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NEW  SERIES,  NO.  12 

Nunivak  Island  Eskimo  (Yuit)  Technology 
and  Material  Culture 

W.  VanStone 

March  31,  1989 
Publication  1398 


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•oat,  T.  B.    1978.    Flora  of  Barro  Colorado  Island.  Stanford  University  Press,  Stanford,  Calif,  943  pp. 
Grubb.  P.  J.,  J.  R.  Lloyd,  and  T.  D.  Pennington.    1963.   A  comparison  of  montane  and  lowland  rain  foi 
in  Ecuador.  I.  The  forest  structure,  physiognomy,  and  floristics.  Journal  of  Ecology,  51:  567-601. 

Lanodon,  E.  J.  M.    1979.    Yage  among  the  Siona:  Cultural  patterns  in  visions,  pp.  63-80.  In  Browman,  D. 
and  R.  A.  Schwarz,  eds.,  Spirits,  Shamans,  and  Stars.  Mouton  Publishers,  The  Hague,  Netherlands. 

rra,  J.    1946.    The  historic  tribes  of  Ecuador,  pp.  785-821.  In  Steward,  J.  H.,  ed..  Handbook  of  So; 
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Institution,  Washington.  D.C 

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Nunivak  Island  Eskimo  ( Yuit)  Technology 

and  Material  Culture 

Fig.  1.     Map  of  Nunivak  Island  and  the  adjacent  mainland. 



NEW  SERIES.  NO.  12 

Nunivak  Island  Eskimo  (  Yuii)  Technology 
and  Material  Culture 

James  W.  VanStone 

Curator,  North  American  Archaeology  and  Ethnology 
Department  of  Anthropology 
Field  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Chicago,  Illinois  60605-2496 

Accepted  August  3,  1988 
Published  March  31,  1989 
Publication  1398 


©  1989  Field  Museum  of  Natural  History 
Library  of  Congress  Catalog  Card  Number:  88-84028 

ISSN  0071-4739 

In  Memory  of  My  Friend 

Edward  S.  Rogers 


Table  of  Contents 

List  of  Illustrations 

Abstract   1 

I.  Introduction 1 

II.  Sea  Hunting 7 

III.  Land  Hunting 10 

IV.  Fishing 12 

V.  Transportation  15 

Kayaks  15 

Umiaks 17 

Sleds 20 

Snowshoes 21 

Breast  yoke  and  pack  cord 21 

VI.  Shelter,  Housekeeping,  and  Storage 


Settlements 21 

House  construction 21 

The  qasgiq 22 

Housekeeping 23 

Caches 23 

Temporary  shelters 24 

VII.  Tools 24 

VIII.  Household  Equipment   26 

IX.  Food  and  Its  Preparation 29 

Meals  and  eating  habits 29 

Land  and  sea  mammal  meat 30 

Fowl   30 

Fish  and  shellfish 30 

Vegetable  food 31 

X.  Skin  Preparation  and  Sewing  31 

Skin  preparation 31 

Sewing  and  sewing  equipment 33 

XL  Clothing  and  Personal  Adornment 


Skin  parkas   34 

Feather  parkas 35 

Gut  and  fish  skin  parkas 36 

Pants 36 

Caps 37 

Armbands 37 

Mittens 37 

Boots 37 

Children's  clothing 38 

Personal  adornment 38 

XII.  Conclusions 39 

Acknowledgments   42 

Literature  Cited    43 

Illustrations  (figs.  2-107)    45-108 

1.  Map  of  Nunivak  Island  and  the  adja- 
cent mainland    Frontispiece 

2.  The  village  of  Mekoryuk  in  1937      ...  45 

3.  The  village  of  Mekoryuk  in  winter   ...  45 

4.  The  village  of  Nash  Harbor   46 

5.  A  seasonal  settlement  on  Cape  Etolin 


6.  Sealing  harpoon  heads  47 

7.  Sealing  harpoon  head  and  chisel    48 

8.  Sealing  harpoon  socket  piece   49 

9.  Bone  marrow  extractor  and  harpoon 

dart  head    50 

10.  Harpoon  dart 51 

1 1 .  Model  harpoon  dart  52 

12.  Throwing  boards    53 

1 3.  Line  attacher   53 

14.  Two  kayaks  lashed  together   54 

15.  Snow  goggles    55 

16.  Bird  spear  prongs    56 

1 7.  Antler  arrowhead    57 

18.  Socketed  arrowhead  57 

19.  Ice  scoop    58 

20.  Ice  scoop    59 

21.  Woman  fishing  for  tomcod 60 

22.  Tomcod  spear   60 

23.  Boy  fishing  for  tomcod    61 

24.  Three-piece  cod  hook    62 

25.  Spools  of  sinew  cord    63 

26.  Dip  net    63 

27.  Net  shuttles    64 

28.  A  pair  of  slat  fish  traps    65 

29.  Constructing  a  dam    65 

30.  Setting  fish  traps   66 

3 1 .  A  fish  trap  in  place 66 

32.  Rocks  placed  on  fish  traps    67 

33.  Flounder  and  tomcod  on  a  drying  rack 


34.  Salmon  drying  on  racks 68 

35.  Grass  mats  covering  drying  fish    68 

36.  Nunivak  kayak  with  load  of  driftwood 


37.  Kayak  bow  and  stern  designs 70 

38.  A  sealskin  stretched  and  dried  71 

39.  Sealskins  being  stretched  and  bleached 


40.  Kayak  harpoon  line  holder 71 

4  1 .   Snow  beater-scrapers   71 

42.  Kayak  frames  on  racks    72 

43.  Newly  covered  kayaks   73 

44.  Man  applying  patch  to  kayak  cover   . .  73 

45.  Kayak  seat    74 


46.  Small  umiak     75 

47.  Umiak  showing  part  of  framing    75 

48.  Umiak  frame  parts  (boat  1)    76 

49.  Umiak  frame  parts  (boat  1)    77 

50.  Frame  of  umiak  bow  (boat  3)    78 

5  1 .  Frame  of  umiak  stern  (boat  3) 79 

52.  Traditional  Nunivak  sled    80 

53.  Traditional  Nunivak  sled  with  har- 
nessed dogs    81 

54.  Modern  Nunivak  sled    81 

55.  Old-style  sled  dog 82 

56.  Sled  dog  introduced  from  mainland   .  .  82 

57.  Kayak  sled  on  rack  with  kayak    83 

58.  Snowshoes    84 

59.  Interior  of  semi-subterranean  house  ..  85 

60.  House  excavation   85 

6  1 .  House  excavation   85 

62.  Partially  constructed  house  roof    86 

63.  Gut  window  of  house     86 

64.  House  with  roofed  underground  en- 
trance passage    86 

65.  Corner  of  qasgiq  showing  cribbed  roof 


66.  Qasgiq  entrance 87 

67.  Frame  for  pottery  lamp 88 

68.  Entrance  to  old  style  cache  89 

69.  Log  cache   89 

70.  Line  attachers  and  float  mouthpiece  .  .  90 

7  1 .  Bird  arrow  point   90 

72.  Bone  socket  piece   90 

73.  Adze  head  with  blade    90 

74.  Funnel 91 

75.  Harpoon  head    91 

76.  Mesh  gauge    91 

77.  Thumb  and  finger  guard    92 

78.  Ulu  and  needle  case  93 

79.  Ulus 94 

80.  Strap  fire  drill    95 

8 1 .  Bucket  of  bentwood   96 

82.  Bundles  of  dry  rye  grass    96 

83.  Baskets  containing  frozen  tomcod  on 
cache  roof 96 

84.  Storage  basket    97 

85.  Coiled  baskets   97 

86.  Coiled  basket 97 

87.  Wooden  form  for  scraping  sealskins  .  .  98 

88.  Inflated  sealskins  drying  on  cache  roof 


89.  Sealskin  lines  and  inflated  sealskin  fro- 
zen and  drying 98 

90.  Inflated  seal  throats  drying  and  bleach- 
ing      99 

9 1 .  Inflated  walrus  stomach  drying    99 

92.  End  scraper    100 

93.  Fox  skins  drying   100 

94.  Woman's  sewing  equipment     101 

95.  Needle  case    101 

96.  Boy's  sealskin  parka 102 

97.  Woman's  squirrel  skin  parka    102 

98.  Women's  parkas   102 

99.  Woman's  parka  103 

100.*Boys  in  head-pulling  contest    104 

101.  Walrus  intestine  drying   105 

102.  Elderly  man  wearing  wooden  eyeshade 


103.  Elderlv  man  wearing  squirrel  skin  parka 


104.  Boy  wearing  old  style  cap   107 

105.  Girl  wearing  dance  headdress    107 

106.  Grass  socks    108 

107.  Puppy  skins  drying 108 

List  of  Tables 

1 .  Measurements  of  Mekoryuk  umiaks, 

1939-1940      18 

VI 11 

Nunivak  Island  Eskimo  ( Yuit)  Technology 
and  Material  Culture 


During  1939-1940  Margaret  Lantis  lived  for  a 
year  on  Nunivak  Island  off  the  coast  of  west-cen- 
tral Alaska.  Although  the  major  purpose  of  her 
research  was  to  record  social  organization,  reli- 
gion, and  folklore,  she  also  took  extensive  notes 
on  technology  and  material  culture.  Lantis  has 
published  extensively  on  various  aspects  of  Nu- 
nivaarmiut  social  culture  but  a  projected  study  of 
material  culture  was  never  completed.  The  present 
account  is  based  primarily  on  Lantis's  field  notes 
on  Nunivaarmiut  technology  and  material  culture. 

I.  Introduction 

In  the  late  summer  of  1819  as  the  Russian  ex- 
plorer Petr  Korsakovskiy  approached  Kuskokwim 
Bay,  he  learned  of  the  existence  of  a  large  island 
approximately  25  mi  offshore  from  the  vast,  low- 
lying  delta  between  the  mouths  of  the  Kuskokwim 
and  Yukon  rivers  (fig.  1;  Fedorova,  1973a,  p.  8; 
1 973b,  pp.  68-69).  This  was  Nunivak  Island,  tree- 
less and  of  volcanic  origin,  which  averages  some 
650  ft  above  sea  level.  Its  highest  point,  near  the 
center  of  the  island,  is  1675  ft  above  sea  level. 
The  island  extends  east  and  west  56  mi,  with  a 
distance  of  40  mi  between  the  most  northerly  and 
southerly  points.  Despite  having  a  rugged  western 
shoreline,  there  are  no  terrain  features  that  modify 
the  island's  subarctic,  maritime  climate.  The  sur- 
rounding Bering  Sea  moderates  diurnal  tempera- 
ture variations,  particularly  when  compared  with 
the  adjacent  mainland,  but  the  surrounding  open 
sea  results  in  heavy  winter  storms  which  sweep 
over  the  island  and  bring  high  windchill  factors. 

Nunivak  Island  is  the  home  of  the  Nunivak  Es- 

kimo (Nunivaarmiut)  and  the  only  major  offshore 
Bering  Sea  island  inhabited  by  a  Central  Yupik- 
speaking  people.  Of  the  four  main  dialects  spoken 
by  the  Yupik  of  western  Alaska,  that  spoken  on 
Nunivak  is  the  most  divergent  (Woodbury,  1984; 
Jacobson,  1984;  VanStone,  ed.,  1973,  pp.  72-75; 
Hammerich,  1953).  Nunivak  Central  Yupik  is 
sometimes  known  as  cux,  from  its  cognate  yuk, 
the  word  for  person  in  Central  Alaskan  Yupik. 
Despite  phonological  differences,  it  is  mutually  in- 
telligible with  the  mainland  dialects  (Woodbury, 
1984,  p.  52). 

The  historic  Nunivaarmiut  are  believed  to  have 
been  a  displaced  population  of  the  Aglurmiut  who, 
in  the  late  18th  or  early  19th  century,  were  dis- 
persed from  their  homeland  on  the  mainland  and 
settled  in  Bristol  Bay  and  on  Nunivak  (Wrangell, 
1970,  p.  17;  Zagoskin,  1967,  p.  210;  Russian- 
American  Company  Records,  Communications 
Sent,  vol.  3,  no.  164,  4  May  1823;  vol.  9,  no.  460, 
31  October  1832).  These  refugees,  however,  were 
not  the  original  inhabitants  of  the  island.  Rela- 
tively restricted  archaeological  investigations  in 
the  1960s  indicate  that  what  may  have  been  the 
initial  occupation  was  a  Norton  tradition  mani- 
festation, which  Nowak  (1982)  has  designated  as 
the  Duchikmiut  phase,  with  early  and  late  sub- 
phases  dating  respectively  from  1 50  b.c.  to  a.d. 
300  and  a.d.  300  to  600.  The  Norton  tradition 
materials,  which  have  a  strong  maritime  orien- 
tation but  also  include  artifacts  associated  with 
caribou  hunting,  are  closely  related  to  cultural  de- 
velopments during  a  similar  period  on  the  coast 
of  mainland  western  Alaska.  Where  differences  oc- 
cur, they  may  be  the  result  of  geographic  isolation 
or  simply  reflect  the  limited  amount  of  data.  Re- 
covered faunal  material  indicates  that  no  major 
changes  in  the  subsistence  base  occurred  on  the 
island  from  Norton  times  until  European  contact. 


Whether  Nunivak  was  occupied  before  the  arrival 
of  Norton  peoples  is  not  known.  No  evidence  has 
been  recovered,  but  archaeological  excavations 
have  been  limited  and  some  areas  of  the  island 
have  never  been  surveyed. 

The  Norton  tradition  was  followed  by  a  devel- 
oped aspect  of  the  Thule  tradition  (Mekoryuk  Riv- 
er phase,  a.d.  900-1375),  with  its  extensive  tech- 
nology for  sea  and  land  mammal  hunting,  and  a 
later  Thule  manifestation  (Nash  Harbor  phase,  a.d. 
1500-1700),  identified  primarily  on  the  basis  of 
distinctive  pottery  forms  (Nowak,  1986).  It  was 
presumably  these  people  who  inhabited  Nunivak 
at  the  time  of  the  Aglurmiut  migration.  Archae- 
ological materials  recovered  from  sites  of  the  early 
historic  period  (VanStone,  1954,  1957)  resemble 
ethnographic  objects  from  the  adjacent  mainland 
described  by  E.  W.  Nelson  (1899),  suggesting  an 
artifact  assemblage  similar  to  that  described  in  this 
stud\ . 

Since  its  European  discovery  by  Russian  naval 
expeditions  in  the  early  19th  century,  Nunivak 
Island  has  remained  one  of  the  most  isolated  areas 
in  Alaska.  The  shallow  water  of  Etolin  Strait  which 
separates  the  island  from  the  mainland  prevents 
the  approach  of  larger  vessels,  and  the  constantly 
moving  winter  ice  cannot  be  crossed  on  foot  or  by 
dog  team  in  winter.  Editions  of  the  United  States 
Coast  Pilot  as  late  as  1954  warn  that  the  area 
should  be  approached  with  extreme  caution  (U.S. 
Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey,  1955,  pp.  526-529). 
Isolated  from  sustained  European  and  American 
contact  until  relatively  recent  times,  the  Nuni- 
vaarmiut  retained  a  larger  part  of  their  traditional 
culture  longer  than  virtually  any  other  group  of 
Alaskan  Eskimo.  Nowhere  else  in  Alaska,  with  the 
possible  exception  of  adjacent  Nelson  Island,  did 
the  traditional  or  modified-traditional  culture,  both 
material  and  nonmaterial.  survive  into  the  period 
of  modern  ethnographic  fieldwork. 

In  many  ways.  Nunivak  Island  was  a  place  well 
suited  for  traditional  Eskimo  life:  villages  could 
be  located  on  raised,  well-drained  land,  there  was 
an  abundant  supply  of  driftwood,  and  the  climate 
was  not  extreme.  Sea  mammals,  especially  hair 
seals,  and  aquatic  birds  were  plentiful,  although 
land  animals  were  scarce;  a  variety  offish  species 
were  exploited  at  most  times  of  the  year. 

The  European  discovery  of  Nunivak  took  place 
in  1821  when  two  Russian  naval  expeditions  vis- 
ited the  island.  M.  N.  Vasilev,  aboard  the  ship 
Otkrytie (Discovery),  sighted  the  island  on  1 1  July 
(OS).  On  going  ashore,  probably  at  some  point 
along  the  north  coast,  he  was  told  by  the  Eskimos 

he  met  that  they  had  not  previously  been  in  direct 
contact  with  Europeans.  Vasilev  named  the  island 
for  his  ship  but  made  no  attempt  to  survey  it.  A 
second  expedition,  consisting  of  the  brig  Golovnin 
under  the  command  of  V.  S.  Khromchcnko  and 
the  cutter  Baranov  commanded  by  A.  K.  Etolin, 
sighted  the  island  just  a  few  days  later,  Etolin  on 
28  July  and  Khromchcnko  in  early  August.  The 
following  summer  Khromchcnko  and  Etolin,  now 
both  aboard  the  Golovnin,  visited  the  island  for  a 
second  time,  and  a  more  thorough  exploration  was 
undertaken  (VanStone.  ed.,  1973). 

On  18  June  1822  the  Golovnin  approached  the 
southern  tip  of  Nunivak  in  the  vicinity  of  Cape 
Mendenhall.  Almost  immediately  a  flotilla  of  25 
kayaks,  some  containing  two  people,  approached 
the  ship.  Among  the  visitors  was  Ayagakak,  iden- 
tified as  a  "chief."  to  whom  Etolin  had  given  a 
silver  medal  the  year  before.  Khromchcnko  de- 
scribed the  Nunivaarmiut  as  having  pierced  noses 
and  ears  and  wearing  labrets  decorated  with  beads 
acquired  through  trade  with  Kuskokwim  Eskimos. 
The  visitors  were  wearing  fox  and  muskrat  parkas 
sewn  with  the  fur  side  out,  over  which  they  wore 
waterproof  coats  of  sea  mammal  intestine.  They 
offered  the  Russians  white  fox.  red  fox,  caribou, 
and  muskrat  skins  in  exchange  for  hoop  iron, 
"Aleut"  hatchets,  bangles,  and  beads. 

Late  in  the  afternoon  of  the  same  day,  the  Go- 
lovnin approached  the  settlement  of  "Chungalik" 
on  the  east  coast  of  Cape  Mendenhall,  probably  a 
summer  camp  at  the  tip  of  the  cape  (see  Lantis, 
1946,  map  1,  pp.  162-163).  More  Nunivaarmiut 
came  out  to  the  ship,  including  a  man  named 
Tammlokh  who  had  received  a  bronze  medal  from 
Vasilev  the  preceding  year.  Khromchcnko  noted 
that  the  Eskimos  from  this  village  possessed  some 
European  artifacts,  and  traded  a  few  fox  skins  of 
poor  quality  as  well  as  bows  and  arrows  for  nails, 
hoop  iron,  and  beads.  The  next  morning  ( 1 9  June) 
the  trading,  led  by  "Chief  Ayagakak,"  continued, 
with  bows,  arrows,  wooden  vessels,  and  various 
ivory  artifacts  being  exchanged  for  hoop  iron  and 
"wretched  rusty  nails. " 

In  the  afternoon  the  Golovnin  dropped  anchor 
near  the  village  of  "Chinik"  at  the  tip  of  Cape 
Corwin,  a  summer  settlement  for  the  winter  village 
of  Paimiut,  at  one  time  the  largest  community  on 
the  east  side  of  the  island  (Lantis,  1946,  map  1, 
p.  1 62).  Khromchenko  and  Etolin  went  ashore  and 
immediately  the  Eskimos  began  trading  in  the  same 
manner  as  when  they  visited  the  ship.  While  this 
trading  was  in  progress,  Khromchenko  walked 
some  distance  from  the  settlement  toward  the  in- 


tenor  of  the  island  and  noted  a  fresh  grave  on 
which  lay  various  weapons  of  war  and  a  kayak 
frame.  Later  he  visited  several  houses  in  Chinik 
which  he  noted  were  exactly  like  those  of  the 
"Aglegmiut"  (Aglurmiut)  in  Bristol  Bay.  In  one  of 
these  dwellings  he  found  an  iron  adze  with  a 
"brand"  on  it  but  was  unable  to  determine  its 
origin  from  the  marking;  the  owner  said  he  had 
obtained  it  from  the  Kuskokwim  Eskimos. 
Khromchenko  also  observed  several  cloth  objects 
of  Russian  make,  "hastily  and  poorly  done."  which 
were  said  to  have  come  from  the  same  source.  The 
explorer  surmised  that  the  Kuskokwim  Eskimos 
had  obtained  these  items  from  Aleksandrovskiy 
Redoubt,  the  Russian-American  Company's  trad- 
ing post,  established  in  1819.  at  the  mouth  of  the 
Nushagak  River. 

In  summing  up  his  impressions  of  the  Nuni- 
vaarmiut.  Khromchenko  noted  that  they  were 
"completely  like"  the  Aglurmiut,  which  is  not  sur- 
prising since  they  were,  in  part  at  least,  a  segment 
of  that  population  group.  Among  the  Nunivaar- 
miut,  members  of  the  expedition  saw  four  men 
and  four  women  who  had  recently  come  from  the 
adjacent  mainland,  and  Khromchenko  encoun- 
tered an  old  man  who  drew  him  a  map  of  the 
mainland  coast  in  the  sand. 

Near  midday  on  2 1  June  the  Golovnin  once  more 
got  under  sail,  and  that  evening  cast  anchor  off  the 
mouth  of  a  river  just  north  of  Chinik  to  fill  the 
empty  water  barrels.  On  the  morning  of  the  22nd 
the  Golovnin  left  the  coast  of  Nunivak  Island,  and 
by  mid-afternoon  had  reached  Cape  Vancouver. 
Thus  the  first  exploration  of  the  island  had  lasted 
only  four  days  and  was  confined  to  the  southeast 
coast  (VanStone.  ed..  1973.  pp.  58-65).  Although 
Khromchenko's  description  of  the  Nunivaarmiut 
is  brief,  it  does  contain  information  concerning 
their  interest  in  trade  at  this  early  date  and  their 
contacts  with  the  mainland. 

Apparently  drawing  on  the  journals  of  Vasilev, 
Khromchenko,  and  Etolin  for  1821  and  1822,  the 
Russian  historian  P.  A.  Tikhmenev  wrote  as  fol- 
lows concerning  the  inhabitants  of  Nunivak: 

On  Nunivok  [sic]  live  up  to  four  hundred 
inhabitants  of  both  sexes  in  sixteen  known 
villages.  .  .  .  The  natives  on  Nunivok  Island 
do  not  do  much  hunting  and  trapping  of  fur- 
bearing  animals  although  there  are  many 
foxes  on  this  island.  Their  main  occupation 
is  hunting  large  hair  seals,  or  makliaki 
[bearded  seals],  walrus,  and  caribou,  and 
catching  fish  offshore.  These  islanders  lead 

a  sedentary1  life,  coming  to  the  mainland  in 
the  summer  to  barter  sealskin  blubber,  and 
a  few  foxes  for  tobacco  from  the  local  na- 
tives. They  know  very  little  about  cloth  and 
do  not  use  it  for  clothing  (Tikhmenev,  1978. 
p.  437). 

Subsequent  to  the  explorations  of  Khromchen- 
ko and  Etolin.  Nunivak  Island  was  infrequently 
visited  by  Europeans  until  the  summer  of  1874, 
when  William  H.  Dall  surveyed  its  northeastern 
extremity  and  made  preliminary  observations 
concerning  the  geology  of  the  region.  Dall's  com- 
ments on  the  native  inhabitants  were  limited,  but 
he  did  note  that  they  were  excellent  ivory  carvers 
(Dall,  1877a,  p.  18;  1896.  p.  814).  Ivan  Petroff 
estimated  the  island's  population  as  400  in  1880 
(Petroff,  1884,  p.  16),  a  figure  apparently  obtained 
from  Tikhmenev  (1978,  p.  437),  since  there  is  no 
record  that  he  visited  Nunivak  when  taking  the 
Alaska  federal  census  during  the  summer  of  that 

On  11  June  1880  the  U.S.  Revenue-Steamer 
Corwin,  under  Captain  C.  L.  Hooper,  anchored  in 
a  "good  harbor"  on  the  northwest  side  of  the  island 
because  of  heavy  ice  conditions.  The  crew  camped 
near  an  Eskimo  settlement,  presumably  in  the  Nash 
Harbor  region,  and  greatly  frightened  the  inhab- 
itants who  apparently  had  seen  few  if  any  white 
men  before.  The  next  day  they  succeeded  in  cap- 
turing a  man,  three  women,  and  three  children 
who  feared  they  were  to  be  killed.  A  present  of 
some  tobacco  seemed  to  reassure  them  and  the 
man  was  persuaded  to  come  on  board  the  Corwin 
where  he  was  impressed  by  a  looking  glass  and 
expressed  distaste  when  offered  brandy.  Hooper 
noted  that  the  settlement  consisted  of  10  sod-cov- 
ered houses,  all  connected  by  a  subterranean  pas- 
sage. "They  were  arranged  in  a  circle,  with  a  com- 
mon entrance  to  the  covered  way  in  the  centre. 
From  the  main  passage  short  ones  branched  off  to 
each  house.  These  afford  the  only  means  of  en- 
tering the  houses."  The  Corwin  left  Nunivak  on 
the  morning  of  13  June  (Hooper.  1881.  p.  5). 

It  was  not  until  1891  that  detailed  observations 
were  made  on  Nunivak  Island  and  its  inhabitants. 
In  August  of  that  year  the  Corwin  landed  Petroff, 
the  enumerator  for  the  1 1th  federal  census,  in  the 
Cape  Mendenhall  area  for  the  purpose  of  deter- 
mining the  number  of  villages  on  the  island  and 
enumerating  their  inhabitants.  Petroff  told  of  pur- 
chasing a  dilapidated  kayak  at  one  of  the  small 
villages  on  Cape  Mendenhall  and  starting  out  on 
his  trip  around  the  island.  He  noted  "a  number  of 


villages"  between  (ape  Mendenhull  and  the 
northeast  corner  of  the  island,  but  was  particularly 
impressed  with  the  village  of  Koot,  located  across 
the  bay  from  the  present  village  of  Mekoryuk. 
"Koot  is  the  point  of  communication  with  the 
mainland  and  the  commercial  center  of  the  island. 
Its  trade,  with  its  ramifications  over  the  island,  is 
in  the  hands  of  a  single  man,  who  buys  up  all  the 
maklak  [bearded  >eal]  skins  and  lines,  and  oil  se- 
cured by  the  people  in  excess  of  their  immediate 
wants,  giving  in  return  the  cargo  of  a  single  skin 
boat  brought  over  once  a  year  by  the  Eskimo  trader 
from  Dununuk  [Tanunuk  on  Nelson  Island]."  Pe- 
troff was  at  Koot  when  the  boat  arrived  and  he 
mentioned  that 

The  cargo  consisted  of  10  bales  of  leaf  to- 
bacco of  50  pounds  each,  8  sacks  of  flour  of 
50  pounds  each,  3  pieces  of  faded  calico  print 
(of  about  48  yards  each),  100  half-pound 
cans  of  powder,  200  pounds  of  bar  lead,  1 
tin  of  matches,  and  1  small  box  containing 
a  few  cheap  knives,  needles,  thread,  thim- 
bles, and  fine-toothed  combs. 

When  the  boat  left  the  island  it  contained  "280 
tanned  maklak  hides,  a  dozen  fox  and  land  otter 
skins.  39  pairs  of  walrus  tusks  (from  5  to  7  pounds 
to  each  tusk),  about  100  gallons  of  oil  in  bladders, 
and  several  thousand  fathoms  of  seal  and  walrus 
line"  (Porter.  1893.  pp.  1  14-1  15). 

The  reference  to  land  otter  in  this  account  is 
surprising  as  there  have  been  none  on  the  island 
in  the  20th  century,  and  no  other  evidence  that 
the\  were  present  in  the  late  19th  century.  Petroff 
was  particularly  impressed  by  the  meager  prices 
paid  to  the  Nunivaarmiut  in  exchange  for  local 
products.  He  mentioned  one  young  man  from  the 
south  end  of  the  island  who  left  a  pair  of  very  large 
walrus  tusks  with  the  trader  in  March  and  in  Au- 
gust received  in  payment  two  squares  of  matches 
(100  in  each  square),  one  pound  of  leaf  tobacco 
worth  30c.  and  two  needles  (Porter,  1 893,  p.  1  1 5). 

Petroff  seems  to  have  covered  most  of  the  island; 
he  listed  nine  villages  and  a  few  small  settlements 
with  a  total  population  of  559,  of  which  consid- 
erably more  than  half  were  concentrated  along  the 
north  coast.  He  noted  that  at  the  time  of  his  visit 
most  of  the  people  were  away  at  fish  camps  at  the 
mouths  of  streams  and  up  small  lagoons  (Porter. 
1 893,  pp.  6.  112.  11 4).  It  is  probable  that  the  win- 
ter population  was  concentrated  in  fewer  villages. 
Edward  Curtis,  who  visited  the  island  in  1927. 
noted  that  the  people  of  Cape  Etolin.  who  wintered 

at  Mekoryuk.  occupied  five  camps  during  spring 
seal  hunting  and  summer  fishing  (Curtis,  1930,  p. 

In  1939-1940  Margaret  Lantis.  with  the  aid  of 
informants,  obtained  the  names  and  locations  of 
13  winter  villages  and  17  seasonal  camps.  At  the 
time  of  her  fieldwork  only  seven  winter  settle- 
ments were  occupied,  the  most  important  of  which 
were  Mekoryuk  (figs.  2-3),  on  the  northeast  side 
of  the  island  on  a  point  of  land  west  of  Cape  Etolin 
(Fit/hugh  &  Kaplan.  1982.  pp.  2-3),  and  Nash 
Harbor,  some  35  mi  farther  west  along  the  north 
coast  (fig.  4;  Fit/hugh  &  Kaplan.  1982,  pp.  4-5). 
The  seasonal  camps,  which  were  often  small,  were 
returned  to  year  after  year.  Like  the  winter  villages, 
they  had  semi-subterranean  houses,  storehouses, 
and  qasgiqs  or  ceremonial  houses.  The  Nunivaar- 
miut did  not  use  tents,  so  the  term  "camp"  is 
somewhat  misleading  (Lantis,  1946,  map  1,  p.  162). 
A  seasonal  settlement  at  or  near  the  village  of  Koot 
mentioned  by  Petroff  and  occupied  at  the  time  of 
spring  seal  hunting  is  shown  in  Figure  5.  In  1970 
Mekoryuk  was  the  only  permanent,  year-round 

The  first  reliable  census  figure  for  the  island, 
obtained  in  1940,  was  218,  less  than  half  the  total 
enumerated  by  Petroff  in  1891.  Although  Nunivak 
was  protected  to  some  extent  from  the  epidemics 
that  ravaged  southwest  Alaska  in  the  late  19th  and 
early  20th  centuries,  this  decline  seems  to  have 
been  due  primarily  to  inadequate  medical  services 
(Lantis,  1946.  pp.  156.  162;  1984.  pp.  112-113). 

The  subsistence  cycle  of  the  Nunivaarmiut  in 
1939-1940  has  been  described  in  considerable  de- 
tail by  Lantis  (1946.  pp.  171-181),  and  is  briefly 
summarized  here.  It  should  be  kept  in  mind,  how- 
ever, that  the  cycle  was  never  the  same  each  year, 
as  weather  conditions  varied  considerably.  Kayak 
hunting,  for  example,  could  be  greatly  affected  by 
the  amount  and  thickness  of  the  sea  ice  in  the 
spring  and  fall. 

Seal  hunting  was  the  most  important  subsis- 
tence activity  and  was  highly  ritualized.  Except  for 
occasional  animals  taken  in  midwinter  or  during 
the  summer,  all  seals  were  caught  in  spring  by 
hunters  in  kayaks  or  in  the  fall  with  nets  set  under 
the  ice  before  it  became  too  thick.  Walrus  were 
also  hunted  from  kayaks  and  a  few  beluga  were 
taken,  cither  with  harpoons  or  in  nets  set  for  seals. 

The  principal  summer  fishing  technique  in- 
volved the  construction  of  stone  weirs  in  small 
rivers.  At  the  opening  of  the  weir  a  large  rectan- 
gular trap  was  set  (see  fig.  28).  Large  salmon  were 
harpooned  and  in  winter  fish  were  speared  through 


holes  in  the  ice  on  a  river  or  bay.  Dried  and  frozen 
seal  meat  and  fish  were  stored  in  large  quantities, 
and  seal  oil  was  preserved  in  "pokes"  (oil  bags) 
made  of  whole  sealskins.  More  plant  food  was 
utilized  than  might  be  expected.  Berries  and  greens 
were  collected  for  current  use  and  frozen  for  later 

Birds  were  a  valuable  resource  for  the  Nuni- 
vaarmiut; Stettenheim  (1954)  obtained  the  native 
names  for  47  species.  Although  birds  were  taken 
for  food,  the  skins  of  some  species  were  more  im- 
portant since  warm  parkas  could  be  constructed 
from  them.  Birds  were  taken  with  nets  on  the  cliff 
rookeries  or  with  multipronged  bird  spears  on  open 
water.  Early  in  the  20th  century  the  only  species 
of  land  animals  were  arctic  foxes  and  ermines;  the 
caribou  mentioned  in  the  previously  quoted  pas- 
sage from  Tikhmenev  had  been  exterminated  in 
the  1 870s  or  1 880s,  as  were  the  few  wolves.  Petroff 
(Porter,  1893,  p.  114)  believed  that  the  Nuni- 
vaarmiut  had  exterminated  the  caribou  soon  after 
the  introduction  of  firearms. 

Regarding  outside  influences  on  local  technol- 
ogy, shipwrecks  on  the  island  in  the  latter  part  of 
the  19th  and  early  20th  centuries  brought  scarce 
hardware  and  examples  of  ship  construction  (Lan- 
tis,  1960,  p.  13).  Beached  whales  may  have  held 
whaling  harpoons  and,  by  local  account,  made  their 
finders  prosperous  through  the  distribution  of  food. 
Around  1900  a  small  store  was  established  by  a 
Euro-American,  but  after  killing  three  people  in 
separate  incidents,  he  and  his  partner  left.  No  oth- 
er outside  trader  lived  on  the  island  until  1920.  A 
local  Nash  Harbor  man,  who  later  became  "chief" 
of  the  island,  conducted  trade  with  the  Northern 
Commercial  Company  store  at  St.  Michael  even 
after  the  new  trader  arrived.  The  latter,  of  Russian- 
Eskimo  ancestry  from  the  Shaktoolik  area,  brought 
his  wife  and  100  reindeer.  The  deer  and  store  were 
owned  by  a  non-native  trader  and  reindeer-breed- 
ing family  at  Nome.  The  increasing  herds  provided 
a  good  new  resource,  but  the  Nunivaarmiut  had 
to  buy  the  animals  with  labor,  local  products,  or 

Although  considerably  isolated  by  their  island 
environment,  the  Nunivaarmiut  maintained  con- 
tacts with  the  adjacent  mainland  that  can  be  doc- 
umented from  the  earliest  historic  times.  It  will 
be  recalled  that  Khromchenko  believed  the  trade 
goods  he  observed  had  been  acquired  through  trade 
with  Kuskokwim  Eskimos.  He  also  met  Eskimos 
who  had  recently  come  from  the  mainland.  Pe- 
trofTs  comments  concerning  mainland  contacts  and 
trade  are  also  explicit.  In  1946  Lantis  interviewed 

"Daniel,'"  described  as  the  oldest  man  on  the  is- 
land, whose  memory  extended  back  into  the  1 870s 
and  possibly  the  1860s.  He  recalled  a  calm  day 
during  his  childhood  when  many  kayaks  came  to 
the  island  from  the  mainland  beyond  Nelson  Is- 
land. Daniel's  father  told  him  that  some  of  the 
visitors  were  his  relatives.  The  old  man  also  re- 
membered many  people  coming  from  the  mouth 
of  the  Kuskokwim  to  villages  on  the  south  side  of 
the  island,  and  messengers  being  sent  to  Nelson 
Island  to  invite  participants  to  a  Messenger  Feast 
(Lantis,  1960,  pp.  5,  16-17). 

