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Chief of Division of Biological Survey. 



Introduction .25 5.25.24 Soeccce bs oe ee b oodaen ete ee ee eee 
General habits of prairie dogs :.2. 2. .:s..2s.2-+ 25-8 ane: - ee 
Timeé.of birth:and number of young:.2-....'. 2... 2-2. -} - see eee 
Mounds and burrows : oo... 2. s.252 022 8s2 202 tenses acne eee 
Natural enemies... oo. 2252 oc seats hens bona eee 
Recent increase and spread of prairie dogs .--.-..... 2.5252. uae eee eee 
F000 5.22 222 sees Sos dais Sees be ee Se ee oe ee 
Destructiveness +. ..5. 2.2: 24h ih a. be) sc batine soe eee 
Popular interest in the destruction of prairie GOO8 Lt Shad. c- oe 5 ee eee 
Methods of destruction. ....0..... a GRU Ss ee ee 
Obstacles and difficulties of exterminatyaai f;4!. foc... 2.222 eee eee none ee 
Prairie dogs on Nantucket C4334) 4 8corg. oie ae ee ee 
PiaTE XXII. The plains prairie dog ( Cynomys ludovicianus).........-.------ 

XXIII. Mounds of the plains prairie dog: Fig. 1.—Normal mound in 
new ground (alfalfa field). Fig. 2.—Mound repaired by scrap- 
ing up earth from the outside. Fig. 3.—Inside of rim of mound, 
showing nose marks., 2. .f..22...6-..22868 soe 

XXIV. Mounds of the plains prairie dog: Fig. 1. Senrcend in flooded 
ground, showing protection from rains. Figs. 2 and 3.—New 
mound in alfalia field .. 2.30. 222.) seeeewes een < oe en 


Fig. 24. Distribution of plains prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus)....-... --- 
25. Prairie-dog DULTOW =. « «cases sone osiges acee 4 eee ss oes ae 



By C. Harr Merriam, 

Chief of Division of Biological Survey. 

In crossing the United States by any of the transcontinental railways 
the traveler who looks out from the car window on the second day west- 
ward from Chicago is sure to have his attention arrested by colonies of 
small animals about the size of cottontail rabbits. These animals are 
prairie dogs. Some stand erect at the mouths of their burrows, view- 


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Fig. 24.—Distribution of plains prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus): The occupied area is marked with 

ing the passing train; others are engaged in feeding or running to and 
fro about the colony. The land they occupy is the broad expanse of 
level and slightly rolling semidesert country known as the Great 
Plains, a vast tract which stretches from the Rocky Mountains easterly 
to the western edge of the Mississippi Valley, and from Montana and 
North Dakota southward to Texas and Mexico. (See fig. 24.) The 
plains are treeless, except along the streams, and the ground is sparsely 
covered with grass and other small plants, which are green in early 
spring and brown the greater part of the year. 



The prairie dog loves sunshine and a dry atmosphere, and in ranging 
easterly from the arid plains toward the humid prairies of the Missis- 
sippi Valley becomes less and less numerous, till between the ninety- 
seventh and ninety-eighth meridians he disappears altogether. Not 
even the luxurious vegetation of the prairies is sufficiently attractive 
to lure him into the humid belt adjoining his chosen home. That he 
is fond of rich vegetation and prefers it to the dry bunch grass of the 
plains is shown by his great destructiveness to alfalfa, grain, and 
other crops grown on irrigated lands within his range. This is an 
important illustration of the law that in fixing the limits of distribu- 
tion of animals climatic factors are even more potent than food. 

The prairie dog is preeminently a social animal, living in colonies 
which vary in extent from a few acres to thousands of square miles 
and inhabited by thousands, and in some cases millions, of animals. 
Colonies 20 to 30 miles in length are not rare, and in Texas one is 
known which measures about 250 miles one way by 100 to 150 the 
other, covering an area of about 25,000 square miles. The number of 
holes in use on each acre varies from a few to upward of a hundred, and 
probably averages at least 25. At Alma, Nebr., W. H. Osgood found 
the number ranging from 35 to 64, and on an alfalfa field near Carls- 
bad, N. Mex., Vernon Bailey found 1,009 on 20 acres, or 50 to the 
acre. In old towns many holes are abandoned, or used only as refuges, 
so that it is dificult to ascertain how many animals live in a stated — 
number of holes. Another difficulty lies in the varying number of 
animals in the occupied holes, for in winter and early spring the usual 
number is two (a pair), while after the birth of the young the number 
is at least quadrupled, and then decreases with the advance of the sea- 
son, as the young are killed by enemies. It is certainly a conservative 
estimate to assume the average number of animals per acre to be 25. 
On this assumption, the number of prairie dogs in the great Texas 
colony must be at least 400,000,000. 

