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Full text of "Butter & butter-making : a lecture delivered to the Bath and West of England and Southern Counties Society in connection with the establishment of a Dairy School at Oxford, April 6th, 1889"

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Delivered to the Bath and West of England and Southern Counties 
Society, in connection with the establishment of a Dairy School 
at Oxford, April 6tli, 1889. 


Dr, J. AUGUSTUS VOELCKER, B.A., B.Se., F.C.S., &e. 



Delivered to the Bath and West of England and Southern Counties Society, 
in connection with the establishment of a Dairy School at Oxford, 
April 6th, 1889. 


Dr. J. AUGUSTUS VOELCKER, B.A., B.Se., F.C.S., &e. 

M Y subject is one that needs no apology for its introduction ; for 
reading as I did the other day, that in 1887 no less than 12 
millions of money were spent in this country on butter and butter- 
substitutes imported from abroad, this vast sum accordingly .going 
altogether out of the country where it ought to have been spent, it 
behoves us surely to ask ourselves the reason why, and what are the 
means of stopping this exodus of capital in the future. At the risk 
even of offending my hearers, I do not hesitate to say that the 
principal reason is that we are behindhand, and that other countries 
are pushing on ahead while we are lagging in the rear. Denmark, 
Holland, and Germany, are all steadily advancing by the light which 
scientific investigation brings to bear upon practical experience. We, 
however, foster neither the one nor the other, but are behindhand in 
our practical and behindhand in our scientific knowledge, and 
consequently in that union of the two by which successful progress 
can alone be achieved and maintained. 

What do we see as we look around ? In every country district a 
different kind of butter ; in every village even, is to be found almost 
every variety — good, bad, and' indifferent ; no approach whatever to 
uniformity either of manipulation or of product, a rigid adherence to 
old fashions and notions, everyone thinking that he knows all about 
butter-making, and that there is nothing more to learn ; and so they 
go on too often, churning away each in his own particular way, 
sometimes half an hour, sometimes an hour and a half or even longer, 


until by soid8 cbance, lucky or otherwise, the butter conies, but they 
know not how or why. Meanwhile the trade is fast slipping away 
into the hands of foreigners. Then too, what do we find in the 
towns ? The town consumer, tired of getting one day one kind of 
butter and another day another, and possessed with the natural idea 
that if one kind be good, all the others, so different from it, must be 
bad, clamours to be supplied with an article that does not vary. The 
butter-merchant knowing he cannot depend upon a regular and 
adequate supply of a uniform article from home sources, turns to 
foreign ones, where he knows he can find butter manufactured upon 
one system, and that the best. In countries such as Denmark for 
example, not only are there travelling Teachers, but also scientific men 
continuously engaged in investigation on dairy matters, and travelling 
Inspectors appointed, by whom the trade interests of the country are 
carefully watched. At the present time the Danish Government 
have, resident in our own country, a chemist for this express purpose ; 
and their Agricultural Society has, in addition to its general Consulting 
Chemist, another who is separately and specially devoted to the dairy 
industry. How different all this is from what we find in England ! 
Again, if we turn to our Agricultural Journals and papers, we find 
that the prominent writers on the scientific aspects of dairying are 

Germans ; whilst among 

our own 

countrymen there are but few 

names of note. Is it strange, therefore, that combination succeeds 
while our independent and isolated action fails ? 

Beyond our Shows with their butter-making contests, themselves 
(it must be said) of somewhat doubtful value, our agricultural societies 
do comparatively little for, and give but little encouragement to, the 
progress of dairying. Under the name of butter — for people will still 
have butter, however indifferently it may be made — we continue to 
purchase at a high price what is not nearly so well manufactured as 
many of those butter-substitutes which we so loudly condemn and 
legislate about. Certain it is that farmers do not as a class take the 
pride in butter-making that they should, but are content to blunder 
on so long as they can find a market for what they can produce. 
Now comes the question, — How is an improvement to be effected ? 
There is need, I think, of two things, better practice and truer science. 
The first of these the Bath and West of England Society are 
endeavouring to supply, and to carry into the country homes the 
principles of sound practice. From other parts of the country already 
visited by the Society we hear of good that has been done, notably in 
the West of England and perhaps especially in Devonshire, where the 
well-known zeal of Sir Thomas Acland has supplemented the ordinary 
course of instruction given, by a series of demonstrations in the homes 


of the people themselves. May equal benefit follow the Society’s 
attempts in Oxford ! I spoke of a second need, the aid of Science, but I 
will not now enlarge further than by saying how necessary is the culti- 
vation of those methods of exactness and accuracy, and of those habits 
of observation and investigation which a scientific training affords. 

