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Alectoria and allied genera in North America 

Irwin M. Brodo and 



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Opera Botanica 42 

Alectoria and allied genera in North America 

Irwin M. Brodo and David L. Hawksworth 

Publications in Botany, No. 6 
National Museum of Natural Sciences 
National Museums of Canada 

ISSN 0078-5237 

ISBN 91-546-0211-4 

Berlingska Boktryckeriet, Lund 1977 

Frontispiece. Bryoria nadvornikianu draping the branches of Picea mariana in Parc des Laurentides, north of 
Quebec City, Quebec. 


Alectoria and allied genera in North America 

Irwin M. Brodo and David L. Hawksworth 

Brodo, I. M. & Hawksworth, D. L. 1977 02 25: Alectoria and allied genera in North 
America. Opera Bot. 42: 1—164. Stockholm. ISSN 0078-5237. ISBN 91-546-0211-4. 

In the present monographic study of the North American taxa generally referred to the 
genus Alec toria, four genera and 38 species were recognized: Alectoria Ach. (8 species), 
Bryoria nom. nov. (27), Pseudephebe Choisy (2), and Sukaria Bystr. (1). Nine new 
species are described: Alectoria imshaugii, A. mexicana, Bryoria cariottae, B. friabilis, 
B. pikei, B. pseudocapillaris, B. salazinica. B. spiralifera, and Sulcaria hadia. One 
species name is validated and transferred to Bryoria: B. cervinula. Combinations 
transfering 26 North American and 29 extra-North American taxa into the accepted genera 
are made. Some aspects of the cortical structure are useful in characterizing the genera 
and the sections within Bryoria. Secondary chemical products have been studied in 
all taxa. Olivetoric and gyrophoric acid were previously unknown for this group. 
Salazinic acid was definitely established as occurring in Bryoria. Atranorin and 
chloroatranorin are absent in Alectoria s. str. but present in Bryoria. Thamnolic acid 
appears to be absent in Bryoria. but fairly common in Alectoria s. str. The group as a 
whole is northern in distribution in North America extending southward in the cordillera. 
Only Sulcaria appears to be essentially temperate. The corticolous species are mainly 
confined to trees with acid bark, and those on rock and soil seem to be more character- 
istic of acid, non-calcareous substrates. 

Irwin M. Brodo, National Museum of Natural Sciences. National Museums of Canada. 
Ottawa, Ontario KIA OM8, Canada. 

David L. Hawksworth, Commonwealth Mycological Institute, Kew, Surrey TW9 3AF, 



Anatomy and morphology 


T axonomic concepts 



Importance to man and nature 

Taxonomic survey 

Key to the genera of Alectorioid lichens . 
Check-list of the North American species 

Key to the North American species 

Alectoria Ach 

Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw 

4 sect. Bryoria 79 

5 sect. Divaricatae (DR.) Brodo & D. Hawksw. 98 

6 sect. Implexae (Gyeln.) Brodo & D. Hawksw. 1 14 

21 sect. Subdivergentes (Mot.) Brodo & D. 

30 Hawksw 132 

35 sect. Torluosae (Bystr.) Brodo & D. Hawksw. 135 

39 Pseudephebe Choisy 140 

44 Sukaria Bystr 146 

48 Excluded taxa 149 

48 New combinations for non-North American and 

48 some infraspecific taxa 155 

49 References 157 

56 Index 162 


4 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 


The production of a major taxonomic revision of a 
group of lichens by aulhors on different sides of the 
Atlantic presented us with a number of problems. 
The file of correspondence between the junior and 
senior authors stands some 5 cm high. The authors 
have been able to work together jointly on this 
project in May 1970 (in Kew). March and April 1973 
(in Ottawa), and September 1973 (in Kew); most final 
points in the manuscript were discussed together at 
the XII International Botanical Congress in Leningrad 
in July 1975. We are indebted to the Commonwealth 
Agricultural Bureaux, the National Museums of 
Canada, and the Royal Society of London for making 
these meetings possible. 

This study, made over a period of eight years, 
has profited trom the help of many individuals and 
institutions. We would particularly like to thank the 
curators of all the herbaria from which we borrowed 
specimens, especially as w*e often had to keep the 
material longer than the allotted time, and frequently 
reborrowed certain specimens. 

Certain individuals merit special thanks. We bene- 
fited from the experience and comments of Hildur 
Krog and Teuvo Ahti from the beginning. Their deep 
interest in our work and invaluable field observations 
of many species are most warmly appreciated. 
Theodore Esslinger generously made his extensive 
collections of A. imshaugii available to us, together 

with detailed comments on the chemistry of his 
material. Gary Schroeder also sent us many specimens 
of that species, including a large collection that we 
have designated as the type. E. D. Greenwood made 
special trips inlo the mountains of Oaxaca. Mexico, 
to search out and collect material of A. mexicana, 
A. lata, and Oropogon spp. Per Magnus Jorgensen 
gave us many valuable comments on species of the 
section Divaricatae ot Bryoria. We also profited 
trom discussions of certain taxonomic and nomen- 
clatural problems with Peter James and Rolf 

We are most grateful for the time spent by John 
Thomson in testing our keys and compiling comments 
and corrections on them. We should especially like 
to thank Henry Imshaug for locating the type 
specimen of Setaria trichodes at the Paris Museum. 
Ove A I inborn generously gave of his time in the 
revision of all the Latin diagnoses, and for this 
we are very grateful. Finally, we would like to thank 
Pak Yau Wong at the National Herbarium of Canada 
for his careful attention to the chromatographic runs, 
for testing our keys, and for painstakingly typing 
thousands of specimen citation cards. The drawings 
were made by C. H. Douglas of the National 
Museum's Zoology Division. 

All the maps were prepared using the Goode Base 
Map Series, No. 102. copyrighted by the University 
of Chicago and used with their permission. 


The lichen genus Alectoria in North America, 
although containing some conspicuous and 
frequently collected species, has persistently 
proved to be a source of confusion and 
frustration among both amateur and profes- 
sional lichenologists. 

The first attempt to provide a monographic 
treatment of the North American species of 
this genus was that of Howe (1911), who 
accepted ten species. Howe's work was not 
sufficiently critical, however, and he misapplied 
several names. A number of new taxa were 
described from North America by Gyelnik in 
the 1930s (see Sjödin 1954), but most of these 
have been poorly understood by subsequent 
workers. More recently Motyka (1960) de- 
scribed three new species from North American 
material, and later (1964) published a revision 
of the thirty species he considered to occur 
in North America. Unfortunately, his paper 
was based on a study of very few North 
American specimens, and suffered from 
numerous errors and omissions. Attempts to 
follow Motyka’s treatment have led to some 
confusions in the application of many names, 
and it became apparent that a thorough re- 
examination of the North American Alectoriae, 
in the broadest sense, was imperative. 

The present paper provides a revision of the 
North American species (and those of Mexico) 
of Alectoria and its segregate genera Bryoria, 
Sulcaria, and Pseudephebe . Oropogon Th. Fr. 
is an essentially Asiatic genus (Sato 1967) 
also occurring in the Central and South Amer- 
ican highlands. We have seen no North Ameri- 

can specimens, and thus it has been excluded 
from the present study. It is much in need of 
a generic revision. 

The introductory sections discuss the ana- 
tomical, morphological and chemical charac- 
ters of these genera only so far as they affect 
the taxa treated here. This paper constitutes 
“Regional Studies in Alectoria (Lichenes) IV“ 
of the junior author; part III appeared in 
Annales Botanici Fennici 1 1: 189-196 (1974). 


The information presented here is based on a study 
of nearly 9,000 specimens from North America. 
Besides studying the extensive material housed at 
the National Herbarium of Canada (CANL), we 
borrowed and revised material from the following 
herbaria (abbreviations follow Holmgren & Keuken 
1974): ALA. AR, BM. COLO, DUKE, F. FH. H. 
UPS, US. WIS. In addition, the following private 
herbaria were consulted: DEGEL1US, ESSL1NGER, 
and related materials were also examined from BP, 
FI. LBL, LE. M, MW. ORE. P, PC, and ZT. 
Some collections were made in Oaxaca, Mexico, by 
Mr E. D. Greenwood especially for this study. 

A number of special field studies were made by 
the senior author to investigate the habitat ecology 
of some of the more puzzling or rare taxa, and one 
excursion was taken by the two authors together. 
Among the areas visited were the California and 
Oregon coasts; the Corvallis, Oregon, region: 
coastal British Columbia; some of the western 
mountains; and boreal forest segments near 
Moosonee, Ontario, and in Parc de la Verendrye, 
the Gaspé Peninsula, and Parc des Laurentides, 
all in Quebec. 

Anatomy and morphology 


The terms caespitose, subpendent, pendent, 
and decumbent are frequently used to describe 
the various growth forms of species of Alectoria 
s. lat. and they are used in the keys that fol- 
low. Our usage of these terms is as follows: 
caespitose: forming shrubby tufts, generally 
producing a thallus not more than twice as long 
as it is broad; a number of thick branches 
generally arise together at the base of the 
plant. Subpendent: producing many thick 
branches at the base of the thallus, but 
acquiring a more slender and pendulose appear- 
ance at the tip; generally several times as 
long as it is broad. Pendent: hanging vertically 
almost from the base; becoming very elongate. 
Decumbent: growing along the surface of the 
substrate and forming low cushions or rosettes. 
Erect: becoming more-or-less arborescent, 
usually with a main “stem” or branch with 
subordinate lateral branches arising from it. 

Most species show only one type of growth 
form: caespitose: Bryoriu furcellata, B. 
abbreviata, Alectoria imshaugii; subpendent: 
Bryoria glabra, B. tenuis, B. nadvornikiana; 
pendent. B. fremontii, B. trichodes subsp. 
trichodes, B. capillaris. Others can vary some- 
what, such as Alectoria sannentosa subsp. 
sarmentosa which can be subpendent when 
young, or Bryoria simplicior which can be 
caespitose or subpendent. 


Terminology of branching basically follows 
Hawksworth (1972). Various types and some 
examples are illustrated in Fig. I. Among the 
most clearly isotomic dichotomous types in 
North America is Bryoria glabra with even, 
regular, and broad dichotomies occurring 
over half the length of the thallus. Bryoria 
lanestris has clearly anisotomic dichotomies 
over almost its entire length; B. trichodes 
varies from isotomic in subsp. americana to 
anisotomic in subsp. trichodes. In B.fuscescens 
considerable variation in types of branching 
occurs even in the same thallus. The erect 
species are all clearly anisotomic. 


As pointed out by Hawksworth (1972), true 
isidia do not occur in the genus Alectoria s. lat. 
Isidioid branches and spinules do frequently 
appear, usually associated with soralia (as in 
Bryoria furcellata, Fig. 2 A) or pseudocyphellae 
(as in Alectoria imshaugii (Fig. 2 B) or, less 
frequently, in A. sarmentosa and A. vancou- 
verensis). Spinulose branches characterize such 
species as Bryoria nadvornikiana (Fig. 3) and 
some forms of B. nitidula. 

Pike 843 B (CANL) - C-V"^ nfsotomic dfchnf ^ ** ' ~ A ’ B „ lsotomic dichotomous: Bryoria glabra. Washington, 
*■ nadvornikiana. Quehec Bi l T ip'cAN, 0 ;"' E n Zd 19753 < CAN ‘-> -D: 

Aiectoria nigricans. N. W. T.. Cody & ÄoV lol!o£<£^ " F = 


OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Anatomy and morphology 7 

8 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Fig. 2. Isidioid spinules. - A: Bryoria furcellata. Cummings, Decades No. 53 (CANL). - B: Alectoria imshaugii 
(holotype). - Scale 0.5 mm. 


Soredia always arise within discrete soralia of 
one of two types. Fissurai soralia originate as a 
longitudinal split in the cortex and are gener- 
ally elliptical and flat or concave (Fig. 4 A). 
Tuberculate soralia are round or irregular in 
outline, conspicuously project above the sur- 
face of the filament, and often display a 
narrow cortical rim (Fig. 4 B). Bryoria glabra 
and B. simplicior have only fissurai soralia; 
B. nadvornikiana and B. fuscescens var. posi- 
tiva have tuberculate soralia predominating. 

The presence of soralia is constant in some 
species, but not in others. North American 
specimens of B. capillaris and B. implexa do 
not have soredia, although European specimens 
often do. Soralia range from abundant to 

Fig. 3. Spinulose branches. Bryoria nadvornikiana. 
Quebec, Guimont 4442 (CANL). Scale 0.5 mm. 

absent in B. glabra, although the latter situation 
is very rare. Both subspecies of B. trichodes 
have sorediate morphotypes. There is a rather 
rare, abundantly sorediate morphotype of 
Alectoria sarmentosa subsp. sarmentosu with 
tuberculate soralia, and rare specimens of A. 
fallacina and A . mexicana also show soralia. 

The soralia in all four Alectorioid genera 
tend to be white, but in Bryoria fremontii 
(and in the rare sorediate morphotype of B. 
tortuosa), they are bright yellow due to the 
presence of concentrations of vulpinic acid. 
In Bryoria lanestris and especially B. simplicior, 
the soralia are black to greenish flecked, 
probably due to the remnants of cortical and 
algal tissues on their surface. 


Pseudocyphellae are constant in Alectoria and 
Sulcaria, but are very variable in Biyoria. In 
the section Divaricatae, pseudocyphellae are 
generally dark and very inconspicuous. In 
taxa such as B. trichodes subsp. trichodes, 
they are white and are often somewhat raised 
(Fig. 5 A); in other taxa, they are plane 
(Fig. 5 B). Pseudocyphellae are yellow in 
B. tortuosa (Fig. 5 C), and are sunken into 
spiraled channels in members of the genus 
Sulcaria such as S. badia (Fig. 5 D). In 
Bryoria pseudocapillaris and B. spiralifera, 
the pseudocyphellae are linear, white, and 
very long (Fig. 5 E). 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Anatomy and morphology 9 

Fig. 4. Soralia. - A: Fissurai soralium. Bryoria glabra. Washington, Pike 843 (CANL). - B: Tuberculate 
soralia. Bryoria fuscescens var. positiva. Newfoundland. Ahti 560 (CANL). Scale 0.5 mm. 

Contrasting sharply with the flat or chan- 
nelled pseudocyphellae described above, 
those of the genus Alectoria s. str. are con- 
spicuously raised and striking (Fig. 5 F). 
Most are somewhat elongate, but in A. falla- 
cina most pseudocyphellae are punctiform. 


The use of colour causes particular difficulties 
which arise from differences in interpretation 
by individual observers. For this reason, we 
have endeavoured not to place too much 
emphasis on it. However, we found that after 
looking at many examples of various species, 
their characteristic colour tones began to 
become clear, and it seems evident that species 
do have characteristic colours, although these 
can be subtle and difficult to interpret. 

It is most difficult to interpret colour changes 
due to the age of a specimen. For one thing, 
we have noticed that species which some- 
times have a distinctly greenish appearance in 
the field or in fresh specimens gradually lose 
this tone in the herbarium with the death and 
bleaching of the algal layer. This is obviously 
most serious with the paler species such as 
Bryoria capillaris, B. fuscescens. B. trichodes 
subsp. trichodes, and Alectoria sarmentosa. 
Species with barbatolic acid or alectorialic 

acid (e.g., Bryoria capillaris and Alectoria 
nigricans ) gradually become pinkish or even 
reddish and may even stain their packets 
reddish in time. Bryoria friabilis, normally 
very pale olivaceous brown, turns to dark 
brown with age. Most other species retain 
their colour, however. 

There are three basic hues in Bryoria: 
(1) the olivaceous or olive-black of species such 
as B. glabra, B. carlottae, B. pikei, B. 
chalybeiformis, and B. vrangiana; (2) the 
‘‘cervine brown” (i.e., deer brown) of B. 
trichodes, B. furcellata, and B. simplicior; 
and (3) the white to grey-fuscous of B. subcana, 
B. capillaris and B. nadvornikiana. One might 
call the clear red-brown of abbreviata distinct 
as well as the unique chestnut brown of 
Sulcaria badia and Bryoria spiralifera, but 
it is difficult or impossible to distinguish 
them adequately from cervine brown using a 
verbal description. 

Even the species with usnic acid show some 
constant variation in tone, although it is 
difficult to describe. Alectoria sarmentosa is 
extremely variable in colour, but is generally 
a very “yellow” yellow-green (i.e., straw- 
coloured) especially in the herbarium. A. falla- 
cina has a much darker, greyer tone as does 
A. vancouverensis. There is a great deal of 
variation in the amount of green or green- 
black on A. sarmentosa and A. ochroleuca 

10 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Fig. 5. Pseudocyphellae. - A: Fissurai, raised. Bryoria trichodes subsp. trichodes. Ontario, Brodo 13737 (CANL). 
Scale 0.25 mm. - B: Fissurai, plane. Bryoria carlottae. Holotype. Scale 0.25 mm. -C: Twisted, yellow. Bryoria 
tortuosa. Rel. Tuck. No. 2 (CANL). Scale 0.5 mm. -D: Sulcate. Sulcaria badia. Oregon, Hall (FH-Tuck. 504). 
Scale 0.4 mm. - E: In long spiral. Bryoria spiralifera. Holotype. Scale 0.5 mm. - F: Raised on ridges. Alectoria 
vancouverensis. B. C., Bird 28472 (CANL). Scale 1.0 mm. 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Anatomy and morphology 1 1 

apparently depending on the degree of exposure 
and moisture-availability. 

Unhappily, there are a number of species 
which vary a great deal in colour. Bryoria 
pseudofuscescens can be pale brown, dark 
brown, or greenish-black with every possible 
intermediate. The possibility that the norstictic 
acid-producing species may actually consist 
of several taxa has been raised by Hawksworth 
(1972) (see Discussion under B. pseudo- 
fuscescens). B. duplexa varies from pale brown 
to pale olivaceous, but so few fresh specimens 
have been seen, this difference may be due to 
ageing. The same is true of B. salazinica 
which does seem to have a pale olivaceous 
caste when fresh. Alectoria nigricans varies 
from pale grey with black tips through yellowish 
grey with black tips, to entirely black with 
grey basal areas; rare specimens are a shiny 
brownish grey and blackened at the tips. 

True black thalli are rarely found in any 
species, although some specimens of Alectoria 
nigricans and Bryoria nitidula are almost 
uniformly black. The bicolourous thalli of 
B. bicolor and B. tenuis have truely black 
main stems with only the secondary or tertiary 
branches remaining olivaceous brown. Some 
forms of B. trichodes subsp. americana 
have extensive blackened areas and in some 
cases appear somewhat like B. tenuis. These 
blackened areas are a type of fragmentation 
area referred to by Hawksworth (1972). 

Only one colour is due to something other 
than the presence or absence of pigments in 
the cortex. In B. tortuosa, a thallus may 
acquire a bright emerald green colour by 
virtue of an accumulation of vulpinic acid on 
the surface of the cortex. Often thalli apparently 
collected on the same branch (being in the 
same packet) vary from red-brown to bright 
emerald green. 

Shininess, or dullness, is tempting to use 
as a character, but it is usually too variable 
to be reliable. Certain species do. however, 
show clear tendencies. B. glabra is almost al- 
ways very shiny; B. abbreviata is virtually al- 
ways dull; B. trichodes can be very shiny or sa- 
tiny; B. lanestris tends to be satiny; B. capillaris 
is almost always dull; B. pseudofuscescens can 
be shiny or dull. 


Friability or brittleness was mentioned by 
Hawksworth (1972) as a reliable characteristic 
of B. lanestris in Great Britain, and this has 
proved to be the case in North America as 
well. B. friabilis is also extremely brittle 
and the same is true of many other species in 
the section Implexae. B. abbreviata and B. 
oregana in the section Subdivergentes are also 
very easily fragmented. The basis for this 
character seems to lie in the cortical structure 
(see below). 


Apothecia are very rare in the Alectorioid 
genera as a whole and many species are 
known only in a sterile condition, their classi- 
fication within a certain genus being based 
on a combination of vegetative characteristics. 
In the case of the North American species, 
we have seen apothecia in North American 
collections of only 18 of the 38 accepted 
species. Even in those species able to produce 
apothecia, only a few regularly do so (e.g., 
Bryoria abbreviata. Alectoria lata. Pseudephebe 
minuscula, P. puhescens ) and in some very 
widely distributed species, apothecia appear to 
be produced often in localized populations 
(e.g., Bryoria trichodes subsp. americana, B. 
fremontii, Alectoria nigricans, A. sarmentosa). 
The frequency of ascocarp production in some 
species is exceedingly low. In the present study, 
for example, out of 247 collections of Bryoria 
capillaris and 66 of B. tenuis examined, 
apothecia were seen in only one specimen of 
each (i.e., 0.40% and 1.52% of the collections 
examined, respectively). Even when an apothe- 
cium is produced, ascospores are often formed 
only sparingly and mature ascospores free 
from their asci are often difficult to observe. 

Despite the wide distribution and size of 
these genera, there has been no detailed study 
published of ascocarp structure and ontogeny 
in any species. It seems probable that the 
asci in all these genera are of the “arrested 
bitunicate” type, that is, having inseparable 
exo- and endoascus walls, as is the case in 
almost all the lichenized ascohymenial fungi 
(Letrouit-Galinou 1974, Henssen & Jahns 1973). 

12 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Awasthi (1970) considered the presence of 
anastomosing paraphysoid tissue (which he 
called pseudoparaphyses), particularly at an 
early stage of development, to indicate a 
possible affinity between the genus Alectoria 
s. lat. and the family Roccellaceae Chev. 
This family was treated by Henssen & Jahns 
(1973) as belonging to the order Arthoniales, 
a “Zwischengruppe'' between the ascohymenial 
and ascolocular groups. The presence of 
anastomosing paraphysoid tissue in ascocarps 
which seem to be ascohymenial in all other 
respects has long been a source of confusion 
to lichen systematists. Henssen & Jahns (1973) 
through an investigation of many types of 
ascocarps have done much to clear up this 
difficulty. They found that one must distin- 
guish between paraphysoid tissue (originating 
from the generative tissue of many ascohymenial 
lichen fungi and often, but not always, gradually 
changing into true paraphyses with the matu- 
ration of the ascocarp), and pseudoparaphyses 
(which have an entirely different origin and 
development and are characteristic of the 
ascolocular fungi) (see Henssen & Jahns 1973 
pp. 90, 116-117). 

Our observations of the hymenial tissue of 
Alectoria mexicana, A. lata, Bryoria pseudo- 
fuscescens, B. furcellata. and B. oregana 
have shown that the cells of the paraphyses 
of all these species are short and tend to 
branch and even anastomose to some extent. 
This is particularly evident in A. lata and 
A. mexicana and is perhaps true of all members 
of the genus Alectoria. The short cells and 
branching are well illustrated by Galloe (1950) 
for A. sarmentosa and A. ochroleuca. In these 
species, one could well speak of paraphysoid 
tissue in the sense of Henssen & Jahns (1973) 
rather than paraphyses. These species would be 
represented by the type of ascocarp illustrated 
in Figure 4.19 d of Henssen & Jahns (1973 p 

In all species of Alectoria, Bryoria and 
Pseudephebe that we have examined, the 
excipulum proprium is well developed. Although 
Awasthi (1970) regards this as a character 
unique to Alectoria s. lat. and Oropogon, 
we have seen a distinct excipulum proprium 
in the closely related Cornicularia californica 
(Tuck.) DR. Gallpe (1947) has illustrated the 
same condition in other species of the Parme- 

liaceae (e.g., Cetraria nivalis (L.) Ach. and 
Evernia prunastri (L.) Ach.). 

Thus, there seems to be no reason to regard 
any of the Alectorioid genera as a possible 
member of the Arthoniales, and indeed, little 
reason to isolate these genera from other 
closely related genera such as Cornicularia 
and Parmelia, as was suggested by Awasthi 

The numbers of spores per ascus (i.e., 
2-4 vs. 8), their pigmentation when mature 
(i.e., brownish vs. hyaline), and their septation 
and size, are of importance in the recognition 
of the four genera accepted here (see Table 2). 

Within the genera, however, ascospore size 
appears to be of very limited taxonomic 
value for the characterisation of species to 
judge from the information so far available. 
In view of this and the practical difficulty 
of finding mature apothecia in many species, 
only scant attention has been paid to these 
characters in the present survey. 

Anatomy of the vegetative tissues 

The anatomy of the vegetative tissues was 
studied in some detail because of its potential 
value in the delimitation of species. Our 
intention was merely to survey the anatomical 
features of a majority of the species to see if 
trends could be noted and useful characters 
discovered. No attempt was made to examine 
large numbers of specimens within each species 
although this would obviously be desirable, 
as pointed out below. Wherever possible, 
type specimens were examined. 

Our methods for preparing the microtome sections 
were almost precisely those employed by Wetmore 
(1960 p. 375). Sections were made at 12 pm using 
a freezing microtome after the material had been 
soaked overnight in an alcohol-detergent solution. 
The material was then mounted in lactophenol 
and cotton blue. This stain colours the cytoplasm 
within the cell lumina making the lumina easy to 
see and measure. It also stains the chloroplasts of 
the algal cells dark blue. The lactophenol served 
as a semi-permanent mounting medium when the 
coverslips were sealed with two coats of clear nail 
polish, lo see finer characters of the conglutinated 
cortical hyphae and the extent of the matrix material, 
all the sections were also examined in phase- 
contrast illumination. 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Anatomy and morphology 13 

* J 1 fg { 


mmJÊÊ- ç. - 'y .T 

BWE* : > Vo : * 1 

..V f* »*: »1 * *v>> a/ -1* 5 

“a* 4 V* *' , 


»* # Ü. >o 

J*PtS A , 


_r , ,^. • 

4' 7 -» 

* £ 

v y 


Fig. 6. Cortex of Ramaiina thrausta. On- 
tario, Garton 6697 (CANL). Phase photo- 
micrographs; scale 20 pm. Photos by Peter 
Bowler. - A, B: Longitudinal section. -C: 
Cross section. 


Characters of the cortex have been used by 
many authors to distinguish Alectoria s. lat. 
from related (or at least superficially similar) 
genera, especially Cornicularia, Parmelia, and 
Ramaiina. For example, Hawksworth (1969 a) 
showed that characteristics of the surface of 
the filaments as revealed by scanning electron 
microscopy (SEM) for the most part do correlate 
well with classical generic concepts. 

Studies carried out in connection with the 
North American species have shown that there 
is much more variation in cortical tissue than 
previously suspected. This is especially true 
in the extent of septation and emergence 
of the superficial layer of cortical hyphae. 
However, we must hasten to add that we have 

found even the most “Alectoria” - like species 
of Cornicularia (e.g., C. pseudosatoana Asah. 
and C. californica ) and Ramaiina (i.e., R. 
thrausta ) to be quite distinct from any species 
in any genus studied here. The cortex of 
Cornicularia pseudosatoana has clearly 
distinguishable periclinal and netlike layers 
of prosoplectenchyma. C. californica almost 
develops a paraplectenchymatous outer layer. 
Ramaiina thrausta has a fibrous, periclinal 
cortex similar in some respects to that of 
species of Alectoria but with a noticeable 
increase in the branching of the superficial 
hyphae (Fig. 6). This, however, is not the 
two-layered cortex considered by many authors 
to be typical of Ramaiina and illustrated by 
Jahns (1974) in his figures 30 and 31. The 
surface features of R. thrausta (Hawksworth 

14 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Fig. 7. Decomposed cortex of Alec- 
toria vaneouverensis. California, 
Tavares 371 (CANL), cross section. 
Scale 20 gm. 

1969 a pi. IV c) obviously would not reveal 

Basically, the Alectorioid cortex is made up 
of periclinal hyphae fused into a chondroid 
mass to varying degrees. In some species, 
it is composed of fairly distinct interwoven 
hyphae and in others, it is clearly proso- 
plectenchymatous with only the lumina dis- 
tinguishable (a “skleroplektenchym” in the 
terminology of Frey 1936). This structure 
is particularly well seen in scanning electron 
micrographs of cut ends and longitudinal slices 
of branches (Hawksworth 1972, Hale 1976, 
Jorgensen 1975). The cortex in Alectoria s. 
lat. has been called a stereome by a number 
of recent authors (Ozenda 1963, Hawksworth 
1969 a, 1972) in the context of its being a 
supporting tissue. This term has been used by 
lichenologists more frequently to refer to 
chondroid medullary tissue (as in Cladonia 
and Usnea) (e.g., Galloe 1947, 1954) and so 
we will simply refer to this tissue in the 
Alectorioid genera as the cortex. (It should 
be noted that all these tissues are remarkably 
analogous in anatomy as well as function.) 

Internally, the cortex is generally very distinct 
from the medulla. The surface of the cortex 
is relatively rough and sometimes ridged (see 
Hawksworth 1969 a), but sometimes this 
roughness is due to a heavy deposition of 
pigmented material, and in other cases, the 
superficial hyphae themselves protrude to 
varying degrees. A non-cellular epicortex, as 

seen in Parmelia and some allied genera 
(Hale 1973, 1976), is not found in any of the 
Alectoria -like genera. In many species of 
Alectoria s. str., especially A. vaneouverensis, 
the surface of the cortex seems to decompose 
to some extent giving rise to a highly irregular 
surface (Fig. 7) (Hawksworth 1969 a pis. 1 f, 
111 a). 

As mentioned above a number of species 
are noticeably more brittle than others. The 
basis for this friability apparently lies in the 
quantity of matrix material in which the cortical 
hyphae are embedded, i.e. , the ratio of lumen 
area to wall-matrix area in the cortex. Brittle 
species such as Bryoria friahilis and B. implexa 
have little matrix material apparent (Fig. 8) 
whereas strong, resilient species such as 
Alectoria fallacina and Bryoria glabra have 
a great deal (Fig. 9). Species such as B. 
trichodes and B. fuscescens are more or less 
intermediate (Fig. 10). 

We have implied above that there are certain 
cortical characters which are correlated with 
certain genera, and with sections within Bryoria, 
and this indeed appears to be true in certain 


In Alectoria s. str., the cortex is generally 
thick, averaging about 50-80 /am and commonly 
going as high as 120 p m; in the other genera, 
the cortex is generally between 30 and 40 
pm rarely exceeding 50 pm. In addition, the 
cortex in Alectoria is highly cartilaginous with 
a great deal of matrix material. As mentioned 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Anatomy and morphology 15 



Fig. 8. Cortex with little matrix. Scale 20 pm. - 
A, B: Bryoria friahilis . Oregon, Hawkins (WIS). - 
A: Longitudinal section, phase contrast. - B: 
Cross section, light microscopy. - C: Bryoria 
implexa. Quebec, Macoun? (CANL 16294), longi- 
tudinal section, phase contrast. 

Rg. 9. Cortex, much matrix. Scale 20 pm. - A, B: 
Alectoria fatlacina. Isotype (US). - A: Longitudinal 
section, light microscopy. - B: Longitudinal section. 
Phase contrast. -C: Bryoria glabra. Isotype (CANL), 
cross section, light microscopy. 

16 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

in A te ™ ediate j matrix- Scale 20 pm. - A, B: Bryoria trichodes subsp. americana. B. C„ Brodo 
1 1668 (CAND - A: Longitudinal section, phase contrast. - B: Cross section, light microscopy. -C, D: Bryoria 
fuscescens. Isotype (CANL). -C: Longitudinal section, phase contrast. -D: Cross section, light microscopy. 

Fig. 11. Cortex with hyphae arranged in fascicles. Scale 20 pm. 
(QUE), cross section. - B: Bryoria cervinula. B. C.. Brodo 17769 

- A: Bryoria furcellata. 
(CANL), cross section. 

Quebec, Masson s.n. 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Anatomy and morphology 17 

Fig. 12. A-E: Surface cortical features of Bryoria sect. Subdivergentes. Scale 20 - A: Bryoria oregana. 

B. C., Brodo 8178 (CANL). surface view of cortex showing jigsaw pattern of superficial cortical cells. Eight, 
transmission microscopy. — B— F: Scanning electron micrographs (SEM). — B, C. Biyotia abbreviate i. Alberta, 
Bird & Lakusta 16703 (CANL). - B: Negative frame 290 x. -C: Negative frame 580 x. -D, E: Bryoria oregana. 
Washington, Imshaug 6237 (CANL). - D: Negative frame 290 x. - E: Negative frame 580 x. - F: Bryoria /re- 
monta. Alberta, Bird & Glenn 14214 (CANL), negative frame 580 x . There are no projecting superficial cells of 
the cortex in this species which is in the section Tortuosae. 

2 - Opera Botanica nr 42 

18 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Fig. 13. Anatomy of Pseudephehe. - A: Pseudephehe pubescens. B. C., Brodo 14209 (CANL), longitudinal 
section of the cortex showing superficial cellular layer. Scale 20 pm. - B-D: Pseudephehe minuscula. Colorado, 
Shushan 8323 (CANL), longitudinal sections of the cortex, phase contrast. Scale = 20 pm. - B: “Lower” cortex 
of a flattened branch. - C: Upper ’ cortex of a flattened branch. - D: Cortex of a terete branch 

above, the surface is also somewhat decom- 

In a number of species of the section 
Divaricatae of Bryoria (e.g., B. furcellata, 
B. nitidula, B. cervinula ), the cortical hyphae 

Fig. 14. Lax, arachnoid medulla in Bryoria implexa. 
Quebec, (Macoun?) s.n. (CANL 16294). Longitudinal 
section. Scale 60 pm. 

are, at least in part, distinct with conglutinate 
thick-walled filaments often in fascicle-like 
groups (Fig. 11). Most have superficial cells 
protruding above the surface giving it a some- 
what knobby or ridged appearance, and most 
are also encrusted with pigmented material. 

Bryoria oregana, B. ahhreviata, and B. 
subdivergens have a great many similarities 
in habit, colour, spores, etc. and are obviously 
closely related. They are treated here as 
comprising the section Subdivergentes. 
It was very interesting to discover, therefore, 
that the cortices of all three are very similar 
and very unusual. In these species (and only 
these species) the outermost cells of cortical 
hyphae become short, irregular, and knobby 
forming a jigsaw-like pattern on the thallus 
surface (Fig. 12 A). They also extend above 
the surface giving the cortex a very rough, 
bumpy appearance with SEM or under the 
light microscope (Fig. 12 B-E) and a dull or 
matt texture to the eye. (Compare this cortical 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Anatomy and morphology 19 

Fig. 15. Ornamented medullary hyphae in Alectoria sarmentosa, phase contrast. Scale 20 /im. - A: Subsp. 
sarmentosa B. C., Brodo 12792 (CANL). - B: Subsp. vexillifera. Quebec, Guimont 4446 (CANL). 

surface with the relatively smooth, encrusted 
surface of B. fremontii. Fig. 12 F.) The SEM 
photograph of the surface features of Bryoria 
divergescens (syn. Alectoria divergescens) in 
Hawksworth (1969 a pi. 11 d) as well as the 
comments of Dahl (1950) and Awasthi (1970) 
lead us to believe that this mainly Himalayan 
species may belong in this section as well. 

It is not surprising that Pseudephebe minus- 
cula and P. pubescens have similar cortices. 
The cortical anatomy reflects the general habit 
of the plant closely, especially in P. minuscula. 
In the more “foliose" parts of the thallus, 
there is a net-like prosoplectenchyma (as in 
Jahns 1974 fig. 12) forming the "upper" cortex, 
and a fibrous, periclinal prosoplectenchyma 
forming the "lower” cortex (Fig. 13 A-C). 
In the terete branches, the cortex is more 
uniformly periclinal, but one can still make 
out a distinct shortening of the superficial 
cells which results in a kind of false pseudo- 
parenchyma at the surface (Fig. 13 D). We 
noted no encrusting pigmented material on 
the surface; all the pigment (and there is a 
great deal) is within the cell walls of the 
superficial cells. 

Algal layer 

As stated by Hawksworth (1972) and illustrated 
by Gallpe (1950), the algal layer of almost all 
species of the Alectorioid genera is located 
just inside the cortex. If the medulla fills the 
filament cavity (as in Alectoria vancouverensis 
and extreme morphotypes of A. sarmentosa 
subsp. vexillifera), one may find algal cells 
even in the centre of the filament, but in a 
much reduced number. In addition, the distri- 
bution of algal cells along the length of the 
filament is often very discontinuous and 
clumped (Galloe 1950 figs. 573, 570, 575). 
For example, there are no algae in the blackened 
“fragmentation areas” of e.g. B. trichodes 
subsp. americana (see Hawksworth 1972). 

No studies on the taxonomy of the algal 
components have been carried out in connection 
with this revision. This would have necessitated 
investigations of the algae from pure cultures. 
Further studies on the systematics of lichen 
phycobionts at the species level are desirable 
in view of their possible role in influencing 
thallus form and chemistry (see the section 
Taxonomic concepts: species). 

20 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Fig. 16. Cortical material invading the medulla. - A. B: 
Alectoria vaneouverensis. B. C.. Bird 28472 (CANL). 
- A: Longitudinal section, phase contrast. Scale 60 
(‘m. - B: Cross section, light microscopy. Scale 20 
pm. - C: Bryoria pseudocapillaris. Holotype, cross 
section, phase contrast. Scale 20 pm. 


The medulla in most Alectorioid species is 
very lax and “arachnoid" (Hawksworth 1972 
pi. I c; Fig. 14). Most species have medullary 
hyphae between 3.5 and 5.0 /urn in diameter. 
The hyphae are generally smooth, but in most 
species of Alectoria s. str. the medullary 
hyphae are “ornamented” with knobs and 
projections (Fig. 15). The only exceptions 
were A. ochroleuca and A. nigricans. A similar 
ornamentation occurs rarely in Bryoria 
fuscescens (M. Skytte Christiansen, in litt.). 

Among those species with a consistently 
dense medulla (Alectoria vaneouverensis, A. 
mexicana, A. fallacina, Bryoria pseudocapil- 
laris), a few have bundles of cortical-like 
hyphae running through the medulla, joining 
and then leaving the cortex proper. Most 
noteworthy in this regard is A. vaneouverensis 
where the fibrous medulla apparently can be 
used as a species character (Fig. 16 A, B). 
According to the drawings of Galloe (1950 
figs. 603, 604, 607), the same is true of A. 
sarmentosa subsp. vexillifera. An anastomosing 
network of conglutinate fibres was also seen 
in the medulla of Bryoria pseudocapillaris 
(Fig. 16 C). 



Spot tests 

A great many misidentifications exist in herbaria 
and even in the literature due to errors in 
interpreting gross colour tests with the standard 
PD. KOH, and C reagents. With few exceptions 
(mentioned below) we believe it is possible 
to use these reagents with reliability if certain 
procedures are followed. 

For our tests, “K” is a 10% aqueous 
solution of KOH, “C” is fresh, undiluted 
household bleaching solution (such as Clorox 
or Javex in North America and Parazone in 
the United Kingdom) which is a concentrated 
sodium hypochlorite solution, and "PD” is 
either a solution made from a few crystals of 
dry p-phenylenediamine in one or two drops 
of 70% ethanol, or Steiner's solution, a 
saturated aqueous solution of PD in 10% 
sodium sulphite to which a few drops of a 
strong wetting agent (detergent) has been added. 
For a “KC” test, a small quantity of C is 
added to a spot still moist from the application 
of K. A “CK” test is made by reversing the 
order of application of these two reagents. 

“IKI” solution (Melzer's reagent, undiluted 
or diluted 1:1) was tested on all species of 
Bryoria , section Divaricatae , and on a number 
of other species from other sections and 
genera. No cortical or medullary reaction such 
as that reported by Bystrek (1969) for “Alectoria 
Perspinosa" Bystr. was seen in our material. 

The reagents are applied in various ways 
depending on the tissues being tested or the 
substances expected. In most cases, tests of 
medullary reactions are most satisfactorily made 
with melting point capillary pipettes of about 
1-6-1. 8 mm outside diameter drawn to a fine 
tip. The reactions are observed under a dis- 

secting microscope. As is the case with most 
lichen spot tests, the smaller the quantity 
of reagent, the more sensitive the test. The 
most sensitive PD tests of soralium reactions 
are made with a capillary tube and fresh 
alcoholic PD. 

Almost all other PD tests and most K tests 
are made in the following manner. About 5 to 
15 filaments of the specimen, including some of 
the finest tips and growing portions, are put 
on a small piece of white filter paper (about 
one cm 2 ). The paper squares are placed on a 
microscope slide which, in turn, is on a piece 
of cardboard to prevent the table surface from 
becoming stained (Fig. 17). The filaments are 
then flooded with two or three drops of 
reagent (K or Steiner’s solution). There must 
be sufficient liquid reagent remaining around 
the filaments to permit the diffusion of any 
coloured material out of the thallus and onto 
the paper. On the other hand, if too much 
reagent is used, the chemical reaction will be 
obscured by excess dilution. 

A positive reaction might be indicated in 
one of two ways. The more obvious one is the 
oozing out of colour onto the filter paper. 
This will occur with all species having PD + 
yellow reactions and with thalli containing 
fumarprotocetraric acid in the outermost portion 
of the cortex (Fig. 18 A). Equally dependable 
is the PD + red reaction of the inner portion 
of the cortex together with the medulla which 
produces no colour at all on the filter paper 
(Fig. 18 B, C). The tissues turn deep red and 
the reaction is visible through the pigmented 
outer cortex which is rendered semi-transparent 
by Steiner’s PD solution itself. If the fumar- 
protocetraric acid is abundant, permeating 
almost the entire cortex as well as the medulla, 
the entire filament will seem to develop a red 

22 Alectoria in North America 

Fig. 17. Filter paper method for colour reactions. 
Three squares of white filter paper have been placed 
on a microscope slide. The piece in the center with 
some filaments of Bryoria sp. has been flooded with 
Steiner’s solution; the piece on the right is about to be 
treated . 

colour (Fig. 18 C). However, unless the surface 
of the cortex contains the substance, no pigment 
will ooze out (except at breaks in the cortex, 
e.g., at soralia or pseudocyphellae). More 
frequently, the red reaction is indicated by a 
thin red "line” within the filaments (Fig. 18 B). 
The test is extremely sensitive, sometimes 
detecting the presence of fumarprotocetraric 
acid in small portions of a filament even 
when TLC techniques fail. 

The position of a positive PD reaction appears 
to be relatively species-specific. As seen in 
Fig. 19, one can classify the reactions into five 
categories: (A) occurring in the outer cortex 
alone; (B) occurring in the inner cortex alone 
(sometimes expanding to include the entire 
cortex, as in B ); (C) including all tissues 
except the outermost part of the cortex; (D) 
occurring both in the outer and inner portions 
of the cortex (and usually the medulla as 
well); (E) occurring in the medulla alone. 

Type E reactions are encountered most 
frequently in the genus Alectoria, as in the 
thamnolic acid test with A. imshaugii (see 
comments below). It never has been seen 
as a fumarprotocetraric acid reaction. Type A 
reactions are due to the presence of the acid 
on or just below the thallus surface. As a 
PD+ red reaction, it is seen only in Bryoria 
subcana and rarely in B. fuscescens. On the 
other hand, it is the characteristic reaction 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Fig. 18. Types of reactions on filter paper with 
Steiner's solution. - A: If there is a positive cortical 
reaction, the resulting colour diffuses out onto the 
filter paper. A positive KOH reaction will have the 
same effect. - B; The Steiner’s solution "clears" the 
filament and a positive reaction of the inner cortex or 
medulla is visible through the cortex as a red, cen- 
trally located line. - C: If the inner tissues react 
strongly, the entire filament will turn red, but the 
colour will not diffuse out. 

for alectorialic, barbatolic, norstictic and 
salazinic acids. Specimens producing a strong 
PD+ red oozing reaction are most frequently 
of type D. 

The most commonly seen reactions, however, 
are those of type B and C. American Bryoriae 
of the section Divaricatae which contain fumar- 
protocetraric acid (e.g., B. furcellata, B. nitidu- 
la) are always type C. Bryoria trichodes (both 
subspecies) usually give a type B reaction 
(occasionally developing into B'), but thalli 
with type C reactions have also been seen. 
After the addition of PD solution, Bryoria 
cervinula starts as either type B or C, but 
generally finally oozes some red coloration 
(thus resembling a type D reaction) apparently 
due to the sheer quantity of acid in the cortex. 

In some species fumarprotocetraric acid 
appears to be largely restricted to the soralia 
(e.g. Bryoria chalybeiformis, B. glabra, B. 
lanestris) so that an intense PD+ reaction is 
obtained from these structures which is very 
strictly localized (a phenomenon apparently 
first recorded and figured by Frey 1952, for 
"A. jubata var. prolixa”). When testing speci- 
mens for cortical and medullary reactions 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Chemistry 23 

B 1 

Fig. 19. A classification of possible colour reactions on filament cross sections. See text for explanation. 

with this reagent, it is consequently important 
to test portions of the thallus which lack not 
only mature but also developing soralia (these 
appear as somewhat swollen areas or breaks 
on the branches). In a few species PD reactions 
are characteristically rather ‘‘patchy " and it may 
be necessary to test several branches before 
concluding a specimen is really PD— (this is 
especially true for B. tenuis; see Discussion 
under this species). Blackened basal stems of 
some species are often apparently devoid of 
algal cells and habitually fail to provide PD + 
reactions even when these are obtainable in 
other parts of the thalli (e.g., B. bicolor, B. 
cervinula, B. nadvornikiana, B. tenuis). 

The K. test conspicuously fails with species 
containing the K+ red substances, norstictic and 
salazinic acids. With those species, a positive 
K test is typically indicated on the filter paper 
by a flash of yellow followed by the formation 
of a brownish red, orange-brown, or “dirty” 
brown ring at the edge of the reagent front. 
The yellow reaction is easily missed, and unless 

the substance is very abundant, the brownish 
colour may be very diffuse. The PD+ yellow 
(to yellow-orange) reaction of norstictic and 
salazinic acids is constant, however. With a K 
reaction which appears to be negative, one 
might assume the presence of psoromic acid 
and thus be in error. Fortunately all of these 
substances are very easily demonstrated by 
microchemical crystal tests (see below). 

The KC medullary reactions in the genus 
Alectoria are generally without problems, 
although it is well to test a portion of the 
filament having well-developed medullary 
hyphae rather than a portion which is virtually 
hollow. It is interesting to note, in this connec- 
tion, that except for usnic acid, alectorialic 
acid, and one K+ red unknown, all the sec- 
ondary metabolic substances found in the genus 
Alectoria s. str. are apparently restricted to the 
medulla (e.g.. alectoronic, olivetoric. thamnolic, 
diffractaic, and presumably barbatic and 
squamatic acids). (An exception worth noting 
is the thamnolic acid-containing chemotypes 

24 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Fig. 20. The KC test using a square 
of filter paper. See test for descrip- 

of A. sarmentosa and A. vancouverensis from 
California, some of which produce this acid 
in the outer cortex and not in the medulla 
at all.) 

The KC test (K followed by C) for barbatolic 
acid is often most easily demonstrated by 
adding a small drop of K to a concentration 
of filaments and absorbing this onto a piece 
of filter paper as the drop turns deep yellow 
(Fig. 20). If a spot of C is placed next to the 
yellow spot formed by reaction with K and 
allowed to run into it, a pinkish red colouration 
is produced where the spots overlap which is 
easily seen against the white of the filter paper. 
Care should be taken not to employ too much 
C since excess C will itself rapidly bleach 
the pinkish red colour. 

A positive CK test (C followed by KOH) 
was often useful in establishing the presence of 
diffractaic acid in Alectoria ochroleuca. If 
the acid is present in fairly high quantities, 
one gets a strong yellow-orange or gold reaction 
in the medulla. If the acid is in low concen- 
tration, the reaction is correspondingly weaker. 
The same test for diffractaic acid was dis- 
covered independently on Parmelia diffractaica 
Essl. and was reported by Dey (1974). 

The general rule that the best reactions can 
be obtained from rapidly growing tissues such 
as soralia, pseudocyphellae, filament tips and 
apothecial margins applies to Alectoria and its 
related genera as it does to other lichens. 

Microchemical tests (MCT) 

Crystal tests were made most frequently in the 
identification of norstictic, salazinic and 
psoromic acids. The former two were deter- 
mined from acetone extracts using “double-K” 
(KK, K 2 ; 5% potassium hydroxide and 5% 
potassium carbonate. 1:1). Psoromic acid was 
demonstrated using GE solution (glycerine and 
acetic acid, 1:3; Fig. 21 D). Gyrophoric and 
olivetoric acids were also verified using micro- 
chemical tests, but thin layer chromatography 
proved more reliable. GE, or GAQ (glycerine, 
ethanol, quinoline, 2:2:1) was used for gyro- 
phoric acid tests, and GAW solution (glycerine, 
ethanol, water, 1:1:1) was used to detect 
olivetoric acid. Crystal tests are necessary to 
distinguish diffractaic acid from barbatic acid 
since the two substances run together in TLC, 
but, as Kurokawa (1967) points out, diffractaic 
acid is often very difficult to demonstrate. 
With adequate concentrations of the substances, 
however, they can readily be crystalized from 
GE solution. Diffractaic acid produces colour- 
less to very slightly yellowish lamellae, with 
pointed blade-shaped crystals. They are usually 
abundantly overlapping and become fanned out 
producing fasciculate clusters (Fig. 21 A, B). 
In concentrated preparations, the clusters 
become arborescent and curved (see Asahina 
1936 p. 871, Kurokawa 1967), and some 
crystals curve strongly to one side or produce 
a longitudinal split and side branches, but this 
curving and “curly” form is relatively rare. 
On the other hand, the characteristic “splitting” 
can often be found. 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Chemistry 25 

Fig. 21 . Crystals produced by lichen substances in GE solution. - A, B: Diffractaic acid from Alectoria 
ochroleuca. - C : Barbatic acid from A. vancouverensis. -D: Psoromic acid from Bryoria implexa. 

Usnic acid crystals are easily distinguished 
by the fact that they are always truncate at 
the ends and, of course, they are generally 
yellow. Barbatic acid in GE produces short, 
Prismatic or rhomboid colourless crystals (Fig. 
21 C). Alectoronic acid crystals are colourless 
lamellae, always straight and truncate, and 
occurring in radiating clusters. Alectorialic 
acid could often be demonstrated with GAoT 
solution (glycerine, ethanol, o-toluidine, 2:2:1) 
(see Krog 1968 pp. 103-104) or GAQ solution 
(Hawksworth 1972 pi. 3 A) but again, TLC 
Proved to be more sensitive. 

Thin layer chromatography (TLC) 

The techniques used in our thin layer chromato- 
graphic analyses were largely those recom- 
mended by Culberson & Kristinsson (1970) 
and later expanded by C. Culberson (1972). 

Acetone extractions made in small culture 
tubes were spotted on 10x20 cm Merck pre- 
coated aluminum sheets with silica gel F-254, 
or 60F-254. The latter sheets were equilibrated 
in an acidic atmosphere as recommended by 
C. Culberson (1974). Runs were made to a 
height of approximately 60-65 mm. Spots were 
examined in long and short wave ultraviolet 
light, outlined in pencil, and then sprayed with 
either 10% sulphuric acid, Steiner’s solution 
or Mr-diazotized benzidene depending on the 
substances being identified. The resulting spots 
were then related to the norstictic and 
atranorin standards as recommended in Culber- 
son & Kristinsson (1970) and C. Culberson 
(1972) or compared to standards run alongside 
the unknowns. The results were recorded both 
within the specimen packets and in a log book. 
The chromatogram sheets, being thin and light, 
were retained for future reference. 

Table 1. Secondary chemical products of North American species of Alectoria, Bryoria, Pseudephebe, and 
Sulcaria. Filled circle: present in all specimens examined. Half-filled circle: present in most. Unfilled circle: 
present in some. Question mark: doubtfully present in some. Literature reports, not necessarily based on 
North American specimens: (DC. Culberson 1969. (2) C. Culberson 1970. (3) Hawksworth 1972. (4) Huneck & 
Follmann 1970. (5)Solberg 1967. (6) Solberg 1975. 

Orcinol series 

^-orcinol series 

Depsides Uepsidones Depsides 














. • 


4 5 



1 2 






3 4 0 



subsp. vexillifera 











sect. BRYORIA 







subsp. americana 







simpl icior 






sect. T0RTU0SAE 
fremonti i 

capil laris 
friabil is 
pi kei 






4 4 


4 1 4 

• • 

• 9 

• • 

6 • • • • 4 . . 4 


















O 3 


no substances 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Chemistry 27 

We had some difficulty with resolution in 
solvents “B" and “C” until it was discovered 
that the spot crowding was due to our use 
of an Eastman Chromagram '■Sandwich” 
Chamber Plate set. From that point on, standard 
chromatogram tanks (c. 25 cm high, 10 cm 
deep, 22 cm wide) were used for those solvents. 
The tanks did not require filter paper liners. 
Solvent "A” runs were no different in the 
tank, and so the Sandwich Chamber was 
used for those. 

There was no difficulty in identifying the 
majority of compounds, although a number 
of spots of uncertain identity which appeared 
in some specimens of a species and not others 
were ignored. It is possible that some of these 
compounds are of importance and should be 
studied further. Of course, there were some 
unknowns of obvious significance, and these 
were always recorded (see Table 1 ). 

Other compounds, particularly some of the 
/3-orcinol depsides, run at similar Rfs in all 
commonly used solvents. It was therefore 
necessary to perform microhydrolyses on them 
as described by C. Culberson (1972) to verify 
their identity. The technique worked extremely 
well as long as Culberson's instructions were 
followed carefully. 

Since chloroatranorin and atranorin are 
virtually indistinguishable with solvents A, B. 
and C (C. Culberson 1972), a separation of 
these two compounds was made by using 
chloroform-acetone, 1:1 as a solvent. In this 
system, most other PD compounds found in 
our species run close to the source. Chloro- 
atranorin and atranorin are then revealed, 
using a spray of Steiner’s solution, at Rfs of 
31-57, and 75-95, respectively. It is apparent 
that the ranges are very broad. In this solvent, 
it seems the more concentrated the substance, 
the higher it migrates. 


An unexpected development in this study 
was the discovery of a number of lichen 
substances new for Alectoria s. lat. in the North 
American species: two orcinol depsides, 
gyrophoric acid and olivetoric acid; and one 
3-orcinol depsidone, salazinic acid. Thamnolic 
acid was reported for A. nigricans by Solberg 

(1967) and by Huneck & Follmann (1970) for 
a number of other species (see Table 1) but 
this substance could not be confirmed in our 
work on North American material of those 
species. (In a more recent study of A. nigricans, 
Solberg (1975) found only alectorialic acid, 
a mixture of tetrahydroxy fatty acids, and 
5,7-dihydroxy-6-methyl phthalide; no mention 
was made of the presence of thamnolic acid.) 
On the other hand, several other species do 
indeed contain thamnolic acid, as will be pointed 
out below. There are a number of unknown 
substances which apparently are of some tax- 
onomic importance as well. 

As might be expected from a reading of the 
recent literature (especially W. Culberson 1969, 
and W. Culberson & C. Culberson 1970), 
the substances which we found seem to fit tax- 
onomic groups distinguishable by traditional 
morphologic criteria. We should add that this is 
particularly true when we disregard the some- 
times conflicting literature reports and rely 
only on our own investigations. 

For example, orcinol derivatives are abun- 
dantly represented in Alectoria s. str., the only 
genus to produce olivetoric and alectoronic 
acids. (A specimen of Sulcaria sulcata from 
Japan (Yoshimura 1680, Shikoku [BM]) appar- 
ently contains some alectoronic acid, besides 
psoromic acid and atranorin, as evidenced by 
repeated TLC tests). In the olivetoric acid 
containing specimens, in all but a few rare 
cases, the olivetoric acid entirely replaces 
the alectoronic acid and characterizes a mor- 
phologically distinguishable species. The only 
other orcinol derivative, the tridepside gyro- 
phoric acid, is found in two species of Bryoria. 
All the /3-orcinol depsides with the exceptions 
of atranorin. chloroatranorin and barbatolic 
acid are restricted to Alectoria s. str.; atranorin 
and chloroatranorin appear to be entirely absent 
from that genus. We have examined the North 
American specimens of A. sarmentosa reported 
by Hawksworth (1972) as containing atranorin, 
and no trace of atranorin could be found in 
them by TLC. The identity of the high Rf 
compound which he detected by paper chro- 
matography remains unknown. The reports of 
Huneck & Follmann (1970) should be regarded 
with some scepticism until they are confirmed. 
Usnic acid is restricted to this genus. On the 
other hand, /3-orcinol depsidones, so common 

28 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

in Bryoria, are entirely absent from Alectoria 
s. str. 

Fumarprotocetraric acid is by far the most 
common chemical in the species under study, 
having been found in 14 out of 38 species. It 
is apparently a constant constituent of Bryoria 
nadvornikiana occurring along with alectorialic 
and barbatolic acids and atranorin and is 
quite possibly the basis for the report of 
thamnolic acid in that species by Huneck & 
Follmann (1970) (see comments by Jorgensen 
1972 p. 196). 

Although Fluneck & Follmann (1970) reported 
atranorin in a number of ‘Alectoria” species, 
it appears that this compound and the related 
chloroatranorin have relatively restricted 
occurrences. Sulcaria hadia and some other 
non-American Sulcaria species contain 
atranorin alone; Bryoria trichodes and B. 
fuscescens have chloroatranorin alone; B. 
nadvornikiana in almost all cases has both 
atranorin (in traces) and chloroatranorin. In 
the specimens tested so far (several dozen) 
chloroatranorin has been restricted to the 
sorediate morphotypes and the subsp. trichodes 
of B. trichodes although not all specimens of 
this taxon contain the substance. It also appears 
that only specimens of B. fuscescens east of 
the Rocky Mountains contain chloroatranorin, 
but again, the presence of this substance is 
not constant. Solberg (1975) reported the 
presence of atranorin in one specimen (out of 4) 
of Bryoria fremontii, and in a 19.6 gm sample 
of Bryoria bicolor. These reports should be 

Barbatolic acid, a /3-orcinol depside best 
classified as a benzyl ester (C. Culberson 1969, 
Persson & Santesson 1970), is found in B. 
capillaris, B. pseudocapillaris, and B. nadvorni- 
kiana as characteristic components, and occa- 
sionally in Alectoria nigricans. 

Alectorialic acid is a very similar benzyl 
ester (Persson & Santesson 1970). It is the 
main constituent of Alectoria nigricans and 
Bryoria pikei. It is always present at least in 
trace amounts along with barbatolic acid in 
B. capillaris and B. nadvornikiana, a fact 
not surprising in view of the similarity of the 
two compounds in chemical structure. Speci- 
mens in the B. capillaris- aggregate with large 
amounts of alectorialic and trace amounts of 
barbatolic acid seem to be morphologically 

distinguishable and have generally been re- 
ferred to B. pikei (see Discussion under that 
species). The depsidone salazinic acid occurs 
in a species closely related to B. implexa and 
B. capillaris (named B. salazinica here). 
Norstictic acid has so far been found only in 
the very variable species, B. pseudofuscescens, 
and in the new species B. spiralifera. In a 
puzzling specimen from Dungeness, Washington 
(Foster 2552 a [FF1]), both norstictic and barba- 
tolic acids were found, pointing out how 
closely related B. pseudofuscescens and B. 
capillaris are. If lichen-forming fungi hybridize, 
this specimen could be thought of as a hybrid. 

The presence of barbatic acid in many 
specimens could neither be confirmed nor 
denied due to the possible confusion of that 
substance with diffractaic acid in TLC. The 
substance turned out to be diffractaic acid in 
Alectoria ochroleuca in all cases in which it 
was checked using the microhydrolysis methods 
ot C. Culberson (1972), or crystal tests in 
GE solution. Spots corresponding to these 
substances were seen with several specimens 
ot A. vancouverensis and with A. sarmentosa. 
Since microchemical crystal tests conclusively 
established the presence of barbatic acid in an 
aberrant specimen of A. vancouverensis it is 
likely that barbatic acid also occurs in some 
other specimens of vancouverensis and 
sarmentosa. Krog (1968) reported having 
demonstrated good barbatic acid crystals in 
GE solution for A. “vexillifera" as well as 
A. ochroleuca, and she reported barbatic acid 
from several ‘‘varieties'’ of sarmentosa. 

Squamatic acid has been reported as frequent 
in A. sarmentosa (Ftawksworth 1972), but 
although this is true for Europe, we could 
not detect this substance in the North American 
material. It is interesting that the corresponding 
metadepside, thamnolic acid, was seen in 
several west coast specimens. This may be 
another case ot vicarious chemical races within 
the well-documented west coast — west Euro- 
pean disjunct distribution pattern. Alectoria 
imshaugii demonstrates the interchange- 
ability of squamatic and thamnolic acids within 
a taxon or closely related taxa, as in Cladonia, 
sect. Cladonia (e.g., C. squamosa (Scop.) 
Hoffm. and C. subsquamosa (Nyl. ex Leight.) 
Vain.). Thamnolic acid occurs as a main 
constituent only in A. imshaugii . 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Chemistry 29 

One of the more interesting unknown sub- 
stances, again occurring only in Alectoria 
s. str., produces K+ red (persistent) and 
C + green-black (ephemeral) reactions on the 
thallus cortex. It is generally restricted to the 
older parts of the plants, especially at the bases 
of terricolous species, but occasionally can 
be demonstrated throughout the plant, as in a 
remarkable specimen of Alectoria nigricans 
from Southampton Island (Parker SP-70-14 
[CANL]). Chromatographic results confirm 
that the substance is often present above the 
base in many species, but in very small 
amounts. The substance has relative Rf position 
values of 3 or 3-4, 3, 2 in solutions A, B & C 
of Culberson & Kristinsson (1970), is strong 
UV+ blue-white under both long and short 
wave illumination, and is PD-. In sulphuric 
acid charring, it is yellowish to pale brown. 
This is almost surely the substance responsible 
for the K test referred to by Räsänen (1939) 
for his “f. rnhropunctata Räs." of A . sarmen- 
tosa, and by Krog (1968) for A. “vexillifera" . 
Solberg (1975) recently reported a PD— substan- 
ce with low Rf values in the same solvents from 
Norwegian material of A. nigricans. This 
substance, named “AN-X”, was identified 
by Solberg as 5,7-dihydroxy-6-methyl phthalide. 
It is conceivable that our unknown K+ red, 
C+ green-black substance may be Solberg's 
AN-X, but we have not had an opportunity 
to test this possibility. 

Other unknown substances and chemical 
problems specific to certain taxa will be dis- 
cussed later in the treatments of those taxa. 

Certain substances presented particular prob- 
lems in either TLC or microchemistry. These 
Problems may be the cause of some of the 

unconfirmed reports of substances in the genus. 
For example a spot which appeared to corre- 
spond to a-collatolic acid often, but not always, 
occurs as an accessory substance with alecto- 
ronic acid. This joint occurrence is well docu- 
mented (see Culberson & Culberson 1968) 
but we feel that the presence of a-collatolic 
acid requires verification in Alectoria. However, 
alectoronic acid apparently degrades in sol- 
vents B & C resulting in several spots, one 
highly fluorescent and the other not. 

Alectorialic and barbatolic acids often occur 
as mixtures, but not always. If barbatolic 
acid is absent, the cortex of the specimen 
is often K- or K+ very light yellow; if it is 
present, the specimen has a distinct K + 
yellow reaction. Both alectorialic and barbatolic 
acids are C+ and KC+ pink. The taxonomic 
significance in the variation of this chemical 
pair is still not clear (see Discussion under 
Bryoria capillaris). 

The appearance of olivetoric acid in a group 
already known to contain alectoronic acid 
was not extraordinary, since these substances 
occur in closely related taxa in Cetrelia and 
are biogenetically related (Culberson & Culber- 
son 1968 p. 472). Gyrophoric acid is bioge- 
netically isolated from the other orcinol com- 
pounds, and it is therefore perhaps not sur- 
prising that it occurs in a different genus. 

Besides the compounds discovered and re- 
ported here, it is conceivable that through 
the use of specialized techniques such as mass- 
spectrophotometry, other compounds may be 
found in these genera, or that certain compounds 
will be found in trace amounts in species 
other than those for which they were reported 

Taxonomie concepts 


Hawksworth (1972 p. 199) emphasized that a 
case could be made for recognizing the four 
subgenera of Alectoria as distinct genera. 
Subsequent investigations reported here have 
revealed additional chemical and anatomical 
characters supporting this separation. In view 
of the now overwhelming evidence (Table 2) 
it is clear that the maintenance of Alectoria as 
a single genus cannot be justified and the four 
subgenera of Hawksworth ( 1972) are thus treated 
as genera here. The characters distinguishing 
the genera are mostly independent of one 
another and clearly are of considerable taxo- 
nomic importance (i.e., ascospore colour, size 
and septation; the major groups of lichen 
products present; cortical structure). 

The suggestion that Alectoria be subdivided 
is by no means new. Fries (1860) was the first 
author to clearly distinguish units at the rank 
of genus, although he later modified his views 
(Fries 1871). Fries' earlier views were, how- 
ever, followed by a few authors (e.g., Stein 
1879) but have not been generally accepted 
by most specialists concerned with the genus 
(e.g.. Du Rietz 1926, Motyka 1962, 1964, 
Stizenberger 1892). Bystrek (1971) proposed 
that Alectoria should be divided into three 
genera but presented no new information 
supporting his treatment. Data which have come 
to light in the course of the present study, 
however, support Bystrek's conclusions, and 
his generic concepts are basically those adopted 
here (with the addition of Pseudephebe). 

Unfortunately this taxonomic decision means 
that a new generic name is required for the 
bulk of the species formerly placed in Alectoria. 
Bryopogon Link cannot be taken up in the 
manner proposed by Bystrek (1971) on nomen- 

clatural grounds (see Discussion under Bryoria). 
We were first reluctant to take this step in 
the interests of nomenclatural stability but 
following discussions with various colleagues, 
especially during the XII International Botanical 
Congress in Leningrad, we came to the con- 
clusion that this should be done. 

In the last decade there has been an in- 
creasing tendency to recognize subdivisions 
of well-established genera at the rank of genus 
in the lichen-forming fungi (e.g., Poelt 1965, 
Hale & Culberson 1970, Hale 1974). In most 
instances these changes in taxonomic opinion 
reflect a better understanding of the species 
concerned leading to more natural groupings. 
This is also true for Alectoria s. lat. We might 
add that there is now probably more justi- 
fication for subdividing Alectoria into several 
genera than there is for the recognition of some 
segregates now becoming widely accepted from 
Cetraria. Cladonia, Parmelia and Physcia. 

The characters distinguishing the genera 
Alectoria. Bryoria. Oropogon, Pseudephebe and 
Sulcaria are indicated in Table 2 and will be 
readily apparent from both this and the Key 
to the genera; they will not be discussed in 
further detail here. 

