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Phone 2076-R 

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The developing National Emergency has made us feel that 
most of our fertile acres should be devoted to the production 
of food, also such things as raspberry and strawberry plants. 
Therefore, most of our time, energy, and space will this year 
be devoted to this. 

Production of Rock Plants has been and will be severely 
curtailed. The plants listed are in good stock, however, and 
can be shipped promptly after the first of April, when digging 
can usually be started. 

During the winter now passing, there have been several 
very severe freezes with no snow on the ground, This condition 
often means some winterkilling of plants. Therefore, substi- 
tutes should be listed with any order sent ing 

We guarantee plants to be true to name, and that shipments 
Will be in good condition when Left at our local Post Office or 
Express office. We cannot guarantee that they will reach YOU 
in good condition, 

Orders sent in after Mar. 15 should have 10% added for 
parcel post charges, unless shipment by Express is desired, 
Hither way is slow. 

No order accepted that does not total at least $2.00. 

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ACHILLEAS are easy and attractive rock plants, blooming in late 
spring, needing sun and light soil. All are Og each, 3 for $1.00. 
A. ageratifolia:-8 inches, with white flowers. 
A. aureus:-8 inches, brilliant flat yellow blooms. 
A. Lewisii:-6 inches, with light yellow flowers. 
A. umbellatum:-6 inches, with white flowers in July. 

AJUGAS are good ground covers in sun or shade, doing well in poor 

A. Brockbanki:-6 inches, with blue flowers. 

A. variegata:-5 inches, variegated foliage, very attractive. 

AETHIONEMA coridifolia:-6 inches, with a mass of pink blooms in June. 
Easy in full sun and sandy soil. 50¢ each, 3 for $1.25. 

ALLIUMS are flowering onions, growing well most anywhere. 0¢ each. 
A. flavum:-10 inches, with yellow heads of drooping flowers, 
A. Moly:-12 inches, large umbels of yellow flowers in August, 
A. pulchellum:-15 inches, loose umbels of pink flowers in Aug. 

ALYSSUMS have attractive gray foliage, flowering freely in full sun. 
A, Moellendorfianum:-8 inches, yellow blooms most of summer, 
A. ovirense;:-prostrate habit, bright yellow flowers. 
A. spinosum:-white flowers on a round clump. Long lived. 

ANDROSACE Chumbyi:-2 inches, silvery fur-coated rosettes with lovely 
pink blooms. Does well most anywhere if given some sun, 50¢ each. 

ANTENNARIA dioica is a gray-leaved ground cover, very satisfactory. 
ANTIRRHINUM asarina:-hardy prostrate snapdragon,. White flowers. 50¢. 
AQUILEGIAS are among the most graceful of rock plants. Do well in 
Ligny shade, or anerullisun as weld. Ordinary soil, 

A, Akitensis:-8 inches, light blue and white flowers. 50¢ each, 

“A, Canadensis nanaz:-l2 inches, being our native eastern 

A. flabellate nana:-10 inches, bluish-white, short-spurred,. 
ARFNARIA caespitosa aurea forms a close yellow mat, moss-like, with 
tiny white stemless flowers. Should be divided every few years. 

A. laricifolia:-larger than above. Very attractive. 

ARMERIA alpina:-6 inches, grows most anywhere, Pink flowers. 
A. laucheana:-l) inches, rosy pink flowers. One of the best. 

ARABIS Kelleri:-l inches, white flowers in spring. 50¢ 
A, procurrens:-6 inches, masses of white flowers in early spring. 

#ARCTOSTAPHYLOS Uva-Ursi:-Bear Berry. Bright evergreen foliage, red 
berries in fall. Acid stony soil in sun. 50¢ each. 

ASTER linariifolius:-10 inches, blue flowers in Sept. 
ASTILBE simplicifolia:-8 inches, light pink spikes in Aug. 50¢ each. 
ALL the above plants, except as noted, are Og each, 3 for $1.00. 

We pay the shipping charges on early orders. 


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ARTEMESIAS are grown for the lovely gray aromatic foliage. Easy. 
“A. canadensis:-native of the far north. 6 inches high, 
A. frigida:-12 inches, silky foliage, beautiful if kept trimmed, 
A. frigida, Silver Dome:-6 inches. Dwarf form of above. 50¢. 
A. pedamontana:-3 inches, small and lovely. 

BELLIUM minutum:-tiny white daisy, blooming all summer. 

CAMPANULA carpathica:-10 inches, old-fashioned Carpathian Harebells. 
GC. rotundifolias-l2 inches, blooms Aug. to Oct. . Blue Bells, 
C. sarmatica:-12 inches. Gray foliage, silvery blue flowers. 50¢. 