In  a  recent  article  Fienup-Riordan  (1984)  has 
pointed  out  that  the  traditional  Yupik  Eskimos 
were  divided  residentially  into  "a  number  of  po- 
litically and  economically  self-sufficient  village 
groups"  (p.  70).  For  the  purpose  of  fulfilling  other 
cultural  necessities  these  groups  were  united  into 
"regional  confederations"  through  extensive  so- 
cial and  ceremonial  exchanges.  The  Nunivaarmiut 
were  one  such  confederation,  consisting  of  the  var- 
ious settlements  on  the  island.  Relations  between 
regional  confederations  could  be  both  negative  and 
positive.  Negative  relations  involved  interregional 
hostilities,  which  are  well  documented  for  the  Yu- 
pik Eskimo  in  the  late  prehistoric  and  early  his- 
toric periods.  At  the  same  time,  positive  interre- 
gional relations  in  the  form  of  trading  partnerships 
and  exchange  marriages  also  existed,  and  consti- 
tuted forms  of  alliance  between  members  of  dif- 
ferent regional  confederations. 

Oral  history  recounts  the  origin  of  the  Nuni- 
vaarmiut from  the  offspring  of  a  Nelson  Island 
woman  and  her  dog  husband  (Lantis,  1 946,  p.  267; 
Fienup-Riordan,  1983,  pp.  236-238).  Kinship  was 
recognized  with  both  the  Qaluyaarmiut  (Nelson 
Island)  and  Askinakmiut  (Hooper  Bay).  Hunters 
and  traders  from  these  two  areas  who  came  to 
Nunivak  Island  in  the  mid-  and  late  19th  century, 
usually  to  hunt  in  times  of  shortage,  were  greeted 
with  mixed  feelings.  Certain  obligations  were  rec- 
ognized as  being  due  to  kinsmen,  but  there  was 
also  resentment.  Relations  between  the  Nuni- 
vaarmiut and  both  the  Kusquqvaqmiut  and  the 
Kuigpagmiut  (lower  Yukon)  seem  to  have  been 
characterized  primarily  by  hostility  (Fienup-Rior- 
dan, 1984,  p.  92).  Under  differing  circumstances 
through  time,  it  is  clear  that  the  Nunivaarmiut 
consistently  maintained  relations  with  people  from 
the  adjacent  mainland  that  involved  ceremonial 
exchange  and  trade. 

In  1934  the  U.S.  Biological  Survey  brought  34 
muskoxen  from  Greenland  to  Nunivak  in  an  effort 
to  reestablish  the  species  in  Alaska.  Because  the 


animals  were  federally  protected,  and  since  the 
Nunivaarmiut  were  afraid  of  them,  they  added 
nothing  to  the  local  economy  until  40  years  later. 
when  Nunivak  women  learned  to  make  fine  items 
of  clothing  from  the  underwool  of  the  muskox 
(Lantis.  1984.  p.  212).  Also  in  the  1930s  biologists 
brought  10  caribou  to  improve  the  reindeer. 

In  1924  a  Euro-American  teacher  and  his  wife 
were  established  at  Nash  Harbor  by  the  U.S.  Bu- 
reau of  Education,  followed  a  few  years  later  by 
Eskimo  teachers  from  the  Bering  Strait  area.  In 
1936-1937  an  Eskimo  missionary,  like  the  trader 
aK.>  from  Norton  Sound,  brought  his  family  to 
Mekoryuk,  where  he  established  an  Evangelical 
Covenant  Church.  In  1939  the  reindeer  and  store 
were  purchased  by  the  federal  government  and  a 
new  school  was  built  at  Mekoryuk  by  the  Bureau 
o\  Indian  Affairs,  thus  concentrating  the  island's 
only  store,  church,  and  school  in  one  place.  Each 
brought  new  ways  of  making  and  using  material 
things  as  well  as  new  attitudes  and  values.  (For 
the  remarkable  changes  between  1940  and  1980. 
sec  Lantis.  1984.  pp.  210-212.) 

Because  of  its  insular  position  and  the  resulting 
special  nature  of  its  flora  and  fauna.  Nunivak  Is- 
land attracted  the  attention  of  scientists  in  several 
fields  of  natural  history.  Beginning  with  the  visit 
o\~  William  H.  Dall  in  1874,  a  number  of  field- 
workers  carried  out  research  on  the  island.  Be- 
tween 1927  and  1938.  several  botanists  made  plant 
collections,  but  their  visits  were  short,  frequently 
lasting  no  more  than  a  single  day.  The  first  orni- 
thologist to  visit  the  island  was  Cyril  Guy  Harold, 
who  collected  birds  for  the  California  Academy  of 
Sciences  between  30  June  and  6  November  1927 
(Swarth,  1934).  Considerable  research  relating  to 
the  reindeer  and  muskox  herds  was  undertaken  in 
the  1930s,  particularly  by  L.  J.  Palmer,  a  biologist 
in  charge  of  the  Reindeer  Experiment  Station  then 
located  in  Fairbanks. 

Anthropological  interest  in  Nunivak  Island  dates 
from  the  work  of  Dall.  although  his  observations 
were  brief  and  his  ethnographic  collection,  now  in 
the  National  Museum  of  Natural  History .  \  cry 
small  ( Dall.  1 877b).  In  the  summer  of  1905  George 
Byron  Gordon  of  the  University  Museum  in  Phila- 
delphia (then  called  the  Free  Museum  of  Science 
and  Art)  visited  the  island,  apparently  for  about 
two  weeks,  during  a  journey  along  the  Bering  Sea 
coast,  but  his  published  account  contains  virtually 
no  information  on  the  inhabitants  (Gordon.  1906, 
p.  72.  pis.  XIII-XIV). 

It  was  not  until  1927.  however,  that  anthropol- 

ogists came  for  an  extended  period.  On  21  June 
of  that  year.  Henry  B.  Collins.  Jr.  of  the  Bureau 
of  American  Ethnology  and  T.  Dale  Stewart  of  the 
U.S.  National  Museum  landed  at  Nash  Harbor. 
They  took  measurements  and  made  physiological 
observations  on  the  Eskimos  in  that  settlement 
and  then  explored  the  western  end  of  the  island 
on  foot,  collecting  bones  and  ethnographic  mate- 
rial from  several  deserted  villages  and  at  Nash 
Harbor.  They  then  moved  to  Cape  Etolin  where 
they  continued  their  work,  leaving  the  island  in 
August  (Collins,  1 928).  Their  measurements  of  1 80 
living  Eskimos  and  178  skulls  were  published  by 
Ales  Hrdlicka  (1930.  pp.  238-253:  1943.  pp.  201- 
217);  their  ethnographic  collection  is  in  the  Na- 
tional Museum  of  Natural  History.  Collins  made 
a  brief  film  on  various  aspects  of  Nunivaarmiut 
life,  entitled  Eskimo  Children,  for  the  Encyclo- 
paedia Britannica.  As  previously  noted,  Edward 
S.  Curtis  also  visited  the  island  in  1 927  and  wrote 
the  first  ethnographic  account  of  the  Nunivaar- 
miut (Curtis,  1930).  Ten  years  later,  in  1936-1937, 
the  German  ethnographer  Hans  Himmelheber 
collected  myths,  tales,  and  other  ethnographic  data 
on  Nunivak  and  also  made  a  psychological  and 
ethnographic  study  of  contemporary'  art  and  artists 
(Himmelheber,  1938.  1951.  1980). 

Margaret  Lantis  lived  on  Nunivak  Island  for  a 
year  (1939-1940)  after  having  spent  a  year  (1933- 
1934)  on  Atka  Island  in  the  Aleutians,  fieldwork 
for  which  she  believed  she  was  ill-prepared.  As  a 
graduate  student  at  the  University  of  California. 
Berkeley,  she  read  extensively  in  the  available  lit- 
erature on  Eskimos,  wishing  to  visit  Alaska  again, 
better  prepared.  In  1939  Henry  B.  Collins.  Jr.  rec- 
ommended Nunivak  Island  as  the  most  promising 
location  for  an  ethnographic  study.  The  island  was 
relatively  isolated  at  that  time  and  the  inhabit- 
ants still  possessed  what  might  be  called  a  func- 
tioning East  Bering  Sea  culture.  In  her  publications 
she  has  expressed  her  appreciation  to  Collins  and 
to  the  Nunivaarmiut  for  a  productive  and  very 
pleasant,  interesting,  and  satisfying  year  on  the 

Lantis  recalled  that  for  five  months  during  the 
winter  of  1939-1940  there  was  no  mail  delivered 
to  the  island,  but  the  well-established  trader  Paul 
Ivanof  and  his  family,  who  had  assisted  previous 
researchers,  the  missionary'  Jacob  Kenick  and 
family,  and  the  new  teachers  Dale  and  Mary  Stew- 
art, as  well  as  the  Nunivaarmiut.  provided  good 
company.  Donald  Baker,  with  only  local  school- 
ing, proved  to  be  an  intelligent  and  helpful  inter- 


preter.  Formal  interviewing  was  conducted  in  the 
homes  of  Mekoryuk  residents,  except  for  a  short 
visit  to  Nash  Harbor. 

The  initial  purpose  of  Lantis's  research  was  to 
record  social  organization,  religion,  and  folklore. 
Although  lacking  training  in  technology,  the  con- 
siderable amount  of  meticulous  craftsmanship 
which  she  observed  daily  led  her  to  begin  describ- 
ing, measuring,  and  drawing  objects  of  material 
culture.  The  initial  year  of  fieldwork  on  Nunivak 
was  financed  by  the  Penrose  Fund  of  the  American 
Philosophical  Society  and  by  the  University  of 
California,  Berkeley.  Lantis  returned  to  the  island 
for  special  studies  at  Mekoryuk  in  1946,  1955,  and 
1961,  emphasizing  in  particular  the  individual  de- 
velopment of  children.  Her  monograph  on  social 
culture  (1946)  has  long  been  regarded  as  a  major 
contribution  to  our  knowledge  of  the  Eskimos  of 
southwest  Alaska.  A  long  article  (1953)  and  a 
monograph  (1960)  devoted  to  the  psychodynam- 
ics  of  Nunivak  society  and  a  report  on  community 
politics  (1972)  have  been  published,  but  a  pro- 
jected study  of  material  culture  was  never  com- 
pleted. The  present  account  is  based  primarily  on 
Lantis's  field  notes  on  Nunivaarmiut  material  cul- 

II.  Sea  Hunting 

Seal  hunting  was  the  most  important  subsis- 
tence activity  of  the  Nunivaarmiut.  Spotted  seals, 
bearded  seals,  harbor  seals,  and,  rarely,  sea  lions 
were  taken  throughout  much  of  the  year.  Hunting 
at  seal  breathing  holes  in  midwinter  was,  by  the 
1920s,  no  longer  practiced.  By  other  methods,  as 
many  as  600  seals  might  be  caught  by  the  hunters, 
even  in  a  poor  year  (Lantis,  1946,  p.  173).  It  is 
safe  to  note  that  nowhere  else  in  western  Alaska 
was  sea  hunting  technology  as  highly  developed 
as  on  Nunivak  Island. 

The  most  elaborate  form  of  seal  hunting  was 
that  carried  out  from  a  kayak.  A  man  could  hunt 
alone  in  his  kayak,  but  usually  two  or  three  men 
hunted  together.  The  kayak  could  be  used  at  all 
times  of  the  year;  in  winter  it  was  carried  out  to 
the  edge  of  the  ice  whenever  an  open  lead  was 
sighted.  This  did  not  occur  frequently,  however. 
Also  few  seals  were  harvested  when  the  water  was 
ice-free  in  summer. 

Spring  seal  hunting  was  the  most  important  and 
was  highly  ritualized  (Curtis,    1930,  pp.    15-16; 

Lantis,  1946,  pp.  193-195).  In  preparation  for  the 
hunt  all  equipment  was  cleaned  and  made  as  near- 
ly white  as  possible.  Kayaks  were  covered  with 
bleached  sealskins;  later,  when  canvas  replaced 
skins,  the  boats  were  painted  white.  Hunting  hats 
were  painted  white  and  the  hunters  wore  white 
parka  covers.  This  color  served  to  disguise  the 
hunter  among  ice  floes  and  also  pleased  the  seals, 
which  were  believed  to  like  cleanliness  (Lantis, 
1946,  pp.  172,  184,  194,  205). 

Small  seals  were  hunted  with  light  sealing  har- 
poons and  harpoon  darts,  each  thrown  with  the 
aid  of  a  throwing  board.  Harpoon  heads  were  like- 
ly to  have  closed  or  partly  closed  sockets  with 
single,  bifurcated,  or  trifurcated  spurs  (figs.  6-7, 
75)  and  slate  or  metal  blades.  Flattened,  conical 
wooden  covers  protected  the  points  when  not  in 
use  (Curtis,  1930,  p.  24).  The  shaft  was  light  and 
thin,  but  the  socket  piece  was  heavy  and  often 
carved  at  the  distal  end  to  represent  an  animal  (fig. 
8;  Nelson,  1899,  p.  137,  pi.  LIV,  7).  Nelson  (1899, 
pp.  323-324,  fig.  Ill)  described  and  illustrated  an 
ivory  socket  piece  from  Nunivak  carved  to  rep- 
resent a  land  otter.  The  muzzle  is  rounded  with 
circular  perforations  for  the  eyes.  The  mouth  and 
nostrils  are  outlined  by  incised  lines,  and  there  are 
incised  lines  and  circle  dots  on  the  sides. 

A  harpoon  dart  had  an  ivory  socket  piece  with 
a  wedge-shaped  tang.  It  was  somewhat  lighter  than 
a  sealing  harpoon  and  the  end  of  the  shaft  was 
sometimes  feathered.  Harpoon  dart  heads  of  ivory 
or  antler  were  usually  symmetrically  barbed,  with 
centrally  located  round  or  oval  line  holes,  sharp 
shoulders,  and  conical  tangs  (fig.  9,  right;  Dall, 
1 877b,  opp.  p.  77).  An  asymmetrically  barbed  dart 
head  was  recovered  from  a  late  prehistoric  site  on 
the  island  (VanStone,  1957,  p.  110,  pi.  3-4). 

Both  the  sealing  harpoon  and  the  harpoon  dart 
had  a  small  bladder  float  with  an  antler  or  ivory 
mouthpiece  (fig.  70,  bottom;  VanStone,  1957,  pi. 
1,  5)  attached  to  the  shaft  (figs.  10-11;  Nelson, 
1899,  p.  137,  pi.  LIV,  1).  A  strong  hunter  could 
throw  a  light  harpoon  dart  more  than  200  ft  with 
the  aid  of  a  throwing  board  (fig.  12;  Nelson,  1899, 
p.  1 55,  fig.  43,  8;  Kaplan  &  Barsness,  1 986,  p.  1 25, 
no.  86).  For  the  most  efficient  throw,  the  arm  was 
brought  directly  forward  in  a  high  arc  and  straight 
down,  the  harpoon  being  released  when  the  back 
of  the  hand  came  uppermost. 

If  several  kayakers  were  hunting  in  the  spring 
ice  and  a  seal  was  sighted,  the  oldest  hunter  pur- 
sued the  animal,  since  it  was  easier  to  approach 
the  quarry  with  a  single  boat.  If  there  was  no  ice 


it  was  more  difficult  to  kill  a  seal,  and  a  free-for- 
all  dash  after  the  animal  by  all  hunters  ensued. 
The  hunters  struck  the  water  with  their  paddles 
frequently  to  make  the  seal  dive  so  that  it  would 
soon  be  out  of  breath  and  exhausted.  If  two  men 
harpooned  the  same  small  seal,  the  older  man  could 
claim  ownership.  A  bearded  seal,  however,  was 
divided  equally. 

When  a  hunter  returned  home,  he  carefully 
wound  his  harpoon  line  around  the  outside  of  a 
hollow  log  to  dry.  being  certain  that  there  were  no 
twists  that  would  crack  as  the  line  dried.  It  could 
then  be  slipped  off  the  log  onto  the  kayak  line 
holder  without  rewinding.  A  harpoon  line  was  usu- 
ally in  sections  joined  by  line  attachers  (figs.  13, 
70.  top:  Nelson,  1899.  p.  143.  pi.  LVIb.  8;  Fitz- 
hugh  &  Kaplan.  1982,  p.  76.  no.  53)  so  that  it 
could  be  taken  apart. 

Since  Nunivak  kayaks  were  large  and  roomy, 
small  seals  were  placed  inside  the  vessel  after  they 
were  killed  and.  therefore,  no  buttons  or  toggles 
were  necessary  to  fasten  a  line  through  the  animal's 
mouth  for  towing.  Sometimes  a  small  hook  through 
the  upper  lip  was  used  for  towing  if  the  kayak  was 
already  loaded,  a  technique  said  to  have  been  bor- 
rowed in  recent  times  from  the  mainland  Eskimos. 
Bearded  seals  were  too  large  to  be  placed  in  the 
kayak  and  had  to  be  towed  with  a  sealskin  line. 

An  important  part  of  hunting  gear  was  the  char- 
acteristic hat  worn  by  Nunivak  hunters  in  their 
kayaks.  The  hat  was  worn  only  after  a  seal  was 
sighted.  In  making  a  hunting  hat.  a  large  root  at 
the  base  of  a  driftwood  spruce  log  was  used.  It  was 
split  lengthwise  into  thin  boards  and  one  of  these 
was  carved  with  an  adze  to  an  approximate  semi- 
lunar shape,  as  thin  as  possible.  Then  holes  were 
bored  along  the  straight  edge  before  the  board  was 
bent.  Roots  were  put  through  the  holes  and  the 
board  placed  in  hot,  damp  moss.  It  was  then  worked 
with  the  teeth  and  hands  while  hot,  and  bent  until 
the  two  halves  of  the  straight  edge  met.  Two  antler 
strips,  often  decorated  with  geometric  designs,  were 
placed  across  the  back  to  reinforce  the  joint.  Holes 
were  bored  alongside  the  antler  sections,  which 
were  tied  onto  the  hat  with  roots.  The  two  edges 
just  met  and  did  not  overlap,  and  were  stitched 
up  the  back  with  root.  Two  sealskin  straps  were 
attached  to  the  hat  in  such  a  manner  that  one  was 
fastened  under  the  chin  and  the  other  across  the 
chin  under  the  lower  lip. 

The  decorations  on  wooden  hats,  images  of  an- 
imal spirits  regarded  as  amulets,  were  handed  down 
from  father  to  son  and  represented  family  spirits; 
they  usually  were  carved  from  ivory,  were  tlat  rath- 

er than  fully  rounded,  and  were  fastened  on  the 
sides  with  the  animal's  head  down  and  the  tail 
pointing  toward  the  peak  of  the  hat.  Hats  were 
painted  with  white  clay;  several  blue  lines  were 
painted  over  the  white,  like  contour  lines,  around 
the  front  and  peak. 

Although  seals  were  usually  hunted  from  kay- 
aks, they  occasionally  were  hunted  in  open  water 
in  spring  from  the  edge  of  the  ice  or  as  they  basked 
in  the  sun  on  the  ice.  For  this  type  of  hunting,  a 
large  harpoon  was  used  without  a  throwing  board. 
These  were  weapons  with  heavy  shafts  and  socket 
pieces  (fig.  72).  and  with  ice  picks  at  the  proximal 
end  providing  additional  weight:  they  could  only 
be  thrown  when  the  hunter  was  near  the  seal.  Since 
there  was  very  little  hunting  at  breathing  holes, 
the  specialized  equipment  used  for  this  widespread 
method  of  hunting  seals  in  winter  is  absent  from 
the  Nunivak  technological  inventory. 

Seals  were  caught  frequently  in  nets  in  the  spring 
and  especially  in  the  late  fall,  when  as  many  as 
300  animals  might  be  taken  by  this  method  in  a 
single  season  (Lantis.  1946.  p.  173).  Such  nets. 
made  of  seal-  or  walrus  skin  thongs  cut  around  a 
skin  in  one  continuous  spiral,  were  uniformly  6 
fathoms  long  and  1 7  meshes  wide.  The  mesh  width 
extended  from  the  end  of  the  middle  finger  to  the 
wrist  and  the  length  was  the  same.  Ivory,  bone,  or 
hardwood  mesh  gauges  were  cut  to  these  mea- 
surements. Seal  nets  had  large  curved  or  round 
wooden  floats  and  large  flat  rocks  as  sinkers.  Some- 
times the  floats  were  carved  in  the  likeness  of  a 
seal's  head. 

In  the  fall,  before  the  coming  of  ice,  seal  nets 
were  set  with  two  kayaks  25-100  yd  from  shore 
(fig.  14).  The  shore  end  was  set  first  and  then  the 
net  was  stretched  out  into  the  water.  Four  large 
stone  anchors  were  fastened  to  the  net  with  walrus 
hide  line,  and  sometimes  another  large  anchor  stone 
was  attached  at  the  center  of  the  net.  The  sinkers, 
approximately  3  yd  apart,  hung  4-7  ft  above  the 
bottom  of  the  sea,  far  below  the  lower  edge  of  the 
net.  The  upper  edge  of  the  net  was  about  1  ft 
beneath  the  surface  of  the  water.  Seals  swim  par- 
allel to  the  shore  and  were  usually  caught  at  night. 
If  they  failed  to  drown  in  the  net,  they  were  dis- 
patched with  a  club. 

In  winter  the  nets  were  set  through  three  holes 
chopped  in  the  ice,  approximately  1 6  ft  apart.  The 
entire  net  was  pushed  through  the  center  hole; 
then,  with  the  aid  of  long  poles,  sections  of  the  net 
were  pulled  to  the  other  holes  and  fastened.  Seals 
died  under  the  ice  because  they  could  not  reach 
the  surface  to  breathe.  They  were  pulled  up  through 


the  center  hole.  Sometimes  as  many  as  20  seals 
were  caught  this  way  in  the  course  of  a  winter.  As 
in  the  early  fall,  the  animals  were  taken  mainly  at 
night.  Sea  lions  and  belugas  were  occasionally 
caught  in  seal  nets;  the  latter  usually  had  to  be 
speared  or  harpooned  before  they  could  be  re- 

On  Nunivak,  seal  nets  were  set  in  four  locations. 
One  of  these,  used  only  in  the  spring,  was  on  the 
south  side  of  the  island.  During  the  winter  nets 
were  set  halfway  between  Mekoryuk  and  Nash 
Harbor.  Curtis  (1930,  pp.  27-29)  discussed  seal 
nets  and  their  placement  in  some  detail. 

Amulets  made  of  ivory  or  wood,  usually  figures 
of  animals,  were  frequently  fastened  to  the  nets. 
A  hunter  had  a  particular  amulet  because  his  father 
had  given  it  to  him  or  had  instructed  him  to  make 
it  when  he  was  a  boy. 

While  hunting  in  spring,  snow  goggles  of  wood 
were  worn  to  protect  the  eyes  of  the  wearer  from 
the  glare  of  the  sun  on  the  snow  and  ice.  The  best 
ones  had  a  slit  for  each  eye  (fig.  15).  People  who 
could  not  make  good  ones  made  a  single  long  slit 
that  extended  across  both  eyes.  A  well-made  cen- 
tral notch  which  fitted  over  the  nose  was  consid- 
ered important  since  a  good  fit  was  essential  if  the 
goggles  were  to  be  effective.  Eyeshades  consisting 
of  a  short  wooden  visor,  not  bent  but  carved  to 
shape,  and  a  sealskin  strap  that  fitted  around  the 
head,  were  worn  at  all  times  of  the  year  (fig.  102). 
Eye  protectors  were  usually  painted  white  so  that 
the  hunter— specifically  his  black  hair— would  be 
less  visible. 

Walrus  were  plentiful  in  spring  and  were  taken 
with  a  large,  heavy  harpoon  by  hunters  traveling 
in  kayaks.  This  weapon  had  an  unfeathered  shaft, 
a  collared  socket  piece,  finger  rest  (Nelson,  1899, 
p.  151,  pi.  LVIIb,  32),  and  long  ice  pick  made 
from  a  split  length  of  walrus  tusk;  it  was  used  with 
a  float  and  long  line  (Fitzhugh  &  Kaplan,  1982,  p. 
80,  no.  60).  The  float  was  partly  inflated  before 
the  hunter  started  out  and  then  blown  up  fully 
when  game  was  sighted.  This  type  of  harpoon  was 
also  used  for  bearded  seals  and  beluga. 

Walrus  were  most  easily  hunted  as  they  slept  on 
large  ice  floes  far  from  shore.  Hunters  tried  to  kill 
the  animals  on  the  ice  since  they  were  difficult  to 
retrieve  if  they  managed  to  roll  into  the  water. 
After  a  walrus  was  harpooned  and  the  wounded 
animal  was  exhausted  from  dragging  the  float,  the 
hunters  paddled  alongside  and  struck  it  with  a 
lance  having  a  detachable  head  (fig.  6,  left;  Nelson, 
1899,  pp.  146-147,  pi.  LVb,  1-2;  Curtis,  1930,  p. 
24;  Fitzhugh  &  Kaplan,  1982.  p.  73,  no.  49).  This 

head  remained  in  the  animal  while  the  hunter 
quickly  fitted  another  one  to  the  shaft  and  repeated 
the  blow  until  the  animal  was  dead.  Both  lance 
and  harpoon  heads  were  frequently  marked  to  des- 
ignate ownership  by  individuals  or  lineages  (Lan- 
tis,  1946.  p.  242;  Fitzhugh  &  Kaplan,  1982,  pp. 
85-86).  An  even  heavier  thrusting  spear  was  used 
when  a  large  seal  or  walrus  was  dead  or  dying. 
This  heavy  spear  was  thrust  into  the  animal  to  pull 
it  toward  the  kayak.  Wound  plugs  were  not  used. 
The  dead  walrus  was  suspended  between  four  kay- 
aks with  rawhide  lines  and  taken  to  shore  for 
butchering  (Curtis,  1930,  p.  31). 

Hunters  seldom  hunted  alone,  as  a  walrus  is 
capable  of  surfacing  under  a  kayak  and  upsetting 
it.  Walrus  were  occasionally  encountered  on  the 
shore  in  summer  or  on  solid  shore  ice  in  the  fall 
and  were  killed  with  a  club  or  a  thrusting  spear. 
If  a  dead  animal  was  found  by  a  hunter  on  the 
beach,  he  summoned  someone  to  help  him  cut  it 
up  and  they  divided  the  meat  and  ivory  equally. 

Sea  lions,  most  common  on  the  south  side  of 
the  island,  were  sometimes  harpooned  in  summer 
in  open  water.  Belugas  were  seldom  seen  on  the 
north  and  east  sides  of  Nunivak  because  the  water 
there  is  too  shallow.  These  areas,  however,  have 
been  the  locations  of  villages  in  the  20th  century. 

The  three-pronged  bird  spear  was  used  from  a 
kayak  for  seabirds  such  as  murres,  migrating  eider 
ducks,  and  cormorants,  especially  when  they  were 
moulting  and  could  not  rise  from  the  water.  These 
unfeathered  spears  had  a  long  ivory  point  sym- 
metrically barbed  on  both  sides.  Set  in  the  shaft 
below  the  point  were  three  ivory  or  antler  prongs 
lashed  in  position  with  their  barbed  points  ex- 
tending outward  to  form  a  triangle,  the  barbs  fac- 
ing inward  (fig.  1 6;  Nelson,  1 899,  p.  1 5  1 ,  pi.  LIX, 
4).  The  wooden  shaft  kept  the  spear  afloat.  Al- 
though the  center  prong  might  impale  the  bird,  the 
purpose  of  the  spear  was  to  catch  the  head  or  body 
between  the  prongs  where  it  was  held  by  the  barbs 
(Curtis,  1930,  p.  20). 

Another  type  of  bird  spear  had  a  much  longer 
barbed  point,  and  the  three  prongs  were  located 
on  the  shaft  near  the  midpoint  of  the  weapon.  Such 
a  spear  from  Nunivak  described  and  illustrated  by 
Nelson  ( 1 899,  p.  1 52,  pi.  LIX,  8)  has  a  bone  point 
triangular  in  cross  section  and  22  inches  long.  The 
points  on  the  shaft  arc  barbed  along  their  inner 
edges.  The  proximal  end  of  the  shaft  is  not  feath- 
ered. These  spears  were  thrown  with  the  aid  of  a 
throwing  board  somewhat  longer  than  those  used 
with  a  sealing  harpoon. 

The  bow  and  blunt  arrows,  generally  associated 


with  hunting  birds  on  land,  were  occasionally  used 
from  a  kayak,  in  which  case  no  float  or  line  was 
attached  to  the  arrow. 

III.   Land  Hunting 

Traditionally,  caribou  were  the  most  important 
land  animal  hunted  by  the  Nunivaarmiut.  Once 
plentiful  on  the  island,  these  animals  died  out  about 
100  years  ago.  In  the  1930s  large  piles  of  caribou 
skulls  and  antlers  could  still  be  seen  on  the  moun- 
tainsides in  the  interior  of  the  island  (Curtis,  1930. 
p.  32).  Although,  as  previously  noted,  Petrofl'( Por- 
ter. 1893.  p.  114)  attributed  extermination  of  the 
herds  to  slaughter  by  local  people  newly  equipped 
with  firearms,  the  Nunivaarmiut  believed  that 
mainland  Eskimos  from  the  Yukon-Kuskokwim 
Delta  were  responsible  for  depiction  of  the  herds. 
They  came  to  the  island  to  hunt  and  often  took 
only  the  skins,  leaving  the  meat  to  rot. 

Caribou  were  hunted  following  the  spring  seal 
hunt  and  also  in  winter.  In  summer  the  hunter 
crawled  along  the  ground  in  order  to  get  close 
enough  to  a  sleeping  herd  for  a  shot  with  a  bow 
and  arrow.  He  tried  to  hit  the  animal  just  behind 
the  shoulder.  He  had  to  be  especially  quiet  because 
it  was  believed  that  a  species  of  small  bird  often 
chirped  and  awakened  the  herd.  A  hunter  never 
disguised  himself  with  a  caribou  head  or  antlers. 
Curtis  (1930,  p.  32)  described  a  summer  hunt  in- 
volving a  number  of  hunters.  The  best  marksmen 
stalked  to  windward  and  concealed  themselves 
while  the  others,  working  leeward  of  the  herd, 
stampeded  the  animals  past  the  hidden  hunters 
who  rose  up  and  often  were  able  to  kill  a  large 
number.  The  front  quarters  of  the  kill  were  divided 
by  the  marksmen  and  the  stampeders  shared  the 
hind  quarters. 

In  winter  the  hunter  approached  the  herd  on  a 
kayak  sled  pulled  by  a  woman.  When  they  were 
close  to  the  herd  and  it  began  to  stampede,  he 
would  shoot  with  his  bow  and  arrow  from  the  sled. 
According  to  Curtis  (1930.  p.  32),  hunters  first 
located  a  herd  and  attempted  to  approach  as  close 
as  possible.  Then,  wrapped  in  their  parkas,  they 
dug  themselves  into  the  snow.  When  the  herd  was 
close,  the  hunters  rose  up  and  loosed  their  arrows. 

Although  caribou  were  never  driven  into  sur- 
rounds as  reindeer  were  in  more  recent  times,  Cur- 
tis (1930,  pp.  32-33)  described  a  brush  enclosure 
into  which  one  or  more  animals  were  driven  to  be 

caught  in  snares  of  thick  sea  lion  hide  which  se- 
cured the  animals  around  the  antlers  or  neck.  Pits 
were  also  dug  in  the  snow  into  which  an  animal 
might  stumble  without  being  driven  by  a  hunter. 

Women  never  hunted  caribou,  but  in  spring, 
after  the  arrival  of  sandpipers,  they  went  out  to 
pick  up  fawns  that  had  died  during  the  winter. 

Bows  and  arrows  were  the  only  weapons  used 
in  hunting  caribou.  There  were  two  types  of  bows: 
composite  sinew-backed  and  plain  sinew-backed. 
Both  types  were  5-6  ft  in  length,  made  of  spruce, 
and  used  in  the  same  manner.  Bows  of  both  types 
were  constructed  by  first  heating  the  wood  in  moist 
moss  surrounded  by  hot  stones  and  then  placing 
it  in  a  wooden  frame  lashed  down  with  roots  until 
it  acquired  the  desired  shape  (Curtis,  1930.  p.  27). 

The  plain  sinew-backed  bow  consisted  of  a  sin- 
gle curved  piece  of  wood  with  two  flattened  cables 
of  braided  caribou  sinew  along  the  back,  some- 
times held  in  place  by  multiple  cross  lashings  (Nel- 
son, 1899,  p.  156,  pi.  LX,  4).  The  composite  type 
was  double-curved,  the  curves  being  fitted  with 
triangular  blocks  of  ivory  as  reinforcement.  These 
ivory  blocks  were  lashed  to  the  shaft  with  sinew, 
some  strands  of  which  also  served  as  cross-lashing 
to  hold  the  backing  in  place.  In  the  center  of  the 
bow  on  the  outer  surface  was  an  ivory  strip  flat- 
tened on  the  inner  surface  and  grooved  on  the 
outer  to  receive  the  cable:  it  was  intended  to 
strengthen  the  weapon  (Nelson.  1899.  p.  156,  pi. 
LX,  7).  The  single  curve  bow  with  very  little  sinew 
backing  was  considered  suitable  for  war,  while  the 
heavier,  composite  bow  was  used  for  caribou  hunt- 
ing. Nunivak  bows  did  not  have  as  much  curvature 
as  those  used  on  Seward  Peninsula.  Bow  strings 
were  of  sealskin,  the  hair  being  sweated  off  rather 
than  scraped.  Ivory  sinew  twisters  like  those  il- 
lustrated by  Nelson  (1899.  fig.  30)  were  unknown, 
a  narrow  wooden  stick  serving  the  purpose  in- 

The  typical  arrow  for  caribou  hunting  was  ap- 
proximately 30  inches  in  length  with  three  split 
feathers  fastened  to  the  proximal  end.  The  veins 
of  the  feathers  lay  against  the  shaft  and  were  fas- 
tened at  both  ends  with  sinew.  Feathers  helped  to 
rotate  the  arrow  during  flight.  There  were  many 
kinds  of  arrowheads,  but  a  common  form  used  for 
hunting  caribou  was  made  of  antler  and  had  a 
blade  slit,  a  single  barb,  and  a  sharp  or  sloping 
shoulder  with  a  plain  conical  tang  (fig.  1  7;  Nelson. 
1899.  p.  158.  pi.  LXIa.  10:  Fit/hugh  &  Kaplan. 
1982,  p.  106,  no.  100).  Bladeless  arrowheads  usu- 
ally had  multiple  barbs  along  one  side  (Dall,  1 877b, 



opp.  p.  76;  Nelson,  1899,  p.  158,  pi.  LXIa,  8; 
Nowak,  1970,  fig.  3t).  The  tang  of  an  arrowhead 
fitted  into  a  hole  in  the  distal  end  of  the  shaft  and 
was  held  in  place  with  resin  and  sinew  wrapping. 
Slate  blades  were  triangular  in  shape,  often  with  a 
concave  base,  and  were  centrally  grooved  to  aid 
in  hafting  (VanStone.  1957.  p.  102,  pi.  1,  6). 

