  abolish  the  light  on  the  other  side  of  that  line,  absolute 
darkness  being  the  result  of  their  mutual  extinction.     The  first  dark 

E  2 

52  Notes  on  Light. 

interval  of  our  series  of  bands  is  thus  accounted  for.  It  is  produced 
by  an  obliquity  which  causes  the  paths  of  the  marginal  rays  to  be 
a  whole  wave-length  different  from  each  other. 

370.  When  the  difference  between  the  paths  of  the  marginal  rays 
is  half  a  wave-length,  a  partial  destruction  of  the  light  is  effected. 
The  luminous  intensity  corresponding  to  this  obliquity  is  a  little  less 
than  one-half — accurately  0'4 — of  that  of  the  undiffracted  light. 

371.  If  the  paths  of  the  marginal  rays  be  three  semi-undulations 
different  from  each  other,  and  if  the  whole  beam  be  divided  into 
three  equal  parts,  two  of  these  parts  will  completely  neutralize  each 
other,  the  third  only  being  effective.     Corresponding,  therefore,  to 
an  obliquity  which  produces  a  difference  of  three  semi-undulations 
in  the  marginal  rays,  we  have  a  luminous  band,  but  one  of  consider- 
ably less  intensity  than  the  undiffracted  central  band. 

372.  With  a  marginal  difference  of  path  of  four  semi-undulations 
we  have  a  second  extinction  of  the  entire  beam,  a  space  of  absolute 
darkness  corresponding   to  this  obliquity.     In  this  way  we  might 
proceed  further,  the  general  result  being  that,  whenever  the  obliquity 
is  such  as  to  produce  a  marginal  difference  of  path  of  an  even  number 
of  semi-undulations,  we  have  complete  extinction ;  while,  when  the 
marginal  difference  is  an  odd  number  of  semi-undulations,  we  have 
only  partial  extinction,  a  portion  of  the  beam  remaining  as  a  luminous 

373.  A  moment's  reflection  will  make  it  plain  that  the  shorter  the 
wave,  the  less  will  be  the  obliquity  required  to  produce  the  necessary 
retardation.     The  maxima  and  minima  of  blue  light  must  therefore 
fall  nearer  to  the  centre  than  the  maxima  and  minima  of  red  light. 
The  maxima  and  minima  of  the  other  colours  fall  between  these 
extremes.     In  this  simple  way  the    undulatory  theory  completely 
accounts  for  the  extraordinary  appearance  referred  to  in  Note  359. 
When  a  slit  and  telescope  are  used,  instead  of  the  slit  and  naked 
eye,  the  effects  are  magnified  and  rendered  more  brilliant. 

Measurement  of  the  Waves  of  Light. 

374.  We  are  now  in  a  condition  to  solve  the  important  problem 
of  measuring  the  length  of  a  wave  of  light. 

375.  The  first  of  our  dark  bands  corresponds,  as  already  explained, 
to  a  difference  of  marginal  path  of  one  undulation  ;   our  second  dark 
band  to  a  difference  of  path  of  two  undulations ;   our  third  dark 
band  to  a  difference  of  three  undulations,  and  so  forth.     With  a  slit 
I- 35*  millimeter  wide   Schwerd  found  the  angular  distance  of  the 
first  dark  band  from  the  centre  of  the  field  to  be   1'  38".     The 
angular  distances  of  the  other  dark  bands  are  twice,  three  times, 
four  times,  &c.,  this  quantity,  that  is  to  say  they  are  in  arithmetical 

*  The  millimeter  is  about  rth  of  an  inch. 

Measurement  of  the  Waves  of  Light.  53 

376.  Draw  a  diagram  of  the  slit  E  c  with  the  beam  passing  through 
it  at  the  obliquity  corresponding  to  the  first  dark  band.     Let  fall  a 
perpendicular  from  one  edge,  E,  of  the  slit  on  the  marginal  ray  of 
the  other  edge  at  d.     The  distance,  c  d,  between  the  foot  of  this 
perpendicular  and  the  other  edge  is  the  length  of  the  wave  of  light. 
From  the  centre  E,  with  the  width  E  c  as  radius,  suppose  a  semicircle 
to  be  described  ;   its  radius  being  1*35,  the  length  of  this  semicircle 
is  readily  found  to  be  4*248  millimeters.     Now,  the  length  of  this 
semicircle  is  to  the  length  c  d  of  the  wave  as  180°  to  X'38",  or  as 
048,000"  to  98".     Thus  we  have  the  proportion — 

648,000  I  98  1 1  4*248  to  the  wave-length  c  d* 

Making  the  calculation  we  find  the  wave-length  for  this  particular 
kind  of  light  (red),  to  be  0'000643  of  a  millimeter,  or  0-000026  of 
an  inch. 

377.  Instead  of  receiving  them    directly  upon    the  retina,  the 
coloured  fringes  may  be  received  upon  a  screen.     In  this  case  it  is 
desirable  to  employ  a  lens  of  considerable  convergent  power  to  bring 
the  beam  from  the  first  slit  to  a  focus,  and  to  place  the  second  slit 
or  other  diffracting  edge  or  edges  between  the  focus  and  the  screen. 
The  light  in  this  case  virtually  emanates  from  the  focus. 

378.  If  the  edge  of  a  knife  be  placed  in  the  beam  parallel  to  the 
slit,  the  shadow  of  the  edge  upon  the  screen  will  be  bounded  by  a 
series  of  parallel  coloured  fringes.     If  the  light  be  monochromatic 
the  bands  will  be  simply  bright  and  dark.     The  back  of  the  knife 
produces  the  same  effect  as  its  edge.     A  wooden  or  an  ivory  paper- 
knife  produces  precisely  the  same  effect  as  a  steel  knife.     The  fringes 
are  absolutely  independent  of  the  character  of  the  substance   round 
the  edge  of  which  the  light  is  diffracted. 

379.  A  thick  wire  placed  in  the  beam  has  coloured  fringes  on 
each  side  of  its  shadow,     if  the  wire  be  fine,  or  if  a  human  hair  be 
employed,  the  geometric  shadow  itself  will  be  found  occupied  by 
parallel  stripes.      The  former   are  called  the  exterior  fringes,  the 
latter  the  interior  fringes.     In  the  hands  of  Young  and  Fresnel 
all  these  phenomena  received  their  explanation  as  effects  of  inter- 

380.  A  slit  consists  of  two  edges  facing  each  other.     When  a  slit 
is  placed  in  the  beam  between  the  focus  and  the   screen,  the  space 
between  the  edges  is  occupied  by  stripes  of  colour. 

381.  Looking  at  a  distant  point  of  light  through  a  small  circular 
aperture  the  point  is  seen  encircled  by  a  series  of  coloured  bands. 
If  monochromatic  light  be  used  these  bands  are  simply  bright  and 
dark,  but  with  white  light  the  circles  display  iris-colours. 

382.  These  results  are  capable  of  endless  variation  by  varying 
the  size,  shape,  and  number  of  the  apertures  through  which  the 

*  C  d  is  so  minute  that  it  practically  coincides  with  the  circle  drawn  round  E. 

54  Notes  on  Light. 

point  of  light  is  observed.  The  street  lamps  at  night,  looked  at 
through  the  meshes  of  a  handkerchief,  show  diffraction  phenomena. 
The  diffraction  effects  obtained  by  Schwerd  in  looking  through  a 
bird's  feathers  are  very  gorgeous.  The  iridescence  of  Alpine  clouds 
is  also  an  effect  of  diffraction.* 

383.  Following  out  the  indications  of  theory  Poisson  was  led  to 
the  paradoxical  result  that  in  the  case  of  an  opaque  circular  disk  the 
illumination  of  the  centre  of  the  shadow,  caused  by  diffraction  at  the 
edge  of  the  disk,  is  precisely  the  same  as  if  the  disk  were  altogether 
absent.    This  startling  consequence  of  theory  was  afterwards  verified 
experimentally  by  Arago. 

Colours  of  Thin  Plates. 

384.  When  a  beam  of  monochromatic  light — say  of  pure  red, 
which  is  most  easily   obtained  by  absorption — falls  upon  a  thin, 
transparent  film,  a  portion  of  the  light  is  reflected  at  the  first  surface 
of  the  film ;  a  portion  enters  the  film,  and  is  in  part  reflected  at  the 
second  surface. 

385.  This  second  portion  having  crossed  the  film  to  and  fro  is 
retarded  with  reference  to  the  light  first  reflected.    The  case  resembles 
that  of  our  two  stones  dropped  into  still  water  at  unequal  distances 
from  the  point  A  (Note  345). 

386.  If  the  thickness  of  the  film  be  such  as  to  retard  the  beam 
reflected  from  the  second  surface  a  whole  wave-length,  or  any  number 
of  whole  wave-lengths— or,  in  other  words,  any  even  number  of  half 
wave-lengths — the  two  reflected  beams,  travelling  through  the  same 
ether,  will  be  in  complete  accordance ;  they  will  therefore  support 
each  other,  and  make  the  film  appear  brighter  than  either  of  them 
would  do  taken  singly. 

