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Czrcular No. 711 
October 1944 +¢ Washington, D.C. 


Picking Maturity of Apples —_ 

By MArkK H. HAtteER, associate pomologist, and J. R. MAGNESS, heédyhorticulturist 
in charge, Division of Fruit and Vegetable Crops and Diseases, Bureaw. of 
Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Research 

Administration h Ay is _ Mf 
ee GD had 8 OLY, 

f ay f OC) 4 é 
Contents Ea, 944 
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Page toe aye Page 
Need for and reliability of indexes of maturity_ 1 | Picking time in relation to-yarietal character- 
Definitions of maturity terms_________________ 3 istics—Continued. oye CY /p ; 
Orchard and storage disorders related to ma- Cortland Sees Meena et Panel alli £ Thy 3. 4 
RC UnI tyne ee ee Re 3 Delicious a ee ls fn “OB £ 
Changes in apples approaching picking ma- Ganoand’ Black Benes .. 342.0 42007 i 14 ¢ 
(BOUVECGSY S SI S eg g 5 Golden; Delicious \. nays ewe rey oe Le 
EMCREASESINYSIZA ME Ase ee 5 GrimesiGoldems cane By tais aU Sail ee °) 
Change in seed color________________ anv 5 Jonathanssnan ya Ns elitr ale MG UT oc aa 16 
Changes in chemical composition_________ 5 TAY BSD Bat eCOYS) oes ately Re Ea ay a 17 
Corking over of lenticels__________- aa 6 INOKEHEENMES yi Nee Uae RTA RAE SpA 7; 
Change in fruit color__________- see 6 Rhode Island Greening___________________ 17 
Softer os eee shee ea Pes ie 7 OMe Beauty sais 2 be) ana aay screen ee 18 
Loosening of fruit from spurs____________- 8 StaymanZzWanesapy owes a Mie ena en 18 
Development of water core______________- 8 WIA SOM EN Ee MRO Ua a APD ou A UNA ar etna 19 
Elapsed time from full bloom to picking ma- NYAVAT UU Ute orn Oia co esl rane Uae el ON oan ee eA 19 
GUE Vee ire BIN oS ETE ac. 9 VATA CS oie ita faieh i eu Sioa tah Je ee La) av DN 19 
Picking time in relation to varietal character- SViellowANiewibo wane Boe wee ay a ane la 20 
TO GLC Serer ere N Tiere an ane ON OSE Se SN Sut St 10 Yellow @ransparent:. 222s.) l a ees 21 
INGE FEO O ae hk eh asl er eee a tn 11 YORK MEI DOTA ane tek aaa Ne UD et 21 
IAkansaseblac@kermmenan i bor otinn Aaa Rs 11 | Picking time in relation to handling_________-_ 22 
Bal div ine aancr sn MEN Oa DSN VD PGIGELAGUTE CIEE Gye Oe eR aI paid 23 
HS Cnp ID avy 1S eee sale Cay Ee 12 



The dessert quality, storage capacity, and commercial value of ap- 
ples are influenced greatly by the maturity at which the fruit is picked. 
If picked prematurely, apples are likely to be small, tough, poorly 
colored, sour, off flavor, and subject to scald in storage. If picked 
when overmature, they are likely to have developed water core while 
still on the tree; with some varieties the red color may become too dark 
and dull and the skin may become greasy or oily. Overmature apples 
are likely to become mealy or to break down after storage and to be 
flat in flavor. Generally there is a period of 5 to 20 days, depending 
on variety and cultural and climatic conditions, during which the fruit 
can be picked with the assurance that it will remain reasonably free 
of the storage disorders associated with immaturity or overmaturity 
and will ripen with reasonably good dessert quality. It is obviously 

1This circular supersedes Department Bulletin 1448, Picking Maturity of Apples in 
Relation to Storage (13). 

602694°—44 1 

important that means be devised for determining the beginning and 
duration of this period, so that apples may be picked during this 
period as far as practicable. 

Many factors determine the best time to harvest an apple crop. 
Each variety presents an individual problem. The importance of the 
factors involved in establishing indexes of maturity will depend on the 
variety but may vary within a variety, with different cultural and 
climatic conditions. In the case of all varieties, however, the fruit 
increases in size as long as it remains attached to the tree. 

From this standpoint it is desirable to leave the fruit on the tree 
as long as dropping does not equal or exceed the volume increase. 
However, picking should be completed by the time the loss due to 
dropping equals the gain due to volume increase. Since the time when 
dropping is likely to become excessive cannot be predicted, picking 

should start while the fruit is still adhering well. 

It has been suggested that the time at which apples should be picked 
may be determined by the ease with which fruit can be separated from 
the spurs and the extent to which sound fruit is dropping. However, 
under certain conditions the apples may start to drop before satis- 
factory maturity from the standpoint of dessert and storage qualities 
has been reached. As indicated, the tendency to drop is not a satis- 
factory index of when to start picking; for once dropping has started 
it is likely to become excessive before picking can be completed and 
the change in ease of separation of the fruit from the spurs previous 
to dropping is not sufficiently marked or distinct to be taken as a pick- 
ing guide. 

The amount of red color on red varieties, which increases during the 
harvest period, is an important factor in the commercial value of the 
erap, It “1s desirable to leave the apples on the tree until sufficient 
red has developed. However, with some varieties and conditions the 
fruit may become overmature before it becomes well colored. On the 
other hand, apples of some of the red bud sports may become well 
colored while still immature. 

The change in the ground color from green to yellow is desirable, 
particularly: with yellow varieties such as Golden Delicious and Grimes 
Golden. This change has also been suggested as an index of picking 
maturity. With many varieties there is no appreciable change in the 
green color at the approach of maturity, and with others the changes 
are not sufficiently marked or consistent to be of much value. 

There is a gradual softening of the fruit on the tree previous to and 
during the harvest period. This change is useful as an indication that 
the fruit is becoming too soft for ood : storage quality. 

Changes in horticultural practice and recent investigations * have 
shown the need for some changes in the recommendations made in 

2In a cooperative iny estigation between the Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agri- 
cultural Engineering and various State agricultural experiment stations, data relative to 
the elapsed time from bloom to maturity have been obtained in different apple-producing 
districts as follows: For Virginia, Maryland, and West Virginia by Mark H. Haller, Bureau 
of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineer ing: for W ashington by Edwin Smith, 
Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering ; for Illinois by Richard 
V. Lott, Ilinois Agricultural Experiment Station ; EGE Ohio by C. W. Ellenwood, Ohio 
Agricultural Experiment Station; for Michigan by Roy I 2. Marshall, Michigan Agricultural 
Experiment Station ; for New York by Henry O. Bennett, Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils. 
and Agricultural Engineering ; and for Oregon by Gordon Brown, Oregon Agr icultural 
Experiment Station. A preliminary report (8) has been made of some of the data for 
Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland. The more recent data have not been published but 
have been used as a basis for making recommendations relative to the number of days from 
bloom to maturity in this circular. Such recommendations are based on the results of 
these cooperative studies except when other references are cited. 


1926 (73) * relative to methods of determining picking maturity. 
The elapsed time from full bloom to maturity has been found to be 
rather constant for a number of varieties and constitutes the most re- 
lable index of the earhest maturity date. 


As an apple develops on the tree it passes through several stages of 
maturity from immature to overmature. The stage of maturity at 
which an apple is picked is reflected in its subsequent storage and des- 
sert qualities. Reference is made in this circular to several stages of 
maturity as follows: 

IMMATURITY.—Apples picked when immature will soften somewhat and may 
turn yellow when ripened; but the flesh is likely to be tough, the taste sour, the 
flavor lacking or undesirable, or the storage quality poor because of susceptibility 
to storage scald, bitter pit, or other disorders associated with immaturity. 