A  short,  stubby  arrowhead,  used  for  caribou 
hunting  and  in  warfare,  was  barbed  along  one  side 
and  had  a  tang  like  a  harpoon  head  with  a  closed 
socket  (fig.  18).  For  this  type  of  point,  the  arrow 
shaft  tapered  at  the  distal  end  and  fitted  directly 
into  the  socket  of  the  head  which  was  attached  to 
the  shaft  with  a  section  of  braided  grass.  When  the 
animal  or  person  was  hit,  the  string  broke  and  the 
point  pulled  loose,  gradually  working  further  and 
further  into  the  wound. 

Birds  on  inland  lakes  and  marshes  were  also 
hunted  with  bows  and  arrows.  Bird  arrows  either 
had  blunt  points  (VanStone,  1957,  p.  107,  pi.  3. 
7),  three  barbed  side  prongs,  and  a  barbed  center 
prong  of  antler  or  ivory,  or  a  single  multibarbed 
prong.  A  bird  arrow  point  from  Nunivak  described 
and  illustrated  by  Nelson  ( 1 899.  p.  1 6 1 ,  pi.  LXIb, 
1)  has  a  conical  point  of  wood  with  two  iron  cross- 
pieces  inserted  at  right  angles  through  the  head  so 
that  it  will  lodge  in  the  bird's  flesh  and  not  pass 
through.  This  point  is  also  illustrated  by  Fitzhugh 
and  Kaplan  ( 1 982.  p.  1 1 0.  no.  1 09).  Another  point 
from  Nunivak  illustrated  by  Nelson  ( 1 899,  p.  161, 
pi.  LXIb,  16)  is  drilled  for  capping  a  shaft  and  has 
a  crenelated  tip.  A  different  form,  presumably  of 
antler,  flares  toward  the  distal  end  and  has  a 
notched  tang  which  tapers  to  one  side  (fig.  71);  it 
was  collected  by  Collins  in  1927. 

The  Mediterranean  arrow  release  was  used,  and 
whether  the  hunter  put  one,  two,  or  three  fingers 
on  the  bowstring  below  the  arrow  depended  on 
the  strength  of  the  man  and  the  size  and  strength 
of  the  bow.  Crude  wrist  guards  of  seal  intestine 
were  occasionally  used.  Finger  guards  of  sealskin 
were  worn  on  the  first  two  fingers. 

Quivers  were  made  of  caribou  or  sealskin,  usu- 
ally with  the  fur  scraped  off.  They  were  rectangular 
in  shape,  made  of  two  pieces,  and  generally  carried 
in  the  hand.  If  provided  with  a  strap,  a  quiver  was 
slung  under  the  left  arm  with  the  cord  over  the 
right  shoulder  so  that  arrows,  placed  in  the  quiver 
with  the  points  down,  could  be  pulled  out  quickly 
with  the  right  hand  while  hunting  or  fighting. 
Quivers  were  made  by  men,  for  if  a  woman  did 
the  sewing  it  was  believed  that  the  hunter  would 
be  unsuccessful. 

Generally  arrowheads  and  points  were  kept  in 
the  quiver  rather  than  in  special  boxes  or  bags, 
although  Nelson  (1899.  p.  162,  pi.  LXII,  5)  de- 
scribed and  illustrated  a  box  for  arrow  or  spear 
points  from  Nunivak.  It  is  approximately  10  inches 
long  with  a  narrow  cover  which  fits  onto  a  recessed 
ledge  and  has  a  projecting  handle  at  one  end.  Out- 
lines of  the  mouth,  nostrils,  and  eyes  of  an  un- 
identified animal  are  incised  at  the  other. 

Puffins  nesting  in  spring  on  the  cliffs  along  the 
west  side  of  the  island  were  taken  with  rectangular- 
shaped  nets  at  the  end  of  a  long  pole.  These  nets 
were  approximately  6  ft  in  length,  40  meshes  wide 
at  the  distal  end.  and  attached  to  a  wooden  frame. 
The  mesh,  made  of  caribou  sinew,  was  the  width 
of  two  fingers.  To  capture  the  birds,  a  stake  was 
driven  in  the  ground  near  the  edge  of  a  cliff  and  a 
walrus  hide  rope  was  fastened  around  it  so  that 
the  hunter  could  lower  himself  over  the  cliff.  One 
man  could  handle  the  net.  Birds  caught  were  re- 
moved by  hand,  strangled,  and  fastened  around 
the  neck  to  a  line  that  hung  at  the  waist  of  the 
hunter.  When  many  birds  had  been  caught  they 
were  hauled  to  the  top  of  the  cliff  by  another  hunt- 
er. Auklets  were  also  taken  in  these  nets  in  spring 
and  eggs  collected  at  the  same  time. 

For  capturing  murres  in  the  spring,  a  triangular 
net  21  ft  wide  at  the  bottom  and  24  ft  from  top 
to  bottom  was  used.  The  lower  edge  of  the  net  was 
fastened  to  a  thick  pole  and  lowered  over  the  edge 
of  a  cliff  on  two  walrus  skin  lines  to  a  hunter  below. 
Using  the  pole,  which  was  at  right  angles  to  him, 
the  hunter  rolled  the  net  upward,  trapping  any 
murres  nesting  in  the  area  covered.  If  a  large  num- 
ber of  birds  was  trapped,  it  was  difficult  to  raise 
the  net  to  the  top  of  the  cliff.  These  two  types  of 
nets  were  the  only  ones  used  for  taking  birds  nest- 
ing on  cliffs.  A  similar  net  is  described  by  Curtis 
(1930,  p.  29). 

Snares  were  set  on  the  cliffs  for  puffins.  A  seal- 
skin cord  was  laid  around  the  hole  or  recessed  area 
which  contained  a  puffin's  nest.  The  snare-cord 
was  fastened  to  a  small  stick  set  in  a  crack  between 
rocks  near  the  hole.  A  puffin  feather  with  the  quill 
end  set  in  the  mud  around  the  hole  held  the  snare 
in  place.  When  a  bird  went  in  or  out  of  the  hole 
the  feather  would  fall  and  the  noose  tighten.  Sim- 
ilar snares  but  without  the  feather  were  set  for 
nesting  birds  on  the  tundra.  The  end  of  the  cord 
was  fastened  to  a  willow  bush  or  other  low-growing 
vegetation  instead  of  to  a  stick.  This  type  of  simple 
snare  was  used  exclusively.  There  were  no  spring 
snares  of  any  kind. 



With  the  exception  of  the  arctic  fox,  furbearers 
were  never  plentiful  on  Nunivak  Island  in  the  past 
and  in  more  recent  times  were  almost  nonexistent. 
For  trapping  foxes,  a  frame  structure  approxi- 
mately 1  2  b\  9  ft  was  constructed  in  the  shape  of 
a  human  habitation,  with  a  side  entrance  or  pas- 
sageway and  a  skylight.  Decaying  meat  or  fish  was 
placed  in  the  structure  as  bait  and  the  skylight  was 
CO\  ered  so  that  the  animals  could  enter  freely  only 
through  the  side  entrance.  When  the  trapper  dis- 
covered the  footprints  of  many  foxes  entering  and 
leaving  the  "house,'*  he  closed  the  side  entrance 
and  opened  the  skylight.  The  animals  then  had  to 
jump  down  into  the  structure  to  get  the  bait  and 
were  unable  to  jump  out  again.  The  hunter  jumped 
down  into  the  "house"  when  he  found  foxes  in  it 
and  killed  them  with  a  club.  This  kind  of  fox  trap 
could  also  be  made  of  snow  in  winter. 

Another  form  of  winter  fox  trap  involved  a  hole 
approximately  three  ft  in  diameter  dug  into  solid 
ice  to  form  a  bowl  as  large  as  an  oil  drum  or  larger. 
Bait  was  placed  in  the  bottom  and  a  sealskin  cord 
was  attached  at  one  end  to  the  bait  and  at  the  other 
to  a  heavy  log  that  rested  on  the  outer  edge  of  the 
hole.  When  the  fox  took  the  bait  and  attempted 
to  jump  out,  he  pulled  the  log  down  upon  himself 
and  was  either  killed  or  severely  injured. 

Foxes  could  also  be  taken  with  a  slip-noose  snare 
of  sealskin  to  which  a  long  line  was  attached.  The 
snare  was  placed  around  the  opening  of  an  ani- 
mal's burrow.  A  hidden  hunter  held  the  end  of  the 
line  and  tightened  the  noose  when  a  fox  entered 
the  burrow. 

There  were  wolves  on  Nunivak  when  there  were 
caribou,  but  these  animals  were  rarely  hunted  even 
though  their  fur  was  useful  for  parka  trim.  The 
only  method  described  for  taking  wolves  involved 
the  excavation  of  a  deep  hole  in  summer,  along 
the  sides  of  which  water  was  poured  in  winter  to 
provide  a  slippery,  frozen  surface.  Bait  was  placed 
in  the  bottom  of  the  hole,  and  when  a  wolf  jumped 
in  he  was  unable  to  gain  a  foothold  on  the  slippery 
sides.  Wolves  were  also  occasionally  shot  with  bow 
and  arrow  in  winter  if  food  was  scarce. 

Mink  were  said  to  have  been  trapped  in  the 
remote  past,  but  informants  were  unable  to  recall 
the  method.  Curtis  (1930,  p.  33)  described  a  meth- 
od for  taking  mink  in  the  water.  A  triangular 
brushwork  fence  was  built  across  a  stream  and  at 
the  apex  of  the  triangle  a  submerged  wicker  fish 
trap  was  set.  The  animal,  in  attempting  to  break 
through  the  fence,  entered  the  trap  and  was 

IV.  Fishing 

Fishing  was  an  important  subsistence  activity 
for  the  Nunivaarmiut  throughout  the  year.  In  win- 
ter tomcod  were  taken  through  holes  in  the  ice, 
while  spring  brought  the  first  herring  and  stickle- 
back, then  codfish  and  salmon  trout.  Fishing  for 
dog  and  humpback  salmon  was  the  most  impor- 
tant summer  subsistence  activity,  but  herring, 
sculpin,  codfish,  halibut,  stickleback,  salmon  trout 
(Arctic  charr  or  Dolly  Varden),  and  flounder  were 
also  abundant  during  the  summer  months.  In  the 
fall  silver  salmon  were  running  in  early  September; 
flounders  were  plentiful  later  in  the  month.  In  Oc- 
tober there  were  tomcod  and  smelt,  and  by  the 
first  week  in  November  the  river  at  Mekoryuk  was 
frozen  hard  enough  for  tomcod  fishing  through  the 
ice(Lantis.  1946,  pp.  174,  178-180). 

Equipment  required  for  tomcod  fishing  through 
the  ice  included  a  long  handled  ice  pick,  an  ivory 
toothed  saw,  an  ice  scoop  of  wood  or  of  antler  with 
mesh  made  of  baleen  or  split  willow  root  (figs.  19- 
20;  see  Nelson,  1899,  pi.  LXVII,  8;  VanStone, 
1957,  pp.  105,  107,  pi.  2,  6).  a  wooden  ladle,  tom- 
cod spear,  basket,  and  a  mat  to  lie  on.  Although 
men  occasionally  fished  for  tomcod  through  the 
ice,  it  was  principally  women's  work.  Stools  were 
not  used,  the  fisherwoman  lying  on  the  mat  in- 

Good  locations  for  tomcod  fishing  were  situated 
within  a  mile  of  Mekoryuk  and  the  use  of  a  dog 
team  was  not  required.  A  small  windbreak  of  ice 
blocks  was  constructed,  usually  consisting  of  two 
large  blocks  not  over  1 8  inches  high  set  on  edge 
and  chinked  with  snow.  The  windbreak  was  also 
necessary  to  provide  shade  so  that  the  fisherwom- 
an could  see  into  the  dark  water.  The  hole  was 
made  with  an  ivory  or  antler  ice  pick  fastened  to 
a  long  wooden  shaft.  The  fisherwoman  lay  prone 
on  her  left  side  with  the  face  right  over  the  water 
(fig.  21;  Lantis,  1946.  p.  176,  fig.  17). 

The  multipronged  spear,  usually  with  three  or 
four  prongs  held  in  place  by  an  ivory  ring  or  ferule 
(fig.  22),  resembles  those  from  Nunivak  described 
and  illustrated  by  Nelson  (1899.  pp.  194-195.  pi. 
LXVII,  1-2;  VanStone,  1957,  p.  109,  pi.  3.  5,  8; 
Fitzhugh  &  Kaplan,  1982.  p.  92.  no.  80).  It  was 
twirled  in  the  hole  with  the  right  hand,  about  1 5 
inches  of  the  spear's  total  length  projecting  above 
the  surface  of  the  water.  When  a  fish  was  observed, 
the  spear  was  plunged  downward  by  the  fisher- 
woman, who  often  let  go  of  the  shaft.  The  spear 



disappeared  below  the  surface  of  the  water  but 
bobbed  up  immediately.  This  type  of  spear  was 
described  by  Curtis  (1930,  pp.  25-26),  who  noted 
that  it  was  also  used  in  summer  in  shallow  streams. 

Normally  only  one  tomcod  was  speared  at  a 
time,  the  fisherwoman  pulling  it  out,  flipping  it  in 
the  general  direction  of  her  feet,  and  tossing  it  on 
the  ice.  It  was  not  necessary  for  her  to  free  the  fish 
with  her  hands,  so  the  spear  was  ready  to  use  again 
almost  immediately.  Slush  ice  formed  rapidly  in 
the  hole  so  she  had  to  blow  frequently  into  the 
hole  to  be  sure  of  seeing  the  fish.  Occasionally  the 
ladle  or  scoop  was  used  to  remove  slush  ice. 

Tomcod  spears  also  were  used  in  winter  for  scul- 
pins  on  the  south  side  of  the  island.  To  attract 
these  fish  a  walrus  bone  lure  was  used,  3  inches 
long  with  tufts  of  red-dyed  dog  hairs  fastened  to 
its  sides. 

In  winter  flounder  were  speared  with  an  imple- 
ment similar  to  that  used  for  tomcod,  but  with 
longer  prongs.  The  shaft  of  this  spear  was  approx- 
imately 7  ft  in  length  and  the  prongs  11-12  inches. 

Although  spearing  was  the  traditional  means  of 
taking  tomcod  on  Nunivak,  in  recent  times  hook 
and  line  have  been  used  (fig.  23).  Multi-barbed 
tomcod  hooks  such  as  are  illustrated  by  Nelson 
(1899,  p.  177,  pi.  LXIX)  and  described  as  being 
used  from  the  Yukon  mouth  to  the  Kuskokwim 
were  not,  however,  the  characteristic  form  on  Nu- 
nivak. Instead,  a  small  rectangular  piece  of  ivory, 
approximately  2  inches  long  with  a  shallow  groove 
at  the  distal  end  forming  a  barb,  was  employed 
for  tomcod  and  other  small  fish;  a  bent  bird  rib 
might  also  serve  as  a  barb.  According  to  infor- 
mants, fish-shaped  lures,  so  common  in  other  areas 
of  Alaska,  were  never  used  on  Nunivak  for  any 
kind  of  fishing,  although  Nelson  (1899,  pi.  LXIX, 
18)  described  and  illustrated  such  a  sinker-lure 
which  is  identified  as  from  the  island.  Sealskin 
fishline  was  used  for  all  types  of  hook  and  line 
fishing,  and  small  wooden  floats  were  occasionally 
attached  to  a  line  when  fishing  for  salmon  trout. 

For  taking  codfish  and  halibut  from  a  kayak,  a 
hook  with  a  large  shank  made  of  walrus  rib  or 
ivory— with  an  ivory,  later  iron,  barb— was  used 
with  sealskin  line  and  a  flat  stone  sinker.  The  heavy 
shank  served  as  a  handle  which  the  fisherman  could 
grasp  to  pull  the  hook  out.  A  cod  hook  from  Nu- 
nivak described  and  illustrated  by  Fitzhugh  and 
Kaplan  (1982,  p.  96,  no.  85)  has  a  shank  of  fossil 
ivory  and  a  thick  baleen  leader  loop  lashed  with 
sinew.  Eyes  and  a  mouth  have  been  added  to  the 
shank  to  make  it  resemble  a  minnow.  Hooks  for 

codfish  were  also  employed  in  pairs  separated  by 
a  curved  antler  spreader.  A  round  stone  sinker 
hung  in  the  center  between  the  two  hooks  (fig.  24). 

Nelson  (1899,  p.  178,  pi.  LXVIII,  13)  described 
and  illustrated  a  special  smelt  hook  from  Nunivak. 
It  has  a  straight  ivory  shank  which  broadens  at  the 
distal  end  where  a  recurved  copper  hook  is  set  and 
held  in  place  with  a  wooden  peg. 

Tomcod  and  smelt  are  abundant  in  the  Mekor- 
yuk  lagoon  in  autumn  and  were  taken  in  gill  nets. 
Since  tomcod  will  not  go  into  a  net  in  daytime, 
fishing  always  took  place  at  night.  Nets  made  of 
sinew  and  sometimes  as  long  as  15  fathoms  were 
stretched  between  buoys  in  the  lagoon  on  the  in- 
coming tide.  A  large  grass  basket  could  be  filled 
in  about  two  hours.  Smelt  were  caught  in  dip  nets 
with  short  handles  similar  to  the  one  from  Ikog- 
miut  on  the  Yukon  illustrated  by  Nelson  (1899, 
pi.  LXX,  16),  except  that  on  a  Nunivak  net  the 
handle  did  not  extend  across  its  full  diameter.  The 
loop  at  the  top  was  round  and  there  was  no  stone 
sinker  at  the  bottom. 

Seines  were  employed  to  take  tomcod  and  floun- 
der in  fall  and  herring  in  spring.  The  netting  was 
made  of  two  strands  of  sinew  twisted  rather  than 
braided  (fig.  25).  Sinkers  of  antler  or  walrus  rib 
similar  to  those  illustrated  by  Nelson  (1899,  figs. 
52-53,  pp.  188-189)  were  used,  along  with  wood- 
en floats  resembling  those  recovered  from  a  late 
prehistoric  site  on  the  island  (VanStone,  1957,  p. 
106,  pi.  2,  9).  However,  Nunivak  seines  did  not 
have  spreaders  as  does  the  one  in  Nelson's  illus- 
tration (1899,  fig.  53,  p.  189).  The  mesh  measure 
for  a  herring  seine  was  the  width  of  the  thumb; 
for  a  large  salmon  net  it  was  the  width  of  the  first 
three  fingers  laid  together. 

In  operating  a  seine,  a  woman  remained  on  shore 
holding  one  end  of  the  net  while  a  man  paddled 
from  shore  in  his  kayak  and  held  the  other  end. 
He  fastened  his  end  to  a  wooden  float  anchored 
by  a  large  stone  on  a  line,  and  from  his  kayak  was 
able  to  keep  the  net  in  position  until  it  filled  with 
fish.  He  then  paddled  slowly  toward  shore  so  that 
the  fish  were  gradually  brought  into  shallow  water 
and  then  up  onto  the  beach. 

Informants  reported  that  small  hand  nets  for 
stickleback  were  sometimes  made  with  needle  and 
thread.  In  the  manufacture  of  these  nets  no  mesh 
gauge  was  used.  The  thread  was  pulled  around  the 
first  finger  to  measure  the  mesh,  thus  making  the 
mesh  size  equal  to  the  circumference  of  the  first 

A  dip  net  with  a  triangular  frame  was  used  in 



shallow  water  on  the  south  side  of  the  island  for 
trout  and  other  fish.  Sections  of  bentwood,  spliced 
and  lashed  with  sealskin  lashing,  formed  the  frame. 
At  the  narrow  end  a  short  crosspiece  was  set  in 
grooves  in  the  frame.  There  was  a  narrow  groove 
m  the  center  of  the  crosspiece  into  which  a  handle 
approximately  6  ft  in  length  was  set.  One  frame 
observed  was  4  ft  8  inches  in  length  and  2  ft  10 
inches  wide  with  a  net  4.5-5  ft  deep.  Formerly 
sinew  netting  was  employed,  but  in  more  recent 
times  the  netting  was  made  of  nylon  cord.  Sealskin 
line  was  used  to  lash  the  netting  to  the  frame.  It 
was  threaded  through  the  edge  of  the  net  and  tied 
over  the  frame  (fig.  26). 

The  characteristic  Eskimo  forms  of  shuttles  and 
mesh  gauges  (figs.  27.  76;  Nelson,  1899.  p.  191, 
pi.  LXX1I.  11:  p.  192.  pi.  LXXIII,  19,  21)  were 
used  traditionally  on  Nunivak  in  the  manufacture 
of  netting.  Reels  of  antler  were  similar  to  speci- 
mens illustrated  bv  Nelson  (1899.  pi.  LXXII.  22. 

Marlin  spikes,  used  for  tying  and  slipping  mesh- 
es while  making  nets  and  for  slipping  meshes  to 
enlarge  or  reduce  their  size,  were  usually  made  of 
ivory.  One  specimen  seen  was  made  from  an  old 
bird  dart  prong.  It  was  approximately  4  inches  in 
length  and  flattened  at  the  proximal  end.  Nelson 
(1899,  p.  193.  fig.  56)  described  and  illustrated  a 
marlin  spike  from  Nunivak  used  for  slipping  knots 
in  large  nets.  It  is  round  and  the  handle  terminates 
in  the  figure  of  a  murrc's  head. 

Fish  traps  were  of  various  sizes,  but  all  were  of 
the  basket  type  and  somewhat  resembled  speci- 
mens illustrated  by  Nelson  (1899.  pi.  LXX.  13- 
14).  The  horizontal,  half-round  slats  forming  the 
sides  were  lashed  to  a  spliced  spiral  frame  with 
willow  roots  or  tied  to  rectangular  frames  (fig.  28). 
The  funnel-shaped  section  set  in  the  frame  at  the 
open  end  was  similarly  lashed,  although  on  some 
traps  there  was  no  spiral  frame  in  this  area,  the 
slats  being  lashed  under  and  over  and  then  pulled 
tight  together.  Occasionally  the  funnel  had  a  cir- 
cular frame  at  the  small  end.  Frequently  there  was 
a  wicker  door  in  the  center  of  the  trap  on  the  top 
fastened  to  it  with  sinew.  Fish  could  be  removed 
through  this  door  while  the  trap  remained  in  place. 

In  preparing  to  set  a  trap,  the  fisherman  put  on 
a  gut  parka,  belted  and  tied  at  the  wrists  so  that 
water  would  not  go  up  the  sleeves,  and  also  water- 
proof mukluks  tied  around  the  knees.  A  dam  was 
constructed  at  low  tide  in  a  shallow  area  near  the 
mouth  of  the  Mekor\uk  River.  Gravel  and  loose 
stones  were  used  in  constructing  the  dam  and  an 
opening  was  left  for  the  traps  (fig.  29).  Gravel  was 

scooped  from  the  bottom  of  the  river  so  that  a 
trap  would  sit  low  and  be  mostly  under  water  even 
at  low  tide.  Two  traps  were  usually  set  in  a  single 
opening  (fig.  30).  Retainer  logs  were  placed  across 
the  opening  in  the  dam  at  the  top  and  bottom. 
The  fronts  of  the  traps  rested  against  these  logs 
(fig.  3  1 ).  Flat,  heavy  rocks  were  placed  on  top  of 
the  traps  to  prevent  them  from  floating  away  (fig. 
32).  To  lessen  the  opportunity  for  fish  to  escape, 
willow  branches,  with  the  leaves  intact,  were  thrust 
into  open  spaces  between  the  traps  and  the  rock 

Salmon  traps  were  inspected  every  two  or  three 
days.  If  they  did  not  have  doors,  the  traps  had  to 
be  taken  up  and  the  funnel  detached  before  the 
fish  could  be  removed.  A  large  salmon  trap  would 
measure  approximately  6  ft  in  length  and  be  as 
much  as  2  ft  square  at  the  opening.  A  trap  of  this 
size  could  have  as  many  as  40  slats.  Traps  for  silver 
salmon  were  usually  set  in  mid-August. 

In  addition  to  the  fishing  methods  described 
above,  the  Nunivaarmiut  occasionally  employed 
a  light  harpoon  with  a  multi-barbed  point  for  tak- 
ing salmon.  When  throwing  this  harpoon  the  fish- 
erman was  in  a  kneeling  position  holding  the  coiled 
line  in  his  left  hand.  The  point  was  inserted  directly 
into  the  wooden  shaft  rather  than  into  a  socket 

Fish  arrows  were  occasionally  used,  particularly 
by  children.  Two  Nunivak  arrows  described  and 
illustrated  by  Nelson  (1899,  p.  160,  fig.  44,  nos. 
4-5;  Fitzhugh  &  Kaplan,  1982,  p.  93.  no.  81)  have 
a  barbed  center  prong  flanked  by  a  lateral  spur 
with  two  feathers  at  the  proximal  end  of  the  shaft. 
A  third  arrow  (Nelson.  1899.  fig.  44.  no.  7)  has  a 
pair  of  bone  points  barbed  along  their  outer  sur- 
faces and  is  fletched  with  three  feather  vanes.  With 
arrows  it  was  usually  necessary  to  shoot  a  fish  twice 
before  it  was  killed. 

Smaller  fish  like  tomcod  and  small  flounders 
were  twined  together  with  two-strand  bundles  of 
grass,  the  fish  being  the  warp  and  the  bundles  of 
dry  grass  the  weft.  Entrails  of  larger  fish  were  pulled 
out  through  the  gills  or  through  a  slit  near  the  gills. 
Then  a  single  strand  of  woven  grass  was  pushed 
through  the  gills  dorsoventrally  and  a  second  strand 
pulled  around  the  outside  of  the  fish  at  the  neck 
and  twisted  over  the  first  strand.  This  procedure 
was  repeated  for  the  next  fish.  When  fish  were 
strung  in  this  manner,  the  string  could  be  hung 
over  a  pole  to  dry  without  the  individual  fish  slid- 
ing down  against  each  other,  thus  impeding  the 
drying  process  (fig.  33;  Curtis.  1930,  opp.  p.  64). 

All  salmon  and  other  fish  caught  through  mid- 



summer  were  split,  cleaned,  scored,  and  hung  on 
racks  to  dry  (fig.  34).  Coarsely  woven  grass  mats 
covered  the  drying  fish  to  protect  them  from  rain 
and  blowflies  (fig.  35;  Curtis,  1930,  opp.  p.  34). 
Silver  salmon  and  salmon  trout,  which  run  in  the 
late  summer  and  early  fall,  were  frequently  buried 
for  the  winter.  No  pits  were  dug,  but  a  stone  box 
was  constructed  for  the  fish.  Stones  were  set  on 
edge,  filled  in  with  gravel  and  cemented  with  clay 
to  form  the  walls,  and  fiat  rocks  laid  across  the 
top  for  a  cover  (Lantis,  1960,  p.  6).  Sometimes 
these  rather  crude,  heaped-up  caches  were  as  much 
as  5  ft  in  height.  Fish  caches  were  not  lined  with 
leaves  and  grass,  and  greens  and  berries  were  never 
placed  with  the  fish. 

V.  Transportation 

The  style  of  kayak  used  on  Nunivak  Island,  with 
a  hole  or  slit  in  the  bow  and  projecting  stern  piece, 
was  generally  characteristic  of  southwest  Alaska 
(figs.  36-37;  Nelson,  1899,  p.  219,  pi.  LXXIX,  1- 
2;  Adney  &  Chapelle,  1964,  p.  191,  fig.  174,  p. 
193,  fig.  175,  p.  199,  fig.  183;  Fitzhugh  &  Kaplan, 
1982,  pp.  60-61,  no.  27).  Adney  and  Chapelle 
( 1 964,  p.  1 98,  fig.  1 80)  provide  a  diagram  showing 
the  component  construction  features  of  a  kayak 
collected  on  Nunivak  in  1889,  and  they  also  il- 
lustrate a  vessel  with  the  cover  partly  removed 
obtained  on  the  island  by  Petroffin  1894  (1964, 
p.  199,  fig.  184). 

A  special  feature  of  Nunivak  kayaks  was  their 
size.  They  were  the  largest  in  southwest  Alaska, 
usually  measuring  between  1 5  and  1 6  ft  in  length, 
and  in  recent  times,  when  the  umiak  had  virtually 
ceased  to  be  used,  kayaks  were  made  bigger  and 
heavier  to  carry  more  passengers  and  freight.  Two 
people,  when  traveling  in  a  kayak,  sat  back-to- 
back  (Dumond,  1977,  pp.  156-1 57);  children  were 
placed  inside.  Smaller  kayaks  were  made  for  boys 
who  usually  received  their  first  vessel  when  about 
13  or  14  years  of  age.  Girls  and  women  did  not 
own  kayaks,  but  used  them  when  they  went  to 
gather  berries  or  dried  grass.  As  late  as  1 946  there 
were  still  34  kayaks  in  use  on  the  island  (Lantis, 
1972,  p.  44). 

When  a  man  was  thinking  about  building  a  new 
kayak,  he  observed  with  care  all  the  driftwood  he 
gathered  during  the  summer  and  set  aside  those 

pieces  suitable  for  use  in  constructing  the  vessel. 
A  kayak  was  never  made  all  of  one  kind  of  wood, 
different  parts  requiring  wood  with  different  qual- 
ities. Having  laid  suitable  wood  aside,  various 
frame  pieces  were  carved  during  the  winter  and 
put  away  until  early  spring.  To  assemble  the  frame 
required  nearly  a  month  of  steady  work  (Lantis, 
1946,  p.  175,  fig.  14).  Often  the  hatch,  ribs,  and 
other  pieces  could  be  salvaged  from  an  old  kayak 
frame,  thus  reducing  the  amount  of  time  necessary 
to  construct  the  new  vessel.  New  kayaks  were  fre- 
quently made  and  old  ones  repaired  in  February 
in  order  to  have  them  ready  for  spring  sealing  that, 
in  a  good  year,  began  in  early  March.  The  Nuni- 
vaarmiut  were  such  skilled  makers  of  kayaks  that 
their  boats  could  easily  be  sold  or  traded  to  main- 
land Eskimos. 

Construction  of  the  kayak  frame  was  much  the 
same  as  described  by  Zimmerly  ( 1 979)  for  Hooper 
Bay,  and  the  terminology  for  the  various  parts  was 
virtually  identical  in  both  areas  (Zimmerly,  1979, 
p.  xvii).  Distinctive  features  on  Nunivak  Island 
were  the  bow  and  stern  pieces,  which  often  took 
different  shapes,  either  characteristic  of  the  own- 
er's paternal  family  or  personal  designs  (fig.  37; 
Nelson,  1899,  pi.  LXXIX,  1-2). 

The  foundation  of  a  kayak  frame  was  a  keel  with 
two-piece  bow  and  stern  pieces.  The  curved  ribs 
were  lashed  to  the  keel,  to  side  stringers  extending 
from  bow  to  stern,  and  then  mortised  into  the 
gunwales.  The  ends  of  the  deck  beams,  or  cross- 
pieces,  were  mortised  and  lashed  to  the  gunwales. 
Deck  ridge  strips  ran  from  the  bow  to  the  hatch 
and  from  the  stern  to  the  hatch.  The  hatch  coaming 
was  formed  by  an  inner  and  outer  hoop  and  sup- 
ported on  either  side  by  hatch  stanchions  (Curtis, 
1930,  p.  13;  see  diagram  in  Zimmerly,  1979,  p. 
xvii).  The  skin  cover  over  the  keel  was  protected 
at  the  bow  and  stern  with  split  antler  guards  fas- 
tened to  the  frame  with  bone  or  antler  pegs. 

A  kayak  frame  was  assembled  in  the  qasgiq  (fig. 
65),  frequently  under  the  supervision  of  some  old 
man  skilled  in  boat  making  (Curtis,  1930,  pp.  12- 
13),  and  when  completed  was  removed  through 
the  skylight.  Handled  with  care  and  with  new  parts 
as  needed,  a  kayak  frame  could  last  16-18  years 
(Stettenheim,  1954). 

Sealskins,  bearded  seal  skins,  or  walrus  skins 
were  used  for  a  kayak  cover.  Three  bearded  seal 
skins  were  usually  suitable  for  the  bottom,  with 
two  small  sealskins  on  top— depending,  of  course, 
on  the  size  of  the  skins.  A  walrus  skin  could  be 
stored  dry  until  needed,  then  moistened  with  urine 
three  times  a  day  for  about  a  week  and  soaked  in 



fresh  water  for  a  few  hours.  The  skin  was  then  split 
into  two  layers,  the  outside  layer  being  used  for 
boot  soles  as  well  as  kayak  covers  and  the  inner 
layer  for  lines.  One  walrus  skin  was  generally  large 
enough  to  cover  an  entire  kayak. 

In  preparing  sealskins  for  use  as  a  kayak  cover, 
the  blubber  was  first  removed  with  a  two-handed 
scraper  made  from  a  caribou  leg  bone  split  length- 
wise.  The  skin  was  frequently  laid  over  a  wooden 
form  to  be  scraped  (fig.  87).  It  was  then  wrapped 
in  grass  and  put  in  a  warm  place  until  the  hair  had 
rotted  to  the  point  where  it  could  be  pulled  off  by 
hand.  The  skin  was  wrung  out  by  tying  one  end 
to  a  post  set  in  the  ground  and  the  other  to  a  piece 
of  wood  held  at  right  angles  to  the  post.  The  skin 
was  then  twisted  by  rotating  the  piece  of  wood; 
when  the  skin  was  wrung  as  tightly  as  possible,  the 
piece  of  wood  was  also  driven  into  the  ground. 
The  twisted  skin  was  left  for  a  day  or  more  so  that 
all  the  juices  were  squeezed  out.  and  was  then 
stretched  and  dried  on  a  framework  of  notched 
wood  crosspieces  (fig.  38).  With  a  stone  tied  to  its 
neck,  the  skin  was  suspended  neck  down  (fig.  39). 
Care  was  taken  to  store  it  in  a  sheltered  place 
during  wet  weather. 

