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Full text of "The Plasmodiophorales; including a complete host index, bibliography, and a description of diseases caused by species of this order"

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Columbia  Vnivernty 



Including  a 

Complete  Host  Index,  Bibliography, 

and  a  Description  of  Diseases 

Caused  by  Species  of  this  Order 


Columbia  Unh'ernitif 
First  Edition- 





Dedicated  to 

Oil  tlie  Occasion  of  the  80th 
Anniversary  of  His  Birtliday 


This  thkatisk  is  part  of  a  serios  of  leoturcs  prc- 
sfiitcd  to  srailuatc  and  rosi-arcli  students  of  mycol- 
ogy at  C'oluniliia  I  iiivcrsity  on  tlif  di'vi'lopnicnt.  ori- 
gin, and  pliyloju'iiy  of  the  lower  fuiifri.  It  liad  been 
originally  planned  to  incorporati'  tliis  material  in  a 
general  treatment  of  the  simiile.  hiHagellate  Ooniy- 
eete-like  fungi.  I.agenidiales,  and  Cliytridiales,  hut 
inasnnieli  as  tlie  Plasniodiopliorales  at  present  a])- 
pear  to  lie  a  fairly  eolierent  iiliylogenetie  group,  it 
seems  advisable  to  treat  them  separately.  The  Plas- 
niodiophorales  are  an  important  and  significant 
group  of  organisms  from  the  standpoints  of  [ilant 
pathology  and  phylogeny  of  the  lower  fungi.  As  de- 
structive parasites  of  crucifers  and  potatoes,  some 
species  cause  serious  economic  losses  of  basic  food 
crops.  Phylogenetically.  they  possess  certain  devel- 
opmental phases  which  are  strikingly  similar  to  those 
of  the  Proteomyxa.  Myxoniycetes.  and  simjile  fungi 
— similarities  which  suggest  either  a  common  origin 
or  parallelism  in  development. 

Although  the  Plasmodiopliorales  have  been  stud- 
ied for  more  than  a  half  century,  no  serious  efl'ort  to 
summarize  the  accumulated  data  was  made  until 
1<)33  when  Cook  monographed  the  group.  Cook  gave 
a  detailed  description  of  the  known  genera  and  spe- 
cies and  also  discussed  their  cytology  and  develop- 
ment in  relation  to  phylogeny.  Unfortunately,  this 
otherwise  worthy  and  excellent  treatise  is  marred  by 
certain  inconsistencies,  based  on  the  author's  obser- 
vations, which  are  confusing  and  misleading  to  be- 
ginners in  this  field.  Since  that  time,  several  new- 
genera  and  species  have  been  added  to  the  group. 
Particularly  significant  is  the  discovery  of  I.eding- 
ham.  Couch,  et  al..  and  Barrett  that  the  zoospores 
are  biflagellatc  and  heterocont  and  that  thin-walled 
evanescent  zoosporangia  are  a  characteristic  devel- 
opmental phase  of  the  Plasmodiophorales.  These 
discoveries  have  greatly  modified  our  concepts  of  the 
group  and  make  the  present  revision  opportune, 
worthwhile,  and  essential. 

This  book  is  intended  primarily  for  graduate  and 
research  students  of  mycology  and  the  lower  organ- 
isms. Nevertheless,  botanists  and  biologists  in  gen- 
eral as  well  as  protozoologists  and  phytopathologists 
will  doubtless  find  the  summarized  data,  life  cycle 
diagrams,  and  descri]>tions  of  diseases  of  consider- 
able value.  As  a  treatise  for  research  students,  it  nec- 
essarily includes  nnicli  that  is  questionable  and  con- 
troversial in  nature  and  which  ordinarily  might  be 
omitted  or  discussed  more  briefly.  -Some  of  the  data 
presented  are  of  doubtful  value  and  significance,  in 
the  author's  opinion,  but  they  are  nonetheless  in- 
cluded with  as  little  bias  as  possible  in  order  that 
students  may  draw  their  own  conclusions  and  inter- 
pretations. Although   the  author   agrees  with   Cook 

and  others  that  lihi-owi/ja,  Sorolpidiiim,  .-ind  .liiiso- 
mi/.rii  are  prob.-ibly  synonyms  of  I.i</>iiiTa,  these  gen- 
era are  discussed  separately  as  doubtful  members. 
Likewise,  full  treatment  is  given  to  the  excluded 
genera  and  s])ecies,  thereby  making  these  dat.i  .ivail- 
.■ible  to  research  workers.  The  author's  critical  atti- 
tude and  seeming  skejitieism  toward  existing  data  on 
"akarvosis,"  extrusion  of  chromatin,  sexuality,  meio- 
sis,  and  other  critical  developmental  phases  of  this 
group  is  not  intended  as  a  direct  criticism  of  the 
veracitv  and  accuracy  of  certain  workers,  but  rather 
to  indicate  how  inconclusive  present-day  knowledge 
and  interjiretations  are  and  thereby  to  stimulate 
more  intensive  study  of  these  phases.  The  Plasmodi- 
ophorales are  unfavorable  for  cytological  study  be- 
cause of  the  minuteness  of  the  nuclei.  Likewise,  the 
intramatrical  habitat  of  all  species  makes  direct  ob- 
servation of  gametic  fusion,  schizogony,  etc.,  ex- 
tremely diflicult  in  living  material.  It  is  therefore  to 
be  expected  that  many  data  are  conflicting  and  incon- 

Separate  bibliographies  are  provided  at  the  close 
of  each  chapter  to  expedite  reference  to  literature 
on  particular  subjects,  genera,  and  species.  Since 
many  of  the  cited  papers  are  general  in  nature  and 
relate  to  several  genera,  they  have  been  listed  several 
times,  which  makes  the  bibliograjjhy  somewhat  re- 
dundant. A  host  index  is  also  provided  with  each  spe- 
cies. Due  to  war  conditions  abroad,  it  has  been  im- 
possible to  secure  many  of  the  publications  relating 
to  club  root  and  powdery  scab,  so  that  the  host  index 
and  bibliography  of  Plasmodiophora  Brassicae  and 
Spoiiflospora  suhterranea  are  unfortunately  incom- 
l)lete.  In  a  bibliograjihy  of  this  magnitude  errors  are 
likely  to  occur,  and  the  author  will  appreciate  having 
mistakes  and  omissions  called  to  his  attention.  The 
glossary  is  purposely  brief  and  relates  almost  en- 
tirely to  terms  used  in  the  text. 

Tlie  writer  has  drawn  freely  from  the  illustrations 
of  authors  in  this  country  and  abroad,  to  whom  he  is 
very  grateful.  The  list  of  contributors  is  too  long  for 
individual  mention,  but  full  credit  is  given  in  the  de- 
scriptions of  the  drawings.  The  life  cycle  diagrams 
presented  in  Chapters  III  and  V  have  not  been 
copied  directly  from  other  authors'  illustrations  but 
are  based  on  their  descriptions  of  the  successive  de- 
velopmental phases.  The  author  feels  particularly 
grateful  to  -Miss  Amy  L.  Hepburn,  Natural  Science 
Librarian  of  Columbia  University,  for  her  unstinted 
help  with  the  literature,  without  which  this  work 
would  have  been  impossible. 

Columbia  Vnivkbsitv 
New  York  City 
No\t:mbkr.   19U 


I'rct'iui' i 

CHAI'iKH    I 

Introduction 1 

(Tlossarv 2 

Bibliography 3 


Cvtologv 4 

"I'l-oniitosis" -l 

"Akdrvote"  stage 10 

Mciosis 12 

Schizogony  and  Cleavage 14 


Sexiialitv  and  Alternation  of  Generations 15 

I'liisinodiophora 15 

Tetramyxa 16 

Sorosphaera 16 

Sorodiscns          18 

Spongospora 18 

Ligriicra 18 

Pnlijmi/.ra  aiiiJ  Ortoiiiij.ra 18 

Bibliogra])hy 20 


Classification  and  Discnjjtion  of  Species 20 

Key  to  genera 22 

Plasmodiophora 22 

Biological  races 26 

Reliition  to  bacteria 26 

Relation  to  cancer 28 

Bibliography .'J.'j 

Excluded  species '.H 

Bibliography .■J6 




Tetramyxa 37 

Octomyaxi 40 

Sorosphaera 41 

Sorodisciis 46 

Membranosorus 52 

Spongospora          54 

Llgniera 58 

Polymyxa 63 

Doubtful  genera 64 

Rhizomyxa 64 

Sorolpid'uim 66 

Anisomyxa _ .       .  68 

Trematophlyctis 70 

Pyrrhosorus 71 

Excluded  genera 72 

Sporomyxa 74 

Peltomyces 76 

Cystospora 76 


Phylogeny  and  relationships  of  the  Plasmodiophorales 78 

Historical 78 

Relationships  with  the  Myxomycetes 79 

Relationships  with  the  Chvtridiales 85 

Relationships  with  Woronina 85 

Relationships  with  the  Proteomyxa  and  Protozoa 88 

Bibliography 91 



Diseases  caused  by  species  of  the  Plasmodiophoraceae 93 

Club  root  of  crucifers 93 

Losses  due  to  disease 93 

Discovery  of  disease 93 

Symptoms 93 

Cellular  relations  between  host  and  pathogen 95 

Entrance  and  spread  of  parasite 96 

Dissemination  of  parasite  in  nature 96 

Environmental  factors 97 

Hosts  and  degree  of  infection 99 

Control  of  club  root 104 

Sanitary  practices 104 

Seed,  seed  bed,  and  seedling  disinfection 105 

Disinfection  of  fields 105 


Liming       .... 

Hasio  fortili/crs    . 

Soil  drainage 

Croj)  rotation 

Eradication  of  wild  host 
Resistant  varieties  of  erucifers 

Nature  of  suseeptibilitv  and  resistance  . 
Gcograpliical  distril)iition  of  club  root  and  bibliog 
Powdery   scab  of   potatoes 
Significance  of  disease  . 
Predisposing  factors 


Cellular  relations  between  host 

Sanitary  practices 

Seed  tuber  disinfection     . 

Soil  disinfection    . 

Effects  of  fertilizers  . 

Resistant  varieties 
Distribution  and  bibliography 

Species  Index 
Subject  Index 
Author  Index 

nd  pathogen 






C'hapUr    1 


The  Plasmodiophoralks  iiicliulo  one  family  of  or- 
ganisms wliicli  are  often  referred  to  as  parasitie 
slime  molds  heeause  tiiey  arc  i-liaraeterized  by  a 
multiniuleate  ulasmodial  stauv  as  in  the  trne  slime 
molds  and  ))arasitize  tilamentous  fiingi,  alu'ae.  eryp- 
togams.  and  liiirher  plants.  While  this  eomnion  name 
mav  lie  deseri|)tive.  its  use  is  unfortunate,  since  it 
suggests  a  relationsliip  witli  the  Myxomyeetes  which 
has  not  been  definitely  established.  Most  genera  of 
this  order  have  rather  complex  life  cycles  which  in- 
clude zoosj)ores,  amoebae,  sjiorangiosori,  zoosjio- 
rangia.  secondary  zoospores,  plasmodia,  cystosori, 
resting  s))orcs,  and  probably  isoniorjihic  gametes. 
Sporangiosori  and  tliin-walled  evanescent  zoospo- 
rangia  were  first  observed  by  Borzi  in  Rhizovii/jca 
hypoi/ea  as  early  as  188  t.  and  later  by  Neniec  ('11. 
'13)  in  Sorolpidiiim  and  Anis07ni/jra,  but  at  that  time 
the  relationship  of  these  genera  to  the  Plasmodi- 
ojihoraccae  was  not  clearly  understood.  Zoospo- 
rangia  were  subsetjuently  rediscovered  by  Cook 
('26).  Cook  and  Schwartz  ('30).  I.edingham  ('33. 
'3i.  '3.5.  '39).  Fedorintscliik  ('3.")),  Coueli.  et  at. 
('39)  in  Lignii-ra,  Plasmodiophora,  Poli/mi/.ra, 
Sponr/ospora,  and  ()ctomi/xa  and  are  now  generally 
believed  to  be  a  characteristic  developmental  phase 
of  the  order  as  a  whole.  The  zoosporangia  are  re- 
garded by  some  workers  as  gametangia  in  which 
meiosis  precedes  gametogenesis,  but  this  has  not  been 
conclusively  ])roven. 

The  s])orangial  phase  is  followed  by  the  develop- 
ment of  a  conijiaratively  large  multinucleate  sporo- 
genous  Plasmodium  in  which  meiosis  is  reported  to 
occur  before  or  during  cleavage  into  resting  spores. 
The  latter  may  remain  loose  and  free  of  each  other 
or  unite  in  more  or  less  compact  cystosori.  Upon 
germination,  tlie  resting  spores  ))roduee  uninucleate 
amoebae  or  motile  flagellate  zoos|)ores.  These  cells 
are  regarded  by  many  workers  as  isomorphic  gam- 
etes which  fuse  in  pairs  and  thus  initiate  the  diploid 
generation,  but  so  little  is  known  about  sexuality  in 
this  order  that  nothing  conclusive  can  be  said  as  yet 
about  the  sexual  nature  of  these  cells.  Some  my- 
cologists contend  that  a  true  ])lasmodinm  does  not 
exist  in  the  Plasmodiophorales  on  the  grounds  that 
the  naked  multinucleate  tliallus  is  not  formed  by  the 
coalescence  of  numerous  mutually  attracted  amoebae 
in  the  manner  described  by  Cienkowski  ('63)  for  the 
Myxomyeetes.  In  so  doing,  these  mycologists  disre- 
gard the  reports  of  Woronin  ('77),  Halsted  ('93), 
Nawaschin  ('99),  Evcleshvmer  ('01).  Massee  ('08), 
Osborn  (']!),  Kunkel  ('15).  Terby  ('2t),  Jones 
('28).  Home  ('30).  Cook  and  .Schwartz  ('30).  Milo- 
vidov  ('31  ).  I.edingham  ('39).  and  others  that  amoe- 
bae as  well  as  small  plasmodia  coalesce  in  Plasmodi- 
ophora, Sponf/ospora,  Pol i/nii/.ra,  etc.  \\  hether  or  not 

these  re])orts  are  accurate  may  be  oi)en  to  question, 
because  they  are  not  all  based  on  observations  of  liv- 
ing material.  These  data  nevertheless  exist  in  the 
liter.-iturc  and  must  be  given  serious  <'onsideration. 
I'urtherniore,  the  above-mentioned  reasons  for  ex- 
cluding the  term  ))lasmodiuin  from  the  Plasmodi- 
ophoraceae  would  also  ])reclude  its  use  in  relation  to 
the  .Myxomyeetes  according  to  recent  data  on  this 
group.  .lahn  (11.  '36),  Skupienski  ('28),  Wilson  and 
Cadnian  (28),  Cadman  ('31),  and  others  have 
shown  that  the  ])lasmodium  is  initiated  by  fusion  in 
pairs  (if  isomorphic  gametes  and  that  the  zygotes 
may  subsequently  ingest  unfused  lia])loid  amoebae 
as  food  material.  Thus,  the  conception  of  a  Plas- 
modium as  Cienkowski  interjjreted  it  has  undergone 
considerable  modification  and  is  now  used  jirinci- 
l)ally  as  a  deseri))tive  term  for  the  naked,  multinu- 
cleate, assimilative  phase  of  the  slime  molds.  In  this 
sense  it  may  be  equally  well  employed  for  the  naked 
multinucleate  thallus  of  the  Plasniodioiihorales. 
Cook's  use  of  the  term  myxamoeba  for  this  stage  is 
unfortunate,  misleading,  and  obviously  unwar- 
ranted. According  to  standard  dictionaries  .md  glos- 
saries, the  term  myxamoeba  relates  to  the  naked, 
amoeboid,  and  usually  uninucleate  protoplasts 
formed  by  the  germinating  resting  spores  of  the 
Myxomyeetes,  and  its  introduction  as  a  deseri])tive 
name  for  the  naked  multinucleate  plasmodial  stage 
of  the  Plasmodiophorales  will  lead  to  nothing  but 
confusion.  Likewise,  his  use  of  the  term  "swarm 
cells  '  for  the  products  of  spore  germination  as  a  dis- 
tinctive contrast  to  the  name  "zoos])ores  "  for  the 
flagellate  cells  formed  in  zoosporangia  is  not  war- 
ranted at  present  and  should  be  avoided.  I.edingham 
and  Barrett  have  clearly  shown  that  the  zoospores 
are  biflagellate  and  hcterocont  regardless  of  whether 
they  are  formed  in  zoosporangia  or  from  resting 
s])ores  and  that  there  are  no  distinctions 
between  the  so-called  swarm  cells  and  zoosjiores.  If 
in  the  future  it  is  found  tliat  the  resting  spores  form 
gametes  and  the  s))orangia  zoospores,  or  vice  versa, 
the  two  products  may  then  be  distinguished  and 
designated  as  gametes  and  zoospores,  respectively. 

.Mtliough  most  s|)ecies  of  this  order,  except  P. 
lirax.iicae  and  S.  suhti-rratwa,  a])pear  to  be  compara- 
tively rare  in  occurrence,  they  are  nevertheless 
world  wide  in  distribution  and  have  been  re))orted 
from  North  and  .South  .\merica.  .\frica,  Kurope, 
Asia.  Australia  and  several  Atlantic  and  Pacific 
islands.  Three  s])ecies  occur  in  fungi,  algae,  and 
cry))togams.  while  the  remainder  parasitize  higher 
|)lants.  All  s))ecies,  exce)>t  members  of  the  genus  JAfj- 
n'tera,  cause  distortion  of  the  host  and  marked 
changes  in  its  cells.  These  changes  involve  enlarge- 
ment and  divison  of  infected  as  well  as  of  adjacent 


healtliy  cells,  with  the  result  that  conspicuous  ex- 
cresences  and  galls  are  usually  formed.  However, 
only  two  species  are  economically  important  as  para- 
sites. Plasmodiophora  Brassicae  and  Spongospora 
subterranea  are  destructive  pathogens  of  crucifers 
and  potatoes,  respectively,  and  cause  the  diseases 
commonly  known  as  club  root  and  powdery  scab. 

While  these  diseases  had  been  recognized  since 
early  times,  their  causative  agents  were  not  identified 
until  the  latter  part  of  the  19th  century.  The  discov- 
ery of  P.  Brassicae  in  hypertrophied  roots  of  cruci- 
fers by  Woronin  in  1 877  may  be  said  to  have  initiated 
the   study   of  the   Plasmodiophorales   as   a  distinct 
group   of   organisms.   A   second  genus,   Tetramiixa, 
was  found  by  Goebel  in  1881,  and  in  the  same  year 
Zopf  created  a  new  family,  Plasmodiophoraceae,  in 
the  zoosporic  Monadineae  to  include  these  genera. 
Two    additional    genera,    Spongospora    and    Soro- 
sphaera  were  reported  by  Brunchorst  and  Schroeter 
in  1886,  but  the  relationship  of  the  former  genus  was 
not  generally  recognized  until  much  later.  Schroeter 
ignored  Zopf's  classification  and  created  a  new  or- 
der, Phytomiixini,  with  one  family,  Phytomyxaceae, 
to  include  these  genera  as  well  as  the  legume  tubercle 
organism  which  he  redescribed  as  Phiitomijxa  legii- 
minosarum.  Inasmuch  as  Schroeter's  Phytomyxinae 
was  later  ('97)  incorporated  in  Engler  and  Prantl's 
Die    Natiirlichen    Pflanzenfamilien,    it   was    widely 
recognized    and    accepted.    Phiitomyxa   as    well    as 
Plasmodiophora  Alni  and  P.  Elaeagni  were  excluded 
by  Tubeuf  and  Smith  ('97)  and  other  pathologists  in 
their  discussions  of  the  parasitic  slime  molds,  but 
Schroeter's  order  and  family  names  nonetheless  con- 
tinued to  be  used.  In  1909  Maire  and  Tison  made  an 
extensive  review  and  study  of  these  doubtful  species 
and  showed  again  that  P.  legiiminosarum,  P.  Alni, 
P.  Elaeagni,  Tylogonus  Agavae,  and  Pseudocommis 
J'iiis  have  little  or  nothing  in  common  with  the  true 
plasmodiophoraceous  species.  Since  Phyiomi/.ra  had 
already  been   excluded,  they  pointed   out  that  the 
name   Phytomyxaceae  was   no  longer   appropriate. 
They    accordingly    adopted    Zopf's    Plasmodiopho- 
raceae to  include  Plasmodiophora,  Tetraviy.ra,  and 
Sorosphaera  and   listed   Schroeter's    Phytomyxinae 
pro  parte  and  Delage's  Protomyxideae  zoosporideae 
as  synonyms.  Apparently  unaware  of  ]\Iaire  and  Ti- 
son's  studies,  some  protozoologists  nevertheless  still 
continue   the   use   of   Schroeter's    Phytomyxinae   or 
some  modification  of  this  name. 

In  the  meantime,  Sporomyra  and  Peliomyces  had 
been  added  to  the  group,  and  following  Maire  and 
Tison's  first  paper,  Ligniera,  MoUiardia,  Sorodiscus, 
Ostenfeldiclla,  Cystospora,  Tremaiophlyciis,  Clath- 
rosorus,  Memhranosorus,  Polymy.ra  and  Octomyxa 
were  successively  discovered  and  included  in  the 
Plasmodio])]ioraceae.  However,  many  of  these  gen- 
era have  eitlier  been  merged  or  excluded  entirely,  so 
that  the  order  includes  at  present  comparatively  few 
valid  genera.  The  group  as  a  whole  was  finally  raised 
to  ordinal  rank  by  Cook  ('28,  '33),  following  a  sug- 
gestion made  by  Schwartz  in  191  K 

Taxonomically,  the  Plasmodiophorales  have  been 
bandied  back  and  forth  by  protozoologists  and  my- 
cologists for  more  than  half  a  century,  and  few  work- 
ers are  in  agreement  about  tlie  taxonomic  position 
and  relationships  of  this  order.  Its  members  have 
been  included  at  various  times  in  the  Mycetozoa, 
Monadineae,  Proteomyxa,  Rhizopoda,  and  Chytri- 
diales.  Some  mycologists,  particularly  Gwynne- 
V^aughan,  Barnes,  and  Cook  ('33),  have  maintained 
that  the  Plasmodiophoraceae  are  not  fungi  and  have 
arisen  along  independent  lines  from  more  primitive 
forms.  However,  the  rediscovery  within  the  last  two 
decades  of  zoosporangia  in  this  order  and  the  ob- 
servations that  biflagellate  heterocont  zoospores  are 
produced  in  such  sporangia  and  also  from  resting 
spores  indicate  a  closer  affinity  with  the  simple  fungi 
than  was  formerlv  believed  to  exist. 


Akaryote  stage,  a  nuclear  stage  in  which  little  or  no 

chromatin  is  visible  in  the  nucleus. 
Binuclearity  hypothesis,  the  theory  that  the  micro- 
and  macronuclei  of  infusoria  contain  the  idio-  and 
•  trophochromatin,  respectively,  and  that  the  ordi- 
nary nucleus  of  higher  forms  is  accordingly  a  dual 
"amphinucleus.  ' 
Blepharoplast,  the  basal  granule  at  the  point  of  in- 
sertion of  each  flagellum. 
Capillitium,  sterile  filamentous,  simple,  branched,  or 
net-like  tubes  or  fibers  formed  among  spores  in  a 
sporogenous  body. 
Chromidia,  trophochromatin  granules  which  are  ex- 
truded from  tlie  nucleus  into  the  cytoplasm. 
Chromidia  hypothesis,  the  theory  that  the  nuclei  of 
rhizopods    and   other    similar   organisms    contain 
idio-  and  trophochromatin.  the  latter  of  which  is 
extruded  into  the  cytoplasm  as  chromidia  and  de- 
generates or  plays  a  dominant  role  in  the  differ- 
entiation of  specialized  structures. 
Chromidial  stage,  a  nuclear  stage  during  which  the 

trophoeliromatin  is  extruded  into  the  cytoplasm. 
Cruciform  stage,  equatorial  ring  stage  of  promitosis 
in  the   Plasmodiophorales  during  which  the  nu- 
cleole  is  elongate  and  forms  a  cross  with  the  chro- 
matin ring. 
Cystosorus,  a   more   or  less   compact  aggregate   of 

cysts  or  resting  spores. 
Eucarpic,  only  a  portion  of  the  tliallus  transformed 
into  a  reproductive  organ;  remainder  of  thallus 
Extramatrical,  outside  of  host,  matrix,  or  substra- 
Double-anchor  stage,  anaphase  stage  of  promitosis 
in  the  Plasmodiophorales  during  which  the  arched 
daughter  chromatin  bands  and  nucleoli  are  con- 
nected by  a  chromatic  strand  and  form  a  figure  re- 
sembling a  double  anchor. 
Dumb-bell    stage,   more    or    less    synonymous    with 
double-anchor  stage  of  promitosis. 


Flaiiitliim,  a  wlii))-likc  protdpl.-isniic  ora:;m  of  loco- 
motion of  zoospores,  sw.inusporcs,  and  motile 

(iaiiirtaiii/iiim,  a  ditlereiitiateci  sac  or  vesicle  which 
produces  gametes. 

(iarlaiitl  xtaf/r,  a  i>ropliasc  stage  of  meiosis  in  wliicli 
the  chromatin  is  aggregated  as  garlands  at  the  nu- 
clear poles. 

UrttTOcoiit.  (flagella)  of  unequal  length. 

lltilocarpic.  entire  th.illus  tr.insformed  at  maturity 
into  a  re]irodiictive  organ. 

Ili/prrplasif,  abnormal  growth  of  tissue  resulting 
from  undue  cell  division. 

11  fiperirophii,  abnormal  enlargement  of  an  organ. 

II,  defective  development  due  to  insufficient 
nourishment  and  consequent  cessation  of  growth. 

Ihtmoihallic,  gameto])hytic  or  ha])loid  thalli  bi- 

Ileteroihallic,  gametopliytic  or  liai)loid  thalli  uni- 

Ilnmophi/tic,  sporophytic  or  diploid  thalli  bisexual. 

Hctfrophi/tic,  sporojiliytic  or  diploid  thalli  uni- 

Ilaplomoiioccioitx,  haploid  generation  bisexual  = 

Ilaplodioecious,  ha])loid  generation  unisexual  ^ 

Diplomonoeciotts,  diploid  generation  bise.xual  = 

Diplodioecious,  diploid  generation  unisexual  = 

Ilaplosynoecious,  haploid  generation  bisexual  = 
homothallic  ^  haplomonoecious. 

Ilaploheteroecioiis,  haploid  generation  unisexual  =: 
lieterothallic  =  diplodioecious. 

Diplosifnoecious,  dililoid  generation  bisexual  = 
liomophytic  =  dijilomonoecious. 

Diploheteroecioiis,  diploid  generation  unisexual  = 
heterophytic  ^  diplodioecious. 

Ind'wchromatin,  generative  chromatin  which  is  con- 
cerned with  reproduction. 

Intramatrical,  witiiin  the  host,  matrix,  or  substra- 

Isofjamy,  fusion  of  structurally  similar  gametes. 

Isokont,  (flagella)  of  equal  length. 

Isomorphic,  similar  in  shape  and  form  but  not  in  es- 
sential structure. 

Kari/ofjami/,  fusion  of  gametic  nuclei. 

Meront,  a  uni-  or  multinucleate  product  of  schizo- 

Planocyte,  a  motile  cell. 

Plasmodiocarp,  an  irregular,  sinuous,  asymmetrical 
fruiting  body  or  si^orangium  of  the  Myxogastres. 

Plasmodium,  a  naked  multinucleate  protoplast  cajia- 
ble  of  amoeboid  movement. 

Plasmogamy,  fusion  of  gametes,  followed  sooner  or 
later  by  karyogamy. 

Promitosis,  a  pritnitive  (?)  type  of  intranuclear  mi- 
tosis in  lower  organisms  wliich  is  characterized  by 
ill-defined  cliromosomes  and  a  large  constricting, 
dividing  nudeole. 

Protomilosis,  .a  variety  of  promitosis  described  by 
.Viexiefl'  in  which  no  clearly  defined  equatorial 
|)iate  is  formed.  The  perii)heral  chromatin  instead 
is  distributed  in  a  diffuse  f.ishion  between  the 
polar  halves  of  the  divided  karyosome. 

Psriidoplasmodiiim,  a  false  plasmodium  or  aggre- 
g.ate  of  amoebae  which  retain  their  individuality; 
ch.iracteristic  of  the  Acrasieae  and  l,.iby rinthulae. 

Psfiuhipodiitm,  -.1  temjiorary  i)roto))l.isniic  extrusion 
in  .•imoebac  and  jilasmodia  which  may  be  retracted 
or  into  wliich  the  whole  mass  may  move. 

Saturn  stage,  equatorial  ring  stage  of  ])romitosis  in 
the  Plasmodiophorales  during  which  the  nudeole 
lies  in  the  center  of  a  ring  of  chromatin. 

Schizofiony ,  a  jirocess  of  simjile  or  multi])!e  division 
of  a  schizont. 

Schizont,  a  naked  inultiiuicleate  vegetative  tliallus 
which  undergoes  simple  or  multiple  division. 

Sorocarp,  the  fruiting  structure  of  the  Acrasieae. 

Sorus,  a  group  of  sporangia  or  resting  spores. 

Sporangiosorus,  a  more  or  less  compact  sorus  or  ag- 
gregate of  sporangia. 

Sporangium,  a  sac  or  vesicle  which  produces  spores 

Sporoci/st,  a  cyst  which  produces  asexual  spores. 

Sporogonic,  relating  to  spore  formation. 

Sporont,  a  thallus  destined  to  form  spores. 

Synkaryon,  the  zygotic  nucleus  following  karyo- 

Thallus,  the  vegetative  body  of  algae  and  fungi, 
without  differentiation  into  root,  stem,  and  leaf. 

Transitional  stage,  a  term  used  by  Winge  to  describe 
the  transition  in  nuclear  structure  between  pro- 
mitosis and  meiosis  in  the  Plasmodiophoraceae; 
synonymous  to  some  degree  with  the  so-called 
akaryote  stage. 

Trophochromatin,  somatic,  vegetative  chromatin 
which  is  active  in  nutrition. 

Zoocyst,  a  cyst  in  Monadineae  which  jiroduces  amoe- 
boid or  flagellate  cells. 

'/.oosporangium,  a  s])orangium  which  produces  zoo- 

Zygote,  the  product  of  gametic  fusion. 

bibliography:  introduction 

Brunchorst,  J.  1887.  Berpens  Mus.  Aarberet.  186():  219. 

Bor/.i,  A.  1884.  Klii/.oinyxa,  nuovo  ficomicete.  Messina. 

Cadniiui,  E.  .T.  1931,  Trans.  Roy.  Soc.  Edinhurph  .57:  93. 

Cicnkowski,  L.  18();i.  .lahrb.  Wiss.  Bot.  '.i:  +00. 

Cook,  W.  U.  I.  19J(i.  Trans.  Brit.  Mycol.  .See.  11:  191). 

.  I9J8.  New  Fhytol.  27:  240. 

.  19.33.  Arch.  I'rotistk.  80:  179. 

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London  218B:  283. 

C  ouch,  .r.  N.,  .1.  I.eitner,  and  .\.  WliiflVn.  1939.  .lour.  Eli.slia 
.Mitchell  .Scl.  .Soc.  ,7.5:399. 

Esmarch,  F.  1921.  Die  Kranke  Pflanze  1:  169. 

Eyclesliyincr,  A.  C.  1901.  ,Iour.  .Mycol.  7:  79. 

Erdorintschik,  X.  S.  1935.  Summ.  Sci.  Wk.  Inst.  PI.  Pro- 
tect. I.enin).'rad  I93,i:69. 

Fit/.i)atrick,  H.  .M.  1930.  Tlic  lower  fungi  Phycomycetes. 
New  York. 


Gw.vnne-Vaiif;han,    H.   C.   I.,   and    B.    Barnes.    1937.   The 

structure  and  development  of  the  funiri.  2nd  ed.  Cam- 

Halsted,  B.   D.   1893.   New  Jersey   Agr.   Exp.   Sta.    Kept. 

1893:  33;.\ 
Home,  A.  S.  1930.  Ann.  Bot.  44:  199. 
Jahn,  E.  1911.  Ber.  Dciit.  Bot.  Gesell.  :^9:  231.  1936,  Ibid. 

54:  air. 
Jones,  P.  M.  1928.  Arch.  Protistk.  6;2:  313. 
Kunkel,  L.  O.  1915.  Jour.  Apric.  Res.  4:  iJ65. 
Ledinfrham,  G.  A.  1933.  Phytopath.  23:  30. 

.  1934.  Xature  133:  ,534.  1935,  Ibid.  135:  3994. 

.  1939.  Canad.  Jour.  Res.  C,  17:  50. 

Maire,  H.,  and  A.  Tison.  1909.  Ann.  Mycol.  7:  22n. 
Massee,  G.  1908.  Jour.  Bd.  Agric.  London  15:  592. 
Milovidov,  P.  F.  1931.  Arch.  Protistk.  73:  1. 
Nawaschin,  S.  1899.  Flora  80:  404. 

Xemec,  B.  1911a.  Ber.  Deut.  Bot.  Gesell.  29:  48. 

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Schroeter,  J.  1880.  Cohn's  Krypt.  Fl.  Schlesiens  3:  133. 

.  1897.  Engler  und  Prantl,  Die  Xat.  Pflanzenf.  1,1:7. 

Schwartz,  E.  J.  1914.  Ann.  Bot.  38:  227. 

Skupienski,  F.  X.  1938.  Acta  Soc.  Bot.  Poloniae  5:  355. 

Terby,  J.  1934.  Bull.  Roy.  Acad.  Belg.  11:1. 

Tubeuf,  K.  F.,  and  W.  G.  Smith.  1897.  Diseases  of  Plants. 

Wilson,   M.,  and   E.   J.  Cadman.   1938.  Trans.   Roy.   Soc. 

Edinburgh  55:  .555. 
Woronin,  M.  1877.  Arb.  St.  Petersburg  Nat.  Gesell.  8:  109. 
Zopf,  W.  1884.  Die  Pilzthiere  oder  Schleimpilze.  Encyklop. 

der  Xaturwiss.  3:  139. 

Chapter  II 


Cytological  studies  of  the  Plasmodiophorales  dur- 
ing the  four  decades  have  centered  primarily  on 
the  type  of  nuclear  division  in  the  plasmodiuni,  the 
so-called  "akaryote"  stage,  nieiosis,  karyogamy, 
schizogony,  and  cleavage.  Nuclear  division  in  the 
Plasmodium  has  been  described  by  most  workers  as 
promitotic  and  fundamentally  similar  to  that  which 
occurs  in  the  Umax  group  of  amoebae  and  other  lower 
organisms.  So  consistently  has  this  type  of  division 
been  rei)orted  that  many  students  have  regarded 
promitosis  as  one  of  the  most  diagnostic  characters 
of  the  wliole  order,  and  one  which  distinguishes  the 
Plasmodiophorales  from  all  other  fungi  and  higher 
plants.  Cook  ('28)  in  particular  has  stressed  this 
character  as  follows:  "The  diagnostic  feature  which 
characterizes  the  Plasmodiophorales  is  their  two 
methods  of  nuclear  division,  and  failing  to  show  evi- 
dence that  both  promitosis  and  mitosis  occur  in  the 
life  cycle,  and  that  these  two  types  are  separated  by 
a  stage  iu  which  at  any  rate  ])art  of  the  chromatin  is 
extruded  into  the  cytoplasm,  no  new  fungus  should 
be  included  in  this  group."  At  the  same  time,  other 
workers  have  maintained  that  these  divisions  are 
typically  mitotic  with  well-defined  chromosomes, 
centrosomes,  and  astral  rays.  There  is  thus  sharp 
disagreement  concerning  karvokinesis  in  the  Plas- 
modium, and  inasmuch  as  the  presence  of  promitosis 
has  been  regarded  as  an  index  of  relationship  to  the 
amoeba,  a  full  discussion  of  the  so-called  vegetative 
divisions  in  the  Plasmodiophorales  is  essential  to  an 
understanding  of  this  order. 

Nawaschin  ('99)  was  the  first  to  observe  the  char- 
acteristic appearance  of  these  divisions  in  Plasmodi- 
ophora  and  to  point  out  that  they  are  different  from 
those  which  occur  immediately  before  or  during 
spore  formation.  He  nevertheless  described  the  for- 
mer mitoses  as  karyokinetic  and  regarded  ('01)  the 
presence  of  the  two  types  of  division  as  an  indication 

of  nuclear  dimorphism — a  view  much  in  vogue  among 
the  protozoologists  of  that  time.  Nawaschin's  obser- 
vation was  confirmed  by  Prowazek  ('02,  '05),  Maire 
and  Tison  ('09),  Blomfield  and  Schwartz  ('10), 
Schwartz  ('10),  Winge  ('13)  and  Lutman  ('13)  for 
other  species  and  genera.  Prowazek,  particularly, 
and  later  Blomfield  and  Schwartz,  also  stressed  the 
resemblance  of  the  vegetative  divisions  to  those 
which  had  been  described  by  protozoologists  in  cer- 
tain coccidia  and  amoebae. 

In  the  meantime,  Nagler  ('09)  had  proposed  the 
term  promitosis  for  the  type  of  nuclear  division 
found  in  Amoeba  froschi,  A.  lacu.itrh,  etc.,  which  he 
inter])reted  to  be  a  transition  between  amitosis  and 
mitosis.  In  these  divisions  neither  chromosomes  nor 
well-defined  spindles  are  formed,  according  to  Nag- 
ler. Division  is  intranuclear,  and  the  large  endo- 
some  or  karyosome  functions  as  a  division  center. 
The  latter  elongates,  and  as  it  constricts  the  chro- 
matin aggregates  and  forms  a  band  across  the  equa- 
tor of  the  nucleus.  The  karyosome  then  divides  into 
two  bodies,  and  as  these  migrate  toward  the  poles  the 
band  of  chromatin  splits  lengthwise.  Each  half  ac- 
companies a  karyosome  to  the  poles,  and  both  are 
there  incorporated  in  the  daughter  nuclei.  Subse- 
quent workers,  particularly  Chatton  ('10)  and 
Alexieff  ('13)  confirmed  in  broad  outlines  Nagler's 
observations,  but  distinguished  and  defined  other 
similar  and  more  advanced  types  of  "primitive"  mi- 
tosis in  amoebae.  Since  Nagler's  time  the  term  pro- 
mitosis as  a  distinctive  term  has  lost  much  of  its  ori- 
ginal significance  and  has  been  employed  rather  gen- 
erally for  mitosis  in  lower  organisms  which  are  char- 
acterized by  an  intranuclear  spindle  and  chromatin 
derived  wholly  or  in  part  from  a  large  karyosome. 
In  the  process  of  division  the  latter  is  said  to  elongate 
and  divide  and  function  as  a  nucleo-centrosome. 
However,  with  tlie  use  of  more  refined  and  specific 
fixatives  and  stains,  many  of  the  cases  reported  for- 


mcrly  as  |)romitt)sis  in  protozoa,   fimu;i.  and   aljiaf 
have  provin  to  lie  tyi)ical  mitosis. 

NcvtTtlulfss.  stmli-nts  of  tlit-  I'lasmodiopliorales 
ininu-diatcly  rt-c-ognlzcd  tin-  similarity  of  Niiglfr's 
jironiitotif  divisions  in  Amoeba  to  tliosi-  in  tliis  vt-jjo- 
tativf  Plasmodium,  and  in  1!)11  Main-  and  Tison 
adopted  Niiirlcr's  tt-rni  as  descriptive  of  these  Latter 
divisions.  Sulisecpient  workers,  ineliidiiiu:  Cook  (''Jii, 
"28.  '33),  Cook  and  .Seliwart/,  (,'-'!).  ;}()).  I.edingliam 
('39).  and  Coueli  <■(  al.  ('39)  have  used  the  term 
protoniitosis.  a  variety  of  promitosis  described  by 
Alexieff.  Pavillard  ('10).  Wcrnham  ('35).  and  oth- 
ers have  employed  the  term  "cruciform"  division. 
Althousth  they  fijjured  the  same  tyjie  of  division. 
Neniec  ('11.  '13),  l-'erdinandscn  and  Wins;e  ('20), 
and  Milovidov  ('31,  '32.  '33)  avoided  extensive  use 
of  these  terms,  while  Osliorn  ('U)  described  the 
ve!i:etati\c  division  in  Spoiif/o.spora  as  amitotic.  His 
figures  and  deserijition  of  the  jirocess  are  nonetheless 
similar  to  those  of  previous  and  subsequent  workers. 
Favorski  objected  to  the  contention  that  promitosis 
is  specifically  characteristic  of  primitive  animals  and 
the  lMasniodioi)horaceac  and  [lointed  out  that  the 
karyosome  and  eliromatin  may  behave  in  a  similar 
manner  during  mitosis  in  hisjlier  ))lants.  Terby  ('32) 
likewise  condemned  tlie  use  of  promitosis  for  these 
divisions  in  Plasmndiophura  on  the  grounds  that 
chromosomes  are  present  and  the  daugliter  nucleoli 
are  formed  anew  from  granules  in  the  telophase  nu- 
clei and  not  by  division  of  a  mother  nucleole.  Home 
('30)  and  Webb  ('3.5)  also  contended  that  the  vege- 
tative divisions  are  tyjjically  mitotic  in  Spongospora 
and  Suro.sphaera  and  thus  contradicted  all  previous 
workers  who  m.iintained  that  distinct  chromosomes 
are  not  )irescnt. 

Two  main  view))oints  have  thus  been  ])resented  by 
these  cytologists :  one  that  the  vegetative  divisions 
are  premitotic  and  fundamentally  similar  to  those  in 
certain  amoebae:  the  other  that  they  are  typically 
mitotic  with  well-defined  cliromosomes.  Prowazek, 
Maire  and  Tison.  .Schwartz,  and  Cook  in  ])articular 
have  cmi)hasizcd  the  former  view,  and  their  accounts 
of  the  vegetative  divisions  may  be  taken  as  represen- 
tative of  those  who  held  that  these  mitoses  are  quite 
unlike  anything  present  in  other  fungi  and  higher 
plants.  Terby,  Home,  and  Webb  may  be  looked  upon 
as  re])resenting  the  other  viewpoint.  For  the  sake  of 
com))arison.  drawings  representative  of  both  views 
have  been  brought  togetlier  in  Plate  I  and  contrasted 
in  turn  with  those  illustrating  jjromitosis  in  certain 

The  resting  nucleus  of  amoebae  and  i)l;ismodia  of 
the  Plasmodioi)horaceae  is  quite  small,  so  that  its 
structure  is  difficult  to  see  and  determine  with  cer- 
tainty. Nawaschin  described  the  chromatin  in  Plas- 
mod  iipliDra  as  a  s])Oiigy.  faintly-stainable  reticulum 
tliroughout  the  nucleus,  while  Prowazek  figured  the 
nuch-i  as  having  an  alveolar  achromatic  structure 
with  several  interspersed  granules  and  a  large  cen- 
tral nucleole  lying  in  a  clear  zone.  In  other  nuclei  the 
achromatic  material  was  found  to  be  radially  ori- 
ented on  the  nucleole  (fig.   1).  giving  the  nucleus  a 

wheel-like  a))|)earance.  Fn  Hi>ri>iij>hafia  .-ind  'I'l-tra- 
iiu/.ra,  Maire  and  Tison  figured  tiie  rt'sting  nucleus  as 
devoid  of  a  chromatin  reticulum  (fig.  2)  with  the 
nucleole  lying  in  a  \  acuole-like  sp.iee  filled  with 
hyaloplasm,  and  numerous  granules  distributed  on 
the  inner  periphery  of  nuclear  membrane.  They 
( '09)  did  not,  however,  regard  these  granules  as  true 
I  lirom.itin  but  instead  as  secretory  chromidia  derived 
t'riiui  the  karyosome  .-iiul  destined  to  ))ass  out  into  the 
i\toplasm.  In  Spoiii/oxporu,  on  the  other  hand.  Os- 
liorn figured  .1  wheel-like  nucleus  with  numerous 
chromatin  granules  distributed  on  radially  oriented 
liniu  threads  (fig.  !•),  but  he  likewise  believed  that 
these  granules  had  been  derived  from  the  karyosome. 
Of  the  more  recent  workers.  Cook,  and  Cook  and 
Schwartz  have  maintained  that  in  Ligniera  and  Plax- 
mod'iophora  the  chromatin  is  aggregated  solely  in  a 
layer  around  tiie  inner  i)eripliery  of  the  nucleus 
(fig.  5)  with  the  result  that  the  nucleole  ai)i)ears  to 
lie  in  a  clear  vacuolate  s))ace.  but  their  observations 
have  not  been  confirmed.  Cook's  ('28)  studies  on 
Lif/tiiera,  however,  were  made  from  unsectioned  ma- 
terial stained  in  toto,  which  is  obviously  unfavorable 
for  study  of  nuclear  details. 

Although  there  is  thus  considerable  difference  of 
opinion  among  these  cytologists  as  to  the  structure  of 
the  nucleus  and  the  presence  of  a  chromatin  reticu- 
lum, the  "wheel"  tyiie  of  resting  nucleus  neverthe- 
less has  been  figured  most  often  and  shown  to  occur 
in  Plasmodiophora,  Sponr/ospora,  Soros pharra,  Lif/- 
niera,  Sorodiscus,  and  Polifmyxa.  Milovidov's  ('32, 
'33)  observations  on  resting  nuclei  of  P.  Brassicae 
stained  by  Feulgen's  method  are  particularly  jierti- 
nent  in  this  relation.  In  such  prei5arations  the  karyo- 
some. linin.  and  granules  are  colorless,  and  the  only 
visible  structure  is  the  faintly-stained  luiclear  mem- 
brane. Milovidov,  nonetheless,  believed  that  small 
chromatin  bodies  are  present  around  the  inner  peri- 
phery of  the  nucleus. 

According  to  Nawascliin.  the  early  ])rophases  of 
the  vegetative  divisions  in  Plasmodiophora  may  be 
recognized  by  the  emergence  of  distinct  granules  in 
the  nucleus  (fig.  (5)  wliich  have  a  markedly  different 
staining  reaction  from  the  karyosome  and  are  not  in 
genetic  connection  with  the  latter.  Their  origin  is 
quite  distinct  from  that  of  the  karyosome,  in  Nawas- 
chin's  o))inion.  These  granules  later  unite  and  form 
an  equatorial  ]jlate  or  band.  Newaschin's  observa- 
tions were  confirnied  by  Milovidov's  ('32,  '33) 
studies  which  involved  Feulgen's  nuclear  reaction 
method.  As  the  nuclei  enter  the  )iro))hases.  chromatin 
granules  and  threads  become  visible  in  the  nuclear 
cavity,  and  these  eventually  form  an  equatori.d  ring 
(fig.  .50).  Prowazek  ('0.5),  on  the  other  hand,  de- 
scribed the  karyosome  or  "Inncnkorper"  as  enlarging 
and  difl'erentiating  into  a  faint-staining  achromatic 
substance  and  a  denser  chromatic  material  (fig.  7). 
The  l.itter  sul)stance  then  separates  into  a  globular 
luiclcole  and  a  half  moon-shaiied  row  of  granules 
(fig.  8),  out  of  which  the  equatorial  ring  is  formed 
(fig.  9).  Maire  and  Tison  ('09),  like  Nawaschin, 
noted  the  emergence  of  gramdes  on  the  linin  threads 


in  Soiosphaera  during  tlie  prophases  of  promitosis 
(fig.  10,  11),  but  they  contended  tliat  the  granules 
are  derived  from  the  karyosome  and  subsequently 
aggregate  around  the  latter  as  an  equatorial  ring. 
Blomfield  and  Schwartz  (10)  and  Osborn  ('11) 
have  figured  much  the  same  type  of  prophases  in  S. 
J'erouicae,  L.  Jitnci,  and  »S'.  suhicrranea.  I.utnian 
likewise  reported  the  presence  of  chromatin  granules 
in  the  prophases  in  Plaxmodiophora.  "These  gran- 
ules had  been  previously  concentrated  as  a  hollow 
sphere  enclosing  the  tropochromatin  of  the  central 
body"  (karyosome),  and  as  the  prophases  progress 
the  granules  of  idiochromatin  separate  from  the 
karyosome  and  form  a  spireme,  according  to  I.ut- 
nian.  In  Sorodiscu.i  Winge  also  reported  a  separation 
of  idiochromatin  and  tropochromatin  (fig.  13)  in 
the  karyosome  in  preparation  for  division,  the  former 
giving  rise  to  a  thin  equatorial  plate  and  the  latter 

forming  the  nucleole.  He  believed  that  in  the  resting 
nucleus  the  idiochromatin  may  "be  partly  resolved 
in  the  tropochromatin.  which  later  forms  the  chromo- 
philous  filaments  radiating  from  the  caryosome." 
Cook  ('26,  '28)  and  Cook  and  Schwartz  ('30)  failed 
to  observe  any  marked  prophase  stages  in  Lir/niera 
and  Plasmodiophora  but  asserted  that  the  peripheral 
layer  of  chromatin  which  is  present  in  the  resting  nu- 
cleus condenses  and  becomes  aggregated  in  a  ring 
around  the  karyosome  (fig.  14).  Shortly  thereafter 
the  spindle  fibers  appear  in  the  nuclear  cavity  and 
form  a  fusiform  intranuclear  spindle  (fig.  1.5)  at 
right  angles  to  the  chromatin  ring,  which  in  the  mean- 
time lias  expanded  and  drawn  away  from  the  central 
nucleole.  Manj-  of  these  cytologists  have  figured  the 
chromatin  ring  as  a  solid  continuous  band,  but  Maire 
and  Tison  ('11)  and  Winge  reported  it  to  be  com- 
posed of  numerous  granules  and  chromosome-like 


Fifr.  1.  Resting  nucleus,  P.  Brassicae,  showing  wheel-like 
structure.  Prowazek,  '0.5. 

Fig.  -2.  Resting  nucleus,  T.  parasitico ,  with  karyosomic 
granules  at  peri])hery.  Maire  and  Tison,  '11. 

Fig.  3.  Uninucleate  amoeba,  S.  V eronicae ,  with  centro- 
some  and  astral  rays.  Maire  and  Tison,  '09. 

Fig.  -1.  Resting  nucleus,  iS.  siibterraiiea,  with  wheel-like 
structure.  Osborn,  '11. 

Fig.  5.  Resting  nucleus,  L.  Juiici,  with  chromatin  around 
inner  periphery  of  nucleus.  Cook,  '^8. 

Fig.  a.  Early  prophase,  P.  Brasxicae,  showing  numerous 
chromatin  granules.  Nawaschin,  '99. 

Fig.  7.  Early  prophase,  P.  Briisslrne.  showing  separation 
of  idiocbromatin  and  tropbocliromatin  in  the  karyosome. 
Prowazek,  I.e. 

Figs.  8,  9.  Differentiation  of  nucleole  and  chromatin  ring. 
P.  Brasnicue.  Prowazek,  I.e. 

Figs.  10,  11.  Prophases,  S.  Vfroniciie,  showing  separation 
of  idiochromatin  and  its  accumulatin  on  the  linin.  Maire 
and  Tison,  '09. 

Fig.  12.  Early  prophase  nucleus,  L.  Juiici,  with  wheel- 
like structure.  Schwartz,  '10. 

Fig.  13.  Separation  of  idio-  and  Irophochromatin  in 
karyosome  during  early  prophase,  S.  Callitrichii).  Winge, 

Fig.  14.  Early  prophase,  L.  Jiinci,  showing  formation  of 
chromatin  ring  around  nucleole.  Cook,  'J8. 

Figs.  15,  10.  "Saturn"  stages  of  promitosis,  L.  Juiici. 
Cook,  I.e. 

Figs.  17,  18.  "Cruciform"  stages  with  elongating  nu- 
cleoli, L.  .IiincI  and  T.  Tri</lorh!nix.  Cook,  I.e.;  Maire  and 
Tison, '11. 

Fig.  19.  Splitting  and  sejiaration  of  chromatin  ring,  and 
constriction  of  nucleole,  L.  .Tiniri.  Cook,  I.e. 

Fig.  20.  Later  stage,  L.  .Jiiiici,  showing  division  of  nu- 
cleole. Cook,  I.e. 

Fig.  21.  "Double  anchor"  stage  of  promitosis,  L.  .Time!. 
Cook,  I.e. 

Figs.  22,  23.  Formation  of  daughter  nuclei,  L.  .Tiiiiri. 
Cook,  I.e. 

Fig.  34.  Wheel  type  of  resting  nucleus,  ./.  iniinirohi. 
Chatton,  '10. 

Fig.  2.').  Early  prophase,  ./.  froschi.  Nagler,  '09. 

Figs.  26,  27.  Equatorial  plate  stages,  ,1.  lacustri'i.  Nag- 
ler, I.e. 

Fig.  28.  Same  stage,  A.  inii,iicoIa.  Chatton,  I.e. 

Fig.  29.  Early  anaphase,  Vahlkiniipfia  liiiiax.  Calkins, 

Fig.  30.  Later  anaphase,  J.  frnschi.  Niigler,  I.e. 

Fig.  31.  Similar  stage,  A.  musicoUi.  Chatton,  I.e. 

Fig.  32.  Telophase,  A.  mu.iirola.  Chatton,  I.e. 

Fig.  33.  Reconstructed  daughter  nuclei,  ./.  froschi.  Niig- 
ler, I.e. 

Fig.  34.  Wheel  type  of  resting  nucleus,  Spoiif/o.iporn  siib- 
terraiien,  with  nucleole,  radiating  linin  threads,  and  chro- 
matin granules.  Home,  '30. 

Fig.  3.5.  Resting  nucleus,  Soro.'!phaera  Veronicae,  with 
eentrosomes  and  astral  rays.  Home,  I.e. 

Figs.  3(j,  37.  Early  prophase,  S.  Veronicae.  Webb,  '35. 

Fig.  38.  Same  stage,  P.  Br<i.isicoe.  Terby,  '23. 

Fig.  39.  Spireme  stage,  >S'.  xiibterroiiea.  Home,  I.e. 

Figs.  40,  41.  Late  prophases,  S.  Veronicae,  with  four 
elongate  chromosomes.  Webb,  I.e. 

Figs.  42,  43.  Later  stages,  8.  Veronicae.  Chromosomes 
showing  prophase  split.  Webb,  i.e. 

Fig.  44.  Polar  view  of  equatorial  plate,  S.  Veronicae, 
with  four  split,  twisted  chromosomes.  Webb,  I.e. 

Fig.  45.  Early  equatorial  plate,  S.  Veronicae,  with  four 
Ll-shaped  chromosomes.  Webb,  I.e. 

Fig.  48.  Equatorial  plate  or  "Saturn-stage,"  S.  Veroni- 
cae, witb  four  chromosomes  end  to  end  in  a  ring  around  the 
constricted  nucleole.  Webb,  I.e. 

Fig.  47.  Similar  stage,  P.  Brasnicae.  with  nucleole  break- 
ing up  into  globules.  Terby,  "32. 

Fig.  48.  "Saturn-stage,"  in  S.  nuhterranea  with  three  of 
the  four  chromosomes  arranged  in  a  ring.  Home,  I.e. 

Fig.  49.  Oblique  view,  N.  Veronicae,  of  same  stage.  Webb, 

Fig.  50.  Equatorial  plate,  P.  Bra,<isicae.  stained  with 
Feulgen's  nuclear  stain;  nucleole  colorless.  Milovidov,  '33. 

Fig.  51.  Metaphase,  S.  Veronicae,  showing  start  of  chro- 
mosome separation.  Webb,  I.e. 

Figs.  52-61.  Successive  anaphase  and  telophase  stages, 
S.  Veronicae.  Webb,  I.e. 

Figs.  ()2,  63.  Formation  of  daughter  nucleoli  f  rimi  gran- 
ules in  telophase  nuclei,  P.  Bra.i.iicae.  Terby,  I.e. 

Fig.  64.  Daughter  nuclei,  ]'.  Brasnicae,  with  remanent  of 
old  nucleole  between.  Terby,  I.e. 

Fig.  65.  New  formed  nuclei,  P.  Brasaicae.  with  rema- 
nents of  old  nucleoli  in  the  cyt()]ilasm.  Terby,  I.e. 



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bodies  in  Tetramy.ra  (PI.  5,  fig.  5)  and  Sorodisciis 
(PI.  7,  fig.  12),  which  lends  support  to  tiie  later 
views  of  Terby,  Home,  and  Webb  that  definite 
chromosomes  are  present  in  the  vegetative  divisions. 

The  origin  of  the  spindle  has  not  been  clearly  dem- 
onstrated in  promitosis.  Wiiether  it  originates  frcmi 
achromatic  linin  material,  tropiiocliromatin,  or  in 
relation  to  centrosomes  and  asters  is  not  sufficiently 
known.  Nawaschin,  Favorski,  Osborn,  Cook  and 
Schwartz,  and  Webb  found  no  centrosomes  and 
asters  during  the  vegetative  divisions  in  Plasmodio- 
phora,  Lic/niera,  and  Sponc/ospora,  but  Prowazek, 
Maire  and  Tison,  Winge,  Lutman,  Nemec  ('13), 
Home,  and  Milovidov  ('31)  observed  them  in  P/<i.v- 
modiophora,  Lif/niera,  Tetrami/ja,  Anisomyj:a  (Lif/- 
nieraf),  Sorodisciis,  and  Sorospliaera  (fig.  2,  10,  18, 
3.5).  Notliing  is  known  concerning  their  presence  or 
absence  in  Membranosorus,  Polymyjca.  and  Ocio- 
myxa.  Maire  and  Tison  figured  them  in  uninucleate 
amoebae  of  S.  Veronicae  (fig.  3)  and  contended  that 
the  centrosomes  are  derived  from  the  karyosome  and 
may  retain  contact  with  this  body  by  a  slender  chro- 
matic strand.  In  P.  Brassicae,  however,  instead  of  a 
single  body  Miss  Terby  ('23)  found  a  circle  of  five 
to  six  granules  around  tlie  poles  of  the  nucleus  from 
which  the  aster-like  filaments  radiate. 

In  the  early  equatorial  ring  stage,  the  globular 
nucleole  may  often  be  found  in  the  center  of  the  spin- 
dle (fig.  15)  surrounded  by  the  peripheral  ring  of 
chromatin,  according  to  Cook  and  others,  and  be- 
cause of  its  characteristic  ajipearance  this  pliase  has 
been  described  as  the  "saturn"  stage  of  promitosis. 
The  nucleole  or  karyosome  then  begins  to  elongate 
and  constrict  in  the  center  (fig.  16-18).  In  longitu- 
dinal view  the  ring  of  chromatin  and  elongate  nu- 
cleole present  the  appearance  of  a  cross,  and  this 
phase  is  accordingly  referred  to  as  the  "cruciform" 
stage.  The  chromatin  rings  then  split  lengthwise,  ac- 
cording to  most  workers,  and  the  two  daughter  rings 
move  apart  witli  the  ends  of  the  elongating  nucleole 
(fig.  19).  The  latter  may  divide  completely  in  the 
early  anaphase  (fig.  20),  or  the  two  ends  may  remain 
attached  for  some  time  by  a  chromatic  strand  (fig. 
21).  The  latter  condition  is  usually  described  as  the 
"double  anchor"  or  "dumb-bell"  stage  of  promitosis. 
The  nucleole  finally  divides  into  two  daughter  nu- 
cleoli, and  the  curved,  lialf-moon-shaped  bands  of 
chromatin  curve  around  them  (fig.  21,  22)  until  they 
are  enclosed  in  a  more  or  less  complete  sphere,  ac- 
cording to  Cook.  In  this  manner  the  karyosome  of 
the  daughter  nuclei  is  built  up  of  a  peripheral  layer 
of  chromatin  and  a  central  core  of  strictly  nucleolar 
material.  In  the  meantime,  the  spindle  fibers  dis- 
appear, while  the  nuclear  membrane  becomes  drawn 
out,  curved  and  somewhat  crescentrie.  It  then  con- 
stricts sharply  in  the  equator  and  pinches  in  two. 
according  to  Cook  (fig.  22),  forming  the  daughter 
nuclei  (fig.  23)  which  soon  move  apart  and  become 

Although  variations  in  the  jjrocess  of  promitosis 
described  above  have  been  noted  by  some  workers, 
most  of  their  views  are  in  agreement  about  its  fun- 

damental outlines.  However,  P.  M.  .Tones'  ('28)  de- 
scription of  division  in  what  he  believed  to  be  P. 
Brassicae  is  quite  different,  contradictory,  and  as 
Milovidov  characterized  it,  whollv  fantastic.  "After 
the  nucleus  has  become  very  large,  the  karyosome 
moves  to  one  side,  and  then  escapes  from  the  nucleus. 
The  karyosome,  during  this  movement,  assumes  a 
dumb-bell  sliape  and  starts  dividing  by  promitosis. 
When  the  karyosome  has  completely  left  the  nucleus, 
it  undergoes  rapid  division,  by  mitosis,  until  the  Plas- 
modium becomes  filled  with  little  nuclei.  These  nu- 
clei increase  in  size  to  form  a  multinuclear  Plasmo- 
dium. The  Plasmodium  stops  feeding  and  assumes  a 
frothy  appearance.  The  nuclei  becomes  vacuolated, 
chromidia  are  distributed  around  tlie  vacuoles,  and 
collect  into  new  vacuoles,  to  form  new  nuclei  .  .  .  .  " 

It  is  to  be  particularly  noted  that  the  majority  of 
the  early  cytologists  interpreted  the  karyosome  in 
terms  of  the  duality  concept  of  the  cliromatin.  They 
believed  that  the  chromatin  which  forms  the  equato- 
rial ring  and  the  division  nucleole  are  derived  from 
the  karyosome.  This  body  is  accordingly  dual  in 
structure  and  consists  of  idio-  and  trophochromatin 
which  separates  in  the  prophases,  the  latter  forming 
the  dividing  nucleole  and  the  former  the  chromatin 
ring.  Maire  and  Tison  described  the  division  of  the 
tropochromatin  as  amitotic  and  that  of  the  idiochro- 
matin  as  indirect  or  mitotic.  According  to  them,  the 
karyosome  at  rest  is  comparable  with  the  nuclei  of 
Trypanosoma  nociieae  or  Amoeba  limaj:;  during  di- 
vision it  corresponds  to  the  karyosome  of  Cari/otro- 
pha  mcsnilii,  to  tiie  macronucleus  of  the  Infusoria,  to 
the  true  chromidia  of  Goldschmidt,  and  to  some  ex- 
tent to  the  nucleocentrosome  of  Euf/lena. 

The  type  of  division  illustrated  in  figures  1  to  31  is 
obviously  very  similar  to  promitosis,  in  the  strict 
sense,  which  has  been  described  in  certain  species  of 
amoebae.  In  order  to  compare  the  processes  more 
concretely,  drawings  by  Nagler,  Ciiatton,  and  Cal- 
kins of  successive  promitotic  stages  in  such  species 
have  been  brought  together  in  figures  21  to  33.  Both 
the  wheel-like  (fig.  24)  and  "vacuolate"  resting  nu- 
cleus (fig.  25)  with  large,  conspicuous  karyosomes 
have  been  reported  in  Amoeba  and  these  are  strik- 
ingly similar  to  the  nuclei  shown  in  figures  1,  2,  l, 
and  31  of  tlie  Plasmodiophorales.  Division  is  like- 
wise intranuclear.  No  sharply  defined  spindle  and 
chromosomes  are  formed,  but  instead  the  chromatin 
aggregates  into  a  more  or  less  continuous  band  across 
the  equator  (fig.  26—28).  As  the  karyosome  elon- 
gates, constricts,  and  divides,  tlie  cliromatin  band 
splits  lengthwise  (fig.  29),  and  the  daughter  halves 
migrate  toward  the  opposite  poles  of  the  nucleus  (fig. 
30,  3 1  )  where  they  are  incorporated  with  the  daugli- 
ter  karyosome  (fig.  32).  As  the  nuclear  membrane 
disappears  in  the  equator  (fig.  32),  new  membranes 
are  develo])ed  around  the  karyosome.  and  the  daugli- 
ter  nuclei  (fig.  33)  are  thus  formed. 

To  this  extent  the  similarities  are  very  striking — 
so  much  so,  in  fact,  that  as  one  reads  the  accounts 
of  some  students  of  the  Plasmodiophorales  it  be- 
comes obvious  that  their  observations  have  been  in- 


fluoiu-fd  liy  tlio  ('••irlior  di-sc-riiitions  iif  Niijilcr.  C'li;it- 
toii,  Ah'xicff.  I'tc  cif  promitosis  in  .Initichn.  IIow- 
i-vt-r.  oiu-  in.-irkrd  (lifftTfiU'C  i.s  iipiiart-nt.  In  tiic  I'las- 
niodiopliorali's  tlii'  kjirvosonu'  (lot's  not  to 
fiiiu'tion  as  a  nucli-o-i-ontrosomc  durinjc  division.  In 
sevt-ral  jriiura  of  this  ordiT  cU-arly-detint'd  crntro 
sonu's  and  astral  rays  have  Ucvn  rci)ortfd.  strui'turts 
wliicli  arc  latkina-  i!i  tlic  mitoses  shown  in  fiiiurts  2  !■ 
to  ."i.'t.  \\  Inthir  or  not  the  division  spindle  orii;inates 
in  relation  to  the  eentrosonies  in  the  i'lasnio(iio|)ho- 
rales  is  still  uneertain.  The  most  strikinj;  ditlerenee. 
however,  between  the  two  types  of  division  in  these 
two  a:rou|)s.  aeeordins;  to  Terhy.  Home,  and  Webb, 
is  the  jiresenee  of  sharply-defined  ehromosomes  in 
the  i)rophases  and  the  equatorial  ring  stages.  This 
differenee  will  beeome  more  a])i).irent  in  the  discus- 
sion which  follows. 

Turnini;  now  to  the  observati(nis  of  Terhy,  Home, 
and  Webb,  these  workers  contended  the  failure 
of  previous  investigators  to  find  ciiromosomes  in  the 
vegetative  divisions  was  due  to  insufficient  study  of 
the  propliases  where  the  chromosomes  originate.  In 
Spotuiospora  and  Sorospharra,  Home  found  wheel- 
like resting  nuclei  (fig.  3t)  with  large  karyosomes. 
radially  oriented  achromatic  strands,  and  numerous 
chromatin  granules,  but  he  did  not  regard  this  as  a 
constant  and  static  structure  of  resting  nuclei.  Ac- 
cording to  him.  the  structure  may  change  during  the 
various   developmental   phases.    In   Sorosphaera    he 
found  consiiieuous  centrosomes  and  astral  rays  dur- 
ing the  i5roi)hases  (tig.  3.5).  but  such  structures  were 
never  observed  by  U'cbb.  possibly  because  the  latter 
eniploved  a  strictly  nuclear  stain.  By  using  a  modifi- 
cation   of    Newt(Mi's    gentian    violet-iodine    method, 
Webb  was  able  to  detect  small  chromatin  granules 
connected  by  fine  threads  throughout  the  resting  nu- 
cleus. The  first  visible  evidence  of  division  is  an  in- 
crease in  the  staining  capacity  of  the  chromatin  gran- 
ules   (fig.   36)    which   soon   becomes   alined   on   the 
threads  (fig.  37).  according  to  Webb.  These  threads 
contract  as  they  move  away  from  the  ))eri))hery  and 
form  slender  chromosomes   (fig.    1-0)  directly,  with- 
out ))revious  deveIoi)ment  of  a  coiled  spir<nie  stage. 
Home  likewise  observed  a  thickening  of  chromatic 
rods  projecting  from  the  nuclcolc  as  the  first  indica- 
tion of  |)ro))liase.  Later  an  irregular  chromatic  net- 
work emerges  which  goes  into  a  tyi)ieal  coiled  spi- 
reme  (fig.  39)   from  which   the  chromosomes  even- 
tu.allv  emerge.  Hornc  found  mimerous  ))ost-s))iremc 
configurations  with  only  two  or  three  \'-sha))ed  chro- 
mosome, but  he  nevertheless  believed  that  the  ha))- 
loid   number   in   Spone/ospora   is    four.    Miss   Terby 
also  found  mimerous  rods  and  threads  in  the  pro- 
phase nuclei  of  P.  Brasxicae  (fig.  38)   from  which 
the   chromosomes    are    subsequently    formed.    Milo- 
vidov.  on  the  other  hand,  was  unabh'  to  recognize 
chromosomes  in  material  stained  Viy  l-'eulgen  method. 
Returning  to  Webb's  account  of  Sorosphaera,  the 
four  chromosomes  contract  further  in  the  prophases 
and  become  V-  and  U-.shaped  (fig.  H.  Vh).  and  soon 
thereafter  s)>lit  ends  become  visible  (fig.   t2).  indi- 
cating a  splitting  of  the  chromosomes  in  jirejiaration 

for  division.  Uj)  to  this  time  the  nueleole  reni.iiiis 
more  or  less  but  it  soon  begins  to  elongate 
in  the  direction  of  the  poles.  The  chromosomes  then 
become  arranged  end  to  end  in  .-in  irregular,  liroken 
ring  in  the  equator  of  the  nucleus  (fig.  13).  \ 
view  of  such  a  stage  is  shown  in  figure  H-  with  the 
s))lit  .and  twisted  chromosomes  lying  near  the  i)cripli- 
ery  of  the  nuclear  menibrane.  Following  this  stage, 
ihev  contract  and  thicken,  so  th.-it  the  longitudinal 
split  is  no  longer  \  isible  (tig.  Ki).  The  ehroniosomes. 
nonetheless,  retain  their  iiuiividu.ility .  according  to 
Home's  and  Webb's  dr.-iwings.  .'is  is  shown  by  the 
breaks  in  the  equatorial  ring  (fig.  K>.  IS,  li)).  This 
ring  stage  persists  for  a  comparatively  long  time 
and  is  the  one  most  frequently  observed  in  the  vege- 
tative divisions. 

,\eeording  to  Home's  and  Webb's  figures,  the 
elongate  nueleole  may  become  slightly  constricted  at 
this  stage  in  preparation  for  division  (tig.  Vd.  IS). 
.Miss  Terby  ('"^3).  however,  found  that  the  nucleolar 
changes  vary  considerably  in  P.  Brassicar.  Instead 
of  constricting  and  dividing  more  or  less  equally,  it 
may  fragment  into  two  or  more  unequal  parts  (fig. 
Vl)  or  move  intact  as  a  single  body  to  one  of  the 
poles.  Oftentimes,  jiarts  of  it  remain  stranded  be- 
tween the  daughter  nuclei  (fig.  GK  65)  as  in  higher 

The  metaphase  split  reapjiears  first  in  the  median 
region  of  the  chromosomes  (fig.  51  )  at  the  conclusion 
of  the  equatorial  ring  stage  and  travels  outward  to 
the  ends,  which  suggested  to  Webb  that  the  spin- 
dle fiber  attachment  is  median.  As  the  chromosome 
halves  separate,  two  daughter  rings  are  formed  (fig. 
52)  which  migrate  toward  the  opposite  poles  (fig. 
33-57)  until  they  reach  the  ends  of  the  elongate 
nueleole  (fig.  56,  58.  59).  According  to  Webb,  the 
nueleole  in  Sorosphaera  does  not  constrict  as  a  rule 
until  telophase  (fig.  57-59).  The  two  parts  finally 
separate  and  become  surrounded  by  daughter  ehro- 
mosomes (fig.  60)  at  the  poles  of  the  nucleus.  The 
nuclear  membrane  then  constricts  and  divides  in 
much  the  same  manner  as  the  nueleole  .and  thus  forms 
the  daughter  nuclei  (fig.  61).  The  ciiromosomes  ad- 
iiere  to  the  nueleole  at  first,  but  later  sejiarate  from 
it.  Miss  Terby.  however,  maintained  that  the  nucleoli 
are  formed  anew  at  each  telophase  in  P.  Brassicae. 
.\fter  the  daughter  nuclei  have  been  formed,  the 
chromatin  mass  gives  ofl'  material  which  unites  to 
form  the  daughter  nucleoli  (fig.  62.  63).  .As  to  the 
origin  of  the  daughter  nuclear  areas.  Miss  Terby 
('23)  reported  that  they  begin  in  the  projihases  as 
two  hyaline  vesicles  on  the  jiolar  sides  of  tiie  nu- 
eleole. As  the  latter  elongates,  divides,  and  the  two 
segments  separate,  the  vesicles  ])recede  them  to  the 
|)olcs  of  the  nucleus.  The  vesicles  then  pass  through 
the  nuclear  membrane  at  the  ))oles  and  expand,  and 
shortly  thereafter  the  d.aughter  segments 
and  chromatin  enter  .uid  are  thus  incor|)or;ited  in  the 
vesicles.  The  boundaries  of  the  vesicles  become  the 
nuclear  membranes  and  thus  constitute  the  limits 
of  the  daughter  nuclei.  In  a  later  paper,  however. 
Miss  Terby  ('32j  modified  this  account  and  rejiorted 



that  the  polar  vesicles  contract  to  small  globular 
areas  surrounded  by  granules  from  which  astral  rays 
radiate,  as  noted  elsewhere.  Thus  the  vesicles  them- 
selves do  not  become  the  nuclei,  but  tlie  daughter  nu- 
clei are  formed  in  the  areas  occupied  by  the  vesicle 
before  contracting. 

The  type  of  division  described  by  these  three 
workers  is  distinctly  mitotic  and,  except  for  the  be- 
havior of  the  nucleole,  according  to  Home's  and 
Webb's  figures,  is  fundamentally  similar  to  nuclear 
division  in  the  higher  plants.  Miss  Terby,  as  noted 
before,  held  that  the  nucleole  also  undergoes  the 
same  changes  as  in  the  higher  plants,  so  that  there  is 
no  difference  in  this  respect  either.  On  the  other 
hand,  the  divisions  figured  by  Home  and  Webb  are 
also  similar  to  tlie  promitoses  illustrated  in  figures  1 
to  23.  The  chief  difference  is  the  presence  of  chromo- 
somes. It  is  not  improbable,  as  Webb  contended,  that 
the  earlier  workers  overlooked  the  early  prophases 
and  the  origin  of  the  chromosomes  and  that  their 
fixation  and  staining  technique  did  not  differentiate 
chromosomes  in  the  equatorial  ring.  As  noted  else- 
where, the  nuclei  of  the  Plasmodiophorales  are  quite 
small,  and  their  structure  is  difficult  to  interpret.  The 
use  of  more  specific  and  refined  technique  in  inten- 
sive study  of  the  early  prophases  and  equatorial  ring 
stages  may  thus  possibly  eliminate  the  present  con- 
troversy on  the  nature  of  the  vegetative  divisions. 

In  tliis  relation  it  is  to  be  noted  tliat  typical  mito- 
sis without  large  nucleoli  has  been  reported  in  the 
vegetative  zoosporangial  stage  of  Ligniera,  Plasmo- 
diophora,  Polf/mt/J-a,  and  Ociom_i/xa  by  Cook  ('26, 
'28),  Cook  and  Schwartz  ("30),  Ledingham  ('39), 
and  Miss  Whiffen  ('39).  In  these  as  well  as  other 
genera  the  zoospores  from  germinating  resting 
spores  develop  into  plasmodia  which  eventually 
cleave  into  uninucleate  segments — the  rudiments  of 
zoosporangia.  These  segments  develop  walls,  and 
their  nuclei  divide  twice  to  several  times  in  a  strictly 
mitotic  manner  in  preparation  for  zoospore  forma- 
tion. Cook  and  Schwartz  reported  that  up  to  tlie  time 
of  cleavage  into  zoosporangial  segments  the  nuclei 
in  the  plasmodia  of  Ligniera  and  Plasmodiophora  di- 
vide promitotically,  but  in  Polymyxa  I^edingham  re- 
ported that  division  in  the  thalli  which  form  zoospo- 
rangia is  mitotic  from  the  start.  Miss  Whiffen  also 
found  that  the  divisions  in  the  zoosporangia  of  Octo- 
miiia  are  mitotic.  These  authors  thus  reported  a 
regular  alternation  of  mitosis  and  promitosis.  The 
zoosporangial  stage  is  characterized  by  mitosis,  then 
follows  a  phase  of  premitotic  division  in  the  early  de- 
velo))ment  of  the  sporogenous  plasmodium  which  is 
terminated  by  the  so-called  transitional  stage,  and 
finally  two  meiotic  divisions.  Inasmuch  as  the  divi- 
sions in  the  zoosi)orangia  are  mitotic  and  very  simi- 
lar to  the  two  divisions  at  sporogenesis.  Cook  ('26, 
'28,  '33)  and  Fedorintschik  ('3.5)  concluded  that 
they  are  meiotic  in  Ligniera  and  Plasmodiophora, 
respectively.  In  P.  Brassicae,  however.  Cook  and 
Schwartz  described  them  as  merely  mitotic.  In  an 
attempt  to  explain  the  alternation  of  meiosis  and  pro- 
mitosis in  this  species,  they  proposed  the  theory  that 

promitosis  is  characteristic  only  of  diploid  nuclei,  a 
theory  which  is  contradicted  by  their  own  observa- 
tion that  the  first  meiotic  division  of  the  diploid  nu- 
cleus in  spore  formation  is  indirect  and  not  pro- 
mitotic.  Furthermore,  if  Cook's  ('28,  '33)  previous 
report  is  correct  that  the  primary  nucleus  of  the  in- 
cipient zoosporangia  in  Ligniera  is  diploid  (and  un- 
dergoes meiosis),  it  should  accordingly  divide  pro- 
mitotically. However,  he  described  and  figured  such 
nuclei  as  dividing  mitotically. 

The  report  of  typical  mitotic  divisions  during  zoo- 
spore formation,  promitosis  in  the  developmental 
stages  of  the  sporogenous  plasmodium,  and  the  re- 
occurrence of  mitosis  during  the  reduction  divisions 
nevertheless  raises  numerous  questions  on  the  signifi- 
cance of  this  alternation  (if  it  actually  does  occur), 
and  it  is  thus  obvious  that  future  studies  of  karyo- 
kinesis  in  the  Plasmodiophorales  must  be  closely 
correlated  with  the  various  developmental  phases. 

"Akaryote  Stage" 

The  period  of  vegetative  divisions  in  the  develop- 
ment of  the  sporogenous  plasmodium  is  reported  to 
be  followed  shortly  by  the  so-called  "enucleate." 
"akaryote,"  "chromidial"  or  "transitional"  stage. 
According  to  most  workers,  this  phase  is  charac- 
terized by  a  reduction  in  size  and  disappearance  of 
the  karyosome,  comparatively  empty,  vacuole-like 
nuclei,  and  the  presence  of  numerous  deeply-stain- 
able  bodies  or  chromidia  in  the  cytoplasm  around  the 
nuclei.  Nawaschin  first  observed  this  stage  in  Plas- 
modiophora in  1899.  and  since  that  time  it  has  been 
reported  by  most  subsequent  students  for  the  other 
genera  of  this  order.  In  the  opinion  of  many  cytolo- 
gists  it  is  thus  as  constant  and  diagnostic  a  character 
of  the  Plasmodiophorales  as  promitosis. 

Stages  in  the  development  of  the  akaryote  stage 
are  shown  in  Plates  2  to  13,  which  illustrate  the  life 
cycles  of  all  the  plasmodiophoraceous  genera,  and 
will  not  be  illustrated  separately  at  this  point.  After 
the  vegetative  divisions  have  been  completed,  the 
karyosome  decreases  in  size  as  the  somatic  or  tro- 
phochromatin  is  extruded  into  the  cytoplasm  in  the 
form  of  secretory  chromidia,  according  to  Prowazek 
('05),  Maire  and  Tison  ('09),  and  others.  Maire  and 
Tison  regarded  this  extrusion  as  a  cleansing  process 
by  which  the  generative  chromatin  is  separated  from 
the  nutritive  chromatin  in  preparation  for  the  sporo- 
gonic  divisions  which  follow.  As  a  result  of  this  ex- 
trusion, the  nuclei,  when  stained  with  haematoxylin. 
appear  comparatively  empty  and  devoid  of  stainable 
material  and  frequently  have  the  appearance  of  vac- 
uoles in  a  cytoplasm  filled  with  deeply-stained  chro- 

According  to  Blomfield  and  Schwartz,  Schwartz, 
and  Osborn,  extrusion  of  chromatin  in  Sorosphaera, 
Liqniera,  and  Spongospora  takes  place  along  the 
linin  threads  until  the  chromatin  reticulum  and 
karyosome  have  disappeared.  These  workers  be- 
lieved that  the  nuclear  membranes  also  disappear 
during  this  stage.  In  L.  Jiinci,  Schwartz  described 
the  process  as  follows:  "the  nuclear  membrane  dis- 

t  YT()I.<)(iY 


appc.-irs.  ;in(l  tlic  k.'irvosdiiic  (liiuinislios  in  size  ;iikJ 
finally  disappoars  also,  so  that  wt-  have  a  number  of 
vacuoles  more  or  l<ss  eireular  in  outline  situated  in 
the  spherieal  mass  of  plasma."  Osliorn  likewise  de- 
serilied  the  disappearance  of  tlie  nuclear  membrane 
in  Spoil  (/(IS  pora  and  the  formation  dc  iidfd  of  new 
nuclei.  F.  M.  Jones  ('28)  also  maintained  that  the 
nuclei  disajjpear  completely  in  P.  Brassicae  and  that 
the  new  nuclei  are  formed  by  the  agfjre^ation  and 
fusion  of  chrouiidia  within  small  vacuoles.  Cook  (''i(i, 
"28)  described  a  complete  extrusion  of  chromatin 
from  the  nuclei  of  L.  Jiiiici,  but  later  he  and 
Schwartz  reported  that  in  P.  Brassicae  a  .small 
amount  of  chromatin  may  remain  within  the  nuclei. 
They,  nevertheless,  refuted  the  reports  of  previous 
workers  that  the  nuclear  membrane  disappears. 
However,  in  SoTodiscus  radicicolus.  Cook  later  ('31 ) 
rejiorted  that  all  of  the  chromatin  is  extruded  during 
the  akarvote  stage  .-iiid  later  re-enters  (  I )  the  nucleus 
in  preparation  for  meiosis.  Winge,  on  the  other  hand, 
found  no  marked  chromatin  extrusion  and  akarvote 
condition  in  S.  Callitrichis  and  referred  to  the 
changes  which  the  nuclei  undergo  in  preparation  for 
meiosis  as  the  transitional  stage,  a  term  later  adopted 
by  Home  and  Webb.  In  Spongospora,  Home  also 
noted  tliat  the  nuclear  membrane  remains  clear  and 
distinct  throughout  this  stage  and  the  nuclei  have  a 
well-defined  chromatin  reticulum,  chromidia.  and  a 
faintly-stainablc  nucleole.  Similar  stages  were  found 
bv  Miss  Terby  ('21-)  who  denied  the  existence  of  an 
akarvote  stage  in  P.  Brassicae.  By  using  Newton's 
gentian  violet  iodine  stain  on  Sorosphaera,  Webb 
also  found  the  normal  interphase  chromatin  reticu- 
lum and  a  large  faintly-stainable  nucleole  present 
in  the  nuclei  during  the  transitional  stage.  His  ob- 
servations were  later  confirmed  in  part  by  I.eding- 
ham's  study  of  I'oli/mi/j-a.  The  latter  worker  ob- 
served a  well-difined  reticulum  in  nuclei  stained  by 
Newton's  method,  whereas  in  preparations  stained 
with  iron-alum  haematoxylin  the  nuclei  appeared  to 
be  devoid  of  chromatin.  The  latter  four  workers  ac- 
cordingly refuted  previous  cytologists  on  the  pres- 
ence of  marked  akarvote  stage  at  the  conclusion  of 
the  vegetative  divisions. 

With  the  excejjtion  of  Terby.  Home,  Milovidov. 
Webb,  and  Ledingham.  most  workers  have  described 
a  definite  reorganization  of  nuclei  following  the  so- 
called  akarvote  stage.  As  noted  before.  Schwartz, 
Osborn.  and  .Jones  contended  that  the  generative  nu- 
clei arise  de  novo  on  new  sites  in  the  eyto])lasm  from 
extruded  chromatin,  while  Blomfield  and  Schwartz 
were  uncertain  about  their  origin  in  Sorosphaera.  All 
other  workers,  however,  held  that  the  nuclear  mem- 
branes persist  and  that  the  nuclei  undergo  certain 
characteristic  changes.  During  this  process  centro- 
somes  and  astral  rays  become  quite  consj)icuous  in 
the  cyto|)lasm.  but  it  is  not  certain  whether  they  arise 
de  novo  and  divide  or  originate  from  the  karyosome, 
as  Maire  and  Tison  contended.  Whereas  several 
workers  denied  the  ))resence  of  these  structures  dur- 
ing the  vegetative  divisions,  most  of  them  agreed  that 
centrosomes  and  astral  rays  are  conspicuous  features 

of  the  reconstructed  nuclei  .and  si)orogenous  divi- 
sions. However,  Blomfield,  Schwartz,  and  Cook  .a))- 
p.areiitly  never  found  these  structures  in  any  of  the 
developmental  stages  of  Li(/iiiera,  Sorosphaera,  and 
Plasniodiaphora,  since  none  of  their  figures  show 
centrosomes  and  asters.  Concomitant  with  the  devel- 
opment of  these  cyt()))lasmie  structures,  chromatic 
strands,  granules,  and  other  configurations  appear 
in  the  nuclei,  which  are  generally  regarded  as  i)ro- 
|)hases  of  meiosis  and  will  be  discussed  in  greater  de- 
t.iil  below. 

It  is  al)parent  from  this  discussion  that  the  ob- 
servations of  the  early  cytologists  of  the  Flasmodio- 
|)lii)r.ilcs  were  gre.itly  iuHueneed  by  the  chromidia 
iiypothesis  of  Cioldsehmidt.  Seiiaudin.  Poiiott'.  .md 
other  protozoologists  of  that  jieriod.  Its  infiuence 
is  also  evident  in  the  more  recent  contributions  of 
P.  M.  Jones  and  to  a  large  extent  in  the  papers  by 
Cook  and  Schwartz.  Lack  of  space  does  not  allow  a 
detailed  account  of  the  chromidia  hyjjothesis  here. 
Suttiee  it  to  note  that  in  .Ictinosphaeriiim,  Arcella, 
.irachnula,  Eiitamoeha,  and  numerous  other  rhizo- 
poda  R.  Hertwig,  Sehaudin,  Popoff,  Dobell,  and 
others  reported  a  gradual  disajipearance  of  the  nu- 
cleus as  chromidia  are  extruded  into  the  cytoplasm 
and  the  subsequent  formation  of  new  nuclei  in  repro- 
ductive cells  from  chromidial  granules.  These  obser- 
vations among  others  were  the  foundation  of  (Jold- 
schmidt's  theory  and  eventually  led  to  the  "binu- 
clearity  hypothesis"  of  Sehaudin.  Prowazek.  Maire 
and  Tison.  Blomfield  and  Schwartz,  and  others  in- 
terjjreted  the  akarvote  and  reconstruction  stages  of 
the  Plasmodiophorales  in  terms  of  this  chromidia 
hypothesis,  while  Schwartz,  Osborn,  and  Jones  ap- 
pear to  have  adopted  this  theory  completely  as  an 
explanation  of  the  changes  undergone  by  the  nuclei 
during  these  phases. 

The  chromidia  hypothesis  has  been  largely  dis- 
credited in  the  last  three  decades  by  researches  in- 
volving the  use  of  mitochondrial  fixatives.  Feulgen's 
nuclear  stain,  and  other  more  specific  fixatives  and 
staining  techniques.  In  Arcella  and  Clami/dophrt/s, 
for  instance,  the  nuclei  do  not  disintegrate  as  was 
jireviously  claimed,  according  to  ,lollos,  but  instead 
are  masked  during  certain  stages  by  a  chromidial 
network  which  can  be  dissolved  away  in  trypsin  and 
pepsin,  leaving  the  nuclei  sharp  and  clear.  That  this 
network  is  not  com])osed  of  chromatin  derived  pos- 
sibly from  the  nucleus  is  evident  by  its  negative  re- 
action to  Feulgen's  stain.  Likewise,  in  most  of  the 
earlier  reported  cases  of  chromidia  extrusion  and 
growth,  the  so-called  chromidia  have  been  found  to 
relate  to  chondriosomes,  ergastic,  reserve,  and  de- 
generative products  of  metabolism,  etc.  In  .Ictino- 
sphaeriiim, classic  exam])le  of  chromidia  extrusion, 
Rmnjantzew  re))orted  that  the  chromidia  ajjpear  to 
be  composed  of  a  carbohydrate  held  in  a  mechanical 
or  perhaps  adsorbtive  imion  with  a  protein.  In  Dif- 
fliif/ia  they  a])pear  to  be  com))osed  of  glycogen,  ac- 
cording to  Zuelzer,  while  in  Kimeria  they  are  made 
up  of  volutin  or  metachromatin  which  have  a  strong 
affinity  for  basic  dves.  Additional  cases  of  this  na- 


ture  may  be  cited  to  show  that  what  had  previously 
been  regarded  as  chromatin  extruded  from  the  nu- 
cleus is  now  known  to  be  chondriosomes,  reserve,  and 
degenerative  products  of  metabolism.  Belar  ('26) 
thus  characterized  the  present  status  of  the  chro- 
midia  theory  as  follows:  "Die  Lehre  vom  Chroma- 
tindualismus  steht  und  fallt  mit  einer  unkritischen 
P'assung  des  Cliromatinbegriffs,  sie  is  das  posthume 
Produkt  einer  naiven  Interpretation  der  histologis- 
chen  Fiirbung."  In  light  of  tliese  more  recent  data 
from  the  field  of  protozoology,  Prowazek's,  Claire 
and  Tison's,  Blorafield  and  Schwartz's,  Schwartz's, 
Osborn's,  Cook's,  and  Jones'  interpretations  of  chro- 
matin extrusion,  chromidia,  and  the  origin  of  the 
generative  nuclei  in  the  Plasmodiophorales  need  re- 

Milovidov  attempted  to  do  so  in  a  restudy  of  the 
akaryote  and  nuclear  reconstruction  stages  in  Plas- 
modiophora  with  the  aid  of  mitochondrial  fixatives 
and  Feulgen's  nuclear  stain.  From  these  studies  he 
concluded  that  the  so-called  chromidia  in  the  cyto- 
plasm are  nothing  more  than  chondriosomal  residue, 
excretions,  or  secretions.  He  found  that  shortly  be- 
fore spore  formation  the  plasmodium  becomes  quite 
vacuolate  and  tliat  chondriosomes  and  other  bodies 
may  frequently  lie  within  such  vacuoles.  This  ap- 
l^earance,  according  to  him,  is  the  basis  for  Schwartz, 
Osborn,  and  Jones'  claim  that  new  nuclei  arise  de 
novo  in  vacuole-like  areas  from  extruded  chromatin 
granules.  With  Feulgen's  stain  such  granules  show 
no  positive  chromatin  reaction.  As  to  the  presence  of 
a  marked  akaryote  stage  with  nuclei  partly  or  com- 
pletely devoid  of  chromatin,  Milovidov  discredited 
previous   workers  and  maintained  that   it  does   not 
exist  as  a  distinct  developmental  phase  of  the  Plas- 
modiophorales. He  contended  that  the  plasmodium 
does  not  fix  and  stain  uniformly  throughout  all  of  its 
developmental  phases,  so  that  fixatives  and  stains 
wliich  give  good  preparations  of  one  phase  are  un- 
suitable for  anotlier  stage.  In  none  of  the  properly 
fixed  and  stained  plasmodia  did  he  find  empty,  vac- 
uole-like nuclei.  Instead,  when  so-called  enucleate- 
and  akaryote-like  stages  described  by  previous  work- 
ers were  stained  by   F"eulgen's  method,  the  nuclei 
were  found  to  have  numerous  chromatic  granules, 
strands,  and  spireme-like  threads,  all  characteristic 
of  meiotic  projjhases.  Milovidov  thus  concluded  that 
the  akaryote   and  nuclear  reconstruction   stages  of 
earlier  cytologists  relate  in  part  to  artifact,  as  Miss 
Terby  had  earlier  pointed  out,  misinterpreted  mei- 
otic   prophases    and   telophases,    poorly    fixed    and 
stained  resting  nuclei  of  vegetative  plasmodia,  and 
abnormal  nuclei  of  degenerating  schizonts  and  plas- 
modia. His  contentions  are  supported  to  a  great  ex- 
tent  by    the    failure    of    Maire    and   Tison,    Winge, 
Terby,  Home,  Webb,  and  Ledingham  to  find  marked 
akaryote  stages  in  Trtrami/j-a,  Sorodixciis,  Pla.smo- 
diophora,  Spoiif/oxpora,  Soiosphaera,  and  Polymy.ra, 


It  is  now  ratlier  generally  believed  that  meiosis  oc- 
curs during  the  last  two  divisions  before  or  during 

cleavage  into  resting  spores,  and  tliese  divisions  arc 
respectively  referred  to  as  hetero-  and  homeotypic. 
Nawaschin  first  noted  these  divisions  in  Plasmodio- 
phora  but  reported  only  one  mitosis  before  spore  for- 
mation. Prowazek  ('05)  found  two  mitoses,  and  since 
that  time  two  divisions  have  been  universally  re- 
ported. Claire  and  Tison  ('09)  were  the  first  to  count 
the  chromosomes  during  these  divisions  in  Soro- 
sphaera,  and  because  tlie  number  appeared  to  be 
lialved  in  the  first  divisions  they  accordingly  con- 
cluded that  these  divisions  are  reductional.  Tlieir 
interpretation  has  been  accepted  by  most  subse- 
quent workers.  Exceptions  to  this  view,  neverthe- 
less, may  be  found  in  the  literature.  Prowazek  ('05) 
reported  that  reduction  in  Plasmodiophora  occurs 
during  maturation  of  the  resting  spores  following 
autogamy  or  a  previous  fusion  of  cleavage  segments 
or  incipient  spores.  Winge  contended  that  a  numeral 
reduction  of  chromosomes  takes  place  in  the  second 
instead  of  the  first  sporogonic  division  in  Sorodisciis. 
More  recently  Cook  ('26,  '28,  '33)  and  Fedorintschik 
('35)  reported  a  second  reduction  division  in  the  zoo- 
sporangia  or  gametangia  of  Ligniera  and  Plasmodio- 
phora in  addition  to  the  one  which  occurs  at  sporo- 
genesis.  According  to  Cook  ('33,  p.  221).  the  two 
reductions  in  Ligniera  are  necessitated  by  a  double 
fusion,  one  between  "swarm  cells"  and  tlic  other 
between  zoospores.  F'edorintschik  reported  only  one 
fusion  in  P.  Brassicae.  However,  neither  of  these 
workers  counted  the  cliromosomes  during  the  first 
two  divisions  in  the  zoosporangia,  and  their  conten- 
tion that  these  divisions  are  meiotic  is  based  solely 
on  the  similarity  in  appearance  of  the  latter  to  the 
reduction  divisions  at  sporogenesis.  In  Tetrami/xa 
Elaeagni,  Yendo  and  Takase  ('32)  reported  tliat  the 
sporonts  are  haploid.  which  presupposes  a  reduction 
before  the  plasmodium  cleaves  into  spore  mother 
cells  or  sporonts. 

As  noted  before,  most  cytologists  reported  that 
the  vegetative  meiotic  divisions  are  separated  by  a 
marked  akaryote  stage,  but  Terby,  Home,  Webb, 
Ledingham,  and  particularly  Milovidov  failed  to 
confirm  these  reports.  Thus,  the  latest  data  from 
carefully  fixed  and  stained  material  suggest  tliat  the 
akaryote  stage  of  the  early  workers  relates  in  part 
to  an  achromatic  phase  of  the  nucleus  and  partly  to 
the  meiotic  ])rophases.  Prowazek's  ('05)  figures  17 
to  22,  for  example,  show  chromatin  reticula,  loops, 
garlands,  spireme  threads,  and  eight  chromosome- 
like bodies  which  are  very  characteristic  of  the  mei- 
otic prophases  of  later  workers. 

Following  the  more  or  less  achromatic  transitional 
phase,  tlic  nucleole  and  chromatin  filaments  of  Soro- 
sphaera,  Plasmodiophora,  and  Spongospora,  accord- 
ing to  Maire  and  Tison  ('09),  Terby  ('24)  and 
Home,  become  more  basophyllic  and  clearly  visible 
in  tlie  nucleus.  At  tlie  same  time  sharply  defined  cen- 
trosomes  and  asters  apjjcar  at  tlie  poles.  The  chro- 
matin then  aggregates  at  tlie  poles  into  two  more  or 
less  dense  masses,  which  may  remain  connected  by 
fine  chromatic  filaments.  This  is  the  so-called  "gar- 
land stage"  of  meiosis.  Home  found  that  each  polar 

(  YTOl.OCY 


nuiss  is  <'()iii))i)s((l  (if  fiiiir  ilistiiu't  clironiosoiius  in 
.S'/i()Hf/(».\7»()ro.  Sonuwiiat  c-irly  clianuis  wen- 
riportcd  \<\  M.iirc  .uul  Tisoii  (11)  and  \\  iimc  tor 
Tftramtidti,  W'injrc  for  Sorixliscitx  (Fl.  7.  (ij;.  Ml,  2;i, 
21),  Wingc  and  W't'lib  for  Soro.iphnrra  (Pi.  (5, 
fig.  29,  30),  Terliv  (21)  for  /'.  lirassicai-,  and  Cook 
('31)  for  S.  radicicolus.  Winge  fonnd  tliat  tlu-  two 
polar  niassts  may  he  arranged  in  tlu'  form  of  gar- 
lands with  I'oiinci'ttd  filanu-nts.  an  arrangtuu-nt  jirc- 
vioiisly  reported  by  Frowazek  for  /'.  Hrax.iicar,  and 
snl)se<iiiently  by  Terby  (I.e.)  and  Cook  (I.e.).  The 
nueleole  may  gradnally  disaiJjiear  dnring  this  st.ige 
or  beeome  tjattened  and  aggregated  with  the  eliro- 
inatin  ma.ssc.s  and  filaments  at  one  .side  of  the  nuelen.s. 
Tlii.s  nnelear  eonfigiiration  is  strikingly  similar  to 
the  eollapsed  .synizetie  (zygotene)  stage  in  higher 
plants.  In  the  Flasmodiophorales.  however,  it  is  gen- 
erally referred  to  as  synapsis  and  has  been  so  far 
rei)orted  as  sueh  in  PlasniotUophora  (Terby,  Cook 
.and  Sehwartz.  .Milo\  idov),  Spdiif/ospora  (Osborn, 
Home),  SoTOsphaera  (Maire  and  Tison,  Webb),  and 
Sorodisciis  (?)  (Winge).  In  Spoiu/ospora,  Home 
found  two  contraction  stages  and  designated  the  sec- 
ond one  as  .synapsis.  Each  loop  in  the  second  contrac- 
tion stage  is  converted  directly  into  a  heteroty|)ic 
chromosome.  Cook  ('28)  found  no  meiotic  jirophases 
in  L.  Jiinci,  and  in  P.  Brassicae  he  and  .Schwartz  re- 
])orted  and  figured  only  one  stage  wliieh  might  be 
interpreted  as  such.  The  chromatin  was  arranged 
in  a  thick  thread  with  several  globular  nucleole- 
like  bodies  distributed  along  its  length.  Cook  and 
.Schwartz  regarded  this  stage  as  com))arable  to  syn- 
apsis, but  it  bears  little  or  no  resemblance  to  the 
synajitie  stage  figured  by  other  workers. 

Before  or  during  the  contracted  stage,  the  nueleole 
disappears,  while  the  chromatin  threads  loosen  up 
and  take  on  the  appearance  of  elongate  chromo- 
somes. According  to  Webb,  in  Sornsphaera  the  chro- 
matin at  this  stage  consists  of  beaded  threads  spread 
over  the  |)eri))hery  and  has  the  ajipearanee  of  a  nor- 
mal ))aehytene.  Tlie  threads  occasionally  appear 
double,  and  after  further  contraction  four  chromo- 
somes become  visible  (PI.  6.  fig.  SJ).  This  stage 
corresponds  to  diplotene  in  higher  plants,  according 
to  Webb.  Then  follows  diakinesis  (PI.  (5.  fig.  3.5). 
during  which  four  well-defined  bivalents  are  visible. 
In  /'.  Brnssicae,  Cook  and  .Schwartz  failed  to  find 
comi)arable  stages  and  merely  reported  that  the 
chromatin  thread  segments  into  chromosomes  as  the  membrane  disa])i)ears.  Miss  Terby  (^t),  on 
tlie  other  hand,  found  well-defined  stre))sitene.  early 
and  late  diakinetic  stages  (PI.  3.  fig.  ()8-71)  with 
four  bivalent  chromosomes  in  P.  lirassicae,  which 
indicates  that  Cook  and  Schwartz  overlooked  these 
|)liases.  \  diakinetic  stage  with  thick  broadly 
\'-sha|ied  ;ind  ring  diromosonies  was  also  observed 
by  Home  in  SpDiKjospora. 

.Shortly  after  diakinesis  the  nuclear  membrane  dis- 
appears, and  tlie  chromosomes  become  oriented  in 
the  equator  of  a  well-defined  divi.sion  sjjindle  with 
centrosomes  and  asters.  .•\!1  other  workers  reported 
that  the  nuclear  membrane  disajjpears  during  meta- 

phase.  but  in  Plniiiunlidpliiira  and  Spoiiijospora, 
Prowazek  ,inil  Ilorni'  figured  it  as  persisting  until 
tlu'  telophases.  The  origin  of  the  nuiotic  spindle  has 
luit  been  sohcd,  but  \\  ilib  lielie\cd  it  grows  in- 
ward from  the  Jioles  to  the  equator.  According  to 
most  cytologists  the  heterotyi>ic  ehronu)somes  are 
closely  associated  on  the  equatorial  ])late  and  in 
metai)hase  and  often  appear  as  an  irregular  band  or 
row  of  connected  globules,  so  that  the  ))rofile  and 
))ol;ir  views  ;ire  not  very  ciiaracteristic  of  hetero- 
ty|)ie  divisions.  In  Spiitifidxpora,  however.  Home 
figured  the  chromosomes  .-is  short  .-md  thick  with  con- 
s|)icu()us  intervening  ga))s  in  the  t(i\iatorial  jilate, 
wliieli  makes  it  possible  to  recognize  and  count  the 
individual  members.  At  this  stage  tliey  may  often 
show  four  blunt  ends,  which  indicates  their  tetrad 
nature,  according  to  Home. 

With  the  excei)tion  of  Winge,  most  cytologists 
held  that  the  homologues  separate  at  metapliase  of 
the  first  division  and  move  to  the  ))oles  where  they 
are  incorporated  in  the  daughter  nuclei.  In  Soro- 
xphnera,  ^A'ebb  found  the  late  ana))hase  and  telo- 
phase chromosomes  to  be  double,  which  suggests  that 
the  equatorial  split  for  the  homeotypic  division  oc- 
curs quite  early.  Cook  ('28)  failed  to  see  nuclear 
membranes  in  the  late  telo)ihases  of  L.  Jitnci  and 
thus  concluded  that  they  are  no*  formed  between  the 
first  and  second  divisions.  All  previous  and  subse- 
quent workers,  however,  have  shown  that  a  well- 
defined  membrane  develops  around  the  telo))hase 
groups  of  chromosomes  and  that  daughter  nucleoli 
are  subsequently  formed.  Interkinesis  is  usually 
short  in  duration.  In  P.  Brassicae  Miss  Terby  ('2f) 
reported  that  the  telophase  nuclei  go  directly  into 
the  prophases  of  the  next  division,  but  in  Spongo- 
spora  wheel-like  resting  nuclei  and  distinct  pro- 
))hases  may  intervene  between  the  two  divisions. 

The  second  division  is  likewise  mitotic  or  indi- 
rect but  considerably  smaller  in  size  than  the  first 
one.  Palling  to  count  the  chromosomes.  Cook  and 
Schwartz  regarded  this  size  difference  as  ))roof  that 
these  two  divisions  are  res])eetively  hetero-  .ind  ho- 
meotypic. a  criterion  which  is  obviously  of  no  critical 
\alue  in  this  respect.  Osborn.  Milovidow  \\'ernham, 
Whitf'en.  and  others  also  made  the  s.ime  assuiu))tion 
without  counting  the  chromosomes.  On  the  other 
hand,  Maire  and  Tison,  Winge.  Terby.  Home, 
Yendo  and  Takase.  and  Webb  based  their  contention 
on  a  numerical  reduction  in  chronuisome  nmnber  dur- 
ing these  divisions.  Whetlier  or  not  their  chromosome 
counts  are  accurate  remains,  however,  to  be  shown 
from  more  intensive  study  of  these  divisions. 

The  chromosomes  of  the  PIasm(>dio|)hor.iles  are 
quite  small  and  are  not  always  clearly  defined  on  the 
equatorial  plate,  so  that  it  is  difficult  to  make  accu- 
rate counts.  Xevertheless.  numerous  attempts  have 
been  made,  as  is  shown  in  table  1 . 

