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aetna creda ta Glen Med Dake an 






Director of The Pennsylvania State College Agriculturai Experiment Station ; 
Expert mn Animal Nutrition, United States Department of Agriculture. 


Lonpon: CHAPMAN & HALL, LimirTep. 


Two Copies Received 

FEB 2 1903 
Copyright Entry 
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Copyright, 1903, 

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THE past two decades have not only witnessed great activity in 
the study of the various problems of animal nutrition, but they are 
especially distinguished by the new point of View from which these 
problems have come to be regarded. Speaking broadly, it may be 
said that to an increasing knowledge of the chemistry of nutrition 
has been added a clear and fairly definite general conception of the 
vital activities as transformations of energy and of the food as 
essentially the vehicle for supplying that energy to the organism. 
This conception of the function of nutrition has been a fruitful 
one, and in particular has tended to introduce greater simplicity and 
unity into thought and discussion. Much exceedingly valuable 
work has been done under its guidance, while it points the way 
toward even more important results in the future. The following 
pages are not a treatise upon stock-feeding, but are an attempt to 
present in systematic form to students of that subject a summary of 
our present knowledge of some of the fundamental principles of ani- 
mal nutrition, particularly from the standpoint of energy relations, 
with special reference to their bearings upon the nutrition of farm 
animals. Should the attempt at systematization appear in some 
instances premature or ill-advised, the writer can only plead that 
even a temporary or tentative system, if clearly recognized as such, 
may be preferable to unorganized knowledge. The scaffolding 
has its uses, even though it form no part of the completed building. 

The attentive reader, should there be such, will not fail to note 
that the work is limited to those aspects of the subject included 
under the more technical term of ‘The Statistics of Nutrition,” 
and that even in this restricted field some important branches of 

the subject have been omitted on account of what has seemed to 


the writer a lack of sufficient accurate scientific data for their profit- 
able discussion. Moreover, many principles which are already 
familiar have been considered rather cursorily in order to allow a 
more full treatment of less well-known aspects of the subject, even 
at the expense of literary proportion. 

The substance of this volume was given in the form of lectures 
before the Graduate Summer School of Agriculture at the Ohio 
State University in 1902, and has been prepared for publication at 
the request of instructors and students of that school. In thus 
presenting it to a somewhat larger public the author ventures to 
hope that it may tend in some degree to promote the rational study 
of stock-feeding and to aid and stimulate systematic investigation 
into both its principles and practice. 

STaTE CoLLteGE, Pa., November, 1902. 



INTRODUCTION Stata leeiciside cece « sciviale + sraieies Rerchclcicielseieisie ainlsterciste 1 

The Statistics of Nutrition...............0. eiolelelolevate of ateloleicherelcte femme 



THE Foop e 06 © 0 ee 00\0 © ©1000 070) 0 0-06 ects 6 00 0 0 Coe eeeeO2eeeneeececrce0e0 5 

VTA TAU @ TS Mer g Poppers seal hover aren Perer they acy clieere sc) a cue Licvene  chatere mesiny ia ule accuehey airs 14 

§ 1. Carbohydrate Metabolism Beiiatelarsini/e cle) sl ccleiey s\oraparyien peti seecaie evan Ite, 

Se2eOE A tn Met al OSI yt cteterace ates. «sks ciate ys eo Aieticve sieve eis, sae tiene 29 

Srosmeroteide Metab olismms yates, Gir. tcsis-s «scsce/cuslebereveiele clela denis ae eee 38 

PATI AID OLIS IN eee ei oo e221 RET REELS ean 38 

Catabolism yc veri. .:«-.\aseperpetsneasne ere ee rae ae 41 

sthevNion-proverdsi cr cits. «sau etaeeverciacicicie ce eierele telebele 52 

MrtTHops OF INVESTIGATION. ..........00-0-+--sc0ceeces Sua dooudad 59 

ALE LAS TEN Guan PAB OLISMiay esters olcleremerarvelctersieltelereioeieverercle’c Soodo000. &il) 

Sle he: Proteid, Metabolism 3s vacmecrs cca + eielslsle oe sioleterelevsiene 81 

§ 2. The Total Metabolism.................. Motsilerclarersvelele series lots lets 83 


Soe TheperoteiduSupplysacacmenmcricc. ecco slelofcheleickereeheiero mmo 

Effects on Proteid Metabolism.................. Bie veietaes 94 

Effects on) Totaly Metabolism: jvanc cic wi lociders siclerle cae 104 

Formation of Fat from Proteids........ccccccccccceee LOZ 


§2. The Non-nitrogenous Nutrients...... rary aie otals) sous larsus? ciate ave ieterne 114 
Effects on Proteid Metabolism ..........ccccccccccccees 114 
The Minimum of Proteidss ec cicile:s ccsis chev case eo cvere 133 
Hffects:on LotalsMetabolism ss... sa. aces caciiete ecei  e's 144 
Mutual Replacement of Nutrients...............+6- 148 
Utilization of Excess—Sources of Fat.........+200> 162 
§ 1. General Features of Muscular Activity..............eeeeeeee 185 
Musculari@ontractions. sce tre cereale s os ectee oneversietae 185 
Secondary Effects of Muscular Exertion................ 191 
$2. Effects upon: Metabolism’. jn c2trecsec)s 6 csgaie cts ae sicibioe ce seearats 193 
Upon the Proteid Metabolism ...2.¢. 0.0510 0.5 'e's s'aleatstaa a 194 
Upon the Carbon Metabolism. ..........cccsssccsscoess 209 
RORCE ANDUWNERGY «|: ..icc.g-cialenetatevepele + a 'shconteueyciel apeya foro. e)e slehers w onereveteleteversue 226 
METHODS OF INVESTIGATION. . occ pies 21au)s ais stoic co svelsisiee eee mieleieveieretele 234 
Ture CoNSERVATION OF ENERGY IN THE ANIMAL Bopy..........--0+ 258 
Tue Foop as a SourcE oF ENERGY—METABOLIZABLE ENERGY........ 269 
$ 1. Experimentson. Carnivoray sf cjas cise aitisdercnnaye cranes aataverers ele 272 
$:2. ‘Experiments’ On Mani. so. 325 cic dss tolete ene ei rier wislaheiae saat 277 
§ 3. Experiments on Herbivora..............006+ Bae eeetey coats 281 
Metabolizable Energy of Organic Matter................ 284 
Total Organic’ Matter... ... cic. eissieends cee ene 285 
Digestible Organic: Matters . sive ere asses eee cite 297 
Energy of Digestible: Nutrients: scicis,<.ie «ers ateletele els ele's 302 
Gross: En erp yieccreds. a: oaatssclaieeucenetenenteter stop sustsneaehotreovets 302 

Metalbolizable Hinergy .i.:. cio. aloretesiercletsrele c elesles ae oLO 




JENTETRIN CATO OR Karena tea au avid ter eure eaten CUSG. Vanek iMi MEU: ETD ee 336 
§ 1. The Expenditure of Energy by the Body.................... 336 

Sap bheyhasting Metabolism yc) tie cs cpanel sic. scecs'eare citale 340 
NatureoiDemands tom Energetics cle seteeiceciel cries 340 

eat e Productions hat loner taiacchs erste cela Gialane tele creates Mets 344 

Influence of Thermal Environment ................ 347 

Influence of Size of Animal.................0.000% 359 

§ 3. The Expenditure of Energy in Digestion and Assimilation..... 372 


Net AVAILABLE ENERGY—MAINTENANCE.......cccccccccccccccccecs 394 
Spiewveplacement) Values inser ' cs sic sere eee eve sere! sl algveileleiers clave} lies 396 

§ 2. Modified Conception of Replacement Values.................. 405 
SOTENG tA Vallability ea spechn cee c.e ny tc «wees. siklok aeslelsccicbere)s 412 
Determinations of Net Availability .................... 413 
Discussionjof/Resulitsiy.). .)..4.s.2)+ ici Ri ear aul 430 

Influence of Amount of Food ..............cc0eeees 430 

Character ob Hood cs. Wapcreaieieteneruien cea aeeelelsi oie ats 431 

ithe; Maintenance Ration... dae. scteciscsies slcrele ee «6.6 432 


EO TINIZATION OR MOINERG Yee y sci ieielelere’scGi« ss eic/e siete lencisicloterere ete, isso} sieye 444 
SileaUitilization torbissue, Bull dime 72/27 /.'.\siiele sieloto sisies cisiels cheie ae 448 
Expermmentalvesultsiya re. /-\- «+ so oleiomtorisieletoiets) olele.e)orcpevals 448 
Discussion ofsevesultsiqye ties. - «| eictelomieneistercte cloisueres olovercisrers 465 
Influence of Amount of Food.................-006+ 466 
Influence of Thermal Environment...............+. 471 
Inituence-of Character of Hood.) 3). ....2...2..-5.- 472 

The Expenditure of Energy in Digestion, Assimilation 
andihissue Sil ding waaay sensi cichive ciereio.elerelere oieuere > 491 
§ 2. Utilization for MusculargnViOrk:: oometer fac arlcise crepercictotasateley sero 494 
Utilization of Net Available Energy.................0.6. 497 
The Efficiency of the Animal as a Motor............ 498 
, Conditions determining Efficiency.................. 511 
Utilization of Metabolizable Energy..............----.. 525 

VOLTS) Mm VEStISALIOMSMeyerreyeicteraponela 215 1c eller ao) ofevelevepel eile 528 



THE body of an animal, regarded from a chemical point of view, 
consists of an aggregate of a great variety of substances, of which 
water, protein, and the fats, with smaller amounts of certain 
carbohydrates, largely predominate. By far the greater portion of 
the substance of the body, aside from its water, consists of so- 
called “ organic” compounds; i.e., compounds of carbon with hydro- 
gen, oxygen, nitrogen, and, to a smaller extent, with sulphur and 
phosphorus. These compounds are in many cases very complex, 
and all of them have this in common, that they contain a con- 
siderable store of potential energy. 

It is through these complex “ organic” compounds that the phe- 
nomena of life are manifested. . All forms of life with which we are 
acquainted are intimately associated with the conversion of com- 
plex into simpler compounds by a series of changes which, regarded 
as a whole, partake of the nature of oxidations. During this break- 
ing down and oxidation more or less of the potential energy of these 
compounds is liberated, and it is this hberation of energy which is 
the essential end and object of the whole process and which, if not 
synonymous with life itself, is the objective manifestation of life. 
This is equally true of the plant and the animal, although masked 
in the case of green plants by the synthetic activity of the chloro- 
phyl in the presence of light. The process is most manifest in the 
animal, however, both on account of the inability of the latter to 
utilize the radiant energy of the sun and on account of the greater 
intensity of the process itself. 

Setting aside for the moment any storing up of material, and 


therefore of potential energy, in the body for the future use of the 
animal itself or of its offspring as being, from a physiological point of 
view, temporary and incidental, the sole useful product of the animal 
is energy. All the physical effect which we can produce, either 
through our own bodies or those of our domestic animals, is simply 
to move something, and moving something is equivalent to the 
exertion of energy. This motion may be the motion of visible 
masses of matter in the performance of useful work or the invisible 
molecular motion of heat, which is economically a waste product, 
but in either case the animal is a source of energy which is imparted 

to its surroundings. From this point of view, then, we may look’ 

upon the animal as a mechanism for transforming the stored-up 
energy of the sun’s rays, contained in its tissues, into the active or 
“kinetic” forms of heat and motion. The various cells and tissues 
of the living animal body, in the performance of their several func- 
tions, break down and oxidize the proteids, fats, carbohydrates, 
and other materials of which they are composed or which are con- 
tained in them, seizing, as it were, upon the energy thus liberated 
and converting it, here into heat, there into motion, again into the 
energy of chemical change, as the needs of the organism demand. 

The very definition of physical life, then, implies that the living 
animal is constantly consuming its own substance, rejecting the 
simpler compounds which result and giving off energy in the various 
forms characteristic of living beings. Obviously, this process, if 
unchecked, would soon lead to the destruction of the organism and 
the dissipation of its store of potential energy. To prevent this 
catastrophe is the object of the great function of nutrition. 

This function, in its broader outlines, is familiar to us all through 
daily experience and observation. The living animal requires to 
be frequently supplied with certain substances which collectively 
constitute its food. This food contains a great variety of chemical 
ingredients, but much the larger part of it consists of “organic” 
compounds belonging to the three great groups already noted as 
making up the larger share of the organic matter of the body, viz., 
the proteids, the fats, and especially the carbohydrates, and while 
the individual members of these groups differ in the two cases, the 
ingredients of the food, like those of the body, contain a large store 
of potential energy. These and other “organic” substances, 



together with more or less mineral matter, are separated by the 
organism, in the processes of digestion and resorption, from the un- 
essential or unavailable matters of the food. The latter are rejected 
' from the body, while the former are used by it to take the place 
of the material broken down and excreted by its vital activities, 
and thus serve to maintain its capital of matter and of potential 

In other words, the food may be regarded as the vehicle by 
means of which a little portion of the “infinite and eternal energy 
from which all things proceed ” is put for the time being at the 
service of the individual ; as being not so much a supply of matter 
to make good the waste of tissue as a supply of energy for the mani- 
festations of life. 

The animal body, then, from our present standpoint, consists of 
a certain amount of matter which has been temporarily segregated 
from the rest of the universe and which represents a certain store 
or capital of potential energy. This aggregate of matter and 
energy is in a constant state of change or flux. On the one hand, 
its vital activities are continually drawing upon its capital. By 
the very act of living it expends matter and energy, On the other 
hand, by means of the function of nutrition, it is continually receiv- 
ing supplies of matter and energy from its environment and adding 
them to its capital. Plainly, then, the growth, the maintenance, or 
the decay of the bedy depends upon the relation which it is able to 
maintain between the income and the expenditure of matter and 
energy. If the two are equa]. the animal is simply maintained 
without increase or decrease; if the income is greater than the 
expenditure, the body adds to its capital of matter and energy, if 
the income is less than the expenditure, the necessary result is a 
diminution in the accumulated capital which, if continued, must 
ultimately result in death. 

We thus reach an essentially statistical standpoint, and this 
aspect of the subject of nutrition, which has been designated by 
some writers as “The Statistics of Nutrition,’”’ forms the subject of 
the succeeding pages. The topic naturally divides itself into two 
distinct although closely related parts, viz.: 

1. The income and expenditure of matter. 

2. The income and expenditure of energy. 


These topics will be considered in the above order, it being 
assumed that the reader is already familiar with the general nature 
of the nutritive processes included under the general heads of 
digestion, resorption, circulation, respiration, and excretion. 



THE supply of matter to the body is, of course, contained in the 
food, including water and the oxygen taken up from the air. In 
a more limited and familiar sense, the term food is employed to 
signify the supply of solid matter, or dry matter, to the animal. 
It is proposed here simply to recall certain familiar facts relative 
to the composition and digestibility of the food in this narrower 
sense, taking up the subject in the barest outline. 

Composition.—While a vast number of individual chemical 
compounds are found in common feeding-stuffs, the conventional 
scheme for their analysis unites these substances into groups and 
regards feeding-stuffs as composed, aside from water and mineral 
matter, essentially of protein, carbohydrates and related bodies, 
and fats. Or, setting aside the mineral ingredients, the “organic” 
ingredients may be divided into the nitrogenous, comprised under 
the term protein, and the non-nitrogenous, including the fats and 

ProteIn.—The name “protein” originated with Mulder, who 
used it to designate what he supposed to be a common ingredient 
of all the various proteids, but it has since come to be employed as a 
group name for the nitrogenous ingredients both of feeding-stuffs 
and of the animal body. 

The amount of protein in feeding-stuffs we have at present no 



means of determining directly, but it is commonly estimated from 
the amount of nitrogen upon two assumptions: first, that all the 
substances of the protein group contain 16 per cent. of nitrogen, and 
second, that all the nitrogen of feeding-stuffs exists in the proteid 
form. On the basis of these assumptions, protein is, of course, 
equal to total nitrogen x 6.25. 

Although it was never claimed that this method of estimating 
protein was strictly accurate, it was for a long time assumed that 
the two sources of error involved were not serious. Later investi- 
gations, however, have dispelled this pleasing illusion. Further 
investigations of the true proteids, notably those of Ritthausen and 
of Osborne, have shown a very considerable variation in the per- 
centage of nitrogen contained in them, while, on the other hand, the 
researches of Scheibler, E. Schulze, Kellner, and others have shown 
the presence in many feeding-stuffs of relatively large amounts of 
nitrogenous matters of non-proteid nature. The results of these 
latter investigations have made it necessary to subdivide the total 
nitrogenous matter of feeding-stuffs into two groups, called respec- 
tively “proteids” and “non-proteids,’’ while the name “ protein” 
has been retained in the sense of total nitrogen X 6.25 or other con- 
ventional factor. For various classes of human foods, Atwater and 
Bryant * propose the following factors, based on the results in- 
dicated in the next two paragraphs, for the computation of protein 
from nitrogen: 

Amumal fO6dS 53's d.454.0v nee oe, Aes a ee 6.25 
Wheat, rye, barley, and their manufactured products 5.70 
Maize, oats, buckwheat and rice, and their manufactured 

PLOGWCTS: 12 ycets cc .. </5 Seene Ge cre eae ee 6.00 
Dried’seeds’ of leoumes . ...5:2 ee ss hee ices ees 6.25 
WEROTADIOS! fs cicary udccnacdns » 2 Got MMN MRO Wicaie-aMmamat cote Ucn game 5.65 
PEP TUIN Gs fe tcecireie Pte wee Sue elk 5 o.rdele pt 2a mee Rn eee Ace ree 5.80 

Proteids.—In the absence of any adequate knowledge regarding 
the very complex molecular structure of the proteids, both the 
classification and the terminology of these bodies are in a very con- 
fused state. For convenience, however, we may adopt here those 

* Storrs (Conn.) Ag. Ex. St., Rep. 12, 79. 


tentatively recommended by the Association of American Agri- 
cultural Colleges and Experiment Stations,* viz.: 

Y Albumins, 
( Simple 1 Globulins, 
OL 4 ( Albuminoids { | end allies: 
rotein. Tota : ° : 
nitrogen com- | Froteids L Modified 1 Compound. 
pounds 4 Collagens or gelatinoids 


| ° 
ft Non-proteids | Amides, amido-acids, etc. 

It is not necessary for our present purpose to enter into any dis- 
cussion either of the properties of the proteids as a whole or of the 
differences between the different classes of proteids. One point, 
however, is of particular importance, namely, the elementary com- 
position of these bodies. As noted above, this has been found to be 
more variable than was supposed earlier. In particular the per- 
centage of nitrogen has been found to have a somewhat wide range. 
“Recent investigations with perfected methods show percentages 
of nitrogen in the numerous single proteid substances found in the 
grains ranging from 15.25 to 18.78. These are largest in certain 
oil seeds and lupines and smallest in some of the winter grains. 
Ritthausen,t a prominent German authority, concedes that the 
factor 6.25 should be discarded, and suggests the use of 5.7 for the 
majority of cereal grains and leguminous seeds, 5.5 for the oil and 
lupine seeds, and 6.00 for barley, maize, buckwheat, soja-bean, and 
white bean (Phaseolus) rape, and other brassicas. Nothing short 
of inability to secure greater accuracy justifies the longer contin- 
uance of a method of calculation which is apparently so greatly 
erroneous.” (Jordan.) 

Non-proteids.—This term is used as a convenient designation 
for all the nitrogenous materials of feeding-stuffs which are not 
proteid in their nature. It is an abbreviated form of non-proteid 
nitrogenous bodies. The substances of this class found in plants 
are chiefly the organic bases, amides, amido-acids, and similar 
bodies which are produced by the cleavage of the proteid molecule 
under the action of digestive and other ferments or of hydrating 
agents. They appear to exist in the plant partly as intermediate 
stages in the synthesis of the proteids and partly as products of 

*U.S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Station, Bul., 65, p. 117, 
7 Landw. Vers. Stat., 74, 391. 


their subsequent cleavage in the metabolism of the plant. They 
are chiefly soluble, crystalline bodies. The most common of them 
is asparagin, which has been, to a certain extent, regarded as 
typical of the group. 

The non-proteids are commonly determined by determining as 
accurately as possible the non-proteid nitrogen and multiplying the 
latter by the factor 6.25. In the case of asparagin, however, which 
contains 21.2 per cent. of nitrogen, the proper factor obviously 
should be 4.7, while the factor would vary for the different forms of 
non-proteids which have been observed in plants. It is no simple 
matter, therefore, either to determine directly the amount of non- 
proteids or to decide upon the proper nitrogen factor in any partic- 
ular case. For the present, however, the factor 4.7 would seem 
to be at least a closer approximation to the truth than 6.25. 

In the animal body the group of non-proteids is represented by 
the so-called “extractives” or “flesh bases”’ of the muscle, chiefly 
creatin and creatinin. 

Fars.—The fats of the plant, like those of the animal, consist 
chiefly of glycerin compounds of the so-called “fatty acids,” or of 
similar bodies. These are accompanied in the plant, however, by 
other materials—wax, chlorophyl, ete.—which are extracted along 
with the fat by the common method of determination and consti- 
tute part of the “crude fat” or “ether-extract.”” The results, 
therefore, which have been obtained in feeding experiments with 
pure fats cannot be used with safety as a basis for estimating the 
nutritive value of the so-called “fat” of feeding-stuffs, particularly 
in the case of coarse fodders. 

CARBOHYDRATES. — The well-characterized group of carbo- 
hydrates makes up a large proportion of the organic matter of our 
more common feeding-stuffs. This group of substances may be sub- 
divided on the basis of molecular structure into hexosans and their 
derivatives (hexoses, bioses, trioses, etc.), on the one hand, whose 
molecules contain six atoms of carbon or a multiple of that number, 
and the pentosans and pentoses, or five-carbon series, on the other. 
In the grains and other common concentrated feeding-stuffs, and 
particularly in the food of man, the hexose group largely predomi- 
nates, including starch, dextrin, the common sugars, and more or 
less cellulose. In the coarse fodders consumed by our domestic 


herbivorous animals, while the hexose group is also largely repre- 
sented it is accompanied by no inconsiderable quantities of carbo- 
hydrates belonging to the pentose group. The individual members 
of this latter group are both less abundant and less well known 
chemically than the hexoses, and at present our knowledge of their 
actual nutritive value is somewhat scanty. Since the methods for 
their determination are based upon the fact that they yield furfural 
upon boiling with dilute hydrochloric acid, some recent analysts 
have proposed the term “furfuroids” as a more appropriate desig- 
nation of these substances as determined by present methods. 

In the conventional scheme for the analysis of feeding-stuffs, the 
carbohydrates are subdivided, not upon the basis of their chemical 
structure but upon the basis of their solubility. Those members 
of the group which can be brought into solution by boiling dilute 
acids and alkalies under certain conventional conditions are grouped 
together as “Nitrogen-free extract,’ while those ingredients 
which resist solution under these conditions are designated as 
“Crude fiber.”? The more common hexose carbohydrates, such as 
starch, sugars, etc., are included in the nitrogen-free extract, while 
the larger part, although not all, of the cellulose is included under 
the crude fiber. At the same time, more or less of the pentose carbo- 
hydrates or “furfuroids” are found in both these groups, while the 
crude fiber of coarse fodders contains also a variety of other ill- 
known compounds, somewhat roughly grouped together under the 
general designation of ligneous material. 

Digestibility.—A part of nearly all common food materials is 
incapable of digestion and is rejected in the feces. In the food of 
man and that of carnivorous animals this indigestible portion is 
usually small and may disappear entirely. In the food of herbivora, 
on the other hand, there are contained relatively large amounts of 
substances which are incapable of solution in the digestive tract, 
while varying proportions of materials which in themselves are 
capable of being digested may escape actual digestion under some 
circumstances. In the latter animals, therefore, it becomes par- 
ticulary important to determine the digestible portion of the food. 
The digestibility of a feeding-stuff is estimated indirectly by deter- 
mining as accurately as possible the undigested matter eliminated 
from the body in the feces and subtracting it from the total amount 


contained in the food. This method may of course be applied 
either to the dry matter or the organic matter of the food as a 
whole or to any single determinable ingredient. 

Merasouic Propucts.—The digestive tract of an animal, how- 
ever, not only serves as a mechanism for the digestion of food but 
has excretory functions as well, and the rejected matter contains, 
besides the undigested portion of the food, these excreta and the 
metabolic products of intestinal action. In the case of food largely 
or completely digestible, these substances may make up the larger 
portion or even the whole of the feces, while, on the other hand, 
they constitute but a small proportion of the bulky, excreta of 

It is obvious that these products must be taken account of if it is 
desired to learn the actual digestibility of the food. Unfortunately, 
however, we have at present no trustworthy method for their deter- 
mination. In the past it has been customary to designate the 
difference between food and feces as digestible and, in the case of 
domestic animals at least, to assume that the error involved is not 

Apparent Digestibility—Availability—Even with herbivo- 
rous animals, however, the presence of the so-called metabolic 
products in the feces may give rise to serious errors in the deter- 
mination of the real digestibility of some ingredients of the food, 
notably fat and protein. With carnivora, or with the human 
subject, the case is for obvious reasons still worse, and it is 
scarcely possible to determine the digestibility of the food in the 
strict sense of the word. 

The difference between food and feces does represent, however, 
the net gain of matter to the organism resulting from the digestion 
of the food. To express this conception, the use of the word avail- 
able has been proposed by Atwater.* The “available nutrients” of 
a food, according to him, are the actually digestible nutrients minus 
the metabolic products contained in the feces and which may be 
regarded as representing the expenditure of matter, in the form of 
residues of digestive fluids, intestinal mucus, epithelium, etc., 
necessarily incident to the digestion of the food. The term has been 

* Storrs (Conn.) Agr’] Expt. St., Rep., 12, 69. 


used chiefly in connection with human nutrition. In discussions of 
animal nutrition the terms digestible and digestibility have become 
so firmly established that it may be questioned whether the intro- 
duction now of a new term would not create more confusion than it 
would prevent, and whether it is not preferable, when strict accuracy 
of expression is required, to attach a modifying word and designate 
the difference between food and feces as apparently digestible, in 
distinction from the real digestibility, which we cannot as yet deter- 

nation of the apparent digestibility of the nutrients of a feeding- 
stuff in the above sense, or of their “ digestibility ” in the older sense, 
consists simply in determining the amount of the feces or of their 
separate ingredients and comparing them with the correspond- 
ing amounts in the food. 

Aside from ordinary analytical precautions, the chief condition 
of accurate results is that the feces correspond to the food consumed. 
In animals with a comparatively simple digestive canal, like man 
and the carnivora, this is readily brought about by the ingestion of 
a small amount of some substance like powdered charcoal or infu- 
sorial earth, which is in itself indigestible and which serves to sepa- 
rate the feces of two successive periods. In the case of herbivora, 
on the other hand, the undigested residues of the food become mixed 
to a large extent with those of the previous period. In this case, 
therefore, it is essential that a preliminary feeding be continued for 
a sufficient length of time to remove the residues of previous foods 
from the digestive organs, and further that the experiment itself 
extend through a number of days in order to eliminate the 
influence of irregularity of excretion. — 

SIGNIFICANCE OF Resutts.—It is plain from what has just 
been said that what the results of such an experiment actually 
show is that a certain amount of material has disappeared from 
the food during its transit through the alimentary canal. This 
fact of itself. however, does not necessarily show that the missing 
material has been digested in any true sense. In the case of animals 
possessing a relatively short and simple digestive apparatus. we are 
probably justified in assuming that the difference between food and 
undigested matter represents material that has actually been 


digested. In the long and complicated digestive apparatus of 
herbivora, however, there is the possibility that a variety of proc- 
esses may go on aside from a simple solution of nutrients by the 
digestive fluids. In particular, it has been shown, as will appear in 
greater detail later, that extensive fermentations, particularly of the 
carbohydrates, occur, and that relatively large amounts of these 
bodies may be destroyed in this way. 

Furthermore, with our present conventional scheme for fodder 
analysis, we have to take account of the possibility of the conversion 
of members of one group of nutrients into those of another. For 
example, it seems not improbable that a portion of the crude fiber 
of feeding-stuffs may be so modified in the digestive tract, without 
being actually dissolved, that, in the feces, it is determined as 
nitrogen-free extract, thus diminishing the apparent digestibility 
of the latter group and increasing that of the crude fiber.* 

Composition oF Dicestep Foop.—The proteids during the 
process of digestion are largely converted into proteoses and pep- 
tones, while the trypsin of the pancreatic juice, at least outside the 
body, carries the cleavage of the proteid molecule still further and 
gives rise to comparatively simple, crystalline bodies. It is not 
altogether clear to what extent this degradation of the proteids 
occurs in natural digestion, but the probability appears to be that 
it does not play a large part, and it has been generally believed that 
the proteids are resorbed chiefly as proteoses and peptones. 

The non-proteids being largely crystalline bodies and readily 
soluble, we may presume that they are resorbed without material 
change except so far as they may serve as nitrogenous food for the 
micro-organisms of the digestive tract. 

The jat of the food does not undergo any profound change in 
digestion, but appears to be resorbed largely in the form of an 
emulsion. A part of it, however, is undoubtedly saponified by 
the bile, although the extent to which this process takes place is a 
disputed point, while in some cases at least a cleavage into glycerin 
and free fatty acids appears to take place. | 

The carbohydrates, particularly the easily soluble members of 
the hexose group, are in the case of man and the carnivora, and 

*Cf, Fraps, Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., 22, 543. 


probably also to a large extent in the swine and horse, converted 
into sugars and resorbed in that form. 

Fermentations.—Reference has already been made to the fermen- 
tations taking place in the digestive tract. In the herbivora, and 
especially in ruminants, these fermentations play an important 
part in the solution of the carbohydrates which make up so large 
a portion of the food of these animals. These bodies undergo a 
fermentation which was first studied by Tappeiner * in the case of 
cellulose, but which has since been shown by G. Kiihn + to extend 
also to the more soluble carbohydrates. The products of this 
fermentation appear to be methane, carbon dioxide, and organic 
acids, chiefly, according to Tappeiner, acetic and butyric. Of these 
products, only the organic acids at best can be supposed to be of 
any value to the animal organism, and obviously it makes a very 
serious difference in our estimate of the nutritive value of starch, 
for example, whether it is resorbed chiefly or entirely in the form of 
- sugar or whether in a ruminant more than half of it, as in some of 
Kikn’s experiments, is fermented. 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 20, 52. + Landw. Vers. Stat., 44, 569. 


General Conception.—By the various processes of digestion 
and resorption the epithelium of the alimentary canal extracts from 
the crude materials eaten those ingredients which are fitted to 
nourish the animal and transmits them more or less directly to the 
general circulation which carries them to all the tissues of the body. 
While these ingredients are many in number and diverse in charac- 
ter, yet the vast mass of them, aside from the water in which most 
of them are dissolved, may be grouped under six heads, viz., ash 
ingredients, albuminoids or bodies related to the albuminoids, 
amides and other crystalline nitrogenous substances, fats, carbo- 
hydrates, and organic acids, and these, together with relatively 
small amounts of other materials, may be regarded as constituting 
the real food of the organism. 

As was pointed out in the Introduction, the cells of which the 
living tissues of the animal body are composed are the seat of con- 
tinual chemical change. On the one hand, the digested ingredients 
of the food which are brought to them by the circulation are being 
built up into the structure of the body. On the other hand, the 
material of the cells is undergoing a continual process of breaking 
down and oxidation, uniting with the oxygen supplied by the blood 
to form the waste products which are removed from the body 
through the organs of excretion. These excretory products are 
substantially carbon dioxide, water, and urea and similar nitroge- 
nous substances. 

The general term Metabolism is commonly used to designate the 
totality of the chemical and physical changes which the materials 
of the resorbed food, or of the tissues formed from them, undergo in 
being converted into the excretory products. Similarly, we may 
speak in a more restricted sense of the metabolism of a single ingre- 



dient of the food, as of the proteids, carbohydrates, or fats. Thus 
proteid metabolism signifies the chemical changes undergone by the 
proteids of the food in their conversion into the corresponding 
excretory products. In ordinary usage the chemical reactions 
undergone by the ash ingredients of the food are not included, the 
word metabolism being practically used to designate the chemical 
changes in the organic matter of food or tissue. 

abolism as a whole is one of oxidation. While we must beware 
of being misled by analogy into regarding as a simple burning of 
food-materials that which is in reality a highly complex action of 
the living cells of the organism, still the final result is much the 
same in both cases. Starting with more or less complex organic 
substances and oxygen, we end either with the completely oxidized 
compounds carbon dioxide and water or with nitrogenous sub- 
stances like urea more highly oxidized than the protein from which 
they are derived. 

The oxidative character of the total metabolism is most simply 
illustrated by a comparison of the percentage of oxygen contained 
in the most prominent ingredients of the food, on the one hand, and 
in the chief excretory products, on the other hand, as in the follow- 
ing statement: ; 

Percentage of Oxygen. 

In food: 
ROE (AVERAGE) ee oy aul.). ole cies epee oho ale 23.00 
ia tseerere ita nse ennai oa, Soy aeineyat Bienes p es 11.50 
DEXTROSE VA AP Ae) senurete Giste ets Wet aueneleuatapeletalens 53.33 

In excreta: 
Urea... ... ae DROP be ae CARMI SUN ey le A AR 26.67 
Carbon dioxideras ss s2's clsideie teiesie ees PA, 13 
IW TOT ee oe oie aati scones eRenU ep Nec cae e 88.89 

METABOLISM AN ANALYTIC PRocEss.—From a slightly different 
point of view, metabolism may be described as an analytic process. 
The molecules of the food constituents are highly complex. The 
molecule of dextrose or levulose, the forms in which the carbo- 
hydrates are chiefly resorbed, contains 24 atoms; the molecules of 


the three most common fats, respectively 155, 167, and 173 atoms. 
The molecular structure of the proteids has not yet been made out, 
but it is highly complex.* The molecules of the excretory prod- 
ucts, on the contrary, are comparatively simple, those of carbon 
dioxide and water containing but three atoms each, that of urea 
eight, and even that of hippuric acid but twenty-two. 

In metabolism, in other words, the complex molecules of the 
carbohydrates, fats, proteids, etce., which have been built up in the 
plant, by means of the energy contained in the sun’s rays, out of 
carbon dioxide, water, and nitric acid or ammonia, gradually break 
down again into simpler compounds, their atoms reuniting with 
the oxygen from which they were separated in the plant. 

Merasouism A GRADUAL PRrocrss.—The chemical changes in- 
cluded under the term metabolism take place gradually. As has 
already been indicated, metabolism is not a simple oxidation of 
nutrients, like the burning of fuel in a stove, but the nutrients enter, 
to a large extent at least, into the structure of the cells of which the 
various tissues are composed. Metabolism is really the sum of the 
chemical actions through which the nutrition and life of these cells 
is manifested. These actions, however, differ from tissue to tissue 
and from cell to cell, and even in the same cell from time to time, 
and the resulting metabolic products are correspondingly varied. 
Between the nutrients supplied to the cells by the blood and the 
final products of metabolism as excreted from the body there are 
innumerable intermediate products, a few of which we know but 
concerning most of which we are still ignorant. We know the first 
and last terms of the series and thus are able to measure, as it 
were, the algebraic sum of the changes, but of the single factors 
making up this sum. as well as of the specific tissues concerned in 
the changes, we are largely ignorant, although we know that they 
are numerous. 

ANABOLISM AND KatTaBoLisM.—While the process of metab- 
olism as a whole is one of analysis and oxidation, with liberation 
of energy, it must not be supposed that each single step in the 
process is of this nature. As has been already pointed out, the 
chemical activities of the tissues possess a dual character. By the 

* Osborne (Zeit. physiol. Chem., 38, 240) has recently obtained the 
number 14,500 as the approximate molecular weight of edestin. 


various processes of nutrition, ingredients of the food are first incor- 
porated into the tissues of the body, to be subsequently broken 
down and oxidized. In this building-up process changes undoubt- 
edly occur in the direction of greater complexity of molecular struc- 
ture, involving the temporary absorption of energy. Thus it is 
known that fats may be formed from carbohydrates in the body. 
Many physiologists hold that the metabolism in the quiescent muscle 
results in the building up of a complex “contractile substance, ” 
whose breaking down furnishes the energy for muscular work. In 
general, we may regard it as highly probable that the molecules of 
the living substance of the body are much more complex than those 
of the nutrients of the food, and that the former are built up out of 
the latter by synthetic processes, carried on at the expense of energy 
derived from the breaking down of other molecules. Such changes 
as this are called anabolic and the process anabolism, while the 
changes in the direction of greater simplicity of molecular structure 
are called katabolic, and the process katabolism. The metabolism 
of the living body, then, consists of both anabolism and katabolism. 
By the former the food nutrients are built up into body material; 
by the latter they are broken down, yielding finally the compara- 
tively simple excretory products. On the whole, however, the 
katabolism prevails over the anabolism, so that metabolism as a 
whole is, as already stated, an analytic and oxidative process. 
Neither the anabolism of tissue production nor the minor anabolic 
changes which seem to occur in various tissues alter the main direc- 
tion of the metabolic changes in the body, but, from the standpoint 
of the statistics of nutrition, are simply eddies in the main current 

§1. Carbohydrate Metabolism. 

The hexose carbohydrates of the food appear to be resorbed 
chiefly by the capillary blood-vessels of the intestines. For the 
most part, they reach the blood in the form of dextrose, with smaller 
amounts of levulose and with greater or less quantities of acetic, 
butyric, lactic, and other acids derived chiefly from the fermenta- 
tion of the carbohydrates in the digestive tract. In the general 
circulation only dextrose is found. 


The percentage of dextrose in the blood is small, but remarkably 
constant, the limits of variation being from about 0.11 to about 0.20 
per cent., and the average about 0.15 per cent. Its amount 
varies but slightly in different regions of the body, and in different 
classes of animals, and is scarcely at all affected by the nature or 
amount of the food. Not only so, but any excess of dextrose in the 
blood is promptly gotten rid of. It is astriking fact that if any con- 
siderable amount of this substance, which forms so large a part of 
the resorbed nutriment, be injected directly into the blood it is 
treated as an intruder and at once excreted through the kidneys. 
Evidently it is of the greatest importance to the organism that the 
supply of this substance to the tissues shall be constant. 

Under ordinary conditions, however, the influx of sugar from the 
digestive tract is more or less intermittent. After a meal rich in 
easily digestible carbohydrates, an abundant supply of it is taken 
up by the intestinal capillaries, while on a diet poor in carbohydrates 
or in prolonged fasting, the supply sinks to a minimum. This is, of 
course, especially true of animals like man and the carnivora in 
which the process of digestion is comparatively rapid, but even in 
herbivorous animals, with their more complicated digestive appara- 
tus, the rate of resorption of dextrose, and still more its absolute 
amount, must be more or less fluctuating. Evidently there must be 
some regulative apparatus which holds back from the general circu- 
ation any excess of dextrose, on the one hand, and prevents its 
being excreted unused, and on the other, supplements any lack 
resulting from a deficiency of the food in carbohydrates. This 
regulation is accomplished by the liver. 


Functions of the Liver. 

The functions of the liver in this regard appear to be twofold: 
First, it manufactures dextrose and supplies it to the general circu- 
\ation; and second, it serves as a reservoir, or a place of deposit, for 
any excess of carbohydrates supplied by the digestive apparatus. 

Tue Liver as A Source or Dextrose.—The blood as it 
comes from the intestinal capillaries, bearing the digested carbo- 
hydrates and proteids, enters the liver through the portal vein and 
is distributed by means of the capillary blood-vessels into which this 
vein divides through all parts of that organ, reaching the general 


circulation again through the hepatic vein. In its passage through 
the capillaries of the liver, the blood is subjected to the action of the 
cells of the liver (hepatic cells). Our knowledge of the exact nature 
of this action is still more or less conjectural, in spite of a vast 
amount of experimental investigation, but certain general facts are 
pretty clearly established. 

In the first place, the hepatic cells appear to serve as a source of 
dextrose when no carbohydrates are supplied in the food. If a 
carnivorous animal be given a diet as free as possible from carbo- 
hydrates, as, for instance, prepared lean meat, consisting substan- 
tially of proteids, its blood still contains a normal amount of dex- 
trose and the blood in the hepatic vein is found to be richer in 
dextrose than that of the portal vein, showing that this substance 
is being formed in the liver. Moreover, while the percentage of 
dextrose in the blood is small, the total amount thus manufactured 
is very considerable. Seegen * estimates it at about one per cent. 
of the weight of the body in twenty-four hours. This is regarded 
by many physiologists as an overestimate, the considerable differ- 
ences in sugar content between the portal and hepatic blood found 
by Seegen being regarded as in part the effect of the necessary 
operation. Indeed, it is questioned by some whether any actual 
difference in sugar content between the portal and hepatic blood 
under normal conditions has been satisfactorily established analyti- 
cally, but the indirect evidence at least seems strongly in its favor. 

In the second place, the same outflow of dextrose from the liver 
appears to take place when the animal consumes a mixed diet con- 
taining carbohydrates. In this case also, except shortly after a 
meal containing much carbohydrates, the blood of the hepatic vein 
shows an excess of dextrose over that of the portal vein. The 
amount of dextrose thus introduced into the circulation is sub- 
stantially the same as in the first case, and its percentage in the 
blood is not perceptibly altered. The source of this dextrose, how- 
ever, is not so simple a question, since it is possible that all or a 
considerable portion of it may be supplied directly or indirectly 
by the dextrose resorbed by the intestinal capillaries. 

Granting the continual production of sugar by the liver, sub- 

* Die Zuckerbildung im Thierkérper, p. 115. 


stantially two suppositions are open: On the one hand, we may 
consider that the resorbed carbohydrates of the food, after being 
temporarily stored up in the liver, as described below, are given off 
again without radical change and that the sugar-forming power of 
the hepatie cells is limited to the transformation of the proteids and 
perhaps the fats of the food. Or, on the other hand, we may sup- 
pose that the nutrients brought to the liver by the portal blood 
enter into the constitution of the protoplasm of the hepatic cells, 
and that the vital activity of this protoplasm gives rise to the dex- 
trose found in the blood, to the glycogen found in the liver, and to 
other products of whose nature we are largely ignorant. The 
evidence at hand is doubtless insufficient for a final decision between 
these alternatives, but the latter hypothesis would seem more in 
accord with our general knowledge of cell activity. As relates to 
the carbohydrates, it 1s supported by the fact that while various 
sugars besides dextrose (lzevulose, mannose, galactose, sorbinose, 
and, as Miinch * has shown, certain artificial hexoses) may be con- 
verted into glycogen, the resulting glycogen is always the same and 
the product of its hydration is always dextrose.t In other words, 
the molecular structure of these sugars is altered in a manner sug- 
gesting an assimilation by the hepatic cells rather than anything 
resembling an enzyme action. The subject can be more intelli- 
gently considered, however, in the light of a discussion of the second 
function of the liver. 

food is rich in carbohydrates, the supply of dextrose to the blood 
through the intestinal capillaries is more or less intermittent. As 
a means of regulating this intermittent supply, the hepatic cells 
have the power of arresting the dextrose brought to them by the 
portal vein and converting it into an insoluble carbohydrate called 
“olycogen” or “animal starch” which is stored up in the liver. On 
the other hand, when the supply of carbohydrate food is cut off, 
and especially if all food be withdrawn, the glycogen of the liver 
rapidly diminishes, being apparently reconverted into dextrose. 
This latter phenomenon may be readily observed in the liver of a 
freshly killed animal. If the fresh liver, after removal from the 

*Zeit. physiol. Chem . 29, 493. 
+ Compare Neumeister. Physiologische Chemie, p. 326 


body, be washed out by water injected through the portal vein till 
all sugar is removed, and if then, after standing for a time, the wash- 
ing be renewed, the first portions of water that pass contain sugar. 
The same process may be repeated several times. 

What is known as the glycogenic function of the liver was dis- 
covered by Claude Bernard in 1853, and has been the subject of a 
bewildering amount of discussion and controversy, both as to the 
origin of glycogen, its final fate, and its relations to the production 
of dextrose by the liver. Certain facts, however, may be regarded 
as established with at least a high degree of probability: 

First—The liver produces glycogen from dextrose and other 
(not all) carbohydrates, as above described. 

Second—The liver seems also to form glycogen from proteids, 
since this substance is found in considerable quantity in the livers 
of animals fed exclusively on meat. 

Third—Glycogen largely disappears from the liver during fast- 
ing, and to a considerable degree also in the absence of carbo- 
hydrates from the food. 

Fourth—The liver produces dextrose at an approximately con- 
stant rate, largely independent of the food-supply or the variations 
in the store of glycogen. 

These facts seem to point unmistakably to the sugar-producing 
function of the liver as the primary factor in the whole matter. The 
general metabolism of the body requires a constant proportion of 
dextrose in the blood, and as this dextrose is consumed the liver 
furnishes a fresh supply. This supply it manufactures from the 
materials brought to it by the blood of the portal vein. When 
carbohydrates are lacking in this blood, it apparently has the power 
of breaking down the proteids and perhaps the fats, thus supplying 
the needful dextrose. Some authorities claim that the same process 
goes on when carbohydrates are present, and it seems not unlikely 
that this is true, but when the food-supply consists so largely of 
carbohydrates as it does in the case of our domestic herbivorous 
animals, the conclusion seems unavoidable that at least a consider- 
able part of the dextrose consumed in the body must be derived 
from these substances. As already suggested, a very plausible view 
of the matter is to regard the resorbed nutrients of the portal blood 
as serving to feed the protoplasm of the hepatic cells and to look 


upon the dextrose as one of the products of the metabolism of 
those cells. 

Since, however, the demands of the organism for dextrose and 
the supply of it, or of the materials for its manufacture, in the food 
do not keep pace with each other, sometimes one and sometimes the 
other being in excess, the liver has a second function. When the 
food-supply, of whatever kind, is in excess, instead of continuing to 
produce dextrose the metabolism in the liver takes a slightly differ- 
ent form and produces the insoluble glycogen, or perhaps the dex- 
trose of the portal blood is simply converted into glycogen without 
entering into the structure of the hepatic protaplasm. When, on 
the other hand, the food-supply is deficient, the stored-up glyco- 
gen is converted into dextrose; whether by some sort of enzyme 
action or by again serving as food for the hepatic protoplasm is 

Fate of the Dextrose of the Blood. 

The fact that the proportion of dextrose in the blood is approxi- 
mately constant, notwithstanding the continual supply which is 
received from the liver, shows that there must be a continual abstrac- 
tion of dextrose from the blood, which is as continually made good 
by the activity of the hepatic cells. In fact, the dextrose of the 
blood appears to play a very prominent part in the animal economy, 
and the function of the liver in preparing it from other ingredients 
of the food is a most important one. 

CONSUMPTION IN THE MuscLEs.—From the point where it leaves 
the liver, our knowledge of the metabolism of the dextrose of the 
blood is seanty, but a large proportion of it undoubtedly takes 
place in the muscles. It was early shown by Chauveau that 
the proportion of dextrose in the blood diminishes in its passage 
through the capillaries of the body, so that the arterial blood con- 
tains more of this substance than the venous. In conjunction with 
Kaufmann * he has subsequently shown more specifically that in its 
passage through the muscular capillaries and through those of the 
parotid gland the blood is impoverished in dextrose, and to a much 
greater extent in the active than in the quiescent muscle. Coin- 

* Comptes rend., 108, 974 and 1057; 104, 1126 and 1352. 


cident with this disappearance of dextrose, there is an increase in 
the carbon dioxide of the blood and a decrease of its oxygen. 

The relations of the dextrose of the blood to the evolution of 
heat and work in the muscles and other tissues, so far as they are at 
present understood, will be considered in a subsequent chapter. 
For our present purpose it suffices to note the fact that it disappears 
in the capillaries with the ultimate production of carbon dioxide 
-and water. That the dextrose is immediately oxidized to carbon 
dioxide and water, however, is extremely unlikely. It has been 
suggested that the lactic acid which is found in the muscle after 
muscular contraction is one of the intermediate products of the 
oxidation. Several considerations, however, seem to render it 
more probable that the dextrose first enters in some way into the 
constitution of the muscles, or in other words, that a synthetic or 
anabolic process precedes the katabolic one. 

MuscutarR GuycocEen.—Another fact, of much interest in this’ 
connection, is that the muscles (and other tissues also), as well as 
the liver, contain glycogen. Moreover, the muscular glycogen 
diminishes or disappears during work and reappears again after 
rest. It would appear, then, that the muscular tissue shares with 
the liver the ability to form glycogen. As in the case of the former 
organ, the simplest supposition is that this glycogen is produced 
from the dextrose supplied in the blood, and Kiiltz * and others 
have shown that subcutaneous injections of sugar give rise to a 
formation of muscular glycogen in frogs whose livers have been 
removed. On the other hand, of course, the considerations pre- 
sented above relative to the sources of the liver glycogen apply, 
ceteris paribus, to the formation of glycogen in the muscles. Neither 
the source nor the exact functions of the muscular glycogen are 
yet beyond controversy, but the facts just stated strongly suggest 
a, storing up of reserve carbohydrates during rest to be drawn upon 
when there is a sudden demand for rapid metabolism. 

Far Propuction.—In addition to its important relation to the 
muscles, the dextrose of the blood likewise supplies nourishment 
for the fat tissues of the body. Hitherto we have spoken as if the 
supply of dextrose to the blood were determined substantially by 

* Neumeister, Physiologische Chemie, p. 322. 


the demands of the general metabolism for material to produce heat 
and motion. Plainly, however, the capacity of the muscles and 
the liver to store up carbohydrates is limited, and if the food-supply 
is permanently greater than the demands of the organism, some 
other provision must be made for the excess. Under these circum- 
stances the superfluous dextrose which finds its way into the blood 
gives rise to a production of fat, which is stored up as a reserve in 
special tissues and apparently does not enter again into the general 
metabolism until a permanent deficiency in the food-supply occurs. 

The experimental evidence of the production of fat from carbo- 
hydrates, as well as the quantitative relations of the process so far as 
they are known, will be considered subsequently. In its relations 
to the economy of the organism the process is analogous to the 
formation of glycogen in the liver, except that the storage capacity 
of the fat tissues is vastly greater, but as compared with the forma- 
tion of glycogen it is distinctively an anabolic process, the fat 
molecule being more complex and containing more potential energy 
than that of dextrose. Hanriot,* assuming the formation of olein, 
stearin, and palmitin in molecular proportions, represents the 
process by the equation: 

18C,H,,0, = CssHioe + 23C0, + 26H,0. 


The facts of the foregoing paragraphs relate primarily to the 
hexose carbohydrates, particularly starch and sugar, and to a con- 
siderable extent to the metabolism of carnivorous animals. The 
food of herbivora, however, contains a great variety of carbohy- 
drates and especially considerable quantities of the pentose or five- 
carbon carbohydrates. That these substances are in part digest- 
ible, or that at least a considerable proportion of them disappears 
from the food during its transit through the alimentary canal, was 
first shown by Stone,+ and has since been fully confirmed by the 
investigations of Stone & Jones { and of Lindsey & Holland,S 
but of their further fate in the body relatively little is known. 

* Archives de Physiol., 1893, 248. t Agricultural Science, 5, 6. 
+ Amer. Chem. Jour., 14, 9. § Ibid., 8, 172. 


Ebstein,* who was the first to investigate this subject, showed 
qualitatively the presence of pentose carbohydrates in the urine of 
man after the ingestion of arabinose and xylose even in very small 
doses, and concluded that these sugars are not assimilable. 

Salkowski ¢ shortly afterward observed the appearance of pen- 
toses in the urine of rabbits given arabinose after five or six days of 
fasting. He found in the urine, however, only about one-fifth of 
the amount ingested, together with small amounts in the blood and 
larger ones in the muscles, but there was a considerable increase of 
the glycogen of the liver. From the latter fact Salkowski con- 
cludes that arabinose may be, either directly or indirectly, a source 
of glycogen. The glycogen found in his experiment was the ordi- 
nary six-carbon glycogen. 

Subsequent investigations by Cremer,{t Munk,§ Frentzel,|| Linde- 
mann & May,{ Fr. Voit,** Jacksch,t}{ Miinch,t{ Salkowski,§§ 
and others have been directed largely to two questions, viz., 
whether the pentose carbohydrates are oxidized in the body and 
whether they serve as a source of glycogen. 

PENTOSES OXIDIZED IN THE Bopy.—As the general result of 
these investigations, it may be stated that pentoses (in particular 
arabinose and xylose), whether administered by the stomach or 
injected into the blood, are at least partially oxidized in the body. 
In the human organism the power of oxidizing the pentoses, which 
do not normally constitute any considerable portion of its food, 
appears to be quite limited, and even when they are given in small 
quantities a portion (not all) is excreted in the urine. In the rabbit 
the pentoses seem to be more vigorously oxidized, only about 
twenty per cent. being excreted unaltered, even when compara- 
tively large doses are given. 

In these experiments the pentose sugars were administered in 
considerable amounts at once, and the excretion of a portion unal- 
tered would seem to be a phenomenon similar to the temporary 

* Virchow’s Archiv, 129, 401; 182, 368. {J Arch. klin. Med., 56, 283. 

+ Centralbl. med. Wiss., 1893, p. 198. **JIbid., 58, 524. 

t Zeit. f. Biol., 29, 536; 42, 428. +} Zeit. f. Heilk., 20, 195. 

§ Centralbl. med. Wiss., 1894, p. 83. tt Zeit. physiol. Chem., 29, 493. 
|| Arch. ges. Physiol., 56, 273. §§ Ibid., 82, 393. 


glycosuria caused by large doses of the common sugars. The pen- 
tose carbohydrates in the ordinary food of herbivora, however, are 
largely or entirely the comparatively insoluble pentosans. As 
already stated, these bodies are partially digested—that is, they do 
not reappear in the feces. As to the manner of their digestion we 
are ignorant. If we are justified in assuming that the digested 
portion is converted, wholly or partially, into pentoses, then the 
conditions differ from those of the experiments above mentioned 
in that the production and assimilation of the pentoses is gradual. 
Under these circumstances we might be justified in anticipating 
a more complete oxidation of these bodies. To what extent this 
is true it is at present impossible to say. Weiske,* in connection 
with his investigations upon the digestibility of the pentosans, states 
that the urine of the sheep and rabbits experimented upon gave 
only a slight reaction for pentoses. The writer has not been able 
to find any records of other tests of the urine of domestic animals 
for pentoses. 

PENTOSES AS A SOURCE OF GLycoGEN.—Most, although not 
all, investigators have found an increase in the glycogen of the liver 
consequent upon the ingestion of pentoses, but in every case it has 
been the ordinary six-carbon glycogen. This has been commonly 
and most naturally interpreted as showing that the pentoses are not 
themselves converted into glycogen in the body, but are simply 
oxidized in the place of some other material which is the true source 
of the observed gain of glycogen. In the light of known facts 
regarding the apparent power of the liver to produce glycogen from 
very diverse hexoses (see p. 20) it would seem, however, that the 
possibility of an actual assimilation of the pentoses by the hepatic 
cells should at least be borne in mind. 


Tn addition to such quantities of the organic acids, free and com- 
bined, as are contained in their food, relatively large amounts of 
these substances are, in the case of herbivorous animals and par- 
ticularly of ruminants, produced by the fermentation of the carbo- 
hydrates in the alimentary canal. For this reason their meta- 

* Zeit. physiol. Chem., 20, 489. 


bolism may properly be considered in connection with that of the 
carbohydrates themselves. 

But little is known of the metabolism of the organic acids, how- 
ever, beyond the fact that they are oxidized in the body, a portion 
of the resulting carbon dioxide appearing in the urine, in combina- 
tion with sodium and potassium, rendering that fluid alkaline. 
Wilsing * and v. Knieriem + have shown that organic acids such as 
result from the fermentation of carbohydrates are not found to any 
appreciable extent in the excreta, while the researches of Munk f 
and Mallevre,§ which will be considered more particularly in 
another connection, have shown that the sodium salts of butyric 
and acetic acids when injected into the blood are promptly oxi- 
dized, and Nencki & Sieber || have shown that lactic acid is 
readily oxidized, even by a diabetic patient. 



It has been implied in the foregoing pages that the digested 
carbohydrates of the food, whatever the intermediate stages through 
which they may pass, are ultimately oxidized to carbon dioxide and 
water. Of the ordinary hexose carbohydrates this is doubtless 
true, but with some of the large variety of substances ordinarily 
grouped together, by the conventional scheme of feeding-stuffs analy- 
sis, as “carbohydrates and related bodies,” or as “crude fiber’’ 
and “nitrogen-free extract,’ the case appears to be otherwise. 

It has been shown that the urine, in addition to the nitrogenous 
products of proteid metabolism which will be considered in a 
subsequent section, contains also non-nitrogenous materials, pre- 
sumably metabolic in their nature. In the urine of man and of the 
carnivora these non-nitrogenous substances are chiefly or wholly 
such as might be derived from the metabolism of proteids (phenols 
and other compounds of the aromatic series), and their amount is 
comparatively small. In the urine of herbivora, particularly of 
ruminants, however, their quantity is relatively very considerable, 
and it seems impossible to regard any large portion of them as 
derived from the proteid metabolism. 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 21,625. t Arch. ges. Physiol., 46, 322. 
+ Ibid., 21, 139. § Ibid., 49, 460. 
||Jour. pr. Chem., N. F., 26, 32. 


Henneberg * found that from 26.7 to 30.0 per cent. of the organic 
matter of sheep urine was neither urea nor hippuric acid, while from 
95 to 100 per cent. of the total nitrogen was contained in these two 
substances. G. Kiihn in his extensive respiration experiments on 
oxen, as reported by Kellner,+ assuming that all the nitrogen of 
the urine was in the form either of hippuric acid or urea, found that 
from 40.05 to 67.64 per cent. of the total carbon of the urine was 
present in non-nitrogenous substances. The more recent investi- 
gations of Kellner,{ as well as those of Jordan § and of the writer,| 
have fully confirmed this fact. 

Apparently these non-nitrogenous organic substances are de- 
rived in some way largely from the coarse fodders. Their propor- 
tion in the urine is relatively large when the ration consists exclu- 
sively of coarse fodder, and the addition of such fodders to a basal 
ration causes a marked increase in their amount, while, on the 
other hand, such concentrated feeding-stuffs as have been inves- 
tigated do not produce this effect in any very marked degree. 
Furthermore, their amount seems to bear no fixed relation to the 
protein of the coarse fodder. When the amount of the latter 
ingredient is small, the total organic matter of the urine has in 
some cases exceeded the maximum amount that could have been 
derived from the protéin of the food, thus demonstrating that a 
portion at least of the non-nitrogenous urinary constituents must 
have had some other source. As the proportion of protein in the 
food increases, the amount of nitrogenous products in the urine 
likewise increases, while that of the non-nitrogenous products 
appears to be more constant, so that the ratio of urinary nitrogen 
to carbon increases. The most plausible explanation of these facts 
seen.s to be that the substances in question are derived from some of 
the non-nitrogenous ingredients of the coarse fodders, but from what 
ones, or what is the nature of the products, we are still ignorant.4 

* Neue Beitriige, etc., p. 119. 

+ Landw. Vers. Stat., 44, 348, 404, 474, 529. 

t Ibid., 47, 275; 50, 245; 53, 1. 

§ New York State Expt. Station, Bull. 197, p. 27. 

|| Penna. Expt. Station, Bull. 42, p. 150. 

4A further discussion of this subject in its relations to the energy of 
the food will be found in Part IT. 


§2. Fat Metabolism. 

Scarcely a tissue or portion of the animal body can be named 
in which more or less fat is not found. The muscular fibers, the 
epithelium, the nerves and ganglia, etc., all contain cells in which 
globules of fat may be recognized, so that the capacity to produce 
or store up fat seems to be common to almost all the cells of the 
body. It is particularly in certain cells of the connective tissue, 
however, that the large accumulations of visible fat in the body 
take place. At the outset these cells present no special characters, 
but in a well-nourished animal globules of fat begin to accumulate 
in them, the cells enlarge, the globules of fat coalesce into larger 
ones, and finally the cell substance is reduced to a mere envelope, 
the nucleus being pushed to one side and almost the whole volume 
of the cell occupied by fat. Masses of connective tissue thus loaded 
with fat constitute what is called adipose tissue. Large deposits 
of adipose tissue are met with surrounding various organs, particu- 
larly the kidneys, but the largest deposit of fat is usually in the 
connective tissue underlying the skin. In milk production, too, 
large amounts of fat appear in the epithelial cells of the milk glands. 

Fat Manufactured in the Body.—The older physiologists held 
that all the ingredients of the body pre-existed in the food. Specifi- 
cally, animal fat was regarded as simply vegetable fat which had 
escaped oxidation in the body and been deposited in the tissues. 
But while there is no doubt that the fat of the food can contribute 
to the fat supply of the body, the food of herbivorous animals 
usually contains a relatively small quantity of fat and the amount 

produced by a rapidly fattening animal or by a good dairy cow is 
usually much greater than that consumed in the food. 

Deferring to subsequent pages a discussion of the sources of 
animal fat,* we may content ourselves here with anticipating the 
general results of the great amount of experimental inquiry which 
has been expended upon this question. These results may be 
briefly summarized in the following statements: 

* For avery complete review of the literature of fat production up to 1894, 
see Soskin, Journ. f. Landw., 42, 157. ‘ 


1. The animal body produces fat from other ingredients of its 


2. The carbohydrates and related bodies of the food serve as 

sources of fat. 

3. It is probable that the proteids also serve as sources of fat. 

So far, then, as that portion of the fat which is actually pro- 
duced in the body from other substances is concerned, we may most 
readily conceive of its formation as consisting essentially of a 
manufacture of fat by the protoplasm of the fat cells, which are 
nourished by the carbohydrates, proteids, and other materials 
brought to them by the circulation. 

' Functions of the Food Fat.—The fat which is manufactured 
in the body from other ingredients of the food, however, often con- 
stitutes the larger portion of the total fat production, while but 
a relatively small proportion at most can be derived from the fat 
of the food. The question naturally arises whether this smaller 
portion contained in the food is simply deposited mechanically, so 
to speak, in the fat cells, or whether it too, like the carbohydrates 
and proteids, serves to nourish the fat cells and supply raw material 
out of which they may manufacture fat. 

At first thought the former alternative might seem more prob- 
able. The fat of the food, so far as we are able to trace it, does not 
undergo any considerable chemical changes, such as the proteids 
do, e.g., in the process of digestion, but is largely resorbed in the 
form of apparently unaltered fat. Moreover, resorption of fat takes 
place largely through the lacteals and the resorbed fat reaches the 
general circulation without being subjected like the carbohydrates 
to the action of the liver. 

DeEposITION OF Foreign Fatrs.—The view just indicated is 
supported to a considerable extent by the results of experiments 
upon the fate of foreign fats introduced into the body. 

Experiments by Radziejewsky * and Subbotin + were indecisive. 
but Lebedeff { was later successful in obtaining positive re- 
sults. Two dogs, after prolonged fasting. received small amounts 
of almost fat-free meat together with, in the one case, linseed oil, 

*Virchow’s Archiv., 56, 211; 43, 268. t Zeit. f. Biol.. 6, 73. 

¢ Thier. Chem. Ber., 12, 425; Zeit. Physiol. Chem.. 6, 149; Centralbl. med. 
Wiss., 1882, 129. 


and in the other, mutton tallow. After three weeks, during which 
the animals recovered their original weights, the adipose tissue was 
found to contain, in the one case, fat fluid at 0° C. and agreeing very 
closely with linseed oil in its chemical behavior, while in the other 
case the fat had a melting-point of over 50° C., and was almost 
identical with mutton fat. On the other hand, the same author 
in experiments with tributyrine failed to obtain any noteworthy 
deposition of this substance. 

‘Munk * fed large amounts of rape oil to a previously fasted dog 
for seventeen days and found in the body considerable amounts 
of fat differing markedly in appearance and properties and in the 
proportion of olein to solid fats from normal dog fat. He likewise 
succeeded in isolating from the fat eruic acid, the characteristic 
ingredient of rape oil. In a second experiment + the fatty acids 
prepared from mutton tallow were fed with similar results, the 
proportion of stearin and palmitin to olein being approximately 
reversed as compared with normal dog fat. The latter experiment 
is also of interest as showing that the fatty acids may be synthesized 
to fat in the body, the change taking place, according to Munk, in 
the process of resorption. 

More recently Winternitz { has experimented with the iodine 
addition products of fats. He observed the retention of a con- 
siderable proportion of iodine in the body (of hens and dogs) in 
organic form and also found iodine in the fat of the body at the close 
of the experiment. Similar experiments on a milking goat § showed 
that at least 6 per cent. of the fat fed passed into the milk. 

Henriques and Hansen || fed two three-months-old pigs for about 
nine months with ground barley, to which was added, in one case 
linseed oil and in the other cocoanut oil, while in the succeeding 
three months the rations were exchanged. Samples of the sub- 
cutaneous fat of the back were taken (with the aid of cocaine) at 
four different times and the fat of the carcasses at the close of the 
experiment was also examined. The results showed an abundant 
deposition of the linseed oil (and cocoanut oil?). On the other 

* Thier. Chem. Ber., 14, 411; Virchow’s Archiv., 95, 407. 
+ Archiv. f. (Anat. u.) Physiol., 1883, p. 2738. 
{ Zeit. physiol. Chem , 24, 425. 

§ Thier. Chem. Ber., 27, 293. 
|| Zbid., 29. 68. 


hand, experiments with cows failed to show any passage of linseed 
oil as such into the milk. 

Leube * made subcutaneous injections of melted butter on two 
dogs and found an abundant deposit of butter fat especially under 
the skin of the abdomen, the Reichert-Meissl number of the fat 
being 20.46 in the first case and 15.3 in the second. Rosenfelt t 
fed fasted dogs with mutton fat and observed a large deposit 
of this fat in all parts of the body. 

INFLUENCE OF FEEDING ON ComposiTION oF F'at.—In addition 
to the more purely physiological experiments just cited, there are 
on record a not inconsiderable number of feeding experiments, 
especially upon swine, in which the feeding appears to have 
sensibly influenced the appearance, firmness, melting-point, or 
composition of the body fat. 

While it is not impossible, however, that in some cases the 
peculiar fats of the food (e.g., the fat of maize or of the oil-meals) 
may have been deposited in the adipose tissue unchanged, it must 
be borne in mind that these experiments were made on mixed rations 
and that undoubtedly there was a considerable production of fat in 
the body from other ingredients of the food. This being the case, 
we are left in doubt as to whether the effect observed is due directly 
to the fat of the food or is to be explained as an effect of the food as 
a whole, or of some unknown ingredients of it, in modifying the 
nature of the metabolism in the fat cells. That such an explana- 
tion is at least possible would seem to be indicated by the well- 
established fact that marked changes of food do modify the 
metabolism in the milk gland sufficiently to materially affect the 
proportion of volatile fatty acids in butter fat. 

A striking example of the possibility of such an effect upon the 
metabolism of the fat cells is afforded by the recent investigations of 
Shutt { into the causes of “soft” pork. On the average of a con- 
siderable number of animals, he finds that the shoulder and loin fat 
of pigs fed exclusively on maize shows a very low melting-point 
and a high iodine absorption number, indicating a large percentage 
of olein, and inclines to attribute this effect to the oil of the maize. 
When, however, he fed skim milk with the maize, he obtained pork 

* Thier. Chem. Ber., 25, 45. + Ibid., 25, 44. 
¢{ Canada: Dominion Experiment Station, Bull. 38. 


of good quality, the fat having a melting-point and iodine number 
not widely different from those obtained with the most approved 
rations. While it is possible that part of this effect was due to a 
reduced consumption of maize oil, so that more fat was produced 
from the other ingredients of the food, the conclusion seems justified 
that the principal factor was the influence of the skim milk upon 
the nutrition of the fat cells. This influence may with some degree 
of probability be ascribed to its protein, and it is worthy of notice 
that in Shutt’s experiments the rations which produced the highest 
grade of pork were composed of materials rich in protein. 

Another fact warns us to be cautious in our interpretation of 
the results of this class of feeding experiments. Such experiments 
in most cases involve a comparison of the composition of the fat 
from animals differently fed. Albert * has found that both with 
swine and sheep the composition of the body fat is subject to very 
considerable individual variations as to melting-point, refractive 
index, and iodine number, the differences being, in his experiments, 
greater than the average differences which could be ascribed to the 

Moreover, the fat of the same individual has not the same com- 
position in different parts of the body. This point has recently 
been the subject of an elaborate investigation by Henriques & 
Hansen,t whose results show a higher melting-point and a lower 
iodine number in the inner as compared with the outer layers of 
fat. This difference they ascribe to the difference in the tempera- 
ture of the tissues and support this view by an experiment with 
three pigs. One animal was kept in a stall heated to about 30° C. 
for two months, while the others were exposed to a temperature of 
0° C., one unprotected and the other partially enveloped in a sheep- 
pelt. At the close of the experiment the fat immediately under 
the skin gave the following figures: 

Iodine Solidifying 
Number. Point. 
Keptati30°-35° C.. ... 1. 69.4 24.6° C. 
Kept at 0°, in sheep pelt: 
Part under the pelt........ 67.0 25.4° C. 
Partie xpOsed «21:4 cuseee ... 69.4 24.1° C. 
Kept at 0°, unprotected........ 72.3 23.3- C. 

* Landw. Jahrb., 28, 961, 986. 
+ Bied. Centr. Blatt. Ag. Ch., 30, 182. 


Towards the interior of the body the differences became grad- 
ually less. 

It is evident, then, that the sources of possible error in ex- 
periments upon the influence of food on the composition of body 
fat are considerable, and that not only is great care necessary to 
secure representative samples of fat for examination, but the effect 
of individuality must be eliminated so far as possible by the use 
of a considerable number of animals. When we add to this the 
other fact that the fat production of herbivorous animals is 
largely at the expense of other nutrients than fat, we shall hardly 
incline to give the results of such investigations much weight as 
regards the question of the functions of food fat. 

QUANTITATIVE RELATIONS.—Some further light upon the point 
under discussion may perhaps be obtained from a consideration of 
the quantitative relations of food fat to fat production shown by 
respiration experiments and which will be considered more fully 
on subsequent pages (compare Chapter V). In scarcely any of these 
experiments has the food fat been deposited quantitatively in 
the tissue. In three out of five experiments by Rubner in which 
fat was given to a previously fasting animal, from 65.82 to 91.89 
per cent.’ of the fat supplied in excess of the amount metabolized 
during fasting was stored up in the body. Similarly, in the ex- 
periments of Pettenkofer & Voit, in which the fat was added to a 
ration already more than sufficient for maintenance, on the average 
87.86 per cent. of the fat of the food was deposited in the tissues. 

Kellner,* among his extensive respiration experiments upon 
cattle, reports the results of three in which peanut oil was added to a 
basal ration more than sufficient for maintenance. The amounts 
of fat consumed in excess of the basal ration and the resulting gains 
by the animals were as follows, the slight variations in the amounts 
of the other nutrients being neglected: 

Gain by Animal. 
Additional Fat Gain of Fat 
Animal. Digested, in Per Cent. of Fat 
Grams. Protein, Fat, Digested. 
Grams. Grams. 
D 677 8 239 35.30 
F 542 86 205 37.88 
G 458 44 279 60.91 

* Landw. Vers. Stat., 53, 112, 124, 199, 214. 


Computations of the proportion of the energy of the added fat 
which was recovered in the total gain of flesh and fat (compare 
Chapter XIII, § 1) showed, according to the method of computa- 
tion employed, a loss of from 31 to 48 per cent. 

The comparatively small losses observed in Rubner’s and in 
Pettenkofer & Voit’s experiments may well be ascribed to a con- 
sumption of energy in the work of digestion (compare Chapter 
XI), but it hardly seems possible to account in this way for 
the large losses observed by Kellner. Apparently the peanut 
oil in these experiments, after its digestion and resorption, must 
have been subjected to extensive molecular changes involving a 
considerable expenditure of potential energy, and if this be true, 
the suggestion of an assimilation by the fat cells and a construction 
of animal fat from the oil is obvious. 

CONSTANCY OF CoMPOSITION OF Fats.—The relatively constant 
and characteristic composition of the fat of the same species of 
animal, notwithstanding differences in the food, has been urged in 
favor of the view that the fat of the animal is a product of the 
protoplasmic activity of the fat cells. “The fat of a man differs 
from the fat of a dog, even if both feed on the same food, fatty or 
otherwise” (M. Foster). The steer produces beef fat and the sheep 
mutton fat on identical rations. Unless, however, we are prepared 
to discredit the experimental results above cited, it would appear 
that this general and approximate uniformity of composition is 
largely due to a general uniformity of food, and that marked changes 
in the nature of the latter may result in altering the former. To this 
must be added, as already insisted upon, the fact that much of the 
fat found in the body, especially in the herbivora, is undoubtedly 
produced in the organism. We may fairly presume that this fat 
will be the characteristic fat of the species. If we may suppose 
further that a considerable share of the food fat is oxidized directly, 
and if we take into consideration the general uniformity of diet of 
our domestic animals and the relatively small total amount of fat 
which it often contains, we have at least a plausible explanation of 
the observed facts and one which does not preclude a direct deposi- 
tion of food fat in the body and a consequent effect upon the com- 
position of the body fat. 

The Katabolism of Fat.—The proportion of the food fat which 


serves to increase the store of fat in the body depends largely upon 
the total food-supply. When the latter is more than sufficient to 
balance the total metabolism of the organism, the excess may give 
rise to a storage of fat, and under these circumstances the food fat 
or a part of it may, as we have seen, contribute to the increase 
of adipose tissue. On the other hand, when the food-supply is in- 
sufficient, not only is its fat in common with its other ingredients 
in effect consumed to support the vital processes, but the fat pre- 
viously stored in the adipose tissue is drawn upon to make up the 
deficiency. Under these circumstances the fat disappears more or 
less rapidly from the fat cells, passing away gradually either into 
the lymphatics or the blood-vessels in some manner not as yet fully 

Fat, then, whether derived immediately from the food or drawn 
in the first instance from the adipose tissue of the body, passes into 
the circulation and serves to supply the demands of the body 
for oxidizable material and energy, the final products of its oxida- 
tion being carbon dioxide and water. Of the intermediate steps 
in this katabolic process we are comparatively ignorant, but one 
hypothesis regarding it has acquired so much importance in its 
bearings on the availability of the potential energy of the food as to 
require mention here. 

FoRMATION OF DExTROSE FROM Fat.—This hypothesis is, in 
brief, that the first step in the katabolism of fat takes place in the 
liver and consists in its conversion into sugar. In other words, it is 
held that the fat of the food or that drawn from the adipose tissue 
of the body supplies the liver with part of the material for its func- 
tion of sugar production described in the previous section. 

This hypothesis is advocated especially by those physiologists 
who, like Seegen in Vienna and Chauveau and his associates in Paris, 
look upon the carbohydrates, and particularly dextrose, as the im- 
mediate source of the energy exerted in muscular contraction or 
in the various other forms of physiological work. The evidence 
upon which this view is based will be considered in subsequent 
chapters. For the present it suffices to point out that, if we admit 
its truth, then the general metabolism of the body is essentially a 
carbohydrate metabolism. Whether we consider the case of a 
fasting animal, living upon its store of protein and fat, or that of an 


animal receiving food, the liver breaks down the proteids and fat 
supplied to the blood either by the food or from the tissues, pro- 
ducing dextrose. This dextrose, like that derived from the carbo- 
hydrates of the food, is then, as indicated in the previous section, 
oxidized in the tissues either directly or with previous conversion 
into glycogen. 

As regards the katabolism of fat, in particular, Nasse * has 
brought forward reasons for believing that the liver is concerned in 
it. Seegen f submitted fat to the action of finely chopped, freshly 
excised liver suspended in defibrinated blood at a temperature of 
35-40° C., in a current of air and observed a considerable formation 
of sugar in five to six hours as compared with a control experiment 
without the fat. He likewise found { in experiments upon dogs 
fed on fat with little or no meat that the blood of the hepatic vein 
was much richer in sugar than that of the portal vein. On the basis 
of the probable amount of blood circulating through the liver, he 
computes that the total amount of sugar thus produced was much 
greater than could have been supplied by the glycogen stored in 
the liver and the amount of proteids metabolized (as measured 
by the urinary nitrogen), and hence concludes that at least the 
difference was produced from fat. As was pointed out in the 
preceding section, however, many physiologists regard the large 
differences between the dextrose content of the portal and the 
hepatic blood observed by Seegen as being in large part the result of 
the necessary operation and thus abnormal, and the production of 
glycogen or dextrose from fat is not regarded as proven by the 
majority of physiologists.§ Thus Girard || and Panormow 4 found 
the post-mortem formation of sugar in the liver to be strictly pro- 
portional to the disappearance of glycogen, and similar results 
were obtained by Cavazzani and Butte.** 

Kaufmann,}t who has developed this hypothesis in considerable 

* y. Noorden, Pathologie des Stoffwechsels, p. 85. 
+ Die Zuckerbildung im Thierkérper, p. 151. 

tf Ibid., p. 171. 

§ Cf. Neumeister, Physiologische Chemie, p. 368. 
|| Arch. ges. Physiol., 41, 294. 

§] Thier. Chem. Ber., 17, 304. 

** Tbid., 24, 391 and 394. 

tt Archives de Physiol., 1896, p. 331. 


detail, represents the two supposed stages in the katabolism of fat 
by the two following equations, proposed by Chauveau:* 
First Stage: —2(C5,H,, 90.4) + 670, = 16(C,H,,0,) + 18CO,+ 14H,0. 
Second Stage : 16(C,H,.0,) +960, =96CO,+ 96H,O. 

Even, however, if we admit the formation of dextrose from fat 
in the body, it may fairly be doubted whether the process is as 
simple as these equations, even if regarded as simply schematic, 
would imply. 

§ 3. Proteid Metabolism. 

Digestive Cleavage.—The digestion of the proteids is essen- 
tially a process of cleavage and hydration under the influence of 
certain enzyms. By this process the complex proteid molecules 
are partially broken up into simpler ones. By the action of pepsin 
in acid solution we obtain albumoses and peptones, while the 
trypsin of the pancreatic juice, at least outside the body, carries 
the cleavage still further, producing crystalline nitrogenous bodies of 
comparatively simple constitution. Opinions are still more or less 
divided as to how far these processes of cleavage and hydration are 
carried in the actual process of digestion, where the products of the 
action are constantly being resorbed, but there are not wanting in- 
dications that it is both less extensive and less rapid than in arti- 
ficial digestion. It likewise seems to have been demonstrated that 
some soluble proteids are capable of direct resorption without 
change, while others are not and some, notably casein, are promptly 
coagulated by the rennet ferment, apparently expressly in order 
that they may be subjected to the action of the digestive ferments. 
In a general way, the statement appears to be justified that the 
larger share of the proteid material of the food is resorbed as 
albumoses and peptones. 

PuRPOSE OF THE CLEAVAGE.—The fact Just mentioned that, 
on the one hand, some soluble proteids appear capable of direct re- 
sorption, while, on the other hand, some, like casein, are at once 
rendered insoluble as the first step in digestion, plainly necessitates 
a material modification of the old view that the object of the cleav- 

* La Vie et l’Energie chez l'Animale. 


age and hydration of the proteids in digestion is to render them 
soluble. Undoubtedly this is an important function of the digestive 
fluids, but the fundamental object lies deeper and is found in the 
constitution of the proteids themselves. 

Nature of the Proteids—While we are still very far removed 
from any adequate knowledge of the molecular structure of the 
proteids, a study of the action upon them of various hydrolytic 
agents, and particularly of the proteolytic enzyms of the digestive 
fluids, has shown that they undergo cleavage along certain definite 
lines, giving rise to two series of products known as the hemi- and 
the anti-series. The primary products are the proteoses, or albu- 
moses (hemi and anti). By further action of the ferment these 
give rise to the secondary or deutero-proteoses, and these in turn 
to peptones, while the peptones of the hemi-series, by the further 
action of trypsin, are broken up, as noted, into simpler bodies such 
as aspartic acid, glutaminic acid, and notably tyrosin and leucin. 
The two latter bodies belong to the aromatic series and contain the 
phenyl radicle, which is thus shown to be present in the bodies of 
the hemi group, while it is absent from the anti group. Without 
pursuing the subject further, enough has been said to show that 
the general result of the digestive proteolysis is to break up the pro- 
teid molecule into a considerable number of unlike fragments.* 

Differences in Proteids.—Turning now to another phase of the 
subject, it is a familiar fact that the numerous proteids which have 
been studied differ quite markedly from each other in properties 
and in composition. To instance but a single characteristic differ- 
ence, the investigations of Osborne and his associates at the Connec- 
ticut Agricultural Experiment Station have shown in detail what 
was to a certain extent known before, viz., that the nitrogen con- 
tent of the vegetable proteids is notably higher than that of the 
animal proteids. We can only interpret these differences in com- 
position and properties as the results of differences in molecular 
structure. We may fairly suppose that these differences in struc- 
ture are brought about, in part at least, by differences in the relative 
proportions in the proteid molecule of the several molecular group- 
ings whose presence is indicated to us by the results of proteolysis. 

*For a full treatment of the subject, compare Chittenden, Digestive Pro- 
teolysis, 1894. 


Food Proteids and Body Proteids——What is especially to be 
noted in this connection is that the food proteids are not identical 
with the body proteids. This is especially true of the vegetable 
proteids in the food of the herbivora, and of the casein of milk, but is 
measurably true in all cases. A simple resorption of unaltered 
protein, therefore, would not serve the purposes of the organism. 
The jood proteids must be changed to body proteids. This means, 
however, that the proportions of those molecular groupings which 
have just been spoken of must be changed—that is, the molecules: 
of the food proteid must be so far broken down into their constituent. 
molecular groupings as to permit of a rearrangement and repropor- 
tioning of the latter into molecules of body proteid. 

Such a partial breaking down of proteid material takes place in 
digestion, and indeed, as has been indicated above, it is the study of 
digestive proteolysis which has given us our general conception of 
the structure of the proteid molecule. The products of proteid 
digestion, then, as they are presented to the resorbent organs of the 
digestive tract, are no longer proteids, but the constituent molecular 
groupings out of which body proteids may be built up. 

Rebuilding of Proteids.—But while the proteids of the food are 
resorbed in the form of cleavage products, apparently largely as pep- 
tones, no trace of these bodies is found in the blood or in the lymph, 
nor even in the walls of the digestive canal. Still further, peptones. 
when injected into the blood are treated by the organism as foreign 
substances and excreted as rapidly as possible, while if added in any 
considerable amount they act as poisons. The reconstruction of 
the proteid molecule from the fragments produced by the digestive 
process has been thought to take place in the epithelial cells of the 
intestines, the first product being probably serum albumen, so that 
we may say that the first step in proteid metabolism is anabolic. 

Recently, however, Okunew, working in Danilewsky’s labora- 
tory, has announced the discovery that the enzym of rennet (chy- 
mosin) has the power of synthesizing peptones to proteids, and 
Sawjalow * has published further studies on the same subject. 
The latter investigator finds the product to be a gelatinizing pro- 
teid which is identical whatever the original source of the peptones: 
and which he calls plastein. He considers that this plastein is 

* Arch. ges. Physiol., 85, 171. 


formed in the digestive canal and is the form in which the proteids 
of the food are resorbed, and points out that this hypothesis accounts 
for the hitherto puzzling fact of the occurrence of the milk-curdling 
ferment in animals, such as birds, fishes, and amphibia, which never 
consume milk. In further support of this view, Winogradow * 
finds the formation of chymosin in the stomach to be most active 
at the height of the digestive process, when peptones are being 
formed most freely. 

The proteid or proteids first formed from the albumoses and 
peptones, whether in the epithelial cells or by the action of 
chymosin, is subject to still further changes in other portions of the 
body, inasmuch as all the various nitrogenous tissues of the body 
are formed from it. Some of these changes may be slight. but 
others, as, e.g., the formation of the collagens, must be profound, 
while the formation of the compound proteids like hemoglobin, 
mucin, the nucleins, ete., is clearly synthetic and anabolic. As 
to where and how these changes and syntheses take place, we are 
largely ignorant. We simply know the general fact that the food 
proteids are first partially broken down in the process of digestion 
and then that the fragments are built up again into body proteids; 
first, probably, into some single form and later into still more com- 
plex bodies in the various tissues. 


Final Products.—The anabolic processes which have just been 
indicated might be characterized in general terms as a preparation 
of the food proteids for their diverse functions in the body. In the 
performance of those functions they, like all the organic ingredients 
of the body, undergo katabolic changes, liberating the energy which 
was originally contained in them or which may have been tem- 
porarily added in the preliminary anabolic changes. We have 
every reason to believe that the katabolism of proteids is a gradual 
process, passing through many intermediate stages, but we have 
very little actual knowledge of the steps which intervene between 
the proteids and bodies which are either excretory products 
themselves or closely related to them. Such information as has 

* Arch. ges. Physiol., 87, 170. 


thus far been acquired upon this subject has resulted chiefly from 
attempts to trace back the excretory products to their antecedents. 

The products of the complete breaking down and oxidation of 
proteids in the body are carbon dioxide and water, excreted through 
the lungs, skin, and kidneys, and urea and a number of other com- 
paratively simple crystalline nitrogenous compounds found in the 
urine. To these are to be added the nitrogenous metabolic prod- 
ucts of the feces, the sulphuric and phosphoric acids resulting from 
the oxidation of the sulphur of the proteids and the phosphorus of 
the nucleo-proteids, and the relatively minute amounts of nitroge- 
nous matter found in the perspiration. 

EXCRETION OF FREE Nirrogen.—The question whether any 
portion of the nitrogen of the proteids is excreted as free gaseous 
nitrogen is one which has been the subject of no little investigation 
and controversy in the past, the especial champions being, on the 
affirmative, Seegen in Vienna and, on the negative, Voit in Munich. 
It would lead us too far aside from our present purpose, however, to 
attempt even to outline the evidence, and it must suffice to say that 
the great majority of physiologists regard it as established that there 
is no excretion of gaseous nitrogen as a result of the katabolism of 
proteids, but that all the proteid nitrogen is excreted in the urine 
and feces with the exception of small amounts in the perspiration. 
In accordance with this view, we shall assume in subsequent pages 
that the urinary nitrogen (together with, strictly speaking, the 
metabolic nitrogen of the feces and perspiration) furnishes a meas- 
ure of the total proteid katabolism of the body. 

A brief consideration of some of the principal nitrogenous 
products of proteid katabolism will serve to indicate some of the 
main features of the process, so far as they have been made out. 

Urea.—Urea, or dicarbamid, CON,H,, is the chief nitrogenous 
product of proteid metabolism in the carnivora and omnivora. In 
the urine of man, e.g., from 82 to 86 per cent. of the nitrogen is in 
the form of urea.* 

Antecedents of Urea.—A vast amount of study has been expended 
upon this question without as yet leading to any general unanimity 
of views. It appears, however, to be fairly well made out that at 

*v. Noorden, Pathologie des Stoffwechsels, p. 45. 


least a considerable part if not all of the urea is formed in the liver, 
and that its immediate antecedent is ammonium carbonate, to 
which it is closely related chemically. This theory of Schmiede- 
berg’s is supported by the facts: 

(st. That ammonium salts, and also the amid radicle NH, in 
the amido acids of the fatty series, when administered in the food 
are converted into urea. 

2d. That ammonium carbonate or formiate injected into the 
portal vein is converted in the liver into urea which appears in the 
blood of the hepatic vein. 

3d. That the administration of inorganic acids to the dog and to 
man results in the excretion of ammonium salts in the urine, it 
being supposed that the acid displaces the weaker carbonic acid 
and that the resulting ammonium salt is incapable of conversion 
into urea in the liver. é 

Ath. Severe disease of the liver has been observed to result in 
a decreased production of urea and an excretion of ammonium salts 
in the urine. 

Later investigations by Minkowski * and others have followed 
the process of the formation of urea one step further back and ren- 
dered it highly probable that the ammonium salts out of which urea 
is formed reach the liver in the form of ammonium lactate. It has 
been shown that sarcolactic acid is one of the products of the meta- 
bolism of the muscles. It would appear that this acid unites with 
the ammonium radicle derived from the proteids to form ammonium 
lactate, and that the latter on reaching the liver is first oxidized to 
the carbonate, which is then converted into urea. If, by disease 
or surgical interference, this action of the liver is prevented, ammo- 
nium lactate appears in the urine, and the same effect may even be 
produced by excessive stimulation of the proteid metabolism, so 
that the production of ammonium lactate exceeds the capacity of 
the liver to convert it. 

Uric Acip.—Urie acid is contained in small amounts in the 
urine of mammals. With birds it constitutes the chief nitrogenous 
product of the proteid metabolism. Of its antecedents in the 
organism scarcely anything is known. One theory regards it as a 
specific product of the metabolism of the nucleins, but this cannot 

* Cf. Neumeister, Physiologische Chemie, pp. 313-318. 


be regarded as established, and appears difficuit to reconcile with its 
relation to the proteid metabolism of birds. Others regard it as an 
intermediate product in the production of urea, a small portion of 
which escapes further oxidation by being excreted by the kidneys. 

Hippuric Actp.—This substance is a normal ingredient of the 
urine of mammals, but in that of man and the carnivora is found in 
but very small amounts. In the urine of herbivora, on the other 
hand, it occurs abundantly. 

Light was thrown upon its origin by the well-known discovery 
by Wohler, in 1824, that it is also found in large amount in the urine 
of man or of carnivora after the administration of benzoic acid. 
Chemically, hippuric acid is benzamido-acetic acid, or benzoyl 
glycocol. When the food contains benzoic acid the latter unites 
with glycocol resulting from the metabolism of the proteids and 
forms hippuric acid, while otherwise the glycocol would be further 
oxidized to simpler nitrogenous products. The synthesis of hip- 
puric acid has been shown to occur only in the kidneys in the dog, 
but in the case of the rabbit and frog they appear to share this 
capacity with other organs. 

In this action of benzoic acid we have the most familiar demon- 
stration of the formation of metabolic products intermediate be- 
tween the proteids and the comparatively simple nitrogenous sub- 
stances found in the urine. Glycocol has never been detected in the 
body, obviously because as fast as it is formed it is again decom- 
posed. Benzoic acid reveals its presence by seizing upon it and 
converting it into a compound which is incapable of further oxida- 
tion, and is therefore excreted. Other less familiar examples of 
the same fact might be cited did space permit. 

The normal presence of small quantities of hippuric acid in the 
urine, even when no benzoic acid is contained in the food, arises 
from the fact that the putrefaction of the proteids in the intestines 
yields aromatic compounds, containing the benzoyl radicle, which 
are resorbed and combine with glycocol to form hippuric acid. 
The origin of the large quantities of hippuric acid ordinarily ex- 
creted by herbivora, however, or rather of its benzoyl radicle, 
is still more or less of a puzzle, notwithstanding the consider- 
able amount of investigation which has been devoted to its 
study. The most natural supposition would be that the food of 


these animals contains substances of the aromatic series capable 
of yielding benzoic acid or its equivalent in the body, but in none 
of the feeding-stuffs known to be efficient in causing an excretion 
of hippuric acid have such compounds been discovered in quantity 
even remotely sufficient to account for the hippuric acid produced. 

On the other hand, the hypothesis that the benzoyl radicle of 
the hippuric acid is derived to any large extent from the proteids 
of the food appears to be decisively negatived by several facts: 
First, the quantity of proteids in the ordinary rations of herbivora 
is relatively small, and even if it all underwent putrefaction the 
amount of aromatic products which could be formed, on any reason- 
able estimate, would account for only a small fraction of the hip- 
puric acid actually found.* Second, in several instances it has 
been observed that variations in the extent of the putrefactive 
processes in the intestines, as measured by the amount of con- 
jugated sulphuric acid in the urine (compare p. 46), bore no rela- 
tion to the variations in the production of hippurie acid. Third, 
the addition of pure proteids or of foods very rich in proteids to a 
ration does not increase the production of hippuric acid, and in at 
least one case | was found to diminish it and even stop it alto- 
gether. ins 

Apparently we must regard the non-nitrogenous ingredients of 
feeding-stuffs as the chief source of hippuric acid formation, but be- 
yond this our knowledge is rather vague. It is well established 
that the coarse fodders are the chief producers of hippuric acid, 
while the concentrated feeding-stuffs give rise to little or none, and 
may even reduce the amount previously produced on coarse fodder, 
as may also starch. Among the coarse fodders, the graminex give 
rise to a markedly greater production of hippuric acid than the 
leguminosee. This effect of the coarse fodders naturally led to the 
suspicion that the crude fiber contained in them in large amounts 
might be the source of the hippuric acid, and in fact numerous 
experiments seem to show that some relation exists between the 
two, although the results of various investigators are far from con- 

Finally, the investigations of Goetze & Pfeiffer, { and of 

* Compare Salkowski, Zeit. physiol. Chem., 9, 234. 

+ Henneberg and Pfeiffer, Jour. f. Landw., 38, 239. 
t Landw. Vers. Stat., 47, 59. 


Pfeiffer & Eber,* have shown with a high degree of probability 
that the pentose carbohydrates of the feed have some connection 
with the production of hippuric acid. The former investigators 
observed a marked increase in the production of hippuric acid by 
a sheep after the administration of cherry gum (impure araban) and 
of arabinose, and the latter obtained the same effect, although in a 
less marked degree, by feeding cherry gum to a horse. They also 
call attention to the differences in the behavior of the pentose carbo- 
hydrates in the organism of the herbivora and in that of man and 
the carnivora, but do not attempt to give a final solution of the 
problem of the origin of the hippuric acid in the former case, while 
they freely admit that it is difficult, if not impossible, to explain 
some of the facts already on record on the hypothesis that the pen- 
toses are the chief source of hippuric acid. 

CREATIN AND CREATININ.—Among other nitrogenous constit- 
uents of the urine of man and the carnivora may be mentioned 
creatinin. This body is the anhydride of creatin, and the two 
together constitute the principal part of the so-called flesh bases 
which are contained in considerable quantity in muscular tissue. 
When meat is consumed, its creatin is converted into creatinin and 
excreted quantitatively in the urine, the creatinin content of which 
may be thus considerably increased. As to the physiological signifi- 
cance of the creatin of muscular tissue opinions are divided, but 
good authorities are inclined to regard it as an intermediate 
product of the metabolism of the proteids which is ultimately con- 
verted into urea, and to urge that the fate of creatin taken into the 
stomach is not necessarily the same as that of the creatin produced 
in the muscles. 

Aromatic Compounps.—Besides the benzol radicle of hippuric 
acid, small amounts of other aromatic compounds are also found in 
the urine. These bodies, belonging chiefly to the phenol and indol 
groups, owe their origin exclusively to the putrefactive processes 
already mentioned as taking place in the intestines, and are found in 
the urine almost entirely in combination with sulphuric acid as the 
so-called conjugated sulphuric acids, so that the amount of the 
latter is employed as a measure of the extent of these putrefactive 

* Landw. Vers. Stat., 49. 97. 


METABOLIC PRopucts IN Feces.—As already stated in Chapter 
I, the feces contain, in addition to undigested residues of the food, 
certain materials derived from the body of the animal. This fact 
was early recognized as true of both carnivora* and herbivora.t 
Of more recent investigations may be noted especially those of 
Miiller,{ Rieder,§ and Tsuboi || on carnivora, those of Prausnitz and 
his associates on man, and those of Kellner,** Stutzer, tf Pfeiffer, tt 
and Jordan §§ on herbivora. 

These “metabolic products” appear to consist of unresorbed 
or altered residues of the digestive fluids and of mucus and other 
materials excreted or otherwise thrown off by the walls of the intes- 
tines. Their production goes on even when the digestive tract is 
void of food, producing the so-called fasting feces which constitute 
a true excretory product. The consumption of highly digestible 
food—e.g., lean meat—does not seem to materially increase their 
amount, but when food containing indigestible matter is eaten it is 
believed that they increase in quantity. 

It is presumed that these substances are largely nitrogenous in 
character, and it is known at any rate that not inconsiderable 
amounts of nitrogen may leave the body by this channel. In other 
words, these nitrogenous substances, derived from the proteids 
of the body, instead of undergoing complete conversion into the 
ordinary crystalline products have their katabolism interrupted 
as it were at an intermediate stage. 

Many attempts have been made to determine the amount of 
these metabolic products, or of their nitrogen, in the feces, but 
without much success, and it may fairly be said that at present 
we have no method which can be depended upon to distinguish 
sharply between the nitrogen of undigested-food residues and that 
of metabolic products. 

* Bischoff and Voit, Die Ernaéhrung des Fleischfressers, p. 291. 

+ Henneberg, Beitriige, etc., 1864, p. 7. 

{ Zeit. f. Biol., 20, 327. 

§ Ibid., 20, 378. 

|| Ibid., 35, 68. 

q Ibid., 35, 287; 39, 277; 42, 377. 

** Landw. Vers. Stat., 24, 434; Bied. Centralbl., 9, 763. 

++ Zeit. physiol. Chem., 9, 211. 

tt Jour. f. Landw., 31, 221; 38, 149; Zeit. physiol. Chem., 10, 561. 
S§ Maine Expt. Station Rep., 1888, p. 196. 


NITROGEN IN PERSPIRATION.—The perspiration of such animals 
as secrete this fluid must be regarded as one of the minor channels by 
which nitrogen is excreted. In human perspiration there have been 
found, in addition to small amounts of proteids, urea, uric acid, 
creatinin, and other nitrogenous products of the proteid meta- 
bolism. In a recent investigation, Camerer * found about 34 per 
cent. of the total nitrogen of human perspiration to be in the form 
of urea, about 7.5 per cent. existed as ammonium salts, and the 
remainder in undetermined forms, including uric acid and traces 
of albumen. 

The total quantity of nitrogen excreted in the insensible perspi- 
ration appears to be insignificant. Atwater & Benedict + found 
it to amount to 0.048 gram per day for an adult man in a state 
of rest. Rubner & Heubner { obtained from the clothing of an 
infant 2.83 mers. of ammonia and 0.0205 mgr. of urea per day 
and estimated the total nitrogen of the perspiration at 39 mers. 

When the secretion of sweat is stimulated by work or a high 
external temperature the amount of nitrogen excreted may be con- 
siderably increased as compared with a state of rest, although its 
absolute amount is still small. Atwater & Benedict,§ in a work ex- 
periment, observed an excretion of 0.220 gram of nitrogen per day 
in the perspiration of man. 

The Non-nitrogenous Residue of the Proteids.—The various 
nitrogenous products found in the urine and other excreta, the most 
important of which have been noticed above, are believed to con- 
tain all the nitrogen of the metabolized proteids. This does not 
imply, however, that a quantity of proteids equivalent to this nitro- 
gen, or even to that of the urine, has been completely oxidized to the 
final products of metabolism, viz., carbon dioxide, water, and urea 
and its congeners. 

A comparison of the ultimate composition of the proteids with 
that of the nitrogenous products of their metabolism reveals the 
fact that an amount of the latter sufficient to account for all the 
nitrogen of the proteids contain but a relatively small part of their 
rarbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Taking urea as the chief and 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 41, 271. 

+U.S. Dept. Agr., Office of Expt. Stations, Bull. 69, 73. 
{Zeit. f. Biol., 36, 34. 

§ Loe. cit., p. 53. 


typical metabolic product, and using average figures for the com- 
position of animal proteids, we have, omitting the sulphur of the 
proteids, the following: 

Proteids. Urea. Residue. 
(CEA ae 6 Sane Gee 53.0 6.86 46.14 
IBLWCURCEXGIN Sina geo Bebra MeO) 2.29 4.71 
Oa COM enters Mt os 24.0 9.14 14.86 
INTUROEIGE odo n ood aoe 16.0 16.00 
100.0 34,29 65.71 

After abstracting the elements of urea, we have left considerably 
over half the hydrogen and oxygen of the proteid and the larger 
part of its carbon. A substantially similar result is reached in case 
of the other nitrogenous metabolic products. The splitting off of 
these products from the proteids leaves a non-nitrogenous residue. 

Fate oF THE NON-NITROGENOUS ReEstpuE.—The foregoing 
statements and comparison must not be understood to mean that 
the proteids split up in the body into two parts, viz., urea, etc., on 
the one hand, and an unknown non-nitrogenous substance or sub- 
stances on the other. As we have already seen, the processes of 
proteid metabolism are far more complicated than such a simple 
cleavage. Neither are we to assume that any substance or group 
of substances corresponding in composition to the “residue” of the 
above computation exists. The figures mean simply that while 
the nitrogenous bodies of the urine contain all the nitrogen of the 
proteids they do not account for all of the other elements, but that 
part of the latter must be sought elsewhere. 

Ultimately, of course, the elements of this non-nitrogenous 
residue are converted into carbon dioxide and water. The conver- 
sion into these final products, however, is necessarily a process of 
oxidation, presumably yielding energy to the organism. It is a 
matter of some interest, then, to trace the steps of the transforma- 
tion so far as this is at present possible. 

Formation of Sugar.—Iin discussing the functions of the liver in 
$ 1 of this chapter, we have seen reason to believe that this organ 
continues to produce sugar when the diet consists largely or exclu- 
sively of proteids. In this case we are forced to the conclusion that 
this sugar is manufactured from the elements of the non-nitrogenous 


This conclusion, based on what appears to be the normal func- 
tion of the liver, is further strengthened by a large number of ex- 
periments and observations upon the metabolism in diabetes. 
This disease, whether arising spontaneously or provoked artificially, 
is characterized by the presence of large amounts of sugar in the 
urine. It has been shown that this production of sugar continues 
when all carbohydrates are withdrawn from the diet, and further- 
more, that the amount of sugar excreted bears a quite constant 
relation to the amount of proteids metabolized, thus clearly in- 
dicating the latter as the source of the sugar. It is true that the 
formation of sugar from proteids is denied by some physiologists,* 
but by the majority it seems to be accepted as a well-established 
fact that sugar is one of the intermediate products of proteid 

Of the steps of the process, as well as of its quantitative rela- 
tions, we are ignorant. In effect, it is a process of oxidation and 
hydration, since a residue of the composition computed above 
would require the addition of both hydrogen and oxygen to con- 
vert it into sugar, but that it is as simple a process as this state- 
ment would make it appear, or that the conversion is a quantitative 
one, may well be doubted. 

In conclusion it may be stated that while recent investigations 
have shown the presence of a carbohydrate radicle in numerous 
(although by no means all) proteids, it does not appear that this 
fact stands in any direct relation to the physiological production of 
sugar from these substances. In the first place, the carbohydrate 
radicle constitutes a much smaller proportion of these proteids than 
corresponds to the amount of sugar which they are apparently 
capable of yielding in the body, and in the second place it appears 
to be a well-established (although not undisputed) fact that the 
organism can produce sugar from proteids which do not contain 
the carbohydrate radicle. 

Formation of Fat.——Whether fat is formed from the elements 
of proteids in the animal body is at present a subject of controversy, 
but this question will be more profitably considered in a subsequent 
chapter. It is sufficient to remark here that while much of the 
earlier evidence bearing upon this point has been shown to be 

*Cf. Schéndorf, Arch. ges. Physiol., 82, 60. 


inconclusive, the formation of fat from proteids has not yet been 
disproved and has weighty direct evidence in its favor, while the 
facts that sugar may be formed from proteids, and that carbohy- 
drates are certainly a source of fat to the animal organism are 
strong additional arguments in favor of its possibility. 

Schematic HEquations.—Chauveau and his associates * whose 
views regarding the functions of the carbohydrates in the body 
have already been mentioned, regard the katabolism of the proteids 
as taking place in three stages. The first consists of the splitting 
off of urea with production of carbon dioxide, water, and fat, accord- 
ing to the equation: 

A(C7pH112N 130229) =F 1 390, 
=2(C5,H,,0,) + 36CON,H, + 138CO, +42H,0 +. 28,. 

The resulting fat is then, according to Chauveau, further oxi- 
dized in the liver, yielding dextrose, in accordance with the equation 
already given on p. 38, viz., 

2C 57H 11 )0¢-+ 670, = 46C,H,,0, + 18CO, + 14H,0, 

and the dextrose is finally oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. 

Another equation representing the katabolism of proteids is that 
proposed by Gautier, which regards the first step in the process as a 
combined hydration and cleavage with the production of urea, fat, 
dextrose, and carbon dioxide, as follows: 

2(C,.Hy12N 130225) + 28H,O amen 
= 18CON,H,+ oC HEOn C,H,,0,+ 18CO,+8,. 

It may be assumed that these authors regard the above equa- 
tions simply as schematic representations of the general course of 
proteid metabolism and do not intend to imply that there are no 
intermediate stages in the process. Interpreting them in this 
sense, we have good reasons for believing that the facts which they 
represent are qualitatively true. A chemical equation, however, 
expresses not merely qualitative but quantitative results. If the 
above equations have any significance beyond that of the mere 
verbal statement that fat and sugar are products of proteid meta- 

*Cf. Kaufmann, Archives de Physiol., 1896, p. 341. 


bolism, they mean that from 100 grams of proteids there is pro- 
duced, according to the first scheme, 27.61 grams of fat, and that 
from this, by the addition of oxygen, 44.67 grams of sugar are 
formed. Some of the evidence by which these equations are sup- 
ported will be considered in another connection, but may be antici- 
pated here in the statement that, in the Judgment of the writer, it 
is far from sufficient to establish them as quantitative statements. 


Under this comprehensive but somewhat vague term have been 
grouped all those numerous nitrogenous constituents of the food 
which are not proteid in their nature, the name being a contraction 
of non-proteid nitrogenous substances. It includes the extractives 
of meat, and in vegetable foods several groups of substances, of 
which, however, the amides and amido-acids are most abundant. 
Various substances of this class are produced by the splitting up of 
the reserve proteids in the germination of seeds and apparently 
also to some extent in the translocation of proteids in the growing 
plant, while some at least of them appear to be produced syntheti- 
cally from inorganic materials and to be the forerunners of pro- 
teids. In young plants a considerable proportion of the so-called 
crude protein (N X 6.25) often consists of these non-proteids, and 
considerable interest, therefore, attaches to their transformations 
in the body. 

AMIDES OXIDIZED IN THE Bopy.—It has been shown by numer- 
ous investigators that various amides and amido-acids when added 
to the food are oxidized, giving rise to a production of urea. 
Shultzen & Nencki* found that glycocol, leucin, and tyrosin were 
thus oxidized, while acetamid apparently was not. So far as 
glycocol is concerned, this result is what would have been expected, 
since, as we have seen (p. 44), this body appears to be normally 
formed in the body as an intermediate product of proteid meta- 
bolism. Similar results were obtained by v. Knieriem + from 
trials with asparagin, aspartie acid, glycocol, and leucin. Munk 
likewise found that the ingestion of asparagin increased the pro- 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 8, 124. 

