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Full text of "Price list : Lilly's seeds fertilizers poultry supplies"

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Historic, archived document 

Do not.assume content reflects current 
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out sl 

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January 3rd 1913 



Present prices F. O. B. Seattle, subject to change without notice, and subject 

eb iee Sige PLIES 

to being sold out. 

Price Lists are issued at frequent intervals, and the current issue will be 
mailed to you on request. Some of these prices fluctuate rapidly, and if prices have 
changed, unless otherwise instructed by you, we will ship full amount covered by 
remittance at prices in effect at time order is received. 

We exercise every precaution to grow and secure only the very best séeds, 
but give no warranty, expressed or implied, as to description, productiveness, or 
any other matter of any seeds or plants sent out, and will not be in any way 
responsible for the crops. 

If seeds are wanted by mail, add 10c per pound for postage. If to be shipped 
by express or freight to a station at which there is no agent, add a sufficient amount 
to prepay charges. 

Prices on all other goods handled by us are shown in our Annual Catalog, 
Fall Catalog, Poultry Catalog, Fertilizer Catalog, Bee Catalog and Spray Book, any 
of which will be mailed to you on request. 


PE Giga. Fe LY. CO. 

Front and Taylor Sts., Portland. Foot of Main St. Seattle. 

[8s Seeds 

CLOVER SEED 1 lb. 10 lbs. 50 lbs. 100 lbs. 
Lilly’s Best Red Clover............ Per Ib. $0.30 $0.231/4 $0.23 $0.2214 
Choice Hed ‘Clover 1%. (i. ye. eee eee .20 .22 21% 21 
Lilly’s Best White Clover ..............0- 50 41 40! 40 
Choice Whlte Clover fi. gcnsd «ks aoe ee .45 .o9 38% .38 
Mammoth-Rod ‘Clover. ci3 ssa gee en's .30 27% 27 264 
Crimson Clover 50.422 os.. soe Scr eee cae 25 21 201% .20 
BokHara “Clover! <.. iY... eas ts le oe 30 27% 27 2614 
Yoliow:*Trefell’2..,.:\: 9: soe iGes vn ee 125 19 18% 18 
Eisparcette,..or Santen Van. s,s nica ome ves .20 18 17% 17 
Lilly's: Best Alaike--acccucer. Lets or eG 30 25\4 25 244 
Choice Alsikei i.) ac. scie te. eres Beh ee a 241% 24 23% 

Lilly’s Best: Alfalfa $2,202. 2. ¢b.$.50 eae wo 18\/ 18 174 
Choice: Alfalfa (<i: esl ewes Aes 2D 17% 17 16% 
Turkestan cAtteliae {eo o i et ee ee 25 19% 19 18% 

Lilty’s Best-Timothyie. 3. a.'.2.. eee was 215 .08 07'4 .07 
Choice. Timothiyer. o.ackns is oe ots cee 15 07% 07 06% 
Kentucky Blue Grass, Fancy.............. ao 18 17'4 -17 
Canadian’ BluetGrass:42iu kc ch. cee ew ens 20 15 14% 14 
Brome; Grassi. coe «2 cela ric ts hen eee .20 17% 17 16% 
Sweet Vernal, Perennial ................ 15 .68 671% 67 
Sweet Vernal, Annual. 7-4): .comweaes es 25 18 17% AZ 
Red Taps FANCY .. sss ccs cocist cent eee ae os .23!'/5 23 2214 
Red Top, Choice. >< Fees: oc... zie oe eee eee .20 15 14% 14 
Tall Meadow Oat Grass........... Pe 25 21 20% 20 
Creeping’ Bent; or Florin. ="). {3 7..<eceeres © 3D .30 291% 29 
Bermuda Gragg cseece woh lek eee eee Sold out 
Reed Canary Grasses... fais eee es .70 .63 62% 62 
Orchard, ‘Grase) ocess fe ee aisc.s Here is aioe ee oo .20 1914 19 
JOUDRBON. GRABS iiss iattaivigis soviet pa aceis emote ats Sold out 
Me@SGUTEG? ‘y..5: cere Grete pe 5a thes oats tee ee 25 18% 18 17% 
CHOBE cs Sree ete Gite gn et oe atelane ote eee 10 04% 04 03% 
Rye Grass, English, or Perennial.......... -10 07'4 07 06/4, 
Rye- Grass; jltalian: 6.23.16 erusa es. aheeeeas .10 08l4 08 .07'% 
Meadow Wese@ue: <. ou cccuen tee nce a eke cee .20 14% 14 13% 
Fine. Leaved? Nescue.: os... 5... 2 ceeen ae .50 43 42% 42 
Sheep’s. Wescue. 3... tone te ene 20 ool 20% 20 
Hard \Pe8Cue) 5 sé oun erwds titan ane apy 43) 18 17% 17 
Red, ‘or ‘Creeping. Fascteec . 25,4 siccclaseadk 25 23 22% 22 

Hay Mixtures, No. 1, No. 2 or No. 3........ .20 -16 15 14 
Pasture Mixtures, No. 1, No. 2 or No. 3.... .20 -16 15 14 
Nonparell Lawn: Gril@e) occ o<5.<6 0% s04 a 8e's.n/0 pr 44 .20 .20 .20 
Lilly’s Imported Lawn Grass......... 1-quart carton, 35c; 4-lb. carton, $1.50. 