When  the  skin  was  thoroughly  dry,  it  was  re- 
moved from  the  frame  and  stored  in  a  cache.  When 
ready  to  be  used  as  part  of  a  kayak  cover,  the  skin 
was  soaked  in  urine  for  about  three  days  and  then 
soaked  in  fresh  water  overnight.  Again  the  skin 
was  twisted  to  remove  excess  moisture.  Never- 
theless, it  was  still  quite  wet  and  pliable  when 
sewed  on  the  kayak. 

The  skins  for  the  cover,  prepared  by  women, 
were  first  stretched  over  the  kayak  frame  before 
being  sewed.  They  were  then  trimmed  and  ad- 
justed to  fit,  their  edges  being  temporarily  joined 
at  approximately  10-inch  intervals.  The  sewing 
was  done  by  women  in  the  qasgiq  or  a  house  but, 
of  course,  the  final  seam  was  sewn  after  the  cover 
was  put  on  the  kayak.  During  the  sewing,  the  seam 
was  pulled  very  tight  so  that  the  stitches  did  not 
show  on  the  outside;  the  rough  edges  were  turned 
inside.  When  a  seam  was  finished,  the  cover  was 
turned  inside  out  and  the  seam  overcast  on  the 
inside  to  cover  the  rough  edges.  On  the  outside 
the  sewer  usually  sewed  from  top  to  bottom  — that 
is,  toward  herself— whereas  on  the  inside  she  sewed 
upward  from  bottom  to  top.  One  woman  alone. 
if  she  was  a  fast  sewer,  could  put  on  a  cover  in 
two  days.  However,  even  when  more  than  one 
woman  worked  on  it,  a  cover  was  never  put  on  in 
a  single  day.  When  covered,  the  kayak  was  put  out 
in  cold  weather  to  freeze,  which  whitened  the  skin. 

Some  people  prepared  a  new  kayak  cover  every 
year,  but  others  simply  removed  and  cleaned  the 
old  one  when  fall  fishing  ended  and  stored  it  until 
the  following  spring. 

The  construction  of  a  kayak  was  more  than  sim- 
ply a  technological  accomplishment.  The  task  was 
accompanied  by  fasting  for  men  and  special  dress 
requirements  for  women  as  well  as  behavior  pat- 
terns designed  to  bring  success  to  the  hunter  who 
would  use  the  new  vessel  (Curtis,  1930,  pp.  13, 
15-16;  Lantis,  1946.  p.  193). 

Both  the  crutch-handled  and  the  double-bladed 
paddle  were  used  traditionally  by  the  Nunivaar- 
miut.  with  the  double-bladed  variety  being  used 
more  often.  In  former  times,  the  crutch-handled 
paddle  was  smaller,  and  this  fact,  together  with 
the  greater  former  use  of  the  double-bladed  pad- 
dle, suggests  that  kayaks  were  narrower  and  lighter 
than  in  the  1930s.  There  were  no  special  paddles 
for  umiaks. 

In  making  a  paddle,  after  the  wood  was  worked 
to  a  rough  shape  with  an  adze,  the  finishing  was 
done  with  a  mussel  shell,  open  side  up,  the  wood 
being  shaved  toward  the  worker.  The  lengths  and 
shapes  of  kayak  paddles  varied  considerably.  Sin- 
gle-bladed  paddles  were  keeled  but  the  double- 
bladed  variety  was  not. 

Formerly  designs  were  painted  on  paddles  in 
blue  and  white  over  a  base  color  of  light  blue  or 
light  orange.  For  base  painting,  fine,  clean  wood 
shavings  were  made  and  then  chewed  up  with  a 
small  piece  of  red  or  blue  pigment.  When  the  shav- 
ings were  thoroughly  coated  with  color  and  saliva, 
they  were  rubbed  on  the  paddle  very  fast  to  pre- 
vent drying  and  to  make  the  color  smooth.  Then 
the  paddle  was  rubbed  vigorously  with  clean,  dry 
shavings  to  make  the  color  more  even,  remove 
excess  paint,  and  hasten  drying.  Designs  were 
painted  on  paddles  in  summer  with  different  ones 
applied  for  spring  seal  hunting.  Each  man  owned 
his  own  designs,  which  were  passed  from  father 
to  son  and  were  always  geometric. 

Traditionally,  a  new  kayak  mat  was  made  each 
spring  even  though  with  normal  wear  such  a  mat 
would  last  longer  than  a  year.  Kayak  mats  were 
long  and  narrow,  being  approximately  2  ft  wide 
and  over  5  ft  long.  Construction  of  these  mats 
varied,  but  a  woman  always  made  a  kayak  mat  in 
the  same  way.  using  a  design  belonging  to  her  hus- 
band's family.  A  man.  his  brothers,  his  sons,  and 
his  son's  sons  thus  all  had  mats  with  the  same 
design.  Variations  included  braided  warp,  crossed 
warps,  and  a  variation  in  the  distance  between 



An  important  piece  of  kayak  equipment  was  the 
harpoon  line  holder,  which  was  placed  directly  in 
front  of  the  hatch  and  had  two  projecting  pieces 
inserted  under  the  line  that  crossed  the  top  of  the 
kayak  at  this  point  (fig.  40).  The  harpoon  line  was 
coiled  in  the  oval  frame  and  the  harpoon  rested 
across  a  notched  ivory  piece  in  the  left  corner. 

For  anchoring  a  kayak  when  fishing,  a  heavy 
stone  or  walrus  bone  attached  to  a  sealskin  line 
was  used.  The  line,  fastened  to  one  side  of  the 
hatch,  was  run  through  the  hole  in  the  bow  and 
then  across  to  the  opposite  side  of  the  hatch  and 
down  the  side  of  the  kayak.  This  provided  stability 
by  anchoring  the  vessel  more  or  less  in  the  center. 
Two  kayaks  were  sometimes  lashed  together  to 
provide  stability  when  the  paddlers  were  exam- 
ining a  seal  net  (fig.  14)  or  carrying  heavy  loads 
such  as  kegs  of  water  from  a  spring. 

Special  snow  scrapers  were  used  to  remove  ice 
from  a  kayak  after  it  was  taken  out  of  the  water. 
These  scrapers,  never  used  on  clothing,  either  had 
a  wooden  handle  to  which  a  blade  of  a  split  section 
of  antler  was  lashed  with  roots  or  consisted  simply 
of  a  split  antler  section  (fig.  41). 

During  rough  weather,  when  heading  into  the 
wind,  sealskin  floats  were  placed  on  the  bow  of  a 
kayak  to  keep  it  raised.  The  paddler's  gut  parka 
was  tied  around  the  hatch  and  also  at  the  wearer's 
wrists  and  around  his  face. 

Kayaks  were  kept  on  high  racks  so  that  dogs 
could  not  get  at  them  to  chew  the  covers.  These 
simple  racks  consisted  of  a  pair  of  crossed  sup- 
ports, usually  with  a  pole  running  between.  The 
kayak  rested  on  the  supports  upside  down  (figs. 
42-43;  Curtis,  1930,  opp.  p.  44). 

Small  holes  in  kayak  covers  could  be  tempo- 
rarily repaired  with  moss  saturated  with  heavy  seal 
oil.  Large  holes,  however,  were  patched  with  a 
piece  of  skin  sewn  on  with  sinew  (fig.  44). 

When  outfitting  a  kayak  for  a  hunting  trip,  a 
combination  boat  hook  and  ice  hook  was  placed 
on  the  forward  deck  of  the  kayak  and  harpoon 
lines  were  wound  within  the  line  holder.  The  float 
rested  behind  the  hatch  with  its  line  leading  to  the 
line  holder.  Harpoons  and  throwing  board  rested 
on  the  line  holder  alongside  the  hatch.  Two  single- 
bladed  paddles  were  carried,  the  one  not  in  use 
being  placed  along  the  decking  in  front  of  the  hatch, 
resting  against  a  spear  and  paddle  guard.  Nelson 
(1899,  p.  227,  pi.  LXXVIII,  14)  illustrated  a  seal- 
shaped  guard  from  Nunivak  intended  to  lie  di- 
agonally along  the  deck  near  the  edge  with  the  head 
pointing  upward.  A  point  was  fixed  to  the  harpoon 
foreshaft,  the  wooden  point  guard  remaining  in 

place  until  the  harpoon  was  ready  to  be  thrown. 
A  kayak  sled  was  tied  behind  the  hatch,  and  this 
completed  the  equipment  secured  to  the  deck  of 
the  vessel  (Curtis,  1930,  opp.  pp.  52,  54). 

Inside  the  kayak  the  hunter  placed  a  rectangular 
seat  of  wooden  slats  lashed  together  with  sealskin 
line  to  keep  him  dry  (fig.  45).  Food  in  a  carrying 
basket,  seal  oil  in  a  seal  stomach,  fresh  water  in  a 
walrus  bladder,  and  extra  grass  mats  for  camping 
and  to  use  as  a  windbreak  were  also  taken.  The 
hunter  might  sleep  in  his  kayak  if  no  other  suitable 
shelter  was  available.  Two  wooden  bowls,  or  kan- 
tags,  were  also  taken  along,  one  to  eat  out  of  and 
the  other  to  urinate  in  in  case  there  was  no  con- 
venient place  to  land. 


Since  Nunivak  hunters  did  not  hunt  great  whales, 
there  was  little  use  for  the  umiak,  a  large,  open 
skin  boat.  Formerly  useful  for  trading  trips  and 
moving  families  to  seasonal  camps  rather  than  for 
hunting,  this  type  of  vessel  had  largely  disappeared 
by  1940  (figs.  46-47). 

On  mainland  Alaska  umiaks  varied  consider- 
ably in  size  due  to  locally  available  materials  but 
were  similar  in  form  (Adney  &  Chapelle,  1964, 
pp.  182-183).  On  Nunivak  the  size  varied  ac- 
cording to  the  builder's  prosperity  and  ownership 
of  materials,  the  size  of  his  family,  the  distance  he 
usually  traveled,  and  his  willingness  and  ability  to 
undertake  carving  the  many  construction  parts.  At 
the  time  of  Curtis's  visit  to  the  island  in  1927,  i; 
number  of  umiaks  were  still  in  use.  A  vessel  he 
observed  was  28  ft  long,  4  ft  deep  from  keelson  to 
gunwale,  and  with  a  beam  of  6  ft  (Curtis,  1930,  p. 
20).  In  1940  three  umiaks  were  examined  by  Lan- 
ds, two  of  them  without  cover,  the  third  recently 
given  a  new  cover.  The  drawings  of  separate  parts 
of  the  frame  (figs.  48-49)  are  of  umiak  1,  drawings 
of  bow  and  stern  of  boat  3  (figs.  50-51).  Umiak  2 
was  the  smallest  and  newest  although  built  in  the 
old  style,  except  for  the  addition  of  a  pair  of  oar- 
locks; in  size  it  was  comparable  to  umiak  3  (see 
measurements,  table  1 ).  These  three  vessels  show 
the  range  in  size  of  Mekoryuk  umiaks. 

Umiak  Parts— The  term  "keelson"  ordinarily 
designates  the  member  above  the  keel.  Here,  how- 
ever, the  keelson  provided  as  much  of  a  keel  as 
existed  in  the  umiak.  It  was  the  one  longitudinal 
centerpiece  in  the  bottom  (see  fig.  48a).  Adney  and 
Chapelle  ( 1 964,  p.  1 84),  illustrating  an  umiak  from 



I  \hii    I        Measurements  of  Mckoiy  uk  umiaks.   1434-1940. 

I  miak  no. 


Length  of  bottom  (keelson  and  Hat  part  of 

bow  and  stern  posts) 
Length  of  bow  stem  (along  curve) 
Overall  length  (top  of  prow  to  top  of  stern) 
Length  of  gunwale  (along  curve) 
Cireatest  width  of  bottom 
Beam  at  center  (greatest  width  to  outside 

edge  of  gunwales) 
Height  at  center  (including  gunwale) 

23  ft  3  inches 

5  ft  1  1  inches 
26  ft  6  inches 
28  ft  0  inch 
3  ft  1  inch* 

5  ft  7  inches 
3  ft  0  inches 

1  3  ft  8  inches 

16  ft  6  inches 
2  ft  2  inchest 

4  ft  5  inches^ 
1  ft  9  inches 

14  ft  10  inches 

17  ft  9  inches 

ca.  5  ft 

1  ft  1 1  inches 

Note:  Although  umiak  3  was  longer  than  umiak  2,  its  height  was  not  much  greater  because  the  sides  flared,  its 
beam  being  greater  relative  to  length  than  that  in  the  other  two  vessels. 
*  Measured  at  center,  t  Measured  3  inches  fore.  $  Measured  18  inches  fore. 

the  Bristol  Bay  or  Alaska  Peninsula  area,  also  show 
onl\  a  keelson  and  no  separate  keel.  The  two  long, 
curved  chines,  one  on  each  side,  outlined  the  bot- 
tom. Because  these  members  established  the  ves- 
sel's length  and  bottom  width,  they  were  the  prin- 
cipal forms  setting  its  "lines"  and  were  measured 
first;  the  other  parts  were  measured  relative  to  the 
chines  (see  fig.  48c).  Between  the  keelson  and  chine 
on  each  side  was  a  plank  (fig.  48b),  shorter  than 
the  keelson  and  chines,  at  bow  and  stern,  curving 
inward  and  attached  to  the  keelson.  These  three 
basic  forms  of  the  bottom  were  wider  on  the  inside 
(top)  and  fitted  snugly  at  bow  and  stern  but,  being 
narrower  on  the  underside  (outside),  there  were 
small  gaps  between  them.  The  distance  between 
them  increased  greatly  toward  the  beam  (point  of 
greatest  width).  Figure  5 1  shows  construction  of 
the  stern  of  umiak  3,  including  a  short  curved  piece 
across  the  three  center  members  and  fitted  into 
the  chines.  There  was  a  similar  board  at  the  bow 
(fig.  48e).  On  the  large  vessel  (1)  there  were  12 
straight,  flat  boards,  crosspieces  serving  as  floor  or 
deck  boards,  that  were  set  into  the  chines. 

Bow  and  stern  structures  were  also  basic,  as  both 
bottom  and  side  pieces  were  attached  to  them  (see 
figs.  50-51,  showing  the  bow  and  stern  of  umiak 
3,  and  fig.  48d,  showing  the  bow  stem  of  umiak 
1:  the  stern  of  umiak  1  was  not  traditional  and  is 
discussed  separately).  The  bow  stem  fitted  into  a 
narrow  slot  on  the  under,  slightly  rounded  side  of 
the  headboard.  The  latter  was  the  wide,  curved 
board  set  atop  the  stem  at  a  right  angle.  The  keel- 
son fitted  into  the  lower  notch  of  the  bow  stem 
and  curve  of  the  stern.  As  can  be  seen  in  the  draw- 
ing of  the  traditional  stern  of  umiak  3,  the  stern 

seat  was  a  longer  board  than  the  bow  headboard 

The  stern  stem  of  umiak  1  (fig.  49d)  was  modern 
in  having  a  straight,  vertical  outer  surface,  al- 
though the  inner  surface  was  curved.  The  vertical 
part  was  made  of  three  planks,  each  2.5  inches 
thick.  The  straight,  flat  surface  facilitated  attach- 
ment of  a  rudder  or  an  outboard  motor.  For  that, 
three  short  heavy  pieces,  one  above  the  other,  were 
nailed  across  the  stern,  the  lowest  nearly  triangular 
in  shape.  On  each  side  of  the  stern  there  was  a 
strut,  a  piece  about  3  inches  wide,  equivalent  to 
risers  (ribs)  elsewhere,  from  the  gunwale  (rail)  to 
the  lower  part  of  the  stem,  set  edge  to  the  stem  at 
its  front.  The  inside  edge  of  the  gunwale  was  cut 
out  to  receive  the  strut.  A  traditional  stern  was 
more  like  the  bow,  and  the  gunwales  were  laid 
across  the  stern  seat,  as  at  the  bow,  projecting 
beyond  it  4—6  inches  depending  on  the  overall  size 
of  the  umiak. 

The  risers  were  set  into  the  chines  (figs.  47,  49c, 
50-5 1 )  and,  when  the  gunwales  were  in  place,  each 
riser  was  lashed  to  the  one  on  its  side.  The  number 
of  risers  varied  according  to  the  length  of  the  ves- 
sel. Umiak  1,  the  largest,  had  14  on  each  side.  As 
Figure  49c  shows,  these  pieces  were  not  as  strongly 
curved  as  might  be  expected.  On  all  the  umiaks, 
there  were  two  stringers  on  each  side,  each  stringer 
attached  to  the  bow  and  stern  stems  (see  figs.  48d, 
49f-g).  The  lower  stringer  was  outside  the  risers, 
the  upper  one  inside  because  of  the  outward  slant 
of  the  risers.  The  only  exception  was  seen  in  the 
umiak  with  the  modern  form  of  stern  in  which  the 
lower  stringer  was  inside  the  stern's  strut  form  of 
riser  and  the  upper  stringer  outside.  Stringers  and 



risers  were  pegged,  not  lashed.  In  umiak  1  there 
were  five  seats,  lashed  to  the  upper  stringers,  in 
addition  to  the  bow  and  stern  seats.  In  smaller 
vessels  there  might  be  fewer,  but  the  1 5-foot  umiak 
3  also  had  five  seats  and  was  considered  large 
enough  for  10  persons.  Its  beam  was  not  much 
less  than  that  of  umiak  1.  The  larger  vessel  could, 
however,  carry  more  freight. 

Because  sails  were  not  used  on  these  umiaks,  it 
was  not  learned  exactly  how  and  where  a  mast  was 
set.  An  elderly  man  stated  emphatically  that  only 
one  sail  was  used,  not  two  as  Lantis  mentioned  to 
him  from  Nelson's  report  ( 1 899,  p.  2 1 7)  regarding 
occasional  regional  practice  on  the  mainland.  As 
with  all  other  boat  parts,  there  were  local  Yupik 
names  for  sail  and  mast,  the  sail  originally  having 
been  a  grass  kayak  mat  and  later  made  of  canvas. 
When  oarlocks  were  added,  the  lock  was  a  sealskin 
arch  fastened  to  each  gunwale.  There  were  differ- 
ent names  for  traditional  and  modern  umiaks. 

In  the  large  Mekoryuk  umiak  (1),  there  were  65 
pieces  excluding  cover,  sail,  mast,  and  oars.  The 
amount  of  work  needed  to  split,  measure,  adze, 
carve  or  bend,  drill,  and  smooth  so  many  parts  is 
impressive— and  pegs  and  lashings  also  had  to  be 
made.  Many  of  the  members  were  grooved  length- 
wise on  the  inside  surface  as  shown,  for  example, 
in  Figures  48a-b,  49a-b;  no  explanation  for  these 
grooves  was  obtained.  Because  longitudinal  mem- 
bers, except  the  gunwales,  were  grooved  and  the 
floor  boards  were  not,  the  grooves  may  have  pro- 
vided greater  flexibility.  The  gunwales,  nearly 
round  in  cross  section,  were  9  inches  in  circum- 
ference on  the  largest  vessel.  Bending  such  long 
pieces  of  driftwood,  the  longest  in  an  umiak,  must 
have  required  careful  effort  (Curtis,  1930,  pp.  20- 
21,  opp.  p.  182). 

Fastenings— Much  was  done  by  mortise  and 
tenon,  although  the  tenons  apparently  were  not 
shaped  differently  from  the  main  form;  for  ex- 
ample, not  round  in  cross  section  on  a  rectangular 
piece.  As  well  as  could  be  seen  without  taking  the 
frame  apart,  a  piece  was  beveled  and  slimmed  to 
fit  the  mortise.  On  umiak  3  each  gunwale  fitted 
loosely  into  a  notch  on  the  upper  outside  edge  of 
both  bow  and  stern  headboards,  but  on  another 
vessel  they  were  simply  laid  on  top  before  being 
tied.  Where  wood  pegs  were  used,  holes  had  to  be 
drilled,  with  holes  and  pegs  carefully  fitted  since 
the  latter  could  not  be  driven  through  the  boards. 
The  upper  stringers  and  risers  were  fastened  to- 
gether with  pegs,  while  the  seat  boards  were  fas- 
tened to  these  stringers  differently.  There  were  holes 
near  the  ends  of  the  seats  for  the  lines  that  tied 

the  board  on  top  of  or  underneath  the  upper  string- 
ers, depending  on  the  seat's  location  in  the  boat; 
most  of  them  were  on  top.  The  higher  headboards 
that  could  also  serve  as  seats  and  the  gunwales 
were  lashed  together.  The  lower  stringers  and  ris- 
ers of  umiak  3  were  lashed  together.  Two  small 
holes  were  bored  in  both  and  a  line  run  through 
and  tied,  resembling  one  long  stitch  on  the  inside. 

Cover— For  one  of  the  smaller  umiaks,  four 
pieces  of  walrus  hide,  representing  two  whole  skins, 
were  used.  On  larger  vessels  six  or  eight  halves 
were  required.  The  urine  in  which  the  skins  were 
soaked  was  scraped  off,  but  the  skins  were  not 
scraped  or  wrung  out  entirely  dry.  Women  sewed 
the  cover,  and  men  stretched  it  over  the  frame  and 
lashed  it.  A  woman  sat  with  outstretched  legs  on 
a  mat  with  the  skin  on  the  mat  in  front  of  her  to 
absorb  moisture  and  keep  her  clean.  The  part  of 
the  skin  being  seamed  was  fastened  to  her  foot  by 
a  short  cord  to  help  her  pull  the  skin  and  seam 
tight  as  she  stitched.  She  thus  had  to  lean  far  for- 
ward to  work.  The  seamstress  may  have  used  a 
blind  stitch  as  illustrated  by  Adney  and  Chapelle 
(1964,  p.  186),  but  this  could  not  be  confirmed. 
All  three  seams,  fitting  the  four  pieces  together, 
ran  across  the  frame. 

Each  end  of  the  cover  was  folded  in  half  and  the 
two  halves  stitched,  closing  the  end.  Thus  the  cov- 
er could  be  fitted  over  bow  and  stern,  one  seam 
running  up  the  full  height  of  the  stern  and  the  one 
at  the  other  end  going  one-third  the  distance  up 
the  higher  bow.  Presumably  the  heaviest  sinews, 
such  as  those  from  reindeer  legs  or  beluga  flanks, 
were  used  for  the  stitching. 

Men  punched  holes  in  the  moist  skin  at  regular 
intervals  and  pulled  the  cover  over  the  gunwales 
so  that  these  and  the  tops  of  the  risers  were  cov- 
ered. A  walrus  hide  line  was  run  through  the  cover, 
pulling  the  cover  tight,  a  continuous  line  with  no 
extra  wrapping  or  knotting  at  each  place.  At  bow 
and  stern  the  cover  was  pulled  over  the  headboard 
for  about  one  inch.  It  was  not  tied  or  stitched  to 
the  frame  itself,  but  a  line  was  drawn  through  the 
closely-spaced  holes  in  the  cover,  over  and  under 
its  edge,  and  then  tied  to  the  gunwale  lashing  on 
each  side,  not  to  the  gunwales  themselves.  When 
necessary,  the  walrus  hide  lines  could  be  tightened 
to  take  up  slack  in  the  cover.  Formerly,  as  on  the 
kayak,  the  family  totemic  bird  or  mammal  was 
painted  on  the  cover  of  an  umiak. 

If  the  vessel  was  kept  in  the  water  or  used  fre- 
quently, it  was  necessary  to  oil  the  cover  every  two 
or  three  days  to  prevent  waterlogging.  A  tight  and 
well-oiled  surface  was  necessary  if  an  umiak  was 



to  remain  seaworthy  (Curtis.  1930.  p.  20).  It  took 
considerably  more  than  a  month  to  construct  and 
cover  an  umiak. 

Curtis  ( 1  930.  p. 20)  described  the  use  of  the  umi- 
ak on  trips  of  several  days'  duration.  The  vessel, 
containing  one  or  two  families  with  dogs  and 
household  goods,  was  paddled  or  rowed  during 
the  daylight  hours,  frequently  towing  kayaks  be- 
longing to  the  families.  At  nightfall  the  boat  was 
dragged  up  on  the  beach  where  camp  was  made. 
The  \essel  was  unloaded,  tipped  on  one  side,  and 
the  upper  gunwales  supported  by  notched  poles 
(fig.  47;  Curtis.  1930,  opp.  p.  186).  If  the  weather 
was  bad.  or  the  travelers  were  without  a  tent,  they 
could  sleep  under  the  upturned  umiak. 


The  traditional  Nunivak  sled  had  runners  which 
curved  up  only  slightly  in  front.  Bone  shoes  pegged 
to  the  runners  provided  good  traction  over  frozen 
and  wet  snow  (VanStone.  1957,  pp.  102,  105,  pi. 
1.1).  Longitudinal  strips  about  3  inches  above  the 
runners  extended  the  full  length  of  the  sled  and 
were  lashed  to  three  crosspieces  placed  at  regular 
intervals  along  the  runners.  These  crosspieces  rest- 
ed on  short  wooden  blocks  which  were  lashed  to 
the  runners,  creating  the  space  between  the  lon- 
gitudinal strips  and  the  crosspieces.  the  latter 
forming  the  bed  of  the  sled. 

The  railings,  which  were  straight,  extended  from 
a  height  of  about  3  ft  at  the  rear  to  the  point  where 
they  joined  the  upturned  runners  at  the  front.  These 
railings  were  supported  by  four  stanchions  on  each 
side,  placed  between  the  crosspieces.  The  railings 
were  lashed  to  the  stanchions  with  walrus  hide 
line;  the  lower  ends  of  the  stanchions  were  mor- 
tised into  the  runners  and  also  lashed  to  the  lon- 
gitudinal strips  above  the  runners.  The  two  rear 
stanchions  were  slightly  curved  and  their  upper 
ends  passed  through  slots  in  the  railings  and  han- 
dlebar. Further  support  and  strength  was  provided 
by  diagonal  braces  projecting  through  slots  in  the 
stanchions.  Across  the  top  of  the  rear  stanchions 
was  a  handlebar,  the  ends  of  which  extended  1  ft 
on  each  side  (fig.  52:  Curtis,  1930.  p.  22,  opp.  p. 

Until  the  1920s  and  even  in  the  1930s,  dogs 
were  tied  at  the  sides  of  the  sled  rather  than  har- 
nessed in  pairs  along  a  towline  in  front.  Each  dog 
was  tied  separately,  not  to  the  stanchions  but  to 
the  supporting  blocks  between  the  stanchions.  Since 

the  sled  was  short,  there  usually  was  room  for  only 
two  dogs  on  each  side.  There  was  no  leader  and 
ik)  commands  for  right  and  left  (fig.  53;  Lantis, 
1946.  pp.  167,  189,  fig.  25;  1980.  p.  11). 

Since  the  sled  runners  did  not  extend  beyond 
the  bed  in  back,  the  driver  could  not  stand  on  the 
runners,  but  pushed  and  guided  by  means  of  the 
long  handlebar.  Sometimes  two  people  pushed,  or 
a  driver  might  bend  over  and  rest  his  forearms  on 
the  handlebar  if  force  was  not  needed.  If  the  trail 
was  difficult,  the  driver  pulled  his  sled  from  di- 
rectly in  front  while  the  dogs  pulled  from  the  sides. 
It  was  not  easy  to  guide  the  dogs  and  the  driver 
had  to  turn  the  sled  manually. 

The  simple  dog  harness  was  made  of  three- 
strand,  braided  grass  reinforced  with  pieces  of 
scraped  sealskin.  A  loop  was  formed  to  go  over 
the  animal's  head  and  the  harness  extended  across 
the  back  and  under  the  stomach.  At  the  proximal 
end  was  another  reinforced  loop  so  that  the  har- 
ness could  be  attached  to  a  short  line  leading  to 
the  sled.  There  were  no  swivels,  toggles,  or  other 
harness  parts. 

Larger  sleds  with  beds  of  horizontal  planks  and 
runners  that  extended  out  in  back  for  riding  (fig. 
54)  were  introduced  by  traders  along  with  the  tow- 
line,  to  which  dogs  were  hitched  in  pairs.  In  1939 
this  method  of  hitching  was  so  recent  that  even 
middle-aged  people  could  make  the  old-style 
braided  grass  harness  and  hitch  dogs  to  the  side 
of  the  sled  in  the  traditional  manner. 

The  old-style  sled  dog  was  a  large,  heavy  animal 
with  a  short,  stubby  face,  long  white  hair,  and 
floppy  or  short  standing  ears  (fig.  55).  By  1939  a 
more  lightly  built  dog  with  a  longer  face  and  short- 
er hair  had  been  introduced  from  the  mainland 
(fig.  56).  The  Nunivaarmiut  did  not  tie  up  their 
dogs  until  reindeer  were  brought  to  the  island  and, 
up  to  1940  rarely  cooked  food  for  them,  although 
trader  and  missionary  families  might  do  so.  For- 
merly dogs  were  allowed  to  lie  in  the  entrance 
passage  of  the  house  and  were  fed  whatever  hap- 
pened to  be  available.  Traditionally  the  people 
owned  few  dogs. 

The  kayak  sled  carried  on  the  kayak  behind  the 
hatch  (Curtis.  1930,  opp.  p.  52)  was  5-6  ft  long 
and  consisted  of  runners  with  bone  shoes,  and 
traditionally  three,  or  by  1940  usually  four,  cross- 
pieces  lashed  to  short  support  blocks  mortised  into 
the  runners.  On  each  side  a  fiat,  longitudinal  strip 
was  lashed  to  the  crosspieces  and  pegged  to  the 
upturned  front  of  the  runner  (fig.  57).  These  sleds 
were  relatively  wide  in  order  to  accommodate  the 




Snowshoes,  occasionally  used  in  the  past,  were 
rather  crudely  made  with  pointed  toes  and  widely 
spaced  lashing  that  did  not  require  the  use  of  a 
netting  needle;  there  was  no  netting  at  the  toe  or 
heel.  Sealskin  line  was  used  for  most  webbing,  but 
the  harnesses  were  made  of  softened,  bleached 
sealskin  (fig.  58). 

Breast  Yoke  and  Pack  Cord 

Perhaps  because  dog  traction  was  rather  ineffi- 
cient, a  wooden  breast  yoke  was  used  by  men,  and 
possibly  women,  to  assist  them  when  carrying  loads 
on  their  backs.  Nelson  (1899,  p.  21 1,  pi.  LXXVI, 
14;  Fitzhugh  &  Kaplan,  1982,  p.  99,  no.  90)  de- 
scribed a  yoke  from  Nunivak  collected  by  Dall.  It 
is  a  crescent-shaped,  flattened  board  to  whieff  a 
cord  was  permanently  tied  at  one  end.  This  cord 
was  passed  over  the  load  and  the  looped  end  tied 
to  a  ridge  at  the  other  end  of  the  board.  Carved 
in  relief  on  the  front  of  this  yoke  is  the  tattooed 
face  of  a  woman,  probably  a  protective  being.  On 
either  side  of  this  face  is  a  broad  groove  that  tapers 
toward  each  end.  The  edges  of  this  groove  are  inset 
with  caribou  teeth.  The  face,  grooves,  and  ends  of 
this  yoke  are  painted  red  and  the  remainder  of  the 
upper  front  and  border  is  black. 

When  a  yoke  was  not  used,  a  pack  rope  of  braid- 
ed grass  was  particularly  useful  for  packing  drift- 
wood. The  wood  rested  directly  on  the  back  with 
the  rope  looped  over  the  head,  around  the  shoul- 
ders, over  the  load,  under  each  arm,  and  then  tied 
in  front  on  both  sides  (Lantis,  1946,  pp.  167-168). 

VI.  Shelter,  Housekeeping, 
and  Storage 


According  to  late  1 9th  century  observers,  a  tra- 
ditional winter  village  of  the  Nunivaarmiut  con- 
sisted of  several  houses  and  a  qasgiq  connected  by 
passages,  while  the  spring  and  summer  camps  were 
made  up  of  single,  unconnected  houses.  If  there 
were  two  or  three  qasgiqs  in  a  winter  village,  there 
would  be  a  corresponding  number  of  house  clus- 

It  will  be  recalled  that,  in  a  brief  description  of 
the  winter  village  at  Nash  Harbor,  Hooper  (1881, 
p.  5)  noted  that  the  houses  numbered  10,  all  of 

which  were  connected  by  a  subterranean  passage. 
They  were  arranged  in  a  circle  "with  a  common 
entrance  to  the  covered  way  in  the  center."  Petroff 
(Porter,  1893,  pp.  111-112)  confirmed  this  de- 

The  Nuniwagmiuts  occupy  large  subterrane- 
an communal  dwellings,  consisting  of  a  num- 
ber of  square  or  circular  cavities  opening  upon 
a  common  hall  or  corridor  but  with  a  single 
entrance  from  the  surface  of  the  ground.  Each 
family  compartment  has  its  separate  smoke 
hole,  but  these  are  rarely  used,  as  the  object 
of  this  crowding  together  is  warmth  through 
exclusion  of  all  outside  air,  and  nearly  all 
cooking  is  done  in  the  entrance  or  in  sheds 
erected  for  the  purpose. 

Apparently  a  similar  residential  arrangement 
existed  at  Mekoryuk  when  Curtis  (1930,  pp.  6-9) 
visited  that  village  in  1927,  but  by  the  time  of  the 
fieldwork  of  Himmelheber  and  Lantis  in  the  late 
1930s,  this  traditional  settlement  pattern  had  been 
replaced  to  a  large  extent  by  single  houses  for  in- 
dividual nuclear  or  extended  families.  Himmel- 
heber (1980,  p.  6)  published  a  plan  of  Mekoryuk 
as  it  appeared  in  1936  which  shows  two  qasgiqs, 
one  large  and  one  small,  13  residences  including 
three  attached  by  tunnels  to  the  larger  qasgiq, 
seven  underground  storehouses,  1 1  aboveground 
storehouses,  and  only  two  houses  of  modern  frame 
or  log  construction. 

House  Construction 

Collins  (1937,  pp.  258-260)  has  described  and 
illustrated  a  house  from  an  unspecified  location 
on  Nunivak  which  he  believed  to  be  a  "typical 
unmodified  example"  of  the  Eskimo  dwelling  in 
southwest  Alaska.  His  careful  drawing  in  cross  sec- 
tion is  more  detailed  than  any  other  in  the  Alaskan 
Eskimo  literature.  Lantis,  however,  doubts  wheth- 
er this  type  of  house  was  typical  on  Nunivak.  The 
following  pages  are  devoted  to  noting  deviations 
from  this  basic  form  and  adding  certain  details  not 
specifically  referred  to  by  Collins. 