Species pairs 

The concept of species pairs (“Artenpaare”) 
has come to assume an increasingly important 
role in lichen systematics below the generic 
level following the important papers of Poelt 
(1970, 1972). The essential thesis of the concept 
is that existing lichen species which only very 
rarely or never form ascocarps and reproduce 
by vegetative methods (secondary species) 
have been derived from extant or extinct species 
reproducing by means of ascospores with 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) Taxonomie concepts 31 

Table 2. Diagnostic characters separating the five Alectorioid genera. Included are characters of non-North 
American species. 








No. per ascus 




(6— )8 


Colour when mature 




Yellow to 








Length (gm) 






Width (gm) 







Persistent and 



Persistent and 

Persistent; incurved at 



excluded; not 

excluded; not 


least when young 




Usually rare 


Common, opening 
by a broad ostiole 



Vegetative structure 


Surface texture 


Usually smooth 



Uneven to knobby 

Differentiation of 
superficial cells 


Present in a few 

Present in all 


Usually present 



Thickness (yxm) 
Matrix, relative to 








Little to abundant 



Little to moderate 

Medullary hyphae 



Not ornamented 

Not ornamented 

Not ornamented 








Always present 


Always present. 

Variable, when 


Present in long 

Depressed, developing 

scattered, con- 

present adpressed 


into perforations 

spicuous, raised 

or rarely slightly 



Usnic acid crystals 

Mostly in a super- 

In cortical cells 

Granular on 

Mostly in superficial 

in outer cortical 

ficial crust 


cortical cells 

Colour of thallus 


Usually yellow 

Brown to oliva- 

Dark brown to 

Grey to badious, 

Fuscous to grey; rarely 

ceous, rarely grey 

almost black 

or bright yellow 



Pendent to erect 

Pendent to erect 

± Appressed, 

Pendent to 

Pendent to 






Csnic acids 

Present in all but 
one species 





Atranorin and (or) 






Drcinol depsides 


Rare (tridepside) 




Qrcinol depsidones 
ß-orcinol depsides 






•cxcl. atranorin s. 

ß-orcinol benzyl 












ß-orcinol depsidones 
Pulvinic acid 


Very frequent 

















Unknown: K+ red, 

Very frequent 





Centre of diversity 







Number of species 






32 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

little or no alternative method of reproduction 
(primary species). Primary and secondary 
species normally have identical (or sometimes 
closely related) chemical components (Poelt 
1972, Culberson & Culberson 1973, C. 
Culberson & Hale 1973, Hawksworth 1976) 
and secondary species have a tendency to 
have wider distributions and ecological ampli- 
tudes than the primary species if the latter 
is extant. 

As emphasized above, ascocarps are very 
rare in most Alectorioid genera and it is clear 
that, for most species, vegetative methods of 
propagation are of paramount importance. This 
suggests that the bulk of the species, whether 
reproducing by thallus fragmentation, spinule 
abscission, soredia, or combinations of these, 
are to be viewed as secondary. A few species, 
however, are clearly primary (e.g., Pseudephebe 
minuscula, P. pubescens, Bryoria abbreviata, 
B. divergescens, B. subdivergens, Sulcaria 
sulcata) but, except in the case of Bryoria 
abbreviata of which B. oregana may perhaps 
be the secondary counterpart, secondary species 
derived from these are unknown. A further 
group of species may be primary but currently 
in the process of spéciation to form secondary 
species since some populations are commonly 
fertile, others lack ascocarps and soredia, and 
yet others lack ascocarps and form soredia 
(e.g., Bryoria trichodes, B. fremontii, Alectoria 
sarmentosa). A. sarmentosa is of particular 
interest in this respect as A . imshaugii might 
have been secondarily derived from some 
chemotypes of A. sarmentosa (see Discussion 
under A. sarmentosa subsp .sarmentosa). 

Many of these secondary species are very 
widely distributed on a global scale indicating 
that the group is of considerable antiquity. 
(The only Alectorioid fossil specimen known to 
us is Alectoria succini Mägd. represented by 
a single plant embedded in amber discovered 
in Tertiary (?) deposits in the Baltic region 
(Mägdefrau 1957). This material (examined by 
D.L.H.) has an Alectorioid cortex, a single 
ascocarp, and a structure that might be a 
soralium; superficially it is strongly reminiscent 
of Bryoria subcana.) 


The production of what is termed a lichen 
“species” now appears to result from the 
interplay of a fungal partner with a particular 
algal one which together form a single biological 
unit with a characteristic anatomy, morphology, 
and chemistry, and with certain distributional 
and ecological requirements. The extent to 
which the algal partner can be important in 
this connection is only just becoming to be 
appreciated (James & Henssen 1976); the im- 
portance of its role in genera such as those 
treated here, presumably with a single algal 
genus as phycobiont, remains unknown. Some, 
but not all, chemical components used in 
lichen taxonomy may be affected in a complex 
manner by the alga present (James & Henssen 
1976, Hawksworth 1976). As a result of these 
fundamental questions which must necessarily 
remain largely unanswered for most lichens for 
many decades to come, it is evident that for 
practical purposes when we use the term 
“species" in the lichen-forming fungi we are 
applying it to the dual organism and not only 
to the fungal partner. (That for nomenclatural 
purposes the names of lichens refer to the 
fungal partner alone is immaterial in this 
connection.) In the case of the species studied 
here, it is of interest to note that with regard 
to the ascocarps and ascospores, the mycobionts 
involved seem to have undergone very little 
divergent evolution (a phenomenon rather 
unusual in the non-lichen-forming Ascomycotina 
where in the larger species, differences in 
vegetative tissues tend to be correlated with 
differences in ascocarps and ascospores). 

The lichen taxonomist has to delimit his 
taxa on the basis of examinations of large 
numbers of herbarium specimens and studies 
of populations in the field. If too few herbarium 
collections are studied and sufficient field work 
is not carried out, there will be a tendency 
to recognize too many taxa. This is due to 
an incomplete sampling of populations which 
precludes any reliable assessment of the extent 
of environmental impact on the genotype. 
(See the discussion of Hawksworth 1973 on this 
topic.) In the case of Alectoria, environmental 
factors exert profound effects on thallus colour, 
contortion, and the production of secondary 
branchlets and spinules. On the basis of our 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Taxonomie concepts 33 

field and herbarium studies we have, in most 
instances, been able to arrive at what we 
consider to be clearly delimited taxa. Most 
prove to be readily recognizable in the field 
(indeed some appear more distinctive there 
than when pressed in the herbarium) but a few 
difficult groups nevertheless remain. In an 
attempt to introduce some degree of con- 
sistency in the application of taxonomic ranks 
in the lichen-forming and non-lichenized fungi. 
Hawksworth (1974) proposed that individual 
species should be based on well-marked 
discontinuities in several apparently unrelated 
characters and we have endeavoured to adhere 
to this tenet in the present revision. 

The taxonomy of Alectoria has been regarded 
as exceptionally difficult by many contemporary 
lichenologists. While many of the difficulties 
prove to be man-made and due to inadequate 
study and errors in descriptions which appear 
in the literature, our present investigations 
have demonstrated that a great deal of work 
is still required in some groups of species. 
Certainly, we are only likely to arrive at an 
entirely satisfactory understanding of the taxa 
when more information on the group in Europe 
and Asia is available. These problems are 
discussed in some detail under the taxa con- 
cerned but it is pertinent to refer to two 
Particular areas of difficulty here. 

Firstly, the Bryoria chalybeiformis-B. fus- 
cesccns-t B. glabra)-B. Ianestris-B. vrangia- 
na group. (The non-North American B. intri- 
cans also belongs here.) While, in our view, 
these species are distinct, in a significant 
number of cases we have had some difficulty 
>n deciding to which of two (or sometimes 
three) species a particular specimen belongs. 
This problem is discussed in detail under B. 
fasces cens. In view of the characteristic 
habitats, distributions and distinctness of the 
bulk of collections, we are inclined to the 
opinion that phenotypic parallelism arising from 
environmental stress is of paramount importance 
here, particularly as some other species are 
a ble to produce morphotypes not dissimilar 
from these (these being readily separable, 
however, by virtue of distinctive chemistries 
0r other characters, e.g., Bryoria trichodes 
su bsp. trichodes, B. pseudofuscescens). 

Secondly, during the course of the present 
survey, a number of chemotypes came to light 

3 " Opera Botanica nr 42 

which had been previously entirely unknown. 
In most cases, species delimited here on the 
basis of morphological criteria have both 
distinctive distributions and constant (or ± 
constant) chemistries. The difficulties for the 
taxonomist arise from the association of two 
or more chemotypes with a single morphotype. 
The employment of chemical criteria in lichen 
taxonomy has been a source of controversy 
for over a century. In a recent review of 
this subject Hawksworth (1976) proposed some 
guidelines for their taxonomic treatment which 
have been adhered to here except that in- 
fraspecific taxa have not generally been 
employed (see below). Attention is also drawn 
here to the problems in the Bryoria capillaris, 
B. fuscescens, B. pseudofuscescens and 
Alectoria sarmentosa groups. In addition, a few 
apparently very rare chemotypes have come 
to light which might conceivably be hybrids 
(pp. 71, 116, 119). The phenomenon of hy- 
bridization has only recently been suggested as 
an important consideration in lichen evolution 
(C. Culberson & Hale 1973). If it occurred in 
the evolutionary past in one group, it presum- 
ably may well be occurring in others at the 
present time. A discussion of the possible 
mechanisms involved can be found in con- 
nection with the chemical variation in Alectoria 
sarmentosa (see Discussion under this species). 

Infraspecific taxa 

In the early stages of the present work we 
were inclined to recognize a number of infra- 
specific taxa within certain species but in the 
final analysis decided to refrain from doing this 
except in two cases where subspecific rank 
seemed particularly appropriate ( Alectoria 
sarmentosa subsp. vexilUfera, Bryoria trichodes 
subsp. americana ). This decision is not to be 
taken as indicating that no further taxa meriting 
infraspecific ranks occur among the North 
American species studied here. It was simply 
done because we felt that our primary task 
in undertaking the present survey was to 
endeavour to provide a satisfactory delimitation 
of the species. In the future more detailed 
studies of the species accepted here should 
be carried out with a view to analyzing some 
of the variations in chemical components and 
morphology noted in the discussions of the 

34 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

various species. In this way, one may be able 
to arrive at soundly based conclusions as to 
the taxonomic importance of these variations. 
In many instances such studies will also have 
to consider non-North American material. 
Within the discussions of individual species 

(and occasionally in the descriptions of them) 
we have, however, noted the names of some 
of the more distinctive infraspecific taxa 
accepted by European authors which also occur 
in North America. 


Although it is admittedly hazardous to gen- 
eralize about the ecology of a series of four 
genera of lichens, in the case of Alectoria, 
Bryoria, Pseudephebe, and Sulcaria, certain 
general statements can be made which will 
indeed characterize the majority of the species. 
With regard to the corticolous species, 
coniferous trees and trees with similar bark 
characteristics such as birch are by far the most 
frequently encountered substrates. However, 
it is not at all clear whether the species 
actually prefer acidic bark (in a statistical 
sense) due to some physiological requirements, 
thus explaining their abundance in coniferous 
forests, or whether the species require the 
climate and general environment of coniferous 
forests and simply happen to be found on the 
most available substrate there, namely conif- 
erous trees. It seems the latter is more likely, 
to judge by the wide variety of dominant tree 
species used as substrates by the lichens in 
each forest type. 

Rock-dwelling species include those enduring 
highly exposed and well-illuminated surfaces 
(e.g., Pseudephebe pubeseens) and those 
frequenting more shaded rock walls (e.g., 
Bryoria nadvornikiana). The rock substrates, 
however, are almost invariably non-calcareous. 
Soil-dwelling species generally can tolerate a 
wide variety of soil types and pH levels. 

It would probably be instructive to examine 
various habitat types with the aim of determining 
which species share the same habitats and are 
likely to be found together. It is one of the 
burdens of would-be “Alectoriologists" that 
these species very frequently grow mixed 
together and are collected that way. Knowing 
which species are likely to be found together 
may be a help in their determination. 

Since the western mountains of North 

America show a great diversity of species, 
we will begin the discussion by trying to dissect 
out the various montane forest types and 
describe the species most characteristic of 
each. At the outset, it should be pointed out 
that other species may be present in these 
communities; we are merely listing the most 
characteristic ones. 

The mountains we are mainly concerned with 
here are centered in the Canadian Rockies 
(basically along the British Columbia-Alberta 
border) and Columbia Mountains, extending 
southward to include most of the Idaho and 
Montana mountains north of the Columbia 
plateau. Most of the ecological information in 
the discussions pertaining to western North 
America is based on Krajina (1965). 

An examination of the altitudinal distribution 
of the 12 most common montane taxa (com- 
prising 11 species) (Fig. 22) is interesting but 
not very helpful. As one might expect, a 
forest type at one altitude on a south-facing 
slope may be several thousand feet higher 
than the same forest type a few hundred 
miles north and on a north-facing slope. On 
the other hand, certain species are closely 
associated with certain forest types. 

The Interior Douglas Fir zone, a rather dry 
zone with only about 16-19 inches (410-480 
mm) of precipitation per year, is the preferred 
habitat of Alectoria imshaugii, Bryoria abbre- 
viata, and B. fremontii. The most common 
trees in this zone, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Pinus 
ponderosa, P. contorta var. latifolia and 
Larix occidentalis are also the most frequent 

The Interior Western Hemlock zone, having 
many of the same tree species as the Coastal 
Western Hemlock forest (e.g., Tsuga hetero- 
phylla, Thuja plicata, Pseudotsuga menziesii). 

36 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 







as o> 
« / ) > 


Fig. 22. Altitudinal distributions of several species found in the western mountains. Solid line = principal 
range; broken line = aberrant extension of the range. 

also resembles that forest in being relatively 
moist. Montane populations of Alectoria 
sarment osa are most frequently found here. 

The Sub-boreal Spruce zone is basically an 
extension of the northern boreal forest, or at 
least, its ecological affinities are with that 
forest region. The dominant trees are Picea 
glauca, P. engelmannii, and Pinas conforta 
var. latifolia. Bryoria lanes tris, a very con- 
spicuous boreal forest species, is, not un- 
expectedly, also found in this zone. 

The Subalpine Abies lasiocarpa-Picea engel- 
mannii-Larix lyallii zone found on the higher 
mountains, is the characteristic habitat of B. 
oregana, B. pseudofuscescens, and B. 

On the alpine heath and rocky ground, one 
can find mixtures of Alectoria sarmentosa 
subsp. vex illifera, B. chalybeiformis, Pseude- 
phebe pubescens, P. minuscula, and, especially 
in the northern mountains, Alectoria ochroleuca. 

The Pacific Coast Mesothermal Forest is 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Ecology 37 

composed of two parts: a relatively dry segment 
(26-65 inches (660-1650 mm) precipitation per 
year) called the Coastal Douglas Fir zone by 
Krajina (1965), and a wetter zone with an 
annual precipitation ranging from about 70 to 
over 260 inches (1780-6600 mm). The wetter 
zone, the Coastal Western Hemlock Zone, 
is a veritable rain forest in places. It is 
dominated by Tsuga heterophylla, Thuja plicata, 
Picea sitchensis, and Acer macrophyllum. 
Inhabiting this zone are: Bryoria trichodes 
(both subspecies), B. hicolor, B. tenuis, B. 
capillaris, B. glabra (which is also montane), 
and Alectoria sarmentosa. 

The Coastal Douglas Fir zone, w'ith Pseudo- 
tsuga, Arbutus menziesii, and Quere us gar- 
ryana, often contains the following species: 
Alectoria vancouverensis, Bryoria fuscescens, 
B. fremontii, B.friabilis, and B. tortuosa. 

The Boreal Forest of North America stretches 
from Alaska southeastward to Ontario, Quebec 
and the maritime provinces with very little 
basic change in tree dominance: Picea mariana 
and Larix laricina in the wetter sites, and Pin us 
banksiana. Picea glauca and Populus tremu- 
loides in the drier sites. In the southern and 
eastern boreal forest, Abies balsamea is very 
important. Throughout this entire region (with 
the few exceptions noted below) the following 
Bryoriae are found: B. simplicior, B. lanestris, 
B. furcellata, B. fuscescens, B. nadvornikiana, 
B. trichodes subsp. trichodes, and B. capillaris 
(especially in the humid southern boreal section; 
see Ahti 1964). 

In the Abies fraseri forests of the southern 
Appalachian Mountains, one can find Alectoria 
fallacina, Bryoria tenuis, and B. bicolor. Bryoria 
furcellata is more characteristicly found in 
the pine forests of the Appalachian chain. 

The coniferous associations of the Acadian 
forest on the east coast are indicated by the 
presence of Picea rubens. In other respects 
they are very similar to parts of the southern 
boreal forest but with many more deciduous 
species. Often found in mixed collections, 
especially from exposed, humid, coastal 
localities, are: Bryoria fuscescens, B. trichodes 
(especially subsp. americana and its sorediate 
morphotypes), and B. capillaris. 

In the arctic tundra, Alectoria ochroleuca, 
A. nigricans, A. sarmentosa subsp. vexillifera 
and Bryoria chalybeiformis are found over 

calcareous or non-calcareous soil and rock. 
On non-calcareous rock and soil, one also 
may find B. nitidula in great abundance. 

In the British Isles, the concept of lichen 
species which are “old forest indicators” (i.e., 
species which are restricted to very old, 
undisturbed sites) has recently been extended 
to consider taxa of coniferous woodlands (Rose 
1976): Bryoria capillaris and Alectoria sarmen- 
tosa subsp. sarmentosa both fall into this 
category in that country (Rose 1976). This 
phenomenon may be an important aspect of 
the local distribution of some species in North 
America (e.g., Bryoria abbreviata, B. fremontii, 
Alectoria imshaugii) and requires further study. 

In Europe Bryoria fuscescens has a tendency 
to be abundant in localities affected by man 
(Hawksworth 1972) and this also appears to 
be true for North America, at least in New- 
foundland (Ahti & Hawksworth 1974). B. 
furcellata is also an “opportunist” in the east 
becoming not uncommon on fence-rails. This 
species, together with B. trichodes subsp. 
trichodes, is apparently a rapid colonizer of 
young coniferous trees and can be found 
recolonizing clear-felled areas in Quebec. 

Air pollution is considered to be an im- 
portant factor in the extant distribution of 
several species of the genus in Europe (e.g., 
Barkman 1958, Hawksworth 1972) and this, 
together with other effects of urbanization, 
certainly limits the occurrence of Alectorioid 
species in major conurbations (e.g., Brodo 
1968) and in the vicinity of industrial plants 
(e.g., Rao & LeBlanc 1967, LeBlanc et al. 
1972, 1974). The information currently avail- 
able indicates that species of these genera differ 
in their sensitivity to air pollutants but is 
insufficient to clearly indicate relative sensi- 
tivities in north America at the present time; 
indeed these might be expected to vary accord- 
ing to climate and other factors in such a diverse 
area for a variety of reasons (Hawksworth & 
Rose 1976). 

As noted above, Alectorioid species may 
prefer relatively acidic barks in North America 
as they do in Europe (Barkman 1958, Hawks- 
worth 1972). Sulphur dioxide in the air leads 
to bark acidification and thus can enable spe- 
cies to occur on phorophytes from which they 
are normally absent as long as conditions are 
not too severe. In a site in Sweden, Skye & 

38 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Hallberg (1969) noted an increase of “A.jubata” 
following a prolonged pollution episode, 
apparently due to bark acidification. This 
phenomenon would also be expected to occur 
in North America, enabling species to colonize 
deciduous trees under moderate pollution stress. 


Although there are exceptions, Alectoria, 
Bryoria and Pseudephebe as a whole can be 
thought of as cold climate genera, with most 
species either decidedly northern or associated 
with mountains. This is well documented in 
North America, where two-thirds of the species 
have the major portion of their range within 
Canada, and only 4 are found entirely south 
of the Canadian border. Sulcaria appears to 
be more temperate both in North America 
and in Asia. The four genera are apparently 
unrepresented in Florida (Moore 1968). or for 
that matter, in any of the southeastern states 
(South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi. Alabama, 
Louisiana, and Arkansas). They are apparently 
also absent from the central plains, probably 
due to the hot, dry summers and lack of 
coniferous forest. There are no records of 
Alectorioid species from Texas, Oklahoma, 
Kansas, Nebraska, or North Dakota. The only 
species of this group from South Dakota are 
from the Black Hills (Wetmore 1968). 

With the exception of Bryoria furcellata, 
extensions into the southeastern mountains 
are restricted to occurrences in the “south- 
eastern spruce-fir forest" (Kiichler 1964). The 
map of Bryoria trichodes subsp. trichodes 
shows this well. The absence of these genera 
in the Ozark region (northern Arkansas and 
southern Missouri) correlates well with the lack 
of any northern forest remnants there. 

Other dry, warm areas such as southern 
California and the Ponderosa Pine forests of 
Montana and Arizona largely lack species trom 
this group. 

Porsild's (1958) treatment of some geographic 
elements in the Canadian flora is one of the 
most useful in a discussion of the distribution 
of species covered here. Since lichens, like 
mosses, have relatively few North American 

endemics (see Crum 1966), the same degree 
of representation in his “North American 
Species” group will not be seen here. In fact, 
"wide-ranging" species endemic to North 
America, while comprising the bulk of the 
Canadian vascular plant flora (Porsild 1958), 
are virtually nonexistent in lichens. 

Indeed, circumboreal taxa are well-repre- 
sented among the North American species of 
Alectoria, Bryoria and Pseudephebe. They 
are found in Europe in climatologically and 
vegetationally equivalent areas, especially in 
Scandinavia and the U.S.S.R. but also in the 
central and eastern European mountains, and 
sometimes in mountainous areas of Asia, 
Australasia, and Africa as well. 

Circumboreal-circumpolar species 

All the arctic Alectorioid species appear to be 
wide-ranging in the tundra region. The zonations 
with regard to northern distributional limits of 
vascular plants which are so well demonstrated 
and discussed by Young (1971) apparently do 
not apply to lichens. Young showed that 
these limits correspond closely with the amount 
of available warmth during the growing season. 
Since lichens have a “growing season" quite 
different from that of flowering plants, and their 
microenvironment is even more restricted and 
critical than that of cushion plants, it is easy 
to see why the same factors would not apply. 
Young (1971) also points out that this warmth 
is most critical for the flowering and fruiting 
process in the vascular plants, something which 
would have no bearing on the presence or 
absence of asexually reproducing lichens, 
although the positive effect of warmth on 
ascocarp production in some lichens has been 
documented (Sernander-Du Rietz 1957). 

40 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

To a limited extent, probably due as much 
to historical as to climatic factors, one can 
recognize some of Porsild’s (1958) floristic 
elements among the North American species. 

(1) Arctic-alpine element: Pseudephebe minus- 
cula, P. pubescens, Bryoria chalybeiformis , 
Alectoria nigricans, A. ochroleuca. 

Different species have southward extensions 
into the western Cordillera to various degrees. 
The alpine range of A. ochroleuca stops close 
to the Canadian border (although A. ochroleuca 
is seen again in the Mexican highlands and in 
South America). Pseudephebe rninuscula is 
more abundant in the Rocky Mountain system, 
with P. pubescens being most common in the 
Cascade ranges. 

(2) Low-arctic element: Bryoria nitidula. 

Although B. nitidula ranges well into the 

Queen Elizabeth Islands, its main area of 
distribution is clearly the low arctic. Other 
species extending into the low arctic and even 
the northern boreal zones (e.g., Alectoria 
nigricans and A. ochroleuca ) seem to be 
better characterized by their northern limits 
rather than their southern limits. Like the 
arctic knotweed Polygonum viviparum (see 
Porsild 1958), they are best classified with the 
wide-ranging arctic-alpine species. 

(3) Amphi-atlantic, southern element: Alectoria 
sarmentosa subsp. vexillifera. 

Although this taxon has disjunct populations 
in the western mountains and in the Aleutians, 
it is placed here due to its apparent amphi- 
atlantic character. Its interesting distribution 
is discussed more fully in the taxonomic 

(4) Boreal forest element: Bryoria capillaris, B. 
fuscescens, B. implexa, B. lanestris, B. nadvor- 
nikiana, B. simplicior, ( Alectoria sarmentosa 
subsp. sarmentosa). 

This element is difficult to interpret on a 
North American scale since it has obviously 
been dissected during glaciation and reas- 
sembled depending upon rates of dispersal, 
edaphic factors, and historic factors which 
differed from one species to the next. However, 
one can conveniently apply the zonations 
suggested by Sjörs (1963) and modified by 

Ahti (1964) to eastern North America. The 
coniferous forests of the western mountains 
are not entirely equivalent to those of the 
Boreal Forest Region, although, by virtue of 
the general similarities of these forests, many 
boreal species, especially those of the middle 
and northern boreal forest zones, have been 
able to survive there. 

Bryoria simplicior is a narrowly restricted 
Hemiarctic to northern boreal zone plant (see 
Ahti 1964). B. lanestris is also found in these 
zones, but is more common in the western 
mountains. B. fuscescens and B. implexa appear 
to be middle boreal zone species, although 
the former is much more common and widely 
distributed than the latter both in Europe 
and North America. 

The southern boreal zone is represented by 
two species: B. nadvornikiana and B. capillaris. 
Both show preferences for strongly humid 
locations, as was mentioned by Ahti (1964) 
for B. nadvornikiana. 

Alectoria sarmentosa seems to have a 
severely dissected middle boreal forest distri- 
bution, and might better be described simply as 
having a bicoastal distribution, although it 
is not at all "coastal - ' in the strict sense. 

(5) Appalachian-Great Lakes, temperate: 
Bryoria furcellata. 

Bryoria furcellata is surely the most temperate 
ot the North American Bryoriae or Alectoriae. 
Having originated as a circumboreal species, 
it may well have been displaced southwards 
onto the Appalachian chain during glaciation, 
and only gradually attained the more northern 
boreal localities. In Canada, its northern 
limit roughly coincides with the 13°C July 
isotherm according to Ahti & Hawksworth 
(1974), in agreement with Ahlner’s (1948) 
observations for Scandinavia. 

(6) Oceanic-suboceanic species: Bryoria 
bicolor, B. tenuis. 

Bryoria bicolor and B. tenuis have almost 
identical distribution patterns in North America, 
i.e., they are largely restricted to the humid 
and mild coastlines and foggy Appalachian 
mountain tops. 

The marked disjunction between the highest 
■peaks” of the southern Appalachians (espe- 
cially in Great Smoky Mountain National Park) 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Distribution 41 

and the high mountains of the northeast (e.g., 
the Adirondacks, the White Mountains and Mt. 
Katahdin in Maine) is repeated in the distrib- 
ution of many lichen taxa including Nephroma 
parile (Ach.) Ach. (Wetmore 1960), Pseude- 
vernia cladonia (Tuck.) Hale & Culb. (Hale 
1955), and Parmelia halei Ahti ( 1966) in addition 
to Bryoria bicolor, B. tenuis and Alectoria 
fallacina. It is likely that this disjunction 
resulted from the gradual reinvasion of popu- 
lations towards the north with the retreat 
of the last major ice sheets. Presumably, 
the intervening areas became too dry or warm 
to support these species, some of which, like 
those listed above, are clearly suboceanic. 
Thus, a careful search of suitable microclimatic 
habitats in other parts of the Appalachians 
may well turn up some of these species which 
require cool temperatures and high humidities. 

Widely distributed circumboreal oceanic 
distributions of this type are generally 
thought of as representing remnants of the 
ancient Arcto-Tertiary flora (Schofield 1969). 

(7) Western American-European disjuncts: 
Bryoria fremontii , B. pseudofuscescens, B. 
subcana, (B. tortuosa). 

It is widely accepted that this disjunct 
Pattern results from a circumboreal distribution 
(Schofield 1969), probably eliminated from 
eastern North America by continental glacia- 
tion. Eastward migration in post-Pleistocene 
times was prevented by the expanse of the 
Great Basin. 

Although B. subcana is the only one of this 
group which might possibly be called “oceanic” 
(see Hawksworth 1972), moisture requirements 
might have limited several species in this 
element to the west coast (see Schofield 
1969). Alectoria sarmentosa might well have had 
an identical history in North America, but 
with the survival of an additional remnant on 
the east coast as suggested for Platismatia 
norvegica (Lynge) Culb. & C. Culb. (W. 
C ulberson 1972) which has a similar distribution. 
Bryoria tortuosa is tentatively included here 
Pending a reexamination of the single European 
Plant reported (see under B. tortuosa, Distri- 

This element is very well known among 
flowering plants and bryophytes (Schofield 
'969, Schofield & Crum 1972). 

Asian affinities 

(8) Bicoastal, Appalachian-West Coast dis- 
juncts: Bryoria trichodes. 

Asian-Appalachian disjuncts are generally 
thought of as relicts of an ancient Arcto- 
Tertiary flora which at one time extended 
across Eurasia and later became reduced 
through extinctions (W. Culberson 1972). The 
presence of the species on the west coast 
could have come about from a pre- or post- 
Pleistocene establishment from Asia via the 
Aleutian route, or the species may have per- 
sisted south of the ice along the west coast 
(Schofield 1969). The subspeciation of Bryoria 
trichodes is even more difficult to deal with, 
but morphological evidence points to subspecies 
trichodes as being the older of the two, having 
more similarities with the Asian populations. 
This would be supported by its presence in the 
southern Appalachians. Subspecies americana 
presumably became distributed across North 
America, possibly in a boreal forest environment 
that existed along the ice front, becoming 
disjunct and restricted to available humid zones 
after glacial retreat. (See the discussion under 
category 11 below. See also category 15 for a 
discussion of Alectoria lata, another Asian- 
North American disjunct.) 

North American endemics 

(9) North Pacific: Bryoria cervinula, B. car- 

The close relationship between these species 
and some Asian species in the "Alectoria 
asiatica group” (see also Motyka 1964) suggests 
that they may have been pre-Pleistocene, amphi- 
Beringian or North Pacific arrivals which be- 
came isolated in certain nonglaciated headlands 
and slopes along the north Pacific coast during 
glaciation (seeCalder & Taylor 1968). Schofield 
(1969) elaborates on this element, giving many 
examples of species found on both sides of 
the Pacific. Other lichens, such as Coccotrema 
maritimum Brodo, have similar distributions 
and probably had comparable histories (Brodo 

(10) Coastal lowland: Sttlcaria badia, Alectoria 
vancouverensis, Bryoria spiralifera, B. pseudo- 

42 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

All of the species in this category are found 
basically between southern Vancouver Island 
and northern California either corresponding to 
the “cool, moist (conifer) forest" (Daubenmire 
1969), or, as in the case of Sulcaria badia, 
to the drier Pseudotsuga forest. The evolu- 
tionary relationships are varied: Alectoria 
vancouverensis is clearly closely related to 
A. sarmentosa (a boreal species); Sulcaria 
hadia has Asian affinities; Bryoria spiralifera 
and B. pseudocapillaris are members of the 
section Implexae which seems to have more 
boreal-montane, if not oceanic tendencies. All 
these species would be included in the “Cali- 
fornian” element of Schofield (1969). Species 
of this element such as A . vancouverensis 
may have spread northward into British Co- 
lumbia during the Hypsithermal Interval 
(Schofield 1969). 

Most California endemics occupy, and ap- 
parently developed, in a region with a Medi- 
terranean climate (moderate to heavy winter 
precipitation and extreme summer drought 
(Stebbins & Major 1965). Since California 
has never been connected with another area 
of Mediterranean climate, the plants there had 
to adapt in situ from a flora adapted to other 
kinds of climatic regimes. This would have 
occurred towards the latter part of the Tertiary 
when California developed its present climate. 
Stebbins & Major point out that this is why 
California has endemic elements from the 
northern flora whereas the Mediterranean region 
itself, by and large, does not. Alectoria, and 
Bryoria of course, would be a good example 
of this. 

If Bryoria pseudocapillaris and B. spiralifera 
are ever proved to be members of the genus 
Sulcaria (which is possible, to judge from 
their chemistry and morphology) this Californian 
element (together with S. badia) would be 
represented by three endemic species with 
Asian affinities. The presence of many such 
“relict endemics” in the coastal northern 
California-Oregon area is well documented, 
corresponding, for example, to the distributions 
of Sequoia, Sequoiadendron, and Torreya 
(Stebbins & Major 1965). These trees apparently 
represent remnants of the Arcto-Tertiary flora 
of the mesic coniferous and deciduous forests. 

Alectoria lata is a more montane species 
which shows a present-day relict disjunction 

with eastern Asia. Alectoria vancouverensis 
perhaps evolved somewhere along the coast 
and succeeded more than the other species 
in invading more northern as well as southern 
coastal localities. At the southern edge of its 
range, where the climate is marginally accept- 
able and the forests and topography are very 
mixed, the development of chemical races and 
perhaps hybridization would be more likely. 
This would be in close accordance with the 
thoughts of Stebbins & Major (1965) on the 
origin of the California vascular plant endemics. 
According to such a hypothesis one would 
have to assume that physiological adaptations 
in the lichens, rendering them better suited to 
survive in these less climatologically stable, 
marginal regions, accompanied the changes in 
external form and secondary metabolic 

(11) Lowland to western montane (humid 
forests): Bryoria glabra, B. friabilis, B. pikei. 

These species occur from open lowland 
to humid montane localities mainly on the 
Coast and Cascade Ranges, but often (as with 
B. glabra) extending to the humid Interior 
Western Hemlock zones in southeastern 
British Columbia (see Daubenmire 1969 pp. 
120-123). Interestingly, all three species have 
disjunctions with humid localities on the east 
coast. Packer (1971) lists a number of Canadian 
endemic flowering plants with similar bicoastal 

The question of the origin of such striking 
east-west disjunctions has been discussed by 
many authors and reviewed by Morisset (1971). 
Morisset begins with the assumption that such 
disjunctions represent relict populations of 
distributions which were at one time continuous. 
(Thus he quickly dispenses with long-distance 
dispersal.) The possibility of migrations from 
the western cordillera eastward along the re- 
ceding ice front (the so-called “sidewalk" 
hypothesis of Stebbins & Major 1965) presents 
some problems for arctic-alpine species. The 
presumed tundra belt was apparently extremely 
narrow in the west, which would interfere 
with any eastward migration, and fossil evidence 
is lacking. Boreal forest species, however, 
may well have been able to use this route. 
On the other hand, Morisset points out that 
the exposed coastal plain would have been not 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Distribution 43 

only available but ideal as a refugium south 
of the ice front, and would have permitted 
an easy reinvasion of coastal and even montane 
localities as the ice retreated. In the absence 
of localities of these bicoastal disjuncts in 
suitable microhabitats within the intervening 
area, one would have to say that at least 
for these lichens, the coastal plain refugium 
hypothesis seems the most plausible. 

(12) Western montane and intermontane (dry 
forests): Alectoria imshaugii, Bryoria abbre- 
viata, B. oregano. 

The main ranges of these species occur in 
the relatively dry, montane Pin us ponderosa- 
Pseudotsuga forests which extend from the 
Idaho-Washington border (and parts of Mon- 
tana) through central Oregon south to the 
northern California highlands (Daubenmire 

Alectoria imshaugii may have evolved as an 
isolated population in or bordering the dry 
interior plains as have numerous other endemic 
flowering plants and bryophytes (Schofield 
1969). It apparently extended its range to the 
California and Oregon coasts in open stands of 
Pinus conforta or Pseudotsuga. Bryoria oregana 
and B. abbreviata probably had their origin 
as more montane endemics. 

(13) Appalachians: Alectoria fatlacina. 

The Appalachian mountains, due to their 
age and long isolation, have been the site of 
spéciation in many groups of plants. Even with 
the relatively slow rate of evolution in lichenized 
fungi, endemism can be seen in the Appalachian 
lichen flora, for example, in Cladonia caro- 
liniana Schwein, ex Tuck. (Ahti 1973) and 
Lecanora caesiorubella Ach. subsp. caesio- 
rubella (lmshaug & Brodo 1966) in addition 
to Alectoria fallacina. However, many species 
regarded as endemics at one time are now 

known from other areas of the world, especially 
from eastern Asia and the Alps (Schauer & 
Brodo 1966), and others have closely related 
vicariad species elsewhere (Yoshimura 1968). 

(14) Northeastern coastal plain: Bryoria 

Many coastal plain endemics are known 
in the lichen flora of eastern United States 
and adjacent Canada (Brodo 1968). Those with 
restricted distributions in New England and the 
maritime provinces such as B. salazinica, 
and perhaps Cladonia boryi Tuck, (also known 
in Japan; see Ahti 1973), probably occupied 
the expanded coastal plain as the Pleistocene 
ice sheet receded to the north, adapting to, 
and then becoming restricted to coastal localities 
(see Morisset 1971). Whether the endemic 
species evolved here or simply represent 
fragments of a once world-wide population is 
usually impossible to determine in lichens, 
which have virtually no fossil record. 

(15) Central American highlands: Alectoria 
mexicana, A. lata. 

Alectoria mexicana is a rare plant, and its 
origins and relationships are still very unclear. 
A. lata, on the other hand, is a species of 
cool, high montane pine forests in subtropical 
and tropical latitudes and occurs in similar 
forests in the Pacific Northwest from California 
to Washington, as well as in Asia (Hawksworth 

Asian affinities with plants of Mexico have 
been the subject of numerous papers (see 
especially Sharp 1966). Some Asian-Mexican 
disjuncts are known to occur in western Amer- 
ican mountains as well. These most probably 
represent ancient Arcto-Tertiary distributions, 
disrupted by “the rigors of the late Tertiary 
and Pleistocene" (Sharp 1966 p. 231). 

Importance to man and nature 

Few groups of lichens are considered to be 
of major importance to man. Cladina, com- 
prising the reindeer lichens, is certainly the 
most outstanding example of an ■‘economically” 
important lichen genus. Alectoria s. lat., as a 
“genus”, has probably been used by man 
directly and indirectly more than any other 
genus except Cladina. Since one of these 
uses, that of caribou forage, partly led us to 
undertake this study, it seems appropriate to 
review the subject briefly, as regards the species 
in North America. 


Although the terricolous reindeer lichens are 
the most abundant and important winter food 
for caribou, arboreal lichens are generally 
plentiful enough in the winter range of the 
barren-ground and woodland caribou ( Rangifer 
tarandus groenlandicus, and R. t. caribou, 
respectively; Banfield 1974) to be of major 
importance. In some regions such as Wells 
Gray Park in eastern British Columbia, arboreal 
lichens, especially species of Alectoria s. lat., 
provide caribou with most of their winter 
food (Edwards et al. I960). Edwards and his 
coworkers go so far as to say that the survival 
of caribou in the region depends on the 
availability of Alectoria s. lat. In other areas 
such as northern Saskatchewan (Scotter 1962) 
and northern Ontario (Cringan 1957, Ahti & 
Hepburn 1967), Alectoria s. lat. forms a 
significant, although not dominant, role in winter 
food requirements, especially when the snow 
is exceptionally deep or encrusted. 

The quantities of arboreal lichens produced 
in these forests are impressive. In northern 
Saskatchewan, one can find 359-572 kg/acre 
in a black spruce forest, and 217-1167 kg/acre 

in mature jack pine stands (Scotter 1962). 
Maxima of 114 kg/acre and 1332 kg/acre of 
dried Alectoria s. lat. can be produced in 
lodgepole pine forests and timberline spruce- 
fir forests, respectively, of Wells Gray Park 
(Edwards et al. I960). 

In Saskatchewan, caribou can sometimes 
reach branches 3.3 m from the ground giving 
them access to an average of 154-275 kg/acre 
(Scotter 1960). In Wells Gray Park, where 
the snow is often much deeper and the caribou 
can reach up to 5 m above ground level, the 
animals can find 52-329 (with an average of 
116) kg/acre (Edwards et al. 1960 Table I; 
the figures given in their summary for a reach 
of 2.6-5 m are 5-128 kg/acre). 

One cannot compare these productivity data 
with too much confidence since the samples 
in both studies were relatively small, but it 
seems safe to say that the heavier the snow 
cover, the more difficult it is for caribou to 
find and utilize ground lichens (e.g., Cladina 
spp.), and the easier it is for them to reach and 
utilize arboreal lichens (e.g., species of Alec- 
toria and Bryoria ). 

Caribou in northern Saskatchewan prefer 
Bryoria species ("Alectoria jubata") to leaves, 
according to Scotter (1962). In Ontario fallen 
trees laden with Alectoria s. lat. are quickly 
eaten bare of lichens by caribou (Cringan 1957). 
Ahti (1959) reported that “Alectoria jubata” 
ranks with Cladina mitis and C. rangiferina 
as a preferred winter food eaten on a large 
scale in Newfoundland; Alectoria sarmentosa 
was only eaten in smaller quantities. In their 
studies in Ontario, Ahti & Hepburn (1967) 
describe “A. jubata”, Bryoria furcellata (sub 
A. nidulifera) and B. simplicior as “highly 
palatable.” Experiments carried out in Quebec 
(DesMeules & Heyland 1969) demonstrated 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Importance 45 

that while Alectoria s. lat. (in a mixture with 
Evernia and Usnea spp.) was not the favourite 
food when compared with some Cladinae, it 
was preferred to Cetraria islandica and 
Stereocaulon spp. Apparently the terricolous 
Alectoria ochroleuca is avoided by caribou, 
according to papers cited by Ahti & Hepburn 
(1967). Whether this is due to a quantitative 
or qualitative difference in lichen substances 
in this species as suggested by Ahti & Hepburn 
(1967) requires investigation. 

The food value of Alectoria s. lat. seems 
to be rather high in comparison to that of other 
lichens eaten by caribou, especially with regard 
to protein. All lichens are high in carbohydrate 
but are low in both fat and protein (Scotter 

■ 965). Karev (1956) gives the protein and fat 
content of “Alectoria implexa s. lat.” as 
7.3% and 1.3%, respectively, compared with 
2. 6-2. 9% protein and 1.8-2. 2% fat for the 
Cladinae. Many Alectoriae s. lat., especially 
A. sarmentosa, are digested very rapidly by 
the caribou (Bergerud & Russell 1964) and so 
are presumably utilized efficiently. 

From the foregoing discussion, it is evident 
that the majority of those working with the 
brown “Alectoriae’’ (i.e., Bryoria) were 
generally not certain as to the specific identity 
°f their material. Although it would be im- 
possible to ‘'translate" reports of “Alectoria 
jubata ” into a list of known Bryoria species 
in any precise way, our revision of the vouchers 
for many of these studies has enabled us to 
specify some of the species involved. 

Ahti & Hepburn ( 1967) probably came closest 
to defining the species they treated under “A. 
jubata s. lat.” Based on identifications by 
Motyka, they reported “A. americana”, “A. 
canadensis” , “A. glabra ” and “A. tenerrima” 
for northern Ontario. According to our exam- 
inations of their material, Ahti & Hepburn were 
working mainly with Bryoria trichodes subsp. 
trichodes with smaller amounts of B.fuscescens 
a nd B. lanestris. Scotter's material from 
northern Saskatchewan (Scotter 1962, 1964. 

■ 965) was a mixture of B. lanestris and B. 
ximpUcior. The Newfoundland “A. jubata ” 
reported by Ahti (1959) and Bergerud (1972) 
ls mainly B. trichodes subsp. americana (Ahti & 
Hawksworth 1974, sub A. americana). but some 
Bryoria trichodes subsp. trichodes and perhaps 
also B. fuscescens were probably also included. 

The “Alectoria jubata” of Wells Gray Park 
(Edwards et al. 1960) included “A. oregana ”, 
“A. chalybeiformis" , and “A. jubata” accord- 
ing to the authors themselves. Based on col- 
lections made by Teuvo Ahti in the park in 
1961, it would appear that their “A. jubata” 
consisted of Bryoria pseudofuscescens, B. 
fuscescens, B. glabra, and B. lanestris. Since 
B. furcellata is virtually absent in the mountains, 
their “A. chalybeiformis ” was probably a 
spinulose form of B. fuscescens (such as f. 
pallida). Since we have seen no specimens of 
B. fremontii from that park, although the species 
does occur in the Selkirk Mountains and in 
Yoho National Park, it is likely that the 
“ Alectoria fremontii ” referred to by Edwards 
et al. (1960) was largely B. pseudofuscescens. 

The “Alectoria spp.” used by DesMeules & 
Hey land (1969) in Parc des Laurentides was 
not segregated according to colour group, 
and probably consisted largely of Bryoria 
trichodes subsp. trichodes, B. nadvornikiana, 
B. fuscescens, and Alectoria sarmentosa, to 
judge from observations made in the park by 
one of us (I.M.B.). 

Food for man 

In parts of interior British Columbia, some 
tribes of Indians have long been using certain 
species of Bryoria as a traditional food. Some 
fascinating folk legends have been built up 
around its use (e.g., “How the Coyote 
Happened to Make the Black Moss Food”, 
Dove 1933). Nancy Turner of the British 
Columbia Provincial Museum reports (in press) 
that members of the Lillooet tribe still use 
Bryoria to make a sort of baked pancake 
(Fig. 23), often eaten sweetened with sugar. 
Richardson (1974) describes its preparation 
in some detail based on the account by Dove 

Samples of the lichens used by the Indians 
were sent to us by Turner and all are B. 
fremontii. We have also seen herbarium speci- 
mens off?, tortuosa collected by J. T. Rothrock 
in ‘‘New Caledonia, northern British Columbia” 
annotated by the collector as ‘‘used by Indians 
and cattle for food in hard winters.” It is 
very unlikely that ‘‘New Caledonia” is in the 
northern part of the province in view of the 
known distribution of the species. In any case, 

46 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Fig. 23. A type of "pancake” made 
from Bryoria fremontii by Lilloet 
Indians in British Columbia. Scale 
25 mm. Specimen from the B. C. 
Provincial Museum; photo by R. 

the possible use of B. tortuosa as a food is 
intriguing in view of the fact that it contains 
vulpinic acid, a substance which appears to be 
toxic (Llano 1948). Bryoria fremontii also can 
contain vulpinic acid but only on apothecia or 
in soralia, which are seldom present. If B. 
tortuosa is actually capable of producing illness 
in man, which has not been established, one 
wonders if the limits of its use as a food 
might follow the distribution limits of B. 
tortuosa, since in southwestern British Co- 
lumbia, the two species grow together and some 
forms can easily be confused. Fortunately, 
vulpinic acid is bitter and the Indians always 
tasted samples of the lichen before collecting 
large quantities for consumption (Turner in 
press). They therefore probably never made 
serious mistakes. The use of Bryoria by the 
Interior British Columbia Indians will be 
described in detail by Turner (in press). 

Insect pests 

Recently, a relationship between species of 
Alectoria and Bryoria and the life cycle of an 
extremely destructive insect pest has been 
discovered. In studying outbreaks of the 
Hemlock Looper ( Lambdina fiscellaria fiscel- 
laria [Guen.]) in eastern Canada, Jobin (1973) 
discovered that this small moth lays its eggs, 
90% of the time, on pendent lichens hanging 

from the branches of Abies balsamea. Almost 
all these lichens are species of Alectoria or 
Bryoria, including B. trichodes (both sub- 
species), B. fuscescens, B. nadvornikiana, B. 
glabra, and Alectoria sarmentosa. When the 
larvae emerge from their eggs, they crawl 
over the lichen to the branch, and then crawl 
to the new leaves where they begin to feed. 
The Hemlock Looper is so successful that in 
times of outbreaks, it can completely defoliate 
vast areas of fir forest. On lie Anticosti in 
the Gulf of St. Lawrence, this insect destroyed 
210,000 acres of timber, with a loss of 3,000,000 
cords of wood, within the single year 1971. 
Jobin (1973) found that the outbreaks centre 
around islands, lake shores, or along rivers. 
Whether the insect is responding to the micro- 
climate characteristic of these localities or to 
the presence of certain lichen species which 
in turn require these habitats is still not known. 
Nothing is known concerning any possible 
specificity for certain species of Alectoria 
or Bryoria, nor concerning its response to 
certain lichen substances, colours, thallus 
characteristics, branching patterns, age etc. 
What role the lichen might play in the control 
of the insect is under study, but wholesale 
destruction of the lichen vegetation has been 
ruled out (Jobin in litt.), at least at this stage. 

It is interesting that the western Hemlock 
Looper (Lambdina fiscellaria lugubrosa 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Importance 47 

[Hulst]) also lays its eggs on lichens (Thompson 
1958). Thompson found that on Vancouver 
Island, both “a fine hair-like black lichen” 
(probably a species of Bryoria) as well as 
“a pale yellow-green branching lichen” (the 
latter possibly Alectorici sarmentosa or A. 
vancouverensis or a mixture of the two) 
harboured many eggs, although bark crevices 
were still the preferred site. He also found that 
along the coast, where lichens are largely 
replaced by epiphytic mosses, the mosses are 
the favoured substrate for oviposition. Thus, 
in the case of this insect, specificity for lichen 
species or even lichens in general seems to be 


Pseudephebe minuscula and P. pubescens are 
rapid colonizers of bare rock following the 
retreat of glaciers and so have been used in the 
lichenometric dating of glacial moraines. (For 
a synopsis and extensive bibliography on this 
topic see Webber & Andrews 1973.) They have 
proved particularly valuable on Baffin Island 

where isophyses (lines of equal growth) based 
on them have been constructed (Andrews & 
Webber 1964, 1969). Because of the taxonomic 
problems involved in the separation of these 
two species, Andrews & Webber (1964) 
combined data from both and used the epithet 
minuscula as that species was the more frequent 
in the areas they studied. These authors cal- 
culated an optimal annual growth rate of 0.52 
mm and a mean of about 0.40 mm in diameter 
assuming a 10 year initial colonization lag; 
these data are consistent with the 0.56 mm 
per annum rate recorded on Disko, Greenland, 
by Beschel (1963). Tracings of individual 
thalli on Baffin Island over the years 1963-67 
revealed a tendency for larger thalli to grow 
more quickly, but, over a period of up to 
300 years, a mean annual growth rate of 0.40 
mm appears to hold (Andrews & Webber 
1969). A more recent study of P. minuscula 
on Baffin Island, using photographic tech- 
niques, showed that the growth rate of this 
species decreases with increases in altitude 
(Miller 1973). 

Taxonomie survey 

Key to the genera of Alectorioid lichens 

1 Ascospores under 16 /nm long, colourless at maturity 2 

- Ascospores over 19 p m long, yellowish to brown at maturity 3 

2(1) Thallus closely adpressed to the substrate, attached over almost the whole thallus area, 

rosette-forming, under 1 cm tall; cortex cellular in part, ± differentiated at the surface which 

is smooth or rough; pycnidia common; lichen products absent 4 . Pseudephebe 

Thallus eiect, caespitose to pendent, attached at the base or sometimes secondarily by 
branches but never over the whole thallus area, not forming rosettes, over 1 cm tall; cortex not 
distinctly cellular, not or little differentiated at the surface; pycnidia rare; atranorin and/or 
chloroatranorm, oremol tridepsides, /3-orcinol depsidones and pulvinic acid derivatives 
known Bryoria 

3(1) Ascospores becoming transversely septate or muriform at maturity ' 4 

- Ascospores remaining simple at maturity, 2-4 per ascus, 2(M5 pm long; cortex with much 

matrix, not differentiated but often disintegrating at the surface; medullary hyphae usually 
ornamented; usme acid, and orcinol depsides known 1 Alectoria 

4(3) Ascospores I (-3 (-septate at maturity, 22^10 pm long. 6-S per ascus;' 'cyphella-like 
perforations absent; pseudocyphellae present as a single continuous longitudinal furrow; 
atranorin, /3-orcinol depsidones and pulvinic acid derivatives known 5 Sulcaria 

- Ascospores muriform at maturity, 76-96 pm long, 1 per ascus; cyphella-like perforations 

present, pseudocyphellae absent; /3-orcinol depsides (inch atranorin) and depsidones, as 
well as hydroxyanthraquinones known 3 0ropogonTh Fr 

Check-list of the North American species 

Accepted taxa 

Selected synonyms 

Alectoria Ach. 

1. A. fallacina Mot. 

2. A. imshaugii Brodo & D. Hawksw. 

3. A. lata (Tayl.) Linds. 

4. A. mexicana Brodo & D. Hawksw. 

5. A. nigricans (Ach.)Nyl. 

6. A. ochroleuca (Hoffm.) Massai. 

7a. A. sarmentosa (Ach.) Ach. subsp. sarmentosa 
7b. A. sarmentosa subsp. vexillifera (Nyl.)D. Hawksw. 
8. A. vancouverensis (Gyeln.)Gyeln. ex Brodo & D. 

Bryopogon Link 

A. osteina Nyl. 

A. stigmata Bystr.,T. subsarmentosa Stirt. 
A. vexillifera (Nyl.) Stiz. 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Taxonomie survey 49 

Accepted taxa 

Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. 
sect. Bryoria 

1 . B. chalybeiformis (L.) Brodo & D. Hawksw. 

2. B. fuscescens (Gyeln.) Brodo &D. Hawksw. 

3. B. glabra (Mot.) Brodo & D. Hawksw. 

4. B. lanestris (Ach.) Brodo & D. Hawksw. 

5. B. subcana (Nyl. ex Stiz.) Brodo & D. Hawksw. 
6a. B. trichodes (Michx.) Brodo & D. Hawksw. 

subsp. trichodes 

6b. B. trichodes subsp. americana (Mot.) Brodo & 
D. Hawksw. 

7. B. vrangiana (Gyeln.) Brodo & D. Hawksw. 

sect. Divaricatac (DR.) Brodo & D. Hawksw. 

8. B. bicolor (Ehrh.) Brodo & D. Hawksw. 

9. B. carlottae Brodo & D. Hawksw. 

10. B. cervinula Mot. ex Brodo & D. Hawksw. 

1 1. B. furcellata (Fr. ) Brodo & D. Hawksw. 

12. B. nitidula (Th. Fr.) Brodo & D. Hawksw. 

■ 3. B. simpiicior (Vain.) Brodo & D. Hawksw. 

14. B. tenuis (Dahl) Brodo & D. Hawksw. 

sect. Implexae (Gyeln.) Brodo & D. Hawksw. 

13. B. capillaris (Ach.) Brodo & D. Hawksw. 

16. B.friabilis Brodo & D. Hawksw. 

17. B. implexa (Hoffm.) Brodo & D. Hawksw. 

18. B. nadvornikiana (Gyeln.) Brodo & D. Hawksw. 
10. B. pikei Brodo & D. Hawksw. 

20. B. pseudocapiiiaris Brodo & D. Hawksw. 

21 B. pseudofuscescens (Gyeln.) Brodo &D. 

22. B. satazinica Brodo & D. Hawksw. 

23. B. spiralifera Brodo & D. Hawksw. 

sect. Suhdivergentes (Mot.) Brodo & D. Hawksw. 

24. B. abbreviata (Müll. Arg.) Brodo & D. Hawksw. 

25. B. oregana (Tuck.) Brodo & D. Hawksw. 

sect. Tortuosae (Mot.) Brodo & D. Hawksw. 

26. B. fremontii (Tuck.) Brodo & D. Hawksw. 

27. B. tortuosa (Merr. ) Brodo & D. Hawksw. 

Pseudephebe Choisy 

1- P ■ minuscula (Nyl. ex Arnold) Brodo & 

D. Hawksw. 

2- P . pubescens (L.) Choisy 
Sulcaria Bystr. 

1- 5. badia Brodo & D. Hawksw. 

Selected synonyms 

Setaria Michx., Bryopogon Th. Fr., non Link 

A. positiva (Gyeln.) Mot. 

A. tenerrima Mot. 

A. haynaldii Gyeln. 

A. canadensis Mot., A. deiicata Mot. 

A. americana Mot., A. ambigua Mot., 
A. sepiacea Mot. 

A . nidulifera N orrl . 

A. lanea auct., non (Ehrh. ex Hoffm.) Vain., 
A. irvingii Llano 
A. nana Mot. 

A. bicolor var. subbicolor Mot. 

A. implexa auct., non (Hoffm.) Nyl. p.p. 

A. norstictica Mot., A. subtilis Mot. 

A. oregana auct. p.p. 

A. virens sensu R. Howe, nonTayl. 

Parmelia minuscula (Nyl. ex Arnold) Nyl. 
Parmeiia pubescens (L.) Vain. 

Key to the North American species 

1 Thallus yellow or yellowish-green; conspicuous pseudocyphellae present (occasional in 
Ramalina thrausta, couplet 7); cortex KC + yellow (usnic acid) 2 

' Opera Botanica nr 42 

50 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

- Thallus not yellow or yellowish-green; pseudocyphellate or not; cortex KC- or KC+ reddish 

(usnic acid absent) 10 

2( 1) Medulla C+ red (olivetoric acid) 3 

- Medulla C— (olivetoric acid absent) 4 

3(2) Thallus subpendent, bright yellow throughout; cortex clearly delimited, not becoming 

fibrous internally; known only from the highlands of Mexico and Guatemala .... 4. A. mexicana 

- Thallus pendent, often very long, yellow to greyish-green; cortex joined with a fibrous 

network within the medulla; medulla dense and compact; southern California to British 
Columbia close to sea level 8. A . vancouverensis 

4(2) Thallus caespitose to subpendent or pendent, usually corticolous 5 

- Thallus erect to prostrate, usually terricolous 9 

5(4) Thallus caespitose, rarely subpendent, usually less than 10 cm long 6 

- Thallus pendent to subpendent, 8-20 cm long or longer 7 

6(5) Isidioid spinules arising from the pseudocyphellae in tufts or along the branches; ascocarps 

rare; medulla PD+ orange-yellow or PD— (thamnolic or squamatic acid present), medulla 
KC— , exceptionally KC + red (alectoronic acid very rare); Idaho, west to B.C. coast, south 
to central California; locally frequent 2. A. imshaugii 

- Isidioid spinules absent; ascocarps not uncommon; medulla KC+ red (alectoronic acid); 

from Washington southwards in mountains to Guatemala 3. A. lata 

7(5) Apices of branches sorediate or granular, often hooked; medulla KC - 

Ramalina thrausta (Ach.) Nyl. 

- Apices of branches not sorediate or granular, never hooked; medulla KC + red or KC - ... 8 

8(7) Branches more or less regular, pendent; medulla usually lax, KC + red or rarely KC-; 

cortex relatively uniform throughout; a very common boreal-montane species 

7 a. A. sarmentosa subsp. sarmentosa 

- Branches recurved and tangled, subpendent; medulla dense, KC - or rarely KC + red; cortex 

very uneven in thickness, giving thallus a knobby appearance; Appalachian Mountains, 
Tennessee to Nova Scotia; rare 1. A. fallacina 

9(4) Thallus usually erect, rarely subdecumbent; main stems more or less terete, usually less 
than 2 mm diam.; medulla KC - , CK+ golden-yellow (diffractaic acid), or rarely KC + 
red (alectoronic acid) especially in the Aleutians and in Central America; a frequent to abun- 
dant species in the tundra 6. A. ochroleuca 

- Thallus prostrate to decumbent; main stems becoming dorsiventrally compressed, expanded 

and foveolate, usually exceeding 2 mm diam. (to 4 cm wide); medulla KC + red (alectoronic 
acid) or intrequently KC — ; an occasional subspecies of western alpine and eastern arctic 
tundra 7b. A. sarmentosa subsp. vexillifera 

10(1) Thallus closely adpressed to rock, usually less than 1 cm tall, forming rosettes attached 

over most parts of the thallus; medulla K-, C-, KC-, PD- 11 

- Thallus not closely adpressed to rock, usually exceeding 1 cm in height or length, not 

forming rosettes attached over most parts of the thallus; medulla PD 4- or PD- 12 

1 1(10) Branches usually terete, even; internodes long; adpressed only at the margins, becoming 
bushy, prostrate or erect towards the centre of the thallus; arctic-alpine 2.P. puhescens 

- Branches becoming dorsiventrally compressed, uneven; internodes short; closely attached to 

the rock over almost the whole thallus area, becoming closely adpressed to almost crustose or 
foliose towards the centre of the thallus; arctic-alpine \. P. minuscula 

12(10) Thallus erect or prostrate to decumbent; on rocks or soil (exceptionally on bark or 
wood) 13 

- Thallus caespitose or pendent; on bark or wood (rarely on rock) 26 

13(12) Thallus PD + yellow-orange (diffusing onto filter paper), surface C + pink to red on pale 

areas (alectorialic and/or barbatolic acid); thallus some shade of grey, white, yellowish grey 
or black; branching anisotomic dichotomous 14 

- Thallus PD — or PD + red 15 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Taxonomie survey 5 1 

14( 13) Pseudocyphellae white, raised and conspicuous, soralia absent; thallus usually pale at the 
base with at least the tips blackened; apices usually reflexed; common on the ground in 
arctic-alpine areas (very rarely on bark or wood) 5 .A. nigricans 

- Pseudocyphellae small, dark, plane, generally inconspicuous; soralia usually present; thallus 
either pale at tips or entirely dark brown to black, at least black at the base; apices pointed 
and straight, with abundant, divergent, spinulose lateral branches (see also couplet 

28) 18. B. nadvornikiana 

15(13) Medulla or only pseudocyphellae C + red or pink (gyrophoric acid); thallus bright to dark 
red-brown, usually shiny, concolourous; branching isotomic dichotomous, broad, divergent; 
subarctic to arctic-alpine; common Cornicularia divergeas Ach. 

- Medulla and pseudocyphellae C — 16 

16(15) Thallus with conspicuous, broadly fusiform, cyphella-like perforations into the hollow 

medulla; grey to dark red-brown; known from the high mountains of Central 
America Oropogon loxensis (Fée) Th. Fr. s. lat. 

- Thallus without cyphella-like perforations 17 

17(16) Soralia present (sometimes sparse) 18 

- Soralia absent 21 

18(17) Soralia bearing tufts of isidioid spinules; PD + red; branching regularly isotomic 

dichotomous; branches smooth, not twisted or foveolate, shiny, pale to cervine brown; 
occasionally on rocks but also known from submaritime heathland in Newfound- 
land 11. B. furcellata 

~ Soralia not bearing tufts of isidioid spinules; branching often irregular 19 

19(18) At least main branches very thick, twisted and often foveolate, generally over 
0.5 mm diam 20 

- Branches very slender, pendent or subpendent, usually less than 0.2 mm diam.; soralia 

numerous, virtually all fissurai 4. B. lanestris 

20( 19) Thallus dark brown to olivaceous black, often shiny: soralia sparse, usually tuberculate, 

PD + red; medulla and cortex usually PD - ; arctic-alpine 1 . B. chalybeiformis 

~ Thallus fuscous brown to brown, usually matt; soralia frequent or sparse, fissurai 
and tuberculate types usually present, PD+ red; cortex often PD + red; usually 

coastal 2. B. fuscescens var. positiva 

21(17) Thallus uniformly red-brown, small, prostrate, under 3 cm long; main branches 
conspicuously longitudinally foveolate and flattened; medulla PD-; ascocarps to 2.5 mm 

diam., red-brown; known with certainty only from tundra in southwest Greenland 

B. subdivergens (Dahl) Brodo & D. Hawksw. (p. 153) 

~ Thallus not red-brown and foveolate 22 

22(21) Main branches shiny, black, with numerous grey to pale brown perpendicular side 

branches and apices; spinules abundant; medulla PD + red at least in parts 23 

~ Main branches not black with pale side branches and apices; thallus more or less uniformly 

cervine brown to dark brown or black; medulla PD + red or PD - 24 

23(22) Thallus forming dense tufts; third order branches common and arising at right 

angles; coastal or montane 8. B. bicolor 

~ Thallus not forming dense tufts; third order branches sparse and usually arising at acute 

angles; mainly coastal and montane, very rare in the tundra 14. B. tenuis 

24(22) Thallus erect or frequently decumbent, usually forming compact tufts, uniformly dark 
cervine brown to black; branching anisotomic dichotomous with lateral branches arising 
perpendicularly or at acute angles: medulla PD + red (exceptionally PD — ); mainly restricted 

to the tundra where it is often common 12. B. nitidula 

~ Thallus prostrate to decumbent, not forming compact tufts, cervine brown to dark brown, 

never uniformly brown-black 25 

25(24) Branching anisotomic dichotomous; conspicuous, stout, lateral spinules present; pale 

52 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

fuscous brown to dark brown, or blackened at the base, often appearing variegated; medulla 
PD+ red; pseudocyphellae absent to sparse; ascocarps unknown; known only from Alaska 
and coastal British Columbia 10. B. cervinula 

- Branching isotomic dichotomous; lateral spinules, if present, not stout; uniformly cervine 

brown, often shiny; medulla PD + red or PD-; ascocarps not infrequent; pseudocyphellae 
often abundant; mainly coastal 6b. B. trichodes subsp. americana 

26(12) Thallus K+ persistently bright yellow, KC + red (fading) and often C + pink (fading), 

PD + orange-yellow (barbatolic and/or alectorialic acid) 27 

- Thallus K. — , or if K+ yellow, the yellow is very pale or quickly darkens to brown, orange 

or red and largely disappears; PD + or — 30 

27(26) Thallus caespitose to subpendent, often with perpendicular lateral spinulose branches . . 28 

- Thallus pendent, without perpendicular lateral spinulose branches; soralia unknown in 

North American material; basal branches rarely blackened, apices usually concolourous or 
darker than the basal parts, thallus greyish to fuscous brown or rarely dark brown; widely 
distributed in Canada and the northern United States (if K+ reaction weak, see B. pikei, 
couplet 60) 15. B. capillaris 

28(27) Soralia present; basal branches blackened, apical branches greyish to fuscous brown; 
pseudocyphellae short, fusiform; boreal forests in Canada and Alaska 18. B. nadvornikiana 

- Soralia absent 29 

29(28) Tips of branches and sometimes most of thallus blackened; pseudocyphellae white, 

short, raised; thallus much branched, caespitose (see couplet 14) 5. A. nigricans 

- Basal branches and tips concolourous with main branches, not blackened; thallus grey to dull 

badia-brown, especially on lateral branches; pseudocyphellae elongate, linear, becoming 
canaliculate; thallus tangled, subpendent; on trees along sea coast, northern California to 
Oregon 20. B. pseudocapillaris 

30(26) Thallus with soredia 31 

- Thallus without soredia 40 

31(30) Thallus caespitose, pale to dark cervine brown, usually shiny 32 

- Thallus subpendent to pendent 33 

32(31) Soralia white, bearing tufts of isidioid spinules; inner cortex, medulla and soredia PD + 

red (fumarprotocetraric acid); widely distributed in eastern temperate and boreal regions, 
infrequent in the west 1 1 . B. furcellata 

- Soralia greenish black, not bearing tufts of isidioid spinules; all tissues PD — ; common in 

northern boreal forests \7>.B. simplicior 

33(31) Soralia bright yellow or greenish yellow (vulpinic acid), tuberculate; medulla and soralia 
PD - (see couplet 51) 26. B. fremontii 

- Soralia white, sometimes flecked with black (not bright yellow or greenish yellow), PD + red 

(fumarprotocetraric acid), tuberculate or fissurai; cortex or medulla PD - or PD + red 34 

34(33) Pseudocyphellae conspicuous; branches usually uneven in diameter, cervine brown 
throughout; inner cortex PD + red or PD — a morphotype of B. trichodes 

- Pseudocyphellae absent or very inconspicuous; branches even or uneven in diameter; 

colour various; cortex or medulla PD + red or PD- 35 

35(34) Main blanches (not base) usually less than 0.2 mm diam.; thallus dark brown to dark 
olivaceous or black throughout; soralia fissurai or very rarely tuberculate, often speckled with 
black; branches very uneven in diameter, brittle, tending to fragment in herbarium packets; 
cortex and medulla PD -; common in the northern boreal forests, extending southwards in 
the western mountains B i anestr is 

- Main branches (not base) exceeding 0.2 mm diam.; thallus brown or olivaceous, but rarely 

darkening to black; soralia almost always uniformly white 36 

36(35) Outer and sometimes inner cortex of branches PD + intense red (fumarprotocetraric 
acid) ^7 

- Medulla and cortex of branches PD- 38 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Taxonomie survey 53 

37(36) Thallus uniformly grey, sometimes becoming pale fuscous brown towards the apices (not 
pale at the base); soralia tuberculate; west coast, very rare 5. B. subcana 

- Thallus fuscous brown to brown, usually pale at the base; fissurai and tuberculate soralia 

usually present; scattered throughout Canada and the northern U.S 2. B.fuscescens 

38(36) Branches even in diameter throughout; thallus shiny, olivaceous to olive-brown, 
concolourous ; angles between the main dichotomies obtuse and rounded; soialia fissurai, 
rarely tuberculate; mainly in the west where it is locally abundant; very rare on the east 
coast 3- B. glabra 

- Branches uneven in diameter, at least in part, or if even, not olivaceous; angles between the 

main dichotomies, if obtuse, then generally not rounded ; soralia tuberculate or fissurai 39 

39(38) Thallus shiny olivaceous brown to olive black, concolourous; branching irregular 
anisotomic dichotomous especially towards the apices; main branches becoming contorted 
and foveolate, often becoming spinulose; soralia rare 1 . B. vrangiana 

- Thallus usually dull, fuscous brown to dark brown, usually paler at the base; branching 

isotomic dichotomous; main branches rarely becoming contorted and foveolate; soralia 
usually abundant, usually fissurai and tuberculate 2 .B.fuscescens 

40(30) Thallus with conspicuous broadly fusiform cyphella-like perforations opening into the 

hollow medulla; grey to dark red-brown, shiny (see couplet 16) 

Oropogon bxensis (Fée)Th. Fr, s. lat. 