+Jbid, 10; 277; , 36. 
¢ Virchow’s Archiv. f. path. Anat., 94, 441. 


duction of urea in the dog, all the nitrogen of the asparagin together 
with an excess over that previously found in the urine being ex- 
creted. The sulphur in the urine also increased. Hagemann * 
has more recently fully confirmed this result. Salkowski + found 
that glycocol, sarkosin, and alanin were oxidized to urea and caused 
no gain of proteids. Apparently, then, this class of bodies, like 
ammonia, furnish material out of which the organism can con- 
struct urea. 

Can AmipES REPLACE PRoTEIDS?—Since the amides yield the 
same end products of metabolism as the proteids, it is natural to 
inquire whether they can perform any of the functions of those 

Amides not Synthesized to Proteids.—We have already seen that 
the albumoses and peptones resulting from the cleavage of the 
proteids during digestion are built up again into proteids in the 
process of resorption. The amides commonly found in vegetable 
feeding-stuffs are likewise simpler cleavage products of the proteids, 
and some of them are also formed in digestion by the proteolytic 
action of trypsin. Can proteids be regenerated from these simpler 
cleavage products? 

If this is the case, then it should be possible, under suitable con- 
ditions, to cause a gain of proteids, or at least to maintain the 
stock of proteids in the tissues, on a food free from proteids but 
containing amides. Up to the present time, however, all attempts 
of this sort have failed. With the most abundant supply of non- 
nitrogenous nutrients and ash, the animals perished when supplied 
with amides (asparagin) but not with proteids.{ What has thus 
been found to be true of asparagin we may regard as probably true 
of other amides and say that there is no evidence that the animal 
body can build proteids from amides. 

Partial Replacement of Proterds—But even if the amides can- 
not serve as a source of proteids to the animal, it seems not impos- 
sible that they may by their oxidation perform a part of the func- 
tions of the proteids, thus protecting a portion of the latter from 
oxidation and rendering it available for tissue production. | 

*Landw. Jahrb., 20, 264. 
+ Zeit. physiol. Chem., 4, 55, 
{Compare Politis, Zeit. f. Biol., 28, 492, and Gabriel, /b., 29, 115. 


The earliest investigations upon this point are those of Weiske * 
and his associates upon the nutritive value of asparagin. The 
experiments were made upon rabbits, hens, geese, sheep, and goats, 
and in the case of the two latter species included experiments on 
milk production. While the experiments are open to criticism in 
some respects, as a whole they seemed to show that asparagin, 
especially when added to a ration poor in proteids, caused a gain of 
proteids by the body. Weiske accordingly concluded that aspara- 
gin, while not capable of conversion into proteids, was capable of 
partially performing their functions and thus acting indirectly as a 
source of proteids, and this view has been somewhat generally 
accepted. Subsequent experiments by Bahlmann,} Schrodt,t{ 
Potthast,§ Meyer,|| and Chomsky 4 upon milch-cows, rabbits, and 
sheep gave results which tended to confirm Weiske’s conclusions. 

Not all of Weiske’s experiments, however, gave positive results 
in favor of asparagin, and experiments upon carnivorous and omniv- 
orous animals have failed to show any such effect. In addition 
to the experiments of Politis and of Gabriel, referred to above, 
Mauthner,** Munk,?t+ and Hagemann {{ have failed to observe any 
gain of proteids by the body as a result of the ingestion of asparagin, 
but found simply an increase in the apparent proteid metabolism 
as measured by the urinary nitrogen. 

Influence on Digestion.—It can hardly be assumed that the 
actual processes of metabolism in the body tissues are fundamen- 
tally different in different species of mammals, and investigators 
have therefore been led to seek an explanation of the striking differ- 
ence in the effects of asparagin on herbivora and carnivora in the 
differences in the digestive processes of the two classes of animals. 

Digestion in herbivora is a relatively slow process and, as pointed 
out in Chapter I, is accompanied by extensive fermentations par- 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 15, 261° 17, 415; 30, 254. 

+ Reported by Zuntz, Arch. f. (Anat. u.) Physiol., 1882, 424, 
tJahresb. Agr. Chem., 26, 426. 

§ Arch. ges. Physiol., 32, 288. 

|| Cf. Kellner, Zeit. f. Biol., 39, 324. 

§ Ber. physiol. Lab. Landw. Inst. Halle, 1898, Heft 13, p. 1. 
** Zeit. f. Biol., 28, 507. 

++ Virchow’s Arch. f. path. Anat., 94, 441. 

tt Landw. Jahrb., 20, 264. 


ticularly of the carbohydrates of the food, as is shown by the large 
amounts of gaseous hydrocarbons produced by these animals. In 
carnivora, on the contrary, digestion is relatively rapid and the 
dog, as a representative of this class, excretes, according to Voit & 
Pettenkofer,* but traces of hydrocarbons, and according to Tap- 
peiner,} none. 

Zuntz { has therefore suggested that soluble amides introduced 
into the digestive canal of herbivora may be used as nitrogenous 
food by the micro-organisms there present in preference to the less 
soluble proteids, so that the latter are to a certain extent protected, 
and that it is even possible that the amides are synthesized to 
proteids by the organisms. Hagemann § has added the suggestion 
that the proteids possibly thus formed may be digested in another 
part of the alimentary canal and thus actually increase the pro- 
teid supply of the body. 

If this explanation is correct, we should expect the effect of 
asparagin to be more marked when the proportion of proteids in 
the food is small, and precisely this appears to be the case. In 
Weiske’s first experiments, which gave the most decided results, 
the nutritive ratio of the ration without asparagin was 1:19-20, 
while a later experiment with a nutritive ratio of 1:9.4 showed no 
effect of the asparagin upon the gain of protein. Chomsky’s results, 
too, were obtained with rations poor in protein and rich in carbo- 

Later experiments on lambs by Kellner || have fully confirmed 
this anticipation. In his first experiment two yearling lambs were 
fed with a mixture of hay, starch, and cane-sugar, having a nutri- 
tive ratio of 1:28, until nitrogen equilibrium was reached, when 
fifty grams of the starch was replaced by asparagin. The result 
was a gain of protein by both animals as compared with a loss in 
the first period. In the third experiment asparagin was _ substi- 
tuted for starch in a ration having a nutritive ratio of 1 :7.9, and 
caused with one animal a slight gain and with the other a slight 
loss of protein. In the fourth experiment it was added to a ration 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 7, 483; 9, 2 and 438. 
+ Ibid., 19, 318. 
ft Arch. ges. Physiol., 49, 483. 

§ Landw. Jahrb., 20, 264. 
|| Zeit. f. Biol., 39, 313. | 


having a nutritive ratio of 1:7.7, and caused neither a gain nor 
a loss of any consequence. 

Particular interest attaches to Kellner’s second experiment in 
which ammonium acetate was added to a ration poor in protein 
(1:19), followed in a third period by a quantity of asparagin con- 
taining the same amount of nitrogen. The average amounts of 
protein (N X 6.25) gained per day and head by the two lambs 
were as follows: 

ASAT AMON, < san 5G eae erate ate: 4.12 grms. 
i ‘¢ + ammonium acetate...... 15.56 “ 
i FOS SAS ATACMMN Ne eraere 6s ts o's cue 15.690" ~ 

Although it is impossible to suppose that the ammonium acetate 
is capable of performing any of the functions of proteids in the 
body, it nevertheless caused as great a gain of protein by the body 
as did the asparagin. The only obvious explanation is that both 
these substances acted in the manner suggested by Zuntz to protect 
the small amount of protein in the food from the attacks of the 
organized ferments of the digestive tract. Accepting this explana- 
tion, we must suppose that when the contents of the alimentary 
eanal contain a normal amount of proteids the micro-organisms 
find an abundant supply of nitrogenous food in their cleavage 
products and reach their normal development, so that an addition 
of soluble nitrogenous substances is a matter of indifference. When, 
on the other hand, the amount of protein present is abnormally 
low, as in Weiske’s and Kellner’s experiments, the organisms are 
limited in their food-supply and attack the food proteids them- 

Kellner’s results stand in apparent contradiction to the earlier 
ones of Weiske and Flechsig,* who report no gain of proteids as re- 
sulting from the addition on three days of a mixture of ammonium 
carbonate and acetate to a ration poor in protein. The excretion 
of sulphur in the urine was likewise unaffected. They assume, 
however, a long-continued after effect of the ammonium salts on the 
nitrogen excretion. If the comparison be limited to the three days 
on which the ammonium salts were given and the next following 
day, a gain of 1.15 grams of nitrogen per day results, but, as just 
stated, there was no corresponding gain of sulphur. 

*Journ. f. Landw., 38, 137. 


Kellner’s experiments afford indirect evidence that both the 
asparagin and the ammonium acetate actually did stimulate the 
development of the ferment organisms, in the fact that the apparent 
digestibility of the carbohydrates of the food was increased. On 
the basal rations starch could be readily recognized in the feces, 
but under the influence of the two substances mentioned it dis- 
appeared. In the second experiment the increase in the amounts 
of crude fiber and of nitrogen-free extract digested was as follows: 

Crude Fiber. Extract. 
With ammonium acetate... 10.7 grms. 20.4 grms. 
WiaGheaspancimy enna. 4) LOMO tr ZOO 

Since we know that large amounts of the nitrogen-free extract 
are attacked and decomposed by organized ferments in the her- 
bivora, and that this is the chief if not the only method by which 
crude fiber is digested, we are justified in interpreting the above 
figures as demonstrating an increased activity of these organisms 
as a result of the more abundant supply of nitrogenous food. The 
bearing of this result upon the so-called depression of digestibility 
by starch and other carbohydrates is obvious, but is aside from 
our present discussion. 

Tryniszewsky * experimented upon a calf weighing about 175 
kgs., using in the second and fourth periods (the first period being 
preliminary) a ration of barley straw, sesame cake, starch and sugar, 
containing a minimum of non-proteids. In the third period one- 
third of the sesame cake was replaced by a mixture of asparagin, 
starch and sesame oil, computed to contain an equivalent amount 
of nitrogen, carbohydrates, and fat. Owing to differences in digest- 
ibility, however, the amounts of digested nutrients, and particu- 
larly of nitrogen, varied more or less. The results of the nitrogen 
balance per 100 kgs. live weight were: 

Nitrogen Digested. 

Nitrogen Gain of 
Metabolism,| Nitrogen, 
Proteid, Non-proteid, Total, Grms. Grms. 
Grms. T; rms, 
letaaioyel Isogadoo POTUG.  Natest tetera 72.16 56.86 15.3 
pore MMe aes tay 67.05 23.68 90.73 78.43 12.3 

cMmOT Vic GONG ci Le ee 90.86 76.36 

* Jahresb. Ag. Ch., 48, 513. 


From the smaller gain in Period III, the conclusion:is drawn 
that the asparagin has a lower. nutritive. value than the proteids. 
In this period the percentage digestibility of the crude fiber 
of the ration was found to be 64.88, as compared with 43.96 and 
33.33 in the second and fourth periods, an effect corresponding to 
that observed by Kellner, and which Tryniszewsky also ascribes 
to an increase in the micro-organisms of the digestive tract. 

The results of the experiments which have been cited are, of 
course, valid, in the first instance, only for the particular non- 
proteids experimented with. If, however, the above interpretation 
of the results is correct, it is to be anticipated that other soluble 
nitrogenous substances in the food will be found to produce similar 
effects. If this anticipation proves to be correct, then we shall 
reach the following conclusions regarding the amides and similar 
bodies in feeding-stufts. 

1. That they do not serve as sources of proteids. 

2. That in rations very poor in protein they have, in the her- 
bivora, an indirect effect in protecting part of the food protein 
from fermentation in the digestive tract. 

3. That in carnivora, and in herbivora on normal rations, they 
probably have no effect on the production of nitrogenous tissue. 


AN essential prerequisite for an intelligent study of the income 
_ and expenditure of matter by the animal body is a knowledge of 
the general nature of the current methods of investigation and of 
the significance of the results attained by means of them. It is 
not the purpose here to enter into technical details; this is not 
a treatise upon analytical or physiological methods. The present 
chapter will be confined to outlining the general principles upon 
which those methods are based and to pointing out the logical 
value of their results. It will be confined, moreover, mainly to 
those general methods by which the balance of income and ex- 
penditure of matter is determined. 

Tissue.—The animal body has already been characterized as 
consisting, from the chemical point of view, of an aggregate of 
various substances, chiefly organic, representing a certain capital 
of matter and energy. These various substances are grouped 
together in the body to form the organized structures known as 
tissues. For the sake of brevity, then, it may be permissible to use 
the word tissue as a convenient general designation for the aggre- 
gate of all the organic matter contained in the tissues of the body, 
including both their organized elements and any materials present 
in the fluids of the body or in solution in the protoplasm of the 
cells. In this sense tissue is equivalent to the whole capital or 
store of organic matter in the body. 

GAINS AND Losses.—The tissue of the body, as thus defined, is 
in a constant state of flux, the processes through which the vital 
functions are carried on constantly breaking it down and oxidizing 
it (katabolism), while the processes of nutrition are as constantly 
building it up again (anabolism). If the activity of nutrition 



exceeds that of destruction, material of one sort or another is stored 
up in the body, and such an addition to its capital of matter and 
energy we may speak of as a gain of tissue. Conversely, if the 
katabolie processes consume more material than the processes of 
nutrition can supply, the store of matter and energy in the body 
is diminished and a loss of tissue occurs. A simple comparison of 
the amount of matter supplied in the food (including, of course, 
the oxygen of the air) with that given off in the solid, liquid and 
gaseous excreta, therefore, will show whether the body is gaining 
or losing tissue. 

The mere fact of a gain or loss of matter by the body, however, 
conveys but little useful information unless we know the nature of 
the material gained or lost. This we have no means of determining 
directly. The processes of growth or decrease are not accessible 
to immediate observation, while changes in the weight of the animal 
(even aside from the great uncertainties introduced, especially in 
the herbivora, by variations in the contents of the alimentary 
canal) represent simply the algebraic sum of the gains and losses 
of water, ash protein, fats, and other materials, and so give but a 
very slight clue if any to the real nature of the tissue-building. We 
are compelled, therefore, to have recourse to indirect methods, and 
to base our conclusions as to tissue-building upon a comparison 
of the income and outgo of the chemical elements of which the body 
is composed, particularly of nitrogen and carbon. 

The Schematic Body.—The basis of this method of compari- 
son is the conception of the schematic body, first introduced by 
Henneberg.* This conception regards the dry matter of the body 
of the animal as composed essentially of three groups of substances, 
viz., ash, fat, and protein, with at most comparatively small amounts 
of carbohydrates (glycogen), and assumes that the vast number of 
other compounds which it actually contains are present in such 
small and relatively constant proportions as not to materially 
affect the truth of this view. A knowledge of the ultimate compo- 
sition of these three groups then affords the basis for a computation 
of the gain or loss of each from the income and outgo of their ele- 

Asu.—The ash ingredients of the body form a well-defined 

* Neue Beitriige, ete., p. vii. 


group, and the determination of the gain or loss of each ingredient 
from a comparison of income and outgo is in principle a relatively 
simple matter and calls for no special consideration here. 

Fat.—The elementary composition of the fat of the body has 
been shown to be remarkably similar not only in different animals 
of the same species, but likewise in different species. The classic 
investigations of Schulze & Reinecke * upon the composition of 
animal fat gave the following results: 

Carbon. Hydrogen. Oxygen. 
No. of 
Sam- | Aver- | Maxi-| Mini- | Aver- | Maxi-|} Mini- | Aver-| Maxi-| Mini- 
ples. | age |mum]|mum] age |mum|mum| age | mum| mum 
Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per Per 
Cent. | Cent. | Cent. | Cent. | Cent. | Cent. | Cent. | Cent. | Cent. 
Beetstatiacs aoc 10 |76.50/76.74!76.27/11.91/12.11/11.76/11.59/11.86 11.15 
onkstateeeescte 6 |76.54)76.78/76.29)11.94/12.07)11.86)11.52)11.83/11.15 
Mutton fat...... 12 76.61/76. 85)76. 27'12.03)12.16]/11.87111.36)11.56/11.00 
Average......| 28 |76.50 12.00 11.50 
IDSs cccéboco60d 76.63 12.05 11.32 
(CAR Gist HOC eae 76.56 11.90 11.44 
ELOTSClacieversisyete! cy: 77.07 11.69 11.24 
Wine ce oeaocoe re 76.62 11.94 11.44 

Benedict and Osterberg + obtained the following results for the 
composition of human fat: 

Carbon, Hydrogen, 
Per Cent. Per Cent. 
Sample No. 1........ 76.29 11.80 
GE GT UES ers ets 76.36 11.72 
ve CG 6d Pa ti 75.85 11.87 
GG CON ES ae 75.95 11.85 
sf Com irs cisteret anetc 75.94. 11.74 
s¢ COPIA (phe keicyele ayes 76.07 11.69 
GG SMUT eavegt ier tace 76.138 11.84 
GG Sen Oi ratshal eats 76.05 11.81 

Average 76.08 11.78 

The fat of the body has been commonly regarded as containing 
76.5 per cent. of carbon. A gain of 100 parts of fat by the body 

* Landw. Vers. Stat., 9, 97. + Amer. Jour. Physiol., 4, 69. 


is accordingly equivalent to a gain of 76.5 parts of carbon, and con- 
versely, if it be shown that the body has gained one part of carbon 
in the form of fat, this is equivalent to a gain of 1+0.765=1.307, 
or, in round numbers, 1.3 parts of fat. Benedict & Osterberg’s 
average corresponds to the factor 1.314. 

Protrern.—As in the case of the food, the term protein is used 
to signify the whole mass of nitrogenous material in the body, in- 
cluding, besides the true albuminoids, the collagens or gelatinoids, 
the keratin-like bodies, the nitrogenous extractives, etc. 

Neumeister * gives the following figures for the elementary 
composition of the simple albuminoids: 

Minimum, | Maximum, Average, 
Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. 

Carbon se oss kee o 3 50 55 52 
Hydrogen....-.+:..-. 6.5 7.3 7 
INUtTO GEN. Carve caeauie ane 15 17.6 16 
OXY ZEN. oc csceececees 19 24 23 
Sulphur: sca veelrese nas 0.3 2.4 2 


Some of the compound albuminoids, particularly the nucleo- 
albuminoids, do not vary greatly in composition from the above 
figures, while others notably the mucins, which contain a carbo- 
hydrate group, show a higher percentage of oxygen and less carbon 
and nitrogen. 

The gelatinoids, likewise, do not differ greatly in composition 
from the albuminoids. For collagen, Hofmeister ¢ found the fol- 
lowing averages: 

Carbonic cietanage se wee ieee ons eer 50.75 
Hydrogen ss Srekgn ee tas Soe mtn ee bale 6.47 
INItrOPeN 1 fect eats antes paiement se = 17.86 
Sasa kad aici es eMart thie 24.91 


Keratin is distinguished by a relatively high proportion of 
sulphur (3 to 5 per cent.), but otherwise, according to Neumeister, { 
does not differ materially in composition from the true albuminoids. 

* Lehrbuch der Physiol. Chem., p. 22. + Zeit. physiol. Chem., 2, 322. 
t Loc. cit., p. 493. 


Hoppe-Seyler * quotes the following figures for the composition 
of epidermis and some of the tissues derived from it: 

piers | naw. | Nats, | Hemet | Hott 
CWarMonlsre ceils cic! 1 50.28 50.65 51.00 51.03 | 51.41 
Hydrogen.......... 6.76 6.36 6.94 6.80 6.96 
Nitrogen..........-. 17.21 -17.14 17.51 16.24 | 17.46 
Ob afRaNosostoopodeS 25.01 20.85 21.75 22.51 | 19.49 
Sulphur............ 0.74 5.00 2.80 3.42 4.23 

100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 | 99.55 (?) 

Henneberg + obtained the following figures for the composition of 
two samples of pure and dry wool, calculated ash-free: 

: I. IT. 
(CORSA OYOS OW SHS cher Con Puech in era ae in ereea 49.67 49.89 
lay BO GEM en iesce st sachs) que! s ay cys ons. 7.26 7.36 
NERO GSM Soha ccs tees reeeer cai aise 16.01 16.08 
(CORSET SIS is asin eee eg 23.65 23.10 
SUM UTA 2 cae reece e tee ts Sms 3.41 Bo DY 
100.00 100.00 

The following analyses by Rubner,{ Stohmann & Langbein,§ 
and Argutinsky|| show the ultimate composition of ash-free muscular 
tissue after prolonged extraction with ether: 4 

Beet of 
Hydro- |: ‘om- 
bon, Nit »| Sulphur, | O : F 
Per Cont, pelts, [Per Gent.|Per Cent {Per Cent. Lees 

IU TIER act ceielecietere etercle’ = 53.40 16.30 5.6561 
Stohmann and Langbein.| 52.02 | 7.30 | 16.36 24.32 5.6409 
Arcutinsky..°=0.-\..-.. 52.33 | 7.30 | 16.15 24.22 

* Physiol. Chem., p. 90. + Neue Beitrige, etc., p. 98. 

t Zeit. f. Biol., 21, 310. § Jour. f. prakt. Chem., N. F., 44, 364. 

| Arch. ges. Physiol., 55, 345. 
{It has since been shown by Dornmeyer (Arch. ges. Physiol., 65, 90) 
that such material is not fat-free. 


Kohler * has investigated the elementary composition of the 
muscular tissue of cattle, sheep, swine, horses, rabbits and 
hens. The material was prepared with much care, the fat being 
removed as fully as possible by prolonged extraction with ether. 
The residual fat which cannot be removed in this way was deter- 
mined by Dornmeyer’s digestion method,t and a corresponding 
correction made in the analytical results. The following are his 
averages for the fat- and ash-free substance: 

No. of | Carbon, |Hydrogen, |Nitrogen,| Sulphur, | Oxygen, erenetin 
Samples.|Per Cent.| Per Cent. |Per Cent.|Per Cent.|Per Cent. per atts 
Cattlesci...: 4 52.54 7.14 16.67 0.52 + 23.12 5.6776 
Sheep 2 52.538 7.19 16.64 0.69 22.96 5.63887 
Swill zsrcrerera. 2 52.71 Tes AT 16 60 0.59 22.95 5.6758 
HFOTSC Ss .ei0 070 3 52. 64 7.10 15.55 | 0.64 | 24.08 5.5990 
Rabbit...... 2 52.83 GeO DGS OO HF acersss acs 2t:i| aheke Setoans 5 6166 
lense cye:e 2 52.36 6.99 16.88 | 0.50 | 28.28} 5.6173: 

All the samples were tested for glycogen, but only traces were 
found, except in the horseflesh, for the two samples of which an 
average of 3.65 per cent. was obtained, a result which accounts for 
the low figure for nitrogen. 

In the classic investigation by Lawes & Gilbert { into the com- 
position of the whole bodies of animals, determinations were made 
of the total dry matter, the ash, the fat, and the total nitrogen. 
From these data Henneberg § has compared the total amount of 
dry matter other than ash and fat with the total amount of nitro- 
gen. His results in a slightly altered form are given in the table 

The average nitrogen content is 16.21 per cent. Lawes & Gil- 
bert extracted the fat with ether and hence, as above noted, the 
residue was not absolutely fat-free. KdGhler’s average results for the 

* Zeit. physiol. Chem., 31, 479. 
} Arch. ges. Physiol., 65, 102. 

{ Phil. Trans., 1859, II, 493. 

§ Neue Beitriige, etc., p. x. 



Lean, Fat, 
Per Cent.|/Per Cent. 


Half Fat, Fat, 
Per Cent.|Per Cent. 
\WWENIGES bose pub osauoOnDS 56.1 48.6 
DD TyAMAtter < we + -- 43.9 51.4 
100.00 | 100.00 
In the dry matter : 
adhe sagoomoosonoacne 5.1 4.1 
HSA Gieycics eter svevsie clas swish sists 20.7 31.9 
Other organic matter 
by difference........ 18.1 15.4 
43.9 | 51.4 
Total nitrogen.......... 3.0 2.4 
Per cent. of nitrogen in 
“other organic matter” | 16.58} 15.59 

61.0 | 46.2 
39.0 | 43.8 
100.00} 100.00 
3.4 | 2.9 
19.9 | 37.9 
15e 7 WSO 
A | ele | 
2.55| 2.1 
16.24] 16.19 

Lean, Fat, 
Per Cent.|Per Cent. 
58.2 42.9 
41.8 57.1 
100.00] 100.00 
2.8 ey 
24.6 44.0 
14.4 11.4 
41.8 | 57.1 
2.3 1.9 
15.97) 16.66 

flesh of cattle, sheep, and swine, after extraction with ether for 

480 hours, computed ash-free, were: 

eee ee oe oe we we oe oo 

oe eo ee ew we ww 

eo 2 © © © © © eo oo 8 

© 2 0 © © © & © © 6 8 

oe ee oe ow oo ow 

oe oe © ee ow © Oo 


Considering the indirect method by which Henneberg’s result 
was reached, the agreement as regards nitrogen, both with Koéhler’s 
results and with those of Rubner, Stohmann, and Argutinsky just 

cited, is remarkably close. 

Henneberg assumed the following 

round numbers to represent the average composition of the total 
protein of the body, and his example has been generally followed | 

by subsequent investigators: 

INGEEOS EIT .02).). jee rey key eoc ae 

eee eee ee ee oe oOo ow Ow 




53 per cent. 



Kohler’s averages for dry, fat-free flesh are: 

aT OTsta ya Mee Syavete ce viceliee epee We eons 52.60 per cent. 
INtPOSENS See cage a. 2: aeolian IG60 

GLycoGEN.—Of the substances other than ash, fat and protein, 
which are found in the animal body, only glycogen calls for special 
mention here. This body, as we have seen, may be stored up in 
considerable amounts in the liver, and is found also in the muscles, 
although not in large proportion, except in case of the horse. In 
the aggregate, however, the store of glycogen in the body is not 
inconsiderable, having been estimated to be in the neighborhood 
of 300 grams in the human body. Moreover, changes of food or 
conditions, as well as muscular activity, may materially alter the 
store of glycogen and thus, perhaps, appreciably affect the make- 
up of the schematic body. 

So far as appears, however, the capacity of the body to store up 
glycogen is limited, as is indicated by the relatively small amount 
of it formed after even the most abundant feeding, and we may 
fairly assume that, at least on a ration equal to or exceeding the 
maintenance requirements, no long-continued change in the amount 
of glycogen in the body is likely to occur. 

Summary.—We may sum up the foregoing paragraphs in the 
brief statement that for the purpose of investigating the statistics 
of nutrition we may consider the organic part of the animal body 
as composed essentially of fat and protein, with small amounts of 
glycogen, and that we may regard the permanent effect of a ration 
upon the body as consisting (aside from its effect on the ash ingre- 
dients) in an increase or decrease of its stores of fat and protein, 
these substances having the average compositon indicated above. 

The Gain or Loss of Protein.—Since the term protein as here 
used is synonymous with total nitrogenous matter, the gain or loss 
of protein by the body is necessarily indicated by its gain or loss of 

The supply of nitrogen to the body is contained in the pro- 
tein of the food. The losses of nitrogen from the body are 

First, in that part of the protein of the food which fails of 
digestion and is excreted in the feces. 


Second, in the nitrogenous products of the proteid metabolism, 
contained chiefly in the urine but including also the small quanti- 
ties of nitrogenous metabolic products contained in the feces and 

The nitrogen of urine and perspiration, then, together with the 
metabolic nitrogen of the feces, will indicate the extent of proteid 
katabolism, while the difference between total income and total 
outgo of nitrogen will show whether the body is gaining or losing 
protein. Finally, since the losses of metabolic nitrogen in feces and 
perspiration are relatively small, and often not readily determinable, 
in cases where the greatest accuracy is not required, and particularly 
in comparative experiments, we may regard the total urinary nitro- 
gen as representing with a fair degree of accuracy the amount of 
protein broken down by the organism. 

In the foregoing statements, however, it has been tacitly assumed 
that the protein of the food consists of true proteids. If, how- 
ever, the latter are accompanied by amides and other non-proteid 
nitrogenous bodies, which do not appear to contribute to the forma- 
tion of proteid tissue (compare p. 53), the corresponding amount 
of nitrogen will appear in the urine and be added to that derived 
from the actual katabolism of body or food proteids. This, how- 
ever, does not, of course, affect any conclusions as to the gain or loss 
of protein by the body. 

Factor FOR PROTEIN.—It is thus comparatively easy to deter- 
mine in terms of nitrogen both the proteid katabolism and the 
gain or loss of protein, the principal precaution necessary, aside 
from technical details, being that the experiment shall extend over 
a sufficient length of time to eliminate the influences of irregulari- 
ties in ingestion and excretion. 

Knowing approximately the ultimate composition of the pro- 
tein of the body, we may take a step further and infer from the 
amounts of nitrogen determined the corresponding amounts of 
protein, the accuracy of the result depending, of course, upon the 
accuracy of the figures on which it is based. The composition 
commonly assumed for the body protein has been that given on 
page 65, and the same conventional factor, 6.25, has been used 
to convert nitrogen into protein which has been employed in case 
of feeding-stuffs. Kohler’s investigations (p. 64) show that the 


nitrogenous organic matter of muscular tissue has a materially 
higher percentage of nitrogen, viz., about 16.67 per cent. This 
would reduce the factor for protein from 6.25 to 6.00. Kohler’s 
samples, after extraction with ether for 480 hours, still contained 
from 0.27 to 1.61 per cent. of fat. If we assume the ash and 
fat-free substance of Lawes & Gilbert’s experiments (p. 65) to 
have still contained 1 per cent. of fat, the average nitrogen con- 
tent of the fat-free substances would be 16.38 per cent. and the 
corresponding protein factor 6.11, while the factor 6.00 would re- 
quire the assumption of a fat-content of 2.7 per cent. 

The factor 6.0 has been used by Kellner in computing the results 
of his extensive investigations upon cattle at Mockern. Strictly 
speaking, this assumes that all the gain of nitrogen takes place 
either in the form: of muscular tissue or of material of the same 
average composition. To what extent such an assumption is 
justified it is difficult to say. Certainly a part of the protein of the 
food is applied to the production of epidermis, hair, horns, hoofs, 
ete., consisting largely of keratins. The data regarding the com- 
position of these tissues given on p. 63 would seem to show 
that they are, on the average, richer in nitrogen than muscular 
tissue, a fact which would tend to lower the protein factor, but on 
the other hand, the amount of this growth is small as compared 
with the usual protein supply. On the whole, Kohler’s factor 
would seem to afford the most trustworthy basis of computation 
which is at present available, especially in view of its close agree- 
ment with Lawes & Gilbert’s results. 

Urea AS A MBASURE OF ProrerD MrrapoiismM.—In the earlier 
investigations upon this subject, the urea of the urine, as deter- 
mined by Liebig’s titration method, was commonly taken as the 
measure of proteid metabolism, one part of urea equaling 2.9 parts 
of protein, while in many cases the metabolism was also expressed 
in terms of “flesh” (muscular tissue) with its normal water con- 
tent and an average of 3.4 per cent. of nitrogen. The errors inci- 
dent to the use of this method are now generally recognized, while 
its inapplicability to herbivora was obvious from the first, and with 
the improvements in the methods of nitrogen determination, the 
latter has almost entirely replaced the old urea determination and 


the proteid metabolism is now almost exclusively expressed in 
terms of either nitrogen or protein. 

The Gain or Loss of Fat.—As the balance between income 
and outgo of nitrogen serves to measure the gain or loss of protein 
by the schematic body, so the balance between income and outgo 
of carbon furnishes the means for estimating the gain or loss of fat. 

The income of carbon is, of course, the carbon of the food. 
The outgo of carbon consists of— 

First, the carbon of the undigested food contained in the feces. 

Second, the carbon of the products of metabolism contained 
in feces, urine, and perspiration. 

Third, the carbon of the gaseous excreta, including the carbon 
dioxide given off by the lungs and skin and the carbon dioxide and 
hydrocarbons resulting from fermentations in the digestive tract. 

RESPIRATION APPARATUS.—The carbon of the visible excreta 
is readily determined by the ordinary analytical methods. The 
determination of the carbon of the gaseous excreta requires the use 
of a special apparatus, commonly called a respiration apparatus. 

In early experiments upon respiration the animal was simply 
placed in a known confined volume of air which was analyzed before 
and after the experiment. By this method, however, the oxygen 
of the air is progressively diminished, while the respiratory products 
accumulate, both of which conditions are liable to disturb the 
normal respiratory exchange, although Kaufmann,* who has re- 
cently reverted to this primitive method, claims to have secured 
accurate results in rather short experiments. 

The obvious desirability of renewing the oxygen and removing 
the products of respiration soon led to the construction of more 
complicated forms of apparatus of which three principal types 
may be distinguished. 

The Regnault Apparatus.—The see of these is the Regnault + 
or closed circuit respiration apparatus. In this type of apparatus 
the subject breathes in a confined volume of air, the carbon dioxide 
being removed by suitable absorbents and weighed, while the oxy- 
gen consumed is replaced from a receiver containing pure oxygen, 
the amount admitted to the apparatus being measured. These 

* Archives de Physiol., 1896, p. 329. 
+ Regnault & Reiset, Ann. de Chim. et de Physique, 3d series, 26, 299. 


data, with the addition of analyses of the known volume of air 
contained in the apparatus at the beginning and end of the 
experiment, afford the means of computing both the carbon dioxide 
and other gases given off and the oxygen cousumed.* 

In theory this is the most complete and satisfactory type of 
respiration apparatus, since it permits a determination of the total 
gaseous exchange. Serious practical difficulties have been found 
in its use, however, especially for the larger animals, among them 
the difficulty of maintaining the air reasonably pure, the difficulty 
of securing a uniform temperature and mixture of the gases in a 
large and complicated apparatus, and the liability to contamination 
of the oxygen used. Seegen & Nowak ft used an apparatus of 
this type for their experiments upon the excretion of gaseous nitro- 
gen by animals (see p. 42). Laulanié { has described a Regnault 
apparatus for small animals in which a continuous graphic measure- 
inent of the oxygen admitted to the apparatus is made, Hoppe- 
Seyler § has constructed at Strasburg an apparatus of this type 
large enough to contain a man, and Bleibtreu || has recently made 
use of a small one to investigate the formation of fat in geese, but 
the apparatus has not come into general use.4 

The Pettenkofer Apparatus.—The second type of respiration 
apparatus is that of v. Pettenkofer. In this type the subject 
breathes in a closed chamber through which a measured current 
of air is maintained. 

Scharling ** appears to have been the first to construct an appa- 
ratus of this sort. The ingoing air was freed from carbon dioxide 
by passing through potash solution, while the outcoming air, after 
drying, gave up its carbon dioxide to a weighed potash bulb. Vari- 
ous similar forms of apparatus were constructed, but it was found 

*For a description of the apparatus, see also Hoppe-Seyler, Physiol. 
Chem., pp. 526 and 536. 

{+ Sitzungsber. Wiener Akad., Math.-Naturwiss. Classe, 71, ITI, 329; 
Arch. ges. Physiol., 19, 349. 

t Archives de Physiol., 1890, p. 571. 

§ Zeit. physiol. Chem., 19, 574. 

| Arch. ges. Physiol., 85, 366. 

4{ See also Pfliger and Colasanti (Arch. ges. Physiol., 14, 92) and Schulz 
Ub., p. 78). 

** Ann. Chem. Pharm., 45, 214. 


to be impossible te secure complete absorption of the carbon dioxide 
and at the same time maintain adequate ventilation. 

In 1862 v. Pettenkofer * introduced the important improve- 
ment of diverting a known aliquot of both the ingoing and outcom- 
ing air for analysis. The results of these analyses, calculated upon 
the whole volume of air used, show the amounts of carbon dioxide 
and other gases added by the subject of the experiment. 

The Pettenkofer apparatus has the advantage of placing the 
subject under unquestionably normal conditions as to purity of 
air, of maintaining a practically uniform temperature and mixture 
of gases throughout the apparatus, and of dispensing with the ex- 
treme care necessary in the Regnault apparatus to prevent gaseous 
diffusion between the air outside and that inside the apparatus. 
Its great drawback is that it does not in practice permit the deter- 
mination of the amount of oxygen consumed.ft To this is to be 
added the magnification of experimental errors involved in com- 
puting the results obtained by the analysis of small samples upon 
the whole volume of air used. 

Despite these drawbacks, however, the Pettenkofer apparatus 
in various forms has been widely used, especially in experiments 
upon domestic animals, and has shown itself capable of yielding 
very accurate results within its scope. Laulanié,{ by largely re- 
ducing the rate of ventilation, has been able to make determinations . 
of the oxygen consumed which he regards as satisfactory, while 
Haldane § has constructed an apparatus for small animals, in which 
the entire air current is passed over absorbents before entering 
and after leaving the apparatus, which also permits of a satisfac- 
tory indirect determination of the oxygen consumed. Sondén and 
Tigerstedt || have also constructed a modified Pettenkofer respira- 

* Ann. Chem. Pharm., Suppl. Bd. II, p. 1. See also Atwater, U.S. Dep. 
Agr., Office of Experiment Stations, Bull. 21, p. 106. 

+ Such a determination is theoretically possible from a comparison of the 
oxygen content of ingoing and outcoming air, but the delicacy of the measure- 
ments and analyses required is so great as to render the method impracti- 
cable, while the determination by difference concentrates all the errors in 
this one quantity. 

t Archives de Physiologie, 1895, p. 619. 

§ Jour. Physiol., 18, 419. 

| Skand. Arch. Physiol., 6, 1. 


tion apparatus of very large dimensions. Recently Atwater & 
Rosa * have constructed a form of Pettenkofer apparatus for use 
as an animal calorimeter in which the method of measuring and 
sampling the air current has been materially improved and rendered 
more accurate. 

When the Pettenkofer apparatus is employed for experiments 
upon herbivora, special provision is necessary for the determination 
of the gaseous hydrocarbons excreted in considerable quantities 
by these animals. This is accomplished by passing a sample of the 
air coming from the apparatus through a combustion-tube contain- 
ing copper oxide, or preferably spongy platinum (platinized kaolin), 
heated to redness. The hydrocarbons are thus oxidized and the 
resulting carbon dioxide determined. 

Pettenkofer & Voit,f in their earlier investigations, deter- 
mined the excretion of combustible gases by a dog, with the follow- 
ing results per day: 


Hydrogen, Methane, Carbon 
D de, 
Meat, Fat, Starch, ei SSESEL Gaunt 

Grams. Grams. Grams. 
FO OMI everere srevereveners 200 %.2 ARAL 416.0 
DOOR) Sil eeteeleesr ets 200 5.2 6.3 420.6 
OOM Beal eeyencerecueresys 200 Wises 4.7 428.2 
500 200 a Suidien stan stayaueixe 6.4 3.7 417.3 
500 DO + Ullerccdtaseneretsioisue ss 4.3 4.5 427.8 

According to the above figures, a trifle less than 38 per cent., 
on the average, of the total carbon excretion was in the form of 
methane. No similar determinations seem to have been made by 
Pettenkofer & Voit in their later experiments, and it appears to 
be generally assumed that they are unnecessary in investigations 
upon man and the carnivora. 

The Zuntz Apparatus.—Both the Regnault and the Pettenkofer 
types of apparatus are calculated for the determination of the 
total gaseous excreta of lungs, skin, and digestive tract through 
considerable periods of time, and their use enables us to compare 
the total income and outgo of carbon. 

*U. S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations, Bulletins 44 and 63. 
+ Ann. Chem. Pharm., Supp. Bd. I, p. 66. 


The third type of respiration apparatus is best known by the 
name of Zuntz,* from the extensive development given it by this 
investigator, although it has assumed various forms in the hands 
of different experimenters. This apparatus is radically different 
from the other two types in that it is intended simply for the deter- 
mination of the respiratory exchange in the lungs. For this pur- 
pose the expired air is collected, either by means of a mask or a 
tracheal cannula, its volume measured, and its content of carbon 
dioxide and of oxygen determined in an aliquot sample, the com- 
position of the inspired air being assumed to be that of the normal 
atmosphere. The fundamental principle is really that of the Petten- 
kofer apparatus, but, owing to the fact that the excretory gases 
are not diluted with many times their volume of air, the results are 
much sharper and it is possible to determine the amount of oxygen 
consumed as well as of the carbon dioxide given off. In addition 
to this advantage, it permits the experimenter to follow the varia- 
tions in the respiratory exchange in comparatively short periods. 
It is thus especially adapted for investigating such questions as the 
influence of muscular work upon metabolism, and it is in the study 
of this question that it has found its chief application. On the 
other hand, it is impracticable to continue its use through long 
periods—a day, e.g.—and it takes no account of the excretion 
through the skin and the alimentary canal. Only by indirect 
methods, therefore, is it possible to compute the total income and 
outgo of carbon by its use. 

But while the Zuntz form of respiration apparatus is especially 
adapted for investigating the carbon metabolism during short 
periods, it is important that these periods be not made too short. 
What is actually determined by the use of any form of respiration 
apparatus is the excretion or absorption of carbon dioxide or oxy- 
gen. In an experiment extending over several hours, we may 
fairly assume that this is substantially a measure of the actual pro- 
duction or consumption of these gases going on in the tissues. In 
periods of a few minutes, however, there is always a possibility of 
an accumulation of oxygen or a partial retention of the products 
of metabolism in the tissues or the blood, while, on the other hand, 

* Rohrig & Zuntz, Arch. ges. Physiol., 4, 57; v. Mehring & Zuntz, 2b., 32, 
173; Geppert & Zuntz, 7b., 42, 189. 


the products of previous metabolism may be added to those formed 
during the experiment. ‘This is especially true of the carbon diox- 
ide, particularly in work experiments, where the rate and volume 
of respiration are largely affected. During severe work, there may 
be more or less accumulation of this gas in the blood, while, on the 
other hand, the increased respiration in an immediately following 
period of rest may reduce the proportion in the blood below the 
normal. The oxygen is thought to be far less subject to this error 
than the carbon dioxide, and therefore to be a more accurate indi- 
cator of the total metabolism. 

Tur RESPIRATORY QUOTIENT.—This name was given by Pfliiger 
to the ratio of the volume of carbon dioxide excreted to the volume 
of oxygen consumed in the same time. It is frequently represented 

by the abbreviation R.Q., or by the symbol ae 

It is obvious that this ratio will vary with the nature of the 
material metabolized. Thus the oxidation of a carbohydrate, e.g. 
dextrose, will give rise to a volume of carbon dioxide equal to that of 
the oxygen consumed, since, as the following equation shows, each 
molecule of oxygen gives rise to a molecule of carbon dioxide: 


Tn this case the respiratory quotient is equal to unity. On the 
other hand, when fat is oxidized, a portion of the oxygen combines 
with the hydrogen of the fat to form water, and the volume of car- 
bon dioxide produced is less than that of the oxygen employed. 
Representing the process by the equation used by Chauveau,* viz., 

C71 oO¢+ 1630, = 11400, + 110H,0, 

: i , ol 
the respiratory quotient is ae =().6993. Computed from the aver- 

age percentage composition of animal fat as given on p. 61, it 
equals 0.7069. 

The proteids of the food, as we have seen, are not completely 
oxidized in the body, a portion of their carbon, along with all their 
nitrogen, being excreted in the form of urea and other organic 

* La Vie et 1’Energie chez |’ Animale. 


compounds in the urine. Chauveau & Kaufmann,* starting with 
an empirical formula for albumin, represent its complete meta- 
bolism in the body by the equation 

2C 5H 2NisOnS, + 1510, = 18CH,N,O + 126C0,+76H,0+8,, 

thus obtaining the respiratory quotient = =0.8344, neglecting 

the oxygen required to oxidize the sulphur. 

The urine, however, always contains greater or less quantities 
of nitrogenous compounds richer in carbon than urea, and in herbiv- 
orous animals in particular such compounds are abundant. The 
respiratory quotient of the proteids is therefore variable, depend-— 
ing upon the extent to which their carbon is completely oxidized. 
Thus Zuntz and Hagemann f in an experiment upon the horse 
in which approximately 15 per cent. of the total nitrogen of the 
urine was contained in hippuric acid, compute it at 0.765. 

Deductions from Respiratory Quotient.—The value of a determi- 
nation of the respiratory quotient lies in the clue which it affords to 
the nature of the substances which are being oxidized in the body. 
Assuming that the materials available for oxidation in the schematic 
body are substantially proteids, carbohydrates and fat. it is evi- 
dent that when the quotient approaches 1.0 the material consumed 
must consist largely of carbohydrates, while if it falls to the neigh- 
borhood of 0.7 it is clear that the oxygen is combining chiefly with 
fat. An intermediate value, on the other hand, would be more am- 
biguous, since it might result from the oxidation of proteids, carbo- 
hydrates and fat in several proportions. 

If, however, the amounts of oxygen consumed and of carbon 
dioxide produced in the oxidation of any one of the three groups be 
known, it is a simple matter to compute the proportion in which 
the other two enter into the reaction. For the amount of proteids 
metabolized, we have an approximate measure in the total urinary 
nitrogen. If we can also determine the amounts of carbon, hydro- 
gen and oxygen contained in these nitrogenous urinary products, 
we can compute the quantity of oxygen required to oxidize the non- 
nitrogenous residue of the proteids and the amount of carbon diox- 
ide resulting from it.upon the assumption of complete oxidation. 

* Compare p. 51. + Landw. Jahrb., 27, Supp. III, 240. 


As a matter of fact, however, it is not easy to determine satis- 
factorily the proportion of the respiratory exchange due to the 
proteids, both because the nitrogenous products of their meta- 
bolism are numerous and occur in varying proportions in the urine, 
and because we may not always be justified in assuming complete 
oxidation of the non-nitrogenous residue. Computations of the 
nature indicated above, therefore, must be accepted with some 

A simpler case, and one which has been extensively investigated, 
is the nature of the increased metabolism arising from muscular 
exertion. As we shall see in a succeeding chapter, such exertion 
causes a marked increase in the respiratory exchange while pro- 
ducing at most but a slight effect upon the proteid metabolism. 
If we neglect altogether this latter effect, the ratio between the in- 
crements of carbon dioxide and oxygen will indicate whether the 
additional material consumed during the performance of the work 
consisted of fat or carbohydrates or a mixture of the two, of course 
on the same assumption as before, viz., that substantially only 
these two classes of substances are available in the schematic body. 

For example, in an investigation by Zuntz, cited on a subsequent 
page, the performance of one kilogram-meter of work of draft 
by a dog caused the following increments in the respiratory ex- 

ORV PONY oo hte uit cee oaks Shows othe wees 1.6704 c.c. 
Carbon dioxided, ties. aston «eee ae 1.4670 “ 
Respiratory Quotient ..:c...0.-0ps os 0.878 

Assuming, as above, that these amounts arise from the oxida- 
tion of fat and carbohydrates only, let x equal the amount of oxy- 
gen consumed in the oxidation of fat and 1.6704—z the amount 
consumed in the oxidation of carbohydrates. Since the respira- 
tory quotient of fat is 0.7069, the x cubic centimeters of oxygen 
would yield 0.70692 cubic centimeters of carbon dioxide, while the 
1.6704—z cubic centimeters of oxygen used to oxidize the carbohy- 
drates would yield an equal volume of carbon dioxide. We there- 
fore have— 

0.7069x+ (1.6704—2x) =1.4670, 
whence x=0.6939. 


The division of the increments of the respiratory gases was accord- 

Oxygen Carbon Dioxide 
Consumed. Produced. 
Byte beret sete em ica sc ocean 0.6939 c.c. 0.4905 c.c. 
By carbohydrates........... 0.9765 “ 0.9765 “ 
RCO EE ror het 1.6704 ‘ 1.4670 “ 

From these data the actual amounts of fat and carbohydrates 
metabolized can be readily computed, one gram of fat requiring for 
its oxidation 2.8875 grams (2.028 liters) of oxygen and producing 
1.434 liters of carbon dioxide, while one gram of a carbohydrate of 
the composition of starch requires 1.185 grams (0.832 liter) of 
oxygen and produces the same volume of carbon dioxide. 

of the Zuntz type of respiration apparatus may afford invaluable 
information regarding the nature of the chemical changes going 
on in the body, a satisfactory determination of the gain or loss of 
carbon by the body usually requires the employment of one of the 
other types of apparatus.* Having by such means added a deter- 
mination of the carbon balance to that of the nitrogen balance, we 
have the data necessary for computing the gain or loss of fat as well 
as of protein by the schematic body. 

For this purpose we first compute the gain or loss of protein 
in the manner already described. Using Kohler’s factor for pro- 
tein (p. 67), a gain of 16.67 grams of nitrogen is equivalent to a 
gain of 100 grams of protein. This 100 grams of protein will 
contain, according to Henneberg, 53 grams, or according to Kohler, 
52.6 grams of carbon. Any gain of carbon in excess of this amount 
must therefore be in the form of non-nitrogenous organic matter, 
while if less than this amount of carbon has been gained the non- 
nitrogenous matter of the body must have been drawn upon to 
supply the difference. The only non-nitrogenous organic substance 
assumed to be present in the schematic body, however, is fat, con- 
taining on the average 76.5 per cent. of carbon (p. 61). Neces- 

*For a direct comparison of results obtained upon the horse by the Zuntz 
and the Pettenkofer forms of apparatus, see Lehmann, Zuntz, & Hagemann, 
Landw. Jahrb., 28, 125. 


sarily, then, on this assumption, each gram of carbon gained in 
excess of that stored in the form of protein will represent 1.3 grams 
of fat stored. 

Formation of Glycogen.—Granting the substantial accuracy of 
the computation of the gain or loss of protein, the only serious 
criticism to which the above method of computing the gain or loss 
of fat is subject is that it does not take account of the possible stor- 
age of carbon in other forms, and particularly as glycogen. In 
other words, it may be contended that the schematic body should 
be regarded as consisting of water, ash, fat, and carbohydrates. 
There is undoubtedly a certain degree of justification for this con- 
tention, and the significance of small gains of carbon, or of gains 
observed during short periods, is by no means unambiguous. But 
when such a gain is observed to continue day after day for weeks 
on an unchanged ration, as in some of the experiments cited on 
subsequent pages, the objection loses all force. 

Computation oF Toran MetrasotismM.—The same _ principle 
may be applied to the computation of the total amount of protein 
and fat metabolized. From the urinary nitrogen (plus that of the 
feces if the latter be regarded as a metabolic product) by multipli- 
cation by the conventional factor we obtain, as already explained, 
the total proteid metabolism. Subtracting the amount of carbon 
corresponding to this quantity of protein from the total carbon 
excretion leaves a remainder which must have been derived from 
non-nitrogenous material. If carbohydrates are absent from the 
food, this material, in an experiment of any length, must be 
substantially fat, and the amount of the latter can be computed 
from the carbon by the use of the factor 1.3. In the presence of 
any considerable amount of carbohydrates, however, the results 
are ambiguous unless we know also the quantity of oxygen con- 

Other Determinations—The great majority of investigations 
upon the metabolism of matter have been confined to determi- 
nations of the nitrogen and carbon balance. Occasionally, how- 
ever, other determinations have been made. 

HyproGcen BaLancre.—Determinations of water and of hydrogen 
in organic combination in food and excreta enable us, after making 


allowances for the hydrogen gained or lost in protein and fat, to 
compute the gain or loss of water by the body. 

With the earlier forms of respiration apparatus, great diffi- 
culty was experienced in obtaining satisfactory results for the 
water,* and Stohmann j has traced the difficulty to an invisible 
condensation of water on the walls of the chamber and connections. 
More recently Rubner { has been able to make satisfactory deter- 
minations of water with a Pettenkofer apparatus by avoiding as 
much as possible differences of temperature between different parts 
of the apparatus and by taking the sample of the outcoming air for 
analysis as close to the respiration chamber as possible. Atwater 
& Rosa have shown that their form of Pettenkofer apparatus 
(p. 72) permits of very accurate determinations of water. 

OxyGEN BaLancr.—Owing to the technical difficulties already 
indicated in considering the different types of respiration apparatus, 
direct determinations of the oxygen balance have rarely been made. 
This is the more to be regretted since such a determination would 
~erve to check those of nitrogen, carbon, and hydrogen, and would 
be a test of the accuracy of our deductions from those determina- 
tions as to the nature of the material gained or lost by the body. 

AsH INGREDIENTS.—The gain or loss of ash ingredients can of 
course be readily determined, but the subject as yet has hardly 
received the attention which it deserves. 

SULPHUR AND PHospHoRUS.—Sulphur forms an essential con- 
stituent of the proteids, while phosphorus enters into the composi- 
tion of the nucleins and also of lecithin. The determination of the 
income and outgo of these two elements is often of value in rela- 
tion to special physiological questions, but from the somewhat 
general standpoint of this work may be considered as of rather 
minor importance. 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 11, 126. 

+ Landw. Vers. Stat., 19, 81. 
¢ Arch. f. Hygiene, 11, 160. 


Tur matter which the animal organism derives from its food is 
applied substantially in three general directions: first, to the main- 
tenance of those vital activities, such as circulation, respiration, 
secretion, the metabolic activity of the various tissues, etc., and 
probably to some extent the direct production of heat, which in 
their entirety make up the physical life of the organism; second, 
to the support of those functions by which the crude materials 
ingested are prepared to nourish the body, that is, to the work of 
digestion and assimilation; third, to the production of external 
mechanical work or to the storage of surplus material in the form 
of growth of tissue. 

Of these three general functions of the food, the one first named 
is obviously of fundamental significance, and a determination of 
the nature and amount of its demands constitutes the natural first 
step in a study of the laws of nutrition. For this purpose we can 
eliminate the influence of the other two factors by keeping the ani- 
mal as nearly as possible in a state of absolute rest and by with- 
holding food. Under these circumstances the expenditure of matter 
from the tissues of the body may be taken as representing the 
miminum demands of the vital functions. It will therefore be both 
logical and convenient to consider first, in the present chapter, the 
fasting metabolism of the quiescent animal, while in succeeding chap- 
ters we take up the influence respectively of the food-supply and of 
external work upon metabolism. The protein of the food has such 
peculiar and distinct functions in the animal economy that it will 
be a matter of practical convenience to follow the historical order 
of investigation and consider first the proteid metabolism by itself 



and subsequently the total metabolism as shown by the combined 
nitrogen and carbon balance. 

§ 1. The Proteid Metabolism. 

TENDS TO BrecomME Constant.—When food is withheld from a 
well-nourished animal, particularly a carnivorous animal, the proteid 
metabolism usually diminishes, at first rapidly and more slowly later, 
until within a few days it reaches a minimum value which may then 
remain nearly unchanged for a considerable time. This was first 
shown by the investigations of Carl Voit, in conjunction with 
Bischoff and later with v. Pettenkofer, and has been fully confirmed 
by later results. 

The following table shows the results obtained by Voit * in 
several experiments upon a dog weighing about 35 kgs., the pro- 
teid metabolism being expressed in grams of urea per day. As 
noted in Chapter III, such results are not absolutely accurate and do 
not represent the total proteid metabolism, but the fact that they 
are comparable is sufficient for our present purpose. 

Previous Food per Day. 

2500 G me Stans 1500 G 1500 G 
. 3 Jl rm r . 
Meat. 250 Gene, Meat. *| "Meat. | Nothing. 

Urea per day: Grms. Grms. Grms. Grms. Grms. 
Last day of ae |, alist) 130.0 110.8 110.8 24.7 
1st us fasting. . 60.1 37.5 29.7 26.5 19.6 
PSL aA IAG Dalian Seca es ec 24.9 23.3 18.2 18.6 15.6 
Say MEU SE GG 30090 19.1 16.7 17.5 15.7 14.9 
4thive 6) GG codes 17.3 14.8 14.9 14.9 138.2 
Gun 44/36 GE ees 12.3 12.6 14.2 14.8 12.7 
Gthews SoM Le aves 13.3 12.8 13.0 12.8 13.0 
rata Parse vas SCR Cle sskcke 12.5 12.0 12.1 12.9 
Sth WG  s000¢ AOsd 2 | canes sirens 12.9 12.1 
han) SS UG GB Ubaoudlacgoocodcloooogooodloooo000b6 11.9 
Oth yes ae COT RAEI al Ween ane | Ires Bie OPH 6) 5|| ola CIOS WIGS 11.4 

Two Factors or Protrrp MrETABoLIsM.—In these, as in many 
similar experiments, the proteid metabolism was quite unequal on 
the last day of the feeding and on the first fasting day, but in a 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 2, 311. 


comparatively short time it sank to a minimum which was practi- 
cally the same in all the experiments upon this particular animal, 
viz., the equivalent of about 12 grams of urea per day. This mini- 
mum we may fairly regard as representing the necessary and iney- 
itable destruction of proteids involved in the vital processes of 
the organism, and therefore may consider as taking place also 
when the animal was fed. If, now, we subtract from the total 
urea excreted the 12 grams corresponding to the minimum de- 
mand of the body, there is revealed the second and variable factor 
of the proteid metabolism, which is large in the well-fed animal but 
rapidly disappears during fasting, as the following table shows: 

Previous Food per Day. 

2500 G se fund 1500 G 1500 G 
Meat. |250Grms. | Meat. | Meat. | Nothing. 

Urea per day: Grms. Grms. Grms. Grms. Grms. 
Last day of feeding...... 168.8 ; 118.0 | 98.8 98.8 12.7 
let. “© Sf? Pasting’) ai 48.1 25.5 17.7 14.5 7.6 
2a).e* ts) 2 A eee 12.9 11.3 6.2 6.6 3.6 
atel | Ge Pe gee tet dee hes A 5.5 3.7 2.9 
4th “ -“ Re eae ieee Sine aes) 2.9 2.9 1.2 
thn, ee tere. 0.3 0.6 2a, 2.8 0.7 
(elay ee te oh Bye: Sete 13 0.8 1.0 0.8 1.0 
Ans Ve et esd me * St eee 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.9 
8th 7 . eg, Satttates SO Nia ae 0.9 0.1 
9th . Rohe a toa! Ste a aewmateerge. |G. ns itty oh cee Seeds —0.1 
NOt (ee be Seer || 1 th che ad Pereira eA LY Re — 0.6 

ORGANIZED AND CrrcuLATORY PRoTEIN.—It is evident from 
the above results, and will appear still more clearly when we come 
to consider the influence of the food-supply upon proteid meta- 
bolism, that in addition to the great mass of proteid tissue in the 
body, whose metabolism results in the excretion of a relatively 
small and constant amount of nitrogenous products, the well- 
nourished organism may also contain variable amounts of nitrogen- 
ous matter which is subject to rapid metabolism and which speed- 
ily disappears during fasting. Voit employed the term circula- 
tory protein (Zirkulationsevwweiss) to designate this variable store 
of rapidly metabolized nitrogenous matter, which he regards as 
being substantially the dissolved protein which penetrates from 


the blood and lymph into the cells of the tissues, while he termed 
the protein of the organized tissues, which is relatively stable and 
but slowly metabolized, organized protein (Organeiweiss). The 
amount of the circulatory protein is small in all cases as compared 
with that of the organized protein, its absolute amount being de- 
pendent, as the above tables indicate and as will appear more 
clearly in the next chapter, upon the supply of proteids in the 
food. Owing to its rapid metabolism, however, it furnishes by 
far the larger part of the nitrogenous waste products in the liberally 
fed animal. 

That the anatomical distinctions implied in the terms used by 
Voit correspond to the actual facts of the case has been disputed 
and may be open to question, but for our present purpose this does 
not particularly concern us. The fact of the existence of the two 
factors of proteid metabolism, viz., a variable one, depending upon 
the previous food-supply and a relatively constant one independ- 
ent of the latter is fully established, by whatever names we may 
choose to call them. 

A Mryimum oF Protern INDISPENSABLE.—While the proteid 
metabolism of the fasting animal is speedily reduced to relatively 
small proportions, it is never entirely suspended as long as the 
animal lives. Moreover, to anticipate a portion of the follow- 
ing chapter, even the most liberal supply of non-nitrogenous 
nutrients is powerless to suspend or very greatly reduce the pro- 
teid metabolism of a fasting animal. A certain amount of proteid 
metabolism is indissolubly associated with the continuance of life, 
and neither the fat of the body nor the non-nitrogenous ingredients 
supplied in the food can perform these special functions of protein 

in the body. 

§2. Total Metabolism. 

Constant Loss or TissuzE.—Common observation, no less than 
scientific investigation, teaches that a fasting animal suffers a con- 
tinual loss of tissue. Such an animal derives the energy required 
for its vital activities from the metabolism of its store of proteids 
and of fat. As regards the former, we have just seen that in a 
short time, or as soon as the influence of the previous supply of 


proteids in the food is exhausted, the proteid metabolism reaches 
a minimum and thereafter remains nearly constant for a consider- 
able time, and subsequent investigations have shown that this 
constancy is still more marked when the proteid metabolism is 
computed per unit of live weight. 

What has thus been found to be true of the proteid metabolism 
has also been shown to hold good of the total metabolism of pro- 
teids plus body fat. As soon as the influence of the previous food 
has disappeared, the rate of metabolism of both proteids and fat 
shows but slight variations throughout a considerable time. Of 
the early experiments of Pettenkofer and Voit, the following * may 
be cited as illustrating approximately this constancy: 

Series a, 1862. Series b, 1861. 
March 10, | March 14, April 5, April 8, | April 11, 
6th Day. | 10th Day.|| 2d Day. | 5th Day. | 8th Day. 
Kgs. Kgs. Kgs. Kgs. Kgs. 
Live weight .............. ol 21 30.05 32.87 31.67 30.54 
Grms, Grms. Grms. Grms. Grms. 
Carbon of excreta ........ 104.1 82.4 108.7 100.0 93.2 
Nitrogen of excreta....... 5.95 5.23 11.6 Da 4.7 
Total loss: 
IPPOteldS ts. 2. cs ciac e e.eios 37.18 32).69 72.51 35.63 29.38 
a Geek Pseal ot ens ac eee 107. 83. 86. 103. 99 .2 
Loss per Kg. live weight: 
IProtelds ee eee oe 1.19 1.09 2210 133 0.96 
HAASE ohne erates ete Raa 3.43 | 2.76 2.62 3:25 320 

Finkeler + determined the respiratory exchange of fasting 
guinea-pigs in two-hour periods. Upon the highly probable assump- 
tion that their proteid metabolism was relatively small and con- 
stant, the results of such experiments would furnish a measure of 
the relative intensity of the total metabolism. Finkeler’s average 
results are contained in the table on the opposite page. 

But a slight decrease in the amount of oxygen consumed is 
observed in the different stages of the fasting, while there is a 
marked decrease in the amount of carbon dioxide produced. The 
relation between these two quantities, as expressed by the respira- 
tory quotient,{ shows us that at the beginning of the fasting the 
metabolism was largely at the expense of the carbohydrates of the 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 5,369. Arch. ges. Physiol., 23,175. {Compare p. 74. 


Per Hour and Kg. Live Weight. 
Length of Fasting, ae Respiratory 
Minutes. Oxygen Consumed, canbou Dioxide Quotient. 
c.c. C.c. ; 
0 1202.19 1111.80 0.93 
1468 1154.53 923.75 0.80 
2950 1146.76 811.12 0.71 
0) 1250.28 
1575 1226.18 
3543 1241.78 
5940 1192.50 } 
334 1959.45 1494.68 0.76 
1712 1850.02 1318.19 0.71 
3233 1809.85 1289 .63 0.71 

body, while as the experiment progressed the store of carbohydrates 
(glycogen) in the body was gradually exhausted and the meta- 
bolism finally became a fat metabolism. Since, now, as will be 
shown in Chapter VIII, the consumption of equal amounts of oxygen 
results in the liberation of approximately equal amounts of energy 
whether that oxygen is employed to oxidize carbohydrates or fats, 
Finkeler concludes that the total metabolism, as measured in terms 
of energy, was nearly constant. 

Lehmann and Zuntz * have observed a similar constancy of 
the respiratory exchange per unit of weight in the case of two 
men fasting for eleven and six days respectively, while Munk + 
found their urinary nitrogen to be also approximately constant. 
Magnus-Levy { has likewise observed a similar constancy in the 
respiratory exchange of the dog and of man during fasting, as have 
also Johansson, Landgren, Sondén, & Tigerstedt § for man. 

Rubner,|| as a preliminary to his investigations upon the re- 
placement values of the nutrients, discusses this question at some 
length and gives the results of experiments upon dogs, rabbits, 
guinea-pigs and fowls, in which the excretion of nitrogen and car- 
bon per unit weight shows a marked degree of constancy through 
considerable periods. 

* Virchow’s Archiv, 181, Supp. t Arch. ges. Physiol., 55, 1. 

{ Ibid. §Skand. Archiv. f. Physiol., 7, 29. 
|| Zeit. f. Biol., 17, 214; 19, 313; Biologische Gesetze, p. 15. 


discussion of these and other results on fasting animals, to which 
we shall have occasion to refer again in Part II, E. Voit * shows 
that a still more constant relation is obtained when either the pro- 
teid or the total metabolism is compared with the total mass of 
proteid tissue estimated to be contained in the body on the several 
days of the experiment. The total protein of the body, however, 
may be regarded as at least an approximate measure of the active 
cell mass, as distinguished from the relatively inactive cells of 
adipose tissue. It is the vital activities of the former, in the fast- 
ing animal, that mainly determine the amount of the total meta- 
bolism, the energy liberated being supplied in part by the relatively 
small amount of proteid metabolism which goes on in the cells of 
the fasting animal, but largely by the metabolism of fat supplied 
to the active cells from the adipose tissue. 

Ratio or Proreip To Toran Merasorism.—In the preceding 
paragraph it was implied that the proteid metabolism constitutes 
but a small portion of the total metabolism of the fasting animal, 
the remainder of the necessary energy being supplied, after the 
small store of glycogen in the body is exhausted, by the metabo- 
lism of body fat. Rubner t appears to have been the first to call 
specifie attention to this aspect of the question. In his investiga- 
tions upon the relation of size of animal to total metabolism he 
adduces experimental results to prove that this ratio is not mate- 
rially different in large and in small animals. The question has, 
however, been more recently discussed by E. Voit{ from a general 
point of view, the results of numerous investigators being summa- 
rized. In discussing these results, Voit has computed from the 
nitrogen and carbon balance, when these data were available, in 
substantially the manner described in Chapter VIII, the amount of 
energy liberated by the metabolism of the protein and fat lost by 
the body. In those instances in which only the nitrogen balance 
was determined, he estimates the amount of energy liberated in 
the body from the computed surface on the basis of average results 
with similar animals. (Compare Chapter XI, § 2.) Taking this 
amount, expressed in calories, as the measure of the total meta- 
bolism, and including only experiments in which the animals 

» * Zeit. f. Biol., 41, 113. + Ibid., 19, 557. + Ibid., 41, 167. 


are believed to have been in good bodily condition (well nourished) 
at the beginning of the trials, he obtains the following average 

Nitrogen Excretion per Day. 


prepren Hee 

3 coal Live Woteht, Metabolism. 


RSWANIG Pap eo ratel short eeu 115.0 6.8 0.06 7.3 
Mier ssa ies seen: 63.7 12.6 0.20 15.6 
28 .6 5.1 0.18 13.2 
MOREA csolers fois fee 9+ {8:3 3.8 0.20 10.7 
7.2 2.2 0.30 13.5 
Ha Dit yer is ais): 2.7 4 0.46 16.5 
Guimearpig; ae. a4: 0.6 0.4 0.65 10.8 
Goose: ees eet 3.3 0.8 0.23 7.4 
Tere ayaa is ites! 2.1 0.7 0.34 10.0 

As will appear later, the total metabolism of a small animal is 
greater per unit of weight than that of a large animal. The above 
figures show that the same thing is true of the proteid metabolism. 
When, however, the proteid metabolism is computed as a percent- 
age of the total metabolism, as in the last column of the table, this 
dependence upon the live weight disappears. While the figures 
still show considerable variations, these are much reduced and 
show no connection with the live weight. In other words, the proteid 
metabolism tends to be a somewhat uniform percentage of the 
total metabolism, ranging in these experiments, aside from two 
apparently exceptional results, between 10 and 16 per cent. 

The individual experiments cited by Voit show a similar general 
uniformity, both in the same animal on successive days of fasting 
and in case of different animals. Thus twenty-seven experiments ° 
on the dog gave the following: 

Number of Cases. 
Range of Proteid Metabolism in Per Cent. 
of Total Metabolism. 

Absolute. Per Cent. 
Trees ELTON) ID) 3 a Ne aie ye SR esa 4 14.8 
EWA een ye, ance Neen ales Cie d aca alate aveveaecamase 15 55.6 
Tee UP as SNe ay An WN Snare OMe Re aT So 5 18.5 
Morente Whey) velewercrec sl cvshe (ev eheca/ oie aseveveys 3 11.1 

27 100.0 


The great majority of cases gave values lying between 10 and 
17 per cent. 

Errect oF Bopy Fat.—Both from the summary on p. 87 and 
from the individual results cited by Voit, it is evident that while 
the proportion of energy supplied by the metabolism of pro- 
teids in the fasting animal is normally small and varies only within 
rather narrow limits, it is still subject to relatively considerable 
variations. The most important cause of these variations in the 
fasting animal under uniform external conditions appears to be 
the ratio of fat to protein in the body. 

C. Voit * appears to have first noted that when fasting is pro- 
longed sufficiently to nearly exhaust the reserve of visible fat in 
the body, the proteid metabolism, after remaining nearly constant 
or decreasing slightly for some days, as in the examples just given, 
begins to increase somewhat rapidly. This increase Voit attrib- 
uted to the exhaustion of the fat, the oxidation of which had hith- 
erto partially protected the organized proteids of the body. Sub- 
sequent investigations, particularly Rubner’s,t have in general 
confirmed Voit’s observation, while giving it a somewhat more — 
general form. 

E. Voit { has recently reviewed the available experiments upon 
fasting metabolism in their bearing on this question. From the 
experimental data he computes or estimates, first the ratio of pro- 
teid to total metabolism (expressed in terms of energy), and second 
the ratio of proteids to fat in the body on the several days of each 
experiment. A comparison of these ratios shows a very marked 
correspondence, a high ratio of proteids to fat in the body coin- 
ciding with a large proteid metabolism compared with that of fat, 
~and vice versa. The graphic representations of the relations as 
given by Voit are especially convincing. Moreover, the results 
show that the extent of the proteid metabolism does not depend 
directly upon the duration of the fasting. With different animals, 
or with the same animal under different conditions, a certain ratio 
of proteid to total metabolism is attained whenever the correspond- 
ing ratio of proteid tissue to fat in the body is reached, whether this 
be early or iate in the experiment. 

The growing ratio of proteid to total metabolism in the fasting 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 2,326. + Loc. cit. Seep. 86. + Zeit. f. Biol., 41, 502. 


animal is explained by Voit to be due to an increasing difficulty in 
transferring the reserve fat from the adipose tissues, thus resulting 
in a diminution of the amount of fat (or its cleavage products?) 
circulating in the organism. If the body is well supplied with fat 
at the outset this phenomenon does not at first appear, and the 
ratio of proteid to total metabolism remains nearly constant for a 

With continued fasting the store of body fat is, as has just been 
shown, drawn upon much more rapidly than that of protein, while 
at the same time the total amount of the former present at the 
beginning of fasting is often less than that of the latter. As a 
necessary result, the ratio of fat to protein in the body decreases. 
When this decrease passes a certain point, the fat of the adipose 
tissue is drawn upon with more and more difficulty for material to 
supply the demand for energy, and as a result additional protein is 
metabolized to make good the deficiency of available fat. From 
this time on, the ratio of proteid to total metabolism shows a con- 
tinually accelerated increase. The time when the increase in the 
proteid metabolism becomes marked depends upon the original 
condition of the body. If the animal is well nourished, and espe- 
cially if it contains large reserves of fat, the increase may be long 
deferred or even fail to appear at all. If, on the other hand, it is 
poorly nourished and contains little fat, an increase of the proteid 
metabolism may take place almost from the outset. The following 
three examples, cited by E. Voit from Rubner’s experiments, may 
serve to illustrate these three types of fasting metabolism: 

Guinea Pig. Dog. Rabbit. 
Proteid Proteid ; Proteid 
Day of Metabolism Day of Metabolism Day of Metabolism 
Fasting. in % of Total Fasting, in % of Total Fasting. in % of Total 
Metabolism. Metabolism. Metabolism. 
DAE ENR AO 10.4 2-4 16.3 3 16.5 
Oise ots Wat val 10-11 13.1 5-7 23 .6 
7M re Lage apa 11.0 12 15.5 9-12 26.5 
DB tetvel 3s 11.9 13 17.4 13-15 29.8 
Glee oe 11.8 14 20.0 16 50.1 
CROSS 6.9 17-18 96.4 
Sees Lhe 2 
OR Nears. 10.9 


Schulze * claims that this increase in the proteid metabolism of 
the fasting animal is not, in all cases at least, due to lack of fat or 
other non-nitrogenous material to protect the protein from destruc- 
tion. He advances the hypothesis that the loss of protein incident 
to the fasting so injures the cells that finally many of them die 
and the protein of their protoplasm becomes part of the circula- 
tory protein of the body and is rapidly decomposed, thus giving 
rise to an increased excretion of nitrogen. 

While it is not impossible that this ingenious hypothesis has 
some basis of fact, Kaufmann,f in a quite full review of the litera- 
ture of the subject, together with original experiments, shows 
that it can by no means supplant Voit’s explanation. He points 
out in particular that the time when the increase in the proteid 
metabolism begins seems to bear no relation to the loss of protein 
which the body has sustained, while, on the other hand, it coin- 
cides quite closely with the time when the supply of visible fat is 
nearly exhausted. 

SummMary.—In the light of the facts set forth in the foregoing 
paragraphs we may sketch the general outlines of the fasting meta- 
bolism somewhat as follows: 

In the early stages of fasting, particularly if the previous food 
has contained an abundance of proteids, the proteid metabolism 
may be considerable. As the effect of the previous food disappears, 
however, and the store of “circulatory protein” in the body is ex- 
hausted, the proteid metabolism speedily falls to the minimum 
amount required for the vital activities of the protoplasm, and the 
remaining demands of the body for energy are supplied by the 
metabolism of the stored-up fat. If the latter is fairly abundant, 
this stage may last several days, the total metabolism remaining 
nearly constant and the proteids supplying a nearly constant pro- 
portion of the necessary energy (according to E. Voit about 15-16 
per cent.). Sooner or later, however (unless in a very fat animal), 
the supply of fat from the adipose tissue begins to flag. The de- 
mand for energy, however, remains unabated, and as the fat-supply 
falls off, more and more protein is metabolized in its place, until at 

* Arch. ges. Physiol., 76, 379. + Zeit. f. Biol., 41, 75. 

tCompare also E. Voit’s critique of Schulze’s investigations. (Zeit. f. 
Biol., 41, 550.) 


last the metabolism may even become almost entirely proteid in 
its character. We have in these facts the first of the numerous 
illustrations which we shall meet in the course of this discussion 
of the plasticity of the organism in adapting itself to differences 
in the food-supply, and of the controlling influence exerted upon 
the course of its metabolism by the demand for energy. 

THe INTERMEDIARY MetTasotismM.—The prime object of the 
metabolism of the quiescent fasting animal is, as already pointed 
out, to supply energy for the performance of the vital functions. 

Mention has already been made in Chapter II of the hypothesis 
that the immediate source of energy to the cells of both muscles 
and glands is the metabolism of carbohydrate material. This 
hypothesis in effect regards the metabolism of the fasting animal as 
divisible into three processes: first, the splitting up of the proteids, 
yielding urea and fat; second, the partial oxidation of fat, whether 
derived from the proteids or from the adipose tissue, yielding dex- 
trose; third, the oxidation of the resulting dextrose in the tissues. 

So far as the kind and amount of excretory products are con- 
cerned, it of course makes no difference whether the metabolism 
takes place in accordance with this hypothesis or whether the 
proteids and fat are oxidized directly in the tissues. In either 
case the fasting animal lives upon its store of proteids and fat, and 
the resulting excretory products, as well as the amount of heat 
produced, are qualitatively and quantitatively the same, so that 
the coincidence observed by Kaufmann * between the observed 
results and those computed from his equations is without special 
significance in this case. 

There is, nevertheless, an important and essential difference in 
the two views. If we regard the proteids and fat as yielding up 
their energy directly for the vital activities, then all the energy 
thus liberated is available for this purpose. If, on the contrary, 
-we suppose these substances to be first partially metabolized in the 
liver or elsewhere in the organism, then only that portion of their 
potential energy which is contained in the resulting dextrose is 
available directly for the general purposes of the body. The re- 
mainder of their energy is liberated as heat during the preliminary 

*Archives de Physiologie, 1896, pp. 329 and 352. 


metabolism, and while contributing its quota towards maintaining 
the normal temperature of the body is not directly available for 
other purposes. In other words, the question is not one as to the 
total energy liberated, but as to its form and distribution. As 
regards the fasting animal itself, the question is of minor impor- 
tance; but, as will appear in subsequent. chapters, it materially 
affects our views as to the relative values of the several nutrients 
of the food. 



TuE metabolism of the fasting animal was regarded in the pre 
ceding chapter as representing the essential demands of the vital 
functions for a supply of matter as a vehicle of potential energy. 
Under these conditions, as we have seen, the total metabolism bears 
a close relation to the mass of active tissue, while the qualitative 
character of the metabolism, that is the ratio of proteid to non- 
proteid matter consumed, appears to be likewise constant for any 
given condition of the body, depending upon the relative supply 
of proteids and non-nitrogenous matters to the active cells. When 
food is given to such an animal the conditions are modified in essen- 
tially three ways: 

First, to the metabolism incident to the fasting state is added 
that required to supply the energy consumed in the digestion and 
assimilation of the food. 

Second, the food-supply may alter the proportions in which the 
various nutrients are supplied to the active cells, and thus affect 
the metabolism qualitatively, giving rise to a relatively greater 
or less metabolism of proteids, fats, carbohydrates, etc. 

Third, the food-supply may be in excess of the requirements of 
the body and lead to a storage of matter of one sort or another. 

The quantitative relations of the food-supply to the total 
metabolism and to the storage of matter and energy in the body 
may be most satisfactorily considered upon the basis of the amounts 
of energy involved. Accordingly we may content ourselves here 
with a simple mention of this side of the question, deferring a dis- 
cussion of it to Part II and confining the present chapter largely 
to a study of the qualitative changes in the metabolism brought 
about by variations in the food-supply. As in the previous chapter, 
it will be convenient to consider the relations of the proteids of the 



food and of the body separately from those of the non-nitrogenous 

§ 1. The Proteid Supply. 

The effects of the proteid supply upon metabolism may be most 
readily and clearly traced in experiments in which the food consists 
solely, or nearly so, of proteids, deferring to the next section a 
consideration of the modifications introduced by the presence of 
non-nitrogenous nutrients’ in the food. 

Effects on Proteid Metabolism. 

Our knowledge of the relations between proteid supply and 
proteid metabolism in the animal body is based upon the funda- 
mental investigations of Bischoff & Voit,* Carl Voit,f and Petten- 
kofer & Voit,t at Munich. The results of these researches have 
been so fully confirmed by subsequent investigators and have 
become so much the common property of science that it is unneces- 
sary to do more than summarize them here, with the addition of 
such examples as may seem best adapted to illustrate them. 

Amount Requirep To Reacu Nirrocen EquiLisrium.—As 
we have seen, the proteid metabolism of a fasting animal speedily 
reaches a minimum which we may probably regard as representing, 
at least approximately, the amount of proteids necessarily broken 
down and oxidized in the vital activities of the tissues of the body. 
If we supply proteid food to such an animal, we might naturally 
be inclined to expect that the first use to which the proteids of 
the food would be put would be to stop the loss of proteid tissue, 
and that if as much proteid was supplied in the food as was being 
metabolized in the body, nitrogen equilibrium would be reached. 

Experiment shows, however, that this is very far from being 
the case. Even the least amount of proteids causes a prompt 
increase in the urinary nitrogen, and each successive addition of 
proteids results in a further increase, so that it is not until the food 
proteids largely exceed the amount metabolized during fasting 
that nitrogen equilibrium is reached. Thus Bischoff & Voit,{ 

* Gesetze der Erniihrung des Fleischfressers, 1860. 

+ Published chiefly in the Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie and the 
Zeitschrift fiir Biologie. See also Voit, “Physiologie des Stoffwechsels,’’ in 

Herman’s Handbuch der Physiologie. 
+ Zeit. f. Biol., 8, 29 and 33. 


in a series of experiments upon a dog fed exclusively on lean meat, 
obtained the results shown in the following table, the proteid 
metabolism being expressed in terms of flesh with its normal water 
content (N x 29.4) instead of dry proteids: 

Date. Meat Fed. Mere teal Haat 7 
1858. 5 
AN IFeRS PAB 3 ogee leg c.g eae Giclee ea ee 0 223 — 223 
Ban OMe tte ine wenn SN ra Toe 0 190 —190 
Cm ATI CAS tense crannies ict veticers 300 379 — 79 
- i eee. TS ile SSA ae ae on ne — re 
CUM ANG dare es cretestsk ses 6 are — 
GEE Ze AS AGS eT 1200 1180 + 20 
BT ae CIN 7 eh a rn ee at Nag 1500 1446 + 54 
INOW GY Biss, Guana eee renee Ie ee 1800 1764 + 36 
MMGATIC LS Mer a AN as 1500 1510 — 10 
BML SRE mELOS Lestat nes, Whe Uo 1200 1234 — 34 
CF SX CRS 0 UT se nt ea a 900 945 — 45 
SELON CATED eM hans eirzatns NG ae aie 600 682 — 82 
eee Ama snNe iy Ura estan lp 2D a an cee 300 453 —153 
OS OY Gi Ai DAY cet LH OO WATS DL NCU Ge 176 368 —192 
CLINT SxS 325) DD Yay Cel lee ie De er gC eee 0) 226 — 226 

A much later series by E. Voit & Korkunoff,* in which the 
results were determined in terms of nitrogen, may ve cited to illus- 
trate the same point. The food was lean meat from which the 
extractives had been removed by treatment with cold water. It 
contained 1.25 to 1.96 per cent. of fat. 

Nitrogen in 
Food. - 
Food, Feces and Urine,| Gain or Loss, 
Grms. Grms. Grms. 
ING lai ere ten ie wasnt elie tsener sed: 0 3.996 —3.996 
100 grms. extracted meat........ 4.10 5.558 —1.458 
140) e Boh Ne Saat A teas ea 5.74 6.495 —0.755 
G5 ac ei es NaI re 6.77 0 o2ake —0.447 
Shy ss a Hep mek aie a ceeneas 7.59 7.804 —0.214 
ZH) ‘a eit cement cana 8.20 8.726 —0.526 
23 en ss NA We eee ae 10.24 10.579 —0.339 
360 “ if Frame ay Seer tanes 11.99 12.052 —0.062 
410 <“ oe SC eM is 2 ted 15.58 14.314 +1.266 
A460 <“ sé set A eet eae 13.68 13.622 +0.058 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 32, 67. 


The proteid supply gradually overtakes the proteid metabolism, 
but when only proteids are fed the supply must largely exceed the 
fasting metabolism in order to attain nitrogen equilibrium. — E. 
Voit has endeavored to obtain a numerical expression for this 
relation by taking as the basis of comparison the fasting meta- 
bolism. He estimates (loc. cit., p. 101) that of the total nitro- 
gen excretion of a fasting animal 81.55 per cent. is derived from 
true proteids and 18.45 per cent. from the extractives of the 
muscles. Since the food in his experiments consisted substan- 
tially of true proteids, he compares its nitrogen with 81.55 per 
cent. of the nitrogen of the excreta and thus finds that the mini- 
mum supply of proteid nitrogen required to reach nitrogen equi- 
librium was between 3.67 and 4.18 times that metabolized during 
fasting, the true value being estimated at 3.68. Five other less 
exact experiments gave confirmatory results and similar confirma- 
tion is found in the experimental results of C. Voit. 

Errect of Excess OF Proterps.—If the supply of proteids to 
a mature animal be still further increased after nitrogen equilib- 
rium is reached, the excess of proteids is promptly metabolized, 
its nitrogen reappearing in the excreta. In other words, the ex- 
eretory nitrogen keeps pace with the supply of nitrogen in the food. 
The experiments by Bischoff & Voit just cited serve to ilustrate 
this fact also. Approximate nitrogen equilibrium was reached on 
1200-1500 grams of meat, but in other trials even double this 
supply caused but a slight apparent gain of nitrogen, and it is 
probable that if the total urinary nitrogen had been determined 
instead of the urea, and account taken of the nitrogen of the 
feces, even this small difference would have disappeared. 

It is needless to multiply examples of this perfectly well-estab- 
lished fact. The animal body puts itself very promptly into equi- 
librium with its nitrogen supply and no considerable or long-con- 
tinued gain of proteid tissue can be produced in the mature animal 
by even the most liberal supply of proteid food. 

TRANSITORY STORAGE OF ProTErDs.—But while no continued 
gain of protein by the body can be brought about by additions to 
the proteid food, nevertheless, during the first few days following 
such an increase in the proteid supply a transitory storage of nitro- 
gen takes place. Conversely, too, a decrease in the proteid supply 


causes at first a loss of nitrogen from the body, which, however, 
unless the new supply of proteids falls below a certain minimum is 
as transitory as the gain in the other case. In other words, while 
the nitrogen excretion of the mature animal is in the long run 
equal to the supply in the food, when the amount of the latter 
is changed the full effect on the excretion is not realized at once. 

This fact is well illustrated by the following selection from 
C. Voit’s investigations upon the dog,* the results being expressed 
in terms of “ flesh”’: 

ak lesh ” Metabolized per Day. 

Previous New OuNene 
Ration. | Ration. On prema Ah chache tae 

Grms. | Grms. | Previous 
Meat. Meat. | Ration. |1st Day.}2d Day.|3d Day.|4th Day./5th Day.|6th Day.|7th Day. 
Grms. Grms. | Grms. | Grms. |} Grms. | Grms. | Grms. | Grms. 

1800 | 2500 | 1800 | 2153 | 2480 | 2532 
500 | 1500 547 | 1222 | 1310 | 1390 | 1410 | 1440 | 1450] 1500 

0 | 1500 | 176 | 1267 | 1393 | 1404 
2500 | 2000 | 2500 | 2229 | 1970 
1500 | 1000 | 1500 | 1153 | 1086 | 1088 | 1080 | 1027 
1000 | 5000 | 1000 706 610 | 623 560 

An example of the same fact is found in the experiments cited 
on p. 81, in which a:. proteid food was withdrawn, the nitrogen 
excretion falling rapidly, but reaching its minimum only after three 
or four days. 

Voit explained the facts Just adduced as the consequence of 
the difference between organized and circulatory proteids already 
noted on p. 82. According to this hypothesis, the amount of 
the proteid metabolism is chiefly determined by the store of circu- 
latory proteids in the body. The ingestion of additional proteids 
increases the amount of these circulatory proteids in the body, and 
as a consequence the proteid metabolism increases until the nitrogen 
excretion overtakes the supply. Similarly, a decrease in the pro- 
teid food has the converse effect. 

point, following common usage, the terms nitrogen excretion and 
proteid. metabolism have been employed as practically synony- 
mous. In one sense this usage’ is correct, but it is liable to give 

* EK. v. Wolff, Erniihrung Landw. Nutzthiere, p. 271. 


rise to a misconception. It is perfectly true that the presence of 
one gram, e.g., of nitrogen in the urine, implies that about six grams 
of protein have yielded up their nitrogen in the form of urea or 
other metabolic products and therefore have ceased to exist as pro- 
tein. It by no means follows from this, however, that this protein 
has been completely oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. We 
have already seen (Chapter II, p.48) that the abstraction of the 
elements of urea from protein leaves a non-nitrogenous residue 
equal to nearly two-thirds of the protein, and that there is reason 
to believe that this residue may, according to circumstances, be 
oxidized to supply energy or give rise to a production of glycogen 
or of fat. In other words, the separation of its nitrogen from pro- 
tein and the complete oxidation of its carbon and hydrogen are 
two distinct things. When, therefore, we assert, on the basis of 
the evidence noted above, that the proteid metabolism of the mature 
animal is determined by the supply of proteids in the food, what 
we really mean is that the cleavage of proteids and the excretion 
of their nitrogen is so determined. 

RatE oF NirROGEN Excretion.—A consideration of the course 
of the nitrogen excretion after a meal of proteids is calculated to 
throw light upon the relations of nitrogen cleavage to the total 
metabolism of the proteids. The early investigations of Becher, 
Voit, Panum, Forster, and Falck showed that when proteids are 
given to a fasting animal the rate of nitrogen excretion shows a 
rapid increase, reaching a maximum within a few hours. 

Feder * observed the maximum rate of nitrogen excretion by 
dogs in different experiments between the fifth and eighth hour 
after a meal of meat. From this point the rate of excretion de- 
creased less rapidly than it had increased and continued to decrease 
until about thirty-six hours after the meal. 

Graffenberger,{ experimenting upon himself, obtained similar 
results after the consumption of fibrin, gelatin, and asparagin, while 
the results with a commercial ‘‘meat peptone” were markedly 
different; and Rosemann,{ in studies upon the rate of nitrogen 
excretion by man, traces clearly a similar influence of the ingestion 
of nitrogenous food, while Krummacher’s§ results on dogs fully 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 17,531; Thier Chem. Ber., 12, 402. } Zeit. f. Biol., 28, 318. 
¢ Arch. ges. Physiol., 65, 343. § Zeit. f. Biol., 35, 481, 


confirm those of Feder. Sherman and Hawk * have likewise found 
the curve of nitrogen excretion by man after the ingestion of lean 
meat to show the same general form observed by Feder and by Graf- 

Kaufmann,t by the method outlined in Chapter VIII, has made 
a series of determinations of the nitrogen excretion, respiratory 
exchange, and heat production of dogs during the time when nitro- 
gen cleavage is most active, i.e., from the second to the seventh hour 
after a full meal of meat. From his theoretical equations for the 
complete metabolism of proteids (pp. 51 & 75) he computes the 
respiratory exchange and heat production corresponding to the 
observed excretion of urinary nitrogen and compares them with 
the actual results per hour as follows: 

Proteid Computed. Observed. 
ee eens 
SULA meet Ganemed! Sameer Becctod Gonaiied: Paaeen: 

Liters. Liters. Cals. Liters. Liters. Cals. 
IN@s Aloe 9.329 8.132 9.745 45.0 5.953 6.767 30.6 
po ae De: 9.926 8.565 | 10.373 48 .0 7.064 7.972 34.6 
RPO 9.350 8.153 9.771 45.4 7.161 8.236 34.0 
Eee A 9.540 8.231 9.864 45.8 7.398 8.673 34.0 
Haan 6.632 5.783 6.930 32.0 5.228 6.596 PT 
Se Ole: 9.491 8.276 9.918 46.1 6.393 7.813 29.70. 
LEED datas 8.685 7.573 9.075 42.2 6.325 7.730 29.0 
pee cue 9.958 8.683 | 10.406 48 .4 6.702 7.903 33.6 
Cains a 8.928 7.785 9.235 43.0 6.062 7.916 35.3 
lO mel Onans 9.202 | 11.027 | 51.0 7.125 8.589 SQ 

But a glance is needed to show that the total metabolism, 
whether measured by the gaseous exchange or by the heat produc- 
tion, is much less than that computed, which is equivalent to saying 
that the non-nitrogenous residue of the proteids was not completely 
oxidized. Gruber,$ whose experimental results upon the rate of 
nitrogen excretion fully confirm those above cited, has shown very 
clearly the bearing of these facts. He points out that if we © 

* Amer. Jour. Physiol., 4, 25. 

+ Archives de Physiologie, 1896, pp. 346 and 768. 

¢ Kaufmann’s factor for proteids, derived from the formula C,,H,,,.N,,0..9, 
is 6.39. 

§ Zeit. f. Biol., 42, 407. 

L.of Ww. 


regard the nitrogen excretion as denoting the complete metabo- 
lism to carbon dioxide, water, urea, etc., of a corresponding 
amount of proteids, we get figures for the total evolution of 
energy (heat) in the organism which are entirely incompatible 
with those derived from other considerations. For example, a 
daily diet of 1500 grams of lean meat given to a dog not only suf- 
ficed to supply the demands for energy but produced a storage of fat 
in the body. The total daily production of heat, computed from 
the results of respiration experiments (see Chapter VIII), was 
1060.2 Cals., equivalent to 88.3 Cals. in two hours, which must have 
been derived essentially from the metabolism of proteids. If, how- 
ever, we compute the evolution of energy from the results of the 
nitrogen excretion as determined in two-hour periods, we get strik- 
ingly variable results. 

Gti Day ace Mahivelent Bnerey: 
LMM ear once cioatia Sete eacienties ele 80.6 
ee aces. Rese eee creator Dit 148.2 
Aad onys oe cladecie era anies 6.62 171.6 
Deak, Bul hepehewscal areas bit tones 6.98 181.2 
Orel Ws sis csbake ayo rasan oieermee eens 6.35 165.1 
OR curses. hy canis oaae rap aceon eee 6.04 156.0 
1 bi LM OC REE Renee ot RN 5.08 13256 
l= 7* aCAsverave) icc cae cae 2.65 68 .9 
a OD cocsisetts GO Neate eet en cl one Coat 1.24 32.5 

The heat production as thus computed varies from over twice 
the average two-hour rate to an amount equal to scarcely more than 
one half of the average fasting metabolism of the same animal 
(62 Cals. per two hours). Such fluctuations are entirely inconsistent 
with all data as to the heat production of the body, which, as we 
shall see later, appears to go on with a remarkable degree of uni- 
formity under uniform conditions. The only reasonable conclu- 
sion, then, appears to be that the nitrogen cleavage and the total 
oxidation of the proteids are distinct and at least largely inde- 
pendent. processes. 

Gruber’s explanation of these facts is substantially as follows: 
It is well established that a relatively constant composition of the 
blood and of the fluids of the body generally is an essential condi- 

* One gram N equivalent to 26 Cals. See Chapter VIII. 


tion of normal physiological activity. It has been repeatedly 
demonstrated, however, that when the period of growth is past, the 
animal body has not the ability to produce any material amount of 
proteid tissue. <A large supply of proteid food, then, necessarily 
tends to alter the composition of the blood and other fluids of the 
body, and the nitrogen cleavage is evidently an effort on the part 
of the organism to counteract this effect by splitting off from the 
proteids a nitrogenous group which can be rapidly excreted, leav- 
ing a non-nitrogenous residue which, so far as it is not immediately 
needed to supply energy, is capable of storage in the relatively inert 
and insoluble forms of glycogen and of fat. 

According to Rosemann,* the rapid increase in the nitrogen ex- 
cretion after a meal arises from two concurrent causes: first, a 
direct stimulus to the proteid metabolism, due to the rapid increase 
of proteids and their digestion products in the blood, which is 
somewhat transitory in character; and, second, the effect of a 
larger relative supply of proteids in ‘causing, according to well- 
known physico-chemical laws, a relatively larger number of mole- 
cules of these substances to enter into reactions with the cell proto- 
plasm. The accompanying graphic representation by Gruber + of 
the course of the nitrogen excretion of a dog on the second day of 

GRMs. N 
4 — ae] | | 
— i 

0 2 4 6 8 10121416 18 2022 24 2 4 6 8 1012141618 202224 2 4 6 8 10121416 18 2022 24 2 4 6 8 10121416 18 20 22 24 


feeding with 1000 grams of lean meat and on the three following 
fasting days shows plainly the sudden stimulation of the excretion 

* Loc. cit. t Loe. cit., p. 421. 


at first and the fall, rapid at first, and then very gradual, until the 
minimum of the fasting excretion is reached about the third day. 

On the other hand, Rjasantzeff * and Shepski + ascribe the in- 
crease in the nitrogen cleavage after a meal to the increase in the 
digestive work rather than to the proteids as such. They find it 
possible, by stimulating the activity of the digestive organs without 
introducing food, to considerably increase the nitrogen excretion 
in the urine, while, on the other hand, the introduction of proteid 
food through a gastric fistula produced little or no effect. They 
also find the increase with the same amount of food nitrogen to be 
proportional to the (estimated?) amount of digestive work, but seem 
to offer no explanation of the equality of nitrogen cleavage and 
nitrogen supply. 

Cause OF TRANSITORY STORAGE.—As already noted (p. 96), 
any change in the rate of proteid supply in the food, while resulting 
ultimately in a corresponding change in the rate of nitrogen excre- 
tion, gives rise to a transitory gain or loss of nitrogen by the body, 
which was interpreted by Voit as consisting in a corresponding 
change in the stock of “circulatory protein” in the body. The 
facts which we have just been considering permit us to trace some- 
what more fully the details of the phenomenon. Gruber points 
out that while the larger part of the nitrogen cleavage consequent 
upon a single meal of proteids takes place within a few hours, the 
remainder is prolonged over two or three days, as in the case illus- 
trated above, while he likewise shows experimentally that this 
effect is not due to a retention of the nitrogenous metabolic prod- 
ucts, but represents the actual course of nitrogen cleavage. 

Such being the case, the transitory gain or loss incident to a 
change in the rate of proteid supply is most simply explained as 
the result of a superposition of the daily curves. Let it be assumed, 
for example, that 80 per cent. of the nitrogen cleavage incident to 
a single meal of proteids takes place on the first day, 13 per cent. 
on the second, 5 per cent. on the third, and 2 per cent. on the fourth. 
Then if we give to a fasting animal an amount of proteids contain- 
ing 100 grams of nitrogen for five successive days and then with- 
draw the food, the food nitrogen will be excreted as follows on the 
several days: 

* Jahr. Thier Chem., 26, 349. { Ibid., 30, 711. 


Feeding. Fasting. 

Ist | 2d | 8d | 4th | 5th | 1st | 2d | 3d 
Day.| Day.| Day.| Day. | Day.| Day. | Day.| Day. 

From food of 1st day of feeding....| 80 | 13 | 5 | 2 
(73 66 (73 od (73 (79 73 Bee ‘ Ae 80 13 5 2 
a BO PAS 6 BGT RS Ieee a barca si ll[ te 0) al Gea es a Meo 
“ Semmes 4 UR cruiacsea nie ir Vestn | Sew ME veMn RM RESO AS: BNET wD 
zs peebupEi OU DO atone tassels ca o!| > Salleh ae eect hess O ta ietliggraill «sore lipae 
Motalinjeee. Gy. 80 | 93 | 98 |100 |100 | 20 | 7] 2 

On the above assumptions, there remained in the body at the 
end of the first day 20 grams of nitrogen in the form of unmeta- 
bolized proteids. At the end of the second day this had increased 
to 27 grams, and at the end of the third day had reached the maxi- 
mum of 29 grams. At the end of the first day’s fasting it had fallen 
to 9 grams, at the end of the second day to 2 grams, and at the end 
of the third day to zero. In other words, the transitory storage 
of proteids observed by Voit and others is explained by Gruber as 
due to the fact that the nitrogen cleavage extends over more than 
a single day. 

In reality, of course, the excretion does not take place with any 
such mathematical exactness as in this schematic example, and 
after long fasting in particular a certain rebuilding of proteid tissue 
may occur, but the assumed figures may serve to give a general 
notion of the relations of food-supply and excretion. 

In brief, then, we may suppose that when proteid food is given 
to a fasting animal the stimulating effect upon the nitrogen cleavage 
anticipates the use of the proteids for construetive purposes and 
that a large proportion of them is thus destroyed as proteids before 
it can be used to make good the loss of proteids by the organized 
tissues. In other words, the proteids actually available for the 
tissues are much less than the amount supplied in the food. In 
this view of the matter we can readily see why the proteid supply 
overtakes the nitrogen excretion so slowly and why two or three 
times the amount metabolized in fasting is necessary to make good 
the loss from the body and ensure nitrogen equilibrium. 


Effects on Total Metabolism. 

In the preceding paragraphs the effects of an exclusive proteid 
diet upon the proteid metabolism have been discussed. There 
remain to be considered its effects upon the metabolism of fat. 

Proterps SusstiruTteD FOR Bopy Far.—When proteids are 
given to a fasting animal the proteid metabolism is increased, as we 
have seen, but at the same time the loss of body fat is diminished. 

Pettenkofer & Voit * fed a dog with varying amounts of lean 
meat, which may be regarded as consisting chiefly of proteids 
together with small amounts of fat, with the following average 
results in terms of nitrogen: 

Meat Fed Nitrogen Nitrogen Gain or Loss Gain or Loss 
Grune” of Food, Metabolized, of Nitrogen, of Fat, 
Grms. Grms. Grms. Grms. 
O+ 0 5.6 —5.6 —95 
500 17.0 20.4 —3.4 —A7 
1000 34.0 36.7 —2.7 —19 
1500 t+ 51.0 51.0 0 + 4 

Rubner § has obtained a similar result by the use of the proteid 
mixture resulting from the extraction of lean meat with water, and 
which still contained some fat. As compared with the fasting state, 
the consumption of 740 grams of the moist material (containing 
72.2 per cent. of water) produced the following effect: 

Nit Fat 
a te of Food,! etabolized, Metabolized: 
rms. Grms. Grms, 
Wastin 2.005 gece ces oc. 0 5.25 84.39 
TENG bse eee oe ere ae aan ODL22 26.37 28 .37 
Difference...... aire! 421.12 — 56.02 

The increased nitrogen cleavage resulting from an increase in 
the proteid supply liberates a certain amount of energy for the vital 
activities of the body, while the non-nitrogenous residue of the cleav- 

* Zeit f. Biol., 7, 489. 

t Average of first two experiments, p. 84, Chapter IV. 

t Series I only. The others showed a greater gain of fat and of nitrogen. 

§ Zeit, f, Biol., 22, 51. 


age becomes available also as a source of energy to the organism, 
and the metabolism of fat is correspondingly diminished. In 
effect, then, the proteids are simply substituted for more or less of 
the body fat as a source of energy, and Rubner, in a series of experi- 
ments which will be considered in Part II, has shown that the sub- 
stitution takes place, under the condition of these experiments, ap- 
proximately in proportion to the amount of available potential 
energy contained in the proteids and fats respectively. That is, 
if the extra proteids metabolized can supply a certain amount, 
100 Cals., e.g., of energy to the organism, the fat metabolism is 
diminished by a corresponding amount, so that the total expend- 
iture of energy by the body remains unchanged, being simply 
drawn from different sources in the two cases. 

the experiments by Pettenkofer & Voit cited above, the quantity 
of food proteids which resulted on the average in nitrogen equili- 
brium produced substantially an equilibrium also between the 
supply and excretion of carbon. The earlier experiments of Bidder 
& Schmidt * gave similar results. Later experiments, however, 
have given divergent results, nitrogen equilibrium appearing to 
be reached with an amount of proteids which is far from supplying 
sufficient energy for the organism, so that while the stock of pro- 
teids in the body is maintained, its store of fat is still drawn upon. 

We have seen that the proteid metabolism in the normal fast- 
ing animal amounts to 10-14 per cent. of the total metabolism, 
while according to E. Voit (p. 96) the food proteids required for 
nitrogen equilibrium are, roughly, 24 to 3 times the fasting proteid 
metabolism. It follows, then, that an amount of proteids con- 
taining from 25 to 42 per cent. of the total available energy expended 
by the fasting organism will maintain its store of proteids, and this 
being so, the remaining 58-75 per cent. must necessarily be sup- 
plied by the metabolism of body fat. Thus with the dog on which 
E. Voit’s main experiment was made, nitrogen equilibrium was 
approximately reached with 12.05 grams of nitrogen in the food,+ 
equivalent to 75.31 grams of protein (NX6.25) and containing 

* Compare Atwater & Langworthy; Digest of Metabolism Experiments; 
U.S. Dept. of Agr., Office of Experiment Stations, Bul. 45, 388. 
} Loc. cit., p. 69. 


approximately, according to Rubner (see Chapter x), azieCalsnot 
available energy. The actual expenditure of energy by the animal 
was not determined, but is estimated by the author on the basis 
of Rubner’s investigations at about 1280 Cals. 

Several experiments by Rubner * lead to the same conclusion. 
In these experiments the carbon and nitrogen of the excreta were 
determined and the nitrogen of the food estimated from average 
figures. The proteid metabolism having been computed from the 
total excretory nitrogen, the corresponding amount of carbon is 
computed from the average composition of the proteids and any ex- 
cess in the exereta is assumed to be derived from the metabolism 
of fat. (Compare p. 78.) The following are the results in brief, 
including the one cited above (p. 104): 

Nitrogen| Fat 
Food. Nee a oe ery Remarks. 
, reta, c ' 
epeleels Grms. Grms. 
INGthING? S2a%6 .ecdccracl sees 4.38 | 49.33 
415 grms. lean meat ...| 14.11 | 13.72 | 25.44 | Average of several days. 
Nothing. .ic<24onsen | Gee 2.80 | 79.94 
740 grms. lean meat ...; 25.16 | 20.63 | 30.73 | Ist two days of feeding. 
Nothing: 64254 2.040% ie lameaee 5.25 | 84.36 
740 grms. extracted lean 
TUNA Does ts cei kyinenaie 35.22 | 26.37 | 28.37 | 1st to 4th day of feeding. 
INOtnING Ss ee ees ads .08 | 22.88 

390 grms. lean meat ...| 13.26 | 8.53 | 11.42 | Ist day of feeding. 

INO thin 02.25. chen s tie arene 1.08 | 22.88 
350 grms. lean meat ...| 11.90 | 10.10 | 11.79 | 3d to 6th day of feeding. 

INGO thine: i 4.24 is come) cheaters 3.50 | 37.24 
580 grms. lean meat ..| 19.72 | 18.47 | 21.45 | 1st to 7th day of feeding. 

While some of the experiments were hardly continued long 
enough to absolutely establish the sufficiency of the, 
nevertheless we sce in all cases a material loss of fat on rations which 
apparently are sufficient to prevent a loss of nitrogen from the 

It should perhaps be noted that in Pettenkofer & Voit’s ex- 
periments 1000 grams of meat nearly prevented a loss of nitrogen 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 22, 43-48; 30, 122-134. 


from the body. It appears possible, then, that nitrogen equilib- 
rium might have been reached with a less amount than 1500 grams, 
and that with this less amount there might still have been a loss of 
fat from the body. Whether this possibility is sufficient to explain 
the apparent discrepancy between these and later results must, 
however, remain a matter of conjecture. 

UTILIZATION OF Excess OF PRoTEIDS.—We have seen that no 
very considerable or long-continued storage of protein takes place 
in the body of the mature animal. However large the supply of 
food proteids, the body very soon reaches the condition of nitrogen 
equilibrium, the outgo of this element in the excreta equaling the 
supply in the food. This fact, as has been pointed out, does not 
necessarily prove that the elements of the food proteids are com- 
pletely oxidized in the organism. As was shown in Chapter II, 
the abstraction from proteid matter of the elements of urea (or, 
more strictly speaking, of the elements found in the urine) leaves 
a very considerable non-nitrogenous residue available for the pur- 
poses of the organism. It was there stated that this residue could 
serve as a source of energy, and likewise that there was good reason 
to believe that sugar was formed from it, while finally the question 
of its ability to serve as a source of fat was reserved for discussion 
in the present connection. 

