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Full text of "Predicting the durability of forest recreation sites in northern Utah : preliminary results"

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DEN, UTAH 84401 

- USDA Forest Service U. 8. DEFT. oF 

Research Note INT-117 MUTIONAL Asrounme ne vi 



Tes, L/ 
= Thomas J. Cieslinski and J. Alan Wagar 
r By using a special roller, trampling was simulated tn equal 

amounts on 40 small plots representing potential recreation sites 

throughout the Cache National Forest in northern Utah. Surviving 
‘ vegetation was related to sotl and topographte factors by multtple 
regression procedures. Resultant equations explained up to 64 
percent of the variability in amounts of surviving vegetation, 
which suggests the possibility of predicting the durabiltty of 
potential recreation sites. Site factors that can be measured on 
> aerial photos explained approximately as much vartability as 

factors requiring on-the-ground measurements. 

One of the more serious: problems facing recreation site managers today, particularly 
on campground and picnic areas,: is that of maintaining adequate ground cover. This is 
cee an especially difficult task in semiarid regions such as the Intermountain West, where 

sites tend to support a sparse cover of ground-level vegetation. Because of different 
: soil, moisture, and topographic conditions, some sites are much more durable than others 
in terms of the persistence of ground-cover vegetation. If we had tools for rating the 
durability of potential recreation sites, less durable sites either could be avoided or 
: designed and managed in ways to increase their durability. Moreover, knowledge of the 
probable level of vegetation damage to a fragile site might allow managers to estimate 
any additional expenditures that may be needed if such a site is developed and used as 
4 a campground or picnic area. 

IThis paper is based on the senior author's master's thesis accepted at Utah State 
F University in 1968. The senior author is now Supervisor of Planning and Research 
for the Maine State Park and Recreation Commission. At the time this work was done, 
the junior ‘author was leader of the Cooperative Recreation Research Unit maintained by 
. the USDA Forest Service in cooperation with Utah State University at Logan. Hewas 
currently leader of a similar unit maintained at the University of Washington in Seattle 
by the Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service. 

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Figure 1.--Configurated 
roller used in the 
study to simulate 

trampling from 
recreation use. 

To provide procedures for rating the durability of site vegetation, a study was 
established on the Cache National Forest in northern Utah in 1965. A 100-1b. configu- 
rated cement roller (fig. 1) that applied a rolling pressure of about 6 lbs./in.® was 
used to simulate trampling on the 16- by 64-inch plots. Identical amounts of simulated 
trampling were applied to each plot in the study. Plots then could be arranged in order, 
according to resistance to damaging forces. 

Whether the roller damage was greater or smaller than that resulting from human 
trampling is not known but probably is unimportant. We assumed that after moderate 
trampling the amount of vegetation surviving through one or more growing seasons would 
express site durability. Then, if amounts of surviving vegetation could be related to 
soil and topographic factors, the resulting relationships would enable us to predict 
site durabitity. 

Because simulated trampling had been used in only one other study (Wagar 1964a), 
the 1965 growing season was used to test the effect of different intensities and timings 
of simulated use. On 48 plots--24 under a cover of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta 
Dougl.) and 24 under a cover of aspen (Populus tremulotdes Michx.)--we learned that plot 
vegetation responded quite differently to varying amounts of rolling, but little differ- 
ently to the same amount of rolling applied with different timings. The response was 
about the same whether plots received two passes of the roller on 3 days of each week 
or the same amount of trampling applied as 12 passes of the roller once every other 
week. This seemed to justify the once-a-week rolling treatment that was planned for 
the second phase of the study. 

Based on results from 1965, 40 sites were selected in May 1966. Sites represented 
the range of conditions judged suitable for recreation occupancy sites on the Cache 
National Forest. The sites chosen were concentrated on slopes ranging from 0 to.15 
percent. To help us define the form of relationships, we included a few sites on steep- 
er slopes (up to 30 percent). Sites represented overstory types ranging from lodgepole 
pine to aspen to maple to willow. The 40 plots selected included the following ranges 
of conditions: all aspects; elevations of from 5,100 to 8,400 ft.; soil pH values of 

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Figure 2.--Arrangement of 
16- by 64-inch plots at 
each stte location. 




