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Full text of "The Open shed compared with the closed barn for dairy cows"

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Historic, archived document 

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\) 4, WS 
Contribution from the Bureau of Animal Industry Si A) 

Washington, D. C. Y November 15, 1918 


By T. E. Woopwarp, W. F. Turner, W. R. Hats, and J. B. McNuury, of the 
Dairy Division. 


Page. Page. 
Present dairy practice regarding open and Wa bormneduined = week oeee ce eee ee ee eee 10 
ClosedWbarnseaez. cases fl eS: 1 Preparing cows for milking.............. 10 
Review of previous work...............-...- 2 Removing manure and flushing out milk 
mhe~experimentall work. .-.--.----22e-4e25e- 3 TOOT Seen ie Stee eee ee Ene 11 
Description of the open shed .--......... 3 Bedding—time required, pounds needed, 
EBhexclosedybarmiccs ie ae oy ce pees 4 HOS PORE AD 2 Sala NINERS MTom Water a aE 11 
ABNGVS) (LONG SE 5 CI ge as NR 4 | Health and contentment of the cows. -.....--- 12 
Eroduction records +t ye. 2 Ske Teo 4 | Manure—preservation, handling, etc........- 13 
INSECURE COLGS ces tbe Yee <p d eres = ae ity sys os NG) MSbecheme AVE oe Eon Cpe e a? tee aan GEL 13 
PISCUSSION Of FESUIES 2-222 .2=-422hene2 2-5 22% 5 


In order that milk and butterfat may be produced economically, 
it is necessary to provide shelter of some kind for dairy cattle during 
the cold, stormy seasons of the year. While the length of the stabling 

period varies in different sections of the United States, most dairy 
cows are now housed for at least five months, from November to 
_ March, inclusive. 

An open-shed barn is usually partly or entirely closed on three 
sides, leaving one side, usually the south or east, open. The shed is 
large enough to allow each animal sufficient room for comfort and 
_ exercise, the space allowed varying from 35 to 150 square feet for 
_ each cow. The animals are allowed the freedom of the shed except. 
_ at milking time. Usually there is a separate room into which the 
' cows are driven for milking. This room may accommodate all or 
only a part of them. In the latter case they are milked in groups. 
| In the milking room the cows are groomed, milked, and fed grain, 
| after which they are driven out and another group takes their place. 
_ Roughage is fed in racks and troughs provided for that purpose in 
_ the open shed. 

4 74848°—18—Bull. 736 


The closed barn consists of a barn entirely inclosed with stall 
room enough to accommodate the entire herd. The animals are 
kept in the barn during most of the late fall and winter, and in some 
dairies the entire year. 

It is almost the universal practice of dairymen to keep their cows 
in a closed barn of some type, although in recent years some have 
used the open shed. Advocates of the latter have maintained that 
the manure is handled more easily and is better preserved and that 
the cows yield more milk and butterfat and are healthier, cleaner 
and more comfortable than when confined in a closed barn. Dairy- 
men who have had experience in stabling cows both in closed barns 
and in open sheds disagree as to the merits of the two. In order to 
obtain definite and reliable information on the problem the experi- 
mental work hereinafter described was carried on at the Dairy Di- 
vision Experiment Farm, Beltsville, Md., near Washington, D. C. 
The results should be applicable to other parts of the country in a sim- 
ilar latitude. 


Fraser! of the University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Sta- 
tion, investigated the open-shed system of housing dairy cattle by 
sending outa list of 21 questions to dairymen in Illinois who used 
the open shed. The answers of the 18 dairymen who replied indi- 
cated that the milking barn was kept cleaner when the open shed 
was used, and that the cows and the milk were cleaner. In almost 
every case more bedding was required, and the cows showed no 
tendency to injure one another. In the latter connection 1¢ must be © 
remembered that in the opinion of the Illinois dairymen mentioned 
above dehorning was believed to be necessary to the success of the 
open shed. All who replied to Prof. Fraser’s inquiry had either 
dehorned or polled cattle. In answer to the question “ What do you 
consider the chief advantage of keeping cows in this way over ordi- 
nary stabling?” no one fact was so generally emphasized as the labor- 
saving feature of the open shed. 

‘In an investigation at the Maryland Agricultural Experiment — 
Station conducted by Buckley and Lamson? the open stable was 
compared with the closed stable. The following is a brief summary 
of the conclusions drawn from the experiment: 

The cost of construction for the open shed is smaller than for the closed barn. The 
cost of labor and the cost of milk, based on quality of feed consumed, is slightly less 

in the open shed than in the closed barn. In the open shed, manure is better pre- 
served and cows are kept cleaner. The supply of fresh air and light is also better. 

1 Fraser, W.J. ‘‘Should Dairy Cows be Confined to Stalls?”’ Tllinois Circular 93, 1904. 
2 Buckley, S. S., and Lamson, R. W. Open Shed Versus Closed Stable for Dairy Cows. Maryland 
Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin 177. 

a rn 


The effects of extremely low temperatures are practically negative in reducing the 
flow of milk. No bad results were experienced from cows horning or butting one 
another when allowed the freedom of the open shed. 