According to the formula for determining the relative quantities of 
food consumed by animals of different sizes (kindly given me by Prof. 
W. W. Cooke), 32 prairie dogs consume as much grass as 1 sheep, and 
256 prairie dogs as much as 1 cow. On this basis the grass annually 
eaten by these pests in the great Texas colony would support 1,562,500 
head of cattle. Hence, it is no wonder that the annual loss from 
prairie dogs is said to range from 50 to 75 per cent of the producing 
capacity of the land and to aggregate millions of dollars. 


When a person approaches a dog town the animals see him a long way 
off and keep a close watch on his movements. As he comes nearer an 
alarm note is sounded, at which those away from their burrows rush to 
the entrance mounds, where they sit or stand erect, nervously twitching 

Yearbook U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1901. PLATE XXil. 





their tails and chattering or barking excitedly. If he continues to 
move toward them the excitement increases, and most of the animals 
on the near side of the colony plunge headlong into their burrows. 
Some withdraw more slowly, and for some time their heads and eyes 
may be seen peering up from the funnel-shaped openings of the mounds. 
Those near by are usually silent, while those at a little distance con- 
tinue to scold and chatter. This chattering or barking, as it is usually 
called, can often be heard after the animals have gone down out of sight 
in their holes. (Pl. XXII.) 

Along railroads the animals have become so accustomed to tne trains 
that they no longer take fright as the great noisy engine rushes madly 
by, and they are best observed, perhaps, from the windows of passing 
trains. Their indifference at such times is amazing. I have often 
watched them from the ‘‘Overland Limited,” some standing erect 
on their mounds; others chasing one another about or quietly feeding 
within 40 or 50 feet of the roaring, rushing train, without showing 
the least outward sign that anything unusual was happening. One 
would think the fury and deafening roar would be too much for their 
nerves, but they appear to regard it with absolute unconcern. It is 
extraordinary how soon animals lose their fear of naturally terrifying 
objects when such objects come and go frequently without doing them 
bodily violence. 

In summer, prairie dogs are most active mornings and evenings, 
usually remaining in their holes during the hotter part of the day. In 
fall they become very fat, and apparently sleep a good deal; at least, 
they are much less regular and are less frequently seen. In winter, 
in the southern part of their range, they may be seen nearly every day 
unless itis stormy. Thus, in Texas and New Mexico they are said to 
come out in good weather shortly after sunrise, even at times when 
the teniperature is below freezing. On the northern plains they hiber- 
nate irregularly, but still appear at intervals. The periods of hiberna- 
tion are probably determined by storms and by the length of time the 
ground is covered with snow, for in Montana and Wyoming they have 
been known to appear, in places where the ground was bare, on calm 
sunshiny days in midwinter when the mercury stood at or below zero. 

Prairie dogs, like the desert species of kangaroo rats, pocket mice, 
ground squirrels, and other rodents of arid regions, are able to live 
and thrive without drinking. In many places the only moisture they 
take into their systems is the small quantity contained in the dry 
grasses, seeds, and roots they eat. In arid western Texas they are 
abundant in places where the annual rainfall is slight and uncertain 
and where some years pass without any rain. With respect to the 
theory that their burrows are deep enough to reach water, it need 
only be said that in some of the dog towns artesian wells have been 
sunk to the depth of 1,000 feet without striking water. 



The time of reproduction varies with the latitude and altitude, but 
exact information as to the dates of birth and the number of young in 
a litter in different parts of the plains is not at hand. In Texas the 
young are usually seen at the mouths of the holes in early May, while 
in North Dakota and Montana they rarely appear before the latter 
part of May or first week of June. The usual number of young 
seems to be four, but the cases in which the number is definitely 
known are few. 