5.0 to 7.4; plot positions on the slope ranging from the bottom of the drainage to the 

top of the slope; a variety of soil textures in both the A and B soil horizons; percent 
stones in the soil (2 mm. and larger) from 6.9 to 64.8; season-long percentages of pos- 
sible direct sunlight ranging from 1 to 40; and basal area of trees ranging from 26 to 

313 ft.* per acre. Measurements were recorded for each of these site characteristics. 

The most northerly plots and the most southerly plots were 52 airline miles apart. 

The grass and forb species at the sites included the following: Polygonwn 
durslasta; Aconttum colwnbtanun; Bromus marginata; Melica bulbosa; Aster engelmanntt; 
Achillea lanulosa; Agropyron spicatum; Wyethia anplexicaulis; Thalietrum fendlert; 
Senecto serra; Lathyrus leucanthus; Agastacha urtictfolita; Rudbeckta occidentalis; 
Delphiniun barbeyt; Osmorhiza ehilensis; Stdalacea neomexicana; Luptnus laxtflorus; 
Verontea ecampylopoda; Agoserts glauca; Arnica cordtfolia; Taraxacum officinale; 
Hydrophyllun capttatun var. thompsontt; and several Carex species. 

At each site location, four 16- by 64-inch plots were placed in stands of ground- 
cover vegetation judged to be uniform. As shown in figure 2, two treatment plots were 
alternated with two control plots in each plot group. Beginning the latter half of 
June 1966, each treatment plot was rolled once a week with 12 passes of the roller. 
Treatments continued for 11 weeks. A l-week interval between treatments provided 
sufficient time for all plot locations to be treated in a.repetitive sequence and also 
allowed time for measurement of site variables at each location. 

2Aspect was coded as 1.0 plus the sine of the azimuth from southeast. This gave 
values ranging from 0.0 on cool northeastern exposures to 1.0 on moderate southeastern 
and northwestern exposures to 2.0 on hot southwestern exposures. Season-long percentage 
of possible direct sunlight was measured by using an insolation grid (Wagar 1964b). The 
point density procedure developed by Spurr (1962) was used to measure the basal area 
Of streesi. 

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During the growing season, plots at three locations were damaged so severely by 
livestock grazing that they could not be used in the analysis. Consequently, analysis 
was based on plots at only 37 locations. 

At the end of the growing season (between September 10 and October 25) vegetation 
within a 12- by 60-inch zone in each plot was measured in two different ways. First, 
a 12- by 30-inch grid with two hundred 1.2- by 1.5-inch rectangles was placed over each 
half of the measurement zone and a count was taken of the number of stocked rectangles, 
i.e., rectangles having living vegetation anchored in them. This number then was ex- 
pressed as a percentage of the total number of 400 rectangles and used as dependent 
variables Y; and Y2. As a second measurement procedure, all plants from the measurement 
zone of each plot were clipped one-half inch above their root collars. Clippings then 
were ovendried and weighed for a measure of dependent variable Y3. 

Two other variables also were constructed and used to express results. Vegetation 
surviving on treated plots was expressed as a percentage of the vegetation surviving on 
adjacent control plots. This percentage was used as dependent variable Y, when based 
on clipping weights, and as dependent variable Ys when based on stocking measurements. 

Multiple regression analysis procedures were used. Results for the five regression 
models tested are summarized in table 1. 

In the equations for Y,; and Y,, approximately 60 percent of the variability was 
explained. It should be noted that the equation for Y,; is limited to variables that 
either were or could have been measured from aerial photographs. From this we conclude 
that the possibility of determining site durability from aerial photos is Dron aie 
However, because this equation was based on measurements from only 29 plot groups, 
results for this equation are not quite comparable to others. 

In the equation for Y,;, most of the variability appeared to be due to topographic 
factors, and studies are being continued to determine whether site durability can be 
satisfactorily predicted from aerial photograph measurements. 