Davis,! at the Pennsylvania Agricultural Experiment Station, 
conducted an experiment in which the effect of open-shed housing 
for dairy cows was compared with the closed stable. He concludes 
as follows: 

It appears that the cows kept under the open shed have keener appetites and con- 
sume more roughage than those kept in stables. Sufficient protein was consumed 
under both systems to meet the requirements of milk and maintenance. The milk 
yield of the outside group decreased more rapidly each winter than that of the inside 
group. Sudden drops in atmospheric temperature caused decreases in milk yield 
for both groups, the outside group having slightly greater decrease. More bedding 

was required outside, but less labor was necessary to keep the cows clean. Both 
groups finished each winter trial in good health. 


The following details of three years’ experiments carried on at 
the Dairy Division Experiment Farm at Beltsville, Md., show the 
conditions under which the work was done. 


The shed used was of frame construction, 58 feet in length and 
35 feet in width, inside measurements. On the north end a space 
of 18 feet was partitioned off and inclosed for a milking room with 
stalls for 8 cows. It had a concrete platform, gutter, and alleyway. 
The cows were allowed the freedom of the shed except at milking 
time. The north end of the shed and the east and west sides up 
to within 18 inches of the plate were kept closed, while the south 
end, except for a fence to keep the cows inside when desired, was 
entirely open. On the south was a small dry paddock where the 
cows were permitted to exercise. The space available for the cows 
within the open shed, excluding the space of the feeding troughs, 
was a little more than 1,200 square feet, which allowed each of the 

‘16 cows housed in the shed approximately 75 square feet of floor 

space. Two doors opened into the milking room from the shed, 
one through which the cows were driven in to be milked and the 
other through which they were driven out after milking. 

This was the type of shed used during the first year of the experi- 
ment. For the last two years a new shed, entirely open on the 
south side, replaced the old one. The north side and both ends had 
large doors which swung from the top. In summer the doors were 

raised to permit a better circulation of air, but in the winter months, 

1 Davis, H. P. The Effect of Open-Shed Housing as Compared with Closed Stable for Milch Cows,” 
Separate No. 14 (pp. 183-226), Annual Report, 1913-14, Pennsylvania State College. 1916. 


while the experiment was in progress, the doors were lowered. For — 
the purpose of the experiment there was no difference in the two 
structures. The new shed was built only a short distance from the 
main milking barn, so it was convenient to drive the cows from the 
open shed into the main barn to be milked; consequently both 
groups of cows were milked in the same pealerars during the — 
two years of the experiment. 


The closed barn was of concrete construction, 36 feet by 59% feet, 
with stall room for 26 cows, and was equipped with concrete floors, 
mangers, and gutters. The cows faced the outside walls, and the 
alleyway behind them was 8 feet wide. The feed alleys in front 
of the cows were 4 feet wide, and there was a 5-foot alleyway at each 
end of the barn. The 17 windows, 7 on each side, 1 on the north end, 
and 2 on the south end, provided 176 square feet of lighting space. 
A modification of the King system of ventilation was used. 

The concrete floors on one side of the barn were covered with 
various kinds of insulators, such as cork brick, creosoted blocks, and 
planks. One-half of the cows used in the experiment stood on the 
floors and the other half on the concrete. 


The herd throughout the entire investigation consisted of 1 pure- 
bred Guernsey, 2 pure-bred Holsteins, 10 grade Jerseys, and 8 cows 
of miscellaneous breeding. The records of all the animals stabled 
under the two systems could not be used, on account of the irregu- 
larity of calving, ete. 


The herd was divided into two groups. During the first year 
one group was kept in the open shed and the other in the closed 
barn. The second year the groups were reversed. The third year 
the groups were again reversed, which gave three years’ records for 
comparison. Owing to the irregularity in calving, all the cows have 
not three years’ records which are comparable. Four cows had two 
years’ records in the open shed, an average of which was taken and 
compared with their one year in the closed barn. Seven cows had 
two years’ records in the closed barn, an average of which was 
compared with their one year’s record in the open shed. 

Since the results of the housing are determined quite largely, if 
not entirely, upon the stabling period—November to March, in- 
clusive—only the records obtained for the five months were studied. 
These records do not in any case cover the entire period of five 
months, owing to the irregularity of some of the cows in calving, 


though all records come within the five months mentioned. Only 
comparable records have been included. By way of illustration: 
Cow 201 calved October 26, 1914, while in the open shed. In 1915 
she calved September 26, while in the closed barn. Therefore, in 
order that there should be no difference in the records due to time 
of freshening, records for December, 1914, and January, February, 
and March, 1915, in the open shed, were compared with the records 
for November and December, 1915, and January and February, 1916, 
in the closed barn. In a similar way other production records 
covering the same length of time in the two barns and taken the 
same time after calving have been compared. 

The weight of each milking was recorded, and composite samples 
for two days were taken in the middle of the month and tested for 
butterfat. The butterfat test of the composite samples taken during 
the two days was used to calculate the total butterfat production for 

the month. 

