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~ An international journal to expedite botanical and phytoecological publication 

Vol. 58 November 1985 No. 5 
MUHLENBACH, V., Reflections of an oldtimer on 
eluents age PEs) tees ey tk ye OR oubels ae DAES ee la ee 305 
ENGEL, J. J., Psiloclada major (Schust.) Engel, 
comb. nov. '(Hepaticae) from New | Zealanig: <5 2 cs FAS 324 
LIOGIER, A. H., Novitates. antillanae. XT... 22. ee ee 325 
MOLDENKE, H. N., Notes on _ genus Clerodendrum 
( Verbenaceae). Vetere te bles eee teen akan thule ad 329 
MOLDENKE, A. L., Book reviews............... i isee sete es 360 
DEC 2 1985 


Published by Harold N. Moldenke and Alma L. Moldenke 

590 Hemlock Avenue N.W. 
Corvallis, Oregon 97330 

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Viktor Miihlenbach! 

A flora of Latvia (P. Galenieks: Latvijas PSR Flora) was 

published in four volumes in the years 1953-1959. It will 
henceforth be cited as FL. It is of course much too late for a 
review of this flora, but as there are different omissions 
concerning my botanical activities in Riga before the Second 
World War, I decided to enumerate them, so that my discoveries 
of diverse rarities would not sink into oblivion. I published 
“The adventive flora of the railroad net in Riga” (Miihlenbach, 
1932-1934), which was a shortened version of my thesis work for 
obtaining the magister (master) degree. I was able to find 128 
species not native to Latvia in the years 1924 through 1932. I 
also cited previous records of synanthropic plants collected in 
Riga by others (59 species). 

I compared my paper thoroughly with FL and found that from 
my 128 species 21 were missing, 14 of them being novelties. 
These plants are: Hordeum jubatum L., Commelina communis L., 
Silene multiflora (Waldst. & Kitt.) Pers., S. procumbens | 
Murray, Dianthus campestris Bieb., Nigella sativa sativa L., 
Ranunculus illyricus L., aaeiee cum perenne ¥iay Alt. , Erysimum 
repandum L L., E. diffusum Ehrh, (E. canescens Roth), Alyssum 
minus (L.) Rothm. , (A. campestre auct.), Chorispora tenella 
(Pallas) DC., Melilotus wolgica Poiret in Lam., Vicia 
grandiflora Scop., V. lutea L., Lathyrus aphaca L., Thymus 
pannonicus All. (2 ccaaeaehaelaaiion Willd.), Sidexkese montana 
L., Stachys recta L., Veronica spicata L. subsp. incana (L.) 
Walters (V. incana L.), and Valerianella eriocarpa Desv. 

Some of the names I used were changed according to Flora 
Europaea (Tutin et al., 1964-1977). I did not think that it 
would be worthwhile to mention the localities, date of 
discovery and so one. These data can be obtained from my 
original paper if desired. Also among the second group 
mentioned in my paper - the synanthropes found in Riga by 
others - there are omissions, altogether 20 species. They 
are: Alopecurus pratensis L. x A. arundinaceus Poiret in Lam. 
(A. ventricosus Pers.), A. myosuroides Hudson, Deschampsia 

setacea Richter (in Tutin, D. setacea iMudaci Hackel), 

I Missouri Botanical Garden, P. O. Box 299, St. Louis, 

Missouri 63166. 

306 PHYS OLE ESA Vol. 58, No. 

Phalaris canariensis L., Hordeum secalinum Schreber, 
Chenopodium vulvaria L., Astragalus boeticus L., Ornithopus 
perpusillus L., Vicia pannonica Crantz, Androsace maxima L., 
Verbena officinalis L., Leonurus marrubiastrum L., Verbascum 
densiflorum Bertol,. (V. thapsiforme Schrader), Veronica persica 
Poiret in Lam. (V. tournefortii Gmelin), Dipsacus sativus (L.) 
Honckeny (D. fullonum Miller), D. fullonum L. (D. sylvestris 
Hudson), Bidens pilosa L., Anthemis ruthenica Bieb., Carduus 
tenuiflorus Curtis, and C. acanthoides L. x C, ea L. 

It is true that several of these plants were published in 
the last century by some early writers whose reliability has 
been questioned subsequently. But many of these plants were 
discovered by the most reliable Latvian botanists, and some of 
the questionable reports were later verified. 

For seven rare species found by myself and others and which 
were cited in my paper as well as in FL, the name Riga is 
missing among the localities cited in FL. They are: 

Beckmannia eruciformis (L.) Host, Poa bulbosa L. f. vivipara 
Koeler (form missing in Tutin), Bromus , japonicus Thunb. 
Asparagus officinalis L. Luzula luzuloides (Lam. ) Bandy & 
Willmott (L. nemorosa (Poll. ) E. Mey., Medicago prostrata 
Jacq., and Lactuca tatarica (L.) C. A. Meyer. Centaurea 
calcitrapa L. represents an opposite case. FL lists one 
locality in Riga, while I found it in the Daugavpils II freight 

Although I have mentioned that a critique of FL would be 
irrevelant, I feel that a comment is in order regarding the 
paragraphs of bibliographical references and the synonyms that 
are appended to almost all species. One of the most frequent 
sources for references is Lehmann's "Flora von 
Polnisch-Livland” (1895, 1896), which was for a half of century 
the most important source on the Latvian flora. 
Polnisch-Livland is the historical German name for the eastern 
province of Latvia, now named Latgale. After the collapse of 
Poland, which ruled Latgale until 1795, the new rulers 
incorporated it with the Russian Guberniya (Province) Witebsk. 

In his Flora von Polnisch-Livland, Lehmann envisaged two 
objectives: first, to publish the flora of Latgale, but at the 
Same time to enumerate all plants of the 11 Russian guberniyas 
encircling Latgale. Therefore, he used a double numeration, so 
that it was evident to which of these two groups a plant 
belonged. Of course very many plants were labelled with both 
numbers, growing in Latgale as well as in some of the 
neighboring guberniyas. For some introduced plants no numbers 
were given, but it was always clear where the localities were 


1985 Muhlenbach, Flora of Latvia 307 

Nevertheless, FL did not take account of this feature in 
Lehmann's system and sometimes cited plants far away from 
Latvia as growing there. For example, Lehmann gave the 
distribution of Rorippa austriaca (Crantz) Besser (as 
Nasturtium austriacum Crantz) as: “Lith. Minsk; Moh. (Lind.); 
bei Eichw. und Jundz. erst Podolien. Eingeschleppt oder 
verwildert” (translation: Lithuania, Minsk; Mohilew 
(Lindemann); by Eichwald and Jundzill only Podolia). All these 
places mentioned are far away from Latvia, yet FL cites it as 
native. The plant was later found in Latvia, but only in 1925 
by me at Kemeri railroad station. 

The incorrect interpretation in FL of Lehmann's data about 
geographical distributions created a pitfall for subsequent 
authors, who often have taken every citation of Lehmann in FL 
for granted. 

Numerous plants are missing from FL which were found and 
published by others too. For example, Kupffer (1934) published 
as a synanthropic novelty Achillea gerberi MB. genuina 
Schmalh., probably a polemochore from the WWI (polemochore = 
follower of war, coined by Mannerkorpi (1944-45). It was 
discovered by A. Grosse on 25 June 1934, and rediscovered by me 
much later, toward the end of my abode in Riga. Because the 
taxonomy of this species is quite complicated, the name must be 
changed. Afanassiev (1959), who unravelled this question, gave 
priority to Achillea micrantha Willd. 

FL also did not reveal the finders' names. An exception 
was sometimes made for newer publications, but there was no 
consistency. So, FL gives for Verbascum lychnitis L. and V. 
phoeniceum L. the primary source A. Petersone, K. Birkmane, 
Latv. PSSR augu not. (1958) Nos. 581 and 582. Yet both plants 
were mentioned by me (1932-1934) as found in Riga. Also, for 
each species there were two more older publications, which were 
also quoted by me. There are other similar cases. 

These reflections on FL were written long ago. 
Subsequently, a moderate number of Latvian botanical works 
arrived one by one in the Missouri Botanical Garden's library, 
though some are missing. But only after concluding some more 
acute and extensive projects was I able to revert to the 
botanical problems of my country of descent. 

After the conclusion of FL in 1959, Rasip® (1960) published 
a paper on novelties and rarities of the flora of Latvia as 
well as on plants which had to be excluded from the flora. The 
paper is important, and shows how much time, effort and pain 
was needed to accomplish it. However, I would like to correct 
an assertion of Rasips that Kupffer (1899) in his essay on the 

308 Pa ?-TO £O'G TW Vol. 58, No. 

flora of the Latvian province Kurzeme erred in including the 
locality Palanga. The last, so RasipS writes, is situated in 
the Lithuanian SSR, not in Kurzeme. The truth is that Palanga 
was in 1819-1921 a component of Kurzeme, consequently of 
Latvia. Only in 1921 was Palanga ceded by arbitration to 
Lithuania to create an access to the Baltic Sea. 

In 1974 a compendium or collective treatise of quite a few 
Latvian botanists appeared in Russian. It was editted by 
Tabaka (1974a) and dedicated to one of the eight geobotanical 
regions of Latvia, namely the Maritime Lowland, which tas 
investigated by different approaches. This region is a strip 
of land along the Gulf of Riga and the Baltic Sea, and 
penetrates deeper into the country along the Daugava and 
Lielupe rivers. Riga, the capital of Latvia, is situated on 
the banks of the Daugava river 13.3 km from the Gulf of Riga. 
The range of my former research work in Latvia was confined 
particularly to this region. 

The list of all plants was assembled by Birkmane and Jukna 
(1974), and contains 1212 species of vascular plants. They 
included: 1) native plants, 2) naturalized introduced plants, 
3) unnaturalized introduced plants, 4) escapees from culture. 
In it all 21 specimens found by me in Riga and omitted in FL 
are also missing. In addition, three other species listed by 
me and by FL are not included in this list: Pimpinella anisum 
L., Bifora radians Bieb. and Coriandrum sativum L. Also absent 
are 18 of the 20 species that were published by others. The 
new list includes Phalaris canariensis L. and Veronica persica 
Poiret (in my paper V. tournefortii Gmel.). For the former 
species one of the references given is FL, but in the latter 
there is no reference mentioned. The list of plants in the 
Maritime Lowland region can be extended still more. These 
missing plants include Laserpitium prutenicum L., Scabiosa 
ochroleuca L., S. columbaria L, and Centaurea montana L. FL 
gives for the first species Tosmare lake as locality, and for 
the remaining Riga. Also ommitted from the list are Beckmannia 
eruciformis (L.) Host, Luzula luzuloides (Lam.) Dandy & 
Wilmott, and for Bromus japonicus Thunb. localities in Riga are 
omitted. Feasibly there could be more species of this kind, 
but no special attempts were made to compare the compendium 
with publications at my disposal. 

I will only mention one paper, because a quoted plant in it 
is of a special interest to me. Gautzsch (1939) quoted 
Sisymbrium supinum L. (in the Baltic literature called Braya 
supina (L.) Koch) as found by Miss Agnes v. Vegesack in Kemeri 
in 1937. The same plant was located by me on the shore of 
Kapieris lake near the settlement Antipciems, 4-5 km from 
Kemeri. I remember very well that it was in 1933, the death 


1985 Muhlenbach, Flora of Latvia 309 

year of my father. The shore is covered by chopped-up plates 
or flagstones of Devonian dolomite. A clear description in 
given by Doss (1898). The site reminded me vividly of the 
shore of a water basin on the Estonian island of Saaremaa, 
where the Estonian hosts presented this plant during a 
symposium of Fennobaltic botanists. Looking more carefully on 
the shore of Kapieris lake, I discovered this plant ina 
similar surrounding. It is not possible to know if this was 
the same locality where v. Vegesack found it. FL mentioned 
that this species was found long ago between Valmiera and 
Tartu, but not found more recently. Flora Europaea does not 
cite the Estonian localities, although the occurrence there of 
Braya supina is well-documented. 

In his paper, Gautzsch (1939) mentioned three more species 
that are missing in the compendium as well as in FL - Bromus 
briziformis Fischer & C. A. Meyer, Phleum arenarium L., and 
Mimulus luteus L. All are synanthropes, whilst Braya supina 
(L.) Koch seems to be a native plant. Numerous localities for 
other species listed by Gautzsch were not cited by FL or the 

A confusing misprint also must be mentioned. FL gives for 
Orobanche pallidiflora Wimmer & Grab. as one locality 
“Liepupe”", but the compendium for the same species (under the 
name Orobanche reticulata Wallr.) “Lielupe”. Both are 
geographical names for two different places. 

Finally, I would cite some rarer plants observed by me in 
the Maritime Lowland: Holcus lanatus L. at Olaine, Gladiolus 
imbricatus L. on Bu}}u Island, Corallorhiza trifida Chatel. at 
Vecaki, Polemonium coeruleum L. at Kemeri. I completely agree 
with Rasips (1960) that Vicia lathyroides L. is an undeservedly 
forgotten plant (missing in FL); I found it in the naval base 
in Liepaja and later in the wartime in the same place. It is 
surely a native plant. 

In 1976, A. Schultz published a paper which was of special 
interest for me, since he investigated the synanthropic flora 
of the railroad net in Riga. The research was done 1960-1975, 
covering quite a long time. This meets the postulate 
proclaimed by E. Lehmann in his “Flora von Polnisch-Livland”, 
which had the subtitle "...dispersal of plants by railroads”. 
Lehmann emphasized that it is imperative to continue the 
observation of the railroad floras for a long time. His flora 
was a vademecum for me during my work on the railroads in Riga, 
but I did not realize at the time the broader significance of 
his work. Only in St. Louis, where I began work in 1954, did I 
come across the inaugural dissertation by H. Matthies 
(University of Rostock, 1925), in which the author emphasized 

310 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 58, No. 

that “strangely enough a comprehensive treatment of this 
problem (the introduction of plants by railroads) is in the 
professional literature given in reality by Lehmann”. Lehmann 
was a native of Riga, therefore we who worked on the railroads 
in Riga heard these words of high esteem with satisfaction and 
never forgot them. 

Schultz (1976) not only registered all synanthropic plants, 
but tried also to verify data given by me (1932-1943) at least 
in some cases. So he commented about Lactuca tatarica (L.) C. 
A. Mey.: “It is possible that the plants (found by Schultz) 
are descendents of the colony discovered by V. Muhlenbach 
already in 1932". I found Sisymbrium wolgense Bieb. very 
frequently in the Mangaji station during the whole observation 
time (1924-1932), and Schultz reports that Sisymbrium volgense 
Bieb. ex Fourn. was found in that very place in the first years 
of his study in great numbers. Many other plants recorded by 
me also were found by Schultz, but on the other hand, quite a 
number of plants that were found by me are missing in Schultz's 
paper. The estimated frequency of various plants differs in 
the two lists; quite a few plants are now more frequent, but 
some are now rare. Many plants are listed as unicates. There 
are also quite a few additions in Schultz's list of plants not 
seen by me. Twenty two novelties were discovered for the flora 
of Latvia. Schultz also stressed the fluctuation in numbers of 
specimens of different species from year to year. All of these 
features are very typical for a study of the plants on the 
railroads. I had the same problems in comparing my findings in 
Riga with those of my predecessors. I have obtained the same 
results in much more extended research on the railroads in St. 
Louis, Missouri (1954-1980; Miihlenbach, 1979, 1983). It is 
appropriate, then, to quote a line from a song by Hinze, which 
Lehmann (1895) himself cited in his “Flora von 
Polnisch-Livland": “Ein ewig Kommen, ein ewig Gehen” (a 
perpetual coming, a perpetual going). The poet described the 
changes in a university - the perpetual flow of students, 
coming and going. Only a few stay to achieve professorship. 
One speaks in the case of plants about naturalization, which is 
indeed an infrequent occurrence on the railroads. 

Schultz commented that the surroundings of the freight car 
washing establishment in the large Sgirotava freight and 
switching yard are especially rich in synathropes. Many 
species were found only there. This establishment did not 
exist during my studies in Riga. The railroads in St. Louis do 
not have such facilities, where instead the heavily soiled 
freight cars are cleansed manually on special tracks designated 
for this purpose. In spite of the different methods used, some 
similarities exist. The car cleanout tracks in St. Louis are 
also the most preferred sites for synanthropes to settle down. 


1985 Muhlenbach, Flora of Latvia 

The methods applied in the car cleanout process are not as 
decisive in the increased dispersal of synanthropes as is the 
type of waste, refuse, dirt and so on that is removed from the 

I was able to study an ideal cleansing method for freight 
cars in Edmonton, Alberta. There the Canadian National 
Railways have in their huge Calder yard car cleaning facilities 
that are connected with the repair shop. Initially I had no 
intention of publishing my observations, but I found that the 
Canadian methods produce very different results compared to 
those in St. Louis and Riga. So I asked the Edmonton 
headquarters of Canadian National Railways to permit the 
publication. Mr. A. P. Rennie, Assistant Manager of Public 
Affairs, issued the permit to visit the facilities, and Mr. C. 
G. Pain, Engineering and Planning officer, provided the 
detailed description. I thank both gentlemen for their 
assistance. The waste product disposal system is as follows: 

"The wash water flows via drainage trenches to a 

solids separator, then to an oil separator and 

then to the City of Edmonton's sewer system. The 

solids separated from the wash water are removed 

from the separator by a local contractor who 

takes it away for disposal at a dump site. Solid 

refuse removed from the car is normally thrown on 

the conveyor belt and transported to an 

incinerator. Material vacuumed from the car 

(winter operation) may or may not be deposited on 

the incinerator belt. Frequently, it is 

collected and removed to a dump by truck.” 

Apparently, the procedure works well: very few 
Ssynanthropes were found in the vicinity of the facilities and 
those found were common in other parts of the yard. It 
demonstrates the very important role of the remnants left 
behind in the freight cars in the spreading of synanthropes by 
railroad traffic. The Canadian facilities operate very 
successfully from the standpoint of railroad management, but 
the results are at the same time disastrous for the railroad 

As a final minor comment about Schultz's (1976) list, I 
would note that a few of the plants listed as introduced seem 
to me to be native to the flora of Latvia, i.e., Lolium perenne 
L. and Potentilla norvegica L. 

The second more detailed compendium edited by Tabaka (1977) 
concerned the Kurzeme geobotanical region in southwestern 
Latvia. Tabaka included two lists of plants: one containing 
all plants found in Kurzeme, put together by Birkmane et al. 


st2 PHVDELt Ogi a Vol. 58, No. 

(1977), and the second (by Tabaka et al. 1977) enumerating 
plants found in several restricted areas using the comparative 
floristic method. Tolmachev (1931) tried to use mathematical 
methods to solve floristic problems, and he introduced the 
concept of the “concrete” or elementary flora - a flora of a 
very limited area in which species are distributed only in 
conformity with purely local conditions. According to 
Tolmachev, the minimal area for a concrete flora would be 100 
km2, but he admitted deviation from this number. The 
concrete floras of many small areas are combined into a 
composite or collective flora. The concrete floras are 
important in the view of Tolmachev because they render 
comparisons with other concrete floras feasible. 

In Tabaka et al. (1977), a double network of large and 
small squares was superimposed on the map of Kurzeme. In each 
large square there were 16 small squares with an area of 70 
km2, The surface of the large squares was 1120 km?. The 
principal work in Kurzeme was carried out in two large 
Squares. Both of them, including the towns of Kandava and 
Kuldiga, were chosen for the elaboration of the concrete 
floras. These concrete floras were studied by two persons (a 
scientist and a technician) for 7-10 days four times from May 
until September during three years. 

The co-ordinates of this network are widely used in the 
Latvian botanical literature to pinpoint localities of plants. 
So the irotava freight yard mentioned above is found at 
14/27, and the next frequently named Ligciems and SkOtas farm 
at 03/16; 

According to R. Beschel (1969), who worked in the 
U. S. S. R. as an exchange scholar, the concept of concrete 
floras was widely accepted in the U. S. S. R., but apparently 
unknown in western Europe and North America (at least at that 
time). Beschel used in his own work the concept “geon”, which 
is a basic unit of flora, fauna, and landscape. It is closely 
related to Tolmachev's “concrete flora”, but is not identical. 

Prior to WWII, the territory of Latvia was divided into 
four administrative provinces (Vidzeme, Jurzeme, Zemgale, 
Latgale), 19 counties and 516 (1944) “townships”. (It was 
difficult to find a name for those “minor civil divisions”, to 
use the definition from Webster's dictionary. In Latvian the 
term is pagasts, in German Gemeinde, and I here use townships, 
although this name is used in various ways.) The townships 
enjoyed quite broad administrative functions. The farms in 
Latvia were either aggregated into villages (ciems, Dorf) or 
dispersed over the whole territory. The first type prevailed 
around Kandava. In using geographical names, the pre-war 
terminology was applied. 


1985 MUhlenbach, Flora of Latvia 

It happens that the domicile of my ancestors is situated in 
the township of Kandava. My clan originated in the SkGtas farm 
in the Ligciems village. I know this neighborhood quite well, 
since many summers were spent here. Most of plants mentioned 
below were found in the meadows, fields, and groves of Skutas. 

The compendium (Tabaka, 1977) counts in Kurzeme 1042 
species of vascular plants, and for the Kandava and Kuldiga 
concrete floras the numbers are 665 and 574, respectively. 
What follows here are comments and discussion of some 27 
species, all but two of them from Kandava township. 

Bromus secalinus L.: This is mentioned in the compendium 
as comparatively rare and missing in the Kandava concrete 
flora. It was not by any means a rarity in Kandava township 
before WWI. A strange superstition among the farmers suggested 
that in years of bad harvest, part of the cereals sowed turned 
into “chess” (B. secalinus). In the description of the genus 
Bromus in the Latvian SSR, Fatare (1977) used an unfortunate 
translation of “Flora von Polnisch-Livland” into Russian, 
namely “Poland and Livland". I previously noted that 
Polnisch-Livland is the old German name for Latvia's eastern 
province Latgale. 

Cyperus fuscus L.: This plant was known formerly from 
Kandava, on a woodland path from S,Gtas to the Strazde 

Carex davalliana Sm.: Known from along a brook in the 
woods west of Ligcienms. 

Carex buxbaumii Wahlenb.: Missing in the Kandava concrete 
flora, but found in a meadow northeast of SpUtas. 

Carex capillaris L.: Missing in the Kandava concrete 
flora, but known from the meadow between Shitas Zirgaploks 
grove and the path to Strazde. 

Luzula luzuloides (Lam.) Dandy & Wilmott (L. nemorosa 
(Poll.) E. Mey.): This synanthropic plant was discovered in 
the park of the Strazde estate by me in 1921, and later found 
by others in several other localities. Strazde apparently was 
outside the Kandava concrete flora. The bibliographical notice 
(no. 81, page 159) given for this plant is incorrect: 

"K. Kupffer, 1087 Versammlung, 23 Febr. 1920-~'Korr.-Bl. 
Naturf. Ver. Riga', 1924. Bd. 58, S. 39-42" should be 
".,.Versammlung 1132 and 1134, 25 September 1922 and 6 November 
1922, pages 56 and 59", where this discovery was discussed by 


314 PAWV YOST O6Le@seG: TA Vol. 58, No. 

Iris sibirica L.; I recorded it in the meadow near the 
abandoned lime-kiln at the crossing of the railroad trunk line 
Kandava-Ligciems with the Tukums-Talsi highway. 

Stellaria nemorum L.: This species is not listed in the 
Kandava concrete flora, but is not rare in Ligciems. 

Sagina procumbens L.: This also is absent from the Kandava 
concrete flora, but is frequent in Skotas. 

Silene dichotoma Ehrh.: Another species not listed in the 
Kandava concrete flora that I knew in Ligciems, on the railroad 
west of the Strazde mill-creek bridge. 

Ranunculus nemorosus DC. (R. breyninus auct., not Crantz, 
according to Tutin, 1964-1977): Known from the eastern fringe 
of the SkGtas Zirgaploks grove, and determined as a novelty for 
Latvia by Kupffer and published by K. Starcs (1936). Until 
1973 this was the only locality in Latvia, when this species 
was found again in the valley of the Abava river at Kandava 
(Tabaka and Kjavipa, 1981). 

Corydalis intermedia (L.) Mérat.: Found in the woods 
northeast of Skatas; see remarks by Kupffer (1935) and Tabaka 
et al. (1981). 

Cardaminopsis arenosa (L.) Hayek.: This species, not 
listed in Kandava concrete flora, was found in Ligciems, on the 
railroad west of the Strazde mill-creek bridge. 

Camelina microcarpa Andrz. ex DC.: The first report for 
Kandava was from Ligciems, on the railroad west of the Strazde 
mill-creek bridge; here surely it is synanthropic. 

Aphanes arvensis L.: Found in the fields around the 
Kandava crown estate. 

Rosa rubiginosa L.: First record for Kandava was on a 
forest aisle in the woods west of Ligciems. Maybe it is best 
to mention here a monograph of native roses in Latvia by 
Riekstips (1980), in which the distributions are illustrated by 
dotted maps. The Kandava square is blank for R. rubiginosa. 

Oxytropis pilosa (L.) DC.: This has the same locality and 
status as Camelina microcarpa, but the path of introduction of 
this plant is very interesting. At the Tukums II railroad 
station, east of Kandava, the administration owned a huge 
sand-pit, from which it hauled sand for building purposes as 
well as ballast for reinforcement of the railroad tracks. In 
the close vicinity of this pit is a locality of the extremely 


1985 MUhlenbach, Flora of Latvia 315 

rare (in Latvia) Oxytropis pilosa, discovered first in 1849. 
Because of the exploitation of the sand-pit this plant was 
sharply decimated, and by 1927 only the last wretched specimens 
were seen (Kupffer, 1927). But in the same time this same 
plant began to appear in different places along the railroad 
tracks. In addition to Ligciems, I saw it in two freight yards 
in Riga in 1931 (1932-1934), also along some trunk lines 
elsewhere, but I cannot recall the exact localities. The 
spread of this plant is a very nice confirmation of Lehmann's 
thesis that the railroad operation contributes to the spread of 
plants on its premises. He could sometimes tell from which 
sand-pit the sand for ballasting has been taken. 