Harty MaArurity.—Apples picked at this stage ripen with only fair dessert 
quality for the variety but will be reasonably free of disorders associated with 
immaturity during storage. Earliest maturity is the beginning of this period. 

OPTIMUM Matruriry.—Apples picked at optimum maturity can be stored with 
a minimum of storage disorders and ripened with maximum dessert quality 
for the variety and conditions of growth. 

Late Maturiry.—Apples picked at this stage are still satisfactory for picking, 
but they will be somewhat flat in flavor and may show a slight tendency to become 
mealy and to develop disorders associated with overmaturity. 

OVERMATURITY.—When allowed to remain on the tree until overmature, the 
fruit may ripen quickly to a mealy condition, may be flat in taste, or may be 
subject to internal break-down or decay during storage. 

An apple is mature and satisfactory for picking during the period 
from earhest maturity until overmaturity is reached. 

The changes in the fruit on the tree that result in differences in its 
storage and dessert qualities are gradual, so that it is possible only to 
approximate the time at which a given stage of maturity 1s reached. 
This is particularly true of varieties in which maturity is based pri- 
marily on the dessert quality of the ripened fruit. Although good 
storage and dessert qualities are usually rather closely associated, ‘they 
do not always coincide and apples may attain satisfactory maturity 
from the standpoint of storage quality earlier or later than they attain 

satisfactory maturity from ‘the standpoint of dessert quality. This 
also complicates the exact establishment of a given stage of maturity. 


There is a direct association between various physiological disorders 
of apples (6) and their degree of maturity when picked. Of these, 
bitter pit and storage scald are associated with immatur ity, whereas 
Jonathan spot, sogey break-down, water core, and internal break- 
down are associated with overmaturity. 

The most serious of these disorders is storage scald (6), a surface 
browning or blackening that develops in 60 to 90 days after harvest 
in such early ripening varieties as Grimes Golden and in 100 to 150 
days with later kinds. It is more serious in cold storage than in com- 
mon storage. The unblushed parts of the fruits are most affected, and 

3 Italic numbers in parentheses refer to Literature Cited, p. 23. 


immature apples are more susceptible than those picked later. Pick- 
ing the fruit at proper maturity helps to prevent scald. Shredded 
oiled paper or oiled-paper wraps are used to control scald, but neither 
of these will prevent it in immature fruit of susceptible varieties. 

Bitter pit (6), also called stippen, Baldwin spot, and York spot, 
occurs as brown spongy or corky spots in the flesh usually just under 
the skin and frequently causes depressions in the surface of the fruit. 
It seems to develop most in storage on apples picked before they reach 
proper maturity. It is particularly prevalent on Baldwin, Graven- 
stein, Arkansas (Mammoth Black Twig), Delicious, Yellow New- 
town, Rhode Island Greening, and Northern Spy. Bitter pit also 
develops in fruit still attached to the tree, but probably to a less extent 
than in fruit harvested early and placed in storage. Also much of 
the fruit affected with bitter pit can be sorted out when mature fruit 
is packed. 

Water core (2,6), a functional disease that gives the flesh a water- 
soaked appearance, develops under favorable conditions as apples 
reach maturity; when it 1s present it may cause growers to pick the 
fruit of some varieties earlier than otherwise desirable. A small 
amount of water core at picking time, particularly in the slower sof- 
tening, longer keeping varieties such as Winesap and Yellow Newtown. 
will often disappear in storage, and the quality will not be lowered. 
This disorder seriously affects the quality of rapidly ripening vari- 
eties such as Jonathan and Delicious, in which it is hkely to lead to 
internal break-down. 

Internal break-down is a senility disease that is characterized by 
brownish discoloration of the flesh, development of mealiness, and 
loss of flavor (6). It is associated with apples that were overmature 
or water-cored when picked or that have been held in storage too long. 

Soggy break-down (6, 77, 78) is a low-temperature disorder that 
occasionally occurs in Grimes Golden, Wealthy, Golden Delicious, 
and a few other varieties. Soggy break-down is distinguished from 
internal break-down in that in the former there is a sharp demarcation 
between the sound and affected tissues and the affected tissue is wet or 
soggy rather than dry and mealy. It is generally more severe in late- 
picked apples, particularly if they are kept for a period at room tem- 
perature before cold storage. 

Soft scald (6, 18) is also a low-temperature disorder to which 
Jonathan is particularly susceptible; occasionally it also occurs on 
Northwestern Greening, Rome Beauty, Wealthy, Golden Delicious, 
Winesap, and McIntosh. ‘It is distinguished from storage scald in 
that the affected parts are more sunken and soft and occur in definite 
patterns with a sharp demarcation between the affected and sound 
tissues. Oiled paper, used to control storage scald, is ineffective for 
soft scald. Although the severity of soft scald varies with different 
maturities, its exact relation to maturity is not clear. Under some 
conditions it may be more severe in early-picked apples and under 
others in intermediate- or late-picked (78). 

Jonathan spot is a superficial skin disease characterized by small, 
black or brown spots, resembling freckles, that occurs on Jonathan, 
King David, and Rome Beauty apples when they are left on the tree 
until they approach overmaturity. 



Previous studies (12, 14) have shown that as long as apples hold on 
the tree growth in size continues. The rate of increase depends on 
the availability to the fruit of elaborated foods and moisture. Spray 
or other injury to the leaves, low temperatures, water shortage, senil- 
ity of the leaves, and any other factors that decrease the photosyn- 
thetic activity of the leaves reduce the growth rate of the fruit. 
Fruits of summer varieties such as Yellow Transparent and Williams 
are growing rapidly as they approach maturity and may increase as 
much as 2 percent per day in volume during the harvest period. 
Fruits of early-fall varieties such as Jonathan and Grimes Golden 
normally average about 1-percent increase per day during the harvest 
period whereas those of late varieties such as Winesap that mature 
during the cool weather may not increase more than 0.5 percent per 
day. Under conditions favorable to growth, delaying the picking 
of the crop will result in larger fruit and an appreciable increase in 
crop volume. From 0.5 to 1 percent of the fruit must drop daily 
before the total tonnage will be materially reduced below that from 
an earlier picking. 


The browning of the seeds in apples as they approach picking ma- 
turity has often been suggested as an index of the best time for picking 
the fruit. The seeds of winter apples, however, usually become brown 
a considerable period prior to the optimum picking date. The time of 
the coloring of the seeds varies so greatly with variety and season that 
this change is of little value in determining when to pick the fruit. 
It may be stated, however, that winter apples are practically never 
ready to pick before the seeds have reached a full brown color. 


There are a number of changes in the chemical composition of apples 
as they approach picking maturity, but the extent of these changes is 
not great and the rate of change is not rapid. In general, as the fruit 
matures on the tree the astringent substances, including tannin, tend 
to decrease, the acidity decreases, and the sugar content increases. 
Many studies have been made to develop chemical tests for picking 
maturity, similar to the sugar and acid tests used on citrus fruits and 
grapes. Because of the wide variations in the chemical composition 
of apples caused by factors other than ripening, however, a chemical 
test for time of picking appears to be of little practical value. The 
percentage of sugar varies with the quantity of fruit on the tree, the 
moisture supply, and the climatic conditions, as well as with the degree » 
of maturity. The sugar content of fruit from heavily loaded trees 
is below that of fruit from lightly loaded ones under similar growing 
conditions and in a similar stage of maturity (70). The work of 
Caldwell (3) indicates that the sugar content of apples is higher in 
seasons of high sunlight than in those of low sunlight. The changes 


in chemical composition due to variations in growing conditions are so 
great that any picking test based on chemical composition has proved 

Many tests have been made to determine whether the disappearance 
of starch (determined by the iodine test) is an indication of maturity. 
There is a gradual conversion of starch to sugar as the fruit matures, 
but some varieties become mature before any appreciable change oc- 
curs in the starch test. Some starch always remains when the fruit 
is in the best condition for picking, but the extent of the conversion at 
maturity may vary with different climatic and cultural conditions. 
Thus, as with other chemical tests, those based on starch disappearance 
have but limited value in determining stage of maturity of apples. 