Formation of Fat from Proteids. 

Mention has already been made in Chapter IT (p. 29) of the fact, 
first asserted by Liebig,* that the animal body manufactures fat 
from other ingredients of its food. As a result of the investiga- 
tions incited by the publication of his views regarding the origin 
of animal fat, Liebig’s classification of the nutrients into “ plastic” 
and “respiratory” was generally accepted. The proteids were 
regarded as the material for the growth and repair of the muscles 
and the force exerted by the latter was considered to arise from 
their oxidation, while the non-nitrogenous ingredients of the food, 
especially the carbohydrates, were the source of the animal heat, 
and when present in excess gave rise to a production of fat. 

As time went on, however, observations began to accumulate 

* Compare p. 163. 


tending to show that the proteids were not without influence on 

As early as 1745 R. Thomson,* in experiments on nilch cows, 
noted an apparent connection between the supply of proteids in 
the food and the production of butter. 

Hoppe — in 1856 interpreted the results of an experiment in 
which a dog was fed lean meat with and without the addition of 
sugar as showing a formation of fat from proteids. The same 
author { in 1859 claimed to have shown a slight formation of fat 
from casein in milk exposed to the air, and this was confirmed later 
by Szubotin.§ The latter author, and also Kemmerich,|| and later 
Voit,4] experimented upon the production of milk-fat by dogs. 
Their results, while indicating the possibility of a formation of fat 
from proteids, were indecisive. 

PETTENKOFER & Vort’s EXPERIMENTS.—Carl Voit, however, 
was the first to distinctly champion the new theory, and aside from 
certain confirmatory facts,** such as the formation of fatty acids in 
the oxidation of proteids, the formation of adipocere, the alleged 
formation of fat from proteids in the ripening of cheese and in the 
fatty degeneration of muscular tissue, especially in cases of phos- 
phorous poisoning ,—facts not all of which are fully established and 
whose importance in this connection has probably been over- 
estimated,—the evidence bearing on the question of the formation of 
fat from proteids has been until recently largely that supplied by 
the famous researches of Pettenkofer & Voit tf at Munich. 

In these experiments a dog weighing about 30 kgs. was fed 
varying amounts of prepared lean meat from which fat, connective 
tissue, etc., had been removed as completely as was possible by 
mechanical means. The material thus prepared, while still con- 
taining small amounts of fat, etc., was as near an approach to an 
exclusively proteia diet as was practicable, it having been found 
impossible to successfully carry out feeding experiments with pure 

* Ann. Chem. Pharm., 61, 228. ¢ Virchow’s Archiv, 17, 417. 

+ Virchow’s Archiv, 10, 144 § Ibid., 36, 561. 

|| Wolff, Ernihrung Landw. Nutzthiere, p. 351. 

q Zeit. f. Biol., 5, 136. 

** Compare Voit’s summary in 1869, Zeit. f. Biol., 5, 79-169. 

+t+Am. Chem. Pharm., II, Suppl. Bd., pp. 52 and 361; Zeit. f. Biol., 5, 
106; 7, 433. 


proteids. The experiments were conducted with the aid of a respi- 
ration apparatus, the gain or loss of proteids and fat being com- 
puted from the nitrogen and carbon balance in the manner described 
in Chapter III. 

The following is a condensed summary of the average results 
of these experiments, as given by the authors,* but includes also 
the average of all the experiments with 1500 grams of meat. On 

Gain (+) or Loss (—) by Animal. 
Number of Meat Eaten per Day, 
Experiments. Grms. 
Flesh. Fat. 
Grms. Grms. 
0 —165 —95 
500 — 99 —47 
1000 — 79 —19 
3t 1500 0 en 
22 1500 + 18 + 9 
il 1800 + 43 + 1 
2 2000 — 44 +58 
1 2500 — 12 +57 

the smaller rations, which were obviously insufficient for main- 
tenance, the animal lost both flesh and fat. A ration of 1500 
grams of meat per day sufficed approximately to maintain the ani- 
mal as regards flesh and to cause a small gain of fat. On the 
heavier rations the excretion of nitrogen kept pace with the supply 
in the food in the manner illustrated on pp. 94-96 but the excretion 
of carbon fell considerably below the supply, indicating a produc- 
tion of fat. | 

It is to be noted that only the last three experiments in the above 
table actually show any very considerable production of fat. The 
insufficient rations naturally do not, and while among the twenty- 
two trials with 1500 grams of meat the majority appear to show a 
formation of fat, the amount is usually comparatively small, and 
in two cases a loss was observed. On the whole, however, the evi- 
dence of this series of experiments has been generally accepted as 
conclusive in favor of the formation of fat from proteids. 

PFLUGER’S RECALCULATIONS.—One very important point, how- 
ever, has until recently been overlooked. The evidence is based on 

* Zeitschr. f. Biol., 7, 489. 
+ Series 1 only. 


a comparison of the income and outgo of carbon and nitrogen. 
Pfliiger,* however, has called attention to the fact that while Pet- 
tenkofer & Voit made direct determinations of the outgo of these 
elements, or at least of the principal factors of it, the income is not 
computed from actual analyses of the meat used, but upon the 
assumption of average composition. According to Pfliiger, not 
only are the possible variations from the average in individual 
experiments a serious source of error, but the average itself is 
erroneous, the percentage of carbon assumed in the meat being 
too high. Pettenkofer & Voit estimate the ratio of nitrogen to 
carbon in lean meat + as 1 : 3.684, while according to Pfliiger it is 
not higher than 1 :3.28, and probably lower. Moreover, Petten- 
kofer & Voit failed to take due account of the fact that a part of 
the gain of carbon which they observed could be ascribed to the fat 
still contained in the prepared “lean” meat. Another, although 
slight, source of error, according to Pfliiger, lies in the fact that 
the carbon in the urine was estimated from the amount of nitrogen 
found by analysis on the assumption of a ratio of 1:0.60, while it 
should be 1:0.67. 

Using the above corrections, Pfliiger has recalculated twenty- 
four of the experiments by Pettenkofer & Voit, which have been 
generally accepted as demonstrating the formation of fat from pro- 
teids, with the results shown on the opposite page.t 

In the great majority of cases the experiments as recalculated 
show a loss instead of a gain of fat, and in three of the four cases in 
which a gain still appears it is small in amount, and, as Pfliiger 
believes, within the limits of experimental error. Naturally such 
calculations as the above can neither prove nor disprove the hypoth- 
esis that the proteids serve as a source of fat. They simply show 
that the experiments which have served as the principal support 
for that hypothesis do not demonstrate what they were supposed 
to. The question turns largely upon the elementary composition 
of the meat used by Pettenkofer & Voit, which they failed to 
determine. It is manifestly impossible to repair this error now, 

* Arch. ges. Physiol., 51, 229. 

+ Including such fat as cannot be removed by mechanical means. 

t Loc. cit., p. 267. The experiments which showed a loss of fat as origi- 
nally computed are omitted. 


Gain (+) or Loss (—) of Fat. 

3 Meat Eaten 
Detect Expcrment: peu De. 9 According to Pet- According to 

tenkofer & Voit. Pfliiger. 

Grms. Grms. 

HebwlO 86h eas ce ese 1800 + 1.4 —35.8 
JAgaias 8 ua an eta i 2500 +56.7 13293 
Miche 45 1862 50 cones on one 1500 + 3.4 —29.3 
et eet epaulets 1500 + 7.3 —23.4 
MANERA go) eal ule eis ctvel sui ccuubie 1500 +34.4 + 3.7 
OO ORR HA Re 1500 +20.7 —l1.1 
ep Sitter enamel 1500 +35.9 + 3.8 
ae Oemierely basanites Mi Ls 1500 +22.9 — 8.4 
ING sso ee 1500 018 7/ 21305 
in eucd Ucar her Nib: 1500 Uy SS: 
Hebe ZOMUSG3Ne Awa clear 1500 0.0 —31.6 
MR CONS er Ca ia ereee tin kiss 1500 + 9.9 —22.1 
SEO TES NUNN (2a ate Mol 1500 ts i == 4s Al 
IMcHMe Ae erie ua ec 1500 ANS = 1629 
IANS ree The aoe a Me ena 1500 0.0 esis 
tan inlA RCS ea 1500 +13.8 oy i 
ae OM crea ieusrsyeaherneksn seat 1500 + 9.0 —22.0 
AAU OYE) ll ca Sein Ne RT a iN 1500 +12.7 —13.0 
CET SENN TR Hera 1500 +26.3 ne 
COO) WEE ti aor 1500 429.1 = 2.9 
SPOT SANE ROE 2000 +55.9 1g 
Bea Or eeu gat cotinine 2000 +58.5 + 1.6 
SUUivr SON eo ara tsce eyes cicesvauets 1500 411.9 —20.6 
BOSOM aN ALE PCIE 1500 “+ 9.4 —23.7 

and since Pfliiger’s estimates seem to be at least as trustworthy as 
Pettenkofer & Voit’s, and lead to exactly the opposite results, the 
only verdict possible, so far as these experiments are concerned, is 
“Not proven.” 

LATER EXPERIMENTS.—Shortly after the publication of Pfliiger’s 
critique, E. Voit, in a preliminary communication, presented the 
results of investigations upon this question undertaken in the 
Munich laboratory. So far as the writer is aware, no complete 
account of these experiments has yet appeared, but the data given 
by Voit in the preliminary account show a retention in the body 
of 8 to 10 per cent. of the carbon of the metabolized proteids, and 
to this extent confirm the earlier results obtained by his father. 
He believes the observed gain of carbon to be too great to be 
accounted for by the storage of glycogen and interprets it as 
showing a production of fat from proteids. 

*Includes a correction of Pettenkofer & Voit’s figures for the urinary 
nitrogen. Loc. cit. p. 263. 
7 Thier. Chem. Ber., 22, 34. 


Kaufmann likewise interprets the results of the respiration ex- 
periments cited in another connection on p. 99 as demonstrating 
the production of fat from proteids, but in view of the brevity of 
the experiments (five hours), and the fact that they covered the 
period of most active nitrogen cleavage, this conclusion seems 
hardly justified. 

Cremer * has reported the results of an experiment upon a cat 
which he regards as showing a formation of fat from proteids. The 
animal, weighing 3.7 kgs., passed eight days continuously in the 
respiration apparatus and received per day 450 grams of lean 
meat. No complete nitrogen and carbon balance is reported. The 
average daily excretion of nitrogen was 13 grams. Assuming the 
ratio of nitrogen to carbon in fat and glycogen-free flesh to be 1:3.2,+ 
this corresponds to 41.6 grams of carbon in the form of proteids, 
while the total excretion of this element was only 34.3 grams, thus 
showing a retention by the organism of 7.3 grams per day. The 
body of the animal at the close of the experiment was found to con- 
tain not more than 35 grams of glycogen and sugar, while the ob- 
served gain of carbon during the eight days was equivalent to 
about 130 grams of glycogen. It is therefore concluded that fat 
was formed from proteids. In three other experiments, with an 
abundant meat diet, it is computed that from 12.6 to 17.0 per cent. 
of the carbon of the metabolized proteids was stored in the body. 

Gruber { has recently reported two experiments, dating from 
the year 1882, in which a dog was fed 1500 grams per day of lean 
meat. The nitrogen of feces and urine were determined daily 
for six and eight days respectively and the carbon dioxide of the 
respiration on five days in each experiment; the carbon of urine 
and feces and of the metabolized proteids was computed from the 
nitrogen, using for the carbon of the proteids the factor 3.28. The 
excretion of nitrogen approximately equaled the supply, especially 
on the later days of the experiments, but from 10 to 15 per cent. 
of the carbon was unaccounted for in the excreta. The total reten- 
tion of carbon during the experiments, together with the equivalent 
quantities of glycogen, were: 

* Jahresb. Agr. Chem., 40, 538; Zeit. f. Biol., 38, 309. 

+ Kohler (Zeit. f. physiol. Chem., 31, 479) found an average of 1:3.16 for 
the fat-free flesh of cattle, swine, sheep, rabbits, and hens. See p. 64. 

{Zeit f Biol., 42, 409. 


Carbon. | Equivalent Glycogen. 
Experiment b seven days........ 113.9 Grms. 256.3 Grms. 
relight Gel cise e: «0% 195 LOR: 441.0. “ 

These amounts of glycogen are much greater than have ever 
been found in the body of a dog of this weight (about 20 kgs.), and 
the larger part of the storage of carbon must therefore have been 
in the form of fat. 

In addition to the above results on normal animals, Polimanti * 
has reported experiments apparently showing a formation of fat 
from proteids in phosphorous poisoning. The latter investigation, 
as well as those of Cremer and of E. Voit, have been the subjects of 
searching criticism by Pfliiger,t who claims to have shown the in- 
sufficiency of the experimental evidence adduced, but it is impos- 
sible here to enter into the details of these controversial articles. 
Negative results have also been reported by Kumagawa & 
Kaneda.{ Rosenfelt,§ Taylor,|| Athanasiu,4 and Lindemann,** but 
in a matter of this sort negative evidence naturally carries much 
less weight than positive, and on the whole there would appear 
to be good reason for still regarding the proteids as a possible 
source of fat. 

DirricuLty or Proor.—A serious difficulty in the way of an 
unquestionable demonstration of this possibility lies in the limited 
amount of proteids which an animal can consume. As we have 
seen, a relatively large supply of them is necessary even to produce 
nitrogen equilibrium, and a still further large addition is required to 
supply the demands of the organism for energy. Only the proteids 
supplied in excess of this latter amount are available for fat produc- 
tion, and thus it comes about that the limit of consumption and 
digestion by the animal is reached before any very large produc- 
tion of fat can take place. 

On the other hand, if non-nitrogenous nutrients (carbohydrates 

* Arch. ges. Physiol., 70, 349. 

+ Ibid., 68, 176; 71, 318. 

tU.S. Dept. Agr., Expt. Station Record, 8, 71. 
§ Jahresb. Physiol., 6, 260. 

|| Jbid.. 8, 249, Jour Exper. Medicine, 4, 399. 

§ Arch. ges. Physiol., 74, 511. 
** Zeit. f. Biol., 39, 1. 


for example) are employed to supply a part of the necessary energy, 
a more abundant fat production may be caused but the results 
are ambiguous, since it is possible that the non-nitrogenous residue 
of the proteids may be metabolized to furnish energy otherwise 
supplied by the non-nitrogenous nutrients and that the actual 
material for the formation of fat may come from the latter. 

That proteids added to a mixed ration may give rise to a large 
amount of fat has been strikingly shown by Kellner * in experi- 
ments on oxen in which wheat gluten was added to a fattening 
ration. Approximately 198 grams of fat were produced for each 
kilogram of protein fed, but to the writer the reasoning by which 
Kellner seeks to prove that this fat must have been derived directly 
from the proteids seems inconclusive. 

Finally, as was indicated in Chapter II (p. 50), the apparently 
well-established fact that the metabolism of proteids in the body 
gives rise to the formation of carbohydrates (or at least may do so), 
together with the further fact that fat is undoubtedly formed from 
carbohydrates, renders it difficult to assign any reason why the non- 
nitrogenous residue of the proteids should not supply material to 
the cells of the adipose tissue for the production of fat. 

§ 2. The Non-nitrogenous Nutrients. 
Effects on the Proteid Metabolism. 

The relations between proteid metabolism and proteid supply 
which have been outlined in the preceding section, while deduced 
mainly from experiments in which the food consisted substantially 
of proteids only, are of general applicability, yet are subject to im- 
portant modifications in the presence of non-nitrogenous nutrients. 

Tend to Diminish Proteid Metabolism.—As was first shown 
by C. Voit, the addition of non-nitrogenous nutrients to a ration 
consisting of proteids tends to render the proteid metabolism less 
than it otherwise would be. The effect is common to the fats and 
carbohydrates, although with some differences in details. 

Fats.—The following example, taken from Voit’s experiments,t 
illustrates in a somewhat marked way the influence of the addition 
of fat to proteid food upon the excretion of nitrogen. A dog con- 
suming daily 1000 grams of lean meat received in addition on two 

days 100 and 300 grams of fat, with the following results: 
* Landw. Vers. Stat., 53, 456. 
7 Zeit. f. Biol., 5, 334. 


Food per Day. 
Urea per Day, 

Meat, Fat, Gras: 

QGrms. Grms 
TI? SS Se Pa 1000 0 81.7 
JG. ie 2 sae ae 1000 100 74.5 
OS AA ae ee eae ea 1000 300 69.3 
BSG By OREN eee ae 1000 0 81.2 

_ In the whole series of eight experiments with varying amounts 
of meat and fat the decrease in the excretion of urea ranged from 1 
per cent. to 15 per cent. of the amount supplied in the food, averag- 
ing about 7 per cent. With the same amount of fat in the food 
the decrease in the excretion of urea was not, as a rule, greater with 
large than with moderate rations of meat. On the other hand, 
with a small proteid supply in the food the production of urea was 
sometimes increased slightly by the addition of much fat, and the 
same result was observed to a more marked extent when fat alone 
was given to fasting animals. With medium rations of meat, in- 
creasing the fat supply had usually little effect, but with heavy 
meat rations it tended to further diminish the excretion of urea. 

Subsequent investigation has fully established this tendency 
of fat to diminish the proteid metabolism, and the fact is too well 
known to require extended illustration here. As a recent instance 
may be cited the following results obtained by Kellner * in experi- 
ments upon oxen, in which oil was added to a basal ration: 

Nitrogen Digested. Nitrogen in Urine. 

Basal Ration, |Basal Ration + Oil,| Basal Ration, |Basal Ration + Oil, 

Grms. Grms. Grms. Grms. 
OxasD ee 135 .30 134.55 122.54 120.38 
Osx Fey je ooo 3 111.67 109.17 106.03 89.27 
OxiG eran ais. 86.27 87.08 86.30 79.83 

CARBOHYDRATES.—The effects of the readily soluble hexose 
carbohydrates (starch and the sugars) have been quite fully inves- 
tigated, while as to those of the less soluble carbohydrates, particu- 
larly of the five-carbon series, considerable diversity of opinion 
still prevails. 

* Landw. Vers. Stat., 58, 121 and 210. 


Starch and Sugars.—The investigations of C. Voit * show that 
starch or sugar added to a proteid diet causes, as does fat, a decrease 
in the elimination of urea. Voit found an average decrease of 
about 9 per cent. in the proteid metabolism, the extremes being 5 
and 15 per cent. with varying amounts of carbohydrates. An in- 
crease in the carbohydrates, the proteid food remaining the same, 
tended to further diminish the excretion of urea. The following 
examples illustrate this effect of the carbohydrates. When given 
to a fasting animal, carbohydrates did not, as in the case of fat, 
cause an increase in the proteid metabolism. 


per Day, 

Meat, | Carbohydrates, | Grms. 

Grms. Grms. 
June 23=July 25 T8590, ose ce sete « 500 300-100 35.4 
July 2-5, Oe GO ee aaa, the | 500 0 39.9 
July 4-10) 1864.2 os cen Sos sie Sane 5 800 0 59.1 
a TQS ee eect atu pe raede ones 800 100-400 54.5 
ee iS 0 aaa were Rel cat Rate paper 800 0 63.8 
uly 2326 AU SG4s a. ae ciewemetreie cree euskace oes, 1000 0 73.5 
ANZ O S28 7 ea od otis a inean mmtene ershesie conn: 1000 100-400 64.4 
a 28=Aue. Ml SO40. sabe cs Sere cen 1000 0 79.6 
June 29-July 8, 1863... 2.24.2. -eenenese 1500 0 114.9 
July 8-13, Hie eke Rafe eee IA a orate ss 1500 200 103.3 
JANG; 850s os Sates homed See soca. eae 2000 0 143.7 
Boe fal ROO i nae year ree nmne cece 2000 200-300 131.0 

This effect of the carbohydrates, like that of fat, has been abun- 
dantly confirmed by later investigators and is one of the well-estab- 
lished facts of physiology. Weiske t in particular has investigated 
the effect of the non-nitrogenous nutrients upon the metabolism 
of sheep, while Miura { and Lusk § have shown that the abstraction 
of carbohydrates from the diet of a man results in a marked increase 
in the proteid metabolism. The following data, taken from Kell- 
ner’s extensive respiration experiments at Méckern, illustrate the 
same effect of starch in the case of cattle: 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 5, 434. 

+ Zeit. physiol. Chem. 21, 42; 22, 137 and 265. 

t v. Noorden, Pathologie des Stoffwechsels, p. 117. 
§ Zeit. f. Biol., 27, 459. 


Nitrogen Digested. Nitrogen in Urine. 
P Basal Ration : Basal Ration 
Basal Rat Basal Rat 
Tee |) Sc | 
(Ob ADs SRR rasa eo aesaE 135.30 118.40 122.54 104.69 
(Oxen ee atare svisieusvet a envisials 111.67 107.55 106.03 81.18 
Ox Geni Neisiale se Sete 86.27 80.92 86.30 63.83 
(od WS ears ecmiieae cae 116.51 94.66 109.28 81.71 
Ox dba ar ere eee ees te 128.11 118.18 122.62 103.18 

Since the addition of starch to the basal ration diminished the 
apparent digestibility of the protein, the effect is most clearly seen 
by comparing the daily gains of nitrogen by the animals on the 
two rations, as follows: 

TMiBasal tion With Addition : 
O peealne on, of Starch, Difference. 
(6: DS a eet gee 12.76 13.71 + 0.95 
(Osa apes NAVE sls UA el 5.64 26.37 +20.73 
(Dn Gee ee ONE wine el SNe Ys ain —0.03 17.09 +17.12 
(Opz241 6 HY Ae ae ine ee eee lees 12.95 + 5.72 
(OR Dine dren ae Aiea peer cone 5.49 15.05 + 9.56 

Cellulose.—The peculiar position occupied by cellulose, as the 
essential constituent of the “crude fiber” of feeding-stuffs, in the 
nutrition of domestic animals causes much interest to attach to the 
study of its effects upon metabolism. We shall consider here only 
its effects upon the proteid metabolism. 

The first to take up this subject appears to have been v. Knie- 
riem,* who experimented upon rabbits. In a preliminary experi- 
ment the addition of prepared “crude fiber” to a basal fiber-free 
ration in which the necessary bulk was obtained by the use of horn- 
dust + gave the following results for the urinary nitrogen per day: 

PeawWathouttiberi. (2... 2. sre 0.9034 grams 
Wath: 284 crams fiber )sceeee ORZOLS 7 5) 
MeNVittlr@utualber. 2) 28h sees MOR OOK 

The low figure for the third period is ascribed to the effect of 
the crude fiber still remaining in the digestive tract. In a follow- 
ing series, in which respiration experiments were also made, the 
following results per day were obtained for the nitrogen: 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 21, 67. { Shown to have been entirely indigestible. 


Nitrogen | Nitrogen Gain of 
Period. Food per Day. of Food, *jof Excreta,*| Nitrogen, 
Grms. Grms. Grms. 
1, “9 days. | Milk and horn dust.....:2¢.2.22. 2.75 3.35 —0.60 
II. 10 days. | Same + 22 grms. crude fiber ...| 2.75 2.65 +0.10 
IT, 5.days: || Milkand horn dust, ~s. «25.3.5... 2.70 3.03 —0:33 
TV. 4days. | Same + 11 grms. cane sugar ...| 2.70 3.02 —) 32 
V- -a.daye| 6 “=F33d. * fe aa) eee 2.73 —0.03 

Weiske { disputes v. Knieriem’s conclusion that cellulose dimin- 
ishes the proteid metabolism. He experimented upon a sheep, 
which was fed in a first period exclusively on beans. In succeeding 
periods the effect upon the proteid metabolism of adding to this 
ration, first, inferior oat straw, and second, starch was tested, the 
bean ration being diminished slightly in these periods in order 
to keep the total digestible protein of the ration as nearly uniform 
as possible. On the basis of a preliminary digestion trial with the 
straw, the quantity of starch was so adjusted as to supply, in Period 
III, according to computation, an amount of digestible carbohy- 
drates equal to the digested fiber and nitrogen-free extract of the 
straw of Period H, while in Period V it equalled the digested 
nitrogen-free extract only. Actual determinations of the digesti- 
bility of the mixed rations showed that this equality was approxi- 
mately, although not exactly, reached, the amount of digested 
starch being rather less than the computed amount. 

The results as regards the proteid metabolism as originally re- 
ported by Weiske are given in the first portion of the table on 
the opposite page. v. Knieriem,§ having criticised the results on 
the ground that the metabolic nitrogen of the feces was not taken 
into account, and that when this was done the experiments made a 
more favorable showing for the digested crude fiber, Weiske || has 
recalculated his results on the assumption that the feces contained 
0.4 grams of metabolic nitrogen for each 100 grams of dry matter 
digested,% with the results shown in the second half of the table. 

* Not including that of the horn dust. 

+ Results regarded by the author as of doubtful value 

t Zeit. f. Biol., 22, 373. 

§Ibid., 24, 293. 

|| [bid., 24, 553. 

{Compare Kellner, Landw. Vers. Stat., 24, 434; and Pfeiffer, Jour. f. 
Landw., 33, 149. 


Uncorrected. Corrected. 
8 Nit C 
B Ration. se en ~ | Nitro- puted Nitro- 
ently (orem Wcaitedl liueanwl i jet) |) Gains 
Di- Urine. Di- Urine. 
gested. gested. 
Grms. | Grms. | Grms. | Grms. Grms. | Grms. 
I. 500 germs. pean .--| 20.51) 20.93 |—0.42) 22.02) 20.93 |+1.09 
490 : eans 
T. | 4595 «© cteaw f--| 19.58] 16.82 ]+2.76| 21.78] 16.82 |+4.96 
{490 “ beans) | 
Ve (515 “straws °° 18.81} 17.26 |+1.55| 21.09) 17.26 |+3.83 
Average of II. and IV. +2.16 +4.40 
510 grms_ beans 
III. 180 ‘starch }..| 20.03} 14.94 |+5.09| 22.16; 14.94 |+7.22 
20 “ sugar 
500 “ beans 
Vv 90 “ — starch | 20.64] 17.75 |+2.89| 22.43] 17.75 |+4.68 
10 “sugar 

It will be seen that the experiments make substantially the 
same showing for the relative effects of cellulose and starch whether 
we take the uncorrected results or eliminate so far as possible the 
effects of the greater amount of food in the later periods upon the 
excretion of metabolic products in the feces. The addition of starch 
and sugar in Period III produced about twice as great an effect in 
reducing the proteid metabolism as did a somewhat larger amount 
of digestible fiber and nitrogen-free extract from straw in Periods 
II and IV. In Period V the starch added was only equal to the 
digested nitrogen-free extract of the straw in Periods II and IV. 
Since the effect upon the proteid metabolism is substantially the 
same, Weiske concludes that the nitrogen-free extract of the 
straw, which has the elementary composition of starch, is equal to 
it in its effect upon the proteid metabolism, and that the digested 
crude fiber is valueless in this respect. It must be said, however, 
that this latter conclusion is not warranted by the facts, since it 
rests upon the unproved assumption of equality of nutritive value 
(in respect of the proteid metabolism, at least) of starch and the 
nitrogen-free extract of the straw. Weiske also experimented 
with rabbits, finding in one case no effect upon the proteid metab- 
olism and in the second an increase of it, as a result of adding crude 
fiber to a fiber-free ration. 


Lehmann * experimented upon a sheep by adding respectively 
crude fiber, prepared from wheat straw, and starch to a basal ration. 
The results were not entirely sharp but showed plainly a decrease 
of the proteid metabolism on the crude fiber ration which was 
equal approximately to 61 per cent. of that secured by the use of 
starch. In a second series of experiments, Lehmann and Vogel + 
compared the effects upon the proteid metabolism of sheep of cane- 
sugar and of the digestible non-nitrogenous matters of oat straw. 
On the basis of a very careful discussion of the experimental errors, 
they show that the latter substances have a marked effect in diminish- 
ing the proteid metabolism, and in particular that if we ascribe this 
effect exclusively to the digested nitrogen-free extract, as Weiske 
does, we must admit that the latter produced an effect from two 
to nine times as great as that of cane-sugar. They therefore con- 
clude that their results show qualitatively an effect of the digested 
cellulose upon the proteid metabolism. Reckoning the digested | 
nitrogen-free extract of the straw as equivalent to sugar, they com- 
pute from the average of all their experiments that the cellulose 
produced 75.7 per cent. as great an effect as the sugar, but they do 
not regard this quantitative result as well established. 

Holdefleiss { experimented upon two sheep, feeding in a first 
period meadow hay exclusively. In the second period one half of the 
hay was replaced by a mixture of peanut cake, starch, and a little 
sugar, while in the third period the starch was replaced by paper 
pulp. In one case a fourth period was added in which the paper 
pulp and sugar were simply omitted from the ration. The digested 
nutrients and the proteid metabolism per day are tabulated on p. 121. 

Converting the small differences in the amount of crude fat 
digested into their equivalent in nitrogen-free extract by multipli- 
cation by the factor 2.5, Holdefleiss computes from a comparison 
of the second and third periods that the digested crude fiber pro- 
duced on the first animal 80.1 per cent. and on the second animal 
84.2 per cent. of the effect of the starch. A somewhat higher value 
would be obtained from a comparison of the first and second periods 
in the case of Sheep II, while on the other hand a comparison of the 
corresponding periods with Sheep I gives a much lower value, and is 

* Jour. f. Landw., 37%, 267. t Ibid., 37, 281. 
t Bied. Centr. Bl. Ag. Chem., 25, 372. 


Apparently Digested. Nitro. Gain 
: geno s 
on Crude| Crude |_N. fr. | Nitro-| Urine, pe 
Fat, | Fiber, |Extract,| gen, |@rms.| Gis. 
Grms.| Grms. | Grms. | Grms. 
Sheep I. 
Renodula Melavionly ei 3.505 sec 8. 13 55/315. 72/470 .85)15 .02/13.83) 1.19 
“2 | Hay, peanut cake, sugar, 
andistarchisae5 4. nn 15 .27|134.11/560.71/13.55]11.31) 2.24 
“<3 | Hay, peanut cake, sugar, 
and paper pulp........ 13 67/439 . 32/320 .21/13.76)11.26, 2.50 
“<4 | Hay and peanut cake..... 18 .57)171. 12/345 .92/16.25|14.45) 1.80: 
Sheep IT. 
ReriodwlaEavonly Men seis lo. ots: 11.76)171 .92|276 .42!10.88] 8.45} 2.43 
“<2 | Hay, peanut cake, sugar, 
andistarch wins: 13.07] 77 48/336 .62| 9.54] 7.85) 1.69 
“3 | Hay, peanut cake, sugar, 
and paper pulp........ 15.14/235.31|198.46) 8.82} 7.62) 1.20 

even consistent with the view that cellulose has no effect upon 
the proteid metabolism. In other words, the results on Sheep I, in 
the first period, appear inconsistent with the other results. 

Kellner * has experimented with rye straw extracted with an 
alkaline liquid under pressure in the same manner as in paper- 
making and containing 76.78 per cent. of “crude fiber” and 19.96 
per cent. of nitrogen-free extract. The results as regards the pro- 
teid metabolism, compared with those on starch, are given in the 
upper table of p. 122. 

Taking the figures as they stand, and attempting no correction 
for the marked depression in the apparent digestibility of the nitro- 
gen resulting from the addition of the extracted straw or starch, 
they show a considerable effect by both in diminishing the proteid 
metabolism relatively to the supply in the food and thus causing 
an increased gain of nitrogen by the body. Any correction for the 
metabolic nitrogen of the feces, as in Weiske’s experiments, would, 
of course, tend to make the effect appear still greater. With the 
first animal, after taking account as well as possible of the slight 
differences in the fat digested in both periods and of the slight 
effect of the starch upon the digestibility of the fiber of the basal 
ration, the digestible matter of the extracted straw, five sixths of 
which was cellulose, appears to have produced more than twice 
as great an effect as an equal amount of starch. With the second 

* Landw. Vers. Stat., 53, 278. 

Ox H. 
Period 5| Extracted straw.. 
“4! Basal ration. ..... 
Difference.. .... 
Comers TO UARGHss aeyskarse ee 
“Al Basal ration:..-. ./. 
Ox J. 
Period 5| Extracted straw... 
« 4] Basal ration...... 
Ses | StATChin alan ee 
«« 4! Basal ration...... 

Difference... .. 

Apparently Digested. 







Crude} N. fr. 
Fiber, |Extract, 
Grms.| Grms. 

3129] 3351 
1083] 2912 

2047; 439 

1057| 4773 
1083] 2912 







1105} 4396 
1114} 2895 
—9) 1501 



Nitrogen | Gain of 
of Urine, | Nitrogen 
Nitrogen, Grms. Grms., 
102.47 76.31 | 26.16 
116.51 | 109.28 7.23 
—14.04 |—32.97 | 18.93 
94.66 81.71 | 12.95 
116.51 | 109.28 (a2 
—21.85 |—27.57 5.72 
112.19 95.80 | 16.39 
128.11 | 122.62 5.49 
—15.92 |—26.82 | 10.90 
118.18 | 103.13 | 15.05 
128.11 | 122.62 5.49 
—9.93 |—19.49 9.56 

animal, on the contrary, the effect of the digested matter of the ex- 
tracted straw was but little more than two thirds that of the starch. 

Ustjantzen * has recently reported the results of an experiment 
upon a sheep substantially like those of Weiske (p. 118), a basal 
ration of beans receiving, in succeeding periods, additions of meadow 
hay, rice, or sugar, the two latter being computed fo supply an 
amount of digestible carbohydrates equal to the digestible nitrogen- 
free extract supplied by the hay. The increased amounts of crude 
fiber and nitrogen-free extract digested and the resulting increases 
in the gain of nitrogen by the animal were as follows: 

(73 6c 



eee ceo eee ee re oe 

eee eco e ecco e ee ee 

Crude Fiber, | “ogc? | wiroeen, 
Ss Grms. Grms. 
108 .60 95.55 3.33 
2.53 107.15 2.90 
5.07 109.20 2.59 

It appears that, as in Weiske’s experiments, the carbohydrates 

of the rice and sugar produced nearly as great an effect upon the 
* Landw. Vers. Stat., 56, 463. 


gain of nitrogen as the total non-nitrogenous matter digested from the 
hay, and the author follows Weiske in concluding that the digested 
crude fiber producd but little effect on the proteid metabolism. 
The same author also reports experiments upon a rabbit similar 
to those of v. Knieriem, crude fiber prepared from hay being added 
to a basal ration of peas, with the following results, which show 
practically no effect of the crude fiber upon the proteid metabolism: 

Nitnozent Nitrogen Excreted. Gasot 
Food. of Foods. | |Gnaanann) Gan Santee Nitrogen: 
Grms. | Urine, | Feces, | Total, | Grms. 
Grms. Grms. Grms, 

JEXSRENS| 0) Wis oe et ale coe Pal 0.845 | 0.855 | 0.016 | 0.871 |—0.026 
‘“‘ and 5 grams. crude fiber....| 0.857 | 0.821 | 0.120 | 0.941 |—0.084 
Palins Oe hee SUPAT AR nee 0.845 | 0.701 | 0.080 | 0.781 |+0.064 
Peta Oe crude fiber....| 0.860 | 0.899 | 0.170 | 1.069 |—0.209 

While it is obviously unsafe to draw any positive conclusions 
regarding the relative effect of cellulose and the more soluble carbo- 
hydrates from the various experiments cited above, the balance 
of evidence seems clearly to show that their influence upon the pro- 
teid metabolism is qualitatively the same, while it appears on the 
whole probable that digested cellulose is at least not greatly in- 
ferior quantitatively to digested starch. 

Organic Acids.—Certain methods of preparing or preserving 
fodder, notably ensilage, result in the formation of not inconsider- 
able amounts of organic acids. Moreover, it appears that these acids 
are normally produced in considerable quantities in the herbivora 
by the fermentation of cellulose and other carbohydrates, and that 
fact naturally leads to a consideration of their effects upon meta- 
bolism as compared with the latter substances. 

We have seen (p. 27) that the organic acids are oxidized in the 
body, and it therefore seems natural to suppose that they may 
influence the proteid metabolism. This question has been investi- 
gated by Weiske & Flechsig.* After some only partially success- 
ful experiments on a rabbit, they fed a sheep with a basal ration 
(of hay, starch, cane-sugar and peanut cake) containing a liberal 
supply of protein and having a nutritive ratio of 1:3.4. To this 
ration there was added in succeeding periods lactic acid as calcium 
lactate, acetic acid as sodium acetate, and for comparison dextrose. 

* Jour. f. Landw., 37, 199. 


Disregarding for our present purpose the slight effect of these sub- 
stances upon the digestibility of the non-nitrogenous ingredients 
of the ration the results were: 

Nitrogen Nitrogen Gain of 
Digested, | of Urine, | Nitrogen, 
Grms. Grms. Grms, 
WBASAIUTA tT OMGste a ass s.ceh Sascha hooks ete ore ene 18.06 17.56 0.50 
iH <" +. 60igrmes. lactie-acid ..2..4.. 5. 17.83 15.60 2.23 
pie a ee ere 18.03 | 15.72 | 2.31 
(Three days only.) eo ses, e 8 6 . . . 
BasaltratiOni cscs o's.2-. fh s:ot ote asia bteeeeere 18.69 16.85 1.84 
ie + 60 grms. dextrose .......:.. 17.69 15.29 2.40 
fe 20” ae 17.93 | 12.86 | 5.07 
(Three days only.) f****""** : 
IBasalira tion: sc: ciite ao eee ieee 18.70 16.54 2.16 
se “+60 grms. acetic acid 
Mihres ees ee [18.70*] | 17.04 | 1.66 

The smaller amount of lactic acid seems to have produced as 
great an effect in reducing the proteid metabolism as an equal 
weight of dextrose, but no further effect was noted from an increase 
in its amount, as was the case with the dextrose. The acetic acid, 
on the contrary, seems to have had a tendency to increase rather 
than to diminish the proteid metabolism, and the same effect was 
indicated in one of the experiments on a rabbit. It is to be re- 
marked, however, that the sodium acetate appeared to be particu- 
larly obnoxious to the animals. In the case of the sheep it was in- 
troduced into the stomach in solution by means of a funnel, and 
besides causing the animal considerable discomfort had a very 
marked diuretic action. It may perhaps be questioned whether 
the results obtained under such conditions represent the normal 
effects of acetic acid. 

Pentose Carbohydrates —While the fate of the pentose carbo- 
hydrates in the body has been the subject of considerable research 
(compare Chapter II, p. 24), their effect upon the proteid meta- 
bolism does not seem to have been specifically investigated, although 
Pfeiffer & Eber, in the course of experiments upon the origin of 
hippuric acid, observed that after the consumption of 500 grams of 

* Assumed to be the same as with the basal ration. The actual nitrogen 
of the feces for these three days was 4.78 grms., making the apparently 
digested nitrogen 19.33 grms. 

+ Landw. Vers. Stat., 49, 137. 


cherry gum, containing 41.98 per cent. of pentose carbohydrates, 
the urinary nitrogen of a horse decreased by over 6 per cent. They 
leave it uncertain, however, whether the effect was due to the 
pentosans or to other ingredients of the gum. 

Among the early experiments of Grouven * are also four in which 
gum arabic, added to an exclusive straw ration, materially reduced 
the proteid metabolism, but the methods of these early experiments 
were naturally somewhat defective. On the other hand, Cremer’s 
experiments { with rhammose on rabbits showed no marked effect 
of this substance upon the proteid metabolism. 

Total Non-nitrogenous Matter of Feeding-stujffs—The digestible 
non-nitrogenous matters of feeding-stuffs, aside from a small pro- 
portion of fat, are commonly although loosely grouped together as 
carbohydrates. They include both hexose and pentose carbohy- 
drates, such organic acids as may be present or as are formed during 
digestion, and a variety of other less well-known substances. 

As has already appeared in discussing the effect of crude fiber, the 
mixture of material included in the digestible crude fiber and nitro- 
gen-free extract shows the same tendency as starch and sugar to 
diminish the proteid metabolism. In other words, while the com- 
mon designation of digestible carbohydrates may be of questionable 
accuracy from a chemical point of view, nevertheless the some- 
what heterogeneous mixture to which it is applied behaves, in this 
respect at least, qualitatively like the pure hexose carbohydrates. 
Numerous instances of this are cited by v. Wolff { in his discus- 
sion of the data prior to 1876. Of more recent results, attention 
may be specially called to those of Kellner, some of which have 
been cited above. The results upon coarse fodders are those which 
are of particular interest, since it is these whose ingredients are 
least known chemically. They are presented on the following 
page in the same form as those upon extracted straw above. 

Although the addition of hay or straw to the basal ration in- 
creased the supply of digestible nitrogenous matter, the proteid 
metabolism was not proportionately increased, but in every instance 

* Wolff, Ernihrung Landw. Nutzthiere, p. 289. 
t Zeit. f. Biol., 42, 451. 
{ Ernihrung Landw. Nutzthiere, pp. 288-309. 



separ open) 






He» bo 





Basal ration + hay.. 
iz¢ (a3 

Difference ........ 

Basal ration + hay.. 
(<3 iz 

Difference ........ 

Basal ration + hay.. 
bc (79 

Difference ........ 

Basal ration + hay.. 
(zs a3 

Difference ........ 

Oat Straw. 
Basal ration -+ straw 
be “cc 

Difference ........ 

Basal ration + straw 

(a3 ‘ 


Wheat Straw. 
Basal ration -++ straw 
“ce (a9 

eee eo eae 

Difference ........ 

Basal ration + straw 
<3 be 

Difference ........ 

@; (6! jee; ee 50. 'e 

Meadow Hay. 

Apparently Digested. 

: hi 3 A Gain 
fo ok Meee elke coe alte, 
a a 2 S 22 2 Urine. gen. 
S| Sheen ees be 
Oo Nene ese re 

Grms.|Grms.|Grms.|Grms,| Grms. Grms. Grms. 
123 | 1553] 3850} 1383 1383.84) 97.19] 36.65 
90 | 1007) 3014] 1069,111.67) 106.03) 5.64 

333) 546} 836) 314) 22.17) —8.84| 31.01 
58 | 1675) 4006} 1498 108.96) 91.30 17.66 
20) 103723120 1143, 86.27) 86.30)/—0.03 
38 538} 886 355 22.69 5.00) 17.69 

150 | 1786) 4037 1487 145 .94| 122.19] 23.75 
101 | 1083) 2912) 1071,116.51) 109.28) 7.23 
49 | 703] 1125] 416: 29.43] 12.91] 16.52 
165 | 1822) 4148] 1531,146.84| 130.78) 16.06 
101 | 1083} 2912} 1071'116.51) 109.28) 7.23 
64 739| 1236} 460; 30.33) 21.50) 8.83 
141 | 1797! 4108) 1542)163.37| 137.97) 25.40 
107 | 1114) 2895) 1059)128.11) 122.62) 5.49 
34 683} 1213] 483] 35.26) 15.35) 19.91 
139 | 1701) 3735] 1553)119.15) 99.40; 19.75 

90 | 1007} 3014} 1069 111.67) 106.03) 5.64 
49 694| 721! 484) 7.48} —6.63| 14.11 
86 | 1732} 3804} 1574) 91.77| 71.36) 20.41 
20 | 1137) 3120] 1148] 86.27) 86.30)—0.03 
66 | 595] 684) 431| 5.50|—14.94| 20.44 
115 | 1904) 3436] 1485)110.80; 106.32) 4.48 
101 | 1083} 2912} 1071|116.51) 109.28) 7.23 
14 821} 524! 414)—5.71| —2.96|—2.75 
111 | 1943} 3511] 1555)128.94} 119.89} 9.05 
107 | 1114} 2895} 1059)128.11) 122.62} 5.49 

al eee 616| 496} 0.83) —2.73) 3.56 


save one the gain of nitrogen by the body showed a marked increase, 
and this, it is to be noted, after the feeding had been continued for 
a considerable time. The one exceptional case, on wheat straw, 
is readily explained by the obvious effect of this material in increas- 
ing the metabolic nitrogen of the feces and thus diminishing the 
apparent digestibility of the protein of the ration. Had account 
been taken of these metabolic products, the increased gain of 
nitrogen by the animals would doubtless have been more marked 
in all cases. This gain, it would seem, may fairly be ascribed to the 
large additions of digestible non-nitrogenous matter derived from 
the hay or straw added. 

found the hexose carbohydrates to be superior to fat in diminishing 
the proteid metabolism. He gives the following comparisons: 

Food per Day. 

Date. per Day, 
Meat, | Carbohydrates or Fat, Grms. 
Grms. Grms. 

INOWAIG=22 0 US5%e eee 150 150-350 sugar 1304 
E22 —WeCe 25 USO wae s 8 150 250 fat 15.6 
@ct: 28—Nov. 8, 1857.......:... 176 100-364 starch 15.1 
Nov. 8-15, So aes ree 176 250 fat 16.2 
Rebie23—25 el SGi ie aa seek 400 200 fat 31.9 
HS DASHA Ail ay Arne ey AE fate 400 250 starch 30.5 
28-Mch. 3, 1861 ..........). 400 250 sugar 30.3 
Sitiare ey ASCs ao uidiad acaon 500 250 fat 38.5 
Hue oa Oca ietig cei rad: ates. sta. 500 300 sugar 32.7 
Pe OO OMe eters Sens Sects aytaals ge 500 200 “ 35.6 
“ 29-July 25 1859 ...5....-.. 500 1000 37.9 
Ilo.) Wry UGG Yo Geb oacb oso S 800 250 starch 52.8 
BDO OM tee nce Stet cachanei sce a6 800 200 fat 54.7 
Duly 2a—2Ow USGA T eyes. sacs 1000 0 73.5 
1S" PKG), WN ees clea an ay af Sh 1000 100 starch 68.5 
PAL aN Msi is stoiatk este che als 1000 400 “ 60.2 
CaN tL SGA 0 eis oie 6 1000 0 79.6 
A oa S GAN SRE Vase eget 1000 100 fat 74.5 
Be DERN alten Apateateo ae aalal Qa’ sunt de, 1000 300 ‘‘ 69.3 
PR Wid BR eM hs tase aefare xtc a doe 1000 0 80.2 
Vemma fed SSO eer Mei reese ciate ¢ 2000 200-300 starch 128.4 
Leg VO oR ee abel tet cca kes, c.a.tey axe 2000 250 fat 135.9 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 5, 447. 


Subsequent investigations have substantially confirmed this 
conclusion. Thus Kayser * in an experiment upon himself found 
that the replacements of the carbohydrates of his diet by an amount 
of fat equivalent to them in heat value caused a marked increase 
in the urinary nitrogen, resulting in a loss of this element by the 
body in place of the previous small gain. The possible effect upon 
the apparent digestibility of the proteids of the food does not appear 
to have been considered. 

Wicke & Weiske + report two series of experiments upon sheep 
in which equivalent (“isodynamic’’) quantities of fat and of starch 
were added to a basal ration. In the first series the basal ration 
was comparatively poor in proteids and fat, having a nutritive ratio 
of about 1:8.3; in the second series it was richer in both these 
substances and had a nutritive ratio of 1:5.1 and 1:6.3 for the 
two animals respectively. As is usually the case, the starch dimin- 
ished the apparent digestibility of the protein of the basal ration, 
while the fat produced but a slight effect in this direction. Not- 
withstanding this complication, however, the effect of the starch 
in diminishing the proteid metabolism was clearly greater than 
that of the fat, and if the results were corrected for the increase 
in the nitrogenous metabolic products in the feces they would be 
still more decisive. 

The investigations of E. Voit & Korkunoff upon the minimum 
of proteids, which will be considered in a subsequent paragraph, 
also show a superiority in this respect of the carbohydrates over 
the fats which these authors ascribe to the greater lability of 
their molecular structure which enables them to enter into reactions 
in the body more readily than the fats. 

Magnitude and Duration of the Effect.—The pre-eminent 
position of the proteids in nutrition has perhaps led investigators 
to attach undue importance to this power of the non-nitrogenous 
nutrients to diminish the proteid metabolism. It is well to note 
that it is relatively small. C. Voit, as already stated, found an 
average decrease of about 7 per cent. with fats and about 9 per 
cent. with carbohydrates, and subsequent investigators have ob- 
tained results entirely comparable with these. . 

ProTEID MretTaBoLisM DETERMINED BY SuppLy.—lIn the presence 

* vy. Noorden, Pathologie des Stoffwechsels, p. 117. 
+Zeit. physiol. Chem., 21, 42; 22, 137. 


ot non-nitrogenous nutrients it is still true that the proteid meta- 
bolism, or more exactly the excretion of nitrogen, is mainly deter- 
mined by the supply of it in the food just as it is upon an exclusive 
proteid diet. Fat or carbohydrates simply produce a relatively 
small, and probably more or less transitory, diminution of it with- 
out affecting the substantial truth of the above statement. 

Lawes & Gilbert,* in discussing the results of their fattening 
experiments upon sheep and pigs, called attention to the very wide 
variations in the amount of protein consumed, both per unit of 
weight and especiaily per unit of gain, and concluded that the ap- 
parent excess of protein in some cases must have served substan- 
tially for respiratory purposes. The subsequent investigations of 
Bischoff, Voit, and v. Pettenkofer upon the proteid metabolism of 
carnivora showed clearly that the dependence of the latter upon 
the proteid supply, which is so marked upon a purely proteid diet, 
is equally evident upon a mixed diet, and thus supplied a scientific 
explanation of the facts observed by Lawes & Gilbert. The 
effect. of the proteid supply upon the nitrogen excretion is clearly 
shown by the following summary of Voit’s experiments: T 

Urea Excreted, 

Fat. Lean Meat, 
Grms. Grms. 
250 150 17.0 
300 176 18.9 
250 250 19.7 
200 500 36.6 
200 800 56.7 
250 1500 100.7 

Since Voit’s researches, very many experiments, among the 
earliest of which were those of Henneberg & Stohmann ¢ upon 
cattle, have confirmed his results, both for carnivora, herbivora 
and omnivora. A somewhat striking example is afforded by Stoh- 
mann’s § experiments upon milch goats which are summarized in 
the following table: 

* Rep. Brit Asso. Adv. Sci., 1852; Rothamsted Memoirs, Vol. IT. 
+ Zeit. f. Biol , 5, 329. 

t Beitriige, ete., Heft 2, p 412. 

§ Biologische Studien, 121. 


é Bate per Day. Protein Protein 
& Dat. Digested Metabolized 
3 ate. Hay Winseed per Day, per Day,* 
M Gree Meal, Grms. Grms. 
me Grms. 
1. | May 238-297... oka. 1500 100 111.6 66.6 
2a UNE IGE oho 1450 150 125.0 79.4 
3 OS OG eet iter 1400 200 132.2 90.6 
As July 4-10. 2.02.5... a8 1350 250 150.9 90.1 
5 pee ZOO lee ine abel cage 1250 350 170.5 101.6 
G6 timAugs S214. ci as 5 cax 1100 500 193.8 117.9 
7 BOD IRS Mee ore ene 950 650 221.4 143.1 
Sl sept Joell eas cathe 800 800 257 2 Lisi. 7 
9 COT NQ=25). 2. Bn tars 1600 0 92.9 56.3 

TOR ROCKS BHO em aa eben eae 1600 0 74.1 41.9 

A full compilation of these earlier results has been made by 
v. Wolff,+ and the fact is now so well established that further cita- 
tions would be superfluous. 

Rate or NITROGEN Excretion.—Some interesting hints as to 
the manner in which the non-nitrogenous nutrients produce the 
effect upon the proteid metabolism which has just been described 
are afforded by a consideration of the rate of nitrogen excretion 
under their influence. 

It was shown in the preceding section that the effect of a meal 
of proteids was a sudden, almost explosive, increase in the nitrogen 
cleavage and excretion, reaching its maximum within a few hours 
after the meal. If, however, non-nitrogenous nutrients are given 
along with the proteids, the character of the curve is essentially 
altered, the maximum rate of excretion being less and being reached 
somewhat later, while the fall from this maximum is less rapid. 
In other words, the rate of excretion becomes more uniform—the 
curve is flattened out. The influence of fat in this respect is clearly 
shown in the experiments of Panum { and of Feder { cited pre- 
viously, and appears evident also in those of Graffenberger.§ In 
the latter experiments the nitrogenous substances to be tested were 
added to a mixed diet. The results show a distinct maximum, but 
the rate of decrease after the maximum was reached was not rapid, 

* Exclusive of the protein of the milk. 
+ Ernihrung Landw. Nutzthiere, pp. 285-309 

t Thier. Chem. Ber., 12, 402. 
§ Zeit. f. Biol., 28, 318. 


and only a part of the nitrogen appeared during the twenty-four 
hours following its ingestion, viz.: 

\IV TUG OU oy eee Paar nana ice ica 49.2 per cent. 
Wraith celatimss ie cee oii) Seema s BRO re ose 
Whthi peptone sa) a yc os a GEG 
Wtthgasparaciniy as... csv. ste cians TAS Dea in ike 

Rosemann’s* results upon the rate of nitrogen excretion by 
man, likewise cited above, indicate a similar effect of the non- 
nitrogenous nutrients, the fluctuations due to the ingestion of mixed 
food being much less sharp than those found by other experi- 
menters with proteids alone. 

If we accept Rosemann’s view (p. 101), that the sudden increase 
in the nitrogen cleavage is due, in part at least, to a direct stimulus 
to the metabolic activity of the cells, arising from the presence in 
the fluids of the body of an increased percentage of proteids, we 
may perhaps suppose that the simultaneous resorption of non- 
nitrogenous matter renders this stimulus less and so reduces the 
maximum rate of nitrogen cleavage. This conjecture possibly 
receives some support also from the results of Krummacher,+ who, 
contrary to Adrian and Munk, finds that the division of the 
proteid ration into several meals not only renders the rate of nitro- 
gen excretion more uniform, but reduces somewhat the total amount 
excreted. Gebhardt { has also obtained similiar results. 

There is also the possibility, however, that the non-nitrogenous 
nutrients may modify the rate at which the proteids are resorbed, 
or perhaps, as has been suggested by various investigators, the 
extent to which the proteids are converted into amide-like bodies 
by the pancreatic juice or the extent of proteid putrefaction in the 
intestines. Suggestive in this regard is the fact found by Gruber § 
that common salt, which acts as a stimulant to thesecretion of hydro- 
chloric acid by the stomach, and would thus tend to favor gastric 
as compared with intestinal digestion of the proteids, produces an 
effect on the nitrogen excretion similar to that of the non-nitroge- 
nous nutrients. 

*Arch. ges. Physiol., 65, 343. 
} Zeit. f. Biol., 35, 481. 

t Arch. ges. Physiol., 65, 611. 
§ Zeit. f. Biol., 42, 425. 


Extent OF PRoreIN StoRAGE.—Whatever may be the expla- 
nation of the action of the non-nitrogenous nutrients, its effect is 
obvious. Attention has already been called (p. 102) to Gruber’s 
hypothesis that the transitory storage of nitrogen following an 
increase in the proteid supply is the result of a superposition of the 
daily curves of nitrogen excretion. The effect of the non-nitroge- 
nous nutrients appears to be to diminish the rate of nitrogen cleavage 
and to protract it, in the case of a single meal of proteids, over a 
longer time. Evidently, then, an increase of the proteid supply in. 
a mixed diet, or the addition of non-nitrogenous nutrients to a pro- 
teid diet, will extend its effect over a considerably longer period 
than in case of an exclusive proteid diet—that is, nitrogen equi- 
librium will be reached more slowly, and there will be a longer or 
shorter time after the change during which the nitrogen excretion 
will be less than in the absence of the non-nitrogenous matters. 

This explanation also implies, however, that the storage of 
nitrogenous matter in the body of the mature animal is of limited 
duration and that no long-continued gain of protein can occur; in 
other words, that it is impossible to materially increase the proteid 
tissue (lean meat) of a mature animal. 

Numerous comparative fattening experiments with domestic 
animals, notably those of Henneberg, Kern, & Wattenberg * upon 
sheep, fully sustain this conclusion. On the other hand, metabo- 
lism experiments with domestic animals rarely show an equality 
between the income of nitrogen and its outgo in feces and urine, 
but almost always indicate a gain of nitrogenous matter by the 
body. As regards the significance of this fact, however, several 
considerations must be borne in mind. 

First, the normal growth of the epidermal tissues—hair or wool, 
hoofs, horns, ete.—as pointed out in Chapter III, consumes a por- 
tion of the nitrogen of the food and contributes its share to the 
storage of nitrogen in the body. 

Second, the adipose tissue itself contains a small percentage of 
proteid matter, and a storage of fat in considerable amounts in- 
volves the production of new adipose tissue in which to store it. 

Third, in many cases the metabolism experiments which show 
a storage of nitrogen have been made within a rather short time 

* Jour. f. Landw., 26, 549. 


after a change in the ration, and can therefore be interpreted as 
showing simply that sufficient time had not elapsed to reach nitro- 
gen equilibrium. 

If we consider also the somewhat indefinite nature of the term 
mature, and likewise the possibilities of error due to mechanical 
losses of excreta and to escape of nitrogen from the latter by fermen- 
tation and decomposition, we can readily see why the results of a 
short metabolism experiment may not agree with those of a long 
fattening experiment; yet, nevertheless, it must be confessed that 
the impression left by a comparison of the whole mass of evidence 
is that the discrepancy is as yet but partially explained. 

In conclusion, we may anticipate a discussion in Chapter VI, 
and call attention to the fact that muscular exertion may, to a 
limited extent at least, stimulate those constructive processes which 
result in a storage of protein in the body. 

The Minimum of Proteids.—In the preceding section it ap- 
peared that the administration of proteid food to a previously fast- 
ing animal caused a prompt and large increase in the nitrogen 
cleavage and excretion, while but a comparatively small portion 
of the proteids was applied to constructive purposes, the result 
being that two to three times as much proteids must be given as 
are metabolized during fasting before nitrogen equilibrium is 
reached. This effect was there ascribed to the stimulating effect 
of the rapid digestion and resorption of the proteids upon the nitro- 
gen cleavage, much of the proteids being apparently destroyed 
as such before they can serve for tissue-building. 

We have just seen that the effect of the non-nitrogenous nutri- 
ents is to diminish somewhat the nitrogen cleavage, apparently 
by moderating this stimulating effect. The necessary result is 
that, as the nitrogen supply is increased, it and the nitrogen excretion 
will start more nearly together and approach each other more rapidly 
upon a mixed diet than upon one consisting of proteids only. Conse- 
quently, while the percentage decrease in the proteid metabolism 
is, as we have seen, relatively small, nitrogen equilibrium may be 
reached with a much smaller supply of proteids than is the case in 
the absence of the non-nitrogenous nutrients. Indeed, it is con- 
ceivable that a sufficient supply of carbohydrates or fats in the diet 
should practically destroy the stimulative effects of the proteids. in 


which case we might expect a proteid supply equal to the fasting 
proteid metabolism to be sufficient to produce nitrogen equilibrium. 
Seen in this light, the apparently insignificant effect of the non- 
nitrogenous nutrients becomes a very important factor in nutrition. 

The effect of the non-nitrogenous nutrients in largely diminish- 
ing the necessary proteid supply was pointed out by C. Voit * and 
appears clearly in many of his experimental results. Thus from the 
summary on p. 95 it appears that from 1200 to 1500 grams of lean 
meat per day was required to maintain the animal experimented 
upon in nitrogen equilibrium. When fat or carbohydrates were 
added to the ration, however, strikingly different results were 
reached, as appears from the following comparative statement, 
the results being expressed as “flesh” with 3.4 per cent. of nitrogen: 

Food. | 
Hee Gain of 

Meat. | Fat or Carbo- | bolized. sai 
URW) soon ae 416 —116 
GOO) sities ce ce 674 — 74 
Meat only (average of both series). S00F eal eee. 943 — 43 
L200) vs erewevercaeae 1207 — 7 
W500) > Weer een 1478 + 22 
500 250 444 + 56 
Meat and fat: svi. ccceime c auec 800 200 720 + 80 
1000 250 875 +125 
500 300-100 502 — 2 
Meat and carbohydrates (compare 800 100-400 763 4 37 
2 L1G)\. 2 sce ele ce Gave o emieetens + 88 

1000 | 100-400 902 

In the presence of non-nitrogenous nutrients, nitrogen equi- 
librium was reached with quantities of proteids from one third to 
one half as great as the amount required when fed alone. In other 
words, the non-nitrogenous nutrients materially reduced the mini- 
mum of food proteids required to maintain the proteid tissues of 
the body. 

In view of the peculiar importance of the proteids in nutri- 
tion, as well as of their relative scarcity and high cost, particu- 
larly in the food of our domestic animals, great interest attaches 
to a determination of the least amount required to sustain a mature 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 5. 


animal. The results obtained by E. Voit & Korkunoff * regard- 
ing the minimum requirement upon an exclusive proteid diet have 
already been stated in the first section of this chapter (p. 95). The 
same investigators have also studied the more interesting question 
of how far the necessary proteid supply can be reduced in the 
presence of non-nitrogenous nutrients. 

PRoTEIDS AND Fat.—The experiments were upon the same 
general plan as those just referred to on proteids alone. Beginning 
with an insufficient quantity of proteids, the amount was gradually 
increased, that of the fat remaining constant, until nitrogen equi- 
librium was reached. As in those experiments, too, the nitrogen 
of the food was practically all in the proteid form, and its amount 
is compared with the proteid nitrogen excreted, it being assumed 
that 18.45 per cent. of the urinary nitrogen was derived from the 
extractives of the flesh metabolized in the body. To the writer it 
would seem that a more suitable unit would be the total excretory 
nitrogen, since the proteids of the food had to make good the loss 
of extractives as well as of true proteids from the body, and the 
former loss is as unavoidable as the latter. Accordingly, the results 
have been stated in the table below in both ways. 

Two series of experiments were made: one in which the total 
food-supply was less than was required to supply the estimated 
demands of the body for energy, and one in which it considerably 
exceeded that demand, with the following results: 

Per Cent. of Energy | Mivimum of Food Nitrogen. 
Total Demand Supplied by 

Excretion,| ————;— Per Cent of Fasting 
Fasting, Total JAmnonnt Metabolism, 
ees: Per Bente Food, Creat Total Proteid 
Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent 
Series I: i 
Experiment 1 ....) 4.85 72 90 7.63 157 193 
ee WB scoot Choe 73 86 |>5.61 |>133 |>163 
Series IT: 
Experiment 3.....| 4.98 116 128) 3)>6.61)|>133 | 162 
fe Ae le A Ol 127 140 5.12 128 157 
« See 8286 137 150 | 5.07 | 131 161 

The authors also compute from experiments by C. Voit and by 
Rubner percentages lying between 162 and 207, and state as their 
* Zeit. f. Biol., 32, 58. 


final result that the minimum of proteid nitrogen on a diet of pro- 
teids and fat lies between 160 and 200 per cent. of the proteid nitro- 
gen excreted during fasting. These figures when computed on the 
total excretory nitrogen would become 1381 per cent. and 163 per 
cent. respectively. 

PROTEIDS AND CARBOHYDRATES.—We have seen (p. 127) that 
the carbohydrates diminish the proteid metabolism to a greater 
extent than the fats. The results which have been reached as to 
their effect in lowering the minimum demand for proteids are on 
the whole in accord with this fact. With a liberal supply of carbo- 
hydrates in the food, a much smaller quantity of proteids would 
seem to suffice to maintain nitrogen equilibrium than when the 
non-nitrogenous matter of the ration consists of fat. Indeed, ac- 
cording to some investigators, the proteid metabolism may evet. 
be thus reduced much below that during fasting. 

Munk * appears to have been the first to advance the view last 
mentioned. In an investigation upon the formation of fat from 
carbohydrates a dog was fasted for thirty-one days and then re- 
ceived a diet consisting of a little meat with large amounts of 
carbohydrates (starch and sugar) and also, during the first twelve 
days, gelatin. Omitting these twelve days and also the earlier days 

of the fasting period, the average daily excretion of nitrogen in the 
urine was 

Twelfth to thirty-first days of fasting........... 5.38 grams 
Thirteenth to twenty-fourth days of feeding (200 
grams meat, 500 grams carbohydrates)..... 5.79 “ 

On the seventeenth day of the feeding the urinary nitrogen 
reached the minimum of 4.133 grams, and Munk regards this as 
showing the possibility of a reduction of the proteid metabolism 
considerable below the fasting level. It is to be noted, however, 
that the nitrogen excretion varied considerably from day to day, 
and a selection of a single day for comparison seems hardly justified. 

Hirschfeld + and Kumagawa { found that the nitrogen equili- 

* Arch. path. Anat. u. Physiol., 101, 91. 
+ Ibid., 114, 301. 
t Ibid., 116, 370. 


brium of man could be maintained on a diet containing little nitro- 
gen but abundance of non-nitrogenous nutrients. Under these 
conditions the urinary nitrogen was reduced to 5.87 grams and 6.07 
' grams per day respectively, and the total nitrogen excretion to 
7.45 grams and 8.10 grams, amounts much lower than have been 
observed for fasting men. Thus in the extensive investigations by 
Lehmann, Miller, Munk, Senator, & Zuntz* of the metabolism 
of two fasting men, much higher figures than the above were ob- 
tained for the urinary nitrogen, and Munk (loc. cit., p. 225) calls 
attention to the fact that in one case the urinary nitrogen on the 
second day succeeding the fasting period was materially less than 
on the last day of the fasting, viz., 8.26 grams as compared with 
9.88 grams. 

In a subsequent series of experiments upon dogs, Munk + showed 
that by very liberal feeding with food poor in proteids (rice with 
small amounts of meat) the nitrogen balance could be maintained 
for a considerable time at an amount very much lower than pre- 
vious observers had found for the proteid metabolism of fasting 
dogs of similar weight. 

Length | Average NEE IE WER Urinary 

of bel na eG : MGMT OGG | Ga den eer NDUA OE 

iment, eight, : ' 

Days | Kgs” | Pat, | Starch, | Nitrogen, | rms 

Tee ew 5 1220) ("550 eG mNeoRGsunlonGT 
SOHN 5 10.21 | 38 96 | 2.48 | 2.40 
With food: \z alana 4 9.88 | 53 | 108 | 2.66 | 2.67 
Vener. 4 8.25 | 47.| 100 | 2-60 | 2 62 

remit RU bolle rn tae ae 14.4 3.65 
Fasting 1 Falek ee ai 8.9 5.10 

Munk also cites in support of his conclusions Rubner’s results 
on a dog fed exclusively on carbohydrates. A reference to these 
results as tabulated on a subsequent page does in fact show in most 
cases a decrease in the proteid metabolism as compared with the 
fasting values, but how much of this is due to the normal decrease 
during the first few days of abstinence from proteid food it is dif- 

* Arch. path. Anat. u. Physiol., 181, Supp. 
ft Ibid., 132, 91. 


ficult to decide. Munk also cites results obtained by Salkowski,* 
who observed the nitrogen excretion of a dog on a light ration con- 
taining but little proteids to be scarcely greater than in the absence 
of all food. 

KE. Voit & Korkunoff (loc. cit.) also included the carbohydrates 
in their investigation upon this subject, following the same general 
method as in the experiments with fat. The following are their 
results compared with the fasting proteid metabolism exactly as 
in the former case: 

Per Cent. of Minimum of Food Nitrogen. 
Total | Energy Demand 
Live |Nitrogen| Supplied by Per Cent.of Fasting 
Weight, eaore ee Metabolism. 
gS. Fasting, Carbo- oe pouty 
Grms. |hydrates,) pe,’ , Total, | Proteid, 
Per Cent.! Gent. Per Cent.|Per Cent. 
Series I: 
Experiment 3a| 24.0 | 4.93 @ | 91 | >5:43 | >130 | >133 
a 2 24.6 4.94 79 92 5.00 101 124 
Series IT: 
Experiment 5 27.7 4.98 111 | 122 5.11 103 126 
4 1 24.1 5.25 115 | 126 | >4.91 >94 | >123 
is 2 24.7 4.94 118 | 131 | <4.35 <88 | <108 
4 30.0 4.08 122 | 1386 | <4.47 | <110 | <134 
ih 3b | 24.0 | 4.93 | 155 | 168 | <4.48 | <91)) <td 

The authors also compute from a few experiments by C. Voit 
and by Rubner values not inconsistent with the above. 

When compared with the total nitrogen excretion, the results of 
Voit & Korkunoff show in but a single case a minimum unmistak- 
ably greater than the fasting proteid metabolism. In three cases 
the minimum falls below this amount, while in the remaining cases 
it is either substantially equal to it or doubtful. Regarded in this 
way, they seem on the whole in accord with Munk’s claim that the 
proteid metabolism may be reduced below the fasting limit. Voit 
& Korkunoff, however, dispute this and subject Munk’s experi- 
ments to a detailed criticism, the principal points of which are that 
in the earlier experiments, as noted above, the nitrogen excre- 
tion was irregular and that the result of a single day is arbi- 
trarily selected for comparison, while in the later experiments no 

* Zeit. physiol. Chem., 1, 44. 


determinations of the fasting metabolism of the animals actually 
used for the experiments were made. By a re-computation of 
Munk’s experiments they obtain results varying but little from 
100 per cent. A computation from the average figures given on 
p. 136, assuming 3.4 per cent. of nitrogen in the meat and 0.51 
grams of nitrogen per day in the feces, shows that the minimum is 
probably less than 107 per cent. of the fasting nitrogen excretion. 

Much depends, however, upon whether we take as the unit of 
comparison the total nitrogen excretion or, like Voit & Korkunoff, 
eliminate that portion derived from the extractives. If we select 
the former, then it appears that with a liberal supply of carbohy- 
drates in the food the supply of proteids certainly need not exceed 
the fasting metabolism in order to maintain nitrogen equilibrium, 
and perhaps may be reduced materially below it. 

Finally, it must be remembered that the fasting proteid meta- 
bolism itself is not a constant. In Chapter IV it was shown that 
as the store of fat in the body of a fasting animal becomes depleted 
the body proteids are drawn upon to an increasing extent to supply 
energy to the animal. It is not possible to show that the experi- 
mental results which have been cited are materially affected by this 
variability of the fasting proteid metabolism—indeed, it seems 
doubtful whether they are—but the fact that the demands of the 
organism for energy may affect the proteid metabolism is of itself 
sufficient to show that our unit of comparison, while practically 
convenient and perhaps sufficiently accurate, is not invariable. 

most of the experiments which have been cited, the very low figures 
for the necessary proteid supply have been obtained by the em- 
ployment of an amount of non-nitrogenous nutrients materially 
in excess of the estimated requirements of the animal for energy, 
although in no case was this latter factor actually determined. 

Sivén,* however, experimenting upon himself with a diet equal 
in amount to that ordinarily required to maintain his weight, was 
able to gradually reduce the total nitrogen of his food to 4.52 grams 
and maintain nitrogen equilibrium. He did not determine his fast- 
ing metabolism, but the above figure, which is equivalent to 0.08 
gram of nitrogen per kilogram live weight, is lower than the low- 

* Skand. Arch. f. Physiol., 10, 91. 


est fasting values previously obtained, Moreover, much of the 
nitrogen of his food was in the non-proteid form, the proteid nitro- 
gen being estimated at only 0.03 gram per kilogram live weight. 

Cremer & Henderson * have attempted to reproduce Sivén’s 
results in two experiments upon a dog, the total amount of food 
being equal to or slightly less than the estimated requirements of 
the animal. Under these conditions they were unable to reach 
even as low a minimum as did Voit & Korkunoff. On the other 
hand, Jaffa,} in a dietary study of a child on a diet of fruits and nuts 
(so-called frutarian diet), observed a gain of nitrogen by the sub- 
ject with only 0.041 gram of food nitrogen per kilogram body weight. 

Tue Minimum For Herpivora.—The ordinary food of our 
domestic herbivora contains an abundance of non-nitrogenous 
matter and relatively little protein. It is impossible, for obvious 
reasons, to determine the fasting metabolism of ruminants, and 
the basis for comparisons like those made above is therefore 
largely lacking. There is, however, abundant evidence to show that 
only a comparatively small amount of proteids is necessary to 
maintain the nitrogen equilibrium of cattle in particular, although 
exact data as to the least amount required are still lacking. 

The early experiments of Henneberg & Stohmann { upon the 
maintenance ration of cattle furnish the following examples of the 
sufficiency of a very small proteid supply, the results being com- 
puted per 500 kgs. live weight per day: 


Gain of 
2 N -nit y Animal, 
jae) “Nutrients, ha Grms. 
PerIOG sa Aasss aie arcieeeiiee oer 178 4247 4.0 
An Dap arsia 55 orehate erekecetoiere 259 3546 21.0 
Em FOL seve Sheds vallg Bvelsuerererere tae 209 3926 11.0 
Ox IT: 
OTIOG 2c revcceiorace ota oe eosressi ere 278 3607 19.5 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 42, 612. 

+ U.S. Dept Agr., Office of Expt. Stations, Bull. 107, 21. 

t Beitrige zur Begriindung einer rationellen Fiitterung der Wiederkaiier, 
Heft I. 


The following figures, obtained by the same investigators * in 
later experiments, are taken from Wolff’s compilation: + 

Pg a a 
Wet ; Non-nitrogenous| bY Animal, 
ay Protein ’ Nutrients, Grms. 
: Grimms. 

Oxelhy Periodwiid) ees ath sis 514 315 2435 0 
“ Cay i 2 Seat eA a 531 405 4090 + 9.6 
ce Ea alIGiele guects teats 533 375 4980 +24.8 

Ox II. Period 6.....%.... 625 280 3060 + 9.6 
‘ ah yg UES Pe 643 435 4590 +14.4 


Ox (Experiment.l 2). 638 395 4995 + 0.5 
e Deas 643 410 3610 — 0.8 
ne iy Bra sn 661 400 3620 + 4.0 

Oxallr rf Direc 701 445 5540 — 6.4 
e ne Grea 715 390 6060 + 3.2 

G. Kiihn’s extensive investigations at Méckern,{ together with 
subsequent ones by Kellner,§ afford the following data for the 
periods in which the ration was approximately a maintenance 

In Digested Food. : 
Wawnt Metabolizabl Niece 
’ P Metabolizable Animal 
Hel Ee | Bors | cia. | 
Kithn’s Experiments: 
OxasliG eBeriod i 632 413 16388 ar Wall 
Pea hice et Me a: 632 338 17986 — 2.6 
pee Ns. Pe al COR eae asics 631 339 18077 Ono 
ONE een, Wal Dea Sie 2 23 623 320 17125 = o7¢ 
Ba Vi: Soi ab ale Acre 602 451 15072 + 8.5 
Oo eG I Sel eb] sree ak rage 644 458 15872 + 6.3 
OPENO NO A ie t M e dk al 672 540 17416 + 3.3 
Kellner’s Experiments: 
Ora AC ris tees eae 620 440 16322 ae (Oa24 
Ses BE dis tach Ah SO ra 612 213 15447 —14.6 
Chet nad Wei aceh sie ahe eeeae 748 343 13716 —13.8 
Siibied LEA Alte aii Osictearee Aenea 750 696 18655 exe) 
CEI eet oe a 858 665 24558 ae tig 

* Beitriige, etc., Heft II., and Neue Beitriige, etc. 
+ Erniihrung landw. Nutzthiere, pp. 406-410. 

t Landw. Vers. Stat., 44, 257. 

§ Ibid., 47, 275; 50, 245. 


Experiments by the writer * have shown that nitrogen equi- 
librium may be maintained, for a time at least, on even smaller 
amounts of protein than the above figures would indicate. The 
figures in the first column of the following table signify the proteid 
nitrogen only of the food multiplied by 6.25: 

Digested Pro- Meta- ; 
eariuped Day polieable prod pain cele. Nutritive 
pnd oOo Kee | deustey | weigt,| byiBody, | "a" 
Gacise , Cals." HSESE Grms. a 
Experiment I: 
FORGO bee ane pete 129 7956 420 —2.51 20.1 
MES EDs eded wig bas 113 7588 450 —0.39 20.4 
aos hare eer 133 7191 400 —1.08 18.6 
Experiment II: 
PILOT lessees 192 8144 420 +1.76 13.4 
Pee ee are 3b te aes 202 9590 450 +4.23 13.6 
A ee ere 209 8084 400 +4 .62 12.8 
Experiment VI: 
SLC@n (becuse 297 11130 450 +4.67 10.9 
Se ee a ae 11318 490 +6.47 10.9 
ME) Oi hale 314 11324 430 +2.65 10.6 
Experiment VII: 
pteer ll... iin ecules 156 11955 450 +5.68 23.0 
BOD as Gidea eases 131 11904 490 +3.98 25.3 
Sra erigctane ren: 152 11557 430 +4.15 23.9 
Experiment VIII 
Btcorale cr os.ees 258 11634 543 +0.26 10.4 
ae ree 242 12976 629 —0.20 10.7 
PAO y cats Oe 275 12030 516 —2.31 10.6 

While the above data are hardly sufficient to fix absolutely the 
minimum of proteids for cattle on a maintenance ration, they indi- 
cate clearly that from 200 to 300 grams of digestible protein per day 
_is at least sufficient for a steer weighing 500 kgs., and there is a 
‘possibility that the amount may be somewhat further reduced. 

Although we are unable to compare this with the fasting meta- 
bolism, a comparison on the basis of live weight with some of the 
results previously cited shows that the minimum demand for pro- 
teids on the part of cattle is relatively much less than on the part 
of carnivora. Thus the results obtained by Lehmann et. al. and 
Munk (p. 137), and by Voit & Korkunoff (p. 138), computed in 

* Penna. Expt. Station, Bull. 42, 165. 


grams of food nitrogen per kilogram live weight, give the following 
figures for the minimum nitrogen requirements of the dog and of 
man as compared with cattle: 

Experiments on Dogs. 

0.235 gram. 
Of243° 7) < 
Tai Ub al eh pe Pe ee Oa Peer a ne Terns Nd 0.269 « 
ORST Spas 
AVICTACES oo is oe wale einer ere 0.266 “ 
> 08226) 
OR20357 Fx. 
OsT85 7) 6 
Not CMOrkUnOn ces Vase ie uo eect ere >0.204 : * 
<Q0.149 . “ 
Wea isi 
Experiments on Man. 
0.190 “ 
0.180 “ 
Lehmann ARORA NON ae OAD SOR a at eA | 0.090 « 
0.180 “ 
Experiments on Cattle. 
Range of experiments cited ........ 0.064-0.098 gram. 

Only one of the results on man, together with the very low 
figure obtained by Sivén (p. 139), is comparable with those reached 
with cattle. Whether we are to ascribe the small demand of the 
latter for proteids to a specific difference in their rate of meta- 
bolism or to the large amounts of carbohydrate material which 
they habitually consume does not clearly appear. 

Errects upoN HeattH.—Munk, in his experiments with rations 
very poor in proteids, made the observation that while such raticns 
were adequate to maintain the nitrogen balance of the body they 
nevertheless appeared to produce, in time, profound functional dis- 
turbances, sometimes ending in death. Similar observations have 
also been made by Rosenheim.* These experimenters ascribe 

* Arch. ges. Physiol., 54, 61. 


the ill effects directly to the small supply of proteids, but some other 
writers appear inclined to explain them as due to the long continu- 
ance of a uniform and rather artificial diet. The writer’s experi- 
ments, cited above, showed no evidence of any ill effect in the case of 
cattle upon a ration containing but about 200 grams digestible pro- 
tein per day and continued for seventy days, and subsequent obser- 
vations, as well as the common experience of farmers in wintering 
cattle upon such feeding-stuffs as inferior hay, straw, etc., fully 
confirm this result. 

Effects on Total Metabolism. 

Substitution for Body Fat.—We have seen in the preceding 
section that proteid food, or rather the non-nitrogenous residue 
arising from its cleavage in the body, may be utilized as a source of 
energy in place of the body fat which would otherwise be meta- 
bolized. Similarly, the non-nitrogenous nutrients supplied in the 
food may be thus substituted for body fat in the metabolism of the 
animal. The substitution is shown most clearly in experiments 
upon fasting animals, although it appears also in those in which 
these nutrients are added to an insufficient ration. 

Fat.—The following averages of Pettenkofer & Voit’s experi- 
ments,* computed from Atwater & Langworthy’s digest,f illustrate 
this substitution of food fat for body fat: 

Gain or Loss by Body. 

Food, Number of 
Grms. Experiments. : 
Nitrogen, Fat, 
Grms. Grms. 
Nothing 5 —6.64 — 97.76 
100 fat 2 —4.90 — 16.25 
350 “ 1 —7.-70 +113.60 

The smaller amount of fat not only diminished the proteid meta- 
bolism but also largely reduced the loss of fat from the body. The 
larger amount of fat showed the tendency noted on p. 115 to increase 
the proteid metabolism, but at the same time it not only suspended 
the loss of body fat but caused a storage of fat in the organism. Of 
course we have no means of distinguishing in such a case between 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 5, 370. 
7 U.S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations, Bull. 45. 


food fat and body fat, but it is most natural to suppose that the re- 
sorbed fat of the food, being already in circulation in the body, is 
more easily accessible to the active cells than the stored-up fat of 
the adipose tissue and is, therefore, metabolized in preference to thc 

Rubner,* in his study of the replacement values of the several 
nutrients, has demonstrated the same effect of food fat. Fat 
supplied in the food is utilized as a source of energy to the body and 
a corresponding quantity of body fat escapes oxidation, while if 
supplied in excess fat is stored up in the body. The experiments 
were made in the same manner and are. computed on the same 
assumptions as those upon proteids recorded on p. 106. All were 
on dogs except the third, which was on a rabbit. 

Total Nitrogen Fat Gain or Loss 

Food. of Excreta, Metabolized, of Fat, 

Grms. Grms. Grms. 
ING Gime ee Peg My Vet ae ch 1.69 60.47 — 60.47 
PAO PAGO, LOCO NS AS ooaoeouooD 1.68 71.80 +128 .20 
UNO CHIN oe is srouiaue wy iela cleyaf she 2.14 33.78 — 33.78 
39.75 grms. of butter fat..... 2.44 33.48 = Oe2i 
Noting ee a. Fe ie, Macon 0.778 7.18 om (gilts 
ZO S TMS sOACOMM se a = 1.045 6.44 +-- 19.63 
INOGnIn Ge Rei Cry hei ant ct. 2.56 42.40 — 42.40 
OO) asain, TEE ds dAdo oaccaseds 2.48 47.73 + 52.27 
ING thine aeitey motets etary ae ca. 1.08 22.88 — 22.88 
AQiermss bacONia). 62 tcl: ci- «< 1.32 28.73 + 11.27 

In nearly every case there was a slight increase in the proteid 
metabolism, as in Pettenkofer & Voit’s experiments, and a some- 
what greater, although still not very considerable, increase in the 
fat metabolism. In the main, however, the food fat was metabolized 
‘in place of the body fat. 

In those of Pettenkofer & Voit’s experiments in which fat was 
added to an insufficient ration of meat the same effect was pro- 
duced, as appears when we compare the results upon aration of meat 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 19, 328-334; 30, 123. 
{ Results approximate only. 


and fat given on p. 150 with those upon the same ration of meat 
without the fat, as in the table below: 

Number Food per Day. Gain or Loss by Body. 
of SSS woe 
Experi : 
Meat, Fat, Nit » | Carbon, 
ments. | Grms. | Grms. | Grms.| Grms. 
Proteids alone: s. 2... ..0s: 6 500 ite —3.4 —49.1 
iy OIL EAL Ssicidenees 1 500 100 +0.3 +27.1 
iM MeeeN Le caaee eed 5 500 200 —0.6 + 67.3 

CARBOHYDRATES. — The more soluble hexose carbohydrates 
when given to a fasting animal serve, like the fats, as a source of 
energy for the organism in place of the body fat which would other- 
wise be oxidized. 

The following is a summary of the average results obtained by 
Pettenkofer & Voit * by feeding starch with a small amount of 
fat, the fasting metabolism being the same as that just given on 
p. 144. The averages are computed as before from Atwater & 
Langworthy’s digest (loc. cit.): 

Number Food per Day. Gain or Loss by Body. 
of BS a cat Rw Sed Ee OR rane ee 
Experi- ; 

Starch, Fat, Nit , | Carbon, 

ments. | ‘arms: | Grms. | Grms.” | Grms. 
astine aie a 44 fines 5 xe =6164-|/=— 9776 
1 450 16.9 —7.20 | +19.40 
POUATCH se ciclo gino cache aane 1 597 21.2 —9.40 | —28.50 
3 700 20.2 —6.20 | +61.30 

The fasting metabolism in this case represents a series of experi- 
ments antedating by a year or two that upon starch. In only one 
case were the respiratory products of the fasting animal determined 
during the latter series. That determination immediately fol- 
lowed a day on which a large amount of starch was consumed, 
and the results are believed by the authors to be affected thereby. 
No very strict comparison is therefore possible, but the general 
effect of the starch in diminishing the loss of body fat is evident. 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 9, 485. 


The experiments by Rubner,* which have been already several 
times referred to, include trials in which sugar or starch was fed 
alone. The results are computed as previously described, with the 
additional assumption that all the carbohydrates digested (with the 
exception of small amounts of sugar found in the urine in some 
cases) were completely oxidized in the body. The gain or loss of 
carbon as fat is therefore computed by subtracting from the total 
excretory carbon, first, the carbon due to the protein metabolized, 
and second, that assumed to be derived from the carbohydrates. 
On this basis the results are as follows, the amounts of carbohydrates 
given in the table being those believed to have been actually oxi- 

Total Nitrogen | Total Carbon Gain or Loss 

Food. of Excreta, | of Excreta,t of Fat, 
Grms. Grms. Grms 
INOting eerste cme i oe Ae 1.94 38.18 — 40.99 
76.12 grms. cane-sugar......... 1.45 43.19 = 8.4! 
104.97 “ Gr ei sarin A 1.07 47.78 + 0.51 
INI Old UA 5 Sean RB cn rae 1.86 39 .22 — 42.72 
97.3 grms. cane-sugar.......... 1.92 50.69 — 2.95 
nO Exe ue Ntaratiste UuspNe torte 1.41 39.52) — 35.86 

143.0 “ et Boe Re MSP AAD 1.22 46.45 + 23.32 
INO CTS es A Betas Cie ane oA ROR test 1.32 21.36 — 21.88 
34 grms. cane-sugar............. 1.41 26.18 — 9.10 
45 “ Peete N races Sis eters tenes 1.25 29.14 — 7.46 
KO Si aaa SS ea oe ape 1.57 27.68 — 1.64 
ING tino ys laeyordsss ose sieieiele oc ined 1.39 25.79 — 27.86 
INO Chin og rey eterseketencecreeiate teraction: 1.42 26.47 — 28.10 
ADpOGIoTMSStATCr ys. ciei-- siclel << 1.53 33.28 — 10.54 
INGUIN O eeratctey chara opetcrees; Soae eth care 2.00 31.53 — 32.10 
OPO SOLMSnSuALCM wee c/s sre cee oie 1.52 39.67 — 10.74 
Nothing (second day)........... 2.64 27 .86 — 24.97 
94.36 grms. cane-sugar 

67.96 “ — starch 1.23 38 .94 +116.35f 
ARCO ee fat 

In place of the slight increase in the proteid metabolism fre- 
quently noticed when fat is consumed, the tendency of the carbo- 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 19, 357-379; 22, 273. 
+ Not including the carbon of the carbohydrates found in feces and urine. 
{Total gain of carbon, computed as fat. Compare, loc. cit., 22, 279. 


hydrates seems to be to cause a slight decrease, but the chief effect _ 
is upon the carbon metabolism, increasing rations of carbohydrates 
resulting in a progressive reduction of the amount of body fat meta- 

The effect of starch or sugar when added to an insufficient pro- 
teid diet may be illustrated, as in the case of fat, by a comparison 
of Pettenkofer & Voit’s results, cited on p. 150, with those on pro- 
teids alone: 

Gain or Loss 

Number Food per Day. by Body. 
ments. | Meat, | Fat, | Starch, |Dextrose,|Nitrogen,| Carbon, 
Grms. |Grms.| Grms. Grms. Grms. Grms. 
Proteids alone ....... 6 500 ite —3.4 |. —49.1 
and starch... 8 500 | 5.3 200 <a —1.8 | + 9.0 
fe «dextrose . 3 500 200 —1.3 |] + 7.2 

Mutual Replacement of Nutrients.—The facts which have been 
considered in the foregoing pages show a remarkable degree of 
flexibility in the animal organism as regards the nature of the mate- 
rial consumed in its vital processes. The amount of proteid mate- 
rial necessarily required for the metabolism of the mature animal 
we have seen to be relatively small. Aside from this minimum, the 
metabolic activities of the body may be supported, now at the ex- 
pense of the stored body fat, now by the body proteids, and again 
by the proteids, the fats, or the carbohydrates of the food. What- 
ever may be true economically, physiologically the welfare of the 
mature animal is not conditioned upon any fixed relation between 
the classes of nutrients in its food-supply, apart from the minimum 
requirement for proteids. The possibility of a mutual replacement 
of the several classes of nutrients in the food follows almost neces- 
sarily from the power of the organism to utilize them all indiffer- 
ently (in a qualitative sense at least). 

REPLACEMENT OF PRotErps.—It has been shown that proteids 
in excess of the minimum demand can be used by the organism to 
take the place of body fat previously metabolized. Furthermore, 
as we have just seen, the non-nitrogenous nutrients of the food may 
likewise be substituted for body fat. It is natural to suppose, there- 
fore, that that portion of the proteid supply which serves substan- 


tially as a source of energy only may be replaced either by body fat 
or by other food nutrients, and this supposition is borne out by the 
observed facts. . 

By Body Fat.—In considering the total metabolism of the fast- 
ing animal in Chapter IV, we saw that the fat of the body has a 
marked effect in protecting the body proteids from metabolism, and 
that with the progressive impoverishment of the body in fat, more 
and more of the proteids are substituted for the latter as a source of 
energy. In $1 of the present chapter it was further shown that 
the food proteids, or their non-nitrogenous residue, may be oxi- 
dized in the organism in place of the stored fat of the body. 

It is clear, however, that the same experiments may equally 
well be regarded from the converse point of view as showing that 
the body fat may be oxidized and serve as a source of energy in 
place of the proteids of the food or of the body. In other words, 
it is possible, within quite wide limits, for the animal organism to 
draw its supply of energy, according to circumstances, either from 
food or body proteids or from its stored-up fat. 

By Fats and Carbohydrates of Food.—When, in addition to its 
reserve of fat, a supply of non-nitrogenous nutrients is afforded in 
its food, this range of choice by the organism is still further widened. 
In considering the effects of non-nitrogenous nutrients upon the 
proteid metabolism, and particularly in the discussion of the mini- 
mum of proteids, it became evident incidentally that fat or car- 
bohydrates may to a large extent be substituted for proteids in 
the food. A certain minimum of proteids was shown to be essential 
to the maintenance of the proteid tissues of the body, but proteids 
supplied in excess of this amount undergo nitrogen cleavage and 
serve substantially as a source of energy. This excess of proteids, 
as we have seen, can be replaced in the food by non-nitrogenous 
nutrients, particularly the carbohydrates, at least without damage 
to the proteid nutrition, as is shown by Voit’s results there 
cited (p. 134). The later respiration experiments of Pettenkofer 
& Voit show that this is true also as regards the total metab- 
olism. As appears from the table on p. 109, a ration of 1500 
grams of lean meat sufficed to maintain the dog experimented 
upon approximately in equilibrium as regards the income and 
outgo of both nitrogen and carbon. When, however, a Con- 


siderable proportion of this meat was replaced by fat, starch, or 
sugar, not only was the nitrogen equilibrium maintained but the 
same was true of the carbon, as appears from the following averages 
computed from Atwater & Langworthy’s “Digest of Metabolism 
ixperiments.” * The results of Pettenkofer & Voit’s first series 
with 1500 grams of lean meat as given by them are also included 
in the table: 

Food per Day. Gain or Loss 

by Body. 
Meat,| Fat, | Starch, | sugar,|Nitrogen,} Carbon, 
Grms.|Grms.| Grms. | Grms.| Grms. Grms. 
Proteids only: 
peniec LA. eae chase canst 1500) ... sais [tes 0 + 3.3 
Average of all (22 experiments) | 1500) ... .-. | oe. | +0.6 | + 8.7 
Proteids and fat: 
100 grms. fat (1 experiment) ..} 500} 100 ee ids 2 EE Ose oe 27 ol 
200 “ “(5 experiments).| 500! 200 wee | eee | —O.6 1) 467.3 
Proteids and carbohydrates : 
Starch (8 experiments) ....... 500; 5.3 | 200; ... | —1.8; + 9.0 
Grape-sugar (3 experiments) ..| 500) ... ae | 200 | —1.3 | + 7.2 

While it is true, as was stated on page 109, that there is reason 
to suppose the carbon balance as computed by Pettenkofer & 
Voit to be somewhat in error, this in no way affects the general 
showing of the above averages. The introduction into the diet of 
100-200 grams of fat or carbohydrates made it possible to dispense 
with two thirds of the proteids previously required to maintain the 
animal, the remaining 500 grams of meat being nearly or quite suffi- 
cient to maintain nitrogen equilibrium. The fat or carbohydrates 
added were obviously used by the organism as sources of energy in 
place of the proteids (or their non-nitrogenous residue) oxidized 
for this purpose on a purely proteid diet, since the stored fat of the 
body was not only conserved but even shows a gain. 

Rubner’s investigations upon the source of animal heat fT afford 

* U.S. Dept. Agr., Office of Expt. Stations, Bull. 45. Compare Zeit. f. 
Biol., 7, 450-480; 9, 6-13 and 450-467. 
t Zeit. f. Biol., 30, 125-132. 


a similar illustration of this effect of non-nitrogenous nutrients. 
Assuming average figures for the nitrogen and carbon content of the 
food materials used, he obtained the following results: 

Food per Day. Gain or Loss by Body. 

Meat, Fat, Nitrogen, Carbon, 

Grms. Grms. Grms. Grms. 
Proteids alone (1 experiment)...... 350 me +1.66 | —2.69 
and fat (2 experiments).. 80 30 —0.08 | +4.46 

The possibility of such a substitution of non-nitrogenous nutri- 
ents for the food proteids as is illustrated in the foregoing experi- 
ments seems, indeed, almost a necessary corollary of the facts con- 
cerning proteid metabolism considered on previous pages. We 
have seen that, beginning with the fasting metabolism, the effect 
of successive acditions of proteids to the food is to stimulate the 
proteid metabolism. Only a relatively small proportion of the 
added proteids is employed hy the organism for constructive pur- 
poses, the larger part of it undergoing very promptly nitrogen 
cleavage and thus constituting, to all intents and purposes, an ad- 
dition to the supply of non-nitrogenous material available for 
metabolism. It appears quite natural, then, that the portion of 
the proteid supply which thus serves substantially as fuel to the 
organism should be replaceable in the food by non-nitrogenous 
materials which are capable of serving the same purpose. 

Fats AND CARBOHYDRATES.—The apparent identity of the func- 
tions of the fats and carbohydrates as sources of energy which has 
been shown in the preceding paragraphs necessarily implies the 
possibility of their mutual replacement in the food. Rubner* has 
completed the chain of evidence by showing experimentally that fat 
and dextrose may thus replace each other, A dog received for 
twelve days a ration of 300 grams of lean meat and 42 or 50 grams 
of fat, with the exception of three days, on which varying amounts 
of dextrose were substituted for the fat. On six days the respi- 
ratory products were determined. Averaging the results for all 
the days on which the food was the same, and assuming the lean 

* Zeit. £. Biol., 19, 370. 


meat used to have contained 8.4 per cent. of nitrogen and 12.51 
per cent. of carbon, and the fat 76.5 per cent. of carbon, we have: 

Food per Day. Gain or Loss by Animal, 
Meat, Fat, Dextrose, Nitrogen, Carbon, 
Grms. Grms. Grms. Grms. Grms. 
300 AD em OG es ee +1.81 +1.27 
sportegud Sahat ati 300 BO Macs POLIO. |) sh O. al 
Vere a 63.7 +1.78 —7.44 
Meat and dextrose... . 300 on 79.7 +2.28 —8.15 
300 aie L555) +1.98 +6.21 

The averages of Pettenkofer & Voit’s results as tabulated on 
p. 150 may likewise be regarded in this light. 

RELATIVE VALuEsS.—The close similarity in the functions of the 
several non-nitrogenous nutrients is too obvious to have escaped 
early notice, and the investigations of the Munich school of physi- 
ologists served both to emphasize the similarity and to follow it 
into details. To Rubner, a pupil of Voit, is generally ascribed 
the credit of having first placed in a clear light the quantitative 
relations of the subject, although v. Hoésslin* and Danilewsky f 
enunciated similar ideas at about the same time, which, however, 
were not based on their own experiments. 

As the result of his investigations upon the replacement values 
of the nutrients,t Rubner announced the law of “isodynamic re- 
placement.” This law is, in brief, that the several nutrients can 
replace each other in amounts inversely proportional to their physi- 
ological heat values, that is, to the amounts of heat which they 
would liberate if oxidized to the same final products which 
result from their metabolism in the body. In other words, aside 
from the minimum of proteids the nutrients are of value to the 
organism in proportion to the amount of energy which their meta- 
bolism liberates—they are “the fuel of the body.” One gram of 
fat, for example, when oxidized to carbon dioxide and water, liber- 
ates about 9.5 Cals. of energy, while one gram of starch similarly 

* Arch. path. Anat. u. Physiol., 89, 333. 
+ Die Kraftvorriite der Nahrungsstoffe 
t Zeit. f. Biol., 19, 313. 


oxidized liberates but about 4.2 Cals. The relative values of fat 
and starch, then, are as 9.5:4.2 or as 2.26:1. Similarly, one 
gram of proteids oxidized to carbon dioxide, water, and the nitrog- 
enous metabolic products of feces and urine liberates (in the dog) 
about 4.4 Cals. of energy. So far, therefore, as they are used as 
a source of energy simply and not for constructive purposes, their 
value, compared with starch, would be as 4.4 : 4.2 or as 1.05 :1. 

A rival theory of “isoglyeosic values,” the basis of which has 
already been indicated in Chapter II, has been advanced by Chau- 
veau * and his school in Paris. According to this school, dextrose 
(or glycogen) constitutes the material which is consumed in the 
vital activities of the organism. The various nutrients, then, will 
be of value to the organism in proportion to the amount of gly- 
cogen or dextrose which they can supply, and the chemical equa- 
tions already given on pp. 38 and 51 are claimed to show sub- 
stantially what that amount is. The carbohydrates, according to 
this theory, yield practically their entire store of energy to the 
organism, while if the equations mentioned are interpreted liter- 
ally the sugar produced from one gram of proteids would, accord- 
ing to Chauveau’s equation, contain but about 1.83 Cals. of poten- 
tial energy in place of the 4.4 Cals. available from the proteids 
according to Rubner. If the proteids are assumed to be split 
up in accordance with Gautier’s equation the resulting dextrose 
would contain about 80 per cent. of their potential energy, and 
this figure is used in computing their isoglycosic value. Similarly, 
the sugar derived from one gram of fat would contain about 6.07 
Cals. out of the 9.5 Cals. contained in the original fat. In other 
words, while Chauveau does not question that the actual food of 
the living cells is of value in proportion as it supplies energy, he 
holds that in the complex organism of the higher animals a con- 
siderable share of the original potential energy of fats and proteids 
is lost during their conversion into material (carbohydrates) which 
the cells can use. 

The conception of the mutual replacement of the nutrients on 
the basis of the amounts of energy they are capable of liberating 
for the use of the organism has proved a fruitful one and been the 
basis of much subsequent research. A full discussion of it and 

*La Vie et l’Energie chez l’Animale. 


of the modifications which later investigation has made necessary 
in Rubner’s original conclusions, is possible only in connection 
with a general study of the energy relations of the food, the animal, 
and the environment such as forms the subject of Part II. For 
the present we may content ourselves with accepting the general 
idea that the relative values of the nutrients depend in very large 
measure upon their ability to furnish energy for the vital activi- 
ties, deferring until later the consideration of quantitative rela- 

The discussions of the foregoing paragraphs have had reference to 
the effects produced by pure or approximately pure nutrients upon 
the metabolism of carnivora. By reason of the simplicity of con- 
ditions which is possible in such experiments they are indispensa- 
ble in a study of the fundamental laws of nutrition. We must 
presume also that the general principles established by such 
experiments are applicable to all warm-blooded animals, since 
we know of no radical differences in their vital processes. 

In making such an application to the nutrition of our domestic 
herbivorous animals, however, much caution is necessary to avoid 
unwarranted assumptions and conclusions. Two points need espe- 
cially to be borne in mind: 

First, the food of these animals is, from a chemical point of view, 
very heterogeneous. In addition to true proteids, there are present, 
especially in coarse fodders, various non-proteid nitrogenous sub- 
stances, while the non-nitrogenous nutrients, besides hexose carbo- 
hydrates and true fats, include, on the one hand. pentosans and 
pentoses, lignin, and all the variety of unknown substances com- 
prised under the conventional terms “ nitrogen-free extract” and 
“crude fiber,” and on the other the waxes, resins, coloring matters, 
etc., contained in the “crude fat.” 

Second, the process of digestion in herbivora, and especially in 
the ruminants, as was pointed out in Chapter I. differs materially 
from that in carnivora as regards the part. played by fermentative 
processes, particularly in the solution of the carbohydrates and 
related bodies which are so abundant in vegetable materials. 

It has been more or less customary to regard the digested por- 
tions of the crude fiber and nitrogen-free extract of feeding-stuffs 


as consisting essentially of carbohydrates. The basis for this 
assumption is the demonstration by Henneberg that the ultimate 
composition of that portion of these two groups of substances 
which is not recovered in the feces is substantially that of starch 
or cellulose, while Kellner * has more recently demonstrated their 
equality in energy value. This fact of itself, however, does not 
justify the inference of equal nutritive value, as may be readily 
seen in the case of starch. It is obviously not a matter of indiffer- 
ence whether a given amount of this substance is resorbed from the 
digestive canal of a steer in the form of sugar or whether, as in some 
of Kithn’s experiments, 65 per cent. of it is converted into methane, 
carbon dioxide, and organic acids, yet the elementary composition 
of the “digested” portion would be the same in either case. 

The fact is that while the resorbed food of herbivora contains 
proteids, carbohydrates, and fats, whose functions in nutrition must 
be assumed to be the same as in the carnivora, it is very far from 
consisting entirely of them, but contains also a variety of other 
substances of whose exact nature and proportions we are compara- 
tively ignorant. We know, of course, that the digested non-nitrog- 
enous ingredients of feeding-stuffs, taken as a whole, do serve as 
sources of energy. When an ox or a sheep is fed exclusively on 
ordinary coarse fodders such as hay, straw, or corn stover, the small 
supply of proteids that he receives is likely to be little if any in ex- 
cess of the minimum demand, and the requirements of the body for 
energy must be satisfied very largely by the non-nitrogenous mate- 
rials. Moreover, the supply of such substances as starch, sugars, 
and true fats in such a case is so small relatively that it appears 
difficult to suppose that these alone are sufficient for the needs of 
the organism, and one is forced to the conclusion that the ill-known 
ingredients of the “crude fiber” and “nitrogen-free extract” are 
also utilized. 

The separation and identification of these various substances 
and the study of their physiological effects presents a problem at 
once attractive and laborious and one whose complete solution we 
cannot hope soon to reach. Some few data as to certain classes, 
however, are available. 

- Compare Part II, Chapter X. 


Pentose Carbohydrates.—It has already been shown in Chapter 
II (p. 24) that such of the pentose carbohydrates as have been 
experimented upon are at least partially oxidized in the body, and 
that this appears to be especially the case with herbivora, the urine 
of these animals seldom containing pentoses. 

It is of course conceivable that a substance may be oxidized 
in the body without producing any useful effect except in so 
far as the resulting heat may be of value to the organism, but it 
seems more consonant with our general conceptions of the nature 
of metabolism to suppose that the potential energy of any substance 
which is capable of entering into the metabolism of the cells may be 
utilized as a source of energy for their functions. In the case of the 
pentoses, moreover, we have the additional fact, seemingly well 
established, that pentoses may give rise, directly or indirectly, to a 
production of glycogen. (Compare p. 26.) If we suppose the 
latter body to be formed directly from the pentoses, then their nutri- 
tive value is established, since that of glycogen is unquestionable. 
If, on the other hand, we suppose that the pentoses enable glycogen 
to be produced by protecting other materials from oxidation, then 
their nutritive value is likewise established, since they serve as a 
source of energy to the organism. 

Recent respiration experiments by Cremer * seem to fully con- 
firm this conclusion. In addition to an only partially successful 
trial with a dog, four experiments were made in which the urinary 
nitrogen and the respiratory carbon of rabbits were determined on 
a diet of varying quantities of rhamnose as compared with a preced- 
ing and succeeding day of fasting. No examination of the feces was 
made, except to determine the amount of rhamnose contained in 
them. Small amounts of this substance were also found in the 
urine. Neglecting the carbon and nitrogen of the feces and esti- 
mating the urinary carbon from the nitrogen by the use of Rubner’s 
factor,t 0.7462, the following results have been computed, the two 
or three fasting days in each experiment being averaged. The 
amount of rhamnose stated is exclusive of that found in feces and 

* Zeit f. Biol., 42, 451. 
+ Ibid., 19, 318. 


Lost from Body. 

iets | Ge 
Berens) (ail sea pane chamuces ee ioe, | 12.600 
‘ugnadionatih 9] eran Graven cect | | awe | eee 
Experiment III: | 139g gums shamudse 71.1.) - oss | 81838 
Bapeament Uo iagle ras chanese 11 ipl || 14 ae 

The conditions in the first experiment were not regarded as 
satisfactory. In the other three the loss of fat from the body was 
notably diminished by the administration of rhamnose, precisely as 
in the experiments of Pettenkofer & Voit and of Rubner (pp. 147 
and 148) with the hexose carbohydrates. The quantitative results 
vary considerably in the individual experiments, but in the second 
and fourth correspond quite closely to the law of isodynamic 
replacement. | 

Kellner * computes from the results of respiration experiments 
in which extracted rye straw was added to a basal ration that the 
furfuroids (presumably pentosans) of this material must have con- 
tributed to the production of fat to as great an extent as starch or 
cellulose. (Compare p. 183.) A fortiori, therefore, they must be 
capable of protecting the body fat from oxidation. 

Organic Acids.—Mention was made in Chapter II of the fact 
that the organic acids, which are found to some extent in the food 
and which are produced in large amounts by the fermentation of 
the carbohydrates in the digestive apparatus of herbivora, are oxi- 
dized in the body. From this latter fact we should anticipate that 
they might serve as sources of energy to the organism, and_ this 
anticipation apparently has been confirmed by several investi- 

Zuntz & v. Mehring f determined the amount of oxygen con- 
sumed by fasting rabbits before, during, and after the injection 

* Landw. Vers. Stat., 58, 457. 
t+ Arch. ges Physiol., 32, 173. 


into the circulation of sodium lactate. The results per kilogram 
and quarter hour were as follows: 

Before Injection. After Injection. 