The grain mixture used throughout the experiment was the same 
for both groups of cows, and usually consisted of 2 parts corn meal, 
2 parts wheat bran, and 1 part cottonseed meal. In some instances 
the mixture was varied slightly in the case of individual cows. The 
roughage consisted of silage and of such hay as was available on the 
farm—cowpea, crimson clover, and red clover. 

All grain fed was accurately weighed out for each animal, and 
records were kept during the periods covered by the production 
record. The hay, silage, and other roughage fed to the cows in the 
open shed the first year were weighed out in quantities sufficient for 
the entire lot, and it was assumed that equal quantities were con- 
sumed by the various individuals. During the last two years of the 
experiment the roughage was weighed out to each animal. The 
quantity of grain fed was determined largely by the production of 
the individual cow, but consideration was given also to her physical 
condition. It was desired to keep all cows in good condition and to 
maintain each individual at a uniform weight. They were fed all the 
silage and hay they would consume without waste. 

The cows in the open shed were bedded often enough to keep the 
inclosure clean, which was almost every day. In the closed barn the 
cows were bedded daily, and bedding enough was used to make them 
comfortable and to absorb the liquid manure. For the five months 
of the year during which data were taken wheat straw was used with 
both groups. 


The milk and butterfat production records made under both the 
open-shed and closed-barn conditions are shown in Table 1 



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TABLE 2.—Fced consumed. 



Cotton-| Red- | Crim- | Cow- 
Cow No. Corn | Wheat| seed |} clover | son- pea Corn Miscellaneous. 
meal. | bran. | meal. | hay. | clover | hay. | silage. 
Pounds. Pounds.| Pounds.|Pounds.' Pounds.| Pounds.| Pounds. 
1] 2S See NULLAM 196 158 79 CPP Ne aa ae 405 | 2,970 | Corn stover, 155. 
Pie dey CR ae MANU abate 443 296 148 HAAN eae 445 | 3,210 2 
ZU SGN SA a ofA JIN De 462 308 153 TAME WA 445 | 3,210 
ES EE RA he ES 460 306 | 153 gL Yea eaten 445 3, 210 
CS): ala ada Br panes a 299 200 99 AAT eee 208 | 2,032 
EV Ny Sa ash an Nate ll 446 297 148 J pat ete 445 | 3,210 
OP SE OEE pee 181 12] 60 WAAL Ne ive 208 | 2,032 
UALS, cece ahaa 206 166 CSPZA Seca Sn 1 363 | 2,114 | Corn stover, 81. 
TEC ELS LOONIE 276 276 138 134 295 rile ad 3, 150 
Tg as Mi hg 342 265 132 Tap Da ease MU 423 | 3,198 | Corn stover, 115. 
TICS us eA LE AVS Rt 295 196 99 PA Ae eae. Pye 208 1,770 
PAD) sp AOR aD dae a 263 263 132 Cs ea 405 |! 2,948 | Corn stover, 155. 
Dilpeererwen ain an Sete 487 361 148 112 225 75 | 3,090 | Fish meal, 63. 
DAD ESSN Lie a NE obese na 448 300 149 AAS etek ee 445 3,210 
DS SANS SSG 392 280 112 112 225 75 | 3,045 | Fish meal, 56. 
He Oa ee pe ees 378 126 126 DOA | (Artest hail een hi 5 wih 1, 870 
RRM yuE eats NLT 188 188 94 4A XG (el hue 1,910 
Dees An Mees we i 0) 354 118 118 8} Gyr KNGhe BP allel (La LA 1, 870 
MOO inarsrtrhl outey i drab 276 276 138 134 PENS | isa edt 2,995 
OLE OD a 654 654 326 144 424 96 | 6,050 
DVD aieiiedeaneny Ray Lake ON I er) 432 432 215 144 SA OMe ne 4,325 
Motalauseuee 7,478 | 5,587 | 2,849 | 2, 620 | 2,085 | 4,691 | 61,419 
IU) 5 eI AES 164 164 82 134 PASS he Sever tl 2, 700 
PDE SCARS OES ey one 360 360 SOAs oe 337 75 | 3,010 
HEL AS ES OS 362 362 232 15 PTA |i eeete ress 2, 805 porbonseed hulls, 138. 
Sottonseed hulls, 138. 
FRE oC) SK APN 297 297 190 15 Niall a ave 2, 805 Bone meal, 31. ’ 
Bia ap ONE ARS A 206 206 LOSE es IRD AAAS asso 1,770 
Oe Niet ee Seu veteue taste 276 276 138 124 DO yes a eee 2, 540 
HD eM ea 213 213 IGS \eeeboe se 20 ia eeeaceee 1,770 
TU Se ae em ie 236 236 13 1 ea PBS) dase 1,770 
Cottonseed hulls, 45. 
TG ee rs ener et 343 267 145 72 1212 259 | 2,013 |{Stover, 115. 
Bone meal, 9. 
| PIS A WO ee el Beh ck 264 264 132 134 PAP AN fe See 1,715 | Dried-beet pulp, 410. 
ING) i A rae ee 214 214 NOV ARs ie ee AS Fe Lae AY 2,065 
HOS EN EN ao TE A 252 252 126 124 PASE sp tine 3, 150 iB i 
e ottonseed hulls, 276. 
eed enna 976 | 298) tal Fs Wee ua 197 | 3,108 Bone Pe orate 
i SEIN ET SSA ee Senna 263 263 132 124 PAS P A Wa eet ra 1,470 | Beet pulp, 410. 
Cottonseed hulls, 276. 
RN NBCU BON SE 317 262 205 26 257 417 | 1,455 | Bone meal, 15. 
Turnips, 2,655 
DA rev ercvspaves oral tara sre tieds 265 177 Shot SSMS OS Al eee een (A078 Snares Turnips, 2,700 
4 PASS 1A Re Mle Ba Re ae 174 137 O9F ee ees 1 228 192 885 Ove, 102. 
urnips, 1,325. 
a eel sae A SS aa al A 204 163 BO eras alse ee ls 478 909 |) 64 over, 11 Z 
SOQ air ie CRN 358 297 149 73 182 240 | 2,917 
PRO eae DiS Ma 533 5383 QO NE en 1361 349 | 2,475 | Stover, 474. 
One. a! 319 253 128 BOM pcan a 432 | 3,708 | Stover, 115. 
Mota sae oe 5,896 | 5,419] 2,950 964 | 3,520} 3,351 | 45,031 
i 1 Alfalfa hay. 2 Timothy hay. 

