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Number 103 10 November 1966 




In the course of investigating the cytology of clathriid sponges 
a new species from the San Juan Archipelago, Washington, has 
been found. On the basis of skeletal and field characteristics this 
form appears to be identical to chela-containing sponges described 
by de Laubenfels (1927) from California as variants of Ophlita- 
spongia pennata (Lambe, 1894). Cytological evidence reviewed 
here (see Simpson, in press, for detailed discussion) establishes 
that the chela-bearing sponges are not conspecific with O. pennata. 


Spicule preparations were made by digesting a piece of the 
sponge in hot, concentrated nitric acid. This was followed by 
repeated centrifugation and resuspension in distilled water. The 
spicules were then dried on slides and mounted. Hand sections 
were cut with a razor blade, stained in a saturated solution of basic 
fuchsin in 95% ethanol, mounted and examined. Routine histo- 
logical procedures and histochemical staining were employed for 
studying cell types and microanatomy (see Simpson, in press, for 
details of methods). 


Postilla Yale Peabody Museum No. 103 

Axocielita hartmani new species 

Ho.LotyPe: YPM’ No. 5075. Kilpatrick’s shore, San Juan 
island, San Juan Archipelago, Washington, U.S.A. 

Hasirat: A single specimen was collected growing on a rock 
substratum at two feet below mean low water level. 

FURTHER DISTRIBUTION: De Laubenfels (1927) has reported 
the occurrence of chela-containing specimens of Ophlitaspongia 
pennata from the Monterey Peninsula in California. These sponges 
are believed to be identical to Axocielita hartmani. 

SHAPE: The specimen is incrusting, measuring 30-35 mm in 
thickness and covers an area of 20 square cm. No upright pro- 
cesses are present. 

CoLor: The living sponge is bright red in color. When pre- 
served in alcohol, its color is drab. 

CONSISTENCY: In both the living and preserved condition the 
sponge is firm, almost brittle. 

SURFACE: The surface of the sponge possesses numerous small] 
pores which are irregularly shaped and randomly distributed. In 
addition, there are larger depressions each of which is partially 
covered by a thin translucent membrane. Some of the latter are 
subspherical in shape while the remaining are elongate. These 
larger depressions appear to be oscules (FIG. 1). 

EcTOsoME: At the surface of the sponge are spicule plushes 
usually formed of three or four thick styles standing erect. The 
points of these styles protrude approximately 50 beyond the sur- 
face. The heads of the styles are embedded in spongin fibers which 
end at or just below the surface. Erect, thinner styles occur along 
with the thick ones in some of the plushes. Thin and thick styles 
are also present at the surface without any particular orientation. 
There is no distinct class of spicules present only in the ectosome. 

ENDOSOME: Basally there is a layer of spongin in contact with 
the substratum. Ascending fibers, 50 to 70m in width, originate 
from the basal layer and course upwards, ending at or just below 
the surface. The ascending fibers are exceedingly thin and translu- 
cent, and one gets the impression in viewing hand sections that 

‘YPM — Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, New 
Haven, Connecticut. 

FIG. 1. Surface view of the holotype of A xocielita hartmani n. sp. 
The sponge is attached to a rock substratum. At a and at 
b are areas from which tissue was removed for analysis. 
Numerous small pores are just barely visible on the sur- 
face. Oscules occur either within elongate depressions 
(at c) or in subspherical depressions (at d). SGIEG: 

f AS / ‘cay oD es | 
i /V x a a ay LET eS A 

MUs, Cuvier, 2G G1. 

NOV 21 Io 


1966 New species of clathriid sponge 



FIG. 2. Spicule types present in Axocielita hartmani n. sp. A. Thick styles. 
B. Thin styles. C. Toxas. D. Palmate isochelas. E. Microspination 
present on the heads of thin styles. Scale I: A, B, C. Scale II: D, E. 

there is very little spongin present. Thick styles lie partially em- 
bedded in the ascending fibers and protrude, with pointed ends 
out, at various angles from them. The ascending fibers are linked 

dt Postilla Yale Peabody Museum No. 103 

One to another by short spongin fibers which also contain thick 
styles partially embedded within them. These cross bridges are 
thin (20.0 to 50.0) and usually contain only one, two, or three 
spicules. The bridges measure approximately 150 to 200, in length: 
i.e., the length of one thick style. Randomly distributed through- 
out the tissue of the sponge are thin styles, toxas, and palmate 
isochelas. Rarely, thin styles are also found partially embedded 
in the tracts of spongin fibers. 