The  numbers  are  low  multi|)les  of  2,  with  8  )ire- 
dominating  as  the  di])loid  inniiber.  In  .S.  V iron'icae 
Maire  and  Tison  reported  Hi  .and  8  chromosomes,  but 
Webb  later  found  only  8  and  i.  \\'inge.  as  noted  be- 
fore, described  the  first  division  as  vegetative  or  so- 



Table  1.  Chromosome  numbers  in  the  Plusmodiophorales. 

Species  Author 

Sorosphaera   Veronicae Maire  and  Tison,  '09 

S.   Veronicae Webb,   "35 

Tetramyxa  -parasitica Maire  and  Tison,  '11 

T.  Elaeac/ni Yendo  and  Takase,  '32 

Sorodisciis   Callitrichis Winge,  '13 

S.  rudicicohis Cook,  '31 

S.  Heternntherae Wernham,  '35 

Plasmodiiiphora    Brassicae Maire  and  Tison,  '09 

P.  Brassicae Lutman,    "13 

P.  Brassicae Terby,  'H 4 

P.  Brassicae Nawaschin,  '34 ? 

P.  Brassicae Tones,  ^-2S ? 

Spongospora  subterranea Osborn,  '11 ? 

S.  subterranea Home,  '30 4 

























matic  and  recorded  16  individual  cliromosomes  asso- 
ciated in  eight  pairs  on  the  equatorial  plate,  which 
separated  and  were  distributed  to  the  daughter  nu- 
clei. In  the  second  division  this  number  was  halved 
to  four.  Winge's  confusion  as  to  the  nature  of  the 
respective  divisions  has  led  to  tlie  belief  that  the 
chromosome  numbers  in  S.  Callitrichis  are  16  and  8. 
but  it  is  evident  from  Winge's  report  that  4  should  be 
recorded  as  the  reduced  number.  In  P.  Brassicae  four 
workers  have  recorded  8  as  the  diploid  number,  and 
curiously  enough  this  is  the  number  of  bodies  figured 
earlier  by  Prowazek  ('05)  in  the  transitional  phase. 
In  Spongospora  subterranea,  Osborn  figured  polar 
views  of  the  second  division  with  7  chromosomes, 
which  corresponds  closely  to  the  number  later  re- 
corded by  Home  for  the  first  division.  It  is  not  im- 
probable, however,  that  Osborn's  figure  relates  to  the 
first  meiotic  division. 

Schizogony  and  Cleavage 

Vegetative  multiplication  of  young  plasmodia  by 
division,  segmentation  or  fragmentation  has  been  re- 
ported for  all  genera  of  the  Plasmodiophorales  ex- 
cept Memhranosorus  and  Octomifxa.  In  Ligniera  it  is 
said  to  be  lacking  entirely  or  reduced  to  the  forma- 
tion of  a  few  daughter  segments,  while  in  T.  Triglo- 
chinis  and  P.  graminis  true  "multiple  division"  has 
been  re])orted.  Nawaschin  did  not  observe  segmenta- 
tion in  Plasmodiophora,  but  he  believed  that  its  oc- 
currence is  the  only  plausible  explanation  of  the  fre- 
quent presence  of  numerous  uni-  and  multinucleate 
amoebae  and  plasmodia  in  a  single  host  cell.  Since 
that  time  most  cytologists  have  reported  its  occur- 
rence, although  none  of  them,  with  the  ])ossible  ex- 
ception of  I.edingham,  actually  observed  it  in  liv- 
ing material.  Like  Nawaschin,  they  found  several 
amoebae  and  plasmodia  in  the  same  cell  and  assumed 
that  the  former  were  the  products  of  fragmentation. 
Maire  and  Tison  ('10)  found  similar  stages  in  Soro- 
sphaera  but  interpreted  them  as  fusion  stages  of 
amoebae  and  young  plasmodia  in  the  formation  of 
the  s))orogenous  plasmodium.  Brasil,  however,  sug- 
gested that  these  stages  relate  instead  to  fragmenta- 
tion or  scliizogony — a  suggestion  which  Maire  and 

Tison  adopted.  These  workers  thus  introduced  the 
protozoologists'  term  "schizogony"  as  descriptive  of 
the  vegetative  fragmentation  of  the  plasmodium,  and 
since  that  time  it  has  been  rather  widely  adopted. 
Pavillard  ('10),  however,  contended  that  schizogony 
in  Sorosphaera,  as  described  by  Maire  and  Tison, 
resembles  plasmotomy  instead  of  true  schizogony  as 
in  Trichosphaerium  sieholdii  (Doflein,  '09,  '27)  and 
Hepatazoon  anis  (Wenj'on,  '26),  for  example.  He 
thus  restricted  the  term  schizogony  to  the  "multiple 
division"  of  Doflein,  while  Maire  and  Tison  ('11) 
interpreted  it  in  the  broad  sense  of  most  protozoolo- 
gists to  include  the  plasmotomy  of  Doflein  as  well  as 
all  other  methods  of  simple  and  multiple  divisions. 

Schizogony  in  the  Plasmodiophorales  is  reported 
to  occur  most  frequently  during  the  8-  and  16-nucle- 
ate  stages  of  the  plasmodia  or  schizonts.  A  few  uni- 
and  multinucleate  meronts  may  be  formed  as  in  Lig- 
niera, or  the  whole  plasmodium  may  undergo  mul- 
tiple division  as  in  T.  Triglochinis  and  P.  graminis. 
The  latter  type  of  complete  fragmentation  appears 
to  be  limited  as  far  as  present-day  knowledge  goes. 
Most  cases  so  far  reported  involve  primarily  the  con- 
striction and  cutting  off  of  peripheral  uni-  and  multi- 
nucleate segments.  No  cases  have  yet  been  described 
in  which  all  or  most  of  the  nuclei  migrate  to  the 
periphery  of  the  schizont  and  become  enveloped  in 
cytoplasmic  buds,  which  are  subsequently  pinched 
off,  leaving  a  central  mass  of  degenerating  cytoplasm 
and  nuclei,  as  in  Hepatasoon  anis,  for  example.  The 
mechanics  of  schizogony  are  unknown,  because  the 
process  has  not  been  extensively  observed  in  living 
material.  In  Polymiioca  graminis,  Ledingham  merely 
reported  that  the  pseudopodia  are  retracted  and  the 
protoplasm  becomes  denser  before  the  thallus  splits 
up  into  meronts. 

In  cases  in  which  only  a  few  meronts  arc  formed 
the  remaining  portion  of  the  schizont  may  mature 
directly  into  a  sporogenous  plasmodium  or  sporont. 
The  delimited  meronts  grow  in  size  and  become  mul- 
tinucleate and  may  in  turn  function  as  schizonts. 
Otherwise,  they  develop  into  sporonts.  The  destiny 
of  the  various  portions  depends  to  some  extent  on 
the  length  and  activity  of  the  vegetative  period.  Inas- 



iniu'li  as  solii/.ojiiiny  will  hv  disciisscil  fiirtlicr  in  tlit' 
ilcMTiption  lit"  imli\  iiliial  spii-ifs  in  Chapter  IN',  fur- 
tluT  discussion  of  the  proc'css  nt-od  not  l>c  jircscntiil 


Cytokinesis  or  division  of  tin-  plasmodiuin  or  spo- 
ront  into  resting  spores  takes  place  by  cleavajie.  and 
as  far  as  is  now  known  may  be  closely  associated  in 
|)oint  of  time  with  the  two  meiotie  divisions.  In  Soro- 
xpharra  I'l-ronicaf,  aceordinj;  to  Main-  and  Tison 
(OS)),  cleavaiie  begins  in  tlie  late  ))rophases  of  the 
first  division  (PI.  (i.  fig.  33).  and  by  tiie  time  of  the 
cqu.itorial  plate  stage,  spore  mother  cells  have  been 
completely  delimited  (fig.  37).  These  cells  divide 
into  two  uninucleate  segments  (fig.  38)  in  which  the 
second  division  then  takes  place  (fig.  U).  At  the 
completion  of  this  mitosis  these  segments  in  turn  di- 
vide into  the  definite  spore  rudiments  (fig.  f2).  In 
tills  sjiecies  at  least  cytokinesis  may  follow  each 
mitosis.  A  similar  sequence  has  been  re))orted  liy 
Wingc  for  Sorodi.icus  (PI.  7.  fig.  26-30),  although 
the  stages  do  not  appear  as  sharjily  defined.  Figure 
27.  however,  suggests  that  the  sequence  varies  and 
that  the  first  division  may  be  complete  before  cleav- 
age begins.  .Similar  variations  have  been  reported  for 
Pla.smod'iophora  also.  Lutman  ('13)  and  Milovidov 
('31  )  found  that  the  first  meiotie  division  is  usually 
comiilete  by  the  time  the  initial  segments  are  delim- 
ited. The  latter  may  be  uni-.  bi-,  or  multinucleate, 
and  after  the  second  meiotie  division  has  been  com- 
l)leted  (PI.  4,  fig.  80.  81)  they  cleave  into  uninucle- 
ate spore  segments  (fig.  82.  83).  Cook  ('28).  Cook 
and  .Schwartz  ('30),  however,  reported  that  cleavage 
in  Liqiiiera  and  Pla.smod'iophora  does  not  begin  until 
both  divisions  have  been  completed.  I-edinghani's 
))hotomicrographs  suggest  the  same  sequence  of 
events  in  Poli/mt/xa.  In  Tetrami/.ra  the  peripheral 
Plasmodium  first  cleaves  (PI.  5,  fig.  8)  into  uninucle- 
ate segments  or  sporonts  (fig.  9-12).  Two  meiotie 
divisions  occur  in  these  segments,  and  these  mitoses 
are  usually  over  (fig.  13-17)  by  the  time  cleavage 
into  definite  spores  is  complete.  In  Octomi/j-a  large 
uninucleate  segments  are  delimited  in  which  the  two 

meiotie  divisions  occur,  and  following  the  completion 
of  the  second  divisions,  which  are  quadri]),  the 
segments  cleave  into  sjiorcs.  a<-eording  to  \\'liirt'en. 
\'ery  little  is  known  about  cytokinesis  in  the  other 
genera.  The  time  relations  of  clc.iv;ige  to  the  succes- 
sive meiotie  divisiiins  doubtless  varies  in  diliercnt 
species  and  probably  in  the  same  species,  so 
under  varying  conditions  it  may  occur  during  as  well 
as  after  meiosis. 

.Marked  changes  take  place  in  the  cytolilasm  jirior 
to  cleavage.  In  /'.  /yrn.v.v/cac,  according  to  Nawaschin 
('99).  Lutman.  and  .Milovid<iv,  the  cytoplasm  be- 
comes highly  vacuolate  (PI.  1.  fig.  78)  and  thus  fills 
the  host  cell  more  or  less  completely.  In  Poli/mi/.ia, 
however,  Ledingham  reported  that  the  cytoplasm  be- 
comes less  vacuolate,  smaller  in  volume,  and  denser, 
while  numerous  oil  globules  emerge  and  increase  the 
refringency  of  the  plasmodium.  According  to  Lut- 
man, the  denser  cytoplasm  collects  around  the  nuclei 
in  /'.  Brassicae,  while  the  vacuoles  fuse  and  cut  the 
jjlasmodium  u])  into  uninucleate  segments.  He  con- 
tended that  the  process  of  spore  formation  in  the 
Plasniodiophorales  is  quite  difl'erent  from  that  de- 
scribed by  Harper  (00)  for  certain  myxomycetes, 
but  his  figure  3'1  (PI.  -i,  fig.  79)  nevertheless  shows 
a  well-defined  cleavage  furrow  progressing  between 
the  nuclei.  Milovidov's  ('31)  text-figure  3  likewise 
shows  that  large  segments  are  first  delimited  by  fur- 
rows, and  these  in  turn  cleave  into  uninucleate 
spores.  Progressive  cleavage  by  furrows  is  also  sug- 
gested by  figure  99,  Plate  4  of  P.  Diplantherae,  fig- 
ure 33,  Plate  6  of  S.  J'eronicae,  figures  3  and  10, 
Plate  7  of  Sorodiscus  karlingii,  etc.  Contrary  to 
Lutnian's  belief,  cleavage  in  the  Plasniodiophorales 
appears  to  take  ])lace  by  progressive  furrowing  as 
in  the  myxomycetes.  Furthermore  it  does  not  appear 
to  be  simultaneous  as  Woronin,  Nawaschin,  and 
Maire  and  Tison  reported. 

Other  cytological  details  such  as  cellular  relations 
between  host  and  pathogen  are  discussed  in  Chapters 
IV  and  VI  in  connection  with  the  descriptions  of  in- 
dividual species  and  the  diseases  which  they  cause. 

Cluipter   III 

Sexuality  and  Alternation  of  Generations 

Very  little  is  known  about  sexual  reproduction  in 
the  Plasmodiophorales,  yet  most  workers  have  as- 
sumed that  it  occurs.  .So  far,  actual  fusion  of  gametes 
in  living  material  has  been  observed  only  in  Spoiu/o- 
spora  suhterranea.  The  evidence  of  sexuality  in  the 
group  as  a  whole  is  tlierefore  largely  indirect.  It  is 
based  on  isolated  observations  of  paired  amoebae 
and  zoos))ores.  binucleate  amoebae,  the  a])l)earance 
of  paired  .-ind  fusing  nuclei  in  the  plasmodium,  and 
j)rimarily  on  the  reported  occurrence  of  meiosis  at 
s))orogenesis.  which  presup|)0ses  a  nuclear  fusion  at 
sonic  stage  of  development.  Inasmuch  as  there  is  con- 
siderable dilTerence  of  opinion  about  the  time.  ])lacc, 
and  nature  of  plasmogamy  and  karyogamy  in  differ- 

ent genera  as  well  as  in  the  same  sjiecies.  the  data  on 
sexuality  for  each  genus  will  be  considered  sepa- 

In  Plasmod'wphora,  Nawaschin  ('99)  reported 
the  union  of  several  amoebae  in  the  formation  of 
the  jilasmodium,  but  lie  did  not  regard  these  fusions 
as  having  anv  sexual  significance.  Later,  Miss  Terby 
('21),  Milovidov  ('31),  and  several  other  workers 
expressed  the  same  view  concerning  the  develojiment 
of  the  sporogenous  iilasmodium.  Prowazek  ('0.5), 
however,  contended  that  the  incipient  spore  seg- 
ments or  "sporogametes"  fuse  in  pairs  following 
cleavage  (PI.  1,  fig.  89),  after  which  the  zygote  or 
binucleate  spore  begins  to  encyst  (fig.  90,  91).  One 



of  the  so-called  gametic  nuclei  then  divides  (fig.  92), 
during  which  division  it  undergoes  a  chromatin  re- 
duction and  forms  a  variable  number  of  reduction 
bodies  (  !).  ]Meiosis  is  followed  almost  at  once  by 
karyogamy.  Apparently  all  but  two  nuclei  degen- 
erate (fig.  93),  and  the  two  remaining  ones  fuse  to 
form  a  synkaryon  (fig.  9i).  Prowazek's  account  of 
reduction  is  not  very  clear,  and  his  drawings  of  the 
process  do  not  clarify  the  accompanying  description. 
It  is  accordingly  difficult  to  determine  from  his  con- 
fusing account  the  duration  of  the  respective  diploid 
and  haploid  generations  in  Plnsmodiophora.  Accord- 
ing to  him,  the  diploid  phase  is  api)arently  quite 
short  (text-fig.  1). 

Prowazek's  account  was  refuted  by  ]\Iaire  and 
Tison  ('09)  who  failed  to  find  any  evidence  of  plas- 
mogamy  and  karyogamy  following  cleavage.  They 
nevertheless  believed  that  sexual  fusions  occur  in 
Plasmodiophora  and  postulated  that  it  might  take 
place  between  two  amoebae  from  germinating  spores. 
Pavillard  ('10)  rejected  this  view  and  considered  it 
more  plausible  that  karyogamy  occurs  in  the  Plasmo- 
dium shortly  before  meiosis.  presumably  following 
a  coalescence  of  amoebae.  His  theory,  however,  re- 
lates to  the  Plasmodiophoraceae  as  a  whole  rather 
than  to  Plasmodiophora  specifically.  Winge  con- 
curred with  Maire  and  Tison's  view  and  assumed 
that  the  motile  cells  from  resting  spores  copulate  in 
pairs  to  form  small  myxoplasma  which  penetrate  the 
host  and  develop  into  plasmodia.  The  diploid  phase 
persists  until  the  second  sporogonic  division  where 
reduction  occurs,  according  to  Winge  (text-fig.  2). 
This  text-figure  is  also  representative  of  his  view 
concerning  alternation  of  generations  in  all  genera 
of  the  Plasmodiophorales.  Lutman,  Chupp,  and 
Milovidov  ('31)  were  uncertain  about  the  time  and 
place  of  plasmogamy  and  karyogamy,  but  believed 
that  they  must  occur  at  some  stage  on  the  grounds 
that  a  reduction  in  chromosome  number  takes  place 
during  the  first  sporogonic  division  (PL  3,  fig,  63- 
73).  Miss  Terby  ('21')  postulated  that  fusion  occurs 
outside  of  the  host  cell  between  pairs  of  zoospores,  a 
view  which  Nawaschin  had  accepted  by  192i. 

P.  M.  Jones  ('28)  described  and  figured  the  for- 
mation of  two  types  of  gametes  from  germinating 
spores  in  culture.  In  some  cases  a  large  pyriform  uni- 
flagellate gamete  is  formed  in  germination,  while  in 
others  the  content  of  the  spore  emerges,  grows,  and 
then  divides  into  as  many  as  20  minute  gametes. 
Both  types  of  gametes  may  fuse  in  pairs  and  form 
zygotes,  but  sometimes  a  large  number  of  micro- 
gametes  which  have  not  completely  separated  re- 
unite to  form  a  plasmodium.  .Tones  furthermore  re- 
ported that  during  the  chromidial  stage  a  whole  Plas- 
modium may  break  up  into  gametes  which  subse- 
quently fuse  in  pairs,  as  is  shown  in  text-figure  3. 
However,  his  account  of  the  life  cycle  of  P.  Brassicae 
is  so  unorthodox  and  confused  that  most  later  work- 
ers have  seriously  questioned  the  accuracy  of  his  ob- 
servations. As  noted  elsewhere.  Cook  and  Schwartz 
('30)  maintained  that  the  small  flagellate  cells  pro- 
duced in  zoosporangia   are  gametes  which   fuse  in 

pairs  either  in  the  root  hairs  of  the  host  or  after 
migrating  into  the  cortex.  They  regarded  these  small 
zoospores  as  comparable  to  the  minute  gametes  re- 
ported by  .Jones.  Cook  and  Schwartz,  however,  never 
observed  actual  fusion,  and  their  hypothesis  is  based 
entirely  on  the  observation  of  zoospores  lying  side 
by  side  in  pairs  and  the  subsequent  occurrence  of 
binucleate  amoebae.  Obviously,  neither  of  these  phe- 
nomena are  conclusive  proof  of  fusion.  According  to 
these  workers,  the  zygote  thus  formed  develops  into 
the  sporogenous  plasmodium,  and  reduction  occurs 
during  the  first  sporogonic  division.  As  is  shown  in 
text-figure  -t,  the  diploid  generation  thus  embraces 
only  the  zygote  and  sporogenous  ])lasmodium.  Cook 
and  Schwartz  were  uncertain  whether  the  gametes 
come  from  tlie  same  or  from  different  gametangia.  If 
sex  is  genotypically  segregated  at  meiosis,  the  rest- 
ing spores,  zoospores,  haploid  plasmodia,  gametan- 
gia, and  gametes  are  of  two  types,  as  is  indicated  in 
text-figure  5.  Fedorintschik  confirmed  Cook  and 
Schwartz's  report  of  fusion  of  gametes  from  zoo- 
sporangia  or  gametangia  but  believed  that  it  occurs 
later,  following  a  period  of  vegetative  budding 
within  the  host.  As  noted  before,  he  also  believed  that 
two  reductions  occur  in  P.  Brassicae — one  during  the 
first  division  of  the  sporangium  nucleus  and  another 
at  sporogenesis.  Fedorintschik  may  have  been  in- 
fluenced by  a  previous  report  by  Cook  of  two  simi- 
lar reductions  in  Lif/iiiera.  If  two  reductions  occur, 
obviously  there  must  be  two  nuclear  fusions,  but 
Fedorintschik  reported  only  one.  No  additional  or 
more  convincing  evidence  of  sexuality  in  Plasmodio- 
phora has  since  been  presented  as  far  as  the  author 
is  aware,  and  the  question  thus  remains  in  this  un- 
certain state.  It  will  doubtless  remain  thus  until  in- 
tensive monospore  studies  have  been  made. 

In  Telramyxa,  Cook  ('33)  reported  that  "swarm 
cells"  fuse  in  pairs  at  their  anterior  ends  as  they 
migrate  from  cell  to  cell  and  thus  form  amoeboid 
zygotes  in  which  karyogamy  soon  occurs.  These  ob- 
servations were  apparently  made  from  slides  of  fixed 
material  furnished  by  Prof.  O.  V.  Darbishire  and  do 
not  relate  to  fresh  material.  No  other  data  on  sex- 
uality in  this  genus  exist  so  far  as  the  author  is 
aware.  According  to  Cook,  T.  parasitica  has  a  dis- 
tinct alternation  of  haploid  and  diploid  generations, 
as  is  illustrated  in  text-figure  6. 

Nothing  definite  is  known  about  sexuality  in  Soro- 
sphaera.  Cook  ('33,  p.  198)  stated  that  amoebae 
from  resting  spores  fuse  in  pairs  and  form  amoeboid 
zygotes,  but  this  statement  is  not  based  on  observa- 
tion. No  one  lias  yet  reported  actual  observation  of 
gametic  fusion.  However,  inasmuch  as  reduction  is 
said  to  occur  at  s))orogcnesis,  most  workers  have 
nevertheless  assumed  that  plasmogamy  and  karyog- 
amy take  place  at  some  stage  of  develoi)mtnt.  Webb 
found  no  evidence  of  plasmogamy  but  rejiorted  that 
the  chromosome  number  is  doubled  during  the  transi- 
tional phase.  He  thus  concluded  that  karyogamy  oc- 
curs at  this  stage,  as  Home  had  ])reviously  described 
for  Spongospora.  According  to  \\'ebb,  the  diplophase 
of  Sorosphaera  is  very  short  and  includes  only  the 
























•  •  • 



•  ■  •  •  •         ■  •*  •  V  ■   ,^ 






TEXT- FIG  1   LFE  CYCLE  OF P  BRASSICAE.  accokdinc  to 
PROWAZEK.  1905 

TEXT-FIG  2    LIFE  CYCLE  OF  P  BRASSICAE.  accohoihO  to 
WINGE.  1913. 

uKmcAtere  fusion 

/       zrcoTE     /woeauLA      maturc 

YOUNG  smne   autupe  spots. 



>ew  NUCLEI  fhom 







TEXT-FIG  3  LIFE  CrCLE  OF  P  BRASSICAE.  according  to  JONES.  1928. 



maturation  stages  of  the  plasmodium  and  sporogen- 
esis,  while  in  Cook's  opinion  it  extends  from  the  time 
of  gametic  fusion  through  scliizogony  and  "akaryo- 
sis"  to  sporogenesis,  as  is  shown  in  text-figure  7. 

The  data  relative  to  sexual  reproduction  are  even 
more  scanty  in  Sorodiscus.  Winge  assumed,  as  he  had 
for  all  members  of  the  Plasmodiophoraceae,  that 
gametes  from  germinating  spores  copulate  in  pairs 
and  thus  initiate  the  diploid  phase  of  S.  Calliirichis, 
but  he  never  actually  observed  fusion.  Likewise, 
plasmogaray  and  karyogamy  have  not  been  seen  in 
S.  karlingii.  In  S.  radicicolus,  however.  Cook  ('31) 
figured  and  described  fusion  of  amoebae  in  pairs 
within  the  host  cell  (PL  7.  fig.  6).  The  two  gametes 
here  figured  are  unequal  in  size,  but  Cook  did  not  say 
wliether  or  not  this  species  is  heterogamous.  His 
study  was  made  on  fixed  material  sent  from  South 
Africa,  and  figure  6  shows  the  only  case  of  pairing 
observed  in  sudi  material.  This  may  possibly  repre- 
sent only  a  chance  association  of  amoeba  without 
sexual  significance.  Obviously,  additional  data  are 
needed  before  definite  conclusions  can  be  drawn 
about  sexuality  in  Sorodiscus.  Cook  ('33),  never- 
theless, believed  that  fusion  of  gametes  occurs  in 
S.  radicicolus  and  that  this  species  has  a  well-defined 
alternation  of  diploid  and  haploid  generations  as  is 
shown  in  text-figure  8. 

In  Spongospora  suhterranea,  Massee,  Kunkel,  and 
Osborn  reported  that  the  sporogenous  plasmodium  is 
formed  by  coalescence  of  numerous  amoebae,  but 
they  were  uncertain  about  the  origin  and  sex  of  the 
latter.  Home  was  of  the  opinion  that  the  amoebae 
are  of  opposite  sex  and  that  in  this  respect  the  plas- 
modium is  similar  to  that  of  Diciyostelium  muco- 
roides  reported  by  Skupienski  ('18).  According  to 
Osborn,  coalescence  is  followed  by  the  akaryote 
stage  during  which  the  nuclei  disappear.  New  nuclei 
are  reconstructed  de  novo,  and  these  subsequently 
associate  in  pairs  (PI.  10,  fig.  28).  Karyogamy  soon 
follows  as  the  nuclear  membranes  break  down  at  the 
points  of  contact  (fig.  29).  Nuclei  which  do  not  pair 
degenerate  the  manner  described  by  .Tahn  for  Cera- 
tiomi/ja.  Home  confirmed  Osborn's  report  of  kary- 
ogamy before  meiosis  but  maintained  that  it  occurs 
during  instead  of  after  the  transitional  or  akaryote 
stage.  He  did  not  observe  paired  and  fusing  nuclei 
but  based  his  conclusion  on  the  discovery  that  the 
chromosome  number  following  the  transitional  stage 
is  twice  that  in  amoebae  and  young  plasmodia.  Ac- 
cording to  Osborn  and  Home,  the  diploid  phase  of 
S.  suhterranea  is  quite  short  in  duration  and  includes 
only  the  sporogenous  plasmodium,  as  is  shown  in 
text-figure  9.  Osborn's,  and  to  some  extent  Home's, 
observations  and  reports  of  karyogamy  shortly  be- 
fore sporogenesis  in  Spongospora  are  strikingly 
similar  to  the  earlier  accounts  of  the  nuclear  fusion 
in  the  myxomycetes.  In  Ceratiomyxa,  Arci/ria,  and 
Trichia,0\he  ('07) ,  Kranzlin  ('07),  and  .lahn  ('07, 
'08)  described  nuclear  pairing  and  fusion  in  the  plas- 
modium shortly  before  resting  spores  are  delimited, 
but  these  accounts  have  subsequently  been  refuted. 

Cook  ('33),  on  the  other  Iiand,  reported  that  the 
zoospores  from  germinating  resting  spores  pair  at 
the  anterior  end,  retract  their  flagella,  and  fuse  (PI. 
10,  fig.  20-22).  Plasmogamy  is  followed  shortly  by 
nuclear  pairing  and  fusion  (fig.  22).  The  zygote  may 
become  flagellate  again,  and  later,  apparently,  in- 
fects the  host.  Its  nuclei  divide  promitotically,  ac- 
cording to  Cook,  and  at  the  6-  or  8-nucleate  stage  the 
zygote  undergoes  schizogony.  Whether  or  not  the 
meronts  later  coalesce  and  thus  form  the  sporogenous 
Plasmodium  is  not  apparent  from  this  account.  Led- 
ingham  ('35)  also  observed  germination  of  resting 
spores  and  formation  of  biflagellate  zoospores,  but 
he  found  no  evidence  of  gametic  fusion.  A  few  binu- 
cleate  zoospores  with  four  flagella  were  present  in 
Ledingham's  cultures  (PI.  10,  fig.  9),  but  he  was 
not  certain  whether  these  were  the  product  of  fusion 
or  incomplete  cleavage.  Thus,  Cook's  report  of  isog- 
amy  has  not  been  substantiated.  He  nevertheless  be- 
lieved that  the  diploid  generation  of  this  species  em- 
braces the  zygote,  schizonts,  meronts,  and  plasmodia, 
while  the  haploid  phase  is  limited  to  the  cystosori, 
resting  spores,  and  gametes,  as  is  shown  in  text-fig- 
ure 10.  The  zoosporangia  and  zoospores  found  by 
Ledingham  are  apparently  a  means  of  rapid  vegeta- 
tive multiplication  and  doubtless  relate  to  the  hap- 
loid phase,  as  is  indicated  in  this  diagram.  Barrett 
found  fusion  stages  between  zoospores  or  gametes 
derived  from  zoosporangia  in  S.  Cotulae,  but  these 
relate  only  to  fixed  and  stained  preparations. 

In  Ligniera,  Maire  and  Tison,  and  other  workers, 
assumed  that  plasmogamy  and  karyogamy  take  place 
at  some  stage  of  development,  because  the  nuclei  ap- 
pear to  undergo  reduction  at  sporogenesis.  Cook 
('26,  '33),  however,  reported  a  double  fusion  and 
reduction  in  L.  Junci.  The  zoospores  from  resting 
spores  fuse  in  pairs  at  the  anterior  end  and  give  rise 
to  diploid  ])lasmodia.  As  noted  before,  these  cleave 
into  uninucleate  segments,  which  develop  walls  and 
become  incipient  zoosporangia.  The  first  nuclear  di- 
vision in  these  sporangia  is  meiotie,  and  the  zoo- 
spores or  gametes  subsequently  produced  are  hap- 
loid. These  fuse  in  pairs  and  form  the  diploid  sporo- 
genous Plasmodium  in  which  meiosis  later  occurs  at 
sporogenesis.  Ligniera  Junci  thus  has  two  diploid 
phases  each  of  which  is  separated  by  a  haploid  ])hase, 
according  to  Cook,  as  is  illustrated  in  text-figure  11. 
Cook  neither  observed  plasmogamy  and  karyogamy 
nor  counted  the  chromosomes  at  meiosis,  so  that  he 
had  no  direct  evidence  for  his  assumption.  It  is  not 
improbable  that  the  zoosporangia  and  zoospores  are 
merely  means  of  vegetative  multiplication  without 
sexual  significance  and  relate  to  the  haploid  genera- 
tion, provided  an  alternation  does  occur,  in  much  t!;e 
same  manner  as  is  indicated  in  text-figure  10  of  S. 

No  direct  evidence  of  gametes,  gametic  fusion  and 
karyogamy  have  been  observed  in  Memhranosorus, 
Poli/?ni/^-a,  Octomyjra,  and  the  doubtful  genera,  7?/;;'- 
somi/xa,  Anisomij.ra,  and  Sorolpidium.  Ledingham 
found  a  few  tetraflagellate  binucleate  zoospores  in 
Poh/mi/.ra,  but  he  was  not  certain  whether  these  were 

SK.VrAl.lTV  AND  A  I.TKH  \  ATH).\  OF  (iKX  K»  ATIDN  S 


rvt^noH      sKAc 

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sormPTZ.  1930 













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TEXT-FIG  6  LFE  CrCLE  OF  TETRAMYXA.  xcononc  to 
COOK.  1933 

TEXT-FIG  7    LIFE  CYCLE  OF  SOROSPHAERA.   /cccwing  to 
COOK.  1933. 



the  products  of  gametic  union  or  incomplete  cleav- 
age. Tetraflagellate  zoospores  were  likewise  found 
bv  Couch  et  al.  in  Octomi/j-a,  but  no  fusions  were  ob- 
served. However,  in  this  genus  as  well  as  in  Mem- 
hranosorus  Whitten  and  ^^'ernham  each  reported  re- 
duction at  sporogenesis.  which  presupposes  karyog- 
amy  at  some  state  of  development.  Miss  Whilfen  be- 
lieved that  karyogamy  occurs  during  the  akaryote 
stage  of  O.  Achli/ae. 

It  is  obvious  from  this  review  that  the  data  on  sex- 
uality in  the  Plasmodiophorales  are  quite  limited.  In 
S.  stibierranea,  tlie  only  species  in  which  gametic 
fusion  has  actually  been  observed,  the  respective 
gametes  are  reported  to  be  alike  and  show  no  struc- 
tural, mobile,  and  physiological  differences.  In  this 
species  at  least  sexual  reproduction  appears  to  be 
isogamous.  Whether  it  is  homo-  or  heterothallic  is 
not  known,  since  no  studies  involving  monospore  cul- 
tures have  yet  been  made.  Therefore,  any  discussion 
at  present  of  sex  determination,  haplosynoecism, 
haploheteroecism,  antithetic  alternation  of  gameto- 
and  sporophytic  generations,  etc.,  in  the  Plasmodio- 
phorales must  be  speculative  and,  in  light  of  the 
meager  present-day  knowledge,  largely  futile. 

bibliography:  cytology  and  se.xiality 

Alexieff,  A.  1913.  Arch.  Protistk.  39:  344. 

Belar,  K.  1936.  Ergeb.  Foitschr.  Zool.  6:  335. 

Blomficld,  ,T.  E.,  and  E.  J.  Schwartz.  1910.  Ann.  Bot.  34: 

Calkins,  G.  X.  1933.  Blolojry  of  the  protozoa.  Philadelphia. 
Chatton,  E.  1910.  Arcli.  zool.  Exp.  5  ser.  5:  339,  36T. 
Cook,  W.  R.  I.  1936.  Trans.  Brit.  Mycol.  Soc.  11:  196. 

.  1938a.  New  Phytol.  37:  330,  398. 

• .  1938b.  Ann.  Bot.  43:  347. 

.  1931.  Ann.  .Mycol.  39:  331. 

.  1933.  Arch.  Proti.stk.  SO:  179. 

,  and  E.  J.  Schwartz.  1939.  Ann.  Bot.  43:  81. 

,  and .  1930.  Philos.  Trans.  Roy.  Soc.  London 

318  B:  383. 
Couch,  J.  X.,  J.  Leitner,  and  A.  Whiffen.  1939.  Jour.  Elisha 

Mitchell  Sci.  Soc.  55:  399. 
Doflein,   E.   1916.   Lehrbuch   der   Protozoenkunde   4th   ed. 

Favorsky,  W.  1910.  Mem.  Soc.  Nat.  Kieff  30:  149. 
Ferdinandsen,  E.,  and  O.  Winge.  1930.  Ann.  Bot.  34:  467. 

Fedorintschik,  N.  S.  1935.  Summ.  Sci.  wk.  Inst.  pi.  protect. 
Leningrad  1935:69. 

Harper,  R.  A.  1900.  Bot.  Gaz.  30:  317. 

.  1914.  .\mer.  Jour.  Bot.  1:  137. 

Home,  A.  S.  1911.  Rept.  Brit.  Assoc.  Adv.  Sci.,  Ports- 
mouth, p.  573. 

.  1930.  Ann.  Bot.  44:  199. 

Jahn,  E.  1907.  Ber.  Deut.  Bot.  Gesell.  35:  23.  1908,  Ibid. 
36a :  343. 

Jones,  P.  M.  1938.  Arch.  Protistk.  63:  313. 

Kninzlin,  H.  1907.  Ibid.  9:  170. 

Ledingham,  G.  A.  1939.  Canad.  Jour.  Res.  C,  17:  38. 

Levine,  I.,  and  M.  Levine.  1933.  Jour.  Cancer  Res.  7:  163, 

Lutman,  B.  F.  1913.  Vermont  Agr.  Exp.  Sta.  Bull.  175. 

Maire,  R.,  and  A.  Tison.  1909.  Ann.  Mycol.  7:  22%. 

,  and .  1910.  Bull.  Soc.  I.inn.  Normandie  6  ser. 

,  and 

-.  1911.  Ann.  Mycol.  9:336. 

Milovidov,  P.  F.  1931.  Arch.  Protistk.  73:  1. 

.  1933.  C.  R.  Soc.  Biol.  109:  170. 

.  1933.  Arch.  Protistk.  81 :  138. 

Niigler,  K.  1909. //)W.  15:  1. 

Nawaschin,  S.  1899.  Flora  86:  404. 

.  1901.  Kiev  Lap.  Ohsch.  Jest.  17:  1:  XXXVI. 

.  1934.  C.  R.  Acad.  Sci.  Russie  1934:  173. 

N'emcc,  B.  1911.  Bull.  Inter.  Empr.  Fran.  Joseph  Acad.  Sci. 
16:  69.  1913, /hi'rf.  18:  18. 

Olive,  E.  W.  1907a.  Trans.  Wise.  Acad.  Sci.,  Arts  and  Let- 
ters 15:7,53. 

.  1907b.  Sci.  n.  s.  35:  366. 

0.sborn,  T.  G.  B.  1911a.  Rept.  Brit.  .\dv.  Sci.  Ports- 
mouth, p.  573. 

.  191  lb.  Ann.  Bot.  35:  371,  337. 

Palm,  B.  T..  and  M.  Burk.  1933.  Arch.  Protistk.  79:  363. 

Pavillard,  J.  1910.  Prog.  Rei.  Bot.  3:  475. 

Prowazek,  S.  1903.  Osterr.  Bot.  Zeitschr.  53:  313. 

.  1905.  Arb.  Kais.  Gesundheit  2-2:  396. 

Schwartz,  E.  J.  1910.  Ann.  Bot.  34:  511. 

Skupien-ski,  F.  X.  1918.  C.  R.  Acad.  Sci.  Paris  167:  960. 

Terby,  J.  1933.  Mem.  Roy.  Acad.  Belg.  7:  1. 

'—.  1934.  Bull.  Roy.  Acad.  Belg.  5  ser.  10:  519. 

.  1933.  Mem.  Roy.  Acad.  Belg.  11:  1. 

Webb,  P.  C.  R.  1935.  Ann.  Bot.  49:  41. 

Wenyon,  C.  M.  1936.  Protozoology  1 :  66. 

Wernham,  C.  C.  1935.  .Mycologia  37:  363. 

Whiffen,  Alma.  1939.  Jour.  Elisha  Mitchell  Sci.  Soc.  55:  343. 

Winge,  ().  1913.  Ark.  f.  Bot.  13,  no.  9:  1. 

Wissenlingh,  C.  1898.  Jabrb.  Wiss.  Bot.  31:  619. 

Vendo,  V.,  and  K.  Takase.  1933.  Bull.  Sericult  and  Silk 
Inc.  Japan  4,  no.  3:  4. 

Chapter  IV 

Classification  and  Description  of  Species 

The  Plasmodiophorales  include  one  family,  Plas- 
modioplioraceae,  and  approximately  eight  genera 
and  twenty-three  species.  Numerous  other  genera 
and  sjiecies  have  been  added  at  various  times,  but 
these  liave  either  been  merged  with  existing  genera 
or  excluded  entirely  as  invalid.  A  natural  classifica- 
tion is  well  nigh  inijjossible  at  present  because  so  lit- 
tle is  known  about  tiie  critical  diagnostic  characters 
of  most  siJCcies.  Furtliermore,  the  genera  are  not 
shar])ly  defined  and,  as  Palm  and  Burke  ('33)  have  so 

well  em])hasized,  tend  to  merge  and  overlap,  so  that 
in  certain  members  generic  distinctions  are  difficult 
to  recognize.  The  oldest  and  most  frequently  used 
criterion  of  classification  is  the  grouping  assumed 
by  the  resting  spores  at  maturity.  This  criterion  was 
introduced  by  Schroeter  in  1 897,  who  separated  the 
genera  on  the  basis  of  whether  the  spores  are  free  or 
united  in  clusters  and  cystosori.  Schroeter  also  em- 
])Iiasized  the  presence  or  absence  of  a  soral  mem- 
lirane  as  a  distinctive  character  of  Tetrami/.ra  and 






<  '•[ 




*KtfiyCir£  STAGE 


■    «     ♦     *     A 

ACCOKono  TO  COOK,  I93L 







■^  ■■^.  ^• 


,,    ^ 


AKwixm  sTJce 


TEXT-FIC  10    LIFE  CYCLE  OF  5.  SUBTERRANEA,  accowing  to 
COOK.  1933 

COOK,  1933 



Sorosphaern.  Although  mycologists  and  protozoolo- 
gists  have  clearly  recognized  the  inadequacy  of  these 
criteria,  they  have  nevertlieless  continued  to  use  tliem 
as  the  basis  of  classification.  More  recently.  Cook 
('33)  has  used  the  presence  of  zoosporangia  and  zoo- 
spores as  another  basic  distinction.  However,  since 
zoosporangia  have  been  subsequently  found  in  nu- 
merous genera,  the  mere  presence  of  sucli  structures 
is  no  longer  generically  distinctive.  Likewise,  liis  em- 
pliasis  on  tlie  presence  or  absence  of  a  membrane 
around  the  cystosori  as  a  diagnostic  character  is  open 
to  question,  since  there  is  considerable  doubt  about 
the  occurrence  of  soral  membranes  in  any  of  the 
genera.  Palm  and  Burke,  in  particular,  Iiave  severely 
criticized  tlie  present-day  system  of  classification 
and  characterized  it  as  artificial.  From  tlieir  obser- 
vations on  the  wide  variations  exiiibited  by  cystosori 
of  S.  1  eronicae ,  tliey  concluded  that  Spongoxpora, 
Lif/niera,  Sorodiscus,  Ostenfeldiella,  Clathrosoriis, 
and  Memhranosorus  should  be  regarded  as  synonyms 
of  Sorosphaera.  On  the  basis  of  similarity  of  life 
cycles  and  general  structure,  they  further  advised 
the  merging  of  all  known  genera  except  C ystospora 
into  one  large  genus,  presumably  Plasmodiophora. 
The  author  is  in  complete  agreement  with  these 
workers  on  the  low  taxonomic  value  and  inadequacy 
of  present-day  generic  distinctions.  However,  Palm 
and  Burke's  suggestion  of  reducing  the  number  of 
genera  or  merging  them  does  not  solve  the  difficulties 
of  classification  in  this  group.  As  Ledingham  ('39) 
pointed  out,  it  merely  shifts  the  generic  indistinc- 
tions  to  tlie  species. 

Further  taxonomic  distinctions  ajjpear  to  be 
emerging  from  the  discovery  of  zoosporangia  in  old 
and  new  genera.  When  these  developmental  stages 
have  been  fully  investigated,  the  relationship  of  the 
various  genera  will  doubtless  become  clearer,  and  it 
may  then  be  possible  to  separate  or  merge  them  with 
greater  accuracy.  In  the  meantime,  Schroeter's  sys- 
tem of  classification  serves  as  a  working  basis,  and 
although  an  unsatisfactory  expedient,  it  may  be  used 
to  advantage.  In  the  key  wliich  follows,  size,  number, 
and  sha])e  of  zoosporangia  are  used  to  some  extent  in 
diagnosis,  but  these  characters  are  of  doubtful  gen- 
eric value.  Some  of  the  genera — i.e.,  Memhranosorus 
and  Lif/niera — listed  here  are  obviously  questionable 
and  sliould  ])erhaps  be  merged  with  Sorodiscus  and 
Sorosphaera,  but  until  more  is  known  about  the  fam- 
ily as  a  whole,  it  may  be  worth  while  to  treat  tliem 


Zopf,  188-i.  Die  Pilzthiere  oder  Schleimpilze 

Thallus  a  naked.  ])lasmodial,  multinucleate  proto- 
plast capable  of  amoeboid  movement  and  undergoing 
sciiizogony  into  uni-  or  multinucleate  meronts,  wliicli 
in  turn  may  function  as  schizonts.  Sporogenous  thal- 
lus cleaving  into  uninucleate  spores  at  maturity. 
Resting  spores  loose  and  free  or  united  in  small  clus- 
ters and  cystosori ;  usually  producing  one  zoospore 

or  amoeba  in  germination.  Zoospores  anteriorlj'  bi- 
flagellate  and  heterocont.  Zoosporangia  formed  di- 
rectly from  zoospores  or  cleavage  segments  of  young 
Plasmodia ;  free  or  united  in  sporangiosori ;  produc- 
ing a  few  to  numerous  zoospores  which  are  similar  to 
those  formed  from  resting  spores. 

Key  to  Genera 

I.  Resting  spores  not  united,  free  and  loose.  Zoosporangia 

few   or   numerous,   small,   and   producing   few   zoo- 
spores 1.  PLASMODIOPHORA,  p.  22. 

II.  Restin);  spores  united  in  small  clusters  or  more  or  less 

compact  cystosori 

A.  Spores  usually  in  tetrads  or  dyads.  Zoosporangia  un- 
known 2.  TETRAMYXA,    p.  37. 

I?.  Spores  usually  in  octads.  Zoosi)orangia  numerous, 
small,  oval,  and  spherical  with  or  without  exit 
papillae  3.  OCTOMYXA,     p.  40. 

C.  Cystosorus  predominantly  spherical  to  ellipsoidal  and 

hollow;  often  variable  in  size  and  shape.  Zoospo- 
rangia small  4.  SOROSPHAERA,     p.  41. 

D.  Cystosorus  predominantly  disc-shaped,  two-layered 

and  flattened;  often  variable  in  size  and  shape. 
Zoosporangia  unknown 

5.  SORODISCUS,    p.  46. 

E.  Cystosorus  oval,  spherical,  and  s])onge-like,  lacking  a 

central  cavity  but  traversed  by  prominent  canals 
and  fissures.  Zoosporangia  numerous  or  few,  small, 
oval  and  spherical,  or  large  and  irregular 

6.  SPONGOSPORA,     p.  54. 

F.  Cystosorus  indefinite  in  size  and  shape 

1.  Zoosporangia  small,  oval  and  spherical;  producing 
few  zoospores  7.  LIGNIERA,     p.  58. 

3.  Zoosporangia    usually    large,    elongate,    lobed    and 
irregular  with  prominent  exit  tubes 

8.  POLYMYXA,    p.  63. 


Woronin,  1877.  Arb.  St.  Petersburg  Nat.  Gesell. 

Osti'iiffliUeUa    Ferdinandsen    and    Winge,    1914.    Ann. 

Bot.  28:  64. 

(plates  2.  3.  4.) 

Resting  spores  lying  free  in  host  cell,  not  united 
in  cystosori,  variable  in  size  and  shape,  usually  pro- 
ducing one  zoospore  in  germination.  Zoospores  an- 
teriorly biflagellate  and  heterocont,  becoming  inter- 
mittently amoeboid,  infecting  the  host  as  an  amoeba 
(  ?),  dividing  and  budding  (.''),  and  eventually  form- 
ing multinucleate  plasmodia,  which  cleave  into  uni- 
nucleate segments.  Cleavage  segments  developing 
into  small  zoosporangia  which  produce  few  zoo- 
spores. Secondary  zoospores  reinfecting  host  and 
forming  additional  ])lasmodia.  Sporogenous  ))lasmo- 
dium  partly  or  com])letely  filling  host  cell,  moving 
slowly  in  amoeboid  fashion  within  the  host  cell  and 
in  migrating  from  cell  to  cell  ;  occasionally  luider- 
going  schizogony  into  uni-  and  multinucleate  me- 
ronts; rarely  encysting;  cleaving  into  resting  spores 
at  maturity. 



Pta.imodiopliora  iiirhulcs  at  prisciit  live  sjucics, 
of  wliicli  only  one,  /'.  lirassicae,  is  fairly  well  known. 
Most  of  tlu'  otluT  spci'ics  arc  so  little  known  that 
tlu'ir  validity  as  nu-nilnTs  of  tlu'  genus  has  ht-i-n  seri- 
ously questioned.  They  nevertheless  (jossi-ss  the  eoni- 
nion  ability  of  eaiisiiii;  eonspieuous  galls  and  malfor- 
mations of  the  host  tissues.  Numerous  other  organ- 
isms with  )>lasmodial  stages  have  been  inehided  in 
the  genus  from  time  to  time,  but  eareful  reinvestiga- 
tion has  shown  them  to  be  invalid.  Pla.imodiophora 
is  distinguished  from  the  other  genera  of  the  family 
by  the  laek  of  a  distinet  eystosorus.  The  resting 
spores  are  not  united  or  attaeiied  to  form  a  sorus  of 
definite  size  and  sliajx'  but  lie  loose  in  the  host  eell. 
as  is  shown  in  figures  88  and  100.  When  the  host  eell 
disintegrates,  the  spores  are  liberated  into  the  soil 
where  they  may  germinate  at  onee,  as  in  P.  Brassi- 
cae,  or  remain  viable  up  to  seven  or  eight  years 
(Jorstad,  '23),  So  little  is  known  about  the  other 
species  of  Plasmodiophora  that  present  day  discus- 
sions of  the  genus  must  necessarily  be  based  princi- 
pally on  /'.  lirassicae.  .\lthough  this  species  has  been 
intensively  studied  for  more  than  .50  years,  there 
is  still  considerable  disagreement  and  controversy 
about  its  critical  developmental  stages,  and  doubt- 
less much  remains  to  be  discovered. 

The  resting  spores  of  P.  Brassicae  normally  give 
rise  to  a  single  zoos])ore  in  germination  (fig,  13-17), 
but  it  is  not  imj)rob.ible  that  more  than  one  may  be 
produced  by  the  occasional  large,  bi-  and  multinu- 
cleate resting  spores.  Some  workers,  including  Pol- 
lacei  (12)  and  Honig  ('31),  have  seriously  ques- 
tioned the  production  of  zoospores  in  this  species. 
Honig,  in  particular,  maintained  that  only  non-flag- 
ellate  amoebae  are  formed  in  germination  (fig.  16— 
18).  .\lso,  most  investigators  have  figured  and  de- 
scribed the  zoospores  as  anteriorly  uniflagillate,  but 
Ledingham  ('St)  clearly  demonstrated  that  they  are 
biflagellate  and  heterocont  (fig.  22,  23).  They  have 
also  been  described  in  tile  literature  as  varying  from 
oval,  pyriform,  and  fusiform  to  spherical  in  shape 
(fig,  19-23).  After  emerging  from  the  sjiore  case 
tliey  may  swim  'apidly  away  or  become  intermit- 
tently amoeboid  v  ;.  19.  20),  during  which  the  ante- 
rior end  may  double  back  and  forth  and  thus  jerk 
the  sjiore  body  along. 

.\ccording  to  most  students,  the  zoospores  come 
to  rest  on  the  host  and  enter  as  amoebae  through  the 
root  hairs  and  e))idermal  cells,  where  they  soon  cause 
local  hypertroi)hy  (fig.  28,  29),  A  few  workers,  how- 
ever, have  questioned  these  observations.  Kunkel 
('18)  found  nothing  but  thalli  of  Olpidium  Brassicae 
in  the  root  hairs  of  the  host  sjieeies  which  he  studied 
and  like  F.ivorski  (10)  concluded  that  the  ])revious 
reports  on  the  occurrence  of  /'.  Brassicae  in  such  host 
cells  were  erroneous.  However,  subsequent  investi- 
gators, including  Cook  and  .Schwartz  ('30).  Honig 
('31),  Rochlin  ('33).  and  Fedorintschik  ('lio)  have 
clearly  shown  infection  of  root  hairs.  Honig  ajipears 
to  have  been  the  first  to  observe,  describe,  and  figure 
actual  penetration  of  the  parasite  into  root  h.iirs  (fig. 
27).    He   maintained   that    the    ))r<)toplasts    derived 

from  geruiin.iting  resting  sjiores  are  true  .iiiioebae 
without  Hagella,  a  contention  which  has  been  re- 
futed by  subsequent  observers.  Honig  found  small 
amoebae  .as  well  as  giant  ones  meas\iring  l-2(i  jx  by 
2l'-3(>/(  abundant  around  root  hairs  and  observed  both  tyi)es  may  readily  enter  the  host  eell.  In 
so  doing  they  become  closely  .iiiplicd  to  the  root  h.iir, 
and  soon  thereafter  a  hole  appe.irs  in  the  wall  at  the 
region  of  attachment,  through  which  they  then  enter. 
The  hole  closes  u]>  immediately  afterwards,  so  that 
it  is  no  longer  visible  after  the  parasite  has  entered, 
Honig  also  observed  that  amoebae  may  live  sapro- 
|)hytieally  for  weeks  in  the  soil  and  increase  mark- 
edly in  size  (fig.  3.")). 

It  is  not  imiirobable.  ;is  Hoelilin's  ('33)  study 
suggests,  that  under  certain  condi- 
tions and  particularly  when  s])ores  germinate  in  eon- 
tact  with  the  host  cell,  flagella  are  not  formed,  and 
the  jiarasite  enters  the  host  almost  at  once  in  the 
amoeboid  state.  Rochlin  found  that  the  resting  spores 
become  attached  to  the  root  hairs  and  e))idermal  cells 
of  the  root  and  cap  and  cause  localized  swelling  of 
the  eell  wall  (fig.  21-26).  These  regions  become 
gelatinized  and  show  no  cellulose  reactions  when 
tested  with  chloro-iodide  of  zinc,  indicating  that  a 
chemical  change  has  taken  place.  .Small  jjlastic, 
spherical  protoplasts  which  presumably  emerge 
from  the  attached  sjiores,  pass  through  these  swollen 
and  gelatinized  regions  (fig.  26)  and  enter  the  host 

The  amoebae  and  young  ))lasmodia  in  the  host  cell 
may  bud  and  divide  repeatedly  (fig.  30),  according 
to  Gay  lord  (Ol),  Chupp  (17),  Kunkel,  Fedorints- 
chik and  others,  and  thus  multiply  in  number.  They 
may  also  encyst  and  develop  fairly  thick  hyaline 
walls  (fig.  44—46)  under  unfavorable  conditions.  As 
the  ))lasmodia  grow  in  size  and  their  nuclei  multi))lv, 
they  penetrate  the  walls  of  the  adjacent  cells  and 
thus  migrate  from  cell  to  cell  (fig.  31-33),  accord- 
ing to  W'oronin  ('78),  Lutman  ('13),  Chupp  ('17), 
Kunkel,  Honig,  Rochlin,  Larson  ('34),  and  Fedo- 
rintschik ('3.5).  As  to  the  method  of  cell  wall  jiene- 
tration,  Rochlin  noted  that  the  plasmodium  may  be- 
come closely  a))plied  to  a  region  of  the  wall  and 
through  lysic  action  cause  localized  swelling  and 
gelatinization  (fig.  7)  of  the  latter.  Passages  in  the 
walls  are  thus  formed  through  which  the  plasmodium 
enters.  Kunkel  believed  that  only  young  and  small 
Plasmodia  free  of  oil  bodies  and  other  priidiicts  are 
cai)able  of  migration.  Cook  .-iiid  Schwartz  ('30)  were 
uncertain  on  this  jihasc  of  develoi)ment  and  some- 
what vague  in  their  description  of  it.  In  one  )iart  of 
their  paper  (p.  287)  they  stated  that  the  amoebae 
"have  the  ])ower  of  ]>enetr;iting  the  walls  of  the  host 
cells  and  in  this  way  can  tr.ivil  through  the  cortical 
tissues  of  the  host,  "  but  they  thought  it  im))robable 
()).  297)  that  the  plasmodia  are  able  to  do  so.  I'inally 
(|).  301 )  they  expressed  the  belief  that  oidy  gametes 
from  sporangia  have  the  ability  of  ))assing  from  cell 
to  cell,  .ind  after  gametic  fusion  the  zygote  is  dis- 
tributed onlv  bv  division  of  infected  host  cells. 



Cook  and  Schwartz,  nonethek-ss,  discovered  a 
hitherto  unknown  stage  in  tlie  life  cycle  of  P.  Brassi- 
cae.  The  amoebae  derived  from  flaoellate  zoospores 
penetrate  root  hairs,  grow  in  size,  and  by  regular 
mitosis  become  multinucleate  plasmodia  which  soon 
cleave  into  uninucleate  portions.  These  segments 
round  up.  develop  thin  hyaline  walls,  and  become  in- 
cipient zoosporangia  (Hg.  37).  In  view  of  this  dis- 
covery, it  seems  probable  that  the  small  cleaving 
Plasmodia  which  Cliupp  described  and  figured  (p. 
•i36,  fig.  104H)  as  stages  in  resting  spore  formation 
in  root  hairs  relate  to  the  development  of  zoosjioran- 
gia.  The  nuclei  of  the  zoosporangia  (fig.  38)  divide 
mitotically  two  or  three  times,  after  which  the  proto- 
plasm cleaves  into  uninucleate  segments  (fig.  39— 
42).  forming  thus  four  to  eight  pyriform  zoospores 
(fig.  43).  These  are  smaller  than  those  derived  from 
resting  spores,  according  to  Cook  and  Schwartz, 
who  regarded  tliem  as  gametes.  As  the  walls  of  the 
sporangia  collapse  the  zoospores  emerge,  fuse  in 
pairs,  either  in  root  hairs  or  after  migrating  into  the 
cortex,  and  form  zygotes  which  grow  into  diploid 
sporogenous  plasmodia,  as  has  been  described  in 
Ciiapter  III. 

Fedorintschik  confirmed  Cook  and  Schwartz's  dis- 
covery of  zoosporangia.  He  reported  that  individual 
amoebae  in  root  hairs  develop  directly  into  large 
plasmodia  containing  up  to  100  or  more  nuclei.  These 
plasmodia  cleave  into  uninucleate  segments  which 
develop  walls  and  become  rudimentary  zoosporan- 
gia. The  first  division  of  their  nucleus  is  meioiic, 
and  then  follow  a  second  and  sometimes  a  third 
mitosis,  after  which  the  protoplasm  cleaves  into  four 
to  eight  zoospores.  A  single  amoebae  in  a  root  hair 
may,  according  to  Fedorintschik's  observations,  ulti- 
mately result  in  the  formation  of  400  to  800  zoo- 
spores. These  zoospores  become  amoeboid  and  mi- 
grate into  the  cortical  tissues  and  multiply  rapidly 
by  budding.  After  the  content  of  the  host  cell  is  ex- 
hausted, they  fuse,  presumably  in  pairs  (?),  and 
later  develop  into  plasmodia.  Fedorintschik  believed 
this  fusion  constitutes  the  sexual  phase  of  P.  Brassi- 
cae,  and  thus  confirmed  Cook  and  Schwartz's  earlier 
report  of  sexual  reproduction  in  this  genus.  In  light 
of  Ledingham's  ('3.5,  '39),  Couch,  Leitner,  and 
Whiffen's  ('39)  studies  on  Sponc/ospora,  Poli/mi/.ra, 
and  Octoviifxa,  however,  it  seems  more  probable  that 
these  so-called  gametes  are  only  secondary  zoospores 
which  reinfect  the  host  and  give  rise  to  an  additional 
amoebae  and  plasmodia  in  much  the  same  manner  as 
is  indicated  in  text-figure  10  of  Spongospora. 

Several  workers  have  reported  that  tlie  Plasmo- 
dium of  P.  Brassicae  may  undergo  schizogony  and 
give  rise  to  a  few  or  several  meronts,  whereby  the 
parasite  is  rapidly  multiplied.  Nawaschin  ('99)  did 
not  actually  observe  the  ))roeess,  but  he  believed  that 
the  large  number  of  small  thalli  in  a  host  cell  could 
be  explained  only  on  the  assumption  that  they  had 
arisen  by  division  of  a  preexisting  thallus.  He 
thought  that  the  extended  pseudopodia  of  the  Plas- 
modium were  cut  off  as  buds,  a  belief  which  was  later 
supported  by  I.utmau  and  by  Henckel  ('23).  Subse- 

quently, Maire  and  Tison  ('C9).  Chupp,  Kunkel, 
Jones  ('28),  and  Cook  ('33)  also  reported  schizog- 
ony of  the  Plasmodium  of  P.  Brassicae.  It  must  be 
noted,  however,  that  many  of  the  early  described 
cases  of  schizogony  in  the  superficial  host  cells  may 
possibly  relate  to  the  development  of  zoosporangia. 
As  is  shown  in  figure  36,  the  meronts  may  be  uni-  or 
multinucleate,  and  it  is  not  improbable  that  after  a 
period  of  growth  they  in  turn  may  function  as  schi- 
zonts  and  form  secondary  meronts. 

With  the  exception  of  Cook  and  Schwartz  and 
Fedorintschik  who  reported  that  the  sporogenous 
Plasmodium  is  formed  by  the  fusion  of  two  gametes, 
many  investigators  who  studied  this  phase  of  devel- 
opment were  of  the  opinion  that  the  plasmodium 
arises  by  the  union  of  several  vegetative  amoebae  or 
small  Plasmodia.  Woronin  was  uncertain  whether  it 
originates  from  a  single  amoebae  or  by  the  fusion  of 
several,  although  he  thought  the  latter  method  more 
plausible.  Eycleshymer  ('01)  observed  that  if  a 
slide  with  zoospores  and  amoebae  is  kept  in  a  moist 
chamber,  larger  ])lasmodia  appear,  which  he  assumed 
had  arisen  by  fusion  of  amoebae.  Honig,  however, 
maintained  that  the  amoebae  observed  by  Evcles- 
hynier  do  not  relate  to  P.  Brassicae.  Halsted  ('93) 
also  believed  that  amoebae  coalesce  to  form  large 
Plasmodia.  Nawaschin  ('99)  tliought  that  the  schi- 
zonts  and  meronts  remain  more  or  less  independent  in 
the  host  cell  until  shortly  before  sporogenesis,  when 
the}'  flow  together  and  form  a  large  plasmodium. 
He  admitted  also  that  single  amoebae  may  grow  in- 
dependently into  large  plasmodia.  Gaylord.  Ericks- 
son  ('13),  Esmarch  ('24),  Prowazek,  and  Terby 
('24)  supported  Nawaschin's  belief  on  the  union  of 
amoebae,  but  INIaire  and  Tison  ('09)  refuted  this 
contention.  They  pointed  out  that  although  meronts 
and  schizonts  may  appear  to  be  fused,  they  are  none- 
theless separate  and  distinct.  They  based  their  view 
primarily  on  the  lack  of  synchronism  in  nuclear  di- 
vision in  the  closely  associated  amoebae  and  plas- 
modia in  the  same  host  cell.  Lutman,  Chupp,  and 
Kunkel  were  uncertain  about  the  union  of  amoebae, 
but  Lutman  noted  that  the  nuclei  in  a  plasmodium  do 
not  all  divide  simultaneously,  which  suggests  that 
they  may  have  been  derived  from  several  amoebae 
of  different  ages.  Later,  Jones  ('28a,  '28b)  also  re- 
ported fusion  of  amoebae  and  ])lasmodia  in  cultures 
of  P.  Brassicae,  but  there  is  considerable  doubt  about 
the  validity  of  the  organism  he  had  in  culture.  In  ad- 
dition to  describing  the  origin  of  the  plasmodium 
from  a  zygote.  Cook  and  Schwartz  reported  that  in 
the  early  stages  of  development  several  amoebae  and 
later  small  plasmodia  may  fuse  vegetatively  to  form 
the  incipient  sporogenous  plasmodium.  Since  that 
time  Milovidov  ('31)  also  reported  vegetative  fusion 
of  several  amoebae. 

The  plasmodium  of  /'.  Brassicae  is  capable  of  slow 
amoeboid  movement,  and  this  mobility  apparentlv 
enables  it  to  move  from  cell  to  cell.  Rochlin  reported 
that  the  plasmodium  first  sends  out  a  hyaloplasmic 
thread  (Geissel)  in  the  direction  of  movement,  and 
shortly  thereafter  tlie  more  ajranular  mass  begins  to 



niovo.  In  vouiim:  ))l.isiiuHii:i  tlio  psiiulo|)(i(ls  .ire  nl.i- 
tivflv  loni:  .•iiul  tt  iiuous.  but  a>  tin-  i)l;iMii(i(liuin  lu.i- 
tiircs.  tlu-v  lu'coiuc  Itss  oxti-iisivc  and  more  rouniloil 
at  till-  ptri))li(r_v.  I'ignri-  31  shows  a  mature  Plasmo- 
dium with  several  dense,  opaque,  iiseuihiixidial  lobes 
at  the  anterior  end.  The  posterior  end  in  eontrast  is 
quite  vacuolate,  thin,  and  relatively  hyaline.  'I'lu 
amoebae  .-ind  younji  jdasmodia  are  hyaline,  somewhat 
transparent,  viseous  and  slimy,  and  eomparativily 
free  of  oil  dro))lets  and  other  bodies,  but  as  the  i)l;is- 
modium  inere.ises  in  size,  the  i)rotoplasm  becomes 
denser,  more  opacpu'.  .md  very  rieh  in  oil  jjlobuies. 
Infected  hypertrophied  host  cells  are  often  rich  in 
starch  grains,  and  according  to  Woronin.  Xawaschin 
("99).  Prowa/.ek  ('05).  and  Lutman.  these  grains 
may  frequently  be  found  in  the  folds  of  the  Plasmo- 
dium. N.iwasehin.  I'avorsky  ('10),  and  Henckel 
('23)  did  not  believe  tiiat  amoebae  and  ))lasmodia 
are  capable  of  engulfing  solid  )iarticles,  and  Nawas- 
cliin  |)ointed  out  that  starch  grains,  such  as  those 
shown  in  figure  7  !■,  are  often  caught  between  fusing 
merouts  and  thus  come  to  lie  within  the  plasmodiuni. 
Woronin,  Eyeleshymer,  and  Lutman  inferred  that 
the  i)lasniodium  feeds  on  these  grains,  because  by 
the  time  sporogenesis  begins  they  have  almost  en- 
tirelv  disai)peared,  although  a  few  may  occasionally 
be  found  later  scattered  among  the  sjjores.  Although 
Honig  did  not  observe  the  plasmodiuni  engulfing 
solid  particles,  lie  nevertheless  described  it  as  nour- 
ishing itself  sai)roi)liytically  outside  of  the  host  for 
several  weeks.  In  addition  to  oil  globules,  starch 
grains,  and  other  bodies,  chondriosomes  are  quite 
abundant  in  the  i)lasmodia  (fig.  48).  according  to 
Von  wilier  ('18)  and  Milovidov  ('31).  They  also 
occur  abundantly  in  the  resting  spores  (fig.  86)  and 

L'nder  unfavorable  environmental  conditions  plas- 
modia  and  segments  of  the  same  in  P.  Brassicae  may 
encyst  and  develop  thick  walls,  according  to  Prowa- 
zek.  Cook  and  .Schwartz,  and  Milovidov  (fig.  46.  47). 
Prowazek  ('05)  and  .Milovidov  regarded  these  cysts 
as  ))athological  and  involution  forms.  Cook  and 
Schwartz  described  the  ])lasmodium  as  becoming  en- 
veIoi)ed  by  a  distinct  wall  and  then  segmenting  into 
several  portions  which  in  turn  develojied  thick  walls 
(fig.  47).  With  the  return  of  favorable  conditions 
the  walls  disa))pear,  and  the  plasmodium  continues 
to  function  normally.  Encysted  ))lasniodia  have  also 
been  described  in  /'.  Fici-repeniis  by  Andreucci 
('26).  The  cysts  in  this  species  are  globular.  9.15- 
73  n  in  diameter,  with  sculi)tured.  thick  w.-ills,  and  in 
germination  give  rise  again  to  plasniodia.  The  sig- 
nificance of  these  cysts  as  a  phase  in  the  life  cycle  of 
Plasmodiophora  is  not  clearly  understood,  but  they 
are  doubtles  comparable  with  the  sclerotia  of  the 

The  majority  of  resting  spores  are  iniimuliatc, 
but  occasional  globose  and  irregular  ones  (fig.  87) 
have  been  reported  by  Prow.azek.  Milovidov.  and 
others.  Milovidov.  in  jtarticular.  has  figured  numer- 
ous tetra-.  tri-.  and  binucleate  spores.  The  binueleate 
and  nndtinucleate  condition  mav  have  resulted  from 

the  f;iilurc  of  large  cleavage  scgMuiits  to  (li\  ide  .-iftcr 
flu-  comi)letion  of  the  second  nuclear  division.  On  the 
other  hand,  it  is  not  altogether  improb.-ible  it 
may  have  arisen  ;is  the  result  of  ;i  third  mitosis  in 
the  inci))icut  s))orc  seguuMits  in  the  maimer  described 
by  Maire  and  Tison  and  Home  in  Soro.sphacra  I't-ro- 
iiirar  and  Sponrjospora  siihicrranea,  respectively. 
I.utman  ('13)  and  Tcrby  ('2f)  also  figured  biuuele- 
.itc  spores  (fig.  95)  and  believed  they  had  arisen  as 
tiu>  result  of  division  in  the  spore.  After  the  spores 
h.ive  been  formed  they  may  remain  stuck  together  for 
.1  short  time  by  the  slimy  intercellular  substance  left 
from  the  jjlasmodiuui.  Howc\er.  they  soon  develo)j 
hyaline  walls,  dehydrate,  and  sejiarate.  .\t  no  stage 
are  they  cnvelol)ed  by  a  common  membrane  or  form 
a  cystosorus  of  definite  structure,  size,  and  shape. 
According  to  the  rejiorts  in  the  literature  the  resting 
spores  may  vary  up  to  and  more  than  200  per  cent  in 
size.  The  early  investigators  found  the  siiores  to  be 
quite  small,  but  measurements  by  subsequent  work- 
ers have  shown  them  to  be  considerably  larger. 
Woronin  ('78)  rejiorted  them  to  be  1.6 /x  in  diam- 
eter; Lowenthal  ('05),  4  ;u ;  Molliard  ("09),  1.8- 
2.2 /x:  Chupp  ('17)  and  Appel  ('28),  1.9-4.3 /i,  and 
2.5-6.9  (u  for  the  irregular  ones;  Esmarch  ('24), 
1-2  /J,;  Pape  ("25)  and  Honigmann  ('26).  2.8-3.3  ix; 
Wellman  ('30),  1.7 /x;  Cook  and  Schwartz  ('30), 
2-3 /x,  and  4.6X6 /x  for  the  oval  ones;  and  Honig 
("31),  3.9  jx.  The  last-named  worker  made  extensive 
measurements  from  nimierous  hosts  grown  in  differ- 
ent types  of  soil  and  under  varying  climatic  condi- 
tions and  found  that  the  spores  did  not  differ  more 
than  0.5  /x  in  diameter.  According  to  Wissenlingh 
('98)  the  spore  wall  consists  of  chitin  and  shows  no 
cellulose  reaction  when  tested. 

The  account  given  above  is  generally  considered  to 
be  the  usual  developmental  cycle  of  P.  Brassicae. 
Henckel  and  P.  M.  .lones  ('28b).  on  the  other  hand, 
have  reported  life  cycles  for  this  species  which  vary 
markedly  from  the  orthodox  type.  In  his  study  of 
club  root  of  radishes  Henckel  described  the  resting 
spores  as  "aplanoamoebae"  which  by  a  jirocess  of 
gelatinization  or  softening  give  rise  to  "Umax  amoe- 
bae." These  multi))ly  outside  of  the  host  by  budding, 
and  when  this  jirocess  is  eomijleted,  the  numerous 
daughter  amoebae  enter  the  host  and  form  a  ))lasmo- 
dium.  At  no  stage  iu  the  life  cycle  are  zoos))ores  or 
flagellate  gametes  develojied.  according  to  Henckel. 
In  connection  with  his  account  it  may  be  noted  that 
Favorsky  also  figured  and  described  spore  germi- 
nation in  rotten  tumors  as  a  process  of  gelatiniza- 
tion and  softening  of  the  s])ore  wall,  whereby  large 
/('ma.r-like  amoebae  are  formed.  P.  .M.  .lones  re))orted 
that  he  had  isolated  eight  |)ure  cultures  of  /'.  Brassi- 
cae from  cabbage  roots  and  ui.iintained  them  in  ta]i 
water  under  lal)oratory  conditions  for  two  months. 
These  cultures  caused  galls  on  turnips  when  used 
as  an  inoculum  and  were  subsequently  recovered  in 
culture  from  the  diseased  roots.  .Vccording  to  .Tones 
(text-fig.  3).  the  following  successive  stages  occur 
within  the  host:  gametes,  zygotes,  preplasmodia, 
Plasmodia,  cysts  and  spores  ;  while  in  culture  outside 



of  the  host,  gametes,  zygotes,  cysts,  amoebae,  pre- 
plasmodia,  and  buds  are  formed.  If  conditions  are 
favorable,  however,  P.  Brassicae  does  not  develop 
all  of  these  phases.  Jones'  account  has  never  been 
confirmed,  and  most  subsequent  investigators  have 
doubted  tlie  accuracy  of  his  observations.  In  light  of 
present-day  knowledge  about  P.  Brassicae  it  seems 
likely  that  he  may  have  been  dealing  with  develop- 
mental pliases  of  more  than  one  organism.  Milovidov 
and  Honig  contended  that  some  of  the  stages  figured 
bv  Jones  relate  to  Olpidiiim  Brassicae  and  Asiero- 
cystis  radicis. 

P.  BRASSICAE  Woronin,  I.e.,  pis.  1-6.  1878.  Jahrb.  Wiss. 
Bot.  11:  .548.  Pis.  :39-34. 

Resting  spores  globose,  spherical  1.6-4.3  /x.  aver- 
age 3.9  jx,  oval,  ellipsoidal,  4.6X<3jU.,  sometimes 
constricted,  elongate  and  irregular,  2. .5-6. 9  /i,  with 
smooth,  relatively  thin,  hyaline  walls.  Zoospores 
pyriform,  splierical,  2. .5-3.5  /it,  swimming  rapidly 
and  becoming  intermittently  amoeboid.  Sporangial 
Plasmodia  variable  in  size.  Zoosporangia  few  or  nu- 
merous, small,  oval,  spherical,  6-6.5  /^.  angular  and 
elongate  with  thin  hyaline  walls  :  producing  4  to  8 
zoospores  which  are  liberated  by  the  collapse  of  the 
sporangium  wall.  Sporogenous  plasmodia  100-200  /x 
in  diameter,  hyaline  to  pale-grey  in  color,  amoeboid; 
encysting  occasionally,  undergoing  schizogony  into 
uni-  and  multinucleate  meronts. 

Parasitic  in  the  roots  of  wild  and  cultivated  cruci- 
fers  in  temperate  climates  throughout  the  world, 
causing  spindle-shaped,  globose  and  irregular  swell- 
ings, or  galls  and  occasionally  dark  sunken  spots  and 

A  complete  list  of  hosts,  degree  of  infection,  geo- 
graphical distribution,  and  bibliography  of  P.  Bras- 
sicae are  given  in  Chapter  VI. 

Biological  Races  of  Plasmodiophora  Brassicae 

Marked  differences  in  degree  of  infection  have 
been  found  in  various  species  and  varieties  of  wild 
and  cultivated  crucifers,  and  this  has  led  to  the  belief 
that  P.  Brassicae  may  include  several  biological 
races  or  strains  which  are  more  or  less  virulent  and 
specific  for  certain  hosts.  Appel  and  Werth  ('10), 
Ericksson  ('13),  Hostermann  (according  to  Honig. 
'31),  and  Gleisberg  ('23)  suggested  the  existence  of 
such  races,  and  numerous  attempts  have  been  made 
to  demonstrate  their  jiresence.  Between  1924  and 
1929  Honig  made  six  experiments  involving  a  large 
number  of  cruciferous  liosts  from  which  he  ('31)  re- 
ported positive  results.  A  strain  of  P.  Brassicae  from 
kohlrabi  was  found  to  be  readily  transmissible  to 
kohlrabi,  cauliflower,  rape,  turnips,  and  Cammelina 
sativa,  but  could  be  transmitted  only  with  difficulty 
to  radishes.  A  cauliflower  strain  was  also  discovered 
which  proved  to  be  similar  to  the  one  on  kohlrabi,  but 
strains  from  Savov  cabbage  and  radish  were  found 
to  be  distinct.  Motte  ('33,  '35)  and  MacLeod  ('31) 
believed  that  they  liad  obtained  evidence  of  biologi- 
cal specializ.-ition,  but  later  after  making  tests  of 
spores  from  50  different  sources,  the  latter  worker 

found  no  evidence  to  confirm  this  belief.  Motte  ('33) 
found  that  the  form  from  charlock  grew  especially 
well  on  turnips.  Gibbs  ('31)  likewise  tested  various 
inocula  for  evidence  of  specialization,  but  all  of  his 
results  were  negative.  In  1939  J.  C.  Walker  observed 
a  high  degree  of  resistance  to  club  root  in  swedes  in 
Wisconsin,  which  was  contrary  to  results  obtained 
elsewliere,  and  thought  that  this  difference  indicated 
a  variation  in  pathogenicity  of  the  causal  organism. 
He  accordingly  secured  spores  from  widely  sepa- 
rated regions  of  the  United  States  and  tested  their 
virulence  on  swedes,  but  found  little  difference  in 
pathogenicity.'  The  data  in  the  literature  on  the  ex- 
istence of  biological  strains  are  therefore  conflicting, 
and  most  investigators,  witli  the  exception  of  Honig 
and  ^Nlotte.  liave  doubted  tlie  presence  of  such  strains 
in  P.  Brassicae. 

1  However,  in  a  paper  presented  before  the  Dallas, 
Texas,  meeting  of  the  American  Phytopathological  So- 
ciety, December,  1941  (Phytopath.  S2:  18).  Walker  gave 
additional  data  on  physiological  specialization  in  P.  iJro.v- 
.licae.  Purple  Top  Milan  turnip  remahied  completely  free 
of  club  root  when  grown  in  heavily  infested  soil  in  Wis- 
consin, but  when  planted  in  naturally  infected  soil  in  Eng- 
land, about  -'0  per  cent  of  the  plants  were  diseased.  On  the 
other  hand,  an  English  variety.  White  Stone,  which  showed 
87  ))er  cent  infection  in  an  English  test,  failed  to  develop 
clubbed  roots  in  inoculation  tests  with  a  representative 
American  isolate  of  P.  Brassicne.  Walker  accordingly  con- 
sidered this  evidence  as  proof  of  the  existence  of  physio- 
logical races. 

Bacteria  in  Relation  to  P.  Brassicae 

The  association  of  bacteria  with  P.  Brassicae  in 
roots  of  diseased  crucifers  was  noted  by  Eycleshy- 
mer  in  1894  and  confirmed  by  Pinoy  ('05).  E.  F. 
Smith  ('11).  and  other  early  workers.  From  his  pre- 

PLATES  2,  3,  4 
Pldsmndiofihorn  Brassicae 

Fig.  1.  Infected  cabbage  roots  with  spindle-shaped  swell- 
ings. Woronin,  '78. 

Fig.  -2.  Beginning  of  club  formation  on  roots  of  cabbage 
inoculated  experimentally.  Woronin,  I.e. 

Fig.  3.  Heavily  infected  turni])  root.  Woronin,  I.e. 

Fig.  4.  Cross  section  of  infected  cabbage  root.  Note  two 
compact  groups  of  infected  cells  on  lower  right  side,  the 
so-called  "krankheitsherde."  Woronin,  I.e. 

Fig.  5.  Nuclear  division  in  an  enlarged  infected  host  cell. 
Lutman.  '13. 

Fig.  (i.  Division  of  infected  cell.  Lutman.  I.e. 

Fig.  7.  Enlarged  cells  of  cabbage  with  mature  plasmodia 
showing  the  swelling  and  dissolution  of  intervening  cell 
walls.  Hochlin,  "33. 

Fig.  8.  Normal  host  nucleus.  Lutman,  I.e. 

Fig.  f)-\2.  Enlargement,  distortion,  and  degeneration  of 
liost  nuclei  in  infected  cells.  Lutman,  I.e. 

Fig.  13.  Germination  of  resting  spore.  Chuiip,  '17. 

Fig.  14,  15.  Same.  Woronin,  I.e. 

Fig.  l(i-18.  Germination  of  resting  spore,  and  amoebae. 
Honig,  '31. 

Fig.  19,  Jl.  .Amoeboid,  anteriorly  uniflagellate  zoospores. 
Woronin,  I.e. 

Fig.  JO.  Fixed  and  stained  zoospore  with  anterior  blepho- 
rophist.  Cook  and  Schwartz,  '30. 



I'LATl'l   •> 



vious  studies  (02,  '03)  on  bacteria  in  relation  to  tlie 
niyxoniycetes.  Pinoy  (05,  07)  concluded  that  bac- 
teria were  essential  to  the  development  of  P.  Brassi- 
cae  and  described  the  relationsliij)  between  them  as 
true  symbiosis,  a  viewpoint  which  Vouk  (13)  later 
supported.  Pinoy  reported  that  the  spores  of  the 
fungus  will  germinate  only  in  the  presence  of  these 
bacteria,  and  as  the  zoospores  or  amoebae  enter  the 
host  they  are  accompanied  by  cocci  which  continue 
to  live  in  constant  association  with  the  parasite 
throughout  its  entire  life  cycle.  Chupp  (17)  re- 
peated Pinoy's  experiments  to  some  degree  and 
found  that  bacteria  are  absent  in  small,  young  swell- 
ings and  do  not  appear  until  the  galls  have  become 
quite  large  and  old.  Furthermore,  instead  of  cocci, 
he  found  the  most  prevalent  form  to  be  a  motile,  rod- 
shajjcd  bacillus  which  forms  yellowish,  ojjalescent 
colonies  on  nutrient  media.  Chupp  concluded  from 
his  experiments  that  bacteria  do  not  enter  the  host 
with  the  amoebae  and  that  the  disease  must  attain  a 
certain  advanced  stage  before  the  bacteria  can  enter. 
According  to  him,  they  are  not  essential  to  the  devel- 
opment of  P.  Brassicae,  but  as  Sorauer   (08)   had 

previously  jjointed  out,  they  may  act  in  decomposing 
the  host  cell  wall  and  thus  liberating  the  spores. 

Naumov  ('2.5)  likewise  failed  to  find  bacteria  in 
young  galls,  while  Fedotowa  (30)  reported  that  bac- 
teria may  be  present  within  one  and  a  half  to  five 
months  after  infection.  He  found  that  P.  Brassicae 
spores  may  be  easily  freed  of  bacteria  by  immersing 
them  for  five  minutes  in  a  .001  per  cent  corrosive 
sublimate  solution.  From  diseased  roots  he  isolated 
one  bacillus  and  two  coccus  forms  which  when  in- 
jected into  roots  in  pure  culture  produced  no  signs 
of  hy])ertrophy  or  injury,  Fedotowa  tlnis  showed 
that  bacteria  are  in  no  way  necessary  to  spore  ger- 
mination, entrance  of  the  amoebae,  or  to  the  nutrition 
of  the  Plasmodium. 

Plasniodiophora  Brassicae  and  Cellular  Inclu- 
sion of  Cancer  Cells,  Small  Pox,  and  Rabies 

At  the  close  of  the  last  century  when  animal  path- 
ologists were  actively  engaged  in  trying  to  prove  the 
parasitic  nature  of  the  inclusions  found  in  carcinoma 

Fifr.  -2-2,  i3.  Anteriorly  biflagellate,  heterocont  zoospores. 
Leclinpliam,  '34. 

FifT.  2i.  Restinjr  spores  attached  to  root  hair  tip,  small 
spherical  myxamoeba  within  the  cell  and  two  myxamoi-ba 
entering  through  a  swollen  gelatinized  region  of  the  wall. 
Rochlin,  '33. 

Fig.  :?.5.  Three  parasites  lying  in  a  swollen  gelatinized  re- 
gion of  tlie  root  liair  wall.  Rochlin,  I.e. 

Fig.  2G.  Entry  of  the  parasite  through  the  epidermal  cell 
wall  of  the  root  of  B.  arvensis.  Note  other  swollen  and  dis- 
organized regions  where  additional  parasites  have  entered. 
Rochlin,  I.e. 

Fig.  27.  Entry  of  an  amoeba  in  root  hair.  Honig,  I.e. 

Fig.  38.  Swollen  root  hair  of  cabbage  with  a  living  myx- 
amoeba. Woronin,  I.e. 

Fig.  39.  Uninucleate  myxamoeba  in  root  hair  wliich  is 
locally  swollen.  Cliupp,  I.e. 

Fig.  30.  Division  of  a  myxamoeba  by  fission.  Chupp,  I.e. 

Fig.  31.  Early  stage  in  cell  wall  penetration  by  a  young 
Plasmodium.  Kunkel,  '18. 

Fig.  33.  Later  stage.  Kunkel,  I.e. 

Fig.  33.  Young  plasmodium  passing  through  cell  wall. 
Kunkel,  I.e. 

Fig.  34.  Large  living  amoeboid  plasmodium  moving 
within  liost  cell.  Note  pseudopods  at  the  anterior  and  vacu- 
oles in  the  posterior  end.  Woronin,  I.e. 

Fig.  3.5.  Large  saprophytic  amoebae  or  ])lasmodia  out- 
side of  host.  Honig,  I.e. 

Fig.  3().  Root  hair  filled  with  meronts,  possibly  incijiient 
zoosporangia.  Chupp,  I.e. 

Fig.  37.  Empty  and  developing  zoosporangia  in  a  root 
hair  wliieli  have  been  formed  from  a  plasmodium.  Cook  and 
Schwartz,  I.e. 

Fig.  38.  Uninucleate  segment  of  plasmodium  which  will 
develop  into  a  zoosporangium.  Cook  and  Schwartz,  I.e. 

Fig.  39.  First  mitosis  (meiotie?)  in  incipient  zoosporan- 
gium. Cook  and  Schwartz,  I.e. 

Fig.  40.  Binucleate  stage  of  same.  Cook  and  Schwartz, 

Fig.  41.  Zoosporangium  with  four  ineijiient  zoospores. 
Cook  and  Schwartz,  I.e. 

Fig.  43.  Same  with  three  fully  formed  zoospores.  Cook 
and  Schwartz,  I.e. 

Fig.  43.  Nonflagellate  zoospores  from  zoosporangium. 
Cook  and  Schwartz,  I.e. 

Fig.  44—46.  Encysted  myxamoeba  and  young  plasmodia. 
Milovidov,  "31. 

Fig.  47.  Large  segmented  jilasniodium,  the  segments  of 
which  have  encysted.  Cook  and  Schwartz,  I.e. 

Fig.  48.  Binucleate  plasmodium  with  numerous  cbondrio- 
somes.  Milovidov,  I.e. 

Fig.  49.  Resting  nuclei  of  large  plasmodium.  Cook  and 
Schwartz,  I.e. 

Fig.  50.  Same  in  young  plasmodium.  Nawaschin,  "99. 

Fig.  51.  Same  in  amoebae  with  centrosomes  and  astral 
rays.  Milovidov,  I.e. 

Fig.  53.  Early  prophase  of  "promitosis"  with  chromatin 
in  the  form  of  numerous  granules.  Nawaschin,  I.e. 

Fig.  53.  Equatorial  plate  stage  of  "promitosis"  with  di- 
vided nucleole.  Nawaschin,  I.e. 

Fig.  54.  Same  stage.  Cook  and  Schwartz,  I.e. 

Fig.  55,  56.  "Double  anchor"  stage  of  "promitosis."  Na- 
waschin, I.e. 

Fig.  57,  58.  Late  anaphase  and  telophase  of  "promitosis." 
Nawaschin,  I.e. 

Fig.  59-61.  Successive  stages  In  development  of  the 
"akaryote"  stage.  Cook  and  Schwartz,  I.e. 

Fig.  63.  Akaryote  stage.  Cook  and  -Schwartz,  I.e. 

Fig.  03.  Siiireme  stage  of  the  first  sporogonic  (meiotie?) 
mitosis.  Lutman,  I.e. 

Fig.  64,  65.  Synapsis  and  i)ossibly  diakinesis,  respec- 
tively. Milovidov,  I.e. 

Fig.  66.  Early  prophase  of  meiosis.  Terby,  '34. 

Fig.  67.  Synapsis.  Terby,  I.e. 

Fig.  68.  Strepsitene.  Terby,  I.e. 

Fig.  69,  70.  Diakinesis.  Terby,  I.e. 

Fig.  71.  Polar  view  of  equatorial  plate  stage  showing 
eight  chromosomes.  Terl)v,  I.e. 

Fig.  73.  Profile  view  of  equatorial  plate  stage,  first  divi- 
sion. Lutman,  I.e. 

Fig.  73.  Polar  view  of  same  showing  eight  large  chro- 
matic bodies.  Lutman,  I.e. 





65  V-'-' 






69' 70  71 

^64   £^. 

f    o 

72  73 



cells,  numerous  parallelisms  were  drawn  between 
cancer  and  club  root  of  crucifers.  The  superficial  re- 
semblance of  the  tumors  on  cruciferous  roots  to  can- 
cerous outgrowths  in  animals  as  well  as  the  similarity 
of  the  amoeboid  stages  c  P.  Brassicae  to  the  cellu- 
lar inclusions  (Plimmer  bodies,  etc.)  in  cancer  cells 
led  some  workers  to  the  belief  that  fungi,  particu- 
larly tlie  myxomycetes  and  Plasmodiophora,  may  be 
associated  with,  or  the  cause  of  cancer  in  animals. 
Numerous  experiments  were  accordingly  performed 
in  which  infected  cruciferous  tissues  were  implanted 
in  various  kinds  of  animals.  While  these  studies 
failed  to  throw  light  on  tlie  cause  of  cancer,  they 
nonetheless  focused  attention  on  club  root  from  the 
purely  pathological  viewpoint  and  are  of  consider- 
able liistorical  interest. 

In  1898  and  1899  Behla  pointed  out  the  similarity 
of  club  root  and  potato  wart  to  cancer  and  discussed 
the  possible  relation  of  Plasmodiophora  and  Sijn- 
chytrhnn  to  this  disease  in  animals.  After  having  in- 
fected animals  with  these  fungi  and  noted  the  simi- 
larity of  their  developmental  stages  to  certain  inclu- 
sions in  carcinoma  cells,  he  concluded  in  1903  that 
cancer  is  caused  by  a  chytridiaceous  organism.  In 
1900  and  1903  Podwyssotzki  reported  that  he  had 
succeeded  in  producing  tumors  in  guinea  pigs  and 
dogs  by  subcutaneous  and  intraperitoneal  implanta- 
tions of  infected  crucifer  tissues.  These  tumors  were 
about  the  size  of  a  walnut  and  resembled  large-celled 
sarcoma,  endothelioma,  or  granuloma.  They  were 
mesodermic  in  origin  and  had  arisen  through  pro- 
nounced hypertropiiy  and  repeated  division  of  the 
connective  tissue  cells  and  endothelium  of  the  peri- 
vascular fissures.  Leucocyte  infiltration  was  quite 
evident  at  first  but  disappeared  after  8  to  12  days. 
Podwyssotzki  found  furtlier  that  P.  Brassicae  pro- 
duced many  other  changes  in  animal  cells  which 
were  similar  to  those  induced  in  cells  of  crucifers. 

Further  attempts  to  draw  analogies  between  the 
inclusions  of  cancerous  cells  and  those  produced  by 
P.  Brassicae  in  animal  cells  were  made  by  Feinberg 
('02)  and  Gaylord  ('04).  The  latter  succeeded  in 
infecting  animals  locally  with  P.  Brassicae,  and 
from  his  observations  on  tlie  tumors  produced  he 
pointed  out  in  detail  the  parallel  cellular  symptoms 
of  club  root  and  cancer.  Gaylord  concluded  that  can- 
cer is  caused  by  an  amoeboid  organism  the  develop- 
mental stages  of  wiiich  are  very  similar  to  P.  Brassi- 
cae. In  190.5,  however,  I.owenthal  refuted  all  pre- 
vious reports  that  the  club  root  organism  produces 
typical  cancerous  tumors  in  animals.  He  implanted 
infected  crucifer  tissues  in  the  stomach,  liver,  and 
kidney  of  dogs  and  in  the  skin  of  white  rats,  but 
failed  to  get  tumors  or  any  other  specific  reactions  in 
the  animals.  In  the  same  year  Prowazek  (0.5)  made 
an  extensive  comparison  of  P.  Brassicae  and  the  in- 
clusions of  carcinoma  cells,  particularly  the  Plimmer 
bodies,  and  concluded  that  except  for  superficial 
similarities  they  have  very  little  in  common  funda- 
mentally, ^lore  recently  Levine  and  I.evine  ('22) 
have  made  a  comparison  of  the  tumors  of  P.  Bras- 

Fiir.  74.  Simultaneous  nuclear  division  (meiotic?)  in  a 
large,  somewhat  vacuolate  plasmodium.  Note  large  starch 
grains  lying  in  clear  regions.  Xawaschin,  I.e. 

Fig.  75.  First  meiotic  division  with  centrosome-like  bod- 
ies and  astral  rays  apart  from  nuclei  in  the  cytoplasm. 
Terby,  I.e. 

Fig.  7().  Second  meiotic  division  showing  four  chromo- 
somes. Terby,  I.e. 

Fig.  77.  Second  meiotic  division  showing  centrosome-like 
bodies.  Terby,  I.e. 

Fig.  78.  Vacuolate  stage  of  plasmodium  prior  to  cleav- 
age. Lutman,  I.e. 

Fig.  79.  Cleavage  furrow  at  edge  of  plasmodium.  Lut- 
man, I.e. 

Fig.  80.  Nuclear  division  in  a  large  cleavage  segment. 
Milovidov,  I.e. 

Fig.  81,  8-2,  83.  Mitosis  and  cell  division  in  smaller  cleav- 
age segments.  Lutman,  I.e. 

Fig.  84.  Fully  formed  resting  spores  witli  chromatin 
around  inner  periplierv  of  nucleus.  Cook  and  Schwartz, 

Fig.  8.5.  Mature  resting  spore  with  fat  droplets.  Lutman, 

Fig.  86.  Resting  spores  with  chondriosomes.  Milovidov, 

Fig.  87.  Variations  In  size  and  shape  of  resting  spores. 
Milovidov,  I.e. 

Fig.  88.  Fusion  of  incipient  resting  spores.  Prowazek, 

Fig.  89.  Binucleate  resting  spore.  Prowazek,  I.e. 

Fig.  90.  Division  of  one  gametic  nucleus.  Prowazek,  I.e. 

Fig.  91,  9-3.  Formation  of  "reduction  bodies."  Prowazek, 

Fig.  93.  Karyogamv.  Prowazek,  I.e. 

Fig.  94.  Centrosome  separating  from  nuclear  membrane 
to  become  the  blephoroplast.  Terby,  I.e. 

Fig.  95.  Resting  spore  with  blephoroplast.  Terby,  I.e. 

Fig.  96.  Binucleate  resting  spore.  Terby,  I.e. 

Fig.  97.  Host  cell  filled  with  resting  spores.  Woronin,  I.e. 

P.  J>iphnifherae 

Fig.  98.  Infected  plant  of  Diplanthera  U'rif/htii  with 
hvpertrophled  bead-like  intcrnodes.  Ferdinandsen  and 
Winge,  "14. 

Fig.  99.  Cleaving  plasmodium  which  fills  enlarged  host 
cell  and  envelops  host  nucleus.  Drawn  from  photograph. 
Ferdinandsen  and  Winge,  I.e. 

Fig.  100.  Host  cell  filled  with  resting  spores.  Drawn  from 
photograph.  Cook,  '33. 

Fig.  101.  Normal  and  collapsed  resting  spores.  Drawn 
from  photograph.  Ferdinandsen  and  Winge,  I.e. 

/'.  Flcl-rej)(ntis 

Fig.  102.  Gall  on  branch  of  FIciis  repen.-:.  Drawn  from 
l)hotograph.  Cook,  I.e. 

P.  II(ilujihil<(e 

Fig.  103.  Hypertro])hied  petiole  of  IlalophUii  ovnVis. 
Ferdinandsen  and  Winge,  '13. 

Fig.  104,  105.  Normal  and  collapsed  resting  spores. 
Ferdinandsen  and  Winge,  I.e. 

P.   Iiirtaifldtit 

Fig.  106.  Plasmodium  t-nvcloping  enlarged  host  mu'leus. 
Feldmann,  '40. 

Fig.  107.  Cleavage  into  resting  spores.  Feldman,  I.e. 
Fig.  108.  Resting  spores.  Feldman,  I.e. 



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sicae  on  crucifers  and  the  malignant  neoplasia  in 
animal  cancer. 

Analogies  have  also  been  drawn  between  tlie  club 
root  organism  and  the  cellular  inclusions  formed  in 
vaccination  against  small  pox.  Gorini  ('01)  suc- 
ceeded in  producing  a  slow  but  marked  proliferation 
of  the  cornea  epithelium  in  dogs  by  implanting  in- 
fected cabbage  tissues  and  found  that  tlie  intracellu- 
lar effects  were  very  similar  to  those  caused  in  vac- 
cination. Certain  phases  of  P.  Brassicae  under  these 
conditions  resembled  the  Ci/torcf/tes  bodies  associ- 
ated with  small  pox.  Pollacci  ('12)  pointed  out  some 
of  the  striking  resemblances  between  the  early  devel- 
opmental stages  of  P.  Brassicae  and  tlie  Negri  bodies 
of  rabies  in  dogs  and  believed  that  there  might  be  a 
connection  between  these  two  cellular  structures. 

P.  DIPLANTHERAE  (Ferdinandsen  and  Winge)  Cook, 
193-'.  Hong  Kong  Nat.  Suppl.  1:34. 
Oxtf'iifcUUella   Diplantherne   Ferdinandsen   and   Winge, 
19U.  I.e.,  pi.  45.  Fig.  1-4. 

Resting  spores  globose,  spherical,  4-4. .5  /j,.  with 
fairly  thick,  brown,  smooth  walls;  germination  un- 
known. Zoospores  and  evanescent  zoosporangia  un- 
known. Plasmodium  filling  host  cell,  125-200^  in 
diam. ;  schizogony  doubtful;  cleaving  directly  into 
uninucleate  resting  spores  during  sporogenesis. 

Parasitic  in  Diplanthera  icrif/htii,  St.  Croix,  West 
Indies,  causing  large  galls  on  tlie  stems  in  the  re- 
gion of  the  internodes. 

This  imperfectly  known  species  was  found  in  1913 
by  Ostenfeld  who  turned  over  his  material  to  Ferdi- 
nandsen and  Winge  for  further  study.  From  this 
scanty  and  poorly  fixed  material  they  created  a  new- 
genus,  Osienfeldiella,  for  the  species  at  hand.  Cook 
subsequently  examined  their  prepared  slides  and 
concluded  that  the  fungus  is  a  species  of  Plasmodio- 
phora.  Because  its  plasmodia  cleave  directly  into 
resting  spores  which  are  not  united  in  cystosori  but 
lie  loose  and  separate  in  the  host  cell  as  in  Plasmo- 
diophora,  there  is  no  reason,  on  the  basis  of  present- 
day  knowledge,  for  keeping  this  species  in  a  separate 
genus.  Cook's  disposition  of  it  is  accordingly  fol- 
lowed here. 

Ptasmodiophora  Diplantherae  attacks  only  the  in- 
ternodes and  causes  them  to  enlarge,  so  that  the  stem 
has  the  appearance  "of  a  string  of  pearls."  as  is 
shown  in  figure  98.  The  parasite  is  restricted  to  the 
inner  cortex  where  it  leads  to  marked  enlargement  of 
the  infected  cells.  Normal  cells  measure  approxi- 
mately 35  /i  in  diameter,  while  infected  ones  vary 
from  12.5  to  200  (u.  In  the  early  stages  of  infection 
the  young  liost  cells  apparently  retain  their  ability 
to  divide,  and  it  is  not  improbable  that  the  young 
parasites  may  be  dispersed  by  division  of  the  host 
cell.  The  plasmodium  seems  to  envelop  the  host  nu- 
cleus (fig.  99),  and  witli  the  start  of  the  sporogonic 
phase  tlie  nucleus  begins  to  degenerate.  The  pres- 
sure exerted  by  the  enlarging  cells  causes  tangential 
stretcliing  of  tlie  outer  cortical  elements,  and  in  cases 
of  unilateral  infection  the  central  cylinder  becomes 

laterallv  displaced.  Since  the  parasite  is  localized  in 
the  inner  cortex,  infected  stems  can  readily  continue 
to  grow  and  elongate. 

Whether  schizogony  or  any  other  division  of  the 
parasite  within  the  host  occurs  in  this  species  is  un- 
certain. So  far  none  has  been  observed.  Ferdinand- 
sen and  Winge  nevertheless  concluded  that  the  young 
amoebae  divide  after  each  mitosis,  because  only  uni- 
nucleate stages  are  to  be  found  in  the  meristematic 
areas  of  the  stem. 

P.     HALOPHILAE     Ferdinandsen     and     Winge,     1913. 
Centralbl.  Bakt.  Parasitenk.  II,  37:  167.  Fig.  a-c. 

Resting  spores  yellowish  in  mass,  hyaline  when 
single,  globose,  5  /a,  with  fairly  thin  smooth  walls. 
Plasmodia  one  to  several  in  a  cell,  variable  in  size 
and  shape,  subglobose.  elongate,  30-60  /x  long.  All 
else  unknown. 

Parasitic  in  the  petioles  of  Halophila  oralis  on  the 
island  of  Noesa  Kembangan  near  the  southern  shore 
of  Java,  causing  conspicuous  pea-shaped  galls. 

The  diagnosis  of  this  species  is  based  on  a  study 
of  dried  material  which  Ostenfeld  found  in  a  collec- 
tion of  H.  oralis  in  the  Botanical  Museum  of  Huana. 
He  believed  that  the  hypertrophied  petioles  (fig. 
103)  were  parasitized  by  a  species  of  Plasmodi- 
ophora  but  made  no  study  of  the  organism.  The  dried 
material  was  subsequently  sent  to  Ferdinandsen  and 
Winge  who  diagnosed  the  parasite  as  a  new  species. 
It  has  never  since  been  collected,  nor  is  anything 
more  known  about  its  structure  and  development. 

The  species  which  Feldman  ('36)  found  on  peti- 
oles of  Halophila  BaiUonis  in  CJuadeloupe,  West 
Indies,  may  possibly  be  identical  or  closely  related  to 
P.  Halophilae.  Feldman  merely  noted  its  occurrence 
witliout  describing  or  identifying  the  parasite. 

P.  FICI-REPENTIS  Andreuoci,  1926.  Arch.  But.  2: -26. 

Resting  spores  spherical.  1.5.5  /x.  with  thin,  hyaline 
walls;  producing  pyriform  uniflagellate  (?)  zoo- 
spores in  germination ;  flagellum  2.7  jx  in  length. 
Thin-walled  evanescent  zoosporangia  unknown. 
Amoebae  and  young  plasmodia  from  zoospores  varia- 
ble in  shape  and  size.  6  X  24  ju,,  aggregating  and 
fusing  into  larger  plasmodia.  which  later  cleave  into 
irregular  segments  and  finally  into  spores;  some- 
times encysting  to  form  hyaline,  globular,  9.15-73  /x 
cysts  with  granular  and  sculptured  thick  walls  :  cysts 
producing  plasmodia  in  germination. 

Parasitic  on  the  large  and  small  branches  of  Ficiis 
repens  in  Italy,  causing  Avoody,  brownish-gray, 
globular,  irregular  and  coral-like  tumors  up  to  5  cm. 
in  diameter  (fig.  102). 

This  species  differs  from  7'.  Brassicae  ])rimarily 
bv  its  smaller  resting  spores  and  the  fact  tiiat  it  at- 
tacks aerial  organs  rather  than  the  roots  of  its  host. 
It  has  been  recorded  but  once,  and  Andreucci  unfor- 
tunately did  not  illustrate  it.  However,  Cook  ('33) 
examined  dried  galls,  which  were  unsuitable  for  cyto- 
logical  study,  and  described  tliis  species  as  a  doubt- 
ful member  of  the  genus. 



P.   BICAUDATA    l-Vldmiin,    ISUd.    Hull.   So.-.    Hist.   Nut. 
AfriiiiK-  Noril  M  :  ITH.  Fip.  1.  -'. 

Kcstiiig  spores  ovoid  ami  sli<tl\tl_v  .spiiullc-.sliapcd, 
3-3..)  fi  \  7  fi.  tliin-wallod  and  brijilit  yellow  with 
a  firu-  attenuated  bristle  at  one  or  luitli  ends;  fjernii- 
nation  unknown.  I'l.isniodia  larjre.  Hllinu;  liost  eell 
eonipletely.  Zoospor,iiii;ia.  zoos])ores.  and  .unoebae 

I'arasitie  on  /.nxtrra  nanii  in  Mauritania,  Iri-neii 
West  Africa,  causini;  marked  swellinu;  and  sliortcn- 
ing  of  tlie  internodes. 

Feldman's  study  and  diagnosis  of  /'.  hicaudata 
were  made  on  material  preserved  in  aleoliol  sent  by  from  Tanoudert.  Mauretania.  and  many  of 
the  developmental  stages  are  thus  unknown.  Like 
other  members  of  Vlasmodophora,  this  s))eeie.s  has 
a  marked  etfeet  on  its  host.  Infected  internodes  may 
be  two  to  three  times  tlie  diameter  of  healthy  ones. 
so  that  atfected  stalks  have  a  characteristic  nionilioid 
appearance  whicli  is  even  more  striking  and  accentu- 
ated than  that  of  D.  xcrightii  parasitized  by  P.  Di- 
planthcrac.  This  hy])ertrophy  appears  to  be  due  en- 
tirely to  eell  enlargement,  since  division  of  infected 
an(i  adj.uent  he.iltliy  cells  has  not  been  observed. 
The  enl.irged  cells  of  infected  internodes  are  undif- 
ferentiated and  meristematic.  so  that  the  galls  pro- 
duced by  the  parasite  are  typically  kataplasmic. 