_ A} Per Sack 

SEED WHEAT 2h: 10 lbs. 50 Ibs. 100 lbs. 125 Ibs. 
Pedigree Bluestem ........... 10 04 03% 02% 3.25 
Giant Spring: ...c. cases kee eee 10 .O4 03% .02% 3.25 
Durum, or Macaroni .......... Sold out 

Seed Beene ic bat ibsek tha aieet s 10 03 0214 02% 2.50 


1 Ib. 10 lbs. 50 lbs. 100 Ibs. 
White Hulless o sivas és us. nine See pas Pees Sold out 
Beardless i stindssd oes 5 2u.ce ttt ad os Cee 10 04 03% .03 
Hanna, TWO-YTOWGO .: i... sos cute baa eee Sold out 
Comnion.: .s<tanves was Sv eda te Oh eee 10 031% 03 02% 

SEED OATS 1 lb. 10 lbs. 
SiH ROUGME: cn chedbsers aes eter case 10 .03% 
fener. Geary ) WiRGEE ec cowict = 06 6s 4 88s Sek 10 .03 
Swedish Soleets. 5 as cette. ew eee ot oc been 10 .03%4 
PRCTICAR ANNE ae oe sn aie oe wk oe utee sso 10 .03 

PEREENGT- CSEIE)® 5 occa Be ores a ond be Be ew See $0.10 $0.03% 

a eee ko er Sp 0 ee ph ged gs 10 09 
EI PENNS ONE oo Sin ree a ee ice Oe -10 09 
MORLEWOeNECER BCR foes kes Swede ens ches 10 .09 
eeeneeteree.— SIERO Lin's sw ne CRM we 10 05 
Saampion Wiite Benard oo. +. oesesic ee sews 10 05% 
ES ETE gh k 1 7 nie ep ipe deg ael eR rl eee ee 10 05% 
eee A MUNI OS. cronies dws 2 ne oe oie ae a 10 .05 
Pre Oe te OTE. Soe tose A ae ee 10 .05 
RE AME ee on era ig aa aE Ce 10 05% 

Po MOGHEE CHIEN 2 ow Ocakuce ome eee et 10 05% 
Hed. Cob Ensilage Corls:... 6c osee.. een ce 10 051% 

NUE REED ot 0 hs ETE ee ser we aes 10 06% 
PE PREE = S /. Asso ce ee erat oe 2 oe 10 07% 
aERAREEN Torey. CES, nS res a NN ate ea 10 06% 
Semeeneass A> ee rae eS SO Le ae ae 10 07% 
RSENS Se 2 sla ee Wk Oe ek eas 10 04% 
apmeset. ATW oe oe oo es Sold out 

Sawer Stl Ce... oa ee Eee. Sold out 
ICON eon = 2 ra et RS ee end > Sei 10 .06 

JER Ds inet of ee a tg gee ang «Je. Seely cn Os gee 10 05 
aE SOR a es et 8 Sold out 
ee er as, nee Se eee AE & eis G 10 .05 

RIOR We ll te st! SS ne eee anaes 10 .09 
ReMi eae eres cleo is clams bie ki a ee oe Sold out 

Commean;- Spring, or: Tares. -... .o. 22.26.66 10 .06 
Miter ih A SAIS, os oh ee .20 16% 

Kale, Thousand Headed -~.s:.....:.<.-...- 35 .29 
ene eee ee SIS Se ciel els a a oie 15 11 
Pinetion Home Beans 3 22 ooo ak oa exces Sold out 
SD a BES See eae ee Pass Se Ue 10 .O7 
US 8mg Se REECE ES 10 04 
EY CREE) Oxy5 7 Oe. Cs OL Se ac das 10 .09 
ERE MEY WN PRESET ee Pn a nal eee dir eke oe Sold out 
a SCCM So tee ean as te ie ee .10 .08 
SRE Fes Sia ass CR eae ee bE .20 18 
POR RAGMEA roe, Fs See Se os og oe ee see 10 .07 
SES cg UD teh oe ng ae na tg rs gn I a 15 12 
PNA ete oe og oe eee aae ee Sold out 

Jus Spray Material 


Write for JiEX$ SPRAY BOOK 

5 gal. 

100 Ib». 

50 lbs. 
03% 02% 
0234 .02% 
.03 02% 
02% 02% 

$0.03% $0.02% 
08! .08 
08! .08 
08% .08 
0.4% .04 
.05 04% 
.05 041% 
0416 .04 
04% .04 
04% 04% 
.05 041% 
.05 04% 
.06 05% 
.07 06% 
.06 05% 
.07 06% 
.04 03% 
05% .05 
04% .04 
0414 .04 
08% .08 
05% .05 
16 15% 
281 28 
1014 -10 
06% .06 
03% .03 
08% .08 
07% 07 
17% 7 
06% .06 
11% 11 

Bbl., (about 
50 gals.) 