SPICULES: Two categories of megascleres and two of micro- 
scleres are present in this species. The megascleres include two 
categories of styles which can be distinguished on the basis of the 
width of the spicule and on the presence or absence of microspina- 
tion on the head of the spicule. Thick styles possess smooth heads 
with no swelling. The shaft of thick styles is usually slightly curved. 
Thin styles possess one to five minute spines on the head of the 
spicule. In most cases the heads of thin styles are subtylote. The 
microscleres include numercus palmate isochelas and less numer- 
ous toxas. The morphology of the toxas is quite variable. They 
are oxyote with a deep, rounded arch. Some, however, approach 
a v-shape due to the height of the arch above the arms (see FIG. 2.) 
Measurements of the four spicule types follow: 

Thick styles: 156.0-177.8-228.8 X 11.9-15.7-19.0° 
Thin styles: 130.0-1/54.9-193.4 X 4.8-5.9-10.2 
Palmate isochelas: 19.0-2/.7-23.8 
Toxas: distance 

between tips 

of arms: 27.3-69.3-121.4 

height of arch 

above arm tips:  11.1-20.7-43.1 

In its skeletal features, Axocielita hartmani resembles Axo- 
cielita linda de Laubenfels (1954, p. 156) described from the 
Marshall and Caroline Islands. The latter species differs from 
hartmani by growing as an exceedingly thin crust, by containing 
two sizes of toxas, by possessing some contort palmate isochelas, 
and by having tylostyles as megascleres. 

* Measurements in microns. Means (in italics) and extremes of 25 spicules 
in each category. 


1966 New species of clathriid sponge 

De Laubenfels (1927), in discussing a number of intertidal, 
incrusting, red sponges from the Monterey Peninsula, California, 
remarked on the variation in spiculation in Ophlitaspongia pen- 
nata. He found some specimens which contained palmate isochelas 
and others which lacked them; he designated both types of speci- 
mens as pennata. The two forms cccur together on San Juan Island 
as well and are strikingly alike in the field. Both have an incrusting 
mode of growth and are red in color. Skeletal similarities include 
the presence in both of smooth coring styles, toxas, anastomosing 
spongin fibers, and thin interstitial and dermal styles. On the basis 
of skeletal and field characteristics one might conclude, as did de 
Laubenfels, that the two forms belong to a single species. How- 
ever, in addition to the fact that A. hartmani has chelas and 
O. pennata lacks them, there are marked cytological differences 
between the two sponges (Simpson, in press). In these charac- 
teristics the latter species bears a close relationship to Microciona 
atrasanguinea Bowerbank (1862), the type species of Microciona. 

The generic placement of hartmani is difficult. On the basis 
of skeletal and cytological characteristics hartmani cannot be 
placed in Ophlitaspongia, Microciona, or Thalysias (Simpson, in 
press). Unfortunately, cytological data are lacking for the type 
species of a number of additional genera (see Lévi, 1960) which 
could include hartmani. I have decided to place hartmani in the 
genus Axocielita (de Laubenfels, 1936, p. 118) at this time 
because, on the basis of skeletal characteristics and growth form. 
this new species fits into Axocielita better than into any other 
previously established genus. 