The  parasite  is  confined  to  the  cortical  and  epi- 
dermal cells  and  does  not  infect  the  vascular  bun- 
dles. In  infected  stalks,  however,  the  latter  tissue 
may  be  twice  its  normal  diameter,  due  perhaps  to 
reduction  in  longitudinal  growtli.  Infected  cortical 
cells  may  be  two  to  six  times  their  usual  size  and 
completely  filled  with  the  plasmodium  or  spores. 
They  apparently  do  not  divide  after  infection. 
although  Feldman  did  not  study  the  early  develop- 
mental stages  of  the  disease.  He  nevertheless  found 
a  few  binucleate  infected  cells,  which  suggests  that 
mitosis  is  not  completely  inhibited.  The  jilasmodium 
may  envelop  the  host  nucleus  (fig.  10(i)  which  is 
thereby  stimulated  to  enlarge  and  becomes  six  to  ten 
times  as  large  as  those  of  liealthy  cells.  The  nu- 
cleole  likewise  enlarges,  while  the  chromatic  mate- 
rial becomes  more  basophj-llic  and  also  vacuolate. 
The  nucleus  may  persist  until  after  the  sjiores  are 
mature,  and  in  greatly  enlarged  cells  with  rii)e  spores 
it  may  be  3.5  to  iO  n  in  diameter,  enucleolate,  and 
looks  like  a  partially  empty  vesicle  containing  a  small 
amount  of  chromatic  debris. 

bibliogk.mmiy:  pl.asmodiopiior.\ 

.^ppel,  ().  19JK.  Handli.  Pflanzenkr.  2.  Herlln. 

.and  K.  WVrth.  1910.  Mitt.  Kpl.  Hiol.  .\nst.  I.aiul.-u. 

Fnr>tw.  10:  17(i. 
Hehla.  K.  189K.  Ontralhl.  Hakt.  Parasitk.  2i:  HJ9. 

.  1899.  /..itschr.  Hy;:.  3J:  i:«. 

.  1903.  Die  I'flan/.eiiparasltare  L'rsadic  des  Krel)ses 

und  die  Krebspriipliylaxe.  Berlin. 
Cliupp.  C.  1917.  Cornell  I'nlv.  .\gr.  Kxp.  .Sta.  Bull.  IWT. 
Cook.  W.  K.  I.  19i6.  Trans.  Brit.  .Mycol.  Soc.  11:  19(i. 

.  19.>8a.  Bull.  Soc.  .Mycol,  France  44:  10,i. 

.  19:;8b.  .Ann.  Bot.  4J:  347. 

.  19;!3.  .\reli.  I'rotisdv.  Ml:  179. 

,  und  K.  J.  Schwartz.   19;{().   I'liil.    I  r.iiis.   Uny.  Scic. 

Ser.  B.  .MS:  -'H;1. 
Courh,  .1.  N'.,  ,1.  I.eitner.  and  .\.  WliitTrn.  l!i:i!i.  .lour.  Klislia 

Miteliell  Scl.  Soc.  .Vi:  S99. 
I'.rickssoii.  ,1.  19IS.  Die  Pflanzcnkr.  l.aiuhv.  KiilturpM.iiize. 

Esmurch,  F.  19-'4.  Die  Kranke  I'flanze  1:  169. 
KycleshyiiHT,  A.  C.  191)1.  .lour.  Mycol.  7:  79. 
Fiivorsky,  \V.  1910.  Mem.  Soc.  N'iif.  Kieflf.  M):  149. 
Frdotott-a.  T.  19:J0.  I'liytiipatli.  /eitsclir.  I:  19.V 
Fr<loriiitscliik,  N.  S.  IH;U.  Sinniii.  Sci.  \\k.  Inst.  I'l.  I'lntcct. 

l.riiiii;rrad  19;{."):  lj9-7(>. 
F.inlKTf:,  I..  190.'.  Her.  Deut.  Bot.  (Jes.  19:533. 
Fildniann,  .1,  19:i().  Bull.  Bot.  .Soc.  France  S3:  Ons. 
Caylord,  1904.  /eitsclir.  Krehsf.  1:  93. 
Ciihbs,  ,J.  G.  1931.  New  Zealand  .lour.  .\)rr.  4.':  I,  193. 
Gleisberjr,  W.  19:33.  Nachrbl.  Deut.  I'tianzenscli'd.  4:10. 
Corini.  D.  C.  1901.  Centralbl.  Bakt.  Parasitk.  abt.  I.  39:  .589. 
Ilalsted,   B.   D.    1H93.   New   Jersey   .Apr.   Exp.   Sta.    Kept. 

1893:  33 J. 
Henckel.  X.  G.  19.'3.  Bull.  Inst.  Hecli.  Biol.  P.rnie,  fasc.  2. 
Hoiiifr.  F.  1931.  CJartenbauwiss.  5;  11(>. 
Houifrniann.  19:2(».  Pflanzenbau.  Halbnischr.  f.  Saatwesen 

Anbau  u,  Pflege  d.  Kulturjiflanz.  2:  29U. 
Home.  A.  S.  1911.  Jour.  H.iy.  Hort.  Soc.  37:  303. 

.  1930.  Ann.  Bot.  44:  199. 

Jones,  P.  M.  19-'Sa.  Arch.  Protistk.  62:  313. 
.  19.'8b.  Bot.  tiaz.  81 :  441). 

Jorstad,  I.  19-'3.  Norsk.  Havetid.  39:  126. 

Kunkel,  L.  O.  1918.  Jour.  Agr.  Ke.s.  14:  .543. 

I.arsen,  H.  H.  1934.  Ihirl.  49:  (>07. 

I.edinfrham.  G.  A.   1934.  Nature  133:  534.   193.5.  IhhI.  135: 


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I.evine,  I.,  and  M.  Lcvine.  19:2:?.  .lour.  Cancer  Ros.  7:  163. 

Ihl<l.  7:  171. 
I.owenthal,  W.  1905.  /.eitsclir.  Krobsf.  3:  41). 
I.utman,  B.  F.  1913.  Vermont  .\gr.  Exp.  Sta.  Bull.  175. 
.Maire,  R.,  and  A.  Tison.  1909.  ,\nn.  Mycol.  7:  226. 
.MacLeod,  D.  J.   1931.   Rept.  of  Dom.  Bot.   for   1930.   Div. 

Bot.  Canad.  Dept.  Agr.  1931:  181. 
.Milovidov,  P.  F.  1931.  Arch.  Protistk.  73:  1. 
.Molliard,  .M.  1909.  Bull.  Soe.  Bot.  France  .>(>:  .'3. 
.Motte,  M.  H.  19.33.  Jour.  d'Afrr.  Prat.  97:  177.  1935,  IhM. 

99:  93. 
Naumov,  N.  A.  19.V..  .Morbi  Plant.  14:  49. 
Nawaschin,  S.  1899.  Flora  8(i:  t04. 

.  1901,  Kiev,  Zap.  Obseb.  Jest.  17:  3(J. 

,  19;?4,  C.  R.  .\cad.  Sci.  Russie  19J4:  173. 

Pape,  H.  193.5.  Pflanzenbau  -':  173. 

Pinoy,  E.  1903.  Bull.  .Soc.  .Mycol.  France  IS:  388. 

.  1903.  C.  R.  Acad.  Sci.  Paris  137:  580. 

.  1905.  C.  R.  Soc.  Biol.  58:  1010. 

.  1907.  Ann,  Inst.  Pasteur  31 :  (iSfi. 

Podwyssozki,  W.   1900.  Centr.ilbl.   Bakt.   Parasitk.  abt.   I, 

37:  97. 

.  1903.  Zeitsebr.  klin.  .Med.  47:  199. 

Pollacci,  G.  1913.  ,\tti  Inst.  Bot.  Univ.  Pavia.  3  ser.  15:  391. 

Prowazek,  S.  1905.  .\rb.  Kais.  Gesund.  22:  39(i. 

Rocblin,  E.  1933.  Pbytopatb.  Zeitsebr.  5:  381. 

.Smith.  E.  F.  1911.  Bacteria  in  relation  to  disease  3: 

Sorauer,  P.  1908.  Ilandb.  Pflanzrnkr.  Berlin. 
Terby,  J.  1933.  .Mem.  Roy.  .\ead.  Belg.  7:  138. 

.  1934a,  Bull.  Roy.  Sr>c.  Bot.  Bel);i(|ue  5(i:  48. 

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.  1933.  .Mem.  Roy.  Acad.  Belp.  1 1 :  1-30. 



Van  Wissenlingh,  C.  1898.  Jalirb.  Wiss.  Bnt.  31:  619. 
Vonwiller,  P.  1918.  Arcli.  Protistk.  38:  279. 
Vouk,  V.  1913.  Die  Naturw.  1:  81. 

Walker.  J.  C.  1939.  Jour.  Agr.  Res.  .59:  815. 

Wellman,  F.  L.  1930.  U.  S.  Dept.  .\pr.  Tech.  Bull.  781. 

Winge,  O.  1913.  Ark.  Bot.  1-2,  no.  9:  1. 


P.  ALNI  ( Wor.)  Moeller,  1885.  Ber.  Deut.  Bot.  Ges.  3:  10:3. 
Figs.  1-4.  1890.  Ibid.,  8:  .'15. 

In  1866  Woronin  found  an  organism  in  galls  on 
the  root.s  of  Alniis  gliifinosa  which  he  named  Schin:ia 
Alni  and  believed  to  be  a  hyphomycetou.s  fungus. 
Gravis  discussed  its  identity  in  1879.  and  in  188.5 
Moeller  placed  it  in  Plasmod'wphora  where  it  was 
subsequently  retained  by  Schroeter  ('86,  '97).  Since 
that  time  its  identity  and  relationship  have  been  tlie 
subject  of  extended  controversy.  In  1886  Brunchorst 
made  an  intensive  study  of  the  galls  of  Alnus  spe- 
cies and  found  no  evidence  of  a  plasmodium.  Instead, 
he  found  a  mycelioid  fungus  with  numerous  sporan- 
gia wliich  he  named  Frankia  .iiibtilis  and  believed  to 
be  related  to  the  Mucorales  or  Saprolegniales.  This 
led  Moeller  ('90)  to  restudy  the  causal  organism, 
after  which  he  retracted  his  former  view  and  con- 
firmed Woronin's  and  Brunchorst's  observations  on 
the  presence  of  a  mycelium  in  the  host  cells.  Frank 
confirmed  these  observations  in  1891,  but  lie  was  un- 
certain as  to  the  nature  of  Frankia  subtUis.  While  he 
pointed  out  that  it  might  well  be  a  form  of  Lepio- 
thrix,  he  was  nonetheless  inclined  to  the  view  that 
it  is  a  mycorrhizal  fungus.  In  1900,  according  to 
Maire  and  Tison  ('09,  p.  242),  Chodat  studied  the 
organism  in  question  and  asserted  that  it  is  a  species 
of  Plasmodiophora.  Two  years  later,  after  an  inten- 
sive study  of  the  tubercles  on  AIniis  roots,  Schibata 
came  to  tlie  conclusion  that  no  hyphomvcetous  fun- 
gus was  present  and  tliat  tlie  galls  are  caused  by  an 
organism  with  bacterium-like  filaments  which  even- 
tually become  bacteroid  and  deformed.  In  1901 
Bjorkenheim  figured  and  described  fungus  hyphae 
in  the  galls,  but  three  years  later  Keissler  reported 
the  organism  again  as  Plasmodiophora  Alni. 

Finally,  in  1909,  Maire  and  Tison  undertook  a 
cytological  study  of  tlie  tubercles  and  confirmed  the 
observations  of  Shibata.  They  found  an  abundance 
of  partially  digested  mycelial  filaments,  the  ends  of 
which  became  vesicular  and  later  segmented  into  a 
large  number  of  irregular  chromatic  bodies.  Maire 
and  Tison  changed  the  name  of  the  organism  to 
FrankieUa  Alni,  but  since  that  time  Keissler  and 
I.ohwag  ('37)  have  reported  it  again  as  Plasmodio- 
phora Alni  on  Alnus  species  in  China. 

P.  ELAEAGNI  Schroeter,  1889.  Cohn's  Krypt.  Fl.  Schle- 
siens  3:  134.  1897,  Engler  u.  PrantI,  Nat.  Pflanzenf. 

Schroeter  gave  this  name  to  an  organism  wliich 
he  believed  to  be  the  cause  of  galls  on  the  roots  of 
Elacafintis  angtistifolia.  It  seems  that  he  was  not 
aware  that  Brunchorst  ('86)  had  already  found  the 
same  organism  on  F.  anr/nstifolia,  F.  argi-niea,  F. 

pitnc/ens,  and  Hippophae  rhamnoides  and  named  it 
Frankia  subtilis.  Claire  and  Tison  ('09)  also  ob- 
served similar  galls  on  the  //.  rhamnoides,  and  since 
they  found  the  causal  organism  to  be  of  the  same 
tvpe  as  F.  Alni,  they  renamed  it  FrankieUa  Flacagni. 
It  has  subsequently  been  reiJorted  as  Plasmodio- 
phora Flaeac/?ii  hy  J  aap  ('07)  and  Sydow  ('21)  from 
Switzerland  and  New  Zealand. 

P.  VITIS   Viala   and  Sauvageau,   189;2.  C.  R.  Acad.   Sci. 
Paris  114:  1.558;  Jour,  de  Bot.  6:355,  pi.  13. 

This  species  was  described  by  Viala  and  Sauva- 
geau as  causing  the  "brunissure  "  disease  of  grape 
leaves  in  Europe  and  the  U.  S.  A.  The  disease  had 
previously  been  observed  by  several  workers,  and  in 
1891  Pastre  gave  an  account  of  its  external  symp- 
toms. It  was  subsequently  reported  in  England 
(Anony.,  '93;  Cooke,  '93;  Massee,  '93),  Italy 
(Briosi,  '94;  Briosi  and  Cavara,  '94;  Cuboni,  '94; 
Solla,  '01),  Germany  (Moritz  and  Busse,  '94;  Beh- 
rens,  '99),  Algeria  (Debray,  '94a,  '94b).  Holland 
(Bos,  '95),  and  France  (Frilleiux,  '95;  Roze,  '99). 
Cooke  believed  that  the  clubbing  of  vine  roots  also 
was  due  to  this  organism. 

The  presence  or  absence  of  a  causal  organism  in 
this  disease  as  well  as  its  identity  and  relationship 
have  been  the  subject  of  much  debate.  In  1894  De- 
bray pointed  out  that  the  organism  was  more  closely 
related  to  Ceratium  than  to  Plasmodiophora,  and  in 
the  following  year  he  established  a  new  genus,  Pseu- 
docommis,  to  include  it.  In  1895  Massee  reported 
that  the  plasniodia  and  amoebae  figured  by  ^'iala  and 
Sauvageau  were  nothing  but  vacuolated  tannin  vesi- 
cles and  the  reticulate  primordial  utricle  of  the  host 
cell.  Behrens  likewise  questioned  the  presence  of  a 
causal  organism  in  this  disease,  but  in  the  same  j'ear 
Roze  reported  that  P.  litis  occurs  widely  and  is 
almost  a  universal  parasite.  Ducomet  ('03,  '07)  con- 
firmed Massee's  view  that  "brunissure  "  is  the  result 
of  certain  environmental  and  physiological  condi- 
tions. Maire  and  Tison  (09)  also  reported  that  no 
organism  was  present  in  the  diseased  tissues  which 
they  examined,  and  they  thus  concluded  that  the  so- 
called  plasniodia  were  products  of  cell  degeneration. 

P.  CALIFORNICAE  Viala  and  Sauvageau,  1893.  C.  R. 
Acad.  Sci.  Paris  115:67-69. 

Viala  and  Sauvageau  believed  this  s])ecies  to  be 
the  cause  of  a  vine  disease  in  California,  and  it  was 
subsequently  reported  as  such  by  Casali  and  Fer- 
raris ('00)  in  Italy.  Massee  ('95)  pointed  out  that 
the  disease  is  physiological  and  that  the  rejiorted 
amoebae  and  plasniodia  are  nothing  more  than  tan- 
nin vesicles  and  reticulated  host  jirotoplasm.  Ravaz 

KXl  I.rUKl)  Sl'KHES 


('()(>)  also  r»-|)ortf(l  that  /'.  Calif iiruiae  is  not  an  or- 
K.-iiiisin  Init  only  (Icjicntratfd  cliloroiiliyll.  and  in 
IJ>0!l  .Main-  and  Tison  conliniud  the  (indinys  of  Imtli 
of  tlu'sc  in\  (stiirators. 

P.  ORCHIDIS    MasMO.   l!>!)j.  Ami.   Bot.  !):  170,  IJl-U'i), 
1>1.  1."). 

L'ndir  this  nanu-  Ma.ssec  reported  an  organism 
whieli  lie  believed  to  be  tlie  cause  of  spot  diseases  of 
orehid  leaves.  Later  in  the  same  year  after  more  in- 
tensive stndy  he  retracted  this  view  and  sliowed  that 
what  he  had  previously  believed  to  be  s))ores  were 
nothing  more  than  tannin  vesicles. 

P.  TOMATI  .\l)l»y.  IWI.").  .lour.  Hurt.  M-A  ser.  30:.%a. 

.Vbliey  st.ited  in  a  letter  to  the  .lourii;il  of  Horti- 
culture tiiat  this  organism  is  probably  the  cause  of  a 
disease  of  tomatoes,  but  as  far  as  the  present  writer 
is  aware  he  never  gave  a  description  of  the  parasite. 
Massee  ('9.5,  p.  427)  believed  that  Abbey's  disease 
is  not  due  to  a  ))arasitic  organism  but  to  certain  rapid 
changes  in  environmental  conditions. 

P.  HUMULI  Kirk.  lS()(i.  Utpt.  Dept.  Agric.  New  Zealand 
11:  337. 

On  the  roots  of  hops  in  New  Zealand  Kirk  found 
galls  which  were  similar  to  those  produced  by  P. 
Brassicae  on  crueifcrs.  and  without  seeing  the  causa- 
tive agent,  he  assumed  the  disease  to  be  caused  by  a 
species  of  Plasmod'tophora  to  which  he  gave  the  name 
P.  huniuli.  In  1922  Nicholls  reported  a  disease  of 
hojis  in  Tasmania  which  showed  the  "take  all  "  symp- 
toms, and  he  assumed  it  to  be  caused  by  the  same 
organism  without  examining  the  tissues  microscopi- 
eally.  Later,  in  his  correspondence  with  Miss  Mc- 
Lennan ('31.  p.  12)  he  stated  that  he  had  found  a 
mvxoniycete  which  he  took  to  be  P.  humiili.  In  study- 
ing the  "take  all"  disease  of  hops  more  intensively 
in  Tasmania,  McLennan  concluded  that  it  may  be 
caused  by  a  virus.  In  some  of  the  diseased  plants, 
however,  she  found  a  })lasniodial  organism  which 
was  later  isolated  and  grown  in  pure  culture  and 
turned  out  to  be  a  proteomyxean  species.  Leptomyxa 
reticulata  var.  hiimuli.  .She  also  examined  preserved 
material  of  diseased  hops  labelled  1'.  humiili  which 
belonged  to  the  Department  of  .\griculture,  Mel- 
bourne, but  found  no  evidence  of  a  myxomycete.  Miss 
McLennan  accordingly  concluded  that  tiie  tumors 
described  by  Kirk  were  crown  galls  caused  liy  Pseii- 
dnmonas  tumrfacicns  and  that  P.  huniuli  is  no  longer 

P.  VASCULARUM  Matz,  lO.'O.  .Jour.  Dcyit.  Afrric.  Porto 
Kifo   J:  I.),  fi(:s.  7-9. 

Liiniifra  rn»rulnrum  M.  T.  Cook,  Ifl.'B.  Ihiil.  13:  l!t.  Pis. 

Soroiiphaera  vimculiirum   M.  T.  Cook.  1937.   Ihiil.  :31:S1. 

Pis.  5-7. 

This  species  was  described  by  Mat/.  ('20,  '21, 
'22)  as  causing  the  dry  top  rot  of  sugar  cane,  Sac- 

fhanim  officinal i,  in  Porto  Hieo.  and  in  lilSl  it  wa.s 
re))orted  on  the  s.ime  liost  in  \'ene/,uel;i  by  Chardon 
.ind  Toro.  .M .  '1'.  Cook  triiusfcrred  the  org.-inisin  to 
the  genus  Lii/nicra  because  it  does  not  cause  hyper- 
trophy of  the  host.  Later  ('32),  W.  R.  I.  Cook  m.adc 
an  intensive  study  of  the  organism  from  material 
sent  by  M.  T.  Cook  and  found  that  the  disease  was 
caused  by  two  protozoan  ))arasitcs  to  which  he  gave 
the  names  Amocbo.iporus  t'asculariini  .uid  ./.  Sac- 
charinum.  M.  T.  Cook  later  ('37)  tr.insfcrrcd  it  to 
the  genus  Snro.s'pliarra. 

P.  TABACl  Jones,  19-'(>.  I?ot.  Gaz.  xl:  Uli,  pis.  31-37.  Kig. 
1.  -'. 
/'.  lulu, cum  .Tones,  Ifl.'fi.  Pliytopatb.  Ifi:  fi7. 

In  tobacco.  |)otato  and  tomato  plants  ati'ected  with 
mosaic-like  symptoms  and  leaf  roll,  Jones  found  a 
plasmodiaceous  organism  which  he  believed  to  be  a 
species  of  Plasmodiophora.  Infected  cells  become 
necrotic  and  adjacent  ones  hyperplastic,  and  all  tis- 
sues except  bast  fibers  and  xylem  are  invaded  by 
))lasmodia  which  pass  from  cell.  .lones  found  only 
Plasmodia  in  the  host  plants,  but  when  these  are 
cultured  in  Knop's  solution,  they  give  rise  to  amoebae 
and  uniflagellate  organisms,  both  of  which  may  or 
may  not  encyst.  The  amoebae  which  eontiiuie  to  de- 
velop discharge  ehromidia  from  the  nucleus  into  the 
cytoplasm,  and  these  chromidial  bodies  soon  aggre- 
gate to  form  daughter  nuclei,  thereby  making  the 
enlarged  amoebae  multinucleate.  Such  amoebae  give 
rise  to  motile  uniflagellate  isogametes  which  fuse 
shortly,  forming  a  uniflagellate  zygote.  The  zygote 
then  divides  into  two  zoospores  which  in  turn  form 

The  flagellate  cells  and  amoebae  which  encyst  pro- 
duce amoebae  on  germination,  and  these  fuse  to  form 
the  Plasmodium.  According  to  .Tones,  hundreds  of 
amoebae  may  flow  together  in  this  manner  and  make 
a  huge  Plasmodium  which  creeps  along  ra})idly  like 
a  giant  amoeba  ingesting  food  in  its  path.  S])orogen- 
esis  in  this  species  is  unlike  that  of  any  known  mem- 
ber of  the  Plasmodioi)horaceae.  As  the  ])lasmodium 
moves  along,  oval  and  s|)lierieal  sjiorcs  are  delimited 
in  rows  and  left  behind.  The  nuclei  of  these  spores 
soon  enlarge,  discharge  chromidi.i.  and  eventually 
disappear,  while  the  ehromidia  in  the  cytoi)lasm  ag- 
gregate and  form  daughter  nuclei.  Walls  develop 
around  these  nuclei,  and  in  this  fashion  3  to  15 
endogenous  spores  are  formed.  Plasmodiophiira  ta- 
haci  has  a  very  complex  life  history,  according  to 
.Tones,  but  he  was  not  certain  as  to  the  sequence  of 
stages.  Since  he  also  found  cert.-iin  flagellate  and 
amoeboid  stages  which  could  not  be  fitted  into  any 
known  life  cycle,  it  is  not  ini])robable  that  he  may 
have  had  more  than  one  organism  at  hand.  Miss  Mc- 
Lennan ('31)  believed  that  the  plasmodial  stage 
may  relate  to  a  proteomvxean-like  organism  of  the 
Lcpfnmi/ja  reticulata  type.  In  IStSI  Cook  expressed 
a  similar  opinion  in  st.iting  that  P.  iahaci  is  prob- 
ably a  species  of  amoeba  which  had  temporarily  en- 
tered the  tobacco  leaf,  but  in  1933  he  suggested  that 



the  stages  which  Jones  found  in  mosaic  diseased 
plants  may  relate  to  excitation  and  degeneration 
products  of  the  kind  described  by  Kunkel,  Goldstein, 
Holmes.  Sheffield,  and  others."  At  any  rate  P.  tabaci 
has  but  little  in  common  with  other  known  members 
of  genus,  and  the  author  agrees  with  Cook  that 
there  is  little  if  any  justification  at  present  for  in- 
cluding it  in  the  Plasmodiophoraceae. 

Since  he  was  able  to  produce  mosaic-like  symp- 
toms in  plants  by  inoculation  with  cultures,  .Tones 
believed  his  organism  relates  to  the  cause  of  tobacco 
mosaic.  Later  in  the  same  year,  however,  he.  Link, 
and  Taliaferro  ('2G)  found  that  the  organism  could 
be  cultivated  from  healthy  as  well  as  diseased  plants. 
Furthermore,  upon  inoculation,  mosaic-like  symp- 
toms appeared  only  when  the  amoebae  and  Plas- 
modia came  from  diseased  plants.  They  accordingly 
concluded  that  P.  tabaci  is  not  the  cause  of  mosaic 
but  may  be  a  carrier  of  the  causative  agent. 

In  1937  .Tones  retracted  his  previous  views  about 
P.  tabaci  and  redescribed  it  as  the  soil  amoeba.  Nae- 
gleria  gruberi,  wliich  he  claimed  is  not  an  amoeba 
proper  but  a  stage  in  the  life  cycle  of  a  myxomycete. 
He  excluded  it  from  the  Plasmodiophorales  on  the 
grounds  that:  (1)  several  amoebae  fuse  and  form  a 
large  multinucleate  plasmodium;  (2)  the  nuclei  di- 
vide promitotically  as  in  an  amoeba;  (3)  the  plasmo- 
dium forms  an  aggregate  of  separate  resting  spores  ; 
and  (i)  it  does  not  parasitize  jilants.  He  furthermore 
reported  that  N.  gruberi  may  be  an  alternate  host  for 
the  mosaic  producing  organism  in  tobacco.  .Tones' 
above-cited  reasons  for  excluding  this  organism  from 
Plasmodiophora  are  obviously  no  more  critical  than 
those  presented  previously  for  including  it  in  this 
genus.  The  additional  data  which  he  has  presented 
do  not  clarify  its  taxonomic  jiosition  or  relationsliip. 

P.  SOLANI  Brehmer  and  Biirner,  1930.  Arb.  Biol.  Reich- 
sanst.  f.  Land-u.  Forstwirtsch.  18:  1-S4,  pi.  1,  fifr.  1-32. 

Brehmer  and  Earner  gave  this  name  to  an  oval. 
4.3.5-.5..5  /i  X  2.9  fi,  amorphous,  pale  yellowish-green 
organism  with  a  distinct  refringent  sheath  which 
they  found  in  older  portions  and  parenchymatous  tis- 
sues of  potato  stems  sliowing  leaf  roll,  mosaic,  and 
other  degenerative  symptoms.  The  thallus  divides 
into  as  many  as  eight  daughter  cells,  and  tliese  in 
turn  give  rise  to  vesicles  or  spores  which  are  subse- 
quently liberated  by  the  breakdown  of  the  daughter 
cells.  The  spores  produce  a  filamentous  zoospore,  5  jx 
in  length  and  a  fraction  of  a  micron  in  diameter. 
Brehmer  and  Barner  found  all  of  these  stages  in  fil- 
tered juices  of  diseased  plants  as  well  as  in  plants  to 
which  virus  symptoms  had  been  communicated  by 
grafting  and  concluded  tlierefrom  that  P.  Solaiii  is 
the  cause  of  potato  virus.  These  authors  pointed  out 
the  similarities  of  tlieir  organism  to  .Tones'  parasite 
Calkinsi  and  the  so-called  "X"  bodies  of  various  in- 

1  Kunkel,  L.  O.  1921.  Hawaiian  Sugar  Planters'  Assoc. 
Bot.  Ser.  3:  108. 

Goldstein.  B.  192T.  Bull.  Torrev  Bot.  Club  54:  285. 

Holmes.  F.  O.  1938.  Bot.  Gaz.  86:  50. 

Sheffield,  F.  M.  I>.  1931.  Ann.  Appl.  Biol.  18:  471. 

vestigators  and  considered  it  to  be  either  an  inde- 
pendent amoeboid  entity  capable  of  spore  formation 
or  a  Plasmodium  living  in  symbiotic  relationshi)) 
with  the  plastids.  They  regarded  it  as  a  member  of  a 
hitherto  unknown  group  of  the  Archimycetes  allied 
to  the  Plasmodiophoraceae.  It  has  subsequently  been 
reported  by  Moesz  ('38)  on  potatoes  in  Hungary. 

There  is  little  in  the  life  cycle  of  this  organism,  as 
described  by  Brehmer  and  Barner,  which  indicates 
relationship  to  Plasmodiophora,  and  it  is  accordingly 
excluded  from  the  genus. 

P.  THEAE  Fitzpatrick,  1930.  The  lower  fungi-Phycomy- 
cetes.  New  York. 

See  Sorosphaera  Theae  Speschnew. 

bibliography:  e.\cluded  species 

Anony.  1893.  Card.  Chron.  74:  217. 

Behrens,  .1.  1899.  Weinb.  u.  Weinh.  no.  33. 

Bjiirkenheim,  C.  G.  1904.  Zeitscli.  Pflanzenkr.  14:  1  «l. 

Bos.  R.  1895.  Zeitschr.  Pflanzenkr.  5:  286. 

Briosi,  G.  1894.  Boll.  Notiz.  Agr.  16:  5-22. 

,  and  F.  Cavara.  1894.  Essiccati,  delineati  e  descritti. 

Fasc.  X. 
Brunchorst.  1886.  Untersuch.  Bot.  Inst.  Tiibingen  2:  151. 
Casali.  C,  and  T.  Ferraris.  1900.  Giorn.  Vitic.  Entolog.  8: 

Chardon,  C.  E.,  and  R.  A.  Toro.  1934.  Monogr.  Univ.  Porto 

Rico,  Phys.  Biol.  Sci.  ser.  B,  no.  2:  75. 
Cook,  M.  T.  l'929a.  Phytopatli.  19:  91. 
.  1929b.  Ann.   Rept.   Insular  Exp.  Sta.  Dept.   Agr. 

Labor.  Porto  Rioo  1927/'28.  1929:  59. 
Cook,  W.  R.  I.  1931.  Ann.  Protist.  3:  197. 

.  1932:  Jour.  Dept.  Agr.  Porto  Rico  10:  407. 

Cooke,  M.  C.  1893.  Gard.  Chron.  13:  711. 
Cuboni,  G.  1894.  Boll.  Notiz.  .-Vgr.  16:  378. 
Debray,  F.  1894a.  C.  R.  Acad.  Sci.  Paris  119:  110. 

'.  1894b.  Rev.  Vitioult.  nos.  35,  38. 

.  1895.  C.  R.  Acad.  Sci.  Paris  120:  943. 

Ducomet,  V.  1903.  C.  R.  Assn.  Franc,  avanc.  Sci.  32  sess. 

Anglers  2nd  pt.  pp.  697-707. 
.  1907.  Ann.  lecole  d'Agric.  Rennes  1:  1-284.  1908, 

Ihkl  3:  1-70. 
Frank,  B.  1891.  Ber.  Dent.  Bot.  Ge.sell.  9:  244. 
Gravis,  A.  1879.  Bull.  Roy.  Soc.  Bot.  Belgique  18:  50. 
Jaap,  O.  1907.  Ann.  Mycol.  5:  246. 
Jones,  P.  M.  1928.  Arch.  Protistk.  62:  307. 

.  1937.  Amer.  Nat.  71:  488. 

Keissler,  K.  1907.  Ann.  Mycol.  5:  220. 

,  and  H.  Lohwag.  1937.  Fungi  Symb.  Sinicae  2:  2. 

Link,  G.  K.,  P.  M.  Jones,  and  W.  H.  Taliaferro.  1926.  Bot. 

Gaz.  81:  403. 
Maire,  R.,  and  A.  Tison.  1909.  Ann.  Mycol.  7:  242. 
Massee,  G.  1893.  Gard.  Chron.  14:  282. 
Matz,  J.  1921.  Esta.  Exp.  Insular  Porto  Rico  8:  63. 

.  1922.  Jour.  Dept.  Agr.  Porto  Rico  6:  28. 

McLennan,  E.  I.  1931.  Australian  Jour.  Exp.  Biol.  Med. 

Sci.  8:9. 
Moesz,  G.  1938.  Ann.  Hist.  Nat.  Mus.  Hungary  31:  ,58. 
Moritz,  J.,  and  W.  Busse.  1894.  Zeitschr.  Pflanzenkr.  4:  257. 
Nicholls,  H.  M.  1922.  Ann.  Rept.  Govt.  Microbiol.  Dept. 

Agr.  Stock,  Tasmania  1920-21  and  1921-22. 
Prillieux,  E.  1895.  Maladie  des  Plantes  Agric.  1:  47. 
Ravaz.  1906.  Rajip.  Caise  Rech.  Paris  1906:  173. 


Ho/.<-.  M.  K.  IS!)!I.  Hull.  S(K-.  Myoil.  Fraiu-o  lo:  S7. 

Shibiitii,  K.  im:.  .Iiihrl).  wiss.  Hot.  :{7:  (i«. 

S|ioschiu'w,  N.  N.  1!'07.  nil-  ril/.|iariisilcn  <li"s  'rtcstrauclios. 

Sollii.  1901.  /.cit.schr.  I'rtiiiiz.-nkr.  II:  J.'.S. 
Sydiiw,  H.  19.H.  .\mi.  Mvcol.  .'.':  .'9:1. 
Wiiroiiin.  .M.  I.S(i(;.  Mnn.  .\c.iil.  Sci.  St.  IVtirsliiirL'  T  sir.  10, 

no.  (i:  i:{. 


Gocbel,  1S«4',  Floni  G7  :  317 

(l-L.^TK  5.  FIG.   1-26) 
Molllardia  Main-  and  Tison.  1911.  Ann.  Mypol.  9:  :.?3G. 

Resting  spores  u.sii.illy  in  titrads  hut  often  scpa- 
ratinj;  and  lyinj;  sinijly.  or  in  iliads  and  triads  ;  vari- 
ou.sly  .sliapi'd.  srivinj;  rise  to  a  sinu;li'  nonflajiellate  (  ?) 
and  anioelioid  cell  in  aerniiiiation.  Plasmodia  usually 
small,  liocomini;  |)  in  tlu-  host  cill  at  maturity 
and  clravinii  into  uninucleate  spore-mother  cells  or 
sporonts  which  usually  divide  twice  to  form  tetrads 
of  resting  spores.  Zoosporangia  and  zoospores  un- 

Tctrami/da  is  the  second  ))lasniodioj)horaceous 
genus  to  he  recognized  as  such,  and  although  it  has 
heen  known  for  many  years,  our  knowledge  of  its 
critical  develo|)niental  stages  is  meager.  It  includes 
at  present  two  species  and  possihly  a  third  one,  which 
is  so  imperfectly  known  that  its  inclusion  in  Teira- 
mi/xa  is  very  problematical.  While  this  genus  ap- 
pears to  be  comparatively  rare  in  occurence,  it  is 
widely  distributed  and  has  been  reported  frotn  Fin- 
land. Germany,  (ireat  Britain.  France,  Morocco. 
Ja))an.  and  California.  L  .  .S.  A.  Further  studies  may 
show  it  to  be  world  wide  in  distribution. 

No  zoosporangia  or  zoospores  have  been  observed 
in  Tetramifxa,  and  the  resting  spores  are  reported  to 
give  rise  to  amoeboid,  nonflagellate  cells.  More  care- 
ful and  intensive  studies  under  optimum  develop- 
mental condition,  however,  may  show  that  these  cells 
are  biflagcllate  and  heterocont  .ind  that  zoosporangia 
also  are  developed. 

T.   PARASITICA    Chh-1i<-1.    I.e.    PI.    10.    Hissliifrer,    1888. 
Meddel.  .Sue.  Fauna  et  Flora   Fenn.  14:  .53.   PI.   1-10. 
Maire  and  Tison,  1911.  .\nn.  .Mycol.  9:  2-2H.  PI.  10. 
ThfC'iphorn  Riipplae  Setchell,  193i.  Mycologia  Hi:  H:i. 
PI.  18.  Fig.  3,  i. 

Resting  spores  spherical,  3. .5-7  /x.  and  angular. 
with  smooth  hyaline  walls,  giving  rise  to  nonflagel- 
late (?)  amoeboid  cells  upon  germination.  Plasmodia 
usually  several  in  a  cell,  small.  1.5— 30 /x.  or  almost 
filling  host  cell. 

Parasitic  in  the  stalks  of  Uiipjna  ro.stfllata,  Zaniii- 
clidlia  poli/cnrpa,  and  /.  paluxtrm  in  Finland  and 
(iermany  (  Hissingir  and  Cioeliels.  I.e.)  ;  Ruppia  sp. 
and  Z.  palii.stri.s  in  Cireat  Britain  (Boyd.  '97; 
Schwartz.  11:  Haddon.  '22)  ;  li.  rostrllata  in  France 
(Maire  and  Tison.  '10,  '1  1).  Potamocfelon  panormi- 
tanus  in  Morocco  (Maire.  '17:  Maire  and  Werner, 
'37).  and  Ruppia  maritima  var.  roxtrata  in  C'jilifor- 

nia.  U.  S.  A.  (Setchell,  I.e.).  causing  sni.ill  or  large, 
ui»  to  1.5  mm.  in  di.ini.,  greenish  .-ind  Later  whitish  — 
brown  g;ills  on  the  st.ilks.  peduneh-s.  .ind  lu.irgins  of 
the  leaves. 

The  galls  (fig.  1  )  are  primarily  due  to  increased 
cell  multi})lication.  The  infected  and  adjacent  cells 
do  not  increase  much  in  size,  but  are  stimulated  by 
the  parasite  to  divide  ra))idly.  This  is  ))artieularly 
true  of  the  infected  cells,  and  by  such  means  the  me- 
ronts  or  ))orti()ns  of  the  ])lasinodiuni  are  j>assively 
distributed  to  the  res|)ective  d.iughter  cells  (fig.  !•). 
This  ap|)ears  to  be  the  ))rimary  me.-ms  of  dispersal  of 
the  parasite  within  the  host  tissue,  although  Cook  be- 
lieved that  the  amoebae  are  capable  of  migrating 
from  cell  to  cell.  The  relation  between  host  and 
l)athogcn  is  very  intimate,  according  to  ISIaire  and 
Tison.  and  no  antagonism  is  exhibited.  The  cyto- 
plasm of  both  often  ap|)e.irs  to  be  confluent,  and  it  is 
frequently  impossible  to  determine  the  boundaries 
between  them.  Although  the  nuclei  of  the  host  cells 
may  be  enveloped  by  the  jdasmodium  (fig.  2).  they 
do  not  become  enlarged  and  deformed  or  divide  ami- 
totically  as  in  Triglochin  palustre  parasitized  by  T. 
Triglochinis.  When  young,  the  infected  cells  contain 
a  fairly  large  amount  of  starch,  but  this  usually  dis- 
ajjpears  after  the  sporulation  of  the  Jiarasite.  The 
nucleus  remains  intact  for  some  time  later,  but  even- 
tually degenerates. 

Cook  ('33)  re])orted  that  this  s])ecies  had  been  col- 
lected by  Boyd  and  Haddon  in  Scotland  and  F'.ng- 
land  and  that  a  diseased  specimen  of  R.  rosteUata  in 
the  Father  Reader  Herbarium,  University  of  Bristol, 
had  been  collected  as  early  as  1885  in  Hampshire. 
Maire  and  Tison  (11)  found  T.  parasitica  in  abun- 
dance on  R.  rostellaia,  which  grew  in  close  associa- 
tion with  Z.  palu.siris  var.  pedicellata.  The  latter  host 
was  not  infected.  Claire  and  Tison  accordingly  ex- 
pressed doubt  about  Hissinger's  report  of  the  j)ara- 
site's  occurrence  on  L.  polycarpa,  because  many  au- 
thors regard  this  species  as  only  a  form  of  Z.  pa'its- 

T.    TRIGLOCHINIS     .Molliard.     1909.    l?iill.    -Soc.    Hot. 
France  .56:  i4. 
Mntli„ril!fi   Trii/lorhinis    (.\I,ill.)    Main-  and  Tison.  1911. 
.Ann.  .Mycol.  9:  J.W.  Pi.  1.',  fig.  +7  ()3;  PI.  13.  fig.  G5-()7. 

Resting  s])ores,  zoos|)ores.  and  zoosjiorangia  un- 
known. Plasmodia  small,  usually  numerous  in  a  host 
cell:  undergoing  niulti|)le  division  into  several  oval, 
elongate,  sickle-slia))ed  uninucleate  meronts  which 
grow  in  size,  and  during  the  two-  to  eight-nucleate 
stage  function  in  turn  as  schizonts.  .\11  else  unknown. 

Parasite  on  the  stems,  flowering  stalks,  stamens, 
ovaries,  but  rarely  on  the  leaves  of  Triqlochin  paliis- 
fra  and  7'.  maiifiniim  in  France  (Molliard.  Maire 
.iiul  Tison.  I.e. )  and  7'.  maritiinim  in  Kngland  (Cook. 
'33).  causing  small  fusiform,  .-ind  irregular 

No  resting  spores  have  been  observed  in  this  s])e- 
cies.  so  that  its  relationship  to  the  other  members 
of  the  Plasmodiophoraceae  is  obscure.  Because  of 
the  lack  of  resting  spores,  Maire  and  Tison  regarded 



it  as  representative  of  a  new  genus,  but  as  Cook 
pointed  out.  there  are  no  good  reasons  for  introduc- 
ing a  new  genus  until  more  is  known  about  the  life 
history  of  this  species.  It  is  accordingly  retained 
provisionally  in  Tetramyia.  Maire  and  Tisons  cyto- 
logical  study,  nonetheless,  indicates  its  similarity  to 
T.  parasitica  in  the  type  of  vegetative  nuclear  divi- 
sion and  the  presence  of  centrosomes  and  astral  rays. 
The  effects  of  this  species  on  the  host  are  striking. 
According  to  Molliard.  the  parenchyma  cells  of  the 
stem  and  flowering  stalk  are  greatly  hypertrophied 
and  divide  irregularly,  while  development  of  the 
sclerenchyma  is  inhibited  Likewise  the  flowers  in  an 
infected  region  are  sterilized.  The  infected  cells  may 
enlarge  to  four  times  their  normal  diameter,  while 
their  nuclei  become  enormous  and  deformed  (fig. 
20  j.  The  nucleoli  also  increase  markedly  in  size  and 
become  deeply  basophyllic.  At  the  same  time  nu- 
merous deep-staining,  chromosome-like  chromatic 
bodies  develop  in  the  nuclear  cavity.  Furthermore, 
infected  cells  may  often  become  multinucleate  (fig. 
19)  as  the  result  of  amitosis.  according  to  Maire  and 
Tison.  The  nuclei  of  adjacent  cells  may  also  become 
enlarged  and  deformed.  The  presence  of  the  parasite 
further  stimulates  starch  formation  in  the  cells  sur- 
rounding infected  regions. 

T.  ELAEAGNI  Yendo  and  Takase.  1933.  BulL  Sericult 
Silk — Ind.  Japan  4,  no.  3:  5. 

Plasmodium  inter-  and  intracellular,  segmenting 
into  uninucleate  spore  mother  cells  which  divide 
twice  to  form  tetrads  of  resting  spores.  Amoebae 
formed  from  germinating  resting  spores.  .Sporangia 
and  zoospores  unknown. 

In  the  roots  of  Elaeaf/nui  multiflora  in  Japan. 

This  species  causes  tubercles  or  nodules  which  in 
exceptional  cases  may  attain  the  size  of  a  man's  fist 
on  old  trees.  The  parasite  occurs  most  abundantly  in 
the  cortex  and  causes  marked  hypertrophy  of  the  in- 
fected cells  as  well  as  enlargement  and  distortion  of 
the  nuclei.  Yendo  and  Takase  found  that  the  percent- 
age of  nitrogen  in  the  nodules  was  almost  twice  that 
of  the  normal  cortex,  and  for  this  reason  they  be- 
lieved that  there  is  a  definite  symbiotic  relationship 
between  host  and  parasite. 

So  little  is  known  about  this  species  that  its  valid- 
itv  as  a  member  of  the  Plasmodiophoraceae  is  very 
doubtful.  Yendo  and  Takase  reported  that  the  Plas- 
modium spreads  over  the  host  cells  and  fills  the  in- 
tercellular spaces.  Furthermore,  the  resting  spores 
are  said  to  be  capable  of  forming  fine,  curled,  non- 
septate,  branched  germ  tubes  or  filaments  instead  of 
amoebae.  The  formation  of  germ  tubes  suggests  that 
Yendo  and  Takase  may  have  had  spores  of  another 
fungus  at  hand. 


Cook.  W.  R.  I.  \9%2.  Honp  Kong  Nat.  Suppl.  no.  1:  38. 

■ -.  1933.  .\rch.  Protistk.  80:  :?16. 

Maire,  R.,  and  \.  Tison.  1910.  C.  R.  .\cad.  Sci.  Paris  50: 

.Schwartz.  E.  J.  1911.  .\nn.  Bot.  35:  79+. 
Winge,  O.  1913.  .\rk.  f.  Bot.  13,  no.  9:  36. 

Tetramyxa  para»itiea 

Fig.  1.  Galls  on  stems  of  Rvppia  rottelhita.  Goebel,  I.e.; 
Maire  and  Tison,  '11. 

Fig.  3.  Multinucleate  plasmodium  surrounding  host  nu- 
cleus. Maire  and  Tison,  I.e. 

Fig.  3.  Plasmodium  consisting  of  two  multinucleate  me- 
ronts  which  appear  to  be  fusing:  nuclei  dividing  in  one  and 
at  rest  in  the  other.  Maire  and  Tison.  I.e. 

Fig.  i.  Division  of  infected  cell  by  which  the  meronts 
have  been  passively  divided  and  distributed.  Maire  and 
Tison,  I.e. 

Fig.  5.  Equatorial  ring  stage  of  "promitosis''  in  which 
distinct  chromosomes  are  evident.  Maire  and  Tison,  I.e. 

Fig.  6.  .\naphases  of  same.  Maire  and  Tison,  I.e. 

Fig.  7.  Plasmodium  becoming  parietal  and  cleaving  into 
uninucleate  spore-mother  cells  or  sporonts.  Centrosomes 
and  astral  rays  present  at  poles  of  some  nuclei.  Maire  and 
Tison.  I.e. 

Fig.  8.  9.  Prophases  of  meiosis  in  sporonts.  Maire  and 
Tison,  I.e. 

Fig.  10.  Equatorial  plate  stage  of  first  meiotic  division. 
Maire  and  Tison,  I.e. 

Fig.  11.  Binucleate  sporont  with  conspicuous  astral  rays. 
Maire  and  Tison,  I.e. 

Fig.  13.  Equatorial  plate  stage  of  second  meiotic  divi- 
sion. Maire  and  Tison,  I.e. 

Fig.  13.  Cleavage  into  tetrads. 

Fig.  14.  Tetrad  of  resting  spores. 

Fig.  15.  Enlarged  host  cell  with  resting  spores  isolated 
and  single,  in  linear  series,  in  diads.  triads  and  tetrads. 
Large  resting  spores  binucleate.  Maire  and  Tison,  I.e. 

Fig.  16.  Four  resting  spores  in  linear  series.  Goebel,  I.e. 

Tetramyxa  Tri{/lochinit 

Fig.  17.  Galls  on  Triglochin  palu»tre  caused  by  T.  Tri- 
glochinh.  Maire  and  Tison,  I.e. 

Fig.  18.  Enlarged  host  cell  with  spherical  multinucleate 
and  fusiform  uninucleate  meronts.  Maire  and  Tison,  I.e. 

Fig.  19.  Enlarged  host  cell  with  uninucleate  meronts  in 
vacuoles.  Host  cell  tetranucleate:  nuclei  with  numerous 
densely  chromatic  bodies.  Maire  and  Tison.  I.e. 

Fig.  30.  \n  enlarged,  deformed  host  nucleus.  Maire  and 
Tison,  Lc. 

Fig.  31.  Uninucleate  fusiform  meronts.  Maire  and  Tison, 

Fig.  22-2i.  Equatorial  plate,  anaphase  and  telophase 
stages  of  "promitosis." 

Fig.  io,  36.  Bi-  and  multinucleate  thalli.  Maire  and 
Tison,  I.e. 

Oetomyra  Arhlyae 

Fig.  37.  Habit  sketch  of  Achlya  glomerata  showing 
effects  of  parasite  on  the  hvphae.  Couch,  et  al..  '39. 

Fig.  38.  Early  infection  stage  showing  large  parasite  nu- 
cleus in  host  cell. 

Fig.  29.  Binucleate  thallus  surrounded  by  host  proto- 
plasm: nuclei  dividing  "promitotically." 

Fig.  30.  Large  plasmodium  in  a  vacuolate  area  of  hyphal 

Fig.  31.  Sporangiosorus  of  nearly  mature  zoosporangia. 

Fig.  33.  Zoosporangia  with  emerging  zoospores. 

Fig.  33.  34.  Biflagellate  heteroeont  zoospores. 

Fig.  35.  Zoospore  killed  in  osmic  acid  fumes  and  stained 
with  gentian  violet.  Drawn  from  photomicrograph. 

Fig.  36.  Large  tetraflagellate  zoospore. 

Fig.  37.  Sorus  of  resting  spores. 

Fig.  38-40.  Groups  of  resting  spores. 



ri.ATK  5 

Tetranivxa,  Octomvxa 




Couch,  Leitner,  and  Whiffen,  1939.  Jour.  Eli.sha 
Mitchell  Sci.  Soc.  55:  400.  Whiffen,  1939. 
Ibid.  p.  243. 

(PL.^TE  .5,  FIG.  27—10) 

Re.sting  spore.s  usually  adhering  in  groups  of 
eight,  sometimes  in  groups  of  six  to  nine;  forming 
zoospores  whicli  infect  the  host  and  develo])  into 
vegetative  plasmodia.  Such  plasmodia  cleaving  into 
sporangiosori  composed  of  numerous  small  zoospo- 
rangia,  which  are  sometimes  conjoined  by  narrow 
isthmuses ;  exit  papillae  lacking  on  some  zoosporan- 
gia.  Zoospores  anteriorly  bifiagellate  and  hetero- 
cont.  Sporogenous  plasmodia  cleaving  into  small 
segments  which  in  turn  divide  into  eight  uninucleate 

This  monotypic  genus  is  characterized  by  resting 
spores  wliich  are  grouped  usually  in  clusters  of  eight 
(fig.  38).  As  in  other  genera,  the  zoospores  enter  the 
host  hyphae  directly  and  completely  without  leav- 
ing a  spore  case  on  the  outside.  Infection  may  occur 
at  any  place  along  the  hyphae,  but  hypertrophy  of 
the  host  occurs  only  at  or  near  the  tip  (fig.  27).  The 
young,  naked  parasite  is  surrounded  by  the  host  pro- 
toplasm (fig.  28-29)  and  soon  develops  into  a  multi- 
nucleate Plasmodium.  As  the  latter  develops,  the 
hyphal  tip  swells  and  attains  its  maximum  size  be- 
fore the  parasite  is  completely  mature.  As  a  result. 
the  Plasmodium  lies  in  a  vacuolate  region  (fig.  30) 
of  the  swelling,  surrounded  by  radiating  strands  of 
host  protoplasm  along  which  small  particles  may  be 
seen  moving  toward  the  parasite.  The  latter  thus 
lives  within  and  in  intimate  contact  with  the  host 
protoplasm,  and  in  the  early  stages  of  development 
the  two  protoplasts  are  indistinguishable.  The  plas- 
modium  usually  develops  from  a  single  zoospore,  but 
Couch  et  al.  believed  several  small  plasmodia  may 
fuse  to  form  a  large  one. 

The  mature  plasmodium,  however  formed,  may 
give  rise  to  sporangesori  or  cytosori,  but  the  latter 
do  not  usually  appear  until  the  cultures  are  several 
days  old.  The  zoosporangia  (fig.  31)  are  delimited 
as  globose  or  ovoid  masses  which  soon  develop  thin, 
hyaline  walls.  Sometimes  cleavage  may  be  incom- 
plete, so  that  several  sporangia  are  joined  by  nar- 
row isthmuses.  As  the  sporangia  mature,  exit  papil- 
lae are  formed  on  those  adjacent  to  the  host  wall  and 
on  some  in  the  center  of  the  group  or  sorus.  As  a  re- 
sult, the  zoospores  may  be  discharged  (fig.  32)  di- 
rectly to  the  outside  or  within  the  host  cell.  They 
emerge  from  the  zoosporangia  singly  and  slowly,  and 
after  moving  about  sluggishly  for  a  few  seconds  at 
the  mouth  of  the  exit  papillae  swim  away.  The  two 
unequal  flagella  are  attached  at  or  near  the  anterior 
end,  and  during  motility  the  shorter  one  extends  for- 
ward while  the  longer  i)rojects  backward.  Occa- 
sional zoospores  witli  four  flagella  occur  (fig.  36), 
which  ajjpear  to  be  the  result  of  incomplete  or  un- 
equal cleavage  instead  of  fusion. 

The    plasmodia    which    give    rise    to    the    resting 

spores  arc  indistinguishable  from  the  zoosporangial 
Plasmodia  until  after  cleavage  begins.  Miss  Whiffen 
('39)  reported  that  the  two  are  to  be  distinguisiied 
cytologically  by  the  fact  that  the  nuclei  of  the  rest- 
ing spore  plasmodia  pass  through  the  so-called  akar- 
yote  stage  and  undergo  reduction  division.  However, 
she  has  not  yet  counted  the  chromosomes  present 
during  the  two  meiotic  divisions.  The  sporogenous 
Plasmodia  cleave  into  a  number  of  comparatively 
large  masses,  as  in  Tetrami/.ra,  and  these  in  turn 
usually  divide  into  eight  uninucleate  segments  which 
soon  encyst  in  groups  of  two  tetrads  of  resting 
spores.  This  grouping,  however,  may  frequently 
vary  from  six  to  nine.  Four  normal-sized  spores  and 
two  larger  ones  may  sometimes  occur,  while  nine  and 
seven  may  be  found  in  other  groups.  After  a  short 
dormant  period,  the  resting  spores  germinate,  each 
one  giving  rise  to  a  single  zoospore.  The  structure. 
type  of  flagella,  and  method  of  swimming  of  these 
zoospores  are  unknown. 
O.  ACHLYAE  Couch,  et  al,  I.e.,  PI.  +7,  48. 

Resting  spores  spherical,  2. 1—3.2  /x,  with  smooth, 
slightly  thickened  walls.  Zoosporangia  spherical, 
ovoid,  sometimes  flattened  by  mutual  pressure,  6-16 
IX  in  diameter,  hyaline  and  thin-walled;  single  exit 
jjapilla  on  sporangia  adjacent  to  host  wall  and  in  the 
center  of  gall;  deeper  lying  sporangia  often  dis- 
charging zoospores  through  the  peripheral  sporan- 
gia. Zoosjjores  6-11  in  a  sporangium,  discharged  di- 
rectly to  the  outside  and  also  within  the  host  wall ; 
oval;  flagella  attaciied  to  or  near  the  anterior  end, 
the  shorter  one  extending  forward  and  the  larger  one 
backward  during  swimming. 

Parasitic  in  Achli/a  r/lomcrata  in  North  Carolina, 
U.  S.  A.,  causing  marked  enlargement  of  the  hyphal 

This  species  appears  to  be  an  obligate  parasite  of 
A.  glomeraia.  Couch,  et  al.,  attempted  to  transfer  it 
to  Saprolegnia  feraj',  S.  mef/asperma,  .J.  imperfecta, 
A.  flageUata,  A.  colorata,  A.  racemosa,  A.  deBary- 
ana,  Aphaiiomyces  stellatus,  Apodachlya  brachi/- 
nema,  A.  minima,  and  AUomyces  arbii.^ciila,  but  all 
results  were  negative.  So  far,  this  is  the  only  known 
species  of  the  Plasmodiophoraceae  parasitic  in  a 

The  life  cycle  of  0.  Achli/ae  seems  to  be  almost 
identical  with  that  of  JVoronina  poli/cijstis  as  far  as 
both  species  are  known  at  present,  and  it  is  not  im- 
probable that  the  two  may  prove  to  be  related.  Ac- 
cording to  Couch,  et  al.,  0.  Achylae  differs  from  W. 
polycy.<!ti.s  by  the  fact  that  it  usually  causes  spherical 
swellings  and  does  not  lead  to  septation  of  the  host 
hy])hae.  Furthermore,  its  cystosori  are  hyaline  in- 
stead of  brown,  and  the  resting  spores  are  usually 
grouped  in  clusters  of  eight  rather  than  in  spherical, 
oval,  elongate,  and  irregular  masses.  The  first  dif- 
ference cited  above  is  not  very  significant,  since  the 
shape  of  the  swellings  is  not  a  very  fundamental  di- 
agnostic character.  What  seems  more  significant  is 
that  the  sporangia  and  resting  spores  of  W.  poly- 
cy.iti.i-  give  a  definite  cellulose  reaction,  while  those 
of  O.  .ichiilae  do  not. 




Solirocter,  .1.  1S()(>.  Colm's  Kivpt.  Fl.  von  Sililo- 
sicns  .■{ :   l."{."). 

(  E'l.ATK  ()") 

Cystosori  one  to  several  in  .1  ii  II.  pri  (louiiii.intly  nt' 
the  slia|)0  of  hollow  sjiheres  or  ellipsoids,  luit  often 
extremely  variable  in  size  anil  shape;  presenee  of 
oonimon  eiiveloj)lng  membrane  doubtful.  Resting 
spores  oval,  ellii)soidal.  j)vriforni,  pyramidal  and 
urn-sliapeil  with  yellowish-brown  to  brown,  thin, 
smooth  or  \errueose  walls;  with  or  without 
eollar;  produeinj;:  a  siniilf  bitlaiiellate,  heteroeont 
zoos])ore  in  gerniin.-ition.  Kv;nieseent  thin-w.illed 
zoosporansjia  sm.ill.  I'l.isniodia  one  to  several  in  a 
eell.  large  or  small:  sehi/.otjony  present  (  ?)  or  lack- 
injr;  produeinji  a  sinj;le  cystosorus. 

This  genus  includes  at  present  only  two  species 
which  have  been  reported  in  moist  and  damj)  locali- 
ties in  Europe.  England,  and  the  U.  S.  A.  Of  these 
two,  iS.  r eronicac  appears  to  be  more  common  and 
has  been  frequently  studied  cytologically.  Nonethe- 
less, many  of  its  critical  develo])niental  stages  are 
still  im)>erfeetly  known,  and  there  has  been  consid- 
erable controversy  relative  to  many  of  its  cytologieal 
details.  Germination  of  the  resting  spores  had  not 
been  observed  until  very  recently.  Blomficid  and 
.Scliwartz  ('10)  re|)orted  the  jjresence  of  amoebae  in 
a  sterile  infusion  of  1  erunica  leaves  which  had  been 
inoculated  with  i)ortions  of  dead  tumors.  Since  this 
infusion  was  thus  no  longer  sterile  and  soon  became 
invaded  with  bacteria,  molds  and  other  organisms 
from  the  tumors,  the  uninucleate  amoebae  which  they 
found  after  fourteen  days  in  the  bottom  of  the  test 
tube  may  not  relate  to  S.  J'eronicae  at  all.  In  S.  radi- 
cali.s.  Cook  and  .Schwartz  likewise  failed  to  observe 
germination,  but  among  diseased  root  hairs  they 
found  anteriorly  uniflagellate  zoospores  which  they 
assumed  relate  to  their  s))eeies.  However,  they  did 
not  follow  the  development  of  these  zoosjiores  into 
mature  thalli.  On  the  other  hand.  Barrett  foinid  that 
the  zoospores  from  sporangia  are  distinctly  bitlagel- 
late  and  heteroeont.  He  also  succeeded  in  germinat- 
ing the  resting  spores,  but  has  not  yet  determined 
the  number  of  flagella  on  such  zoos))ores.  I.edingham 
('3S).  p.  1-3)  found  that  zoos|)ores  from  resting  s))ores 
of  .S'.  t'eronicae  also  are  biflagellate  and  heteroeont. 
Cook  ('33)  stated  that  the  resting  s))ores  form  a  sin- 
gle amoeba  or  zoospore,  but  it  is  quite  probable  that 
the  multinucleate  spores  rejiorted  by  Maire  and 
Tison  (fig.  49-.5I)  may  give  rise  to  several  zoo- 

-Vs  the  primary  uninucleate  amoebae  of  .S'.  I'l-ro- 
nica  (tig.  9)  increase  in  size  within  the  host  cell,  their 
nucleus  divides,  and  multinucleate  |)lasmodia  are 
soon  formed  (fig.  11-1.5,  22).  Hy  the  time  the  eight- 
nucleated  stage  has  been  reached,  the  plasmodia  may 
function  as  schizonts  and  split  off  uni-  and  multi- 
nucleate meronts  (fig.  23.  2  J),  according  to  Maire 
and  Tison,  The  multinucleate  meronts  may  in  turn 
undergo  schizogony   into  uninucleate  segments   be- 

fore further  mitoses  occur.  The  unimicleate  meronts 
are  ciiuiv.ilent  to  the  primary  amocb.ii'  and  ni.iy  thus 
begin  the  eyi'le  .mew.  while  the  scliizont  from  which 
they  are  derived  ])asses  into  the  s))orogonie  jihase  of 
(levelojimcnt,  in  the  opinion  of  .Maire  and  Tison. 

It  is  to  be  noted,  however,  th.-it  these  workers  have 
ncxcr  observed  the  actu.-il  s))litting  oft'  of  meronts, 
.ind  their  re])orts  on  the  presenee  of  schizogony  are 
based  only  on  the  .ipiiea ranee  of  constricted  plas- 
modia (fig.  2.i.  2  1-)  .-md  the  grc.-it  abuiulance  of  uni- 
luiele.ite  in  infected  cells.  The  Latter  may 
well  be  the  result  of  nuiltiple  infection,  while  stages 
such  as  are  shown  in  figures  23  and  21'  may  possibly 
rei)resent,  as  Maire  and  Tison  earlier  interpreted 
them,  fusions  of  uni-  and  bimicleatc  amoebae  with 
nuiltinucleate  |)lasniodia.  \\'hile  the  author  readily 
admits  the  possibility  of  schizogony,  he  does  not  con- 
sider the  evidence  so  far  ))reseiited  as  sufficiently  re- 
liable to  have  conclusively  settled  the  jtroblem.  In 
this  connection  it  is  significant  to  note  that  schizog- 
ony has  not  been  recorded  in  species,  such  as  S.  radi- 
cal'is,  where  the  process  if  present  could  be  readily 
observed  in  living  material. 

Tl'.e  vegetative  phase  is  terminated  by  the  so- 
called  transitional  stage  after  which  follow  cleavage 
and  meiosis,  as  has  been  described  in  Chajiters  \\ 
and  III.  The  plastic  cleavage  segments  or  incipient 
resting  spores  become  associated  in  a  globular  mass 
(fig.  H)  and  resemble  myxamoebae  in  a  pseudoplas- 
modium.  By  mutual  readjustment  they  soon  move  to 
the  periphery  (fig.  II)  and  thus  form  a  hollow 
s])here  or  ellipsoid.  At  this  early  stage  the  center  of 
the  mass  is  filled  with  a  viscuous  fluid,  doubtless  a 
residue  of  the  plasmodium  which  is  not  used  up  in 
cleavage.  Whether  or  not  this  substance  rejiresents 
extraneous  waste  material  which  is  dumped  into  a 
central  vacuole  in  the  dediiferentiation  of  the  proto- 
))lasm  ])reparatory  to  sporogenesis  as  in  various  pro- 
teomyxean  species  is  not  certain.  Maire  and  Tison 
stated  that  it  has  an  osmotic  coerticient  and  exerts 
centrifugal  pressure  on  the  s))ores  whereby  they  are 
|)ushed  to  the  periphery  of  the  mass. 

.Shortly  after  their  arri\al  there,  the  individual 
s])orcs  develop  delicate  walls  wliic'h  thicken  and  turn 
brown  with  maturity  and  often  become  verrucose.  No 
evidence  of  cellulose  or  i)ectin  M-as  found  in  these 
walls  by  Maire  and  Tison.  By  mutual  compression 
the  spores  usually  become  iientagon.-illy  and  hex- 
agoiially  |)yramidal  in  shaiie  with  convex  external 
and  slightly  concave  intern.-il  surfjices.  According  to 
^\'inge.  a  eollar  is  formed  .at  the  ;i))ex  or  external 
surface  (fig.  18),  but  this  structure  has  not  been  re- 
corded by  other  workers.  Occasional  bi-  and  trinu- 
cleate  spores  occur  (fig,  ■19-.51).  which  may  have 
arisen  by  incomplete  cleavage  or  by  subsequent  di- 
vision of  the  spore  nucleus  (fig.  .50). 

It  is  to  be  partieul.irly  noted  that  in  none  of  the 
figures  and  descriptions  of  Blomficid  and  .Schwartz 
or  Maire  and  Tison  which  illustrate  the  aggregation 
of  incipient  resting  spores  and  their  transformation 
into  cystosori  is  there  evidence  of  a  distinct,  common 
eiivelo))ing  membrane  around  the  sorus.  Likewise,  it 



is  lacking  in  Rostrup's,  Winge's,  and  Palm  and 
Burk's  figures  of  cystosori.  Cook's  ("33,  PI.  6,  fig.  9) 
own  photographs  of  S.  J'eronicae  fail  to  show  a  dis- 
tinct membrane.  Nonetheless,  he  has  often  contended 
that  it  is  present  and  has  used  ('33)  the  presence  of 
this  structure  as  one  of  the  distinguishing  generic 
characters  of  Sorosphaera  as  well  as  Sorodisciis.  In 
the  original  diagnosis  of  the  genus.  Schroeter  de- 
scribed the  cystosori  as  being  surrounded  by  a  com- 
mon cuticle,  and  this  may  be  partly  responsible  for 
Nemec's  ('H)  and  Cook's  contention  as  to  the  pres- 
ence of  a  membrane.  Webb  described  it  as  being 
formed  after  the  spores  had  developed  their  individ- 
ual walls,  but  he  gave  no  figures  of  its  development. 
Winge  ('13,  p.  30)  denied  its  existence,  while  Blom- 
field  and  Schwartz  as  well  as  Maire  and  Tison,  who 
have  so  far  made  the  most  extensive  study  of  the 
genus,  said  nothing  about  it.  It  is  quite  probable 
that  the  adjacent  lateral  walls  of  the  spores  become 
more  or  less  fused  by  mutual  pressure  as  they  de- 
velop, and  this  prevents  the  spores  from  separating 
readily  at  maturity.  The  best  cytological  data  in  the 
literature  to  date  do  not,  therefore,  support  Cook's 
view  on  the  presence  of  a  membrane,  and  the  use  of 
this  structure  as  a  diagnostic  generic  character  is  at 
present  open  to  serious  question. 

The  cvstosori  of  S.  J'eronicae  are  predominantly 
hollow  spheres  and  ellipsoids,  but  numerous  varia- 
tions in  shape  have  been  noted  by  Maire  and  Tison, 
Trotter,  Webb,  and  others.  Palm  and  Burk  in  par- 
ticular found  them  to  be  unusually  variable  in  galls 
on  r.  americana  collected  in  Colorado,  U.  S.  A.  In 
this  material  they  found  the  cystosori  to  be  three 
principal    shapes:   hollow    spheres,    flattened   ellip- 
soids, and  irregular  sponge-like  masses,  and  between 
these  types  all  degrees  of  variations  and  intergrada- 
tions  were  observed.  As  is  shown  in  figures  .52  to  57, 
the   Sorosphaera-  or   hollow-sphere   type   predomi- 
nated, but  two-layered  flattened  discs  as  in  Soro- 
disciis (fig.  53,  54),  spongy  masses  with  narrow  or 
wide  channels  as  in  Spongospora  (fig.  55,  56),  and 
irregular  masses  of  indeterminate  shape  as  in  Lig- 
niera  (fig.  57)  were  not  uncommon.  Likewise  within 
the  same  sorus,  spores  with  smooth  and  verrucose 
walls  were  present  (fig.  53,  55,  57).  Palm  and  Burk 
accordingly  concluded  that  the  shape  of  the  cysto- 
sorus  and  the  relative  arrangement  of  the  spores  are 
governed  largely  by  environmental  conditions  and 
that  the  size  and  shape  of  the  host  cell  are  determin- 
ing factors.  They  furthermore  concluded  that  since 
sori   typical   of  those   of  Spotu/ospora,   Sorodisciis, 
Ligniera,    Osienfeldiella,    Claihrosoriis,   and   Mem- 
hranosoriis  may  all  be  found  in  S.  J'eronicae,  these 
genera  should  be   regarded   as   synonyms  of  Soro- 
sphaera.   Fitzpatriek    ('30)    believed  that   Ligniera 
also  should  be  incorporated  in  Sorospftaera  on  the 
grounds  that  the  only  difference  between  the  two  is 
that  the  former  causes  no  hypertrophy  of  the  host. 

In  1907  Speschnew  (p.  22,  PI.  2,  fig.  7-12)  de- 
scribed a  species  on  tea  leaves  in  the  Caucasus  which 
he  named  Sorospliaera  tlieae.  Two  years  later,  how- 
ever, Ducommet  ('09)  reported  that  no  organism  is 

present  in  the  leaves  and  that  the  so-called  spores 
are  only  tannin  deposits  in  the  cells.  Fitzpatriek  re- 
ferred to  this  species  as  PlasmodiopJiora  Theae. 

S.  VERONICAE  Schroeter,  I.e. 

Tiihirciiiia  f'erouicae  Schroeter.  1877.  Beitr.  Biol.  Pflanz. 

;? :  383. 
Sorusporiiim  Veronicae  Winter.  188-t.  Die  Pilze  Deutsch- 
lands,  Oesterreich  und  der  Schweiz  1 :  103. 

Cystosori  bright  brown,  one  to  several  in  a  cell, 
variable  in  size  and  siiape,  predominantly  in  the 
form  of  hollow  spheres,  ]8-42(a,  occasionally  elon- 
gate, flat  and  disc-shaped,  irregular  and  indeter- 
minate, compact  or  loose  and  spongy  with  numerous 
ramifying  channels,  composed  of  from  four  to  61 
spores.  Resting  spores  ovoid,  pyramidal,  urn-shaped 
1-5  IX  X  8-9  fx.,  with  brown,  smooth  or  verrucose 
outer  walls,  often  surmounted  by  an  apical  collar. 
Zoospores  biflagellate  and  heteroeont.  Plasmodia  one 
to  several  in  a  cell,  20-30 /i,  schizogony  doubtful; 
producing  a  single  cystosorus.  Zoosporangia  un- 

Parasitic  in  J'eronica  hederaefolia,  J',  cliamae- 
drifs,  and  /'.  triphifUos  in  Germany  (Schroeter,  '77, 
'86,  '97  ;  Winter,  I.e. ;  Diedieke,  '11;  Grevillius,  '13)  ; 
/'.  saj-atilis,  J',  officinalis,  J',  hederaefolia,  J',  scii- 
tellata,  J'.  Beccahiinga,  J'.  Anagallis,  J',  aqiiatica, 
J'.  serpi/Uifolia,  and  /'.  Chaemaedri/s  in  Finland, 
Norway  and  Sweden  (Lagerheim:  see  Winge,  '13; 
Palm,  '08)  ;  J\  hederaefolio  in  Sehleswig-Holstein 
and  Denmark  (Hennings,  '91  ;  Rostrup,  '94)  ;  T. 
Chamaedri^s  in  France  (Maire  and  Tison,  '08,  '09, 
'10,  '11;  Maire,  '10);  /'.  Chamaedrys  in  England 
(Blomfield  and  Schwartz,  '10;  Cook  and  Schwartz, 
'29)  ;  r.  arvensis  and  J',  hederaefolia  in  Italy  (Trot- 
ter, '04,  '16);  r.  americana  and  J',  arvensis  in  the 
U.  S.  A.  (Palm  and  Burk,  '33;  Donald,  '34),  caus- 
ing tumors  up  to  5  mm.  in  diameter  on  the  stems, 
petioles,  and  midrib  of  leaves. 

This  species  was  first  described  by  Schroeter  in 
1877  as  a  member  of  the  Ustilaginales  under  the 
name  Tuhercinia  J'eronicae,  and  in  1884  ^^'inter 
transferred  it  to  the  genus  Sorosporium.  In  1886, 
however,  Schroeter  created  the  genus  Sorosphaera 
for  it  and  transferred  it  to  his  newly  established 
Phytomyxinae.  Rostrup  found  it  in  Denmark  in 
1894  and  replaced  it  in  the  Ustilaginales,  and  ac- 
cording to  Winge,  Lagerheim  found  it  in  Norway 
and  Sweden  on  a  large  number  of  J'eronica  species, 
and  as  early  as  1901,  "and  knew  the  correct  system- 
atic position  of  Sorosphaera."  Trotter  discovered  it 
in  Italy  in  1904,  and  while  he  questioned  its  inclusion 
among  the  smuts,  he  also  doubted  that  it  is  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Mycetozoa.  The  subsequent  studies  of 
Maire  and  Tison  and  Blomfield  and  Schwartz  clearly 
showed  that  it  belongs  in  the  Plasmodiophoraeeae  in 
close  relation  to  P.  Brassicae. 

The  tumors  caused  by  S.  J'eronicae  vary  from  pin- 
head  size  to  5  cm.  in  diameter  and  are  usually  com- 
])osed  of  a  mass  of  healthy  and  infected  undifferen- 
tiated cells  among  which  are  intersjiersed  a  few  spi- 
ral and  annular  vessels.  The  galls  are  the  result  of 



both  cell  limit ipliiaf ion  and  itll  cnlarmciiicnt  witli 
tin-  lattiT  proi-css  playiiiii  tlif  (loniinaiit  role  in  tin- 
lati-r  stages  of  divclol)nunt.  Since  the  (larasite  has 
a  ])redilcetion  for  the  provascular  strands  in  tlic 
aj)ieal  nieristem.  the  tumors  may  involve  the  entire 
stem  in  instances  of  severe  infection.  In  such  eases 
the  priuiordia  of  the  stems  and  leaves  are  reduced 
to  a  mass  of  cells  in  which  |)ith.  cortex,  etc.,  are  indis- 
tingiiish.-ihle.  In  less  extensive  infections  only  small 
portions  of  the  stem  hceome  involved,  and  the  normal 
growth  of  the  plant  is  not  seriously  artectcd.  .\ccord- 
ing  to  Lagerheim.  the  development  of  the  vascular 
ring  is  suppressed  in  the  region  of  infection,  while 
in  the  outer  cortex  the  collenchyma  is  still  present. 
The  rem.iining  cortical  cells  become  tangentially 
oriented  in  growth  and  greatly  enlarged.  The  ejiider- 
mal  cells  become  isodiametric.  and  the  gu.ird  cells  of 
the  stomata  are  often  considerably  enlarged,  with 
the  pore  itself  abnormally  wide. 

.\lthough  infection  has  not  been  observed.  S.  J'e- 
ron'icae  appears  to  make  its  initial  entrance  in  the 
apical  meristem.  because  the  youngest  plasmodia  and 
smallest  galls  occur  in  or  near  the  apex.  Blomtield 
and  .Schwartz  succeeded  in  jiroducing  tumors  on  Ve- 
ronica seedlings  by  si)raying  them  with  water  con- 
taining crushed  cystosori  and  found  single,  isolated 
infected  cells  close  to  the  growing  point.  The  amoe- 
bae of  the  parasite  are  apparently  unable  to  pass 
through  the  walls  into  adjacent  cells.  According  to 
Blomtield  and  .Schwartz,  and  Cook  ("33).  they  are 
passively  distributed  by  the  repeated  division  of  in- 
fected provascular  cells.  If  the  young  plasmodia  un- 
dergo schizogony,  as  Maire  and  Tison  reported,  the 
number  of  amoebae  is  greatly  increased,  and  by  re- 
peated division  of  infected  cells,  large  diseased  areas 
are  soon  formed.  In  the  early  stages  of  the  disease  the 
presence  of  the  [larasite  apparently  does  not  inhibit 
cytokinesis  of  the  host  cells,  but  later  on  after  they 
have  become  enlarged  the  latter  lose  the  ability  to  di- 
vide. The  enormously  enlarged  nuclei,  however,  un- 
dergo several  mitoses  with  the  result  that  the  infected 
cells  become  multinucleate  (fig.  3).  Division  of  the 
host  nuclei  is  greatest  at  the  close  of  the  vegetative 
stage  of  the  parasite,  but  with  the  onset  of  the  sporo- 
gonie  ])hase  mitosis  ceases.  At  this  stage  the  host  nu- 
clei become  distorted  (fig.  .5), more  densely  stainable, 
(fig.  i).  and  eventually  disintegrate  (fig.  Vt).  By  the 
time  the  cystosori  are  mature,  only  atroi)hied  and  de- 
generated nuclei  are  to  be  found,  according  to  Bloni- 
field  and  Schwartz.  On  the  otlier  hand.  .Maire  and 
Tison  rei)orted  that  the  nuclei  as  well  as  ))]astids  and 
starch  grains  may  jM-rsist  long  after  the  sori  have  ma- 

In  the  early  stages  of  infection  only  slight  en- 
largement of  the  host  cells  occurs,  but  as  the  plas- 
modia increase  in  size,  marked  expansion  takes  place. 
In  exceptional  eases  infected  cells  may  enlarge  to  20 
times  their  normal  diameter.  Sorosphaera  J'eronicae 
accordingly  not  only  causes  enormous  cell  enlarge- 
ment but  also  prevents  cell  diflferentiation.  .\djacent 
healthy  cells  as  well  as  stomatal  guard  cells  may  also 
be  stinuilated  to  enlarge  by  the  presence  of  the  para- 

site. .\s  is  shown  in  figure  2.  there  ,ai)))ears  to  be  no 
visible  .■intagonisni  between  tlie  proto])l;ism  of  the 
host  and  pathogen.  The  I.itter  lies  embedded  in  the 
host  eytoiilasm  and  in  the  young  stages  may  be 
closely  associated  with  the  host  nucleus.  Infected 
cells  may  contain  numerous  jilastids  and  starch 
grains,  but  these  are  not  so  abundant  as  in  the  adja- 
cent healthy  cells.  According  to  I.agerheim.  ei)idcr- 
mal  cells  in  the  infected  regions  .ire  richer  in  crystals  tiiose  in  healthy  j)ortions  of  the  stem. 

Slugs  frequently  feed  on  the  galls,  and  it  is  be- 
lie\ed  they  play  a  role  in  spreading 
the  disease.  Most  tumors  soon  soften  and  decay,  lib- 
erating the  cystosori  into  the  soil,  where  the  resting 
sjiores  germinate.  When  new  plants  push  up  through 
the  soil,  their  ajjices  a])l)arently  become  infected. 
Sorosphaera  J'eronicae  has  never  been  found  jiara- 
sitizing  the  roots. 

Nematodes  also  may  cause  galls  on  Veronica  which 
arc  strikingly  like  those  ))roduced  by  .V.  J'eronicae 
and  may  easily  be  mistaken  for  them.  I''or  this  rea- 
son Cook  ('33)  regarded  with  susijieion  the  rejjorts 
of  I.agerheim  and  Winge  of  the  presence  of  the  para- 
site in  a  large  number  of  J'eronicae  species  in  Nor- 
way and  Sweden. 

S.  RADICALIS  Cook.  1933.  .\reh.  Protistk.  80:  .'01.  PI.  T, 
fig.  10,  11. 
S.  nuliriile  Cook  and  Sclnvart/..  lfl-'9.  .\iiii.  Hot.  43:  86. 
PI.  2. 

Cystosori  single  and  Jiartly  filling  host  cell,  hol- 
low, rarely  spherical,  20  yu,,  usually  oval,  ellipsoidal 
.and  elongate,  1(5-20  fj.  X  20-.57  /u,,  bright  yellowish- 
brown ;  including  up  to  500  spores.  Resting  spores 
oval,  3  X  ^  /i.  with  thin  yellowish-brown,  smooth 
walls ;  producing  one  zoos])ore  in  germination.  Zoo- 
spores oval  and  sl)lierical,  2-3  /x.  with  an  anterior 
flagellum  (.'')  l—ti/x  long.  Evanescent  zoosjjorangia 
unknown.  Plasmodia  single  and  partly  filling  host 
cell.  20-60  /J.  ill  diameter,  producing  one  cystosorus ; 
schizogony  lacking  (.'). 

Parasitic  in  the  root  hairs  only  of  Poa  fluiians 
MoniVia  caerulea,  Catabrosa  aquaiica,  and  other 
grasses  in  England,  causing  localized  enlargement 
of  the  infected  cells. 

This  species  is  distinguishable  from  .S'.  J'eronicae 
jirimarilv  by  its  oval,  ellipsoidal  and  elongate  cysto- 
sori which  are  also  much  larger  ;iiid  com])Osed  of  a 
greater  number  of  small  resting  sjiores.  In  .addition, 
its  nuclei  are  considerably  smaller.  While  .V.  radicalis 
may  occur  in  the  same  vicinity  with  and  infect  some 
of  the  hosts  of  Lifjniera  J  unci  as  well  as  L.  verrucosa 
and  L.  piloriim.  Cook  and  Schwartz  maintained  that 
it  is  ()uite  distinct.  However,  it  is  to  be  noted  here 
that  these  Lifjniera  s|)ecies  may  also  occur  in  locallv 

'  In  recent  correspondence  with  the  aiitliiir.  Prof.  .J.  T. 
Barrett,  College  of  .Agriciiltnre,  Califdrnifi  rniversity,  re- 
ported that  he  had  fonnil  what  lie  helieves  to  he  S.  ridlirnlis 
in  roots  of  I'oa  annua  on  the  eoUejie  rani]>iis.  In  addition  to 
cystosori  and  resting  spores,  he  ohserved  thin-walled  spo- 
ranjria  which  produce  hifhifrellate,  hettrocont  zcM)spores. 
Harrett  thus  confirms  I.edingham's  previous  n-)iort  of  sudi 
/,oo,..pores  in  Sftro.splifiern. 



swollen  root  hairs  and  occasionally  form  almost 
spherical,  oval  and  elongate  hollow  cystosori. 

Sorosphaera  radicalis  lias  been  found  only  in  root 
hairs  and  does  not  attack  the  other  tissues  of  the  root. 
Hence  no  external  symptoms  of  the  disease  are  visi- 
ble on  the  host  plant  except  a  slight  reddening  of  the 
stem  and  leaf  bases.  When  the  infected  root  hairs 
decay,  the  cystosori  are  liberated  into  the  soil.  In- 
fection by  zoospores  api)arently  occurs  during  the 
early  developmental  stages  of  the  root  hairs. 

.Although  Cook  and  Schwartz  failed  to  count  the 

chromosomes,  they  nonetheless  believed  that  meiosis 
occurs  during  the  first  of  the  two  last  divisions  pre- 
ceding sporogenesis.  No  evidence  of  gametic  fusion 
has  been  observed. 

Cook  and  Schwartz  reported  that  at  the  conclusion 
of  promitosis  "a  wall  is  now  secreted  around  the 
Plasmodium,  and  the  whole  mass  passes  into  a  spor- 
ing  stage."  If  this  statement  and  observation  are 
true,  it  is  obvious  that  .S'.  radicalis  differs  radically 
in  this  respect  from  all  other  known  species  of  the 


Sorosphaera  Veroiiicae 

Fig.  1.  Vcroiiira  chamaedrys  with  galls  caused  by  S. 
t'eronicae.  Winge,  '13. 

Fig.  -2.  Hypertrophied  host  cell  with  six  plasmodia.  Note 
relative  sizes  of  healtliy  and  infected  cells.  Blomfield  and 
Schwartz,  '10. 

Fig.  3.  Hypertrophied  cell  with  five  plasmodia.  Four 
host  nuclei  in  telophases  of  division.  Blomfield  and 
Schwartz,   I.e. 

Fig.  i.  Nucleus  of  parasitized  cell  witli  numerous  nu- 
cleoli. Blomfield  and  Schwartz,  I.e. 

Fig.  5.  Lobed  and  distorted  nucleus  of  an  infected  cell. 
Maire  and  Tison,  "09. 

Fig.  6.  Old  host  cell  with  four  cystosori;  protoplasm 
almost  completely  gone.  Blomfield  and  Schwartz,  I.e. 

S.  rfi(UcaUs 

Fig.  7.  Hypertrophied  root  hair  with  cystosorus  in  sur- 
face view.  Cook  and  Schwartz,  '29. 

Fig.  8.  Median  longitudinal  section  of  an  ellipsoidal 
cystosorus.  Cook  and  Schwartz,  I.e. 

S.  f'erontcae 

Fig.  9.  Uninucleate  stage  of  thallus.  Maire  and  Tison,  I.e. 

Fig.  10.  Resting  nucleus  of  young  parasite.  Blomfield 
and  Schwartz,  I.e. 

Fig.  11.  Beginning  of  promitosis  of  a  4-nucleate  Plas- 
modium with  centro.somes  and  astral  rays.  Maire  and 
Tison,  i.e. 

Fig.  12.  "Saturn  stage"'  of  promitosis.  Maire  and  Tison, 

Fig.  13.  Early  anaphases.  Maire  and  Tison,  I.e. 

Fig.  14.  "Double-anchor"  stage  of  promitosis.  Maire  and 
Tison,  I.e. 

Fig.  1.5.  I.ate  anaphases  with  centrosomes  and  asters. 
Maire  and  Tison,  I.e. 

Fig.  Hi.  I.ate  prophase  of  vegetative  nuclei  in  Plasmo- 
dium with  four  chromosomes.  Webb,  '3.5. 

Fig.  17.  Later  stage  sliowing  four  split  chromosomes. 
Webb,  I.e. 

Fig.  18.  Four  chromosomes  arranged  in  a  ring  around 
constricting  nucleole.  Webl),  I.e. 

Fig.  19.  Metajjhase;  daughter  chromosomes  beginning  to 
separate.  Webb,  I.e. 

Fig.  20.  Early  anaphase.  Two  rings  of  four  chromosomes 
each  moving  apart.  Webl),  I.e. 

Fig.  21.  Later  ana])liase.  Webb,  I.e. 

Fig.  22.  Telophases  of  jiromitosis.  Maire  and  Tison,  I.e. 

Fig.  23,  2i.  Schizogony  of  jilasmodium  ;  uni-  and  binucle- 
ate  segments  respectively  being  split  off.  Maire  and  Tison, 

Fig.  25.  Beginning  of  akaryote  stage;  chromatin  passing 
out  into  cytoplasm.  Blomfield  and  Schwartz,  I.e. 

Fig.  26.  Akaryote  stage;  nuclei  clear  and  vacuole-like. 
Blomfield  and  Schwartz,  I.e. 

Fig.  27.  Reconstructed  nuclei  following  akaryote  stage. 
Blomfield  and  Schwartz,  I.e. 

Fig.  28.  Later  stage  showing  reappearance  of  nucleoli 
and  chromatin.  Maire  and  Tison,  I.e. 

Fig.  29.  So-called  "garland"  stage  of  reconstructed  nu- 
clei. Maire  and  Tison,  I.e. 

Fig.  30.  Same  stage  highly  magnified.  Winge,  I.e. 
Fig.  31,32.  Synezesis  (?).  Maire  and  Tison,  I.e. 
Fig.  33.  Beginning  of  cleavage  into  spore  mother  cells; 
appearance  of  nuclei  suggestive  of  diakinesis.  Maire  and 
Tison,  I.e. 

Fig.  34.  Early  diakinesis.  Webb,  I.e. 

Fig.  35.  Diakinesis  with  four  pairs  of  homologous  chro- 
mosomes. Webb,  I.e. 

Fig.  36.  Equatorial  plate  stage  of  heterotypic  division 
during  sporogenesis.  Cleavage  into  spore  mother  cell  com- 
plete. Maire  and  Tison,  I.e. 

Fig.  37.  Same  stage.  Winge,  I.e. 

Fig.  38.  Late  anaphases  of  meiotic  division;  first  division 
of  spore  mother  cells  beginning.  Maire  and  Tison,  I.e. 

Fig.  39.  First  division  of  spore  mother  cells  complete. 
.Maire  and  Tison,  I.e. 

Fig.  40.  Late  prophase  nucleus  of  second  or  homeotypic 
division  with  four  chromosomes.  Webb,  I.e. 

Fig.  41.  Equatorial  plate  stage  of  second  division  during 
sporogenesis.  Maire  and  Tison,  I.e. 

Fig.  42.  Second  cell  division  into  incipient  resting  spores. 
Fig.    43.    Incipient    resting   spores    aggregating   into    a 
globular  mass;   initial   stage  in   formation   of  cystosorus. 
Maire  and  Tison,  I.e. 

Fig.  44.  Later  stage  in  cystosorus  development;  spores 
arranged  at  periphery  with  a  viscous  substance  in  the  cen- 
ter. Maire  and  Tison,  I.e. 

Fig.  45.  Young  cystosorus  in  median  section  with  well- 
defined  walls  around  spores;  remants  of  viscous  substance 
in  center.  Maire  and  Tison,  I.e. 

Fig.  46.  Cystosorus  in  median  section.  Blomfield  and 
.Scbwartz,  I.e. 

Fig.  47.  Portion  of  a  cystosorus  in  surface  view.  Blom- 
field and  Schwartz,  I.e. 

Fig.  48.  Urn-shaped  resting  s])ore  witb  apical  collar. 
Winge,  I.e. 

Fig.  49.  Binucleate  resting  spore.  Maire  and  Tison,  I.e. 
Fig.  50.   Division  of  nuclei  in  binucleate  resting  spore. 
.Maire  and  Tison,  I.e. 

Fig.  51.  Trinucleate  resting  spore.  Maire  and  Tison,  I.e. 





®      ^ 

AM  i   I         ^  XW  i7  4,W 

■■■■ »      ^11^'''  ^*    ■      ^ti^'     '^;y 

•  -i-  ,25  26 








-      43 

48  49" 










PLATE  6— Continued 

Sorosphaera  Veronicae 

Fig.  52-57.  Variations  of  the  cvstosori  of  iS.  Veronicae. 
Palm  and  Burk,  "33. 

Fig.  53.  Typical  hollow  Sorfinphaera-tike  cvstosori  with 
smooth  and  verrucosa  spores. 

Fig.  54.  Flattened  Sorodhcus-lihe  cystosorus. 

Fig.  55.  Spongy  Span gospora-Whe  cystosorus. 

Fig.  56.  Loose,  spongy  Clathrnsonix-hke  cystosorus. 

Fig.  57.  Irregular  LU/nierri-  and  globular  Sorosphaera- 
like  cvstosori. 

Smith,  A.  L.,  and  J.  Ramsbottom.  1917.  Trans.  Brit.  Mycol. 

Soc.  ti:  231. 
Spescbnew,  X.  X.  1907.  Die  Pilzparasiten  des  Teestrauches, 

p.  -22.  Berlin. 
Trotter,  A.  1904.  Ann.  Mycol.  2:  536. 

.  1916.  Marcellia  15:  58. 

Webb,  P.  C.  R.  1935.  Ann.  Bot.  49:  41. 
Winge,  O.  1913.  Ark.  f.  Bot.  12,  no.  9:  4. 


Blomficld,  J.  E.,  and  E.  J.  Schwartz.  1910.  Ann.  Bot.  24:  35. 
Diedicke,  H.  1911.  Mitt.  Thiir.  bot.  Ver.  n.  f.  28:  83. 
Donald,  L.  1934.  Phytopath.  24:  843. 

Ducomet,  V.  1909.  Ann.  I'eeole  X'at.  d'Agric.  Rennes  2:  1. 
Grevillius,  A.  Y.  1913.  Abh.  Ver.  Nat.  Erfors.  Niederrheins 

1:  165. 
Henning,  P.  1891.  Schrift.  Xat.  Ver.  Schleswig-Holstein  9: 

Ledingham,  G.  A.  1939.  Canadian  Jour.  Res.  C  17:  43. 
Maire,  R.  1909.  Ann.  Mycol.  7:  226. 

.  1910.  Bull.  Soc.  Linn.  Xormandie  6  ser.  2:  57. 

.  1911.  Ann.  Mycol.  9:  226. 

,  and  A.  Tison.1908.  C.  R.  Acad.  Sci.  Paris  147:  1410. 

Palm,  B.  T.  1908.  Svensk.  Bot.  Tids.  2:  48. 

,  and  M.  Burk.  1933.  Arch.  Protistk.  79:  263. 

Rostrup,  E.  1894.  Bot.  Tidsskr.  19:  201. 
Schwartz,  E.  J.  1914.  Ann.  Bot.  28:  229. 


Lagerheini  and  Winge,  1913.  Ark.  f.  Bot.  12:  23 

(plates  7,  8) 

Cvstosori  usually  flat,  oval,  disc-shaped  and  com- 
posed of  two  layers  of  spores  pressed  closely  to- 
gether ;  often  variable  in  size  and  shape,  rarely  hol- 
low spheres,  occasionally  an  elongate  and  irregular 
linear  series  of  spores  or  reduced  to  tetrads,  triads, 
diads  and  rarely  monads ;  soral  membrane  doubtful 
or  lacking.  Resting  sjiores  polygonal,  angular  and 
urn-shaped  or  oval  and  almost  hemispherical  with 
hyaline  smooth  or  spiny  outer  walls ;  apical  collar 
and  cap  present  or  lacking;  remaining  attached  to- 
gether or  separating  at  maturity;  producing  one  or 



possibly  nioro  tli;iii  oiio  zoospore  in  ■;crinin;iti<in.  Zoo- 
sporangia  unknown.  I'lasnuuiia  ono  to  several  in  a 
coll.  large  or  small;  sehizogony  laekinji  or  doubtful 
in  some  species. 

Siinnliscim  inehuies  at  present  three  or  jiossibly 
four  species  (see  MrinhraiiosDriix  in  this  eoniieetiou ) 
which  h;ivc  been  reporteil  from  Russia.  Norway. 
Sweden,  .South  Africa  and  the  United  States.  They 
occur  under  fairly  moist  and  aqu.atic  coiuiitions.  (i.-ir- 
asitize  algae  and  hiiilier  i)lants.  and  cause  marked 
hypertrophy  of  the  host  in  the  form  of  galls  or 
tumors  which  may  be  uni-  or  nuilticellular.  Since 
most  of  these  species  have  been  studied  only  from 
fixed  and  st.-iined  material  many  of  the  critical  stages  are  (loorly  known,  and  the  va- 
rious claims  concerning  the  ])rcsence  of  sexviality. 
karyogamy.  meiosis.  alternation  of  haploid  aiul  dip- 
loid generations,  etc..  arc  obviously  based  on  inade- 
quate cytological  data. 

Furthermore,  the  outstanding  character  of  the 
genus,  namely,  oval  and  almost  circular,  flat  and  disc- 
sha)>ed  cystosori  composed  of  two  closely  jiressed 
layers  of  resting  s])ores.  has  been  seriously  ques- 
tioned. In  the  type  species,  iS'.  Callitrichis,  the  cysto- 
sori m;iy  sometimes  be  hollow  spheres,  while  in  S. 
karliiifiii  they  may  vary  from  hemisi)herical  multi- 
nucleate monads,  diads.  triads,  tetrad,  flat  discs,  and 
elongate  linear  series  of  spores  to  almost  hollow 
spheres  (PI.  8,  fig.  11-21).  In  all  of  the  s])ecies. 
however,  the  majority  of  cystosori  are  flattened  and 
disc-like.  M'hile  A\'inge  ('13)  regarded  Sorodixciis  as 
a  distinct  genus  he  nonetheless  pointed  out  that  its 
similarity  to  Soros phaera  is  so  great  "tiiat  it  would 
seem  most  reasonable  to  unite  them  into  one  genus." 
Later,  however,  in  a  communication  to  Cook  ('31. 
p,  318)  he  said  "that  the  spore  masses  are  so  char- 
acteristic in  Snrodi.scu.1  that  it  would  be  wrong  to  put 
it  in  the  s;ime  genus  as  Soro.iphai'ra."  Palm  and 
Burk  (33).  on  the  other  hand,  regarded  Sorodisciis 
as  a  syiu)nyni  of  the  latter  genus. 

Schizogonv  has  not  been  observed  in  Sorodi-icus, 
although  Winge  believed  that  the  widespread  distri- 
bution of  amoebae  in  the  galls  formed  by  -S'.  Calli- 
trichis suggests  its  occurrence.  Whether  or  not  a 
common  enveloping  membrane  is  jircsent  around  the 
cystosori  in  all  species  is  uncertain  at  i)resent.  Fur- 
thermori-,  little  is  known  about  the  origin  and  devel- 
o|)mcnt  of  this  membrane  in  the  s]>eeies  in  which  it 
has  been  reported  to  occur.  In  S.  Callitrichis,  accord- 
ing to  Winge.  the  resting  "spore-wall  divides  into 
two  layers  of  which  the  outer  one  merges  into  that 
of  the  neighboring  spores  (fig.  31.  32)  so  that  it 
gives  one  the  inij)rcssion  of  the  spores  being  de- 
posited in  a  common  substance."  According  to  this 
statement  no  distinct  and  separate  wall  is  formed, 
and  tlie  s))ores  are  merely  adherent  by  the  outer 
layer  of  their  walls.  Figure  33,  however,  shows  an 
enveloping  membrane.  Cook  considered  Winge's  in- 
terpretation incorrect  and  stated  that  in  S.  radici- 
colus  a  distinct  wall  is  laid  down  around  the  cysto- 
sori. He  did  not.  however,  present  any  evidence 
about  its  origin — whether  it  consists  of  the  original 

liouuding  of  the  plasmodium  ])riscut  at 
the  time  of  clcav.-igc  or  is  dc])ositcd  subsecpiently  by 
the  m.ituring  resting  sjjorcs.  Furthermore,  his  fig- 
ures 23  and  21  of  mature  spore  cakes  do  not  show  a 
separate  common  w.all  .-iround  the  sjjores.  In  S.  kar- 
lliif/ii  no  evidence  of  an  enveloping  membrane  has 
vet  been  observed  (fig.  11-21).  'I"hc  )iresence  of 
such  a  membrane  in  the  genus  as  a  whole  is  thus  still 
open  to  serious  question,  and  if  ))rcscnt  its  origin  and 
method  of  development  arc  certainly  in  need  of  in- 
tensive cytological  study. 

^^'inge  and  Cook  differed  also  in  their  observations 
relative  to  sporogenesis  and  the  stage  at  which  meio- 
sis occurs.  In  -S'.  Callitrichis  numerous  binucleate 
segments  or  s|)ore  mother  cells  are  formed  by  ])ro- 
gressive  cleavage  of  the  plasmodium  (fig.  27).  and 
these  segments  (fig.  28  and  29)  then  divide  once  to 
form  groups  of  s|)ores  in  twos  (fig.  30),  according  to 
Winge.  These  groups  of  incipient  resting  s])ores  soon 
aggregate  together,  deposit  two-layered  walls  (fig. 
28,  29).  and  thus  form  the  characteristic  cytosori 
(fig.  33).  In  iV.  radicicolus,  however,  according  to 
Cook  ('33.  p.  207).  the  j)rimary  cleavage  segments  or 
sjiore  mother  cells  (fig.  20)  divide  twice  to  form  four 
instead  of  two  inci])ient  resting  spores.  Cook  did  not 
show  clearly  how  these  united  to  form  the  cystosorus 
and  an  enveloping  wall.  It  may  be  that  the  two 
species  actually  differ  in  this  respect,  but  further 
study  is  necessary  to  determine  this  point.  If  Winge's 
and  Cook's  accounts  are  correct  Sorodiscus  shows 
marked  similarity  to  Sorosphaera  by  the  ])resence  of 
s])orc  mother  cells  which  divide  into  diads  and  tet- 
rads and  subsequently  aggregate  into  sori. 

S.   CALLITRICHIS    I.aperheim   and   Winpe,   I.e..   p.   33. 
PI.  1,  fig.  9,  1(1;  PI.  -';  PI.  3.  fi;:.  43-63. 

Cystosori  up  to  10  in  a  cell,  usually  circular,  flat 
and  "disc-shaped.  30-1-5/.  X  10-6.5  )x  X  12-11/1, 
rarely  spherical  and  hollow;  composed  of  U|)  to  200 
resting  spores  usually  arranged  in  two  layers  and 
closely  pressed  together ;  outer  layer  of  spore  walls 
continuous  {!).  Resting  spores  urn-shaped  in  longi- 
tudinal section  and  hexagonal  in  cross  section,  t- .5  /n 
X  6-7  //.  with  smooth  hyaline  walls  surmounted  at 
the  al>ex  by  a  collar;  germination  unknown.  Zoospo- 
rangia  and  zoosjjores  unknown.  Plasmodia  one  to 
several  in  a  cell,  large.  10-00  /x  in  diam.,  each  form- 
ing one  cystosorus;  schizogony  doubtful  or  lacking; 
cleaving  at  maturity  into  binucleate  segments  or 
sjjorc  mother  cells  which  divide  once  (?)  into  two 
resting  s])ores. 

P.irasitic  in  Callitriche  icrnaVis  in  Norway  (  I.a- 
gerheim  and  Winge,  I.e.)  and  C.  autiimnalis  in  Russia 
( KareltsehikotT  and  Ros.inoff.  '70)  and  Sweden 
(Ostenfeld).  causing  globular  galls  uj)  to  3X'''  mm. 
on  the  primary  and  secondary  axes. 

This  species  was  first  recorded  in  1870  by  Ka- 
reltschikoff  and  RosanofT  who  mistook  the  cystosori 
for  cystoliths  and  com))ared  them  with  those  present 
in  the  L'rticaeeae.  although  Rosaimrt  was  of  the 
o|)inion  that  they  might  be  rcmnauts  of  a  parasitic 
mycelium.  According  to  Winge,  Lagerheim  collected 



this  species  on  C.  vernalis  in  Norway  in  1893  and 
1900.  and  altlioua;li  lie  fixed,  sectioned  and  studied  his 
material  lie  ])uhlished  notliing  but  passed  the  mate- 
rial on  to  \^'inge.  In  1907  Rosenfeld  (Anonymous, 
08)  discovered  the  fungus  on  C.  autumnalis  in 
Sweden,  and  since  that  time  it  has  not  been  reported. 
Sorodiscus  CaUitrichis  has  a  marked  effect  on  the 
host.  All  parts  of  the  stem  except  the  outermost  corti- 
cal tissues  and  ejjidermis  are  attacked,  and  the  vascu- 
lar bundles  become  displaced  and  lie  scattered  about 
in  the  tumors  or  are  completely  destroyed.  Infected 
cells  may  often  enlarge  to  10  times  their  normal  di- 
ameter, but  whether  or  not  they  and  adjacent  healthy 
ones  are  stimulated  to  divide  by  the  fungus  is  un- 
known. It  is  not  improbable,  however,  that  the  galls 
are  due  to  both  cell  enlargement  and  cell  multiplica- 
tion. The  nucleus  of  the  host  cell  apparently  en- 
larges also  and  forms  several  conspicuous  nucleoli. 
So  far  nothing  is  known  about  the  site  and  method 
of  infection. 

S.  RADICICOLUS  Cook,  1931.  Ann.  Mveol.  29:  321.  Pis. 

Cystosori  one  to  several  in  a  cell,  usually  flat  and 
disc-shaped;  composed  of  up  to  50  resting  spores 

usually  arranged  in  two  layers  and  closely  pressed 
together;  enveloped  in  a  delicate  membrane  which 
later  disintegrates  and  frees  the  individual  spores. 
Resting  spores  oval,  rectangular  and  jiolygonal  in 
section,  3.8-4..2  ix  X  3.2-3.6  fj.,  with  smooth  walls, 
the  outer  layer  of  which  may  be  extended  to  form 
blunt  spines ;  separating  at  maturity  and  giving  rise 
to  zoospores  in  germination.  Zoospores  oval  pvri- 
form.  2. .5-3. .5  jj.,  soon  becoming  amoeboid.  Zoospo- 
rangia  unknown.  Plasmodia  one  to  several  in  a  cell, 
small  15-30 /t  in  diameter:  schizogony  doubtful  or 
lacking;  each  producing  a  single  cystosorus  ;  at  ma- 
turity cleaving  into  uninucleate  segments  or  spore 
mother  cells  which  divide  twice  into  four  resting 

Parasitic  in  tlie  roots  of  Giinandrops'is  penla- 
phi/lla  near  Pretoria,  South  Africa,  causing  con- 
voluted, coral-like  galls,  3-15  mm.  in  diameter. 

Cook's  study  of  this  species  was  based  entirely  on 
prepared  slides  and  fixed  material  sent  by  Dr.  E.  M. 
Doidge  from  South  Africa.  It  has  accordingly  never 
been  examined  in  the  living  state.  Many  of  the  criti- 
cal developmental  stages  such  as  resting  spore  ger- 
mination, fusion  of  gametes,  schizogony,  alternation 



(Fig.  1,  3,  9-15,  23-33  after  Winge,  '13.  Remaining  figures 
after  Cook,  '31.  Fig.  8  drawn  from  portion  of  a  plioto- 

Fig.  1.  Callltilche  viriudis  with  lunnerous  galls  caused 
by  .'^.  Callitrichii-: 

Fig.  2.  Enlarged  gall. 