- Thallus without cyphella-like perforations 41 

41(40) Main branches shiny, black, with numerous, obviously paler, olivaceous grey to light 

brown, perpendicular side branches and apices; spinules abundant; inner cortex and medulla 
PD + red at least in apical parts; mainly coastal and montane 23 

- Main branches not black with pale olivaceous perpendicular side branches and apices; 

cortex and/or medulla PD + red or PD — 42 

42(41)Thallus caespitose to erect, very small, usually less than 3 cm tall; branches longitudinally 
furrowed, dull and flattened; almost always abundantly fertile 43 

- Thallus pendent or subpendent, usually exceeding 3 cm long 44 

43(42) Thallus dull red-brown; epithecium red-brown, K-; mountainous areas from the 

Rockies westwards 24 B - abbreviata 

- Thallus olive brown to greenish black; epithecium greenish to brown black, usually K + 

violet; California to the Queen Charlotte Islands .Cornicularia californica ( I uck. ) DR. 

44(42) Scattered elongate yellow pseudocypheilae present; thallus dark red-brown to dusky 
yellow-brown, occasionally becoming bright greenish yellow in parts; long, pendent; main 
branches becoming twisted and foveolate; thallus PD — or faintly PD + yellow on filtei paper, 
mainly along the west coast from California to southern British Columbia -7. B. tortuosa 

- Pseudocypheilae present or absent, but if present, white or brown (never yellow) 45 

45(44) Branches with very long (at least 4 mm) deep furrows or grooves (sulci) breaking into 

the medulla; thallus dull chestnut brown to almost yellowish brown in parts; outer cortex 
K + faintly yellow (at least on filter paper). PD + brownish or PD- (or pale yellow on 
filter paper) (atranorin present); California and Oregon 1-5. badia 

- Branches without very long, deep furrows or grooves breaking into the medulla 46 

46(45) Cortex and medulla PD - (and not producing any colouration on filter paper) 47 

- Cortex and/or medulla PD + yellow or red (or producing a colouration on filter paper) 52 

47(46) Medulla and/or pseudocypheilae C+ pink to red, KC + pink (olivetoric acid), thallus 

red-brown, with punctiform, almost tuberculate, white pseudocypheilae, branching mostly 
isotomic dichotomous; infrequent, along B.C. coast Cornicularia pseudosatoana Asah. 

- Medulla C - , KC - ; cortex C - or C + pink (gy rophoric acid) 48 

48(47) Cortex C+ pink, KC+ pink (gyrophoric acid); branches very brittle; thallus pale 

greyish brown, or rarely pale olive-brown; usually very uneven in diameter and twisted, 
infrequent on the west coast, and rare in the western mountains and along the east 

16. B. friabilis 


54 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

- Cortex C , KC ; thallus usually dark red-brown or yellowish brown to dark brown or 

olive-black 49 

49(48) Thallus shiny olivaceous brown to olive-black; branching anisotomic dichotomous 
especially towards the apices; main branches becoming contorted and foveolate, often 
spinulose (see couplet 39) 7 . b. vrangiana 

- Thallus dull or shiny, yellow-brown to red-brown or dark red-brown 50 

50(49) Main branches even in diameter, not foveolate or channelled, cervine brown throughout 

(see couplet 55) 6b. B. trichodes subsp. americana 

- Main branches foveolate or channelled 51 

51(50) Thallus very dull, distinctly red-brown; branches foveolate or longitudinally ridged, 

channelled but not twisted, very brittle, to 0.3 mm diam.; branching irregularly anisotomic 
dichotomous; ascocarps, if present, red-brown, epruinose, sometimes “ciliate" at margins; 
hyphae at the surface of the cortex consisting of short, knobby hyphal cells (jigsaw-like 
in surface view, see Fig. 12 A); in the western mountains 25. B. oregana 

- Thallus shiny or less frequently dull, yellow-brown to red-brown or dark red-brown; main 

branches toveolate, twisted, not brittle, mainly 0.4-1. 5 mm diam.; branching isotomic 
dichotomous at the base, with slender perpendicular lateral branches; ascocarps, if present, 
yellow pruinose, not ciliate; cortex in surface view consisting of long, slender, parallel 
hyphae; mainly along the west coast 26. ß. fremontii 

52(46) Cortex and/or medulla PD + red (fumarprotocetraric acid) ! 53 

- Cortex and/or medulla PD + yellow (at least on filter paper) 56 

53(52) Thallus olive; branching mostly anisotomic dichotomous to submonopodial, with many 

short perpendicular side branches along the main axes; pseudocyphellae abundant; PD + red 
in inner cortex only (not diffusing onto filter paper); rare, known only from the Queen 
Charlotte Islands 9. B. carlottae 

- Thallus pale greyish brown to cervine brown (not olive) 54 

54(53) Thallus pale grey to greyish brown; outer cortex PD + intensely red (diffusing out onto 

filter paper); rare (see couplet 38) 5 ß subcana 

- Thallus pale to dark cervine brown; inner cortex and sometimes medulla PD + red (rarely 

producing a red colouration of filter paper) 55 

55(54) Branches even in diameter throughout; pseudocyphellae usually sparse, dark and 
depressed; thallus usually dark; mainly along east and west coasts 

."T b. B. trichodes subsp. americana 

- Branches very uneven in diameter; pseudocyphellae usually abundant, white and raised; 
thallus often pale; mainly with an Appalachian-Great Lakes distribution, but also on the 

6a. ß. trichodes subsp. trichodes 

56(5..) Thallus dull red-brown or badious, often becoming paler in parts; pseudocyphellae 
linear, white, often exceeding 4 mm long and spiraling around the main branches; 
perpendicular side branches frequent; contains abundant norstictic acid; known only from 
coastal northern California 23 . B. spiralifera 

- Thallus grey to pale olive-brown or pale to dark brown to black, not red-brown or badious; 

pseudocyphellae never exceeding 1.5 mm in length; perpendicular side branches absent or 
very sparse, mainly north of California 57 

57(56) Thallus dark olive-brown to black, often shiny; pseudocyphellae fusiform, white or dark! 
to 1 mm long, sometimes sparse; contains norstictic acid; common in Rocky and Selkirk 
Mountains southward into Oregon 2 1 . ß. pseudofuscescens 

hallus pale olive-brown to olive-grey, often variegated; pseudocyphellae abundant and 

58(57) Norstictic acid present Infrequent morphotype of B. pseudofuscescens 

- Norstictic acid absent 59 

59(58) Salazimc acid present; thallus pale olive to olive-brown, loosely branched and entangled- 
rare, known only from the northeast coast 22. ß. salazinica 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Taxonomie survey 55 

- Salazinic acid absent 

60(59) Thallus generally smooth, even, shiny, olive to olive-grey or pale olive-brown; cortex 

sometimes KC + pink (contains alectorialic acid); infrequent along the west coast and rare 
on the east coast 19. B. pikei 

- Thallus generally uneven, dull, twisted, pale fuscous to pale olive-brown; cortex always 
KC- (contains psoromic acid); rare, scattered throughout the northern boreal forest 

17. B. implexa 


Notes on the presentation of the species 

(1) In the case of taxa for which a detailed account 
of the synonymy has been presented elsewhere by one 
of us (D.L.H.), the lists of synonyms included in 
this section have been limited to names based on 
North American collections. The identity of unlisted 
synonyms not included here, which have appeared in 
the North American literature, can be traced through 
the Index, and full particulars of them located 
through the literature references appearing under the 
accepted name. Where a detailed account of the 
taxon has not been provided elsewhere, an attempt 
has been made to determine the full synonymy 
(i.e., including names not based on North American 

(2) Descriptions are based only on North American 
material examined in the course of this study. Any 
major departures from previously published descrip- 
tions are mentioned under "Discussion . 

(3) The observations on "Ecology" similarly refer 
only to the autecology of the species in North 
America unless otherwise indicated. 

(4) In the course of the present survey we have 
not endeavoured to trace collections supporting 

literature records except in the case of a few extremely 
rare species and some species reported as important 
to man or caribou. Comments on known and suspected 
erroneous reports in the literature have been confined 
to ones from well outside the range of the species. 

(5) In the case of species known from a relatively 
small number of localities, all collections from 
North America examined during this study are 
listed under “Specimens". Where species are ex- 
tremely common, because of limitations of space, it 
has not proved possible to cite all those studied 
and only "Selected specimens" are listed. This selec- 
tion has been designed to cite at least one specimen 
from each state or province. A full listing of the 
specimens examined (with abbreviated localities) 
is available at a nominal charge, from the Depository 
of Unpublished Data, CIST1. National Research 
Council of Canada. Ottawa. Ontario K 1 A OS2, 
Canada. Individual record cards prepared in the course 
of the production of the distribution maps are pre- 
served in the Botany Division of the Museum of 
Natural Sciences, National Museums of Canada 
(CANL) in Ottawa and are available for consultation 
by those working on the floristics of a particular 

Alectoria Ach. 

in Luyken, Tent. Hist. Lieh.: 95 (1809). - Evernia 
sect. Alectoria (Ach.) Fr., Syst. Orb. 1: 237 (1825). - 
Cornicularia sect. Alectoria (Ach.) Duby, Bot. 
Gall. 2: 616 (1830). - Parmelia sect. Alectoria 
(Ach.) Spreng., Fl. Halen., ed. 2, 2: 521 (1832). - 
Bryopogon Link, Grund. Kraut. 3: 164 (1833); 
nom. illegit. (Art. 63). - Alectoria subgen . Eualectoria 
Th. Fr., Lieh. Scand. I: 19 (1871); nom. illegit. 
(Art. 63). - Eualectoria Gyeln., Ann. Mus. Nat. 
Hung. 28: 283 (1934); nom. inval. (Art. 34), nom. 
illegit. (Art. 63). — Alectoria sect. Phaeosporae Hue, 
Nouv. Arch. Mus. Paris, Sér. 4, 1: 93 (1899); nom. 
illegit. (Art. 63). - Alectoriomyces Cif. & Tom.. 
Atti 1st. Bot. Lab. Critt. Pavia, Ser. 5. 10: 44, 70 
(1953); nom. illegit. (Art. 63). 

Ceratocladia Del., in Schwendener, in Naegeli, 
Beitr. Bot. 2: 149 (1860); nom. inval. (Art. 34); 
type: C. luteola (Mont, ex de Not.) Schwend. 

L -Alectoria sarmentosa (Ach.) Ach.], holotype. 

Alectoria sect. Ochroleuca Gyeln., Feddes Repert. 
38: 243 (1935); type: A. ochroleuca (Hoffm.) Massai., 

Non Alectoria Link, Grund. Kraut. 3: 163 (1833); 
nom. illegit. (Arts. 63. 64); type: A. articulata (L.) 
Link L= Usnea articulata (L.) Hoffm.], holotype. 

Type species: Alectoria sarmentosa (Ach.) Ach. 
(syn. Lichen sarmentosus Ach.; lectotype designated 
by Clements & Shear 1931 p. 322). 

Thallus fruticose, erect, caespitose, decumbent, 
subpendent or pendent; branching variable, 
branches generally terete but becoming com- 
pressed and angular to foveolate near the 
base and axils, in a few taxa becoming markedly 
expanded and dorsiventrally compressed; 
greenish-yellow to yellow in most species, 
fuscous black to black and pinkish below in 

True lateral spinules absent, spinules arising 
through the pseudocyphellae in some species. 
Isidia absent. Soralia large and tuberculate. 
very rare, unknown in most species. Pseudo- 
cyphellae always present, abundant, conspic- 
uous, fusiform, white, markedly raised, some- 
times becoming sorediate and bearing spinules. 
Cortex composed of periclinal, arachnoid, con- 

glutinate hyphae, the hyphae immersed in a 
relatively large amount of matrix, not disin- 
tegrating and not differentiated at the surface. 
Medullary hyphae usually ornamented. 

Apothecia lateral, sometimes appearing ge- 
niculate owing to the death of the branch 
distal to them, rare and unknown in some 
species, common in others; excipulum thalli- 
num concolourous with the thallus, persistent 
and often markedly incurved, not ciliate; disc 
brown to dark brown or black. Asci clavate, 
thick-walled, arrested bitunicate, 2-4-spored. 
Ascospores ellipsoid, with a distinct hyaline 
epispore, brown at maturity, simple, 20-45 
/am long. Pycnidia usually rare. 

Usnic acid present in all but one species, 
usually abundant; atranorin and chloroatranorin 
absent; orcinol depsides abundant; /3-orcinol 
depsides (excluding atranorin and chloroatra- 
norin) frequent; orcinol tridepsides. /3-orcinol 
depsidones, pulvinic acid derivatives and 
hydroxyanthraquinones absent. An unidenti- 
tied K + red, C + green-black compound occurs 
in the cortex of the basal parts of the thalli 
of most species. 


As interpreted here Alectoria comprises eight 
species all of which are known from North 
America. The genus shows its greatest diversity 
in western North America where all but one 
species (A. fallacina) occur. Species of this 
genus are widely distributed throughout the 
world and occur in both hemispheres; three 
have bipolar tendencies and three are circum- 
boreal and widely distributed in the Northern 

Alectoria is readily separable from the other 
genera accepted here, even in the absence of 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Ale ct or ia Ach. 57 

apothecia, by virtue of the characteristic 
chemistry, cortical structure and pseudo- 

The nomenclature and typification of Alec- 
toria are discussed under Bryoria. 

I . Alectoria fallacina Mot. 

Fragm. Florist. Geobot. 6: 447 (1960); type: U.S.A., 
Tennessee, Great Smoky Mountains, near Alum 
Cave, on Picea rubra, alt. 1575 m, G. Degelius, 
13 September 1939 (US holotype! herb. Degelius, 
US isotypes!). 

Thallus subpendent to almost caespitose, rarely 
pendent, having a tangled appearance, 6-8(-20) 
cm long; branching variable, broad and obtuse 
to narrowly acute, with perpendicular lateral 
branches not uncommon, basically isotomic 
dichotomous; branches uneven in thickness, 
knobby due to large differences in cortical 
thickness, usually 0.2-0. 4 mm diam.; grey- 
green to greenish yellow, rarely yellow; medulla 
dense, filling medullary cavity; cortex becoming 
extremely thick in places, commonly up to 
120 /xm and reaching 160 /am in thickness. 

True lateral spinules absent; soralia absent, 
or very rarely present (see discussion below). 
Pseudocyphellae punctiform to short fusiform, 
often inconspicuous, commonly raised, white, 
without spinules. 

Apothecia not seen. Pycnidia common, 
usually in raised, darkened tubercles; conidia 
bacillariform, c. 2.0 x 0.8 /urn. 

Cortex K - , C - . KC + yellow, PD - ; medulla 
K-, KC - or KC+ red. C— , PD-. Contains 
usnic acid, and sometimes alectoronic acid. 
Plus an unknown substance which is barely 
visible in thin layer chromatography. The 
unknown is not visible in UV light and produces 
only a light yellow colour after development 
with H 2 S0 4 . It has relative positions of 1. 
T 3, in the standard solvents (see C. Culberson 

Ecology. On Picea rubens, Abies fraseri, and 
Quercus spp. on mountain trails and along the 

Distribution. Along the Appalachian mountains 
(Fig. 24A). It might well be considered as a 
vicariad of A. sarmentosa, having speciated 
in the southern Appalachians. The two species 
ar e almost entirely allopatric. 

The report of A. fallacina from Alaska (Krog 
1968) is erroneous being based on a specimen 
of A. sarmentosa. 


This Appalachian population, very closely 
related to A. sarmentosa, is being tentatively 
recognized at the species level following Motyka 
(1960), but a study of more material may 
prove it to be more properly ranked as a 
subspecies. Its knobby, uneven appearance, 
sparse, punctiform pseudocyphellae, con- 
spicuous raised pycnidial tuberculae, variable 
but generally very thick cortex, dense medulla, 
grey-green colour and tangled habit all serve 
to distinguish it from A. sarmentosa. Specimens 
showing all these characters most distinctly 
are invariably deficient in alectoronic acid 
(i.e., medulla KC-). Specimens which are 
KC + red, including the holotype, are some- 
what yellower, and their cortices are less 
variable and slightly thinner; the other distin- 
guishing characters usually remain. The pres- 
ence of a few soralia on a single specimen 
from Tennessee (litis & Sharp, 1942 [CANL]) 
is not regarded as taxonomically important. 

Although the holotype is entirely KC + red, 
the isotypes are either KC — (US) or a mixture 
of KC - and KC + red plants (herb. Degelius). 

The description of A. fallacina as given by 
Motyka (1964) agrees with our observations in 
most points (e.g.. the irregular appearance, 
the presence of “swellings", the indistinct 
pseudocyphellae). However, Motyka surpris- 
ingly found the cortex to be exceptionally 
thin ("only 35 jim thick”). 

Motyka (1964) compared this species with 
Alectoria pellucida Mot., a lichen first de- 
scribed from Bulgaria, and which Bystrek placed 
in Bryopogon. Motyka (1962) and Bystrek (1971) 
placed B. pellucidus in its own section 
(Pellucidae) within the subgenus and genus 
Bryopogon, respectively. Later, Bystrek (1974) 
again referred it to the genus Alectoria, com- 
paring it this time with A. stigmata Bystr., 
which appears to be a morphotype of A. 
sarmentosa (see Discussion under A. sarmen- 
tosa subsp. sarmentosa). Bystrek, in the latter 
paper, mentioned that the soralia of A. pellucida 
are PD + red, a very unusual characteristic for 
an Alectoria s. str. and one which persuaded 

58 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Fig. 24. A: Alectoria fallacina. Known distribution. - B: A. imshaugii. Known distribution. - C: A. lata. N. 
American distribution. A uncertain locality. 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Alectoria Ach. 59 

us to request the type from Lublin thinking 
that the name might refer to one of our 
thamnolic-containing Alectoriae. Bystrek very 
kindly sent us a Polish specimen named as 
A. pellucida (Montes Tatry, Wotoszyn Mt., 
ad ramos Picea in Piceeto primitivo, J. Bystrek, 
12 June 1964 [LBL]), which he said was 
identical with the holotype of that species. This 
specimen is clearly a Bryoria, with conspicuous 
fissurai pseudocyphellae and very sparse 
fissurai soralia. The thallus is entirely devoid 
of cortical pigments leaving it pale greenish and 
translucent, as described by Bystrek (1971). 
A chemical analysis of the thallus by TLC 
showed it to have trace amounts of psoromic 
acid. Thus it would seem that at least this 
specimen is very close to, if not conspecific 
with, Bryoria osteola, as suggested by Hawks- 
worth (1972 p. 250). The soralia of this thallus 
give a PD + yellow rather than PD + red 
reaction, as reported by Bystrek, and so the 
holotype should be reexamined by TLC. 


Canada. New Brunswick. Charlotte County: Grand 
Minan (sic) (Manan), Willey s.n.. 1879 (US). 

U.S.A. New Hampshire. Coos County: Mt. 
Washington. Burkholder 43 (CANL) - North 
Carolina. Swain County: Great Smoky Mountains, 
Mt. Kephart, Degelius s.n.. 15 Sept. 1939 (DEGE- 
L1US) — Tennessee. Sevier County: Great Smoky 
Mountains, Alum Cave, Degelius s.n., 13 Sept. 
1939 (US. DEGELIUS) - Clingman's Dome. Dege- 
üus s.n., 12 Sept. 1939 (DEGELIUS) - Great Smoky 
Mountains National Park, litis & Sharp s.n.. 16 
May 1942 (CANL) - West Virginia. Randolph County: 
Winchester, Millspaugh 769 (NYBG) - Locality 
unknown. Hale 10998 (US) - Pendleton County: 
Panther Knob, Hale 14386 (US). 

2. Alectoria imshaugii Brodo & D. Hawksw., 

S P- nov. 

Thallus caespitosus vel subpendulus, rigidulus, 
Plerumque 5-8 cm longus; rami aniso-dichotomiter 
Ve l iso-dichotomiter fastigiati, frequentes e baso 
emergen tes, uno loco ad substratum affixi. in angulos 
acutos divergentes, irregulariter compress! et 
angulares, diametro inaequales, 0.4-0. 7 mm diam. 
basi; tota planta viridi-fulva vel straminea. 

Rami laterales spiniformes veri et soralia desunt. 
Pseudocyphellae copiosae, conspicuae, albae, 
elongato-fusiformes, planiusculae vel convexae, 
amplitudine variabites, spinulis isidiiformibus eis 
hryoriae furcellatae similibus, copiose instructae, 
'nterdum leviter sorediosae. 

Fig. 25. Alectoria imshaugii. Holotype. Scale 0.5-1 .0 

Apothecia rarissima. lateralia, ad circa 3 mm diam., 
excipulum thallinum thallo concolor et incurvatum. 
discus concavus, brunneus. Ascosporae non visae. 
Pycnidia ignota. 

Cortex K- vel leviter flavescens, C-, CK-, 
KC+ flavescens, PD-; medulla K+ flavescens 
vel -, C-, CK-, KC— vel rarissime rubescens, 
PD - vel flavescens-aurantiacus. Thallus acidum 
usneicum continens una cum acido thamnolico vel 
squamatico et duas substantias chemicas ignotas 
(rarissime etiam acidum alectoronicum). 

Holotypus: America septentrionalis, U.S.A., 
Idaho, circa 4.5 mis ad boreo-occidentalem a St 
Joe, in summo monte St Joe Baldy. 116° 25’ W 
et 47° 22' N, G. L. Schroeder L 1944, 19 July 1971 
(CANL 38827). Fig. 25. 

Thallus caespitose to subpendent, rigid, usually 
5-8 cm long; branching anisotomic to isotomic 
dichotomous, frequent from the base, attached 
to the substrate at a single point, angles between 
the dichotomies acute, branches irregularly 
flattened and angular, uneven in diameter, 
0.4-0. 7 mm diam. at the base; greenish 
yellow to straw yellow throughout. 

True lateral spinules and soralia absent. 
Pseudocyphellae abundant, conspicuous, 
white, elongate fusiform, plane to convex, 
variable in size, bearing numerous isidiiform 
spinules similar to those of Bryoria furcellata, 
sometimes becoming sparsely sorediate 
(Fig. 2 B ). 

Apothecia very rare, lateral, to c. 3 mm 
diam.; excipulum thallinum concolourous with 
the thallus, incurved, disc concave, brown. 
Ascospores not seen. Pycnidia unknown. 

60 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Cortex K- or slightly yellow, C — , CK — , 
KC+ yellow, PD — ; medulla K+ yellow or — , 
C — , CK — , KC— or very rarely KC+ red, 
PD— or PD + yellow to orange. Contains usnic 
acid and two unidentified compounds together 
with either thamnolic or squamatic acid (plus 
accessory alectoronic acid in a small population 
in California). 

Ecology. Mostly on coniferous trees (especially 
Pseudotsuga and Pinus ) and lignum, rarely 
on rock; either in plateau or mountain areas 
(750-1750 m elevation) or close to sea level 
(2-85 m elevation); usually in dry, well-lighted 
conifer stands. On the coast it occurs in 
“pine barrens” of Pinus contorta. 

Distribution. Western intermontane, centered 
to the east of the Columbia Plateau in eastern 
Washington, northern Idaho, and north- 
western Montana with a westward extension 
along the montane Ponderosa pine - Douglas 
fir forest zones to the mixed pine forests of 
central Oregon and northern California (Fig. 
24 B). A specimen morphologically identical to 
A. imshaugii but containing alectoronic rather 
than thamnolic or squamatic acid was seen 
from the mountains of Venezuela (Hale 43,198 
[US]) and may be distinct. The disjunct speci- 
men from the Queen Charlotte Islands (see 
below) is not morphologically identical to the 
others and may represent a distinct taxon. 


This extremely well-defined species has been 
recognised as distinct by some students of 
western North American lichens for many 
years (notably, H. A. Imshaug in whose 
honour it is named) but does not appear to 
have been described previously. Its characters 
are generally very uniform throughout its 
range but with two interesting exceptions. 
First, the species is capable of producing 
either thamnolic acid or its corresponding 
para-depside, squamatic acid; the thamnolic 
acid chemotype is the more frequently en- 
countered. No morphological differences are 
correlated with the differences in chemistry 
and in many instances both chemotypes have 
been found to occur mixed in the same 
herbarium packet. We detected, however, no 

thallus containing both thamnolic and squamatic 

Secondly, a departure from the uniform 
morphology is seen in a specimen of the 
disjunct population from the Queen Charlotte 
Islands (Brodo 18224 [CAN L]). In this collection 
the spinules are rather long and scattered along 
the branches or arising from short raised 
pseudocyphellae in contradistinction to plants 
from its main distributional area which have 
rather short and clustered spinules arising from 
elongate and generally sorediate pseudo- 
cyphellae. It is possible that the Queen 
Charlotte population merits taxonomic recogni- 
tion, perhaps at the rank of subspecies, but 
with only a single collection at hand we are 
reluctant to accord it any status. This specimen 
belongs to the thamnolic acid chemotype. 

Selected specimens 

Canada. British Columbia. Kootenay District: Moyie 
Lake Area, Schroeder LI 864 (SCHROEDER) - 
Alberta. Waterton Lakes National Park, Imshaug 
6088 (MSC). 

U.S.A. California. Humbolt County: Manila, 
Brodo 20502 (CANL) - Mendocino County: 8.4 
miles W of junction Hwy I and 101. Tavares 345A 
(UC) - Mendocino, Brodo 20489 (CANL) - Idaho. 
Benewah County: Plummer. Schroeder LI324 
(SCHROEDER) - Bonner County: Priest River Exp. 
Forest, Esslinger 1157 (ESSLINGER) - Boundary 
County: Kaniksu National Forest, Schroeder & 
Anderegg L.2104 (SCHROEDER) - Latah County: 
Moscow. Schroeder LI 157 (SCHROEDER) - Sho- 
shone County: Calder, Schroeder LI 160 
(SCHROEDER) - Montana. Glacier County: Glacier 
National Park, Imshaug 5966 (MSC) - Oregon. 
Douglas County: Leuthner 175 (US) -Grant County: 
Malheur National Forest. Schroeder & Anderegg 
L2102 (SCHROEDER) - Josephine County: Selma. 
Becking 6909108 (BECKING) - Lane County: 
Florence. Pike 1475 (CANL, DUKE) - Union 
County: Camp Elkanah, Schroeder & Anderegg 
L2109 (SCHROEDER) - Wheeler County: Ochoco 
National Forest. Schroeder & Anderegg L2I11 
(SCHROEDER) - Washington. Asotin County: 
Fields Spring State Park, Imshaug 16480 (MSC) - 
Chelan County: Wenatchee National Forest, Hoffman 
OP-26 (US) - Pend Oreille County: Newport. 
Schroeder L1065 (SCHROEDER) - Spokane County: 
Mt. Spokane State Park. Esslinger 2555 (ESSLINGER) 
- Stevens County: Colville National Forest, Schroeder 
L21I8 (SCHROEDER) - Whitman County: Kamiak 
Butte, Imshaug 16444 (MSC) - Yakima County: 
Deadhorse Hill, Howard 982 (COLO). 

Venezuela. Merida: Above La Aquada, Sierra 
Nevada de Merida, alt. ca. 3500 m. Hale 43,198 (US). 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Alectoria Ach. 61 

3. Alectoria lata (Tayl.) Linds. 

Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb. 22: 135 (1859). - Corni- 
cularia lata Tayl., Hook. Lond. J. Bot. 6: 190 
(1847); type: Mexico, ex herb. Hooker (FH holotype!). 
- Bn/opogon latus (Tayl.) Müll. Arg., Flora, Jena 
71: 130 (1888). 

Alectoria osteina Nyl., Flora, Jena 41: 378 (1858); 
type: Mexique, Pic Orizaba, 10,000 ft, Galeotti 6947 
(H-Nyl. 35983 holotype!). - Alectoria ochroleuca 
(.osteina (Nyl.)Nyl., Syn. Lieh. I: 282(1860). 

Alectoria japonica Tuck., Am. J. Arts Sei., ser. 2, 
28: 202 (1859); type: Japan, Ayan, hillsides, on dead 
pine trees, C. Wright (FH holotype!). 

Alectoria ochroleuca f. gracilis Kremp.. Verh. 
Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 18: 314 (1868); type: Mexico, 
Vulcan Toluca, 10,000 ft, C. Heller 325 (M holotype! 
ZT isotype!). 

Alectoria lata f. suhfihriltosa Gyeln., in Sato, 
J. Jap. Bot. 10: 19 (1934); type; Saghalien, Sisuka, 
on the bark of Larix dahurica var. japonica. M. Sato 
23 (not traced; no material with Prof. M. Sato 
and none located in BP). - Bryopogon latus f. 
subfibrillosus (Gyeln.) Gyeln., Feddes Repert. 38: 
249 (1935). 

Thallus caespitose to subpendent, occasionally 
prostrate and entangled, stiff, usually 5— 8(— 1 5) 
cm long; branching mainly isotomic dicho- 
tomous from the base, sometimes becoming 
anisotomic dichotomous towards the apices, 
angles between the dichotomies mainly acute, 
sometimes with short perpendicular lateral 
branches; branches usually somewhat angular, 
even to uneven in diameter, 0.5—1 ,5(— 2.0) mm 
diam.; yellow to yellowish green, sometimes 
becoming blackened in parts, especially towards 
the base, so as to assume a striately blackened 

True lateral spinules and soralia absent. 
Pseudocyphellae abundant, conspicuous, raised, 
elongate fusiform, white, mainly 0. 5-1.0 mm 
long, not bearing isidiiform spinules. 

Apothecia common, occasionally absent, 
lateral but sometimes appearing geniculate due 
to the death or disintegration of the branch 
distal to the ascocarps; excipulum thallinum 
concolourous with the thallus, incurved; disc 
concave, brown to black, 2 — 4(— 10) mm diam. 
Spores 2(-?4) per ascus, ellipsoid, with a 
hyaline epispore. becoming brown at maturity, 
simple 35 — 45 x 18-24 gm. Pycnidia not seen. 

Cortex K — or sometimes K.+ red, C— or 
sometimes C + green-black, KC + yellow, 
p D-; medulla K-, C- or slowly becoming 
yellow, KC+ red or -, PD-. Contains 
usnic and alectoronic acids, and occasionally, 
the K + red unknown referred to on p. 29. 

Ecology. On conifer branches, soil, and rocks, 
usually at high altitudes. 

Distribution. Central Mexican highlands north- 
ward along the Sierra Madre Occidental, then 
disjunct to the Cascade range in northern 
California, Oregon and Washington (Fig. 24C). 
Having seen the luxuriant and typical growth 
of this species in northern California in stands 
of Pinus jeffrey i which probably resemble 
the montane Mexican pine forests closely, it 
seems probable to us that the species occurs 
elsewhere in the California mountains in suitable 
habitats. It should be noted that the range of 
Pinus jeffreyi extends without interruption into 
northern Baja California. 

The record of this species from British 
Columbia (Räsänen 1933, Gyelnik 1935) was 
based on a fragmentary specimen in H filed 
under this name; it is most probably A. sarmen- 
tosa subsp. vexillifera (Hazelton, ad terram, 
8-10 August 1931, V. Kujala). 

Outside North America, A. lata is essentially 
a species of eastern Asia but also occurs in 
Central America in Guatemala (Huehuetenango, 
summit of Cuchumatanes Mts. above Chiantla, 
3090 m, corticole, C. W. Dodge, 13 May 
1941, herb. Dodge). A map of its known world 
distribution has been published by Hawksworth 
(1972 p. 242). The possible origin of such a 
disjunction is discussed in the general section 
Distribution, category 15. 


Alectoria lata is a well-defined species which 
may be distinguished from other yellow species 
of the genus by the more caespitose habit 
and generally abundant ascocarps. On Horse 
Mountain (California) this species has been 
seen by one of us (l.M.B.) growing with A. 
sarmentosa subsp. sarmentosa where their 
habits render them easily separable in the field. 

Specimens at the northern edge of the range 
of the species in North America tend to be 
somewhat more slender than those in the 
central parts of its range. A sterile collection 
from the Queen Charlotte Islands (Graham 
L, Newton Point, R. Taylor 126 [COLO]) 
may also belong here, but it is unusually 
long in part. 

62 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Fig. 26. Alectoria mexicana. Holotype. Scale 0. 5-1.0 mm. 

Selected specimens 

Exsiccatae. Weber. Lieh. Exs. 417: California, 
Humboldt County: summit of Horse Mountain, 
Pike & Becking (CANL). 

U.S.A. California. Del Norte County: Bear Basin, 
Tucker 6433 (MSC) - Oregon. Josephine County: 
Selma, Becking 6908108 (BECKING) - Benton 
County: Corvallis, Mary's Peak, Brodo 20952 
(CANL) - Clatsop County: Saddle Mtn. State Park, 
Pike 3817 (OSC) - Washington. Pacific County: 
South Bend, Herre s.n.. 20 Aug. 1939 (F). - Pierce 
County: Mt. Rainier National Park. Van Trump 
Peak, Howard 4428 (LAM) - Skamania County: 
Gifford PinchotNat. Forest, Pechanec 1023 (COLO)- 
Kittitas County: Stampede Pass, Thiers 35180 

Mexico. Chihuahua. San Pedro Springs, Gooding 
s.n., Jan. 1907 (F, US) - Durango. El Salto, Bell 
s.n., June 1965 (DXJKE)-Guerrero. Mt. Popocatepetl, 
Moore 4942 (US) - Mexico. Nevado di Tolucco 
(sic), Pringle s.n., 25 Sept. 1892 (FH, COLO. 
FH:Riddle) - Michoacan. Tancitaro region. Leaven- 
worth 9 (US) - Oaxaca. Cerro San Felipe, Beharre! 
s.n., 14 Aug. 1975 (CANL 55341) - Vera Cruz. 
Pic Orizaba, Galeotti 6947 (H:Nyl). 

Guatemala. Sacatepéquez. Volcan de Agua, 
Kellerman s.n,, 15 Feb. 1905 (US) - Huehuetenango, 

summit of Chucumatanes Mts., C. W. Dodge s.n., 
13 May 1941 (DODGE). 

4. Alectoria mexicana Brodo & D. Hawksw., 
sp. nov. 

Thallus subpendulus vel pendulus, 10—1 2(— 22) cm 
longus; rami plerumque e baso iso-dichotomiter 
fastigiati. praecipue in angulos obtusos divergentes, 
teretiusculi vel leviter compressi et angulares, 
aequales vel inaequales diametro, 0.5-1 .5 mm diam.; 
tota planta straminea. 

Rami laterales spiniformes veri desunt. Soralia 
aliquando producta, conspicua, alba, tuberculata, 
latiora quam rami ex quibus orientia, ad 1-1.5 mm 
diam. Pseudocyphellae copiosae, conspicuae, albae, 
depressae vel elevatae. elongato-fusiformes vel ovales, 
plerumque circa 0.5-0. 7 mm longae, rarissimo 
spinulis isidiiformibus instructae. Medulla alba, lata, 
ubique densa. 

Apothecia vulgaria, lateralia sed interdum ap- 
parenter geniculata, plerumque 3^1 mm diam., 
excipulum thallinum thallo concolor, primo in- 
curvatum sed gradatim fere exclusum, discus 
planiusculus vel convexus, brunneus vel niger. Asci 
2(-4)-spori. Ascosporae ellipsoideae, episporio 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Alectoria Ach. 63 

hyalino, gradatim brunneae, simplices, 35 — 43 .5 x 21- 
27 ;u.m. Pycnidia ignota. 

Cortex K-, C— , CK-, KC+ flavescens, PD-; 
medulla et soralia K-, C+ rubescentes, CK + 
rubescentes, KC -t- rubescentes, PD - . Thallus acidum 
usneicum et acidum olivetoricum continens. 

Holotypus: Nova Hispania. provincia Oaxacae, 
Sierra de San Felipe, in pino, alt. 10,500 ft. C. G. 
Pringle 195. 3 June 1894 (CANL 16582). Isotypi: 
NYBG.UC.W1S. Fig. 26. 

Thallus subpendent to pendent, 10— 12(— 22) cm 
long; branching mainly isotomic dichotomous 
from the base, angles between the dichotomies 
mainly obtuse, branches terete to slightly 
flattened and angular, even to uneven in 
diameter, 0.5-1. 5 mm diam.; straw yellow 

True lateral spinules absent. Soralia rare, 
conspicuous when present, white, tuberculate, 
broader than the branches on which they arise, 
to 1-1.5 mm diam. Pseudocyphellae abundant, 
conspicuous, white, depressed to elevated, 
elongate-fusiform to oval, mainly c. 0.5-0. 7 
mm long, rarely bearing isidiiform spinules. 
Medulla white, thick and dense throughout. 

Apothecia common, lateral but sometimes 
appearing geniculate (due to the death and 
disintegration of the branch distal to the 
apothecium), mainly 3—4 mm diam., excipulum 
thallinum concolourous with the thallus, at 
first incurved but tending to become excluded 
with age. disc plane to convex, brown to black. 
Asci 2(^t)-spored. Ascospores ellipsoid, with a 
hyaline epispore, brown at maturity, simple, 
35-43.5 x 21-27 /am. Pycnidia unknown. 

Cortex K -, C — , CK-, KC + yellow, PD-; 
medulla and soralia K — , C + red, CK+ red, 
KC + red, PD - , Contains usnic and olivetoric 

Ecology. On trees at high altitudes, probably 
in pine forests (2850-3500 m). 

Distribution. Known only from two localities 
■n the Central American highlands (Fig. 27), 
and possibly limited to the high altitude pine 


This previously unrecognized species, which is 
most closely related to A. vancouverensis in 
•Is chemical components, differs from that 
species in its habit, colour, ability to produce 

Fig. 27. Alectoria mexicana. Known distribution. 

soralia, and frequent apothecia. Soralia have 
only been seen in a few of the duplicates of 
Pringle 195 examined and so cannot be regarded 
as a diagnostic character for this species; 
they are probably of sporadic occurrence here 
as they are in other members of this genus. 
Studies of populations of this species in the 
field are needed before a more detailed account 
of its variability and affinities can be produced. 


Mexico. Oaxaca. Sierra de San Felipe, Pringle 195 
DUKE), S 21,157 (DUKE) - Cerro San Felipe, 
Beharrel s.n., 14 Aug. 1975 (CANL 55334, 55342, 

Guatemala. Totonicapân. Santa Maria Tecum, 
30 km from Totonicapân, C. W. Dodge 11551 

5. Alectoria nigricans (Ach.) Ny I . 

Lieh. Scand.: 71 (1861). - Cornicularia ochroleuca 
ß. nigricans Ach., Lieh. Univ.: 615 (1810); type: 
Lapponia (H-Ach. lectotype!). 

Alectoria boryana Del., in Th. Fr., Nova Acta 
Reg. Soc. Sei. Upsal., Ser. 3, 3: 28 (1860) 
[Reprint]; type; Newfoundland, 18278, Despréaux, 
ex herb. Delise (BM lectotype! FH isolectotypel); 
nom. inval. (Art. 34). 

For further synonyms see Flawksworth (1972 p. 
224). Alectoria arctica Elenk. & Saviez (Acta Florti 
Petrop. 32: 73, 1912) was tentatively placed as a 

64 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

synonym of A. nigricans by Hawksworth (1972 p. 
224) on the basis of the original description and 
illustration. We examined the holotype in 1975 
(Novaya Zemlya, simus Krestovaja, in terra inter 
alios lichenes. J. V. Palikin, 1901 [LE]) and con- 
cluded that it is a species of Evernia. Its medulla 
is more-or-less dense throughout, and the cortex 
is scarcely differentiated; TLC of a fragment showed 
it to contain usnic and what appears to be divaricatic 
acid. We are thus in agreement with Lynge (1928), 
who transferred the species into Evernia (as E. 
arctica (Elenk. & Saviez) Lynge), and Llano (1951), 
who, because E. arctica is a later homonym of 
E. arctica (Hook.) Tuck. ( =Dactylina arctica 
(Hook.) Nyl.), created the new name, Evernia 
perfragilis Llano, for the taxon. 

Thallus erect, sometimes becoming decumbent 
to prostrate (in f. subchatybeiformis Räs.), 
usually 3-8 cm tall; branching anisotomic 
dichotomous from the base, often appearing sub- 
monopodial towards the apices; angles between 
the dichotomies variable but usually mainly 
acute; branches terete at first but becoming 
compressed and sometimes slightly foveolate 
towards the base, to 2.5 mm diam.; thallus 
dull, rarely shining in parts, mottled grey- 
fuscous to black or entirely black, often pale 
brown or pinkish below, discolouring herbarium 
paper reddish after about 10 years; dying 
from the base. 

True lateral spinules absent. Soralia (f. 
sorediata Dahl) unknown in North America. 
Pseudocyphellae abundant, conspicuous, 
usually slightly raised, fusiform to fissurai, 
mainly 0. 5-1.0 mm long. 

Apothecia infrequent (most commonly seen 
on corticolous specimens), lateral but sometimes 
appearing geniculate; excipulum thallinum thin, 
concolourous with the thallus, becoming ex- 
cluded; disc concave at first, becoming plane 
and then convex with age, yellowish brown to 
pale reddish brown, ( 1 .0—) 1 .5— 4.0(— 9.0) mm 
diam.; thecium 80-90 pm tall. Spores 2(— 4) 
per ascus, ellipsoid, hyaline at first but becoming 
reddish brown when mature, with an hyaline 
epispore, simple, (21-)30— 39(-4 1 ) x (12-)20-23 
Aim. Pycnidia not seen. 

Cortex and medulla K faintly + yellowish 
(rarely K+ red), C + rose-red, KC + red, 
PD+ yellowish. Contains alectorialic acid, 
usually traces of barbatolic acid, and some- 
times an unidentified K+ red (PD-) substance. 

Ecology. On rocks and soil, frequently calcar- 
eous, and over ground vegetation; often also 

on the low branches of spruce or fir trees. 
In highly exposed habitats, this lichen is often 
restricted to cracks and spaces between rock 

Distribution. Circumpolar arctic-alpine to 
northern boreal, especially common in the 
Ungava Peninsula (Fig. 28). It is apparently 
rare in the Rocky Mountains, and more common 
in the Coast Range. A. nigricans has a classical 
bipolar distribution (see Hawksworth 1972 p. 
227 for a map of its world distribution). 


The identification of this frequently abundant 
species generally presents few problems. 
Particularly dark specimens have sometimes 
been confused with Bryoria chalybeiformis 
or B. nitidula in herbaria but these can be 
readily separated on the basis of chemical 

The frequent occurrence in the genus Alec- 
toria of a K + red, C+ green-black substance 
in the dying basal portions of the thallus has 
already been referred to in the general section 
on Chemistry. In one specimen from South- 
ampton Island (Parker SP-70-14 [CANL]). how- 
ever, the whole thallus contained this substance. 
The thallus of this specimen was also shiny 
rather than dull and more divergently branched 
than is usual of this species. Having seen 
only a single specimen of this chemotype. 
we have been unable to make a reliable 
assessment of its taxonomic importance. 

Despite the very broad world distribution 
of this species, apothecia are only known 
from North American specimens. Apothecia are 
especially frequent in the eastern part of the 
species' range. 

Selected specimens 

Canada. British Columbia. Chilkat River Basin: 
Haines Road, mile 60, Szczawinski 1259/5 (US) - 
Coast District: Terrace, Ohlsson 2817 (CANL) - 
Fraser River Basin: Wells Gray Provincial Park. 
Ahti 14278 (H) - Islands North District: Moresby 
Island: Takakia Lake, Brodo 10967 (CANL) - Koo- 
tenay River Basin: Gold Range, Macoun 4, Aug. 1889 
(CANL)- Skeena River Basin: E of Hazelton, Ohlsson 
2986 (MSC) - Alberta . Banff National Park. Silvertip 
Mountain, Lamb 6444 (MSC) - Manitoba. Churchill, J. 
W. Thomson 3712 (CANL, DUKE) -Ontario. Kenora 
District: Cape Henrietta Maria, Ahti 4995 (H) - Fort 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

A le et or ia Ac h. 65 


1 ‘"■ysA/’l y r 

T^— s 

Rg. 28 . Alectoria nigricans. N. American distribution. 

Severn, Ahti 4220 (H) - Pen Island, Kershaw s.n. 
(CANL 36003) - Quebec. Cte Gaspe-Ouest: Parc de 
Gaspesie, Mont Albert. Brodo 18537 (CANL) - 
Territoire de la Baie de James: Goose Bay. Kucyniak 
& Tuomikoski 361 (CANL) - Territoire de Mistassini: 
Otish Mountains, Moni du Lagopède, Shchepanek 
' l-L-50 (CANL) - Nova Scotia. Victoria County: 
Tape Breton Highlands National Park. Scotter 6280 
TH) - Newfoundland. Labrador South District: Battle 
Harbor, Waghom s.n., 25 Aug. 1891 (NYBG). 
iSee also Ahti & Hawksworth 1974.) - Yukon. 
British Mountains. Trout Lake, J. W. Thomson & 
Larsen 14756 (p.p.) (WIS) - Northwest Territories. 

* ' Opera Botanica nr 42 

District of Franklin: Baffin Island: Barnes Ice Cap, 
Haie 480 (CANL) - District of Keewatin: Coral 
Harbor, Southampton Island, Weber S 23,628 
(CANL, COLO, NYBG) - Mackenzie District: 
Artillery Lake, J. W. Thomson & Larsen 1 1334 (WIS). 

U. S. A. Alaska. Aleutian Islands: Agattu Island, 
Townsend 78 (US) - Unalaska. Setchell s.n., 1899. 
June-Aug. (FH) - Alaska Range District: Mt. 
McKinley National Park, Mt. Eielson, Weber & 
Viereck S7084 (CANL, COLO, DUKE, US, FH) - 
Bering Sea District: St. George Island. J. M. Macoun 
38 (CANL) - St. Lawrence Island, Geist s.n., 
1933 (US) - St. Paul Island, J. M. Macoun 39 

66 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

(CANL) - Eastern Pacific Coast District: Mt. Juneau, 
Imshaug 28714 (MSC) - Colorado. Summit County: 
North Star Mountain. Weber 6531 (COLO) - New 
Mexico. Otero County: Sierra Blanca Peak, 
Sacramento Mountains, Egan El-1560 (MSC) - 
Washington. Clallam County: Olympic National Park, 
Obstruction Peak, Brodo 14409 (CANL) - Jefferson 
County: Moose Lake Trail, Imshaug 17588 (WIS) - 
Pierce County: Mt, Rainier National Park, Burroughs 
Mountain, Imshaug 17354 (MSC). 

6. Alectoria ochroleuca (Hoffm.) Massai. 

Sched. Crit. Lieh, Ital . : 47 (1855). - Usnea ochroleuca 
Hoffm., Descr. Adumbr. PI. Lieh. 2(1): 7 (1791); 
type: Funck, Crypt. Gew. Ficht, no. 420 (MW-Hoffm. 
8562 neotype!). 

For a detailed treatment of the nomenclature 
of this epithet see Laundon (1970) and for further 
synonyms see Hawksworth (1972 p.p. 231-233). 

Thallus erect, usually 5— 8(— 12) cm tall or, 
less frequently, decumbent; branching aniso- 
tomic dichotomous appearing submonopodial 
and of the Cladina type, apices often falcate 
and drooping; branches terete, often straight, 
even to uneven in diameter, sometimes be- 
coming compressed towards the base, usually 
0. 5-2.0 mm diam.; yellow to yellowish green, 
the apices often becoming striately blackened 
and the blackening sometimes extending down 
the main stems; dying from the base. 

True lateral spinules absent. Spinules rarely 
arising from old pseudocyphellae. Soralia 
absent. Pseudocyphellae abundant, con- 
spicuous, raised, elongate fusiform to ovoid, 
white, mainly about I mm long. 

Apothecia occasional, sometimes abundant, 
lateral, sometimes appearing geniculate; ex- 
cipulum thallinum concolourous with the thallus, 
thick, often incurved and persistent; disc 
usually plane to concave, rarely becoming 
convex, orange-yellow to reddish brown or 
black, 3-6 mm diam. Spores 2(— 4) per ascus, 
ellipsoid, with a hyaline epispore, becoming 
dark brown when mature, simple, (26— >28—35 
(-42) x ( 1 2—) 1 6— 22(— 28 ) /am. Pycnidia occasional, 
apical or subapical, minute, black and shining, 
to 0. 15 mm diam.; conidia 7-8 x 0.8 gm. 

Cortex K- (sometimes K + reddish at the 
base), C— , KC + yellow, PD—; medulla K— , 
C — , PD — , KC — , CK + yellow-orange; rarely 
KC + red, CK-; or very rarely KC-, CK-. 
Contains diffractaic or alectoronic acid, and 
usnic acid and sometimes an unidentified K + 

reddish substance in the base. The diffractaic 
race (med. KC-, CK+ yellow-orange) is 
much more widespread than the alectoronic 
race (KC+ red, CK— ). Acid deficient 
specimens are also known (KC-, CK-) but 
are extremely rare. 

Ecology. On dry, or less frequently, wet 
tundra soil; characteristically found on or 
between non-calcareous or calcareous rock 
fragments on talus and fel-fields. It is infre- 
quently found on the lower branches of spruce 
or willow in the northern subarctic region. 

Distribution. Arctic to northern boreal, with 
scattered alpine localities in the western 
Canadian mountains, and in Quebec's Gaspé 
Peninsula (Fig. 29). It appears again in the 
very high Mexican ranges, the Andes of South 
America, and Tierra del Fuego. In view of 
their isolation it is interesting that the Mexican 
populations tend to contain alectoronic rather 
than diffractaic acid. The plants that we ana- 
lyzed from Tierra del Fuego, on the other 
hand, contained diffractaic acid. A. ochroleuca 
is much more widespread in North America 
than is Bryoria nitidula, being fairly common 
in the northern boreal zone, especially on 
exposed, alpine-like ridges. In fact, it is the 
most widespread North American Alectoria. 
This species is widely distributed in other 
parts of the world as well (e.g., all the European 
mountain ranges, Japan, China, India, Nepal, 
New Zealand) although it is not very common 
in the British Isles (Hawksworth 1972). 


Several collections from the Mexican highlands 
referred to this species were unusually slender 
and delicate and provided a strong KC + red 
medullary reaction (shown to be due to 
alectoronic acid by TLC). It is possible that 
such plants belong to the taxon termed var. 
variegata (Samp.) Zahlbr. (syn. Bryopogon 
guatemalensis Gyeln.) by Hawksworth & Moore 
(1969). In many cases, it proved difficult to 
distinguish this morphotype from slender, 
terricolous specimens of A. lata. A rare 
alectoronic acid race with a typical morphology 
is also present in the American arctic (e.g., 
Aleutian Islands, Alaska; Churchill, Manitoba). 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Alectoria Ach. 67 

Pig. 29. Alectoria ochroleuca. Central and N . American distribution. 

68 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Specimens with alectoronic acid were also seen 
from Uruguay and Venezuela. 

In general the North American material of 
this species contains diffractaic acid as does 
all European and Asian material so far ex- 
amined. It can thus be distinguished from 
rather similar morphotypes of A. sarmentosa 
subsp. vexillifera lacking alectoronic acid 
(medulla KC-) by TLC (and also the CK.+ 
test noted under Spot tests in the general 
section Chemistry ). 

The neotype in the Hoffmann herbarium 
has a typical erect habit and apparently 
contains only diffractaic and usnic acids as 
determined by TLC (although we were unable 
to demonstrate good diffractaic crystals in GE 

Motyka’s (1964) reference to the occurrence 
of a sorediate morphotype of A. ochroleuca 
in North America (treated as “f. sorediosa 
Lynge”) appears to be erroneous; Lynge’s 
epithet belongs to A. sarmentosa, as pointed 
out by Hawksworth (1972 p. 240). 

Selected specimens 

Exsiccatae. Merrill, Lieh. Exs. Ser. 11, 106: Alaska. 
Cantwell, Palmer (ALA, BM, COLO, DUKE, F, 
MSC, NYBG, US, W1S) - Thomson: Lieh. Arct. 
59: N.W.T., District of Keewatin: Rossby Lake. 
J. W. Thomson (CANL, COLO, DUKE, LAM. 
MSC) - Thomson: Lieh. Arct. 90: N.W.T., District 
of Mackenzie: Artillery Lake, J. W. Thomson & 
Larsen (CANL, COLO, DUKE) - Weber: Lieh. 
Exs. 220: N.W.T., District of Mackenzie: Mackenzie 
Mts., O'Grady Lake, Cody 16815 (BM, CANL, 

Canada. British Columbia. Chilkat River Basin: 
Mile 77, Haines Road, Szczawinski 28/62 (US) - 
Coast District: Mt. Walker, E of Bella Coola. 
Ohlsson 2240 (CANL) - Fraser River Basin: Wells 
Gray Provincial Park, Battle Mountain, Ahti 14277 
(H) - Liard River Basin: Summit pass, Alaska 
Highway, Szczawinski 177/1 (US) - Skeena Rivet- 
Basin: E of Hazelton on Nine Mile Mountain, Ohlsson 
2979 (CANL) - Yukon River Basin: Altin Lake Re- 
gion. Anderson 925 (MSC) - Alberta. Banff National 
Park. Snow Creek Pass, Weber S23.486 (COLO. 
CANL, FH, DUKE) - Manitoba. Fort Churchill, 
J. W. Thomson 3589 (CANL) — Ontario. Kenora 
District: Cape Henrietta Maria, Courtin 7 (CANL) - 
Quebec. Clé Gaspé-Nord: Mont Jacques-Cartier, 
Gauthier 2578 (CANL) - Territoire du Nouveau 
Québec: Gérin Mountain, Viereck 702 (BM, ALA, 
CANL, COLO, DUKE) - Newfoundland. St. Barbe 
North District: Highlands of St. John, Femald 2271 
(FH, US) - Labrador North District: Crater Lake 
vicinity, Gillett 8765 (CANL) - Labrador South 

District: Battle Harbor, Waghome s.n., 25 Aug. 
1891 (NYBG) - Yukon. Stewart Plateau, Porsild 
5B (CANL) - Northwest Territories. Mackenzie 
District: Vicinity of Lake-on-the-Mountain, Thieret & 
Reich 5910 (CANL, FH, NYBG, W1S, US) - 
Keewatin District: Parsons Lake, J. W. Thomson & 
Larsen 5933 (COLO. US) - Franklin District: 
Strathcona Sound, Admiralty Inlet, Soper 381 (CANL. 

U. S. A. Alaska. Aleutian Islands: Amchitka Island. 
Reich & McCann 60 (F, CANL. WIS) - Amlia 
Island, Eyerdam s.n., 10 July 1932 (NYBG) - Attu 
Island, Hardy 14 (COLO) - Kiska Island. McCarthy 
& Kellas 5 (CANL) - Unalaska, Bean 3 (US) - 
Alaska Range District: Mt. McKinley National Park. 
Mt. Eielson, Weber S7061 (ALA, BM. CANL, COLO. 

Mexico. Mexico. Nevado de Toluca, Kiener 30894 
(WIS, MIN, COLO) - Volcan de Toluca, litis 
3127 (WIS) - Puebla. Mt. Popocatepetl, Kiener 18585 
(WIS, COLO, MIN) - Vera Cruz. Orizaba, J. G. 
Smith 1? (US, MIN). 

7a. Alectoria sarmentosa (Ach.) Ach. subsp. 

Lieh. Univ.: 595 (1810). - Lichen sarmentosus 
Ach., K. Vet. Acad. Handl. 16: 212 (1795); type: 
Suecia (H-Ach.. upper specimen, lectotype!). 

Alectoria luteola Mont, ex de Not., Giorn. Bot. 
ltal. 1: 206 (1846); type: Newfoundland, 1828. 
Depréaux, herb. Montagne ex herb. Delise (RO 
lectotype! FH isotype!). 

Alectoria subsarmentosa Stirt . , Trans. Proc. Bot. 
Soc. F.dinb. 14: 358 (1883); type: Newfoundland, 
trom rocks near Brigus, A. Gray, August 1878 
(E holotype! BM isotype!). 

Alectoria sarmentosa var. gigantea Räs., Ann. 
Missouri Bot. Gard. 20: 10 (1933); type: British 
Columbia. Longworth, ad corticem Thuja occiden- 
talis, V. Kujala, September 1931 (H holotype! H 
two isotypes !). 

Alectoria sarmentosa var. hypocyphellata Gyeln., 
Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung. 28: 283 (1934); type: Oregon, 
Crater Lake, on limbs [of trees], F. P. Sipe 680, 
August 1930, (ORE lectotype!); nom. inval. (Art. 32). - 
Eualectoria sarmentosa var. hypocyphellata Gyeln.. 
Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung. 28: 283 (1934); nom. inval. 
(Arts. 32, 34). 

Alectoria sarmentosa var. alaskana Mot., in Krog. 
Norsk Polarinst. Skr. 144: 138 (1968); type: Alaska, 
Eastern Pacific Coast District, Sitka. Harbour Mt.. 
H. Krog 6255, 31 August 1957 (O lectotype!); nom- 
inval. (Arts. 32, 36, 37). 

Alectoria sarmentosa var. brevior Mot., in Krog. 
Norsk Polarinst. Skr. 144: 139 (1968); type: Alaska. 
Eastern Pacific Coast District, Ketchikan, Deer 
Mt., H. Krog 6263, 3 September 1957 (O lectotype!): 
nom. inval. (Arts. 32, 36, 37). 

Alectoria sarmentosa var. macra Mot., in Krog. 
Norsk Polarinst. Skr. 144: 139 (1968); type: Alaska, 
Eastern Pacific Coast District, Juneau, Loops Road. 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Alectoria Ach. 69 

H. Krog 5565, 24 August 1957 (O lectotype!); nom. 
inval. (Arts. 32, 36, 37). 

Alectoria stigmata Bystr., Frag. Flor. Geobot. 
22: 255 (1973); type: Alaska, Central Pacific Coast 
District. Kenai Peninsula, Creek Ridge, H. Krog 
s n., 28 May 1957 (LBL holotype!). 

For further synonyms see Hawksworth (1972 p.p. 

Thallus pendent, flaccid except at the base, 
commonly 20^)0 cm long, exceptionally to 
80 cm; branching mainly isotomic dichotomous, 
frequent from the base, angles between the 
dichotomies variable, acute or obtuse, often 
rounded; branches terete often becoming com- 
pressed and angular to foveolate towards the 
base and at the axils, 0.5— 2.0(— 2.5 ) mm diam.; 
greenish grey to bright golden yellow, some- 
times becoming striately blackened in parts; 
base of the thallus persistent. 

Lateral spinules absent. Soralia irregularly 
tuberculate, rare in North American material 
(see Discussion). Pseudocyphellae abundant, 
conspicuous, raised, elongate fusiform to ovoid 
and tuberculate, clearly delimited, white, usually 
c. 1 mm long. 

Apothecia often abundant (especially in the 
w est), lateral; excipulum thallinum con- 
colourous with the thallus, usually persistent; 
disc orange-yellow to dark brown or black, 
2 -3(-5) mm diam. Spores 2-3 H 0 per ascus, 
dlipsoid, with a hyaline epispore, becoming 
dark brown at maturity, simple, 23— 35(— 48) x 
(12-)15_20(-25) (im. Pycnidia sometimes 
frequent, mainly apical, to c. 2.0 mm diam., 
black and shining; conidia not seen. 

Cortex K -, C — , KC + yellow, PD - (some- 
times K+ red, C + green-black near the 
base); medulla K- (rarely K+ yellow), C— or 
slowly becoming yellow, KC+ red or -, 
TK— , PD— (rarely PD + yellow). Contains 
hsnic acid, ± alectoronic acid, rarely thamnolic, 
[squamatic,] or barbatic acids, and occasionally 
an unidentified K+ red, C+ green-black sub- 

Ecology. On a variety of trees, but especially 
conifers, in Picea-Tsuga heterophylla forests. 
Most collections are from Picea (especially 
T. sitchensis ), Tsuga heterophylla, Abies spp., 
Pseudotsuga menziesii, and Pinus contorta. 
Rarely, collections are made from the ground 
0r rocks. The species grows most luxuriantly 
along the edges, or in glades, of the tall, 
tfoist, lowland forests along the west coast. 

In Wells Gray Park, British Columbia, A. 
sarmentosa was found to be largely confined 
to lower tree branches within 30 feet of the 
ground, apparently requiring more moderate 
levels of light, moisture, and temperature than 
the brown species (Edwards et al. 1960). 

Distribution. Mainly along the west and east 
coasts in humid coniferous forests (Fig. 30). 
Its close association with the more mesic 
western hemlock forests both along the coast 
and in the Rocky and Selkirk Mountains, 
avoiding the drier inter-montane regions, is 
apparent in the distribution map. Ahti (1964) 
suggests that, rather than lower humidity, the 
colder winters of the interior (e.g., northern 
Ontario) may be a critical factor in largely 
restricting it to the coasts. In the Appalachian 
mountains, A. sarmentosa is replaced by its 
vicariad. A. fallacina. The arctic localities may 
be based on unusually slender forms of subsp. 
vexillifera; the two taxa intergrade to some 
extent (see Discussion under the latter). 

The alectoronic acid-deficient race can be 
found scattered throughout the range of the 
species and appears to be of no taxonomic 
importance, although its particularly high 
frequency in Newfoundland should be noted 
(Ahti & Hawksworth 1974). The world distri- 
bution of this circumboreal species has been 
mapped by Hawksworth (1972 p. 242). Poelt 
(1969) reports that it is common in the boreal 
and subalpine forests in mountainous regions of 
northern, southern and central Europe. Al- 
though A. lata appears to replace/!, sarmentosa 
in Japan (loc. cit.) the two species grow side 
by side in the montane Jeffrey pine forests 
of northern California. 


Specimens of this subspecies containing 
abundant quantities of thamnolic acid in addition 
to alectoronic acid, were seen from California. 
These specimens were often robust, having a 
dense medulla very much like that of A. 
vancouverensis. Less robust specimens with 
small amounts of thamnolic acid were also 
seen from this area and from the Queen 
Charlotte Islands. We regard these collections 
as representing only a chemical race of A. 
sarmentosa, although further collecting and 

70 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Alectoria Ach. 71 

more careful study may result in a réévaluation 
of their taxonomy. 

A reading of the descriptions of A. imshaugii, 
A. vancouverensis, and A. sarmentosa will 
reveal the immense complexity of the morpho- 
logical and chemical variation in this species 
group, especially along the west coast, and in 
Particular, in California. No explanation for 
this complexity can be offered at this time. 
One simply must accept the fact that the 
variation exists and hope that closer attention 
to the Alectoriae of California will clarify the 

While the distinctiveness of these three 
taxa, at some taxonomic level, can hardly be 
questioned, one must grapple with the un- 
deniable fact that clear morphological and 
chemical intermediates exist between all pos- 
sible combinations of them. There is even 
one excellent specimen (Tavares 371) which 
combines the chemical characters and many 
of the morphological features of all three taxa 
(see also Discussion under A. vancouverensis). 
If one may put aside for the moment the 
Possibility that the variation might be produced 
by environmental factors (since no obvious 
ecological or distributional correlations were 
apparent), one is left with two possible expla- 
nations: (a) the enzyme systems leading to the 
production of lichen substances in the genus 
Alectoria are somewhat plastic, and that a 
certain amount of variation should be expected 
*n all the taxa, and (b) that some sort of genetic 
recombination or "hybridization” is occurring 
among the taxa. 

If we were dealing with possibility “a”, 
We would expect a certain amount of chemical 
Variation in plants showing little or no morpho- 
logical intermediacy. Such might be the case 
f°r the many “typical” A. sarmentosa speci- 
me ns found to contain traces or large amounts 
°( thamnolic acid in addition to alectoronic 
a cid. It should be noted that these thamnolic- 
ulectoronic-containing A. sarmentosa plants 
can be found over a very large range: from 
l be Queen Charlotte Islands to central Cali- 
fornia. As stated previously (see p. 28), the 

ability for squamatic acid production has been 
well-documented in A. sarmentosa (although 
not the North American specimens). The 
occasional appearance of the corresponding 
meta-depside, thamnolic acid, would therefore 
not be altogether surprising and probably has 
nothing to do with the presence of this sub- 
stance in A. imshaugii. 