Independent variables were examined for consistency from equation to equation and 
for statistical significance (defined as 5 or less percent probability that association 
with the Y variable was a chance occurrence). Variables that were both significant 
and consistent included slope percent, aspect, elevation, and the interaction between 
slope percent and aspect. Three additional variables, although not statistically sig- 
nificant, had no inconsistencies from one equation to another and occurred in the equa- 
tion that had the best predictive value (lowest mean square error) for one or more of 
the models tested. These were percent clay at a soil depth of 1 to 4 inches, basal 
area of trees, and percent stones (>2 diameter) at a soil depth of 1 to 4 inches. 
Four variables were either inconsistent or explained too little variability to be in- 
cluded in the equations. These were pH of soil at a depth of 1 to 4 inches, position 
of plot on slope, season-long percentage of direct sunlight, and distance from drainage 
bottom to plot. 

Within the narrow range of slopes studied, the steeper slopes showed greater dura- 
bility than gentle slopes. This result was not expected and may be related to soil 
coarseness or some other factor associated with slope rather than slope itself. 


3at the time an expert photo interpreter was available, only 29 of the plot groups 
had been located on aerial photos. The authors are grateful to Karl E. Moessner of the 
Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service, for making the 
aerial photograph measurements used in this study, 

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Figure 3.--The combined 
effects of slope and 
aspect on survival of 
trampled vegetation, 
1966 data, 
Cache Nattonal Forest, 
northern Utah. 75 




5 10 15 20 25 30 35 
SLOPE (Percent) 

Trampled vegetation is vulnerable to severe heat and drying. Consequently, survi- 
val of vegetation was greatest‘on northeast (coolest) aspects and decreased as location 
approached the southwest (hottest) aspects. As shown in figure 3, this effect was 
accentuated by slope steepness. ’ : 

The coefficients for elevation were negative (table 1), an indication that the 
amount of surviving vegetation decreased as elevation increased. Two factors may ex- 
plain this decrease at higher elevations: the season was shorter than that at lower 
elevations and the vegetation less well developed at the start of trampling. Apparently, 
the extra precipitation at higher elevations in the area studied did not offset the 
effects of a late season and low temperatures. 

Although percent of clay at a soil depth of 1 to 4 inches was not significant, the 
coefficient for this variable was positive in all regression models in which it was 
tested. This indicates that, for the conditions studied, ground-cover vegetation sur- 
vives best ‘in soils that have a relatively high clay content. 

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Although results from a single growing season may not reflect the cumulative 
deterioration of vegetation in recreational areas over a period of years, several con- 
clusions seem to be warranted: 

1. It is possible to develop prediction equations for rating the durability of 
potential recreation sites. In fact, it may be possible to develop equations that will 
enable recreation managers to rate site durability from aerial photograph measurements 
alone. Such measurements would be much less expensive than on-the-ground evaluations. 
Lindsay (1969) reported that recreation areas could be accurately selected from aerial 
photos. He used seven criteria for selection. Durability would be an important addi- 
tional criterion for selection. 

2. In the development of equations for recreation site durability, end-of-season 
stocking seems to be a more effective dependent variable than the end-of-season weight 
of vegetation or than either the stocking or the clipping weight of treated plots 
expressed as a percentage of the same measurement for control plots. However, the 
reader should recognize that stocking measurements can be misleading, especially after 
a single season of treatment. Vegetation may be severely damaged and still give a high 
stocking percentage. If damaged plants disappear in subsequent seasons, first-year 
stocking measurements will not have given a valid indication of long-term site durability. 

3. Use of a concrete roller to simulate trampling was effective. Simulation 
procedures permit the researcher to select the range of site conditions he wishes to 
examine and yet avoid the great variability associated with actual recreational use. 

4. If simulated trampling is used to study areas grazed by livestock or wildlife, 
plots should be fenced. 

5. Finally, it would be desirable to rate site durability under natural conditions 
and also under conditions of management. This is being done in a continuation of the 
study reported here. 


Lindsay, John L. : i 
1969. Locating potential outdoor recreation areas from aerial photographs. J. 
Forestry 67:33-34, 

Spurr, Stephen H. 
1962. A measure of point density. Forest Sci. 8(1):85-96. 

Wagar, J. Alan, 

1964a. The carrying capacity of wild lands for recreation. Forest Sci. Monogr. 
Uy COM io 

1964b. The insolation grid. Ecology 45:636-639. 




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