Fig.  3.  Diagrammatic  sketch  of  cross  secticm  througli  the 
root  and  gall  of  Gjinandrojinis  pentaphyUa  showing  the 
progressive  developmental  stages  of  parasite  from  the  root 
to  the  opposite  side  of  tumor.  S.  radiciroliis. 

Fig.  4.  Anteriorly  flagellate  zoospore  or  gamete.  .S.  rad'i- 

Fig.  5.  Amoeboid  stage  of  same.  S.  radicieoliis. 

Fig.  6.  Fusion  of  gametes.  S.  radicicoliis. 

Fig.  7.  Young  binucleate  Plasmodium  after  first  division 
of  zygote  nucleus.  .S.  rndicicoliis. 

Fig.  8.  Large  multinucleate  plasmodium.  S.  toi/iVico/h.*. 

Fig.  9.  Resting  nucleus  of  plasmodium.  S.  CaVitrirhis. 

Fig.  10.  Prophase,  showing  differentiation  of  "tropho" 
and  "idioehromatin."  S.  ('iillltrlchh. 

Fig.  11.  Equatorial  plate  stage  of  "iiromitosis"  (?).  S. 

Fig.  12.  Similar  stage  from  a  young  plasmodium  showing 
chromatin  aggregated  into  chromosome-like  bodies.  S.  Citl- 

Fig.  13.  Anaphase  with  conspicuous  astral  rays.  S.  Calll- 

Fig.  14.  Late  telophase  showing  differentiation  of 
"tropo-"  and  "idioehromatin."  S.  Cdllilrichi.i. 

Fig.  1.5.  Daughter  nuclei  with  well-marked  centrosome- 
like  bodies  and  astral  rays.  .'?.  CaUitrichis. 

Fig.  IB.  Beginning  of  cliiomatin  discharge  into  cyto- 
plasm from  nucleus  during  chromidial  stage.  /S.  radici- 

Fig.  17.  Later  stage  showing  karyosome  broken  u])  into 
granules  which  lie  at  the  inner  peri))hery  of  nucleus.  iS. 

Fig.  18.  Final  akaryotc  stage  with  all  stainable  chro- 
matin discharged  from  nucleus.  S.  rridicicoliis. 

Fig.  19.  Prophase  of  meiosis,  the  so-called  "garland 
stage."  S.  radicicoliis. 

Fig.  20.  Equatorial  plate  stage  of  meiosis  with  four  chro- 
mosomes. Plasmodium  segmenting  into  spore  mother  cells. 
.S'.  radicicoliis. 

Fig.  21.  Binucleate  spore  mother  cell  >S'.  racliciciihis. 

Fig.  -2-2.  Second  meiotic  division  with  two  chromosomes. 
S.  ratlicicohis. 

Fig.  23-24.  So-called  "garland"  stages  in  S.  Callitrichi.i. 

Fig.  35.  Equatorial  plate  stage  of  the  first  (homeotypic) 
division.  S.  CaUitrichis. 

Fig.  2().  Equatorial  plate  stages  of  meiosis.  Plasmodium 
cleaving  into  segments.  S.  CaUitrichis. 

Fig.  27.  Paired  daughter  nuclei  in  cleaving  plasmodium. 
S.  CaUitrichis. 

Fig.  28,  29.  Binueleate  segment  of  plasmodium.  S'.  CaUi- 

Fig.  30.  Four  incipient  resting  spores  resulting  from 
cleavage  of  two  binucleate  segments.  Nuclei  quite  large. 
•S'.  Callit richis. 

Fig.  31.  Mature  spores  with  two-layered  walls,  the  outer 
layer  merging  with  that  of  neighboring  spores.  S.  CaUi- 

Fig.  32.  Young  spores  with  outer  and  inner  walls.  .S'.  Cal- 
lit richis. 

Fig.  33.  Side  view  of  cystosorus  of  S.  CaUitrichis  show- 
ing common  enveloping  membrane. 

Fig.  34.  Young  spore  with  incompletely  formed  walls. 
»?.  radicicoliis. 

Fig.  3.5.  Surface  view  of  small  cystosorus.  S.  radicicoliis. 

Fig.  3(i.  Spiny  resting  spores.  S.  radicicoliis. 

Fig.  37.  Thick-walled  resting  spore  broken  away  from 
cystosorus.  S.  radicicolus. 



ri.ATK  7 




of  haploid  and  diploid  generations,  ete.,  are  thus  in 
need  of  further  investigation. 

The  method  of  infection  has  not  been  observed, 
but  Cook  believed  that  the  amoeboid  zoospores  or 
amoebae  are  capable  of  passing  through  the  walls 
from  cell  to  cell  and  even  to  the  outside  of  the  host 
where  they  may  infect  other  roots.  As  is  shown  in 
figure  3  at  least  two  generations  of  the  parasite  may 
occur  in  large  galls  during  the  course  of  one  season, 
but  the  host  plants  are  not  seriously  affected  by  the 
presence  of  the  galls  and  fungus.  The  central  cylin- 
der of  the  roots  apparently  is  not  attacked,  and  the 
galls  seem  to  originate  in  the  cortex,  although  Cook 
was  not  at  all  clear  about  their  origin.  Infected  cells 
do  not  enlarge  greatly,  but  their  nuclei  eventually 
become  disorganized  and  degenerate.  The  presence 
of  the  fungus  may  possibly  stimulate  cytokinesis  or 
at  least  does  not  ])revent  division  of  infected  and  ad- 
jacent healthy  cells.  The  galls  are  therefore  doubt- 
less due  to  both  cell  enlargement  and  cell  multiplica- 

S.  KARLINGII  Cook,  1933,  I.e.  p.  207.  Karling,  1938.  Am. 
.Tour.  Hot.  1.5:  485.  PI.  3;?,  fig.  1-9. 

Cystosori  numerous,  up  to  400  in  a  cell,  quite  va- 
riable in  size  and  shape,  often  oval,  elongate  and 
disc-shaped,  15-30  /x  X  15-70  /x,  occasionally  almost 
spherical,  10-35  /x  in  diameter,  irregular,  or  reduced 
to  tetrads,  triads,  diads  and  rarely  monads;  consist- 
ing of  from  1  to  200  spores;  enveloping  membrane 
unknown.  Resting  spores  polygonal  and  angular, 
•t-9  ;«.,  when  pressed  together  in  large  sori,  spherical, 
oval  and  ellipsoidal  when  single  or  in  small  groups, 
5-23  /J.  in  diameter,  uni-  or  multinucleate  with  hya- 
line smooth  walls  and  surmounted  by  one  and  oc- 
casionally two  fairly  thick  caps;  germination  un- 
known. Plasmodia  one  to  several  in  a  cell,  multi- 
nucleate, and  uj)  to  90 /j,  in  diameter;  schizogony 
unknown.  Zoosporangia  and  zoospores  unknown. 

Parasitic  in  Chara  coniraria  and  C.  delicatiila  in 
New  York  City,  causing  marked  hypertrophy  of  the 
infected  cells. 

This  is  the  only  known  species  which  parasitizes 
algae.  Because  of  the  great  variation  in  the  size  and 
shape  of  its  cystosori  and  the  lack  of  a  common  sur- 
rounding membrane,  it  is  a  doubtful  member  of 
Sorodiscus,  and  until  more  is  known  about  its  life 
cycle  it  is  retained  only  provisionally  in  this  genus. 
Its  effect  on  the  host  is  quite  marked  and  extensive, 
and  all  cells  appear  to  be  equally  susceptible.  Hyper- 
trophied  stipules,  leaflets,  spicules,  internodal  and 
cortical  cells  have  frequently  been  found.  As  is 
shown  in  figures  1  and  2  infected  cells  may  swell  to 
many  times  their  normal  diameter  and  have  the  ap- 
pearance of  s))herical.  oval  and  elongate  green  blis- 

The  presence  of  the  plasmodia  has  no  visible  effect 
at  first  on  the  streaming  of  the  host  jjrotoijlasm  and 
are  continually  carried  along  ])assively  with  the  host 
nuclei  and  cytoplasm.  Individual  hypertrophied  cor- 
tical cells  have  been  removed   from  the  leaves  and 

kept  alive  in  hanging  drops  for  ten  days,  during 
which  period  the  plasmodia,  host  nuclei  and  cj'to- 
plasm  rotated  continually.  The  streaming  begins  to 
slow  down  in  about  12  days  and  ceases  entirely 
within  20  days,  after  which  the  cell  soon  dies.  As  is 
shown  in  figure  3  the  host  nuclei  and  cytoplasm  ap- 
pear normal  during  the  actively  streaming  period, 
and  in  spite  of  the  extension  which  it  has  undergone 
the  cell  wall  remains  normal  in  thickness.  Later,  the 
host  protoplasm  is  reduced  to  a  thin  layer.  The  jires- 
ence  of  the  parasite  mav  also  often  lead  to  the  for- 
mation of  an  abundance  of  storage  starch  grains  in 
the  plastids. 

The  cystosori,  which  were  previously  ('28)  called 
sporangesori  by  the  author,  are  quite  variable  in  size 
and  shape,  and  those  consisting  of  a  few  large  multi- 
nucleate and  several  small  uni-nucleate  spores  (fig. 
15,  21)  have  possibly  arisen  by  unequal  and  incom- 
plete cleavage  of  the  plasmodium.  The  unusually 
large  multinucleate  spores  (fig.  19)  are  probably 
the  result  of  the  encystment  of  the  entire  plasmodia 
which  failed  to  segment.  Since  such  spores  are  multi- 
nucleate, it  is  not  improbable  that  they  form  several 
zoospore  in  germination. 


Anonymous.  1908.  Bot.  Tidsskr.  -28:  XXVII. 
Cook,  W.  R.  I.  1933.  Arch.  Protistk.  80:  303. 
KareltscliikoiT,  S.,  and  S.  Rosanoff.  1870.  Mem.  Soc.  Sci. 

Nat.  Cherbourg.  3nd  ser.  5:  12i. 
Palm,  B.  T.,  and  M.  Burk.  1933.  Arch.  Protistk.  79:  371. 
Schwartz,  E.  .J.  1914.  Ann.  Bot.  38:  330. 


Sornclisrus  karliiigil 

(All  figures  after  Karling) 

Fig.  1.  Hypertrophied  internodal  cell  of  C.  fhlicnfiiln 
which  has  burst  the  sheath  of  cortical  cells. 

Fig.  3.  An  extreme  case  of  parasitism  of  the  cortical  cells 
of  C.  contraria. 

Fig.  3.  Longitudinal  section  of  an  enlarged  cortical  cell 
witli  twenty-six  cystosori  and  seven  plasmodia  surrounded 
by  the  host  protoplasm.  The  six  host  nuclei  appear  normal. 

Fig.  4-6'.  Uni-,  bi-  and  tetranucleate  stages  of  the  jiara- 

Fig.  7.  A  multinucleate  vacuolate  plasmodium  in  surface 

Fig.  8.  Similar  plasmodium  in  edge  view. 

Fig.  9.  Large  irregular  plasmodium. 

Fig.  10.  Cleavage  of  plasmodium  to  form  cystosorus. 

Fig.  11.  Surface  view  of  a  large  flattened  cystosorus  con- 
sisting of  approximately  300  spores. 

Fig.  13.  An  almost  spherical  cystosorus. 

Fig.  13.  Flattened  cystosorus  in  end  view. 

Fig.  14.  Tetrad  of  resting  spores. 

Fig.  15,  1().  Further  variations  in  size  and  shape  of  cysto- 

Fig.  17,  18.  Small  resting  spores  in  side  and  surface  views 
showing  the  apical  caps. 

Fig.  19.  Large  isolated  multinucleate  spore. 

Fig.  30,  31.  Cystosori  consisting  of  two  and  three  spores. 



PT.ATK  8 



Sorodiscus  karlingi 


The  genus  Membranosonts  has  been  regarded  as  a 
synonym  of  Sorodiscus,  but  inasmuch  as  its  inclusion 
in  this  genus  as  well  as  in  Sorosphaera  is  highly 
questionable  at  present  it  seems  advisable  for  the 
time  being  to  discuss  it  separately. 


Ostcnfeld  and  Petersen,  1930.  Zeitschr.  f.  Bot. 

(PL.\TE  9) 

Cystosori  one  or  more  in  a  cell,  variable  in  size 
and  shai)e  ;  frequently  a  hollow,  single-layered  struc- 
ture wliich  covers  the  inner  periphery  of  the  host 
cell  and  conforms  to  the  latter's  size  and  shape  ;  often 
oval,  disc-like  and  single-layered,  rarely  double- 
layered,  occasionally  composed  of  an  irregular  mass 
of  loosely  attached  spores  or  a  row  of  spores  ar- 
ranged in  a  linear  series.  Resting  spores  slightly 
variable  in  size  and  shape  ;  germination  unknown. 
Plasmodia  one  or  more  in  a  cell,  variable  in  size  and 
shape;  often  in  the  form  of  a  parietal  layer  around 
the  host  protoplasm;  schizogony  unknown.  Zoospo- 
rangia  and  zoospores  unknown. 

In  light  of  present-day  knowledge  Memhrano- 
sorus  is  obviously  a  doubtful  genus  which  should 
perhaps  be  discarded  entirely,  but  until  more  is 
known  about  the  Plasmodiophoraceae  as  a  wliole  its 
inclusion  in  any  of  the  other  genera  is  open  to  serious 
question.  Wernham's  observations  have  shown  that 
the  outstanding  character  described  by  Ostenfeld 
and  Petersen,  namely,  hollow  single-layered  cysto- 
sori which  line  the  inner  periphery  of  the  host  cell 
and  conform  to  the  latter's  size  and  shape,  is  too  va- 
riable (fig.  n-18)  to  be  of  significant  diagnostic 
value.  The  incorporation  of  Memhranosorus  in  Soro- 
sphaera or  Sorodiscus  is  equally  questionable  if  the 
present-day  concepts  of  these  genera  are  to  be  main- 
tained, because  only  occasionally  are  cystosori  in 
the  form  of  hollow  spheres  or  double-layered  discs 
developed.  By  the  extreme  variability  of  its  cystosori 
this  genus  resembles  perhaps  more  closely  Lif/niera 
and  Poli/mi/xa.  Ostenfeld  and  Petersen  regarded  it 
as  closelv  related  to  Sorosphaera  and  Tetrami/.ia, 
while  Wernham  implied  tliat  it  should  be  incorpo- 
rated with  Sorodiscus.  Palm  and  Burk  regarded 
it  as  a  synonym  of  Sorosphaera.  Cook  api)arently 
overlooked  its  existence  entirely  in  his  monograph  of 
the  Plasmodiophorales. 

M.  HETERANTHERAE  Ostenfeld  and   Petersen,  I.e., 
fi)i.  1-6. 
Sornili.iciig   Hi'teranlherae,  Wernham,   1935.   Mycologia 
3T:-212.  PI.  IT,  18,  ftp.  1,2. 

Resting  spores  always  aggregated  in  multiitles  of 
four.  Globose,  ovoid,  angular.  S.5-5  /x  in  diameter, 
hyaline  and  buff-brown,  with  smooth.  0.6-1.0  //  thick 
walls  :  apical  ring,  collar  or  operculum  lacking.  Plas- 
modia oval,  ellipsoidal.  8  ft  in  diameter,  or  disc-like, 

flat  and  often  ribbon-shaped.  28-70  /n  in  length,  and 
encircling  the  host  protoplasm. 

Parasitic  on  Heieranthera  dubia  in  Ontario  and 
Quebec,  Canada;  Vermont  and  New  York.  U.  S.  A.. 
causing  marked  hyjjertrophy  of  adventitious  and 
true  roots. 

Whether  or  not  the  species  described  by  Osten- 
feld and  Petersen,  and  Wernham.  respectively,  are 
identical  is  not  absolutely  certain,  but  since  they 
have  the  same  habitat  and  distribution,  cause  the 
same  symptoms,  infect  the  same  tissues  of  identical 
hosts,  and  agree  closely  as  to  spore  size  and  shape, 
they  are  listed  herewitli  as  synonymous.  The  chief 
differences  so  far  relate  to  spore  color  and  variations 
in  the  size  and  shape  of  the  cystosori.  Since  Osten- 
feld's  and  Petersen's  material  was  very  scanty  they 
may  have  missed  most  of  the  variations  later  ob- 
served by  Wernham.  Likewise,  although  Wernham 
never  found  a  single-layered  cystosorus  completely 
lining  a  host  cell,  his  figure  2  shows  that  the  type  of 
sorus  described  by  Ostenfeld  and  Petersen  was  often 
api)roximated  in  his  material.  Tliere  is  accordingly 
good  evidence  that  they  may  have  had  the  same  spe- 
cies at  hand. 

Nothing  is  known  about  tlie  method  by  which  this 
parasite  gets  into  the  roots,  but  entrance  appears  to 

PL.\TE  9 
Membridio.iorus  Heterantheroe 

(Fig.  1-3,  6,  19  and  20  after  Ostenfeld  and  Petersen;  re- 
mainder after  Wernham;  fig.  5  and  IS  drawn  from 

Fig.  1.  Portion  of  infected  stem  of  //.  fliibia  with  10 
swollen  and  5  normal  roots. 

Fie.  2.  Early  infection  stage  with  small  granular  para- 
site attached  to  host  nucleus. 

Fig.  3.  Young  bi-  and  trinucleate  parasites  in  daughter 
host  cells. 

Fig.  4.  Young  parasite  with  three  nuclei. 

Fig.  .5.  Large  parietal  plasmodium  which  almost  com- 
pletely envelopes  host  protoplasm. 

Fig.  (i.  Large  multinucleate  plasmodium  enveloping  the 
host  nucleus. 

Fig.  7.  Plasmodium  with  nuclei  dividing  promitotically. 

Fig.  8.  Plasmodium  in  which  nuclei  are  about  to  undergo 
reduction  division. 

Fig.  9.  Plasmodium  with  nuclei  which  have  just  under- 
gone reduction  division. 

Fig.  10.  Second  meiotic  divisions.  Plasmodium  cleaving 
into  resting  spores. 

Fig.  11.  Cystosorus  of  young  thin-walled  resting  spores. 

Fig.  12.  Flat,  almost  circular  cystorus  composed  of  a  sin- 
gle layer  of  resting  spores. 

Fig.  13.  Similar  cystosorus  with  one  resting  spore  pro- 
jecting beneath. 

Fig.  U.  Flat,  two-layered  cystosorus. 

Fig.  15.  Cystosorus  with  resting  spores  In  a  row. 

Fig.  16  and  17.  Irregular  cystosori  with  loosely  attached 
resting  spores. 

Fig.  18.  Single-layered  cystosorus  incompletely  lining 
Inner  periphery  of  host  cell. 

Fig.  19.  Similar  cystosorus  completely  lining  inner  pe- 
riphery of  the  host  cell. 

Fig.  20.  Surface  view  of  similar  cystosorus. 



ri.ATE  9 




be  effected  at  or  near  the  tip.  Cells  of  the  periblem 
are  more  frequently  attacked,  and  the  fungus  occurs 
most  abundantly  in  a  region  approximately  0.5  cm. 
back  of  the  root  tip.  The  cells  of  the  central  cylmder 
apparently  are  never  infected.  According  to  Osten- 
feld  and  "Petersen,  the   fungus   first  appears   as   a 
small  plastic  granular  body  close  by  or  attached  to 
the  host  nucleus  (fig.  2),  and  as  it  grows  in  size  and 
becomes  multinucleate  it  may  envelop  the  host  nu- 
cleus and  cytoplasm  (fig.  3.  5.  6).  There  is  thus  a 
close    association    of   the    protoplasts    of   host    and 
pathogen,  and  in  Ostenfeld  and  Petersen's  drawmgs 
it  is  difficult  to  distinguish  between  them.  The  para- 
site causes  the  infected  cells  to  enlarge  somewhat  but 
apparently  does  not  stimulate  cell  division.  Figure  3, 
however,  "suggests  that   infected  cells  may   divide, 
whereby  the'  parasites  are  passively  distributed  to 
the  daughter  cells. 

The  mature  plasmodia  vary  greatly  in  size,  and 
the  large  extensive  ones  may  often  line  the  inner 
periphery  of  the  host  cell  (fig.  5)  as  in  Tetramiixa. 
According  to  Wernham,  cruciform  nuclear  divisions 
occur  (fig.  7)  during  the  vegetative  phase  of  the 
Plasmodium,  and  the  nuclei  undergo  meiosis  in  the 
first  of  the  two  divisions  prior  to  cleavage  into  rest- 
ing spores.  Although  he  stated  that  he  had  observed 
numerous  meiotic  stages  and  counted  four  to  six 
pairs  of  chromosomes,  his  figures  (fig.  8,  9,  10)  show 
nothing  of  the  process. 


Brunchorst,    1887.    Bergens    Mus.    Aarsberet. 

1886:  225. 
Clathrosorus  Ferdinandsen  and  Winge,  1920.  Ann. 

Bot.  31.:  168. 

(plate  10) 

Resting  spores  usually  arranged  in  hollow  or 
irregularly-channeled  spongy,  globose  balls  or  cysto- 
sori!  Resting  spores  loosely  or  fairly  closely  packed 
together,  spherical,  oval,  pentagonal,  hexagonal  in 
op'tical  section  with  hyaline,  yellowish  to  yellowish- 
green,  smooth,  thin  or  fairly  thick  walls ;  each  spore 
producing  a  single  ( ?)  zoospore;  such  zoospores  giv- 
ing rise  to  either  plasmodia  or  zoosporangia.  Plas- 
modia usually  large,  irregular,  amoeboid  and  multi- 
nucleate ;  partly  or  completely  filling  the  host-cell ; 
forming  one  or  more  spore  balls.  Zoosporangia  sin- 
gle or  in  clusters,  variously-shaped.  Zoospores  from 
resting  spores  and  zoosporangia  similar,  small,  bi- 
flagellate  and  heterocont;  flagella  attached  at  or 
near  anterior  end. 

Sponqospora  includes  at  present  three  species,  one 
of  whicii  is  poorly  known  and  doubtful.  The  type  spe- 
cies, .S'.  siibterraneaMs  been  repeatedly  studied  mor- 
phologically and  cytologically.  but  there  is  still  con- 
siderable disagreement  concerning  some  of  the  criti- 
cal stages  of  its  life  history.  As  noted  in  Chapter  III. 
these  controversies  have  centered  primarily  around 
the   stages   at   which   plasmogamy   and   karyogamy 

occur,  and  the  manner  by  which  the  parasite  invades 
and  spreads  in  the  host  tissue.  Johnson  ('07)  de- 
scribed the  resting  spores  as  one-  to  eight-nucleate 
and  giving  rise  to  a  corresponding  number  of  zoo- 
spores in  germination,  but  subsequent  workers  in- 
cluding  Massee    ('08),   Kunkel    ('15),   Cook    ('33) 

PLATE  10 

Spongospora  sitbterranea 

(Fig.  7-9, 11  and  23  drawn  from  photographs) 

Fig.  1.  Potato  with  shallow  powdery  scab  lesions. 

Fig.  3.  Malformed  potato  with  deep  cankerous  lesions 
and  excrescences. 

Fig.  3.  Powdery  scab  galls  on  roots  of  potato. 

Fig.  i.  Enlarged  host  cell  with  eight  spongy  spore  balls 
or  cvstosori.  Osborn,  "11. 

Fig.  5.  Section  through  a  mature  cystosorus.  Osborn,  I.e. 

Fig.  6.  Uninucleate  resting  spores.  Osborn,  I.e. 

Fig.  7,  8.  Zoospores  from  germinated  resting  spores. 
Ledingham,  '35. 

Fig.  9.  Tetrafiagellate  zoospore.  Ledingham,  I.e. 

Fig.  10.  Dividing  amoeba.  Massee,  '08. 

Fig.  11.  Irregular  ^oosporangium.  Ledingham,  I.e. 

Fig.  1:2.  Uninucleate  amoebae  surrounded  by  host  cyto- 
plasm. Osborn,  I.e. 

Fig.  13.  Host  cell  with  three  amoebae  and  numerous 
starch  grains.  Osborn,  I.e.  ,.  ,  .,     ^    , 

Fig.  U.  Dividing  host  cells  with  passively  distributed 
amoebae.  Osborn.  I.e. 

Fig.  15.  Hypertrophied  cells  of  S.  xcarso-n-iczii  which 
have  divided":  amoebae  aggregated  around  host  nuclei. 
Melhus,  et  al.  "16. 

Fig.  16.  Group  of  infected  enlarged  tomato  cells;  typi- 
cal "Krankheitsherde."  Melhus,  et  iil.  l-c. 

Fig.  17.  Infecting  plasmodium  pushing  down  between 
host  cells.  Kunkel,  "15. 

Fig.  18.  Plasmodium  entering  host  cell  and  enveloping 
nucleus.  Kunkel,  I.e. 

Fig  19  Coalescence  of  amoebae  to  form  plasmodium; 
host  nucleus  enlarged,  irregular,  and  densely  chromatic. 

Osborn,  I.e. 

Fig.  20.  Plasmogamy  of  two  amoebae  derived  from  ger- 
minated resting  spores.  Cook,  '33. 

Fig.  21.  Karyogamy.  Cook,  I.e. 

Fig.  22.  Zygote.  Cook,  I.e. 

Fig.  23.  S'aprophytic  plasmodium  (?)  grown  on  nutrient 
agar.  Kunkel,  I.e. 

Fig.  24,  25.  Vegetative  nuclei  degenerating  and  extrud- 
ing chromidia  into  cytoplasm.  Osborn,  I.e. 

Fig.  26.  Akaryote  and  chromidial  stage.  Osborn,  I.e. 

Fig.  27.  Reconstructed  nuclei  emerging  on  new  sites.  Os- 
born, I.e.  ,  _  1    f     ■ 

Fig.   28,  29.   Reconstructed   nuclei   pairing  and   fusing. 

Osborn.  I.e. 

Fig.  30.  Late  stage  in  karyogamy.  Osborn,  I.e. 

Fig.  31.  Diploid  nuclei.  Osborn,  I.e. 

Fig.  32.  I>ate  prophase  of  meiosis  with  eight  chromo- 
somes. Home,  '30. 

Fig.  33.  Contraction  stage  and  beginning  ot  pairing  ot 
homologous  chromosomes.  Home,  I.e. 

Fig.  31.  Dlakinesis.  Home,  I.e. 

Fig.  35.  Metaphase,  first  division,  showing  three  of  the 
chromosome  pairs.  Home,  I.e. 

Fig.  36.  Equatorial  plate,  second  division,  showing  seven 
chromosomes.  Osborn,  I.e. 

Fig.  37.  Anaphase,  second  division,  and  cleavage.  Os- 
born, I.e. 



Pl.A'i"K   10 

20  21  2Z     ^      "        \ 





PLATE   10~Continned 

Spongospora   Campanulae 

Spoil (jospora  Ciimpnnulae 

Fig.  38.  Campanula  rapiinculoules  with  numerous  jfalls 
and  nodules  on  roots.  Ferdinandsen  and  Winge,  "JO. 

Fig.  39.  Young  parasite  with  nuclei  dividing  "promitoti- 
cally."  F.  and  W.,  I.e. 

Fig.  40.  Multinucleate  Plasmodium.  F.  and  W.,  I.e. 

Fig.  41.  Plasmodium  enveloping  host  nucleus.  F.  and  W., 

Fig.  i-2.  Irregular  cystosorus.  F.  and  W.,  I.e. 

Fig.  43.  Section  through  a  cystosorus.  F.  and  W.,  I.e. 

Fig.  44.  Section  through  two  resting  spores  showing 
finely  punctate  warty  walls.  F.  and  W.,  I.e. 

and  Ledingliam  ('35)  observed  only  one  zoospore. 
Furthermore,  all  earlier  investigators  figured  and 
described  the  zocspores  as  uniflagellate,  but  Led- 
ingliam demonstrated  conclusively  that  they  are  bi- 
flagellate  and  heterocont  (fig.  7,  8).  Whether  the 
flagella  are  attached  at  or  near  the  anterior  end  is 
not  definitely  known.  Massee,  Kunkel,  Osborne 
('11  )  and  Home  ('30)  held  that  the  plasmodium  is 
formed  by  the  fusion  of  several  amoebae  (fig.  19). 
but  they  were  not  certain  whether  such  amoebae  arise 
by  division  of  a  single  amoeba  within  the  infected 
host  cell   or  are  the   result  of  infection   bv   several 

amoebae.  Cook  ('33),  on  the  other  hand,  contended 
that  the  plasmodium  is  initiated  by  the  fusion  of 
gametes  in  pairs  (fig.  20-22). 

There  is  also  difference  of  opinion  about  infection 
and  spread  of  parasite  in  the  host  tissue.  Massee  and 
Cook  in  particular  held  that  the  amoebae  have  the 
ability  to  penetrate  the  host  cell  walls  and  thus  pass 
from  cell  to  cell,  spreading  the  infection.  Osborne 
and  Home,  in  contrast,  maintained  that  the  amoebae 
are  incapable  of  boring  through  the  walls  and  are 
distributed  passively  and  fortuitously  by  division  of 
the  infected  cell  (fig.  14).  Kunkel,  however,  reported 
that  the  primary  infection  of  young  tubers  as  well  as 
secondary  infection  of  tissues  around  old  sori  occurs 
by  invasion  of  the  plasmodium.  The  latter  passes 
through  and  between  the  epidermal  cells,  and  once 
beneath  the  epidermis  it  spreades  out  in  all  directions 
(fig.  17).  Johnson  ('09)  believed  that  the  plasmo- 
dium may  migrate  from  the  diseased  parent  tubers 
into  the  stem  and  stolons  of  the  young  plants,  and 
eventually  infect  the  young  tubers.  Massee  thought 
that  the  plasmodium  might  encyst  during  the  cold 
winter  season  and  renew  its  activities  when  the 
tubers  began  to  sprout.  \\'ild   ('29)  considered  the 



Icnticils.  instead  of  the  imlirokoii  ciJidtTinis,  to  he 
flif  i)riiu-i|)al  .-imihu'  of  initial  infection,  with  sonu" 
luni'lration  tliroiigli  wounds. 

.\feordin<t  to  Kunki'l.  tlif  resting  spores  jienninate 
readily  on  initrient  agar  and  form  plasniodia  in  enl- 
ture.  By  weekly  transfers,  sneli  jilasinodi;!  may  be 
kept  in  an  active  growing  condition  on  synthetic  me- 
dia for  a  long  time,  and  under  these  conditions  they 
are  strikingly  similar  in  api)ear;ince,  sha])c.  he- 
havior,  and  locomotion  to  the  ])l;ismodia  of  the 
Myxomycetes  (fig.  23).  Wlien  subjected  to  drouglit 
they  encyst  or  sclerotize,  and  if  transferred  to  fresh 
media  the  plasniodia  may  often  break  up  into 
smaller  masses  which  move  away  and  form  stalked 
fruiting  structures  like  those  of  Dictiinxti-liiim 
and  Poliixphoncli/lium.  The  erect,  single  or  branched 
sporojihores  bear  sori  of  rod-shaped  spores  like 
Dicti/oxtcliiim,  and  in  germination  give  rise  to 
niyxamoebae  which  later  aggregate  to  form  pseudo- 
plasmodiu.  These  in  turn  form  sporophores  again. 
Kunkel's  observations  have  not  been  confirmed,  and 
since  species  of  the  Acrasiales  occur  in  soils  with 
S poll f/os pore  it  is  not  improbable  that  he  may  have 
introduced  coiit.-iminants  of  this  type  in  his  cultures. 
It  is  to  be  particiilarli)  noted,  however,  that  the  Plas- 
modium which  he  |)lu)togra)ilHd  looks  like  a  true 
myxomycctous  plasmodium.  .Since  it  has  none  of  the 
characteristics  of  an  acrasiaceous  pseudoplasmodium 
in  wliich  the  individual  niyxamoebae  retain  their  in- 
dividuality as  cells,  it  is  difficult  to  conceive  how 
Kunkel  got  Dicti/osffliiim-  and  Poli/xphonili/Iiiim- 
like  sorocarjis  from  a  |)lasmodium  of  the  ty|)e  shown 
in  figure  23.  His  photographs  and  descri])tions  sug- 
gest that  he  may  have  had  more  tiian  one  type  of 
Plasmodium  at  hand.  The  possibility  that  .S'.  spoiif/o- 
spora  may  form  large  plasniodia  on  nutrient  agar 
remains  thus  to  be  proven  by  pure  culture  studies. 

S.   SUBTERRANEA    (Wall.)    Lafrfrlieim,   1891.  .Tourn. 

Mycol.  7:  104. 
Eri/yihfi  »n1>tirraiii<i   Wallmth.  IH-l.'a.  Mnnaea    Ifi:  3.3^!. 

\»MK  Beitr.  zur.  Bot.  1:  IIH. 
Prnlotniires  Tuliir-Sotinii  .Martius.  \Hi2a.  Die  Kartoffel- 

e|)i(lemie  der  Irfzten  .lahre  order  die  .Stockfiiule  und 

Hiiude  drr  KartofTeln,  .Miinchen.  IHl.'l),  C.  R.  Acad. 

.Sci.  Paris  IJ:3U. 
Hhhd.iiKiriiim   Stiliiiii    Hahenhorst.   184.S.    .Arcli.   Pharin. 

83:  300.   1844,   Kryjit.   Fl.   Dputs<li.  Oisttrr..  uiid   der 

Schweiz  I. 
Tiilierrinia  grahHn  Berkeley,  18Hi.  .lour.  Hurt.  .Scic.  I.(in- 

don  1:  33.  PI.  4.  fip.  30-31. 
Soronporhim  Krnhieti  Waldheim,   1877.   .Xpcriii   .System. 

des  L'stilag.  Paris,  p.  33. 
Spon<i<»i><)rti  Solan!  Brunchorst,  I.e. 
.S.  srnltieg  Massee,  1908.  Jour.  Bd.  \^t\v.  Knjriand   1.5: 

.594.  Fip.  1-1:?. 
.S.  siihltrrnnm  ri(tllriri>hi  Blattny,  19.3.5.  Hee.  Inst.  Kecli. 

.\(rr(in.  Rep.  tclieeosl.  137:  ii. 
S.  .iiilitirriniiii  liihi rirohi  Blattny.  I.e. 

Resting  spore  clusters  or  balls  oval,  elongate,  ir- 
regular, 19-8.5  p.  in  diameter,  somewhat  spongy  with 
numerous  irregular  channels.  Resting  spores  loosely 
l)acked  together,  angular,  polygonal,  spherical,  3..5- 

i.a  i-i,  with  smooth,  thin,  yellow  to  yellowish-green 
walls.  Plasniodi.i  uiiusu;illy  large,  u))  to  70  /(  or  more 
in  length,  amoeboid, ;  giving  rise  to  one  or 
more  sjiore  w.alls.  Zoospor.-ingia  single  or  in  clusters, 
U))  to  a  dozen  or  more  in  a  cell,  si)herical,  oval,  elon- 
gate, lobed  and  irregular,  hyaline  and  thin-walled  ; 
ojicuing  by  the  rupture  of  a  small  pajiilla  which 
bursts  through  the  host  cell  wall  emitting  the  zoo- 
spores. Zoospores  from  resting  sjiores  and  zoospo- 
rangi.i  oval.  si)hcric;il,  2. .5-3. .5  /t,  with  two  unequal 

P.irasitic  on  Sdlaiium  tiihi'rosum,  S.  rcarscczcicsii, 
S.  haematododuin,  S.  mamusum,  S.  marc/inatum,  S. 
ciliatum,  S.  commersomi,  S.  nigrum,  and  Li/copersi- 
coii  esciilenitim,  causing  scabby  lesions  and  cankers 
on  the  tubers,  and  galls  on  the  roots  and  steins.  A 
further  account  of  the  distribution  and  hosts  of  this 
species  is  given  in  Chapter  W. 

Spoiigospora  xuhtcrranca  causes  the  disease  of 
potatoes  commonly  known  as  powdery  or  corky  scab. 
While  it  is  chiefly  a  parsite  of  the  potato,  it  may  also 
infect  close  relatives  of  this  host.  In  extensive  inocu- 
lation experiments  Melhus,  et  al.  ('16),  found  that 
it  will  infect  all  but  one  of  the  hosts  listed  above  but 
not  S.  nigrum,  S.  mauritianum,  S.  duplo.iumatori , 
S.  Lohelii,  S.  heteracanthum,  S.  srafnrthianum,  S. 
lanciniatum,  S.  iorviim,  and  Solatium  sj).  Ferdinand- 
sen  ('23),  however,  reported  that  it  is  transmissible 
to  iS.  nigrum  in  Denmark.  Weber  ('22)  and  I.eding- 
ham  ('35)  also  found  it  on  tomatoes  in  Denmark  and 
Canada,  respectively.  It  has  also  been  reported  by 
Rybakova  and  Nedoshivinia  ('36)  on  Ullucus  tii- 
bero.sus  of  the  Chenoiiodiaceae  in  Russia.  Truscott 
('Si)  found  a  Spongoxpora-like  organism  in  the  roots 
of  strawberries  in  Canada,  but  he  was  not  certain 
about  its  identity.  Blattny's  distinction  of  two  forms 
of  S.  suhterranea  on  the  roots  and  tubers,  respec- 
tively, does  not  seem  justified.  The  two  forms  may 
be  transferred  readily  from  one  organ  to  another 
and  do  not  differ  greatly  in  size  and  color  of  their 
s])ore  balls.  Blattny,  nevertheless,  believed  that  the 
root  form  may  be  inycorrliizal  instead  of  l)arasitic. 
Rybakova  and  Nedoshivinia  also  described  an  aber- 
rant form  near  Moscow  which  differs  from  the  nor- 
mal type  by  the  occurrence  of  its  spore  balls  out- 
side of  the  host  cells.  These  balls  are  faintly  brown 
instead  of  yellowish-green  in  color,  jilicate  or  ir- 
regularlv  crumpled  on  the  surface,  and  m.iy  be 
aggregated  in  a  common  mass.  They  vary  in  size 
from  20-2.5  /x  by  13-19  /x  .and  show  no  cellular  struc- 
ture. Khrobrykh  ('38)  ex|)erimented  with  various 
forms  of  .v.  mihtrrraura  from  different  jiotato  va- 
rieties of  different  geographical  origin  and  con- 
cluded that  these  forms  are  not  biotypes  or  geo- 
gra))hical  races  but  ecotypes  dependent  on  the  host 
variety,  height,  and  size  of  the  |nistules.  In  this  con- 
nection it  may  also  be  noted  that  .Sharpies  ('23)  de- 
scribed a  disease  of  the  ))etioles  ;ind  le;if  stalks  of 
the  cocoanut  |);ilin  in  Mal.-iya  which  appeared  to  be 
associated  with  a  species  of  Spongospora,  but  he  was 
not  certain  about  the  identity  of  the  causal  organism. 
It  probably  does  not  relate  to  Spongospora  at  all. 



Spoiigospora  suhterranea  was  the  first  species  of 
the  Plasmodiophoraceae  to  be  reported  in  the  litera- 
ture, but  it  was  not  recognized  as  a  member  of  this 
family  until  about  fifty  years  later.  It  was  first  re- 
ported, in  part  by  Wallroth  in  18-t2,  but  he  had 
apparently  found  it  tiie  year  before  as  is  indicated  in 
Bartling's  (18H)  discussion.  As  is  sliown  in  the 
synonomy  above,  it  was  rediscovered  a  number  of 
times  shortly  afterwards  in  connection  with  otlier 
fungi  in  scabby  lesions  of  potatoes,  and  included  in 
various  genera.  It  was  not  until  1886,  however,  that 
Brunchorst  first  recognized  it  as  a  species  of  the 
Plasmodiophoraceae.  For  a  considerable  number  of 
years  a  long  controversy  raged  about  its  identity 
and  synonj'my,  which  has  been  fully  reviewed  by 
Lagerheim,  Massee,  Pethybridge  and  Cook,  and 
need  not  be  discussed  further  here. 

S.  CAMPANULAE    (Ferdinandsen   and  Winge)    Cook, 
1933.  Arcli.  Protistk.  80:  2lo. 
Clathrosorus  Camija indue  Ferdinandsen  and  Winge,  Lc. 
PI.  21. 

Spore  clusters  or  balls  irregular,  rounded  or  elon- 
gate, 25-.50  /jL  in  diameter  with  large  irregular  chan- 
nels. Spores  spherical,  4-5.5  /jl,  oval,  irregular,  trun- 
cate, with  fairly  thick  and  slightly  verrucose  walls. 
Plasmodia  solitary  in  the  host  cell  and  only  partly 
filling  it.  multinucleate,  irregular,  30-50  fi  in  diam- 
eter, when  mature ;  segmenting  into  resting  spores 
which  remain  attached  in  a  fairly  loose  spore  ball. 
Zoosporangia  and  zoospores  unknown. 

Parasitic  on  the  roots  of  Campanula  rapiinculoides 
in  Denmark,  causing  numerous  single  or  confluent, 
tubercle-like  galls. 

This  species  has  been  reported  but  once.  Whether 
it  belongs  in  Sponc/ospora,  as  Cook  believed,  or  rep- 
resents a  new  genus  is  obviously  questionable  in  light 
of  present-day  knowledge,  but  since  its  spore  clus- 
ters are  reported  to  be  loose,  irregular,  round  or 
elongate  balls  (fig.  38),  it  may  be  conveniently  in- 
cluded here  for  the  time  being.  It  occurs  in  the  cortex 
of  the  roots  (fig.  38),  and  although  the  central  cylin- 
der mav  be  distorted,  it  is  never  parasitized.  The 
infected  cells  are  only  slightly  if  at  all  enlarged  (fig. 
40-12)  and  do  not  divide,  but  the  presence  of  the 
parasite  nonetheless  stimulates  adjacent  healthy 
cells  to  divide.  The  galls  are  thus  almost  entirely  the 
result  of  cell  multi])lication.  The  nucleus  of  the  host 
cell  is  often  enveloped  by  the  parasite  (fig.  10),  but 
it  does  not  become  greatly  enlarged. 

According  to  Ferdinandsen  and  Winge,  meiosis 
occurs  during  the  last  two  nuclear  divisions  in  the 
Plasmodium  preceding  sjiore  ball  formation.  They 
did  not,  however,  count  the  number  of  chromosomes 
nor  observe  plasmogamy  and  karyogamy,  .so  that 
their  conclusions  are  not  based  on  adequate  observa- 

Another  species  of  Sponc/ospora  was  recently  re- 
ported and  described  by  ,1.  T.  Barrett  in  a  brief 
paper  presented  before  a  joint  meeting  of  the  Ameri- 
can Mycological  and  Phytopathologieal  Societies  at 
Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania,  December  30.  1910.  Dr. 

Barrett  has  not  completed  his  study  of  this  species, 
but  he  has  graciously  allowed  me  to  include  a  few 
notes  on  the  essential  features  of  its  life  cycle.  This 
species  parasitizes  Cotula  australis  in  California  and 
causes  cons])icuous  galls  or  nodules  on  its  roots. 
Barrett  accordingly  named  it  .S'.  Cotidae.  In  germina- 
tion each  resting  spore  produces  a  single  zoospore 
with  two  unequal  flagella  as  in  <S'.  suhterranea.  The 
zoospores  infect  the  host  and  eventually  give  rise  to 
zoosporangia  which  in  turn  form  motile  cells  of  the 
same  type  and  character  as  the  zoospores  produced 
by  the  resting  spores.  Barrett  found  fusion  stages  of 
the  zoospores  or  gametes  from  the  sporangia  in  fixed 
and  stained  material,  but  he  has  not  yet  observed 
plasmogamy  in  living  material.  Whether  or  not  the 
sporogenous  plasmodium  is  thus  zygotic  in  origin  is 
uncertain  at  present.  The  spore  balls  or  cystosori 
and  resting  spores,  nevertheless,  usually  follow  the 
sporangial  stage  and  thus  complete  the  cycle  of  de- 


Bartling,  E.  1841.  Versammelung.  Deut.  Nat.  u.  Aerzte  zu 
Braunschweig  im  September  1841.  Vieweg  und  Sohn, 


Ferdinandsen,  C.  19-'3.  Tidsskr.  f.  Landokonomi.  19J3. 

Home,  A.  S.  1930.  Ann.  But.  44:  199. 

.lohnson,  T.  1907.  Econ.  Proc.  Roy.  Dublin  Soc.  1:  345. 

.  1909.  Sci.  Proc.  Roy.  Dublin  Si>c.  n.  s.  12:  165. 

Khrohrykb,  \.  D.  1938.  Summ.  Sci.  Res.  Inst.  pi.  protect. 

for' 193()- 1938:  -21. 
Kunkel,  I..  O.  1915.  Jour.  Agr.  Res.  4:  ^65. 
I.edingham,  G.  A.  1935.  Nature  135:  394. 
Massee,  G.  1908.  Jour.  Bd.  Agrio.  England  15:  594. 
Melhus,  I.  E.,  J.  Rosenbaum,  and  E.  S.  Schultz,  1916.  Jour. 

Agr.  Res.  7:  -'13. 
Osborn,  T.  G.  B.  1911.  Ann.  Bot.  25:211,  337. 
Rybakova,    S.,   and    H.    Nedosliivina.    1936.    White    Russ. 

Acad.  Sci.  Inst.  Biol.  Sci.  Minsk  1936:  57. 
Sharpies,  A.  1933.  Malayan  Agric.  Jour.  11:  367. 
Truscott,  J.  H.  L.  1934.  Canad.  Jour.  Res.  11:  1. 
Weber,  A.  1933.  Tomatsygdonime.  Copenhagen. 
Wild,  N.  1939.  Phytopath.  Zeitschr.  1:  367. 


Maire  and  Tison,  1911.  C.  R.  Acad.  Sci.  Paris 
152:  206. 

(plate  1  1) 

Resting  spores  not  consistently  aggregated  in  cys- 
tosori of  characteristic  shajie  and  structure ;  vari- 
ously-shaped with  relatively  thin  hyaline  or  colored, 
smooth  or  verrucose  walls.  Plasmodium  relatively 
small,  ])artly  or  comi)letely  filling  tlie  host  cell;  seg- 
menting into  either  zoos))orangia  or  one  or  more 
cystosori;  schizogony  reduced  or  lacking  (?).  Zoo- 
sporangia numerous  in  a  cell  and  usually  grouped  to- 
gether, small  and  variously-shaped ;  opening  by  a 
rupture  of  the  wall.  Zoosj)ores  from  sporangia  ]iyri- 
forni.  Germination  of  resting  spores  doubtful  or  un- 
known at  ])resent. 



Tliis  jji-iuis  was  cstaMislKd  l)_v  Main-  aiul  'rismi 
for  all  i)lasiiio<lio|)liorjicfinis  species  cliaraeteri/.cd 
by  loosely  and  variously  ajijirejiated  restintr  spores. 
little  or  no  seliizujiony  of  the  iilasiuodiuiii.  (■oni])lete 
develo)>nu'nt  within  a  sinirle  host  eell.  and  whieli 
eause  no  hyiiertropliy  of  the  iiost.  As  sueh.  it  is  a 
very  questionahle  i;eiuis  and  should  iierhajis  lie  dis- 
carded, since  noiu-  of  its  charai'ters  are  very  distinc- 
tive and  diajjnostic.  In  the  first  |)lacc  the  shape  and 
character  of  the  restinji  spore  clusters  or  cystosori 
are  too  variable  to  be  of  nnich  {generic  value.  Sec- 
ondly, none  of  the  si)ccies  has  yet  been  studied  in- 
tensivclv  and  sutHciently  well  to  determine  whether 
or  not  sehizoiiony  is  well  developed,  redui'cd.  or 
lackinsr  entirely.  I'urthcrniore.  it  is  not  certain  tli;it 
the  l);irasite  completes  its  entire  life  cycle  within  one 
host  cell.  Fin.illy.  the  Jircscnce  or  absence  of  host 
hypertrophy  is  not  a  structural  or  eytological  char- 
acter of  tlie  jiarasite  itself,  but  relates  to  the  reac- 
tions of  host  and  ])athogen.  Even  if  this  latter  charac- 
ter were  tenable,  it  would  not  be  diagnostic  for  the 
group  as  a  whole,  because  I>.  plloriim,  according  to 
Fron  and  (iaillat.  causes  marked  local  enlargement 
of  the  root  hairs  of  Poa  annua.  t)n  the  basis  of  ])res- 
ent-day  knowledge.  Lif/niera  al)pears  thus  to  be 
scarcely  more  than  a  convenient  dumping  ground 
for  species  which  cause  little  or  no  hypertrophy. 
Further  intensive  studies,  however,  may  reveal  a 
more  fundamental  basis  of  distinction. 

The  pyriform  uninucleate  zoosi)ores  of  Lif/niera 
have  been  described  by  Cook  as  anteriorly  uniHagel- 
late  (fig.  1).  but  more  careful  study  will  doubtless 
show  them  to  be  biflagellate  and  heterocont  as  in 
Plasmodiophora,  Pol_i/mi/da,  Sponr/ospora,  and  Ocfo- 
mi/xa/  After  penetrating  root  hairs  and  epidermal 
cells,  they  may  become  flagellate  and  actively  motile 
again  in  the  host  ]iroto])lasm  (tig.  2B).  according  to 
Cook.  The  flagellum  soon  disap|)ears.  however,  and 
the  parasite  becomes  amoeboid  in  sha)3c  and  motion 
(fig.  3).  Nuclear  divisions  occur  as  the  amoebae  in- 
crease in  size  (fig.  K  8.  9).  until  a  multinucleate 
Plasmodium  is  formed.  One  or  more  amoebae  and 
Plasmodia  may  be  present  in  a  host  cell,  but  so  far 
no  conclusive  evidence  has  been  presented  to  show- 
that  they  coalesce  to  form  a  larger  structure.  As 
noted  before  Cook  ('33)  re))orted  that  the  zoospores 
are  isogametes  which  fuse  in  i)airs  to  form  zygotes. 
but  his  evidence  of  plasmogamy  or  karyogamy  is  not 
very  conclusive. 

Host  cells  usually  contain  only  one  plasmodium. 
which  fills  them  almost  eomjiletcly  (fig.  12).  Very 
little  is  known  about  the  feeding  habits  of  the  intra- 
matrical  plasmodia.  They  alijiarcntly  absorb  the  host 
cvtoijlasra.  envelop  the  nucleus,  and  lead  to  the  dis- 
appearance of  the  starch  grains,  so  that  the  infected 
regions  of  the  roots  ap])ear  quite  pale  in  color. 
Maire  and  Tison  ('11).  however,  reported  the 
Plasmodium  is  cal)able  of  engulfing  large  food  pnr- 

•  This  is  suppestrd  by  Rarretfs  discovery  of  biflajrcllate 
heterocont  zoospores  in  Khhiinuij-a  hiipoijea  whieli  is  re- 
garded as  a  combination  of  Liijniern  sp.,  and  another  fun- 
gus species. 

tides,  .-iiid  figured  ;!  yiiuiig  p.'irasite  with  live  en- 
gulled  algal  cells  (fig.  .5). 

Whether  or  not  schizogony  incurs  in  Lii/nii'ra  is 
still  questionable.  Schwartz  ('10)  reported  that  the 
young  plurinuele.ite  iil.ismodi.-i  of  /..  Jiinci  function 
.■IS  schizonts.  siilitting  off  smaller  uni-  or  multiiiuele- 
;ite  daughter  segments.  .M.iire  and  'I'ison  (lib),  on 
the  other  hand,  believed  that  schizogony  may  be 
l.iekiiig  entirely  or  is  reduci<l  to  the  formation  of  two 
or  three  iiieronts  (fig.  10).  Suiiseqiunt  workers  also 
have  doubted  its  occurrence  or  cl;iimed  that,  if  pres- 
ent at  all.  it  takes  place  only  in  the  young  develoj)-  stages. 

With  the  doubtful  exception  of  /,.  plloriim  (fig,  2.5. 
2().  38).  species  of  Li(/)ticra  ha\e  no  noticeable  effect 
oil  the  host  tissues,  according  to  most  accounts  in  the 
liter.iture.  No  galls  are  ))roduced,  and  the  infested 
cells  arc  not  markedly  enlarged  or  stinuil.ited  to  di- 
vide. Schwartz  (H),  however,  reported  that  para- 
sitized cells  of  Poa  annua  are  often  considerably 
elongated,  due  either  to  the  failure  of  transverse  wall 
dev(lo])ment  or  the  absorbtion  of  such  walls  by  the 
parasite.  Subsequent  workers,  however,  have  not 
confirmed  these  observations.  The  relation  between 
the  ))rotoi)lasts  of  the  host  and  ])athogen  ap|)ears  to 
be  very  intimate,  and  no  marked  antagonism  is  ex- 
liibited,  according  to  the  figures  and  descriptions  in 
the  literature.  Schwartz  reported  that  tlie  amoebae 
are  strongly  attracted  to  the  host  nucleus  and  mi- 
grate toward  it  as  soon  as  they  have  entered  the  eell 
(fig.  0.  7)  like  in  .S'.  subterranea.  The  amoebae  shown 
in  these  figures,  however,  look  like  nuclei  of  the 
parasite,  which  suggests  that  the  host  nucleus  in 
these  instances  miglit  )iossibly  be  envelojied  by  a 
multinucleate  plasmodium.  Complete  envelopment 
of  the  host  nucleus  and  a  mixing  of  the  two  proto- 
plasts has  also  been  shown  in  root  hairs  of  J  uncus 
articulatus  (Schwartz.  '10,  fig.  .5).  Figure  37  shows 
a  host  nucleus  inside  a  mature  eystosorus.  The  nu- 
cleus of  infected  cells  shows  little  or  no  enlargement, 
and  no  conspicuous  signs  of  degeneration  are  evi- 
dent until  the  parasite  is  almost  mature.  Maire  and 
Tison's  figures  (11.  37)  suggest  that  as  degenera- 
tion progresses  the  nucleus  becomes  more  chromatic 
and  densely  stainable. 

According  to  Cook  ('2G,  '28)  the  mature  ))lasmo- 
diuni  may  form  either  zoos]>orangia  or  cystosori.  In 
the  former  event  uninucleate  segments  (fig.  20)  are 
delimited  by  ])rogressive  cleavage,  and  their  nucleus 
divides  twice  and  occasionally  three  times.  Cook 
claimed  that  the  first  division  is  heterotypic  and  the 
second  homeotypic,  liut  his  evidence  is  not  at  all  con- 
clusive (see  Chap,  III).  In  resting  spore  develo])- 
ment  uninucleate  amoebae  may  sometimes  undergo 
two  nuclear  divisions  (fig.  22)  and  form  tetrads  of 
resting  spores,  according  to  M;iire  and  Tison  (1  lb). 
It  is  not  inijirobable.  howe\er.  that  their  figures  m.iy 
relate  instead  to  sjioriingia  and  zoospore  develo))- 
ment.  In  larger  ))lasmodia.  the  reconstructed  nuclei 
following  the  so-called  "akaryote"  stage  also  divide 
twice.  Following  these  divisions  the  jilasmodium 
cleaves  into  uninueleate  segments,  which  round  u)). 



become  invested  with  a  wall  (fig.  31),  and  mature 
into  resting  spores.  These  spores  usually  remain  at- 
tached to  each  other  and  form  cystosori  of  variable 
sizes  and  shapes  (fig.  28-40)  in  accordance  usually 
with  the  size  of  the  plasmodium  and  tlie  shape  of  the 
host  cell. 

L.  JUNCI   (Schwartz)  Maire  and  Tison,  I.e. 

Sornsphuera  Jiiiici  Schwartz,  1910.  Ann.  Bot.  24:  513. 

PI.  10. 
S.  (/raminh  Schwartz,  1911.  Ibid.  25:  791.  PI.  (il. 
L.  graminh    (Schwartz)    Winge,  1913.  Ark.  f.   Bot.   \-2, 

no.  9:  15. 
L.  rridicdlii  Maire  and  Tison,  I.e.;  1911.  Ann.  Mycol.  9: 

333.  PI.  11,  fip.  34-38. 
L.  Bellidis  Schwartz,  1914.  Ann.  Bot.  38:  333.  PI.  13,  fig. 

L.  Menthae  Schwartz,  I.e.  PI.  13,  fig.  1-6. 
L.  AlisnuiUs  Schwartz,  I.e.,  p.  333. 

Resting  spores  rarely  in  tetrads,  sometimes  end  to 
end  in  a  linear  series ;  more  often  in  irregular  masses, 
solid  or  hollow,  flat,  globose  or  ellipsoidal,  cylindri- 
cal and  elongate  cystosori.  Resting  spores  spherical 
oval,  angular  and  polyhedral  when  compressed  to- 
gether, 4-7  /i  in  diameter,  with  relatively  thin  hya- 
line smooth  walls;  apparently  giving  rise  to  zoo- 
spores which  infect  the  host  cell.  Plasmodium  partly 
or  completely  filling  the  host  cell ;  segmenting  into 
either  zoosporangia  or  one  or  more  masses  of  rest- 
ing spores,  schizogony  questionable  or  reduced.  Zoo- 
sporangia  oval,  subglobose,  spherical,  angular  and 
polyhedral,  15-20/x,  in  diameter,  with  thin  hyaline 
smooth  walls;  method  of  dehiscence  unknown.  Zoo- 
spores from  sporangia  4  to  8  in  number,  pyriform, 

3. 5X^-5  jn. 

Parasitic  in  the  root  hairs  and  roots  of  Junciis  arti- 
ciilatus,  J.  obiusiflorus,  J.  biifoniiis,  J.  lamprocar- 
piis,  Poa  annua,  Bellis  perennis,  Mentha  piilegium, 
Alisma  Plantago,  CallHriche  stagiialis,  Votomgeion 
natans,  Polyc/onum  H i/dropiper.  Iris  pseudocorus, 
Ranunculus  circinatus,  R.  aquatilis,  Plantago  ma- 
jor, Cerastium  vidgatum,  Veronica  Beccahunga, 
and  Chri/santhemum  leucanthemum  in  England 
(Schwartz,  '10,  'II,  "14;  Cook,  '26,  '27,  '28.  '33)  ; 
Callitriche  stagnalis  and  Poa  annua  in  France 
(Maire  and  Tison,  I.e.,  'lib);  Alisma  Plantago  in 
New  York,  U.  S.  A.  (Karling,  '34). 

Cook  ('26)  made  extensive  cross  inoculation  ex- 
periments involving  16.5  individuals  of  different  spe- 
cies, 151  of  which  became  infected  with  L.  Junci 
after  four  months.  These  plants  included  the  hosts 
of  Schwartz's  L.  graminis,  L.  Bellidis,  L.  Menthae, 
and  L.  Alismantis,  and  since  Cook  found  no  essen- 
tial differences  between  these  Ligniera  species  and 
L.  Junci,  he  concluded  that  they  are  identical.  The 
species  which  he  found  in  Callitriche  stagnalis  was 
likewise  capable  of  infecting  the  same  hosts  ;  and  for 
this  reason  he  ('33)  later  concluded  that  L.  radicalis 
described  by  Maire  and  Tison  in  C.  stagnalis  in 
France  is  also  identical  to  L.  Junci.  The  resting 
spores  of  L.  radicalis,  however,  are  only  4- .5  /x  in 
diameter,  while  those  of  L.  Junci  range  from  .5  to 
7  /x.  This  difference  is  not  very  great  and  may  not 

PLATE   1  1 

Fig.  1.  Zoospore  highly  magnified  (Z/.  .Tunc!:  Cook,  '38). 
Fig.  3a.  Zoospore  outside  of  root  hair;  3b,  after  entering 
host  cell  (Cook,  "36). 

Fig.  3,  4.  Developmental  stages  of  amoebae  and  young 
Plasmodium  (L.  (/ramini.i;  Schwartz,  '11). 

Fig.  5.  Young  thallus  with  five  engulfed  alga!  cells  (L. 
radicalis ;  Maire  and  Tison,  '11). 

Fig.  6.  Two  amoebae  approaching  a  central  host  nucleus 
(L.  fframinin;  Schwartz,  "11). 

Fig.  7.  Amoebae  clustered  around  host  nucleus  {L.  (/ra- 
mini.'i  Schwartz,  I.e.). 

Fig.  8.  Young  amoeboid  plasmodium  (L.  (/rfiminis; 
Schwartz,  I.e.). 

Fig.  9.  Young  plasmodium  in  root  hair;  nuclei  with  large 
karyosome  and  abundant  chromatin  {L.  .Junci;  Cook,  '3fi). 
Fig.   10.   Possibly  schizogony  of  plasmodium    {L.  radi- 
calis; Maire  and  Tison,  I.e.). 

Fig.  11.  "Promitosis"  of  vegetative  nuclei  (L.  (/rdminis; 
Schwartz,  I.e.). 

Fig.  13.  Single  large  plasmodium  in  a  host  cell.  Nuclei 
entering  akaryote  stage  (L.  fframini.i:  Schwartz,  I.e.). 

Fig.  13.  Akaryote  stage;  nuclei  appear  as  clear  spaces 
{L.  graminis;  Schwartz,  I.e.). 

Fig.  14.  Akaryote  state;  cytoplasm  with  numerous  chro- 
matic granules ;  host  nucleus  densely  chromatic  in  base  of 
cell  (L.  radicalis;  Maire  and  Tison,  I.e.). 

Fig.  15-18.  Successive  stages  of  extrusion  of  chromatin 
from  the  nucleus  (L.  .fund:  Cook,  "33). 

Fig.  19.  Prophase  of  heterotypic  division  (?)  in  a  recon- 
structed nucleus  {L.  .Junci:  Cook,  "38). 

Fig.  30.  Cleavage  of  plasmodium  into  zoosporangia;  the 
two  large  mitotic  figures  in  upper  left  segments  are  equa- 
torial plate  stages  of  the  first  heterotypic  division  (?); 
the  remainder  relate  to  homeotypic  division  (?)  (L.  .Junci; 
Cook,  "36). 

Fig.  31.  Cleavage  into  zoospores   {L.  .Junci;  Cook,  "38). 
Fig.  -23.  Second  mitoses  prior  to  resting  spore  formation 
{L.  radicalis;  Maire  and  Tison,  I.e.).  May  possibly  relate  to 
sporangia  and  zoospore  development  like  in  figure  30. 
Fig.  33.  Zoosporangia  {L.  Junci:  Cook,  '38). 
Fig.  34.  Empty  zoosporangia  {L.  .Junci;  Cook,  '38). 
Fig.  35.  Plasmodium  in  swollen  root  hair  tip   {L.  pilo- 
rutn :  Fron  and  Gaillat,  I.e.). 

Fig.  37.  Cluster  of  empty  resting  spores  in  swollen  root 
hair  tip  (L.  graminis:  Schwartz,  I.e.). 

Fig.  38,  39.  Small  groups  of  resting  spores  (L.  Minthae; 
Schwartz,  "14). 

Fig.  30,  31.  Types  of  resting  spore  clusters  (i.  graminis; 
Schwartz,  '11). 

Fig.  33.  Single  resting  spore  {L.  .Junci:  Cook,  "38). 
Fig.  33.  Resting  spore  ball  filling  host  cell  {L.  Jsoetes; 
Palm,  '18). 

Fig.  34.  Cross  section  of  a  similar  hollow  resting  spore 
ball  {L.  Isoetes:  Palm,  I.e.). 

Fig.  35.  Loose  chain  of  resting  spores  (L.  Isoetes:  Palm, 

Fig.  3(i.  Longitudinal  section  of  hollow  cylindrical  rest- 
ing spore  cluster  (L.  radicalis:  Maire  and  Tison,  I.e.). 

Fig.  37.  Cluster  of  resting  spores  with  host  nucleus  inside 
(L.  radicalis:  Maire  and  Tison,  I.e.). 

Fig.  38.  Resting  spore  clusters  of  L.  piloruni  in  swollen 
base  and  tip  of  root  hair  (Fron  and  Gaillat,  I.e.). 

Fig.  39,  40.  Types  of  resting  spore  clusters  (L.  verru- 
cosa; Maire  and  Tison,  I.e.). 



PLATE  11 




be  sufficient  reason  for  separating  the  two  species. 
Light  appears  to  be  the  dominant  factor  in  infection. 
No  infection  occurs  in  roots  exposed  to  light  even 
when  other  environmental  conditions  are  optimum, 
according  to  Cook  ('27). 

In  this  connection  it  may  be  noted  that  Hildebrand 
('34',  PI.  I,  fig.  5)  observed  cystosori  of  indefinite 
size  and  shape  in  diseased  rootlets  of  strawberries 
in  Canada.  Whether  or  not  these  resting  spores  re- 
late to  Lif/niera  or  another  genus  is  uncertain  at 
present,  since  Hildebrand  made  no  further  study  of 
the  organism  in  question. 

L.  PILORUM  Fion  and  Gaillat,  193.5.  Bull.  Soc.  Mycol. 
France  H  :  ,390.  PI.  10. 

Resting  spores  aggregated  into  globose  and  ir- 
regular clusters  or  cystosori,  or  lying  end  to  end  in 
a  linear  series ;  oval,  spherical,  4—6  /t,  or  angular 
and  polyhedral  when  compressed  together,  with  thin 
Iiyaline  smooth  walls.  Plasmodium  filling  the  en- 
larged base  or  tip  of  the  host  cell ;  schizogony  ques- 
tionable ;  Plasmodium  apparently  segmenting  into 
either  zoosporangia  or  resting  spores.  Zoosporangia 
(?)  oval,  spherical,  angular  and  compressed,  4— 6 /x 
(.'')  with  tliin,  smootli  hyaline  walls,  opening  by  the 
rujjture  of  a  thin  localized  area.  Zoospores  small, 
pyriform,  up  to  1 /x  (?)  in  diameter;  flagellum  of 
same  length  as  spore  body. 

Parasitic  in  the  root  hairs  of  Poa  annua  in  France, 
causing  marked  local  hypertrophy  (  ?). 

Fron  and  Gaillat's  drawings  and  descriptions  of 
the  developmental  stages  of  this  species  are  very 
brief  and  inadequate,  and  it  is  not  clear  whether  the 
zoos]Jores  arise  from  germinating  resting  spores  or 
zoosporangia  like  those  described  by  Cook  ('26)  for 
L.  Jnnci.  The  latter  view  seems  more  plausible  be- 
cause figures  7  and  8  by  Fron  and  Gaillat  show  what 
appears  to  be  several  zoospore  initials  within  a  single 
unit  of  the  aggregate;  whereas  the  resting  spores  of 
most  plasmodiophoraceous  species  are  now  rather 
generally  believed  to  form  but  one  zoospore  apiece. 
If  Fron  and  Gaillat's  measurements  are  correct,  this 
species  is  characterized  by  unusually  small  zoo- 
spores. Cook  ('26,  '33)  regarded  L.  piloriim  as  syn- 
onymous with  L.  Jiinci,  because  it  also  occurs  in  Poa 
annua  and  agrees  with  the  latter  in  life  cycle  and 
resting  spore  size.  The  chief  differences  are  zoospore 
size  and  the  fact  that  L.  pilorum  causes  hy])ertrophy 
of  the  host  cell,  according  to  Fron  and  Gaillat.  Cook 
maintained  that  such  hypertrophy  is  not  due  to  the 
stimulus  of  the  parasite  but  that  L.  pilorum  may 
fortuitously  infect  root  hairs  which  are  already 
swollen.  In  further  support  of  his  belief  that  the  two 
species  are  identical,  he  Jjointed  out  that  L.  Junci 
occasionally  attacks  swollen  hairs  also.  Schwartz 
('11)  likewise  observed  that  normally  swollen  root 
hairs  (fig.  27)  may  sometimes  become  infected  witli 
L.  Junci.  It  seems  almost  too  accidental,  however, 
that  all  the  infected  root  hairs  shown  in  IVon  and 
Gaillat's  (fig.  1)  are  greatly  enlarged  at  the  ti)). 
Nevertheless,  it  is  not  entirely  improbable  that  L. 

Junci  and  L.  pilorum  are  identical,  but  until  more  is 
known  about  the  latter  siiecies  and  host  range,  its 
identity  and  validity  will  remain  questionable. 

L.    VERRUCOSA    Maire    and    Tison,    I.e.    1911,    Ann. 
Mycol.  9:  -'35.  PI.  11,  fig.  39-41;  pi.  12,  fig.  43-46. 

Resting  spores  occasionally  aggregated  in  a  linear 
series,  more  often  in  globular,  ellipsoidal  solid, 
rarely  flattened,  and  disc-shaped,  or  hollow  balls ; 
resting  spores  oval,  spherical,  4— .5  /x  in  diameter, 
angular  and  polyhedral  when  compressed,  with 
fairly  thin,  hyaline  verrucose  walls.  A})parently  giv- 
ing to  rise  to  zoospores  in  germination,  which  infect 
the  host.  Plasmodium  partly  or  completely  filling  the 
host  cell ;  giving  rise  to  one  or  more  cystosori ;  schi- 
zogony reduced  or  lacking  entirely.  Zoosporangia 
and  zoospores  unknown. 

Parasitic  in  the  root  hairs  and  roots  of  Veronica 
arvensis  (Maire  and  Tison,  I.e.),  Beta  vulgaris, 
Chenopodium  album,  Bromus  sp.,  and  Fcstuca  sp.  in 
France  (Guyot,  '27),  without  causing  hypertrophy 
of  the  host  tissue. 

This  species  is  imperfectly  known  at  present,  and 
many  of  its  critical  stages  remain  to  be  studied.  As  is 
sometimes  true  of  the  previous  species,  the  shape  and 
structure  of  the  cystosori  de])end  to  a  large  degree 
on  the  character  of  the  host  cell.  ^^Mlen  the  cystosori 
occur  in  elongate  narrow  root  hairs,  they  may  consist 
of  a  linear  series  of  resting  spores,  but  if  they  de- 
velop in  the  cortical  parenchyma  cells,  they  usually 
have  the  form  of  more  or  less  solid,  globose  and  ellip- 
soidal balls. 

Guyot  regarded  this  species  as  a  variety  of  L. 
Junci,  because  the  characters  of  his  specimens  of  L. 
verrucosa  seemed  to  merge  imperceptibly  with  those 
of  L.  Junci.  Cook  ('33),  after  examining  material 
submitted  by  Guyot.  and  Claire  and  Tison  found  no 
difficulty  in  distinguishing  L.  Junci  and  L.  verrucosa. 
However,  the  warts  on  Guyot's  specimens  were 
found  to  be  much  less  pronounced  than  those  on 
Maire  and  Tison's  material.  Palm  and  Burk  did  not 
regard  the  presence  of  warts  as  a  specific  character, 
since  in  a  single  species  of  Sorosphaera  on  T'eronica 
americana  they  found  both  smooth  and  warty  spores 
with  all  degrees  of  gradation  between  the  two  types. 
Hence,  they  regarded  L.  verrucosa  as  identical  to  L. 
radicalis  or  L.  Junci.  The  development  of  smooth  and 
warty  spores  in  a  single  species  is  not  at  all  uncom- 
mon among  fungi,  and  Palm  and  Burk  were  probably 
right  in  their  conclusions.  !More  intensive  study  of  the 
develojjment,  variations,  and  host  range  of  L.  verru- 
cosa is.  however,  essential. 

L.  ISOETES  Palm,  1918.  Svenska  Bot.  Tidsskr.  12:328. 
Fig.  1-3. 

Resting  spores  sometimes  in  more  or  less  loosely 
aggregated  clusters,  more  often  in  hollow  balls  which 
fill  the  host  cell  and  conform  with  the  latter's  shape. 
Resting  spores  oval,  almost  spherical,  angular  and 
l)olyhedral  when  compressed,  .5X6—8  fx,  with  thin, 
smooth  brownish-colored  walls.  Plasmodia  jjartly  or 



oomiiK'tcIy  tilliiii;  tin-  host  cell.  ZoDspiiriiiisiia  ;m(] 
zoospores  unknown. 

I';ir;isitii'  in  tlic  Ic.iMs  and  roots  of  Isoftts  lacii-i- 
tris  in  Swi'ilin  (^I'alni.  l.o. )  and  Ni'W  .Icrsi-y.  U.S.A. 
(Karling.  "Si),  (■.•luslns;  larjrf.  dark  spots  in  tin-  iiost 
tissuo  but  no  hypcrtropliy. 

This  spi'firs  is  so  littK-  known  at  jnxscnt  that  its 
identity  is  very  doulitful.  As  Cook  pointed  out,  it  may 
well  he  identieal  to  L.  Jiinci,  but  some  of  the  rest- 
injl  si)ore  elusters  tifiured  by  Palm  are  strikini;ly 
like  those  of  speeies  of  Soroxphncra  and  Mrriihraiid- 
soru.i.  The  jiresent  writer's  observations  on  this  s))e- 
cies  in  1931-  were  very  limited,  and  sinee  then  he  has 
not  added  any  further  data  on  its  structure  ,ind  de- 

L.  VASCULARUM  (Matz)  M.  T.  Cook  (\'9)  does  not 
appear  to  In-  a  valid  species.  See  PlimmndUtjihom  vtm- 

.\DDiTiox.AL  bibliography:  Lic/iiicm 

Cook,  \V.  H.  J.  19.'(>.  Trans.  Brit.  Myool.  Soc.  11 ;  19(>.  19.^, 

I  hill.  12:  2SJ. 

.  19iSa.  lUiU.  Soi-.  Mycol.  France  U:  1().>. 

.  19.'81>.  Ann.  Hot.  i2:  347. 

-.  19:}-'a.  Hoiijr  Koiifr  Nat.  Suppl.  No.  1 :  2i). 

.  19:l.'l).  .lour.  Dei)t.  .\pr.  Porto  Rico  1(>:  +09. 

,  19:«.  tllaniorau  County  Hist.  Nat.  Hist.  1:  ;.'13. 

.  19:U.  Watson's  .Microscope  Record  — :  'i,  9. 

Guyot,  .\.  I..  19.'7.  Rev.  path.  Ent.  Afrr.  It:  17(>. 
Hiidehrand,  A.  A.  19;U.  Canadian  .lour.  Res.  11:  2i. 
KarlinfT,  .T.  S.  1934.  Torreya  34:  13. 

Palm,  H.  T.,  and  .M.  Hurk".  1933.  Arcli.  Protistk  79:  363, 
Smith,  .\.  I..,  and  .1.  Ranisliottom.  1917.  Trans.  Brit.  Mycol. 

Soc.  (>:  -'31. 


Lcdinglmm,  llKiS,  Phvtopath,  23:  20. 

(I'LATF.  12,  FICS.   1-22) 

Cvstosori  or  restinjj  spore  clusters  indefinite  in 
size  and  .shajjc,  without  a  common  membrane  ;  formed 
by  cleavage  of  a  naked  multinucleate  plasinodium. 
Resting  spores  few  or  numerous,  variable  in  shape, 
Zoos)>orangia  conjoined  in  a  more  or  less  linear 
series  :  formed  by  tin-  se))t.ition  of  an  elongate,  lobed, 
irregul.-ir  and  tubular  thallus,  which  may  extend 
through  one  or  more  host  cells:  exit  tubes  one  or 
more,  variable  in  length,  and  septate.  Zoospores  from 
resting  spores  and  zoosporangia  biflagellate  and 

Poliimjisa  is  a  monotypic  genus,  and  like  Sponc/o- 
spora,  Lifiiiirra,  Plasmodiophora,  etc.,  includes  zoo- 
sporangial  and  naked  ))lasni<)dial  stages  in  its  life 
cycle.  The  zoos))ores  a))parently  jienetrate  the  host 
cell  wall  directly  (fig.  (i,  7)  aiul  lie  in  the  host  ])roto- 
plasm  as  small  globose  bodies.  As  is  shown  in  figure 
8,  they  soon  begin  to  increase  in  size  and  elongate, 
and  as  growth  continues  they  become  lobed  (fig.  9, 
10),  branched,  irregular,  and  tubular,  and  sometimes 
extend  through  the  host  walls  into  adj.icent  cells.  In 

this  manner  l.irgi-  septate  thalli  .are  deM-loped  which 
;ire  couipletely  surrounded  from  the  begiiniiug  by  ;i 
thin  hyaline  w.ill  .lud  closely  resend)lc  the  thalli  of 
Srplol pidiiim,  I.nifcniiliiim,  M iizociji'ium,  etc.  The 
segments  of  the  th.alli  beeonu'  zoosjMjrangia  (fig.  1  1  ) 
.-iiul  dcvcloj)  one  or  more  septate  exit  tubes  of  vari- 
able length.  The  protopl;ism  then  undergoes  cleav- 
;ige  into  zoosjiores  which  exhibit  considerable  move- 
ment within  the  /.oospor.angia  before  emerging. 
When  mature,  they  emerge  fully  formed  in  succes- 
si(Ui  from  the  exit  tubes,  become  amoeboid  for  a  few 
nu)uients,  and  swim  away. 

The  zoospores  are  ))yriform  and  ov.ite  in  slia))e, 
usually  uninucleate,  and  ])Ossess  a  long  and  short 
flagellum  attached  to  the  nucleus  near  the  anterior 
end  of  the  spore  body  (fig.  1-t).  A  few  binuclcate 
zoospores  with  four  flagella  have  been  found,  but 
I.edinghain  v\'as  not  certain  whether  they  were  the 
result  of  unequal  cleavage  or  fusion  of  two  biflagel- 
late s))ores.  During  active  swimming  the  flagella  may 
extend  out  in  front,  but  the  zoospores  are  usually 
propelled  from  behind,  according  to  Ledinghani. 
They  rotate  on  their  axes  or  roll  over  in  swimming, 
and  their  motility  appears  to  be  somewhat  slower 
than  that  of  most  chytrid  zoospores.  After  an  active 
swimming  stage  of  about  two  to  three  hours,  the 
flagella  disappear,  and  the  zoospores  become  amoe- 
boid again  (fig.  o).  In  this  state  they  move  about  by 
pseudopodia,  and  may  often  engulf  small  food  par- 
ticles or  objects.  These  amoeboid  zoosjiores  may 
penetrate  and  reinfect  host  cells,  but  it  is  not  certain 
from  Ledingham's  account  whether  tliey  give  rise  to 
another  crop  of  zoosjiorangia  or  develop  into  large 
multiinicleate  plasmodia.  A))parently  they  ]iossess 
both  ))otentialities. 

The  thallus  from  which  the  resting  sjiore  cluster 
is  formed  begins  in  the  host  cell  as  a  naked  uninu- 
cleate amoeba  (fig.  12),  and  at  no  time  does  it  jiossess 
a  membrane  or  wall.  As  it  increases  in  size,  repeated 
nuclear  divisions  occur,  and  a  multinucleate  Plas- 
modium is  soon  formed.  Its  shajjc  changes  constantly 
as  it  moves  about  in  the  host  cell.  It  may  frequently 
be  long  and  tenuous,  extending  the  full  length  of  the 
host  cell,  or  form  a  crescentric  mass  around  the  host 
nucleus  with  long  thread-like,  r.idiating  pseudo])odia. 
These  pseudo))odia  are  later  retracted  as  the  jjroto- 
))lasin  becomes  denser,  and  the  plasmodium  may  then 
segment  into  a  number  of  portions  or  meronts  (fig. 
18)  which  often  lie  in  rows  or  closely  ))aeked  grou))s 
in  the  tr.ichcal  and  cortical  cells.  Occasionally  fusion 
of  several  separate  ))l.asuu)dia  may  occur  in  the  same 
host  cell  (fig.  II-).  but  I.edingham  was  not  certain 
whether  these  were  th.alli  of  ojiposite  sex  or  merely 
meronts  derived  by  division  of  a  common  schizont. 
He  was  unable  to  count  the  chromosomes  in  the  nu- 
clear divisions  preceding  resting  s))ore  formation 
and  accordingly  found  no  evidence  of  meiosis  at  this 

In  the  early  stages  of  growth  the  ))lasuu>dium  is 
very  vacuolate,  but  as  devcloiiment  |)roceeds  the 
vacuoles  decrease  in  size.  As  a  result  the  thallus  be- 
comes more  granular  and  refringent  in  texture  and 



appearance.  Very  shortly  thereafter  progressive 
cleavage  (fig.  15)  begins  and  delimits  the  individual 
resting  spores  which  remain  in  continuity  as  clusters 
(fig.  16).  The  resting  spores  are  usually  uninucleate, 
and  in  germination  each  gives  rise  to  one  zoospore 
(fig.  21 )  which  is  similar  in  size,  shape  and  structure 
to  those  formed  in  the  zoosporangia. 

Polymyxa  is  strikingly  similar  to  Ligniera  in  size 
and  shape  of  its  cystosori,  size,  shape  and  arrange- 
ment of  resting  spores,  and  by  its  failure  to  cause 
hypertrophy  of  the  host.  It  differs  primarily  by  the 
shape  and  size  of  its  zoosporangia,  but  this  differ- 
ence may  be  only  specific  instead  of  generic.  The 
lack  of  schizogony  in  Polymyxa,  which  Ledingham 
cited  as  an  additional  difference,  may  not  prove  to  be 
of  great  significance,  since  its  presence  in  Ligniera 
also  is  still  quite  doubtful. 

P.   GRAMINIS   Ledingham,   I.e.;   1939.   Canadian   Jour. 
Res.  C,  17:50.  PI.  1-3. 

Resting  spores  spherical,  polygonal,  4-7  /tt ;  con- 
tents hyaline  and  ref ringent ;  inner  wall  hyaline, 
outer  wall  smooth,  yellowish-brown.  Zoosporangia 
lobed.  oval,  uteriform  and  irregular;  exit  tubes  of 
variable  length.  Zoospores  broadly  spindle-shaped, 
ovate,  pyriform,  I— .5  jj.  in  diameter;  flagella  16—20  jx 
and  4— .5  /x  long  respectively ;  zoospores  emerging 
fully  formed  and  swimming  directly  away ;  rolling 
over  and  over  while  in  motion,  intermittently  amoe- 
boid. Plasmodium  variable  in  size  and  shape,  often 
filling  host  cell,  amoeboid  in  shape  and  motion. 

Parasitic  in  the  roots  of  Triiicum  aestiz'iivi,  T. 
durum,  Hordeum  vulgare,  and  Secale  cereale  in 

Ledingham  found  similar  resting  spores  in  roots 
of  species  of  Agropyron,  Scolochloa,  Rumex,  and 
Impatiens,  but  since  no  sporangia  were  present,  he 
was  uncertain  about  the  relation  of  this  fungus  to 
P.  graminis.  He  reported  further  that  species  of 
Juncus  and  Poa  in  which  Ligniera  parasites  occur 
failed  to  become  infected  when  grown  witli  parasit- 
ized wheat  roots.  He  accordingly  regarded  P.  grami- 
nis as  an  obligate  parasite.  Truscott  ('34)  also  re- 
ported what  he  believed  to  be  P.  graminis  in  roots  of 
strawberries  in  Canada. 


Under  tliis  title  are  presented  four  genera  about 
which  there  has  been  much  disagreement  and  con- 
troversy. Rhi-omyxa,  Sorolpidium,  and  Anisomyxa 
occur  in  the  roots  of  higher  plants,  do  not  cause  hy- 
pertrophy, and  form  cvstosori  of  indefinite  size  and 
shape.  In  these  characters  they  resemble  Ligniera 
and  are  regarded  by  most  recent  investigators  as 
synonyms  of  this  genus.  Trematophlyctis,  however, 
parasitizes  leaves  and  petioles  and  causes  marked 
hyixrtrojjhy.  There  is  very  little  evidence  in  Patouil- 
lard's  account  to  warrant  inclusion  of  this  genus  in 
the  Plasmodiophoraceae,  but  inasmuch  as  Palm  sub- 
sequently reported  it  to  be  "an  undoubted  member  of 

this  family"  a  brief  description  of  its  life  cycle  is 
herewith  presented.  The  present  writer  is  in  agree- 
ment with  Maire  and  Tison's,  Ciuyot's,  Cook's,  and 
Barrett's  interpretation  of  Rhisomyxa,  Sorolpidium 
and  Anisomyxa,  but  further  intensive  study  may  pos- 
sibly reveal  distinct  generic  differences.  For  this  rea- 
son thev  are  described  and  figured  separately,  so  that 
research  students  may  judge  independently  the  evi- 
dence of  identity  and  relationships  of  these  genera. 


Borzi,  1884.  Rhizomyxa,  nuova  ficomicete,  Mes- 

(plate  12,  fig.  23-30) 

Plasmodia  partly  or  completely  filling  host  cell, 
variable  in  size  and  shape ;  forming  at  maturity 
either  single  large  zoosporangia  or  sporangiosori 
composed  of  small  zoosporangia.  or  cystosori  (  ?). 
Cvstosori  and  resting  spores  poorly  known  or  doubt- 

R.  HYPOGEAE  Borzi,  I.e.,  pi.  1,  3. 

Sporangiosori  one  or  more  in  a  cell,  spherical, 
ovoid,  irregular,  elongate,  sometimes  made  up  of  lin- 

PLATE  12 
Pnlymy.ra  graminis 

(All  figures,  except  30  and  -21,  after  Ledingham;  fig.  (i,  7, 
8,  17,  19  and  il  drawn  from  photographs.) 

Fig.  1-3.  Biflagellate  heterocont  uninucleate  zoospores. 

Fig.  4.  Large  binucleate  tetraflagellate  zoospore. 

Fig.  j.  Living,  amoeboid  zoospores. 

Fig.  6.  Zoospore  on  surface  of  root  hair. 

Fig.  7.  Zoospores  after  entrance  Into  root  hair. 

Fig.  8.  Stained  zoospore  inside  of  cortical  cell  shortly 
after  penetration. 

Fig.  9-11.  Stages  in  development  of  zoosporangial  thalli. 

Fig.  12.  Mature  zoosporangia  with  exit  tubes  passing 
through  adjacent  cells. 

Fig.  13.  Naked  myxamoeba  during  period  of  active 

Fig.  14.  Segments  or  meronts  formed  by  division  of  Plas- 

Fig.  15.  Same  cell  as  in  fig.  13  after  meronts  have  coa- 
lesced to  form  a  large  plasmodium. 

Fig.  K).  Plasmodium  just  I'.rior  to  cleavage  into  incipient 

Fig.  17.  Cleavage  of  plasmodium  into  cvstosori. 

Fig.  \S-2\.  Variations  of  cystosori.  (Fig.  .'0  and  2\ 
drawn  from  material  presented  by  Ledingham.) 

Fig.  22.  Zoospore  from  resting  sjiore  stained  in  Into. 

Hhh(>myx<t  hypogeae 

(.\11  figures  after  Borzi) 

Fig.  23.  Zoospore. 

Fig.  2\,  2o.  Germination  and  infection  stages. 

Fig.  2ti.  Plasmodia  within  liost  cells. 

Fig.  2",  2S.  Sporangiosori  and  sporangia. 

Fig.  29.  Emergence  of  zoospores. 

Fig.  30.  Zoospores  from  sporangia. 


TLATK  12 


Polymyxa,  Rhizomyxa 



ear  rows  of  sporangia.  Large  single  zoosporangia 
spherical,  oval  and  elongate,  produeing  up  to  21'  zoo- 
spores ;  zoosporangia  in  sporangiosorus  usually 
small,  spherical  and  ovoid.  5-6  /x  in  diameter  with 
thin,  hyaline,  smooth  walls  and  a  short  exit  pupilla; 
forming  usually  1—2  zoospores  which  emerge  fully 
formed  and  swim  direeth'  away.  Zoospores  pyriform, 
egg-shaped  and  small;  flagellum  10—1.5  /x.  Cystosori 
( .'')  of  indefinite  size  and  shape,  20—60  /x,  in  diameter. 
Resting  spores  oval  and  spherical,  8  /x;  germination 

Parasitic  in  the  cortical  cells  of  young  roots  and  in 
root  hairs  of  Agrostis  alba,  Aira  Cupaniana,  Briza 
viaxlma.  Poa  annua,  Setaria  glomerafa,  Stellaria 
media,  Silene  coloraia,  Capsella  bursa  pastoris,  Bis- 
cutella  lyrata.  Delphinium  longipes,  Lotus  ornitho- 
podioides,  Medicago  tribuloides,  Trifolium  resupina- 
tum,  .Inagallis  ari'ensis,  Borrago  officinalis,  Dinaria 
reftejca,  Barisia  Trijcago,  hamium  amplexicaule, 
Fedia  cornucopiae.  Campanula  dichoioma,  Calen- 
dula  arvensis,  and  Erigeron  canadensis  in  Italy 
(Borzi,  I.e.)  ;  Triglochin  palustre,  Juncus  Gerardi 
and  Ranunculus  sceleratus  in  Germany  (Fischer, 
'92)  ;  in  numerous  species  of  grasses  in  Belgium  (De 
Wildeman,  '93)  ;  and  Stellaria  media  in  the  U.S.A. 
(Barrett,  '35),  without  causing  hypertrophy  of  the 
host  cells. 

The  above  diagnoses  differ  somewhat  from  those 
given  by  Borzi.  since  it  is  now  generally  agreed  that 
the  antheridia  and  oogonia  which  he  described  relate 
to  another  organism.  The  plasmodia  (fig.  26),  spo- 
rangiosori,  (fig.  27,  28)  and  zoospores  (fig.  23,  36), 
however,  doubtless  relate  to  a  species  of  the  Plas- 
modiophoraceae.  The  identity  and  relationship  of  R. 
hypogeae  have  been  the  subject  of  lengthy  discussion 
and  speculation  since  the  time  of  its  discovery  in 
ISS-t.  Borzi  was  uncertain  of  its  taxonomic  position, 
but  in  1892  Fischer  pointed  out  that  it  is  probably  a 
combination  of  two  or  more  fungi,  Olpidium-  and 
Oipidiop.iis-\ike  species  and  a  Jf'oronina-like  fungus. 
Because  of  the  ])resence  of  sporangiosori  and  cyto- 
sori,  he  placed  it  next  to  IVoronina  in  the  Syncliy- 
triaceae.  A  year  later  de  Wildeman  found  it  in  the 
roots  of  various  grasses  in  Belgium  and  from  a  study 
of  the  plasmodia  and  sporangiosori  came  to  the  same 
conclusions  as  Fischer  concerning  its  identity  and  re- 
lationship. Schroeter  ('97),  however,  emphasized 
the  heterogamous  type  of  sexual  reproduction  de- 
scribed by  Borzi  and  included  7?.  hypogeae  in  the 
I.agenidiaceae.  In  1911  INIaire  and  Tison  pointed  out 
the  similarities  between  certain  of  its  stages  and 
those  of  their  new  genus  Ligniera,  and  suggested  that 
R.  hypogeae  is  ])robably  a  combination  of  L.  verru- 
cosa and  another  fungus.  This  viewpoint  was  sub- 
sequently supported  by  Guyot  ('27),  and  Cook  ('33). 
Minden  (11)  excluded  the  sexual  phase  as  relating 
probably  to  a  species  of  Myzocytium,  included  the 
remaining  stages  of  Borzi's  fungus  in  the  Synchy- 
triaceae,  and  pointed  out  that  it  is  very  similar  to 
Worouina  except  for  its  anteriorly  iniiHagellate  zoo- 
sjiores.  Fitzpatrick  ('30)  believed  that  the  large  zoo- 
sporangia relate  to  Olpidium.  In  more  recent  years 

Barrett  has  thrown  further  light  on  the  identity  of 
Borzi's  fungus.  He  found  a  species  of  Ligniera  in 
roots  of  Stellaria  media  which  was  frequently  asso- 
ciated with  antheridia,  oogonia  and  oospores  of  the 
type  described  by  Borzi.  The  zoosporangia  of  what 
he  called  Ligniera  sp.,  are  comparatively  large  and 
isolated  with  fairly  broad  exit  tubes  and  form  ante- 
riorly biflagellate  zoospores  as  in  Plasmodiophora, 
Polymyxa,  Octomy.ra,  etc.  Antheridia  and  oogonia 
may  occur  in  association  with  Ligniera  or  are  iso- 
lated in  separate  roots,  and  Barrett  thus  concluded 
that  the  two  are  unrelated.  In  his  opinion  Borzi's 
fungus  is  a  combination  of  Ligniera  and  a  species  of 
the  Lagenidiales  ( Ancylistales).  Barrett's  observa- 
tion is  particularly  noteworthy  in  that  it  is  the  first 
record  of  biflagellate  zoospores  in  the  genus  Lig- 
niera. The  early  suggestion  of  Maire  and  Tison  that 
R.  hypogeae  is  in  part  a  species  of  Ligniera  thus  ap- 
pears to  be  confirmed  by  the  observations  of  Barrett. 
It  is  further  supported  by  the  fact  that  this  fungus 
does  not  cause  hypertrophy  of  its  host  cells  and  oc- 
curs in  some  of  the  hosts  which  harbor  other  species 
of  this  genus.  Whether  or  not  it  is  identical  to  L. 
iwrrucosa  as  Maire  and  Tison,  and  Cook  suggest, 
however,  is  not  certain  at  present,  since  well-defined 
cystosori  and  resting  spores  have  not  yet  been  de- 


Xemec,  1911.  Ber.  Dcut.  Bot.  Gcs.  29:  -18. 1911b, 
Bull.  Int.  Enip.  Fran.  Joseph  Acad.  Sci. 
16:  69. 

(plate  13,  FIG.  1-25) 

Cystosori  one  or  more  in  a  cell,  indefinite  in  size 
and  shape;  flat  and  almost  round,  oval,  elongate, 
angular  and  lamellate ;  consisting  of  few  to  many 
resting  spores  arranged  in  linear  series,  in  single  or 
double,  flattened  layers,  or  irregular  masses.  Resting 
spores  variable  in  size  and  shape,  usually  polygonal 
or  hexagonal  at  first  but  becoming  knobby  and  some- 
what stellate  at  maturity ;  usually  producing  several 
zoospores  in  germination.  Plasmodia  one  to  several 
in  a  cell,  variable  in  size  and  shajie,  often  lying  in 
the  central  vacuole  or  surrounding  the  latter  as  a 
broad  band  or  plate ;  ])roducing  either  zoosporangia 
or  cystosori ;  schizogony  unknown.  Zoosporangia  one 
or  more  in  a  cell,  spherical,  oval,  and  elongate ;  pro- 
ducing few  to  many  zoospores  which  emerge  through 
an  irregular  opening  in  the  sporangium  wall.  Zoo- 
spores oval,  obpyriform,  uniflagellate  (.''),  size  un- 

S.  BETAE   Nemec,  I.e.,  pi.   1,  2,  text-figures   1-6.  Ibid. 

Resting  spores  1.2X5  fi- — 1.6X'5-2  fi.  For  further 
details  see  the  generic  diagnosis  above. 

Parasitic  in  the  roots  of  Beta  vulgaris^  in  Czecho- 

•  Cook  (";36)  reported  that  Xemee  found  the  parasite  in 
B.  mnritimri,  which  is  obviously  a  mistake. 


Slovakia  (Xcnicc,  I.e.).  tlie  U.  S.  .\.  (Rawliiigs.  '25), 
and  France  (  .')  (Cuyot.  '27)  witliout  (•.nisiiiK  liyper- 
trojiliy  of  tlie  invaded  tissues. 

Si>rolpitliinii  liftar  lias  lieen  tlie  sulijeet  of  eon- 
siderable  diseussion  sinee  tlie  time  of  its  discovery  liy 
N'eniee.  He  described  it  as  a  species  of  the  Cliytri- 
diaccae  with  close  iirtiiiities  with  tlie  l'lasniodi(i])lio- 
raceae,  hut  hecause  of  the  jircsenee  of  lar«e.  tliiii- 
walled  7.oosi)oraiigia  he  did  not  l)elie\  e  it  siiould  he 
included  in  this  family.  Since  similar  zoosjiorangia 
have  subsequently  been  found  in  several  genera  of 
the  l*l;isniodiophoraceae.  this  obji-etion  is  no  longer 
significant.  The  large,  thick-walled,  stell.-ite  resting 
cysts  surrounded  by  a  thin  envelope  which  Neniec 
figured  are  now  generally  recognized  as  relating  to 
Olpidium,  and  outside  of  these  cysts  there  is  nothing 
in  the  life  cycle  of  Sorolpidium,  as  described  by 
Nemec.  which  excludes  it  from  the  Plasmodiopho- 
raceae.  The  presence  of  large  holocarpie  zoospo- 
rangia  and  multinucleate  resting  spores  which  pro- 
duce several  zoospores  is  in  line  with  more  recent 
discoveries  in  other  genera  of  this  family.  Saccardo 
('26)  likewise  included  .S'.  Brtae  among  the  Chytri- 
diales.  Winge  ('13),  however,  asserted  that  it  is 
closely  related  to  Pi/rrho.soriis  and  the  Plasmodio- 
phorficeae.  Subsequent  workers,  on  the  other  hand, 
have  questioned  the  identity  of  Sorolpidium  as  a  dis- 
tinct genus  of  this  family  and  contended  that  it  re- 
lates to  Lif/niera.  Cook  ('2(3)  regarded  it  as  a  combi- 
nation of  Lif/niera  and  Asteroci/sii.s,  a  view  which 
Giiyot  sui)])orted  in  1927.  The  latter  worker  suc- 
ceeded in  inoculating  roots  of  Beta  vulgaris  with  L. 
verrucosa  and  Asteroci/stis  radicis,  and  concluded 
that  Nemec's  fungus  is  merely  an  accidental  associa- 
tion of  these  two  species  in  the  same  host  tissues. 
Cook  ("32,  '33)  later  incorporated  Sorolpidium  in 
Lif/niera  and  classed  S.  Betae  (pro  parte)  as  a  syn- 
onym of  L.  J  unci.  In  the  sha])e  of  its  cystosori  and 
the  fact  that  it  docs  not  cause  hypertrophy  of  the 
host  tissues  .V.  Betae  is  very  similar  to  species  of 
Lif/niera.  Should  it  prove  to  be  a  species  of  this  genus 
its  identity  to  L.  Junci  and  L.  verrucosa  will  none- 
theless remain  somewhat  questionable,  because 
Nemec  unfortunately  did  not  give  any  measurements 
of  the  sjjorangia  and  zoospores. 

The  life  cycle  of  .S'.  Betae  is  similar  to  that  of  other 
])lasmodio])horaceous  si)ecies.  The  earliest  recogniz- 
able stage  consists  of  a  uninucleate  oval  or  spherical. 
highly  vacuolate  thallus  (fig.  1)  which  us\ially  lies  in 
the  primordial  utricle  of  the  host  cell.  This  thallus  is 
probably  the  result  of  zoospore  infection,  although 
Nemec  was  uncertain  whether  the  zoos|)ore  enter  di- 
rectly or  first  become  amoeboid.  Within  the  host  the 
thallus  grows  in  size  (fig.  2.  3.  K  and  5),  becomes 
multinucleate  and  i)lasmodium-like.  The  division  of 
the  nuclei  (fig.  3)  during  this  developmental  phase 
appears  to  be  "promitotie,"'  according  to  Nemec's 
figures,  and  no  sharply-defined  chromosomes  are 
formed.  One  or  more  plasmodia  (fig.  I.  o)  may  occur 
within  a  single  host  cell  and  are  usually  embedded  in 

'  Cook  {'J>i)  stated  that  N'eniee  did  not  figure  "promito- 
sis," but  he  obviously  overlooked  figure  3. 

the  host  ))rotopIasm  or  occupy  Ihc  icntrjil  vacuole. 
They  may  be  spherical.  o\al,  clongati',  or  take  the 
shape  of  the  cell  which  they  occupy.  Sometimes,  the 
))lasmodium  may  form  .i  broad  band  or  ))latc  around 
the  vacuole  (fig.  5). 

.\t  maturity  the  ))lasuu)(iiuui  develops  .i  rrlati\ely 
thin,  enveloping  nienibranc  and  may  be  transformed 
directly  into  a  /.oos|)orangiuni.  In  tiiis  respect  Sorol- 
pidium  differs  from  I'lasmodiophora,  Lii/iiiera,  and 
Octom/ixa,  where  the  plasmodium  is  reported  to 
cleave  into  a  number  of  uninucleate  segments  which 
develop  into  zoosjiorangia.  This  difference  suggests 
perliaps  that  the  zoosjiorangia  (fig.  (i,  7)  which 
Nemec  described  may  relate  to  a  species  of  Olpidium 
(.isteroci/stis)  with  large  stell.ite  resting  sjjores.  It 
is  to  be  noted  in  this  connection,  however,  that  the 
sporangia  of  Olpidium  usually  form  more  or  less 
elongate  exit  tubes,  which  are  lacking  in  Nemec's 
■S'.  Betae.  On  the  other  hand,  Nemec  may  have  over- 
looked the  cleavage  stage  of  the  plasmodium  which 
results  in  the  formation  of  several  zoos))orangia.  His 
text-figure  .5  suggests  this  possibility.  At  any  rate, 
the  protoplasm  of  the  zoos))orangium  cleaves  into  un- 
inucleate segments  (fig.  6,  7)  which  become  zoo- 
spores and  emerge  through  an  irregular  opening  in 
the  sporangium  wall.  The  zoospores  from  such  spo- 
rangia are  usually  uninucleate,  oval  or  pyriform 
(fig.  8)  and  unifiagellate  {?).  Unfortunately  Nemec 
did  not  say  whether  they  were  anteriorly  or  pos- 
teriorly flagellate,  which  would  have  settled  conclu- 
sively their  identity  as  well  as  that  of  the  large  zoo- 
sporangia  shown  in  figures  6  and  7.  If  these  zoo- 
spores relate  to  a  plasmodiophoraceous  sjiecies  they 
will  doubtless  prove  to  be  anteriorly  bifiagcllate  and 

In  other  mature  plasmodia  which  occur  in  almost 
emjity  host  cells.  Nemec  found  that  the  nuclei  lacked 
nucleoli  and  were  comparatively  jjoor  in  chromatic 
material  (fig.  9).  Peripheral  chromosomes  later  ap- 
peared (fig.  10).  and  the  nuclei  divided  in  regular 
mitotic  fashion  (fig.  11-15).  The  appearance  of 
these  nuclei  and  their  manner  of  division  are  very 
similar  to  what  has  been  described  in  most  of  the 
other  genera,  and  suggests  that  figures  9  to  1.5  relate 
to  the  so-called  "akaryote"  stage  and  ])ro))hases  of 
meiosis  preceding  sporogcnesis.  Some  of  the  nuclei 
in  figure  10  have  six  chromosomes.  The  same  num- 
bers are  present  in  figures  11  and  15.  but  whether  or 
not  this  is  the  basic  number  in  Sorolpidium  is  uncer- 
tain. Nemec  described  a  second  mitosis  in  such  plas- 
modia in  which  the  chromosomes  are  larger,  elongate, 
and  rod-shalied.  but  it  is  difficult  to  reconcile  his  con- 
clusions about  this  division  with  ))revious  and  subse- 
quent descri])tions  of  the  hoineoty|)ic  mitosis  in  other 

These  jilasmodia.  nonetheless,  devcloji  a  thin  en- 
veloping membrane  and  cleave  into  uninucleate  seg- 
ments (fig.  16),  which  form  fairly  thick  walls  and 
become  resting  spores.  The  envelo))ing  membrane 
soon  disappears,  but  the  resting  s|)ores  remain  at- 
tached and  thus  form  cystosori  of  various  sizes  and 
shapes   (fig.   17-21).  They  may  consist  of  a  linear 



row  of  resting  spores  (fig.  19),  double  rows  (fig.  18, 
24),  or  flat,  rounded  or  irregular  masses  (fig.  17,  20, 
21 ).  When  first  formed  the  resting  spores  are  usually 
polygonal  (fig.  17),  but  later  they  become  more  glo- 
bose. As  the}'  mature  they  become  knobby  and  some- 
what stellate  (fig.  18,  19,  20,  22,  23)  with  intercel- 
lular spaces  between  them.  Single  isolated  resting 
spores  may  be  formed  occasionally  (fig.  23),  and 
among  the  normal-sized  spores  in  a  cystosorus  un- 
usually large  ones  may  sometimes  occur  as  is  shown 
in  figure  17.  In  these  respects  S.  Betae  shows  the 
same  variations  as  other  genera. 

Since  the  resting  spores  function  as  sporangia  in 
germination,  Nemec  called  these  aggregates  spo- 
rangesori.  In  germination  the  resting  spores  increase 
in  volume  and  become  more  rounded  in  outline  (fig. 
17),  their  nuclei  divide,  and  the  protoplasm  cleaves 
into  uninucleate  segments  which  round  up  (fig.  22) 
and  become  zoospores.  An  opening  in  the  spore  wall 
is  soon  formed  through  which  the  zoospores  emerge 
(fig.  21).  The  number  of  zoospores  formed  varies 
with  the  size  of  the  resting  spores.  Nothing  is  known 
about  the  size  of  these  zoospores,  but  they  are  prob- 
ably similar  to  those  formed  in  the  large  zoospo- 
rangia.  Nemec  found  no  evidence  of  gametes  and 
sexual  fusion  in  S.  Betae. 