CALAMINTHA alpina:-6 inches. Many purple flowers in late summer, 
C. glabella:-dainty lilac flowers all summer, highly fragrant. 

CANTANANCHE coerulea:-l12 inches. Light blue daisies all summer, 

CERASTIUM glaciale:-2 inches. The wooliest plant we have. Easy. 
C. tomentosum:-6 inches, gray foliage with white flowers in May. 

#+CHIOGENES hispidula:-evergreen creeper with white berries in fall. 
Needs shade, 

“xCOPTIS trifoliata:-Goldthread, Shade-loving ground cover. 

#CORNUS canadensis:-6 inches. The Bunchberry of the North. Acid & 

COREOPSIS auriculata:-6 inches. Large yellow blooms all summer. 
CHRYSANTHEMUM alpinum:-, inches. Single white daisies in October. 

DIANTHUS, or Pinks, like it hot and sunny, doing well in poor soil, 
D.atrorubens:-18 inches. Heads of red flowers on long stems. 
D.carthusianorum:-12 inches.highly fragrant rose colored blooms, 
D.deltoides,Major Stearns:-3 inches. Scarlet flowers. 
D.furcatus:-5 inches. Rose colored flowers over green mats. 
D.neglectus:-l) inches,with large deep pink blooms. 50¢ each. 
D.Sternbergi:-6 inches, fragrant rose colored fringed flowers. 
D.subacaulis:-3 inches, Dwarf, with numerous purple blooms. 
D.Tiny Rubies:-l} inches. Miniature rose-colored carnations. 50¢. 

DICENTRIA eximia:-10 inches, known as Plumy Bleeding Heart. Blooms 
all summer and fall. Rose-pink heart-shaped flowers, 

#EPICAEA repens:-Trailing Arbutus, 2 inches. Acid soil & shade. 50¢,. 
ERIGERON glabellus:-15 inches. Purple daisy-like blooms in summer, 
ERIOGANUM umbellatum:-6 inches. Yellow heads all summer, Hot & sandy. 

EUONYMOUS colorata:-short vine with bronzy leaves in fall. 
E.variegata:-similar to above,with variegated leaves. 50¢ each. 

EUPHORBIA cyparissus:-8 inches. Very ornamental with yellow bracts. 
E. myrsinites:-l, inches. Glaucus foliage. 
E. polychroma:-16 inches. Yellow bracts in early spring. 

Except as noted, all the above plants are 0g each, 3 for $1.00. 

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sGAULTHERIA procumbens, or Wintergreen:-6 inches. Acid soil, humus. 

GENISTA cinerea:-2); inches. Masses of yellow blooms in early summer, 
Needs plenty of room, 50¢ each. 
C. prostrata:-l inches. Prostrate, with yellow blooms. 50¢. 

GERANIUM sanguineum lancastriense:-Loveliest of the hardy Geraniums, 
4 inches high with light pink blooms veined with red. 50¢ each. 

GEUM campanulatum:-15 inches. Reddish purple flowers. 50¢ each. 

GLOBULARIA bellidifolia:-2 inches. Light blue flowers over low mat. 
G. cordifolia:-larger than the above. 
G. cordifolia albe:-white flowers. 

GYPSOPHILA repens: trailing plants with many tiny white blooms. 

HELIANTHEMUMS, or Rock Roses, do well in hot sandy locations, and 
need quite a lot of room, forming a low wide mat. 

1, Apricot:=name describes color. 

H. Fireball:-double fiery-»red blooms all summer. 

H. carneum:-Lighter than above. 

H, Mrs. Moon:-Lovely single blooms difficult to describe. 

“sHEPATICA, mixed, love leaf mold and shade and are beautiful in spring. 
HIERACIUM villosum has hairy gray leaves, yellow blooms. 8 inches. 

HOSTA Thomas Hogg:-l2 inches. Green leaves, edged white, 
H. variegata:-variegated leaves, blue flowers in mid-summer. 

HYPERICUM repens:-6 inches. Brilliant yellow blooms most of summer, 

IBERIS saxatilis:-3 inches. Rare plant with masses of white blooms 
in early spring, and some in fall, evergreen foliage. 50¢ each. 

