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Natural  Science  Bulletin, 

Journal  of  this 


Guelph,  — Ontario. 

No.  6.  1010. 

On  Fundy's  Shore. 


THE  student  and  lover  of  nature  who  has  always  resided  in 
inland  Ontario  can  scarcely  conceive  how  greatly  he  would 
enjoy  a midsummer  visit  to  the  Maritime  Provinces. 
Engagements  that  took  the  writer  to  Nova  Scotia  in  the  sum- 
mers of  1908  and  1909  afforded  him  opportunities  of  learning 
something  of  the  natural  attractions  of  that  part  of  Canada. 
In  a general  way  Ontario  offers  the  student  a greater  abundance 
and  variety  of  bird-life  and  possibly  too  of  insect-life,  but  in 
the  phenomena  and  materials  that  make  up  the  sciences  of 
botany,  geology,  mineralogy,  topography  and  meteorology,  not 
to  speak  of  the  phenomena  and  organic  life  of  the  seashore,  no 
section  of  Ontario  can  well  compare  with  certain  favored  regions 
of  the  Provinces  by  the  Sea. 

Along  the  shores  of  the  Bay  of  Fundy  one  may  easily  find 
the  most  ancient  as  well  as  the  most  modern  geological  forma- 
tions. Not  less  than  a dozen  of  these  horizons  outcrop  within 
a radius  of  that  many  miles  of  the  City  of  St.  John.  These 
include  the  Huronian  and  older  pre-Cambrian  rocks,  stratified 
gneisses,  quartzites,  slates  and  limestones,  and  even  graphite- 
beds.  On  the  highlands,  within  the  corporation  of  the  city,  the 
observer  may  stand  on  presumably  one  of  the  earliest  islands 
to  emerge  from  the  primeval  ocean.  Not  far  distant,  on  the 
eastern  arms  of  the  Bay,  he  may  witness  as  rapid  and  exten- 
sive formation  and  stratification  of  land  as  is  to  be  seen  in  any 
part  of  the  globe  at  the  present  day. 

Closely  associated  with  thes  features,  so  interesting  to  the 
naturalist,  and  to  a large  extent  conditioned  upon  them,  are 
numerous,  well-developed  and  profitable  lines  of  industrial  activ- 
ity. Mining  and  fishing,  farming  and  fruit-raising,  lumbering 


THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BULLETIN  — NO.  6. 

and  manufacturing,  are,  each  and  all,  well  exemplified  in  one 
place  or  another  around  the  head-waters  of  the  Bay. 

Twenty-four  hours  by  rail  will  take  the  traveller  from  Mon- 
treal to  Truro,  the  railway  center  of  Nova  Scotia.  From  Truro 
the  naturalist  may  make  a delightful  circuit  of  Minas  Basin 
and  its  eastern  extension,  Chedabucto  Bay,  doing  the  journey 
in  two  or  three  days’  driving,  or  if  so  inclined,  lingering  along 
the  way  for  a month.  Whether  he  be  geologist  or  botanist, 
Truro’s  beautiful,  natural  parx,  with  its  winding,  wooded  paths, 
sheer  cliffs  of  rocks  full  hundred  feet  in  height,  and  its  pictur- 
esque falls,  will  hold  him  for  a day.  Then  to  see  the  landscape 
from  the  heights  o’erlooking  the  town,  and  stretching  for  miles 
towards  the  west  over  the  dyked  meadows  bordering  the  Salm- 
on River,  is  well  worth  the  effort  of  climbing  that  the  view 

Eeaving  Truro  by’ the  north-west  bridge  over  the  Salmon 
River,  a drive  or  bicycle  trip  of  forty  miles  along  a fairly  good 
road,  leads  one  through  a number  of  shore  villages — Folleigh, 
Grade  Village,  Bass  River,  Kconomy,  Five  Islands — giving  peeps 
of  water  and  dyked  shores,  and  dashes  through  rocky  woods. 
It  is  a constant  succession  of  up-hill  and  down-dale  as  one 
crosses  the  narrow  valleys  of  the  numerous  streams  that  seek 
their  outlet  in  the  muddy  tide. 

Between  Kconomy  and  Five  Islands  the  tourist  has  to  climb 
the  Gerrish  Mountain.  The  road  is  steep,  but  passable  for 
either  carriage  or  automobile.  The  view  from  the  Gerrish, 
covering,  as  it  does5  farm,  village,  water  and  opposing  moun- 
tain-side, is,  so  far  as  I know,  unsurpassed. 

Five  Islands  obtains  its  name  from  that  number  of  lofty 
precipitous  rocks  that  rise  like  mountain  peaks  abruptly  out 
of  the  Bay.  A comfortable  and  homelike  hostelry,  looking  over 
the  restless  tide  that  washes  the  bases  of  these  mountain  islets, 
will  tempt  the  traveller  to  linger. 

Another  stage  to  Parrsboro,  whence  by  boat  he  crosses  the 
west  end  of  Minas  Basin  to  Kingsport  and  Wolfville,  passing 
under  the  shadow  of  the  Loof-off  at  Cape  Blomidon.  This  is 
a bold  promontory,  affording  a view  of  water,  shore  line,  farms, 



orchards  and  mountains  which  some  well-travelled  people  have 
declared  the  finest  their  eye  ever  rested  upon. 

Here  one  finds  himself  in  the  garden  of  the  Gravenstein.  For 
the  most  part,  compared  with  S.-W.  Ontario,,  Nova  Scotia  and 
New  Brunswick  are  inhospitable  to  the  apple  ; but  one  of  the 
several  remarkable  contrasts  that  surprise  the  visitor  is  the 
suddenness  with  which  he  emerges  from  a region  where  there 
is  scarcely  a barrel  of  edible  apples  to  the  township,  to  one 
that  rivals  the  Grimsby  strip  itself.  I once  heard  the  Director 
of  the  National  Experimental  Farms  deny  the  person’s  claim 
to  know  the  apple  in  perfection  until  he  has  eaten  ripe  Graven- 
steins  in  the  Annapolis  Valley. 

As  will  be  seen  by  consulting  the  map,  the  road  returning 
to  Truro  along  the  southern  shore  takes  one  through  the  Land 
of  Evangeline,  where  the  little  village  of  Grand  Pre,  “ distant, 
secluded,  still,  lay  in  the  fruitful  valley.”  Here  he  will  be 
shown  the  stumps  of  the  willows  that  once  lined  the  ancient 
road  along  which  Evangeline  passed  to  the  ships  in  the  Basin, 
and  the  foundation  stones  of  the  church  in  which  Father  Feli- 
cian  prayed  for  the  oppressor.  One  can  hardly  fail  to  suppose 
that  had  Longfellow  visited  this  valley  - garden  he  would  have 
enriched  his  poem  with  touches  that  might  have  strengthened 
its  truth  and  beauty. 

It  would  too  greatly  extend  this  paper  to  describe  in  detail 
all  the  interesting  biological  features  of  these  shores.  The  range 
of  elevation,  rock,  soil,  moisture  and  salinity  bring  into  close 
relation  a larger  number  of  plant  societies  than  I have  ever  seen 
elsewhere  within  an  equal  territory.  A list  of  the  upland  plants 
unfamiliar  to  a resident  of  Southern  Ontario  would  include  the 
rhodora  and  the  lambkill  in  their  .season,  “ unprofitably  gay  ” 
but  beautiful  enough  to  justify  their  being.*  In  later  August 

*The  purple  petals  fallen  in  the  pool  Rhodora  ! if  the  sages  ask  thee  why 

Made  the  black  water  with  their  beauty  gay  ; This  charm  is  wasted  on  the  earth  and  sky 

Here  might  the  red-bird  come  his  plumes  to  cool  ; Tell  them,  dear,  that  if  eyes  were  made  for  seeing 
And  court  the  flower  that  cheapens  his  array.  Then  Beauty  is  its  own  excuse  for  being. — Emerson. 


THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BULLETIN  — NO.  6. 

melting  blueberries  ready  to  fill  the  hand  outheld  for  them  ap- 
peal almost  in  vain  to  the  passer-by.  Byebright  and  bartsia, 
leontodon  and  matricaria,  cadlock  and  carraway,  lady’s  mantle 
and  yellow-rattle, — now  one  and  now  another,  catch  the  atten- 
tion by  their  beauty  or  local  abundance. 

A curious  and  interesting  wild-plant  society  springs  up  in 
the  old,  unstirred  meadows  dyked  off  from  the  sea.  When  these 
salt  marsh  lands  are  well  cultivated  they  produce  most  luxuri- 
ous crops  of  hay — “ tall,  rank  grass  that  sweep  the  horse’s 
sides,” — but  when  untilled  for  many  years,  they  become  the 
home  of  a host  of  sedges,  wild- grasses,  caryophylls,  labiates 
and  vetches.  You  can  easily  fill  your  plant  - press  on  one  of 
these  old  meadows. 

But  the  most  curious  of  all  is  the  undyked  salt-marsh  soci- 
ety. These  plants,  growing  in  the  slippery  but  compacted  mud, 
receiving  daily  baths  of  salty  water,  and  exposed  to  the  direct 
rays  of  the  sun  and  the  sweep  of  the  wind,  have  adapted  them- 
selves to  conditions  that  are  in  some  respects  not  unlike  that 
of  the  desert.  Among  them  are  perennials  with  extensive  root- 
ing systems,  suggesting  the  binding  grasses  of  the  sand  dunes 
and  annuals  with  small  roots  and  linear  succulent  leaves.  One 
doesn’t  know  when  to  stop  taking  the  seashore  golden-rod, 
with  its  large,  handsome,  glossy  leaves;  the  candelabral  sam- 
phires, with  their  fleshy  cylinders  of  indistinguishable  stem, 
flower  and  leaf;  the  marsh  rosemary,  with  its  airy,  lavender 
flower-sprays,  catching  the  eye  from  afar,  and  the  salt  - water 
plantain,  whose  abundant  spear-like  leaves  make  of  pot  - herbs 
one  of  the  wholesomest.  If  the  inlander  goes  botanizing  on 
Fundy’s  shores,  let  the  salt-marsh  be  the  first  and  the  last  he 
visits,  even  although  of  too  many  of  his  gatherings,  when  he 
brings  them  home,  he  will  say  with  Bmerson,  “they  left  their 
beauty  on  the  shore.” 



Orchids  of  Ontario. 


FIFTEEN  years  ago  the  present  writer  was  induced  by  a col- 
league in  the  High  School  to  take  up  botany.  And  he 
cannot  now  be  too  grateful  for  the  advice  or  thankful  that 
he  acted  on  it.  After  25  years  of  English  country  life  he  was 
finding  himself  hard  to  acclimatize.  Things  seemed  strange. 
He  had  learned  (as  boys  do)  without  conscious  effort  to  know 
and  name  all  the  birds  of  his  neighborhood  by  sight  or  song, 
by  nest  or  egg;  the  flowers  of  the  field  and  wood,  the  hedgerow 
and  lane,  the  marsh  and  hillside  were  all  familiar,  and  their 
household  names  came  to  mind  at  the  bidding.  Now  every- 
thing was  different;  the  world  seemed  bewitched — a topsy-turvy- 
dom  of  changelings  ; blackbirds  had  become  starlings,  robins 
grown  to  thrushes,  the  very  rooks  turned  to  crows,  and  their 
lazy  caw  to  a sharp,  querulous  bark,  like  a fox-terrier’s  ; he 
asked  for  daisies,  and  they  gave  him  gowans  (marguerites);  for 
cowslips,  and,  behold  ! marsh-marigolds.  But  a month’s  use 
of  Spotton  enabled  him  to  identify  plants  for  himself,  and  in  a 
few  seasons  he  was  on  nodding  terms  with  most  of  the  wild 
flowers  of  Ontario. 

We  all  have  our  favorites,  but  most  plant-lovers  will  admit 
the  attraction  of  the  rnonocotyledons,  especially  the  charm  of 
the  lilies  and  the  peculiar  fascination  of  the  orchids.  It  is  the 
story  of  how  I made  friends  with  the  orchids  that  this  paper 
tries  to  tell. 

In  my  first  season,  about  the  end  of  May  or  early  in  June, 
I was  lucky  enough  to  find  a Yellow  Lady’s-slipper.  It  was 
in  a hardwood  bush,  rather  low-lying  and  moist.  An  elm  had 
been  blown  down;  its  roots,  welded  into  a solid  mass  with  soil 
and  turf,  stood  up  6 or  8 feet  from  the  ground;  right  on  the  top 
of  this  in  a grassy  nook  stood  Cypripedium  parviflorum , a most 
graceful  object,  an  upright  leafy  stem  crowned  resplendently 
with  a flower  in  full  bloom. 

This  was  a tempting  lure  to  anyone,  certainly  too  tempting 
for  me  to  withstand,  and  my  eagerness  to  gain  acquaintance 


THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BULLETIN  — NO.  6. 

with  the  orchids  in  their  native  haunts  became  intense.  Had 
I simply  been  scouring  the  countryside  without  any  system,  my 
search  would  probably  neyer  have  extended  to  the  many  incon- 
spicuous forms  of  orchid.  But  working  with  a botany  book  is 
a very  different  thing  ; as  soon  as  you  find  a flower  and  identify 
it,  there  comes  the  scientific  interest  of  comparing  it  with  kin- 
dred forms;  the  intellectual  interest  of  classification  is  added  to 
the  aesthetic  interest  in  form  and  color  ; the  more  species  of  a 
genus,  the  more  genera  of  a family  you  find,  the  more  pleased 
you  feel;  and  in  this  systematic  botany  (however  amateurish), 
beautiful  blooms  and  homely  or  inconspicuous  live  on  level 

Within  a day  or  two  of  finding  this  Lady’s-slipper  I met  my 
first  rein-orchid,  in  another  wood,  rather  more  swampy,  and 
bordering  on  the  Rideau  River  ; it  was  only  half-grown,  and  the 
flower  spike  did  not  develop  fully  for  a fortnight.  It  was, 
however,  already  recognizable  by  the  pair  of  large  round  leaves 
lying  flat  on  the  ground,  one  on  each  side  of  the  tall  scape  with 
its  flower  spike;  the  leaves  of  a rubbery  smoothness  were  dark- 
ish green  above  and  silvery  white  beneath  ; it  was  the  Large 
Round-leaved  Rein-orchid  (Habenaria  orbiculata) . 

About  a week  later  I made  my  way  along  a half-submerged 
path  through  willows  and  cat-tails  into  a wooded  swamp  ; the 
ground  was  spongy  and  of  a peaty  soil,  as  was  evident  from 
occasional  ant-hills  and  patches  of  sphagnum  moss  ; under  the 
trees  were  several  plants  of  the  common  Northern  Rein-orchid 
(Habenaria  hyperborea) , with  its  leafy  stalk  and  dense  spike  of 
inconspicuous  green  flowers.  After  struggling  some  ioo  yards 
into  the  wood  I was  surprised  to  find  myself  emerge  into  a sun- 
bathed clearing,  roughly  circular  in  form,  with  a diameter  of 
perhaps  50  yards  ; the  floor  of  it  spongy  and  cool  with  the  peat 
moss,  broken  here  and  there  by  large  ant-hills  and  straggling 
patches  of  huckleberries  and  Labrador  tea. 

The  silence  and  the  solitude  in  the  heart  of  the  woods  fill 
one  with  a sense  of  awe  that  seems  never  to  pass  away.  For 
all  the  hundreds  of  times  that  I have  penetrated  to  the  home  of 
those  shyest  of  woodland  denizens,  the  orchids,  it  is  still  with 



bated  breath  that  I step  from  the  shadow  of  the  trees  into  the 
sun-lit  space  beyond  ; there  is  a feeling  of  mystery,  as  though 
one  were  entering  a fairy  ring  and  might  with  enchanted  eyes 
see  sights  elsewhere  hidden  from  mortal  gaze.  This  eerie  sense 
of  the  supernatural  was  fed  that  day  by  a startling  sound  from 
the  depths  of  the  wood  that  made  me  pause  to  listen,  while 
my  heart  thumped  out  an  involuntary  echo.  At  first  I thought 
it  was  someone  at  a distance  beating  the  ground  with  a heavy 
mallet,  but  soon  the  blows  became  so  rapid  that  this  explana- 
tion failed,  and  I was  driven  to  suppose  it  some  strange  ma- 
chinery, as  there  was  a mill  dam  on  the  river  about  a quarter 
of  a mile  away.  During  the  hour  or  more  that  I wandered 
about  the  clearing,  the  sound  was  repeated  several  times  at  ir- 
regular intervals.  This  was  my  first  summer  in  the  Canadian 
woods,  and  you  are  welcome  to  your  laugh  when  I tell  you  I 
had  never  heard  a partridge  drum  before  ! 

If  the  flowers  are  not  fairies,  they  are  the  nearest  thing  ta 
them  that  the  gross  eye  of  man  can  see.  “Where  the  bee  sucks , 
there  suck  I.”  We  cannot  see  Ariel  any  more,  but  we  may  in- 
fer his  presence  where  we  watch  the  bee  sip  his  draught  of  nectar. 
To  a lover  of  flowers  in  a new  land,  this  woodland  glade  was 
indeed  a corner  of  fairyland,  and  many  an  elfish  form  I found 
disporting  itself  within  the  magic  circle  : the  Dwarf-cornel  or 
Bunchberry,  with  its  petaloid  bracts  of  white  ; the  coralline 
spikes  of  the  Pyrola,  and  (hidden  in  a thicket  of  evergreens) 
the  graceful  Clintonia,  with  its  down-bent  bells  ; the  delicate 
vines  of  the  Cranberry  and  the  Twin -flower,  Tinnaeu’s  darling 
god-child.  And  who  should  be  lords  of  the  revel  if  not  the 
Tady’s-slippers  ? For  they  were  there,  all  about  the  edges  of  the 
ring  and  in  the  open;  the  Yellow  Tady’s-slipper,  with  its  cup  of 
glistening  gold  and  a petal  streaming  out  in  a dark  spiral  at 
either  side,  and — paling  all  else  into  insignificance  by  its  resplen- 
dent glory — that  marvel  of  our  northern  swamps,  Cypripedium 
hirsutum  (spectabile  or  reginse),  the  Purple  Lady’s-slipper,  with 
its  snowy  petals  and  globular  cup  of  delicate  purple. 

I have  never  seen  anything,  even  among  the  exotics  of  the 
hothouse,  to  surpass  the  magnificence  of  this  flower.  It  is  a. 

IO  THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BULLETIN  — NO.  6. 

great  lover  of  moisture,  and  never  ventures  far  from  the  cool 
springs  it  drinks  so  greedily  at  ; the  stem  is  thick  and  succu- 
lent, often  when  you  pull  a flower  the  stalk  drips  water  where 
it  has  been  broken  ; it  is  also  very  leafy  with  hirsute  foliage, 
and  the  leaves  form  reservoirs  at  their  sheathing  base,  the  rain 
running  down  their  upper  sides  into  the  axils.  In  open  spaces 
and  where  the  soil  inclines  to  be  firm,  the  plant  takes  a some- 
what stunted  form,  ranging  in  height  from  8 to  18  inches  ; in 
moist  soft  moss  it  will  exceed  two  feet,  and  in  swampy  woods 
deeply  shaded  I have  met  giants  that  stood  breast-high  as  I faced 
them,  the  flowers  poised  on  the  pedicel  well  over  four  feet  from 
the  ground.  Older  and  larger  plants  usually  have  two  blos- 
soms at  the  top  of  the  stem,  one  expanding  a few  days  after 
the  other  and  on  a shorter  or  less  erect  pedicel.  When  the 
blossom  first  opens,  by  the  upper  sepal  and  side-petals  drawing 
away  from  the  labellum,  the  lip  at  the  outer  edge  of  the  opening 
into  the  pouch  is  often  flushed  with  the  richest  of  purple,  a kind 
of  deep  magenta,  almost  wine-dark  ; once  in  a while  this  rich 
hue  lasts  till  the  bloom  is  fully  out. 