387.  But  if  the  thickness  of  the  film  be  such  as  to  retard  the 
beam  reflected  from  the  second  surface  half  a  wave-length,  or  any 
odd  number  of  half  wave-lengths,  the  two  reflected  beams  will  be 
in  complete  discordance ;  and  a  destruction  of  light  will  follow.     By 
the  addition  of  light  which  has  undergone  more  than  one  reflexion 
at  the  second  surface  to  the  light  which  has  undergone  only  one 

*  This  may  be  imitated  by  the  spores  of  Lycopodium.  The  diffraction  phe- 
nomena of  '  actinic  clouds '  are  exceedingly  splendid.  One  of  the  most  inte- 
resting cases  of  diffraction  by  small  particles  that  ever  came  before  me  was  that 
of  an  artist  whose  vision  was  disturbed  by  vividly-coloured  circles.  "When  he 
came  to  me  he  was  in  great  dread  of  losing  his  sight ;  assigning  as  a  cause  of 
his  increased  fear  that  the  circles  were  becoming  largpr  and  the  colours  more 
vivid.  I  ascribed  the  colours  to  minute  particles  in  the  humours  of  the  eye,  and 
encouraged  him  by  the  assurance  that  the  increase  of  size  and  vividness  indi- 
cated that  the  diffracting  particles  were  becoming  smaller,  and  that  they  might 
finally  be  altogether  absorbed.  The  prediction  was  verified.  It  is  needless  to 
say  one  word  on  the  necessity  of  optical  knowledge  in  the  case  of  the  practical 

Colours  of  Thin  Plates.  55 

reflexion,  the  beam  reflected  from  the  first  surface  may  be  totally 
destroyed.  Where  this  total  destruction  of  light  occurs  the  film 
appears  black. 

388.  If  the  film  be  of  variable  thickness,  its  various  parts  will 
appear  bright  or  dark  according  as  the  thickness  favours  the  accord- 
ance or  discordance  of  the  reflected  rays. 

389.  Because  of  the  different  lengths  of  the  waves  of  light,  the 
different  colours  of  the  spectrum  require  different  thicknesses  to  pro- 
duce accordance  and  discordance ;  the  longer  the  waves,  the  greater 
must  be  the  thickness  of  the  film.     Hence  those  thicknesses  which 
effect  the  extinction  of  one  colour  will  not  effect  the  extinction  of 
another.    When,  therefore,  a  film  of  variable  thickness  is  illuminated 
by  white  light,  it  displays  a  variety  of  colours. 

390.  These  colours  are  called  the  colours  of  thin  plates. 

391.  The  colours  of  the  soap-bubble ;  of  oil  or  tar  upon  water ;  of 
tempered  steel ;  the  brilliant  colours  of  lead  skimmings ;  Nobili's 
metallo- chrome ;   the  flashing  colours  of  certain  insects'  wings,  are  all 
colours  of  thin  plates.    The  colours  are  produced  by  transparent  films 
of  all  kinds.    In  the  bodies  of  crystals  we  often  see  iridescent  colours 
due  to  vacuous  films  produced  by  internal  fracture.     In  cutting  the 
dark  ice  under  the  moraines  of  glaciers  internal  fracture  often  occurs, 
and  the  colours  of  thin  plates  flash  forth  from  the  body  of  the  ice  with 
extraordinary  brilliancy. 

392.  Newton  placed  a  lens  of  small  curvature  in  optical  contact 
with  a  plane  surface  of  glass.     Between  the  lens  and  the  surface  he 
had  a  film  of  air,  which  gradually  augmented  in  thickness  from  the 
point  of  contact  outwards.    He  thus  obtained  in  monochromatic  light 
a  series  of  bright  and  dark  rings,  corresponding  to  the  different  thick- 
nesses of  the  film  of  air,  which  produced  alternate  accordance  and 

393.  The  rings  produced  by  violet  he  found  to  be  smaller  than 
those  produced  by  red,  while  the  rings  produced  by  the  other  colours 
fell  between  these  extremes.     Hence  when  white  light  is  employed, 
*  Newton's  Rings'  appear  as  a  succession  of  circular  bands  of  colour. 
A  far  greater  number  of  the  rings  is  visible  in  monochromatic  than 
in  white  light,  because  the  differently  coloured  rings,  after  a  certain 
thickness  of  film  has  been  attained,  become  superposed  and  re-blended 
to  form  white  light. 

394.  Newton,  considering  the  means  at  his  disposal,  measured  the 
diameters  of  his  rings  with  marvellous  accuracy  ;  he  also  determined 
from  its  focal  length  and  its  refractive  index  the  diameter  of  the 
sphere  of  which  his  lens  formed  a  part.    He  found  the  squares  of  the 
diameters  of  his  rings  to  be  in  arithmetical  progression,  and  conse- 
quently that  the  thicknesses  of  the  film  of  air  corresponding  to  the  - 
diameters  of  the  rings  were  also  in  arithmetical  progression. 

395.  He  determined  the  absolute  thicknesses  of  the  plates  of  air  at 
which  the  rings  were  formed.   Employing  the  most  luminous  rays  of 

56  Notes  on  Light. 

the  spectrum,  that  is  the  rays  at  the  common  boundary  of  the  yellow 
and  orange,  he  found  the  thickness  corresponding  to  the  first  bright 
ring  to  be  TT^OTTO^  °f  an  inch. 

396.  The  entire  series  of  bright  rings  were  formed  at  the  following 
successive  thicknesses  :  — 


and  the  series  of  dark  rings,  separating  the  bright  ones,  at  the  thick- 


397.  To  account  for  the  rings,  Newton  assumed  that  the  light 
particles  were  endowed  with  Jits  of  easy  transmission  and  of  easy 
reflexion.    He  probably  figured  those  particles  as  endowed  at  the  same 
time  with  a  motion  of  translation  through  space,  and  a  motion  of 
•rotation   round  their  own  axes.     If  we  suppose  such  particles  to 
resemble    little    magnets   which    present   alternately  attractive  and 
repulsive  poles  to  the  surface  which  they  approach,  we  have  a  concep- 
tion in  conformity  with  the  notion  of  Newton. 

398.  According  to  this  conception  ordinary  reflexion  and  refrac- 
tion would  depend  upon  the  presentation  of  the  repulsive  or  the 
attractive  poles  of  the  particles  to  the  reflecting  or  refracting  surface. 

399.  Figure  then  the  rotating  light  particles  entering  the  film  of 
air  between  Newton's  lens  and  plate.    If  the  distance  between  both  be 
such  as  to  enable  the  light  particle  to  perform  a  complete  rotation,  it 
will  present  at  the  second  surface  of  the  film  of  air  the  same  pole  that 
it  presented  at  the  first.     It  will  therefore  be  transmitted,  and  will 
not  return  to  the  eye. 

400.  This  effect  would  also  take  place  if  the  distance  between  the 
plate  and  lens  were  such  as  to  enable  the  light  particle  to  perform 
two,  three,  four,  &c.,  complete  rotations.     The  dark  rings  of  Newton 
were  thus  accounted  for.     They  occurred  at  places  where  the  light 
particles,  instead  of  being  sent  back  to  the  eye  from  the  second  surface 
of  the  film,  were  transmitted  through  that  surface. 

401.  But  if  the  thickness  of  the  film  be  such  as  to  allow  the  light 
particle  which  has  entered  the  first  surface  to  perform  only  half  a 
rotation  before  it  arrives  at  the  second  surface  ;  then  a  repulsive  pole 
will  be  presented  to  the  latter,  and  the  particle  will  be  driven  back 
to  the  eye.     The  same  will  occur  if  the  distance  be  such  as  to  enable 
the  light  particle  to  perform  three,  or  five,  or  seven,  &c.,  semi-rota- 
tions.    The  bright  rings  of  Newton  were  thus  accounted  for  ;  they 
occurred  at  places  where  the  light  particles  on  reaching  the  second 
surface  of  the  film  were  reflected  back  to  the  eye. 

402.  The  theory  of  emission  is  here  at  direct  issue  with  the  theory 
of  undulation.     Newton  assumes  that  the  action  which  produces  the 
alternate  bright  and  dark  rings  takes  place  at  a  single  surface  ;  i.  e. 
the  second  surface  of  the  film.     The  undulatory  theory  affirms  that 
the  rings  are  caused  by  the  interference  of  rays  reflected  from  both 

Colours  of  Thin  Plates.  57 

surfaces.  This  has  been  proved  to  be  the  case.  By  employing 
polarised  light  (to  be  subsequently  described  and  explained)  we  can 
destroy  the  reflexion  at  the  first  surface  of  the  film,  and  when  this  is 
done  the  rings  vanish  altogether. 

403.  The  beauty  and  subtlety  of  Newton's  conception  are,  how- 
ever, manifest ;  and  the  theory  was  apparently  supported  by  the  fact 
that  rings  of  feeble  intensity  are  actually  formed  by  transmitted  light, 
and  that  the  bright  rings  by  transmitted  light  correspond  to  thick- 
nesses which  produce  dark  rings  in  reflected  light. 

404.  The  transmitted  rings  are  referred  by  the  undulatory  theory 
to  the  interference  of  rays  which  have  passed  directly  through  the 
film,  with  others  which  have  undergone  two  reflexions  within  the  film. 
They  are  thus  completely  accounted  for. 

NOTE. — The  thickness  -pr¥Vo-o'  of  an  inch  referred  to  in  Note  396, 
as  that  corresponding  to  the  first  bright  ring,  is  one-fourth  of  the 
length  of  an  undulation  of  the  light  employed  by  Newton.  Hence, 
in  passing  to  and  fro  through  the  film,  the  rays  reflected  at  the 
second  surface  are  half  an  undulation  behind  those  reflected  at  the 
first  surface.  At  this  thickness,  therefore,  the  ring  ought,  according 
to  the  principles  of  interference,  to  be  dark  instead  of  bright.  The 
same  remarks  apply  to  the  thicknesses  yy-g^^,  TT^xrnirj  &c-  *>  ^e 
former  corresponds  to  a  retardation  of  three,  and  the  latter  to  a 
retardation  of  five  semi-undulations.  With  regard  to  the  dark  rings, 
the  first  of  them  occurs  at  a  thickness  the  double  of  which  is  the 
length  of  a  whole  undulation ;  the  second  of  them  occurs  at  a  thick- 
ness which,  when  doubled,  is  equal  to  two  wave-lengths  ;  the  third 
at  a  thickness  double  of  which  is  three  wave-lengths.  Hence,  if  we 
take  the  thickness  of  the  film  alone  into  account,  the  bright  rings  ought 
to  be  dark,  and  the  dark  rings  bright. 