IRIS for the Rock Garden are indispensable, Easy to grow, and hardy. 
I, arenaria:-l| inches. Canary yellow blooms in spring. 50¢. 
i. Gougilasisi#.=-L2.inemes. tiilac purple bilooms. 
I. douglassi alba:-white form of above. 
I. pumila:-6 inches. large purple flowers in spring. 
I. pumila lutea: yellow forn. 
I. pumila Orange Queen:-yellowish orange. 
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LAMIUM maculatum is a showy ground cover, pink flowers in profusion. 
L. maculatum album:-white form of above; both will stand shade. 

LIATRIS. graminifolia:-2 feet. Short form of Kansas Gay Feather. 
LINUM altaicum:-8 inches. lovely light blue cups all summer. 

*“LOTSELEURIA procumbens:-1 inch. dark green mat from the mountains. 
Not difficult in acid humusy soil with good drainage. 75¢ each. 

LOTUS corniculatus, fl. pl.:-creeper with pretty yellow flowers. 

LYCHNIS viscaria:-12 inches. masses of pink flowers in July. 


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MICROMERIA croatica:-10 inches. Violet flowers in midsummer. 50¢. 

“MITCHELLA repens;Partridge Berry:-Creeper with evergreen foliage 
and red berries in fall. Leafmold and shade. 

MYOSOTIS palustris:-6 inches. Forget-me-not for moist places. 
NEPETA nervosa:-18 inches; pale blue flowers in spikes. 50¢ each. 
OMPHALODES verna:-6 inches. Clear blue flowers in May. Needs shade. 
ONONIS fruticosa:-18 inches. Prickly semi-shrub; pink blooms. 50¢. 

s3PARNASSIA caroliniana montana:-6 inches; mountain form of "Grass of 
Parnassus", Creamy flowers over dark green foliage. August. 

PARONYCHIA argentea:-1 inch; light green foliage, papery flowers. 
P. nivea:-lovely creeper. Both love the sun. 

PENTSTEMON glaber:-18 inches; glaucus foliage, light blue flowers. 
P, Firebird:-18 inches. Brilliant red flowers, very popular. 
P, Garnet:-similar to Firebird except a different shade of red. 

PHLOX for the Rock Garden like hot sunny locations, and give a riot 
of color in the spring, and scattering blooms in the fall. 

P,. amoena:-8 inches; lovely pink flowers in profusion. 

Po bifidas=10) inches: purple flowers. 

P, Glaberrina:-10 inches; mauve to purple flowers in July. 
PHLOX SUBULATA, or Ground Phlox, forms mats, draping over rocks. 

P, alba: large white flowers, 

P, Alexander's Pink: lovely pink blooms. 50¢ each. 

P,. atropurpurea: dark red. 

Pe blvuesHii ss avender, almost, blue. 

Pe Sreittonie walte, dithering fromvAlba.. 

P, Sneewitchen; many tiny white blooms. Rare and desirable. 

P, Tiny Tot; tiny pink blooms, Very good. 50¢ each. 

P. Camla; pink blooms over a long period. 50¢ each. 

PLATYCODON Mariesii:-12 inches. large blue bells in August. 
P, Mariesii alba:-white form of above, 

POLEMONIUM carneum:-15 inches; salmon flowers in late spring. Easy. 
P. repens; the old fashioned Jacob's Ladder. 

POLYCONUM affine:-pink spikes 8 inches high over green mats. 

“xPOTENTILLA fruticosa montana:-dwarf mountain shrub, yellow bloom.75¢. 
P.fruticosa Purdomi:-20 inches; pale yellow bloom. Rare. $1.00. 
P.Warrensi:-15 inches; profusion of yellow flowers all summer. 

PRIMULAS are not difficult with rich well drained soil and light 
P. Dorothy:-6 inches. Yellow. 50¢ each, 
P, Helene Purpurkissen:-3 inches; deep claret red. 50¢ each. 
Pe Primrose Lodgev=5 Inches: mosy purple. 
P. veris, mixed:-many shades of lovely flowers, 8 inches high. 

PULMONARTA saccharata, Mrs, Moon:-10 inches; silver and green marble 
foliage, flowers pink, washed with blue, likes light shade. 50¢ each. 

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RANUNCULUS bulbosa:-8 inches; yellow buttercups in August. 
R. montanus:-5 inches; showy dwarf buttercup. 

SAXIFRAGAS - our stock of these fine plants is too low to list any 
except as a collection, listed on the last page. 