One thing more is essential both for successful learning and success- 
ful teaching, and that is, that we must not forget there is still 
something to learn. The best teacher is he who is ever ready to learn, 
not to dogmatise but to test; the best learner, he who comes with a 
mind prepared to learn, conscious that he does not know everything. 
I may next be allowed to give a caution. It is only one part 
of the work which a Dairy School such as this can accomplish, 
and it may even be doubtful if, after all, it is proceeding in the 
best way ; but still it is a step in the right direction. You 
must not however expect too much from it ; butter-making is not 
learnt in a day, and anyone who thinks that he may attend a single 
course and then know all aboirt butter-making will find he has made 
a great mistake. One can at best only learn those principles which 
have been enjoined by good practice, and the exercise of that careful 
attention which leads to the simplification of work and the better 
understanding of the processes which take place ; in short how to act 
under special and varying circumstances. This much the Bath and 
West of England Society can lay claim to, and the Oxford Local 
Committee, it seems to me, has done well in co-operating, and so 
stirring up local interest in this subject, one truly of national 
importance and closely affecting the prosperity of the whole agri- 
cultural community. 

It would be wide of my purpose to give a chemical lecture on 
the constituents of milk and their different properties, so I will 
merely state in brief that these consist of water, fat, nitrogenous 
matters, viz., casein and albumen ; milk-sugar, and lastly mineral 
matters or “ash” of the milk, as it is termed, consisting largely 
of phosphate of lime. The proportions in which these exist are on 
an average as follows : — 

Water - - - 


Fat - 


Casein and Albumen 


Milk-Sugar - 


Mineral Matter 


The fat is that with which we have principally here to deal, 
and I may say that, roughly speaking, a gallon of milk weighing 
about lOlbs. will contain about 5^ ozs. Butter Eat. Milk is not a 
homogeneous substance, but the fat occurs in it in the form of 


globules which float about in the solution of other substances. From 
these it is easily separated, and in the simple process of setting the 
milk, the fat rises as cream, and may be removed, leaving the skim 
milk which contains the casein, milk-sugar, and the mineral salts, 
together with a small and varying proportion of unremoved fat. The 
cream, which contains more or less of the skim milk entangled with 
it, may, after removal, be churned into butter. 

It is not my intenton to go here into the question of the nature of 
the globules, nor to enquire whether the theory of their being sur- 
rounded by envelopes be correct or not. 

The specific gravity of whole milk is on an average T032, water 
at the same normal temperature being taken as 1. The fat globules, 
whilst separable, have a lesser specific gravity than the other 
constituents, and consequently when allowed to do so, rise. They 
are of different sizes and have different rates of rising, the larger 
ones rising quickest, the smaller ones slowest. Accordingly the cream 
obtained at different periods of setting will differ in composition 
and character. Further, the globules may vary in size according 
to the breed of the cow from which the milk is drawn. Their 
rising is also affected by external circumstances, such as the influence 
of heat and cold. Fat, chemically speaking, is a compound of 
Glycerine with certain fatty acids, some of them soluble, some in- 
soluble ; and the investigation of these and the proportions in which 
they severally occur in genuine butter, is a matter of extreme interest, 
while their identification and separation from animal fats still presents 
considerable difficulty to the analytical chemist. The variations which 
occur, there is reason to know, are very much more marked than was 
previously supposed to be the case, and the occurrence of abnormal 
results in butters known to be genuine is engaging at present the 
active attention of many scientific men. As the richness of a milk in 
butter-.fat determines the amount of butter which can be produced from 
it, it is frequently sought to distinguish between one milk and another, 
as to their relative richness, by some ready method such as putting a 
certain quantity of milk into a tube and allowing the cream to rise, 
and then reading off the quantity. All such methods, however, are 
at best but indications, and often fallacious ones, for so much depends 
upon the size and number of the globules, and whether they are 
closely aggregated or loosely packed. This will vary according to 
the breed of the cow, and .even in individual cows, as also from 
external circumstances, such as heat and cold. 