Before  the  close  of  this  my  first  summer  term  in  a Canadian 
school,  a boy  from  the  country  brought  in  a bunch  of  the  Stem- 
less Eady’s-slipper.  My  eager  quest  of  the  orchids  had  sent  me 
again  and  again  to  my  Spotton,  to  con  over  the  species  of 
Cypripedium , and  in  my  innocence  of  botanical  terms  and  the 
absence  of  illustrations,  I had  conjured  up  a picture  of  a dwarf 
among  Eady’s-slippers  with  a stalkless  bloom  resting  sessile  on 
the  ground  between  the  pair  of  basal  leaves.  I now  learned  that 
a stalk  without  leaves  was  called  a scape.  Cypripedium  acaule 
is  stemless  in  a technical  sense,  but  it  has  a very  obvious  stalk, 
thick  and  stiff,  io  or  12  inches  high;  the  pair  of  leaves  do  not 
lie  flat,  but  grow  upwards  at  an  angle  to  the  scape  ; they  are 
oval  and  shiny  green,  but  not  smooth,  hirsute  and  apparently 
a little  sticky,  for  gnats  and  small  insects  are  often  to  be  found 
adhering  to  the  surface.  At  the  top  of  the  scape  behind  the 
flower  is  a green  bract,  ovate  to  lanceolate  in  shape;  the  peri- 
anth is  greenish  brown,  but  the  lip  is  pale  pink  intersected  by 
rose-red  veins;  the  shape  of  the  lip  or  cup  is  peculiar;  it  droops, 



pendulous,  almost  limp,  the  longest  of  the  Cypripediums  from 
base  to  tip  and  somewhat  compressed  at  the  sides  ; it  has  not 
nearly  so  much  of  the  full  inflated  appearance  of  the  Yellow 
and  the  Showy  (purple)  Lady’s-slippers;  it  looks  as  though  it 
had  been  blown  out  once  to  its  full  distension  and  had  then 
sunk  in  on  the  air  escaping  from  the  bladder  or  pouch,  which 
has  a crumpled  appearance  ; this  fancy  (idle  as  it  is)  is  rather 
strengthened  than  dissipated  by  an  examination  of  the  top  of 
the  labellum,  which  is  fissured  down  the  centre  and  has  the 
edges  turned  down  as  though  they  had  fallen  in.  I have  more 
than  once  found  a dead  bumblebee  immured  in  the  prison  cell 
of  the  pouch,  as  though  the  flower  had  gone  a step  too  far  in 
its  anxiety  to  secure  insect  fertilization.  The  Cypripedium 
acaule  is  more  fond  of  shade  than  the  C.  pubescens , and  is  usu- 
ally found  in  the  immediate  neighborhood  of  evergreens;  but,  on 
the  other  hand,  it  seems  to  venture  further  from  moisture  than 
any  other  species  of  Lady’s-slipper.  It  will  grow  abundantly 
among  rock-blueberries,  rooting  on  granite  with  no  foothold  but 
the  grey  lichen  or  dry  flannelly  moss;  in  such  places,  however, 
it  demands  the  shade  of  evergreens,  and  probably  it  gets  more 
moisture  than  you  might  suppose;  for  it  blooms  early  in  June, 
and  in  such  rocky  woodland  retreats  there  is  plenty  of  snow  and 
slushy  water  till  well  on  in  May. 

By  no  sort  of  coaxing  could  we  prevail  on  our  country  pupil 
to  disclose  the  whereabouts  of  his  orchid-swamp.  But  my  col- 
league in  charge  of  the  botany  class  had  tramped  the  woods 
about  Barrie  and  the  muskegs  of  the  Northwest,  and  before  the 
term  ended  we  had  ferreted  out  the  presence  of  a mud-lake  about 
3 miles  from  the  town.  No  sooner  was  the  school  closed  than 
we  set  off,  “ bright  and  early  ” one  July  morning,  with  some 
sandwiches  in  our  pocket,  a Spotton,  a botany-can,  and  hearts 
big  with  hope. 

A novel  experience  is  not  easily  forgotten,  and  the  first  sight 
of  new  flowers  makes  an  impression  well-nigh  indelible.  I know 
this  mud-lake  now  so  well  from  end  to  end  and  from  side  to 
side  that  it  is  curious  to  hark  back  14  years  or  more  to  a time 
when  it  was  absolutely  strange.  I remember  wondering,  by  the 


THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BUTTETIN  — NO.  6. 

way,  whether  a mud-lake  was  a lake  of  mud  or  a pond  of  muddy 
water,  or  what  ? Geologically  these  mud-lakes  appear  to  be  due 
to  the  same  general  formation  as  ordinary  lakes;  they  represent 
big  shallow  pockets  or  hollows  in  the  rock-strata.  In  hilly  dis- 
tricts where  there  are  plenty  of  good  steep  slopes  for  water- 
sheds, you  get  ravines  traversed  by  streams  and  open  at  the 
lower  end  ; but  in  flat  country  and  on  table  lands,  the  ravine 
has  its  lower  end  raised  to  a level  with  the  upper  end  and  be- 
comes a trough  that  must  be  filled  before  the  water  can  resume 
its  restless  search  for  a lower  level  ; a mud-lake  with  its  sur- 
rounding marshes  is  a trough  of  this  kind. 

The  swamp  we  were  heading  for  was  nearly  two  miles  long 
and  perhaps  % of  a mile  across  at  the  widest;  the  upper  end  a 
narrow  neck,  down  which  a stream  of  water  flowed  to  lose  it- 
self in  the  widening  marsh,  among  shrubs  and  trees  that  served  to 
weld  their  spongy  bed  of  peat  and  sphagnum  into  a compact 
mass.  Sphagnum  is  the  chief  agent  in  the  formation  of  peat; 
as  it  decays  below,  it  grows  in  layer  upon  layer  above,  till  it 
reaches  an  amazing  bulk  ; it  retains  a tremendous  amount  of 
moisture  and  can  support  great  weight  on  its  surface;  but  it  is 
not  a little  treacherous,  and  is  beset  with  man  - traps,  in  the 
shape  of  openings  and  muskrat  holes,  into  which  the  unwary 
may  easily  slip  waist-deep  or  worse.  If  you  jump  on  it  or 
stamp,  you  will  set  cedars  and  tamaracks  rocking  quite  a num- 
ber of  yards  away.  At  first  one  has  a very  uncomfortable  sense 
of  insecurity  and  treads  gingerly.  As  a rule,  however,  there 
is  not  much  danger  of  Carver  Doone’s  fate  in  these  places,  or 
even  of  serious  immersion;  for  the  surface  is  bountifully  grown 
with  sedges,  herbaceous  plants  and  shrubs;  a majority  of  these 
belong  to  the  Heath  family,  viz.:  Cranberries,  Huckleberries,  An- 
dromeda, Labrador  tea  and  American  laurel ; Bog  Myrtle  or 
Sweetgale  is  also. a common  shrub.  The  centre  of  these  orchid 
swamps  is  rarely  visible  from  the  outside,  as  there  is  a belt  of 
woodland  round  it;  this  has  first  to  be  penetrated  before  you 
reach  the  lake.  Usually  for  some  distance  above  and  below 
the  lake  there  are  no  trees  towards  the  centre  where  it  is  wet- 
test; tamaracks  venture  out  furthest  from  the  drier  ground  and 



next  to  them  spruces  and  cedars;  they  never  grow  more  than 
15  or  20  feet  high  in  such  situations.  The  sides  of  the  lake 
have  a margin  varying  from  2 or  3 to  30  or  more  yards  where 
the  trees  grow  only  sparsely;  these  margins  are  simply  sphag- 
num covered  with  Huckleberries  and  other  shrubs  of  the ‘Heath 

The  mud-lake  in  this  swamp  was  about  y2  a mile  long  and 
% broad.  Too  shallow  to  swim  in,  it  is  deep  enough  to  drown 
you  a dozen  times  over.  Apparently  it  had  about  two  feet  of 
water  in  it,  but  without  even  blinking  it  .swallowed  a 20 -foot 
pole  at  a gulp,  and  then  asked  for  more.  Its  bed  is  nothing 
but  a solution  of  peat  particles  in  water,  with  the  consistency 
of  gruel  and  reaching  goodness  knows  how  far  down.  On  the 
lake  were  beds  of  Yellow  and  White  Tilies,  and  at  the  margin 
Arum  lilies  and  Pickerel-weed;  in  the  sphagnum  near  the  water 
a profusion  of  Cranberries,  Buck-beans  and  Pitcher  plants. 

Our  approach  to  the  swamp  had  lain  across  a rocky  pasture, 
then  down  a steep  slope  where  the  rock  cropped  out,  into  a 
moLst  belt  of  wood;  parts  of  this  were  evergreen,  and  where  the 
pine  and  hemlock  had  raised  banks  of  soil  with  their  roots  or 
made  them  with  their  fallen  foliage,  rather  above  the  swamp 
level,  we  found  lots  of  Cypripedium  acaule ; further  in,  where  no 
trees  but  a few  cedars  and  tamaracks  grew,  we  came  on  a huge 
colony  of  Yellow  Lady’s-slippers  ; in  some  places  they  grew  so 
thickly  that  with  the  stroke  of  a scythe  you  might  have  gath- 
ered in  a sheaf  of  the  blossoms  ; amazing  as  this  was  we  saw 
an  even  more  wonderful  growth  of  Cypripedium  hirsutum  before 
the  day  was  over  ; there  were  such  masses  of  them  that  we 
could  have  gathered  an  armful  with  the  sweep  of  a sickle.  These 
Yellow  Bady’s-slippers  were  mostly  of  the  form  known  as  pubes- 
cens , though  jnany  were  parvifiorum.  I have  found  this  orchid 
in  many  stations,  hardwoods  and  the  top  of  steep  ravines,  as 
well  as  in  swamps,  and  I have  never  been  able  to  satisfy  myself 
that  there  were  two  species;  I hold  the  latest  editors  of  Gray’s 
Manual  well  advised  in  calling  it  one  species  with  a variety. 
The  plant  is  almost  identical  with  the  European  Cypripedium 


THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BULLETIN  — NO.  6. 

LTnder  the  evergreens  where  the  acaule  was  blooming,  I found 
some  green  stalks  and  swollen  capsules  of  another  Lady’s-slip- 
per,  very  small,  the  flower  over,  though  it  had  evidently  been  in 
blossom  2 or  3 weeks  before.  I had  to  wait  11  months  to 
satisfy  my  curiosity;  but  patience  was  well  rewarded  and  curi- 
osity more  than  justified,  when,  at  the  beginning  of  June  next 
year,  I made  my  way  with  breathless  expectation  to  the 
stranger’s  retreat.  It  was  indeed  the  Ram’s-head  Lady’s-slip- 
per  (C.  arietinum).  Some  of  the  botanists  say  it  is  not  re- 
markably pretty,  only  quaint-looking  ; all  agree  that  it  is  the 
rarest  of  its  genus.  I have  found  it  in  4 or  5 places  ; it  re- 
sembles acaule  in  its  preference  for  shade  and  evergreens,  but 
it  will  also  grow  in  wetter  ground  than  acaule.  I have  seen 
it  growing  profusely  in  the  slushy  moss  of  a tamarack  swamp, 
and  occasionally  it  may  be  found  immersed  in  water  among 
the  grasses  and  sedges  with  few  or  even  no  tamaracks  to  shade 
it.  One  station  that  I know  for  it  is  peculiar  : on  a-  high 

table-land,  several  hundred  feet  above  Lake  Ontario,  at  the 
upper  edge  of  a pine  wood,  within  a few  yards  of  a clump  of 
brackens  and  (in  their  season)  orange  lilies,  stands  a large  pine 
tree,  one  of  a score  or  more  of  similar  outposts  at  the  corner 
of  the  wood;  its  spreading  branches  begin  a foot  or  two  from 
the  ground;  under  this  canopy  at  the  close  of  every  May  spring 
from  their  bed  of  pine  needles  a hundred  plants  of  Cypripedium 
arietinum , blow  in  early  June  and  disappear  again,  evanescent 
as  a flight  of  warblers. 

The  plant  in  appearance  closely  resembles  a small  Yellow 
Lady’s-slipper,  the  stem  having  similar  leaves,  thinner  and 
smoother  in  texture  than  those  of  C.  hirsutum.  The  form  of 
the  flower  is  peculiar;  the  lip  is  whitish,  streaked  with  rosy 
veins;  the  mouth  of  the  pouch  is  woolly  with  white  hairs;  the 
pouch  itself  is  oddly  shaped,  being  prolonged  downwards  on  the 
under  side  in  a gradually  narrowing  blunt-pointed  beak;  as  the 
front  wall  of  this  beak  drops  almost  sheer  while  the  back  wall 
slopes  forward  in  its  descent,  the  tip  of  the  beak  is  under  the 
front  of  the  pouch — it  is  a deep  inflated  pocket  rather  than  a 
pouch  or  cup.  Towards  the  tip  the  whitish,  veined  cup  assumes 



a greenish  hue,  even  when  the  blossom  is  fully  out.  It  is  cer- 
tainly diminutive  ; but,  to  my  way  of  thinking,  exceedingly 
pretty.  A peculiar  interest  attaches  to  this  species,  from  the 
fact  that  its  3 sepals  are  separate.  In  the  other  Cypripediums, 
one  sepal  stands  erect  behind  the  column  and  the  other  two  lie 
welded  together  as  one  broad  sepal  underneath  the  labellum  ; 
in  the  Yellow  Tady’s-slippers  the  suture  of  this  under  pair  of 
sepals  is  incomplete,  so  that  their  common  apex  is  split  into 
two  tips.  In  the  Ram’s-head  the  two  lower  sepals  are  entirely 
distinct;  as  these  and  the  side  petals  are  much  alike,  greenish- 
brown  and  narrow,  the  flower  seems  to  be  a labellum  with  a 
perianth  of  5 similar  streamers,  one  above  (the  broadest),  one 
at  each  side  and  two  beneath. 

The  same  swamp  added  three  new  species  to  my  beginner’s 
modest  little  list  of  Habenarias . In  the  marshy  woods  at  one 
side  of  the  swamp  I found  the  Habenaria  bracteata , a green 
rein-orchid,  easily  recognized  after  a little  experience;  the  low- 
est leaves  are  much  larger  than  those  higher  up,  smooth,  thick- 
ish,  dull  dark  green;  the  plant  is  about  1 ft.  high,  with  4 inches 
of  a flower  spike;  as  a rule  there  are  5 leaves  on  the  stalk  (oc- 
casionally 4) , the  lowest  is  the  shortest  and  broad  blunt  obvate 
or  spatulate  in  shape;  the  next  is  the  largest  and  longest,  but 
more  ovate  and  sharper  pointed;  the  next  is  about  as  long,  but 
broad  lanceolate;  the  next  shorter  and  narrowly  lanceolate,  sim- 
ilar (though  larger)  to  the  long  narrow  bracts  subtending  the 
flowers.  The  flowers  themselves  are  small  and  green,  the  lip  a 
narrow  oblong  cleft  at  the  apex  into  3 teeth,  the  centre  tooth 
shorter  than  the  lateral  pair;  the  spur  is  sac-shape,  not  unlike 
its  analogue  in  the  insect  world,  the  honey  bag  of  a bee;  it  is 
whitish,  pellucid,  almost  transparent,  and  of  so  delicatei  a mem- 
branous texture  that  it  withers  up  and  shrivels  before  the  rest 
of  the  flower  shows  trace  of  decay. 

In  the  open  near  the  mud-lake  among  the  Buck  - beans  and 
Pitcher-plants  were  quite  a number  of  stalks  of  Habenaria  dila- 
tata  ; it  is  very  similar  to  hyperborea  in  character,  though  usu- 
ally more  slender  and  with  narrower  leaves;  the  little  flowers 
are  snow  white  and  deliciously  fragrant  ; the  smell  without 


THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BUIAETIN  — NO.  6. 

being  heavy  like  that  of  hyacinths  or  some  of  the  lilies  is  yet 
full-bodied  and  rich,  a pure  sweetness,  reminding  one  a little  of 
syringa  or  basswood  at  its  prime. 

A week  or  two  later  I found  the  extremely  handsome  Habe- 
naria  leucophcea.  I had  no  illustrations  of  orchids  in  those 
days,  and  not  being  familiar  with  any  species  like  leucophcea , 
I wrongly  identified  the  plant  as  Habenaria  blephari glottis.  This 
idea  remained  fixed  till  last  summer,  when  I discovered  H. 
blephariglottis  in  great  abundance  on  the  margin  of  a mud- 
lake  north  of  Muskoka.  I had  then  to  rearrange  my  ideas  of 
the  Fringed  Orchids,  and  was  for  some  time  doubtful  whether 
this  early  find  of  mine  was  leucophcea  or  lacera.  Many  of  my 
readers  are  probably  amateurs  like  myself,  and  doubtless  find 
just  such  difficulties  as  have  beset  me,  cropping  up  all  along 
the  orchid-hunter’s  path;  so  I shall  attempt  a description  of 
the  orchid  and  mention  some  of  the  points  of  distinction  be- 
tween it  and  those  I had  confused  it  with. 

The  plants  of  leucophcea  stood  up  well  over  two  feet  in 
height,  some  of  them  over  three  feet  ; they  grew  in  the  open 
swamp  close  to  one  corner  of  the  mud-lake  ; near  them  were 
plants  of  H . dilatata ; the  stout  stem  was  leafy  with  several 
long  narrow  lanceolate  leaves  ; the  flower  spike  was  loose,  on 
an  average  4 inches  long  and  2 inches  wide;  the  flowers  (12  to 
16  in  number)  large  with  long  (1%  inches)  somewhat  clavellate 
spurs;  the  general  impression  you  got  was  of  white  flowers  with 
a greenish  tinge  on  the  sepals;  but  the  flowers  are  not  white;  I 
have  found  the  plant  a dozen  times  and  in  swamps  200  miles 
apart,  and  the  flowers  have  never  been  white;  to  make  certain 
of  the  color  one  had  only  to  set  side  by  side  a spike  of  H . 
dilatata  and  one  of  this  Fringed  Orchid;  by  contrast  with  the 
former’s  snowy  gleam,  leucophcea  shows  jaundiced  yellow  ; in 
point  of  fact  it  is  of  a delicate  cream  color,  something  like  that 
of  basswood  blossom.  The  flowers  are  fragrant  with  a delicate 
odor  suggestive  of  English  meadow-sweet,  or  of  elder,  but  more 
faint  and  subtle.  The  lip  is  large,  % of  an  inch  wide  and  about 
the  same  length  from  base  to  tip,  broadly  fan-shaped  and  divid- 
ed into  3 irregularly  wedge-shaped  divisions,  the  middle  division 



much  the  largest  ; all  these  divisions  are  cut  to  the  middle  (at 
the  sides  almost  to  the  base)  into  'a  copious  fringe;  the  spur  ( ix/2 
inches)  is  much  longer  than  the  ovary,  in  the  lower  third  of  its 
length  thickened  (clavellate)  and  then  tapering  again  to  a blunt- 
ish  tip.  It  is  at  its  prime  about  July  15.  H^abenaria  lacera 
I have  never  found,  but  it  appears  to  be  of  a similar  color  to 
leucophcea ; the  lip  is  3 parted,  but  the  segments  are  narrow  and 
the  fringe  of  the  side  segments  consists  of  only  3 or  4 long 
threads  an  inch  long);  the  spur  is  clavellate  as  in  leucophcea , 
but  it  is  shorter  than  the  ovary,  being  about  % of  an  inch  long. 
Blephari glottis  has  a simple  lip  ovate  in  shape,  something  like 
a tongue,  slightly  convex  and  fringed  round  the  sides  and  tip; 
the  spur  (about  % of  an  inch  in  length)  is  slightly  longer  than 
the  ovary;  it  is  not  clavellate,  but  tapers  evenly  to  a point  ; 
the  blossom  is  snow-white  and  conspicuous  from  a distance;  it 
is  not  a glistening  or  waxy  white,  but  dead  white  like  paper 
without  any  sizing;  it  flowers  from  the  latter  part  of  July  till 
the  middle  of  August;  the  plants  are  not  as  large  as  those  of 
leucophcea , ranging  from  10  to  20  inches  in  height;  the  flower 
spike  is  denser  and  not  so  wide,  ranging  in  length  from  I inch 
to  2%  inches,  in  breadth  from  I inch  to  1%  inches;  the  spurs  are 
straighter  and  point  more  directly  downwards;  in  leucophcea , the 
spur  is  generally  boldly  curved  like  a strung  bow. 

The  only  other  fringed  orchid  known  to  me  is  the  Smaller 
Purple  Fringed  Orchid  (Habenaria  psychodes)  . It  is  fairly  com- 
mon about  the  margin  of  willow  swamps  near  the  Rideau  and 
in  beaver  meadows  about  sluggish  peaty  streams;  it  is  a beau- 
tiful orchid  in  its  native  haunts  uprearing  its  broad  raceme  of 
mauve  purple  among  meadow-rue,  tall  sedges  and  clumps  of 
spiraea.  The  lip  is  fan-shaped  and  tripartite  with  the  divisions 
fringed;  in  this  as  in  its  fragrance  it  resembles  leucophcea. 