Quarter hours. Injec- Quarter hours. 
Fourth.| Third. | Second.| First. ; First. | Second.) Third. | Fourth. 
c.c. c.c. c.c. c.c. c.c. c.c. c.c. c.c.” c.c. 

Apr. 19...| 184.7] 184.5] 190.1] 183.3] 203.4] 185.4) 199.0} 188.6] 182.2 
« -20...} 155.3] 142.2} 164.1] 155.6] 168.3) 156.6) 158.5) 164.4] 160.0 
20, 142.1) 132.6) 143.5) 138.5) 147.2] 153.6] 153.3) 155.4] 157.4 
e220 Vb5a Al OTA Meee 157.1; 164.8} 155.3) 160.7) 147.1) 154.1 
e628...) 159.2) 150.7) 158.5] °155.0) 178.1) 1638.2): 158.8) 172.9) 153.9 
May 2...| 176.6) 185.0) 158.2} 173.6) 171.8) 161.8) 173.4) 163.3] 180.2 
“ 4...| 156.1] 167.6} 159.9} 152.4) 166.2) 156.0) 164.2) 159.0} 160.1 
Totals. .../1129.6|1120.0! 974.3/1115.5)1199.8}1131 .9)1167.9)1150.7/1147.9 
Averages.| 161.4 160.0 162.4 159.4) 171.4 161.7 166.8 164.4 164.0 


160.8 164.2 

It being well established that lactic acid is readily oxidized in 
the body (compare p. 27), it is evident that in these experiments it 
must have protected the body fat from being metabolized, since 
otherwise the consumption of oxygen would have increased. Simi- 
lar, although not decisive, results were obtained with sodium buty- 
rate. On the other hand, sodium lactate administered by the 
mouth caused more or less increase in the oxygen cousumption, 
Wolfers * has reported confirmatory results with sodium lactate. 
Munk + injected sodium butyrate into the veins of fasting rabbits 
curarized to eliminate the effects of muscular activity and secure 
uniform metabolism, and determined the respiratory exchange by 
the Zuntz method (p. 72). The oxidation of sodium butyrate 
according to the equation. 

C,H,Na0,+50,=3C0, +3H,0+NaHCo, 

corresponds to a respiratory quotient of 0.6, which is less than that 

* Arch. ges. Physiol., 32, 222. 
t Ibid., 46, 322. 


of the fasting animal. The material lowering of the quotient which 
was observed was therefore interpreted as showing that the sodium 
butyrate was oxidized, and this conclusion was confirmed by the 
strongly alkaline character of the urine and the absence from it 
of butyric acid. The amount of sodium butyrate injected during 
1} to 14 hours was sufficient in the several experiments to supply 
from 60 to 100 per cent. of the respiratory demand of the fasting 
animal. If this had been oxidized uselessly—that is, if the energy 
liberated had not been of use to the organism—then the consump- 
tion of oxygen and elimination of carbon dioxide should have in- 
creased correspondingly. This, however, was far from being the 
case. as the following fifteen-minute averages for the periods 
before, during, and after the injection show: 

z Carbon : 
Acid Oxygen Diese Respira- 
bected | ponsees.  uxerecea|ta ue 
Animal I, weight 1.92 kgs.: 
Before injection........... SS eee RR Ne 260.9 196.1 0.75 
During eM ses crete acter easy ecto k 0.1383 | 280.0 190.5 | 0.68 
After WP al speach ects Mey oo cl Ee aaa 253.3 PS 20 Oc 
Animal IT, weight 1.9 kgs.: 
IBCLOTEMMICCTION 4 tp tia telec eles eye sess 290.9 228.3 | 0.78 
During Se cite cic ka Ae aM eta 0.199 | 325.2 214.6 | 0.66 
After Colas Overt tect try ale elec aed ae a 299.4 | 230.9 | 0.78 
Animal ITI, weight 1.82 kgs. 
IBefOreninjectiomeyan cy tien aeeiereieg| oslo eee 305.3 243.4 0.79 
DATA) See as de eae al ears ea BOL2065 |) 83502 9N i 238nOni Ona 
After SRN eit toa ect soe cae ects 306.6 | 235.3 | 0.77 
Animal IV, weight 1.47 kgs.: 
Before injection............. aberaeera Nes eekt a 278.9 201.0} 0.72 
During DEINE EN Sia) acs arate tsk 0.186 | 297.6 197.9 | 0.68 
After SLO Ge Natd ae eee Seid tall. steers 278.1 205.2 |. 0.73 

In place of an increase of 60 to 100 per cent. in the respiratory 
exchange under the influence of the sodium butyrate, there was an 
increase of only 7 to 8 per cent. in the oxygen and none at all in the 
carbon dioxide. It is evident, therefore, that the loss of fat from 
the body must have been largely diminished, the butyric acid serv- 
ing as a source of energy in its place. A stimulating effect upon 


the heart’s action was noticed, and Békai is quoted as having shown 
a similar action on the peristaltic movements of the intestines, and 
these facts perhaps account for some of the increase of the oxygen, 
but Munk shows another reason for most of it. To produce 1 Cal. 
of energy by the oxidation of sodium butyrate he computes to re- 
quire 0.324 gram of oxygen, while to produce 1 Cal. by the oxida- 
tion of fat requires, according to Zuntz & Hagemann (Chapter VIIJ), 
0.302 gram or 6.2 per cent. more in the first case. It would thus 
appear that the replacement of fat by sodium butyrate was sub- 
stantially isodynamice. 

Mallévre * experimented with sodium acetate, whose respira- 
tory quotient is 0.5, by the same method as Munk, the amount 
injected equaling 85-100 per cent. of the respiratory demand. The 
results per quarter hour were: 

Weight and Condition. Acetate . Cares Carbon: Respi- 
Wei A sumed. |Excreted. Ge 
Gas Cc, c.c. 
[ Before injection... At 2 eees 176.1 | 183.6 1.04 
Weight, 1.44 kgs. | During i e.) OL2Z0L 193.8: |; 167.1 |) 0286 
Just after eating.. ) | Residual effect.....] ..... 197.7.) 152.6 |. 0.76 
|| After injection.....| ..... 178.0 | 171.2 0.96 
Weight, 1.5 kgs.. ( Before injection....} ..... 195.3 | 149.6 | 0.77 
After two days’ {| During “  ....] 0.231 231.8 | 168.2 | O.71 
fasting......;. { After OF wham \ cts 21124) 63.3 | ORad 
Weight, 1.82 kgs. ; | Before injection ...| ..... 214.7 | 165.9 0.77 
After two days’ | During “ .. ....1 '0.127(?) | 244.8 | 169.5 |. 0.69 
fasting........ After red - we Zee ales 21721 | 16626") 0.77 
LV. ae 
. Soe Before injection ...| ..... 183.4 | 160.5 0. 
pees ef Kes. [\Dugae legis lena | teen eons 
pets y Residual effect.....| ..... 209.5 | 164.7 0.79 
ea a After-injection, .. ci) sa... 104.7.) 164.7 | 0.85 

The decrease in the respiratory quotient. as well as the results 
of the examination of the urine, showed that the sodium acetate 

* Arch. ges. Physiol., 49, 460. 


was oxidized in the body. The increase in the amount of oxygen 
_ consumed is much more marked than in Munk’s experiments, rang- 
ing from 10.4 to 14 per cent. Moreover, as Mallévre points out, in 
the oxidation of sodium acetate about the same volume of oxygen 
is required to produce a unit of heat as in the case of fat. Appar- 
ently, then, while the sodium acetate, like the sodium butyrate in 
Munk’s experiments, must have largely diminished the metabolism 
of the body fat, it also stimulated the total metabolism and was 
substituted for the fat in less than the isodynamic ratio. As in 
. Munk’s experiments, a stimulation of the heart action and also an 
increased peristalsis of the intestines was observed. 

It would seem, then, that lactic and butyric acids, when 
introduced into the circulation of the fasting animal, protect 
the body fat from oxidation, and replace other nutrients in 
isodynamic proportions. Acetic acid, on the contrary, seems in- 
ferior to the other two in this respect, and it is of interest to recall 
that according to Weiske & Flechsig (p. 123) it apparently has 
also less effect in diminishing the proteid metabolism. , 

Crude Fiber.—As was stated on p. 117, the early experiments 
by v. Knieriem * upon the nutritive value of cellulose comprised 
respiration experiments as well as determinations of the proteid 
metabolism. Combining the results for nitrogen already given with 
those for carbon, we have the following: 

Gain or Loss of 

: Number Food per Day. 
Period. . 
Days. SL eancann: Nitrogen, | Carbon, 
Grms. Grms. 
1 Seas 9 | Milk and horn dust ................ —0.599 | —4.521 
0 eee 10 |Same + 18.63 grms. crude fiber * ...| +0.104 | —0.434 
JOB eh aloes Oneal andvhorn- Gusti... == ueere sae —0.330 | —4.868 
Vestn 4 |Same + 11 grms. cane-sugar.........| —0.318 | —1.673 
VT 3 ee to BB. ik Beata ae tr ate atte —0.023 | +5.653 

* Water-free. 
+ Results regarded by the author as of doubtful value. 

In addition to its effect in diminishing the proteid metabolism, 
the crude fiber in these experiments seems to have been fully as 
efficient as the cane-sugar as a substitute for body fat. 

* Zeit. f{. Biol., 21, 67. 


As we have seen, there has been considerable study of the effects 
of crude fiber on the proteid metabolism, but no other comparative - 
experiments appear to have been made regarding the replacement 
values of cellulose and other carbohydrates in a maintenance ration. 

The somewhat lower value which seems to be indicated for the 
organic acids by the experiments cited in the previous paragraph 
has been made the basis of conclusions as to the inferior nutritive 
value of cellulose, and Zuntz,* in some comments on Mallévre’s 
experiments, remarks that the apparent equality between cellulose 
and starch observed in experiments on ruminants is to be explained 
by the fact that in these animals the starch also undergoes 
fermentation, a fact which the researches of G. Kihn at Méckern 
have since established. In other words, he would say that in case 
of ruminants the starch has as low a value as the cellulose rather 
than that the cellulose has as high a value as the starch. 

Kellner has Tecently obtained results, to be discussed a little 
later, which seem to prove a participation by the digested cellulose 
in actual fat production to as great an extent as by starch, and 
which therefore seem to put the nutritive value of the form of cellu- 
lose used by him beyond dispute. 

Utilization of Excess of Non-nitrogenous Nutrients. — No 
elaborate scientific investigation is needed to teach us that food 
supplied in exceess of the immediate demands of the organism re- 
sults in a greater or less storage of material in the body, this material 
consisting, in the mature animal, largely of fat. But while the fact 
of fat formation is obvious, the exact source of the fat has been the 
subject of as much controversy as almost any physiological question. 
As we have seen in the previous section, opinions are still far from 
being unanimous as to the production of fat from proteids, while 
until quite recently the same might have been said regarding 
the carbohydrates as a source of fat. A very complete critical re- 
view of the literature of the subject of fat formation in the animal 
body was published by Soskin t+ in 1894, and to this the writer is in- 
debted for a considerable number of the statements and references 
on the succeeding pages. 

As was stated on p. 29, the older physiologists looked upon the 

* Arch. ges. Physiol., 49, 447. 
+ Jour. { Landw., 42, 157. 


fat of the food as the sole source of the body fat. The contrary 
view was first propounded by Liebig * in-1843. After drawing the 
distinction between “plastic materials” (proteids), which serve to 
build up the tissue, and “respiratory materials” (non-nitrogenous 
substances), which serve as sources of heat, he asserts that any 
excess of the latter over the immediate needs of the organism is con- 
verted into fat. This proposition, which was based upon observa- 
tion and general knowledge rather than upon specific experiments, 
led to an active controversy with the adherents of the older view 
and to much direct: experimental work. 

Liebig, while not denying that the food fat was a source of body 
fat, maintained that the amount contributed by it was insignificant 
and regarded the carbohydrates as the chief source of animal fat. 
The controversy turned upon the question of the possibility of 
accounting for the body fat by the food fat, both parties tacitly 
agreeing that any excess was to be credited to the carbohydrates. 
The principal champions of the older view were Boussingault, Dumas, 
and Payen.t SBoussingault, in particular, brought forward the 
results of experiments on milch cows, according to which the fat 
of the food fully sufficed to account for that in the milk. They 
all, however, ultimately came to acknowledge the substantial accu- 
racy of Liebig’s view. Thus Dumas & Milne-Edwards ¢ confirmed 
the results of Huber & Gundlach,§ cited by Liebig, according to 
which bees can produce wax from honey or sugar. Boussingault || 
published the results of new experiments on milch cows as sus- 
taining his previous view of the question, but later § convinced 
himself by careful and laborious experiments on the fattening of 
swine and geese of its untenability and of the correctness of Liebig’s 
position. Thus in one of his experiments nine pigs gained 103.2 kgs. 
of fat in ninety-eight days, while the food contained but 67.6 kgs., 
of which about 8 kgs. was excreted undigested in the feces. 
Persoz ** likewise, in experiments with geese, obtained similar 

‘* Ann. Chem. Pharm., 45, 112; 48,126; 54, 376. 
+ Annal. de Chim. et ae revistat 3d ser. 8, 63. 
t Lbid., 14, 400. 

§ Naterecsehichte der Bina Kassel, 1842. 
|| Annal. de Chim. et de Physique., 3d ser., 12, 153 
q Loc. cit., 14, 419. 
** Annal. de Chim. et de Physique., 14, 408. 


results and also observed a production of fat by these animals when 
fed on food from which all fat had been removed. 

Far.—That the fat of the food may serve directly as a source of 
body fat has been shown by Hofmann,* who fasted a dog for thirty 
days, thus rendering the body almost fat-free, and then fed for five 
days large amounts of fat bacon containing as little lean meat as 
possible, and from which there were digested daily 370.8 grams of 
fat and 49.4 grams of protein. At the end of the five days the 
body of the animal contained 1352.7 grams of fat. Estimating its 
fat content at the close of the fasting period at 150 grams, there was 
produced daily about 240 grams of body fat. According to the 
highest recorded estimates not over 26 grams of this could possibly 
have been formed from the protein of the food. Hofmann also 
shows from the result of one of Pettenkofer & Voit’s respiration 
experiments, in which meat and fat were fed, that part of the ob- 
served gain of fat must have had its source in the fat of the 

The latter investigators also showed in the last of the experi- 
ments cited on p. 144 that a large ration of fat alone may result in a 
considerable storage of fat. Most of the experiments by the same 
investigators in which lean meat and fat were fed show not merely a 
diminution of the loss of body fat but an actual increase in its 
amount. (Compare the averages on page 150.) The fact is most 
strikingly shown, however, in a series in which increasing amounts 
of fat were added to a uniform ration of meat which was itself 
sufficient to maintain both nitrogen and carbon equilibrium. .The 
results as given by Pettenkofer & Voit + are contained in the table 
at the top of p. 165, those on the basal ration of meat being the 
same as those given also on p. 109 for the first series. 

It is of course possible to interpret these results as showing that 
the fat of the food was oxidized and protected an equivalent amount 
of the non-nitrogenous residue of the proteids from oxidation and 
that the latter were the real source of the fat gained. No necessity 
for such an interpretation is apparent, however, and the direct 
explanation appears the simpler and more natural. 

The results of experiments upon the deposition of foreign fats 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 8, 153. 
+ Ibid., 9, 30. 


Number Hod: Nitrogen | Total Carbon; (Cet oF Teas Gli 

of of fo} 
Trials. Excreta. Excreta. 

| (N+0.034.) Fat. 

1500 0 51.0 184.5 | 

3 0 ayo bags 
2 1500 30 49.6 180.6 +42 .8 + 32.4 
1 1500 60 51.0 203 .6 — 0.6 + 39.4 
2 1500 100 47.7 182.4 +97 .8 ae tellbadt 
1 1500 100 49.3 174.4 +49.4 +109.5 
2 1500 150 49.5 193.1 +44.8 +135.7 

in the body which were considered in Chapter II, p. 30, also testify 
to the direct formation of body fat from food fat. 

CARBOHYDRATES.—Among the experiments of Pettenkofer & 
Voit which have been cited in the foregoing pages are several which 
show a production of fat upon a ration of lean meat with the addi- 
tion of starch or dextrose or of starch alone. A more complete 
summary of these experiments * is given below: 

eee Food per Day. Gain or Loss of 
Mi xpert- es 5 
1 16.9 450 —45.0)/+ 56.2 
Starchiaseciace. SC Ee 1 Die? 597 —58.8/+ 3.4 
3 yea Palle 700 —38.8)/+106.4 
Proteids and dextrose ...... 3 500 a 200 = ie 50 
( 1 400 5.6 400 — 3.1,+109.9 
| 8 500 5.3 200 —11.3/4+ 19.5 
Proteids and starch ...... 1 800 | 13.7 450 +40.6/+ 71.5 
2 1500 4.5 200 + 6.3)4+ 18.1 
f 1 1800 | 10.1 450 +70.6,+126.5 

Pettenkofer & Voit’s Conclusions.—In discussing these results 
Pettenkofer & Voit assumed that, as computed by Henneberg,t 100 
grams of proteids can give rise to a maximum of 51.4 parts of 
fat. On this basis they found that, with two apparent exceptions, 
the fat of the food, together with that which could be derived from 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 9, 435. 
{ Landw. Vers. Stat., 10, 455, foot-note. 


the amount of proteids metabolized, was sufficient to account for 
the gain of fat. They therefore concluded that the carbohydrates 
simply protected these materials from oxidation and regarded the 
formation of fat from the former as improbable, being confirmed 
in this belief by the observation that the amount of fat produced 
was proportional to the proteids rather than to the carbohydrates 
of the food. The apparent exceptions they regarded as due to a 
retention of undigested starch in the alimentary canal. In brief, 
Pettenkofer & Voit, while not denying that carbohydrates aid in 
the production of fat, regarded their action as an indirect one. 

It should be added that, contrary to the general impression, Voit 
did not absolutely deny the formation of fat from carbohydrates, 
but regarded it as improbable and unproved. Moreover, he came 
later to admit the truth of the opposite view, and even furnished 
from his laboratory experimental evidence in its support. 

At an earlier date Voit * had hkewise made experiments on a 
milch cow, the result of which was that not only all the fat of the 
milk, but most of the milk-sugar as well, could be accounted for by 
the proteids and fat of the food. Voit also examined the numerous 
experiments of Dumas, Persoz, Boussingault, and others (p. 163) 
upon the origin of animal fat and satisfied himself that, although 
they undoubtedly showed, as their authors claimed, a formation 
of fat from other ingredients of the food, the amount produced 
could at least in the great majority of cases be accounted for by 
the proteids of the latter. 

It is important to observe that the evidence supporting Voit’s 
view was negative evidence. The results could be explained on the 
hypothesis that the carbohydrates did not contribute to fat pro- 
duction, but while a large number of such results might render the 
hypothesis very probable, they could not demonstrate its truth. On 
the other hand, even a single well-authenticated case in which the 
fat and proteids of the food did not suffice to account for the amount 
of fat formed in the body would suffice to establish the possibility 
of its formation from other materials. A few apparent cases of this 
sort among earlier experiments Voit was able to explain plausibly, 
but there was one important exception, viz., the experiments of 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 5, 79-169. 


Lawes & Gilbert * at Rothamsted, in 1850, on the fattening of 

Lawes & Gilbert’s Investigations —These experiments consti- 
tuted part of a series of feeding trials with fattening sheep and pigs, 
undertaken to test the then current view of Boussingault, according 
to which the feeding value of stock foods was proportional to their 
content of nitrogen. From the results of their extensive experi- 
ments, Lawes & Gilbert concluded that in fattening animals both 
the amount of food consumed by a given weight of animal within a 
given time and the increase in weight obtained are measurcd rather 
by the supply of non-nitrogenous than of nitrogenous constituents 
in the food: This fact of itself strongly suggests a production of 
fat from carbohydrates. 

In connection with these feeding trials investigations were also 
made into the composition of the increase in live weight during 
fattening.| By a comparison of the weight and composition of 
one of the fattened pigs with those of an animal supposed to be 
precisely similar at the beginning of the fattening the percentage 
composition of the increase was found to be approximately: 

\YAVEER SH claets 3y eneescag Masco cers A ere RE Da A 28.61 
PINGS Lier rites ema ede ucian Neg ah C8 C0") CaN Se a Ona3 
Pere GElG Se eee are ee is Oh ks 7.76 
TRS ep UA see aaa is oe ee a ae eal Re ER 63.10 


During the ten weeks of the fattening the animal gained 88 
pounds, containing according to the above figures 55.5 pounds of 
fat, while the total food consumed contained but 13.7 pounds. In 
other words, over three fourths of the fat was formed from other 
ingredients of the food. 

After the publication of Voit’s first paper, Dawes & Gilbert f 
presented the results of this and eight other experiments in their 

* Report British Association Adv. Sci., 1852; Jour. Roy. Agr. Soc., 14 
459; Rep. British Asso. Adv. Sci., 1854; Rothamsted Memoirs, Vol. I. 

+ Jour. Roy. Agr. Society, 21, 465; Phil. Trans., Part II, 1859, p. 493. 

t Rep. British Asso. Adv. Sci., 1866; Phil. Mag., Dec., 1866; Rotham- 
sted Memoirs, Vol. IV. 



bearing on the origin of the fat. Nos. 2 to 5 were selections from 
the first two series of the experiments of 1850 (designated as I and 
II in the table below) and Nos. 6 to 9 were experiments upon the 
equivalency of starch and sugar in food reported in 1854 * (desig- 
nated below by 8). The following table shows the original numbers 
of the several experiments and the character of the food consumed: 

Original Designation. 
No. = Food. 

Series. Number. 

Bean meal, Jentil meal, bran, and barley meal ad lib. 
Bean meal, lentil meal, bran, and corn meal ad lib. 
Bean meal and lentil meal ad lib. 

Corn meal ad lib. 

Barley meal ad lib. 

Lentil meal and bran, with sugar ad lib. 

Lentil meal and bran, with starch ad lib. 

Lentil meal and bran, with sugar and starch. 
Lentil meal, bran, sugar, and starch ad lib. 


PWN oor bk: 


From the results of the first experiment, the amount of fat con- 
tained in the observed increase in live weight in each case was com- 
puted, the animals being assumed to have had at the beginning of 
the fattening the composition of the lean pig analyzed and at its 
close that of the fat pig. These amounts were then compared with 
the amounts which could have been produced from the fat and pro- 
teids of the food. In order to make the case as unfavorable as 
possible for the carbohydrates the authors assumed: 

First, that all the fat of the food was digested and laid up in the 

Second, that all the nitrogenous matter of the food was digested, 
and that it all consisted of true proteids. 

Third, that, after deducting the amount of proteids gained by 
the body, the total carbon of the remainder, minus that required to 
form urea, was available for fat formation. 

The results of the comparison were as follows, calculated per 
100 pounds gain in live weight. 

* Rep. Brit. Asso. Adv. Sci., 1854. 



*sqUOIIINU [B}O} UO PajrTNo[eD x 

SIN |Se96— 10528 2 PaO siee| O20 ls SreGes | OnS ee) LeO Sen iS ge sete ees cee YSIOM ATT “ST OOT Jod urey 
peiiepitlcpit it pit loot o:tlog:t leer ioeil cc 4 poo} Jo oryer oA 
6°S8 8°PL Z'I8 L'18 c'09 8°09 L681 L911 Zz OZI 6 510-05 GOO 0 0s0"0'0s0 6 O-0s0t0 0 OD OG o-oo oOo Ooo OO 109) eUL snousso141U 
 QRpwae ,, A IO} payunodoe psonpoid yey Jo o8eyUs.I0g 
8'g¢— 9° O0I-|I' 8— Z38- 6° 21- 6° SI— 9° 21+ 6°9+ pL+ ‘001 ef ese). s) w)se)-.0) 6 hese! ee leliens 1 \elielotkelisliel aiveliere/ lai e feletels' sousIeIq | 
zee lete loge Ince leaz jeez loczo |ltsp lope [ccc arn suoqrey 
SNUIUI 9DUBISqnS snousEsoIyIU ,,a[quiIeae,, UT 
OMe. 1 ZF 1 &F eof @' GF 9° OF 0° SF Zope 1OaQe i ctas eee eee a ea ete ace peonpoid yey uy J 
cS) te, KO) ites eee NS A Ie OS ARS RSE Wa) COOL WG Aaya (aya “yey 
Io} afqeyrearv) dn pai0ys yon 
> :eouRysqns snousesol1}IN 
Ge) Oe A) yh EP Ry ake ye) I) sa Si aesvarour ut dn paloyg | 
OFGS= 5 0-VZ50al8= OatS= O89 Oe2S = 0e8el OPZOls OL00he ie = pooj ur peumnsuoy | 
S85 |Z iA MO te OG ss th WA Ae i eh I a ip eee "*"\(paonpoid) poursoy Apeor yon } 
9°9 eap Gul. GL arAl e°9Z ZI 0% 0: CTs alt eee es ilewor(eNelistejxe steht iio telts poo} ur poeursoy Apeoy 2487 
6'6¢ 0°29 6°29 L £9 ZL 0°62 9°69 6&2 19 eC er COOP) OsOrO O90 0-0-O1o8o O10..0 aSveI0UL ul dn pe104g 
6 8 L 9 g v € G T 


Even on the most extreme assumptions it is only possible to 
regard the fat produced as derived wholly from the proteids of the 
food in three cases in which an excessive proportion of the latter was 
fed. If the probable digestibility of the foods used be considered, 
and Henneberg’s factor (51.4 per cent.) for the possible production 
of fat from proteids be used, the results show even more decidedly 
a formation of fat from carbohydrates. In a later paper,* in reply 
to criticisms, the authors state that they have reviewed and recal- 
culated many of their experiments with the result that, while the 
experiments with ruminants (sheep and oxen) failed to furnish con- 
clusive evidence of the formation of fat from carbohydrates, a 
large number of those with pigs unquestionably showed such for- 

In view of their historical interest it has seemed desirable to 
give the results of Lawes & Gilbert’s experiments in some detail, 
although at the time they hardly secured the recognition which 
was due them and Voit’s views became the generally accepted 
theory for the next twenty-five years. Notwithstanding the latter 
fact, however, results of experiments on herbivorous animals speed- 
ily began to accumulate which were difficult to reconcile with Voit’s 

Experiments on Ruminants.—Experiments on milch cows were 
made by Voit himself, as already noted. G. Kithn & Fleischer t+ 
a little later discussed the results of two of their extensive feeding 
experiments on milch cows in their bearing on this point, and M. 
Fleischer { did the same with the results of similar experiments 
made by Wolff and himself.§ Their results are tabulated on the 
opposite page. 

Neither Voit’s nor Fleischer’s results are such as to require the 
assumption of a formation of fat from carbohydrates. Those of 
Kithn & Fleischer show a small excess of fat in the milk over that 
producible from the fat and proteids of the food, but the authors 

* Jour. Anat. and Physiol., 9, 577; Rothamsted Memoirs, Vol. IV. 

+ Landw. Vers. Stat., 10, 418; 12, 451. 

t Virchow’s Archiv, 51, 30. Z 
§ Jour. f. Landw., 19, 371, and 20, 395. 


Fat of Fat from Total Fat of 
Fodder, | Protein, Cuma the Milk, 

Grms. Grms. ; Grms. 
Witt: Experiment a@.............6. 318.8 401.8 720.6 577.5 
; ef ORR e ied cad 276.0 308.5 584.5 337.3 
- ; . § Experiment I...) 183.5 79.5 263 .0 200-5 
Kithn & Fleischer: «“ TL.|),.188.5+) 4169-5 | 258.0,| 29210 
: . { Experiment T........... 170.5 158.5 329.0 303.5 
Fleischer: | RET ue 166.5 | 170.0] 336.5| 290.5 

regard the differences as within the limits of error in such experi- 

Studies of the results of fattening experiments with ruminants 
give similar results. On the basis of Lawes & Gilbert’s determi- 
nations of the composition of the increase of live weight in fattening, 
the amount of fat produced in such an experiment may be approxi- 
mately computed and compared with the amounts of proteids and 
fat in the food. Such a comparison by the writer * in seventy-seven 
experiments on sheep showed that, with one or two possible excep- 
tions, the fat and proteids of the food were sufficient to account for 
the amount of fat formed, although in some of the experiments 
little margin was left. 

Expervments on Swine.—Experiments with swine, on the other 
hand, as Wolff + has shown, have almost without exception given 
results which can scarcely be explained except upon the hypothesis 
of a formation of fat from carbohydrates. These animals, as Lawes 
& Gilbert pointed out in their early papers, are especially adapted 
to experiments of this sort, since they consume a relatively large 
amount of easily digestible food, have a small proportion of offal to 
carcass, and are by nature inclined to lay on fat readily. It was 
therefore to be expected that experiments upon swine would show 
a production of fat from carbohydrates, if such took place, more 
decisively than those upon ruminants. 

Experiments on pigs by Weiske & Wildt,t it is true, on the 
same plan as those by I.awes & Gilbert, yielded results consistent 
with Voit’s theory, showing a formation of 5565 grams of fat in the 

* Manual of Cattle Feeding, p. 177. 
{ Ernihrung Landw. Nutzth., pp. 354-356 
t Zeitschrift f. Biol., 10, 1. 


body as compared with a possible 6724 grams from the fat and 
proteids of the food. The feeds used, however, were not well suited 
to young animals and the gain was abnormally small in proportion 
to the food consumed, so that the results could not be expected to 
be decisive. Moreover, the presence of non-proteid nitrogen in the 
food is not considered in the computation. (See the next paragraph.) 

Sources of Uncertainty—Up to this point the results of experi- 
ments on herbivorous and omnivorous animals had been somewhat 
conflicting. Before taking up the later investigations it is desir- 
able to point out some of the uncertainties attaching to experiments 
such as those above enumerated. These relate, first, to the amount 
of fat actually produced, and second, to the possible sources of 
supply in the food. 

The basis for estimating the amount of fat actually produced by — 
a fattening animal was in two cases a comparison with the amount in 
a supposedly similar animal at the beginning of the fattening, the 
fattened animal being actually analyzed. In the remainder the 
increase in live weight was assumed to have the composition found 
by Lawes & Gilbert. It need scarcely be pointed out that the 
results of such comparisons can be only approximate and are sub- 
ject to a considerable range of error. Only the most decided 
results one way or the other can be accepted as at all conclusive. 
In experiments on milch cows the production of milk fat can of 
course be determined, but the variations in the weight of such an 
animal often render any conclusions as to gain or loss of body fat 
so difficult that the results as a whole are less satisfactory than 
those on fattening. 

The possible sources of fat in the food, aside from the carbohy- 
drates, are the ether extract and the proteids. As regards the first, 
it is certain that not all the digestible ether extract of stock foods 
is true fat. With the proteids the case is still worse. In particu- 
lar we now know that a portion, and in some cases a considerable 
portion, of the total nitrogenous matter of feeding-stuffs consists of 
non-proteid material, which so far as we know contributes little if 
anything directly to fat production. This is a very important source 
of error. Thus the writer * has shown, as has also Soxhlet, that if 

* Manual of Cattle Feeding, p. 182. 
+ Compare Soskin, Jour. f. Landw., 42, 203. 


account be taken of this fact the teachings of Weiske & Wildt’s 
experiment cited above are exactly reversed and show a formation 
of fat from carbohydrates. A consideration of the same fact, of 
course, tends to make the results of all similar experiments, includ- 
ing those on milch cows, more favorabie to the carbohydrates. 

Still further, it is doubtful whether 100 parts of proteids can 
actually yield 51.4 parts of fat. The latter number was computed 
by Henneberg from the elementary composition of proteids and of 
urea to be the maximum amount obtainable. Zuntz,* however, 
has called attention to the fact that if the proteids actually split up 
in the manner which Henneberg’s calculation supposes, the products 
must contain all the potential energy of the original material, so 
that none can be given off during their cleavage. This is a process 
whoily without analogy in the animal body, and, to say the least, 
very improbable. It would seem then, that even if we still hold to 
a formation of fat from proteids, we must considerably reduce our 
estimate of its amount. 

Later Fattening Experiments.—All these considerations tend to 
strengthen the belief that fat is formed from carbohydrates, and 
more recent experiments have demonstrated that such is the fact. 
Henneberg, Kern, & Wattenberg,{ in experiments undertaken to 
determine the rate of gain and the composition of the increase of 
fattening sheep, and conducted substantially like those of Lawes 
& Gilbert on swine, were the first to furnish proof of the formation 
of fat from carbohydrates by ruminants. Wolff{ having pointed 
out that their results demonstrated that fact, Henneberg discussed 
this feature of the experiments in a later publication.§ Regarding all 
the digested ether extract of the food as pure fat, and assuming that 
all the digested nitrogenous matters were true proteids capable of 
yielding 51.4 per cent. of fat, he obtained the results given on p. 174. 
Forty-two per cent. more fat was produced than could be accounted 
for by the fat and proteids of the food, even on the extreme 
assumptions made. Furthermore, not only did some of the 
nitrogenous substances of the food undoubtedly consist of non-pro- 

* Landw. Jahrb., 8, 96. 

+ Jour. f. Landw., 26, 549. 

{ Landw. Jahrb., 8, 1. Supp., 269. 
§ Zeit f Biol , 17, 345. 


Proteids, Fat, 

Grms. Grms. 
DI OSCC GE: gS hates ie iree ie sata Saise ove aninns araial ota epee Cre OLS ate 10220 2100 
Proteids'stored pst isies- Qe se a.c ayaien oroabesen etane pea te.ais 936 
Proteids available for fat production.................. 9284 
Hguivalent fat (5t.4 per cent.)...cs ca eaiie nce ts ca eee eee WE ek 4772 
‘otal trom Tat and proteldsiw 2 imea we eee oes cic ocs alls ooo aebae 6872 
Actually produced by animals. cick e tease saotcsaes | cuss 9730 

teids, but a high figure was assumed for their digestibility, and in 
computing the gain of fat by the animal no account was taken of 
the fat of the wool and of the offal. Henneberg’s final conclusion 
is that no possible errors arising from differences in the animals 
compared or from irregularities in the consumption of food can 
explain away the above result. 

Soxhlet * made similar experiments with swine fattened on rice, 
that is, on a feeding-stuff poor in proteids and fat and rich in carbo- 
hydrates, with the result that only 17 to 18 per cent. of the fat pro- 
duced could be accounted for by the digestible protein and fat of 
the food. In two experiments with the same species of animal by 
Tschirwinsky + but 43 per cent. and 28 per cent. respectively of the 
fat production could be thus accounted for. Of six experiments 
on geese by B. Schulze,t four, in which a comparatively wide nutri- 
tive ratio was used, showed that at least from 5 to 20 per cent. of the 
fat must have been produced from carbohydrates. Chaniewski § 
likewise experimented on geese and obtatined much more decisive 
results, from 72 to 87 per cent. of the observed fat production being 
necessarily ascribed to the carbohydrates. 

Recent experiments by Jordan || have shown that the dairy cow 
may likewise produce fat from carbohydrates. In the first experi- 
ment a cow weighing 867 pounds was fed for fifty-nine days with 
food from which most of the fat had been extracted, the digestible 

* Bied. Centr. Bl. Ag. Chem., 10, 674. 

7 Landw. Vers. Stat., 29, 317. 

${ Landw. Jahrb., 11, 57. 

8 Zeit. f. Biol., 20, 179. 

|| N. Y. State Experiment Station, Bulls. 132 and 197. 


protein of the ration being varied from 184 grams to 841 grams per 
day. During this time she gained 33 pounds in weight, and her 
whole appearance was such as to negative the assumption of any 
considerable loss of body fat. In the second experiment one cow 
was fed a ration poor in fat, one a normal ration, and one a ration 
unusually rich in fat, the protein supply being again varied through 
a considerable range. As in the previous case the gain in weight 
and the general condition of the cows forbade the assumption that 
body fat was drawn upon to any material extent. In all instances 
except the last a considerable formation of fat from carbohydrates 
was shown. 

The following table gives the more important data of the above 

Total : Total 

“7% | Equiva- | Fat of Fat 
Experimenter. Animal. Probe lent Fat,| Food, from: at! Actually 
bolism, Grms. | Grms. Proteids, produced. 
Grms. Gume! Grms. 

Henneberg, Kern, & 
Wrattenbergec. je ehie Sheep 9,284 | 4,772 |2,100 | 6,872 | 9,730 
3.463 | 1,779 | 300 | 2.079 | 10,082 
Ord Go5cocne0ban so oc Swine 7169 | 3,685 340 | 47025 | 22/180 
5,934 | 3,050 | 656 | 3,706 | 8,577 
2,361}| 1,213 | 203] 1,416 | 5,429 
1,054 383{f| 222 605 387 
1,049 381ft} 221 602 539 
785 286} 205 491 515 
785 286t| 205 491 612 
555 194f| 203 397 492 
555 194f| 203 397 471 

110 55 20 75 269 

Chaniewski............ Geese 203 105 32 137 640 
100 51 9 60 445 

59 days 15,109 | 7,766 | 1,490 | 9,256 | 17,585 

Jordan: «74 “ Cows 34,661 | 17,816 | 2,211 | 20,027 | 37,637 
4 « 2,209 | 1,131 | 1,504 | 2.635 | 3,289 

In view of the extreme assumptions made in these. computations 
as to the possible contribution by the proteids and fat of the food 

* Digested protein of food less gain of pRoeoe by the animal. 

+ In original 2572 grms. 

t~ Computed on a different basis from the other experiments Compare 
loc. cit., p. 84. 


to fat production, and of the very large differences between this 
amount and the fat computed to have been actually formed, the 
possible errors of the method are relatively insignificant, and these 
investigations, together with the earlier ones, must be regarded as 
establishing the fact of a formation of fat from carbohydrates. 

The earliest experiment to be published in full demonstrating 
the production of fat from carbohydrates in the body of the dog, 
was by Munk.* The animal was deprived of food long enough to 
render it certain that but traces of fat remained in the body. It 
was then fed for twenty-four days on a diet consisting of small 
amounts of meat, with some gelatine, and large quantities of 
starch and sugar. In the body of the animal at the close of the 
experiment 1070 grams of fat were found, of which Munk estimates 
that at least 960 grams must have been produced during the experi- 
ment, while the proteids fed could have produced as a maximum 
only 415.3 gramis and the meat itself contained but 75 grams of fat. 
Even if a formation of fat from gelatine be admitted, a considerable 
excess of fat remains unaccounted for except by the carbohydrates 
of the food. 

Respiration Exrperiments.—There are not wanting, however, for 
final demonstration, experiments with the respiration apparatus, in 
which the total income and outgo of nitrogen and carbon has been 

Meiss!, Strohmer, & Lorenz,t+ in very carefully conducted respi- 
ration experiments upon swine, using a wide, a medium, and a 
narrow nutritive ratio, obtained the following results: 

Food, Proteid | Equivalent| Fat of oe enna 
oe Negras. "| Grms. | Grms, | 2d Proteids, | Produced, 
URC Cg assets fede Adin oes 65.4 33.6 TA9 41.5 353 .9 
Pe eens noe 2 ae Sis coke 64.1 3on0 16.4 49.4 413.2 
Wanlewaa seers cities) a 88.0 45.2 15.2 60.4 208 .7 
Flesh meal, rice, and 
VAM OTN con oe relia once 381.6 196.1 48.6 244.7 256.3 

Almost simultaneously C. Voit { gave a preliminary account of 

* Virchow’s Archiv, 101, 91. 
{ Zeit. f. Biol., 22, 63. 
¢ Sitzungsber bayr. Acad d. Wiss.; Math. Phys. Classe, 1885, p. 288. 


respiration experiments made in his laboratory by Lehmann & 
EK. Voit with geese and by Rubner with a dog which demonstrated 
a production of fat from carbohydrates. Rubner’s experiment was 
shortly afterward published in full.* It was a respiration experi- 
ment covering four days immediately following a fortnight’s heavy 
feeding with meat. On the first two days of the experiment the 
animal fasted and on the second two received only starch and cane- 
sugar. The results for the last two days were: 

Proterd) metabolism... 2. je, 15.94 grams. 
Equivalent fat, according to Rubner.. 7.65 “ 
Ma trOltOod Malena sia. e cae uam yeah nel a 
Maximum from fat and proteids...... be Oi 8 
inaGactwallyaproduceds .4 540.4. fone eZ 5 ine 

Even after making all possible deductions for the fact that some 
carbon may have been retained in the body in the form of glycogen 
instead of fat, and also for a possible residue of undigested starch in 
the alimentary canal at the close of the experiments, Rubner still 
computes that at least 40.7 grams of fat must have had its origin 
in carbohydrates. 

Lehmann & E. Voit’s experiments have only recently ap- 
peared.f In their introduction they report also the results of ex- 
periments on fattening geese made by C. Voit several years previous 
to 1883, which likewise show a production of fat from carbohydrates. 

G. ixstthn and his associates,{ at the Méckern Experiment Station, 
have demonstrated, by means of respiration experiments in which 
starch was added to rations but slightly exceeding the maintenance 
requirement, a formation of fat from carbohydrates by ruminants 
(oxen). In view of the possibility (see p. 27) that part of the car- 
bon of the urine may be derived from the non-nitrogenous matter 
of the food, and in order to be on the safe side, the authors assume 
as possible that all the carbon of the proteids metabolized may 
have been stored up in the body in the form of fat. On this extreme 
and improbable assumption their results were as shown on the 
following page: 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 22, 272. 

+ Ibid., 42, 619. 
t Reported by Kellner; Landw. Vers. Stat., 44, 257. 


Proteid Equivalent Fat of Maximum Fat 

Animal. Period. perro: ae a ood, Ea pestcas prone 

i Fi ° Grms. | Grms. 

I 2a 373.6 259 86 345 423 

I 2b 382 .0 265 81 346 332 
II 2 297 .4 206 hike 283 434 
III 2 104.4 "42, 60 132 281 
IV Pe 126.9 88 60 148 160: 
II 3 506.9 gol 69 420 375 
IV 3 548.8 380 74 454 388 
III 4 980 679 84 763 526 
Vv 2a 232 161 42 203 396 
V 2b 268 186 42 228 407 
V 23 149 103 39 142 703 
VI 2a 218 151 40 191 304 
VI 2b 232 161 35 196 381 
VI 3 186 129 43 172 507 

In most of these experiments the rations were purposely made 
poor in proteids and fat, and in all such cases, with one exception, a 
formation of fat from carbohydrates is clearly demonstrated. In 
three cases in which large amounts of proteids were fed, as well as in 
some similar experiments not included in the above table, it was 
possible to account for the fat production otherwise, but such nega- 
tive results in no degree weaken the positive teaching of the remain- 
ing trials. 

The more recent investigations of Kellner et al.* at the same 
Station, in which starch was added to a basal ration, although under- 
taken primarily for other purposes, likewise show the formation of 
an amount of fat inconsistent with the hypothesis of its production 
from the fat and proteids of the ration only. 

The failure of Pettenkofer & Voit to obtain affirmative results 
in their earlier experiments appears to be largely explicable, in the 
light of more recent knowledge, from the conditions of the experi- 
ments themselves. Pfliiger ¢ has recalculated their experiments on 
the same basis as those upon the formation of fat from proteids 
(see p. 109), and has pointed out that in the majority of cases the 
total food was, according to his computations, scarcely more than 
sufficient for the maintenance of the organism, thus leaving no 
excess of any kind for fat production. Moreover, out of those ex- 

* Landw. Vers. Stat., 53, 1. 
t Arch. ges. Physiol , 52, 239. 


periments in which the conditions were favorable for a production 
of fat from carbohydrates, some actually do show that result, al- 
though they were classed by Voit as “exceptional cases,”’ while its 
failure to appear in others is explained, according to Pfliiger, by the 
increased metabolism due to maltreatment of the animal and the 
overloading of its digestive organs with starch. 

Whether we admit all of Pfliiger’s criticism or not, it is now uni- 
versally conceded that the carbohydrates are an important source 
of fat. If we are to go further and deny with Pfliger the production 
of fat from proteids, we are brought back, by a curious reversal of 
views, substantially to Liebig’s classification of the nutrients into 
“plastic” and “respiratory,” but, as already pointed out, it ap- 
pears altogether probable that the proteids also contribute to fat 
production. However this may be, it is clear that in the case 
of herbivorous animals, which ordinarily consume relatively little 
proteids and fat and large amounts of carbohydrates, the latter are 
the most important factors in fattening, and the results of Lawes 
& Gilbert (p. 167), according to which the gain of fattening ani- 
mals is largely determined by the supply of non-nitrogenous matters 
in the food, are seen to be in full accord with the most careful physi- 
ological investigation. 

Evidence from Respiratory Quotient.—The formation of fat from 
carbohydrates is a process of reduction. If we suppose all the car- 
bon of 100 parts of dextrose, together with the necessary hydrogen 
and oxygen, to be united to form fat of the average composition 
stated on p. 61, we have the following: 

Equivalent,| Excess of 


Dextrose. Bativelent. 

Water. Oxygen. 

Carbone ee vr ell 40 .00 AO OD) seal Riis es ese ee Me trai LMAO ean 

Hydrogen........... 6.67 6.28 OS Oe ORS Mecsas oc. 
ORV PeNis waeiclne Moms o 83,033 6.01 47 .32 3.12 44.20 
100.00 52.29 47.71 3.51 44 .20 

The excess of oxygen we may further suppose to unite with the 
carbon of 41.44 additional parts of dextrose, producing 60.78 parts 
of carbon dioxide and 24.86 parts of water. The process would be 
an intra-molecular combustion analogous to a fermentation, pro- 


ducing carbon dioxide without the intervention of oxygen from out 
side. The latter fact, of course, is equally true whatever substance 
combines with the excess of oxygen of the carbohydrate. The 
tendency, therefore, will be to increase the respiratory quotient and, 
if large amounts of carbohydrates are thus transformed, to even 
raise it above unity. 

Numerous such instances are on record. Thus Regnault & 
Reiset * report a quotient of 1.024 in case of a hen, and Reiset + ob- 
tained quotients of 1.004 and 1.054 with a ewe and a boar. Han- 
riot & Richet,{ in studies on the respiration of man, found that 
the ingestion of carbohydrates caused the respiratory quotient to 
rise markedly and sometimes to exceed unity. Later Hanriot § 
studied the transformations of glucose in the organism of man and 
obtained similar but more marked results, the quotient reaching as 
high a value as 1.28. 

Magnus-Levy || has likewise observed quotients greater than 
unity in the case of a dog fed large quantities of carbohydrates, and 
Bleibtreu,{ in experiments on fattening geese in a form of Regnault 
respiration apparatus, also verified this fact, as have Kaufmann ** 
and Laulanié +} in experiments upon dogs with sugar. The exten- 
sive respiration experiments of Zuntz & Hagemann {{ on the horse 
also afford numerous instances of respiratory quotients greater 
than unity. 

The evidence of the respiratory quotient, then, is entirely in 
accord with the conclusions reached by other methods as to the 
formation of fat from carbohydrates. 

become customary to regard the digestible non-nitrogenous ingre- 
dients of feeding-stuffs, aside from the ether extract, as consisting 
essentially of carbohydrates. As has several times been urged on 

* Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. [8], 26, 45. 
+ Ibid. [3], 69, 145. 

t Comptes rend., 106, 419 and 496. 

§ Archives de Physiol., 1893, p. 248. 
| Arch. ges. Physiol., 55, 1. 

{| Ibid., 56, 464; 85, 366. 

" #** Archives de Physiol., 1896, 341. 
tt Ibid., 1896, 791. 
tt Landw. Jahrb., 27, Supp. III. 


preceding pages, however, this is far from being the case as regards 
the materials actually resorbed from the digestive tract of our 
common domestic animals, particularly the ruminants. A demon- 
stration of the production of fat from carbohydrates, therefore, 
does not necessarily show that the chemically diverse materials 
resorbed from coarse fodders, e.g., are available for fat produc- 

As a matter of fact, however, what a large proportion of the 
experiments just cited actually show, under a strict interpretation, 
is that fat was produced from the non-nitrogenous nutrients of the 
rations other than fat. In many of the experiments, it is true, nota- 
bly those with swine and with geese, the ration consisted of concen- 
trated feeding-stuffs whose “nitrogen-free extract” consisted to a 
large extent of hexose carbohydrates. Similarly, in G. Kiihn’s ex- 
periments the fat production was secured by the addition of starch 
to rations slightly above the maintenance requirement. In these 
cases, therefore, at least the larger part of the fat production in 
excess of that possible from proteids and food fat must be ascribed 
to the hexose carbohydrates. In experiments like those of Henne- 
berg, Kern & Wattenberg, and of Jordan, on the: other hand, a 
not inconsiderable proportion of the non-nitrogenous nutrients 
was necessarily derived from coarse fodders and was, therefore, 
largely of undetermined nature. In such cases it is obviously im- 
possible to say whether the fat production was at the expense of 
the hexose carbohydrates only or whether the other non-nitrog- 
enous ingredients participated in it. 

Other considerations, however, seem to render a participation 
of these substances in fat production, directly or indirectly, at least 
highly probable if not certain. 

Crude Fiber.—The experiments of v. Knieriem (p. 161), as we 
have seen, seem to show that digested cellulose may be as efficient as 
other carbohydrates in protecting the body fat,—that is, as part 
of a maintenance ration. The numerous experiments cited on 
pp. 117-123 likewise indicate that it has an effect similar to that of 
other carbohydrates in diminishing the proteid metabolism. Kell- 
ner * has also investigated its value in a fattening ration, using for 
this purpose the material resulting from the treatment of rye straw 

* Landw. Vers. Stat., 53, 278. 


with an alkaline solution under pressure and containing 76.78 per 
cent. of “crude fiber.” This material was added to a basal ration 
somewhat more than sufficient for maintenance. The results as 
regards the proteid metabolism have already been considered 
(p. 121); the following table shows the effects also upon the fat 

Apparently Digested. Gain. 
Crude Crude | N.-free . : 

I Protein,|Protein,| Fat. 
Eat, | Fiber, | Extract, |"Grms.'| Grins. | Grms. 

Ox H: 
Period 5 | Extracted straw..| 116 | 3129 3351 654 157 735 
“¢ 4 | Basal ration...... 101 | 1083 2912 749 43 191 
Difference...... 15 | 2047 439 | —95 114 544 
Period 3 | Starch........... 92 | 1057 4773 629 78 565 
“« ~4 | Basal ration...... 101 | 1083 2912 749 43 191 
Difference...... —9 | —26 1861 |—120 35 374 

Ox J: 
Period 5 | Extracted straw...| 110 | 3101 3344 747 98 693 
“4 | Basal ration...... 107 | 1114 2895 836 ts" 223 
Difference...... 3 | 1987 449 | —89 65 470 
Period 3 ; Starch........... 85 | 1105 4396 764 91 472 
“¢ 4 | Basal ration...... 107 | 1114 2895 836 333 223 
Difference...... —22 —9 1501 | —72 58 249 

The varying quantities of nutrients digested stand in the way 
of a direct comparison of the results. If, however, we reckon 1 
gram of digested fat equivalent to 2.25 grams of digested crude 
fiber or nitrogen-free extract or protein (isodynamic quantities 
according to the usual method of computation), and if we further 
convert the gain of proteids into its equivalent amount of fat, on 
the same principle, by multiplication by 5.7 and division by 9.4, we 
have the results shown in the table on the opposite page. 

While no great quantitative accuracy attaches to such a com- 
putation, it is sufficient to show that the effect produced in this case 


Total Fat G 
oa Dobydrate maivalent Hae 
of aes eats of Gain, Nutrients, 
Greets Grms. Grms. 
Ox H: 
Extracted straw , period Dea alec sey oe 2425 613 252.8 
Starch, Oa eee een te 1695 395 233.0 
One Sg 
Extracted straw » period Oman ee ey ars 2334 509 218.1 
Starch, 0B Sea Ala 1370 284 207.3 

by the addition to the basal ration of digestible matter five sixths 
of which was derived from crude fiber, was not inferior to that 
produced by the addition of an equal amount of pure starch. 

It would seem that these results may fairly be taken as showing 
that the products of the digestion of cellulose by ruminants are 
substantially of equal value with those of the digestion of starch. 
This, however, by no means warrants the conclusion that starch and 
cellulose are of equal value in ordinary feeding-stuffs. The mate- 
rial used in these experiments had been so altered mechanically 
and freed from incrusting materials by the treatment to which it 
had been subjected that 88.3 per cent. of its organic matter and 
95.8 per cent. of its crude fiber was digested. The same animals 
digested but 52.5 per cent. of the crude fiber of wheat straw, and 
the digestible organic matter of the latter proved far less efficient 
than that of either starch or extracted straw. A full discussion of 
these facts may be more profitably undertaken in connection with a 
consideration of the energy relations of feeding-stuffs in Part II; 
for the present it may suffice to point out that the difference just 
noted appears to depend on physical rather than chemical causes. 

Pentose Carbohydrates.—We have already (p. 156) seen reason 
to believe that the pentose carbohydrates may serve as a source of 
energy to the organism and protect other materials from oxidation. 
This, of course, is equivalent to an indirect production of fat. In 
the same connection, however, the experiments of Kellner, just 
mentioned, were referred to as indicating a direct participation by 
these bodies in fat production. About one third of the digested 
matter of the extracted rye straw was found to consist of bodies 


yielding furfural, presumably pentosans, as appears from the follow- 
ing modified form of the last table: 

Total Carbohydrate Equivalent 

of Nutrients. Total Fat 
of Gain, 
Pentosans, | Other Substances, Grms. 
rms. Grms. 

Ox H: 7 
Extracted straw, period 5 809 1616 613 
Starch, 3-4...... —34 1729 395 

Ox J: 

Extracted straw, period 5-4 ...... 834 1500 509 
Starch, 3-4. —89 1459 284 

If we regard the furfuroids as not contributing to the fat pro- 
duction, then we must assign to the other nutrients of the extracted 
straw a value from 66 to 74 per cent. greater than that of the 
digested matter of the starch, a result which is hardly conceivable. 
Apparently we must admit that the furfuroids in this case pro- 
duced approximately the same effect as the other non-nitrogenous 
nutrients and were at least indirectly if not directly a source of fat. 



Ir is a matter of common experience that muscular exertion 
results in a very marked increase in the vital activities of the body. 
The rate of circulation and respiration is greatly quickened and the 
increased metabolism in the organism is shown by the loss of weight 
and by the increased demand for food to make good the destruction 
of tissue. Indeed, no other factor even approaches muscular exer- 
tion in the extent to which it increases the metabolic activities of 
the body. 

We have now to.consider in some detail the nature of muscular 
exertion and the precise character of its effects upon metabolism. 

§ 1. General Features of Muscular Activity. 

Muscular Contraction. 

The work of the muscles is accomplished by contracting, and a 
brief consideration of some of the more prominent general features 
of muscular contraction will conduce to an intelligent study of the 
main subject of the chapter. It will be possible here to consider 
this phase of the subject only in its most general outline, and the 
reader is referred to works on physiology for details. 

When a suitable stimulus, which in the living animal is usually 
a nerve stimulus, is applied to a muscle it contracts; that is, it 
tends to grow shorter and thicker. This change is brought about 
by a shortening and thickening of the individual fibers of which 
the muscle is built up. A single stimulus, such, for example, 
as that caused by the making or breaking of an electric circuit, 
gives rise to what is known as a simple muscular contraction. If 

such a stimulus is repeated with sufficient frequency it produces a 


series of simple contractions which fuse together, resulting in a state 
of contraction which continues, subject to the effects of fatigue, as 
long as the stimulus acts. This form of muscular contraction 
has received the name of “tetanus.’”’ In the living animal the 
ordinary contractions of the muscles brought about through the 
nervous system, even those that seem but momentary, are essen- 
tially tetanic in their character. 

Chemical Changes during Contraction.— Under the influence 
of a stimulus sufficient to produce a muscular contraction there 
occurs a sudden and large increase in the chemical changes which 
are continually going on even in the quiescent muscle. More mate- 
rial is metabolized in the muscle during contraction and energy is 
thus liberated for the performance of work. 

Our knowledge of the nature of these chemical changes in the 
contracting muscle is comparatively meager, but three main features 
appear well established: 

First, during contraction the neutral or slightly alkaline reac- 
tion of the quiescent muscle c¢ anges to an acid reaction, probably 
through the formation of sarcolactic acid. 

Second, there is a large increase in the amount of oxygen taken 
up by the muscle from the blood and a still greater increase in the 
amount of carbon dioxide given off by it.* 

Third, under normal circumstances, judging from the amount 
of the urinary nitrogen, there appears to be no considerable increase 
in the nitrogenous products of metabolism. 

From the increase in oxygen consumed and carbon dioxide given 
off we might be led at first thought to suppose that the increased 
activity in the muscle during contraction was of the nature of a 
simple oxidation. Certain other facts, however, seem to show that 
this view of the matter is inadequate. 

OxIDATIONS INCOMPLETE.—That the increased metabolism in 
the contracting muscle is not a simple oxidation of some material 
t carbon dioxide and water is indicated by the fact of the produc- 
tion of lactic or other acid in the muscle. Plainly, if the energy for 
muscular contraction is produced by oxidation the oxidation is at 
least incomplete. 

* Some good authorities doubt whether the carbon dioxide resulting 

from muscular exertion actually leaves the muscle in that form. Compare 
Schiffer, Text-book of Physiology, 1898, Vol. I, p. 911. 


RESPIRATORY QUOTIENT.—By analogy with investigations upon 
respiration we may designate the ratio between the oxygen con- 
sumed and the carbon dioxide given off by the muscle as the respi- 
ratory quotient of the muscle. Numerous investigations upon this 
point have shown that during contraction much more carbon diox- 
ide is given off than corresponds to the oxygen consumed, or, in 
other words, the respiratory quotient of the active muscle is con- 
siderably greater than unity. 

As early as 1862 Sczelkow * determined the gaseous exchange 
between the blood and the muscles of the posterior extremities of 
a dog, tetanus being produced by an electric current. He found 
that during rest more oxygen disappeared from the blood than 
corresponded to the carbon dioxide taken up by it, while during 
tetanus, on the contrary, the carbon dioxide considerably exceeded 
the oxygen. His results, calculated for the posterior extremities 
alone, were as follows: 

Per Minute. 
D Respiratory 
Experiment. Carbon Oxygen Quotient. 
Dioxide C.¢. 
1 RES Ere inicis ite eee chet sstsniseseicc late 1.60 4.10 0.41 
creer Metanusey riper asl LOL oh 3.92 2.65 
D ROSE Arte ante av teyisleeay shanauewtr ieee 2.62 4.25 0.62 
RN cameten Mctanusepeerees aioe ceo tends 10.52 1.18 
3 RIGS EW prepa esuen aueeatey state cron 17/33 3.21 0.54 
oleae NSO soo5eosoosbosaoonea) MULCH 7.55 1.41 
A RIBRREStI Vea Gc an Lesa 3.53 4.71 0.75 
isigben iin Me Ganusterc eye yt yscelcea she ot 12.19 9.38 1.30 
5 RES Geena alcet clchrc teop Namen aoegls etre 2.33 5.82 0.40 
SOO ci MEtAMUS Chel yo au ean peel oleae oe Sco 0.80 

In the above experiments, with a single exception, the quantity 
of oxygen consumed by the active muscles was more than that 
taken up in a state of rest, but the increase in the amount of carbon 
dioxide given off was still greater, so that the respiratory quotient 
was largely increased, exceeding unity in every instance but one. 

* Sitzungsber. Wiener Akad. d. Wiss., Math-Naturwiss. Klasse, 45, IT, 171. 


Chauveau & Kaufmann * have more recently obtained simi- 
lar results. Their experiments were made upon the Levator labii 
supervoris of the horse, both in a state of rest and in a state of activ- 
ity consequent upon the consumption of food. From the amount 
and composition of blood entering and leaving this muscle the 
following results were obtained for the oxygen consumed and carbon 
dioxide given off per kilogram of muscle in one minute. On the 
average of the three experiments, in round numbers, twenty-one 
times as much oxygen was consumed during work as during rest and 
twenty-nine times as much carbon dioxide was given off. 

Oxygen Consumed. Carbon Dioxide Given Off. 

Rest, Work. Work + Rest, Work, Work + 

Grms. Grms. Rest. Grms. Grms. Rest. 

Dap citiiiin e .00479 | .07148 14.9 .003865 | .12534 34.3 

Soe See Sees .01167 | .20190 17.3 .01168 | .35488 30.4 

Peis ey ci ester es .00419 | .14899 35.6 00518 | .25709 49.6 

Average........| .00688 | .14079 20.5 00864 | .24577 28.5 

These facts show plainly that the increased metabolism of the 
active muscle cannot consist wholly of a direct oxidation, since the 
carbon dioxide given off from the muscle contains more oxygen 
than direct experiment shows to have been taken up by the muscle 
during the same time. 

OxyGEN Not EssentTiAL.—A further and still more striking 
proof of the above assertion is found in the fact that the living 
muscle can execute a considerable number of contractions in the 
entire absence of oxygen. 

Setschenow is quoted by Ludwig & Schmidt f as having found 
that muscles would contract freely when supplied with oxygen-free 
blood, while L. Hermann { has shown that an excised muscle may 
continue to contract ina vacuum. The well-known investigations 
of Pfliiger § show that frogs may continue to live and execute more 
or less extensive motions in an atmosphere of pure nitrogen for 

* Comptes rend., 104, 1126, 1352, 1409. 

+ Verhandl. Siichs Akad. d. Wiss., Math-Phys. Klasse, 20, 12. 
t Unters. u. Stoffw. der Muskeln. 

§ Arch. ges. Physiol., 10, 313. 


several hours, giving out considerable amounts of carbon dioxide, 
and Bunge * has made similar observations upon the movements 
of certain intestinal worms (Ascaris) in one per cent. salt solution 
made as nearly oxygen-free as possible. 

Weinland ¢ has shown that in the latter case the energy is 
derived chiefly from the cleavage of glycogen with the production 
of carbonic and valerianic acids. 

SumMaAry.—The three classes of facts just adduced justify the 
conclusion that the chemical changes by which energy is liberated 
in a muscular contraction are not simply oxidations, but are of the 
nature of a cleavage of some complex substance or substances with 
evolution of carbon dioxide. There is, in other words, a sudden 
“explosive” decomposition of substances elaborated in the muscle 
during rest. Of the nature of the material thus broken down we 
have littie definite knowledge. We can say, however, that if it is 
nitrogenous matter its nitrogen is ordinarily retained in the muscle 
in some form and that in effect the metabolized material is non- 
nitrogenous. The increase in the consumption of oxygen during 
work appears to be to a certain extent a secondary process, accom- 
plishing the further oxidation of the primary products of metabolism. 
At the same time, the fact that the amount of oxygen consumed 
responds very promptly to work and also to rts cessation shows that 
these primary products, whatever they may be, are very speedily 
oxidized, either in the muscle or elsewhere in the organism. 

Thermal Changes during Contraction:—A considerable por- 
tion of the energy set free during muscular exertion always takes 
ultimately the form of heat. When the muscle acts without shorten- 
ing, as when supporting a weight (isometric contraction) — that is, 
when no external work is done—all the metabolized energy takes 
the form of heat. If, on the other hand, the weight be lifted (iso- 
tonic contraction) —if external work is done—a portion of the 
energy takes the form of motion. The interesting question of the 
relation between the external work performed and the total amount 
of energy metabolized will be considered later. For the present it 
is sufficient to state that muscular action always produces heat. 
and that a very considerable share of the metabolized energy 
ultimately takes this form. 

* Zeit physiol. Chem, 8, 48. } Zeit. f. Biol., 42, 55. 


Muscular Tonus.—The chemical and thermal changes just 
enumerated as characterizing the muscle during contraction are 
taking place in it to a less extent at all times. Even at rest the 
muscle respires and produces heat, as is well illustrated by Sezel- 
kow’s and Chauveau & Kaufmann’s experiments quoted above. 

The living muscles of the body are elastic and may be said to 
be always slightly on the stretch, as is shown by the fact that when 
cut they gape open and that they shorten when their attachments to 
the bones are severed. This slight degree of contraction of the resting 
muscles has been called muscular tonus, and it is at least a plausible 
conclusion that the chemical changes taking place in a quiescent 
muscle furnish the energy to maintain this tonus. According to 
Chauveau * we may regard the essence of muscular contraction as a 
sudden increase in the elasticity of the muscle. He holds that all 
the energy liberated by muscular metabolism is converted first into 
the elastic force of the muscle and only secondarily into heat. Ac- 
cording to this view the slight degree of elasticity of the quiescent 
muscle is produced by the constant metabolism going on within it. 
In active muscular contraction this process is greatly exaggerated 
and the katabolie processes exceed the anabolic, thus giving rise to 
a great increase in muscular elasticity which in turn may be con- 
verted into work. In repose following work, we may assume that 
the substances broken down during contraction are built up again, 
while in prolonged repose the two processes must substantially 
balance each other. 

Muscular tonus is most noticeable during the waking hours, 
under the influence of external stimuli to the central nervous sys- 
tem, and consequently the rate of metabolism and the heat produc- 
tion tend to be greater than during sleep. To this is to be added, as 
a further cause of greater metabolic activity during the waking hours, 
those continual slight movements of the body which usually take 
place even in what is commonly spoken of as a state of rest and 
which may be designated as incidental movements. 

That the total amount of metabolism required for the mainte- 
nance of muscular tonus is considerable seems to be indicated by 
the observations of Rohrig & Zuntz,f and of Colasanti,{ who 

* Le Travail Musculaire et l’Energie qu’il Represente. Paris, 1891. 
+ Arch. ges. Physiol., 4, 57; 12, 522. { Ibid., 16, 157. 


found that when the motor nerves of the rabbit are paralyzed by 
curari the rate of metabolism, as measured by the respiratory ex- 
change, falls to about one half the amount during rest and does 
not react to changes of external temperature. Pfliiger * computes 
from his experiments a similar reduction of about 35 per cent. 
Under these conditions the heat production of an animal is insuffi- 
cient to maintain its normal temperature, and unless the loss of 
heat from the body is hindered by coverings or otherwise it soon 
perishes. Frank & F. Voit,+ on the contrary, found that curarized 
dogs excreted no less carbon dioxide than in the normal state, pro- 
vided the body temperature was kept normal. 

Secondary Effects of Muscular Exertion. 

The greater activity of the muscular metabolism during the 
performance of work gives rise to important secondary effects, par- 
ticularly upon the circulation and respiration. It is a familiar fact 
that in active exercise the action of the heart is largely increased 
and the breathing becomes deeper and more rapid, and that ordi- 
narily the limit of muscular exertion is set, not by the power of the 
muscles themselves, but by the ability of the heart and lungs to 
keep pace with the demands upon them. 

CrrcuLaTIon.—The circulating blood is the medium by which 
oxygen is conveyed to the muscles and carbon dioxide and other 
products of their metabolism removed. The latter function is of 
special importance, since an accumulation in the muscle of the 
products of its own metabolism speedily reduces and ultimately 
suspends its power to contract. In active muscular exercise, there- 
fore, an increase in the rate of circulation is essential to the con- 
tinued activity of the muscles. This increase appears to be brought 
about by the accumulation in the blood of the products of metab- 
olism, which act as a stimulus to the vaso-motor center. The 
result is a dilation of the peripheral blood-vessels, which is aided by 
the mechanical effects of muscular contraction. To offset this and 
prevent a fall of arterial blood pressure, the visceral capillaries are 
probably constricted, while the rapidity and strength of the heart- 
beats are largely increased. The rapidity of the circulation as a 

* Arch. ges. Physiol., 18, 247. t Zeit. f. Biol., 42, 349. 


whole is thus greatly augmented, while at the same time a larger 
percentage of the total blood passes through the muscles. For 
example, in the experiments of Chauveau & Kaufmann, cited 
above, the ratio between the circulation in the resting as compared 
with the active muscle varied from 1:3.35 to 1:6.60. Zuntz & 
Hagemann,* in their investigations upon the work of the heart, 
found the average amount of blood passing through the heart of a 
horse per minute to be during rest 29.16 liters and during work 
53.03 liters. By this increase in the rate of circulation through 
the muscles the carbon dioxide and other injurious products of 
muscular metabolism are rapidly removed and an abundant supply 
of oxygen is ensured. In fact it is usually true that during work 
which is not excessive the venous blood contains less carbon diox- 
ide and more oxygen than during rest. 

Since the heart is a muscular organ, it is obvious that this in- 
crease in the circulatory activity must add materially to its metab- 
olism. In the performance of work, therefore, there is an expend- 
iture of matter and energy, not only for the work of the skeletal 
muscles but likewise for the additional work of the heart. Zuntz 
& Hagemann in their experiments upon the horse just mentioned 
compute that during moderate work the metabolism due to the 
work of the heart amounts to 3.8 per cent. of the total metabolism 
of the body. 

ReEsPIRATION.—The greater activity of the circulation conse- 
quent upon muscular exertion would be futile were not provision 
made for more efficient aeration of the blood in the lungs through an 
increased activity of the respiration. The latter appears to be 
brought about, like the increase in the circulatory activity, by the 
effect of the greater amount of metabolic products in the blood, 
acting in this case upon the respiratory center. It has been shown 
that an accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood does not have 
this effect, but that a lack of oxygen, such as occurs, for example, 
in asphyxiation, provokes powerful movements of the respiratory 
organs. In ordinary work, however, whatever may be the case in 
excessive muscular exertion, the effect is not caused by a lack of 
oxygen, for the blood, as already noted, is usually more arterialized 

* Landw. Jahrb., 27, Supp. III, 405. 


than during rest. Apparently the stimulation of the respiratory 
center is brought about by the other products of muscular metab- 
olism, whatever they may be, which find their way into the blood. 
Under the influence of this stimulus the respiratory movements 
increase in frequency or depth or both, thus making possible a 
more active gaseous exchange between the blood and the air in the 
lungs. This action is usually so efficient that the expired air dur- 
ing work contains a smaller proportion of carbon dioxide than it 
does during rest, notwithstanding the fact that the total quantity 
eliminated is much greater. 

Since respiration, like circulation, is maintained by muscular 
action, it is true in the former case as in the latter that a greater 
activity of the function necessitates a greater metabolism for 
that purpose. Zuntz & Hagemann * have recently investigated the 
work of respiration in the horse, the augmented respiratory activ- 
ity being brought about by an admixture of carbon dioxide to the 
inspired air, this resulting in a marked increase in the depth of the 
respiratory movements. With the animal upon which most of the 
experiments were made they found an increment of from 2.02 ¢.c. to 
5.23 c.c. of oxygen consumed for each increment of one liter in the 
volume of airrespired. In general, although with some exceptions, 
the work of respiration as thus measured increased with the in- 
creased depth of the respiratory movements. The results upon 
other horses were somewhat variable. It was observed, however, 
that in the performance of ordinary work by the horse the effect 
was chiefly upon the frequency of respiration rather than its depth. 
The former effect the authors believe to involve less work than the 
latter and moreover an amount largely independent of the total 
volume of air respired. 

§ 2. Effects upon Metabolism. 

It is obvious from the foregoing paragraphs that the production 
of external work is a complex phenomenon. As regards its effects 
upon the total metabolism, the main features involved seem to be: 

1. An explosive decomposition of some unknown “contractile 
substance” in the muscles. 

* Landw. Jahrb., 27, Supp. III, 361. 


2. The oxidation somewhere in the organism of the immediate 
products of this decomposition to the final excretory products. 

3. Since the state of contraction appears to be only an exagger- 
ation of the muscular condition during rest, we may reasonably 
suppose that there is a continual re-formation of the ‘contractile 
substance” going on. - 

4. As secondary effects there is a marked increase in the activ- 
ity of circulation and respiration, thus involving supplementary 
muscular exertion. 

It is plain that however interesting and important to the physi- 
ologist may be studies of the changes in the muscle itself, from 
the point of view of the statistics of nutrition the important thing 
is the total effect upon the expenditure of matter and energy by the 
organism under varying conditions of work. ‘The energy relations 
of the subject will be discussed subsequently in Part Il. Here we 
are concerned more particularly with the nature of the material 
expended in the production of work, and as a matter of convenience 
we may, as in the two preceding chapters, take up first the effect 
upon the proteid metabolism and second that upon the metabolism 
of the non-nitrogenous substances. 

Effects wpon Proteid Metabolism. 

EARLIER INVESTIGATIONS.—Since the muscles, which are the 
instruments by means of which work is produced, are composed 
essentially of proteid material, it was natural to regard the proteids 
as the source of muscular power and to assume that the energy 
developed during work was supplied by an increased metabolism 
of these substances. This view was supported by the authority of 
Liebig, who, however, does not appear to have based it upon any 
actual experiments, and it was quite generally, although not 
universally, accepted. 

C. Voit * appears to have been the first to subject this idea to 
investigation. His experiments were made upon a dog weighing 
about 32 kilograms. The work performed, by running in a tread- 
mill, was considerable, being estimated to average 1.7 kgm. per 
second for the whole twenty-four hours. Experiments were made 

* Untersuchungen itiber den Einfluss des Kochsalzes, des Wassers, und 
der Muskelbewegungen auf den Stoffwechsel. 1860. Compare the summary 
by E. v. Wolff in Die Ernahrung der landw. Nutzthiere, pp. 386-388. 


both during fasting and with a daily ration of 1500 grams of lean 
meat. The results obtained were as follows: 


Meat Water Urine Urea 

Number of 
Experiment. Goan oud | Gee Ge 
I 0 {| Rest 258 186 14.3 
ceocevreee ee eae ees ee ee eee ! Work 872 518 1 6 ; 6 
Rest 123 145 11.9 
11) sees ee MU 0 Work 527 186 12.3 
Rest 125 143 10.9 
Rest 182 1060 109.8 
Urner sehr ct tice ete res al 1500 Work 657 1330 IE 74 
sae 140 1081 109.9 
(| Wor AAS alga Way 
IV O:0'0'0,0, 0 GOO Ded Oi 0 Obo ed Glo 1500, Rest 63 1040 110.6 

The average increase of the proteid metabolism, as measured 
by the urea excreted, was in the fasting experiments 11.8 per cent. 
and in the experiments with food 4.95 per cent. The absolute 
difference in grams, however, was materially less in the fasting 
experiments, although approximately the same amount of work 
was performed in both cases. A similar experiment upon an 
older and quite fat dog while fasting showed an increase of only 
6 per cent. in the proteid metabolism. 

Subsequently Pettenkofer & Voit * made similar experiments 
upon a man, the work consisting in turning a heavy wheel provided 
with a brake. The work was performed in the respiration appara- 
tus. The results showed a large increase in the carbon dioxide 
excreted, but scarcely any effect was noted upon the excretion of 
nitrogen, as will be seen from the following table: 

Water Excreted. : 
: Carb PER sete AW UN ULE NO Numb: 
or Uris, | Dioxide Tere elke 
(Chang. Excreted, In Evapo- Grms. Experi- 
Grms. Urine, rated, ments. 
Grms. Grms. 
ReStig eee ire 12.4 716 1006 821 762 2 
NOS hy He Os 12.3 1187 746 1777 1072 1 
Average diet : 
UES Eien sieyaveieteianne 17.0 928 1218 931 832 3 
WOK tists sees 7/83 1209 1155 1727 981 2 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 2, 478. 


Pettenkofer & Voit regard the slight increase in the proteid 
metabolism which they observed in most cases as a secondary effect 
of muscular exertion. They have shown, as we have seen, that 
when the cells of the body are abundantly supplied with non-nitroge- 
nous nutrients, either in the form of food or of body fat, there is a 
tendency to diminish the proteid metabolism. In work, on the con- 
trary, large amounts of non-nitrogenous material are oxidized, as 
their respiration experiments show. ‘The supply of these nutrients 
to the cells is thus diminished, and it is to this that they attribute 
the increase in proteid metabolism. 

Results like those Just given can hardly be interpreted other- 
wise than as showing that the non-nitrogenous constituents of the 
body or of the food, rather than the proteids, are the source of the 
energy expended in muscular work, but the first attempt to com- 
pare the amount of work performed with the energy available from 
the proteids metabolized was the famous experiment of Fick «& 
Wislicenus * in 1866. These observers made an ascent of the 
Faulhorn and found that the amount of proteids metabolized 
during and after the ascent, as measured by the urea excreted, was 
insufficient, according to their computations, to account for more 
than one third of the energy required to raise their bodies to the 
height of the mountain, making no allowance for the work of the 
internal organs, nor for those muscular exertions which did not 
contribute directly to the work done. 

Fick & Wislicenus found no considerable increase in the uri- 
nary nitrogen in their experiment. Subsequent investigators, 
among whom may be mentioned Parkes,t Noyes,f Haughton,$ 
Meissner,|| Schenk,/ and Engelmann,** have reported appar- 
ently conflicting results regarding the influence of work on the 
proteid metabolism. In some cases an increase was observed, 
- while in other cases no material effect was apparent. The increase 
when observed was never large except in the experiments of Engel- 

* Vrtljschr. Naturf. Gesell. Ziirich , 10, 317. 
7 Phil. Mag., 4th ser., 32, 182. 

t Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., Oct., 1867. 

§ Brit. Med. Jour., 15, 22. 

|| Virchow’s Jahresber., 1868, p. 72. 

4 Centralb. Med. Wiss., 1874, p. 377. 
** Archiv f. (Anat. u.) Physiol., 1871, p. 14. 


mann, and was entirely insufficient to account for the energy ex- 
pended. Oppenheim made the interesting observation that work 
pushed to the point of producing dyspnoea caused a marked increase 
in the proteid metabolism. 

TIGATIONS.~—Doubtless the conflicting results of earlier experiments 
are due in part to defective technique, but they arise in part also, 
as it would seem, from another cause to which attention was first 
called by Kellner in 1879-80. Kellner’s experiments were made 
upon the horse. They differed from most earlier experiments, first, 
in that the comparison was made between different amounts of work 
instead of between work and rest, and second, that the individual 
periods instead of covering only a few days were extended over two 
or three weeks. 

Series I.—Kellner’s first series * was made primarily for the 
purpose of testing the influence of work upon the digestibility of the 
food, but the total nitrogen of the urine was also determined. The 
methods employed for this purpose were somewhat imperfect, there 
being some mechanical loss and probably also a loss of ammonia 
from the urine, but the author believes the results of the several 
periods to be fairly comparable. The amount of work performed 
was measured by a dynamometer. The numerical results of the 
measurement have since been shown to be too high, but the relative 
amount in the several periods is not thought to be materially 
affected by this error. The results of the several periods are briefly 
summarized in the following table: 

Nitrogen. Live Weight 
3 Work, at Close 
Period. Kgm. ; of Period, 
Digested, In Urine, Kgs. 
Grms. Grms. 
PEt sirstrataa ls tirpe rate SE aes ecg 625,000 134.41 99.0 534.1 
J Leis co Bec cine ene erie eee 1,250,000 128 .32 109.3 529.5 
JIVE NaS err et eR 1,875,000 W32Ei2 116.8 522.5 
VG Bee (ies repeat ok 1,100,060 126.40 110.2 508.8 
IV esses) ee aU NPe Nn Nearer Sed 625,000 129.41 98.3 518.0 

While the above figures show a considerable nitrogen deficit, 
the urinary nitrogen increased and decreased with the amount of 
* Landw. Jahrb., 8, 701. 


work performed in a manner which can scarcely be explained other- 
wise than as a result of the changes in the latter. The ration con- 
sumed was amply sufficient for the light work of the first and fifth 
periods. When, however, more work was demanded from the 
animal, the live weight promptly fell off, showing that the total 
ration was insufficient. This insufficiency of the total ration Kellner 
believes to be the cause of the increase in the proteid metabolism. 

A consideration of the daily results confirms this view. In 
passing from periods of lighter to those of heavier work the increase 
followed promptly upon the change. . In Period II, with the most 
severe work, the proteid metabolism continued to increase through- 
out the period and apparently had not reached its limit at the 
close. Conversely, when the work was diminished in Periods IV 
and V it decreased as promptly as it had increased. Finally, it 
should be noted that the additional amount of proteids metab- 
olized was entirely insufficient to furnish an amount of energy 
equivalent to the increase in the work. 

In four succeeding series of experiments Kellner * has investi- 
gated this phenomenon more fully, some of the sources of error noted 
above having been avoided in the later researches. The results, as 
will appear, still show a deficit of nitrogen. Kellner estimates that 
about 6 grams of nitrogen per day were required for the growth of 
hoofs, hair, epidermis, ete., and believes that there was some loss of 
urinary nitrogen mechanically and chemically. 

Series II.—In this series of experiments the ration, consisting 
of 7.5 kilograms of hay and 4 kilograms of beans. was purposely 
made rich in protein. In spite of this liberal supply of protein, 
however, the same result as in the first experiment was noted to an 
even more marked extent. As in the first series, too, the increase 
in the excretion of nitrogen promptly disappeared when the amount 
of work was diminished. 

Series I1I.—In this series the animal was brought as nearly as 
possible into equilibrium with his food upon rather light work. The 
work was then trebled, while at the same time an addition was 
made to the non-nitrogenous ingredients of the ration by substitut- 
ing for a portion of the beans an amount of oats containing the same 
absolute quantity of protein. In this second period there was a 
slight increase in the digestibility of the protein and, therefore, a 

* Landw. Jahrb., 9, 651. 


corresponding increase in the urinary nitrogen (compare Chapter 
V), but this was small compared with the much greater amount of 
work performed. Moreover, it did not, as in the first series of 
experiments, augment from day to day during the period of severe 
work. The following table shows the principal results of this 
series, the figures for urinary nitrogen and for live weight being 
given for the first and second halves of each period: 

Nitrogen. i 
Period. Works TSP RISER INT MG ERR RUT Weight, 
Digested, In Urine, Ke. 
Grms. Grms. 
. ci 158.9 560.3 
TP ee ok SS ah 810,000 | 173.6 |} i474 oe 
174.0 541.3 
Te Dice thal eM ie 2,430,000 | 178.8 } vals Bee 
166.4 542.5 
TATE Se oe a ere 810,000 | 178.8 foe ye 

Series IV.—Upon the basis of the foregoing facts Kellner deter- 
mined the maximum amount of work which his horse could perform 
on a fixed medium ration without causing an increase in the proteid 
metabolism. One kilogram of starch was then added to the ration 
and the maximum amount of work that could be performed upon 
this new ration without causing such an increase was determined. 
In the nature of the case this determination could not be of the 
highest accuracy, but it is amply sufficient for our present purpose. 
The principal results are given in the following table, the amount 
of work being expressed by the number of revolutions of the dyna- 
mometer, since relative results are all that are required: 

Nitrogen. | ae 
Period: : Work, j—____________) wetont, 
Digested, In Urine, Kg. 

Grms. Grms. 
Deas (300m) | 107.2 | 540.0 
ii ee 600 | | 110.2 | 538.3 
TOT A ise VG cal 600 |} 121.1 ls. |) Eee 
i Tagan ters 500 109.4 | 532.5 
AVE Me noe 400 | J 109.6 | 530.7 
i eee Vagemavat hemes he sSO0N 1) Bey 
Tiler sk rs (starch ‘| G00 Ieee ] 109.6 | 515.4 


Kellner estimates that the maximum amount of work which 
could be performed on the ration containing starch was 700 rev- 
olutions as compared with a maximum of 500 revolutions without 
starch. Even if this estimate of Kellner’s be regarded as high, it is 
evident from the figures given that the addition of the starch enabled 
materially more work to be performed without an increase in the 
proteid metabolism. ‘The results obtained in this and the subse- 
quent series have been made the basis of interesting computations 
regarding the utilization of the potential energy of the food which 
will be considered in Part II. 

Series V.—This series was precisely similar to the preceding one, 
except that the addition of non-nitrogenous matter to the ration was 
made in the form of oil by substituting flaxseed for linseed meal. 
The protein of the ration remained unchanged, while the fat was 
increased by 203 grams. The results were entirely similar to those 
with starch, as the following table shows: 

Nitrogen. s 
Period. meek Weight, 
Digested, In Urine, Kg. 
Grms. Grms. 
Te sede Without 500 qu es 148.9 496.5 
Ties on eacse micion 500 12050 149.2 493.2 
ik (ee tae es 550 147.5 485.8 
Tie eee es J (| 550 153.0 479.4 
lo oer (| 700 148.1 476.0 
ere ee \ pee 700 Paks 153.9 | 469.0 
lo ee oe 650 i 145.6 | 466.4 
11 ea } of fa L| 650 145.0 460.8 

While Kellner’s method of investigation may be regarded as 
somewhat imperfect and necessarily giving but approximate results, 
yet it suffices to bring out in a very striking manner the intimate 
relation existing between the supply of non-nitrogenous nutrients 
in the food of a working animal and the effect of the work upon the 
proteid metabolism. In conclusion, it should be noted that in 
all Kellner’s experiments there was a fairly abundant supply of 
protein. Whether the same result would be obtained on a ration 
containing the minimum amount of proteids required by the organ- 
ism is not shown. In no case was the increase in the proteid metab- 
olism, when observed, sufficient to supply energy equivalent to the 
additional work done. 


Later InvesticatTions.—In 1882 North * made experiments 
upon himself in which a considerable amount of work, mainly walk- 
ing from 30 to 47 miles while carrying a load of about 27 pounds, 
was performed on one day of each experiment. The account of the 
experiments does not give sufficient data for computing the total 
amount of work performed, but it was evidently very considerable 
and resulted in a marked increase in the excretion of nitrogen. It 
is not possible, however, to determine whether the total food was 
adequate for the work days, but it was no greater then than during 
the periods of rest. 

Argutinsky,} in experiments upon himself, observed as a result 
of rather severe work a very marked increase in urinary nitrogen 
which continued at least three days after the cessation of the work. 
Munk { subsequently criticised Argutinsky’s results on the ground 
that the supply of non-nitrogenous nutrients in his diet was insufhi- 
cient. Krummacher § obtained results quite similar to those of 
Argutinsky, but his experiments are open to the same criticism as 
those of his predecessor, namely, an insufficient supply of non- 
nitrogenous nutrients, as he himself points out in a later paper. 
Hirschfeldt || failed to observe any material increase in the nitrogen 
excretion as the result of work upon a diet containing a considera- 
ble excess of food over the amount required for maintenance. This 
was true both upon a diet containing little protein and one abun- 
dantly supplied with this nutrient. 

Pfliiger, like Liebig, regards protein as the sole source of mus- 
cular energy. As yet only a preliminary sketch of his investiga- 
tions has been published. He fed a lean dog upon prepared lean 
meat, that is, upon a nearly pure proteid diet, for seven months. 
The animal remained apparently in perfect health and was able to 
perform a large amount of work. Under the influence of the work 
the excretion of nitrogen was observed to increase somewhat, but 
not sufficiently to account for the energy expended in the work. 
This phenomenon Pfliiger explains by supposing that during work 

* Proc. Roy. Soc., 36, 14. 

+ Arch. ges. Physiol., 46, 552. 

¢ Arch. f. (Anat. u.) Physiol., 1890, p. 552. 
§ Arch. ges. Physiol., 47, 454. 

|| Virchow’s Archiv., 121, 501. 
4] Arch. ges. Physiol., 50, 98. 


the organism economizes in its demands for proteids elsewhere than 
in the muscles. The further interesting observation was made that 
with continuous work the proteid metabolism, which at first showed 
an increase, diminished again and even reached its original value. 
With aration containing but little protein and much non-nitrogenous 
material, a small increase of the proteid metabolism was observed 
as the result of work. The preliminary account of the experi- 
ments affords no adequate data for computing the sufficiency of 
the total food. 

Krummacher,* in his second investigation, made three separate 
experiments. In the first of these the total food was estimated to 
be approximately sufficient for maintenance (38 Cals. per kilogram), 
while in the other two it was much in excess of this. The following 
table shows the total amount of food per kilogram, expressed as 
Calories of metabolizable energy,t the amount of work performed, 
and the percentage increase of the proteid metabolism: 

Energy of Food. 
Wore Increase 

of Proteid 
Measured, | Metabolism, 
Total. Per Kg. Kgm. Per Cent. 
Cals. Weight. Cals. 
Experiment I....s0cete5: 2459 38 153,070 21 
Ee 5 eee 5034 64 324,540 22 
a STAT Se ya ences 5701 12 401,965 7 

The work done consisted in turning an ergostat. It has been 
shown by subsequent investigators that not over 30 per cent. of 
the energy of the body material metabolized in the performance of 
work in this way can be recovered in the work actually done. 
Assuming this high figure, and further that Krummacher’s esti- 
mate of the maintenance requirements is accurate, it appears that 
the food in these experiments was insufficient to supply the energy 
required for the amount of work actually done. 

It was observed, as in other experiments of this nature, that the 
increased excretion of nitrogen continued for a day or two after the 
cessation of the work. Only in the first experiment, however, was 
even the total proteid metabolism during the periods of work, to- 
gether with the excess above the rest value observed on succeeding 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 33, 108. + See Chapter X. 


days, sufficient to supply an amount of energy equal to that 
actually measured on the ergostat, so that at least the larger share 
of the energy must have been derived from non - nitrogenous 

Zuntz & Schumburg,* in investigations upon soldiers, observed 
an increase of the proteid metabolism as the result of marching, 
carrying a considerable weight. The increase, however, seemed to 
bear no direct relation to the amount of work performed, but rather 
to the conditions under which it was done. Thus excessive heat or 
sultriness of the atmosphere, resulting in unusual fatigue, was ac- 
companied by an increased excretion of nitrogen. The increase 
continued during the two days following the work. 

Frentzel experimented upon dogs. In the first series the ani- 
mals were fed pure fat, while in the second series no food was given. 
The work, which was done upon a tread power, was considerable. 
In the first series there was an increase of 9.25 per cent. in the nitro- 
gen excretion in the work experiments, while in the second series a 
maximum increase of 44.26 per cent. was computed, which, how- 
ever, is believed by the author to be too high. A method of com- 
putation which he considers more nearly correct makes the increase 
in the second period 13.31 per cent. In the first series of experi- 
ments the food consisted of 150 grams of fat per day except upon 
one of the work days, when only 80 grams were consumed. No data 
are given regarding the sufficiency of this ration, but according to 
EK. Voit’s compilation { it would appear hardly adequate for the 
maintenance of a dog of the weight used (36 kilograms). The work, 
therefore, even in the first series, was probably done upon insuf- 
ficient food. In neither case was the increase in the amount of 
protein metabolized equivalent in energy content to the actual 
amount of external work done, and in the first series even the total - 
proteid metabolism was not, while if we allow for the consumption 
of energy in internal work, heat production, ete., it was not suf- 
ficient in either series. 

Atwater & Sherman § have reported observations upon the 

* Arch. f. (Anat. u.) Physiol., 1895, p. 378. 

} Arch. ges. Physiol., 68, 212. 

t Zeit. f. Biol., 41, 115 

§ U.S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations, Bull. 98. 


food consumption, digestion, and metabolism of three bicyclers 
during a six-day contest. They find that, in spite of an apparently 
liberal diet containing large amounts of protein, all three riders 
lost considerable proteid tissue during the race. The conditions of 
the investigation were not such as to permit of a determination 
of the sufficiency of the food consumed, but the computations by 
Carpenter of the actual amount of work done seem to render it very 
probable that the body fat must have been drawn upon to a con- 
siderable extent. 

RECAPITULATION.—The investigations above cited seem to show 
beyond a doubt that when work is performed upon food less than 
sufficient to maintain the body and supply the amount of energy 
required for the work the proteid metabolism is somewhat increased. 

Whether the converse of this is true, namely, that when the 
food is sufficient such an increase in the proteid metabolism does 
not occur, is not so clear, for the reason that in most, if not all, of 
the cases we have no adequate data as to the sufficiency of the 
food. It is plain, however, that the question is not so easily inves- 
tigated as might appear at first sight, and that the final solution of 
the relations of work to proteid metabolism can only be reached by 
means of investigations in which the total metabolism both of matter 
and energy is determined. 

GAIN OF PROTEIDS DURING WorK.—Caspari and Bornstein have 
recently made further investigations into the possibility of a gain 
of protein as a result of work which was mentioned above in con- 
nection with Pfliiger’s experiments. 

Caspari * experimented upon a dog which received an amount 
of food computed to have been fully sufficient for its maintenance 
and to supply energy for the work done. Furthermore, a consider- 
able portion of the non-nitrogenous nutrients of the ration, consist- 
ing largely of carbohydrates, was given shortly before the work was 
done, while in some cases additional sugar or fat was given at that 
time. In the first experiment, work was performed upon three 
successive days. Upon the second of these there was a consider- 
able increase of the urinary nitrogen, but upon the third its amount 
fell below that of the rest period. The average for the three days 
of work was almost exactly equal to the value found for the last 

* Arch. ges. Physiol., 88, 509. 


day of the rest period and less than the average for the four pre- 
vious rest days. 

In the second experiment the work was continued for four days, 
then a rest day intervened, and then the work was continued for 
five more days. At the outset there was a slight increase of the 
proteid metabolism, but in the second period of five days it showed 
a marked decrease resulting in a progressive gain of nitrogen by 
the body, as is shown in the following tabular statement of the daily 
average results: 

External ; Aver itrogen Gain or 

Day. Worle MA ee N teceen x een Loss of 

Done, Gang, of Feces, Grms. Nitrogen, 

Cals. i Grms. Grms. 

eel tah re aneet is cia, ss 0 P45) MAL 1.89 23.68 —0.46 
(Bs 7s ey a a Ie 0) Zonal! 1.89 22.00 +1.22 
str state: seat OPE e EE ite 0) eal 1.89 21.98 +1.24 
fey dS a OS ee 597 25.11 1.78 24.72 (?) —1.39 
DEON s ee save er iletss 467 2501 1.78 23.32 +0.01 
QS Ue eee is Ms ace 597 25.11 1.78 23.23 +0.10 
NOD eateries hy aueta ate 596 Zolli 1.78 21.83 +1.50 
A DELS Se raat toca rine Se 0 Zovnlel 1.78 22 .06 +1.27 
DS Ee ee a oe 595 Zovael 1.78 20.82 +2.51 
PAS Wee heres Lie iste Sus 590 25.11 1.78 19.64 +3.69 
DEMOS esi see xed cases 593 Zon lil 1.78 20.39 +2.94 
(Gl bie te ee esas emt 588 Zonal Wa chs 19.87 +3.46 
iE Se nee atest: 586 25.11 1.78 . 19.79 +3.54 

This gain Caspari ascribes to an actual growth of the muscles as 
the effect of exercise, this growth according to him taking the form 
of a hypertrophy of the fibers. No determinations of the gain or 
loss of carbon were made. 

Bornstein,* who had previously investigated the possibility of 
increasing the store of proteids in the body by the addition of pro- 
teids to the food, has also contributed to the investigation of this 
phase of the question. His experiments were made upon himself. 
For seven days he consumed a uniform ration containing a moder- 
ate amount of protein and sufficient non-nitrogenous nutrients, 
according to previous experience, to maintain his body. The latter 
was in equilibrium with the food as regards nitrogen from the first 
day. Then the proteid supply was increased by approximately 
50 per cent. by the ingestion of pure proteids and light work (17,000 

* Arch. ges. Physiol., 83, 540. 


kgm. per day) done by turning an ergostat. As a result of the in- 
creased supply of proteids in the food the proteid metabolism in- 
creased promptly, reaching its maximum upon the fifth day, when 
it very slightly exceeded the supply. From that time, however, 
it decreased gradually during the remaining thirteen days of the 
experiment, so that a gain of proteids by the body resulted, which 
was still in active progress when the experiment was discontinued. 
Counting from the time when the proteid metabolism reached its 
maximum the average gain of nitrogen per day was 

Borst five Gaysins <3 at viccies srecah ty ant ooo ag 1.28 grams 
bast fy ian. yk iec cate eet gag 220509 HF 
AVeraAge Of aller ede een a hoe ements woe ee eon 

The author computes that 22 per cent. of the proteids added to 
the food was stored up in the body. In a previous similar experi- 
ment without work it was found that only 16 per cent. was thus 

Two respiration experiments with the Zuntz apparatus were 
made during the work. The difference between their results and 
those of similar experiments during rest was used as the basis for 
computing the actual amount of energy metabolized in the body for 
the performance of work. This was found to be equal to 0.0100875 
Cal. per kgm. external work, which is equivalent to 171.5 Cals. for 
the whole daily work of 17,000 kgm. Assuming the original ration 
to have been a maintenance ration, Bornstein computes that the 
portion of the added proteids which was actually metabolized was 
insufficient to supply the energy necessary for the work done and 
that some of the fat of the body was drawn upon. The loss in 
live weight was found to agree with this assumption. 

The above investigations seem to show, not only that work may 
be done without increasing the proteid metabolism but that it may 
actually result in diminishing it, a fact which appears in harmony 
with the common observation that the tendency of exercise is to 
build up the muscular tissue. 

Summary.—While the results which have been cited are not in 
all respects conclusive, and while further investigation is required 
to fully elucidate the relations of muscular exertion to proteid metab- 
olism, the following general conclusions seem to be justified by the 
evidence now available: 


1. The non-nitrogenous ingredients of the food or of the tissues 
are the chief source of muscular energy. In by far the greater 
number, if not all, of the experiments upon this subject the amount 
of protein metabolized, as measured by the nitrogen excretion, was 
insufficient to furnish energy equivalent to the work done, the de- 
ficiency being in many cases very great. This statement, it will be 
observed, does not assert that the proteids are not concerned in the 
production of this energy. We may regard it as very probable that 
the non-nitrogenous matter metabolized has first entered into the 
structure of the muscular protoplasm, which, as we know, consists 
largely of proteids, but in a contraction it is largely, if not wholly, 
the non-nitrogenous groups contained in the protoplasm which are 
metabolized rather than the nitrogenous groups. 

2. With insufficient food there may be a considerable increase 
in the proteid metabolism as a result of muscular exertion, espe- 
cially when pushed to exhaustion. 

3. This increase is far from sufficient to supply energy for the 
work actually done, is not usually proportional to it, and seems 
dependent to a considerable degree upon accompanying conditions. 

4. With sufficient food the increase of the total proteid metab- 
olism consequent upon muscular exertion is at the most slight and 
possibly equal to zero. 

5. In some cases a storage of proteids has been observed to 
result from the performance of work. 

FUNCTIONS OF PRoTrEIDS.—If the above conclusions are admitted, . 
it is possible to suppose that in a muscular contraction under favor- 
able conditions—that is, when there is an abundant supply of non- 
nitrogenous material—there is no increased metabolism of the 
proteids. This view of the subject would regard the question as 
being simply one of the relative supply of nutrients, the energy 
being evolved from non-nitrogenous nutrients when these are in 
abundance, while in default of them the proteids are drawn upon. 

Another view of the subject, however, is possible, and perhaps 
more probable. It would appear that muscular exertion tends to 
produce two opposite effects upon the proteid metabolism: first, 
to break down additional protein, as is shown when work is done 
upon insufficient food; and second, to build up proteid tissue when 


the food is sufficient, as is illustrated in the experiments of Caspari 
and Bornstein. 

As a basis for a tentative hypothesis, it seems allowable to sup- 
pose that both these processes—that of anabolism and katabolism 
of proteids—are continually taking place in the muscle and that 
both are exaggerated by exercise. In other words, we may imagine 
that the performance of work by a normally developed muscle 
requires an increased proteid katabolism, which is balanced, at least 
in the course of the twenty-four hours, by a corresponding increase 
in the proteid anabolism. With a liberal supply of food proteids, 
then, a part of the latter would, during rest, simply undergo nitro- 
gen cleavage and be used virtually as “fuel,” but when work was 
done they (or part of them) would be used to replace the proteids 
katabolized in the muscles. Upon this hypothesis, the proteids 
might play a not unimportant part in the production of muscular 
work without any evidence of it appearing in an increased nitrogen 
excretion. It is to be remarked, however, that even on this suppo- 
sition the proteids could not be regarded as furnishing all, or even, 
in many cases, a large share, of the energy liberated. On insufhi- 
cient food, the hypothesis would assume that the energy supply is 
deficient and that proteids which would otherwise be used for 
muscular anabolism are diverted to use as “fuel,” probably under- 
going a preliminary nitrogen cleavage and furnishing their non- 
nitrogenous residue to the muscles as a source of energy. 

The above tentative hypothesis implies that if work were per- 
formed upon a ration containing only the minimum amount of 
proteids required during rest, it would cause an increase of the 
proteid metabolism, no matter how much non-nitrogenous mate- 
rial was supplied, because there would be no proteids available 
which could be diverted to repair the waste assumed to be occa- 
sioned by muscular activity. Up to the present time, however, 
we possess no experimental investigation of this phase of the ques- 
tion. | 

However this may be, we know that the performance of work 
requires a well-developed muscular system. To produce and de- 
velop such a system, a liberal supply of protein is essential, while 
we may reasonably suppose that to maintain it involves a larger 
proteid supply in the food than is required to maintain the proteid 


tissue on a lower level. This fact alone would indicate the need of 
a reasonably liberal supply of protein in the food of working animals. 
If the hypothesis above outlined be approximately correct, it is 
necessary that the food also contain protein which during rest may 
be simply a source of heat, but which during work may be diverted 
to repair the increased waste of nitrogenous tissues caused by ex- 
ertion. This accords with the well-established fact that the dieta- 
ries selected by athletes and others who undertake severe physical 
exertion are almost invariably rich in protein.* It is of course 
difficult to say how far the large amount of proteids in the dietaries 
of athletes represents a real physiological demand and how far it is 
a matter of tradition or of taste, but it hardly seems likely that so 
universal an opinion should be lacking in some considerable basis 
of fact. 

Effects wpon the Carbon Metabolism. 

In the foregoing paragraphs we have seen that as a rule the 
total proteid metabolism is not much affected by muscular exertion. 
While proteids undoubtedly have important functions in connection 
with the production of work, it is nevertheless true that normally 
the energy liberated in muscular contraction is derived chiefly or 
wholly from the breaking down of non-nitrogenous material. 
Moreover, even in those cases in which a considerable increase of 
the proteid metabolism has been observed, its amount has been 
entirely insufficient to account for the extra evolution of energy. 
It therefore becomes of especial importance to consider the effects 
of work upon the carbon balance. 

The Gaseous Exchange.—Since the influence of muscular ex- 
ertion upon the proteid metabolism is at most small, it is possible to 
compare the carbon metabolism during work ahd rest without 
material error upon the basis of the gaseous exchange simply, and 
as a matter of fact a large share of our knowledge of the subject 
rests upon determinations of the respiratory exchange. 

Is Larcety Increasep.—The fact that muscular work largely 
increases the evolution of carbon dioxide and water and the con- 
sumption of oxygen by the organism is too familiar from ordinary 

* For a summary of American experiments bearing upon this point see 
Atwater & Benedict, Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, 144, 601 and 629 


experience and too well established scientifically to require more 

than illustration. The fact of such an increase was shown in the 
researches of Lavoisier. Scharling,* who as early as 1843 con- 
structed an apparatus somewhat like the Pettenkofer respiration 
apparatus (see p. 70), states in his account of his experiments 
that moderate work increases the excretion of carbon dioxide and 
that it is also greater shortly after a meal. Of other early researches 
upon this point may be mentioned those of Hirn + in 1857, and 
especially those of Smith { in 1859. The investigations of Petten- 
kofer & Voit § in 1866 appear to have been the first to be executed 
in accordance with modern methods. Their results have already 
been cited in their bearing upon the influence of work on proteid 
metabolism, but may be repeated here: 

cae Water Excreted. a 
. rbon 
Nitrogen | picxide |-———-| ‘Taken | Number, 
Grms. | | Excreted, In Evapo- Up, Biases 
Grms. Urine. rated, Grms. i 
Grms. Grms 
Restire fatctacc deve 12.4 716 1006 821 762 2 
Work 3.2. oe 12.3 1187 746 1777 1072 1 
Average diet: 
IRGSt air ee ree: 17.0 928 1218 931 832 3 
Work. .22.-... WF} 1209 1155 1727 981 2 

Subsequent investigators such as Speck, || Hanriot & Richet,¢ 
Katzenstein,** Loewy,}+ and many others have fully confirmed the 
results of the early experimenters. The increase in the oxygen 
taken up was not actually demonstrated in all of these experiments, 
but it was in some and may be reasonably inferred in the remainder. 

* Ann Chem Pharm , 45, 214 

{| Comptes rend Soc. de Physique de Colmar, 1857; Revue Scientifique, 
ler Semestre. 1887. 

t Phil. Trans., 1859, p 681. 

§ Zeit f. Biol., 2, 478. 

| Schriften der Gesell.der ges. Naturwiss. zu Marburg, 1871; Arch. klin 
Med., 45, 461. 

4, Comptes rend., 104, 435 and 1865; 105, 76; Ann. de Chim. et de Phys., 
(6), 22, 485. 

** Arch ges Physiol., 49, 330. 

+} Lbid., 49, 405. 


EFFECTS ARE ImmepiIATE.—Experiments like those of Petten- 
kofer & Voit, extending over twenty-four hours, give simply the 
total effect of the performance of work upon the carbon balance. 
By the use of the Zuntz type of apparatus, however, it is possible 
to follow the gaseous exchange in its details through successive 
short periods as well as to determine the amount of oxygen con- 
sumed. The data thus obtained give a clear picture of the imme- 
diate effects of work upon metabolism and have led to the extensive 
use of this type of apparatus in experiments of this nature. The 
results of these experiments agree with common experience in 
showing that these effects appear very promptly and soon reach 
their maximum, disappearing as promptly after the work ceases. 
In other words, the increase in the carbon metabolism is very 
closely confined to the time during which the work is actually 

The Respiratory Quotient.—The ratio between carbon dioxide 
produced and oxygen consumed, commonly known as the respira~ 
tory quotient, as has been pointed out in Chapter III, enables us 
to form a fairly clear idea as to the general nature of the total mate- 
rial metabolized, and hence much study has been bestowed upon 
the relation between these two quantities. 

Is VARIABLE.—We have already seen that the respiratory quo- 
tient may vary considerably during repose, being largely deter- 
mined by the nature of the food. The same thing is true of the 
respiratory quotient during work. 