If we want to get good butter, of course we must start with good 
milk. The general composition of milk I have already given ; the 
variations which it exhibits are dependent more upon the amount of 


fat contained than upon anything else. The main causes for the 
variations are — the breed of the cows, their age, the time 

that has lapsed since calving, the time of day at which the milk is 
taken, and lastly the food of the animals. Into these points I do not 
intend to enter further than to say that the food of dairy animals is a 
most important matter, and one that has an intimate relation to the 
profitable production of butter. Of late much more attention has 
been given to this, one of the scientific aspects of dairying, than 

formerly ; though here again it is from abroad that the advance has 
come. Mr. Lloyd, the chemist of the British Dairy Farmers’ Association 
a short time ago, in a lecture delivered at a similar gathering to this, 
viz. at the Exeter Dairy School of the Bath and West of England 
Society, took up this special subject in an interesting and useful way, 
and therefore I would not go over the ground again. In a table in- 
cluded in the paper, the following is given as a suitable daily diet for 
a cow-in-milk weighing, say, 1,000 lbs. : — 

Dry Matter - 24’0 lbs. 

Albuminoids - - - 2 - 5 lbs. 

Carbo-hydrates - - 12-5 lbs. 

Fat - 0-4 lb. 

the Nutritive Ratio of such a diet being 1 : 5-4. It is to be regretted 
that so little opportunity is given in this country to the scientific man, 
as compared with what has been done abroad, to determine by actual 
experiment these questions of remunerative feeding, and to compare 
them with, and check them by, the actual practice of well-known 
stock-keepers. Much is said as to the influence of particular foods 
upon the quality of the milk and of the butter produced. Linseed 
cake, for instance, it is known, is not, at all events if used to any 
great extent, productive of a good, but rather of an oily butter ; whilst 
turnips or swedes, given in too great excess, impart their flavour to 
butter. Brewers’ grains whilst increasing the flow of milk, are not so 
suitable for butter purposes. Against silage there is still a prejudice 
with many as to its making butter taste, but this I believe to be due 
more to want of care and cleanliness, than to the silage itself as a 
feeding material. 

Cleanliness with respect to milk, butter, or anything in the 
dairy, is an absolute necessity, and unless insisted upon no amount 
of teaching or training will succeed. It should begin, I think with 
the cow-sheds, where everything should be kept as sweet and clean 
as possible and the buildings be properly ventilated for the healthiness 
and well-being of the animals. I have been in many cow-sheds which 
almost turn one against the idea of drinking the milk given by 
the cows in them. Too many people chance what may happen in 


stuffy and ill-ventilated cow-sheds ; and if anything goes wrong it 
will quickly travel through the whole herd. I do not say that a cow- 
shed should be merely or mainly a show place, but I do like to see it 
well littered and clean — the animals as well as the stalls. When one 
sees, as is frequently the case, the quantity of manure which is wasted 
in cow-sheds, and especially the quantity of liquid manure allowed to 
pass away, sinking more frequently into the surrounding earth than 
into anything else, one cannot help feeling that much might be effected 
in the way of better economy here, to say nothing of the prevention 
of the bad smells produced through imperfect littering. Sometimes a 
goat is another adjunct, though I am rather sceptical as to what pur- 
pose its presence may serve beyond contributing still further to the 
already powerful smell ! The next direction in which cleanliness must 
be exercised is in the thorough purification of all pails and dairy uten- 
sils. Impurities may arise from mechanical and chemical sources, 
which may cause milk rapidly to change, and also impart to it and to 
the butter tastes and smells which will injure the quality. The air 
contains, it is known, an infinite number of ferments which float 
about in it like fine dust, and which though we cannot see them, are 
capable of producing changes in milk and similar substances. To 
show that this is the case we may take a flask of milk, and after 
boiling it, close the mouth with cotton-wool, so that all air entering in 
would be as it were filtered. The ferments would in this way be 
arrested and the milk will keep fresh ; but if the plug of cotton-wool 
be removed, souring will soon set in. It is impossible of course to keep 
these ferments altogether out of milk, and hence milk will not keep 
indefinitely ; but all visible dirt and all ferments such as those 
proceeding from the presence of manure-heaps, of silage, and of 
other odorous matters, should, and can be got rid of by thorough 
washing. The activity of most of these ferments proceeds favourably 
at a temperature of about 95 deg. Tahr. ; but a heat much higher and 
more nearly approaching that of boiling water will, as a rule destroy 
them, so, similarly, will much lower temperatures. On this account 
the best plan is to wash all pails and utensils first with cold water, 
in order to remove everything adhering mechanically, then by scalding 
them with hot water to assist the destruction spoken of, finally 
rinsing again with cold water. If the utensils must be clean, so 
surely must be the hands of the milkers, and the teats of the cows. 
If a man, for instance, goes straight away from feeding cows with 
silage to milking them, without taking the trouble to wash his hands, 
no amount of after-care in making the butter will be of any avail. 