Like  sjjecies  of  Lic/niera,  S.  Betae  causes  no  hy- 
pertrophy or  other  malformations  of  the  invaded  tis- 
sues. In  fact,  parasitized  rhizodermal  cells  may  re- 
main alive  longer  than  non-infected  cells,  according 
to  Nemec.  The  presence  of  the  parasite,  however, 
causes  an  accumulation  of  cytoplasm  in  infected  cells 
and  enlargement  of  the  host  nucleus  (fig.  1,  5).  The 
latter  mav  often  become  irregular  and  develop  an 
unusually  large  nucleole.  As  the  plasmodia  mature 
the  host  protoplasm  is  reduced  to  a  thin  parietal 
layer  and  eventually  disintegrates.  The  entrance  of 
the  zoospore  through  the  cell  wall  often  leads  to  a 
marked  reaction.  As  is  shown  in  figure  25  the  en- 
trance hole  becomes  plugged  up  and  a  conspicuous 
thickening  around  this  plug  is  formed  on  the  inner 
peri])hery  of  the  wall. 


Nemec,   1913.   Bull.   Int.   Empr.   Fran.  Joseph 
Acad.  Sci.  18:  18. 

(plate  13,  FIG.  26-1.5) 

Plasmodia  usually  solitary,  partly  or  almost  com- 
pletely filling  host  cell  and  conforming  with  the  lat- 
ter's  size  and  shape ;  schizogony  unknown :  cleaving 
into  groups  (sporangiosori)  of  small  and  large  zoo- 
sporangia.  Sporangiosori  usually  solitary,  rarely 
more  than  one  in  a  cell ;  indefinite  in  size  and  shape  ; 
spring  and  winter  sporangiosori  composed  of  small 
and  large  zoosporangia  respectively.  Zoosporangia 
variable  in  size,  exit  papillae  or  tubes  lacking;  pro- 
ducing four  or  more  uniflagellate  (  .'')  zoospores.  Cy- 
stosori  made  up  of  relatively  thick-walled  resting- 
spores ;  germination  unknown. 

It  is  not  certain  from  Nemec's  account  whether  or 
not  cystosori  composed  of  thick-walled  resting  spores 
are  formed  in  this  genus.  He  reported  that  the  Plas- 
modium divides  into  aggregates  or  sori  of  polygonal, 
hexagonal  and  oval  cells  which  are  quite  variable  in 
size.  In  spring  and  summer,  sori  of  small  and  uni- 
form cells  are  formed  (fig.  41),  while  those  produced 
in  the  winter  are  made  up  of  much  larger  cells  (fig. 
43,  44).  In  both  types  of  sori,  however,  the  cells  are 
uninucleate  at  first  but  later  become  multinucleate. 
Because  they  have  tiiin  walls  and  produce  several 

PLATE  13 

Soi'olpktium  Betae 

(All  figures  after  Nemec) 

Fig.  1.  Cell  of  Beta  vulf/aris  with  two  uninucleate  para- 

Fig.  i.  Binucleate  stage  of  S.  Betae. 

Fig.  3.  Four-nucleate  stage;  nuclei  dividing  "promitoti- 
cally"   (?). 

Fig.  4.  Host  cell  with  four  plasmodia. 

Fig.  5.  A  large  band-shaped  Plasmodium  surrounding 
the  central  vacuole. 

Fig.  6,  7.  Large  and  small  zoosporangia  with  zoospores. 

Fig.  8.  Zoospores  from  sporangia. 

Fig.  9.  Plasmodium  in  which  the  nuclei  lack  large  nu- 
cleoli (achromatic  stage?). 

Fig.  10.  Later  stage;  nuclei  with  parietal  chromosomes. 

Fig.  11-1.5.  Division  stages  of  such  nuclei  with  six  well- 
defined  chromosomes. 

Fig.  16.  Plasmodium  cleaving  into  resting  spores. 

Fig.  17.  Young  cystosorus  (?)  with  polygonal  resting 

Fig.  18-2-2.  Cystosori  of  various  sizes  and  shapes. 

Fig.  19,  20,  22.  Cystosori  of  mature  knobby,  stellate  rest- 
ing spores. 

Fig.  22.  Resting  spores  with  zoospores. 

Fig.  23.  Single,  isolated  stellate  resting  spore. 

Fig.  34.  Cystosorus  of  empty  germinated  resting  spores. 

Fig.  25.  Swollen  cell  wall  at  point  of  entry  of  zoospore.  Plantaffinh 
(All  figures  after  Nemec) 

Fig.  26.  Uniflagellate  zoospore. 

Fig.  27.  Biflagellate  (?)  zoospore. 

Fig.  28.  Small  uninucleate  thallus. 

Fig.  29.  Binucleate  thallus  with  resting  nuclei. 

Fig.  30.  Same  with  both  nuclei  dividing  "promitoti- 
cally"  (?). 

Fig.  31.  Tetranucleate  thallus  with  centrosomes  and 
astral  rays. 

Fig.  32.  Equatorial  plate  stage  of  "promitosis"  with 
cap-like  centrosomes  at  poles. 

Fig.  33.  Achromatic  or  "akaryote"  (?)  stage  of  nuclei. 

Fig.  34-36.  Prophase  of  meiosis  (?). 

Fig.  39.  Mature  multinucleate  plasmodium  with  some  of 
the  nuclei  associated  in  pairs. 

Fig.  40.  Zoosporangia  cleaving  into  zoospores. 

Fig.  41.  Spring  sporangiosorus  composed  of  small  zoo- 

Fig.  i2.  Sporangiosorus  composed  of  sporangia  arranged 
in  a  linear  series. 

Fig.  43,  44.  Sporangiosori  of  large  multinucleate  spo- 

Fig.  45.  Cell  with  cyst-like  sporangia. 

nOfTlTFfl.  r.^XEPA 


PLATE  13 










Sorolpidium,  Aiiisoinvxa 



zoospores  Nemec  regarded  tliem  as  zoosporangia 
and  like  in  SorolpidUim  named  the  aggregates  spo- 
rangiosori.  It  is  not  improbable,  however,  that  some 
of  these  sori  may  be  cystosori  of  relatively  thin- 
walled  resting  spores,  since  in  describing  the  cytol- 
ogy of  Anisomi/xa  Nemec  reported  several  nuclear 
changes  and  appearances  (fig.  11-15)  which  sug- 
gest the  meiotie  prophases  which  precede  sporogen- 

Although  his  account  of  Anisomyxa  is  fragmen- 
tary and  not  altogether  clear,  it  is  evident  that 
Nemec  was  dealing  with  a  species  of  the  Plasmodio- 
phoraceae.  Wliether  or  not  it  represents  a  new  and 
distinct  geims,  however,  remains  to  be  seen  from  fu- 
ture studies.  Nemec  regarded  Anisomi/jra  as  closelj' 
related  to  Rhisomifxa  and  possibly  intermediate  be- 
tween the  Plasmodiophoraceae  and  S_vnchytriaceae. 
Fitzpatriek  ('30)  discussed  it  as  a  doubtful  genus, 
while  Cook  ('32,  '33)  merged  it  with  Ligniera  and 
listed  A.  Plantaginis  {pro  parte)  as  synonymous 
with  L.  J  unci.  The  latter  worker  had  previously 
('26,  '27)  found  L.  Junci  in  roots  of  Plantago  major, 
which  doubtless  influenced  his  belief  that  A.  I'lanta- 
gi7iis  is  a  combination  of  L.  Junci  and  a  chytrid. 

A.  PLANTAGINIS  Nemec.  I.e.,  p.  -21.  pi.  1,  -2.  Text-figures 

Spring  and  winter  sporangiosori  variable  in  size 
and  shape ;  irregular,  elongate,  and  oval ;  consist- 
ing of  a  few  to  numerous  sporangia.  Zoosporangia 
usually  remaining  attached  together  in  a  sorus  ;  poly- 
gonal, hexagonal,  oval  or  almost  spherical  with  thin, 
smooth  walls ;  spring  zoosporangia  approximately 
4.5X6 /i,  producing  4  zoospores;  winter  sporangia 
10.5X15  /^)  forming  numerous  zoospores.  Zoospores 
oval,  1.5X1-8  /i,  spherical,  1.5  /j.  in  diameter. 

Parasitic  in  the  roots  of  Plantago  lanceolata  in 
Czechoslovakia,  without  causing  hypertrophy  of  the 
invaded  tissues. 

The  zoospores  of  A.  Plantaginis  are  very  small 
and  oval  to  spherical  in  shape  (fig.  26).  Nemec  re- 
ported them  as  uniflagellate,  but  he  did  not  state  if 
the  flagellum  is  anteriorly  or  posteriorly  inserted. 
It  is  to  be  noted  here  that  he  figured  one  zoospore 
(fig.  27)  which  appears  to  be  biflagellate.  It  is  ac- 
cordingly quite  probable  that  when  this  species  is 
studied  more  intensively  the  zoospores  will  prove  to 
be  anteriorly  biflagellate  and  heterocont.  Nemec  pos- 
tulated that  zoospores  of  two  sizes  might  be  pro- 
duced, because  he  found  cleavage  segments  of  un- 
equal sizes  in  several  zoosporangia. 

Penetration  of  the  parasite  into  the  host  cell  has 
not  been  observed.  Nemec  found  small  oval  uninu- 
cleate thalli  in  several  host  cells  (fig.  28,  42)  which 
appear  to  have  come  from  zoosporangia.  Such  tlialli 
apparently  grow  in  size  as  their  nuclei  divide  and 
eventually  become  multinucleate  plasmodia  (fig.  31, 
39).  The  nuclear  divisions  (fig.  30,  32)  in  the  devel- 
oping Plasmodium  resemble  the  so-called  "promito- 
sis" ty|je  and  are  described  by  Nemec  as  vegetative 
mitosfs   in   which   eentrosomcs   and   astral   ravs  are 

usually  quite  conspicuous  (fig.  31,  32).  Following 
completion  of  the  vegetative  divisions  the  nuclei  lose 
their  chromatin,  and  the  nucleole  is  reduced  to  a 
small  globule  (fig.  33).  The  cytoplasm,  on  the  other 
hand,  becomes  filled  with  small  deeply  stainable 
granules.  This  stage  is  followed  shortly  by  another  in 
which  dense  chromatic  granules,  rods,  and  bands 
appear  at  one  side  of  the  nuclei  (fig.  36,  37)  and  sug- 
gest synaptic  phases  of  meiosis.  These  stages  initiate 
the  reproductive  divisions,  according  to  Nemec. 
However,  figures  33  to  38  are  strikingly  like  the 
"akaryote"  phase  and  prophase  stages  of  meiosis 
which  in  other  genera  have  been  interpreted  as  ini- 
tiating sporogenesis.  It  is  not  clear  from  Nemec's  ac- 
count whether  these  stages  precede  the  formation  of 
spring  or  winter  sori. 

The  mature  plasmodium  does  not  become  envel- 
oped by  a  wall  like  in  Sorolpidium  but  cleaves  di- 
rectly into  sporangia  which  remain  aggregated  and 
form  sori.  The  zoosporangia  are  polygonal  (fig.  41) 
at  first  but  later  become  oval  and  spherical  (fig.  40). 
In  the  small  spring  sporangia,  two  nuclear  divisions 
of  the  mitotic  tj'pe  occur,  and  the  protoplasm  cleaves 
into  four  segments  which  become  zoospores  (fig.  40). 
In  the  larger  winter  sporangia  numerous  mitoses 
occur,  producing  multinucleate  zoosporangia  (fig. 
42—44)  which  give  rise  to  numerous  zoospores  (fig. 
21,  22).  No  exit  papillae  or  tubes  were  observed  by 
Nemec  and  nothing  is  known  about  the  emergence  of 
the  zoospores  from  the  sporangia. 

Nemec  found  no  evidence  of  sexual  fusions  in 
Anisomi/.ra,  but  he  pointed  out  that  tlie  nuclei  in  the 
mature  plasmodium  (fig.  39)  are  often  associated  in 
pairs,  implying  perhaps  that  karj'ogamy  may  take 
place.  This  suggestion  is  further  implied  by  his  fig- 
ures of  synaptic  (fig.  36.  37)  and  diakinetic  (fig. 
38)  division  stages.  In  addition  to  the  two  types 
of  sporangiosori  Nemec  also  found  several  large, 
sporangium-like  oval  cysts  (fig.  45),  14.5- 20;it  X 
20-26  fi.  which  he  believed  might  possibh'  be  cysto- 
sori. Whether  or  not  these  are  large  isolated  resting 
spores  of  A.  Plantaginis  is  not  certain. 


Pcatouillard,  1918.  Bull.  Soc.  Mycol.  France  34: 
86,  fig.  A-G. 

(plate  14.  fig.  1-6) 

Patouillard  established  this  genus  to  include  a  spe- 
cies, T.  Tjcptodesmiae,  which  parasitizes  petioles  and 
leaves  of  Leptoc/esmia  congesta  in  Madagascar.  His 
diagnosis  was  based  on  dried  material  eollected  by 
V^iguier  in  1912,  and  there  is  very  little  evidence  in 
his  brief  description  to  warrant  inclusion  of  this  spe- 
cies in  the  Plasmodioplioraceae  at  the  present  time. 
The  infected  leaves  and  petioles  become  thick,  fleshy 
(fig.  1,2),  and  reddish  in  color,  and  later  numerous 
round  or  irregular,  0.5  to  3  unn.  high,  solitary  or  ag- 
gregated, open,  aceium-likc  pustules  filled  with  yel- 
low spores  appear  in  the  infected  areas. 

norirnii.  (iKNi'.iiA 

Tlio  farli('>t  kiunvn  di'vcloiinifntal  stajjos  of  '/'. 
Lrpldilrsniitir  consists  of  an  tlliptical.  rouiiil.  or 
irrojjiilar  plasinoiliuin  (?)  which  fills  tlic  hypcrtro- 
phied  host  cell  (fifc.  !•)•  Its  protoplasm  is  honio- 
pciK'ous,  brownish,  and  slightly  granular  and  not 
enveloped  by  a  distinct  membrane  With  maturity 
the  protoplasm  becomes  more  siramilar,  and  the  en- 
tire thallus  segments  into  spores,  which  are  at  first 
polygonal  but  later  become  oval  and  si)herical,  12- 
1(5^.  and  develop  smooth  hyaline  walls  (fig.  5). 
When  mature  they  have  a  yellowish  tint,  and  as  the 
sorus  breaks  open  to  the  outside  of  the  host  it  as- 
sumes the  structure  and  appearance  of  a  cup-like 
pustule  tilled  with  pulvereseent  spores  (fig.  2).  Ger- 
mination of  these  sjiores  has  not  been  observed. 

P;itouillard's  figures  and  description  of  the  sorus. 
spore  formation,  and  the  appearance  of  the  pustules 
suggest  that  T.  Lcptodtumiae  may  possibly  be  a  spe- 
cies of  Si/iichi/triiim  of  the  .S.  decipifiis  type  which 
forms  open  Jjustules.  His  figures  of  a  naked  plas- 
modial  stage  and  comparatively  thiek-walled  spores, 
however,  militates  against  this  view,  but  in  dried 
herb.arium  material  it  is  obviously  difficult  to  deter- 
mine tlie  ])resence  or  absence  of  an  enveloping  mem- 
brane. .Saceardo  ('31  )  listed  T.'iae  among 
the  IMasmodioi)horaceae.  but  Cook  ('33)  excluded 
it.  Palm  (see  Palm  and  Burke.  '33)  collected  mate- 
rial of  a  species  closely  related,  if  not  identical,  to 
Tremaiophli/ctis  on  an  unnamed  host  in  southern 
Madagascar,  and  his  statement  that  it  is  an  "un- 
doubted member  of  this  family"  carries  the  implica- 
tion  be  believed  Patouillard's  genus  might  be 
valid.  Lnfortunatcly  Palm  has  jjublislicd  nothing  on  this  fungus,  and  the  status  of  Tremaio- 
phli/cti.i  will  remain  doubtful  until  more  is  known 
about  its  life  cycle. 

In  relation  to  these  doubtful  genera  a  discussion 
of  Pi/rrhosoriis  .fuel  may  be  logically  presented  at 
this  ))oint.  although  in  so  doing  the  author  does  not 
imi)ly  that  it  should  be  included  in  the  Plasmodio- 
])horaceae  as  this  family  is  now  recognized.  This 
genus  was  created  by  ,Juel  ('01)  for  an  orange- 
colored  species.  P.  marinus,  which  he  discovered  in 
a  red  alga,  Ci/stoclonium  piirpiirascens,  in  Sweden. 
Since  he  found  it  only  in  dead  branches  .luel  con- 
cluded that  it  is  a  .saprophyte,  but  Winge  ('13)  be- 
lieved that  during  some  of  the  developmental  stages 
reported  by  ,Iuel  the  organism  may  be  ]);irasitic.  P.'/r- 
rhosoru.s-  mariniix  has  never  since  been  observed,  but 
because  it  includes  several  ])lasmodi()i)hor.iceous-like 
stages  in  its  life  cycb-  it  merits  consideration  in  any 
discussion  of  the  Plasmodiophorales.  .luel  was  uncer- 
tain about  its  taxonomic  position,  relationship,  and 
phvlogeny  but  jiointed  out  and  discussed  the  charac- 
ters it  lias  in  common  with  Jf'oronina,  Iihi:nmi/xa, 
Trtramjixa,  Pnifomi/sa,  and  other  genera  of  lower 
organisms.  He  particularly  stressed  the  similarity  of 
its  tvjjc  of  sjiorogenesis  to  that  of  Trtrnmi/.ra. 

The  life  cycle  of  /'.  marinus  is  as  follows:  In  the 
early  developmental  stages  it  consists  of  small  globu- 
lar thallus  lying  within  the  host  cell  (PI.  11-.  fig.  8). 
Such  thalli  may  often  be  associated  in  pairs  (fig.  9) 

or  groups,  and  .luel  aeeordiiigly  considered  it  ))os- 
sible  tiiat  they  may  l.-itcr  co.ilisee  and  form  a  large 
pl;ismodium.  The  iminucleate  thallus  grows  in  size 
as  its  nucleus  enlarges  (tig.  10)  and  app.arently  di- 
vides. Mitoses  in  the  iilasmodium  have  not  been  ob- 
served, and  .hiel  was  uncertain  as  to  the  manner  of 
origin  of  the  multinucleate  stages.  A  later  stage  is 
shown  in  figure  1  1  of  a  plasmodium  with  four  large 
nuclei.  The  developing  plasiiiodia  a|)pareiitly  Iiavc 
the  .ability  to  dissolve  intervening  cell  w.ills  (  fig.  1  1  ) 
■and  m.iy  eventually  occujiy  several  cells.  Although 
they  may  be  distinctly  amoeboid  in  shajie  with  nu- 
merous blunt,  pscudopod-like  extensions  and  vacu- 
oles (fig.  12,  13)  it  is  not  certain  from  Juel's  account 
that  they  move  about  and  migrate  from  cell  to  cell 
as  in  Pla.smodiophora,  etc.  No  evidence  of  schizog- 
ony was  observed  by  .luel.  but  \\'inge  interjireted 
some  of  the  uninucleate  stages  as  ))robable  meronts. 
The  mature  plasmodium  is  multinucleate,  vacuo- 
late, and  usually  irregular  in  shape  (fig.  12-1  t),  and 
just  before  sporulating  forms  an  enveloping  mem- 
brane like  Sorolpidiiim.  Plasmodia  which  are  exten- 
sively drawn  out  and  occupy  several  host  cells  may 
accordingly  ap))car  lobed,  irregular  and  tubular  (fig. 
18)  after  the  wall  has  formed.  Following  this  stage 
the  i)roto])lasm  divides  into  uninucleate  segments. 
In  this  process  no  distinct  cleavage  furrows  have 
been  observed.  The  jilasmodium  appears  to  become 
highly  vacuolate  (fig.  If)  during  this  process,  and 
the  cytoplasm  accumulates  around  the  nuclei  and 
forms  stellate  i)roto])lasmie  islands  which  resemble 
somewhat  the  sporonts  of  Teirami/ja.  These  seg- 
ments soon  become  almost  spherical  or  spindle- 
shajjcd  (fig.  If),  and  .luel  thought  that  the  latter 
type  of  cells  arc  formed  in  ])lasmodia  which  are 
highly  vacuolate  and  scarce  in  cytoplasm.  In  addi- 
tion to  these  two  kinds  of  segments,  irregular  elon- 
gate, oval  and  smaller  ones  may  be  formed,  appar- 
ently as  the  result  of  unequal  cleavage,  which  finally 

The  si)herieal.  8  u.  in  diameter,  and  siiindle-shaped 
segments  are  uninucleate,  naked,  and  never  develo)) 
a  distinct  wall.  They  aggregate  to  form  a  definite 
sorus  (fig.  1.5)  and  each  cell  soon  divides  into  oetads 
of  s))ores  as  in  Octomi/.ra,  which  led  .luel  to  call  them 
spore-mother  cells.  In  this  jirocess  of  spore  forma- 
tion the  nuclei  divide  mitotically  (fig.  21-2f)  and 
each  mitosis  is  followed  by  cell  division.  Definite 
chromosomes  (2  to  .5)  are  formed  on  a  sharply-de- 
fined sjiindle  during  mitosis,  and  there  is  no  evidence 
of  "promitosis."  according  to  .Juel's  figures.  Each  of 
the  eight  naked  s])ores  so(Ui  becomes  tr;ins formed  di- 
rectly into  a  zoospore  without  developing  ;i  thick  wall 
and  becoming  dormant.  The  mature  zoospores  are 
small,  ijyriform.  4..5X2..') /x,  with  a  tajiering  end, 
laterally  biHagellate  and  isocont  (fig.  7).  In  addi- 
tion they  ))ossess  ;i  brilli;int  or.ange-colorcd  s))ot  or 
globule  which  rtsembles  the  eye  sjiot  of  algae  and 
lies  at  the  point  of  insertion  of  the  tlagella.  The  zoo- 
spores a))]jarently  infect  the  host  cells  and  develop 
into  the  small  thalli  shown  in  figures  8  and  9.  Cysto- 



sori  or  resting  spores  have  not  been  observed  in  P. 

It  is  apparent  from  this  description  that  Juel's 
fungns  differs  primarily  from  the  valid  species  of 
the  Plasmodiophoraeeae  by  its  laterally  biflagellate, 
isocont  zoosjjores,  naked  spore-mother  cells  and 
spores,  lack  of  zoosporangia,  resting  spores,  and  by 
its  saprophytic  nature.  As  .Juel  emiihasized,  the  for- 
mation of  uninucleate  spore-mother  cells  or  sporonts 
by  fragmentation  of  the  plasmodium  and  their  sub- 
sequent division  into  4  and  8  cells  is  strikingly  simi- 
lar to  spore  development  in  Tetramy.ra.  Had  Octo- 
mi/xa  been  known  at  that  time  .Juel  would  doubtless 
have  emphasized  the  relationship  of  his  species  with 
the  Plasmodiophorales  even  further.  It  is  to  be  noted, 
however,  that  in  these  two  genera  each  mitosis  in  the 
sporonts  is  not  immediately  followed  by  cell  division 
as  in  Pyrrhosoriis,  and  that  the  spores  which  are 
formed  encyst  and  pass  through  a  dormant  period 
before  giving  rise  to  zoospores.  It  is  possible  that 
under  the  conditions  of  .Juel's  study  the  spores  of 
P.  marinus  failed  to  encyst  and  become  dormant.  It 
is  also  possible  that  zoosporangia  occur  in  this  spe- 
cies but  were  not  present  in  Juel's  material.  In  tiiat 
event  P.  marinus  would  be  very  similar  to  Octomyxa. 
However,  its  laterally  biflagellate  isocont  zoospores 
with  an  orange-colored  eye-spot  constitute  a  serious 
obstacle  to  including  it  in  the  Plasmodiophorales  at 
present,  unless,  of  course,  .Juel  was  mistaken  about 
the  relative  lengths  and  insertion  of  the  flagella. 
These  possibilities,  however,  are  purely  speculative. 
On  the  other  hand,  the  zoospores  are  similar  to  those 
figured  for  species  of  the  lower  biflagellate  Oomy- 
cete-like  fungi,  but  until  more  is  known  about  P.  ma- 
rinus its  relationship  will  remain  obscure.  Winge, 
nonetheless,  considered  it  closely  related  to  the  Plas- 
modiophoraeeae and  made  extensive  comparisons  be- 
tween its  life  cycle  and  that  of  Sorolpidiiim.  He  re- 
garded the  sporangiosori  of  the  latter  genus  as  homo- 
logous with  the  aggregates  or  sori  of  spore-mother 
cells  of  Pyrrhosorus,  and  believed  that  the  absence 
of  wall  around  the  sporonts  in  the  latter  is  of  minor 
importance.  Cook  ('33),  on  the  other  hand,  regarded 
the  relationship  of  Pyrrhosorus  with  the  Plasmodio- 
phorales as  highly  questionable. 


Barrett,  ,T.  T.  193 j.  Pliytopath.  25:  898. 

Cook,  W.  H.  I.  19-'6.  Trans.  Brit.  Mycol.  Soc.  11:  310.  1937, 


.  1933.  Hoiifr  Koiifr  Xat.  Suppl.  1 :  38. 

.  1933.  Arcli.  Protistk.  80:  333. 

Fischer,  A.  1893.  Kabenhorsts  Krypt.  1,  aht.  +:67. 
Fitzpatriok,  H.  M.  1930.  The  lower  fungi — Phycomycetes. 

New  York :  p.  03. 
Guyot,  A.  L.  1937.  Bull.  Soc.  Path.  Yep.  I'Ent,  Agr.  France 

14:  181. 
Juel,  H.  O.  1901a.  Bill.  K.  Svensk.  Yet.-.\kad.  Hand.  26 

afd.  Ill,  No.  U:  1. 

.  1901b.  Rev.  Mycol.  34:  111. 

Maire,  R.,  and  A.  Tison.  1911.  C.  R.  .\cad.  Sci.  Paris,  153: 

Minden,  M.  191.5.  Krypt.  Fl.  Mark.  Brandenburg  5:  378. 

Nemec,    B.    1911.    Osterr.    Ungar.    Zeitscbr.    f.    Zucker   u. 

Landw.  40. 
Palm,  B.  T.,  and  M.  Burk.  1933.  Arcb.  Protistk.  79:  363. 
Rawlins,  T.  E.  1935.  Pliytopath.  15:  737. 
Saccardo,  P.  A.  1936.  Sylloge  fungorum  34,  sect.  1:  17.  1931, 

Ibid.  35:  13. 
Schroeter,  J.  1897.  Engler  and  Prantl,  die  Nat.  Pflanzf.  I, 

Wildeman,  E.  1893.  Ann.  Soc.  Micro.  Beige.  17:  35. 
Winge,  O.  1913.  Ark.  f.  Bot.  13,  No.  9:  29. 


Herewith  are  presented  descriptions  and  illustra- 
tions of  three  genera  which  have  been  included  in 
the  Plasmodiophorales  by  various  workers,  prima- 
rih'  for  want  of  a  better  group  in  which  to  place 
them.  Uniflagellate  zoospores  are  reported  to  occur 
in  Cystospora  but  are  apparently  lacking  in  Sporo- 
myxa  and  Peltomyces.  Except  for  a  multinucleate 
plasmodial  stage,  resting  spores,  and  the  occurrence 
of  intranuclear  mitosis  and  schizogony  these  genera 
have  little  in  common  with  the  Plasmodiophorales 
as  this  order  is  now  generally  recognized.  They  are, 
nevertheless,  described  here  so  that  their  validity  as 
members  of  this  order  may  be  judged  independently. 

PLATE  14 
Trematophli/ctis  Leptodesmiae 
(All  figures  after  Patouillard) 

Fig.  1.  Leaves  of  L.  congestu  with  galls. 

Fig.  3.  Portion  of  a  branch  with  a  large  gall  and  three 
open  pu.stules. 

Fig.  3.  Section  of  a  gall  showing  several  sori. 

Fig.  4.  Naked  plasmodium  (?)  filling  greatlv  enlarged 

Fig.  5.  Group  of  resting  spores  formed  by  segmentation 
of  Plasmodium. 

Fig.  6.  Individual  resting  spores. 

Pyrrhosorus  niariinis 
(All  figures  after  Juel) 

Fig.  7.  Laterally  biflagellate  isocont  zoospores. 

Fig.  8.  Uninucleate  tballus. 

Fig.  9.  Two  paired  young  thalli. 

Fig.  10.  Uninucleate  thallus  with  enlarged  primary  nu- 

Fig.  11.  Four-nucleate  tballus  passing  through  cell  wall. 

Fig.  13.  Jlultinucleate  tballus. 

Fig.  13.  Multinucleate  amoeboid  thallus. 

Fig.  14.  Cleavage  of  tballus. 

Fig.  15.  A  sorus  of  spore  mother  cells. 

Fig.  16.  Isolated  spore  mother  cell. 

Fig.  17.  A  sorus,  the  spore  mother  cells  of  wbieli  liave  di- 
vided into  groups  of  four  daughter  cells. 

Fig.  IS.  Spindle-shaped  spore  mother  cells  (?)  in  a 
branched  tballus. 

Fig.  19.  Spindle-shaped  spore  mother  cells  and  accessory 
sterile  cells  in  an  elongate  host  cell. 

Fig.  30.  Sorus  with  spore  motber  and  sterile  cells. 

Fig.  31.  Sorus  with  spore  mother  cells  undergoing  mito- 

Fig.  33-34.  Mitosis  and  cytokinesis  of  s|)ore  mother  cells. 




20^ ' 

23  23' 

Trematophlyctis,  Pyrrhosorus 



by  research  workers.  Doubtless,  there  are  numerous 
other  plasniodiaceous  organisms  wliicli  resemble  the 
true  Plasmodiophoraceae  and  simple  fungi  which 
must  eventually  be  given  serious  consideration  by 
mycologists  and  protozoologists,  and  it  is  hoped  that 
by  presenting  the  available  data  here  greater  inter- 
est and  research  may  be  stimulated  in  these  border- 
line organisms. 


Leger,  1908.  Arch.  Protistk.  12:  111. 
(plate  13,  fig.  1-25) 

Sporomyxa  was  created  by  Leger  for  a  virulent 
parasite,  S.  Scauri,  which  he  found  in  tlie  coelome  of 
the  imago  of  Scaunts  tristis  in  Algeria.  The  parasite 
has  a  predilection  for  the  adipose  tissue  and  may  be 
found  in  enormous  numbers  there.  Unlike  most  plas- 
modioplioraceous  fungi,  it  destroys  infected  cells 
completely  without  stimulating  them  to  divide  or 
enlarge.  The  earliest  known  stage  consists  of  a  small, 
naked,  spherical,  ovoid.  6—8  /j..  or  spindle-shaped 
body  with  an  unusually  large,  5  /a,  nucleus  and  finely 
granular  cytoplasm  (fig.  1).  It  does  not  appear  to 
have  a  sharply  defined  membrane  and  lies  embedded 
in  the  host  cytoplasm.  As  it  increases  in  size  the  nu- 
cleus divides  mitotically  with  an  intranuclear  spin- 
dle (fig.  2),  and  tlie  thallus  becomes  binucleate.  In 
this  stage  it  may  divide  by  binary  fission  (fig.  3). 
Additional  nuclear  divisions  occur  (fig.  i).  and 
larger,  naked,  multinucleate  plasmodium-like  thalli 
are  eventually  formed  (fig.  6).  Leger  found  no  thalli 
with  more  than  8  nuclei,  and  he  believed  that  from 
this  stage  on  the  parasite  undergoes  schizogony  into 
uninucleate  meronts  or  sporulates,  so  that  thalli  with 
a  large  number  of  nuclei  are  never  formed. 

The  mature  thallus  may  be  splierical,  elliptical, 
and  sometimes  amoebiform,  according  to  the  jiosition 
its  occupies  in  the  host  tissue,  and  although  it  may 
have  the  shape  and  appearance  of  an  active  amoeba, 
it  does  not  move  or  undergo  changes  in  form.  Its  cy- 
toplasm is  denser  toward  the  center,  but  no  distinct 
endo-  and  ectoplasmic  laj'ers  are  distinguisliable. 
No  wall  or  membrane  is  present,  and  the  whole  thal- 
lus may  be  enveloped  by  the  host  protoi)lasm  (fig.  6). 
In  addition  to  these  thalli,  Leger  found  otiier  smaller 
ones  with  numerous  fat  globules  and  chromatic  gran- 
ules in  the  cytoplasm  and  small  nuclei  which  ap- 
peared to  be  lacking  in  chromatin  (fig.  7).  He  be- 
lieved such  thalli  occur  at  the  close  of  the  vegetative 
phase  of  iS'.  Scauri  and  mark  the  beginning  of  sporo- 

Unlike  the  true  plasmodiophoraceous  genera,  no 
segmentation  of  the  multinucleate  thallus  into  nu- 
merous separate  spores  or  cystosori  lias  been  ob- 
served in  S.  Scauri.  Resting  spores,  however,  occur 
very  abundantly  in  the  adipose  tissue,  but  Leger  was 
not  certain  whether  they  are  formed  by  eneystment 
of  vegetative  uninucleate  thalli  or  are  the  products 
of  more  or  less  simultaneous  schizogony  of  a  multi- 
nucleate body.  He  admitted  the  possibility  of  both 

methods,  but  did  not  sliow  any  figures  of  the  latter 
process.  The  spores  may  sometimes  occur  in  groups, 
but  it  is  not  evident  that  these  aggregates  have  been 
formed  by  segmentation  of  a  multinucleate  Plasmo- 
dium as  in  Plasmodia phora.  The  only  developmental 
stages  of  resting  spores  described  by  I-eger  relate 
to  small,  isolated  spores.  These  are  apparentlv 
formed  by  the  eneystment  of  uninucleate  thalli  dur- 
ing which  process  the  nucleus  shrinks  in  size  as  chro- 
matic material  is  extruded  from  the  nucleole  into  the 
cytoplasm  (fig.  9-13).  As  this  goes  on,  the  wall 
thickens  and  differentiates  into  a  thick  outer  and  a 
thin  inner  layer.  In  bi-  and  multinucleate  tlialli, 
spore  formation  may  be  accompanied  by  nuclear 
fusions  (fig.  12.  13)  of  the  type  described  by  Prowa- 
zek  (0.5)  for  P.  Bras.iicae.  Leger  interpreted  these 
fusions  as  representing  rudimentary  sexuality.  The 
majority  of  spores  are  ovoid,  8X  10  M>  but  they  may 
often  be  more  elongate,  iXS/i.  spherical,  obpyri- 
form,  constricted  in  the  middle,  and  unusually  large, 
SO-iO /x  (fig.  15-17).  The  small  spores  are  usually 

PLATE  15 

Sporomi/x(t  Scanri 

(All  figures  after  Leger) 

Fig.  1.  Uninucleate  thalhis. 

Fig.  J.  Mitosis  witli  intranuclear  spindle  and  minute 

Fig.  3.  Binucleate  thallus  undergoing  binary  fission. 

Fig.  4.  Mitosis  in  a  binucleate  thallus. 

Fig.  5.  Tetranucleate  thallus. 

Fig.  6.  Large,  amoebiform,  eight-nucleate  thallus  witliin 
host  cell. 

Fig.  7.  Thallus  with  chromatic  granules  in  cytoplasm; 
nuclei  without  (?)  chromatin. 

Fig.  8-1:3.  Successive  stages  in  resting  spore  formation. 

Fig.  13,  H.  Xuclear  fusion  (?)  in  resting  spore. 

Fig.  15-17.  Large,  abnormal  resting  spores. 

S.  Tertehronis 
(All  figures  after  Reitschel) 

Fig.  19-30.  Developmental  stages  of  thallus. 
Fig.  31.  Synchronous  nuclear  division;  polar  and  profile 

Fig.  22.  Completion  of  cleavage  into  spore  rudiments. 

Fig.  2S.  Later  stage  of  same. 

Fig.  2i,  25.  Uni-  and  binucleate  spores. 

f'i/.s'/o.s'/iora  hfitntd 
(All  figures  after  Elliott) 

Fig.  30.  Resting  state. 

Fig.  :37.  Amoebae. 

Fig.  38-33.  Nuclear  division  and  multiplication. 

Fig.  33.  Sixteen-nucleate  stage  of  thallus;  nuclei  of  un- 
equal size. 

Fig.  3+.  Migration  of  plasmodium  through  rootlet. 

Fig.  33.  Cells  of  host  with  amoebae  and  plasniodia. 

Fig.  36.  Root  tip  cells  with  plasmodium  and  amoebae; 
nuclei  of  unequal  size  in  plasmodium. 

Fig.  37-41.  Stages  in  cyst  formation  from  a  plasmodium. 

Fig.  43.  Row  of  cysts. 

Fig.  43,  44.  Formation  in  and  Iil)eration  of  zoospores 
from  cysts. 

Fig.  4J-47.  Degeneration  of  cysts. 


I'LATK  ir, 

Sporoniyxa,  Cystospora 



uninucleate,  but  the  abnormal  ones  may  possess  2 
to  30  nuclei  scattered  about  or  aggregated  in  groups. 
The  wall  of  the  spore  is  hyaline,  streaked,  and  thick, 
and  by  treatment  with  iodine  and  sulphuric  acid  it 
assumes  a  bluish  tint,  indicating  the  presence  of 

A  second  species,  S.  Tenebriones,  was  found  by 
Reitschel  ('36)  in  the  fat  bodies,  ovaries,  and  con- 
nective tissues  of  the  larvae  and  imago  of  Tenebrio 
molitor.  The  life  liistory  and  development  of  this 
species  (fig.  18—25)  are  similar  to  tliose  of  S.  Scauri 
with  the  exception  that  the  thalli  become  larger  and 
undergo  cleavage  at  maturity.  At  the  time  of  sporu- 
lation  they  may  contain  considerably  more  than  a 
hundred  nuclei  and  are  enveloped  by  a  thin  mem- 
brane. The  protoplasm  cleaves  into  uninucleate  seg- 
ments (fig.  22,  23)  which  later  round  up  and  become 
the  resting  spores  as  in  Plasmodiophora,  The  soral 
membrane  disintegrates  shortly  thereafter  and  frees 
the  spores.  These  are  usually  uninucleate  (fig.  24'), 
rarely  binucleate  (fig.  2.5),  hyaline,  smooth,  and 
measure  9—13  fi  by  4.5—7  fj..  In  neither  of  these  spe- 
cies have  spore  germination,  zoosporangia,  and  zoo- 
spores been  observed. 

Leger  believed  that  Sporomyxa  may  be  closely  re- 
lated to  Sapphiia  because  of  its  method  of  sporula- 
tion.  Maire  and  Tison  (09)  regarded  it  as  of  doubt- 
ful affinity  with  the  Plasmodiophorales  and  stressed 
lack  of  promitosis  in  nuclear  division  as  a  distinctive 
character.  Fitzpatrick  ('30)  and  Cook  ('33)  ex- 
cluded it  on  the  grounds  of  its  habitat  and  ellipsoidal 
isolated  resting  spores,  but  as  Palm  and  Burk  ('33) 
have  pointed  out,  "the  circumstance  that  it  attacks 
an  animal  host  could  hardly  be  taken  as  a  serious 
objection."  However,  our  knowledge  of  its  life  cycle 
and  cytology  seems  hardly  sufficient  to  justify  its 
inclusion  in  the  Plasmodiophorales  at  the  present 


Leger,  1909.  C.  R.  Acad.  Sci.  Paris  149:  239. 

Leger  founded  this  genus  to  include  three  para- 
sites, P.  hi/alinus,  P.  Blatella,  and  P.  Forficulae, 
which  occur  in  the  malpighian  tubes  of  Olocrates, 
Blatella,  and  Forficula  species.  His  description  of  the 
genus  was  based  primarily  on  the  development  and 
life  cycle  of  P.  hijalinus,  apparently  the  oiil}^  species 
which  he  studied  in  detail.  This  species  makes  its 
appearance  in  the  epithelium  as  a  small,  2  //.,  uninu- 
cleate globular  body.  Its  nucleus  multiplies  mitoti- 
cally,  and  the  parasite  soon  grows  into  a  multinucle- 
ate disc-shaped  plasmodium  which  subsequently  un- 
dergoes schizogony  and  forms  a  large  number  of 
small,  2-3  /x,  uninucleate  sporonts. 

At  the  conclusion  of  schizogony  the  sporogonic 
phase  begins.  Each  sporont  increases  in  size  while 
its  nucleus  divides  mitotically  several  times.  Two 
types  of  nuclei  are  thus  formed:  small,  densely- 
stainable  somatic  nuclei  without  membranes,  and 
larger,    normal-looking   gametic    nuclei    with    well- 

defined  membranes.  The  former  nuclei  disintegrate, 
while  the  latter  become  enveloped  in  a  small  spheri- 
cal mass  of  cytoplasm  and  are  soon  transformed  into 
bowl-shaped,  2  jj.,  gametes.  These  fuse  in  pairs  after 
their  nuclei  have  undergone  a  chromatic  reduction, 
and  this  is  soon  followed  by  karyogamy.  The  zygotes 
or  incipient  diploid  resting  spores  formed  in  this 
manner  develop  a  wall  and  assume  a  cylindrical, 
3X9/^,  shape.  Each  mature  sporont  thus  encloses 
within  its  tliin  wall  4  to  8  spores  arranged  side  by 
side  and  looks  like  a  sporangium.  The  gametes  in 
the  sporonts  which  fail  to  fuse  develop  into  par- 
thenogenetic  spores  of  about  half  the  size  of  the  dip- 
loid spores.  In  some  cases  prematurely  formed  spo- 
ronts, instead  of  producing  gametes,  form  small  en- 
dogenous cells  which  escape  from  the  sporonts  and 
behave  as  schizozoites  in  the  host.  Leger  did  not 
illustrate  any  of  tliese  species,  and  his  account  of 
their  development  is  brief  and  fragmentary.  Zoo- 
spores, sporangia,  and  cystosori  are  unknown  in 


Elliott,  1916.   Delaware  Agr.  Exp.   Sta.   Bull. 
114:  15. 

(plate  15,  FIG.  26-47) 

This  genus  was  created  b}'  Elliott  for  a  myxomy- 
cete-like  organism,  C.  batata,  which  is  reported  to 
cause  "soil  rot,"  "pit  "  or  "pox"  of  sweet  potatoes  in 
the  United  States.  Elliott  placed  it  in  the  Plasmodio- 
phorales, but  its  inclusion  here  is  very  doubtful,  if  at 
all  warranted.  In  fact,  some  workers  (Manns  and 
Adams,  '25)  have  expressed  doubt  about  tlie  ex- 
istence of  an  organism  of  this  type  and  asserted  that 
some  of  the  stages  figured  by  Elliott  may  be  nothing 
more  than  products  of  disturbed  metabolism  of  the 
sweet  potato.  Tabenhaus  (18),  however,  reported 
tliat  he  was  able  to  grow  tliis  organism  in  pure  cul- 
ture on  sweet  potato  agar  made  up  according  to 
Elliott's  formula.  He  further  confirmed  Elliott's  ac- 
count of  the  life  cycle  of  C.  batata. 

According  to  these  workers,  the  zoospores  are 
small,  1—2  ft X  1-5-3 /x,  globose  with  tapering  ends 
and  possess  a  short  flagellum,  but  it  is  not  evident 
from  their  descriptions  whether  the  flagellum  is  an- 
terior or  posterior.  The  zoospores  are  nonetheless 
produced  in  great  numbers  (fig.  43,  44)  and  may  re- 
main active  from  1  to  7  days  in  rare  instances,  ac- 
cording to  Tabenhaus.  The  period  of  activity,  how- 
ever, is  usually  short,  often  less  than  half  an  hour. 
The  zoospores  may  sometimes  fuse  in  pairs  and  form 
round  zygotes  which  later  become  amoeboid  ( fig. 
26,  27).  According  to  Elliott,  they  bore  through  the 
cell  wall  and  infect  the  host  as  amoebae,  but  Taben- 
haus reported  that  infection  may  also  take  place  by 
means  of  a  plasmodium.  The  nuclei  of  the  young  par- 
asite divide  mitotically  and  simultaneously  (fig.  28, 
29,  32),  but  unfortunately  Elliott's  figures  are  so 
small  and  poorly  drawn  that  it  is  impossible  to  deter- 



niiiio  wlu'tlu-r  or  not  tlic  divisions  riscinlilo  tlu-  pro- 
mitosis (Itscriluii  for  otlifr  <iinir;i. 

Sovcral  ;iiiio(l);u-  and  small  plasinodia  may  co.i- 
l«'si-i-  and  form  larjtcr  plasmodia.  accordinf;  to  Elliott, 
which  migratf  dcfpcr  into  the  infected  tissue  (fig. 
3i)  in  much  the  same  manner  described  l\v  Kunkel 
for  Spoiif/ospora.  I.arjie  plasmodia  may  contain  from 
200  to  300  nuclei,  and  at  maturity  form  l.irjie  multi- 
nucleate cysts  (fifi.  37-1-2).  Klliott  reported  that 
eaeli  ))l.ism(idium  forms  a  single  cyst,  hut  liis  liirures 
sutrjiest  that  more  than  one  may  be  j)roduccd.  The 
plasmodimn  fills  the  host  cell  at  maturity  (fig.  36- 
38).  becomes  more  dense  in  the  center,  condenses, 
and  eventually  forms  a  tliick.  smooth  wall  (fig. 
39-H).  .\fter  a  short  rest  period  the  cyst  germi- 
nates, and  in  this  process  the  wall  becomes  very  thin 
(fig.  13.  H).  and  the  protoplasm  cleaves  into  nu- 
merous zoospores.  In  this  manner  several  genera- 
tions of  zoospores  per  season  are  formed  in  infected 
roots  and  pox  lesions,  each  generation  of  which  mi- 
grates deeper  into  the  tissues.  Eventually  "all  plas- 
modia seem  to  collect,  cease  advancing,  turn  back- 
wards, and  leave  the  pit  for  the  soil,"  according  to 
Tabenhaus.  These  plasmodia  are  believed  to  encyst 
in  the  soil  and  live  through  the  winter  in  this  stage. 

Soil  rot.  Jiit.  or  ))ox  is  a  widely  distributed  and 
common  disease  and  has  been  reported  from  a  num- 
ber of  states  (Halsted,  '90,  '92,  '96;  Price.  '9.5; 
Duggar,  '97;  Townsend,  '99;  Wilcox,  '06;  Barre, 
'10;  Tabenhaus,  '14,  '16;  Harter,  '16;  Poole,  '22, 
'24,  '2.5;  Anonymous.  '21',  26;  Harter  and  Weimer, 
'29,  and  others).  Pox  may  also  occur  on  the  white 
potato,  turnips,  and  possibly  beets  and  tomatoes 
(Tabenhaus.  '18).  The  cause  of  pox.  however,  has 
been  the  subject  of  much  controversy.  Halsted  at- 
tributed it  to  a  filamentous  fungus  which  he  named 
Acroci/stis  batatas,  but  from  extensive  study  of  the 
disease.  Tabenhaus  ('14)  and  Elliott  concluded  that 
A.  batatas  is  non-existent  and  had  ])reviously  been 
mistaken  for  anotlier  organism.  The  latter  worker 
claimed  that  pox  is  caused  by  a  myxomycetous  fun- 
gus which  he  named  C.  batata.  Elliott  further  as- 
serted that  Halsted  had  figured  several  stages  of  this 
slime  mold,  and  he  accordingly  listed  Acroci/stis 
batatas  as  synonymous  with  C.  batata.  Tabenhaus 
('18)  confirmed  Elliott's  observations  in  Texas,  and 
found  that  another  fungus.  .4ctiiwmi/ces  poolensis, 
may  also  occur  as  a  suiJcrfieial  wound  ])arasite  in  pox 
spots  produced  bv  ('.  batata. 

Since  that  time  the  existence  of  cysts  and  other 
stages  of  C.  batata  has  been  seriously  questioned  and 
denied  by  Manns  and  Adam.  In  mature  pox  lesions 
no  evidence  of  an  organism  resembling  a  slime  mold 
was  found  by  these  workers,  and  they  (21)  inter- 
jireted  the  so-called  cysts  of  Elliott  as  "i)roducts  of 
metabolism  in  the  form  of  reserve  substances."  Later 
Manns  ('24)  demounted  some  of  the  pox  material 
which  Elliott  had  stained  with  Flemming's  triple  dye 
and  restained  it  with  Ziehl's  earbol  fuchsin.  and  in 

each  instance  he  found  ."in  .Icl'nioin i/crs  s|)ccies  pres- 
ent. He  ('2.5.  '2(i)  and  .\d;ims  (2!))  l;iter  questioned 
the  existence  of  ('.  batata  and  m.-uutained  that  pox 
of  sweet  potato  is  caused  by  a  s))ceies  of  Actino- 
myces. Harter  and  Weimer  ('29)  were  also  unable 
to  isolate  ('.  batata  from  ))ox  lesions  or  find  any  evi- 
dence of  zoospores.  ))l.isniodi.a  and  cysts  in  fixed  and 
stained  ))repar;itions. 

This  is  the  |)resent  st;itus  of  ('.  haltifa  in  relation 
to  l)ox.  Elliott  and  Tai)enli;nis  douiitless  iiail  some 
sal)roi)hytie  plasmodial  organism  .-it  hand,  but 
whether  or  not  it  is  a  species  of  the  Plasmodiopho- 
rales  is  obviously  questionable.  Fitzjiatriek  and  Cook 
excluded  it  from  this  order,  but  Saccardo  ("31 )  listed 
it  among  the  valid  siiecics.  Palm  and  Hurk.  however, 
implied  that  it  is  valid  but  stands  distinctly  ajjart 
from  the  other  genera  because  of  its  method  of  cyst 
formation.  Except  for  the  presence  of  zoospores, 
('.  batata  is  somewhat  similar  to  Leptomi/xa  rctice- 
lata  var.  hum'di,  a  saprophytic  proteomyxean  organ- 
ism which  Miss  McLennan  ('31)  found  in  hops. 
There  are  a  large  luimber  of  saprophytic,  soil  in- 
habiting organisms  of  this  tyjie  which  may  become 
secondary  invaders  of  roots,  and  unless  they  are 
earefulh^  studied  and  cultured  they  may  be  readily 
mistaken  for  stages  in  the  life  cycle  of  plasmodio- 
I)lioraecous  species. 

bibliography:  E-XCLFded  genera 

Adams,  J.  F.  19-'9.  Phytopath.  19:  179. 

Anony.  U)-'4.  U.  S.  Dept.  Agr.  PI.  Dis.  Rept.  .Siippl.  34. 

19Jti,  Ibid.  45. 
liarre,  W.  H.  1910.  South  Carolina  Exp.  Sta.  J3  .\iin.  Rejit., 

p.  .'3. 
Cook,  W.  R.  I.  1933.  Arch.  Prntistk.  80:  1T9. 
Dupfrar,  ,1.  F.  1897.  U.  S.  Dept.  Apr.  Farm.  Hull.  2G. 
Elliott,  ,1.  A.  1916.  Sci.  n.  s.  44:  709. 
Fitzpatrick,  H.  M.  1930.  The  lower  fungi — Phycomycetes. 

New  York. 
HaLsted,  B.  D.  1890.  New  .Tersey  Agr.  Exp.  .Sta.  Bull.  76. 
.  189:2.  Xew  Jersey  Agr.  Exp.  Sta.  IJth  Ann.  Rept, 

p.  2m.  1896,  Ibid.  17tli  .\nn.  Rept.  p.  39. 
Harter,  L.  L.  1916.  V.  S.  Dept.  Agr.  Farm.  Bull.  714. 
,  and  J.  L.  Weimer.  19J9.   U.  S.  Dept.  Agr.  Tech, 

Bull.  99. 
.\Iaire,  R.,  and  .\.  Tison.  1909.  ,\nn.  Mycol.  7:  -226. 
Manns,  T.  F.,  and  .1.  F.  Adams.  1921.  Delaware  .\gr.  Exp. 

Sta.  Bull.  139:  18.  19J-',  Ibid.  133:  36.  1934,  Ibid.  135: 

25.  1935a,  Ibid.  139:  34.  1935b,  Ibid.  141:  24.  1936,  Ibid. 

147:  39. 
McLennan,  E.  I.  1931.  Australian  Journ.  Exp.  Biol.  8:  9. 
Palm,  B.  T.,  and  M.  Burk.  1933.  Arch.  Protistk.  79:  371. 
Poole,  R.  F.  1933.  New  .Jersey  .\gr.  Exp.  Sta.  Bull.  356. 

.  1934.  New  .lersey  .\gr.  6:  16. 

.  193.5.  Phytopath.  15:  3H7. 

Price,  R.  H.  1895.  Texas  Agr.  Exp.  Sta.  Bull.  36:  309. 
Prowazek,  S.  1905.  .\rh.  Kais.  C.esuiidhelt  22:  396. 
Rietschel,  P.  19.36.  Arch.  Protistk.  86:  .349. 
.Saccardo,  P.  .\.  1931.  Sylloge  fuMgoriiiii  25:  16. 
Tabenhaus,  .T.  .1.  1918.  .Jour.  Agr.  Res.  13:  437. 
'Jownseud.  C.  O.  1899.  .Maryland  Agr.  Ex|).  Sta.  Bull.  60. 
Wilcox,  E.  M.  1906.  Alabama  Agr,  K\|i.  Sta.  Bull.  135. 


Chapter  V 
Phylogeny  and  Relationships  of  the  Plasmodiophorales 


The  phylooeny  and  relationships  of  the  Plasmodio- 
pliorales  have  been  the  subject  of  great  interest  and 
discussion  among  mycologists  and  protozoologists 
during  the  past  half  century  because  species  of  this 
order  possess  certain  developmental  stages  which 
are  similar  to  those  of  the  Myxomycetes,  Proteo- 
myxa.  and  other  Protozoa,  and  the  simple  fungi.  Be- 
cause of  inadequate  data  relative  to  the  order  itself 
as  well  as  to  the  groups  with  which  it  appears  to  be 
related,  these  discussions  have  been  largely  specu- 
lative, and  a  review  of  the  literature  shows  that  but 
few  of  the  workers  have  agreed  on  the  systematic 
position  of  the  Plasmodiophorales. 

Woronin  ('78)  stated  that  Plasmodiophoia  stands 
closest  to  the  Myxomycetes  but  differs  by  the  lack  of 
a  true  sporangium  and  by  its  parasitic  mode  of  life. 
In  every  other  way.  in  iiis  opinion,  it  resembles  most 
closely   the   myxochytridiales.    De   Bary    ('84)    de- 
scribed P.  Brassicae  as  a  doubtful  member  of  the 
Myxomycetes,  but  Zopf   ('84)   established  a  sepa- 
rate   family,    Plasmodiophoraceae,    for   Plasmodio- 
phora  and  Tetramyjca  under  the  zoosporic  group  of 
the   Monadineae  next  to  the   Gymnococcaceae.   He 
nonetheless  included  the  Monadineae  in  the  Myxo- 
mycetes. and  liis  exclusion  of  the  latter  group  from 
the  fungi  in  1890  suggests  that  he  did  not  regard  the 
Plasmodiophoraceae  as  true  fungi.  A  year  later  Lan- 
kester    incorporated    the    Monadineae,    Plasmodio- 
phora  and  Tetramyxa  in  a  new  class,  Proteomyxa,  of 
the  protozoa.  As  noted  elsewhere,  Schroeter   ('86) 
ignored   Zopf's    family    and    created   a   new   order, 
Phytomyxini.  with  one  family,  Pliytomyxaceae,  to 
include     Pla.imodiophorii,    Phyiomfixa,    and    Soro- 
sphaera  and  placed  it  next  to  the  Myxogastres.  In 
1897  he  placed  the  Phytomyxinae  between  the  Acra- 
siae  and  ^lyxogastres  and  pointed  out  that  because 
of  its  free  spores  P.  Brassicae  stands  close  to  the 
Acrasiae  but  differs  principally  from  this  group  by 
its  true  plasmodium.  zoospore  stage,  and  intramatri- 
cal  habit  of  life.  Tubeuf  and  Smith  ('97),  however, 
excluded  Phi/tomi/jra  from  the   Phytomyxinae  and 
described    Plasmodiophora,    Tetramiixa,   and   Soro- 
sphaera  as  pathogenic  slime-fungi.  Schroeter's  dis- 
position   and    viewpoint    was    supported    by    Lotsy 
('07)    and   Pavillard   ('10)   who  regarded  Plasmo- 
diophora as  a  myxomycete  which  has  retrogressed 
because  of  its  parasitic  mode  of  life.  Pavillard  in 
particular  stressed  tlie  presence  of  an  initial  flagel- 
late stage  as  the  chief  indication  of  relationsliip  be- 
tween the  two  groups. 

This  viewpoint  was  severely  criticized  by  Maire 
and  Tison  ('09).  After  a  careful  cytological  study 
of  Sorosphaera,  they  refuted  Pavillard's  claim  and 
expressed  the  opinion  that  the  Plasinodioiihoraceae 
constitute   an   entirely  distinct  group,   intermediate 

between  the  Sporozoa  and  Myxomycetes  and  derived 
more  or  less  directly  from  the  Flagellata.  They  fur- 
ther pointed  out  that  although  the  type  of  nutrition 
of  the  Plasmodiophoraceae  is  plant-like,  while  the 
absence  of  cellulose  and  the  presence  of  chitin  in  tlie 
spore  membrane  are  animal   characteristics.   Later 
('11),  however,  they  emphasized  the  close  resem- 
blance of  Lif/niera  to  Woronina  polycystis  and  postu- 
lated that  this  genus  may  have  been  derived  from 
Woronina-\i\ie  ancestors  through  the  disappearance 
of  sporangiosori.  Maire  and  Tison  thus  concluded 
that  the  origin  of  the  Plasmodiophorales  should  be 
sought  in  the  neighborhood  of  the  Cliytridiales.asthis 
order  was  interpreted  at  that  time.  Winge  ('13)  like- 
wise maintained  that  "the  relationship  of  the  Plas- 
modiophoraceae with  the  holocarpic  Chytridiaceae 
is  beyond  doubt,"  and  pointed  out  that  certain  species 
of  Synchytriiim,  Asterocystis,  Bhizomyia,  Sorolpi- 
diiim,  Woronina,  and  Pyrrhosorus  occupy  intermedi- 
ate positions  and  represent  transition  forms  between 
the  two  groups.  Stevens  ('13,  '25)  included  the  Plas- 
modiophorales as  the  first  order  under  the  Myxomy- 
cetes. Maire  and  Tison  were  supported  by  Schwartz 
('It)   who  stated  that  the  differences  between  the 
Plasmodiophoraceae  and  Myxomycetes  are  too  great 
to  be  accounted  for  by  the  former's  parasitic  mode 
of  life.  Although  he  regarded  the  two  groups  as  re- 
lated, Schwartz,  nonetheless,  believed  that  the  Plas- 
modiophoraceae should  form  a  separate  order  inter- 
mediate between  the  Myxomycetes  and  Chytridiales. 
Jahn  ('14),  Cavers   ('1.5),  and  Pascher   ('18)  con- 
curred  in   general   with   the   views   of   Winge   and 
Schwartz.    In    reviewing    Schwartz's    paper,    Jahn 
stated  that  the  Plasmodiophorales  have  little  in  com- 
mon with  the  Myxomycetes  and  are  closely  related 
cytologically  with  the  Cliytridiales.  He  excluded  the 
order  entirely  from  the  ^lyxomycetes  in  1928.  Na- 
waschin  ('24)  asserted  that  P.  Brassicae  has  nothing 
in  common  with  the  Myxomycetes  as  far  as  nuclear 
structure  is  concerned  and  advocated  its  inclusion 
among  the  non-amoeboid  type  of  Protista.   Cavers 
('15)  stressed  the  relationship  of  the  Plasmodiopho- 
raceae and  chytrids  and  believed  that  Sorolpidiiim 
may  possibly  be  a  connecting  link  between  this  fam- 
ily and  the  Synchyiriaceae. 

'  The  view  that  the  Plasmodiophoraceae  are  closely 
related  to  the  Chytridiales  has  been  rather  widely 
accepted.  Gaumann  ('26)  and  Gaumann  and  Dodge 
('28)  included  the  Plasmodiophoraceae  with  the  Wo- 
roninaceae.  Olpidiaceae.  and  Synchytriaceae  in  a 
special  group,  the  Archimycetes.  apart  from  the 
Phycomycetes.  They  accordingly  linked  the  Plasmo- 
diophorales with  Fischer's  earlier-named  iNIyxochy- 
tridiales.  Kniep  ('28)  regarded  them  as  fungi,  and 
wliile  admitting  that  they  may  perhaps  be  included 
in  the  Chytridiales,  he  said  that  the  last  word  on 
their  exclusion  from  the  Myxomycetes  had  not  been 



spoki-ii.  l-'itzpatrick  (^'30)  was  tlit-  first  to  ilctinitily 
iiu-ludc  this  family  in  tin-  C'liytridialcs  lu'xt  to  the 
W'tironiiiai-tai-  and  Syiu-liytriaccai'.  and  niaintaiiu'd 
that  tluy  havi'  inoro  in  coninion  with  these  two  oliy- 
tridiaoeoiis  families  than  witli  the  Myxomycotes.  In 
so  doin^.  however,  he  did  not  imply  a  elose  relation- 
ship. Fitzpatriek  exi)ressed  the  opinion  that  the  Syn- 
ehytriaeeae.  Woroninaeeae.  and  Plasmodiophor.a- 
ceae  "h.ive  arisen  more  or  less  in  p.-irallel  from  yet 
more  ))riinitive  protozoa  and  wholly  in(Ie])eti(leiit  of 
the  Myxoii.-istres."  W'ettstein  ('8.">)  .ilso  ineluded  the 
I'lasniodiophorales  amoiiir  the  ehytrids  next  to  the 
Synehytriaeeae  and  stated  that  their  eytolo^y  as 
well  as  the  prcscnee  of  eliitin  in  the  walls  indieates  a 
close  rel.-itionship.  Cadnian  ('31)  and  Bessey  ('3.5), 
however,  believed  that  the  Plasniodio])horales  show 
a  closer  affinity  to  the  Myxomyeetes.  and  the  former 
worker  listed  them  as  a  sub-group  of  the  Myxomy- 
eetes. .Martin  (  3(>)  listed  the  Plasmodio))lioralcs  as 
the  lowest  order  of  the  Phyeomyeetes  but  distinct 
from  the  so-called  niyxochytridiales. 

On  the  other  hand,  Ciwvnne-\augiian  .md  Barnes 
('26,  '37)  maintained  that  the  Plasniodio])Iiorales 
and  Myxomyeetes  are  not  fungi  and  have  doubtless 
arisen  from  lower  forms  along  inde))endent  lines. 
Cook  ('26)  agreed  in  general  with  these  mycologists 
and  expressed  the  view  that  "it  seems  very  desirable 
to  keep  the  Plasmodiophorales  quite  separate  from 
the  Chytridiales  and  other  fungi.  If  there  is  any  rela- 
tionship, it  is  most  likely  through  the  Mycetozoa." 
In  I92S.  however,  he  held  that  the  Plasmodiophora- 
ceae  and  Myxomyeetes  originated  from  a  proteomyx- 
ean  eomiilex  through  the  Lobosa  and  more  s])eeifi- 
cally  .Ircella  vuhfari.s  and  Amoeba  miiscicola  and 
diverged  at  slightly  different  points.  On  the  basis  of 
the  type  of  nuclear  division  in  the  vegetative  phase. 
Cook  lielieved  that  the  Plasmodiophorales  diverge 
from  the  Amoeba  series  at  a  more  distant  point  than 
the  Mycetozoa.  Later  ('33)  he  asserted  that  "no 
close  relationshi})  with  either  the  fungi  or  ])roto/.oa  is 
l)robable."  and  that  the  Plasmodioiihorales  "repre- 
sent an  independent  group  having  their  origin  in  the 
Proteomyxa.  "  Cook  tiuis  revived  and  su))))orted  the 
earlier  views  of  Zopf ,  Delage  and  Herouard.  Lankes- 
ter,  and  others  on  the  relationship  of  the  Plasmodio- 
phorales to  the  Proteomyxa. 

Zoologists  also  have  asserted  their  claims  to  the 
Plasmodiophorales  and  included  this  order  as  a  sub- 
class of  the  -Myxomyeetes  among  the  Protozoa,  ])ar- 
ticularly  the  Khizo))oda.  Most  protozoologists.  how- 
ever, have  continued  to  use  .Sehroeter's  term.  Phyto- 
myxinae,  for  the  group,  although  it  has  been  evident 
since  the  beginning  of  the  present  century  that  Phij- 
tomi)xa,  the  genus  after  which  Schroeter  named  the 
order  and  family,  is  no  longer  tenable  and  relates  to 
what  are  now  known  as  bacteria  and  mycorrhizal 
fungi.  Protozoologists.  furthermore,  have  ignored 
the  discovery  and  presence  of  zoosjjorangia  and  bi- 
Hagellate,  heterocont  zoospores  in  six  genera  of  the 
Plasmodiophorales  and  have  adhered  to  the  older, 
outworn  conceptions  regarding  these  organisms.  De- 
lage and  Herouard    ('96)    followed  Zojjf's  disposi- 

tion of  Plasmoiliophorn  and  Tetrami/ja  by  including 
them  with  (1  iiniiiococciix,  P.ieiidospora,  etc.,  in  the 
zoos))orie  Proteomyx.i  or  .Mon.ulini.-ie  their  first 
el.ass  uniler  the  Hliizopod.i.  Dotlein  ('01)  listed  the 
Mycetozoa  as  the  fifth  and  last  class  of  the  Rhizo- 
))oda  next  to  the  Poramiuifera  and  divided  it  into 
two  subclasses  of  equal  rank,  the  Protomyxidea  and 
Mveetozoidea.  Plasmodiophora  and  Teframi/ja  were 
pl.ieed  in  the  zoos])oric  grouj)  of  the  Protomyxidea. 
,1  classification  which  eorres])onds  essentially  with 
that  of  ])revious  ])rotozoologists.  In  subsequent  edi- 
tions of  his  text-book  ('Oi),  '11.  'Ki)  DoHein  placed 
the  Mycetozoa  next  to  the  Radiolaria  and  limited  the 
sub-class  Protomyxidea  to  what  are  now  generally 
known  as  the  azoosporic  and  zoosporic  Proteomyxa. 
For  the  plasmodiophoraceous  genera  he  adopted 
Seiiroeter's  Phytomyxinae,  made  it  a  sub-class  of 
the  Myxomyeetes,  and  ))laced  it  between  the  Acra- 
siae  and  ]\Iyxogastres.  In  the  sixth  edition,  however, 
which  was  rewritten  by  E.  Reichenow,  the  Phyto- 
my.xine  and  Acrasiae  were  excluded  from  the  My- 
cetozoa proper  and  were  discussed  merely  as  an 
"anhang  "  to  this  class. 

I.ankester  ('8.5.  '09)  and  Hartog  ('06,  '09,  '22, 
'36)  also  included  Plasmodiophora  and  Tetra?)iy.i'a 
in  the  Proteomyxa  along  with  J  ampyrella,  Gi/miio- 
coccus,  Pseudo-spora,  etc.  Hartog.  however,  assigned 
Plasmodiophora  together  with  Protomi/.ra,  Vampy- 
rella,  and  Serumsporidiuvi  to  the  non-flagellate  or 
azoosporic  Myxoidea.  In  1909  Calkins  referred  to 
P.  Brassicae  as  a  mycetozoan  and  later  ('33)  in- 
cluded the  Phytomyxida  (Phytomyxinae)  as  an  or- 
der in  the  Myxomyeetes.  He  believed  that  the  lack 
of  peridia  and  capillitia  in  the  plasmodiophoraceous 
s])ecies  is  due  to  their  parasitic  mode  of  life.  Min- 
ehen  ('12,  '21)  was  uncertain  of  the  relationships 
of  the  Phytomyxinae  and  merely  discussed  them  as 
border-line  organisms  in  relation  to  the  Sarcodina. 
Hertwig  (19)  listed  the  Mycetozoa  as  the  fifth 
class  of  Protozoa  and  of  equal  rank  with  the  Rhizo- 
])oda  and  included  Plasmodiophora  among  the  My.x- 
omycetes.  Galiano  (1921)  also  grouped  the  Phyto- 
myxinae as  a  suborder  of  the  ^lyxomvcetes,  while 
Rumbler  ('23-'2.5)  reverted  to  DoHein's  ('09,  '11) 
classification.  Kudo  ('31,  '39),  on  the  other  hand, 
included  the  Phytomyxinae  directly  in  the  Myxomy- 

It  is  evident  from  this  review  that  several  ))oints 
of  origin  and  lines  of  develoj)ment  and  relationship 
have  been  em|)liasized  for  the  Plasmodiophorales. 
These  suggested  relationshi))s  involve  the  Myxo- 
myeetes, Chytridiales,  Protozoa,  Sporozoa,  and  Pro- 
teomyxa. The  evidence  in  support  and  against  these 
relationships  will  now  be  considered  in  greater  de- 

Plasmodiophorales  and  My-xomvcetrs 

Inasmuch  as  the  belief  that  the  Myxomyeetes  and 
Plasmodio])horales  are  closely  related  is  rather 
widely  held,  this  view  will  be  presented  in  consider- 
able detail.  Proponents  of  this  view  have  stressed  the 
presence  of  a  large  multinucleate  plasmodium  and 



anteriorly  uniflagellate  zoospore  in  both  groups  as 
evidence  that  they  have  originated  from  a  common 
ancestor.  Considerable  significance  has  also  been  at- 
taclied  to  the  reports  that  the  plasmodia  of  Sponc/o- 
spora  (Kiinkel,  '15)  and  Plasmodiophora  (P.  M. 
Jones,  '28)  can  live  outside  of  the  host  and  may  be 
cultivated  on  synthetic  media  like  those  of  the  Myxo- 
mycetes.  Careful  analysis  of  Kunkel's  paper,  how- 
ever, shows  that  the  saprophytic  plasmodia  which 
he  described  apparently  do  not  relate  to  Spongo- 
spora  at  all,  because  at  maturity  they  form  stalked 
Dicti/osfelium-like  sorocarps  instead  of  spongy  cys- 
tosori.  I>ike\vise,  the  peculiar  and  abnormal  life  cycle 
described  by  P.  M.  Jones  for  P.  Brassicae  suggests 
that  he  may  have  been  studying  some  other  plasmo- 
dial  organism  instead  of  Plasmodiophora.  It  thus 
remains  to  be  seen  whether  or  not  the  plasmodium  of 
the  Plasmodiophorales  can  be  cultivated  saprophy- 
tically  outside  of  the  host. 

As  to  the  mode  of  nutrition,  data  are  accumulat- 
ing which  suggest  that  it  possibly  may  be  very  simi- 
lar in  both  groups.  The  zoospores,  amoebae,  the 
plasmodia  of  the  Myxomycetes  are  capable  of  en- 
gulfing food  particles,  digesting  them,  and  discard- 
ing the  extraneous  waste  material.  While  this  type 
of  nutrition  is  not  particularly  evident  in  the  Plas- 
modiphorales,  claims  have  nonetheless  been  made 
that  the  plasmodium  at  least  engulfs  starch  grains 
and  masses  of  host  protoplasm.  According  to  Woro- 
nin.  Nawaschin,  Prowazek,  and  Lutman,  starch 
grains  may  often  be  found  in  the  folds  and  vacuoles 
of  the  Plasmodium  of  P.  Brassicae.  Nawaschin 
('99),  Favorsky,  and  Henckel  did  not  believe  these 
had  been  engulfed,  but  Woronin,  Eycleshymer,  and 
Lutman  nevertheless  inferred  that  the  plasmodium 
feeds  on  these  grains.  Maire  and  Tison  (11)  like- 
wise reported  that  the  small  plasmodia  of  Ligniera 
Junci  may  engulf  algal  cells.  The  zoospores  of  some 
species  also  appear  to  be  capable  of  taking  in  solid 
bodies,  but  how  generally  it  occurs  is  not  known.  In 
Polymijxa  (jraminis  Ledingham  reported  that  the 
pseudopods  of  amoeboid  zoospores  may  flow  around 
and  engulf  small  objects. 

The  evidence  of  relationship  on  the  basis  of  simi- 
larity in  zoospore  structure  is  not  particularly  con- 
vincing in  light  of  recent  discoveries.  Until  1931'  it 
was  believed  that  the  zoospores  of  the  Plasmodio- 
phorales were  like  those  of  the  Myxomycetes  in  hav- 
ing one  anterior  flagellum,  but  since  that  time  it  has 
been  clearly  shown  that  the  zoospores  of  six  genera 
of  the  former  group  are  anteriorly  biflagellate  and 
heterocont.  Further  study  will  doubtless  show  this  to 
be  true  in  the  remaining  genera  of  the  Plasmodio- 
phorales also.  The  structure  of  the  zoospores  and 
the  number,  position,  and  relative  lengths  of  the 
flagella  are  very  significant  phylogenetically,  and  it 
would  seem  offhand  that  the  presence  of  biflagellate, 
heterocont  zoospores  in  the  Plasmodio])horales  sepa- 
rates this  order  very  sharply  from  the  Myxomycetes. 
It  must  be  remembered,  however,  that  although  the 
majority  are  uniflagellate,  zoospores  with  two  fla- 
gella are  not  uncommon  in  the  Myxomycetes  also. 

De  Bary  ('84)  and  Vouk  ('11)  early  noted  zoospores 
with  two  flagella,  and  since  that  time  numerous  re- 
ports of  similar  zoospores  have  appeared.  Gilbert 
('27)  found  that  25  per  cent  of  the  zoospores  of 
Stemoiiitis  fiisca  are  biflagellate,  and  his  figures  le 
and  If  show  that  one  of  the  flagella  is  considerably 
shorter.  Similar  zoospores  have  been  subsequently 
described  and  figured  by  Smith  ('29)  for  Dictyae 
thalium  plumheum,  by  Howard  ('31)  for  Physarum 
polycephalum,  and  by  Sinoto  and  Yuasa  ('St)  and 
Yuasa  ('35)  for  Physarella  ohlonga,  Fuligo  septica, 
and  Comatrichia  longa  var.  ftaccida.  In  the  latter 
species  13  per  cent  of  the  zoospores  were  biflagel- 
late, and  in  rare  cases  triflagellate.  As  is  shown  in 
figures  2  to  5,  Plate  17,  the  flagella  are  of  equal  as 
well  as  of  unequal  length.  Stosch  ('35)  also  found 
biflagellate  zoospores  in  Didymium  eunigripes,  D. 
xanthopus,  D.  squamosum,  D.  difforme,  Physarum 
cinereum,  P.  nutans,  Trichia  favoginea,  Comatrichia 
nigra,  and  Lycogola  epidendrum. 

In  most  species  which  normally  have  uniflagellate 
zoospores,  bi-  and  multiflagellate  cells  are  usually 
the  result  of  unequal  or  incomplete  cleavage,  and 
are  consequently  large  and  bi-  or  multinucleate. 
Such  does  not  appear  to  be  true  of  the  zoospores 
shown  in  figures  2  to  6,  Plate  17,  since  there  is  but 
one  nucleus  present  regardless  of  the  number  of  fla- 
gella and  the  size  of  the  zoospore.  A  more  funda- 
mental cause  may  perhaps  be  operating  in  these 
cases.  Of  particular  interest  in  these  figures  are  the 
basal  bodies  upon  which  the  flagella  are  oriented.  In 
Ceratiomyxa  fructiculosa  var.  flaccida,  Physarella 
ohlonga,  and  Fuligo  septica,  they  are  double  regard- 
less of  whether  one  or  more  flagella  are  present. 
E.  A.  Bessey,  Professor  of  Botany,  IMichigan  State 
College,  believes  that  this  double  condition  may  per- 
haps be  significant  phylogenetically.  In  correspond- 
ence with  the  author  concerning  these  zoospores,  he 
asks :  "Are  these  two  granules  homologous  to  the 
basal  granules  found  in  algae  and  ....  sperm  cells 
of  mosses  or  ferns,  where  each  flagellum  arises  from 
such  a  granule  ?  Then  do  the  planocytes  with  but  one 
flagellum  represent  cases  where  there  has  been  a 
loss  of  one  flagellum  in  progressive  evolution  from 
a  normally  biflagellate  condition,  and  do  tlie  biflag- 
ellate cells  of  these  slime  molds  represent  the  an- 
cestral condition  which  has  not  been  com])letely  lost 
in  this  grou]).''  In  the  Plasmodiophorales,  which  are 
probably  closely  related  to  the  slime  molds,  the  bi- 
flagellate condition  has  not  yet  been  lost,  though  one 
flagellum  is  smaller  than  the  other."  Bessey  thus 
suggests  that  the  presence  of  a  second  basal  granule 
in  uniflagellate  zoospores  may  possibly  be  a  relic  of 
the  biflagellate  condition  and  that  the  Plasmodio- 
phorales are  more  primitive  than  the  slime  molds. 
However,  it  remains  to  be  seen  how  general  the 
double  condition  is  in  uniflagellate  zoospores.  Jahn 
('04),  Wilson  and  Cadman  ('28),  and  Cadman  ('31) 
figured  and  described  only  one  basal  granule,  while 
Cotner  ('30)  and  Stosch  reported  the  presence  of 
several  bodies  at  the  base  of  the  flagellum.  Sinoto 
and  Yuasa's  accounts  of  the  presence  of  two  basal 



Inulifs  in  tin-  M\  ictuzo.i  Iiuve  aocordiiiiily  nut  lucii 
universiilly  continnoil.  .Ijiliii  (  30)  sovcri'ly  critiiizid 
the  belief  tliat  tlio  presence  of  two  H.ifjella  aic  nl 
niueli  sijrnilieaiiee,  questioned  the  presence  of  more 
than  one  liasal  jirannle,  and  rejjarded  all  liiHauellate 
zoospores  as  alinornial. 

In  tlie  I'lasniodiopliorales  little  is  known  about 
the  l)lei>haro])last  and  its  eoinposition.  'Terhv  (lil-a) 
and  Cook  and  Sehwartz  ('30)  tiirnred  only  oiu'  t)lei)h- 
aroplast  in  the  uniHairellate  zoospores  of  /'.  Hras- 
sicar,  but  later  Terby  ("'2t-b)  reported  that  the 
blepharojilast  may  divide  and  form  two  bodies  in 
the  incipient  spore.  Neither  Ledingiiain  ('31,  '35) 
nor  Couch.  <-t  al.  ('39).  showed  basal  fjranules  in 
their  fifrures  of  the  biflai;ellate  zoosjiores  of  Plasmo- 
diophora,  Spoiifioxpora,  and  Octomi/.ra.  In  I'oli/- 
mi/ja,  on  the  otiier  liand.  I.ediniiham  ('39.  p.  t2) 
figured  the  two  flagella  attached  directly  to  the  nu- 
clear membrane  without  the  presence  of  blei)haro- 
plasts  or  basal  granules.  It  is  thus  obvious  that  but 
little  is  known  about  the  number  of  basal  granules 
in  the  zoosj)ores  of  this  order  and  their  relations  to 
the  H.igell.i.  Nevertheless.  Bessey's  suggestion  con- 
cerning the  significance  of  basal  granules  and  the 
occasional  occurrence  of  biflagellate  zoosjiores  in  the 
slime  molds  is  very  stinnilating  and  merits  further 

Turning  now  to  other  differences  within  the  two 
groups,  it  may  be  noted  that  sporangia  and  capil- 
litia  of  the  tyi)e  found  in  the  slime  molds  are  lack- 
ing in  the  Plasmodio]iliorales.  As  has  been  noted 
before,  mycologists  and  protozoologists  have  re- 
garded this  reduction  as  due  to  the  jiarasitic  mode 
of  life  adojjted  by  the  Plasmodiophorales.  Cook 
('33)  suggested  that  the  membrane  around  the  cys- 
tosori  in  certain  ))Iasmodiophoraceous  genera,  Soro- 
discus,  Sorosphaera,  etc..  may  be  looked  upon  as 
equivalent  to  the  sporangium  wall  of  the  Myxomy- 
cetcs.  However,  there  is  considerable  doubt  about 
the  jiresenee  of  a  soral  membrane  in  these  genera. 
The  Myxomycetes.  on  the  other  hand,  lack  s])o- 
rangiosori  and  thin-walled  evanescent  zoosporangia, 
which  have  recently  been  shown  to  occur  in  most 
genera  of  the  Plasmodiophorales.  These  zoosporan- 
gia may  arise  directly  from  zoos])ores  which  have 
entered  the  host  or  later  from  small  or  large,  seg- 
mented, vegetative  plasmodia.  These  differences — 
lack  of  thin-walled,  intramatrical  zoos])orani!:ia  in 
one  grou])  and  sjiecialized  sporangia  and  capillitia  in 
the  other — are  of  fundamental  significance,  in  the 
author's  opinion,  and  are  difficult  to  ex))lain  wliolly 
by  differences  in  mode  of  life. 

Other  develojjmental  phases  and  eytological  dif- 
ferences between  the  two  groups  are  to  be  noted 
here.  Schizogony  of  the  young  plasmodiimi  has  been 
described  in  most  genera  of  the  Plasmodiophorales, 
but  it  a])pears  to  be  lacking  in  tlie  Myxomycetes.  At 
least,  no  conclusive  evidence  of  its  occurrence  has 
yet  been  presented.  Furthermore,  neither  the  so- 
called  "promitotic"  nuclear  divisions  nor  a  marked 
"akarvote  "  stage,  which  are  rejiorted  to  be  charac- 
teristic developmental  i)hases  of  the  Plasmodiopho- 

rales, li.i\  e  been  found  in  the  Myxomycetes.  W'iiether 
or  not  tliese  (litl'erenees  alone  are  of  much  phyloge- 
nitie  signiHc.incc,  however,  is  questionable. 

Comp.-irisons  of  the  two  groups  on  the  basis  of 
sexuality,  alternation  of  generations,  time  and  place 
of  meiosis,  etc.,  are  difficult  to  m.ake  at  present,  be- 
cause so  little  is  kiu)wn  about  these  ])rocesses  in  the 
Plasm()dio|)!iorales.  In  the  Myxomycetes  also  there 
is  considerable  disagreement  among  workers  about 
these  devclo|)mental  phases.  As  far  as  is  now  known 
the  resting  spores  of  the  slime  molds  usually  form 
more  than  one  zoospore  in  germination,  and  these  in 
turn  divide  once  to  several  times  before  becoming 
gametes.  In  the  Plasmodiophorales,  on  the  other 
hand,  it  is  claimed  that  only  one  zoospore  is  formed, 
which  functions  directly  as  a  gamete  without  di\  id- 
ing.  Cook  ('33)  empluisized  this  distinction  and 
stated  that  it  is  "the  chief  difference  between  the 
two  groups."  In  light  of  data  in  the  literature,  this 
statement  is  obviously  open  to  criticism.  Maire  and 
Tison.and  Home  found  an  additional  or  third  mitosis 
after  the  two  meiotic  divisions  in  Sorosphaera  and 
.S' /;0H  r/cs/jora,  respectively,  where  by  binucleate  spores 
were  occasionally  ))rodueed.  I.utman  and  Terby  also 
figured  binucleate  sjjores  in  P.  Brassicac  and  be- 
lieved that  these  arise  as  tiie  result  of  division  of  the 
spore  nucleus.  It  is  not  improbable  that  such  spores 
form  more  than  one  zoospore  or  gamete.  In  addition 
to  such  spores,  unusually  large  multinucleate  ones 
ha\e  been  found  in  several  genera,  and  it  is  not  un- 
likely that  they  also  give  rise  to  several  motile  cells 
in  germination.  Likewise.  Cook's  assertion  "that  di- 
vision of  the  swarm  cells  does  not  take  ])laee  in  the 
Plasmodiophorales  i)rior  to  fusion"  is  rather  dog- 
matic and  premature  in  light  of  our  meager  present- 
day  knowledge  of  the  behavior  of  the  zoospores  in 
this  order.  The}-  have  never  been  cultured  with  cer- 
tainty outside  of  the  host,  and  very  little  is  known 
about  their  behavior  within  the  host  cells.  Cook's 
assertion  is  furthermore  contradicted  by  Massee's 
(PL  10,  fig.  10).  Osborn's.  Home's  and  Fedorint- 
schik's  accounts  of  tin-  multi))lieation  of  amoebae  or 
gametes  in  Spoiu/ospora  and  Pla.smodiophora  by 
equal  division  and  budding.  In  maintaining  that  the 
gametes  are  the  direct  ))roducts  of  the  resting  spores. 
Cook  further  contradicted  his  own  and  Schwartz's 
('30)  earlier  assertion  that  the  gametes  of  1'.  Kras- 
sicae  are  produced  in  thin-walled  zoos))orangia  or 
gametangia.  The  origin  .-uid  method  of  formation  of 
gametes  in  the  Plasmodiophorales  are  thus  some- 
what doubtful  at  jircsent,  and  it  seems  jirematurc  to 
make  definite  comparison  between  the  two  groups  on 
this  basis. 

Fusion  in  pairs  of  isomorphic  amoeboid  and  flag- 
ellate gametes  has  been  reported  to  be  characteristic 
of  both  groui>s,  but  as  noted  elsewiiere  actual  fusion 
has  so  far  been  seen  very  seldom  in  tlie  Plasmodio- 
phorales. The  respective  gametes  are  alike  in  size 
and  structure  in  both  groups,  but  in  the  Myxomy- 
cetes certain  other  differences  between  gametes  of 
the  opposite  sex  have  been  reported,  .\ccording  to 
Abe  ('3f)  the  male  gamete  loses  its  Hagellum  as  it 



flows  into  tlie  female,  and  its  nucleus  migrates  to- 
wards that  of  the  female  gamete.  Furthermore,  the 
latter  gamete  carries  a  positive  charge  and  has  a 
low  oxidation-reduction  potential,  while  the  male 
gamete  is  the  opposite  in  these  respects.  Kambly 
('39),  however,  was  unable  to  confirm  these  results 
of  Abe,  and  found  no  marked  physiological  differ- 
ences between  swarm  cells  of  various  species.  Gil- 
bert ('35)  and  Stosch  ('37)  likewise  reported  that 
the  male  gamete  may  be  distinguished  during  fusion 
by  the  migration  of  its  nucleus  toward  that  of  the 
female.  Such  differences  have  not  been  reported  for 
the  Plasmodiophorales  as  far  as  the  author  is  aware. 
In  the  Myxomycetes  the  gametes  fuse  by  their  pos- 
terior ends,  while  in  the  Plasmodiophorales,  accord- 
ing to  Cook  ('33),  they  fuse  at  the  anterior  ends. 
However,  so  little  is  known  about  gametic  union  in 
this  order  that  it  is  premature  to  regard  the  latter 
type  of  fusion  as  characteristic  of  the  Plasmodiopho- 

Comparison  of  the  two  groups  on  the  basis  of 
time  and  place  of  sex  segregation  is  also  impossible 
at  present,  because  little  is  known  about  sexuality 
in  the  Plasmodiophorales.  No  monospore  cultures  or 
infections  have  yet  been  made  to  determine  whether 
the  species  are  homo-  or  heterothallic.  If,  as  Cook 
('33)  maintained,  the  gametes  are  the  direct  prod- 
uct of  uninucleate  spores  and  no  division  occurs  in 
amoebae  and  zoospores,  sex  segregation  obviously 
takes  place  during  one  of  the  meiotie  divisions  be- 
fore or  during  sporogenesis.  Otherwise,  it  is  pheno- 
typically  determined  in  the  haploid  generation,  and 
the  species  are  accordingly  haplosynoecious.  In  the 
Myxomycetes  also,  there  are  but  few  data  relating 
to  sex  segregation.  Skupienski  ('17)  believed  that 
in  D.  difforme  it  occurs  during  one  of  the  divisions 
in  the  zoospores.  Miss  Clay  ley  reported  its  occur- 
rence at  the  second  meiotie  division  in  the  zoospores 
of  D.  tiif/ripes.  Schiinemann  confirmed  her  rejjort  of 
haplophenotypic  sex  segregation  in  tliis  s])ecies  and 
described  D.  nigripes  as  haplomonoecious.  Miss  Cad- 
man,  however,  noted  no  differences,  morphological  or 
physiological,  between  the  gametes  in  lieficularia 
and  D.  nigripes  and  concluded  that  no  sex  segrega- 
tion is  necessary  or  takes  place  in  these  species. 
Stosch,  on  the  other  hand,  implied  by  his  statement 
concerning  crosses  in  D.  eiinigripes  that  sex  is  geno- 
typically  determined. 

As  to  the  time  and  place  of  karyogamy,  meiosis, 
and  alternation  of  liaploid  and  diploid  generations 
in  the  Plasmodiophorales,  a  detailed  account  of  these 
subjects  has  been  given  in  Chapter  III.  As  is  evident 
from  this  description,  the  majority  of  workers  have 
assumed  that  the  isomorphic  gametes  fuse  in  pairs, 
after  which  karyogamy  soon  occurs.  Nuclear  fusion 
in  the  zygote  thus  initiates  the  diploid  phase  which 
includes  the  plasmodial  stage  up  to  the  last  two  nu- 
clear divisions  preceding  or  during  cleavage  where 
reduction  occurs.  Plasmogamy  and  karyogamy  arc 
accordingly  not  followed  at  once  by  meiosis.  The 
haploid  })l!ase  includes  the  cystosori,  spores,  zoo- 
spores, and  gametes,  according  to  this   viewpoint. 

However,  as  noted  before,  exceptions  to  this  view 
have  been  presented  by  Prowazek,  Osborn,  Home, 
Webb,  and  Whiffen. 

In  the  Myxomycetes  likewise  there  is  considerable 
disagreement  and  controversy  concerning  karyog- 
amy, meiosis.  and  alternation  of  generations.  Much 
of  the  controversy  about  meiosis  hinges  upon  the 
question  of  whether  one  or  two  divisions  occur  prior 
to  spore  formation  in  the  fruiting  bodies.  Strasburger 
('84.).  A.  Lister  ('93),  Rosen  ('93),  Harper  ('00), 
.7ahn  ( '07-36 ),  Kranzlin  ('07),  Gilbert  ("3.5),  and 
Stosch  ('3.5,  '37)  found  only  one.  while  Wilson  and 
Cadman  ('28),  Cadman  ('31),  and  Schiinemann 
('3.5)  reported  two  divisions.  In  contrast  it  may  be 
noted  here  that  most  workers  on  the  Plasmodiopho- 
rales are  in  agreement  that  two  divisions  precede 
spore  formation.  However,  in  order  to  draw  com- 
parisons between  the  two  groups  with  respect  to 
meiosis,  it  is  essential  to  outline  briefly  the  differences 
of  opinion  concerning  this  question  in  the  Myxomy- 

In  the  Exosporae,  Olive  ('07a)  found  stages  re- 
sembling syna]>sis  in  the  young  spores  of  Ceratin- 
7ni)j-a  and  later  ('07b)  on  observing  pairing  and  fu- 
sion of  nuclei  in  the  pillars,  concluded  that  the  two 
mitoses  in  the  spores  of  this  genus  are  meiotie. 
Olive's  conclusions  on  pairing  and  fusion  of  gametic 
nuclei  were  confirmed  in  general  by  Jahn  ('07)  who, 
however,  held  that  these  processes  occur  earlier  as 
the  Plasmodium  creeps  out  of  the  wood.  On  the  other 
hand,  he  refuted  Olive's  contention  that  meiosis  oc- 
curs in  the  spore  and  claimed  instead  that  the  two 
divisions  which  precede  cleavage  are  reductional. 
The  incipient  uninucleate  spores  are  accordingly 
haploid.  Jahn  ('08)  reasserted  his  observations  on 
nuclear  pairing  and  fusion,  but  maintained  that  only 
one,  instead  of  two,  division  occurs  prior  to  cleavage. 
This  division  is  heterotypic,  according  to  .Tahn.  and 
reduction  is  thus  accomplished  by  one  division.  The 
Plasmodium  is  formed  by  the  fusion  or  coalescence  of 
numerous  haploid  myxamoebae,  the  nuclei  of  which 
divide  mitotically  several  times  in  the  plasmodium. 
Karyogamy  is  accordingly  delayed  until  the  plas- 
modium creeps  out  to  fructify.  In  1911,  however. 
Jahn  concluded  that  his  previous  observations  on  nu- 
clear pairing  and  fusion  in  the  mature  plasmodium 
were  incorrect  and  that  the  appearances  of  karyog- 
amy were  the  results  of  nuclear  degeneration.  His 
observations  of  endosporus  species  led  him  to  the  be- 
lief that  nuclear  fusion  follows  plasmogamy  of  amoe- 
bae. Jahn  ('1 1,  '33,  '36)  nonetheless  persistently  ad- 
hered to  his  early  view  that  meiosis  occurs  during  the 
last  division  before  cleavage,  as  is  shown  in  text- 
figure  1 2.  Gilbert  ( '3.5  ) ,  on  the  other  hand,  confirmed 
Olive  (m  meiosis  in  the  spore  and  in  addition  showed 
that  the  haploid  motile  gametes  fuse  posteriorly  in 
pairs  to  initiate  the  plasmodium  (text-figure  13).  He 
also  found  that  karyogamy  follows  plasmogamy 
within  21'  hours,  thus  refuting  Olive's  observations 
but  confirming  Jahn's  later  view. 

In  the  Endosporeae,  .lahn  (07)  reported  the  same 
tvjje  of  nuclear  pairing  and  fusion  in  the  young  fruit- 



plasuooma'  )cM>o&>ur  rctone it^orc rC^^  e  a^ 

PLASuooAf-iy     ttcccssopf  fusion/    KMrooAMr 

vExvsrive  mitosis 
TDfT-FielB  LFEiytLEorCePATiouirxA.MXOKDna  to  J-wn.  i9it-je. 

2ND  M  D  1ST  M  O 

TexT-FidS  Life  Cvnc  OF  CeMTioMrxA.  ACCOKDiNC  to  Qlbert.  1935. 


■O    o*\ 




1ST  MB 

/^r~~  S  200SP0f€S     SPOKES   "' 

Text-Fic.14  Lfs  OrcLE  ofD  ofFCKne.  accofiding  to  Sklpcnski.  i92s. 




Text-Fig  15  Life  Cms  of  D  difforme.  Accoaoma  to  CLo-LEy.  i929- 

rouNG  PLASMoauu 


Division  ZOOSPORES 

Text-Fig  16  Life  Cms  of  D  nigrpes.  according  to  Schunemann.  1930. 


Text- Fig  17  Life  Cycle  OF R  LyOiperdon.  according  toWIlsonano 





ing  bodies  of  Amaurochaete,  Reticularia,  Trichia, 
Stemonitis,  and  Didymium.  In  these  genera  karyog- 
amy  is  followed  by  synapsis,  and  as  the  spores  are 
delimited,  one  mitosis,  the  heterotypic  division,  oc- 
curs. Tliis  first  meiotic  division  is  followed  by  a  long 
rest  period  of  the  spore,  and  the  second  or  homeo- 
typic  division  is  delayed  until  the  first  mitosis  in  the 
germinating  spore,  according  to  Jahn.  Similar  ob- 
servations were  reported  by  Kriinzlin  (07)  and 
Vouk  (11)  for  species  of  Trichia  and  Arcyria,  but 
these  were  later  found  to  be  incorrect  by  Jahn  in 
1911.  For  the  first  time  in  the  Myxomycetes  he  found 
that  haploid  myxamoebae  of  Physarum  didermoidcs 
fuse  in  ]iairs  to  form  the  zygote.  Plasmogamy  is  fol- 
lowed shortly  by  karyogamy.  The  diploid  zygote 
may  engulf  hajjloid  amoebae,  with  the  result  that 
haploid  and  diploid  nuclei  may  be  found  in  the  young 
Plasmodia.  Likewise,  zygotes  may  fuse  with  each 
other  to  form  larger  plasmodia,  but  fusion  of  the  dip- 
loid nuclei  does  not  occur.  ]Meiosis  takes  place  during 
the  last  division  in  the  young  sporangium  and  is  not 
followed  by  a  homeotypic  division.  Jahn  ('33)  re- 
ported the  same  type  of  meiosis  in  Badhamia  iitricu- 
laris,  and  subsequently  persisted  in  this  view  on  the 
time  and  nature  of  reduction  division  in  the  Exospo- 
reae  and  Endosporeae. 

Pinoy  (08)  concluded  from  his  culture  experi- 
ments that  Didymium  nigripes  is  heterothallic  and 
forms  -|-  and  —  myxamoebae  which  in  turn  give  rise 
to  -|-  and  —  Plasmodia.  Sporangia  are  formed  only 
wiien  both  types  of  plasmodia  are  mixed.  It  is  not 
certain  that  Pinoy  used  monospore  cultures,  and  be- 
cause of  this  his  results  have  been  seriously  ques- 
tioned by  Kniep  ('28)  and  Schiinemann  ('30).  Sku- 
pienski  ('17— '28)  also  reported  heterothallism  in  D. 
ni(/ripes  and  D.  difforme.  In  1928  he  asserted  that 
the  sjjores  of  D.  difforme  are  unisexual  and  that  no 
sporangia  will  develop  in  monospore  cultures.  Ac- 
cording to  him  the  plasmodium  arises  by  the  fusion  of 
two  myxamoebae  of  opposite  sex  (text-figure  It). 
Other  myxamoebae  may  unite  with  the  zygote,  but 
the  gametic  nuclei  remain  separate  and  divide  mitot- 
ically  in  the  young  plasmodium.  The  daughter  nu- 
clei later  unite  in  pairs  and  fuse  in  the  older  plas- 
modium. wliile  those  whicli  fail  to  find  partners  de- 
generate. Meiosis  occurs  during  the  last  two  divisions 
in  the  sporangium,  according  to  Skupienski. 

In  the  same  year  Wilson  and  Cadman  showed  in 
Reticularia  Lycoperdon  that  haploid  motile  gametes 
fuse  in  pairs  by  their  posterior  ends  to  form  a  zygote 
(text-figure  17).  Other  gametes  may  coalesce  with 
the  zygote,  but  their  nuclei  divide  amitotically,  de- 
generate, and  are  digested  by  the  zygote.  Karyogamy 
of  the  gametic  nuclei  follows  shortly  after  the  coal- 
escence witli  the  non-functional  gametes,  and  meiosis 
occurs  during  the  last  two  divisions  in  the  sporogenic 
protoplasm.  Miss  Clayley  ('29)  refuted  Skupienski's 
contention  of  heterothallism  in  D.  difforme,  showed 
that  the  s))ores  are  bisexual,  and  secured  sporangia  in 
monosjjore  cultures  (text-figure  l.'j).  She  also  found 
that  plasmogamy  takes  place  between  motile  gametes 
instead  of  myxamoebae,  as  claimed  by  Skupienski. 

Schiinemann  likewise  secured  plasmodia  in  mono- 
spore cultures  of  Skupienski's  own  D.  difforme  and 
thus  refuted  the  latter's  contention  of  heterothallism. 
In  D.  .ranihopus,  however,  neither  plasmodia  nor 
sporangia  were  formed  in  monospore  cultures.  In  7^. 
niciripes,  Schiinemann  found  that  several  haploid 
myxamoebae  coalesce  to  form  plasmodia  but  their 
nuclei  remain  separate  until  the  plasmodia  become 
older  (text-figure  16).  Karyogamy  eventually  oc- 
curs, and  reduction  is  accomplished  during  the  two 
divisions  preceding  spore  formation.  ScIiUnemann 
tlius  concluded  that  a  true  antithetic  alternation  of 
generations  occurs  in  I),  nic/ripes.  Cadman  ('31), 
however,  found  that  karyogamy  occurs  shortly  after 
plasmogamy,  and  that  the  diploid  zygote  can  ingest 
zoospores  and  haploid  myxamoebae  and  coalesce 
with  other  zygotes.  She  nevertheless  confirmed  Schii- 
nemann on  meiosis.  In  the  same  year  Howard  re- 
ported fusion  in  pairs  of  motile  gametes  in  Physarum 
polycephalum  and  expressed  tlie  belief  that  plasmo- 
gamy is  followed  at  once  by  karyogamy.  Abe  ('33, 
'SI)  likewise  found  fusion  of  motile  gametes  in 
Fulif/o  septica,  Erionema  aureum,  D.  nic/ripes,  P. 
crateriforme,  and  Stemonitis  fusca.  The  gametes 
were  found  to  be  isomorphic  but  differ  physiologi- 
cally, as  has  been  noted  previously. 

In  D.  nigripes,  Stosch  ('35,  '37)  reported  the  dis- 
covery of  two  forms,  Z).  eunigripes  and  D.  aantho- 
pus,  which  are  hetero-  and  homotliallic,  respectively. 
In  D.  eunigripes,  sexuality  is  well  defined,  while  D. 
jranthopus  is  apogamous.  Didymium  squamulosum 
and  Physarum  cinereum  were  also  reported  to  be 
apogamous,  the  first  report  of  which  Jahn  ('36) 
characterized  as  fantastic.  Jahn  furtlier  refuted 
Stosch's  report  of  heterothallism  in  D.  eunigripes 
and  claimed  that  tlie  failure  of  the  gametes  to  fuse 
and  form  plasmodia  and  sporangia  in  Stosch's  mono- 
spore cultures  was  due  to  the  fact  that  tliey  had  not 
gone  through  tlie  encystment  and  rest  period  which 
are  necessary  before  fusion  occurs.  For  sexual  spe- 
cies of  the  Didymaceae,  Stosch  reported  that  motile 
gametes  fuse  in  pairs  to  form  zygotes,  which  in  turn 
fuse  with  other  zygotes  in  the  formation  of  large 
])lasmodia.  Plasmogamy  of  gametes  is  apparently 
followed  shortly  by  karyogamy.  Onlj'  one  vegetative 
mitosis  occurs  before  cleavage  in  the  sporangium, 
and  meiosis  takes  place  in  the  spore,  according  to 
Stosch.  Separation  of  homologous  chromosomes  may 
occur  in  the  first  and  second  divisions.  Stosch  thus 
supported  Olive's  and  Gilbert's  contention  that  meio- 
sis occurs  in  the  spore  instead  of  before  cleavage  in 
the  sporangium.  In  ajjogamous  species,  he  reported 
that  fusion  may  occur  between  amoeboid  as  well  as 
motile  gametes,  and  tliat  instead  of  meiotic  divisions 
in  the  spore,  one  or  ))erliai)s  two  vegetative  divisions 
occur  which  arc  followed  by  amitosis. 

It  is  apparent  from  this  survey  that  there  are 
marked  differences  in  observations  and  interpreta- 
tions concerning  karyogamy,  meiosis,  alternation  of 
generations,  and  sex  segregation  in  the  Myxomycetes 
as  well  as  in  the  Plasmodioi)horales.  Nonetheless, 
certain  fundamental  similarities  do  exist,  and  if  the 



diajiranis  rfjircsoiitiiiji  the  life  oyi'lcs  of  tin-  I' 
niodi(i|)lioraU's  in  Chapter  III  an-  compartd  with 
those  of  the  Myxoinycctts  tliese  siniilaritii's  bci'onif 
iiioro  strikinir.  .Most  rciciit  workers  in  hotli  iiroii])s 
aftree  that  tlie  dijjhiiil  phase  is  initiated  liy  the  fusion 
of  anioehoid  or  motile  ijainetes  and  karyo-ianiy  and 
extends  to  the  time  of  the  last  two  nuelear  divisions 
preecding  sporojjenesis  during  whieh  reduetion  oe- 
curs.  while  the  haploid  phase  ineludes  the  sjiores, 
zoospores,  amoebae,  and  g.-imetes.  However,  the 
presenee  of  :i  zoosporanjri.-il  st.-ige  in  the  Plasmodio- 
Jihorales  and  the  possibility  th;it  tlie  zoosporangia 
may  be  gametangia  eoni|)lie.ites  the  situation,  and 
until  more  is  known  about  this  developmental  ))hase 
it  is  impossible  to  say  how  elose  the  Plasmodiopho- 
rales  and  Mycetozoa  are  to  each  other. 


As  has  been  noted  in  the  historieal  review,  the  sug- 
gested relationship  of  the  Plasniodiophorales  with 
the  Chytridiales  involves  principally  the  families 
Woroninaceae.  Synehytriaceae.  and  certain  members 
of  the  Olpidiaceae.  Reports  of  relationship  with  the 
Synehytriaceae  are  based  ])riiuarily  on  tlie  fact  that 
the  thallus  in  this  family  functions  as  a  prosorus  and 
segments  into  a  number  of  zoosporangia  as  in  some 
genera  of  the  Plasniodiophorales.  It  must  be  noted, 
however,  that  this  thallus  is  haploid  in  the  Synehy- 
triaceae. according  to  Curtis,  Kusano,  Kohler  and 
others,  while  in  the  Plasniodiophorales  it  is  believed 
by  numerous  workers  to  be  di]jloid.  Outside  of  the 
formation  of  sporangiosori  in  both  families,  there  is 
little  or  no  further  similarity.  The  presence  of  pos- 
teriorly uniflagellate  zoospores  and  gametes  in  the 
Synehytriaceae  jirecludes,  in  my  opinion,  any  close 
affinity.  Furthermore,  the  presence  of  a  membrane 
around  the  mature  tliallus,  lack  of  amoebae  and 
naked  plasmodia.  and  the  absence  of  schizogony,  as 
well  as  the  fact  that  the  zygotic  thallus  does  not  seg- 
ment and  form  numerous  resting  spores  or  cystosori 
are  other  outstanding  differences  which  are  difficult 
to  reconcile. 