Zuntz,* in experiments on a fasting dog, obtained the follow- 
ing values for this quotient: 

Number of Average 
Experi- Respiratory 

ments. Quotient. 
IResws SueioObier, so aoaccegaco0aneT ee 2 0.69 
sna LE ATTA Oe eaene evi arscd ey aiiet stcitajeitcllsnslcueleysteieereletene 6 0.71 
Horizontalilocomotion!. 1.1)... sc. sere ousiecls cieeiers ole 8 0.73 
Hocomotionyupy hill. cree iel persevere iene 5 0.77 
Horizontaltarantye sis ee ee oie susan ash ctiaraa a tekans 10 0.77 

In Zuntz & Hagemann’s } experiments upon the horse the respi- 
ratory quotient in the single work periods ranged from 0.729 upon a 

* Arch. ges. Physiol., 68, 191. 
{+ Landw. Jahrb., 27, Supp. III, 296-331. 


ration of green alfalfa to 0.996 upon hay, straw, and oats. The 
averages obtained for different forms of work were as follows: 

Walkine, nearly horizontals..22 22.2. ..23 25: 0.865 
2 up a slight imehne... see anaes 0.847 

r  SStCC DED INCMING .capuen acon cua ce: 0, 000 
Dratt/mearly horizontal... fe Nestea se et 0.890 
Walking with load, horizontal.............. 0.840 
i: see A > A HINGHING alate peubcie he 5 tees 0.893 
drot;mearly horizontal...4.6-.¢e. ne 4 022 oe 0.882 
“with load, nearly horizontal, ............ 0.8738 
* JSnomZoutaldrattorcsr. fat ecole oe cette 0.927 

The total range of the respiratory.quotient in these experiments 
was 0.84 to 0.93. It is thus seen to be higher with herbivorous 
animals, subsisting largely upon carbohydrates, than with the dog. 

CHANGE CAUSED By Work.—Chauveau states as the result of his 
investigations upon the origin of muscular power that the per- 
formance of work always increases the respiratory quotient. 

His first experiments * were made upon a man who had fasted 
for sixteen hours. The work consisted in the alternate ascent and 
descent of a staircase, the work of ascending being equal to about 
29,000 kegms. in the seventy minutes of the experiment. Samples 
of the expired air were taken by the Tissot apparatus + for five 
minutes at a time at intervals during the work and the respiratory 
quotient determined by a comparison of its composition with that 
of the normal atmosphere. The following were the results for the 
respiratory quotient: 

Immediately before work..............4-- 0.75 
Hirst to fifth minute, oo. .10. ss dees’ esas ebony Q084 
Tenth to fifteenth minute. .ii2464. sage. oe O6SY 
Fortieth to forty-fifth minute................ 0.95 
Sixty-fifth to seventieth minute............ 0.74 

* Comptes rend., 122, 1163. 
+ Archives de Physiol., 1896, p. 563. The apparatus is of the Zuntz type. 


A second experiment,* begun after fifteen hours’ fasting, was 
divided into two periods. The first was similar to the previous 
experiment, but lasted for thirty minutes only, the work of ascent 
equaling in that time about 30,000 kgms. The subject then rested 
for a time during which he consumed 105 grams of butter. Two 
hours after the ingestion of the butter the experiment was repeated, 
samples of the expired air being taken for three minutes at a time. 
The results as regards the respiratory quotient were as follows: 

Three minutes before beginning work........ 0.706 
Twelfth to fifteenth minute................... 0.804 
Twenty-seventh to thirtieth minute.......... 0.812 
JRYESL as sala Mee AG ReNa SS ae Netra erence Aus SA Ute 

Two Hours after Ingestion of Butter. 

Three minutes before beginning work......... 0.666 
Twelfth to fifteenth minute. .............:.... 0.783 
Twenty-seventh to thirtieth minute.......... 0.809 

In conjunction with Laulanié + he has also experimented on 
dogs and rabbits, the muscular contractions being caused by electric 
shocks. The method of determining the respiratory exchange, as 
described by Laulanié, consisted in using a Pettenkofer type of 
apparatus with a small but constant known rate of ventilation. 
The outgoing air passed through a small gasometer, but the current 
could be shunted and the sample of air contained in the gasometer 
analyzed. No details of the experiments or of the methods of cal- 
culation are given. The first table on the following page contains 
Laulanié’s summary of the results. § 

An even greater increase in the respiratory quotient has been — 
sbserved by other investigators. Thus Hanriot & Richet || found 

* Comptes rend., 122, 1169 

+ Ibid., 122, 1244, 1303: Archives de Physiol , 1896, p. 572. 
t Archives de physiol . 1896, pp. 619 and 636. 

§ Energetique Musculaire, p. 70. 

|| Comptes rend., 104, 435 and 1865: 105, 76. 


Respiratory Quotient. 
Animal. Food. ey 
Before | During After 
Work. Work. Work. 
Rabbit laid tibitum s: s. 6s ba<ccnee ea eocne 7 0.880 | 0.970 | 0.799 
Dog ....|Fasting from 1 to 7 days.. 5 .| 0.776 | 0.849-| 0.733 
Dog ....|Abundantly fed with milk porridge. 2 |}. 1.0162) 1.027 | 15033 

in the increments of carbon dioxide and oxygen over the rest values 
quotients much greater than unity and reaching in one case 3.5 (?). 
Speck * likewise found an increase in the respiratory quotient as 
the result of work. Although he observed numerous exceptions, 
he regards it as the rule that it increases with the severity of the 

On the other hand, Katzenstein,} in experiments on men, found 
in some cases no considerable increase in the respiratory quotient 
during work. He gives the following average results, of which 
those in the first table do not relate to exactly the same subjects 
in the three cases: 

Turning Ergostat. 
FREDORG tic ece ets eee cee : 0.754 
Tage Work fete cee ceeiee caheto sen eee OTS oL 
Heavy Wr 4 jccos ce oi. ceed dstaeeonoe 00829 

Subject Subject Subject Subject 
No. 1. No. 2. Noz 3.% No. 4. 

EVR Gare Welss cc ced Siva ee tee 0.801 Onis OR a, 0.75 
Horizontal locomotion .......... 0.805 0.77 0.82 0.895 
Locomotion up hill............. 0.799 0.79 0.865 0.86 

In all cases, the determinations of the respiratory exchange 
covered only a few minutes soon after the work began, and 

* Arch. klin. Med., 45, 461. 
+ Arch. ges. Physiol., 49, 330. 
f A very corpulent individual. 


no mention is made of the nature of the diet except in one case 
(fasting). The individual results were rather variable, but most 
weight is given to those on Subject No. 1, with whom most of the 
experiments were made. Katzenstein believes Speck’s results to 
be due in part to a change in the rate of respiration, causing the 
excretion of carbon dioxide to exceed its actual production (p. 73), 
and in part to a deficiency of oxygen in the tissue of the contracting 

- Loewy,* like Katzenstein, found that work pushed to the point 
of producing a considerable degree of fatigue raised the respiratory 
quotient, while moderate work did not. Rapid turning of the 
wheel of the ergostat, preventing full breathing, or compression 
of the upper arm by means of a rubber band, produced the same 
effect, which he attributes to a lack of oxygen. The most marked 
results seem to be those for the first few minutes of work, although 
in one case work continued for ten to twenty minutes and producing 
fatigue raised the respiratory quotient. 

Probably the most extensive and carefully conducted investiga- 
tions of this nature are those of Zuntz and his associates upon the 
dog, and particularly on the horse. Some data from the latter 
investigations have already been given on p. 212. The following 
table adds to the averages there quoted those for the corre- 
sponding rest periods. In these experiments there was a distinct 
lowering of the respiratory quotient instead of an increase. In 

Respiratory Quotient. 

Kind of Work. Periods. ; 
Repose. Work. 
Walking nearly horizontal........... a,b, e,f, 2, 0 0.943 0.865 
ss Upyslightroradenie. vs.) 055 a, b, e, o 0.940 0.847 
a * steeper grade... ......-.: Hoy atin Uy 0.953 0.900 
Drattinearly horizontals 4)... b, e, f,2 0.956 0.890 
Walking with load, nearly horizontal.. . €, 1, 0 0.915 0.840 
ie UD RAP OTAC Cheese rs shes). INR €, 1, 0, O 0.915 0.893 
Wrot, nearly ‘horizontal... 2... 7... 2% a, e,f,0 0.943 0.882 
ff if sf with load...... e, 1, 0 0.915 0.873 
o shormzontalsewabhvdratt:.. 52. . 2). 9, 7,2 0.9438 0.927 

* Arch. ges. Physiol., 49, 405. 


all cases the animal was liberally fed, usually with oats, hay, and 
cut straw. 

VARIATION DURING Work.—In their experiments cited above, 
Chauveau & Laulanié find that the rise of the respiratory quotient 
which they regard as the invariable result of muscular exertion 
oceurs promptly upon the beginning of the work, and the same thing 
is shown by the earlier results of Chauveau. As the work is con- 
tinued, however, the quotient shows a tendency to fall again, some- 
time even going below its original rest value, while in a period of 
rest following work a still further decrease is observed. The 
results of their experiments * are contained in the table on the 
opposite page. 

Zuntz & Hagemann } also report a number of experiments on 
the horse in which the respiratory exchange was determined in suc- 
cessive periods of work. The following are their results for the 
respiratory quotient: 

Successive Values of Respiratory Quotient. 

No. of aye recess 
Experiment. Min. 
1 2 3 

Di peteies neh shone: 220 O17 865 Stages 80 
BO) geo. hoe 913 .806 ae 1214 
Alea nousneraoaless .929 .889 eee 102 
tO AO He aot 925 948 .897 100 
ASE sae .920' 931 .875 924 
Ah Di erste fore. ye 865 .868 911 54 
CLO Popeye slays ren Sie .928 .921 ere 34 
Les Mens sips isso a fo, le e910 .926 ieae 48 
ite hser ne) eae One .974 .905 .837 65 
Ost crsnste cvsicit * .863 .820 Meets 73 
OO Meerrecansesst,s 911 .922 eee a 
Ota ehtadae .949 .934 871 124 
LS ees sk Salers .936 .909 .878 78 
EU rersscscsiNiste anae .931 904 .883 75 

The results cited in the foregoing paragraphs would appear to 
justify the general conclusion that in the case of fasting animals or 

* Comptes rend., 122, 1244, 
+ Loc. cit., pp. 290-292. 



oss" | gus 268° | P26" 86" [SSS eee ea eee, ” Ix 
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‘sjuet0nd Alojesrdsey 

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of those insufficiently fed the respiratory quotient is increased by 
the performance of work, while with well-fed animals, especially 
those receiving an abundance of carbohydrates, this effect is not 
apparent. As the work is continued, there appears in many cases 
to be a tendency toward a diminution of the quotient, while in rest 
following work a still further decrease may occur. 

Nature of Non-nitrogenous Material Metabolized.—As already 
pointed out, a comparative study of the final products of metab- 
olism during rest and work does not itself afford direct evidence 
as to the nature of the material actually metabolized in a muscu- 
lar contraction, but simply shows the total effect of the contraction 
itself and of the secondary activities resulting from it upon the 
make-up of the schematic body. When we attempt to go further 
than this, other methods of investigation are requisite, although 
experiments like those already cited may afford important con- 
firmatory evidence. 

of the respiratory quotient in experiments upon work has already 
been illustrated in Chapter III (p. 76). Neglecting any slight error 
due to small changes in the proteid metabolism, the variations in 
the respiratory quotient as outlined in the foregoing paragraphs 
enable us to trace the corresponding changes in the nature of the 
carbon metabolism. 

The metabolism of a fasting animal at rest is, as was shown in 
Chapter IV, largely a metabolism of fat. Corresponding to this, 
the respiratory quotient of such an animal approaches the value 
0.7 for pure fat, although never quite reaching it, since some pro- 
tein is always metabolized. Numerous instances of this fact are 
seen in the experiments already cited. When such an animal per- 
forms work, the respiratory quotient has been found to increase 
materially, thus showing that, in addition to the fat, carbohydrate 
material is being metabolized. This is entirely in accord with the 
well-established fact that muscular exertion causes the glycogen, 
both of the muscles and of the liver, to decrease and even disappear 
entirely. With an animal at rest and liberally supplied with ecar- 
bohydrate food, on the other hand, the respiratory quotient ap- 
proaches or even reaches unity, showing that the metabolism is 
essentially carbohydrate in character. When work is required of 


such a subject, little change is noted at first in the respiratory quo- 
tient. The cells of the body being richly supplied with carbohy- 
drates apparently utilize these as the most readily available source 
of energy. In either case, however, continued work makes large 
demands upon the non-nitrogenous materials available, the store 
of carbohydrates in the body is rapidly depleted, and the fat of the 
body is drawn upon to an increasing extent as a source of energy, 
the necessary result being a diminution in the respiratory quotient. 
In the experiments of Chauveau & Laulanié only the respira- 
tory quotients corresponding to the total metabolism are given, and 
consequently the changes in the character of the metabolism indi- 
cated above can only be traced qualitatively.. In Zuntz & Hage- 
mann’s investigations the increments of the carbon dioxide and 
oxygen over the rest values are given, and from them the propor- 
tion of oxygen applied respectively to the oxidation of fat and of 
carbohydrates is computed. The following average results for the 
various forms of work show clearly that the ratio of fat to carbo- 
hydrates metabolized may vary through a very wide range. 

Oxygen per Minute 
apphied to the Oxida- 

tion of 
Kind of Work. . Periods. 

Fat, Carbohy- 

OX drates, c.c. 

Walking nearly horizontal........... a, Dee ito 4.3638 2.9962 
: up a slight grade............ a, b, e, 0 10.433 7.465 
Ke “< « steeper grade... 1: .. ied NGO Gavin Os 1 8.665 | 15.215 
Wratt, mearhy horizontally. seis. 2)... 24 hs Bs int 8.882 | 12.992 
Walking with load, nearly horizontal.. e080 5.962 3.317 
TM ULV O TASS HM eee ie é, 1, 0,0 8.525 14.892 
dhropumeanlyahorizombaliace sn) sei ae a,e,f,o 7.852 14.201 
«with load, nearly horizontal... .. e, 1, 0 12:718 16.023 
a 14.007 | 45.050 

Co i rate wborizombale csc: .0 ehh Gaile 

Tue InreRMEpIARY MeErTaBotisM.—As stated, the conclusions 
drawn from the respiratory quotient relate, strictly speaking, to 
the total effect of muscular exertion upon the store of matter in the 
body. The results of such experiments show that, as a consequence 
of a given amount of work, a certain quantity of fat and of carbo- 
hydrates has been oxidized somewhere in the organism. 


Many eminent physiologists, however, notably Zuntz and his 
pupils, go further and regard both the fat and the carbohydrates of 
food or body tissue as immediate sources of muscular energy and as 
of value for this purpose in proportion to their content of potential 
energy—that is, to their heats of combustion. In other words, they 
hold that either fat or carbohydrates may be in effect directly 
metabolized by the muscular tissue and that each under like condi- 
tions yields substantially the same proportion of its potential energy 
in the form of mechanical work. 

On the other hand, Chauveau * and Seegen + and their followers, 
as has already been indicated, regard the carbohydrates as the im- 
mediate source of energy for all the vital activities and hold that fat 
(or proteids) must first be converted into dextrose by the liver before 
it can be utilized. It is particularly with regard to muscular exer- 
tion that this theory has been elaborated, the conclusions as to other 
forms of vital activity being to a considerable extent based upon 
analogy with the former. 

Functions of the Liver.—According to this theory the material 
which is actually metabolized in a muscular contraction is a carbo- 
hydrate, viz., either the dextrose carried to the muscle by the blood 
or the glycogen which is stored up in it. Muscular activity is thus 
brought into intimate relations with the sugar-forming function of 
the liver, and a chief office of that organ is considered to be the 
preparation of the necessary carbohydrate material from the various 
ingredients of the food. The main facts which have been estab- 
lished may be summarized as follows (compare Chapter II, §$1 
and 2): 

1. Dextrose is being constantly formed by the liver, which not 
only modifies the carbohydrates of the food but likewise appears to 
produce dextrose from proteids and particularly, according to this 
school of physiologists, from fat. 

2. Dextrose is as constantly being abstracted from the blood by 
the tissues, particularly the muscular tissues, as is shown by the 
constancy of the proportion of dextrose in the blood. 

3. The dextrose content of the blood is, according to Chauveau, 

* La Vie et. l’Energie chez l’ Animale. 
ft Die Zuckerbildung im Thierk6rper. 


maintained during fasting until the very last stages of inanition. 
When it finally disappears there is a rapid fall in the body temper- 
ature and death speedily follows. 

4. Both the production of dextrose by the liver and its con- 
sumption in the tissues appear to be augmented by muscular exer- 

The latter fact is shown by the well-known experiments of 
Chauveau & Kaufmann * upon the masseter muscle of the horse. 
Comparing the amount of blood passing through the muscle and 
the decrease in its percentage of dextrose in rest and in work they 
found that the consumption of dextrose in the two cases was in the 
proportion of 1:3.372. Subsequent experiments + upon the Leva- 
tor labwi supervoris of the horse, the results of which as to the gaseous 
exchange have already been cited (p. 188), gave the following 
figures for the dextrose abstracted from the blood per kilogram of 
muscle in one minute: 

Rest, Grms. Work, Grms. | Work ~ Rest. 
Experiment Dyna sl ew npen eee ca 0.00598 (?)| 0.07026 (?) 11.75 
ef Poe Aa ee ey OS arn Eats 0.06358 0.22303 3.51 
ef Ali Hasta SSS Pata RS thy Bs RA oe UA 0.03976 (?)| 0.12852 3.23 
Averaponn mica ne sit: Pine ..| 0.03644 0.14027 3.85 

The authors also call attention to the fact that in these two 
series of experiments the arterial blood supplied to the active muscle 
contained a higher percentage of dextrose than that supplying the 
same muscle in a state of repose, notwithstanding the consumption 
of this substance by the muscle, and conclude that muscular activ- 
ity stimulates the production of dextrose by the liver. The observa- 
tion of Kiilz,t that prolonged muscular exertion may cause the dis- 
appearance of glycogen from the liver, may perhaps be ena 
as sustaining this conclusion. 

* Comptes rend., 108, 974, 1057, 1153. 
+ Ibid., 104, 1126, 1352, 1409. 
t Arch. ges. Physiol., 24, 41. 


Muscular Glycogen.—lspecial interest attaches in this connec- 
tion to the behavior of the glycogen of the muscles. Nasse * 
appears to have been the first to show that the muscular glycogen 
is consumed during contraction. This result has been abundantly 
confirmed by other investigators, notably by Weiss,} while, as just 
stated, Kiilz has shown that the same thing is true of the glycogen 
of the liver. 

It has also been shown that glycogen accumulates in muscles 
whose activity has been suspended by section of their nerves or other- 
wise. An early statement to this effect, unaccompanied by experi- 
mental proof, is by MacDonnel.{ Chandelon § investigated the 
influence upon the glycogen content of the hind leg of a rabbit of, 
first, ligature of the arteries, and second, section of the motor nerves. 
The first treatment caused a large loss and the second a large gain 
of glycogen. Morat & Dufourt || confirmed these results and also 
found that the formation of muscular glycogen was more rapid in a 
fatigued quiescent muscle than in a normal one, while Aldehoff 4 
has shown that in a fasting animal glycogen persists longer in the 
muscles than in the liver and reappears first in the former when food 
1S given. 

In view of these facts it can hardly be doubted that the muscu- 
lar glycogen is in some way a source of energy to the muscles, being 
destroyed during contraction and stored up again during rest. 

Chauveaw’s Interpretation.—By a comparison of their results for 
dextrose just cited on p. 221 with those for the gaseous exchange 
of the muscle as given on p. 188, Chauveau & Kaufmann show that 
during rest there was a storage of dextrose and of oxygen in the 
muscle. During work, on the contrary, more carbon dioxide was 
produced by the musele than corresponded to the amount of dex~ 
{rose which was abstracted from the blood, and this carbon dioxide 
contained more oxygen than was supplied to the muscle by the 

* Arch. ges. Physiol., 2, 97; 14, 482. 

+ Sitzungsber. Wiener Akad der Wiss., Math-Nat. Klasse, 64, II, 284. 
t Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., Ser. I, 7, 271. 

“ Arch. ges. Physiol , 18, 626. 

|| Archives de Physiol , 1892, 327 and 457. 

“ Zeit. f. Biol., 25, 137. 


blood during the same time. The average results, computed in 
milligrams per minute, were: 

During Rest, | During Work, 
Mgrms. Mgrms. 

Oxicenpiromlblood mer vrei cise icine ates cinemecnere 0.11803 2.48490 
HMI OS OTOMUCEG an wie ONL NT ue ya ae 0.08424 3.15052 

‘““ required to oxidize dextrose taken up from 
1 Oe CRS errr tetrad ates ccd ot) dass lanl VN ore 0.58305 2.35055 
Carb onkoteCOpprodwced Masai ss ee ie eect 0.03160 1.18128 
a PIGCextrosenvakemgupiari|s,. sleitis (cused way eee 0.21862 0.88118 

During rest the muscle was storing up both carbohydrate (gly- 
cogen) and oxygen, thus supplying itself with a reserve of potential 
energy. During activity this reserve, as well as the supply brought 
_ by the blood, was drawn upon for the performance of work. 

The fluctuations of the respiratory quotient resulting from mus- 
cular exertion are explained by Chauveau in outline as follows: 

At first there is a rapid oxidation of the stored glycogen of the 
muscles and of the dextrose of the blood, resulting in a respiratory 
quotient approaching unity. As the work progresses the store of 
carbohydrate material in the organism becomes relatively exhausted, 
unless there is a large supply of it in the food, and to meet the 
demands of the muscles an increased production of dextrose from 
the fat of the food or of the body takes place in the liver. This 
change, however, according to the equation proposed on p. 38, con- 
sumes 67 molecules of oxygen for each 18 molecules of carbon diox- 
ide produced. This process, superadded to the combustion of 
carbohydrates in the muscles, results in the observed lowering of 
the respiratory quotient. The further lowering of the quotient 
during a succeeding rest period results from the great diminution 
in the amount of carbohydrates oxidized in the muscles, the for- 
mation of carbohydrates from fat in the liver still continuing 
for a time in order to replenish the exhausted store of muscular 

Fat as a Source of Muscular Energy.—According to the above 
theory, fat is only indirectly a source of muscular energy, in 
that it serves for the production of dextrose in the liver, and the. 


same thing is held to be true of protein so far as it contributes 
energy for muscular exertion. | 

As we have seen in Chapter II, however, the formation of dex- 
trose from fat in the liver is by no means universally admitted, and 
Chauveau’s ingenious theory as to the immediate source of muscu- 
lar energy has not lacked opponents. If it is true, fat has a much 
lower value for that purpose than corresponds to its potential 
energy as measured by its heat of combustion. If it be assumed 
to be converted into dextrose in accordance with the equation on 
p. 38, it is easy to compute that about 36 per cent. of its potential 
energy will be liberated as heat in the process and that consequently 
only the 64 per cent. remaining in the resulting dextrose will 
be available to the muscles. Consequently the relative values of 
fat and dextrose for the production of work will be as 162 to 100 
and not as 253 to 100. 

While the evidence of the respiratory quotient is not incon- 
sistent with Chauveau’s theory, it is also not inconsistent with the 
view which supposes fat to be directly metabolized for the produc- 
tion of mechanical work. The difference lies, not in the amounts 
of carbon dioxide and oxygen evolved but in the place where and 
the form in which the energy is liberated, and the question can 
therefore be satisfactorily discussed only on the side of its energy 

Postponing that discussion for the present, it may be remarked 
here that while it appears to be true, as already stated, that the 
muscular glycogen and the dextrose of the blood are a source of 
muscular energy, and perhaps the most readily available one, it 
by no means follows that they are the only source. T he muscle 
contains other non-nitrogenous reserve materials besides glycogen, 
and notably a not inconsiderable amount of fat and of lecithin. 
Moreover, recent investigations (see pp. 63 to 05) have shown that 
the amount of the muscular fat is greater than was formerly sup- 
posed, and that some of it cannot be extracted with ether and 
behaves almost as if in chemical combination. Indeed, it appears 
not improbable that both fat and carbohydrate molecular groupings, 
as well as proteids, enter into the structure of living protoplasm. 
Finally, not only the muscle but the blood which nourishes it 
contains fat as well as carbohyhrates, the former indeed being more 


abundant than the latter. There would seem to be no inherent 
difficulty, then, in supposing that the fat of the muscle and of the 
blood serves directly as a source of energy, although the writer is not 
aware of any investigations upon the influence of the contraction 
of a muscle upon its fat-content. 




Force is defined as whatever is capable of changing the rate of 
motion of a mass of matter. When a force acts upon a mass, im- 
parting to it a certain velocity, it does work, the amount of work 
being measured by the product of the force into the distance through 
which it acts. Energy may be defined as the capacity to do work. 
Any mass of matter which can act upon another mass in such a 
way as to change its rate of motion is said to possess energy. 

Kinetic AND PorEeNTIAL ENERGy.—In studying energy we 
distinguish between kinetic energy, or the energy due to motion, 
and potential energy, or the energy due to position. The falling 
weight of a pile-driver at the instant it strikes the pile possesses a 
certain amount of kinetic energy and does a corresponding amount 
of work on the pile. When it is raised again a certain amount of 
work is done on it, and when it comes to rest at the top of the ma- 
chine a corresponding amount of energy is stored up in it as poten- 
tial energy. As long as the weight is supported at this point it 
does no work, but simply possesses the possibility of doing work. 
When it is allowed to fall again, this potential energy due to its 
position is converted into the actual or kinetic energy of motion, 
and when it reaches the point from which it was raised and strikes 
the pile it does work upon the latter exactly equal to that formerly 



stored up in the weight as potential energy, which again was equal 
to the energy expended in raising it. 

An even simpler example of the conversion of potential into 
kinetic energy and vice versa is a swinging pendulum. When at 
rest for an instant at the end of a vibration it possesses a certain 
amount of potential energy, corresponding to its vertical height 
above the lowest point of its are. When it reaches this lowest 
point, so far as the mechanism of which it forms part is concerned 
it has no more potential energy because it cannot fall any farther. 
In place of this, however, neglecting mechanical resistances, 1t con- 
tains an exactly equivalent amount of kinetic energy, due to its 
motion. During the second half of the swing this kinetic energy 
is expended in again raising the pendulum, and when it has all been 
expended the pendulum will (in the absence of external resistance) 
have been raised to exactly the same height as before above its 
lowest point. In other words, its kinetic energy will have been re- 
converted into an equivalent amount of potential energy and so 
the alternate conversion and re-conversion goes on as long as the 
pendulum continues to swing. 

The same facts which have been illustrated above in the case of 
the motion of visible masses of matter are likewise true of molecular 
and atomic motions. When molecules of carbon dioxide and water 
are converted into starch in the green leaves of the plant, work is 
done upon them by the energy of the sun’s rays. Their constituent 
atoms are forced apart and compelled to assume new groupings. In 
this process a certain amount of kinetic energy has disappeared 
and the resulting system of starch molecules and oxygen molecules 
contains a corresponding amount of potential energy. Under 
suitable conditions the reverse process may also take place. The 
atoms may, so to speak, fall together and resume their old positions, 
producing the original amounts of carbon dioxide and water and 
giving off in the process the exact amount of kinetic energy which 
was originally absorbed. This energy may appear in the form of 
heat, as in ordinary combustion, or in any other of the various 
forms of energy, according to circumstances. 

The last example is but an illustration of the general fact that 
in every chemical reaction there occurs a transformation of energy 
which most commonly takes the form of an evolution or absorption 


of heat. That branch of science which deals with the connection 
between chemical and thermal processes is known as thermo-chem- 
istry. Since kinetic energy in the animal is derived from chemical 
processes, and since it largely takes the form of heat, we may regard 
the study of the transformations of energy in the organism as con- 
stituting a branch of thermo-chemistry and proceed to a consider- 
ation of the fundamental laws upon which the latter subject. is 

THE CONSERVATION OF ENERGY.—In any system of bodies not 
acted on by external forces the sum of the potential and kinetic 
energy is constant. In other words, while the ratio of potential 
to kinetic energy may vary, and while each may take various forms, 
as mass-motion, heat, electric stress, etc., there is no loss of energy 
in these conversions. Energy, like matter, is indestructible. This 
great law of the conservation of energy was first clearly enunciated 
by Mayer, and forms the foundation of all modern conceptions of 
physical processes. In the case of the swinging pendulum used 
above as an illustration the total energy of the system composed 
of the earth and the pendulum is constant, a portion of it simply 
alternating between the potential and kinetic states. So, too, in 
the system of atoms of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, the potential 
energy contained in the system before the starch is burned is simply 
converted into the kinetic energy of heat, while the total energy 
of the system remains the same. 

INITIAL AND Frnau States.—An important consequence of the 
law of the conservation of energy, which was first deduced and 
demonstrated experimentally by Hess in 1840, is known as the law 
of initial and final states. This law is that in any independent 
system the amount of energy transformed: from the potential to 
the kinetic form, or vice versa, during any change in the system, 
depends solely upon the initial and final states of the system and 
not at all upon the rapidity of the transformation or upon the kind 
or number of the intermediate stages through which it passes. 
Although this law is true in the general form here stated, it was 
originally propounded as related to chemical reactions and forms 
the basis of the science of thermo-chemistry. If we start with 
starch and oxygen and end with the corresponding quantities of 
carbon dioxide and water, the amount of kinetic energy evolved is 


the same, no matter whether the starch be burned almost instanta- 
neously in pure oxygen or whether it be subjected to slow oxidation 
in the tissues of a plant buried in the soil; whether carbon dioxide 
and water are the immediate products of the action or whether the 
starch be previously transformed into maltose, glycogen, dextrose, 
lactic acid, etc., etc., as in the body of the animal. We have simply 
to determine the potential energy of the system in its initial and in 
its final state, and the difference is equal to the amount of kinetic 
energy evolved during the change. The truth of this law, as ap- 
plied to chemical processes, has been fully demonstrated by the 
researches of Berthelot and Thomsen. That the same law applies 
to the processes taking place in the body of the animal is exceed- 
ingly probable, a priori, and has been demonstrated experimentally 
by the researches of Rubner and of Atwater and his associates. 

Heats or Compustion.—We have no means of determining 
the total amount of potential energy contained in a system, but can 
only measure that portion which is manifested by the change to 
the kinetic or the potential form during some change in the system. 
In other words, we may assume the potential energy of the system 
in some particular state as zero and obtain a numerical expression 
for its potential energy in some other state as compared with this 
standard state. For the latter we shall naturally select that one in 
which no further conversion of potential into kinetic energy can, 
according to our experience, take place. 

In the case of organic substances, such as those entering into 
the metabolism of the animal, the system consists of the substance 
itself and oxygen, and the state of complete oxidation is the one in 
which experience shows that no further evolution of kinetic energy 
is possible by chemical means. Thus, to recur to the example of 
starch, if one gram be oxidized in accordance with the equation 

C,H, ,0;+60,=6C0,-++5H,0, 

the amount of heat evolved will be 4183 cals. ,* this being the amount 
of energy converted from the potential to the kinetic form. From 
the system represented by the second member of the above equa- 
tion we can get no further evolution of heat. We therefore repre- 

* For the units of measurement see the following paragraph. 


sent its potential energy by 0 and accordingly that of the system 
starch + oxygen by 4183 cals. for each gram of starch. This value 
is called the heat of combustion of starch, and shows how much 
energy can be liberated from this substance by its conversion into 
CO, and H,O. It is common to speak of this as the potential energy 
of the starch, and the expression has the advantage of brevity, 
but it should not be forgotten that it is really the potential energy 
of the system ©,H,,O, + 60, as compared with the system 
6CO, + 5H,0. 

In like manner the heat of combustion of any organic com- 
pound, or of any mixture of compounds such as a feeding-stuff, 
represents the amount of energy which a given weight of it evolves 
in the form of heat when completely oxidized. In the case of 
nitrogenous bodies the final products are CO,, H,O, N,, and in 
case of proteids SOs. 

Heats of combustion may be determined at constant pressure 
or at constant volume. When the substance is burned under ordi- 
nary atmospheric pressure the amount of heat evolved may include, 
besides that due to the difference in the chemical energy of the 
substance before and after burning, a mechanical component due 
to the fact that the volume of the products is not the same as that 
of the original substances. If it is greater, work is done in 
overcoming atmospheric pressure and the heat production is 
diminished by a corresponding amount. In the contrary case, work 
is done by the atmosphere upon the products of combustion and 
heat is evolved. When the substance is burned in a confined 
volume of oxygen, as in the bomb-calorimeter, the possibility of 
such mechanical action is eliminated and we obtain a quantity of 
heat representing solely the difference in chemical energy. The heats 
of combustion at constant volume are therefore, from a theoretical 
point of view, the more correct. On the other hand, however, all 
ordinary processes of combustion, including those occurring in the 
animal organism, take place under atmospheric pressure, which is 
practically constant, and therefore the actual heat value of a sub- 
stance oxidized in the body is measured by its heat of combustion 
at constant pressure. If there is no change in volume during the 
combustion, then‘the two heats of combustion are, of course, iden- 
tical. This is the case, for example, with the carbohydrates, which 


form so large a part of the food of herbivorous animals. Further- 
more, the difference in the case of the other common nutrients is so 
slight that the heats of combustion as determined with the bomb- 
calorimeter may be used without appreciable error in computing 
the metabolism of energy in the body. The only substance involved 
in such computations for which the correction needs to be made is 
methane, CH,, the heat of combustion of which is at constant 
volume 13,246 cals. per gram and at constant pressure 13,344 cals. 

Units or MrASUREMENT.—The unit of force is the dyne, which 
is defined as the amount of force required to produce in a mass of 
one gram, in one second, an acceleration of one centimeter per 

When a .orce acts upon a mass, the amount of work done is 
measured by the product of the force into the distance (measured 
along the direction of the force) through which it acts. The unit 
of work is the erg, which is defined as the work done by a force of 
one dyne acting through one centimeter. 

Energy has been defined as the power of doing work, and is 
measured by the amount of work done, that is, in ergs. Since, 
however, the erg is a very small quantity, it is often more con- 
venient in practice to use a multiple of it. For this purpose the 
quantity 10! erg=1 Kilojoule (J) is a convenient unit. Energy is 
also frequently expressed in units based on weight instead of mass, 
the most common being the gram-meter, the kilogram-meter, and 
the foot-pound. The gram-meter is the work done against gravity 
in raising a weight of 1 gram through 1 meter. Since, however, the 
force of gravity, and consequently the weight of a given mass, varies 
at different points on the earth’s surface, it is necessary to state 
also where the weight is taken. At the level of the sea, in temperate 
latitudes, the force of gravity equals 980.5 dynes. Under these 
conditions, then, doing 1 gram-meter of work would be equivalent 
to exerting a foree of 980.5 dynes through 100 em., which equals 
98,050 ergs. The kilogram-meter (kgm.) is the work done against 
gravity in raising 1 kilogram through 1 meter, and is accordingly 
1000 times the gram-meter or 98,050,000 ergs. The foot-pound 
is the work done against gravity in raising 1 pound through 1 foot 
and accordingly equals 13,550,000 ergs. 

In addition to mechanical energy the animal produces heat. 


For the measurement of heat various units are in use, but the ones 
most commonly employed in physiology are the small and the large 
calorie. The small calorie (cal.) is defined as the amount of heat 
required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water through 1° C. 
Since, however, the specific heat of water varies somewhat with the 
temperature, it is necessary to specify the average temperature 
of the water. The temperature of 18° C. has been quite commonly 
used for this purpose, the resulting unit being indicated by the 
abbreviation cal,,. Atwater & Rosa,* however, in their work 
with the respiration-calorimeter, have employed the temperature 
of 20° C., designating their unit by cal,,. The difference between 
the two is very slight, 1 cal,, equaling 1.0002 cal,,. The large 
calorie (Cal.) is the amount of heat required to raise the tempera- 
ture of one kilogram of water through 1° C., or is equal to 1000 small 
calories. The temperature at which the large calorie is measured 
may be indicated as in case of the small calorie. 

The calorie, however, while commonly used, and while in some 
respects a convenient unit, is in a sense not a rational one. Since 
heat is one form of energy, and since, in accordance with the law of 
the conservation of energy, there is a fixed relation between it and 
other forms of energy, a rational unit would be one bearing a simple 
numerical relation to the units employed to measure other forms 
of energy, or in other words, the erg or some simple multiple of it. 
As already noted, the Kilojoule (J) is a convenient unit for this 
purpose. It has two advantages over the Calorie: first, it permits 
of a direct comparison of heat with other forms of energy (expressed, 
of course, in units of the same system); and second, it is an “ abso- 
lute” unit, that is, it is based on the fundamental units of space, 
mass, and time, and has a perfectly definite magnitude, while the 
Calorie has not unless the temperature at which it is measured is 
stated. To this may be added that in discussing physiological 
relations it avoids the sometimes confusing implication that the 
quantities of energy dealt with actually exist in all cases as heat. 

The relation between the Calorie and the Kilojoule is as follows: 

1 Cal,,=4.183 J =41,830,000,000 ergs; 
1J | =0.2391 Cal,,=10,000,000,000 ergs. 

* U.S. Dept. Agr., office of Expt. Stats., Bull. 63, p. 55. 


Since, however, most of the results of investigations upon the 
physiological relations of energy are expressed in calories (often 
without any statement of temperature) it will be more convenient 
in the following pages to employ this unit rather than the more 
rational Kilojoule. 

Finally, since measurements of mechanical energy (as in experi- 
ments with working animals) have been commonly made in weight 
units, it is necessary to know the relation of these to the calorie. 
These relations are included in the following table, the force of 
gravity being taken as 980.5 dynes: 


Ergs.* Kilojoules. Gram- Kilogram- 
meters. meters. 
iMKGlojoule = — 4505. 5. OU ee ere ete nies it 101989 
1 gram-meter = ....... 980.510? | 980.5+108 | ...... 0.001 
1 kilogram-meter =.... 980.5x10° | 980.5+10° 1000 
1 foot-pound =.....:.. 135.5X10® | 1385.5+10° 138.2 0.1382 
MCA eh ep Nehspacencsst aeccvg eae 4.18310" 0.004183 | 426.6 0.4266 
il CORR aa seetecien ene acne ees 4.18310" 4.183 426600 | 426.6 
ae cali Cal, 8 
WPI OJ OULe Se a syn cictaycverons toaier ers ois 738.1 239.1 0.2391 
Weram-meteri— ah... 0.007236 0.002344 | 0.2344+ 10° 
1 kilogram-meter = ........... 7.236 2.344 0.002344 
MBLOOL OUI G a ecres vet. ce eravere aie rill) cl eseusree/ aad spats 0.3239 0.000324 
TGA ated etal ePacetta volt -N av sdspaserayel soc ee 30872 FA) haha 0.001 
Gainey sortie riley s otstecatevanse ciel. 3087 1000 

* From Ostwald, Grundriss der allgemeinen Chemie. 


TuE food is the sole known source of energy as well as of matter 
to the body of the warm-blooded animal, and the total income of 
potential energy, according to the principles Jaid down in the pre- 
ceding chapter, is represented by the heat of combustion of the 

A portion of this food, as we have seen in Part I, is metabolized 
in the body, while part of it escapes complete oxidation and is re- 
jected as undigested matter in the feces, as metabolic products in 
feces, urine, and perspiration, and as combustible intestinal gases. 
All these substances still contain more or less of their original store 
of potential energy and collectively constitute one main division of 
the outgo of energy. We may call it, for brevity, the outgo of 
potential energy. A portion of the food may also be applied to the 
production and storage of tissue (protein and fat) in the body, and 
this, from our present point of view, is to be classed with the 
outgo of potential energy. 

The potential energy of the remaining portion of the food, viz., 
that which is completely oxidized, may take various transitory 
forms in the organism, but ultimately it leaves it in one of two 
forms of kinetic energy, viz., as mechanical work or as heat. Here 
we have the second main division of the outgo of energy, viz., the 
outgo of kinetic energy. These relations may be briefly expressed 
in tabular form, as shown at the head of the opposite page. 

As in the corresponding chapter of Part I, it is proposed to con- 
sider here simply the general principles of the more important 
methods available for determining the income and outgo of poten- 
tial and kinetic energy, without entering into technical details. 




Combustible gases 
Storage of tissue 

| Potential energy. 


Kinetic energy. 

Determination of Potential Energy. 

The Energy of the Food.—-The potential energy of the food is 
conveniently measured by converting it into the kinetic form of heat; 
that is, by determining its heat of combustion. This determina- 
tion is effected by means of an instrument known as a calorimeter, 
in which the heat produced by the complete combustion of a known 
weight of the substance under examination is absorbed by some 
calorimetric substance and its amount measured by the change of 
temperature or of physical state of the latter. The calorimetric 
substance ordinarily employed is water, the increase in tempera- 
ture of a known weight of this substance giving directly the amount - 
of heat in calories. It is, of course, essential either that all the heat 
produced shall be transferred to the calorimetric substance or that 
it shall be possible to correct the observed results for any heat that 
may escape absorption. — 

Another essential is that the oxidation shall be complete, a 
condition whose fulfillment it is by no means easy to secure. Two 
general methods have been employed for this purpose. The first 
was that of Thompson,* as used by Frankland and subsequently 
modified by Stohmann,t in which the oxidation is effected by 
means of pure potassium chlorate, corrections being made for the 
heat evolved in the decomposition of the latter substanée. The 
second method, which has almost entirely replaced the first, con- 

* Described by Frankland, Proc. Roy. Inst. of Great Britain, June 8, 
1866, and Phil. Mag. (4), 32, 182. 
{ Jour. pr. Chem., 127, 115; Landw. Jahrb., 18, 513. 


sists in burning the substance without any admixture in highly 
compressed oxygen contained in a lined steel bomb as first devised 
by Berthelot * and subsequently modified by Mahler, Hempel, and 
Atwater. With this type of calorimeter very accurate and com- 
paratively rapid work may be done.t 

Frankland was the first to undertake determinations of the 
heats of combustion of foods and food ingredients, using the origi- 
nal form of the Thompson calorimeter. Subsequent investigators, 
of whom may be especially mentioned Stohmann, v. Rechenberg 
and Danilewski, Berthelot and his associates, Rubner, and Atwater, 
Cubson & Woods, have continued these investigations with im- 
proved apparatus and more refined methods,{ and we now possess 
a considerable mass of data as to the heats of combustion of the 
more important ingredients of animals and plants and of the prod- 
ucts of metabolism. Atwater § gives the following summary of 
the results on record up to July, 1894 (see pp. 237-9). 

In the course of recent investigations into the energy relations 
of the food of man and of domestic animals a considerable amount 
of data has also been secured regarding the heats of combus- 
tion of foods and feeding-stuffs. A summary of the results of 
such determinations on 276 samples of human foods of various 
kinds has been published by Atwater & Bryant. No similar 
compilation of heats of combustion of feeding-stuffs is as yet avail- 

It need hardly be pointed out that, taken by themselves, 
such results furnish no measure of the relative values of the 
various feeding-stuffs. Like a chemical analysis, they supply 
but a single factor, albeit an important one, for such a com- 

* Ann. de Chim. et de Phys., (5), 23, 160. 

{ For the technical details of the method reference may be had to the 
published descriptions of the apparatus or to Wiley’s Principles and Prac- 
tice of Agricultural Chemical Analysis, Vol. ITI, p. 569. , 

{ For a historical sketch of the development of calorimetry, as applied 
to food substances, compare Atwater, “Chemistry and Feonomy of Food,” 
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations, Bull. 21, pp 

§ Ibid., pp. 127 and 128. Compare also Rep. Storrs Expt. Station, 1899, 
p. 73. 

|| Rep. Conn. Storrs Expt. Station, 1899, p. 97. 




Boney Thompson-Stohmann Method. 
Stoh- Stoh- 
Berthe-| mann | mann B. Rub= 
lot and| and and Dani- | per, | Gibson. 
Asso- | Lang- | Asso- | lewski. 
ciates. | bein. ciates. 
GUTTA AN eRe Re A Aa ae EXO RC oars wae. 6141 
Pastime eee tale ert sey dalla le lls Wefeapeencte 5961 .3 
Plant frites aj ecene estore fee 5832 .3|5941.6)...... 6231 
Senuinmaval lo wmadins fay tees cteleie eee el|lehe tyes 5917.8 
SHAME OMI ee, here eee neck lial ets. 5907 .8 
Elemoglobin ys 4.6% cite so ier NO NM atstehag MS bc bcllooc 306 5950 
Milkseaseim’ cs ion... a tianet esd -.|5626 . 4/5867 5717 | 5785 
ie Ci Sear ne Rat le ae ea Gee 5849 .6 
VOlMOTe ON eh INE 5 tienes amet. 8112.4 5840.9 
GS OMIAITNEE Topsite 5s slate esos ahs evel valle een. * BBall caso t 5573 
Wave laa eons hel sia eis odes ye lebeliavens 5780 .6|5745. 1 
lara MlouaMN Solan ope oem oe aco 6 5687 .4|5735.2| 5579 
Muscle, extractives and fat re- 
TMOVEG YE caer ar ita lale ee lyetsste eels BY Praia 4 PAD EONS 6 oe allot oa 5778* 
Crystallizedvalbumim rcs. elie clone « 5672 5598 
Muscle, fat removed ..........)...... 5662.6] 5324 |...... 5656* 
G5) (0g PERO US PN Se ee LE 5640.9 
lelloerel iilotiy Lob ooogoandoucods 5529 .1/5637.1) 5511 | 5709 
Harnack’s albumen ...........)...... 5553 
VOOM OE Rat eie cites Bre op apcrcel axe 5564 2/5510. 2 
Wong ateng ry ae mits syetecte sha telleledeSueihanaueicel oe 5479 5362 
Iilovanoy cove te) ist ohrabherg ole aid late eats Heal aay e eee 5355.1 
IREDEOMOR Meader tnote iicene = tee [Puneun ce aye DV eatsillio bola © 5069 
BSI OMS ya Miley os ck icaters <)Meiesete ZA OME eM esuas ca teretsit 5493 
@hondriny Aside sesh is ccs euavedne 5342 .4/5130.6]...... 4909 
(CHSC TaN eA ca aaie Con a 5410. 4/5039 .9 
Eto ROUM ase legiles eters dlsiecaieela 5095. 7/4979 .6 
(CUI A 8 eeta Gite prea eA Rae e eer 4655 |4650.3 
MDUVONT CHOLES Grotels ial orcneiees me cena 4146.8 
Panecl ob ulin pare vay Pacey «iirc |Prescemsnseilte ete ils 5637 
We ares year syenay aioe ataytnds oc 2530.1/2541.9| 2465 | 2537 | 2523 
Gly cocollanaee na eho cvtete 3133 .6/3129.1] 3053 
PAVE OTOW 5 ch) uch ae ea OMe 4370. 7/4355 .5 
LEWC Gora oodles Beustea eae Miaye se A, 6536 . 5/6525. 1 
SALKOsinee eee tioLy A 8 halle sce 4505 .9 
Hippunieiacides: (ise aa. . 2. 5659 . 3/5668 .2| 5642 
IASPATUIC ACIGY Slam miele sa). be. 2911. 1/2899 
TU ARORS Un enerairar Wes 4 ee i ee 5915.9 
PASO RPARIN! on cel srae ei nsils ahora eee Sse 3396 .8/3514 3428 
KGreatini (Cryst) ect ee olen BHAT oe bbe (3206) 
SOP i Cwaterctree): ete dlor ins ee 4275.4 
Wireyacid ts. 8 Sessions dora a deh: 2754 |2749.9| 2621 
CRUE Tees eater ene Re ect een RO cee 3891.7 
Witenes cava nly: ee iy aba nne 5231.4| 

* Calculated ash-free. 




Berthe- Stok 
lot and} and 
Asso- Lang- 
ciliates. bein. 
1 Animal: 
Hla trot Swale ssc ats ihein terres Inarseeye 9476.9 
MaAtHOROXEN = acess ole ester ell hence 9485.7 
Eat Of SHC@p i e.0e 65.4 ete oc.nen | teats 9493 .6 
HateohehOrse ance cc torc eto oie eee icbenee al loemeaecons 
AG Ole OG ware ae tyeihcets aus fess alliereeaer tll Bemaher se 
HatrolCOose G .. fernavac ths aus Hale eee anions 
Hartson ducks: 215, daa ots histone nae eel eee es 
ESE KOPAIVAM 2s ascutle cust enc io Nilteee ened ne ic ce 
Bitter tatinse escent ile oie eel ore 9215.8 
SPELM OM. Sic oct ass gee tea ee ieee lieerateresd 
2. Vegetable: 
Olive oil COX PRESSE)! 54 soe. hoeilteoenitee. oils at sents 
Poppy-seed oil eared) es Sitar tel Rarer eee 
Rape- Seed i” who. Mecenth Net rae al c's ithe 
Ether extract of various seeds.|....../...... 
1. Pentoses: 
Arabinose ............0000. 3714 |3722 
DEV lOSE ttre ache one wea eee 3739 . 913746 
RUC OSG 2:8 cet hic Nh tis weet Renee oe hee 4340.9 
Rhamnose (water-free) ....../...... 4379 .3 
oa (OLY SUD varus. nae Bee llexee cence 3909 .2 
2. Hexoses: 
SOLEDIN OSES Se rae muat oni neallece eee 3714.5 
Gala cCtOse: dite. ws Aractsise csr ee ere BY OAL ois 
DEXtrOSE: 4.24 SS aise eee 3762 |3742.6 
HTUCEOSE. 15 avek vasterene tickers ee aes renee 3755 
3. Heptoses: 
Glucoheptose 4 2... 6csbhe wea 3732.8 
4, Disaccharids: 
@anesupar 2. .c2aceee een © 3961 . 7/3955 .2 
Marr re eva aes b ieweenradeeeral | a atone 3951.5 
‘ pe GL(CLY Sta): 5. eens 3777 .1|3736.8 
IFATC OSC 2s reste cesceaiers ave seston Pel liar aneeoene 3949.3 
ee (GEYStA) lS costaceeretacasea| eeteeseas 3721.8 
MereWalosee 5h srs ess.c%s aie als ctetes| enue retin 3947 
oe (CEY SU) hvicccctegesieleheaoks 3550.3 
5. Trisaccharids: 
INVCTetrIOSe rey nue aie devcreves tices 4020 |4020.8 
es (GEV SUS) Ao cee: eave, seers Neose ee 3400 .2 
Miele ZG OSC seeks vee cuc ses sievere oe roec voice veteunen 3913.7 

Thompson-Stohmann Method. 




ner, | Gibson, 

9423 | 9515 

5 ae yacie yf eprey er ee) e;||# 0: & kenerie 

ee ee 

ec eeee 




Berthelot Bi 
Matched Thompson-Stohmann Method. 
Stoh- | Stoh- 
Berthe-| mann | mazn By Rub- 
Jot and} “and | and | Dani-| jer. | Gibson. 

Asso- Lang- | Asso- | lewski. 
ciates. | bein. | ciates. 

6. Polysaccharids: 

Gly. Comey ee esis tie toie solic. eis acs 4190.6 
CellulOsecs Wey cs See ek 4200 |4185.4| 4146 
Starch cya ves geass asus tered setcis AG PAS NAVA G51) URS en os a olla couco 4164 
Dexctramyee: sly pyro eeticcteee sues 4180 .4/4112.3 
Mirna eee eas eo ns neclarcee: cusses 4187 .1|4133.5] 4070 
Ethyialcoholl 25.2 ser se sie 7068 
Gly Cenineye rence itca meter ert «ilfsjeie sie 3 4112.4} 4317 
Mannite........ MN A A A a 4001 .2/3997.8| 3908 |......]...... 3959. 
IMOSIGCH Rey ese yh im a iene Rs 3676 . 8|3679 .6 
LNTSLEX ATG! a cree eRe SC Ns BI ee 3490 . 4 
SPAM TING Chesaeeiys shee shot Go ctasteren edie ness 5 9352 .9| 9226 
SLCATI CIR et ieree nace y aston Gaara seeuokeiar wie chodtna: [ital s uiace 9429 
(QUE Bo Se ae E aint gu a tora TES Cae | Foe ea 9494 .9 
IMEVOMIG Seater eee en neers ae 1998 .2)...... 1960 
DUCCIMIG Hees Sie ciuingh ores Ni 3006.2}...... 3019 
MAT CATAL Cero chee ses ees a Nd ate oom SAAMI 22 ee 1745 
(CRETE)! aS) DOP nO aT a nL Acer a DATE Oe 2397 

parison. Just as the chemical analysis shows the total amounts 
of various substances or classes of substances present, so the heat 
of combustion shows the total amount of potential energy which 
has been stored up in the feeding-stuff. In both cases the knowl- 
edge thus acquired must be combined with data, secured in an 
entirely different way, as to the availability of these ingredients or 
this energy before we can form a judgment as to the relative values 
to the animal. 

CoMPUTATION OF HraTs oF CompusTion.—The heat of com- 
bustion of a mixture of various organic substances, such as are 
contained in ordinary foods and feeding-stuffs, is equal to the sum of 
the heats of combustion of the single ingredients. If the latter are 
known we may obtain the heat of combustion of the material in 
question either by a direct calorimetric determination or by deter- 
mining chemically the proportions of the several ingredients and 
multiplying the amount of each into its known heat of combustion. 


The first method, when available, is obviously to be preferred, 
and is to be regarded as indispensable in all exact investigations 
into the energy relations of the food of man or of animals. With 
materials whose proximate composition is fairly well known, how- 
ever, the agreement between the computed and the actual heat of 
combustion is very close, as has been shown by Wiley & Bigelow * 
and Slosson ¢ for hulled cereals and cereal products. Atwater & 
Bryant, ii their publication just referred to, have discussed this 
question very fully in relation to human foods and have proposed 
a series of factors for the ingredients of the various classes of foods 
by whose use they obtain a most satisfactory agreement with the 
calorimetric results. 

On the other hand, in case of vegetable products containing 
much woody and fibrous material the actual heat of combustion 
is higher than that computed under the ordinary interpretation of 
the results of chemicai analysis. Thus the actual heat of combus- 
tion of unhulled oats was found by Wiley & Bigelow to be about 
4.5 per cent. higher than the computed value, and Merrill t has 
obtained similar results for wheat middlings and bran and for hay 
and silage. This obviously arises from the presence among the 
ill-known bodies constituting the so-called lignin and incrusting 
substances of compounds having higher heats of combustion than 
the common carbohydrates. It is not impossible that a series of 
factors similar to those of Atwater & Bryant might be worked out 
for different classes of stock foods, so that their heats of combustion 
might be computed from their chemical composition. In view, 
however, of the comparative case and rapidity with which direct 
calorimetric results can be accumulated it may be doubted whether 
such an undertaking would repay the labor involved. 

Methods have also been proposed and somewhat extensively 
used for computing the heat of combustion of the digested portion 
of the food. This phase of the subject, however, can be more 
profitably considered later. 

The Energy of the Excreta.—FTor the visible excreta (feces 
and urine) substantially the same method is available as for the food, 

* Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., 20, 304. 
+ Wyoming Expt. Station, Bull. 33. 
ft Maine Expt. Station, Bull. 67, p. 169. 


viz., a determination of the heat of combustion. An element of 
uncertainty, however, which is ordinarily not met with in the case 
of the food, arises from the ready decomposability of the excretory 
products, which is liabie to result in a loss of energy during the 
drying necessary to prepare them for combustion. The urea of 
the urine, in particular, is very readily converted into the volatile 
ammonium carbonate. Comparative determinations of nitrogen 
in the fresh and in the dried urine will show the amount of nitrogen 
lost in drying, and on the assumption that only urea is decomposed 
the loss of energy can be readily computed from the known heat of 
combustion of that substance. Atwater & Benedict * have found 
this assumption to be substantially correct for human urine, and 
the same may be presumed to be the case with the urine of carniv- 
ora. It has usually been assumed to be applicable also to the 
more complex urine of herbivora, although without, so far as the 
writer is aware, any experimental proof. 

A greater or less loss of nitrogen has also been observed in the 
drying of the feces of domestic animals, particularly of horses and 
sheep, but the nature of the material decomposed has not yet been 
investigated, and the same is true of the possible decomposition of 
non-nitrogenous materials in both urine and feces. Atwater «& 
Benedict (loc. cit.) found the loss of nitrogen from human feces to 
be insignificant. 

CompuTATION or ENERGY.—The computation of the energy of 
the visible excreta is much less satisfactory than in the case of the 
food on account of our inferior knowledge of the proportions and 
chemical nature of their ingredients. 

The Urine.—Formerly the urine was assumed to be substan- 
tially an aqueous solution of urea, and numerous computations of 
its enerev content were made on this basis, particularly in connec- 
tion with estimates of the metabolizable energy of the proteids, 
while the same method has been applied also in estimating the 
metabolizable energy of feeding-stuffs. Rubner + was the first to 
demonstrate the serious nature of the error involved in this assump- 
tion and to show that the energy of the urine is materially greater 
than the amount thus computed. In the urine of the dog he found, 

* U.S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations, Bull. 69, p. 22. 
+ Zeit. f. Biol., 20, 265; 21, 250 and 337; 42,302. Compare Chapter X. 


the energy content to be from 6.7 to 8.5 Cals. per gram of nitrogen 
in place of 5.4 Cals. as computed on the assumption that only urea 
was present, while for human urine he has obtained values ranging 
from 6.42 Cals. to 8.87 Cals. per gram of nitrogen, and Tangl * 
has reported even higher figures. 

Kellner | has shown that the difference is still greater in the 
urine of an ox receiving only coarse fodder, the actual energy being 
about six times that computed on the above assumption and nearly 
175 per cent. of that computed after allowing for the hippuric acid 
present. In subsequent investigations { he finds that the energy 
content of the urine of cattle is much more nearly proportional to 
its carbon than to its nitrogen, being approximately 10 Cals. per 
gram of carbon. 

In six cases reported by Atwater & Benedict § in the course of 
their investigations with the respiration-calorimeter, the amount of 
energy found in human urine from a mixed diet as compared with 
that computed from the nitrogen reckoned as urea was: 

En - 
Total ees 
Nitrogen ie ne Pa ee ea ee 
Grms. Actual, | Computed, 
Cals. Cals. 
Experiment No. 5....c.ess0ese-ces sax 72.43 511 392 
ie ESS wi od ert as Dn dened Newb val ance oust 64.29 504 348 
« ela a) Gena er eee ee 70.60 569 382 
ef Se EO ae chr IS Ne iste ate 77.90 658 421 
te BRT BP eared ee arent a Tle? 597 388 
id ue BO Rs ae eee ace Pee ieee Set 77.76 589 421 

Here, too, it is evident that a computation on the basis of the 
urea yields results much below the truth, and later experiments by 
the same authors have fully confirmed this result. 

The Feces —Our knowledge of the proximate principles con- 
tained in the feces is so small that no satisfactory computation of 
their energy content is possible, except perhaps in the case of car- 
nivora on a purely meat diet, where the total amount of feces is 

* Arch. f. (Anat. u.) Physiol., 1899, p. 261. 

+ Landw. Vers. Stat., 47, 275. 

t Ibid., 58, 437. 

§ U.S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations, Bull. 63. 


small. On a mixed diet containing any considerable proportion of 
vegetable matter, and particularly in the case of herbivorous ani- 
mals consuming large amounts of coarse fodders, only an actual 
determination of the heat of combustion can be depended upon. 
Since the feces of these animals contain a larger proportion of the 
indigestible lignin, etc., than does their food, the heat of combustion 
of the feces is correspondingly higher, but its actual value must 
obviously depend to a considerable degree on the character of the 

Combustible Gases.—Since it is impracticable to collect sepa- 
rately the combustible intestinal gases, we must of necessity com- 
pute the amount of potential energy carried off in these substances. 
This computation has been based on the amount of carbon con- 
tained in these gases, determined in the manner indicated on p. 72, 
upon the assumption that only methane (CH,) was present. It 
has been shown that this gas exists in considerable amounts in 
the digestive tract of herbivora, and it is probable that the above 
assumption is substantially accurate, although a small amount of 
hydrogen has been found by some observers. In experiments by 
Fries,* at the Pennsylvania Experiment Station, in which both 
the carbon and hydrogen of the combustible gases excreted by a 
steer consuming chiefly timothy hay were determined, the follow- 
ing ratios of hydrogen to carbon were obtained: 

Period A. 
First day, 1: 2.900 
Second day, 1:2.916 
Pertod B. 
First day, 1:2.978 
Second day, 1:2.947 
Period C. 
First day, 1:2.899' 
Second day, 1 2E95 
Period D. 
First day, 1:3.051 
Second day, 1:3.096 | 
Average, 1:2.967 

Computed for CH,, 1:2.976 
* Proc. Soc. Prom. Ag. Sci., 1902. 


These results tend strongly to substantiate the belief that the 
combustible gases practically consist of methane only. 

Perspiration.—In view of the relatively minute amounts of 
organic matter contained in the perspiration it has generally been 
regarded as a negligible quantity. The data given on p. 48 for 
the nitrogen of the sensible perspiration would afford some approxi- 
mate data for computing the amount of energy contained in it. 

The Energy of Tissue Gained.—The amount of potential energy 
stored up in a gain of tissue, or the amount liberated in the kinetic 
form in case the gain is negative, cannot, of course, be made the 
subject of a direct determination. The amounts of protein and of 
fat gained or lost can, however, be determined by the methods 
deseribed in Chapter III, and their energy content computed from 
average figures. The errors involved are those incident to the 
method of computation from the carbon and nitrogen balance, 
which have already been considered in the chapter cited, and those 
arising from uncertainty as to the exact energy content of the 
material gained by the body. 

Prorein.—Just as computations of the gain or loss of protein 
by the body have been based upon the average composition of the 
proteids, so computations of its energy content have been based 
upon the average heat of combustion of these substances. The 
compilation by Atwater on pp. 237-9 contains the available data 
up to 1894. 

For approximate computations the value 5.7 Cals. per gram has 
been commonly used, while in more exact computations it has 
been assumed that the gain of protein by the animal has substan- 
tially the heat value as well as the chemical composition of fat-free 
muscular tissue (see p. 63), and the average of Stohmann’s two 
determinations, viz., 5.652 Cals. per gram, has been employed. 
Kohler’s investigation * of the composition of fat and ash-free 
muscular tissue (p. 64) included determinations of the heats of 
combustion which are reproduced on the opposite page. 

F'ar.—Rubner, in his computations, employs the round number 
9.4 Cals. per gram for fat, while Kellner uses the value 9.5 Cals. 
Benedict & Osterberg,} whose determinations of the composition of 

* Zeit. physiol. Chem., 31, 479. 
t Amer. Jour. Physiol., 4, 69. 


No. of Heat of Combus- 

Samples. tion per Gram, 
Care tl Men aaen cts euee cre otc tars “sit deve! aredl Sactensee comnts 4 5.6776 
SINCE Py Mee ietetcfate ave Mncitave! crcl ates: sis \evatehar exenstasntareuets 2 5.6387 
SHPO) {hh Us eas ew MEN do Re a PB 2 5.6758 
FLORSC RA eee ere ne yene raters ahah uans. ichin duenshatueenna ian 3 5.5990 * 
AD OIG ens yc ator aes eraier ccm rete Ss cUtco oc sera, Soul Se acer 2 5.6166 
EV era eer ire galley lier trea tage Mand smeiN A IS ANS Sat Wat ae 2 5.6173 

human fat are given on p. 61, found for the heat of combustion of 
the same twelve samples values ranging from 9.474 Cals. to 9.561 
Cals. per gram, the average being 9.523 Cals. Other results are 
noted in the table on pp. 237-9. 

Determination of Kinetic Energy. 

Mechanical Work.—The energy of the mechanical work done 
by the animal upon its surroundings is derived, as was seen in Part 
I, immediately from body materials and mediately from the food, 
and is one of the two forms in which kinetic energy leaves the body. 

The energy of the mechanical work done by the animal may be 
measured in various ways, the consideration of which belongs 
to the domain of mechanics and lies outside the scope of the 
present work. In general two classes of appliances have been used: 

First, dynamometers proper, in which the work is expended in 
overcoming a known resistance, produced either by friction or by 
a magnetic field, the work done being measured by the tension of a 
spring or by the amount of electric energy produced. 

Second, the tread power, in which the work, aside from that of 
locomotion, consists in lifting the body vertically and is propor- 
tional to the product of the mass of the body into the distance 
through which it is raised. 

Heat.—The second form in which kinetic energy leaves the 
body is heat. In an animal doing no work all the energy arising 
from the metabolism in the body ultimately takes this form, and 
even when mechanical work is done the larger share of the outgo 
of kinetic energy consists of heat. Part of this heat is imparted to 
the surroundings of the animal by conduction and radiation and a 

* Contained an average of 3.65 per cent. glycogen. 


part is expended in the evaporation of water from skin and lungs 
and takes the form of the latent heat of water vapor. 

ANIMAL CALORIMETERS.—The direct determination of the heat 
produced by an animal, especially a large animal, is not an easy 
task. It requires in the first place a calorimeter large enough to 
contain the animal and in the second place, for experiments of any 
length, the maintenance of a sufficient ventilating current of air 
under such conditions as shall not affect the accuracy of the calori- 
metric determination, while the latent heat of the water vapor 
carried out in the air-current must also be taken account of. In 
other words, such an apparatus must be at once a respiration appa- 
ratus and a calorimeter, and hence the name respiration-calorimeter 
has come to be applied to it. Various forms of animal calorimeters 
have been devised, some of which may be briefly mentioned. 

Lavoisier & Laplace,* in their investigations upon the origin of 
animal heat, employed an ice-calorimeter, in which the heat is 
measured by the amount of ice melted. Crawford } investigated 
the same subject using a water-calorimeter, as did, later, Dulong ¢ 
and Despretz,§ while more recently Wood, and still later 
Reichert, have also employed the water-calorimeter. 

The ice-calorimeter, however, necessarily subjects the animal 
to an abnormally low temperature, while with the water-calorim- 
eter it has been found very difficult to secure a uniform heating of 
the different strata of water. These facts led to the employment 
of air as the calorimetric substance, the heat being measured either 
by the increase in the volume of a confined body of air at a constant 
pressure or the increase in the pressure at constant volume, and 
until quite recently the most exact methods have been based on 
this principle. 

Scharling,** Vogel,t} and Hirn,{{ between 1849 and 1864, used 

* Hist. Acad. Roy. d. Se., 1780, 355. 

} Experiments and Observations on Animal Heat. London, 1788, 

f Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. (3), 1, 440. 

§ Ibid., (2), 26, 337. 

|| Smithsonian Contributions, 1880. 

4] Univ. Med. Mag., Phila., 2, 173. 

** Jour. pr. Chem., 48, 435. 

tt Arch. d. Ver. f. Wiss. Heilk., 1864, p. 442. 

{} Recherches sur |’équivalent méchanique de la chaleur. Paris, 1858, 


crude forms of the air-calorimeter. In 1885 Richet * described an 
air-calorimeter for small animals, the heat being measured by the 
increase in the volume of a confined portion of air at constant press- 
ure. His experiments were of short duration (1 to 14 hours) and 
no specific statement is made regarding ventilation and no mention 
of any determinations of the latent heat of the water vapor. 

In 1886 d’Arsonval + described a differential air-calorimeter, 
and in 1890 { two other forms of animal calorimeter, the first being 
a water-calorimeter of constant temperature with automatic regu- 
lation of the flow of water, for which a high degree of accuracy is 
claimed, and the second an air-calorimeter, but he reports no ex- 
periments with either form. In the same year Laulanié § (see p. 70) 
described briefly a Regnault respiration apparatus which was also 
used as a calorimeter, and has subsequently reported some resuits 
obtained by its use. 

One of the best known forms of animal calorimeter is that of 
Rubner.|| This is essentially a Pettenkofer respiration apparatus, 
the walls of the chamber being double and the whole surrounded 
by an air space which in its turn is surrounded by a jacket con- 
taining water kept at a constant temperature. The amount of 
heat given off to the calorimeter is measured by the expansion 
under constant pressure of the confined volume of air between the 
two walls of the respiration chamber, while from comparative de- 
terminations of moisture in the ingoing and outcoming air the heat 
removed in the latent form is computed. - 

Rosenthal 4 has constructed a somewhat. similar instrument in 
which the respiratory portion is a Regnault apparatus, while the 
heat is measured by the increase in pressure of the air at constant 
volume, instead of by the increase in its volume as in Rubner’s 
apparatus. Both instruments are therefore air-calorimeters, and the 
numerical values of their readings must be determined experimen- 
tally for each instrument. These two forms of apparatus are of a size 
sufficient for experiments with small animals (rabbits or small dogs). 

* Archives de Physiol , 1885, II, 237. 

7 Jour. de |’Anat. et Physiol., 1886. 

t Archives de Physiol., 1890, pp. 610 and 781. 

Selbcdsnps ails 

|| Calormetrische Methodik, Marburg, 1891; Zeit. f. Biol., 30, 91. 
q Arch. f. (Anat. u.) Physiol., 1894, p. 223. 


In 1894 Haldane, White & Washbourne * described a form of air- 
calorimeter in which the expansion caused by the heat produced by 
the animal in one chamber is balanced by that produced by a flame 
of hydrogen burning in a second similar chamber. The calorimeter 
is essentially one of constant volume, but the heat is computed 
from the amount of hydrogen burned. 

Laulanié + in 1895 described a Pettenkofer apparatus with small 
ventilation (see p. 71) which served also as an air-calorimeter, and 
still later { has described a differential water-calorimeter. Kauf- 
mann,§ as mentioned on p. 69, has determined the respiratory 
exchange of animals during short periods in a confined volume of 
air. The apparatus consisted simply of a zine receptacle which 
served also as a radiation calorimeter. The internal temperature 
and that of the surrounding air were measured by recording ther- 
mometers and the loss of heat calculated according to Newton’s 
law. The atmosphere in the apparatus was saturated with water- 
vapor at the start, so that the moisture excreted by the animal was 
condensed and no correction for the heat of vaporization was neces- 

By far the most important form of respiration-calorimeter yet 
devised, however, not only as regards accuracy but particularly 
in view of the range of work of which it is capable, is that of Atwater 
& Rosa,|| the respiratory part of which has already been mentioned 
(pp. 72 and 79). In this apparatus water is used as the calori- 
metric substance, but in the form of a constant current instead of a 
large stationary mass. As described by the authors the appara- 
tus consists of a Pettenkofer respiration apparatus provided with 
special devices for the accurate measurement, sampling, and analy- 
sis of the air-current. A current of cold water is led through copper- 
absorbing pipes near the top ofthe respiration chamber and takes 
up the heat given off by the subject. The volume of the water used 
being measured, and its temperature when entering and leaving 
being taken at frequent intervals, the amount of heat brought out 

* Jour. Physiol., 16, 123. 

+ Archives de Physiol., 1895, p. 619. 

t Ibid., 1898, pp. 538 and 613. 

8 Ibid., 1896, p. 329. 

| U. S. Dept. Agr., office of Experiment Stations, Bulletins 63 and 69. 


in the water-current is readily calculated. To this is added the 
latent heat of the water-vapor brought out, in the ventilating air- 
current. By means of ingenious electrical devices, a description 
of which would occupy too much space here, the temperature of the 
interior of the apparatus is kept constant, and any loss of heat by 
radiation through the walls or in the air-current is prevented. In 
test experiments the apparatus has given extremely accurate re- 

An especial advantage of this apparatus is that it is practicable 
to make it of large size, and also to continue the experiments for an 
indefinite leneth of time. The original apparatus was of a size 
sufficient for experiments on man, while all previous forms were 
restricted to experiments on small animals. Recently a modified 
Atwater-Rosa apparatus has been completed under the writer’s 
direction at. the Pennsylvania Experiment Station, with the co- 
operation of the Bureau of Animal Industry of the United States 
Department of Agriculture, of a size sufficient for investigations 
with cattle, and still larger ones are in process of construction. 

CoMPUTATION OF Heat Propuction.—The respiration-calorim- 
eter, in its more perfected forms, is a complicated and costly appara- 
tus both in construction and use, and, moreover, is a rather recent 
development. It was natural, therefore, that attempts should be 
made to determine the heat production indirectly by computations 
based on the kind and amount of matter oxidized in the body. 

We may conveniently distinguish three distinct although closely 
related methods of attacking the problem, all of which assume as a 
fundamental postulate that the oxidation of a given substance in 
the body liberates the same amount of energy as does its oxidation 
outside the organism. In the next chapter we shall examine into 
the correctness of this postulate; for the present we are con- 
cerned simply with the methods of computation based on it. 

Computation from Gaseous Exchange.—From a knowledge of the 
ultimate composition and heat of combustion of a substance it is 
easy to compute the amount of heat which will be produced by the 
oxidation of an amount of it sufficient to yield a unit of carbon 
dioxide or to consume a unit of oxygen. Conversely, then, we can 
compute from the carbon dioxide evolved or the oxygen consumed 
in a given time the corresponding amount of energy liberated. 


Such computations have been made by different authors for the 
three principal classes of nutrients, viz., the proteids, carbohydrates, 
and fats, the results of a few of which are as follows: 

Magnus- Zuntz.t | Kautmann.$ Laulanié.§ 

Per | Per | Per | Per |. Per | Per | Pers |oher 
Liter | Liter | Liter ; Liter | Liter | Liter | Liter | Liter 
CO. O. | CO, O. | CO, O, | CO, Oo 
Cals. | Cals. | Cals. | Cals. | Cals. | Cals. | Cals. | Cals. 

TO UeTCS: || eee et 5.464|4.289|5.644/4.476 5.569/4.647..... 4.6 
Ha Geer teh certo nari thereto 6 .586/4.676/6.628|4. 686 6.648|/4.650 6.571/4.6 
WEXtTOSC en. o SBA epic A OV SIA OUD a, Sa:\|-0,5 56 5.0565 .056. 

Starchiee 2 cindaen eevee aie 4.976/4.976)5 .047/5 .047 

(aneG=sugary 2. - ose ge ares 5.090!5 .090 

eq@arvohvarates” cca 50 Ges Nowe nel eee Gel ales em a2 awl awls nell eaea 4.95 |4.95 

Kaufmann also computes from his theoretical equations already 
given in Part I (pp. 38 and 51) the evolution of heat per liter of 
oxygen in the various processes of partial oxidation which he be- 
lieves to take place in the body, with the following results: 

Albumen to fat and urea.............2. 4.646 Cals. 
ee ‘* dextrose and urea......u... 4.460 ‘“‘ 
Fat (stearin) to dextrose............... 4.067 “ 

Disregarding the minor differences in the figures of different. 
authorities, it is evident that the amount of heat produced bears a 
much more constant relation to the oxygen consumed than to the 
carbon dioxide produced. For the fats and proteids, especially, the 
difference is comparatively small. In the case of an animal metab- 

* Arch. ges. Physiol., 55, 9. 

+ Ibid., 68, 191. 

{ Archives de Physiol., 1896, pp. 329, 342, 757. 

§ Ibid., 1898, p. 748. 

|| As pointed out on pp. 74-75 the determination of the respiratory exchange 
corresponding to a unit of proteids is not a simple matter. In the table 
Kaufmann’s and Laulanié’s figures are based upon the theoretical equation 
(p. 75) for the conversion of albumin into carbon dioxide, water, and urea, 
while those of Magnus-Levy and Zuntz are derived largely from determina- 
tions and estimates by Rubner (Zeit. f. Biol., 21, 363) and others of the 
proximate composition of the urine of meat-fed animals, As will appear 
later, these figures are not applicable to the urine of herbivora, 


olizing substantially proteids and fat, then, such as a fasting animal 
or one consuming only those two nutrients, a determination by any 
of the methods indicated in Chapter III of the amount of oxygen 
consumed will afford the basis for at least an approximately correct 
computation of the energy liberated during the same time, par- 
ticularly when, as is often the case, the proteid metabolism consti- 
tutes but a small proportion of the total metabolism. For the 
carbohydrates the figures are somewhat higher, and where these 
bodies constitute a considerable portion of the food the error will 
be more serious, but even then the results will be of value and 
especially will afford relatively correct figures for the heat produc- 
tion on the same diet at different times. 

The computation from the gaseous exchange of the amount of 
energy liberated assumes a more exact form in case it is desired 
to determine the increment arising from some change in the 
conditions of the experiment, notably from an increase in the 
muscular work done. In the latter case, as we have seen (Chap- 
ter VI), the increased metabolism is largely or wholly that of non- 
nitrogenous matter. Such being the case, we can compute in the 
manner indicated on p. 76 from the increments of carbon dioxide 
and oxygen caused by the work the proportion of each gas corre- 
sponding respectively to the oxidation of fat and of carbohydrates, 
and from this it is easy to compute the corresponding amounts of 
energy. Thus, to take the example from Zuntz’s investigations 
there given, the increments of oxygen and of carbon dioxide pro- 
duced by the performance of 1 kgm. of work in the case of a dog 
were computed to be divided as follows: 

Oxygen Carbon Dioxide 
Consumed, Produced, 
c.c. c.c. 
IB yet atin cers Mii cole adalerstaya a wNoeNMnal te, 0.6939 0.4905 
rae CATDOMVGTALES) Wale ssc isle Scrat lalate creme eels 0.9765 0.9765 
ERO tale esa ae eee ee eeiciek tcc sae ea: 1.6704 1.4670 

From this, using Zuntz’s factors and assuming that there was no 
change in the proteid metabolism, the total excess of energy liber- 
ated in the body during work over that metabolized during rest is 
computed as follows: 


HIMOT Oy; ATOM. tate ee os cintee aimee 4.686 cals. X 0.6939=3.252 cals. 
_ ‘““  earbohydrates... 5.047 cals. X 0.9765=4.927 © 

hava cet ePe cane ee ae eee etree 2 6 ae S17. * 

It is obvious that this method of computation affords the means 
of comparing the total energy metabolized during the performance 
of a measured amount of work with the quantity recovered in the 
work itself. It has been extensively used for this purpose by Zuntz 
and his associates, especially in his investigations in conjunction 
with Lehmann and Hagemann* upon work production in the horse, 
which will be considered in a subsequent chapter. The same 
authors + show that the error introduced by the assumption of 
unchanged proteid metabolism is too small to be of any significance. 

Computation from Total Excreta.—The method just described 
naturally leads up to a computation based on the gaseous exchange 
combined with a determination of the urinary products, particu- 
larly nitrogen. The latter shows the total amount of proteids 
metabolized. If we also know, or can compute with sufficient 
accuracy, the carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen of the urinary solids 
we have the data from which to compute the portion of the respira- 
tory exchange due to the protein (see p. 75) and the corresponding 
amount of energy liberated. The residues of carbon dioxide and 
oxygen can then be distributed between the fats and carbohy- 
drates in the manner already described. This method has been 
extensively employed by Kaufmann.{ As already stated, he com- 
putes the gaseous exchange of the proteids on the assumption of an 
oxidation to carbon dioxide, water, and urea only, an assumption 
which, as we have seen, is in some cases considerably wide of the 

It is, of course, essential that experiments by this method shall 
cover a sufficient length of time to ensure that the nitrogen excretion 
corresponds with the actual proteid metabolism. It is therefore 
inapplicable to periods of from a few minutes to an hour or so, such 
as have been generally employed in experiments based on the gas- 
eous exchange only. Kaufmann’s experiments extended over five 

* Landw. Jahrb., 18,1; 23, 125; 27, Supp. III. 

{ Ibid., 27, Supp. III, p. 251. 
{ Archives de Physiol., 1896, pp. 329, 342, 757. 

Mate N 


hours, but it is open to serious J eussac whether such a period is 
sufficiently long. 

Rubner * has made extensive use of a method substantially the 
same as that Just outlined, but differing in details. The computa- 
tion is based upon the total nitrogen and carbon (determined or 
estimated) of urine, feces, and respiration for twenty-four (or 
twenty-two) hours, the feces being regarded as substantially a 
metabolic product. The oxygen consumption is not determined. 
From the results for nitrogen and carbon the proteid and fat meta- 
bolism is computed in the manner explained in Chapter III (p. 78), 
For each gram of carbon in the fat metabolized Rubner reckons 
12.31 Cals. of energy, equivalent to 9.4 Cals. per gram of fat, while 
for each gram of excretory nitrogen (urine and feces) he uses an 
energy value based on previous experiments + in which the actual 
heats of combustion of proteids and the products of their meta- 
bolism were determined. These results will be considered in another 
connection (Chapter X). The resulting values for the evolution 
of energy corresponding to each gram of excretory nitrogen are: 

Hastiumes(miammals) en anc scacs. c.ceoae . (24094. Cals: 
Cee (bIKdS) ee ee ye DANS ac 

eamemeatihe di er frais oC nd DOS Matas 

Extracted lean feet fed Reet essen tae Ne 20560" oe 

These factors were obtained in experiments on dogs and in 
strictness apply only to carnivorous animals. By their use, espe- 
cially if average figures are assumed for some of the minor quanti- 
ties, such as the carbon of the feces and urine, the determination 
of the heat production of a quiescent animal in this indirect way 
becomes a relatively simple matter, while comparisons with direct 
calorimetric results have shown it to be quite accurate. As was 
pointed out on p. 78, however, when carbohydrates enter largely 
into the diet the results are ambiguous, and this fact as well as 
the marked differences in the character of the excreta forbid its 
application to herbivorous animals. 

Cleavages, Hydrations, etc.—Both the above methods of comput-. 
ing the heat production of an animal assume that the gaseous ex- 
* Zeit. f. Biol., 19, 313; 22, 40; 30, 73. 

{ Ibid., 21, 250 and 337. 


change is brought about by what is, in effect, a process of oxidation 
simply. That many other chemical processes take place in the 
body is, however, well known, and Berthelot * in particular lays 
special stress upon the possibility of numerous cleavages, syntheses, 
hydrations, and dehydrations in which the respiratory quotient 
may vary between wide limits and in which the heat production is 
not necessarily proportional to either the oxygen consumed or the 
carbon dioxide generated. An example of such a process is the 
formation of fat from carbohydrates, which, as we have seen, may 
be regarded in the light of an intra-molecular combustion in which 
no oxygen from outside is consumed, but in which there is an evolu- 
tion of heat. As an illustration of the opposite possibility—an 
evolution of heat without production of carbon dioxide—Berthelot 
instances + the oxidation of a molecule of ethyl alcohol by suc- 
cessive atoms of oxygen to ethyl aldehyde, acetic acid, glycollic 
acid, oxyglycollic acid, oxalic acid, and finally carbon dioxide and 
water. Only in the last of these stages is there an evolution of 
carbon dioxide, yet in each stage there is an evolution of heat vary- 
ing from 39.9 Cals. to 73.3 Cals. per atom of oxygen. 

But while the possibility and even probability of similar reac- 
tions in the body of the animal cannot be denied, it certainly 
seems very questionable, in the light of the results to be considered 
in the next chapter, whether they have any material bearing upon 
the determination of the general balance of energy. We know at 
least approximately the final products of metabolism, and accord- 
ing to the law of initial and final states (p. 228) the intermediate 
reactions can only affect the total amount of energy liberated in 
case some of the intermediate products are retained in the organism. 
The only material which we know to be stored up in any consider- 
able quantity in the normal body, however, is fat, and the amount 
of this we can at least approximately determine. It is of course 
possible that in an experiment covering a few minutes only, these 
intermediate reactions may seriously affect the result, but in an 
experiment covering several hours or a whole day we can hardly 
conceive such to be the case. Indeed we may probably go still 
further. It seems to be a general physiological law that the func- 
tions of the organism are adjusted to a certain average composition 

* Chaleur Animale, Part J. t Loc, cit., p. 44. 


of its tissues and fluids, and that even a comparatively small varia- 
tion in the latter calls into action compensatory processes. A 
striking illustration of this is seen in the promptness with which the 
respiratory and vascular mechanism reacts to the changes produced 
in the blood by muscular activity (compare Chapter VI). It seems 
improbable, therefore, that any sufficient accumulation of the in- 
termediate products of metabolism can take place to seriously in- 
fluence the results of any but very short experiments. That the 
methods employed involve other sources of error has already ap- 
peared, but with due allowance for these it would appear that the 
results are worthy of a large degree of confidence. 

Computation from Carbon and Nitrogen Balance.—The method 
of computing the heat production from the total excreta, as em- 
ployed by Rubner and others for carnivorous animals, we have seen 
to be inapplicable to herbivora. It, however, shades naturally into 
a third method, of general applicability, which consists in combining 
with a determination of the carbon and nitrogen balance by means 
of the respiration apparatus direct determinations of the potential 
energy of the food and of the visible excreta by the methods already 
indicated. Kellner has made extensive use of this method, and the 
following example, taken from his earliest. investigations,* will 
serve to show clearly the nature of the method. The ox experi- 
mented upon was fed daily 8.5 kgs of meadow hay. Respiration 
experiments showed that on this ration there was a daily gain by 
the animal of 6.2 grams of nitrogen and 127.2 grams of carbon, 
equivalent to 37.2 grams of protein and 140.8 grams of fat, the 
potential energy of which can be computed from the data on p. 244. 

From determinations of the heats of combustion of food, feces, 
and urine, assuming the combustible gases excreted to consist only 
of methane, the balance of energy is computed as in the table on 
p. 256.7 

Having included under the head of outgo all the known forms 
in which potential energy as such may be disposed of, the balance 
of 14,819.5 Cals. is regarded as having been liberated as kinetic 
energy, and, since no external work was performed, to have taken 
finally the form of heat. Short of an actual calorimetric experi- 

* Landw. Vers. Stat., 47, 275. 
+ The figures are the corrected ones given in Landw. Vers. Stat., 53, 9. 


Income, Outgo, 
Cals. Cals. 
HOO EE iin ch SR wae WES cra oie ae ee BAIT) oe} 
| DY rats eee hc ae EO Comet Ae ere ae t-te iC rR ee Che 11,750 .3 
Wirame yess eee, es alates Be Ls tena Mare eae pe eens eee | mC es A 1,945.0 
Met hanes dees etesetes. = chet ies Seu ea | erry Aces PM AMR32 7 
Protermeaimed 255". 5)s.2.0 Massa gles tke ot ctevenmiann | mene taus etna 24 211.2 
Fat Se ae then ee eC Re te ie) AL a a oe 1,337.6 
Balance thacd onus se 8 Kays otanatedeeih haps ere eee lie eae 14,819.5 
32,177.3 32,177 .3 

ment, this is the most accurate method available for determining 
the heat production of an animal during a considerable period of 
time. To short periods it is inapplicable for obvious reasons. 

Hear Propuction AND Heat Emission.—In conclusion, it is 
important to remember that what is determined more or less accu- 
rately by all these indirect methods is the amount of energy which 
takes the kinetic form, amd in the absence of mechanical work 
finally appears as heat. In other words, what is determined is the 
heat production by the animal. On the other hand, the results ob- 
tained with an animal calorimeter show the amount of heat given 
off by the animal during the experiment, that is, the heat emission. 
But these two, heat production and heat emission, are by no means 
necessarily equal. On the one hand, heat produced may be tem- 
porarily stored in the body, or, on the other hand, heat retained in 
the body from a previous period may be given off along with that 
actually produced during the experiment. 

This is sufficiently obvious in case of changes in the body tem- 
perature, but even when the latter remains constant the possibility 
of a temporary storage of the materials of the food, and especially 
of water, in the body, must be considered. If, for example, the con- 
sumption of water in an experiment exceeds the total amount given 
off in the visible and gaseous excreta, the quantity of heat required 
to warm the excess of water to the temperature of the body remains 
in the animal as sensible heat. The heat is produced but not 
emitted. If, on the other hand, the excretion of water exceeds the 
consumption, sensible heat is removed from the body in this excess 
and the emission of heat exceeds the production by a corresponding 
amount. What is true of water is of course true also, ceteris paribus, 
of the total income and outgo of matter, although the water, on 


account of its large amount and high specific heat, constitutes the 
most important factor. The skillful investigator will, of course, 
seek to plan his experiments so as to avoid these fluctuations so far 
as possible, but they can rarely be completely eliminated and 
therefore we cannot expect that the emission of heat will correspond 
exactly to the production. 


TurouGHout the preceding chapter, particularly in considering 
the indirect methods of animal calorimetry, it has been assumed 
that the law of the conservation of energy applies to the animal 
body. This is the fundamental postulate upon which all study of 
nutrition from the standpoint of energy is based, and it is of prime 
importance, therefore, to examine into the experimental evidence 
upon which it is based. 

The processes of metabolism are essentially chemical processes, 
and, like other chemical reactions, are accompanied by thermal 
changes, resulting as a whole in a liberation of kinetic energy. 
From this point of view, then, the subject may be regarded as a 
branch of thermo-chemistry. 

The applicability of the law of the conservation of energy, and 
in particular of the law of initial and final states, to the most diverse 
chemical reactions has been amply demonstrated by the investiga- 
tions of Hess, Berthelot, Thomsen, and others. It might seem, then. 
in view of the chemical nature of metabolism, that we were justified 
in assuming the same law to apply also to the reactions taking place 
in the body, especially since investigations in other fields of science 
have led us to regard it as one of the fundamental laws of the uni- 
verse. On the other hand, however, the reactions occurring in the 
body are vast in number, are of the most varied character—oxida- 
tions, reductions, syntheses, cleavages, hydrations, etc.—are infi- 
nitely more complex than those which the chemist can produce in his 
laboratory, and finally, our knowledge of them is as yet but very 
partial and fragmentary. Moreover, the matter composing the 
body is living matter, and whatever view we may take as to the 
nature of life the properties of living matter differ from those of 



dead matter, and we have no scientific right to assume in advance 
of the evidence that no special forces are operative in the former. 
In brief, whatever may be the probabilities in the case the applica- 
bility of the law to living beings as logically requires experimental 
demonstration as did its applicability in physics or chemistry, and 
no little labor has been within the past few years devoted to this 
_ problem. 

NATURE OF EvipENCE.—Before proceeding to a consideration 
of the experiments bearing upon this question it will be well to 
make clear the nature of the evidence required. 

If the law of the conservation of energy applies to the animal, 
the following are neceSsary consequences of it: 

1. In an animal doing no work on its surroundings and neither 
gaining nor losing body substance, the potential energy (heat of 
combustion) of the food will be equal to the potential energy of the 
excreta plus the kinetic energy given off in the form of heat plus 
the energy expended in producing physical and chemical changes in 
the body.* 

2. In an animal doing work on its surroundings, but neither 
gaining nor losing body substance, the potential energy of the food 
will be equal to the potential energy of the excreta plus the energy 
of the heat given off plus the energy of the work done plus the 
energy expended in producing physical and chemical changes in 
the body. 

3. In an animal doing no work on its surroundings, but gaining 
or losing body substance, the potential energy of the food will equal 
the potential energy of the excreta plus the energy of the heat given 
off plus the potential energy of the gain by the body (a loss by 
the body being regarded as a negative gain) plus the energy ex- 
pended in producing physical and chemical changes in the body. 

4, In an animal doing work on its surroundings and gaining or 
losing body substance the potential energy of the food will equal 
the potential energy of the excreta plus the energy of the heat given 
off plus the energy of the work done plus the potential energy of the 
gain by the body (a loss by the body being regarded as a negative 

* Such as changes of temperature or aggregation, cleavages, syntheses, 
etc. In case these resulted in an evolution of energy, this term of the equa- 
tion would, of course, have a negative sign. 


gain) plus the energy expended i in producing chemical and ae 
changes in the body. 

In actual experimentation it is practically impossible to so 
adjust the food that there shall be absolutely no gain or loss of body 
substance, although its amount can be made relatively small. 
Experiments on this subject, then, necessarily fall under Cases 3 . 
or 4,and as a matter of fact, in all the experiments hitherto 
made, the subject has either done no mechanical work or this 
work has been converted into heat inside the calorimeter and 
measured along with that directly given off by the body, so that 
all these experiments fall under Class 3. 

The quantities to be determined, then, are 

1. Potential energy of food. 

2. Potential energy of excreta (feces, urine, hydrocarbons, etc.). 

3. The heat produced (including that into which any mechani- 
cal work is converted). 

- The potential energy of the gain or loss of body substance. 

5. The energy expended (or evolved) in producing changes in 
the ae 

If we can determine accurately these five factors, and having 
done so find the equality stated under 3 to exist in a large number 
of cases, we shall be justified in the conclusion that the law of the 
conservation of energy applies to the animal organism. 

The methods by which the first four of the above factors may be 
determined formed the subject of the preceding chapter. As re- 
gards the fifth, it has commonly been assumed that in an experi- 
ment begun and ended at the same hour of the day and under com- 
parable conditions, which has been preceded by a considerable 
period of uniform feeding and other conditions, and in which the 
subject was in apparent good health, the initial and final states of 
the body are substantially the same. While it seems highly prob- 
able that this is true, an actual demonstration of its truth is not an 
easy matter. With respect to the body temperature in particular 
it is worthy of note that even a slight variation would materially 
affect the results. Thus in a 1000-pound ox, assuming an average 
specific heat of 0.8, a variation of one fifth of a degree Celsius would 
correspond to 160 Cals. The rectal temperature affords the best 
available means of control on this point, and a very ingenious 


method for its determination at frequent intervals has been de- 
seribed by Benedict & Snell.* While it is true that the rectal 
temperature is not necessarily the average of that of the whole body, 
we may probably assume with safety that the variations of the two 
will substantially correspond and therefore that the error introduced 
by the use of the former will be insignificant. 

The question of possible chemical and physical changes in the 
make-up of the tissues has already been considered in the preceding 
chapter, where it was pointed out that their effect is in all proba- 
bility negligible in experiments of any considerable duration. 

Harty EXperimMents.t—From a slightly different point of view 
the question under consideration may be stated as that of the source 
of animal heat. Is the energy given off by the animal in this form 
(in the absence of external muscular work) equivalent to the heat 
produced by the oxidation of the same materials outside the body? 
In this form the question could scarcely fail to attract attention as 
soon as man began to observe and reflect upon the phenomena of 

The ancients regarded the “animal heat” or “vital heat” as 
“innate” and having its source in the heart. In more recent times 
it was attributed in a vague way to chemical action, and later was 
also explained as resulting from mechanical action and in particular 
from the pulsation of the blood in the blood-vessels. Our real 
knowledge of the subject, however, dates from the discovery of 
oxygen and from those researches by Lavoisier and others which 
established the true nature of combustion and laid the foundations 
of modern chemistry. 

Black { discovered that carbon dioxide was produced in animals 
by a process of combustion, and Lavoisier,§ along with his more 
purely chemical researches, studied the question of animal heat and 
advanced the hypothesis that respiration consists essentially of a 
slow oxidation of the carbon and hydrogen of the food by the oxygen 
of the air, and that this slow combustion is the source of the animal 

* Arch. ges Physiol., 90, 33. 

+ This paragraph follows substantially the historical introduction to 
Rubner’s paper, “ Die Quelle der thierischen Wiirme.”’ cited below. 

t Lectures on Chemistry, edited by Robison, Edinburgh, 1803 

§ Hist. Acad. Roy. d. Scei., Paris, 1780, 355. 


The first part of this hypothesis was readily susceptible of verifi- 
cation by a quantitative determination of the oxygen taken up and 
the carbon dioxide given off, but the second portion was too bold to 
secure general acceptance. Lavoisier, therefore, with the aid of 
Laplace, subsequently attempted to secure experimental evidence 
as to its truth. To this end they determined the amount of heat 
given off by a guinea pig in an ice-calorimeter, while in a second 
experiment the animal was placed under a bell-jar and the produc- 
tion of carbon dioxide determined. Having previously determined 
by means of the ice-calorimeter the heat of combustion of carbon, 
the results of these two trials gave them data for comparing this 
amount with that produced by the animal. The computed amount 
of heat was 25.41 Cals.; that produced by the animal 31.82 Cals. 

Several sources of error were inherent in the experimental 
methods adopted, of some of which Lavoisier was aware, which 
tended to make the computed amount of heat too small. Taking 
these into consideration, Lavoisier considered that the experiment 
substantially confirmed his hypothesis. 

At about the same time Crawford * was investigating the same 
subject, and while his methods were rather primitive and his results 
less accurate than those of Lavoisier and Laplace, his general con- 
clusions were the same. Of later experiments may be mentioned 
especially those of Despretz ¢ and of Dulong.{ Both investigators 
employed very similar apparatus, viz., a water-calorimeter through 
which a current of air was passed, the respiratory products and the 
heat being determined in the same experiment. The proportion of 
the oxygen consumed which united with hydrogen was also deter- 
mined. Both investigators found more heat than they could ac- 
count for by the oxidation of tissue and concluded that chemical 
action is the chief but not the only source of animal heat.§ 

With the advance of physiological knowledge and the recogni- 
tion of the multiplicity and complexity of the processes taking place 
in the body, the combustion theory of the origin of animal heat 
lost rather than gained ground. A few clear-sighted physiologists 

* Experiments and Observations on Animal Heat, 1788. 

t Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. (2), 26, 337. 

tf Ibid. (3), 1, 440. 

§ Compare Liebig’s discussion of their experiments, Thierchemie, p. 28. 


still adhered to the unity and simplicity of the combustion theory, 
but in general various subsidiary hypotheses were brought in to 
account for the observed surplus, such as the motion of the blood, 
friction, imbibition, ete. 

RuBNER’S EXPERIMENTS.—The demonstration of the law of the 
correlation and conservation of energy in the inorganic world sup- 
plied the clue to a rational explanation of the energy manifestations 
in the living organism, while the subsequent developments of thermo- 
chemistry served also to demonstrate a material source of error in 
the older experiments on animals. In those experiments the com- 
puted heat production was based upon the amounts of carbon and 
hydrogen oxidized and the heats of combustion of those elements, 
the nitrogenous compounds not being considered. The body, how- 
ever, does not oxidize free carbon and hydrogen, but various organic 
compounds, while among its excreta are likewise incompletely 
oxidized bodies. The computed heat production, therefore, in the 
early experiments could not fail to be seriously erroneous. From 
the new point of view, therefore, there appeared no reason to seri- 
ously doubt that the animal heat has its sole source in the metab- 
olism of food and tissue, or, in other words, that the law of the con- 
servation of energy applies to the animal body. The first to under- 
take an experimental demonstration of this fact by modern methods 
was Rubner.* 

His object being primarily to investigate the source of animal 
heat, his experimental method could be somewhat abbreviated from 
the general method outlined on p. 260. No external mechanical 
work having been done by the animals, we have Case 3 of the 
four possible ones there mentioned. If we let 

Ff’ =potential energy of food, 
= i Ui J excreta, 
G= A 1) cam by body, 

H =heat produced, 

then, assuming the initial and final states of the body to be the same, 
we have 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 30, 73. 


which may also be given the form 

Rubner determined summarily the value of the quantity F—G 
in the second member of the last equation by the method described 
in Chapter VIII, p. 253, while the actual heat production was deter- 
mined by means of his respiration-calorimeter. 

The quantities actually determined in these experiments were 
the weight and nitrogen content of feces and urine, the carbon 
dioxide of respiration, and the heat produced. The carbon of feces 
and urine was estimated from their nitrogen and the absence of 
combustible gases in the respiratory products was assumed. From 
the total excretion of nitrogen and carbon the amounts of protein 
and fat metabolized are computed, it being assumed that all the 
excretory carbon is derived from these two substances. The corre- 
sponding amount of potential energy, equivalent to the expression 
F’—G in the equation above, can readily be computed from the heats 
of combustion of fat and protein. rom this the potential energy 
of the excreta must be subtracted, and this Rubner virtually com- 
putes from their total nitrogen on the basis of results obtained in 
previous experiments with similar food. 

A comparison of the heat production as thus computed with that 
actually measured by means of the calorimeter gave the following 

Length Total Heat. 
Rood Of Dxper) | | Percentage 
ment. Difference. 
Days. Computed, Measured, 
Cals. Cals. 
ie 5 1296.3 1305.1 +0.69 
Fasting aya oh ecieducie? exenetiavngakensue ya) j 2 1091.2 1056.6 =F) ils 
HT tans, Baie < ade laser ee Seer 5 L5LO WL 1495.3 —0.97 
8 2492.4 2488 .0 —0.17 
Meat amd taib) cn vcueeetciereoe j 12 3985 4 3958 4 _0 68 
Meat | 6 2249.8 2276.9 +1.20 
eoreoev ee ee eee oe ee eo oO oo 76 4780.8 4769.3 —()_ 24 
Grier bs acct tie och alte 45 17406.0 | 17349.7 | —0.32 _ 

While some of the individual experiments show not inconsider- 
able discrepancies, the averages of computed and measured heat 


agree very closely and, granting the entire validity of the numerous 
assumptions involved in this method, would seem to approach a 
demonstration of the applicability of the law of the conservation of 
energy to the metabolism of the animal. Aside from errors in the 
estimation of the carbon of the excreta from their nitrogen, which 
are probably small, the chief elements of uncertainty are the 
assumptions as to the nature of the material metabolized in the 
body and as to the heat of combustion of the excreta. As regards 
the former point, Rubner himself points out (loc. cit., pp. 118-121) 
that a portion of the carbon of the respiration may be derived from 
glycogen, and even bases upon the calorimetric results in one case 
a computation of the extent to which this may have occurred. The 
latter, however, is obviously begging the question, and in his main 
computations Rubner assumes that only protein and fat were meta- 

LAULANIE’S EXPERIMENTS.—By means of his differential water- 
calorimeter, Laulanié * has determined the respiratory exchange 
and the heat production of animals, both fasting and fed. The 
nitrogen excretion does not appear to have been determined. 
From the respiratory exchange the heat production is computed, 
using the data given on p. 250, and compared with that obtained 
calorimetrically. In the fasting experiments an evolution of 4.6 
Cals. of heat is computed per liter of oxygen consumed. In the 
experiments in which food was given the author computes from the 
respiratory quotient the distribution of the oxygen between fat and 
carbohydrates, neglecting the protein because it yields the same 
amount of heat per unit of oxygen as does fat, and thence calculates 
the heat production. Preliminary tests of the calorimeter, by 
allowing water to cool in it, gave respectively 101.3 per cent., 100.9 
per cent., and 99.7 per cent. of the theoretical results. The experi- 
ments show a close agreement between the observed and computed 
amounts of heat, as appears from the table at the top of page 266. 

extensive and complete data regarding the conservation of energy 
in the animal body are those afforded by the investigations of 
Atwater & Benedict + upon man. The experiments were made 

* Archives de Physiol, 1898, p. 748. 
7 U. S. Dept. Agr, Office of Experiment Stations, Bull. 109; Memoirs 
Nat Acad. Sci., 8, 235. 


Heat Production. 

£ /OSvEe| Resp 
Subject. Food. Papen sumed, Que Ob- Com- Comp. 
H ’ | Liters. * |serv’d,|puted |-- Obs. 
OUTS. Cals. | Cals. % 
Two  feceengel das .| Third day of fasting.... 8 8.112| 0.791 | 37.106) 37.315) 100.6 
Rabbits... css... Second day of fasting... 54 7.650| 0.752 | 35.254) 35.190] 99.8 
Duckiiyirss ctuness Fasting for 2 days....... 4 8.800} 0.750 | 40.375) 40.480} 100.3 
Dog (2 expts. és “ Qand4days.| 12} 30.205| 0.758 |141.366/138.943) 98.2 
Average of “all 
IFOSELTG ECD DUS a|mesattin aio joie's niatetss sola exejcinisleve)| ereleretstslers 82.812} 0.766 |385.403/380.935| 98.8 
Two dogs.......... 300 grms. of meat....... 20 51.683] 0.816 |239.431/237.741| 99.2 
Guinéa-pigs:cccce| ) ee) Ellesse = 31.787] 0.917 |155.787|154.230) 99.0 
Rabbits) csc seme. Mixed diet rich in 30 46.445) 0.893 )227.086/224.050) 98.6 
DUCK Beane cislocisins carbohydrates 8 21.603) 0.885 |105.911|104.040} 98.2 
DOP Soai-rersieicie sisicie ster 66 180.398} 0.973 |882.580)887.197| 100.5 

with the aid of the respiration-calorimeter of Atwater & Rosa (p. 
248), and in addition to the great pains bestowed to obtain accurate 
results are especially distinguished by the fact that all the quantities 
involved were, so far as possible, subjected to direct measurement, 
estimates being avoided with the necessary exception of the poten- 
tial energy of the gain or loss by the body. The sublingual or 
axillary temperature of the subject was also measured in every case. 
The following results of one of the earliest experiments (No. 5) may 
serve to illustrate the general features of them all: 

Income, Outgo, 
Cals. Cals. 
Energy of EOOA ice rayon ee perm ee aes ovata 2655 
PAP OCES re ncisr oie oucusne eter unease raba lel era eis erete a ious eee, 143 
“ fC UTITI Gi es, a: slsarel aren aol erene elev ehalian wiievale arene veitons ah te 128 
Loss by body: 
PPOCCLIN ses asistecctosena cole a ac eretotene cae orabohe fone ote rte: —24 
Watches rd eas Rica etal ete errata rectal ererenera ais een —73 
Heat production sc.6 usa eee 4s ores wees cae idies ee 2379 
Balan si: cra uurcakotcee | slo ceo ete ears Renee teres Sie 102 
2655 2655 © 

Aside from the loss of 97 Cals. by the body as computed from the 
carbon and nitrogen balance, all the quantities in the above state- 
ment represent actual determinations of energy and the account 
balances within 102 Cals., which is 3.8 per cent. of the total energy 
of the food or 4.1 per cent. of the computed heat production. To 
put the matter in a slightly different way, the heat production as 
computed by Kellner’s method (p. 255) from the carbon and nitrogen 
balance and the energy of food and excreta exceeds by 102 Cals. 


the heat production actually measured by the calorimeter. 


experiment was one of the two showing the greatest percentage 
difference between the computed and the observed heat production. 
In the following statement are tabulated the results of all the ex- 
periments thus far reported, arranged without regard to the subject 
of the experiment or the nature of the diet, but divided into two 
groups according as active muscular work was or was not performed. 

Rest Experiments - 



ee oe ee ee eee eee oe ee oe e 

ee eco eee ce eo wees oe oo 

ee eee eee ere ee ee eee eee 

eee eee core ese eee oe eee 

CC i i 

ee eo ee eco eee eee oe eo eee 

eee cece eee eee ee oe eee 

Ce ee 

Ce eC ee 

se ee ore eee oe ee ee oe ee & 

eee eee ecer ee eo ee ese eo eee 

Ce ee 



ese eee etree oe ee ee ee ee 



Ce ee 


@eeseceee oe e ese eee eo 

eee eee ere e eee oc cee ee 


i ry 


Ce OY 

CC 2d 



esos es ee eee eee oe ee 

eee eee ec eee 

— 266 
+ 75 


— 388 

— 2953 
+ 572 


Com- | Ob- 
puted, | served, 

Cals. Cals. ories. 


2379| —102 
2394| — 40 
2287| — 74 
2309) + 32 
2283) + 15 
2151) + 39 
2193) + 62 
2362| + 5 
2332 4 
2488} +121 
2279) + 59 
2303 36 
2279 25 
2258) + 78 
2176 40 
2202 \ 4) 34 
2085} + 42 
OIOs| = GB 
2079) + 12 

47387| 47552] +165 

3829} 3726} —103 
3901; 3932) + 31 
peee| 3927; + 5 
3515) 3589} + 74 
3479} 3470 9 
3439 Bee — 19 
3573] 3565' — 8 
3669) 3632} — 37 
3629) 3487} —142 

32956) 32748 
80343] 80300 


— 43 


Cal- | Per 


— 0). 