In the data of Table 1 it will be noted that of the 21 cows kept 
under the two systems 15 produced more milk and butterfat when 
kept in the open shed, while 6 showed a higher production when 
kept in the closed barn. The total production while in the open 
shed was 34,630.9 pounds of milk, containing 1,535.15 pounds of 
butterfat, and that in the closed barn was 31,898.7 pounds of milk, 


containing 1,437.41 pounds of butterfat. Accordingly, under the 
open-shed system there was a total increase for the period considered, 
about 2.71 months, of 2,732.2 pounds of milk and 97.74 pounds of 
butterfat, or an average for each cow of 130.1 pounds of milk and 
4.6 pounds of butterfat. The total number of months compared 
under each system was 57. Calculations from these figures indicate 
that there was an average monthly increase of 48 pounds of milk 
and 1.7 pounds of butterfat for each cow while stabled in the open 

Tables 2 and 3 show, respectively, the feed and digestible nutrients 
in the feed consumed by the two groups covering the same period of 
time as the production shown in Table 1. Where the figures in 
Table 1 are an average of two years the feeds in Tables 2 and 3 are 
also an average of two years. 

TaBLE 3.—Digestible nutrients in feed consumed. 

Open-shed group. Closed-barn group. 
Feeds. e | 
. Carbohy- , . Carbohy- 
Protein. | Grates: Fat. Protein. FES Fat. 
Concentrates: Pounds.| Pounds. | Pounds. | Pounds. | Pounds. | Pounds. 
Connmnea las 2as. s5 Se toc as c ee ae ceaees 515. 98 | 5,159. 82 261. 73 406.82 | 4,068. 24 206. 36 
iWiheatibrant2s 50) pee ee ee eee 698. 37 | 2,324.19 167.61 677.37 | 2,254.30 162. 57 
Cottonseedaneals- 25 26s eee: 951. 57 692. 31 225. 07 985. 30 716. 85 233. 05 
ishimealbeadetsnss aes Bee Seo A4 OSH. acess 132803]. 20s oS bseS sensor ee eee 
Mried=bee typulp sts. tei. osoe ec soc cose clbec ee tal O- cod ees Lc eae 37. 72 534. 64 6. 56 
otal a seee Seo ee Pas ae eee cee 2,210.90} 8,176.32 668.21 | 2,107.21 | 7,574.03 608. 54 
Roughage: | 
Ml faltaihayso-ho he 2b oss. 5 ees oo: |e a eee ee 84. 91 312.39 7.21 
Cowpea dayne oes a2 Se Js sesse sae 614.52 | 1,580.87 46. 91 438.98 | 1,129. 29 33. 51 
Crimson-cloverihay = = Se S sees ee 202. 24 767. 28 20. 85 345. 61 | 1,295. 36 35. 20 
Red=cloyveriwnyseeee sc 2 522 Jos ee oe 199.12 | 1,029.66 | . 47.16 73. 26 378. 85 17.35 
Timothy hay, Bees! - 2Ee bo. ate ke ee an oh eee 1.71 24. 40 . 68 
Corm!StOVetssse45>- 2 Son Ne teen ce 10. 63 214. 54 3. 54 19. 34 390. 50 6. 45 
Cottonseed hulls..2.252 404. S242. 2.2.42 | a eae. SE 2. 62 290. 71 13.09 
Motalss. Sener eek Ge SYS od os 1,026. 51 | 3,592.35 118. 46 966. 43 | 3,821.50 113. 49 
Silage and roots: 
Cormstlagesare-ceae +2 ee 25 Beale or: 675.61 | 9,212. 85 429. 93 495.34 | 6,754. 65 315. 22 
‘TUT IPSte eee sire ee oocysts ras ho te we ce ee Shee | ee cae 6. 68 400. 80 13. 36 
otal Acres yee ee 675.61 | 9,212.85 429. 93 502. 02 7,155. 45 328. 58 
Grand tobal spite ee = ee 3, 913. 02 |20, 981.52 | 1,216.60 | 3,575.66 |18,550.98 | 1,050.61 
Pounds digestible nutrients required to 
produce 1 poundiobiate ee 26 sss5- 2. 55 13. 67 79 2. 49 12. 91 AYE: 