In  certain  members  of  the  Olpidiaceae,  particu- 
larly species  of  Rozella,  the  thallus  has  been  de- 
scribed as  naked,  plasmodium-like,  and  indistin- 
guishable from  the  host  protoplasm.  In  the  septi- 
genous  species  of  this  genus,  the  thallus  is  further- 
more reported  to  segment  into  numerous  portions 
which  develoj)  into  zoosporangia  or  resting  s))ores. 
However,  as  the  author  ('1-2)  has  pointed  out  else- 
where, the  ))resencc  of  a  plasmodium  with  this  type 
of  development  has  not  yet  been  conclusively  dem- 
onstrated for  Rozella.  In  Prinffsheimella,  on  the 
other  hand,  the  evidence  of  segmentation  of  the  thal- 
lus and  the  formation  of  sjiorangiosori  is  more  con- 
clusive, according  to  Coucli's  ('39)  observations. 
Certain  genera  of  the  Olpidiaceae  like  Rnzt'Ua  and 
Prinrishi-imi'Ua  have  thus  been  described  as  resem- 
bling species  of  the  Plasmodiophorales  in  the  devel- 
opment of  s))orangiosori.  On  the  other  hand,  they 
differ  fundamentally  by  their  posteriorly  uniflagel- 
late aoos])ores.  The  contention  of  Winge  that  Sorol- 

pidiiim  lU'tac,  hypoijaea,  and  Aiimomiixa 
l*lanta<iinis  are  transition  species  between  the  Plas- 
inodiojihorales  and  Chytridi;des  is  no  longer, 
bee.'iuse  these  species  li.ave  siiu'c  been  shown  to  be- 
long to  the  former  order.  Therefore,  the  evidence  of 
rel.itionsiiip  between  these  two  grou))s  is  very  mciger 
;ind  inconelusi\e  at  ])resent. 

The  family  Woroninaceae  is  .'it  present  a  conven- 
ient dumping  ground  for  all  holocari)ic,  Oomycete- 
like  species  with  biflagellate  zoospores,  and  as  such  is 
not  a  coherent  group  of  closely  related  genera.  In 
light  of  |)resent-day  knowledge  it  should  be  seiiarated 
from  tlie  Chytridiales  ])roper,  which  have  uniHagel- 
late  zoos))ores.  Therefore,  a  discussion  of  the  rela- 
tionship between  the  A\'oroniiiaeeae  and  Plasmodio- 
phorales under  the  present  heading  is  in  a  sense  con- 
tradictory. Nevertheless,  it  may  be  conveniently  in- 
serted here  without  offense  to  logic.  The  life  cycle  of 
some  species  of  IVoronina,  particularly  W .  poli/- 
ci/stis,  as  far  as  is  now  known,  is  strikingly  similar 
to  that  of  several  members  of  the  Plasmodiophorales, 
as  Zopf,  Maire  and  Tison  (11),  A\'inge,  and  others 
have  already  eniiihasized.  In  light  of  the  recent  dis- 
covery of  Polyrntjjra  and  Octomyia  by  Ledingham, 
Couch,  ct  al.,  these  similarities  have  become  more  sig- 
nificant and  need  to  be  emphasized  again.  With  the 
l)ur])ose  of  so  doing  I  have  reproduced  in  Plate  16 
the  life  cycle  of  JV.  poli/c//stis.  In  this  species  the 
contents  of  the  zoospore  enters  the  host  hypha  as  a 
naked  jjrotoplasmic  mass  (fig.  6-10).  undergoes 
amoeboid  changes  in  shape,  develops  into  a  plasmo- 
dium-like thallus  as  it  feeds  on  the  host  protoplasm, 
and  causes  local  liy])ertrophy  (fig.  11,  12). 

At  maturity  the  thallus  cleaves  into  segments  (fig. 
13.  1 1)  which  develop  into  zoosporangia  (fig.  1.5,  16) 
and  form  a  typical  sporangiosorus.  As  in  Octomifxa, 
the  jieripheral  zoosjjorangia  are  usually  independent 
with  a  single  exit  pa])illae,  while  the  deeper  lying 
ones  may  be  confluent  with  a  common  papilla  for 
zoospore  emission.  Each  sporangium  produces  a 
number  of  biflagellate  zoospores  (fig.  18—21)  which 
reinfect  the  host  hyphae.  As  the  culture  becomes 
older,  the  thalli  cleave  into  small  segments  which  be- 
come the  resting  spores.  These  remain  closely  at- 
tached and  form  compact  cystosori  of  various  sizes 
and  shajies  (fig.  23-2.5).  As  in  Lif/niera  and  Poh/- 
mi/JTii,  the  cystosori  may  be  elongate,  irregular,  flat- 
tened, oval  and  almost  spherical,  and  include  a  few 
to  numerous  polygonal  spores,  whieh  j)roduce  zoo- 
spores in  germination. 

As  to  the  structure  of  the  zoospores  of  li'.  poli/- 
ci/xlis,  there  is.  however,  considerable  disagreement 
among  students  of  tliis  s))ecies.  Fischer  described  and 
figured  them  as  ellipsoidal  (fig.  1)  with  a  slight  in- 
dentation at  one  side  and  two  unequal  flagella.  The 
shorter  flagellum  arises  from  the  anterior  end  and  ex- 
tends forward  in  swimming,  while  the  longer  one  is 
inserted  laterally  and  ))rojects  backward.  It  must  be 
noted,  however,  that  I''iseher's  descrijition  was  not 
.•ip|)lied  directly  to  If  ■  pi>li/ci/sti.i  but  relates  to  the 
zoospores  of  Rozi'lla,  Olpidiopsis,  and  IVoronina  as  a 
group.  Cook  and  Nicholson  ('33),  on  the  other  hand, 



described  the  zoospores  as  spherical  (fig.  3,  I)  with 
two  anterior  flagella  which  lasli  back  and  forth  in 
breast-stroke  fasliion  in  swimming.  These  workers 
were  non-committal  as  to  the  relative  lengths  of  the 
flagella,  but  most  of  the  figures  show  them  to  be  equal 
in  length.  One  of  their  figures  (fig.  3),  however, 
shows  flagella  of  unequal  length.  If  the  zoospores  are 
anteriorly  biflagellate,  as  Cook  and  Nicholson  con- 
tended, and  heterocont  as  Fischer  reported,  they  do 
not  difter  fundamentally  from  those  of  the  Plasmo- 
diophorales.  In  view  of  the  wide  differences  in  ob- 
servations it  is  not  altogether  improbable  that  what 
is  now  called  W.  polycystis  may  relate  to  more  than 
one  organism  or  species.  Further  critical  studies  on 
this  species  are  therefore  highly  essential. 

So  far  schizogony  has  not  been  reported  in  Jf. 
polyci/stis,  and  nothing  is  known  about  the  type  of 
nuclear  divisions  in  the  vegetative  thallus.  This  para- 
site has  never  been  studied  critically  from  fixed  and 
stained  material,  and  it  is  not  improbable  that  fu- 
ture investigations  may  reveal  the  occurrence  of  schi- 
zogony and  "promitotic"  divisions.  It  should  be 
noted  in  this  connection,  however,  that  the  sporangia 
and  resting  spores  of  W.  poli/ci/slis  give  a  definite 
cellulose  reaction,  while  those  of  the  Plasmodiopho- 
rales  do  not.  Furthermore,  in  germination  the  content 
of  the  zoospore  enters  the  host  through  a  penetration 
tube,  leaving  the  empty  case  on  the  outside  of  the 
host  cell  as  in  Olpidiopsis,  Rosella,  etc.  In  the  Plas- 
modiophorales  the  zoospores  are  reported  to  enter 
directly.  The  latter  difference  may  not  be  important, 
but  the  presence  of  cellulose  is  fundamentally  sig- 
nificant, according  to  present-day  students  of  phy- 

The  other  species  of  Woronina,  W.  glomerata, 
JV.  af/c/regata,  W.  elegans,  and  W.  asterina,  are  not 
well  known,  and  it  is  difficult  to  compare  them  with 
the  Plasmodiophorales.  Woronina  glomerata  para- 
sitizes J'aucheria  and  causes  septation  of  the  fila- 
ments without  hypertrophy.  It  forms  both  sporan- 
gio-  and  cystosori,  but  the  resting  spores  and  spo- 
rangia are  not  closely  aggregated  and  compact  like 
in  11'.  polyci/stis.  Motile  zoospores  have  not  been 
illustrated,  so  that  nothing  is  known  about  the  num- 
ber, position,  and  relative  lengths  of  the  flagella.  The 
zoospores  apparently  enter  the  host  directly,  divide, 
according  to  Zopf  ('9-i,  p.  54),  and  form  amoebae, 
which  may  in  turn  divide.  The  amoebae  feed  on  the 
host  i^rotoplasm  and  engulf  starch  grains,  chloro- 
phyll granules,  etc.,  whereby  they  may  become  quite 
green  in  color.  This  food  is  held  in  well-defined  vac- 
uoles, according  to  Scherffel  ('25),  and  shortly  be- 
fore the  parasite  fructifies,  the  extraneous  waste  ma- 
terial is  extruded  as  in  typical  proteomyxean  species. 
The  amoebae  later  unite  by  fine  strands  or  pseudo- 
pods  and  form  a  reticulate  plasmodium,  which  may 
completely  fill  the  host  cell.  The  amoebae  may  sepa- 
rate again,  but  at  maturity  tlie  plasmodium  cleaves 
into  segments  or  "Theilplasmodien,"  each  of  which 
becomes  a  sorus  of  zoosporangia  or  resting  spores. 
This  division  of  amoebae  and  plasniodia  is  sugges- 
tive of  schizogony   in  the   Plasmodiophorales.   The 

resting  spores  of  Jf.  glomerata,  unlike  those  of  W. 
polycystis  and  the  Plasmodiophorales,  function  as 
zoosporangia  in  germination  and  produce  numerous 
zoospores.  Because  of  its  type  of  nutrition,  Zopf  and 
Scherffel  regarded  W .  glomerata  as  an  organism 
with  animal  and  fungal  characteristics  and  included 
it  with  tlie  zoosporic  Myxozoidia  or  Proteomyxa.  It 
may  be  noted,  however,  that  W.  polycystis  also  feeds 
directly  upon  the  host  protoplasm  by  bodily  taking 
in  globules  of  oil,  according  to  Cook  and  Nicholson. 
Except  for  the  possession  of  biflagellate  zoospores 
and  an  intramatrical  holocarpic  thallus,  the  other 
known  genera  of  the  Woroninaceae,  with  the  pos- 
sible exception  of  Rosellopsis  Karling  ('4'2b),  do 
not  appear  to  have  much  in  common  with  the  Plas- 
modiophorales. In  the  polysporangiate,  septigenous 
species  of  Rosellopsis,  the  thallus  has  been  described 
as  naked  and  plasmodium-like,  and  undergoes  seg- 
mentation to  form  numerous  zoosporangia  which  be- 
come separated  by  cross  septa  in  the  host.  Further- 
more, in  R.  simulans  the  zoospores  are  anteriorly  bi- 
flagellate and  heterocont,  according  to  Tokunga 
('33).  However,  so  little  is  known  about  the  devel- 
opment and  cytology  of  these  species  that  it  is  im- 
possible to  draw  further  comparisons.  Tliere  are 
nevertheless  striking  similarities  in  the  development 
of  the  Plasmodiophorales  and  certain  species  of  the 
Woroninaceae,  particularly  W.  polycystis,  which 
suggest  a  close  relationship  and  common  origin.  Cook 
('33),  on  the  other  hand,  contended  that  these  simi- 

PLATE  16 

Fig.  1,  3.  Biflagellate  zoospores.  Fischer,  '83. 

Fig.  3,  4.  Anteriorly  biflagellate  zoospores.  Cook  and 
Nicholson,  "33. 

Fig.  5,  G.  Early  infection  stages.  Fischer,  I.e. 

Fig.  7.  Same.  Cook  and  Nicholson,  I.e. 

Fig.  8-10.  Amoeboid  changes  in  shape  and  position  of 
young  parasite  in  host  cell.  Fischer,  I.e. 

Fig.  II,  13,  13,  15.  Successive  stages  in  develojmient  of 
the  parasite  and  its  cleavage  into  a  sporangiosorus.  Note 
local  hypertrophy  and  septation  of  host  hypha.  Fischer,  I.e. 

Fig.  14.  Vacuolate  thallus  undergoing  centrifugal  cleav- 
age. Fischer,  I.e. 

Fig.  16.  Sporangiosorus.  Cornu,  '73.  According  to  Couch 
('39)  this  figure  relates  to  P.  dioicii. 

Fig.  17-30.  Maturation,  cleavage,  and  emission  of  zoo- 
spores from  a  sporangium.  Fischer,  I.e. 

Fig.  31.  Small  empty  sporangiosorus.  Cornu,  I.e. 

Fig.  ^2-2.  Cleavage  of  thallus  into  a  eystosorus.  Fischer,  I.e. 

Fig.  33.  Mature  eystosorus.  Cornu,  I.e. 

Fig.  34.  Septate,  locally  hypertrophied  hypha  of  Sapro- 
leffiiid  with  five  cystosori  of  various  sizes  and  shapes  and 
two  emiity  sporangiosori.  Fischer,  I.e. 

Fig.  35.  Elongate  irregular  eystosorus.  Cook  and  Nichol- 
son, I.e. 

Fig.  36.  Variously-shaped  resting  s))ores  from  a  eysto- 
sorus. Fischer,  I.e. 

Fig.  37,  38.  Thick-walled  resting  spores.  Cook  and 
Nicholson,  I.e. 

Fig.  39.  Germination  of  eystosorus.  Resting  spores  swell- 
ing and  vesiculating  to  become  zoosporangia.  Fischer,  I.e. 

Fig.  30.  Germination  of  resting  spores.  Cook  and  Nichol- 
son, I.e. 

lMlYI.()(iKNV  AN"1)  IlK.I.ATIONSllll'S 

IM.ATK  1(5 


Woronina  polycystis 



larities  are  incommensurable  and  that  the  two  groups 
have  but  little  in  common.  Most  of  the  objections 
raised  by  Cook,  however,  are  no  longer  tenable  in 
the  light  of  more  recent  discoveries  in  the  Plasmodio- 

Plasmodiophorales,  Proteomyxa,  and  Other 

Inasmuch  as  the  names  Monadineae,  Myxozoidia, 
and  Proteomyxa  are  more  or  less  synonymous  and 
have  been  ratlier  loosely  used  in  the  literature,  a  brief 
discussion  of  tiieir  terminology  is  essential  before 
proceeding  to  the  questions  of  relationship  with  and 
origin  of  the  Plasmodiophorales  from  this  group  of 
simple  organisms.  The  term  Monadineae  was  first 
employed   by    Cienkowski    ('65)    for   a   number   of 
primitive  organisms  whose  vegetative  reproductive 
cell    develops    into    amoeboid   or    plasmodial   thalli 
which  are  capable  of  engulfing  solid  food  particles. 
Following  the  feeding  and  growing  stage  the  thalli 
develop  distinct  membranes,  discharge  the  extrane- 
ous food  material  into  a  large  vacuole,  undergo  cleav- 
age, and  form  zoospores  or  small  amoebae.  At  the 
conclusion  of  this  phase,  resting  spores  are  formed. 
Cienkowski  divided  these  organisms  into  two  groups, 
Monadineae  zoosporeae  and  Monadineae  tetraplas- 
tae,  depending  on  whetlier  zoospores  or  Actinophrys- 
like  amoebae  are  produced.  Many  of  these  aquatic 
monadinaceous  species  were  later  included  by  Klein 
('82)    in   a   new   family,   Hydromyxaceae,  but  this 
name  was  not  widely  accepted  at  that  time.  More  re- 
cently, however  this  family  was  emended  by  Jahn 
('28),  raised  to  ordinal  rank,  and  included  as  the 
first  order  of  the  Myxomycetes.  In  1884  Zopf  gave 
an  extended  account  of  the  Monadineae  in  his  book 
on  the  "Pilzthiere  or  Schleimpilze"  in  which  he  con- 
tinued Cienkowski's  terminology  for  the  whole  group 
but  changed  the  division  Monadineae  tetraplastae  to 
Monadineae  azoosporeae.  The  following  ye  ir,  how- 
ever, Lankester  created  a  new  class,  ProtL.imyxa,  of 
protozoa  to  include  the  Monadineae  of  Cienkowski 
and  Zopf  as  well  as  Plasmodiophora  and  Tetramyxa. 
In  1 893  Klebs  pointed  out  that  continued  use  of  the 
term  Monadineae  in  the  sense  of  Cienkowski  would 
lead  to  confusion  inasmuch  as  this  name  had  pre- 
viously been   applied  to   a   group   of  flagellates   of 
which  Monas  is  the  type  genus.  Zopf  ('91)  accord- 
ingly proposed  an  alternate  name,  Myxozoidia,  for 
Cienkowski's  Monadineae.  Doubtless  because  Zopf's 
paper  was  not  published  in  a  prominent  journal,  his 
term  did  not  become  generally  known.  Lankester's 
term  was  accepted  by  most  protozoologists  and  has 
accordinglv    displaced   the   terms   Monadineae   and 
Myxozoidia   in   the   literature   on   protozoa.    Proto- 
phytologists,  however,  have  continued  to  use  Cien- 
kowski's term.  According  to  present-day  interpreta- 
tions the  Proteomyxa  embraces  several  families  of 
incompletely    known    rhizopod-like    species,    which 
protozoologists  include  in  the  sub-class  Rhizopoda 
of  the  Sarcodina.  For  the  sake  of  emphasis  and  clar- 
ity, relationships  with  the  Proteomyxa  will  be  dis- 
cussed here  apart  from  the  Protozoa  in  general,  but 

such  treatment  does  not  imply  that  this  order  is  to 
be  excluded  from  the  Rhizopoda. 

As  Zopf  early  pointed  out,  the  life  cycles  of  cer- 
tain monadinaceous  species,  particularly  of  the  fam- 
ily Gymnococcaceae,  are  similar  in  many  respects  to 
those  of  the  Plasmodiophoraceae,  and  for  this  rea- 
son he  included  both  families  in  the  same  division  of 
the  Monadineae.  Subsequent  studies  by  de  Bruyne 
('90),  Scherffel  ('2.5),  and  others  have  supported 
Zopf's  observations  and  emphasized  these  similari- 
ties even  more  fully.  As  a  result  of  such  studies,  some 
of  these  proteomyxean  species  are  now  known  to 
have   anteriorly   biflagellate,   heterocont   zoospores, 

PLATE  17 
Physarella,  Fulii/o,  and  Diclymiiim 

Fig.  1.  Anteriorly  uniflagellate  zoospore  of  Physarella 
oblonc/a  with  two  "basal  bodies."  Sinoto  and  Yuasa,  '34. 

Fig.  3.  Biflagellate  heterocont  zoospores  of  P.  ohlonga 
with  two  "basal  bodies."  Note  tail  piece  at  end  of  flagella. 
Sinoto  and  Yuasa,  I.e. 

Fig.  3.  Biflagellate  isocont  zoospore  of  P.  ohlonga  with 
two  "basal  bodies."  Sinoto  and  Yuasa,  I.e. 

Fig.  -1.  Triflagellate  heterocont  zoospore  of  Fuligo  sep- 
tica  with  two  short  flagella  attached  to  one  "basal  body." 
Yuasa,  '35. 

Fig.  5.  Biflagellate  heterocont  zoospore  of  F.  scptica 
with  "two  basal  bodies."  Yuasa,  I.e. 

Fig.  6.  Biflagellate  heterocont  zoospore  of  D.  Xanthopus 
with  several  "basal  bodies."  Stosch,  '35. 

PgeiidoKporopsis,  Amijlophagus.  Gymnococnts,  and 

Fig.  7,  8.  Anteriorly  biflagellate  heterocont  zoospores  of 
Pseudosporopsis  sp.  (Bodo  ylobosus)  with  numerous  en- 
gulfed food  particles.  Short  flagellum  extending  forward. 
Scherffel,  '-'5. 

Fig.  9,  10.  Zoospores  of  same  with  contractile  vacuoles 
and  nucleus.  Scherffel,  I.e. 

Fig.  11.  Anteriorly  biflagellate  heterocont  zoospores  of 
Amylophayus  algarum  with  two  contractile  vacuoles.  Long 
flagellum  extending  forward.  Scherffel,  I.e. 

Fig.  li.  Amoeboid  stage  of  same.  Scherffel,  I.e. 

Fig.  13.  Anteriorly  biflagellate  heterocont  zoospore  of 
P.  rotatoriorum  witb  two  contractile  vacuoles;  long  flagel- 
lum extending  forward.  Scherffel,  I.e. 

Fig.  U.  Anteriorly  biflagellate  zoospores  of  .1  phelidiop- 
six  epithemiae.  Scberftel,  I.e. 

Fig.  15.  Large  plasmodium  (  ?),  J.  epithemiae,  with  ex- 
traneous food  material  in  a  large  central  vacuole.  Scherf- 
fel, I.e. 

Fig.  16.  Zoocysts  of  J.  epithemiae.  Scherffel,  I.e. 

Fig.  17.  Deliquesced  zoocysts  and  emerging  zoospores  of 
./.  epithemiae.  Scberffel,  I.e. 

Fig.  18.  Eleven  zoosporangia,  five  of  which  are  filled 
with  zoospores,  from  a  single  tballus  of  G.  Cladophorae : 
extruded  waste  material  between  sporangia.  De  Bruyne, 

Fig.  19.  Zoocyst  of  -/.  algannn.  Scherffel,  I.e. 

Fig.  -20.  Emergence  of  zoospore  through  zoocyst  wall  in 
./.  algarum.  Scherffel,  I.e. 

Fig.  21.  Sporocyst  of  P.  rotatoriorum  with  six  resting 
spores.  Scberffel,  I.e. 

Fig.  22.  Resting  spores  of  J phelidiop.iis  epithemiae. 
Scherffel,  I.e. 


ri.ATE  17 


Myxomycetes,  Proteomyxa 



naked  plasmodium-like  thalli,  zoocysts,  and  sporo- 
cysts.  When  aggregated  the  latter  two  structures  are 
comparable  with  the  loose  sporangio-  and  cystosori 
found  in  plasniodiophoraceous  and  woroninaceous 
species.  Aphelidiopsis,  Gymnococcus,  Pseudosporop- 
sis  and  Amylophagits  may  be  taken  as  examples,  and 
for  the  sake  of  more  concrete  comparisons  drawings 
by  de  Bruyne  and  Scherffel  of  the  zoospores  and 
some  developmental  stages  of  these  genera  have  been 
brought  together  in  Plate  17.  The  zoospores  of  Pseu- 
dosporopsis  sp.  {Bodo  filobosus  Stein,  fig.  7-10), 
Amylophagiis  algarum  (fig.  \\-\2).P.rotatoriorhim 
(fig.  i3).  and  Aphelidiopsis  epithe7nine  (fig.  li),like 
those  of  the  Plasmodiophora,  Octomyxa,  etc.,  have 
two  unequal  flagella  at  the  anterior  end.  In  B.  c/lo- 
hosus  and  A.  cpithemiae  the  short  flagellum  extends 
forward  and  the  longer  one  backward  in  swimming, 
while  in  the  other  species  the  relative  positions  are 
reversed.  The  zoospores  may  become  amoeboid,  and 
engulf  solid  food  particles  (fig.  7,  8),  and  include  a 
well-defined  contractile  vacuole.  In  tiie  latter  two 
characteristics  they  appear  to  differ  sharply  from 
the  zoospores  of  the  Plasmodioijhoraceae,  but  as  has 
been  noted  before  the  zoospores  of  Polymyxa  gra- 
minis  and  the  young  plasmodia  of  /,.  J  unci  are  said  to 
engulf  algae  and  particles  of  food. 

In   all   these   species,   except   A.   epithemiae   and 
Gymnococcus  Cladophorae,  the  developing  thallus 
becomes  invested  with  a  membrane  and  forms  one 
zoocyst   or   zoosporangium    (fig.    19).   There   is   no 
cleavage  into  segments  and  development  of  a  spo- 
rangiosorus,  according  to  Scherffel.   In  A.  epiihe- 
miae,  on  the  other  hand,  the  type  of  development  is 
more  like  that  of  the  Plasmodioplioraceae.  The  con- 
tent  of  the   zoospore  enters   the   host,  leaving  the 
empty  spore  case  on  the  outside,  feeds  upon  the  host 
protoplasm,  and  develops  into  an  oval  vacuolate  thal- 
lus (fig.  15)  which  appears  to  be  naked  or  devoid  of 
a  well-defined  membrane.  At  maturity  this  plasmo- 
dium-like thallus  cleaves  into  from  2  to  8  segments 
(fig.  16)  which  round  up,  form  tliin  membranes,  and 
become  zoocysts.  These  vary  greatly  in  size  and  in 
the  number  of  zoospores  they  produce.  Small  zoo- 
cysts may  form  only  3  to  4.  zoospores.  No  exit  papillae 
for  the  emission  of  zoospores  are  developed,  and  at 
maturity  the  wall  deliquesces  and  disappears   (fig. 
17)  freeing  the  zoospores  simultaneously.  In  G.  Cla- 
dophorae, however,  the  wall  is  thicker,  more  perma- 
nent, and  remains  after  the  zoospores  have  emerged 
(fig.  18).  No  exit  papillae  are  present  here  also,  and 
the   zoospores   doubtless  bore  through   the  sporan- 
gium wall  as  in  A.  algarum  (fig.  20).  Scherffel  did 
not  observe  resting  spore  formation,  but  his  illus- 
trations (fig.  22)  suggest  that  they  may  be  formed 
in  the  same  manner  as  the  zoocysts.  They  lie  free  in 
the  host  cell  without  an  enveloping  membrane.  In  P. 
rotatoriorum  as  many  as  8  resting  s])ores  are  formed 
in  a  sporocyst  (fig.  21),  but  in  this  species  they  are 
held  together  by  a  membrane.  Germination  of  the 
resting  spores  has  not  been  observed. 

It  is  to  be  particularly  noted  that  the  type  of  nutri- 
tion in  these  species  is  animal-like.  The  zoospores. 

amoebae,  and  developing  thalli  engulf  chlorophyll 
granules,  starch  grains,  oil  globules,  etc.,  apparently 
digest  them  in  the  food  vacuoles,  and  extrude  the 
waste  material  shortly  before  sporogenesis.  No  con- 
clusive evidence  of  this  type  of  nutrition  has  been 
found  in  the  Plasmodiophoraceae,  and  this  appears 
to  be  one  of  the  chief  differences  between  these  two 
groups  of  organisms  at  present. 

Comparison  on  the  basis  of  sexuality,  time  and 
place  of  meiosis,  alternation  of  generations,  etc., 
cannot  be  made,  because  very  little  is  known  about 
these  processes  in  the  Proteomyxa.  No  good  evidence 
of  fusion  of  amoeboid  or  motile  gametes  has  been  ob- 
served in  the  biflagellate  species.  Likewise  no  evi- 
dence of  schizogony,  "promitosis,"  "akaryosis"  or 
anj^  other  reported  cytological  characteristics  of  the 
Plasmodiophoraceae  have  been  observed,  but  so  far 
Pseudosporopsis,  Aphelidiopsis,  and  other  similar 
genera  have  not  been  intensively  studied  from  fixed 
and  stained  material.  It  is  accordingly  premature  to 
draw  conclusions  on  these  grounds. 

The  belief  that  the  Plasmodiophoraceae  are  re- 
lated to  Protozoa,  exclusive  of  the  Proteomyxa  which 
have  already  been  discussed,  stems  primarily  from 
the  views  of  the  protozoologists  who  have  included 
this  family  among  the  primitive  animals.  Proto- 
phythologists  in  general  have  opposed  this  view  on 
the  grounds  that  the  Plasmodiophoraceae  are  fungi. 
There  are,  nonetheless,  certain  specific  structural, 
developmental  and  cytological  similarities  among 
the  Rhizopoda  and  Sporozoa  on  which  this  belief  is 
based.  The  suggested  relationship  with  the  Sporozoa 
relate  to  similarities  in  life  cycles  and  asexual  repro- 
duction by  schizogony,  while  in  the  Rhizopoda,  ex- 
clusive of  the  Proteomyxa,  it  concerns  the  occurrence 
of  "promitosis"  and  the  extrusion  of  chromidia.  The 
Sporozoa  are  spore-forming  parasites  of  animals, 
some  species  of  which  may  cause  marked  hyper- 
trophy of  the  host  cell  and  form  galls  or  cysts.  In 
certain  species  of  the  Myxosporidiae  the  spores  give 
rise  to  amoebula  which  penetrate  the  host  tissue, 
grow  in  size,  and  undergo  schizogony,  cutting  off 
uninucleate  schizonts.  Each  schizont  develops  into 
a  multinucleate  amoeboid  plasmodium  or  trojiho- 
zoite  and  divides  into  sporonts  at  maturity.  The  lat- 
ter grow  in  size  as  their  nuclei  divide  several  times, 
become  sporoblasts,  and  form  a  variable  number  of 
spores,  which  are  usually  liberated  as  the  host  tissue 
degenerates,  and  cause  secondary  infection.  In  these 
respects  certain  sporozoan  species  resemble  the  Plas- 
modiophoraceae, but  further  than  this  the  similarity 
is  not  very  striking.  However,  the  occurrence  of  schi- 
zogony is  particularly  noteworthy.  This  is  a  common 
and  widespread  method  of  asexual  propagation  in 
the  Sporozoa,  and  has  also  been  reported  to  occur  in 
most  genera  of  the  Plasmodiophoraceae.  That  its  oc- 
currence in  both  groups  together  with  the  production 
of  numerous  spores  indicates  jihylogenetic  relation- 
ship is,  however,  highly  questionable  and  doubtful, 
as  Maire  and  Tison  ('09)  have  already  pointed  out. 
The  contention  that  the  Plasmodioiihoraceae  show 
affinities    to    the    strictly    amoeboid    Rhizopoda    or 

I'li'i  1  i)(;knv  and  Hi:i..\rioNfimi"s 


AnuH'biiia  is  IkisoI  primarily  on  tlu'  nportiil  simi- 
larity hftwccn  till'  vi-_s{i'tiitivc  mu-K'ar  divisions  in  the 
plasniodiuni  and  the  (iroinitotic  divisions  in  the  liina.r 
srronp  of  .tmoilui.  Cook  (^'28),  as  noted  elsewhere, 
held  this  similarity  to  he  of  ureat  ])hyloiienetie  sijr- 
nitieanee  and  aeeordinijly  helie\ed  that  the  I'lasnio- 
diophorales  have  oriicinated  from  the  lohosoid  amoe- 
bae. Home  (^'30)  severely  eritiei/ed  Cook's  view. 
and  after  reviewing  the  variations  of  nuelear  division 
exhibited  by  the  fungi,  algae,  and  i>rotista.  eon- 
eluded  that  "the  use  of  criteria  relating  to  the  type 
of  nuelear  di\  ision  is  of  very  doubtful  \alue  at  the 
present  time  in  diseussing  the  aetual  relationshi))  be- 
tween grou))  and  group." 

The  reported  similarity  of  promitosis  in  certain 
amoebae  and  the  Plasmodiophorales  has  been  fully 
presented  in  Chapter  1 1  and  need  not  be  discussed 
further  at  this  point.  Suffice  it  to  repeat  that  Home, 
Terby  and  Webb  have  refuted  the  rci)orts  of  pro- 
mitosis in  the  Plasmodiophorales  and  described  the 
formation  of  well-defined  chromosomes  during  the 
vegetati\  e  divisions.  Furthermore,  Miss  Terby  found 
that  the  mieleole  does  not  persist  and  divide  into  two 
parts  which  are  later  ineorjiorated  in  the  daughter 
nuclei  as  the  new  nucleoli.  Instead,  the  nucleole  may 
fragment  and  portions  of  it  become  stranded  in  the 
cytoplasm  between  the  nuclei,  while  the  daughter 
luicleoli  are  formed  anew  in  the  telo|)hases  as  in 
higher  i)Iants.  There  is  accordingly  no  universal 
agreement  that  jiromitosis,  in  the  strict  sense  of 
Xagler.  occurs  in  the  Plasmodiophorales.  Xor  is  pro- 
mitosis, in  the  modified  sense  of  later  workers  re- 
stricted to  the  lobosoid  amoebae.  Intranuclear  divi- 
sion with  ill-  or  jjartly-defined  chromosomes  and 
large  persistent  elongating,  constricting,  and  divid- 
ing nucleoli  have  been  figured  and  described  in  spe- 
cies of  the  Rhizomastigina.  Thecamoebina,  Coccidia. 
Mvxosporidia,  Englenoidina  and  .Siphonales.  A  simi- 
lar persistence  and  behavior  of  the  nucleole  during 
division  has  been  recorded  by  N'emec  (00).  Mano 
('Oi),  Wager  {'01).  I.undegardh  ('12),  and  Tahara 
('1.5)  for  Alniis,  Phaseolus,  Solatium,  Cucurbiia,  and 
Helianthiis,  resi)ectively,  where  the  process  has  been 
referred  to  as  ))seudoprotomitosis.  On  this  basis,  ac- 
cording to  Cook's  line  of  argument,  the  Plasmodio- 
phorales ;ire  related  in  varying  degrees  to  a  large 
number  of  and  plant  families.  Persistence 
and  division  of  the  nucleole  in  the  manner  described 
above,  therefore,  does  not  appear  to  be  of  much  sig- 
nificance, and  as  Doflein,  Ti.schler  ('22),  Terby 
('24).  Belar,  and  others  have  |)ointed  out.  it  may  be 
found  in  various  grou])s  of  organisms  under  certain 
conditions.  In  light  of  these  data  it  seems  highly 
doubtful  that  certain  similarities  in  type  of  nuclear 
division  are  an  index  of  ])hylogenetic  descent  and 

It  is  obvious  from  this  discussion  of  ijhylogcny 
and  relationshij)  that  the  Plasmodiophorales  have 
some  develo))mental  phases  and  cytological  char- 
acteristics in  conmion  with  the  Myeetozoa.  Protozoa. 
and  jjolysporangiate  s])ecies  of  the  \\'oroninaceae. 
Whet!ier  this  order  has  originated  directly  from  such 

groups  or  de\el(>peil  along  |).'ir.illel  lines  with  them 
from  a  distant  eonnuou  ancestor,  however,  is  still 
UMt'crtain.  Our  kiunvledge  of  the  critical  stages  in 
the  life  cycle  of  the  Plasmodio])horales  as  well  as  in 
the  groujis  with  which  this  order  shows  .-iftinity  is  too 
incomplete  to  w.-irrant  detinite  conclusions  at  |)res- 
ent.  I'urther  intensive  study  of  these  st.iges  as  wi'll 
as  the  discovery  of  new  sjiecics  will  (buibtless  in- 
validate many  of  the  iiresent-day  beliefs  concerning 
the  Plasmodiophoraceae.  Likewise  the  similarities 
this  family  has  in  common  with  other  groujis,  which 
now  ])oint  to  definite  lines  of  origin  and  relationshi|), 
may  in  the  future  ))ro\e  to  be  ])hylogenetically  insig- 

Xe\  ertheless.  the  Plasmodiophorales  at  jiresent 
appear  to  be  similar  to  JVoronlna  pol i/ci/slis  and  the 
biflagellate  heteroeont  species  of  the  Proteoniyxa  in 
zoospore  structure,  and  general  type  of  development. 
This  similarity,  of  course,  does  not  necessarily  mean 
a  eonnuou  origin  and  close  relationship.  It  may 
equally  well  be  nothing  more  than  ))arallelism  in 
development  from  se)iarate  ancestors.  This  rela- 
tionshi)) has.  nonetheless,  been  emphasized  rather 
strongly  in  the  discussions  above,  primarily  with  the 
hope  of  encouraging  intensive  research  along  these 

\'ery  little  can  be  said  at  present  about  relation- 
ships within  the  order  itself,  because  the  life  cycles 
of  many  species  are  not  fully  known.  Furthermore 
the  genera  are  not  sharply  defined.  As  is  indicated 
in  Cha))ter  III,  the  relation  and  arrangement  of  the 
resting  spores  is  rather  generally  regarded  as  an 
index  of  relationships  and  relative  complexity.  On 
this  basis  Plasmodiophora  has  been  regarded  as  the 
most  primitive  genus,  because  its  resting  spores  are 
not  united  in  cystosori.  Tetrami/.ra,  and  Octomi/.ra, 
with  spores  in  tetrads  .and  oetads  res])ectively,  are 
accordingly  next  in  line.  Sorosphaera  and  Sorodi.sciis 
at  present  seem  similar  to  these  two  genera  in  that 
uninucleate  spore  mother  cells  or  sporonts  are  de- 
limited in  wliich  the  meiotic  divisions  later  occur. 
Whether  or  not  this  is  an  index  of  relationship  is, 
however,  questionable.  Poli/mi/xa  has  the  most  ex- 
tensive and  complex  zoosjiorangial  stage  of  all 
known  genera,  but  its  cystosori  resemble  those  of 
Lif/niera,  a  genus  which  Cook  ('33)  regarded  as 


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CLl"!!   HOOT  OF   inr<  IKKRS 


riiMpt.r  VI 
Diseases  Caused  by  Species  of  Plasmodiophoraceae 

ALTHoriiii  ALL  known  species  of  tliis  family  arc 
parasitic  only  two  members  are  economically  ini))or- 
tant  as  pathosrens  of  food  crojis.  As  noted  elscNvhcrc. 
Plaxmodiophora  linisxicac  and  Sponc/ospora  siihtcr- 
ranra  cause  diseases  of  crucifcrs  and  potatoes  re- 
s])ectivcly.  which  are  eonimoidy  known  as  eluh  root 
and  powdery  seal).  The  other  species  jjarasiti/.e 
fungi,  aljiae.  cryijtojiams.  ;ind  wild  or  seldom  culti- 
vated higher  plants. 


Club  root  is  a  destructive  root  disease  of  wild  and 
cultivated  erueifers  which  is  world-wide  in  distribu- 
tion in  temperate  climates  and  known  throughout  the 
world  by  a  large  number  of  common  names.  In  Eng- 
land. Scotland,  and  ^^'ales  it  is  known  as  finger  and 
toe  disease,  anbury,  hanbury.  ambury.  club  root  and 
clubbing;  in  Russia  as  hernia  or  Kapoustnaja  kila ; 
Kro|)fkrankheit  des  Koliles.  Kohlhernie.  Klumpen- 
fuss.  Knotensucht.  Fingerkrankheit.  Kelch,  Galle. 
Knolle.  Huas,  Kuss,  etc..  in  Germany.  Switzerland 
and  Austria ;  Gros  pied,  maladic  du  Chou,  and  hernie 
du  Chou  in  France;  Tubereulosi  dei  cavoli  and  Mai 
de  gozzo  dei  cavoli  in  Italy;  Knoelvoet  in  Holland; 
Kwab.  Kwabbe.  Kwabbeziekte.  Knol.  Knolziekte, 
Kiinker.  Knoo]).  Knuist,  Knobbcl  and  Kwabbel  in 
Belgium;  Kaalbrok  in  Denmark:  Klum))rots juka  in 
Sweden ;  Dik  Voet  in  South  Africa ;  club  foot  and 
club  root  in  U.  S.  A. ;  and  by  various  other  names  in 
other  countries.  According  to  ^'anderyst  ('04,  p.  518) 
the  name  Vingerziekte  used  by  Woronin  and  numer- 
ous subsequent  writers  for  the  disease  in  Belgium  is 
unknown  in  that  country. 

From  the  economic  standpoint  club  root  is  the  most 
important  disease  of  cultivated  erueifers.  In  badly 
infested  fields  entire  cro])s  may  be  destroyed  unless 
stringent  control  measures  are  employed.  In  Ger- 
many. England.  Russia,  the  U.  S.  A.,  and  other  coun- 
tries in  Europe,  Asia,  and  Africa  .50  to  100  per  cent 
destruction  of  turnips,  swedes,  cabbages,  etc.,  has 
been  rel)orted  (  Brunchorst.  '87;  Rostrup,  '93.  '91; 
Halsted.  '93-'99;  Eyeleshymer.  '94;  I.aubert,  '0.5; 
Reniy  and  Liistner.  '11  ;  (ieorgeson,  '16;  Gleisberg. 
'20;  Korff  and  Boning.  '27.  and  others).  \\'oronin 
('78)  rejjorted  that  in  18()9  the  loss  in  the  vicinity 
of  St.  Petersburg  alone  amounted  to  more  than 
$20,000,000.  while  Heri)ers  ('25)  estimated  that  the 
annual  loss  in  Ciermany  runs  into  millions  of  marks. 
In  New  York  .State  alone  a  loss  of  sever;d  thousand 
tons  of  cabbage  were  reported  by  Haskcl  and  Mar- 
tin in  1918.  Edson.  Miller  and  Wood  ("3.5,  '3(>.  37) 
have  subsequently  rei)orti(l  losses  of  5  to  100  per 
cent  in  cruciferous  ero])s  throughout  the  U.  S.  A. 
The  most  significant  fact  about  club  root  is  that  it 
spreads  ra))idly,  and  once  it  lias  become  established 

in   the   soil,   it   uiakts   the    fields   almost   useless    for 
crueifer  cultivation  for  a  number  of  years. 

Tlie  origin  of  club  root  is  unknown,  but  its  symp- 
toms had  been  well  described  more  than  a  century 
before  \\'oronin  showed  it  to  be  due  to  a  ))lasniodio- 
])lioraeeous  organism.  According  to  Biiliner  ('22), 
the  disease  is  as  ancient  as  its  hosts.  The  occurrence 
of  spongy,  fungus-like  roots  (radices  fungosae)  of 
erueifers  noted  by  Albert  the  (Jreat  as  early  as  tlie 
i;ith  century  is  supposed  to  relate  to  club  root,  and 
his  control  practice  of  avoiding  fresh  stable  manure 
and  the  disposal  of  chaff  appears  to  have  been  ac- 
quired from  the  Roman  Pallatius,  according  to 
Bohiur.  The  disease  was  well  known  in  Spain  in  the 
l.)th  century  where  cabbages  were  described  as  being 
sy))hilitic  (see  \\'oroiiin.  '78,  p.  .552),  and  the  swell- 
ings were  thought  to  be  due  to  the  organism  causing 
syjihilis  (Ruiz  Diaz  de  Isla).  The  first  report  of  its 
occurrence  in  England  was  made  by  Ellis  in  1736, 
who  believed  the  disease  was  contagious  and  due 
probably  to  an  excess  of  barnyard  manure.  Adam 
discussed  its  wides])read  occurrence  in  England  in 
1789.  and  it  was  subsequently  reported  in  Scotland 
from  1829  to  1831  by  Farquharson.  Abbay.  and 
Birne  who  thought  it  to  be  due  to  unsatisfactorv  soil 
conditions  or  unbalanced  fertilizer  practices.  Abbay 
saw  the  disease  as  early  as  1801,  and  Anderson 
stated  tliat  it  first  became  troublesome  in  Scotland 
about  1813.  Renard  rejiorted  that  it  was  first  ob- 
served on  cauliflower  in  1820  in  France.  By  1853  it 
was  fairly  abundant  around  Hamburg.  Wurzburg, 
in  the  Rhine  valley  and  other  |)arts  of  Germany 
(N.  N.  '53),  and  from  1855  on  it  appeared  in  vari- 
ous parts  of  Norway  (Jorstad,  '30).  Other  workers, 
including  Curtis  ('IS),  Kiihn  ('58),  Henderson 
('67).  Sorauer  ('7^),  Slingerhand  ('94'),  and  others 
(see  Woronin  '78,  pp.  552-55 1)  believed  it  to  be 
due  wholly  or  in  jiart  to  various  insects  and  other  ani- 
mals. Buckman  ('5i),  however,  claimed  that  club 
root  was  due  to  reversion  to  the  original  wild  forms. 
By  1872  the  disease  had  become  so  widespread  and 
destructive  around  St.  Petersburg  that  the  Royal 
Russian  Gardening  Soeietv  in  St.  Petersburg  offered 
a  iirize  for  the  solution  of  the  cause  and  control  of 
hernia.  \A'oronin  began  to  study  the  disease  inde- 
))endeiitly  of  this  ofl'er  in  1873.  and  two  years  later 
he  announced  th;it  it  is  caused  by  a  |)lasniodiopIio- 
raceous  organism  to  which  he  subsequently  ('78) 
gave  the  name  I'Jasmudiopliora  Brassicae. 


Club  root  disease  is  iisu.'illy  characterized  by 
marked  enlargement  of  the  infected  roots  (PI.  2.  fig. 
1 ).  and  in  exceptional  eases  tlie  galls  on  cabbage  may 
reach  the  size  of  a  man's  fist  and  appear  greasy-gray 
and  pale-yellow  in  color.  In  most  cases  the  clubs  are 



regularly  spindle-shaped,  but  when  several  infec- 
tions occur  togethtr  the  swellings  may  fuse  and  pro- 
duce irregular  growths  or  compound  spindles  (fig. 
3).  According  to  Kiister  ('11)  and  M.  T.  Cook  ('23) 
these  galls  are  kataplasniic,  since  the  affected  tissues 
usually  remain  parenchymatous  and  do  not  undergo 
differentiation.  Other  root  symptoms  have  also  been 
reported.  According  to  Appel  and  ^^'erth  ('10),  no 
hypertrophy  occurs  in  radishes,  and  the  disease  is 
here  characterized  only  by  darkened  and  decayed 
areas.  Honig  ('31)  found  similar  symptoms  on  Lu- 
naria  biennis.  Ravn  ('22)  and  Pape  ('25)  likewise 
reported  tlie  occurrence  of  deep  wounds  or  lesions  on 
turnip  roots  which  were  filled  with  spores.  Accord- 
ing to  Pape,  such  symptoms  appear  when  the  galls  or 
nodular  excrescences  on  the  roots  decay. 

In  a  study  of  101  species  from  28  genera,  Cun- 
ningham ('li)  found  definite  types  of  hypertrophy 
and  symptoms  more  or  less  characteristic  for  certain 
crucifers  and  classified  them  accordingly : 

1.  Complete  clubbing  of  main  and  lateral  roots. 

Brassica  oleraceae. 

2.  Clubs  on  main  root,  laterals  free.  Sisi/mbriiim 

3.  Clubs  on  lateral  roots,  main  root  free.  Sisi/m- 
brium  officinale  and  Erysimum  cheiranthoides. 

4.  Clubs  on  main  and  lateral  roots  with  club-free 
rootlets  above  the  diseased  portion.  Lepidium 

5.  Clubs  as  tumors  of  the  roots.  Raphanus  sati- 


6.  Dark,  decomposing  spots  on  the  roots.  Rapha- 
nus satii'us. 

In  the  last  category  true  hypertrophy  does  not 
occur.  The  disease  is  here  characterized  by  cracks, 
fissures,  and  darkened  areas  in  the  host  tissue  whicli 
turn  black,  decay,  and  serve  as  sites  of  secondary 
infections  by  other  fungi.  As  has  been  noted  above, 
Appel  and  Werth  claimed  that  these  are  the  charac- 
teristic symptoms  of  the  disease  on  radishes,  but 
Cunningliam  found  them  only  on  the  Everlasting 
radish,  in  addition  to  spindle-shaped  swellings  of  the 

Club  root  disease  may  also  stimulate  branching  of 
the  roots  and  shoot  and  lead  to  the  production  of  buds 
where  they  do  not  normally  occur,  as  has  been  de- 
scribed by  Caspary,  Woronin,  Favorski,  and  Kunkel. 
The  secondary  roots  may  attain  a  length  of  several 
inches  or  become  stunted  as  short  knobs.  On  tlie  other 
hand,  the  production  of  secondary  rootlets  may  be 
greatly  inhibited,  according  to  Laubert  ('0.5)  and 
Schlumberger  ('11).  The  diseased  buds  on  infected 
roots  and  shoots  are  often  unable  to  respond  normally 
to  fi;ravitv,  and  they  may  grow  downward  and  hori- 
zontally as  well  as  upward.  In  the  latter  instances  the 
infected  buds  may  push  uji  above  the  surface  of  the 
ground  and  give  rise  to  tiiick,  distorted,  fleshy,  and 
abnormally  succulent  leaves  and  petioles,  so  that 
the  disease  may  occasionally  manifest  itself  above 
ground  in  the  shoot,  petioles,  and  leaves.  In  addition 
to  tliese  above-ground  symptoms,  club  root  causes 

yellowing  of  the  leaves,  wilting  on  hot  days,  and  in 
tlie  case  of  cabbage,  atrophy,  or  complete  lack  of 
head  development.  Seedlings  which  are  infected 
earlv  usually  die  within  a  few  weeks.  The  wilting 
of  large  diseased  plants  is  partly  due  to  hypoplasia 
of  the  xylem  region  and  to  splitting  up  of  the  woody 
cylinder  by  infection  and  expansion  of  the  medullary 

All  galls  or  swellings  on  roots  of  crucifers,  how- 
ever, are  not  due  to  P.  Brassicae.  Nematodes,  insects, 
and  other  factors  may  cause  malformations  which 
are  superficially  very  similar  to  club  root,  and  unless 
microscopic  examination  of  the  tissues  is  made,  these 
galls  may  be  easily  mistaken  for  those  of  the  finger- 
and-toe  disease. 

Anatomically,  the  causal  organism  of  club  root 
affects  the  cortical  parenchyma  most  conspicuously, 
but  it  also  produces  marked  changes  in  the  cambium, 
xylem,  and  medullary  rays.  When  roots  of  consider- 
able size  are  infected  the  amoebae  and  small  Plas- 
modia migrate  through  the  cortical  parenchyma  into 
the  cambium.  Here  they  follow  the  path  of  least  re- 
sistance, according  to  Kunkel  and  Larsen,  and 
spread  up,  down,  and  around  the  central  cylinder 
through  the  delicate  thin-walled  cambium  cells  and 
form  tlnis  a  cylinder  of  infected  tissue.  From  the 
cambium  they  may  travel  laterally  into  the  cortex, 
medullary  rays,  and  xylem.  Their  migration  up  and 
down  in  the  cambium  ceases  after  a  while,  and  the 
distance  of  the  infection  in  these  directions  deter- 
mines the  ultimate  length  of  the  spindle-shaped  club. 
Each  club,  in  Kunkel's  opinion,  is  a  morphological 
unit  which  has  resulted  primarily  from  the  abnormal 
growth  of  the  cambium.  In  comparatively  old  in- 
fected roots  the  medullary  ray  cells  divide  a  number 
of  times  and  enlarge  and  thus  form  large  bands  of 
pathological  tissue  which  split  and  force  the  xylem 
tissues  apart,  until  the  latter  becomes  distorted  and 
shifted  out  of  their  natural  position.  Separated  from 
each  other  in  this  manner,  the  vascular  bundles  grow 
out  fan-wise  instead  of  remaining  wedge-shaped  and 
are  no  longer  able  to  function  normally.  Plasmodia 
and  amoebae  have  frequently  been  found  in  the  tra- 
cheids,  but  they  do  not  seem  to  have  any  appreciable 
effect  on  the  normal  functions  of  such  differentiated 
cells.  In  young  roots  medullary  ray  infection  is  less 
common,  and  most  of  the  abnormal  growth  occurs  in 
the  region  of  the  cambium  and  the  cortex.  The  xylem, 
nonetheless,  may  fail  to  differentiate  properly  and 
is  often  supplanted  by  a  mass  of  partially  differen- 
tiated cells. 

As  is  shown  by  figure  4,  one  of  the  most  strik- 
ing appearances  in  sections  of  diseased  roots  and 
shoots  is  the  presence  of  more  or  less  isolated  groups 
of  hypertrophied  infected  cells  which  Nawaschin 
named  "Krankheitsherde."  He  believed  that  these 
groups  arise  by  repeated  anti-  and  periclinal  division 
of  one  or  more  originally  infected  cells,  whereby  the 
])lasmodia  are  passively  distributed  in  a  radial  di- 
rection around  the  region  of  infection.  Cliupp  also 
reported  that  a  single  amoeba  might  give  rise  to  as 
many  as  six  such  groups  by  multi]ilication  and  migra- 

I  I.rH  ll<)t)T  OF   (  lUl  IKKltS 


tioii  from  cell  to  itll.  His  ;u'COUllt  was  sllbscqucntlv 
c'oiiririiicd  liy  K\inktl  who  holicvfil  tliat  a  siiiitK'  in- 
foi'tioii  may  l»'a(l  to  tlif  formation  of  tlioiisands  of 
sejtaratf  and  ilistiiu't  "  Kraiikluit>lurdc."  Kiinkil  as- 
sumed that  as  a  plasmodium  migrates  Irom  cell  to 
cell  it  may  divide,  whereby  portions  are  left  inhind 
and  lieconK-  established  here  and  there  in  the  tissue 
and  irive  rise  to  siroiijjs  of  infected  cells. 

Cclluliir   Intenelfitions   Hetweeii    Host   and 

Plasmotiuiphora  lirassicaf  has  a  iironouneed  etfect 
on  infected  and  healthy  cells.  Infection  may  be  tem- 
Jjorary  or  permanent,  and  if  the  iilasniodium  mi- 
grates out  of  a  cell  before  stimulatinn-  mueli  change, 
the  latter  m.-iv  recover  and  continue  to  function  nor- 
mally. Permanently  infected  cells,  however,  may  ex- 
|)and  to  more  than  10  to  20  times  their  normal  size. 
In  the  early  stages  of  infection  the  presence  of  the 
jiarasite  does  not  inhibit  nuclear  (PI.  2,  fig.  5)  and 
cell  division  (fig.  6),  so  that  some  cells  may  function 
normally  in  this  respect  for  a  short  time.  Other  cells 
m;iy  begin  to  enlarge  directly  after  infection  with- 
out dividing.  Occasionally,  cell  division  may  be 
affected  to  the  extent  that  the  cell  wall  is  only  partly 
develo))ed  across  the  mother  cell  (fig.  6).  Even- 
tually the  jjower  to  divide  is  lost  completely,  and  the 
infected  cell  gradually  expands  to  its  large  size. 
Prowazek  found  that  karyokinesis  may  continue 
after  cell  division  has  ceased,  resulting  in  binucle- 
atc  cells.  I.utnian  also  found  abnormal  types  of  mito- 
sis which  al)l)eared  to  be  a  modified  form  of  amitosis. 

The  first  visible  effect  of  the  parasite  on  the  host 
nucleus  is  an  enlargement  of  the  nucleus  as  a  whole 
followed  by  an  increase  in  the  number  of  nucleoli, 
according  to  Lutman  (fig.  8-11).  By  the  time  the 
parasite  is  mature,  the  host  nucleus  has  lost  its  regu- 
lar outline,  and  the  nucleoli  lie  (fig.  1 1 )  in  clear 
spaces  surrounded  by  a  distinct  membrane,  an  ap- 
pearance which  led  Prowazek  to  assume  that  smaller 
nuclei  may  be  formed  in  a  mother  nucleus.  In  the 
final  stages  of  degeneration  the  chromatic  material 
collects  into  irregular  strands  (fig.  12)  and  assumes 
a  peripheral  jjosition  in  the  distorted  and  hypertro- 
phied  nuclei. 

The  relation  between  the  protoplasts  of  host  and 
|)athogin  appears  to  be  very  intimate,  and  little  or 
no  visible  antagonism  is  exhibited.  The  amoebae  and 
voung  Plasmodia  of  the  parasite  lie  embedded  in  the 
host  proto])lasm  (fig.  .■),  (i.  2(5.  28).  and  in  the  living 
condition  the  two  are  indistinguishable,  according  to 
Woronin,  Xawaschin,  Lutman,  and  others.  This 
close  association  together  with  the  fact  that  the  in- 
fected host  cells  may  continue  to  divide  and  function 
normally  for  some  time  led  Xawaschin.  f  J.iylord.  .and 
Vanderyst  to  believe  that  there  is  a  symbiotic  rcl/i- 
tionshi))  between  the  host  and  ])atliogcii  during  the 
hitter's  early  developmental  stages.  The  host  cyto- 
plasm has  been  described  as  becoming  more  vacuo- 
late as  the  jilasmodium  enlargj's,  but  part  of  the 
early  change  is  probably  due  to  the  great  increase  in 

xolumc  of  the  host  cell  whcriby  the  cytopl;isui  is 
tliinni-d  out.  Later,  iiowcx cr.  .-is  the  plasmodia  mature 
.111(1  .ipproacli  sporogeiicsis  the  proto))lasm  is  .ilmost 
completely  gone.  Infected  cells  develo])  .m  unusually 
large  amount  of  tr.insitory  starch.  ;iccording  to  Wal- 
ker. H;ilsted,  and  Naw.ischin.  whi<-li  m.iy  be  grouped 
.1  round  the  nucleus  as  shown.  These 
grains  may  later  be  found  in  the  plasmodium  (fig. 
7-i)  and  are  apparently  wholly  or  jiartly  digested  be- 
fore sporogenesis.  Reed  ('11)  noted  an  appreciable 
iiu'rease  in  calcium,  m.-ignesium,  ])otassium,  phos- 
phoric acid,  sulphuric  acid,  etc.,  in  diseased  cabbage 
roots.  The  increase  greatest  in  the  case  of  ))otas- 
sium.  which  he  attributed  to  an  accumulation  of  jiro- 
toi)lasm  and  starch  in  diseased  tissues.  Nicolotf  and 
Stefanova  ('22),  however,  found  that  roots  of  dis- 
eased cabbage  plants  were  high  in  protein  and  lower 
in  phosphorus  and  potassium  than  those  of  healthy 

Noninfected  cells  are  also  stimulated  to  di\  ide  by 
the  presence  of  the  parasite  and  may  often  enlarge 
considerably.  This  is  jiarticularly  true  of  medullary 
rav  cells,  which  may  ex])and  until  they  have  lost  all 
characteristics  as  such.  The  nuclei  of  these  cells  en- 
large also  and  keep  pace  to  some  extent  with  the  in- 
crease of  cell  size.  According  to  Kunkel,  the  stimulus 
travels  in  advance  of  the  infection,  so  that  increased 
cell  division  may  be  noted  before  the  parasite  reaches 
a  particular,  undifferentiated  tissue,  which  suggests 
that  a  growth-stimulating  substance  is  released  by 
the  causal  organism  and  travels  ahead  of  the  plasmo- 
dium. Nawaschin,  on  the  other  hand,  believed  that 
the  division  of  noninfected  cells  around  the  "Krank- 
heitsherde"  is  due  to  the  stimulus  of  mechanical  out- 
ward pressure  exerted  by  the  enlarging  parasitized 

Kunkel  suggested  that  the  limitation  of  the  para- 
site in  groups  of  cells  might  be  due  to  a  ijrotective 
substance  or  antitoxin  ))rodueed  by  the  infected  cell 
which  diffuses  out  into  the  adjoining  healthy  cells 
and  renders  them  imnmne  to  attack.  Levine  and  I.e- 
vine  ('22)  believed  that  the  surrounding  cells  are 
not  only  immune  but  present  a  reactive  protective 
barrier  against  the  spread  of  the  parasite.  The  ques- 
tion of  whether  or  not  infected  jjlants  can  recover 
from  club  root  and  become  immune  has  often  been 
debated.  Woronin  ('78),  Eycleshymer  ('91),  Lau- 
bert  ('0.5a)  and  Miiller-Thurgau  and  Osterwalder 
('23)  maintained  that  recovery  is  impossible,  but 
Massee  ('96),  Mathieu-Sanson  ('97).  Apjiel  and 
Schlumberger  ('13).  .Schlumberger  ('1  !■),  and  Wahl- 
ing  ('22b)  rejiorted  varying  degrees  of  recovery 
when  infected  ))lauts  were  treated  with  a  2  jier  cent 
(jotash  solution,  milk  of  lime,  planted  in  ore  mud.  and 
sterile  soil,  and  watered  with  sulfur  and  solibar 
solutions.  Miiller  and  Osterwalder  transplanted  in- 
fected plants  to  heavily  limed  soil,  but  found  no  in- 
hibitory effects  or  recovery.  Honig  ('31)  believed 
that  if  infected  i)l:mts  are  transjjlanted  to  sterile  and 
d'sinfcctcd  soil  the  progress  of  the  disease  may  be 
halted,  but  such  ))lants  can  recover  only  if  they  are 
sufficiently  healthy  to  begin  to  grow  anew. 



Entrance  and  Spread  of  P.  Brassicae 
in  the  Host 

Actual  penetration  of  P.  Brassicae  into  the  host 
was  not  observed  by  the  early  workers,  but  most  of 
them  assumed  that  it  occurs  only  when  the  plants  are 
young  and  susceptible.  Honig  and  Rochlin,  however, 
subsequently  demonstrated  its  entrance  through  the 
walls  of  root  hairs  and  epidermal  cells,  although 
Woronin,  Chupp,  Cook,  Schwartz,  and  others  had 
previously  held  that  the  amoebae  gain  entrance 
through  the  root  hairs  (fig.  28,  29)  and  migrate  into 
the  deeper  lying  tissues.  W.  G.  Smith  ('SI),  on  the 
other  hand,  maintained  that  the  parasite  enters  as  a 
Plasmodium.  Favorski  reported  that  infection  may 
take  place  through  ordinary  epidermal  cells  and 
stated  that  Woronin's  figures  of  amoebae  in  root 
hairs  relate  to  Olpidiiim  Brassicae.  Kunkel  found 
that  old  plants  are  as  susceptible  as  young  ones  and 
that  infection  of  old  roots  is  very  common.  He  fur- 
ther refuted  the  claim  that  root  hairs  are  of  any  im- 
portance as  avenues  of  infection  and  concurred  witli 
Favorski's  belief  that  Woronin  had  figured  thalli  of 
0.  Brassicae  and  O.  borzii  in  the  root  hairs  instead 
of  P.  Brassicae.  Cook  and  Schwartz,  Honig.  Roch- 
lin, and  otiiers,  however,  have  subsequently  dem- 
onstrated quite  definitely  that  P.  Brassicae  occurs 
in  root  hairs  and  thus  confirmed  the  observations  of 
M'oronin  and  Chupp.  Kunkel,  nonetheless,  showed 
that  old  plants  are  susceptible  and  may  become  in- 
fected as  long  as  they  live.  Infection  through  me- 
chanical wounds  and  ruptures  caused  by  adventitious 
roots  and  by  the  removal  of  lower  leaf  petioles  at  the 
time  of  transplanting  is  fairly  common,  according  to 
Larson  ('S-l).  The  enlargements,  however,  which  are 
formed  at  the  region  of  injury  on  the  stem  are  defi- 
nite spheroid  galls  in  contrast  to  the  spindle-shaped 
clubs  on  the  roots. 

As  to  the  spread  of  the  parasite  in  the  host  tissues 
and  the  channels  involved,  it  is  now  generally  agreed 
that  it  occurs  in  two  ways :  by  migration  of  amoebae 
and  young  plasmodia  from  cell  to  cell,  and  by  passive 
distribution  of  the  parasite  through  repeated  divi- 
sions of  infected  cells.  Woronin  contended  that  amoe- 
bae and  Plasmodia  migrate  only  througli  pits  and 
sieve  plates,  while  Atkinson  believed  that  amoebae 
are  able  to  spin  out  into  sucli  fine  tlireads  that  they 
can  enter  the  roots  along  with  nutrients  in  solution. 
Eycleshymer  found  plasmodia  in  xylem  vessels  and 
thought  therefore  that  tliey  may  travel  in  the  fibro- 
vascular  bundles.  Nawaschin  believed  that  migra- 
tion of  amoebae  from  cell  to  cell  is  impossible  after 
secondary  thickening  begins  in  the  roots,  and  hence 
distribution  by  division  of  infected  cells  is  the  princi- 
pal method  of  dissemination  in  old  roots.  Subse- 
quently, Lutman  figured  and  described  tlie  passage 
of  small  plasmodia  from  cell  to  cell,  and  since  that 
time  Cluipp,  Kunkel,  Honig,  Rochlin,  and  others 
(fig.  31-33)  have  demonstrated  its  occurrence.  Cook 
and  Schwartz,  more  than  a  decade  later,  however, 
still  expressed  doubt  as  to  its  occurrence.  Fedorint- 
schik  ('3.5)  believed  that  in  the  early  stages  of  the 

disease,  migration  of  amoebae  is  the  principal  method 
of  distribution  in  tlie  host  tissues,  but  after  the  plas- 
modia have  formed  and  begun  to  mature,  further 
spread  is  by  division  of  infected  cells.  While  it  is  now 
generally  believed  that  division  of  the  host  cell 
greatly  increases  the  number  of  infected  cells,  it 
nevertheless  appears  to  play  a  minor  role  in  distrib- 
uting the  parasite  throughout  the  roots  and  shoots.' 

Dissemination  of  P.  Brassicae  in  Nature 

The  club  root  organism  is  readily  disseminated  in 
nature  in  various  ways  and  by  numerous  agents.  It 
was  formerlj'  believed  (Atkinson,  '89;  Carruthers, 
'93;  Miiller  and  Osterwalder,  '19)  that  the  motility 
of  the  zoospores  in  moist  soil  spread  the  disease,  but 
Chupp  ('17)  lias  presented  evidence  to  show  that 
zoospores  and  amoebae  rarely  travel  more  than  five 
inches.  It  has  also  been  claimed  (Carruthers.  Ravn, 
'08,  and  otiiers)  that  wind  is  an  important  agent  of 
dissemination,  but  this  factor  apparently  operates 
only  in  the  case  of  light,  dry,  loose  soils  and  where 
strong  winds  prevail.  It  has  been  demonstrated  in 
heavier  and  more  compact  soils  that  unless  the  patho- 
gen is  transferred  by  some  other  agent,  wind  does  not 
usually  spread  it  from  one  field  to  another.  Rains  and 
water  are  doubtless  more  important,  particularly  on 
rolling  land  where  the  water  following  a  heavy  rain 
runs  off  quickly  and  carries  the  spores  to  lower-lying 
fields.  According  to  Naumov  ('2.5),  however,  disper- 
sal in  a  radial  direction  by  such  means  is  not  very 
extensive.  Miiller-Thurgau  and  Osterwalder  ('23) 
reported  tliat  in  the  course  of  a  year  club  root  does 
not  spread  laterally  more  than  1  Vo  to  2  meters  in  the 
ground.  Earthworms  have  also  been  found  to  be  ac- 
tive in  the  dissemination  of  club  root  in  small  gardens 
(Gleisberg,  '22;  Bremer,  '2-t;  Fedorintschik,  '3.5). 
The  spores  may  be  carried  in  the  mucilage  on  the 
skin  or  in  the  intestinal  tract,  and  virulent  forms  of 
P.  Brassicae  have  been  found  in  the  excreta  of  worms. 
Ground  moles,  root  nematodes  and  insects  feeding  on 
diseased  roots  doubtless  spread  the  disease  to  some 
extent  (Favorsky,  '10;  Esmarch,  '2-1;  Beyer.  '25; 
Chupp,  '25;  Erickson,  '26),  but  how  important  they 
are  as  active  disseminators  is  not  known. 

1  In  a  paper  presented  before  the  meeting  of  the  Ameri- 
can Phytopatholofjical  Society  at  Dallas,  Texas,  December 
19+1,  Walker  reported  system  infection  of  cabbage  and  dis- 
tortion of  buds,  stem,  and  leaves  as  follows:  "Under  green- 
house conditions  when  cabbage  seedlings  are  grown  in  soil 
infested  with  P.  /Jivi.v.fiVfic  the  pathogen,  after  infecting  the 
root,  may  migrate  through  the  cambium  into  the  stem. 
There  is  relatively  little  camhial  proliferation  in  the  inter- 
nodal  regions  abo\'e  the  third  or  fourth  leaf.  Dormant  buds 
at  the  leaf  sears,  however,  are  stimulated  to  grow  and  be- 
come invaded  by  the  pathogen.  They  become  malformed 
due  to  hyperplasia.  The  organism  may  reach  the  growing 
point  in  young  |)lants  and  cause  extreme  distortion  of  stem 
and  leaves.  Wlien  ]ilants  are  incK'ulated  at  above  ground 
leaf  nodes,  the  pathogen  may  migrate  down  the  stem,  leav- 
ing no  evidence  of  proliferation  in  its  path  until  the  hypo- 
cotyl  is  reached,  where  a  typical  club  is  formed.  There  is 
evidence  that  the  reaction  of  the  host  is  influenced  by  the 
nutrient  sujiplied  to  it."  (Phytopath.  'iJ:  18) 


(  l.llt   HOOT  OK  CRl't'IFERS 


I)is|HTsal  l>y  tlif  (hmp;  of  livostoi'k  fid  with  dis- 
«';isfd  roots  is  wry  i-oimiion.  'VUv  s])orts  rciiiaiii  alive 
diiriiiii  passaiTf  tliroiia:li  tlu-  dijivstive  tract,  and  if 
animals  wliicli  liavc  lucn  fed  on  distascd  i-rucifers 
are  let  out  to  i)asturf,  the  spores  are  disseminated  in 
the  dropi)ings.  Gihbs  (,'31)  found  that  the  s])ores 
may  remain  viable  in  fresh  cattle  droppinjjs  for  at 
least  fifteen  weeks.  They  also  remain  alive  for  long 
periods  of  time  in  dung  piles  around  stables,  and  it 
has  long  been  known  that  the  a])plieation  of  sueh 
maiuire  to  virgin  soil  introduces  the  parasite.  'I  rans- 
port  of  infected  soil  on  farm  implements,  laborer's,'s  and  livestock  feet.  etc..  is  also  ettcctive  in 
spreading  the  disease. 

Numerous  wild  cruciferous  plants  are  suscejitiblc 
to  club  root,  as  has  been  shown  by  Halsted  ('96-'99), 
Ravn  ('08),  Cunningham  ('12),  Ssaeharoff  ('16), 
Nauuiova  ('26).  Gibbs  ('32).  Rochlin  ('33).  Jaraa- 
lianen  ('3() )  and  others,  and  these  hosts  often  harbor 
and  peri)etuate  the  disease  in  the  absence  of  culti- 
vated crueifers.  Sueh  wild  infected  hosts  have  been 
found  in  grass  pastures,  wayside  ditches,  river  beds, 
gardens,  and  cultivated  fields,  and  their  presence  on 
infected  soil  reduces  the  effectiveness  of  crop  rota- 
tion in  club  root  control. 

Environmental  Factors 

The  degree  of  infection,  development  and  severity 
of  club  root  depends  to  a  large  extent  on  environ- 
mental factors,  but  the  manner  and  extent  to  which 
each  factor  operates  are  not  clearly  understood.  The 
disease  is  connnonly  believed  to  be  favored  by  wet, 
poorly-drained,  acid  soils  and  temperatures  slightly 
higher  tlian  those  optimum  for  host  root  development, 
but  reports  to  the  contrary  have  often  been  made. 
Motte  ('33).  for  instance,  reported  that  club  root  is 
most  prevalent  in  light  soils  and  during  the  dry  sea- 
son in  Denmark. 

As  to  spore  germination,  many  workers  have  found 
it  occurs  mostly  abundantly  in  acid  media.  Bremer 
('23.  '2i.  '26).  however,  reported  that  H-ion  con- 
centration is  not  the  sole  determining  factor.  He 
found  that  strong  alkalinity  inhibits  germination  of 
the  sjjores  without  killing  them  and  that  germina- 
tion occurs  over  a  j)H  range  of  .5.1-  to  7.-5  but  not  at 
pH  8.0.  Honig  ('31),  on  the  other  hand,  reported 
that  sijores  germinate  as  well  in  alkaline  as  in  acid 
solutions:  all  of  which  indicates  that  other  little- 
known  soil  factors  operating  in  combination  are 
equallv  as  ini]>ortant  as  H-ion  concentration. 

Most  workers  liave.  nonetheless,  found  a  fairly 
close  correlation  between  incidence  of  infection  and 
pH  range  (^Nlassee,  '96;  Christensen,  Harder  and 
Ravn,  11  :  Ravn,  '12-13;  Hiltner  and  Korff.  '16; 
Neger.  17;  Atkins,  '22;  Bremer,  '2J-'28;  Lindfors, 
'2i.  '2.5  :  Naumov,  '2.5  ;  Ludwigs,  '2.5  ;  Riehni,  '25  ; 
Tessenow,  '26;  Cileisberg,  '26;  Chupp,  '28;  Briinnle, 
'28;  Martin.  '28  :  Blunck.  '29;  SchafTnit  and  Meyer. 
*30;  Beaumont  and  Staniland, '33;  Wilson.  '3Ketc.). 
I.indfors   ('24)  observed  a  marked  decline  in  per- 

centage of  infection  with  an  increase  in  soil  alkalin- 
ity. In  .1  pH  range  of  7.1  to  7. .5,  8.5  ))er  cent  of  the 
plants  were  diseased  while  .'it  ])H  7.8  to  8.0,  all 
plants  remained  healthy.  Naumov  ('2.5)  found  that 
infection  occurs  most  rc;i<lily  ;it  pH  fi.O  to  6. .5  with 
the  optimum  near  neutrality,  .litliougii  infection  of 
seedlings  took  j)lace  within  a  range  of  5.7  to  8.  K  In 
a  more  intensive  study  of  the  problem  in  1927  he  fur- 
ther found  that  percentage  of  infection  is  not  con- 
sistently correl.-ited  with  tlic  \)\l  r.inge.  as  is  shown 
bi'low : 

300pnis.  BaOs  per  100  cc.  soil  pi  I.  (i.S  Infection  (1.00% 
100     •'  pi  1.7.3         "  0.00% 

(10   ■•         '      ]ni.i.2      "        0.0070 

SO     ••  '     "         pH.(i.9         "  11.30% 

1,;     ••  "        "      "     "     "         pH.7.*         "  20.90% 

Blunck  ('29)  likewise  found  infection  occurring  at 
1)H.  8.8.  Further  inconsistencies  in  the  literature  on 
the  effects  of  raising  the  pH  value  is  shown  by  the 
reports  of  Martin  ('28).  Schaffnit  and  Meyer  (30), 
\\'ilson  ('3rt).  and  others  that  club  root  can  be  effec- 
tively controlled  or  serious  loss  prevented  by  adjust- 
ing the  pH  of  the  soil  to  7.1'  and  above.  Chupp  ('28) 
;ilso  reported  that  infection  does  not  ordinarily  occur 
in  soils  with  pH  ranges  above  7.2  to  7.4. 

In  1930  Wellman  made  a  survey  of  116  club  root 
infested  fields  in  Wisconsin  and  found  a  pH  range  of 
3.0  to  7.8.  In  Lithuania.  Vilkaitis  ('33)  found  the 
range  to  extend  from  kO  to  7.6.  By  the  addition  of 
certain  chemicals  to  the  soil  Wellman  modified  the 
pH  value  experimentally  and  found  that  raising  the 
H-ion  concentration  did  not  consistently  inhibit  the 
disease  as  is  shown  below  : 

).H  value  Ca(OH)2         CaCO.'s  K^COs 

7.1    Diseased         Diseased         Diseased 

7.2    "  

7.3   Healthy  " 

7.4    Diseased         ■ 

7.5   Healthy  " 

7.6   "  "  Diseased 

7.T  "  

7.8   Diseased 

7.9   Healthy  

8.0  Healthy  

8.1    "  Diseased 

ft  is  to  be  partic\ilarly  noted  that  addition  of  suffi- 
cient amounts  of  K^jCO:.  to  bring  the  (iH  up  to  8.1  did 
not  inhibit  the  disease.  In  thoroughly  infested  fields 
treated  with  lime  Wellman  further  found  that  3  per 
cent  of  cabbages  were  destroyed  at  pH  8.1,  and  54 
per  cent  and  49  per  cent  destroyed  at  pH  6.7  and  7. .5 
respectively.  Wellman  accordingly  concluded  from 
his  tx])eriments  that  club  root  occurs  in  such  a  wide 
pH  range  that  to  consider  H-ion  concentration  alone 
as  an  important  factor  in  the  occurrence  of  the  dis- 
ease is  highly  questionable. 

Since  that  time  other  workers  have  also  shown  that 
club  root  may  occur  in  a  high  ])H  environment.  Beau- 
mont and  Staniland  ('33)  reported  that  while  infec- 
tion is  most  common  in  acid  soils,  swedes  and  broc- 



coli  may  become  badly  clubbed  in  soils  adequately 
provided  witli  lime.  In  193 1,  however,  they  reported 
that  turnips  and  swedes  are  unaffected  by  club  root 
in  soil  the  pH  value  of  which  was  raised  to  6.76  and 
7.02  by  liming  and  concluded  tliat  pH  6.6  is  the  prob- 
able limit  for  the  disease.  Larsen  and  Walker  (31) 
also  observed  that  the  addition  of  calcium  hydroxide 
and  calcium  or  magnesium  carbonate  in  doses  suffi- 
cient to  raise  the  pH  to  7.1  and  above  did  not  gener- 
ally inhibit  development  of  club  root  in  silty  clay 
loam  soils.  In  the  greenhouse,  however,  infection  was 
reduced  by  the  addition  of  these  substances  suffi- 
ciently to  bring  the  pH  up  to  7.0.  At  the  pH  7.2  or 
above  infection  was  completely  inhibited.  Whitehead 
('36)  likewise  noted  that  the  disease  is  generally  less 
prevalent  in  alkaline  soils  but  he  also  found  a  high 
percentage  of  infection  in  cabbage,  cauliflower  and 
Brussel  sprouts  in  soils  with  pH  ranges  of  7.4.5  to 

It  is  obvious  from  the  data  presented  above  that 
H-ion  concentration  in  the  soil  is  not  the  sole  deter- 
mining factor  in  infection,  development,  and  severity 
of  club  root.  As  Naumov  and  others  have  pointed  out 
the  intensity  of  infection  is  intimately  associated 
with  many  external  and  internal  factors,  such  as  de- 
gree of  soil  infestation,  moisture  content,  anatomical 
structure  of  the  hosts,  specific  and  varietal  suscepti- 
bility, etc. 

Temperature  does  not  appear  to  be  as  important 
as  other  factors  in  spore  germination,  infection,  and 
development  of  club  root,  because  these  processes 
may  occur  under  a  fairly  wide  range  of  temperature. 
It  was  commonly  believed  that  outbreaks  of  disease 
were  most  severe  in  cold  countries  and  during  the 
cool  seasons  in  warm  regions,  but  this  belief  was  not 
based  on  exact  experimental  data.  As  to  spore  germi- 
nation Chupp  (17)  found  that  it  does  not  occur  at 
room  temperature  (16°  to  21°  C)  and  that  the  opti- 
mum lies  between  27°  C  and  30°  C.  He,  nevertheless, 
obtained  host  infection  at  room  temperatures,  which 
indicates  that  temperature  was  not  the  only  impor- 
tant factor  in  his  experiments.  Wellman,  on  the  other 
hand,  found  that  spores  will  germinate  within  a 
range  of  6°  C  to  27°  C,  with  an  optimum  range  of 
18°  to  25°  C.  Honig  ('31)  likewise  found  that  spores 
may  germinate  readily  below  21°.  As  to  the  direct 
effect  of  soil  temperature  alone  on  infection  and  club 
root  development  very  little  experimental  evidence  is 
available,  but  temperature  doubtless  operates  indi- 
rectly in  conjunction  with  other  soil  factors.  In  care- 
fully controlled  tests  Montieth  ('2i)  showed  that 
club  root  develops  at  9°  to  30°  C.  One  case  of  club- 
bing was  found  at  35°,  but  it  occurred  on  the  main 
stem  near  the  surface  of  the  soil  where  contact  with 
air  probably  lowered  the  temperature.  Clubbing  was 
most  severe  at  25°.  ISIontieth  concluded  that  the  tem- 
perature range  over  which  the  disease  occurs  is  more 
or  less  the  same  as  that  required  by  the  host  and  that 
temperature  itself  is  not  a  limiting  factor  in  club 
root  development.  In  similar  controlled  tests  Well- 
man  found  that  no  clubbing  occurs  below  12°  and 
above  27°.  The  optimum  temperature  for  greatest  in- 

fection and  disease  production  ranged  from  18°  to 
2i°,  with  the  peak  for  severity  slightly  above  2i°. 
In  soil  temperatures  of  12°,  15°  and  27°  a  fair  per- 
centage of  plants  became  infected,  but  clubbing  was 
distinctly  inhibited.  The  optimum  temperatures  for 
spore  germination,  infection  and  development  of  the 
disease  determined  by  Wellman  are  5°  higher  than 
those  which  Tisdale  (Jour.  Agric.  Res.  25  :  55)  found 
to  be  optimum  (20°)  for  cabbage  root  development. 

Soil  moisture  is  more  significant  than  temperature 
in  relation  to  infection  and  severity  of  club  root.  The 
early  student  of  this  disease  as  well  as  later  investi- 
gators, including  Halsted,  Ravn,  Cunningham, 
Chupp.  Whitehead,  Reed  and  others,  noted  that  the 
disease  is  most  prevalent  in  low  lying,  poorlv  drained 
soils  and  severest  after  periods  of  wet  weather,  and 
concluded  that  soil  moisture  is  perhaps  the  most  im- 
portant determining  factor.  These  conclusions,  how- 
ever, were  based  more  on  general  observations  than 
on  direct  experimental  evidence.  Montieth  demon- 
strated experimentally  the  dependence  of  club  root 
on  high  soil  moisture  and  sliowed  that  cabbage  could 
be  grown  free  of  the  disease  in  heavily  infested  soil 
by  keeping  the  moisture  down  to  t5  per  cent  of  the 
total  water  holding  capacity.  At  60  per  cent  club 
root  was  uniformly  present.  He  believed  that  the 
failure  of  club  root  to  develop  in  infested  soils  with 
low  moisture  content  is  probably  due  to  insufficient 
water  for  spore  germination.  Montieth's  results  have 
been  by  and  large  confirmed  by  Wellman  and  Nau- 
mov. Wellman,  however,  demonstrated  that  con- 
tinued high  soil  moisture  is  not  necessary  for  infec- 
tion and  development  of  the  disease.  Plants  which 
had  been  exposed  only  18  hours  to  infested  soil  with 
80  per  cent  moisture  content  became  badly  diseased 
when  transplanted  to  relatively  dry  infested  soil.  He 
believed  that  even  in  a  dry  season  a  heavy  rain  or  a 
few  moderate  rains  at  short  intervals  might  raise  the 
moisture  content  sufficiently  to  insure  infection. 
Wellman's  results  may  be  the  explanation  of  Motte's 
report  that  club  root  is  prevalent  during  the  drv  sea- 
sons in  Denmark.  Naumov  ('33)  likewise  found  that 
cabbage  seedlings  became  infected  within  a  range  of 
soil  moisture  from  45  to  100  per  cent  of  the  total 
water-holding  capacity,  with  the  optimum  at  80  per 
cent.  At  30  per  cent  no  development  of  the  disease 

The  physical  character  of  the  soil  has  also  been  re- 
garded as  a  significant  factor  in  club  root  infection, 
development,  and  severity.  Sandy,  humus-rich, 
clayey  soils  favor  the  disease,  according  to  McAlpine 
('03),  Bos  ('04),  Janson  ('20),  and  Naumov  ('28). 
In  Belgium,  Vanderyst  ('04)  reported  that  club  root 
occurs  abundantly  on  sandy  soils,  is  generallv  ])res- 
ent  in  soils  rich  in  shale,  sparse  on  limey  and  clavev 
soils,  and  unknown  on  soils  rich  in  lime.  Huniphrev 
('92)  and  Read  (11)  found  the  disease  to  be  most 
severe  on  heavy  soils  and  those  rich  in  humus.  Ravn 
('08)  reported  that  turnips  were  more  susceptible 
than  cabbage  on  sandy  soil,  while  on  clayey  soil  the 
degree  of  susceptibility  was  reversed.  Hayunga 
('19),  Jan.son   ('20)   and  Bremer  ('23)   found  club 

«  I.III   HOOT  OK   <  Hl'(  IFEHS 


root  to  W  loss  sovt-rc  on  niarsli  .-iiul  Iicatli  soils.  Soils 
poor  in  liiiu-  jifiit-rally  favor  dtvi-lopniciit  of  the  dis- 
ease, accordin'T  to  Kv(Ksli\  nu'r  ('91).  Masscc  ("5I(>). 
Laubcrt  ('35a)  Hiirkhardt  ("15).  Tricschniann 
("17).  Hos  ('18).  Hronu-r  ('23-28)  Kindshoven 
(•2n.  Hall  (10).  and  .\tkins  ('22).  Nauniov  ('27) 
found  that  soils  with  a  lime  (in  terms  of  oxide)  con- 
tent of  0. 1  per  eent  or  more  are  sienerally  free  of  the 
disease.  Init  Honig  ('31  )  reported  tiiat  in  the  vicinity 
of  Munich  soils  with  a  58  per  eent  linu-  content  were 
heavily  infested  with  clul)  root.  Herjiers  ('2!»)  and 
Honiir  ohstrved  the  di.sease  is  very  aliundant  in 
soils  which  heat  up  readily. 

The  jihysical  character  of  the  soil  also  influences 
the  infective  ability  of  the  fungus  spores  according 
to  Fedotova  ("28).  In  ordinary  grey  garden  soil  with 
40.000  s|)ores  |>er  ec.  of  soil.  66  l)er  cent  of  the  ])lants 
became  infected,  wliile  in  lilack.  greenhouse  dirt  witli 
100.000.000  s])ores  per  ce.  only  12.5  per  cent  of  the 
plants  were  clubbed.  N.uimov  ('28)  also  found  that 
in  clayey  soils  20.000.000  spores  per  ce.  of  soil  were 
necessary  for  optimum  infection,  while  in  humus-rich 
soils  100.000.000  were  essential.  He.  furthermore, 
reported  that  in  the  vicinity  of  Leningrad  the  spores 
do  not  remain  viable  in  the  soil  in  the  absence  of  hosts 
for  more  than  three  years  unless  fairly  high  tempera- 
tures and  humidity  are  maintained. 

The  observations  of  most  of  the  workers  men- 
tioned above  were  not  correlated  with  exact  data  on 
the  water-holding  capacity  and  acidity  of  the  respec- 
tive tvpes  of  soil,  and  it  is  quite  probable  tliat  the  in- 
creased infection  and  severity  of  club  root  reported 
on  clayey,  heavy  soils  and  those  rich  in  humus  are 
due  not  so  much  to  the  pliysical  nature  of  the  soils 
as  to  their  high  acidity  and  water-holding  capacitv-. 

Hosts  and  Dcfjrcc  of  Infection 

Club  root  was  first  observed  on  cultivated  cru- 
cifers.  but  later  it  became  evident  that  wild  species 
of  the  mustard  family  also  are  susceptible  to  this  dis- 
ease. Woronin  reported  hyi)ertrophied  roots  of 
Ibi'ri.s-  in  1878.  and  some  years  later  Magmis  ('93) 
and  Henning  ('96)  found  other  genera  and  species 
attacked  by  /'.  Brass'icao.  Halsted  ('92-'99)  ap]jears 
to  be  the  first  to  have  undertaken  a  more  extensive 
study  of  the  host  range,  and  since  that  time  this 
phase  of  the  disease  has  been  intensively  investigated 
in  various  ])arts  of  the  world.  Club  root  is  confined  to 
species  of  the  mustard  family,  and  although  reports 
of  its  occurrence  on  plants  outside  of  this  family  are 
to  be  found  in  the  literature,  they  have  subsequently 
been  proven  false.  The  number  of  hosts  is  large,  and 
in  the  following  table  are  listed  the  cruciferous  spe- 
cies which  have  been  examined  for  the  presence  of 
club  root.  Included  also  is  the  degree  of  infection 
found  bv  investigators  who  have  studied  the  host 
range  of  /'.  liraxsictie.  Previous  authors  have  usu- 
ally arranged  the  genera  and  species  according  to 
sub-families,  but  for  the  sake  of  convenience  they  are 
listed  in  alphabetical  order  below. 

Index  to  .\i-thohs  Citko  .vxd  Deouee  of 
IxKEiTio.v   or   Hosts 

.\pi)cl  =  A)i|><-I  iiiul  Werth  ('1(1) 

fun.  =  C'uniiiii;;li!ini  {'II) 

Clint.  =  Clinton  ClUi) 

Da.  =  Davis  {'-■'>) 

Erick.  =  Erirksson  ('9(i. ",'()) 

Gi.  =  Giblis  (•;}-') 

Gl.  =  GleisluTf;  (V3) 

F.  S.=  F.  .S.  (•-'()) 

Hal.  =  Halsted  (•<).'  'OO) 

Ham.  =  Haininarlund  ("l.")) 

Henn.  ^  llinninp  ('9()) 

Hon.=  H()nif:C3I) 

Host.  =  Hiisterniann  ('-1) 

,Tam.  =  Jamalainen  {"Mi) 

Katt.  =  Katterfeld  ('23) 

Mag.  =:  .Mapiuis  ("93) 

Mass.  ^Massee  ("96) 

Mil.  =^  Miiller-Tliurgau  and  (Jsterwalder  ('23) 

N.  N.^  Anonymous  ('53) 

Naum.  ^  Naumann  ("13) 

N.  =  N'aumov  (■14-' -'8) 

Rain.^  Rainio  ("303) 

Ravn.  =  Ravn  ('08) 

Roc.  =  Roclilin  ('33) 

Ros.=  Rostnip  ("93) 

Schl.  =  Schleycr  ("07) 

Sit.  =  Sitensky  ("98) 

Ssach.  =  SsaciiarofF  ('16) 

Svec.  =  Svec.  ('-'3) 

Weiss.  =  Weiss  ('18) 

Wor.  ^Woronin  ('78) 

0  =  no  infection 
-f  =  weak  infection 
-|--|-  =  medium  infection 
-|--|--|-  =  severe  infection 

Aethionema  arahicum 
A.  hujcbaum'ii 
A.  cappad'icum 
A.  rotuudifolitim 
AUiaria  nffic'inaVis 
Al  i/xsinii  al  pest  re  var. 

odor  at u m 
.1.  alpestre 
A .  ahjusoides 

A.  argenteum 

A.  hornmiilleri 

A.  beiithami  compactum 

A.  eali/chium 

A.  cam  pest  re 
A.  condensatum 
./.  corymbosum 
A.  desertorum 
A.  edeiif Ilium 
.1.  lischerianiim 
A.  r/emonense 
A.  idaeinn 

A.  marilimum  :=  Lobii- 
laria  maritime 

X.  ('21)  0 
Katt.  0 

N.  ('25)  0 

N.  ('15)  15% 

Mil.  0;  Ravn;  Jam.  0 

N.  ('13)  107f  ;  Roc.  17% 

Hal.;  Ravn. 

Gl.  20%;N.  ('12)+;N. 

('13)4-.  Cun.  51.1%; 
Jam.  0 
GI.  0;  Jam.  0 
Jam.  10.5%-11.6% 
GI.  71.13%  ;N.  ('12)+; 

N.  (-13)  + 
Jam.  3.8% 
Cun.  33.1% 
Jam.  3l7ri 

N.  ('25)0;  Roe.  57% 
N.  ('15)  507o 
Jam.  0 
N.  ('15)  5% 
.lam.  1  l-.5% 

HaI.4-;Ravn.  Cun.  11.2- 
50%;X.  ('15)  5%; 
Jam.  0 



A.  minimum 

A.  moellendorfianum 

A.  monianiim 

A. podoUcum 
A.  rostratum 
A.  sa.ratile 

A.  serpyllifolitim 

A.  sinuatum 

A.  Strihrnyl 

A.  umbeUatum 

A.  Wierzhichii 

Arahis  alhida 

A.  alhida  var.  grandiflora 

A.  alhida  var.  nana 

A.  alhida  var.  umbrosa 

A.  Allionii 

A.  alpestris 

A.  alpina 

A.  areiiosa 
A.  hellidifolia 
A.  brachycarpa 
A.  Canadensis 
A.  coeridea 
A.  glabra 
A.  halleri 
A.  hirsuta 

A.  holboelli 
A.  laevigata 
A.  muralis  var.  collina 

A.  pendula 
A.  petraea 
A.  procurrens 
A.  ptimila 
A.  suecica 
A.  Turriia 

Aubretia  Bougainvillei 
A.  deltoidea 
A.  eyrei 
A.  graeca 
A.  hendersoni 
A.  LeichtUni 
A.  olympica 
A.  pinardi 

A.  purpurea 
Barbarea  arcuata 

B.  hracteosa 
B.  intermedia 
B.  I y rata 

B.  plantaginea 
B.  praecox 

B.  rupicola 
B.  stricta 
B. verna 

Gl.  i.76%;N.  ('15)0 

Cun.  100% 

G1.0;N.  ('12)+;Cun. 

22.2%;  Jam.  18.8% 
Jam.  3.9% 
Cun.  86.7% 
Hal.;N.  (■l4)3%;Cun. 

Cun.  8.3% 

N.  ('15)0;  Gl.  100% 
N.  ('15)  0 
Cun.  0 

N.  ('1-t)  0;  Jam.  0 
N.  ('U)  0;  Jam.  0 
X.  ('14)  0 
N.  ('13)  60% 
Jam.  0 

N.  ('13)  50% 
Cun.  52.4%  ;  N.  ('12)+; 

Roc.  27% -18% 
N.  ('12)  + 
Jam.  1.9% 
Hal.  + 
Jam.  0 
Cun.  0 
N.  ('12)  +  ;N.  ('13) 

80%;  Jam.  1.5% 
Cun.  50% 
Hal.  + ;  Ravn. 

Jam.  0 
N.  ('14)0 


N.  ('15)  0;  Jam.O 

N.  ('14)  0;N.  ('25)  80% 

N.  ('25)  44%) 

N.  ('15)+;72.2% 

Jam.  7.4% 

Cun.  0 

Roc.  0 

Cun.  0 

Cun.  0 

Cun.  0 

Cun.  37.5% 

Roc.  0 

N.  ('15)0;F.  S.  ('20)-j- 

Cun.  67.7% 


Roc.  0 


Roc.  0 

Roc.  65  7o 

G1.0;N.  ('12)+;  X. 

Roe.  99% 

Cun.  4.3-7%  ;G1.0:Gi.O 
Gi.  0 

B.  vulgaris 

B.  vulgaris  fol.  variegatis 
Berteroa  incana 

B.  mutabilis 
B.  obliqua 
Biscutella  auriculata 

B.  cichorifolia 
B.  did y  ma 
B.  laevigata 
B.  leiocarpa 
Brassica  arvensis 

B.  balearica 
B.  cernua 

B.  chinensis 

B.  cretica 
B.  elongata 
B.  incana 
B.  insularis 
B.  junci 

B.  macrocarpa 
B.  napus 

B.  napus  var.  oleifera 

B.  napus  var.  esculenta 
B.  nigra 

B.  oleracea 

B.  oleracea  var.  acephala 
B.  oleracea  hotrytis 
B.  oleracea  var.  capitata 
B.  oleracea  gemmifera 
B.  rapa  L.  (==  B.  cam- 

B.  pekinensis 
B.  pe-isai 
B.  rapifera 
B.  robertiana 
B.  sabularia 
B.  Tinei 
B.  tournefortii 
B.  sp.  1 
JS.  sp.  2 
Braya  alpina 

Cun.  0-70.1%  ;  Ham.,  Gl. 

0;N.  ('14)  0;  X.  ('25) 

1.6%;     Gi.     0;     Rain. 

66.7%;  Jam.  3.5%, 
Roc.  0 ;  Jam.  0 
X.  ('14)0;N.  ('24)0;N. 

("25)  7.97c;  Jam.  0 
N.  ('15)0 
N.  ('15)0 
X.  ('24)0;X.  ('25)  0; 

Katt.  257c;  Roc.  40 7o 
X.  ('15)0;X.  ('24)  0 
N.  ("25)  0;Katt.  137c 
X.  ('14)  0;  Jam.  11% 
X.  ('15)  0 
Cun.  99.8 7o;Gi.  100 7c; 

Roc.  1007c 
X.  ('15)  307c 
Gl.  1007cN.  ('25)337o; 

Katt.  100% 
X.  ('25)  10070  Katt. 

X.  ('15)  407o 
Jam.  207c 
X.  ('15)  8O70 
X.  ('15)  40% 
Cun.  9970  ;  Gl.  1007o  ;  X. 

(25)  967o 
X.  ('15)  807o 
Wor. ;  Ravn. ;  Cun.  83.7 7o 

—49.270;  Gl.O 
Cun.  83.77o;Roc.  11 7c; 

Jam.  84.87: 
Ssach.  0 ;  Roc.  0 
Hal.  +;  Ravn.  +;  Cun. 

28.27o;    Gl.    207c;    X. 

('15)     0;     Hon.     4.5- 

62.l7o;    Roc.    0;    Jam. 

Ravn. ;  Cun.  94.2 — 

81.67c  ;G1.16.67o;Gi. 

0-100%;  Roc.  10070 
Cun.  92.87o 
Cun.  88.8% 
Cun.  93.170 
Cun.  88.2% 

Wor.  -f  ;  Ravn. ;  Cun.  100 
— 1.3%;  Gl.  0;  Ham.; 
X.  ('25)  16.67c;  Gi. 
75-10070;  Roc.  35- 
507o;  Jam.  62.5% 

Da.;  Ikeno  ('29) 

Cun.  10070 


X.  ('15)  50% 

X.  ('15)  1007o 

X.  ('15)  607o 

X.  ('15)0 

X.  ('14)  307o 

N.  ("14)  2070 

Jam.  53.370 

CLril   HOOT  OF   C  nrclFEHS 


Riiiiias  Dritiilalis 

Camcliiia  deniata 
C.  linifolia 
C.  macrocarpa 
C.  sativa 

C.  sp. 

Capsella  bursa  pastoris 

C.  heegrri 

Cardamine  heterophylla 

C.  pratensis 

Carpoceras  sibirictts 
Carrichtera  veUa 

Cbfiranthii.i  AUioni 

('.  alpiniis 
C. annus 
C.  Cheiri 

C.  incanus 

C.  marifimus 

C.  scoparlus 

C.  semper florens 

C.  Senaneri 

Clypeola  jonthlaspi 

Cochlear!  A morac'ta 

C .  ant/lica 

C.  dan  tea 

C.  groenlandica 
C.  officinalis 

Conrinffia  orientalis 

Coronopus  didyma 
C.  prncumhens 
Crambe  abyssin'ica 

C.  cordifolio 

C.  hispanica 

C.  maritima 
C.  lartarica 

N.  ('12)+;  N.  (-13)  2 
outof  2;N.  ('11)  0;  X. 
("25)  0;  Jam.  28.6% 

Cun.  1007c  ;G1.  100  fc 

Katt.  1007o 

N.  {ir,)90'/o 

Cun.  9  Ko  7c 

Hal.  -\- ;  Ravn. ;  Cun. 
80%;  Gl.  1007c;  Mii., 
637o;  N.  ('II)  0;  Jam. 

X.  ('11)  ioo7c 

Wor.;  Hal.  ++;  ^lass.; 

Ravn.  +;  Cun.  10.87c; 

Host.    62 7o;    Katt.    0; 

Mu.   95.77c;   N.    ('12) 

+  ;    N.    ('13)    +;    N. 

(•24)  +;N.  ('25)  +; 

Gi.     78-1007o;     Rain. 

32.57c;  Jam.  467c 
X.  ('21)  507  ;  Katt.  907c 
Gi.  50-100% 
Ravn.;  Cun.  1007o;Erik. 

X.  ('25)  0 
N.  ('24)  80-1007c;Katt. 

1007c;  Roc.  1007 
Cun.  76.27c  ;G1.207c; 

Mii.  99% 
Gl.O;  Jam.  0 
Hal.;     Sit.;     Ravn.     +; 

Xaum.     -| — I — \-  ;    Sor. 

('21);  Host.  85 7o;  Mu. 

997o;    Gl.    1.3%;    Gi. 

78%;  Jam.  0 
Cun.  0 
Cun.  43.67c 
N.  ('15)  5076 
Mu.  1007o 
X.  ('25)  287c 
X.  2  out  of  2 

X.X.;Schl.  ('07);  Roc.  0 
Gl.  1007c 
Gl.  95.59%  ;  Roc.  757c; 

Jam.  8.67o 
Gl.  97.56% 
Gl.   86.5470;   Mii.   50%; 

X.    ('14)    0;    Roc.    0; 

Jam.  107-59.370 
Cun.  40.8%,  87c;  X.  ('15) 

207c;  X.  ('24)  0;  Katt. 

X.  ('25)  17%  ;Katt. 

100  7c 
Cun.  1007c;X.  ('12)+; 

X.  (^15)0 
Cun.  6.37c  ;X.  ('lo)  +  ; 

Jam.  207-98.1% 
Cun.  68.27  ;X.  ('15)0 
Cun.  100% 

Desviirniiiia  sopliia 

Diptota.ri.s  itik  aides 
1).  iiiiiralis 

D.  tenuifolia 
Draba  aizoides  var. 

I),  aizoon 
D.  altaica 
1).  ampicjicaulis 
1).  androsajcea 
I),  aniiata 
D.  borealis 
D.  caroliniana 
D.  Corsica 
D.  dorneri 
D.  fladnizeiisis 
D.  friffida 
I),  oj  i/carpa 
D.  cjlacialis 
D.  rupestris 
1).  f/ra7idiflora 
1).  hai/naldii 
I),  hirstita  =  repens  (  ?) 
I),  hispanica 
I),  incana 
D.  johannis 
D.  nemorosa 
D.  montana 
D.  7iivalis 
I),  nori'er/ica  D.  scan- 


D.  pi/renaica 

D.  subamplejicaulis 

D.  tomentosa 

D.  verna 

I),  xcahleiibergi 
Eriica  cappadocica 
K.  nrthu.sepala 

E.  saliva  (vesicaria) 

Kriica.striim  obiitsangu- 
1 II  m 

Eri/siminn  alfaicuiii 
E. as  per  urn 

E.  aiirantiacum 

E.  Barbarea 

E.  cheiranthoides 

Ham.;    Gl.    41.677c;    X. 

(•12)+;  N.   ('13) +; 

X.    ("24)    20  7o;    Katt. 

100%;  Gi.  75%;  Jam. 

X.  ('25)  3.570 
X.  (^24)  10%;Gi.  4- 

(ii.  19-10070 

X.  ('u)  0 

X.  ('14)  0 

X.  ('25)0;  Jam.  370 

Jam.  0 

Cun.  0 

Cun.  0 

X.  ('14)  0 


X.  ('14)  0 

Roc.  337c 

Cun.  507c 

X.  ('14)0 

Jam.  28.67o-37.57o 

X.  ('14)  0 

Jam.  14.770 

X.  ('15)  0;  Jam.  7270 

Jam.  0 

X.  ('12)  + 

X.  ('12)  + 

X.('14)  0 

X.  ('25)  0;  Jam.  0 

Jam.  9.87c 

X.  ('12)0 

Jam.  0 

X.  ('14)  0 

Roc.  26%  ;  Jam.  1.97o- 

60  7f 
Roc.  637o 

Roc.  44%  ;  Jam.  0-107o 
Jam.  0-22.270 
X.  ('24)  80% 
X.  ('14)  0;X.  ('15)  0 
X.  ('25)0;  Katt.  100% 
X.  ('15)  50% 
Cun.   96.37c.  637c;  Jam. 

18%-27.37c;  X.  ('15) 

90%;   N.    ('15)    507o; 

X.    ('23)    507c;    Roc. 

307o  ;  Ravn. ;  Sit. 

Gl.  6.857c  ;N.  ('25)0; 

Katt.  1007f 
X.  (•15)0;X.  ('25)  2.570 
Hal. :  Ravn. +  :  Cun. 

Jam.  48.9% 
Cun.  76.3% 
Hal.  -| — |-;  Mass.;  Ravn.; 

Cun.  72.1%  ;  Ham.;  Gl. 

1007c;  X.  ('12)+;  X. 

('13)+;  Rain.  13.97c; 

Jam.  11.1% 



E.  comaium 
E.  crepidifolium 
E.  helveticum 
E.  hieractifolium 

E.  leptophijllum 
E.  ockroleucum 
E.  orientale 
E.  parviflorum 
E.  perowskianum 

E.  piilchellum  (E.  rupe- 

E.  sfrictum 
E.  virgaium 
Heliophila  amplexicaule 

Hesperis  alpina 
H.  fragrans 
H.  lute  a 
H.  matronalis 

H.  matronalis  var.  nivea 
H.  matronalis  var.  nana 
H.  runcinata 
H.  tristis 
H.  violacea 
Iberis  amara 

I.  coronaria 
I.  qihraltarica 
I.  hybrida 
I.  intermedia 
I.  lagascana 
I.  odorata 

I.  pinnata 

I.  sempervirens 

I.  taiirica 
J.  Tenoreana 
I.  umbeUata 

I.  zenoreana 
I.  sp. 
Isatis  glauca 

I.  tinctora 

I.  undulata 
Jonopsidium  acanle 
Koniga  libi/ca 
Lepidiiim  apetalum 
L.  campcstre 

Cun.  0 

Sit. ;  Ravn. 