The mouth of each burrow opens in the middle of a mound, which 
is usually a foot high and 3 or 4 feet in diameter (Pl. X XIII, fig. 1). 
The mound increases in size with age, those that have been used for 
many years attaining a height of 14 or 2 feet and a diameter of 8 or 
10 feet. The interior of the mound is funnel-shaped, forming an 
elevated crater-like rim around the entrance of the hole. This is 
pressed into form by the nose of the animal, as may be seen in PI. 
XXIII, fig. 3, which shows prints of the nose all around the inside. 
After injury from rains or other causes the rim is repaired by serap- 
ing up the ground from outside (Pl. XXIII, fig. 2). Sometimes the 
repairs are made before rains, and some observers regard the animals 
as exceptionally clever weather prophets. Thus, Maj. H. W. Merrill 
states that whenever they are busy scraping the earth up around their 
burrows and pressing it into place with their noses rain is sure to 
follow in a very short time. The chief object of the elevated rim is 
to keep the water out of the burrows when the ground is flooded by 
sudden rains, as shown in Pl. XXIV, fig. 1. The ground immediately 
surrounding each burrow is usually cleared of small plants and kept 
clean and bare, and where burrows are near together the bare areas 
often join, so that in thickly populated colonies the ground is hard 
and smooth like a playground, and the animals are obliged to go some 
distance for food. This they dislike to do, lest they be pounced upon 
by enemies; hence, when the grass near their burrows has been con- 
sumed they dig new holes nearer the supply. It takes a long time 
tor vegetation to regain a foothold on the hard floors of the dog 
towns, and the sites of old towns remain conspicuous for years after 
they are abandoned. 

The holes go down for some distance at a very steep angle and then 
turn at nearly a right angle and continue horizontally, rising some- 
what toward the end. The nests are in side chambers connecting 
with the horizontal part of the burrow, and usually, if not always, 
at a somewhat higher level (fig. 25, /7). Recently, at Alma, Nebr., 
W. H. Osgood dug out a burrow, of which he made a careful 
diagram (fig. 25), accompanied by measurements. In this case the 

Yearbook U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1901. PLATE XXIll. 








Pe ee Se Se ee ee ee 


burrow went down nearly vertically to a depth of 144 feet below the 
surface, when it turned abruptly and became horizontal, as shown in 
the diagram. The horizontal part was 135 feet in length. One- 
third of the horizontal part (the terminal 4 feet, 7”) and two old nests 
and passageways (/”’) were plugged with black earth brought in from 


A. Mound : 
B. Funnel -shajred entranceto burrow F 

C. a faye 42 inch.uvdvanreler 
about I5 fect ue length 

D. Horizontal [UASSAGED Ateetin length. : 
E. unused neslsfilled with earlre retase. 

F .2uused part of horizontalpassage 
filedwrt earth etc (F# feel long) 

G.Wichelarge enough for one praurte dog: 

H. West of Grass (Minch uravemreter by Juv |: 
ches iheght) ° 
J. Absorbent matter carrying bisuljrhidet 
of carbo. - if 
Posriton of Rratriedogs as found alter 
ase of bisulrehide of car voiv 

Leth of horizontal passage, /4 feet 

Fig. 25.—Prairie-dog burrow. 

the surface layer, which was very different from the light-colored 
clayey earth in which the greater part of the burrow lay. Four or five 
feet below the entrance was a diverticulum, or short side passage ((). 
probably used as a place in which to turn around when the animals 
come back to take a look at the intruder before finally disappearing 1 


the bottoms of their burrows. It is also used, apparently, as a resting 
place where they bark and scold after retreating from the mouths of 
the burrows. As elsewhere noted, they are often heard barking after 
they have gone in. The burrow was opened the day after bisulphide 
of carbon had been used for destroying the animals, and the material 
carrying the bisulphide was found at the bottom of the vertical part, 
just where the horizontal part turns off. Two dead animals were 
found, one in the horizontal part, the other in the nest, as indicated 
by the letter A’ in the diagram. 