We  pass  from  the  H abenarias  of  this  swamp  to  a group  of 
3 orchids  that  come  next  in  Gray’s  Manual.  I mean  the  Beard- 
tongue  (Pogonia),  the  Grass-pink  (Calopogon)  and  the  Are- 
thusa.  These  were  all  growing  in  the  wet  sphagnum  near  the 
lake;  all  are  beautiful  in  various  shades  of  magenta,  from  deep 
crimson  to  pale  pink.  The  Calopogon  was  conspicuous  at  a 

*8  THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BULLETIN  — NO.  6. 

distance  by  its  height  (12—18  inches)  and  handsome  spreading 
branchlets  of  3 to  7 or  more  bright  magenta  blossoms.  It  grows 
from  a hard  corm-like  bulb,  has  a single  long  grass-like  leaf, 
whose  base  sheathes  the  stem;  it  is  our  only  orchid  whose  ovary 
is  not  twisted.  The  lip  of  an  orchid  is  really  the  upper  petal, 
but  the  ovary  is  twisted  so  that  the  corolla  is  given  a complete 
turn;  the  upper  petal  becomes  the  lower  and  so  placed  develops 
strange  shapes  and  properties  with  a view  to  cross-fertiliza- 
tion through  insect  agency;  the  spurs,  for  instance,  at  the  base 
of  the  lip  are  horns  filled  with  nectar  to  entice  insects  to  enter 
the  flower,  and  they  are  so  placed  that  in  reaching  them  the 
insect  gets  dusted  or  plastered  with  pollen  and  then  smears  the 
pollen  on  the  stigma  of  the  next  flower  it  visits.  The  Calopogon 
has,  so  far  as  is  known,  no  store  of  nectar  ; and  in  any  case, 
the  lip  being  above  the  reproductive  parts,  a secretion  of  nec- 
tar from  any  part  of  the  lip  would  be  useless  — without  some 
additional  modification.  If  you  examine  the  lip  which  stands 
up  erect  above  the  column  you  will  see  that  it  is  hinged  ; fur- 
ther, the  face  of  it  is  adorned  with  a brush  of  gaudy  yellow 
and  magenta  hairs;  whether  the  insect  makes  for  these  in  the 
belief  that  they  are  stamens  from  which  it  may  gather  pollen, 
or  merely  sees  a good  place  to  cling  to — a bush,  as  it  were,  jut- 
ting from  a steep  wall,  or  what;  anyway,  it  alights  there,  and 
its  act  of  settling  springs  the  booby-trap;  down  goes  the  lid 
and  dumps  the  insect- victim  backwards  on  to  the  column;  the 
column  lies  more  or  less  prostrate  or  horizontal  and  is  widened 
at  the  outer  end  like  the  top  of  a crutch;  the  jar  of  the  insect’s 
body  starts  the  pollinia  out  from  their  sockets  ; the  insect 
squeezes  forward  to  get  out  of  the  blossom  over  the  end  of  the 
stigma,  its  stickied  abdomen  touches  the  pollinia  threads  which 
at  once  adhere  tightly;  at  the  next  flower  the  pollinia  are  left 
on  the  stigma.  The  puzzle  (if  this  process  is  really  verified) 
remains,  how  insects  as  intelligent  as  bees  can  continue  to  be 
made  boobies  of  by  this  trap.  Darwin  practically  upset  Spren- 
gel’s  theory  that  many  flowers  were  11  false  nectar-producers,” 
by  demonstrating  that  many  of  the  Habenarias  supposed  to 
contain  no  nectar  in  their  spurs  had  the  secretion  stored  between 



the  inner  and  outer  walls  of  tissue;  he  found  moreover  the  inner 
wall  so  delicate  that  a human  hair  could  pierce  it,  and  it  be- 
came pretty  certain  that  insects  perforated  this  inner  wall  and 
so  got  at  the  nectar. 

The  blossoms  of  the  Calopogon  are.  more  or  less  resupinate, 
i.e.,  lying  on  their  back  and  facing  upward;  the  hinge  of  the  lip 
works1  so  easily  that  if  the  wind  sways  the  stem  or  if  you  jar 
the  stalk  the  lid  or  lip  falls  forward  and  down.  You  seldom 
find  more  than  2 or  3 flowers  open  at  a time,  the  lower  ones 
fading  before  the  top  ones  burst  open.  Its  flowering  season  is 
the  first  half  of  July. 

The  Pogonia  has  a single  flower  of  light  rose  red  or  more 
usually  pale  magenta  pink;  the  stalk  is  usually  8 or  10  inches 
long,  not  quite,  erect,  but  bending  over  its  bed  of  watery  moss; 
midway  on  the  stalk  is  a sessile  lance-shaped  leaf  and  a second 
(smaller)  at  the  base  of  the  ovary;  the  sepals  and  petals  droop 
forward  in  a kind  of  loose  hood  over  the  lip,  which  is  crested 
and  fringed  on  the  face  with  yellow  and  whitish  fleshy  hairs. 
The  flowers  have  a characteristic  odor,  which  some  liken  to  the 
smell  of  raspberries;  I think  this  goes  a good  way  to  prove  that 
our  language  of  smells  is  still  in  its  infancy  ; there  are  a hun- 
dred times  as  many  distinct  and  recognizable  smells  as  there 
are  shades  of  color,  yet  we  haven’t  a tenth  part  the  vocabulary 
of  scents  that  we  have  of  tints.  All  we  can  say  when  we  smell 
a flower  is  that  it’s  “like  such  and  such  another  smell  — only 
different.”  Those  who  have  studied  our  ferns  will  recollect 
that  the  Fragrant  Shield-fern  (Aspidium  fragrans)  is  described 
as  having  a scent  “like  crushed  raspberries”;  no  one  who  has 
smelled  the  delicious  scent  of  the  Fragrant  Shield-fern  would  ever 
be  reminded  of  Pogonias,  or  vice  versa;  the  scent  from  the  fern 
is  highly  aromatic  and  suggests  a spice  ; some  resiny  powder 
that  Puck  might  fill  King  Oberon’s  snuff-box  with.  A scent 
like  vanilla,  I was  going  to  say,  which  by  a curious  coincidence 
makes  me  seem  to  be  arguing  in  a circle;  for  vanilla  is  a spice 
derived  from  an  orchid  in  the  same  group  as  Arethusa  and 
Pogonia  ; but  the  aroma  belongs  to  the  dried  capsule,  and  like 
all  spices  suggests  dry  tissue,  whether  wood,  bar.k  or  root.  The 


THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BULLETIN  — NO.  6. 

fragrance  of  Pogonia  is  not  aromatic  ; while  distinctive,  it  is 
delicate  rather  than  stro(ng;  the  reverse,  of  pungent  as  most  spices 
are;  it  suggests  moisture;  and  it  suggests  sphagnum;  yes,  even 
the  peat  bogs  with  which  the  flower  is  associated,  as  well  as 
mere  sweetness.  Probably  like  most  smells  it  is  a very  com- 
plex sensation,  for1 1 find  in  it  also  a quality  peculiar  to  orchids, 
it  even  reminds  me  a little  of  the  smell  of  the  yellow  lady’s- 
slipper — only  different. 

The  Arethusa  does  not  venture  out  into  the  open  grass  and 
moss  so  near  the  water;  it  prefers  the  shelter  of  low  huckleberry 
and  other  bushes  some  yards  back  from  the  mud-lake.  Here, 
with  its  bulb  safely  set  in  moist  sphagnum,  it  raises  its  graceful 
form  to  a height  of  8 or  io  inches;  the  erect  scape  sheathed  by 
two  or  three  bracts  and  bearing  at  the  summit  a single  erect 
blossom  somewhat  like  that  of  the  Pogonia,  with  lip  crested 
and  ridged  with  yellow  and  whitish  fleshy  hairs;  but  the  flower 
is  crimson  or  red  magenta  in  color,  not  pale,  and  the  perianth 
is  erect;  a sepal  and  two  petals  upright  behind  the  column,  and 
flanking  these  but  slightly  forward  of  them,  two  more  sepals 
partly  erect  but  their  tips  drooping  or  arched  forward.  It  sug- 
gests quaintly  to  one’s  fancy  a creature  startled  and  listening 
intently.  It  is  as  fugitive  as  it  is  shy;  the  blossom  is  rarely 
seen  before  the  middle  of  June,  it  is  gone  by  the  close.  Small 
as  it  is,  the  Arethusa  is  exquisitely  beautiful . and  matchless 
in  elegant  grace  of  outline. 

The  total  number  of  species  secured  in  this  swamp  was 
about  15,  but  two  years  later  I was  shown  a sphagnum  swamp 
of  even  more  wonderful  richness  in  orchids.  It  is  larger  and 
has  no  mud-lake  in  the  centre  ; it  forms  a rough  oblong  from 
two  to  three  miles  long  and  nearly  a mile  across  at  the  wid- 
est. From  end  to  end  runs  a path,  usually  half  submerged  and 
always  boggy  and  treacherous,  but  rich  in  sphagnum.  If  you 
keep  to  this  path  it  will  lead  you  first  through  a dense  wood 
of  small  tamaracks  growing  in  wet  moss  ; then  through  a 
beaver  meadow  or  marshy  clearing  with  stumps  and  scattered 
shrubs;  then  through  a spruce  wood  ; then  through  another 
beaver  meadow,  and  finally  out  through  pines  to  higher  ground. 



At  one  side  of  the  path  near  the  centre  of  the  swamp’s  length 
lies  a partly-drained  huckleberry  marsh  shut  in  on  all  sides  by 
trees  ; pines,  spruce  and  tamarack  on  the  inner  sides,  poplar  at 
the  outer  side  near  the  high  ground  ; it  As  obscured  by  rows 
and  clumps  of  trees  scattered  over  its  surface;  a difficult  place 
to  find,  a still  more  difficult  place  to  lose,  and  a nightmare  to 
tramp  over  in  the  blazing  noon  of  a July  day.  But  everywhere 
throughout  the  length  and  breadth  of  the  swamp  there  are 
orchids.  I have  never  had  a chance  to  exhaust  the  wealth  of 
the  swamp  throughout  the  long  season  at  which  orchids  bloom, 
but  nearly  every  year  for  more  than  io  years  I haye  spent  a few 
days  there,  never  earlier  than  the  end  of  May  or  later  than  the 
middle  of  August.  If  one  lived  there  the  year  round  and  had 
leisure,  I don’t  doubt  as  many  as  30  species  of  orchid  would  be 
found  within  its  limits.  This  is  really  a remarkable  range,  for 
all  Ontario  has  very  little  more  than  40  species. 

One  of  the  first  finds  I made  on  striking  into  the  path 
through  this  swamp  was  the  Liparis  loeselii.  Its  favorite  home  is 
wet  thickets  and  springy  banks  ; in  wet  thickets  and  wooded 
swamps  it  seems  to  have  a peculiar  fondness  for  a track  of 
some  kind,  often  growing  in  the  padway  or  ruts  of  a grassy 
winter-road,  or  the  trodden  hollows  of  a footpath,  usually  in 
water  ; in  such  stations  the  plant  is  of  a lax  habit,  the  pair  of 
keeled  basal  leaves  spreading  limply  out  at  a wide  angle  from 
the  scape  ; patches  of  Marsh  Marigolds  are  often  its  compan- 
ions in  such  situations  ; but  in  .springy  banks  where  its  com- 
panion is  often  the  Adder’ s-tongue  Fern  it  is  smaller  and  more 
rigid,  the  leaves  more  upright  and  appearing  to  support  the 
flower  stalk  as  it  were  in  a vase.  The  leaves  are  elliptic,  pale 
green  and  oily  smooth,  5 or  6 inches  long  by  an  inch  or  so  in 
width  ; the  flowers  are  few,  greenish  in  a loose  raceme  ; the 
parts  of  the  perianth  are  linear,  the  petals  threadlike  in  their 
narrowness  ; the  lip  juts  forward  horizontally  and  is  then  de- 
flected in  a widened  apex  of  pellucid  yellowish  green,  wavy- 
crisped  or  scalloped  at  the  edges.  It  flowers  from  June  to  July. 

Close  to  it  I found  some  spikes  of  another  small  green 
orchid  with  a single  ovate  leaf,  its  petiole  sheathing  the  base  of 


THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BULLETIN  — NO.  6. 

the  stalk,  the  blade  spreading  about  an  inch  higher;  the  whole 
plant  only  5 or  6 inches  high;  the  upper  half  a narrow  spike  of 
tiny  whitish  green  blossoms  standing  on  fairly  erect  short  pedi- 
cels (about  1-9  inch  long),  the  spike  so  strict  as  hardly  to  ex- 
ceed 1-3  of  an  inch  in  width;  the  parts  of  the  perianth  acute, 
the  petals  narrower  than  the  sepals.  ; the  lip  ovate  and  pro- 
longed to  a sharp  tip  ; it  proved  to  be  Microstylis  (Acroanthes) 
monophylla  ; I have  often  found  it  with  Eoesel’s  Twayblade  in 
the  wet  paths  and  roads  of  wooded  swamps.  I have  also  found 
it  abundant  in  the  leaf-mould  of  some  dark  and  damp  decidu- 
ous woods,  and  once  near  Jones’  Falls,  on  the  Rideau  Canal,  I 
found  it  plentiful  on  one  side  of  a steep  rocky  hill  (only  sparsely 
shaded  with  trees)  growing  in  clefts  and  ledges  of  rock.  From 
the  latter  part  of  June  into  July  is  its  flowering  season. 

This  same  swamp  harbors  the  other  species  of  this  genus  ; 
round  the  edges  of  the  partly-drained  blueberry  - marsh  I have 
found  it  at  the  end  of  July  and  in  August — Microstylis  unifolia 
(ophioglossoides)  . It  is  a more  delicate-looking  plant  ; about 
6 inches  high,  the  leaf  sheathing  the  stem  in  a loose  funnel  and 
spreading  out  into  an  oval  blade  half  way  up  the  stem  ; the 
flower  cluster  is  a loose  raceme  about  1%  inches  long  and  2-3 
or  3-4  of  an  inch  wide;  the  flowers  are  on  long  pedicels  (1-4  to 
1-3  of  an  inch  long),  very  slender  and  filiform  ; the  lip  of  the 
flower  is  somewhat  truncate  and  3-lobed,  the  lateral  lobes  longer 
than  the  centre;  on. the  lower  half  of  the  raceme  the  flowers  are 
scattered,  spreading  and  distant;  at  the  upper  half  they  become 
crowded  and  grow  upwards  to  a flat  top;  looked  at  from  above 
the  top  of  the  raceme  is  almost  as  flat  as  a tiny  umbel — corym- 
bose, you  might  call  it  ; as  the  flowers  are  resupinate  and  face 
upwards,  it  has  the  curious  appearance  of  having  been  artificial- 
ly flattened,  as  though  a sheet  of  glass  had  been  held  over  the 
top  of  the  raceme  till  the  flowers  at  the  summit  of  their  thread- 
like pedicels  had  all  been  checked  at  the  same  point  in  their 
upward  growth.  The  difference  in  general  outline  between  uni- 
folia (ophioglossoides)  and  monophylla  resembles  that  between 
the  Tiarella  with  its  short  spreading  raceme  of  “foam-flowers” 



and  the  Mitella  with  its  long  strict  spike  of  nearly  sessile  blos- 

Near  the  far  end  of  the  blueberry  marsh  were  some  clumps 
of  fairly  tall  spruce  hemmed  in  by  thickets  of  straggling  shrubs  ; 
in  this  dense  shrubbery  I found  many  plants  of  the  Stemless 
Lady’s-slipper  and  occasional  stalks  of  the  Long-pediceledMicro- 
stylis ; while  right  in  under  the  spruces  along  with  C:  acaule  was 
Goodyera  repens  (Epipactis  ophioides) , with  its  little  one-sided 
raceme  of  white  woolly  flowers  and  its  spreading  tufted  rosette 
of  green  leaves  boldly  veined  or  chequered  with  white.  It  flow- 
ers in  August,  and  further  north  in  the  forests  of  the  Algonquin 
Park  it  is  abundant;  as  is  the  larger  one-sided  raceme  of  Good- 
yera Mensiesii  (Epipactis  decipiens) . They  are  usually  under 
evergreens,  and  pubescens  is  found  in  the  same  locality,  easily 
distinguished  by  its  raceme  not  being  one-sided. 

I found  also  in  this  swamp  Habenaria  obtusata , a frequent 
companion  of  the  Goodyera,  but  with  a much  wider  range,  in- 
deed coextensive  with  the  swamp  in  wet  and  dry,  but  always  more 
or  less  shaded  spots;  its  single  slightly-stalked  leaf  rises  from 
the  base  to  a height  of  4 or  5 inches,  the  scape  reaching  twice 
that  height  with  a few-flowered  loose  raceme  of  greenish-white 
flowers,  the  lip  entire  and  lanceolate,  deflexed,  about  % of  an 
inch  long;  the  spur  about  the  same  length. 

Where  I first  found  the  Long-pediceled  Microstylis  at  the  end 
of  July,  I was  puzzled  by  an  orchid  — for  so  it  seemed  — that 
was  only  just  in  bud;  it  was  growing,  a few  spikes  of  it  here 
and  there  in  the  damp  sphagnum  at  the  edge  of  a ditch  serving 
to  drain  part  of  the  blueberry  marsh.  I marked  the  place  care- 
fully, and  returning  a fortnight  later  enjoyed  the  treat  of  first 
acquaintance  with  the  Ladies’  Tresses.  The  species  was  Roman- 
2offiana.  Sturdy  erect  stems,  some  of  them  a foot  or  more  in 
height,  a tuft  of  upright  grass-like  leaves  at  the  base;  a thick 
crowded  spike  of  white  (or  sometimes  creamy)  flowers  tinged 
with  green,  in  a spiral  of  three  ranks;  the  flowers  standing  out 
at  right  angles  to  the  stem  ; the  sepals  and  petals  connivent 
(united)  in  a hood  over  the  lip  ; the  lip  is  described  as  pan- 
durate  (i.e.,  fiddle-shaped)  ; if  you  follow  its  roughly  oblong 


THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BULLETIN  — NO.  6. 

outline  from  the  base  to  the  tip  you  will  see  it  is  slightly  con- 
tracted or  pinched  at  the  sides  just  forward  of  the  base,  and 
again  more  strongly  just  short  of  the  dilated  crisped  apex.  There 
is  a second  species  very  similar  that  flowers  a month  later  and 
lasts  on  into  October,  Spiranthes  cernua ; the  lip  is  not  pandu- 
rate,  but  wavy-crisped  at  the  sides  and  in  front  towards  the 
apex;  near  the  base  on  the  upper  surface  of  the  lip  are  two 
small  nipple-shaped  callosities  ; the  two  lower  sepals  are  not 
connivent  over  the  lip  with  the  other  parts  of  the  perianth,  but 
free.  It  is  frequently  found  in  moist  meadows  and  springy  banks 
and  I have  often  seen  it  in  such  places  in  company  with  Iyiparis, 
Adder’ s-tongue  Fern,  Fringed  Gentian,  Grass  of  Parnassus  and 
the  Targe  Blue  Lobelia  (L.  syphilitica)  . Both  these  species  are 
deliciously  fragrant;  one  writer  says  like  violets,  another  like 
the  bloom  of  the  horse-chestnut  ; it  reminds  me  (along  with  its 
honey  sweetness)  of  the  smell  of  almonds  or  bruised  laurel,  and 

1 think  there  is  in  the  fragrance  of  the  horse-chestnut  blossom 
just  a suggestion  of  almonds.  Perhaps  all  three  statements 
may  be  partly  reconciled  if  we  suppose  the  first  writer  to  be 
referring  to  the  scent  of  the  little  white  .violet  of  the  swamps  and 
peaty  cedar  groves  ; its  scent  is  decidedly  aromatic,  a spicy 
sweetness,  as  is  the  scent  of  Spiranthes. 

There  are  two  more  species  of  Ladies’  Tresses  that  I have 
found.  One  (Spiranthes  latifolia  or  plantaginea)  blooming  in 
the  middle  of  June  in  moist  grass  and  the  “ stodgy  ” soil  on 
the  margins  of  running  streams;  the  flowers  are  smaller  and  form 
a narrow  tube;  the  lip  has  a spot  of  yellow  on  the  face  of  it  ; 
the  other  (Spiranthes  gracilis ) grows  in  pine  barrens  and  sandy 
plains;  the  flower  spike  is  one-sided,  but  as  the  stalk  is  twisted 
spirally  3 or  4 times,  the  flowers  wind  in  a slender  gradual  spiral 
about  the  stem.  I do  not  mean,  of  course,  that  the  stem  is 
spiral  like  a corkscrew;  but  if  you  were  to  hold  the  top  of  the 
stem  taut  in  a vertical  position  and  then  roll  it  round  in  one 
direction  a few  times  between  finger  and  thumb  you  would  pro- 
duce the  effect;  imagine  a length  of  string  formed  of  3 strands, 

2 green  and  1 white;  if  you  follow  the  white  strand  up,  your 
eye  will  trace  a spiral  round  and  round  the  string  ; that  white 



strand  is  the  one-sided  raceme  of  flowers  in  Spiranthes  gracilis. 
The  flowers  individually  form  small  very  narrow  tubes.  I have 
only  found  it  twice,  once  in  High  Park  (Toronto)  and  once  near 
the  Rideau. 

One  more  orchid  remains  to  be  mentioned  as  found  in  this  ex- 
traordinary swamp.  It  is  found  in  watery  moss  under  the 
tamaracks  within  sight  of  the  central  path.  In  those  days  it 
was  known  as  Habenaria  rotundifolia , but  it  has  since  been 
transferred  to  its  true  genus  of  Orchis.  Orchis  rotundifolia  is 
decidedly  uncommon  ; I have  never  found  it  anywhere  but  in 
this  swamp,  and  it  is  far  from  abundant  there.  It  is  showy 
and  easily  recognized  by  the  single  broadly  ovate  or  nearly  or- 
bicular fleshy  leaf  near  the  base;  the  parts  of  the  perianth  are 
ovate  oblong  and  of  a pale  purple  or  rose  color  ; the  lip  is 
longer  than  the  sepals  and  petals  and  longer  than  the  slender  de- 
pending spur,  being  from  1-4  to  1-3  of  an  inch  long;  it  is  thick 
and  fleshy,  of  a waxy  white  spotted  with  deep  purple  or  ma- 
genta; the  shape  of  the  lip  is  3-lobed,  the  lateral  lobes  near  the 
base,  short  and  acute,  the  center  lobe  carried  forward  in  an  ob- 
long, dilated  and  notched  or  bilobed  at  the  apex. 