The lenticels, or pores in the skin, which in the immature fruit open 
more or less directly to the flesh tissue below, become filled with cork 
cells and sealed partially or wholly as the fruit approaches maturity 
on thetree. The waxy coating also develops on the surface of the fruit 
during the latter part of the growing season. The development of the 
heavy wax coating and the sealing of the lenticels make the fruit that 
is well matured at picking time somewhat more resistant to wilting 
in storage than that picked in an immature condition. These changes, 
however, are not sufficiently discernible to make them of much value 
in determining when the fruit should be picked. 

CHANGE IN Fruir CoLor 

The change in color of apples as they mature on the tree is twofold. 
One is the development of red in blushed or colored varieties, while 
the other is the change in the unblushed portions. The green ground 
color of the immature fruit changes first to greenish yellow and 
finally to an almost full yellow as the fruit matures. 

The development of the red color is a very important factor in 
determining when to pick apples for commercial purposes, since high 
color is essential to the advantageous marketing of many varieties. 
The development of red depends very largely. however, upon the 
exposure of individual fruits to sunlight and upon the prevalence 
of bright, sunny days during the maturing season. The sugar con- 
tent of the fruit also appears to be an important factor in color 
development. Except in the early coloring sport strains, the develop- 
ment of a good red color is usually indicative of maturity. However, 
because of the variability in color development associated with 
weather conditions, fertilizer practices, and other factors, red de- 
velopment is not a fully dependable criterion of maturity. Some 
fruit may be mature before it is well colored, whereas other fruit, 
particularly that of colored strains, may be colored before it is 

Light exposure has little to do with the disappearance of the green 
ground color in the unblushed parts of apples, and in some varieties 
this disappearance is a supplemental index of maturity. In the red 
bud sports of some varieties the red frequently covers the surface 
so completely and so early that the ground color cannot be observed. 


In other varieties the ground color does not change appreciably as 
the fruit becomes mature. With such varieties the ground color 
cannot be used to indicate maturity; neither can it be used for this 
purpose with fruit on trees highly fertilized with nitrogen, as such 
fruit tends to retain the green color even when mature. 

A color chart has been devised for use in determining the change 
in the ground color of apples from green to yellow. This consists of 
four colors from green (No. 1) to ‘yellow (No. 4), closely approxi- 
mating the color stages Gee which apples pass as they mature 
and ripen. A copy of this color chart may be obtained by writing 
the Plant Industry Station, Beltsville, Md. The ground color of 
the fruit is determined by matching the fruit color with one of the 
colors on the chart. This is done by placing the fruit back of the 
chart and fitting the unblushed portion into holes cut in the different 
colors. This should be done in diffused daylight (not in direct sun- 
light). When the color falls between two standard colors it may 
be described by a number; for example a color between No. 3 and 
No. 4 may be designated 3.5 


Under certain growing conditions and with some varieties, soften- 
ing of the flesh “of the apple has been used as an indication of 
maturity. Usually the fruit gradually softens as it approaches 
maturity on the tree. The firmness at maturity varies considerably 
from season to season and with growing conditions so that a precise 
degree of firmness at which an apple becomes mature cannot be given. 
However, if the fruit becomes too soft on the tree it may not hold 
up well in storage. The principal value of firmness measurements 
is to indicate when the fruit is becoming too soft or overmature, 
particularly with varieties that soften rapidly i in storage and tend to 
develop mealiness or a mealy break-down. 

The firmness of the flesh of the fruit can be most accurately 
measured by the use of a pressure-test apparatus. Such an appa- 
ratus with methods for its use has been described in previous publi- 
eations (7, 15) and is now available on the market. It measures 
in pounds the pressure required to force a plunger seven-sixteenths 
of an inch in diameter into the apple to a depth of five-sixteenths of 
an inch, the skin being removed prior to making the test. Figure 1 

FigurE 1.—Fruit pressure tester for apples, pears, and peaches, showing method 
of use. (Photograph through courtesy of R. Schneider. ) 

illustrates the method of making the test. The fruit to be tested may 
be placed against any convenient solid surface, such as a wall or the 
trunk of a tree, if the test is being made in an orchard. The plunger 
tip is placed in contact with the cut surface and pressure is applied. 
When the plunger tip has penetrated to a depth of five-sixteenths 
of an inch, as shown by a line on the plunger tip, the pressure in 
pounds required to force the plunger into the fruit to this depth is 
read directly on the scale. In order to obtain a satisfactory indica- 
tion of the condition of any variety, at least 10 to 20 apples selected 
from different trees and different parts of the trees should be used. 
Two or more tests may be madé on each apple and the results 
averaged. Tests should be made within a few hours after picking. 
Values reported herein as firmness ranges for different varieties are 
based on tests made as described with the peel removed prior to test- 
ing. The application of pressure-test determinations to maturity 
and ripeness of fruits has been discussed in a recent publication (7). 


As apples approach proper picking condition they generally tend to 
loosen from the spur so that when the fruit is hfted the stem readily 
separates. However, under certain growing conditions the fruits of 
some varieties such as McIntosh and Delicious may loosen and release 
easily before they reach satisfactory maturity. Early frosts also may 
cause fruit to loosen and drop before it is mature. On the other hand, 
fruits of certain varieties such as Jonathan and Stayman Winesap may 
adhere tightly until the fruit becomes overmature. Ease of separation 
of fruit from spurs, therefore, is not necessarily an indication of proper 
maturity, but 1t may indicate when picking is necessary to save the 
crop. In recent years harvest sprays of certain growth-modifying 
chemicals such as «-naphthaleneacetic acid (7) have been used exten- 
sively for the prevention of fruit dropping, making unnecessary the 
premature picking of fruit that shows a tendency to drop early. 

The ease with which fruit may be loosened from the spurs has 
become even less reliable as an index of picking maturity since the 
adoption of sprays for the control of harvest drop. The use of these 
sprays has made the maturity problem more complex because after 
their use fruit may be permitted to remain unharvested until it becomes 

The tenacity with which the fruit adheres to the tree can be esti- 
mated only in a general way. If the stem of a sound fruit separates 
from the spur when the fruit is lifted or is given a slight twist, it would 
be considered that the fruit is loosening on the tree and separates eas- 
ily. Under this condition it is probable that a small amount of sound 
fruit may be dropping. If no fruit is dropping and if the fruit can 
be picked only with considerable effort, it is considered that the fruit 
is still firmly attached to the tree. The dropping of wormy or other- 
wise injured fruit is not an indication of picking maturity. 

The development of water core in the fruit is a very important con- 
sideration in determining when to pick certain varieties. Investiga- 
tions by Brooks and Fisher (2) have shown that water core usually 


develops first in fruit exposed to the direct sunshine on the south and 
west sides of the trees. Consequently, apples from the exposed south 
er west and top parts of the tree should be examined for water core. If 
water core is not found or if it is present in only a shght degree in fruit 
from these positions on the tree, 1t is improbable that it will be present 
to an injurious extent in fruit from more protected parts of the tree. 