In the former case the observed heat production includes the heat 
into which the work was converted. 

The total of all the experiments shows an almost absolute agree- 
ment between the computed and the observed results. To a trifling 
extent, however, this arises from a compensation between the rest 
and work experiments, the computed heat tending to be slightly 
too small in the former and slightly too great in the latter, but the 
agreement in each series is so close as to amount to a demonstra- 
tion of the applicability of the law of the conservation of energy to 
the metabolism of the animal organism. 



WitH the establishment of the law of the conservation of 
energy in its application to the animal body, and with the 
development of the methods of calorimetric research briefly out- 
lined in Chapter VIII, it has become possible to study success- 
fully the problems of animal nutrition from a new standpoint, re- 
garding the food as primarily a source of energy to the body and 
tracing, to some extent at least, the transformations which that 
energy undergoes in the organism and particularly the extent to 
which the latter utilizes it for various purposes. 

Some data regarding the total energy of foods and their constitu- 
ents have already been given in Chapter VIII. It was there pointed 
out, however, that the total energy, taken by itself, does not fur- 
nish a measure of the nutritive value of a substance. It is now 
necessary to enter upon the question of the availability of this 
energy to the organism. 

ToraL AND METABOLIZABLE HNERGY.—The heat of combustion 
of the food represents to us its total store of potential energy. By 
no means all of this potential energy, however, is accessible to the 
organism. A part of what the animal eats is not food at all in a 
physiological sense, but is simply waste matter which passes through 
the digestive tract unacted upon. Furthermore, that part of it 
which is digested and resorbed is not completely oxidized in the 
body, but gives rise to the formation of excretory products which are 
still capable of liberating energy by oxidation. We have, there- 
fore, at the outset, to distinguish between the total, or gross, 
energy of the food eaten, represented by its heat of combustion, 
and the portion of that energy which can be liberated and utilized in 



the organism. It is only this latter portion, of course, of which the 
body can avail itself, and the term available energy has, therefore, 
very naturally been proposed for it. 

As will appear later, however, the terms available and availa- 
bility may also be employed, and have actually been used, in a more 
restricted sense to designate that part of the energy of the food 
which can be applied directly by the organism to purposes other 
than simple heat production. In order to avoid the confusion of 
terms thus arising it has been proposed to modify the term available 
by the words gross and net. The gross available energy, according 
to this terminology, signifies all of the total energy of the food 
which can be utilized by the body for any purpose whatever; 
that is, it is available energy in the first of the two senses defined 
above. Similarly, the net available energy signifies the available 
energy in the second sense, or energy available for other purposes 
than simple heat production. The term “fuel value” has also been 
employed by some writers, notably by Atwater, to designate the 
gross available energy. 

It appears to the writer desirable, however, to avoid the double 
use of the word available, even with the somewhat awkward modi- 
fying terms proposed. Strictly speaking, what is meant by gross 
available energy in the above sense is that portion of the potential 
energy of the food which the digestive and metabolic processes of 
the organism can convert into the kinetic form, and its measure, 
according to the principles enunciated in Chapter VII, is the differ- 
ence between the potential energy of the food and the potential 
energy of the various forms of unoxidized matter rejected by the 
organism. In other words, it is that fraction of the energy of the 
food which can enter into the metabolism of energy in the body. 
The writer, therefore, tentatively proposes for it the term metabo- 
lizable energy, as expressing the facts without any implication as to 
the uses made by the body of the energy thus metabolized. 

Metabolizable energy, then, may be briefly defined as potential 
energy of food minus potential energy of excreta, including under 
excreta, of course, all the wastes of the body, visible and invisible. 
The method is analogous to that of the determination of digestibility. 
In both cases it is a calculation by difference, and the result shows 
simply the maximum amount of matter or of energy put at the dis- 



posal of the organism without affording any clue to the use made 
of it by the latter, that is, to its availability in the more restricted 

In actual investigation, of course, the metabolizable energy of 
the food is most accurately found by means of direct determinations 
of the heats of combustion of the food and the waste products. 
Except in the case of the intestinal gases no serious difficulties 
stand in the way of these determinations, and with the present im- 
proved and simplified methods of calorimetry it may fairly be 
expected that, in exact experiments, at least the energy of the food, 
feces, and urine will be directly determined, while it is not impossi- 
ble that more extended investigations than are now available may 
enable us to make, for different classes of materials, a fairly accurate 
estimate of the intestinal gases. As results accumulate from such 
investigations we shall gradually acquire a fund of information 
regarding the amount of metabolizable energy contained in foods 
and feeding-stuffs which it is perhaps not chimerical to suppose may 
one day largely take the place of our present tables of composition 
and digestibility. 

Up to the present time, however, but a comparatively small 
number of experiments upon domestic animals are on record in which 
the metabolizable energy of the food has been actually determined. 
In a somewhat larger number of cases the loss of energy in feces 
and urine has been determined, and in others that in the feces only. 
As regards human food the data are somewhat more abundant, 
but nevertheless by far the greater part of our scientific knowledge 
of foods and feeding-stuffs is expressed in terms of (conventional) 
chemical composition and apparent digestibility. If, therefore, we 
would not forego the advantages which may be anticipated from a 
study, from the new point of view, of the accumulated results of 
the last half-century of experimental work in this domain, it is im- 
portant that we be able to estimate as accurately as may be the 
metabolizable energy of the food from its known or estimated com- 
position and digestibility. Not a little labor has been expended 
upon both aspects of the subject, particularly by Rubner in relation 
to the carnivora and man, by Atwater and his associates with rela- 
tion to human nutrition, by Kellner as regards ruminants, and by 
Zuntz and his associates in the case of the horse. 


§ 1. Experiments on Carnivora. 

The comparative simplicity and completeness of the digestive 
processes of carnivora, together with the great variations which can 
be made in their diet, have made them favorite subjects for physio- 
logical experiments. It is possible to feed a dog or cat on what are 
close approximations to simple nutrients for a sufficient length of 
time to permit an accurate determination of the waste products, 
while with herbivora this is impracticable for obvious reasons. 

While earlier experimenters, among whom may be mentioned 
Frankland,* Traube,t and Zuntz,{ have concerned themselves with 
the question of the energy values of foods and nutrients, it is to the 
fundamental researches of Rubner that we owe not merely more 
accurate determinations of metabolizable energy, but in particular 
a clearer conception of its actual significance in nutrition. Rubner’s 
experiments § were made chiefly with dogs and were directed 
toward the determination of what he designates as the physiological 
heat value of the more important proteid foods, corresponding 
substantially to what is here called the metabolizable energy. 

Protrrips.—As regards the non-nitrogenous ingredients of the 
food, Rubner assumes that, so far as they are digested, their metab- 
olizable energy is the same as their gross energy, or, in other words, 
that there are no waste products. For example, if a dog is given a 
certain amount of starch and none appears in the feces it is assumed 
that the starch has simply undergone hydration and solution in the 
digestive tract without material loss of energy and that conse- 
quently the full amount of energy contained in the starch is avail- 
able in the resorbed sugar for the metabolism of the body. In 
herbivora we know that there is a considerable production of gas- 

eous hydrocarbons by fermentation in the digestive tract. The | 

respiration experiments of Pettenkofer & Voit on dogs, however 
(compare p. 72), showed but a small excretion of such gases, while 
Tappeiner || denies the presence of methane in any part of the dog’s 
alimentary canal. In the case of carnivora, then, the above 

* Phil. Mag. (4), 32, 182. 

+ Virchow’s Archiv., 29, 414. 

t Landw. Jahrb., 8, 65. 

§ Zeit. f. Biol., 21, 250 and 337. 

|| Quoted by Rubner, ibid., 19, 318. 


assumption is at least in harmony with current opinion. Rubner’s 
experiments were therefore directed to the determination of the 
metabolizable energy of the proteids. 

The earlier computations of the metabolizable energy of the 
proteids by Frankland, Traube, Danilewski, and others * were af- 
fected by two sources of error. First, the heats of combustion as 
determined by the imperfect calorimetric methods then available 
were seriously in error. Second, the manner of computing the 
metabolizable energy from these data has been shown by Rubner 
to be incorrect. Previous to his investigations the metabolizable 
energy of the proteids had been very generally computed by deduct- 
ing from their gross energy the energy of the corresponding amount 
of urea. In other words, it was assumed that all the nitrogen of the 
proteids was split off in the form of urea and excreted in the urine, 
which was accordingly regarded as being practically an aqueous 
solution of urea, and that the non-nitrogenous residue of the proteids 
was completely oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. Rubner’s 
results show that this assumption is seriously erroneous and gives 
too high results for the metabolizable energy. : 

In the first place, it neglects entirely one of the waste products, 
viz., the feces. The latter are to be regarded in the carnivora, 
especially on a proteid diet, as a true excretory product. comparable 
to the organic matter of the urine and containing at most but traces 
of undigested food. This was early pointed out by Bischoff & 
Voit + and is now generally admitted by physiologists. (Compare 
p. 47.) In Rubner’s experiments somewhat over 3 per cent. of 
the energy of the proteid food was found in the feces. 

In the second place, Rubner shows that the urine is far from 
being a simple solution of urea.{ His previous investigations § had 
shown that the extractives of lean meat, the form of proteid most 
commonly used in such experiments, pass through the system un- 
changed and are excreted in the urine, thus increasing its content of 
energy. By feeding meat previously treated with water to remove 

* Cf. Rubner, loc. cit., p. 341. 

+ Ernihrung des Fleischfressers, p. 291; compare also Miller, Zeit. f. 
Biol., 20, 327; Rieder, zbid., 20, 378; Tsuboi, abid., 35, 68. 

t{ Compare Chapter VIII, p. 241. 

8 Zeit. f. Biol., 20, 265. 


these extractives, he demonstrates that in this case also the urine 
is far from being a simple solution of urea. With a daily excretion 
of 13.22 grams of total urinary nitrogen, there was found in the urine 
0.105 gram of kreatinin, 0.656 gram of cyanuric acid, and an un- 
determined amount of phenol. The proportion of carbon to nitro- 
gen in the urine was also notably higher than in urea, viz., 0.523: 1 
in place of 0.428:1, or an excess of about 20 per cent. Rubner 
concludes that the only sure method of ascertaining the amount of 
potential energy carried off in the urine is the direct determination 
of its heat of combustion. Accordingly, in the experiments under 
consideration, the urine was dried on pumice-stone and burned in 
the calorimeter, a correction being made for the urea decomposed 
during the drying. Danilewski,* about the same time, also re- 
ported determinations of the heat of combustion of the dry matter 
of human urine which, like Rubner’s, show an excess over that 
computed from the urea present. 

The materials experimented on by Rubner were prepared lean 
meat, such as has been commonly used in feeding experiments, 
and meat with the extractives removed by treatment with water, 
the gross energy of each being determined by burning the dried 
material in the calorimeter after having removed the fat by extrac- 
tion with alcohol and ether.| The prepared material (in the moist 
state) was fed to dogs for from five to eight days, during all or a 
portion of which time the feces and urine were collected and their 
content of nitrogen and energy determined. The amounts fed are 
not stated, but the percentage of the total nitrogen fed which 
reappeared in the feces is given. A third experiment on a fasting 
dog was added in which the urine of the second, third, and fourth 
days was collected and examined. 

So far as the proteids are metabolized in the body all their nitro- 
gen which does not reappear in the feces will be found in the urine. 
On this basis the nitrogen per gram of dry proteids metabolized in 
these «xperiments was divided as shown in the following table. In 
the case of the fasting animal, Rubner believes himself justified, on the 
basis of other experiments, in assuming that the nitrogenous tissue 

* Arch. ges. Physiol., 36, 230. 
+ Subsequent investigations have shown that the material thus prepared 
still contains traces of fat. 


metabolized had substantially the same composition and heat-value 
as the lean meat of the first experiment, and the feces are also 
assumed to be similar. 

Nitrogen of | Nitrogen of Nitrogen of 

Food. Food, Feces, rine, 

Grms. Grms. Grms. 
eam meats iss ocidewe ees Ges 0.1540 0.0024 0.1516 
Extracted lean meat ....... 0.1659 0.0023 0.1636 
Nothing (body tissue)...... 0.1659 0.0023 0.1636 

The energy of the excretory products, calculated per gram of 
nitrogen, was as follows: 

Food. Urine, Feces, 
Cals. als 
Tiga une Leake ee Y 7.450 70.290 
Extracted lean meat ....... 6.695 81.515 
INO Ginn oa sya rare ratenratel 8.495 

A comparison of the above results for the urine with the energy 
of urea (5.41 Cals. per gram of nitrogen) fully confirms the conelu- 
sions already drawn from its chemical composition. 

From the figures of the last two tables, together with the heats 
of combustion found for the food consumed, viz., 

ilean) meat, fat removed... 5... 4........ 5.345 Gals. per gram 
ss) S*. lextractivesand fat:removed...5.754 66. 46) 7 

we can readily compute the energy of the excreta and by difference 
the metabolizable energy of the food per gram, as follows: 

Lean Mest. | festaped | Nitogenous 
Cals. Cals. | Cals. Cals. | Cals. Cals. 
BnergysOnfoodeers Weir tes 5s [to tel 5.3450}. ..... ye (oe Oss 6 5.3450 
“ MLC COSA Meine weiera le seta OR1633 hee On1S54 yo 2. 02. 0.1683 
ie SUMING epee te eteec haloes, 04 er OSA Seay. 1.2878 
Metabolizable energy .......... 4.0473)...... AWA TAN is) ch 3.8889 
5.3450/5 3450/5. 7540/5. 7540/5 .3450/5.3450: 


Rubner makes a slight correction in the above figures for the 
energy of hydration and solution. The energy of the proteids was 
determined in the dry state. They were fed, however, moist, and 
it is known that an evolution of heat takes place when dry proteids 
are brought in contact with water. Consequently the potential 
energy of the moist proteids is less than that computed from the 
calorimetric results. Rubner estimates this loss (loc. cit., p. 307) at 
0.5 per cent. The urea leaves the body in solution. Its solution 
in water, however, causes an absorption of heat equal to 2.4 per 
cent. of the total energy of the urea, and accordingly (neglecting 
other organic matter) the heat value of the urine is higher than that 
calculated from the calorimetric results upon the dried urine. Both 
these errors tend to make the metabolizable energy appear too 
great. Rubner’s corrections are as follows: 

Toda Mest: Extracted | Nitrogenous 

Cals. fete eet: pod ue 
Metabolizable energy as above ......... 4.0473 4.4741 3.8889 
Energy of hydration ...0 0.5... dskc 0% vo 0.0269 0.0288 0.0269 
SS SOlMtION «222° ene tee enene oe 0.0199 0.0215' 0.0199 
Corrected metabolizable energy ........ 4.0005 4.4238 3.8421 

The energy lost in hydration is, of course. practically a diminu- 
tion of the gross energy of the food. The energy absorbed in the 
solution of the urea can be regarded either as a part of the energy of 
the excreta or as being a part of the general expenditure of energy 
by the body in internal work. (See the next chapter.) 

Rubner * has also computed the metabolizable energy of a num- 
ber of proteids for which direct determinations are wanting. For 
this purpose he uses the results of Stohmann f+ for the gross energy 
and assumes. first, that the nitrogen will be divided between feces 
and urine in the same ratio as in the experiment on extracted lean 
meat, and second, that the energy of these excretory products per 
gram of nitrogen will be the same as in that experiment. . He thus 
obtains the following results: 

* Loc. cit., p. 351. 
{ Landw. Jahrb., 18, 513. 


Gross Loss in | Metaboliz- 
Bupetonee: Nieceee pence ll Teton, | bec Grace 
Cals. Cals. Cals. 
Paraglobuliny vice sacs orl ecis ets 15.6 5.634 1.263 4.371 
pee allo umn sett esays ciereis so sic sje eon 15.7 5.577 1.270 4.307 
WAC IME ete Seat sfeveta lets scieis, css ass 15.2 5.715 1.311 4.404 
SyMCONIN Gs eaten oa aay e.s 16.6 5.754 1.329 4.424 
Eyre teres eelaiereh spate «fecha wer 16.6 5.508 1.329 4.179 
Meamemeat aries ene le sialevescate. oaks « 15.4 5.345 1.345 4.000 
Cons luting ys Woes iatseicjaels sic ess 17.5 5.359 1.390 3.969 
Crystallized albumin ............ 19.2 5.595 1.555 4.090 
Nitrogenous body tissue ......... 15.4 5.345 1.503 3.842 

§ 2. Experiments on Man. 

PROTEIN.—Rubner * has also reported a single experiment on a 
man upon a diet of meat with a slight addition of fat. The results, 
expressed in the same manner as those given in the preceding sec- 
tion, that is, per gram of dry matter of the meat, were— 

MCT Oy FOMTOOGER eat p tere reat. Nok unin 3 aepenae 5.599 Cals. 
Heh ct AECCESaa ts de auereicis's 0.434 Cals. 
EP aeUTIMCts tea tuanys 2: OZ Titer: 

Metabolizable energy....... -- 4.1388 “ 

5.599 “ D099 Was 

Quite a number of determinations are on record of the ratio be- 
tween the nitrogen and the energy content of human urine. Rub-_ 
ner + reports the following results upon various diets, including the 
experiment on meat just quoted: 

j Energy Per : 
Diet. Ree 
Motiner: Summer s ) S la) NUS rand ne ee 12.10 Cals. 

Cowssumilk—infanti nc cgeec cee ee ceed eR OmOoee ik 
BG aU seh CULL Grasse seit nics ch eeeupelvai gh Gl ar Ue etna an Ctleoe iss 
Mixedidiet: poorin fate... neo ea eee nS ce. 7 ie 
6 6 Stic tices Ska ove at Coen Meena Da Seoonn 
se SIP Ce) OWN OR 9 Rees Wanton Sie Sh Ca SUS Tine’ 
“ Okt Ad 2a ein at ROM ome ee ACL AC, BSE EN Se4aiie 
GG Cec ookLGes ist) == DOMaies sistoneneele here Noa Gua ais 
Mixed diet—boy..... <0. ...:s0080 cee serene Phen Uae 
Meat eyes Sialic bie i oleae ae ne gh GOO ane 
TPOCRCOCR Feehan NU OH Upistsy ee 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 42, 272. { Ibid., p. 302. 


With the exception of the mother’s milk, the results show but a 
slightly greater range than those on the dog. The results of Atwater 
& Benedict,* cited on p. 242, when computed per gram of nitrogen, 
give the following results: 

Hxperiment NO, 5.3 a. oce pe eags eee 7.055 Cals. 
= Ss 9G siauatsauene ae ea te 7.839 “ 
ra OD. TS AOuueh oe an ee eer 8.060 “ 
OG 8 IB ita ee Meee aden 8.447 “ 
ie PO OL cs Bree arg weeecens 8.326 “ 
os an | eee eee sr Lon 

The same authors report + the average of 46 determinations as 
7.9 Cals. per gram of nitrogen. Tangl ¢ has reported materially 
higher figures, especially for diets containing large amounts of 
carbohydrates and fat. 

In the case of a mixed diet more or less of the potential energy 
of the feces may be derived from the non-nitrogenous nutrients 
of the food, and we should hardly be justified in making for these 
experiments a computation like that made for the meat diet. The 
rather small range of the figures in most cases, however, would 
seem to show that the metabolizable energy of the proteids of ordi- 
nary mixed dietaries is substantially the same as that found by 
Rubner for carnivora. Tangl’s results perhaps suggest the possi- 
bility of the occasional presence in human urine of non-nitrogenous 
matters similar to those found so abundantly in that of ruminants. 

RupNer’s Computations.—Rubner’s earlier researches did not 
include experiments upon man, but from the results given in the 
foregoing section he endeavored to compute approximate factors 
for the metabolizable energy of the mixed diet of man.§ For this 
purpose he estimates that, on the average, 60 per cent. of the pro- 
tein of the diet is derived from animal sources and 40 per cent. from 
vegetable. For the animal protein he uses the value found above 
for lean meat, and for vegetable protein the average of the values 
for syntonin and fibrin (since these have an ultimate composition 

* U.S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Stations, Bull. 69. 
+ Report Storrs Expt. Station, 1899, p. 100. 

+ Arch. f. (Anat. u.) Physiol., 1899, 261. 
§ Loc. cit., p. 370. 


similar to that of the proteids of the grains). Correcting these 
values for the error involved in the usual computation of protein 
from nitrogen, he obtains as the average metabolizable energy of 
the protein (N X 6.25) of a mixed diet 4.1 Cals. per gram. 

For the fat and carbohydrates it is assumed that all their poten- 
tial energy is metabolizable, but an allowance is made in the latter 
case for the error due to the ordinary computation of the carbo- 
hydrates by difference and for some minor sources of uncertainty. 
Rubner’s final averages are— 

ibroteme@Np<6:25))a. eee So 4.1 Cals. per gram. 
LO edd ey et sees a Qik ey ete 
Carbohydratesia 22.50) 7h: CE SEA UN 

The value for protein, by the method of computation, includes 
an allowance for the metabolic products contained in the feces, but 
neither it nor the values for the other nutrients include any estimate 
for the loss through imperfect digestion. In other words, they 
refer to the digested nutrients. 

These figures were designed expressly for computing the metab- 
olizable energy of human dietaries, and even for that purpose are 
confessedly only approximations. In the absence of more exac 
figures, however, they have been somewhat extensively used for 
computing the metabolizable energy of the digested portion of the 
food of domestic animals. For purposes of approximate estimates 
such a use of them was perhaps justifiable, but in too many cases 
their origin seems to have been forgotten and a degree of accuracy 
ascribed to them which they do not possess. As will be shown 
presently, later investigations have yielded materially different 
results for the metabolizable energy of the several classes of nutri- 
ents in the fuod of herbivorous animals. 

Later Experiments.—Quite recently Rubner * has published the 
results of some experimental investigations into the validity of the 
averages or “standard figures” given above. In these experiments 
the weights and heats of combustion of food, feces, and urine were 
determined calorimetrically and the metabolizable energy as ob- 
tained from these data was compared with that computed by the use 
of the above factors. In making the latter calculation an allowance 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 42, 261. 


was made for the percentage loss in the feces equal to that observed 
in the actual experiment. The results for the metabolizable energy 
per day were— 


Diet. ee Datas Com weds 

Potatoes only ........... sobs aussie 1911.4 1911.5 
Rye bread, bolted flour .................. 2060.4 2079.3 
es ) sunbolted tours. assem eeCaseAl 1758 .6 
Mixed dict; poor in fats... 2.02 4.0.01 gesus 2400.5 2376.0 
EN EE TCD A ice ayer og na te eae ne 2698.8 2600.0 
«0 Ww adosiohnce fi] BiG | ams 
: P : I 1746.8 1724.3 
Mixed diet—growing boys............ | ll 1765.5 | 1737.3 

As above noted, the computed results include a deduction for 
the energy of the undigested matter in the feces. Rubner finds that. 
the heat of combustion of the organic matter of the latter varies 
but little even on extremes of diet, so that the loss through this. 
channel is approximately proportional to the amount of the ex- 
cretion. In the experiments on mixed diet the percentage loss of 
energy in the feces varied from 4.3 per cent. to 7.9 per cent. of 
the energy of the food. 

ATWATER’S INVESTIGATIONS.—By far the most extensive data. 
as to the metabolizable energy of human foods and dietaries are 
those derived from the investigations upon human nutrition made 
under Atwater’s direction by the United States Department of 
Agriculture with the codperation of Wesleyan University, the 
Storrs Experiment Station, and various other experiment sta- 
tions. Atwater & Bryant* have summarized these results in a 
preliminary report of which the essential features are given in 
the following paragraphs. 

From the best data available, the heats of combustion of the 
protein, carbohydrates, and fats of various classes of foods are esti- 
mated. In these estimates account is taken as fully as possible of 
the proportion of nitrogen in proteid and non-proteid forms, and 
of the varying percentage of nitrogen in different proteids, the nitro- 
gen factors used being those quoted on p. 6. The accuracy of 

* Report Storrs Agr. Expt Station, 1899, p. 73. 


these estimates is checked by a comparison of the computed with 
the actual heats of combustion of 276 different samples of food, the 
average results showing a close agreement. Assuming the potential 
energy of the urine to be all derived from the proteids, the average 
of 7.9 Cals. per gram nitrogen given above (p. 278) corresponds to 
1.25 Cals. per gram of protein (N X6.25) metabolized. The loss of 
energy in the feces is estimated from a number of digestion experi- 
ments upon single foods, the results being checked by a comparison 
of the actual and computed apparent digestibility in 93 digestion 
experiments on mixed diet. Finally, the proportions of the several 
nutrients which are derived from different classes of foods in 
average mixed diets are computed from the results of 185 dietary 
studies. The final results thus obtained for the metabolizable 
energy or “fuel value” of the nutrients are shown in the table on 

page 282. 

The average results for the ordinary mixed diet of man were— 
LOPE MM ors ens oe iaia a. 4. Oa super anata 
Carbohydratess) vic.te es el! AO! ese ee lias 
In bole DAA 5 ace CNG ieee Micali Oe w aL Mls SGP CL ene 

These factors are smaller than those proposed by Rubner, largely 
because they relate to the total and not to the digested nutrients. 
Comparisons of the computed with actual metabolizable energy of 
mixed dietaries, using the factors of the above table, gave concor- 
dant results. 

§ 3. Experiments on Herbivora. 

Tue MockeErN INvesticAtTions.—The larger share of our present 
knowledge regarding the metabolizable energy of the food of her- 
bivora is due to the investigations upon mature cattle which have 
been made by Kellner * since 1894 at the Méckern Experiment 
Station. In the earlier series of experiments (including those by 
G. Kuhn, reported by Kellner +) additions of commercial wheat 
gluten and of starch were made to a basal ration consisting exclu- 
sively of coarse fodder (hay or straw). In the later series of ex- 
periments additions of the same substances and of oil and beet 
molasses on the one hand, and of coarse fodders on the other hand, 
were made to a mixed basal ration. 

* Landw. Vers. Stat., 47, 275; 50, 245; 58, 1. Tt Ibid., 44, 257. 


Kind of Food 

Meats, fish, ete ... 

Animal food... . 


eee ene 

Vegetable food . 
Total food 

Fat : 
Meat and eggs.... 
Dairy products ... 

Animal food... . 

Vegetable food . 
Total food 

Carbohydrates : 
Animal food.... 
Cereals 2sitin ear es 
DLesumes. 2. s.4%4' 5 
PRULUS: Socios es soe 
RUAN Sac.c gs estan 


Vegetable food . 
Total food 


Nutrients FOP ae Total Fuel Value. 
Sornihed ect of Total ape 
fe : er Grm. 
GRup aE ion tees pS a Avail- | Per Grm. a Crm 
100, Grms.|--Grm. | “Avag |able Nu-.| Available | ei 
Total. able. trients. utrients. arte: 
Grms. Cals. Be Cent.| Cals. Cals. Cie 
43.0 5.65 97 5.50 4.40 4.25 
6.0 5.75 97 5.60 4.50 4.35 
12.0 5.65 97 5.50 4.40 4.25 
61.0 5.65 97 5.50 4.40 4.25 
Sl 5.80 85 4.95 4.55 3.70 
2.0 5.70 78 4.45 4.45 3.20 
50 5.00 83 4.15 my (Ds 2.90 
0.5 5:20 85 4.40 3.95 orlo 
39.0 5.65 85 4.80 4.40 3.55 
100.0 5.65 92 5.20 4.40 4.00 
60.0 9.50 95 9.00 9.50 9.00 
32.0 9.25 95 8.80 9.25 8.80 
92.0 9.40 95 8.95 9.40 8.95 
8.0 9.30 90 8.35 9.30 8.35 
100.0 9.40 95 8.90 9.40 8.90 
5.0 3.90 98 3.80 3.90 3.80 
55.0 4.20 98 4.10 4.20 4.10 
1.0 4.20 97 4.05 4.20 4.05 
130 4.20 95 4.00 4.20 4.00 
5.0) 4.00 90 3.60 4.00 3.60 
2170 3.95 98 3.85 3.95 3.80 
95.0 4.15 97 4.00 4.15 4.00 
100.0 4.15 97 4.00 4.15 4.00 


In each experiment the digestibility of the ration was deter- 
mined in the usual manner, and also the carbon of food, feces, urine, 
and respiration (including methane, ete.), and the nitrogen and 

heats of combustion of food, feces, and urine. 

The experiments 

were made with every precaution and extended over a sufficient 
length of time to ensure normal results. 
respiratory products were determined in four or five separate periods 
of twenty-four hours each. No such complete experiments with 

In each experiment the 


other classes of herbivorous animals have been reported, although 
partial data are available from experiments on horses and swine. 

MerHop oF SraTinG Resutts.—The determination of the 
metabolizable energy of a given ration by experiments liké the 
above is, in principle, very simple, although requiring many appli- 
ances and much technical skill. When, however, we attempt to 
generalize the results much greater difficulties are encountered 
than in the cases previously considered. 

In investigations upon carnivora and upon man the metaboliz- 
able energy, as we have just seen, is usually computed upon the 
total nutrients of the food—that is, upon the total amounts of 
protein, carbohydrates, and fat—the deduction for the loss of 
energy in the feces being included in the factors employed. This 
is possible because the amount of potential energy thus removed 
is small in itself and subject to relatively small variations on ordi- 
nary diet and also because the crude nutrients composing the food 
are largely chemical compounds which are at least fairly well 

The food of herbivora, on the contrary, is both more complex 
and less well known chemically and contains a much larger and very 
varying proportion of indigestible matter. As a consequence the 
feces, instead of being chiefly an excretory product, consist mainly 
of undigested food residues with but a small proportion of meta- 
bolic products, and contain a large and variable part of the total 
potential energy of the food. For all these reasons it seems likely 
that any attempt to compute general factors for the metab- 
olizable energy of the crude nutrients of feeding-stuffs similar to 
those of Rubner or Atwater for the nutrients of human foods would 
be confronted by almost insuperable difficulties. 

It was natural, then, to attempt to eliminate these difficulties 
by computing the results upon the digestible nutrients of the feed- 
ing-stuffs, but even here considerable difficulties arise. The di- 
gested nutrients, particularly in the case of coarse fodders, are far 
from being the pure protein, carbohydrates, and fats which our 
ordinary statements of composition and digestibility assume them 
to be. Furthermore, a considerable and a variable proportion of 
the waste of proteid metabolism in the herbivora takes the form of 
hippuric acid, a body less completely oxidized than urea, and ac- 


cordingly containing more potential energy, while the urine of 
sheep and cattle also contains not a little non-nitrogenous matter 
of some sort. Finally, the slow and complicated process of diges- 
tion in the herbivora is accompanied by fermentations and the 
evolution of gaseous hydrocarbons (methane), and perhaps of 
hydrogen, both of which carry off a more or less variable propor- 
tion of the potential energy of the food. By means of experiments 
with approximately pure nutrients it is possible to secure factors 
for the metabolizable energy of the digested nutrients of con- 
centrated feeding-stuffs, but in the case of coarse fodders about 
all that is practicable in this direction is to compute the results 
of experiments upon the total digestible matter. 

There is possible, however, a third method, viz., to compute the 
metabolizable energy upon the total organic matter of the feeding- 
stuff, expressing it either as Calories per gram or pound of organic 
matter or as a percentage of the gross energy. In the latter form 
the result would be analogous to a digestion coefficient and would 
show what proportion of the total energy of the material, as: deter- 
mined by combustion in the calorimeter, was capable of being met- 
abolized in the body. This method of expressing the results has 
certain advantages in directness and simplicity, and especially in 
putting the whole matter on the basis of energy values. In the 
succeeding paragraphs the available data will be considered from 
both the standpoints last named. 


For a discussion of the matter from this standpoint we have to 
rely almost entirely upon the Méckern investigations already men- 
tioned. In the case of those earlier experiments in which the ration 
consisted exclusively of a single coarse fodder the computation of 
the metabolizable energy of the latter is, of course, readily made. 
In the experiments in which the food under investigation was added 
to a basal ration the computation is somewhat less simple, it being 
then necessary to compare the gross energy of the added food with 
the increase in the energy of the excreta in the second period as 
compared with the first. The details of both methods will be best 
explained by illustration. 


Total Organic Matter. 

Coarse Fodders. Hrp ALonr.—For Ox H, fed exclusively on 
meadow hay, Kellner obtained the following results * per day and 

7,263¢ grams meadow hay......... 32,177.3 Cals. 
2,547 + grams feces....... 11,750.3 Cals. 
13,675 UWE bbb OVeS eam 1,945.0  “ 
loSe4Oeamethanes.). | 2113.72“ 
Motaltexcretae hee. cs tok oe os MO SOOLON <6 
Dilhenemee saver seme ua, veph caer 16,368.3 “ 

Had the ration exactly sufficed for the maintenance of the ani- 
mal, the difference of 16,368.3 Cals. would represent exactly its 
metabolizable energy. In reality, however, the nitrogen and car- 
bon balance indicated a gain by the animal of 37.2 grams of protein 
(N X6.00 ¢{) and 140.8 grams of fat, equivalent to 1548.8 Cals., so 
that the amount of energy actually converted into the kinetic form 
was 16,368.3—1548.8=14,819.5 Cals. The potential energy of the 
140.8 grams of fat, however, while it was not actually rendered 
kinetic, might have been had the needs of the organism required it. 
Its retention in the potential form was, in a sense, temporary and 
accidental, and its energy should properly be considered as a part 
of the metabolizable energy of the food. 

With the gain of protein, however, the case is different. Its 
total potential energy equals 211.2 Cals., but not all of this is 
capable of conversion into kinetic energy. According to Rubner’s 
results (p. 275) each gram of urinary nitrogen derived from the met- 
abolism of the protein of lean meat corresponds to 7.45 Cals. If 
this result is applicable to the forms of protein consumed by her- 
bivora (and we shall see later that there is good reason to believe 
that such is approximately the case), then the metabolism of the 
37.2 grams of protein gained would have added 46.2 Cals. to the 
observed potential energy of the urine, while the remaining 165 
Cals. would have taken the kinetic form and should, therefore, be 
regarded as part of the metabolizable energy of the food. 

* Loc. cit., 58, 9. + Dry matter. { Compare pp. 67, 68. 


In other words, to get at the actual metabolizable energy of the 
ration in this experiment we must add to the observed potential 
energy of the urine the amount of 46.2 Cals. by which it would have 
been increased had all the protein of the food been metabolized, or, 
what is the same thing, must subtract this amount from the ob- 
served difference between food and excreta. This leaves 16,322.1 
Cals. as the metabolizable energy of 7263 grams of dry matter or 
6750 grams of organic matter in meadow hay, and the metabolizable 
energy per gram of organic matter is therefore 2.418 Cals. 

Computed in the above manner, the several experiments of this 
category gave per day and head the following results: 

| a Metabolizable 
j 2 Energy of Enerey. 
Ani suk Per 
Ration. aw 
mal. S 8 rine aa be 
o2| Food. | Feces. | (Cor- ane otal Le 
| Cals. Cals. | rected). Cal Cals. Ree 
3 Cals. a at 
bo ter, 
Se Cals. 
A |Meadow hay I.............. 6750)32177 .3)11750.3|1991.2 |2113.7|16322.1|2.418 
II Be PWieAMeannacs panes 7816|36975 .1)15524.1)1925.7*|3137 .2|16388 . 1/2 .097 
Vv : SAY Bai cadhetanchotaree eke 7199}34211 .5)15312 .2)1559 . 3*|2268 .5)15071 .5)2.093 
VI i Pee ie aS WES som OATES 7125/33855 .4}13765 . 2/1737 .9*| 2480 .6|15871.7|/2.228 
XX os SSM Sis. nk esa tgeedeees 7809 |37167 .3!13880 .7/8224.6 |2646.1]17415.9,2.230 
I i she Mi Gerrans tee mrer nt 6815/32252 . 2114669 .0}1686 .9 |2092.3)13804 .0)2 .026 
AViOP AZO se cccttss cl siegei ice ns asco ll ashe. cvancucrll exeehatanebed| ace gluons Stet oiaeeactcael leehesecenae 2.182 
B | Meadow hay and oat straw. . .|7107/33794 .4|14576.1|1440.3 |2331.2/15446.8/2.173 
III | Clover cad ea “. ./7328|34603 .2)15505. 1/1549 .6*|2670.1|14878 .4/2.031 
IV a a “ .17074|33405 .1)/15250 .6)1481 .5*/2491 .3/14181 -7|2.004 

* Energy of urine computed from its carbon content. 

It should be noted that the figures for the energy of the feces in 
these and in all the succeeding experiments include that of the met- 
abolic products contained in them. While the latter are not derived 
directly from the food they are a part of the expenditure made by 
the body in the digestion of the food, and there is. therefore, the same 
reason for including their energy as for including that of the organic 
matter of the urine. 

Both contain a certain amount of potential energy, derived 
ultimately from the food, which has escaped being metabolized in 


the body and so is to be deducted from the total energy of the 
food to obtain its metabolizable energy. 

Experiments on timothy hay made by the writer,* in which the 
amount of methane excreted was estimated from the amount of non- 
nitrogenous nutrients digested, gave the following results, the cor- 
rection for the gain or loss of nitrogen being computed in a slightly 
different way from that explained above: 


Experiment I. | Experiment II./Experiment VI. 
Cals Cals. Cals. 
SUS anet aL a ehhh cnet te Peete eRe 2.104 1.838 2.139 
eee Dyer Sosa, 0s alain oe Brivis 2.007 2.164 2.175 
CenmRS R LN ea fry hat Meeks Leeda onglp ac 1.904 1.824 2.176 
PAV ETRE) reyes sc och axon siancpsl onthe 2.005 1.942 2.163 
mnverage Oliall ei... ar octal: ‘ 2.037 

It should be noted that the above figures are, as already stated, 
approximate only. The energy of the methane was estimated, while 
the determinations of the energy of the urine were not, in all cases, 
satisfactory. We are probably justified, however, in regarding 
the results as a close approximation to the truth. 

CoarsE FoppErs AppED To Basa Ration.—As an example of 
this class of experiments we may take Periods 4 and 7 with Ox H.t 
The rations in the two periods were as follows: 

Total Weight. Containing Organic Matter. 

Period 4, | Period 7, | Period 4, | Period 7, | Difference, 
{gs. | Kgs. Grms. Grms. Grms. 
Meadow hay een... 4 8 3198 | 6495 3297 
Molasses-beet pulp ........ 3 3 2386 2413 27 
Peanutjmeal ee a5 ee ea 1 1 818 835 17 
8 12 6402 9743 3341 

* Penna State Experiment Station, Bull 42, p. 153. 
} Loe. cit., 58, 278-335. 


The potential energy of food and excreta (that of the urine cor- 
rected to nitrogen equilibrium) and by difference the amounts of 
metabolizable energy were: 

; Urine Metaboliz- 

Food, Feces, Methane, 
Cals. Cals.” | (Corrected), | “Cais” | able Energy. 
Period 7........ 46,275.0 | 14,104.8 | 2,593.0] 3,564.2 | 26013.0 
Belen Lorain dusts 30,338 .1 8,574.9 1,795.0 2,579.4 | 17,388.8 
Difference ....| 15,936.9 5,529 .9 798 .0 984.8 8,624 .2 

The metabolizable energy of the additional 3341 grams of or- 
ganic matter eaten in Period 7 was therefore 8624.2 Cals. This 
added food was intended to consist of hay, but the unavoidable 
variations in the moisture content of the feeding-stuffs resulted in a 
slightly greater consumption of the other ingredients of the ration 
also. Of the 3341 grams of additional organic matter, 3297 grams, 
as the previous table shows, were from the hay and 44 grams from 
the basal ration. If, then, we would ascertain the metabolizable 
energy of the added hay only, we must subtract from the difference 
of 8624.2 Cals. between the two rations the metabolizable energy of 
this 44 grams of organic matter from the other feeding-stuffs. 

But while the gross energy of the latter is known, its metabo- 
lizable energy cannot be computed exactly, since it is impossible to 
determine what part of the energy of the excreta was derived from 
this particular portion of the ration. By assuming, however, that 
the same percentage of its gross energy was metabolizable as was 
the case with the basal ration, and that its non-metabolizable energy 
was similarly distributed between the various excreta, we may 
compute a correction which, although not strictly accurate, will not, 
in view of the small quantities involved, introduce any serious error. 
In this case the gross energy of the 3297 grams of organic matter in 
the added hay was 15,728.6 Cals., and the table takes the form 
shown on the opposite page. 

As thus computed, the metabolizable energy of the 3297 grams 
of organic matter added to the basal ration in the form of hay was 
8504.8 Cals., equal to 2.580 Cals. per gram. The total correction 
amounts to 119.4 Cals., and even a considerable relative error in it 
would not materially change the final results. 


Urine Metaboliz- 
Food, F : Methane, 

Cals. Ge, | Caeeten. | aig Aa Brersy, 
Period Fis. sa). 5: 46,275.0 | 14,104.8 2,593 .0 3,564.2 | 26,013.0 
nA ts de ances 30,338. 1 8,574.9 1,795.0 2,579.4 | 17,388.8 
Difference....| 15,936.9 | 5,529.9 798.0 984.8 | 8624.2 
Correction ....| —208.3 —58.9 —12.3 —17.7 —119.4 
15,728 .6 5,471.0 785.7 967.1 8,504.8 

Percentages... 100.0 34.78) 5.00 6.15 54.07 

In these computations it is assumed that the increased metabo- 
lizable energy of the ration is derived entirely from the added feed- 
ing-stuff, or, in other words, that the latter exerted no influence 
either upon the digestibility of the basal ration or upon the propor- 
tion of its energy lost in urine and in hydrocarbons. That such is 
the case we have no means of proving, and it is, indeed, unlikely 
that it is exactly true. The metabolizable energy of the added 
feeding-stuff as above computed includes any such effects—that is, it 
represents the net result to the organism of the added coarse fodder. 

Table I of the Appendix contains the results of all the experi- 
ments of this sort, computed in the manner illustrated above. It 
will be noted that in all but two cases the correction is less than 
in the above example. In each case the table shows also the per- 
centage of the gross energy of the feeding-stuff which was found to 
be metabolizable and the percentage carried off in each of the 

Summary.—The results of the foregoing determinations of the 
metabolizable energy of the organic matter of coarse fodders are 
summarized in the table on page 290, which shows the gross and 
metabolizable energy per gram of organic matter and also the 
percentage of gross energy found to be metabolizable. 

Concentrated Feeding-stuffs.—The metabolizable energy of 
the organic matter of a concentrated feeding-stuff when added to 
a basal ration can, of course, be computed by the same method as in 
the case of added coarse fodders, but, as we shall see, some special 
difficulties arise in its application. 

The only commercial concentrated feeding-stuff upon which 
such experiments have been reported is beet molasses, although 


Per Gram Organic 

: Per Cent. 
Gross Metabeliz, Me eOne: 
BY, Energy 
Cals. Calan 
Meadow Hay: 
Sample 25. sé chacnennteenesane conan. 4.767 2.418 50.72 
Digg TAVIS Bios acein ue Stirs Sale Ce pate ae 4.731 2.097 44 32 
Le Wb OK Vincssreciod aie nk lacs ER ae 4 752 | 2.093 44.06 
ho GEIS. nee V kin criies facie tae ee fo 2.228 46.88 
Hit. i? SB AMORA GOS icine gen eiiens «eer cea ies ates 2.161 45.47 
Sg Se eT ee Sia cicreteiek Joe Oe te gt enue er 4.760 2.230 46.86 
dd a Leg Ble acs tae Soe Settee erode Ty ees ences 4.734 2.026 42.80 
ce OTE coritnearsatl gon a Meoewee eRe 1.933 40.75 
ne Lc a nC ae 4.7434 / o'os7 | ago 
Hd ON p ONCEAD Coe bene itatad cee faite's piace | Oa anae 2.010 | 42.38 
fe. VL Ox Period 25 oo acta ncc-s a 2.520 52.82 
nn fi Week ime! 5 Oaags Mgt oocarens wait 4.771 2.580 54.07 
SEN eae NIL 68 NORE, eke Mabeva. ra tt, ere lonatet i 2.540 53.24 
Re oVIGAVETAR Ose vise cre satntana e wckhell atu e Sent 2.547 53.38 
Average of seven samples ............ 4.751 2.213 46.56 
Timothy Hay (approximate) .............. 4.670 2.037 43.62 
Oat Straw: | ) Oi 
OD eu ate a eee op leres Nietonnne Megittne aaah ee 1.760 36 
Ls €or a as i ACs cee I 4.816 { 1.688 | 35.05 
INV ETA BCS sieratety wath Ss miatee aoe Maes os Peo eicireee 1.724 35.80 
Wheat Straw : eee 
ORT ET eniaG ais Salsas eS acies a I Satie 1.411 
as NIE AN Win eM MRI d RSC Uy 14.743 | 1.540 | 32.47 
AV OVA O Ose: 2s a lsiaiy genus win Son eras ae a tee eal eae tee 1.475 31.11 
Extracted Rye Straw: 
OE iors eure leh cht ie Lh ra crates See 4.251 §| 3-261 76.71 
pga) Lae AP ee Peter ne Se one em rer : 3.164 74.45 
Average........ Dei cle ete nal allel soa ont dM PEN aie S213 75eo8 

experiments were also made by Kellner with wheat gluten, starch, 

oil, and extracted straw, the aim of which was to determine the 
metabolizable energy of the various digestible nutrients. 
As an illustration of this class of experiments we may take one 
upon molasses with Ox F,* comparing Period 3, on the basal ration, 
* Loc. cit.;.58, 172-227, 


with Period 6, on the same ration with the addition of molasses. 
Comparing, first, the organic matter of the two rations we have 
the following: 

Total Organic Organic Matter in 
Matter Fed, Molasses, 
Grms. Grms. 
Per OG Giemveicusycrereloeevesstsicustcin) ov caeiereheteley 8262 1702 
1632 1702 

In the period with molasses 70 grams less of the basal ration 
was consumed than in the period without, and a correction must 
accordingly be made for this in the way explained on page 288. 
The energy of food and excreta in the two experiments (that 
of the urine being corrected to nitrogen equilibrium), together with 
the correction for the 70 grams of organic matter, is shown in the 
following table: 

. Metaboliz- 

Co | Cae | pe | MaBare: | able Enerey, 

Period 6........ 37,946.2 | 11,365.8 | 1,786.1 | 2,397.9 | 22396.4 
SA a are teate 31,327 .8 9,599 .2 1,530.0 2,560.7 | 17,637.9 
6,618.4 | 1,766.6 256.1 | ~—162.8 | 4,758.5 

Correction ....} +330.8 +101.3 +16.2 + 27.0 +186.3 
6,949.2 | 1,867.9 2723) 135580494408 

Dividing the metabolizable energy of the molasses, 4944.8 Cals., 
by the number of grams consumed, 1702, gives the metabolizable 
energy of 1 gram of organic matter as 2.905 Cals. 

figures, however, demand more critical discussion. While the addi- 
tion of molasses to the basal ration increased the amount of poten- 
tial energy carried off in the feces and urine, it diminished that in 
the methane; that is, it acted in some way to check the fermen- 
tation in the digestive tract to which this gas owes its origin. In 
other words, under the influence of the molasses the loss of energy 
by fermentation of the basal ration was diminished by 135.8 Cals., 
and this amount, by the method of computation, is added to the 
metabolizable energy of the molasses. 


Moreover, the loss of energy in the feces is a complex of sev- 
eral factors. The amounts of organic matter and of the several 
nutrients excreted in the feces in the two periods (not corrected for 
the 70 grams difference in organic matter consumed) were as 

Gages | Protein, | Gipde | tree | rage 
Grms. ea Grms. | Extract, | Grms. 

Period! 6s 4.25 sche eine eta 2132 403 595 1068 66 
Clea Segre wee Aa eee 1797 284 527 924 | 62 
Differencev.: 2's oe aes 335 119 68 144 4 

In addition to protein and nitrogen-free extract, which may 
possibly represent indigestible material in the molasses, the feces 
contained 68 grams more crude fiber and 4 grams more fat in Period 
6 than in Period 3. These cannot have been derived from the 
molasses, since the latter does not contain these ingredients. This 
feeding-stuff, in other words, diminished the apparent digestibility 
of the fiber and fat of the basal ration. As a matter of fact, the 
ingredients of molasses being practically all soluble in water, it is 
probable that nearly all the difference in the amount digested is 
due to the diminished apparent digestibility of the basal ration 
under the influence of the molasses. 

The figure above given for the metabolizable energy includes all 
these effects; that is, it shows the net result as regards energy ob- 
tained from molasses fed under the conditions of these experiments, 
the nutritive ratio of the basal ration being 1 : 5.8 and that of the 
molasses ration 1:6.4. To get at the actual amount of energy set 
free from the molasses itself we should need to subtract from the 
metabolizable energy as calculated above the energy corresponding 
to the decreased excretion of methane and to add to it the metabo- 
lizable energy corresponding to the decrease in the amounts of crude 
fiber and ether extract digested, assuming that all the excess of 
protein and nitrogen-free extract in the feces was derived from the 
molasses. Computed in this way * the real metabolizable energy 

* One gram of crude fiber = 3.3 Cals., and one gram of ether extract = 
8.3 Cals. See p. 332. 


of the organic matter is 2.977 Cals. per gram. This would be a mini- 
mum figure, while if we assume, as suggested above, that the mo- 
lasses is entirely digestible, this figure is still too low and should be 
increased to equal the gross energy of the organic matter. 

If, however, either one of these latter values were used in com- 
puting the metabolizable energy of rations, the results would obvi- 
ously be too high unless corrections were made for the effect upon 
the apparent digestibility of the other feeding-stuffs in the ration. 
The figure first computed, while including several different effects, 
nevertheless seems better adapted for use in actual computations 
under average conditions, while the second gives the more accurate 
idea of the store of metabolizable energy contained in the feeding- 
stuff regarded by itself. The distinction is analogous to that 
between apparent and real digestibility, and we may accordingly 
speak of the apparent and the real metabolizable energy of feeding- 

The whole of our present discussion of the metabolizable 
energy of the organic matter (total or digestible) of food materials 
relates to the apparent metabolizable energy. This is obvious as 
regards the concentrated feeds from the above example, and logic- 
ally applies also to those cases in which coarse fodders were added 
to the basal ration, while in the case of the coarse fodders used alone 
the distinction vanishes or is reduced to one between apparent and 
real digestibility. The experiment with beet molasses well illus- 
trates the difficulties in the way of determining the actual metabo- 
lizable energy of feeding-stuffs which cannot be used alone. 

Beret Mo.uasses.—In two later experiments the addition of 
molasses increased instead of diminishing the excretion of methane. 
The results of the three experiments upon molasses, computed in 
the same manner as the experiments upon coarse fodders, are con- 
tained in Table II of the Appendix. 

In the last two experiments 10 to 12 per cent. of the energy of 
the molasses was lost in the products of intestinal fermentation, 
but this was more than counterbalanced by its less effect upon the 
digestibility of the rations, so that the final result is a higher figure 
for the apparently metabolizable energy thanin the first experi- 
ment. Summarizing the results per gram as in the case of the 
coarse fodders we have: 


ne Apparently 
E Metabolizable Per Cent 
Caley ’ Enerey ; Metabolizable. 
. als. 
aman lewile acs Wes eropstey sv oueueterese 4.084 2.905 71.16 
ta WL Oxger, fee esve! Lote 3.308 79.00 
Se La as I ee eee PRT rE ‘ 3.044 72.70 
Average, Sample U1... 36s clench ein diets 3.176 75.85 

Srarcu.—In a considerable number of the trials commercial 
starch was added to the basal ration. The earlier experiments by 
Kiihn were intended primarily to throw light on the possible for- 
mation of fat from carbohydrates (compare p. 177). In them, 
starch was added to a ration of coarse fodder only and the nutritive 
ratio was purposely made very wide, the result being that more or 
less of the starch escaped digestion. In the later experiments by 
Kellner the starch was added to a mixed ration. Except in the 
first two experiments the nutritive ratio was a medium one and 
but traces of starch escaped digestion. It will be convenient, 
therefore, to tabulate these two classes of experiments separately, 
as has been done in Tables III and IV of the Appendix, the com- 
putations being made as in the previous cases. 

The same remarks which were made on p. 291 concerning the 
distinction between real and apparent metabolizable energy apply 
to these results. As computed they represent the net gain to the 
organism from the consumption of starch and are the algebraic sum 
of several factors. In particular, there was a considerable loss of 
energy in the feces, even in the later experiments in which but 
traces of the starch itself escaped digestion. In other words, the 
starch either lowered the digestibility of the basal ration or in- 
creased the formation of fecal metabolic products or both. The 
method of computation adopted virtually looks upon this as part 
of the necessary expenditure in the digestion of the starch. On 
the other hand, there are several cases in which there was a de- 
crease in the outgo of potential energy in the urine, even after the 
results are corrected to nitrogen equilibrium. This, from our pres- 
ent point of view, is credited to the starch and increases its 
apparent metabolizable energy. 


The results on starch, expressed in Calories per gram of organic 
matter, may be summarized as follows: 

Gross Metaboliz- | Per Cent. 
Energy, able Metaboliz- 
Cals. Energy, able. 
Kithn’s Experiments : ; 
Saray lewley Ox Tyee ote eee es Ns ll 4.249 3.029 71.21 
CE GG Eo) CE ica a ea a ee 4.249 2.705 63.71 
ON OTA D CU cl etic Se Meleker eas eala mya le area 4.249 2.867 67.46 
Samples Ul iOxave HPeriod2assnve via. 3: 4.236 3.347 78.95 
a Siac den iene PA bess Ol se a 4.236 3.161 74.68 
as Sealine aa lea PAUSE BOGS Oa 4 236 3.018 71.26 
s SAMAR ROMRNGK Tun Oth sbencnita sa kl st at 4.236 2.964 69.98 
JNNIQSS 2 8 SN Tes PR oR 4.236 3.123 73.72 
Aweraceron larval Mle see alaeian ved: 4.243 2.995 70.59 
Kellner’s Experiments : 
Samples Wandilh Ox ee sateen. 5: 4.165 2.027 48 .62 
y maa raat yee aa Caan pic eee entea ater 4.165 2.028 48 .68 
ENG Rone coop oon mand ean Ss Ghessoee 4.165 2.028 48.65 
Seva ay oF Fe 3 0G WMO, 65 DAES iy Ie le Aa ale ae ae 4.156 2.792 67.20 
ot Dene URE Rice Ne tea We crae Cota f 4.156 2.969 71.44 
ee Chis UU SMITIN Cay ele ae a et 4.156 3.214 77.32 
PAVieTA ge in Uniuan la Gicmersil Minar aN ul, 4.151 |. 2.992 71.99 
Samplewl Van Oxo lee iga se suse ccel-, spe 4.180 3.313 79 .22 
i as TE ial | aL MU eam be BO 4.180 3.017 72.16 
IAW ETAL CON Tey aut ates eMC aec hae kia ay ice 4.180 3.165 75.69 
Average of [I] and IV:.........5..... 4.168 3.079 73.84 

WHEAT GLUTEN.—Seven experiments upon commercial wheat 
gluten are reported. three by Kihn and four by Kellner. The 
chemical composition of the dry matter of the three samples of 
gluten employed is shown in the first table on the next page. 

In Kihn’s experiments the gluten caused a marked increase in 
the apparent digestibility of the basal ration, which by our method 
of computation augments the apparent metabolizable energy of 
the gluten, so that in one case it amounts to over 101 per cent. of 
the gross energy. The correction for organic matter is also rela- 


Kellner’s Experiments. 

Per Cent. Oxen B and C, Ox D, 
Per Cent. Per Cent. 

LNG] Yaga A Melanie ad Beale aE 1.36 2.86 2.80 
Crude proteins . 5.3 speck bis ac eaten 87.88 83.45 82.67 
Crude fibers cnc. twas ole hae 0.47 0.08 0.43 
Nitrogen-free extract............ 8.07 13.35 13.38 
Hitheriextrachia... scleral Ph Pe 0.26 0.72 
100.00 100.00 100.00 

tively large. In Kellner’s experiments the variations are not so 
great. Computed as before, the results are as shown in Table V of 
the Appendix. Summarizing Kellner’s figures, as probably the 
more accurate, we have per gram of organic matter— 

Gross Energy. Metabolizable Per Cent. 
Cais. Energy. Metabolizable. 

Sample I, Ox B, Period 1.... 5.675 3.019 53.18 
te AG ate aay a One ae 5.675 3.719 65.55 

| Pd AE (Gc Ros Sacre 5.675 4.062 71.61 
AV OLAD Coie. : sis adaleicnane eee yells 5.675 3.600 63.45 
Sample TE, Ox Di «26 eaters 5.808 4.061 69.90 
Average of Land II......... 5.742 3.831 66.68 

The wheat gluten was by no means pure protein and the above 
figures of course apply to the feeding-stuff as a whole, including its 
fat and carbohydrates as well as its protein. The question of the 
metabolizable energy of the latter wil] be considered subsequently. 

PreANut OiL.—Three experiments with this substance are re- 
ported by Kellner, In the first the oil was given in the form of an 
emulsion, prepared by saponifying a small portion of the oi) with 
sodium hydrate, and was completely digested In the second and 
third experiments it was emulsified with lime-water. In this form 
it was less well digested. and in one case (Ox F} affected the digesti- 
bility of the basal ration unfavorably. The results per gram of 
organic matter, computed as before, constitute Table VI of the 
Appendix and are summarized in the following table: 


E A Per Cent. 
Grom inersy, | knee, | metiecienbte, 
Sample I, Ox D........ 9.493 7.382 77.76 
Chava i Lead dome patra 9.464 4.973 52.52 
Remo ates le Gycrtncral cas il ; 5.623 59.39 
DNOENG, UG Se ois a bigulls bods oad lb abne 5.298 55.96 

SumMARY.—The foregoing results may be conveniently sum- 
marized in the table below, which shows the average gross energy 
per gram of organic matter, the percentage of this gross energy 
carried off unmetabolized in the various excreta, and the apparent 
metabolizable energy expressed both per gram of total organic 
matter and as a percentage of the gross energy : 

Gross Percentage Loss in Metabolizable 
En’ gy Energy. 
BYE) 5 | (UR cE 
Or- Per 
ganic Grm.| Per 
Mat- Or- | Cent. 
ter, | Feces.| Urine. | Methane. | ganic of 
Cals. Mat- | Gross 
ter, |En’gy. 
Mead ows Mayne) aise sicieies osiels 4.751|40.96| 5.71) 6.77 |2.213)46.56 
Mimo thy; Nays hetae aitslerene cvs. s 4.670|47.27| 2.61 6. 50*/2. 037/43 .62 
Oatrstravy wees lee wolere Pecke rupee 4.816/56.80| 2.08 5.32 |1.724/35.80 
IWikteatyistrawer. curs siecle: (a lan 4..743|58.22| 2.37 8.30 |1.475/31.11 
| Extracted rye straw.:.....:.... 4.251|/12.75|—0.79) 12.46 |3.213/75.58 
Beet molasses, Sample II........|4.188) 9.93} 2.91) 11.31 |3.174/75.85 
Starch, Kiihn’s experiments...... 4,243]19.59|—0.92| 10.74 |2.995/70.59 
‘¢  Kellner’s experiments: 
ISENAy TENOONEbEh oo bdobocOOUuS 4.165|55.91|—2.07) —2.49 |2.028/48.65 
Medium rations. .............. 4.168|17.61/—0.66 9.21 |3.079/73.84 
Wheat gluten, Kellner’s experi- 
TIMETUGS Ey iee sais setae ei eieushe wiser 5.742/20.16] 13.08 0.08 |3.831|/66.68 
Peanuts oil (ORG ee. ssidiets ciusl - 9 .493/24.34)—1.08) —1.02 |7.382/77.76 
se CBT iL ragied EN ey anes aa eRe 9 .464/64.77|—1.19}—16.10 |4.973/52.52 
a patenaiicctin Cease Money fe Ayu 9.464/41.00} 1.37) —1.76 |5.623/59.39 
* Estimated. 

Digestible Organic Matter. 
As appears especially from the figures of the last table, the loss 
of energy in the feces is the one which is subject to the greatest vari- 
ation. In other words, the digestibility of a feeding-stuff is the 


most important single factor in determining its content of metabo- 
lizable energy. We may eliminate this factor by computing, on 
the basis of the determinations of digestibility, the energy of the 
digested organic matter and the proportion of this energy which 
was lost in urine and methane or was metabolizable. In this way 
we may secure figures which will be useful as a basis for estimat- 
ing the energy values of rations in experiments in which it has 
not been determined, and which will also afford, from some points 
of view, a better idea of the relative extent of the losses other than 
those in the feces. 

CoarsE Fopprrs ALONE.—In the cases in which coarse fodder 
constituted the exclusive ration the computation from the data 
given on p. 286 and the amounts of organic matter apparently 
digested in the several experiments is very simple and yields the 
following results per gram digested organic matter: 

| Tossan Mote boueaele 
Ani- Feed. Gross 
mal, Energy : 
Urine, Methane \ 2pep Paka 
Gent. | Cent. | Cent. | Gals, 
A | Meadow hay I............ 4.509 9.75 | 10.35 | 79.90 | 3.603 
II rf SOS TAS Seen tiaee parses 4.408 8.98 | 14.62 | 76.40 | 3.368 
V ef St SB een ee 4.317 8.25 | 12.00 | 79:75 | 3.443 
VI Os ae Se See RATE re 4.398 8.65 ; 12.35 | 79.00 | 3.474 
xX es again Woden otra arrears 4.452 | 138.85 | 11.36 | 74.79 | 3.330 
I “ (6s STD pet aacnethaa dre apts 4.371 9.59 | 11,99) | 78. 51 3.432 
AVeTALE ||. scala eines shee 4.409 9.85 | 12.09 | 78.06 | 3.442 
Average for timothy hay .| 4.377 4.95 | 12.33 | 82.72 | 3.620 

Coarse Fopprrs AppEp To BasaL Ration.—From the re- 
sults contained in Table I of the Appendix we may compute in sub- 
stantially the same manner the total and metabolizable energy of 
the digestible organic matter of the coarse fodders which were 
added to the basal rations. In the table referred to, a correction 
was introduced for the small differences in the amount of the basal 
rations consumed in the periods compared. In the present com- 
putations it has been assumed that the organic matter of these 
small differences possessed the same digestibility as the total organic 
matter of the basal ration. For example, in the case of Ox H, 


Periods 4 and 7, the amounts of digestible organic matter in the 
two rations were: 

POELO Cp (etal cctaies. cio S siaieylnsia reece 7106 grams 
TROT OC ee nahn. enka TUT AOe Na 4845 “ 
Ditkerence alos 2/8) Ca ews 2OOL oari's 

The table shows, however, that in Period 7 the animal received 44 
grams more of total organic matter in the basal ration than in 
Period 4. In the latter period the digestibility of the organic 
matter was found to be 75.7 per cent. Consequently, of the 
excess of 2261 grams of digestible organic matter in Period 7 
440.757 =33 grams may be regarded as derived from the basal 
ration and 2261—383=2228 grams from the meadow hay added. 
The corresponding corrected amounts of energy as given in the 
same table are— 

Total, Cale | Scue Ra 
Energy of added hay (corrected)......... 15728 .6 
“ “* corresponding feces........... 5471.0 
3. wudigested maatten= cscs c sie 10257 .6 4.604 
Metabolizablesenergy ae iste eye ae 8504.8 3.817 

The table on the next page contains the results of these com- 
putations expressed per gram of digested organic matter. Kell- 
ner * has made the same comparison in a slightly different man- 
ner. His results for the gross energy of the digested matter are 
given subsequently (p. 310). Those for metabolizable energy do 
not differ materially from those here given. 

CONCENTRATED FEEDING-sTUFFS.—The results of experiments 
upon concentrated feeding-stuffs may of course be computed in the 
same manner as those upon coarse fodders Just considered. In the 
case of materials like starch, oil, and gluten, however, which differ 
widely from ordinary feeding-stuffs and which produce material 
and readily traceable effects upon the digestibility of the basal 
ration. relatively little value attaches to computations of the appar- 
ent metabolizable energy, and only the average results with these 

materials have been included in the summary on page 301 for the 
* Loc. cit., 58, 414 and 447. 


Loss in Metabolizable 
r Total Energy. 
en Energy, 
Z| 2 als. 
4| a Por Cont. | Per Gone, | Per Cent. ) Pee Grm.. 
Meadow Hay - 
| eal Sample V.......| 4.356 8.61 10.20 81.19 SAOat 
G2 i Visanrctniaters 4.496 ante, 12.58 79.70 3.583 
Average ...... 4.426 SEZ. 11.39 80.44 3.560 
H | 2 Sample VI.......| 4.531 S232 7.74 83.94 3.803 
lal 7s COON AL ee i 2 EaeOY! 7.66 9.43 82.91 3.817 
ee Po) Ni eee 4506 9.64 9.33 81.03 3.651 
Average ...... 4.547 8.54 8.83 | 82.63 | 3.757 
Oat Straw : 
1 |) 9 Sample II....... 4.441 5.30 10.17 84.53 3.754 
Gil ome) Ne may 4.586 4 32 14.42 81.26 3.726 
Average ...... 4.514 4.81 12.30 82.89 3.740 
| Wheat Straw : 
HI Ean ley JlGa ae oe 6 4.488 4.75 20.11 75.14 3.373 
Se lea shia eer eet 4.397 6.49 19.67 73.84 Oust’ 
Average ...... 4.443 5.62 19.89 74.49 By scs1G) 
Extracted Straw : 
FS Sample [........ 4.240 | —0.52 13.99 86.53 3.668 
J | 5 Bh Te eee eas 4.164 | —1.29 14.58 86.71 3.611 
Average ...... 4.202 | —0.91 14.29 86.62 3.640 

sake of completeness. Those upon peanut oil have been omitted, 
since the varying effect upon digestibility and upon the methane 
fermentation makes the results as computed in this way appear 
of questionable significance. 

SumMAry.—The average results upon the various materials 
experimented with are summarized on the opposite page. 

As appears from the figures of the table, the apparent metabo- 
lizable energy of the digestible organic matter of the different coarse 
fodders is quite uniform. At first sight it appears somewhat sur- 
prising that oat straw should show more favorable results than hay, 
but the reason is readily seen in the smaller loss which takes place 
in the urine; in wheat straw this loss is somewhat larger, while that 



: Apparent 
Loss in Metabolizable 
Total Energy. 
ae Urine, | Methane Per 
: € ’ Per 
Gea cere, |) Cents! Gur 
Meadow hay (seven samples)........ 4.439} 9.62} 11.52 | 78.86) 3.501 
Bio GHANA cts eee ete il aNere inches es cece 4.377} 4.95)’ 12.33 | 82.72} 3.620 
OPN LAREN ions Sigia & Gis Sie che Ste pa eer 4.514| 4.81) 12.30 | 82.89) 3.740 
Wiheatistraw tacicce hae se ele AG deve 4.4438} 5.62] 19.89 | 74.49) 3.310 
ixtirackedustrawe erste meee cic 4.202;/—0.91} 14.29 | 86.62} 3.640 
Beet molasses, Sample II........... 4.124) 3.24) 12.52 | 84.24] 3.473 
Starch, Kiihn’s experiments......... 4.192/—1.19| 13.42 | 87.77) 3.679 
““  Kellner’s experiments *.......| 4.012}/—0.92} 11.12 | 89.80) 3.603 
Wheat gluten, Kellner’s experiments..| 5.749} 16.59 0.02 | 83.39] 4.792 

* Average of Samples III and IV. 
in the methane is considerably larger, resulting in a materially 
lower figure for metabolizable energy. 

The results summarized in the two preceding tables, it should 
be remembered, include, as already pointed out, all the effects pro- 
duced by the addition of the material under experiment to the 
basal ration; that is, they give the apparent metabolizable energy. 
In the case of the coarse fodders no other method of computation 
is practicable, and the same would be true in most instances of 
ordinary concentrated commercial feeding-stuffs. In such cases it 
is rarely possible to distinguish with accuracy between the energy 
derived from the material experimented with and the subsidiary 
effects of the latter upon the digestibility of the several in- 
gredients of the ration or upon the losses of energy in urine and 
methane. We may anticipate, therefore, that the results of future 
determinations of the metabolizable energy of. ordinary feeding- 
stuffs will of necessity be expressed substantially in the summary 
manner here employed. 

With the nearly pure nutrients used in many of Kellner’s ex- 
periments the case is different. Here it is possible to take account, 
to a large degree, of the secondary effects, such as those, for exam- 
ple, which in the case of wheat gluten result in figures exceeding 
100 per cent. for the apparent metabolizable energy, and to compute 
results which represent more nearly the actual metabolizable energy 
contained in the substances themselves. In these cases, therefore, 


the averages of the tables are of less significance than the results 
given in the following pages, where the digestible nutrients are 
raade the basis of the computation. 


The foregoing paragraphs have dealt with the apparent 
metabolizable energy of feeding-stuffs, and the results have 
been expressed in terms of total or of digestible organic matter, 
or as percentages of gross energy. We now turn to a con- 
sideration of such data as are available regarding the several con- 
ventional groups of nutrients into which the food of herbivorous 
animals is ordinarily divided and inquire whether it is possible to 
compute average factors for their metabolizable energy which 
shall be useful in themselves and be of value particularly for pur- 
poses of comparison with earlier experiments. This was the special 
purpose of Kellner’s investigations, and his experiments supply 
valuable data on these points as regards cattle and presumably 
other ruminants, which may be supplemented to a certain extent 
from experiments by other investigators upon horses and swine. 
In considering the experiments from this standpoint, Iellner’s 
discussion and methods of computation have been closely followed, 
the attempt being made to compute as accurately as possible ‘the 
real metabolizable energy of the several nutrients. 

Gross Energy. 

If it were possible to add pure nutrients to a basal ration and 
be sure that they would have no effect upon the utilization of the 
latter, it would be a comparatively simple matter to determine their 
real metabolizable energy. As a matter of fact, however, as has 
been seen, this is not possible. Not only is it impracticable to secure 
large quantities of pure nutrients, but each such addition to the basal 
ration is liable to affect especially the digestibility of the latter. 
Consequently the difference in metabolizable energy between the 
two rations fails to represent correctly the real metabolizable energy 
of the nutrient added. In order to compute the latter we must 
have a basis for correcting the results for the small variations in the 
amounts of other nutrients digested, and for this purpose we need 
to know the total or gross energy of the digested matters. 


CrupE Fiser.—In four of his experiments on hay fed alone, 
Kellner * determined the heats of combustion of the crude fiber of 
the food and of the feces with the following results per gram: 

Crude Fiber of | Crude Fiber of 
Hay, Cals. Feces, Cals. 
Tees, 4.4350 4.7378 
1H ean 4.3907 4.7423 
1 A Use 4.4548 4.9037 
IY See 4.4230 4.7426 

It appears from these figures that the crude fiber of meadow 
hay has a higher heat value than pure cellulose (4.1854 Cals. accord- 
ing to Stohmann), obviously due to the admixture of compounds 
richer in carbon, while the indigestible crude fiber of the feces has 
a still higher heat value. Merrill { has also reported similar results 
for the crude fiber of oat hay, clover silage, and oat and pea silage, 
as follows: 

| Crude Fiber of Fodder. | Crude Fiber of. Feces. | 
| Cals. per Grm. Cals. per Grm. 
Oathay saan sna vane 4.405 4.662 
Clover silagemrrgss 1 4.610 5.215 
Oat and pea silage... . 4.667 4.820 

It follows that the digested portions of the crude fiber must 
contain less potential energy than the crude fiber of the feed, and 
from the known digestibility of the latter it is easy to calculate 
what the heat of combustion of the digested portion must be. 
Kellner’s results, after deducting 5.711 Cals. per gram for the slight 
amounts of nitrogenous matter still contained in the crude fiber, 
were as shown on the next page. 

The average result shows that not only the chemical com- 
position but likewise the heat of combustion of the digested crude 
fiber varies but little from that of pure cellulose. Merrill’s figures, 
computed in the same manner from the data of the digestion 
experiments reported by Bartlett,t but without the correction for 

* Loc. cit., 47, 299. 

+ Maine Expt. Station, Bull. 67, p. 170. 
{Ibid., pp. 140 and 150, and Report, 1898, p. 87. 


Crude Equivalent 
Fiber, Energy, 
Grms. Cals. 
(ibrar rb ota a: seSu ta cre ss coepaiaalven. 8 eel ena anetere tite 2832 12532 .8 
| SEEGER: 2 ie fans onaheiaatitius id acteie se nice tenet tere 1034 4869 .2 
I Resist 
(MieDisested (Mber, 28.0 S5 i aise ici recess 1798 7663 .6 
(| Heat of combustion pergram............/........ 4.2623 
(ti LTR aor ses cachet e duanthn aces aiecoe ae pment 2394 10503 .0 
[SS ST OEORY werlcc wlivedi mavens ten rease arenas 822 3878.1 
II ——-—|--— 
Digested: fiber. se aaaces qu meres soem en 1572 6624.9 
|| Heat of combustion per gram............]........ 4.2143 
(halle: hay chur tt arava Or bese samen ots atta ats 2329 10367 .7 
Luis’ POCERY S. bara ese leat iae, ian eat ich de ade 769 3754.0 
III — 
Digested tiber ic Cech er cieeee te eon 1560 6613.7 
Heat of combustion per gram............|......0. 4.2396 
(ipl SISA BY clgheh ons, oot ae pote poh Selig tear ete 1978 8732.0 
CPPCC ies tig eats Me Oia asa ito 2B Beek 716 3479 .2 
IV ——— 
Digested. Tiber: Saewen 2 dete kek wins +4 ee 1262 5252.8 
Heat of combustion per gram............)...0.00- 4.1623 
Average heat of combustion per gram..|........ 4.2196 

nitrogenous matter, give the following results per gram for the 
digested crude fiber: 

Qathay : ocsNceotyituc «testis aus Solo als: 

Clover slave: jutro onc ohnkig tatters 4.123 “ 
Oat and pea silage...s..5..2.... "... 4.584 “ 

Eruer Exrract.—Similar determinations by Kellner * on the 
ether extract of hay and feces yielded the following results per gram: 

Ether Extract | Ether Extract 
of Hay, Cals. | of Feces, Cals. 

i teak 9.1604 | 9.7690 
eae 9.8923 
1a ees t 9.38240 9.8646 
Vi 9.0554 9.8314 
Vee 9.1062 9.7640 
Average... 9.1940 9.8243 

* Loc. cit., 47, 301. 



A calculation similar to that made for the crude fiber yielded the 
following figures for the heat of combustion of the digested portion: 

IER A SAG EA Tear aed Rem ic Gr 8.239 Cals. 
JEN Aa eco ker Satta a ee Me Ae S802). 
JD UC feels, sty Sc Aer Oa) Rasim ae Big 8.185. * 
JAYS ail icles AR ae et OR OD Tn REN EAD 
V 8.685 “ 

That these results are more or less discordant is not surprising 
in view of the uncertain elements involved in the determinations. 
Applying the average figures for the energy per gram of the ether ex- 
tracts to the total amounts eaten and excreted in the five experiments 
taken together, we have for the average energy of the apparently 
digested ether extract 8.322 Cals. per gram, a figure considerably 
below the results recorded on p. 238 for either animal or vegetable 
fats. It must be remembered, however, that the ether extract of 
the feces contains more or less metabolic products, so that the 
above result does not represent the actual energy of the digested 
ether extract. It does, however, represent the energy correspond- 
ing to the difference between food and feces with which we reckon 
in computing rations, and from this point of view it is of value. 

NITROGEN-FREE Extract.—The nitrogen-free extract cannot 
be separated and examined like the crude fiber and the ether ex- 
tract, but it is possible to arrive at an estimate of its heat of com- 
bustion indirectly. For this purpose Kellner assumes the average 
heat of combustion of the proteids (proteid nitrogen 6.25) as 
5.711 Cals. per gram and that of the non-proteids as equal to that 
of asparagin, viz., 3.511 Cals. per gram. By subtracting from the 
gross energy of food or feces as directly determined the energy of 
the amounts of proteids, non-proteids, crude fiber, and ether ex- 
tract shown by analysis to be present, he computes the heat of 
combustion of the nitrogen-free extract. Furthermore, by compar- 
ing the results on food and feces as in the case of the crude fiber the 
heat of combustion of the digested portion may be computed. 
The results per gram of such a computation for the same four ex- 
periments were: * 

* Loc. cit., 47, 303-306. 


N.-fr. Extract N -fr. Extract Digested N -fr. 
of Hay, of Feces, Extract. 

Cals. per Gram Cals. per Gram. Cals. per Gram. 
Lee aoa tt byes eR ene arn 4.5713 5.2834 4.203 
Ee eeapcteece ss Montene eee 4.6547 5.4212 4.146 
dB Ol Eas ties A een Pn eee a Se 4.5029 5.1058 4.246 
1 TAY oer ea fae bene a SR Ree? 4.6081 5.2484 4.335 
Average........0.00.0. 4.584 5.265 4.232 

In view of the indirect. nature of the computation the results 
agree as well as could be expected and show that, as might be 
anticipated from its chemical composition, the heat of combustion 
of the digested portion of the nitrogen-free extract did not vary 
widely from that of starch. 

DicesteD Marrer or Mixep Rations.—The Méckern experi- 
ments afford accurate data as to the energy of the total digested 
matter of a large number of mixed rations. Kellner * has com- 
pared this with the computed energy of the same material. For 
this computation the factors used were: for fat, 8.322 Cals. per gram ; 
for crude fiber and nitrogen-free extract, the average of Stohmann’s 
figures for starch and cellulose, 4.184 Cals. per gram; for protein 
provisionally, 5.711 Cals. per gram. Of the fifty-nine experiments, 
twelve, in which large amounts of wheat gluten or oil were fed, 
showed sufficient differences to indicate that the figures assumed 
for protein and fat were too low as applied to these two materials. 
In the other forty-seven cases the differences were nearly all less 
than 2 per cent. of the total amount and were in both directions. 

The special interest of these results lies in the fact that they 
show that we may safely use the above figures as indicated on p. 
302 to correct the results reached from a comparison of two rations. 

NITROGEN-FREE Extract oF StarcH.—As an example of Kell- 
ner’s method of computation we may compare the results for Ox H 
in Period 3, with starch, and in Period 4, on the basal ration. The 
total energy of the apparently digested matter (compare Table 
IV of the Appendix) was— 

Period’3, with starch... oes .csdage.c. 2. 28,718 Cals, 
Period 4, without starch. 5. . 21,763“ 
TDUMCTOM CONS .crsinls aoaedave pita aatem nae: 6,955 * 

* Loc, cit., 58, 407. 


A slightly less amount of the basal ration was eaten in Period 3 
than in Period 4. The difference in crude nutrients and in esti- 
mated digestible nutrients was as follows: 

Estimated Digestible. 

Grms. ae Feit 
Grms. | Eneray, Cals. 
barre rite iebalctateret atte + 4 2 11.4 
Crude fiber once wee. s 13 
Nitrogen-free extract.... 23 24 De: 

This amount of 112 Cals. should be added to the energy of 
the digested matter of Period 3 or subtracted from that of Period 4 
in order to render them comparable, thus making the real difference 
due to the starch 7067 Cals. Still further, the starch diminished 
the digestibility of the other nutrients of the ration by the following 


Grime. nee eaCale’ 
IAGO Na doAusoooooo 118 673.8 
Crude fiber........ 17 71.1 
Ether extract...... 9 74.9 

Had these amounts been digested in Period 3 as in Period 4, the 
energy of the digested matter of the ration would have been 820 
Cals. greater, and the difference between the two periods would 
have been 7887 Cals. The digestible nitrogen-free extract was 
1876 grams more in Period 3 than in Period 4. Assuming all of 
this to be derived from the starch, we have for the energy of each 
gram of digested nitrogen-free extract 7887 1876 = 4.204 Cals. 

The following table* contains the results of all the starch 
experiments computed in the manner just outlined: 

* Loc. cit., 58, 412. 



(>. afl li I] emir ravenecegr ea eerie rh era 4.283 Cals. 
CO Vere 2 tek eee ee oie ee oe a 4202 °° 
Ox:V (Period: 20) scion nee sees 4.380 ‘“ 
Ox V: (Beriod: 20)).n. cscs tiene tooee 
Ox Vi (Period: 2D) ic eee 4.159 “ 
Ox Bess beta teliee se a ee eee 4.050 <“ 
OR NG eh ele lcnalan tie a een eee 4.000 “ 
OD Fir hohe eT ec 4.099 “ 
OSE a By ho as eee eee ale A-J19: 
ORG eR Ra Sol Saran aie eet ate sn bs a 
Oxo, Ve at evi eee te meee et 4.204 “ 
(G2 an Pomanrenee qrememener so 0 to epee er 4.095 “ 
IA VOTACC Us epee oso made, Oaths 4.185 “ 

same manner as the experiments upon starch, the two experiments 
upon this substance gave the following results: * 

LG) ag earpiece sg ane are eee 4.278 Cals. 
©) -<rl eeireecgteue rns eet cate ieee cea 4.216 “ 
AVETAGG et a eae eyes 4.247 “ 

This average is slightly higher than woula be computed on the 
assumption that the digested crude fiber and nitrogen-free extract 
had the heat values respectively of the digested crude fiber of hay 
and the digested nitrogen-free extract of starch. 

Peanut Oin.—Four experiments upon this substance similarly 
computed give the following results; * 

@ >. B arenes Serer spire triers Say 8 508 Cals. 
Ox peace tate aa oe rs meee tre ae 8 845 “ 
OR ow 9565s Sie hia aed amet 8 820 “ 
OX Geedien: 2s iad bepunere en meecny sade Oi 
INVETAOC) 03 3h cake ume ean ee S821) 15 

* Toc cit , 58 413 and 414 


As in the case of the ether extract of hay, the energy of the 
digested fat is less than that of the original material, which was 
9.478 Cals. per gram. 

PROTEIN OF WHEAT GLUTEN.—Comparing the experiments with 
and without this material exactly as in the case of the starch, we 
have the following results * for the energy of the digested protein: 

OxeB (Period yt oso oo Sei ee 5.728 Cals. 
OxP By CR emOdis) pee noes. sels irs Aes Hoi 
Oxi@CPenrodes get ya i.)i.6 7 se pene Dubai. 
Oxm Di GPerrody ann i. es Kayman 6.040 <“ 
(Opel Opi Bei YO Ye | 2) Ss at ae Ha 6.009 ‘ 
Oxalil (Reriodi3) ana). oe OMG 
Oxwilln(Reriodt4 eee Pe es GAZ: 
OxqlVa(Reriods3) aetna toh ee 6.061 “ 
Average...... 6. cs A rE 5.976 “ 

In these trials three different kinds of gluten were used which 
were prepared by somewhat different processes. The averages for 
the three sorts separately were as follows: 

ING eli arenane ae te Recent Ch yh 5.732 Cals. 
a4 A An GAB e URGE cM od 1. Oe eR I ORO P15 
Pe ONE ey Sere ene ns ce. ith ek: 6.168 ‘ 

SOM Olan ae 

The above figures refer to the so-called crude protein, that is, to 
nitrogen X 6.25. The proteins of wheat, however, contain con- 
siderably over 16 per cent. of nitrogen. Using Ritthausen’s factor, 
namely, 5.7, for the computation of protein from nitrogen reduces 
the amount of protein in the gluten and increases that of the 
nitrogen-free extract by the same amount. The energy of the 
digested protein when computed on this basis equals 6.148 Cals. 
per gram. 4 

Oreanic Matter of Coarse Fopprrs.—For the total digested 
organic matter of hay and straw the following heat values per gram 
were computed: * 

* Loc. cit., 58, 412 and 414. 



Meadow shay (l 1OxGAe a et eet ee 4509 Cals. 
S pi cdAla) PY WARIS ete phere enh cares 4408 “ 
= aie aden Vee ene 4317 Cals rf 
sg cae! bei an i nec 4398 “ bea 
vs shia) ame eG, Gevany ane coy Pee hws ee 4452 “ 
“ Pre AS nh ce didy edeed Beas aye amet a geeueta 4371 “ 
putea oP Ae atte ee eds 4355 Cals - 
. nee Mg wet OS VAC ie eget io, 4495 “ sie 
iy Be VT TD onsale tia 4534 “ 
ee me.) dine) Perna 4601 “ 4535 “ 
. a aN eer acer 4502 “ 

Averace‘or 7 mds seas ne oh 4437 “ 
Oat straws Oxia. a ier een toe 4443 Cals. 
ee OR ORG tae ee il a tater gd okt 4584 “ 

AVECADC® 5 Sots ete as 3 es eh aint 4513“ 

Wheatstraw,; Oxy gone. ads ee. dese toes 4553 Cals. 
a eae 0). 23 (i.e, 1 ene ae eC wd - 4387 “ 
PAV CU AOE Seieceet Wate meat 4° fusca re uae ee 4470“ 

The digestible matter of the straw has apparently about the same 
heat value as that of hay. 

Metabolizable Energy. 

Protein.—A portion of the gross energy of the digested protein 
is removed in the urea and other nitrogenous products of metabo- 
lism, and in addition to this there is to be considered the possibility 
of a loss of energy by fermentation in the digestive tract. 

Lossus IN MetHane.—In nine of the Mockern experiments in 
which wheat gluten or flesh-meal was added to the basal ration, the 
amount of carbon excreted in the form of hydrocarbons per day 
and head was as tabulated on the opposite page. 

The differences between the excretion with and without gluten 
are small in amount and are sometimes positive and sometimes 
negative, the averages being probably within the limit of experi- 
mental error. The percentage losses of energy in methane as 


Carbon in Form of Hydrocarbons. 

pened! | iesaea: 
eriod. ed, With 
Grms. Brom Bacal Ager aon of | Differences, 
Gis Gluten; Grms. 
(Dig) 0 LE eres re 3 680 186.4 205.7 +19.3 
cl A Dea PaaS 4 1360 186.4 207.6 +21.2 
NAR ANCL aie ete 3 680 187.7 187.6 — 0.1 
FVD Cea eee aed RP 2a 1000 * 148.7 162.9 +14.2 
Sa NONGD Fea etic eas 2b 1000 * 148.7 157.4 + 8.7 
Average 171.6 184.2 +12.6 
OX ree Lunas 1 1700 208 .9 211.0 + 2.1 
Ais il} a Ree et 3 1700 208 .9 200.9 — 8.0 
J vs Op ae os Aap ce 3 1700 183.0 167.1 —15.9 
C1] DAA MR 4 1600 166.1 170.7 + 4.6 
Average......... 191.7 187.4 — 4.3 

* Flesh-meal. 

computed in Table V of the Appendix, like the figures just given 
for the carbon of the methane, lead to the conclusion that the pro- 
tein of the food does not participate in the methane fermentation. 
Those figures were: 

Ox Bi Reriodray da) te) deus eye 10.81 per cent. 
GELLER Sie phen Aenea Sy este ets ca, Sar at 8 SOS i is tiers 
mai aye hoe Ap eoiieats o Wece tare clare tas se 2G) V4 Gye 
ia cath lh weer (ary Site ei oe sa OR08 ris 
helo) NEO Weenie acy nevate ely sie s —1.62 “ “ 
macs PMA OTM taet sO Ns: setae etaes, Shae? —3.69 “ “ 
es DS AGAR peer Atkn terion Me QI Sores 

VA CTAT OY ato hei ol Sy ie OPS ews st 

Kellner * reaches the same conclusion by comparing the ratio 
of the methane carbon to the amount of digested carbohydrates 
(nitrogen-free extract+ crude fiber) in the several periods. The 
former amounted to the following per cent. of the latter in his 

* Toc. cit., 58, 420. 



Basal Ration 

Basal Ration, 

Des Canty paautens 
2.94 2.96 
2.94 2.82 
2.71 2.41 
PAD 2 tel 
2.87 3.19 
2.84 2.82 

Had the large quantities of digestible protein added to the basal 
rations produced any material amount of methane, that fact must 
have been reflected in the above percentages. This method of 
comparison takes into account the probable effect of the carbo- 
hydrates of the wheat gluten in increasing the production of 
methane, and the substantial agreement of the results with and 
without protein leads to the same conclusion as the preceding 
data. It seems fair to presume that this conclusion applies to 
protein in general, although a strict demonstration of it, especially 
for coarse fodders, would have its difficulties. 

Losses IN Urtne.—While the assumption that the urine is 
essentially an aqueous solution of urea leads to grave errors in the 
case of the carnivora, this is still more emphatically true of the urine 
of herbivora, particularly of ruminants. The presence in the urine 
of herbivora of hippuric acid and other nitrogenous compounds less 
highly oxidized than urea has of course long been known, while, 
as stated on p. 27, the presence of considerable amounts of non- 
nitrogenous organic matter was subsequently demonstrated by 
Henneberg and by G. Kiihn in the urine of ruminants. 

It follows from these facts that the energy content of the urine 
of these animals must be higher in proportion to its nitrogen than 
is the case with carnivora or with man, but the experimental dem- 
onstration of this fact and the realization of the extent and im- 
portance of the difference are of comparatively recent date. 

Cattle.—It is to Kellner * that we owe the first direct determi- 
nations of the potential energy of the urime of cattle. The two 
animals used in the experiment were fed, the one (A) on meadow 
hay, and the other (B) on meadow hay and oat straw. The results 

as regards the urine were as follows, per day and head: 
* Loc. cit., 47, 275. 


Ox A. Ox B 
Motalmitrogen 2.222... 4... 61.28 grams. 46.63 grams. 
p CATOOMG comic aletew ner al Utils 2038.20: ** 161.307) © 
liga UIC ACIG Werieysci teeth. oo 145.00" 126.40 “ 
Motaltenergysy os sry cisie Go ecsts shee 1945.00 Cals 1549.40 Cals. 

Assuming all the nitrogen not contained in the hippuric acid to 
have been in the form of urea, we have the following as the distri- 
bution of the carbon and of the energy of the urine: 

Ox A. Ox B. 
Amount. Per Cent. Amount. | Per Cent 
Carbon : Grms. Grms 
ny hippuriclacidis..)2)- -\- 87.48 43.05 76.26 47.28 
OO ADU RS ty ety gC ers a ea 21.40 10.53 15.75 9.7 
“ other compounds... . 94.32 46.42 69.29 42.96 
MOC etre ceue ere lee 203.20 100.00 161.30 100.00 
Energy ° Cals. Cals. 
Inthippuricracid \.4)ie). 821.30 42.23 715.90 46.20 
PUTER Rte (UNA ee aia ch 271.40 13.95 199.60 12.88 
“ other compounds... . 852.30 43.82 633 .90 40.92 
AKO ea eee ii NOs 1945.00 100.00 1549.40 100.00 

While the assumption that all the nitrogen was present either 
as hippuric acid or urea is not strictly correct. still the figures suffice 
to show, first, that a considerable proportion of the energy of the 
proteids of the food may be removed in the hippuric acid, and 
second, that the urine contains relatively considerable amounts of 
non-nitrogenous organic matter. Had the energy of the urine 
been computed from its nitrogen reckoned simply as urea the 
results would have been as follows: 

Ox A. Ox B. 
Caleulated from N as urea.............. 331.6 Cals. 252.3 Cals 
Actually presenti acm on Srisetause ra miees 1945.0 ‘ 1549.4 “ 

In experiments by the writer on the maintenance ration of 
cattle,* determinations of the total energy of the urine of steers 
* Penna. Experiment Station, Bull 42, p. 150. 


were likewise made. Calculated per gram of nitrogen the results 
were as follows: 

Feed. Steer No. 1. | Steer No. 2. | Steer No. 3. 
Timothy hay and corn meal ........... 37 .79 Cals.| 28.35 Cals. 
Cotton-seed feed............. Bian ourak 40.64 “ |34.25 “ |28.82 Cals. 
Timothy NAVs cto ces slat kate e andes eee Iho) PAR), AST HRSSECON a oo near 0 
te anid StHECh escent 25.02 “ 
Wheat straw, corn meal, and linseed meal} 11.24 “ /|10.77 “ |10.95 “ 

The methods employed to prepare the urine for combustion 
were not altogether satisfactory, and the range of possible error 
is rather large. In but two cases, however, was the energy of the 
urine less than twice that corresponding to its nitrogen calculated 
as urea (5.434 Cals.), while in one case it reached over seven times 
that amount. Neither carbon nor hippuric acid having been deter- 
mined, no computations can be made as to the amount of non- 
nitrogenous matter present. 

Jordan * has reached similar results on the urine of cows, the 
average energy content per gram of nitrogen being as follows: 

posal Nitrogen, Eciene Energy,| Energy per Grm. 

rms. Nitrogen, Cals. 
Cow No. 12: 
Periods Litas 4a. ohcre cto 87.0 1658 .3 19.06 
Be le Dharcult a heirs pile Moen pe 78.8 1547.2 19.63 
Law 5 ae Pn per ae 42.8 1323.5 30.93 
Cows Now lO eae eee 65.5 1452.5 22.18 

As in the writer’s experiments, the energy per gram of nitrogen 
varies within wide limits, being greatest when the total nitrogen 
of the urine is least. In other words, it would appear that the 
non-nitrogenous ingredients of the urine of cattle are subject to 
less fluctuation than the nitrogenous ingredients. 

Kellner’s later experiments have fully confirmed his earlier 
results, as will appear in greater detail in subsequent paragraphs. 
He finds that the carbon rather than the nitrogen of the urine is 
the measure of its potential energy, and that an estimate of 10 
Cals. per gram of carbon gave for his experiments results closely 
approximating the truth. 

* New York State Experiment Station, Bull. 197, p. 28. 
} Loc. cit., 58, 437. 


Other Species—We may probably assume without serious error 
that the results obtained with cattle apply in general to sheep and — 
other ruminants. No direct determinations of the energy of the 
urine of the horse or the hog have yet been reported, but Zuntz & 
Hagemann * have made some estimates of it in the case of the 
horse on a mixed ration of hay, oats, and straw. They determined 
the total carbon and total nitrogen of the urine and, on the assump- 
tion that only urea and hippuric acid are present, compute the 
proportion of each of these, and thence the energy of the urine. 
They thus find the potential energy of the latter, per gram of nitro- 
gen, equal to 15.521 Cals. Neither hippuric acid nor energy having 
been determined directly, it is impossible to check the above com- 
putation or to ascertain whether any non-nitrogenous organic 
matter was present. It is to be noted, however, that the ratio of 
carbon to nitrogen in the urine was much lower than in Kellner’s 
experiments on cattle, viz.: 

Zumt zecpeelayemanieer) i). 0. <2 ae 1.526 :1 
KWellimenssOmxe Avani cca fe), os ce ae 3.315 21 
si Ox REN Melson yyebelens oho ae 3.458 31 

This fact clearly indicates that at least there was very much less 
non-nitrogenous matter present in the former case. 

Meissl, Strohmer & Lorenz t in their respiration experiments 
on swine likewise determined carbon and nitrogen in the urine. 
Computed by the method of Zuntz & Hagemann the energy of the 
urine averaged 9.55 Cals. per gram of nitrogen, while the average 
ratio of carbon to nitrogen was 0.745:1. These results would 
seem to indicate that the loss of energy in the urine of the hog 
is not very much greater than in that of the carnivora. 

—Accepting it as demonstrated that there is no material loss of 
potential energy in the form of fermentation products of protein, 
the data regarding the energy of the urine Just considered afford 
the basis for an approximate estimate of the metabolizable energy 
of the digested protein. 

Catile.—Kellner’s experiments upon cattle afford data for com- 
puting the metabolizable energy of the digested protein of wheat 

* Landw. Jahrb., 27, Supp. III, 239. t Zeit. f. Biol., 22, 63. 


gluten and of beet molasses. The method of computation is pre- 
cisely similar to that already employed for calculating the metabo- 
lizable energy of the total organic matter; that is, the results upon 
the basal ration are subtracted from those upon the ration con- 
taining the material under experiment. 

Taking as an example the results upon wheat gluten with Ox C 
in Periods 1 and 3 we have the following comparison: 

Digested. : 

s Gain of 

- Energy | Nitrogen 
Nit of Urine, by 
Protein, Crude oe eae Ether Cals. Animal, 
Grms. Fiber, reer Extract. Grms. 
Grms. Grms.. Grms. 

IRemnodesun eerste 1694 1279 5648 34 2592.8 20.31 
age Wallies oN oe ae 598 1289 5464 40 1666.4 16.01 
Difference. ..... 1096 —10 184 —6 926.4 4.30 

The difference of 4.3 grams in the amount of nitrogen gained 
by the animal is equivalent to 32 Cals. which would otherwise have 
appeared in the urine. This added to the 926.4 Cals. actually 
found makes a total of 958.4 Cals. for the increase in the potential 
energy of the urine due to the 1096 grams of protein digested. 
There are also differences in the amount of non-nitrogenous matters 
digested, particularly of the nitrogen-free extract. As Tables I, III 
and IV of the Appendix show, both starch and crude fiber, as repre- 
sented by the extracted straw, tend to diminish the amount of energy 
carried off in the urine. These differences were observed when from 
2 to 2.5 kilograms of these substances were added to the basal 
ration. If the differences are proportional to the amount fed, the 
energy corresponding to the small difference observed in this ex- 
periment would not exceed 15 or 20 Cals., and may be neglected, 
while the maximum difference in any experiment of the series 
would probably not exceed 70 to 75 Cals. Assuming that all the 
additional protein digested came from the wheat gluten, we have 
for the corresponding energy of the urine 

958 .4 + 1096 = 0.874 Cals. per gram protein digested. 

Subtracting this from the total energy of the digested protein as 
found on p. 309, viz., 5.975 Cals., we have 5.101 Cals. as the metabo- 


lizable energy of one gram of digested protein of wheat gluten in 
this experiment. 

For the four experiments upon this substance, computed as in 
the above example, the results were as follows: 

: Difference in 
Protein Energy of Urine.* 
Give Per G f 
uten, er Grm. 
Grms. ate Protein, 
Oxa eeriods) Land Sigh. o's sieves lolsrs. 21s 2185 2547 .3 1.166 
SURO ME CTIO MS is seaistee asics sla eiste levsrece. ex < 1096 958 .4 0.874 
rents Bs TITAN ene doe ala aa ea cerca de Natio obe: etice 1056 1061.1 1.005 
1D, pce Lest ciite eee en sepa terms ee et 1148 1362.1 1.186 
PAVICTAP OC vectern ace slates jai abacsh eyelets etna, te dvahe 1371 1482.2 1.081 

* Corrected to nitrogen equilibrium. 

Subtracting from the total energy of the digested protein the 
potential energy carried off in the urine we have for the metab- 
olizable energy of one gram of protein 

5.975 Cals. —1.081 Cals. =4.894 Cals. 

If we use Ritthausen’s factor, 5.7, for proteids, the average 
digested protein becomes 1250 grams and the loss of energy in the 
urine 1.190 Cals. per gram of protein. Subtracting this from 6.148 
Cals., the gross energy of one gram of NX5.7 (p. 309), we have for 
the etabolizable energy of the latter 4.958 Cals. per gram. 

The average increase in the energy of the urine for each addi- 
tional gram of nitrogen excreted in these experiments (6.756 Cals.) 
was almost exactly the same as Rubner found in his experiment 
on extracted lean meat (6.695 Cals.). This may be taken as indi- 
cating that the process of proteid metabolism is substantially the 
same in both classes of animals, while the fact that the result is 
notably greater than the energy of urea shows that in the herbivora 
as in the carnivora other waste products than urea result from the 
proteid metabolism. 

In three other experiments beet molasses was added to the 
basal ration, resulting in the digestion of an increased amount of 
nitrogenous matter. Computing the results as in the case of the 


wheat gluten, and assuming that the large amounts of soluble 
carbohydrates digested had no effect on the potential energy of the 
urine, the results were as follows: 

Protein Dipested Difference in Energy of Urine.* 
from Molasses, 
one Total, Cals. Per one Protein, 
SBE veer ak onean torts ilabre 256.1 2.189 
tage LUE ge es oe cea Aree ett | 160 240.3 1.502 
pid ud heyexs Wercveesn costars Sees PONS ete 122 192.6 1.579 
ANETERO tea soba Savakeian | 133 229.7 1727 

* Corrected to nitrogen equilibrium. 

It will be seen that the loss of energy in the urine is much 
greater than in the case of the gluten or than in Rubner’s experi- 
ments with carnivora. Since it is improbable that the soluble 
carbohydrates of the molasses escape oxidation, it would appear 
that some of the nitrogenous material of the latter must have 
passed through the system unmetabolized. Kellner suspects that 
it is made up in part at least of xanthin bases. 

If we consider the nitrogen of the molasses to represent crude 
protein (N X6.25) with a heat value of 5.711 Cals. per gram, the 
metabolizable energy per gram would be 3.984 Cals. In view, 
however, of the fact that only a very small proportion of the nitro- 
gen of the molasses is in the proteid form, such a calculation seems 
of doubtful value. 

Swine.—In the investigations of Meissl, Strohmer and Lorenz * 
upon the production of fat from carbohydrates (p. 176) the carbon 
and nitrogen of the urine were determined in six experiments. 

Applying to the results Zuntz & Hagemann’s method of 
computation (p. 315) we obtain the following estimates for the 
energy per gram of nitrogen in the urine of the hog in these 
experiments and for the corresponding metabolizable energy of the 
digested protein: 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 22, 63. 


Nitrogen Total Energy eae 
Experi- Nitrogen| as Hip- xole per Grm. Energy 
ment Feed. as Urea, | puric fU BY ino per 
No. Grms. Acid, |° Cc Tet Nitrogen,| Grm 
Grms. a8 Cals. Protein, 
1 I RATGrey es OH i A AS a LE 9.58 0.88 | 115.7 | 11.06 | 3.941 
2 COHN TAU 1 ARNT CUP 9.22 1.04 | 125.6 | 12.24 | 3.753 
3 BAL ya Weed icy se eer at! 13.04 1.04 | 146.5 | 10.40 } 4.048 
4 Whey, rice, and flesh meal .| 59.89 1.17 | 410.0 | 6.72 | 4.636 
5 INO thin g7 ee sass sees rcee: 9.35 0.45 83.7 8.54 | 4.344 
6 SOME HOO ATR ORG LIE Beppe UML ah 6.48 0.29 56.4 8.33 | 4.379 

ee ss = 

Kkornauth & Arche * report the following results on the urine of 
swine fed chiefly upon cockle: 

Experiment Nitrogen, Carbon, Ratio, 
No. Grms. Grms. C:N. 
ean oes hint or iaee fle 10.56 10.30 0.975 :1 
PRR ey Pete Cy eee IROA Gs 10.30 9.53 0.926 :1 
SETS Leta: Shanebapaesaraiees 10.41 9.96 0.957: 1 
Average.........| 10.42 9.93 0.953 :1 

The results, computed as in the previous case, make the average 
energy content of the urine 10.27 Cals. per gram of nitrogen, 
equivalent to a metabolizable energy of 4.067 Cals. per gram of 

In the two fasting experiments of Meissl, Strohmer & Lorenz 
the ratios of carbon to nitrogen and of computed energy to nitro- 
gen are similar to those obtained with fasting carnivora. The 
abundant supply of proteids in the diet in the fourth experiment 
seems to have had the effect of reducing these ratios to values 
comparable with those obtained by Rubner for extracted meat 
and by Kellner for the digested protein of wheat gluten. These 
facts seem to indicate clearly that the nature of the proteid meta- 
bolism in all these animals is substantially the same. In the ex- 
periments in which ordinary grains were used, the computed energy 
content of the urine is notably greater relatively to its nitrogen. 
How far the excess of carbon found in these cases was due to an 

* Landw. Vers. Stat., 40, 177. 


increased formation of hippuric acid and what part of it, if any, is 
to be ascribed to the presence of non-nitrogenous matter in the 
urine, the experiments afford no means of estimating. 

The Horse.—Zuntz & Hagemann’s results on the horse, p. 315, 
although the result of feeding mixed rations, may be conveniently 
considered here. The computed energy of the urine was 15.521 
Cals. per gram of nitrogen, equivalent to 2.483 Cals. per gram of 
protein. Assuming for the latter, as before, a value of 5.711 Cals., 
there remains for the metabolizable energy 3.228 Cals. per gram. 

PROTEIN OF CoaRsE FoppEers.—Almost the only data on this 
point are those afforded by Kellner’s experiments upon cattle. In 
those in which coarse fodders were used alone we can of course 
compute the metabolizable energy of the protein directly from the 
amount digested and from the energy of the urine. In those 
experiments in which coarse fodders were added to a basal ration 
we can compare the two experiments in the same manner as those 
upon gluten, neglecting, as in that case, the differences in the non- 
nitrogenous nutrients digested. 

Passing over the details of the computation, the final results, 
including the metabolizable energy of the digested protein com- 
puted upon the assumption that its gross energy equals 5.711 
Cals. per gram, are as given in the table on the opposite page.* 

The writer’s experiments on timothy hay, the results of which 
as regards the energy of the urine have already been given on p. 314, 
when computed in the same manner as the above experiments give 
the following results for the metabolizable energy of the digested 

mleet ls as.cice ek seas ee aid ay ane 2.625 Cals. 
nO” Dyed wrk has ae oi ig ete he eet ene reat 2.830 “ 
ee Sak cues, Chg ratte tas or MBG ag a. 116 ~* 
INVET ROOTES J Saeco eens 3.057 “ 

Influence of Non-nitrogenous Matter of Urine —In the previous 
paragraphs there appeared reasons for supposing that the processes 
of proteid metabolism are essentially the same in all domestic 

* The figures given in this table for digested protein, energy, etc., refer 
solely to that derived from the coarse fodder and not to that of the total 


Difference in 
: Energy of Urine.* Metaboliz- 
Protein able Energy 
(N X6.25) per Grm. 
Digested, Per Grm. of | Digestible 
Grms. Total, Protein Protein, 
Cals. Digested, Cals. 
Meadow Hay : 
Note Tet @ixeiy Arr fetes hla 440 1991.3 4.526 1.185 
CS ac [soso CA ee eee a 342 1686.9 4.933 0.778 
OSTA aie tg) CESS a eet ae 137 583 .2 4.257 1.454 
Cis NYCI aN ie a 146 556.5 3.812 .1.899 
HVA eed He Periodilinn: 193 781.4 4.049 1.662 
oma NARS) EL ae Foe G1.) 290 798.0 3.632 2.079 
HG OAV Lea ES Gen ie Sane tee 213 939.5 4.368 1.343 
Olt sa a ae E) ER RU a 413 1925.7 4.662 1.049 
COME) Ba Cn EG eG oy RGR Da 451 1559.3 3.456 2.255 
Cia BY vite) Wasi aie neers 458 1737.9 3.794 1.917 
SUES ES EXENG COM a Rea 540 3224.6 5.973 —0.262 
PAVIOPAL OMe Sirah et lee a este 323 1434.1 4.439 1.272 
Oat Straw : 
Ou Ox Te che 35 354.2 | 10.120) | 40409 
Gi Vol Linens Ca a a ae Pe 48 274.0 5.710 —0.001 
ANUS A Cone OA eu 6 Oe 42 314.1 7.478 —1.767 
Wheat Straw : 
NOTE Oxon ae ere —1l1 289.7 (?) (?) 
Ce] LA il ERAN eer ac ena 14 413.2 29 .520 —23 .809 
IAVCLAB Eh i ee al aici 2 aay (?) (?) 