It may be noted in Table 3 that when the cows were kept in the 
open shed they required more digestible nutrients. However, the 
quantities of digestible nutrients required to produce one pound of 
fat in each of the two stables did not vary appreciably. 



TABLE 4.—Analyses used in calculating digestible nutrients. * 

Crude | Carbo- : Crude | Carbo- 
Feed rotein |hydrates et woe Reed rotein |hydrates Ha ADEE 
eee per 100] (per 100} ounds) er 100| (per 100}, ands) 
pounds).|pounds).| P . pounds).|pounds).|? : 
‘Cormmeailiy 22.3252 6.9 69. 0 3.5 || Crimson clover...-.-.- 9.7 36.8 1.0 
Wheat bran (all anal- Red clover (all anal- 
SCS) eis tata Bole 12.5 41.6 3.0 SES) ose a eae qoaiae 7.6 39.3 1.8 
‘Cottonseed me a 1 Corn stover (medium 
@prinie) 2 eee eee 33.4 24.3 7.9 IMUWAteT) Sse es as bees OE 42. 4 we 
Beet pulp (dried). ..-- 4.6 65. 2 .8 |} Cottonseed hulls.....-- 5 33.3 15 
Fish meal (highinfat).} . 37.8 |....----- 11.6 |} Corn silage (well ma- 
Alfalfa (all analyses). . 10.6 39.0 9 Gund) Res ea ace ileal 15.0 5U 
‘Cowpea (allanalyses).. 13.1 33. 7 TO) | Murmip shee emeeeeee 1.0 6.0 2 
1 From ‘‘Feeds and Feeding,’’? by Henry and Morrison. 
TaBLE 5.—Feed cost of milk and butterfat. 
Open-shed group. Closed-barn group. 
Gon Ne Feed | Feed Feed | Feed 
iN Oe Cost of | Cost of | Total | cost of jcost of 1) Got of | Cost of | Total | cost of | cost of 1 
ei rough- | cost of | 100 | pound nail rough-;|cost of} 100 | pound 
8 age. feed. | pounds} butter- 8 "| age. feed. | pounds| butter- 
milk, fat. mi fat. 
1 LON A roel MOY el ea $6. 58 | $13.42 | $20.00 | $2.47 | $0.58 | $6.19 | $11.67 | $17.86 | $2.40 $0. 52 
kee hes © Ree 13. 6 14.49 | 28.09 1. 28 SPA 13. 59 IPERS i) Pay Oy 1.39 . 26 
JUL y ee ts Sees tae 14. 14 14.49 | 28.63 1, 28 . 29 14. 51 11.39 | 25.90 1.30 . 29 
Yee 2 2 Henares SEER Ee 14. 09 14.49 | 28.58 US Pal . 30 11. 89 1523) | e2oe le 1.14 aed 
CSN Para ee me eo Oe, a 9.16 9. 06 18. 22 1.17 - 28 7. 78 7. 20 14. 98 1.08 By 45) 
Oot a lt Re as Beran 13. 66 14.49 | 28.15 1.39 any 10. 42 10.88 } 21.30 1.36 .o2 
PAE Ie a 8 See abe ais O200 9. 06 14. 61 2.25 300 8. 03 7.45 15. 48 1.55 . 36 
AE ca a TOL We ee 6. 91 9.56 | 16.47 1. 47 Bay} 8.91 7. 20 16. 11 1. 20 . 24 
UE hes, MUS eo UU ae eee 10. 42 13.02 | 23.44 1.41 BHA 11. 52 11.94 | 23.46 P62 . 30 
AE Seay era SA 11. 26 14.08 | 25.34 1. 89 yoo 16. 12 8. 69 24. 81 1.81 any} 
TY Je hae OER NI A aR Si 9.05 8. 27 17. 32 1. 46 SPU 8.08 8. 55 16. 63 1. 66 apy, 
OU eT AD Oe apes 9. 94 13.35 | 23.29 2.05 47 9. 52 12571 22. 23 1. 48 -3o 
PAYA ab INR AAG AY EL 16. 27 12.68 | 28.95 1.07 - 20 10. 27 12.66 | 22.93 1.44 5745 
PA eR Mere Nie a asa 13.75 14.49 | 28.24 2.91 - 58 16. 09 7. 87 23. 96 175 . 34 
PEA A GP ee ey Bel ala 12. 94 12.54 | 25.48 1.35 sey 12. 02 17.56 | 29.58 Lai - 40 
DHT See Ue aera eae 9. 96 7.73 17. 69 1. 20 Sou 8.12 13.80 | 21.92 1. 57 -38 
DAG) A oh een 1 Pe 7. 09 7. 87 14. 96 1. 70 - 28 5.79 7. 34 13. 13 2. 02 Soy 
Ff eh sa sy shea ea ae 9. 32 dats 17.05 1, 20 . 29 6. 84 10. 95 17.79 1.48 300 
FICO 0 esr Ut See ee a 10.42 | 12.55 | 22.97 2. 36 - 56 1223 12.79 | 25.02 1.76 BOY) 
POR eps yee ees cl) 24.67 | 23.61] 48.28 1.27 OI) Ne PAD Hala} 16.44 | 36.57 . 99 -ou 
a Sk 2 es 16. 30 17.10 | 33.40 1. 49 -42 10. 66 15.49 | 26,15 1. 63 . 50 
TICTET Eg wep ae 245.08 | 264. 08 | 509. 16 | ia7 tees | 228, 71 | 236. 14 | 464.85] 1.46 32 