Magness et al. (74) and Palmer (16) observed that the number of 
days from full bloom to maturity was rather constant for a given va- 
riety even when grown under widely different climatic and cultural con- 
ditions. Further investigations of the reliability of this factor as a 
means of predicting apple maturity have been conducted in recent 
years (8).4. The results confirm the earlier observation that the num- 
ber of days from full bloom to picking maturity is rather constant over 
a wide range of climatic and cultural conditions and that this con- 
stitutes a more reliable index of maturity than any other single factor 
that has been suggested. Thus, the Delicious variety requires 145 to 
150 days from bloom to reach acceptable picking maturity, and this 
has been found under widely varying climatic, soil, and cultural condi- 
tions of Washington, Oregon, Dhinois, Ohio, Michigan, New York, 
and Maryland. It has not been possible to establish any influence of 
temperatures prevailing during the growing season on the elapsed time 
from bloom to maturity of apples although it may be a factor with 
other fruits. However, there have been some variations in elapsed 
time and certain factors undoubtedly influence this variation. Heavy 
nitrogen fertilization, for example, results in delayed color development 
of fruit and may result in greater scald development unless picking 
is postponed. On the other hand, dropping may be more pronounced 
from heavily fertilized trees than from trees not heavily fertilized. 
Because fruit from nitrogen-fertilized trees is likely to show poorer 
color and to be more susceptible to scald, it is usually desirable to post- 
pone the time of picking such fertilized trees if the fruit is holding well 
enough to permit it, and thus to increase the time interval from full 
bloom to maturity. Similarly, a very light crop of fruit is likely to 
mature earlier than a heavy one. The extent to which these or other 
factors may retard or advance maturity has not been fully established. 

The date of full bloom has been taken as the date when the first 
petals fall. Theoretically the date of full bloom should be the time of 
pollination or fertilization in the blossoms that set the fruit. During 
some seasons warm weather brings out all the blossoms in a very few 
days so that the time of full bloom can be readily established and 1s 
nearly the same for all blossoms. During other seasons, however, a 
_period of warm weather may bring the center or king blossoms into 
full bloom and may be followed by cool weather that will retard the 
opening and pollination of the other blossoms for a week or more. 
Under such circumstances there is likely to be considerable error in 
establishing the date of full bloom applicable to most of the fruit that 

4 See footnote 2, p. 2. 

2 9 


The number of days from bloom to maturity for the varieties on 
which considerable information is available is shown in figure 2. The 
period of early maturity shown is either the period in which the 
fruit would be mature under conditions that would tend to hasten 
maturity, such as a light crop, or the early maturity for a more 
normal crop. The period of optimum maturity shown is the one when 
optimum maturity is most likely to occur; the period of late maturity 
shown is the period in which overmaturity or dropping may become 

snubs afar’ waTuRtt, 
SONA TBA Seth 5 BI fa aa ie Go, (ss 

GRIMES: GOUDEN 9. ate acnae gan nee pie oe Gia 

DELNCIOUS i> Si Soa es Figen: tay eae Se oT Zz 

GOEDENDENICIOUS@ = it aoe Yio. _-_— 

ROME\BEAU IN. {Gwin s aera ts eae er eo Sie 

STAYMAN WINESAP ------ £----------------- E 
WINESAP  -------  ---- -- eer e e err-- 
YORK IMPERIAL ------ £-------------- Hr: Z 

70 80 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 

FiguRE 2.—Days elapsing from bloom to maturity for 11 varieties of apples. The 
period of early maturity shown is the period during which barely satisfactory 
maturity normally occurs, but optimum maturity may occur in this period under 
conditions that would tend to hasten maturity. Similarly, the period of late 
maturity Shown is the period in which overmaturity or dropping may become 
imminent, but optimum maturity may extend into this period under conditions 
that retard maturity. 


Because of the wide variations even in the same variety of apple 
when grown under the climatic conditions prevailing in different parts 
of the United States and in the factors which determine optimum pick- 
ing time for different varieties, it is difficult to discuss the relative 
value of different picking-time tests for apple varieties in general. 
The storage quality of certain varieties is greatly reduced by leaving 
the fruit on the tree too long, whereas with other varieties the greatest 
harm results from picking the fruit too early. It is believed best, 
therefore, to discuss the merits of the different tests for time of pick- 
ing and the best time for picking different varieties in detail in con- 
nection with well-known commercial apples. The writers have set 
down in this circular information on the picking time of a number of 
varieties of apples which they have studied and on which they feel 
justified in making recommendations. 



The storage life of Arkansas (Mammoth Black Twig) apples is 
limited largely by the development of storage scald, but under some 
conditions this variety may be highly subject to decay and internal 
break-down also. It is usually hard at time of picking and softens 
rather slowly in storage, but it may become mealy and break down 
while still relatively firm. It requires a long growing season, usually 
over 160 days from bloom, to reach its best development on the tree. 
Since well-matured fruit is less subject to scald in storage, it is es- 
sential that this variety not be picked too early. However, since there 
is some danger also of its becoming overmature and subject to decay 
and break-down, picking should not be delayed too long after the 
fruit is ready for picking. When it is to be held in cold storage, fruit 
will be larger and of better color and will show less tendency to scald 
if it is picked relatively late. If it is to be held in common or air- 
cooled storage, fruit picked late will have greater firmness during the 
storage season. Apples of this variety, in common with those of most 
late-ripening apples, soften faster after being picked and while being 
held at the temperature prevailing in air-cooled storage than while 
attached to the tree. Thus, the later the fruit is picked the firmer it 
will be. 

Arkansas apples probably should be picked between 160 and 175 days 
from bloom, but the exact interval from bloom to maturity has not been 
well established. When a harvest spray is not used the tendency for 
the apples to drop will help the grower to regulate the time of picking. 
Ground color at maturity will range from No. 2 to No. 2.5 of the color 


Arkansas Black is a very firm variety, softening very slowly in stor- 
age. It is one of the hardest of the commercial varieties, usually 
testing near 25 pounds when in picking condition. 

Arkansas Black colors very highly and has only a slight tendency to 
develop storage scald. There is little danger of its becoming so 
ripe on the tree that the storage quality will be injured. The fruit 
should be a full deep red when picked and should separate readily 
from the spurs. Fruit of this variety that is to be held in common 
storage should be picked as late as possible but before water core 
becomes serious, since it will ripen less while attached to the tree 
than while held in storage at the prevailing temperatures; the tend- 
ency to drop and to develop water core, or the possible imminence of 
severe freezing weather will determine when the fruit should be 
picked. For cold-storage holding it may be picked when fully colored. 


In the southern apple-growing areas the picking period for Bald- 
win usually falls in September, whereas in the north-central and 
northeastern apple-growing regions where Baldwin is mainly grown it 
blooms much later and the harvest normally falls in mid-October. 
Since this variety ripens during hot weather in the South, it must be 
handled in cold storage if an appreciable holding period is desired. 


In the short-season regions with much later harvests and cooler falls, 
to which Baldwin is best adapted, it can be held very successfully until 
midwinter or later in common storage. 

Baldwin tends to scald considerably in storage, particularly as 
grown in the South, and to develop bitter pit when grown in the 
North. Early picking would favor these disorders. It also has a 
marked tendency to drop as soon as the fruit reaches the best picking 
condition or in some cases before. This tendency to drop has largely 
determined the time of picking. 