On the other hand, the very complex com- 
bination of chemical and morphological char- 
acters, especially in central and northern Cali- 
fornia where all three taxa converge in the 
same forests, can best be explained by pos- 
tulating some kind of genetic exchanges (i.e., 
possibility “b"). The genetic exchanges may 
be occurring through sexual mechanisms as 
species in the genus Alectoria are frequently 
fertile. Kristinsson (1969) suggested such an 
explanation for the morphological and chemical 
variation in Cetraria islandica s. lat. in Iceland. 
In that case, one is dealing with a simpler 
system: the presence or absence of a single 
chemical substance and correlating morpho- 
logical features. Even in the absence of sexual 
reproductive bodies, however, it is possible to 
have genetic exchange in certain non-lichenized 
fungi by parasexual mechanisms such as 
somatic heterokaryon formation. It may be 
that under environmental stress, there is more 
of a tendency for such a phenomenon to 

Perhaps it is significant that northern Cali- 
fornia is close to the distributional limits for 
all three Alectoria species while at the same 
time, they grow close together. 

A true heterokaryon, moreover, although 
haploid, might produce a phenotypic expression 
of both parents, acting almost like a hétéro- 
zygotie diploid. Thus, while an exchange of 
characters might best be explained by sexual 
reproduction and crossing-over, the addition 
of certain chemical or morphological characters 
might suggest heterokaryosis. C. Culberson & 
Hale (1973) found that they could account 
for the occurrence of compounds in addition 
to the compounds found in one parental species 
by postulating a hybridization which involved 

("'g- 30. N. American distribution. -A: Alectoria sarmentosa subsp. sarmentosa, KC+ red chemotype. - B: AT. 
sarmentosa subsp. sarmentosa, KC- chemotype. • A. sarmentosa subsp. vexiUifera. O A. sarmentosa, 
s °rediate morphotype. 

72 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

a partial exchange of enzyme systems such 
that new compounds were formed. It would 
be extremely interesting to see a detailed 
analysis of the chemical, morphological, and 
geographical correlations of this complex similar 
to that of Culberson & Hale for Parmelia 
sect. Hypotrachyna. 

There is, however, another possible mecha- 
nism for the addition of chemical constituents. 
Henssen & Jahns (1973 p. 221) recently sug- 
gested the possibility that two closely related 
mycobionts might grow together and form 
a single lichen thallus, sharing the phycobiont. 
Presumably, such a chimera would produce 
the chemical products of both mycobiont races. 
This is an attractive hypothesis and deserves 
considerable attention. As discussed in the 
section Taxonomic concepts: Species, any 
possible role of the phycobiont is difficult 
to assess at the present time. 

How to deal with this variation taxonom- 
ically is another problem. Kristinsson (1969) 
concluded, in agreement with Imshaug (1957), 
that perhaps using the rank of subspecies for 
C. er ice tor am was the most realistic solution 
to the C. ishindica problem. We decided, 
however, to regard A. vancouverensis, A. 
imshaugii. and A. sarmentosa all as equivalent 
species, at least for the present. A. vancouveren- 
sis maintains its distinctiveness more than 
90 % of the time even in areas where it grows 
very closely associated with A. sarmentosa: 
in the field, we have had no difficulty in 
distinguishing one from another. A. imshaugii 
has such a remarkably distinct morphology 
it would be clearly incorrect to consider it 
merely as a subspecies. At first we were 
tempted to recognize the Tavares specimen 
(see Discussion under A. vancouverensis) as 
nomenclaturally distinct, but, in the final 
analysis, we decided to consider it as just 
another strange variation of A. vancouverensis . 

The variability in the morphology of A. 
sarmentosa has led to the recognition of 
numerous infraspecific taxa by Motyka (in Krog 
1968). We have examined Krog’s collections 
studied by Motyka and feel these are of little 
or no taxonomic importance since inter- 
gradations between all of them occur. Motyka’s 
names are typified here by the packets which 
he annotated "typus varietas”, etc. Two 
collections (Krog 2212 and 6255) were labelled 

as the type of alaskana by Motyka; the 
latter is designated as lectotype here as it is 
larger and better developed. 

Alectoria stigmata Bystr. is another species 
based on one of Krog's specimens from Alaska 
which we feel should be placed into synonymy 
with A. sarmentosa subsp. sarmentosa. The 
holotype, a portion of which was generously 
sent to us by Dr. Bystrek, appears to be a 
broadly pseudocyphellate morphotype; it 
contains usnic and alectoronic acids. 

An abundantly sorediate morphotype of this 
species, var. sorediosa (Läng ex Ras.) DR. 
(see Hawksworth 1972 p. 240), occurs rarely 
in North America (Fig. 30 B) as it does in 
Europe (Ahlner 1948). It seems to be of rela- 
tively minor taxonomic importance. 

Selected specimens (KC +, C —) 

Exsiccatae. Brodo: Lieh. Can. Exs. 1: British 
Columbia. S of Princeton, Brodo 8508 (CANL) - 
Hale: Lieh. Amer. Exs. 126: Oregon, Lane County: 
Willamette National Forests, Shushan sl-1876 
(CANL, WIS) - Lojka: Lieh. Univers. 218: Insula 
Miquelon. Delamare (H) - Merrill: Lieh. Exs., Ser. 
L 13: Idaho, (no locality mentioned). Tower 1902 
(BM [KC-], CANL, DUKE, NYBG. US) - Rel. 
Tuck. 4: Oregon (no locality), E. Hall (DUKE, F, 
FH, LAM, NYBG) - Univ. California: Lieh. Oregon 
1126: Oregon, Linn County: Tombstone Pass, 
Tavares & Chisaki 125 (BM . COLO, DUKE, F, MSC, 
US) - Weber: Lieh. Exs. 132: California, Humboldt 
County: Hoopa. Weber (CANL, COLO, DUKE, US). 

Canada. British Columbia. Coastal District: Burke 
Channel in Crayden Bay, Ohlsson 2034 (MSC. 
CANL) - Columbia River Basin: Revelstoke, Shaw 
851 (NYBG, US). Deen River Basin: Tweedsmuir 
Provincial Park, Ohlsson 2207 (CANL) - Fraser 
River Basin: Blue River, Brodo 15792 (CANL) - 
Islands North District: Graham Island: Boulton Lake, 
Brodo 9954 (CANL) - Islands South District: Tofino, 
Ohlsson 1080-A (MSC) - Kootenay River Basin: 
Glacier National Park. Ohlsson 310 (MSC) - 
Okanagan District: Rock Creek, Brodo 15127 
(CANL) - Skagit River Basin: Manning Provincial 
Park, Bird 15417 (CANL) - Skeena River Basin: 
W of New Hazelton. Ohlsson 2893A (CANL) - 
Alberta. Oldman River Watershed. Waterton 
Lakes National Park. Bird 16925 (CANL) - Quebec. 
Cté Gaspé-Nord: Mont Albert Nord, Gauthier 2640 
(CANL)- Parc des Laurentides: Junction of Highway 
54A and 54 B. Scotter 6872B (H) - Territoire de 
Mistassini: Otish Mountains on Mont du Lagopède. 
Shchepanek 7I-L-17 (CANL) -Territoire du Nouveau 
Quebec: Poste-de-la-Baleine, Brisson & Forest 20485 
(CANL) - Schefferville. Brodo 9239 (CANL) - 
Netv Brunswick. Albert County: Fundy National 
Park, Ireland 10979B (CANL) - Charlotte County: 
Campobello, collector unknown, July 1902 (FH) - 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Alectoria Ach. 73 

Nova Scotia. Inverness County: French Mountain, 
Brodo 19002 (CANL) - Victoria County: St. Paul Is- 
land. Erskine 53C2402 (CANL) - Prince Edward Is- 
land. Prince County: Richmond, Ireland 10297D 
(CANL) - Newfoundland. Labrador North District: 
Goose Bay. Judd GB-52 (CANL) - Labrador South 
District: Backway, Tanner s.n., 5 July 1937 (H). (See 
also Ahti & Hawksworth 1974.) - Northwest Terri- 
tories. District of Keewatin: Coral Harbor, Southamp- 
ton Island, Brown 33 (CANL). 

O.S.A. Alaska. Aleutian Islands: Nazan Bay, 
Atka, Van Dyke 232 (FH) - Amchitka Island, 
Reich 201 (CANL) - Salteny Cove, US Bureau 
Soils Kelps Expedition s.n. (F) - Eastern Pacific 
Coast District: Juneau, Auke Lake, Imshaug 28505 
(MSC) - Central Pacific Coast District: Evans 
Island, Port San Juan, Eyerdam 560 (LAM, ALA) - 
California. Humboldt County: Horse Mountain, Brodo 
-0515 (CANL) - San Bernardino County: San 
Bernardino Mountains, Arrowhead Lake. Bonnie & 
Templeton s.n., 29 Dec. 1929 (LAM) - Siskiyou 
County: Sissou, region of the Upper Sacramento. 
Howe 139 (NYBG) - Colorado. County unknown: 
Justin s.n., no date (FH) - Idaho. Idaho County: 
Sei way Falls, Selway River, Imshaug 16408 (CANL, 
MSC) - Maine. Washington County: Head Harbor. 
Norton s.n., 3 May 1921 (FH) - Piscataquis County: 
"JL Katahdin, Degelius s.n.. 31 Aug. 1939 

(DEGELIUS) - Montana. Glacier County: Avaleneh 
Lake, Glacier National Park, Mains 6036 (FH) - 
Nevada. Humboldt County: Paradise Valley, Britton 
* n., 10 Aug. 1904 (FH) - New Hampshire. Coos 
County: Mt. Washington, Merrill s.n.. Sept. 1904 
(CANL, FH) - Oregon. Deschutes County: Doris 
Lake in the Deschutes National Forest, Pike L-390 
'DSC) - Washington. Clallam County: Hurricane 
R'dge, Olympic National Park. Brodo 13213 (CANL). 

Selected specimens (KC-) 

Canada. British Columbia. Columbia River Basin: 
r\, irit Mountains near Emerald Lake, Petersen 65 
(NYBG)-Dean River Basin: Young Creek, Tweeds- 
a>uir Provincial Park. Ohlsson 1899 (MSC) - Fraser 
Biver Basin: Wells Gray Provincial Park, Battle 
7*ountain, Ahti 6529 (H) - Islands North District: 
Graham Island: Dinan Bay, Brodo 18387 (CANL) - 
Hands South District: Vancouver Island: Mount 
Arrowsmith, Shchepanek 312A (CANL) - Kootenay 
■strict: East Kootenny (sic) (Kootenay), from Fort 
ol ville to Rocky Mountains, Lyall s.n., 1861 (FH) - 
- keena River Basin: Dorren (sic) (Dorreen), Kujala 
I' n -' Aug. 1931 (H) - Nova Scotia. Annapolis 
l °unty: Albany Crossing, Darrow s.n., 30 Aug. 
v, (LAM) - Newfoundland. Lewisporte District: 
1 ;° tr e Dame Bay, Pyke Island, Riewe P-50 (CANL, 

IY*n’^"^' /4 ^ as ^“- Eastern Pacific Coast District: 

ah Island, Augustine Bay, Foster s.n., 7 July 
I .B (LAM) - Central Pacific Coast District: Evans 
j-. and, Prince William Sound, Eyerdam 560 (F) - 
ahfornia. County unknown: Sacramento Canyon, 
i n ea c r . Sima, Sisson (collector? or “Sissou”, locality 
■Siskiyou County), July 1902 (F) - Idaho. Idaho 

County: Selway Falls, Imshaug 16408 (CANL) - 
Oregon. County unknown: Cascade Mountains, Hogg 
Pass, Britton s.n., 19June 1952 (LAM)- Washington. 
Clallam County: Olympic National Park, Hurricane 
Trail, Herre 5171 (F). 

Specimens ( sorediate morphotype) 

Canada. Nova Scotia. Victoria county: Cape Breton 
Highlands National Park, Scotter6212B (H). 

U.S.A. Alaska. Eastern Pacific Coast District: 
Windham Bay, Culbertson 118 (F, FH) - Aleutian 
Islands: Amlia Island, Eyerdam s.n., 10 July 1932 

7b. Alectoria sarmentosa subsp. vexillifera 

(Nyl.) D. Hawksw. 

Taxon 19: 241 (1970). - Alectoria ochroleuca 

[subsp.] vexillifera Nyl., in Kihlman, Medd. Soc. 
Fauna FI. Fenn. 18: 48 (1891); type: U.S.S.R., 
Murmansk District, Lapponia ponojensis, ad 
promentorium Orlow, in apertis glareosis, A. O. 
Kihlman, 15 May 1889 (H-Nyl. 35997 holotype! 
ZT isotype!). 

For further synonyms see Hawksworth (1972 
p. 243). 

Plants differing from subsp. sarmentosa 
in having prostrate thalli to 8-15 cm long which 
are rigid, more sparsely branched; branching 
becoming anisotomic dichotomous towards the 
base, main stems becoming dorsiventrally 
compressed, expanded, and foveolate, some- 
times with spinulose side branches, usually 
2— 4(— 40 ) mm wide (Fig. 31); basal parts dying, 
attached to the surrounding vegetation or sub- 
strates by hapters. 

Apothecia very rare (see Discussion). 
Chemical reactions and components as in 
subsp. sarmentosa but thamnolic acid is always 

Ecology. On well-drained rocky or gravelly 
soil at various pH levels; rarely on peaty 
soils; usually on rocky ridges or mounds; 
high alpine (2150-2800 m) in the Rocky Moun- 
tains to sea level in the arctic. However, 
one coastal rock outcrop on Vancouver Island 
had what appears to be this subspecies. 

Distribution. Eastern Canadian arctic, Aleutian 
Islands, and the Canadian Rocky Mountains, 
with scattered high alpine localities along the 
west coast, and in the White, Shickshock 
and Otish Mountains of the east (Fig. 30 B). 
The strikingly dissected distribution of this 

74 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Fig. 31. Alectoria sarmentosa subsp. vexillifera. An unusually broad specimen. Quebec, Iles Dormeuses, 
Payette s.n. (CANL). Scale 0.5-1 .0 mm. 

subspecies requires some comment. A. sarmen- 
tosa subsp. vexillifera is a common plant in 
southwest Greenland, the mountains of Scan- 
dinavia, and the Scottish highlands (Dahl 1950, 
Hawksworth 1972), but is virtually absent 
from eastern Greenland (Dahl et al. 1937) 
and is very uncommon in the central European 
mountains (Poelt 1969). It is apparently absent 
from Asia and the Southern Hemisphere 
(Hawksworth 1972). Such a distribution pattern 
probably had its origin as a pre-glacial, 
continuous, amphi-atlantic distribution dissected 
during the Pleistocene. Remnant populations 
could then have radiated from coastal réfugia 
(as in Greenland) and from réfugia south or 
north of the ice sheets as evidenced, for 
example, by the isolated localities in northern 
Ellesmere Island (see the comments of Dahl 
1950). The eastern population corresponds almost 
exactly with Porsild's (1958) "Amphi-atlantic 
southern element” matching the distribution 
of the willow Salix herbacea very closely. 

The western localities also suggest a pushing 
of the population southward during the Ice 
Age with limited subsequent reinvasion north- 
ward. The persistence of the subspecies in the 
Aleutians and coastal mountains almost certainly 
is due to the presence of coastal réfugia 
along the headlands and fiords (see Calder & 
Taylor 1968). The entire absence of the sub- 
species from the northwestern arctic despite 
the many well-documented réfugia of that 
area, together with its absence from Asia, 
would argue strongly against its ever having 
had an amphi-Beringian distribution. 

The distinctive distribution of A. sarmentosa 
subsp. vexillifera is good evidence for its 
genetic basis. 


The present taxon has been treated by recent 
authors as a variety (James 1965), a subspecies 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Alectoria Ach. 75 

(Hawksworth 1970, 1972, 1973), and a species 
(Krog 1968); Motyka (1964) regarded it as having 
no taxonomic importance. The situation here 
,s certainly complex since while transitional 
morphotypes can be found at least in parts of 
Europe (Hawksworth 1973) and Newfoundland 
(Ahti & Hawksworth 1974), they appear to be 
äbsent in subarctic regions. Indeed a comparison 
°f the distribution of vexillifera- morphotypes 
with that of sarmentosu -morphotypes lends 
considerable support to the distinctness of the 
two taxa (see above). The changes in thallus 
morphology seen in this subspecies are clearly 
adaptive in serving to present the maximum 
thallus area to the incident sunlight when 
growing with a prostrate habit, but it seems 
difficult to determine with any high degree of 
certainty that this is always genotypic in origin 
f ather than phenotypic. In North America 
Particularly, the two taxa are generally well 
defined and only very exceptionally show 
■my tendency to intergrade. These exceptions 
might be due to (a) gene exchange taking place 
where the morphotypes are sympatric thus 
Producing large series of intermediates, or (b) 
s annentosa -genotypes exhibiting phenotypic 
convergence with vexillifera -ge not y pe s , thus 
forming thalli morphologically similar to them. 
* n the absence of transplant experiments it 
ls not possible to say which of these ex- 
planations is the more nearly correct, but 
•he evidence currently available tends to support 
•he thesis of two genetically distinct populations 
°ccasionally intergrading where they are 
s ympatric. As these populations have different 
distributional tendencies, the rank of subspecies 
appears to be the most appropriate at the 
Present time. 

As pointed out by Hawksworth (1973), a 
lumber of other Alectorioid species occasionally 
Produce vexillifera- like morphotypes although 
' n all but a few cases (e.g., A. ochroleuca 
v ar. ecuadorensis Zahlbr., Sulcaria virens var. 

rest'd (D. Hawksw.) D. Hawksw.) the 
e gree of flattening and expansion is much 
ess than is seen in subsp. vexillifera. 

Apothecia are exceedingly rare in subsp. 
'ex illifera and have been noted only in a 
jangle North American collection (Newfound- 
und, Despreaux, 1828 [FH]) which was given 
an herbarium name by Delise. In contrast, 
Su bsp. sarmentosu is frequently found fertile 

and some populations have numerous apothecia 
on individual thalli. 

Selected specimens 

Canada. British Columbia. Flat-Head River Basin: 
Flat-Head Provincial Forest, NW of Mt. Rowe, 
Bird & Lakusta 17257 (UAC) - Islands South 
District: Vancouver Island: Victoria, Ahti 15134 
(H) - Alberta. Waterton Lakes National Park, 
Bird & Lakusta 16751 (CANL, US, UAC) - Quebec. 
Cté Gaspé-Ouest: Mt. Albert, Collins 2656 (US) - 
Cté lles-de-la-Madeleine: Grande Entrée, Le Gallo 
2999 (US) - Territoire du Nouveau Quebec: 53°20’N, 
69°54'W, Guimont QFB-E 4446 (CANL) - Deception 
Bay, Eskimo Hill, Gardner 281 (WIS) - lies 
Donneuses, Payette s.n., Aug. 1970 (CANL) - 
Newfoundland. Labrador North District: Hebron, 
Oldenburg 30A (WIS). (See also Ahti & Hawks- 
worth 1974) - Northwest Territories. Franklin 
District: Diggs (sic) (Digges) Island, Hudson Strait, 
Bell 342 (CANL, FH) - Ellesmere Island, 82°24- 
32'N, 62°00-32'W, Schuster 35523 (CANL) - Keewa- 
tin District: Dubawnt Lake, J. W. Thomson, Larsen & 
Foote 14395 (WIS). 

U.S.A. Alaska. Aleutian Islands: Amchitka 
Island, Reich 111 (CANL, F) - Attu Island, Van 
Schaack 293 (US) - Oumak (sic) (Umak Island), 
Stevenson s.n.. 24 Nov. 1920 (US) - Unalaska Island, 
Eyerdam s.n., 24 May 1932 (ALA. FH. LAM) - 
Eastern Pacific Coast District: Sitka, Harbour Moun- 
tain. Krog 6265 (O) - Western Pacific Coast District: 
Kadiak Island (sic) (Kodiak Island), Trelease s.n., 
2 July 1899 (US) - New Hampshire. Pierce County: 
Mt. Rainier National Park, Burroughs Mt.. lmshaug 
17371 (US). 

8. Alectoria vancouverensis (Gyeln.) Gyeln. ex 
Brodo & D. Hawksw., comb. nov. 

Bryopogon vancouverensis Gyeln., Feddes Repert. 
38: 245 (1935); type: Canada, Vancouver Island. 
J. Macoun, 22 July 1897 (UPS holotype!); basionym. 
- Alectoria vancouverensis Gyeln., Feddes Repert. 
38: 245 (1935); nom. inval. (Art. 34). 

Thallus pendent, commonly 15-20 cm, but 
sometimes to 1-2 m long (Pike in litt.); 
branching mainly isotomic dichotomous, angles 
between the dichotomies mainly acute; branches 
very uneven in diameter, often flattened 
(especially at the axils) and becoming very 
twisted and foveolate, 0.4-0. 9 mm diam.; straw- 
yellow to yellowish green or greyish green, 
usually concolourous. 

Medulla compact and dense. 

True lateral spinules and soralia absent. 
Pseudocyphellae abundant, conspicuous, mostly 
raised, often elongate fusiform and twisting 
around the branches to give them a conspicuous 

76 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Fig. 32. Alectoria vancouverensis. Known distribu- 

striped appearance, sometimes confluent, white, 
rarely with spinules arising from them. 

Apothecia not uncommon, lateral, to 2.6 mm 
diam.; excipulum thallinum concolourous with 
the thallus, persistent, incurved; discs concave, 
dark brown to black. Spores 2-4 per ascus, 
ellipsoid, with a hyaline epispore, becoming 
brown at maturity, simple, 23-35 x 16-23 /urn. 
Pycnidia not seen. 

Cortex K — , C-, K.C+ yellow, PD — ; 
medulla K-, C + red or rarely C-, KC + red, 
PD — . Contains olivetoric and usnic acids and 
some unidentified accessory substances; rarely 
contains alectoronic acid or barbatic acid in 
addition to, or instead of, olivetoric acid. 

Ecology. On well-lighted tree limbs, especially 
Pseudotsuga menziesii and Tsuga heterophylla, 
from an elevation of 30 to 1000 m along the 
coast, particularly in humid zones. 

Distribution. West coast, lowland, mainly from 
southern British Columbia to northern Cali- 
fornia (Fig. 32). Its centre of distribution 
appears to be the moderately humid to dry 
Pseudotsuga-Quercus forests in the southern 

Vancouver Island and northern Washington 
region corresponding to a ‘‘dry summer, sub- 
tropical or mediterranean” climate ("Csb”, 
of Köppen's classification; Atlas of Canada 
1958 map 30), although it was found in some 
localities in the very moist coastal Thuja- 
Tsuga forests as well. 

Alectoria vancouverensis is endemic to North 


This species closely resembles A. sarmentosa 
in several respects, but differs from the latter 
in chemistry, thallus anatomy, colour and size. 
Rare specimens can be found which are morpho- 
logically more like A. sarmentosa s. str. (i.e. , 
with even, straw-coloured branches having 
a more-or-less lax medulla). Specimens also 
occur which appear to be A. vancouverensis 
due to a dense medulla and twisted branches, 
but which have alectoronic rather than olive- 
toric acid. 

We saw two very odd chemotypes from Cali- 
fornia. In addition to alectoronic acid, one 
contained abundant thamnolic acid and the 
other contained barbatic acid. We named these 
specimens A. vancouverensis on morphological 
grounds, and because other specimens of A. 
vancouverensis exist which have olivetoric- 
barbatic, olivetoric-alectoronic, and olivetoric- 
thamnolic combinations, giving one the im- 
pression that the chemistry is more plastic 
than one would expect. 

The vast majority of specimens, however, 
are easily separated on chemical as well as 
morphological grounds. In the field the species 
is usually easily spotted as being distinct from 
A. sarmentosa. 

Two rather odd forms are worth mentioning. 
A small caespitose and strigose specimen in 
FH collected by John Macoun in June 1915 
“on old fences" was given a herbarium name 
by G. K. Merrill but the name was apparently 
never published. Its medulla was very dense 
and C + red and we are regarding it as an 
aberrant form of A. vancouverensis. 

A specimen which presented us with a more 
serious problem was Tavares 371 collected in 
Humboldt Co., California. This robust specimen 
was so clearly intermediate between A. van- 
couverensis and A. imshaugii that for a long 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Alectoria Ach. 77 

time we considered naming it as new. The 
discussion under A. sarmentosa subsp. sarmen- 
tosa will explain why we did not take this 
step here. A more complete description of the 
specimen is worthwhile, however, in the 
possibility that it may be rediscovered else- 

Thallus subpendent, 8-20 cm long, stiff, 
branching mostly anisotomic dichotomous, with 
frequent perpendicular side branches giving 
parts of the thallus a “strigose” appearance; 
main branches very uneven and twisted, with 
an irregular surface, 0.3-0.45 mm diam. 

True lateral spinules, isidia, and soredia 
absent; pseudocyphellae white, raised, very 
conspicuous, often twisting around the filaments 
on ridges. 

Apothecia and pycnidia unknown. 

Cortex K+ yellow, C-, KC + yellow, PD + 

orange -yellow; medulla K+ yellow or K — , 
C+ red, KC+ red, PD- or PD + yellow in 
part. Contains alectoronic, olivetoric, tham- 
nolic, and usnic acids, the first two in the 
medulla and the latter two mainly in the cortex. 

Selected specimens 

Canada. British Columbia. Coastal District: Earl's 
Cove, Brodo 8320 (CANL) - Islands South District: 
Saltspring Island, Bird 23770 (UAC) - Skeena River 
Basin: Skeena River. J. M. Macoun 164 (CANL). 

U.S.A. California. Del Norte County: 2.4 miles E 
of Gasquet, Tucker 6426 (UC) - Humboldt County: 
Near Manila, Stone 37 (HSC) - Pepperwood, Tavares 
371 (FH) - Oregon. Josephine County: Between 
Cave Junction and O'Brien, Weher 8032 (COLO) - 
Lane County: W of Creswell, Pike L-453 (OSC) - 
Washington County: Forest Grove. Lloyd s.n., 1894 
(F)- Washington. Jefferson County: Olympic National 
Park, Hoh Rain Forest, Brodo 13222A (CANL). 

Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw., nom. nov 

Nom. nov. for Setaria Michx., FI. Bor.-Amer. 
2: 331 (1803); nom. rejic. (Art. 14). Etymology: 
/irv(-opogon) and (Alect-Jor/'a, 

Non Setaria Beauvois, Agrost.; 51, 178 (1812); 
nom. cons.; type: S. viridis (L.) Beauvois [Gramineae], 

Bryopogon Th. Fr., Nova Acta Reg. Soc. Sei. 
Upsal., Ser. 3, 3; 25 [repr.J (1860); nom. illegit. 
(Art. 64); type: B. jubatum (L.) Th. Fr., lectotype. - 
Alectoria subgen. Bryopogon Th. Fr. , Lieh. Scand. 
1: 23 (1871). - Alectoria sect. Bryopogon (Th. Fr.) 
Zahlbr., Cat. Lieh. Univ. 6: 375 (1930). - Alectoria 
sect. Hyalosporae Hue, Nouv. Archs. Mus. Paris, 
Sér. 4, i: 86 (1899). 

Non Bryopogon Link, Grund. Kraut. 3: 164 (1833); 
nom. illegit. (Art. 63); type: B. sarmentosus (Ach.) 
Link [=Alectoria sarmentosa (Ach.) Ach.], holotype 
(Art. 63). 

Type species: Bryoria trichodes (Michx.) Brodo & 
D. Hawksw. (syn. Setaria trichodes Michx.; holo- 

Thallus fruticose, erect, caespitose, decumbent, 
subpendent or pendent; branching variable, 
branches generally terete but becoming some- 
what compressed, angular and foveolate in a 
few species, not becoming markedly expanded 
and dorsiventrally compressed; greenish grey 
to brown, dark brown or black (and shades of 
these colours), some species characteristically 

True lateral spinules with constricted bases 
arising at right angles to the main stems in 
some species, absent in others. Isidia absent 
but isidiiform spinules arising in tufts from 
soralia in a few species. Soralia absent to 
abundant, tuberculate or fissurai, sometimes 
bearing sprouts of secondary branches or tufts 
of isidiiform spinules. Pseudocyphellae absent 
to abundant, usually rather sparse and in- 
conspicuous, elongated and spiralling around 
the main stems in a few species, fusiform, 
white, yellow or brownish, depressed in most 
species but somewhat raised in a few, not 
becoming sorediate or bearing spinules. Cortex 

composed of periclinal conglutinate hyphae 
immersed in moderate or relatively little matrix, 
not disintegrating, and smooth or knobby at 
the surface. Medullary hyphae not ornamented. 

Apothecia lateral, sometimes appearing 
geniculate owing to the death of the branch 
distal to them, rare or unknown in many 
species, frequent to common in others; ex- 
cipulum thallinum concolourous with the thallus, 
becoming excluded in most species, or if 
persistent, not markedly incurved; margin 
ciliate in a few species; disc reddish brown 
to dark brown, rarely white, never black, 
sometimes yellow-pruinose. Asci clavate, 
thick-walled, arrested-bitunicate, 8-spored. 
Ascospores ellipsoid, lacking a distinct hyaline 
epispore, hyaline at maturity, simple, 4.2-15 
Atm long. Pycnidia usually rare. 

IJsnic acid absent; atranorin and chloro- 
atranorin frequent; orcinol tridepsides rare; 
/3-orcinol depsidones abundant; pulvinic acid 
derivatives rare; orcinol depsides, /3-orcinol 
depsides (excluding atranorin and chloro- 
atranorin) and hydroxyanthraquinones absent. 


With some 46 accepted species, Bryoria is 
by far the largest segregate of Alectoria s. lat. 
and includes species occurring on all continents 
of the world in montane, north temperate 
and boreal to arctic regions. Some individual 
species are very widely distributed and common 
whilst others are more localized and rare. 

As pointed out above, it is with some 
regret that we are introducing here a new 
generic name for so many species. As the 
original account of Bryopogon Link included 
both A. jubata and A. sarmentosa, whether 
the earlier name Alectoria Ach. is lectotypified 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. 79 

by A. jubata or A. sarmentosa. Link’s name 
is superfluous and illegitimate under Art. 63. 
That is, Bryopogon Link must be lectotypified 
by one of these two species selected as the 
lectotype of Alectoria Ach. as prescribed in 
Art. 7. This would be, in fact, A. sarmentosa, 
as pointed out by Hawksworth (1972 p. 197). 
As Th. Fries (1860) specifically excluded A. 
sarmentosa from Bryopogon. Bryopogon Th. 
Fr. has to be lectotypified by one of the 

I species he included in it, and A. jubata has 
been selected by almost all subsequent authors. 
Bryopogon Link and Bryopogon Th. Fr. are 
thus nomenclaturally distinct as they are based 
on different type species. The latter name is a 
later homonym of Link’s and thus illegitimate 
k under Art. 64. The employment of Bryopogon 
Th. Fr. for the genus named Bryoria here in 
the manner proposed by Bystrek (1971) is thus 
contrary to the Code and unacceptable. 

In our view, it would not be possible to 
make a sound case for conserving Bryopogon 
Th. Fr. against Bryopogon Link since it could 
not be argued that "Bryopogon", at the generic 
rank, had actually been widely used in the 
sense of Bryoria. Most authors in the past 
using this name as a genus have applied the 
name to Alectoria s. lat. (including A . sannen- 
tosa)', Rabenhorst (1845), Korber (1855) and 
Gyelnik (1935) are examples. Some Soviet 
authors, however, have followed the usage of 
Fries (1860), e.g., Oxner 1956, and Elenkin 
and Saviez in many papers. Even if Bryopogon 
Th. Fr. was eventually conserved, a large 
number of new combinations would still have to 
be made since many of the transfers made by 
Bystrek (1971) into that genus are invalid 
under Article 33. 

We decided that the species formerly called 
Alectoria americana Mot. would be most ap- 
propriate as the type species of the new genus 
>n that it exhibits most features of it well 
and is not uncommonly fertile. The earliest 
epithet available for this species, in fact. 
Proves to be Setaria trichodes Michx., the 
type species of Setaria Michx. nom. rej. 
As pointed out by Hawksworth (1972 p. 
197), although Michaux’s name was based on 
Lichen tribus Setaria Ach. (Acharius 1798 pp. 4, 
219) it must not be cited as “ Setaria (Ach.) 
Michx.”, as was done, for example, by Lanjouw 
U966 p. 259), since it has been typified by 

S. trichodes Michx., a species quite unknown 
to Acharius in 1798. We are introducing the 
name Bryoria as a nomen novum for Setaria 
Michx. nom. rej. typified by the holotype 
(monotype) of Michaux’s name, as authorized 
by Art. 72. 

Setaria Beauvois was first added to the list of con- 
served generic names after the Cambridge Congress 
of 1930 (Briquet 1935 p. 131) but no type was 
designated there for the rejected Setaria “(Ach.)” 
Michx. The first selection of a type for the latter 
name appears to be that of Rickett & Stafleu (1959 p. 
224) whose choice of S. trichodes Michx. has 
been adopted in all subsequent editions of the Code. 
Acharius (1798 pp. 219-221) definitely accepted 
three species in his tribe Setaria, viz. Lichen 
jubatus L., L. chalybeiformis L. and L. hippotrichocles 
G. Web. As the first two are definitely Bryoria 
species (the third probably being a non-lichenized 
fungus), even if the selection of S. trichodes were 
to be considered a “lapsus” and “corrected" in a 
future edition of the Code, the name would still 
conform to our concept of Bryoria although the type 
would require “correction”. 

Most authors since Du Rietz (1926) have 
endeavoured to recognize a number of in- 
frageneric units within Bryoria as we have 
circumscribed it. On the basis of morphological, 
anatomical and chemical characteristics, we 
are accepting five groups at the rank of section. 
In general these sections are quite distinct, 
and are based on several unrelated characters 
(Table 3). That some of these sections have 
geographically separate regions of maximum 
diversity suggests that they are indeed natural 
groupings. We do not feel that there are, as 
yet, adequate distinctions within the sections to 
merit their further subdivision. 

Bryoria sect. Bryoria 

Bryopogon sect. Eujubatae subsect. Lanestres Gyeln., 
Feddes Repert. 38: 223 (1935); type: B. lanestris 
(Ach.) Gyeln. [= Bryoria lanestris (Ach.) Brodo & 
D. Hawksw.], holotype. 

Bryopogon sect. Subfibrillosae subsect. Suh- 
fibriUosae Bystr., Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- 
Sklodowska, C. 26: 271 (1971); type: B. fuscescens 
(Gyeln.) Gyeln. [= Bryoria fuscescens (Gyeln.) 
Brodo & D. Hawksw.], holotype; nom. illegit. 
(Art. 66). 

? Alectoria subgen. Bryopogon sect. Juhatae DR., 
Ark. Bot. 20A (11): 5 (1926); type: A. jubata (L.) 
Ach. [ = B. sp., see Excluded taxa], holotype. - 
Alectoria sect. Bryopogon subsect. Jubatae (DR.) 
Keissl., Rabenh. Krypt.-FI. 9. 5(4): 97 (1958). - 
Bryopogon sect. Eujubatae Gyeln., Feddes Repert. 
38: 223 (1935); nom. illegit. (Art. 63). 

80 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Table 3. Diagnostic characters separating the five sections of Bryoria. Included are characters of non-North 
American species. 















Yellow pruinose 












Vegetative structure 


Surface texture 


Smooth to ± 


Rough and 

Smooth to ± 




superficial layer 


Absent or 
virtually so 




Matrix, relative 
to hyphae 

Moderate to 

Moderate to 

Very little to 






Lateral spinules or 
spinulose branches 


Present and 


Present but not 


constricted basally 

constricted basally 


Present or absent 

Present or absent 

Always present 


Present or absent 








Superficial crust 

Superficial crust 

Superficial crust 

In tips of cortical 

Superficial crust 



Atranorin and (or) 



Usually absent 







Usually present 

Very rare 



Other /3-orcinol 






Orcinol tridepsides 






Pulvinic acid 






Number of species 






Type species: Bryoria trichodes (Michx.) Brodo & 
D. Hawksw. (holotype species of Bryoria Brodo & 
D. Hawksw.). 

Thallus decumbent, subpendent or pendent; 
greyish, fuscous, brown to dark brown, not 
becoming blackened except in fragmentation 
areas. True lateral spinules absent. Isidia absent. 
Soralia frequent, fissurai or tuberculate, white 
or brownish. Pseudocyphellae present or absent, 
usually inconspicuous, fusiform, depressed or 
elevated, brown or white. Cortex with a 
moderate quantity of matrix material, the 
hyphae not markedly fasciculate. Apothecia 
frequent in some species, unknown in others; 
margins not ciliate; discs orange-brown to 
reddish brown. Atranorin and/or chloroatranorin 
occasionally present in some species; fumar- 

protocetraric acid present in almost all species; 
other ß-orcinol depsidones and pulvinic acid 
derivatives absent. 


Bryoria sect. Bryoria comprises eight currently 
described species and at least two non-North 
American species awaiting description. One may 
recognize two distinct elements within it, one 
represented by B. trichodes and the other by 
the B. fuscescens group. The differences 
between these groups are much less than those 
separating sections but a treatment in the rank 
of subsection perhaps could be justified on 
the basis of the presence or absence of 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. 81 

Alectoria subgen. Bryopogon sect. Jubatae 
1 DR. has been included as a synonym of 
this section with some hesitation in view of 
the uncertain identity of its type species. 

1. Bryoria chalybeiformis (L.) Brodo & 

D. Hawksw., comb. nov. 

Lichen chalybeiformis L., Sp. PI. 2: 1153 (1753); 
type: sine loc., herb. C. Linnaeus (LINN 1273.90 
lectotype!); basionym. - Alectoria chalybeiformis 
(L.)Gray, Nat. Arr. Brit. PI. 1: 408 (1821). 

For further synonyms see Hawksworth (1972 pp. 
V 213-216). 

Thallus prostrate or decumbent, usually 
8—1 5(— 20) cm long; branching irregular, often 
) sparse towards the base, isotomic dichotomous 
towards the base but becoming anisotomic 
dichotomous towards the apices, often en- 
tangled, angles between the dichotomies mainly 
obtuse; main branches even in diameter, some- 
times straight but usually becoming twisted 
and foveolate and sometimes channelled, 
(0.3— )0.5— 1 ,0(— 2.0) mm diam.; brown to dark 
brown or olivaceous-black, usually shiny, some- 
times paler in colour towards the base. 

True lateral spinules absent but irregular 
spinulose branches sometimes present. Soralia 
absent or sparse, usually tuberculate, occa- 
sionally becoming spinulose, usually narrower 
than the branches on which they occur. Pseudo- 
cyphellae absent. 

Apothecia and pycnidia unknown. 

Cortex K — , C — , KC — , PD — ; soralia K. — , 
C — , KC — , PD + red; medulla K — , C - , KC - , 
PD — (or exceptionally PD + red in parts). 
Contains fumarprotocetraric acid. 

Ecology. Growing over calcareous or non- 
c alcareous rocks and soil, and on tundra 
vegetation. It is occasionally found on lignum, 
and rarely on trees. 

Distribution. Hemiarctic to arctic tundra west 
and north of Hudson’s Bay; rare in the east, 
mainly in exposed and alpine localities (Fig. 
33). The occurrence of the species on the Lake 
Superior shore is still doubtful, and may be 
based on an exceptionally olivaceous speci- 
men of Bryoria fuscescens var. positiva which 
occurs in the same area. Disjunct alpine 
occurrences are common in the western moun- 
tains at high altitudes. Hawksworth (1972) 

-Opera Botanica nr 42 

comments on the world distribution of this 
circumboreal and apparently bipolar, arctic- 
alpine species. 


Bryoria chalybeiformis in North America can 
usually be reliably recognized on the basis 
of its stout, very dark and often almost 
olivaceous black, shiny main stems, and the 
failure of the medulla to react with PD whilst 
the soralia are generally PD + red. At least 
some PD + soralia are generally present on a 
thallus but in some plants a few may fail to 
provide a positive reaction. Some morpho- 
types of B. fuscescens var. positiva may 
approach it in habit but can in most instances 
be distinguished by the duller and paler colour 
of the thallus, and by the fact that quite 
often, both the medulla and the soralia react 
readily with PD. The separation of these taxa is 
discussed further by Hawksworth (1972 pp. 

A further difficulty has arisen in Europe 
over the separation of this species and Bryoria 
intricans, a taxon of somewhat doubtful validity 
(see Excluded taxa). Material corresponding 
to B. intricans does not seem to occur in 
North America. 

In the past North American authors have 
widely misapplied the name B. chalybeiformis 
when referring to B. furcellata, a very different 

Selected specimens 

Exsiccatae. Weber: Lieh. Exs. 125: Colorado. 
Larimer County: Rocky Mt. National Park, Mount 
Chapin. R. A. Anderson 3523 (CANL, COLO, DUKE, 
US. WIS). 

Canada. British Columbia. Islands South District: 
Vancouver Island: Mt. Benson, Macoun 207 (NYBG) 
-Coast Area: Garibaldi Park, Krajina 351-4 (CANL) - 
Fraser River Basin: Spences Bridge, Macoun s.n., 
28 May 1889 (CANL) - Skeena River Basin: 
Hazelton, Ohlsson 2936 (MSC) - Alberta. Morely. 
Bird 18510 (CANL) - Saskatchewan. Cypress Hills, 
Macoun 448 (CANL) - Manitoba. Kasmere Lake. 
Scotter 2857A (WIS) - Ontario. Kenora District: 
Pen L, Kershaw s.n., July 1971 (CANL) - Quebec. 
Cté lles-de-la-Madeleine: Grand Entrée, Le Gallo 
3004 (US) - Cté de Matapédia: Lac au Saumon, 
Le Gallo 2157A (US) - Nova Scotia. Halifax 
County: Halifax, Taylor 1118 (MSC)- Newfoundland. 
Humber East District: Sheffield Lake, Ahti 558 
(H) - Labrador North District: Chidley Peninsula, 

82 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Fig. 33. Bryoria chalybeiformis . N. American distribution. 

MacGregor s.n., 1905 (BM) - Yukon. British Moun- 
tains: Trout Lake. J. W. Thomson 14782 (W1S) - 
Northwest Territories. District of Franklin: Victoria 
Island: Cambridge Bay, Weber S 23,810 (COLO, 
CANL) - District of Keewatin: Aberdeen Lake, 
Scotter 3973 (WIS). 

U.S.A. Alaska. Aleutian Islands: Amchitka 
Island, Schacklette 8013 (COLO) - Unalaska, J. M. 
Macoun 202 (CANL) - Arctic Coast District: 
Colville R. at Umiat, J. W. Thomson & Shushan 
6198 (WIS) -Arizona. Graham County: Mt. Graham, 
Nash 4211 (NASH) - California. County unknown: 

Pak?low Hills, Blander 161 (US) - Colorado. 
Boulder County: Summit of Rollins Pass, Shushan 
& Anderson S 25,716 (COLO) - Michigan. 
Keweenaw County: Isle Royale, Raspberry Island. 
J. W. Thomson 17233 (WIS) - Washington. Clallam 
County: Hurricane Ridge, Olympic National Park. 
Brodo 13197 (CANL). 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. 83 

Fig. 34. Bryoria fuscescens var. positiva showing the pale basal area. Newfoundland, Ahti 560 (CANL). Scale 
0. 5-1.0 mm. 

2. Bryoria fuscescens (Gyeln.) Brodo & D. 
Hawksw., comb. nov. 

A lectoria fuscescens Gyeln., Nyt Mag. Naturvid. 70: 
55 (1932); type: Finland, Tavastia austr., Hollola, 
ad truncos Pini locis apricioribus in silva, J. P . Norrlin, 
September 1882, Nyl. & Norrl.. Lieh. Fenn. Exs. no. 
466 (BP 33.947 leclotype! BM. CANL, H isolecto- 
lypes!); basionym. 

Bryopogon paciftcus Gyeln., Acta Geobot. Hung. 
2: 166 (1937); type: Oregon. Benton Co., on apple 
trees in old orchard, F. P. Sipe (ORE lectotype!). 

For further synonyms see Hawksworth (1972 pp. 

Thallus pendent (to prostrate in some morpho- 
types of var. positiva), usually 5— 15(— 30) cm 
long; branching anisotomic or isotomic dichoto- 
mic at the base, often becoming anisotomic 
dichotomous towards the apices, frequent from 
the base, angles between the dichotomies 
acute or obtuse, sometimes with lateral spinu- 
lose branches; branches even to uneven in 
diameter, usually straight but sometimes becom- 

ing twisted and occasionally foveolate (in var. 
positiva), (0.2— )0.3— 0.4(— 0.6) mm diam. ; pale fus- 
cous to brown or blackish, the basal parts 
usually much paler in colour than the apices 
(Fig. 34); black fragmentation regions often 

True lateral spinules and pseudocyphellae 
absent (note that young fissurai soralia may 
resemble pseudocyphellae). Soralia abundant to 
sparse, tuberculate or fissurai, some fissurai 
soralia always present, usually broader than the 
branches on which they occur, sometimes be- 
coming spinulose. 

Apothecia and pycnidia not seen in North 
American material. 

Cortex K-, C-, KC-, PD+ red or -; 
soralia K-, C-, KC-, PD + red; medulla K-, 
C— , KC-, PD+ red at least in parts or -, Con- 
tains fumarprotocetraric acid, with chloroatra- 
norin as an accessory substance (only in speci- 
mens east of the Rocky Mountains). The 

84 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Fig. 35. Bryoria fuscescens s. lat. N. American distribution. 

isotype in CANL contained fumarprotocetraric 
acid and atranorin s. lat., and the cortex of the 
filaments was PD+ red in part. 

Ecology. On trees, mostly coniferous, in Picea 
glauca-Abies balsamea forests in the east; 
Picea mariana forests in the north; Pinus 
contorta, P. ponde rosa, and Pseudotsuga 
forests in the west. Well developed on Betula 
papyrifera in northern Michigan. 

The var. positiva occurs on rocks, lignum, and 
trees, generally in highly exposed habitats. 

Distribution. Throughout the boreal forest zones 
of North America from Newfoundland to 
Alaska, north to the tree-line (Fig. 35). It ranges 
southward in the west along the Rocky Moun- 

tains to New Mexico and into the Arizona moun- 
tain systems, and, to some extent, along the 
Coast Range. In the east, it shows a preference 
for the more humid coastal localities and milder 
central Newfoundland forests. 

B. fuscescens is widespread in the Northern 
Hemisphere, and is the most common Bryoria 
in the lowland areas of northern Europe and the 
British Isles (Hawksworth 1972). It also occurs 
in the East African mountains (Hawksworth 
1971 a, Krog & Swinscow 1975). 


There is no species group in which there are 
more problems in delimiting taxa than those 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

B ry or ici Brodo & D. Hawksw. 85 

species of the section Bryoria which generally 
have PD+ red soralia. “Intermediate” speci- 
mens can be demonstrated from almost any pair 
within the group, although the distinctness of 
the taxa is unquestioned in most cases. Few 
characters of any of the taxa are constant for 
all specimens and variability is exceptionally 
broad. Environmental modifications may be the 
cause of at least some of this variability. 

Most plastic in morphology and chemistry is 
Bryoria fuscescens (Bystrek 1963. Hawksworth 
1972, 1973). Its “forms” and "varieties" are so 
abundant that there is a danger of circumscribing 
it in a way similar to the former use of the 
name “Alectoria jubata" , with almost every 
puzzling Bryoria being conveniently placed 
within its all-encompassing boundaries. 

The most easily identified specimens of B. fus- 
cescens, those having all the most characteristic 
features of the species, are as follows: pendent; 
dark fuscous brown except at the base which is 
much paler, often almost white; having a mixture 
of fissurai and tuberculate soralia; the outer 
portion of the cortex PD+ red; the branches 
about 0.2-0. 4 mm in diameter, more or less even 
except for the basal branches which can be 
flattened and somewhat twisted. Bryoria glabra 
is “typically” dark olivaceous and shiny with 
very even, broadly angled, and strictly dichoto- 
mous branches (especially at the base), about 
0.2-0. 4 mm in diameter: soralia are small, oval, 
and fissurai. In southern Alberta and southern 
British Columbia, the two seem to intergrade to 
some extent. 

In the western mountains, B. fuscescens 
develops a morphotype with abundant fis- 
surai, often quite spinulose, soralia. It is usually 
pale fuscous, although sometimes extremely 
dark, and has a paler base. Otherwise, it resem- 
bles B. vrangiana in many ways. This pale, 
spinulose B. fuscescens probably can be as- 
signed to f. pallida (Saviez) D. Hawksw. 
(Hawksworth 1972 p. 218). We are tentatively 
regarding B. vrangiana as a distinctly dark, 
olivaceous species with sparse fissurai soralia 
(which often are absent altogether). The plant 
is quite thick at the base (often over 0.5 mm 
diam.) and is strongly foveolate, twisted, and 
spinulose. Räsänen’s Lieh. Fenn. Exs. no. 23 is 
slightly more pendent and slender than the North 
American specimens, but is a good match in 
other respects. Brown (non-olivaceous) speci- 

mens named as B. vrangiana in Europe as well 
as North America due to their foveolate, twisted 
branches and spinulose soralia are usually either 
B. fuscescens f. pallida or var. positiva. 

As can be seen from the above circumscrip- 
tion of B. vrangiana, the species comes very 
close to resembling B. chalybeiformis. In fact, 
B. chalybeiformis and B. vrangiana differ 
largely in their habitat and distribution with 
predictable differences in growth form and habit. 
B. vrangiana is found on trees and stumps in 
subalpine and subarctic localities, and is pendent 
with branches forming acute angles; B. chaly- 
beiformis grows over soil, vegetation, and rocks 
mainly in alpine and arctic localities, and is, not 
surprisingly, prostrate with branches forming 
broad, obtuse angles. The only other distinction 
worthy of note is that the soralia of vrangiana 
are largely or entirely fissurai, and those of 
B. chalybeiformis are commonly tuberculate. 

In any discussion of B. chalybeiformis, one 
must return to B. fuscescens for a consideration 
of its variety positiva. These two taxa have 
already been compared in Britain by Hawks- 
worth (1972) but a reexamination of the problem 
is warranted in view of the distinctive and abun- 
dant North American material. Whereas in the 
British Isles, var. positiva could be distinguished 
from B. chalybeiformis by basal colour, branch 
diameter, and type of soralia, this cannot be 
done with the North American specimens. Both 
taxa here commonly have pale bases, thick (over 
0.5 mm) branches and both fissurai and tuber- 
culate soralia. B. fuscescens var. positiva is 
largely a temperate taxon occurring on rocks 
and frequently on trees. It is always brown to 
pale fuscous (especially the pendent form) and 
commonly has a PD+ red cortex or medulla. 
B. chalybeiformis is almost always olive-black 
to olive-brown, at least in part, and is a terri- 
colous and saxicolous species of arctic-alpine 
situations. The cortex and medulla is PD- with 
very rare exceptions. 

For discussions of the distinctions between B. 
fuscescens, B. lanestris and B. subcana, see the 
comments under the latter two species. 

As regards its chemistry, B. fuscescens is not 
entirely uniform throughout its range. Chloro- 
atranorin occurs fairly regularly in material east 
of the Rocky Mountains but appears very 
rarely in Europe and in the west. On the other 
hand, neither the intensity nor the anatomical 

86 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

position of the PD reaction has any geographi- 
cal correlation. 

Unfortunately, it appears that the taxonomic 
problems in this group cannot be resolved on the 
basis of the North American material alone and 
must await a critical study of the group on a 
world scale. 

Selected specimens ( var. fuscescens) 

Canada. British Columbia. Columbia River Basin: 
Revelstoke, Shaw 977 (US) - Coastal Region: Alice 
Lake Provincial Park, Ohlsson 740B (MSC) - Fraser 
River Basin: S of Clearwater, Brodo 15767 (CANL)- 
Islands North District: Graham Island: Marian Lake, 
Brodo 18474 (CANL) - Islands South District: Van- 
couver Island: Ladysmith, Ahti 15384 (H) - Kootenay 
River Basin: Fernie, Brodo 15076 (CANL) -Okanagan 
District: Princeton, Brodo 7815 (p.p.) (CANL) - 
Skeena River Basin: 30 miles W of New Hazelton, 
Ohlsson 2887B (MSC) - Alberta. Bow River Water- 
shed, Wildcat Hills, Bird 9924 (WIS) -Saskatchewan. 
Cypress Hills, Lamb 6128 (DUKE, CANL, WIS, 
NYBG) - Waskesiu, Jesberger 745 (SASK) - Mani- 
toba. Zed Lake, Larsen s.n., 10 Aug. 1959 (CANL) - 
Ontario. Cochrane District: Moosonee, Brodo 14784 
(CANL)- Winisk, Webber W 22B (CANL) -Thunder 
Bay District: Sibley Provincial Park, Denison 645 (US, 
CANL) - Quebec. Bonaventure Island, Brodo 1 869 1C 
(CANL) - Cté Pontiac: Parc de la Verendrye, Brodo 
17028 (CANL) - New Brunswick. Albert County: 
Fundy National Park. Ireland 11332 (p.p.) (CANL) - 
Nova Scotia. Halifax County: Peggy's Cove, Taylor 
1487 (MSC) - Prince Edward Island. Queens County: 
West Barkley Beach, Fabiszewski s.n., 20 July 1970 
(CANL) - Newfoundland. Humber East District: 
Upper Humber Big Falls, Ahti 572 (H) - Labrador 
West District: Menihek Lake, Brodo 8825-5B (WIS, 
CANL) - Yukon. Dawson, Williams 71 (NYBG) - 
Northwest Territories. Mackenzie District: Mosquito 
Lake. Oldenburg 46-1534 (WIS). 

U.S.A. Alaska. Central Yukon River District: White 
Mts., Krog 2767 (O) - Arizona. Apache County: 
Trail to Mt. Baldy, Nash 7838 (p.p.) (CANL) - 
Coconino County: San Francisco Peaks, Nash 7489 
(CANL) - Graham County: Pinatino Mts., Darrow 
1780 (WIS) - Pima County: Santa Catalina Mountains, 
Nash 4010 (CANL, ASU) - California. San Mateo 
County: Pilarcitos Creek Canyon, Herre & Doty 3348 
(NYBG, F) - Santa Cruz County: Santa Cruz Mts., 
Black Mt., Herre s.n. (NYBG) - Colorado. Latimer 
County: Rocky Mt. National Park, Bierstadt Lake, 
Anderson 2507 (COLO) - Idaho. Latah County: N of 
State Route 8, Cooke 23047 (WIS) — Maine. Washing- 
ton County: Quody Head near Lubec, Taylor I073B 
(MSC) - Massachusetts. Hampden County: Spring- 
field, Farlow s.n.. May 1878 (NYBG) - Michigan. 
Chippewa County: 1 mile E of Makina County, 
Imshaug 3351 (MSC) - Montana. Granite County: 
Clinton, Norris 2072C (HSC) — New Hampshire . 
Crafton County: White Mts., Faxton s.n., 12 June 
1879 (FH) - White Mt. Region, Tuckerman s.n. 

(NYBG) - New Mexico. Sandoval County: Sandia 
Mt., Ellis s.n., 1914 (FH) - Taos County: Très 
Piedras, Shushan & Weber S-6533 (COLO, ABSL) - 
Oregon. Josephine County: Rough and Ready Creek 
Botanical Wayside, Pike L-234 (PIKE) - South 
Dakota. Lawrence County: Bower Intake, Wetmore 
9020 (MSC) - Washington . Pierce County: Mt Rainier 
National Park, Burroughs Mt., Imshaug 170C (LAM) 

- Wyoming. Pennington County: Black Hills, 4 miles 
W of US 385, Wetmore 8865 (BM). 

Selected specimens (var. positiva) 

Canada. Alberta. Cypress Hills Provincial Paris, 
MacNeil 1274 (CANL) - Manitoba. Fort Churchill, 
J. W. Thomson 3822 (CANL) - Ontario. Kenora 
District: Cape Henrietta Maria, Cowell 1287 (CANL)- 
Thunder Bay District: Longcroft I. , Garton 625 1 (WIS) 

- Quebec. Cté Gaspé-Est: Bonaventure Island, Cain 
27403 (US) - New Brunswick. Charlotte County: Cam- 
pobello, collector unknown, July 1902 (FH) - New- 
foundland. Grand Falls District: Great Rattling Brook 
road, Ahti 578 (H) - Labrador South District: Red 
Bay, Waghome s.n., 6 Aug. 1894 (BM). 

U.S.A. Alaska. Bering Sea District: St. Paul Island. 
J. M. Macoun 447? (624?) (CANL) - Bering Strait 
District: King Island, Krog s.n., 27 Aug. 1969 (O) - 
Arizona. Coconino County: Mt. Agassiz, Brodo 
20350 (CANL) - Maine. Hancock County: Salisbury 
Cove (sic) (Salsburg Cove), Mount Desert Isl., Plitt 
26a (US) - Massachusetts. Hampden County: Spring- 
field, Herb. W. G. Farlow s.n.. May 1878 (FH) - 
Michigan. Keweenaw County: Sand Bay, W of Eagle 
Harbour, J. W. Thomson 2799 (WIS) - Oregon. Ben- 
ton County: Corvallis. Plitt? 19 (US) - Washington. 
Kittitas County: Easton, Howard 837 (FH). 

3. Bryoria glabra (Mot.) Brodo & D. Hawksw., 
comb. nov. 

Alectoria glabra Mot., Fragm. Florist. Geobot. 6: 448 
(1960): type: U.S.A.. Washington, Olympic Peninsula, 
Clallam Co., Hurricane Ridge, alt. 5,800 ft, on trunk 
of Abies lasiocarpa, B. I. Brown & W. C. Muenscher 
129, 24 July 1950 (US holotype!); basionym. - 
Bryopogon glaher (Mot.) Bystr., Ann. Univ. Mariae 
Curie-Skfodowska, C, 26: 271 (1971; nom. inval. 
(Art. 33). 

Thallus pendent, usually 10-15 cm long; branch- 
ing regularly isotomic dichotomous, angles 
between the dichotomies usually obtuse and 
rounded; branches even in diameter, straight, 
not becoming twisted or foveolate, 0.2-0. 4 mm 
diam.; olive brown to greenish black throughout, 
shiny, often with a translucent appearance. 

True lateral spinules and pseudocyphellae 
absent. Soralia present, fissurai or very rarely 
tuberculate, sparse to abundant, usually nar- 
rower than the branches on which they occur, 
white, to 1 .0 mm long. 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. 87 

Fig. 36. Bryoria glabra. Known distribution. 

Apothecia rare, lateral 0.65-1.15 mm diam.; 
excipulum thallinum concolourous with the 
thallus or darkening to disc colour, persistent, 
even, smooth, becoming somewhat reflexed in 
age; disc concave to plane, becoming convex 
when old, pale red-brown to dark fuscous. 
Asci 27-30x9-10 p,m; no mature spores seen. 
Pycnidia unknown. 

Cortex K— , C-, KC-, PD — ; soralia K-, 
C— , KC-, PD+ red; medulla K-, C-, KC-, 
PD — . Contains fumarprotocetraric acid. 

Ecology. On coniferous trees, especially Abies 
iasiocarpa and Picea in the subalpine zone of 
niountains; also on Picea sitchensis, Tsuga 
heterophylla , and Pinus contorta and associated 
trees on the coast, typically around bogs. 

Distribution. Along the west coast from northern 
California to Alaska, extending eastward into the 

northern Rocky Mountains (Fig. 36). Disjunct 
populations exist in the Gaspé area and central 
Newfoundland (see general section on Distribu- 
tion, category 11). Like B. friabilis and B. pikei, 
with bicoastal disjunctions, B. glabra is a North 
American endemic. 


Although only proposed relatively recently, 
this name has been used in a rather broad 
sense by North American lichenologists, and has 
often included plants clearly referrable to B. 
fuscescens. In the course of the present in- 
vestigation we have restricted the name 
“glabra" to specimens with shiny, smooth 
branches which have regularly isotomic dichoto- 
mous branching with broadly rounded axils, 
and have fissurai soralia. Such specimens are 

88 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Fig. 37. Bryoria tanes- 
tris on a spruce twig, 
showing rather typical 
“wool-like" appearance. 
Quebec, Schefferville, 
Brodo 9125a (CANL). 
Scale 0. 5-1.0 mm. 

mainly confined to an area from the Rocky 
Mountains westwards, with their greatest 
abundance in the Coast Range and along the 
British Columbia coast; they are extremely 
rare on the east coast. 

Bryoria glabra is usually fairly regularly sore- 
diate but rare specimens have been found with 
very few or no soralia. Such specimens super- 
ficially resemble B. trichodes subsp. americana 
except in colour. They can be easily distin- 
guished, however, by the consistently PD - 
medulla ofß. glabra and the presence of pseudo- 
cyphellae in subsp. americana (although these 
may be rare in some specimens and easily over- 
looked). The separation of B. glabra from B. 
fuscescens can present a number of difficulties; 
these are discussed with the latter species. 

A peculiar specimen found in Washington, 
containing gyrophoric acid but with some 
characters of B. glabra, is discussed under 
B. friabilis. 

Selected specimens 

Canada. British Columbia. Columbia River Basin: 
Columbia R. below Revelstoke, Macoun 53 (CANL) 
- Coastal Region: Garibaldi, Brodo 8182 (CANL) - 
Fraser River Basin: Wells Gray Provincial Park, Ahti 
13044 (H) - Islands North Region: Port Clements, 

Brodo 9780 (CANL) - Islands South District: Powell 
River, Tusko 8015 (H)- Okanagan Region: Tulameen, 
Ahti 10307 < H ) - Skagit River Basin: Manning Park, 
Ahti 15387 (H) - Skeena River Basin: 9 Mile Moun- 
tain, east of Hazelton , Ohlsson 2962A (MSC.CANL)- 
Alberta. Banff National Park, trail to Lake Agnes, 
Imshaug 6866 (MSC) - Quebec. Cté Gaspé-Est: 
Bonaventure Island, Shushan S 23,039 (NYBG) - 
New Brunswick. Restigouche County: Dalhousie, 
Reijonen s.n., 16 Nov. 1930 (H) - Newfoundland. 
(See Ahti & Hawksworth 1974.) 

U.S.A. Alaska. Eastern Pacific Coast District: 
Juneau, Mt. Roberts, Krog 5530 (O) - Central Yukon 
River District: White Mts., Lion Peak, Krog 2758 (O) 
- Indian Village, Krog s.n., 17 June 1969 (O) - 
California. Del Norte County: Near Bear Basin, 
Tucker 6435 (COLO) - Idaho. Bonner County: Gis- 
borne Mt., Priest R. Experimental Forest, Esslinger 
377B (COLO) - Montana. Glacier County: Glacier 
National Park, near Anaconda Creek, Imshaug 7591 
(WIS) - Oregon. Klamath County: O’Dell Lake, 
Howard 4733 (COLO) - Washington. Clallam County: 
Hurricane Ridge, Muenscher 129 (NYBG, US). 

4. Bryoria lanestris (Ach.) Brodo & D. 
Hawksw., comb. nov. 

Alectoria jubata £. lanestris Ach., Lieh. Univ.: 
593 (1810); type: Helvetia (H-Ach. holotypel); basio- 
nym. - Alectoria lanestris (Ach.) Gyeln., Nyt Mag. 
Naturvid. 70: 58 (1932). 

Bryopogon negativus Gyeln., Acta Geobot. Hung. 
2: 164 (1937); type: Oregon, Crater Lake, on trees, 
F. P. Sipe 682, August 1930 (ORE lectotype!). 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. 89 

Alectoria tenerrima Mot., Bryologist 67: 31 (1964); 
type: British Columbia, Southern Caribou Mts., 
Wells Gray Park, south-west end of Turtle Lake, on 
old branches of Picea engelmannii in swamp, T. Ahti 
6512, 25 June 1961 (H holotype!). - Bryopogon 
tenerrimus (Mot.) Bystr.. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- 
Skfodowska, C, 26: 274 (1971); nom. inval. (Art. 

For further synonyms see Hawksworth (1972 p. 
222 ). 

Thallus pendent to subpendent, 5—1 0(— 1 5) cm 
long; branching irregularly isotomic dichoto- 
mous to anisotomic dichotomous, frequent from 
the base, angles between the dichotomies 
usually acute; branches usually very uneven in 
diameter, straight, sometimes becoming com- 
pressed toward the base, very brittle and tending 
to fragment in herbarium packets, 0. 1— 0.25(— 3.0) 
mm diam.; brown-black to olivaceous black 
or black, usually concolourous, dull or rarely 
becoming shiny (often in parts). Fig. 37. 

True lateral spinules and pseudocyphellae 
absent. Soralia sparse to abundant, fissurai, 
white or white speckled with black, to 0.3 mm 

Apothecia and pycnidia unknown. 

Cortex and medulla K— , C — , KC-, PD— ; 
soralia K-, C-, KC-, PD+ red. Contains 
fumarprotocetraric acid. 

Ecology. On coniferous trees, especially Picea 
mariana, P. glauca, Pinus banksiana, and 
Larix laricina (rarely on willows and birches) in 
boreal black spruce forests, fens and bogs, and 
Pinus conforta or Picea engelmanii in the 
western mountains. (See comments under 
Biyoria simplicior.) Rarely, it is found on rocks 
or even soil. 

Distribution. Mainly in the northern boreal zone 
from Alaska to Labrador, and in the western 
mountain ranges south to Colorado, New 
Mexico and Arizona (Fig. 38). B. lanestris seems 
to prefer the more continental forest regions, 
although there are a number of occurrences in 
the coastal ranges, especially in British Colum- 
bia. This is evidently a circumboreal species. 
Although not confirmed for Asia by Hawks- 
Worth (1972), we have now seen it from several 
sites in northern Mongolia collected by Nina 
Golubkova in 1972 and 1974 (e.g., Golubkova 
138, 787, 789 [LE]) and it is undoubtedly also 
Present in Kamchatka and Siberia. We have seen 
a collection from Hawaii (Maui, Haleakala 

National Park, Bowler 1645 [BM, CANL, 1MI]) 
which appears to belong to B. lanestris. Gyel- 
nik’s (1935) reports of this species from Algeria 
and Mexico must be treated as dubious; 
Japanese references to B. lanestris mainly refer 
to B. trichodes subsp. trichodes. 


Bryoria lanestris is normally a well-marked 
species which can be separated from B. fusees- 
cens by its very dark colour, narrower branches 
which are characteristically uneven in diameter 
and extremely brittle (readily fragmenting in 
herbarium packets); the cortex in B. lanestris 
is also always PD-, whilst in B. fuscescens, 
the outer cortex sometimes reacts PD+ red. 

B. lanestris often grows mixed with B. simpli- 
cior and the two thalli can be intricately en- 
tangled. B. simplicior is readily separable by the 
greenish black colour of the soralia, more even 
branches, and the failure of the soralia to react 
with PD. 

In North America B. lanestris usually has fre- 
quent fissurai soralia. Tuberculate soralia, which 
occur in some European collections, appear to 
be absent here. Specimens which are almost 
esorediate also sometimes occur. These varia- 
tions appear to be of little taxonomic im- 

Selected specimens 

Exsiccatae. Merrill: Lieh. Exs., Ser. II, 129 (mixed 
collection): Alaska, Fairbanks, Palmer (US) - Thom- 
son: Lieh. Arct. 88: Northwest Territories, District 
of Mackenzie: Artillery Lake, J. W. Thomson & 
Larsen (ALA. CANL. COLO, DUKE) - Weber: 
Lieh. Exs. 431: Wyoming, Park County: SilverGate, 
Weber (CANL). 