Our  only  other  species  in  this  genus  is  much  more  common, 
the  Showy  Orchid;  yet  all  the  years  I was  in  Bastern  Ontario 
I never  chanced  to  see  Orchis  spectabilis , though  other  collect- 
ors were  more  fortunate.  When  I came  to  Port  Hope,  how- 
ever, I found  one  of  the  showy  orchid’s  favorite  haunts.  This 
was  a hardwood  bush  of  beech  and  maple,  with  pine  at  one 
corner  and  hemlock  scattered  throughout.  The  soil  was  peaty 
and  rich  with  vegetable  mould,  quite  swampy  in  parts  and  damp 
and  springy  everywhere. 

Here  at  the  end  of  May  and  early  in  June,  Orchis  specta- 
bilis is  rife,  usually  in  moist  situations  under  the  shadow  of 
the  hemlocks.  Tike  its  congener  rotundifolia  it  has  a loose  4- 
to  6-flowered  raceme.  In  place  of  a single  leaf  it  has  a pair  of 
light  fleshy  green  leaves  that  enfold  the  scape  as  it  were*  in  a 
cup  ; the  lip  is  entire,  long  and  ovate,  fleshy  and  snow  white 
(as  a rule);  the  perianth  is  described  as  magenta  in  the  bota- 
nies, but  it  in  no  way  resembles  the  magenta  of  the  Calopogon, 


THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BULLETIN  — NO.  6. 

or  even  of  the  Arethusa,  which  is  lighter  than  the  Calopogon, 
or  yet  of  the  Pogonia,  whose  magenta  varies  from  bright  to 
pale  rose-pink.  All  purples,  of  course,  are  blended  of  red  and 
blue;  in  magenta  (to  my  eyes)  the  dominant  color  note  is  red; 
in  the  perianth  of  Orchis  spectabilis , it  seems  to  me,  blue  pre- 
dominates; if  I were  asked  to  name  its  color,  I should  say  pale 
mauve  (or  heliotrope  ?)  of  an  extremely  delicate  shade;  it  con- 
veys to  the  eye  a sense  of  dreamy  softness  in  which  the  out- 
line of  the  flower  seems  to  melt  ; as  long  as  one  looks  at  the 
fleshy  white  lip  the  eye  seems  to  find  a solid  resting-place,  well 
defined;  but  once  the  eye  travels  to  the  mauve  perianth,  it  is 
hard  'to  tell  where  the  edge  of  the  flower  passes  into  the  shadowy 
spaces  beyond;  as  though  the  bloom  exhaled  a kind  of  ethereal 
vapor  in  which  it  floated  nebulous. 

The  editor  of  Gibson’s  “Our  Native  Orchids”  says  of  Hook- 
er’s Habenaria  that  it  is  often  found  with  the  Showy  Orchid. 
Curiously  enough,  rare  as  Hooker’s  Orchid  is  with  us,  I have 
found  it  not  uncommon  in  this  one  wood  so  rich  in  the  Showy 
Orchid.  Sometimes  it  is  in  damp  shade  under  the  hemlocks, 
but  more  generally  in  fairly  firm  soil  near  the  base  of  beech 
trees.  It  very  closely  resembles  H . orbiculata , but  there  are 
several  points  of  distinction  in  structure  and  appearance  as  well 
as  in  habitat.  No  one  seeing  the  two  together,  I imagine,  would 
have  any  difficulty  in  separating  them  and  correctly  identify- 
ing. The  real  trouble  is,  one  seldom  gets  a chance  to  compare 
the  two,  as  they  seldom  grow  together.  Orbiculata  prefers 
swamps  and  the  dense  shade  of  low  damp  woods,  usually  ever- 
green ; in  general  appearance  it  is  larger,  lighter  green,  and 
looser  in  its  raceme  than  Hooker’s  Orchid.  The  flowers  are 
whitish  green  on  the  face  and  the  very  long  (3-5  of  an  inch  to 
1 inch)  spur  is  clavellate  towards  the  apex.  The  flowers  of  H. 
Hookeri  are  decidedly  yellow-green  on  the  face  ; this  is  seen  on 
a close  view  to  be  caused  by  two  lateral  spots  of  yellow  at 
the  throat  ; the  spurs  are  not  clavellate,  but  taper  uniformly 
to  a slender  tip.  The  stalk  of  orbiculata  is  bracted,  while  that 
of  Hookeri  is  always  bare  ; in  both  plants  the  stalk  is  apt 
to  be  twisted  so  that  the  parallel  lines  and  grooves  running 



vertically  up  the  scape  form  a spiral  ; one  last  point  I have 
noticed  : the  flowers  of  Hookeri  are  so  poised  that  the  spurs 
point  more  or  less  directly  downwards,  while  in  orbiculata  they 
hang  traversely  ; so  much  so  that  the  tip  of  the  spur  some- 
times passes  behind  or  in  front  of  the  scape  and  projects  beyond. 
The  surest  point  of  distinction  is,  however,  the  character  of  the 
spur  in  the  two.  Hooker’s  blooms  in  June,  the  other  in  July. 

In  the  same  wood  and  in  most  of  the  beech  and  maple  woods 
in  this  neighborhood  I have  found  the  Downy  Rattlesnake  Plan- 
tain (Goodyera  pubescens)  ; and  also  wherever  the  woods  are 
damp  and  dark  enough  with  plenty  of  rich  vegetable  mould  you 
will  find  the  Many-flowered  Coralroot  (Corallorhisa  multiflora)  . 
A common  companion  is  the  Indian  Pipe,  a brother  parasite 
among  the  Heaths. 

The  Corallorhizas  are  named  for  their  curious  roots,  which 
are  much  branched  into  a mass  of  short  fleshy  tuberous  knobs, 
whitish  and  brittle  ; the  plants  are  saprophytes,  deriving  their 
nourishment  from  decaying  wood  and  roots;  they  pay  for  their 
degenerate  habit  by  an  entire  lack  of  chlorophyll,  so  that  none 
of  them  has  any  trace  of  foliage  or  green  coloring.  Two  species 
are  fairly  common,  one  small  with  a light  muddy  brown  stalk 
having  2 or  3 sheaths  in  place  of  foliage  ; the  scape  6 or  7 
inches  high  with  a spike  of  8 or  9 small  dull  purple  or  brownish 
flowers  having  a white  or  whitish  lip  ; it  is  called  trifida , from 
the  lip  having  2 small  lateral  lobes  above  the  base  ; the  old 
name  was  innata  ; it  flowers  in  May  or  early,  June  and  is  found 
in  wet  shaded  places;  I have  found  it  in  swamps  of  alder,  wil- 
low and  poplar,  and  also  in  marshy  woods  with  Idparis  and  the 
Short-pediceled  Microstylis.  The  other  common  one  is  Coral- 
lorhisa  multiflora  (maculata)  ; a much  taller,  stouter  plant,  dull 
purple  or  madder  brown;  the  flowers  dull  purple  with  the  lip 
white  spotted  with  magenta-crimson  ; its  flowering  season  is 

There  are  besides  two  rare  species  in  Ontario.  One  large, 
larger  than  C.  maculata , having  very  large  flowers  (for  the 
genus)  with  a limp  drooping  habit;  the  plant  is  dull  purple  or 
madder;  the  lip  conspicuously  striate  with  deep  purple  lines  ; 


THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BULLETIN  — NO.  6. 

there  are  3 stripes  of  brighter  purple  on  every  part  of  the  peri- 
anth ; the  plant  is  a western  form  and  is  very  local  in  Ontario. 
Here  in  Port  Hope  about  3 years  ago  two  small  children 
emerged  from  a w^ood  with  their  hands  full  of  this  orchid  ; it 
has  never  been  seen  since.  Twice  it  has  been  found  by  a friend 
of  mine  near  the  Rideau  Rake,  in  damp  dark  woods,  once  with 
Orchis  spectabilis.  Last  June  a plant  was  sent  from  Port  Syd- 
ney (Muskoka)  to  the  late  Dr.  Brodie.  It  had  been  found  grow- 
ing in  the  grass-border  of  a road  close  to  a deep  dark  wood 
of  mixed  evergreens  and  deciduous  trees  ; the  species  is  called 
C.  striata  (Macrcci)  ; its  flowering  season  is  June,  usually  the 
earlier  part  of  the  month.  A fourth  species  comes  from  the 
south  and  is  occasional  in  Southern  Ontario;  it  is  as  small  as 
C.  innata  but  purplish  rather  than  dirty  yellow,  and  its  small 
flowers  have  some  rich  purple  spots  on  the  whitish  lip;  the  base 
of  the  scape  is  thickened  like  a corm  ; it  is  called  odontorhisa , 
but  whether  the  root  is  really  ' ‘toothlike”  or  not  I do  not  know; 
it  is  said  to  flower  from  July  to  August  ; I have  only  once 
found  it  and  that  was  at  the  beginning  of  July  when  it  was  just 
out  in  bloom.  The  genus  is  almost  spurless;  most  species  are 
gibbous  beneath  at  the  base  of  the  lip;  the  species  multiflora  or 
maculata  is  peculiar  in  having  a developed  spur. 

Out  of  some  40  species  of  the  orchids  described  in  Spotton  I 
had  as  long  as  10  years  ago  come  upon  the  homes  of  28  ; till 
3 years  ago  my  list  received  no  extension.  But  in  the  last  3 
seasons  I have  been  able  to  add  8 new  species  ; some  of  these  I 
have  already  mentioned  in  dealing  with  other  species  of  their 
several  genera.  Two  or  three  remain  to  be  named. 

The  first  is  the  Helleborine,  Epipactis  ( Serapias)  Hellebo- 
rine  ; it  is  probably  not  a native  ; in  all  likelihood  it  was  in- 
troduced from  Europe  in  the  earlier  days  of  herbalist  doctors 
for  its  reputed  virtue  as  a medicine.  It  has  been  found  in  three 
neighborhoods  only  on  the  whole  continent  — Toronto  (Ont.), 
Syracuse  and  Buffalo  (N.Y.)  ; this  is  surely  significant  ; a true 
native  would  not  have  hung  on  the  outskirts  of  a city.  It  was 
in  High  Park  (Toronto)  that  I found  a colony  of  these  settlers. 
They  were  situated  on  the  shady  margin  of  a small  stream 



among  rank  grass  and  alluvial  deposit;  they  were  in  full  bloom 
at  the  beginning  of  September;  their  season  is  said  to  be  from 
July  to  August.  The  plants  ranged  from  12  to  20  inches  in 
height.  An  average  specimen  would  be  15  inches  high.  There 
is  a curious  symmetry  in  the  growth  of  the  stem  and  foliage. 

1 will  describe  an  average  plant.  For  5 inches  up  from  the 
root  the  stem  is  in  appearance  almost  leafless,  but  really  it  has 

2 (or  3)  sheaths;  the  lowest  of  these  sheaths  has  no  developed 
blade,  the  next  has  a small  tag  of  blade,  erect  and  pointed  like 
a scoop;  the  upper  sheath  widens  above  and  spreads  away  from 
the  stem  into  an  ovate  pointed  leaf  about  I inch  long  and  more 
than  % inch  wide;  these  sheaths  are  distant,  2 to  3 inches  apart. 
For  the  next  4 inches  the  plant  is  conspicuously  leafy  with  4 
(or  5)  alternate  leaves  an  inch  apart  ; the  lowest  ones  sheath- 
ing, but  passing  gradually  to  sessile  (the  top  one  or  two  being 
sessile);  in  shape  the  lower  leaves  are  broadly  ovate,  the  upper 
ones  are  lanceolate  carried  on  to  a long  narrow  acuminate  tip; 
in  size,  the  lowest  leaf  is  little  more  than  % the  length  of  the 
next  above  it  ; the  3rd  leaf  is  as  wide  as  the  one  next  below 
it  but  longer;  the  4th  is  as  long  as  the  3rd  but  narrower.  This 
central  part  of  the  stem  is  apt  to  be  slightly  zigzag,  as  though 
the  alternate  sheathing  leaves  altered  the  stem’s  axis  of  growth. 
Above  these  leaves  the  stem  is  bare  for  2 inches;  then  the  one- 
sided raceme  of  4 or  5 inches  in  length  begins  ; each  flower  is 
subtended  by  a lanceolate  bract,  each  a little  smaller  than  the 
one  below  it  ; these  bracts  are  of  course  simply  the  continuation 
of  the  stem’s  alternate  leaves  ; though  the  lowest  bracts  are  3 
or  4 times  as  long  as  the  flowers  they  subtend,  they  are  not 
very  conspicuous  owing  to  the  heavy  appearance  of  the  ovaries 
and  perianths  of  the  flower  spike.  The  foliage  is  very  thin,  of 
a bluish  green  hue  and  strongly  nerved.  Altogether  the  plant 
looks  as  though  it  grew  from  a leafless  base  through  a leafy 
centre  to  an  almost  naked  raceme. 

The  flower  is  not  in  any  sense  showy,  but  it  is  of  great  in- 
terest to  the  botanist  from  its  structure,  and  from  the  fact  that 
its  British  congener  (Epipactis  latifolia)  was  one  of  the  orchids 
Darwin  examined  to  see  how  cross-fertilization  by  insects  was 


THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BULLETIN  — NO.  6. 

effected.  He  has  described  this  and  the  ingenious  mechanism 
of  the  flower  in  his  book  on  orchids,  with  all  that  marvellous 
accuracy  and  unerring  judgment  that  characterize  his  writings 
and  mark  him  intellectually  one  of  the  giants  of  the  ages. 

The  lip,  as  you  know,  is  that  petal  of  the  orchid  which  has 
been  specially  modified  to  secure  insect  fertilization.  In  the 
Epipactis  the  perianth  is  green  suffused  with  dull  lilac  or  mauve; 
the  lip  is  also  dull  mauve,  darker  within.  On  a larger  scale 
and  in  a more  highly  specialized  form  the  lip  resembles  that  of 
the  Rattlesnake  Plantain.  It  juts  out  horizontally  from  the 
flower  in  the  shape  of  a ladle  ; the  fore  part  of  the  ladle  drops 
abruptly  into  the  form  of  a narrow  U-shaped  hinge  the  outer 
side  of  which  is  lower  than  the  inner  ; onto  this  outer  half  of 
the  hinge  is  jointed  the  prolonged  apex  of  the  lip,  flat,  running 
to  a point  and  slightly  deflected  from  the  horizontal  ; in  some 
species  this  hinge  is  elastic,  but  in  this  orchid  it  is  stiff  ; the 
whole  structure  of  the  lip  suggests  a sauce  - boat  with  its  lip 
pulled  out  into  a slightly-depressed  flat-pointed  spout;  this  flat 
spout  is  a platform  for  insects  to  stand  on  ; the  sauce  in  the 
boat  is  a secretion  of  nectar  distilled  by  the  flower.  When  the 
insect  withdraws  its  head  after  sipping,  the  pollinia  are  plas- 
tered onto  the  back  of  its  head  from  the  column  above  and  then 
smeared  on  the  stigma  of  the  next  flower  visited. 

In  the  August  of  1907,  while  on  a fern-hunting  expedition  in 
the  Algonquin  Park,  I was  delighted  to  add  3 new  orchids  to 
my  list.  One  of  these,  the  Menzies1  Rattlesnake  Plantain,  I 
have  already  spoken  of.  The  second  was  one  of  the  Eisteras 
or  Twayblades,  Lister  a ovata  ; a tiny  plant  ranging  in  height 
from  4 to  7 inches  ; the  spike  of  from  6 to  12  tiny  blossoms, 
varying  from  1 to  2 inches  in  length;  the  spike  is  strict,  barely 
% inch  wide  ; the  little  ovaries  (somewhat  globose)  on  pedicels 
rather  .shorter  than  themselves  (about  1-12  inch  long).  There 
are  3 species  in  the  genus,  which  is  easily  recognized  by  the  pair 
of  sessile  more  or  less  ovate  leaves  borne  midway  up  the  stem. 
In  L.  convallarioides , the  lip  is  narrowly  cuneate  notched  at  the 
apex  into  2 rounded  lobes,  the  pedicels  1-4 — 1-3  inch  long.  In 
ovata , the  lip  is  narrowly  oblong  twice  length  of  petals,  cleft 



to  about  half  way  into  2 long-  tapering  spikes.  In  australis  the 
lip  is  linear,  4 to  8 times  length  of  petals,  cleft  more  than  to 
half  way  into  2 linear  bristles  ; the  pedicel  in  this  species  is 
longer  than  the  ovary.  The  blossom  was  nearly  over  when  I 
found  the  plants  early  in  August,  and  probably  the  middle  of 
July  is  their  season.  They  were  growing  in  a densely  wooded 
swamp  of  tamaracks  and  spruce  among  sphagnum  moss  ; in 
their  immediate  neighborhood  were  the  Habenarias  obtusata 
and  orbiculata , and  the  club  moss,  L.  annotinum. 

My  last  find  was  Habenaria  tridentata  \(clavellata)  ; it 
blooms  from  the  middle  of  July  till  mid- August  ; it  was  fairly 
abundant  growing  always  in  the  open,  in  wet  sandy  soil  of  the 
shallow  troughs  skirting  the  railway,  or  on  the  moist  floor  of 
shallow  gravel  pits  ; its  usual  companions  were  Lycopodium 
inundatum  and  Romanzoff’s  Radies’  Tresses.  It  is  very  easily 
recognized,  having  an  appearance  peculiar  among  the  Rein-or- 
chids. It  grows  from  5 to  15  inches  high  on  a pale  stiff  woody 
stalk;  about  1-3  of  the  way  up  the  stalk  (sometimes  nearer  the 
base,  occasionally  near  the  middle)  is  a single  well-developed 
leaf,  somewhat  sheathing,  oblanceolate  (occasionally  spatulate, 
rarely  ovate),  from  2 to  3 inches  long  and  from  % — 1 inch  wide; 
above  it  are  one  or  two  small  narrow  bracts.  The  flower  spike 
is  very  short,  varying  with  the  height  of  the  plant  from  I — 2 
inches  in  length  ; the  raceme  is  loose  and  spreading,  more  or 
less  cylindrical,  from  % — 1 inch  wide  ; the  flowers  are  small, 
creamy  white  tinged  with  green  ; the  lip  is  oblong  and  dilated 
at  the  tip  where  it  is  tridentate  or  3-lobed  ; the  small  teeth 
sometimes  merely  giving  a sinuate  outline  to  the  apex  of  the 
lip.  The  spur  is  longer  than  the  ovary  ; clavellate,  and  curv- 
ing somewhat  in  on  itself  like  the  slender  abdomen  of  an  insect 
preparing  to  sting  ; the  flowers  are  so  poised  that  the  spur  is 
directed  back  horizontally  from  the  base  of  the  lip  to  the  stem 
across  which  the  apex  passes. 

I have  never  found  Habenaria  Hava  (virescens)  which  is 
common  in  New  Kngland  and  southward  ; it  seems  to  have  an 
appearance  similar  to  our  H . hyperborea , but  the  slender  spur 
is  twice  as  long  as  the  lip  ; the  lip  which  at  the  apex  is  truncate 

' 32 

THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BUI/TETIN  — NO.  6. 

is  at  the  base  auriculate  (with  a pair  of  small  lateral  teeth) 
and  tuberculate  (with  a raised  lump  on  the  upper  surface). 
Have  any  of  my  readers  ever  seen  this  Rein-orchid  ? 

This  survey  of  our  Ontario  orchids  comprises  all  but  about 
6 species,  and  in  it  all  the  genera  but  two  are  represented.  These 
are  the  Putty-root  or  Adam-and-Eve  and  the  Calypso,  each  spe- 
cies suo  genere. 

The  Putty-root  grows  in  the  rich  vegetable  mould  of  our 
woods  and  forests.  From  a solid  bulb  or  corm  springs  a scape 
a foot  or  more  in  height  with  one  or  two  sheaths  clothing  it  ; 
at  the  top  of  the  scape  a loose  raceme  of  dull  yellowish-brown 
or  purple  flowers  develops  in  May  or  June;  late  in  the  summer 
the  corm  throws  up  a large  oval  leaf  which  lasts  over  the  win- 
ter. The  corms  are  filled  with  an  exceedingly  glutinous  mat- 
ter, used  by  early  settlers  to  mend  their  crockery  with,  hence 
the  name  Putty-root  ; the  quaint  nickname  of  Adam-and-Eve  is 
apparently  due  to  the  fact  that  the  corms  (2  or  more)  often  re- 
main attached  to  one  another  by  a ligament  of  fleshy  root,  like 
Siamese  twins.  The  scientific  name,  Aplectrum,  means  spur- 
less,  because  the  base  of  the  perianth  shows  no  trace  of  spur  or 
gibbous  enlargement. 