Medicago sativa L. subsp. falcata (L.) Arcangeli (M. 
falcata L.): This species is missing in the Kandava concrete 
flora, but was frequent on the meadows in Skutas. 

Coronilla varia L.: Tukums II railroad station on a 
siding, where it was surely a synanthrope. 

Monotropa hypopitys L.: Also missing in the Kandava 
concrete flora, but not rare in the groves of SkOtas. 

Swertia perennis L.: Another species not listed in the 
Kandava concrete flora; along a brook in the woods west of 

Asperugo procumbens L.: To the only locality of this 
species in Kurzeme, discovered by L. Vimba in Kazdanga in 1961, 
it is possible to add another one, in the southern vegetable 
garden and orchard of Skutas, not far from the granary; 
observed on a quite restricted site, but persisting for many 

Pedicularis sceptrum-carolinum L.: It is already quoted 
for Kandava, but I can add another site, in meadows around the 
Kandava railroad station, located in the Cére township, and 
also in the woods along the Skutas-Strazde path. 

Pedicularis palustris L.: Missing in the Kandava concrete 
flora, but frequent on meadows of S_ttas. 

Orobanche elatior Sutton (0. major L. pro parte): Two 
additional localities can be added for this species: ina 
sand-pit near the N&gas farm in Ligciems and along the 
Kandava-PUre highway. It was not clear in which township 
(Kandava or PUre) the last locality was situated. In both 
cases it occurred on Centaurea sp. 

316 Poti ¥ th Ock QcGal A Vol. 58, No. 5 

Galium rivale (Sibth. & Sm.) Griseb. (Asperula aparine 
Bieb.): Found on the meadows of Sputas along the Strazde 
mill-creek. By the way, this mill-creek gave me my surname. 
The Latvian peasants received their surnames only early in the 
last century, and in many places the surnames were derived from 

the German language (Miihlenbach = mill-creek). 

Senecio sylvaticus L.:; Another species missing in the 
Kandava concrete flora, but rare in woods around Ligciems. 

It seems best to include here a review of one of the latest 
publications, because it treats partly the Kandava concrete 
flora. It is “The Valley of the Abava River” by Tabaka & 
Kjavipa (1981). The stretch between the towns Kandava and 
Sabile holds particular scenic beauty and is even called the 
Kurzeme (or Curonian) Switzerland. The flora of this valley is 
especially rich; of the 1042 species of Kurzeme, 826 species 
are found here. This is altogether a carefully composed book, 
yet I can add eight species more, two being synanthropes. 

Seven are from LfIgciems, which is as the crow flies about 9 km 
from the river. Although there is some question whether it is 
correct to include plants from Ligciems in the Abava Valley 
flora, I do so because the authors included other plants from 
Ligciems (e.g., Corydalis intermedia). Moreover, the Strazde 
mill-creek which traverses Ligciems is a tributary of the 
Abava. These eight plants are Carex buxbaumii Wahlenb., 
Camelina microcarpa Andrz. ex DC., Aphanes arvensis L., Rosa 
rubiginosa L., Oxytropis pilosa (L.) DC., Asperugo procumbens 
L., Digitalis grandiflora Miller and Pedicularis 

sceptrum-carolinun jE 

One of the last compendia of Latvian plants at my disposal 
was issued in 1979 (Tabaka, 1979), and was devoted to the North 
Vidzeme geobotanical region. The list of plants for this 
region was prepared by Klavipa et al. (1977), and included 977 
vascular plants. As I have botanized very little in this 
region, so I am not able to add anything new. 

A series of compendia began to appear in 1978, titled “The 
Chorology of the Flora of the Latvian SSR". The second and 
third volumes were published in 1980 and 1981, respectively. 
The editor for all three issues was I. Fatare. The chorology 
series was devoted to rare species, many of which were on the 
protected list. There were altogether 110 species. For the 
overwhelming majority of these plants all known localities are 
given with the indication of sources, and also marked on grid 
maps with dots. My marginal notes on some species are as 

Coronilla varia L.: An additional locality, Tukums IIL 
railroad station, has already been mentioned. 

1985 MUhlenbach, Flora of Latvia 37 

Rosa tomentosa Sm. (in reality Rosa mollis Sm. after 
redetermination): The author objects to including two 
localities from the monograph of native roses by Riekstip&. 
The first is Rucava township, which belonged to Latvia since 
medieval times, with interuptions, at least until 1944. The 
second is Kupffer's locality at “Palanga-Medze”, a stretch of 
64 km that is most probably located in Latvia too. 

Jovibarba sobolifera (J. Sims) Opiz: Skirotava railroad 
classification yard in Riga; observed for many years, always 

Linnaea borealis L.: After a long list of localities of 
this species, for the last one the author states “The site 
Ritupe is erroneously indicated for Latvia, as it is located in 
the Pskow district". The truth is that Ritupe was joined to 
Latvia according to the peace treaty between Latvia and Russia 
on August 11, 1920, but was lost after WWII. The herbarium 
specimen in question was collected in 1926, when RIitupe was 
undisputedly a part of Latvia. A more accurate statement would 
say that as a result of the transfer of Ritupe and Palanga to 
the Russian SFSR and Lithuania respectively, localities of all 
plants found there must be excluded from the flora of Latvia. 
My countryman E. von Lindemann (1867) took this opinion when 
Alaska was sold by Russia to the U. S. A., and as a result had 
to remove 136 taxa from the flora of Russia. 

The next publication to appear was The Flora of Latvian SSR 
by Pétersone and Birkmane (1980), written in Latvian. It was 
intended for use by specialists of biology and agriculture, but 
is also very appropriate to amateur botanists, students, and so 
on. What is especially important for a work of this kind is 
the comprehensive glossary of different morphological concepts 
that is included, as well as many sketches, depicting details 
of flowers, fruits, leaves, etc. Comparing this flora with FL, 
one finds that almost half of the plants described in my paper 
but omitted in FL are included in this new Flora (19 of 41). 

It is, of course, not clear whether they are my old records or 
new rediscoveries. The latter is possible because this new 
Flora includes quite a long list of synanthropes never found 
before in Latvia. One misses in many cases the indication of 
time and place of introduction of synanthropic plants. The 
user of this Flora has to perceive such plants as Anthoxanthum 
aristatum Boiss., Lupinus luteus L., Impatiens parviflora DC., 
Veronica filiformis Sm., and many more as native Latvian 
plants. But many others previously mentioned, including 
Galenieks in FL, have not considered in a rigorous fashion the 
question of whether a plant is native. 

318 Pi WTO. 0uG 1A Vol. 58, No. 

I would like to cite some rare plants which are not 
included in the Flora or are included with a question mark or 
from other localities. Plants considered earlier in this paper 
are not repeated here. Also, all plants were left out of 
consideration when I could not rely completely on my memory, 
and those plants are many. Geranium collinum and Tragopogon 
dubius are novelties for the synanthropic flora of Latvia. 

Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop.: Fishbreeding station 

Tome in the township of the same name, in a cold frame. 

Chenopodium bonus~henricus L.: In the vicinity of the 
Tervete tuberculosis sanatorium in the township of the same 

Geranium collinum Stephan ex Willd.: Torpakalns freight 
yard in Riga. A specimen was sent to the Botanischer Garten 
und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, where it was determined 
and incorporated into the herbarium (B). It was destroyed 
during an aerial bombardment of Berlin by the Allies of the 

Prunella grandiflora (L.) Scholler.: Koknese township. 

Asperula tinctoria L.; Riverbank of the Daugava river, 
between Koknese and Pjavipas. 

Petasites hybridus (L.) P. Gaertner, B. Meyer, & Schreb.: 
Beside the J. Rozen$teins Pharmacy in the Ogresgals township. 

Inula helenium L.: Koknese township. 

Tragopogon dubius Scop.: On the railroad tracks in the 
vicinity of the military hospital in Riga. 

Vimba (1981), in a paper on the problems of nature 
conservation, gave the latest statistics on the plant kingdom 
of Latvia: angiospermae 1350, gymnospermae 4, pteridophyta 43, 
mosses 420, lichenes 464, algae 2500, and fungi 2720, for a 
total of 7561 species. 

In the same paper RiekstipS described a new taxon, Picea 
abies (L.) Karst. f. juniperiformis Riekstips. The description 
and especially the attached photograph demonstrate a very 
strange looking shrub. Unfortunately, there is no Latin 
description, which would have validated this new taxon. 

It is possible to cite additions to the botanical 
bibliography of Latvia (Tabaka, 1974b). The two most important 
papers are: 


1985 Muhlenbach, Flora of Latvia 319 

1) “Enumeratio plantarum phanerogamicum hucusque in 
Curonia, Livonia, Estoniaque observatarum auctore”, Dr. J. 
Theoph. Fleischer. Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscow, 
18295" be .74=102 . 

2) “Index plantarum quas in variis Rossiae provinciis 
hucusque invenit et observavit", Eduardus Lindemann. Bull. 
Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscow. 1860, 33(I1II): 77-190. 

Both are quoted in Florae Rossicae Fontes aperuit (E. R. a 
Trautvetter, 1880). Von Trautvetter included in his paper a 
botanical bibliography of Russia, which comprised 1656 
treatises, many of which concerned the Baltic region, where 
Latvia is located. Of course, the bibliography of Tabaka 
contains most of v. Trautvetter's numbers, but not all. Most 
of the treatises were published in Korrespondenzblatt des 
Naturforscher-Vereins zu Riga. Unluckily the older volumes of 
this journal are missing in our library. I could therefore 
rely only on the titles. But in the last century geographical 
names were used which now are ambiguous. So the often used 
“Baltic provinces” (Ostseeprovinzen) comprised Latvia as well 
as Estonia. Likewise, “Livland” or “Livonia” meant the 
northern province of Latvia (Vidzeme) as well as the southern 
part of Estonia. So I listed only those articles in which the 
title points beyond doubt to Latvian localities. In some 
cases, the two bibliographies differed in the years given or in 
the text of the titles. Without having the original articles, 
I can do nothing to settle these discrepancies. To save space 
I will not quote the full title and source, but only the 
numbers in v. Trautvetter's article: 90, 95, 130, 190, 293, 
327, 597, 599,° 6741 677), 680,-'664,. 942, BU92 » 4220,5427 7494293; 
1407, 1594, 1651. Von Trautvetter cites one other 
bibliography, by F. Buhse et A. Buchholtz, Uebersicht der 
naturhistorischen Literatur von Liv-, Kur- und Ehstland in 
Korrespondenzbl. Naturf.-Vereins Riga 7, 1854. 

I am aware of a serious shortcoming of this paper, which 
could be raised against it, namely partial want of vouchers. 
There is demand in some quarters that each published record 
should be supported by a vouchered specimen. Some of my early 
collections are preserved in Riga. Now and then they are 
quoted in the Latvian postwar literature. A recent citation 
was Thymus marschallianus Willd. (T. pannonicus All., according 
to Tutin, 1964-1977), mentioned in connection with the 
rediscovery of this plant, partly on railroads (Cepurfte, 
1982). But there should be many other vouchered specimens in 
Riga, especially in Kupffer's herbarium (now in the possession 
of the University). He had determined all of my rare plants 
until his untimely death in 1935, and kept often some material 
of my collections. This assertion is confirmed in at least one 

320 Peasy (TiO 106 Ich Vol. 58, No. 

case. Fatare (1978) enumerates in her Chorology the known 
localities of the rare and protected Ajuga pyramidalis L., and 
lists among them “Ligciens G. RIG. (= Herbarium balticum K. R. 
Kupffer), Miihlenbach 1931.” After his death, my plants with 
one exception (Geranium collinum) remained in my herbariun, 
which most probably was lost during the last war. I thought it 
would be worthwhile to quote all species, even if not 
unambiguously supported by vouchers so that their eventual 
rediscovery by other might be facilitated. Most of the species 
are natives and therefore could grow very well there. The 
synanthropes are another story, since according to my 
experiences most of these plants perish in a short time. 

The second problem with my paper is that I was not able to 
use all Latvian postwar botanical works, because not all are 
present in our library. Therefore, it is possible that some of 
my remarks are superfluous, and are solved already by others. 

Finally, I feel a duty to express my gratitude to the 
Director of the Missouri Botanical Garden, Prof. Dr. Peter H. 
Raven, who allowed me to plunge into a project far out of the 
scope of the present research activities at the Garden. In 
result, these, my reflections and reminiscences of the flora of 
Latvia, my old country of origin, were created. 


Afanassiev, C. 1959. Nomenclatory notes on some species of 
the genus Achillea L. Bot. Mater. Gerb. Bot. Inst. 
Komarova Acad. Nauk USSR 19: 360-366. (in Russian). 

Beschel, R. 1969. Floristic relations of the Nearctic islands. 
Bot. Zurn. USSR 54: 872-891. (in Russian with English 

Birkmane, K and J. Jukna. 1974, Specific composition of the 
flora [of Maritime Lowland]. Pp. 22-42 in L. Tabaka, Flora 
and vegetation of the Latvian SSR Maritime Lowland. 
Zinatne, Riga. (in Russian). 

» G. Kjaviga, L. Tabaka, B. Talla, and J. Jukna. 1977. 
Specific composition of the flora [of the geobotanical 
region Kurzeme]. Pp. 20-65 in L. Tabaka, Flora and 
vegetation of the Latvian SSR geobotanical region of 
Kurzeme. Zinatne, Riga. (in Russian). 

Cepurite, B. 1982. Thymus marshallianus Willd. in the Latvian 
flora. Pp. 7-8 in G. Abele & J. Viksne, Rare plants and 
animals. Latztizpi, Riga. (in Latvian). 


1985 MUhlenbach, Flora of Latvia 321 

Doss, B. 1898. Uber Inselbildung und Verwachsung von Seen in 
Livland unter wesentlichen Betheiligung koprogener 
Substanz. Korrespondenzbl. Naturf.-Vereins Riga 40: 

Fatare, I. 1977. The genus Bromus L. s.l. Pp. 121-132 in L. 
Tabaka, Flora and vegetation of the Latvian SSR i 
geobotanical region of Kurzeme. Zinatne, Riga. (in 

» et al. 1978. Chorology of the flora of the Latvian SSR. 
I. Zinatne, Riga. (in Russian). 

, et al. 1980. Chorology of the flora of the Latvian SSR. 
II. Zin&dtne, Riga. (in Russian). 

, et al. 1981. Chorology of the flora of the Latvian SSR. 
III. Zinadtne, Riga. (in Russian). 

Galenieks, P. 1953-1959. Flora of the Latvian SSR. Vol. 1-4. 
Latvian State Publ. House, Riga. (in Latvian). 

Gautzsch, 0. 1939. Floristische Notizen. Korrespondenzbl. 
Naturf.-Vereins Riga 63: 142-144, 

Kjavipa, G, M. Plotnieks, L. Tabaka, B. Talla, and J. Jukna. 
1979. The structure of the flora in the geobotanical 
region [of Northern Vidzeme]. Pp. 18-78 in L. Tabaka, 
Flora and vegetation of the Latvian SSR geobotanical region 
of Northern Vidzeme. Zin&tne, Riga. (in Russian). 

Kupffer, K. R. 1899. Beitrag fur Kenntnis der Gefasspflanzen 
Kurlands. Korrespondenzbl. Naturf.-Vereins Riga 41: 

. 1925. Grundziige der Pflanzengeographie des 
Ostbaltischen Gebiets. Abhandl. Herder-Inst. Riga Vol. l, 
No. 6. G. Loffler. Riga. 

1927. Floristische Notizen iiber ostbaltische 
Gefasspflanzen. Korrespondenzbl. Naturf.-Vereins Riga 59: 

1934, Floristische und kritische Notizen tiber 
ostbaltische Pflanzen. Korrespondenzbl. Naturf.-Vereins 
Riga 61: 199-225. 

Latvian Encyclopaedia. (pre-war). 15: 30423-30425. 

322 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 58, No. 

Lehmann, E. 1895. Flora von Polnisch-Livland. Arch. Naturk. 
Liv.-Ehst.-Kurlands. Ser. 2, Biol. Naturk. 11: 1-442. 
(and 1896 as supplement). 

Lindemann, E. 1867. Verzeichniss derjenigen Pflanzenarten 
welche durch Abtretung der russischen amerikanischen 
Landbesitzungen gegenwartig aus der Flora rossica 
auszuscheiden sind. Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscow 40 
(T} 2s S59-56R- 

Mannerkorpi, P. 1944-1945. Avdentive flora at the Uhtua 
front. Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. “Vanamo” (Not. Bot. 
15) 20: 39-51. (in Finnish with German summary). 

Matthies, H. 1925. Die Bedeutung der Eisenbahnen und der 
Schiffahrt fiir die Pflanzenverbreitung in Mecklenburg. 
Arch. Vereins Freunde Naturgesch. Mecklenburg n.s. 1: 27-97. 

Miihlenbach, V. 1932-1934. Die Adventivflora des Rigaer 
Eisenbahnknotens. Acta Horti Bot. Univ. Latv. 7: 87-130. 

1979. Contributions to the synanthropic (adventive) 
flora of the railroads in St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. Ann. 
Missouri Bot. Gard. 66: 1-108. 

1983. Supplement to the contributions to the 
synanthropic (adventive) flora of the railroads in St. 
Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 70: 

Pétersone, A. and K. Birkmane. 1980. Plant florula of the 
Latvian SSR. Zvaigzne, Riga. (in Latvian). 

Rasip$, A. 1960. Critical remarks about new and little known 
taxa of higher plants in the flora of the Latvian SSR. Pp. 
111-147 in A. Ozols, The vegetation of the Latvian SSR 
III. Publishing house of the Academy of the Sciences of 
the Latvian SSR, Riga. (in Latvian). 

RiekstipS, J. 1980. Native roses. Zinatne, Riga. (in 

. 1981. New localities of some rare plants in Latvian 
SSR. Pp. 63-78 in T. Abele, L. Tabaka, and E. Vimba, 
Actual problems of conservation of the flora of the Latvian 
Ssh *"€in Latvian). 

Schultz, A. A. 1976. Adventive flora on the territory of 
Riga railway junctions. Bot. Zurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 
61: 1445-1454. (in Russian). 

1985 Mihlenbach, Flora of Latvia 

Starcs, K. 1934-1936. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Verbreitung 
und Formenkreise der Dicotyledonen Letlands. Acta Horti 
Bot. Univ. Latv. 9-10: 101-142. 

Tabaka, L. 1974a. Flora and vegetation of the Latvian SSR 
Maritime lowland. Zinatne, Riga. (in Russian). 

. 1974b. Basic stages of the development of floristic 
research in Latvia. Pp. 7-21 in L. Tabaka, Flora and 
vegetation of the Latvian SSR Maritime Lowland, Zinatne, 
Riga. (in Russian). 

. 1977, Flora and vegetation of the Latvian SSR 
geobotanical region of Kurzeme. Zindtne, Riga. (in 

1979. Flora and vegetation of the Latvian SSR 
geobotanical region of Northern Vidzeme. Zinatne, Riga. 
(in Russian). 

and G. Kjavipa. 1981. The valley of the Abava river. 
Zinadtne, Riga. (in Russian). 

, and M. Plotnieks. 1977. Some methodical 
aueeLienr in research of the specific composition of the 
flora in western Latvia. Pp. 86-120 in L. Tabaka, Flora 
and vegetation of the Latvian SSR geobotanical region of 
Kurzeme. Zinadtne, Riga. (in Russian). 

Tolmachev, A. 1931. About the method of comparative 
floristical research. Zurn. Russ. Bot. Ob¥%. Akad. Nauk 
16: 111-124. (in Russian). 

Trautvetter, E. R. a 1880. Florae Rossicae Fontes. Petropoli. 

Bros. Schuhmacher, V. 0. (in Latin). 

Tutin, T. G. et al. 1964-1977. Flora Europaea. Vol. 1-5. 
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 

Vimba, E. 1981. Resources of the flora of the Latvian SSR. 
Pp. 96-109 in T. Abele, L. Tabaka, and E. Vimba, Actual 
problems of conservation of the flora of the Latvian SSR. 
Avots, Riga. (in Latvian). 



John J. Engel 
Field Museum of Natural History 
Chicago, Illinois 60605 

I have seen several New Zealand collections of Psiloclada 
Clandestina subsp. clandestina fo. major Schust. and compared them 
with other collections of the Psiloclada clandestina complex in 
New Zealand and find that fo. major deserves a higher rank: 

Psiloclada major (Schust.) Engel, comb. nov. 

Basionym: Psiloclada clandestina subsp. clandestina fo. 
major Schust., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 48: 411. 
1980. Type: New Zealand: South Island, 
Westland, Haast Pass, Schuster 59641. 

The differences in lobe number cited in Schuster (1980) are 
constant, and P. major and P. clandestina differ also in vigor. 
The two taxa are surely distinct at the species level. The New 
Zealand taxa may be separated as follows: 

Key to the New Zealand Species of Psiloclada 

l. Leaves of main stems 5-7-lobed; underleaves 3-4-lobed; plants 
filamentous, threadlike in aspect. . ... . P. clandestina 

1. Leaves on main stems 7-9(-10)-lobed; underleaves 5-6(-8)-lobed; 
plants vigorous, leafy in aspect. ......... P. major 

Selected specimens seen: NEW ZEALAND. SOUTH ISLAND. OTAGO: 
Trail between Gunn's Hut and Hidden Falls, ca. 30 m. SE of Lake 
McKerrow, Hatcher 584 (F, UWM); head of Lake McKerrow, Hatcher 1419 
(F, UWM); N. of McKerrow River, Martin's Bay, Hatcher 1000 (F, UWM). 
WESTLAND: Westland Natl. Park, edge of Lake Wombat, Engel 6669A 
(MSC); Camp Creek, W. of Alexander Range, 630-1040 m., Reif C91H, 
Cl24K, C259D (F). NELSON: Paparoa Range, upper slopes of N. side 
of Tiropahi or Four Mile River between sea and Route 6, S. of Char- 
leston, 130-170 m., Engel 19243 (F). 

Literature Cited 

Schuster, R. M., 1980. Studies on Hepaticae, LIV-LVIII. Kurzia v. 

Mart. [Microlepidozia (Spr.) Joerg. ], Megalembidium Schust., 
Psiloclada Mitt., Drucella Hodgs. and Isolembidium Schust. J. 

Hattori Bot. Lab. 48: 337-421. 


Alain H. Liogier 

Botanic Garden, University of Puerto Rico 
Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico 

In my studies on the floras both of Hispaniola and of Puerto Rico, 
I have met some taxonomic problems, some species new to science, a few 
changes in nomenclature and some new records. The following paper is 
the result of my studies. 

The publication of the Flora of Hispaniola is now well under way; 
the third volume was published last March, and the fourth volume is 
at the printer's. As to the Flora of Puerto Rico, the first volume 
is still in press as this is written, and the second volume has been 
sent to the printer. 

It is my hope that these publications will help the botanists to 
better understand the complex Flora of the West Indies. Particularly 
in Hispaniola, no systematic work having been published, with keys and 
descriptions of the species. 


Acacia dealbata Link - HISPANIOLA: HAITI: In forest, common, alt. 1800 
m; Furcy, A. & P. Liogier 21418 (NY, SD, UPR). 
This is obviously an introduction, the plant is native of Australia 
and Tasmania, and has been planted in tropical and subtropical regions. 
Some authors prefer to name it Acacia decurrens var. dealbata. 


Calyptranthes estremenae Alain, spec. nov. 

Arbor 10-15 m alta; rami hornotini compressi saepe bilineati, glan- 
duloso-punctati glabri purpurascentes, vetustiores teretes rubri vel 
grisei, cortice hic illic fisso et delabente; hypophylla non visa; fo- 
lia petiolis 5-10 mm longis supra sulcatis suffulta, lamina elliptica 
vel late elliptica vel suborbiculata, 7-10 cm longa, 5.5-7 cm lata, api- 
ce rotundata, basi rotundata vel obtusissima, medio latissima, nervo 
medio supra ad basim sulcato, superne plano vel obsoleto, lateralibus 
utroque latere 10-12 sub angulo 70-80° abeuntibus, utrinque parum pro- 
minulis, margine plana vel subplana, utrinque subtus praesertim glandu- 
loso-punctata, supra nitida olivacea, subtus pallidiora, chartacea; 
inflorescentiae ad apicem ramorum 2-4, pedunculo usque 6 cm longo, ap- 
planato pilis minimis dibrachiatis adpressis villosi, trichotomae; brac- 
teae non visae; pedicelli primarii usque 12 mm longi; pedicelli termina- 


326 rPeYT TOL Oe ia Vol. 58, No. 5 

les 6-10 mm longi, flores albi; alabastra non visa; calycis limbus 
supra ovarium fere 2.5 mm productus, calyptra membranacea glanduloso- 
punctata 3 mm diam.; petala non visa; stamina 5 mm longa, stylus 3 mm 
longus, apice capitatus; bacca non visa. 

PUERTO RICO: Las Cuevas, Camuy, A. Liogier 35670, collected by 

William Estremena in flower, July 1985 (typus: UPR; isotypus: NY). 

This species seems to be near to C. collina Urb. & Ekm., from Haiti; 
this last species has much smaller leaves, the peduncles much shorter; 
the flowers are unknown in this last species. Much collecting remains 
to be done in the islad of Hispaniola, mainly in Haiti; many species 
were described by Urban and Ekman from sterile material. 

Calyptranthes martorellii Alain, sp. nov. 