*+SANGUINARIA canadensis, Blood root, is a fine wild flower, with 
large white flowers in early spring. Light shade and leafmold, 

SEDUMS are wonderful for the hot dry rock garden, doing well in poor 
soil, and fitting nicely into tiny crevices. All are lhO¢ each. 
Seacre:3 inches; golden flowers over mossy foliage. Invasive. 
Seacre minus: 1 inch. Like above, but not invasive. 
S.album: | inches; white flowers over waxy foliage. 
S,anglicum minus:-l inch. Very small, white flowers, 
S.anopetalum:-l inches; yellow flowers over bronzy foliage. 
S.bupleuroides:-5 inches; glaucus green foliage. 
S.douglassi:-mossy foliage with yellow flowers. | inches high. 
S.Ellacombianum:-6 inches; yellow flowers,attractive foliage. 
S.eEversii:-8 inches; rose colored flowers in July. 
S.floriferum:-Sinches; red foliage in winter, yellow flowers. 
S,Forsterianum:-5 inches; trailing blue-green foliage, 
S. gracilis:-very dwarf dark green foliage, white flowers. 
S.egypsocolon:= h inches; gray foliage, white flowers, Unusual. 
S,hybridum:- 5 inches; curious foliage 
S.hispanicum minuss- 1 inch; light green round mats 
S.Kamschaticum:- 6 inches; orange flowers 
S-Lydium:-green and red mats,pink flowers. Very dwarf, 
S.magallenseze 3 inches; green mat, white flowers in Auguste 
S,middendorfianum:- 6 inches; brownish-yellow flowerse 
Spmonregalense:= inches; white flowers in summer, 
S,murale:~ inches; purplish foliage, white flowerse 
S,Oreganum:~- 3 inches; attractive fat leaves, yellow flowers. 
S. radiatum:- 5 inches; gray foliage, yellow blooms. 
Serupestre:e~ trailing foliage, yellow flowers, 
S,sexangulare:=- mossy foliage with yellow flowers, 
Sespurium coccineum:- 5 inches; rosy crimson flowers in August. 
S,spurium Brilliant:- scarlet flowered form of above. 
S,spectabilez- le inches; large bright green leaves,pink bloom, 
Sespectabile Brilliant:- bright red flowers, 
Sestahliz:- moss-like foliage, bright green. 
S.stenopetalum:- 6 inches;deep green foliage,golden flowers. 
S.stoloniferas- 3 inches; purplish pink flowers in August 
S.Stribyrna:- h inches; evergreen foliage with golden flowers, 
Seternatum:=- triangular leaves, white flowers. 

SEMPERVIVUMS - - our stock has been temporarily depleted, 
SANTOLINA incana:- 10 inches,."Lavender Cotton", Gray foliage. 
SILENE maritima:- trailing plant,white flowers all summer, 
SAPONARTA occymoides:- trailer, with many pink blooms. 

SOLIDAGO cutleri:- )} inches; yellow blooms,attractive and hardy. 

STACHYS alpina:- 12 inches; velvety gray foliage, lavender flowers. 

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THYMES are very satisfactory rock plants, growing in crevices, or 

in stone walks. They have aromatic leaves, and attractive flowers. 
T,angustifolium:- 1 inchsnarrow-leaved,with purple flowers, 
Tebalticum:- inches; fine foliage, pink flowers. 
T,citriodorus aureus:- 5 inches; Lemon-scented Thyme, 
T,Herba-baronne:- 8 inches; violet flowers in Sept. 
T,nummularius:=- mat-forming,with round dark green shiny leaves. 
T,Mitchell's Pink:- 6 inches; gray foliage, pink flowers. 
T.vulgaris:- 8 inches;very fragrant,lilac flowers in June. 
T,.serpyllum:- 1 inch; pink flowers on a green mate 
T.-serpyllum coccineum:~- red form of above. 
Teserpyllum, album:- white flowers on fine mats. 
Teserpyllum, Annie Hall:elight pink flowers, 

TRADESCANTIA brevicaulis albas- 12 inches; white Spiderwort, 
TUNICA saxifraga:- 6 inches; clouds of tiny pink blooms all summer, 

VERONICAS are showy and dependable rock plants, and are easy to grow 
even in light shade. All are hO¢ each, or 3 for $1.00. 
V.Allioni:- prostrate,with violet flowers l| inches long. 
V;Blue Shiner:- 2 inches, green mats with light blue flowers, 
V.chamaedrys:- 8 inches,trailer with light blue flowers. 
V-corombosa:- 8 inches; dense plumes of azure-blue flowers, 
V.frvticosa:- 6 inches; semi-shrub with glossy leaves. 
j,zentianoides:- 10 inches; glossy leaves, light blue flowers, 
V.‘Hav-a-Look":- lh inches;blue and white flowers in spring. 
V oincanaze 8 inches; bright gray leaves, blue flowers, 
Venummulariazs- 2 inches; mat forming, deep blue flowers in June, 
V,pectinata rosea:=- 2 inches; gray mat with many single pink 
V,saxifragaz- 2 inches; small leaves, dark blue flowers. 
Vaspicata erica:= 6 inches; pink spikes on attractive foliage. 
V.spicata nanaz:- 6 inches; masses of dark blue spikes. 