But  something  besides  thickness  is  to  be  considered  here.  In  the 
case  of  the  first  surface  of  the  film  the  wave  passes  from  the  dense 
ether  of  the  glass  into  the  rare  ether  of  the  air.  In  the  case  of  the 
second  surface  of  the  film  the  wave  passes  from  the  rare  ether  of 
the  air  into  the  dense  ether  of  the  glass.  This  difference  at  the  two 
reflecting  surfaces  of  the  film  can  be  proved  to  be  equivalent  to  the 
addition  of  half  a  wave-length  to  the  thickness  of  the  film.  To  the 
absolute  thickness,  therefore,  as  measured  by  Newton,  half  a  wave- 
length is  in  each  case  to  be  added  ;  when  this  is  done  the  rings  follow 
each  other  in  exact  accordance  with  the  law  of  interference  enunciated 
in  Notes  348  to  350. 

Double  Refraction. 

405.  In  air,  water,  and  well-annealed  glass,  the  luminiferous  ether 
has  the  same  elasticity  in  all  directions.     There  is  nothing  in  the 
molecular  grouping  of  these  substances  to  interfere  with  the  perfect 
homogeneity  of  the  ether. 

406.  But  when  water  crystallizes  to  ice,  the  case  is  different ;  here 

58  Notes  on  Light. 

the  molecules  are  constrained  by  their  proper  forces  to  arrange  them- 
selves in  a  certain  determinate  manner.  They  are,  for  example, 
closer  together  in  some  directions  than  in  others.  This  arrangement 
of  the  molecules  carries  along  with  it  an  arrangement  of  the  sur- 
rounding ether,  which  causes  it  to  possess  different  degrees  of  elas- 
ticity in  different  directions. 

407.  In  a  plate  of  ice,  for  example,  the  elasticity  of  the  ether  in  a 
direction  perpendicular  to  the  surface  of  freezing  is  different  from  its 
elasticity  in  a  direction  parallel  to  the  same  surface. 

408.  This  difference  is  displayed  in  a  peculiarly  striking  manner 
by  Iceland  spar,  which  is  crystallized  carbonate  of  lime ;  and  in  con- 
sequence of  the  existence  of  these  two  different  elasticities,  a  wave  of 
light  passing  through  the  spar  is  divided  into  two ;  the  one  rapid, 
corresponding  to  the  greater  elasticity,  and  the  other  slow,  corre- 
sponding to  the  lesser  elasticity. 

409.  Where  the  velocity  is  greatest,  the  refraction  is  least ;  and 
where  the  velocity  is  least  the  refraction  is  greatest.     Hence  in  Ice- 
land spar,  as  we  have  two  waves  moving  with  different  velocities,  we 
have  double  refraction. 

410.  This  is  also  true  of  the  greater  number  of  crystalline  bodies. 
If  the  grouping  of  the  molecules  be  not  in  all  directions  alike,  the 
ether  will  not  be  in  all  directions  equally  elastic,  and  double  re- 
fraction will  infallibly  result. 

411.  In  rock  salt,  alum,  and  other  crystals  this   homogeneous 
grouping  of  the  molecules  actually  occurs,  and  such  crystals  behave 
like  glass,  water,  or  air. 

412.  In    certain   doubly   refracting   crystals   the    molecules   are 
arranged  in  the  same  manner  on  all  sides  of  a  certain  direction.    For 
example,  in  the  case  of  ice  the  molecular  arrangement  is  the  same 
all  round  the  perpendiculars  to  the  surface  of  freezing. 

413.  In  like  manner,  in  Iceland  spar  the  molecules  are  arranged 
symmetrically  round  the  crystallographic  axis,  that  is,  round  the 
shortest   diagonal   of  the   rhomb   into  which  the   crystal  may  be 

414.  When  a  beam  of  light  passes  through  ice  perpendicular  to 
the  surface  of  freezing,  or  through  Iceland  spar  parallel  to  the  crys- 
tallographic axis,  there  is  no  double  refraction.    These  cases  are  repre- 
sentative ;  that  is  to  say,  there  is  no  double  refraction  in  the  direction 
round  which  the  molecular  arrangement  is  in  all  directions  the  same. 

*  The  arrangement  of  the  molecules  is  such,  that  Iceland  spar  maybe  cloven 
with  great  and  equal  facility  in  three  different  directions.  The  planes  of  cleavage 
are  here  oblique  to  each  other.  Eock  salt  also  cleaves  readily  and  equally  in 
three  directions,  the  planes  of  cleavage  being  at  right  angles  to  each  other. 
Hence,  while  rock  salt  cleaves  into  cubes,  Iceland  spar  cleaves  into  rhombs. 
Many  crystals  cleave  with  different  facilities  in  different  directions.  Selenite 
and  crystallized  sugar  (sugar-candy)  are  examples. 

Double  Refraction.  59 

415.  This  direction  of  no  double  refraction  is  called  the  optic  axis 
of  the  crystal. 

NOTE. — The  vibrations  of  the  ether  being  transverse  to  the  di- 
rection of  the  ray,  the  elasticity  which  determines  the  rapidity  of 
transmission  is  that  at  right  angles  to  the  ray's  direction.  In  Iceland 
spar  the  velocity  is  slowest  in  the  direction  of  the  axis ;  hence  the 
elasticity  at  right  angles  to  the  axis  is  a  minimum.  The  ray,  on  the 
other  hand,  whose  vibrations  are  executed  along  the  axis  is  the  most 
rapid;  hence  the  elasticity  of  the  ether  along  the  axis  is  a  maximum. 
In  perfectly  homogeneous  bodies  the  surface  of  elasticity  would  be 
spherical ;  it  would  be  measured  by  the  same  length  of  radius  in  all 
directions.  In  the  case  of  Iceland  spar  the  surface  of  elasticity  is  an 
ellipsoid  whose  longer  axis  coincides  with  the  axis  of  the  crystal. 

Phenomena  presented  by  Iceland  Spar. 

416.  The  two  beams  into  which  the  incident  beam  is  divided  by 
the  spar  do  not  behave  alike.     One  of  them  obeys  the  ordinary  law  of 
refraction ;  its  index  of  refraction  is  perfectly  constant  and  indepen- 
dent of  its  direction  through  the  crystal.     The  angles  of  incidence 
and  refraction  are  in  the  same  plane,  as  in  the  case  of  ordinary  re- 
fraction.    The  ray  which  behaves  thus  is  called  the  ordinary  ray. 
In  its  case  the  sine  of  the  angle  of  incidence  is  to  the  sine  of  the 
angle  of  refraction,  or  the  velocity  of  light  in  air  is  to  its  velocity  in 
the  crystal,  in  the  constant  ratio  of  1  "654  to  1.    The  number  1'654 
is  the  ordinary  index  of  Iceland  spar. 

417.  But  the  other  beam  acts  differently.     Its  index  of  refraction 
is  not  constant,  nor  is  the  angle  of  refraction  as  a  general  rule  in  the 
same  plane  as  the  angle  of  incidence.     The  ray  which  behaves  thus 
is  called  the  extraordinary  ray.     If  a  prism  be  formed  of  the  spar 
with  its  refracting  angle  parallel  to  the  optic  axis,  when  the  incident 
beam  traverses  the  prism  at  right  angles  to  the  optic  axis,  the  separa- 
tion of  its  two  parts  is  a  maximum.     Here  the  full  difference  of 
elasticity  between  the  axial  direction  and  that  perpendicular  to  it 
comes  into  play,  and  the  extraordinary  ray  suffers  its  minimum  re- 
tardation, and  therefore  its  minimum  refraction.    Its  refractive  index 
is  then  1-483. 

418.  The  index  of  refraction  of  the  extraordinary  ray  varies  with 
its  direction  through  the  crystal  from  1'483  to  T654.     The  mini- 
mum value  of  the  ratio  of  the  two  sines,  or  of  the  two  velocities,  viz. 
1-483,  is  called  the  extraordinary  index. 

419.  When  a  small  aperture  through  which  light  passes  is  re- 
garded through  a  rhomb  of  Iceland  spar  two  apertures  are  seen.     If 
the  rhomb  be  placed  over  a  black  dot  on  a  sheet  of  white  paper,  two 
dots  will  be  seen  ;  and  if  the  spar  be  turned,  one  of  the  images  of 
the  aperture  or  of  the  dot  will  rotate  round  the  other. 

420.  The  rotating  image  is  that  formed  by  the  extraordinary  ray. 

60  Notes  on  Light. 

421 .  One  of  the  two  images  of  the  dot  is  also  nearer  than  the  other. 
The  ordinary  ray  behaves  as  if  it  came  from  a  more  highly  refractive 
medium,  and  the  greater  the  refraction  the  nearer  must  the  image 
appear.     The  apparent  shallowness  of  water  is  referred  to  in  Notes 
131  and  132.    With  bisulphide  of  carbon  the  shallowness  would  be 
more  pronounced,  because  the  refraction  is  greater.     In  Iceland  spar 
the  ordinary  index  bears  nearly  the  same  relation  to  the  extraordi- 
nary as  the  index  of  bisulphide  of  carbon  to  that  of  water ;  hence  the 
ordinary  image  must  appear  nearer  than  the  extraordinary  one. 

422.  Brewster  showed  that  a  great  number  of  crystals  possessed 
two  optic  axes,  or  two  directions  on  which  a  beam  passes  through  the 
crystal  without  division.     Crystallized  sugar,  mica,  heavy  spar,  sul- 
phate of  lime  and  topaz  are  examples. 