Frutex usque 2.5 m altus; ramuli tereti dense ferrugineo-villosi; 
rami plerumque dichotomi vetustiores cortice brunneo striato, glabres- 
centes; hypophylla elliptica dense ferrugineo-villosa, usque 1.5 cm 
longa, 0.5 cm lata, glanduloso-punctata, apice rotundata vel obtusa, 
basi attenuata; folia chartacea obovata vel elliptica, 2-2.5 cm longa, 
0.8-1.5 cm lata, apice rotundata vel late obtusa, basi attenuata acuta, 
nervo medio supra impresso, subtus prominulo, lateralibus nullis, mar- 
gine plana vel leviter revoluta, utrinque glanduloso-punctata opaca, 
subtus pallidiora, petiolo nullo vel 1 mm longo, brunneo-villoso. Flo- 
res 1-3 in axillis superioribus sessiles, alabastra in bracteis binis 
inclusa; bracteae basi ellipticae apice saepe falcata usque 7 mm longae, 
ferrugineo-tomentosae et glanduloso-punctatae, ad anthesim e basim 
cadentes; alabastra globulosa, 3.5 mm longa, 2 mm lata, dense ferrugi- 
neo-sericea, apice breviter vel longiuscule apiculata (apiculum usque 
2 mm longum, interdum setaceum); calycis tubus supra ovarium 1 mm longe 
productus; petala non visa; antherae didymae, stylus ad apicem attenua- 
tus; fructus globosus (non plane maturus?) 5 mm diam., ferrugineo-villo- 

PUERTO RICO: In wet forest, Cerro Maravilla area, 1100 m alt., March 

2, 1983, A.H. Liogier, P. Liogier & L.F.Martorell 33970 (Typus: UPR, 
isotypi: NY, US, GH, P); id. May 23, 1984, A.H. Liogier & L.F.Martorell 
35084 (UPR, NY, US, GH, etc.). 

At first, this species might be taken as a small-leaved form of Caly- 

ptranthes krugii Kiaersk. Both species grow in the rain forest, above 
1,000 m altitude, both have sessile flowers and fruits and both are 


C. krugii has usually larger leaves (up to 5 cm long and 3.5 cm 
broad), the lateral nerves are often visible beneath, the bracts are 
shorter than the buds and rounded; the bud is long-apiculate; the calyx- 
tube is very little produced beyond the ovary, forming a very shallow 

I name this species after Dr. Luis F. Martorell, who has contributed 

1985 Liogier, Novitates antillanae 327 

so much to the collecting in Puerto Rico and some adjacent islands, 
and whose studies and publications have added to our knowledge of the 
Flora of our region. 

Calyptranthes peduncularis Alain was originally collected in the 
Maricao State Forest, on serpentine; it is distinguished by its l- 
flowered peduncles, its apiculate calyptra; C. dumetorum Alain, also 
collected on serpentine, at Susua, seemed different at first; although 
there were no flowers nor fruits, the emnants of the hypsophylls were 
mistakenly taken for old flowers. Upon examining the type specimens of 
both species and also further collections, I have come to the conclusion 
that both taxa are identical and therefore C. dumetorum has to be consi- 
dered as a synonym to C. peduncularis. 

Eugenia laevis Berg. 

PUERTO RICO: West of Bayamoén, June 9, 1959, R. Woodbury s.n. (UPR 
2401); Aguadilla, June 17, 1959, R. Woodbury s.n. (UPR 2400); Guajata- 
ca Tunnel, Nov. 1961, R. Woodbury s.n. (UPR 2398); Guajataca Gorge, 
April 1964, R. Woodbury s.n. (UPR 2399); Ranchos Guayama, Salinas, Oct. 
15, 1970, R. Woodbury s.n. (UPR 2397); Quebradillas Gorge, June 1974, 
R. Woodbury s.n. (UPR 5440). 

First record in Puerto Rico; Hispaniola, Central America. 

Myrcia maricaensis Alain, sp. nov. 

Arbor 10 m alta, truncus 13 cm diam.; ramuli, petioli et paniculae 
adpresse brunneo-pubescentes; folia coriacea, elliptica vel obovata, 5- 
6.5 cm longa, 2-4 cm lata, apice obtusa vel subacuta, basi acuta in pe- 
tiolum 3-5 mm longum attenuata, nervo medio supra basim versus paullo 
impresso, subtus ad basim prominente, lateralibus supra obsoletis, sub- 
tus numerosis vix prominulis, interse nervo marginali 1-2 mm e margine 
remoto anastomosantibus, saepe obsoletis; folia supra glabra atroviren- 
tia, subtus pallidiora adpresse pubescentia, non glanduloso-punctata; 
inflorescentiae multiflorae, 5-8 mm longae, brunneo-pubescentes, pedun- 
culi 3-4 cm longi; flores subsessili vel pedicelli usque 1 cm longi; 
bracteae lineares 1-2 mm longae; alabastra obovoidea, 2-3 mm longa; hy- 
panthium intus glaber, cupulatum, supra ovarium productum; calycis lobi 
5, subaequales, extus tomentosi, rotundati, intus glabri, 1.2-1.5 mm 
longi, post anthesim reflexi; discus 2 mm latus, stylus 2.5-3 mm longus 
apice dilatatus; petala oblonga, 2-3 mm longa; stamina circa 50; fructus 
non visus. 

PUERTO RICO: In montane forest, Maricao State Forest, 300-800 m alt., 
Cain road, near Buenavista, July 16, 1950, Elbert L. Little 13421 (NY, 
holotypus, US); id., Rock House area, July 18, 1966, R. Woodbury s.n. 
(UPR 2307); id., June 20, 1970, R. Woodbury 20480 (NY, UPR); id., July 
18, 1971, R. Woodbury s.n. (UPR 3274) 

This species belongs to section Aulomyrcia, as of the treatment by 
R. McVaugh (Taxon 17: 377-381. 1968). It seems to be related to Myrcia 

328 Peay T Ook, O.6AI A Vol. 58, No. 5 

tomentosa (Aubl.) DC., from Trinidad and Guiana. This last species has 
larger leaves (5-9.5 cm long, 2-5 cm broad), puberulous above, transpa- 
rent-dotted, the nerves rather prominent beneath. 

Myrcia margarettae (Alain) Alain, comb. nov. 

Eugenia margarettae Alain, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 90: 190. 1963. 

This plant known from the type specimen only (Alain Liogier 9400, NY) 
belongs to sect. Myrcia in the McVaugh paper; its rather large and cons- 
picuous flowers, its elliptic rounded to emarginate leaves, distinguish 
it from M. deflexa (Poir.) DC. Obviously, and according to McVaugh's 
revision of the American genera (Taxon 17: 354-418. 1968), this plant 
with 5-merous flowers belongs in Myrcia, not in Eugenia. 


Following recent authors (cf. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 38: 51. 1984), I 
here reduce the species of Didymopanax to Schefflera: 

Schefflera gleasonii (Britton & Wilson) Alain, comb. nov. 

~ Didymopanax gleasonii Britton & Wilson; Sci .“SdtvwenP.- Rico’ & VV. ial. 
This plant is endemic to the high mountains in the central cordillera 
in Puerto Rico, and much rarer in the Luquillo mountains to the East. 

Schaefflera tremula (Krug & Urban) Alain, comb. nov. 

~ Didymopanax tremulus Krug & Urban, Symb. Ant. 1: 206. 1899. 

Endemic to the island of Hispaniola, where it is abundant in the 
mountains, mostly in the Haitian part of the island; in the Dominican 
Republic, it has been collected in the Cordillera Central, the northern 
Cordillera and the mountains South of Barahona. 


While studying this family for the Flora of Puerto Rico, I have met 
a species that years ago was considered by A. Cronquist as a synonym to 
Mastichodendron (Sideroxylon) foetidissimum (Jacq.) Cronquist (Lloydia 
9: 247. 1946). This species, named by Urban Sideroxylon portoricense 
is clearly different from M. foetidissimum: its leaves are acute to 
acuminate at apex, usually ~ longer, the fruit is smaller than in M. foe- 


Mastichodendron portoricense {Urban) Alain, comb. nov. 
~ Sideroxylon ‘portoricense Urban, Symb. Ant. 5: 134. 1904. 

This species, endemic to Puerto Rico is found in forests at lower 
altitudes, in the northern hills and in the western region of the 
island of Puerto Rico. 


Harold N. Moldenke 


Additional synonymy: Aterodendrzon Vahl, in herb. CLeonrodendron 
Meijer, in herb. 

Additional & emended bibliography: C. Muell. in Walp., Ann. Bot. 
Syst. 5: 710--711. 1860; Ettingsh. & Gardn., Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. 30: 
233. 1880; Becc., Malesia 3: 35, 47--51, 211, 291, 314, & 340. 1884; 
Schimp., Wechselbez. Zwisch. Pfl. Ameisen. 1888; Heim, Ann. Rep. 
Smithson. Inst. 1896: 432, pl. 18. 1898; Woodrow, Journ. Bomb. Nat. 
Hist. Soc. 5: 12. 1899; Hiern, Cat. Afr. Pl. Coll. Welw. 1: 839--847. 
1900; GUrke, Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 30: 391. 1901; DeWild., Ann. Mus. Congo 
Bot., ser. 4, 1: 117--120, pl. 37 & 38. 1903; Ridl., Journ. Roy. Asiat. 
Soc. Straits 53: 102--103. 1909; Mehe, Abhandl. Sachs. Ges. Wiss. Math.- 
phys. 32: 312--361. 1911; Wernham, Journ. Bot. Brit. 52: 32--33. 1914; 
Backer, Tropische Natuur 5: 87, 92, & 93. 1916; Wangerin, Justs Bot. 
Jahresber. 52 (1): 392--393 & 462. 1924; Burkill & Haniff, Gard. Bull. 
Straits 6: 234. 1930; Mildbt., Notizb]. Bot. Gart. Berlin 11: 677--680. 
1932; Fedde & Schust., Justs Bot. Jahresber. 54 (2): 747. 1934; Chil- 
lou, Rev. Bot. Appliq. 19: 441. 1939; Uphof, Bot. Rev. 8: 574. 1942; 

E. Os Merc... Pl....Lite .Pacit. World 97, 98, .8.273, 710. 90. Ian. Wh, 
Robyns, Fl. Sperm. Parc Nat. Albert 2: 140--147. 1947; Wild, Vict. 
Falls Handb. 158. 1953; J. K. Jacks., Journ. Ecol. 44: 350 & 363. 1956; 
Anon., Amer. Mid]. Nat. 60: 388. 1958; Gilliland & Jabil, Proc. Sympos. 
Humid Trop. Veg. 64. 1958; Anon., Etud. Tax. Fl. Afr. Trop. Ind. 1959: 
53. 1960; Seaforth, West Afr. Journ. Biol. Appl. Chem. 7: 29 & 31. 
1963; Hocking, Excerpt. Bot. A.7: 454. 1964; Wild, Kirkia 5: 4. 1965; 
Burkill, Dict. Econ. Prod. Malay Penins. 1: 589--596. 1966; Glover, 
Gloss. Bot. Kipsig. Names Kenya 158. 1967; Ashton, Biol. Journ. Linn. 
Soc. 1/2: 193. 1969; Glover, Stewart, Fumerton, Marindany, & Anderson, 
Gloss. Botan. Kipsig. Names 232 & 259. 1969; J. K. Jacks. in Eyre, 
World Veget. Types 94. 1971; Hyland, U. S. Dept. Agr. Pl. Invent. 178: 
209 & 277. 1972; Janzen, Biotropica 6: 253. 1974; Isaacson, Flow. Pl. 
Ind. 1: 335--337. 1979; Judd, Phytologia 58: 233 & 239. 1985; Mold., 
Phytologia 58: 279--303. 1985. 

Additional excluded taxa: C£enrodendron cyaneum Zipp. ex Miq., Ann. 
Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 99 in syn. 1865 = Canyopteris chosenensis Mold. 
CLerodendnon fissicalyx Scheff. ex Mold., Phytol. Mem. 2: 385 in syn. 
1980 = Fanadaya papuana Scheff. 


Emended synonymy: C£erodendron ffLeuryi A. Chev., Bull. Soc. Bot. 
France 58, Mem. 8: 191. 1912. C&erodendrum flLeuryi A. Chev. apud B. 
Thomas, Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 68: [Gatt. em, 47, 83, & 93. 1936. 
CLerodendrum £eLyi Hutch. apud B. Thomas, Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 68: [Gatt. 
Clerod.] 83 & 93 in syn. 1936. 

Additional & emended bibliography: A. Chev., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 


330 PAV rt D1 0.61 A Vol. 58, No. 5 

58 Mem. 8: 191. 1912; Fedde & Schust., Justs Bot. Jahresber. 39 (2): 
319. 1913; A. Chev., Expl. Bot. Afr. Occ. Francg. 1: 508. 1920; Prain, 
Ind. Kew. Suppl. 5, imp. 1, 61. 1921; Hutchins. & Dalz., Fl. W. Trop. 
Afr., ed. 1, 2: 272 & 273. 1931; Chillou, Rev. Bot. Appliq. 19: 441. 
1939; Mold., Alph. List Inv. Names 17--19 & 21. 1942; H. N. & ALL. 
Mold., Pl. Life 2: 59. 1948; Mold., Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., 
ed. 2, 109--114, 180, & 181. 1949; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 5, imp. 2, 
61. 1960; Mold., Phytologia 57: 469--472. 1985. 

CLenodendron <Leurys is based on Chevalier 22160 from Ivory Coast. 
Hutchinson & Dalziel (1931) cite for it Chevakienr 22160, Dalziel 205, 
Dent Young 205, and Lely 384 from Ivory Coast and Northern Nigeria. 


Additional synonymy: C£Lerodendron capitatum var. butayer DeWild., 
Ann. Mus. Congo Bot., ser. 5, 3: 131 in syn. 1909. 

Additional bibliography: Mildbr., Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 11: 
680. 1932; Mold., Phytologia 58: 180 & 303. 1985. 

Mildbraed (1932) asserts that his C. euryphyLlum is very closely 
related to C. angofense, but differs in its distinctive leaf-shape, 
coarsely dentate leaf-blades, matted pubescence on the younger parts 
of the branches, and the few-flowered inflorescences. 

DeWildeman (1909) cites Flamigni 4.n., Huyghe 4.n., Laurent 663 & 
8&2, Pynaert 521, and Senet 698 from Zaire. 


Emended synonymy: C£erodendron bethuneana Low, Sarawak 378 nom. 
nud. 1848. 

Additional bibliography: Mold., Phytologia 58: 192--199. 1985. 

Low's Original (1848) so-called description of this species consists 
merely of the statement that "We had passed....two large shrubs of the 
magnificent C£erodendron Bethuneana which were in full flower". 

Additional bibliography: Mold., Phytologia 58: 300--303. 1985. 
Additional citations: ZAIRE: Quanrné 6235 (Br); Ringoet 375 (Br, 

Br), 4.n. [7/3/12] (Br), 4.n. [1920] (Br); W. Robyns 2069 (Br); RR P. 

Sekesiends S.640 (Br), S$.688 (Br), S.704 (Br). BURUNDI: Lewakle 1164 

(Ld). TANZANIA: Tanganyika: Hoffmann 4.n. [Peter 16293; 0.1V.41] (B); 

Peter 35646 [V.137] (B), 35739 37) (B), 37428 [V.160] (B), 37434 

[v.163] (B), 37568 [V.164] (B). ANGOLA: Bié-Cuando-Cubango: E. J. 

Mendes 2220 (Ld, Ul). Huila: Barbosa & Conneina £927 (U1); E. J. 

Mendes 1831 (U1, U1), 2038 (U1). Lunda: Sanjinje s.n. [V1.54.114] 

(U1). Moxico: Barros Machado 142 (U1), 262 (ur), 286 (U1), 308 (U1), 

322 (U1), 35%e (U1). Province undetermined: Pocock 216 [Lukona- 

Kassassa] (Af). ZAMBIA: Bredo 3802 (Br, N); Feanan 4.n. [Govt. Herb. 

Salisb. 4802] (N); Herb. Queen Victoria Memorial 8192 (Rh); E. Milne- 

Redhead 510 (Br, K), 2558 (Br, K, N); J. G. Read 11 (Af). ZIMBABWE: 

C. E. F. Allen 463 (Rh). NAMIBIA: Baum 533 (Br, Mu--3915, N, S). 

CULTIVATED: Tanzania: M. S. 556 (Mu). 

CLERODENDRUM BUKOBENSE Glirke, Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 18: 182--183 [as "C£eno- 

1985 Moldenke, Notes on CLerodendrzum 331 

dendron" ]. 1893; B. Thomas, Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 68: [Gatt. Clerod.] 
45, 81, & 92. 1936. 

Synonymy: Cf£erodendron bukobense GUrke, Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 18: 182-- 
183. 1893. Cenodendron variifolium DeWild., Bull. Jard. Bot. Brux. 7: 
179. 1920. C&erodendraum vartifolimm DeWild. apud B. Thomas, Engl. 

Bot. Jahrb. 68: [Gatt. perod 81 in syn. 1936. 

Bibliography: Gltrke, Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 18: 182--123. 1893; GUrke in 
Engl., Pflanzenw. Ost-Afr. C: 341. 1895; J. G. Baker in Thiselt.-Dyer, 
Fl. Trop. Afr. 5: 295 & 311--312. 1900; Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. 
Sippl. 1; imp. 1, 10l'. TS0l- DeWito.. Bull. Jara. soc. Brux. 7: 179. 
1920; DeWild., Pl. Bequaert. 2: 268--270. 1922; Fedde & Schust., Justs 
Bot. Jahresber. 48 (1): 496 (1927) and 53 (1): 1072. 1932; B. Thomas, 
Eng]. Bot. Jahrb. 68: [Gatt. Clerod.] 9, 25, 30, 45, 81, & 92. 1936; 
Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 101. 1941; Mold., Alph. 
List Inv. Names 21. 1942; Mold., Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., ed. 
1, 48, 49, & 89 (1942) and ed. 2, 115, 116, & 180. 1949; Durand & 
Jacks., Ind. Kew. Supp]. 1, imp. 3, 101. 1959; Mold., Résumé 141, 143, 
261, 271, & 448. 1959; Mold., Fifth Summ. 1: 228, 235, 440, & 459 (1971) 
and 2: 863. 1971; Mold., Phytol. Mem. 2: 218, 224, & 534. 1980. 

A shrub, subshrub, or suffrutescent herb, sometimes climbing; 
branches and branchlets glabrous or the youngest short-pubescent; leaves 
decussate-opposite; petioles short, alate, and basally articulate, or 
obsolete; leaf-blades papery, oval or ovate to elliptic, 10--12.5 cm. 
long, 4--5 cm. wide, apically acuminate, glabrous or very sparsely 
pilose on both surfaces, often with the venation more or less densely 
velutinous beneath, the lower ones apically coarsely serrate and bas- 
ally narrowed into the short petiole, the upper ones marginally entire, 
basally more or less deeply cordate, and sessile, the uppermost grad- 
ually merging into the foliaceous bracts; inflorescence axillary, borne 
at the tips of the stems and branches, dichotomous; cymes long-peduncu- 
late, few-flowered, lax; peduncles to 4 cm. long, downwardly arched or 
reflexed; rachis and inflorescence-branches short-pubescent; basal 
bracts foliaceous, oval, diminishing in size from the base to the apex 
of the inflorescence; bracteoles 2, minute, linear or filiform, pubes- 
cent, ciliate; flowers pedicellate, the pedicels 3--5 mm. long; calyx 
more or less campanulate, 3.5--7 mm. long, externally glabrous or 
sparsely puberulent, 5-lobed almost to the middle, the lobes rotundate- 
orbicular, 2--3 mm. long, apically obtuse or rounded; corolla short- 
tubular, externally glabrous, green or greenish to white, the anterior 
(lower) lobe blue or lilac to violet, the tube curvate, 7--12 mm. long, 
mostly about twice the length of the calyx, apically ampliate, the 
limb 5-parted, the lobes ovate, apically obtuse; stamens long-exserted; 
filaments basally tomentose; style long-exserted; fruiting-calyx about 
10 mm. wide; immature fruit black. 

This species is based on Stuh&mann 3657, 3834, and 4054 from Bukoba 
in the Karagwe area of Tanganyika, Tanzania, collected in anthesis, re- 
spectively, on March 25, April 5, and April 16, 1892, and deposited 
in the Berlin herbarium, now unfortunately destroyed. Baker (1900) 
cites only the first two of these cotype collections. 

GUrke (1893) -- his work sometimes mis-cited as "1894", the volume 
titlepage date -- comments that "Dieser zur Sektion Cycfonema gehdren- 
de Art ist besonders auffallend durch die Form der Bldtter: die unteren 

332 Psa oe Ge BA Vol. 58, No. 5 

sind am Grunde verschmdlert, die oberer tief herzftrmig; auch die 
zurickgekrimmten Inflorescenzstiele sind sehr charakteristisch". 

DeWildeman's C. varniifoliwm is based on Bequaert 6121 from the 
gallery forest along the sides of a river at Rutshuru, Zaire, collected 
on October 30, 1914, and deposited in the Brussels herbarium. The 
type locality is misspelled “Rutohuru" by Fedde & Schuster (1927). 

DeWildeman (1922) provides interesting morphologic details: “plante 
volubile..... pétiole articulé a la base, & articulation peu visibles 
Sur les jeunes rameaux; limbe des feuilles des rameaux principaux 
elliptiques ou ovales, assez brusquement rétréci, a petiole ailé, at- 
teignant avec ce dernier 24 cm. de long et de 11,5 de large, cuneiforme 
a la base, plus ou moine longuement acuminé au sommet, & bords plus ou 
moins profondément et irrégulitrement dentés, & dents aigués, nervures 
principales latérales au nombre de 6--8 de chaque coté de la nervure 
médiane; feuilles des rameaux latéraux & pétiole a peine ailé, n'‘at- 
teignant souvent que 3 mm. de diam." He also comments that "Cette 
plante rappelle fortement celle que nous avons décrit en 1914 (Fedde 
Repertorium XIII, p. 143) sous le nom C. myntcoddes var. attenuatum, 
Elle se rapproche du C. myricoides, tel que nous 1'avons compris ci- 
dessus par les dimensions et la forme du calice, el se distingue des 
lors de la plante du Katanga, des récoltes de M. Homblé, qui posséde, 
comme les types de notre herbier, du C. mynicorcdes var. camporum Guerke 
et var. Laxum Guerke, un calice trés réduit rappelant le C. ugandense 
Prain (Bot. Magazine pl. 8235), Dans les échantillons du Katanga dont 
nous avons parlé alleurs, le pétiole ailé n‘atteint pas, d'apres les 
exemplaires en notre possession, le diamétre de calui de la plante 
galeries foresti@res du Rutshuru." 

CLerodendrum bukobense has been found growing in gallery forests 
along streams, in flower from March to May and in November. The corol- 
las are described as “greenish with the back petal lilac" on Lebaun 
8423 and "petals white and blue" on Kahurananga & al. 2699. 

Thomas (1936) has designated Stuhfmann 3657 as the type, citing in 
addition Stuhlmann 3834 & 4054 and Bequaert 612]. 

The Peter 33718, distributed as C. bukobense, actually is C. dés- 
colon var. oppositifolium Thomas. 

Citations: ZAIRE: Bequaert 6121 (Br, Ld--photo, N, N--photo); Le- 
braun 8423 (Br, N). TANZANIA: Tanganyika: Kahurananga, Kibuwa, & Mun- 
gai 2699 (Mu). 

CLERODENDRUM BUNGEI Steud., Nom. Bot. Phan., ed. 2, 1: .82. 1840. 
Synonymy: C£erodendron foetidum Bunge, Enum. Pl. Chin. Bor. 52. 1833 
[not C. foetidum D. Don, 1825, nor Hort., 1853]. CLenodendrum foetidum 
Bunge apud Steud., Nom. Bot. Phan., ed. 2, 1: 382 in syn. 1840. 
CLerodendron folLiosum Bunge ex D. Dietr., Syn. Pl. 3: 615. 1843. 
CLerodendron bunget Steud. apud Schau. in A. DC., Prodr. 11: 672 in syn. 
1847. C&enodendron noseum Hort. ex Carr., Rev. Hort. 47: 80. 1876. 
VoLkameria bungei Hort. ex Lavallee, Arb. Segrez. 179. 1877. Ovieda 
foetida Baill., Hist. Pl. 11: 87, fig. 100. 1891. C&enodendron 
bungeanum Steud. apud Bretschn., Hist. Europ. Bot. Discov. China 338. 
1898. CLenodendron bunget Hort. ex Koord. & Valet., Meded. Lands 
Plant. 42 [Beijdr. Booms. Java 7]: 164. 1900. C£erodendron foetidum 
noseum Hort. ex Schelle in Beissner, Schelle, & Zabel, Handb. Laubh. 

1985 Moldenke, Notes on CLerodendrum 333 

425 nom. nud. 1903. CLenodendron edquinolii Lévl., Feddes Repert. 
Spec. Nov. 11: 298. 1912 [not C. esquinokii Lévl., Feddes Repert. 
Nov. 11: 302. 1912]. Pavetta esquinokii Lévl., Feddes Repert. Spec. 
Nov. 13: 178. 1914. C&erodendron oetidum Bunge apud Bakh. in Lam & 
Bakh., Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenz., ser. 3, 3: 88 sphalm. 1921. CLeno- 
dendron {ragnrans var. foetida (Bunge) Bakh. in Lam & Bakh., Bull. Jard. 
Bot. Buitenz., ser. 3, 3: 89. 1921. Cenodendron yatschuense H. Wink- 
ler, Feddes Repert. Spec. Nov. Beih. 12: 474. 1922. CLenodendron 
bunget Stend. apud Rehd., Man. Cult. Trees Shrubs, ed. 2, imp. 1, 806 
in syn. 1940. C£erodendron bunget Stand]. ex Bravo Hollis & Ramirez 
Cantu, Anal. Inst. Biol. Mex. 22: 421 sphalm. 1951. C£enrodendrum 
bungei Stend apud Renno, Levant. Herb. Inst. Agron. Minas 149 sphalm. 
1960. Cenodendron foetidum (Burm.) Bunge, in herb. CLerodendron 
foetidum (L.) Bunge, in herb. C£erodendron yatachouense H. Winkler, 
in herb. C£erodendron faetium Bunge, in herb. C£enrodendron bungeana 
Ledin, in herb. C£erodendraum bunger Standl., in herb. CLenodendron 
bungecé Stand|., in herb. 