VIOLETS:-= We have many violets around the place, and this year are 
se_ling them in collections, only. Shade and leafmold are essential, 
12 different Violets, not labeled, $2.50. 

“FERNS for Rock Garden, Shade and leafmold are essential. 
Asplenium pictum Goeringianum:- gray fronds. 75¢ each. 
Asplenium platyneuron: Ebony Spleenwort; graceful. l0¢ each, 
Asplenium trichomanes: Maidenhair Spleenwort: tiny, deep shade, 
Asplenium viride:- from the mountainse Dense shade. 75¢ each, 
amptosorus rhyzophyllus, Walking Ferns limy dry soil on a 
Polysticum Braunii: shiny fronds, one of the best. 50¢ each, 
Polysticum achrostichoides; Xmas Fern, Evergreen,attractivee 
Woodsia ilvensis:- the lovable Rusty Woodsia. Dry ledges, 

We also sell collections of large ferns for both sunny and shady 

All above plants are 0g each, 3 for $1.00, except as noted. 
Plants listed at 50¢ each are 3 for $1.25. 

Coilected wild flowers and mountain plants are sold at special low 
prices in quantity. Such plants are marked with an asterisk(s). 

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Veronica filiformis has been in great demand the past year or 
so as a substitute for lawn grass where the latter will not grow, 
such as under large trees, It can be depended on to greatly improve 
these impossible spots, and will usually completely eliminate such 
eyesores, There has to be some soil, and some moisture, howevere 
ihe plant weeleLorma ntcc mas under very dititcuLt conditions, but 
will not do the impossible, It is hardy, having stood Vermont win- 
ters for many years with no signs of winter killing. 

A squarefoot, as we sell it, can be divided by the customer so 
as to plant 15 to 20 square feet. As it grows, vacant spaces be« 
tween plants can be reset with pieces from the larger plants. Thus 
with a little care, a dense mat can be formed in a month or two. 

The mat should be mowed with the lawn mower whenever blossoms 
appear in quantity, to keep it from flowering itself to death. 

Veronica filiformis is an invasive plant, and should not be 
planted where growing conditions are good, or in a rock garden or 
obher plantings In its place, as a substitute for lawn grass, it is 

PRICE - - $2.00 per square foot. 

The folowing wild flowers, not listed in the previous pages, 
are sold in quantities of not less than 12, at $2.50 per dozen. 
Asarum canadensis, Ginger Root, ground cover for shade, 
Chelone glabra, White Turtlehead, good for boggy placese 
Ciintonia borealis, Clintons Lily, shady spots, 
Lysimachia nummularia, Moneywort; ground cover for sun or shade, 
sarracenia purpurescens, Pitcher Plant; odd one for bogs. 
Saxifraga virginiensis, Virginia Saxifraga; anywhere with shade, 
Trilliums, Wakerobin; several colors;shady spots with leaf mold, 
Vinea minor; Periwinkle; ground cover for sun or shade, 
Plant collecting is an indefinite business, much depending on how 
much rush there is at the Nursery. Also, many back roads in Vte are 
impassable in the spring. Plants will be shipped when it is pos- 
sible to collect them, except during the heat of the summer, If 
gasoline should be rationed, our collecting style might be badly 
cramped, too. 


#1 - 12 plants for the sunny rock garden, each labeled, $3.00 
#2 - 12 plants for the shady rock garden, each labeled. $3.00 
#3 - 12 Sedums, largest possible variety of foliage. 3.00 
#l. - 6 Saxifragas; light shade;limey,sandy soil needed. $2.00 
#5 «= 6 Iris for the Rock Garden, $1075 
#6 - 6 Ferns for the Rock Garden, 2.00 
#7 - 6 Ferns, large, for sunny places, LAYS 
#8 - 6 Ferns, large, for shady places, ato 
#9 = 12 Violets; shade and leafmold for these. 2250 
#10- 6 Rare mountain plants (shipped when collected). 3.00 

TERMS OF BUSINESS are CASH WITH ORDER, Make checks and money orders 
payable to Mitchell Nurseries, Shipping charges are prepaid on 
orders received, with cash, on or before March 15, 19bl. 

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