By comparing the data in Table 5 it may be noted that when the 
cows were kept in the open shed they consumed more feed and pro- 
duced slightly more milk. The slight increase in production did 
not, however, entirely offset the extra cost of the larger quantity 
of feed consumed. On the average the cows when in the closed 
barn produced milk at a feed cost of 1 cent less per 100 pounds than 
when kept in the open shed; fat likewise was produced 1 cent per 
pound more cheaply. 

It was observed, however, that one or two cows in each group 
were “‘boss cows” when kept in the open shed, and were inclined to 
intimidate the weaker and less aggressive animals, especially at 
feeding time. Cows Nos. 14 and 20 were timid individuals, and, 
unlike the large majority, produced decidedly less when in the open 

shed than when in the closed barn. No doubt this tendency of the 


4 . 
stronger to boss and torment the weaker cows can be remedied, to a. 

certain degree at least, by using some sort of tie on the cows when 
they are feeding. All cows used in the experiment were without 
horns; it is not practicable to attempt to keep horned cattle in an 
open shed. 

The elimination of cows Nos. 14 and 20 from the data in Table 5 - 

would change the results so that the feed cost of producing 100 
pounds of milk in the open barn is reduced to $1.45 while that in the 
closed barn is increased to $1.47. As regards the butterfat, the cost. 
of producing 1 pound becomes the same in both cases—32.73 cents. 

The following prices of feeds have been used in calculating the 
foregoing tables. They represent a fair average of the market prices. 
for this section during the time the investigation was in progress. 

Prices of feeds. 

Per ton 
Ge Cig (05S | Pe eine iam Pf: SA | 5 ON Sia, ot aber a Pokieemt eS $33 
Whew: bran ses: wpe LS Reem © Gee Ne pee ee eee eee 26 
Uolieuseed mest. oto. 2 Sb cme - oe ee Oe ae 33 
[OSLO ((e;: REE ct oe Free Seema MUTT e MERE Ml aati ee eee aor eo 35 
AWaliashiaye 93.) 5s 3:21 cy ap -b oe Set eet oe tee | Bates 3 eee Se 24 
Compes hayses ease} BR ERR Ee 8 Oe ee ee ee ee 16 
Red*cloverthay : <2 155 C1: LU de Lee ee ee ene bs ee 18 
Grraspn-clover hays pe)! 3 he = tee aac ee ae + See fe wente es . Se 
Carl sto ver 680-. 2 LS MEE Ren OP Yee ee ee 8 
Cormnilaperss: 30 33! | ik | Re he ee Ee ea eee 6 
Bech pulp << (4). 2) 325. | ep. -' se. ae eee ee! ee ee ee 30 
Tarnrps. : > 63 2) Stk Bo et ee bh Pee eee 6 
Coitensced tills 2... Ob at i 88.) Je Bf ep e.g Be per ee ee § 


The labor required, aside from milking and feeding, is shown im 
Table 6. The figures in this table were peepee from accurate time 
records kept for each operation. 

TasLe 6.—Labor required (aside from milking and feeding)- 


| Average per Cow per 

Labor operations (based on a herd of 16 cows). 
Closed Open 
barn. shed 
Min. Sec.| Min. Sec 
Preparm> cows jor milking-t <¢. sss ene et ee § Ply peeee Se 3 36 
Removins manure and cleaning miiking harm ._.__....._..._...-.--..--.4----_- 4 2 3 ll 
MEA RETA pc i i SS LS ORS ge ee ee ee Oe Se Eo sone Agia 1 1 
Total (aside from milking and feedimg)—.-.._. +... 2.2 g222esec2222L-- +22. 9. 2 li 14. 