The number of days from bloom to harvest for Baldwin, recorded 
for a number of localities and seasons, varies greatly. The shortest 
periods have been recorded. for New York with an average of 135 
days for 4 seasons (19), but 145 days was recorded for 1 season.? The 
longest periods have been recorded in Ohio, with an average of 161 
days for 30 seasons (4) and a range of 147 to 166 days. Other records 
(74) for only 1 or 2 seasons gave 136 and 146 days for Massachusetts, 
142 and 160 days for Ohio, 138 days for Virginia, 145 days for New 
York, 145 days for Washington, and 186 and 155 days ® for Michigan. 
In nearly all instances these figures were derived from the records of 
actual dates on which apples were harvested and did not include com- 
parisons with earlier or later pickings to determine whether the har- 
vest dates represented optimum maturity. Harvests made less than 
140 days after bloom may have been necessitated by a tendency to 
premature dropping that could have been retarded by harvest sprays. 
On the other hand, in the more northern areas growers could not har- 
vest their apples after an elapsed period after bloom of 160 days (re- 
ported for Ohio), as their growing seasons from bloom to severe freez- 
ing are generally not that long. On the basis of these results it seems 
likely that at least 140 days should elapse from bloom before picking 
of Baldwins starts and that a more nearly optimum time of picking 
would be between 145 and 155 days from bloom. Any tendency for 
apples to drop earlier than this should be controlled if possible with 
harvest sprays. 

Ben Davis 

In the eastern half of the United States Ben Davis is grown com- 
mercially over an extremely wide range of climatic conditions from 
south to north. The condition of the fruit at picking time will vary 
somewhat in these different areas, particularly as to firmness of flesh. 

Probably this variety is handled more extensively than any other 
in common storage. The fruit holds late on the tree and there is 
little dropping ; consequently, it is usually well matured when picked 
and relatively little scald develops during storage. If picked in an 
immature condition, however, the variety often shows extremely 
severe scald development. 

Usually from 155 to 160 days elapses between the blooming season 
and the time of picking Ben Davis. In the northeastern apple areas 
it is frequently the last variety picked, and in the more southern apple 
areas the normal picking season is in early October. 

This variety should not be picked before the ground color reaches 
the almost full yellow condition shown in Nos. 3 and 4 of the color 
chart. The fruit should be highly colored, also. When this condi- 

56 See footnote 2, p. 2. 


tion is reached in the southern areas the pressure test will usually be 
19 to 17 pounds, whereas in the more northern areas it will be 20 to 
19 pounds. ; 

In the southern areas fruit left on the tree until softer than a con- 
dition represented by a pressure test of about 17 pounds is relatively 
poor for storage. Fruit of this variety when picked in a more mature 
condition than this will become soft relatively early in cold storage 
and may show physiological break-down or a collapse of the flesh if 
held in common storage. In the northern apple-growing areas there 
is relatively little danger of Ben Davis being picked too late pro- 
vided severe freezing weather is avoided. 


The Cortland apple, developed from a cross of Ben Davis and 
McIntosh, closely resembles the McIntosh parent; but it is described 
as being somewhat later to mature and having a somewhat longer 
storage life. Results for 3 seasons in New York (19) indicate 
that Cortland was usually harvested at about the same number of 
days from bloom (128) as McIntosh. One season’s results in New. 
York, in which samples picked at different maturities were compared 
after storage, indicated that both Cortland and McIntosh should be 
picked somewhat later (about 185 days from bloom). Results for 
10 seasons in Ohio (4) showed a still longer period from bloom to 
harvest (average, 144 days; range, 133 to 155), which was also con- 
siderably longer than the comparable average for McIntosh (129 
days). From these results it seems likely that at least 180 days from 
bloom should elapse before the picking of Cortland is started. 
Optimum maturity probably occurs normally at about 135 days. Like 
McIntosh the Cortland variety is fairly soft and ripens rapidly at high 
temperatures. It is essential, therefore, that the fruit be picked before 
it becomes too soft (pressure test of less than 15 to 14 pounds) and 
that the fruit be placed under refrigeration promptly after harvest. 

Cortland is exacting in its picking requirements, developing storage 
scald if picked too early and break-down and mealiness if picked too 
late. Because its fruit holds on the tree much better than that of 
McIntosh, there has been a tendency to delay picking until harvest 
of McIntosh is complete. This has resulted in some overmature and 
poor-keeping Cortland fruit. 


Delicious is grown over a wide range of climatic conditions. High 
development of red is extremely desirable in this variety; in order to 
obtain good color, therefore, it is sometimes left on the trees so long 
that the storage quality is injured. On the other hand, if picked when 
too immature Delicious is of extremely poor dessert quality. 

Elapsed time from bloom is probably the most reliable means of 
establishing the earliest time for picking this variety. Considerable 
data relative to the number of days from bloom to earliest picking 
have been accumulated. Earlier studies (74) from Massachusetts, 
Michigan, Ohio, Virginia, and Washington indicated that from 134 
to 153 (average, 140) days elapsed from bloom to optimum maturity. 
Results for Ohio (4) for 30 seasons showed an average of 153 days 


(range, 141 to 163) from bloom to harvest. Results for 4 seasons in 
New York (79) showed an average of 1382 days from bloom to harvest. 
Studies in Washington indicated that at least 145 days elapsed from 
bloom to harvest. Recent cooperative studies in which samples were 
picked at intervals and stored to establish proper picking maturity 
more definitely, indicated that at least 145 days, and preferably 150 
days, should elapse between bloom and picking in Washington, 
Oregon, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, New York, and Maryland. On the 
basis of these results it would seem that this variety normally requires 
at least 145 days to mature sufficiently to have fair quality and that 
harvest should be completed by not more than 155 to 160 days for satis- 
factory storage holding. Shorter periods indicated in some of the 
reports may have been due to early harvest in which actual maturity 
was not established by storage tests on several pickings. 

Under long growing season conditions Delicious apples may become 
overmature. Relative firmness may be used as an indication of the 
approach of an overmature condition. The apples should be picked 
before the pressure test drops below 15 pounds or preferably 16 
pounds. Delicious grown in districts with long growing seasons has 
a tendency to develop water core; such development is a further in- 
dication that the fruit should be removed from the tree. Another 
guide in determining the picking time is the fact that the flesh of 
Delicious apples in proper picking condition is yellowish. 

This variety holds for a long season in a firm, crisp condition if 
moved at once after harvest into storage at 31° to 32° F. It softens and 
becomes mealy with extreme rapidity, however, when handled at 
higher temperatures; consequently, it is not well suited to handling 
in common storage and any delay between date of picking and placing 
fruit under refrigeration will greatly decrease the time the fruit will 
remain in good condition in cold storage. 

Delicious is subject to storage scald when harvested at a stage of 
maturity suitable for fair, but not optimum, dessert quality. In Wash- 
ington 150 to 155 days from bloom is considered necessary to reach a 
scald-free stage of maturity. Where the size of the crop and the 
physical facilities for packing and storage make it necessary to start 
harvesting at the earliest possible date, it is important that such fruit 
be not held for late storage. Even the use of oiled paper will not con- 
trol storage scald on Delicious apples picked before they have passed 
the susceptible stage. 

Red bud sports of Delicious, particularly Starking and to a lesser 
extent Richared, develop red color earlier than regular Delicious, and 
the tendency in commercial practice is to pick them earlier. Maturity 
investigations have shown (5), however, that these sports do not 
mature any earlier than the regular Delicious; therefore they should 
not be picked until at least 145 days from bloom. 