The prairie dog has several mortal enemies which, when not inter- 
fered with by man, usually serve to hold its numbers in check. The 
most inveterate of these appear to be the coyote, badger, black-footed 
ferret, and rattlesnake. Their methods of attack differ widely. 

The coyote sneaks up to the borders of a colony, hiding behind 
straggling tufts of vegetation and depending largely on his protective 
coloration for concealment. He usually approaches when the animals 
are in their burrows, and strives to reach some object behind which 
he may hide and lie in wait until some unwary inhabitant comes out to 
feed, when by a quick rush it may be headed off and caught. 

The badger usually drives his prey into its burrow and then deliber- 
ately digs it out. He is for his size one of the most powerful animals 
in the world. His foreclaws are long and strong, and his sense of 
smell is highly developed. On sniffing a prairie dog or gopher in its 
burrow, he simply bores down to his victim, which has no possible 
means of escape. . 

The black-footed ferret is built like a weasel, and though much 
larger, is small enough to enter and traverse freely the burrows of 
prairie dogs, so that he is able to pursue them to the ends of their 
holes and capture them with absolute certainty. He is, therefore, one 
of their most relentless and terrible enemies, and if sufliciently abun- 
dant would quickly exterminate all the inhabitants of the largest 

The rattlesnake, like the ferret, glides silently into the hole, but is 
said to confine his attentions to the young, which he takes from the 
nest or seizes in the passageways. Travelers on the plains, from the 
time of Lewis and Clark to the present day, speak of finding young 
prairie dogs in the stomachs of rattlers killed in the dog towns. The 
usual number so found appears to be one or two, but Dr. J. A. Allen 
states that he once found three. One author claims that in Texas 
these reptiles live almost wholly on the young of the prairie dog and 
do more, perhaps, to keep down the numbers than all other agencies. 
This writer continues: 

A curious thing about the snake and the dog is that each 1s mortally afraid of the 
other. The dog is afraid of being eaten by the snake, and the snake is afraid of 


being entombed by the dog. If the mother of the young dogs, on a return to the 
home hole, finds that a snake has intruded, she at once sets up a peculiar ery or bark, 
to which all the citizens of the town at once respond. They gather about the hole, 
and in a moment all are at work filling it up. The quickness with which they can 
do this is remarkable. When the hole is filled they butt and pack the dirt in the 
mouth of the hole till it is almost as hard as the prairie adjacent. There is no chance 
for an escape of the invader. He is sealed up in his tomb. The snake understands 
this danger, and is prepared to escape from it on the least warning. A handful of 
dirt thrown in a hole where the snake is will bring him.with all speed out of the 
hole, because he is under the impression that the dogs are about to seal him up.! 

There are other enemies also, such as cougars or mountain lions, 
bobeats, eagles, hawks, and owls, but most of them are not sufficiently 
abundant on the Great Plains to be regarded as important factors in 
holding the prairie dog in check. Still, in some localities, hawks and 
owls kill large numbers of the young. They should be protected and 


Formerly the area of available land in proportion to the population 
was so great that little attention was paid to such pests as prairie dogs 
and gophers. But in recent years the development of improved 
methods of farming, including irrigation and artesian water supply, 
has led ranchmen to push farther and farther westward over the semi- 
arid plains, until agriculture and stock raising have invaded most parts 
of the prairie dog’s domain, the land holdings have decreased in size 
and increased in value, and the depredations of pests are more keenly 

On many parts of the plains prairie dogs are now more abundant 
than formerly and their colonies have overspread extensive areas pre- 
viously unoccupied. This is due to the coming of the white man, 
whose presence favors their multiplication in two ways—(1) by increas- 
ing the food supply, and (2) by decreasing the animal’s natural ene- 
mies. The white man cultivates the soil and thus enables it to support 
a larger number of animals than formerly; at the same time he wages 
warfare against the coyotes, badgers, hawks, owls, snakes, and other 
predatory animals which had previously held the prairie dogs in check. 
Thus favored, the prairie dogs have multiplied until they have become 
one of the most pernicious enemies to agriculture. The increase of 
late years is well known to ranchmen on the plains, but for the intor- 
mation of others a few definite instances recently collected by my 
assistants may be of interest. 