The  Calypso,  that  entrancing  nymph  of  our  northern  wood- 
lands or  bogs,  is  still  to  seek.  It  is  usually  found  in  sphagnum; 
it  is  abundant  in  the  forests  about  Banff,  flowering  early 
in  June  ; it  has  been  found  near  Toronto  in  the  Don  Valley, 
and  only  a few  years  ago  a lady  in  Rosedale  found  it  in  one  of 
the  ravines  near  her  house  and  sent  it  for  identification  to  Dr. 
Brodie.  But  it  still  eludes  my  search.  On  the  principle  of 
“see  Naples  and  die,”  I used  to  think  if  I could  only  find  such 
and  such  a flower  Atropos  might  use  “ the  abhorred  shears  ” 
when  she  would.  But  I have  found  many  a long-sought  treas- 
ure, and  there’s  always  just  one  more  that  I want.  At  present 
(among  orchids)  my  heart’s  desire  is  Calypso.  It  must  be 
singularly  beautiful. 

The  corm  sends  up  separately  a petioled  wide-oval  leaf  and 
a scape  ; this  latter  is  5 or  6 inches  high,  crowned  with  a 



solitary  showy  flower.  It  appears  to  resemble  a Tady’s-slip- 
per,  and  Iyinnaeus  called  it  Cypripedium  bore  ale  ; the  perianth 
is  magenta-crimson  ; the  lip  is  large  and  saccate,  looking  like 
a wide  rounded  scoop  carried  forward  to  a shovel  shape,  two 
parted  in  front  ; it  is  white,  spotted  with  madder  purple  and 
having  3 rows  of  glassy  yellow  hairs  in  front. 

We  men  of  grass  (to  use  the  Indians’  name  for  Douglas,  that 
pioneer  botanist  of  our  North  American  conifers)  are  often  taxed 
with  the  selfishness  of  our  hobby.  It  may  be  doubted  whether 
any  hobby  is  unselfish,  or  indeed  any  pursuit  or  passion  in  the 
world.  Certainly  botany  is  no  more  selfish  than  any  other 
mode  of  enjoyment,  and  surely  a hobby  exercised  in  the  field  of 
Natural  History  has  far  more  purpose  and  profit  than  your 
average  hobby.  Did  you  ever  think,  too,  even  if  the  love  of 
flowers  is  selfish,  how  pure  an  affection  it  must  be  ? There  can 
be  nothing  gross  about  it,  for  it  is  quite  impersonal.  It  is  not 
the  love  of  an,  individual  ; strong  as  it  is,  it  goes  out  equally 
to  all  members  of  a type;  nay,  a multitude  of  types. 

In  our  human  loves  we  must  still  echo  the  poet’s  heart-cry, 
“Never  the  time  and  the  place  and  the  loved  one  all  together.” 
But  it  is  not  so  with  our  love  of  the  flowers.  Kvery  spring 
at  the  renewal  of  the  year,  how  many  a trysting  place  we  know 
of  in  the  hush  of  the  woods  or  the  cool  of  a mossy  hollow,  and 
how  well  we  know,  if  we  sally  forth  one  day  at  its  season,  the 
loved  one  will  be  there  to  greet  us,  shyly  watchful  of  our  com- 
ing ! Is  this  selfish  ? Yet  no  lover  could  be  more  eagerly  ex- 
pectant, as  we  approach  the  place;  more  tenderly  solicitous  as 
we  bend  over  our  woodland  fay,  holding  our  very  breath,  and 
with  gentlest  touch,  lest  we  maim  the  frail  life.  We  commune 
in  spirit,  and  it  seems'  as  though  it  remembered  us  ; yet  it  is 
not  the  flower  we  saw  there  before,  and  it  too  in  its  turn  will 
vanish  away  ; all  this  we  know,  yet  there  is  no  sense  of  loss; 
only  exquisite  sweetness  and  a purging  of  the  gross. 


THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BULLETIN  — NO.  6. 

Present  Status  of  the  Prairie  Warbler  in  Canada. 

BY  A.  B.  KLUGH. 

THE  Prairie  Warbler  ( Dendroica  discolor)  is  one  of  those 
birds  which  is  apparently  extending  its  range  into  Can- 
ada, and  it  would  be  well  at  this  time  to  bring  our  rec- 
ords together,  more  especially  so  because  of  several  errors  which 
have  appeared  in  ornithological  literature  concerning  the  status 
of  this  species  in  Canada. 

The  Prairie  Warbler  has,  up  to  the  present,  been  taken  only 
in  Ontario.  By  a remarkable  coincidence,  the  first  two  speci- 
mens were  taken  on  the  same,  day — May  nth,  1900 — at  Toronto, 
one  by  Mr.  J.  Hughes-Samuel,  and  the  other  by  Mr.  J.  H. 
Ames  (Auk,  Vol.  XVIII.,  p.  106) 

Nothing  more  was  heard  of  this  species  in  Canada  until 
1905,  when  Mr.  W.  E.  Saunders  took  a female  near  Cameron 
Take,  Bruce  County,  on  May  28th,  and  on  May  30th  heard  a 
Warbler  song  which  was  new  to  him.  He  found  the  singer,  and 
identified  it  as  a Prairie  Warbler.  He  subsequently  heard  at 
least  two  more  of  these  strange  songsters.  Mr.  Saunders  pub- 
lished an  account  of  his  discovery  in  the  Ottawa  Naturalist, 
February,  1906;  p.  206. 

Meanwhile  I had  published  in  the*  Auk,  Vol.  XXIII.,  p.  105, 
a record  of  a young  male  Prairie  Warbler  which  I took  on  Sep- 
tember 5th  at  Point  Pelee,  Essex  County. 

The  next  record  is  of  a male  taken  by  myself  on  Mav  17th, 
1908,  at  Colpoy’s  Bay,  Bruce  County,  which  record  appeared  in 
the  Ontario  Natural  Science  Bulletin,  No.  5,  1909,  p.  25. 

Next  is  a record  which  appeared  in  the  Ottawa  Naturalist, 
September,  1909,  of  a specimen  taken  near  Eganville,  Renfrew 
County,  on  May  utli,  1909,  by  Rev.  G.  Eifrig. 

These  are  all  our  published  records,  but  I wish  here  to  add 
two  more,  viz.,  a male,  and  a female  Prairie  Warbler,  which  I 
took  at  the  edge  of  a cedar  swamp  at  Colpoy’s  Bay,  Bruce 
County,  on  May  10th,  1909.  Both  were  shot  in  the  same  cedar 
tree,  the  male  some  four  hours  after  the  female. 



Considering  that  the  migration  records  of  this  species  in 
the  United  States  show  that  it  is  one  of  the  earlier  Warblers 
to  reach  its  breeding  grounds,  arriving  in  the  northern  tier  of 
States  about  May  6th— 8th,  and  that  the  Canadian  records, 
omitting  Mr.  Saunders’  records,  run  May  nth,  nth,  17th,  ixth, 
10th,  10th,  it  appears  highly  probable  that,  as  Mr.  Saunders 
has  previously  suggested,  there  is  a colony  breeding  near  Cam- 
eron Lake,  Bruce  County,  and  also  that  there  are  probably 
colonies  at  other  points  in  Ontario1. 

Botanical  Dept.,  Queen’s  University,  Kingston,  Ont. 

A List  of  Butterflies  Taken  at  Toronto,  Ont. 


DURING  the  years  1896,  1897  and  1898,  the  writer  devoted 
considerable  time  to  a study  of  the  butterflies  occurring 
in  the  neighborhood  of  Toronto.  This  necessitated,  of 
course,  much  collecting  in  such  well-known  localities  as  “High 
Park,’’  “ Rosedale,”  “ Trout  Creek,”  etc.,  all  of  which  were, 
fifteen  years  ago,  excellent  hunting  grounds  for  the  entomol- 
ogist. To-day,  however,  with  the  rapid  growth  of  the  city, 
conditions  are  considerably  changed,  and  houses  and  other  build- 
ings have  grown  up  on  our  former  favorite  collecting  spots.  In 
some  districts  where  we  collected  largely,  nothing  whatever  of 
the  past  now  remains  to  remind  us  of  the  happy  hours  we  spent 
among  the  trees,  shrubs  and  flowers.  The  expansion  of  a large 
city  demands,  of  course,  new  streets  and  roadways,  and  during 
a recent  visit  to  Toronto  I was  much  amazed  at  the  many 
buildings  which  have  taken  possession  of  certain  places  where 
I,  in  company  with  other  collectors,  passed  many  a pleasant 

When  asked  for  an  article  for  the  Ontario  Natural  Science 
Bulletin,  it  occurred  to  me  that  a list  of  the  butterflies  collected 
by  me  in  the  vicinity  of  Toronto  might  not  be  without  interest 
to  lepidopterists.  In  order  to  add  to  the  value  of  the  list,  I 


THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BULLETIN  — NO.  6. 

include  several  additional  species  taken  by  other  collectors,  rec- 
ords of  most  of  which  appear  in  the  Annual  Reports  of  the, En- 
tomological Society  of  Ontario. 

1.  Danais  plexippus,  inn. — 'Abundant  almost  every  yearf 
particularly  during  the  latter  part  of  the  season.  On  Toronto 
Island  I have  seen  thousands  of  these  butterflies  clinging  to 
young  willow  trees,  in  autumn. 

2.  Euptoieta  claudia , Cram. — A single  specimen  of  this  but- 
terfly was  taken  by  me  in  High  Park,  in  July,  1893.  The  only 
other  Toronto  record  which  I know  of  is  of  a specimen  cap- 
tured by  Mr.  Paul  Hahn  on  the  Plumber  Road,  near  the  “ Old 
Mill,”  also  in  July. 

3.  Argynnis  cybele , Fabr. — Common  most  seasons,  appear- 
ing as  a rule  early  in  July.  In  1896,  it  was  flying  in  numbers 
on  June  27.  In  1897  I noticed  it  abundantly  all  through  July. 

4.  Argynnis  aphrodite , Fabr. — This  species  has  often  been 
found  by  me  in  company  with  cybele.  It  is  a common  species 
and  may  generally  be  collected  where  thistles  grow. 

5.  Argynnis  atlantis , Edw.  — In  1896,  this  butterfly  was 
fairly  abundant  in  July  and  August.  As  a rule,  however,  it  is 
uncommon  in  the  Toronto  district,  frequenting  more  northern 
localities,  such  as  Muskoka. 

6.  Argynnis  myrina , Cram. — In  damp  places  particularly, 
this  pretty  little  “silver  spot”  Is  found.  It  is  an  abundant 
species,  occurring  probably  more  commonly  in  August.  It  has 
been  observed  from  early  until  late  in  the  season. 

7.  Argynnis  bellona , Fabr.— Common  in  swampy  areas.  Have 
collected  it  as  early  at  May  24  ; more  abundant  in  June,  July 
and  August. 

8.  Melitcea  phaeton , Dru. — In  the  Annual  Report  of  the  En- 
tomological Society  of  Ontario,  1894,  p.  31,  Dr.  Bethune  gives 
Toronto,  among  the  localities  where  this  butterfly  has  been  col- 
lected. I have  never  seen  any  trace  of  the  insect  at  Toronto 
myself.  It  occurs  commonly  some  years  further  north.  At 
Ottawa  we  find  it  almost  every  season  in  June  in  a large  swamp 
near  the  Experimental  Farm. 



9.  Phyciodes  nycteis , Doubl.  Hew. — Not  uncommon  in  June 
and  July.  I have  found  it  abundantly,  particularly  about  the 
middle  of  the  latter  month. 

10.  Phyciodes  carlota , Reak. — The  late-  Capt.,JGeddes  is  re- 
corded as  having  collected  this  species  at  Scarborough,  near 
Toronto.  This  is  the  only  record,  I believe,  of  the  insect  hav- 
ing been  met  with  in  the  district.  Scudder  gives  its  distribu- 
tion as  follows  : “South  of  Tat.  40°,  from  the  Atlantic  to  the 
Rocky  Mountains.” 

11.  Phyciodes  hatesii , Reak.  — Although  this  butterfly  has 
not  been  taken  to  my  knowledge  at  Toronto,  it  is  more  than 
likely  that  it  occurs  there.  It  has  been  collected  at  Hamilton; 
at  Ottawa  I have  found  it  on  several  dates,  the  last  specimen 
being  captured  on  June  13,,  1908. 

12.  Phyciodes  tharos , Drury.' — A common  species  throughout 
the  summer  months,  especially  abundant  in  July. 

13.  Grapta  interrogation is,  Fabr.— Some  years  quite  common. 
We  have  collected  many  specimens  of  this  and  other  Graptas 
near  or  on  trees  which  had  been  “sugared”  for  noctuids,  par- 
ticularly when  the  trees  were  visited  the  following  mornings. 
The.  form  umhrosa  flies  chiefly  in  June,  July  and  August,  and  the 
form  fahricii  in  August  and  September,  and  occasionally  in  Oc- 
tober, according  to  Dr.  Bethune. 

14.  Grapta  comma , Harr. — Also  common,  especially  so  in 
July.  The  form  harrisi  has  been  found  in  larger  numbers  by 
me  than  the  form  dry  as. 

15.  Grapta  faunus , Kdw. — This  has  been  recorded  from 
Hamilton  and  Cobourg,  and  doubtless  occurs  at  Toronto,  al- 
though I have  no  actual  record  of  it  having  been  met  with  there. 
It  flies  from  May  to  October. 

16.  Grapta  progne,  Cram.  — Abundant  ; seen  in  numbers 
through  the  season,  from  late  May  till  late  September.  My 
dates  of  captures  read  particularly  “ July.” 

17.  Grapta  j-album , Boisd.-Iyec. — Common  some  years  in 
August  and  September.  Often  seen  in  woods  during  warm 
days  in  early  spring. 


THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BULLETIN  — NO.  6. 

18.  Vanessa  antiopa , Linn.— Occurs  throughout  the  whole 
summer  ; very  common  towards  the  end  of  season.  Also  seen 
in  early  spring  on  warm  days  in  open  places  in  woods. 

19.  Vanessa  milberti , Godt. — A widespread  species  flying  in 
early  spring,  and  more  abundantly  in  the  middle  of  summer. 

20.  Pyrameis  atalanta , Linn.  — This  widely-distributed  but- 
terfly is  common  almost  every  year.  I have  taken  it  abun- 
dantly at  Toronto  from  May  23  to  July  28. 

21.  Pyrameis  hunter  a,  Fabr.  — Very  common  some  years, 
particularly  in  late  summer,  being  found  mostly  wherever  late 
flowering  asters  were  in  bloom. 

22.  Pyrameis  cardui , Linn.  — One  of  the  most  widely  dis- 
tributed butterflies.  Abundant  periodically  at  Toronto,  partic- 
ularly towards  the  middle  and  end  of  summer. 

23.  Pyrameis  caryce , Hbn. — The  only  Ontario  record  which 
I know  of  for  this  butterfly,  is  of  a single  specimen  taken  at 
Toronto,  and  given  to  me  by  the  captor,  Mr.  Harry  Tyers.  No 
date  is  on  the  specimen. 

24.  Junonia  coenia , Hbn. — In  1895,  2 specimens  were  taken 
at  Toronto  by  Mr.  Tyers,  and  in  1896,  on  May  23,  a specimen 
was  taken  in  the  Don  River  Valley  by  Mr.  C.  T.  Hills.  Mr. 
Paul  Hahn  recently  reported  to  me  that  his  sister,  Miss  F. 
Hahn,  captured  a specimen  at  Toronto,  in  August.  These  are 
the  only  records  I know  of  for  the  district. 

25.  Limenitis  Ursula , Fabr. — This  species  has  been  taken  at 
Port  Credit,  near  Toronto,  by  Mr.  C.  T.  Hills. 

26.  Limenitis  arthemis , Drury. — Not  uncommon  in  some 
years,  but  more  abundant  further  northward  in  Ontario.  I have 
seen  it  in  fairly  large  numbers  in  High  Park  and  Rosedale. 
Flies  in  June,  July  and  August. 

27.  Limenitis  proserpina , Kdw. — 1 This  butterfly  has  been 
collected  at  Hamilton.  It  is  rare  in  Ontario. 

28.  Limenitis  archippus , Cram. — A regularly-occurring  spe- 
cies, but  one  which  is  never  very  abundant.  There  are  places 



in  High  Park  and  Rosedale  where  I could  always  find  a few 
specimens.  Taken  in  June,  July  and  August  ; occasionally 
seen  later  than  August. 

29.  Neonympha  canthus , Boisd.-Uec.  — Rather  common  in 
damp  places,  appearing  in  June  and  July;  also  found  in  August. 
In  1898  it  was  abundant  in  the  middle  of  July. 

30.  Neonympha  eurytris,  Fabr. — Usually  more  or  less  com- 
mon in  June  and  early  July  ; in  1897  it  was  abundant  all 
through  June  in  High  Park. 

31.  Satyrus  alope , Fabr.,  var.  nephele,  Kirby. — This  species 
occurs  a little  later  than  the  preceding.  It  is  generally  not 
uncommon  along  roadways,  near  woods,  in  July  and  August. 

32.  Libythea  carinenta , Cram.,  var.  bachmani , Kirtl. — Dr. 
Jas.  McDunnough  has  collected  this  butterfly  on  two  occasions  at 
Toronto,  viz.,  in  1895  and  on  June  7th  in  1896.  It  is  very  rare 
in  Ontario.  On  August  12th,  1896,  I took  a specimen  at  Caes- 
area, on  Rake  Scugog. 

33.  Thecla  acaaica , Kdw. — Found  not  uncommonly  some 
years  in  July,  especially  early  in  the  month.  In  1896  it  was 
fairly  abundant  in  the  latter  half  of  June  and  early  in  July. 

34.  Thecla  edwardsii , Saund. — This  species  I have  taken  in 
fair  numbers  near  Pligh  Park,  on  the  flowers  of  milkweed.  In 
1898  it  was  very  common,  particularly  on  July  9th.  I have 
taken  it  as  late  as  July  23rd. 

35.  Thecla  calanus , Hbn. — Occurs  at  the  same  time  as 
edwardsii  ; by  some  students  it  is  thought  to  be  the  same  spe- 

36.  Thecla  Ontario , Kdw. — The  only  Toronto  records  which 
I know  of  of  this  species  are  of  2 specimens  taken  by  me,  one 
on  June  20,  1896,  and  the  other  on  June  27  of  the  same  year. 
Both  specimens  were  studied  and  so  named  by  the  late  Dr. 
James  Fletcher.  The  species  is  very  rare. 

37.  Thecla  liparops , Boisd.-Uec.,  var.  strigosa , Harr. — Not 
common  in  my  experience  at  Toronto.  Mr.  C.  T.  Hills  took 
it  in  June  and  July,  in  1896. 


THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BULLETIN  — NO.  6. 

38.  Thecla  niphon,  Hbn. — I have  no  actual  record  of  this 
butterfly  having  been  taken  at  Toronto,  but  it  doubtless  occurs 
there.  It  is  a widespread  species,  having  been  collected  at 
Eondon  and  Ottawa,  in  Ontario. 

39.  Theda  laeta , Kdw.— This  also  has  a wide  range  of  dis- 
tribution, but  is  very  rare.  It  has  been  found  at  York  Mills, 
near  Toronto.  It  flies  in  May. 

40.  Theda  titus,  Fabr. — I have  taken  this  species  rather 
abundantly  in  early  July,  particularly  in  High  Park.  It  may 
also  be  seen  flying  in  August. 

411.  Feniseca  tarquinius , Fabr. — A single  specimen  is  all 
that  I have  ever  collected  of  this  insect,  viz.,  at  Toronto,  on 
June  4,  1898,  in  High  Park.  It  must,  however,  occur  abun- 
dantly wherever  the  woolly  aphis  of  the  alder  is  present,  on 
which  the  larvae  feed. 

42.  Chrysophanus  thoe , Bdv. — The  only  dates  I have  a rec- 
ord of  for  this  butterfly  are  July  2 and  August  8,  1898.  The 
species  is  abundant  some  years  i n some  sections;  along  the  River 
Don,  Mr.  R.  J.  Crew  has  collected  it  in  fair  numbers. 

43.  Chrysophanus  epixanthe , Bd.-Eec. — I have  never  seen  a 
Toronto  specimen  of  this  insect.  Dr.  Bethune  lists  Toronto 
among  the  localities  where  the  species  has  been  taken  (Knt. 
Soc.  An.  Rep.,  1894).  Near  Ottawa  the  butterfly  is  common 
about  July  1st. 

44.  Chrysophanus  hypophlce as,  Bdv. — Common  almost  every 
year.  Many  specimens  have  been  collected  by  me  from  May 
24,  through  June,  into  July.  The  species  flies  as  late  as  Sep- 

45.  Lyccena  scudderii , Kdw. — Very  abundant  in  High  Park 
where  lupin  grows.  Flies  from  about  May  20  to  middle  of 
June,  another  brood  appearing  about  July  15. 