In the open shed preparing the cows for milking included driving 
them into the milking room, putting them into the stanchions, brush- 
ing them, washing udders, fianks, and bellies, milking out the firstiew 

ee ne oe 


streams of milk to lower the bacterial count, and driving the cows out. 

again. The time of milking was not taken into consideration, as the 
operation consumed practically the same time under each system. In 

_ the closed barn the time required to perform the same sanitary duties 

described above was considerably less because the cows were already 
stabled and the time of driving in and out was saved. 


The second operation shown in Table 6 in the case of the open barn 
consisted in removing the small quantity of manure dropped by the 
cows while in the milking room and washing the floors, platform, and 
gutter of the milking room once daily. While the manure from the 
open shed was not removed daily, an allowance of time required to 
remove it has been included under this operation. It was assumed 
that the same quantity of manure was produced daily by the cows in 
the open shed as by the same number of cows in the closed barn. 

_ The time required to remove the manure from the open shed has been 

added to the time required to clean and flush out the milking room. 

The operation in the closed barn included the time required to 
load the manure on a wagon and to remove it from the barn; also the 
time to wash up the floors, platforms, and gutters and to put the 
barn in the same sanitary condition as the milking room in the open 

With reference to the time required to keep both milking rooms 
clean, it may be noted (Table 6) that considerably less was needed 
for the small barn used in connection with the open-shed group. 
Doubtless the saving of time would have been even more marked had 
more cows been used. The figures were compiled for a herd of 16, 
handled in two shifts of 8 cows each. With a very little extra time 

_ for cleaning out, a much larger herd could have been milked in the 

small barn. Itshould be noted also that the figures are based on the 
assumption that the manure from the closed barn is to be hauled 
directly to the field. If it is necessary either on account of the small 

_ quantity or because of bad weather or soft fields to store the manure 

and haul it out later, about 14 minutes should be added to the figures 
for the closed-barn cows, which would make the labor required, aside 

from milking and feeding, 10 minutes and 32 seconds, as against 11 

minutes and 14 seconds for the open-shed cows. 

By referring to Table 6 it may be noted that the time required to 
bed the cows did not vary widely in the two stables. A few seconds 
more for each cow were required in the open shed. It was observed 

throughout the trial, however, that the cows in the open shed kept. 

themselves cleaner than those in the stalls. 


The weights of the bedding used in each stable were recorded daily 
for 3 months during the trial, and the average was taken as the basis 
of comparison. The data thus obtained showed that the cows in the 
open shed required a daily average of 8.3 pounds, as compared with 
4.94 pounds for the cows kept in the closed barn, or an increase of 
68 per cent. Cornstalks, which at times were used for bedding the 
stock in the open shed, were so nearly decomposed when the manure 
was hauled to the field that they gave no trouble in loading on the 
spreader or in being evenly distributed on the land. No doubt other 
kinds of coarse bedding can be used with better results in open sheds 
than in closed barns, which is one advantage that tends to offset the 
extra cost of bedding in the open shed when only straw is used. On 
damp, rainy days more bedding was needed than in dry weather. 
Regardless of climatic conditions, however, the more space allowed 
each cow the less bedding will be required. 

Good drainage is necessary for success with any open shed. With- 
out it the quantity of bedding required is certain to be increased and 
the comfort of the cows seriously lessened. Water from the sur- 
rounding ground must flow away from, not toward, the shed. Eave 
spouts to carry the water from the roof of the shed to a place where 
it will readily flow away are provided for most sheds. 


There seemed to be little, if any, difference in the amount of actual 
sickness observed under either open-shed or closed-barn conditions. 
In the closed barn the animals sometimes would get ‘‘big knees”’ from 
kneeling or falling on the concrete platform. This trouble was not 
observed when the open shed was used. Of the 21 cows used during 
the 3 years of the investigation two had their hips “‘knocked down’”’ 
while in the open shed. Very probably the injuries were the result 
of being knocked against the side of the shed or the feed rack by 
stronger, more greedy, and aggressive cows. 

In general, little difference could be noted in the contentment of the 
cows under either open-shed or closed-barn conditions. Some of the 
animals appeared to be more contented in the barn stalls; others 
appeared to be more at ease in the open shed, while still others seemed 
to have no preference. Under open-shed conditions the cows had 
more freedom. They could le down and get up with ease, and could 
pick a clean place on which to lie whenever they chose. For them 
fresh air was abundant. Inasmuch as the closed barn used in the 
investigation was a modern, well-ventilated structure, no observa- 
tions were needed on the subject of ventilation. In many of our 
poorly ventilated dairy barns, however, the impure air would doubt- 
less be an important factor in determining the comparative merits of 
the two systems. 


Under the open-shed system the manure was kept in an excellent 
state of preservation until it was hauled to the land, and it also was 
handled more economically. These are important considerations to 
the farmer who hauls manure direct from the barn to the field. Fre- 
quently the fields are too soft to be driven over and at certain seasons 
the growing of the crops prevents hauling the manure to the land. 
On this particular farm it was altogether impracticable, during most 
of the winter, to attempt to haul manure to the fields. Manure can 
be preserved until it is convenient to haul it to the fields by storing it 
in a manure pit. The walls and bottom of the pit are usually made 
of concrete and it is covered with a roof, so that it has the appearance 
of a small shed. When compared with the open-shed system of 
handling manure the manure pit has two disadvantages: First, it calls 
for an increased expenditure of money, and second, it necessitates 
handling the manure twice. 