The milk when drawn from the cow being warm, viz. about 90 deg. 
Fahr. the first thing is to strain it and refrigerate it, whereby all mechan- 

ical impurities are removed and the lowering of the milk to a temperature 
of about 60 deg. Fahr. is effected ; thus the animal odours are removed 
and the action of ferments checked. Seeing it is at a temperature such 
as that of the freshly drawn milk that ferments are most active, their 
removal or the checking of their growth at this stage is most essential. 
The milk is next removed to the dairy and there set or separated. 
The position of the dairy is very important. It should be cool, well 
ventilated, the dust kept out, and plenty of fresh air allowed to enter. 
It should not be near anything of a strong-smelling nature, such as 
manure-heaps or silage, nor should it be allowed to serve the purposes 
of a general larder, or have meat or such things hung in it. A dairy 
must be scrupulously clean ; a tiled, stone, or cemented floor is the 
best, and there should be no cracks in the flooring, nor boards, nor 
anything which is likely to harbour smells or which cannot be got at 
easily and cleaned. Some people make the mistake of supposing 
that it is requisite to have the floor always wet, thinking that in warm 
weather it keeps the dairy cool by means of the evaporation of the 
water. Now this is altogether wrong ; what is needed is thorough 
ventilation with a plentiful inflow of fresh air, and a dry, not a moist, 
atmosphere. It is under conditions of dampness that the harbouring 
of ferments is encouraged. There is no necessity whatever to have 
a dairy heated. 

When milk is set, the cream, as explained, owing to its lesser 
specific gravity, rises to the surface. Anything which increases the 
difference of densities of the cream and the skim milk hastens the 
process of separation. Thus cooling will effect this, and in a measure 
heating does so likewise ; as a matter of fact cream is found to rise 
best under the influence of a falling temperature. It is on this 
principle that mechanical devices such as the “ Jersey ” and other 
“ Creamers ” are constructed, the milk being first heated up, and then 
suddenly cooled. A different plan is the mechanical separator, the 
separation being the result of centrifugal action. Here again it is 
found that by warming the milk before passing it through the machine, 
the separation is more complete. When we come to compare the 
different methods, what a mass of conflicting ideas we meet with ! 
We have the shallow pan and the deep setting, the “ Cooley,” the 
“Jersey Creamer,” and numerous other candidates for recognition. 
Then there are a number of mechanical separators, differing somewhat 
in their working, but all based on the same principle ; while lastly 
there are the advocates of the Devonshire scalding system. In this 
latter, about the details and practice of which Sir Thos. Acland can 
tell you very much more than I can, the milk after setting is warmed 
in pans put on hot plates raised nearly to boiling point, and the cream 