Cun.  2.l7c;  Jam.  i.8% 

Gl.  457c;N.  ('1-i)  30%; 

Katt.  0 
N.  ('15)  20% 
Cun.  57.270 
Gl.  25% 
Cun.  85.7% 
Hal. ;  Ravn.  +  ;  Naum.  0 ; 

N.  ('15)  0-1.3%;  Roc. 


N.  ('15)  0;  Jam.  4..370 
Appel.;Gl.  14.29% 
N.  ('15)  \% 
N.  ('24)+;N.  ('25)0; 

Roc.  46  7o 
Roc.  0 

Roc.  100%;  Jam.  11.3%; 
Hal.    +;    Cun.    32.1 7c; 
Ham.;  Gl.  5.367o  ;  Mii. 
1007c ;  N.  ('14)  507c; 
N.     ('24)    7570;    Jam. 
2.8  7o 
N.  ('15)0 
N.  ('14)0;  Roc.O 
N.  (15) 0 
Jam.  107c 
Jam.  23.67c 

Cun.  877o;Gl.  1007c;  N. 
('25)  0;  Roc.  18-5l7o; 
Jam.  41.470 
Cun.  73.770 
Mii.  24.2% 
Cun.  52.(i 7o 
Gl.    10070 
Cun.  47.370 
Cun.  41.67c  ;N.  ('25)0; 

Jam.  85.1  7o 
Gl.  4.4270  ;N.  ('25)0; 

Roc.  827c 
Cun.  43.5%;  N.  ("25)0; 

Jam.    10.570 
N.  ('15)307o;N.  ('25)0 
Jam.  34.370 

Wor. ;  Hal. ++;  Ravn. ; 
Cun.  927c;  N.  ('15)0; 
Gl.  99.1470;  Roc.  7370; 
Jam.  60.7 7o 
Cun.  2.37c 
Cun.  10070 
Cun.  68.47c  ;F.S.  ('20) 

33%  ;  Roc.O 
Hal. ;  Cun.  42.570;  Roc. 

1770;  Jam.  0-9.570 
N.  ('25)  0;Roc.  0 
N.  ('24)  0 
N.  ('25)  0 
Cun.  527c 

Hal.;  Ravn.;  Cun.  42.87o; 
GI.O;Gi.  0-100% 

L.  draba 
L.  hirtum 
L.  intermedium 
L.  latifolium 
L.  menziesii 
L.  micrantum 
L.  montanum 
L.  perfoliatum 
L.  reticulatum 
L.  ruderale 

L.  sativum 

L.  tenuicaule 
L.  virginicum 

Lunaria  biennis 

Malcomia  africana 
M.  flexuosa 
M.  graeca 
M.  maritima 

Matthiola  bicornia 

M.  fenestralis 

M.  incana  (  ^  annua) 

M.  oyensis 

M.  tricuspidata 

Melanosinapis  communis 

Meniocus  ehrenbergii 
Myagrum  perfoliatum 
Nasturtium  amphibium 

N.  officinale 

N.  palustre 

N.  silvestre 

Neslia  paniculata 

Notoceras  canariense 

Peltaria  alliacea 

P.  turmena 

Kaphanus  maritimus 


R.  niger 

R.  odessanus 

R.  oleiferus 

R.  radicula 

R.  raphani.strum 

R.  rosiratus 

Jam.  0 

N.  ('15)  0 


Jam.  0 

Hal. ;  Ravn. 

N.  ('13)  507o 


N.  ('15)0 

N.  ('25)  0 

N.  ('25)907c;Gi.  50- 

Cun.   1.8%.;  N.   ('13)   0 
Katt.  0;  Gl.  0;  Mu.  0 
N.    ('25)    0;    Roc.    0 
Jam.  0 

Hal.   ++;   Ravn.;    Cun. 
23%.;   N.    ('25)    177o; 
Gi.  10  7c 
Hal. ;  Cun.  97.2%  ;  Naum. 
+  ;    Mii.    10070;    Hon. 
-|-;Gi.  27-1 007c 
N.  ('25)0 
N.  ('15)0 
N.  ('15)0 
Ravn. ;  Roc.  9%  ;  Jam. 

Hal.  +;  Cun.  7.9-4.37o  ; 
Gl.  0;  N.  ('15)  0;  Jam. 

Wor.  +;  Hal.  0;  Ravn.; 
N.  ('15)  0;Host.  0;G1. 
0;Mii.  0;Gi.  0 
N.  ('25)  0 
Cun.  0;  GI.O 
N.  ('24)  0  out  of  1  ;N. 

('25)  0 
N.  ('24)+;Katt.  0 
N.  (15)  1  out  of  1 
Ham.  (after  Naumann, 


Hal. ;  Ham. ;  Ham. ;  Gi.  0 
Hal. ;  Mag. ;  Ham. 
Cun.  100%  ;N.  ('12)  + 
N.  ('24)  75%;  Katt.  7570 
Jam.  0 
Jam.  0 

N.  ('I5)0;N.  ('25)  0 

N.  ('15)  0 

N.  ('15)  0;Katt.  157c 
Cun.  53.4%;  Ssach.  I07c 
Hen.    -\-  ;    Ravn. ;    Ham. ; 
Mii.    36.47o;   Svec.    + 
+  +;     N.     ('12)     +; 
Weiss     +;     N.      ('25, 
'28);      Rain.      14.87o; 
Jam.  39.1  7c 
N.  ('14)  l7o 

(Ml)   HOOT  OF   <  Hl(  IFKHS 


II.  satix'us 

li.  sativiis  v;ir.  li.  niger 
Jiapistriitii  hispaiiiciim 

Ik.  prrrnne 
li.  riifiosum 
Hicolia  liinaria 
lioripa  amoracia 
li.  palu,ttri.s 
]{.  .1  i I fi\<! Iris 
Seiii'hifra  lordiiopus 
S.  pinnatitiila 
Sinapis  abi/xsiiiica 
S.alha  {B'.alba) 

S.  apula 

S.  arx-ensis  {Brassica 

S.  chitien.<!i.i 
S.  turgida 

Sist/mbrium  AUiaria 
S.  altissimiim 

S.  asperum 
S.  austriacum 

S.  bursifolium 
S.  crepidifoUum 
S.  cumingianum 
S.  hirsiiliim 
S.  in  CIS  urn 
S.  irio 
S.  loeselii 
S.  officinale 

S.  orientate 
S.  Pallasii 
S.  persicum 
S.  poli/ceratiiim 
S.  sinapistrum 
S.  strictissimum 

S.  taraxacifolium 
S.  Thalianum 
S.  vulgare 
Sophia  pinnata 
Succovia  balearica 

Hal.  +  ;  Sit.  +  ;  Clint.  +  ; 

Ravn.  +  ;  Cun.  S7.i</c  ; 

N.  (■l3)+:Gi.O 
X.  ("2;). '28)  0;S.s:u-li.  0 
N.   ('24)   0  out  of   I  ;  N. 

('2.'))   1  out  of  1 ;  Katt. 

Jam.  88.9^/c 
N.  ('21)  2  out  of  2 
N.  ('21)  1  out  of  1 

Ravn.  Jam.  18.97c 
X.  ("21)  0:X.  ('25)  0 
X.  ('21)  0;X.  ('2.5)  0 
X.  ('15)  307c 
Hal.  +  +  +;  Ravn.;  Cun. 

1007;  Gl.  1007o;  Mil. 

100%  ;X.  ('15)  1007,; 

Rain.      61.l7r;      Roc. 

817c.;   Jam.   95.6 7o 
N.  ('25)  9070;  Katt.' 


Hal.;   Ros.;   Clint.;   Roc. 

10070;     Jam.     58.l7o; 

Mass.  -|-  ;  Ravn. ;  Cun. 

1007;    Ham.    +;    N. 

('12)  + 
N.  ('25)  50%;Roc.  507o 
X.  ('15)0 
X.  ('15)  95% 
Mass.  +  ;  Gl.  0 
Hal. ;  Cun.  38.37  ;X. 

X.  ("15)0 
Appel;    Gl.     1. 25  7o;    N. 

("14)  57c;  Jam.  12.5- 

N.  ('15)0 

Jam.  21.4% 
Cun.  8I.370 
Roc.  64  7o 
Gl.  1.31% 
Hal.;   Ravn.;  Cun.  40 7c  ; 

Erick.;  X.  ('12) +;  X. 

('13)    3%;    X.     ('24) 

100%;  Gi.  55-10070 
Gi.  11-10070 
X.  ('15)0 
Gl.  0 

X.  ('15)  l7o 
X.  ("15)  70% 
AppchX.  ('15)0;  Jam. 

X.  ('15)307o 
X.  ('24)  10% 

Hal.;  Cun.  53.970 
X.  ('15)  100%  ;X.  ('24) 

10070;  Katt.  100% 

S.  bali-arica  Mi'dis 

Roc.  10070 

Tlilaspi  alpestre 

X.  ('15)  207c  ;  Roc.  87o  ; 

Jam.  27.370 

T.  arvcnse 

Hal.    +  +  +;    Ravn.    +; 

Cun.        97.67o ;        Gl. 

25.8I70;       X.       ('13) 

9970;    X.    ('24)    667o; 

N.     ('25,     '28)     9970; 

Rain.      99.5%;      Jam. 


T.  bellidifolium 

X.  ('14)0;  Jam.  2.270 

T.  Lovacsii 

X.  ('14)0;  X.  ('25)0; 

Jam.  0-13.7% 

T.  oVn'eri 

Roc.  0 

T.  perfoliatiim 

X.  ('15)4070 

Thiaspi  s)). 

X.  ('14)0 

T.  violascens 

Jam.  9.570 

Tiirritis  glabra 

X.  ('14)0;  Roc.  7970 

Tysanocarpus  curvipes 

X.  r'24)  10070 

J'isicaria  gracilis 

X.  ('15)  l7o 

So  far  318  species  in  59  genera  of  crueifers  have 
been  examined  for  club  root,  and  among  these  all  but 
89  species  and  8  genera  were  found  to  be  infected. 
It  is  to  be  noted  that  the  percentage  of  infection  re- 
ported by  the  various  workers  for  the  same  species 
varies  considerably.  Such  differences  are  largely  due 
to  the  small  number  of  plants  examined.  In  some 
species,  particularly  wild  crueifers,  the  percentages 
are  based  on  the  examination  of  only  two  or  tliree 
plants.  This  is  also  true  of  some  of  the  genera  and 
species  which  have  been  reported  to  be  uninfected. 
Doubtless  when  a  larger  number  of  plants  have  been 
examined  these  species  also  will  be  found  to  be  sus- 
ceptible to  club  root. 

As  has  been  noted  elsewhere,  club  root  is  limited 
to  the  mustard  family,  and  all  rejiorts  of  its  occur- 
rence in  species  outside  of  the  Cruciferae  have  been 
disproven.  In  1910  Marchand  reported  a  disease  of 
melon,  celery  and  sorrel  in  France  wliicli  he  thought 
was  caused  by  P.  Brassicae,  but  subsequent  examina- 
tion of  these  plants  by  Grignon  ('10)  showed  that 
the  swellings  on  the  roots  were  caused  by  the  nema- 
tode, Hcterodea  radicicola.  Griffon  and  Maublanc 
('12)  later  confirmed  (jrignon's  observations. 

.Several  attempts  liave  been  made  to  infect  Jilants 
closelv  allied  to  the  mustard  family  with  P.  Bras.u- 
cae,  but  these  have  been  unsuccessful.  In  1897  Hal- 
sted  tested  the  following  species  in  Xew  Jersey: 

Abutilon  abutilon 
Agrostevtma  Githago 
Argrmonc  mcjricana 
Chelidonium  majus 
Krodium  cicutarium 
Hibiscus  triunum 

Malva  roiundifolia 
Melilotus  alba 
Papaver  sp. 
Reseda  odorata 
Saponoria  officinalis 
Silene  nocti/tnra 

Xo  indication  of  club  root  was  found  in  any  of  these 
species.  Potts  ('35)  likewise  found  that  non-crucif- 
erous plants,  including  Reseda  odorata,  Carydalis 
f/lauca,  Fumaria  officinalis,  Allium  schonprusum, 
i'rtica  pillulifera  and  Spinacia  oleracea,  are  unsus- 



Control  of  Club  Root 

Because  of  the  great  economic  importance  of  club 
root  extensive  attempts  to  control  the  disease  have 
been  made  for  almost  a  century  and  a  half,  but  so 
far  no  completely  effective  measures  have  been  de- 
veloped. The  resting  spores  of  the  causal  organism 
are  produced  in  prodigious  quantities,  have  a  fairly 
high  degree  of  resistance,  and  may  remain  viable  in 
the  soil  without  the  presence  of  host  plants  for  seven 
to  eight  years  ;  all  of  which  makes  effective  control 
very  difficult.  Control  is  furthermore  hampered  by 
the  wide  range  of  wild  and  cultivated  hosts  which 
harbor  P.  Brassicae  and  the  fact  that  crucifers  are 
susceptible  as  long  as  they  are  alive. 

Control  measures  against  club  root  have  involved 
sanitary  practices,  sterilization  of  the  seed,  disin- 
fection of  soil  in  seed  beds,  applications  of  fungi- 
cides to  the  soil  in  fields,  adjustment  of  the  soil  re- 
action, addition  of  lime,  judicious  use  of  basic  fer- 
tilizers, soil  drainage,  crop  rotation,  eradication  of 
wild  cruciferous  hosts,  and  the  development  of  resist- 
ance varieties  or  races  of  cultivated  crucifers. 

One  of  the  main  factors  which  makes  club  root  dif- 
ficult to  eradicate  in  the  soil  is  the  longevity  of  the 
resting  spores.  Longevity  is  not  influenced  by  graz- 
ing, crop  rotation,  plowing,  or  the  application  of  car- 
bonate of  lime  and  sulphur  to  the  soil,  according  to 
Gibbs    ("39).    Fedorintschik    ('35)    found   that   soil 
from  fields  wliich  had  not  been  sown  to  crucifers  for 
seven  years  contained  enough  viable  spores  to  infect 
26.6  per  cent  of  aseptically  grown  cabbage  seedlings 
after  transplantation.   In  cabbage  fields  rested  one 
year  the  viability  of  the  resting  spores  was  reduced 
from  81.2  per  cent  to  13.7  per  cent,  but  in  one  field 
rested  five  years  the  reduction  was  only  40  per  cent. 
Plowing  the  fields  two  or  three  times  a  year  has  no 
effect  on  resting  spore  viability,  according  to  Fedo- 
rintschik. In  badly  infested  fields  up  to  100  million 
spores  per  cc.  of  soil  have  been   found   (Naumov, 
'28).  which  may  extend  to  and  infect  plants  at  depths 
of  10  to  30  cms.  in  soils  of  various  types   (Gibbs, 
'32;  Motte,  '34;  Potts,  '35;  Fedorintschik).  The  in- 
tensity of  attack  is  directly  correlated  with  the  lumi- 
ber  of  spores  in  tlie  soil,  according  to  Gibbs  ('31b) 
and   Fedorintschik,   but   Naumov    ('28)    found   but 
little  evidence  of  correlation  in  Russia.  Gibbs  found 
that  one  plant  out  of  42  became  infected  when  there 
were  approximately  25,500  spores  per  seed  box,  and 
43  out  of  44  when  530,000,000  spores  per  box  were 
present.  According  to  Fedorintschik's  calculations, 
less  than  10,000  spores  per  cc.  of  soil  cause  isolated 
attacks  on  lateral  roots  but  does  not  reduce  the  crop 
weight  of  cabbage.  More  than  10,00  spores  may  cause 
50  per  cent  infection  of  lateral  roots  but  no  reduction 
in  crop  weight,  while  300,000  spores  per  cc.  of  soil 
usually  leads  to  over  50  per  cent  infection  of  the 
whole  root  system  and  reduces  the  crop  weight  to  50 
per  cent. 

In  the  soil  the  spores  are  also  fairly  resistant  to 
fungicides  in  concentrations  low  enough  to  avoid  in- 
jury to  the  host.  Bremer  ('35)  found  that  a  0.5  per 
cent  solution  of  uspiilun  poured  over  spores  in  the 

soil  killed  only  24  per  cent  to  38  per  cent,  and  that 
5  days  were  required  to  kill  the  spores  *hen  im- 
mersed directly  in  a  0.25  per  cent  solution  of  the 
same  fungicide.  Likewise,  relatively  strong  solu- 
tions of  formalin  were  ineft'ectual.  Fedovota  ('29) 
found  tliat  treatment  with  0.1  per  cent  mercuric 
chloride  has  little  or  no  toxic  effect  on  the  spores.  On 
the  other  hand,  Honig  ('31)  reported  that  0.001 
per  cent  mercuric  chloride  when  applied  directly  to 
the  spores  caused  general  plasmolysis,  while  higher 
concentrations  were  more  or  less  ineffective.  He  also 
found  that  solutions  of  MgS04,  NaCl,  KNOo,  and 
NH4CI  in  molar  concentrations  of  1:100,  1:10,000, 
1:100.000  plasmolysed  tlie  spores  within  4  weeks. 
Immersion  of  spores  for  30  minutes  in  70°  C.  water 
and  heating  the  soil  5  to  30  minutes  at  60°  to  80°  C, 
renders  them  inactive  (Naumov,  '28  ;  Vladimirskaya, 
'30;  Anony.,  Ger.,  '39).  Polyakoff  ('39)  reported 
that  immersion  of  spores  for  5  minutes  in  condensate 
(containing  5  per  cent  formalin)  kills  the  spores, 
and  that  this  solution  added  to  the  fields  at  the  rate 
of  1.8  by  volume  of  soil  reduces  infection  70  to  100 
per  cent.  Desiccation  has  a  marked  effect  on  spore 
viability,  according  to  Naumov  ('25).  Spores  kept 
in  a  relative  dry  cellar  over  winter  caused  infection 
of  seedlings  the  following  spring,  but  a  year  later 
they  were  no  longer  viable.  If  desiccated  completely 
the  spores  lose  tlieir  infective  power  within  a  year. 


Since  the  spores  of  P.  Brassicae  will  survive  pas- 
sage through  the  digestive  tract  of  animals  and  may 
be  carried  to  the  fields  in  contaminated  manure,  it  is 
obvious  that  diseased  roots  should  be  thoroughly 
boiled  before  being  fed  to  livestock.  Stable  and  liquid 
manure  should  be  avoided  as  much  as  possible,  since 
it  is  conducive  to  club  root  development  if  applied 
directly  to  a  crop  of  crucifers.  If  it  is  to  be  used  at 
all  it  should  be  applied  during  the  season  preceding 
a  susceptible  crop.  If  contaminated  it  should  be  steri- 
lized or  disinfected  before  application  to  the  soil. 
^'incent.  Herviaux,  and  Coic  ('38)  advocated  the  ad- 
dition of  90  kg.  nitrogen  in  the  form  of  cyanamide 
to  stable  manure  before  using.  It  is  interesting  to 
note  in  this  connection  that  Naumov  ('28)  reported 
that,  contrary  to  all  expectations,  the  addition  of 
stable  manure  to  the  soil  exerted  a  slight  detrimental 
action  on  the  parasite. 

Other  sanitary  practices  involve  collecting  and 
burning  diseased  plants.  These  should  not  be  allowed 
to  rot  in  tlie  soil  or  in  piles,  since  this  liberates  the 
spores  in  the  soil  again.  Plowing  under  of  diseased 
plants  to  various  depths  has  been  advocated.  Frank 
('96),  Potter  ('97),  L.  R.  Jones  ('01),  Laubert 
('05a),  Kock  ('11)  and  Lindner  ('11)  recommended 
a  depth  of  1  meter;  Naumann  ('13),  Neger  ('17), 
Trieschmann  ('17)  and  Ludwigs  ('25)  80  cms.;  and 
Miillers  (Honig,  '31)  20  to  30  cms.  The  latter  depth 
is  obviously  inadequate,  since  it  has  been  sliown  that 
infection  may  occur  at  30  cms.  Esmarch  ('24)  con- 
tended that  burial  is  worthless  and  that  burning  is 
the  only  safe  method  of  disposal. 

<  I.VH   HOOT  OK   (  HIH'IFERS 


Youiiir  sfcininjis  may  often  tii-  infccti-d  and  not 
show  rocoiinizalili-  symptoms  of  tlu-  disfjiso  at  the 
timo  of  tr.inspl.iiitinir.  C  anful  tx.-miination  of  tin- 
plants  at  tin-  tiino  of  removal  from  tlic  seed  lii-ds  is 
therefore  essential  if  there  is  any  suspicion  that  the 
disease  may  be  present.  Should  a  single  seedling 
from  a  seed  frame  show  symptoms  of  club  root  it  is 
advisable,  in  the  opinion  of  Sehlumberffer  ("1  !■), 
Chupp  ('2->)  and  (Heisberg  ('2(>).  to  avoid  or  de- 
stroy all  plants  from  tliat  particular  bed.  since  it  is 
only  rarely  that  infected  seedlings  recover. 

Seed,  Seed  Bed  and  Seedlitifi  Disinfection. — Seeds 
of  infected  crucifers  occasionally  bear  the  fungus 
spores  externally,  and  in  such  cases  seed  steriliza- 
tion is  necessary.  Soaking  seeds  in  tillantin  B  and 
0.25  per  cent  to  0.5  per  cent  usi)ulun  for  one-half 
to  one  hour  before  planting  has  been  reported  by 
Mothes  ('25).  Bronnle  ('2(i)  and  Leines  ('26)  to 
reduce  the  incidence  of  infection  if  followed  by  fun- 
gicidal treatment  of  the  soil.  Such  seed  treatment, 
however,  is  wortliless  unless  it  is  followed  by  seed 
bed  disinfection. 

^'arious  fungicides  and  chemicals  as  well  as  heat 
have  been  used  in  seed  bed  disinfection.  Heating 
the  soil  1^2  hour  at  60°  C.  or  above  kills  the  spores, 
according  to  Vladimirskaya,  Jorgensen,  and  Shew- 
ell-Cooper.  Commercial  formalin  (1  part  to  10), 
0.05  per  cent  to  0.2  mercuric  chloride  (1  to  2  gals. 
per  sq.  yd.).  0.1  per  cent  to  0.5  per  cent  liquid 
ceresan.  corrosive  sublimate  (1  oz.  in  2-10  gals. 
water).  0.5  per  cent  uspulun  solution,  uspulun  and 
solibar  mixed  (1  to  5).  10  per  cent  solution  of  wash- 
ing soda,  folosan  and  brassiean  ( 1 8  oz.  per  cubic  yard 
of  soil)  mixed  with  lime,  carbolic  acid,  mustard  oil, 
etc..  applied  1  to  5  times  to  seed  beds  have  been  re- 
ported to  reduce  or  completely  control  seedling  in- 
fection bv  the  following  workers:  Anony.  (Australia, 
■-to),  Somnier  ('22).  Jorstad  ('23).  Bremer  ('23- 
'2 1).  Darnell-Smith  ('24).  Kind.shoven  ('24). 
Chupp  ('25),  Hofferichter  ('26).  Clayton  ('26), 
Blunck  ("28),  O.sterwalder  ('29).  Preston  ('30), 
Hoffman  ('32).  .Jorgensen  ('33).  Gibbs  ('34), 
Woodman.  Benchley  and  Hanley  ('34),  Kiipke 
('35).  and  Smieton  ('39). 

Effective  control  has  been  reported  from  the  use 
of  uspulun  on  seed  beds,  but  some  workers  have 
claimed  that  it  is  less  satisfactory  than  mercuric 
chloride.  According  to  Clayton  ('26)  the  spores  of 
/'.  Brassicae  in  the  soil  are  fairly  sensitive  to  mer- 
curic compounds,  but  such  substances  have  been 
found  to  be  more  or  less  toxic  to  the  host,  especially 
in  dry  hot  weather,  and  may  reduce  the  cro])  to  some 
extent.  Wellman  ('30).  however,  found  that  mercury 
compounds  used  according  to  Clayton's  methods 
were  ineffective  in  Wisconsin  unless  applied  in  con- 
centrations high  enough  to  be  injurious  to  the  host. 
Copper  carbonate  and  sul))hate.  and  carbonates  and 
sulphates  of  calcium  were  likewise  ineffective.  Hy- 
drated  lime  worked  into  the  soil  at  the  rate  of  1 .500 
pounds  to  5  tons  per  acre  gives  good  control  in  seed 
beds,  according  to  Wellman.  Motte  ('34)  found  that 

the  fungus  spores  r;irely  exceed  a  dc|)th  of  20  cms. 
in  tlie  soil,  ;ind  .-is  a  control  measure  for  seed  beds  he 
.Khoe.itfil  rcmov.d  of  the  upper  25  cms.  of  soil. 

.Seedling  disinfection  alone  before  or  at  planting 
has  not  i)roven  gener.illy  i)r,ictic;il  in  controlling 
club  root.  l)ii)|)ing  seedlings  uj)  to  the  in  weak 
solutions  of  uspulun,  mixtures  of  uspulun  ;ind  solibar 
solutions  (1:5),  mercuric  eldoride.  0.1-1.5  i)er  cent 
liquid  ceresan,  etc.,  before  planting  has  been  recom- 
mended by  Kind.shoven  ('24),  Preston  ('29),  Rabbas 
('30).  Kiipke  ('35).  and  others,  but  Jamalainen 
('.•}6)  asserted  that  seedling  treiitment  at  and  after 
planting  is  ineffective.  While  such  disinfectants  may 
inactivate  the  spores  in  the  soil  .idhering  to  the  roots 
and  root  hairs,  they  obviously  cannot  destroy  the 
amoebae  and  plasmodia  within  the  tissues,  if  such 
stages  are  already  jiresent,  without  killing  the  host. 
It  is  doubtful  that  enough  fungicide  will  remain  on 
the  roots  during  transplantation  to  kill  or  inactivate 
the  siJores  which  may  be  present  in  the  plant  holes. 
Seedling  treatment,  as  recommended  above,  must  ob- 
viously be  followed  by  soil  disinfection  in  the  field 
to  be  effective. 

The  addition  of  1 ,  2.  and  25  gms.  uspulun  dust  per 
plant  hole  (Esmarch,  '25;  Blunck,  '28),  1  liter  of 
.25  per  cent  uspulun  solution,  10  liters  of  .20  per  cent 
uspulun,  tillantin  B,  and  germisan  per  plant  (Lind- 
fors,  '25;  Hertel,  '26;  Rabbas.  '30).  10-15  gms. 
humus  carbolineum  per  plant  (Popp,  '25),  V2  pt. 
.01  per  cent  (or  1  oz.  in  6  gals,  water)  corrosive 
sublimate  per  plant  (Preston.  '27;  Holmes-Smith, 
'30).  chloropicrin  in  plant  holes  (Anony..  Rhode 
Island.  '39),  1/,  pint  .062-.  1  per  cent  mercuric  chlo- 
ride per  plant  (Pre-ston,  '29;  Olgilvie  and  Mulligan, 
'34  ;  Smieton.  '39),  and  other  chemicals  have  been  re- 
ported to  reduce  or  completely  control  infection. 
Preston  ('28)  found  that  Vj  pt.  per  plant  of  .2  per 
cent  methyl  green,  malachite  green,  methyl  violet, 
and  Brilliant  green  applied  at  planting  was  ineffec- 
tive. Likewise  clubicide  and  Clieshunt  Brown  com- 
pounds as  well  as  .2-.5  per  cent  formalin  and  .2  jjer 
cent  lysol  were  unsatisfactory  for  seedling  treatment 
at  and  after  transl)lanting. 

Soil  Disinfection  in  the  Field. —  In  attempts  to 
combat  club  root  in  the  field  by  soil  disinfection  a 
wide  assortment  of  chemicals,  fungicides  and  spe- 
cial remedies  have  been  employed  as  is  shown  in 
table  2  and  the  accompanying  i)ages.  In  pots,  seed 
beds,  small  gardens,  and  ex|)crimental  plots  these 
substances  are  fairly  effective,  but  with  the  excep- 
tion perliajjs  of  usjjulun  they  have  not  jiroven  com- 
mercially satisfactory  and  exi)edient  in  the  field.  As 
Larsen  and  Walker  ('34)  have  pointed  out.  green- 
house pot  tests  are  not  always  a  true  index  of  what 
may  be  expected  in  the  field.  The  cost  of  materials 
and  expense  of  apjilication  often  outweigh  the  bene- 
ficial results  obtained,  and  in  many  instances  the 
fungicides  directly  injure  or  reduce  the  ero]).  Accord- 
ing to  Motte  ('33)  very  little  is  now  being  done  to 
combat  the  disease  in  Denmark  beside  avoiding  ma- 
nure, using  basic  fertilizers,  and  growing  resistant 





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I  Mil   HOOT   OK   <  nil  IFEHS 


Till-  nsults  sliiiwii  in  t.ilili-  2  ari'  t-oiitr;uliitor_v  in 
seviT.'il  cases.  'I'liis  is  iloulitlcss  due  in  many  in- 
stances to  outside  factors  sucli  as  those  wliicli  iiiHu- 
ence  tlie  cfTectivencss  of  lime  and  other  basic  fer- 
tilizers. DitTerenees  in  time  .-iiid  methods  of  ai)l)lic;i- 
tion.  de};ree  of  soil  infestation,  soil  moisture,  etc..  ob- 
viously operate  here  also.  As  is  shown  in  table  2 
uspulun  has  been  extensively  used,  especially  in  Eu- 
rope, and  wiieii  applied  at  rates  of  0.5  to  1  gm.  per 
ksr.  of  soil  or  120  to  300  gms.  per  sq.  ni.  in  the  field 
two  weeks  or  more  before  }>lanting  it  is  the  most 
etl'ectivc  and  practical  of  all  fiiiijiicides  for  the  con- 
trol of  club  root,  according  to  the  data  in  the  litera- 
ture. On  the  otiicr  iiand.  numerous  workers  have  re- 
ported it  to  be  unsatisfactory.  It  may  be  used  as  a 
solution  and  jjoured  over  the  soil  or  as  dust  mixed 
with  fertilizers,  but  Honig  ('31 )  stated  that  its  eft'eet 
is  less  certain  and  complete  when  used  in  solution. 
\\licther  or  not  uspulun  will  jirove  practical  in  large- 
scale  operations  is  uncertain,  according  to  Blunck 
("29).  but  Honig  claimed  that  its  practicability  in 
this  respect  has  already  been  demonstrated.  In  com- 
bination with  solibar.  lime  and  other  basic  fertilizers 
its  use  may  be  greatly  extended,  but  even  when  mixed 
with  soil  alone  it  is  too  expensive  for  practical  pur- 
poses, according  to  Riehm  ('2.5). 

The  effect  of  uspulun  on  the  parasite  and  host  is 
not  definitely  known.  Whether  it  kills  the  spores  or 
prevents  germination  is  uncertain.  Bremer  ('23) 
found  that  1  gm.  per  kg.  of  soil  destroys  about  one 
half  of  the  spores,  and  held  that  it  acts  primarily  in 
killing  the  amoebae.  Honig  ('31 )  believed  that  uspu- 
lun may  possibly  stimulate  spore  germination  and 
kills  the  amoebae  as  they  emerge,  or  that  it  increases 
the  resistance  of  the  host,  along  with  a  weakening  of 
the  amoebae. 

Mercuric  chloride  is  generally  reported  to  be 
eflTective.  but  whether  or  not  it  is  economically  prac- 
tical in  large-scale  operations  is  still  uncertain.  For- 
malin has  been  extensively  employed,  but  the  results 
obtained  are  very  conflicting,  as  is  shown  in  table  2. 
Its  efficacy  in  the  field  is  doubtful,  and  Hammarlund 
("I.t).  Burkhardt  ('15),  and  Lindfors  ('21)  .stated 
that  it  is  too  expensive  for  commercial  use. 

Sulphur  has  proven  ineffective,  and  in  only  a  few- 
instances  has  corrosive  sublimate  reduced  infection, 
Bordeauj  mixture  is  also  of  little  or  no  value  in  com- 
bating club  root.  C arbolineum  alone  and  mixed  with 
various  types  of  humus,  however,  has  been  reported 
to  be  fairly  satisfactory. 

In  addition  to  fungicides  listed  in  table  2  various 
other  chemicals,  substances,  and  remedies  have  been 
used  in  combating  club  root.  These  have  been  used 
singly  or  in  combination,  and  with  or  without  alka- 
line fertilizers,  but  here  again  the  results  obtained 
are  contradictory  and  generally  unsatisfactory. 

Segetan,  a  mercury  compound,  is  ineffective  ac- 
cording to  Osterwalder  ('29). 

Cresol  (2  kg.  per  1.  of  water)  applied  at  the  rate 
of  2.5  1.  per  c.  m.  of  soil  is  effective,  according  to 

I.ocw   (12),  but  .JO  gms.  per  eu.  m.  of  soil   lias  no 

Liquid  ammonia.  1  i)er  cent  solution,  has  no  in- 
hibitory properties  (Osterwalder,   29). 

Sultjine  is  worthless,  according  to  Lindfors  ('2  I). 

Soot  or  lampblack  has  been  used  in  England  to 
control  club  root,  .Kcording  to  \\'oronin  ('78),  but 
Eggemeyer  ('20)  found  it  to  be  useless. 

Petroleum  was  re])ortcd  to  be  effective  by  Pfeiffer 
and  Stacs  ('02).  Miillers  (Honig.  '31)  got  80.41  per 
cent  healthy  plants  by  its  use  in  Cjcrmany. 

Chloropicrin  in  the  jjlant  holes  or  added  to  the  soil 
reduces  infection  in  cabbage  to  \  i)er  cent  or  less 
(Aiiony.,  R.  I.,  '39). 

Pure  carbolic  acid  added  to  the  soil  completely 
eliminates  club  root  from  experimental  plots,  ac- 
cording to  Jorgensen  ('33). 

Mustard  oil  (3  cc.  per  1.  of  soil)  gives  complete 
control  (Anony.,  Ger.,  '39). 

Parachlorbenzine  gives  only  partial  control  and 
injures  the  host  plants  ( Vladimirskaya,  '30). 

Germisan,  20  gms.  in  10  liters  of  water  per  plant 
is  not  effective,  or  only  partially  so  (Hertel,  '26; 
Vilkaitis,  '33). 

Sulcan  is  less  satisfactory  than  Beka-Wurzel- 
schutz  (Esmarch,  '25)  but  sufficiently  effective  for 
practical  purposes. 

Potassium  and  calcium  permanganate  applied  di- 
rectly to  the  soil  are  ineffective.  (Miiller  and  Oster- 
walder, '23,  '24;  Osterwalder,  '29). 

Mercurous  chloride  is  less  satisfactory  than  mer- 
curic chloride,  according  to  Bailie  and  Muskett 
('33).  but  Preston's  ('31)  earlier  report  contradicts 
their  results.  Palmer  ('H),  however,  secured  strik- 
ing control  in  cabbages  with  mercurous  chloride  sus- 
pended in  water  with  the  aid  of  gum  arable  at  the 
rates  of  5  and  7.5  lbs.  per  acre. 

Folosan  (pentachlornitrobenzine)  and  brassisan 
(trichlornitrobenzine).  18  oz.  per  c.  yd.  of  soil,  are 
superior  to  an  equal  concentration  of  mercuric  chlo- 
ride in  seed  boxes,  but  in  tlie  field  they  are  less  effec- 
tive (Smieton,  '39).  All  three  compounds  check 
growth  to  some  extent,  but  nonetheless  give  good  con- 
trol. Eolosan  and  brassisan  are  more  effective  when 
used  with  lime.  Brown  ('35)  likewise  found  brassi- 
san to  be  effective  against  club  root. 

Semesan  is  equally  as  effective  as  mercuric  chlo- 
ride (Clayton,  '26). 

Liquid  ceresan,  0.1-0.15  per  cent,  applied  to  seed 
bed  at  time  of  jjlanting,  to  seedlings  a  day  or  two 
before  transplanting,  and  6  to  8  days  after  setting 
out  gives  excellent  control,  according  to  Kiipke 



Tillantin  B  in  solution  sprinkled  over  seed  beds 
gives  complete  control,  according  to  Mothes  ('25). 
Hertel  ('26),  however,  reported  that  20  gms.  per 
10  1.  water  poured  over  each  plant  or  used  as  dust 
in  conjunction  with  uspulun  are  ineffective.  Like- 
wise, tillantin  B  dust  alone  (100  to  150  gms.  per 
sq.  m.  of  soil)  has  no  effect  on  club  root,  according  to 
Blunck  ('28). 

Cheshunt  compound,  clubicide,  and  0.2  per  cent 
h/sol  are  ineffective,  according  to  Preston  ('28). 
Carbon  bisidphide  when  applied  to  the  soil  is  also 
ineffective   (Miiller  and  Osterwalder,  '24). 

Copper  sulphate  powder  applied  at  the  rate  of 
600  and  1.200  lbs.  per  acre  (Halsted,  '96),  or  as  a 
solution  (1:1,664,  1  gal.  per  .30  ft.  row)  directly  to 
growing  plants  (Glo3'er  and  Glasgow,  '24)  has  no 
effect  on  club  root.  Miiller  and  Osterwalder  ('24)  got 
similar  negative  results. 

Bewley's  solution  (2  oz.  copper  sulphate  and  am 
monium  carbonate)  applied  in  a  concentration  of  1 
oz.  to  2  gal.  water  increases  infection  (Gloyer  and 
Glasgow,  '24). 

"Hochst  mittel,"  according  to  Hertel  ('26)  re- 
duces infection  considerably,  but  Blunck  ('28) 
found  that  150  gms.  per  sq.  m.  of  soil  is  ineffective. 
He  also  found  Elhardt's  Wurzelschuts  and  ftorium 
(150  g.  per  sq.  m.)  to  be  of  little  value  against  club 

Copper  carbonate  is  reported  to  be  fairly  effective 
by  Naumov  ('27)  and  an  anonymous  worker  in  the 
U.  S.  ('22),  but  Vladimirskaya  ('30)  got  only  par- 
tial control  with  it. 

Red  copper  oxide  is  fairly  effective,  according  to 
Naumov  ('27)  and  McLeod  and  Howatt  ('34). 

Lime  copper  dust  increases  infection,  according  to 
Gloyer  and  Glasgow  ('34). 

Sodium  carbonate,  3,000  lbs.  per  acre  is  ineffec- 
tive, according  to  Halsted  ('96).  Lindfors  ('24) 
confirmed  Halsted's  results,  but  Naumov  ("27)  and 
Vilkaites  ('33)  found  it  to  be  slightly  effective. 

Bordeaux  mixture  alone  in  amounts  up  to  5,280 
gals,  per  acre  or  mixed  with  corrosive  sublimate  has 
little  or  no  effect  on  club  root,  according  to  Halsted 
('96,  '99),  but  later  an  anonymous  worker  (U.  S.  A., 
'22)  reported  it  to  be  effective. 

Sodium  chloride,  300  to  600  lbs.  per  acre,  has  no 
appreciable  effect  on  club  root,  according  to  Hal- 
sted ('96).  Naumov  ('97),  however,  found  that  cal- 
cium and  barium  salts  (KmCO;,,  NaOH,  KOH,  and 
Ba(OH)o)  are  to  some  degrees  effective,  while 
CaCU  and  BaCU  are  of  little  value.  Wellman  ('30), 
on  the  other  hand,  reported  that  K'^COs  does  not  in- 
hibit club  root. 

Radium,  x-rai/,  and  ultraviolet  light  treatments 
are  reported  by  Petri  ('24)  to  be  effective  in  reduc- 
ing club  root  infection. 


Liming  the  soil  before  planting  appears  to  be  the 
most  widely  used  and  practical  control  measure  in 
the  field,  although  numerous  workers  have  failed  to 
secure  satisfactory  results  by  such  treatment.  Who 
first  discovered  the  efficacy  of  lime  is  not  known,  but 
Ellis  reported  that  before  1742  farmers  in  England 
had  been  using  clay  or  marl  for  dressing  diseased 
fields  before  planting  turnips.  In  1831   Farquahar- 
son  advocated  the  addition  of  powdered  lime  shells 
to  manure  before  using,  while  Abbay  (1831)  recom- 
mended the  addition  of  256  bushels  of  "knottingsley" 
lime  per  statute  acre  as  a  control  measure.  Subse- 
quent workers,  including  Anderson    ('55),   Hunter 
('57),  A.  Voelcker  ('59),  and  Henderson  ('67),  of 
this  early  period  also  noted  the  great  prevalence  of 
club  root  in  lime-free  soils  and  reported  varying  de- 
grees of  control  with  the  addition  of  lime,  ground 
oyster  shells,  and  flour  of  bone  to  the  soil,  but  they 
found  tliat  the  effectiveness  of  these  substances  varied 
markedly  and  that  all  kinds  of  lime  were  not  equally 
effective.  At  the  close  of  the  19th  century  numerous 
other  pathologists,  including  J.  A.  Voelcker   ('94), 
Evcleshvmer  ('91),  Sommerville  ('94-97),  Massee 
('95),  Halsted  ('96-99),  Seltensperger  ('96),  Pot- 
ter  (■96-'97),  Sitensky   ('98),  Gilchrist  ('98-'00), 
L.  R.  Jones  ('01 ),  and  others  reported  varying  bene- 
ficial results  from  the  use  of  lime.  Halsted.  in  par- 
ticular, carried  out  an  extensive  series  of  tests  in 
America,  and  after  seven  years  of  field  experimenta- 
tion concluded  that  air-slaked  lime  at  the  rate  of  75 
bushels  per  acre  was  commercially  satisfactory  as  a 
control  measure.  Later,  however,  Cunningham  ('14) 
reported  that  150  bu.  per  acre  were  necessary  for 
effective  control.   Extensive  experiments  along  the 
same  line  were  carried  out  in  Denmark  by  Ravn  and 
his  associates  ('02-'ll)  with  calcium  carbonate  and 
calcium    oxide    in    quantities    varying    from    2.5    to 
nearly  10  tons  per  acre.  They  found  that  the  largest 
treatments  were  the  most  effective,  and  although  in- 
fection still  occurred  the  crops  produced  were  com- 
mercially satisfactory.  Following  these  long-time  ex- 
periments of  Halsted  and   Ravn,  beneficial  results 
from  the  use  of  lime  in  the  field  have  been  reported 
by  numerous  workers,  including  the  following:  Dia- 
kanoff     ('11),     Brick     ('13),     Cunningham     ('14), 
Georgeson    ('16),    Bos    ('18),   Weiss    ('18),    Popp 
('19),  Miiller-Thurgau  and  Osterwalder  ('19,  '23). 
Janson  ('20),  Whitehead  ("22,  '36),  Jorstad  ('23). 
Katterfeld  ('23),  Harter  and  Jones  ('23),  Bremer 
('23-24),   Hollrung   ('23),  Anony.    (Nova   Scotia, 
'23),  Montietli    ('24),   Darnell-Smith    ('24),  Lind- 
fors  ('24),  Kindshoven   ('24),  Naumov   ('25,  '27), 
Tennent  ('25,  '30),  Siemaszko  ('25),  Riehm  ('25). 
Gleisberg    ("26),    Tessenow    ('26),    Vaughan    and 
Wellman  ('26),  Appel  ('27),  Chupp  ('28),  :Martin 
('28,  '34),  Blunck   ('28),  Wellman    ('30),   Rabbas 
('30),   Gibhs    ('31,   '32),   Anony.    (Germany,   '31), 
Kreuzpointer  ('31),  Beaumont  and  Staniland   ('33, 
■34),    Nielsen    ('33),    Wilson    ('34),    Potts    ('35). 

(  I.I  H   HOOT  OK   <  nil  IFERS 


ArktT  ^'.'J.">).  IJroMii  (,'."i7).  Murpliy  (^'■"(7)  .-ind  l$rn- 
m-tt  ('3!»). 

On  tlu-  otluT  liaiul,  unsatisfactory  and  incoiu'lu- 
sivo  results  from  tlu-  uso  of  linio  as  a  control  meas- 
ure have  been  reported  l)y  the  followiiifi:  workers: 
Potter  ('in).  Hiltner  ('08).  Naiiniaiin  ('12.  '13). 
Appel  and  Schlumberfier  ('13).  Sehliiniberger  (It). 
I'ettera  ^' 1  7  ).  .lanson  ('20),  Kjrirenieyer  ( '20),  \'iel- 
hauer  ('20).  Vogel  ("22).  Whiteliead  ('22).  I.indfors 
('21-),  Ksmarch  ("2.5).  Korff  and  Boninp;  ('27), 
Flachsaiid  Kronberger  ("30),  Vilkaitis  ("33),  Motte 
('33),  Bailie  and  Miiskett  ('33).  and  .Tanialainen 

The  .■iniount  of  lime  used  and  reeominended  by 
many  of  these  workers  varies  greatly,  and  this  may 
partly  explain  some  of  the  inconsistencies  in  the  re- 
sults obtained.  The  investigators  listed  below  have 
used  and  advocated  the  following  quantities  of  lime 
in  the  control  of  club  root: 

.\bluiy  (1831),  :?.5(i  bu.  per  ;nre. 

Hunter  ("-i').  14— 1(>  tons  per  acre. 

Sommerville  ('!U),  "DO  lbs.  per  acre  in  drill.s  witli  seed. 

.1.  A.  Voelcker  (94),  2  tons  ))er  acre. 

Stewart  ('9.5),  90  bu.  per  acre. 

Mathleii-Sanson  ("9").  400  liters  per  acre. 

Hawk  ('98),  ()-8  tons  per  acre. 

Mc.Mpine  ('03),  0.3-'-0.(>7  liters  per  sij.  in. 

I.aubert  ("0.5),  1..5  kp.  per  sq.  m. 

Seliluinherjrer  (14),  --3  kjr.  per  sq.  ni. 

Hurkart  ('lo),  0.5-0.0'  fnn.  per  sq.  m. 

Neper  ("l"),  0.5-1.0  kp.  ))er  sq.  ni. 

Triesehmann  ("17),  ;?-3  kp.  per  sq.  m. 

Popp  ('19),  0.5-0.6  kp.  per  sq.  m. 

Biibner  ("--),  1.4  kp.  per  sq.  m. 

Hosterinann  and  Noak  ("J3),  0.5-0.6  kp.  per  sq.  ni. 

Darnell-Smith  ("-4),  1.50  bu.  per  acre. 

Herpers  {'-H),  O.ij  kp.  i)er  sq.  m. 

Beyer  ('-5),  0..5  to  0.6  kp.  i)er  sq.  m. 

Tessenow  (':J6),  400  pms.  (ler  sq.  m. 

Gleisberp  {'26),  0.5-0.6  kp.  per  sq.  ni. 

Kirsebner  ('27),  l-J  kp.  per  sq.  m. 

Blunek  ('i?9),  1-2  kp.  per  sq.  m. 

.\lbert  ('31),  1—4  tons  ])er  acre. 

Anony.  (Australia,  "40),  2  tons  bydrated  lime  per  acre. 

Stubbs  ("41),  1-2  tons  per  acre. 

The  majority  of  workers  listed  above  did  not 
specify  the  kind  of  lime  used,  and  it  is  im])ossible  to 
determine  whether  they  used  pure  calcium  hydrate, 
air-slaked  lime,  carbonate  of  lime,  etc.,  or  calcium 
cyanamide.  Since  all  kinds  of  lime  are  not  equally 
effective  in  controlling  club  root  many  of  the  differ- 
ences in  results  reported  in  the  literature  arc  doubt- 
less due  to  tliis  factor.  .Soil  difl'erences.  degree  of 
spore  infestation,  environmental  conditions,  soil 
moisture,  variations  in  technique  and  time  of  lime  ap- 
plication before  ))lantiiig,  use  of  manure  and  acid 
fertilizers  with  lime,  etc.,  are  factors  which  may  in- 
fluence the  effectiveness  of  lime,  and  unless  they  are 
kejit  as  constant  as  possible  in  cx|)erimental  work, 
ditfereiices  in  results  are  certain  to  occur.  That  such 
factors  are  im))ortant  is  well  shown  by  the  jirecaii- 
tions  reconnnended  for  the  use  of  lime.  Schlumberger 
('14),  for  instance,  claimed  that  lime  is  effective  only 

it  the  soil  is  thoroughly  ;ur,iti(l  at  the  time  of  .ippli- 
c.-ition,  while  I.arscn  and  Walker  ('SI)  rcjiorted  that 
acr.-ition  in  relation  to  liming  increases  infection. 
They  also  found  that  fluctuations  of  soil  moisture  at 
a  relatively  low  moisture  content  influenced  the  de- 
gree of  infection  in  limed  soils.  A|)pel  .-iiul  .Schlum- 
berger (11)  noted  liming  becomes  less  effective 
on  a  given  i)lot  the  second  year,  and  I.indfors  ('21-) 
.asserted  that  lime  is  ineffective  if  the  disease  is 
already  present.  If  not,  lime  is  a  good  club  root  in- 
hibitor. Murphy  ('27)  m;iintained  that  lime  does  not 
take  effect  until  the  tliird  or  fourth  year  after  a])- 
l>lication,  and  Kreuzpointer  ('29)  stated  that  lim- 
ing .ind  other  control  measures  are  worthless  if  stable 
and  liquid  manure  are  used  in  conjunction.  All  of 
these  re])orts  as  well  as  others  to  be  found  in  the  lit- 
erature, show  that  several  factors  operate  and  iiiHii- 
ence  the  inhibitory  properties  of  lime. 

Some  of  the  workers  who  have  specified  the  kind 
and  quantity  of  lime  used  are  listed  in  table  3,  which 
is  obviously  very  incomplete  because  much  of  the 
Euro))ean  and  Asiatic  literature  has  not  been  avail- 
able since  the  jiresent  war  began.  Table  3  shows 
quite  clearly  that  the  amount  of  lime  used  and  rec- 
ommended as  well  as  the  effects  produced  vary 
greatly.  Calcium  hj'drate  is  generally  believed  to  be 
the  most  effective,  but  Walker  and  I.arsen  ('3.5) 
found  that  calcium  cyanamide  is  about  twice  as  effec- 
tive as  Ca(OH)^.  in  reducing  infection  in  cabbages. 
Martin  ('31')  and  Haenselcr  and  Moyer  ('37)  have 
likewise  found  calcium  cyanamide  to  be  effective 
when  used  alone,  and  when  used  in  combination  with 
calcium  hydrate  the  decrease  in  clubbing  was  even 
greater.  Wellman  ('30)  got  complete  inhibition  with 
calcium  hydrate,  and  found  that  limes  consisting  of 
CaCO-.,  and  CaSO^  ■  'ZH.^O  are  not  good  club  root 
inhibitors.  On  the  other  hand,  limes  which  are  of  CaO 
or  C'a(OH)2  composition  are  good  inhibitors.  The 
effectiveness  of  air-slaked  lime  varies  greatly.  The 
relative  amounts  of  hydrate  and  carbonate  in  air- 
slaked  lime  varies  considerably  depending  on  the 
conditions  under  which  the  oxide  is  slaked,  and  this 
factor  doubtless  influences  its  effectiveness.  Burnt 
quick  lime  (CaO)  is  usually  beneficial,  but  calcium 
carbonate  is  generally  regarded  as  ineffective.  Al- 
though Massee  and  Carricklee  reported  gas  lime  to 
be  inhibitory  it  has  been  found  to  be  of  little  or  no 
value  (  Halsted,  '96-'99).  Calcium  chloride  not  only 
fails  to  arrest  club  root  infection  but  also  reduces  the 
croj)  materially.  Raw  ground  limestone  is  rc|)orted  to 
be  effective  (I,.  R.  .lones,  '01),  but  Wellman  ('30) 
found  no  inhibitory  effects  by  its  use.  Later,  however, 
I.arscn  and  Walker  ('S^)  rejiorted  that  finely  ground 
dolomitic  limestone  distinctly  inhibited  infection 
when  a))|)lied  in  sufficient  quantity  to  bring  the  jiH  up 
to  ().9.  .ind  completely  i)reveiited  infection  at  |)H  7.2 
and  7.6. 

In  Germany  and  other  countries  of  Euroi)c  a  jiat- 
ented  preparation  called  Steiner's  remedy,  consist- 
ing of  relative  ))ro])ortions  (Popp,  '19b)  of  lime, 
ashes,  and  refuse  or  waste,  has  been  used  with  con- 
siderable success  in  controlling  club  root.   In  addi- 





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tioii.  it  is  sjiid  to  lead  to  a  more  richly  liraiu-lu'd  and 
(ilaiiuntous  root  systciii  on  tin-  host  (Apptl  and 
Si-lilunilicrgcr,  '13.  '  1  I- :  MiilK-r  and  Osfirwaldcr, 
'■_';!).  It  is  jifiicrally  applii-d  10  cms.  deep  on  infested 
soil  (Nauniann. '13  ;  ."^chllnnl>erger.  1  I- ;  1  liltner  .ind 
KortV.  'Ki:  l'oj)p.  '1!»;  and  Hosterni.-nin  and  Noak. 
'23).  or  at  the  rate  of  1.000  cu.  in.  per  hectare.  Nau- 
mann  (12.  '13),  Schlumbcrger  (1  0-  Hiltner  and 
Kortf  ('16),  Ncger  ('17),  Popp,  Schmid  ('19), 
.^eliatfnit  .-md  I.ustner  ('20).  Hiisterniann  and  Xoak 
^'23).  and  others  have  rel)ortid  iuiieficial  ert'eets 
from  the  use  of  this  prej)ar;ition.  .\))l)el  and  .Schlum- 
bcrger ('13.  '\i).  however,  found  it  to  he  unsatisfac- 
tory, and  claimed  that  its  ett'ectivcness  is  dependent 
to  a  large  degree  on  the  weatlier.  While  .Steiner's 
remedy  has  proven  to  be  fairly  cflfective  in  control- 
ling club  root,  the  detailed  and  bothersome  method  of 
preparing  and  ai)])lying  it  as  well  as  the  high  cost  of 
materials  and  transportation  have  not  made  it  po))u- 
lar  and  connncreially  profit.-ible. 

.\s  to  the  most  suitable  time  and  method  of  ap])ly- 
ing  lime  for  club  root  control  various  i)ractiees  and 
recommendations  are  to  be  found  in  the  literature. 
Eydeshymer  ('91),  Halsted  ('96.  '97),  Laubert 
('0.5).  Schlumberger  ('!!■),  Chupp  ('25)  and  Ko- 
blischek  ('29)  advocated  application  3  to  6  months 
before  planting,  wliile  Erickson  ('26)  recommended 
6  to  IS  months.  Ciibbs  ('32)  found  that  if  ])lanting 
took  ])lace  too  soon  (less  than  3  months)  after  lim- 
ing, club  root  occurred  2^  .j-i  inches  below  tlie  sur- 
face, while  in  fields  planted  12  months  after  liming 
infections  were  present  only  at  9—1 1  Yo  inches.  Gibbs 
accordingly  advised  at  least  3  and  up  to  12  months 
between  ])lanting  and  liming.  As  to  the  method  of 
application.  .Sommerville  ('94).  Seltens])erger  ('96), 
Roger  ('12).  Koblischek  ('29),  and  others  recom- 
mended drilling  lime  in  with  the  seed  or  apjilying  it 
directly  to  the  plant  holes  at  the  time  of  trans])lant- 
ing.  According  to  Ravn  ('12,  '13)  it  is  immaterial 
whether  the  lime  is  hoed  in  or  plowed  under.  Since 
infection  appeared  to  be  [jrevented  to  the  depth  to 
which  lime  penetrates.  Cunningham  (1  l)  advocated 
mixing  the  lime  down  to  6  to  9  inches  in  the  soil. 
Miiller  and  Osterwalder  ('23)  also  advised  a  thor- 
ougli  mixing  of  lime  and  soil. 

The  manner  in  which  lime  o])erates  against  club 
root  is  not  very  well  understood.  .Most  workers  have 
believed  that  it  prevents  spore  germination  by  rais- 
ing the  H-ion  concentration  of  the  soil,  since  the 
spores  germinate  more  readily  in  acid  media,  accord- 
ing to  inimerous  investigators.  Likewise,  it  has  been 
reported  that  infection  rarely  occurs  above  pH  7.2  to 
7.1-  (  Chup|).  '28).  That  an  increase  in  ))H  is  not  the 
sole  determinating  factor  is  indicated  by  the  re])ort 
of  Honig  ('31)  that  spores  will  germinate  equally 
well  in  alkaline  media,  and  by  the  fact  that  club  root 
may  occur  in  a  high  ))H  environment.  Whether  or  not 
lime  has  a  direct  toxic  and  lethal  effect  on  the  resting 
spores  is  uncertain.  Bremer  ('2:})  refuted  this  idea, 
but  later  Whitehead  ('36)  claimed  that  lime  is  toxic. 
Naumov  ('27)  found  that  calcium  hydrate  has  no  im- 
munizing effect  on  cabbage,  and  concluded  that  its 

ecuitroUing  efieet  is  due  to  direct  .action  on  the  ])ara- 
site  itself.  .Seedlings  which  had  been  grown  for  two 
months  in  sterile  soil  with  ;i  very  higli  lime  content 
were  as  susceptible  .as  the  controls  when  tr.insferred 
to  infested  soil.  Naumov  .also  found  tli.-it  s.ilts  of 
other  metals,  p.articularly  b.irium  and  magnesium, 
have  a  controlling  etVcct.  and  from  these  exi)eriments 
he  concluded  that  the  deciding  factor  in  the  inhibi- 
tory action  of  the  salts  on  the  parasite  is  not  so  much 
on  the  nature  of  the  metallic  ion  as  the  presence  of 
free  hvdroxyl  ions  in  the  soil.  In  the  case  of  calcium 
cvan.'imide.  Walker  and  I.arsen  ('St)  stated  its 
toxicity  is  not  due  only  to  the  basic  substances 
formed  from  it  but  also  to  the  CHo  anions  in  the  soil 
before  hydrolysis  is  comi)letc. 

Basic  Fertilizers 

While  the  nature  of  the  inhibitory  effect  of  lime  is 
not  clearly  known,  it  is  nonetheless  obvious  from 
experimental  work  that  lime  makes  the  soil  environ- 
ment unfavorable  for  club  root  infection  and  develop- 
ment. Any  fertilizer,  therefore,  which  neutralizes 
this  effect  is  to  be  avoided.  The  selection  of  a  fertil- 
izer to  be  added  to  the  soil  previously  or  sown  with 
the  seed  determines  to  a  great  extent  whether  or  not 
liming  will  be  effective.  Acid  fertilizers  in  general 
and  J)articularly  superphosphates,  basic  su])erphos- 
jjhates.  superphosphates  and  carbonate  of  lime, 
turnip  manures,  etc..  have  been  found  to  nullify  the 
effects  of  lime  and  stimulate  club  root.  The  substitu- 
tion of  basic  fertilizers  and  their  use  with  lime  is  ac- 
cordingly essential  and  has  been  widely  advocated 
and  l)racticed.  A  review  of  the  literature  shows,  how- 
ever, that  the  results  have  not  always  been  strikingly 
beneficial  or  commercially  satisfactory.  In  t.ible  i 
are  listed  the  most  commonly  used  of  these  fertilizers 
and  their  effect  on  club  root. 

In  addition  to  the  fertilizers  listed  in  table  1  oth- 
ers have  been  used  with  varying  success.  Calcimn  and 
potassium  nitrate  give  favorable  results,  according 
to  Brezhnev  ('31').  Kindshoven  ('21',  '28)  likewise 
secured  good  results  from  calcium  nitrate  when  used 
at  the  rate  of  50  gms.  per  sq.  m.  of  soil.  Sodium  ni- 
trate is  effective  when  used  in  combination  with  lime, 
according  to  Murphy  ('27). 

Animnnium  sulfate  is  ineffective  as  a  fertilizer  in 
combating  club  root,  according  to  \\'hitchead  ('25) 
and  Osterwalder  ('29). 

Mar/nesium  carbonate  reduces  infection  in  well- 
w.itered  soil  when  used  in  sufficient  amounts  to  raise 
the  ])H  to  7.0  and  usually  inhibits  the  disease  at  pH 
7.2  or  above  (  Larsen  and  Walker.  '31). 

(ii/psum  stimulates  the  development  of  club  root, 
according  to  I.indfors  ('2  J),  and  in  the  o|)inion  of 
\\'ellman  ('30)  is  comi)letcly  ineffective  as  a  control. 

"Schlick"  or  ore  slime  is  a  good  fertilizer  to  be 
used  against  the  disease,  according  to  Hayung.a  ( '12, 
'I.')).  .\i)|)el  and  Schlumberger  (13),  and  Schaffnit 
and  I.ustner  ('20). 



Table  4.  Showing  the  effects  of  basic  fertilizers  on  the  control  of  club  root. 

Arker  ("35) 
Blunck  CJ9) 
Deutelmoser  (,'-20) 
Eriksson,  '13 

Farsky,  '^^6 

Flachs  and  Kron- 
berger  ("30) 

Gibbs  {'32) 

Halsted,  '95-99 

Hayuna, '1-\'19 
Hiltner,  "08 
Hiltner,  KorfT, '16 
Kindshoven,  '2i,  '2S 

Kreuzpointer,  ':?3 
Magin,  '02 
Miller,  '23 
Motte,  '33 
Murphy,  '27 

Naumann,  '13 

Osterwalder,  '29 
Schmidt,  '-22 
Vogel,  '22 

Wagner,  '09 

Whitehead,  '35 

Kainit  (potash) 
Favorable  results 

2,000  kg.  per  hectare — 

Favorable  results 

500,  1,000,  2,000  lbs.  per 
acre — poor  results 

Favorable  results 

Unfavorable  results 

Inconclusive  results 

Unsatisfactory  results 

Basic  slag 
Favorable  results 

Favorable  results 

Basic  slag  -\-  lime — 
favorable  results 

Calcium  hydroxide 
and  calcium 

Unfavorable  results 

Calcium  hydroxide 
and  waste 


Good  results 

Basic  slag  +  lime — 
effective  control 

8-12  kg.  per  acre  -|-  lime 
— good  results 

Favorable  results 

Favorable  results 

Favorable  results 

More  or  less  unfavor- 

Unfavorable  results 

Favorable  results 

More  or  less  unfavor- 

8-18  kg.  per  acre  -f-  lime 
— good  results 

Favorable  results 

Haage's  remedy  has  been  found  to  be  of  little 
value  by  Appel  and  Schlumberger  (13)  and  Nau- 
mann (13). 

Superphosphate  fertilizer  stimulates  club  root  de- 
velopment, according  to  Ravn  ('10,  '12),  Osterwal- 
der ('29)  and  Gibbs  ('32).  but  McAlpine  ('03)  and 
Flachs  and  Kronberger  ('30)  reported  favorable  re- 
sults from  its  use. 

Jassen's  remedy  (calcium  carbide  dust  and  cal- 
cium cyanamide)  is  ineffective,  according  to  Miiller- 
Thurgau  and  Osterwalder  ('23). 

Saltpeter,  superphosphate  and  potash  as  a  combi- 
nation fertilizer  increases  turnip  yields,  according  to 
Ravn  (10).  but  also  stimulates  club  root  develop- 

Various  kinds  of  ashes  have  also  been  tried  as  fer- 
tilizers in  relation  to  club  root,  with  varvinij  success. 

Lime,  peat,  and  briquett  ashes  are  effective  accord- 
ing to  Ponkler  ('96),  Mathieu-Sanson  ('97),  Seel- 
hoff  ('12),  K.  M.  ('19)  and  Straube  ('22).  Wood 
ashes  were  reported  by  N.  N.  ('93),  Massee  ('96) 
and  Katterfeld  ('23)  to  be  effective  against  club  root, 
but  Halsted  ('96,  '99)  and  Schlumberger  ('14) 
found  them  to  be  useless. 

The  beneficial  effects  of  alkaline  fertilizers  as  con- 
trasted with  acid  ones  on  club  root  has  been  shown  in 
experiments  involving  so-called  complete  fertiliza- 
tion. Kindshoven  ('21)  succeeded  in  reducing  infec- 
tion from  30  per  cent  to  2  per  cent  by  application  of 
an  alkaline  fertilizer  consisting  of  calcium  cyana- 
mide, basic  slag  and  40  per  cent  jjotash  at  the  rate  of 
50  gms.  per  sq.  meter.  Honig  ('31 )  likewise  got  strik- 
ing results  in  comparing  the  effects  of  alkaline  and 
acid  fertilizers  on  infection  of  kohlrabi  in  pots  of 
heavily  infested  soil,  as  is  shown  below.   HOt)T  OF   (lll'l  Il'KHS 


Alknliiie  of  infet-tion 

5.55  gms.  sodium  nitrate 0-20 

10.50      "      basic  slaj; 
13.11      "      calcium  carlionatc       "      jiotasli 

i.-2     gm.s.  ammonium  sulfate 

8.9+      "      supcrphosiihate    90-100 

17.S4      "      jTj-psum 
5.J5      "      Kainit 

Controls    26-  31 

Plants  treated  witli  tlie  alkaline  fertilizers  showed 
0  to  20  i)er  cent  infection,  while  those  watered  with 
acid  fertilizers  were  !»0  to  100  |)er  cent  infected. 

(iihhs  ('32)  also  found  a  marked  ditierence  in  cluh 
root  development  when  basic  slag  was  compared  with 
superphosphate  in  conjunction  with  lime,  as  is  shown 
below:  Percentage  of  Infection 

Seeds  drilled  Seeds  drilled 
with  basic  with  super- 
Treatment                            slag  phosphate 

Control — no  lime   59  95 

3  tons   commercial   ground 

limestone  per  acre 23  53 

3  tons  superfine  ground  lime- 
stone per  acre 10  87 

2  tons  air-slaked  lime  ])er  acre             0  78 

2  tons  burnt  lime  per  acre  ...             0  36 
2  tons  water-slaked  lime  per 

acre   3  82 

Kirschner  ('27)  has  likewise  advocated  the  use  of 
comjilete  hasic  fertilizer  composed  of  basic  slag  and 
potassium  nitrate  in  conjunction  with  calcium  cyana- 
mide  to  control  club  root  in  the  field.  In  this  connec- 
tion may  be  noted  Pryor's  ('10)  study  on  the  effect 
of  sulphur,  nitrogen,  and  potassium  nutrition  on  club 
root  develoj)ment  in  suscejitible,  resistant  and  im- 
mune strains  of  crucifers  under  controlled  green- 
house conditions  in  Wisconsin.  Varying  nutrition  has 
a  pronounced  effect  on  disease  development  in  sus- 
ceptible plants  but  does  not  influence  resistance  in 
immune  varieties,  according  to  Pryor.  An  abundance 
of  potassium  or  nitrogen  and  a  deficiency  of  sulphur 
or  nitrogen  increased  the  disease  in  susceptible 
plants.  The  percentage  of  infection  was  decreased 
markedlv  by  a  jiotassium  deficiency.  In  the  case  of 
resistant  plants  club  root  was  increased  somewhat  by 
a  high  supply  of  nitrogen  ;  increased  further  by  a  de- 
ficiency of  sulphur  or  nitrogen,  and  definitely  de- 
crea.sed  by  lack  of  potassium. 

Soil  Drainage 

Since  club  root  is  frequently  most  severe  on  low. 
wet  and  water-logged  soils,  proper  soil  drainage  has 
often  been  advocated  as  an  effective  cure.  .Anderson 
('.5.5)  and  Ravn  ('08)  cited  several  instances  where 
club  root  had  been  markedly  checked  by  drainage, 
and  Montieth  ('21)  and  Naumov  ('33)  have  demon- 
strated by  controlled  experiments  that  crucifers  can 
be  grown  free  of  tlie  disease  in  tlioroughly  infested 

soil  by  keeping  the  soil  moisture  down  to  30  to  10 
per  cent  of  the  water-holding  capacity  ;  all  of  which 
indicates  the  effect  of  excessive  water  in  the  develop- 
ment of  club  root.  However,  there  is  considerable 
evidence  to  show  the  niainten.ince  of  proper  soil 
moisture  bv  drainage  is  not  in  itself  effective.  Severe 
clubbing  li.-is  often  been  found  on  liigii.  well-drained 
soil  and  in  fields  which  were  carefully  under-drained 
with  tile.  Furthermore,  Wellman  ('30)  has  shown 
that  club  root  may  occur  generally  in  roots  which  are 
exposed  to  only  18  hours  of  excessive  soil  moisture. 
During  the  last  two  decades  it  has  become  increas- 
ingly obvious  that  other  soil  fa<'tors,  relative  acidity, 
humus  content,  etc.,  are  involved  and  influence  the 
efficacy  of  drainage  as  a  curative  measure.  \\'liile  soil 
drainage  aerates  and  improves  the  physical  condition 
of  the  soil,  it  cannot  be  relied  upon  alone  as  an  in- 
Iiibitor,  but  must  be  used  in  conjunction  with  other 
control  measures  to  be  effective. 

Crop  Rotation 

Crop  rotation  is  now  generally  recognized  as  es- 
sential in  combination  with  other  control  measures 
against  club  root.  Since  the  type  of  soil  most  favor- 
able for  intensive  cultivation  of  crucifers  is  relatively 
limited,  farmers  and  gardeners  have  a  tendency  to 
grow  these  crojis  on  the  same  land  for  several  suc- 
cessive years.  If  club  root  is  present,  such  practice 
obviously  leads  to  heavy  infestation  with  fungus 
spores,  and  unless  stringent  control  is  exercised  the 
land  may  become  worthless  for  crucifers  within  a  few 
years.  "The  earlier  students  of  club  root,  including 
Heinzelmann  ('82),  Eycleshymer  ('91),  Laubert 
('0.5a),  Kock  (']]),  Burkhart  ('1.5).  and  I.udwigs 
('25)  advocated  only  2  to  3  years  between  successive 
crucifer  crops,  but  since  it  has  been  shown  that  the 
resting  spores  of  P.  Brassicae  may  remain  alive  in 
the  soil  without  hosts  up  to  7  and  8  years,  it  is  ob- 
vious that  a  long  rotation  period  is  necessary  for 
heavily  contaminated  fields.  Jorstad  ('23)  recom- 
mended 5  to  6  years,  Lindfors  ("21)  1,  Siemaszko 
("25)  -i  to  5,  De  Andres  ('29)  3,  Nielsen  ('33)  6  to  8, 
Motte  ('33)  7,  Fedorintschik('35)  1,  Gibbs  ('39)  6, 
and  .Stubbs  (H  )  1  years  or  more  between  successive 
crops  of  crucifers.  .Short  intervals  are  aiijiarcntly  in- 
effective if  Fedorintschik's  observations  that  soil  not 
))lanted  to  crucifers  for  seven  years  contain  enough 
viable  spores  to  infect  26.6  per  cent  asceptically 
grown  cabbage  seedlings  are  correct.  The  practice  of 
liming  during  rotation  is  of  questionable  v;ilue  in 
light  of  (iibb's  ('39)  observation  th.-it  the  addition  of 
lime  and  sulpluir  does  not  affect  sjiore  longevity. 
Crop  rot.ition  is  further  com|>licated  bv  the  fact  that 
wild  cruciferous  hosts  or  weeds  are  also  susccjitible 
to  club  root  and  may  keep  the  fungus  alive  during  the 
rotation  interval. 

\'arious  cro|)S  have  been  advocated  as  beneficial  in 
rotation.  Halsted  ('99)  reported  a  fivefold  increase 
in  turni))S  on  land  whicli  had  been  ])lante(l  to  buck- 
wheat the  previous  season,  but  these  beneficial  re- 
sults were  not  evident  the  second  year.  Pettera  ('17) 



maintained  tliat  Thysostetjia  virginica,  Achillea 
pharmica,  Astilbe  sp.,  and  Pi/rethrtim  have  an  in- 
hibitory effect  on  club  root  and  inactivates  the  spores 
within  three  years.  Miiller-Thurgau  and  Osterwalder 
('23)  also  found  that  the  spores  remain  viable  only 
three  years  if  beans  are  rotated  with  cabbage.  Ac- 
cording to  Murphy  ('27)  turnips  should  be  alter- 
nated with  carrots.  Blunck  ('29)  found  that  beans 
were  particularly  favorable  as  an  alternate  crop. 
Arker  ('35)  advocated  rotation  with  beets,  and 
Fedorintschik  recommended  rotation  with  grass  and 
clover  during  the  last  two  years  of  the  interval  to 
avoid  plowing. 

Eradication  of  Wild  Hosts 

Numerous  cruciferous  weeds  are  susceptible  to 
club  root,  as  Halsted  ('92-'99),  Ravn  ('08),  Cun- 
ningham ('I2,'ll.),Ssacharoff  ('16),Naumov  ('26), 
Gibbs  ('32),  Rochlin  ('33),  Jamalainen  ('36),  and 
others  have  shown,  and  these  hosts  may  harbor  and 
perpetuate  the  disease  in  the  absence  of  cultivated 
crucifers.  Infected  weeds  have  been  found  in  grass 
pastures,  wayside  ditches,  river  beds,  gardens,  and 
cultivated  fields  (Halsted,  '98  ;  Gibbs,  '32),  and  their 
presence  on  infected  soil  reduces  the  effectiveness  of 
crop  rotation  in  club  root  control.  Even  when  only  a 
few  weeds  are  present  in  infected  fields  enough 
spores  will  be  produced  and  perpetuated  to  infect 
subsequent  cruciferous  crops.  Eradication  of  wild 
crucifers  is  therefore  highly  essential  as  a  control 
measure  and  has  been  advocated  and  practiced  to 
some  extent  as  such,  but  in  certain  places  it  is  not  al- 
ways practical.  As  Gibbs  has  pointed  out,  eradica- 
tion is  impractical  in  cereal  grain  crops,  grass  lands 
and  pastures.  In  crop  rotation  on  cultivated  fields, 
eradication  is  obviously  important,  but  unless  it  is 
combined  with  other  control  measures  such  as  liming 
and  growing  resistant  varieties  of  crucifers  to  keep 
down  spore  multiplication,  its  effect  is  limited. 

Other  special  control  measures  involving  winter 
ridging  of  the  land  and  hilling  up  the  soil  around 
cabbage  stalks  have  been  practiced  without  consist- 
ent success.  In  the  autumn  of  1898  Halsted  plowed 
infected  plots  deeply  and  piled  the  soil  up  in  long 
2  ft.  higli  ridges  to  expose  the  spores  to  the  maximum 
weathering  during  the  following  winter  months.  Less 
clubbing  was  present  on  the  ridged  land  (31  per 
cent)  the  following  season  than  on  the  level  plots 
(38  per  cent),  but  the  small  difference  does  not 
justify  ridging  as  a  satisfactory  remedy  for  club 
root,  according  to  Halsted.  He  also  tested  the  eft'ect 
of  shading  on  the  disease  in  turni])s  and  found  that 
it  does  not  have  an  inhibitory  effect.  Hilling  up  the 
soil  around  cabbage  stalks  leads  to  increase  of  ad- 
ventitious roots  on  the  stalk  above  the  infected  por- 
tion, according  to  Cunningham  ('ll).  Such  adventi- 
tious roots  are  comparatively  free  of  clubbing,  and 
since  they  occur  above  the  diseased  and  useless  main 
root  the  nutriments  which  tliey  absorb  are  readily 
available  to  the  developing  heads.  Cunningham 
found  that  liilling  increased  the  yield  ten-fold   in 

some  plots  during  1912,  but  in  the  following  year  no 
beneficial  results  were  attained. 

Resistant  Varieties 

Cultivated  and  wild  crucifers  vary  in  degree  of 
susceptibility  to  P.  Brassicae,  and  several  cultivated 
strains  and  varieties  have  been  developed  which  are 
fairly  resistant  to  club  root.  A  certain  measure  of 
control  may  accordingly  be  achieved  by  the  cultiva- 
tion of  these  varieties.  Particularly  promising  are 
the  results  obtained  by  Olsson  ('39,  '40)  in  breeding 
resistant  varieties  of  swedes  and  turnips  in  Sweden. 
The  data  on  relative  degree  of  resistance,  however, 
are  often  conflicting,  and  in  certain  varieties  where 
some  investigators  have  reported  complete  immunity, 
others  have  found  100  per  cent  susceptibility.  These 
differences  in  results  are  doubtless  due  in  part  to 
variations  in  experimental  conditions  and  methods 
employed.  As  has  been  shown  elsewhere,  soil  types 
and  moisture,  H-ion  concentration,  number  of  spores 
in  the  soil,  etc.,  are  important  factors  in  infection, 
and  unless  they  are  kept  constant  in  experimental 
work,  it  is  diflicult  to  determine  the  inherent  degree 
of  susceptibility  or  resistance  of  a  particular  variety 
or  strain.  Doubtless  many  of  the  reported  cases  of 
immunity  relate  to  plants  which  have  escaped  infec- 
tion in  tlie  field.  The  literature  relating  to  varietal 
susceptibility  is  nonetheless  very  extensive,  and  in 
a  brief  treatise  of  this  nature  no  attempt  will  be  made 
to  enumerate  and  discuss  all  tlie  data  relative  to  this 

The  range  of  susceptibility  in  turnips  is  very  great 
and  some  varieties  are  reported  to  vary  from  100  per 
cent  susceptibility  to  almost  complete  resistance.  No 
varieties,  however,  have  been  developed  or  found 
which  are  consistently  immune.  Southern  Curley 
Top,  Rutabaga,  and  Large  Flat  Green  were  re- 
ported by  Cunningham  ('14)  to  be  particularly  sus- 
ceptible. In  the  first  named  variety  clubbing  was  so 
extensive  that  the  turnip  root  was  converted  into  a 
system  of  branched  hypertrophied  rootlets.  On  the 
other  hand,  the  following  commercial  strains  have 
been  reported  to  be  relatively  resistant : 

Bruce  Purple  Yellow  Top 

Bruce  Purple  Top  Yel-  Purple  Yellow  Top  Aber- 

low  deen 

Bruce  Wallace  Rutabaga 

Dale's  Hybrid  Scarlet  Kashmyr 

Early  Snowball  Seefeld 

Earlv  White  INIilan  Snowball 

Golden  Ball  Svaliiv's  Yellow  Tankard 

Green  Top  Victor 

Hinkenborstel  Weibull's  Immune 

Irvine's  Green  Top  Yel-  Weibull's  Sekel 

low  White 

May  White  Fleshed  May 

New  Bronze  Top  ^^'hite  Milan 

Ostersundom  Yellow  Aberdeen 

Pomeranian  Tankard  Yellow  Bruce 
Purple  Top  Milan 

cLfn  ROOT  or  imc  ikers 


l>y  Hiilsti-d  ('J»!>).  R.-ivn  (,'11).  Cunningliam  {'it), 
Anony..  (Nova  Si-otia.  :>3).  I-indfors  ('at,  '25), 
■r.iiiunt  ('•-'■). '30. '.•tn.Ciil.ks  ("31).  rindlay  ('31). 
Mad. rod  ('31).  Ihiidru'k  ('32).  Ik'.iuiiKiiit  and 
.•^taiiiland  ('33.  '31-).  Walker  and  I.arsiii  ('31.). 
WalkiT  (^'3(>).()lsson  ^'3!>.  'K)).  Hriv.liniv  ('3<t)  and 
Pryor  ("10).  Early  \\'ihte  Milan  and  Early 
Snowball  showi-d  only  1.1  per  cvnt  to  O.G  per  cent 
susoi'ptibility,  accordiiifi  to  t'unniniiliani. 

Swedes  in  general  .-ire  reported  to  l)e  more 
ant  tlian  turnijis.  but  tliey  exliiliit  a  wide 
ran<;e  of  .susceptibility  and  resistance,  'llie  following 

Balmoral  Ostergiita 

IJ.ingholm  Otofte 

Bangliolm  Hcrning  Sweet  German 

Bangliolin  .Studsgaard         .Sweet  Russian 
Danish  N'arieties  !■  and        White  Necklace 

'2ii  White  Russi.m 

Green  Top  Swedish  White  Swede 

Ma  j  rova  \\'ilheuisburger 


have  been  reported  by  Ravn  ('H).  Cunningham 
('1  t).  .\nony.,  (Nova  Scotia,  '23),  Lint'ors  ('21.,  '25), 
Whitehead  ('22,  '25).  Hockey  (•26).Gussow  ('26), 
Tenncnt  ('25.  '30.  '3I-),  Davis,  Griffith,  and  Evans 
('28).  Osterwaldcr  ('29).  Gibbs  ('31),  Findlay 
('31).  MacLeod  ('31).  Beaumont  and  Staniland 
('33.  '31).  Walker  and  I.arscn  ('31-).  Olsson  ('89. 
'40).  Bennett  ('39).  and  Pope  ('39)  to  be  relatively 
resistant.  Ravn  ('11).  I.indfors,  Ciiissow,  and  Pope, 
however,  found  that  the  so-called  resistant  Bang- 
iioLM  PfRPLE  Top.  Studsraard  Bangholm,  Wil- 
HELMsniRGER.  and  Yellow  Tankard  varieties  may 
be  100  ))er  cent  infected  and  completely  destroyed. 
Cabbages,  likewise,  show  a  wide  range  of  suscepti- 
bility to  club  root,  and  none  of  the  commercial  varie- 
ties are  highly  or  eomiiletely  resistant,  according  to 
Cunningham,  I.indfors,  \\'alker  and  I.arsen.  .lania- 
lainen,  and  others. 

.\11  Seasons  Dark  Red  Erfurt 

.\mager  Hvidkaal 

.\meriean  Savov  Mammoth  Red  Rock 

Blomkaal  Perfection  Savoy 

Braunsweig  Gribkova  Rodkaal 

Braunsweig  Hos  Hos  \'olga 

Brunswick  White  Russian 


have   been   reported   by    Ravn    ('08),   Cunningham 

('12.  'U).  Naumov  ('25,  '28),  Rochlin   ('33).  and 

Fedorintschik   ('35)  to  be  particularly  susceptible. 

-Ml  of  these  varieties  may  show  98  per  cent  to  100 

])er  cent  clubbing  in  badly  infested  soil.  On  the  other 


Blue  Large  Late  Flat  Dutch 

Bodenkohlrabi  Late  Moscow 

Bronka  Red 

Griinkaal  .Short  Stiinmed  Amager 

Henderson's  Early  Sum-    Slovianka 

mer  .Stone  Maxon 

Hollander  Valvatievka 

are  said  to  be  less  susceptible  (C'unuinghani,  '  1  !■ ; 
Hdstermann.  '22;  IL-irter  and  .Jones,  '2t;  Oster- 
waldcr. '29;  Tedin.  '3:i ;  Motte.  '33;  Fedorintschik, 
'3(1 ;  15re/,hnev  '39). 

U.idishes  are  also  very  susceptible  to  club  root, 
and  it  is  doul)tful  whether  any  eomi)letely  immune 
eonunereial  varieties  exist.  Halsted   ('99)    reported 

tJIANT     StI'TTCiART,     LoN(i     BlaI'K     Sl'ANISII,     NeW- 

coMu  White,  and  Yellow  Summer  Ti'rnip  to  be 
wholly  free  from  clubbing.  Cunningham  found  that 
susceptibility  varied  from  92.2  per  cent  in  Long 
Scarlet  Radish  to  5.6  jier  cent  in  Giant  Stutt- 
gart. In  addition  to  the  latter  variety.  Early  Scar- 
let Turnip,  Delikatess,  DHKiKNiiHrNNEN,  Im- 
mune, Long  Black  Paris  A\'inter,  Ruuin.  and 
Sa.xa  have  been  reported  by  Cuiuiingham  (ll), 
Gleisberg  ('23)  and  .Jamalainen  ('36)  to  be  fairly 

Other  commercial  cultivated  crucifers  have  not 
been  so  extensively  studied  for  varietal  resistance  as 
those  noted  above.  Cunningham  and  .Jamalainen 
found  all  varieties  of  kohlrabi  to  be  very  susceptible, 
but  Schatt'nit  reported  that  the  varieties  which  he 
studied  were  relatively  immune.  Honig  ('32)  tested 
five  varieties  of  kohlrabi  and  found  the  following 
incidence  of  infection:  (jelbe  Schmalz  7.3  per  cent, 
AVeisse  Schmalz  27.7  per  cent,  Weisse  Wester 
0  per  cent,  Gelbe  Wester  32.6  per  cent.  Apfel  gelb 
6.2  per  cent.  Among  Brussel  sjjrouts.  Hercules  is 
fairly  resistant  (.Jamalainen,  '36).  All  varieties  of 
cauliflower  are  equally  susceptible,  according  to 
Cunningham,  Lindfors,  and  Jamalainen.  Marrow 
Stem  and  Dreinenbrunnen  Curley  Kale  are  said 
to  be  highly  resistant  by  Osterwalder,  and  Beaumont 
and  .Stanland,  while  April  Queen  and  Victory 
broccoli  were  found  to  be  resistant  by  Bailie  and 
Muskett.  Rape  shows  almost  50  per  cent  susce]5tibil- 
ity.  according  to  Cunningham,  but  (ileisberg  re- 
ported it  to  be  immune  to  club  root.  Ssacharotf  and 
Rochlin  also  reported  B.  Napiis  var.  S.  esculenta  to 
be  immune.  One  variety  of  B.  Rapa  sliowed  100  per 
cent  susceptibility,  while  another  exhibited  only 
10.9  iJcr  cent  clubbing,  according  to  Cunningham. 
Gleisberg.  however.  re])orted  B.  rapa  to  be  unsus- 
cejitible.  Mustard  is  rejjorted  to  be  highly  susce])tible 
by  Hcistermann.  while  Cunningham.  Naumov.  Motte 
and  Rochlin  found  black  mustard  to  be  highly  resist- 
ant or  completely  immune.  Chinese  cabbage  sliows 
100  per  cent  suscejitibility.  according  to  Naumov  and 

Nature  of  Siisceptihility  and  Resistance. — The 
differences  in  degree  of  infection  exhibited  by  the 
wild  .ind  cidtivated  crucifer  varieties  listed  above 
were  believed  by  some  w-orkcrs  to  be  l)artly  due  to 
the  ))rescnce  of  more  or  less  virulent  biological 
strains  of  P.  Brasxicae  which  are  sjjceitic  for  certain 
hosts.  Considerable  doubt  has  been  ex))ressed  about 
the  presence  of  such  strains  and  it  is  rather  generally 
believed  that  relative  susceptibility  and  resistance 
are  largely  inherent  host  characters.  The  nature  of 
resistance  is  not  yet  well  understood,  but  .Ssacharoff 
believed  it  to  be  due  to  substances  in  the  cell  sap. 



He  found  that  resistance  was  correlated  with  a  low 
sugar  content  in  the  cell  sap  and  a  pungent,  bitter 
taste  of  the  expressed  juice,  while  the  cell  sap  of 
susceptible  plants  was  comparativel.v  rich  in  sugar 
content.  Whitehead  ('25),  however,  asserted  that  the 
factor  determining  resistance  is  not  related  to  total 
dry  matter  or  sugar  in  the  roots.  Further  observa- 
tions and  experiments  on  the  nature  of  resistance 
were  made  bj-  Rochlin  in  1933,  who  tested  i7  wild 
and  cultivated  species  belonging  in  11  genera  of  the 
Cruciferae  for  their  susceptibility  to  P.  Brassicae. 
He  found  that  the  reaction  varied  from  complete 
immunity  in  some  species  to  susceptibility  in  others, 
independently  of  their  taxonomic  position,  as  Cun- 
ningham had  previously  shown.  All  gradations  of 
susceptibility  occurred  in  one  and  the  same  genus. 
Rochlin  also  made  a  comparative  anatomical  study 
of  the  roots  of  numerous  species  and  found  that  in 
the  early  stages  of  growth  immunity  or  susceptibility 
is  not  correlated  with  any  marked  differences  in  root 
structure.  In  adult  plants,  however,  the  penetration 
and  spread  of  P.  Brassicae  is  hindered  to  some  de- 
gree by  the  development  of  cork  layers,  collenchyma, 
and  by  the  compact  structure  of  the  wood  layers. 

The  degree  of  resistance  exhibited  by  a  species  or 
variety  is  directly  correlated  with  tlie  amount  it  con- 
tains of  those  glucosides  which  on  fermentation  with 
my  rosin  produce  highly  pungent  mustard  oils,  ac- 
cording to  Rochlin.  Chief  among  such  glucosides  in 
crucifers  are  sinigrin  (particularly  abundant  in  B. 
nigra  and  horseradish  and  in  smaller  amounts  in 
Sinapsis  juncea,  B.  rapa,  B.  Napus,  etc.),  gluconas- 
turtiin  (in  Barharea  praecox  and  Nasturtium  offi- 
nale),  glucotrapaeolin  (in  Lepidium  sativum),  etc.), 
and  glucocochlearin  (in  Cochleari  officinalis).  Sina- 
blin,  a  glucoside  present  in  B.  alba,  which  does  not 
yield  a  pungent  mustard  oil,  was  found  to  be  of  no 
protection  against  infection  with  P.  Brassicae. 

An  indication  of  the  possible  use  of  active  gluco- 
sides or  their  derivatives  as  fungicides  is  shown  by 
the  results  obtained  by  Rochlin  in  a  small  experi- 
mental plot  in  which  seeds  of  tlie  very  susceptible 
Brunswick  cabbage  were  sown  in  highly  infected 
soil  in  pots,  some  of  which  were  abundantly  watered 
with  a  water  extract  from  B.  nigra  seeds.  Only  20 
per  cent  of  the  seedlings  became  infected  and  showed 
a  very  slight  swelling  of  the  roots,  while  all  the  con- 
trol seedlings  were  infected.  Considerable  doubt  has 
been  thrown  on  Rochlin's  theory  of  the  nature  of  re- 
sistance by  the  subsequent  studies  of  Walker  ('36), 
Walker,  Link,  and  Marcell  ('36).  These  workers 
found  that  some  collections  of  B.  nigra  are  very  sus- 
ceptible and  that  there  is  no  correlation  between  mus- 
tard content  and  resistance. 

From  the  practical  standpoint,  Rochlin  suggested 
the  possibility  of  controlling  club  root  b}'  crossing 
cruciferous  species  deficient  or  meager  in  active  glu- 
cosides with  those  which  contain  greater  amounts  of 
these  substances.  Pryor  investigated  this  possibility 
by  direct  experiments  involving  variation  of  the  mus- 
tard oil  content  of  crucifers  and  noting  their  sus- 
ceptibility to  the  disease.  All  mustard  oils  in  cruci- 

fers contain  sulphur  and  nitrogen,  while  their  gluco- 
sides also  contain  potassium.  Thus,  by  lowering  or 
increasing  these  nutrient  elements,  it  is  possible  to 
change  the  mustard  or  sulphur  oil  content  of  experi- 
mental plants.  From  the  results  obtained  by  this 
procedure,  Pryor  concluded  that  sulphur  oils  do  not 
inhibit  or  prevent  infection  and  development  of  club 
root  in  crucifers — thus  refuting  the  observations  of 

Geographical  Distribution  of  Club  Root  and 
Bibliography  of  Literature 

Club  root  is  now  world  wide  in  distribution,  and 
the  countries  from  which  it  has  been  reported  up  to 
the  present  time  are  listed  below.  The  number  of 
publications  on  the  occurrence,  distribution,  hosts, 
life-history,  cytology,  relationships,  eradication  and 
control  of  P.  Brassicae  and  club  root  is  quite  large 
and  many  of  them  are  to  be  found  in  local  journals 
which  are  not  readily  available.  In  the  bibliography 
which  follows  many  such  publications  have  doubt- 
less been  overlooked  and  omitted. 

Alberts,  H.  W'.  1930.  Rept.  Alaska  Agric.  Exp.  Sta. 

1930:  6. 
Georgeson.  1914.  Ibid.  191  i:  27.  1915,  Ibid.  1915: 

39.  1917,  Ibid.  1917:  8.  1919,  Ibid.  1919:  21. 

1927,  Ibid.  1927:  10. 


Marcliionatto,  J.  B.  1929.  Phys.  Rev.  Soc.  Argentina 
deCien.  Nat.  9:455. 


Anony.  1940.  Agr.  Gaz.  New  South  Wales  51:  559. 
Darnell-Smith,   G.   P.    1924.   Agric.   Gaz.   New   S. 

Wales  35:   180,  488. 
McAlpine,  M.  D.  1898.  Proc.  Linn.  Soc.  N.  S.  Wales 

1898:  82. 

.  1901.  Dept.  Agric.  Victoria  1901. 

.  1903.  Dept.  Agric.  Victoria  1903. 

Noble,  R.  J.  Intern.  Bull.  PI.  Protect.  5  :  202. 
Stubbs,  L.  L.  1941.  Jour.  Dept.  Agric.  Victoria  39: 



Anonymous.   1933.  Bundesant.  f.  Pflanzensch.  Mit- 

teil.   167. 
Kock,  G.  1911.  Landesamtbl.  Erzherogtums  Osterr. 

a.  d.  Enns  1911,  no.  1. 
Kornauth,   K.    1913.   Zeitschr.   Landw.   Versuchsw. 

Osterr.  17:395.  \915,  Ibid.  19:  180. 

1  In  a  paper  presented  before  the  December  29,  1941, 
meeting  of  the  American  Phytopatholofjical  Society, 
Dallas,  Texas,  W.  J.  Hooker  (see  Phytopathology  32:  9) 
reported  that  two  mustard  oils  (alhi  isothiocyanate  and 
beta  phenyl  ethyl  isothiocyanate)  were  consistently  effec- 
tive in  preventing  spore  germination  at  80  ppm.  and  some- 
times at  as  low  concentrations  as  10  ppm.  of  allyl  isothio- 
cyanate and  5  pi)m.  of  beta  phenyl  ethyl  isothiocyanate. 
Concentrations  of  both  oils  below  the  toxic  level  were  found 
to  be  capable  of  stimulating  spore  germination. 



I'ii-lilor.  r.  1!)1!».  Willi.  I.jindw.  Zt-it.  liUi):  ;i83. 
Stift,  A.   1!)0.").  iistiTr.  L'ngarisclu-  Zt-itsrlir.  Ziickcr 
II.   I.;milw.    l!tO.->:  !). 

Tcrby.  J.  l!>-':t.  M<ni.  Roy.  .Vcad.  Btlj;.  7:  1-28. 

• .  l!)-'ta.  Hull.  Hov.  Hot.  .Soi-.  Htljiiiim  .">(5:  18. 

.  li)2U).  Hull.  Hov.  -Vend.;.  .Tser.  10:  .-)li). 

.  15)32.  M(m.  Roy.  Acad.  Hclg.  11 :  120. 

Vanderyst,  H.  U)OK  Bull.  Agric.  20:  533. 


Nicoloff.   I.,  and  M.  Stefanova.   1922.  Zeiitralbl.   f. 
Agrikultiluiuic  .-)1  :  101-102. 

Anonymous.  15)23.  Rcpt.  Suiiorint.  Keiintville.  X.  S. 

Exp.  Sta.    15)22.   Canad.   Dept.   .\j;ric.    Domiii. 

Exp.  Farm. 
Clark.    J.     15)21.     Rept.     Superint.     Cliarlottetown, 

P.  E.  I.  Exp.  Sta.  1923.  Canad.  Uept.  Agric. 

Domin.  Exp.  Farm. 
Giissow.   H.   T.    1925.   Rept.    Domin.   Botanist  for 

1921.  Div.  Hot.  Canad.  Dtpt.  Agric.  pp.  27-28. 
Hockev.  J.  F.  1920.  Rept.  Domin.  Botanist  for  1925. 

Div.  Bot..  Canad.  Dept.  Agric.  pp.  29.   1927, 

Ibid.  1927:  28.  1928.  Ibid.  1928:  139. 
I.cdingham,  G.  A.  1931.  Nature  133:  531. 
McRostic.  G.   P.    1936.   Rept.   Canad.   Seed   Grow. 

Assn.  193.5-36:  31. 
Mcl.arty.  H.  R.   1929.  Rept.  Domin.   Botanist  for 

1928.  Div.  Bot.,  Canad.  Dept.  Agric.  p.  142. 
MacLeod.  D.  J.   1931a.  Rept.  Domin.  Botanist  for 

1930.    Div.    Bot.   Canad.    Dept.   Agric.   p.    25. 

1931b.  Ibid.  p.  181. 


Fetch,  T.  1906.  Trop.  Agric.  25:  839. 


Baudys,  E.  1911.  Zeitschr.  Pflanzenkr.  21:  342. 
Bubait.     F.     1902.     Zeitschr.     Landw.     Versuchsw. 

Osterr.  5:  675.  1901,  Ibid.  7:  731. 
Farsky.  O.  1926.  Ochr.  Rost.  6:  114. 
Kohnc.  1928.  Landw.  F'achpresse  Tschechoslow.  6: 

Milovidov.  P.  F.  1931.  Arch.  Protistk.  73:  1.  1933, 

Ibid.  81:   138. 
Nemec,  B.    1913.   Sekarske   Rozliledy.   Abt.   i.   Ira- 

munitat  u.  Seriol.  1913:  481. 
Schmidt.  1922.  Land.  u.  Forstw.  Mitt.  Bfilimen  1922: 

Sitensky.  F.   1896.  \'estnik.  kriil.  Ceske  .Spolecnosti 

naiik  Trida  Matem.  Proiodov.    1896:  8-20. 
Svec.  F.  1923.  Oehr.  Rost.  3:  18-19. 
Uzel.  H.  15)1  i.  Wiener  Landw.  Zeit.  1904:  917. 

— .  1907.  Zeitschr.  Pflanzkr.  17:  85. 

.  1908.  Zeitschr.  f.  Zuckerind  in  Biihrncn  32: 

622.  1910.  Ibid.  34:  349. 


Aiioiiyiuoiis.      li)22.     Stat.      I'orsoksvirk.      Pl.-mtek. 

Mcdd.  95:    1. 
Christensen,  O.  15)03.  \'ort  Laiidbrug.  22:  157. 
Christcnsen.   H.    R..    H.    Harder,  and    F.    K.    Ravn. 

1909.  Tidsskr.  Laiidbr.  I'lanteavl.  16:  430. 

.   1911.  Zeitschr.  i'llaiizciikr.  21:  424. 

Fcrdiiiandsen.  C.   li)_'3.  Tidsskr.  f.  Landkon.  1923: 

,   and   S.    Rostrup.    1921.    Tidsskr.    I.andbr. 

Planteavl.  27:  697. 
Gram,  E.,  and  S.  Rostrup.   1922.  Tidsskr.  Landbr. 

Planteavl.  24:  236. 
,   C.   A.   Jorgensen,   and   S.    Rostruj).    1928, 

Ibid.  34:  778. 
Hennings,  P.  1895.  Verb.  Bot.  \'ercin  Prov.  Bran- 
denburg 37:  LVIII.  1896. /6/V/.  38:  58.. 
.  1922.  Kgl.  Landtbr.  Akad.  Handl.  Tidsskr. 

1 922 :  26. 
Jorgen.sen,  C.  A.  1922.  Tidsskr.  Landbr.  Plant.  39: 

Mortensen.  M.  L..  S.  Rostrup.  and  F.  K.  Ravn.  1908. 

Tidsskr.  Landbr.  Plant.  15:  153.  1910. //«V/.  17: 

306.  1911.  Ibid.  18:  317. 
Motte,  M.  H.   1933.  Jour.  d'Agric.   Prat.  97:   177. 

1935,  Ibid.  99:  93. 
Nielsen,   N.   .1.    1933.   Tidsskr.   Landbr.   Plant.   39: 

,    and    C.    J.    Christensen.     1914.    Tidsskr. 

Landlingetspl.  21  :  87. 
Ravn,  F.  K.  1905a.  Dansk.  Landbrug.  1  :  39. 

.  1905b.  Gartner-Tidende  1905:  109. 

.   1905c.  Beret.   Foren.  Jyd.  Landbofor.  31: 

89.  1906.  Ibid.  32:  86.  1907,  Ibid.  33:  166. 
.    1907a.   Smaaskr.   udg.  of   Dansk   Landbr. 

.  1907b.  Beret,  om  lokale  Markforsoy  i  Jyl- 

land  1906:  85. 

.  1908.  Tidsskr.  Landbr.  Plant.  15:  527. 

.  1909.  Zeitschr.  Pflanzenkr.  19:  473.  1910a, 

Ibid.  20:  45. 
.    1910b.    Tidsskr.    Landbr.    Plant    17:    163, 

1911a.  Ibid.  18:357. 
.  1911b.  Biol.  Arb.   1.  Eng.  Warmung  1911: 

.   1913.  Zeitsclir.  Pflanzenkr.  23:   140.    1917, 

Ibid.  27:  141. 
,  and  A.  Madsen-Mygdal.   1906.  Udg.  of  de 

Samvirk  Landbofor.  i  Fyns  Stift,  p.  14. 

and  A.   Madsden-Mygdal.    15)09.   Zeitschr. 

Pflanzenkr.    19:    473. 
Rostrup,  E.  1871.  I.anilin.iiis-Blad  1871:  57.  71. 
.   1884.  Meddcl.   Bot.   Foren.   Kobenhavn   1: 

1  19. 
.   1891.  Tids.skr.  Landokon.  5  ser.   10:  498. 

1892,  Ibid.  11  :  326.  1893a.  Ibid.  12:  625. 

.  1893b.  Zeitschr.  Pflanzenkr.  3:  146. 

.  1891a.  Tidsskr.  I.andbr.  Plant.  1:  131. 

.  1891b.  Zeitsclir.  Pflanzenkr.  4:  285. 

.  1891c.  Bot.  Tidsskr.  19:  201. 

.  1896.  Tidsskr.  Landbr.  Plant.  3:  123. 



.   1897.  Zeitschr.   Pflanzeiikr.   7:    158.    1898, 

Ibid.  8 :  278. 
.  1899.  Tidsskr.  Landbr.  Plant.  6.  1900,  Ihid. 

7:  13-32.  1901, Ibid.  8:  109.  1902, Ibid.  9:  115. 

1903,  Ibid.  10:  3(31.  1901,  Ibid.  11:  395.  1905, 

Ibid.  12:  352.  1906,  Ibid.  13:  79. 


Adam,    E.    1789.    Practical   essays   on    agriculture, 

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.  1933.  Bull.  Min.  Asric.  Fish.  68.  1931,  Ibid. 

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Berkeley,  M.  J.  1856.  Gard.  Chron.  1856:  500. 
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Brown,  W.   1935.  Jour.  Pom.   13:  247.   1937,  Ibid. 

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1899/1900: 96. 
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1913.     County     Northumberland     Educ. 

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Holmes-Smith,  E.  1930.  Gard.  Chron.  89:  371.  1931, 

Ibid.  90:  35. 
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Preston,  N.  C.   1926.   Rept.  Advis.  Dept.  Harper 

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1932b.  Ibid.  92:  83. 
Smieton,  M.  J.   1939.  Jour.  Pomol.   17:   195.   1931, 

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3  ser.  5  :  808.  1 895,  Ibid'.  6 :  749. 
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cation. 1896/97: 39. 
Stephens.  1828/29.  Quart.  Jour.  Agric.  1:  429. 
Voelcker,  A.  1854.  .Tour.  Roy.  Agric.  Soc.  England 

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Wakefield,  E.  M.,  and  W.  C.  Moore.   1896.  Trans. 

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Anonymous.   1925.   Nachrichtenbl.   Deut.  Pflanzen- 

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Karsten,  P.  A.  1884.  Soc.  Fauna  et  Flora  Fennica 

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Marchand,  E.  F.  L.   1910.  C.   R.  Acad.  Sci.   Paris 

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Noel,  P.  1902.  Natur.  1902.  no.  374:  226. 

CU'll   1U)(>1'   1)1'   <  Ul(  IKEllS 


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Pinoy,  K.  1!»0.-).  C.  H.  .'^l>(■.  Hiol.  .58:  1010. 

^    .   1!)07.  Ann.  Inst.  P;istiiir  '-'1:  ()8(i. 

Prillioux.  v..  18!).>.  .Maladies  des  Plantes  Agricolis  1. 

Rcnard.  P.  1!)3.').  Vio  .\j;rif.  rur.  2  1- :  1()7. 
Siltciisporaer.   189(i.  Rev.  Mycol.  Frame   18!)(i:  2.*}. 
Vandcrvst;  H.  1901.  Bull.  I'.Vgric.  U)0i:  535. 
Vincont.  V.  H..  J.  Herviaux.  and  Coic.  1936.  C.  H. 

Acad.  Agrie.  Franco  '22 :  85 1 .  1938.  Ibid.  2 i :  83. 
Vcrcicr.  .1.  1930.  Rev.  Horti.  Paris  102:  86. 
Wcsdiiodcr.  1898.  Ibid.  70:  .>6(). 


Anonymous.  191  1.  Gartcmvclt  18:  96. 

.     1922a.    Prov.    Sachs.    Monatsclir.    Obst.-, 

Wcin.  -u.  Gartcnb.  33:  3  k  19221..  Ibid.  33:  50. 
.  1922c.  Prakt.  Ratg.  Olist.  -u.  Gartcnb.  37: 


.  1922d.  Handdsbl.  Deut.  Gartenb.  37:  180. 

.    1923a.   I.andw.  Woclienschr.  Westfalcn  u. 

I.ippe  80:  130. 
.  1923b.  Dcut.  Obst.  -u.  Gcnuiscbau  Zcit.  69: 


.  192:Jc.  Dcut.  Erwcrbsg.  1  :  92. 

.  1923d.  Prakt.  Ratg.  1923. 

.  1923e.  Wcgweis.  Obst.  -u.  Gartenb.  31:  67. 

.  1923f.  Prakt.  Obst.  -u.  Gartenb.  15,  no.  3. 

.    1926.    Landw.   Jahrb.   61,   suppl.    II:   67. 

1931.  Ibid.  71.  suppl.  1:  I-llO. 
.    1932.   Mitt.   Biol.   Reichanst.   f.   Land.  -u. 

Forstw.  43. 
-.  1939.  Landw.  .I.ihrb.  87:  567. 

Appcl.  O.  191  1.  Mitt.  d.  ^Lalirens  Landw.  Landes- 

vers.  Briim  1911:  39. 

.  1928.  Handbuch  der  Pflanzenkr.  2.  Berlin. 

• .  and  E.  Werth.  1910.  Mitt.  Kgl.  Biol.  Anst. 

Land.  -u.  Forstw.  10:  176. 
.  and  O.  Schlumberger.   1913.  Ibid.   11:   18. 