Bibliography: Sweet, Hort. Brit., ed. 2, 416. 1830; Bunge, Enum. Pl. 
Chin. Bor. 52. 1833; Bunge, Mém. Div. Sav. Acad. Sci. St.-Pétersb. 2: 
126. 1835; Lind]., Edwards Bot. Reg. 24: pl. 41. 1838; Steud., Nom. 
Bot. Phan. eds:.2, bs 382h 383. 1840; DBD. Dietr.,5 Sym Pld: 615. 
1843; Walp., Repert. Bot. Syst. 4: 101 & 108. 1845; Schau. in A. OC., 
Prodr. 11: 672. 1847; Planch. & Van Houtte, Fl. Serres Jard., ser. 1, 
9: 17, pl. 863 & 864. 1853; Regel, Gartenfl. 3: 96. 1854; Sweet, Orna- 
ment. Flow. Gard. 3: pl. 157. 1854; Hassk., Retzia 60--61. 1855; W. 
Hook., Curtis Bot. Mag. 81 [ser. 3, 11]: pl. 4880. 1855; Buek, Gen. 
Spec. Syn. Candoll. 3: 105 & 106. 1858; Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 2: 881-- 
882. 1858; Dupuis, Nouv. Fl. Usuel. Méd. 2: 311. 1860; C. Muell. in 
Walp., Ann. Bot. Syst. 5: 711. 1860; Bocq., Adansonia, ser. 1, 2: 92-- 
94 & 159 (1862) and ser. 1 [Baill., Rec. Observ. Bot.], 3: 214. 1863, 
Bocq.. Rév. Verbenac. 12--14. 1863; Carr., Rev. Hort. 37: 470--471 
(1866) and 47: 80. 1876; Lavallée, Arb. Segrez. 179. 1877; Lauche, 
Deutsche Dendrol., ed. 2, 154. 1883; Vesque, Ann. Sci. Nat. Paris, 
ser. 7, 1: 336 & 339--343. 1885; Maxim., Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.- 
Pétersb. 31: 83 & 84. 1886; Maxim., Mél. Biol. 12: 486 & 487. 1886; 
Forbes & Hemsl., Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. Bot. 26: 250. 1890; Baill., 
Hist. Pl. 11: 87, fig. 100. 1891; "W. W.", Garden Lond. 42: 563. 1892; 
Bois, Dict. Hort. 1: 334. 1893; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. 
Kew., imp. 1, 1: 560 & 561. 1893; Nichols., Garden Lond. 43: 505. 
1893; Briq. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., ed. 1, 4 (3a): 135. 
1895; Voss in Vilm., Blumengdrt. 1: 829--831. 1895; Bretschn., Hist. 
Europ. Bot. Disc. China 338. 1898; Diels, Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 29: 549. 
1900; Koord. & Valet., Meded. Lands Plant. Bog. 42 [Beijdr. Boomsart. 
Java 7]: 164. 1900; Pitard, Péricycle 88 [thesis]. 1901; Diels, Fl. 
Cent.-China 549. 1902; Schelle in Beissner, Schelle, & Zabel, Handb. 
Laubh. 425. 1903; D. H. Scott in Solered. [trans]. Boodle & Fritsch], 
Syst. Anat. Dicot. 2: 1022. 1908; Solered., Syst. Anat. Dicot. Er- 
gdnz. 255. 1908; Mottet, Jardin 23: 228. 1909; Apgar, Orn. Shrubs U. 
S. 292, fig. 510. 1910; Backer, Ann. Jard. Bot. Buitenz. Suppl. 3: 
398. 1910; C. K. Schneid., Illust. Handb. Laubholzk. 2: 592 & 595, 
fig. 384 h & i. 1911; F. W. Harv., Garden Lond. 76: 24. 1912; Koord., 

334 PR WEEE 0 Gob A Vol... 56, Hou 5 

Exkursionsfl. 3: 139. 1912; Diels, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 7: 332 
& 349. 1913; "A. 0.", Garden Lond. 77: 560. 1913; Pardé, Bull. Soc. 
Dendr. France 12: 104 & 131. 1913; J. K. Small, Fl. Southeast. U. S., 
ed. 2, 1363. 1913; J. K. Small, Shrubs Fla. 117. 1913; Léveillé, 

Feddes Repert. Spec. Nov. 13: 178. 1914; Léveille, Fl. Kouy-Tchéou 

371. 1914; P. C. Standl., Torreya 15: 9. 1915; Hadden, Garden Lond. 

80: 440--441. 1916; Rehd. in Sarg., Pl. Wils. 3: 375. 1916; Léveilléd, 
Cat. Pl. Yun-Nan 277. 1917; "G. J.", Garden Lond. 83: 506. 1919; Cow- 
ley, Garden Lond. 84: 524. 1920; Bakh. in Lam & Bakh., Bull. Jard. 

Bot. Buitenz., ser. 3, 3: 88, 89, 108, & viii. 1921; H. Winkler, Feddes 
Repert. Spec. Nov. Beih. 12: 474. 1922; Fedde, Justs Bot. Jahresber. 
422) 848.01 923601 4 en Bai Leys Mange CultenuPlé , cedechjedmph4506339.9)684, 

& 808 (1924) and ed. 1, imp. 2, 633, 634, & 808. 1925; Arnold, Gard. 
Chron.ii SEP 4.39¢822-:349. 93.9275." Ae G.- Foe Gard. «Cheah 4¢Ser.t3 82 
505. 1927; Hegi, Illust. Fl. Mitteleur. 5 (3): 2237. 1927; Rehd., Man. 
Cult. Trees Shrubs, ed. 1, imp. 1, 778. 1927; Dop, Bull. Soc. Hist. 

Nat. Toulouse 57: 167--169. 1928; "N. K. G.", Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 84: 
207, fig. 94. 1928; Hottes, Book Shrubs, ed. 1, 162. 1928; Wisley, 
Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 34: 207, fig. 94. 1928; Fedde, Justs Bot. Jahres- 
ber. 47 (2): 300. 1929; A. W. Hill, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 7: 253. 1929; 
Stapf, Ind. Lond. 2: 238. 1930; Hottes, Book Shrubs, ed. 2, 188. 1931; 
Fedde & Schust., Justs Bot. Jahresber. 53 (1): 1073. 1932; P'ei, Mem. 
Sc.tneH0c Sc Chiinards 43 ). 26 4.24,700.25), 8M. 38-2140. 1 932 392P ets) Sinenstarze 
74. 1932; Rehnault, Pareys Blumengdrt., ed. 1, 282. 1932; Wilder, Frag. 
Path 208, 263, & 386. 1932; Beauverd, Bull. Soc. Bot. Genev., ser. 2, 
24: 253. 1933; Dop & Pindat, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulouse 65: 36/7-- 
368. 1933; J. K. Small, Man. Southeast. Fl. 1143--1144. 1933; Becherer, 
Bericht. Schweitz. Bot. Gesell. 43 (1): 67. 1934; Bremekamp, Feddes 
Repert. Spec. Nov. 37: 191. 1934; Junell, Symb. Bot. Upsal. 1 (4): 101, 
104, 180, & 181, fig. 165. 1934; Rehd., Journ. Arnold Arb. 15: 324. 
1934; Rehd., Man. Cult. Trees Shrubs, ed. 1, imp. 2, 778. 1934; L. H. 
Bailey, Florists Handl. Verbenac. [mss.]. 1935; Dop in Lecomte, Fl. 
Gén. Indo-chin. 4: 850 & 858--859. 1935; Rehd., Man. Cult. Trees 
Shrubs, ed. 1, imp. 3, 778. 1935; Wangerin, Justs Bot. Jahresber. 55 
(1): 834. 1935; Makins, Ident. Trees Shrubs 74 & 259, fig. 62D. 1936; 
Wangerin, Justs Bot. Jahresber. 56 (1): 669. 1936; Troncoso, Darwini- 
Bnanseas 7. b9S7s0k nie Bailey, MaheoCalt -. Phe.ede 3 ips 39) 633 4634, 
& 808. 1938; Mold., Alph. List Comm. Vern. Names 7. 1939; Mold., Lilloa 
4: 331< 19395: Moldzs)Prelim.i Alph. List! InvieNames/ 195 22, &033,,3940; 
Rehd., Man. Cult. Trees Shrubs, ed. 2, imp. 1, 806 & 937. 1940; L. H. 
Bailey, Man. Cult. Pl., ed. 1, imp. 4, 633, 634, & 808. 1941; L. H. & 
E. Z. Bailey, Hortus Second, imp. 1, 188. 1941; Calderon & Standl., 

Fl. Salvad., ed. 2, 236. 1941; Mold., Lilloa 6: 319--320. 1941; Wors- 
dell, Ind. Lond. Suppl. 1: 238. 1941; Hottes, Book Shrubs, ed. 4, 188. 
1942; Mold., Alph. List Inv. Names 17, 21, & 34. 1942; Mold., Known 
Geogr: "Distrib<colerbenac:.). eds 40S 66 7 10322 63 (275 (31 436,48, 154, 
56, 71, & 89. 1942; Mold. in Lundell, Fl. Tex. 3 (1): 83--85. 1942; 
Herter, Revist. Sudam. Bot. 7: 224. 1943; L. H. Bailey, Man. Cult. Pl., 
ed. 1, imp. 5, 633, 634, & 808. 1944; E. L. D. Seymour, New Gard. En- 
cycl., ed. 3, 288. 1944; Bowden, Amer. Journ. Bot. 32: 195, 198, & 199, 
fig. 204. 1945; Mold., Phytologia 2: 98. 1945; Jacks. in Hook. f. & 
Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 1: 560 & 561. 1946; Mold., Alph. List Cit. 

1985 Moldenke, Notes on CLerodendrum 335 

bal S52 OSCU ba 5 AS ee, (25 BE p95 56 | 59° BB A101 116 ot ees 
7395295300166) (1785. 993.1 96.50 2029216, °21T, 220° 238, 26) .° 2715 276, 
284--286, 288, & 291. 1946; E. L. D. Seymour, New Gard. Encycl., ed. 4, 
288. 1946; Mold., Alph. List Inv. Names Suppl. 1: 6. 1947; P*ei, Bot. 
BullicAcadye Stn 12°5.0194F; Mold: S-Alph.! E¥Sto CPE. 25° 337," 344, 349, 
365, 367--369, 413, 424, 426, 429, 456, 466, 469, 479, 480, 483, 485, 
494, 499, 500, 504, 509, 512, 522, 526, 527, 535, 540, 549, 552, 560, 
563, 564, 566, 567, 572, 573, 581, 588, 606, 613, 618, & 631. 1948; 
Heene’&. As be Molds, Pe Life 2: 52. 1946;: Preston, Gard. Chron.) Ser. 
39882355432, -F¥96°65.R9485 U7 | Ae Batley, Man. “Cults Pl .4° eds 2,°84s" & 
1051. 1949; Mold., Alph. List Cit. 3: 663, 708, 714, 718, 721, 722, 
725, 730, 763, 816, 828, 844, 849, 852, 879, 885, 907, 924, 949, 953, 
964, & 971 (1949) and 4: 986, 997, 1011, 1017, 1019, 1022, 1034, 1040-- 
1042, 1048, 1051, 1052, 1060, 1070, 1076, 1077, 1085, 1087, 1091, 1104, 
1112, 1136, 1137, 1147, 1201, 1202, 1246, & 1254. 1949; Mold., Known 
Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., ed. 2, 7, 9--11, 18, 22, 29, 49, 59, 76, 
100, 126, 131, 158, & 180. 1949; Rehd., Bibliog. Cult. Trees 585. 1949; 
Frezzi, Revist. Invest. Agric. 4: 86. 1950; Hottes, Book Shrubs, ed. 5, 
188. 1950; Bravo Hollis & Ramirez CantG, Anal. Inst. Biol. Mex. 22: 
421. 1951; Eisenstaedt, Life 30 (8): 66. 1951; Rehd., Man. Cult. Trees 
Shrubs, ed. 2, imp. 2, 806 & 937. 1951; E. L. D. Seymour, New Gard. 
Encycl., ed. 5, 288. 1951; Thorne, Castanea 16: 43. 1951; Blackburn, 
Trees Shrubs East. N. Amer. 116. 1952; Hottes, Book Shrubs, [ed. 6, 
imp. 1], 188. 1952; Mold., Journ. Calif. Hort. Soc. 15: 87. 1954; Dar- 
lington & Wylie, Chromos. Atlas, ed. 2, imp. 1, 324. 1956; Synge in 
Chittenden, Roy. Hort. Soc. Dict. Hort., ed. 2, 1: 504 & 505. 1956; 
Anon., U. S. Dept. Agr. Bot. Subj. Ind. 15: 14355 & 14356. 1958; Hot- 
tes, Book Shrubs, [ed. 6, imp. 2], 188. 1958; Mattoon, Pl. Buyers 
Guide, ed. 6, 100. 1958; Hottes, Book Shrubs, [ed. 6, imp. 3], 188. 
1959; Mold., Résumé 10--12, 14, 23, 27, 35, 58, 66, 88, 123, 160, 168, 
181, 215, 261, 263, 271, 329, & 448. 1959; Encke, Pareys Blumengdrt., 
ed. 2, 2: 448. 1960; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 1: 
560 & 561. 1960; Kitamura & Okamoto, Col. Illust. Trees Shrubs Jap. 
221. 1960; J. F. Macbr., Field Mus. Publ. Bot. 13 (5): 698. 1960; 
Mold., Résumé Suppl. 2: 7. 1960; Renné, Levant. Herb. Inst. Agron. 
Minas 149. 1960; Mold., Résumé Suppl. 3: 9, 19, 28, & 30 (1962) and 4: 
10. 1962; Graf, Exotica 3: 1481 & 1577. 1963; E. L. D. Seymour, New 
Gard. Encycl., ed. 6, 288 (1963) and ed. 7, 288. 1964; Lord, Shrubs 
Trees Austral. Gard., ed. 2, 259. 1964; T. M. Simpson, Gard. South. 
Afr. 191. 1964; Liogier, Rhodora 67: 350. 1965; Neal, Gard. Hawaii, ed. 
2, 731. 1965; Pitschman, Reisigl, & Schiechtl, Fl. SUdalp. 189. 1965; 
B. K. & K. Boom, Glory Tree 108. 1966; Everett, Reader's Digest Compl. 
Book Gard. 416 & 422. 1964; Hellyer, Shrubs Colour [31] & 32. 1966; 
Mold., Resumé Suppl. 13: [1]. 1966; Schnell & Grout de Beaufort, Con- 
trib. Etude Pl. Myrmecod. 40. 1966; Ewan, Southwest. La. Journ. 7: 4). 
1967; Hyams, Ornam. Shrubs Temp. Zone 5: 34. 1967; Mold., Résume 

Supp]. 15: 14 & 18. 1967; Rehd., Man. Cult. Trees Shrubs, ed. 2, imp. 
11, 806 & 937. 1967; H. van P. Wils. & Bell, Fragrant Year 274. 1967; 
Dean, Trees Shrubs Heart Dixie, ed. 2, 210, fig. 396. 1968; Mold., Ré- 
sumé Suppl. 16: 13 & 19 (1968) and 17: 7. 1968; Stucchi, Fiori 11: 129. 
1968; Bolkh., Grif, Matvej., & Zakhar., Chrom. Numb. Flow. Pl., imp. 

1, 715. 1969; Fogg, Concise Guide Shrubs 35. 1969; Hay & Synge, Color 

336 Pah DOL DODGER Vol. 58, No. 5 

Dict. Fls. Plants 190, pl. 1517. 1969; G. W. Thomas, Tex. Pl. Ecolog. 
Summ. 77. 1969; Barbey, Arbor. Ornement., ed. 4, 76. 1970; Bean, Trees 
Shrubs Hardy Brit. Isls., ed. 8, 1: 666--667. 1970; El-Gazzar & Wats., 
New Phytol. 69: 483 & 485. 1970; Graf, Exot. Pl. Man., ed. 1, 492 & 
829. 1970; Mold. in Correll & Johnston, Man. Vasc. Pl. Tex. [Contrib. 
Tex. Res. Found. 6:] 1341, 1807, 1809, 1814, 1827, 1830, 1834, & 1878. 
1970; Morley, Wild Fils. World pl. 104F. 1970; E. L. D. Seymour, New 
Gard. Encycl., ed. 8, 288. 1970; Angely, Fl. Anal. Fitogeogr. Est. S. 
Paulo, ed. 1, 4: 829 & iv, map 1373. 1971; Long & Lakela, Fl. Trop. 
Fig. f@dcels .713808:935..107);, Mold. oF ifthe Sammi 23: 28, 269128663) ae 
48555, 69, 1055 1155. 148, 1:95,,27142874 9293, 299; Sls 3585 14405 
441, 444, 460, & 461 (1971) and 2: 593, 732, & 863. 1971; R. Bailey, 
Good Housekeep. Illust. Encycl. Gard. 4: 608. 1972; Encke & Buchheim 
in Zander, Handwérterb. Pflanzennam., ed. 10, 180. 1972; Fletcher in 
Hillier, Man. Trees Shrubs, ed. 2, 76 (1972) and imp. ed. 2, 76. 1972; 
Lauener, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 32: 113. 1972; F. Perry, Fis. 
World 305 & 313. 1972; Skinner, Ornament. Pl. Coastal Northw. 75. 1972; 
Wedge, Pl. Names, ed. 1, 5. 1973; L. H. & E. Z. Bailey, Hortus Second, 
imp. 18, 188. 1974; Bolkh., Grif, Matvej., & Zakhar., Chrom. Numb. 
Flow. Pl., imp. 2, 715. 1974; El-Gazzar, Egypt. Journ. Bot. 17: 75 & 
78. 1974; Gibbs, Chemotax.Flow. Pl. 3: 1755 (1974) and 4: 2080. 1974; 
Mold., Phytologia 28: 448, 455, & 465. 1974; F. Perry, Compl. Pls. 
Fils. pl. 76. 1974; Rehd., Man. Cult. Trees Shrubs, ed. 2, i,p. 12, 806 
& 957. 1974; Wedge, Pl. Names, ed. 2, 6. 1974; Wilder, Frag. Gard. 208, 
263, & 386. 1974; Hinton & Rzedowski, Anal. Esc. Nac. Cienc. Biol. 21: 
49. 1975; Kooiman, Act. Bot. Neerl. 24: 462. 1975; Molina R., Ceiba 19: 
96. 1975; Le Hi & Ee Zs (Batley, Hortus Third 2854-1976; Gault, Color 
Dicts Shrvbs 137.,,.~ph. 1002019763 ‘Long & bakela, Fl. trapwfla.y-eds 2, 
738 & 935. 1976; Lépez-Palacios, Revist. Fac. Farm. Univ. Andes 17: 
42--43. 1976; Mold., Phytologia 34: 249, 260, & 269. 1976; E. H. Wal- 
ker, Fl. Okin. South. Ryuk. 890--891. 1976; Mold., Phytologia 36: 48. 
1977; Lord, Trees Shrubs Austr. Gard., ed. 5, 259. 1978; Fosberg, Sa- 
chet, & Oliv., Micronesica 15: 234. 1979; Isaacson, Flow. Pl. Ind. 1: 
335. 1979; Lopez-Palacios, Revist. Fac. Farm. Univ. Andes 20: 20. 
1979; Hu, Journ. Arnold Arb. 61: 87. 1980; J. T. & R. Kartesz, Syn. 
Checklist Vasc. Fl. 2: 466. 1980; Lauener, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Ed- 
ind 382483 1980;; Molde; Phytol. Mems'2: 175 490.21, 259 26,41, 

AG Vie OF sd 07.040 5 U5 , 9196.) 259, 27; -281,. 291 , 302; 8484/3845, 485, 
391, 461, & 534. 1980; Duncan & Kortesz, Vasc. Fl. Ga. 111. 1981; 
Hickey & King, 100 Fam. Flow. Pl. 346. 1981; Munz & Slauson, Ind. I1- 
lust. Living Things Outside N. Amer. 74: 336. 1981; Thomas & Allen, 
Contrib. Herb. North. La. Univ. 2: 9 & 44. 1981; Hellyer, Gard. Shrubs 
64. 1982; Liogier & Martorell, Fl. Puerto Rico 152 & 309. 1982; Mold., 
Phytologia 50: 236 & 258. 1982; Wunderlin, Guide Vasc. Pl. Cent. Fla. 
314. 1982; Bartholomew & al., Journ. Arnold Arb. 64: 82. 1983; Krie- 
gel, Houston Gard. Book 388. 1983; Mold., Phytologia 52: 463, 466, & 
467. 1983; H. N. & A. L. Mold. in Dassan. & Fosb., Rev. Handb. Fl. 
Ceyl. 4: 460, 461, & 472. 1983; Raj, Rev. Palaeobot. Palyn. 39: 358, 
374, 413, & 416, pl. 14, fig. 2 & 5. 1983; Duke & Ayensu, Med. Pl. 
China 2: 636. 1985; Mold., Phytologia 57: 28 & 338 (1985) and 58: 198, 
283, 286, & 287. 1985. 

1985 Moldenke, Notes on CLerodendrzum 337 

Illustrations: Lindl., Edwards Bot. Reg. 24: pl. 41 [in color, as 
"CLerodendron fragrans"]. 1838; Planch., Fl. Serres Jard., ser. 1, 9: 
17 [in color]. 1853; Sweet, Ornament. Fl. Gard. 3: pl. 157 [in color, 
as "CLerodendron {nagrans"]. 1854; W. Hook., Curtis Bot. Mag. 81 [ser. 
3, 11]: pl. 4880 (if color]. 1855; Carr., Rev. Hort. 37: 470/471 [in 
color]. 1866; Baill., Hist. Pl. 11: 87, fig. 100. 1891; Voss in Vilm., 
Blumengdrt. 1: pl. 95. 1895; C. K. Schneid., Illust. Handb. Laubholzk. 
2:*592, f1G.. 304 Wihit.’ LOTS *AS-0. 42 -Garden Lond. : #7: 560 ~08la; 
Hadden, Garden Lond. 80: 441. 1916; "G. J.", Garden Lond. 83: 506. 
1919; Cowley, Garden Lond. 84: 524. 1920; Hegi, Illust. Fl. Mitteleur. 
5 (3): 2237. 1927; Dop, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulouse 57: 167--169. 
1928; "N. K. G.", Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 84: 207, fig. 94. 1928; Wis- 
ley, Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 34: 207, fig. 94. 1928; Junell, Symb. Bot. 
Upsal. 1 (4): 104, fig. 165. 1934; Makins, Ident. Trees Shrubs 74, 
fig. 62D. 1936; Bowden, Amer. Journ. Bot. 32: 198, fig. 204. 1945; 
Preston, Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 123: 132, fig. 65. 1948; Eisenstaedt, 
Life 30 (8): 66 [in color]. 1951; Graf, Exotica 3: 1481. 1963; Ever- 
ett, Reader's Digest Comp]. Book Gard. 416. 1966; Hellyer, Shrubs 
Colour [31] [in color]. 1966; Hay & Synge, Color Dict. Fils. Plants 
190, pl. 1517 [in color]. 1969; Graf, Exot. Pl. Man., ed. 1, 492. 1970; 
Morley, Wild Fls. World pl. 104f [in color]. 1970; F. Perry, Compl. 
Pls. Fls. pl. 76 [in color]. 1974; Gault, Color Dict. Shrubs pl. 100 
[in color]. 1976; Raj, Palaeobot. Palyn. 39: 416, pl. 14, fig. 2 & 5. 
1983; Duke & Ayensu, Med. Pl. China 2: 636. 1985. 

A small woody or semi-woody shrub, 0.5--3 m. tall, freely sucker- 
ing, late-flowering; stems erect, dark-green, brittle, basally woody; 
branchlets and twigs, when produced, rather stoutish, brown, rather 
shiny, sparsely pilose-puberulent or purple-pubescent when young, soon 
becoming glabrous, marked with numerous, whitish, slightly raised len- 
ticels; nodes not annulate; principal internodes 1.5--12 cm. long; 
leaves decussate-opposite, with an unpleasant or even repulsively 
nauseous-aromatic odor when broken or crushed; petioles rather stout, 
2--16.5 cm. long, striate, often somewhat raised-lenticellate, minu- 
tely puberulent or glabrate, usually collapsing basally in drying; 
leaf-blades membranous or subchartaceous, dark-green above, lighter 
beneath, deltoid-ovate or broadly cordate, 6.5--23 cm. long, 4.5--23 
cm. wide, usually about as long as wide, apically acute or short- 
acuminate, marginally uniformly and coarsely serrate with broadly tri- 
angular apically apiculate teeth, basally subtruncate or cordate, of- 
ten centrally slightly subcuneate into the petiole, more or less pul- 
verulent and marked with scattered, often reddish or purple, very 
Short, often glandular, strigillose hairs on both surfaces but espec- 
ially beneath, becoming subglabrate, usually with some discoid glands 
at the base beneath; midrib slender, very slightly prominulous and 
usually puberulent above, prominent beneath; secondaries slender, a- 
bout 4 on each side, the lowest pair issuing with the midrib at the 
base of the blade, all ascending and slightly arcuate, often very 
slightly prominulent above and more distinctly so beneath; vein and 
veinlet reticulation abundant, rather distant; inflorescence usually 
terminal, very rarely also supra-axillary, corymbose-paniculate in 
subcapitate fashion, 6--11 cm. long, 2--21 cm. wide, densely many- 
flowered, very showy, puberulent throughout; peduncles continuous with 

338 Pep O4Geb A Vol. 58, No. 5 

and similar to the stems or else flattened and yellowish, varying 

from obsolete to 10 cm. long; pedicels slender, 1--4 mm. long, densely 
puberulent; bracts large and foliaceous or absent; bractlets and pro- 
phylla linear-setaceous, 1--3 mm. long, puberulent; flower-buds dark 
magenta-purple; flowers usually fragrant, heavy-scented, about 3 cm. 
long; calyx campanulate or more or less cylindric, reddish, 3--6 mm. 
long, externally rather sparsely puberulent and granular-lepidote or 
pubescent, the rim 5-toothed, the teeth ovate, about 1.5 mm. long, 
shorter than the tube, apically obtuse or acute to long-acuminate; 
corolla cyathiform, usually red or rose to rose-purple, purplish, or 
purple-pink, not "doubled", rarely white, the tube very slender, 2-- 
2.5 cm. long, 1--1.5 mm. wide, usually about 5 times as long as the 
calyx, glabrous, the limb [4-? or] 5-lobed, 1--1.5 cm. wide, the lobes 
oblong-ovate, 3--5 mm. long; stamens violet-blue, long-exserted to 
about 8 mm. beyond the throat of the corolla-tube; filaments slender; 
style as long as or longer than the stamens; stigma very shortly bi- 
lobed; fruit drupaceous, globose, about 1 cm. long and wide, from red 
to blue-black, purple, or finally black, shiny; chromosome number: 

2n = 108. 