subsequently removed. In this way is obtained a cream thicker than 
any other and held in high favour. For production of Devonshire 
cream and its sale as such, the system is an admirable one, and this I 
think is the best purpose to put it to. The butter produced from the 
cream in this method, though held in local favour, I cannot say I 
think compares favourably with that of other systems. The boiling 
causes the small amount of albumen to coagulate, the fat is not so 
fully separated, and consequently the skim milk is as a rule richer. 
Through the kindness of Sir Thos. Aclaiid I have had the opportunity 
of trying some experiments in connection with the working of this 
system as compared with others, and I hope I shall shortly be able to 
speak more definitely about them. We might spend a whole day 
in discussing the merits of each of the different systems ; but I 
would rather point out to you the need there is of more absolute and 
careful enquiry than has yet been made. What, for instance, is the 
value of estimating the results merely by the weight of the produce 
alone, when we do not know whether one sample of butter contains 
more water than another, and the keeping qualities, the flavour, the 
grain and other points are not taken as well into consideration ? In 
general, we may say that, on the large scale, mechanical separating 
will be mainly used, and on a small scale, setting of some kind or 
other. The mechanical separators certainly remove from the milk a 
larger quantity of fat than any other system. Dr. Yieth of the 
Aylesbury Dairy Company gives, as the result of a years’ working, 
an average of less than 03 per cent, of fat remaining in the skim milk 
obtained from the Separator. But it is by no means certain that all 
that is removed is equally good for butter-making. Might not better 
butter be made by less perfect separation ? And is all the fat which is 
capable of being removed alike valuable for churning purposes ? 
These are suggestions which may be thrown out for further investi- 
gation. The difficulty of disposing of skim milk to some extent stands 
in the way of the more extended use of mechanical separators, but 
prejudice, I am sure, has had much to do with this, for skim milk I 
believe to be a thoroughly good food which ought, considering its low 
price, to be utilised very much more than it is. The fat certainly has 
been removed, but it contains all the nitrogenous and the bone- 
forming matters of the original milk, and must therefore form a very 
nutritious food. For stock purposes where fattening is required, 
doubtless less perfect separation would leave a skim milk more 
valuable for the purpose, and it may be a question still whether the 
most profitable end will not be reached by a less perfect separation, 
resulting in the production of a better quality of butter and the 
leaving of a skim milk richer and more fattening for stock. I do not 


say this is the case, but it is a question still to be decided by careful 
enquiry. The cream, after separation by one or other of the methods 
enumerated, is ready to be churned, and according to the quantity or 
the circumstances, it is either churned at once or set aside until 
the butter-making day comes round. And here in considering 
churning I must introduce another caution, and it is one against the 
rule-of-thumb practice too frequently found not only in our dairies 
but also, I fear, in our dairy schools and institutions, and that is, to 
suppose that all milk will behave alike. The butter-maker can make 
no greater mistake than to suppose that all the milk he has to deal 
with is alike and contains one and the same percentage of cream, 
or that it is even every day alike, or that it does not alter with 
the differences of temperature and weather. Consequently his 
practice must not be always the same, but he must study all these 
points and according to them modify his practice. It is by attention 
to these points that success is gained, and here it is that judgment is 
most needed. The skill of the butter-maker consists in the knowledge 
of the conditions under which he works, and the character of the 
cream with which he has to deal, and on his being able to vary his 
action accordingly. The cream from the milk of certain cows will 
vary greatly, and even that from one cow may alter the nature of 
the whole lot. Thus it is well known that the cream from the milk 
of a fresh cow will churn more easily than that from one going dry. 
Then again it must make all the difference whether the cream is 
entirely fresh, or whether it is fresh cream and ripened cream mixed, 
or the whole ripened, and to what extent. But how comparatively 
little attention is paid to this, everything being made subservient to 
the general convenience of the moment ! This is, I think, a great fault 
of our shows -and, I must add, of our dairy schools. Cream is given 
to the candidates or pupils, of the previous history of which they 
know nothing, nor are they likely to learn from what bleed or breeds 
of cows it has come, when it was set or separated, how much of it is 
fresh and how much has been ripened, and under what surroundings ; 
all these are points of immense importance in the thorough instruction 
of butter-makers, and as long as cream is simply given out and con- 
sidered as being all alike, we shall not make that progress which we 
ought. When further, we come to examine the theories as to whether 
butter should be made from fresh cream or ripened cream, and as to 
what ripening consists of, and to what extent it should proceed, we 
touch on matters upon which there is comparatively little sound 
knowledge, for the simple reason that there has been too much 
theorising by those who merely profess, but who have not the- 
necessary qualifications for putting the question to a thorough test. 