The picking-maturity characteristics of Gano and Black Ben are 
similar. Both varieties are susceptible to storage scald if picked in 
aun immature condition. As a consequence, it 1s necessary that the 
fruit remain on the tree until it is practically full colored so that it 
may have the best storage quality. Fruit of these varieties takes on a 
very high color and generally can remain on the tree until it is almost 


100 percent red. When apples of these varieties are in the best pick- 
ing condition, the unblushed portions should be practically of the full 
color corresponding to Nos. 3 to 4 of the color chart. 

In districts with long growing seasons, a pressure test of about 18 
pounds will indicate when the fruit is in best storage condition. The 
fruit usually holds to the tree very well, but if it begins dropping 
before it reaches the color condition and the pressure test suggested 
it should be harvested or harvest sprays should be applied. 


Golden Delicious is not subject to scald in storage, but it has a 
tendency to wilt, particularly when picked in an immature condition 
or when extensively russeted. When picked while still fairly green 
it does not develop in cold storage the attractive golden yellow that 
adds greatly to the appearance of the fruit and it also lacks its fine 
characteristic flavor. Generally Golden Delicious apples can be 
picked over a fairly long period with satisfactory results. However, 
it is a rather soft variety and there is a possibility of its becoming 
too soft for good storage quality if picked late. 

The quality of the fruit of Golden Delicious seems to be influenced 
by the size of the crop to a greater extent than with some of the other 
varieties. With a lght crop the ground color of the fruit turns yellow 
sooner and satisfactory dessert quality may be obtained in fruit picked 
7 to 10 days earlier than fruit of a heavy crop. 

Golden Delicious varies with respect to the length of periods from 
bloom to maturity, possibly due in part to crop size. With a light 
crop it seems likely that satisfactory maturity may be obtained when 
picking starts as early as 145 days from bloom; in general, 150 days 
should elapse before picking starts. Optimum maturity probably 
occurs between 150 and 160 days. At earliest maturity the ground 
color should have changed to about No. 2.5 to No. 3 of the color chart 
and should be between No. 3 and No. 4 at optimum maturity. For 
best storage the firmness of the fruit should not drop below a pressure 
of 14 pounds. 


If picked in an immature condition, Grimes Golden tends to scald 
badly in storage even when packed with oiled paper. If picked while 
still having a marked green color and moved promptly to cold storage, 
this variety ripens in storage without attaining the golden-yellow 
color so desirable on the retail market. It is a fairly firm variety and 
could be left on the tree longer than ordinarily is done without becom- 
ing too soft for good storage quality. However, it tends to drop badly 
and for this reason generally should be picked before appreciable 
yellowing occurs (8, 17). 

Rather extensive records (4, 8, 74)" for this variety indicate that 
Grimes Golden requires at least 140 days from bloom to reach satis- 
factory maturity. When picked at this time the fruit still will be 
green (corresponding to No. 1 to No. 1.5 on the color chart), but under 
some circumstances considerable dropping may occur. Optimum 
maturity is reached between 145 and 150 days from bloom. Even 

7 See footnote 2, p. 2. 


when picked this late Grimes Golden fruit will be rather green (proba- 
bly about No. 1.5 to No. 2 of the color chart) and a harvest spray will 
probably be necessary to prevent dropping. 

Because of the likelihood of dropping and for other reasons, Grimes 
Golden generally is picked somewhat earlier than is desirable for 
obtaining the best storage and dessert qualities. 

Storage of Grimes Golden at 36° F. rather than at 32° has been 
recommended because of its greater susceptibility at 32° to scald (9) 
and to soggy break-down (17). However, it has a relatively short 
commercial storage period, deteriorating in dessert quality rather 
rapidly during storage; this deterioration is more rapid at 36° than 
at 32° (9). If the fruit is not picked until 145 days from bloom it 
should be possible to control storage scald with oiled paper. Thus, 
storage at 82° to retard loss in flavor would be preferable to storage 
at 86° in districts where soggy break-down is not a factor. 


Jonathan usually requires about 135 to 140 days from full bloom to 
early picking maturity (4, 8, 74, 19),§ but under some conditions 
acceptable maturity may be reached in 130 days. Thus in the southern 
section and the Pacific Northwest it becomes a fall variety; in the 
short-season sections, such as Michigan and southern New England. 
it is excellent for winter storage, being fairly well adapted to holding 
even in air-cooled storage. 

Jonathan, particularly as grown under long-season conditions, is a 
variety which must be picked in just the right condition if good 
marketability combined with good storage quality is to be obtained. 
It is desirable to leave the fruit on the tree long enough for it to 
develop a high degree of red and the characteristic spicy, aromatic 
flavor. After this condition is attained there is frequently a relatively 
short period before the fruit becomes overmature, and it may develop 
Jonathan spot and water core while still on the tree. Even when 
these conditions do not occur overmature fruit is hkely to become 
overripe rather quickly in storage and to develop Jonathan spot, 
break-down, or both during storage, particularly if moving into cold 
storage is delayed. Under certain growing conditions Jonathan is also 
subject to soft scald during storage. The severity of the soft scald 
varies with the condition of the fruit at harvest, but its relation to 
maturity has not been entirely consistent. In general, it appears to 
be more severe on early to intermediate maturities. 

Although the elapsed time from bloom to maturity has varied con- 
siderably under different conditions, it is probably the most reliable 
index of maturity. Jonathan generally requires at least 135 days 
from bloom to earliest maturity and in some sections possibly 140 days. 
Optimum maturity generally occurs between 140 and 145 days from 
bloom. Under some conditions, however, the fruit may be overmature 
before a period of 150 days has elapsed. The minimum period that 
should elapse from bloom to picking is 1385 days. Picking may be 
delayed for further development of the red color provided the fruit 
is still firm and free from water core. The development of water core 
or the softening of the fruit to 15 pounds’ pressure or less would indi- 
cate that the fruit should be picked promptly. 

5 See footnote 2, p. 2. 



McIntosh appears to be almost immune to storage scald; conse- 
quently it is not essential to leave the fruit on the tree until late in order 
to obtain good storage quality. As high color commands a premium, 
the variety should be left on the tree long enough to attain this color. 
McIntosh is not susceptible to water core. It has, however, a notice- 
able tendency to loosen and drop from the tree frequently even before 
prime picking maturity has been reached. This tendency can be over- 
come partially by applying harvest sprays for the prevention of 

Data (4, 14, 19)® relative to the period elapsing from date of bloom 
to maturity of McIntosh are rather consistent. They indicate that the 
minimum period is about 130 days from bloom, with optimum maturity 
generally between 135 and 140 days from bloom. Within these limits 
picking may be determined by the development of red color and the 
firmness of the fruit. If the fruit is poorly colored, picking may be 
delayed provided the fruit is holding on the tree satisfactorily and the 
firmness does not drop below 15 to 14 pounds’ pressure. 


Northern Spy, like the McIntosh, is not susceptible to storage scald, 
and in the northern districts where it is generally grown it does not 
usually develop water core. It is, however, susceptible to bitter pit 
and early picking should be avoided. Fruit of this variety usually 
holds to the tree well and so may be allowed to remain rather late in 
order to get the best color development. 

In the districts where there are cool growing seasons, to which the 
Northern Spy is best adapted, the fruit may be handled in common 
storage with very good results. If fruit is to be held in common 
storage ane should be delayed as late as possible, since the fruit 
softens [ess and is less subject to bitter pit while on the tree than in 
storage at prevailing temperatures. Color and the marketability of 
the fruit are also improved by late picking. For cold storage the 
variety may be picked whenever the color is satisfactory. 