423.  Thus  crystals  divide  themselves  into — 

I.  Single  refracting  crystals,  such  as  rock  salt,  alum,  and  fluor  spar; 

IT.  Double  refracting  crystals,  of  which  we  have  two  kinds,  viz. 

a.  Uniaxal  crystals,  or  those  with  a  single  optic  axis,  such  as 
Iceland  spar,  rock  crystal,  and  tourmaline ;  and 

b.  Biaxal  crystals,  or  those  which  possess  two  optic  axes,  such  as 
arragonite,  felspar,  and  those  mentioned  in  422. 

424.  When  on  a  plate  of  Iceland  spar  cut  perpendicular  to  the 
axis,  a  beam  of  light  falls  obliquely,  the  ordinary  ray  being  the  more 
refracted  is  nearer  to  the  axis  than  the  extraordinary.     The  extraor- 
dinary ray  is  as  it  were  repelled  by  the  axis.     But  Biot  showed  that 
there  are  many  crystals  in  which  the  reverse  occurs,  in  which,  that  is 
to  say,  the  extraordinary  ray  is  nearer  to  the  axis  than  the  ordinary, 
being  as  it  were  attracted.     The  former  class  he  called  repulsive  or 
negative  crystals;   Iceland  spar,  ruby,  sapphire,  emerald,  beryl,  and 
tourmaline  being  examples.     The  latter  class  he  called  attractive  or 
positive  crystals,  rock  crystal,  ice,  zircon  being  examples. 

The  Polarization  of  Light. 

425.  The  double  refraction  of  Iceland   spar  was  discovered  by 
Erasmus  Bartholinus,  and  was  first  described  by  him  in  a  work  pub- 
lished in  Copenhagen  in  1669.     The  celebrated  Huygens  sought  to 
account  for  the  phenomenon  on  the  principles  of  a  wave  theory,  and 
he  succeeded  in  doing  so. 

426.  In  his  experiments  on  this  subject,  Huygens  found  that  when 
a  common  luminous  beam  passes  through  Iceland  spar  in  any  direction 
save  one  (that  of  the  optic  axis),  it  is  always  divided  into  two  beams 
of  equal  intensity ;  but  that  when  either  of  these  two  half-beams  is  sent 
through  a  second  piece  of  spar,  it  is  usually  divided  into  two  of  unequal 
intensity,  and  that  there  are  two  positions  of  the  spar  in  which  one  of 
the  beams  vanishes  altogether. 

The  Polarization  of  Light.  61 

427.  On  turning  the  spar  round  this  position  of  absolute  dis- 
appearance, the  missing  beam  appeared  ;  its  companion  at  the  same 
time  becoming  dimmer;  both  of  them  then  passed  through  a  phase 
of  equal  intensity,  and  when  the  rotation  was  continued,  the  beam 
which  was  first  transmitted  disappeared. 

428.  Reflecting  on  this  experiment  Newton  came  to  the  conclusion, 
that  the  divided  beam  had  acquired  sides  by  its  passage  through  the 
Iceland  spar,  and  that  its  interception  and  transmission  depended  on  the 
way  on  which  those  sides  presented  themselves  to  the  molecules  of  the 
second  crystal.  He  compared  this  two-sidedness  of  a  beam  of  light  to 
the  two-endedness  of  a  magnet  known  as  its  polarity ;  and  a  luminous 
beam  exhibiting  this  two-sidedness  was  afterwards  said  to  be  polarized. 

429.  In  1808,  Malus,  while  looking  through  a  birefracting  prism 
at  one  of  the  windows  of  the  Luxembourg  Palace,  from  which  the 
solar  light  was  reflected,  found  that  in  a  certain  position  of  the  spar, 
the  ordinary  image  of  the  window  almost  wholly  disappeared ;  while 
in  a  position  perpendicular  to   this,  the  extraordinary  image  dis- 
appeared.    He  discerned  the  analogy  between  this  action  and  that 
discovered  by  Huygens  in  Iceland  spar,  and  came  to  the  conclusion 
that  the  effect  was  due  to  some  new  property  impressed  upon  the 
light  by  its  reflexion  from  the  glass. 

430.  What  is  this  property  ?     It  may  be  most  simply  studied  and 
understood  by  means  of  the  crystal  called  tourmaline.     This  crystal 
is  birefractive ;  it  divides  a  beam  of  light  incident  upon  it  into  two, 
but  its  molecular  grouping,  and  the  consequent  disposition  of  the 
ether  within  it,  are  such  that  one  of  these  beams  is  rapidly  quenched, 
while  the  other  is  transmitted  with  comparative  freedom. 

431.  It  is  to  be  borne  in  mind  that  the  motions  of  the  individual 
ether  particles  are  transverse  to  the  direction  in  which  the  light  is 
propagated  (read  Note  219).  In  a  beam  of  ordinary  light  the  vibrations 
occur  in  all  directions  round  the  line  of  propagation. 

432.  The  change  suffered  by  light  in  passing  through  a  plate  of 
tourmaline,  of  sufficient  thickness,  and  cut  parallel  to  the  axis  is 
this: — All  vibrations  save  those  executed  parallel  to  the  axis  are 
quenched  within  the  crystal.     Hence  the  beam  emergent  from  the 
plate  of  tourmaline  has  all  its  vibrations  reduced  to  a  single  plane. 
In  this  condition  it  is  a  beam  of  plane  polarized  light. 

433.  Imagine  a    cylindrical    beam    of  light  with    all   its    ether 
particles  vibrating  in  the  same  direction — say  horizontally — looked 
down  upon  vertically,  the  ether  particles,  if  large  enough,  would  be 
seen  performing  their  excursions  to  and  fro  across  the  direction  of  the 
beam.     Looked  at  crosswise  horizontally,  the  particles  would  be  seen 
advancing  and  retreating,  but  their  paths  would  be  invisible,  every 
ether  particle  covering  its  own  path.     In  the  one  case  we  should  see 
the  lines  of  excursion ;  in  the  other  case,  the  ends  of  the  lines  only. 
In  this,  according  to  the  undulatory  theory,  consists  the  two-sidedness 
discovered  by  Huygens,  and  commented  on  by  Newton. 

62  Notes  on  Light. 

Polarization  of  Light  by  Reflexion. 

434.  The  quality  of  two-sidedness  is  also  impressed  upon  light  by 
reflexion.     This  is  the  great  discovery  of  Malus.     A  beam  reflected 
from  glass  is  in  part  polarized  at  all  oblique  incidences,  a  portion  of 
its  vibrations  being  reduced  to  a  common  plane.     At  one  particular 
incidence  the  beam  is  perfectly  polarized,  all  its  vibrations  being 
reduced  to  the  same  plane.   The  angle  of  incidence  which  corresponds 
to  this  perfect  polarization  is  called  the  polarizing  angle. 

435.  The  polarizing  angle  is  connected  with  the  index  of  refraction 
of  the  medium  by  a  very  beautiful  law  discovered  by  Sir  David 
Brewster.*     When  a  luminous  beam  is  incident  upon  a  transparent 
substance,  it  is  in  part  reflected  and  in  part  refracted.     At  one  par- 
ticular incidence  the  reflected  and  refracted  portions  of  the  beam  are 
at  right  angles  to  each  other.    The  angle  of  incidence  is  then  the  polar- 
izing angle.     This  is   the   geometrical   expression  of  the   law   of 

436.  The  polarizing  angle  augments  with  the  refractive  index  of 
the  medium.     For  water  it  is  53°,  for  glass  58°,  and  for  diamond 

437.  Thus  a  beam  of  ordinary  light,  whose  vibrations  are  executed 
in  all  directions,  impinging  upon  a  plate  of  glass  at  the  polarizing 
angle,  has,  after  reflexion,  all  its  vibrations  reduced  to  a  common  plane. 
The  direction  of  the  vibrations  of  the  polarized  beam  is  parallel  to  the 
polarizing  surface. 

438.  Let  a  beam  thus  polarized  by  reflexion  at  the  surface  of  one 
plate  of  glass  impinge  upon  a  second  plate  at  the  polarizing  angle. 
In  one  position  of  this  plate  the  beam  suffers  its  maximum  reflexion. 
In  a  certain  other  position  the  beam  is  wholly  transmitted,  there  is 
no  reflexion.     In  this  experiment  the  angle  of  incidence  remains 
unchanged,  nothing  being  altered  save  the  side  of  the  ray  which  strikes 
the  reflecting  surface. 

439.  The  reflexion  of  the  polarized  beam  is  a  maximum  when 
the  lines  along  which  the  ether  particles  vibrate  are  parallel  to  the 
reflecting    surface.     It   is   wholly   transmitted    when   the    lines    of 
vibration  strike  the  reflecting  surface  at  the  polarizing  angle.     The 
reflexion  is  then  zero.      By  taking  advantage  of  this  fact,  the  re- 
flexion from  the  first   surface  of  a  thin  film  has  been  abolished, 
Newton's  rings  being  thereby  rendered  incapable  of  formation,  as 
stated  in  Note  402. 

440.  A  beam  which  meets  the  first  surface  of  a  plate  of  glass 
with  parallel  sides  at  the  polarizing  angle  meets  the  second  surface 
also  at  its  polarizing  angle,  and  is  in  part  reflected  there  perfectly 
polarized.      Hence,    by    augmenting    the    number   of   plates,   the 

*  The  index  of  refraction  of  the  medium  is  the  tangent  of  the  polarizing 

Polarization  of  Light  by  Refraction.  63 

repeated  reflexions  at  their  limiting  surfaces  furnish  a  polarized 
beam  of  greater  intensity  than  that  obtained  by  reflexion  at  a  single 

Polarization  of  Light  by  Refraction. 