Although  four-post-center  construction  was 
characteristic  of  all  Nunivak  houses,  the  sleeping 
benches  within  the  house  varied.  Indeed,  many  of 
the  poorer  houses  had  no  platform  benches  at  all 
but  simply  logs  placed  on  the  floor  behind  which 
dried  grass  was  spread  and  then  covered  with  mats 
and  skins  for  sleeping.  All  other  houses  had  sleep- 
ing platforms  on  the  sides,  varying  in  height  from 



house  to  house.  Across  the  back  was  a  platform 
used  for  storage.  People  slept  with  their  heads  at 
the  front  edge  of  the  platform  and  their  feet  to  the 
wall.  Most  sleeping  platforms  were  approximately 
15  inches  above  the  floor  (fig.  59). 

In  constructing  platform  benches,  an  earth  shelf 
was  left  on  two  or  three  sides  and  split  driftwood 
was  placed  over  the  earth  and  then  covered  with 
matting  and  skins.  Coarse  matting  was  also  hung 
around  the  walls  to  cover  the  earth  between  the 
bench  surface  and  the  sloping  roof  logs.  Although 
Collins's  drawing  seems  to  indicate  that  the  four 
center  posts  rested  on  the  benches,  in  fact  they 
usualh  extended  to  floor  level.  Occasionally  there 
was  a  smooth,  flat  board  along  the  front  edge  of 
the  bench  extending  somewhat  higher.  On  it  were 
placed  cutting  boards,  knives,  and  other  utensils 
used  habitually  in  preparing  food. 

The  fireplace,  against  the  rear  bench  as  shown 
in  the  Collins  drawing  or  in  the  center  under  the 
skylight,  was  constructed  of  flat  volcanic  rocks  set 
up  on  edge.  It  had  an  earthen  base  slightly  higher 
than  the  house  floor.  A  fire  was  started  with  rein- 
deer moss  soaked  in  seal  oil.  Lampstands  might 
be  set  up  at  the  two  front  corners  of  the  fireplace. 
These  were  carved  from  a  single  piece  of  wood 
approximately  3  ft  long  and  pointed  at  one  end  so 
the\  could  be  driven  into  the  dirt  floor.  They  were 
wide  and  flat  at  the  top  to  hold  a  pottery  lamp. 
Stands  like  those  illustrated  in  Nelson  (1899,  fig. 
19)  were  unknown.  A  framework  from  which  to 
hang  pots  was  set  up  at  the  back  of  the  fireplace 
and  was  not  movable. 

Collins's  drawing  shows  low  house  walls  and 
relatively  long  rafters.  Some  houses,  however,  were 
built  with  higher  walls  allowing  more  headroom 
toward  the  back  of  the  benches,  which  required  a 
deeper  excavation  (figs.  60-61). 

The  walls  of  the  underground  entrance  passage- 
wax,  usually  in  a  short  side  of  the  house  and  not 
a  long  side  as  shown  by  Collins,  were  sometimes 
higher  than  indicated  in  his  drawing  and  faced 
with  vertical  split  logs.  The  frame  of  the  house 
roof  was  cribbed:  on  the  two  posts  on  each  side, 
a  long  log  was  fitted,  lying  front  to  back  (stringers); 
then  smaller  logs  were  placed  across  the  stringers 
at  front  and  rear  (tie-beams  or  crossbeams);  then 
stringers;  and  finally  crossbeams,  all  shorter  at  each 
higher  level,  that  is,  each  successive  layer  closer 
to  the  center.  For  the  roof,  on  all  four  sides  split 
logs  were  laid,  flat  side  down,  from  the  four  logs 
forming  the  top  of  the  earth  wall  to  the  lower  crib 
logs.  Then  a  second,  higher,  also  sloping  course  of 
split  logs  was  needed  all  around  and  a  third  flat 

course  to  complete  the  roof  around  the  rectangular 
hole  for  the  skylight  (fig.  62). 

The  skylight  cover,  placed  outside  over  a  square 
wood  frame,  was  made  of  strips  of  seal  intestine 
sewn  together  with  a  border  of  salmon  skin.  This 
translucent  gut  window  was  held  in  place  with 
heavy  rocks  (fig.  63).  This  is  why  the  tougher  salm- 
on skin  was  used  as  a  border.  A  thin,  bent  stick 
was  arched  between  opposite  sides  of  the  frame 
on  the  inside  to  keep  the  gut  window  from  sagging. 
It  could  be  pushed  back  and  forth  to  knock  water 
and  snow  from  the  skylight. 

The  dimensions  of  the  wall  and  roof  depended 
largely  on  the  size  of  driftwood  available  to  the 
builder.  More  recent  houses  had  a  steep-roofed 
entryway  of  commercial  lumber  modeled  after  a 
ship's  companionway  (fig.  64).  At  the  point  where 
the  tunnel  entered  the  living  area,  a  grass  mat  was 
hung,  or  occasionally  there  would  be  a  low  plank 
door.  Formerly  a  whale's  shoulder  blade  might  be 
used  at  the  outside  entrance  as  a  doorway. 

In  finishing  the  roof,  a  layer  of  green  grass  was 
laid  over  the  logs,  and  then  earth  was  spread  on 
the  grass  and  packed  down.  Over  this  were  placed 
fresh  sod  blocks  cut  with  a  mattock.  The  roof  was 
not  entirely  rounded  after  the  sods  were  in  place, 
the  rectangular  slanting  sides  and  flat  top  being 
maintained  to  a  certain  degree. 

These  semi-subterranean  houses,  occupied 
summer  and  winter,  were  abandoned  only  for  short 
periods  of  time  when  people  went  to  fish  camps. 
If  a  structure  became  wet  in  spring,  a  drain  might 
be  dug  through  the  wall  so  that  water  could  run 

The  Qasgiq 

Qasgiqs,  or  ceremonial  houses.  \  aried  greatly  in 
si/e.  Small  ones  for  the  use  of  one  or  two  families 
in  small  settlements  might  be  no  more  than  12  ft 
square,  while  the  structure  in  a  large  village  like 
Mekoryuk  was  nearly  20  ft  square.  The  method 
of  construction  was  essentially  the  same  regardless 
of  size.  The  roof  was  supported  by  eight  posts,  two 
for  each  corner,  set  against  the  walls  rather  than 
away  from  them,  as  in  a  house.  The  walls  were 
generally  formed  of  split  logs  placed  vertically; 
diagonal  beams  across  the  corners  supported  a 
cribbed  roof  (fig.  65),  a  form  of  roofing  reported 
for  historic  qasgiqs  elsewhere  in  southwestern 
Alaska  (VanStone,  1968.  pp.  252-258;  1970,  pp. 

The  number  of  benches  in  a  qasgiq  varied;  at 



Mekoryuk  the  large  one  had  platform  benches  on 
three  sides  while  others  might  have  only  one  or 
two.  Unlike  houses,  qasgiqs  had  plank  flooring, 
some  of  which  covered  the  excavated  central  fire- 
place and  could  be  lifted  when  the  fireplace  was 
in  use.  For  a  large  qasgiq,  the  fireplace  might  be 
as  much  as  4  ft  in  depth  and  nearly  3  ft  square.  It 
was  lined  with  flat  volcanic  rocks. 

Tunnel  walls  were  lined  with  split  logs  placed 
vertically.  The  step-up  into  the  main  part  of  the 
structure  was  just  in  front  of  the  fireplace.  The 
tunnel  entrance  opened  directly  to  the  outside  (fig. 
66).  Formerly,  as  previously  noted,  a  number  of 
family  houses  might  be  linked  to  a  ceremonial 
house  by  connecting  passageways  with  a  single 
outside  entrance.  A  woman  taking  food  to  the  men 
of  her  family  could  go  through  the  tunnel  to  enter 
the  qasgiq,  and  a  man  could  go  home  without  being 
out  in  the  cold.  It  should  be  noted  that  sometimes 
two  related  nuclear  families  occupied  one  house, 
the  women  and  children  of  one  family  on  one  side 
and  the  other  family  or  perhaps  an  elderly  relative 
on  the  opposite  side,  but  they  shared  food. 

In  respects  other  than  those  mentioned,  a  qasgiq 
was  constructed  in  much  the  same  way  as  a  house, 
except  that  people  could  sit  under  the  higher  and 
narrower  benches.  Boys  customarily  sat  on  the 
benches  while  men  sat  underneath  on  the  grass  or 
shavings-covered  floor.  Lampstands  similar  to 
those  in  houses  were  used  in  a  qasgiq,  although  a 
suspended  lamp  frame,  shaped  like  a  globe  and 
decorated  with  feathers  and  carved  figures,  was 
hung  in  each  corner  during  the  Messenger  Feast. 
An  example  of  this  style  of  lamp  frame,  made  in 
recent  years  by  Kay  Hendrickson,  formerly  of  Me- 
koryuk, is  in  the  Yugtarvik  Regional  Museum, 
Bethel,  Alaska  (fig.  67). 

Curtis  (1930,  pp.  8-10,  opp.  p.  12)  described 
and  illustrated  a  qasgiq  on  Nunivak,  presumably 
at  Mekoryuk,  as  did  Himmelheber  (1980,  p.  7)  in 
1936.  The  latter's  drawing  does  not  show  sup- 
porting posts  and  indicates  a  shallow  fireplace. 


In  some  houses  the  caribou  or  reindeer  skins 
that  people  slept  on  were  rolled  up  and  pushed 
back  during  the  day,  but  in  most  houses,  partic- 
ularly those  with  children,  there  was  considerable 
litter  on  the  benches  during  the  day.  Each  older 
person  in  a  family  had  a  wooden  dish  (kantag),  a 
basin  with  a  nest  of  grass  in  it  into  which  he  or 
she  spat  and  threw  small  refuse.  There  was  also  a 

rectangular  wooden  vessel,  deeper  than  most  food 
dishes,  for  urine.  People  normally  did  not  put  their 
feet  on  the  benches  while  wearing  boots  but  rested 
them  on  the  log  or  plank  at  the  outer  edge  of  the 

Urine  was  spread  on  the  dirt  floor  of  the  house 
to  keep  down  the  dust  and  sand;  damp  reindeer 
moss  (lichen)  was  spread  on  the  floor  before 
sweeping.  Some  people  were  particular  about  the 
dirt  floors  in  their  houses  and  scolded  young  per- 
sons when  they  accidentally  dug  up  the  floor  with 
their  heels.  Planking,  of  course,  kept  a  floor  mod- 
erately dry  and  free  of  sand.  Some  houses  had 
wooden  planks  just  inside  the  tunnel  entrance  and 
dry,  coarse  sand  was  spread  on  them  so  that  people 
could  wipe  their  feet. 

Each  person,  even  young  children,  had  his  or 
her  own  wooden  dish  for  eating.  There  were  also 
trays  and  larger  food  dishes  from  which  all  could 
eat.  These  and  a  teakettle  and  formerly  the  clay 
pots  for  cooking  were  kept  on  the  low  bench  be- 
hind the  fireplace.  When  later  a  small  iron  stove 
was  set  on  the  fireplace,  it  had  little  room  for  more 
than  a  teakettle  and  skillet  (fig.  59).  Even  later,  in 
the  1940s,  in  larger  houses  with  plank  flooring,  a 
larger  stove  could  be  acquired  and  boxes  and 
shelves  used  to  store  many  household  items. 
Homes  remained  crowded,  however,  as  often  there 
were  more  children;  the  men  spent  more  time  in 
the  family  houses  when,  under  church  and  school 
influences,  the  qasgiq  was  used  less  or  disappeared. 


Formerly  storehouses,  or  caches,  were  built  like 
houses,  except  that  they  were  not  excavated  as 
deeply;  they  had  no  entryway  and  there  was  usu- 
ally no  skylight.  Entrance  was  by  means  of  a  rect- 
angular doorway  through  one  side  of  the  roof  (fig. 
68).  Sometimes  instead  of  a  plank  door  there  was 
a  mat  held  in  place  with  drift  logs  and  rocks.  More 
recently,  aboveground  caches  with  four  corner  posts 
and  end  posts  supporting  a  single  ridgepole  have 
been  characteristic.  Split  logs  for  the  roof  interlock 
over  the  ridge  pole  forming  a  gabled  roof  covered 
with  earth  and  sods,  and  there  is  a  door  in  one 
end  (figs.  39,  69).  Elevated  caches  on  piles,  with 
flat  roofs  covered  with  sods  similar  to  those  on  the 
mainland  (Nelson,  1899,  p.  244,  fig.  75),  are  also 
said  to  have  been  used  on  Nunivak  in  the  remote 
past;  they  were  entered  by  means  of  a  notched  log 

Food,  skins,  hunting  implements  and  other  large 



equipment,  lines,  and  heavy  skin  clothing  were 
kept  in  caches.  In  the  larger  caches,  there  might 
be  a  raised  section  across  the  back  as  well  as  racks 
for  harpoons,  guns,  and  other  large  valuable  items. 
Only  small  implements  such  as  tools  for  working 
wood  and  ivorj  along  with  small  containers  and 
light  clothing  were  kept  in  the  house.  Dried  fish 
and  meat  stored  in  a  cache  were  laid  on  dry  grass 
or  moss  to  prevent  them  from  becoming  moldy. 

Temporary  Shelters 

In  winter  when  traveling,  people  sometimes 
constructed  shelters  by  simply  digging  a  hole  in 
the  snow  and  roofing  it  with  snow  blocks  cut  with 
a  wooden  shovel  and  leaned  together;  there  was 
no  domed  roof.  Tents  of  walrus  or  other  skins  were 
not  used  in  summer,  but  for  camping  in  the  rain 
a  makeshift  tent  might  be  contrived  with  rain  par- 
kas or  strips  of  gut  sewn  together. 

MI.  Tools 

When  a  man  intended  to  undertake  a  sizeable 
amount  of  woodworking,  such  as  making  kayak 
paddles  or  a  number  of  arrow  shafts,  he  would 
take  a  basket  of  mussel  shells  into  the  qasgiq  and 
work  all  day  without  going  out  or  eating.  Since  the 
number  of  primary  tools  was  limited,  woodwork- 
ers used  a  great  many  mussel  shells,  especially  for 
scraping  and  polishing.  A  woman  never  carved 
wood  or  ivory,  so  all  her  tools  and  dishes  were 
made  for  her. 

Smaller  tools,  such  as  small  adzes,  awls,  chisels, 
drills,  and  punches,  as  well  as  a  variety  of  mate- 
rials, were  usually  kept  in  a  wooden  box  at  the 
owner's  place  in  the  qasgiq  (Curtis,  1930,  pp.  7. 
40).  In  1927  Collins  obtained  such  a  toolbox  at  a 
village  on  the  west  side  of  Nunivak  Island  outside 
the  house  of  its  owner,  who  had  died  the  preceding 
year.  Its  contents  were  as  follows: 

8  pieces  of  worked  bone 

20  pieces  of  worked  ivory 

4  walrus  teeth 

2  ivory  points  (to  form  hooks  for  seal  gaffs) 

2  line  attachers  (hg.  70,  top) 

1  ivory  float  mouthpiece  (fig.  70,  bottom) 

1  unidentified  ivory  object 

2  small  fish-shaped  ivory  knife  handles 

3  bird  arrow  points  (fig.  71) 

31  pieces  of  metal  — door  hinges,  saw  blades, 

copper,  etc. 
2  slate  ulu  blades 

1  fragment  of  a  hard  rubber  comb 

2  whetstones 

2  heavy  bone  socket  pieces  (fig.  72) 
1  adze  head  (fig.  73) 

1  funnel  (for  seal  poke?)  (fig.  74) 

2  fragmentary  slate  knife  blades 

1  slate  harpoon  blade 

2  pieces  of  unidentified  stone 
1  piece  of  pumice 

1  piece  of  cork 

5  pieces  of  wood,  mostly  handles 

4  drills  with  wood  handles(?)  and  iron  points 

1  awl  with  wood  handle  and  iron  point 

3  saws,  bone  and  wood  handles,  metal  blades 

2  knives,  bone  handles,  small  steel  blades 
1  bone  scraper 

1  antler  harpoon  head  (fig.  75) 

2  brushes,  wooden  handles,  human  hair  at 
each  end 

1  mesh  gauge  (fig.  76) 

1  metacarpal  bone  of  reindeer 

2  small  ivory  tubes  (snuff  tubes?) 
1  bundle  of  tobacco(?) 

1  roll  of  seal  intestine  casing 

The  contents  of  this  workbox  may  be  considered 
typical  of  what  was  needed  by  a  craftsman  for  his 
work.  There  are  a  variety  of  raw  materials  includ- 
ing wood,  bone,  stone,  antler,  ivory,  and  a  variety 
of  trade  materials.  The  box  also  included  useful 
small  tools  such  as  awls,  drills,  knives,  saws,  and 
a  scraper  as  well  as  a  number  of  completed  or 
nearly  completed  artifacts. 

An  important  tool  for  working  antler,  bone,  and 
ivory,  usually  too  large  to  be  included  in  a  work- 
box,  was  the  adze  which  had  a  flat  blade,  fre- 
quently fashioned  from  a  steel  axe  blade,  a  piece 
of  saw  steel,  or  hoop  iron  hafted  at  right  angles  to 
a  wooden  handle.  According  to  Curtis  (1930,  p. 
40),  a  woodworking  adze  might  have  a  blade  as 
wide  as  4  inches.  In  1 926  Collins  collected  an  adze 
with  a  socketed  antler  head  flattened  along  a  sec- 
tion of  one  side  and  drilled  with  three  holes  for 
attachment  of  the  handle,  which  is  missing.  A  metal 
blade  is  set  into  the  socket  at  the  distal  end  (fig. 

The  rough  work  of  blocking  out  was  done  with 
the  adze,  but  for  the  finishing  process  the  typical 
Eskimo  crooked  knife  with  a  bone  or  antler  handle 
and  a  curved  metal  blade  was  used.  Nelson  ( 1 899, 
p.  85.  pi.  XXXVIII.  3 1 )  described  and  illustrated 



a  crude  knife  of  this  type  from  Nunivak  which  has 
a  short,  thick  piece  of  iron  wedged  into  a  slot  in 
a  wooden  handle,  the  inner  end  of  the  blade  being 
held  in  place  by  sinew  lashing. 

While  using  a  crooked  knife  the  craftsman  wore 
a  thumb  and  first  finger  guard  of  scraped  sealskin, 
an  example  of  which  was  collected  by  Lantis.  The 
finger  guard  consists  of  a  single  piece  sewn  in  a 
triangular  shape  with  sinew.  The  thumb  guard  is 
constructed  of  three  pieces:  an  outer  piece  of 
scraped  sealskin,  an  under  piece  of  bleached  seal- 
skin crimped  at  the  edge,  and  a  thin  strip  of 
bleached  sealskin  serving  as  a  tie  around  the  wrist. 
The  outer  surface  of  the  thumb  guard  is  decorated 
with  two-strand  black  and  white  thread  in  crossed 
straight  lines  and  around  the  edge  (fig.  77). 

Lantis  collected  a  chisel  with  a  jade  point  set 
into  a  curved  antler  handle  (fig.  7,  right),  the  jade 
presumably  obtained  from  north  Alaska  by  trade. 
This  implement  was  used  to  incise  grooves  in  wood 
preparatory  to  splitting  and  for  cutting  out  mor- 
tises in  wood  items  such  as  sled  runners  and  snow- 
shoe  frames.  It  was  not  usually  a  carving  tool. 

The  end-bladed  man's  knife,  a  primary  cutting 
tool,  had  a  slate  blade  or,  early  in  this  century,  a 
metal  blade  and  a  wooden  handle  if  the  knife  was 
large,  antler  if  it  was  small.  Slate  could  be  obtained 
in  abundance  at  several  locations  on  Nunivak,  es- 
pecially from  cliffs  on  the  east  side  of  the  bay  at 
Nash  Harbor.  The  slate  was  never  split.  Small, 
thin  pieces  were  used  for  arrowpoints  and  larger 
pieces  for  knife  and  scraper  blades.  A  piece  of 
sandstone  was  used  for  shaping  the  blade  and  fine 
pumice  for  the  final  polishing.  Blades  made  of  slate 
could  never  be  long,  even  for  knives  used  to  cut 
walrus  and  bearded  seal,  because  they  would  break 
easily.  For  attaching  the  blade  to  the  handle,  resin 
from  driftwood  was  mixed  with  soot.  The  resin 
did  not  need  to  be  softened  by  heating;  it  was 
simply  rubbed  into  the  hafting  slot.  Women  as  well 
as  men  used  the  man's  knife  for  cutting  up  seals. 

The  traditional  woman's  knife  or  ulu  always  had 
the  slate  blade  inserted  directly  into  the  handle, 
which  was  usually  made  of  wood  or  antler;  small 
knives  might  have  ivory  handles.  Sometimes  the 
handle  curved  upward  at  one  end,  and  the  knife 
was  always  held  with  that  end  pointing  forward. 
Lantis  collected  such  an  ulu  that  has  narrow  bone 
reinforcement  pieces  at  both  ends  pegged  to  the 
handle  with  wooden  pegs  (fig.  78,  top).  Handles 
were  frequently  carved  into  figures  of  animals  but 
these  were  purely  decorative  and  did  not  have  any 
particular  significance.  Modern  ulus  have  blades 
made  from  old  saw  blades,  and  there  may  be  up- 

right pieces,  usually  of  metal,  between  the  blade 
and  the  handle  (fig.  79). 

Composite  knife  or  engraving  tool  handles  of 
antler  and  ivory  were  recovered  archaeologically 
from  late  prehistoric  or  historic  sites  on  Nunivak. 
The  two  identical  halves  of  these  handles  were  held 
together  with  pegs.  At  the  distal  ends  are  narrow 
slits,  presumably  for  metal  blades;  one  handle  has 
a  blade  slit  broad  and  deep  enough  to  have  con- 
tained an  animal  tooth  (VanStone,  1957,  pp.  103, 
107,  pi.  1,  10,  pi.  3,  18,  20). 

Knives  of  all  kinds,  including  those  with  metal 
blades,  were  sharpened  on  whetstones  made  of 
fine-grained  sandstone  or  schist  which  were  some- 
times carefully  shaped.  They  have  been  recovered 
archaeologically  on  the  island  (VanStone,  1957, 
pp.  101,  103,  106,  pi.  1,  3). 

Although  the  bow  drill  apparently  was  known 
on  Nunivak,  the  strap  drill  was  more  common;  its 
use  is  described  by  Curtis  (1930,  p.  41).  Lantis 
collected  a  four-piece  strap  fire  drill  consisting  of 
a  wooden  shaft  and  cap,  a  drill  base  or  hearth,  and 
strap.  The  shaft  is  beveled  at  each  end  and  the 
strap  is  a  strip  of  walrus  skin  secured  at  each  end 
to  a  small  walrus  tusk  through  a  hole  in  the  center 
of  each  tusk.  Crescent-shaped  grooves  extend  from 
the  line  holes  to  form  an  eye-fish  pattern.  The 
hearth  or  drill  base  is  a  block  of  wood  with  a  step 
cut  in  one  side  and  five  holes  with  grooves  ex- 
tending from  each.  The  cap  is  seal-shaped  with  a 
round  piece  of  fine-grained  stone  set  into  the  under 
surface.  This  stone  has  a  round  depression  to  re- 
ceive the  proximal  end  of  the  shaft  (fig.  80). 

Strap  drills  were  used  to  make  fires  and  to  pierce 
holes  in  bone,  antler,  ivory,  and  wood.  The  cap 
was  fitted  over  the  proximal  end  of  the  shaft  and 
held  in  place  with  the  chin  or  teeth,  leaving  the 
hands  free  to  manipulate  the  strap.  Thus  one  per- 
son could  operate  the  drill,  although  sometimes 
two  worked  together.  For  kindling  a  fire,  powdered 
charcoal  was  sometimes  dusted  into  the  slots  in 
the  drill  base.  A  tinder  of  oil-soaked  moss  was 
placed  on  the  step  below  the  slots  and  the  burning 
moss  was  then  transferred  to  a  place  where  a  fire 
could  be  made  by  adding  wood  (Nelson,  1899,  p. 
81;  Curtis,  1930,  p.  41).  A  bow  might  be  substi- 
tuted for  the  strap. 

Nelson  ( 1 899,  p.  83.  pi.  XXXVII,  25)  described 
and  illustrated  a  drill  cap  from  Nunivak  collected 
by  W.  H.  Dall  and  made  from  an  oval  piece  of 
white  quart/,  with  a  conical  depression  in  the  lower 
surface.  A  groove  extends  around  the  side  in  which 
is  fastened  a  rawhide  cord  with  a  loop  at  one  end, 
possibly  for  fastening  the  drill  strap.  For  drilling 



rather  than  tire  making,  the  drill  shafts  were  tipped 
with  bits  made  of  jade  or  some  other  fine-grained 
stone.  Fox  teeth  were  said  to  have  been  used  when 
drilling  holes  for  sewing  a  kayak  cover. 

Wedges  of  bone,  antler,  or  ivory  were  used  for 
splitting  wood,  and  bone  and  antler  specimens  have 
been  recovered  archaeologically  on  Nunivak 
(VanStone.  1957.  pp.  103,  105-107).  They  were 
dn\cn  with  heavy  wooden  mauls.  Antler  wedges 
were  most  common  and  usually  made  from  the 
base  of  an  antler  tine.  The  distal  end  was  often 
split  or  filed,  exposing  the  core,  to  produce  a  sharp- 
er cutting  edge.  Nunivak  wedges  referred  to  in  the 
literature,  however,  are  far  from  typical.  Nelson 
(1899,  p.  88,  pi.  XXXIX,  2)  described  and  illus- 
trated an  antler  wedge  obtained  by  Dall  that  in- 
cludes the  base  of  the  antler  and  a  projecting,  cutoff 
tine  in  the  center  of  which  is  fastened  a  tuft  of 
caribou  hair  inserted  in  a  hole  and  held  in  place 
with  a  peg.  The  specimen  is  decorated  with  incised 
lines  and  shows  no  signs  of  use. 

Even  more  unusual  is  a  bone  wedge  which,  ac- 
cording to  Fit/hugh  and  Kaplan  ( 1 982,  p.  1 80,  no. 
2  1 9),  was  used  for  making  wood  splints  and  split- 
ting feather  quills.  Nelson  ( 1 899,  p.  87,  fig.  24,  1 ) 
identified  this  object  as  a  wood  chisel.  It  has  a 
convex  upper  surface  that  is  covered  with  etchings 
representing  a  sea  beast,  showing  anatomical  de- 
tails and  containing  within  the  outline  of  its  body 
many  other  etched  figures.  This  "wedge"  is  of 
greater  interest  as  a  work  of  art  and  for  its  possible 
relation  to  mythology  than  as  a  tool. 

Root  picks,  employed  for  cutting  sod,  had  ivory 
or  bone  blades  attached  to  wooden  handles.  A  pick 
collected  by  Dall  on  Nunivak  and  illustrated  by 
Nelson  (1899,  p.  75.  pi.  XXXIIIb.  1)  is  described 
as  having  a  rounded  wooden  handle  with  a  knob 
at  the  distal  end  containing  two  lashing  holes.  This 
knob  is  flattened  to  receive  the  pick,  which  is  lashed 
mi  with  rawhide.  The  pick  itself  is  half  a  walrus 
tusk  with  the  flattened  side  lashed  against  the  han- 

Rakes  of  antler  tines  were  used  mostly  indoors 
to  rake  up  grass  and  wood  shavings.  Stones,  some- 
times with  grooved  hand  grips,  were  employed  for 
cracking  open  the  skulls  of  animals  to  extract  the 
brains.  Hammers  for  breaking  bones  could  also  be 
made  of  antler  or  walrus  leg  bones. 

Meat  hooks  served  to  hold  the  carcass  of  a 
bearded  seal  or  walrus  close  to  the  kayak  during 
the  butchering  process,  to  poke  pieces  of  meat  un- 
der the  bow  and  stern  decking,  and  to  retrieve 
them  (Curtis,  1930,  p.  17).  Dall  collected  a  meat 

hook  on  Nunivak  which  is  described  and  illus- 
trated by  Nelson  (1899,  p.  73,  pi.  XXXIIIa,  8).  It 
has  a  short  wooden  handle  with  a  curved  grip  to 
which  is  lashed  an  ivory  hook,  also  held  in  place 
at  its  base  with  a  small  ivory  pin. 

Snow  shovels  were  made  of  wood,  and  earth 
shovels,  used  primarily  for  digging  cists  for  "stink- 
fish,"  had  wooden  handles  and  blades  made  from 
a  caribou  or  walrus  scapula.  Shovel  blades  of  wal- 
rus scapula  drilled  near  the  articular  surface  for 
attachment  to  a  handle  have  been  recovered  from 
late  prehistoric  or  historic  sites  on  the  island 
(VanStone.  1957,  pp.  105.  107,  pi.  2.  4). 

VIII.   Household  Equipment 

Wooden  buckets  for  carrying  water  were  used 
on  Nunivak  Island  by  both  men  and  women.  These 
resembled  buckets  that  have  been  described  for 
other  areas  of  Eskimo  Alaska  in  that  the  sides  were 
of  one  piece  bent  to  shape  and  stitched  with  willow 
root.  The  bending  was  achieved  by  means  of  hot, 
moist  moss.  The  bottom  piece  was  mortised  in 
place.  Some  buckets  had  bone  or  wood  handles. 
Men's  buckets  were  three-sided  with  rounded  cor- 
ners, while  those  used  by  women  were  square  (fig. 
8  1 ).  According  to  Curtis  ( 1 930,  pp.  36-37),  wood- 
en buckets  were  made  by  men  in  the  qasgiq  as  part 
of  the  preparations  for  the  Bladder  Feast. 

Frequently  there  were  proprietary  designs  paint- 
ed on  the  sides  or  bottoms  of  buckets,  each  family 
having  its  own  design.  A  man  received  his  bucket 
or  dish  design  from  his  father  or  grandfather. 
Buckets  like  these  were  never  used  for  cooking, 
this  always  being  done  in  pottery  vessels  until  metal 
pots  and  pans  were  obtained.  A  man  carried  a 
bucket  with  him  when  hunting  or  traveling.  Buck- 
ets made  of  sealskin  tightly  sewn  with  sinew  and 
grass  to  prevent  leakage  were  used  only  in  winter, 
presumably  because  then  the  skin  would  be  hard 
and  stiff.  One  piece  of  hide  was  curved  around  and 
stitched  to  form  the  side  while  a  flat,  round  piece 
formed  the  bottom.  These  buckets  were  higher  and 
narrower  than  those  of  wood. 

Dippers  of  sealskin  with  a  plain  wooden  handle 
attached  with  roots  were  made  from  a  single  piece 
of  skin  sewn  in  a  circle  to  form  a  cone.  They  were 
used  to  dip  water  either  from  ponds  when  the 
water  was  low  or  through  a  hole  in  the  ice. 

Clothing  bags  were  made  from  the  skins  of  spot- 



ted  and  ribbon  seals,  with  the  nose  and  eye  ap- 
ertures sewn  shut  and  the  hair  removed.  An  open- 
ing extended  for  about  18  inches  parallel  to  the 
length  of  the  animal.  Small  loops  were  slit  in  the 
skin  at  each  end  of  the  opening  for  a  carrying  strap 
which,  when  the  bag  was  carried,  extended  over 
the  shoulder  and  across  the  chest.  Similar  bags 
with  the  hair  intact  and  the  slit  extending  crosswise 
between  the  front  flippers  are  described  from  Kot- 
zebue  Sound  (VanStone,  1980,  p.  48,  fig.  11)  and 
Sledge  Island  (Nelson,  1 899,  p.  44,  fig.  8).  Clothing 
bags  made  of  salmon  and  blackfish  skins  resem- 
bled those  described  and  illustrated  by  Nelson 
(1899,  pp.  43^44,  fig.  7).  They  were  closed  with  a 
drawstring.  Lantis  observed  a  bag  for  odds  and 
ends  of  clothing  made  from  a  halibut  stomach. 
The  opening  at  the  smaller  end  was  simply  tied 
shut,  the  clothes  being  inserted  at  the  large  end 
which  was  then  wrapped  with  a  cord  to  hold  it 
shut.  One  elderly  woman  said  that  she  made  a  fish 
skin  bag  to  hold  her  reindeer  skin  parka. 

A  small  workbag  was  made  from  the  skin  of  an 
unborn  seal.  The  hair  was  scraped  off  and  the 
opening  was  a  6-inch  slit  in  the  ventral  side  parallel 
to  the  length  of  the  animal.  The  two  ends  were 
sewn  flat  and  decorated  with  strips  of  calico  and 
wolverine  fur.  The  flippers  were  pulled  in  so  as  to 
gather  slightly  and  decorated  in  the  same  manner. 
Rectangular  designs  were  made  of  sealskin  utiliz- 
ing different  shades  of  coloring  in  geometric  pat- 
terns. On  another  bag,  made  of  the  whole  skin  of 
a  young  or  small  adult  seal  with  the  hair  on,  the 
slit  was  also  lengthwise  and  not  laced.  In  place  of 
the  removed  front  and  hind  flippers,  narrow  strips 
of  sealskin  colored  red  on  the  inner  side  were  sewn 
on  to  form  fancy  tufts.  A  band  of  bleached  sealskin 
overlaid  with  fancy  stitching  was  sewn  around  the 

Older  men  carried  small  snuff  bags  with  which 
ivory  tubes  were  used.  Collins  collected  several 
snuff  tubes  on  the  island  in  1927.  The  bags  were 
of  varying  size,  made  of  different  skins,  with  much 
decoration.  Wolf,  wolverine,  squirrel,  beaver,  and 
muskrat  skins  were  acquired  by  direct  trade  with 
mainlanders  or  through  native  or  non-native  trad- 

In  1905  Gordon  obtained  an  elaborately  deco- 
rated "pouch"  which  is  probably  a  snuff  bag.  It  is 
made  of  strips  of  fur  from  several  different  animals 
with  a  decorated  cloth  top  edged  with  beads,  and 
strands  of  beads  ending  in  wool  tassels.  There  is 
a  fancy  tassel  of  beads  and  fur  at  the  end  of  the 
drawstring  (Kaplan  &  Barsness,  1986,  p.  147,  fig. 

128).  In  1939-1940  Lantis  saw  a  similar  snuff  bag, 
although  not  quite  so  elaborately  decorated;  it  was 
about  12  inches  deep,  excluding  a  bottom  tuft  of 
fur,  and  had  a  band  of  beading  around  the  top  and 
bottom  of  the  neck  section  made  of  dehaired  seal- 
skin. The  lower,  fuller  pouch  section  was  made  of 
two  squirrel  skins  and  decorated  with  short  strands 
of  seed  beads  ending  in  tassels  of  wolverine  fur 
strips.  This  bag  was  owned  by  a  crippled,  poor, 
and  elderly  shaman. 