4s Fertilizers 

25 Ibs. 100 lbs. Per Sack. Ton. 

Lilly’s Complete Lawn Dressing ............ $0.75 $2.50 ek $44.00 
Lilly’s Complete Vegetable Fertilizer....... 75 2.25 sms 40.00 
Lilly’s Complete Potato Fertilizer .......... 75 2.25 ich 42.00 
Lilly’s Complete Fruit and Hop Fertilizer.... .75 2.40 Sik 44.00 
Lilly’s Complete Fish and Bone Fertilizer... ... 2.50 “an 44.00 
Lilly’s Concentrated Fertilizer...... Package 25 25 Ibs. 1.00 

Murtate of Petash . o> sic esate eee ee 3.50 225 lbs.$6.55 58.00 
Sulphate of Potash \ oo iene. cae ne eee 3.75 225 lbs. 7.35 65.00 
Double: Manure’ Salts. ..5 020 cme aees enn 2.50 225 1bs. 5.00 44.00 
FERTIE. inn cicc w S:s uw 6 !m ila eae oi 1.50 225 1bs. 2.50 22.00 
Nitrate ‘of ‘Soda: <i... Geen aca ee see eee ye 3.50 200 lbs. 6.00 60.00 
Nitrate of LAM6" 33... eases tea tees eee Soi 224 lbs. 6.30 56.00 
Blood and BONG: .cce te cco des fe awe eas 2.25 ba 38.00 
Figh ‘(Gualig:, < o.< ce csit athyhs na tele a eee ane 2.65 49.00 
Super PROspHALG<ane aah ss einer ae 1.75 30.00 
Ground Raw Phosphate Rock .:..c..esss<ss 1.25 20.00 
Bone, Mesh... fo.s'e.s.22 okie swe copa see oe “ 2.25 40.00 
Pulverized Sheep Manure.......... Package’ .25 1.25 es: 20.00 
Ground “Lime Rock cs. <': «senders Seacrest 200 lbs. 1.00 8.50 
Land: Plaster i's cic« auivip 0%) an Dees eo 1.00 via 12.50 

Write for Catalog {ik<t$ FERTILIZERS 

Js Poultry Foods 

Pkg. 101lbs. 251lbs. 50lbs. 1001bs. 125 lbs. 

Holly Chick Feed ...ccscvssccems att $0.40 $0.90 "ss .60 $3.00 
Lilly’s Best Growing Food....... hs 35 75 2.50 
Lilly’s Best Scratch Food........ eis 35 .65 wo 2.25 
Common Sense Egg Food...9 Ibs. .30 ae -60 ca 2.10 
Lilly’s Fattening Food...... 9 Ibs. .30 hem -60 eit 2.25 
Holly Pigedn> Food. 2... .3%\....,... Beas 40 .80 ba 2.75 
Darling’s Beef Scraps .......... Ay ne af) na 4.00 
Lilly’s Best Beef Scrap ........ Mas IS Shs 50 1.20 eg 4.00 
Lilly’s Best Blood Meal... ...... a Fas -50 ee sala 4.25 
Lilly’s Best Granulated Shell..... ee .20 35 i 1.10 
Star Shell. ya. 2268. eta oi a it oan 80 
Lilly’s Best Granulated Bone.... ... 235 75 i da 2.50 
No. 2 Granulated Bone ......... at widen ows mex 2.25 
Darling’s Meat Meal ............ ee ai oes ae 3.25 
Lilly’s Best Crystal Grit......... ee 15 30 aa 75 
Lilly’s Best Granulated 

Chareeal:.:.. dccs ener, <. 4 Ibs. .25 Sas an2 stay 2.50 
Ground Wigs SGGd. oo 0025 «saan 45 Sain! ae an 7.50 
Lilly’s Best Alfalfa Meal. .3!4 Ibs. .15 =e oh ch 1.50 
Katir COrini sess cee cree ec an aes Ae of bree aN 2.50 
MOH St” vcs o Gewese er ack ty alee ah 40 ae Pi; 3.00 
BUBTOW EL: \. cule tates dese aikasutes ahs 50 soaus x 4.00 
Buckwheat <2 Fisvetws so eee hss wit owe co, 50 ie ea. 4.00 
Split Peas for Pigeons........... ee .35 an ee: 3.00 
SOY Bean MGai seis ace eee recunn oe .35 art. tae 2.40 
Steam Dried Beet Pulp. jek punters “of ~- <m Ait 1.90 
Steam Dried Beet Pulp.......... Rus ses ar age 1.90 

pues Automatic Chick Server, 15c each; 6 for 75c; $1.50 per doz. 

Lilly’s Economy Oat Sprouter, $8.50. Extra Sections, $3.00 each. 
Lilly’s Ideal Oat Sprouter, $5.25. 

Write for Catalog Dkk} POULTRY SUPPLIES