* Corrected to nitrogen equilibrium. 

animals and consequently that the metabolizable energy of the 
proteids cannot be widely different. In these results upon coarse 
fodders we meet an apparent contradiction of this conclusion, the 
metabolizable energy of the digestible protein as above computed 
being quite variable and much lower than the values found for pure 
proteids, while in the straw we get large negative values. 

These latter results, however, while appearing at first sight para- 
doxical, furnish the clue to the apparent contradiction. In the 
case of the straws it is evident that a very considerable part of the 
potential energy of the urme must have been contained in non- 
nitrogenous substances, and that the latter must have been derived 
largely from the non-nitrogenous matter of the food. We have 
already seen, however, that these non-nitrogenous excretory prod- 


ucts are a normal constituent of the urine of cattle both on hay and 
on mixed rations. Their effect on the computation becomes more 
obvious in the case of the straws, simply because of the relatively 
small amount of protein in the latter feeding-stuffs. In these cases 
we get impossible results when we assume that all the potential 
energy of the urine is derived from the proteids metabolized, but it 
is clear that the results on the hays must be affected by the same 
error, and there is little question that the low and variable results 
noted in the table are to be explained in part in this way. We 
know no essential difference between the real proteids of the differ- 
ent coarse fodders, nor between those of coarse fodders and grain, 
nor any reason why they should not be metabolized in substantially 
the same way in the body and possess approximately the same 
metabolizable energy. It would seem more reasonable, then, to 
assume that the proteids of coarse fodders are metabolized sub- 
stantially like those of concentrated fodders, and to take provision- 
ally the results obtained for the protein of wheat gluten as repre- 
senting approximately the metabolizable energy of the digested 
protein of the total ration, while we regard the remaining energy 
of the urine as derived largely from the non-nitrogenous nutrients 
of the food. 

Hippuric Acid.—The statement last made, however, requires 
some modification. Not a little of the potential energy of the urine 
of cattle is contained in the hippuric acid which these animals 
excrete so abundantly. This being a nitrogenous product, it is 
natural to look upon it as derived from the proteids of the food, 
but it must not be forgotten that this is only partially true. Its 
glycocol portion originates in the proteids, but its phenyl radicle 
appears to be derived in these animals largely, if not wholly. from 
the non-nitrogenous ingredients of the food (compare p. 45). If 
the metabolism of one gram of protein is arrested at the glycocol 
stage by the presence in the organism of benzoic acid, there has 
already been liberated from it about 3 Cals. of energy, while about 2.7 
Cals. remain in the glycocol. The resulting hippuric acid, however, 
contains about 11.6 Cals. of potential energy, or more than the 
original protein. In this case, then, the larger share of the energy 
of the excretory product (8.9 Cals. out of 11.6 Cals.), although con- 
tained in a nitrogenous substance, is derived ultimately from the 


non-nitrogenous matter of the food. It is clear, then, that the 
non-nitrogenous moiety of the hippuric acid and the non-nitrogen- 
ous organic matter of the urine together represent a large share 
of the potential energy of the latter, and that it is quite as in- 
correct to compute the metabolizable energy of the protein on the 
assumption that all the energy of the urine is derived from it as it 
is, on the other hand, to simply deduct from its gross energy the 
energy of the equivalent amount of urea. 

Ether Extract.—Our only data upon this ingredient are fur- 
nished by the four experiments upon steers by Kellner in which 
peanut oil was added to the ration. In the first two experiments 
this oil was emulsified by means of a small quantity of soap made 
from the same oil. The result was a milky fluid which was readily 
digestible and which caused no considerable decrease in the digesti- 
bility of the basal ration. In the second two experiments the oil 
was emulsified with lime-water, giving a thickish mass which was 
not very well digested and which, in the case of Ox F particularly, 
caused a considerable decrease in the digestibility of the crude fiber 
and nitrogen-free extract of the basal ration. It should be noted 
that in the experiment with Ox E the oil was not added to a basal 
ration, but was substituted for a part of the bran. From Table VI 
of the Appendix we obtain the summary tabulated on the next 
page, showing the effects of the oil upon the loss of energy in the 
gaseous hydrocarbons and in the urine, the results of the experi- 
ment on Ox E being included. 

Upon the evidence of these four experiments, bearing in mind 
that the one with Ox E was upon the substitution of oil for bran, 
we should not be inclined to ascribe to the fat of the food any con- 
siderable effect either upon the formation of hydrocarbons or upon 
the amount of potential energy carried off in the urine. As regards 
the hydrocarbons, the differences in the cases of Oxen D and G are 
insignificant. In the case of Ox F, on the contrary, the production 
of hydrocarbons was reduced nearly one half; this it may be noted 
was the case in which there was a considerable effect upon the 
digestibility of the basal ration. As regards the energy of the urine, 
the differences, except in the case of Ox E, are relatively small and 
are in both directions. 

Provisionally, therefore, we are probably justified in assuming 


eae | E fUrine|  E 
Seed Nah (Cactectoa) Cale: |" teenene cals 
D 3 Wath oles societies 2851.2 2909 .0 
D 1 Basal ration............ 2407 .0 2957 .0 
Differencess: . 2s. oe —55.8 oe 48 (0 oe 
E 3} Wath oll escola 2026.2 2640.8 
E 1 Basal ration............. 2312.9 2950.4 
Differences............ —286.7 ~309.6 a 
F 5 Within Qeaee eens 1455.0 1369.1 
F 3 IBasaleraplonis sete aeesssieese 1530.0 2560.7 
Differences............ —75.0 —1191.6 
G 5 Wathyvoilieeacecce ee oie 1452.1 PBT e 
G 3 Basal ration............ 1359.6 Dae Ty, 
Differences............ 92.5 —153.5 

as Kellner does that none of the energy of the fat was lost either in 
the hydrocarbons or in the urine, and that consequently the metab- 
olizable energy of the digested fat was the same as its gross energy, 
namely, 8.821 Cals. per gram, as given on p. 308. If we assume that 
the ether extract of hay behaves like the peanut oil, taking no part 
either in the production of methane or in the loss of energy through 
the urine, its metabolizable energy would likewise be the same as 
its gross energy, namely,8.322 Cals. per gram, as computed on p. 305. 
No results upon the metabolizable energy of the ether extract are 
available in the ease of other species of herbivorous animals. 

Carbohydrates.—Those of Kellner’s experiments in which 
starch, as a representative of the readily digestible carbohydrates. 
and extracted straw, consisting largely of “crude fiber,” were added 
to the basal ration afford data for an approximate computation of 
the metabolizable energy of this group of nutrients in the ox, and 
experiments by Lehmann, Hagemann «& Zuntz afford partial data 
for the horse. 

Srarcu.—The results of the Méckern experiments, as recorded 
in Tables III and IV of the Appendix, show that the starch had 
but a slight effect upon the amount of potential energy carried off 
in the urine of the ox, although the general tendency was to 


diminish it slightly. On the other hand, the formation of hydro- 
carbons was markedly increased except in two cases. It has al- 
ready been shown that the proteids of the food do not take part in 
the production of these gases, and that the same is probably true 
of the fat under normal conditions. Neglecting the small effects 
upon the urine, therefore, we may compare directly the increase in 
the digested carbohydrates with the increase in the gaseous hydro- 
carbons, using for this purpose the differences between the two 
rations uncorrected for the slight variations in the consumption of 
dry matter. 

Taking first the last five of Kellner’s experiments.* which seem 
to represent the most normal conditions, we have the following: 

Difference in Carbohydrates 
igested. Difference in 

Energy of 
Nitrogen-free woes 

: 1tTo. i) als. 

Caudeltiiben, xt ra ot 
Ox DePeriod: 2s.) 00) 15) —64 +1388 4424.4 
ce oy pant Atos e an AN MU: — 64 +1609 + 822.0 
sotG. Seta Ac atts ei ONE cea. — 50 +1598 +645.8 
OL Uae SIG es ea SER A ae —26 +1861 + 604.5 
0 | UTED Vela ee tae Re Ee — 9 +1501 +769.9 
Mo talsiuassnrsccuyey commana —213 +7957 3266 : 6 

Assuming that the same proportion of hydrocarbons is pro- 
duced in the fermentation of crude fiber as in that of starch, we 
may compare the algebraic sum of the two with the encrEy of the 
methane as follows: 

3266.6 Cals. + (7957 — 213) =0.422 Cals. per gram. 
Subtracting the latter result from the gross energy of the digested 
nitrogen-free extract of starch, we have for the metabolizable 
energy of the latter 

4.185 Cals. —0.422 Cals. =3.763 Cals. per gram. 

In the experiments on Oxen B and C the basal ration was a 
heavy one, with a rather wide nutritive ratio, and already con- 
tained large amounts of digestible carbohydrates. Under these cir- 
cumstances the added starch was very imperfectly digested, while 

* Loc. cit., 58, 422. 


the production of hydrocarbons was diminished. Kellner suggests 
that the latter effect may have been due to a partial suppression 
of the organisms causing the methane fermentation by other species, 
and suspects that the presence of large amounts of carbohydrates 
along with little protein favors this result. At any rate, the con- 
ditions are evidently unusual if not abnormal. 

In Kihn’s experiments the starch was added to a ration of 
coarse fodder. The nutritive ratio was wide, but the absolute 
amount of carbohydrates was much less than in the two experiments 
by Kellner just mentioned, less starch appeared to escape diges- 
tion, and the production of hydrocarbons was increased in every 
ease. The following are Kiihn’s * results: 

Difference in Carbohydrates 

igested. Difference in 
Energy of 
Crude Fiber, Nitrogen-free Cals. 
Grms. Extract, Grms. 

Ox: Til Period! 2/05 2 jaresacrs terete oe « — 220 1529 706.2 
Pe SEIN 8 IONS ims D5 os cave ares eee —180 1408 856.7 
Se ait, “Die. na uae ~195 1537 752.6 
Oot ANG ies | CLUE A ieee tan petites —130 1539 665.5 
Mae REV Tg Sicih 1 are coe comer rerentcat & —176 2619 1181.0 
se WL Sey) DC Aaste eyatenay oh anaetourt —146 1468 729.5 
Ch Ree MS i — 88 1554 649.9 
me SVs ue A Gaieusrah cent SER ee citer —156 2587 1407 .0 
MROGBIS acxctc ccteceierd See aib Sener ee —1291 14241 6948 . 4 

Assuming as before the equivalence of crude fiber and nitrogen- 
free extract as regards the production of hydrocarbons we have 

6948 .4 Cals. + (14241 — 1291) =0.537 Cals. per gram, 
4.185 Cals. —0.537 Cals. =3.648 Cals. per gram. 

Determinations by Lehmann, Hagemann & Zuntz} of the 
amount of methane produced by the horse will be considered in 
connection with the metabolizable energy of crude fiber. Zuntz { 
has pointed out that the fermentation of the food in the horse takes 
place largely in the cceeum and after the more digestible carbo- 
hydrates have been resorbed. Accordingly he regards the metabo- 

* Loc, cit., 44, 570. 

{ Landw. Jahrb., 23, 125. 
t Arch. ges. Physiol., 49, 477. 


lizable energy of starch and similar bodies in this animal as equal 
to their gross energy, viz., 4.185 Cals. per gram in the case of 

EXTRACTED StRaAw.—The two experiments in which extracted 
straw was added to the basal ration, when computed as in the case 
of the starch experiments, give the following results: 

Difference in Carbohydrates 

Digested. Difference in 
Energy of 
Nit f Cale 
: itrogen-free als. 
een | Eee 

OxsA Period Bis/sc is sisheicietere sieise 2046 439 1425.1 
cea, se LEAST OH REM MERE 1987 449 1425.2 
PROCAISHe erst tetsee ree vers late muencbens 4033 888 2850.3 

The loss of energy in the hydrocarbons equals 0.579 Cals. per 
gram of total digestible carbohydrates (of which 82 per cent. was 
crude fiber), and the corresponding metabolizable energy of the 
carbohydrates is 3.668 Cals. per gram. This is a materially lower 
figure than Kellner found for starch and indicates that the loss of 
energy in the gaseous products of fermentation is greater in the 
case of crude fiber than in that of the more soluble carbohydrates, 
an indication which, as we shall see, is confirmed by the results of 
other experiments. 

CARBOHYDRATES OF Coarse Fopprrs.—Upon the same two 
assumptions, viz., that the carbohydrates are the sole source of the 
gaseous hydrocarbons, and that the latter represent the entire loss 
of energy from the digested carbohydrates, we may compute the 
metabolizable energy of the total digestible carbohydrates of the 
various coarse fodders exactly as in the case of the extracted straw, 
the results being tabulated on the next page. 

If we average the results for each feeding-stuff and compute 
them as in the foregoing cases, our findings are as given on p. 329, 
where the rations are arranged in the order of their crude fiber 
content. In computing the metabolizable energy, the gross energy 
of the digested carbohydrates has been assumed to be the average 


Digested Carbohydrates. 

“ Energy of 
Animal. ; ve n M 
rude eek, Nioue ena 
A Meadow hay | eee eye ee eee 1262 21 N83; 2113.7 
II as OF PUAN Ge ese ccuer crow wis 1765 2610 Slates 
V a to SAB ee crente one 1572 2315 2268 .5 
VI os oan! BUREN race camels 1642 2420 2480.6 
XX or asa Leer rene rere a: 1560 2999 2646.1 
I ss Boa! Li Wa lari Santa 8 1266 2348 2092.3 
B a “and oat straw.... 1702 2857 2331.2 
Til Clover rf ess EGE OM cee 1676 2226 2670.1 
IV ee we aa eee. 1565 2145 2491.3 
Difference in 
Carbohydrates Digested. 
Energy of 
Animal. | Period. : Methane, 
Crude Fiber Nitrogen- ee 
Bn cate free 
2 Extract, 
F 1 Meadow hay V....... 546 836 689 .9 
G 2 us aon | ean aren 538 886 907 .4 
H 2 fs OVA Drgeeee 703 1129 U2t2 
H v4 e ee Valea cer 739 1236 898 .0 
J 2 nf ENT rahe cc. to 683 12s 984.8 
F 2 Oat straw IT.......... 694 (PA 679.2 
G 1 fs ae eb) Serene ee 595 684 923 .4 
H 1 Wheat straw I........ 821 524 1213.0 
J 1 a aig eres ace 829 616 1281.0 

of the results given on pp. 304 and 306 for the digested crude fiber 
and nitrogen-free extract of coarse fodders, viz., 4.226 Cals. per 

As a whole, the figures given on p. 329 show a tendency 
toward an increased production of methane with an increase in 
the proportion of crude fiber, but considerable variations are 
found in individual cases. It is evident, therefore, from these 
results, as well as from those already cited in connection with the 
experiments upon starch and upon molasses, that a variety of 
factors influence the extent of this fermentation. 


100 Parts Digested 

Carbohydrates Metaboliz- 

Contain Energy of |able Energy 
—__——_——_| Methane of Total 

per Grm. a 
Digested Teed 

Crude | Nitrogen- Cares hydrates 

| opeo, |) eee | ee 

Meadowshay, 0 os arsine deiecra sch 31.7 68.3 0.532 3.694 
se EFS SIN IE a aaa tore te Rr 34.2 65.8 0.580 3.646 

as CEE vs, Ml LE nny sak ties ee 35.0 65.0 0.579 3.647 

<< CF OAV) Bi lie eeu an ae a B76 3 62.7 0.458 3.768 

i MRE PERSE RU ee ye eee ee: 38.6 61.4 0.569 3.629 

£6 SSMS et heute See ttc taht 40.4 59.6 0.597 3.657 

Wy “ and oat straw.........| 41.9 58.1 0.574 3.652 
Chyer  & & & id ae aed pease 42.6 57.4 0.678 3.548 
Oatestra walEeicee etic ee pel dd oes 47.8 52.2 0.595 3.631 
WiheatistrawaVis. 000 ne. 59.1 40.9 0.894 | 3.332 

A comparison of the methane production with the digestibility 
of the feeding-stuffs shows in general that the former is greatest 
when the latter is least, that is, with the feeding-stuffs which tend 
to remain longest in the digestive tract. Here too, however, excep- 
tions occur, and it would appear that the physical condition of the 
feeding-stuff is not without its influence. The exceedingly com- 
plicated nature of digestion in ruminants, and the fact that it is a 
chemical rather than a physiological process, and is therefore sub- 
ject to considerable variations according to the nature and amount 
of the food, render it difficult, if not impossible, with our present 
knowledge to compute very trustworthy averages for the amount 
of energy carried off in this way. 

CrubeE Fiser. Ruminants.—Both the ultimate composition and 
the heat of combustion of the digested nitrogen-free extract have 
been shown to agree quite closely with those of starch, and the 
nutritive value of the former has commonly been assumed to be 
the same as that of the latter. If we are justified in somewhat 
extending this, and assuming that the nitrogen-free extract of 
coarse fodders suffers the same loss by the methane fermentation 
as does starch, the figures of the preceding paragraphs supply 
data for computing the corresponding loss suffered by the 
crude fiber. 


In the case of the extracted straw, for example, there was 
digested in the total of the two experiments : 

Crude fiber... o2idaado acon seaaenn 4033 grams 
Nitrogen-free extract... 2 40% 2c! 888“ 

Assuming the loss of energy in the methane to have been 0.422 
Cal. per gram of nitrogen-free extract digested (the same as that 
found by Kellner for starch, p. 325), the 888 grams of these sub- 
stances correspond to a loss of 374.7 Cals. Subtracting this from 
the total loss of 2850.2 Cals., we have 2475.5 Cals. as the energy of 
the methane produced from 4033 grams of crude fiber, which is equal 
to 0.614 Cal. per gram. The total energy of the digested crude fiber 
was shown on p. 304 to be approximately 4.220 Cals. per gram. 
Subtracting the loss in the methane, 0.614 Cal., leaves 3.606 Cals. 
as the metabolizable energy of one gram of digested crude fiber. 
A similar computation of the average results upon the other coarse 
fodders affords the figures of the following table for the metabo- 
lizable energy of one gram of digestible crude fiber: 


Digestible Crude Fiber of Loss an Metliane, nergy, 

Extracted: SLLaAW) cic kine See en eios biste ee 0.614 3.606 
Hay fed alone: ticee. wesssctle ueicusioeuensarditos sie. 0.909 3.311 
+ added’ to basal ration .2.52:.+.-.-4 +. 0.614 3.606 
Oat straw added to basal ration .......... 0.783 3.437 
Wheat straw added to basal ration......... 1.219 3.001 

The loss of energy in methane, as thus computed, is in all 
instances greater than in the case of starch. Owing, however, to 
the slightly higher value obtained for the gross energy of the 
digested crude fiber, the difference in metabolizable energy between 
starch and crude fiber is somewhat less marked, and is hardly 
sufficient of itself to justify assigning a materially lower nutritive 
value to the latter. 

It is worthy of note also that the loss in the methane appears to 
be a very variable one, justifying the conclusion already reached 
that other factors than the proximate composition of the food ma- 
terially affect the extent of the methane fermentation. 

The Horse.—The production of methane by the horse appears 
to be much less copious than that by ruminants. Lehmann, Hage- 


mann & Zuntz* in eight respiration experiments obtained the 
following results, the hydrocarbons being computed as methane: 

Crude Fiber Digested. Methane Excreted. 
698 .5 grams 26.8 grams 
DOOM | Saas 
A ia iii TSO Matin 

66 66 20 } O (9 
66 66 16 4 66 
66 (a9 31 ‘ O (<3 
(79 (79 299, x 1 (73 
66 (5 93 f O 66 

As already noted on p. 326, Zuntz + has pointed out that the 
fermentation of the food in the horse takes place largely in the 
ececum and after the more digestible carbohydrates have been 
resorbed.. The authors consequently compute the excretion of 
methane entirely upon the crude fiber of the food. On the average 
of the eight somewhat discordant experiments, in which the food 
consisted of oats, hay, and cut straw, 100 grams of digested crude 
fiber yielded 4.7 grams of methane, which corresponds exactly with 
the results reported by Tappeiner { for the artificial fermenta- 
tion of cellulose. In the same experiments an excretion of approxi- 
mately 0.203 gram of hydrogen per 100 grams digested crude fiber 
was observed. Deducting the corresponding amounts of energy 
from the energy of the apparently digested cellulose we have— 

Motalenerex of dvoramas ys.) 444. 4,220 Cals. 
Energy of CH, (0.047 gram). 0.627 Cal. 

Energy of H (0.002 gram)... 0.070 “ 0.697 Cal. 
Metabolizable energy of 1 gram............. 3.523 Cals.§ 

While less methane is apparently produced by the horse than 
by the ox, the assumption that it all arises from the fermentation 
of the crude fiber gives the latter a metabolizable energy not greatly 
different from that found in the case of the ox. It is of course 

* Landw. Jahrb., 28, 125. 

+ Arch. ges. Physiol., 49, 477. 

t Zeit. f. Biol., 20, 88. 

€ As computed by the authors, 3.487 Cals. on the basis of 4.185 Cals. 
total energy per gram of crude fiber. 


implied in this that the metabolizable energy of the digested nitro- 
gen-free extract is the same as its gross energy. 

Summary.—The results recorded in the preceding paragraphs 
regarding the metabolizable energy of the several classes of digesti- 
ble nutrients are summarized in the following table: 


Cattle, Horse, Swine, 

Cals. per Cals. per Cals. per 
Grm. Grm. Grm. 
Protein (N X 6.25): 
From wheat gluten...> 4.894 
gs c eet CNIS<5 RM) Se oes 4.958 
(> (beet molasses ayo sie eeeen aniee 3.984 
CY AMINO ORAL OS a oalc ae eewears meee rel naires faunal ents atau eae 4.083 
“ration of oats, hay, and straw 3.228 
* imeadow Hay succes tens 1272 
m  cEMOb DY ay. oxeea ek canteen act. 3.057(?) 
ELF SURE Wash ite neal earn oT au ee onaretivce (?) 
Fat : 
Prom peat Ol oie ns eles fcc ash 8.821 
“« hay (ether extract)............... 8.322 
Carbohydrates : 
Starch, Kellner’s experiments ........... 3.763 
‘—  Kuhn’s US Meese es oy 3.648 
Nitrogen-free extract (assumed) .........)......... 4.185 
Crude fiber, of extracted straw .......... 3.606 
ns = , ehayeteditalomerny sae. s- 3.311 
se «added to basal ration .| 3.606 
a Py ae OatuSthawim mates cit ses 3.437 
a oo © wheat Straw cece ion scenes 3.001 
fe 7s SUX CCST ATL OM Man yale tre fakes ave eh eens 3.523 

Perhaps the most striking thing about these figures is the wide 
range of the results upon the same class of nutrients. For reasons 
already stated, this is most noticeable with the protein, but it is 
sufficiently marked also with the other two groups. Moreover, 
such meager data as we possess regarding other animals than the ox 
indicate that the results vary with the species of animal, a fact 
which should not surprise us, but which, nevertheless, adds mate- 
rially to the complexity of the subject and greatly widens the range 
of necessary investigation. It is obvious, therefore, that at present 
our knowledge is too imperfect to allow of the assignment of average 
values for the metabolizable energy of the different classes of 


nutrients (as ordinarily determined) even for a single species of 

The results tabulated above, however, are amply sufficient to 
justify the statement on p. 279 that Rubner’s averages are not appli- 
cable to herbivorous animals, and that the metabolizable energy 
as computed with their aid is likely to vary widely from the truth. 
Indeed, since Rubner’s factor for fat (9.3 Cals. per gram) is 2.27 
times that for carbohydrates and protein (4.1 Cals. per gram) a 
computation of the metabolizable energy of feeding-stuffs or rations 
as it has not uncommonly been made simply gives a series of figures 
about 4.1 times as great as that obtained for total digestible matter 
when the digestible fat is reduced to its starch equivalent by multi- 
plication by 24. So far, then, as a comparison of one feeding-stuff 
or ration with another is concerned, this process adds no whit to our 
knowledege. It does, it is true, give some idea, albeit an inade- 
quate one, of the total amount of metabolizable energy present. As 
yet, however, our accurate knowledge of the energy requirements of 
domestic animals for various purposes is comparatively meager. 
If we base our computations on the feeding standards now current, 
we simply repeat with them the useless multiplication performed 
on the feeding-stuffs. On the other hand, if we take the results of 
such exact experiments on the metabolism of energy as are available, 
then, as the above results show, we shall be computing the energy 
requirements upon one basis and the energy supply upon a mate- 
rially different one. 

Significance of the Results.—A much more fundamental prob- 
lem than that raised in the foregoing paragraph confronts us when 
we come to reflect upon the general method by which it has been 
attempted to compute the metabolizable energy of nutrients, and 
to consider the real significance of the results. In so doing we may 
properly confine ourselves to the results upon cattle, those for horses 
and for swine being more or less fragmentary and uncertain. By 
far the larger proportion of the results above tabulated, as well 
as the most important of them, are based on experiments in 
which additions were made to a basal ration, the computation being 
by difference. As was pointed out in discussing the apparent 
metabolizable energy of the organic matter on previous pages, 
and as was specifically illustrated in the case of one experiment on 


molasses (p. 291), the difference in the metabolizable energy of the 
excreta is the algebraic sum of the differences in the energy of 
methane, urine, and the several proximate ingredients of the feces, 
and some of these differences may be positive and others negative. 
The computations of the metabolizable energy of the organic matter 
as made in the earlier paragraphs give the net result to the animal 
under the condition of the experiment and include all the secondary 
effects upon digestion, ete. 

In the computations here considered Kellner’s methods have 
been followed. In the first place the influence of the added feed 
upon the digestibility of the basal ration has been eliminated by 
basing the computation upon the digested matter. Still further, 
such effects as the decrease of the methane excretion in certain of 
the experiments with molasses, oil, and starch, and the diminished 
export of energy in the urine under the influence of starch and ex- 
tracted straw, have not entered into the computation. In other 
words, the endeavor has been to determine the actual amount of 
energy liberated by the breaking down of the molecules of the di- 
gested starch or protein or fat in the organism without regard to 
these various incidental effects; that is, to determine the real and 
not the apparent metabolizable energy. 

Either method of computation would seem to be entirely defensi- 
ble, and our choice between them will be largely determined by 
the point of view. For the purposes of the physiologist, desirous 
of tracing the details of the chemistry and physics of metabolism, 
the results obtained by the latter method will be of more interest. 
On the other hand, the student of nutrition who is especially in- 
terested in the problems of feeding will not fail to note that the 
results thus reached represent, from his standpoint, only a part of 
the truth. They show (barring errors of detail) how much energy 
is liberated in the body from the several nutrients, but the loss or 
saving of energy in the incidental processes constitutes just as real 
a part of the balance of energy which he wishes to determine as the 
energy liberated from the nutrients themselves, and must be taken 
account of in his calculations. Whether this can best be done by 
using some such factors as those just tabulated and then making 
a correction for these incidental gains and losses, or whether the 
method followed in the earlier paragraphs is to be preferred, it 


would probably be premature to attempt to decide at present. 
Pending further investigation and experience, however, it should 
be remembered that the figures on p. 332 will give, in most cases, 
too high results for the metabolizable energy of mixed rations, while 
the same thing is still more emphatically true of Rubner’s factors. 
One additional point requires mention. In discussing the 
metabolizable energy of protein it was pointed out (p. 320) that 
it is at least a plausible hypothesis that the proteids are metabo- 
lized in the herbivora substantially as in carnivora, and that the 
excess of energy in the urine is derived from the non-nitrogenous 
ingredients of the food. If we accept this hypothesis, however, 
and assume the metabolizable energy of protein (N X 6.25) to 
be in the neighborhood of 4.9 Cals. per gram, then the figures 
for the non-nitrogenous nutrients are subject to a still further 
deduction, especially in the case of coarse fodders. If we were to 
assign to the fat its full value as given, it would not be difficult to 
compute the metabolizable energy of the carbohydrates on this 
basis, and probably a set of factors could be worked out which 
would correspond to the actual results obtained with mixed rations. 
These, however, if successfully obtained, would be substantially 
identical with the results given on previous pages for the apparent 
metabolizable energy of total or of digestible organic matter, and 
it does not appear that the former would offer.sufficient advantages 
over the latter to justify the labor involved in their computation. 


§ 1. The Expenditure of Energy by the Body. 

Havine considered the food in the light of a supply of energy 
to the animal, it now becomes desirable to take a more general 
view of the subject and inquire into the uses to which the energy 
of the food is applied in the organism. 

We have already distinguished between that portion of the 
potential energy of the food which is convertible into kinetic energy 
in the body, and which we have here called metabolizable energy, 
and that portion of it which is rejected for one reason or another 
in the potential form in the various excreta. This latter portion 
we may dismiss from consideration for the present. The former 
portion—the metabolizable energy—as common experience informs 
us, is applied to two main purposes. First, it supplies the energy 
for carrying on the various activities of the body. Second, if the 
supply is in excess of the requirements of the body a portion of it 
may temporarily escape conversion into the kinetic form and be 
stored up as gain of tissue, notably of fat. We may say briefly, 
then, that the metabolizable energy of the food is used, first, for 
the production of “ physiological work” and second, for the storage 
of energy. 

Physiological Work.—The term “physiological work” in the 
previous sentence is employed in a somewhat loose and general 
sense to designate all those activities in the body which are sus- 
tained by the metabolizable energy of the food and whose ultimate 
result is the production of heat or motion. A more definite idea 
of what the term includes may be. gained by a consideration of the 
chief factors which go to make up the physiological work of the 



Work OF THE VoLUNTARY MuscLes.—The most obvious form 
of physiological work is that performed by the contraction of the 
voluntary muscles, either in the performance of useful work or in 
the various incidental movements made during the waking hours. 
In a sense the production of muscular work may be said to be the 
chief end of the metabolizable energy of the food, inasmuch as 
all the other activities of the body (apart from the reproductive 
functions and, of course, from mental activities) are accessory to 
this. In amount, however, the energy of muscular work is much 
less than the energy expended in other forms of physiological work 
and consumes a comparatively small percentage of the metaboliz- 
able energy of the food. 

INTERNAL Work.—The body of an animal in what we commonly 
speak of as a state of rest is still performing a large amount of work. 
The most evident forms of this are the work of circulation and res- 
piration. In addition to these, however, there are less obvious kinds 
of work whose total is probably very considerable. The body is an 
aggregate of living cells. The living cell, however, is constantly 
carrying on activities of various sorts, and these activities require 
a supply of energy, although how much of the energy of the food 
is consumed in the various processes of secretion, osmosis, karyoki- 
nesis, ete., it is difficult to say. 

In the numerous varieties of internal work the energy involved 
passes through various forms. Ultimately, however, since it 
accomplishes no work upon the surroundings of the animal, it 
is converted into heat and leaves the body either by radiation and 
conduction, as the latent heat of water vapor or as the sensible 
heat of the excreta. 

Work oF DIGESTION AND ASSIMILATION.—Logically the work 
of digestion and assimilation would be classed as part of the internal 
work of the body, but motives of convenience make it desirable to 
consider it separately. 

In a fasting animal, with the digestive tract empty, the various 
forms of internal work indicated above go on with a considerable 
degree of constancy, and the resulting heat production is quite 
uniform under like conditions. If food be given to such an animal 
there results very promptly an increase in the excretion of carbon 


dioxide and the absorption of oxygen and in the amount of heat 
produced. In general terms this is brought about in four ways: 

First, the muscular work required for masticating and swallow- 
ing the food and moving it through the digestive apparatus involves 
an expenditure of energy which finally gives rise to the evolution 
of heat. 

Second, the activity of the various secreting glands of the diges- 
tive tract is stimulated, again making a demand for energy and 
giving rise to an increased heat production. 

Third, the work of the resorbing cells likewise makes demand 
for energy. 

Fourth, the various fermentations, cleavages, hydrations, and 
syntheses which the food ingredients undergo in the course of diges- 
tion, resorption, and assimilation may occasion in individual cases 
either an evolution or an absorption of energy, but taken as a whole 
result in the production of a greater or less amount of heat and con- 
sume a corresponding amount of the metabolizable energv of the food. 

Propuction oF Hrat.—The body temperature of the healthy 
warm-blooded animal is practically constant, any considerable 
variation from the average indicating some serious disturbance of 
the animal economy. Since this temperature is ordinarily higher 
than that of the environment, a continual production of heat is 
necessary to maintain it. 

As stated above, the various forms of internal work, including 
the work of digestion and assimilation, give rise in the aggregate 
to the evolution of a large amount of heat, and this heat is of course 
available for the maintenance of the body temperature. 

Whether its amount is sufficient for this purpose, or whether 
under any or all circumstances there is a production of heat for its 
own sake, simply to keep the animal warm, is still a debatable 
question. Many eminent physiologists, notably Chauveau and 
‘his associates, hold that the primary function of metabolisra is to: 
furnish energy for the physiological processes going on in the body. 
They hold that the potential energy of the food is converted imme- 
diately into some form of physiological energy, which in its turn, 
in fulfilling its functions, is converted into heat which serves inci- 
dentally to maintain the body temperature. In other words, they 
regard heat as substantially an excretion and would consider that 


in the course of organic evolution those forms have survived in 
which the incidental heat production was sufficient to meet the 
demand of the environment. 

Other physiologists no less eminent hold that at least an ex- 
ceptional demand for heat (low external temperature) may be met 
by a direct combustion of food or body material for that purpose. 
We shall have occasion later to give further consideration to these 
divergent views. 

Summary.—The following scheme may serve to summarize 
what has been said above regarding the uses to which the energy of 
the food is put in the body, the possible direct heat production being 
considered, for convenience, as part of the physiological work of 
the body in order to include it among the other forms of the 
expenditure of energy: 

Energy of excreta, Work of voluntary 
Gross energy Physiological | Internal work. 
Metabolizable work 
energy Work of digestion and 

Heat production. 
Storage of energy. 

For the sake of directness of statement, language has been used 
above which seems to imply that the food is directly oxidized some- 
what like the fuel in a locomotive. While statistically the effect is 
the same as if this were the case, it must not be forgotten that the 
body itself constitutes a reservoir of potential energy and that 
the energy liberated in its various activities comes primarily from 
the potential energy stored up in its various tissues, while the func- 
tion of the food is to make good the Joss this occasioned. 

The metabolism of matter and energy in the body might be 
compared to the exchange of water in a mill-pond. The water in 
the pond may represent the materials of the body itself, while the 
water running in at the upper end represents the supply of matter 
and energy in the food, and that going down the flume to the mill- 
wheel the metabolism required for the production of physiological 
work as above defined. The water flowing into the pond does not 
immediately turn the wheel, but becomes part of the pond and 
loses its identity. Part of it may be drawn into the main current 


and enter the flume comparatively soon, while another part may 
remain in the pond for a long time. Pursuing the comparison still 
further, as but a small proportion of the energy liberated in the de- 
scent of the water in the flume takes the form of mechanical energy, 
most of it being converted into heat, so in the body but a small 
proportion of the energy expended in physiological work takes 
ultimately the form of mechanical energy. Finally, if we compare 
the flow of water in the stream below the dam to the heat produc- 
tion of the body, that flow may be increased, in case of need, in two 
ways, viz., by opening the gate wider and letting more water pass 
through the flume (increase of physiological work) or by lowering 
the dam and allowing more water to flow over, corresponding to a 
heat production for its own sake, if such takes place. 

The succeeding sections of this chapter will be devoted to a con- 
sideration of the expenditure of energy in the various forms of in- 
ternal work, including that of digestion and assimilation, while the 
subjects of the production of external work and of} the storage of 
energy may be more appropriately considered in subsequent chap- 

§ 2. The Fasting Metabolism. 

If an animal be deprived of food for a sufficient length of time 
to empty the digestive tract, and kept in a state of rest as regards 
muscular exertion, the expenditure of energy in external work and 
in the work of digestion and assimilation are both eliminated, while 
there can be, of course, no storage of energy. Under these condi- 
tions the metabolism of energy in the organism is confined to the 
maintenance of those essential vital activities which were grouped 
above under the term “internal work” in the narrower sense, to- 
gether with any direct production of heat for its own sake. The 
fasting animal, then, affords the most favorable opportunity to 
study the laws governing the expenditure of energy for the internal 
work of the body. The fasting metabolism has already been con- 
sidered in Part I from the side of the matter involved; here we are 
concerned with its energy relations. 

Nature of Demands for Energy. 

Without attempting to enter into details, it may be said that 
the internal work of the fasting organism may be roughly classified 


as muscular, glandular, and cellular. To the demand for energy 
for these purposes we have probably to add, at least in some cases, 
a direct demand for heat production. 

MuscutarR Worx.—The more obvious forms of muscular work 
in the quiescent animal are circulation and respiration. To these 
are to be added as minor factors any movements of other in- 
ternal organs, and especially the general tonus of the muscular 
system, while finally, the various incidental movements made by 
such an animal, although not logically belonging in the category 
of internal work, practically have to be classed there in actual 
experimentation. It would be aside from the purpose of this 
volume to enter into any detailed consideration of these forms of 
internal work, but a few general statements regarding their amount 
may be of interest. 

Circulation.—The work performed by the heart is determined 
by two factors, viz., the weight of the blood moved and the mean 
arterial pressure overcome. Quite divergent results have been ob- 
tained by various investigators for the former factor, while the 
latter is more readily determinable. Zuntz & Hagemann * estimate 
the output of blood by the heart of the horse from a comparison 
between the blood gases and the respiratory exchange, and compute 
the expenditure of energy in circulation to be 5.01 per cent. of the 
total metabolism of the horse in a state of rest and 3.77 per cent. 
during moderate work. Hill + estimates the average work of the 
heart in man at about 24,000 kilogram-meters in twenty-four hours. 
As the velocity of the circulation increases, the friction in the pe- 
ripheral blood-vessels, and consequently the arterial pressure, rap- 
idly augments, so that in case of severe muscular exertion, for ex- 
ample, the work of the heart may readily become excessive. 

Respiration.—The work of respiration consists essentially of 
an expansion of the thorax against the resistance caused by the 
atmospheric pressure and the elasticity of the lungs and the rib 
cartilages. Zuntz & Hagemann f¢ estimate its amount in the 
horse at about 4.7 per cent. of the total metabolism. 

Muscular Tonus.—As was pointed out in Chapter VI, the living 

* Landw. Jahrb., 27, Supp. III, 371. 
+ Schiffer’s Text-book of Physiology, II, 43. 
t Loc. cit. 


muscle is in a constant state of slight tension or tonus, and is con- 
stantly the seat of metabolic activities which we may presume 
serve, in part at least, to maintain that tonus. This is, of course, 
equivalent to saying that there is a continual liberation of kinetic 
energy in the resting muscle, which temporarily takes the form of 
muscular elasticity but ultimately appears as heat. As to the 
amount of energy thus liberated exact information seems to be lack- 
ing, but in view of the relatively large mass of the muscles as com- 
pared with that of the other active tissues we may assume that it 
is not inconsiderable. The same thing would seem to be indicated 
also, as noted in Chapter VI (p. 191), by the great decrease in the 
metabolism and heat production ordinarily observed as the result 
of paralysis of the motor nerves by curari. 

Incidental Muscular Work.—It is rare that an animal, even 
when at rest in the ordinary sense, does not execute more or less 
motions of various parts of the body, all of which involve a conver- 
sion of potential energy into the kinetic form. Even apparently 
insignificant movements may materially increase the amount of 
metabolism. Zuntz & Hagemann,* for example, report a respira- 
tion experiment upon a horse in which the uneasiness caused by the 
presence of a few flies in the chamber of the apparatus caused an 
increase of over 10 per cent. in the metabolism. Johanson, Lan- 
dergren, Sonden & Tigerstedt,f in two-hour periods, found the fol- 
lowing average and minimum values per day and kilogram weight 
for the excretion of carbon dioxide by a fasting man during sleep, 
the results plainly showing the increased metabolism due to rest- 

Average, Minimum, 
Grms. Grms. 
Third day (first day of fasting) ............. 7.296 6.744 
PO Uasb yy Shee at tes 3 es pean ania ner eteneecn ae 7.704 6.768 
Hitth *— “*~ Gvery restless) 252 6 j.0is career wre 8.136 7.524 
SUG iiemea ye! tect dues SO enn cree tec aoa 7.488 6.684 
SVEN ps oi cks cplule ee eet eee oe ae (a2? 6.564 

Subsequently Johanson { compared the excretion of carbon 
dioxide by a fasting man when simply lying in bed (awake) with 
* Landw. Jahrb., 28, 161. 

+ Skand. Arch. f. Physiol., 7, 29. 
f Ibid. 8, 85. 


that obtained when all the muscles were as perfectly relaxed as 
possible. The results per hour were: 

JE trayeniva | 6; 2X6 laren ee ate PDC r 1d 24.94 grams 
Complete muscular relaxation... .. TAY). a 

Furthermore, there is more or less muscular exertion involved 
during the waking hours in maintaining the relative position of the 
different members of the body. This is notably true of the effort 
of standing. In experiments with the respiration-calorimeter 
under the writer’s direction* the heat production of a steer per 
minute while standing and lying was found to be approximately 
as follows: 

Lying, Standing, Ratio, Lying to 
Cals. Cals. Standing. 
eTIOdVAG 55. o 3h ersietens ssltes 5.322 7.031 cele SZ 
SmARUL Hate ant aero ttscehs 5.781 7.700 e332 
BE KO Re tae GS eee ue ber 6.310 roe WM A 1: 1.296 
Be tL) ee Arc n chines caveat pie 6.605 8.495 1 : 1.286 

Zuntz + found an even greater difference in the case of the dog, 
the average oxygen consumption per minute being— 

[Paylin Oats er Hd le SN ahs Ya 174°3 ¢.¢. 
SL Ain Chin apna eee ates shh oe es ae Ais hae 245.6 “ 

In experiments of any considerable duration on normal animals 
it is impossible to avoid more or less expenditure of energy in this 
incidental muscular work, while it is often a matter of difficulty 
to make the different periods of an experiment comparable in this 

GLANDULAR WorK.—The activity of the various secretory, ab- 
sorptive, and excretory organs may be conveniently summarized 
under this head. While the purpose of the glandular metabolism 
is, in the majority of cases, primarily a chemical one, the accom. 
plishment of this purpose involves an expenditure of energy which, 

* Proc. Soc. Prom. Agr. Sci’, 1902. 
7 Arch. ges. Physiol , 68, 191. 


so far as it is not removed from the body in the potential form in 
the secretions or excretions, ultimately takes the form of heat. 

Moreover, the fundamental features of glandular metabolism 
appear to be indentical with those of muscular metabolism. Thus 
Henderson * has shown that the active submaxillary gland of the 
dog does not lose nitrogen as compared with the inactive gland, 
but does lose weight, evidently from the metabolism of non- 
nitrogenous matter. Similarly, Bancroft — found the respiratory 
exchange of the same gland during activity to be three or four times 
that during rest. If we may accept these results as typical, we 
must conclude that glandular, like muscular metabolism is largely 
at the expense of non-nitrogenous matter, and shall not hesitate to 
summarize the two together as parts of the internal work of the 

CELLULAR Work.—While both muscular and glandular work 
are forms of cell activity, a passing mention may be made for the 
sake of completeness of such processes as imbibition, filtration, 
osmosis, protoplasmic motion, karyokinesis, ete., which, while 
taking place in the various organs, are so general in their nature and 
form so essential a part of our conception of cell life that it seems 
proper to speak of them collectively as cellular work. As to the 
quantitative importance of these activities, so far as they can be 
differentiated from the special functions of the various organs, we 
lack the data for forming any definite conception, although it 
would appear that it must be small. 

Heat Production. 

As we have just seen, the forms of internal work are numerous 
and some of them are not readily accessible to measurement. All 
of them, however, have this in common, that the energy used in 
their performance ultimately assumes the form of heat. 

This being the case, while the single factors making up the 
internal work are not readily determined, a determination of the 
total heat produced by a fasting animal in a state of rest (either 
directly or by computation from the amount and kind of matter 
metabolized) will show the total amount of energy consumed in the 

* Am. Jour. Physiol., 3, 19. + Journal of Physiol , 27, 31. 


performance of the internal work and how it varies under varying 
conditions. Carnivorous animals, with their short and relatively 
simply digestive canal, lend themselves most readily to experiments 
of this sort although rabbits and guinea-pigs have been employed 
to some extent, as well as, for short periods, men. 

Constancy Under Uniform Conditions. — Attention has al- 
ready been called in Chapter IV to the relative constancy of the 
total metabolism of the fasting animal, particularly as compared 
with the total mass of active tissue in the body. This constancy 
has been especially emphasized by Rubner,* and forms the basis 
of his determinations of the replacement values of the several . 
nutrients which will be considered in the following chapter. 
With a rabbit the following daily averages, computed per 100 
parts of nitrogen in the body, were obtained: 

Day of Experiment. nue 2 Metceal 
Movil WO GENIN. osoo0cocuesoos 2G 16.2 
Ninth to fifteenth.............. PMY) 13.8 

Since the ratio of proteids to fat metabolized did not vary 
greatly in these trials, the total amount of carbon dioxide ex- 
creted may be taken as an approximately accurate measure of 
the total metabolism. For the several days of the experiment, 
this was as follows: 

Carbon Dioxide Excreted. 

7 BVerage) five 
ay. eight, 
Chet Per Head, Live Worht, 
Grms. Grms. 
TEBE H Che Si atere tdece clb peice SAREE 2091 36.1 17.26 
Seven thames dems entee <6. 2002 31.8 15.90 
ING GE feces ee eee Ree 1907 30.3 15.90 
Menthe Sytem eran oaks 1864 29.2 15.65 
Minweelithi.sar ts ee Syne iy tl os 1764 * 30.2 17.18 
ehhirteenthrs a4 soe rere ie 1731 27.4 15.81 
Hourteenthicc cee Gee rock oe 1716 27.4 15.95 
IBifteenthsss) 8c eyes ects aie 1697 25.5 15.90 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 17, 214; 19, 312. 



With a dog the following results were obtained: 

Carbon Dioxide 

a Re Fat Excreted. 
1ve 1tTr i 
Day. ener intiienee aes 

Grms. Grms. Guns, Per Head Per Kg. 

Grms. "| welt, 

TWIT Stik Ueie wievevecvavecatksterer oe 9190 4 23 51.74 187.4 20.70 
SOCONG see cis cee ick 8920 2.89 45 .94 T5v.o 17.838 
MOUTH aes oe eee 8620 oFOD 42.90 146.9 17.99 
Mem Ga ak it eat sates See 8190 2.59 45.55 IS ERs 18.70 
Hleventh ..... 2.02065. 8030 2.41 41.83 140.4 17.86 
HIAWoe Lich nue nc foeece eheneuseonece 7890 Zoo 36.48 127.9 16.13 
Mhirteenthy 22... 6 cise: 7970 2.98 37.45 134.8 17.06 
Hounvcenth... ese oe 7830 3.02 33.80 125.0 16.12 

Rubner also quotes the following results by Kuckein on a cock: 

Carbon Dioxide per 

Day. Kg. Live Weight. 
PDIP cee ene ee os ccs es oon oe 21.73 grams. 
SPRUE Glass Meee ees ete eoras fe rcealioney a 21.47 “« 
SCVENt Mecca wksg wie 21.435 

Rubner’s experiments on a guinea-pig * show a similar constancy, 

the heat production being computed from the total metabolism: 


Heat Production 

Day. per Kilogram. 
NPS eee cl sree hat asce divas <irhea aivea, Seat 149.9 Cals. 
SOCOM inh ee eee asset ans 162.56." 2 
fo Sao WaMs aon na cen Atlee per ae er sap 156.5, 
Hour blak) es any oe were er aa ate tea: ae 140.5 “ 
TEC setestot ee toe see tetera ene ion 
SOD Nets, (s94 Same ae ere Seema 150.6...“ 
Se wert line. caee ce tae serene ea heck pte 
Hie hte wesc y ose ores eeeeee ore L55e6. ws 
LS Gla « eee Meer were y terete or 162.6 

@oncerning this point Rubner says:+ “The uniformity of the 
fasting metabolism proves that, in spite of the undoubted limita- 
tation of all the voluntary functions which can cause a consump- 
tion of matter, no further reduction of the metabolism is possible, 

* Biologische Gesetze, p. 15. ft Loc. cit., 19, 326. 


and we recognize from this that we have to do here with a constant 
metabolism which is indissolubly connected with life itself. The 
animal in the fasting state adjusts itselj to the minumum metabolism.” 

In other words, the metabolism and consequent heat production 
of the fasting, quiescent animal speedily reaches a minimum which 
represents the aggregate demands of the vital activities of the 
organism for energy; that is, which represents the internal work of 
the body in the sense in which the words are here used, plus the 
metabolism required for any direct production of heat which may 
be necessary to maintain the normal temperature of the animal. 

The relative importance of the internal work in the narrower 
sense and of the direct heat production as regards their demands for 
a supply of energy will appear more clearly when we consider, in 
the following paragraphs, the effects of varying conditions, and 
particularly of the thermal environment, upon the heat produc- 
tion of the fasting animal. 

Influence of Thermal Environment on Heat Production.*—An 
animal, particularly in the temperate zones, is subject to consider- 
able variations of external conditions, particularly of temperature, 
which, in the first place, tend to affect the rate at which it emits 
heat, and secondarily, within certain limits to modify the amount 
of heat produced in the body. 

Bopy TremMPERATURE.—As regards their body temperature, 
animals have been divided into two great classes: the cold-blooded 
(poikilothermic), whose temperature as a rule differs but slightly 
from that of their surroundings, and the warm-blooded (homoio- 
thermic), whose temperature remains approximately constant dur- 
ing health whatever be that of their surroundings. Since all our 
domestic animals, as well as man himself, belong to the second 
group, it alone will be considered in the following paragraphs. 

Since the animal is constantly producing heat in the various 
ways already indicated, it is obvious that in order to maintain a 
constant body temperature it must be able to give off this heat at 
the same average rate at which it is produced. Ranke illustrates 
this necessity in a striking manner by computing that if the 

* The discussion of this subject follows to a considerable extent that of 
Ranke in the introduction to his “EKinwirkung des Tropenklimas auf die 
Erniihrung des Menschen,’ Berlin, 1900. 


body of a man were unable to give off the heat which it pro- 
duces, a single day would suffice to raise it to a pasteurizing 
temperature, while in the course of a year, at the same rate, a 
temperature of over 17,000° C. would be reached. 

Furthermore, since the external conditions of temperature are 
subject to frequent and sudden changes, it is obvious that the 
balance between heat production and emission must be capable of 
prompt adjustment to varying circumstances. 

Tuermic Rance.—The ability of the animal body to adapt 
itself to changes gf temperature has, however, often been ex- 
aggerated. “Asa matter of fact this adaptation is possible only 
within a comparatively narrow range, and unless we hold fast to 
this fundamental idea we are in danger of reaching fallacious 
and absurd conclusions. Man has considerably extended the range 
of climate within which he can exist by means of clothing, shelter, 
artificial heat, and even to a slight extent artificial refrigeration, 
and this fact often leads unconsciously to an overestimate of the 
possible thermic range. These means of artificial protection re- 
sult essentially in modifying the temperature to which the body is 
actually exposed, and the same is true in a less degree of the differ- 
ences in the summer and winter coats of animals. The fact still 
remains that the actual thermic range of any species is and must be 
strictly limited. All life implies a certain amount of metabclism, 
and consequently of heat production. With rising temperature a 
point must sooner or later be reached at which the animal is unable 
to impart this heat to its surroundings as fast as It is produced, and 
in which the rise in temperature necessarily resulting will prove 
fatal. With falling temperature a point will be reached at which 
the greatest possible amount of metabolism in the body will be 
unable to equal the rate at which heat is lost to the surroundings 
and the animal will perish from cold. Both the maximum and 
minimum points and the extent of the thermic range will vary for 
different species and varieties of animals, but at best the range is 
relatively small. 

Means or RecuLtation.—Within the thermic range of a given 
animal the adjustment to its thermal environment may be effected 
in one or both of two ways, viz., by a regulation of the rate of emis- 
sion of heat or by a variation in the heat production. 


Regulation of Rate of Emission.—Heat is given off by the body 
in four principal ways: (1) by conduction; (2) by radiation; (3) 
by evaporation of water; (4) as the sensible heat of the excreta. 

By conduction, heat is transferred directly from the body to 
its surroundings, including such solid objects as it may be in con- 
tact with and particularly the air. The rate of loss in this way 
will depend upon the relative temperature and conductivity of 
the surface of the body and of the substances with which it is in 
contact, and in case of the air will be also influenced by the rate 
of motion of the latter relatively to that of the body. 

By radiation, a constant exchange of heat goes on between the 
body and objects not in immediate contact with it. Since the body 
is usually warmer than its surroundings, the net result of this ex- 
change is a loss of heat by the body, the amount of which depends 
upon the specific radiating power of the surface of the body and 
upon the difference in temperature between the latter and_ sur- 
rounding objects. 

By evaporation of water from the skin, and to a less degree 
from the mucous membrane of the air-passages, a large amount 
of heat may be removed as latent heat of vaporization. The 
amount of water evaporated from the skin, and consequently the 
rate at which heat is carried off, will depend in part on the 
amount transpired by the skin, but when this is abundant, 
chiefly upon the relative humidity of the air and upon its rate of 

Finally, the heat removed in the excreta is relatively small, and 
in the case of the fasting animal in particular is Insignificant as 
compared with the losses through the other three channels. 

In general we may say that the rate of emission of heat in all 
of the first three ways named is determined by two sets of condi- 
tions, viz., those relating to the environment of the animal (tem- 
perature, relative humidity, movement of air) and those relating 
to the animal itself and particularly to its surface. 

The conditions of the first set, of course, are beyond the control 
of the organism. Their tendency is to produce the same effect upon 
the rate of emission of heat that they would upon that of a lifeless 
body, viz., to increase it as the temperature of the surroundings is 
lowered and their conducting power increased. In the case of the 


living animal this tendency is offset by the regulative mechanism 
acting upon the second set of conditions, so that, e.g., a fall in 
the temperature of its surroundings within certain limits instead 
of increasing the rate of emission, as in the case of a lifeless body, 
has no effect upon it. This regulation of the rate of emission is 
effected chiefly by means of changes in the temperature and state 
of moisture of the skin, brought about on the one hand through the 
vaso-motor mechanism and on the other through the special nerves 
of perspiration. 

Variations of external temperature acting upon the peripheral 
nerves influence by reflex action the activity of the vaso-motor 
nerves which regulate the caliber of the minute blood-vessels. 
Exposure to cold causes a contraction of the capillaries of the 
skin and a relaxation of those of the viscera. As a result more 
blood passes through the latter, while the flow through the skin 
is diminished, the latter becomes paler, and since the heat given 
off is not fully replaced by the blood current, its temperature falls. 
Exposure to heat: has the contrary effect. The capillaries of the 
skin relax, more blood flows through them, the skin becomes flushed 
and its temperature rises, while the flow of blood to the viscera is 
checked. <A fall in the temperature of the skin, however, tends to 
diminish the rate of emission of heat both by conduction and radia- 
tion, while a rise in its temperature has the opposite effect, thus 
counteracting the tendency of changes of external temperature. 
In other words, the “emission constant” of the skin changes to 
meet changes in external conditions. So exactly are these mech- 
anisms adjusted in health that within certain rather narrow limits 
they maintain the rate of emission of heat, and consequently the 
average temperature of the body, very nearly constant. 

Obviously, however, there must be a limit above which the 
temperature and radiating power of the skin cannot be increased 
to compensate for a rise in external temperature. The second 
method of regulation then comes more markedly into play through 
the familiar act of perspiration, or sweating. At high temperatures 
the activity of the sweat-glands is greatly stimulated, in part 
doubtless by the more abundant supply of blood to the skin, but 
chiefly by reflex stimulation of the special nerves which control the 
secretion of sweat. The evaporation of the relatively large amount. 


of water thus supplied to the surface of the skin is a powerful means 
of refrigeration, as we know no less from common experience than 
from scientific determinations, the evaporation of a single gram of 
water requiring approximately 0.592 Cal. of heat. With very 
high temperatures, especially in a humid atmosphere, however, 
even this method of disposing of the heat becomes insufficient and 
the extreme upper limit of the thermal range is passed. 

These two methods of regulation of the body temperature are 
often spoken of collectively as “physical” regulation. 

Variations in Amount of Heat Produced.—Just as there is a 
superior limit beyond which the regulation of the body tempera- 
ture by the means above described cannot be carried, so it is obvious 
that there must be a lower limit of regulation. However much the 
cutaneous circulation may be reduced, the skin will always lose heat 
to a sufficiently cold environment faster than it is being generated 
by the internal work of the body. Under these circumstances the 
only method by which the temperature of the animal can be main- 
tained is an increase in the rate of generation of heat. 

That changes of external temperature affect the amount of heat 
generated was shown by the experiments of Lavoisier and the 
observations of Liebig, but Liebermeister* appears to have been 
the first to clearly enunciate the theory of regulation by variations 
in the rate of production. The fact of such regulation has been 
fully demonstrated by numerous subsequent investigators. As a 
typical example we may take the well-known experiments of Theo- 
dor f on a cat, some of the results of which are as follows: 

Temperature, |CarbonDioxide Oxygen Temperature,|Carbon Dioxide Oxygen 
eg. Excreted, Taken Up, Deg. Excreted, Taken Up, 
Cent. Grms. Grms. Cent. Grms. Grms. 
—5.5 19.83 17.48 12.3 17.63 7. Al 
—3.0 18.42 18.26 16.3 15.73 14.74 
0.2 18.24 19.95 20.1 14.34 12.78 
5.0 17.90 14.82 29.6 Ie} 5 14 10.87 

Numerous other investigators have obtained similar results, 
but the effect of low temperature in stimulating the heat produc- 
tion of warm-blooded animals is too well established to require an 

* Arch f. (Anat. u.) Physiol., 1860, pp. 520 and 589; 1861, p. 661. 
} Zeit. f. Biol., 14, 51. 


extended citation of authorities here. Some of Rubner’s * more 
recent results, however, are of interest as showing the delicacy of 
the reaction. The experiments were made on fasting dogs in a 
state of complete rest, the heat production being computed from 
the total metabolism of carbon and nitrogen: 

Tempera- Heat Production per 
ture, Deg. C. Kg. in 24 Hours. 
13. Santor ees tates © 78.68 Cals. 
[iso oh Got ae wy see aun 74.74 “ 
LO ae amt As 69.78 
1S 0y 2 eee 67.06 “ 
RT rene foe ttcar autre raed ae 40.60 “S 
|W RR ere aera ee a 1S) be es 
UE stig 20s eine tl 35.99 « 
WP eateereent bes oS acc tea Shee oe 
13 4st oe sible Reh marae aah BO. Oa = 
II Le Meee re tare ieee chet Boel 
Dla Wego savin oes itis sau oUeOzZe = 

This method of regulation of the body temperature is often briefly 
designated as “chemical” regulation. 

Just how the additional generation of heat is effected is not so 
clear. From the fact that the muscles are the seat of a very large 
part of the heat production of the body we should naturally be 
inclined to look to them as the source of the increase. In quite a 
number of experiments on man, of which those of A. Loewy f and 
of Johansson { may be especially mentioned, a stimulation of the 
heat production with falling temperature was only observed when 
there was visible muscular action, such as shivering, while in the 
other cases only the “ physical” regulation occurred. Any contrac- 
tion of the muscles would of course be a source of heat, but the in- 
crease with falling external temperature has been repeatedly observed 
with animals in the absence of this obvious cause. Whether in 
such cases there is an increase in the tonus of the muscles, involv- 
ing an increase in their metabolism, or whether, through some 
form of reflex stimulation, the rate of oxidation is accelerated 

* Biologische Gesetze, p. 10. 
+ Arch. ges. Physiol., 46, 189. 
¢ Skand. Arch. f. Physiol., 7, 123. 


simply for the sake of the heat produced is still an unsettled ques- 
tion and one which, for our present purpose, we need not pause 
to consider. As to the fact of the increase there is no question. 

CriTIcAL TEMPERATURE.—In early writings upon this subject 
the influence of external temperature in increasing or diminishing 
the heat production of the body was frequently spoken of as if it 
were of unlimited application, and the same idea has passed more 
or less fully into the popular literature of the subject. But little 
reflection is necessary, however, to show that this cannot be the 
case. Common observation teaches us that neither our own metab- 
olism nor that of our domestic animals, as roughly measured by 
the consumption of food, is affected, for example, by the difference 
between winter and summer to any such extent as would correspond 
to the difference in average temperature. Moreover, if every rise 
in external temperature diminished the heat production, there 
would be a temperature at which no heat production at all would 
occur and at which, therefore, life could exist without metabolism, 
which is a contradiction in terms. ‘This extreme case renders clear 
the fundamental error of this view, viz., that of regarding the heat 
production as an end in itself and not as, substantially, an incident 
of the general metabolism. 

Carl Voit* was the first to demonstrate by exact scientific 
experiments the limits within which the influence of temperature 
upon metabolism (the so-called chemical regulation) is confined. 
_ His experiments were a continuation of those of Theodor (p. 351), 
and were made upon a man weighing about 70 kgs. and wearing 
ordinary clothing. After exposure for some time to the tempera- 
ture to be tested he passed six hours in the chamber of the respira- 
tion apparatus, fasting and in complete rest. During the six hours 
the excretion of carbon dioxide and nitrogen was as follows: 

Temperature.| yioeide. | Nitrogen |/Temperature.| piriae | itrogey, 
{5 Grms. Grms. Ce Grms. Grms. 
4.4 210.7 4.23 PBS 67 164.8 3.40 
6.5 206.0 4.05 24.2 166.5 3.34 
9.0 192.0 4.20 26.7 160.0 3.97 
14.3 155.1 3.81 30.0 170.6 shai 
16.2 158.3 4.00 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 14, 57. 


Later and more comprehensive experiments with animals by 
Rubner have given corresponding results. Thus with two guinea- 
pigs the following figures were obtained in 24-hour experi- 
ments: * 

Mature Animal. Young Animal. 
Temperature | Temperature | CO, per Kg. ||Temperature | Temperature | CO, per Kg. 
of Air, of Animal, and Hour, of Air, of Animal, and Hour, 
Deg. C. Deg. C. Grms. Deg. C. Deg. C. Grms. 
0 37.0 2.905 0) 38.7 4.500 
11.1 Slee 25 10 38.6 3.4383 
20.8 37.4 1.766 20 38 .6 2.283 
2527 37.0 1.540 30 38.7 1.778 
SUe Bh arE Weaw ly 35 39.2 2.266 
34.9 38.2 Mei7 633 
40.0 39.5 1.454 

A later experiment by Rubner + upon a dog, in which the heat 
production was measured by a calorimeter, gave the following 

Temperature of Air. Heat Production per Kg. 
COR a acsat ep ernaene pee ate, anced ee 83.5 Cals. 
LD BOT das ene ern tee eel sian Bae 63200 % 
ZOE As ott eaten amie seed ot ak 3a abe an doco. 
DP ST ae nati lati 2Y ail Sig aaaa 04.2 “ 
10 8 sabes are retiree cma GPCR Came es eat Oru ts? 

The uniform testimony of these various experiments is that for 
each species there is a certain external temperature at which the 
metabolism and consequent heat production reach a minimum. 
With man in ordinary clothing it would appear to le at about 
15° C.,{ with the dog at about 20° C., and with the guinea-pig at 
about 30°-35° C. Below this point the heat production rises or 
falls with changes of external temperature; or, in other words, the 
constancy of the body temperature is secured, in part at least, by 

* Biologische Gesetze, p. 13. 
+ Archiv f. Hygiene, 11, 285. 
{ Rubner (Biol. Gesetze, p. 30) says that for naked man it is about 37° C. 


means of the so-called “chemical” regulation, that is, by variations 
in the production of heat. 

Above this point the heat production, instead of a further de- 
crease, shows an increase, which, however, is slight as compared 
with the differences observed as a result of the “chemical” regu- 
lation. Here we are obviously in the domain of the “physical” 
regulation—the regulation by changes in the emission constant of 
the skin. This temperature at which the chemical regulation 
ceases, and which presumably varies for different species of animals, 
Ranke calls the critical temperature. Below it the regulation is 
chiefly “chemical,” above it chiefly “physical.’”’ The slight in- 
crease in the metabolism above the critical point is plausibly ex- 
plained as due to the greater activity of the organs of circulation, 
respiration, and perspiration required for the “physical” regula- 

Rubner’s experiments also show that the portion of the thermic 
range lying above the critical temperature falls into two distinct 
subdivisions. For a certain distance above that point, the factors 
chiefly concerned in the regulation of the body temperature are 
conduction and radiation, which keep pace with the rising tem- 
perature in the manner already explained. At the same time, 
there is a small increase in the rate of evaporation of water, approxi- 
mately equivalent to the slight increase in the metabolism above 
the critical temperature to which attention has just been called. 
Matters go on in this way through a certain range of temperature 
until the regulative capacity of the vaso-motor mechanism is 
utilized to its maximum. If the external temperature still rises, 
the emission of heat by conduction and radiation begins to decrease 
as it would in a lifeless object, and the deficit thus occasioned is 
made up by a sudden increase in the exhalation of water vapor, 
coinciding, in man, with the production of visible perspiration. 
This sudden increase in the activity of the sweat-glands is accom- 
panied, as we should expect, by an increase in the total metabolism 
and consequent heat production. 

These phenomena are well illustrated by Rubner’s experiments 
with a fasting dog, already partially cited on the opposite page. 
The following table shows the amount of heat carried off by con- 
duction and radiation and as latent heat of water-vapor at the 


several temperatures, and the same facts are also shown graphically 
in the accompanying diagram. 

Disposed of by | 

Temperature Total Heat 
of Air, Production, Conduction As Latent 
Deg. C. Cals. and Heat of Water 
Radiation, Vapor, 
Cals. Cals. 

7.6 Some TMIRTE fis 
15.0 63.0 49.0 14.0 
20.0 53.5 ol.3 16.2 
25.0 54.2 37.3 16.9 
30.0 56.2 30.0 26.2 


7.6°C 15°C 20°C 25°C 30°C 

It appears, then, that a certain minimum heat production, 
corresponding to the metabolism at the critical temperature, is 
inseparably connected with the life of the animal. The very fact 
that the heat production at this temperature is a minimum shows 
that its amount is not determined by the needs of the organism for 
heat. If the latter were the controlling condition, a rise of exter- 
nal temperature should still further reduce the generation of heat, 
while as a matter of fact it is accompanied by a slight increase up 
to the point where the amount of heat produced overpasses the 
ability of the organism to dispose of it and death results. The 
natural conclusion is that the metabolism at the critical tem- 
perature is that which is necessary for the performance of the 
various functions of the organism, and that the heat production 
at this temperature, therefore, represents the amount of energy 
necessarily consumed in the internal work of the body. This is, 
of course, Rubner’s conclusion (p. 346) in a slightly altered form. 

The case is not unlike that of a room in which a fire must be 
kept burning for some purpose—a kitchen, for example. In winter, 
changes in external temperature may be met by burning more or 


less fuel. As spring advances, the fire is reduced until it is just 
sufficient for the necessary work. If the weather still continues 
to grow warmer, since the fire cannot be further reduced the excess 
of heat is gotten rid of by opening the windows more or less, while, 
to carry out the analogy, in very hot weather we may sprinkle the 
floor or wet the walls to secure relief from heat through the evapora- 
tion of water. 

In our discussion thus far we have considered chiefly the influence 
of external temperature on metabolism and heat production. This 
is, however, by no means the only condition affecting the heat 
balance of the body. Of the other meteorological factors, three 
call for special mention, viz., wind, insolation, and in particular 
relative humidity. eka 

Wind.—In a perfectly still atmosphere, the layer of air next to 
the skin becomes warmed and loaded with water vapor and con- 
stitutes to a certain degree a protective envelope which is removed 
with comparative slowness by gaseous diffusion. A current of air, 
by removing this protecting layer and bringing fresh portions of air 
in contact with the body, increases the emission of heat both by 
conduction and by evaporation of water. This is in accord with the 
common experience that a degree of cold which can readily be 
borne when the air is still becomes intolerable in a brisk wind, while, 
on the other hand, the oppressiveness of a very hot day is sensibly 
relieved by even a slight breeze. The effect of wind, then, is to 
transpose the thermic range of the animal to a higher place in the 
thermometric scale, and to correspondingly raise the critical tem- 

Insolation.—Vhe direct rays of the sun impart a considerable 
amount of heat to the body. The effect of insolation, therefore, is 
the reverse of that of wind, viz., to transpose the thermal range 
and the critical temperature downward. A similar effect is pro- 
duced, of course, by the sun’s heat when reflected from surrounding 
objects, or by the radiant heat from hot objects, the earth, for ex- 
ample. On the other hand, the radiation from the body into space 
during the night, especially at high altitudes and through a dry, 
clear atmosphere, may have a very considerable effect in the con- 
trary direction. 


Relative Hunudity.—The relative humidity of the air affects the 
emission of heat in two principal ways. At Jow temperatures, 
where the evaporation of water plays a subordinate role, it increases 
the rate of emission by increasing the conductivity and specific 
heat of the air, and also the conductivity of the skin and the body 
covering (hair, fleece, clothing), these effects outweighing its in- 
fluence in diminishing the relatively small amount of evaporation 
Moist cold is, therefore, more trying than dry cold. 

At high temperatures, on the other hand, where a large pro- 
portion of the heat is removed by evaporation, a high relative 
humidity, by checking this evaporation, hinders the emission of 
heat, this effect overbalancing any slight increase in conductivity. 
Moist heat is accordingly more oppressive than dry heat. 

An increase in the relative humidity, then, abbreviates the 
thermal range at both ends, while at moderate temperatures it 
appears to have but little effect, a diminution of the loss by evap- 
oration being compensated for by an increase in radiation and 

CriticAL THERMAL ENVIRONMENT.—From the above it is 
obvious that the so-called critical temperature is not a constant, 
_ even for the same species or the same individual, but that other 
factors than the temperature of the air materially affect it. 

What is constant (relatively at least) is the rate at which heat 
is produced in the body by the metabolism necessary to sustain its 
various physiological activities, that is, by its internal work. In 
order to maintain the normal body temperature, the total outflow 
of heat through its various channels must, at its minimum, be equal 
to the amount thus liberated in the organism. The outflow of 
heat, as we have seen, is affected directly or indirectly by the 
external conditions, and largely by the three just mentioned. In- 
numerable combinations of these conditions are possible, and any 
one of them whose combined effect upon the animal is to make 
the outflow of heat equal to the rate of evolution due to the 
internal work will constitute a critical point in the above sense. 
Any change in such a set of conditions which tends to increase the 
outflow of heat will, like a fall in temperature, be met chiefly by an 
increased heat production. Any change tending in the opposite 
direction will be compensated for by the effects upon the organ- 


ism whch have already been described and which result in maintain- 
ing the rate of emission of heat at a point enough higher than before 
to provide for carrying off the extra heat arising from the physio- 
logical work of the regulative mechanism itself. In other words, 
instead of a critical temperature, we get the conception of a critical 
thermal environment, which may be reached under a variety of 
conditions, and below which we have the domain of “chemical” 
regulation, while above it is the region of “physical” regulation. 

Influence of Size of Animal on Heat Production.—The total 
metabolism of a large animal is necessarily greater than that of a 
small one of the same species, but it is not proportional to the 
weight, being relatively greater in the smaller animal under com- 
parable conditions. 

appears to have been the first to connect the fact just stated with 
the relatively greater surface of the smaller animal, but we are in- 
debted to Rubner f+ for the first quantitative investigation of this 
phase of the subject. His experiments were made on six dogs 
whose weights varied from 3 to 24 kilograms each. The total 
metabolism (proteids and fat) of each of these animals in the fasting 
state was determined in from two to thirteen experiments, and 
from their results the average heat production of each animal was 
computed. The table on page 360 { shows the air temperature and 
the computed heat production per kilogram live weight in each 
experiment, and also the same corrected to the uniform tempera- 
ture of 15° C. This correction is made on the basis of Theodor’s 
experiments (see p. 351), according to which a difference of 1° 
Centigrade caused the amount of oxygen taken up by the cat to 
vary 1.11 per cent. The first series consists of a selection from 
Pettenkofer & Voit’s experiments. 

Whether we consider the observed or the corrected heat pro- 
duction we find that with the single exception of the corrected 
result for No. VI the amount per unit of live weight increases as the 
weight itself decreases. 

* Cited by Rubner. 

+ Zeit. f. Biol , 19, 535. 

t The figures of the table are computed from those given by Rubner in 

loc. cit., p 540, and differ in some cases from the summary given in loc. cit., 
p 542. 





Pettenkofer & Voit’s 

ANVCYARC c 05 reise hee 

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AVETASE: 25135 Se Wiehe 

Rebs 24,1982 05.. 
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JAVETAGE: Joao orn sete 

Jan. 12, 1880.3... ..... 
odd «AOE Ds Macnee 

ANVCTARC oso sate tems 

Deer 2, U8 oe ls eee 
She QD) ET none ete 
SE™I2By |S Yemenite: 
iad 7: Bi Lie hay tae Air ee 

| May 2. 18825 cor eres 

gS ane oe 

AVEIAQC oii Wiis wansceaees 
Dec> Gos LSS ace ere = 




Feb. 1 

be 2 
ss Soy pains 






Lm ur en ae rea 
Heb, 26° (sake anes 

ce 11 ce 

AWVELALEC fin 5.6 <a, siete 

VaTie Onel SSOS rsa seaeteeens 
120), Sells Sete te est ae. 


Air Tem- 
Deg. C. 

We A 






o% . . . . . . . 

Heat Production 

per Kg. 

| “to 15° 
als. Cale. 
38.99 39.90 
31.82 BYALA 
37.39 37.89 
36.54 36.09 
36.18 36.66 
41.40 41.40 
40 .22 40.22 
41.10 41.10 
40.91 40.91 
47.95 48.91 
45.71 45.48 
42.79 43022 
45.48 45.87 
50.72 50.11 
41.54 42.29 
46.13 46.20 
66.32 69.10 
60.28 64.19 
64.88 68.58 
60.66 64.66 
61.16 63.42 
57.86 61.04 
61.86 65.16 
65.01 65.77 
63.65 69.70 
58.13 61.79 
71.07 73.56 
76.85 79.39 
71.60 71.60 
75.03 76.23 
61.55 61.11 
54.91 55.73 
53.64 54.39 
52.57 53.09 
61.06 63.22 
54.24 56.73 
63.02 64.79 
84.45 84.45 
97.86 95.41 
80.00 84.88 
87.44 88.25 



Heat Production per Kg. 

No. of ae Pesan 
Animal. Kgs. Observeds Comeeced (Com ecied): 
als. Cals. 
Deer ar tonseei sn tais 30.66 36.18 36.66 100 
1 IS SIA a ears 23.71 40.91 40.91 112 
LOO Ea ee ene 19.20 45.48 45.87 125 
IOVistihvel aaa Nec) 46.13 46.20 126 
NES SEER ra Ae 9.51 61.86 65.16 178 
VG eS a ieee 6.44 63 .02 64.79 177 
AY 8 Ge ae 3.10 87.44 88.25 241 

Rubner also determined approximately the surface exposed by 
his animals, in part by direct measurement and in part by calcu- 
lation, and computed the heat production per square meter of sur- 
face, with the following results: 


No. of Animal. piteseee Fl) eeuateimeces 
i ; Cals. 
JES bie sera aa ele 10750 1046 
LOS ie Cae ines 8805 1112 
UO eHebocuaene 7500 1207 
AYER Sse aie digias¢ 7662 1097 
Whee Hebe aixleyiel a 5286 1183 
VETS ene 3724 1120 
AV Dreams aes Susie 2423 1214 

He also cites * the results of experiments by Senator on the heat 
production of fasting dogs, and a respiration experiment by Reg- 
nault & Reiset, as follows: 

Heat Production. 

Live Weight, Calculated 
No. Kes. Surface, Per 
Sq. Cm. Live Weisht, Mee on Sik 
Cals. face, Cals. 
AY OE) Beh a ea 10.80 5423 52.31 1035 
1D, CRIN RIE I MN 7.52 4285 53.76 944 
DCR Alun a 6.09 3722 63.04 1031 
D6) UO SAT eho) 5.68 3534 68.40 1101 
POT nt rah ay 5.40 3462 74.16 1157 
DG EEN Ree ta 4.24 2924 69.12 1003 
PKG Vir tS tah tea 5.59 3508 72.82 1154 

* Loc. cit., p. 551. 


With one exception, the results per square meter agree very well 
with those of Rubner, both absolutely and relatively. 

Rubner has also shown in later experiments * that the same 
thing is substantially true of guinea-pigs, both at zero and at the 
temperature of about 30 degrees, at which the heat production is at 
its mimimum (critical temperature). He likewise points out t 
that the well-known rapid metabolism of children as compared 
with adults is, so far as the available data show, quite closely pro- 
portional to their relative surface, and observations on the diet of 
a dwarf f{ gave a like result. 

Richet,§ working with an air-calorimeter of constant pressure, 
in which the heat production was measured by the amount of 
water displaced by the expansion of the air, obtained the following 
results on rabbits, and similar results upon guinea-pigs are also 

Total Heat 
Number of Live Weight, Heat Expressed in ne eee 
Experiments. Kegs. PG Kg., c.c. of Water | Per Unit of 
vals. Displaced. Surface. 
et eecetas ha erytusenene 2.0-2.2 4.730 119 

10 HPS aes ele gan Peer 2 .2-2.4 3.985 110 130 
1 (A eer Sse ar we 2.4-2.6 3.820 115 129 
SA Pe ee es eee 2 .6-2.8 3.650 119 WPA 
Otek bets sence seen 2.8-3.0 3) 5740) 125 128 
1 Og rte are ee eae 3.0-3 .2 3.320 130 127 

It would appear from the description of the experiments that 
only the heat given off by radiation and conduction was measured, 
no specific statements being made as to ventilation or as to the loss 
of heat as latent heat of water-vapor. The experiments were also of 
short duration, ranging from sixty to ninety minutes. 

The same author in later experiments || determined the respi- 
ratory exchange of rabbits of different weights. Computing the 

* Biologische Gesetze, pp. 17-18. 

{ Zeit. f. Biol., 21, 390. 

t Biologische Gesetze, p. 9. 

§ Archives de Physiol., 1885, II, 237. 

|| Jbid., 1890, pp. 17 and 483; 1891, p. 74; Comptes rend., 109, 190. 

4| By means of an apparatus described briefly in Comptes rend., 104, 435 


results per square centimeter of surface by the use of Meeh’s for- 
mula (p. 364) he obtained the following figures, while similar 
results are also reported on guinea-pigs, rats; and birds. 

Carbon Dioxide 

Number of Average Live | per Square Cm. 
Experiments. Weight, Kgs. of Surface, 

Ee Ore an erin ad 24.0 2.65 
Dee waviseeracstaneey 13.5 2.60 
eve oe sotcdier stovaiiets TL) 2.81 
AR ONE Nee: 9.0 2.81 
Bee a esa 6.5 2.69 
Seen Riera ems 5.0 2.57 
Giese a Gi aaenes Sul 74 Al 
Ee eet tey tar hss 2.35 2.70 

EK. Voit * has recently published an extended compilation of 
results bearing upon this point, including experiments on man, dogs, 
rabbits, swine, geese, and hens, the heat production being in most 
cases computed from the metabolism of carbon and nitrogen. The 
results when computed per square meter of surface, while they 
show not inconsiderable variations in some individual cases, never- 
theless as a whole substantially confirm the conclusion that the 
fasting metabolism is in general proportional to the surface. Still 
more recently Oppenheimer + has shown that the law also holds 
good for infants. 

Causes of Variations.—In comparing experiments made upon 
different animals by different observers at different times some 
variation in the results would naturally be expected. The experi- 
ments compiled by Voit were not all made at the same temperature, 
but the range in most cases is relatively small and can hardly have 
exerted any considerable influence. Differences between the differ- 
ent animals as to their normal rate of emission of heat (thickness of 
coat, quality of skin) may perhaps have also had an effect, although 
probably a small one. 

A more important source of error seems to lie, as Voit points 
out, in the computation of the results to unit surface, what is 
actually measured, of course. being the total heat production of 
the animal. In solids which are of the same shape, that is, which 

¥ Zeit. f. Biol., 41, 113. + Ibid., 42, 147. 


are geometrically similar figures, the surface is proportional to 
the two-thirds power of the volume. If we let S=surface and 
V=volume, then S=kV3, in which fk is a constant for any given 
form. Putting W=weight, if the bodies have the same specific 
gravity we may substitute W for V in the above equation, and we 
then have 


S=kWi, k 

On the assumption that the bodies of animals of the same species 
constitute similar figures and have the same specific gravity, the 
value of k has been determined for several species, as follows (the 
weight being expressed in kilograms and the surface in square 
centimeters) : 

Manna tyen tee 12.9 Meeh (Zeit. f. Biol., 15, 425). 

Dog seeds 11.2. Rubner (Jbid., 19, 548). 

Rabbit ....... 12.9 Rubner (Jbid., 19, 553). 

Hlorse@is see 9.02 Hecker (Zeit. f. Veterinark., 1894). 
ens sec hae 10.45 Rubner (Zeit. f. Biol., 19, 553). 
Guinea-pig.... 8.89 Rubner (Biol. Gesetze, p. 17). 

Rat it ormet 9.13 

Frog J... 5.0. 4.62 trubner (Ze: f.-Biol., 19, 553). 

The heat production per unit of surface in most of the foregoing 
experiments is computed by the use of these factors. The results 
of such computations, however, are necessarily approximations 
only. While animals of the same species are of the same general 
shape, we can by no means regard them as being exactly similar 
figures in the geometrical sense, nor can we safely assume them to 
be of exactly the same specific gravity, since changes in the 
amount of contents of stomach and intestines, and particularly in 
the quantity of fat in the body, would cause greater or less variations. 
Moreover, the state of fatness has, as Voit points out, still another 
effect. As an animal grows fat, the increase in size is mainly 
transverse and not longitudinal, the effect being like that of in- 
creasing the diameter of a cylinder of fixed length.* In such a 
case, however, the increase in the surface is not proportional to the 
two-thirds power of the volume, nor to the square root of the vol- 

* In the case of an animal, of course, we have the additional fact that the 
deposit of fat is not of uniform thickness over the whole surface of the body. 


ume, as Voit states. The curved surface of the cylinder will be 
proportional to the square root of its volume, while the surface of 
the two ends will be proportional to the volume, and the ratio of 
total surface to volume will depend upon the ratio of length to 
diameter, being greater as the latter becomes less. 

Obviously, the calculation of the surface of an animal from its 
weight is a more or less uncertain one, and it is not surprising that 
the results should be somewhat fluctuating. It seems very doubt- 
ful, however, whether the larger differences found in Voit’s com- 
pilation can be explained in this way, and Voit shows that there 
is another factor to be considered, viz., the mass of active cells in 
the body, which has a material bearing on the results. Before 
proceeding to a discussion of this point, however, it is desirable to 
consider briefly the significance of the general fact of the close 
relation between heat production and surface. 

Significance of Results.—Let us imagine an animal exposed to 
its “critical thermal environment” (p. 358) to gradually shrink in 
size while the external conditions remain the same. Under such 
circumstances the loss of heat to its surroundings will tend to in- 
crease relatively to its mass—that is, the body, like an inanimate 
object, will tend to cool more rapidly. This tendency can be met 
and the body temperature maintained in only two ways, viz., either 
by some modification of its surface—e.g., thicker hair—which will 
lower what we may call its emission constant, or by a relative in- 
crease in its rate of heat production. 

The results which we have been considering show that in 
general the emission constant, i.e. the rate of heat emission per 
unit of surface, is substantially the same in small and large animals, 
and that the greater loss of heat in the former case is met by an 
increased production. In this aspect the effect is simply an ex- 
tension of the influence of falling temperature, the increased de- 
mand for heat being met by an increased supply, so that the extent 
of surface appears as the determining factor of the amount of met- 

In the case of an animal exposed to a temperature below the 
critical point, however, the increased demand for heat appears to be 
met largely by a stimulation of those processes of metabolism which 
do not result in any visible form of work, while the internal work, 


in the more restricted sense of the ordinary functions of the internal 
organs, does not seem to be materially affected. Are we justified 
in assuming the same thing to be true in our imagined shrinkage 
of an animal? In other words, is the work of the internal organs 
proportional to the mass of the body and is the increased heat 
production in the smaller animal due to the same cause as that 
observed when an animal is exposed to a falling temperature? 

It appears quite clear that this question must be answered in 
the negative. It is a well-known fact that the circulation, respira- 
tion, and other functions are as a rule more active in small 
than in large animals, and this greater activity must necessarily 
result in the evolution of relatively more heat. If we raise the 
temperature of the surroundings to a point corresponding to the 
critical thermal environment, we may, as we have seen, regard the 
heat production as representing the internal work in the narrower 
sense. Rubner * reports experiments of this sort upon four guinea- 
pigs at 0° C. and at 30° C., which gave the following results for the 
production of carbon dioxide: 

CO, per Hour at 0° C. CO, per Hour at 30° C. 
Weight of eS ze 
Grms. Per Kg. Per Square Per Kg. Per Square 
Weight, Meter Surface, Weight, Meter Surface, 

Grms. Grms. Grms. Grms. 
617 2.905 27 85 1.289 127235) 
568 3.249 30.30 1.129 lOz53 
Dae 4.462 30.47 1.778 12.14 
206 4.738 31.56 1.961 13.16 

With the first and third of these animals direct experiment 
showed that the minimum production of carbon dioxide (critical 
point) was reached at about 30°-35°, and we may fairly assume 
this to be true of the other two. At 30° C., then, we may assume 
that the “chemical” regulation was practically eliminated and that 
the observed metabolism was that due to the work of the internal 
organs. Under these conditions, as the figures show, the metab- 
olism was still approximately proportional to the surface of the 
animal, and consequently greater per unit of weight in the smaller 
than in the larger animals. 

* Biologische Gesetze, pp. 12-18. 


Strong confirmation of this conclusion is afforded by the exper- 
iments previously cited. In many of them, notably in Rubner’s, 
the range of size is so great that to regard the differences in heat 
production as arising from a direct stimulation of the metab- 
. olism, as in the case of a fall in the external temperature, leads 
to improbable consequences. Thus a comparison of the largest 
with the smallest dog in Rubner’s experiments (p. 361) shows 
that if we regard the heat production of the former as represent- 
ing simply the work of the internal organs, over 56 per cent. of the 
heat production of the smaller animal must, on the supposition 
that the internal work is proportional to the mass of the body, have 
arisen from some other source. Such an enormous increase in the 
metabolism of the body simply for the sake of heat production 
can hardly be regarded as probable. Still further, if we assume 
(compare p. 354) a temperature of about 20° C. to represent the 
critical point for the dog, then, on the hypothesis that the necessary 
internal work per unit of weight is the same, we find that a fall of one 
degree in temperature must have produced about six times the 
effect upon the metabolism of the smallest dog that it did on that 
of the largest one, while if we take the other alternative and seek to 
explain the results on the assumption of a higher critical tempera- 
ture for the smallest dog, we find for the latter about 364° C. 

Taking these considerations along with the results of Rubner’s 
trials with the four guinea-pigs, it seems most reasonable to assume, 
in default of more extensive investigations directed to this specific 
point, that the critical temperature is substantially the same for 
large and small animals of the same species and that the work of 
the internal organs is approximately proportional to the surface 
of the animal. : 

Substantially the same conclusion has been reached by v. Héss- 
lin * from a quite different point of view. He points out that the 
increased production of heat below the critical temperature is not 
proportional to the difference in temperature between the body and 
its surroundings, as it should be, according to Newton’s law, if the 
emission constant of the surface remained the same. Taking as an 
example Theodor’s experiments (p. 351) he makes the following 

* Arch. f. (Anat. u.) Physiol., 1888, p. 323. 


| Difference Between Body and 

Exterhal Temperature. Carbon Dioxide in 12 Hours. 


De Relative. oa Relative 
30.8 ers 1.0 12.03 1.00 
20.1 17.9 2.5 14.34 1.19 
12.3 25.7 3.6 17.76 1.48 
0.2 37.8 5.25 18 .24 52 
—5.5 43.5 6.0 19.83 1.65 

It would appear from these figures that even below the critical 
temperature the “physical” regulation plays a large part in the 
regulation of the body temperature, being simply supplemented 
by the “chemical” regulation, and that therefore the demand for 
heat has not the determining influence upon the heat production 
which Rubner supposes. According to v. Hdésslin the apparent 
dependence of the total metabolism upon the surface is only a par- 
ticular case of a general morphological law and he points out: 

First, that since, according to him, the velocity of the circula- 
tion does not vary greatly in large and small animals, the average 
amount of blood passing through the organs, and consequently 
their supply of oxygen, will be proportional to the total cross- 
section of the blood-vessels, which again, similar form being 
assumed, will be proportional to the two-thirds power of the 
volume (or weight) of the body. 

Second, that the capacity of the alimentary canal to digest and 
resorb food and thus to supply material for metabolism is limited 
in the same proportion. 

Third, that the work of locomotion—substantially the only 
form of external work in the wild state—at a given speed is pro- 
portional to the two-thirds power of the weight. 

In short, v. Hésslin claims that all the important physiological 
activities of the body, including, of course, its internal work and the 
consequent heat production, are substantially proportional to the 
two-thirds power of its volume, and that since the external surface 
bears the same ratio to the volume, a proportionality necessarily 
exists between heat production and surface. According to this 
view, then, the heat production of the fasting animal at the criti- 
cal temperature represents the internal work, which is proportional 


to the two-thirds power of the volume of the body, while below 
this point there is superadded a stimulating effect upon the heat 
production, which, since it acts through the surface, we may 
assume to be proportional to the latter. 

Comparison of Species.—In the foregoing discussion compari- 
sons have been made between large and small animals of the same 
- species, with the result that both their internal work and their 
total fasting metabolism appear to be closely proportional to their 
surface. Going a step further and comparing the average results 
of the several species with each other, E. Voit * reaches the inter- 
esting and striking result that the same relation of total fasting 
metabolism to surface is substantially true as between different 
species. The following table contains the averages, with the addi- 
tion of the fasting metabolism of the horse as computed by Zuntz 
& Hagemann, which Voit believes with good reason to be too 

Fasting Metabolism. 
Average Tem- Average 
perature, Weight, Kgs. 5 
Deg. C. Per Kg., Per Square 
Cals. Meter, Cals. 
TGR SCH ei ie elie ae 9.1 (?) 441 11.3 > 948 
SWAT) Gia AGIA Pi) 20.1 128 19.1 1078 
Iie rae eas Pus obey ence 14.3 64.3 32.1 1042 
Doe 18.0 15.2 51.5 1039 
IROOM Ls Galo o Hine 18.2 253 (3) 776 
GCOOsenenae veer: 15.0 3.5 66.7 967 
Tema ate UN 18.5 2.0 71.0 943 

With the exception of the rabbit, the average heat production 
of these various animals per unit of surface does not show any 
greater variations than have been observed between different 
animals of the same species, more or less of which, as we have seen, 
can probably be accounted for by errors in the estimate of the 
surface of the body. 

Accepting the fact of the general proportionality of heat pro- 
duction to surface, and passing over for the moment the excep- 
tional case of the rabbit, it is plain that the considerations which 
have been adduced in discussing the results upon the same 

* Loc. cit., p. 120. 


species will in the main apply to a comparison of different. species. 
It is true that what data we have indicate that there may be more 
or less difference between the critical temperatures for different 
species, but in view of the enormous range in the size of the animals 
experimented on this cannot largely modify the results. Any 
reasonable assumptions as to critical temperatures and as to rates 
of variation per degree in heat production would still leave the 
corrected results substantially proportional to the surface. Appar- 
ently we must conclude that in all these different species, as well 
as in larger and smaller animals of the same species, the internal 
work, as measured by the total metabolism at the critical tem- 
perature, is substantially proportional to the surface. 

How generally this may be true we have at present no means 
of judging. It is clear, however, that in the process of organic 
evolution one of the very important factors has been the demand 
for heat exerted by the environment upon the animal. This has 
been met to some extent by modifications in the coat of the animal, 
but to a very large degree by changes in the rate of heat produc- 
tion, with the result that, other things being equal, those forms have 
survived whose normal heat production, resulting from internal 
work alone, was sufficient to maintain their temperature under the 
average conditions surrounding them without, on the one hand, 
calling largely into play the processes of “chemical” regulation, 
nor, on the other hand, producing so much heat as to render it 
difficult for the body to get rid of it. 

RELATION OF Herat Propuction To Mass or Tissug.—As 
already indicated, E. Voit. in his article cited above, has shown 
that while the heat production is in general proportional to the sur- 
face, there is also another determining factor, viz., the mass of the 
active cells in the organism, a rough measure of which is the total 
nitrogen of the body exclusive of that of the bones and the skin. 
This conclusion is based chiefly on experiments with fasting animals. 
As the weight of such an animal decreases, its relative surface must 
increase, and, as was shown on p. 364, probably more rapidly than 
in proportion to the two-thirds power of the weight. Under these 
circumstances we should naturally expect that the relative heat 
production would increase, but as a matter of fact it rather shows 
a tendency to decrease. E. Voit, in discussing the results of Rubner 


and others, computes the heat production per unit of surface, and 
also compares it with the amount of nitrogen computed to be 
present in the organs of the animal on the several days of the ex- 
periment. The following results of one of Rubner’s experiments 
with rabbits are typical of those obtained in this way: 

Heat Production per Day. 

Day of Fasting. Weishe, ik ee Per 100 

Grms. Total, Per Kg.. | Meter of | Nitrogen, 
Cals. Cals. Surface, Cals. 


“DVR | SSS ee REARS 2185 155 71.0 730 310 
TRIURUL DY cS nt eee aie pea ea 2093 117 55.9 556 243 
SEvelt pry wy pose eee Ah 2007 102 50.8 499 220 
UN inate ay ee petli ota ic sis cer cus 1923 97 50.5 488 221 
Tenth and twelfth ......... 1841 95 51.6 494 22K, 
Thirteenth and fourteenth ..| 1735 88 50.7 463 222 
Fifteenth and sixteenth ....| 1646 81 49 .2 452 218 
Seventeenth and eighteenth| 1507 72 47.8 428 219 


The heat production per unit of surface is seen to decrease at 
first rapidly and later more slowly, while the heat production per 
unit of weight shows but a slight decrease and that per unit of 
nitrogen scarcely any. From these and other similar results, Voit 
concludes that the law of the proportionality of heat production to 
surface as enunciated by Rubner and as extended by himself must 
be limited in its application to animals in like bodily condition, 
and that an animal with a low stock of nitrogenous tissue will, 
under the same conditions, show a lower heat production per unit 
of surface than a well-nourished animal. The exceptionally low 
average for the rabbit noted on p. 369 he explains on this hypoth- 
esis as resulting from the frequent use for such experiments of 
animals in a poorly nourished and “degenerate” condition re- 
sulting from long confinement. 

The result has an interesting bearing in another direction. 
Most of the experiments cited by Voit were probably made at tem- 
peratures below the critical points for the several animals. In 
our previous discussion we have assumed that under these cireum- 
stances the heat regulation is accomplished largely by “chemical” 
means—by variations in the rate of production. In these experi- 


ments, on the contrary, since the heat production decreased along 
with the decrease of nitrogenous tissue, we see the regulation of 
body temperature effected by a diminution in the rate of emission 
of heat, which, however, was in most cases less marked than in the 
instance just cited. Either we must conclude that the abnormal 
condition arising from fasting enables the animal to diminish the 
rate of emission of heat to an extent not possible to the well- 
nourished one, or we may suppose that in the latter case the stimu- 
lation of the metabolism by the abstraction of heat begins before 
the possibilities of “physical” regulation have been exhausted; 
that, in other words, the domains of “chemical” and “ physical” 
regulation overlap. Obviously the latter conclusion is entirely in 
harmony with v. Hésslin’s views as stated on pp. 367-8. 

§ 3. The Expenditure of Energy in Digestion and Assimilation. 

General Conception. 

Foop Increases Mretasouism.—That the consumption of food 
increases the metabolism and consequent heat production in the 
body has been known since the time of Lavoisier, who observed 
the oxygen consumption of man to increase materially (about 37 
per cent.) after a meal. Regnault & Reiset * also, among their 
respiration experiments on animals, report the following results 
for the oxygen consumption of two rabbits while fasting and after 

Abraale (ye Seen otis ae 
UA Stnte eae keyte toys 2.518 3.124 
BE eerste 2.731 3.590 

Subsequent investigations by Vierodt, Smith, Speck, Fredericq, 
v. Mehring & Zuntz, Wolfers, Potthast, Hanriot & Richet,t Magnus- 
Levy, Zuntz & Hagemann, Laulanié, and others, some of which will 
be considered more specifically in subsequent paragraphs, have fully 
confirmed these earlier results, so that the fact of an increased met- 
abolism consequent upon the ingestion of food is undisputed. 

* Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. (3), 26, 414. 
t Ibid. (6), 22, 520. 


CAUSE OF THE INCREASE.—Two possible explanations of the 
above fact naturally suggest themselves, viz., that, on the one hand, 
the more abundant supply of food material to the cells of the 
body may act as a direct stimulus to the metabolic processes, or, 
on the other hand, that the increased metabolism may arise from 
the greater activity of the organs of digestion, or finally, that both 
causes may act simultaneously. 

The results obtained by Speck,* who found that the increase 
began very promptly (within thirty minutes) after a meal, would 
indicate that it can hardly be due to a stimulating action of the 
resorbed food upon the general metabolism, but must arise, in 
large part at least, from the activity of the digestive organs. 
Specific investigations upon this point were undertaken by Zuntz & 
v. Mehring.f They found that glycerin, sugar, egg-albumin, puri- 
fied peptones, and the sodium salts of lactic and butyric acids t 
when injected into the circulation caused no material increase in 
the amount of oxygen consumed as determined in successive short 
periods by the Zuntz form of respiration apparatus. It is well estab- 
lished that some of these substances do increase the metabolism 
when given by the mouth, and the authors verified this fact for sugar 
and for sodium lactate and likewise showed that substances like 
sodium sulphate, which are not metabolized in the body, caused a 
similar rise in the metabolism when introduced into the digestive 
tract. They therefore conclude that the effect of the ingestion of 
food upon the metabolism is due chiefly to the expenditure of energy 
required in its digestion. Wolfers § and Potthast,|| in experiments sup- 
plementary to those just mentioned, obtained confirmatory results. 

On the other hand, Laulanié,{ in the experiments mentioned 
on p. 180 in their bearings upon the formation of fat from carbo- 
hydrates, obtained almost as marked an increase in the oxygen 
consumption subsequent to the injection of sugar into the circula- 
tion as after its administration by the mouth. 

* Arch. exper. Pathol. and Pharm., II, 1874, p. 405. 

+ Arch. ges. Physiol., 15, 634; 32, 173. 

¢ The results of their experiments upon organic acids have already been 
cited in Chapter V, p. 157, in another connection. 

§ Arch. ges. Physiol., 32, 222. 

|| Ibid., 32, 280. 
4 Archives de Physiol., 1896, p. 791. 


On the whole, however, and in view of the patent fact that the 
activity of the digestive apparatus consequent upon the consump- 
tion of food must lead to an expenditure of energy, the results of 
Zuntz & v. Mehring appear to have been generally accepted as proof 
that it is this influence rather than any direct effect of the resorbed 
food upon the metabolism to which the increase of the latter after 
a meal is to be ascribed. This increased expenditure is often, 
although rather loosely, spoken of as the “work of digestion.” 
Facrors or Work or Dicestion.—In the process of digestion 
we are probably safe in assuming that the muscular work of pre- 
hension, mastication, deglutition, rumination, peristalsis, etc., con- 
' stitutes an important source of heat production. A secondary 
source of heat production, which we may designate as glandular 
metabolism, is the activity of the various secretory glands which 
provide the digestive juices, to which may be added also the work 
of the resorptive mechanisms. Furthermore, the various processes 
of solution, hydration, cleavage, etc., which the nutrients undergo 
during digestion contribute their share to the general thermic effect. 
Fermentations.—To the above general sources of heat produc- 
tion during the digestive process, there is to be added as a very 
important one in the case of ruminating animals the extensive fer- 
mentation which the carbohydrates of the food undergo. We have 
already seen that a considerable fraction of the gross energy of these 
bodies is carried off in the potential form in the combustible gases 
produced. A further portion is liberated as heat of fermentation. 
This latter portion forms a part of the metabolizable energy of the 
food as defined in the preceding chapter, since it assumes the kinetic 
form in the body. Since, however, it appears immediately as heat, 
it can be of use to the body only indirectly, as an aid in maintaining 
its temperature. While, therefore, it does not constitute work in 
the strict sense of the term, the heat produced by fermentation 
constitutes a part of the expenditure of metabolizable energy in 
digestion, and therefore is included under the term “ work of diges- 
tion” in the general sense in which the term is frequently used. 
Warming Ingesta.—The food, and particularly the water, con- 
sumed by an animal have to be warmed to the temperature of the 
body. To the extent that this warming of the ingesta is accom- 
plished at the expense of the heat generated by the muscular, gland- 


ular, and fermentative actions indicated above, it does not call for 
any additional expenditure of energy and so does not, from the 
statistical point of view, constitute part of the “work of digestion.” 
If, however, at any time the warming of the ingesta requires more 
heat than is produced by these processes—if, for example, a large 
amount of very cold water is consumed—it is evident that the 
surplus energy required will be withdrawn from the stock otherwise 
available for other purposes, and to this extent will increase the 
expenditure of energy consequent upon digestion. 

knowledge of the changes which the nutrients undergo after re- 
sorption is very meager, we may regard it as highly probable that 
they undergo important transformations before they are fitted to 
serve directly as sources of energy for those general vital activities 
of the body represented in gross by the fasting metabolism. 

Thus the proteoses and peptones produced in the course of 
digestive proteolysis are synthesized again to proteids, while the 
proteids, when the supply is large, undergo, as was shown in Chap- 
ter V, rapid nitrogen cleavage, leaving a non-nitrogenous residue 
as a source of energy. According to some authorities, as we have 
seen, the resorbed fat undergoes conversion into dextrose in the 
liver before entering into the general metabolism of the body. 
Even the carbohydrates, at least so far as they are not directly 
resorbed as dextrose, seem to undergo more or less transformation 
before entering into the general circulation. 

In brief, there seems good reason to believe that the crude mate- 
rials resulting from the digestion of the food undergo more or less 
extensive chemical transformations before they are ready to serve 
as what Chauveau calls the “potential” of the body—that is, as 
the immediate source of energy for the vital functions. Of the 
nature and extent of these transformations we are largely ignorant. 
So far as they are katabolic in their nature, a liberation of energy is 
necessarily involved. Any anabolic processes of course would 
absorb energy, but the energy so absorbed must come ultimately 
from the katabolism of other matter, and in all probability there 
would be more or less escape of kinetic energy in the process. 

Moreover, as was pointed out in the opening paragraphs of 
Chapter II in discussing the general nature of metabolism, as well | 


as in the Introduction, the vital activities are intimately connected 
with the katabolic processes going on in the protoplasm of the 
cells. As was there stated, it is highly probable that the molecules 
of the protoplasm are much more complex than those of the pro- 
teids, fat and carbohydrates of the food (compare pp. 17 and 224), 
To what extent it is necessary that the resorbed nutrients shall be 
synthesized to these more complex compounds before they can 
serve the purposes of the organism we are hardly in position to 
say, but so far as it is required it can be accomplished only by an 
expenditure of energy derived ultimately from the food and con- 
stituting a part, and not impossibly a large part, of the work of 

Summary. — The considerations of the foregoing paragraphs 
make it plain that the exercise of the function of nutrition, as is the 
case with the other functions of the body, involves the expenditure 
of energy. In general, we may say that this energy is expended for 
the two purposes indicated in the title of this section, viz., for diges- 
tion, or the transformation of the crude materials of the food and 
their transference to the fluids of the body, and for assimilation, or 
the conversion of these resorbed materials into the “potential” of 
the organism. Each of these two general purposes is served by a va- 
riety of processes, and the attempt to assign to each its exact share 
in the increased metabolism brought about by the ingestion of food 
is a physiological problem at once interesting and complicated. 

For our present purpose, however, viz.,a consideration from the 
statistical point of view of the income and expenditure of energy 
by the organism, we are concerned primarily with the total ex- 
penditure caused by the ingestion of food rather than with the 
single factors composing it. As a matter of convenience it may be 
permissible to retain the designation above given, viz., the work of 
digestion and assimilation, but it should not be forgotten that other 
processes may conceivably be concerned in the matter. In par- 
ticular, any increased heat production resulting from a direct stimu- 
lation of the metabolic processes or of the incidental muscular 
activity of the animal by the resorbed food, such for example, as 
Zuntz & Hagemann * have observed with the horse as a result of 
abundant feeding, particularly with Indian corn, would be included 
under the term as here used. 

* Landw. Jahrb., 27, Supp. III, 234 and 259. 


Experimental Results. 

General Methods.—It follows from what has been said above 
that two general methods, or more properly two modifications of 
one general method, may be employed to determine the total ex- 
penditure of energy due to the ingestion of food. 

First, since the energy expended in the various processes out- 
lined above is ultimately converted into heat, we may determine the 
heat production of the animal while fasting and compare with it the 
heat production during the digestion and assimilation of a known 
amount of food. The excess of heat produced in the latter case as 
compared with the former will represent the increased expendi- 
ture of energy in the work of digestion and assimilation. 

Second, we may determine the total income and outgo of energy 
in the fasting and in the fed animal by one of the methods indicated 
in Chapter VIII. In this case the extent to which the net loss of 
energy by the body has been diminished by means of the food will 
show how much of the metabolizable energy of the latter has been 
utilized by the organism in place of that previously drawn from the 
metabolism of tissue. The part of the metabolizable energy not 
thus utilized has obviously been expended in some of the various: 
operations of digestion, assimilation, etc. The two methods are com- 
plementary, in the one case the expenditure for digestion, assimila- 
tion, etc., being determined directly and in the other by difference. 