191  1.  Ibid.  15:  13. 
Arker.   H.    1935.    Naclir.   .Scliiid.    Bekanipf.    Lever- 

kusen   10:   162. 
Aue.  W.  1913.  Erfurt  Fuhrer  Obst.  -u.  Gartenb.  13: 

Bayer,  F.  1922.  Ibid.  22:  415. 
Becker.  J.  1912.  Schleswig-Holstein  Zeitsclir.  Obst. 

-u.  Gartenb.  1912:  3. 

.  1921.  Handbuch  der  (iemiisebau.  Berlin. 

.  1935.  D.iit.  Landw.  Presse  64:  588. 

Behla,  R.  1898.  Centr.ilbl.  Hakt.  Parasitk.  21:  829. 

.  1899.  Zeitsclir.  Hyg.  32:  133. 

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Beyer.  T.  1925.  Erf.  im  Obst.  -u.  Gartenb.  1925:  96. 
Blumberg.   1922.  Kleintierz.  u.  Gartenb.  47:  100. 
Blunck.  H.  1929.  (iartenbauw.  1  :  15  1. 
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Bottner.  1916.  Prakt.  Ratg.  Obst.  -u.  Gartcnb.  32: 

Bremer,  H.  1923.  Landw.  .lahrb.  59:  227. 

.     1921a.     Naciiriclitenbl.     Deut.     Ptlanzcn- 

schutzd.   I:   16.  1924b.  Ibid.  4:  73. 

.  1921c.  Landw.  .lahrb.  59:  673. 

.  1928.  Erfurt  Fiilircr  Obst.  -u.  {;,irt(iii>.  28: 

3  11. 
Brick,  f.   1912 
.     1913. 

.I.ihili.  Hamburg.  Wiss.  Anst.  30.    f.    PH.inzcnscli.    z.    IL-iiiiburg 

15:   1. 
Bronnle,  H.  1926.  Obst.  -u.  (iartenb.  72:  358. 
.    1928.   Raiffeisenbote,  Braunschweig   1928: 

Bruck.  C.  1912.  .lahrb.  Hamburg.  Wiss.  Anst.  30. 

.  1913.  Stat.  PHanzensch.  z.  Hamburg  15:  1. 

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Konigsberg  1873:   109. 

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Deutelmoser,  E.  1926.  Obst.  u.  Gemiisebau  72:  291. 
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Esmarch,  F.  1921.  Die  Kranke  Pflanze  1  :  169.  1925, 

Ibid.  2:  207. 
Feinberg,  L.  1901.  Ber.  Dcut.  Bot.  Ges.  19:  533. 

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Flaclis,  F.   1930.   Prakt.   Bl.   Pflanzenbau  u.  Pflan- 

zensch.  8 :  250. 

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F'rank,  A.  B.  1896.  Die  Pilzparasitaren  Kraiikheiten 

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.  1922a.  Xaehrbl.  Deut.  Pflanzenschd.  2:  89. 

1922b,  Ibid.  3:  10.  1923b.  Ibid.  4:  10. 
.  1926.  Obst.  -u.  Gemiisebau  72:  28. 

(Jretschel,  F.  1 9  Hi.  Prakt.  Ratg.  Obst.  -u.  Gartenb. 

31:  172. 
Gross-Schlachters.  \916.  Ibid.  31:  198. 
Habernall.  1919.  Der  Gartenbau  12:6. 
Hayunga,  J.  1909.  Mitt.  Deut.  Landw.  Gesell.  1909: 

"  677. 
.  191  I.  Pr.ikt.  Ratg.  Obst.  -u.  Gartenbau  11  : 


.  1912.  Der  Handelsgart.  14:  173. 

.  1919.  Mitt.  Deut.  Landw.  GeselL  1919:  52. 

Hcllmann.  A.  1926.  Erfurt  Fiihrer  Obst. -u.  Gartenb. 

27:  91. 
Herpers,  H.  1913.  (iartcnwclt  17:  674. 
.  1923.  Prakt.  Ratg.  Obst.  -u.  Gartenb.,  Beil. 

Prakt.   Landw.  no.  2. 



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49.  1925a,  Ibid.  50:  39. 
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Hofferichter,  K.  1926.  Gartenflora  75:  262. 
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Honig,  F.  1931.  Gartenbauwiss  5:  116. 

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Honigmann.  1926.  Pflanzenbau.  Halbmschr.  f.  Saat- 
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1931.  Ernahrungder  Pflanze  27:  172. 

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Kiihn,  J.  1858.  Die  Krankheit  der  Kulturgewasche, 
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Kupke,  W.  1933.  Gartenwelt  37:  182. 

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Leines,  W,  1926.  Nachrlb.  Schiidlingsbek.  1:  179. 

Linder,  H.  1911.  Prakt.  Ratg.  Obst.  -u.  Gartenb.  26: 

Lowenthal,  W.  1905.  Zeit.  Krebsf.  3:  46. 

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^^ .  1903.  Abh.  Nat.  Gesell.  Niirnberg  16. 

Me.ver,  B.  1888.  Landw.  Jalirb.  17:  915. 

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Mothes.  P.  1925.  Deut.  Obst.  u.  Gemiisebauzeit  71: 

Naumann,  A.  1912.  Der  Handelsgart.  14:  104. 

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.    1918.    lUustr.    Schles.    Monatschr.    Obst- 

Gemiise.  -u.  Gartenb.  7 :  66. 

N.  N.  1853a.  Hamburger  Garten  -u.  Blumenzeit. 
1853:  433,  514. 

.    1853b.  Zeitschr.   Landw.  Ver.   Rheinprov. 

1853: 226. 

,  1893.  Erfurt.  Illustr.  Gartenzeit,  1893:  58. 


Notzel.  1922.  Mitt.  Gart.  -Obst.  -u.  Weinbau  21  :  64. 

Panck,  P.  1935.  Deut.  Gart.  50:  269. 

Pape,  H.  1925.  Pflanzenbau  2:  172. 

Pettera,  A.  1917.  Zeit,  Gartner  u.  Gartenf r.  1 3 :  36. 

Ponkler.  1896.  Prakt.  Ratg.  Obst.  -u.  Gartenb.  1896: 

Popp,  M.  1919a.  Oldenburg  Landw.  Bl.  no.  38:  553. 

.  1919b.  Illustr.  Landw.  Zeit.  no.  87/88:  439. 

.  1921.  Landw.  Jahrb.  55:  549. 

Poter,  G.  1917.  Prakt.  Ratg.  Obst.  -u.  Gartenb.  22: 

Prowazek,  S.  1902.  Osterr.  Bot.  Zeitschr.  52:  213. 

.  1905.  Arb.  Kais.  Gesund.  22:  396. 

Rabbas,  P.  1930.  Ratschlage  f.  Haus,  Garten,  Feld 

Rath,  L.  1933.  Obst.  -u.  Gemiisebau  79:  63. 
Rattke,  R.   1921.  Der  Schles.  Kleingartenfr.  1921: 

Rau,  E.  1925.  Blatt.  f.  d.  d.  Deut.  Hausfrau  no.  18. 
Regel.  E.  1879.  Gartenflora  28:  170. 
Remy,  T.,  and  G.  Schneider.  1911.  Zeitschr.  Pflan- 

"zenkr.  21:  39. 
,    and    E.    Liistner.    1911.    Veroff.    Landw. 

Kammer.  Rheinprov.  no.  3 :  24. 

CLl'Il   HOOT  OK   I  Itri  IFERS 


Riflini.  K.  1913.  Mitt.   l?iol.  Riicli.'inst.  f.   I.aiiil  -u. 

Forstw.  2  I-. 

.  lif-'.-,.i.  Z.itM-lir,  Afincw.  fluni.  :»S :  (10:i2). 

.  1!I2.)1>.  Diiit.  Olist.  -u.  (iiiiiiischau-Zcit.  71  : 

Rosier.  .\.   I..   l!U2:i.  Erfiirt   1-iilirtr  Olist.  -u.  (iar- 

tciiKiu  1912:  28.5.  I9\2h.  I  hid.  1912:  185. 
Roth.  B.  1923.  WefTwciser  Ot)st.  -ii.  (lartenb.  1923: 

RuiDj).  I..  1925.  Der  \\'tst(l(utsili.  I.iiulw.  no.  9.  3: 

.^attliT.  1921.  Deut.  Obstbauztit.  ()7:  281. 
Schatt'nit,  E.  1922.  Ihiil.  tiS:  211. 
.  and  K.  Meyer-Htriiiann.  1930.  Phytopath. 

Zeitsclir.  2:  99. 
Schlodder.  1923.  I.ebrm.  Kleintkrh.  21:  393. 
Sfhlumborsit-r.  O.    1911.   Deut.   Laiidw.    H: 

9  1 0. 
Scelhoff.  R.   1912.  Prakt.  Rats;.  Obst.  -u.  Gartenb. 

27:  157. 
Seifert.  H.  191(5.  Ibid.  31  :  12. 
Sommer.     H.      1922a.     Suddi-utsch.     Gartner-Zeit. 

Mannheim  no.  1. 

.  1922b.  Deut.  Obstbauzeit.  68:  13. 

.    1922e.   Erfurt   Fiihrer  Obst.  -u.   Gartenb. 

1922:  67. 
-.  1922d.  Gartenwelt  26:  70. 

,  and  J.  G.  Stae.s.  1898.  Zeit.selir.  I'tlanzenkr. 

8 :  350. 
.  and  J.  (i.  Staes.    1901.  Tijdselir.   Planten- 

Soraur.    P.    1874.    Handbueh    der    Pflanzenkrank- 

heiten.  Berlin. 
Straube.  1922a.  Gesunder  Viehstand.  .Stuck  23. 

.  1922b.  Kleintierz.  Gartenb.  11  :  100. 

Strohmeyer,  A.  1913.  Die  Gartenw.  17:  267. 
Tessenow.  M.  1922.  Moller's  Deut.  Gartner-Zeit.  37: 


.  1926a.  Gartenwelt  30:  301. 

.  1926b.  Obst.  -u.  Gemiiscbau  72:  310. 

Triesehnian.    1917.  Landw.  Woehenbl.  Schles-Hol- 

stein  67:  289. 
Vielhauer.  1920.  Georgine  13:  51k 
Vohmann.  E.  1923.  Erfurt  Fuiirer  Obst.  -u.  Gartenb. 

21:   183. 
Vonwiller.  P.  1918.  Arch.  Protistk.  38:  279. 
Vouk,  V.  1913.  Die  Naturw.  1:81. 
W.  D.  1919.  Illustr.  Flora  1919:  27. 
Wagner-Ettelbriick.  .1.   P.    1908.   Monatsb.   Gesell. 

I.uxemb.  Naturfr.  n.  f.  1908:  292. 
Wagner.   J.    P.    1909.    Mitt.    Deut.    Landw.   Gesell. 

1909:  610. 
Wahling,  G.  1922a.  Mitt.  Garten-,  Obst.  -u.  Weinb. 

2 1  :  7. 

.  1922b.  Deut.  Obstbau-Zeit.  1922.  H.  3:  30. 

.  192  V.  Deut.  Obst.  -u.  Gemiisebau-Zeit.  70: 

Weiss.  E.  1918.  Zeitschr.  Pflanz.nkr.  28:  116.  201. 
Wis.selingh,  van  C.  1898.  Jahrb.  Wiss.  Bot.  31 :  619. 
Zopf,  W.  1884.  Enzykl.  Naturw.  3:  129. 


Bos.  R.  1902.  Zeitschr.  Pflanzenkr.   12:  3U.   190I-, 

Ibid.  U:349. 
.  1917.  Tidjschr.  Plantenziek.  23:  31. 

ziek.  7:  1-202. 
PfeitlVr  and  .1.  (i.  Staes.  1902.  Zeitselir.  IMI.inzenkr. 

12:  3U. 
Poeteren,  van  N.  1930.  'riilisclir.   Plantenziek.  35: 

Staes.  .».  G.  1900.  Ibid.  6:  139. 


Bernatsky,  J.  1915.  A  golyvasodas  Plasmodiophora- 

betegseg.  Kerteszet,  1919:  111. 
Hegyi,  D.  1901'.  Konyhakerti  novenyeink  legfonto- 

sabb  betegsegei.   Magyarovar    1901:    H. 
Jablonowski,  J.   1900.  A  kajjosztafelek  gyokerenek 

golyvasodasarol.  A.  kert.  1900:  93. 
Moesz.  G.  1926.  Xovenyvedelen  2:  1. 
.  1938.  Ann.  Hist.  Nat.  Mus.  Nation.  Hunga- 

rici  31:  63. 
Schilberszky,   K.    1901.   A  kaposztagyiikerek  goly- 

vasodasa.  Kertesz.  Lap.  1901  :  346. 
.  1906.  A  Kert.  7:  670. 

Butler,  E.  J.   1918.   Fungi  and  diseases  in  plants. 

.  and  G.  R.  Bisby.  1931.  The  fungi  of  India. 

McRae.  W.  1928.  Sci.  Rept.  Agric.  Res.  Inst.  Pusa 

1927/28: 56. 
Sharangapani,  S.  G.  1930.  Ann.  Rejit.  F-eo.  Botanist 

Gov't  Bang.  1929/30:  37. 

Atkins,  W.  R.  C;.  1922.  Proc.  Roy.  Dublin  Soc.  n.  s. 

Bailie,  D.  W.,  and  A.  E.  Muskett.  1933.  Jour.  Min. 

Agric.  North  Ireland  4:  44. 


Briosi,  G.  1904.  Zeitschr.  Pflanzenkr.  14:213. 
,  and  F.  Cavara.  1 891.  I  funghi  ])arassiti  delle 

plante  coltivate  odutili.  F'asc.  VI.  Pavia. 
Perotti,    R.    1910.    Biologia    vegetale    applicata    all 

'agricoltura.  Ill,  Micologia-inalattie  parassita- 

rie.  Turin. 
Petri,  L.  1924.  Congresso  delle  Cattedre  .Vnilnilanti 

di  Agric.  Italiane  il  10  Maggio  1924. 

.  1936.  Boll.  Staz.  Path.  Vcg.  Roma  16:  1-25. 

Pollacei,G.  C.  Rend.  Acad.  Linn.  5  ser.  20:  218. 
.  1911.  Atti  Inst.  Bot.  Univ.  Pavia  2  ser.  14: 

403.  1914a, //»^.  15:281.  191  U). /')«/.  15:291. 
Saecardo,  P.  A.,  and  F".  Cavara.  19()().  Nuovo  Giorn. 

Bot.  ItaLn.  s.  7:  272-310. 
Voglino,  P.   1907.  Ann.   R.  Acad.  d'Agric.   48:   42. 

i908,  Ibid.  50:  247. 


Ikeno.   1929.  (See  Honig,  Gartenbauwiss.  5:  119.) 




Jaap,  O.  1916.  Ann.  Mycol.  11:  1-4-4. 


Vilkaitis,  V.   1933.   Istaigos  Darbai,  Kaunas   1933: 

Elenkin,  A.  A.,  and  A.  S.  Bondarzew.  1913.  Jalirb. 

Pflanzenkr.  (Russian)   1913:  218. 


Anonvmous.  1927.  N.  Z.  Jour.  Sci.  Tech.  9:  44. 
Gibbs,  J.  G.  1931a.  N.  Z.  Jour.  Agric.  42:  1.  1931b, 

Ibid.  42:  193. 

.  1931c.  N.  Z.  Jour.  Sci.  Tech.  13:  104. 

.   1932a.   N.  Z.  Jour.  Agric.  44:  28.   1932b, 

Ibid.  44:  273. 
.  1932c.  N.  Z.  Jour.  Sci.  Tech.  14:  145.  1934, 

Ibid.  16:  159. 

.  1935.  N.  Z.  Jour.  Agric.  50:  294. 

.  1939.  N.  Z.  Jour.  Sci.  Tech.  20A:  409. 

Neill,  J.  C.  1933.  N.  Z.  Jour.  Agric.  46:  207.  1935. 

Ibid.  50:  232. 
Tennent,  R.  B.  1925.  Ibid.  30:  259.  1930,  Ibid.  41: 

318.  1933, /6;r/.  47:  297. 

Brunchorst,  J.    1887.   Bergen's  jNIus.  Aarberet.   for 

Jorstad.  I.  1922.  Rept.  ^Min.  Agric.  1922. 

.  1923.  Norsk.  Havetid  39:  126. 

Schoyen,  W.  M.  1895.  Zeitschr.  Pflanzenkr.  5:  173. 

1898,  Ibid.  8:  211.  1899,  Ibid.  9:  302. 


Raves,  T.  1938.  Palestine  Jour.  Bot.  J.  ser.  1  :  1 13. 


Siemaszko,  W.  1925a.  Zentralbl.  Bakt.  Abt.  II.  66: 

.  1925b.  Diseases  and  pests  of  plants.  War- 
saw 1 :  40. 

Sltenskv.  1898.  Zeitschr.  Pflanzenkr.  8:  148. 

Svec,  F".  1922.  Ochr.  Rost.  2:  59.  1923:  Ibid.  S:  18. 


Almeida,  d' J.  V.  1902.  Zeitschr.  Pflanzenkr.  12:  349. 


Moez.  G.  1930.  (See  Honig,  1931.  Gartenbauw.  5: 


Bondarzew,  A.   S.    1903.  Zeitschr.   Pflanzenkr.    13: 


.  1906.  Acta  Horti  Petrop.  26:  1-22. 

.  1909.  Boljezni  Rast.  1909:  109. 

.  1927.  Morbi  Plant.  16:  1-17. 

Brezhnev,  I.  E.  1934.  Trav.  Soc.  Nat.  St.  Petersburg 

63:  83. 

.  1937a.  Trudy  Leningr.  Obsch.  Estestv.  Otd. 

Bot.  66:  188.  1937h.  Ibid.  66:  296. 

Diakonoff,  H.  J.  1910.  Zeitschr.  Pflanzenkr.  20:  463. 

Elenkin,  A.  A.,  and  A.  S.  Bondarzew.  1913.  Jahrb. 
Pflanzenkr.   (Russ.)    1913:  218. 

Favorsky,  W.  1910a.  Mem.  Soc.  Nat.  Kieflf  20:  149. 
.  1910b.  Zapiski  Kiews  Absc.  Estedvoisp.  20. 

Fedorintschik,  N.  S.  1935a.  Summ.  Sci.  Res.  WK. 
Inst.  PI.  Protect.  Leningr.  5:  61-66.  1935b, 
Ibid.  5:  87-89. 

Fedotova,  T.  1928.  Mater,  Mikol.  i.  Fitopat.  7(1): 

.  1930.  Phytopath.  Zeitschr.  1 :  195. 

.  1933a.  Bull.  PL  Protect.  II.  ser.  Phytopath. 

no.  3 :  3.  1 933b,  Ibid.  no.  3  :  5 1 . 

Henckel,  A.  G.  1921.  Wseross.  Entomo-Phyto]3ath. 
Siesda.  Bull.  III.  n.  s.  6:  20. 

.    1923.    Bull.    Inst.    Rech.    Biol.    Perme    II. 

fasc.  2. 

Iwanoff.  K.  S.  1900.  Zeitschr.  Pflanzenkr.  10:  97. 

Jaczewski,  A.  1893.  Bull.  Soc.  Mycol.  France  9:212. 

.   1908.  Zeitschr.   Pflanzenkr.   18:   33.   1911, 

Ibid.  21 -.283. 

Katterfeld,  B.  O.  1923.  Morbi  Plant.  Script.  Sec. 
Phvtopath.  Hort.  Bot.  Princ.  Ross.  12:  11. 

Kleimenov,  P.  D.  1912.  Rept.  Phytopath.  Res.  1912 
made  by  K.  E.  Nurashkinsky  and  P.  D.  Klei- 
menov. Moscow  Govt.  Zemstvo.  2nd  paper,  pp. 

Ludwig,  F.  1910.  Zeitschr.  Pflanzenkr.  20:  84. 

.   1915.  XI.  Phytopath.   Ber.  Biol.  Zentral- 

stelle.  Furstentumer  Reuss  a.  I>.  und  Reuss 
j.  L.  iiber  das  Jahre  1915.  Greiz.  1916.  XII. 
Ibid.  1916.  1917,  XIII.  Ibid.  1917. 

Morozov,  B.  1926.  La  Defense  des  Plantes  2:  592. 

Naumov,  N.  A.  1925.  Morbi  Plant.  14:  49. 

.  1927.  La  Defense  des  Plantes  4:  320. 

.  1928.  Morbi  Plant.  17:51. 

.  1933.  Bull.  PL  Protect.,  ser.  II.  Phytopath. 

no.  3:  32. 

Nawaschin.S.  1899.  Flora  86:  404. 

.  1924.  C.  R.  Acad.  Sci.  Russ.  1924:  173. 

Newodowsky,  G.  1910.  Chosiastwo,  Kiew  5:  990. 

Podwvssozki.  W.  1900.  Centralbl.  Bakt.  Parasitk. 
Infekt.  abt.  I.  27:  97. 

.  1903.  Zeitschr.  Klin.  Med.  47:  199. 

Polyakoif,  I.  M.  1939.  Bull.  PL  Protect.  1939:  60. 

Potebnia,  A.  1915.  Parasitische  Pilze  des  Gouv. 
Charkoff  und  angegrenzte  Gebiete  1 :  56-68. 

Rochlin,  E.  1933a.  Phytopath.  Zeitschr.  5:  381. 

.  1933b.  Bull.  PL  Protect.,  ser.  II.  Phyto- 
path. no.  3:  8-31. 

Speschnew,  N.  N.  1896.  Arb.  Bot.  Gart.  Tiflis  1 :  65. 
1897.  Ibid.  2:  199. 

.  1899.  Zeitschr.  Pflanzenkr.  9:  356. 

Ssacharofi'.  M.  1916.  Arb.  Phytopath.  Sta.  Inst.  f. 
Landw.  Moscow.  1.  1916. 

Troitzky,  N.  N.  1921.  Proc.  and  All-Russ.  Ento. 
Phytopath.  Meet.  Petrograd  1921:  165. 

Vladimirskaya,  N.  N.  1930.  Morbi  Plant.  19:  22. 

Woronin,  M.  1874.  ProtocoU  Bot.  Sect.  St.  Peters- 
burg Nat.  Ges.,  Mar.  5,  1874. 



1875.  Hot.  iVi:  a:»7. 

1S77.  Aril.  St.   I'ctcrsluirir  (iisi-U.  S: 


.   1S7.S.  .I.ilirli.  wiss.   Hot.    11:  .">  kS. 

.  1«80.  Hot.  Ziit.  :t8:  .-)  K 


Abbay.  J.  1831.  Trans.  Hijililaiid  .\a;rii'.  Sor.  Soot- 
land  ii.  s.  2:  238. 

Anderson.  A.  18.55.  Ihiil.  3  ser.  6:  118. 

Anonymous.  U)23.  North  Scot.  Coll.  Ajirif.  Hull.  2i). 
iiOl.  Ihi<i.  1930/31. 

Bird.  185!».  Trans.  Highland  .\s;r.  Soo.  Sootlaiid  8: 

Birm-.  M.   1831.  Ihid.  n.  s.  2:  241. 

Farqiiharson.  J.  1831a.  Ihid.  n.  s.  233.  183lh.  Ihid. 
n.  s.  2:  338. 

Findlay.  \V.  M.  1931.  Scot.  Jour.  Agric.  It:  173. 

Fowlie.  A.  T.  1913.  North  Scot.  Coll.  Agric.  Exp. 
Leaf.  38:  102. 

Hendriek,  .1.  1923.  Trans.  Highl.  Agric.  Soc.  Scot- 
land 35  :  5  t.  1932.  Ihid.  44:  52. 

Hunter.  W.  B.  1857.  Ihid.  (3)  7:  347. 

MacDonald,  .1.  A.  1935.  Scot.  Jour.  Agric.  18:  164. 

O'Brien.  D.  G..  and  R.  \V.  G.  Dennis.  1936.  Ihid. 
19:  1-18. 

Pardy.  A.  1913.  North  Scot.  Coll.  Agric.  Exp.  Leaf. 

Sanderson.  1859.  Trans.  Highl.  Agric.  Soc.  Scot- 
land. 3  ser.  9:  37. 

Wright.  R.  P.  1911.  Rcpt.  West  Scot.  Agric.  Coll. 

De  Andres,  C.  G.  1929.  BoL  Pav.  Veg.  y.  Ent.  Agric. 

Rangcl,  E.  1914.  Pragas  dos  pomares  c  das  hortas. 

Lave  17:  308. 

Anonymous.  1923.  Kunzel.  Landthr.  Acad.  Handl. 

(ich.  Tid.skr.  62:  357. 
Ericksson.  .L  1907.  Zeitschr.  Pflanzenkr.  17:  276. 
.    1888.    Fungi    ])arasitici    .Scmdinavici    exs. 

F'asc.  6. 

1912.     Fungoid    diseases    of    agricultural 

plants.  London. 
.  1913.  Die  Pflanzenkr.  Landw.  Kulturpflanz. 

.     1926.     Die     Pflanzrnkr.     L.uuiw.     Kultur- 

gewachse.  .Stuttgart. 
Hanunarlund.  C.  1915.  Medd.  106.  Centralanst.  f.  j. 

Fijrsok.  p.  .lordbruk. 
Hedlund.  T.  1910.  Zeitschr.  Pflanzenkr.  20:  143. 
Hertzman.  N.  193K  Tidskr.  i.  Landman  18:  11-13. 

1935.  Ihid.  19:  216. 
Lindfors.    T.     1921a.    Kgl.    Landtb.    .Akad.     Hand. 

Tidskr.  63 :  267. 
.     1924b.    Medd.    no.    262.    Centralanst.    f. 

F"orsok.  p.  jordbr.  Bot.  avd.  no.  32.  1925.  Ihid. 

Medd.  no.  282. 

Olsson.  P.  .\.  1939a.  Svcriges  Utsiidcsf.  Tidskr.   t9 : 

1.  1939b. //);</.  19:  1-71.  19  M). //)»/.  50:  287. 
Tedin.O.  1932.  Nonl,  .Idnllir.  I  1:321. 

S«  ITZKKI,.\N1) 

Anonymous.     1907.    .Scliwiiz.    Lands.    Zeitschr.    35: 

.    1922.   Schweiz.  Zeitsciir.  Olist.  -u.   \\iiiil). 

31  :  120. 
Doppler,  J.  192(i.  .Schweiz.  Obst.  -u.  Gartenb.  Zeit. 

1926:  300. 
Fischer,  E.  1923.  Ber.  Schweiz.  Bot.  Gesell.  32:  11. 
Heinzelmann.  F.    1882.  Schweiz.   Landw.  Zeit.    10: 

Miiller-Thurgau.    IL,    and    A.    Osterwalder.     1919. 

Landw.  .lahrb.  Schweiz.  33:  1.   1923. //)«/.  37: 

153.  192  i.  Ihid.  38:613. 
O.sterwalder,  A.   1922.  Schweiz.  Obst.  -u.  Gartenb. 

Zeit.  1922:  205. 

.   1929.  Landw.  Jahrb.   Schweiz.  43:  785. 

Schinz,  H.  1923.  Ber.  Schweiz.  Hot.  Gesell.  32:  12. 
Schmidt.  A.  1919.  Landw.  Jahrb.  .Schweiz.  33:  513. 
Weber.  W.  1926.  Schweiz.  Obst.  -u.  Gartenb.  Zeit. 

1926:  301. 


Nichols.  H.  M.  1922.  Tasmania  Agric.  Stock  Dept. 
Rept.  1920/21. 


Doidge,  E.  :\r.  192  K  Bot.  Surv.  S.  Africa.  Mem.  no. 

6:  1-56. 
Pole-Evans.  J.  H.   1913.  Agric.  Jour.  S.  Africa  6: 


Anonymous.   1910.  Amer.  Agric.  31.  no.  14. 

'—.  1922.  Penn.  Agric.  Kx)).  Sta.  BulL  170. 

.   192L  PI.  Dis.  Rept.  Suppl.  34:  168,  178, 

.    1925.    Ann.    Rept.    Penn.    Agr.    Exp.    Sta. 

1925:  14. 

.  1926.  PI.  Dis.  Rept.  Suppl.  45:  16.  53.  80. 

.  1931.  Conn.  Agr.  Exp.  .Sta.  Bull.  337:  451. 

.    1937.    New    Jersey    .Vgr.    Exj).    Sta.    Ann. 

Rept.  58:80. 
.  1938.  15th  Ann.  Rept.  Rhode  Lsland  State 

Coll.  Agric.  Exp.  Sta. 
-.  1939.  Ann.  Rept.  Rhode  Lsland  State  ColL 

Exp.  Sta.  51:  1-64. 
.Vtkinson.  G.  F.   1889a.  Alabama  Ex)).  Sta.  Bull.  9. 
.  1889b.  .\nn.  Rept.  South  Carolina  E.xp.  Sta. 

1:  1.5-18. 
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<i.rii  HOOT  or  ( mciFKHS 


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Powdery  scab  of  potatoes  is  now  almost  world 
wide  in  distribution.  Lagerlieim's  discovery  of  its 
presence  in  Ecuador  suggests  that  it  may  be  endemic 
to  South  .\merica.  since  that  continent  is  generally 
regarded  as  the  native  home  of  the  potato.  In  that 
event  powdery  scab  may  be  of  greater  antiquity 
than  is  generally  supposed.  It  has  doubtless  attained 
its  extensive  distribution  by  the  shipment  and  im- 
portation of  infected  tubers.  From  South  America 
it  may  have  been  imjiorted  to  Europe  and  then  back 
to  North  .\merica  and  other  parts  of  the  world.  Pow- 
dery scab  was  first  re))orted  from  Germany  by  Wall- 
roth  and  Martius  in  18  12.  but  it  had  doubtless  been 
known  by  potato  growers  for  many  years  before  that 
time.  Shortly  afterwards,  it  was  described  from  Eng- 
land by  Berkeley  {' i6)  and  later  from  Wales,  Scot- 
land. Norway  and  Ireland.  The  first  record  of  its 
occurrence  in  North  America  was  made  in  1913  on 
potatoes  in  Quebec,  and  in  the  same  year  it  was  also 
found  in  Maine  and  other  states.  This  disease  is 
known  by  a  variety  of  names  throughout  the  world. 
In  (iermany  it  is  described  as  Knollenbrand,  Kartof- 
felgrind.  Kartoffelgnatz.  .Schorfkrankheit.  and  Kar- 
toffclschorf.  In  England,  .Scotland,  Wales,  Ireland 
and  the  U.  S.  A.,  it  goes  by  the  names  of  potato 
canker,  corky  end,  corky  scab,  spongy  scab.  Spoiif/o- 
gpora  scab,  and  jiotato  tumor,  although  powdery 
scab  is  the  term  most  commonly  used.  The  names, 
potato  canker  and  tumor  are  employed  when  the 
lesions  and  tumors  are  unusually  deep  and  conspicu- 

As  a  destructive  disease  of  potatoes,  powdery 
scab  is  of  secondary  importance  compared  with  late 
blight,  virus,  Fuxarium  wilt  and  rot,  and  common 
scab.  In  relatively  dry  and  warm  regions  the  dam- 
age caused  may  be  so  slight  as  to  go  unnoticed,  while 
in  other  places  with  high  )irecipitation  and  low  tem- 
peratures the  losses  may  lie  quite  serious.  ))articu- 
larlv  if  the  disease  is  of  the  cankerous  type  and  is 
followed  by  powdery  scab  dry  rot  in  storage.  In 
England,  VVales   (Pethybridge,  '24),  New  Zealand 

(Anony.,  '27),  Peru  (Abbott,  '31),  and  Russia 
(I)orojkin,  '36),  destruction  of  30  to  50  per  cent 
.•nul  more  of  the  cro))  been  rejiorted  in  years  of 
he.ivy  rainfall  .-iikI  low  teui|)eraturc.  Likewise,  Mel- 
luis.  (•/  al.,  found  that  30  to  73  ))er  cent  of  infected 
tubers  may  be  destroyed  by  dry  rot  in  storage  or 
rendered  useless  for  table  or  ))lanting.  Such  losses, 
however,  appear  to  be  exceptional,  but  the  disease  is 
nevertheless  of  sufficient  importance  to  warrant  the 
establishment  of  strict  (pi.-irantine  .md  tuber  inspec- 
tion and  certification  laws  by  most  tountries  througll- 
out  the  world. 

Predisposing  Factors 

The  occurrence  of  powdery  scab  and  incidence 
of  infection  are  dei)endent  on  climatic  conditions. 
Heavy  rainfall,  fairly  low  tenii)eratures,  damp, 
poorly-drained  and  water-logged  soils  favor  infec- 
tion and  development  of  the  disease.  Melhus,  et  al., 
observed  that  periods  of  rainfall,  followed  by  cool, 
damp,  cloudy  weather  during  the  growing  season  are 
highly  essential  to  the  development  of  the  disease, 
and  these  observations  were  subsequently  confirmed 
by  Ramsey  ('18)  from  greenhouse  experiments.  He 
found  83  per  cent  infection  in  pots  of  potatoes  grown 
at  57°-60°  F.  under  moist  conditions,  while  no  in- 
fection occurred  in  pots  at  76°-80°  E.  and  in  rela- 
tively dry  soil.  \\\\A  ('29),  on  the  other  hand,  found 
no  clear  correlation  between  incidence  of  scab  and 
the  prevalence  of  any  particular  climatic  conditions 
in  Switzerland.  Koltermann's  ('31),  Phillips'  ('32), 
and  Naumov's  ('36)  observations  on  the  disease  in 
Germany  and  Russia  confirm  those  of  Melhus.  Ram- 
sey, and  others  in  America.  Naumov  found  powdery 
scab  to  be  more  prevalent  in  soils  with  60-90  per 
cent  moisture  content  and  with  pH  values  from  (■.7 
to  5.9  than  in  soils  with  40  jier  cent  moisture  and 
high  pH  values. 

That  unfavorable  climate  is  an  etieetive  barrier 
to  the  spread  of  the  disease  is  evident  from  experi- 
ments conducted  by  Melhus,  et  al.,  which  involved 
])l.uiting  of  heavily  infected  tubers  in  fifteen  differ- 
ent regions  along  the  Atlantic  Coast  from  Massa- 
chusetts to  Florida.  All  of  these  plantings  yielded 
clean  crops.  These  results  are  sup])orted  by  the  ob- 
servations of  She])herd  ('35),  Nattras  ('38),  and 
Littlejohn  ('39)  that  heavily  infected  imported 
tubers  planted  in  Mauritius  and  Cyprus  give 
healthy  crojis  and  that  iS'.  suhicrranea  does  not  re- 
main viable  under  prevailing  climatic  conditions  on 
those  islands. 

Hydrogen  ion  concentration  ap])arently  does  not 
influence  the  incidence  of  infection,  since  .S'.  nuhtcr- 
ranea  appears  to  tolerate  both  .alkaline  and  acid  re- 
actions. Wild.  Phillii)s,  and  Naumov  found  that  in- 
fection mav  readily  occur  in  soils  with  pH  values 
ranging  from  1.7  to  7.6.  Furthermore,  the  incidence 
of  infection  is  not  affected  by  the  carbonate  or 
hexosan  content  of  the  soil,  according  to  \\'ild. 

The  ])hysieal  character  of  the  soil,  however,  is  an 
imi)ortant  factor.  A  close  correlation  between  cer- 



tain  soil  types  and  the  degree  of  infection  was  ob- 
served bj'  Melhus,  et  al.,  in  Maine,  and  they  were 
accordingly  able  to  predict  the  extent  of  develop- 
ment of  the  disease  from  the  type  of  soil  and  its 
drainage.  Wherever  the  Washburn  silt-loam  type  of 
soil  occurred  infection  was  unusually  Iieavy.  Wild, 
likewise  found  that  powdery  scab  flourishes  in 
Switzerland  in  soils  with  a  large  pore  space,  high 
humus  and  methylpentosan  content,  coarse  texture, 
and  high  water-holding  capacity. 


Powdery  scab  may  manifest  itself  as  shallow, 
scabby  lesions  or  deep  eroded  cankers  on  the  tubers, 
and  galls  or  warts  on  the  roots  and  stems.  These 
phases  of  the  disease  may  be  followed  by  powdery 
scab  dry  rot  after  the  tubers  have  been  harvested 
and  stored.  The  first  evidence  of  infection  on  the 
tubers  is  the  appearance  of  faint  brownish-purple 
spots  of  pinhead  size,  which  doubtless  indicate  the 
point  of  entry  of  the  parasite.  Each  spot  is  usually 
surrounded  by  a  circular  translucent,  1  to  2  mm., 
area  which  apparently  marks  the  distance  to  which 
the  Plasmodium  has  spread  beneatli  the  epidermis, 
according  to  Kunkel  ('15).  In  the  course  of  6  to  8 
days  the  areas  may  increase  to  l/o  cm.  in  diameter, 
lose  their  brownish  color,  and  protrude  as  a  meta- 
plastic, jelly-like  mass  of  i)roliferating  host  cells  and 
fungus  spores.  According  to  Home  ('12)  these  pro- 
trusions may  be  so  prominent  that  they  look  like 
cushions  or  wart-like  excrescences.  The  diseased 
areas  gradually  die,  leaving  shallow,  crateriform 
depressions  filled  with  a  fine  powdery  mass  of  spore 
balls  (PI.  10,  fig.  1),  These  are  the  so-called  pow- 
dery scab  symptoms  of  the  disease  which  may  be 
readily  mistaken  for  those  of  the  common  scab. 

Further  development  of  the  disease  on  the  tubers 
depends  to  a  great  extent  on  the  relative  amount  of 
moisture  in  the  soil  or  in  the  storage  bins  after  the 
potatoes  have  been  harvested.  If  the  infected  tubers 
are  growing  in  fairly  dry  soil,  wound  cork  is  rapidly 
formed  under  and  around  the  lesions,  so  that  the 
diseased  areas  are  delimited.  With  abundant  mois- 
ture and  in  poorly  drained  soil,  however,  the  para- 
site may  continue  its  depredations.  As  a  result  the 
lesions  become  deeper,  larger  and  sometimes  coalesce 
to  form  extensive  eroded  cavities  or  cankers  as  much 
as  1/2  inch  in  depth.  This  is  one  of  the  most  severe 
types  of  the  disease  and  is  referred  to  as  the  canker- 
ous stage  (fig.  2).  This  type  appears  to  be  common 
in  Ireland,  England,  and  Europe,  but  is  not  very 
prevalent  in  Maine  and  Canada.  Melhus,  et  al.,  at- 
tributed the  latter  to  the  shorter  growing  period  of 
tlie  potato  in  the  northern  regions  of  North  America. 
In  addition  to  causing  shallow  lesions  and  deep 
cankers  S.  subterranea  may  also  lead  to  the  forma- 
tion of  tuberous  outgrowths  and  extensive  warts  on 
the  tubers  with  the  result  that  the  latter  are  often 
misshapen  and  deformed,  according  to  Home  (12). 
These   outgrowths    are   apparently    formed    in    tlie 

same  manner  as  the  galls  on  the  roots  and  stems, 
although  Home  did  not  describe  their  development. 
They  ma3'  be  more  or  less  uniformly  infected  and 
covered  with  scabs  and  bear  a  superficial  resem- 
blance to  the  tumors  caused  by  Si/nchi/trium  endo- 

The  galls  on  the  roots  and  stolons  of  potatoes  and 
other  related  species  vary  in  size  from  minute  tu- 
bercles to  balls  as  large  as  garden  peas  (fig.  3). 
They  usually  precede  tuber  infection  and  may  be 
present  in  abundance  before  there  is  any  indication 
of  lesions  on  the  tubers,  but  their  presence  does  not 
appear  to  have  any  great  injurious  effect  on  the 
growth  of  the  host.  These  galls  are  simple  in  struc- 
ture and  consist  primarily  of  enlarged  and  fre- 
quently divided  undifferentiated  cells,  so  that  they 
are  typically  kataplasmic  in  structure.  The  causal 
organism  is  confined  largely  to  the  phloem  and  meri- 
stematic  tissues,  as  in  the  case  of  club  root  of  cruci- 
fers.  Amoebae  may  be  found  occasionally  in  the 
xylem,  but  they  do  not  occur  in  great  numbers  or 
cause  distortion  of  the  vessels.  The  presence  of  the 
parasite  in  the  phloem  stimulates  the  cells  to  en- 
large and  divide,  and  this  hyperplastic  growth  often 
puslies  the  xylem  out  of  its  normal  position. 

Powdery  scab  dry  rot  usually  sets  in  after  in- 
fected tubers  have  been  in  storage  for  some  time, 
and  in  some  cases  is  abetted  by  numerous  other 
fungi.  This  rot  was  first  described  by  Melhus  ('l-i) 
in  North  America,  but  it  has  been  found  subse- 
quently on  ])otatoes  collected  in  Ireland,  Holland, 
Chile,  and  other  countries.  It  is  accelerated  by  poor 
storage  conditions,  but  even  in  good  storage  as  much 
as  30  to  73  per  cent  of  the  tubers  may  be  partly  or 
wholly  decayed  and  rendered  useless  for  seed  or 
table  use,  according  to  INIelhus,  et  al.  Although 
tubers  may  be  often  totally  decayed,  powdery  scab 
dry  rot  is  usually  less  severe  and  occurs  in  localized 
spots,  1  to  10  cms.  in  diameter.  These  areas  may  be 
only  slight  depressions  in  the  superficial  layers  or 
extend  to  the  center  of  tlie  tubers.  The  extent  of  in- 
jury, however,  depends  to  some  extent  on  the  time 
of  harvesting,  degree  of  infection,  storage  condi- 
tions, and  the  stage  of  development  of  the  parasite 
when  the  tubers  are  stored.  Dry  rot  may  accordingly 
exiiibit  various  types  of  symptoms.  Desiccation  or 
loss  of  water  from  the  open  lesions  is  a  common 
occurrence  when  tubers  are  placed  in  warm  dry  stor- 
age and  results  in  discoloration  of  the  affected  areas, 
wrinkling,  shrinkage,  and  marked  loss  in  weight. 
However,  this  type  of  dry  rot  is  retarded  as  storage 
temperatures  drop  with  the  advent  of  the  winter  sea- 
son. Another  type  of  dry  rot  is  caused  by  secondary 
infection  and  invasion  of  tissue  around  the  old  pus- 
tules by  the  jjlasmodium  of  S.  subterranea.  If  mois- 
ture and  temperature  are  favorable,  the  resting 
spores  in  old  lesions  may  germinate  and  give  rise  to 
Plasmodia  which  invade  and  kill  the  surrounding 
healthy  cells.  The  plasmodium  usually  feeds  on  the 
tissue  immediately  beneath  the  epidermis,  but  occa- 
sionally it  may  be  found  at  depths  of  6  to  8  mm.  in 
the  tuber.  In  such  extreme  cases  of  penetration  the 

I>()\V1)KHY    SCAH    <)l'     I'OTATOKS 


svniptonis  ])ro(liu'i'd  may  resemble  tliosi-  of  tlio  can- 
ktTous  stai;c  in  the  (iild. 

Till-  open  K'sions  may  also  bo  invaded  liy  womul 
parasites  of  tlu'  •ti-nera  Phonta,  Fusarium,  lihizoc- 
tonia,  Papulospora,  etc..  and  tliis  initiates  the  most 
destnietive  type  of  powdery  seal)  dry  rot.  Phomn 
tiihrrosa,  aeeordinir  to  Melluis,  <-t  al.,  is  commonly 
associated  witii  the  early  stages  of  rot  and  prodnees 
brownish  to  gray  lesions  in  the  bottom  of  the  old 
pustules.  .\s  these  lesions  progress  they  become  more 
sunken,  darker  and  often  hard  and  bony.  .\t  later 
stages  the  lesions  may  vary  from  2  to  5  cms.  in  diam- 
eter and  extend  to  a  depth  of  2  to  1-  cms. 

.\t  this  ))oint  it  may  be  noted  thatShajJOvalov  ('23) 
contended  that  the  skin-spot  disease  of  tubers,  which 
had  been  attributed  to  several  causal  organisms,  in- 
cluding Ooxpora  piistiilans,  is  an  early  stage  of  ))0W- 
derv  scab,  but  this  was  innnediately  refuted  by  Mil- 
lard and  Burr  ('23).  They  reported  that  the  former 
disease  is  caused  solely  by  O.  ptistulaii.s  and  is  in  no 
way  related  to  jjowdery  scab.  Powdery  scab  is  co- 
extensive with  late  blight,  caused  by  Phi/tophlhora 
infrsians,  and  both  diseases  are  favored  by  the  same 
climatic  conditions.  The  latter  disease  may  often  be 
greatly  increased  by  tuber  and  root  infection  by  S. 
suhtrrranea,  according  to  Beregovoy  ('39). 

Cellular  Relations  Between  Host  and 

Sponc/ospora  suhtt-rranea  has  a  marked  efifect  on 
the  host  cells.  Young  infected  cells  as  well  as  adja- 
cent healthy  ones  are  stimulated  to  divide  by  the 
presence  of  the  parasite.  The  repeated  division  of 
healthy  cells  results  in  the  formation  of  a  new  peri- 
derm around  the  regions  of  infection.  When  this 
periderm  is  invaded  further  cell  divisions  follow, 
which  lead  to  the  development  of  a  second  wound 
periderm,  according  to  Wild  ('29).  Kunkel  found  a 
marked  difference  in  reaction  between  the  yoimg 
growing  cells  of  tubers  and  mature  cells  in  the  tis- 
sues around  the  old  lesions.  The  former  are  not 
killed  by  invasion  of  the  parasite  but  are  stimulated 
to  expand  and  divide.  The  latter,  on  the  other  hand, 
are  quickly  killed,  and  their  contents  are  partly  or 
wholly  consumed.  The  increase  in  cell  multijilication 
noted  above  is  usually  accomjjanied  by  <ell  enlarge- 
ment. .\ceording  to  Kunkel,  the  latter  )>rocess  may 
begin  while  the  plasmodium  is  still  in  the  intercellu- 
lar spaces  and  before  it  has  entered  the  cells  (fig. 
17).  This  reaction  suggests  that  the  plasmodium  may 
secrete  a  stimulating  substance  which  precedes  its 
invasion  of  the  cells. 

Infected  cells  may  become  .5  to  10  times  their  nor- 
mal size,  but  enlargement  is  not  equal  in  all  direc- 
tions. The  expanding  cells  generally  elongate  out- 
ward towards  the  surface  of  the  tuber,  which  finally 
results  in  the  lifting  and  ru))turing  of  the  e])idtrniis 
and  the  formation  of  cushion-like  excrescences.  In 
galls  on  the  roots  of  Solatium  7carce7cicsii  and  L. 
esculentum  the  infected  cells  occur  in  groujjs   (fig. 

1() ).  according  to  Melhus.  ct  al.,  like  the  "Kranheits- 
herde  "  described  by  Nawascliin  for  club  root  of 
erueifers.  These  grou|)s  origin.ite  by  continual  divi- 
sion of  one  or  more  infected  cells  whereby  the  .-imoe- 
bae  and  young  ))lasnu)dia  are  jiassively  distributed. 
The  nuclei  of  infected  cells  may  divide  mitotieally 
.•md  i)ossibly  amitotically  also,  as  in  the  case  of  Tri- 
(flochini.i  cells  ))ar;isiti/ed  by  Tt'tranti/jca  Triylo- 
chhiis.  When  normal  mitosis  occurs,  a  cell  ))late  is 
formed  between  the  d;iughter  inu-lei  (fig.  It),  but 
in  c.ises  of  amitosis  the  giant  cells  become  multinucle- 
ate and  l;iter  dividi-  into  numerous  smaller  cells,  ac- 
cording to  Kunkel.  However,  it  is  not  obvious  from 
his  description  whether  these  latter  divisions  occur 
by  cell  plate  formation  or  cleavage  after  which  walls 
are  laid  down.  The  host  nucleus  may  be  enveloped  by 
or  embedded  in  the  ))l;ismodiuni  and  become  greatly 
enlarged,  lobed,  and  distorted  (fig.  18,  19.  26).  Sev-  nucleoli  may  frequently  develoj).  while  the  chro- 
matin strands  become  abnormal  in  appearance  or 
disappear  entirely.  The  nuclei  are  usually  destroyed 
before  the  parasite  is  mature,  but  in  exceptional 
cases  it  may  remain  intact  until  after  the  spore  balls 
have  been  formed  and  lie  between  them. 

The  presence  of  S.  subterranea  ajjparently  also 
stimulates  an  undue  production  of  starch  in  and 
around  infected  cells.  At  least  the  starch  ap{)ears  to 
be  more  abundant  in  the  regions  of  infection  in  the 
potato  and  tomato.  In  S.  u-arscexclczil,  however, 
Melhus,  et  al.,  found  that  numerous  infected  cells 
may  be  found  which  are  totally  lacking  in  starch. 
The  starch  grains  usually  do  not  disap)jear  entirely 
until  after  the  spore  balls  are  mature,  but  it  is  not 
certain  that  they  are  consumed  directly  by  the  jiara- 
site.  Osborn  claimed  that  the  i)lasmodium  feeds  on 
starch,  but  Melhus,  ei  al.,  pointed  out  that  if  this 
were  true  an  abundant  supply  would  not  always  be 
present.  Kunkel  also  reported  that  the  starch  grains 
are  only  slightly  changed  by  the  parasite  and  may 
remain  after  the  cytojjlasm  and  nuclei  have  been 
destroyed.  Other  workers,  however,  have  claimed 
that  the  su])])ly  of  starch  diminishes  as  the  parasite 
matures,  ^^'ild  found  that  starch  disappears  below 
the  diseased  areas,  being  utilized  in  the  process  of 
cell  division,  or  for  nutrition  of  the  parasite.  It  may 
also  be  noted  here  that  infection  with  S.  suhterranea 
reduces  the  ])H  value  of  tubers  from  .5.70  to  l'.3.5, 
according  to  Robertson  and  Smith  ('31). 

The  physical  relations  between  the  protoplasts  of 
host  and  pathogen  a))))ears  to  be  close  and  intimate 
in  light  of  Kimkel's  .and  Melhus'  observations.  No 
antagonism  is  exhibited,  and  the  two  blend  into  each 
other  in  such  a  way  that  it  is  often  imi)ossible  to  de- 
termine clearly  where  one  ends  and  the  other  begins. 
In  fixed  and  stained  preiiarations.  on  the  other  hand, 
the  parasite  st.iins  more  intensely  with  Congo  red 
and  Orange  (i  the  host  |)rotopl;isni  (Massee  .■md 
Kunkel).  In  the  initial  develo))mental  stages  there 
seems  to  be  a  marked  attraction  between  the  host 
nucleus  and  the  amoebae,  according  to  Melhus,  et  al. 
As  is  shown  in  figures  1.5  and  1(5  the  latter  may  be 
crowded  around  the  nucleus,  which  suggests  that  the 



nutritional  conditions  are  more  favorable  in  that  re- 
region  of  the  cell. 

The  walls  of  the  infected  host  cells  are  also  mark- 
edly changed  by  the  parasite.  As  the  pseudopods  of 
the  Plasmodium  push  down  between  the  cells,  the 
walls  become  swollen,  gelatinous  and  wavy.  These 
walls  have  a  greater  affinity  for  Orange  G  than  those 
of  healthy  cells,  according  to  Kunkel's  and  Wild's 
observations,  which  indicates  that  they  have  under- 
gone a  change  in  composition.  The  middle  lamella  is 
also  usually  dissolved  by  the  action  of  the  Plasmo- 


The  shipment  and  importation  of  infected  tubers 
appear  to  be  the  primary  means  of  dispersal  of  pow- 
dery scab  from  one  region  or  country  to  another. 
Most  countries  have  accordingly  enacted  legislation 
against  the  importation  of  diseased  potatoes  and  es- 
tablislied  inspection  and  certification  bureaus  within 
their  boundaries  to  insure  planting  of  healthy  tubers. 
Locally,  the  disease  may  be  transferred  from  one 
field  to  another  by  fertilizing  with  contaminated  ma- 
nure, by  farm  implements,  contaminated  sacks,  and 
soil  on  the  shoes  of  laborers.  Sanitary  practices  must 
accordingly  guard  against  dispersal  by  such  means. 
Since  fungus  spores  will  survive  passage  through 
the  digestive  tract,  infected  tubers  and  parings 
should  be  boiled  or  sterilized  before  feeding  to  hogs 
and  other  animals  to  avoid  contaminated  manure. 
Other  sanitary  measures  involve  selection  of  disease- 
free  tubers  for  planting  and  the  avoidance  of  con- 
taminated land. 

Inasmuch  as  the  spores  of  S.  suhterranea  may  re- 
main viable  in  the  soil  for  3  to  5  years  or  longer 
(Melhus,  et  al.).  crop  rotation,  fallowing,  or  pastur- 
ing the  land  are  essential  in  regions  where  the  dis- 
ease is  abundant  and  destructive.  In  such  regions  the 
potato  crop  may  be  largely  destroyed  if  rotation  is 
neglected  (Petlivbridge,  '26).  Dorojkin  ('36)  thus 
advocated  compulsory  crop  rotation  of  no  less  than 
3  years  in  Russia,  but  it  is  apparent  that  a  longer 
period  may  be  necessary  to  starve  out  the  parasite. 
The  rotation  period  obviously  depends  to  some  ex- 
tent on  climatic  conditions,  and  the  character  of  the 
soil.  In  Scotland,  for  instance,  a  rotation  of  6  to  10 
years  or  longer  lias  been  recommended  for  loamy  soil 
in  regions  where  high  rainfall  and  low  tempartures 
normally  occur  during  the  potato  growing  season. 

Eradication  of  wild  hosts  is  of  doubtful  value  at 
present  because  S.  suhierranea  has  a  comparatively 
limited  host  range  and  very  little  is  known  about  its 
occurrence  outside  of  the  potato.  Since  the  fungus 
develops  on  tubers  only  after  they  are  partially  ma- 
ture early  harvesting  may  sometimes  be  effectual  in 
avoiding  the  disease,  provided  infection  does  not 
occur  early  in  the  season.  However,  it  is  not  prac- 
ticable because  no  marked  above-ground  symptoms 
of  infection  occur,  which  would  indicate  whether  or 
not  the  tubers  are  infected. 

Liming  the  soil  as  practiced  in  the  control  of  club 
root  of  crucifers  stimulates  instead  of  inhibiting 
the  development  of  powdery  scab.  Massee  ('10,  '15) 
recommended  dressing  the  land  with  quicklime  in 
the  spring  when  the  spores  germinate  in  the  soil,  but 
Pethybridge,  Home  ('12),  and  others  found  that 
lime  increases  the  amount  of  diseased  tubers.  Mel- 
hus, et  al.,  likewise  noted  that  lime  at  the  rate  of 
3,000  lbs.  per  acre  increased  infection  13.2  per  cent 
in  one  case  but  reduced  it  in  another.  These  varia- 
tions, however,  were  probably  due  to  differences  in 
soil  types  in  the  two  test  blocks.  Phillips  ('32)  ad- 
vised the  application  of  lime  to  loosen  the  soil  and 
make  it  more  porous  and  thereby  increase  drainage. 
Since  damp,  water-logged  soil  favors  the  develop- 
ment of  the  parasite  proper  drainage  is  essential. 

Other  control  measures  involve  seed  tuber  disin- 
fection before  planting,  soil  disinfection  with  chemi- 
cals and  fungicides,  and  the  use  of  resistant  potato 
varieties.  As  to  tuber  sterilization  various  disinfec- 
tants have  been  advocated  and  used.  Johnson  ('08) 
found  that  soaking  infected  tubers  for  18  to  2i  hours 
in  2  per  cent  Bordeaux  mixture,  1  Vo  hours  in  corro- 
sive sublimate,  or  2  hours  in  a  weak  formalin  solu- 
tion is  effective  in  killing  the  spores  of  S.  suhierra- 
nea. Subsequent  workers  have  confirmed  these  re- 
sults to  some  degree.  Pethybridge  ('13)  in  particu- 
lar observed  that  seed  tubers  treated  with  weak  solu- 
tions of  formalin,  copper  sulphate.  Burgundy  mix- 
ture, or  rolled  in  flowers  of  sulphur  checked  the  dis- 
ease to  a  marked  degree.  Tubers  soaked  in  1  per  cent 
copper  sulphate  for  3  hours  yielded  no  diseased  off- 
spring, while  those  rolled  in  sulphur  gave  only  1.03 
per  cent  infection.  Melhus,  et  al.,  however,  found 
that  tuber  treatment  with  2  pts.  of  formalin  per  30 
gals,  water  at  -16  to  50°  C.  for  5  minutes,  or  mer- 
curic chloride,  1  ozs.  to  15  gals,  water  at  -i-l  to  -IS  C. 
for  5  minutes,  gave  better  results  than  the  usual 
long  cold  treatments  with  either  of  these  substances. 
Rolling  wet  tubers  in  sulphur  or  soaking  them  in  5 
per  cent  atomic  sulphur  for  fl/o  hours  was  less  effec- 
tive than  treatment  with  formaldehyde  and  mercuric 
chloride.  While  these  disinfectants  reduce  infection 
considerably,  the  results  obtained  are  not  to  be  re- 
garded as  absolute,  according  to  Melhus,  et  al.,  since 
other  factors  such  as  variations  in  soil  moisture  and 
texture,  drainage,  and  temperature  have  a  marked 
effect  on  the  results.  Later  workers,  including  Ab- 
bott ('28),  Dorojkin  ('31,  '36)  and  Rovdo  ('36), 
iiave  reported  similar  beneficial  results  from  the  use 
of  corrosive  sublimate,  formalin,  and  mercuric  chlo- 
ride on  infected  seed  tubers.  Dorojkin  found  that 
soaking  tubers  20  to  30  minutes  in  a  .2  per  cent  solu- 
tion of  meranin,  a  liquid  organic  mercury  prepara- 
tion containing  less  mercury  than  mercuric  chloride, 
gave  excellent  control  in  Russia. 

Disinfection  of  contaminated  fields  by  the  appli- 
cation of  sulphur  at  the  rate  of  300  to  900  lbs.  per 
acre  has  been  reported  by  Melhus,  et  al..  Cotton 
('22),  Abbott,  and  Boning  and  Wallner  ('38)  to  re- 
duce the  incidence  of  infection  considerably.  Melhus 
and   his   collaborators   reported  that  better   results 



may  bo  si-rurcd  with  liroadi'ast  sul|ilmr  than  when  it 
is  applied  in  drills.  Cotton  (''2'2)  loiind  tiiat  tin-  ad- 
dition of  (iOO  lbs.  per  acre  redueed  the  iiieideiiee  of 
infeetion  from  St  to  7.5  per  eent,  while  Hoiiiiif;  and 
Wallner  ('3S)  reported  that  the  incorporation  of 
sulphur  .it  the  rate  of  K)0  klg.  per  heet.ire  with  t)rdi- 
n.-irv  fertilizers  diniiuished  infeetion  of  the  Parnas- 
sia  \;iriety  from  '2  ^  to  17  per  eent. 

The  .tiiditioii  of  eertain  fertilizer  ingredients  to 
the  soil  has  also  been  reported  to  reduee  infeetion. 
Petliybridjie  noted  very  early  that  the  applieatiou 
of  superpiiosphate  and  sulphate  of  potash  reduced 
the  number  of  diseased  tubers,  and  later  tliis  asjiect 
of  control  was  investigated  more  thoroughly  by  Mel- 
hus  and  his  collaborators  in  M;iine.  Each  of  fifteen 
plots  of  soil  of  v.irying  composition  and  texture  were 
fertilized  seiiaratcly  with  sodium  nitrate,  old  horse 
manure,  new  horse  manure,  ijliosjihorie  .icid.  ammo- 
nium suliihate  and  phosphoric  aeid,  ammonium  sul- 
phate and  jiotassium  chloride  respeeti\  ely  and  tested 
against  7  controls  treated  with  commercial  fertilizers 
at  the  rate  of  1..500  lbs.  per  acre  and  7  untreated  con- 
trols. These  plots  were  then  seeded  with  Green 
Mountain  variety  tubers  which  had  been  disinfected 
with  the  usual  strength  of  mercuric  chloride.  All  of 
the  fertilizer  ingredients  tested  alone  reduced  infec- 
tion 5  to  12  per  cent  below  that  of  the  controls.  Am- 
monium sulphate  and  acid  phosphate  gave  nearly  the 
same  yields  as  the  fertilized  checks  and  diminished 
infection  7.6  per  cent,  while  potassium  chloride 
yielded  the  least  infection,  which  may  have  been 
partly  due  to  the  jirolonged  growing  season  in  this 

So  far  no  completely  resistant  and  immune  potato 
varieties  have  been  found  or  developed.  Although  re- 
ports of  partial  to  complete  varietal  resistance  have 
often  been  made,  it  is  not  certain  whether  the  re- 
ported resistance  is  due  to  inherent  immunity  or  to 
the  fact  that  the  jilants  escaped  infection.  Soil  com- 
position and  texture  as  well  as  the  number  of  spores 
present  doubtless  vary  considerably,  and  it  is  not 
improbable  that  these  factors  are  often  the  cause  of 
variations  in  infeetion.  This  is  probably  true  in  the 
ease  of  Melhus'  experiments  conducted  in  1915  in 
Maine.  Melhus  and  his  co-workers  found  four  named 
varieties  (Ei.dohado,  Farys.  Wohltmann,  and 
Senator)  and  seven  seedlings  the  tubers  of  which 
were  free  of  the  disease,  while  otliers  showed  very 
slight  to  severe  infection.  However,  inasmuch  as  the 
control  variety,  Grkkx  Mountain,  also  showed  wide 
fluctuations  in  degree  of  infection,  Melhus,  et  al., 
concluded  that  the  variations  in  varietal  response 
were  partly  due  to  the  fact  that  some  of  the  varieties 
cscajjed  infection.  They  further  believed  that  the  na- 
ture of  varietal  resistance  jirobably  rcl.ites  to  the 
abilitv  to  form  cork  cambium.  Gomolyako  ('30)  re- 
ported that  SviTKZ,  Dkodora,  I'ihoi.a,  Kihia.  Pau- 
NASSiA,  Gavroneck  and  Ji'bel  were  least  affected 
bv  powdery  .scab  in  Russia,  but  he  was  not  eertain 
that  tliev  are  consistently  resistant.  Naumov  like- 
wise rel)orted  these  varieties  to  be  parti/illy  resist- 
ant, while  onlv  one,  Rose  of  Milet,  remained  free 

of  infection  in  l!).'t.').  Dorojkin  ('Jfi)  found  no  com- 
pletely rcsist.ant  conunerci.d  varieties  but  regarded 
.IiHF.i,,  CoHHLKH.  .•uiil  Pahnassia  jis  wcaklv  Suscep- 
tible. However,  eight  varieties  of  Solaniiin  from 
South  America  jirovcd  to  be  innnune,  as  well  as  nine 
hybrids  develo])ed  by  the  Pan  Soviet  Institute  of  Breeding.  Herogovoy  ('39)  reported  that  none 
of  tlie  varieties  tested  at  the  Kief  (luar.-iutine  labo- 
ratory were  comjiletely  resistant,  although  the  de- 
gree of  infection  w;is  (luite  low.  The  variety  \\'ohlt-  showed  the  highest  degree  of  resistance  and 
was  recommended  for  sub-sandy  soil. 

It  is  obvious  from  these  reports  that  varieties  such 
as  Parnassia,  Wohltmann,  Svitez,  Juhel,  Pirola, 
and  Cobbler  possess  some  degree  of  resistance  to 
])owdery  scab.  Tlie  use  of  these  varieties  in  connec- 
tion with  other  control  measures  such  as  ))roper  soil 
drainage,  tuber  sterilization,  soil  disinfection,  etc., 
will  doubtless  do  much  to  alleviate  infection  with 
powdery  scab  where  it  is  particularly  abundant  and 

Geographical  Distribution  of  Powdery  Scab 
and  Bibliography  of  I^iteraturc 

.Vnony.   1923.  Bull.  Agric.  Algerie-Maroc.  2nd  ser. 

29 :  69. 
Cujoutantis,   A.    1921.    Rev.    Path.    Veget.    Entom. 
Agric.  1  I  :  60. 


Rovdo,  A.  S.  1936.  White  Russ.  Acad.  Sci.  Inst. 
Biol.  Sci.  Minsk  1936:  39. 


Anony.  1927.  -Jour.  Dept.  Agric.  Victoria  25:  613. 
1936,  Ibid.  3t:  161.  1938,  Ibid.  36:  301. 

Bald,  J.  G.  1911.  Painphl.  Coun.  Sci.  Ind.  Res.  Aus- 
tralia 106. 

Darnell-Smith,  Cj.  P.  Ann.  Rept.  Dept.  Agric.  New 
South  Wales.  1920-21:  27. 

Norwood.  R.  B.  1933.  Queensland  Agric.  .lour.  40: 

Noble,  R.  J.  1921.  Agric.  Gaz.  New  South  Wales 
35 :  883. 

Hccke.  L.  1923.  Wiener  Landw.  Zeit.  73:  273.  281. 
Janchen,  E.  1921.  Oesterr.  Zeitschr.  f.  Kartotfelbau 

1:  3. 
Kock,  G.  1922.  Wiener  I.andw.  Zeit.  72:  82. 
.    1927.    Oesterr.    Zeitschr.    f.    Kartoffclbau 

1927,  no.  3. 
Wahl,  B.  192K  Zeitschr.  Landw.  Versuehsw.  Deut- 

Oesterr.   1921:  1-8. 


Dickson.  B.  T.   1922.  1  Ith  Ann.  Rept.  Quebec.  Soc. 
Protect.  Plants,  p.  67. 



Eastham,  J.  W.   1914.  Canada  Agric.  Exp.  Farms 

Circ.  no.  5:  7. 
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Cohimbia  1921:  64:  69. 
Gorham,  R.  P.  1914.  Dept.  Agric.  New  Brunswick 

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Gussow,  H.  T.  1913.  Phytopath.  3:  18. 
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Hurst,  R.  R.   1926.  Rept.  Dominion  Botanist,  Div. 

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Ledingham,   G.   A.    1934.    Nature    133:   534.    1935, 

Ibid.  135:  394. 
Partridge,  G.  1923.  Agric.  Gaz.  Canada  10:  121. 
Sanford,  G.  B.  1924.  Alberta  Agric.  Coll.  Bull.  no.  5. 
Tice,  C.  1922.  Scient.  Agric.  Canada  2:  249. 
Tucker,  J.    1921.   Canada   Dept.  Agr.   Pamph.  no. 

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Franco,  R.  M.  1938.  Agric.  Bogota  10:  344. 


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Rostrup,  E.  1905.  Ibid.  12:  352. 

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Koltermann,  A.  1931.  Fortschr.  d.  Landw.  6:  292. 
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Stiff,  A.  1912.  Centralbl.  Bakt.  Parasitenk.  II.  33: 

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Stranak,  F.  1918.  Ibid.  48:  520. 
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Ziekten  van  Cardappelknollen.  1909.  Meded.  Phyto- 
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l'(l\\Di:HY    SI  AH     OF     I'OTATOKS 


(i.illoway.  I..   I).    !!).•}(!.  Sci.   Hcpt.   Res.    Inst.    Pusa 

l>t3l-l})3r):  120. 
Maun.    n.    M..   ,-t   nl.    U»21.    Dipt.   Agiii'.    H.uiiliay 

Hull.  102. 


Johnson.  T.  ISIOC).  .I.-ilircsli.  W-rcin.  Vererts.  Angew. 

Hot.   1. 
.  1!K)7.  F.ion.  I'rof.  Hoy.  Duliliii  Soc.  1:  :H5. 

1908.  Ihid.  1  :  l.-)3. 
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Pcthybridge.  G.  H.  1909.  Irish  Nat.  18:  118. 

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land 10:  2H.  1911.  //>;</.  11:  U7.  1912.  7/j/V/. 
12:  33i.  1913.  Ihid.  13:  !«().  1918.  Ihiil.  18: 


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McDonald.  J.  1928.  Ann.  Re])t.  Dept.  Agric.  Kenya 



Bouriquet.  1938.  Int.  Bull.  PI.  Protect.  12:  191. 

Borg.   P.    1927.   Append.    F.    Repts.    Depts.    Malta 


Shepherd.  E.  F.  S.  193.5.  Re))!.  Dept.  Agric.  Mauri- 
tius 1931:  19. 


Bouhelier,  R.  1936.  I'ruits  Primeurs  6:213. 


Anony.  1927.  N.  Z.  Jour.  -Sci.  Tech.  9:  H. 
Blair!  I.  D.  1937.  Bull.  Canterbury  Agric.  Coll.  Lin- 
coln 9  K 
Cockayne,  A.  H.  1921.  N.  Z.  ,Iour.  Agric.  21  :  169. 


Brunchorst,  J.  1887.  Bergens  Mu.s.  Aarsberet.  1886: 

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Abbott,  E.  V.  1928.  E.stac.  Exp.  Agric.  Soc.  Nac. 
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.   1929.   Phytojiath.   19:  0 15.    19:M.  Ihid.  21: 

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Siemaszko.  W.  1929.  Centralbl.  Bakt.  Parasitenk  11. 
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Hopkins,  J.  C.  F.  1940.  Rhod.  Agr.  Jour.  37:  HI. 


Anony.  1927.  Bd.  .\gric.  Scotland  Miscl.  Pub.  no.  3. 
Cuthbertson,  D.  C.  1925.  Jour.  Roy.  Hort.  Soc.   1: 


Doidge,  E.  M.  192L  Bot.  Survey  S.  Africa  Mem.  no. 

Pole-Evans,  J.  B.   1910.  Transvaal  Agric.  Jour.  8: 

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Henning,  E.  1915.  Tradgarder.  1915.  no.  3. 
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sjukdomarna,  1921. 


Anony.  1920.  Schwciz.  Landw.  Zeitselir.  1920:  7. 
Wild."  N.  1929.  Phytopath.  Zeitschr.   1:  367. 


Darnell-Smith.  G.  P.  1922.  Ann.  Rcpt.  Dept.  Agric. 
New  South  Wales  1920-21.  1922. 

Anony.  1921..  PI.  Disease  Rept.  Suppl.  34:  168,  178, 

Bailey,  F.  D.  1915.  Sci.  n.  s.  42:  424. 

Barrus,  M.  P.,  and  C.  Chupp.  1926.  Cornell  Exp. 
Sta.  Bull.  135. 

Brigham,  E,  S.  1914.  Vermont  Dept.  Agric.  Bull. 

Clinton,  G.  P.  1915.  Re))t.  Conn.  Agric.  Kx]).  Sta. 
Bull.  1915:  163. 

Cook,  M.  T..  and  G.  W  .  Martin.  1911.  New  Jersey 
Agric.  Exj),  Sta.  Circ.  33 :  3. 

Haskell.  R.  J.,  and  J.  1.  Wood.  1927.  PI.  Dis.  Re- 
porter Suppl.  54:  209. 



Kunkel.  L.  O.  1915.  Jour.  Agric.  Res.  4:  265. 

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Misc.  Pub.  98. 
Lutman,  B.  F.,  and  G.  C.  Cunningham.  19U.  Ver- 
mont Agric.  Exp.  Sta.  Bull.  184. 
Lyman.  G.  R..  and  J.  T.  Rogers.  1915.  Sci.  n.  s.  42: 

McCubbin.  W.  A..  R.  E.  Hartman.  and  K.  M.  Lauer. 

1926.  Penn.  Dept.  Agric.  Bull.  420. 
Melhus,  L  E.  1913.  Sci.  n.  s.  38:  132. 

.  1914.  U.  S.  Dept.  Agric.  Bull.  82. 

,  J.   Rosenbaum,  and   E.   S.   Scliultz.    1916. 

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Morse,  W.  J.  1913.  Sci.  n.  s.  38:  61. 

.  1914.  Maine  Agric.  Exp.  Station  Bull.  227. 

Orion.  W.  A.   1913.  U.  S.  Dept.  Agric.  Farmer's 

Bull.  544. 
Ramsev.  G.  B.  1918.  Phytopath.  8:  29. 
Sands,"  H.  C,  and  G.  G.  Atwood.  1914.  New  York 

State  Dept.  Agric.  Circ.  111. 
Shapovalov.  M.  1923.  Jour.  Agric.  Res.  23:  285. 
,  and  G.  K.  K.  Link.  1924.  U.  S.  Dept.  Agric. 

Farmer's  Bull.  1367. 
Shear,  C.  L.  1914.  Phytopath.  4:  36. 

Beregovoy,  P.  1939.  PI.  Protect.  Leningrad   1939: 

Djelaloff,  R.  1933.  Azerbaijan  Agric.  Inst.  Pamph. 

Dorojkin,  N.  D.  1934.  Crop.  Protect.  Moscow  1934: 


.   1936.  White  Russ.  Acad.  Sci.  Inst.  Biol. 

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Gomolyako,  N.  J.  1930.  Morbi  Plant.  19:  79. 
Khrobrvkh,  N.  D.  1938.  Summ.  Sci.  Res.  Inst.  PI. 

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Kiyanovski.  P.  M.  1936.  White  Russ.  Acad.  Sci.  Inst. 

Biol.  Sci.  Minsk  1936:  39. 
Mercklin,  E.  1856.  Bull.  Soc.  Nat.  Moscow  29  pt.  2: 

Naumov,  N.  A.  1936.  Summ.  Sci.  Res.  WK.  Inst.  PI. 

Protect.  Leningrad  1935:  520. 
Rovdo,  A.  S.   1936.  White  Russia  Acad.  Sci.   Inst. 

Biol.  Sci.  Minsk  1936:  87. 
Rybakova,  S.,  and  H.  Nedoshivina.  1936.  Ibid.  1936: 

Speschnew,  N.  N.  1897.  Arb.  Tiflis  Bot.  Gart.  IJef. 


SlllJKl  T  INDEX 


I'laiitayiiiis,  70 

Clathrosonis,  5-4 
Campanulae,  56 

liatata,  76 

Ligniera,  58 
Isorlfs,  62 
J  unci,  60 
piloriim,  ()2 
radicalis,  60 
-cascularum,  63 
I'vrriicosa,  62 

Mcmbranosonis,  52 
HftiTaiitht-rai',  52 

MoUiardia.  .'57 
Triglochinis,  37 

Octomvxa.  40 

AcMar,  10 
Ostenfeldiella,  -22,  32 
Diplantherae,  32 

Peltoniyces,  76 
hi/alinus,  76 
Blati-llae,  76 
Forficulae,  76 



PlasinodiopiiDiJi, : 

lira.isicac,  22 
hicatidata,  33 

californiae,  31 
Diplinitlurae, 32 
Klafayni,  31 
Fici-reprtitis,  32 
llalopltitac,  32 
Orchidis, S5 
Solani,  36 
tahaci,  35 
tomati,  35 
vasciilariini,  35 
/■;■<;*■,  31 

Polymyxa,  63 

f/raminis,  6i 
Pyrrhosorus,  71 

marinus,  71 

hi/pof/eae,  61 

Sorodiscus,  46 
Callitrichis,  i7 
Heieraniherae,  52 
karlitui'ii,  50 
radicicohis,  18 

Sorolpidimii,  ()() 
yyc/nc,  66 

Sorospliacra,  41 
radical  IX,  13 
ICronicac,  12 

Spoiiffosporn,  .54 
Campanulae,  58 
Cotulae,  58 
scabies,  57 
,So/«n;,  57 
xiihtcrraiica,  57 
siihterraiiea  var.  radiricola,  57 
subterranea  var.  tiibcricola,  57 

Scaur/',  71 
Tenebronis,  75 

Tetramyxa,  37 
Elaeaf/ni,  38 
parasitica,  37 
Triglochinis,  37 

Trematoplilyctis,  70 
Leplodesmiae,  70 


Achilla,  10 

Acrasiae.  57 

Acrocystis,  77 

Actinomi/ces,  77 

Af/ropi/ron,  64 

Agrostis,  66 

Aira,  66 

Akaryote  stage,  2,  10.  U .  12,  20, 

Alisma,  60 
Allomi/ces,  10 
Alternation  of  generations,  15,  82. 

--1  maurochaete,  84 
.\mnioniuni  siil|)hatf.  I  15.  133 
./mo</)fl,  8.9.79 
./  mochas piiriis,  .35 
J m.v/o/^'ifl.^"*,  88,89,90 
Anagallis,  66 
Aphanomijces,  10 
Aphelidiopsis,  88.  90 
.Ipodachli/a,  10 
Arcliimycetes.  78 
A  reel  la,  11.79 
Asterocysiis,  67,  78 

Bacteria.  26 

Badhamia,  84 

Barisia,  66 

Baitati.1,  76 

Basic  fertilizers,  115 

Be//M,  60 

Bc^a,  62.  66 

Binuclearity  hypothesis,  2,  1 1 

Biological  races,  26 

Bisciitclla,  6() 

BlatcUac,  76 

Bli'iiliaroplast,  2,  80,  81 

/Jorfo,  90 

Borrago,  66 

Bordeaux  mixture,  109,  110 

Brassican.  109 

Zir/sa,  66 

Bromii.i,  62 

Calendula,  66 

fn//;(r;r/iP,  17,  48.60 

Campanula,  58,  66 

Cancer.  28 


Capsclla,  66 

C'arholiniiini.  105 

Carbolic  acid,  109,  13 
Carijoiropa,  8 
Centrosomes.  9,  1 1 
Cerastium,  60 
Ceratiomi/xa,  18,  80 
Ceratiuvi,  34 
Ceresan,  109 
Chara,  50 
Chennpodium,  62 
Chesliunt  brown,  105.  1 10 
Cblorojiicrin.  105 
Cbroinidia.2.  10.  II 
Clironiidia  liy))otlusis.  2.  1  1 
Clironiosomc  ninnbcrs.  I  1 
Chri/santhemum,  60 
Cliytridiales.  78 
Cleavage,  11 
Cliihicide.  105.  110 
Club  root.  i)3 
Comatrichia,  80 
Cop|)cr  oxide.  1  1  0 
Colipcr  carbonate.  1  10 
Cojjper  sulpiiatc,  110,  132 
Corrosive  sublimate,  105,  132 
Cotula,  58 
Cresol,  109 



Crop  rotation,  117,  132 

Cruciform  divisions,  2,  8 

Cuciirbita,  91 

Cysfoclonium,  71 

Cystosorus,  2 

Degree  of  infection,  99-103 

Delphinium  66 

Dicii/aethaliiim,  80 

Did  i/osteliiim,  57,  80 

Didi/miitm,  80,  88 

Dinaria,  66 

Diplanthera,  32 

Disease  control,  lO-t,  132 

Double  anchor  stage,  2,  8 

Economic  losses,  93,  129 

Elaeaf/nus,  34,  38 

Equatorial  ring  stage,  7,  8,  9,  10 

Erif/eron,  66 

Erionema,  84 

Erysibe,  57 

Eucjlena,  8 

Eucarpy,  2 

Fedia,  66 

Festiica,  62 

FicHi,  32 

Flagellata,  78 

Folosan,  109 

Forficula,  76 

Formalin,  105,  132 

Frankia,  34 

Frankiella,  34 

Fuelgen's  nuclear  reaction,  9 

Fulif/o,  80,  88 

Fitsarium,  129 

Garland  stage,  12 

Germisan,  109 

Glucococlilearin,  120 

Gluconasturtin,  120 

Glucotrapaeolin,  120 

Gi/mnococcus,  78,  79,  88.  90 

Gymnococcaceae,  78,  88 

Gynandropsis,  48 

Gyjisum,  115 

Halophila,  S2 

Haplomonoecious,  3,  82 

Haplophenotypic,  82 

Haplosynoecious,  3,  82 


Heterocont,  3 

Heteranthera,  52,  53 

Heterothallic,  3,  84 

H-ion  concentration,  97,  98,  129 

Hippophae,  34 

Holocarpy,  3 

Homothailic,  3,  84 

Hordeum,  64 

Hosts,  99-103 

Humulus,  35 

Hydromyxaceae,  88 

Hyjjerplasy,  3 

Hyi>ertrophy,  3 

Hypoplasy,  3 

Idiochromatin,  3,  6 

Immunity,  118,  133 

Iris,  60 

Isocont,  3,71 

Isoetes,  63 

Isogamy,  3,  81 

Isomorphic,  3,  81,  84 

Jiinciis,  59,  60,  66 

Karyogamy,  3,  15,  16,  18,  82 

Karyosome,  5,  8 

Kataplasmic,  94,  130 

"Krankheitsherde,"  55,  94,  131 

Lacjeiiidium,  63 

Latnium,  66 

Leptode.smia,  70,  71 

Leptomyxa,  35,  77 

Leptothrix,  34 

Liming,  110-115 

Lotus,  66 

Lycogola,  80 

Lycopersicon,  57 

Magnesium  carbonate,  115 

Medicago,  66 

Meiosis,  12,16,83,84 

Mentha,  60 

Mercuric  chloride,  105,  106.  109, 

Meront,  3,  14 
Methyl  green,  105 
Monadineae,  78,  88 
Monas,  88 
M on  ilia,  43 
Mustard  oil,  109.  120 
Mycetozoidia,  88 
Mvxoidea,  79 

INIyxomycetes,  78,  79,  82,  83 
^lyxosporidia,  90 
Myxocliytridiales,  78 
Myzocytium,  63,  66 
Naegleria,  36 
Nematodes,  96 

Newton's  gentian  violet  method,  9 
Nuclear  dimorphism,  4 
Olpidiaceae,  85 
Olpidium, 23, 66, 96 
Olpidiopsis,  85 
Oospora,  131 
Papulospora,  131 
Parachlorobenzine.  109 
Petroleum,  109 
Phaseolus,  91 
Phoma,  131 
/'/!;/.Vflr('//a,  80,  88 
Physarium,  80 
Phytotnyxa,  78,  79 
Phytomyxaceae,  2,  78,  79 
Phytomyxini,  2,  78,  79 
Phytophthora,  131 
Planocyte,  3,  80 
7^/aH(ar/o,  60,  70 
Plasmodiocarp,  3,  80 

Plasmodium,  3,  80,  81 

Plasmogamy,  3,  15,  16,  18,  82 

Poa,  43,  60,"62,  66 

Polygonum,  60 

Polysphondylium,   57 

Potassium  permanganate,  109 

Potomogeion,  37,  60 

Powdery  scab,  129 

Powdery  scab  dry  rot,  129,  130 

Preplasmodium,  25 

Pringsheimella,  85 

Promitosis,  3,  4,  10,  11 

Protomitosis,  3,  5 

Proteomyxa,  35,  79,  88 

Protista,"  78 

Protomyces,  57 

Protomyxidea,  79 

Protozoa,  79,  88 

Pseudocommis,  34 

Pseudospora,  79 

Pseudosporopsis,  88 

Quarantine,  129,  133 

Radium,  110 

Ranunculus,  60,  66 

Resistance,  1 18,  1 19,  120,  133 

Reticularia,  84 

Rhizoctonia,  131 

Rhizopoda,  90 

Rhizosporium,  57 

Rozella,  85 

Rozellopsis,  86 

Rumex,  64 

Ruppia,  37 

Saccharum,  35 

Sappinia,  76 

Saprolegnia,  40 

Sarcodina,  88 

Saltpeter,  116 

Saturn  stage,  3 

Scaurus,  74 


Schizont,  3.14 

Schizogony,  3,  14,  15,90 

Schizozooites,  90 

Sclerotia,  25,29 

Scolochloa,  64 

Secale,  64 

Segetan,  109 

Semesan,  109 

Septol pidium,  63 

Serumsporidium,  79 

Setaria,  66 

Sexuality,  15,81,82 

Silene,  66 

Sinablin,  120 

Sinigrin,  120 

Sodium  carbonate,  110 

Sodium  chloride,  1 10 

Soil  drainage,  98,  117,  132 

Soil  rot,  77 

Soil  moisture,  98 

Soil  pox,  77 



^So/(inH»i.3(>.."i7.!ii.  i;n 

SoliKir.  105 
Soroi-.-irp.  3 
SdrospDriiiin,  I'J.  .57 
Sorus.  1.  3 
Soot.  10!) 

Sporanjiiosorus,  1 .  3 
Spore  ficrinin.-itioii.  i)7.  1 2i) 
Spore  ionju-vity,  lOt,  132 
Sporoi-yst.  3,  S)0 
Sporoiianu'tfs.  23 
Sporoiii'iR'sis,  10 
Sporoiit.  3.  14.  13 
Sporozoa.  75).  !)0 
St  ell  aria,  (5(5 
Stemonitis.  80,  8 1 

Sulcaii.  109 

SulsriiK'.  109 

Sulplmr.  105.  132.  133 

Syiiil'iosis,  2iS,  38 

Si/iich  i/triiini,  71.  7S.  130 

S\  ncliytriaii  ac,  70.  7.S.  85 

Synkaryoii,  3 

Temporature  etlVits.  98.  129 

Tfiirhrio,  76 

Tillaiitinl}.  110 

Trichia,  18,  80 

Trifdiiiiiii,  (i(i 

Triglochiii,  37.  (56 

Tr'iiicum,  (i  !■ 

Trophoclironiatiiij  6 

Trijpanosoma,  8 

'ruhiTc'inia,  12.  37 

'I'i/lii(l(iiiiix,  2 

I  'lliifux,  57 

L'spulim.  105.  109 

I' ampjirilla,  79 

}' auchrria,  8(5 

/■(•rwHita,  12,  (iO,  62 

Vitis,  31 

Woronina,  M,  78,  85,  86,  91 

Woroniiiaceae,  85,  86,  91 

X-ray,  110 

'/lannichella,  37 

Zoocyst.  3.  90 

Zusteria,  33 


Al>l)ay.93,  no.  I  II.  127 

Abbey.  35 

Abbott.  129.  132.  135 

Abe.  81,82 

Adam,  93,  121 

Adams.  77 

Albert.  111.  120 

Alexieff.  1.9 

Almeida.  126 

Anderson.  93,  1  10,  1  17,  127 

Andreueei,  32 

Appel.26,9K95,  106.  110.  115 

Archer,  131 

Arker.  106.  111.  116.  118,  123 

Atkins.  97.  99.  125 

Atkinson.  96.  127 

Atwood. 136 

Aue.  123 

Bailey.  127.  135 

Bailie.  109.  125 

Bald,  133 

Earner,  36 

Barnes,  2,  79 

Barre.  77 

Barrett.  18.  i3.  58.  39,  66 

Barms.  133 

Bartlinsr.  58,  131 

Bandy  s,  121 

Bayer,  123 

Beaumont,  97.  110,  119,  121 

Becker,  111,  123 

Behla.30.  123 



Benehley,  105 

Bennett',  111,121 

Berefjovy.  131.  133,  136 

Berkeley.  57,  121,  129,  134 

Bernatsky,  125 

Bessey,7"9.80,  81 

Bever".  96.  1  11.  123 

Biffin,  121 

Bird,  127 

Birne.  93,  127 

B jorkenheim,  34 

Blair,  135 

Blattny,57,  134 

Blomfield.  4.  10 

Blumberg,  123 

Blunek,  97,  105,110,111.116,118,  123 

Boluier,93,  111.  123 

Boning.  93.  132.  133,  131 

Bondarzew,  126 

Borg,  135 

Borzi,  1,  64,  66 

Bos,  34,  98,  110,  135 

Bottner,  123 

Bouhlier,  133 

Bouriquet,  133 

Braun, 106 

Breiimer,  36 

Bremer,  96.97,98.  105,109,  110,  123 

Brezhnew. 115, 119, 126 

Briek,  106,  110,  123 

Brigham,  135 

Briosi,  34,  125 

Bronnle,  106,  123 

Brown,  109.  Ill,  121 

Bniek.  123 

Bnineliorst.  2,  34,  54,  57,  93,  135 

Bubac.  121 

Buehinan.93.  121 

Burk.  20,  22.42,47 

Burkliardt.  99,  106.  109,  111,117,123 

Burr.  131,  134 

Busse.  34 

Cadman,  1,79,80.82,81 

Calkins,  8,  79 

('ari)enter,  13  1 

Carrieklee,  11  1,  112,  121 

Carruthers.  96,  121 

Casali,  34 

Caspary,94,  123 

Catoni,  133 



Cavara.  34 

Cavers,  78 

Chardon,  35 

Chatton,  4 

Chauzit,  134 

Chodat,  34 

Christensen.97,  121 

Chupp.  16.  23.  24,  28,  96,  98,  105,  1 10,  1 12 

Cienkowski.  1,88 

Clark.  121 

Clavlev.  82 

Clavton,  105,109,  127 

Clinton,  128,  135 

Cockayne,  135 

Coic.  104 

Collinge,  121 

Cook.  M.  T..  35.  63,  94,  128,  135 

Cook,  W.  R.  I.,  1,  10,  16,  18.22,37,42,48,50,54, 

Cooke,  34.  121.  134 
Coons.  128 
Cotner,  80 

Couch,  1,4,18,40,81,85 
Crosby,  128 
Cotton,  132.  134 
Cuboni.  34 
Cujoutantis,  133 

Cunningham,  94,  97,  99,  110,  115,  128 
Curtis,  93,  121 
Cutlibertson,  135 

Dankler,  106,  123 

Darnell-Smith,  105,  110,  133,  135 


Davis.  119.128 

De  Andres,  117,127 

DeBary,78,  80 

Debrav,  34 

De  Briiyne,  88,  90 

Delage,  2,  79 

Deutelmoser,  116.  123 

Diakonoff.  110.  126 

Dickson.  133 

Diedicke,  42 

Djelaloti.  136 

Doflein.  14,  79,  91 

Dodge.  78 

Doidge.48.127,  135 

Donald.  42 


Dorojkin,  129,  132,  133,  136 

Ducomet.  34 

Dufrenoy,  121 

Duggar,77,  128 

Eastham,  134 

Edison.  128 


Eggemeyer.  106,  109,  123 

Elenkin,  126 

Elliott,  76,  77 

Ellis,  93. 121 

Ericksson,  96,  115 

Esmarch,  3,24,  104,  109,  123 

Evans,  119,  129 

Eycleshymer,  1,  24,  93,  95,  117,  128 

Farquharson,  93,  127 

Farsky,  116.  121 

Favorsky.23.80.96.  126 


Fedorintschik.  1 .  10.  16.  23,  24,  81,  96,  104,  117 

Feinberg,  30,  123 

Feldman,  32,  33 

Felsberg,  123 

Ferdinandsen,  5.  32,  54,  57,  58 

Findlav.119,  127 

Fischer,  78.  85.  127 

Fitzpatrick,  2,  3,  66,  70,  77,  79 

Flachs,  106,  116,123 

Fleishman,  123 

Focke,  134 

Fowlie,  127 

Franco,  134 

Frank,  34,  123,  134 

Fron,  62 


Fulmek,  134 

Gaillat,  62 

Galloway,  134 

Gaumann,  78 

Gav,  121 

GaylDrd,23.24,30,  128 

Georgeson,  93,  1 10 

Gibbs, 26,97,  104,  106,  1 12,  1 15,  1 16,  117.  1 18 

Gilbert,80,  82,  128 

Gilchrist,  110,121 

Gillett.  135 

Gilman,  128 

Glasgow,  106,  110,  128 

Gleis\ierg,  26,  93,  96,  105,  11 1,  123 

Glover,  106,  110.128 

Goebel,  2,  37 

Gomolyako,  133,  136 

Gonzales,  135 

Gorini,  32 

Gorham,  134 

Gram,  121,  134 

Gravis,  35 

Gretschel,  123 

Grevillius.  42 

Griffith,  119,  129 

Griffon,  103 

Grigon.  103 

CJross-Schlacters.  123 

Giissow,  119,  121,134 

Guyot,  62,66,67 

Gwvnne-Vaughan,  2,  79 

Habernall,  123 


Haensler,  111,  112,128 

Hall.  99,  121 

Halstead,  1,77.93,99,  110,  128 

Hammarlund,  106,  109,  127 


Harder,  97 

Harper,  82,  92 

ArriioH  ixDKX 


Harslilurjit-r.  128 

Martrr.TT.  1  10.  lli).  128 

I  l.irtniaii.  l.'Ui 

H.irtojl.  ~i> 

H;i>kdl.!)3.  135 

Hawk.  111.  128 

Ha\imfra.!»8.  I  1(>.  12.3 

Hiald.  128 

Heokf.  133 

Htdluiul.  127 

H.jryi.  12.-) 

}  Iiin/.clniaim.  117.  127 

H.lliiian.  123 

Hernki-l.SO,  12r> 

Henderson.  93.  110.  128 

Hendriik.  119.  127 

Hennin£:s.42.!)9.  121.  13.5 

Henry.  13  t 

Heroii.ird.  79 

Her))er.s.93.  107.  111.  123 

Hertel.  10.").  109.  110.  124 

Hertwig.  79 

Hertznian.  127 

Hcrviaux.  lOt 

Hevder.  121. 


Hiltner.97.  107.  1  l.->,  116,  12  1 

Hissinger.  37 

Hockey.  119.121 

Hofferiehter,  10.5,  124 

Hoffman.  10.5,  121 

HoUenbach,  124 

Hollriing.  107.  no 

Holmes-Smith.  10.5.  106.  121 

Hopkins.  13.5 

Honig,  23,26,  94,  95,  96, 97,  98, 99,  1 04,  1 06,  1 1 6, 

Honigmann.  124 
Hooker.  120 

Home.  2.  9.  13.  16.  129,134 
Hostermann.  26,  107,111,  119,  124 
Howard.  80,  84 
Humphrey,  98.  128 
Hunter.  110.  111.  127 
Hurrle,  121 
Hurst,  134 
Ikeno,  125 
Iwanoff, 126 
.lahlonowski,  125 
.lahn.  1.78.80,81,82,83,84 
Jaap.31.  126 
Jaczewski,  126 

Jamlainen,97,99,  105.  118,  119 
.Tanchen.  133 
.Ianson.98,  I  10 
,Iohnson.56.  132.  135 
.Jones.  L.  R.,  101,  1 10,  1 12,  1 19,  128 
Jones,  P.  M.,  1 , 4,  10, 15,  24, 26,  35,  80, 128 
Jorgenson.  105,  109 
Jorstad,23,93,  105,  110,117,  135 

,hiel  71 

K.idow.  rjs 


KaUhselmiid,  124 

K.ip])en,  12  1 

Kareltsehikott.  17 

Karling,  50,  60,  63,  85,  86 

Karsten,  121 

Katterfcld,9!).  I  10.  1  l(i.  1  19.  126 

Keissler.  34 

Kellermaiin.  124 

Khroliyrkli.  57.  136 

Kiiiippel.  124 

Kiiidslioven,99,  105,  106,  116,  121 

Kirk,  35 

Kirschner,  107,  1  11 .  1  17.  124 

Kiyanovski,  1  36 

Klebahn,  124 


Kleimenov,  126 

Klein,  88,  92 

Klemm,  124 

Kiiiep.  78.  84 

Koblischek,  107,  115,  124 

Koek,  104,117,  124,133 

Kohne, 107,121 

Koltermann,  129,  134 

Korff. 115, 124,134 

Kornauth,  120 

Knorr.  124 

Kranzlin,  84 

Kreuzpointer.  110.  111.  124 

Krieger,  134 

Kronberger.  106.  I  16 

Kruger.  124 

Kudo.  79,  92 

KUhn,93,  124 

Kupke,  105,  109,  124 

Kunkel,  1,  18,23,54,57,80,95,96,128,  129 

Kuster,94,  124 

Lagerheim,  42,  43,  46,  57,  135 

Langenbeck,  124 

Lankester.  79,  88 

Larsen,  23,96,98.  11],  115,  128 

Laubert,  93,  9  1.  95.  104,  111,117 

Lauer,  136 

Ledingham,  1 .  1 0,  18,23,  56,  63,  8 1 

Leger,  74,  76 

Leines,  107,  124 

I^eitncr,  40 


I.inder,  104 

I.indfors,97.  107.  109.  110.  115,127 

Link.  35,  120,  136 

Lister,  82 

Littlejohn,  129 

Joew,  108, 109,  112 

Lohwag,  34 

Lotsy.  78,  92 

Lowcnthal,30.  121 

Ludwig.  126 

Ludwigs,  97,  101,  108,  117 



Lunden,  135 

Lundegardh, 91 

Lustnfr,93,  108 

Lutman,  8,  15,21,95,  128,  136 

Lyman,  136 

Lyon,  134 

MacDonald,  135 

MacLeod,  26,  108,  110.  119.  121,  128 

Maire.  2,  8,  18.  34.  37,  58,  62,  78 

Magnus,  99,  124 

Mangin,  116 

Mano.  91 

Marchand,  103 

Marcell,  120 

Marcliionatto.  120 

Maneval,  128 

Manns,  77 

MarshaU,  121 

Martin,93,  97,  110,  112,  128,  135 

Martins,  129.  134 

Massee,  1,  18,  34,  35,  54.  57,  132,  134 

Matz,  35 

Mathieu-Sanson,  95,  1 1 1 .  11 6 

Maublanc,  103 

Maun,  135 

McAlpine,  111.116 

McCubbin,  136 

McLarty,  121 

McLennan,  35 

McRostie,  121 

McRue,  125 

Merkenschlager,  108 

Melluis,57,  129,  130,  131,  133,  136 

Mercklin,  136 

Meyer,  97,  124 

Middleton,  128 


Millard,  134 

Miller.  93.  116,  124 

Milovidov,5,n,12,  15,  121 

Minden,  66 


Moeller,  34 


Moldenke,  128 


Montieth,98,  110,  117,  128 

Moritz.34,  126 

Morozov,  126 

Morse,  136 

Mortensen,  121 

Motte,26,97.  105.  112.  116,  117 

Mothes,  110,  124 

Mover,  111,112 

Muiler,96,  109 

Miiller-Thurgau.  95.  96.  108 

Murphy,  111,115,  116,  128 

Muskett,  109 


Nance.  128 

Nattras,  129 

Naumann,  104,115,116,124 

Naumov.  28,96,97,  110,129,  133,136 

Nawaschin,  1,4,  10,  14,  24 

Nedoshivinia,  57 

Neger.  104,  111,  115,  124 

Neill,  126 

Nemec,  1,66.67.68,70 

Newodowsky.  126 

Nichols.  35, "l27 

Nicholson,  85,86 

Nicoloff,95,  121 

Nielsen,  114, 117,  121 

Noak,  111,115 

Noble,  120,133 

Noel,  121 

Notzel,  124 

Norwood,  133 

O'Brien,  127 

Oger,  123 

Ogilvie,  105,  108,121 

Olive,  82 

Olsson,  118,  119,  127 

Orton,  136 

Osborn.  1,  5,  10,  12,  18,  56,  81,  134 

Ostenfeld,  47,  52 

Osterwalder,  95,  96,  108,  109,  1 16 

Owen,  128 

Palm,  18,22.42,47,62 

Palmer,  108,  109,  128 

Panck,  124 

Pape,94,  124 

Pardy,  127 

Partridge,  134 

Pascher.  78,92 

Passv,  123 

Patouillard,  70,  71,135 

Pavillard,  14,  16,78,92 

Perotti,  125,  135 

Petch,  121 

Petersen,  52 

Pethybridge,  129,  132,  133,  134,  135 

Petri,  110,  125 

Pettera.  117.  124 

Pfeiffer,  125 

Phillips,  129,  132,  134 

Pichler,  121 


Podwyssozki,  30,  126 

Poetern,  125,  134 

Pollacci,32,  125 

Pole-Evans,  127,  135 

Polyakoff,  10  K  126 

Ponkler,  116.  124 

Poole.  77 

Pope, 119 

Popp.  105,  108.110.  111.  115,124 

Potebnia.  126 

Poter,  124 

Potter,  104,  134 

Potts,  103,  104,  110 

Preston,  105,  108,110,  114,  129,  134 

Prillieux,  34,  123 

Price,  77 



Prowaztk.  .5.  12.  1  5.  •_>  t.  30.  SO.  I2t 
I'nor.  1  17.  I  IJt.  120.  12S 

(^UJlIljlT.   13i 

U.ilil)as.  10.-..  108.  1  10.  121. 

Haht'iiliorst.  .57 

K.iiiiio.  121 

Rainstv.  129.  13(5 

Raiiffoi.  127 

Rath.  121 

Rattkf.  12t 

Rail.  12  t 


Ravn.S)K97.  98.  1  10,  1  1  1,  1  Hi,  118,  121 

Rawlins.  67 

Rayes.  126 

Read.  98 

Reed.  9.1.  128 


Reic-lu-now.  79 


Rcmy.93.  121 

Renard.93.  111.  123 

Rluinibler.  79.92 

Rielini.  108.  109.  110.  121 

Robertson,  131 

Roehlin.23.  21-.96.97.  1  IS.  119.  120.  126 

Roger.  1  15.  125.  136 

Rosanoff. +7 

Rosen.  82.  92 

Rosenbaum.  57,  136 

Rosenfeld.  48 

Roth.  125 

Rostrup.  12.  93.  131 

Rovdo.  132.  133,  136 

Roze.  31 

Rump.  12.5 

Russell.  121.  128 

Rybakova.57,  136 

Saccardo.  67.  77.  1 25 

Sanderson.  127 

Sands.  136 

San  ford.  131 

Sattler.  121 

Sauvageau,  31 

SchatTnit.  97.  108.  115 

Schaudin.  1 1 

Scherffel,  88,90,92 

Schibata,  31 

Schilberszky,  125 

Schinz.  127" 

Schlodder.  125 

Schlumberger.  91.95.  105.  125,  131 

Schmid.  1 15 

Schmidt.  116.  121,  127 

Schneider.  131 

Schoyen,  126 

Schroeter,  1,20,31,11,78 

Schultz.57,  136 

Schiinemann,  83.  81.  92 

Schwartz,  1,  10,  13,  37,  42,  59,  60,  78,  137 

Schwarze,  128 

Seeloff,  116,  125 

Seifert,  125 


.Selt.nsiHrger.  1  10.  115 

.Sh,ir;mga))ani,  125 

-Shapovalov.  I ;)  I .  I :«) 

Sharpies,  57 

Shear,  136 

Shephard,  129.  135 

Shewell-Cooper,  111 

Siemazko.  I  10.  117.  126.  135 

Sinoto.  80.  92 

Sit.nsky.  1  10.  121.  126 

Skujiienski.  1.  18.  82.81 

Slingerhand.  93.  128 

Sniieton,  105,  109 

Smith.  26.  78,80.  96,  128 

Snell.  131 

Sonimer,  105,  125 

Sonimerville,  1 10 

Sorauer,93.  125 

Spesehnew,  126.  136 

Ssaeharotf,  97,  99.  1 18,  1 19,  126 

Staes,  125 

Staniland,  97,  110 

Stefanow,  95,  121 

Stephens,  121 

Stevens,  78.  128 

Stewart,  111.  128 

Stift.  121.  131 


Strasburger,  82,  92 

Stranak,  131 

Straube.  116,  125 

Strohmeyer.  125 

Stubbs,ill,  117 

Svec,  121,  126 

Sydow.  31 

Tabenhaus,  76,  77,  128 


Takase,  12,  13,38 

Taliaferro,  36 

Tedin.  119,  127 

Tennent,  110.  1  1  K  1 19.  126 

Terby.  1,8,9.  12.81 

Tessenow,  1 10,  1 1 1,  125 

Tiee.  131 

Tillinghast,  128 

Tison,  2,  8,  18.  31,  37,  58,  62.  78,  85 

Tischler,  91 

Tokunaga. 86.92 

Toni])kiiis.  128 

Townsend,  77 

Trieseliniaii.99.  10  K  108.  125 

Troitzky,  126 

Trotter,  12, 16 

Truseott,  57 


Tueker.  1  3  I 

Uzel.  121 

Vanderyst.  93,  95.  98,  121 

Vaughan, 110,  128 

Vercier,  123 



Viala,  34 

Vielhauer,  108, 125 

Vilkaitis,97, 108,  109,  114,  126 

Vincent,  104,123 

Voelcker,  110,  111,121 

Vladimirskaya,  108,  109,  110,  114,  126 

Vogel,  114,  116 

Voglino,  125 

Vogt,  108 

Vohman,  125 

Vonwiller,  125 

Vouk,28,  80,  84,  125 

Wager,  91 

Wagner,  116 

Wagner-Ettelbruck,  125 

Wahl,  133 

Wahling,  95,  108,125 

Walker;26,  96,  98,  11 1.  1 14,  1 15,  1 19,  120,  128 

Waldheim,  57 

Wallner,  132,133 

Wallroth,57,  58,  134 

Webb,  8,9,13 

Weber,57,  127,  134 

Weimer,  77 

Weiss,  110,  125 

Wellman,  97,  98,  105,  110,  111,114,117,128 

Wenyon,  14 

Werham,  4,  13,  18,52,54 

Werner,  37 

Werth,  26,  94 

Weseheider,  128 

Wettstein,  79,  92 

Whiffen,  10,  18,24,40,  82 

Whitehead,  98,  110,115.116,119,  120,129 

Wilcox,  77 

Wild,  56,  129,  135 

Wildemann,  66 

Wilson,  1,  80,  84,  108,  1 10,  1 14,  128 

Winge,  5,  10,  13,  22,  32,  46,  54,  58,  67,  71,  78,  85, 

Winter,  42 
Wisselingh,  125 
Wood,  93^  116,  135 
Woodman,  105,  121 
Wollenweber,  134 

Woronin,  1,  22,  78,  93,  95,  96,  99,  109,  1 26 
Wright,  127 
Yendo,  12,38 
Yuasa,  80,92 
Zopf,  2,  78,  79,  85,  86,  88,  92,  125