441.  We  have  hitherto    directed   our  attention  to   the   reflected 
portion  of  the  beam ;   but  the  refracted  portion,  which  enters  the 
glass,  is  also  partially  polarized.     The  quantities  of  polarized  light 
in  the  reflected  and  refracted  beams  are  always  equal  to  each  other. 

442.  The  plane  of  vibration  in  the  refracted  beam  is  at   right 
angles  to  that  in  the  reflected  beam. 

443.  When  several  plates  of  glass  are  placed  parallel  to  each  other, 
and  a  beam  is  permitted  to  fall  upon  them  at  the  polarizing  angle,  at 
every  passage  from  plate  to  plate  a  portion  of  light  is  reflected  polar- 
ized, an  equal  portion  of  polarized  light  entering  the  glass  at  the  same 
time.    By  duly  augmenting  the  number  of  plates,  the  polarization  by 
the  successive  refractions  may  be  rendered  sensibly  perfect.    When 
this  occurs,  if  any  further  plates  be  added  to  the  bundle,  reflexion 
entirely  ceases  at  their  limiting  surfaces,  the  beam  afterwards  being 
wholly  transmitted. 

Polarization  of  Light  by  Double  Refraction. 

444.  In  the  case  last  considered  the  light  was  polarized  by  ordi- 
nary refraction.     The  polarization  of  light  by  double  refraction  has 
been  already  touched  upon  in  Notes  432  and  433.      We  shall  now 
extend  our  examination  of  the  crystal  of  tourmaline  there  referred  to, 
and  turn  it  to  account  in  the  examination  of  other  crystals. 

445.  If  a  beam  of  light  which  has  passed  through  one  plate  of 
tourmaline  impinge' upon  a  second  plate,  it  will  pass  through  both,  if 
the  axes  of  the  two  plates  be  parallel.     But  if  they  are  perpendicular 
to  each  other,  then  the  light  transmitted  by  the  one  is  quenched 
by  the  other,  darkness  marking  the  space  where  the  two  plates  are 

446.  If  the  two  axes  be  oblique  to  each  other,  a  portion  of  the 
light  will  pass  through  both  plates.     For,  in  a  manner  similar  to 
the  resolution  of  forces  in  ordinary  mechanics,  an  oblique  vibration 
may  be  resolved  into  two,  one  parallel  to  the  axis  of  the  tourmaline, 
the  other  perpendicular  to  the  axis.    The  latter  component  is  quenched, 
but  the  former  is  transmitted. 

447.  Hence  if  the  axes  of  two  plates  of  tourmaline  be  perpen- 
dicular   to    each    other,    a    third   plate    of    tourmaline    introduced 
obliquely  between  them,  or  a  plate  of  any  other  crystal  which  acts 
in  a  manner  similar  to  the  tourmaline,  will  transmit  a  portion  of 
the  light  emergent  from  the  first  crystal.     The  plane  of  vibration 
of  this  light  being  oblique  to   the  axis  of  the  second  crystal,   a 
portion  of  the  light  will  also  pass  through  the  latter.     By  the  intro- 

64  Notes  on  Light. 

duction,  therefore,  of  a  third  crystal,  with  its  axis  oblique,  we  abolish 
in  part  the  darkness  of  the  space  where  the  two  rectangular  plates 
are  superposed. 

Examination  of  Light  transmitted  through  Iceland  Spar. 

448.  We  have  now  to  examine,  by  means  of  a  plate  of  tourmaline, 
the  two  parts  into  which  a  luminous  beam  is  divided  in  its  passage 
through  Iceland  spar. 

449.  Confining  our  attention  to  one  of  the  two  beams,  it  is  imme- 
diately found   that  in  a  certain  position  of  the  plate  the  light  is 
freely  transmitted,  while  in  the  perpendicular  position  it  is  com- 
pletely stopped.     This  proves  the  beam  emergent  from  the  spar  to 
be  polarized. 

450.  From  the  position  of  the  tourmaline  we  can  immediately 
infer  the  direction  of  vibration  in  the  polarized  beam.     If  trans- 
mission occur  when  the  axis  of  the  plate  of  tourmaline  is  vertical, 
the  vibrations  are  vertical ;  if  transmission  occur  when  the  tourma- 
line is  horizontal,  the  vibrations  are  horizontal.     The  same  mode  of 
investigation  teaches  us  that  the  second  beam  emergent  from  the  spar 
is  also  polarized. 

451.  The  vibrations  of  the  ether  particles  in  the  two  beams  are 
executed  in  planes  which  are  at  right  angles  to  each  other.     If  the 
vibrations  in  the  one  beam  be  vertical,  in  the  other  they  are  hori- 
zontal.    A  plate  of  tourmaline  with  its  axis  vertical  transmits  the 
former  and  quenches  the  latter ;    while  the  same  plate  held  hori- 
zontally, quenches  the  former  and  transmits  the  latter. 

452.  A  tourmaline  plate  placed  with  its  axis  vertical,  in  front  of 
the  electric  lamp,  has  its  image  cast  by  a  lens  upon  a  screen.     A 
piece  of  Iceland  spar,  with  one  of  its  planes  of  vibration  horizontal 
and  the  other  vertical,  placed  in  front  of  the  lens  divides  the  beam 
into  two,  and  yields  two  images  of  the  tourmaline.     One  of  these 
images  is  bright,  the  other  is  dark.     The  reason  is  that  in  the  light 
emergent  from  the  tourmaline  the  vibrations  are  vertical,  and  they 
can  only  be  transmitted  through  the  spar  in  company  with  its  verti- 
cally  vibrating   beam.      In  the   horizontally  vibrating    beam  the 
tourmaline  must  appear  black. 

453.  It  is  also  black  if  the  light  emergent  from  it,  and  surrounding 
it,  meet,  at  the  polarizing  angle,  a  plate  of  glass  whose  plane  of 
reflexion  is  vertical  •   while  it  is  bright  when  the  light  is  reflected 
horizontally.     These  effects  are  consequences  of  the  law  of  polariza- 
tion by  reflexion. 

454.  Not  only  do  crystallized  bodies  possess  this  power  of  double 
refraction  and  polarization  ;  but  all  bodies  whose  atomic  grouping  is 
such  as  to  cause  the  ether  within  them  to  possess  different  elasticities 
in  different  directions  do  the  same. 

455.  Thus  organic  structures  are  usually  double  refracting.     A 

Action  of  Iceland  Spar.  65 

double  refracting  structure  may  also  be  conferred  on  ordinary  glass 
by  either  strain  or  pressure.  Strains  and  pressures  due  to  unequal 
heating  also  produce  double  refraction.  Unannealed  jilass  behaves 
like  a  crystal.  A  plate  of  common  window-glass,  which  under  ordi- 
nary circurristanees  shows  no  trace  of  double  refraction,  if  heated 
at  a  single  point,  is  rendered  doubly  refractive  by  the  strains  and 
pressures  propagated  round  the  heated  point.  The  Introduction 
of  any  of  these  bodies  between  the  crossed  plates  of  tourmaline 
partly  abolishes  the  darkness  caused  by  the  superposition  of  the  plates. 

456.  Two  plates  of  tourmaline,  between  which  bodies  may  be  in- 
troduced and  examined  by  polarized  light,  constitute  a  simple  form 
of  the  polariscope.     The  plate  at  which  the  light  first  enters  is  called 
the  polarizer,  while  the  second  plate  is  called  the  analyzer. 

457.  But  the  tourmalines  are  small,  usually  coloured,  and  under 
no  circumstances  competent  to  furnish  an  intense  beam  of  polarized 
light.     If  one  of  the  parts  into  Avhich  a  prism  of  Iceland  spar  divides 
a  beam  of  light  could  be  abolished,  the  remaining  beam  would  be 
polarized,  and,  because  of  the  transparency  of  the  spar,  it  would 
be  far  more  intense  than  any  beam  obtainable  from  tourmaline. 

458.  This  has  been  accomplished  with  great  skill  by  Nicol.     He 
cut  a  long  parallelepiped  of  spar  into  two  by  a  very  oblique  section  ; 
polished  the  two  surfaces,  and  united  them  by  Canada  balsam.     The 
refrangibility  of  the  balsam  lies  between  those  of  the  ordinary  and 
the  extraordinary  rays  in  Iceland  spar,  being  less  than  the  former 
and  greater  than  the  latter.     When,  therefore,  a  beam  of  light  is  sent 
along  the  parallelepiped,  the  ordinary  ray,  to  enter  the  balsam,  must 
pass   from  a   denser  to  a  rarer  medium.     In  consequence  of  the 
obliquity  of  its  incidence  it  is  totally  reflected,  and  is  thus  got  rid  of. 
The  extraordinary  ray,  on  the  contrary,  in  passing  from  the  spar  to 
the  balsam  passes  from  a  rarer  to  a  denser  medium,  and  is  therefore 
transmitted.    In  this  way  we  obtain  a  single  intense  beam  of  polarized 
light.     (Read  Notes  123,  141,  and  142.) 

459.  A  parallelepiped  prepared  in  the  fashion  here  described  is 
called  a  NicoVs  prism. 

460.  Nicol's  prisms  are  of  immense  use  in  experiments  on  polariza- 
tion.    With  them  the  best  polariscopes  are  constructed.     Reflecting 
polariscopes  are  also  constructed,  consisting  of  two  plates  of  glass, 
one  of  which  polarizes  the  light  by  reflexion,  the  other  examining 
the  light  so  polarized.     The  beam  reflected  from  the  polarizer  is  in 
this  case  reflected  or  quenched  by  the  analyzer  according  ao  the 
planes  of  reflexion  of  the  two  mirrors  are  parallel  or  at  right  angles 
to  each  other. 

Colours  of  Double-refracting  Crystals  in  Polarized  Light. 