Canada. British Columbia. Columbia River Basin: 
Glacier National Park, Ohlsson 395 (MSC, CANL) - 
Coastal Region: Pemberton, Garibaldi Mountains, 
Brodo 8269 (CANL) - Dean River Basin: Tweedsmuir 
Provincial Park. Ohlsson 1899 (MSC, CANL) - Fraser 
River Basin: Kamloops Tearsdale 3 (W1S) - Okanagan 
District: Okanagan Lake, Maslin s.n., 14 Aug. 1952 
(COLO) - Skagit River Basin: Manning Park, Otto 
105A (H) - Skeena River Basin: 30 miles W of New 
Hazelton, Ohlsson 2887B (MSC) - Alberta. Bragg 
Creek, Bird 10015 WIS) - Saskatchewan . South Black 
Lake, Scotter 66 (WIS) - Charcoal Lake, Scotter 
2684 (WIS) - Prince Albert National Park, Jesberger 
1171 (SASK) - Manitoba. Churchill, Masson 9854 
(QUE, WIS) - Ontario. Cochrane District: Gardiner, 
Wetmore 5765 (US) - Thunder Bay District: Niblock. 
Cain 26417 (CANL, TRTC) - Quebec. Parc des 

90 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Fig. 38. Bryoria lanestris. N. American distribution. 

Laurentides: Riv. Montmorency. Masson 9982 (WIS)- 
Territoire de Mistassini: Rupert House, Kucyniak & 
Tuomikoski 51A (H) - Newfoundland. Central 
Labrador: Mary River, Hustich s.n., 26 Aug. 1937 
(H) - Labrador North District: Goose Bay, Murray 
& Pruitt 1652 (ALA, H) - Yukon. Mt. Sheldon, 
Porsild & Breitung 2297 (DUKE. W1S, US, NYBG. 
CANL) - Semenof Hills, Scotter 19744 (CANL) - 
Northwest Territories. District of Mackenzie: W shore 
of Liard R., Fort Liard, Cody 11617 (CANL) - 
Keewatin District: Coral Harbor, Southampton Island, 
Weber S23, 687 (p.p.) (US) - Thelon River, Aberdeen 
Lake, Scotter 4236 (W1S). 

U.S.A. Alaska. Alaska Range District: Wonder 
Lake, Mt. McKinley Nat. Park, Weber & Viereck 
S 7259 (DUKE, COLO, MSC, ORE. WIS) - Arctic 
Coast District: Valley of Mancha Creek and Firth 
River, Sharp 6532 (DUKE, US, MSC, WIS )- Arizona. 
Coconino County: San Francisco Peaks, Nash 7525 

(CANL, NASH) - Colorado. Grand County: Fraser 
Exp. Forest, Weber & Dahl s.n., I Aug. 1953 (COLO) 
- Hinsdale County: trail to Upper Powderhom Lakes, 
Weber s.n., 28 July 1964 (COLO) - Larimer County: 
Rocky Mt. Nat. Park, Wild Basin, Kiener 1695 
(COLO) - Idaho. Fremont County: Targhee Pass, 
Cain 26415 (VS) -Maine. Penobscot County: Bangor, 
Merrill s.n., 23 May 1896 (US) - Montana. Gallatin 
County: Above Gallatin R. on US 191, Norris 2054D 
(HSC) - New Mexico. Taos County: Très Piedras, 
Shushan S6533 (US) - Oregon. Benton County: 
Near Corvallis, Plitt s.n.. Mar. 1925 (US) - Klamath 
County: Crater Lake, Sipe 682 (ORE) - Lane County: 
Salt Creek Falls, Doty 5271 (NYBG) -South Dakota. 
Pennington County: 24 miles SW of Lead, Wetmore 
1 1702 (MSC)- Washington. Whitman County : Steptoe 
Butte, Esslinger 1737b (WIS) - Wyoming. Teton 
County: Moran, Cain 26034 (US). 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. 91 

5. Bryoria subcana (Nyl. ex Stiz.) Brodo & 

D. Hawksw., comb. nov. 

Alectoria prolixa var. subcana Nyl. ex Stiz., Ann. 
Naturhist. Mus. Wien 7: 129 (1892); type: Scotland, 
J. M. Crombie. 1875 (H-Nyl. 35835 lectotype! BM 
isolectotype!); basionym. - Alectoria subcana (Nyl. 
ex Stiz.)Gyeln., Magy. Bot. Lapok 30: 54 (1931). 

For further synonyms see Hawksworth (1972 pp. 

Thallus pendent to subpendent, to 5 cm long 
(in North American material); branching iso- 
tomic dichotomous, angles between the dicho- 
tomies mainly rounded, 80-90°; branches terete, 
even in diameter, straight, often brittle, 0.15- 
0.3 mm diam.; basal parts pale fuscous brown, 
usually matt but occasionally slightly shiny, 
apical parts very pale fuscous to greenish white 
or whitish, sometimes becoming variegated 
(probably an insolation effect); base persistent. 

True lateral spinules absent. Pseudocyphellae 
often present, sparse, inconspicuous, fusiform, 
white. Soralia usually abundant, tuberculate, as 
wide as or slightly broader than the branches on 
which they occur, occasionally becoming 
spinulose, to 0.8 mm diam. 

Apothecia and pycnidia not seen in North 
American material. 

Outer cortex, medulla and soralia K— , C — , 
KC-, PD+ bright red (rapid). Contains large 
amounts of fumarprotocetraric acid. 

Ecology. On Picea along coastal bays and 
breams in the north, and on conifers and lignum 
on ridges and sand hills in California. 

Distribution. Along the coasts of Alaska and 
British Columbia, with a disjunct population in 
the Santa Cruz area of California (Fig. 39). 
This basically oceanic species has a European 
distribution very similar to that of B. smithii 
(see maps in Hawksworth 1972 p. 248). The 
species is unknown outside North America and 


Eryoria subcana is most closely allied to B. 
fuscescens from which it can be distinguished 
hy its paler colour and generally extremely 
strong PD+ cortical reaction. These two species 
"'ere also found to differ by Hawksworth 
((972) in that B. subcana never tends to be paler 
at the base, often has blackened fragmentation 

Fig. 39. % Bryoria subcana. N. American distribution. 
▲ Bryoria spiralifera. Known distribution. 

regions, has only tuberculate soralia, and is 
more regularly fertile. As this species is known 
in North America only from a few specimens 
several of which are poorly developed, it would 
be premature to comment on its variability 
on this continent. 

Atranorin s. lat. occurs together with fumar- 
protocetraric acid in small amounts in at least 
some European material of this species. 

B. subcana has generally been a poorly 
understood species in Europe although it has 
been accepted in the British Isles for over a 
century. It has most frequently been subsumed 

92 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Fig. 40. Irregular soralia found on the sorediate 
morphotype of Bryoria trichodes showing the charac- 
teristically reflexed filaments. Quebec, Gaspé, Brodo 
18694 (CANL). Scale 0.5 mm. 

into B. capillaris by Scandinavian lichenologists. 
More recently Motyka and Bystrek have been 
applying this name to B. implexa. See the com- 
ments in Hawksworth (1972 p. 250). 

Several specimens of a very odd morphotype 
(virtually caespitose, with large, empty 
soralium-like fissures; somewhat spinulose) 
were seen from the San Francisco area of Cali- 
fornia and Oregon. They are only provisionally 
referred to B. suhcana based on their very pale 
colour and strong PD+ red outer cortex (see 
Discussion under B. furcellata). More typical 
B. suhcana is known from the same area. 

Reports of#, suhcana from British Columbia 
(Motyka 1964), Ontario (Ahti 1964) and Alaska 
(Krog 1968, sub Alectoria haynaldii) based on 
specimens determined by Motyka have proved, 
on reexamination, to be errors for other species, 
most commonly B. capillaris. 


Canada. British Columbia. Coastal District: Namu 
Harbor at the west end of Burke Channel, Ohlsson 
2082 (MSC) - Islands North District: Langara Island, 
Persson 34, 38A (S) - Lyell Island, Brodo 11800 

U.S.A. Alaska. Central Pacific Coast District: 
Knight Island, Prince William Sound, Eyerdam (244 )A 
(FH) - Eastern Pacific Coast District: Washington 
Bay, Kuiu Island, Eyerdam 856 (W1S) - California. 
San Mateo County: San Francisco Watershed, Cahill 
Ridge, Jordan WJ956B (WIS. SFS) - Santa Clara 
County: Santa Cruz Mountains above Saratoga, Herre 
491 (FH) - Santa Cruz, Anderson 530 (FH) - Near 
Ben Lomond, Thiers et al. 9139 (WIS) - Oregon. 
Clatsop County: Saddle Mtn. State Park, summit. 
Pike 3818 (OSC). 

6 a. Bryoria trichodes (Michx.) Brodo & 

D. Hawksw., comb. nov. subsp. trichodes 

Setaria trichodes Michx., FI. Bor. -Am. 2: 331 (1803); 
type: Canada, ad ramulos putridos (PC holotype!); 
basionym. -Alectoria trichodes (Michx. )D. Hawksw.. 
Lichenologist 5: 252 (1972). 

Alectoria jubata f. minuscula Merr., Bryologist 
14: 36 (1911); type; Nova Scotia, near Digby, on 
spruces, J. Macoun, 20 May 1910 (FH lectotype!). 

Alectoria canadensis Mot.. Bryologist 67: 35 (1964); 
type: Ontario, Thunder Bay District, Slate Islands on 
north shore of Lake Superior, small island on south- 
east side of Edmonds Island, 48°40' N, 87°01' W, 
on Abies balsatnea in rich forest, abundant, T. Ahti 
4369, 10 July 1958 (H lectotype!); nom. inval. (Art. 
37). - Bryopogon canadensis (Mot.) Bystr., Ann. 
Univ. Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, C, 26: 271 (1971); 
nom. inval. (Arts. 33, 37). 

Alectoria delicata Mot., Bryologist 67: 34 (1964); 
type: Alaska, Sitka, Sitka National Monument, H. 
Krog 6254. 1 September 1957 (O lectotype!); nom. 
inval. (Arts. 36, 37). - Bryopogon delicatus (Mot.) 
Bystr., Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, C, 
26: 274 (1971); nom. inval. (Arts. 33, 36, 37). 

Alectoria cervinula var. eciliata Mot., in Krog. 
Norsk Polarinst. Skr. 144: 135 (1968); type: Alaska. 
Central Pacific Coast District, Richardson Highway, 
mile 9, H. Krog 2176, 18 August 1957 (O lectotype!); 
nom. inval. (Arts. 32, 36, 37). 

Thallus pendent, subpendent, or prostrate, 
usually 7— 15(— 20) cm long; branching anisotomic 
dichotomous (to isotomic dichotomous in subsp. 
americana), frequent from the base, angles 
between the dichotomies mainly acute (to obtuse 
and rounded in subsp. americana), occasionally 
with short perpendicular lateral spinulose 
branches; branches terete, uneven (to even in 
subsp. americana), 0.2-0. 3 mm diam. at the 
base, main branches 0. 1— 0.2(— 0.45) mm diam.: 
translucent to pale cervine brown or dark 
brown, often with blackened stems and frag- 
mentation regions, consistently shiny. 

True lateral spinules absent. Soralia rare, 
modified fissurai, in which the filaments are 
strongly split, opening flat and recurving the 
branch, exposing an irregular mass of white 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. 93 

farinose soredia (Fig. 40). Pseudocyphellae 
abundant in subsp. trichodes, where they are 
white, oval and raised; sparser in subsp. ameri- 
cana where they are fusiform to elongate-fusi- 
form, brownish, depressed and 0.5-1 mm long. 

Apothecia occasional, sometimes abundant, 
lateral; excipulum thallinum concolorous with 
the thallus, thin, becoming excluded; disc 
becoming convex, reddish brown, 0.5-l(-2) 
mm diam. Spores 8 per ascus, ellipsoid, hyaline, 
simple, 5.5-6(-7)x4-5 fcm. Pycnidia unknown. 

Outer cortex K-, C— , KC — , PD-; inner 
cortex and sometimes medulla K. — , C-, KC-, 
PD+ red at least in parts (very rarely PD- in 
subsp. americanci). Contains fumarprotocetraric 
acid and usually chloroatranorin (the latter 
absent in subsp. americanci). 

Ecology. Mainly on coniferous trees, especially 
spruce and fir, usually in open, wet habitats 
such as bogs, swamps, lake and river edges; 
sometimes in spruce-fir or beech-maple forests. 
One specimen (Michigan. Isle Royale. Wetmore 
2135A [MSC]) was collected on rock. The 
sorediate morphotype is not associated with 
bogs but rather appears to be found in open 
or closed woodlands. 

distribution. Subsp. trichodes occurs in the 
Great Lake-St. Lawrence forest region in 
the east, extending southward in the coniferous 
forests of the Appalachians and northwards into 
the southern boreal zone where it can be locally 
abundant (Fig. 41 A). In the west it occurs 
tn the coastal forest region from the Olympic 
Peninsula to the Central Pacific Coast district of 

B. trichodes subsp. trichodes is not uncom- 
mon in Japan (Kurokawa in litt., Hawksworth 
1972, Yoshimura 1974 sub Alectoria americana ). 


Eryoria trichodes is readily separated from other 
brownish pseudocyphellate members of the 
Senus by its chemical reactions. Most speci- 
mens of subsp. trichodes can be easily separated 
from those of subsp. americana on the basis 
°f the former’s uneven stems, raised pseudocy- 
Phellae, generally paler thallus, and the regular 
°ccurrence of chloroatranorin. Some intergrada- 
h°n does occur (see below). 

Fumarprotocetraric acid is almost invariably 

present in subsp. trichodes and occurs in much 
larger amounts than is generally true for subsp. 
americana in which this compound can be 
difficult to detect. The presence of chloro- 
atranorin in this subspecies but not in subsp. 
americana is difficult to explain, although it 
must be stressed that it is not always detectable 
in subsp. trichodes and it is also at low con- 
centrations. West coast specimens of subsp. 
trichodes are often extremely pale and may be 
nearly translucent due to the almost complete 
absence of any cortical pigments. This morpho- 
type, which is represented by the type specimen 
of "Alectoria delicata Mot.’’, may perhaps 
represent an infraspecific taxon, but its status 
is in need of further investigation. 

Were it not for the large numbers of inter- 
mediate specimens encountered in areas where 
the two subspecies are sympatric (e.g., New- 
foundland; Ahti & Hawksworth 1974), we would 
have been inclined to recognize two species 
in view of the several differentiating characters 
and different distributions in North America. 
Because of the intergradation, the rank of sub- 
species, as interpreted by Hawksworth (1974), 
appears to be particularly appropriate. Because 
it is frequently fertile and is widely distributed, 
subsp. trichodes is perhaps of greater antiquity 
than subsp. americana. 

Over the major part of its range, subsp. 
trichodes is a rather uniform taxon. However, 
one interesting ecological modification is charac- 
terized by being quite small, often with some- 
what contorted branches, and an abundance of 
spinulose side branches. This morphotype is 
generally found growing on coniferous trees in 
Picea mariana bogs and peatlands. (We have 
seen specimens from Connecticut, Michigan, 
Quebec, and other areas.) A complete inter- 
gradation of the spinulose morphotype and typi- 
cal specimens of the subspecies has been 
examined by both of us in the field, in La 
Verendrye Park (Quebec). In this area, the 
spinulose morphotype occurred in exposed 
habitats on isolated trees and those at forest 
margins, whilst normally developed plants were 
encounted as one moved into more protected 
(sheltered) parts of the adjoining forest. The 
spinulose morphotype thus appears to be merely 
an ecad. 

The epithet trichodes has long been over- 
looked by North American lichenologists. Fol- 

94 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. 95 

lowing the rediscovery of the holotype specimen 
in PC by Dr. H. A. Imshaug in 1971, this was 
sent on loan to us. After we examined the 
specimen, the epithet trichodes was taken up as 
the correct name for the species previously 
called Alectoria pseudofuscescens Gyeln. 
(Hawksworth 1972) and treated as Bryoria 
pseudofuscescens here. The holotype was re- 
examined since Michaux (1803) reported apo- 
thecia in his species and since our studies showed 
these to be absent in North American material 
of B. pseudofuscescens . Also, it became clear 
that Michaux's specimen was undoubtedly 
gathered from eastern America (probably 
Quebec; see below), quite outside the range 
of B. pseudofuscescens. The holotype actually 
consists of two Bryoria species on a spruce 
twig; small, typical, fertile plants of B.furcellata, 
together with abundant material of a very dark, 
pendent, esorediate, sparsely pseudocyphellate 
Bryoria with uneven branches which is also 
fertile. TLC had earlier revealed a substance 
which appeared to represent norstictic acid in 
the blackish pendent specimen and it was for 
this reason that the epithet was employed for 
B. pseudofuscescens by Hawksworth (1972). 
B. furcellata and B. pseudofuscescens are not, 
however, sympatric in North America (com- 
pare Figs. 48 and 60 A). In re-examining the 
material we also discovered that neither B. 
furcellata nor fragments of Hypogymnia 
physodes (L.) Nyl. present in the packet ap- 
peared to contain any PD + compounds although 
these taxa normally react readily with this 
reagent. It therefore seems likely that the whole 
collection may have been treated in some way. 
Perhaps by immersion in alcohol, which removed 
the original substances. The PD + compound 
originally determined by TLC as norstictic acid 
might have been some unrelated compound. 
Possibly resulting from a reaction of a thallus 
substance with the preservative. 

These data forced us to make some reluctant 
decisions with respect to the epithet trichodes. 
At first we considered the possibility of rejecting 
the name as one based on discordant elements 
(Art. 70). Since the original description, “S. 
tenuissime capilliformis, prolixa. fuliginoso- 
otra, laevigata; scutellis concoloribus, peltatis, 
convexis” (Michaux 1803 pp. 331-332), could 

be interpreted as referring to the blackish pen- 
dent thallus alone, this procedure could not be 
justified. In fact, the diagnosis supports the 
treatment of this element as the holotype, and 
this is the conclusion reluctantly reached 
here. Furthermore, this interpretation of the 
name is in agreement with the early usage of 
it by at least one early author: Bachelot de la 
Pylaie (see Alectoria trichodes under Excluded 
taxa). Apart from the dark colour and the lack 
of demonstrable fumarprotocetraric acid, the 
holotype conforms to the present subspecies 
which we termed canadensis, following Motyka, 
earlier in our investigations. We are thus forced 
to take up Michaux's name for this taxon and 
reject our first interpretation of it. 

Field work in the spruce and fir forests north 
of Quebec City by one of us (l.M.B.) in the 
autumn of 1974 and spring of 1975 uncovered 
the fact that a fine, very dark, frequently fertile 
morphotype of this taxon is extremely common 
in that region and almost invariably grows 
with B. furcellata. The holotype of Setaria 
trichodes almost certainly came from this 
area, since Michaux's travels took him from the 
Lake Champlain area through the Richelieu 
Valley and then northward through the southern 
and middle boreal forests near Lac Saint-Jean 
and Lac Mistassini (Marie-Victorin 1964). 

Acharius (1810) was uncertain of the identity 
of Michaux's Setaria trichodes but doesn't 
appear to have examined it. Muller Argoviensis 
(1878), however, did examine the holotype and 
stated that it was identical to “A. jubata var. 
lanestris Ach.”, also evidently regarding the 
darkish pendent plant as the portion to be 
treated as the holotype for Michaux's name. 

Selected specimens 

Exsiccatae. Howe: Lieh. Novae Angl. 70 (mixed): 
Maine, Hancock County: Bar Harbor, Hopkins (FH, 
NYBG) - Thomson: Lieh. Wise. Exs. 25: Wisconsin, 
Ashland County: Glidden. J. W. Thomson (CANL, 
COLO, DUKE, LAM, US. WIS) -Tuckerman: Lieh. 
Amer. Septen. 2: New Hampshire. County unknown: 
White Mountains, Tuckerman (BM). 

Canada. British Columbia. Islands North Region: 
Graham Island, Juskatla. Brodo 1 1675 (CANL) - 
Islands South Region: Vancouver Island: Long Beach 
Campground. Tibell 5132 (UPS) - Saskatchewan. 
Waskesiu, Prince Albert Provincial Park, Jesberger 
1240 (SASK) - Ontario. Algoma District: N Aubina- 

Fig. 4L N. American distribution. - A: Bryoria trichodes subsp. trichodes. - B: B. trichodes subsp. americana. 

96 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

dong R., Cain 26009 (US, CANL, TRTC) - Cochrane 
District: Moosonee area, Wetmore 5967A (MSC) - 
Quebec. Territoire d Abitibi: Guyenne, Gaudreau 8213 
(CANL) - Cté Frontenac: N-D des Bois, Masson 
6046B (W1S) - Territoire du Nouveau Québec: 
Schefferville. Brodo 9125D (p.p.) (CANL) - New 
Brunswick. Albert County: Fundy National Park. 
Ireland 11370 (CANL) - Prince Edward Island. 
Queens District: West Barkley Beach, Charlotte- 
town, Fabiszewski s.n., 21 July 1970 (CANL) - 
Nova Scotia. Annapolis County: Kejimkujik National 
Park, Ireland 12448 (CANL) - Victoria County: 
Ingonish, Brodo 19069 (CANL) - Newfoundland. 
Humber East District: NE of Deer Lake, Taylor 
1736B (MSC) - Labrador North District: North 
West River Twp., Coleman 28 (CANL) - Labrador 
West District: Faden, Brodo 8837-5B (CANL). 

U.S.A. Alaska. Eastern Pacific Coast Region: 
Ketchikan, Krog 6225 (O) - Central Pacific Coast 
Region: Kenai Peninsula, Marathon Mt., Krog 2180 
(O) - Connecticut. Hartford County: Suffield, Evans 
s.n., !9Aug. 1923 (FH)- Maine. Hancock County : Mt. 
Desert L, Davis 32 (US) - Massachusetts. Plymouth 
County: Plymouth, Faxon s.n., I Mar. 1884 (FH) - 
Michigan. Chippewa County: Lower Tahquamenon 
Falls, Imshaug 19944 (MSC) - Minnesota. Cook 
County: Horseshoe L, Lake Saganaga. Hale 33526 
(US) - New Hampshire. Cheshire County: Jaffrey, 
Riddle 1714 (FH-Riddle) - New Jersey. Morris 
County: Austin, Herb, of P.V. Le Roy s.n., Oct 1871 
(NYBG) - New York. Hamilton County: Adirondack 
Mts., Hermann 13851 (p.p.) (CANL) -North Carolina. 
Macon County: Fodderstack Mt., Moore 1954 
(DUKE) - Tennessee. Sevier County: Great Smoky 
Mts. Nat. Park, Mt. Leconte, Dey 3357A (DUKE) - 
Vermont. Addison County: Goshen (Corners), Dutton 
1850 (FH) - Washington. Clallam County: Olympic 
National Park, Brodo 14396 (CANL) - West Virginia. 
Pocahontas County: Cranberry Glades, Gray 211 (FH) 
- Wisconsin. Douglas County: Brule River Valley, 
J.W. Thomson 2014 (WIS). 

6b. Bryoria trichodes subsp. americana (Mot.) 
Brodo & D. Hawksw., comb. nov. 

Alectoria americana Mot., Fragm. Florist. Geobot. 
6 : 449 (1960): type: America borealis. New Bruns- 
wick, Grand Manon, H. Willey, 1879 (US holotype!); 
basionym. - Bryopogon americunus (Mot.) Bystr., 
Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sktodowska. C, 26: 274 
(1971); nom. inval. (Art. 33). 

Alectoria ambigua Mot., Bryologist 67: 17 (1964); 
type: Newfoundland, Ferryland, 6 miles north-west 
of Cape Broyle. east side of Mt. Carmel Pond, boulder 
in upland heath, abundant, T. Ahti 582, 26 May 1956 
(H holotype!). - Bryopogon ambiguus (Mot.) Bystr., 
Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skiodowska, C, 26: 270 
(1971); nom.inval. (Art. 33). 

Alectoria sepiacea Mot., in Krog, Norsk Polarinst. 
Skr. 144: 139 (1968); type: Alaska, Central Pacific 
Coast Distr. , Kenai Peninsula. Marathon Mt., lower 
part, H. Krog 2197, I June 1957 (O lectotypel); nom. 
inval. (Arts. 32, 36, 37). 

Plants differing from subsp. trichodes in the 
generally darker brown colour of the thallus, 
consistently isotomic dichotomous branching 
pattern, with branches which are even in dia- 
meter and often have blackened fragmentation 
regions. The pseudocyphellae are often sparse, 
fusiform, depressed, brownish and longer than 
those of subsp. trichodes measuring 0.5-1 mm 
in length. Contains fumarprotocetraric acid, but 
in this subspecies, it is often in low concen- 
trations, and a PD+ red reaction is often diffi- 
cult to demonstrate; some plants may lack this 
acid. Chloroatranorin appears to be absent 
in subsp. americana. 

Ecology. On trees, especially conifers; most 
abundant in bogs or swamps or along rivers or 
lake edges; sometimes on trees in meadows. 
In the west it is found equally on Picea sitchen- 
sis, Pinas contorta, Thuja plicata and Tsuga 
heterophylla; in the east it is usually found on 
Picea glauca. The “a mbigua ’’-morphotype 
(see below) usually occurs on rocks and dry 
soil, often in heathland areas, but is also rarely 
present on trees. 

Distribution. Restricted to lowland coastal 
forests along both the east and west coasts 
corresponding closely with areas having a high 
annual rainfall (Fig. 41 B). The Mt. Washington 
and Isle Royale outlying localities are well 
known for their "oceanic” character with fre- 
quent mists. The disjunct Californian population 
is difficult to explain. This subspecies appears 
to be endemic to North America to judge from 
material we have examined, although it should 
be pointed out that Motyka (I960) also reported 
it from eastern Asia (Saghalien). Records of 
“Alectoria americana" in Japan refer to subsp. 


This subspecies is rather variable with respect 
to the thickness of the main stems, the fre- 
quency of blackened regions on the thallus, 
and the abundance of pseudocyphellae. This 
subspecies, like subsp. trichodes, has a tend- 
ency to produce short, pointed, lateral branches 
recalling spinules but differing from them in 
being broad at the base. Soralia are very rarely 
found in subsp. americana and occur mainly 
in the west. The extent of fumarprotocetraric 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Brvoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. 97 

acid production is also somewhat variable, and 
in some cases (particularly terricolous popula- 
tions in the east) this acid may be entirely 
absent: PD + reactions are thus sometimes diffi- 
cult to demonstrate. 

In his accounts of this taxon Motyka (1960, 
1964) indicated that the holotype was PD- and 
made no reference to the occurrence of pseudo- 
cyphellae. In fact the holotype reacts readily 
with PD and has pseudocyphellae, although 
these are of the slightly depressed, dark and 
easily overlooked type characteristic of this 

Specimens from the oceanic heaths of New- 
foundland were treated as a distinct species, 
A lectoria ambigua Mot., by Motyka (1964). 
This morphotype commonly has apothecia. is 
often PD-, and frequently has short, perpen- 
dicular lateral, spinulose branches, but other- 
wise appears identical to many of the corticolous 
specimens examined. On the basis of extensive 
field observations in Newfoundland, Dr. T. Ahti 
(in litt.) considers this morphotype to belong to 
subsp. americana and we concur with this view. 

Selected specimens 

Exsiccatae. Howe: Lieh. Novae Angl. 70 (mixed): 
Maine, Hancock County: Bar Harbor, Hopkins (FH- 
Riddle); Merrill: Lieh. Exs.. Ser. II, 129 (mixed): 
Alaska, Fairbanks, Palmer (COLO). 

Canada. British Columbia. Islands North District: 
Graham Island, head of Awun Lake, Brodo 18485 
(CANL) - Islands South District: Mt. Cain, N of 
Schoen Lake, Ohlsson I I99B (MSC) - Coast District: 
*9 miles E of Bella Coola, Ohlsson 2273 (CANL) - 
Skeena River District: 21 miles E of Terrace, Ohlsson 
-835 (CANL) - Quebec. Cté Gaspé-Est: Ile Bona- 
''enture, Beaudoin 86 (CANL) - Cté Montmorency: 
Laurentide Park, junction Hwy 54A and 54B. Scotter 
6880 (H) - New Brunswick. Charlotte County: Grand 
^lanon (sic) (Manan) Island. Willey s.n., 1879 (US) - 
J^estigouche County: Dalhousie, Reijonen s.n., 16 
Nov. 1930 (H) - Nova Scotia. Victoria County?: 
8l- Paul Island, Erskine 53C2403 (NSPM) - New- 
foundland. Bonavista S. District: Charlottetown, 
Taylor 2110 (MSC) - Isle Miquelon: Delamare 
s -n.,Sept. 1886 (COLO). 

C.S.A. Alaska. Central Pacific Coast District: 1 mile 
from Sterling Hwy. on Mt. Aleyska Rd., J. W. 
Thomson 17817 (CANL, WIS) - East Pacific Coast 
I 'strict: Juneau, Krog 5529 (O) - Bering Strait of 
Lower Yukon River District: Darby Mountains. Pegau 
T* (WIS, ALA) - California. San Benito County: 
Look’s Bear Valley, Hannibal s.n., 16 Feb. 1907 
* LAM ) - San Mateo County: Pilarcitos Creek Canyon, 
Gerre & Doty 3348 (p.p.) (NYBG)-Mume. Aroostook 
County: Portage, Riddle s.n., Aug. 1907 (LAM) - 

~ Opera Botanica nr 42 

Massachusetts . Bristol County: New Bedford, Willey 
s.n., 1862-1898 (US) - Michigan. Keweenaw County: 
Isle Royale National Park, Lowe 937J (FH) - Forbes 
Lake, Wetmore 41 16A (MSC) -Oregon. Lane County: 
Florence, Pike L-414 (PIKE) - Vermont. Rutland 
County: Sherburne. Dutton 2410 (FH) - Washington. 
Clallam County: Olympic Peninsula, Hurricane Ridge, 
Brown and Muenscher 129 (FH). 

7. Bryoria vrangiana (Gyeln.) Brodo & D. 
Hawksw., comb. nov. 

Alectoria vrangiana Gyeln., Magy. Bot. Lapok 31: 
46 (1932); type: Sweden, Prov. Dalecarlia, par. Lok- 
sund, Laknäs, E. P. Vrang 236, 18 July 1931 (BP 
33.967 holotype!); basionym. 

For further synonyms see Hawksworth (1972 pp 

Thallus pendent, to 10(— 12) cm long; branching 
isotomic dichotomous towards the base but be- 
coming anisotomic dichotomous towards the 
apices so as to appear submonopodial, angles 
between the branches mainly acute; branches 
even to uneven in diameter, becoming spirally 
twisted and contorted to foveolate, main 
branches (0.3-)0.5-l .0 mm diam.; thallus often 
bearing irregular contorted spinules not con- 
stricted at the bases and which usually arise at 
acute angles; thallus usually concolor- 
ous, matt, dark olive brown to blackish. 

True lateral spinules and pseudocyphellae 
absent. Soralia absent to sparse or more rarely 
abundant, mainly tuberculate on the main 
branches, some fissurai soralia often also pre- 
sent. white to brownish, to 1.0 mm long. 
Apothecia and pycnidia unknown. 

Cortex and medulla K— , C — , KC-, PD-; 
soralia K — , C— , KC— , PD+ red. Contains 
fumarprotocetraric acid. 

Ecology. On conifers in the subalpine Abies 
lasiocarpa, Larix lyalii-Pinus albicaulis forests 
( 1650-2250 m elevation in the Canadian Rockies; 
2950-3250 m in the southern Rockies). We saw 
one collection on lignum from the arctic coastal 
strip of Ontario. 

Distribution. Because we are still not sure about 
the taxonomic limits of this species, it is diffi- 
cult to be certain of its distribution. It would 
appear that B. vrangiana is a montane forest 
species in North America (Fig. 42), as it is in 
Europe (Hawksworth 1972). 

This species appears to have been first report- 
ed from North America by Räsänen (1933), but 

98 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Fig. 42. Bryoria vrangiana. N. American distribution. 

the specimen from Hazelton, British Columbia, 
upon which this report was based (H !) was found 
to be a mixture of B. fuscescens and B. pseudo- 


Circumscription of B. vrangiana has proved 
difficult and is discussed together with B. fusces- 
cens. Rather few collections of the species have 
been seen, and its limits are likely to remain 
somewhat uncertain until more collections of it 
are available and it has been studied carefully 
in the field. 

A specimen superficially extremely similar to 
B. vrangiana but containing norstictic acid is 
referred to B. pseudofuscescens (see the discus- 
sion under the latter species). 


Canada. British Columbia. Coastal District: Garibaldi 
Park, ridge to Little Diamond Head. Otto 8041 (p.p.) 
(CANL, H) -Garibaldi Mountains, WhistlerMountain, 
Brodo 13939 (CANL)- LakeTatleh (sic) (Tatla Lake), 
Rothrock s.n., 21 Aug. 1863 ( 1865?) (US) - Columbia 
River Basin: Revelstoke National Park, ridge between 
Millar and Upper Jade Lake, Otto 3 1 3 1 B (UBC) - 
22 miles N of Rossland, Brodo 15125B (CANL) - 
Fraser River Basin: 28.9 miles S of Merritt, Brodo 
8500 (CANL)- Kootenay District: Rogers Pass, Brodo 
7661B (CANL) - Alberta. Banff, Sanson S-27 (FH) - 

Waterton Lakes National Park, Bird & Lakusta 16836, 
16841 (CANL) - Ontario. Kenora District: Cape 
Henrietta Maria, Courtin 28 (CANL). 

U.S.A. Arizona. Apache County: Trail toMt. Baldy, 
Nash 7838 (p.p.) (CANL) -Graham County: Pinaleno 
Mountains, top of Mt. Graham, Nash 4223, 4236 
(NASH) - Montana. Glacier County: Glacier National 
Park, Ptarmigan Creek, Imshaug 6036 (CANL)- South 
Dakota. Custer County: Cicero Peak, Custer. Wet- 
more 6993 (MSC) - Utah. San Juan County: Navaho 
Mountain. Nash 5185 (CANL). 

Bryoria sect. Divaricatae (DR.) Brodo & D. 
Hawksw., comb. nov. 

Alectoria subgen. Bryopogon sect. Divaricatae DR., 
Ark. Bot. 20A (II): 10 (1926); basionym. - Alectoria 
sect. Bryopogon subsect. Divaricatae (DR.) Keissl., 
Rabenh. Krypt.-Fl. 9, 5(4): 138 (1958). 

Alectoria subgen. Bryopogon sect. Divaricatae 
subsect. Suhfihrillosae DR.. Ark. Bot. 20A (11): 10 
(1926); type: A. bicolor (Ehrh.) Nyl. [=B. bicolor 
(Ehrh.) Brodo & D. Hawksw.], lectotype; nom. 
illegit. (Art. 63). - Bryopogon sect. Eujubalae subsect. 
Suhfihrillosae (DR.) Gyeln., Feddes Repert. 38: 223 
(1935). - Alectoria subgen. Bryopogon sect. Suhfihril- 
losae (DR.) Mot., FI. Polska, Porosty 5(2): 58 (1962). 
- Bryopogon sect. Subfibrillosae (DR.) Bystr., Ann. 
Univ. Mariae Curie-Sktodowska, C, 26: 270 (1971). 

Bryopogon sect. Fuscidulae subsect. Divaricatae 
Bystr., Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sktodowska, C, 26: 
272 (1971), ‘‘(DR.)”; type: B. altaicus Gyeln. 
[ = Bryoria nadvornikiana (Gyeln.) Brodo & D. 
Hawksw.], holotype; nom. illegit. (Arts. 48, 64). 

Bryopogon sect. Perspinosae Bystr., Ann. Univ. 
Mariae Curie-Sktodowska, C, 26: 273 (1971); type: 
B. perspinosus (Bystr.) Bystr. [=Bryoria perspinosa 
(Bystr.) Brodo &D. Hawksw.], holotype; nom. inval. 
(Art. 36). 

Type species: Bryoria bicolor (Ehrh.) Brodo & D 
Hawksw. (syn. Lichen bicolor Ehrh., Alectoria bicolor 
(Ehrh.) Nyl.; lectotype). 

Thallus erect, decumbent, caespitose or sub- 
pendent to pendent; olivaceous-grey, brownish 
or black, frequently with extensive blackened 
areas, particularly towards the base, which are 
devoid of algal cells. Lateral spinules generally 
with somewhat constricted bases frequent to 
numerous, arising either perpendicularly or at 
slightly acute angles to the main stems, usually 
rather short, straight or arcuate. Soralia present 
in only a few species, fissurai, white or brownish, 
bearing tufts of isidiiform spinules in some 
species. Pseudocyphellae present or absent, in- 
conspicuous, fusiform, depressed, often very 
sparse. Cortex tending to become fasciculate. 
Apothecia frequent in some species, very rare or 
unknown in most; margins not ciliate, becoming 
sorediate in one species; discs reddish brown. 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. 99 

Atranorin and chloroatranorin usually absent; 
fumarprotocetraric acid present in most species; 
other /3-orcinoI depsidones and pulvinic acid 
derivatives absent. 


Bryoria sect. Divaricatae is the largest section 
of the genus recognized here comprising about 
20 species of which only 7 are known from 
North America. This section shows its maximum 
diversity in the mountains of south-east Asia. 

The chemical components of the species in 
this section are extremely uniform. Of those 
species in which lichen products have been 
demonstrated almost all have fumarprotocetraric 
acid (sometimes in very low concentrations) 
alone. B. nadvornikiana, although it contains 
fumarprotocetraric acid, also has compounds 
otherwise confined in Bryoria to sect. Implexae 
(i.e., alectorialic and barbatolic acids) and is 
placed in that section here. It is tempting to 
speculate that this aberrant chemistry may have 
been derived from an ancient hybridization 
between members of these two different sections 
(see also Discussion under Alectoria sarmentosa 
subsp. sarmentosa). 

Many species in this section tend to have erect 
to caespitose habits and to occur predominately 
on the ground or on moss-covered boulders 
while others are strictly corticolous. 

The species of the sect. Divaricatae are gen- 
erally very sharply delimited from one another 
and present few difficulties in determination. 
This suggests that the group is particularly 
ancient and not undergoing active spéciation at 
the present time. 

Bryoria bicolor (Ehrh.) Brodo & D. Hawksw., 
comb. nov. 

Lichen bicolor Ehrh., Beitr. Naturk. 3: 82 (1788); 
type: Hercynia. Ehrhart Crypt. Exs. no. 40 (LINN- 
Sui. 1712.2(3) lectotypel); basionym. - Alectoria bi- 
color (Ehrh.) Nyl., Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux 21: 
291 (1856). 

For further synonyms see Hawksworth (1972 p. 

Thallus erect or caespitose, rigid, usually 
2-3.5(-4) cm tall; branching isotomic dichoto- 
mous, angles between the dichotomies variable, 
secondary and tertiary branches usually at right 
angles present, often obtuse at the base; 

branches terete, even in diameter, sometimes 
becoming slightly compressed towards the base, 
usually 0.2-0.3(-0.5) mm diam.; basal parts 
black, apices olivaceous grey to cervine brown, 

Numerous perpendicular lateral spinules with 
somewhat constricted bases present. Soralia 
absent. Pseudocyphellae usually sparse, incon- 
spicuous, fusiform, dark to pale brown, plane or 
slightly raised, to 0.2-3. 5 mm long. 

Apothecia and pycnidia not seen. 

Inner cortex and medulla K-, C-, KC-, 
PD+ red at least in parts (never PD-). Con- 
tains fumarprotocetraric acid. 

Ecology. Mainly on rock and heath, but often on 
trees, in subalpine or coastal habitats. Degelius 
(1941), describing the ecology of the southern 
Appalachian population, said the species is 
found above 1540 m, mainly in the Abies fraseri 
forest. Some of Degelius’ plants, however, have 
been identified here as B. tenuis, and so his 
comments may apply in part to both species. 

Distribution. In oceanic and suboceanic areas 
along the west coast from Vancouver Island to 
south-east Alaska, in the Great Smoky Moun- 
tains, the White Mountains, and a few other 
mountain or heath areas (Fig. 43). Reports of 
this species in Mexico (see Imshaug 1956 p. 366) 
appear to be erroneous and probably refer to 
Oropogon spp. 

The tendency of this species to occupy 
“oceanic” habitats in the northern Alps 
(Schauer 1965), Scandinavia (Degelius 1935) 
and in the British Isles (Hawksworth 1972) has 
been well documented. Hawksworth (1972) 
mapped the world distribution of B. bicolor 
noting its occurrence in montane subalpine and 
subarctic areas of Europe, Himalaya. Japan, and 
Malaysia. Krog & Swinscow ( 1975) consider the 
montane East African species Bryoria ruwen- 
zoriensis to be conspecific with B. bicolor, 
but in view of its very robust habit and charac- 
teristic habitat we accept it as a species as did 
Jprgensen (1972). 


Bryoria bicolor is a clearly circumscribed 
species in North America and is only likely to 
be confused with B. nitidula (from which it is 
easily distinguished by the black main stems and 

100 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Fig. 43. Bryoria bicolor. N. American distribution. 

pale perpendicular lateral spinules), and B. 
tenuis (from which it can be distinguished in 
that B. hicolor forms dense tufts with abundant 
third-order branches arising at right angles). 
The separation of B. bicolor from B. tenuis 
has been discussed in some detail by Jprgensen 
& Ryvarden (1970). 

Motyka (1964) reported that the “f. melaneira 
(Ach.) Nyl.” (see Hawksworth 1972 pp. 205-206 
for the nomenclature of this taxon) occurred in 
North America. This morphotype, characterized 
by concolourous apices (and lateral spinules as 
well, on occasion), does not appear to be well- 
marked in North America. 

Apothecia have been described for this 
species by a number of workers but it seems 
that these reports have been based on examina- 
tions of incorrectly determined (mainly Asian) 
material: the reports of them in Wade (1959), 
for example, are known to have been based on 
nineteenth century sources (A. E. Wade in litt.). 

As far as we are aware, Motyka's (1964) state- 
ment that apothecia are unknown in this species 
is correct. 

Selected specimens 

Canada. British Columbia. Islands North District: 
Graham Island: Juskatla, Brodo 1 1676 (CANL) -Coast 
District: Banks Isles, Menzies s.n., 1785 (BM)- Island 
South District: Vancouver I., summit of Mt. Benson, 
Macoun 202 (CANL) - Quebec. Cté Charlevoix 
Ouest: Laurentide Park, Scotter 6693 (H) - Gaspé- 
Nord: Mt. Albert. Gauthier 2638 (CANL) -Territoire 
de Mistassini: Otish Mts., Shchepanek 71-L-I3 
(CANL) - Newfoundland. Labrador West District: 
Churchill Falls, Brassard 5326 (CANL) - Ferryland 
District: Biscay Bay, Tuomikoski 393 (H) - Gander 
District: Mt. Peyton, Ahti 8961 (H). 

V .S. A .Alaska. Central Pacific Coast District: Prince 
William Sound. Pigot Bay, Krog 2203 (O) - Eastern 
Pacific Coast District: Sitka, Krog 6241 (O) - New 
Hampshire. County unknown: White Mts., Tucker- 
man s.n., 1840 (US) -North Carolina. Swain County: 
Great Smoky Mts., Clingman’s Dome, Degelius s.n., 
12 Sept. 1939 (DEGELIUS) -County unknown: Great 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. 101 

Fig. 44. Bryoria carlottae . Holotype. Scale 
0.5-1 .0 mm. 

Smoky Mts., Forney Ridge, Degelius s.n., 12 Sept. 
1939 (DEGELIUS) - Yancey County: Mt. Mitchell, 
Black Mts.. Sierk 784 (DUKE) - Oregon. Clatsop 
County: Saddle Mountain State Park. Pike 3812A 
(OSC) - Tennessee. Carter County: Roan Mountain, 
Dey 2125 (DUKE) - Sevier County: Mt. LeConte, 
Great Smoky Mts., Degelius s.n., 13-14 Sept. 1939 
(DEGELIUS) - Vermont. Lamoille County: Mt. 
Mansfield, Cain 26002 (TRTC). 

9. Bryoria carlottae Brodo & D. Flawksw., sp. 

Thallus pendulus vel subpendulus, 7-8 cm longus; 
rami praecipue aniso-dichotomiter vel fere submono- 
podialiter sed basi iso-dichotomiter fastigiati et in 
angulos obtusos divergentes; rami principales basi 
0.2-0.25 mm diam., ramulis numerosis brevibus 
praecipue 2-4 mm longis perpendiculariter instructi; 
Iota planta olivacea sed interdum basi brunneo- 

Rami laterales spiniformes veri, isidia et soralia 
desunt. Pseudocyphellae copiosae, albae. fusiformes, 
aliquando elongatae, planiusculae vel interdum leviter 

Apothecia et pycnidia ignota. 

Cortex K— , C — , KC — , PD— ; medulla K— , C— , 
KC — , PD+ rubescens. Thallus acidum fumarprotoce- 
traricum continens. 

Holotypus: America septentrionalis. Canada. British 
Columbia, Insulae Queen Charlotte, lnsula Graham. 
2mls austro-orientalem versus a Port Clements, austra- 
lem versus a Tlell-Port Clements Road, 53°40N. 
132°09'W. in aperto turbario Pinus contortae et 
Proxima sylva Tsugae-Thujae, corticola, 1. M. Brodo 
>8096, 11 July 1971 (CANL 38266). Isotypus: BM. 
Fig. 44. 

Thallus pendent to subpendent, 7-8 cm long; 
branching mostly anisotomic dichotomous to 

almost submonopodial except at the base where 
the dichotomies are isotomic and the angles 
between the branches obtuse; main branches 
0.2-0.25 mm diam. at the base, with numerous 
short perpendicular side branches 2-4 mm long; 
uniformly olivaceous but sometimes brownish- 
olivaceous at the base. 

True lateral spinules, isidia and soralia absent. 
Pseudocyphellae abundant, white, fusiform, 
sometimes elongated, plane or sometimes 
slightly raised. 

Apothecia and pycnidia unknown. 

Outer cortex K-, C-, KC-, PD-; inner 
cortex and medulla K-, C — , KC-, PD+ red. 
Contains fumarprotocetraric acid. 

Ecology. On trees at the edge of bogs, or on 
exposed bluffs. 

Distribution. Endemic to Queen Charlotte 
Islands (Fig. 45). Plants which are restricted to 
the Queen Charlotte Islands or which have 
their centres of distribution there are not un- 
common (see general section Distribution, cate- 
gory 9). 


The broadly divergent habit and frequently per- 
pendicular side branches together with the 
distinctive olive colour of B. carlottae readily 
distinguish it from B. trichodes subsp. ameri- 
cana, the only other uniformly coloured non- 
sorediate species containing fumarprotocetraric 

102 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Fig. 45. Bryoria cariottae. Known distribution. 

acid in the medulla and found in the same region. 
Its relationships to other species are unclear 
from the relatively few specimens examined so 
far but its affinities appear to lie with the sec- 
tion Divaricatae which has its centre in Asia. 


Canada. British Columbia. Islands North District: 
Graham Island: Tow Hill, Brodo 9900 (CANL) - 
Port Clements, Brodo 18093, 18096 (CANL)- Langara 
Island: McPherson Point, Brodo I0657B (CANL) - 
Moresby Island: Between Sandspit and Copper Bay, 
Brodo 12879 (CANL) - Skidegate Lake. Brodo 18499, 
18503B (CANL). 

10. Bryoria cervinula Mot. ex Brodo & D. 
Hawksw., sp. nov. 

Alectoria cervinula Mot., Bryologist 67: 19 (1964); 
type: Alaska, East Pacific Coast District, Sitka, 
Harbour Mt., lower part. H. Krog 6222, 31 August 
1957 (O lectotypel): nom. inval. (Arts. 36, 37). - 
Bryopogon cervinutus (Mot.) Bystr., Ann. Univ. 
Mariae Curie-Skfodowska, C, 26: 271 (1971); nom. 
inval. (Arts. 33, 36. 37). 

Thallus decumbens vel suberectus, 6-10 cm longus; 
rami praecipue monopodialiter fastigiati, ramulis 
numerosis brevibus et crassis perpendiculariter vel 
arcuate instructi, quare thallus spinosus videtur, 
ramis diametro aequalibus, basi 0.25-0.5 mm diam.; 
planta pallide brunnea vel atrobrunnea, non concolor, 
aspectu variegato, opaca vel bombycina. plerumque 
non nitida. 

Rami laterales spiniformes veri, isidia et soralia 

desunt. Pseudocyphellae praesentes sed plerumque 
rarissimae, albae vel brunneae, fusiformes, depressae. 
Apothecia et pycnidia ignota. 

Cortex K-, C — , KC-, PD — ; medulla K- vel + 
brunnea, C - , KC - , PD + rubescens. Thallus acidum 
fumarprotocetraricum continens. 

Holotypus: America septentrionalis, U.S.A., 
Alaska, East Pacific Coast District, Sitka, ad pedes 
montis Harbour Mountain. H. Krog 6222, 31 August 
1957 (O). 

Thallus decumbent to somewhat erect, 6-10 cm 
long; branching mostly monopodial, with 
numerous short stout perpendicular to arcuate 
side branches giving the thallus a very spiny 
appearance; branches even in diameter, 0.25-0.5 
mm diam. at the base; pale brown to dark brown, 
not concolourous, appearing variegated, matt to 
satiny, not generally shiny. Fig. 46. 

True lateral spinules, isidia and soralia absent. 
Pseudocyphellae present but often very sparse, 
white or brown, fusiform, depressed. 

Apothecia and pycnidia unknown. 

Outer cortex K-, C — , KC-, PD — ; inner 
cortex and medulla K— or + brown, C— , 
KC — , PD+ red. Contains fumarprotocetraric 

Ecology. On soil and vegetation between rocks, 
on subalpine slopes, and on coniferous tree 
limbs in subalpine or subarctic localities. 

Distribution. Southeastern Alaska and the 
Queen Charlotte Islands, with a single locality 
in the Bering Sea region (Fig. 47). This North 
American endemic should be sought on the 
Aleutian Islands. 


Bryoria cervinula is a very distinctive species 
characterized by extremely stout, often some- 
what arcuate, lateral, secondary branches. It 
appears to show affinities with a number of 
species in the “A. asiatica group” known only 
from Asia (Bystrek 1969, Jprgensen 1972, Nuno 
1971) but to differ from all those described in 
many features. (The types of all pertinent taxa 
have been examined by us.) 


Canada. British Columbia. Islands North District: 
Moresby Island: Laing Point, Brodo 10786 (CANL) - 
SW of Skaat Harbour. Brodo 17769 (CANL). 

U.S.A. Alaska. Central Pacific Coast District: Cor- 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Brxoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. 103 

Fig. 46. Bryoria cervinula. B. C., Queen Charlotte Islands. Brodo 17769 (CANL). Scale 0.5-1. 0 mm. 

dova, Auliot 1550 (DUKE) - Eastern Pacific Coast 
District: Baranoffl., Trelease s.n.. 15 June 1899 (US) 
- Juneau, Krog 551 1 (O) - Sitka, Harbour Mt.. Krog 
6222. 6223 (O) - Sitka. Indian River. Cooley s.n., 
12 Aug. 1891 (NYBG) - Kuiu !.. Washington Bay, 
Eyerdam 1117 (COLO) - Lower Yukon River District: 
6Ö miles NW ofGolovin, Pegau 43 (W1S). 

1 1 . Bryoria furcellata (Fr.) Brodo & D. 
Hawksw., comb. nov. 

Cetraria furcellata Fr., Syst. Orb. Veg. 1: 283 (1825), 
type: America borealis (UPS-Fr. holotype!); basio- 
nym. - Evernia furcellata (Fr.) Fr., Lieh. Eur.: 468 

Non Alectoria furcellata R. Sant.. Svensk Bot. 
Tidskr. 62:489(1968). 

Alectoria nidulifera Norrl., in Nylander, Flora 
58: 8 (1875); type: Fennia, Tavastia australis, kor- 
pilahti, super corticem Pini, E. Lang, 1873 (H-Nyl. 
35979 holotype!). - Bryopogon niduliferus (Norrl.) 
Elenk., Lieh. Fl. Ross. I: 84 (1906). - Alectoria 
chalybeiformis f. nidulifera (Norrl.) Merr., Bryo- 
logist 14: 37 (191 1). 

? Alectoria simplicior v. alba Gyeln., Nyt Mag. 

Naturvid. 70: 62 (1932); type: Fennia, Karelia ladogen- 
sis, Sortavala. Kotiluoto. ad scopulos, 1. inkola (holo- 
type; not traced). - Bryopogon niduliferus f. albus 
(Gyeln.) Gyeln.. ActaGeobot. Hung. 2: 166 (1937). 

Bryopogon niduliferus f. compactus Gyeln., Acta 
Geobot. Hung. 2: 166 (1937): type: U.S.A.. New York. 
Essex Co.. Minerva, on twigs. H. D. House. II 
August 1927 (US lectotype! "portion of specimen 
sent toGyelnik"). 

Bryopogon niduliferus f. isidialius Gyeln., Acta 
Geobot. Hung. 2: 166 (1937); type: U.S.A., New 
Jersey, Point Pleasant. C.C. Plitt (holotype not traced; 
?isotypes! "Plitt 405. 29 Aug. 1909" FH, US). 

Alectoria carta Ostm., in Hasselr., Ark. Bot. 30A 
(13): 3 (1943); nom. inval. (Arts. 32, 34. 36, 37). 

Thallus caespitose. usually 3— 5(— 12) cm long; 
branching regularly isotomic dichotomous, 
angles between the basal dichotomies usually 
broad, those between the apical dichotomies 
usually acute; branches even in diameter, some- 
times becoming slightly compressed towards 
the base, 0.3— 0.4(— 0.5) mm diam.; very pale 
brown to cervine brown or rarely dark brown 

104 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

to black, often darker towards the base; base 

Short perpendicular lateral spinulose branches 
sometimes present, occasionally abundant. 
Pseudocyphellae absent. Soralia usually abun- 
dant, fissurai, sometimes slightly raised, nar- 
rower than the branches on which they occur, 
white. 0. 3-1.0 mm long, becoming covered with 
tufts of isidiiform spinules 0.5-2. 5 mm long. 

Apothecia very rare, lateral; excipulum thalli- 
num concolourous with the thallus, thick, 
usually becoming sorediate; disc concave at first 
but becoming convex and excluding the margin 
with age, light brown to reddish brown, 
0-8— 2.0(— 4.0) mm diam. Spores 8 per ascus, sub- 
globose, hyaline, simple, 6-7 x 3-4 /am. 

Outermost portion of cortex K-, C-, KC-, 
PD— ; inner cortex and medulla K-, C-, KC-, 
PD+ red or very rarely PD— ; soralia K-, C-, 
KC-, PD+ red. Contains fumarprotocetraric 

Ecology. Mainly on coniferous trees, especially 
Pinus spp. and Picea mariana, but also found 

on rock faces, boulders, coastal heaths (espe- 
cially in Newfoundland; Ahti & Hawksworth 
1974), lignum (especially fence rails), and, 
rarely, soil. In the north, it is a characteristic 
species of the more open conifer forests such as 
those dominated by jack pine and black spruce. 
In northeastern United States, it is frequently 
associated with bogs and pine stands (see Brodo 
1968). In the southeastern United States, it 
seems to be largely restricted to pine forests at 
high elevations. 

Distribution. Bryoria furcellata is the most wide- 
spread species treated in this paper. It is basi- 
cally found in the Appalachian-Great Lakes 
region, ranging northward into the middle boreal 
and even the northern boreal zones (Fig. 48), 
but its "front of abundance" ends in the southern 
half of the latter zone (Ahti 1964 p. 193). Its 
restriction to the mountains and its absence in 
the Piedmont in southeastern United States has 
been well documented by W. Culberson (1958). 
The occurrence of disjunct populations in the 
southern Rocky Mountains and in the Mexican 
highlands is not unusual for this kind of distri- 
bution, and many examples can be cited (see 
Brodo 1968 pp. 82, 73). The disjunct west coast 
localities are more noteworthy, probably demon- 
strating the great age of the North American 
population. In Europe, where it appears to have 
a continental distribution (Ahlner 1948), the 
species is found mainly in the boreal forest 
region (Poelt 1969), especially associated with 
pine forests (Ahlner 1948), but it also occurs in 
Madeira (Jorgensen 1972) and has recently been 
discovered in Scotland (Hawksworth & Coppins 
1976). B. furcellata (sub Alectoria nidulifera) 
has been reported from Himalaya by Bystrek 
(1969), and from Japan by Kurokawa (1959) who 
indicated that it was not rare in inland forests 
in central and northern Japan; this can therefore 
be considered a circumboreal species. B. furcel- 
lata also occurs as a disjunct in Central America 
in the Costa Rican highlands (Cartago Prov., S 
slope of Volcan Irazu, c. 3000 m, R. W. Holm 
& H. H. Iltis 1415 [herb. Dodge]), but is so 
far unknown from South America. 


The identification of this very clearly delimited 
species rarely presents much difficulty. Very 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. 105 

Fig. 48. Bryoria furcellata. N. American distribution. 

ra re specimens lacking sprouts of spinules in 
the soralia might possibly be confused with 
simplicior but these two species can be 
e asily distinguished in that B. simplicior has 
§ r eenish-black soralia broader than the branches 
° n which they occur (a most useful character 

apparently first noted by Degelius (1934) and is 
always PD — . 

Motyka (1964 p. 15) considered that the North 
American material of this species tended to 
differ from that in Europe in having soralia 
located in minute tubercles rather than in deeply 

106 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

incised fissures. However, we have found that 
many North American specimens have deeply 
incised soralia, and European material can have 
somewhat raised soralia. Furthermore, these 
types intergrade, frequently on the same thallus. 

An extremely pale, grey-brown specimen with 
many spinulose branches and adventitious 
spinules was seen from Oregon (Pike 3818 
[OSU]). Although resembling B. furcellata 
in branching type, it lacks true soralia and is 
probably conspecific with the material ten- 
tatively called B. cfr. subcana (see Discussion 
under that species) from California. A decision 
on its true affinities will have to await further 

The name Alectoria chalybeiformis has been 
incorrectly applied to this species by a number 
of early North American authors (e.g., Howe 

Hawksworth (1969 p. 397) pointed out that the 
earliest name for this taxon at the rank of species 
was Cetraria furcellata Fr., something Ahlner 
had been aware of in 1941. In view of the 
existence of the name Alectoria furcellata R. 
Sant., which was treated as a synonym of A. 
nigricans by Hawksworth (1970. 1972), the 
epithet was preoccupied in Alectoria and so 
could not be taken up for this species then. 
When A. nidulifera is considered to belong to a 
genus other than Alectoria, however. Fries' 
name cannot be rejected and must be taken up 
in accordance with Art. 11. It is with some 
reluctance that we introduce this change here 
since the epithet nidulifera is so well-known on 
both sides of the Atlantic. Two methods of 
saving this epithet were considered, (a) to trans- 
fer Santesson's epithet into Bryoria and (b) to 
describe one of our new species of Bryoria 
under this epithet. The first alternative is un- 
tenable as Santesson's “species" does not be- 
long to Bryoria but to Alectoria s. str. as under- 
stood here. To implement the second would 
establish three “ furcellata ” epithets in this 
group of genera all based on different types - 
something contrary to Rec. 23B(h). 

Selected specimens 

Exsiccatae. Brodo: Lieh. Can. Exs. 82: Ontario, 
Cochrane District: Moosonee, Brodo 14779 (CANE) - 
Cummings, Seymour & Williams: Dec. N. Amer. 
Lieh. 53: Virginia. Norton, Seymour (BM. CANL, 

DUKE, MSC, NYBG. US, WIS) - Cummings, Wil- 
liams & Seymour: Lieh. Bor. Amer. 16: Maine, 
Washington County: Lubec, Cummings & Teller 
(NYBG, US) - Hale: Lieh. Amer. Exs. 74: West 
Virginia, Randolph County: Spruce Knob Lake. Hale 
(BM. CANL, COLO, DUKE, LAM, MSC) - Merrill: 
Lieh. Exs., Ser. I, 211: Maine, Knox County: War- 
ren, G. K. Merrill (BM, CANL, FH. NYBG. US) - 
Rel. Tuck. 3: Massachusetts , Hampshire County: 
Amherst, Tuckerman (BM, CANL, COLO, DUKE. 

Canada. Alberta. Waterton Lakes National Park, 
Redrock Canyon, Imshaug 6112 (MSC) - Saskatche- 
wan. Lake Athabasca, Uranium City, Scotter 3785 
(WIS)- La Ronge, Jesberger 1281 (SASK )-Manitoba. 
Lac Brochet, Scotter 2800 (WIS) - Ontario. Algoma 
District: Mississagi R., Twp. 196. Cain 2601 1 (CANL. 
UBC. TRTC) - Haliburton County: W of Algonquin 
Park Gate. Cain 27295 (US) - Quebec. Cté Dor- 
chester: Morisset, Masson 5632 (WIS) - Cté Gaspé- 
Est: Cap-des-Rosiers-Est. Brodo 18674 (CANL)-Ter- 
ritoire de Mistassini: Otish Mts.. Mont du Lagopède. 
Shchepanek 7I-L-59 (p.p. ) (CANL) - Territoire de la 
Baie de James: Rupert House, Kucyniak & Tuomi- 
koski 51A (p.p.) (CANL) - Territoire du Nouveau 
Québec: George River. Hustich s.n. (H) -New Bruns- 
wick. Albert County: Fundy National Park, Ireland 
11332 (p.p.) (CANL) - Nova Scotia. Halifax County: 
Lake Chalotte. Taschereau B-8 (NSPM) - Prince 
Edward Island: Kings County: Montague, Ireland 
10208A (p.p.) (CANL) - Newfoundland. Labrador 
West District: Menihek Lake. Brodo 8853-5B (CANL) 
(See Ahti & Hawksworth 1974.) - Yukon. Hunker 
Creek. Mascoun s.n., 26 July 1902 (FH) - Northwest 
Territories. Mackenzie District: Middle Ross Lake, 
Ahti 10271 (H) - Keewatin District: Ennadai Lake. 
Brown 1330 (CANL). 

U.S.A. Alaska. Alaska Range District: McKinley 
Park. Hanson 461 (COLO)- Arizona. CochiseCounty: 
Chiricahua Mts.. Weber & Shushan s.n., 18 April 1957 
(COLO) - Greenlee County: Hannaga Meadows 
campground, Nash 7710 (CANL, NASH) - Pima 
County: Mt. Lemmon. Darrow 774 (COLO) - Cali- 
fornia. Humbolt County: Areata, North Spit. Becking 
6104017 (US) - Marin County: Inverness, Tavares 561 
(COLO) - Santa Clara County: Santa Cruz Mountains, 
Herre 798 (F ) -Colorado. Costilla County: Purgatory. 
Faxon s.n., 6 April 1882 (FH) - Connecticut. New 
London County: Old Lyme, Evans 754 (FH) - Illinois. 
County unknown: Calkins (107) 491 (NYBG) - 
Indiana. St. Joseph County: South Bend. Bosch s.n.. 
no date (FH-Tuck.) - Iowa. Fayette County: Locality 
unknown, Fink s.n., 1895 (WIS. MIN. US. NYBG). 
Fink s.n.. 1899 (H) - Maine. Oxford County: Buck- 
field, Parlin 7438 (FH ) - Maryland. Alleghany County: 
Oldtown, Hale 14483 (US) - Massachusetts. Barn- 
stable County: Cape Cod, Nicholson State Park. 
Brodo 4209 (CANL, MSC) - Michigan. Alger County: 
NE of Kingston Lake, Harris 6039 (MSC) - Minne- 
sota. St. Louis County: Near Bear Lake State Park. 
Hale 23220 (US) - Missouri. St. Louis, Engelmann 
s.n.. 18 Aug. 1878 (US) - New Hampshire. Grafton 
County: Hanover. Croasdale 14 (US) - New Jersey- 
Sussex County: Highview Mt. State Park. Hale I73Ö2 
(US) - New Mexico. San Miguel County: Las Vegas, 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. 107 

Arsène 20086 (FH) - New York. Franklin County: 
Adirondack Mts., Hermann 15643 (US) - North 
Carolina. Macon County: Bearpen Mt.. Moore 1418 
(DUKE) - Ohio. Ashtabula County: Orwell, Bogue 
864 (NYBG) - Oregon. Lane County: Florence, Pike 
L-564 (CANL) - Pennsylvania. Luzerne County: Red 
Rock, Hale 16168 (US) - Rhode Island. County un- 
known: Gilliman s.n.. no date (NYBG) - Tennessee. 
Knox County: House Mt.. Cain 132 (FH) - Vermont. 
Rockbridge County: Goshen. Dutton 2292 (FH) - 
Virginia. Floyd County: Near Rocky Knob, Blue 
Ridge Parkway, Hale 12833 (US) - Washington. Sno- 
homish County: Near Big Four Inn. Schallert 3210 
(US) - West Virginia. Nicholas County: Birch River. 
Haie 11562 (US) - Wisconsin. Ashland County: 
Apostle Islands, Outer Island, Tans 4 (WIS). 

Mexico. Oaxaca. Sierra de San Felipe, Pringle 
195 (p.p.) (DUKE) - 53 km NW of Oaxaca, Hale 
20805 (p.p.) (US). 

12. Bryoria nitidula (Th. Fr.) Brodo & 

D. Hawksw., comb. nov. 

Bryopogon jubatum var. nitidulum Th. Fr., Nova 
Acta Reg. Soc. Sei. Upsal., ser. 3, 3: 25 (I860) 
[Reprint]; type: Norway, Finnmark, Varanger, 
Klubben. T. M. Fries, 15 August 1857 (UPS lecto- 
typel); basionym. - Alectoria nitidula (Th. Fr.) 
Vain., Medd. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 6: 1 16 (1881). 

Alectoria irvingii Llano, J. Wash. Acad. Sei. 
41 : 198 (1951); type: Alaska, Anatuvuk Pass, alt. 
100 m, 151°32'W. 69°20’N. on ground talus slopes, 
west wall, G. A. Llano 307b, 15 July 1949 (US 
holotypel). — Bryopogon irvingii (Llano) Bystr., 
Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, C, 26: 275 
(1971); nom. inval. (Art. 33). 

For further synonyms see Hawksworth (1972 p. 

Thallus erect to decumbent, 5-8 cm tall; 
branching isotomic dichotomous at the base, 
becoming anisotomic dichotomous towards the 
apices, angles between the dichotomies mainly 
acute; branches even in diameter, straight, 
0-5— 0.6(— 0.8) mm diam.; cervine brown to dark 
brown or black, usually concolourous; dying 
Irom the base. 