It is generally held that when made from ripened cream the butter 
comes more readily, but there are equally those who maintain that to 
produce a keeping butter ripened cream must be used, and those who 
say that fresh cream is the better. What exactly the process of 
ripiening is, is also in debate. By some it is spoken of as being a 
process of oxidation, by others as one of acidification — but these are 
really one and the same ; others again tell us that cream should be 
ripened but without any souring taking place, and that the process '» 

should be stopped short of this ; but oxidation, acidification, or souring JL 

are but different ways of expressing one and the same action, viz. that 
of the external air, with all its various ferments, upon the constituents 
of the milk or cream. Bipening of cream is indeed most frequently 
effected by the addition of a little sour cream to the fresh. On these 
points there is a large field for definite and careful enquiry, and this 
so far has not been fully done, nor the many theories put to ex- 
haustive tests. As to the kinds of churns, I do not think that there 
is much practical difference ; a greater desideratum is that they should 
be thoroughly cleaned and scalded with hot water and kept sweet and 
fresh. And now comes in that valuable and inexpensive instrument 
the thermometer, upon the use of which the scientist has for so long 
insisted, and which at last is begining to get some slight recognition 
in the homes of our practical dairy-farmers, though it is still in too 
many cases an absent friend. The empirical method which so many 
of our practical people adopt, and the way in which they assert that they 
know all about the temperature and whether the cream is too warm 
or too cold, is what no scientific man, though trained in habits of 
accuracy and observation, would think of adopting, nor would he for 
a moment support the judgment of his senses when so ready a means 
of absolutely determining the exact point was at his disposal and could 
be afforded by this simple instrument the thermometer. Is it not a 
fact that one may go into many a dairy and upon asking the question, 
how long the butter takes to come, the answer given will be that it 
takes sometimes half-an-hour, sometimes an hour and a half, or two ^ 

hours or even longer, and is it not true that one may see people 
turning away vainly at the churn when a little regard to the matter 
of temperature and to warming or cooling the cream, according to 
circumstances, would have obviated any difficulty? Sometimes indeed 
a thermometer has been purchased, but it hangs covered with dust in 
some out-of-the-way or forgotten corner; at all events it is not in 
daily and constant use. The precise temperature at which cream 
should be churned cannot be fixed to a degree ; but we may put 
it, within near limits, at 56 deg. to 58 deg. Fahr. in summer, and 
60 deg. in winter. The temperature of the churn and of the ^ 

cream should be ascertained before churning, by means of the 
thermometer, and in the case of both should be either raised 
or lowered to the required temperature before churning is com- 
menced. This is easily accomplished by pouring warm or cold water 
into the churn and inserting into the cream-pail a tin in which hot or 
cold water, whichever is requisite, can be put, and then stirring the 
cream about. In warm weather the temperature is apt to rise a little 
during churning and in cold weather to fall ; hence a rather higher 
temperature is desirable in winter than in summer. The temperature 
of the cream during churning should be noted from time to time, and 
if above or below what is proper, it may be warmed or cooled by 
adding a little hot or cold water. Much is said as to the rate of 
churning, and great diversity of practice is shown by the different 
candidates at our butter-making competitions. There are some who 
say that churning quickly is absolutely destructive of good butter and 
that violent agitation of the cream spoils the grain. Others will 
say just the reverse. Indeed there appear to be no very clear notions 
as to the rate of revolutions, and when the personal element has to 
enter into consideration as it must in a matter of this kind, it is 
manifestly hard to regulate exactly the rate, or to insist upon the 
continued maintaining of a particular speed. It would appear from 
experience that 40 to 45 revolutions per minute is about a good speed 
and certainly there should be as much regularity as possible. During 
the churning the ventilating peg should be frequently removed in 
order to allow the exit of the vapours which are formed whilst 
churning. The churn should be frequently examined, either by 
opening it, or through the glass plate with which many churns are 
provided, in order to see when the butter commences to come ; this is 
also to some extent indicated by the sound. One thing, however, is 
very clear, viz., that the instant the butter comes, churning should 
be stopped; for nothing is so productive of what is termed “ soft ” 
butter as over-churning. The butter at this stage should exhibit a 
grained appearance. The next process, that of washing the butter is 
commenced by withdrawing the plug and drawing off the butter-milk, 
placing over the plug-hole a piece of muslin or a strainer of some 
kind to catch any bits of butter which may be carried along with 
the butter-milk. The plug is now replaced and a plentiful supply of 
cold water is added to the churn, which is then revolved gently a few 
times. The water is drawn off again, more added, and the process 
repeated until no more butter milk comes off and the water remains 
quite clear. The result of not thoroughly removing the butter-milk 
would be that some quantity of curd would be left, which would 
produce decomposition and a butter that would not keep well. This 