461.  A  large  class  of  these  colours  may  be  illustrated  and  ex- 
plained by  reference  to  the  deportment  of  thin  plates  of  gypsum 

66  Notes  on  Light. 

(crystallized  sulphate  of  lime,  commonly  called  selenite)  between 
the  polarizer  and  analyzer  of  the  polariscope. 

462.  The  crystal  cleaves  with  great  freedom  in  one  direction  ;  it 
cleaves  with  less  freedom  in  two  others  ;  the  latter  two  cleavages  are 
also  unequal.     In  other  words,  gypsum  possesses  three  planes  of 
cleavage,  no  two  of  which  are  equal  in  value,  but  one  of  which 
particularly  signalizes  itself  by  its  perfection. 

463.  By  following  these  three  cleavages  it  is  easy  to  obtain  from 
the  crystal  diamond-shaped  laminae  of  any  required  thinness. 

464.  The  crystal,  as  might  be  expected  from  the  character  of  its 
cleavages,  is  double-refracting.     A  beam  of  ordinary  light  imping- 
ing at  right  angles  on  a  plate  of  gypsum,  whose  surfaces  are  those  of 
most  perfect  cleavage,  has  its  vibrations  reduced  to  two  planes  at 
right  angles  to  each  other ;  that  is  to  say,  the  beam  whose  ether, 
prior  to  entering  the  gypsum,  vibrates  in  all  transverse  directions, 
after  it  has  entered  the  gypsum,  and  after  its  emergence  from  it, 
vibrates  in  two  rectangular  directions  only. 

465.  The  elasticity  of  the  ether  is  different  in  these  two  rectan- 
gular directions;  consequently  the  one  beam  passes  more  rapidly 
through  the  gypsum  than  the  other. 

466.  In  refracting  bodies  generally  the  retardation  of  the  light 
consists  in  a  diminution  of  the  wave-length  of  the  light.     The  rate  of 
vibration  is  unchanged  during  the  passage  of  the  light  through  the 
refracting  body.     The  case  is  exactly  similar  to  that  of  a  musical 
sound  transmitted  from  water  into  air.     The  velocity  is  reduced  to 
one-fourth  by  the  transfer,   because  the  wave-length  is  reduced  to 
one-fourth.     But  the  pitch,  depending  as  it  does  on  the  number  of 
waves  which  reach  the  ear  in  a  second,  is  unaltered. 

467.  Because  of  the  difference  of  elasticity  between  the  two  rect- 
angular directions  of  vibration  in  gypsum,  the  waves  of  ether  in  the 
one  direction  are  more  shortened  than  in  the  other. 

468.  In  the  experiments  with  a  plate  of  gypsum  now  to  be  de- 
scribed and  explained,  we  shall  employ  as  polarizer  a  piece  of  Ice- 
land spar,  one  of  whose  beams  is  intercepted  by  a  diaphragm.     A 
Nicol's  prism  shall  be  our  analyzer. 

,  469.  When  the  planes  of  vibration  of  the  spar  and  of  the  Nicol 
coincide,  the  light  passes  through  both  and  may  be  received  upon  a 
-screen.  When  the  planes  of  vibration  are  at  right  angles  to  each 
other,  the  light  emergent  from  the  spar  is  intercepted  by  the  Nicol, 
and  the  screen  is  dark. 

470.  If  a  plate  of  selenite  be  placed  between  the  polarizer  and 
analyzer,  with  either  of  its  planes  of  vibration  coincident  with  that  of 
the  polarizer  or  analyzer,  it  produces  no  change  upon  the  screen. 
If  the  screen  be  light,  it  remains  light;  if  it  be  dark,  it  remains 
dark  after  the  introduction  of  the  gypsum,  which  here  behaves  like 
a  plate  of  ordinary  glass. 

471.  Let  us  assume  the  screen  to  be  dark.     Interposing  a  thick 

Action  of  Selenite.  67 

plate  of  gypsum  with  its  directions  of  vibration  oblique  to  that  of  the 
polarizer  or  analyzer,  ivhite  light  reaches  the  screen.  If  the  plate 
be  thin,  the  light  which  reaches  the  screen  is  coloured.  If  the  plate 
be  of  uniform  thickness,  the  colour  is  uniform.  If  of  different 
thicknesses,  or  if  in  cleaving  thin  scales  cling  to  the  surface  of  the 
film,  some  portions  of  the  plate  will  be  differently  coloured  from  the 

472.  When  thick  plates  are  employed,  the  different  colours,  as 
in  the  case  of  thin  plates,  are  superposed,  and  re-blended  to  white 

473.  The  quantity  of  light  which  reaches  the  eye  is  a  maximum 
when  the  planes  of  vibration  of  the  gypsum  enclose  an  angle  of  45° 
with  those  of  the  polarizer  and  analyzer. 

474.  If  the  plate  of  selenite  be  a  thin  wedge,  and  if  the  light  be 
monochromatic,  say  red,  alternately  bright  (red)  and  dark  bands  are 
thrown  upon  the  screen. 

475.  If,  instead  of  red  light,  blue  be  employed,  the  blue  bands  are 
found  to  occur  at  smaller  thicknesses  than  those  which  produced  the 
red  :  other  colours  occur  at  intermediate  thicknesses.     Hence  when 
white  light  is   employed,  instead   of  bands  of  brightness  separated 
from  each  other  by  bands  of  darkness,  we  have  a  series  of  iris- 
coloured  bands. 

476.  If,  instead  of  a  wedge  gradually  augmenting  in  thickness 
from  the  edge  towards  the  back,  we  employ  a  disk  gradually  augment- 
ing in  thickness  from  the  centre  outwards ;  instead  of  a  series  of 
parallel  bands  we  obtain  under  similar  circumstances,  in  white  light, 
a  series  of  concentric  iris-coloured  circles. 

477.  Here  then  we  have  in  the  first  instance  a  beam  of  plane 
polarized  light  impinging  on  the  selenite.     The  direction  of  vibration 
of  this  beam  is  resolved  into  two  others  at  right  angles  to  each  other; 
namely,  into  the  two   directions  in   which  the  ether  vibrates  within 
the  crystal.     One  of  these  systems  of  waves  is  retarded  with  reference 
to  the  other. 

478.  But  as  long  as  the  rays  vibrate  at  right  angles  to  each 
other,  they  cannot  interfere  so  as  to  augment  or  diminish  the  inten- 
sity.    To  effect  such  interference  the  rays  must  vibrate  in  the  same 

479.  The  function  of  the  analyzer  is  to  reduce  the  two  rect- 
angular wave-systems  to  a  single  plane.     Here  the  effect  of  retarda- 
tion is  at  once  felt,  and   the   wraves  conspire  or  oppose  each  other 
according  as  their  vibrations  are   in  the  same  phase  or  in  opposite 

•  480.  When  the  vibration  planes  of  the  polarizer  and  analyzer  are 
parallel,  a  thickness  of  the  gypsum  crystal  which  produces  a  retarda- 
tion of  half  an  undulation  causes  the  light  to  be  extinguished  by  the 

481.  When  the  polarizer  and  analyzer  are  crossed,  a  retardation 


68  Notes  on  Light. 

of  half  an  undulation,  or  of  any  odd  number  of  half  undulations, 
within  the  crystal  does  not  produce  extinction  when  these  vibrations 
are  compounded  by  the  analyzer.  A  retardation  of  a  whole  undu- 
lation, or  of  any  number  of  whole  undulations,  produces  in  this  case 
extinction.  This,  when  followed  out,  is  a  plain  consequence  of  the 
composition  of  the  vibrations. 

482.  Expressed  generally,  the  phenomena  exhibited  by  the  parallel 
and  crossed  polarizer  and  analyzer  are  complementary.     If  the  field  be 
dark  when  they  are  crossed,  it  is  bright  when  they  are  parallel.     If 
the  field  be  green  when   they  are  crossed,  it  is  red  when  they  are 
parallel;  if  yellow  when  they  are  crossed,  it  is  blue  when  they  are 
parallel.     Thus  a  rotation  of  90° always  brings  out  the  complementary 

483.  If  instead  of  the   Nicol  we  employ  a  birefracting  prism  of 
Iceland  spar,  the  colours  of  the  selenite  produced  by  the  two  oppo- 
sitely polarized  beams  will  be  complementary.     The   overlapping  of 
the  two  colours  always  produces  white.    Any  other  double-refracting 
substance,  whether  crystallized,  organized,  mechanically  pressed  or 
strained,   exhibits,  on  examination  by  polarized  light,  phenomena 
similar  to  those  of  the  gypsurn. 

484.  A  common  beam  of  light  is  equivalent  in  all  its  effects  to 
two  beams  vibrating  in  two  rectangular  planes.    As  two  such  beams 
cannot  interfere,  we  c?nnot  have  the  colours  of  the  selenite  in  common 

Rings  surrounding  the  Axes  of  Crystals  in  Polarized  Light. 

485.  A  pencil  of  rays  passing  along  the  axis  through  Iceland  spar 
suffers  no  division  ;  but  if  inclined  to  the  axis,  however  slightly,  the 
pencil  is  divided  into  two,  which  vibrate  in  rectangular  planes,  and 
one  of  which  is  more  retarded  than  the  other. 

486.  If  the  incident    light   be   polarized,  on  quitting   the  spar, 
oblique  to  the  axis,  it  will  be  in  a  condition  similar  to  the  light 
emergent  from  the  plates  of  gypsum  already  referred  to.    When  two 
rectangular  vibrations,  passing  through  the  same  ether,  are  reduced 
to  the  same  plane  by  the  analyzer,  interference  occurs;  the  two  rays 
either  conspiring  or  opposing  each  other. 