Lateral spinules usually frequent, slightly 
constricted basally, arising over the whole 
lhallus. Pseudocyphellae usually present, 
sparse, inconspicuous to conspicuous, elongate 
fusiform, plane to slightly raised, c. 0.5 mm 
long, brownish to dark brown or black. Soralia 

Apothecia and pycnidia unknown. 

Inner cortex and medulla K-, C— , KC— , 
PD+ red at least in parts. Contains fumar- 
Protocetraric acid. 

Ecology. On dry or wet tundra, or occasionally, 
in pine stands in the northern hemiarctic 
region; generally associated with rocks, 
especially non-calcareous rocks, although we 
have seen some specimens from calcareous 
tundra. There is one specimen from the low 
branches of a white spruce (Ontario, Fort 
Severn, Ahti s.n., 2 Aug. 1958 [O]). 

Recent research by K. A. Kershaw and 
D. W. Larson (Kershaw & Larson 1974. 
Larson & Kershaw 1975, Kershaw 1975) has 
helped to explain the physiological bases for 
the ecological and geographic distribution of 
B. nitidula. They have shown that this species 
is an extreme xerophile at cold temperatures, 
explaining its tendency to be found on ridge 
tops where air flow and drainage are at a 
maximum and where both moisture levels and 
temperatures are low (Kershaw & Larson 1974). 
Further work provided evidence for the adaptive 
value of dark colour for lichens such as B. 
nitidula which are found in habitats largely 
swept clean of snow during the winter (Larson & 
Kershaw 1975. Kershaw 1975). Whereas B. 
nitidula would seem to have a net carbon 
deficit during the summer months due to high 
respiration rates at high temperatures, in early 
spring its dark cortical pigmentation enables 
the thallus temperature to rise significantly 
above the air temperature and greatly increase 
its available growth period. In small "melt- 
pockets" caused by tufts of these dark plants, 
assimilation may even occur underneath thin 
layers of snow (Larson & Kershaw 1975). 

Distribution. Arctic to hemiarctic; entirely 
absent from the western mountains with the 
exception of one collection from the Garibaldi 
Mountains north of Vancouver (Fig. 49). There 
are other populations in the Otish and 
Shickshock Mountains of Quebec. These peaks 
are all well known for their arctic disjuncts. 
The absence of B. nitidula in the forested 
interior of Newfoundland is striking but not 
unexpected. Its occurrence over granite on the 
wind-swept coastal heaths near Halifax is also 
not entirely surprising. These coastal localities 
have numerous northern relicts (Roland & 
Smith 1969 p. 296). B. nitidula is circumpolar, 
but is of very scattered occurrence in northern 
Europe and Asia (Hawksworth 1972). 

It has recently been recognized in Japan as 

108 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Fig. 49. Bryoria nitidula. N. American distribution. 

part of the orohemiarctic zone flora (Jprgensen 


Bryoria nitidula has often been confused with 
B. bicolor, a species from which it is readily 
separated by its coarser habit, branching 
pattern, and concolourous darker thallus. In 
addition B. nitidula is essentially a species of 
the tundra in North America whilst B. bicolor 
is a coastal species restricted to more temperate 
parts of the continent. A more frequent cause of 
misidentification aries from the superficial 
similarities of B. nitidula and Cornicularia 
divergens, species which are often associated 
with one another. C. divergens is, however, 
easily distinguished by its white and more 
discrete oval pseudocyphellae which react C + 
rose-red (olivetoric acid), and its shiny, dis- 
tinctly red-brown colour. 

Ahti (1964) noted that Ontario material of 
B. nitidula tended to be coarser than the 

Scandinavian specimens available to him. This 
species does indeed tend to be more luxuriantly 
developed in North America than either Europe 
or Japan, but as specimens similar to those in 
Europe occur in North America and intergrade 
with the coarser plants, the degree of luxuriance 
appears to be of little taxonomic importance. 

This species varies considerably in colour 
from dark, dull red-brown to almost black, 
and the habit and branching vary from erect 
and almost strictly monopodia! to decumbent 
and very irregularly branched (Fig. 50). While 
extreme morphotypes are often very distinctive, 
a complete series of intergradations occurs, 
indicating that these types of variations are of 
little taxonomic significance. 

Motyka (1964) considered Alectoria irvingii 
Llano as a good species closely allied to “A", 
subdivergens Dahl, and possibly belonging in 
Oropogon Th. Fr. We agree with Krog (1968) 
that this taxon comes within the range of 
variation of B. nitidula although the thalli of 
the type specimen are rather coarse. 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. 109 

Fig. 50. Bryoria nitidula. - A: The common erect, robust morphotype. Ontario, Cape Henrietta Maria, Neal 019 
(CANL). Scale 0. 5-1.0 mm. - B: The small, prostrate morphotype. Quebec, Gaspé, Mt. Albert, Brodo 18538A 
(CANL). Scale 0.5-1. 0 mm. 

Selected specimens 

Exsiccatae. Thomson: Lieh. Arct. 84: N.W.T.. 
District of Keewatin: Rossby Lake, J. W. Thomson & 
Larsen (CANL, COLO, DUKE, US). 

Canada. British Columbia. Coast Area: Garibaldi 
Mountains (other data unknown) - Manitoba. Fort 
Churchill, Gillett 1608 (CANL) - Ontario. Kenora 
District: Cape Henrietta Maria, Cowell 1286A (CANL) 
- Quebec. Cté Gaspé-Nord: Mont Albert-Nord. 
Gauthier 2061 (CANL) - Territoire du Nouveau 
Québec: Great Whale River. L. Thomson 21 (US) - 
Nova Scotia. Halifax County: Duncan's Cove. 
Taschereau B-4 (NSPM ) - Newfoundland. Labrador 
North District: Hopedale, Perrott 1-L (FH) (See also 
Ahti & Hawksworth 1974.) - Yukon. British Moun- 
tains, Trout Lake, J. W. Thomson & Larsen 14756 
tP-P ) (WIS) - Northwest Territories. Franklin District: 
Baffin Island, Frobisher Bay, Hale 344 (CANL, 
WIS). - Keewatin District: Parsons Lake, J. W. 
Thomson & Larsen 5878 (WIS) - Mackenzie District: 
Crossley Lakes, Scotter 8058 (H). 

U.S.A. Alaska. Aleutian Islands: Attu Island, 
Man Schaack 292 (US) - Amchitka Island, Reich & 
McCann 77 (F, WIS) - Arctic Coast District: 
Franklin Bluffs, J. W. Thomson 6474 (WIS). 

13. Bryoria simplicior (Vain.) Brodo & 

D. Hawksw., comb. nov. 

Alectoria nidulifera f. simplicior Vain., Medd. Soc. 
Fauna FI. Fenn. 6: 115 (1881); type: Finlandia, 
Lapponia, Paatsjoki. E. A. Vainio, 1878, herb. 
Vainio no. 01067 (TUR 001403 lectotype!); basionym. 
- Alectoria simplicior (Vain.) Lynge. Norske Vid.- 
Akad. Oslo. Mat. -Nat. Kl. 1921 (7): 212 (1921). - 
Bryopogon simplicior (Vain.) Gyeln., Feddes Repert. 
38: 233 (1935). - Alectoria simplicior f. typica Vain., 
Ann. Univ. Turku., ser. A, 7(1): 8 (1940); nom. 
illegit. (Art. 63). 

Bryopogon nitidulum f. caespitosa Saviez, Trudy 
Student. Nautsch. Fis. Mat. Fak. Univ. Jurjew 3: 
40 (1911); type; U.S.S.R., Prov. Archangel, R. Pohle 
W538, 1904 (LE lectotype!). - Alectoria nitidula f. 
caespitosa (Saviez) Zahlbr., Cat. Lieh. Univ. 6: 396 
(1930). - Alectoria lanea f. caespitosa (Saviez) 
Gyeln., Nyt Mag. Naturvid. 70; 60 (1932). - Bryo- 
pogon bicolor var. nitidulum f. caespitosus (Saviez) 
Gyeln., Feddes Repert. 38: 237 (1935). 

Alectoria simplicior f. subintricans Vain., Ann. 
Univ. Turku., Ser. A, 7(1); 8 (1940); type: Finlandia 
ladogensis, Sortavala, Kotiluoto, E. Vainio, 14 July 
1926, herb. Vainio no. 01073-5 (TUR 001250 lecto- 

110 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Fig. 5 1 . Bryoria simpiicior. Quebec, Upper Seal Lake, 
Campbell s.n. (CANL 49618). Scale 0.5—1 .0 mm. 

Bryopogon simpiicior f. aibidosorediosus Gyeln., 
Acta Geobot. Hung. 2: 166 (1937); type: U.S.S.R., 
Sibirien. Jakutskaja A.S.S.R., Uralgebirge. Elbyn- 
torsee, W. Safrasknikow. 9 September 1919 (BP 
33.975 holotype!). 

Alectoria simpiicior var. lapponica Gyeln., Nyt 
Mag. Naturvid. 70: 62 (1932): type: Suecia. Lapponia 
tomeensis, par. Jukkasjärvi, prope lacum Aptasjärvi, 
ad ramulos Pini desiccatos, G. Läng, Krypt. Exs. 
Vindob. no. 1977 (BP 33.962 holotype!). - Bryopogon 
simpiicior f. lapponicus (Gyeln.) Gyeln., Feddes 
Repert. 38: 234 (1935). 

Alectoria nana Mot., Bryologist 67: 16 (1964); 
type: Alaska, Alaska Range District. Mt. McKinley 
National Park, Wonder Lake, H. Krog 4779, 14 
August 1957 (O lectotype!); nom. inval. (Arts. 36, 
37). - Bryopogon nanus (Mot.) Bystr., Ann. Univ. 
Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, C, 26: 371 (1971); nom. 
inval. (Arts. 33, 36, 37). 

Thallus caespitose, sometimes becoming 
decumbent, 2^1(-5) cm long; branching mainly 
isotomic dichotomous from the base, angles 
between the dichotomies usually acute; 
branches even in diameter, usually straight, 
rarely becoming slightly foveolate, 0.2-0. 4 mm 
diam.; cervine brown to dark brown or almost 
black, concolourous; base persistent. Fig. 51. 

Lateral spinules with slightly constricted 
bases, sparse to frequent, becoming abundant 
in some forms. Pseudocyphellae absent. Soralia 
abundant, fissurai, usually broader than the 
branches on which they occur, white to 
brownish black or more usually greenish black, 
normally without any spinules but sometimes 
bearing irregular, often contorted, non-isidiiform 

Apothecia and pycnidia unknown. 

Cortex, medulla and soralia K — , C — , KC — , 
PD -. Contains no lichen products. 

Ecology. Characteristically on well-lighted twigs 
and small branches of Picea mariana and Larix 
laricina in the open black spruce muskeg of 
the northern boreal forest, but occasionally on 
other trees in that community (e.g., Picea 
glauca. Betula spp., Populus balsamifera). We 
have seen no specimens from Abies balsamea, 
a tree very common in the southern boreal 
forest. In the west, Bryoria simpiicior is often 
found on Pinas contorta. Rarely, the species is 
collected from the ground or rock (on several 
occasions, associated with B. c Italy beiformis), 
but it is often found on lignum. Krusenstjerna & 
Santesson (1950) have remarked that, in the 
subalpine birch forests of Jämtland (Sweden), 
this species and "A. jubata ” are clearly 
restricted to the portions of the birch trees 
above the highest level of winter snow. 

This species almost invariably grows mixed 
with B. lanestris and frequently with B. 
furcellata as well. 

Distribution. Northern boreal to hemiarctic 
zone from Newfoundland to Alaska, with 
scattered occurrences in the western mountains 
south to Colorado, and in the Shickshock 
Mountains of Quebec (Fig. 52). The other 
Quebec localities (e.g., in Parc des Laurentides) 
undoubtedly represent edaphically northern 
boreal outliers. The species can occur in arctic 
localities on rock, as it does in southwest 
Greenland (Dahl 1950), but its main distribution 
even in Europe is clearly in the northern 
boreal forests (Ahlner 1948. Poelt 1969). Ahlner 
(1948) cites published reports from Siberia, 
Kamchatka and Japan, and we have also seen 
collections from Mongolia (Golubkova [LE]); 
the species can thus be regarded as circum- 
boreal, apparently with continental rather than 
oceanic tendencies (Ahlner 1948, Ahti & Hawks- 
worth 1974). 


Bryoria simpiicior is a clearly defined species 
which is only likely to be confused with 
unusually dark specimens of B. furcellata 
lacking their characteristic tufts of spinules in 
the soralia, or with young plants of B. lanestris, 
a species with which B. simpiicior is frequently 
entangled. B. simpiicior is always PD — through- 
out. {B. furcellata is PD + red throughout. 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. 1 1 1 

F-ig. 52. Bryoria simplicior. N. American distribution. 

and the soralia of B. lanestris are PD + red 
whilst its thallus is PD-.) The greenish black 
soralia so characteristic of B. simplicior are 
unknown in any other North American species. 
(Soralia in both B. furcellata and B. lanestris 
are white or flecked with black.) 

Attention is drawn to Ahlner's (1948) detailed 
discussion of this species. 

Motyka (1964) indicated that the soralia of 
“A. nana", treated as a synonym of B. 
s implicior here, were PD + red but this was 
due to some of the material he annotated as 
(his being mixed with B. lanestris. 

Selected specimens 

Exsiccatae. Brodo: Lieh. Can. Exs. 2: Ontario , 
Cochrane District: Moosonee, Fabiszewski M26/127 


Canada. British Columbia. Coastal District: 

Garibaldi Mountains, Whistler Mountain, Brodo 13939 
(CANL) - Fraser River Basin: W of Marquart Lake, 
Scotter 9848 (W1S) - Liard River Basin: Cassiar, 
Szczawinski 684-8 (US, O) - Okanagan District: 
Princeton, Brodo 7815 (p.p.) (CANL) - Alberta. 
Banff National Park, canyon of Johnson Creek. 
Weber S23.592 (CANL. COLO) - 125 miles W of 
Edmonton. Turner s.n., I Aug. 1959 (LAM) - 
Waterton Lakes National Park, Redrock Canyon, 
lmshaug 6103 (W1S) - Saskatchewan. Hasbala Lake 
Region, Argus 953-62 (COLO) - Prince Albert 
National Park, Waskesiu, Jesberger 1171 (SASK) - 
Manitoba. Brochet, Scotter 3031 (W1S) - Fort 

Churchill, Crum & Schofield 6889 (CANL) - 
Ontario. Cochrane District: Mouth of the Moose 
River, Brodo 14748 (CANL) - Kenora District: 
SE of Fort Severn. Ahti 3726 (H) - Quebec. Cté 
Frontenac: Woburn, Masson 6030B (QUE) - Cté 
Gaspé-Est: Penouillc Point, Gaspé. Brodo 18706 
(p.p.) (CANL) - Parc des Laurentides: 70°47'W, 
47°39'N, Scotter 6515 (H) - Cté Témiscouata: St- 
Juste-du-Lac, near Lac Témiscouata, Masson 1 1403B, 
(WIS) - Territoire de Mistassini: Otish Mountains, 
Mont du Lagopède, Shchepanek 7I-L-58 (p.p.) 

112 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Fig. 53. Bryoria tenuis. A specimen from the tundra 
showing some pale tips. N. W. T., Spence Bay, 
McGrath 18 (CANL). Scale 0. 5-1.0 mm. 

(CANL) - Territoire du Nouveau Québec: Chimo 
Air Base, Marr 5 (COLO) - Newfoundland. Central 
Labrador: Goose Bay, Haufe 25098 (US) - Knob 
Lake, J. W. Thomson 13730 (WIS). (See also Ahti & 
Hawksworth 1974). - Yukon. 40 miles W of Watson 
Lake, Ahti 23492 (H) - British Mountains, Trout 
Lake, J. W. Thomson & Larsen 14758 (WIS) - 
Mountains N of the McQuesten River, Christie s.n. 
(CANL, LAM) - Northwest Territories. Mackenzie 
District: 3 miles SE of Indian Mountain Lake. 
Cody 16024 (CANL, WIS) - Keewatin District: 
Ennadai Lake, J. W. Thomson 11803 (CANL, US. 

U.S.A. Alaska. Alaska Range District: Dry Creek, 
63°53-59'N, 147 0 20-35'W, Viereck 6000 (ALA, 

COLO, CANL, WIS) - Arctic Coast District: Umiat, 
Llano 5 1 1 x (US) - Bering Sea District: Safety 
Lagoon, Krog s.n., 22 June 1969 (O) - Central 
Yukon River District: Tanana River at mouth of 
Delta Creek, Viereck 7567F (ALA. WIS) - Western 
Pacific Coast: Nanwhyenuk Lake, Muller 855 (p.p.) 
(US) - Colorado. Larrimer or Middle Grand County: 
Rocky Mountain Park, Summit Simpson Pass, Sanson 
18 (FH) - Idaho. Payette County: Payette Lakes, 
A. H. Smith I6076C (WIS) - Montana. Sanders 
County: Fishtrap Creek, Taylor 7071 (p.p.) (WIS). 

14. Bryoria tenuis (Dahl) Brodo & 

D. Hawksw., comb. nov. 

Alectoria tenuis Dahl, Meddl. Gronl. 150(2): 144 
(1950); type: Greenland, Julianehaab District, Igalik- 

fjord, Eqaluit, E. Dahl, 9 August 1937 (O holotypel); 
basionym. - Bryopogon tenuis (Dahl) Bystr., Ann. 
Univ. Mariae Curie-Skfodowska, C, 26: 271 (1971); 
nom. inval. (Art. 33). 

Alectoria bicolor var. subbicolor Mot., Bryologist 
67 : 9 (1964); type: Alaska, Eastern Pacific Coast 
District, Ketchikan. Deer Mt., lower part, H. Krog 
6252, 3 September 1957 (O lectotypel); nom. inval. 
(Arts. 36, 37). 

Thallus erect to decumbent, or rarely sub- 
pendent, 4-6(-12) cm long; branching isotomic 
dichotomous towards the base but often 
tending to become anisotomic dichotomous 
towards the apices, angles between the basal 
dichotomies usually obtuse, angles between 
the apical dichotomies usually acute, third 
order branches usually absent; branches terete, 
even in diameter, sometimes becoming slightly 
compressed towards the base, 0.3— 0.4(— 0.5) 
mm diam.; basal branches becoming black, 
apical branches pale brown to brown (always 
paler than the basal parts); base often dying. 
Fig. 53. 

Perpendicular lateral spinules with slightly 
constricted bases present, sometimes poorly 
developed. Soralia absent. 

Pseudocyphellae abundant to scanty, fissurai, 
plane to slightly raised, usually dark and in- 

Apothecia very rare (known from one 
collection from Alaska, Krog 6252), lateral, 
appearing geniculate; excipulum thallinum con- 
colourous with the thallus, thin, becoming 
excluded as the ascocarps mature; disc concave 
at first, becoming convex when mature, 
yellowish brown to reddish brown, to 1.5 mm 
diam. Thecium c. 70 gm high, tall, asci c. 
45 x 15 gm, epithecium I K1 + aeruginose. Spores 
8 per ascus, subglobose to ellipsoid, hyaline, 
simple, with a rather thick (1 /urn) wall, (6-) 
7-9.5 x 5-7 /am. Pycnidia not seen. 

Inner cortex and medulla K-, C-, KC-, 
PD + red at least in parts (perhaps rarely PD — ). 
Contains fumarprotocetraric acid. 

Ecology. Characteristically on mossy trees and 
rocks in moist conifer forests, but also found 
in rock crevices and on mossy rock surfaces 
in more exposed subalpine sites. In the southern 
Appalachian mountains, it is apparently re- 
stricted to the fir forests above 1 800 m. All 
the specimens we have seen from that area 
are from Abies (presumably A. fraseri). The 
arctic collections (e.g., McGrath, Spence Bay. 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Brvoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. 113 

Fig. 54. Bryoria tenuis. N. American distribution. 

N.W.T.) were generally growing between rock 
fragments much as Alectoria ochroleuca. They 
are fairly typical in morphology, although 
sometimes lacking in the long, curled tips 
described by Dahl (1950) in the original Green- 
land material. In the alpine areas of the Tyrolian 
Alps, the species grows on boulder surfaces 
mixed with other saxicolous foliose and fruticose 

Distribution. Oceanic localities along the 
Appalachian Mountains, and along the coasts 
°f British Columbia and Alaska, with scattered 
arctic populations in northern Alaska, Keewatin 
(N.W.T.) and southwestern Greenland (Fig. 
^4). In Europe, B. tenuis does not seem to be 

8 - Opera Botanica nr 42 

as clearly oceanic as it does in North America. 
Although it is known from western Norway, 
Jprgensen & Ryvarden (1970) point out that the 
localities are in the mountains. The species 
is also known from a few localities in Sweden 
(Jorgensen 1972). One of us (l.M.B.) has seen 
and collected it on rocks near tree-line in the 
Austrian Alps. Its occurrence in the American 
arctic is not entirely surprising since the species 
was described from the tundra of southwest 
Greenland (Dahl 1950). A very similar distri- 
bution is shown by the clearly oceanic crustose 
lichen, Placopsis gelida (L.) Linds. (Thomson 
1972). We have not seen the specimen from 
the Aleutian Islands (Adiak Island) reported 
by Jorgensen ( 1972) but presume it is correct. 

114 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 


Bryoria tenuis is most closely allied to B. 
bicolor. The decumbent habit and the third- 
order perpendicular branches in B. bicolor 
serve to distinguish the two species. The 
branching pattern of B. tenuis is not unlike 
that of B. nadvornikiana which is easily 
distinguished by its chemical reactions (K + 
bright yellow. KC + red, PD+ orange-yellow) 
and much paler apical parts. More detailed 
information on the differences among these 
three species may be found in Dahl (1950) 
and Jqrgensen & Ryvarden (1970). 

Although some specimens of B. tenuis 
appear to be PD — on the basis of routine 
testing, a careful re-examination using the 
methods described under Chemistry (Figs. 17, 
18) shows them all to be PD + red at least in 
some of their pale, apical branches. This is 
also true of the type specimen of B. tenuis 
which, contrary to the findings of earlier 
authors, proves to be PD + red in part. 
Consequently, we do not believe there to be a 
truly “inactive strain" of this species as was 
suggested by Krog (1968), but would stress 
that the amount of fumarprotocetraric acid in 
this species may sometimes be so small as to be 
barely detectable in routine testing. 

Motyka (1964) treated only specimens he 
found to be PD— as "Alectoria tenuis", 
referring PD + plants to "A. bicolor var. 
subbicolor” . As pointed out by Krog (1968) 
and Jqrgensen (1972), such a view is in any 
event entirely unacceptable as it ignores the 
morphological differences which readily serve to 
distinguish these two species. 

Apothecia have not previously been reported 
in this species and were seen by us only in 
the single collection cited above. 

One specimen of B. tenuis, collected in the 
White Mountains of New Hampshire by 
Tuckerman (FH-Tuck.!), was superficially much 
like B. smithii but lacked soralia and the typical 
clusters of isidioid spinules. Per M. Jorgensen 
(in litt.) examined the material at our request 
and concluded that it did not seem to be B. 
smithii, but was more likely a rather coarse 
B. tenuis. The thallus is completely PD- and 
revealed nothing in TLC; it is therefore the 
only specimen of B. tenuis we have seen totally 
lacking in fumarprotocetraric acid. 

Selected specimens 

Exsiccatae. Brodo: Lieh. Can. Exs. 83: British 
Columbia. Moresby Island, Brodo 18507 (CANL). 

Canada. British Columbia. Chilkat River Basin: 
Near Chilcoot Pass, Williams 69 (NYBG) - Islands 
North District: Graham Island: Awun Lake. Brodo 
18478 (CANL) - Moresby Island: Between Sandspit 
and Copper Bay, Brodo 12880 (CANL) - Quebec. 
Cté Gaspé-Nord: Mont Albert Nord. Gauthier 2637 
(CANL) - Cté Matane: Between Mount Mattaouisse 
and Mount Collins, Collins 2155 (FH)-Cté Saguenay: 
Archipel de Mingan, Marie-Victorin & Rolland- 
Germain 18,298 (p.p.) (US) - Newfoundland. 

Placentia East District: St. Bride's, Ahti 8867 (H) - 
lie Miquelon. Delamar S211 (S) - Northwest Terri- 
tories. Keewalin District: Spence Bay, McGrath 18 
(CANL) - Thelon River, Aberdeen Lake. Scotter 
4233 (W1S). 

U.S.A. Alaska. Arctic Coast District: Pitmegea 
River, Cape Sabine, J. W. Thomson 5530 (WIS) - 
Central Pacific Coast District: Prince William Sound. 
Pigot Bay. Krog 2206 (O) - Eastern Pacific Coast 
District: Sitka, Sitka National Monument, Krog 
6245 (O) - New Hampshire. County unknown: White 
Mountains, Herb. E. Tuckerman 676 (EH) - North 
Carolina. Yancey County: Black Mountains, Mt. 
Mitchell State Park, Dey 1197 (DUKE) - Oregon. 
Clatsop County: Saddle Mountain State Park, Pike 
3763 (OSC) - Tennessee. Sevier & Cocke Counties: 
Old Black in the Great Smoky Mountains National 
Park, Dey 6628 (DUKE). 

Bryoria sect. Implexae (Gyeln.) Brodo & 

D. Hawksw., comb. nov. 

Bryopogon sect. Implexae Gyeln., Feddes Repert. 
38: 223 (1935); basionym. - Bryopogon sect. Bryo- 
pogon subsect. Implexae (Gyeln.) Bystr., Ann. Univ. 
Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, C, 26: 274 (1971). 

Bryopogon sect. Fuscidulae Bystr., Ann. Univ. 
Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, C, 26: 271 (1971); type: 
B. fuscidulus (Arnold) Bystr. nom. inval. [= Bryoria 
capillaris (Ach.) Brodo & D. Hawksw.]. holotype. 

Bryopogon sect. Flexuosae Bystr., Ann. Univ. 
Mariae Curie-Sktodowska, C. 26: 272 (1971); type: 
B. flexuosus (Mot.) Bystr. nom. inval. [1= Bryoria 
pseudofuscescens (Gyeln.) Brodo & D. Hawksw. 
aggr., see Hawksworth 1972], holotype. 

? Alectoria subgen. Bryopogon sect. Pellucidae 
Mot., FI. Polska, Porosty 5(2): 39 (1962); type: 
A. pellucida Mot. [=Bryoria sp., see p. 59], holotype. 

- Bryopogon sect. Pellucidae (Mot.) Bystr., Ann. 
Univ. Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, C, 26: 275 (1971), 
as “Mot." 

Type species: Bryoria implexa (Hoffm.) Brodo & 
D. Hawksw. (syn. Usnea tax. vag. implexa Hoffm.. 
Alectoria implexa (Hoffm.) Nyl.; lectotype designated 
by Bystrek 1971 p. 274). 

Thallus decumbent to subpendent or pendent; 
greyish green, fuscous or brown to dark brown, 
generally not becoming blackened except in 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. 115 

fragmentation regions. True lateral spinules and 
isidia absent. Soralia absent in most species, 
frequent in others, mainly tuberculate, white. 
Pseudocyphellae always present, very variable 
in size, fusiform and inconspicuous to spiralled 
and readily visible, depressed or very slightly 
elevated, usually whitish. Cortex composed of 
broad hyphae with very little matrix. Apothecia 
rare, unknown in many species; margins not 
ciliate; discs orange-brown to reddish brown 
or rarely white. /3-orcinol depsidones other 
than fumarprotocetraric acid frequent; atranorin 
and/or chloroatranorin, and fumarprotocetraric 
acid sometimes present in traces; pulvinic 
acid derivatives absent. 


This section comprises about 12 species 
characterized principally by the occurence of 
/3-orcinol depsidones other than fumarproto- 
cetraric acid, small pseudocyphellae, and a 
characteristic cortical structure which tends to 
make the branches more friable than usual in 
the genus. Two species with conspicuous spiral 
pseudocyphellae (B. pseudocapillaris and B. 
spiralifera ) are being included here with some 

As a result of our studies it has become 
clear that this group is much more varied than 
previously supposed. While most of the taxa 
accepted here are readily recognizable, 
taxonomic problems exist with several of them 
as will be evident from the discussions following 
individual species. 

This section is alone amongst Alectoria and 
its allied genera in including species able to 
Produce a tridepside (gyrophoric acid): B. 
friabilis (consistently), and B. pikei (some 

15. Bryoria capillaris (Ach.) Brodo & 

D. Hawksw., comb. nov. 

Parmelia jubata ß. capillaris Ach., Meth. Lieh.: 
273 (1803); type: Suecia (H-Ach., upper specimen, 
lectotype!); basionym. - Alectoria capillaris (Ach.) 
Cromb., J. Bot., Lond. 9: 177 (1871). 

For further synonyms see Hawksworth (1969 pp. 
393-394, 1972 pp. 209-211). 

Thallus pendent, commonly 10— 15(— 30) cm long; 
branching irregular, isotomic dichotomous to 

anisotomic dichotomous, angles between the 
main branches usually acute; branches even to 
uneven in diameter, sometimes becoming 
slightly twisted or compressed especially 
towards the base, capillaceous. 0. 1— 0.3(— 0.5) 
mm diam.; greenish grey to grey, sometimes 
becoming brown to dark brown, matt to slightly 

True lateral spinules absent. Soralia absent 
in North American material. Pseudocyphellae 
usually present, inconspicuous on pale morpho- 
types, fusiform, white, 0.1-0.25 mm long. 

Apothecia rare in North American material, 
seen in a single collection (Montana, Glacier 
National Park, H. & V. Bailey 17 p.p. [H]), 
lateral, up to 1.5 mm in diameter; discs 
becoming strongly convex, light brown, 
epruinose; excipulum thallinum concolourous 
with thallus, soon becoming reflexed and 
disappearing. Spores 8 per ascus, hyaline, 
ellipsoid to subglobose, simple, 5. 3-6.8 x 4. 0-4. 5 
pm. Pycnidia not seen. 

Cortex, medulla and soralia K + bright yellow, 
C+ pink or -, KC+ red, PD+ yellow. 
Contains barbatolic acid, ± alectorialic acid. 

Ecology. On trees of all kinds, especially 
Picea, Pseudotsuga, Abies and Tsuga species, 
mainly in well-lighted portions of mature 
coniferous forests. Collected once from rock 
(Michigan, Isle Royale, Wetmore 1597 [MSC]). 
In oceanic or suboceanic forests, such as those 
on the Queen Charlotte Islands (British 
Columbia) the species grows in great abundance 
forming large, grey clumps hanging from low 

Distribution. Southern boreal to north temperate 
(hemiboreal) distribution in the east; Rocky 
Mountains of Alberta, British Columbia, Idaho 
and Montana; and coastal forests from California 
to southern Alaska (Fig. 55). The North 
American distribution shows distinct clumping 
in the more humid forest zones: coastal and 
interior Tsuga-Thuja forests; Lake Superior 
region corresponding to the “strongly humid 
southern boreal zone” (Ahti 1964); the St. 
Lawrence region; and the Atlantic coastal 
region. Scattered middle and northern boreal 
forest localities are also known. Hawksworth 
(1972) comments on the world distribution of 
B. capillaris, citing it from northern and 
southern Europe, the Canary Islands, and Japan. 

116 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Fig. 55. Bryoria capillaris: N. American distribution. A determination uncertain. 

The species is probably circumboreal in the 
Northern Hemisphere. 


Our study has revealed a number of problems 
in the systematics of this species arising from 
both morphological and chemical variability. 
Firstly, while B. capillaris is frequently (but 
by no means always) sored iate in Europe, no 
sorediate North American specimens have been 
found by us; this character is therefore region- 
ally useful for the separation of B. capillaris 
from exceptionally pendent specimens of B. 
nadvornikiana which is almost invariably 
sorediate in North America. Secondly, there are 
variations in the degree of shininess, the 

thickness of the main stems, and colour. 
Thirdly, these latter variations may perhaps be 
related to differences in the ratio of alectorialic 
to barbatolic acid and thus to differences in the 
intensity of the K+ reaction. (In the presence 
of alectorialic acid without barbatolic acid, 
a K + very pale yellow or K - reaction is 
obtained.) The species is clearly very closely 
allied to B. pikei (see Discussion under that 
species). It also appears to be related to B- 
pseudofuscescens, to judge from the discovery 
of a collection with both barbatolic and 
norstictic acids (Washington, near Dungeness, 

A. S. Forster 2552a [FH !] ; mixed with typical 

B. capillaris and Sulcaria badia ) which might 
even be considered a hybrid (see pp. 33, 71). 

When the chemistry of some European 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. 117 

collections was examined by TLC, further 
difficulties came to light. It now appears that 
many European specimens (those with soredia) 
contain chloroatranorin or atranorin, or both, 
and often traces of fumarprotocetraric acid in 
addition to the usual American components. 
We have not found any atranorin or chloro- 
atranorin in any North American material of 
this species. The lectotype specimen of B. 
capillaris is mainly esorediate but has a few 
basal sorediate branches. Through the courtesy 
of Mr. O. Vitikainen. we have been able to 
examine both sorediate and esorediate portions 
of it by TLC. These prove to have similar 
chemistries with chloroatranorin, possibly a 
trace of atranorin (a weak spot evident in 
PD but not under UV alone), alectorialic acid, 
barbatolic acid, and a spot which may be 
fumarprotocetraric acid (very faint). 

Material identical to the North American 
B. capillaris (i.e., esorediate, containing 
alectorialic and barbatolic acids and lacking 
atranorin and chloroatranorin) does, however, 
occur in parts of Europe (e.g., Arnold, Lieh. 
Exs. no. 914a, sub A. cana f. fuscidula [M !]). 
If this population later proves to be of taxonomic 
significance at the species level, type specimens 
of the numerous synonyms of B. capillaris 
will require examination by TLC before the 
appropriate name can be determined. 

Specimens corresponding to Hawksworth s 
(1972) concept of A. capillaris f. fuscidula 
occur in North America. We have reinvestigated 
the status of this name, however, since Motyka 
has applied the epithet in herbaria to specimens 
more properly identified as B. kuemmerleana 
(Gyeln.) Brodo & D. Hawksw. or. more 
rarely, B. capillaris and B. pseudofuscescens 
as understood by us. This confusion appears to 
have arisen primarily from Motyka (1960) con- 
sidering the epithet to have been published in 
1884 (when it in fact was validated in 1882) 
and to his treating as the holotype a specimen 
in M which was collected in the type locality 
in 1896 (M!) (rather than in 1880 as stated 
by Motyka I960). The lectotype designated 
by Hawksworth (1972) was at least an isotype 
and could have been considered the holotype 
apart from the fact that Arnold did not annotate 
any one collection “typus”. This specimen, 
and duplicates of it, consist of mixture of 
B- capillaris and fragments of B. kuemmerleana. 

in which B. capillaris clearly predominates. 
An examination of all available material in M 
which was collected by Arnold and was 
annotated by him as fuscidula, showed that he 
had not applied this name consistently. In view 
of this confusion, it is probably in the best 
interests of taxonomic stability to consider 
this epithet a nomen ambiguum to be rejected 
in accordance with the provisions of Art. 69. 

It will be evident from the above comments 
that many critical studies considering both 
morphological and chemical characters on a 
world scale need to be carried out in order to 
ascertain the taxonomic importance of the 
findings reported here. We consequently feel 
that it would be premature for us to propose 
any changes in the nomenclature or circum- 
scription of B. capillaris and its allied chemo- 
and morphotypes here. 

Selected specimens 

Exsiccatae. Brodo: Lieh. Can. Exs. 78: British 
Columbia, Moresby Island, Brodo 12247A (CANL) - 
79: British Columbia, Creston, Brodo 15110 (CANL) - 
?80: British Columbia, Earl's Cove, Brodo 8330 
(CANL) - Lieh. California Exs. (no number): Cali- 
fornia, Marin County Sausalito. M. A. Howe 79 

Canada. British Columbia. Islands North District: 
Moresby Island: Harriet Harbour. Brodo 12551 
(CANL) - Islands South District: Little Qualicum 
Falls Provincial Park, Ahti 6528 (H) - Coastal Area: 
Alice Lake. Ohlsson 436A (CANL) - Columbia River 
Basin: Valley of Illecillewaet R.. Brodo 7668 (CANL) 
- Dean River Basin: Stuie. Tweedsmuir Lodge, 
Ohlsson 2165 (CANL) - Fraser River Basin: Near 
Malakwa, Bird 15275 (p.p.) (WIS) - Kootenay 
River Basin: Creston, Brodo I5123A (CANL) - 
Okanagan: 34.6 miles S of Princeton. Brodo 8503B 
(CANL) - Peace River Basin: Alaza (sic) (Aleza) 
Lake, Kujala s.n., 24 July 1931 (H) - Skagit River 
Basin: Manning Park. Ahti 15399 (H) - Skeena River 
Basin: Hazelton. Ohlsson 2962B (MSC) - Alberta. 
Bragg Creek. Bird 10966 (p.p.) (CANL) - Saskatche- 
wan. Cypress Hills Park, Looman s.n., 7 April 1959 
(LAM) - Ontario. Algoma District: Near Brule, 
Grassl 1674 (MSC) - Cochrane District: Near Moose 
Factory, Brodo 14694 (CANL) - Kenora District: 
Fort Severn, Ahti 3950 (H) - Thunder Bay District: 
Shebandowan, Brodo 13632 (CANL) - Quebec. 
Cté Abitibi Ouest: Guyenne. Brodo 16889 (CANL) - 
Cté Gaspé Est: Cap-des-Rosiers-Est, Brodo 18668 
(CANL) - Cté Rimouski: Ile au Massacre, Masson 
14162 (WIS) - Prince Edward Island. Kings County: 
Montague, Ireland 10207B (CANL) - Queens County: 
14 miles NW of Charlottetown, Fabiszewski s.n., 
22 July 1970 (CANL) - Nova Scotia. Colchester 
County: Macoun s.n., 12 June 1883 (CANL). Kings 

118 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Fig. 56. Bryoria friabilis. Note the 
irregularly broken end of the fila- 
ments. B. C., Skeena River, 
Macoun s.n. (CANL 16156). Scale 
0.5 mm. 

County: Wolfville, Gillett 15683C (CANL) - New- 
foundland. Labrador West District: Schefferville, 
Brodo 9343B (CANL) - Humber East District: 
Cormack, Ahti 5930 (H) - Northwest Territories. 
Mackenzie District: Artillery Lake, J. W. Thomson & 
Larsen 12623 (WIS). 

U.S.A. Alaska. Central Pacific Coast District: 
Kenai Peninsula, Seward, Krog 2195 (O) - Eastern 
Pacific Coast District: Auke Lake, Imshaug 28490 
(MSC) - California. Humbolt County: Horse 
Mountain, Brodo 20516 (CANL) - Colorado. 
Chaffee County: Near Buena Vista, Imshaug 11679 
(MSC) - Idaho. Latah County: Bovill, Schroeder 
L367, 13 Sept. 1969 (SCHROEDER) - Maine. 
Hancock County: Salisbury Cove (sic) (Salsbury 
Cove), Plitt 167 (US) - Michigan. Keweenaw County: 
Isle Royale National Park, Capt. Kidd L, Wetmore 
4674 (MSC) - Minnesota. Cook County: Grand 
Portage L, Fink 17 (H, US, FH) - Montana. Flathead 
County: Glacier National Park. Grinnell Creek, 
Imshaug 5547 (CANL, LAM, WIS, US) - Oregon. 
Lane County: Willamette Pass, Becking 6308194 
(BECKING) - Vermont. Windham County: Stratton, 
Moore 1532 (US) - Washington. Kittitas County: 
Wenatchee National Forest, Hoffman OP-27 (US) - 
Whitman County: Kamiak Butte, Esslinger 1774C 

16. Bryoria friabilis Brodo & D. Hawksw., 
sp. nov. 

Thallus pendulus, vel raro ubi saxicola decumbens, 
friabilis, ad tactum disrumpens, ad 15 cm longus; 
rami praecipue aniso-dichotomiter fastigiati et in 
angulos obtusos ad proxime 90° divergentes, 
plerumque diametro inaequales, valde contorti, 
rugosi et foveolati, ramis principalibus crassis 
plerumque ramis brevibus gracilibus perpendiculariter 
instructis (similibus iis Bryoriae fremontii); planta 

pallidissime cervineo-brunnea, in herbario deni- 

Rami laterales spiniformes veri, isidia et soralia 
desunt. Pseudocyphellae copiosae, brunneolae vel 
albae, late fusiformes, circa ramos tortuosae. Cortex 
tenuis, e hyphis distincte undulatis compositus, 
parietibus cellularum subtilibus. 

Apothecia rarissima, lateralia, 0.35-0.5(-0.8) mm 
diametro, saepe aliquantum elongata: discus convexus 
et reflexus, albus vel dilute fuscus, epruinosus; 
excipulum proprium hyalinum vel brunneum. Asco- 
sporae incolores, ellipsoideae, simplices, parvae, 
4. 2-5.0 x 2.4-3.0 gm. Pycnidia ignota. 

Cortex K - , C + rubescens vel roseus, KC + roseus, 
PD-; medulla K — , C — , KC — , PD— ; apothecia 
PD + lutea, K-, C-, KC + rosea. Cortex 
thalli acidum gyrophoricum continens; epithecium. 
hyménium et excipulum proprium apothecii acidum 
alectorialicum continentia. 

Holotypus: America septentrionalis, U.S.A., 
Washington, Gate, in Quercu, rara, A. S. Foster 
s.n., 14 October 1911 (NYBG). 

Thallus pendent, or rarely decumbent when 
on rocks, brittle, breaking when touched, to 
15 cm long; branching mainly isotomic dicho- 
tomous, angles between the dichotomies obtuse 
to almost 90°, branches usually uneven, very 
contorted, wrinkled and foveolate, main 
branches often with short, slender, perpendic- 
ular side branches (similar to those of B. 
fremontii ); very pale cervine brown, becoming 
darker in the herbarium. Fig. 56. 

True lateral spinules, isidia, and soralia 
absent. Pseudocyphellae abundant, brownish to 
white, broadly fusiform, twisting around the 
branches. Cortex thin, composed of distinctly 
undulating thin-walled hyphae. 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. 119 

Apothecia rare (seen only in a single speci- 
men: British Columbia, Vancouver Island, 
Nimpkish Valley, Stevenson 747a, 2 Nov. 1975 
[UBC]), lateral. 0.35-0.5(— 0.8) mm in diameter, 
often somewhat elongated along the lilament; 
discs strongly convex and reflexed, white to 
very pale buff (or rarely brown in apothecia 
having a pigmented excipulum), epruinose; 
excipulum thallinum concolourous with disc and 
hardly distinguishable from it; excipulum 
proprium hyaline, or brown in some apothecia. 
Spores eight per ascus, hyaline, ellipsoid to 
subglobose, simple, very small, 4.2-5.0X2.4- 
3.0 /am. Pycnidia not seen. 

Cortex K-, C+ red or pink, KC+ pink, 
PD - ; medulla K - , C - , KC - , PD - ; apothecia 
PD + deep yellow, K — , C — , KC + pink. 
Contains gyrophoric acid in the thallus cortex 
and alectorialic acid in the epithecium, hy- 
ménium and excipulum proprium of the apoth- 

Ecology. On trees in exposed habitats, from 
sea level to I 500 m elevation; very rarely on 
rocks or shrubs. 

Distribution. West coast-east coast disjunct 
distribution, with a few isolated localities in 
the interior montane forests (Fig. 57 A). It is 
likely that this North American endemic was 
once widespread (see general section on 
Distribution, category 1 1). 


Bryoria friabilis is almost unique in the Alec- 
torioid genera in producing gyrophoric acid. 
Its relationships are obscure, but on the basis 
of external morphology it is not unlike B. 
bnplexa in many respects. Some difficulty 
may be encountered in distinguishing B. 
friabilis from some morphotypes of B. fre- 
rnontii and B. pikei in the absence of chemical 
examinations; this latter species sometimes has 
trace amounts of gyrophoric acid in addition 
to its main component (alectorialic acid). 

In the single fertile specimen examined (cited 
above), gyrophoric acid was produced in the 
thallus filaments and alectorialic acid was 
produced in certain tissues of the apothecia. 
The filaments were entirely devoid of the latter 
substance (verified by TLC). Assuming that this 
chemical distribution is characteristic of the 

species as a whole, this would provide additional 
evidence for the close relationship between 
B. friabilis and B. pikei. The restriction of 
lichen substances to apothecial tissues is well 
known in many genera of lichens (Lecanora: 
Imshaug & Brodo 1966, Letharia: W. Culberson 
1969a, Ramalina: Krog & Swinscow 1974, 
etc.) and should not be regarded as very unusual. 

It should also be noted that B. friabilis is 
the only species of Bryoria with white 
apothecial discs; its spores are the smallest 
seen in the genus. 

An extremely perplexing specimen from the 
Olympic Mountains in Washington (Thomson 
16261 [WIS]), which we are referring to B. 
friabilis with some hesitation, gives the im- 
pression of being a hybrid between this species 
and B. glabra. Although this collection has the 
very fragile branches and gyrophoric acid of 
B. friabilis, at the same time it possesses the 
olivaceous and regularly dichotomous, smooth, 
even, and very shiny branches and white 
soralia of B. glabra. The soralia are, however, 
tuberculate rather than fissurai (as is usual for 
B. glabra ) and react C+ red and PD - , 
Gyrophoric acid could be detected by TLC 
examination only from branches bearing 
soralia; esorediate branches contained no lichen 
products. The colour and evenness argue 
against this being a “white-sorediate” B. fre- 
montii (see Discussion under that species). 
B. friabilis is normally very uneven and twisted, 
only rarely shiny, with a quite different 
branching system, and it normally lacks soralia. 
Furthermore, the gyrophoric acid in B. friabilis 
occurs in the cortex of the whole thallus. 
The area from which this specimen was collected 
is remarkable for its abundance of B. glabra 
(it is also the type locality for that species) 
and is also within the distributional range of 
B. friabilis. B. glabra is very rarely fertile and 
B. friabilis has only once been found with 
ascocarps, but, on the basis of the above 
information, it is conceivable that this specimen 
represents some sort of hybridization between 
these two species. It may prove to represent 
a further undescribed gyrophoric acid-con- 
taining Bryoria but with only a single collection 
available, we consider it premature to describe 
this as a new taxon despite its high degree of 

120 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Fig. 57. A: Bryoria friabilis. Known distribution, A determination uncertain. O locality uncertain. - B: 
B. implexa. N. American distribution. A determination not confirmed chemically. 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. 121 


Canada. British Columbia. Coastal Area: Garibaldi, 
Brodo 8179 (CANL) - Fraser River Basin: Wells 
Gray Provincial Park. Clearwater Lake, Ahti 7332 
(H) - Islands South District: Vancouver Island, 
Little Qualicum Falls Campground. Tibell 5076 (UPS) 

- Sidney, Macoun 77 (CANL. FH) - Salt Spring 
Island. Bird 25604 (UAC) - Victoria, Macoun s.n., 
6 June 1908 (NYBG) - Skeena River Basin: Skeena 
River, Macoun. 2 Oct. 1891 (CANL) - Quebec. 
Cté Gaspé-Est: Cap-des-Rosiers-Est, Brodo 18678 
(CANL)- Bonaventure Island. Brodo 18691D (CANL) 

- New Brunswick. Charlotte County: Campobello, no 
collector, s.n., July 1902 (FH) - Newfoundland. 
District unknown: Middle Bay, A. Hodgkins s.n., 
1897 (M). 

U.S.A. California. Mendocino County: Ukiah, 
McClain 39 (US) - Del Norte County: Near Bear 
Basin, Tucker 6434 (p.p.) (US) - San Mateo County: 
Cahill Ridge, Jordan WJ956A (WIS) - Pilarcitos 
Creek Canyon, J. W. Thomson 4754 (WIS) - Santa 
Clara County: Devil’s Canyon, J. W. Thomson 
4700 (WIS) - Santa Cruz County: Santa Cruz 
Mountains, above Saratoga, Herre 491 (590) (p.p.) 
(FH) - Santa Cruz Mountains, Herre 491 (425) 
(NYBG, US) - Idaho. Bonner County: Priest River 
Experimental Forest, Esslinger 282 (WIS). 318 (H) - 
Latah County: Dry Creek, Cooke 23060 (WIS) - 
Maine. Sagadahoc County: Reid State Park, Taylor 
487 (MSC) - Montana. Lincoln County: Yaak River 
campsite, J. W. Thomson 16308 (p.p.) (WIS) - 
Oregon. Benton County: Corvallis, Hawkins s.n., 
Aug. 1921 (CANL, WIS) - 13 miles W of Corvallis, 
Brodo 20923 (CANL) - Lane County: Willamette 
National Forest, Pike L-494 (PIKE)- Willamette Pass, 
Becking 6308194 (BECKING) - Andrews Exp. 
Forest. 44°N, 122°W, Pike s.n. (OSC 31,421) - 
Washington. Clallam County: Olympic Peninsula, 
Hurricane Ridge, J. W. Thomson 16261 (WIS) - 
Klickitat County: Goldendale, Foster 1154 (FH) - 
County unknown: Gate, Foster 1977 (NYBG). 

'7. Bryoria implexa (Hoffm.) Brodo & 

D. Hawksw., comb. nov. 

Osnea [tax. vag.] implexa Hoffm., Deutsch. FI. 
T 134 (1796); type: sine loc. (MW-Hoffm. 8569 
neotype!); basionym. - Usnea implexa (Hoffm.) 
Hoffm., Herb. Viv. 2: 453 (1825). - Alectoria implexa 
(Hoffm.) Nyl., Lieh. Scand.: 72 (1861). 

For further synonyms see Hawksworth (1969 pp. 


Thallus pendent, 6-15 cm long; branching 
irregularly isotomic dichotomous, angles 
between the dichotomies acute or obtuse, 
(ending to be acute towards the apices; branches 
ev en to uneven in diameter, often becoming 
(wisted, compressed and slightly foveolate 
Specially towards the base, 0. 1-0.3 mm diam.; 

pale brown to greenish brown or dark brown, 
concolourous or slightly paler towards the base. 

True lateral spinules and soralia absent in 
North American material. Pseudocyphellae 
sparse to abundant, conspicuous, elongate 
fusiform, usually depressed, often becoming 
twisted around the branches, white, to 1.5 mm 

Apothecia and pycnidia unknown. 

Outer cortex K — , C-, KC-, PD+ yellow; 
medulla K— , C — , KC— , PD+ yellow or — . 
Contains psoromic acid. 

Ecology. On conifers and lignum in the boreal 
spruce-fir forest. 

Distribution. Widely scattered in the middle 
boreal to southern boreal zones, and in the 
western mountains (Fig. 57 B). We have seen 
specimens from central, northern, and eastern 
Europe (Hawksworth 1969), but as the taxon- 
omy of this species is still not entirely settled 
(see below), it would be premature to comment 
further on its extra-American distribution. 

It should be noted that most literature 
reports of this species refer to B. capillaris 
but that the name has also been applied to 
B. trichodes by some early North American 


This species is clearly closely allied to B. 
pseudofttscescens from which it is distinguish- 
able by its chemical components and to some 
extent by its colour. The North American 
collections of B. implexa tend to be somewhat 
more delicate and paler than those from Europe 
and always lack soralia (as is often the case 
in Europe as well). Extremely pale almost 
pigment-deficient plants corresponding to the 
European B. osteol'a (see Hawksworth 1972 p. 
253 for probable synonyms of this name) have 
not been noted amongst the North American 
material examined. Heavily sorediate, rather 
pale and coarse specimens from central Europe 
may be specifically distinct, but their nomen- 
clature is obscure at the present time. 


Exsiccatae. Merrill: Lieh. Exs., Ser. II, 129 (mixed): 
Alaska, Fairbanks, Palmer (NYBG). 

122 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Canada. British Columbia. Dean River Basin: 
Along Mosher Creek, Tweedsmuir Provincial Park, 
Ohlsson 1932 (MSC) - Liard River Basin: Fort 
Newson, Gillett 2995 (CANL) - Saskatchewan. 
Prince Albert Nat. Park. Waskesiu, Jesberger 1224. 
733 (WIS), 737 (SASK) - Manitoba. Porcupine 
Mountains, Macoun 463? (CANL) -Ontario. Thunder 
Bay District: Nipigon River, Macoun s.n., 2 July 
1884 (CANL) - Edmondson Lake, N of Port Arthur, 
Garton 10027 (CANL) - Kenora District: Attawapsi- 
kat, Ahti 3942 (H) - Quebec. Cté Gaspé-Est: 
Penouille Point, Brodo 18706 (p.p.) (CANL) - Cté 
de Québec/Montmorency: Montmorency River, 
Macoun s.n., 30 June 1905 (CANL) - Nova Scotia. 
Halifax County: Upper Brookside, East Mt., 
Prince 6240 (FH). 

U.S.A. Alaska. Alaska Range District: Cantwell, 
Krog s.n., 10 June 1969 (O) - Central Yukon River 
District: Cheena Ridge near Fairbanks, J. W. 
Thomson 5078 (p.p.) (WIS) - Idaho. Bonner County: 
Minar's Bay, Priest Lake, MacDougal 267 (NYBG) - 
Maine. Knox County: Camden, Merrill s.n., Oct. 
1904 (FH) - Montana. County unknown: John's 
Lake, Vreeland 1123 (NYBG) (Specimen not tested 
for psoromic acid). - New York. Cattaraugus 
County: Lime Lake (Machias?), Clinton s.n., no 
date (US). 

18. Bryoria nadvornikiana (Gyeln.) Brodo & 

D. Hawksw., comb. nov. 

Alectoria nadvornikiana Gyeln., Acta Fauna FI. 
Univ., ser. 2, I: 6 (1932); type: Rossia carp., 
Turkul, alt. 1850 m. G. Nâdvornik, 1930, herb. 
Servit 17.653 (BP 167267 holotype!): basionym. - 
Bryopogon imptexus var. nadvornikianus (Gyeln.) 
Gyeln., Feddes Repert. 38: 242 (1935). - Bryopogon 
nadvornikianus (Gyeln.) Gyeln., Ann. Mus. Nat. 
Hung., Bot. 32: 154 (1939). - Alectoria implexa 
var. nadvornikiana (Gyeln.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lieh. Univ. 
10: 555 (1940). 

Bryopogon altaicus Gyeln.. Acta Geobot. Hung. 
2: 166 (1937); type: U.S.S.R., Sibérien, Altaigebirge, 
N. N. Lawrow, 1927, ex herb. Tomin 20 (H 
holotype!). - Alectoria altaica (Gyeln.) Räs., Ann. 
Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. Vanamo 12(1): 34 (1939). 

Alectoria altaica var. spinulosa Räs.. Ann. Bot. 
Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. Vanamo 12(1): 34 (1939), 
as "(Ahln.) Räs.”; type: Suecia, Helsingia, in par. 
Alfta, Grannäs, Jägtjäm, ad ramum Piceae, S. Ahlner, 
3 July 1936 (S holotype; not seen). - Alectoria 
nadvornikiana var. spinulosa (Räs.) Mot., Fragm. 
Florist. Geobot. 4: 235 (1958); nom. inval. (Art. 33). 

Alectoria karelica Räs., Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.- 
Bot. Fenn. Vanamo 12(1): 34 (1939); type: U.S.S.R., 
Karelian A.S.S.R.. Karelia ladogensis, Kurkijoki, 
Lapinlahti. Ristissaari, ad rupicariam, V. Räsänen, 
21 May 1937 (H holotype!); nom. inval. (Art. 34). 

Alectoria curta f. pallidior Östm., in Hasselr., 
Ark. Bot. 30A (13): 3 (1943); nom. inval. (Arts. 
32, 34, 36). 

Alectoria nadvornikiana var. extensa Mot., Fragm. 
Florist. Geobot. 4: 236 (1958); type: In Tartorum 

monte dicta Lysanki, alt. 1300 m, in silva Picearum 
fere primitiva Augusto 1925 (holotype; not seen). 

Alectoria nadvornikiana var. eciliata Mot., Fragm. 
Florist. Geobot. 4: 237 (1958); nom. inval. (Art. 37). - 
Bryopogon eciliatus (Mot.) Bystr., Ann. Univ. Mariae 
Curie-Skfodowska, C, 26: 271 (1971); nom. inval. 
(Arts. 33, 37). 

Thallus caespitose to subpendent (or rarely 
pendent in unusually long corticolous speci- 
mens) usually 4—7 (—9 ) cm long; branching 
isotomic dichotomous towards the base but 
strictly anisotomic dichotomous towards the 
apices, angles between the basal dichotomies 
obtuse, angles between the apical dichotomies 
acute (Fig. 1 D, E); branches terete, even in 
diameter, straight, or more rarely flattened at 
the axils and somewhat twisted; (0. 1— )0.2— 0. 3 
(-0.4) mm diam.; basal branches becoming 
black, apical branches pale greyish green to 
pale brown or olivaceous brown, or rarely 
dark brown to almost black (always paler 
than the basal parts); base persistent. 

Lateral, perpendicular, spinulose branches 
present, sparse to frequent (Fig. 3). Pseudo- 
cyphellae absent or sparse, to abundant, plane, 
0.25-0.50 p. m long. Soralia abundant to sparse, 
or rarely absent, tuberculate or sometimes 
fissurai, usually broader than the branches on 
which they occur, white or greenish white, 
to 1 mm long. 

Apothecia and pycnidia not seen. 

Cortex, medulla, and soralia K + bright 
yellow, C - or + pink, KC+ red, PD + deep 
orange to reddish. Contains barbatolic acid and 
small amounts of alectorialic acid, fumarpro- 
tocetraric acid, chloroatranorin, and traces 
of atranorin (in most specimens). 

Ecology. On Abies balsamea, Picea spp., 
Larix laricina, Betula papyrifera, and occa- 
sionally other trees in the southern boreal 
spruce-fir forest; also frequently on vertical 
rock faces and cliffs, especially in ravines or 
along lake shores, and on rock in subarctic 
and subalpine sites; on A Intts rubra in British 
Columbia (Brodo 13881 [CANL]). 

Bryoria nadvornikiana can be found in great 
abundance in fairly closed, almost pure stands 
of Abies balsamea in the southern boreal 
zone north of Quebec City, Quebec. Its tol- 
erance of the shade and its absence in more 
open habitats are very striking. 

Distribution. Mainly in the strongly humid 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. 123 

Fig. 58. N. American distribution. - A: • Bryoria nadvornikiana. OB. pseudocapillaris. - B: B. pikei. 

southern boreal forest zone, but with scattered 
occurrences in the northern boreal zones of 
Lingava (Quebec-Labrador) and Keewatin 
(N.W.T.), the southern Appalachians, the 
Rocky Mountains, the Gulf Islands near 
Vancouver (B.C.), and southeastern Alaska 
(Fig. 58 A). The same kind of clumping noted 
' n the distribution pattern of B. capillaris 
ls seen here, again, mainly corresponding to 

areas of high precipitation. It is of scattered 
distribution in northern and middle Europe 
(Poelt 1969). Ahlner (1948), interpreting the 
Fennoscandian distribution of B. nadvornikiana 
(sub Alectoria altaica ), suggested that the 
species survived the Pleistocene glaciation as a 
saxicolous plant, reinvading coniferous sub- 
strates with the reappearance of the forests. 
The tendency of this species in North America 

124 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

to be saxicolous in cool ravines and exposed 
headlands in the southern boreal forest, and to 
appear on boulders and rock faces again 
in the most northern subarctic localities would 
support this hypothesis. 

In addition to its European and North 
American localities, this species has also been 
reported from the Hawaiian Islands (Magnusson 
1955), the East African mountains (Krog & 
Swinscow 1975), Himalaya (Bystrek 1969), and 
Japan (Yoshimura 1974). 


Bryoria nadvornikiana, although easy to identify 
by virtue of its chemistry and soralia, is 
nevertheless quite variable in appearance. Speci- 
mens which are basically caespitose can produce 
virtually pendent branches with occasional, 
spinulose laterals. Some specimens are almost 
entirely pendent except for the base, and can 
only be distinguished from B. capillaris by the 
short, pointed, lateral branches mentioned 
above, and the presence of soredia (in the 
North American material). B. capillaris also 
lacks atranorin, chloroatranorin, and fumar- 
protocetraric acid in North America and has 
a quite different branching pattern. 

Chloroatranorin was present in all specimens 
of B. nadvornikiana tested by us (including 
some from Europe), and while fumarprotoce- 
traric acid may also be a constant together 
with alectorialic and barbatolic acids, it some- 
times occurs in such low concentrations as to 
be almost undetectable byTLC. 

The soredial production is also variable. 
Some specimens are covered with abundant 
fissurai or tuberculate soralia or occasionally 
both, but some are virtually esorediate, and a 
few are entirely without soralia. Colour varies 
from almost white to almost black, although 
most specimens are very pale fuscous to grey- 
brown except for the blackened basal region 
which may be extensive. 

One group of specimens shares enough 
characters to warrant some sort of taxonomic 
recognition, but we are refraining from giving 
it a name here in the absence of a thorough 
study of the northern and eastern European 
material. These specimens are generally from the 
northern limits of the range and almost always 
are saxicolous. They are characterized by 

being extremely dark in colour (dark brown 
to almost black), growing in dense, caespitose 
clumps, with abundant spinulose branches as 
in B. furcellata or B. nitidula, and having few 
soralia with those present being all fissurai. 
Although a few of these specimens apparently 
lack fumarprotocetraric acid and/or atranorin 
(s. lat .), for the most part they are chemically 
indistinguishable from B. nadvornikiana s. str. 
In addition, one can find morphological inter- 
mediates with more typical B. nadvornikiana. 
Thus we are tentatively treating these morpho- 
types as conspecific. 

Bryoria pseudocapillaris, found along the 
Oregon and California coasts, is also very similar 
in some respects to certain morphotypes of 
B. nadvornikiana. 

There remains some question as to which 
section of the genus Bryoria is most appropriate 
for B. nadvornikiana. Bystrek (1971) placed 
the species in his subsection Divaricatae (of 
the section Fuscidulae), allied to other Divari- 
catae such as B. asiatica. Indeed, B. nadvorni- 
kiana often closely resembles members of the 
section Divaricatae, especially in the more 
northern morphotypes described above. How- 
ever, its chemistry is clearly more closely 
allied to that of species in the Implexae, 
especially B. capillaris, in which the sorediate 
morphotypes are virtually identical chemically 
to B. nadvornikiana. Other characteristics such 
as colour, soralium type, and cortex are much 
more characteristic of species in the Implexae 
than the Divaricatae. 

Selected specimens (*dark, caespitose 
morphotype on rock ) 

Exsiccatae. Brodo: Lieh. Can. Exs. 81: Quebec, 
Montmorency County: Parc des Laurentides, Brodo 
20595 (CANL). 

Canada. British Columbia. Islands South District: 
Saltspring Island, Brodo 13881 (CANL) - Saskatche- 
wan. *W. Dodge Lake, Scotter 259 (WIS) -Ontario. 
Algoma District: 30 miles NW of Wawa, Brodo 
6850 (CANL) - Thunder Bay District: St. Ignace 
L, Garton 6251 (US) - Quebec. Cté Charlevoix: 
Parc des Laurentides, Gauthier 2216B (CANL) - 
Cté Frontenac: Mont Mégantic, Masson 6067 (WIS)- 
Territoire de Mistassini: Otish Mts., Mont du 
Lagopède, Shchepanek 71-L-59 (p.p.) (CANL) - 
Territoire de la Baie de James: 54°00'N, 69°56'W, 
Gérardin QFB-E 4401 (CANL) - Territoire du 
Nouveau Québec: Fort-Rupert, (collector unknown) 
12059 (CANL) - Nova Scotia. Halifax County: 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

B ry or ici Brodo & D. Hawksw. 125 

Prospect Road, Brown s.n., 4 Aug. 1949 (NSPM) - 
New Brunswick. Albert County: Fundy National 
Park, Ireland 11332 (p.p.) (CANL) - Newfoundland. 
Placentia West District: Boat Harbor, Ahti 565 (H) - 
Labrador West District: Menihek Lake, Brodo 
8837A-5B (CANL) - Central Labrador: Lake St. 
John, Lake Ducharme, Hustich s.n., 7 July 1948 (H) - 
Northwest Territories. District of Mackenzie: *North 
Talson R., Scotter 2333 (W1S) - Gordon Lake 
Area, Scotter 1552 (W1S) - *Thekulthili Lake, 
Scotter 2471 (W1S). 

U.S.A. Alaska. Eastern Pacific Coast District: 
Juneau, Loop Road, Krog 5522 (O) - Maine. 
Knox County: Camden, Mt. Battie, Merrill s.n., 
Aug. 1904 (FH) - Michigan. Keweenaw County: 
W of Agate Harbour, Imshaug 4955 (MSC) - Min- 
nesota. Cook County: Susie Islands. J. W. Thomson 
3935 (COLO, DUKE, US, DEGELIUS) - Montana. 
Glacier County: Glacier National Park. Snyder Creek, 
Imshaug 7309 (S) - New Hampshire. Coos County: 
Mt. Washington, Burkholder 38A (p.p.) (US) - 
North Carolina. Avery County: Roane Mt., Hale 
18043 (US) - Swain County: Mt. Kephart, Great 
Smoky Mts., Degelius s.n., 15 Sept. 1939 (US, 
DEGELIUS) - Yancey County: Mt. Mitchell, 
Becking 5907139 (BECKING) - Tennessee. Blount 
County: Mt. Le Conte, Great Smoky Mts.. Degelius 
s.n., 14 Sept. 1939 (DEGELIUS). 

19. Bryoria pikei Brodo & D. Hawksw., 

S P- nov. 

Thallus pendulus, 10-15 cm longus; rami iso-di- 
chotomiter ramosi, in angulos acutos et obtusos 
divergentes, aequales vel leviter inaequales diametro, 
ton tortuosi, basi 0.2-0.35 mm diam.; planta 
olivacea vel parum olivaceo-brunnea sed basi 

Rami laterales spiniformes veri, isidia et soralia 
desunt. Pseudocyphellae copiosae, albae vel 
hrunneae, fusiformes vel late fusiformes, saepe in 
s Piram circa ramos contortae. 

Apothecia et pycnidia ignota. 

Cortex K- vel leviter flavescens, C+ roseus, 
BD+ flavescens; medulla K-, C-, KC-, PD-. 
Thallus acidum alectorialicum et interdum minime 
acidum gyrophoricum vel minime acidum barbato- 
hcum continens. 

Holotypus: America septentrionalis. U.S.A. , 
Dregon, Marion County, Silver Creek Falls State 
fhtrk, prope Winter Falls, orientent versus a Salem, 
I22°39'W, 44°53'N , alt. 1,450 ft, in Pseudotsuga 
p* enziesii juvenili, corticola, L. Pike 2475, 9 April 
19 ?2 (CANL 38271). 

A duplicate (arithmotype) of Pike 2475 at OSC was 
*°und to be entirely B. pseudofuscescens. The 
holotype packet is a mixture of B. pikei and B. 
Ps eudofuscescens. 