The species is based on Bunge 296 from gardens in Peking, China. 
Bunge's original (1833) description is: "Cl. suffruticosum; foliis 
petiolatis lato-cordatis acutis scabriusculis repando acute dentatis 
subtus ad nervorum axillas glandulosis, corymbis densis capitatis ter- 
minalibus, tubo corollae longissimo calycem quintuplo excedente, limbo 
quadripartito. Colitur: floret Junio, Julio. 5 Odore gravi narcotico; 
flores purpurei, genitalia exserta." This description was repeated 
verbatim by Dietrich (1843) in his description of his C. f{olcodsum 
"Bunge" except for his corolla “limbo 5-partito" in place of Bunge's 
“quadripartito". He cites only the type collection. 

CLerodendraum bungei is native from China to northern India, but is 
widely cultivated in many parts of the world and has escaped and/or be- 
come naturalized in the southern United States, Puerto Rico, Mexico, 
parts of South America, Guam, and even Switzerland. It is a member 
of Section Densiffonra Schau. CLerodendron yatschuense H. Winkler is 
based on Limpricht 2629, but his no. £570 is also marked as "“origin- 
al" on a photograph in the Britton Herbarium. 

It should be noted that the C. foetidwm of D. Don and of “Hort< ", 
referred to in the synonymy given above, actually belong, respective- 
ly, in the synonymy of Canyopteris foetida (D. Don) Thellung and CLero- 
dendrum LindLeyi Decaisne, while the C. foetidum & var. integri- 
folium of Hasskarl are C, colebrokianum Walp. and C. foetidum 42. pl. 
Jack is C. philippinum f. multiplex' (Sweet) Mold.; VoLkameria foetida 
Buch.-Ham. and C. f{oetida Hamilt. are synonyms of Canyopterrs foetida 
(D. Don) Thellung. 

Collectors have found C£erodendnaum bunget growing in clay or rocky 
soil, in abandoned ground, waste places and fields, open woods, old 
yards, often in light shade in damp shaded places, rocky places in 
bamboo groves, along roadsides and streamsides, in the drainage areas 
from cow barns, at the open edges of mixed woods, in damp and tropi- 
cal forests, shady places under isolated trees, moist pastures, and 
woodlands along rivers, on shaded rocky slopes and the slopes of small 

1985 Moldenke, Notes on CLerodendrawm 339 

volcanic cones, often on oak-covered slopes, in river barrancas, 
valleys, and secondary vegetation, near water, and on roadside banks 
in limestone mountains, at altitudes of 150--3300 meters, in flower 
in January, March to October, and December, and in fruit in August. 
Simpson reports that in South Africa it flowers in late summer and 
autumn; Pitschman and his associates (1965) say that in the southern 
Alps of Switzerland it flowers in August and September and this is 
also the season quoted by most northern hemisphere horticulturists. 
Wilson & Bell (1967) assert that it is "fragrant in autumn". 

Bowden (1945) determined the chromosome number of 2n = 108 on the 
basis of his no. 6722-39. Baillon (1891) illustrates a cross-section 
of the ovary. The leaf glands are described by Dop (1928, 1933), 
while Pitard (1901) describes a composite and interrupted ring of 
sclerenchyma in the pericycle. Ventura calls the flower fragrance 
"agreeable", but Curtiss refers to the flowers as “weedy scented" and 
several other collectors describe it as “unpleasant". 

A notation on the Guthrie 284 collection, cited below, avers that 
this specimen, presumably while alive, was "painted for Addisonia", 
but I have failed to find it represented in that journal. 

Tsang found C. bunget “fairly common but scattered" in Kwangsi. 
Maximowicz (1886) lists it as cultivated ("omnes") in Peking and 
notes: "C. foetidum Don, Prodr. Nepal. 103, quod C£. Buchanani Walp. 
Repert. IV, 108, DC. Prodr. XI, 672" as a synonym (?), adding "Bunge- 
ano nomine quidem vetustius, Schauero mihique incognitum est. Planta 
quam p. integrifolium dixit Hasskar] in Retzia I, 60, e Singapur in 
hortum bogoriensem introducta, diversissima species videtur, sed a me 
non visa". Mueller (1860) says of the latter: “Forsan haec varietas 
speciei novae typum praebet, quam CLerodendaum ixonaefloni nomine sal- 
utarem." This actually is a synonym of C. colebrokianum Walp. 

Ewan reports C. bunget "thoroughly naturalized" in Orleans Parish, 
Louisiana; R. D. Thomas lists it as escaped in Orlean, Ouachita, Rapi- 
des, and Terrebonne Parishes in that state -- "native or self-repro- 
ducing" in Iberia Parish. Standley (1967) also reports it escaped 
in Louisiana. R.M. Harper, ina letter to me dated October 12, 1943, 
records it as cultivated in Alabama and as escaped at Montgomery and 
University, Alabama, and at Tallahassee, Florida. Duncan & Kortesz 
(1981) report it cultivated in Georgia. Wurzlow found it “thoroughly 
naturalized on abandoned ground" at Houma, Louisiana, flowering there 
in July. Gimale L. reports it very abundant in Hidalgo, Mexico, while 
Ventura calls it “abundant on roadsides" in Veracruz. Molina R. 
(1975) lists it as cultivated in Honduras and Calderdén & Standley 
(1941) found it in gardens in E1 Salvador. Small (1913) reports it 
from "fields and thickets" in northern Florida, introduced from China. 

Lopez-Palacios (1976) asserts that, though reported, he does not 
personnaly know of its occurrence in Colombia; Angely (1971) lists it 
from Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, and Sao Paulo, Brazil, while Herter 
(1943) found it in cultivation in Uruguay. Troncoso (1937) reports 
it cultivated in Argentina and Venturi found it escaped along the 
edges of highways in Catamarca. Liogier (1982) lists it as planted 
and escaped in Puerto Rico, while Fosberg and his associates (1979) 
found it growing on Guam. The Andersons found it "in shade of trees, 
not common but locally abundant on roadside banks in limestone moun- 

340 Py TO7£ OUGT iA Vol. 58, No. 5 

tains" in Hidalgo, Mexico. Beauverd (1933) and Becherer (1931) report 
it introduced in the vicinity of Locarno, Switzerland. Wunderlin 
(1982) found it “rare in disturbed sites" in Palm Beach County, Flori- 
da, apparently escaped from cultivation. 

Encke (1960) gives the assumed natural distribution as Sikkim, 
China, and the Ryu-Kyu Islands. Boom (1966) asserts that it "grows 
well in Europe, but only as a shrub". Synge (1956) and Hyams (1967) 
tell us that it was introduced into cultivation, presumably in Eng- 
land, from China in 1844, while Stucchi (1968) claims that it did not 
appear in Italian gardens until 1862. Bailey (1935) lists it as of- 
fered to the American horticultural trade by Kayo, Knap Hill, Sanford, 
and Jungle Gardens (on Avery Island, Louisiana) nurseries, but Mattoon 
(1953) lists only 2 sources at that time, apparently indicating a drop 
in popularity among gardeners. 

The color of the corollas of C£erodendrum bunget is variously de- 
scribed by collectors and authors -- as “rose" on Pétefot 1381, Sau- 
cedo 65, and Ventura A. 2377, as "rosadas con hormigas" on Gime bs 
576, as "“rose-red" by the Baileys (1911) and Lord (1978) and on Faye & 
Faye 2643 and Hitchcock & Stanford 2643, as “rosy- red" by Fletcher 
(1972) and Graf (1963) and on Ewan 176860, as “purpurrodenrot" by Encke 
(1940), as “rose-pink" by Simpson (1964), as "red" on BaeedLove 6837, 
Henry 10299, Stewand & Cheo 606, Tssang 10042, and Tsur 810, as “red- 
dish-purple" on Steward 2305, as “red-purple" by Hallyer (1982) and on 
Rzedowski 20023, as “pink" on Anderson & Anderson 4668, Mexia 1914, 
Steward 1239, Sykes 99/68, and Tsang 27891, as “pinkish" on Chiao &8&5, 
Rock 11550, and Steward & al. 145, as “deep-pink" on Chute M.208, as 
"rose-purple, open petals lighter" on Howand 16658, as "“Rosein Purple 
acc. R.H.S. Colour Chart 1938-42" on Bracelin 1592, as "purple" on 
Breedlove 10440, as “purplish-red" on Tsiang 5442 and by Makins (1936) 
and Synge (1956), as “purplish-red or pinkish" on Keng 594, as "purple- 
red" by Bean (1970), as “pink, purplish or red" by Malkertd (1976), as 
"carmine" by Van Houtte (1853), as "lilac-rose" by Hottes (1942), as 
"lilac to rose-purple" on Hardin & Duncan 13803, as “lavender" on 
Giklis 11034, as "violet" on Mello Barreto 4387 and Venturi 7209, as 
"crimson" on Baown 4.n., and as “white" on McChure 2649, 

Common and vernacular names listed for C. bungex are "ai-tung-chih", 
"amor de Pedro", "ban-bana-kusagi", "bocamelia", "brocamelia", : 
"“camelia americana", “chau shi mut 11", “ch'ou mao tan ts'ao", "Chou 
mY dan", “flor de la rosa muerte", "fragrant clerodendron", "“glory- 
bower", "glory tree", "Kashmir bouquet", “hortensia", "“mu-tan-hua", 
"ngai-t'o-tau", "reddish-flowered clerodendrum", "rose glorybower", 
"sa sha ping", "“starkduftender Losbaum", "“stinkender Loosbaum", and 
"“colcana". In the horticultural trade (American) “rose glorybower" is 
the recommended standardized common name. 

Gibbs (1974) has found leucoanthocyanin present in the leaves. P'ei 
reports the species as a drug source in Sikang and Szechuan, China. 
McClure reports the roots used as a drug in Kwangtung -- Herb. Canton 
Chr. Coke. 165 was purchased on the drug market in Canton by E. H. 
Groff, who reports that the roots are dried and sold for 50--60 cents 
per catty Canton silver; they are boiled for 4 or 5 hours and the ex- 
tract is then taken internally in the treatment of weak muscles of the 
ankles and legs. Cheo reports the roots cut into small pieces, soaked 

1985 Moldenke, Notes on CLerzodendaum 341 

in wine, and used as an aromatic. Duke & Ayensu (1985) describe the 
uses as follows: "Leaf: Decocted and applied externally as anodyne 

and anti-inflammatory; also used for ancylostomiasis, arthritis, head- 
ache, hypertension, hives, filariasis, infections, rheumatism, and 
toothache. Used for lung weakness and gastritis. Plant: Decocted for 
cough, debility and weakness. Root: Soaked in wine to treat mechani- 
cal injury." 

Lindley (1838), misidentifying the species as "Cfenodendron fnag- 
nans", says of it: "Few plants are more deserving cultivation than this, 
which in the gardens of China is one of the handsomest of their Flora; 
as iS attested by a beautiful Chinese drawing preserved in the library 
of the Horticultural Society........ It is a conservatory plant of the 
easiest cultivation, and if planted in the open border in a warm place 
during summer, it will remain healthy and flower abundantly. But it 
is killed by the first frost. It grows with great luxuriance, and the 
chief thing to be attended to in its cultivation is a sufficient 
quantity of room. A damp stove seems to suit it very well. If it be 
in a healthy condition, the pot in which it is grown will soon be com- 
pletely filled with its roots; in this state it is necessary to give 
it plenty of water, and syringe it freely over-head. The syringing 
is more particularly necessary, because, it is very liable to be in- 
fested by insects, (coccus) which, if allowed to get into the dense 
head of flowers, are not easily eradicated. The best soil is a rich 
loam, mixed with leaf-mould and sand. It is propagated freely by cut- 
tings taken from the half-ripened wood, inserted in silver sand in the 
usual manner, and plunged in a hot-bed." 

Hellyer (1966) avers that C. bungec should be "planted where it can 
be seen but not touched because the foliage gives off a repulsive odor 
when bruised". It is usually cut back to the ground by frost. Rooted 
suckers can be removed in autumn to start new plants. Frazzi (1953) 
warns us that a “damping-off" fungus attacks this plant in Argentina 
causing necrotic lesions to appear in the leaves. Lord (1978) agrees 
that the plant must be shielded from frost. 

Graf (1963) describes the leaves as "quilted" and gives the period 
of anthesis as June to September (in the northern hemisphere). Cowley 
(1920) quotes Nix who describes C£erodendrum bungei as growing luxuri- 
ously in an English garden -- "the flowers smell deliciously sweet in 
the sun, but the leaves, when bruised, have a most disagreeable smell.. 
The plant burrows under the paths and comes up in unexpected places." 

Hellyer (1982) affirms that C. bungec and C. trichotomum Thunb. are 
the only two species in the genus that are hardy enough to be planted 
outdoors in the British Isles, but that it is “usually killed to the 
ground level each winter but shoots up again from the roots in spring. 
...Both need warm and sunny places and fairly fertile well-drained soil. 
They can be grown from seed, root cuttings and also from suckers dug 
up with roots in spring or autumn..... [and] which may need to be dug 
out to prevent the plant spreading too far." 

The Baileys (1941) inform us that in the United States C. bungei is 
adapted to be grown only in southern parts like Florida, the Gulf 
Coast, and southern California. In their 1976 work they assert that 
it is hardy in life-zone 9. 

342 Preble Ty: TSOnbs 0. Gs lek Vol. 58, No. 5 

Bean (1970) comments that "In the open air this species can scarce- 
ly be regarded as a Shrub. It is killed back to the ground most win- 
ters [in England], but sends up vigorous, erect, woody shoots during 

the summer 3 to 6 ft. high....... In August and September come the ter- 
minal rounded corymbs, each 4 to 5 in. across, densely packed with 
purple-red flowers...... Native of China; introduced by Fortune in 1844. 

It has lived for many years at the foot of a greenhouse wall at Kew, 
spreading rapidly by its suckers, and forming in summer a dense thicket 
of stems. It has proved hardy in an open position in the R.H.S. Gar- 
depp Wisjey.i css ss Easily increased by divisions in spring." 

A key to distinguish this species from other cultivated species is 
given by Synge (1956), for which see these present notes under C, beth- 
untanun Low. To distinguish it from the taxon with which it is most 
frequently confused, the following may serve: 

1. Corolla mostly “doubled", its tube only slightly surpassing the 
Calyx; calyx-lobes as long as the tube or longer; leaf-blades 
coarsely and irregularly toothed....C. philippinum f. multiplex. 

la. Corolla not “doubled", its tube several times longer than the 
Calyx; calyx-lobes shorter than the tube; leaf-blades regularly 
Sergate (onl serrate-dentatel oi) .2 i ssec isnt letousesewcs C. bunger. 

Voss (1895) gives the following horticultural directions: "C, foeti- 
dum Bnge. ist eine jener alten, wertvollen und schénblUhenden Pflanzen, 
die man nicht gern verschwinden sieht; auszerdem ist es, wenn gut 
kultiviert oden im frieen Lande wachsend, auch durch seine Tracht und 
wegen der groszen, ansehnlichen Bldtter als Gruppenpflanze empfenlens- 
wert. Als Toppflanze behandelt, blUht dieser Art bis tief in den Win- 
ter hinein. Kultur in jedem krdftigen, genlgend durchlassigen Garten- 
boden; im Sommer aber bis zur BlUtezeit mit dem Begrieszen nicht nach- 
ldssig sein, gegentlich auch Dungwasser (Mistjauche oder aufgeldsten 
tierischen Dung, welchem entweder aufgeléstes phosphotsaures Kali oder 
aufgeldstes Thomasschlackenmehl beizufligen ist, beides natlrlich sehr 
Stark verdinnt). Am besten gedeiht die Pflanze, wenn man sie an einen 
warmen aber freien, lustigen Standort ins Freie pflanzt, zu Anfang 
des Herbstes mit genlgendem Erdballen aushebt und sie (nachdem man die 
Ausldufer entfernt hat) in ausreichende aber knapp angepaszte Tupfe 
pflanzt, die Erde tlchtig durchfeuchtet und die Pflanze, damit die 
Bldtter nicht leiden, einige Tage in einem geeigneten Raume geschlossen 
und schattig hdlt. Haben die Wurzeln wieder Boden gefaszt, die Pflan- 
zen sich also erholt, so kommen sie in ein Kalt- oder Lauwarmhaus. Je 
wdrmer der vorausgegangene Sommer gewesen, je besser also die Stengel 
ausreifen konnten, desto fruher wird die Blltenzeit eintreten. Stellt 
man nach und nach einzelne Pflanzen wdrmer, so kann man die Bllten- 
zeit bis tief in den Winter hinein verldngern. Nach der BlUte allmdh- 
lich Ruhezeit eintreten lassen und die Pflanze mdbglich trocken, auch 
kUh] halten, etwa wie Fuchsien und Hortensien. Toppflanzen kann man 
in ziemlich gerdumigen Tépfen im Sommer im Freien, im lustigen Kalt- 
hause oder hellen, lustigen Zimmer aufstellen. Krdftige Erde, viel 
Wasser und namentlich auch Dingung sind dann unentbehrlich. dZwar 
hdlt dieser Halbstrauch in Deutschland unter guter Laubdecke, und 
nachdem man zuvor die Stengel etwa 20 cm hoch Uber dem Boden abge- 
schnitten hat, auch im Freien aus, die ndchstjdhrigen, bis 1 m. und 

1985 Moldenke, Notes on CLerodendrum 343 

driber hohen Stengel kommen dann aber meist so spdt im Herbst zum 
Bluhen, dass der Frost die Bllten gewdhnlich vorher zerstért. Ratsamer 
ist also UWberwinterung in Tépfen. Vermehrung durch Grundsprosse, 

auch durch Teilung leicht, ebenso durch Stecklinge und 'Wurzelschnitt- 
linge’. Anzucht aus Samen. Aussaat in Tépfe und warm halten. -- Keim- 
kraft der Samen meist nur 1 Jahr; Keimung in 4--6 Wochen." 

Planchon (1853) reviews the tangled history of CLenrodendaum bungei: 
"Trois arbustes bien distincts ont regu le nom de Cferodendron foeti- 
dum, D'abord, l'espéce primitive a laquelle ce nom doit rester, et 
dont, nous transcrivons en note la diagnose, comme objet de comparai- 
son. C'est une plante du Népal, 4 feuilles elliptiques, a calice 
plus long que le tube de la corolle: elle n'existe pas, que nous sach- 
ions, dans nos jardins. La seconde espéce, signalée dans la Revue 
Horticole, en 1851, d'aprés des exemplaires que l'on cultive a Paris 
depuis une douzaine d'années, nous parait presque identique avec une 
prétendue forme & fleurs simples du C£enodendron f{ragnans, forme déja 
publiee dans le Botanical Register, en Aéut 1838, mais sans indication 
d'origine [C'est evidemment cette plante du Botanical Register que M. 
Schauer, dans le Prodromus de De Candolle (Tom. XI, p. 666). signale, 
aprés Lindley, comme le type a fleurs simples du C£erodendron fnagrans, 
et dont il indique l'introduction comme récent a la date de 1847. 

Voici pourtant sur quelles raisons se fonde notre savant collaborateur, 
M. Decaisne, pour considérer cette plante comme espéce & part, sous le 
nom manuscrit de C£erodendnron Lindley. 1° Le type 4 fleure simples du 
CLerodendron <nragrans figuré par Ventenat (Malmais. t. 70), et qui 
fleurit en France, dans le jardin de Cels, vers le commencement du 
siécle, a des corolles 4 limbe bien plus large que le C£. Lindleys. 
Le CLerodendron fragnrans est une plante délicate, qu'on ne cultive 
jamais en pleine terre a Paris, et dont les racines ne tracent pas 
l'autre espéce est, au contraire, rustique et ses racines tragantes. 
Ce que nous disons ici, du reste, se rapporte specialement & la plante 
cultivée au Museum de Paris, sous le nom de Cferodendron foetidum, 
plante qui différe un peu de celle du Botanical Register en ce que 

ses fleurs sont inodores (et non presque aussi odorantes que celles du 
e. fragrans ) et que ses jeunes pousses surtout sont convertes d'un 
veloute de couleur violette. Y aurait-il encore ld deux espéces con- 
fondues? Qui etudiera jugera. Reste la troiseeme espece que nous ap- 
pellerons avec Steudel C£enodendron Bungec, et dont le portrait des- 
siné sur le vivant dans 1'établissement Van Houtte, n'existe dans au- 
cune publication horticole. 

"C'est encore 4 la patrie du Camelfia, des Pivoines Moutan, des 
Chrysanthemes et des Reines Marguerites, c'est encore aux inestimables 
travaux de M. Fortune, que nous devons cette précieuse addition a nos 
arbustes d'prnement. Bunge avait observe celle belle espéce dans les 
jardines de Pékin; nous ignirins ou Fortune en a pris les exemplaires 
qu'il a récemment introduits; mais, bien que ces derniers n'‘aient 
fleuri chez M. Van Houtte qu'en serre froide, il est probable que sous 
le climat de la Belgique, l'arbuste pourra, comme le CLerodendron 
foetidum du jardin botanique de Paris (C2. Lindleys Dne. Mss.) végéeter 
en pleine terre, en perdant ]l'hiver ses pousses aeriennes et se con- 
servant par les drageons souterrains. 

"Tres rapprochée par le feuillage des CLerodendron fragrans et 


344 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 58, No. 5 

Lindleyi, Dne Mss., notre plante s‘'en distingue aisément par 1'absence 
presque totale de longues bractées glanduliféres entre les fleurs du 
corymbe et surtout par ses calices a dents ovales et courtes, au lieu 
d'étre longues et subulées. Les feuilles rapellent celle des Catagpa 
et du Paulownia imperialis; les corymbes effacent pour la grandeur 

et l'éclat ceux du Fuchsia anbonescens (syringae Lona ) qu'une certaine 
ressemblance générale en fait rapprocher au premier abord." 

Van Houtte (1853) adds: "M. Standish me témoignait la regret de ce 
qu'une aussi belle plante dit porter le nom de foetidum. Elle est 
munie, en effet, d'un ample feuillage, surmonté de gros bouquets de 
fleurs du plus beau carmin, et ce nom fort ingrat paraissait lui porter 
malheur. Mais les voeux de M. Standish sont accomplis: D. Don, en 
nommant antérieurement C. foetidum une espéce de 1'Inde orientale, a 
par cela meme infirmé le nom de celle qui nous occupe, originaire de 
la China septentrionale. Steudel 1'a dédiée, suivant l'usage, au bo- 
taniste qui venait, lui aussi, déshériter ce beau genre. C'était as- 
sez d'un foetidum, d'un calamitosum, d'un depauperatum, d'un infortu- 
natum! Cruel ostracisme immérité! 

"Depuis que j'ai ecrit ces lignes, dans mon catalogue (adut 1855), 
j'ai acquis la certitude que cette plante est parfaitement rustique. 
[Le lecteur voudra bien remplacer dans l‘inscription les mots serre 
froide par: pleine terre.] Dés le printemps 1853, nous en avons livré 
quelques pieds a la pleine terre de ce jardin. Ces plantes ont 
luxueusement vegeté, et leurs drageons souterrains se rencontrant 
maintenant a 75 centimetres de profondeur, il est hors de doute que la 
plante est acquise a nos jardins. Elle se preéte, du reste, a tous les 
genres de cultures: loin d'exiger la serre chaude, elle se contente 
d'une orangerie, voire meme de 1'humble fenétre de l'artisan; -- on 
peut la tenir en pot, dés l'automne, en serre chaude, pour l'avoir en 
fleurs pendant l'hiver; -- ou, enfin, la cultiver en pleine terre, 
pour en jouir pendant 1'été dans nos massifs, ou elle rappellera une 
fois de plus @ la reconnaissance de 1'horticulture le nom de son illus- 
tre introducteur." 

Diels (1900) cites Rosthoan 207, 259, & 2365 from central China; in 
his 1913 work he cites Fonnest 366, 1023, & 3001. Winkler (1922) cites 
Limpricht 1570 & 1629 from Szechuan. Walker (1976) cites Naito 4.n. 
and SIRI 5&33 from Okinawa. Bravo Hollis & Ramirez (1951) cite their 
no. 370 from Mexico. 

The Trin. Bot. Gand. Herb. 1360 collection cited by me as C. bunger 
in 1939 is anomalous in having entire-margined leaf-blades. It some- 
what resembles C, colebnrokianum Walp. in this and other respects, but 
the presence of glandulose foliaceous bracts in the inflorescence, 
glandulose acuminate calyx-teeth, etc., seem to point more directly 
to C. bungec. The calyx-teeth are not nearly long enough, nor the 
bracts dense enough, for C. Lindfeys Decaisne. Possibly it may repre- 
sent a hybrid, but for the time being I am placing it in C. colebrokk- 
anum; Train. Bot. Gard. Herb. 4.n., on the other hand, is quite ordin- 
ary and normal C, bungec, with typical serrate leaf-blade margins. 

Numerous errors, in addition to the above-mentioned ones, occur in 
the literature of C, bungei. Some authors refer to the species as a 
"tree" or to the flowers as “drooping” and "“ill-smelling" -- statements 
which seem to be incorrect. Darlington & Wylie (1956) refer to the 

1985 Moldenke, Notes on CLerodendrzum 345 

species aS native both to China and tropical America -- actually it is 
only introduced in the New World. Pitschman and his associates (1965) 
describe the leaves as entire or indistinctly serrate beyond the middle 
and the inflorescence as "Seitenstdndig" -- all incorrect statements. 

Lindley (1838) considered that taxon to be the single-flowered form 
of "CLerodendron fragrans", which it obviously is not, and his beauti- 
ful colored illustration is thus mis-labelled. Similarly, the illus- 
tration in Dean's work (1968) inscribed as CLenrodendron foetidum actu- 
ally represents C£enodendrawn philippinum f. multiplex (Sweet) Mold. 

The “eeraa tare foetidum p integrifolium of Hasskarl is C. colebroki- 
anuwm Walp. 

The Index Kewensis reduces Volkameria buchanani Roxb. to CLeroden- 
dron foetidum, but it is actually the name-bringing synonym of CLenro- 
dendnawm buchanani (Roxb.) Walp,; VoLkamenia foetida Buch.-Ham. is also 
sometimes regarded as synonymous with CLerodendrum bungec, but actual- 
ly is a synonym of Canyopteris foetida (D. Don) Thellung. 