If Northern Spy is picked while very soft, it is essential that it be 
handled carefully in order to avoid bruising. If the fruit is suff- 
ciently mature to show a pressure test under 16 pounds, it is often 
very severely bruised. Limited results indicate that this variety 
requires 145 to 150 days from bloom to maturity. 


Rhode Island Greening scalds badly in storage, and the commercial 
cold-storage life of the variety is largely limited by this trouble. 

As the variety is green and there is no incentive for leaving it on the 
tree in order to obtain color, it is generally picked relatively early in 
the districts where it is grown. Undoubtedly this variety is often 
picked in a somewhat more immature condition than is most suitable 
for storage, particularly considering its extreme susceptibility to 
storage scald when picked at an immature stage. It is now generally 

» See footnote 2, p. 2. 


picked at a pressure test of 22 to 20 pounds. It appears likely that if 
left on the tree until testing 20 to 18 pounds the fruit would show much 
less tendency to scald in storage and it could still be held in cold storage 
until well into the spring before it becomes overripe. The variety 
softens rapidly at high temperatures and should be removed promptly 
to cold storage if a long storage season is desired. Limited tests in- 
dicate that Rhode Island Greening requires 135 to 145 days from bloom 
to maturity. 


Rome Beauty has a pronounced tendency to scald in storage, partic- 
ularly if picked in a somewhat immature condition and when grown 
under the conditions of a moderately long growing season, to which 
this variety appears to be best adapted. The fruit tends to develop 
water core if left on the tree too long. Generally it holds on the tree 
fairly well, so that little dropping is probable until after the fruit has 
passed prime condition. Large size is extremely desirable in this vari- 
ety, since the fruit is used extensively for baking. Late picking re- 
sults in larger fruit that is less subject to scald than early picked fruit. 

At least 150 to 155 days (4, 76)?° should elapse from bloom before 
picking of this variety is started. Optimum maturity generally is 
reached between 155 and 165 days from bloom. — 

If best storage is desired the fruit should be picked when the ground 
color agrees with No. 2 to No. 3 of the color chart and the pressure test 
is not lower than 17 pounds. If the fruit is softer than this at the time 
of picking, it will ripen and become mealy relatively early. 

This variety should be watched for the development of water core 
and should be picked before it becomes serious. A small amount of 
water core will apparently disappear while the fruit is in storage, and 
no serious results will follow; but if water core is severe it will result 
in an early break-down of the fruit. 

Rome Beauty has a marked tendency to become mealy in storage 
and should be handled promptly and placed in cold storage quickly 
after picking 1f long holding is desired. 


Stayman Winesap scalds badly if picked in a somewhat immature 
condition. High color is very desirable in this variety. From the 
standpoint of both scald resistance and appearance of the fruit, there- 
fore, relatively late picking is desirable. There is a tendency for water 
core to develop, however, if the variety remains on the tree too long 
and storage break-down is common in very mature fruit. In some 
seasons dropping may also be serious. 

Generally this variety requires at least 155 days from bloom to ear- 
hest maturity and 160 to 170 days for optimum maturity (4).% For 
the best storage results it should not be left on the tree until the pres- 
sure test is below 15 pounds. Fruit testing between 18 and 15 pounds 
has been found very satisfactory for storage. In general it may be said 
that this variety can stay on the tree until the pressure test reaches 15 

1911 See footnote 2, p. 2. 


pounds or slightly less, without serious injury to the storage quality. 
If appreciable water core begins to develop the fruit should be picked. 

Delayed picking is desirable to obtain high color, good size, and 
good dessert quality. The number of days from bloom is probably the 
most reliable index of time to start picking. The development of 
water core often indicates the approach of overmaturity. 

Stayman Winesap ripens relatively rapidly after being removed 
from the tree; if long keeping is desired, therefore, the variety should 
be placed under refrigeration immediately, particularly if picking has 
been delayed until the fruit has become rather soft. ° 


The Wagener variety is extremely susceptible to water core while on 
the tree and to scald while in storage. In general, in order to insure 
high color and the greatest resistance to storage scald, the fruit should 
be left on the tree until it begins to drop or until water core begins to 

This variety is well adapted to a short period in air-cooled storage 
in the shorter season districts. If intended for common-storage hold- 
ing, fruit should remain on the tree as long as possible or until water 
core development becomes serious. If intended for cold-storage hold- 
ing, the fruit should be picked late or oiled paper should be used in 
storing it. If placed in cold storage after being packed in oiled paper, 
fruit showing a pressure test of 18 pounds or slightly above will ap- 
parently give very satisfactory results. 

Palmer (76) pointed out that Wagener fruit requires a long grow- 
ing season of 170 days from bloom to develop good dessert quality and 
resistance to scald and that it should not be grown in regions having 
short growing seasons. In the United States, however, the variety is 
most extensively planted in Michigan, and in that State it cannot be 
left on the trees as long as 170 days because freezing may occur about 
160 days from bloom. 


The Williams variety blooms rather unevenly and also matures its 
fruit unevenly ; usually several pickings, based on color and size of the 
fruit, are made. The apples generally mature in about 70 days from 
bloom (8). This brings them to maturity in midsummer, and they 
ripen very rapidly at summer temperatures. If stored at all, ordinar- 
ily they are held for only short periods. The fruit must be cooled 
promptly after harvest if it is to be held in storage. This variety 
drops badly when mature unless harvest sprays are used. Such sprays 
are extremely effective in preventing dropping of Williams. If these 
sprays are used, care must be taken not to allow the fruit to become 
overmature on the trees or it will break down badly while on the 


When picked early, Winesap has a rather pronounced tendency to 
scald late in the storage season. Moreover, it is of great advantage to 
leave the apples on the tree sufficiently long to acquire maximum size 
and the characteristic high color of the variety. Winesap apples 


generally tend to be smaller than is desired in the domestic markets; 
it is important, therefore, that the season of growth be extended as 
long as possible. 

Winesap has a long growing season, usually requiring about 155 to 
160 days from full bloom to reach early maturity, and picking (14)” 
should be completed not later than 175 days after blooming. It is 
one of the very best varieties for long holding, since it softens rela- 
tively slowly in storage. If placed in cold storage at once after pick- 
ing and held at a temperature of 31° to 32° F., Winesap will remain 
in a crisp, firm condition until early summer. In general, the pressure 
test will be 20 pounds or above when the fruit is in best picking 

Prior to reaching a good maturity for picking, the fruit tends to 
adhere tightly to the spurs, but under some conditions fruit of this 
variety has a tenglency suddenly to loosen and drop badly just when 
it has reached the most desirable harvesting maturity. Commercial 
expediency, therefore, demands the use of a harvest spray; and con- 
sequently ease of separation cannot be used as an index of the time to 
pick the fruit. Although it is desirable to leave Winesap fruit on the 
tree as long as possible so that it will improve in size, color, and re- 
sistance to storage scald, it is well to keep in mind that the Winesap 
is rather subject to water core as it advances in maturity, especially in 
seasons of warm days. There is relatively little lkelihood of the 
fruit becoming too ripe on the tree for good quality, provided it is 
picked before severe water core develops. 

For long holding, the fruit should be placed in cold storage at an 
early date after picking. Winesap, in common with other late-keep- 
ing varieties, ripens less while on the tree than in common storage at 
prevailing fall temperatures. If common storage is to be used, there- 
fore, the later picking is delayed, within limits of weather and water 
core development, the better the storage response of the fruit. 

The variety is subject to soft scald; this disease frequently has been 
associated with the practice of transferring the fruit to cold storage 
at 81° to 32° F. after several weeks in common storage at higher tem- 
peratures. When cold storage has been delayed Winesap should be 
held in a storage temperature of 36°. 