46.  Lyccena  pseudargiolus , Bd.-Eec.  — Not  uncommon,  the 
forms  lucia,  marginata  and  violacea  appearing  in  spring,  and  the 
form  neglecta  in  summer.  In  1898,  the  latter  was  seen  in  fair 
numbers  early  in  July. 



47.  Lyccena  comyntas , Godt. — Not  common  at  Toronto,  in 
my  experience.  On  June  26,  1897,  I took  one  specimen.  Mr. 
C.  T.  Hills  has  also  collected  the  species  in  June. 

48.  Pieris  protodice , Bd.-Uec. — Very  rare  now  in  Ontario. 
It  has  been  taken  formerly  in  numbers  at  Toronto,  Hamilton, 
etc.,  from  May  to  October. 

49.  Pieris  napi , L,inn. — The  summer  form  oleracea-cestiva  has 
been  taken  by  me  in  July.  There  is  also  another  form  which 
has  been  found  in  small  numbers  about  May  24. 

50.  Pieris  rapce , Iyinn. — Only  too  common  everywhere  in 
Ontario  from  early  spring  to  autumn.  One  of  the  worst  pests 
of  the  market  gardener. 

51.  Colias  ccesonia , Stoll. — In  1896  this  butterfly  was  taken 
in  numbers  at  Toronto  from  June  11  to  the  end  of  the  month. 
Besides  a good  series  collected  by  the  writer,  specimens  were  al- 
so captured  by  Messrs.  Hills  and  Tyers.  This  is  the  only  year, 

I think,  that  it  has  ever  been  taken  at  Toronto. 

52.  Colias  eurytheme , Bdv.  — Occasionally  met  with  in 
Southern  Ontario.  I know  of  no  actual  Toronto  record,  but 
specimens  have  been  collected  at  St.  Catharines  and  Port  Hope, 
which  are  not  very  far  from  Toronto. 

53.  Colias  philodice , Godt. — Abundant  all  through  Ontario 
from  May  till  autumn.  It  has  been  seen  flying  in  late  October. 

54.  Terias  lisa,  Bdv. — This  southern  butterfly  has  been  found 
at  Hamilton,  39  miles  from,  Toronto.  ,A  few  years  ago  I took 
a single  specimen  at  Ottawa. 

55.  Papilio  ajax , Linn. — Uncommon  at  Toronto.  On  June 
14,  1896,  I saw  a specimen  in  High  Park  flying  very  slowly. 
On  June  20  I captured  a worn  .example,  and  on  June  23  saw  a 
further  specimen.  It  was  also  seen  on  1st  and  nth  July.  In 
the  same  year,  Mr.  C.  T.  Hills  took  four  specimens  in  June. 

56.  Papilio  philenor,  Tinn. — As  mentioned  by  me  in  the  An- 
nual Report  of  the  Entomological  Society  for  1896,  I am  satis- 
fied that  I saw  this  butterfly  in  High  Park  on  June  20.  It  had 
already  been  recorded  from  Toronto  previous  to  1896. 


THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BUIyIvETIN  — NO.  6. 

57.  Papilio  polyxenes , Fabr. — Not  so  abundant  at  Toronto 
as  it  is  further  east.  I have  taken  specimens  as  early  as  May 
24.  It  flies  throughout  the  summer. 

58.  Papilio  troilus , Finn.  — Generally  common  at  Toronto. 
In  1896,  on  June  12,  it  was  plentiful.  In  1898,  I collected  it 
in  fair  numbers  on  May  15  and  24,  and  on  June  4.  I found  it 
chiefly  in  High  Park. 

59.  Papilio  glaucus)  Finn.,  var.  turnus , Finn. — A common 
insect  in  most  places  in  ,Kastern  Canada,  flying  about  the  time 
lilacs  are  in  bloom.  In  1898,  it  was  abundant  from  May  24 
till  June  26. 

60.  Papilio  thoas , Finn.,  var.  cresphontes , Cram.  — A rare 
butterfly  in  Ontario.  Specimens  have  been  occasionally  col- 
lected at  Toronto,  even  within  the  city.  In  1897  a worn  speci- 
men was  taken  by  Mr.  D.  Wilby. 

61.  Ancyloxypha  numitor , Fabr. — Mr.  R.  J.  Crew,  of  To- 
ronto, has  taken  this  butterfly  in  numbers  along  the  River  Don, 
and  along  the  Humber  River  Mr.  C.  T.  Hills  has  found  it  in 
June,  July  and  August. 

62.  Pamphila  hobomok , Harris. — Common  towTards  the  end 
of  May,  and  in  June.  I have  never  found  the  variety  poco- 
hontas  abundantly  at  Toronto;  in  fact,  this  form  is  rare  in  my 

63.  Pamphila  leonardus , Kdw. — Some  seasons  this  species  is 
abundant  in  High  Park,  in  low,  damp  places  ; I have  collected 
it  in  numbers  towards  the  end  of  August. 

64.  Pamphila  brettus , Bd.-Fec. — The  only  Toronto  specimen 
I know  of  is  one  taken  by  me  ; unfortunately,  I have  not  the 
date.  It  was  identified  by  Dr.  Henry  Skinner. 

65.  Pamphila  otho , S.  & A.,  var.  egeremet , Scudd.  — Not 

abundant  at  Toronto.  Dr.  Fletcher  determined  a Toronto  spe- 
cimen for  me  in  1898.  Mr.  Crew,  I think,  has  also  taken  this 

butterfly  at  Toronto. 

66.  Pamphila  peckius , Kirby. — Very  abundant  some  years. 
In  1898  it  was  flying  in  large  numbers  early  in  July.  It  first 
appears  in  June  ; specimens  have  been  noticed  in  August. 



67.  Pamphila  mystic , Scudd. — This  species  is  found  at  the 
same  time  as  peckius , and  is  also  common.  It  occurs  all 
through  Ontario,  Quebec  and  the  Maritime  Provinces. 

68.  Pamphila  cernes)  Bd.-Lec. — Abundant  in  June  and  July, 
frequenting  the  same  localities  as  the  two  last-mentioned  spe- 

69.  Pamphila  baracoa,  Lucas. — A specimen  of  this  species 
was  taken  by  me  at  Toronto,  but  I have  no  record  of  the  date 
of  capture.  Dr.  Henry  Skinner  determined  it. 

70.  Pamphila  metacomet , Harris. — I have  never  taken  this 
butterfly  in  numbers  at  Toronto.  In  1898,  I found  it  on  July 
2;  in  1896,  Mr.  C.  T.  Hills  collected  it  in  July. 

71.  Pamphila  viator , Kdw. — This  is  very  rare  in  the  Toronto 
district.  Mr.  R.  J.  Crew  took  a single  specimen  many  years 
ago,  and  Dr.  Bethune  records  the  species  having  been  collected 
on  the  Humber  Plains,  near  Toronto,  by  the  late  Capt.  Geddes. 

72.  Nisoniades  brizo , Bd.-Lec. — Not  common.  Specimens 
have  been  collected,  in  the  latter  end  of  May  and  early  June. 

73.  Nisoniades  icelus , Lint. — This  has  been  collected  by  me 
at  Toronto,  the  specimens  having  been  named  by  the  late  Dr. 
Fletcher.  It  may  be  found  also  in  June. 

74.  Nisoniades  persius , Scudd.  — In  1898  I collected  this 
butterfly  on  May  24th.  It  is  not,  I think,  abundant  at  To- 

75.  Nisoniades  martialis,  Scudd.  — This  has  been  taken  in 
Southern  Ontario,  at  London,  Hamilton  and  Toronto,  accord- 
ing to  Dr.  Bethune. 

76.  Nisoniades  juvenalis , Fabr.  — Found  in  fair  numbers 
some  years,  in  May  and  June.  Taken  in  Rosedale  and  High 

77.  Pholis  or  a catullus,  Fab'r.  — Dr.  Bethune,  in  the  Annual 
Report  of  the  Entomological  Society  of  Ontario,  for  1894, 
states  that  this  butterfly  has  been  collected  at  Toronto. 

78.  Eudamus  electra , Lint. — This  butterfly  has  been  found  at 


THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BULLETIN  — NO.  6. 

Hamilton,  by  the  late  J.  A.  Moffat.  It  has  not,  I think,  been 
met  with  nearer  to  Toronto. 

79.  Eudamus  pylades,  Scudd. — A very  common  species,  par- 
ticularly in  May  and  June.  In  1897  it  was  abundant  from 
May  24  to  June  26. 

80.  Eudamus  bathyllus,  S.  & A.  — Dr.  Bethune,  in  1894, 

listed  Toronto  as  one  of  the  Canadian  localities  where  this 
southern  butterfly  has  been  collected.  In  recording  this  species 
in  the  Entomological  Record  for  190I'  (Rep.  Ent.  So;p.  Ont., 
1901),  the  late  Dr.  Fletcher  says  : “ Three  specimens  of  this 

butterfly,  which  differs  from  the  somewhat  similar  E.  pylades , 
Scud.,  by  the  absence  of  the  sexual  costal  fold  in  the  males, 
were  taken  by  Mr.  James  Johnston  at  Hamilton,  last  year. 
Although  frequently  recorded  from  Canada,  I believe  that  these 
are  the  first  specimens  which  have  been  examined  critically.” 

81.  Eudamus  tityrus , Fabr. — Usually  fairly  common,  the 
first  specimens  being  seen  about  May  24.  It  flies  through  June 
and  well  into  July. 

Schootgarden  Experiments  with  Potatoes. 

BY  S.  B.  McCREADY,  PROF.  OF  BOTANY,  O.  A.  C.,  GUELPH. 

SOME  simple  experiments  with  potatoes  were  carried  on  in 
the  spring  of  1909  by  four  of  the  teacher  students  in  the 
Spring  Normal  Class.  The  problems  were  concerning  the 
relative  values  of  large  and  small  potatoes  used  as  “ seed,”  or 
pieces  of  different  weights  and  with  different  numbers  of;  eyes. 

The  work  was  carried  on  in  .small  plots,  5 ft.  x 10  ‘ft.  in 
size.  In  most  cases  only  three  or  four  hills  of  each  kind  were 
planted.  The  results  tabulated  below  may  be  of  interest  ; at 
the  same  time,  they  must  not  be  accepted  as  final  conclusions 
on  the  problems  : — 




Different  Sizes, 
ft.  x io  ft.  plot.) 

.—To  Compare  the  Yields  of  Potato  “Seed” 
(Four  hills  of  each  weight  were  planted  in 

Weight  of  Seed. 

No.  of  Pota- 




2 ozs 

17  small 
13  large 

6 ozs.) 
30  ozs.) 

36  ozs. 

4 ozs 

21  small 

- 8 ozs.) 
41%  ozs.) 

49%  ozs. 

21  large 

8 ozs 

12  small 

5 / ozs.) 

57/2  ozs. 

19  large 

52  ozs.) 


2.— To  Find  the  Result  of  Planting  Pieces 


of  Different  Weights, 

but  With  One  Eye  Each. 

Size  of 



Weights.  Total. 

VQ  oz 

3 small 

4/  °Z  \ 3%  ozs. 

3%  ozs.)  0/2 

/8  ^ , 

4 large 

XL  oz 

5 small 

% oz.  ) 

4 ozs.)  I7°zs- 

7 large 

2 OZS 

8 small 

% OZ-  ) 14  ozs 

33%  ozs.)  34 

16  large 

EXPERIMENT  3.— To  Compare  the  Yields  of  Pieces  of  the  Same 
Weight,  but  with  Different  Numbers  of  Eyes. 

Size  of  Piece.  No.  of  Potatoes.  Weight. 

i oz.  (one  eye) 35%  ozs. 

i oz.  (three  eyes) , \ 35%  ozs. 

1 - <fi-  <^> xl  S 41  OZS. 


THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BULLETIN  — NO.  6. 

EXPERIMENT  4.— To  Find  if  Cutting  Up  Equal  - sized  Pota- 
toes into  Different  Numbers  of  Pieces  Makes  a Difference  in  the 


Size  of  Seed.  Yield. 

2 ozs.  (one  piece)  27%  ozs. 

2 ozs.  (two  pieces)  31%  ozs. 

2 ozs.  (four  pieces)  31%  ozs. 

List  of  the  Cynipidae  of  Ontario. 

BY  R.  FRASER,  ’10,  O.A.O. 

FAMILIAR  to  all  observers  of  Nature’s  phenomena  are  the 
galls  produced  by  the  Family  Cynipidce , Order  Hymenop- 
tera.  The  host  plants  affected  are  principally  species  of 
Ouercus,  Rosa,  Rubus,  Vaccinium,  and  Potentilla.  The  beau- 
tiful and  varied  characteristics  of  the  different  hypertrophies  are 
too  well  known  to  need  any  particular  comment  here,  but  it 
might  be  said  that  cecidology,  as  the  study  of  galls  is  termed, 
is  yet  in  its  infancy,  and  that  there  is  a rich  field  for  investiga- 
tion in  such  matters  as  the  alternation  of  generations,  the  rela- 
tion of  parasites  and  inquilines  to  both  gall  and  gall-producer, 
and  the  histological  structure  o the  gall  tissues. 

The  mystery  of,  gall  formation  is  still  to  be  satisfactorily 
solved,  and  here  too  is  a wide  field  for  experimental  research 
and  observation.  The  writer  submits  the  following  list  of 
Ontario  Cynipidae,  compiled  from  the  collection  and  observa- 
tions of  Mr.  T.  D.  Jarvis,  O.A.C.,  and  from  the  writer’s  own 
collection  and  observations. 

The  list  is  not  as  yet  complete,  but  up  to  the  present  time 
the  occurrence  of  the  following  species  in  Ontario  has  been  re- 
corded : — 

Amphibolips  : 

A.  confiuens  (spongifica),  O.  S. 

A.  inanis,  O.  S. 



Andricus  : 

A.  piger,  Bass. 

A.  petiolicola,  Eass. 

A.  futilis,  0.  S. 

A.  punctatus,  Bass. 

A.  papillatus,  0.  S. 

A.  topiarius,  Ashm. 

A.  lana,  Fitch. 

A.  clavula,  Bass. 

A.  palustris,  0.  S. 

A.  singularis,  Bass. 

A.  seminator,  Harr. 

A.  ventricosus,  Bass. 

Aulax  : 

A.  tumidus,  Bass. 

A.  nabali,  Brodie. 

Cynips  : 

C.  strobilana,  O.  S. 

Diastrophus  : 

D.  cuscutaeformis,  0.  S. 

D.  radicum,  Bass. 

D.  turgidus,  Bass. 

D.  nebulosus,  O.  S. 

Gonaspis  : 

G.  potentillae,  Bass. 

(var.  scutellaris,  Gillette  ?) 

Holcaspis  : 

H.  globulus,  Fitch. 

H.  mamma,  Walsh. 

N euroterus  : 

N.  umbilicatus,  Bass. 

N.  floccosus,  Bass. 

Philonix  : 

P.  pezomachoides,  0.  S. 

P.  erinacei,  Beut. 

P.  macrocarpae,  Bass. 

48  THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BULLETIN  — NO.  6. 

Rhodites  : 

R.  bicolor,  Harr. 

R.  rosae,  Finn. 

R;  aref actus,  Gill. 

R.  multispinosus  Gill. 

R.  nebulosus,  Bass. 

R.  radicum,  O.  S. 

R.  rosaefolii,  Ckll. 

R.  gracilis,  Ashm. 

R.  globulus,  Beut. 

R.  ignotus,  0.  S. 

Solenozopheria  : 

S.  vaccinii,  Ashm. 

The  following  are  of  probable  occurrence,  but  I would  pre- 
fer to  keep  them  separate  from  the  rest  until  more  definite  in- 
formation is  obtained  concerning  them  : — 

Amphibolips  : 

A.  nublipennis,  Harr. 

Biorhiza  : 

B.  nigra,  Fitch. 

Diastrophus  : 

D.  piceus,  Provancher. 

Rhodites  : 

R.  lenticularis,  Bass. 

R.  dichlocerus  Harr. 

Zopher'oteras  : 

Z.  vaccinii,  Ashm. 



Notes  on  Local  Orchids. 


TO  look  back  it  does  not  seem  so  long  ago  when  a portion 
of  Blandford  and  Blenheim  Townships  was  the  ideal  home 
of  the  orchid.  Many  spruce-girt  lakes  with  sphagnum 
margins  offered  perfect  conditions  for  Pogonias,  Galopogons,  Are- 
thusa,  and  some  of  the  Habenarias  and  Spiranthes;  while  back 
a little  in  partial  shade  among  the  tamarack,  the  Cypripedium 
in  all  its  species  found  a perfect  home.  In  cool  hemlock  woods 
Goodyeras  of  three  species  flourished,  and  even  Calypse  borealis 
could  frequently  be  met  with.  And  so  it  was  with  all  other 
native  orchids;  for  all  there  was  some  suitable  place,  but  axe, 
and  fire,  and  drainage  have  done  their  work,  and  now  but  few 
places  remain  where  orchids  can  exist,  and  even  the  few  re- 
maining places  are  ravaged  by  vandals  who  call  themselves 
nature-students , who  pull  up  all  they  can  ; so  it  is  no  wonder 
that  some  species  are  becoming  exceedingly  rare,  or  perhaps  al- 
together extinct. 

I may  digress  and  mention  that  I have  made  a little  effort 
to  preserve  some  of  our  orchids  and  other  native  plants.  I have 
a few  acres  of  natural  woodland,  into1  which  no  stock  is  al- 
lowed to  enter,  and  I am  adding  to  the  plants  already  there 
other  plants  for  which  the  conditions  are  suitable.  I now  have 
a pretty  complete  list  of  the  ferns  of  the  district  well  estab- 
lished, and  I have  a number  of  orchids,  but  I have  no  lake,  so 
I only  plant  those  to  which  I can  offer  suitable  conditions. 

But  to  return  more  directly  to  my  subject,  I may  say  that 
last  summer  I had  particular  opportunities  to  form  conclusions 
as  to  the  orchids  still  existing  in  the  district  ■;  as  an  artist 
friend  who  had  undertaken  to  paint  our  native  orchids  asked  me 
to  accompany  him,  and  assist  him  in  securing  specimens  of  all 
existing  species,  I will  proceed  to  note  the  different  species  as 
we  found  them  in  our  search. 

Pogonia  ophioglossoides  is  seemingly  as  abundant  as  ever. 
It  is  to  be  found  in  quantity  in  every  sphagnum  bog. 


THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BULLETIN  — NO.  6. 

Calopogon  pulchellus  is  in  many  bogs,  but  not  in  such  abun- 
dance as  it  was  some  years  ago. 

Cypripedium  spectabile  was  in  abundance  in  a few  places, 
and  in  magnificent  form.  As  we  saw  it  in  one  swamp  it  was 
worth  going  many  miles  to  see.  Weather  conditions  appeared 
to  have  been  particularly  favorable  for  this  and  other  orchids 
the  past  season. 

Cypripedium  acaule  was  also  abundant  in  a few  limited 
areas,  and  in  good  form.  In  many  places  where  it  was  plen- 
tiful a few  years  ago  it  has  now  entirely  disappeared. 

Cypripedium  pubescens,  with  its  variety  parviflorum,  could 
be  found  in  a few  places.  Wherever  seen  the  development  was 

Habenaria  hyperborea  is  quite  plentiful  in  moist,  cool 
swamps.  It  seemed  to  vary  much  in  appearance,  sometimes 
slender  and  sometimes  stout,  under  the  same  conditions  of  soil 
or  shade. 

H.  psycodes  is  common  in  low  woodlands  or  in  open  places 
which  never  become  exceedingly  dry. 

H.  lacera  is  by  no  means  universal,  but  where  conditions  are 
entirely  favorable  it  is  fairly  plentiful. 

H.  dilatata  is  nowhere  abundant,  but  there  are  many  bogs 
in  which  a few  plants  may  be  found. 

H.  tridentata  may  also  be  found  frequently,  but  never  in 
much  quantity. 

II . orbiculata  is  becoming  very  rare.  I have  a few  plants 
in  my  own  woods,  and  I know  of  only  one  other  place  where 
plants  of  this  species  may  be  found. 

H.  leucophea  is  becoming  extremely  rare.  In  my  search 
for  it  last  summer  I began  to  fear  that  it  had  become  entirely 
extinct,  but  was  at  last  rewarded  by  the  discovery  of  a small 
colony  of  six  plants.  This  is  our  finest  Habenaria.  The  flow- 
ers are  larger  than  those  of  any  others,  and  it  is  wonderfully 


Orchis  spectabilis  bloomed  freely  in  my  own  woods,  but  is 
becoming  very  scarce  where  not  protected. 

Arethusa  bulbosa  I found  fairly  abundant  in  one  bog,  and  I 
believe  is  yet  existing  in  one  other  place  at  least. 

Microstylis  monophylla  I saw  in  several  places. 

Goodyera  pubescus  bloomed  sparingly  in  my  woodland,  but 
the  plants  are  vigorous  and  increasing  in  number;  while  in  other 
places,  where  a few  years  ago  there  were  large  patches  of  it, 
it  has  now  entirely  disappeared. 