Richard Harrison, of Blunt, S. Dak., states that ten years ago there 
were possibly 25 occupied burrows on his land; the animals increased 
slowly and six years ago not more than 10 acres were infested. Since 
then the increase has been so rapid that at present the area they occupy 
covers about 160 acres. 


O. E. McArthur, also of Blunt, S. Dak., states that about fifteen years 
ago his children noticed two or three burrows about a mile from his 
house, and that no particular attention was paid to the inmates, which, 
during the next few years, increased slowly. A little later, however, 
they spread over so much land that their multiplication became a mat- 

ter for serious alarm. At present they occupy a full quarter section 

(160 acres), having surrounded Mr. McArthur’s house and taken pos- 
session of all the land near it. } 

A cattle ranch in Logan County, Kans., which ten years ago pas- 
tured a thousand head -of cattle, will barely support 500 at present, 
owing to the great increase in prairie dogs, which have overrun the 
range. Practically, the whole of the southern half of Logan County 
is now one continuous dog town, estimated to cover about 300 square 
miles. In the past decade the population of this area has decreased, a 
post-office (Elkader) has been abolished, and many homes have been 
vacated, the result, it is said, of the great increase in prairie dogs. 

At Carlsbad, in the Pecos Valley, New Mexico, in September, 1901, 
Vernon Bailey studied a colony of prairie dogs which completely cov- 
ered a 20-acre alfalfa field, 4+ or 5 acres in each of two adjoining fields, 
and several acres of prairie. He was told that this large colony had 
spread in three years from a small one in a corner of the alfalfa field. 

E. W. Nelson states that when he and his brother located ranches 
in a mountain valley in eastern Arizona in 1884, the only prairie dogs 
in the vicinity were a colony 3 miles distant, inaccessible except by 
way of a narrow box canyon. About three years later a prairie dog’s 
burrow was found on the ranch, after which the animals multiplied 
steadily, until in 1895 they occupied a large part of the valley. 

Complaints are constantly received of the spread of the pests on farm 
lands adjoining Government, railroad, school, and other lands, over 
which the inhabitants have no jurisdiction. This is a very serious 
evil, and one with which it is exceedingly difficult to cope. 

The normal food of the prairie dog is grass, chiefly the bunch grass 

of the plains... In addition to this, grass roots, other plants, seeds, and 
sometimes insects are eaten. 


The damage done by prairie dogs consists in the loss of grass and 
other crops eaten, or buried under the mounds; in the accidental 
drainage of irrigation ditches,’ and in the danger to stock from stum- 

‘In Stillwater Valley, Montana, an irrigating ditch on a side hill was tapped by a 
prairie dog burrow and the water came out 50 feet lower down on the slope. The 
hole was twice stopped and the ditch moved a little, but the break recurred, and it 
was finally necessary to dig a new ditch around the washout. 

Yearbook U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1901. 





ery ee eee eee ete 


bling in the holes. Running horses often trip and break their legs, 
and riders are sometimes injured and even killed. 

On ranch lands prairie dogs have proved destructive to a variety of 
crops, among which are alfalfa (Pl. XXIV, figs. 2 and 3), grain, pota- 
toes, and sugar beets, and on grazing lands they are said to consume, 
or bury under their mounds, so much grass that the capacity of the 
land for supporting stock is reduced, as already noted, from 50 to 75 
per cent. A prominent Texas newspaper recently published an edito- 
rial containing the following: 

No man who has not gone through the portions of Texas infested by prairie dogs 
can conceive the enormous ravages they have committed. Millions of acres of land 
once covered with nutritious grasses have been eaten off by these animals, until the 
land is naked and worthless, and will remain worthless so long as the prairie dog 
remains. They invade the farms and eat down the growing crops. Here and there 

individual effort has been made to destroy them, without avail, and their numbers 
steadily increase, until they are a menace to the prosperity of the land. 