The cows consumed somewhat more feed and produced slightly 
more milk when kept in the open shed than when kept in the closed 
barn. The increase in production was not quite large enough to 
offset the extra feed cost. 

When kept in the open shed there was a tendency for ‘‘boss cows”’ 
to deprive weaker individuals of their feed and of the normal ad- 
vantages of the shed, which resulted in lower milk yields from the 

‘weaker and more timid cows. 

All operations considered, milking and feeding excluded, slightly 
more labor was required to care for the cows when kept in the open 
shed. | 

The manure was apparently well preserved, until it could be hauled 
to the land, under the open-shed system. It was also handled more 
economically than in the closed barn. Cornstalks in the manure were 
sufficiently decomposed to be handled successfully with the manure 

Under the open-shed system 68 per cent more bedding was required 
for each cow, but the cows were cleaner and more comfortable. 
There was little difference in the time required to bed them under the 
two systems. It is possible to use cornstalks or other coarse material 
for bedding in the open shed. 

There appeared to be little if any difference in the frequency of 
injuries to cows under either open-shed or closed-barn conditions. 

ay a PRA 204 ie soi all ij 

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‘Handling and Feeding of Silage. (Farmers’ Bulletin 578.) 

Economical Cattle Feeding in the Corn Belt. (Farmers’ Bulletin 588.) 

‘Clean Milk Production and Handling. (Farmers’ Bulletin 602.) 

Ice Houses and Use of Ice on Dairy Farm. (Farmers’ Bulletin 623.) 

Cottonseed Meal for Feeding Beef Cattle. (Farmers’ Bulletin 655.) 

Plan for a Small Dairy House. (Farmers’ Bulletin 689.) 

Feeding of Grain Sorghums to Live Stock. (Farmers’ Bulletin 724.) 

The Feeding of Dairy Cows. (Farmers’ Bulletin 743.) 

Feeding and Management of Dairy Calves and Young Dairy Stock. (Farmers’ 
Bulletin 777.) 

Contagious Abortion of Cattle. (Farmers’ Bulletin 790.) 

Production of Baby Beef. (Farmers’ Bulletin 811.) 

Pit Silos. (Farmers’ Bulletin 825.) 

Breeds of Dairy Cattle. (Farmers’ Bulletin 893.) 

Business of 10 Dairy Farms in Bluegrass Region of Kentucky. (Department Bul- 
letin 548.) : 

The Economical Winter Feeding of Beef Cows in the Corn Belt. (Department 
Bulletin 615.) 

The Open Shed Compared with the Closed Barn for Dairy Cows. (Department 
Bulletin 736.) 

Advantages of Dairying in the South. (Secretary’s Special.) 

Conveniences for Handling the Farm Cow and Her Products. (Secretary’s Special.) 

Do You Keepa Cow? (Secretary’s Special.) 

Feeding the Farm Cow in the South. (Secretary’s Special.) 

Shall Southern Farmers Build Creameries? (Secretary’s Special.) 

The Feeding and Care of Dairy Calves. (Secretary’s Special.) 

The Production and Care of Milk and Cream. (Secretary’s Special.) 



Feeding Farm Animals. (Farmers’ Bulletin 22.) Price, 5 cents. 

Dairy Herd, Its Formation and Management. (Farmers’ Bulletin 55.) Price, 5 cents. 

_ Breeds of Dairy Cattle. (Farmers’ Bulletin 106.) Price, 5 cents. 

Computation of Rations for Farm Animals by Use of Energy Values. (Farmers’ 
Bulletin 346.) Price, 5 cents. 

Dairy Industry in the South. (Farmers’ Bulletin 349.) Price, 5 cents. 

A Successful Poultry and Dairy Farm. (Farmers’ Bulletin 355.) Price, 5 cents. 

Homemade Silos. (Farmers’ Bulletin 589.) Price, 5 cents. 

Cost of Raising a Dairy Cow. (Department Bulletin 49.) Price, 5 cents. 

Use of Energy Values in Computation of Rations for Farm Animals. (Department 
Bulletin 459.) Price, 5 cents. 

The Influence of Type and Age upon Utilization of Feed by Cattle. (Bureau of 
Animal Industry Bulletin 128.) Price, 30 cents. 

Nutritive Value of Non-Protein of Feeding Stuffs. (Bureau of Animal Industry 
Bulletin 139.) Price, 10 cents. : i 

Maintenance Rations of Farm Animals. (Bureau of Animal Industry Bulletin 143.) 
Price, 15 cents. 

Designs for Dairy Buildings. (Bureau of Animal Industry Circular131.) Price, 5 cents. 

Plan for Small Dairy House. (Bureau of Animal Industry Circular 195.) Price, 5 