Nelson  described  and  illustrated  a  number  of 
objects  from  Nunivak  associated  with  the  use  of 
tobacco,  including  two  snuffboxes.  The  first,  made 
of  ivory,  has  separate  top  and  bottom  pieces  at- 
tached with  pegs.  The  top  is  inlaid  with  pieces  of 
brass  and  there  is  a  small,  square  wooden  lid  with 
a  loop  of  skin  for  a  handle  (Nelson,  1899,  pi. 
LXXXVI,  3).  The  second  box  is  of  wood  inlaid 
with  brass.  The  lid,  similarly  inlaid,  is  a  square 
cap  which  fits  into  an  opening  with  beveled  edges 
in  the  center  of  the  top  (Nelson,  1 899,  pi.  LXXXVI, 
4).  A  tubular  box  of  antler  with  a  wooden  top  and 
bottom  held  fungus  ash  which  was  mixed  with 
chewing  tobacco.  In  low  relief  on  the  sides  the  fore 
and  hind  flippers  of  a  seal  are  represented,  and 
the  box  is  also  decorated  with  circle-dot  patterns 
(Nelson,  1899,  LXXXVII,  3).  Nelson  (1899,  pi. 
LXXXVI,  16)  also  described  and  illustrated  a  small 
quid  box  of  wood  obtained  on  the  island  by  Dall. 
It  is  shaped  in  the  form  of  a  murre's  head,  the 
mandible  forming  a  thumb  piece  for  raising  the 
lid.  The  eyes  are  outlined  by  incised  circles  and  a 
sinew  cord  for  attachment  to  the  belt  or  for  hang- 
ing around  the  neck  passes  through  drilled  nostril 

One  of  the  most  characteristic  aspects  of  Nu- 
nivak material  culture  was  the  use  of  dried  grass 
for  a  variety  of  manufactures,  many  related  to 
household  activities.  In  addition  to  mats,  grass  was 
used  for  making  baskets,  certain  items  of  clothing 
such  as  mitten  and  boot  liners  (the  latter  not  woven 
but  made  of  folded  grass),  and  socks,  and  for  many 
purposes  which  required  the  use  of  braided  string 
or  rope,  including  dog  harnesses.  In  fact,  the  im- 
portance of  grass  as  a  clean  insulating  material  as 
well  as  the  raw  material  for  the  construction  of 
many  objects  of  daily  use  cannot  be  overempha- 
sized (for  an  excellent  statement  on  the  uses  of 
grass  in  the  east  Bering  Sea-Yukon  region,  see  Fitz- 
hugh  &  Kaplan,  1982,  pp.  124-129). 

With  specific  reference  to  matting,  grass  was  used 
to  make  mats  for  the  floors  of  kayaks,  to  cover 
walls  and  sleeping  benches  and  for  a  door  in  a 



house  with  an  underground  entrance,  to  lie  on 
when  spearing  fish  through  the  ice  or  to  sit  or  kneel 
on  when  jigging  for  fish,  to  cover  meat  and  fish 
while  drying  (figs.  35.  82:  Curtis,  1930,  opp.  p.  34), 
and  in  the  distant  past  as  sails  for  umiaks.  In  ad- 
dition, grass  matting  was  used  for  floor  coverings 
and  curtains  during  ceremonies.  Old  mats  were 
often  placed  on  house  roofs,  and  coarse  matlike 
baskets  served  for  storing  fish  in  winter  (fig.  83). 

The  same  species  of  grass  (Elymus  mollis)  was 
used  for  all  types  of  mats  and  baskets.  It  was  gath- 
ered in  the  spring  or  fall,  but  never  gathered  green. 
Dyed  grasses  were  not  used  for  either  baskets  or 
matting  before  colored  raffia  was  obtained,  or 
women  learned  to  dye  grass  with  wet  colored  pa- 
pers for  basket  decoration,  and  there  were  no  de- 
signs except  those  made  by  the  weaving  itself.  The 
two-strand  twining  technique  was  used  for  both 
baskets  and  mats,  the  fibers  kept  moist  while  being 
worked  to  avoid  breakage. 

The  mats  made  to  cover  sleeping  platforms  were 
exceptionally  fine,  with  the  weft  rows  as  close  as 
0.5  inch,  although  wefts  about  1  inch  apart  were 
about  the  usual  fineness.  Mats  for  covering  dry 
fish  and  for  kayak  floors  were  much  coarser,  with 
the  weft  strands  being  separated  by  1  ft  or  more; 
the  edges  were  not  finished.  Finer  mats  were  also 
made  to  cover  house  walls.  Coarse  mats  served  as 
door  coverings  in  front  of  plank  doors  to  keep  out 
a  draft.  Also,  if  the  fire  gave  off  smoke,  the  plank 
door  could  be  left  open  to  provide  more  draft. 

Small,  finely  woven,  coiled  baskets  with  handles 
were  used  for  gathering  eggs  and  berries,  for  storing 
trinkets,  and  as  sewing  workbaskets.  These  baskets 
did  not  have  lids.  Clothes  and  larger  valuables 
were  stored  in  large  close  weave  baskets  (fig.  84; 
Lantis.  1946.  p.  232.  fig.  81),  while  large,  open 
weave  baskets  served  for  carrying  fish,  firewood, 
clothing,  and  household  items.  These  baskets  or- 
dinarily were  nicely  finished  at  the  top  with  braid- 
ed strands  much  like  a  closer-woven  example  from 
Norton  Sound  illustrated  by  Fitzhugh  and  Kaplan 
(1982.  p.  125.  no.  133). 

Skillfully  made,  color-decorated  coiled  baskets 
with  lids,  some  with  geometric  designs,  others  with 
natural  forms  (figs.  85-86;  Curtis.  1930,  opp.  p. 
78:  Lantis,  1950,  p.  68),  were  traded  to  the  store 
to  be  sold  on  the  mainland.  There  is  some  question 
as  to  when  coiled  basketry  first  appeared  in  the 
Yukon-Kuskokwim  Delta  and  on  Nunivak.  Ac- 
cording to  Fitzhugh  and  Kaplan  (1982,  p.  129).  it 
apparently  was  still  new  and  developing  on  the 
mainland  in  1 880  (see  also  Ray.  1981.  pp.  50-5 1 ). 

and  was  probably  first  made  even  later  on  Nunivak 
Island.  In  1905  Gordon  obtained  a  small  coiled 
and  lidded  trinket  basket  on  the  island  (Kaplan  & 
Barsness,  1986,  p.  148.  no.  131).  If  the  apparently 
black  material  seen  in  every  third  row  of  the  coils 
is  blackfish  skin  that  was  often  sewn  on  garment 
borders  and  otherwise  used  as  decoration,  then  the 
basket  may  be  distinctively  Nunivak.  The  trader 
at  Mekoryuk  for  20  years  (1920-1940)  instructed 
and  encouraged  women  to  make  larger,  finer,  more 
colorful  basketry. 

Although  no  pottery  has  been  manufactured  on 
Nunivak  Island  for  many  years,  some  of  the  older 
women  remember  the  process  as  practiced  by  their 
grandmothers.  The  clay,  which  was  obtained  from 
a  deposit  about  3  mi  from  the  village  of  Mekoryuk, 
was  first  rubbed  to  make  it  soft;  then  pebbles  and 
grass  were  mixed  with  it.  The  pot  bottom  was 
constructed  first  from  a  single  piece  of  clay,  and 
then  a  coil  was  placed  around  the  edge  of  the  bot- 
tom, pressed  to  it.  and  smoothed  with  the  hands. 
Next,  another  coil  was  placed  on  top  of  the  pre- 
vious one  and  pressed  out  to  the  proper  thickness 
and  smoothness.  These  were  not  continuous  spiral 
coils,  but  rather  each  row  was  a  separate  piece  of 

After  the  initial  building  up  of  the  pot  had  been 
accomplished,  more  clay  was  put  on  the  inside 
and  patted  with  the  hands.  No  paddle  or  smoother 
was  used  during  this  stage  of  the  operation.  This 
clay  slip  was  of  the  same  consistency  as  the  coils. 
Before  vessels  were  fired,  they  were  sometimes 
painted  with  a  solution  of  burned  fish  eggs.  For 
firing,  a  large  fire  was  built  and  allowed  to  burn 
until  coals  were  formed.  Then  the  pots  were  placed 
on  the  fire  and  covered  with  green  willow  branch- 
es. Pots  were  said  to  have  been  set  to  burn  when 
the  tide  was  out  and  fired  all  the  time  while  the 
tide  came  in  and  went  out  again.  As  the  vessels 
began  to  cool,  they  were  covered  with  seal  oil, 
which  turned  them  black. 

Most  of  the  Nunivak  cooking  vessels  were  either 
situla-shaped.  that  is.  they  had  sides  that  flared 
evenly,  constricted  at  the  neck,  and  flared  again  at 
the  mouth,  or  were  flat  bottomed  with  straight  or 
slightly  flaring  sides.  They  were  frequently  deco- 
rated below  the  rim  with  dots  or  lines  or  a  com- 
bination of  the  two.  Flat-bottomed  vessels  re- 
covered archaeologically  from  late  sites  are 
approximately  8  inches  high  with  a  diameter  of 
6.5  inches  at  the  rim  (VanStone.  1954).  Earlier 
pottery,  recovered  from  several  sites  on  the  island, 
is  tempered  with  a  variety  of  materials  including 



sand,  small  quartz  grains,  feathers,  hair,  grass,  and 
gravel.  The  surfaces  are  decorated  with  square  to 
rectangular  checks  or  concentric  circles,  probably 
impressed  with  a  paddle  against  the  sides  of  the 
unfired  pot  (Nowak,  1970,  p.  23,  fig.  3u,y;  1982, 
p.  82;  1986). 

Saucer-shaped  clay  lamps  were  used  until  a  much 
later  date  than  pottery  cooking  vessels.  Nunivak 
saucer-shaped  lamps,  like  those  from  other  parts 
of  southwest  Alaska,  were  frequently  characterized 
by  concentric  circle  decoration  (Oswalt,  1953).  In 
historic  times,  the  Nunivaarmiut  could  make 
nearly  perfect  circles  by  tying  together  two  sharp- 
ened sticks,  using  one  as  the  fulcrum  point  and 
the  other  as  the  pointed  turning  arm.  One  of  Lan- 
tis's  informants  had  seen  a  stone  lamp,  possibly 
traded  from  Kodiak  Island. 

Any  kind  of  blubber  could  be  burned  in  an  oil 
lamp.  The  blubber  was  cut  up  and  placed  in  a 
sealskin  poke  which  was  then  closed  and  placed 
in  a  spring  or  some  other  place  where  the  water 
was  not  flowing  fast.  The  poke  was  usually  put  in 
the  water  in  May  and  allowed  to  remain  there  until 
September.  Under  these  conditions  the  blubber 
breaks  down  to  oil  with  soft  pieces  of  blubber  in 
it.  This  was  sufficient  for  burning  in  lamps.  If  clear 
oil  was  desired,  it  had  to  be  boiled.  One  adult 
bearded  seal  produced  a  whole  sealskin  (harbor 
seal)  poke  of  oil. 

A  probable  marrow  extractor  collected  by  Lantis 
is  made  of  bone.  It  is  spatulate-shaped  at  the  distal 
end  and  flares  at  the  proximal  end  where  there  is 
a  suspension  hole.  Just  below  this  hole  are  paired, 
parallel  projections  (fig.  9,  left). 

Snow  beaters,  used  for  removing  snow  from 
boots  and  parkas,  were  always  made  of  wood.  Ob- 
jects similar  to  the  decorated  ivory  story  knives, 
with  which  little  girls  on  the  mainland  drew  pic- 
tures in  the  sand  (Oswalt,  1 964),  were  undecorated 
on  Nunivak,  made  of  antler,  and  used  for  scraping 
or  paring  ice  from  a  kayak  cover  and  similar  ap- 
plications (fig.  41). 

IX.  Food  and  Its  Preparation 

Meals  and  Eating  Habits 

The  Nunivaarmiut  ate  frequently  in  the  course 
of  a  24-hour  period.  They  went  to  bed  at  sundown 
or  early  evening  in  the  spring  and  fall,  and  well 

before  sundown  in  summer,  but  arose  early,  often 
at  3:00  or  4:00  a.m.  and  regularly  at  5:00  or  5:30. 
The  time  of  rising  depended  on  the  sea  tide  and 
the  time  when  tomcod  or  other  fish  would  be 
running.  The  first  meal  of  the  day  was  eaten  at  this 
time  and  another  about  1 1:00  a.m.,  with  snacks 
once  or  twice  in  between  depending  on  the  work 
schedule  and  the  availability  of  food.  The  evening 
meal  was  usually  at  4:30  or  5:00  p.m.  with  addi- 
tional snacks  between  the  main  meals.  In  winter 
the  entire  meal  schedule  was  likely  to  be  moved 
forward,  with  the  first  meal  of  the  day  being  eaten 
at  10:00  or  10:30  a.m.  The  most  common  food 
was  dried  or  frozen  fish  dipped  in  seal  oil.  The 
evening  or  late  afternoon  meal,  the  hot  meal  of 
the  day,  frequently  consisted  of  boiled  fish  or  other 
boiled  food  and  tea. 

From  spring  to  early  fall,  fresh  foods,  either  raw 
or  cooked,  were  most  likely  to  be  consumed,  while 
dried  or  otherwise  processed  foods  were  saved  for 
winter.  When  away  from  the  village  for  hunting, 
fishing,  or  trapping,  however,  dried  fish  and  seal 
oil  were  the  staple  foods  at  all  times  of  the  year. 
Women  and  children  or  entire  families  out  berry 
picking  would  carry  pilot  bread  or  a  length  of  in- 
testine fat  to  chew  on.  Both  men  and  women  al- 
ways carried  a  teakettle  and  food  with  them  when 
they  left  the  village.  Tea,  sugar,  and  pan-fried  bread 
were  included  in  the  larder  if  possible,  but  some- 
times the  supply  ship  was  late  or  money  was  scarce. 
The  bread  consisted  of  flour  with  a  little  salt  and 
baking  powder  kneaded  into  it  to  make  a  stiff  dough 
which  was  then  fried  in  seal  oil  in  a  skillet.  Girls 
walking  along  a  trail  while  gathering  greens  might 
eat  dried  fish. 

After  eating,  people  licked  oil  from  their  fingers 
and  wiped  out  the  wooden  eating  dishes  carefully 
and  thoroughly  with  the  forefinger.  When  eating 
a  small  fish,  it  was  first  dipped  in  oil  and  then  held 
by  the  tail  above  the  eater's  mouth  and  dropped 
down  into  the  mouth  to  bite  offa  piece.  This  meth- 
od prevented  oil  from  running  down  the  hand. 
Nothing  but  the  bones  offish  or  fowl  were  thrown 
away  and  then  not  until  they  had  been  picked 
clean.  Long  strips  of  dried  meat  or  pieces  of  dried 
fish  were  ripped  off  the  bones  with  the  teeth,  dipped 
in  oil,  and  a  piece  bitten  off  the  strip.  Meat  was 
picked  from  the  bones  of  a  fowl  with  the  fingernails 
in  places  where  the  teeth  could  not  reach.  The 
Nunivaarmiut  did  not  object  to  chewing  hard, 
tough,  or  half-cooked  meat  and,  in  fact,  preferred 
it  that  way.  Fish  eggs  were  also  cooked  until  they 
became  hard  and  tough. 



Land  and  Sea  Mammal  Meat 

As  was  the  case  with  most  Eskimos,  virtually 
all  parts  of  a  seal  were  either  eaten  or  used  in  some 
other  wa\  b\  the  Nunivaarmiut.  The  throat 
(esophagus),  however,  was  not  eaten,  nor  was  the 
pancreas.  During  spring  hunting  the  entire  seal's 
head  was  cooked  and  the  brains  extracted  after  the 
skull  was  cracked  with  a  stone.  There  was  no  spe- 
cial mallet  for  breaking  the  skull  of  any  animal. 
The  blubber  from  one  seal  filled  a  poke  made  from 
the  skin  of  an  animal  of  nearly  the  same  size. 
All  hough  most  seal  meat  was  dried,  some  was  put 
fresh  in  pokes  into  storage  pits.  These  caches  were 
shallow  pits  dug  into  clay  down  to  the  frozen 
ground,  usually  a  depth  of  3  to  4  ft.  The  pokes, 
tied  tightly  at  the  opening,  were  placed  in  the  cach- 
es in  layers  separated  by  moss  and  stones  (Curtis, 
1930,  p.  34).  These  caches  were  never  lined  with 
cla\.  as  were  the  cists  used  for  storing  fish.  In 
permafrost  areas  temperature  in  the  caches  was 
near  freezing  even  during  the  summer  months  so 
that  meat  would  keep  reasonably  well  for  several 

People  considered  walrus  meat,  except  that  of 
an  old  bull,  to  be  a  much  more  satisfactory  food 
than  seal  meat,  perhaps  because  it  was  less  abun- 
dant and  thus  considered  a  treat.  The  skin  and 
blubber  of  a  walrus  was  cut  into  chunks  and  boiled 
until  fairly  well  cooked.  Then  finally  minced  sour- 
dock  {Rumex  arcticas)  leaves  were  added,  and  when 
the  water  boiled  again  fish  eggs  were  put  in  and 
the  whole  allowed  to  cook  until  the  eggs  were  done 
(Curtis,  1 930,  pp.  34-35).  The  flippers,  considered 
the  tastiest  part  of  the  animal,  were  split  lengthwise 
into  two  halves  and  boiled,  flesh,  fat,  and  skin 
together.  The  contents  of  a  walrus  stomach,  con- 
sisting of  mussels  and  fish,  were  eaten  just  as  they 
came  from  the  animal.  The  blubber  from  half  a 
walrus  filled  a  poke  made  from  the  skin  of  a  beard- 
ed seal. 

Caribou  have  been  absent  from  Nunivak  Island 
for  at  least  100  years,  but  many  of  the  procedures 
for  preparing  the  flesh  of  this  animal  also  apply  to 
the  domestic  reindeer.  In  earlier  times,  however, 
caribou  livers  were  placed  in  the  animal's  stomach 
to  ferment;  this  is  no  longer  done.  The  lining  of  a 
reindeer  stomach  was  cut  up  and  eaten  with  dried 
fish  or  by  itself.  Lungs  and  kidneys  were  given  to 
the  dogs,  but  the  heart  was  eaten.  Neither  caribou 
meat  nor  fish  were  ever  pounded  as  a  method  of 

The  Nunivaarmiut  practiced  few  restrictions 
with  reference  to  food,  but  the  flesh  of  the  red  fox 

was  avoided  since  it  was  believed  to  cause  a  person 
to  sleep  during  the  da\  and  be  restless  at  night. 
This  restriction  did  not  apply  to  the  flesh  of  the 
white  fox. 


The  flesh  of  virtually  all  waterfowl  in  the  en- 
vironment was  eaten,  either  fresh  or  dried,  usually 
with  oil  or  a  sourdock  leaf  soup  (Curtis,  1930,  p. 
36).  Even  cormorants  were  considered  edible  and 
the  meat  of  these  fishy-tasting  birds  was  dried  or 
boiled  when  freshly  killed.  The  eggs  of  waterfowl 
were  sometimes  sucked  raw,  but  were  usually 
boiled.  Unlike  Eskimos  of  the  adjacent  mainland, 
the  Nunivaarmiut  did  not  boil  eggs  hard  and  pack 
them  in  pokes  for  use  during  the  winter.  Instead, 
if  there  were  more  eggs  than  could  be  consumed 
at  the  time  of  collecting,  they  were  hard-boiled 
and,  still  in  their  shells,  placed  in  wooden  dishes 
of  seal  oil  to  be  kept  for  a  short  while. 

Fish  and  Shellfish 

Prior  to  being  dried,  salmon  were  split  down  the 
back  rather  than  along  the  belly,  the  usual  Norton 
Sound  way.  The  skin  of  a  halibut  was  completely 
removed  along  with  a  thin  slice  of  meat,  the  re- 
mainder being  cut  into  strips  and  dried.  Split  heads 
and  eggs  were  buried  in  pits  lined  with  grass  and 
covered  with  sod  (Curtis,  1930,  p.  35).  Cod  were 
cut  along  the  back  in  the  same  manner  as  salmon. 
Fresh  boiled  salmon  and  trout,  cooked  in  half  salt 
and  half  fresh  water,  were  eaten  throughout  the 
summer  and  early  fall. 

Often  fresh  fish  were  boiled  in  large  pots  over 
open  fires  outdoors.  A  pit  2  or  2.5  ft  across  was 
dug  into  the  side  of  a  bank  so  that  one  side  was 
higher  than  the  other.  Flat  rocks  were  occasionally 
used  to  build  up  the  low  side  to  hold  fuel,  a  pot- 
hook, and  the  pot,  but  they  did  not  really  consti- 
tute a  stone  hearth.  Iron  pots  were  used  and  earth- 
en pots  in  the  prehistoric  and  early  contact  periods. 
Pot  fragments  recovered  from  archaeological  sites 
on  the  island  have  suspension  holes  suggesting  that 
earthen  vessels  were  suspended  by  a  wood  pot- 
hook as  were  the  iron  vessels  (VanStone,  1954, 
p.  182,  pi.  1.  1;  2.  1).  The  cooked  fish  was  ladled 
into  wooden  dishes  and  eaten  without  seal  oil, 
outside  or  in  the  house.  Pieces  offish  were  picked 
out  with  the  fingers  and  the  soup  was  then  drunk. 
Nunivak  informants  had  never  heard  of  stone- 



boiling.  Pots  were  always  suspended  above  or  set 
around  a  fire  until  the  contents  boiled.  As  noted 
previously,  fish  were  also  placed  in  storage  cists 
to  make  a  slightly  rotten  product  known  as  "stink- 
fish."  When  taken  from  these  cists,  the  fish  were 
allowed  to  thaw  before  being  eaten  raw;  but  they 
would  be  given  frozen  to  the  dogs. 

When  preparing  tomcod  or  flounder  caught  in 
the  fall,  a  sharpened  stick  was  sometimes  used  to 
cut  the  belly  to  remove  the  entrails.  With  larger 
fish,  the  head  was  removed  by  running  an  ulu 
under  the  left  gill  slit  and  then  around  the  body 
so  that  the  entrails  were  left  intact  with  the  head. 
Usable  parts  of  the  entrails  were  then  cooked  with 
the  heads,  although  livers  were  often  cooked  sep- 
arately to  extract  the  oil.  If  the  fish  were  particu- 
larly small,  the  usable  parts  of  the  entrails  were 
simply  left  inside. 

After  cleaning,  tomcod  were  allowed  to  stand 
for  a  while  and  then  packed  into  straight-sided, 
rough  baskets  which  were  stored  on  the  roof  of  a 
storehouse  or  otherwise  out  of  the  dogs'  reach  (fig. 
83).  There  they  quickly  froze  and  remained  all 
winter  or  until  they  were  consumed. 

In  preparing  cod  the  heads,  with  the  eyes  re- 
moved, were  split  open  and  the  bodies  cleaned. 
Both  were  spread  on  the  rocks  to  dry  and  then 
strung  on  lines  and  stored  (Curtis,  1930,  p.  35). 
Dried  cod  were  sometimes  soaked  in  a  fresh  tun- 
dra pool  to  soften  them  before  they  were  eaten  raw 
with  oil.  Stickleback  and  small  flounder  were  also 
eaten  raw  after  having  been  frozen.  While  still  fro- 
zen they  were  cut  into  strips  half  an  inch  wide  with 
an  ulu  and  then  dipped  in  seal  oil;  bones,  fins,  and 
entrails  were  eaten. 

Fish  eggs  were  hung  from  the  rafters  of  the  house 
above  the  fireplace  to  dry  and  then  were  usually 
eaten  plain.  As  previously  noted,  people  liked  to 
chew  on  hard,  tough  fish  eggs,  so  when  cooked 
they  were  boiled  hard.  Salmon  eggs  could  also  be 
mixed  with  sourdock  leaves  and  seal  oil.  In  late 
August  when  salmonberries  were  ripe  they  were 
mixed  with  beaten  seal  oil  and  partly  rotted  fish 
eggs,  a  very  popular  dish  ("Eskimo  ice  cream")  at 
this  time  of  the  year  and  throughout  the  fall.  Mus- 
sels, shellfish  obtained  near  Mekoryuk,  were  eaten 
raw  with  enjoyment. 

Vegetable  Food 

It  would  be  a  mistake  to  conclude  that  the  diet 
of  the  Nunivaarmiut  consisted  almost  entirely  of 
protein  and  fat.  People  who  were  at  all  provident 

could  obtain  plant  food,  from  which  they  derived 
important  vitamins  and  minerals,  for  as  much  as 
nine  months  of  the  year.  Lantis  (1959,  pp.  59-62) 
collected  25  edible  plants  on  the  island,  three  of 
them  boiled  for  tea,  the  remainder  used  for  food. 
The  regular  utilization  of  only  a  fraction  of  this 
number  would  have  provided  a  good  variety  in 
the  diet. 

Sourdock  leaves  were  perhaps  the  most  popular 
vegetable  food  for  the  Nunivaarmiut,  being  fre- 
quently mixed,  as  previously  noted,  with  seal  oil 
and  dried  fish,  as  were  other  greens.  The  leaves 
were  gathered  in  August  and  parboiled,  being  re- 
moved from  the  boiling  water  as  soon  as  they 
changed  color.  A  pit  about  3  ft  deep  was  dug  in 
sandy,  dry  soil,  lined  with  dry  grass,  and  covered 
with  sod.  The  leaves  alone  and  not  the  juice  were 
placed  in  the  pits  to  be  removed  in  winter  after 
they  had  been  pressed  dry  by  the  sod  cover  and 
frozen.  The  leaves  could  also  be  stored  in  cists 
similar  to  those  used  for  "stinkfish."  After  the 
leaves  were  removed  from  the  pits  or  cists,  but 
before  being  cooked,  they  were  ground  up  with  an 
ivory  pestle,  usually  the  butt  end  of  a  walrus  tusk, 
in  a  deep,  square  "woman's  dish." 

Leafy  seaweed  was  eaten  by  individuals  fishing 
or  hunting  along  the  shore.  Usually  they  just  picked 
it  up  and  ate  it  on  the  spot.  "Sea  squirts"  (stalked 
solitary  tunicates)  were  abundant  in  the  fall  and 
were  eaten  raw,  first  having  been  dipped  in  seal 
oil,  or  cooked  in  a  mixture  of  fresh  and  salt  water. 

A  variety  of  berries,  including  low  bush  cran- 
berries, crowberries,  and  salmonberries,  were 
gathered  when  semiripe  by  women  and  girls  who 
collected  them  in  wooden  buckets.  Some  were  eat- 
en immediately  and  others  stored  in  dry  pits  lined 
with  leaves  and  grass,  to  absorb  moisture,  and 
covered  with  sod.  Curtis  (1930,  p.  36)  described 
another  form  of  berry  cache  which  consisted  of  a 
square  or  rectangular  structure  of  flat  stones  lined 
with  grass  and  made  air-  and  watertight  by  a  cov- 
ering of  sod. 

X.  Skin  Preparation  and  Sewing 

Skin  Preparation 

Fresh  seal  and  bearded  seal  skins  were  scraped 
lightly  to  remove  excess  blubber,  but  enough  was 
left  on  so  that  the  skin  remained  soft  until  ready 
for  use.  If  the  hair  was  to  be  removed,  slightly 



moist  sand  was  put  on  the  hair  side  and  the  skin 
was  scraped  with  a  two-handed  scraper  made  from 
a  caribou  leg  bone.  Before  scraping,  the  skin,  at 
least  of  small  seals,  was  pulled  over  a  wooden  form 
(fig.  87).  With  the  head  end  of  the  skin  facing 
toward  the  worker,  the  scraping  motion  was  away 
from  the  worker  and  thus  in  the  same  direction  as 
the  lie  of  the  hair. 

Prior  to  bleaching  a  scraped  sealskin  in  former 
limes,  the  trout  flippers  were  cut  off,  the  holes  sewn 
up.  and  the  skin  inflated.  The  neck  was  stretched 
and  plugged  with  a  flat,  spool-like  piece  of  wood 
covered  with  a  strip  of  seal  stomach  to  provide  a 
tight  fit.  The  skin  was  then  set  out  in  cold  weather 
to  freeze  (fig.  88).  More  recently,  the  skin  was  split 
and  cut  off  evenly  around  the  edges.  Then,  as  pre- 
viously noted,  it  was  stretched  on  a  frame  con- 
sisting of  a  single  vertical  piece  of  wood  and  seven 
or  eight  flat  crosspieces  cut  to  conform  to  the  shape 
of  the  prepared  skin  before  being  set  out  to  freeze 
(figs.  38-39). 

A  whole  sealskin  to  be  used  for  lines  was  placed 
in  a  very  warm  place,  usually  in  the  qasgiq.  It  was 
rolled  up  tight,  covered  with  damp  grass,  and  left 
for  two  or  three  days  if  the  qasgiq  was  being  heated 
for  a  sweat  bath.  The  hair  loosens  from  the  heat; 
when  it  is  loose  it  can  be  pulled  out  with  the  hands 
or  scraped  off  with  a  mussel  shell.  After  this  the 
skin  was  cut  into  strips  with  an  end-bladed  knife. 
The  line  was  cut  in  a  continuous  spiral  around  the 
whole  skin.  According  to  Petroff  (Porter,  1893,  p. 
1 1 3).  a  single  sealskin,  carefully  cut.  provided  from 
300  to  400  ft  of  quarter-inch  line. 

The  newly  prepared  lines  were  then  stretched 
between  posts  outdoors  and  left  until  thoroughly 
dry  (fig.  89;  Curtis,  1930,  opp.  p.  62).  If  the  lines 
were  to  be  used  for  harpoons  or  otherwise  be  in 
contact  with  salt  water,  they  were  soaked  in  cold 
fresh  water  for  about  three  days  and  then  for  about 
a  day  in  salt  water  before  being  stretched  and  dried. 
Lines  to  be  used  for  net  floats  were  cut  the  proper 
length  before  being  dried  and  then  hung  in  a  bun- 
dle. Although  most  skin  preparation  was  women's 
work,  men  did  all  the  work  in  preparing  sealskin 
and  walrus  skin  lines,  which  were  an  important 
item  of  trade  with  the  mainland  (Porter,  1893,  p. 

Seal  esophagi  were  first  soaked  in  urine  until  all 
the  blood  was  removed,  then  wrung  out  as  dry  as 
possible  and  soaked  in  salt  water  for  about  a  week, 
and  finally  soaked  in  fresh  water.  One  end  was 
sewn  shut  and  the  esophagus  inflated.  The  other 
end  was  closed  with  two-strand  grass  string.  Each 
esophagus  was  tied  separately  by  this  string  to  a 

grass  braid  and  hung  out  to  dry  in  very  cold  weath- 
er to  freeze  (fig.  90). 

When  a  walrus  was  skinned,  the  hide  could  be 
allowed  to  dry  without  being  prepared  in  any  way. 
When  ready  for  use  the  dry  skin  was  moistened 
with  urine  three  times  a  day  for  about  a  week,  then 
soaked  in  fresh  water  for  a  few  hours.  Soaking  was 
usually  accomplished  by  anchoring  the  skin  in  a 
small  stream  with  rocks.  The  skin  was  then  ready 
for  use. 

As  noted  previously,  a  walrus  hide  was  split  into 
two  layers,  the  outside  layer  being  used  for  boot 
soles  and  kayak  covers.  Skins  to  be  used  for  boat 
covers  were  prepared  in  the  same  way  as  a  small 
seal  or  bearded  seal  skin.  A  single  walrus  skin 
would  cover  a  kayak,  but  bearded  seal  skins  were 
also  used,  preferably  not  both  on  the  same  boat. 
From  the  inside  layer  of  a  walrus  skin,  heavy  lines 
were  made;  the  skin  was  not  scraped  or  washed 
but  simply  cut  and  hung  outside  between  posts  to 
stretch  and  dry.  A  walrus  stomach,  used  as  a  con- 
tainer for  water  or  oil,  was  washed,  inflated,  and 
hung  outside  to  dry  and  bleach  (fig.  91). 

Like  walrus  skins,  fresh  caribou  skins  were  sim- 
ply dried  and  stored.  When  ready  for  use  in  making 
a  parka,  a  skin  was  moistened  with  urine,  scraped 
on  the  inside  with  an  end  scraper  which  had  a  slate 
blade  lashed  with  root  to  a  flat  wooden  handle  (fig. 
92).  The  skin  was  then  moistened  again;  while 
drying  it  was  rubbed  with  a  special  bone  or  wooden 
tool  and  kneaded  with  the  hands  until  dry.  This 
was  done  to  soften  the  skin,  which  was  then  ready 
to  be  made  into  a  parka. 

The  only  small  mammals  on  Nunivak  Island 
that  could  be  utilized  for  clothing  were  mink  and 
arctic  fox.  In  former  times  fox  skins  were  scraped 
on  the  inside  when  fresh,  a  process  that  did  not 
remove  all  the  oil.  Nelson  (1899.  p.  115,  pi.  L,  5) 
described  and  illustrated  an  antler  scraper  from 
Nunivak  used  for  cleaning  the  skins  of  birds  and 
small  mammals.  It  is  slightly  spoon-shaped  at  one 
end  for  scraping,  and  flattened  at  the  other  end  for 
a  handle  which  has  incised  parallel  lines  across  the 
upper  side.  Frames  were  not  used  and  a  skin  was 
rubbed  and  kneaded  between  the  hands  to  soften 
it  until  dry.  In  more  recent  times  a  fox  skin  was 
turned  inside  out  and  put  over  a  wooden  pole.  The 
small  end  of  the  pole  was  inserted  into  the  nose 
and  the  skin  stretched  taut.  Then  it  was  scraped 
forward  toward  the  head  with  an  end-bladed  knife, 
removing  every  particle  of  flesh.  The  processed 
skins  were  hung  on  a  line  to  dry  (fig.  93).  White 
foxes  had  to  be  prepared  carefully  as  the  skin  is 
very  thin. 



Wolverine  skins  purchased  on  the  mainland  were 
already  scraped,  tanned,  and  ready  for  use.  How- 
ever, the  Nunivaarmiut  preferred  to  dye  them  on 
the  underside.  A  skin  was  moistened  with  water 
and  then  red  pigment  rubbed  over  it.  Squirrel  skins, 
also  obtained  from  the  mainland,  were  not  tanned. 
Women  chewed  these  skins  to  clean  and  soften 
them.  Then  a  little  seal  oil  was  put  on  them  and 
they  were  allowed  to  dry.  Mink  skins  were  dried 
without  being  scraped  and  then  treated  the  same 
as  sealskins. 