Other  orchids  which  existed  a few  years  ago,  and  some  of 
which  may  yet  exist,  are  Goodyeras,  repens  and  Menziesii  ; 
Corallorhizas,  innata,  multiflora  and  Macraeii  ; Spiranthes, 
plantaginea,  gracilis  and  Romanzofhana,  and  Aplectrum  hye- 

The  Amelanchiers  or  Juneberries. 

With  Particular  Reference  to  Ontario  Species. 


¥N  the  hope,  not  so  much  of  adding  anything  to  our  knowl- 
f edge  concerning  them,  as  of  possibly  stirring  up  an  interest 
in  them,  on  the  part  of  field  naturalists,  I have  chosen  to 
devote  this  opportunity  of  contributing  to  the  Ontario  Natural 
Science  Bulletin,  to  offering  a few  brief  remarks  upon  the  at- 
tractive trees  and  shrubs  named  above. 

Regarding  their  attractiveness  alone  enough  will  have  been 
said  to  Ontario  naturalists,  who  all  must  know  them  well,  if 
we  recall  their  admirable  virtue  of  blooming  in  early  spring 
when  we  are  still  waiting  for  the  advent  of  orchard  blossoms 
to  light  up  the  landscape;  and  recall  too,  the  sumptuous  effect 
of  their  banks  of  bloom  at  a distance,  or  at  nearer  view,  the 
wonderfully  elegant  and  airy  character  of  the  sprays  of  flow- 
ers. Regarding  their  interest  botanically,  I hope  to  show  that 
even  though  they  may  not  offer  to  the  seeker  after  new  species 
such  rich  reward  as  some  of  their  cousins  and  neighbors,  they 

5'2  THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BULLETIN  — NO.  6. 

are  nevertheless  perplexing  enough  to  suit  the  most  fastidious. 
Any  group  of  plants  of  which  this  much  can  be  truthfully  said 
ought  to  be  of  sufficient  interest  to  engage  our  attention. 

The  Amelanchiers  are  distributed  widely  throughout  the 
north  temperate  zone;  Asia,  Europe  and  North  America  all  hav- 
ing their  species.  In  Europe  they  are  not  only  native  and 
growing  wild,  but  are  valued  for  their  serviceableness  in  land- 
scape gardening.  In  America  they  are  a constant  feature  of 
the  flora,  right  across  the  continent.  The  Indians,  it  is  said, 
prized  them  highly  for  their  sweet,  pulpy,  if  somewhat  small 
fruits.  Anyone  fortunate  enough  to  share  with  the  birds  in 
partaking  of  these  so-called  berries,  must  agree  that  they  are 
no  mean  dessert. 

With  respect  to  habitat,  the  Amelanchiers  as  a genus  are 
not  particularly  restricted  in  range.  They  are  thoroughly  at 
home  in  dry  open  woodlands,  especially  in  the  shrubby  borders 
of  such  woods.  They  are  to  be  found  too  in  comparatively  wet 
situations;  in  the  open  country  along  the  edges  of  fields,  where 
they  often  become  shapely  trees  of  thirty  feet  or  more  in  height; 
and  there  are  forms  which  occur  in  rocky  places,  in  which  event 
they  are  commonly  dwarfed.  I have  in  mind  one  locality  of 
the  latter  sort  where  the  species  spicata  is  growing  in  several 
areas  on  limestone  strata,  having  a turf  covering  of  only  a 
few  inches.  Each  patch  is  some  square  rods  in  extent,  like  a 
thicket  of  raspberry  or  osier  dogwood,  and  the  closely-crowded 
stems  composing  it  are  only  from  one  to  three  feet  in  height, 
and  when  found  were  flowering  profusely,  regardless  of  size. 

It  is  rather  a far  cry  from  trees  of  thirty  feet  in  height  to 
the  diminutive  shrubs  just  referred  to  ; and  this  suggests  what 
may  now  be  discussed,  namely,  the  matter  of  discrimination 
between  species.  Before  attempting  to  list  species,  however, 
it  is  necessary  to  point  out,  as  was  hinted  above,  that  this 
phase  of  our  subject  is  not  so  amenable  to  ready  treatment  as 
might  seem  to  be  the  case.  Tike  other  genera  of  the  Rosaceae, 
the  Amelanchiers  are  almost  hopelessly  variable.  It  is  true 
they  have  not  demanded  any  such  prodigality  of  species  mak- 
ing as  even  conservative  - minded  botanists  find  necessary  in 



Crataegus  and  Rubus  ; but  even  the  few  forms  which  have  been 
characterized  have  received  most  various  interpretations. 

Examine  any  collection  of  Amelanchiers  made  during  past 
years,  and  the  truth  of  this  statement  is  forcibly  apparent. 
Many  names  will  be  found  altered,  or  would  be  at  once  altered 
if  the  attempt  were  made  to  bring  them  in  line  with  our  pres- 
ent views.  As  an  illustration  of  what  the  nomenclature  has 
undergone,  it  is  interesting  to  notice  that  the  Index  Kewensis 
(published  1895)  has  brought  together  some  thirty  names,  and 
of  this  number  has  been  content  to  retain  only  four  with  the 
status  of  species,  the  American  representatives  being  canadensis 
and  alnifolia.  American  botanists  have  never  stopped  at  that; 
but  while  they  have  been  united  in  further  splitting  up  our  species „ 
they  have  seldom  been  wholly  agreed  as  to  the  values  to  be 
given  their  types,  whether  that  of  variety  or  species.  The  most 
recently  issued  work,  Gray’s  Manual,  seventh  edition,  treats  the 
genus  within  its  range,  under  four  species  and  two  varieties > 
besides  recognizing  the  existence  of  forms  of  some  of  the  species, 
these  types  all  being  presumably  the  canadensis  of  the  Kew 
Index.  The  territory  westward  adds  to  these  alnifolia)  and 
several  others  which  will  probably  be  accepted  as  good  species. 
Whether  this  latest  word  upon  the  subject  is  destined  to  be  the 
last  remains  to  be  seen;  but  is  hardly  to  be  expected,  in  view 
of  all  the  intergradierit  forms  which  remain  as  a source  of  con- 

The  species  which  I have  found  at  Ottawa  in  my  not  very 
extensive  collecting  are  canadensis , with  its  variety  botryapium , 
and  spicata.  The  latter  has  been  observed  in  a number  of  its 
variations,  some  of  which  were  to  be  accounted  for  by  the  dif- 
ferences in  the  conditions  of  growth,  while  others  seemed, to  in- 
dicate nothing  more  .than  instability  of  type  in  the  species,  or 
perhaps  hybridization  with  other  species.  The  specimens  grow- 
ing on  rock,  for  instance,  were  markedly  different  in  habit,  size 
and  general  appearance  from  shrubs  otherwise  conforming  to 
the  same  description,  and  growing  on  dry  clay  hillsides.  These 
differences,  due  to  environment,  seem  to  be  the  principal  ones 
responsible  for  the  former  separation  from  it,  as  a species,  of 


THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BUXTETIN  — NO.  6. 

rotundifolia.  Speaking  generally,  spicata  is  smaller  than  the 
other  species;  and  at  Ottawa  it  is  probably  as  common  as  any. 

Individuals  of  canadensis  vary  from  small  shrubby  trees  to 
well-developed,  clean-trunked  examples,  which  are  the  largest  in 
the  genus.  As  a rule  they  are  fairly  well  distinguished  by  foli- 
age characters,  as  given  in  manuals,  which  need  not  be  repeated 
here.  The  size  of  the  flowers  (petals)  in  my  specimens  is  in 
most  cases  less  than  the  measurements  given  in  Gray’s  Manual, 
so  that  I have  found  them  of  little  value  as  a distinguishing 
feature.  The  remaining  Amelanchier,  botryapium,  differs  from 
typical  canadensis  principally  in  its  pubescent  leaves;  and  both 
are  common  at  Ottawa.  It  is  probable  that  these  three  are  all 
present  throughout  Old  Ontario. 

Of  the  other  members  of  this  genus  occurring  in  Eastern 
America,  I have  neither  collected  nor  seen  Ottawa  specimens  of 
oligocarpa.  It  occurs  only  where  it  finds  its  required  condi- 
tions of  cold  wet  swamps  or  woods.  In  the  herbarium  of  the 
Geological  Survey  at  Ottawa  there  are  specimens  from  Wing- 
ham,  in  the  north  of  Huron  County,  and  from  the  Petawawa 
River  in  Algonquin  Park;  the  latter  specimen  being  scarcely 
typical  as  regards  foliage.  Beyond  the  evidence  of  these  two 
sheets,  I can  find  nothing  to  indicate  the  distribution  of  the 
species  in  Ontario. 

The  collections  which  I have  had  the  privilege  of  examin- 
ing, namely,  those  at  the  Geological  Survey  and  of  the  Central 
Experimental  Farm,  have  yielded  no  Ontario  specimens,  which 
I could  place  without  doubt  in  the  species  oblongifolia.  Some 
so  labelled  had  to  be  referred  to  spicata , and  others  to  botrya- 
pium. Some  in  the  absence  of  young  specimens  could  not  be 
safely  identified.  One  from  Toronto,  and  one  also  from  Wing- 
ham,  may  be  correctly  named  and  the  species  may  well  be 
looked  for,  at  any  rate. 

There  remains  to  be  merely  mentioned  another  species,  alni- 
folia)  which  has  been  frequently  referred  to  Eastern  localities, 
but  is  not  so  credited  in  the  recent  edition  of  Gray.  In  the 
collections  examined  there  are  several  specimens  which  would 



seem  to  establish  its  occurrence  in  Ontario,  but  unfortunately 
they  are  not  sufficiently  complete  to  be  conclusive. 

In  concluding  this  brief  summary  of  what  I have  been  able 
to  learn  about  our  Amelanchiers,  I wish  simply  to  emphasize, 
what  the  account  has  aimed  to  point  out,  that  here  is  a piece 
of  work  in  field  botany  which  ought  to  make  its  appeal  to  some 
of  our  naturalists.  The  points  waiting  to  be  cleared  up  can 
only  be  satisfactorily  dealt  with  after  material  from  as  many 
localities  as  possible  has  been  brought  together.  To  be  of  the 
greatest  value  such  material  should  show  both  the  young  flow- 
ering and  the  later  fruiting  conditions,  since  some  of  the  most 
essential  foliage  characters  change  materially  in  the  course  of 
the  season.  Plants  from  which  specimens  are  taken  in  the 
spring  should  therefore  be  marked  and  numbered  to  preclude  the 
possibility  of  mistakes  in  the  fall.  Such  specimens  should  be 
supplemented  by  careful  notes  cf  habit,  environment,  and  other 
information  not  preserved  in  the  specimens. 

These  members  of  our  sylvan  flora,  while  of  minor  economic, 
importance,  fill  a place  of  such  prominence  in  the  aesthetic  fea- 
tures of  our  surroundings  that  wTe  can  hardly  afford  to  ignore 
their  claims  to  notice  botanically  while  there  is  anything  to 
be  learned. 

The  Compositae  of  Galt,  Ont.,  and  Vicinity. 


THE  Composites  form  the  largest  order  of  flowering  plants, 
numbering  in  the  neighborhood  of  12,000  species,  of  wide 
geographic  distribution,  chiefly  herbaceous,  but  occasion- 
ally shrubby,  or  in  a few  tropical  species,  trees. 

Many  of  our  native  species  have  gorgeous  flowers,  while  the 
adventive  species  from  Europe  are  amongst  our  most  pernicious 
weeds.  The  flora  of  the  Grand  River  valley  around  Galt  is  re- 
markable, as  shown  by  the  great  number  of  species  of  this  order 
which  it  contains,  indicating  a wonderful  diversity  of  soil  and 


THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BUbbETlN  — NO.  6. 

other  conditions  within  a very  limited  area,  for  within  a radius 
of  ten  miles  from  town  all  of  the  119  species  mentioned  below 
were  collected.  As  is  usually  the  case  with  large  orders  of  plants, 
many  of  the  genera  of  Composites  give  rise  to  a number  of 
variable  species,  and  of  these  the  Golden -rods  and  Asters  are 
amongst  the  most  prominent,  especially  the  latter,  for  I doubt 
if  any  genus  of  plants  is  more  difficult  of  segregation  than 
Aster,  as  several  of  the  species,  besides  being  extremely  vari- 
able, undoubtedly  hybridize,  producing  a host  of  most  perplex- 
ing forms.  In  dealing  with  these  genera,  I mention  only  those 
species  that  are  well  established,  and  omit  nearly  all  varieties 
which  are  of  interest  chiefly  to  the  specialist. 

Of  the  11 9 species  mentioned,  84  are  indigenous,  28  are  nat- 
uralized from  Europe,  1 from  Asia,  and  6 are  migrants  from 
the  Western  prairie  region. 

Eupatorium  purpureum , L,.  (Joe-Pye  Weed).— Common  around 
ponds  and  moist  places  generally.  Yar.  maculatum  (L-)>  Dari. 
— Common  with  the  type. 

Eupatorium  perfoliatum , L.  (Boneset).  — Common  along 
streams  and  in  moist  situations. 

Eupatorium  ur tic as folium,  Reichard  (White  Snakeroot). — In 
rich  woods  and  ravines.  Common. 

Liatris  cylindracea , Michx.,  (Blazing  Star).  — Dry  open 
woods.  Rare. 

Grindelia  squarrosa  (Pursh.) , Dunal  (Gum-plant)  .—A  migrant 
from  the  West  lately  appearing  in  fields,  but  not  troublesome 
as  a weed.  Infrequent. 

Solidago  squarrosa , Muhl.  (Ragged  Golden-rod)  .—Dry  woods 
and  ravines.  Common. 

Solidago  cassia  (D.)  (Wreath  Golden-rod)  .—Rich  woods  and 
ravines.  Common. 

Solidago  latifolia,  Iv.  (Broad-leaved  Golden-rod) . — Rich  woods 
and  ravines.  Common. 



Solidago  bicolor  (%.)  (White  Golden-rod).  — Dry  open  woods 
and  clearings.  Not  common. 

Solidago  hispida  (Muhl.)  (Hairy  Golden-rod). — Open  woods, 
fields  and  waysides.  Common. 

Solidago  uliginosa , Nutt.  (Bog  Golden-rod)  .—A  beautiful  spe- 
cies, growing  in  sphagnum  bogs  and  swamps.  Frequent. 

Solidago  patula , Muhl.  (Rough- leaved  Golden-rod) .—Swamps 
and  bogs.  Common. 

Solidago  juncea , Ait.  (Karly  Golden-rod);. — Our  earliest  flow- 
ering species.  Fields,  roadsides  and  open  places  generally. 
Nearly  all  our  plants  are  referable  to  the  variety  Scabrella. 

Solidago  neglecta , T.  & G.  (Swamp  Golden-rod).  — Swamps 
and  bogs.  Frequent. 

Solidago  uniligulata  (D.  C.) , Porter  (Few-rayed  Golden-rod) . 
— Bogs  and  swamps.  Frequent  Intergrading  with  the  last. 

Solidago  rugosa,  Mill.  (Wrinkle-leaved  Golden-rod)— Swamps, 
meadows  and  open  moist  places  Common. 

Solidago  nemoralis , Ait.  (Gray  Golden  rod) . — A beautiful 
dwarf  species,  growing  in  dry  fields  and  banks.  Common. 

Solidago  Canadensis , L.  (Canada  Golden -rod).  — An  ex- 
tremely variable  species,  found  in  its  various  forms  in  all  situ- 
ations. Our  largest  and  most  abundant  species. 

Solidago  serotina,  Ait.  (Smooth - stemmed  Golden  - rod). — 
Thickets  and  open  moist  .places.  Common. 

Solidago  Ohioensis  (Riddell)  (Ohio  Golden-rod). — A beauti- 
ful flat-topped  species,  growing  in  marshes  around  ponds.  At 
two  stations  quite  plentiful. 

Solidago  graminifolia  (T-),  Salisb.  (Fragrant  Golden-rod).— 
The  least  conspicuous  of  our  Golden -rods,  growing  in  moist, 
open  situations.  Common. 

Aster  divaricatus , R.  (White  Wood  Aster). — Dry  open  woods. 


THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BUbbETlN  — NO.  6. 

Aster  macrophyllus  (L-)  (Large-leaved  Aster). — An  extreme- 
ly variable  species,  growing  in  woods  ;and  clearings  everywhere, 
several  forms  having  been  separated  by  some  authors  as  spe- 

Aster  novce  anglice , Iy.  (New  England  Aster).  — Our  latest 
and  most  handsome  species;  growing  in  moist  or  dry,  open 
situations.  Common. 

Aster  azureus , Iyindl.  (Sky-blue  Aster).. — Dry  fields,  waysides 
and  open  woods.  Common. 

Aster  cordifolius , L.  (Common  Blue  Aster). — Dry  woods, 
fields  and  banks.  Common. 

Aster  Lowrieanus , Porter  (Lowrie’s  Aster). — Woods  and 
thickets;  closely  allied  to  the  last. 

Aster  sagettifolius , Wedemeyer  (Arrow-leaved  Aster)— All  our 
plants  have  the  leaves  more  or  less  pilose  beneath  and  the  stem 
often  5 ft.  in  height,  and  referable  to  the  variety  Urophyllus 
(Iyindl.),  Burgess.  Infrequent. 

Aster  Lindleyanus , T.  & G.  (Iyindley’s  Aster). — Thickets  and 
open  places.  Scarce. 

Aster  laevis , L.  (Smooth  Aster). — Our  earliest  flowering  spe- 
cies, growing  on  dry  banks  and  fields.  Handsome.  Frequent. 

Aster  multidorus , Ait.  (White  Wreath  Aster).— Dry,  open  fields 
and  banks.  Tocally  abundant. 

Aster  lateridorus  (L.)i  Britton  (Starved  Aster).  — An,  ex- 
tremely variable  species,  growing  in  swamps  and  moist,  open 
places  everywhere.  Besides  several  extreme  forms,  apparent 
hybrids  with  other  species  are  found. 

Aster  Tradescanti,  L.  (Tradescant’s  Aster). — Low  grounds 
and  marshes,  variable,  and  approaching  in  some  of  its  forms 
the  next.  An  abundant  species. 

Aster  paniculatus , Lam.  (Tall  Panicled  Aster)  .—Low  grounds 
and  marshes.  Common.  Extremely  variable  and  difficult  to 
determine  from  the  preceding  and  two  following  species,  into 
which  it  appears  to  intergrade. 



Aster  junceus,  Ait.  (Rush-leaved  Aster). —Bogs  and  marshes. 

Aster  longifolius , Earn.  (Eong-leaved  Aster). — Low  grounds. 
Not  common.  Variable. 

Aster  puniceus , E.  (Purple-stem  Aster). — Eow  grounds  and 
wet  open  places.  Common.  A very  variable  but  easily  dis- 
tinguished species. 

Aster  umbellatus , Mill.  (Double-bristled  Aster). — Moist  open 
places.  Not  common. 

Aster  ptarmicoides,  T.  & G.  (Upland  White  Aster).  — Dry, 
open  woods.  Rather  rare.  A unique  species. 

Erigeron  pulchellus , Michx.  (Robin’s  Plantain).— Open  woods 
and  fields.  Common. 

Erigeron  Philadelphicusy  E.  (Daisy  Fleabane). — Open  woods, 
fields  and  meadows.  Common. 

Erigeron  annuus  (E-E,Pers-  (Sweet  Scabious).  — Fields  and 
waysides.  Often  as  a weed.  Common. 

Erigeron  ramosus  (Walt.),  B.  S.  P.  (Eesser  Daisy  Fleabane). 
— Fields  and  open  places.  Common. 

Erigeron  Canadensis  (E.)  (Canada  Fleabane). — Fields  and 
waste  places.  Abundant  as  a weed. 

Antennaria  fallaXy  Greene  (Larger  Cat’s-foot). — Open  woods 
and  copses.  Frequent. 

Antennaria  neodioica , Greene  (Smaller  Cat’s-foot).  — Open 
woods,  fields  and  hillsides.  Common. 

Antennaria  neglecta , Greene  (Field  Cat’s-foot).— Growing  with 
the  last.  Common. 

Antennaria  petaloidea , Fernald  (Tall  Cat’s  - foot).  — Open 
woods,  fields  and  banks.  Frequent. 

Anaphalis  margaritacea  (E.)>  B.  & H.  (Pearly  Everlasting). 
—Dry  open  woods,  clearings  and  hillsides.  Frequent. 


THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BUbhETlN  — NO.  6. 

Gnaphalium  polycephalum,  (Michx.  (Common  Everlasting) . — 
Open  woods  and  fields.  Common. 

Gnaphalium  decurrens,  Ives  (Clammy  Everlasting). — Similar 
situation  as  the  last,  but  less  common. 

Gnaphalium  uliginosum,  F.  (Fow  Cudweed)  . — Fields,  road- 
sides and  moist  ditches;  often  as  a weed. 

Inula  Helenium,  F.  (Elecampane).  — Roadsides  and  fields. 

Polymnia  Canadensis , L.  (Feafcup). — Rich  rocky  woods  and 
ravines.  Infrequent. 