Phallus pendent, 10-15 cm long; branching 
ls otomic dichotomous, angles between 
dichotomies acute and obtuse, branches even to 
lightly uneven in diameter, not twisted, 0.2- 

0.35 mm diam. at the base; uniformly olivaceous 
or occasionally becoming olivaceous brown 
and somewhat paler at the base. 

True lateral spinules, isidia, and soralia 
absent. Pseudocyphellae abundant, white to 
brown, fusiform to broadly fusiform, often 
spirally twisting around the branches. 

Apothecia and pycnidia unknown. 

Cortex K- or + weakly yellow, C+ pink, 
KC+ pink, PD+ yellow; medulla K-, C-, 
KC-, PD-. Contains alectorialic acid and 
sometimes also traces of gyrophoric acid or 
traces of barbatolic acid. 

Ecology. On conifer branches and lignum, 
usually in humid forests close to the coast or a 
lake, at 0-1250 m elevation. 

Distribution. West coast, from the Queen 
Charlotte Islands to Oregon, with a single 
disjunct locality on Cape Breton Island, Nova 
Scotia (Fig. 58 B). The comments for B. 
friabilis also apply to this North American 


Bryoria pikei seems to be most closely related 
to B. capillaris but can usually be distinguished 
from that species by its dark olivaceous colour; 
the shiny, smooth, and very even surface of its 
branches; the production of very distinct, long, 
white, fissurai pseudocyphellae; and by its 
characteristic lack of barbatolic acid. We have 
seen specimens which are olivaceous only in 
part, with most of the thallus a variegated 
grey-brown. Some of these specimens also 
produce trace amounts of barbatolic acid. 
However, even dark specimens of B. capillaris 
(which are not rare) are usually quite dull 
and uneven, and tend to be smoky brown or 
brownish grey rather than olivaceous although 
the conspicuous white pseudocyphellae in 
these thalli are often quite similar of those of 
B. pikei. Despite the convergence of some of 
these characters, we believe that the two taxa 
are distinct. We have seen several mixed packets 
of B. capillaris and B. pikei in which it was 
easy to distinguish the two morphologically. 
Bryoria pikei also has a much more limited 

This species is also closely related to B. 
friabilis, with some specimens being almost 

126 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

intermediate in colour; B. friahiiis is generally 
pale buff. The presence of trace amounts of 
gyrophoric acid in the holotype of B. pikei 
and the production of alectorialic acid in the 
apothecia of B. friabilis confirm their close 
relationship. B. pikei, however, is not nearly 
as friable, has a characteristic olive colour, 
and has alectorialic rather than gyrophoric acid 
as its principal constituent. Gyrophoric acid 
could not be detected at all in several specimens 
of B. pikei. 

It should be noted that there is a distinct 
possibility that in our study some old and 
blanched specimens of B. pikei have been 
misidentified as B. capillaris. Almost all the 
material of B. pikei traced has been collected 
recently, and we do not know how the char- 
acteristic olivaceous colour of the thallus stands 
up to ageing in herbarium packets. A number 
of specimens listed under B. capillaris here, 
which were examined early in our study, 
were rather shiny and therefore might con- 
ceivably represent B. pikei. If this proves to 
be the case B. pikei is a more common species 
than we have suggested. 


Canada. British Columbia. Islands North District: 
Graham Island: Ian Lake, Brodo 18435B (CANL) - 
Kumdis Bay, Port Clements, Brodo 18144A (p.p.) 
(CANL) - Moresby Island: Between Sandspit and 
Copper Bay, Brodo I2874A (CANL) - Skidegate 
Lake, Brodo I8513B (p.p.) (CANL) - Wathus Island: 
Masset Inlet, Brodo I8314A (CANL) - Islands South 
District: Saltspring Island. Brodo 13839 (CANL) - 
Nova Scotia. Victoria County: Cape Breton High- 
lands National Park, Speer 73-24 (CANL). 

U.S.A. Oregon. Benton County: Corvallis, Mary's 
Peak, Brodo 20954 (CANL) - Linn County: Mount 
Jefferson National Wilderness, Hank Lake, Pike 
1110 (CANL) - Marion County: Silver Creek Falls 
State Park E of Salem, Pike & Rossman 2475 (L.P.) 
(CANL, OSC) - Washington. Clallam County: 
Hurricane Hill, Pike 844 (CANL) - Pierce County: 
Mt. Rainier National Park near Paradise Valley, 
Brodo 15438B (p.p.) (CANL). 

20. Bryoria pseudocapillaris Brodo & 

D. Hawksw., sp. nov. 

Thallus subpendulus, 5-7 cm longus, parum rigidus; 
rami plerumque iso-dichotomiter fastigiati, sed ramulis 
copiosis brevibus acutis vel perpendicularibus 
instructi; rami principales plerumque omnino 

teretes, non compressi vel tortuosi, diametro 
aequales, laeves, 0.25-0.33 mm diam.; planta 
pallidissime brunnea vel badia, opaca. 

Rami laterales spiniformes veri, isidia et soralia 
desunt. Pseudocyphellae longae, lineares, albae, 
depressae, plerumque rectae sed interdum circa 
ramos leviter fortae, 1. 2-3.0 mm longae. 

Apothecia et pycnidia ignota. 

Cortex K+ flavus, C + roseus, KC+ roseus, 
PD + aureus; medulla K — , C - , KC — , PD -. Thallus 
acidum alectorialicum, acidum barbatolicum et sub- 
stantiam ignotum continens. 

Holotypus: America septentrionalis, U.S.A. , 
Oregon, Curry County, Cape Blanco, 8 mis boreo- 
orientem versus a Port Orford, in arboribus sejunctis 
summi ventosissimi, I. M. Brodo 20539, 28 June 
1974 (CANL 50596). Isotypus: BM. Fig. 59. 

Thallus subpendent, 5-7 cm long, rather stiff; 
branching mainly isotomic dichotomous but with 
frequent acute to perpendicular short side 
branches; main branches mostly terete through- 
out, not flattened or twisted, even, smooth, 
0.25-0.33 mm diam.; very pale brown to 
badious, matt. 

True lateral spinules, isidia and soralia absent. 
Pseudocyphellae long, linear, white, depressed, 
usually straight but sometimes slightly twisted 
around the branches, 1. 2-3.0 mm long. 

Apothecia and pycnidia unknown. 

Cortex K+ yellow, C+ pink, KC+ pink, 
PD+ deep yellow; medulla K-, C-, KC-, 
PD— . Contains alectorialic and barbatolic acids 
together with an unidentified substance. 

Ecology. Coastal trees and rocks in exposed 

Distribution. Rare, from coastal northern Cali- 
fornia to Oregon (Fig. 58 A). 


This species is being placed in the genus 
Bryoria due to its resemblance to certain 
forms of B. capillaris and B. kuemmerleana, 
although its pseudocyphellae are so striking 
that we cannot entirely exclude the possibility 
that it should be included in the genus Sulcaria. 
Its branching type and vaguely badious colour 
suggest a close relationship with B. spiralifera, 
which shares the same habitat. 

Chemically, it resembles B. nadvornikiana 
and B. capillaris, but differs from the former in 
lacking soralia and chloroatranorin, and from the 
latter in being stiff and having perpendicular 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. 127 

Fig. 59. Bryoria pseudocapillaris. Holo- 
( ype. Scale 0. 5-1.0 mm. 

branches. It differs from both in the unusually 
long pseudocyphellae. 


U-S.A. California . Humbolt County: Manila, Brodo 
2051 IB (CANL) - Oregon. Curry County: Cape 
Blanco, near Port Orford, Imshaug 17660 (MSC), 
Brodo 20539 (CANL). 

21. Bryoria pseudofusceseens (Gyeln.) Brodo & 
D. Hawksw., comb. nov. 

4 leetoria pseudofusceseens Gyeln., Ann. Mus. Nat. 
Hung., Bot. 28: 283 (1934) et Revue Bryol. Lichén. 

51 (1934); type: “Oregon, Corvallis, on old apple 
trees, F. P. Sipe" (BP 33.958 holotype!); basionym. 

Alectoria norstictica Mot., Bryologist 67: 33 (1964); 
type: Alaska, East Pacific Coast District, Juneau, 
Mindenhall Glacier Trail, H. Krog 5507, 27 August 
1^57 (O lectotype!): nom. inval. (Arts. 36, 37). - 
jpO ’opogon norsticticus (Mot.) Bystr., Ann. Univ. 
Mariae Curie-Sktodowska. C, 26: 274 (1971); nom. 
‘nval. (Arts. 33, 36, 37). 

Alectoria subtilis Mot., Bryologist 67: 32 (1964); 
type: Alaska. Central Pacific Coast District, Kenai 
Peninsula, H. Krog 2164, 7 June 1957 (O lectotype!); 
nom. inval. (Arts. 36, 37). - Bryopogon subtilis 
(Mot.) Bystr., Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, 
C, 26: 274 (1971); nom. inval. (Arts. 33, 36, 37). 

For further synonyms see Hawksworth (1972 p. 

Thallus pendent, usually 5— 10(— 1 5) cm long; 
branching isotomic dichotomous at least at the 
base but sometimes becoming submonopodial 
towards the apices, rarely with sparse, short, 
perpendicular, lateral branches, angles between 
the main dichotomies variable, branches even 
to uneven in diameter, straight or twisted, 
mainly 0. 1 5— 0.3(— 0.35) mm diam., basal 
branches usually 0.20-0.35 mm diam.; pale 
brown to greyish in some specimens, darkening 
to dark brown or black, often olivaceous 
especially towards the base, dull or shiny. 

Soralia and true lateral spinules absent. 
Pseudocyphellae usually abundant, white, short 
to elongate fusiform, depressed, often forming 
partial spirals around the filaments, often to 
0.5-1 .0 mm long. 

Apothecia very rare, lateral, c. 0.4-0. 5 mm 
diam., excipulum thallinum concolourous with 
the thallus, incurved, generally excluded at 
maturity; disc reddish brown, concave at first, 
sometimes becoming convex. Hymenium 36-40 
gm high. Ascospores 8 per ascus, hyaline, 
nonseptate, broadly ellipsoid to subspherical, 
5. 4-7. 5 x 4. 0^1. 5 gm. 

Pycnidia unknown. 

Cortex and medulla K + yellow changing 

128 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Fig. 60. A: Bryoria pseudofuscescens. N. American distribution. A determination uncertain. - B: B. salazinica. 
Known distribution. 

to red, or faintly yellow, C— , PD + yellow. 
Contains norstictic acid, and rarely, traces of 
connorstictic acid. 

Ecology. On coniferous trees, especially Picea 
glauca, Abies lasiocarpa, and Pinus aibicaulis 
in montane conifer forests, mainly at 1100-2350 
m. In some subalpine forests, B. pseudo- 
fuscescens drapes well-exposed fir trees from 
top to bottom. The holotype, however, is from 
apple trees close to sea level. One specimen 
was seen from rock (California, Santa Cruz 
Co., Becking 6607721 [BECKING]). 

Distribution. West coast from southern Alaska 
to California, eastward into the northern Rocky 
Mountains and Douglas fir forests of northern 
Idaho and adjacent Washington and Montana, 
but avoiding the Columbia plateau (Fig. 60 A). 
Several of the Oregon localities, including that 
of the holotype, are in the more lowland oak 

forest region which, however, also contains 
Pseudotsuga as a dominant tree species 
(Kiichler 1964) (see below). The specimen from 
the Keewatin District west of Hudson Bay 
was reexamined and apparently is correct. Its 
occurrence there is extremely puzzling. 

The taxonomy of this species with its many 
forms is still unsettled. It certainly occurs in 
the boreal forests of Europe and has been 
reported from a few localities in Scotland 
(Hawksworth 1972, sub “Alectoria trichodes”). 


Bryoria pseudofuscescens appears to be most 
closely allied to B. implexa from which it 
differs primarily in having norstictic rather 
than psoromic acid. (See also the discussion 
under B. implexa.) The two species sometimes 
occur mixed together in Alaska (H. Krog pers. 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. 129 

comm.). B. pseudofuscescens is basically a 
slender, extremely dark plant with uneven 
filaments and scattered, dark or white pseudo- 
cyphellae. Like B. implexa, B. pseudofuscescens 
is esorediate in North America. 

The morphology of B. pseudofuscescens is 
somewhat variable, and marked divergences 
from the above traits are sometimes seen. 
The type specimen of "Alectoria subtilis” 
is unusually pale in colour and has rather few 
pseudocyphellae, for example. A particularly 
distinct morphotype with extremely thick, 
twisted and foveolate main branches, super- 
ficially not unlike B. vrangiana except that it 
lacks soralia and has norstictic instead of 
fumarprotocetraric acid, has been encountered 
several times (Sansom, 1913 [FH]; Otto 3131b 
[UBC]). At first we were inclined to regard 
this morphotype as an infraspecific taxon of 
B. vrangiana but as the main branches of 
generally very slender specimens can become 
somewhat thickened and contorted, it seems that 
these specimens merely represent environmental 
modifications of B. pseudofuscescens. 

Norstictic acid is only known otherwise 
amongst the North American Bryoriae in B. 
spiralifera, which is easily distinguished by its 
colour, elongate pseudocyphellae, and branch- 
ing pattern. In addition, B. spiralifera always 
contains abundant connorstictic acid. A peculiar 
specimen of B. pseudofuscescens from Washing- 
ton contains norstictic as well as barbatolic 
acid and is discussed under/?, capillaris. 

In Europe there may well be several norstictic 
acid-containing species in addition to B. pseudo- 
fuscescens, but they remain poorly known; 
for this reason Hawksworth (1972) treated 
them as a species aggregate (sub Alectoria 
trichodes (Michx.) D. Hawksw., a name which 
must now be used in a different sense; see 
Discussion under Bryoria trichodes subsp. 
trichodes). The pale, often variegated, grey- 
brown robust species of central and eastern 
Europe, B. kuemmerleana (Gyeln.) Brodo & 
D. Hawksw., is almost certainly worthy of 
this rank; we have found that at least some 
specimens (all which have been tested so far) 
of this species contain atranorin and connor- 
stictic acid in addition to norstictic acid. No 
specimens referrable to B. kuemmerleana have 
been seen by us from North America. 

The amount of norstictic acid in this species 

9 - Opera Botanica nr 42 

is rather variable, and for this reason, a positive 
K reaction is sometimes difficult to obtain 
(see p. 23). It may be that the apparent lack 
of connorstictic acid in all but two or three 
specimens is tied to the low concentrations 
of norstictic acid. 

A certain amount of confusion surrounds the 
type material of B. pseudofuscescens. To begin 
with, an “isotype” in ORE (i.e., bearing the 
same number as that designated by Gyelnik 
as the holotype) is entirely different from the 
holotype in morphology and chemistry, and, 
in fact, represents a new species which we 
are calling Sulcaria badia. In addition, although 
the “isotype" packet is marked “No. 669, 
on old apple trees”, it is labelled as being 
from “Philomath", while in the original 
description, “Corvallis” is given. This is not as 
serious as it might first appear since Philomath 
is a small village about seven miles west of 
Corvallis. It is understandable that Dr. Sipe 
would mark a specimen sent to a foreign 
colleague with the name of the closest city 
likely to be found on an ordinary map. Of 
course, it would have been easy to have 
collected a mixture of two species and sent 
only one of them away for determination. 

More disturbing, however, is the fact that 
the Philomath-Corvallis area and most of the 
surrounding valley are quite unlike the “typical” 
habitat of B. pseudofuscescens as we have 
come to understand it, i.e., mountainous 
coniferous forests. The trees in the valley are 
mainly deciduous, occurring in open stands of 
Quercus garryana with occasional individuals or 
even small stands of Pseudotsuga menziesii. 
The area is dotted with old and recent apple 
orchards. One of us (I.M.B.) searched for both 
B. pseudofuscescens and Sulcaria badia on 
five separate occasions in old apple orchards, 
oak stands, Pseudotsuga forests, and pine 
stands, both in open valleys and on hills, 
without finding either of the lichens. There are 
some localities in the general area which may 
be sufficiently mountain-like to serve as a site 
for B. pseudofuscescens, for example Mary's 
Peak, several miles to the west of Philomath, 
but a short visit to that locality proved fruitless. 

It seems impossible to definitely determine 
whether (a) the localities marked on the isotype 
and given in the original description were 
incorrect (i.e., mislabelled in some way), (b) 

130 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Gyelnik mislabelled the holotype, confusing it 
with a completely different collection, or (c) 
the two species in question are simply too 
rare in the Corvallis area to be found easily. 
In the latter connection, since we have seen 
several specimens conforming to our concept of 
B. pseudofuscescens collected in the oak- 
Douglas fir forest region of western Oregon, it 
would seem that even the unlikely locality 
can be accepted as probable. 

As Gyelnik's descriptions are so brief and 
often unreliable, they help little in the eluci- 
dation of this problem. However, the epithet 
pseudofuscescens would have been an ex- 
tremely inappropriate choice for Sulcaria badia. 
Even if the specimen in the “typus” packet 
in BP were not collected by Sipe at all but 
came from another locality, it is not nomen- 
claturally important since there can be no 
doubt that Gyelnik regarded that packet as the 
nomenclatural type. That Gyelnik intended his 
name to refer to the species treated here 
under this epithet is also supported by his 
application of the name to other collections 
(e.g., Lichenotheca no. 16 [BM]). If the holo- 
type actually proved to be something other than 
Sipe’s collection, the stated locality in the 
original description could simply be treated 
as a lapsus. 

Selected specimens 

Exsiccatae. Merrill: Lieh. Exs., Ser. II, 129 (mixed): 
Alaska, Fairbanks, Palmer (MSC, NYBG, US, WIS). 

Canada. British Columbia. Coastal District: E of 
Pemberton, near Lillooet Lake, Brodo 8313D (CANL) 

- Columbia River Basin: Big Bend District, Shaw 
977 (NYBG, BM)-Dean River Basin: Mt. Walker, 
40 miles E of Bella Coola, Ohlsson 2259 (CANL) - 
Islands South District: Vancouver Island: “on Lea’s 
Farm”, (Macoun?), Herb. G. K. Merrill, 17 June 
1908 (FH) - Kootenay River Basin: Glacier National 
Park, Glacier Crest Trail, Ohlsson 395 (MSC, CANL) 

- Okanagan District: Princeton, Brodo 7811 (CANL) 

- Skagit River Basin: Manning Park, Blackwall 
Peak, Brodo 20565 (CANL) - Skeena River Basin: 
South Hazelton, Ohlsson 3020 (MSC, CANL) - 
Alberta. Banff National Park, trail from Lake 
Louise to Lake Agnes, Weber S23, 544 (CANL, 
NYBG) - Northwest Territories. Keewatin District: 
Dubawnt Lake, J. W. Thomson 14299 (p.p.) (WIS?). 

U.S.A. Alaska. Alaska Range District: Cantwell, 
Krog s.n., 8 June 1969 (O) - Central Pacific Coast 
District: Anchorage Area, Krog 1420 (O) - Eastern 
Pacific Coast District: Juneau, Mindenhall Glacier 
Trail. Krog 5507 (O) - Western Pacific Coast 
District: Dillingham Quadrangle, Wood River Lakes, 

Viereck 8964 (p.p.) (CANL, ALA) - California. 
Del Norte County: Near Bear Basin, Tucker 6434 
(COLO) - S of Takilma, Oregon, Pike L-325A 
(CANL) - Santa Cruz County: Butano State Park. 
Becking 6607721 (BECKING) - Idaho. Bonner 
County: Priest River Experimental Forest, Esslinger 
1580B (WIS) - Nez Perces County: Lake Waha, 
Heller 3364 (MSC) - Montana. Mineral County: 
Donna Morra campsite, J. W. Thomson 16300 
(CANL) - Ravalli County: Bass Creek, Stevensville, 
Stickney 1581 (WIS) - Oregon. Benton County: 
Corvallis, Sipe s.n., no date (BP) - Deschutes 
County: Doris Lake in the Deschutes National 
Forest, Pike L-392 (PIKE) - Klamath County: 
Crater Lake, Kraus s.n., Aug. 1921 (WIS) - Lane 
County: Eugene, Doty 3099 (p.p.) (NYBG) - Union 
County: Blue Mountain, Summit Pass (US 30), 
Imshaug 21 (MSC) - Washington. Pierce County: 
Mt. Rainier National Park, trail to Glacier Basin, 
Imshaug 315 (F, US) - Wyoming. Teton County: 
Cascade Canyon, Grand Teton National Park, 
Alexander s.n., 29 Aug. 1955 (COLO). 

22. Bryoria salazinica Brodo & 

D. Hawksw., sp. nov. 

Thallus pendulus vel subpendulus, plerumque 
crispatus et implexus, 5-9 cm longus; rami praeter 
basim praecipue aniso-dichotomiter fastigiati, in 
angulos obtusos vel perpendiculares valde diver- 
gentes, diametro aequales vel inaequales, recti vel 
leviter torti, in axillis saepe foveolati et complanati, 
0.16-0.35 mm diam.; tota planta obscure olivaceo- 
brunnea vel pallide brunnea, opaca vel bombycina. 

Rami laterales spiniformes veri, isidia et soralia 
desunt. Pseudocypheiiae plerumque copiosae, im- 
polite albae, fusiformes vel elongato-fusiformes, 
0.08-0.4(-0.65) mm longae. 

Apothecia et pycnidia ignota. 

Cortex (et forsan medulla) K+ flavescens, C-, 
KC+ flavescens. PD+ aurantiaco-flavescens. Thallus 
acidum salazinicum continens. 

Holotypus: America septentrionalis, U.S.A. , 
Massachusetts, Springfield, W. G. Farlow, May 1878 
(NYBG). Fig. 61. 

Thallus pendent to subpendent, often curled 
and entangled, 5-9 cm long: branching mainly 
anisotomic dichotomous except at the base, 
branches broadly divergent at obtuse to per- 
pendicular angles, even to uneven, straight to 
somewhat twisted, often foveolate and com- 
pressed at the axils, 0.16-0.35 mm diam.; 
dusky olivaceous brown to pale brown through- 
out, dull to satiny. 

True lateral spinules, isidia, and soralia 
absent. Pseudocypheiiae usually abundant, dull 
white, fusiform to elongate-fusiform, 0.08-0.4 
(-0.65) mm long. 

Apothecia and pycnidia unknown. 

Cortex (and perhaps medulla) K + yellow. 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. 131 

C-, KC+ yellow, PD + orange-yellow. Con- 
tains salazinic acid. 

Ecology. On coniferous trees along the coast 
or on the coastal plain. 

Distribution. Northeastern coastal plain; North 
American endemic (Fig. 60 B). 


This species appears to be closely related to 
the B. implexa - B. friabilis - B. pikei group, 
all of which have long twisting pseudocyphellae, 
an olivaceous caste, and a similar uneven 
branching. B. pseudofuscescens is also very 
similar in many respects. We considered the 
possibility that B. salazinica might merely 
represent a chemical race of one of these 
four species but its remarkable chemistry and 
well-defined and restricted distribution 
prompted us to regard it as a species. 

Alectoria angolensis Dodge, described from 
Africa, is reported as having salazinic acid, 
but that taxon is sorediate and, to judge from 
an authentic specimen examined by Hawks- 
worth (1971 a), is almost certainly a species 
of Ramalina on the basis of its cortical 
structure. (Microtome sections are preserved in 
IMl.)The only other previous report of salazinic 
acid in Alectoria s. lat. is Solberg's (1956) 
mention of it in European material named as 
"A. cana (Ach.) Leight.” (a synonym of 
B. capillaris ); this report should be verified 
since no other workers have found this com- 
pound in any European Alectorioid species. 


Canada. Nova Scotia. Halifax County: Ketch 
Harbour, Taschereau B-14 (NSPM) - Prince Edward 
Eland. Prince County: Richmond, Ireland 10298 
(CANL) - Queens County: West Barkley Beach, 
H miles NW of Charlottetown, Fabiszewski s.n., 
20 July 1970 (CANL) - Newfoundland. Trinity 
North District: Bay Bull's Ann, Trinity Bay, collector 
unknown, April 1897 (M). 

U.S.A. Maine. Washington County: Eastport. Herb. 
"L G. Farlow s.n., no date (FH) - Jonesport, Cheever 
1314 (US) - Massachusetts. Hampden County: 
Springfield, Farlow s.n., May 1898 (NYBG). 

9 * 

Fig. 61. Bryoria salazinica. Holotype. Scale 0. 5-1.0 

23. Bryoria spiralifera Brodo & D. Hawksw., 
sp. nov. 

Thallus pendulus, 6-7 cm longus; rami basi iso- 
dichotomiter sed in ramis principalibus praecipue 
aniso-dichotomiter fastigiati; rami principales 0.2- 
0.25 mm diam.. diametro inaequales, recti vel 
tortuosi, ramulis numerosis brevibus, gracilibus 
perpendiculariter instruct!; planta atrobadia vel pallide 
badia, opaca, ramis lateralibus saepe dilutioribus. 

Rami laterales spiniformes, isidia et soralia desunt. 
Pseudocyphellae copiosae, conspicuae, albae, 
lineatae, in spiras longas circa ramos contortae vel 
partim rectae. ad 4 mm longae. 

Apothecia et pycnidia ignota. 

Cortex K+ rubescens, C— , KC— , PD+ flavescens; 
medulla K-, C-, KC-, PD-, Thallus abundanter 
acidum norsticticum sed minime acidum connorsticti- 
cum et atranorinum (non chloroatranorinum) con- 

Holotypus: America septentrionalis, U.S.A., Cali- 
fornia. Humboldt County, in pineto prope Manila, in 
Pino contorta, S. Dowty 137, 22 January 1972 
(CANL 38403). Fig. 62. 

Thallus pendent, 6-7 cm long; branching isoto- 
mic dichotomous at the base but becoming 
mainly anisotomic dichotomous on the main 
branches; main branches 0.2-0.25 mm diam., 
uneven, straight to twisted, with numerous, 
short, slender, perpendicular branches; dark to 
pale badious, matt, lateral branches paler. 

True lateral spinules, isidia, and soralia 
absent. Pseudocyphellae abundant, con- 
spicuous, white, linear, twisted in long spirals 
around the branches or straight in parts, to 4 
mm long (Fig. 5 E). 

-Opera Botanica nr 42 

132 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 


Fig. 62. Bryoria spiralifera. Holotype. Scale 0. 5-1.0 

Apothecia and pycnidia unknown. 

Cortex K+ red, C— , K.C+ red, PD+ yellow; 
medulla K— , C-, KC— , PD — . Contains large 
amounts of norstictic acid together with smaller 
quantities of connorstictic acid and atranorin 
(not chloroatranorin). 

Ecology. On Pinus conforta, Picea sitchensis, 
and shrubs in scrub forests near the coast; found 
in shaded or sunny habitats generally mixed with 
Ramalina menziesii. 

Distribution. Known only from the Samoa 
peninsula in Humboldt County, California, 
where it is very scattered, but not uncommon 
(Fig. 39). 


The badious colour, and extremely long pseudo- 
cyphellae which sometimes become somewhat 
furrow-like, at first suggested that this species 
might belong to the genus Sulcaria. We now feel 
it more properly belongs in the genus Bryoria, 
closely allied to B. pseudocapillar is (see Dis- 
cussion under this species). In some respects 
this species resembles the European B. kuem- 

merleana (see Discussion under B. pseudofus- 
cescens) but that species is generally much 
larger and has a different branching type. 


U.S.A. California. Humboldt County: Near Manila, 
Dowty 137 (HSC, CANL) - Manila (W of Areata), 
Brodo 20501, 20509, 20511 A (CANL) - Samoa 
Peninsula, Lindsay 782, 926 (W1S) - Locality un- 
known: J. Tallant s.n., 1856 (US). 

Bryoria sect. Subdivergentes (Mot.) Brodo & 

D. Hawksw., comb. nov. 

Alectoria subgen. Bryopogon sect. Subdivergentes 
Mot., Bryologist 67: 36 (1964); basionym. -Bryopogon 
sect. Subdivergentes (Mot.) Bystr., Ann. Univ. Mariae 
Curie-Sktodowska, C, 26: 275 (1971), as "Mot.” 

Type species: Bryoria subdivergens (Dahl) Brodo & 
D. Hawksw. (syn. Alectoria subdivergens Dahl; 

Thallus erect and caespitose to decumbent or 
pendent, reddish brown, matt, not becoming 
blackened. Lateral spinulose branches often 
present, rarely abundant, not constricted at the 
base. Isidia, soralia, and pseudocyphellae 
absent. Cortex distinctly cellular, knobby at the 
surface. Apothecia common in most species; 
margins ciliate; discs reddish brown, sometimes 
markedly convex. No lichen products known. 


This section comprises four species of which 
only two are recorded in North America with 
certainty; both of these are endemic here ( B . 
abbreviata and B. oregana). The other two 
species of this section are B. subdivergens 
(only reliably recorded from southwest Green- 
land; see Excluded taxa) and B. divergescens 
(a southeast Asian species). The section is well 
characterized by the colour of the thallus, the 
structure of the cortex, the ciliate apothecia, 
and the absence of lichen products. It appears to 
occupy a rather isolated position within Bryoria. 

24. Bryoria abbreviata (Müll. Arg.) Brodo & 

D. Hawksw., comb. nov. 

Alectoria divergens f. abbreviata Müll. Arg., Flora, 
Jena 72: 362 (1889); type: Oregon, Mt. Hood, Boell 
111, 1889 (G holotype!); basionym. - Alectoria abb- 
reviata (Müll. Arg.) R. Howe, Class. Fam. Usnea- 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. 133 

ceae: 22 (1912). - Bryopogon abbreviatus (Müll. 
Arg.)Gyeln., Feddes Repert. 38: 235 (1935). 

Thallus caespitose, up to 2.5 cm in length; 
branching anisotomic dichotomous, broadly 
divergent at the base, angles between dichoto- 
mies acute or obtuse, branches uneven in dia- 
meter, 0. 3-1.0 mm diam. at base, 0. 2-0.4 mm 
diam. on main stem, foveolate and channeled; 
generally very angular or flattened; occasionally 
anastomosing, red-brown, matt. Fig. 63. 

True lateral spinules, soralia, and pseudocy- 
phellae absent; branches sometimes appearing 
spinulose due to short pointed lateral branches. 

Apothecia common, subterminal or rarely 
lateral; excipulum thallinum concolourous with 
thallus, persistent and ciliate to disappearing, 
flat to recurved, red-brown darkening to almost 
black with age, 2.0 — 3 .0( — 3 .5) mm diam. Spores 8 
per ascus, broadly ellipsoid, c. 6. 5x4. 5 /Am. 
Pycnidia not seen. 

Cortical hyphae as in B. oregana (Fig. 12 

Cortex and medulla K-, KC — , C— , PD — ; 
lichen substances absent. 

Ecology. On coniferous trees, mainly Pinus pon- 
derosa and Pseudotsuga menziesii in the rather 
dry Interior Douglas Fir forests, c. 700-1400 m 
in elevation. 

Distribution. North American endemic of 
western Douglas fir forests from southern British 
Columbia and Alberta to Baja California (Fig. 
64 A). It has the most southerly continuous 
distribution among the North American Alec- 
toriae s. lat. and clearly avoids the more humid 
coasts of Oregon, Washington, and British 
Columbia, showing a preference for dry forest 


This species has normally been included in B. 
oregana but appears to be distinct from it. The 
separation of these two species is discussed 
under B. oregana. 

Bryoria abbreviata shows a strong super- 
ficial resemblance to Cornicularia californien 
(Tuck.) DR. and is often confused with it in 
herbaria. C. californica has an olive brown to 
greenish black thallus and a greenish to brown- 
black epithecium usually reacting K + violet, 
whereas B. abbreviata is always dull red-brown 

Fig. 63. Bryoria abbreviata. Note the “ciliate” 
apothecia. B. C., Creston, Brodo 15120 (CANL). 
Scale 0.5-1 .0 mm. 

and has a red-brown epithecium not reacting 
with K. The cortical structures in these two 
species also differ (see general section on 
Anatomy and morphology: Cortex). 

Selected specimens 

Exsiccatae. Cummings, Williams & Seymour: Lieh. 
Bor. Amer. 18: Montana, Flathead County: Columbia 
Falls, Williams (FH, H. NYBG) - Cummings, Sey- 
mour & Williams: Dec. N. Amer. Lieh. 96: Montana, 
Flathead County: Columbia Falls, Williams (CANL, 
DUKE, MSC, NYBG, US) - Krypt. Vind. 3711: 
Washington. Whitman County: Pullman, Herre 
(COLO, F, LAM. US) - Merrill: Lieh. Exs., Ser. II, 
36 (some mixed with B. efr . fuscescens). Washington, 
Ferry County: Republic, Foster (F, MSC, NYBG, 
US. WIS). 

Canada. British Columbia. Columbia River Basin: 
Kootanie Lake (sic), Macoun (440?) (CANL) - Fraser 
River Basin: Wells Gray Provincial Park, Ahti 14269 
(H) - Kootenay River Basin: East of Creston, Brodo 
15120 (CANL) -Okanagan River Basin: Mt. Anarchist 
near Osoyoos, Krajina 645-124 (CANL) - Alberta. 
Waterton Lakes National Park, Scotter4901 (WIS). 

U.S.A. California. Del None County: Near Fair- 
view Peak in the Siskiyou National Forest, Pike 
L-329A (OSC) - Los Angeles County: San Gabriel 
Mts.. Hasse 1485 (NYBG) - Tulare County: Sequoia 
National Park. Rundel 2569 (UC1) - Idaho: Bonner 
County: Priest R. Experimental Forest, on Gisborne 
Mt., Esslinger 392 (COLO) - Montana: Missoula 
County: S of Alberton. J. W. Thomson 16328 (WIS) - 
Oregon. BakerCounty: Unity, Shushan SL-3961 (BM, 
CANL, US, WIS) -Union County: Summit Pass, Blue 
Mt., Imshaug 19 (COLO) -Washington. Ferry County: 
Republic, Foster 36 (COLO) - Pierce County: Mt. 
Rainier National Park, Brodo 15475 (CANL) - 

134 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Fig. 64. Known distribution. - A: Bryoria abbreviata. - B: B. oregana. 

Wyoming. County unknown: Belt Mts., Willey s.n., 
no date (US). 

Mexico. Baja California. Cape San Quentin (sic) 
(San Quintin), Greene s.n., Feb. 1906 (FH), Greene 
189? (NYBG ). 

25. Bryoria oregana (Tuck, ex Nyl.) Brodo & 

D. Hawksw., comb. nov. 

Alectoria oregana Tuck, ex Nyl., Lieh. Jap.: 104 
(1890); type: Union, Oregon, W. C. Cusick (FH-Tuck. 
472 holotype! H-Nyl. 35971 isotype!); basionym. - 
Bryopogon oreganus (Tuck, ex Nyl.) Schneid., Guide 
Stud. Lieh.: 166 (1898). - Coelocaulon oreganum 
(Tuck, ex Nyl.) Choisy, Icon. Lieh. Univ., ser. II, 
fasc. 2, sine pagin. (1931). 

Thallus pendent, up to 17 cm in length; branch- 
ing anisotomic dichotomous, angles between the 
branches acute or obtuse; branches very uneven 
in diameter, 0.25-0.40 mm diam. at the base, 
0.10-0.20 mm on pendent branches; branches 
longitudinally foveolate and channeled, gener- 
ally very angular; red-brown, matt (never shiny). 

True lateral spinules, soredia, and pseudocy- 
phellae absent; branches sometimes appearing 

spinulose due to short, pointed, lateral branches. 
Apothecia infrequent, lateral; excipulum thalli- 
num concolourous with thallus, smooth or 
sometimes ciliate, disappearing in age: to 2.0 
mm diam. 

Spores 8 per ascus, broadly ellipsoid, thin- 
walled, c. 6.5 x 4.5 /urn. Pycnidia not seen. 

Cortical hyphae in surface view short, 
knobbed, thin-walled, appearing like a jigsaw 
puzzle (Fig. 12 A). 

Cortex and medulla K-, C-, KC-, PD-; 
contains no lichen substances. 

Ecology. On conifers, especially Abies lasio- 
carpa, Picea, and Pinas species, usually be- 
tween 1500 and 2300 m in elevation, charac- 
teristically in subalpine Abies lasiocarpa-Picea 
engelmannii stands, but also in dry or exposed 
montane pine stands. 

Distribution. Western montane, from south- 
western Alberta and neighbouring Montana 
westward to the coast and southward through 
California (Fig. 64 B). Apparently, B. oregana 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. 135 

requires, or is tolerent of, cooler, more humid 
habitats than is B. abbreviate!, and is therefore 
more commonly found in the coastal mountains. 
B. oregana, like B. abbreviata, is a North 
American endemic. 


Bryoria abbreviata and B. oregana have gener- 
ally been regarded as synonymous (Howe 191 1, 
Motyka 1964). While the two taxa are clearly 
very closely allied, intergrades appear to be rare. 
The two species are able to grow side by side in 
nature and maintain their identities. B. abbrevia- 
ta is invariably fertile and has large, ciliate, 
subterminal apothecia and a distinctly caespitose 
habit (although one or two of the marginal cilia 
may become elongate and develop into pen- 
dulose branches). In contrast, B. oregana only 
rarely forms apothecia. When they do occur they 
are almost eciliate and always clearly lateral. 
Furthermore, the thallus is pendent rather than 

These two species frequently occupy the same 
habitat in regions where they are sympatric and 
their thalli may be intricately entangled. It is 
undoubtedly this frequent admixture which has 
led to their being treated as conspecific in the 

Sterile plants of B. oregana may be con- 
fused with some slender sterile and esorediate 
morphotypes of B. fremontii, but these taxa can 
usually be separated reliably on the basis ot 
thallus colour and cortical features (see Fig. 12). 

The holotype collection of B. oregana is 
mixed and comprises intricately entangled (a) 
typical elongate and fertile thalli of B. oregana 
s. str., (b) a large amount of B. fuscescens, 
(c) some B. fremontii, (d) Letharia Columbiana, 
and (e) at the base of the specimen, what appears 
to be B. abbreviata with broader more divergent 
branches. A dissection of the collection would 
have resulted in the destruction ot part of the 
type and so was not attempted. Isotype material 
in Nylander's herbarium (H !). undoubtedly sent 
to Nylander by Tuckerman, is B. oregana as 
interpreted here. The epithet oregana thus refers 
to the pendent rather than the caespitose 
elements of "Alectoria oregana auct ." and we 
have adopted it in this sense. 

Selected specimens 

Canada. British Columbia. Coastal District: Gari- 
baldi Mountains, Garibaldi. Brodo 8178 (CANL) - 
Columbia River Basin: GlacierNational Park, Ohlsson 
395 (MSC) - Fraser River Basin: Southern Cariboo 
Mountains. Wells Gray Park, Ahti 6517 (H) - Islands 
South District: Between Mt. Thornhill and Mt. Attree, 
Ohlsson 2568 (MSC, CANL) - Skagit River Basin: 
Manning Park. Ahti 15388 (H) - Alberta. Waterton 
Lakes National Park. W of Avion Ridge, Bird 16836 

U.S.A. California. Del Norte County: Near Bear 
Basin. Tucker 6434 (US, COLO) - Riverside County: 
San Jacunta Mountain (sic) (Jacinto), Hasse s.n., 1904 
(US) - San Diego County: San Diego, Orcutt s.n.. no 
date (F) - Santa Cruz County?: Santa Cruz Mountains, 
Castle Rock, Herre 1 144 (F) - Idaho. Payette County: 
Payette Lakes, A. H. Smith I6076C (DUKE.COLO)- 
Montana. Glacier County: Glacier National Park. 
Sprague Creek. Imshaug 7341 (LAM, US) - Sanders 
County: Fishtrap Creek, Taylor 7071 (p.p.) (Herb, not 
indicated) - Oregon. Benton County: Mary’s Peak W 
of Corvallis. Pike 3106 (CANL) - Klamath County: 
Crater Lake National Park. Sipe 1152 (ORE) - 
Washington. Clallam County: Olympic National Park, 
near Mt. Angeles, Ireland 6898 (US) - Pend Oreille 
County: Colville National Forest, Layser 1460 (p.p.) 

Bryoria sect. Tortuosae (Bystr.) Brodo & D. 
Hawksw., comb. nov. 

Bryopogon sect. Tortuosae Bystr., Ann. Univ. Mariae 
Curie-Sklodowska, C, 26: 273 (1971), as "Mot."; 
basionym. - Alectoria subgen. Bryopogon sect. Tor- 
tuosae Mot., FI. Polska, Porosty 5(2): 38 (1962); nom. 
inval. (Art. 37). 

Type species: Bryoria tortuosa (Merr.) Brodo & 
D. Hawksw. (syn. Alectoria tortuosa Merr., Bryo- 
pogon tortuosus (Merr.) Bystr., nom. inval.; holo- 

Thallus subpendent to pendent; emerald-green- 
ish to cervine brown, not blackened. True lateral 
spinules and isidia absent. Soralia rather rare, 
tuberculate, emerald-green to greenish yellow. 
Pseudocyphellae present and abundant or sparse 
to almost absent, conspicuous, depressed, 
elongate-fusiform, greenish yellow in one 
species. Cortex with a moderate amount of 
matrix, longitudinally orientated (not cellular 
and knobby) at the surface. Apothecia occa- 
sional; margins not ciliate; discs yellowish to 
emerald-green, often markedly convex. Vulpinic 
acid known from all species; atranorin and/or 
chloroatranorin, fumarprotocetraric acid, and 
other /S-orcinol depsidones absent. 

136 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 


This section comprises two species, the circum- 
boreal B. fremontii and the western North 
American B. tortuosa, which are unique in 
Bryoria in having pulvinic acid derivatives. (It 
should be noted that in B. fremontii these are 
restricted to the soralia and apothecia.) 

26. Bryoria fremontii (Tuck.) Brodo & D. 
Hawksw., comb. nov. 

Alectoria fremontii Tuck., Am. J. Arts Sei., ser. 2, 
25: 422 (1858); type: Sierra Nevada, camp of Decem- 
ber 5-6, 1845, a piece of moss which is abundant in 
this region, Fremont (FH-Tuck. 498 holotype!); 
basionym. - Bryopogon fremontii (Tuck.) Rabenh., 
Flecht. Eur. no. 918 (1871). - Alectoria jubata var. 
fremontii (Tuck.) Boist., Nouv. Fl. Lieh. 2: 38 (1903). 

Alectoria olivacea Räs., Medd. Soc. Fauna FI. 
Fenn. 43:4(1917); type: Fennia, Ostrobottnia borealis, 
Simo, V. Räsänen, 6 June 1916 (H lectotype!). - 
Bryopogon olivaceus (Räs.)Choisy, Icon. Lieh. Univ., 
ser. 2, 2: sine pagin. (1930). - Alectoria fremontii var. 
olivacea (Räs.) H. Magn., FI. Skand. Busk. Bladl. 100 
(1929). - Alectoria fremontii subsp. olivacea (Räs.) 
Räs., Lieh. Fenn. Exs. no. 162 (1936). - Alectoria 
fremontii f. olivacea (Räs.) Mot., FI. Polska, Porosty 
5(2): 76 (1962). 

Alectoria corneliae Gyeln., Ann. Crypt. Exot. 4: 
171 (1931); type: Oregon, near Brownsville, on pine, 
L. L. Haskin 1031, 25 May 1930 (US holotype!). - 
Bryopogon olivaceus f. corneliae (Gyeln.) Gyeln., 
Feddes Repert. 38: 230 (1935). - Alectoria olivacea f. 
corneliae (Gyeln.) Zahlbr., Cat. Lieh. Univ. 10: 559 

Alectoria fremontii subsp. erikssonii DR.. Ark. Bot. 
20A (11): 8 (1926); nom. nov. for A. fremontii sensu 
Räs., non Tuck. - Bryopogon fremontii f. erikssonii 
(DR.) Saviez, Lieh. Ross. 4 no. 34 (1935). - Alectoria 
fremontii f. erikssonii (DR.) Mot., FI. Polska, Porosty 
5(2): 77 (1962); nom. inval. (Art. 33). 

Alectoria fremontii var. perfertiUs Räs., Ann. Mis- 
souri Bot. Gard. 20: 10(1933); type: British Columbia, 
Golden, ad corticem arboris ( Pinus ), V. Kujala, Sep- 
tember 1931 (H holotype!). - Bryopogon olivaceus 
var. perfertiUs (Räs.) Gyeln., Feddes Repert. 38: 230 
(1935). - Alectoria olivacea var. perfertiUs (Räs.) 
Zahlbr., Cat. Lieh. Univ. 10: 559 (1940). 

? Alectoria fremontii f. dealbata Mot., FI. Polska. 
Porosty 5 (2): 77 (1962); nom. inval. (Art. 37). 

Thallus pendent, often very long, to 45 cm (or 
exceptionally 90 cm, fide Turner in litt.); 
branching anisotomic dichotomous to submono- 
podial, usually frequent from the base; branches 
uneven in diameter, becoming twisted and 
foveolate, sometimes becoming dorsivcntrally 
compressed and expanded towards the base, 
(0.2-) 0.4-1. 5(^4. 0) mm diam.; yellowish brown 
to reddish brown or dark brown, colour often 

variable within the same specimen, usually 

True lateral spinules absent. Soralia absent or 
sparse, tuberculate, pale yellow to bright yellow, 
usually as wide as the branches on which they 
occur, to 2.0( — 4.0) mm long. Pseudocyphellae 
absent or sparse (perhaps only torsion cracks), 
depressed and elongate fusiform, white to pale 

Apothecia absent or sparse, lateral; excipulum 
thallinum concolourous with the thallus, thin and 
soon becoming excluded; disc becoming convex 
at maturity, 1.0-2.0(-4.0) mm diam., yellow 
pruinose. Spores 8 per ascus, hyaline, sub- 
globose, simple, 5-8 x 4-5 /zm. Pycnidia not 

Cortex, medulla, apothecia, and soralia K— , 
C — , KC-, PD-. Contains vulpinic acid in the 
soralia and apothecia. 

Ecology. Mainly on Pinus ponderosa, P. con- 
forta, Larix occidentalis, and Pseudotsuga 
menziesii in open pine or Douglas fir forests 
(at elevations of 700-2500 m in the Canadian 
Rockies and 3000-3400 m in the southern 
Rockies); also on oaks closer to the coast. It 
seems to prefer somewhat open and rather dry 
sites (Szczawinski 1953). 

Distribution. Western conifer forests from mid- 
Alberta and British Columbia west to the coast 
and south throughout California to Baja Cali- 
fornia, with disjunct populations in Colorado and 
the Black Hills (Fig. 65A). Wetmore (1968) 
regards the presence of B. fremontii in the Black 
Hills as a relatively recent (i.e., post-Pleisto- 
cene) occurrence due to its rarity. B. fremontii 
shows a classical western American-western 
European disjunct distribution. In Europe it is 
known from Fennoscandia and the Caucasus 
(Krog 1968), and Schwarzwald (Schindler 1974), 
but it is especially abundant in northern Fin- 
land (Ahlner 1948). 

Bryoria fremontii was determined from eastern 
Asia (Saghalien) by Gyelnik (1935, Sato 1936) 
and has also been reported from Mexico 
(Williams 1895) and Ellesmereland (Darbishire 
1909). These three records require confirmation 
but we have seen one specimen which may be 
this species from Ecuador (Gualaquiza [^Guaya- 
quil], 1200 m, Abate M. Allioni, 1910, comm. 
Sbarbaro [KGY]). Its absence in the British 
Isles and distribution in the drier Douglas fir 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. 137 

Fig. 65. N. American distribution. -A: Bryoria fremontii. - B: B. tortuosa. 

forests of western America would tend to 
support Ahlner’s (1948) assessment of the 
species as “northern continental’' although he 
does point to its occasional occurrence in 
somewhat oceanic localities. 

The presence of a northern species like B. 
fremontii in Baja California is apparently not 
unusual since Stebbins & Major (1965 p. 5) 
point out that “Boreal plants of holarctic distri- 
bution extend southward along the California 
coast to Monterey, and in the mountains 
throughout the Sierra Nevada and even into 
southern California." The jump between 
southern California and northern Baja California 
is not very far with regard to distance or climate. 


Bryoria fremontii is an extremely variable 
species in some respects but is generally un- 
likely to be misidentified, even when sterile, 

owing to its shiny, broad, and foveolate main 
stems and its characteristic yellowish brown to 
dark reddish brown colour. Some confusion 
can occur with unusually large and acid-deficient 
plants of B. trichodes subsp. americana. Very 
slender, dark specimens can be distinguished 
from B. oregana by examinations of the cortical 
structure (Fig. 12). Specimens appearing similar 
to B. fremontii but differing in being unusually 
pale, dull, and quite brittle often prove to be 
B. friabilis on examination by TLC. (The latter 
species contains gyrophoric acid.) 

Specimens of B. fremontii with both yellow 
soralia and yellow-pruinose apothecia are 
extremely rare in North America, as they are in 
Europe, though they are more frequent in Cali- 
fornia than elsewhere. Specimens with only 
soralia or only apothecia are almost as rare. 
The most commonly encountered morphotype is 
dark red-brown to dark brown in colour, with 
very thick and foveolate, shiny, main branches 

138 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

and numerous slender side branches. Various 
infraspecific taxa have been proposed to accom- 
modate the morphotypes with and without 
soralia, etc. (see Motyka 1962), but these 
variations seem to be without any taxonomic- 
significance. Material with white soralia (e.g., 
“f. dealbata Mot.”) is mentioned in the litera- 
ture but we have seen none in our investiga- 
tions and are sceptical as to its existence; such 
reports may well be based on misidentifica- 
tions although it is occasionally possible to find 
old soralia rubbed free of their coating of vul- 
pinic acid so as to appear almost white. (In 
such cases, typical yellow soralia are invariably 
present elsewhere on the same specimen.) 

On the west coast, there occurs a population 
of this species with an unusually pale, almost 
yellow-brown thallus and white incipient 
pseudocyphellae (perhaps actually ”torsion” 
cracks). Plants belonging to this morphotype, 
which includes the type specimen of Alectoria 
corneliae Gyeln., are frequently extremely 
robust and have very thick shiny branches. 
This morphotype might at first appear to merit 
recognition at some infraspecific rank, but since 
a continuous series of intermediate plants exists, 
we do not consider it to be taxonomically 

Because the vulpinic acid in this species is 
restricted to soralia and apothecial discs, it 
cannot be demonstrated by TLC in material 
lacking these structures. 

Attention is drawn to Ahlner’s (1948) impor- 
tant discussion of the variability of this species 
in Europe. 

Selected specimens 

Exsiccatae. Cummings, Seymour & Williams: Dec. 
N. Amer. Lieh. 54: Montana, Flathead County: 
Columbia Falls, Williams (CANL, DUKE, MSC, 
NYBG. US, WIS) -Cummings. Williams & Seymour: 
Lieh. Bor. Amer. 17: (same as above) (COLO) - 
Merrill: Lieh. Exs., Ser. II, 47: Washington, Ferry 
County: Republic, Foster (COLO, F, MSC, NYBG, 
WIS) - Rel. Tuck, (no number): Wyoming, County 
unknown. Wind River Mountains, Hayden (LAM) - 
Tuckerman: Lieh. Amer. Septentr. Exs. 52: Califor- 
nia, no specific locality. Fremont (NYBG) - Weber: 
Lieh. Exs. 418 (p.p.): California, Shasta County: 
Burney, Pike & Jackman (CANL). 

Canada. British Columbia. Islands South District: 
Vancouver Islands: Little Qualicum Falls Provincial 
Park, Becking s.n., 25 Sept. 1953 (LAM) - Coast 
Area: Garibaldi Park, Krajina 351-4 (CANL) -Colum- 

bia River Basin: Deer Park, Macoun 55 (NYBG, US) 
- Fraser River Basin: Blue River, Brodo 15791 
CANL. WIS) - Okanagan River Basin: Princeton, 
Brodo 7812 (CANL) - Peace River Basin: Mcleod 
Lake, Leechman s.n., July 1954 (FH) - Skagit River 
Basin: Manning Park, Ahti 15389 (H) - Skeena River 
Basin: E of Hazelton, Ohlsson 2962A (MSC) - 
Alberta. Banff National Park: Trail to Lake Agnes, 
Imshaug 6866 (WIS). 

U.S.A. California. Eldorado County: near Kyburz, 
EldoradoNat. Forest, Belshaw6005 (DUKE, COLO)- 
Los Angeles County: St. Antonio Mts., Johnston 
3085 (FH, F) - Colorado. Routt County: Seedhouse 
Guard Station, Weber 6835 (COLO) - Idaho. Latah 
County: Kendrick, Esslinger 248B (COLO) - Mon- 
tana. Missoula County: S of Alberton, J. W. Thomson 
16319 (US, WIS, CANL) - Oregon. Klamath County: 
Crater Lake, Sipe 990 (ORE, F) — South Dakota. 
Custer County: Custer, Wetmore 10053 (MSC) - 
Washington. Asotin County: Fields Spring State Park, 
Imshaug 16483 (MSC, CANL) - Wyoming. Yellow- 
stone National Park: Near Canyon Junction, Imshaug 
9441 (WIS, LAM). 

Mexico. Baja California: Cape San Quentin (sic) 
(San Quintin), Greene s.n., Feb. 1906 (FH) -Nacho- 
guero Valley, Schoenfeldt 3427 (US). 

27. Bryoria tortuosa (Merr.) Brodo & D. 
Hawksw., comb. nov. 

Alectoria tortuosa Merr., Bryologist 12: 5 (1909); type: 
British Columbia, near Westminster, A. J. Hill. July 
1904 (FH holotype!); basionym. - Eualectoria tor- 
tuosa (Merr.) Gyeln., Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., Bot. 28: 
283 (1934); nom. inval. (Art. 34). — Bryopogon 
tortuosus (Merr.) Gyeln.. Feddes Repert. 38: 229 

rhallus pendent, 10-30 cm long; branching 
mainly anisotomic dichotomous; angles between 
the dichotomies acute, with frequent slender, 
perpendicular side branches arising from the 
axes; branches uneven in diameter, strongly 
twisted and tortuous, foveolate and often flat- 
tened. 0.4 — 0.5(— 1 .0) mm in diam.; dull, dark red- 
brown to dusky yellow-brown, occasionally be- 
coming bright yellow in thalli having heavy con- 
centrations of vulpinic acid; pale and dark speci- 
mens often grow mixed. 

Spinules and isidia absent; soredia exceed- 
ingly rare. Pseudocyphellae usually abundant, 
occasionally rare, bright yellow, linear or some- 
times short fusiform, slightly raised, twisting 
around filaments in long yellow spirals (Fig. 5C). 

Apothecia rare, lateral, 2-3 mm diam., excipu- 
lum thallinum raised, persistent, disc heavily 
yellow pruinose. Spores 7. 5-8. 7 x 4. 7-5.0 /urn, 

8 per ascus, hyaline, ellipsoid. Pycnidia un- 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. 139 

Cortex and medulla K— , C— , KC— , PD — , 
but thallus producing a yellowish stain on filter 
paper with PD in most specimens. Contains 
vulpinic acid. 

Ecology. On trees in well-lighted, open stands. 
Most frequently on oaks and pines, although it 
has been collected on a large variety of trees 
and shrubs. 

Distribution. Along the west coast, mainly from 
southern British Columbia to central California; 
with scattered localities in central British Colum- 
bia, mainly on exposed hillsides or in pine 
stands (Fig. 65 B). The Idaho localities are also 
in ponderosa pine stands fitting in well with its 
known ecology (see above). The only reported 
locality outside of North America for B. tortuosa 
is in the Carpathian Mountains in Europe 
(Motyka 1958), but the specimen upon which 
this record is based has not been seen by us. 
The distribution of the moss Crummia latifolia 
(common in western North America with a 
single occurrence in the Caucasus Mountains) 
is very similar (Schofield & Crum 1972 p. 175, 
map 26). 


Bryoria tortuosa is readily recognizable by its 
red-brown to dusty yellow-brown to almost 
greenish yellow thallus, and yellow, generally 
conspicuous, pseudocyphellae. Specimens with 
very few pseudocyphellae are likely to be con- 
fused with B. fretnontii, so a careful examina- 
tion of all material of the latter is advisable: 
in critical cases, TLC always reveals vulpinic 
acid in B. tortuosa while in B. fretnontii it is 
only found associated with soralia and apothe- 

The ability to produce vulpinic acid varies 
considerably in this species and is responsible 
for the marked variations in the colour of the 

thallus. Numerous packets contain mixtures of 
both greenish yellow thalli with abundant vul- 
pinic acid and dark brown thalli showing only 
yellow pseudocyphellae; all intergradations 

The name Alectoria virens Tayl. was incor- 
rectly applied to this species by Howe (1911). 

A. virens is a very different species unknown 
outside Asia (see Excluded taxa). 

A single specimen from Vancouver Island, 

B. C. (Tibell 5083 [UPS]), was seen with scat- 
tered, yellow, tuberculate soralia. It was bright 
yellow with conspicuous yellow pseudocy- 
phellae and was therefore definitely not B. 
fretnontii. Soralia have not previously been 
reported from B. tortuosa. 

Selected specimens 

Exsiccatae. Brodo: Lieh. Can. Exs. 3: British Colum- 
bia, Vancouver Island, Saanich, Brodo 8096 (CANL) 

- Brodo: Lieh. Can. Exs. 4: British Columbia, 29 
miles S of Merritt. Brodo 8496 (CANL) - Merrill: 
Lieh. Exs., Ser. I, 160: Oregon. Marion County: 
Silverton. Foster (BM, CANL. DUKE. MSC.NYBG, 
US) - Weber: Lieh. Exs. 418 (p.p.): California, 
Shasta County: Burney, Pike & Jackman (CANL). 

Canada. British Columbia. Coastal District: Earl's 
Cove, Brodo 8343 (CANL) -Dean River Basin: Along 
Mosher Creek, Tweedsmuir Provincial Park, Ohlsson 
1932A (p.p.) (MSC) - Fraser River Basin: Beaver 
Lake, Macoun 417 (CANL) - Islands South District: 
Between Parkville and Port Alberni, Tibell 5083 (UPS) 

- Skeena River Basin: 30 miles W of New Hazelton. 
Ohlsson 2887 A (MSC). 

U.S.A. California. Humboldt County: Near Manila, 
Lindsay 90 (HSC) - Santa Cruz County: Boulder 
Creek, Hesse 3056 (CANL. COLO, F, NYBG) - 
Trinity County: Weaverville, Richards & Drouet 
1315 (FH, F, US) - Idaho. Idaho County: Stites, 
Cooke 22967 (W1S) - Latah County: Kendrick, 
Esslinger 232B (WIS?) - Oregon. Jackson County: 
Eagle Point, Sipe 640 (MSC, ORE) - Washington. 
Clallam County: Dungeness, Foster 12 (US) - Okano- 
gan County: Winthrop, 8 mile Creek, Hasles s.n. 
(p.p.), 1950 (WIS). 

Pseudephebe Choisy 

Icon. Lieh. Univ., Ser. 2, Fase. 1: sine pagin. (1930). 
- Alectoria sect. Pseudephebe (Choisy) Choisy, Bull. 
Mens. Soc. Linn. Lyon 24: 26 (1955). -Parmelia sect. 
Teretiuscula Hillm.. Rabenh. Krypt.-Fl. 9, 5(3): 104 
(1936). - Alectoria sect. Teretiuscula (Hillm.) Lamb, 
Br. Antarct. Surv. Sei. Rep. 38: 26 (1964). - Alectoria 
subgen. Teretiuscula (Hillm.) D. Hawksw.. Licheno- 
logist 5: 201 (1972). - Alectoria sect. Subparmelia 
Degel., Nyt Mag. Naturvid. 70: 286 (1938). 

Type species: Pseudephebe pubescens (L.) Choisy 
(syn. Lichen pubescens L.; holotype). 

Thallus fruticose, sometimes becoming compact- 
ed and suberustose centrally, prostrate, closely 
adpressed to the substrate (under 1 cm tall), 
attached to the substrate by hapters over the 
whole thallus area and not merely at the base; 
base sometimes dying so that the thalli form 
rosettes; branching isotomic-dichotomous, often 
strictly so, branches terete bul tending to 
become dorsiventrally compressed in one 
species, minute, even to uneven; brown to dark 
or black, matt to slightly shiny, usually con- 
colourous except where attached to the sub- 

True lateral spinules, isidia, soralia, and 
pseudocyphellae absent. Cortex composed of 
longitudinally orientated hyphae which become 
prosoplechtenchymatous to almost paraplecten- 
chymatous at the surface. The surface itself 
is smooth or slightly rough. Medullary hyphae 
not ornamented. 

Apothecia lateral, frequent to abundant in 
both species; excipulum thallinum concolourous 
with the thallus, becoming excluded or, if per- 
sistent, not incurved, sometimes ciliate; disc 
brown to almost black. Asci clavate, thick- 
walled, arrested bitunicate, 8-spored. Asco- 
spores ellipsoid, lacking a distinct epispore, 
hyaline at maturity, simple, 7-12x6-8 pm. 
Pycnidia common. 

Lichen products absent. 


The systematic position of the species compris- 
ing the genus Pseudephebe has long been a 
cause of controversy, with some authors placing 
them in Alectoria, and others classifying them 
under Parmelia. They cannot really be satisfac- 
torily placed in either of these two genera and 
are most appropriately regarded as constituting 
a distinct genus. With regard to Parmelia, 
Pseudephebe is clearly allied to the subgenus 
Melanoparmelia Hue, but differs from most 
species of that subgenus in the fruticose rather 
than foliose habit and in the absence of lichen 
substances. It is probable that some species with 
almost fruticose "lobes” currently generally 
placed in Melanoparmelia may eventually prove 
to be additional members of Pseudephebe. We 
have not investigated those species in view of 
work in progress elsewhere. 

In Pseudephebe the cortex is composed of 
longitudinally orientated hyphae as reported by 
Degelius (1937). However, where the hyphae 
reach the surface, a “layer” of short almost 
isodiametric cells is formed (Fig. 13) quite unlike 
that seen in other taxa treated here, with the 
possible exception of species placed in Bryoria 
sect. Subdivergentes. In that section of Bryoria, 
the superficial cortical cells are extremely 
irregular in shape and project above the surface 
to produce a dull, matt texture and appearance. 
In Pseudephebe the surface of the cortex, 
although “cellular”, is only very slightly 
roughened by unevenness of the cells. 

1. Pseudephebe minuscula (Nyl. ex Arnold) 
Brodo & D. Hawksw., comb. nov. 

Imbricaria lanata var. minuscula Nyl. ex Arnold, 
Ver. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 28: 293 (1878); type: 
Fennia, Lapponia enontekiensis. Enontekio, in alpe 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Pseudephebe Choisy 141 

Pietsovaara prope Kilpisjärvi, J. P. Norrlin, 1867 
(H-Nyl. 34255 lectotype!); basionym. - Parmelia 
minuscula (Nyl. ex Arnold) Nyl., Bull. Soc. Linn. 
Normand., sér. 4, 1: 205 (1887). -Cornicularia lanata 
var. minuscula (Nyl. ex Arnold) Hue. Deux. Exped. 
Antarct. Fr., Lieh.: 41 (1915). - Alectoria minuscula 
(Nyl. ex Arnold) Degel., Nyt Mag. Naturvid. 78: 

Parmelia pubescens var. congesta Zahlbr., Dtsch. 
Südpol. Exped. 8: 52 (1928); type: Antarctica. Kaiser 
Wilhelm II Land. Gaussberg. Drygalskey's Expedi- 
tion, 1901-03 (BM lectotype!). - Alectoria congesta 
(Zahlbr.) Dodge, B.A.N.Z. Antarct. Res. Exped. 
1929-31, B, 7: 195 (1948). - Alectoria minuscula f. 
congesta (Zahlbr.) Lamb, l.illoa 14: 244 (1948). 

Parmelia minuscula subsp. minutissima Räs., 
Medd. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 43: 118 (1919); type: 
Finland, Ostrobottniae borealis. Simo. Onkalo, kivia- 
dala. V. Räsänen. 26June 1915 (H holotype!). 

Alectoria antarctica Dodge & Baker, Ann. Missouri 
Bot. Gard. 25: 599 (1938) p.p.; type: Antarctica, Marie 
Byrd Land, Edsel Ford Range. Mt. Rea-Cooper. P. 
Siple et al. R-l (herb. Dodge, holotype slide!); nom. 
illegit. (Art. 70). 

Parmelia minuscula f. aperta Lynge, in Lynge & 
Scholander, Skr. Svalbard ishavet 41: 71 (1932): type: 
Greenland, Kapp Humboldt, B. Lynge, 3 August 1929 
(O lectotype !). 

Parmelia minuscula f. applanata Lynge, in Lynge 
& Scholander, Skr. Svalbard Ishavet 41: 71 (1932); 
type: Greenland, Ostgronland, Kjerulffjorden, B. 
Lynge. 13 August 1929 (O lectotype!). - Alectoria 
minuscula f. applanata (Lynge) Lamb, Nyt Mag. 
Naturvid. 80: 264(1939). 

Parmelia minuscula f. crustacea Lynge. in Lynge & 
Scholander, Skr. Svalbard Ishavet 41: 71 (1932); type: 
Greenland. 0stgrpnland, Jacksonoya. B. Lynge, 31 
July— 1 August 1929 (O lectotype!). - Alectoria 
minuscula f. crustacea (Lynge) Degel. , Bot. Notiser 
1943: 108 (1943). 

Parmelia minuscula f. luxurious Lynge, in Lynge 
& Scholander. Skr. Svalbard Ishavet 41: 71 (1932); 
type: Greenland. Ostgronland, Kjerulffjorden, B. 
Lynge, 13 August 1929 (O holotype!). 

Parmelia pubescens f. biformis Vain., Res. Voy. 
S. V. Belgica 1897-99. Lieh.: 14 (1903); type: An- 
tarctica (TUR syntypes: not seen; see Lamb, 1948: 
243). - Alectoria minuscula f. biformis (Vain.) Lamb, 
Lilloa 14: 243 (1948). - Alectoria biformis (Vain.) 
Dodge, Lieh. FL Antarct.: 219 (1973). 

Parmelia almquistii f. opaca Lynge. Rep. Scient. 
Results Norw. Exped. Nova Zemlya 43: 197 (1928): 
type: Nova Zemlya, Belushi Bay, B. Lynge, 1921 (O 
holotype; not seen). 

For further information on the synonymy of this 
species, see Lamb (1948, 1964). 

Thallus prostrate and decumbent, in extreme 
forms becoming almost subfoliose or even 
crustose and pulverulent, generally forming 
more or less circular adpressed thalli up to 7 cm 
diam.; branches always somewhat flattened, 
especially on older portions, up to 1 .0 mm broad. 

tapering irregularly to 0.2-0. 5 mm on main stems 
and 0. 1 mm at tips where the branches are very 
uneven, but more or less terete; branching ir- 
regularly isotomic dichotomous with numerous 
short lateral branches often present giving 
thallus a “ciliate” appearance; internodal 
distance short, usually c. 0.2-0. 5(— 1 .0) mm; dark 
brown to black, shiny or dull, occasionally 
pale brown at the base. 