Parkas  made  with  bird  skins  are  closely  asso- 
ciated with  Nunivak  Island,  where  many  varieties 
of  seabirds  nest  in  spring.  When  a  bird  was  skinned, 
the  skin  came  off  whole  with  the  feathers  on  the 
inside  and  was  dried  this  way.  In  removing  the 
skin  whole  in  this  manner,  it  was  first  cut  loose 
around  the  bill  and  legs  and  the  wings  were  broken. 
Then  a  wooden  rod  was  thrust  in  at  one  wing 
socket,  through  a  hole  in  the  breast  bone  without 
breaking  the  skin  of  the  breast,  and  out  of  the  other 
wing  socket.  The  worker,  a  woman,  then  put  her 
feet  at  the  ends  of  the  rod  and  pulled  the  skin  off 
whole.  The  skin  was  pulled  toward  the  worker  over 
the  rear  end  of  the  bird  so  that  the  body  was  re- 
moved through  the  mouth  opening.  This  proce- 
dure was  possible  for  all  birds  whose  skins  were 
used  for  parkas— usually  murres  and  puffins— ex- 
cept eider  ducks,  whose  bodies  are  too  large  to  go 
out  through  the  mouth  opening.  The  skins  were 
sucked  to  remove  fat  and  then  allowed  to  dry  be- 
fore sewing.  Most  bird  skin  parkas  were  reversible, 
the  feathers  being  worn  outside  in  extremely  cold 
weather  and  inside  at  other  times,  under  a  cloth 

Sewing  and  Sewing  Equipment 

Sewing  bags,  or  "housewives,"  similar  to  those 
described  by  Nelson  (1899,  p.  105),  were  usually 
made  of  sealskin  or,  in  later  times,  of  printed  cot- 
ton cloth.  The  basic  form  was  a  strip  of  cloth  or 
other  material  about  8  inches  wide  and  18  inches 
long,  to  which  pieces  of  material  were  stitched  on 
one  side  crosswise  at  intervals  to  form  pockets. 
Since  such  holders  were  common  in  the  United 
States  in  the  19th  and  early  20th  centuries,  the 
form  and  name  were  presumably  introduced. 

On  Nunivak  Island  strips  of  bleached  seal 
esophagus  were  sewn  across  pockets  and  around 
edges,  often  alternating  with  fish  skin  to  make  the 
bag  more  attractive.  Then  puffin  beaks  and  beads 
or  other  decorations  were  sewn  along  two  sides. 

An  ivory  fastener,  usually  in  the  form  of  a  fish  or 
seal,  on  the  cord  fastened  at  one  end  completed 
the  bag.  When  not  in  use,  it  was  rolled  up  and 
wrapped  with  the  cord,  with  the  fastener  inserted 
under  the  cord  to  hold  everything  in  place. 

A  "housewife"  from  Nunivak  collected  by  Dall 
in  1 874  and  illustrated  by  Nelson  (1899,  pi.  XLV, 
31)  is  made  of  caribou  ear  skin  "bordered  by  a 
fringe  of  small  strips  of  the  same  material."  The 
border  is  white  caribou  skin,  the  upper  part  edged 
with  a  narrow  strip  of  bleached  sealskin  and  mink 
fur.  Evidently  instead  of  pockets  the  inside  is  "di- 
vided into  quadrate  spaces  by  parallel  seams  of 
black  and  white  and  rows  of  small  beads."  There 
is  also  a  beaded  tie-string.  The  "tags  of  red  wor- 
sted" around  the  edge  and  the  beads  indicate  that 
before  the  1880s  new  materials  were  being  inte- 
grated with  old  ones  (Nelson,  1899,  p.  105).  Nel- 
son (1899,  p.  105,  pi.  XLV,  29;  Fitzhugh  &  Kap- 
lan. 1982,  p.  86.  no.  70)  also  illustrated  an  ivory 
"housewife"  fastener  from  Nunivak  in  the  shape 
of  a  salmon.  Such  pieces  were  often  made  by  men 
as  gifts  for  their  wives  or  girl  friends. 

Women  also  kept  sewing  equipment  in  small 
wooden  boxes.  Nelson  (1899,  p.  102,  pi.  XLIII, 
4)  illustrated  an  antler  handle  from  Nunivak  for 
such  a  box.  It  is  decorated  on  its  upper  surface 
with  incised  lines  and  a  series  of  concentric  circles 
with  holes  through  the  center.  Two  small  bags  or 
pouches  collected  by  Gordon  may  have  served  as 
containers  for  sewing  equipment.  One  is  made  from 
unidentified  bird  skin  with  a  fur  fringe  across  the 
bottom  and  a  strip  of  fur  around  the  opening.  The 
other  is  made  of  duck  feet  (Kaplan  &  Barsness, 
1986,  p.  133,  no.  106;  p.  164,  no.  164). 

Formerly  a  woman  might  use  the  membrane 
covering  of  a  walrus  kidney  in  its  natural  kidney 
shape  to  hold  her  small  sewing  tools  and  supplies. 
There  was  no  type  of  fastening. 

In  a  sewing  bag  or  box  a  woman  would  keep 
needles  in  a  needle  case,  sinew  thread,  skin  thim- 
bles, bodkins,  and  sinew  shredders  (fig.  94).  Needles 
were  always  made  of  bone,  usually  a  swan's  wing 
bone.  Typical  Nunivak  needle  cases  were  not  of 
the  kind  that  is  open  at  both  ends  so  that  a  cord 
can  be  pulled  through,  but  were  closed  at  the  bot- 
tom with  a  stopper  fitted  into  the  top,  although 
the  other  type  was  known.  Curtis  (1930,  p.  42) 
described  a  hollow  wing  bone  needle  case  plugged 
at  each  end  with  an  ivory  stopper  carved  to  rep- 
resent the  head  and  tail  of  a  bird,  fish,  or  animal. 
Ivory  needle  cases  in  animal  form  were  common. 
Lantis  collected  two  seal-shaped  cases,  on  each  of 
which  the  head  detaches.  On  one  the  etched  details 



of  the  face  and  flippers  are  filled  with  black  and 
red  color  (fig.  78,  bottom).  The  second  case,  now 
in  the  Washington  Stale  Museum,  has  ears  which 
are  separate  pieces  o(  ivorj  and  eyes  and  nostrils 
inset  with  baleen.  A  geometric  design  of  dashes 
and  spurred  lines  is  incised  on  the  back  and  tilled 
with  brown  color  (fig.  95;  Ray.  1981,  p.  158.  no. 

Bodkins  resembled  those  illustrated  by  Nelson 
(1899,  pi.  XLVI.  2-3)  and  were  used  for  making 
holes  in  kayak  and  umiak  covers  before  sewing. 
Thimbles  were  flat  pieces  of  walrus  hide,  com- 
monly cut  from  old  kayak  covers  or  stiff,  bleached 
sealskin,  cut  straight  across  the  bottom  and  curved 
at  the  top  in  the  shape  of  the  end  of  the  finger  but 
a  little  wider  and  longer  than  the  finger  joint.  There 
was  a  transverse  slit  through  which  the  sewer  put 
her  finger  so  that  the  thimble  covered  the  front, 
not  the  end  of  the  finger.  Thimbles  were  carried 
on  hook-shaped  holders,  frequently  attached  to  a 
cord  fastened  to  the  "housewife"  or  workbox.  Nel- 
son ( 1 899,  p.  1 1 0,  pi.  XLI V,  7)  illustrated  an  ivory 
holder  from  Nunivak  in  the  form  of  a  salmon. 

Boot  sole  creasers,  used  for  crimping  the  heels 
and  toes  of  boot  soles,  are  described  by  Curtis 
(1930,  p.  42).  Nelson  (1899,  p.  XLIV,  43, 
47)  described  and  illustrated  two  creasers  of  un- 
identified material  from  Nunivak.  One,  collected 
by  Dall,  is  pointed,  sharp-edged,  and  plain  while 
the  other  is  in  the  form  of  a  walrus  with  the  head 
and  tusks  carved  and  the  flippers  and  other  ana- 
tomical details  etched  on  the  back  of  the  imple- 

Sinew  for  sewing  was  shredded  from  fibers  ob- 
tained from  the  legs  and  back  of  caribou  or  rein- 
deer. Curtis  (1930,  p.  42)  described  sinew  shred- 
ders with  ivory  handles  and  metal  points  used  to 
separate  the  sinew  fibers.  Implements  that  Nelson 
( 1 899,  p.  111.  fig.  30)  referred  to  as  "sinew  twist- 
ers," used  for  twisting  sinew  strands,  on  Nunivak 
served  to  keep  strands  of  sinew  untangled  when 
making  sinew  braid.  Most  threads  and  cords  were 
made  of  two  strands,  except  those  used  in  sewing 
kayak  covers  which  were  three-strand  and  the  four- 
strand  braid  used  for  fastening  a  socketpiece  to  the 
shaft  of  a  harpoon.  Women  made  all  types  of  sinew 
braids  and  thread  including  those  used  on  bows, 
harpoons,  and  other  hunting  equipment. 

Nelson  (1899,  p.  Ill,  pi.  XLVIIIb,  4-6)  de- 
scribed and  illustrated  reels  of  unidentified  ma- 
terial, probably  antler,  on  which  thread  was  wound. 
Two  of  them  are  carved  to  represent  mythological 
beings,  half  woman  and  half  seal,  with  the  hands 
held  against  the  sides  of  the  faces.  These  reels  were 

sometimes  used  as  shuttles  in  making  small  meshed 

XL  Clothing 

and  Personal  Adornment 

Skin  Parkas 

Traditionally,  virtually  all  parkas  worn  by  the 
Nunivaarmiut  were  made  from  the  skins  of  seals, 
caribou,  or  birds;  the  skins  of  reindeer  have  been 
used  in  more  recent  times.  Mink  and  fox  skins 
were  also  utilized  in  the  past,  the  latter  occasion- 
ally for  the  ruff  since  it  was  too  thin  to  be  durable 
enough  for  men's  parkas.  Mainland  furs  that  have 
been  used  in  recent  times  but  not  in  the  past  in- 
clude ground  squirrels  received  from  the  people 
of  Nelson  Island  who,  in  turn,  obtained  them  from 
the  Kuskokwim  River,  and  wolverine  used  pri- 
marily for  trim. 

Curtis  (1930,  pp.  9-10,  71)  was  particularly  im- 
pressed with  the  number  and  variety  of  parkas 
possessed  by  each  individual.  Every  family  tried 
to  have  good,  new  clothing  for  the  annual  Bladder 
Feast,  and  a  complete  new  outfit  of  clothing  was 
given  to  the  principal  guest  from  another  village 
at  the  Messenger  Feast.  Also  a  young  man  gave 
good  furs  for  a  parka  to  his  bride's  mother  for  the 
bride  or  a  fine  parka  made  by  his  mother  to  show 
that  he  was  a  good  provider.  This  repetitious  con- 
struction of  fine  clothing  fostered  quality  as  well 
as  variety. 

Sealskin  parkas  were  the  most  common  type  in 
former  times,  being  worn  by  people  of  all  ages  and 
both  sexes.  A  sealskin  parka  for  a  woman  or  man 
required  five  skins:  a  whole  skin  in  the  upper  mid- 
dle front  and  another  one  for  the  back,  a  third  cut 
to  form  the  yoke  and  sleeves,  a  half  for  each  side, 
the  fourth  split  lengthwise,  a  half  being  used  under 
each  arm,  the  fifth  cut  crosswise  with  one  half  used 
for  the  lower  front  and  the  other  for  the  lower  back. 
The  rough  edges  of  all  scams  were  on  the  fur  side 
of  the  garment.  Women's  parkas  were  curved  up 
the  sides  and  rounded  at  the  bottom,  somewhat 
longer  in  back,  while  men's  garments  were  not  slit 
and  had  straight  bottoms.  There  was  not  always  a 
border  around  the  lower  edge  of  parkas  for  either 
sex;  instead  it  was  cut  into  narrow  strips  to  form 
a  fringe  (fig.  96).  If  there  was  a  border,  it  was  either 
a  plain  strip  of  white  fur  or  two  strips,  one  brown 
and  the  other  white,  rather  than  the  small  pieces 
of  fur  of  different  colors  assembled  in  geometric 



designs  characteristic  of  the  mainland  farther  north. 
Also  strips  of  sealskin  were  often  sewn  into  the 
seams  at  the  yoke's  edge,  front  and  back. 

Parkas  made  from  ground  squirrel  skins  were 
especially  light  and  warm.  Normally  the  skins  of 
45  squirrels  were  necessary  to  make  a  man's  parka 
and  35  for  a  woman's.  The  hind  part  of  each  skin, 
including  the  back  legs,  was  cut  off  and  not  used. 
Squirrel  skin  parkas  often  had  elaborate  trimming 
of  white  and  brown  reindeer  skin  with  wolverine 
fur  dyed  on  the  inner  side.  Squirrel  tails  formed 
an  additional  border  around  the  bottom  (fig.  97). 
There  might  be  a  fringe  of  long  strips  of  fur  around 
the  upper  part  of  the  garment,  appearing  like  a 
yoke,  or  only  at  both  sides  of  the  front  and  back 
and  at  the  top  of  the  sleeves  (Curtis,  1930.  opp. 
p.  20).  On  Nunivak  such  elaborate  trimming  is 

Mink  skin  parkas,  and  also  mink  pants  for  small 
boys,  formerly  were  made.  In  recent  times  such 
parkas  were  elaborately  decorated  with  various 
colors  of  reindeer  skin,  dyed  wolverine  skins,  tails, 
and  beadwork.  There  were  commonly  two  panels, 
either  rectangular  or  triangular,  of  white  reindeer 
fur  or  solid  beading  on  the  upper  front  of  the  parka. 
This  is  still  seen  on  both  island  and  mainland 

Sealskins  and  caribou  skins  were  always  kept 
separate  and  not  combined  in  the  same  garment 
except  for  occasional  decorative  strips.  In  the  more 
recent  past,  when  reindeer  skins  have  been  used 
for  parkas,  the  front  was  usually  taken  from  the 
ventral  side  of  the  deer,  the  back  from  the  dorsal 
area,  and  leg  strips  were  used  for  the  sleeves  (fig. 

A  characteristic  feature  of  Eskimo  parkas  from 
southwest  Alaska,  including  Nunivak  Island,  was 
elaboration  of  the  ruff  on  the  hood  framing  the 
face,  on  the  cuffs,  and,  in  recent  times,  the  border 
around  the  bottom  of  the  garment  (Curtis,  1930, 
opp.  p.  28).  The  most  common  materials  used  for 
this  decoration  were  the  following:  (1)  strips  of 
bleached  sealskin  laid  on  pieces  of  dark  sealskin 
and  stitched  over  to  form  an  applique— a  narrow 
strip  of  blackfish  skin  may  be  sewn  down  the  cen- 
ter of  each  strip  of  bleached  sealskin  (fig.  99);  (2) 
white  caribou  hair  with  soot-blackened  sinew 
thread  stitched  over  it;  (3)  dark  beluga  sinew  oc- 
casionally used  for  decorative  stitching;  (4)  sinew 
thread  colored  with  red  and  blue  pigments  for  fan- 
cy stitching.  Both  red-colored  and  blue-colored 
threads  were  used  on  men's  clothing,  but  only  red- 
colored  on  women's. 

The  ruff  on  a  fancy  parka  was  constructed  of 

not  merely  one  or  two  layers  of  fur  but  of  three  or 
four  of  different  tints  and  thicknesses.  Trimming 
on  the  sleeves  and  cuffs  was  made  separately  and 
then  sewed  on  the  parka.  The  ruff  was  also  made 
as  a  separate  unit  and  attached  last. 

Traditionally  skin  clothing  was  washed  in  urine, 
but  by  1939  only  one  family  was  doing  this  reg- 
ularly. The  dirty  parts  of  a  parka  were  immersed 
in  a  wooden  urine  dish  and  the  fur  kneaded  down 
into  the  urine  with  a  movement  like  kneading  bread 
dough.  Then  the  garment  was  shaken  out  and  hung 
up  to  dry.  Sometimes  it  was  rinsed  in  clear  water. 

Feather  Parkas 

The  bird  skins  most  commonly  used  for  clothing 
were  those  of  the  cormorant,  eider  (Steller's,  Pa- 
cific, and  king),  the  California  murre,  tufted  puffin, 
and  common  puffin  (fig.  100;  Curtis,  1930,  opp. 
pp.  30,  33,  60).  Cormorant  and  eider  were  con- 
sidered more  valuable  and  gave  more  prestige  to 
the  owner.  Bird  skin  parkas  are  light  and  com- 
fortable to  wear  but  tear  easily.  Such  parkas  were 
usually  reversible,  worn  with  the  feathers  next  to 
the  body  in  winter  with  a  cloth  garment  over  the 
parka  to  cover  the  rough,  yet  fragile,  skin  side.  At 
night  the  parka  was  turned  and  slept  in  or  used  as 
a  blanket  with  the  feathers  on  the  outside. 

Tufted  puffin  skins  were  counted  and  sold  in 
"knots"  or  bundles  of  six.  Thirty-four  skins  were 
necessary  for  a  man's  parka  and  28  for  a  woman's. 
The  common  puffin  is  smaller,  so  six  knots  and 
four  extra  skins  were  required  for  a  man's  parka, 
five  knots  and  four  extra  for  a  woman's.  Bird  skin 
parkas  were  shaped  like  those  made  of  animal  skin, 
but  because  of  the  great  thickness  of  the  feathers 
and  the  general  bulk,  they  did  not  have  fur  strips, 
beading,  and  other  decoration.  Cuffs  and  bottom 
borders  tended  to  be  plain  except  on  murre  parkas. 
Seams,  with  rough  edges  on  the  feather  side,  were 
sewn  with  a  single  running  stitch,  one  stitch  at  a 
time  because  of  the  thickness  of  the  skins.  Puffins 
are  found  only  along  the  cliffs  near  Nash  Harbor, 
and  residents  of  Mekoryuk  had  to  trade  for  them 
with  those  living  in  the  settlement  there.  Sufficient 
puffins  for  a  parka  could  be  obtained  in  exchange 
for  one  bearded  seal  skin. 

Parkas  made  of  cormorant  skins  were  worn  only 
by  women.  The  skins  of  these  birds  are  larger  than 
those  of  murres  and  puffins.  A  skin  consists  of  the 
head,  neck,  breast,  and  sides,  the  skin  being  split 
down  the  back.  On  one  such  parka  there  was  a 
single  skin  on  each  side  of  the  hood  extending 



down  over  the  shoulder  almost  to  the  elbow. 
Another  skin,  consisting  of  the  breast  and  sides, 
formed  the  middle  of  the  front,  and  the  Deck  and 
breast  of  a  single  bird  formed  the  center  back  of 
the  hood  and  extended  down  between  the  wearer's 
shoulders.  One  breast  and  back  was  cut  in  two, 
and  a  half  sewn  on  each  side.  This  pattern,  a  whole 
skm  and  two  half  skins,  formed  the  two  lower 
rows,  front  and  back,  of  the  garment.  Two  skins 
formed  each  underarm  area  and  each  sleeve  was 
formed  of  a  single  skin.  Around  its  legs,  the  adult 
cormorant  has  white  feathers:  these  white  patches 
show  at  the  lower  corners  of  each  skin.  All  seams 
had  the  smooth  edge  on  the  skin  side  of  the  gar- 
ment and  rough  edges  on  the  feather  side. 

When  murre  skins  were  prepared  for  parka  use, 
the)  were  roughly  square  in  shape  and  included 
the  breast  and  the  sides.  Two  narrow  black  backs 
were  sewn  together  to  form  the  crown  of  the  hood, 
the  remainder  of  this  area  being  formed  of  head 
and  neck  skins  which  are  black  with  white  mark- 
ings. The  thick  white  breasts  edged  in  black  con- 
stitute the  body  and  sleeves  of  the  garment.  Backs, 
placed  vertically,  made  a  wide  black  band  around 
the  bottom.  There  was  usually  a  simple  ruff,  per- 
haps wolf  or  dog  fur. 

Gut  and  Fish  Skin  Parkas 

Walrus  or  bearded  seal  intestines  were  consid- 
ered better  materials  for  rain  parkas  than  the  in- 
testines of  small  seals.  First  the  intestine  contents 
were  pressed  out  and  the  outside  of  the  casing 
scraped  clean.  The  gut,  still  whole  and  not  slit,  was 
then  soaked  in  fresh  water  for  several  days  before 
being  soaked  in  salt  water  two  or  three  days.  After 
being  emptied  of  water,  it  was  inflated  and  stretched 
on  the  ground  to  dry  (fig.  101).  The  amount  of  a 
woman's  effort  required  to  inflate  the  large  intes- 
tine of  a  walrus  approximately  75  ft  long  (the 
small  intestine  even  longer)  using  only  her  own 
lung  power  was  remarkable. 

The  back  of  the  hood  of  a  rain  parka  was  con- 
structed first,  and  then  the  front.  Tufts  of  dog  hair 
dyed  red  might  be  sewn  into  the  seams  at  the  back 
of  the  head  and  along  the  three  horizontal  seams 
just  below  it.  The  tufts  of  hair  were  cut  from  live 
dogs  and,  in  former  times,  the  hair  was  boiled  in 
berry  juice  to  produce  the  coloring.  A  piece  of 
bleached  sealskin  might  be  stitched  at  the  face  edge 
with  the  edges  sewn  to  form  a  slip  for  the  draw- 

The  main  body  of  the  rain  parka  consisted  of 

horizontally  sewn  rectangular  strips  of  intestine; 
there  were  no  side  seams.  A  continuous  strip  start- 
ed at  the  front.  The  seams  were  sewn  with  sinew 
thread  overcasting  dried  grass.  There  were  no 
drawstrings  at  the  wrists  or  around  the  bottom, 
which  was  not  hemmed.  Sometimes  narrow  pieces 
of  bleached  sealskin  were  fastened  to  the  wrists 
with  a  running  stitch  (fig.  102;  Curtis.  1930,  opp. 
P-  24). 

Fish  skin  parkas  in  the  past  were  worn  by  both 
men  and  women  when  hunting  and  traveling.  In 
winter  they  were  worn  over  a  fur  parka  just  as 
cloth  covers  have  been  in  more  recent  times.  In 
summer  they  were  used  as  rain  parkas  and  were 
as  waterproof  as  garments  made  of  intestine.  Men 
wore  parkas  made  of  silver  salmon  skin,  while 
those  of  women  were  made  of  salmon  trout  (charr) 
skin  and  often  had  a  white  fox  ruff  on  the  hood. 
The  Nunivaarmiut  did  not  prepare  their  own  fish 
skins  for  parkas,  but  bought  them,  already  pre- 
pared, from  people  on  the  Yukon  and  Kuskokwim 
rivers.  These  imported  skins  had  been  stretched, 
smoke-dried,  and  scaled. 

Individual  fish  skins  were  sewn  together  verti- 
cally and  then  these  sections  were  stitched  hori- 
zontally in  rows.  Many  of  these  parkas,  particu- 
larly those  worn  by  women,  had  elaborately 
decorated  borders  of  bleached  sealskin  and  col- 
ored cloth.  The  outer  side  of  the  skins  always  faced 

In  former  times,  rather  crudely  made  shirts 
without  hoods  were  made  of  local  salmon  or  trout 
skins.  The  skins  for  these  shirts  were  not  carefully 
prepared,  but  simply  had  the  flesh  scraped  off  and 
then  were  dried.  These  shirts  were  worn  under  the 
fur  parkas  by  both  men  and  women. 


Women  wore  trouser-boots,  each  one  made  from 
a  single  small  harbor  seal  skin  with  the  seam  run- 
ning down  the  front  of  the  leg.  Each  boot,  longer 
on  the  outer  (hip)  side,  was  tied  to  the  belt.  Very 
short  trousers  made  from  a  single  small  sealskin 
were  also  worn.  A  man's  sealskin  pants  required 
two  skins,  and  was  not  hemmed  at  the  bottom  (fig. 
103).  At  the  top  the  skin  was  turned  under  and 
stitched.  Braided  sinew  was  run  through  the  hem 
to  serve  as  a  belt.  Narrow  strips  of  sealskin  were 
sewn  on  a  man's  pants  at  the  waist  in  front  and 
in  the  seam  of  a  woman's  trouser-boots  as  fringe 
or  tassel  decoration. 

Belts  were  held  in  place  with  a  fastener.  Nelson 



( 1 899,  pp.  60-6 1 ,  pi.  XXVII.  8,15,17)  described 
and  illustrated  three  fasteners  from  Nunivak.  The 
first  is  made  of  ivory,  carved  to  represent  a  walrus, 
and  pierced  vertically  for  the  cord.  The  second  is 
smaller,  carved  to  represent  two  animal  heads, 
neck  to  neck,  with  a  loop  underneath  for  the  belt. 
The  third  is  constructed  from  a  rounded  piece  of 
ivory  hollowed  out  at  the  back  and  with  human 
features  represented  on  the  front.  The  mouth  and 
eyes  are  pierced  and  there  are  lines  representing 
snow  goggles  across  the  eyes;  a  knob  on  the  back 
is  for  attaching  the  belt  cord.  Although  apparently 
different,  all  three  operate  on  the  principle  of  a 
toggle  or  line  fastener.  One  end  of  a  cord  is  tied 
to  the  fastener,  while  the  other  end  is  tied  on  itself 
in  a  loop.  The  loop  is  simply  placed  over  the  toggle, 
which  is  at  right  angles  to  the  cord.  This  is  not  a 
true  buckle  as  there  is  no  clasp  to  hold  the  free 
end  (loop)  in  place.  To  adjust  belt  length,  one  end 
or  the  other  must  be  retied. 

Women  had  dance  cornets  instead  of  caps.  The 
one  illustrated  had  a  band  of  bleached  seal  esoph- 
agus with  a  narrow  strip  of  blackfish  skin  over  it 
and  a  border  of  red  cloth.  At  the  top  was  a  trim 
of  unplucked  beaver  fur  from  under  which  ex- 
tended strands  of  long,  coarse  white  hair  from  un- 
der the  neck  of  a  reindeer  (fig.  105).  A  string  of 
small  beads  hung  from  each  side. 


Men  wore  fancy  armbands  around  the  upper 
arm  when  dancing  without  a  parka.  These  were 
made  of  seal  or  caribou  skin  with  the  fur  on  the 
inside  and  tufts  of  dog  fur  or  other  fancy  fur  sewn 
on  for  decoration.  The  bands  were  approximately 
three  inches  wide  and  were  not  continuous,  but 
rather  a  strip  with  skin  ties  at  each  end. 


Men  wore  caps  with  many  strips  of  fur  hanging 
from  the  bottom  edge  over  the  neck  and  shoulders, 
like  the  one  illustrated  by  Nelson  (1899,  p.  32,  fig. 
2).  The  main  body  of  these  caps,  worn  at  dances, 
was  usually  made  of  squirrel  skins  with  a  crown 
and  borders  of  white  reindeer  fawn  skin.  Some- 
times a  wolverine  tail  was  fastened  on  the  back, 
and  the  long  bottom  fringe  might  be  of  reindeer 
skin  strips.  Men  also  wore  caps  with  an  entire  red 
or  white  fox  skin  hanging  down  the  back  similar 
to  the  one  described  and  illustrated  by  Nelson 
(1899,  p.  33,  fig.  3).  Wolfs  head  caps,  which  con- 
sisted of  an  entire  head  skin  including  ears  and 
nose,  were  also  worn  at  ceremonies.  Curtis  (1930, 
p.  70)  mentions  animal-head  caps  worn  during  the 
Messenger  Feast. 

In  recent  times  men  and  boys,  especially  the 
latter,  wore  caps  of  squirrel  skin  similar  to  the  one 
illustrated  by  Nelson  (1899,  p.  33,  fig.  4).  They 
were  made  by  sewing  coils  of  the  fur  round  and 
round  until  the  right  size  was  attained.  These  caps 
had  a  narrow  fur  ruffand  at  each  side  of  the  crown 
a  squirrel  tail  or  other  fur  "ear"  (fig.  104). 

While  taking  a  sweat  bath,  men  protected  their 
heads  with  a  crude  cap  of  puffin,  eider  duck,  or 
murre  skins.  The  top  of  the  cap  was  made  from 
one  whole  skin  split  down  the  middle  of  the  breast. 
The  wings,  with  bones  removed,  were  left  on  and 
stuck  out  at  the  sides.  Half  skins  were  sewn  around 
each  side. 


Formerly  wrist-length  mittens  were  commonly 
made  of  seal  or  caribou  skin  with  the  fur  and  the 
rough  edge  of  the  seam  on  the  outside.  Sealskin 
mittens  were  frequently  made  from  leftover  pieces 
of  skin  after  boots  were  cut  from  them.  The  back 
and  palm  were  separate  pieces  and  the  thumb  one 
piece;  gloves  were  unknown.  Women  wore  fur  mit- 
tens reaching  nearly  to  the  elbow  with  wolverine 
trim  along  the  upper  edge  (Curtis,  1930,  p.  11). 
Mittens  of  silver  salmon  skins  which  reached  to 
the  elbow  were  worn  by  men  when  hunting  in  a 
kayak  in  spring.  The  fish  were  cut  down  the  back 
and  the  belly  skins  used  for  mittens.  These  some- 
times were  lined  with  grass  or  had  grass  mittens, 
woven  all  in  one  piece,  inside;  often  they  had  a 
border  of  bleached  sealskin.  The  combination  of 
fish  skin  mittens  with  grass  padding  was  less  bulky 
for  paddling  than  fur  mittens.  According  to  Curtis 
(1930,  p.  11),  mittens  of  dehaired  sealskin  that 
reached  barely  to  the  wrist  were  also  worn  by  men 
in  the  spring. 


In  former  times  the  skin  from  caribou  legs  was 
used  for  winter  boot  tops,  dark  hair  for  the  front 
and  back  pieces  while  the  two  sides  were  of  white 
hair.  The  small  piece  over  the  instep  was  frequent- 
ly taken  from  the  lower  part  of  the  leg  just  above 
the  hoof.  In  preparing  a  piece  of  caribou  leg  skin 



for  boots,  it  was  first  scraped  on  the  inside  with  a 
bone  scraper,  then  placed  in  the  qusgiq  during  a 
sweat  bath  and  scraped  again  with  pumice. 

Boot  soles  were  occasionally  cut  from  old  kayak 
CO\  ers  that  had  been  made  from  bearded  seal  skins, 
(rimping  of  toe  and  heel  with  an  ivory  crimper 
was  done  before  un\  sewing;  Nunivak  women  nev- 
er used  their  teeth.  The  sole  was  sewed  to  the  upper 
with  a  simple  overcast  stitch,  the  needle  being  in- 
serted into  the  ridge  of  every  crimp.  For  tying 
boots  there  were  two  skin  loops  on  each  side  of 
the  sole.  A  strip  of  sealskin  was  run  through  them, 
across  the  instep  and  heel,  and  then  tied  around 
the  ankle.  Painted  skin  sometimes  formed  a  fancy 
border  around  the  boot  tops. 

Both  men's  and  women's  water  boots  were  made 
of  sealskin  with  the  hair  on  the  inside.  Although 
fresh  sealskins  were  sometimes  used,  a  skin  that 
had  been  used  for  an  oil  poke  for  a  year  or  two 
was  more  likely  to  be  completely  waterproof.  In 
summer  and  indoors,  men  sometimes  wore  a  short 
ankle  boot  (Curtis,  1 930,  p.  11).  For  tending  their 
seal  nets,  hip-length  water  boots  were  worn. 

In  former  times,  men  wore  grass  socks  and  fold- 
ed grass  insoles  inside  their  water  boots;  in  cold 
weather  sealskin  socks  were  worn.  Lantis  collected 
a  pair  of  open  weave  sedge  and  grass  socks  con- 
structed of  a  two-strand  warp  and,  at  intervals, 
two-strand  weft.  The  tops  are  edged  with  lavender 
cotton  flannel.  There  are  several  rows  of  close 
weave  all  around  the  socks  above  the  open  weave 
soles  (fig.  106).  In  making  the  socks,  a  smooth 
stone  was  used  as  a  boot  last  when  the  sole  was 
nearly  complete;  the  stone  was  placed  inside  and 
work  continued  over  it.  This  last  was  used  not  so 
much  for  shaping  the  sock  as  to  provide  a  basis 
for  the  weaving  so  that  the  openwork  twined  grass 
could  be  pulled  even  and  firm.  The  sedge  was  used 
principally  because  its  pink  color  was  more  at- 
tractive than  grass. 

Comparison  with  a  pair  of  grass  socks  obtained 
by  Gordon  on  the  Kuskokwim  River  (Kaplan  & 
Barsness,  1986.  p.  147,  no.  129)  is  interesting.  Two 
colors  were  also  employed  in  this  pair,  but  ap- 
parently only  in  the  close  weave  portion  which 
extends  up  over  the  instep.  The  two  colors  form 
stripes  of  weft,  whereas  the  Nunivak  socks  have 
warp  and  weft  of  different  colors.  The  earlier  Kus- 
kokwim pair  are  not  bound  at  the  top. 

Coarse  grass,  gathered  in  October,  was  used  for 
insoles.  Grass  for  one  boot  was  divided  into  two 
bundles,  folded  and  laid  together  so  that  each  was 
turned  over  the  rough  ends  of  the  other  at  toe  and 
heel.  The  two  together  were  grasped  in  the  middle 

in  as  compact  a  bunch  as  possible  and  thrust  into 
the  toe  of  the  boot  first;  then  grass  for  the  heel  was 
pushed  into  place.  After  the  insole  was  in  place  in 
both  areas,  it  was  patted  out  to  the  correct  width. 
The  insoles,  which  had  to  be  replaced  every  two 
or  three  days,  provided  a  cushion  and  absorbed 

Children's  Clothing 

Reindeer  fawn  and  puppy  skin  parkas,  with  the 
fur  inside,  were  made  for  babies  and  small  chil- 
dren. Puppies  one  and  two  months  old  were  killed 
for  the  purpose.  Fawn  and  puppy  skins  were  turned 
inside  out,  scraped,  hung  out  to  dry,  and  then  put 
away  (fig.  107).  When  needed  the  skins  were  taken 
from  storage,  rubbed  between  the  hands  with  a 
rotary  motion,  and  chewed  as  necessary  to  soften 
and  loosen  tissue  that  had  not  previously  been 

For  a  sealskin  parka,  one  skin  was  required  for 
a  three  year  old,  two  for  a  five  or  six  year  old,  and 
three  for  a  child  of  10  or  12  years.  A  small  child's 
sealskin  parka  was  often  decorated  with  tassels  of 
the  same  material  stitched  to  the  upper  center  of 
the  back.  A  baby's  boots  were  always  made  with 
the  fur  inside  but  otherwise  were  similar  in  con- 
struction to  adult  boots.  In  former  times,  babies 
wore  long  boots  and  no  pants.  When  a  child  was 
toilet  trained,  pants  separate  from  boots  were  put 
on  a  boy,  while  girls  were  given  trouser-boots  like 
those  worn  by  women. 