The Yellow Newtown (Albemarle Pippin, Newtown Pippin) variety 
is grown principally in the Pacific Coast States and in Virginia. It 
is a firm, slow-ripening variety suitable for long storage, similar in 
these respects to Winesap. In the Pacific coast section it has a long 
growing season of 160 to 175 days although picking frequently 
starts 155 days from bloom. In Virginia it has become the custom 
to start commercial picking relatively early, frequently less than 145 
days from bloom. This variety does not scald badly when packed 
with oil paper unless picked extremely early, and as it is not necessary 
to leave the fruit on the tree for color development there is less 
reason for late picking than with some other varieties. However, 
late picking is very desirable from the standpoint of increased size 
of fruit and better flavor. As grown on the Pacific coast, Yellow 

12 See footnote 2, p. 2. 


Newtown apples adhere well to the tree until relatively late, but under 
Virginia conditions they may start dropping prematurely in some 
seasons. There is a tendency also toward red spotting of the skin 
with a consequent lowering of grade when the fruit is allowed to 
remain on the tree until very late. 

Ground color changes in the Yellow Newtown are not sufficiently 
marked to serve as an index of picking maturity, as the fruit when 
picked usually is still green, corresponding to No. 1 of the color 
chart. With a light crop the ground color starts turning yellow 
earlier than with a heavy crop. Fruit from hght-crop trees appar- 
ently matures earlier and should be picked before the greener fruit 
on heavy-crop trees. As previously noted, fruits of other varieties 
react in a similar way to crop size. 

Probably the most satisfactory index of the time to pick Yellow 
Newtown is the elapsed time from full bloom. Picking should not - 
start until at least 150 days from bloom (8). By this time the apples 
will ripen with just passable dessert quality and will not be likely 
to develop storage scald when packed with oiled paper. Much better 
dessert quality and larger size will be obtained by delaying picking 
until 160 to 170 days from bloom, as reported for the Pacific North- 
west (J6).12 However, under Virginia conditions the dropping or 
fruit spotting, and under Oregon conditions fall rains and perennial 
canker infections, may make such late picking unfeasible. 

Like the other long-keeping varieties, Yellow Newtown intended for 
common storage should be picked late. The fruit softens less rapidly 
on the tree than while being held at prevailing outdoor temperatures. 
Consequently, delaying the picking of this variety as long as possible 
within weather limitations will improve its keeping quality if the 
fruit is handled in common storage. 


The Yellow Transparent apple is a very acid fruit that is generally 
picked in a rather immature condition and used primarily for sauce. 
Generally it is picked ahead of Williams; such picking would make 
its harvest period about 65 to 70 days from bloom. 


York Imperial is similar to Arkansas in that its possible storage 
life is determined almost entirely by the development of storage 
scald; hence it should be picked at the latest possible date. The fruit 
softens slowly in both cold and air-cooled storage. In cold storage 
particularly, the fruit usually shows storage scald while still firm, 
and even in air-cooled storage the possible holding period usually is 
emu by scald development rather than by the ripeness of the 


Picking of this variety should not begin earlier than approximately 
155 days from bloom. Fruit picked after this time and packed with 
oiled paper should not scald excessively during the normal storage 

#3 See footnote 2, p. 2. 


In general, it may be stated that the later York Imperial fruit is 
picked the better its storage quality will be. Unfortunately, this 
variety tends to drop very badly during certain seasons, so that pick- 
ing is often necessary before the fruit reaches the best storage condi- 
tion. Harvest sprays are helpful in preventing dropping but gen- 
erally have been less successful with York Imperial than with earlier 
ripening, longer stemmed varieties, in which the apples do not crowd 
each other off from the spurs by pressure of their own growth. If 
the fruit is holding on the tree, it should be left until the ground color 
attains a shade corresponding to No. 2 to No. 3 of the color chart. 
When the fruit reaches this condition the pressure test usually will 
be about 20 to 18 pounds. The fruit often begins to drop so badly, 
however, that picking is necessary before it reaches this condition. 
Fruit to be placed in common storage should be held on the tree as 
long as possible before picking. York Imperial is a very satisfactory 
variety for holding in air-cooled storage, since it will remain firm for 
a considerable period even if held at moderately high temperatures. 


It should be noted that when the different varieties remain on the 
trees until late or until the flesh is soft they become very sensitive to 
mechanical injury. Stayman Winesap, Delicious, and Jonathan test- 
ing 16 pounds or less are not only easily bruised but are also extremely 
susceptible to stem puncture and other mechanical injuries. This 1s 
true also of Northern Spy and McIntosh when in condition for pick- 
ing. When harvesting is delayed for any reason, particularly with 
these tender-fleshed varieties, unusual care in handling is essential. 
The details of handling apples are discussed by Fisher (6). 

When picked at an early stage of maturity apples of many varieties 
are rather susceptible to injuries from washing, especially where 
the washing solutions are heated. With advancing maturity, changes 
in the wax of the skin give the fruit added protection and permit the 
use of washing solutions of higher temperatures or stronger concen- 
trations. Where heavy spray residues necessitate severe washing 
treatments, it is advantageous to permit apples to reach optimum ma- 
turity on the tree to avoid the hazards of washing injuries. On the 
other hand, if they are left on the trees until they have a heavy cover- 
ing of wax, residue removal will be difficult and some type of wax 
solvent may have to be incorporated in the washing process to remove 
the residue effectively. 



(1) Barser, L. P. 


Cir. 685, 16 pp., illus. 

(2) Brooks, C., and FIsHER, D. F. 

1926. WATER CORE OF APPLES. Jour. Agr. Res. 32: 223-260, illus. 

(3) CALDWELL, J. S. 


CONDITIONS. Jour. Agr. Res. 36: 289-865, illus. 

(4) ELLENWwoop, C. W. 


1941. BLOOM PERIOD AND YIELD OF APPLES. Ohio Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 618, 

21 pp., illus. 


Sta. Bimo. Bul. 26: 120-127. 

(6) FISHER, D. F. 

1942. HANDLING APPLES FROM TREE TO TABLE. U.S. Dept. Agr. Cir. 659, 

39 pp., illus. 

(7) HAtter, M. H. 





Dept. Agr. Cir. 627, 22 pp., illus. 


Hort. Sci. Proc. 40: 141-145. 

——— and Lutz, J. M. 

IN THE POTOMAC RIVER VALLEY. U. S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Bul. 776, 
42 pp., illus. 
and Maengsss, J. R. 


BUD DIFFERENTIATION IN APPLES. U. 8. Dept. Agr. Tech. Bul. 338, 
36 pp., illus. 

(11) HeEsskg, C. O., and Hirz, C. W. 


Amer. Soc. Hort. Sei. Proc. 36 (1938) : 351-857, illus. 

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—— DIEHL, H.C., and HAtrer, M. H. 

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DIEHL, H. C., HALLER, M. H., and others. 


Dept. Bul. 1406, 64 pp., illus. 
and TAYLOR, G. F. 


FRUIT MATURITY. U.S. Dept. Agr. Dept. Cir. 350, 8 pp., illus. 

(16) Parmer, R. C. 

1928. APPLE HARVESTING INVESTIGATIONS. Canada Expt. Farms, Summer- 

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(17) Puacer, H. H., and Maney, T. J. 



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and Maney, T. J. 


APPLES. Jour. Agr. Res. 55: (39-768, illus. 

(9) Rukaye EB: 


Hort. Sei. Proc. 40: 133-140. 


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