The Baillon (1891) reference in the bibliography of CLerodendrum 
bungei is often cited as "1892", the titlepage date; the Angely (1971) 
work is sometimes mis-cited as "1970", again the titlepage date. The 
Bunge (1832) reference is sometimes cited as "1831" for some reason as 
yet unknown to me. 

Material of C. bungeé has been abundantly misidentified and dis- 
tributed in herbaria as C. {nagnans Vent., C. intermedium Cham., C. 
pleiosciadium Girke, C. tnrichotomum Thunb., C. urticifolium Willd., and 
even as Acanthaceae. On the other hand, the Ferris 12092, distributed 
as C. bungec, actually is C. canescens Wall. while Ching 1994, En 2021, 
Fong 19, Maxwell 184, and Pittier 13538 are C. Lindteys Decaisne, Blum 
& Kimmel 2281, Ebinger 40, and Tyson 4207 are C. paniculatum L.,Herb. 
Univ. Nanking 656 is C. tnichotomum Thunb., Schoch 150 is the type 
collection of C. yunnanense Hu, Coklecton undetermined 4.n. [20th 
March 1803] is Canyopteris foetida (D. Don) Thellung, and Smith 1173 
is not verbenaceous. 

Citations: SOUTH CAROLINA: Greenville Co.: Mas. Taylor 4.n. [Green- 
ville, Nov. 18, 1931] (H--5425). GEORGIA: St. Simons Island [Glynn 
Co.]: Handin £ Duncan 13803 (Hi--57562, It, Mi, W--21755446, We); 
Thorne, Fond, & Goodwin 2229 (It). FLORIDA: Alachua Co.: Hueber 4.n. 
[near Gainesville, 6.14.'28] (N); G. F. Weber 4.n. (Gainesville, June 
14, 1928] (N, N), 8.n. [Gainesville, 1928] (F1--20952, F1--20953). 

Dade Co.: Ledin 4.n. [Miami, Oct. 14, 1950] (Ft, Ws). Duval Co.: Cur- 
tiss &.n. [Jacksonville] (N). ALABAMA: Mobile Co.: E. W. Graves 949 
(E--975615, W--984471). MISSISSIPPI: Adams Co.: Compton 6 (A); F. 
Cook &.n. [Natchez, June 26, 1925] (W--1325924). Claiborne Co.: Guth- 
nie 264 (N). LOUISIANA: East Baton Rouge Par.: T. Baown 4.n. [May 6, 
1975] (Lv). Iberia Par.: Thomas & McCoy 84459 (Ld). Orleans Par.: 
Ewan 17680 (Ba, 11); Penfound 4.n. [Nov. 20, 1936] (Tl). Ouachita 
Par.: C. Smith 1327 (Ne--1825). Pointe Coupee Par.: M. Chaney 200 (Lv). 
Rapides Par.: Thomas & Pias 61836 & 3999 (Ne--150053). Tangipahoa 
Par.: H. R. Wilson 236 (Lv). Terrebonne Par.: Wurzfow 4.n. [July 8, 
1914] (W--694319, W--694320), 4.n. [July 15, 1914] (Lv, N). TEXAS: 
Harris Co.: Thurow 13 (W--1244747). MEXICO: Chiapas: Baeedfove 6055 
(Ac), 6837 (Ac), 10440 (Ld, Mi). Distrito Federal: Panay 550 (Ip). 

346 PRY?OEOGTA Vol. 58, No. 5 

Hidalgo: Anderson & Anderson 4668 (Mi, N); Chute M.208 (Mi); O. M. 
Clark 7001 (N); Faye & Faye 2643 (Du--285407, En, Hp, N, Or--43426, 
P1--110832, Rs--25585, Se--65852, W--1791027); Gimate L. 576 (Mi, N, 
Tu--186517); Hitchcock &£ Stanford 2643 (Po--260128), 7290 (Du--361324, 
P1--130338, Po--266816, Se--59860, W--1806864); Kenoyer 432 (F-- 
915113); H. E. Moone 2998 (N); Sharp 441781 (N). México: Hinton 3879 
(K). Morelos: J. M. Hi@e 45 (Au--169067). Nuevo Ledn: Abbén 42 [Ar- 
séne 6226] (A, E--845036, Ld, N, P, Ur, W--1002521), g.n. [1911] (B). 
Puebla: Davila 4.n. [28-VII-1963] (Ip); Fagoaga s.n. [Necaxa] (Au); M. 
Martinez &.n. [Nov. 1943] (N); J. Rzedowski 20023 (Au--249491, Ip, Ip, 
Mi, Mi). San Luis Potosi: M. T. Edwands 449 (F--918331); Rowell, Web- 
ster, & Barkley 17M349 (Au--142506, Me--167870). Veracruz: Dodds 75 
(Ln--19927, Mi, N); G. L. Fisher 35509 (E--1097165, F--782579, 1, N); 
Gancta Saucedo 65 (Ld, Mi, Tu--181549, Ws); F. W. Johnson 4.n. [Cor- 
doba, 9-26-06] (N); M. Martinez 4.n. [Banderilla, Sept. 1942] (Du-- 
316228); Matuda 947 (Mh, Mi, Mi); Smyth 159 (W--1209012); Ventura A. 
2377 (Au--303157, Mi, N). CUBA: Havana: C, F. Baker 4.n. (Sept. 1, 
'07] (Po--64689). PUERTO RICO: Barnett 4.n. [June 1925] (N). COLOM- 
BIA: Cundinamarca: Antonio 4.n. [Apolinar-Maria 96] (F--1007419). BRA- 
ZIL: Minas Gerais: F. C. Hoehne 4.n. [Herb. Inst. Biol. 20236] (N, Sp). 
Rio de Janeiro: Melo Barreto 4387 (Ja--32257). Sdo Paulo: Decker £ 
(Herb. Inst. Biol. 33189] (Sp); C. Duante 240 [Herb. Inst. Biol. 15155] 
(N, Sp); Hatschbach 2805 (Sm, W--2059470); Heiner 4.n. (S). ARGENTINA: 
Catamarca: Venturi 7209 (Gg--160638). Tucuman: Schnreiter 972 [Herb. 
Osten 15070] (Ug); Venturi 14 (A, N, W--1591208). SWITZERLAND: Ustenrc 
17405 (Mu). INDIA: Sikkim: G. King 4.n. [1879] (X). CHINA: Anhwei: 
Herb. Univ. Nanking 657 (Ca--230443); E. D. Merrie 11260 (Ca--992160, 
N); A. N. Steward 1239 [Herb. Univ. Nanking 5479] (Ca--248796), 2305 
(Ph). Chekiang: Banchet 565 (W--596128); Chiao 8&5 [Herb. Univ. Nan- 
king 14185] (Ca--325115, Go, W--1426667); Faber 353/87 (K); Hu 134 
(Ca--232280); Keng 594 (Ca--361627). Honan: Skatschkow 4.n. [Pekin] 
(Br). Hunan: Dahstr¥m 287 (S); Fan & Li 142 (Bz--18925), 560 (Bz-- 
18924). Hupeh: H. C. Cheo 18222 (Gg--234259, N); Chow 833 (N); W. Y. 
Chun 3888 (It); Chun & Chien 5051 [Herb. Univ. Nanking 8033] (Ca-- 
261517); A. Henny 189 (W--800030); E. H. Wilson 2224 (Gg--32018, W-- 
777406). Kiangsi: L. H. Bailey 4.n. [July 9, 1917] (Ba, Ba); Tsdang 
10042 (N). Kiangsu: Chiao 12969 (Bz--19270). Kwangsi: Steward &£ Cheo 
606 (S); W. T. Tsang 27891 (Ca--1286200, W--1757310). Kwangtung: Mc 
Clune 2649 [Herb. Canton Chr. Coll. 9207] (0a); Tsui 543 (N, W-- 
1754721), 610 (N, W--1754875). Kweichow: Steward, Chiao, & Cheo 145 
(N); Tsiang 5442 (N, S, W--1554962). Szechuan: T. ¥. Cheo 13 (Ca-- 
10398); Fang 5979 (Du--333837), 9278 (Du--333625); Fanges 4.n. (W-- 
2497100); Limpricht 1570 (N--photo), 1629 (N, arabs YUnnan: W, 

C. Cheng 1991 (W--1671702); Fonnest 8403 (S); A. Henry 10299 (N); J. 

F. Rock 11550 (W--1511097). Province undetermined: Faber 42 [Yangtze- 
Kiang] (K); Hens 2454 (Br). CHINESE COASTAL ISLANDS: Hainan: W, Y, 
Chun 6560 (Ca--261517). VIETNAM: Pételot 1381 (Ca--234426), 1397 (Ca-- 
234350). RYU-KYU ISLANDS ARCHIPELAGO: Okinawa: Naito 4.n. [3/X/1945 ] 
(Ks); Walker, Tawada, & Amano 5833 (N). CULTIVATED: Alabama: Koeppen, 
Justics, & Tsely s.n. [Montgomery, Oct. 3, 1943] (Dp--38402). Arizona: 
M. E. Caldweee J.5 (Tu--172580). Austria: Beck 4.n. [Hort. Eisgrub. 

1985 Moldenke, Notes on CLerodendrum 347 

1895] (V); Herb. Hort. Bot. Vindob. 4.n. (V, V, Vu); Herb. Von Bergler 
.n. (V). Belgium: Bowden 6722-39 (Ba); Herb. Hort. Baux. 4.n. [H. B. 
Lov. 1857] (Br), 4.n. [14 Sept. 1889] (Br); Herb. Martius 4.n. [H. B.] 
(Br); Herb. Thenensis ser. 11.909 (Br, Br); Lange a.n. [Sept. 9, 1896] 
(Cp); Martens 4.n. [H. B. Francos 1857] (Br). Brazil: Gfaziou 17163 
(B, Br, Cp, P); Luedewaldt 4.n. [Herb. Mus. Paulista 2139; Herb. Inst. 
Biol. 15736] (N, Sp); Mello Banneto 4387 (F--909821); D. 1. Stehle 994 
(N, Sp). California: Bracelin 1592 (Ba, Gg--339903, Go); Bradbury 712 
(Ba); EpLing s.n. (E--946571); E. Goodman 4.n. [San Francisco, Aug. 
1920] (Gg--32017); Herb. Univ. Cakif. Los Angeles 4.n.[September 7, 
1943] (La); K. D. Jones 1757 (N); Lenington 4.n. [Summer 1930] (It); 

E. C. Manquand 4.n. [July 30, 1935] (N); McKee 4.n. [Oct. 21, 1916] 
(Ca--197696); R. Monan 4,n, [March 1949] (Ba); Walther 4.n. [Santa 
Barbara, Sep. 1919] (Gg--32041), s.n. [Piedmont, Oct. 18, 1922] (Gg-- 
32016), 4.n. [Golden Gate Park, Aug. 1926] (Gg--142672), 4.n. [Golden 
Gate Park, July 1931] (Gg--189231), s.n. [Golden Gate Park] (A); Weegs, 
Lamments, & McClintock s.n. [July 25, 1944] (Gg--361160). China: Bret- 
Schneider 573 (K); Herb. Canton Chr. Coll. 165 (Oa). Cuba: Anias sin. 
[Herb. Cub. Estac. 6944] (Es); C. F. Baker 800 (B, Ca--145517, Po-- 
63797, Po--64693), s.n. [Santiago de las Vegas, Sept. 1, '07] (B, Ca-- 
147939), a.n. [Santiago de las Vegas, Dec. 12, '08] (B); Herb. Cub. 
Estac. 2001 (Es); Lima 415 (Ha). District of Columbia: "A, L. S." 
é.n. [Bot. Gard., Sept. 25, 1886] (W--147606); Tidestrom 614 (Ar-- 
19844). Egypt: Din 4.n. [13/9/1971] (Gz). £1 Salvador: Calderon 731 
(G, N, W--1151689). England: Baltye s.n. [Aug. 23] (K); Gamble 30089 
(K); Herb. Hort. Wane 4.n. [10/79] (K); Herb. Roy. Hort. Soc. Gand. 
Wisley s.n. [August 1933] (Ba); Stearn 4.n. [Cambridge Bot. Gard., 16. 
X.1932] (Ba); Winchester 4.n. [Sept. 1885] (K). Florida: Beadel 4.n. 
[22 August 1945] (Ba); Gillis 11034 (Ld); Hume 4.n. [Orlando, July 21, 
1930] (Ba, Ba); Ledin 4.n. [Miami, Oct. 14, 1950] (Ft); Rhoads 4.n. 
[Gainesville, 4 June 1937] (F1--26960); Spence 4.n. (St. Petersburg, 
20 Sept. 1933] (F1--20956); Tidestnom 4210 (Ar--19843). France: Gade- 
ceau 4.n. [1890] (Bm); Pitand 4.n. [J. Bot. Bordeaux] (N). Georgia: 

H. E. Moone 4.n. [23 August 1957] (Ba). Germany: Bornmli2Zer s.n. [Te- 
gel, VIII.1882] (B); Collector undetermined .n. [Oktober 1975] (Mu); 
Herb. Hort. Bot. Monac. 4.n. [24.X.1890] (Mu--3847), a.n. [4.7.1891] 
(Mu--4044). Hawaiian Islands: C. Potter 4.n. [Foster Gardens, 8/25/ 
59] (Bi). Louisiana: Ansgene 11018 (W--1032624); L. H. Backey 4.n. 
[July 11, 1918] (Ba); C. Smith 1591 [Palynolog. Lab. L.S.U. pollen 
Slide 472] (Ne--1312). Maryland: P, G. Russell 4.n. [S.P.1. 76930] 
(Ar--3253). Mexico: Mexia 1914 (Gg--157090); Rosas R. 429 (Ld). 
Mississippi: Van Winkfe s.n. [Winona] (Ur). Missouri: Herb. Jesup 4.n. 
(Dt). Netherlands: Schouten 4.n. [13 Oct. 1924, Middelburg] (Ut). New 
Zealand: W. R. Sykes 99/68 [Herb. Bot. Div. D.S.1.R. 181463] (Ld). 
North Carolina: J. M. Matthews 4.n. [Sept. 4, 1935] (Hi--59419). Puer- 
to Rico: R. A. Howard 16658 (Ba); Prey .n. [1901] (G). Russia: Regel 
&.n. [Herb. Bot. Petrop. 57.8] (L). South Africa: Nat. Herb. Pretoria 
"A" (Br). South Carolina: McMaster s.n. [Aug. 29, 1933] (Ba). Swit- 
zerland: Herb. Beranet 4.n. [Sept. 1867] (X); Herb. Hort. Basil. 4.n. 
[14 Sept. 1864] (M); Herb. Hort. Genev. 4.n. [Oct. 1884] (Cb); Herb. 
Jand. Bot. Genev. 4.n. [25 Sept. 1935] (Cb, Cb, Cb); Herb. Jand. Valey- 

348 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 58, No. 5 

nes S.n. [Adut 1862] (X), 4.n. (X); Herb. Sernes Rivage Genev. 4.n. [7 
Sept. '74] (X), 6.n. [9 Oct. '75]) (X); Reuter 4.2. [Hort. Genev., 14 
Aout 1862] (X). Texas: Her. Univ. Texas s.n. (Au). Trinidad: Trin. 
Bot. Gard. Herb. 4.n. ["b"] (R). MOUNTED CLIPPINGS & ILLUSTRATIONS: 
Eisenstaedt, Life 30 (8): 66. 1951 (Ld); "N. K. G.", Gard. Chron., 
ser. 3, 84: 207, fig. 94. 1928 (Ba); Lindl., Edwards Bot. Reg. 24: pl. 
41. 1838 (Ld, N); H. N. Moldenke color slide 477 (Ld); Planch., Fl. 
Serres, ser. 1, 9: 16/17. 1853 (Ld); Preston, Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 
123: 132, fig. 65. 1948 (Ba); E. H. Walker, Fl. Okin. South. Ryuk. 
890--891. 1976 (W). 

CLERODENDRUM BURUANUM Miq., Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 3: 252--253 [as 
"CLernodendron" ]. 1867; H. Hallier, Meded. Rijks Herb. Leid. 37: 
68 [as “burzuano" ]. 1918. 

Synonymy: CLerodendron buruanwm Miq., Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 3: 
252--253. 1867. Cenodendron buruanum f. typicum Bakh. in Bakh. & 
Lam, Nova Guinea 14, Bot. 1: 171. 1924. C£enodendron nubuanwm Miq., 
in herb. 

Bibliography: Miq., Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 3: 252--253. 1867; 
Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks, Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 1: 560. 1893; H. Halli- 
er, Meded. Rijks Herb. Leid. 37: 67 & 72. 1918; H. J. Lam, Verbenac. 
Malay. Arch. 274 & 363. 1919; Bakh. in Lam & Bakh., Bull. Jard. Bot. 
Buitenz., ser. 3, 3: 76, 90--91, 108, & viii. 1921; Bakh. in Bakh. & 
Lam, Nova Guinea 14, Bot. 1: 171. 1924; Bakh., Journ. Arnold Arb. 10: 
73. 1929; Bakh. in White, Journ. Arnold Arb. 10: 264. 1929; Fedde & 
Schust., Justs Bot. Jahresber. 53 (1): 1072. 1932; Bakh., Journ. Ar- 
nold Arb. 16: 71. 1935; Beer & Lam, Blumea 2: 224. 1936; Mold., Known 
Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., ed. 1, 63, 66--68, & 89. 1942; Jacks. in 
Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 2, 1: 560. 1946; Mold., Known Geogr. 
Distrib. Verbenac., ed. 2, 142, 148--150, & 180. 1949; Mold., Resumé 
187, 193, 197, 198, 200, 215, & 448. 1959; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., 
Ind. Kew., imp. 3, 1: 560. 1960; Mold., Résume Suppl. 6: 9 (1963) and 
12: 8. 1965; Mold., Fifth Summ. 1: 322, 329, 331, 335, 338--340, 441, 
449, & 459 (1971) and 2: 863. 1971; Mold., Phytol. Mem. 2: 312, 320, 
322, 325, 328--330, 348, & 534. 1980; Mold., Phytologia 57: 468 (1985) 
and 58: 208 & 281. 1985. 

A tall shrub or small tree, 3--8 m. tall; branchlets obtusely tet- 
ragonal; leaves decussate-opposite; petioles 2.5--10 cm. long, gray- 
ish-pubescent; leaf-blades oblong or elliptic, 13--21 cm. long, 5-- 
12.5 cm. wide, dark-green above, pale beneath, apically acuminate, 
marginally entire, basally truncate or subcordate, sometimes central- 
ly cuneate and somewhat decurrent into the petiole, subglabrous above 
(except for the pubescent venation). sparsely pubescent beneath, the 
pubescence denser on the venation, the venation impressed above; 
secondaries 6--8 pairs; inflorescence paniculate, lax, few-flowered, 
5--10 cm. long, grayish-pubescent; peduncles green; bracts foliaceous, 
green; bracteoles subulate; pedicels shorter or longer than the calyx; 
calyx green or light-green, sometimes reddish or only basally lilac, 
about 5 mm. long, externally gray-pubescent except on the tips of the 
segments, the teeth deltoid, apically acute, about half as long as the 
tube; corolla white or cream-color, often somewhat lilac in the throat, 

1985 Moldenke, Notes on CLerodendrum 349 

1.5--2 cm. long, externally gray-pubescent, the tube apically lilac, 
the lobes 4--10 mm. long, apically rounded, less pubescent than the 
tube; stamens exserted; filaments white; anthers grayish-yellow to 
dark-brown; style white; stigma shortly bifid, lilac; ovary external- 
ly glabrous; fruiting-calyx pink or rose-color; fruit dull greenish- 

This species is based on Teijsmann H.B.1874 from Kageli and H.B. 
5250 from Oki, Buru island, in the Molucca Islands. Collectors have 
encountered the plant at the foot of hills and in rainforests (where 
Beer & Lam report it "common"), at 60--1450 m. altitude, in flower in 
April, May, July, and September, and in fruit in September. 

Vernacular names reported for the species are "loeboe aloeng", 
"nangel pangel riembo", "pangi pangi riembo", and “pangil poetib”. 

Bakhuizen (1921) describes his var. typicum as "Folia sparse pubes- 
centia vel nervis exceptis subglabra; corollae tubae elongatus, caly- 
cem duplo-triploque superans, 1.2--2 cm. longus" and bases it on Lam 
669, 1183, and 1218 from West Irian. He includes in the synonymy of 
what he regards as C. buruanwn the following taxa: C. Lindawianum 
Lauterb., C. versteegi Pulle, C. vanoverberghti Merr., C. catalpsfol- 
dum H. Hallier, C. baungelsiiffonwm H. Hallier, and C. abbiffos H. J. 
Lam, citing Teijsmann 1874 from Buru, Teijsmann 4.n. from Amboina, 
and Schfechtenr 14455 and Versteeg 1396 from New Guinea. I regard the 
Lauterbach and Pulle taxa as C. buruanwn f. Lindawianum (Lauterb.) 
Bakh., the Merrill and Lam taxa as valid species, and C. baun{elsii- 
fLonum also as valid with C. catalpifoluum as a synonym. 

Lam (1919) cites for C. buruanum only H. Bog. 5250 from Buru and 
1160 from Sumatra. He comments "cf. C. condensatum", but fails to 
mention anything relevant in his discussion of the latter taxon. Beer 
& Lam (1936) cite nos. 3970 and 5448, giving the species’ overall dis- 
tribution as the Philippines, Moluccas, and New Guinea. 

It should be noted that, according to its accompanying label, the 
Herb. Hort. Bot. Bogor. X1.B.X1X.120, cultivated in the Buitenzorg 
garden, originated in Borneo. 

Material of C. busuanwm has been misidentified and distributed in 
some herbaria as C. infortunatum L. On the other hand, the Carr 
15156, distributed as C. buruanum, actually is C. baachyanthum Schau. 

Citations: GREATER SUNDA ISLANDS: Borneo: Endert 1463 (Bz--72719), 
2616 (Bz--72725). Sumatra: Buwalda 6867 (Bz--72580); Tecjsmann H.B. 
1160 (Ut--53399). LESSER SUNDA ISLANDS: Flores: Voogd 1791 (Bz--19702, 
N). MOLUCCA ISLANDS: Amboina: Péj£ 715 (Bz--19703, Bz--19704); Terss- 
mann &.n. [Hila] (Bz--18926, Bz--18927, Bz--18928). Buru: Binnendyk 
b.n. (Bz--18932); Teijsmann H.B.1874 (Bz--18929--cotype, Bz--18930-- 
cotype, Bz--1893l--cotype, Ld--photo of cotype, N--photo of cotype, 
Ut--11568--cotype), H.B.5250 (Ut--11567--cotype). NEW GUINEA: West 
Irian: Aet 8&5 (Bz--72583); Doctenrs van Leeuwen 9015 (Bz--72665), 11301 
(Bz--72657, Bz--72658); Herb. Hort. Bogor. 18955(Bz); Kanehina & Hatu- 
sima 12326 (Bz--18934); Lam 669 (Bz--18937), 1183 (Bz--18954, N), 1278 
(Bz--18935, Bz--18936, N). NEW GUINEAN ISLANDS: Japen: Aet & Idjan 
532 [Van Dijk 532] (Bz--72977, Bz--72978). CULTIVATED: Java: Hearb. 
Hort. Bot. Bogor. V1.B.X1X.120 (Bz--25519, Bz--25812, Bz--25813, Bz, 
Bz, N), VI.B.XIX.121 (Bz--25814, Bz--25815, N), XII.B.111.38 (Bz-- 
19700, Bz--19701, N). 

350 PATE OL,O GAIA Vol. 58, No. 5 

CLERODENDRUM BURUANUM f. LINDAWIANUM (Lauterb.) Bakh. in Bakh. & Lam, 
Nova Guinea 14, Bot. 1: 171 [as "“CRenodendron burzuanum f. Lindav- 
d4anum" |}. 1924; Mold., Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., ed. 1, 67, 
68, & 89. 1942. 

Synonymy: CLerodendron Lindawianwm Lauterb. in K. Schum. & Lauterb., 
Nachtr. Fl. Deutsch. Schutzgeb. Sldsee 372--373. 1905. Cenodendnron 
versteegi Pulle in Lorentz, Nova Guinea 8 (2): 403. 1910. C&enodendrur 
Lindavianum Lauterb. ex H. Hallier, Meded. Rijks Herb. Leid. 37: 68 
[as "Lindaviano"]. 1918. CLenodendrum versteegi Pulle apud H. Hallier, 
Meded. Rijks Herb. Leid. 37: 67. 1918. Cenodendnron buruanun f. Lin- 
davianum (Laut.) Bakh. in Bakh. & Lam, Nova Guinea 14, Bot. 1: 171. 
1924. Cerodendron Lindavianum Laut. apud Bakh. in BaKH. & Lam, Nova 
Guinea 14, Bot. 1: 171 in syn. 1924. CLenodendron versteegii Pulle 
apud Bakh. in Bakh. & Lam, Nova Guinea 14, Bot. 1: 171 in syn. 1924. 
CLenodendron burzuanum var. versteegii (Pulle) Bakh., in herb. 

Bibliography: Lauterb. in K. Schum. & Lauterb., Nachtr. Fl. Deutsch. 
Schutzgeb. SUdsee 372--373. 1905; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3, imp. 1, 
44. 1908; Pulle in Lorentz, Nova Guinea 8: 403 (1910) and 8: 687. 1912; 
Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 4, imp. 1, 50. 1913; Wernh. in Ridl., Trans. 
Linn. Soc. Lond., ser. 2 Bot. 9: 137. 1916; H. Hallier, Meded. Rijks 
Herb. Leid. 37: 67, 68, & 72. 1918; H. J. Lam, Verbenac. Malay. Arch. 
288, 292, & 364. 1919; Bakh. in Lam & Bakh., Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenz., 
SEF .435735,(90, LOG. dvix. 1921s. He J. Lam im Lauterb:.cEngh: | Boty 
Jahrb. 59: 96--97. 1924; Bakh. in Bakh. & Lam, Nova Guinea 14, Bot. 1: 
171. 1924; Bakh., Journ. Arnold Arb. 10: 73. 1929; Bakh. in White, 
Journ. Arnold Arb. 10: 264. 1929; Fedde & Schust., Justs Bot. Jahresber. 
53 (1): 1072 (1932) and 60 (2): 572. 1941; Mold., Known Geogr. Dis- 
trib. Verbenac., ed. 1, 67, 68, & 89 (1942) and ed. 2, 149, 150, & 180. 
1949; Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 3, imp. 2, 44 (1958) and 4, imp. 2, 50. 
1958; Mold., Resumé 192, 194, 200, 204, 261, 266, 271, & 448. 1959; 
Mold., Résumé Suppbeik2: 282. )965seMolidss Fifth: Summ be 322509355339, 
340, 441, & 459 (1971) and 2: 863. 1971; Mold., Phytol. Mem. 2: 312, 
325, 329, 330, & 534. 1980; Mold., Phytologia 57: 468 & 473. 1985. 