Silphium  terebinthinaceum}  Jacq.  (Prairie  Dock).— Found  only 
along  the  G.  T.  Railway  at  Blue  Fake,  between  Galt  and  Paris. 

Ambrosia  trifda , F.  (Great  Ragweed).  — In  waste  places 
along  the  Grand  River.  Infrequent.  Yar.  integrifolia  (Muhl.), 
T.  & G.,  occasional  with  the  type. 

Ambrosia  artemisif olia , F.  (Common  Ragweed). — Abundant 
as  a weed  by  roadsides,  fields  and  waste  places  everywhere. 

Ambrosia  psilostachya)  D.  C.  (Western  Ragweed). — Fately 
appearing  around  the  C.P.R.  station.  A migrant  from  the 

Xanthium  Canadense)  Mill.  (Clo'tbur). — Moist  places,  espe- 
cially along  the  river.  Common. 

Xanthium  echinatum,  Murr.  (Hairy  Clotbur). — Growing  with 
the  preceding,  but  less  common. 

Heliopsis  scabra , Dunal  (Rough  Ox-eye). — Moist  places  and 
banks  along  the  Grand  River.  Infrequent. 

Rudbeckia  hirta,  F.  (Black-eyed  Susan). — Open  woods,  dry 
fields  and  moist  places.  Common. 

Rudbeckia  laciniata , F-  (Tall  Coneflower).—  Damp  thickets 
and  river  banks.  Frequent. 

Helianthus  giganteusy  F-  (Giant  Sunflower).  — Dry  or  moist 
places.  Rare. 



Helianthus  divaricatus , L.  (Rough  Sunflower) .—Open  woods, 
fields  and  dry  exposed  places.  Common. 

Helianthus  strumosusy  Iy.  (Smooth  Sunflower) — Open  woods, 
fields  and  banks.  Common. 

Helianthus  decapetalus , Iy.  (Thin-leaved  Sunflower). — Rich, 
open  woods.  Rare. 

Helianthus  tuberosus , L.  (Jerusalem  Artichoke). — Old  fields 
and  waysides.  Infrequent.  A relic  of  cultivation  by  the 

Bidens  frondosa , Iy.  (Beggar’s  Ticks).— Moist  ditches,  along 
streams  and  in  waste  places.  Common. 

Bidens  connata,  Muhl.  (Swamp  Beggar’s  Ticks.) — Common. 
Swamps  and  along  streams.  Frequent. 

Bidens  cernua , Iy.  (Stick- tight). — Wet  places.  Common 

Bidens  laevis  (Iy.),  B.  S.  P.  (Bur  Marigold). — Wet  places, 
especially  along  streams.  Common. 

Helenium  autumnale)  Iy.  (Sneezeweed) . — Alluvial  soil  along 
the  Grand  River.  Rare. 

Gaillardia  aristata)  Pursh.  (Great  - flowered  Gaill,ardia) . — 
Fields  and  roadsides.  A migrant  from  the  West.  Scarce. 

Achillea  millefolium , Iy-  (Common  Yarrow). — Fields,  road- 
sides and  open  places  everywhere.  The  crimson-flowered  form 
somewhat  rare. 

Anthemis  cotula , L.  (Mayweed). — A weed  by  roadsides  and 
waste  places  everywhere. 

Anthemis  arvensis , L.  (Corn  Chamomile). — Tately  appearing 
in  fields.  Infrequent. 

Matricaria  inodor  a,  Iy.  (Wild  Chamomile). — Roadsides.  Rare. 

Chrysanthemum  Leucanthemum , Iy.  (Ox-eye  Daisy). — Fields 
and  waste  places.  Common. 


THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BULLETIN  — NO.  -6. 

Chrysanthemum  Balsamita,  E (Costmary). — Roadsides  and 
old  gardens.  Escaped  from  cultivation. 

Tanacetum  vulgare,  E.  (Tansy)  .—Escaped  from  gardens  to 
roadsides  and  waste  places. 

Artemisia  caudata , Michx.  (Wild  Wormwood). — A few  plants 
found  along  the  Grand  River  in  1895.  Eikely  an  import  from 
the  West. 

Artemisia  vulgaris , E.  (Common  Mugwort). — Roadsides  and 
waste  places.  Occasional. 

Artemisia  biennis , Willd.  (Biennial  Wormwood,)— Waste  places 
and  along  railways;  becoming  frequent.  A migrant  from  the 

Artemisia  frigida , Willd.  (Wormwood  Sage). — An  occasional 
plant  found  along  the  C.  P.  Railway.  A native  of  the  far 

Petasites  palmata  (Ait.),  Gray  (Palmate-leaved  Sweet  Colts- 
foot).— Eow  woods  and  cedar  swamps.  Rare. 

Erectites  hieracefolia  (E.),  R&f.  (Fireweed).  — Woods  and 
clearings,  especially  on  burned-over  ground.  Frequent. 

Senecio  vulgaris , E-  (Common  Groundsel). — A weed  in  gar- 
dens and  waste  ground.  Frequent. 

Senecio  aureus , E.  (Golden  Ragwort) — Under  its  many  forms 
found  growing  in  moist  places  and  swamps  throughout  our 

Arctium  Lappa , E-  (Burdock). — Waste  places  and  cultivated 
ground.  Common. 

Cirsium  lanceolatum  (E-),  Hill  (Bull  Thistle).  — Roadsides 
and  fields  everywhere.  Common. 

Cirsium  discolor  (Muhl.),  Spreng.  (Field  Thistle).  — Open 
woods  and  fields.  Frequent. 

Cirsium  muticum , Michx.  (Swamp  Thistle) — Eow  woods  and 
swamps.  Frequent. 



Cirsium  arvense  (R.),  Scop.  (Canada  Thistle). — A pernicious 
weed  in  fields  and  cultivated  ground.  Common. 

Onopordum  Acanthium,  R.  (Scotch  Thistle).  — Roadsides, 
fields  and  waste  places.  Frequent. 

Centaurea  Cyanus , R.  (Bluebottle).  — Occasional  in  culti- 
vated fields,  but  not  persistent. 

Centaurea  nigra,  R.  (Knapweed). — Along  railways  and  in 
waste  places.  Infrequent. 

Centaurea  Jacea , R.  (Rayed  Knapweed). — Fields.  Rare. 

Lapsana  communis , R.  (Nipplewort).  — Waste  places  and 
banks  along  the  Grand  River.  Frequent. 

Cichorium  Intybus , R.  (Chicory). — Roadsides  and  fields;  espe- 
cially common  on  flats  along  the  Grand  River. 

Leontodon  hispidus , R.  (Hairy  Fall  Dandelion).  — Abundant 
in  a moist  meadow  south  of  the  Galt  Waterworks,  where  it 
was  first  noticed  about  25  years  ago;  then  quite  plentiful,  and 
has  since  spread  to  roadsides  and  other  places. 

Tragopogon  porrif olius,  R.  (Vegetable  Oyster).  — Kscaped 
from  cultivation  along  the  railway  lines.  Frequent. 

Tragopogon  pratensis , R.  (Goat’s  Beard)  . — Found  in  a rocky 
field,  the  only  station. 

Taraxacum  officinale , Weber.  (Dandelion)— Abundant  infields, 
roadsides  and  cultivated  ground. 

Taraxacum  erythrospermum , Andry.  (Red-seeded  Dandelion). 
— Growing  with  the  preceding,  but  less  common. 

Sonchus  arvensis , R.  (Field  Sow  Thistle). — Fields  and  waste 
places.  Infrequent. 

Sonchus  oleraceus , R.  (Common  Sow  Thistle). — Waste  places 
and  cultivated  soil  and  around  dwellings. 

Sonchus  asper  (R.),  Hill  (Spiny-leaved  Sow  Thistle)— Waste 
places  and  cultivated  soil,  sometimes  in  woods. 


THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BULLETIN  — NO.  6. 

Lactuca  Scariola , I,.,  var.  integrata,  Greene  & Godr.  (Prick- 
ly Lettuce). — Waste  places,  fields  and  along  railway  lines.  Com- 

Lactuca  Canadensis , L.  (Wild  Lettuce). — Open  woods,  copses 
and  clearings.  Common. 

Lactuca  hirsuta , Muhl.  (Red  Wood  Lettuce).  — Dry,  open 
woods  and  clearings.  Frequent. 

Lactuca  spicata  (Lam.),  Hitchc.  (Tall  Blue  Lettuce). — Moist 
and  dry  woods  and  clearings.  Common. 

Crepis  capillaris  (L-),  Wallr.  (Smooth  Hawksbeard) — A weed 
in  cultivated  fields.  Rare. 

Prenanthes  alba , L.  (Rattlesnake-root).  — Rich  woods  and 
ravines.  Common. 

Prenanthes  altissimus , L.  (Tall  White  Lettuce).  — Woods, 
thickets  and  clearings.  Common. 

Hieracium  aurantiacum , L-  (Orange  Hawkweed). — Fields  and 
pastures.  Rare. 

Hieracium  scabrum , Michx.  (Rough  Hawkweed). — Dry,  open 
woods  and  clearings.  Frequent. 

Hieracium  Gronoyii , L.  (Hairy  Hawkweed).  — Open  sandy 
woods.  Infrequent. 

Hieracium  Can adense,  Michx.  (Canada  Hawkweed).  — Open 
woods,  clearings  and  copse  land.  Frequent. 

Galt,  Ont.,  Jan.  15th,  1910. 



Cruciferae  of  County  Peel 


THE  nomenclature  used  in  the  following  list  is  that  of 
Gray’s  Manual,  Edition  VII. 

Alyssum  alyssoides,  R.  Rare. 

Arabis  Canadensis,  R.  Rare. 

Arabis  hirsuta  (R.),  Scop.  Rare. 

Barbarea  stricta,  Andrz.  Frequent. 

Brassica  alba  (R.),  Boiss.  Rare. 

Brassica  arvensis  (E.),  Kotze.  Common. 

Cakile  edentula  (Bigel.),  Hook.  Not  common. 

Camelina  sativa,  Crantz.  Common. 

Capsella  Bursa-pastoris  (R.),  Medic.  Abundant. 
Cardamine  bulbosa  (Schreb.),  B.S.P.  Rare. 

Cardamine  Douglasii  (Torr.),  Britton.  Frequent. 
Cardamine  Pennsylvania,  Muhl.  Common. 

Conringia  orientalis  (R.),  Dumort.  Frequent. 

Dentaria  diphylla,  R.  Common. 

Dentaria  laciniata,  Muhl.  Frequent. 

Erysimum  cheiranthoides,  R.  Common. 

Hesperis  matronalis,  R.  Occasional. 

Repidium  apetalum,  Willd.  Common. 

Repidium  campestre  (R.),  R.  Br.  Occasional. 

Repidium  sativum.  Rare. 

Neslia  paniculata  (R.),  Desv.  Frequent. 

Radicula  Armoracia  (R. ) , Robinson.  Rare. 

Radicula  Nasturtium-aquaticum  (R.),  Britten  & Rendle. 

Radicula  palustris  (R-),  Moench.  Common. 

Radicula  palustris  (R.),  Moench,  var.  hispida  (Desv.), 
Robinson.  Rare. 

Sisymbrium  altissimum,  R.  Frequent. 

Sisymbrium  officinale  (R,),  Scop.  Common. 

Thlaspi  arvense,  R.  Frequent. 


THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BULLETIN  — NO.  6. 

Plant  Immigrants  of  1909. 


NOT  a season  passes  but  we  find  that  one  or  more  species 
of  plants  have  migrated  from  other  lands  or  other  places 
to  locate  with  us. 

I noticed  as  new  arrivals  the  past  season  in  this  district  : 
Kruca  sativa,  in  quantity  in  fields  of  alfalfa  seeded  in  the 
spring.  The  plants,  which  were  cut  off  with  the  grain  at  har- 
vest time,  bloomed  and  seeded  again  throughout  the  fall. 

Silene  dichotoma,  in  a field  of  red  clover  in  considerable 

Conringia  orientalis,  one  plant  in  a village  lot. 

Anthyllis  vulneraria,  scattered  sparingly  throughout  a field 
of  red  clover.  This  plant  is  not  listed  in  Britton  and  Brown, 
or  Grey  or  other  botanies  in  common  use  here,  although  it  is 
fully  described  in  British  and  other  lists,  even  of  rather  remote 
time.  Pliny,  among  others,  makes  special  mention  of  the  An- 
thyllis. It  is  a legume,  of  noticeable  appearance,  and  I would 
assume  would  never  become  a troublesome  weed. 

Innerkip,  Jan.  24th,  1910. 

Notes  and  Observations. 


Morchella  bispora  is  a very  common  fungus  on  the  Bruce 
Peninsula,  Ontario.  It  grows  abundantly  in  damp  woods,  ap- 
pearing in  May,  and  lasting  till  early  in  June.  Some  of  the 
sporophores  attain  a very  large  size.  As  an  edible  species  it 
ranks  high,  as  it  is  tender  and  of  excellent  flavor. 

Dr.  Dearness  informs  me  that  this  species  lias  not  been 
previously  recorded  from  Canada.  ^ j^lUGH 

Botanical  Department,  Queen’s  University, 
Kingston,  Ontario. 



On  July  3rd,  1909,  beside  the  steps  leading  to  the  north  door 
of  the  old  Arts  Building,  Queen’s  University,  I found  a patch 
of  Carex  muricata,  B.  This  is,  I believe,  the  first  time  that  this 
European  species  has  been  recorded  from  Canada. 

Botanical  Department,  A.  B.  KLTJGH. 

Queen’s  University, 

Kingston,  Ontario. 


( Matricaria  suaveolens  (Pursh)  Buchenau). 

Although  a native  of  the  Pacific  slope,  this  plant  has  re- 
cently become  established  in  the  vicinity  of  Guelph,  and  is  now 
of  very  common  occurrence,  especially  in  the  neighborhood  of 
the  O.  A.  College.  Its  insignificant  appearance  and  close  re- 
semblance to  Anthemis  cotula,  B- — from  which  it  is  readily  dis- 
tinguished by  its  rayless  heads — are  probably  responsible  for  the 
fact  that  it  had  not  been  noticed  prior  to  last  year.  A.  E. 

LINARIA  MINOR  (L.) , Desf. 

It  is  now  some  years  since  this  small  European  species  was 
first  noticed  in  Ontario.  Although  still  apparently  confined 
to  railway  tracks,  it  appears  to  be  spreading  rapidly  through- 
out Ontario,  as  during  the  past  summer  it  was  noticed  in  a 
number  of  new  localities,  especially  east  of  Toronto.  Around 
Guelph  it  is  now  quite  common,  especially  on  the  G.T.R.  track 
between  Guelph  and  Hespeler.  A.  E. 


( Halenia  deflexa  (Sm.),  Griseb). 

Although  this  plant  is  not  new  to  Wellington  County,  yet 
it  is  very  rare  in  the  vicinity  of  Guelph,  and  it  was  consequent- 
ly a source  of  much  pleasure  to  Mr.  Howitt  and  the  writer  to 
find  it  growing  in  a damp,  shady  spot  along  the  G.T.R.  track, 
just  outside  Hespeler.  Only  a few  specimens  of  this  curious 
and  interesting  species  were,  however,  discovered.  A.  E. 


THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BULLETIN  — NO.  6. 

Publications  Received. 

BIRD  LORE  : Vol.  XI.,  Nos.  3,  4,  5,  6 ; Vol.  XII.,  No.  1. 

While  the  reading  matter  of  this  magazine  is  decidedly  in- 
teresting, it  is  the  great  excellence  and  usefulness  of  its  illus- 
trations < which  render  it  most  attractive  to  the  ornithologist. 
In  each  number  there  are  not  only  numerous  photographs  of 
birds  in  their  natural  haunts,  but  colored  plates  of  high  excel- 
lence— probably  the  finest  plates  of  North  American  birds  which 
have  ever  appeared.  With  Vol.  XI.,  No.  6,  begin  the  plates  of 
sparrows,  which  series  will  undoubtedly  prove  highly  useful  to 
bird  students,  in  aiding  them  to  recognize  the  various  species 
of  this  difficult  group.  The  Christmas  bird-census  in  Vol.  XII., 
No.  i,  gives  a good  index  as  to  the  status  of  bird-life  in  North 
America  this  year,  and  shows  that  during  this  winter  northern 
migrants  and  winter  residents  have  been  rare.  A.  B.  K. 

WIIvSON  BUBEETIN  : Vol.  XXI.,  Nos.  i,  2,  3,  4. 

This  excellent  quarterly  is  of  interest  to  Ontario  ornithol- 
ogists, because  in  it  appear  most  of  the  contributions  from  the 
Great  Bakes  Ornithological  Club,  which  organization  has  made 
Point  Pelee,  Ontario,  its  first  territory  for  a complete  ornitho- 
logical survey. 

In  this  volume  the  editor,  Prof.  Bynds  Jones,  begins  his 
notes  on  “The  Birds  of  Cedar  Point.’’  This  point  is  just  across 
Bake  Erie  from  Point  Pelee,  and  this  fact  renders  these  notes 
of  great  interest  to  Ontario  bird-students.  A.  B.  K. 

Vol.  XI.,  Nos.  1,  2,  3,  4. 

This  quarterly  of  the  Maine  bird-students  is  always  improv- 
ing in  quality,  and  the  increasing  number  of  short  notes  from 
various  observers  shows  the  widespread  interest  in  bird  study 
which  it  is  creating  in  its  State. 

It  is  with  the  deepest  regret  that  we  record  the  death  on 
September  6th,  1909,  of  Mr.  W.  H.  Brownson,  the  talented  and 
cordial  editor  of  the  Journal.  A.  B.  K. 



RHODORA  : Vol.  II,  Nos.  122-132  ; Yol.  12,  No.  133. 

Rhodora  is  a magazine  which  is  of  inestimable  value  to  all 
botanists  who  reside  within  the  range  of  Gray’s  Manual,  for  in 
it  appear  nearly  all  the  systematic  revisions  of  the  families 
and  genera  within  that  area. 

Many  articles  and  notes  of  much  ecological  and  distribu- 
tional value  are  also  published  in  this  journal;  among  those  in 
these  numbers  being  : — “ The  Habitat  of  Rhodora ,”  by  D.  P. 
Penhallow;  “ Corylus  rostrata  and  C.  Americana ,”  by  K.  M. 
Wdegand;  “On  the  Flora  of  Lower  Cape  Cod,”  by  F.  S.  Col- 
lins, and  1 “Submarine  Bog  at  Woods’  Hole,”  by  H.  H.  Bartlett. 

A.  B.  K. 

THE  FERN  BULLETIN  : Vol.  XVII.,  Nos.  1-4. 

This  excellent  Quarterly,  which,  by  the  way,  is  the  only 
journal  in  North  America  devoted  exclusively  to  Pteridophyta , 
still  maintains  its  high  standard.  The  success  of  this  publica- 
tion is  very  largely  due  to  the  untiring  energy  of  its  able  edi- 
tor/Mr. Willard  N.  Clute.  Its  articles  and  shorter  notes  are 
of  the  greatest  interest  to  fern  students;  among  the  former  ap- 
pearing in  this  volume  being  : — “ Ophioglossum  vulgatum  in  On- 
tario,” by  F.  J.  A.  Morris  ; “Notes  on  Nephrodium  Hybrids,” 
by  E.  J.  Winslow  ; “ Polystichum  acrostichoides  multifida , ” by  W. 
N.  Clute,  and  “Collecting  in  the  Everglades,”  by  C.  T.  Simp- 
son. A.  B.  K. 

Wellington  Field  Naturalists’  Club. 

During  the  past  year,  as  in  previous  years,  the  regular  fort- 
nightly meetings  of  the  Field  Naturalists’  Club  have  been  held. 
This  year,  however,  it  was  thought  advisable  to  hold  the  meet- 
ings in  the  Carnegie  Library  Hall,  Guelph,  this  being  more 
convenient  for  the  city  members  of  the  Club.  The  meetings 
were  very  successful,  all  the  papers  being  of  a most  interesting 


THE  ONT.  NAT.  SC.  BULLETIN  — NO.  6. 

character  and  much  appreciated  by  the  attending  members.  The 
following  is  a list  of  the  papers  read  during  the  past  year  : 


Nov.  3 Notes  on  the  Natural  History 

of  Southern  India.... Mr.  G.  J.  Spencer 

Mars  Mr.  Scrimiegour 

Nov.  17  Fertilization  of  Orchids Mr.  J.  D.  Tothill 

The  Evolution  of  the  Chrysan- 
themum   Mr.  Hunt 


Jan.  26  Game  Birds  of  Ontario Mr.  R.  Fraser 

Wild  Flowers  of  Saskatchewan..  Mr.  S.  J.  Neville 

Feb.  10  A Naturalist’s  Meal Mr.  A.  C.  Baker 

External  Parasites  Mr.  A.  W.  Baker 

Feb.  24  The  Balance  of  Nature Mr.  T.  D.  Jarvis 

Mar.  10  Observations  in  Halton  County.  Mr.  C.  A.  Galbraith 

Mar.  24  Ferns  and  Their  Haunts Mr.  J.  E.  Howitt 

April  7 Comets  Mr.  Asbury