Hechtel (1965, p. 43-44) has argued that the type species of 
Axocielita, Microciona similis Stephens (1915), should be restored 
to the genus Microciona because it possesses spiny styles. He 
furthermore states that the remaining species in Axocielita can 
then be transferred to the genus Axociella Hallman (1920). If 
this conclusion is accepted, hartmani would be placed in A xociella. 
Because the type species of A xociella is a very distinctive, branch- 
ing sponge with an axial core of spongin, quite unlike hartmani 
(and also unlike Axocielita linda) 1 see no reason for dropping 
Axocielita until additional non-skeletal data demand it. This means 
that either Hechtel’s conclusion that the type species of A xocielita 
actually belongs in the genus Microciona must be set aside for the 

6 Postilla Yale Peabody Museum No. 103 

time being, until additional characters are studied, or a new genus 
must be established to receive hartmani as well as linda. I have 
chosen the first course, the retention of Axocielita with similis as 
the type species, until additional information is available. This 
course is necessary since I have redefined the genus Microciona 
on the basis of cytological features (Simpson, in press) and it is 
inconsistent to return similis to Microciona without first having 
cytological data. In addition, I have found (Simpson, in press) 
that the presence of spiny styles is not correlated with the nature 
of the special cell types. 

Lévi (1960, p. 60) has expressed the opinion that in the 
family Clathriidae it is superfluous to erect or retain separate 
genera on the basis of the presence or absence of chelas alone. 
However, in the case of Axocielita hartmani the presence of chelas 
is associated with cytological characteristics distinct from those 
found in Microciona pennata and therefore I have separated this 
sponge from Microciona pennata at the generic level. Microciona 
spinosa Wilson (1902) possesses the same skeletal features as 
Axocielita hartmani, but the cytological features in this species 
are like those in Microciona atrasanguinea, thus confirming Wil- 
son’s original placement of the species in Microciona. 

The latter finding reinforces a conclusion which can be drawn 
from the present work: in the absence of additional characteristics 
(histological and cytological) one has no basis for deciding 
whether the presence or absence of chelas reflects an underlying, 
more deeply rooted similarity or difference between species. There- 
fore generic separations or mergers on this basis become a matter 
of preference rather than a reflection of relationships. The present 
work and that soon to be published elsewhere leads to the unhappy 
conclusion that in some cases taxonomic decisions which are based 
enly on skeletal characters and growth form are not indicative 
of taxonomic relationship below the family level. 


I am indebted to Willard D. Hartman for his help and sugges- 
tions in preparing this paper and have named the new species in 
his honor. | am most grateful to Shirley G. Hartman who has 
generously given her time and skill in preparing the spicule draw- 

1966 New species of clathriid sponge 7 

ing and to John Howard who prepared the photograph of the 


This work was generously supported by the National Science 
Foundation (Grant GB-192 to Yale University) and by a Faculty 
Research Fund Grant from Tufts University. 


Bowerbank, J. S. 1862. On the anatomy and physiology of the Spongiadae. 
Part Ill. On the generic characters, the specific characters, and on the 
method of examination. Phil. Trans. Roy Soc. London 152: 1087-1135, 
pl. 72-74. 

de Laubenfels, M. W. 1927. The red sponges of Monterey Peninsula, 
California. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. 9, 19: 258-267. 

1936. A discussion of the sponge fauna of the Dry Tortugas in 
particular and the West Indies in general with material for a revision 
of the families and orders of the Porifera. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. 
No. 467, Pap. Tortugas Lab. 30: 225 p., 22 pl. 

1954. The sponges of the West-Central Pacific. Oregon State 
Monogr. Zool. no. 7: 306 p. 

Hallman, E. F. 1920. New genera of monaxonid sponges related to the 
genus Clathria. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44: 767-792. 

Hechtel, G. J. 1965. A systematic study of the Demospongiae of Port Royal, 
Jamaica. Bull. Peabody Mus. Nat. Hist. 20: 94 p., 8 pl. 

Lambe, L. M. 1894. Sponges from the western coast of North America. 
Trans. Roy. Soc. Can. 12(4): 113-138. 

Lévi, Claude, 1960. Les Démosponges des cétes de France. I. Les Clathrii- 
dae. Cah. Biol. Mar. 1: 47-87. 

Simpson, T. L. In press. The application of histological and cytological 
characteristics to the taxonomy of poecilosclerid sponges. Bull. Pea- 
body Mus. Nat. Hist. 

Stephens, Jane, 1915. Atlantic sponges collected by the Scottish National 
Expedition. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb. 50: 423-467. 

Wilson, H. V. 1902. The sponges collected in Porto Rico in 1899 by the 
U.S. Fish Commission Steamer Fish Hawk. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 
1900 (2): 375-411. 


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