487 .  Whether  they  conspire  or  not  depends  upon  the  amount  of 
relative  retardation,  and  this  again  depends  upon  the  thickness  of  the 
spar  traversed  by  the  two  rays.    If  they  conspire  at  a  certain  thickness 
they  will  also  conspire  at  twice  that  thickness,  thrice  that  thickness, 
&c.     Those  thicknesses  at  which  the  rays  conspire  are  separated  by 
others  at  which  they  oppose  each  other. 

488.  With  a  conical  beam  whose  central  ray  passes  along  the  axis, 
the  effects  are  symmetrical  all  round  the  axis ;  and  when  the  crystal, 
illuminated  by  such  a  ray,  is  examined  by  monochromatic  polarized 
light,  we  have  a  series  of  bright  and  dark  circles  surrounding  the 

Rings  round  Axes ;   Circular  Polarization.       69 

489.  When  the  light  is  red  the  circles  are  larger  than  -when  the 
light  is  blue;  the  smaller  the  wave-length  the  smaller  are  the  circles. 
Hence,  since  the  different  colours  are  not.  superposed,  when  white  light 
is  employed  instead  of  bands  of  alternate  brightness  and  darkness  we 
have  a  series  of  iris-coloured  circles. 

When  the  polarizer  and  analyzer  are  crossed  the  system  of  bands 
is  intersected  by  a  black  cross,  whose  arms  are  parallel  to  the  planes 
of  vibration  in  the  polarizer  and  analyzer.  Those  rays,  whose  planes 
of  vibration  within  the  crystal  coincide  with  the  planes  of  either  the 
polarizer  or  analyzer,  cannot  get  through  either,  and  their  complete  in- 
terception forms  the  two  arms  of  the  cross.  Those  rays  whose  planes 
of  vibration  enclose  an  angle  of  45°  with  that  of  the  polarizer  or  ana- 
lyzer produce  the  greatest  effect  when  they  conspire.  At  this  incli- 
nation the  bright  ring  is  at  its  maximum  brilliancy,  from  which, 
right  and  left,  it  becomes  more  feeble,  until  it  finally  merges  into  the 
darkness  of  the  cross. 

490.  A  rotation  of  90°  produces  here,  as  in  other  cases,  the  com- 
plementary phenomena :  the  black  cross  becomes  white,  and  the 
circles  change  their  tints  to  complementary  ones. 

491.  In  crystals  possessing  two  optic  axes  a  series  of  iris- coloured 
bands  surround  both  axes,  each  band  forming  a  curve,  which  its 
discoverer,  James  Bernoulli,  called  a  lemniscata. 

Elliptic  and  Circular  Polarization. 

492.  Two  rays  of  light  vibrating  at  right  angles  to  each  other,  how- 
ever the  one  system  of  vibrations  may  be  retarded  with  reference  to 
the  other,  cannot,  as  already  stated,  interfere  so  as  to  produce  either 
an  increase  or  a  diminution  of  the  light. 

493.  But  though  the  intensity  remains  unchanged,  the  rays  act 
upon  each  other.    If  one  of  them  differs  from  the  other  by  any  exact 
number  of  semi-undulations,  the  two  rays  are  compounded  to  a  single 
rectilinear  vibration.     In  all  other  cases  the  resultant  vibration  is 
elliptical;  in  one  particular  case  the  ellipse  in  which  the  individual 
particles  of  ether  move  is  converted  into  a  circle.    This  occurs  when 
one  of  the  systems  of  waves  is  an  exact  quarter  of  an  undulation 
behind  the  other ;  we  have  then  circular  polarization. 

494.  This  compounding  of  ethereal  vibration  is  mechanically  the 
same  as  the  compounding  of  the  vibrations  of  an  ordinary  pendulum  ; 
or  as  the  compounding  of  the  vibrations  of  two  rectangular  tuning- 
forks  by  the  method  of  Lissajous.* 

495.  Elliptic  polarization  is  the  rule  and  not  the  exception.     It  is 
particularly  manifested  in  reflexion  from  metals,  and  from  trans- 
parent bodies  which  possess  a  high  index  of  refraction.     Jamin  has 
detected  it  in  light  reflected  from  all  bodies. 

*  See  Lectures  on  Sound,  1st  ed.,  p.  307. 

70  Notes  on  Light. 

Rotatory  Polarization. 

496.  A.  polarized  ray  of  monochromatic  light,  as  already  stated, 
suffers  no  change  during  its  transmission  through  Iceland  spar  in  the 
direction  of  the  optic  axis. 

497.  But  if  transmitted    through   rock-crystal   (quartz)  in   the 
direction  of  the  optic  axis,  its  plane  of  vibration  is  turned  by  the 
crystal.*    Supposing  the  polarizer  and  analyzer  of  the  polariscope  to 
be  crossed  so  as  to  produce  perfect  darkness  before  the  crystal  is 
introduced  between  them,  on  its  introduction  light  will  pass,  and  to 
quench  the  light  the  analyzer  must  be  turned  into  a  new  position. 
The  angle  through  which  the  analyzer  is  turned  measures  the  rota- 
tion of  the  plane  of  vibration. 

498.  Some  specimens  of  rock-crystal  turn  the  plane  of  vibration 
to  the  right,  and  others  to  the  left.     The  former  are  called  right- 
handed  and   the  latter  left-handed   crystals.      Sir  John    Herschel 
connected  this  optical  difference  with  a  visible  difference  of  crystal- 
line form. 

499.  In  the  celebrated  experiment  of  Faraday,  with  a  bar  of 
heavy  glass,  the  plane  of  vibration  was  caused  to  rotate  both  by  a 
magnet  and  an  electric  current ;  the  direction  of  rotation  bearing 
a  constant  relation  to  the  polarity  of  the  magnet  and  to  the  direction 
of  the  current. 

500.  The  subject  of  rotatory  polarization  was  examined  with  great 
care  and  completeness  by  Biot,  and  he  established  certain  laws  re- 
garding it,  two  of  which  may  be  enunciated  here. 

1.  The  amount  of  the  rotation  is  proportional  to  the  thickness  of 
the  plate  of  rock-crystal. 

2.  The  rotation  of  the  plane  of  vibration  is  different  for  the  different 
rays  of  the  spectrum,  increasing  with  the  refrangibility  of  the  lig;ht. 

Thus  with  a  plate  of  rock-  crystal  one  millimeter  thick,  he  obtained 
the  following  rotations  for  the  mean  rays  of  the  respective  colours  of 
the  spectrum. 

Red,  19°. 
Orange,  21' 

Green,  28° 
Blue,  32°. 

Indigo,  36°. 
Violet,  41°. 

Yellow,  23°. 

With  a  plate  two  millimeters  in  thickness  the  rotation  for  red  is  38° 
a.nd  for  violet  82°. 

501.  Since,  then,  the  rays  of  different  colours  emerge  from  the 
rock-crystal  vibrating  in  different  planes,  when  such  light  falls  upon 
the  analyzer  that  colour  only  whose  plane  of  vibration  coincides  with 
that  of  the  analyzer  will  be  transmitted.     By  turning  the  analyzer 
we  allow  the  other  colours  to  pass  in  succession. 

502.  The  phenomena  of  rotatory  polarization  are  produced  by  the 
interference  of  two  circularly  polarized  pencils  of  light,  which,  are 

Conclusion.  71 

propagated  along  the  axis  with  unequal  velocities,  the  one  revolving 
from  Jeft  to  right,  and  the  other  revolving  in  the  opposite  direction.* 


I  have  endeavoured  in  these  lectures  to  bring  before  you  the 
views  at  present  entertained  by  all  eminent  scientific  thinkers  regard- 
ing the  nature  of  light.  I  have  endeavoured  to  make  as  clear  to 
you  as  possible  that  bold  theory  according  to  which  space  is  filled 
with  an  elastic  substance  capable  of  transmitting  the  motions  of  light 
and  heat.  And  consider  how  impossible  it  is  to  escape  from  this  or 
some  similar  theory, — to  avoid  ascribing  to  light,  in  space,  a  material 
basis.  Solar  light  and  heat  require  about  eight  minutes  to  travel 
from  the  sun  to  the  earth.  During  this  time  the  light  and  heat  are 
detached  from  both.  Enclose,  in  idea,  a  portion  of  the  intervening 
space — say  a  cubic  mile  of  it — occupied  for  a  moment  by  light  and 
heat.  Ask  yourselves  what  they  are.  The  first  inquiry  towards  a 
solution  is,  What  can  they  do  ?  We  only  know  things  by  their  effects, 
What,  then,  are  the  effects  which  this  cubic  mile  of  light  and  heat  can 
produce  ?  At  the  earth,  where  we  can  operate  upon  them,  we  find 
theim  capable  of  producing  motion.  We  can  lift  weights  with  them  ; 
we  can  turn  wheels  with  them ;  we  can  urge  locomotives  with  them  ; 
we  can  fire  projectiles  with  them.  What  other  conclusion  can  you 
come  to  than  that  the  light  and  heat  which  thus  produce  motion  are 
themselves  motions  ?  f 

Our  cubic  mile  of  space,  then,  is  for  a  measurable  time  the 
vehicle  of  motion.  But  is  it  in  the  human  mind  to  imagine  motion 
without  at  the  same  time  imagining  something  moved  ?  Certainly 
not.  The  very  conception  of  motion  necessarily  includes  that  of  a 
moving  body.  What,  then,  is  the  thing  moved  in  the  case  of  our 
cubic  mile  of  sunlight  ?  The  undulatory  theory  replies  that  it  is  a 
substance  of  determinate  mechanical  properties,  a  body  which  may  or 
may  not  be  a  form  of  ordinary  matter,  but  to  which,  whether  it  is  or 
not,  we  give  the  name  of  ether.  Let  us  tolerate  no  vagueness  here ; 
for  the  greatest  disservice  that  could  be  done  to  science — the  surest 
way  to  give  error  a  long  lease  of  life — is  to  enshroud  scientific 
theories  in  vagueness.  The  motion  of  the  ether  communicated  to 
material  substances  throws  them  into  motion.  It  is  therefore  itself 
a  material  substance,  for  we  have  no  knowledge  that  in  nature  any- 
thing but  a  material  substance  can  throw  other  material  substances 
into  motion.  Two  modes  of  motion  are  possible  to  the  ether.  Either 
it  is  shot  through  space  as  a  projectile,  or  it  is  the  vehicle  of  wave- 
motion.  The  projectile  theory,  though  enunciated  by  Newton,  and 

*  See  Lloyd,  Wave  Theory,  p.  199,  &c. 

t  Sir  William  Thomson  has  attempted  to  calculate  '  the  mechanical  value  of 
a  cubic  mile  of  sunlight.' 