The general apathy of a few years ago, when land was plentiful and 
of little value, has given place to widespread and active effort to rid 
the country of the pests. Wherever our field experiments have been 
made, from the Dakotas to Texas, the inhabitants were found fully 
awake as to the necessity for immediate action, and hundreds, if not 
thousands, of them had already expended time and money in single- 
handed efforts. The recent attempt of the National Government to 
ascertain the simplest and most efficient means of combating the evil 
has been received with universal approval. With one or two excep- 
tions, our field men were granted free access to private lands, and in 
most instances were enthusiastically received and accorded every assist- 
ance and courtesy. In some cases, where the animals are rapidly 
increasing, the actual and prospective losses are so great that ranch- 
men expressed their willingness to pay for the destruction of the ani- 
mals at a rate per acre exceeding-the actual market value of the land. 


In the case of prairie dogs, as in the case of gophers and ground 
squirrels, numerous remedies have been suggested and tried, most 
of which have met with a certain measure of success. Few, how- 
ever, have proved available on a large scale. It is easy to destroy 
isolated animals, and to completely exterminate the inhabitants of 
small isolated colonies, but, as a rule, the problem confronting the 
sufferer from prairie dogs is one of larger dimensions; to cope with 
it successfully means the employment of measures and remedies that 
are simple, easily handled, available on a large seale, and last, but 
not least, not too costly (either for materials or labor) to be used 
over areas comprising thousands of acres. The cost on large ranches 


should not exceed 18 cents per acre, and should fall as far short of 
this, as possible. 

Among the measures that succeed well enough on a small scale or 
under special conditions are trapping, drowning, destruction by 
domesticated ferrets, and capture in sand barrels and straw barrels 
placed over the holes. On a large scale, poisoning and fumigating 
have yielded the best results. 


By poisoning is meant the administration of a poison or combination 
of poisons by means of some article of food which the animals will 
readily eat. The poisons most in favor are strychnine and cyanide of 
potassium. Phosphorus also has been used and is an ingredient of 
many of the poison mixtures sold in the stores. It is efficient, but its 
use is attended with danger, and it is not recommended by this Depart- 
ment. . 

CYANIDE OF PoTASSIUM.—Cyanide of potassium kills quickly, and is 
an excellent poison, but it is sometimes difficult to administer, chiefly 
on account of its odor, which is offensive to most animals. Like 
phosphorus, it is dangerous to man, and must be handled with great 
eare. It is said to lose its power when wet or exposed to the atmos- 
phere. It has been administered in prunes and raisins, and (in combi- 
nation with strychnine) is a component of the celebrated Peters mix- 
ture for poisoning grain, in which it is disguised by a coating of 
molasses, flavored with oil of anise. 

STRYCHNINE.—Strychnine is probably, all things considered, the 
best and most satisfactory poison now known for the destruction of 
prairie dogs. It can be obtained everywhere, usually at a moderate 
price, and its use is simple. The minimum dose necessary to kill 
prairie dogs is not known, but it is safe to say that the quantity recom- 
mended in the Peters formula (8 ounces to a bushel of wheat) is exces- 
sive. Two ounces is doubtless sufficient, and 14 ounces is probably 
enough. (For ground squirrels, 1 ounce to the bushel of grain is 
ample.) The strychnine sulphate should be dissolved in warm water, 
in which the grain should be soaked for twenty-four or thirty-six 
hours, until all is absorbed. Some experimenters find this suflicient; 
others prefer to sweeten the grain by stirring in a quart or two of 
molasses and sprinkling with enough corn meal to prevent sticking. 
Some use corn meal alone, made into pellets, without any whole grain, 
Another way to administer strychnine is to introduce small quantities 
in prunes or raisins, in pieces of apple, carrot, or turnip, or on bread 
and butter. In the last case it is said that the strychnine should be 
sprinkled on buttered bread and then coated lightly with sirup, after 
which the bread is cut in small squares and placed around the burrows. 
The cost of strychnine sulphate, as customarily sold in small Western 