Although  usually  no  diaper  was  put  on  a  baby, 
since  the  mother  or  infant  caretaker  was  trained 
to  recognize  the  infant's  needs  and  to  hold  him  or 
her  over  a  receptacle  or  the  ground,  there  was 
another  provision.  A  naturally  curved  section  of 
a  seal  stomach  was  cut  out  in  a  bowl  shape  with 
one  side  extended  higher  like  a  rectangular  flap; 
dry  moss  was  put  in  the  bottom.  With  the  top  edge 
of  the  flap  hemmed  and  a  drawstring  run  through 
the  hem.  the  infant  was  placed  in  the  bowl  in  a 
sitting  position  with  the  flap  up  between  the  legs 
and  the  string  tied  around  the  waist.  The  moss 
served  as  a  disposable  diaper  and  the  strong,  hair- 
less membrane,  kept  pliant  by  body  heat  and  mois- 
ture, was  functionally  like  rubber  pants. 

Personal  Adornment 

The  only  form  of  facial  adornment  used  by  men 
were  labrets  worn  by  only  a  few  individuals  at  the 



time  of  Curtis's  fieldwork  in  1927.  Nevertheless, 
he  noted  that  they  were  worn  on  Nunivak  to  a  far 
greater  extent  than  on  the  mainland  (Curtis,  1 930, 
pp.  11-12).  The  holes  for  labrets  worn  by  men 
were  made  just  below  the  ends  of  the  lower  lip  at 
about  the  age  of  puberty.  Small  ivory  plugs  were 
inserted  to  keep  the  holes  open.  After  the  skin 
healed,  larger  plugs  could  be  inserted  to  enlarge 
the  holes.  Curtis  (1930,  opp.  p.  56)  illustrated  a 
man  wearing  simple  ivory  plugs. 

Nelson  (1899,  pp.  46-47,  pi.  XXII,  10-12)  de- 
scribed and  illustrated  three  men's  labrets  from 
Nunivak  collected  by  Dall.  Unlike  most  mainland 
labrets.  the  hat-shaped  sections  that  pierce  the  lip 
are  separate  pieces  of  ivory.  On  one  a  wooden  pin 
extends  through  the  base  and  has  a  large  white 
bead  at  its  outer  end.  Beyond  this  bead  is  a  piece 
of  serpentine  cut  to  represent  a  whale's  tail.  On 
the  second  six  short  strings  of  beads  held  in  po- 
sition by  ivory  spacers  form  the  outer  part.  The 
third  labret,  much  simpler,  has  a  lead  tip  in  the 
form  of  a  truncated  cone  extending  from  the  base. 
The  whale  tail  form  was  not  worn  in  1939-1940 
but  a  few  men  still  owned  them.  In  the  past,  wide 
lateral  labrets  were  also  worn. 

According  to  Curtis  (1930,  p.  12),  women  wore 
labrets  only  as  part  of  the  ceremonial  and  dance 
costume,  but  Lantis  observed  them  worn  at  other 
times.  The  ordinary  form  of  the  woman's  labret 
was  a  simple  sickle-shaped  piece  of  ivory.  An  elab- 
orate example  from  Nunivak  described  and  illus- 
trated by  Nelson  (1899,  p.  46,  pi.  XXII,  1)  has 
two  such  pieces  joined  by  an  external  bar.  On  the 
inner  side  of  the  sickle-shaped  pieces  are  small 
perforated  discs  of  ivory.  Attached  to  the  outer 
borders  are  three  short,  double  strings  of  beads 
which  hang  down  over  the  chin.  Curtis  ( 1 930,  opp. 
pp.  20,  42,  66,  68,  72)  illustrated  women  wearing 
similar  labrets. 

For  ceremonial  and  dance  wear,  women  wore 
earrings  which  varied  from  simple  ornaments  of 
decorated  ivory  to  elaborate  beaded  pendants 
(Curtis,  1 930.  p.  1 2).  Nelson  ( 1 899,  p.  54,  pi.  XXIV, 
2)  described  and  illustrated  a  circular  ivory  earring 
engraved  with  concentric  circles  and  having  a  cen- 
tral hole  filled  with  a  small  ivory  plug.  There  are 
small  ivory  spurs  on  each  corner  and  below,  ex- 
tending downward,  two  oblong  ivory  projections 
the  ends  of  which  are  pierced  by  small,  round 
holes.  These  projections  are  decorated  with  en- 
graved lines  and  concentric  circles.  A  pair  of  ear- 
rings from  Nunivak  collected  by  Nelson  are  illus- 
trated by  Fitzhugh  and  Kaplan  (1982,  p.  144,  no. 
165).  They  are  engraved  with  seal  faces  which  are 

believed  to  represent  the  inua,  or  spirit,  of  that 
animal.  Curtis  (1930,  p.  12,  opp.  pp.  66,  68)  de- 
scribed and  illustrated  extremely  elaborate  ear- 
rings in  which  the  strings  of  beads  formed  a  long 
loop  extending  from  one  earring  to  the  other  and 
passing  under  the  chin  or  around  the  back  of  the 
neck.  In  1905  Gordon  collected  a  pair  which  have 
ivory  ear  pieces  carved  to  represent  human  faces, 
from  which  hang  long  strands  of  beads  terminating 
in  what  appear  to  be  circular  pieces  of  metal  with 
central  holes  (Kaplan  &  Barsness,  1986,  p.  149, 
no.  133). 

A  girl's  nasal  septum  was  pierced  to  add  deco- 
ration, usually  a  short  string  of  beads  hanging  over 
the  upper  lip  (Curtis,  1930,  opp.  pp.  66,  68).  Per- 
haps before  beads  were  obtained  there  was  an  ivo- 
ry or  bone  pin  through  the  nose,  although  inform- 
ants did  not  mention  this. 

Nelson  ( 1 899,  p.  50)  observed  that  tattooing  was 
universally  practiced  among  women  of  the  Bering 
Sea  region,  but  that  the  Eskimos  of  the  Yukon- 
Kuskokwim  Delta  had  adopted  the  practice  in 
relatively  recent  times  from  the  Nunivaarmiut. 
According  to  Curtis  (1930,  p.  12),  tattooing  on 
Nunivak  consisted  of  a  single  line  extending  from 
each  corner  of  the  mouth  down  the  chin.  Lantis 
(1946,  p.  225)  reported  that  there  might  be  two 
lines  at  each  corner  and  a  row  of  dots  from  the 
outer  corner  of  each  eye  across  the  temple.  Parallel 
lines  were  also  tattooed  around  the  wrist.  The  pro- 
cess of  tattooing  involved  dipping  a  sinew  thread 
into  a  mixture  of  charcoal  dust  and  seal's  blood. 
With  a  sharp  ivory  needle  fine  stitches  were  made 
in  the  skin  and  the  thread  drawn  through  leaving 
the  coloring  under  the  skin  (see  Lantis,  1946,  pp. 
224-225,  regarding  occasions  for  piercing  and  tat- 

Combs  for  the  hair  were  made  by  cutting  slits 
in  curved  pieces  of  antler,  bone,  or  ivory.  Nelson 
(1899,  p.  58,  fig.  16,  2)  described  and  illustrated 
an  ivory  comb  from  Nunivak  provided  with  large 
teeth  at  one  end  and  small  ones  at  the  other. 

XII.  Conclusions 

As  noted  in  the  Introduction,  the  Nunivaarmiut 
had  direct  contact  only  with  those  Yupik  speakers 
on  nearby  Nelson  Island  and  the  adjacent  main- 
land. Subsistence  similarities  between  the  two  is- 
lands were  particularly  noteworthy.  Relatively  late 
contact  and  geographic  isolation,  combined  with 



a  lack  of  commercially  exploitable  resources  but 
an  abundance  of  subsistence  resources,  was  char- 
acteristic of  both  areas.  By  the  early  1930s  use  of 
firearms,  the  most  significant  innovation,  was  well 
established  on  both  islands,  but  the  subsistence 
cycle  was  not  seriously  affected.  Similarly,  the  ex- 
pansion of  commercial  fox  trapping  and  the  growth 
of  introduced  reindeer  herding  in  the  1920s  were 
not  major  disruptions  since  they  did  not  conflict 
with  either  spring  seal  hunting  or  summer  fishing. 
Peoples  of  southwest  Alaska  adjacent  to  Nelson 
and  Nunivak  islands,  from  Norton  Bay  to  Nusha- 
gak  Bay,  were,  like  the  islanders,  never  sea  mam- 
mal hunters  to  the  extent  that  the  people  of  the 
Bering  Strait  region  were,  for  example.  Their  em- 
phasis on  fishing,  however,  was  combined  with  an 
inland  orientation  lacking  among  their  island 

The  initial  period  of  direct  contact  on  Nelson 
and  Nunivak  islands  was  characterized  by  exten- 
sive depopulation  following  the  introduction  of 
European  diseases.  In  their  pursuit  of  game  the 
Eskimos  were  accustomed  to  movement,  re- 
sources being  harvested  as  they  became  available. 
Mobility  was  traditionally  important  for  obtaining 
the  highest  yield  per  unit  of  labor. 

With  population  decline,  the  traditionally  dis- 
persed and  seasonally  mobile  populations  became 
more  stable.  Since  fish  and  game  resources  were 
never  seriously  depleted  even  after  firearms  came 
to  be  widely  used,  the  population  that  remained, 
though  concentrated  in  fewer  villages,  was  better 
equipped  to  pursue  available  resources  (Oswalt, 
1967,  pp.  128-129:  VanStone,  1967.  pp.  129-130; 
Fienup-Riordan.  1983,  pp.  8.  29-30,  36-37). 

The  similarities  just  discussed  make  it  clear  why 
the  Nunivaarmiut  shared  many  material  culture 
traits  with  the  inhabitants  of  the  lower  Kusko- 
kwim- Yukon  area  of  mainland  southwest  Alaska 
despite  certain  differences  in  details  of  technology 
and  in  subsistence  emphasis.  This  shared  material 
culture  inventory  is  apparent  in  the  following  trait 
list.  It  consists  of  Nunivak  material  culture  ele- 
ments derived  from  Lantis's  field  notes  together 
with  those  described  by  Nelson  ( 1 899)  and  Curtis 
(1930).  Also  included  are  a  few  items  collected  by 
Gordon  in  1905  (Kaplan  &  Barsness.  1986)  and 
Collins  in  1927,  and  excavated  from  historic  sites 
on  the  island  by  VanStone  (1957). 

Sea  Hunting 

sealing  harpoon  with  toggle  head 
harpoon  dart 
throwing  board 

harpoon  head  cover 

harpoon  for  bearded  seal,  walrus. 

lance  with  detachable  head 
harpoon  float 
cord  attachers 
hunting  hat 
iee  hunting  harpoon 
seal  gaff 
seal  net 
net  amulets 
snow  goggles 
thrusting  spear 
three-pronged  bird  spear 
bird  spears  with  barbs  at  midpoint 

on  shaft 

Land  Hunting 

caribou  enclosure 

caribou  snare 

caribou  pit  trap 

composite  sinew-backed  bow 

plain  sinew-backed  bow 

arrow  with  three  split  feathers 

blunt  arrow  for  birds 

Mediterranean  arrow  release 

wrist  guard 

linger  guard 


box  for  arrow  or  spear  points 

bird  nets  for  puffins 

bird  net  for  murres 

bird  snare 

excavated  fox  trap  (two  types) 

fox  snare 

excavated  wolf  trap 

mink  trap 


ice  pick 

ice  scoop 

ice  saw 

multipronged  tomcod  spear 

tomcod  hook 


lure  hook 


smelt  hook 

gill  net 

dip  net 


net  shuttle 

mesh  gauge 

marlin  spike 

fish  trap 

fishing  harpoon 

fish  arrow 

aboveground  fish  storage  cache 



kavak  line  holder 



crutch-handled  kayak  paddle 

double-bladed  kayak  paddle 

stone  or  walrus  bone  anchor 

snow  scraper 

kayak  rack 


spear  and  paddle  guard 


umiak  mat  sail 

umiak  oars 

dogsled  (two  types) 

braided  grass  harness 

kayak  sled 


breast  yoke 

pack  cord 

Shelter  and  Storage 

semi-subterranean  house  with  four- 
post  center  construction 
qasgiq  with  cribbed  roof 
excavated  cache 
elevated  cache(?) 
temporary  snow  block  shelter 
lined  food  storage  pits 





crooked  knife 

thumb  and  finger  guard  of  sealskin 

end-bladed  knife 



composite  knife 


bow  drill 

strap  drill 



root  pick 



meat  hook 

snow  shovel 

Household  Equipment 

wood  bucket 

wood  dish 

wood  platter 



sealskin  bucket 

skin  clothing  bag 

skin  workbag 

snuff  bag  and  tube 


quid  box 

grass  mat 

coiled  grass  basket 

situla-shaped  clay  cooking  pot 

saucer-shaped  clay  lamp 
sealskin  poke 
marrow  extractor 
snow  beater 

Skin  Preparation  and  Sewing 

wood  form  to  hold  sealskin 

two-handed  scraper 

end  scraper 

sewing  bag  ("housewife") 

sewing  box 

bird  skin  bag 

bird  foot  bag 

walrus  kidney  bag 

needle  case 


thimble  holder 


sinew  shredder 


boot  sole  creaser 

sinew  twister 

thread  reel 

Clothing  and  Personal  Adornment 

fur  parka 

feather  parka 

gut  parka 

fish  skin  parka 

fish  skin  shirt 

sealskin  trouser-boots 


fur  cap 

feather  sweat  bath  cap 

dance  cap 

dance  cornet 


sealskin  mittens 

fish  skin  mittens 

grass  mittens 

caribou  skin  winter  boots 

sealskin  water  boots 

grass  socks 

grass  insoles 





Those  elements  listed  which  appear  to  be  unique 
for  Nunivaarmiut,  since  they  are  not  described  by 
Nelson,  include  the  caribou  pit  trap,  light  fishing 
harpoon,  ice  saw,  aboveground  stone  fish  storage 
cache,  traditional  sled  with  dogs  hitched  at  the 
sides,  braided  grass  dog  harness  without  buckles 
or  other  harness  parts,  pack  cord,  and  excavated 
animal  traps.  Particularly  distinctive  on  Nunivak 
were  kayaks  much  larger  and  heavier  than  those 
used  by  mainland  peoples  and  the  extensive  use 



of  grass  for  a  variety  of  purposes  associated  with 
many  indoor  and  outdoor  activities.  Nunivak  art 
styles  were  also  distinctive,  and  the  variety  of  ar- 
tistic expression  inherent  in  Nunivak  material  cul- 
ture will  be  treated  in  detail  by  Lantis  in  a  separate 

A  significant  aspect  of  Nunivak  Eskimo  life  re- 
vealed by  a  stud\  of  material  culture,  and  noted 
previous!}  b}  lantis  (1946,  p.  260),  was  the  de- 
cided individualism  that  characterized  economic 
activities  including  art  and  craftsmanship.  Coop- 
erative activities  were  limited,  confined  almost  ex- 
clusively to  some  aspects  of  kayak  hunting,  to  seal 
netting  and  bird  netting,  the  taking  offish  in  traps 
or  nets,  and  house  or  qasgiq  construction.  Even 
when  cooperative,  these  tasks  were  usually  per- 
formed by  two  partners  or  relatives. 

Another  significant  feature  of  Nunivak  culture 
stressed  in  the  preceding  pages  was  the  importance 
of  gathering,  an  activity  which  on  neighboring  Nel- 
son Island  provided  nearly  half  the  diet  (Fienup- 
Riordan,  1983,  p.  36).  Gathering,  which  was  prin- 
cipalis women's  and  children's  work,  serves  to 
point  up  two  aspects  of  Nunivak  material  life  that 
deserve  emphasis:  first,  the  remarkable  indus- 
triousness  and  clearly  defined  sexual  division  of 
labor  previously  noted  by  Lantis  (1946,  p.  256); 
and  second,  the  handling  and  working  of  a  great 
variety  of  raw  materials,  including  grass,  drift- 
wood, plant  food,  a  variety  of  marine  products, 
clay  and  other  minerals,  ivory,  antler,  and  bird 
skins.  It  seems  safe  to  say  that  nowhere  else  in 
Eskimo  Alaska,  with  the  possible  exception  of  Ko- 
diak  Island,  was  the  natural  environment  as  fully 
utilized  by  the  native  peoples. 

There  appeared  to  be  more  differences  from 
mainland  practice  in  women's  work  than  in  men's 
work.  Women  cut  fish  differently,  used  a  different 
kind  of  needle  case,  made  boots  somewhat  differ- 
ently (less  well),  and  used  grass  in  a  greater  variety 
of  ways  than,  for  example,  the  women  of  the  lower 
Yukon-St.  Michael  area.  This  may  be  explained 
by  greater  isolation  which  encouraged  a  separate 
development,  or  by  conservatism  of  the  women, 
who  maintained  old  techniques,  designs,  and  hab- 
its when  their  men  could  travel  for  trade  and  ab- 
sorb new  ideas.  In  the  19th  century  even  the  iso- 
lated coastal  villages  of  the  Yukon-Kuskokwim 
Delta  were  affected  either  by  Inupiat  from  the  north 
or  Russians  and  later  Americans  from  the  south. 
Once  the  latter  were  established  in  the  region,  they 
could  visit  mainland  communities  summer  and 
winter,  whereas  Nunivak  was  accessible  only  in 
summer.  Hence  Nunivak  in  some  ways  could  di- 

verge and  in  other  ways  conserve  what  had  once 
been  a  widespread  culture.  This  is  shown  more 
clearly  in  religious  practice  than  in  technology. 
Although  the  Bering  Strait  islands  were  similarly 
isolated,  they  were  visited  by  commercial  whalers 
at  frequent  intervals  and  also  had  access  to  Asiatic 
diffusion  of  new  ideas. 

Until  World  War  II,  Nunivak  was  about  50  years 
behind  the  Seward  Peninsula-Norton  Sound  area 
in  acculturation.  After  1945.  with  the  operation 
of  its  modern  meat  (reindeer)  processing  plant,  the 
only  one  in  Alaska,  cultural  change  was  astonish- 
ingly rapid.  (Regarding  these  changes,  see  Lantis, 
1972,  particularly  pp.  43-45.)  As  of  1985,  the  is- 
land had  one  very  small,  modern  community,  Me- 
koryuk,  while  most  other  Nunivaarmiut  lived  in 
Bethel  or  Anchorage,  doing  administrative  work, 
driving  taxis,  or  performing  a  range  of  other  jobs 
like  their  native  and  non-native  neighbors. 


Figure  1  was  drawn  by  Mrs.  Linnea  Lahlum  and 
some  photographs  reproduced  from  copy  nega- 
tives made  by  Field  Museum's  Division  of  Pho- 
tography. Unless  otherwise  indicated  in  the  cap- 
tions, all  photographs  were  taken  by  Margaret 
Lantis  on  Nunivak  Island  in  1939-1940.  The  au- 
thor would  like  to  thank  Dr.  Hans  Himmelheber 
for  permission  to  publish  the  photographs  in  Fig- 
ures 2,  14.23,  100,  and  103  and  Peter  Stettenheim 
for  the  use  of  his  unpublished  field  notes.  Figure 
37  is  reproduced  through  the  courtesy  of  the  Uni- 
versity of  Washington  Press.  George  R.  Milner, 
former  director  and  curator  of  the  Museum  of  An- 
thropology, University  of  Kentucky,  kindly  as- 
sisted the  author  in  his  study  of  ethnographic  ma- 
terials from  Nunivak  Island  collected  by  Lantis 
and  now  in  that  institution.  An  early  draft  of  the 
manuscript  was  read  by  Wendell  H.  Oswalt  and 
the  author  is  grateful  for  his  perceptive  and  useful 
comments.  Several  drafts  of  the  manuscript  were 
typed  with  accuracy  and  dispatch  by  Mrs.  Loran 
H.  Recchia. 

Most  of  all.  the  author  is  grateful  to  Margaret 
Lantis.  This  study  was  undertaken  at  her  sugges- 
tion and  she  assisted  in  virtually  every  stage  of  its 
preparation.  Even  under  ideal  circumstances, 
working  with  another  person's  field  notes  is  not 
easy  and  without  her  continuous  encouragement, 
advice,  and  criticism  the  project  would  never  have 
been  completed. 



Funding  for  this  publication  was  provided  in 
part  by  the  Harry  W.  Getz  Fund  and  an  anony- 
mous fund  of  the  Department  of  Anthropology. 

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»•:  •■•!•¥• 

Fig.  2.     The  village  of  Mekoryuk  in  1937.  Photograph  by  Hans  Himmelheber. 

****  *  "T^-- 


Fig.  3.     The  village  of  Mekoryuk  in  winter. 



Fig.  4.     A  part  of  the  village  at  Nash  Harbor  showing  semi-subterranean  houses  and  log  caches. 

Fig.  5.     A  seasonal  settlement  on  Cape  Etolin  occupied  principally  for  spring  seal  hunting. 





Fig.  6.  Sealing  harpoon  heads.  Note  that  the  specimen  on  the  right  has  a  trifurcate  spur  and  the  blades  on  the 
left  and  right  are  parallel  with  the  line  hole,  while  that  in  the  middle  is  at  right  angles  to  the  line  hole.  Drawing 
courtesy  of  the  Lowie  Museum  of  Anthropology,  University  of  California,  Berkeley. 



Fig.  7.     Left.  Sealing  harpoon  head  (76-10-29);  right,  chisel  (76-10-43).  Museum  of  Anthropology,  University  of 
Kentucky.  Photograph  by  George  R.  Milner. 




Fig.  8.     Sealing  harpoon  socket  piece  of  ivory  with  incised  and  blackened  design.  Line  would  be  fastened  to  the 
rawhide  loop  with  a  toggle. 



Left,  bone  marrow  extractor  (76-10-47);  right,  harpoon  dart  head  made  of  old  ivory  (76-10-48).  Museum 
of  Anthropology  University  of  Kentucky.  Photograph  by  George  R.  Milner. 



Fig.  10.     Harpoon  dart. 



.11.     Model  harpoon  dart  (76-10-28).  Museum  of  Anthropology,  University  of  Kentucky.  Photograph  by 
George  R.  Milner. 







Fig.  12.     Throwing  boards.  Drawing  courtesy  of  the  Lowie  Museum  of  Anthropology,  University  of  California, 

Fig.  13.     Line  attacher. 



Fig.  14.     Two  kayaks  lashed  together  to  provide  stability  while  fishermen  are  examining  a  seal  net  (1937).  Pho- 
tograph by  Hans  Himmelheber. 






































Fig.   16.     Bird  spear  prongs  (76-10-32-33).  Museum  of  Anthropology.  University  of  Kentucky.  Photograph  by 
George  R.  Milner. 



Fig.  17.     Antler  arrowhead. 

Fig.  18.     Socketed  arrowhead. 
























>    . 

Fig.  21.     Woman  fishing  for  tomcod  with  a  multiprongcd  spear.  Note  ice  scoop, 
mitten,  and  carrying  basket. 

Fig.  22.     Tomcod  spear. 



Fig.  23.     Boy  fishing  (jigging)  for  tomcod  with  hook  and  line  (1937).  Photograph  by  Hans  Himmelheber. 



Fig.  24.     Three-piece  cod  hook  (76-10-71a-c).  Museum  of  Anthropology.  University  of  Kentucky.  Photograph  by 
George  R.  Milner. 



Fig.  25.     Spools  of  sinew  cord  for  a  fish  net. 

Fig.  26.     Dip  net  for  trout  and  other  fish. 










































Fig.  28.     A  pair  of  slat  fish  traps. 

Fig.  29.     Constructing  a  dam  with  an  opening  left  for  fish  traps. 



Fig.  30.     Setting  fish  traps  in  the  dam  opening. 

Fig.  31.     A  fish  trap  in  place  in  the  dam  opening. 



Fig.  32.     Rocks  are  placed  on  fish  traps  to  prevent  them  from  floating  away. 

Fig.  33.     Flounder  and  tomcod  strung  and  hanging  on  a  drying  rack. 

















O     . 

_   E 




















































Fig.  37.     Examples  of  personal  variations  of  bow  and  stern  design,  drawn  from  kayaks  in  use  at  Mekoryuk  and 
Nash  Harbor.  1939-1940  (from  Lantis.  1960.  p.  85)  (Courtesy  University  of  Washington  Press). 



Fig.  38.     A  sealskin  stretched  and  dried 
on  a  framework  of  wood  crosspieces. 

Fig.  40.  A  kayak  harpoon  line  holder.  The  projecting 
pieces  are  inserted  under  a  line  across  the  deck  of  the 

Fig.  39.     Sealskins  being  stretched  and  sun  bleached.  Boots,  seal  pokes,  a  storage  basket,  and  other  items  are  also 
drying  on  the  cache  roof  and  pole. 




Fig.  4 1 .     Snow  beater-scrapers  to  remove  ice  from  a  kayak. 



Fig.  42.     Kayak  frames  on  racks  in  winter. 

Fig.  43.     Newly  covered  kayaks  in  spring. 

Fig.  44.     Man  applying  patch  to  an  old  kayak  cover. 



























































Fig.  48.  Umiak  frame  parts  (boat  1):  a,  cross  section  of  keelson;  approx.  'A  actual  size;  b,  cross  section  of  side 
plank,  curved  to  moot  keelson,  approx.  '  j  actual  size;  c,  cross  section  of  starboard  chine;  approx.  'A  actual  size;  d, 
bow  stem  seen  from  side;  outside  length  5  ft.  1  1  inches;  lower  notch  where  keelson  fits,  higher  notch  for  two  chines, 
stringers  fastened  to  side  of  stem;  e,  bow  and  stern  thwarts  in  cross  section;  approx.  'A  actual  size. 



Fig.  49.  Umiak  frame  parts  (boat  1):  a,  lower  stringer  in  cross  section,  outside  surface  on  left;  this  stringer  is 
outside  the  risers;  approx.  'A  actual  size;  b,  upper  stringer  in  cross  section,  outside  surface  on  left;  this  stringer  is 
inside  the  risers;  approx.  'A  actual  size;  c,  riser  (rib);  upper  stringer  fits  in  notch,  hole  at  top  for  lashing  gunwale  to 
riser;  d,  stern  stem  seen  from  starboard  side;  made  in  two  sections. 









Fig.  50.     Frame  of  umiak  bow  (boat  3). 












riser  Crib) 





Fig.  51.     Frame  of  umiak  stern  (boat  3). 


























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Fig.  56.  Sled  dog  introduced  from  the 
mainland.  Some  dogs  combined  traits  of  both 
old  and  new  breeds. 


Fig.  57.     Kayak  sled  on  rack  with  kayak. 









Fig.  58.     Snowshoes. 



Fig.  59.  Interior  of  an  unoccupied  semi-sub- 
terranean house.  At  the  left  is  a  sleeping  platform 
and  across  the  rear  a  narrow  bench  for  cooking 
utensils,  water  buckets,  and  other  storage.  One  of 
the  four  supporting  posts  can  be  seen  at  the  left  rear 
and,  at  the  right,  one  of  the  front  posts.  A  stove  has 
been  placed  on  the  old  stone  fireplace.  The  interior 
of  this  old  house  has  been  darkened  by  smoke,  oil, 
and  dirt. 

Fig.  60.     House  excavation. 

Fig.  6 1 .  House  excavation,  showing  low  height 
of  doorway  at  left.  House  owner  stops  to  take  snuif 
while  child  watches. 



Fig.  62.  Partially  constructed  house  roof.  There  are  four  support  posts,  one  of  which  is  visible,  on  which  rests  a 
four-layer  cribbing  of  horizontal  logs.  Walls  are  of  vertical  split  logs  and  roof  two  courses  of  slanting  split  logs  (one 
unfinished  course  shown). 

Fig.  63.  Gut  window  of  house  resting  on 
wooden  framework  and  held  in  place  by  large. 
Hat  stones. 

Fig.  64.  House  with  roofed  underground  entrance  passage 
through  which  one  moved  in  a  stooping  posture  and  with  the 
outer  door  modeled  after  a  ship's  companionway.  House  entrance 
at  right  is  of  older  type. 




/  * 

\    > 

Fig.  65.     Comer  of  a  qasgiq  showing  cribbed  roof  on  two  of  the  eight  supporting  posts.  Men  sat  on  floor  and 
children  on  high  benches  above  them.  There  is  a  wooden  urine  tub  on  the  bench. 

Fig.  66.     Qasgiq  entrance  with  steep  steps  to  deep  tunnel. 



Fig.  67.     Suspended  frame  for  a  pottery  lamp,  made  by  Kay  Hendrickson.  Yugtarvik  Regional  Museum,  Bethel, 
Alaska.  Photograph  by  James  H.  Barker. 



Fig.  68.     Entrance  to  old  style  cache. 

Fig.  69.     Abovcground  log  cache  with  flowering  sod-covered  roof. 



Fig.  70.  Top,  center,  line  attachers  (center,  length  2'/s 
inches);  bottom,  float  mouthpiece  (l3/s  inches)  (340305. 
339482).  U.S.  National  Museum. 

Fig.   71.     Bird  arrow  point  (length  Vh  inches)  (no 
number).  U.S.  National  Museum. 


Fig.  72.     Heavy  bone  socket  piece  (6V2  inches) 
(339475).  U.S.  National  Museum. 

Fig.  73.     Adze  head  with  blade  (7V4  inches)  (339638). 
U.S.  National  Museum. 



Fig.  74.     Funnel  (for  seal  poke?)  (2  inches)  (339536). 
U.S.  National  Museum. 

Fig.  75.     Harpoon  head  (4  inches)  (340294).  U.S.  Na- 
tional Museum. 

Fig.  76.     Mesh  gauge  (339380).  U.S.  National  Mu- 



















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Fig.  79.     Ulus.  each  with  blade  cut  from  a  steel  saw. 



Fig.  80.     Strap  fire  drill  (76-10-44a-d).  Museum  of  Anthropology,  University  of  Kentucky.  Photograph  by  George 
R.  Milner. 



Fig.  81.  A  square  woman's  bucket  of 
bentwood  painted  red  with  bent  antler  han- 

Fig.  82.     Bundles  of  dry  rye  grass  (Elymus  mollis)  for  many 

Fig.  83.     Carrying  basket  and  coarse  matting  baskets  containing  frozen  tomcod  on  cache  roof. 



Fig.  84.     Large  close  weave  storage  bas- 
ket with  scraped  skin  handles. 

Fig.  85.  Coiled  baskets  with  lids  traded  to  the  Mekoryuk  village 
store  to  be  sold  on  the  mainland.  Both  geometric  and  naturalistic  designs 
were  used,  sometimes  separately,  sometimes  together. 

Fig.  86.     Coiled  basket  with  lid  showing  naturalistic  designs. 



Fig.  87.  Wooden  form  over  which  a 
sealskin  is  scraped  with  a  two-handed 
bone  scraper.  A  woman,  kneeling  at  the 
left,  would  scrape  forward  and  downward 
over  the  curve  of  the  form. 

Fig.  88.  Inflated  sealskins  drying  on 
a  cache  roof  prior  to  being  bleached; 
without  bleaching,  they  might  be  used  as 
"pokes"  (oil  bags). 

Fig.  89.  Rawhide  sealskin  lines  and 
an  inflated  whole  sealskin  frozen  and 
drying.  In  the  background  a  competition 
between  the  old  and  young  men  in  throw- 
ing a  feathered  spear  with  a  spear-throw- 
er is  in  progress. 



Fig.  90.  Inflated  seal  throats  drying  and 
bleaching  in  clear,  windy,  cold  weather  under 
an  old  umiak. 


Fig.  91.     An  inflated  walrus  stomach  drying. 
In  the  background  codfish  are  drying  on  a  rack. 






i  i  a 


Fie.  92.     Stone  end  scraper  with  wood  handle. 

Fig.  93.     Processed  arctic  fox  skins  hanging  on  a  line 
to  dr\\ 



- '.  -,  ' .  ■  ■    .    ■  :. 

Fig.  94.  A  woman's  sewing  equipment,  including  four  needle  cases  of  both  closed  and  open  types,  bone  needles, 
ivory  bodkin  with  animal  head  link  at  proximal  end,  and  sinew  thread  on  a  shuttle.  Photograph  courtesy  of  the  Lowie 
Museum  of  Anthropology,  University  of  California,  Berkeley. 

Fig.  95.     Ivory  needle  case  (5'/2  inches).  Drawing  courtesy  of  the  Lowie  Museum  of  Anthropology,  University  of 
California,  Berkeley. 



Fig.  96.  Boy's  sealskin  parka,  old  and  frayed.  Instead 
of  a  border  around  the  lower  edge,  there  is  a  fringe  of 
slit  sealskin. 

Fig.  97.  Young  woman's  squirrel  skin  parka  cut  up 
the  sides  in  the  old  style,  with  wide  layered  ruff,  many 
furstrip  tassels  encircling  the  parka,  and  both  border  and 
fringe  around  the  bottom. 

Fig.  98.  Women's  parkas  cut  in  the  old  style  but 
made  of  spotted  domestic  reindeer  skin.  The  woman  on 
the  right  apparently  wears  the  full  length  sealskin  boots, 
while  the  woman  on  the  left  is  wearing  short  fancy  boots. 



Fig.  99.     Woman's  parka  showing  narrow  strips  of  blackfish  skin  sewn  down  the  center  of  strips  of  bleached 
sealskin  sewn  onto  a  denim  parka. 



Fig.  100.     Boys  in  head-pulling  contest  wearing  murrc  skin  parkas  (1937).  Note  the  wide  bottom  border  of  black 
murre  backs.  Photograph  by  Hans  Himmelheber. 



Fig.  101.  Walrus  intestine  cleaned, 
inflated,  and  stretched  on  the  ground  to 


Fig.  102.  Elderly  man  wearing  wood- 
en eyeshade,  a  gut  parka  with  insets  of 
bleached  seal  throat  at  the  shoulders,  and 
waterproof  sealskin  boots. 



Fig.  103.  Elderly  man  wearing  squirrel  skin  parka  and  sealskin  pants  (1937).  Pieces  of  brown  and  white  fur  and 
squirrel  tails  decorate  the  upper  sleeve.  Nunivak  boots  were  generally  soft  and  loose,  not  holding  their  shape  well. 
Photograph  by  Hans  Himmelheber. 



Fig.  104.  Boy  in  center  wears  an  old 
style  cap  of  the  type  formerly  worn  by  all 
Nunivak  men  and  boys.  The  cap  has  a 
narrow  border  of  short  and  long  fur,  not 
a  stand-up  ruff.  The  man  was  the  car- 
penter building  the  first  school  at  Me- 
koryuk  in  1939. 

Fig.  105.  Girl  wearing  dance  head- 
dress. The  long  white  hairs  across  the  top 
are  from  under  the  neck  of  a  reindeer. 
Hanging  at  each  side  are  long  strands  of 



Fig.  106.     Grass  socks  formerly  worn  inside  sealskin  boots.  A  strip  of  flannel  forms  the  border. 

Fig.  107.     Puppy  skins  turned  inside  out  to  dry,  to  be  used  in  making  infant's  parka. 



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Publication  1337,  $7.00 

The  Simms  Collection  of  Plains  Cree  Material  Culture  from  Southeastern  Saskatchewan.  By  James 
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Publication  1366,  $14.00 

"And  He  Was  Beautiful":  Contemporary  Athapaskan  Material  Culture  in  the  Collections  of  Field 
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Publication  1371,  $15.00 

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