is the best time for salting the butter, and the salting should be done 
by making a brine and adding it to the contents of the churn, filtering 
it through a hair sieve and so retaining any visible impurities. When 
salting is done, it should be done uniformly and not casually, in 
order that the butter produced may be always of the same degree 
of saltness. Thus the quantity of cream taken should always be 
noted, and a proportionate amount of salt added — so much salt for so 
much cream — the brine not being merely added haphazard, one day of 
one strength and another of another. The butter has next to be trans- 
ferred from the churn, and this, it cannot be too strongly urged, 
should never be done by the hand ; the hands indeed should not be 
allowed to touch the butter at all from beginning to end. We still 
hear, and formerly we heard very much more, of people having cool 
hands for butter-making ; but it is much better not to use the hand at 
all, but to employ instead what are called butter or “ Scotch ” hands. 
The butter after removal from the churn is to be thoroughly worked 
in the “butter-worker” until all the extraneous water is pressed 
out of it. It is well then that it should be placed in the hardening 
box, after which it is ready for making up for sale, an art in which 
considerable skill can be shown, and in which again the hands should 
never be allowed to come in contact with the butter. Much depends 
from the popular point of view on the appearance of butter offered for 
sale, and care in this should not be neglected. The colouring of butter 
is, I think, an altogether needless operation, which good, well-made 
butter does not require. As I have said before, in comparing different 
butters and ways of butter-making, there are many points to consider 
besides the actual weight produced, and it is right that attention 
should be paid to the grain of butter, the flavour, and the keeping 
qualities as well. It is, however, only by a rigid adherence to such 
jDoints as I have indicated, and by this attention backed up by con- 
tinual practice and observation, that one can hope to become a 
successful butter-maker and capable of dealing with those variations 
which are sure to occur from time to time. These points, though well 
known to many, cannot be too often repeated and impressed. 

Now I trust that no one who has attended the course of in- 
struction given here, or who is thinking of doing so, will go away 
with the idea that after attending such a course all has been done 
that is needed, and that they can thereby become perfect, or even 
nearly so, in the art of butter-making. The present is perhaps one 
of the easiest times of the year for butter-making ; at others, especially 
in the hot summer months — if we are favoured with any — a very 
different set of circumstances may be prevalent, and the student may 
find himself or herself at a loss. In a few months both the quality 


and the quantity of milk yielded by dairy cattle will alter, and the 
modifications in practice which I have hinted at will have to be 
brought to bear on the altered circumstances. But the principles 
remain the same throughout. In conclusion, I must urge again the 
need of definite experiment in place of theorising, and the advantage 
of scientific investigation into the principles which regulate sound 
practice. It is a regret to me to think that there is, at the present 
time, in this country, no Kesearch Dairy where experiments can be 
conducted scientifically with the accuracy and observation so essential 
to successful enquiry. A knowledge of chemistry, I am aware, 
cannot, and is not meant to, take the place of practical knowledge ; 
it will not by itself teach butter-making, but it will teach the why 
and the wherefore of our best methods, and any advance that is to 
take place in our practice will, I think, proceed from this side. To 
this and to co-operation in the practical direction we must look, as 
our foreign competitors have done, for advance in the dairy industry — 
an industry so naturally belonging to this, our native country. 

Printed by Wilkes & Co., 88, Walworth Road, London, S.E.