towns, is $1.50 to S2 per ounce. It comes in 1-dram (4-ounce) bottles 
which usually retail for 25 cents. Assuming that 2 ounces is the 
quantity necessary to poison a bushel of grain, the poisoned grain 
would cost about $5 per bushel. Allowing a tablespoonful to be the 
average quantity necessary to scatter about each hole, and allowing 50 
holes to the acre,' a bushel of grain will poison 40 acres, at a cost of 
123 cents per acre. A man can scatter poisoned grain over 50 acres 
or more per day; hence, if labor costs $1 per day, the expense per 
acre of putting out the poison would be 2 cents, which added to the 
above 123 cents for materials, makes the total cost 145 cents per acre. 
The first application of the poison, if carefully made in late winter or 
early spring when food is scarce, may be counted on to kill 75 to 80 
per cent of the animals (and has been known to kill as high as 95 per 
cent), and this at a cost per acre of less than 15 cents. The second 
application, a week or two later, is aimed at the few remaining occu- 
pied holes, which should not average more than two or three to the 
acre, and the cost per acre should not exceed 1, or at most, 2 cents. 
If any animals remain, they may be killed by bisulphide of carbon, 
and in many cases it is better to do away with the second poisoning and 
use bisulphide to kill off those that are left after the first poisoning. 


By fumigation is meant the destruction of animals by fumes arising 
from substances thrown into the burrows, as bisulphide of carbon, or 
generated outside and forced in by mechanical appliances known as 
‘‘fumigators.” Fumigators are devices by means of which fumes from 
burning sulphur or other materials are pumped into the burrows. In 
parts of the West, particularly California, they have been used with 
success in killing gophers and ground squirrels. They have been suc- 
cessfully used also against prairie dogs, but their employment for this 
purpose does not appear to be gaining ground. 

BISULPHIDE OF CARBON.—Bisulphide of carbon is a volatile liquid 
which rapidly loses its strength on exposure to the air, and should be 
kept in tightly corked bottles or cans, which, when used, should be 
immediately recorked. It is inflammable and highly explosive, and 
should never be opened in the vicinity of a light or fire. Its fumes 
are heavier than atmospheric air, and when introduced into burrows 
sink quickly to the bottom. 

The method of application is exceedingly simple. The usual dose 
for prairie dogs is 1 ounce (about a tablespoonful). This quantity 
should be poured on some absorbent substance, such as a lump of horse 
manure, a corncob, a handful of rags, or even a clod of earth, which 

‘A large average, but made to include unoccupied holes, as it is much cheaper to 
put out a little extra grain than to plug the holes to find out which are occupied. 
Furthermore, grain scattered anywhere in the dog towns is liable to be eaten. 


should be immediately dropped into the burrow, the mouth of which 
should then be closed. 

For introducing the bisulphide there is nothing better than dry 
horse manure—a material which costs nothing and is always at hand. 
A lump of horse manure wet with the bisulphide and dropped into a 
hole falls at once to the bottom of the vertical part, as shown in the 
diagram (fig. 25, /), where it is very near the animals. The liquid 
can be used to best advantage after a rain, when the interspaces in the 
soil are filled with water, so that the fumes are less readily diffused 
into the surrounding ground. This, however, is of much Jess conse- 
quence in the case of prairie dogs, which are deep-burrowing animals, 
than in the case of pocket gophers and ground squirrels, whose bur- 
rows and tunnels, as a rule, lie much nearer the surface. 

Crude bisulphide, suitable for killing prairie dogs and other bur- 
rowing animals, costs about 10 cents per pound in 50-pound carboys 
or drums. A dollar’s worth is enough to poison 100 holes. The cost, 
therefore, is about 1 cent a hole. The fluid should not be introduced 
haphazard into the burrows of a colony, but should be used only in 
those which the animals have been seen to enter immediately before it 
is applied. In this way none is wasted on unoccupied holes. 


Poisons are of very little use except in winter and early spring, 
when the ordinary food of the prairie dog is scarce and difficult to 
obtain. At such times poisoned grain, vegetables, fruit, and bread 
and butter are freely eaten. In distributing the poisoned grain or 
other material, it is usually better to scatter it about the holes instead 
of putting it into the mouths of the burrows, where it gets mixed 
with the dirt and is trodden down by the animals and lost. An excep- 
tion to this course is recommended in case of the use of pellets of grain, 
made by wrapping teaspoonful doses of poisoned grain in greasy tissue 
paper; these should be dropped into the burrows. The danger to stock 
is much less when the grain is scattered about the colony than when 
it is placed in spoonfuls at or near the openings of the burrows. In 
vase any considerable number of animals are left after the first poison- 
ing the ground should be gone over a second time. 