A small, erect, often compact tree or treelet, to 15 m. tall, shrub, 
1--5 m. tall, or even herbaceous and 1 m. tall [the mountain form at 
2070 m. altitude]; trunk to 12.5 cm. in diameter and 20 cm. girth, the 
bole often to 2 m. long; branches slender, terete, often wide-spreading, 
fulvous-tomentose; branchlets terete; twigs green, pilose with pale- 
brown hairs; bark thin, smooth and slightly flaky, green or gray-green 
to pale-gray or gray, sometimes pale-brown mottled with light-gray; 
inner bark white, 2.5 mm. thick; wood white or straw-color, odorless, 
without exudate; lenticels mostly brown; leaves decussate-opposite, 
anisophyllous; petioles 4--11.5 cm. long, appressed tawny- or fulvous- 
tomentose; leaf-blades membranous or thin-chartaceous, ovate or sub- 
cordate-ovate, 13--22 cm. long, 7--16.5 cm. wide (at the lower quarter), 
mostly dark-green and shiny above and pale beneath (in drying dark 
brown-green above and paler beneath), apically acute or short-acumin- 
ate (the acumen acute or obtuse), marginally entire, basally obtuse 
or rounded to subcordate, softly and rather densely appressed pilose- 
pubescent on both surfaces but especially above and on the venation 
beneath with pale-brown hairs,glandulose beneath; venation yellowish- 
green and prominent beneath, impressed above; secondaries /7--9 per side, 

1985 Moldenke, Notes on CLerodendrzum 351 

strong, obliquely ascending; inflorescence terminal, paniculate- 
subcorymbose, pyramidal, compuct, 10--21 cm. long, 7--16 cm. wide; 
peduncles green, 3--7.5 cm. long, thinly silvery-pilose; bracts folia- 
ceous; bracteoles linear-lanceolate, about 5 mm. long; pedicels 3--5 
mm. long; flower-buds green or light-green, pilosulous; cymes di- or 
trichotomous; flowers pedicellate, fragrant or odorless [depending 

on time of day?]; calyx infundibular, 5--7 mm. long, green or greenish- 
white to pink, violet, lilac, or red, externally with white or pale- 
brown pilose pubescence and often also with peltate scales, internal- 
ly glabrous, the tube to 7 mm. long, sometimes brown, the 5 teeth or 
lobes triangular, 2--3 mm. long, apically white and acuminate; corolla 
hypocrateriform, white, sometimes pink or lilac, externally glabrous, 
the throat usually pink, the tube mostly very short, only 6--10 mm. 
long, scarcely surpassing the calyx, mostly pink, glabrous or nearly 
SO, glandulose, the lobes oblong, 4--7 mm. long, apically rounded, 
mostly white, often wrinkled, pubescent and glandulose along the mid- 
vein; stamens 4, exserted 1.5--2 cm. beyond the corolla-mouth, inser- 
ted in its tube; filaments about 2 cm. long, white; anthers dorsi- 
fixed, about 1.5 mm. long, white or light-yellow to dark-brown or 
green, subcaudate; style white, long-exserted, about 2 cm. long, often 
somewhat shorter than the stamens; stigmas lilac, about 2 mm. long, 
bifid, the lobes slender; ovary obconic, about 1.5 mm. long, external- 
ly glabrous; fruiting-calyx accrescent, pink or light-pink to pink- 
purplish, reddish, red-violet, or blood-red, 5-lobed, sometimes green- 
ish outside and reddish inside, the lobes eventually spreading or re- 
flexed; fruit drupaceous, globose, at first green or dark-green, 6 mm. 
long and 5 mm. wide, turning purple-green or blue, eventually dark- 
purple or black, splitting into 4 nutlets. 

This form is based on Schfechter 14455 from 1000 m. altitude in the 
Torricelli Mountains in the Territory on New Guinea, Papua New Guinea, 
collected in April, 1902. It is a member of the Subsection Paniculata 
of Section Micnocalyx. It differs from the typical form of C, buruanum 
chiefly in its leaf-blades being conspicuously soft-pubescent on both 
surfaces, especially above, and the corolla-tube only scarcely exceed- 
ing the calyx in length. Lauterbach (1905) notes that "Die Art ist 
mit C. ingnratum Laut. et K. Sch. verwandt, jedoch durch die starke Be- 
haarung, Kelch- und BlUtenform abweichend." 

Frodin avers that the "lvs. [are] grayish-green above, perianth per- 
sistent, fruit dark-gray", but his collection must have been unusual 
to possess these characters. 

Pulle's C. versteegi is based on Versteeg 1396 from West Irian. 

CLerodendrum burzuanun f. Lindawianum has been encountered by col- 
lectors in and at the borders of rainforests, in the sandy soil of 
primary and secondary forests on ridge crests, along open trailsides, 
in jungles among bamboo, grasses, and ferns, in mountain forests and 
rainforest regrowth, in old garden areas, lowland Diptenrocanrpus for- 
ests, and rather shady and damp Nothofagus-dominated forests, on steep 
banks and limestone hillsides, in logging areas of woodland, and in 
riverbeds and scree, from sealevel to 2070 m. altitude, in flower from 
December to February and April to October, and in fruit from March to 
May, July to September, December, and January -- apparently it blooms 
and fruits throughout the year. 

352 PHYTOLOGIA Vol. 58, No. 5 

The corollas are mostly described as "white" (as on Aet 339, Brass 
2919 & 3403, Clemens & Chemends 596, Darbyshine 224, Floyd 6654, Gjek- 
Lerup 95, Kajewski 2341 & 2502, Kanehina &£ Hatusima 11437, Kpbie & Olsen 
1388, Lam 503, Ledermann 8219 & 10457a, Mamit 4.n., Nyman 831, Peekel 
160, Sawyer 218, Stevens & Lekean LAE.58312, and Womenskey 3851), but 
as "snow-white" on Kajewski 1978, "white with pink throat" on Lam 40] 
& 1401, "pink" on Schlechter 14455, “lilac" on Bkoembergen 4022, and 
"tube pink or rose" on Schechter 14455. 

The plant was found growing "on a small coral island 2 km. off 
shore" by Kgie & Olsen. Womersley describes it as “usually in secon- 
dary bush” in New Guinea; Brass found it "common in rainforest regrowth" 
in Papua; and Kajewski reports it common in rainforests on Bougain- 

It is worth noting that the calyx is noticeably shorter than usual 
on Brass 2919 and Kajewski 1978, 2341, & 2502. 

Bakhuizen (1929) comments that "This variety is only known from New 
Guinea up to the present and also from the Dutch division of it: it 
differs from the type, which chiefly occurs in the Moluccas, in having 
the leaves softly hairy at the upper side and the corolla tube very 
Short, scarcely exceeding the calyx. The leaves, however, are very 
variable in size, now rather large, thin and with a long petiole, now 
smaller, chartaceous and with a rather short petiole. The species is 
also closely related to CLerodendraum infortunatum L." 

Vernacular names reported for C. buruanum f. Lindawianum are “a 
melmalu palpalana", "ambus -gor-le-le", “anbus-gor-le-le", "a melmalu 
palpalana", "e-ya-papor", "“fuho", “jamu-jamu", “kaiye", "“koru-kopu", 
“namovar", “nengkello", and "pepargil". 

Wernham (1916) regarded the form as “endemic in New Guinea", citing 
Koss &.n. from West Irian; Hallier (1918) cites Versteeg 1396 and 
Zippelius 167b as C. verdsteegi and notes: "Deutlich anisophyll! Von 
einer sehr nahe verwandten Art [referring to C. curnranii Elmer?] liegt 
nur ein mangelhaftes, zu einer Beschreibung nicht ausreichendes Exem- 
plar vor (Molukken? Zippelius 167b, mit blutrothen Fruchtkelchen)." 

Lam (1919) cites from the Territory of New Guinea: Lederamann 6615, 
8219, 10457a, & 11889, Nyman 831, and Schlechter 14455; from West Iri- 
an: RBmer 6] & 222; and from New Ireland: Peeke2 160. In his 1924 
work he cites the same collections. 

Bakhuizen (1924, 1929) cites Brass 924 & 1412 as well as Lam 401, 
503, & 1401 and Vensteeg 1396, giving the overall] distribution, as re- 
garded by him, as the Moluccas, Philippines, and New Guinea. Fedde & 
Schuster (1932) cite Versteeg 503, 1396, & 1401 from West Irian, but 
this is an error in transcription -- the first and third numbers apply 
to Lam collections. 

Kajewski tells us that the leaves of this plant are placed in water 
with bamboo, allowed to rot, and then rubbed on children's bodies to 
treat skin diseases; also that bark is stripped off and the "sappy 
part" is applied by natives to places on the body that are sore; the 
leaves boiled in water are applied to sore legs. 

Stevens & Lelean refer to the fruits as "berries", but they are 

The so-called C. Lindawianwm var. glabrion Gibbs is now known as C, 
akbiflos var. glabrion (Gibbs) H. J. Lam. 

1985 Moldenke, Notes on CLerodendaum 353 

Material of C£erodendrawm burzuanum f. Lindawianum has been misiden- 
tified and distributed in some herbaria as C., adenophysum Wall., C. 
confusum H. Hallier, C. infortunatum L., C. rubuanum Miq., and C. vil- 
Losum Blume. 

Citations: GREATER SUNDA ISLANDS: Celebes: 320embergen 4022 (Bz-- 
20957); Kjellberg 1544 (Bz--18941, S). Sarawak: Ismawi & Kudi 4.n. 
[Herb. Sarawak For. Dept. S.32078] (Ld); Mamit 4.n. [Herb. Sarawak 
For. Dept. S.33408] (Kh, Tu); Native collector 526 (Bz--19693), 1828 
(Bz--19694). NEW GUINEA: Papua: Brass 924 (Bz--18945), 1412 (Bz-- 
18943), 3970 (Bz--20186); Chalmers 4.n. [1885] (Mb); Forbes 4.n. [1887] 
(Mb); MacGregor 4.n. [Mt. Musgrove, 25/ 6/ 89] (Mb), 4.n. [Port Mores- 
bye 1889] (Mb). Territory of New Guinea: Clemens & CLemens 596 (B), 
5198 (B, N); Danbyshine 224 (Ba); Darbyshine &£ Hoogland 8107 (Ba); 
Schfechter 14455 (Br--isotype, Bz--18942--isotype, Ld--photo of iso- 
type, N--isotype, N--photo of isotype); Womenrsley 3851 (Ng--6483). 
West Irian: Aet 6 (Bz--72582), 119a (Bz--72581), 339 (Bz--72951, Ng-- 
16931); Feuceletau de Bauyn 381 (Bz--18779); Gjeklerup 95 (Bz--18952); 
Kanehina &£ Hatusima 11437(Bz--18933); Lam 401 (B2--18947), 503 (Bz-- 
18944, Bz--18946), 1061 (Bz--18938, Bz--18939, Bz--18940, Ut--63841), 
1401 (Bz--18948, Bz--18949); Meyer Drees 520 [Boomproefst. bb.25730] 
(Bz--20956); RBmer 222 (Bz--18953, Bz--25548, N); Sawyer 218 (Ca-- 
1288320); Vensteeg 1396 (Bz--13950, Bz--19851, Bz--25950, Ld--photo, 
N--photo, Ut--13808). BISMARK ARCHIPELAGO: Dyaul: Kéie 1847 (Cp). 
Mussau: Kéie & Olsen 1200(Cp), 1340 (Ac, Cp), 1388 (Cp, Ld), 1404 (Cp), 
1623 (Cp), 1697 (Ac, Cp). New Britain: Floyd 6654 (Ng--16842, Ng, W-- 
2603233, W--2603249); Fraodin NGF.26684 (N); Stevens & Lefean LAE. 58312 
(Mu, W--2956533). SOLOMON ISLANDS: Bougainville: Kajewski 1925 (Bi, 
Bz--19088, Bz--19089, Bz--19099), 1978 (Bi, Bz--19095, Bz--19097). 
Guadalcanal: Kajewski 2502 (Bi, Bz--19086, Bz--19091, N). Malaita: 
Kajewski 2341 (Bi, Bz--19090, Bz--19092). San Cristoval: Brass 2919 
(Bi, Bz--19093, Bz--19096). Ysabel: Brass 3403 (Bi, Bz--19094, Bz-- 

CLERODENDRUM BLUTTNERI Glrke, Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 18: 174--175 [as “C£en- 
odendron" ]. 1893; B. Thomas, Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 68: [Gatt. Clerod. ] 
14 & 92. 1936. 

Synonymy: C£enodendron blittneri Glirke, Engl. Bot. Jatirb. 18: 174. 
1893. CLernodendron buettneri Glirke apud J. G. Baker in Thiselt.-Dyer, 
Fl. Trop. Afr. 5: 293 & 302. 1900. Cenodendraum buettneri Glirke apud 
B. Thomas, Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 68: [Gatt. Clerod.] 61. 1936. 

Bibliography: Glrke, Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 18: 174--175. 1893; J. G. 
Baker in Thiselt.-Dyer, Fl. Trop. Afr. 5: 293 & 302. 1900; Durand & 
Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 101. 1901; DeWild., Bull. Jard. 
Bot. Brux. 7: 165. 1920; DeWild., Pl. Bequaert. 2: 258. 1922; Good & 
Exell, Journ. Bot. Brit. 68: Suppl. 2: 141. 1930; B. Thomas, Engl. Bot. 
Jahrb. 68: [Gatt. Clerod.] 10, 14, 35, 61, & 92. 1936; Durand & Jacks., 
Ind. Kew. Supp]. 1, imp. 2, 101. 1941; Mold., Known Geogr. Distrib. 
Verbenac., ed. 1, 47, 48, & 89. 1942; Mold., Alph. List Cit. 2: 504. 
1948; H. N. & A. L. Mold., Pl. Life 2: 52. 1948; Mold., Alph. List 
Cit. 3: 963 (1949) and 4: 1153 & 1159. 1949; Mold., Known Geogr. Dis- 
trib. Verbenac., ed. 2, 113, 114, & 180. 1949; Durand & Jacks., Ind. 
Kew. Supp]. 1, imp. 3, 101. 1959; Mold., Résumé 139--141 & 448. 1959; 

354 P Hoe HOD OG A ¥ol 558 Mesto 

H. Huber in Hutchins. & Dalz., Fl. W. Trop. Afr., ed. 2, 2: 439 & 442. 
1963; Mold., Résumé Suppl. 15: 17 & 18. 1967; Mold., Fifth Summ. 1: 
221, 223, 225, 226, 228, & 461 (1971) and 2: 863. 1971; Mold., Phytol. 
Mem. 22 212. 213-215, 2164 2184 8 6340A860. 

A climbing shrub or small liana; branches, branchlets, and twigs 
densely brown-hispid with long, wine-red, articulated hairs; leaves 
decussate-opposite, short-petiolate; petioles 1--2 cm. long, densely 
long-villous; leaf-blades herbaceous, oblong or elliptic-oblong, 7--10 
cm. long, 2.5--4 cm. wide, apically acuminate, marginally entire, bas- 
ally more or less unequally cordate or subcordate, dull medium-green 
above, paler beneath, brown-hispid or -villous to subvillous-pubescent 
principally along the venation beneath; secondaries 4 or 5, arcuate- 
ascending; inflorescence terminal; peduncles about 1 cm. long, very 
densely long-villous; cymes corymbiform, few-flowered; pedicels elon- 
gate; bracts minute, filiform to subulate-filiform; calyx very pale- 
green, the tube about 5 mm. long, 5-parted nearly to the base, the 
lobes ovate-lanceolate, 1--3 mm. long, apically acute, 3-veined, pi- 
lose; corolla tubular, white or yellowish-white with a red center, 
sometimes pale-pink, about 1.6 cm. long, basally pale-green, the tube 
pilose, slightly surpassing the calyx, the throat rose-tinted; stamens 
very long-exserted; anthers dark-brown; style very long-exserted, pale- 

This species is based on Blttner 426 from along the road to Siban- 
ge, Munda, in the Gabonese Republic, collected in September, 1884, and 
deposited in the Berlin herbarium, now probably destroyed. 

Collectors have encountered the plant in shady forests, including 
virgin and secondary forests, and on abandoned native plantations, in 
flower in January, May, and September, at 650 m. altitude. Gossweiler 
refers to it as "not frequent". 

GUrke (1893), in commenting on his C. dinkfagei, notes that this 
taxon "Steht den C, Blttneri sehr nahe, ist aber durch schwdchere und 
kUrzere Behaarung unterschieden; auch sind hier die Haare rlckwdrts 
gerichtet, bei C. Bluttneri abstehend. Die Bldtter sind am Grunde ab- 
gerundet und nicht herzftrmig wie bei C, BUttneri, auch etwas ldnger 
zugespitzt. Die Kelchzipfel sind ldnger, schmdler und mehr zugespitzt 
als bei jener Art." 

DeWildeman (1922) cites for C. blittneri only Bequaert 6755; Good & 
Exell (1930) cite Gossweiler 6904, 7681, & 7898 from Portuguese Congo 
[Longo, Angola], giving the overall distribution of the species as Ni- 
geria, Cameroons, Gabon, and Congo. 

Thomas (1936) cites Bittner 526 and Gossweiler 7998 from Gabon, 
Tessmann B.13 & 22 from the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, and Leder- 
mann 712, Mifdbnraed 5769, Staudt 347, Tedsmann 868, Zenker 687, 1256, 
& 2702, and Zenker & Staudt 418 from the Cameroons. 

Huber (1963) cites only Latifo FHI.31813 from Southern Nigeria, 
noting “Also in Cameroons, Rio Muni and Gabon". 

DeWildeman (1922) cites Baker's (1900) work to p. "362" instead of 
to page 302. Glrke's work (1893) is sometimes erroneously cited as 
"1894", the titlepage date. 

Citations: CAMEROONS: Baetefer 1739 (Mu); Gocker 45 (W--1051329); 
Staudt 347 (L, S); Zenker 687 (N), 1256 (L, Mu--3708), 2702 (Br, Mu-- 
4004, N), 4.n. (Br); Zenker & Staudt 418 (Ca--617121, S). ZAIRE: Be- 

1985 Moldenke, Notes on C£Lerodendrum 355 

quent 6755 (8r); Cabaa 7 (Br); Genmain 5114 (E--2168592); Lebrun 985 

CLERODENDRUM CABRAE DeWild., Ann. Mus. Congo, ser. 5, 3: 131 [as 
“CLerodendron" ]. 1909; B. Thomas, Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 68: [Gatt. 
Clerod.] 81. 1936. 

Synonymy: C£erodendaon cabrae NeWild., Ann. Mus. Congo, ser. 5, 3: 
131. 1909. 

Bibliography: DeWild., Ann. Mus. Congo, ser. 5, 3: 131. 1909; 
Prain, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 4, imp. 1, 50. 1913; B. Thomas, Engl. Bot. 
Jahrb. 68: [Gatt. Clerod.] 16, 25, 44, 81, & 92. 1936; Mold., Known 
Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., ed. 1, 48 & 89. 1942; Mold., Alph. List Inv. 
Names Supp] sods 6.19473 HooN. & Acc L Mold.) Pl.Life 23 52.51948; 
Mold., Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., ed. 2, 115 & 180. 1949; Prain, 
Ind. Kew. Supp]. 4, imp. 2, 50. 1958; Mold., Résumé 141, 148, 261, & 
448. 1959; Mold., Fifth Summ. 1: 228, 245, & 441 (1971) and 2: 863. 
1971; Mold., Phytol. Mem. 2: 218, 235, & 534. 1980. 

A large tree, branched shrub, or much-branched sun-loving liana, 
short-pubescent on the young parts; branches short-pubescent; bark 
gray; leaves decussate-opposite, subsessile or short-petiolate; peti- 
oles to about 12 mm. long; leaf-blades ovate or ovate-rotund, about 7 
cm. long and 4.5 cm. wide, apically subrotund or cuneately acute, mar- 
ginally entire or sparsely dentate and ciliate, basally cuneate or 
rounded to subcordate, sparsely pilose; cymes axillary, opposite, 
paniculate, dichotomous, about 5-flowered, the rachis 5--6 cm. long; 
flowers pedicellate, zygomorphic, odorless; pedicels basally bracteo- 
late, reflexed; calyx campanulate, 5--6 mm. long, strongly zygomorph- 
ic, red, sparsely tomentose, the lobes overlapping in opposite pairs, 
broadly ovate, apically rounded, erect, appressed to the corolla-tube; 
corolla bicolored, plainly irregular, the tube about 1 cm. long, basal- 
ly inflated, the lobes about 1.5 cm. long and 8 mm. wide, glabrous, 

4 green or light-green and the 5th (lowermost) blue or mauve, or the 

upper ones gentian-violet (Seguy 647) and the ventral surface of the 

lower ones mauve with the dorsal surface bronze-green like the tube; 

Stamens only slightly exserted from the corolla-mouth; filaments green; 

anthers yellow; style about 4 cm. long, far surpassing the stamens, 

ovary green, to 2.5 cm. long; ripe fruit brilliant red-brown or red. 

The species is based on Cabna-Michel 44 from along the river be- 
tween Tumba Mani and Kwango, Zaire, collected on September 1, 1902, 
and deposited in the Brussels herbarium. It is a member of the Sec- 
tion Chaunocymosa of Subgenus Cycfonema. A key to distinguish the taxa 
in this Section is given by Thomas (1936), on pages 44 to 48. 

Collectors have found C£erodendrum cabrae growing in forests and 
along riversides, at 470--1800 m. altitude, in flower in February, 
July, and December. 

Vernacular names reported for this plant are "dillko", "“ifonge", 
“ijnaolo a mbambake", “inaolo a wangange", “mambake”, "“mbambake", 
“mbambake boliki" [=the liana mbambake], “mbambake e boliki", and 
"mbondd éa ngonda". 

Thomas (1936) cites only the type collection. DeWildeman (1909) 
comments that "Cette espece semble devoir se rapprocher surtout du C. 
sansibarnense Glirke....... Elle se différencie par ses feuilles opposees 

356 PTT Ok OMG SP IK Vol. 58, No. 5 

et plutot courtement petiolees, parfois méme sessiles. La disposi- 
tion opposée des feuilles différencie le C. Cabnae du C. ternatum 
Schinz qui a avec C, Sandibanense certaines analogies." 

Gerunain 309 is a mixture of C. cabrae and C. germaini Mold. Mater- 
ial of C. cabrae has been misidentified and distributed in some her- 
baria as C. sansibanense Glirke and C, schefflerr Glirke. 

Citations: ZAIRE: Achten 561b (8r, Br), 566b (Br, Br, N); Braedo 
2718 (Br);Cabna-Michel 44 (Br--type, Ld--photo of type, N--photo of 
type); Cfaessens 513 (Br); Descamps 4.n. [Katanga] (Br); Dewul{ £26 
(Br, N); Dubois 135 (Br, Br); Germain 294 (Br, Br), 309a (Br, Br, Br, 
N), 417 (Br); Gilfandin 387 (Br, Br, Br); Goossens 2437 (Br); Huls- 
taert 311 (Br), 1356 (Br), 1439 (Br); Lebrun 1446 (Br, Br), 2578 (Br, 
Br), 6259 (Br, Br); J. Leonand 619 (Br, N); J. Louis 869 (Br, N, S), 
1389 (Br), 7155 (Br, N), 7274 (Br), 8685 (Br, Ca--962231, Vi), 8943 
(Br, W--2091037), 9144 (B, Br), 10109 i5r), 10926 (Br), 12513 (Br), 
14728 (Br), 15905 (Br); Quannd 7062 (Br, Br); Renier 49 (Br, N); Van- 
denyst 10746 (Br), 10947 (Br, Br), 11124 (Br), 12290 (Br, N), 12347 
(Br, N), 16724 (Br), 2438& (Br, Br, N), 24389 (Br), 24390 (Br, Br), 
24391 (Br), 31634 (Br, Br). ZAMBIA: Burtt 6380 (Br). 

CLERODENDRUM CAERULEUM f. E. Br., Kew Bull. Misc. Inf. 1895: 115--116 
[as "C£enodendron" ]. 1895; B. Thomas, Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 68: [Gatt. 
Clerod. ] 80. 1936. 

Synonymy: C2Lerodendron caeruleum WN. E. Br., Kew Bull. Misc. Inf. 
18955 :175..-1895:. 

Bibliography: N. E. Br., Kew Bull. Misc. Inf. 1895: 115--116. 1895; 
Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 1, 101. 1901; H. H. W. Pear- 
son in Thiselt.-Dyer, Fl. Cap. 5 (1): 218 & 222--223. 1901; B. Thomas, 
Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 68: [Gatt. Clerod.] 44, 80, & 92. 1936; Durand & 
Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 2, 101. 1941; Mold., Known Geogr. Dis- 
trib. Verbenac., ed. 1, 52 & 89 (1942) and ed. 2, 121 & 180. 1949; 
Durand & Jacks., Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1, imp. 3, 101. 1959; Mold., Resumé 
153 & 448. 1959; Mold., Fifth Summ. 1: 255 (1971) and 2: 863. 1971; 
Bayer, Flow. Paint. Saunders 264 & [265], pl. 75 [sin.]. 1979; Mold., 
Phytol. Mem. 2: 244 & 534. 1980. 

Illustrations: Bayer, Flow. Paint. Saunders 264 & [265], pl. 75 
[sin.] (in color). 1979. 