72  Notes  on  Light. 

supported  by  such  men  as  Laplace,  Biot,  Brewster,  and  Malus,  has 
hopelessly  broken  down.  Wave-motion,  then,  of  one  kind  or  another 
we  must  fall  back  upon.  But  how  does  the  Wave  Theory  account  for 
the  phenomena  ?  Throughout  the  greater  part  of  these  lectures  we 
have  been  answering  this  question.  The  cases  brought  before  you 
are  representative.  Thousands  of  facts  might  be  cited  in  illustration 
of  each  of  them,  and  not  one  of  these  facts  is  left  unexplained  by  the 
undulatory  theory.  It  accounts  for  all  the  phenomena  of  reflexion ; 
for  all  the  phenomena  of  refraction,  single  and  double  ;  for  all  the 
phenomena  of  dispersion  ;  for  all  the  phenomena  of  diffraction  ;  for 
the  colours  of  thick  plates  and  thin,  as  well  as  for  the  colours  of  all 
natural  bodies.  It  accounts  for  all  the  phenomena  of  polarization  ; 
for  all  those  wonderful  affections,  those  chromatic  splendours  ex- 
hibited by  crystals  in  polarized  light.  Thousands  of  isolated  facts 
might,  as  I  have  said,  be  ranged  under  each  of  these  heads ;  the 
undulatory  theory  accounts  for  them  all.  It  traces  out  illuminated 
paths  through  what  would  otherwise  be  the  most  hopeless  jungle  of 
phenomena  in  which  human  thought  could  be  involved.  This  is 
why  the  foremost  men  of  the  age  accept  the  ether  not  as  a  vague 
dream,  but  as  a  real  entity — a  substance  endowed  with  inertia,  and 
capable,  in  accordance  with  the  established  laws  of  motion,  of  im- 
parting its  thrill  to  other  substances.  If  there  is  one  conception  more 
firmly  fixed  in  modern  scientific  thought  than  another,  it  is  that  heat 
is  a  mode  of  motion.  Ask  yourselves  how  the  va*t  amount  of 
mechanical  energy  actually  transmitted  in  the  form  of  heat  reaches 
the  earth  from  the  sun.  Matter  must  be  its  vehicle,  and  the  matter 
is  according  to  theory  the  luminiferous  ether. 

Thomas  Young  never  saw  with  his  eyes  the  waves  of  sound ; 
but  he  had  the  force  of  imagination  to  picture  them  and  the  intel- 
lect to  investigate  them.  And  he  rose  from  the  investigation  of  the 
unseen  waves  of  air  to  that  of  the  unseen  waves  of  ether ;  his  belief 
in  the  one  being  little,  if  at  all,  inferior  to  his  belief  in  the  other.  One 
expression  of  his  will  illustrate  the  perfect  definiteness  of  his  ideas. 
To  account  for  the  aberration  of  light  he  thought  it  necessary  to  assume 
that  the  ether  which  encompasses  the  earth  does  not  partake  of  the 
motion  of  our  planet  through  space.  His  words  are  : — *  The  ether 
passes  through  the  solid  mass  of  the  earth  as  the  wind  passes  through 
a  grove  of  trees.'  This  bold  assumption  has  been  shown  to  be  unne- 
cessary by  Prof.  Stokes,  who  proves  that,  by  ascribing  to  the  ether 
properties  analogous  to  those  of  an  elastic  solid,  aberration  would 
be  accounted  for,  without  supposing  the  earth  to  be  thus  permeable. 
Stokes  believes  in  the  ether  as  firmly  as  Young  did. 

I  may  add,  that  one  of  the  most  refined  experimenters  in  France, 
M.  Fizeau,  who  is  also  a  member  of  the  Institute,  undertook  to 
determine,  some  years  ago,  whether  a  moving  body  drags  the  ether 

Conc'ltiMri.   '  73 

along  with  it  in  its  motion.  'Hi^'g^r-clusiDn  is  th>,f  pdrt,of,  the  ether 
adheres  to  the  molecules  of  the  body,  and  is  transferred  along  with 
them.  This  conclusion  may  or  may  not  be  correct  ;  but  the  mere 
fact  that  such  experiments  were  undertaken  by  such  a  man  illustrates 
the  distinctness  with  which  this  idea  of  an  ether  is  held  by  the  most 
eminent  scientific  workers  of  the  age. 

But  while  I  have  endeavoured  to  place  before  you  with  the  utmost 
possible  clearness  the  basis  of  the  undulatory  theory,  do  I  therefore 
wish  to  close  your  eyes  against  any  evidence  that  may  arise  of  its  in- 
correctness ?  Far  from  it.  You  may  say,  and  justly  say,  that  a  hundred 
years  a^o  another  theory  was  held  by  the  most  eminent  men,  and  that, 
as  the  flieory  then  held  had  to  yield,  the  undulatory  theory  may  have 
to  yield  also.  This  is  perfectly  logical.  Just  in  the  same  way,  a  person 
in  the  time  of  Newton,  or  even  in  our  own  time,  might  reason  thus: 
The  great  Ptolemy,  and  numbers  of  great  men  after  him,  believed  that 
the  earth  was  the  centre  of  the  solar  system.  Ptolemy's  theory  had 
to  give  way,  and  the  theory  of  gravitation  may,  in  its  turn,  have  to  give 
way  also.  This  is  just  as  logical  as  the  former  argument.  The  strength 
of  the  theory  of  gravitation  rests  on  its  competence  to  account  for  all 
the  phenomena  of  the  solar  system  ;  and  how  strong  that  theory  is 
will  be  understood  by  those  who  have  heard  in  this  room  Professor 
Grant's  lucid  account  of  all  that  it  explains.  On  a  precisely  similar 
basis  rests  the  undulatory  theory  of  light;  only  that  the  phenomena 
which  it  explains  are  far  more  varied  and  complex  than  the  pheno- 
mena of  gravitation.  You  regard,  and  justly  so,  the  discovery  of 
Neptune  as  a  triumph  of  theory.  Guided  by  it,  Adams  and  Leverrier 
calculated  the  position  of  a  planetary  mass  competent  to  produce 
the  disturbances  of  Uranus.  Leverrier  communicated  the  result  of  his 
calculation  to  Galle  of  Berlin  ;  and  that  same  night  Galle  pointed 
the  telescope  of  the  Berlin  Observatory  to  the  portion  of  the  heavens 
indicated  by  Leverrier,  and  found  there  a  planet  36,000  miles  in 

It  so  happens  that  the  undulatory  theory  has  also  its  Neptune. 
Fresnel  had  determined  the  mathematical  expression  for  the  wave- 
surface  in  crystals  possessing  two  optic  axes;  but  he  did  not  appear  to 
have  an  idea  of  any  refraction  in  such  crystals  other  than  double  re- 
fraction. While  the  subject  was  in  this  condition  the  late  Sir  William 
Hamilton,  of  Dublin,  a  profound  mathematician,  took  it  up,  and  proved 
the  theory  to  lead  to  the  conclusion  that  at  four  special  points  of  the 
wave-surface  the  ray  was  divided  not  in  two  parts,  but  into  ?n  infinite 
number  of  parts]  forming  at  those  points  a  continuous  conical  envelope 
instead  of  two  images.  No  human  eye  had  ever  seen  this  envelope 
when  Sir  William  Hamilton  inferred  its  existence.  If  the  theory  of 
gravitation  be  true,  said  Leverrier,  in  effect,  to  Dr.  Galle,  a  planet 
ought  to  be  there:  if  the  theory  of  undulation  be  true,  said  Sir  William 

74  Notes  on  Light. 

Hamilton  -to,  Dr/ibloy.d,  my  hrtrJiions  envelope  ought  to  be  there. 
Lloyd  took  a  crystal  of  Arragonite,  and  following  with  the  most 
scrupulous  exactness  the  indications  of  theory,  discovered  the  envelope 
which  had  previously  been  an  idea  in  the  mind  of  the  mathematician. 
Whatever  may  be  the  strength  which  the  theory  of  gravitation 
derives  from  the  discovery  of  Neptune,  it  is  matched  by  the  strength 
which  the  tmdulatory  theory  derives  from  the  discovery  of  conical 


I  would  strongly  recommend  for  perusal  the  essay  on 
Light,  published  in  Sir  John  Herschel's  'Familiar  Lectures 
on  Scientific  Subjects.' 

J.  T. 





JOHN    TYNDALL,    LLD.    F.R.S. 

Professor  of  Natural  Philosophy  in  the  Koyal 
Institution  of  Great  Britain. 

Researches  on  Diamagnetism  and  Magne- 
Crystallic  Action; 

Including  the  Question  of  Diamagnetic  Polarity.     With  nume- 
rous Illustrations.     8vo.  price  14s. 

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1  Few  men  possess  the  remarkable  faculty  of  making  abstruse  subjects  con- 
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