It should be clearly understood that the method recommended by 
this Department consists in two steps, the first of which is to destroy 
the great bulk of the inhabitants of a colony by poisoning with 
strychnine, applied in winter or early spring when food is scarce; the 
second, to kill the remaining animals with bisulphide of carbon. In 
this way it is believed that colonies of any size may be wiped out ata 
total cost not to exceed 16 or 17 cents per acre, probably less. 

Bisulphide is probably the most efficient single agent known for 
the destruction of prairie dogs, and can be used, of course, for the 


extermination of colonies of any size, and at any time of year when 
the animals are active. If the killing is put off until late spring or 
early summer, when food is plenty, the animals are not likely to eat 
enough of the poisoned grain to amount to anything, and bisulphide 
becomes the best remedy. The only objection to its general use is its 
cost, which is likely to be about 1 cent per hole. 


The chief obstacle to the extermination of prairie dogs on the plains 
is lack of cooperation among landowners. It is of little use to kill 
off the animals on ranches adjacent to large colonies in which the pests 
are allowed to go on multiplying. Many ranchmen who have again 
and again poisoned those on their own lands have finally given up in 
despair because of the rapid overflow from adjoining lands, new ani- 
mals continually taking the places of those killed, until the expense 
and labor of repeated poisonings were too great to be continued. Com- 
»laints from this source are common in the case of ranches adjoining 

tovernment, State, or school lands, and railroad lands, and occasionally 

arise in the case of those adjoining lands owned by nonresidents, cor- 
porations, and certain individuals. This phase of the subject requires 
local legislation. In some States drastic measures have been recom- 
mended. Thus, in Texas, during the session of 1899, a bill was intro- 
duced making it the duty of every man owning land inhabited by 
prairie dogs to destroy the animals, under penalty of a fine not exceed- 
ing $100 for each section or part of a section on which the pests were 
allowedto remain. In the case of land owned by corporations or non- 
residents, the destruction of the animals was provided for, the expense 
to be a lien on the land. While this bill failed to become a law, it had 
many supporters, and goes far to show the real extent of the prairie- 
dog scourge. 

The Kansas legislature has recently appropriated $5,000, to be 
expended under the supervision of the regents of the State agricul- 
tural college, in ‘* experiments for the purpose of determining the 
most effective and economical method of destroying prairie dogs and 
gophers,” and has also authorized the township auditing boards to 
expend $100 [or more if requested by two-thirds of the electors of 
such township] in each township each year for the destruction of these 
animals (approved February 12, 1901). 


In 1890-1892, one or two pairs of prairie dogs were introduced into 
Nantucket, where, for several years, they increased slowly and were 
regarded with interest. After a few years, however, they grew so 
numerous and spread so rapidly that the inhabitants became greatly 


alarmed and feared the animals would overrun the whole island. Mr. 
Outram Bangs wrote in December, 1899, that when on a visit to the 
island during the summer and fall of the same year he counted 200 
prairie dogs visible at one time in one colony, and states that three or 
four such colonies existed, besides many scattering pairs and small 
colonies. A specimen sent the Biological Survey by Mr. Bangs proves 
to be the plains species (C'ynomys ludovicianus), in rather red pelage, 
and probably came from some point on the Great Plains between 
western Kansas and Texas. , 

W. W. Neifert, writing from Nantucket, under date of February 12, 
1900, states that ten years previously two pairs of prairie dogs were 
brought to the island, where they multiplied so rapidly *‘that they are 
now counted by thousands, and are a dangerous pest and nuisance, 
destroying crops and fields;” also, that ‘‘at a recent town meeting a 
committee was appointed with a view of exterminating them and an 
appropriation of $350 was made to procure poison.” In a subsequent 
letter, Mr. Neifert writes: ‘‘In addition to the $350 raised by the 
town, about $200 was subscribed by farmers and others interested. 
The poisoning scheme was adopted, and bisulphide of carbon was the 
drug. A bunch of old rags was saturated and placed in the mouth of 
the burrow and the hole closed with dirt or sod. This method was 
simple and inexpensive but did the work successfully, and now there 
is not a dog left to tell the tale.” 

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