A perennial woody herb or low much-branched shrub, to 1 m. tall; 
stems dark-reddish; young branches dark-brown, tetragonal, puberulent 
in 2 opposite lines, later glabrous; bark grayish, glabrous, more or 
less tuberculate, wrinkled; leaves decussate-opposite, petiolate, not 
malodorous; petioles 2--12 mm. long, puberulent; leaf-blades membran- 
ous, yellow-green, ovate or ovate-lanceolate to almost oblong, some- 
times distinctly hastate, 0.8--6 cm. long, 0.4--2.5 cm. wide, apically 
acute, marginally coarsely and acutely 3- or 4-dentate or -serrate, 
rarely entire, basally cuneate, sparsely puberulent above and on the 
venation beneath, marginally ciliate; secondaries 3--5 per side, prom- 
inent beneath; inflorescence axillary, cymose; cymes 1--3-flowered, 
Solitary, pedunculate; peduncles slender, 2--3.5 cm. long, 2-bracteate 
near the summit, puberulent along the posterior line, otherwise glab- 
rous; flowers showy, pedicellate; pedicels 2--4 mm. long; bracts 
subulate, 2--3 mm. long, completely glabrous or marginally ciliate; 

1985 Moldenke, Notes on CLerodendraum 357 

calyx campanulate, 2--5 mm. long, strongly 5-veined, externally glab- 
rous or minutely puberulent, the rim 5-toothed, the teeth distant, 
narrowly deltoid, apically acutely long-acuminate, equaling the tube, 
marginally obscurely ciliolate; corolla blue or purple, irregular, the 
tube curvate, 7 mm. long or about twice as long as the calyx, glabrous 
except for the villous throat, the limb 1.4--1.6 cm. wide, the 4 upper 
lobes elliptic, subequal, apically obtuse, the lower lobe cuneate- 
obovate, apically subtruncate; stamens 1.6 cm. long, incurved, long- 
exserted; style long-exserted; fruit drupaceous, 4-lobed, 2-seeded, 
externally glabrous. 

This species is based on Gerrard & McKen 1252 from the Mooi River 
valley, at 2000--3000 feet altitude, Natal, South Africa, deposited 
in the Kew herbarium. Thomas (1936) has designated this collection 
(which he cites as Geranand 1252) as the type from among the three 
collections originally cited by Brown -- Gerananrd & McKen 1252 and 
Suther£and 4.n. from Natal and Mas. K. Saunders 4.n. from Swaziland. 

Brown (1895) notes that the species is "Allied to C. mynricoddes, 

R. Br., but easily recognized by its much narrower and very acute 

The corollas are described as “blue” on Repton 1184 and weels 2211, 
as well as by Gerrard, and as “purple” on Galpin 14776. They are de- 
picted by Saunders (1979) as deep purple-blue. The Wells 2211 col- 
lection exhibits decidedly hastate leaf-blades. 

Collectors have encountered this plant on grassy banks, among bushes 
on steep hillsides, in thorn veld, and "flat on the soil surface among 
rocks", often cropped short by goats, at altitudes of 660--1000 m., 
in flower in January, February, and November. Pentz refers to it as 
“a common shrub in thorn veld". Thomas (1936) cites only the type 
collection and Sutherland 4.n. 

Material of C£enodendrum caerufeum has been misidentified and dis- 
tributed in some herbaria as C. Lanceofatum N. E. Br., C. mynricordes 
(Hochst.) R. Br., and C. mynricoides var. camporum Glirke. 

Citations: SOUTH AFRICA: Natal: Galpin 14776 (Af); Pentz 541 (Af, 
Ld); — 1184 (Af); Wels 2211 (Mu). Transvaal: Van der Schijs ff 
2319 ‘ 

CLERODENDRUM CAESIUM GUrke, Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 28: 300--301 & 466 [as 
"CLenodendron" ]. 1900; B. Thomas, Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 68: [Gatt. 
Clerod. J. 81. 1936. 

Synonymy: C£enrodendron caesium Glrke, Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 28: 300 & 
466. 1900. C&enodeddrum caesium Guerke ex Richards & Morony, Check 
List Fl. Mbala 236 sphalm. 1969. 

Gibliography: J. G. Baker in Thiselt.-Dyer, Fl. Trop. Afr. 5: 520. 
1900; GUrke, Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 28: 300--301 & 466. 1900; K. Schum. , 
Justs Bot. Jahresber. 28 (1): 496. 1900; Thiselt.-Dyer, Ind. Kew. Sup- 
pl. 2: 43. 1904; B. Thomas, Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 68: [Gatt. Clerod.] 44, 
81, & 92. 1936; Mold., Known Geogr. Distrib. Verbenac., ed. 1, 49 & 
89 (1942) and ed. 2, 116 & 180. 1949; Mold., Résumé 141, 143, 148, & 
448. 1959; F. White, For. Fl. North. Rhodes. 365. 1962; Mold., Résumé 
Supp]. 9: 3. 1964; Richards & Morony, Check List Fl. Mbala 236. 1969; 
Mold., Fifth Summ. 1: 228, 235, 245, & 441 (1971) and 2: 863. 1971; 
Mold., Phytol. Mem. 2: 218, 224, 235, 383, & 534. 1980. 

358 Pcl ¥. oF 00k 1046 348 Vol. 58, No. 5 

A bush or shrub, to 6.5 m. tall; young branches tetragonal, clothed 
with brown, weak, multicellular hairs especially at the nodes; leaves 
decussate-opposite, very short-petiolate; petioles about 5 mm. long, 
finely pilose; leaf-blades membranous or thin-membranous, elliptic or 
broadly elliptic, 5--12.5 cm. long, 3--5 cm. wide, twice as long as 
wide at the central point, apically acute or slightly acuminate, mar- 
ginally weakly serrate (the teeth with short but plainly acuminate 
tips), basally narrowed into the petiole, glabrous on both surfaces 
except for the sparingly pilose larger venation with weak brownish 
hairs; inflorescence terminal, paniculate, very lax, with the cyme- 
branches thin and slender, pilose on their nodes; bracts of the main 
axis broadly ovate, apically acuminate, marginally entire, basally 
narrowed into the very short stalk, thinly herbaceous, glabrous on 
both surfaces or here and there sparingly pilose on the venation, the 
lowermost to 3 cm. long and 1.5 cm. wide, becoming smaller upwards, the 
uppermost only 5 mm. long and 3 mm. wide, those of the lateral axes 
filiform, 4--5 mm. long, apically acute; pedicels 5 mm. long; calyx 
broadly campanulate, 5 mm. long, basally narrowed into the pedicel, 
externally very sparingly pilose, 5-lobed to about the middle, the 
lobes deltoid, 2.5 mm. long, equaling the tube in length, apically ob- 
tusely rounded; corolla blue or pale-blue, zygomorphic, the lower lip 
dark-blue, the tube at most twice the length of the calyx. 

This species is based on Gitze 633 from woods at Muhanga, Uhehe, in 
the Uchungwe Mountains, at 1800 m. altitude, in "Nérdl. Nyassaland 

Deutsch Ost-Afrika]" -- actually in Tanganyika, Tanzania, according 
to Baker (1900), Schumann (1900), and Thomas (1936) -- on February 10, 
1899, and deposited in the Berlin herbarium, now lamentably destroyed. 

GUrke (1900) comments that "Die Art geh&rt zur Section Cyclonema 
in die Verwandschaft von CL. mynicoides R. Br. und von CL, sikvicola 
GUrke. Mit letzterer stimmt sie in der Behaarung Uberein, unterschei- 
det sich aber durch die blauen Bluten und durch die kUrzer gestielten 
Bldtter". He records the vernacular name, “bumbaluma", citing only 
the type collection. Baker (1900) also cites only the same collection. 
Thomas (1936) cites GUtze 633, Schkieben 3567, Troll 5000, and Von 
Buehmen 729 from Tanganyika. Richards & Moroney (1969) cite Bull 3316 
and M. R. 4105 & 21523 from Mbala, where, they report, the plant is 
"Abundant along damp water courses in black cotton soil" of dambo. 

Collectors have found C£erodendawm caesium growing along roadsides 
at the edges of relict forest patches, at 1200--2200 m. altitude, in 
flower in February. The Verdick 161 collection, cited below, greatly 
resembles C. enrectum DeWild., but exhibits stamens that are far too 
long for it to be regarded as representing that taxon. 

Citations: ZAIRE: Dewitte 548 (37), 578 (Br); Herb. RRPP. Salescens 
S.939 (Br); Hock 8.n. [1911] (Br, Ld--photo, N--photo); Quarre 2540 
(Br, Br, Br, Br, Br, N)), 3413 (Br); Verdick 161 (Br). ZAMBIA: Burtt 
6124 (Br); E. Mifne-Redhead 1047 (Br). TANZANIA: Tanganyika: Scheie- 
ben 3567 (B). 

CLERODENDRUM CALAMITOSUM L., Mant. Pl. 1: 90. 1767. 
Synonymy: VoLkamenia alternifolia N. L. Burm., Fl. Indica 137, pl. 
44. 1767. C&enodendravm calamitosum Retz., Nom. Bot. FOSS LITE 

1985 Moldenke, Notes on C£erodendrwm 359 

VolLkameria alternifolia Burm. ex Nemnich, Allgem. Polyglott. Lex. 1: 
1065. 1791. CLenodendraum foliis ovalibus, subdentatis, nudis L. ex 
Poir. in Lam., Encycl. Méth. Bot. 5: 164 in syn. 1804. Vofkamenria 
(alternifolia), namis Aneunibus; folirs alternnis, ovatis, dentatis; 
flLonibus terminalibus Burm. apud Poir. in Lam., Encycl. Meth. Bot. 5: 
164 in syn. 1804. Cerodendrum calamitiosum L. ex Steud., Nom. Bot. 
Phan., ed. 1, 207 sphalm. 1821. C&enrodendron calamitosum L. apud 
Spreng.) ieh., Syst. Veg.'; edt6p2 7592 1825. CLerodendron 
calamitosum a glabriuscufum Hassk., Retzia 58. 1855. CLenodendron 
calamitosum » mole Hassk., Retzia 58. 1855. VoLkameria alternifolia 
Burm. f. ex Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 2: 1219 in 
syn. 1895. Cernodendron calamatosum L. ex E. D. Merr., Fl. Manila, 
imp. 1, 403. 1912. C£erodendron phlomoides f. Luxurians Horsf. ex 
Mold., Prelim. Alph. List Inv. Names 21 in syn. 1940. Cenodendnron 
calamitosum var. glabriusculum Horsf. ex Mold., Fifth Summ. 1: 441 in 
syn. 1971. Verbena cLerodendron Froes ex Mold., Fifth Summ. 2: 663 in 
syn. 1971. Cenodron calamitosum Farnsworth, Pharmacog. Titles 9: 115 
sphalm. 1974. Cenodendron calamitosum € glabriusculum Horsf. ex 
Mold., Phytol. Mem. 2: 384 in syn. 1980. Cenrodendron jasminoides Din 
ex Mold., Phytol. Mem. 2: 387 in syn. 1980. 

Bibliography. L., Mantes Pl ajtimp. 1 ite: 900 076A; dtc LooBurmag Fl. 
Indica 137, pl. 44. 1768; Retz., Nom. Bot. 155. 1772; Reichard in L., 
Syste Pict 32) VOBL 17802 Do-F. Gmelin oe Syst: Nat oped ay ap 1, 
2: 962. 1789; Nemnich, Allgem. Polyglott. Lex. 1: 1065. 1791; J. F. 
Gre} in ‘ley Syst.’ Nat 4) ede 13, admpe2y 22 9625 19965 B.. Mele Gard. 
Dict., ed. 9, 1: CRenodendnron 4. 1797; Raeusch., Nom. Bot., ed. 3, 182. 
VASP srlid.) dak: Spv Pio, ed 405) U2) BBG. 18022 Pair. an 
Lam., Encycl. Méth. Bot. 5: 164--165. 1804; Pers., Sp. Pl. 3: 365. 1819; 
Steud., Nom. Bot. Phan., ed. 1, 207. 1821; Blume, Cat. Gewass., imp. 
VT, 82.) 1823; Blume, Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. 9: 8100 18255 Spreng. in L., 
Syst. Veg., ed. 16, 2: 759. 1825; Blume, Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. 14: 810. 
1826; W. Hook., Curtis Bot. Mag. 56 [ser. 2, 3]: pl. 2925. 1829; 
Loud., Hort. Brit., ed. 1, 247 (1830) and ed. 2, 247. 1832; Bojer, 
Hort. Maurit. 256. 1837; G. Don in Loud., Hort. Brit., ed. 3, 247. 
1839; Steud., Nom. Bot. Phan., ed. 2, 382. 1840; D. Dietr., Syn. Pl. 
320 617. 18463 seHassk. » Cat. Plottort) Bogor: Cal t.2AI€5 736 .| 1844, 
Voigt, Hort. Suburb. Calc. 473. 1845; Walp., Repert. Bot. Syst. 4: 100 
& 109. 1845; Schau. in A. DC., Prodr. 11: 657 & 663. 1847; Wittstein, 
Etymolog.-bot. Handwérterb., imp. 1, 206. 1852; Hassk., Retzia 58--59. 
1855; Buek, Gen. Spec. Syn. Candoll. 3: 105 & 502. 1858; Miq., Fl. Ned. 
Ind. 2: 870--871. 1858; C. Muell. in Walp., Ann. Bot. Syst. 5: 711. 
1860; Miq., Fl. Ind. Bat. Suppl. 1: 242. 1861; Balf. f., Edinb. New 
Philos. Journ., ser. 2, 15: 232. 1862; Bocq., Adansonia, ser. 1, 2: 
159. 1862; W. Hook., Curtis Bot. Mag. 88 [ser. 3, 17]: pl. 5294. 1862; 
Bocq., Adansonia, ser. 1 [Baill., Rec. Observ. Bot.] 3: 214. 1863; 
Lem., Illust. Hort. 10: pl. 358. 1863; Houllet, Rev. Hort. 39 [ser. 2, 
2]: 420. 1867; Naves & Fern.- Villar in Blanco, Fl. Filip., ed. 3. 4: 
Nov. App. 160. 1880; C. B. Clarke in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. India 4: 591. 
1885; Jacks. in Hook. f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 1: 560. 1893; 
Stapf, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., ser. 2, 4: 216. 1894; Jacks. in Hook. 
f. & Jacks., Ind. Kew., imp. 1, 2: 1219. 1895. [to be continued ] 


Alma L. Moldenke 

"A DICTIONARY OF GENETICS" Third Edition by Robert C. King & Wil- 
liam D. Stansfield, vii & 480 pp., 60 b/w fig., 14 tab., 2 
photo. & 1 map. Oxford University Press, Oxford, England & 
New York, N. Y. 1985. $29.95. 

Between the 1972 date of the second edition and this current 
year the "rapid evolution of scientific knowledge and technical ap- 
plications has created a burgeoning vocabulary of new terminology... 
especially those of microbiology, ecology, Systematics, evolution,.. 
medicine and agriculture". This new edition is properly enriched 
with the new terms added to the old ones for a total of 5,920. 
The illustrations are modernized: the list above does not include 
the hundreds of chemical configurations. At the end of the book 
there are: Appendix A with Whittaker's 5 kingdom classification, 
Appendix B with common and scientific names of domesticated species, 
Appendix C with an historical chronology related to genetics and a 
pertinent bibliography, and Appendix D with a listing of periodicals 
for genetics, cytology and molecular biology. A small detail: the 
morning-glory genus is misspelled. This is a fine dictionary. 

"BIRDS - The World of Science" by Maurice Burton, 64 pp. oversized & 
120 colur photos., Orbis Publishing Ltd., London, England & 
Facts on File Publications, Inc., New York, N. Y. 10016. 
¥985> $9.95: 

"WARM-BLOODED ANIMALS - The World of Science" by Maurice Burton, 

64 pp. oversized, 120+ color photos., Orbis Publishing Ltd., 
London, England & Facts on File Publications, Inc., New York, 
NS VSTOOTNe. 98S. or§9952 

For the young, for the casual reader and for the person who likes 
to mull over excellent bird and mammal photography rendered in excel- 
lent color prints and accompanied by modest and interesting text of 
world-wide range, these constitute fine inexpensive gifts or coffee- 
table books. The author will be recognized by assorted biological 
scientists for his research at the British Museum, his valuable 
"Systematic Dictionary of Mammals", his "Encyclopedia of Animal 

opment and the Steady State Based on the Hubbard Brook Ecosys- 
tem Study” by F. Herbert Bormann & Gene E. Likens, xii & 253 
pp., 71 b/w fig. including 19 photo. & 2 maps & 27 tab. Sprin- 
ger-Verlag, Heidelberg, Berlin & New York, N. Y. 10010. 1981. 

1985 Moldenke, Book reviews 361 

This book is a very well prepared account of a very well planned 
and executed ecological study, one that serves effectively as a guide 
for any temperate forested area. This model one is the Hubbard 
Brook Ecosystem site, a secondary forest in a small watershed in the 
White Mountains of New Hampshire. “It concentrates on the inter- 
relationships among biogeochemical processes, animate and inanimate 
structure of the ecosystem, species behavior within the ecosystem, 
and how these relationships change through time following a pertur- 
bation". The chapters cover such topics as energetics, biomass, 
hydrology, aggradation followed by a deforestation experiment, sub- 
sequent development of vegetation after clear-cutting, recovery of 
biotic regulation approaching a steady state. The illustrative 
figures and tables are particularly helpful, with most of them being 
the author's own work. 

"CHLOROPLASTS Results and Problems in Cell Differentiation" edited 
by J. Reinert -- A Series of Topical Volumes in Developmental 
Biology, Volume 10, xi & 240 pp., 40 b/w fig. including 37 photo. 
& 20 tab., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, & New York, 
N. Y. 10010. 1980. $49.00. 

This excellent survey of 6 papers by actual chloroplast-research 
investigators provides “a broad theoretical and experimental basis 
for the understanding of the development of chloroplasts and the re- 
lationship between plant cells and these organelles." These articles 
deal with chloroplast and other plastid development, divisions and 
interconversions, plastic continuity and differentiation, RNA and 
protein synthesis, light and chemical factors in chloroplast differ- 
entiation, etc. All is precisely and carefully presented. 

"A DICTIONARY OF BIRDS" edited by Bruce Campbell & Elizabeth Lack, 
xxx & 670 pp., 500+ b/w photo., draw. & diag., T. & A. D. Pay- 
ster Ltd., Staffordshire, England & Buteo Books, Vermillion, 
P. 0. Box 480, South Dakota 57069. 1985. $75.00. 

This highly valuable encyclopedic dictionary was prepared by out- 
standing specialists for the British Ornithological Union. It is 
indeed a worthy heir in succession to the famous Newton's "A Dictio- 
nary of Birds" (1896) and L. Thomson's "A New Dictionary of Birds" 
(1964). Its more than a million words comprising the text and suc- 
cinctly used throughout supply all the basic information about all 
known birds and about pertinent topics such as Lorenz’ theory of in- 
stinct, polymorphism, roosting, vascular systems, etc. There is 
thorough cross-referencing. The majority of the bird drawings 
catch poses of characteristic activities. This book is and will 
be for years to come par excellence throughout the English-reading 

362 P HE¥oT vO "L200G 16h Vol. 58, No. 5 

"ANNUAL REVIEW OF PHYTOPATHOLOGY" Volume 23, 1985, edited by R. 
James Cook and associates, x & 535 pp., 20 b/w fig., 12 tab. & 
2 photo. Annual Reviews Inc., Palo Alto, California 94306. 
1985. $27.00 in U.S.A., $30.00 foreign. 

A new editor takes over with this issue. One of the first changes 
noticed is the omission of the prefatory autobiographical account 
of one of the prominent and long known phytopathologists, a feature 
that I always enjoyed whether I had known or known of the autobio- 
grapher or not. Instead a speech given at the joint meeting of the 
American and Canadian Phytopathological Societies was a less inter- 
esting substitute because many readers of this book already heard the 
speech or because the content could have been reduced to two pages. 
Among the 21 really good scientific papers there is a series on 
fungal, bacterial, nematode and viral pathogens, transporon mutagen- 
esis in host-parasite interactions, monoclonal antibodies in plant 
disease research, and the threshold theory of crop loss assessment. 

Robert L. Metcalf & William H. Luckmann, xiv & 577 pp., 111 b/w 
fig. including 2 maps & 74 photo., & 66 tab. Wiley-Intersci- 
ence Publication of John Wiley & Sons, New York, N. Y. 10158. 
1982 2° $32 550: 

"Pest management is the intelligent selection and use of pest- 
control actions (tactics) that will ensure favorable economic, eco- 
logical and sociological consequences." This text explains effici- 
ently and effectively in terms for the undergraduate college students 
and for the progressive older technicians not exposed to such train- 
ing the pest management principles and techniques. In order to ad- 
vance the values of society there is also need for the cooperation 
of the biological, physical and social sciences to understand effi- 
caceous control of the insects that plague our food and other crops 
as well as insect-borne human and livestock diseases. There are 
papers on parasites, parasitoids, predators, insecticides, attract- 
ants, modelling, etc. The illustrations and tables are very help- 
ful, but it is a pity that the very first figure was not printed as 
a doublepage spread so that it could more easily be read. It could 
make an excellent orientation to some of the many intricacies in- 
volved in this field if it is not skipped over because of the 
minuscule printing. 

"ANNUAL REVIEW OF ENTOMOLOGY" Volume 30 edited by Thomas E. Mittler 
& committee, ix & 492 pp., 41 b/w fig. including 5 photo. & 3 
maps. Annual Reviews Inc., Palo Alto, California 94306. 1985. 
$27.00 U.S.A. & $30.00 foreign. 

This volume of 20 valuable papers is particularly interesting be- 
cause of its addition of some newer types of research of the "80s" 
as in: 

Pheromones and other semiochemicals of the Acari which seem to be 

1985 Moldenke, Book reviewa 363 

of much more limited influence than those in insects, 

Recent learnings of “at least 14 orders with some 1,400 insect 
species to occur in various marine habitats, although in the open 
sea we find only members of the genus Halobates, the sea skaters or 
ocean striders", 

Forensic entomology with just academic interests and then applied 
Studies in suicides and murders, 

Parthenogenesis and polymorphism in aphid populations for over 
200 million years. 

__ Geographical (without a single distribution map) and ecological 
distribution of arboreal Psocoptera, 

Glossina, Carrier of human African sleeping sickness and cattle 
nagana still maintaining its constant population in 40% of tropi- 
cal Africa, 

Reproductive competition in hymenopteran societies, 

Excellently useful 4-page table of effects of insect hormones, 
analogues and antagonists on development of endoparasites, and 

30-year cumulative indexes by authors and by topics. 

Bunch, ii & 214 pp., 100 b/w photo., 5 charts and 32 color 
photo. Facts on File Publications, New York, N. Y. 10016. 
1985. $24.95. 

Planned for the "general" reader and therefore of possible use 
in public, home and school libraries, this book is composed of 30 
well illustrated and simply explained articles about events and 
trends of special public mention during 1984 in the life sciences, 
in the earth and space sciences, and in the physical and mathemati- 
cal sciences. This is really an attractive but only “incidental” 
book, failing to differentiate between monozygotic and dizygotic 
twins in human organ transplants and in cat coat color inheritance. 

Hillman for the Seminar Series 28 of the Society for Experimental 
Biology, xiv & 313 pp., 54 b/w fig. incl. 35 photo. & 14 tab. 
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge & London, England & New 
York, N. Y. 10022. 1985. $34.50. 

These important and freshly oriented 12 studies by 25 authors from 
7 countries (about half from England and none from the U.S.A.) were 
directed last year in the University of Glasgow toward probing "the 
structure, function and biosynthesis of cell-wall macromolecules" 
showing "that the polysaccharide-protein-polyphenol complexes are 
fairly widespread in higher plant cell walls", that “biosynthesis of 
cell wall heterosaccharides require the interaction of several enzymes", 
and the “application to plant cell walls of helicoidal structure" re- 
sults in "plywood laminates", etc. The text is printed by photo- 

offsetting of very neat typing. 

364 PHY TT OM COCR er A Vol. 58, No. 5 

Tiffany, viii & 294 pp., 57 b/w fig. incl. 6 photos, 29 maps 
& 6 tab. Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut 06520. 
1955. $25.00. 

This originally and interestingly prepared study of 9 papers is 
just about to appear from its press and is well worth the reading 
and/or studying by students, teachers and researchers in botany, geo- 
logy, paleontology, evolution. phytogeography and ecology. There are 
essays on geological factors in plant evolution by the editor, geo- 
logical and biochemical aspects of the origin of land plants, early 
development of Devonian continental positions and phytogeography, 
wildfire, and Pennsylvanian coal-swamp plants among others equally 
well prepared and presented. 

"McGRAW-HILL DICTIONARY OF BIOLOGY" by Sybil P. Parker, editor-in- 
chief, vi & 384 pp. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, N. Y. 10020. 
1985. $15.95 paperbound. 

in-chief, v & 646 pp. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, N.Y. 10020. 

1985. $15.95 paperbound. 

"McGRAW-HILL DICTIONARY OF PHYSICS" by Sybil P. Parker, editor-in- 
chief, v & 646 pp. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, N. Y. 10020. 
1985. $15.95 paperbound. 

Biological scientists would figuratively grade these lexicons as of 
"excellent genetic stock" or quality because they all have been "bud- 
ded" off of the "McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical 
Terms", the useful, high quality source book that was recently reviewed 
in this journal. The biology text treats some 15,000 terms from at 
least 20 specialties within and on the edges of this field. The 
chemistry text treats over 6,800 terms from at least 7 overlapping 
divisions. The physics text defines 11,200 terms from at least 18 in- 
cluded specialties. The explanations of these terms are clearcut and 
as precise as the range of the concepts permits. Abbreviations and 
cross-referencing are very helpful. While many students and others 
will depend upon institutional libraries as sources of the original, 
they can make a reasonable financial investment in their own "buds". 

35185 00288 2585 

Inasmuch as we do no editing, papers accepted for publication must be 
submitted in exactly the form that the author wants to have them published. They 
will then be photographed and printed by photo-offset in exactly the form as 
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Typescripts should be prepared single-spaced on clean white heavy bond smooth 
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