True lateral spinules absent, but simple or 
branched isidioid adventitious branches are not 
uncommon in one morphotype. Soralia and 
pseudocypheliae absent (or brown and incon- 
spicuous in one specimen?). 

Apothecia frequent, disc dark red-brown to 
black, flat, to 3 mm diam.; margins persistent, 
smooth or verrucose; spores 8 per ascus, 7.7- 
8.0x6. 7-9.0 ju.m, hyaline. Pycnidia very abun- 
dant, embedded in the thallus and opening to 
the surface through broad ostioles; conidia 
6-8 x 2-1 pm. 

All tissues of thallus K-, C— , KC-, PD-; 
no lichen substances present. 

Ecology. On siliceous, or sometimes lime- 
containing rocks in alpine or arctic habitats. 
John Thomson (in litt.) considers it to be charac- 
teristic of windswept gravels and rock outcrops. 
Imshaug (1957) pointed out that P. minuscula 
is more abundant in drier, more exposed local- 
ities than is P. pubescens. 

Distribution. Circumpolar arctic-alpine (Fig. 66). 
There seems to be a tendency for P. minuscula 
to be more continental in its distribution than 
P. pubescens, although the two are often found 
together. Weber (in litt.) has observed the same 
thing. P. minuscula is almost entirely absent 
from the mountains on the British Columbia 
coast and is fairly common in the southern 
Rockies. It was growing luxuriantly on one of 
the dry subalpine summits of the San Francisco 
Mountains in Arizona. The species is also known 
from a number of localities in the Southern 
Hemisphere. In Antarctica, it is circumpolar, 
whereas P. pubescens is restricted to the milder 
Antarctic Peninsula no further south than the 
Marguerite Bay area (Lamb 1964). 


Pseudephebe minuscula, like other lichens 
growing under extremely rigorous conditions, is 

142 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Fig. 66. Pseudephebe minuscula. N. American distribution. 

very variable in its superficial appearance, 
depending on the protection and moisture avail- 
able to the thallus. Typically, the thallus is 
conspicuously flattened and very minute, but 
robust specimens can become almost ascendent 
and develop terete branches which appear very 
like those of P. pubescens. Similarly, under 
extremely severe conditions, P. pubescens can 
become very adpressed and approach P. minus- 
cula. As a result of environmental pressures 
tending to induce a similar phenotype, as 
Imshaug (1957) has already pointed out, some 

thalli will always remain difficult to refer to one 
species or the other. Imshaug (1957) accurately 
described the situation with regard to the diffi- 
culties in the taxonomy of this pair of species. 

The environmental modifications in both 
species have been given a large number of infra- 
specific names, mainly at the rank of variety or 
form (e.g., Lynge & Scholander 1932, Hillman 
1936, Lamb 1948, 1964, Motyka 1960a). Most 
of these are probably of little taxonomic im- 
portance and we have not attempted to differen- 
tiate one from another and assess their relative 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Pseudephebe Choisy 143 

importance in this study. One morphotype of 
P. pubescens, f. subciliata (see p. 156), may, 
however, be genotypically distinct (see Hawks- 
worth 1972) but that form appears to be ex- 
tremely rare in North America. 

Dodge (1973 p. 218) endeavoured to separate 
five species in this group on the basis of 
differences in habit, branching, and measure- 
ments of various anatomical characters. In our 
view, his system is impractical, being mainly 
based on characters of dubious taxonomic value. 

Selected specimens 

Canada. British Columbia. Fraser River Basin: Wells 
Gray Provincial Park, Ahti 14158 (H) - Kootenay 
River Basin: Lake Oesa, MacFadden 62 (US) - 
Alberta. Jasper National Park, Queen Elizabeth 
Ranges, Scotter 7797 (CANL) - Manitoba. Churchill. 
J. W. Thomson 3772 (CANL) - Quebec. Territoire 
du Nouveau Québec: Fort Chimo, J. W. Thomson 
13778 (CANL, US) - Newfoundland. Grand Falls 
District: Summit of Hodges Hill. Ahti 7740 (H) - 
Yukon. 62°39'N , 134°45'W, Bostock 34 (CANL) - 
Kluane Lake, Murray L-41336 (FHl - Northwest 
Territories. District of Franklin: Axel Heiberg Island: 
White Glacier, Kuc 85 (CANL) - Devon Island: 
Dundas Harbour, Innes-Taylor 11 (CANL) - Melville 
Island: Bridport Inlet, Tener 395 (CANL)- Mackenzie 
District: Bernard Harbour, Johansen s.n.. June 1914 
(FH) - Keewatin District: Southampton Island, 
Salmon Pond, Parker SP-70- 1 6C (CANL). 

V.S.A. Alaska. Alaska Range District: E fork of 
the Kuskokwim River, Viereck 5117A (ALA)- Arctic 
Coast District: Okpilak Lake, J. W. Thomson & 
Shushan 10159 (US) - Eastern Pacific Coast District: 
Muir Glacier, Kincaid s.n., 13 July 1897 (CANL) - 
Arizona. Coconino County: San Francisco Peaks, 
Nash 7561 (CANL, MIN) - California. Amador 
County: Silver Lake, Thiers 17241 (HSC) - Calaveras 
County: Ebetts Pass, Thiers 17664 (CANL) -Riverside 
County: San Jacinto Mts., Darrow 305 (WIS) - 
Siskiyou County: Mt. Shasta, Cooke 25701 (WIS) - 
Colorado. Summit County-Clear Creek County: NE 
of Loveland Pass, Shushan SL-1593 (US) - Idaho. 
Owyhee County: Silver City, Anderegg 1437 (WIS) - 
Montana. Glacier County: Glacier National Park, 
Altyn Peak, Imshaug 5488 (CANL) - New Mexico. 
Santa Fe County: Santa Fe, Egan EL-1652 (US, WIS) 
- Oregon. Hood River County: Mt. Hood, Shushan 
SL-2500 (WIS) - Washington. Clallam County: 
Olympic National Park, Obstruction Peak. Brodo 
14401 (CANL) - Pend Oreille County: Newport, 
Schroeder L-305 (WIS) - Wyoming. Albany County: 
Medicine Bow Mts., Cain 25736 (WIS). 

2. Pseudephebe pubescens (L.) Choisy 

Icon. Lieh. Univ., ser. 2, 1: sine pagin. (1930). - 
Lichen pubescens L., Sp. PI. 2: 1 155 (1753); type: sine 
loc.. herb. C. Linnaeus (LINN 1273.286 lectotypel). 

- Alectoria pubescens (L.) R. Howe, Class. Fam. 
Usneaceae: 23 (1912) et Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 39: 
201 (1912). 

Alectoria pacifica Stiz.. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sei. 5(2): 
537 (1895); type: Mexico. Island of Guadalupe, E. 
Palmer. 1875 (ZT holotype! US isotype!). 

For further synonyms see Hawicsworth (1972 pp. 

Thallus decumbent to ascendent and shrubby; 
branches generally very uneven in diameter but 
more or less terete throughout their length, 
with diameters near the base 0. 1-0.2 mm and at 
the tips 0.05-0.1 mm; branching isotomic to 
anisotomic dichotomous with short lateral 
branches rare; internodal distance generally 
long, (0.6—) 1— 3(— 5) mm; dark red-brown to black, 
satiny to shiny. 

True lateral spinules, soredia, and isidia 
absent, although adventitious outgrowths similar 
to those on P. minuscula are found on rare 
occasions. Pseudocyphellae absent. Pycnidia 
abundant and conspicuous, as in P. minuscula. 

Apothecia infrequent, disc black, flat, 1.2-1. 6 
mm diam.; margin thick, red-brown when 
young, excluded when old; spores 8 per ascus, 
broadly ellipsoid, c. 10 x 7.5 /am, hyaline. 

All thallus tissues K-, C-, K.C — , PD-; no 
lichen substances present. 

Ecology. On dry, sandy, or stony ground and 
acid rocks, especially igneous rocks, sometimes 
shale; usually on exposed rocky ridges or 
boulders soon free of snow in the spring. The 
species tends to be found in moister sites in 
regions having a continental climate (Weber in 

Distribution. Low to high arctic, subalpine to 
alpine; frequent on exposed habitats along the 
west coast and in the Districts of Keewatin 
and Mackenzie (N.W.T.) as well as on the arctic 
islands; many more occurrences in the humid 
coastal ranges than the similar P. minuscula. It 
ranges as far south as Guadalupe (type of 
Alectoria pacifica). It is circumpolar in both the 
Northern and Southern Hemispheres (Hawks- 
worth 1972). 

Discussion. See under/*, minuscula. 

Selected specimens 

Exsiccatae. Merrill: Lieh. Exs., Ser. I, 88: Washing- 
ton, Spokane County: Crater Basin, Bosner (BM, 
CANL, DUKE) - Merrill: Lieh. Exs., Ser. II, 135: 

144 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Fig. 67. Pseudephebe puhescens . N. American distribution. 

Washington, Klickitat County. Goldendale, Foster 
(BM, DUKE, US) - Thomson: Lieh. Arct. 55: 
N.W.T., District of Keewatin: Rossby Lake. J. W. 
Thomson (CANL. DUKE, MSC) - Weber: Lieh. 
Exs. 219: N.W.T., District of Mackenzie: Mackenzie 
Mountains, O’Grady Lake, Cody 16816 (CANL, 

Canada. British Columbia. Coastal District: W of 
Hagensburg, Ohlsson 2289 (CANL) - Fraser River 
Basin: E of Hazelton, Ohlsson 2973 (CANL) - Islands 
North District: Moresby Island: Laing Point, Brodo 
10795 (CANL) - Islands South District: Vancouver 

Island: Mount Benson. Nanaimo, Macoun 49 (US) - 
Saltspring Island, Brodo 13890 (CANL) - Skeena 
River Basin: Terrace, Ohlsson 2798 (CANL) - 
Alberta. Oldham River Watershed, Beauvais Lake, 
Bird 14754 (CANL) - Quebec. Territoire du Nouveau 
Quebec: Porvungnituk (sic) (Povungnituk), Thompson 
30 (CANL) - Poste-de-la-Baleine. Brisson & Forest 
20342 (CANL) - Newfoundland. Labrador North 
District: Crater Lake vicinity, 52 miles WSW of 
Hebron, Gillett 9415A (CANL) - Labrador South 
District: Pack’s Harbour, Waghorne 25 (US) - 
Yukon. Dezadeash Lake, Douglas 5355 (CANL) - 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Pseudephebe Choisy 145 

34 miles from West Dawson, Calder & Billard 3320 
(CANL) - Northwest Territories. Mackenzie District: 
NE corner of Great Bear Lake, Wisensel JW18B 
(SASK1- District of Keewatin: Ennadai Lake. Brown 
1327 (CANL) -Franklin District: Baffin Island, Dutch 
Polar Station, Soper 152 (CANL. DUKE. NYBG). 

U.S.A. Alaska. Alaska Range District: Denali 
Highway, mile 28, Krog 3805 (O) - Aleutian Islands: 
Unalaska, Captain's Bay, Eyerdam s.n., 1 May 1932 
(FH) - Bering Strait District: Ogotoruk Creek 
Drainage, Johnson, Viereck & Melchior 106 (ALA. 
US) - Central Yukon River District: Steese Highway, 
Eagle Summit, Krog 2546 (O) - Eastern Pacific 
Coast District: Sitka, Harbour Mountain, Krog 6266 
(O) - Western Pacific Coast District: Cold Bay, 
55°12'N, 162°40'W, MacCartney s.n.. 6 Aug. 1971 
(WIS) - California. Mariposa County: Yosemite 
Valley, Herb. H. E. Hasse 571 (US) - Sierra County: 

E of Yuba Pass, Tavares 621 (US) - Siskiyou County: 
Trail to Sugar Lake, Salmon Mountains, Largent 4495 
(HSC, WIS) -Colorado. Clear Creek County: Summit 
Lake, Mount Evans. Sushan & Weber S I598A 
(CANL, FH) - Montana. Ravalli County: St. Mary 
Peak, Stevensville, Stickney 1559 (WIS) - Oregon. 
Deschutes County: Lava Butte, near Bend, Pojar 
s.n.. 8 Aug. 1970 (UBC) - Hood River County: 
Mt. Hood, Foster 571 (FH) - Lake County: Near 
Fort Rock, Horse Ranch, Pike L-106 (OSC) - 
Washington. Okanogan County: Slate Peak, near 
Winthrop, Imshaug 18568 (CANL) - Whatcom 
County: Mt. Baker, Herre s.n., 14 Aug. 1914 (US) - 
Wyoming. Yellowstone National Park: Shoshone 
Lake. Coulter 3 (US). 

Mexico. Baja California. Guadalupe Island, Palmer 
s.n., 1875 (US, ZT). 

Sulcaria Bystr 

Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sktodowska, C, 26: 275 
(1971). - Alectoria sect. Sulcaria Mot., FI. Polska, 
Porosty 5(2): 39 (1962); nom. inval. (Art. 37). - 
Alectoria subsect. Sulcata DR., Ark. Bot. 20A (II): 
5, 19 (1926). - Alectoria subgen. Sulcata (DR.) 
D. Hawksw., J. Jap. Bot. 46: 335 (1971). - Alectoria 
sect. Coelocaulopsis Choisy, Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. 
Lyon 24: 26 (1955); nom. inval. (Art. 36). 

Type species: Sulcaria sulcata (Lév.) Bystr. ex 
Brodo & D. Hawksw. (syn. Cornicularia sulcata 
Lév.; holotype). 

Thallus fruticose. erect and caespitose to decum- 
bent or pendent; branching variable; branches 
generally terete, but in one species bursting 
open longitudinally and forming dorsiventrally 
compressed and expanded flattened areas; 
greyish-brown, badious, or emerald green. 

Lateral spinules present consistently in some 
species, rarer or absent in others. Isidia and 
soralia absent. Pseudocyphellae present in the 
form of a single longitudinal furrow (Fig. 5D), 
± continuous from the base to the apex of the 
thallus, deeply depressed, sometimes appearing 
almost scalariform, white or emerald green, 
sometimes bursting open to expose the medulla, 
occasionally tending to become weakly sore- 
diate. Cortex not disintegrating, not differen- 
tiated and rough at the surface. Medullary 
hyphae not ornamented. 

Apothecia lateral, often appearing geniculate 
owing to the death of the branch distal to them, 
common in one species, unknown in the 
others; excipulum thallinum concolourous with 
the thallus, persistent and incurved, sometimes 
becoming ciliate; disc brownish-black, often 
distinctly blue-grey pruinose. Asci clavate, 
thick-walled, arrested bitunicate, 6-8-spored. 
Ascospores ellipsoid, yellowish to brown at 
maturity, I- or later 3-septate when mature, 
22-40 x 8-15 /am. Pycnidia unknown. 

Usnic acids absent; atranorin abundant in two 
species, chloroatranorin absent; /3-orcino! dep- 

sidone present in two species; pulvinic acid 
derivatives known in two species; orcinol 
depsidone known in one specimen of one 
species; orcinol depsides, tridepsides, /3-orcinol 
depsides and hydroxyanthraquinones absent. 


Of the three species we are accepting in this 
genus, only one (S. baclia) is known from North 
America; the others (S. sulcata and S. virens) 
are confined to southeast Asia. Only S. sulcata 
is known fertile but this species is regularly so. 
The distinctive pseudocyphellate furrow serves 
to separate sterile members of this genus from 
the other genera treated here. Two species 
which we have placed in Bryoria (B. pseudoca- 
pillaris and B. spiralifera ), and which are only 
known sterile, may be allied to it. In fact, the 
section Implexae of Bryoria seems to be closely 
allied to the genus Sulcaria to judge by their 
similarities in chemistry (the frequency of ß- 
orcinol depsidones), colour (as in B. spiralifera 
and the European B. kuemmerleana ), and long 

It is of interest to note that, whereas atranorin 
is usually present in only trace amounts in 
Bryoria so that it is only detectable by TLC, 
in two of the species of Sulcaria it is so abundant 
that a yellow reaction with K is readily obtained 
and the compound easily demonstrated by 
microcrystal tests. 

I . Sulcaria badia Brodo & D. Hawksw., sp. nov. 

Thallus pendulus, 20-50 cm longus, flaccidus; rami 
praecipue iso-dichotomiter fastigiati, frequentes e 
basi emergentes, in angulos praecipue acutos rotundos 
divergentes, valde compressi et toiluosi, conspicue 
sulcati, diametro aequales, basi 0.25— 0.4(— 1 .0) mm 
diam., ramis lateralibus brevibus et gracilibus fere 
perpendiculariter frequenter instruct]'; tota planta 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Sulcaria Bystr. 147 

opaca castanea vel badia vel partim flavo-brunnea. 

Rami laterales spiniformes veri, isidia, et soralia 
desunt. Pseudocyphellae conspicuae. albae. lineatae, 
longissimae, in sulcos profundos immersae. 

Apothecia et pycnidia ignota. 

Cortex K+ flavescens, C-. KC+ flavescens, 
PD+ brunneolus; medulla K-. C-, KC-. PD ; in 
Charta separata K+ flavescens et PD+ flavescens 
reagens. Thallus solum atranorium continens. 

Holotypus: America septentrionalis, U.S.A., 
Oregon, Philomath, in Malis veteribus, F. P. Sipe 
669 p.p. (ORE). Fig. 68. 

The holotype is a portion of the same number 
designated by Gyelnik as the holotype of B. pseudo- 
fuscescens (Gyeln.) Brodo & D. Hawksw. in BP (i.e., 
an arithmotype). The specimen in BP is, however, 
quite distinct in both morphology and chemistry from 
that in ORE. See also the discussion under B. 
pseudof usees cens . 

Thallus pendent, 20-50 cm long, flaccid; 
branching mainly isotomic dichotomous, 
frequent from the base, angles between the 
dichotomies mainly acute and rounded; branches 
markedly flattened and twisted, conspicuously 
sulcate, even, 0.25— 0.4(— 1 .0) mm diam. at the 
base, with short, slender almost perpendicular 
lateral branches; very dull chestnut-brown to 
almost badious or yellowish brown in parts. 

True lateral spinules, isidia and soralia absent. 
Pseudocyphellae conspicuous, white, linear, 
extremely long, most developing into deep 
furrows (Fig. 5D). 

Apothecia and pycnidia unknown. 

Cortex K+ yellow, C— , KC+ yellow, PD + 
brownish; medulla K — , C— , KC— , PD — ; on 
filter paper K+ yellow and PD+ yellow. Con- 
tains atranorin alone. A specimen from Cali- 
fornia (Pike & Rhoades 2245 [OSU]) contains, 
in addition, an unidentified PD- substance 
having relative Rf classes (C. Culberson 1972) 
of 5-5-5. 

Ecology. On trees, especially apple and oak 
trees, in well-lighted Quercus garryana com- 

Distribution. Along the west coast from 
Washington to Northern California (Fig. 69). 
Endemic to North America. 


This previously undescribed species is easily 
recognized by its very distinctive colour. The 
colour of the thallus is not unlike that ot the 
Asian S. sulcata which is almost always fertile, 

Fig. 68. Sulcaria badia. Oregon, Hall, 1871 (FH- 
Tuck. 504). Scale 0.5 mm. 

caespitose, and contains psoromic acid in addi- 
tion to atranorin. 

A morphologically typical specimen of Sulcaria sul- 
cata var. sulcata from China (Krypt. Exs. Vindobon., 
No. 2766, Handel-Mazzetti. prov. Yiinnan [CANL]) 
was found to contain virensic acid instead of psoromic 
acid with TLC and microchemical tests (Hawksworth 
1971). The frequency of this chemical strain is 
unknown at present, it is intriguing that the locality 
of this specimen is the same as the type locality of 
S. sulcata f. vidpinoides, a form differing from f. 
sulcata in being yellow-green in colour, due to vulpinic 
acid (Hawksworth 1971). 

148 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Large amounts of atranorin occur in this species: 
a K+ yellow reaction is easily obtained, and this 
compound can be readily confirmed by micro- 
crystal tests in GAoT. 

We are referring this species to the genus 
Sulcaria because of the characteristic sulci, 
although this feature is perhaps less well devel- 
oped in S. badia than it is in either S. sulcata 
or S. virens. In the absence of apothecia, the 
placing of this North American species in the 
genus Sulcaria should be regarded as tenta- 


U.S.A. California. Mendocino County: Round Valley, 
Chesnut s.n., 20 July-3 Aug. 1897 (US) - 2 miles W 
of Willits, Pike & Rhoades 2245 (OSC) - Oregon. 
Benton County: near Philomath, Sipe s.n., no date 
(ORE, F) - Philomath, Sipe 669 (CANL) - Locality 
unknown: Hall s.n., no date (FH-Tuck., US) - 
Washington. Clallam County: nearDungeness, Foster 
2552A (FH). 

Excluded taxa 

Alectoria acharianaGyeln. 

Nyt Mag. Naturvid. 70: 54 (1932). 

This species was reported by Gyelnik (1931) 
prior to the valid publication of the name from 
“Canada, Lake Louise, alt. 5665 ft. (SE1GFRID, 
sub Alectoria Fremontii. A 1-9)“. Gyelnik, 
however, later reconsidered his determination 
and treated this collection as the holotype of 
Bryopogon negativus f. canadensis Gyeln., 
which is discussed separately below. 

The identity of A. achariana itself remains 
uncertain in the absence of the holotype collec- 
tion which is not in BP (Verseghy in litt.). 
Hawksworth (1972 p. 219) noted that an iso- 
paratype of this taxon in BM was Bryoria 
fuscescens var. positiva. 

Alectoria californica (Tuck.) Merrill 

Lieh. Exs. no. 82 ( 1908). - Cetraria californica Tuck., 
Am. J. Arts Sei., ser. 2, 28: 203 (1859). 

Although this taxon shows a strong resemblance 
to some morphotypes of Bryoria abbreviate!, 
it is more appropriately placed in the genus 
Cornicularia (as C. californica (Tuck.) DR.) 
on the basis of the anatomy of the cortex (see 
general section Anatomy and morphology: 
Cortex). The characters most useful for the 
separation of these two species are discussed 
under B. abbreviata. 

Alectoria cetrariza Nyl. 

Bull. Soc. Linn. Normand., sér. 4, 1: 270 (1887); 
type: U.S.A., Oregon, Millamak, on Pinas contorta, 
Herb. Nylander no. 35973 (H holotype!). — Coeloc 'an- 
ion cetrariza (Nyl.) Gyeln., Ann. Mus. Nat. Hungar.. 
Bot. 28: 282 (1934). 

An examination of the holotype of this taxon 
showed it to be conspecific with Cornicularia 

Alectoria crinalis Ach. 

Lieh. Univ.: 594(1810). 

This epithet was taken up by Hale (1969 p. 
191) for the species treated under the name 
Ramalina crinalis (Ach.) Gyeln. by Motyka 
(1964). As pointed out below under Alectoria 
tlirausta, R. thrausta (Ach.) Nyl. is the nomen- 
claturally correct combination for this species. 
Although we have not seen the material under 
this name in Acharius' main herbarium in H. 
authentic material of it in BM (!) is R. thrausta. 

Alectoria divergens (Ach.) Nyl. 

Mém. Soc. Imp. Sei. Nat. Cherb. 3: 171 (1855); et 
Bot. Notiser 1855: 136 (1855). - Cornicularia diver- 
gens Ach., Meth. Lieh.: 305 (1803); type: Sweden. 
Lapponia. Herb. Acharius (H lectotype!): basionym. 

This species was accepted in Alectoria by Howe 
(191 1), but on the basis of its cortical structure 
must be placed in Cornicularia at the present 
time (Hawksworth 1972). The separation of C. 
divergens from Bryoria nitidula, a species with 
which it has sometimes been confused, is 
discussed under the latter species. 

Cornicularia fibrillosa (Ach.) Halsey 

Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. N. Y. 1: 20 (1823). -Corni- 
cularia puhescens y. fibrillosa Ach.. Syn. Lieh.: 303 
(1814); type: America] borfealis], Muhlenberg (H-Ach 
holotype); basionym. 

This name was applied by Halsey (1823) to a 
species "Common on fences" in the vicinity 
of New York. He clearly based his name on 

1 0 - Opera Botnnica nr 42 

150 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

that of Acharius (1814) and intended to treat it 
as distinct species (“Certainly a distinct 
species”). Acharius, however, gave the habitat 
as “ad saxa" and an examination of the only 
specimen under this name in his main herbarium 
(presumed to be the holotype) by Dr. T. Ahti (in 
litt.) revealed that this was a member of the 
genus Ephehe Fr. Its small size renders a deter- 
mination to the species level difficult. The 
epithet fibrillosa was not mentioned by Henssen 
(1963). From Flalsey’s description and com- 
ments there can be little doubt that he misap- 
plied the Acharian name to Bryoria furcellata. 
A specimen under this name from Tuckerman’s 
herbarium (New England, "ad septimenta 
lignea, vulg., sterilis” [BM]) is also B. furcellata. 

It should also be pointed out that Zahlbruck- 
ner (1930 p. 604) erroneously attributed the 
name Cornicularia fibrillosa to Eaton (1829 p. 
188); Eaton did employ this name and even 
provided a description at least five years earlier 
(Eaton 1824 p. 273; editions of this work prior 
to the fourth have not been seen by us). Since 
Eaton did not cite the names of authors of 
lichen taxa in the fourth edition, and as C. 
fibrillosa was listed after C. pubescens and 
stated to occur “on rocks”, it seems that he was 
simply following Acharius but adopting specific 
rank as proposed by Flalsey in the previous year. 

Bryoria intricans (Vain.) Brodo & D. Hawksw., 
comb. nov. 

Alectoria chalybeiformis f. intricans Vain., Terme- 
szetr. Fuzetek 22: 276 (1899); type: Caucasus, in rupe 
ad Adisch, 1885. H. Lojka, Herb. Vainio no. 01010 
(TUR no. 001244 holotype!); basionym. - Alectoria 
intricans (Vain.) Mot., Fragm. Florist. Geobot. 3: 
228 (1958). 

Gyelnik (1931) reported this species from Idaho 
on the basis of a collection from the “Upper 
Priest River, on Pinas (STILLING ER, sub 
Alectoria jubata, sorediata. AI. -II)" which we 
have not been able to locate. Motyka later 
tentatively referred one of Krog's Alaskan 
collections to this taxon but Krog (1968) did 
not accept his determination; in our view, 
Krog's specimen is a slender plant of B. chaly- 
beiformis . 

The holotype collection of this taxon is poorly 
developed but there seems little doubt that the 
interpretation of it adopted by Krog (1971), and 

Dahl & Krog (1973), is correct. We have not 
seen any North American material definitely 
referrable to this taxon although young thalli 
and fragmentary specimens of B. chalybeiformis 
resemble it in part but differ in being prostrate 
to decumbent rather than pendent. It is possible 
that B. intricans is a saxicolous morphotype of 
B. lanestris and it is of interest to note in this 
respect that Motyka (1958 a) applied the epithet 
lanestris to a saxicolous taxon apparently iden- 
tical to B. intricans. 

Alectoria jubata (L.) Ach. 

Lieh. Univ.: 592 (1810). - Lichen jubatus L., Sp. 
Plant. 2: 1155 (1753); type: sine loc., Herb. Linnaeus 
no. 1273.281 p.p. (LINN lectotype!). 

The name Alectoria jubata has been applied by 
both North American and European lichenol- 
gists at various times to numerous pendent 
species of Bryoria and has tended to be used as 
a "blanket" name for this taxonomically diffi- 
cult group. As the name has been taken up in 
different senses, its rejection under Art. 69 now 
appears to be justifiable. 

The lectotype specimen is extremely squashed 
and is in a poor state of preservation. It 
may either correspond to the concept of "A. 
prolixa " (an illegitimate name; see below) 
adopted by Motyka (1958 a), as pointed out by 
Hawksworth (1970), or even a very poor and 
maltreated specimen of A. fremontii. “A. 
prolixa", as interpreted by Motyka (1958a), 
appears to be a taxon restricted to eastern 
Europe and of dubious taxonomic validity. In 
view of the state of the type specimen and 
the uncertainty surrounding it, and since the 
name has been used in different senses, it seems 
preferrable to reject this name altogether as a 
nomen confusum. 

Alectoria jubata var. philadelphiae Gyeln. 

Nyt Mag. Naturvid. 70: 58 (1932). - Bryopogon 
jubatus var. philadelphiae (Gyeln.) Gyeln.. Feddes 
Repert. 38: 225 (1935). - Bryopogon fuscescens var. 
philadelphiae (Gyeln.) Gyeln., Ann. Mus. Nat. 
Hungar.. Bot. 32: 153 (1939). 

This variety was described on the basis of a 
specimen from British Columbia (Selkirk. Shaw 
977) but this collection has not been located in 
BP (Verseghy in litt.). Gyelnik’s diagnosis of 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Excluded taxa 151 

this taxon was “ Thallus pendulus, opacus, 
levis, 4-8 cm longus, olivaceofuscus, sorediis 
lateralibus maculiformibus, fuscocaesiis, 
granuloso-pulverulentis instructus" . From 
Gyelnik (1935) it appears that the taxon must 
have been K-. KC- and C-. While these data 
suggest that this variety may well belong to B. 
fuscescens, Räsänen. who corresponded with 
and sent material to Gyelnik. determined some 
North American collections of#, pseudofusces- 
cens in H as var. philadelphiae. The true ap- 
plication of this epithet must consequently re- 
main in doubt until the holotype collection is 

Alectoria loxensis (Fée) Nyl. 

Mém. Soc. Imp. Sei. Nat. Cherb. 5: 98 (1857). - 
Cornicutaria loxensis Fée, Essai Crypt.: 137 (1825): 
lectotype: loc. cit. PI. 31 fig. 7. 

This species is most satisfactorily accom- 
modated in the genus Oropogon Th. Fr., of 
which it is the holotype species (i.e., as O. 
loxensis (Fée) Th. Fr.). Oropogon differs from 
the other Alectorioid genera in having single- 
spored asci, massive brown submuriform 
ascospores, "cyphella-like" cortical perfora- 
tions, and a characteristic chemistry. Consider- 
able morphological and chemical variation 
occurs in what has been called O. loxensis and, 
as pointed out by Jorgensen (1972), the group 
is in need of a thorough taxonomic revision. 
O. loxensis s. lat. has not been correctly report- 
ed from either Canada or the United States but 
is very common on trees and rocks in the moist 
mountains of Central and South America. The 
thalli of O. loxensis are chestnut brown and 
shiny to very pale whitish-grey (var. atroalbi- 
cans (Nyl.) DR.; see Dodge & Vareschi 1956) 
and are very frequently referred to Alectoria 
s. lat. by collectors. Sterile plants of O. loxensis 
are, however, easily separated from similar 
Bryoria and Sulcaria species by the conspi- 
cuous fusiform “cyphella-like"' perforations in 
the cortex (illustrated by Hawksworth 1972). 
The world distribution of Oropogon was dis- 
cussed and mapped by Sato (1967). 

Bryopogon negativus f. canadensis Gyeln. 

Acta Geobot. Hungar. 2: 165 (1937). - Bryopogon 
lanestris f. canadensis Gyeln.. Acta Geobot. Hungar. 
2: 165 (1937); nom. inval. (Art. 34). 

This form was described on the basis of a collec- 
tion from Lake Louise (near Banff, Alberta) 
which Gyelnik (1932) had determined as Alec- 
toria achariana (see this name). Gyelnik's origi- 
nal diagnosis of this form was “Similis f. 
barbato Gyeln. sed rami primarii thalli crassi 
( usque ad 1 mm), minus contorti, angulosi, 
irrégularité r lacunosi. Thallus K— , C— , KC — , 
P— ”. Although Gyelnik indicated that the type 
material was preserved in BP. it cannot be 
located there now (Verseghy in litt.), and so the 
identity of this taxon must remain in doubt. 

Alectoria prolixa (Ach.) Nyl. 

Medd. Soc. Fauna FI. Fenn. 2: 14 (1878). - Alectoria 
jubata a. prolixa Ach., Lieh. Univ.: 592 (1810). 

The name Alectoria prolixa, which was applied 
to North American collections by several early 
authors (e.g., Nylander 1885, Hutting 1896. 
Macoun 1902), was used by Motyka (1958 a, 
1962) for a species he considered to be essen- 
tially eastern European. As pointed out by 
Hawksworth (1970), however, a number of 
nomenclatural difficulties surround this name. It 
can be treated as (a) illegitimate under Art. 
63 as it was a superfluous name for [var.] 
jubata, and (b) a name to be rejected under 
Art. 70 as based on discordant elements. In 
fact, as Art. 63 applies, this epithet is automa- 
tically typified by the type of [var.] jubata 
under the provisions of Art. 7. Thus the name 
“A. prolixa ” is an obligate synonym of A. 
jubata, a name which itself is best rejected (see 
this name). As is the case with A. jubata, this 
name has been applied to diverse dark-coloured 
species of the genus by North American authors. 

Alectoria sarmentosa var. dichotoma (Hoffm.) 

Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., Bot. 28: 283 (1934). - Vsnea 
dichotoma Hoffm., Deutsch. FI. 2: 134 (1796); type: 
Sine loc.. Herb. Hoffmann no 8573 (MW neotype!). 

This taxon was reported from North America by 
Gyelnik (1934) but, as pointed out by Hawks- 
worth (1970 p. 240, 1972 p. 239), Hoffmann's 
only extant collection of this proves to be 
Ramalina thrausta (Ach.) Nyl. In the absence of 
further evidence, this epithet is thus most 
appropriately treated as a synonym of R. 
thrausta. This does not affect the nomenclature 

152 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

of/?, thrausta as there is already a R. dichotoma 
Hepp ex Zoll, validly published in 1854 (fide 
Zahlbruckner 1930 p. 524). We have not seen the 
material referred to this taxon by Gyelnik, so 
the sense in which he used the name remains 

Bryoria setacea (Ach.) Brodo & D. Hawksw., 
comb. nov. 

Alectoria jubata ft. setacea Ach., Lieh. Univ.: 594 
(1810); type: sine loc. (H-Ach., upper left-hand 
specimen, lectotype!); basionym. - Alectoria setacea 
(Ach.) Mot., Fragm. Florist. Geobot. 3: 216 (1958). 

This species was recorded for North America 
by both Ahti (1964) and Krog (1968) on the 
basis of collections determined by Motyka which 
we have reexamined and consider to be con- 
specific with Bryoria capillaris. Motyka (1964), 
however, indicated that this species did not 
occur in North America and so appears to have 
reconsidered these determinations himself. As 
pointed out by Hawksworth (1973), B. setacea 
seems to represent a “vexitlifera"-\ike morpho- 
type of B. capillaris with robust main stems 
which are often markedly foveolate and exceed 
1 mm in diameter, sparse branching, and a 
prostrate habit. The true B. setacea appears to 
be an exclusively European species most fre- 
quent in upland areas of Scandinavia, although 
it is occasionally encountered in the moun- 
tainous regions of central Europe. 

Motyka has tended to use the name in a 
rather broad sense applying it also to large 
pendent specimens of B. capillaris in which the 
basal branches are unusually stout, tending to 
become somewhat foveolate. Such a difference 
appears to be mainly environmentally controlled 
and thus of no taxonomic importance. Collec- 
tions from North America falling within this 
broadened concept of B. setacea have been 
found during the present studies, and the follow- 
ing may be cited as representative (all on trees 
and treated as belonging to B. capillaris): 
British Columbia, Victoria, 1908, Macoun 
(CAN L 16194): Ontario, Geraldon District, 
1958, Ahti 3927, 3932 (H); Quebec, Gaspé 
Peninsula, 1907, Macoun (CANL 16181). In 
addition we examined one specimen from an 
uncertain locality (“on rocks by the Rim”), 
collected by Merrill (FH) and containing alec- 
torialic and barbatolic acids together with 

atranorin (?) and some unknown compounds, 
but this is perhaps merely an abnormal specimen 
of 5. nadvornikiana. 

Bryoria smithii (DR.) Brodo & D. Hawksw., 
comb. nov. 

Alectoria smithii DR., Ark. Bot. 20A (11): 15 (1926); 

Alectoria bicolor var. berengeriana Massai, ex 
Stiz. , Ann. Naturh. Mus. Wien 7: 127 (1892). 

For further synonyms and typifications see Hawks- 
worth (1972 p. 246). 

This species was reported for North America 
by Stizenberger (1892) on the basis of a collec- 
tion made in Newfoundland (ZT!) which has been 
redetermined as B. fuscescens var. positiva 
(Jorgensen & Ryvarden 1970, Ahti & Hawks- 
worth 1974). Keissler (1958 p. 151) also con- 
sidered this species to occur in North America 
on the basis of material distributed by Merrill, 
Lieh. Exs. no. 211 (sub Alectoria chalybeifor- 
mis), but, as pointed out by Jorgensen & Ryvar- 
den (1970), material under this number proves 
to be B. furcellata. 

The distribution of B. smithii is centered in 
Asia, but extends through the moister parts of 
Europe and onto the Pacific Islands. Although 
we have seen no North American material 
of this distinctive species, it is conceivable that 
it may occur at least near the east or west 

B. smithii is perhaps most similar to B. bicolor 
from which it differs in the presence of minute 
soralia bearing tufts of isidioid spinules (not 
unlike those seen in B. furcellata), the complete 
absence of fumarprotocetraric acid (i.e., PD — 
throughout), and a decumbent rather than ± 
erect habit. For further information on this 
species see Jorgensen & Ryvarden (1970) and 
Hawksworth (1972). 

Bryopogon spadiceus Choisy 

Icon. Lieh. Univ., Ser. II, Fasc. 2, sine pagin. (1931). 

This is a superfluous name for Alectoria jubata 
(L.) Ach., as that epithet was placed as a 
synonym of B. spadiceus by Choisy (1931). 
The latter is therefore typified by the type of 
Lichen jubatus L. (see under Alectoria jubata), 
and so is illegitimate and must be rejected (Art. 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Excluded taxa 153 

The name Bryopogon spadiceus was applied 
by Choisy (1931) to two North American 
collections: one from Alberta, Cypress Hills, 
J. Macoun, 1880 (Macoun, Lieh. Exs. no. 19 
[herb. Choisy. herb. GandogerJ) and one from 
the Bering Sea, St. Paul Island, J. (M.'?)Macoun, 
June-July 1897 [herb. Gandoger], As Macoun's 
exsiccata no. 19 consists of material from several 
localities and the St. Paul Island material has 
not been located, the identity of these speci- 
mens remains uncertain. 

Bryoria subdivergens (Dahl) Brodo & D. 
Hawksw., comb. nov. 

Alectoria subdivergens Dahl. Medd. Gronl. 150(2): 
145 (1950): type: Greenland, Julianehaab District. 
Quagssimuit, E. Dahl, 4 July 1937 (O holotype! O 
isotype!); basionym. - Bryopogon subdivergens (Dahl) 
Bystr., Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, C. 
26: 271 (1971); nom. inval. (Art. 33). 

Thallus subcaespitose to decumbent or trailing, 
to 25-30 mm long; branching anisotomic dicho- 
tomous, angles between the branches mainly 
obtuse; main branches longitudinally foveolate 
and pitted, angular in cross section, mainly even 
in diameter, to 0.8 mm diam. (1-2 mm diam. 
fide Dahl 1950); red-brown throughout, matt. 

True lateral spinules, soralia and pseudocy- 
phellae absent; branches sometimes appearing 
spinulose due to the occurrence of short, 
pointed, lateral branches. 

Apothecia infrequent, lateral; excipulum 
thallinum concolourous with the thallus, be- 
coming excluded as the ascocarps mature, 
eciliate; disc red-brown becoming markedly 
convex with age, 1.5-2. 5 mm diam. Ascospores 
8 per ascus, subglobose, thin-walled, hyaline. 
6-8 /am diam. Pycnidia not seen. 

Cortical hyphae as in B. oregana. 

Cortex and medulla K — , C— , KC— , PD-; 
contains no lichen substances. 

Ecology. In its type locality B. subdivergens 
occurred growing amongst mosses and lichens 
in a tundra lichen-heath. 

Distribution. This species was reported from 
four additional sites in Greenland and one in 
Labrador by Dahl (1950). Dahl considered the 
species as easily mistaken for Cornicularia 
divergeas but this appears to have been due to 
his referring material of the latter to B. sub- 

divergens. All Greenland material apart from 
that from the type locality proves to be C. 
divergeas. The report from Labrador was based 
on material collected by Tanner at Hebron but 
this collection has not been located in H. O, 
S or UPS. B. subdivergens was also recorded 
for North America by Thomson (1960) on the 
basis of a collection from Baffin Island (Pang- 
nirtung Fjord, Soper 74 [CAN L]) which has been 
redetermined as Cornicularia divergeas. Motyka 
(1964) stated that he had seen a collection of 
this species from Cornwallis Island (Resolute 
Bay, Collins [ K]). but this specimen has not been 
located amongst the lichen collections transfer- 
red to BM from K. We have seen some unusually 
dark specimens of Alectoria nigricans collected 
by Collins at Resolute Bay (in herb. US), and 
these may be duplicates of the specimen seen 
by Motyka at Kew. 

This species is thus only known with certainty 
from the type locality but should be searched 
for elsewhere in Greenland and in arctic North 


Bryoria subdivergens is extremely similar to B. 
abbreviata, a corticolous western species, and 
were it not for their very disjunct localities and 
different habitats we would have been inclined 
to treat them as conspecific. The type material of 
B. subdivergens, upon which the above descrip- 
tion is based, is rather sparse and additional 
collections of this species are urgently required. 
The similarity of the cortices in these two 
species. B. oregana. and probably also B. diver- 
gescens is discussed in the general section 
Anatomy and morphology. 

Alectoria thrausta Ach. 

Lieh. Univ.: 596 (1810); type: Helvetia (H-Ach. 

This species, which is often confused with A. 
sarmentosa, has been treated as belonging to the 
genus Ramalina (R. tlirausta (Ach.) Nyi.) by 
most recent authors. Its retention in Ramalina 
is justified, in the absence of apothecia, by (a) 
the occurrence of apical soralia, (b) the presence 
of only (-l-)-usnic acid, (c) the presence of occa- 
sional net-like tips (as in young R. menziesii), 
and (d) the presence of a partially prosoplec- 

154 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

tenchymatous cortex (see general section on 
Anatomy and morphology). Interestingly, the 
very similar Ramalina chondrina Steiner, a 
species described from the Canary Islands, 
produces apothecia with the I -septate hyaline 
ascospores characteristic of that genus. 

The most useful characters for the separation 
of R. thrausta from Alectoria sarmentosa are 
its generally more delicate habit, the infre- 
quency of convex pseudocyphellae, its tendency 
to assume a characteristic orange-yellow colour 
in the herbarium, the presence of minute 
apical soralia on short and often hook-like 
branchlets, and the consistently C-, K.C-, 
PD— medulla (but note that some chemotypes of 
A. sarmentosa have these reactions). 

Motyka (1960, 1962. 1964) adopted the name 
R. crinalis (Ach.)Gyeln. (syn. A. crinalis Ach.) 
for this species but. as pointed out by Ahti 
(1964), this is nomenclaturally incorrect; the 
name R. thrausta is the one which must be 
used for this taxon. 

Alectoria trichodes Bach. Pyl. 

Mém. Soc. Linn. Paris 4: 432. 505 (1826). 

This name was applied by Bachelot de la Pylaie 
(1826) to some pendent Bryoria he saw in New- 
foundland. No description was provided and 
there was no indication that he intended to 
introduce a new combination based on 
Michaux ’s name (see Discussion under Bryoria 
trichodes subsp. trichodes ), so this name was 
not validly published by him (Arts. 32-34). 
In a resumé of Bachelot de la Pylaie's paper, 
Arnold (1826 p. 128) also referred to this name 
but failed to validate it either as a new species 
or a new combination. The nomenclatural 
situation here is comparable to that of Du 
Rietz’s use of the name “ Haematomma ochro- 
leucum" discussed by Laundon (1970). 

Some of Bachelot de la Pylaie’s material is 
now preserved in FH and there is one specimen 
from “E. Newfoundland” under the name 
“Setaria trichodes Michx." mounted on a sheet 
including a collection made by Despréaux, pro- 
bably in 1828, which might have been collected 

by Bachelot de la Pylaie; this belongs to 
Bryoria trichodes subsp. americana (see Ahti 
& Hawks worth 1974). 

Alectoria tristis (Web.)Th. Fr. 

Lieh. Scand. 1: 28 (1871). - Lichen tristis Web., 
Spicil. Fl.Goett.: 209(1778). 

This name has been treated as a synonym of 
Cornicularia normoerica (Gunn) DR. by most 
authors since Du Rietz (1926). This species is 
clearly not an Alectoria on the basis of its ana- 
tomical structure. It does occupy a very iso- 
lated position within the genus Cornicularia 
(Schreb.) Ach. which, in any case, seems to 
be a heterogeneous group. 

Alectoria usneoides (Ach.) Ach. 

Lieh. Univ.: 594 (1810). - Parmelia usneoides Ach., 
Meth. Lieh.: 270 (1803). 

Parmelia usneoides is a superfluous name intro- 
duced by Acharius for Lichen usnea L., the 
basionym of Ramalina usnea (L.) R. Howe, 
which is a true species of Ramalina with 
uniseptate ascospores. The typification of L. 
usnea is discussed by Imshaug (1972). 

Sulcaria virens (Tayl.) Bystr. ex Brodo & D. 
Hawskw., comb. nov. 

Alectoria virens Tayl., Hook. Lond. J. Bot. 6: 188 
(1847); type: India, Sheopore, Wallich, January 1821 
(FH holotype! BM isotype!); basionym. - Sulcaria 
virens (Tayl.) Bystr., Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- 
Sktodowska. C, 26: 276 (1971); nom. inval. (Art. 33). 

This name was incorrectly taken up by Howe 
(1911) for A. tortuosa Merr. ( =Bryoria ), and he 
has been followed by several later North 
American authors. Sulcaria virens , however, is 
a very distinctive species which is restricted to 
the Himalayan region (including parts of India, 
Nepal and China) and Taiwan. Bryoria tortuosa 
and Sulcaria virens are perhaps most easily 
separated on the basis of the single longitudinal 
furrow which characterizes all branches of the 
latter, but they also differ in several other 
respects (see Hawksworth 1971). 

New combinations for non-North American and 
some infraspecific taxa 

Bryoria asiatica (DR.) Brodo & D. Hawksw., comb, 
nov. - Alectoria asiatica DR., Ark. Bot. 20A (11): 
18 (1926); type: China, Prov. Sze-ch'uan, reg. bor.- 
occid., mellan Tsagogamba och Tamba, alt. 4000 
m.s.m., p à Juniperus, Picea eher Rhododendron, H. 
Smith 5018, 2 October 1922 (UPS holotype!); 

Bryoria chalybeiformis f. prostratosteola (Gyeln.) 
D. Hawksw., comb. nov. - Alectoria prostratosteola 
Gyeln.. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. 70: 58 (1932); type: 

U. S.S.R., Kasachskaja S.S.R.. Altanigeb rupe. 
Koton. Karagny. P. Kwaszmikowa. 1926 (BP 48575 
lectotypel); basionym. - For further synonyms see 
Hawksworth (1972 p. 215). 

Bryoria confusa (Awasthi) Brodo & D. Hawksw., 
comb. nov. — Alectoria confusa Awasthi, Proc. 
Indian Acad. Sei., B. 72: 152 (1970): type: E. Nepal. 
Mewakhola valley, alt. c. 11,500 ft, D. D. Awasthi 
2278, 28 May 1953 (herb. Awasthi. holotype; not 
seen); basionym. 

Bryoria cornicularioides (P. Jorg.) Brodo & D. 
Hawksw., comb. nov. - Alectoria cornicularioides 
P. Jorg., Bryologist 78: 77 (1975); type: China. Prov. 
Shensi Kuan-tou-san, among mosses, G. Giraldi. 
1896 (FI holotype!). 

Bryoria dahlii (P. Jorg.) Brodo & D. Hawksw., 
comb. nov. - Alectoria dahlii P. Jorg., Svensk Bot. 
Tidskr. 66: 192 (1972); type: New Guinea. Chimbu 
District, Mt. Wilhelm. Pinaunde Valley, E. Dahl, 
1970 (BM isotype!). 

Bryoria divergescens (Nyl.) Brodo & D. Hawksw.. 
comb. nov. - Alectoria divergescens Nyl., Flora, 
Jena 69: 466 (1886); type: China, Prov. Yunnan, in 
monte Tsang-chan, supra Ta-li, supra ramulos, alt. 
4,000 m, R. P. Delavay, 1885 (H-Nyl. 35972 holo- 
type!): basionym. - For further synonyms see Hawks- 
worth (1970 p. 237). 

Bryoria fuscescens f. pallida (Saviez) D. Hawksw., 
comb. nov. - Bryopogon chalybeiform f. pallidum 
Saviez, Not. Syst. Inst. Crypt. Horti Petrop. 1: 64 
(1922); type: Poland, Prov. Suwalki, distr. Augustov, 

V. P. Saviez, 9 May 1914 (LE holotype!); basionym. - 
For further synonyms see Hawksworth (1972 p. 218). 

Bryoria fuscescens var. positiva (Gyeln.) Brodo & 
D. Hawksw., comb. nov. - Bryopogon positivus 
Gyeln., Acta Geobot. Hung. 2: 164 (1937): type: 

U.S.S.R., Siberia, Altaigebirge, Dorf Tscherga, N. 
Lawrow, 18 June 1927 (BP 33.974 holotype!); 
basionym. - For further synonyms see Hawksworth 
(1972 p. 219). 

Bryoria himalayensis (Mot.) Brodo & D. Hawksw., 
comb. nov. - Alectoria himalayensis Mot., Fragm. 
Florist. Geobot. 6: 450 (I960); type: Himalaya, 
Sikkim, T. Thomson 299 (BM isotype!); basionym. 

Bryoria indonésien (P. Jorg.) Brodo & D. Hawksw., 
comb. nov. - Alectoria indonésien P. Jorg., Svensk 
Bot. Tidskr. 66: 194 (1972): type: Indonesia, Celebes, 
south-west slope of Mt. Rautemario, on large Quercus, 
alt. 3,100 m, A. C. Jermy 7448, 1969 (BM holotype!); 

Bryoria kuemmerleana (Gyeln.) Brodo & D. Hawksw., 
comb. nov. - Alectoria kuemmerleana Gyeln., Nyt 
Mag. Naturvid. 70: 49 (1932); type: Hungary. Comit. 
Szepes, Fenyveserdd alomjdn a “Stösschen" lejtôjén 
a M. Tâtrâban, c. 1380 m, Timkô Györgye, 17 July 
1917 (BP 33.952 holotype!); basionym. 

Bryoria lactinea (Nyl.) Brodo & D. Hawksw.. comb, 
nov. - Alectoria lactinea Nyl.. Lieh. Jap.: 23 (1890); 
type: Japonia, ltjigome. E. Almqvist, 1879 (H-Nyl. 
35882 holotype!); basionym. 

Bryoria motykae (D. Hawksw.) Brodo & D. Hawksw.. 
comb. nov. - Alectoria motykae D. Hawksw., Bot. 
Notiser 124: 124 (1971); type: Kenya. Mt. Kenya, 
Teleki Valley, on vertical surface of boulders, alt, 
4,200 m. O. Hedberg 1720b, 28 July 1948 (UPS 
holotype!); basionym. 

Bryoria osteola (Gyeln.) Brodo & D. Hawksw., comb, 
nov. - Alectoria osteola Gyeln., Nyt Mag. Naturvid. 
70: 49 (1932); type: Hungary, Comit. Gömör, in monte 
Kiralyhegy, Filarszky & Kümmerte, 3 July 1906 
(BP 33.955 holotype!); basionym. 

Bryoria perspinosa (Bystr.) Brodo & D. Hawksw.. 
comb. nov. - Alectoria perspinosa Bystr., Khumbu 
Himal. 6: 21 (1969): type: E. Nepal. Vorhimalaya, 
Abies-Rhododendron-BergwM, östlich Junbesi, J. 
Poelt L778. 9 October 1962 (M isotype!); basionym. 

Bryoria poeltii (Bystr.) Brodo & D. Hawksw., comb, 
nov. - Alectoria poeltii Bystr.. Khumbu Himal. 6: 
20 (1969); type: E. Nepal, Himalaya, Mahalangur 
Himal, Khumbu, bei Bibre, J. Poelt L805, September 
1962 (M isotype!); basionym. 

156 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Bryoria ruwenzoriensis (D. Hawksw.) Brodo & D. 
Hawksw., comb. nov. - Alectoria ruwenzoriensis 
D. Hawksw., Bot. Notiser 124: 124 (1971); type: 
Uganda, Ruwenzori. Mijusi Valley, alt. 3,900 m, O. 
Hedberg 52 1 f, 27 March 1948 (UPS holotype!); 

Bryoria variabilis (Bystr.) Brodo & D. Hawksw., 
comb. nov. - Alectoria variabilis Bystr., Khumbu 
Himal. 6: 22 (1969); type: E. Nepal, Himalaya, 
Khumbu, Abies-Rhododendron-'Na\A, J. Poelt L798, 
9 October 1962 (M isotype!); basionym. 

Pseudephebe pubescens f. subciliata (Nyl.) D. 
Hawksw., comb. nov. - Parmelia lanata var. suh- 
ciliata Nyl., Flora, Jena 51: 346 (1868); type: Scotland, 
ad rupes calcareosus monti Morrone in regione 
Braemar, J. M. Crombie, 1867 (H-Nyl. 34350 holo- 
type!; BM isotype!): basionym. -For further synonyms 
see Hawksworth (1972 p. 236). 

Sulcaria sulcata (Lév.) Bystr. ex Brodo & D. 
Hawksw., comb. nov. —Cornicularia sulcata Lév., in 
Jacquin, Fr.-Voy. Inde, Descr. Coll. 4: 179 (1844); 
type: loc. cit. 2: pi. 180 fig. 3(2) lectotype!; basionym. - 
Sulcaria sulcata (Lév.) Bystr., Ann. Univ. Mariae 
Curie-Skfodowska, C, 26: 276 (1971); nom. inval. 
(Art. 33). 

Sulcaria sulcata f. vulpinoides (Zahlbr.)D. Hawksw., 
comb. nov. - Alectoria sulcata var. vulpinoides 
Zahlbr., in Handel-Mazzetti, Symb. Bot. Sin. 3: 202 
(1930); type: China, Prov. Yunnan, prope urbem 
Lidjiang [Likiang], imprimis in monte YOlung-schan, 
“von Einheimischen" 3606, 1914-18 (W holotype!); 

Sulcaria sulcata var. barbata (D. Hawksw.) D. 
Hawksw., comb. nov. -Alectoria sulcata var. barbata 
D. Hawksw., Taxon 19: 242 (1970); type: Formosa, 
Mt. Shi-San, Mt. Shin-Kao-San, alt. 3,300-3,600 m, 
S. Kurokawa 337, 1 January 1964 (TNS holotype!); 

Sulcaria virens f. decolorans (Asah.) D. Hawksw., 
comb. nov. - Alectoria virens var. decolorans Asah., 
in Hara, Fl. E. Himal.: 604 (1966); type: India, 
Sikkim, Darjeeling, Phalut, M, Togashi, 9 May 1960 
(TNS holotype!); basionym. 

Sulcaria virens var. forrestii (D. Hawksw.) D. 
Hawksw., comb. nov. - Alectoria virens var. forrestii 
D. Hawksw., Mise. Bryol. Lichen., Nichinan 5: 
1 (1969): type: China, Prov. Yunnan, Jhi Shan east of 
Tali Lake, 25°48' N, alt. 10,000 ft, on rocks in dry open 
situations, G. Forrest 13471, August 1914 (E holo- 
type!); basionym. 


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This index comprises, in addition to epithets of accepted North American Alectorioid taxa (bold type) and ones 
listed as synonyms of these here, other synonyms mentioned in North American publications (with author and 
their accepted name prefixed by " = mostly discussed in detail by Hawksworth 1972), epithets of extra- 
North American taxa mentioned, and those excluded from the Alectorioid genera. Pages where treatments 
of accepted North American species and subspecies start are indicated in bold type, and ones with figures 
indicated by an asterisk (*). 

abbreviata 6 9 1 1 17* 18 26 32 35 36* 37 43 49 53 
132 133* 134* 135 149 153 
achariana 149 151 
alaskana 68 72 
alba 103 

albidosorediosus 1 10 
Alectoria Link, non Ach. 56 
Alectoriomyces 56 
altaicus 98 122 123 
ambigua 49 96 97 

americana 6 11 16* 19 26 33 37 41 45 49 52 54 79 88 92 
93 94* 96 97 101 137 154 
angolensis 131 
antarctica 141 
aperta 141 
applanata 141 
arctica 63 64 
articulatus 56 
asiatica 41 102 124 155 
atroalbicans 151 

badia 8 9 10* 26 28 41 42 49 53 1 16 129 130 146 147* 

barbata 156 
berengeriana 152 

bicolor 1 1 23 26 28 37 40 41 49 51 98 99 100* 108 1 14 

bicolorata Mot. ?=implexa 
biformis 141 
boryana 63 
brevior 68 

Bryopogon Link 30 48 56 78 79 
BryopogonTh. Fr. 49 78 79 

caespitosus 109 
californica 12 133 149 
canaAch. 1 17 131 = capillaris 
canadensis (Bryopogon negativus f.) 149 151 

canadensis (Alectoria) 45 49 92 95 
capillaris 6 8 9 1 1 26 28 29 33 37 40 49 52 92 1 14 115 
116* 117 121 123-126 129 131 152 
carlottae 9 10* 26 41 49 54 101* 102 
catharinae Räs. = implexa 
Ceratocladia 56 

cervinula 16* 18 22 23 26 41 49 52 102 103* 104* 
cetrariza 149 

chalybciformis L. 9 22 26 33 36* 37 40 45 49 51 64 79 
81 82* 85 106 110 150 152 
cincinnata Fr. = vexillifera 
“circinata” = vexillifera 
Coelocaulopsis 146 

compactus 103 
confusa 155 
congesta 141 
comeliae 136 138 
cornicularioides 155 
crinalis 149 154 
crispa Mot. = pallidum 
Crustacea 141 
curta 103 

dahlii 155 
dealbata 136 138 
decolorans 156 
delicata 49 92 93 
dichotoma 151 

Divaricatac 8 18 22 26 49 98 99 102 124 
divergens 51 108 132 149 153 
divergescens 19 32 132 153 155 

eciliata (cervinula var.) 92 

eciliata (nadvomikiana var.) 122 

ecuadorensis 75 

eriksonii 136 

Eualectoria 56 

Eujubatae 79 

extensa 122 

fallacina 8 9 14 15* 20 26 37 41 43 48 50 56 57 58* 69 

fibrillosa 149 150 

firmior Mot. = ochroleuca 

flexuosa 114 

Flexuosae 114 

forrestii 75 156 

fremontii 6 8 11 17* 19 26 28 32 35 36* 37 41 45 46* 49 
52 54 1 18 1 19 135 136 137* 139 149 150 
friabilis 9 11 14 15* 26 37 42 49 53 87 88 1 15 118* 1 19 
120* 125 126 131 137 

furcellata (Bryoria) 6 8* 9 12 16* 18 22 26 37 39 40 44 
45 49 51 52 81 92 95 103 104 105* 106 1 10 1 1 1 124 150 

furcellata (Alectoria) 103 106 
fuscescens 6 8 9* 14 16* 20 22 26 28 33 37 40 45 46 49 
51 53 79-81 83* 84* 85-89 91 97 98 135 149 151 152 
fuscidula 114 117 
Fuscidulae 114 124 

genuinum Körb. = sarmentosa 
gigantea 68 

glabra 6 7* 8 9* 1 1 14 15* 22 26 33 37 42 45 46 49 53 85 
86 87* 88 119 
gracilis 61 
guatemalensis 66 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

Index 163 

haynaldii 49 92 
himalayensis 155 
Hyalosporae 78 
hypocyphellata 68 

implexa 8 11 14 15* 18* 25* 26 28 40 45 49 55 92 114 
119 120* 121 128 129 131 
Impie xae 1126 42 49 99 114 124 146 
imshaugii 6 8* 22 26 28 32 35 36* 37 43 48 50 58* 59* 
60 71 72 76 
indonesica 155 
infumata Mot. ? = capillaris 
intricans 33 81 150 
irvingii 49 107 108 
isidialius 103 

japonica 61 
Jubatae 79 81 

jubatus 22 38 44 45 78 79 85 88 1 10 150-152 
karelica 122 

kuemmerleana 1 17 126 129 132 146 155 

lactinea 155 

"laeta" = lata 

lanata auct. = pubescens 

lanea auct. 49 109 

lanea Ehrh. ex Hoffm. = pubescens 

Lanestres 79 

lanestris 6 7* 8 1 1 22 26 33 36* 37 40 45 49 51 52 79 85 
88* 89 90* 95 110 111 150 
lapponica 110 

lata Tayl. 11 12 26 41-43 48 50 58* 61 66 69 
loxensis 51 53 151 
luteola 56 68 
luxurians 141 

macra 68 
melaneira 100 

mexicana 8 12 20 26 43 48 50 62* 63* 

minuscula (Alectoria jubata f.) 92 

minuscula (Pseudephebe) 11 18* 19 26 32 36* 40 47 49 

50 140 141 142* 143 
minutissima 141 
motykae 155 

nadvornikiana 2* 6 7* 8* 9 23 26 28 35 37 40 45 46 49 

51 52 98 99 114 116 122 123* 124 126 152 
nana 49 1 10 

negativus 88 

nidulifera 44 49 103 104 106 

nigricans Ach. 7* 9 1 1 20 26-29 37 40 48 51 52 63 64 
65* 106 153 

nitidulum 6 11 18 22 26 37 40 49 51 64 66 99 107 108* 
109* 124 149 
norstictica 49 127 

obscurata Mot. ? = subcana 
Ochroleuca 56 

ochroleuca 9 12 20 24 25* 26 28 36 37 40 45 48 50 56 66 
67* 68 75 1 13 
olivacea 136 
opaca 141 

oregana 11 12 17* 18 26 32 36* 43 45 49 54 132 133 
134* 135 137 153 

Oropogon 5 12 30 31 99 108 151 
osteina 48 61 
osteola 59 121 155 

pacifica (Alectoria) 143 
pacificus (Bryopogon) 83 
pallidior 122 
pallidum 45 85 155 
pellucida 57 59 114 
Pellucidae 57 114 
perfertilis 136 
perspinosa 21 98 155 
Perspinosae 98 
Phaeosporae 56 
philadelphiae 150 151 

pikei 9 26 28 42 49 52 55 87 115 116 119 123* 125 126 

poeltii 155 

positivus 8 9* 49 51 81 83* 84-86 149 152 155 
prolixa 22 150 151 
prostratosteola 155 

pseudocapillaris 8 20* 26 28 41 42 49 52 1 15 123* 124 
126 127* 132 146 

pseudofuscescens 11 12 26 28 33 36* 41 45 49 54 95 97 
98 114 116 117 121 125 127 128* 129-132 147 151 
pubescens 1 1 18* 19 26 32 35 36* 47 49 50 140-142 143 
144* 150 

rigida Fr. = ochroleuca 
rubropunctata 29 
ruwenzoriensis 99 156 

salazinica 1 1 26 28 43 49 54 128* 130 131* 
sarmentosus 6 8 9 11 12 19* 20 24 26-29 32 33 36* 37 
40-42 44-48 50 56 57 61 68 69 70* 71-73 74* 75-79 99 
151 153 154 
sepiacea 49 96 
setacea 152 
Setaria 49 78 79 

simplicior 6 8 9 26 37 40 44 45 49 52 89 105 109 1 10* 
111 * 

smithii 91 114 152 
sörediata 64 

sorediosa (sarmentosa f.) 72 
"sorediosa" (ochroleuca f.) 68 
spadiceus 152 
spinulosa 122 

spiralifera 8 9 10* 26 28 41 42 49 54 91* 115 126 129 
131 132* 146 
stigmata 48 57 69 72 
stricta Ach. = vrangiana 
subbicolor 49 112 114 
subcana 9 22 26 32 41 49 53 54 85 91* 92 106 
subchalybeiformis 64 
subciliata 143 156 
subdivergens 18 32 51 108 132 153 
Subdivergentes 11 17* 18 26 49 132 140 
subfibrillosa 61 
Subfibrillosae 79 98 
subfuscaGyeln. ? = capillaris 
subintricans 109 

subolivacea Gyeln. & För. = bicolor 

subosteolus Gyeln. = subcana 

Subparmelia 140 

subsarmentosa 48 68 

subtilis 49 127 129 

succini 32 

Sulcata 146 

sulcata 27 32 146-148 156 
“sulphurea" = ochroleuca 

164 Alectoria in North America 

OPERA BOT. 42 (1977) 

tenerrima 45 49 89 
tenuior Cromb. = ochroleuca 

tenuis 6 1 1 23 26 37 40 41 49 51 99 100 112* 113* 114 

tenuissimaGyeln. = bicolor 

Teretiuscula 140 

thrausta 13* 49 50 149 151-154 

thulensisTh. Fr. = nigricans 

tortuosa 8 10* 1 1 26 37 41 45 46 49 53 135 136 137* 138 
139 154 

Tortuosae 17* 26 49 135 
trichodes Bach. Pyl. 154 

trichodes 68 9 10* 11 14 16* 19 22 26 28 32 33 37 39 41 
45 46 49 52 54 78-80 88 89 92* 93 94* 95 96 101 121 
128 129 137 154 

tristis 154 

typica DR. = sarmentosa 
typica 109 

usneoides 154 

vancouverensis 6 9 10* 14* 19 20* 24 25* 26 28 37 41 
42 47 48 50 63 69 71 72 75 76* 
variabilis 156 
variegata 66 

vexillifera 19* 20 26 28 29 33 36* 37 40 48 50 61 68 69 
70* 73 74* 75 

virens 49 75 139 146 148 154 

vrangiana 9 26 33 36* 49 53 54 85 97 98* 129 

vulpinoides 147 156 

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Rocher, T. W. 1949: Racial divergencies in Prunella 
vulgaris in relation to habitat and climate. New 
Phyto! . 48: 285-314. 

Veo, P. F. 1972: Euphrasia L. In T. G. Tutin et al. 

(eds.). Flora Europaea 3: 257-266. Cambridge. 
Robinson, B. L. & Fernald, M. L. 1908: Gray's new 
manual of botany. Ed. 7. New York. 

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Key to the species of Bobartia 

E Inflorescence lax, paniculate. Stem subterete, leaves flat 2 

Inflorescence dense, more or less capitate. Stem and leaves externally very similar 3 

2- Flowers mauve 15. B. lilacina 

Flowers yellow 14 . B. paniculata 

Opera Botanica 42: 1-164 

ISSN 0078-5237 
ISBN 91-546-0211-4 
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