A point of some importance, at least logically, is that the deter- 
minations should be made below the point of maintenance. The 
term assimilation as above defined includes all those processes by 
which the resorbed nutrients are prepared for their final metabo- 
lism in the performance of the vital functions. When we give food 
in excess of the maintenance requirement, however, there is added 
to this the set of processes by which the excess food is converted 
into suitable forms for more or less temporary storage in the 
body. These may be presumed to consume energy, and as it would 
seem, to a more or less variable extent. At any rate, we have 
no right to assume in advance that the relative expenditure of en- 
ergy above the maintenance point in the storage of excess material 
is the same as that below the maintenance point for the processes 
of assimilation as above defined. In other words, it is not necessa~ 
rily nor even, it would seem, probably the case that the resorbed 


portion of a maintenance ration is first converted into the same 
materials (particularly fat) that are deposited in the body when 
excess food is given, and that these materials are then metabolized 
in the performance of the bodily functions. It is at least conceiv- 
able, if not likely, that a much less profound transformation, and 
one involving a smaller loss of energy, suffices to prepare the re- 
sorbed nutrients for their functions as “ potential” than is required 
for their storage as gain of tissue. 

Finally, the comparison need not necessarily be made, and in- 
deed in case of most agricultural animals cannot well be made, with 
the fasting state. While this method is the simpler when practi- 
cable, a comparison of the total heat production or of the balance 
of energy on two different rations (both being less than the mainte- 
nance requirement) will afford the data for a computation by differ- 
ence (exactly similar to that employed in the determination of 
metabolizable energy in Chapter X) of the expenditure of energy in 
the digestion and assimilation of the food added to the basal ration. 

The most important quantitative investigations upon the work 
of digestion are those of Magnus-Levy * on the dog and on man, 
and those of Zuntz & Hagemann + upon the horse. 

Experiments on the Dog.—In Magnus-Levy’s experiments 
the respiratory exchange of the animal was determined by means 
of the Zuntz apparatus at intervals of one or two hours during 
fasting and after feeding. The single periods were twenty-five to 
thirty minutes long, and the external conditions were maintained 
as uniform as possible. 

Fat.—Fat (in the form of bacon free from visible lean meat), 
when given in quantities not materially exceeding in heat value 
the fasting metabolism, resulted in a slight increase of the latter, 
beginning about one to three hours after eating, reaching its maxi- 
mum between the fifth and ninth hours, and disappearing about the 
twelfth hour. The maximum increase observed was 12 per cent., 
seven hours after eating. In amounts largely exceeding the equiv- 
alent of the fasting metabolism the effect of fat was somewhat 
more marked and longer continued, a maximum increase of 19.5 
per cent. being observed in one case seven hours after eating, while 

* Arch. ges. Physiol., 55, 1. 
{ Landw. Jahrb., 27, Supp. ITI. 


the metabolism was still slightly above its fasting value after eight- 
een hours. The respiratory quotient in every case sank to a value 
closely corresponding to that for the oxidation of pure fat. 

The experiments do not permit an exact estimate of the total 
increase of the metabolism during the twenty-four hours, since 
the observations were not always made at hourly intervals and 
but few of the trials extended over a full day. By selecting, 
however, the two in which the data are most complete and com- 
puting as accurately as may be the average rate of consumption 
of oxygen per minute, it is possible to obtain an approximate 
expression for the total heat production. For this purpose the 
average oxygen per minute is multiplied by 1440 and this product 
by the calorific equivalent of the oxygen, viz., 3.27 Cals. per gram 
in this case, and the following results obtained, the heat production 
during fasting being in each instance that found in the particular 
experiment under consideration: 

Heat Production in 24 Hours. 
Fat Energy 
No. of 
Repermenty |, Gece loca | etine, | With mania 
‘als. Food, 
Ce cats eee 

AN OO tee oes et ies 131.6 1250 972 . 991 19 153 
64 and 68....... 305.5 2902 1055 1142 87 2.99 

CARBOHYDRATES.—Carbohydrates produced a more marked 
effect upon the metabolism than did fat, and one which showed 
itself more promptly. In the experiments on the dog the food 
consisted of rice, either alone or with the addition of small amounts 
of fat, sugar, or meat; in other words, the animal was on a mixed 
diet in which carbohydrates predominated. 

On the average of a series of six experiments in which the food 
consisted of 500 grams of rice, 200 grams of meat, and 25 grams of 
fat, the metabolism increased by fully 30 per cent. within the first 
hour and continued to increase more slowly until the maximum of 
39 per cent. was reached at the sixth to eighth hour. From that 
time it decreased to 25 per cent. in the twelfth hour and then rather 
suddenly dropped nearly to the fasting value. The respiratory 
quotient rose from 0.78 during fasting to 0.90 in the first hour, and 


reached very nearly 1.00 by the third hour, remaining at substan- 
tially this value for sixteen to eighteen hours and not falling to the 
fasting value in twenty-four hours. Two parallel experiments in 
which 400 grams of meat were fed showed that a part, but by no 
means all, of the above increase was to be ascribed to the 200 grams 
of meat. The small amount of fat given can hardly have affected 
the result. The author estimates that of the total calculated in- 
crease of 22 per cent. over the fasting metabolism about 5 per 
cent. may have been due to the proteids of the food and the 
remainder to the carbohydrates. This conclusion is confirmed by 
the results of two experiments in which rice, sugar, and fat were 
given. The increase in the metabolism was of precisely the same 
character as in the other experiments, but less in amount. 

In all these experiments the food was in excess of the fasting 
metabolism. In another series in which the food, consisting of rice, 
either alone or with a small amount of sugar, was about equivalent 
to the fasting metabolism, the increase in the metabolism was 
slightly less, although otherwise the results were similar to those 
of the other trials. 

Computing the results per twenty-four hours, as in the case of the 
fat, we have the following approximate figures for the three series: 

Heat Production in 24 Hours. 

Nowot Food,* ble Increase. 
Experiment. Grms. Energy| Past- | With 
me } ing nee Pe 
Cals cals ae Cals. | Cent. of 
68, 70, Proteidsie ©: .x. 71.3 
71, 73, Carbohydrates. . 375.0 2121 | 1040 | 1271 231 | 10.89 
(AD and 7OA( Bat... cts eieales 3120 
TOLLS esis 28.1 
84 and 87 Carbohydrates... 457.5 { 22296 | 11382 | 1292 160 7.19 
Pag ee activa ee whe 25.0 
Proteids... as. 18.75 
MOT ik aces 1 Carbohydrates. . 225.00 999 | 991 | 1080 89) 8.91 
Babies as dave sie ceheenens 

* Rice estimated to contain 75 per cent. carbohydrates and 1 per cent. 
+ Computed by the writer, using Rubner’s factors. 


Proteips.—Proteids in the form of meat or a mixture of meat 
and flesh-meal, with in some cases small amounts of fat, caused a 
very marked and prompt increase in the metabolism of the dog. 
The maximum effect was usually reached about the third or fourth 
hour and continued with but slight diminution up to the seventh 
or eighth hour with small rations and as long as to the twelfth or 
fifteenth hour with large rations. As in the case of fat and carbo- 
hydrates, the increase was greater with large rations, but its amount 
largely exceeded that caused by either of the two former groups of 
nutrients, reaching in some cases 90 or more per cent. of the fasting 

The results were more irregular than in the preceding experi- 
ments, and were apparently influenced by a peculiar effect of the 
food upon the type of respiration. The author, however,* com- 
putes from three selected series of experiments the following 
approximate averages for the twenty-four hours: 

{Heat Production in 24 Hours. 
Botte cease) 
No. of roteids izable 
Eeeeront: Pen oe. eee ama Increase. 
Cals. Cals. : Food, 

ie ct ee 
83 and 89...... 82.5 338 1030 1086 56 16.57 
MOD WM MOGE rs oy. 230.0 943 963 1079 116 12.30 
-O5 8 GOmeae 370.6 1520 1059 1303 244 16.05 

The amount of the proteid metabolism was not determined in 
these experiments, but the author points out that they were made 
on the first day of the feeding, and that it is probable that the 
proteid metabolism, and consequently the heat production, would 
have increased more or less had the feeding, particularly with 
excess of food, been continued longer. 

Bong, when fed in large quantities to the dog, was found to 
cause a greater increase in the metabolism than corresponded to the 
nitrogenous matter estimated to have been resorbed from it, and 
the difference is ascribed to the mechanical effect upon the digestive 

* Loc. cit., p. 78. 


Experiments on Man.—Magnus-Levy’s experiments upon man 
were made substantially like those upon the dog, the subject lying 
upon a sofa, as completely at rest as possible, and breathing through 
a mouth-piece. 

Fat.—Two experiments with fat, computed in the same way as 
those upon the dog, gave the following results: 

Heat Production in 24 Hours. 

Fat Energy 

No. of Experiment. Eaten, of Food, Increase. 
' Grms. Cals. Fasting With 
Cals. Food aa 
we] Cals. | OP Sood, 
RL eke Ge sealeansts 94.0 893 1537 1547 10 Wey 
Al lise Ren teres an ree 195.6 1855 1524 1582 58 3.13 

CARBOHYDRATES.—Numerous experiments on a man were made 
in which the diet consisted chiefly of bread, and a smaller number 
in which the effect of sugar was studied. With bread the increase 
in the metabolism was more prompt than in the experiments on the 
dog, but smaller in amount, varying from about 12 to as high as 33 
per cent., according to the amount eaten. By the end of the third 
hour the effect had nearly disappeared, but it was then followed 
by a second increase, less in amount but continuing longer, which 
the author suggests may have been due to the commencement of 
intestinal digestion. With sugar (both cane and grape) the increase 
was equally prompt, although rather less in amount, but dis- 
appeared entirely after two or three hours. None of the experi- 
ments extended over more than ten hours and usually over less, and 
the data given are insufficient for a satisfactory computation of the 
total increase for the twenty-four hours. The respiratory quotient 
was considerably raised, but did not reach 1.00 in any case. 

Proremps.—Experiments upon the effect of proteids on the 
respiratory exchange yielded results similar to those obtained with 
the dog, but do not permit of a satisfactory computation of averages 
for the twenty-four hours. 

Mrxep Drier.—Results with a mixed diet the ingredients of 
which are not specified have been reported by Johansson, Lander- 


gren, Sondén & Tigerstedt.* The experiments were made in a 
large Pettenkofer respiration apparatus and extended over twenty- 
two hours, the results being computed to twenty-four hours. The 
total heat production, as computed from the carbon and nitrogen 
balance, and the computed metabolizable energy of the food were: 

Energy of Food, | Heat Production, 
Cals. Cals. 

Birstye ce Gaye Cech nett. 4141.4 (?) 

Second PU oP UE We antares 4277.9 2705.3 
etn ls eae 5 rhea 
Fifth Oy aed Ba Ue 0) 2024.1 
Sixth SSD aa \re ee 0 1992.3 
Seventheny ayer 0 1970.8 
Eighth Uae alae ea Sl 4355.9 2436 .9 
Ninth Lei al Bi RS eae 3946.4 2410.1 

The above figures furnish a striking example of the constancy of 
the fasting metabolism, and of the marked increase brought about 
by the consumption of food. Omitting the results for the first day 
of fasting and for the first day of the experiment we obtain the 
following averages: 

Average energy of food........... 4193.4 Gals. 
Metabolism : 

Wathlndtoodiien elute wr ila 25104 OSs 

DEAS Obie Ae nehlnr aa een eee ve BRE 2022.4 “ 

Ao Gallssye ny ses ic clr Re Ma) IWant 495.0. “ 

IRericentsOf t00G... 6 inc. uae 11.76 Per cent. 

It is to be noted, however, that the food in this experiment was 
considerably in excess of the fasting requirements, so that there 
was a notable storage of material and energy in the body. 

SumMARy.—The results of the foregoing approximate computa- 
tions of the increased expenditure of energy for twenty-four hours 
are summarized in the following table, which also includes a com- 
parison of the metabolizable energy of the food with the fasting 
metabolism : 

* Skand. Arch. Physiol., 7, 29. 


Matabolizable Excess Above | Digestive Work 

Fasting in Per Cent. 
Food. E f : : 
. Food, Cals. | Metguptiem. | of Meteboliz 
Experiments on man ....... 893 —644 1.12 
1855 +331 3.15 
x MOR rule sie 1250 +278 1.53 
2902 +1847 2.99 
SAV ETAGO!. he sie ccdele ete eccrate cua etree enemas ln ee. ae ne She 2.19 
Chiefly Carbohydrates : 
2121 +1081 i0.89 
Experiments on dog ........ 2226 +1094 7.19 
999 +8 8.91 
IN VIETA RC isiss cain Seeveuce wlalvacra cateee lente ene wat teichalls a. nets cere 8.99 
Proteids : 
338 —692 16.57 
Experiments on dog......... 943 —20 12.30 
1520 +461 16.05 
PA VOTO LO scien'd yaa'oed 5 Oe mie e pie ed (eg bee aietealne laces Med eee 14.97 
Mixed Diet : 
Experiments on man ......... 4193 +2171 11.76 

It is clear that proteids caused the greatest increase in the 
metabolism and fat the least, while the carbohydrates occupied an 
intermediate position. In the case of fat the increase in the heat 
production seems to show a slight tendency to become greater 
with amounts of food largely in excess of the fasting metabolism, 
but with the carbohydrates and proteids no distinct effect of this 
sort is apparent. 

These results, particularly those on proteids, afford a good illus- 
tration of the fact that the increase in the heat production caused 
by the ingestion of food is not due solely to the increased muscular 
work involved, since if we were to suppose the latter to be the case 
it is not apparent why the proteids, which are digested pretty 
promptly and with comparative ease, should cause seven times as 
much work as the fats. The results certainly suggest strongly that 
a large part of the heat production in the former case arises from 
the considerable chemical cleavage which the proteids undergo in 
digestion and still more from the stimulative effect of food proteids 


on the nitrogen cleavage; in other words, that what was called 
on p. 375 the work of assimilation is an important factor. 

ReEsuuts on Fat.—The relatively small increase in the metabo- 
lism resulting from the ingestion of fat is worthy of notice as bear- 
ing upon the hypothesis, already several times referred to, that it 
undergoes a cleavage into dextrose, carbon dioxide, and water in 
the liver, and that the resulting dextrose is the material which 
serves as the source of potential energy for the general metabolism. 
As was pointed out in Chapter V (p. 153), however, the dextrose 
derived from one gram of fat according to the commonly accepted 
equation would contain about 6.1 Cals. of potential energy out of 
the 9.5 Cals. contained in the original fat. In other words, over 
one third of the energy of the fat would be liberated as heat in the 
intermediary metabolism supposed to take place in the liver. 
While the heat production was not directly measured in Magnus- 
Levy’s experiments, and while the method of computation em- 
ployed may be open to criticism in details, his results certainly fail 
to indicate any such large increase in the metabolism as this hypoth- 
esis would require. 

It should be noted, in conclusion, that the above experiments 
did not include a determination of the work of mastication and in- 
-gestion of the food, and also that, according to the author, there 
was little if any production of fat in the experiments in which carbo- 
hydrates were fed. 

Experiments on the Horse.—Zuntz, Lehmann & Hagemann * 
have investigated the effect of digestive work and also of the masti- 
cation of the food on the metabolism of the horse, the respiratory 
exchange being determined by the Zuntz method and a correction 
made for the cutaneous and intestinal respiration. In addition to 
this, however, other data were secured which serve the authors as 
the basis. for computations of the energy metabolism of the animal 
and of the available energy of the digested food. Since their most 
important conclusions as to digestive work are based in large part 
on the results of these computations it is necessary to consider 
their method in.some detail. . 

METHOD oF ComPuTATION.—At six different times between the 

* Landw. Jahrb., 27, Supp., III, pp. 271-285. 


years 1888 and 1891 digestion experiments were made * in which 
the total nitrogen metabolism ¢ and the carbon of the food and of 
the visible excreta were determined. The ration in every case 
consisted of hay and a mixture of six parts of oats with one of cut 
straw; the chemical composition of these feeds was quite similar 
in the several experiments, the greatest variation being in the last 
experiment (October 16-22, 1891). 

From the results of these experiments the metabolism of 
energy in the respiration experiments is computed in the following 

First, the results of the several digestion experiments are com- 
bined in such a way as to give an average corresponding to the ration 
during the respiration experiment. E.g., in Period 1 (loc. cit., p. 256) 
the ration consisted of 6 kgs. of oats, 1 kg. of straw, and 6 kgs. of 
hay. As no single digestion experiment was made on just this 
ration, the results of the first one are taken four times, those of the 
second three times, and those of the third once, and the sums divided 
by eight. These averages are taken as representing the digestibility 
and the urinary carbon and nitrogen during the respiration experi- 

Second, from the average carbon and nitrogen of the urine as 
thus obtained its content of urea and hippuric acid is computed, 
and from these data, on the assumption of average composition for 
the metabolized proteids, the portion of the elements of the latter 
completely oxidized in the body, from which again the amount of 
oxygen required and of carbon dioxide produced is computed. 

Third, from the computed amount of crude fiber digested, 
assuming it to have the composition C,H,,O,; and that 100 grams 
yield 4.7 grams of methane, is computed the oxygen required for 
its oxidation and the carbon dioxide resulting. 

Fourth, after subtracting the amounts of oxygen and carbon 
dioxide, as above computed, corresponding to the proteids and 
crude fiber oxidized, from the totals found in the respiration experi- 
ment, the remainders are divided between fat and carbohydrates 

* Loc. cit., pp. 211-236. 

+ The nitrogen of the feces was determined in the air-dried material. 
Subsequent experience has shown that there is some loss of nitrogen in air- 


in the manner described on page 76 on the assumption that the fat 
has the composition C 76.54 per cent., H 12.01 per cent., O 11.45 
per cent., and the carbohydrates that of starch. 

Fifth, on the basis of the chemical processes thus computed the 
amount of energy set free is estimated from the known (average) 
heats of combustion of the materials oxidized. 

While the calculation involves numerous assumptions, and 
while, therefore, the result is of the nature of an approximation, 
most of the assumptions are so nearly correct as not to contain the 
possibility of serious error. The two which seem most questionable 
are the peculiar method of computing the digestibility of the food 
and the proteid metabolism, and the computation of the proximate 
composition of the urine. 

influence of the ingestion of food in increasing the oxygen con- 
sumption and the energy metabolism of the animal is illustrated by 
the following tabulation of the results obtained in Period 6 (loc. cit., 
p. 282). (The animal was standing quietly, but otherwise was in 
a state of rest.) 

In the Morning, Later Stage After 

Immediately After Feeding. 

Fasting. First Feeding. 
Per Kg. Live Per Kg. Live Per Kg. Live 
Weight per ms Feed Eaten. | Weight per | Weight per 
No. of Minute. a Minute. % Minute. 3 
Experiment. 4 H 4 
© & r) © 
ae is) ESI ae gj | 8'3l av so aa 
oe .| Be n>| Oats og .| B® .|ms| oe B® DY 
we Hoon o Hes noo =| wes] st ZB = 
>So] S84 | ee] and | Hay,| 339/584] 2% | So] oEa| 2 
K2°) 298 | 5 ‘|Straw,|Grms.| K2°] 898/53 | K2°) ees] 5 
O§ [corel 2) Gems Os | ° |O8 |As ) 
io) 4 a ‘ 'S) Hq |e 6) eq 1a 
A ee ents dabatall achat tar eer clees cals ous PASI) || UO loo enlladocoolleos | 3.602]18.365] 3.5 
BOE Rev eneiera ave isiat sneeale [iaickanarar anos | eeiae PEN) [UO Coe os alloooooollach s 1 3.613]18.798] 2.0 
ta eee ALO ERAS 3.226/16.380 |10.5 
QQ averers 3.304/16.784 |10.5 
HSH veeuens 3.516]17.613 |10.5 
1: Nea cata il 3.246|16.359 ;11.0} 2100 |} 1000 | 3.418]17.431] 0.6] 3.823/19.159! 4.5 
55 aa rece 3.130]16.928 |10.5] 2280 | 1420 | 4.039/20.889) 0.8] 3.737]19.220| 4.5 
SO yseeee ek. 3.499]/17.748 |11.0] 3180 O | 3.745/18.913] 0.5] 3.739)19.304| 3.5 
Sliceees Ue ease 3.310/16.219*/17.5| 3150 3.58417 .647| 0.6) 3.169)16.134| 4.0 
hte SCRE RRA IGiarcs] |edit orell [ORC ce cant (abet PRIOO. |) KOON ocddsllaosecvllesas 3.564)18.318) 2.5 
Gt ease 3.475|17.516 |11.0} 2330 | 1430 | 3.716]18.931| 0.5 
GORA aieret: 3.446]/17.474 |11.0 O | 1650_| 3.385]17.247| 0.5} 4.174/20.450] 3.5 
Ge eieisy tapers 3.242/16.272 |11.0 LO F25007) en | ee Ee 3.914)19.333) 3.5 
Averages ..| 3.339/16.929 |11.5] 2173 917 | 3.648/18.510] 0.6] 3.704/18.787| 3.5 

* Animal was uneasy. 


The average energy metabolism thirty-six minutes after eating, 
computed as previously described, is somewhat more than 9 per cent. 
greater than that shortly before eating, and a still further increase 
was observed at the end of three hours. The effect is precisely 
similar to that observed in Magnus-Levy’s experiments. It was 
not, however, followed through the twenty-four hours, as in some 
of those experiments. 

CoMPARISON OF Hay AND GraiIn.—It was found further that 
coarse fodder (hay) produced a much more marked effect than did 
grain. The following comparison of the average of the experi- 
ments of Period ¢ on an exclusive hay diet with that of Period j on 
a mixed ration illustrates this fact: 

Period ec. : Period f. 
‘Time since last fed 3..°...00...05; 2.6 hrs. 2.8 hrs. 
TAY os binidas asta sietwncate aateehine About 10.5 kgs.* 4.75 kgs. 
OTF re rae ee GE eR Pe MUSE Srsal GeO RL ad 6.00 “ 
SULA Witten Staats tira eimai oes AS hea fc’: wo ei a Ce 1.00 “ 

4125 grms. + 5697. grms.t 

© 16 hie. a) jee wm ielfe, eles) ele shane! e\ 

Per kilogram and minute: 

Oxygen consumed ..’. 6:02... 3.9837 c.c. 3.6986 c.c. 
Carbon dioxide given off ....... 3.6586 “ 3.6695 “ 
Energy set free (computed)... . . 19.552 cals. 18.339 cals 

Notwithstanding the greater total weight of food consumed in 
_ Period /, and the much larger amount of digestible matter contained 
in it, the oxygen consumption and the computed amount of energy 
liberated are notably greater in Period c, on the hay ration. The 
average time which had elapsed since the last feeding, as well as the 
external conditions, having been substantially the same in both 
periods,{ and the animal having been in a state of rest, the effect 
is ascribed to an increase in the expenditure of energy in diges- 
tion due to the difference in the physical properties of the two 
rations. This difference is chemically characterized by the greater 

* The exact amount of hay eaten is not stated. The digestible matter 
is computed from the composition of the hay by the use of Wolff’s coeffi- 

{+ Computed in the manner described above, p. 386. 
{ It varied considerably in the individual experiments composing Period /. 


proportion of crude fiber in the hay ration. Ascribing the differ- 
ence in digestive work entirely to the crude fiber, the authors en-' 
deavor to estimate the expenditure of energy on this ingredient 
as follows: 

DicestivE Work For CrupE Fiser.—The hay ration: con- 
tained 1572 grams less of (estimated) digestible matter and 648 
grams more of total crude fiber than the mixed ration. The com- 
puted evolution of energy per head for the twenty-four hours was 
greater by 772 Cals. in the hay period. On the basis of Magnus- 
Levy’s results the authors assume that the expenditure of energy 
in the digestion of the nutrients exclusive of crude fiber equals 9 
per cent. of the total energy of the digested matter. For 1572 
grams (fat being reduced to its starch equivalent) this amounts to 
4.11572 0.09=580 Cals. Accordingly, the energy metabo- 
lism should have been 580 Cals. less in Period ¢ than in Period }. 
It was actually 772 Cals. greater, a difference of 1352 Cals. This 
difference is ascribed to the presence of the 648 grams more of total 
crude fiber, and corresponds to 2.086 Cals. per gram. With an 
average digestibility of 55 per cent. this would equal 3.793 Cals. 
per gram of digested crude fiber, an amount slightly exceeding its 
metabolizable energy as computed on p. 331. In other words, it 
would appear that all the metabolizable energy of the crude fiber 
(or even more, should the digestibility fall below the percentage 
assumed) is consumed in the work of digestion and converted into 
heat, leaving none available for external work, and this result seems 
to coincide strikingly with the results obtained by Wolff * by an 
entirely different method. (Compare Chapter XIII, § 2.) 

It is to be observed, however, that the basis of Zuntz & Hage- 
mann’s computation is the difference between the energy required 
for the digestion of the 648 grams of crude fiber and that required 
for the digestion of an equal amount of fiber-free nutrients. To 
get at the total expenditure upon the digestion of the crude fiber 
we should make the following computation: 

The nutrients other than crude fiber digested were in Period j 
5124 grams and in Period ¢ 2608 grams, a difference of 2516 grams. 
The corresponding difference in the work of digestion would, on the 

* Grundlagen, etc., Neue Beitriige, 1887, p. 94 


above assumptions, be 4.1 25160.09=928 Cals. Adding this, 
as before, to the observed difference of 772 Cals. gives a total of 
1700 Cals. as the effect of the 648 grams of crude fiber, which equals 
2.623 Cals. per gram. With a digestibility of 55 per cent., this 
corresponds to 4.768 Cals. per gram of digested crude fiber, or 
materially more than its metabolizable energy. 

computation, however, is open to serious criticism on at least two 
points, aside from the rather indefinite statements as to the amount 
of hay consumed in Period ¢ and as to the distribution of the ration 
between the three feedings in Period /}. 

First, the estimate for the work of digestion of the nutrients 
other than crude fiber which forms the basis of the computation is 
derived chiefly from the experiments of Magnus-Levy on dogs and 
man. Those experiments were not only made with highly digesti- 
ble food, but the digestive work is computed as a percentage of the 
total (gross) energy of the food. The food of the horse contained 
in the dry matter 40.94 per cent. of indigestible substances in 
Period f and 54.37 per cent. in Period ¢, or if we leave out of account 
the crude fiber the corresponding figures are 31.99 per cent. and 
58.45 per cent. A considerable part of the work of digestion un- 
doubtedly consists of muscular work, which must be performed 
on the indigestible as well as the digestible matter of the food. 
Moreover these indigestible matters, by their mechanical stimulus 
and by acting in a certain sense as diluents, may perhaps cause a 
more abundant secretion of the digestive juices. These facts are 
entirely ignored when the figures for digestive work derived from 
experiments on dogs and man are applied simply to the digested 
food of the horse. 

Second, the method of computation assumes that the difference 
between the metabolism on the two rations which was observed 2.7 
hours after eating would have retained the same absolute (not rela- 
tive) value during the twenty-four hours. The justification for this 
assumption is found in a comparison * of the results of a single res- 
piration experiment, made one half hour after feeding, with the 
average of two experiments in which the excretion of carbon 

* Loc. cit., p. 218. 


dioxide was determined for twenty-four hours in a Pettenkofer 
respiration apparatus. After allowing for the work of mastica- 
tion in the latter experiment the results were found to agree 
within 8.8 per cent. The authors, therefore, conclude that with 
regular feeding the respiratory exchange during the forenoon 
hours, when their experiments were made, corresponds. substan- 
tially to the average metabolism for the twenty-four hours, exclu- 
sive of the work of mastication. It is to be remarked, however, 
that this conclusion is not fully in harmony with the results 
quoted on p. 387, which plainly show a marked decrease in the 
metabolism during the night. Moreover, numerous other deter- 
minations of the respiratory exchange at the same hours and on 
similar food show quite wide variations. In view of this discrep- 
ancy, aS well as of the somewhat narrow basis of comparison, it 
certainly appears questionable whether a computation of Periods 
c and f for twenty-four hours can be safely made. 

Zuntz & Hagemann’s results unquestionably show that the 
work of digestion is greater with coarse fodder than with grain. 
That this difference is due, at least in large part, to the greater 
amount of crude fiber in the former is extremely probable. In 
view, however, of the two sources of uncertainty just pointed out, 
as well as of the numerous minor assumptions involved in the calcu- 
lations, we must conclude that the data available are insufficient 
for an accurate quantitative estimate of the digestive work re- 
quired by crude fiber. 

Work oF Mastication.—The foregoing computations relate 
to the expenditure of energy in the digestion of the food after it has 
entered the stomach. The same authors have also determined the 
increase in the gaseous exchange caused by mastication, degluti- 
tion, ete. For this purpose they compare * the excretion of carbon 
dioxide and the consumption of oxygen during the time actually 
occupied in eating with the corresponding amounts during rest as 
found from the average of a number of experiments made under 
identical conditions. On the assumption that the proteid metabo- 
lism is unaltered, the proportion of carbohydrates and fat metabo- 
lized and the corresponding amounts of energy are computed by 

A LOC Cit yi, 


the method described on pp. 76 and 252. The following is a sum- 
mary of the results computed per kilogram of feed: 

No. of Oxygen CO, Equivalent 
Fodder. Experi- Consumed, Excreted, Energy, 
ments. Liters. Liters. Cals. 
Oats and cut straw (6:1).... 8 12.964 10.679 64.17 
Te yieisiasneet clAla” Castres tenae 8 33.840 27.813 167.44 
Hay, oats, and cut o.. 8 20.072 17.677 100.79 
Maize and cut straw (6: ae 2 (hailey; 6.205 35.72 
Green alfalfa................ i 6.171 4.980 30.42 
Computed LOT ORLS ALONE: co's ote hea seston | ou ee Ae lentes otPalan 47.00 
es maize alone . meise)| aes sae nrsees tis tne Deemer Tene eee rere ohne 13.80 

As was to have been expected, the work of mastication proves 
to be much greater in the case of hay than in that of grain. Maize 
gave a remarkably low result, while the lowest was obtained with 
green fodder. Even when the results on the latter are computed 
per kilogram of dry matter, they are still about 40 per cent. lower 
than those on hay. A few experiments on old horses with defect- 
ive teeth gave somewhat higher results for the mixture of oats 
and cut straw. 

The absolute amount of energy expended in mastication, etc., is 
very considerable. On the average of three periods, on a ration 
consisting of 5.6 kgs. of oats, 0.93 kgs. of cut straw, and 5.18 kgs. 
of hay, it is computed at 1287.1 Cals., an amount equal to 11.2 per 
cent. of the total metabolism during rest. 

ConcLusions.—The researches of Zuntz & Hagemann are of 
great value in that they demonstrate the large proportion of the 
energy of the food which is consumed in its prehension, mastication, 
digestion, and assimilation in the case of herbivorous animals, and 
that this proportion is largely influenced by the physical character 
of the food. Thus the hard but brittle maize required much less 
energy for its mastication than the softer but tougher and more 
woody oats, and the dry matter of the green alfalfa decidedly less 
than that of the hay. These results indicate quite clearly that no 
accurate estimates of the work of mastication can (at least in the 
present state of our knowledge) be based on the chemical compo- 
sition of feeding-stuffs. As noted above, Zuntz & Hagemann 
attempt to compute the work of digestion upon that basis. It 


certainly seems open to question, however, whether in this case also 
other properties than those expressed by the percentage of crude 
fiber may not materially affect the result,* and it will be wise, until 
the subject receives further investigation, to accept their compu- 
tations as tentative and approximate.f 

* Compare Kellner’s results on cattle, Chapter XIII, §1. 

+ A somewhat extended critique by Pfeiffer of these researches, together 
with replies by Zuntz & Hagemann, will be found in Landw. Vers. Stat., 54, 
101; 55,117; 56, 283 and 289. 


Tue organic matter contained in the body of an animal we have 
learned to regard in the light of a certain capital of stored-up energy, 
at the expense of which the vital activities of the organism are 
carried on. The function of the food is to make good the losses 
thus occasioned. The food is frequently spoken of as “the fuel of 
the body.” In a certain limited sense the comparison is admissible, 
but it may easily be pushed too far, and a closer analogy is that with 
a stream of water supplying a reservoir and serving to replenish the 
drafts made upon it for water. 

The food in the form in which it is consumed, however, is by no 
means ready to enter directly into the composition of the tissues of 
the body and add to its store of potential energy, but on the con- 
trary, as we have seen, a very considerable amount of energy must 
be expended in the separation of the indigestible matters from the 
digestible and in the conversion of the latter into such forms as are 
suitable for the uses of the living cells of the body. 

When, therefore, we give food to a quiescent fasting animal we 
do two things: we supply it with metabolizable energy, depending 
in amount upon the quantity and nature of the food, to take the 
place of the energy expended in its internal work, but we at the 
same time increase its expenditure of energy by the amount neces- 
sary to separate the metabolizable from the non-metabolizable 
energy of the food. 

The case is analogous to that of a steam-boiler which is fired 
by means of a mechanical stoker driven by steam from the same 
boiler. Each pound of coal fed into the fire-box is capable of 
evolving a certain amount of heat, representing its metabolizable 
energy in the above sense, and that heat is capable of producing a 



certain quantity of steam. A definite fraction of the latter, how- 
ever, is required to introduce the next pound of coal into the furnace 
and therefore is not available for driving the main engine. To 
recur to the illustration of the reservoir, it is as if the water, instead 
of simply flowing into the reservoir, actuated a pump or a hydraulic 
ram which lifted part of it to the required level. 

Gross AND Net AvaiLasiLity.—As stated in Chapter X, the 
difference between the potential energy of the food and that of the 
excreta represents the maximum amount of energy which is avail- 
able to the organism for all purposes. This quantity has some- 
times been designated as gross available energy, but has here been 
called metabolizable energy. 

A portion of this metabolizable energy, however, as just pointed 
out, has to be expended in the various processes which have been 
grouped together under the term work of digestion and assimilation. 
This portion ultimately takes the form of heat, thus tending to 
increase the heat production of the animal by a corresponding 
amount, and becomes unavailable for other purposes in the body, 
since, so far as we know, the organism has no power to convert heat 
into other forms of energy. The remainder of the metabolizable 
energy of the food represents the amount which that food con- 
tributes directly towards the maintenance of the capital of potential 
energy in the body. It is the measure of the net advantage derived 
by the body from the introduction into it of the food.* From this 
point of view the energy remaining after deducting the expenditure 
caused by the ingestion of the food from its metabolizable or gross 
available energy has been called the net available energy. There 
are obvious objections to the use of the words available and avail- 
ability in two senses, but no better term for net available has 
yet been suggested, while the use of available energy in the sense 
of metabolizable energy has become quite general. It appears 
necessary, therefore, to retain for the present the modifying words 
gross and net to avoid ambiguity. 

net available energy of the food in the above sense represents the 

* As will appear later, this somewhat broad statement appears to be sub- 
ject to modification in certain cases in which there is an indirect utilization 
of the heat resulting from the work of digestion and assimilation. 


net contribution which it makes to the demands of the vital func- 
tions for energy or, in other words, its value as part of a mainte- 
nance ration. This must be clearly distinguished from its value 
for the storage of additional energy in the body—that is, its value 
for productive purposes. In the latter case it is quite possible that 
the conversion of the digested nutrients into suitable forms for 
storage (fat of adipose tissue, ingredients of milk solids, proteids of 
new growth, etc.) involves a greater expenditure of energy than is 
required to convert them into forms fitted to serve as sources of 
energy to the body cells (work of assimilation). The consideration 
of this question belongs in the succeeding chapter, but meanwhile 
it is important to bear in mind that the net available energy, in 
the sense in which the term is here employed, is a distinct con- 
ception from that of the utilization of energy in fattening, milk 
production, ete., and has reference to the availability of the energy 
of the food for maintenance. 

It is evident from the above paragraphs that the value of a 
feeding-stuff to the animal is not measured solely by its metaboliz- 
able energy, since materials containing the same proportion of the 
latter may require the expenditure of very unequal amounts of 
energy for their digestion and assimilation and, therefore, may 
contain very unequal amounts of net available energy. Plainly, 
then, it is a matter of much importance to know the net avail- 
ability of the metabolizable energy of the various nutrients and 
feeding-stuffs, and thus to learn the proportions in which they may 
replace each other. 

§ 1. Replacement Values. 

We have already seen (Chapter V, p. 148) that, aside from a 
certain minimum of proteids, the several nutrients can mutually 
replace each other to a very large if not to an unlimited extent, 
either one or all serving, according to circumstances, to supply the 
demand for energy. 

In 1882 v. Hésslin * published an extended discussion of Petten- 
kofer & Voit’s respiration experiments from this point of view, 
using such data regarding the potential energy of the nutrients as 
were then available. He calls attention to the wide range of re- 

* Virchow’s Archiv, 89, 333. 


placement possible, quoting also Lawes & Gilbert’s conclusions * 
on the same point drawn from their experiments on fattening swine, 
and asserts that the nutrients replace each other according to their 
content of available energy. Danilewsky ¢ also advanced similar 
views, but Rubner { appears to have been the first to investigate 
the subject experimentally. 

Isopynamic VaLuES.—We have already seen that the total 
metabolism of a fasting animal is approximately constant, repre- 
senting the rate at which the store of matter and energy in the body 
is drawn upon to support the necessary internal work. If we deter- 
mine the total metabolism of such an animal and then give it a 
known quantity of some nutrient, as fat, e.g., the loss of tissue will 
be diminished by a certain amount, which will represent the net 
available energy of the nutrient and which may be compared with 
the amount fed. Similarly, a second and third nutrient may be fed 

_and thus their relative values for the prevention of loss of tissue be 
determined. For example, a dog after fasting for six days was 
given on the seventh and eighth days 720 and 760 grams respect- 
ively of fresh lean meat. The average nitrogen and fat metab-- 
olism for the fifth and sixth days (fasting) and the seventh and 
eighth days was as follows:§ 

Total Nit Fat 
Food. Pree tetion Be Metabolized Psa 
Grms. Grms. & 
Nothing (fifth and sixth days).... 3.16 75.92 18.0 
Meat (seventh and eighth days).. 20.63 30.72 19.2 
DD MPETEN CE ses itis ladies) alee eis +17.47 —45.20 +1.2 

The result of the feeding with meat was, of course. a great in- 
crease in the proteid metabolism. The increase of 17.47 grams in 
the nitrogen excreted was equivalent to 113.38 grams of dry matter 
of the meat. The metabolism of this amount of proteid matter, 
therefore, enabled the organism to diminish the metabolism of fat 

* Phil Trans , 160, 541 

+ Die Kraftvorrite der Nahrungsstoffe; Arch, ges, Physiol., 1885, p. 230. 

t Zeit. f. Biol , 19, 313. 

§ The original account of the experiments is contained in Zeit. f. Biol., 
19, 313; these figures are the corrected values given in ibid., 22, 45. 


by 45.20 grams. For the prevention of loss of tissue in this experi- 
ment, then, 250 parts of the dry matter of the meat were apparently 
equivalent to 100 parts of fat. The food, however, was given at the 
temperature of the room. To warm it and the 100 c.c. of water 
consumed to the temperature of the body would require an amount 
of heat equal to that produced by the oxidation of 1.4 grams of fat. 
Adding this to the 45.2 grams above gives 46.6 grams of fat as the 
equivalent of 113.38 grams of dry matter of the meat, or a ratio of 
100: 248. 

Another similar experiment gave as a final result a ratio of 
100: 253, or after correction for the warming of the food 100: 243, 
and a third longer experiment with extracted lean meat (syntonin) 
yielded the ratio 100: 227, or corrected as before 100: 225. 

If now, from the results of Rubner’s determinations of the met- 
abolizable energy of the proteids (p. 276), we compute the amount of 
each which contains the same quantity of metabolizable energy as 
100 grams of fat and compare it with the above ratios we have the 
following as the amounts equivalent to 100 grams of fat: 

Computed Found in 
— from Met- Experiments 
Dry Matter of abolizable eaicaat 
Energy on Animals, 
cane a Grms. 
Lean meat: 
First experiment...... 235 243 
Second is 7 ieee ea 235 243 
Hixtracted meat 05. 2s 213 225 

The computed and observed equivalents differ by only 4.3 per 
cent. and 5.6 per cent. respectively, and hence Rubner concludes 
that protein replaces fat in metabolism substantially in inverse pro- 
portion to its “physiological heat value,” or, in other words, to its 
metabolizable energy. 

Rubner has also made similar experiments with cane-sugar and 
starch, comparing them in each case with the body fat, as in the 
above experiments, and has also made trials in which grape-sugar 
was substituted for the fat of the food. In computing the results 
of these experiments any change in the proteid metabolism was 
reduced to its equivalent in fat as computed from its metabolizable 


energy. The following table contains the final results, including 
those on proteids just given: 


Computed Found in 
rom 5 

Dry Matter of — Metabolizable | xPeriments 

Fnerey, Grms. — 
Ibeansmeaty Goria. sc-as 235 re 
Extracted meat......... 213 225 
Cane-sugar’s i/o e in 235 235 
Starchy jee ula ew, 229 232 
Grape-sugar ...........: 255 254 

The equivalents found by experiment correspond quite closely 
with those computed from the metabolizable energy, and on these 
facts Rubner bases the law of isodynamic replacement, which may 
be briefly stated as follows: In amounts less than a maintenance 
ration the nutrients replace each other in inverse proportion to their 
metabolizable energy. The quantities which thus replace each other 
are accordingly said to be isodynamic. It need scarcely be pointed 
out that the minimum of proteids required for the maintenance of 
the nitrogenous tissues is not included under this law. 

Rubner is careful to limit this law to small amounts of food. 
In his earlier publications he states that it holds only below the main- 
tenance ration; later * he asserts that it obtains up to an excess of 
about 50 per cent. over the maintenance ration. 

Isociycosic VALUES.—Mention has already been made of the 
theory of isoglycosic values maintained by Chauveau and his school, 
according to which the net available energy of the digested nutrients 
is measured by the amount of sugar they are considered to be capa- 
ble of producing in the organism according to the equations given 
in Chapter II. Chauveauy computes that the metabolism of 100 
parts of proteids according to Gautier’s scheme (p. 51), together 
with the partial oxidation of the resulting fat (p. 38), would yield 

* Biologische Gesetze, p. 20. {7 Comptes rend., 126, 1073. 


81.5 parts of dextrose. Laulanié * computes that 100 parts of 
fat, carbohydrates, and albumin would produce the following 
amounts of dextrose: 

100 parts of fat produce............ 161 parts of dextrose 

100 “  “ -stareh produce. =. .2'.2. LQ Ss 
100 ‘  “ sucrose produce. ...... LOS 2 2. Fo ett 
100° “. “ albumin produce....... BO ie Oe ee 

The corresponding isoglycosic values would be as follows, 
Rubner’s isodynamic values being added for comparison: 

Isodynamic Isoglycosie 

Weights. Weights. 

Matric cas o's ora oon 100 100 
Stanchsse ree eee 229 146 
Cane-Sugar fi... - ce atae 235 153 
IDEXtROSE Ss, <u: Seen 255 161 
ean meat: .3...6..0.0 235 

Extracted meat ......... 213 

Albuns see coe ce cee ieee 201 

It is evident that the chief point of difference is the relative 
value of fat and carbohydrates. 

Experiments on Maintenance.—As regards the relative values of 
the several nutrients in a maintenance ration the above conclusions 
are in part based on theoretical considerations and in part are de- 
ductions from the experiments upon the influence of work on the 
respiratory quotient and upon the nature of the non-nitrogenous 
material metabolized which were considered in Chapter VI, pp. 
211 to 225. Contejean,t however, has made direct experiments 
upon the replacement values of fat and carbohydrates. 

His experiments were made with dogs. In the first series the 
animal, weighing about 20 kgs., received a basal ration of 500 grams 
of meat (1000 in the first period), estimated to be ample to main- 
tain nitrogen equilibrium. To this were added in the several 
periods varying amounts of lard, sugar, and gelatin. The live 
weight of the animal was taken daily at the same hour and under 
uniform conditions, and the urinary nitrogen was determined. 
No mention is made of the fecal nitrogen. The total heat produc- 

* Knergetique musculaire, p. 101. 
t Archives de Physiol., 1896, p. 803. 


tion for the four days of each experiment (excluding preliminary 
feeding) is computed from the proteid metabolism as measured 
by the urinary nitrogen, on the assumption that all the fat con- 
tained in the meat and all the non-nitrogenous nutrients added 
were metabolized. An exception is made in the fourth period, 
however, in which the author computes from a comparison of the 
gains of nitrogen and of live weight that there was a gain of about 
50 grams (?) of fat by the animal. The results are contained in 
the first six columns of the following table: 

Gain or Loss of Esti- Cor- 
Gain or mated | rected 
rd Road Loss of Heat | Heat 
2 00 Weight, Nit Equivalent | Pro- Pro- 
B Grms ITOnen, Flesh, |duction,|duction, 
a rms: Grms. Cals. als. 
I | 1000 grms. meat ..... —395 +19.39 | +570 4548 | 6190 
500 “ eae 
Ir} Mo Te igdiie eta) i 1.86) — 55.) | 3903) | 408i 
500 ‘ meat.... 
I | Se Teer 00), | F181) | + 537) 5326)| 5054 
+335 (?)} + 6.36 | +187 (?)| 5486 | 4566 

500 “ meat.... 
100 “ sugar... 
| SOOM Inca taney 
100 ‘“ gelatin .. 

Iv | 100 “ Jard..... 
v} +152 | + 6.04] +170 | 3811 | 3980 

500 meat.... t 


—105 — 1.10 | — 32 4088 | 4773 

Making the comparison of fat and carbohydrates, as the essen- 
tial point, it would appear from Contejean’s results that 100 grams 
of sugar was fully as efficient as 80 grams of fat, while according 
to Rubner’s figures about 180 grams of sugar would be required. 
Corresponding to this is the lower computed heat production in the 
sugar period, the excess in the fat periods being ascribed to the 
cleavage of fat believed to occur in the liver. 

If, however, there is justification for computing the gain of fat 
by the body in the fourth period by subtracting the gain of flesh 
from the total gain in weight, the same method is equally applicable 
to the other periods. By its use the figures of the last column of 
the table have been computed by the writer. While the heat 
production in the sugar period as thus estimated is still below that 
of the fat periods, the rather wide range in the results of the latter 
serves to illustrate the uncertainties of such computation. 


In a second series of experiments a ration of 150 grams of meat 
and 100 grams of lard appeared to be equivalent to one of 300 grams 
of meat and 50 of lard. In a third series, fat, sugar, and gelatin 
were each given for two days to a fasting dog, the live weight * and 
urinary nitrogen being determined daily. The results were as 


Date. Live Weight, Kgs. Food. Matera 


Ween 24: go iacacw Ss 25.780 Nothing 
Nhe Deere cee oe 25.125 a 5.56 
Sey ADO suet aa es 24.765 ee 6.05 
GROEN D (ioc Siteicresahe 24 .780+ .095 feces 200 grms. sugar 5.59 
ES AO die eats eesak 24.616+ .064 “ DOO 2 ts 4.13 
pga’ 4! Prarie unar 24.215 Nothing 4.59 
Wren yitone shee erate 23 .920 200 grms. fat 6.56 
VD laieeitade 23.870+ .038 “ 200.5. cf 6.85 
Jane ese teds8 23.500 Nothing 4.97 
aes Cae alee sella tt 23.200 200 grms. gelatin 28.77 


Neglecting the variations in the urinary nitrogen, Contejean 
makes the following comparison of the daily loss of live weight, 
from which he draws the conclusion that 200 grams of sugar, 
equivalent to 792 Cals., was more efficient in maintaining the ani- 
mal than 200 grams of fat, equivalent to 1876 Cals. 

Gain or Loss of Live Weight per Day. 

Average for fasting......... —377 grams 
Sugar : 
TSUN AIY cose ayahen el eboe +110 grams 
Second day.........45% —100 “ 
AVETACE’ shang sceis:s's + 5 * 
Hirst dayne sj. nse sroeae —295 grams 
Sécond day. taceede es Dc 
AVETAGS: 2c hewielietes —154 “ 

* In taking the live weight any feces voided during the previous twenty- 
four hours were added to the weight of the animal, so that the computed gain. 
or loss of weight does not include the feces. 


Experiments in which Work was Done.—Somewhat earlier in 
point of time than the above experiments by Contejean were similar 
ones by Chauveau * in which the animal performed a uniform 
(unmeasured) amount of work per day. No attempt was made to 
determine the equivalence between food or body metabolism and 
the work performed, but the latter was simply used as a means of 
increasing the metabolism, while the relative value of the several 
nutrients in maintaining the store of energy in the body was esti- 
mated from the effect upon the live weight. The experiments, 
therefore, are not, properly speaking, work experiments, but belong 
in the same category as those of Contejean—that is, they aim to 
show in what proportions the nutrients may replace each other in 
a maintenance ration. 

In the first series the basal ration consisted of 400 grams of 
lean meat, to which was added in alternate six- or five-day periods 
either 51 grams of lard or an isodynamic quantity (121 grams) of 
cane-sugar. In one period 128.5 grams of dextrose was used in- 
stead of the cane-sugar. The animal (bitch) averaged about 16.8 
kgs. in weight. The gain or loss of weight in each period (differ- 
ence between first and last weighings) was as follows: 

miperiodlid see sk! Wares sien ee Toor a det 0 grams 
PAM pos Mea Ans bene @ane=surarige ess acct 2 oh: L706 
Casi Beet Bane Rete are yee recr aaes as 3 AO) eee 
Merce erie teat vit @ane=sugareay ee ais aan. +290 “ 
ier A Nee amelie partie Wi Morte eaarregi =—265  “ 
Een Oc alee, eee Dextrose..... OG 
Se Tishaa alee one Terral h Witsoe ge es teaNatt —295 “ 

In the first four periods the cane-sugar seems to have caused a 
gain in weight as compared with practical maintenance on the lard. 
During the last three periods the animal was in heat and a loss of 
weight upon the lard ration resulted, which was arrested on the 
dextrose ration. Water was given ad libitum for several hours after 
the work, but withdrawn at least twelve hours before weighing. 
No record is given of the amount of it consumed or of the water 
content of the materials fed. 

In another experiment, in which twice as much work was done, 

* Comptes rend., 125, 1070; 126, 795, 930, 1072. 


fat and cane-sugar replaced each other in isoglycosic proportions, 
viz., 110 grams of fat and 168 of cane-sugar. In this case the 
amount of water consumed was uniform, viz., 400 grams. The gain 
or loss of live weight in five-day periods was: 

Peniod) Pass ae bass USAR ,2 ha roe te wietaiaeiale 4 + 35 grams 
Pre ad ancien etal Patra ae nee gits gralanee te —160 “ 
BP. Ane aid aieetes “ —Omitting first day.. — 20 “ 

A third experiment, in which amounts of sugar intermediate 
between the isoglycosic and isodynamic equivalents of the fat 
were fed, showed a gain on the former as compared with practi- 
cally no change on the fat. 

In a second series of experiments isoglycosic amounts of lard 
(110 grams) and cane-sugar (168 grams) were alternated every five 
or three days for eighty-five days, the basal ration consisting of 500 
grams of lean meat, and 400 grams of water being consumed _ per 
day. The estimated heat values of these rations were respectively 
1513 Cals. and 1145 Cals., but notwithstanding this difference they 
appeared to be equally efficient in maintaining the live weight. 

Whatever weight may attach to the deductions from the exper- 
iments upon work production, it is hardly necessary to urge that 
such a method of investigation as that employed in the above 
trials, while it may afford useful indications, is altogether too 
crude to disprove the theory of isodynamic values based upon 
Rubner’s more elaborate experiments. 

Respiration Experiments.—Kaufmann * has also reported respi- 
ration experiments in support of the views regarding the interme- 
diary metabolism promulgated by Chauveau. In his experiments 
the nitrogen excretion, respiratory exchange, and heat production 
of dogs variously fed were determined, in five-hour periods, by 
means of a radiation calorimeter in which the products of respira- 
tion were allowed to accumulate. (See pp. 69 and 248.) From the 
theoretical equations given in Chapter II he computes the figures 
given on the opposite page for the consumption of oxygen, produc- 
tion of carbon dioxide, and heat evolution in the various reactions. 

Besides determinations of the fasting metabolism the experi- 
ments included feeding exclusively with meat and also with rations 
rich in carbohydrates and in fat. For each diet, on the basis of the 

* Archives de Physiol., 1896, pp. 329, 342, and 757. 


Per Grm. of Substance. Heat 
aR ee orion 

Oxygen Carbon ari 

Gon, | ppigide, | volved, | sumed, 

Liters. Liters. ‘ Cals. als 
Albumin to fat and urea.....:...... 0.481 | 0.4777 2.234 4.646 
a “‘ dextrose and urea....... 0.713 | 0.5480 3.180 4.460 
Gb (CO, Le. POR ME aie 1.045 | 0.8720 4.857 4.647 
Stearin ‘“ “ «dextrose ...| 0.840 | 0.2257 3.417 4.067 
OG GE SSAA OY bil (et O JERS nn an 2.043 | 1.4290 9.500 4.650 
Dextrose “ “ “ el eatepteare Tepe aragn 2) 0.744 | 0.7440 3.762 5.056 

determination of the respiratory. products, the author assumes a 
scheme of metabolism in accordance with the theory, and finds that 
the heat production as computed on this assumption agrees quite 
closely with that actually determined. 

Aside from questions of method, particularly whether a five- 
hour period is sufficiently long, it is to be remarked that the results 
of Kaufmann’s experiments are ambiguous. They show that it is 
possible to interpret the facts in accordance with his theory, but 
they do not exclude the possibility of other explanations. For this 
reason it seems unnecessary to cite the experiments in detail, and 
for the same reason they are at best but confirmatory evidence in 
favor of the theory of isoglycosic values. 

§ 2. Modified Conception of Replacement Values. 

The theory of isodynamic replacement as announced by Rubner 
constituted the first systematic application of the general laws of 
energy to the problems of animal nutrition. As such it has exerted 
a profound influence upon subsequent study of the subject in that 
it has been chiefly instrumental in leading to a practical application 
of the long-known fact that the food is primarily a supply of energy. 
It was based, of course, upon the conception that the law of the 
conservation of energy obtains in the animal body, and in subsequent 
experiments, which have been described in Chapter IX, Rubner 
gave at least a partial demonstration of the truth of this concep- 

Rubner’s general ideas still form the basis of our views regard- 


ing the metabolism of energy in the body, but, as was natural, his 
first conclusions have undergone more or less modification, in part 
at his own hands. 

DicestrvE WorKk.—The law of isodynamic replacement as 
stated above is equivalent to saying either that all the metabolizable 
energy of the food below a maintenance ration is net available 
energy or that the percentage availability of all the nutrients 
experimented with is the same. The latter supposition, however, 
appears to be negatived by the results of Magnus-Levy and others 
on digestive work. 

If, however, a fraction of the metabolizable energy of the food 
is applied to the work of digestion and assimilation, it is plain that 
this fraction cannot serve directly for tissue building. In his first 
paper, Rubner, while not denying the fact of the consumption of 
energy in digestive work, appears to regard its amount as insignifi- 
cant, although what he specifically claims is that the total metabo- 
lism below the maintenance ration is not increased by the inges- 
tion of food. In support of this view he gives the results of three 
experiments in which fat was fed; that is, the nutrient which, ac- 
cording to Magnus-Levy’s later results, causes the least digestive 
work. Of these, one on a dog, in which approximately a mainte- 
nance ration was given, showed no increase of the metabolism over 
the fasting state. In the other two experiments, one on a dog and 
one on a rabbit, more fat was consumed than corresponded to the 
fasting metabolism, and an increase of the latter was observed 
amounting to approximately 3 per cent. and 12 per cent. respec- 
tively. Feeding with bone also caused an increase of about 12 
per cent. 

In a later publication,* however, he recognizes the apparent 
inconsistency between the effects of small and large amounts of 
food, and propounds a hypothesis to explain it which, in its general 
features at least, seems in harmony with the observed facts. This 
hypothesis is outlined in the following paragraphs, although in a 
slightly different manner than by Rubner. 

Work.—In Chapter XI we acquired the conception of the critical 
thermal environment. According to the ideas there advanced, 

* Biologische Gesetze, Marburg, 1887, p. 20. 


the heat production of a quiescent, fasting animal below the critical 
point is made up of— 

1. The heat produced by the internal work. 

2. The heat produced by the processes of “chemical” regula- 

The first of these we may regard as substantially constant, while 
the latter varies to meet varying conditions and thus maintain the 
constancy of body temperature. When we give food to such an 
animal we introduce a third source of heat, viz., the work of diges- 
tion and assimilation. Other conditions remaining the same, the 
tendency would be to raise the temperature of the body, and this 
tendency can be overcome either by means of “ chemical” or “ physi- 
cal” regulation. Recurring to the illlustration of the room on 
p. 356, it is as if a second fire were kindled in it. To maintain con- 
stant temperature, either the first fire must be lowered or the win- 
dows must be opened. 

The fact, however, that below the critical point the heat regula- 
tion of the body appears to be largely “chemical” renders it prob- 
able that the regulation is effected by the former method; that is, 
that the heat produced by the work of digestion is utilized to warm 
the body and that correspondingly less energy is withdrawn from 
that stored in the tissues of the body.* Under these circum- 
stances the total heat production of the animal would not be in- 
creased by the ingestion of food, and all the metabolizable energy 
of the food would be apparently available; that is, we should have 
the phenomenon of isodynamic replacement. 

DicestivE Work ABovE CriticaL Pornt.—The statements of 
the last paragraph refer to conditions below the critical point. 
Above this point no such indirect utilization of the heat resulting 
from digestive work is possible, since the heat production has 
already been reduced to the minimum due, as was concluded on 
p. 356, to internal work. The excess of heat arising from the work 
of digestion is then disposed of by “physical” means. 

Thus Rubner + obtained the following results for the carbon 

* Loewy (Arch. ges. Physiol., 46, 189; quoted by Magnus-Levy, ibid., p. 
116) claims to have shown that such a substitution or compensation does 
not take place in man. 

+ Biologische Gesetze, pp. 17-25. 


dioxide produced per square meter by guinea-pigs at 0° C. and at 
30° C. (critical temperature), when fasting and after the consump- 
tion of food ad libitum. 


Fasting.* Fed. 
Live Weight, At 0° C. At 30° C. Live Weight, At 0° C. At 30° C. 
Grms. CO.,, Grms.| COg, Grms. Grms. Oz, Grms. | COg, Grms. 
617 27.85 1) ats 670 29.49 14.10 
568 30.30 10.538 520 29.08 16.19 
223 30.47 12.14 240 34.07 17.69 
206 31.56 13.16 220 30.59 18.94 
Average...| 30.05 12.05 Average...| 30.81 16.73 

* Already cited on p. 366. 

Comparing the averages we see that at 0° C., considerably below 
the critical point, the consumption of food did not materially in- 
crease the total metabolism per unit of surface. On the other hand, 
at a temperature close to the critical point the average heat pro- 
duction was increased nearly 39 per cent. by the consumption of 

It appears also that at this higher temperature the heat produc- 
tion of the fed animals was no longer proportional to their surface, 
but was relatively greater in the smaller animals. Rubner explains 
this by the supposition that (the animals being fed ad libitum) the 
consumption of food by the animals was in proportion to their fast- 
ing metabolism; that is, to their surface. Under these circumstances 
the factor of surface enters twice, and the heat production is approx- 
imately proportional to the square of the surface. 

Rubner * has also made calorimetric determinations of the heat 
production of a dog at different temperatures with the results 
shown on the opposite page. Not only did the feeding increase 
the heat production, but it eliminated the effect of rising tempera- 
ture in diminishing it; that is, it lowered the critical temperature. 

CriticaL Amount or Foop.—The very probable hypothesis of 
a substitution of the heat produced by the work of digestion for that 

* Sitzungsber. der k. bayer. Akad. d. Wiss., Math.-phys. Classe, 15, 452. 


Fasting. Fed Small Amount of Meat. 
Temperature: SG RTOEE Temperature, Bes ion, 
ee. © Cals. 
13.2 39.65 19.5 42.64 
19.5 35.10 18.2 41.13 
D7 Ah 30.82 Qari 41.83 
24.8 41.10 

arising, below the critical point, from the “chemical” regulation of 
the body temperature affords a very reasonable explanation of the 
apparent discrepancy between the law of isodynamic replacement 
as propounded by Rubner and the no less certain fact that the work 
of digestion and assimilation makes a demand on the body for 
energy, which energy finally takes the form of heat and is not 
available for other purposes. 

A consequence of this hypothesis, however, which is sufficiently 
obvious has indeed been pointed out, but hardly seems to have re- 
ceived the attention which it deserves in view of its important 
bearing on the theoretical aspects of metabolism. 

If we give increasing amounts of food to a fasting animal we 
progressively increase the evolution of heat due to digestive work, 
and this heat, according to the hypothesis, if the thermal environ- 
ment is below the critical point, is substituted for the heat pre- 
viously produced by the metabolism of tissue. There must be a 
limit to the possibility of this substitution, however, just as there 
must be to the “chemical” regulation of body temperature (p. 353), 
since otherwise there would be a ration on which all the heat of the 
body was derived from the work of digestion and the internal work 
was performed without evolution of heat. The limit is indeed the 
same in both cases and is reached when all the heat previously 
evolved by the processes of “chemical” regulation has been re- 
placed by the heat arising from digestive work. Beyond that 
point the conditions are the same as in the fasting animal above 
the critical point, and the excess of heat is gotten rid of by 
“physical” regulation. We may call the amount of food whose in- 
gestion produces the quantity of heat necessary to just reach this 
limit the critical amount oj food. Below that amount the apparent 


availability of the metabolizable energy of the food will be 100 per 
cent. or we shall have isodynamic replacement. Above that 
amount we shall have an availability depending upon the relation 
of the work of digestion and assimilation to the total metabolizable 

GraPHic REPRESENTATION.—The critical amount of food will 
depend chiefly upon two things, viz., the distance below the critical 
thermal environment at which the experiment is made and the 
amount of energy that has to be expended in the digestion and 
assimilation of the food. The greater the former quantity, the 
more of the total metabolism of the animal will be due to the “ chemi- 
cal” regulation and therefore capable of being replaced, while the 
greater the work of digestion the less food must be consumed to 
furnish by its digestive work the heat necessary to a complete 

-}------------.-—.~----~~--I 4 


On the two codrdinate axes OX and OY let distances along OX 
represent the metabolizable energy of the food consumed and dis- 
tances along OY the effect of this food upon the store of potential 
energy in the body. In the first instance, let us take the case of a 


fasting animal and suppose the thermal environment to be at the 
critical point. The distance OA may then represent the loss of 
potential energy (tissue) from the body caused by the internal work. 
If now we supply the animal with food 80 per cent. of whose met- 
abolizable energy is available, with any given amount of energy 
thus supplied, as OB= AC, 80 per cent. of that energy, represented 
by CD, will serve to maintain the store of potential energy in the 
body, while 20 per cent., or DB’, will be absorbed by the work of 
digestion, etc., and converted into heat. Accordingly if we assume 
that the work of digestion is proportional to the amount of food 
eaten, the line AD will indicate the availability of the particular 
food and may be represented algebraically by the equation 


in which a=tan DAC =the percentage availability. 

We may also represent the heat production on the same axes. 
With no food it will be OF equal toOA. With an amount of food 
equal to OB it will be equal to OH+ DB’=BF, and the line EF, - 
expressed algebraically by 

will represent the law of heat production. 

Let us next suppose that, the animal being again deprived of food, 
the external demand for heat is increased, by a fall of temperature, 
e.g., and that to meet this demand the metabolism is increased by 
an amount AG, and the heat production consequently by the equal 
amount HH. If we now give the same food as before, its real availa- 
bility will be unchanged and will be represented by the line G/, 
parallel to AD. Up to the critical amount of food, however, the 
heat resulting from the digestive work will, as we believe, be sub- 
stituted progressively for that represented by HH and resulting 
from the metabolism AG. The apparent availability, therefore, 
will be represented by the line Gk, making an angle of 45° with the 
axes, and the heat production by the line ‘HL, parallel to OX. 
When the food consumed reaches an amount OM at which the line 
GK intersects AD, the limit of this substitution is reached, since 
the amount of digestive work, KN, equals the amount of additional 
metabolism AG caused by the fall in temperature. In other words, 


OM is the critical amount of food. Beyond this amount the energy 
expended in the work of digestion will become waste energy, serving 
simply to increase the outflow of heat, and the apparent and real 
availability of the food will coincide. 

Plainly, the critical amount of food will vary with circumstances. 
If the experiment is made at or above the critical thermal environ- 
ment for the fasting animal the smallest quantity must cause an 
increase in the heat production and the critical amount will be 0 
(or, mathematically, a negative quantity). As the external con- 
ditions fall below the critical thermal environment, the point K will 
be further and further removed from A until finally the point of 
intersection might even lie above OX, that is, above the mainte- 
nance ration. The relative availability of the food, too, will be a 
factor in determining the critical amount. Thus if the true availa- 
bility of the food were expressed by the line AP instead of AD, the 
point of intersection would lie at R and OR’ would be the critical 
amount of food. 

§ 3. Net Availability. 

The modified conception of replacement values discussed in 
the preceding section and in the introductory paragraphs of this 
chapter renders it evident that both the theory of isodynamic re- 
placement, as first announced and later modified by Rubner, and 
the rival theory of isoglycosic replacement are but aspects of the 
more general question of the availability of the metabolizable 
energy of the food. That the several nutrients are of use to the 
body and can replace each other in the food in inverse ratio to 
their available energy is simply a necessary consequence of the law 
of the conservation of energy. The important question is how 
much of their energy is really available. Rubner’s theory regards 
all the metabolizable energy of the food as virtually available, 
directly or indirectly, for maintenance, and this view has been quite 
generally accepted. Chauveau’s theory of isoglycosie replacement 
has the merit of distinctly recognizing the fact of a possible expen- 
diture of energy in the assimilation of the digested food, but, on the 
other hand, it takes no account of the digestive work, and moreover, 
so far as maintenance values are concerned, rests, as we have seen, 
upon a rather insecure foundation. Plainly, the real question at 


issue can only be settled by experiments in which the actual availa- 
bility of the energy of the food or of its various ingredients is deter- 

mined. : 
Determinations of Net Availability. 

Since the net available energy of the food is equal to its metabo- 
lizable energy minus the energy expended in digestion and assimila- 
tion, the two general methods for the determination of the latter 
quantity which were outlined in the preceding chapter (p. 377) are 
also, from the converse point of view, methods for the determination 
of net availability. In our study of digestive work we considered 
chiefly the results of direct determinations of the increase in the 
heat production due to the ingestion of food; for our present pur- 
pose the results of any accurate determinations of the metabolism 
upon varying known amounts of the same food may be used. 

The experimental evidence available is far from being as full as 
could be wished, but in the following paragraphs the attempt has 
been made to summarize such data as are accessible. In consider- 
ing these results it should be remembered that, as explained on 
p. 396, the net available energy means the energy available for 
maintenance. In a considerable number of the experiments to be 
considered, more or less gain was made by the animals, but it seems 
better to give the results of each series of experiments in full, re- 
serving a discussion of the results with productive rations for a 
subsequent chapter. 

Experiments on Carnivora.—The most extensive data regarding 
the metabolism of the carnivora in its relations to the food supply 
are those afforded by the investigations of Pettenkofer & Voit and 
of Rubner. These have already been considered in Chapter V 
from the standpoint of matter and chiefly in a qualitative way; 
we have now to study them quantitatively in their bearing upon 
the income and expenditure of energy by the body. 

In Pettenkofer & Voit’s experiments, and in the earlier ones by 
Rubner, the quantities of energy involved must be computed from 
the chemical data. In Rubner’s experiments upon the source of 
animal heat, cited in Chapter IX, the actual heat production of the 
animals was determined, but in no case was there a direct determi- 
nation of the total income and expenditure of energy, and in par- 
ticular the data as to the energy of the food are incomplete. For 


the study of replacement values by Rubner’s method the latter 
factor was not necessary, but for a determination of the percentage 
availability of the energy of the food it is indispensable. In the 
following paragraphs the necessary computations of energy have 
been made by the writer, using Rubner’s factors so far as possible.* 

In the case of Pettenkofer & Voit’s experiments the average 
results given in Chapter V have been made the basis of the compu- 

ProteIps.—From the average results obtained by Pettenkofer 
& Voit + with different amounts of lean meat (see p. 104), the met- 
abolizable energy of the food and of the resulting gain (or loss) by 
the body may be computed as follows: 

Renee | Computed Heat Production. 

t, . 
Food, Energy of 4 Gain by 
oom Cals. Peas From Fat, Total, Cals. 

Caleee als. Cals. 
0) 0) 146 895 1041 —1041 
500 442 530 443 973 —531 
1000 883 954 179 LSS —250 
1500 1325 1325 —38 1287 +38 

* The following factors were used in computing these experiments: 
Metabolizable Energy of Food : 
Bacon (Speck), 92.2 per cent. fat (Zeit. f. Biol., 30, 138). 
1 grm. pork fat, 9.423 Cals. (ibid., 21, 333). 
1 grm. butter fat, 9.216 Cals. (U.S. Dept. Agr., Office of Expt. Stations, 
Bull. 21, p. 127). 
1 grm. cane-sugar, 4.001 Cals. (Zeit. f. Biol., 21, 266). 
1 grm. grape-sugar, 3.692 Cals. (Stohmann, Zeit. f. Biol., 22, 40). 
1 grm. starch, 4.123 Cals. (Stohmann, ibid., 19, 376). 
Fresh lean meat, 3.4 per cent. nitrogen. 
1 grm. nitrogen in meat, 25.98 Cals. (Zeit. f. Biol., 21, 321). 
1 grm. nitrogen in syntonin, 26.66 Cals. (ibid., 21, 309). 
Energy of Metabolism : 
1 grm. excretory nitrogen (urine and feces). 
(a) No proteids fed : 
Birds, 24.35 Cals. (Zeit. f. Biol., 19, 367). 
Mammals, 24.94 Cals. (zbid., 22, 43). 
(b) Meat fed, 25.98 Cals. ([bid.). 
(c) Syntonin fed, 26.66 Cals. (2bid.). 
1 grm. carbon in fat, 12.31 Cals. (zbid.). 
+ Zeit. f. Biol., 7, 489. 


As compared with the fasting state, the 883 Cals. of metaboliz- 
able energy supplied, for example, in 1000 grams of meat diminished 
the loss of energy by the body by 1041—250=791 Cals. The latter 
quantity, then, represents the extent to which the 883 Cals. supplied 
in the food aided in maintaining the stock of potential energy in the 
body, while the remaining 92 Cals. was consumed in the work of 
digestion and assimilation as defined on previous pages; that is, it 
increased by this amount the heat production of the animal. Ac- 
cordingly we compute that in this case 89.6 per cent. of the metabo- 
lizable energy of the meat was available, while the digestive work 
consumed 10.4 per cent. Computing the other experiments in the 
same way we have— 

P Gain Over ‘ 
Metabolizable : Net Avail- 
Fasting aoe 
E f ; bility, 
F SadleCats Meuaoel vane Per (Gene 
442 510 115.4 
883 791 89.6 
1325 1079 81.5 

From Rubner’s experiments * with proteids (see p. 106) the 
following figures are computed in the same manner as those above: 

Gain. Net 
Metab- | Heat saat 
Reaiat i Me Tem- 
Gite, | Buetay | “Hon roe ee laa 
oO Gee >| Cals. Jotal: Metab Cent. jNge 
Meat 0 0 BIEN <— BES log da es dlloeuaes c 19.2 
ee eee ce ee 415 367 596* —229 344 93.74 19.6 
- 0 0 TAS Fess ie Ao ol eee Gace eestor eee 18.0 
sah aa nae | 740 654 825* | —171 622 95.15 19.2 
| 0 0 QO 3d Ei OST se ae Nn tere 14.9 
DESEO eS aS: 1 740 | 939 | 959* | — 20] 911 | 97.03 | 15.6 
0 0 261¢ | —261 
Meat....¢.... 390 347 334f | + 138 274 78.98 
350 309 379t | — 70 i91 61.80 
Py | 0 0 528f | —528 
Riera ts 580 512 681; | —169 359 70.12 

* Computed. t Calorimetric determinavion. 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 22, 43-48; 30, 117-135. 


To the above results we may add those of Magnus-Levy’s deter- 
minations (p. 381) of the work of digestion and assimilation in the 
dog on a meat diet as follows: 

Metabolizable Expended in Net Available. 
Proteids Eaten, Energy of Digestion and 
Grms. Food, Assimilation, 
Cals. Cals. aoe: PeriGent. 
82.5 338 56 282 83.43 
230.0 943 116 827 87.70 
370.6* 1520 244 1276 83.95 

* In excess of maintenance requirements. 

The wide range of the results obtained by Rubner would seem to 
indicate either that the net availability of the energy of the pro- 
teids may vary with different animals and under different conditions 
or that the experimental methods were not sufficiently sharp for the 
purpose now in view. The value of an average drawn from such 
results is questionable, but for the sake of comparison it is included 
below along with those derived from Voit’s and Magnus-Levy’s 
experiments, Voit’s first result being omitted because impossible. 
The figures express the average net availability as a percentage 
of the metabolizable energy: 

Voit’s"expemments: 2.02 Js..4s5 85.60 per cent. 

Rubner’s experiments ............ 82.500 = 
Magnus-Levy’s experiments......... 85.03 “ 

Fat.—Computing the results obtained by Pettenkofer & Voit * 
and by Rubner + upon the effects of fat on the total metabolism 
(see pp. 144-146) in the same manner as those upon the proteids, 
and adding Magnus-Levy’s results (p. 379), we have the table 

Rubner’s and Magnus-Levy’s results do not differ widely, and 
their average, 96.4 per cent., indicates a relatively small expendi- 
ture of energy in the digestion and assimilation of fat, which does 
not appear to materially increase above the maintenance require- 
ment. Most of Pettenkofer & Voit’s experiments give materially 
lower results above that point, and the one case in which the food 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 5, 370; 7, 440-443; 9, 3-13. 
+ Ibid., 19, 328-334; 30, 123. 


aieatie Over Net 
Food. Energy Fasting eee 
| org | doen | Mace, | york 

Pettenkofer & Voit’s Experiments : 

INO Ghai CMe ae ric ce)! oS ye ers 0 —1086 

HOOVErMS Watley aS sek else oc 942 —275 811 86.1 

35 Murr ALAU ts eee ei cas allere. Sia gals 3298 +878 | 1964 59.6 

OOM MENTORS Care leh dle, ice Ss 442 —554 

500 “ meat; 100 grms. fat .....| 1384 +329 883 93.7 

500. ~ ROOM pat vipa use ste. 2326, +837 1391 73.8 
Rubner’s Experiments : 

No Ghana eee a ay ars SAN th ee apc tg aie 0 — 658 

ZOOommMs bacon sel. etree 1738 +1016 1674 98 .6 

INOUE Tb ava AVS rete sai ee er lems 0 —373 

39.75 grms. butter fat............. 356 —17 356 100.0 

BING arn ee is ae Ye IM cea” At Scan 0 —466 

MOOFoTMS Tate aaysck, acids ce weesee 942 +428 894 94.9 

IN@ thir ORE erica acentvnin terc nveatey start 0 —261 

ADFETIMS a DACOM Si 1) 8 ctr ste aiselets, cree: 348 +49 310 89.1 
Magnus-Levy’s Experiments : 

SRA Cu Ot ra ae) AN AE Beare en heh ee ct 0 —972 

UBM @ PATON, WAG cosoavccoocobodons 1250 +259 | 1231 98.5 

JBEYG OVERS ce armieee wa Rie A RA NN eee 0 —1055 

SUD OPOTINS el alte amen ei ciehes tamanern 2902 +1760 | 2815 97.0 

supply was below the amount required for maintenance also gives 
a rather low availability as compared w th that obtained by the 
other experimenters. 

CaRBOHYDRATES.—Tabulating as in the previous cases the re- 
sults of Pettenkofer & Voit * and of Rubner + (see pp. 146-152), 
and adding those of Magnus-Levy (p. 380), we have the figures 
shown on the next page. 

As was the case with fat, most of Pettenkofer & Voit’s experi- 
ments give figures notably lower than those obtained by the other 
two investigators. The averages of the latter, omitting the figures 
which exceed 100 per cent., are: 

Rubnenstexpernments aaa see eee 88.9 per cent. 
Magnus-Levy’s experiments ....... 5 QAO iy 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 9, 485. { Ibid., 19, 357-379; 22, 273. 


olizable Over 
Food. Energy Fasting 
of Food, Total Metab- 
Cals. Gales olism or 
Pettenkofer & Voit’s Experiments - 
INOUMIN Gs. .cpett ts bees erence iannts 0 —1098 
450 grms. starch; 16.9 grms. fat . 2015 +358 1451 
Soe & aD oe i aa Bites s|| -74aha3ll —198 900 
700) * a 0b 2 ee) Be +853 1951 
SOQUEL” emeatiwrierties aaa eomiee 442 — 554 
500 ‘“ meat; 200 grms. starch| 1316 +137 691 
500 grms. meat; 200 grms. dextrose | 1180 +108 662 
Rubner’s Experiments : 
INO bhi oes oa tele ik enero 0 —436 
76.12 grms. cane-sugar......... 305 —116 320 
104.97 “ = Ge” etree oks 420 —29 414 
Nothing 2% s.%.6e REO eens wis gies 0 —45i1 
97.3 grms. cane-sugar.........--- 389 —87 364 
P70 in a ED eee es Matsa ak 68 ye! 77 
143.0 “ eee a eee 572 +1907 641 
INOthINn gas cokeecene ene acne e = 0) ==33()2 
42.96 grms. starch (digested)...... ie —138 164 
INObHIN go s.b-c8 a Sect eee s eameke tens be 0) —354 
57.38 grms. starch (digested). ..... 244 —140 214 
INOthings. tere seat ee peer Stet 0 —302 
94.36 grms. cane-sugar; 67.96 grms. 
starch; 4.7 grms. fat............ 702 +365t 667 
300 grms. meat; 63.7 grms. dextrose 500 —126 
300 “ rath! es 559 —84 42 
300 as be ia lase 5 ce be 691 +34 160 
Magnus-Levy’s Experiments : a 
; ; ( 2121 +850 | 1890 
Chiefly: 11¢e%; 2: Satin a see ee 2226 +934 2066 
999 —81 910 

Per Cent. 




* Fasting metabolism estimated from previous experiments. 

+ Gain of carbon assumed to be all in the form of fat. 

t Of dextrose added. 

Experiments on Herbivora.—Comparatively few experiments 
have been reported from which the net availability of the food of 
herbivorous animals can be computed, and as regards the common 
farm animals in particular there is an almost entire lack of data, 
although numerous experiments upon the relative value of various 


materials for productive feeding have been reported and will be 
considered in the following chapter. 

Fatr.—Rubner’s experiments include one * in which fat was 
fed to a rabbit with the following results: 

Fasting. Fed ne Be arn: 
Metabolizable energy of food ............. 0. Cals. 227 Cals. 
MRO CAO AITO vais) ay tle aller aie eielp cctiectl e eis —101 “ +122 “ 
Gainvovertasting metabolism!) 405. 0).5.. 0). 20 see oes 2230 
Ne thavailalotityAerseie seneesars alec ue oes te SHA ns alien Sag 98 .2% 

In connection with his investigations upon cellulose, v. Knie- 
riem } also experimented upon the influence of fat on the metabo- 
lism of the rabbit. The basal ration consisted of milk, to which 
was added in the second period 3.94 grams of dry butter fat per day. 
Computing the amounts of energy by the use of Rubner’s factors 
the results were: 

Metabotizable | Gain, cals. | NetAvelability, 
Milk and butter fat .......... 207.3 —19.5 
Wi GOES eta IN anaes err aon 169.8 —55.2 
Mifference 2s 5. 5 os ba hte es 37.5 35.7 95.2 

CARBOHYDRATES.—Rubner { reports three experiments with 
cane-sugar on a cock from which the following results are com- 

Metaboliz- Et Net 
Food. able Sy Availability, 
Galea Over Fast- | Per Cent. 
i . Total, ing Metab- 
Calls olism, Cals. 
Nothin oie eee eles erste 0 —239 
34 grms. cane-sugar........ 136 a= PAI 118 86.8 
INIOURING Ano dose vebgouKddes 0 —258 
45 grms. cane-sugar ........ 180 —101 157 87.2 
50“ Sead asap pte atseata eke 200 — 53 205 102.5 

+ Zeit. f. Biol., 19,333. ft Jbid.,21,119. _¢ Ibid., 19, 366. 


From the comparisons of cellulose and cane-sugar made by v. 
Knieriem (loc. cit.) and cited on p. 161, the following figures for the 
net availability of the energy of the latter substance may be com- 

4 2 Metab Gain. 
q aaa 
a | Moa | Ye 
“a tea Food per Day. Energy Over ability, 
eal ai of Food, | Total, Basal | Per Cent. 
iv 3 Cals Cals Ration 

ie] ra als. 

1 6 el aos a 1 iD ee eee ere 350.1 | —37.9 

IV | 4 “ +11 grms. cane-sugar..| 393.7 | —15.9 22.0 50.5 
Velo tS -oNe ee « ..| 480.7 | +69.9 | 107.8 82.5 

A series of experiments by May * upon the effect of fever on 
metabolism affords incidentally a few data bearing on the availa- 
bility of the energy of dextrose. In his experiment No. 5 (loc. cit., 
p. 23) the ingestion of 30 grams of grape-sugar, an amount approxi- 
mately equivalent to the fasting metabolism, caused no increase in 
the computed heat production as compared with that during fasting. 
In this experiment there was no fever. In Experiment No. 6 (p. 25), 
with fever, the ingestion of the same amount of grape-sugar pro- 
duced a computed gain of 2.88 grams carbon as fat, but caused no 
increase in the computed heat production. Experiment No. 7 
(p. 26) was similar to No. 6, but showed a decrease in the computed 
heat production, which, however, coincided with a decrease in the 
fever. On the whole, May’s results appear in accord with Rubner’s 
hypothesis of a substitution of the heat resulting from digestive 
work for that arising from the metabolism of tissue. 

Pentoses.—Cremer’s experiments + with rhamnose upon rabbits, 
cited in Part I, p. 157, afford data for computing the net availa- 
bility of this representative of the pentoses. For this purpose 
Cremer computes from the excretion of nitrogen and carbon (neg- 
lecting the feces), in the manner described in Chapter VIII, p. 253, 
the amount of energy liberated by the metabolism of protein and 
fat in the body, assuming that the rhamnose, after deducting the 
small amounts in feces and urine, was completely oxidized. The 
following are the results for each day of the four experiments: 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 30, 1. } Ibid., 42, 451. 


Mi : 
Food, Grms. Ener of Food, Poses Body, ; 
Experiment I: 
IN @ Gain oaiseeee yore tetas ha cs 0 147.4 
Rhamnose, 11.584 grms.... 45.3 114.0 
INGUIN Gir Peet aeyi soap 0 113.3 
Experiment IT : 
INO ting er yrs cc. 0 180.7 
Rhamnose, 17.09 grms..... 66.8 111.6 
ING GING Naess Uo, 4s 0 184.8 
Experiment III : 
INO CHING Wrens pee ntl als 0 129.1 
Rhamnose, 18.96 grms..... 74.1 54.3 
ING thing he eee cccy eee lescaiane 0 113.1 
re (av’ge of two days) 0 113.4 
Experiment IV : 
INOthin pyre sien tase 0 146.0 
SM TUNE a Merete can 0 141.4 
Rhamnose, 18.66 grms....... 72.9 53.3 
os ise e Siay ala neon ea 22.0 98.1 

* The total amount of rhamnose (24.3 grms.) was given on the first day, 
but it is estimated from the results for the carbon excretion that this amount 
of it was not metabolized until the second day. 

The results as to net availability obtained by comparison with 
the several fasting days vary considerably, as the following state- 
ment shows, several of them exceeding 100 per cent. : 

Experiment I. 

Compared with first: daye.. i). <0... sso 74 per cent. 
i Gr TAH ob bite [eGo app ee Po esis ras .. Negative 
Experiment IT. 
Compared with first day ......... Hexen ae 103 per cent. 
ss pec nircls Cleiyy, <tedns tis tse otay cena TO ee 
Expervment IIT. 
Compared with first day............. ..... LO per cent. 
oe Se tinned avis fate ae ey eases OME owes se 

Second and third with fourth and fifth days. 80 “ “ 

Experiment IV. 
Third compared with second day. ..... ee 2 per cent. 
rs oe ) founthidayars ee et Seer rkss 


The great variations in the results, as well as the large propor- 
tion of cases in which the availability appears to exceed 100 per 
cent., show that little value attaches to them as quantitative deter- 
minations, although they undoubtedly show that rhamnose pos- 
sesses a comparatively high nutritive value. 

Crude Fiber.—The experiments of v. Knieriem have already 
been cited in Chapter V in their general bearings upon the metabo- 
lism of matter. As was there noted, certain corrections were neces- 
sary on account of the residue of undigested cellulose remaining 
in the digestive canal at the close of the experiment. The results 
given below are based on those computed by the author, as sum- 
marized on p. 161, on the assumption that the resorption of the 
remaining digestible crude fiber was complete after two days. 

g Metab ae 
so] ow Food per Day. Energy Over Aa 
2 2 of Food, Total, Basal | Per Cent. 
2| Cals. Cals. Etats 
Toyo Mik 2 ae eee tte Se tee eee a 341.7 |—46.8 as ak 
II} 10 | ‘* + 22grms. crude fiber 374.6 |— 6.9 39.9 | 121.3* 
for eight days..... i ; 31.0 126.5T 
180 es Sam i, Sl eee ONS On te ee mre 350.1 |—37.9 fetes Baik. 5 
* Compared with Period I. { Compared with Period IIT. 

It is evident from the above figures that while the experiments 
show qualitatively a nutritive value for the cellulose, they are in- 
sufficient for a quantitative determination of its amount. 

In striking contrast with these results are the conclusions drawn 
by Zuntz & Hagemann from their experiments upon the horse 
which have already been considered in the previous chapter (pp. 
389-391). As was there explained in detail, these investigators 
have estimated the expenditure of energy in the digestion of crude 
fiber from a comparison of the computed heat production in two 
sets of experiments in which the proportion of coarse fodder eaten 
differed considerably, it being assumed that 9 per cent. of the metab- 
olizable energy of the nutrients other than crude fiber was consumed 
in their digestion. On this basis the digestive work caused by the 
erude fiber is computed at 2.086 Cals. per gram, or rather more than 


its average metabolizable energy. In other words, it is computed 
that under the conditions of these experiments, with a ration more 
than sufficient for maintenance, the net availability of the energy 
of the crude fiber was practically zero. The authors report no 
experiments upon rations below the maintenance requirement, but 
appear to regard the metabolizable energy of the crude fiber as being 
indirectly available, under such conditions, substantially in the 
manner assumed by Rubner and already explained. 

As has been noted, Zuntz & Hagemann’s conclusions as to the 
value of crude fiber for work production are in apparent harmony 
with those of Wolff, which will be discussed in the next chapter, but 
on the other hand they contrast sharply with the results of Kellner 
(see Chapter XIII, §1), who observed a high percentage utilization 
of the energy of one form of crude fiber in the ration of fatten- 
ing cattle. On previous pages some reasons were presented for 
questioning the quantitative accuracy of Zuntz & Hagemann’s 
computations, but even aside from these their conclusions as re- 
gards the value of crude fiber are difficult to reconcile with obvious 
facts. Thus they compute (loc. cit., p. 280) that the expenditure 
of energy in the mastication and digestion of average straw is 
greater than its metabolizable energy, so that for the horse this 
material has a negative value. When forming part of a mainte- 
nance ration we may probably assume that below the critical 
amount of food (p. 408) the heat generated during the digestion of 
the straw would be of use to maintain the body temperature, but 
this could not possibly suspend the expenditure of energy in the 
various forms of internal work, such as respiration and circulation. 
Since, however, by hypothesis, the straw can contribute no energy 
directly for these purposes, it follows that the consumption of this 
material alone cannot reduce the loss of tissue below the amount 
requisite to supply energy for the internal work, while on an 
exclusive straw ration above the critical amount of food the more 
straw the animal consumed the sooner it would starve. 

Orcanic Actps.—The results of a considerable number of ex- 
periments in which salts of organic acids were ‘njected into the 
blood have already been presented in Chapter V (p. 157). The 
general result was that lactic and butyric acids caused little or 
no increase in the heat production of the animal—in other words 


that practically all their potential energy was available to prevent 
loss of tissue. In such experiments, of course, there is no digestive 
work in the proper sense. What they indicate is that what we 
have called rather loosely the work of assimilation for these sub- 
stances is practically zero. Acetic acid, on the other hand, was 
found by Mallévre to increase the consumption of oxygen by from 
10 to 17 per cent., indicating a considerable waste of energy directly 
or indirectly. The general nature of these experiments is not such, 
however, as to afford data of much direct value in relation to the 
question of the availability of the energy of ordinary foods. 
TrmorHy Hay.—The experiments described in the foregoing 
paragraphs relate to pure or nearly pure nutrients. Experiments 
upon a steer have been made by the writer in conjunction with 
Fries in which the availability of the apparent metabolizable energy 
of timothy hay has been determined. To a basal ration consider- 
ably below the maintenance requirement, consisting of 3250 grams 
of hay and 400 grams of linseed meal, three different additions of 
timothy hay were made, the digestibility of the ration in each 
period being determined, and likewise the total balance of nitrogen, 
carbon, and energy by means of the respiration-calorimeter. The 
results as to energy, uncorrected for the very small differences in 
the organic matter of the basal ration consumed and for the 
changes in the live weight of the animal, were as follows: * 

Period A. Period B. Period C. Period D. 

Outgo, |Income,} Outgo, |Income,| Outgo, |Income,| Outgo, |Income, 
Cals. | Cals. Cals. Cals. Cals. Cals. Cals. | Cals. 

INGO epoca epee ccerskea)| siseebseeue 14923 lee. PAV PAU Menace ZO MOTE S ae 29,647 
ecest ae eee 6,446]...... S990 |Rere 1 ey fl ea 14,276 
Wrinese. cee S63|aae see QT AN pon Gk | I PAS) oe 1,220 
Methane...... 996]...... LEP ASHI Sree TESA ees 1,896 
Metabolizable ...| 6,618]...... OAS? Bere. e222 eee 123255 

14,923] 14,923) 20,297] 20,297) 25,198) 25,198) 29,647) 29,647 

Metabolizable ...]...... GGIS| ee 9,482)...... 15222 eae 12,255 © 
Heat produced...) 9,067). ...... HOS200|R es aac 10,606)...... 11,188 
Gammon losss. 2. cise ss = 2,449)...... 724 GilG | Seeaeese 1,072 

9,067| 9,067| 10,206] 10,206] 11,222] 11,222] 12,255] 12,255 

* Proc. Soc. Prom. Agr. Sci., 1902. 



Subtracting the results on the basal ration of Period A from those 
of the other periods, as in previous cases, we have the following: 

Metabolizabl Sn , eens 
“Perey, © Gain oipvissue, ete ailebility. 

REriod MB tie ie aie cithe aieea oA. 9,482 —724 
ce PAVE ONE DE False ethene tony 6,618 — 2,449 

Mitterences hee eee 2,864 1,725 60.24 
Beriod Csiro ste ann eiiis 11,222 616 
OE EN aes ee eer TR 6,618 —2,449 

Wifferencema qe sacle so. 4,604 3,065 66.57 
JPteraoye 10) site een ai en epee ete 12,255 1,072 
uh PARE aN sree ne tie cena st St 6,618 —2,249 

Difference ............. 5,637 3,521 62.46 

PAW CEA CM crete one rae iyo yeti a teeta deen U ey ol I 2 he alakiae Aree 63 .09 

Strictly speaking, only the first of the above percentages repre- 
sents the net availability for maintenance, since the other two 

include some gain. 

From the difference observed between the 

metabolism of the animal standing and lying, however, it was 
computed approximately what the gains would have been had the 
same position been maintained for the whole twenty-four hours, 
with the following results: 

Metabolizable Gain, Standing, | Net Availability, 
Energy, Cals. Cals. Per Cent. 
Reriodic ay wings sere siecle 9,482 — 1,606 
era Nc aria t annus N Siete 6,618 —3,507 
Difference ............. 2,864 1,901 66.37 
Rei Ode Cierny sstevensises, earenenaras 11,222 — 550 
sirias PPAR etaiare ences Satan la 6,618 —3,507 
IDMRANGE 6 6 ogo euo oon S 4,604 2,957 64.23 
Periods sD erctasisie Sones 12,255 23 
SE Rey» ea serine here haes Sur 6,618 » —3,507 
Witterenceaniarlt> aereeen: 5,637 3,530 62.62 
PAV OTAGO 220 sleicstcheraeney nite eircant doataiasle tansy Nuala Shenae ean 64.41 


Metabolizable Gain, Lying, Net Availability, 
Energy, Cals. Cals. Per Cent. 

PETIOG Mi Boone actcrawes 9,482 1,157 
ee RON ore eu sciert senate 6,618 —1,046 

Difference ............. 2,864 2,203 76.92 
Peniod! © oo 5 ytd 3 ecu 11,222 2,136 
fee Nee epeave caret ences 6,618 —1,046 

Difference ............. 4,604 3,182 69.12 
Periods) Bis: rc ao: eeere sees ea RA Days 2,743 
Beis EAT Soper ciate ane eee 6,618 —1,046 

Difference ............. | 5,637 3,789 67 .22 

WAN CUO Sioa ct ciad. Goal ates he aaah eet oll a selaerealeere eetaae 71.08 : 

The results are likewise shown graphically on the accompanying 
diagram, in which the full line represents the average availability 

3000 = 
go fe) 
2000 = 
° Pg - 
1000 = , 
are fo) 
=i ” 
= iad oz 
a = 2 
z ee 
o : a 
—1000 Ps 
fan 7000 8000 9000 10000. 11000 + 12000 




observed and the broken lines that computed respectively for 
standing and lying, while the points indicate the results for each 
period. As computed standing, the results are all practically at or 
below the maintenance point, and their fairly close agreement with 
each other and with those actually observed indicates that the net 
availability of the metabolizable energy of this sample of timothy 
hay was between 63 and 65 per cent. 

Summary.—The foregoing data as to availability are sum- 
marized in the following table, those experiments in which the total 
ration was less than the maintenance requirement being separated 
from those in which more or less gain by the body took place: 

Below Maintenance. 

Proteids : 
Pettenkofer & Voit 

UDMerAe eile 

Magnus-Levy ..... 

Pettenkofer & Voit 
JRybl OVE, 64 dd ooo bos 

Starch : 

Pettenkofer & Voit. 

Igblaie, saoagnaooed 

Magnus-Levy (rice). 

Dextrose : 

Cane-sugar : 

JR ONVALS adi odosuoT 


eee eee 

CO © 
Ni bo 
= Od © 

AE 71.3) 

ceeeeoere 93.6 

Starch and Cane-sugar - 

RMSE, 5560640006 


Below Maintenance. 
Fat: Per Cent. 
Vinnieriem:. septs 95.2 

Cane-sugar : 

Rub ner yy meee ee ne 87.2 
Vo IMEI Babee dan 50.5 


Above Maintenance. 

Proteids: Per Cent. 
Pettenkofer & Voit ....... 81.5 
Rb meT seat ens erene sierereteuencrs 79.0 
Magnus-Levy ........---- 84.0 


Pettenkofer & Voit....... 93.7 
lea blovals) epee ee ee ace | 94.9 
Magnus-Levy ........--- | 97.0 

Starch : 


Pettenkofer & Voit....... 63.4 

2 89.1 

agnus-Levy (rice) 99.8 

Dextrose : 

Pettenkofer & Voit........ 89.7 
VU TEI A uy yee cee eee 83.7 

Cane-sugar : 

FRAT TET yelerersre ye loieie is aeetegel c 11:20 

Cane-sugar and Starch : 
WMO luereeeie -retelsiess several etelone 


Pentoses : 
(CTEMETHG A woceieetenrieuse ere 101.0 
Crude Fiber : 
v. Knieriem........ ana 
Ree 126.5 
Timothy Hay: 
Armsby & Fries.......... 63-65 
Above Maintenance. 
Fat: Per Cent. 
FRUDMEL assessors acdooeuarereretne 98.2 
Cane-sugar : 
Van ISMieniernasieian ei everee palieeh OasD 


It scarcely seems possible to draw any well-founded conclusions 
regarding the net availability of the several nutrients from such 
widely divergent results as those tabulated above, even if the ex- 
treme and obviously incorrect figures be discarded. Two things, 
however, seem worthy of remark. 

First, in but few cases does the net availability of the food reach 
100 per cent., and most of those results relate to cane-sugar or rham- 
nose; that is, to cases in which some of the gain of carbon which is 
computed as fat may have been in the form of a carbohydrate. It 
would seem fairly safe to conclude, therefore, that no such complete 
substitution of the heat resulting from digestive work for that re- 
sulting from the general metabolism took place as Rubner’s hypoth- 
esis supposes. Apparently, under the conditions of these experi- 
ments, there was, in most cases at least, a material loss of energy 
in digestive work. 

Second, there is no clear indication of a smaller loss of energy 
below than above the maintenance ration, although the wide range 
of the results renders a definite conclusion upon this point hazardous. 
This question, however, may be more properly considered in con- 
nection with a study of the utilization of the net available energy of 
the food. 

Finally, it is to be said that if the validity of the conception of 
a critical amount of food, as developed on p. 409, be admitted— 
that is, of an amount of food below which the heat resulting from 
the work of digestion and assimilation is substituted for that pro- 
duced by the general metabolism, while above it no such substtu- 
tion takes place—a very important element is lacking for the 
interpretation of the above experiments, except, perhaps, those on 
timothy hay, in which the uniformity of the results with varying 
amounts seems to show clearly that all the rations supplied more 
than the critical amount of food. If that conception is correct, 
to determine the real availability of the energy of a food it is 
necessary to compare the effects of two quantities both of which 
are greater than the critical amount. On the other hand, the 
complete substitution of energy supposed by Rubner could only 
be demonstrated by comparing quantities less than the critical 
amount, while a comparison of quantities below the latter 
amount (including, of course, fasting) with those exceeding it 


can give only mixed results varying with the quantities com- 
pared. . 

It seems tolerably clear, then, that the whole subject of the net 
availability of foods and nutrients needs reinvestigation by more 
rigorous methods and with due regard to the amounts of the food 
materials compared and to the thermal environment of the animals 
experimented upon. 

Discussion of Results. 

For the reasons just stated, any strict quantitative discussion 
of the above results seems impossible. At the same time, certain 
general conclusions may be at least tentatively deduced from them 
which, even though to a considerable extent speculative, may at 
least serve provisionally as a connecting thread between the known 

Influence of Amount of Food on Availability.—In the fore- 
going paragraphs it has been tacitly assumed that the amount of 
food eaten has no influence on its availability, or, to state it in 
another way, that the expenditure of energy in digestion and assimi- 
lation is proportional to the quantity of food. To express the same 
thing in mathematical terms, we have assumed, in constructing the 
‘diagram on p. 410, that the net available energy is a linear function 
of the metabolizable energy. 

While it seems highly probable that such is the case the only ex- 
periments bearing specifically upon this question of which the writer 
is aware are those upon timothy hay just cited. An examination 
of the graphie representation of the results strongly supports the 
hypothesis that the net availability of the food is independent. of 
its amount, but the evidence of so few experiments must naturally 
be accepted with some reserve. The other recorded results, as 
computed above, apart from the possible source of uncertainty 
pointed out on p. 429, show such considerable variations in indi- 
vidual cases that it scarcely seems possible to reach any definite 
conclusions from them regarding the influence of quantity of food. 
As will appear in the next chapter, the extensive respiration exper- 
iments made in recent years at the Méckern Experiment Station by 
G. Kiihn and O. Kellner upon fattening cattle indicate that the 


actual gain obtained (expressed in terms of energy), at least’ within 
certain limits, is proportional to the amount of metabolizable energy 
supplied in excess of maintenance. This would mean that above 
the maintenance ration the energy required for digestion and 
assimilation plus that consumed in the chemical changes incident 
to the formation of new tissue (compare p. 396) is proportional 
to the amount of food. If this be true it seems more reasonable 
to conclude that each of these forms of work separately is propor- 
tional to the amount of food than to assume a compensation between 
the two, and granting this, we should have every reason to suppose 
that the same proportionality would hold good for the work of 
digestion and assimilation below the maintenance requirement. 

Character of Food.—The investigations of Zuntz & Hagemann 
(pp. 385-393) have shown that, in the case of the horse at least. 
and doubtless with other animals also, the work of digestion and 
assimilation varies with the kind of food, a result which is entirely 
in accordance with what we should expect. For reasons stated in 
describing their experiments, their results are to be regarded as 
qualitative rather than quantitative, but they suffice to demon- 
strate the very marked difference as regards availability which 
exists between the relatively pure nutrients employed in the exper- 
iments of Pettenkofer & Voit, Magnus-Levy, Rubner, and others 
and the feeding-stuffs consumed by our herbivorous domestic 
animals, and to show the fallacy involved in applying the results 
of the former experiments directly to the latter case. The same 
conclusion is also indicated by the few results upon timothy hay 
on p. 424. 

Unfortunately no other direct determinations of the availability 
of the food of herbivorous animals in amounts below the mainte- 
nance ration are on record, so that we are unable to compare either 
different feeding-stuffs or different species of animals in this respect. 
The extensive investigations of the Méckern Experiment Station 
mentioned in the previous paragraph show how large a proportion 
of the metabolizable energy of the food of fattening animals becomes 
economically waste energy, thus fully confirming the conclusions 
drawn from Zuntz & Hagemann’s experiments upon the horse, but 
they afford no means of distinguishing between the work of diges- 


tion and assimilation and the energy expended in converting the 
resorbed material into permanent tissue. 

The Maintenance Ration.—As already defined, net available 
energy is that portion of the metabolizable energy of the food 
which serves to make good the losses of potential energy arising 
from the internal work plus the work of digestion and assimilation, 
or, in other words, which contributes towards the maintenance of 
the stored-up capital of energy. We may, therefore, appropriately 
consider the bearings of the known facts regarding availability 
upon the amount of food required for maintenance. 

RELATIONS TO AVAILABILITY.—Not a little effort has been 
expended in determining the maintenance requirements of farm 
animals on the more or less tacit assumption that this quantity is 
a constant for the same animal, and the same assumption has even 
more largely controlled in computations based on the experimental 
data obtained. 

By the maintenance ration, of course, we understand a ration 
just sufficient to prevent any loss of tissue—that is, of potential 
energy—by the animal. To accomplish this we must give a ration 
containing net available energy equal in amount to the potential 
energy lost when no food is given. Expressed thus in terms of net 
available energy, the maintenance requirement under given condi- 
tions is a constant and is equal to the energy of the fasting metabo- 

The maintenance requirement, however, particularly in the case 
of farm animals, has not usually been expressed thus, since the 
necessary data are lacking, but in terms of total digestible matter 
or of real or supposed metabolizable energy. When thus expressed, 
however, it is apparent in the light of the foregoing discussion that 
the maintenance requirement must be a variable, depending upon 
the availability of the metabolizable energy of the food. Referring 
again to the graphic representation on p. 410, it is evident that, 
under the conditions there represented, with an availability ex- 
pressed by tan DAC, the amount of metabolizable energy required 
for maintenance will be equal to OS. Furthermore, it is equally 
evident that as the availability decreases and the angle DAC con- 
sequently becomes more acute OS will increase. Only when the 
critical amount of food, OM, is greater than the fasting metabolism 


and the point K falls above the axis OX will there be an apparent 
exception to this law. In that case, since the energy expended in 
digestion and assimilation seems to be indirectly utilized, the ap- 
parent availability will be 100 per cent. and the metabolizable 
energy required for maintenance will be constant and equal to the 
energy of the fasting metabolism. 

This case might and perhaps does occur with animals whose food 
consumes little energy in digestion, such as the carnivora. As was 
pointed out on p. 412, however, an increase in the work of digestion 
tends to reduce the critical amount of food and there would appear 
to be good reason for believing that, in ruminants at least if not in 
the horse, it lies considerably below the point of maintenance. 

from the investigations of Zuntz & Hagemann (pp. 385-393) that 
the work expended in the digestion of coarse fodders is, in the horse 
and presumably therefore in other animals, materially greater than 
that caused by grain. It follows, then, that a unit of digestible 
matter or of metabolizable energy should have more value for 
maintenance in the latter than in the former. 

That such is the case with cattle is rendered probable by experi- 
ments by the writer.* In the absence of a respiration apparatus 
the nutritive effect of the rations was judged of from the live weight 
and the proteid metabolism during relatively long periods and the 
methane production was computed from the carbohydrates digested. 
A ration in which only about 24 per cent. of the digested organic 
matter was derived from coarse fodder, as compared with rations 
consisting exclusively of coarse fodder, gave the following results 
for the metabolizable energy of the maintenance ration per day 
and 500 kgs. live weight: 

Exclusive coarse fodder, 12 experiments.... 12,771 Cals. 
arcehysonaiia..s CXPerMMentSen |. sarees LNO235) 

Such determinations of the maintenance requirements of the 
horse as have been made tend to confirm the results obtained with 
ruminants. Wolff, in his investigations upon work production 
described in the following chapter, has computed the maintenance 
requirements of the horse in the manner there explained both from 

* Penna. Expt. Station, Bull. 42, p. 159. 


his own experiments and from those of Grandeau and LeClerc, 
with the following results per 500 kgs. live weight: 

Total Digestible Nutrients,* 

Onchay aloneai.5 ou. du cceeeenan endear el ss 4586 
About equal parts hay and grain ........... 4190 
About 3 grain and } hay (Grandeau)........ 3626 

Zuntz & Hagemann,t} from the results of a respiration experi- 
ment with the horse, make a still lower estimate of the maintenance 
requirement, viz., 3265 grams total nutrients per 500 kgs. live 
weight on a ration of which about four sevenths was grain, but 
after allowing for the differences in crude fiber content compute a 
satisfactory agreement between their results and Wolff’s. Since 
their estimate for the work of digestion of crude fiber is really 
based on the difference in digestive work required by coarse fodder 
and by grain this is equivalent to showing that the latter is more 
valuable for maintenance than the former. 

On the other hand, Grandeau and LeClere { in later experiments 
on exclusive hay feeding found that the live weight was almost 
exactly maintained for a month on 8 kgs. of hay per day, the total 
digested nutrients being as follows: 

Total Digestible Nutrients. 
Animal. oe 
Per Head, Per 500 Kgs., 
Grms. rms. 
NOs iersecneee 395 2892 3660 
Ee Dee desta hors: 419 3036 3622 
EOP one eee gare 413 3058 3701 

These figures do not materially exceed the average computed by 
Wolff from their previous experiments on heavy grain rations. The 
horses had a half-hour’s walking exercise daily, so that the ration 
seems to have been amply sufficient for maintenance, and no reason 
for the divergent result is obvious. 

While none of these comparisons have the conclusiveness of 

* Including fat * 2.4. 

} Loc. cit., pp. 422-4. 
t L’alimentation du Cheval du Trait, 3d memoir, pp. 23-31. 


complete metabolism experiments, their results as a whole indicate 
clearly that the metabolizable energy of the grains is more valu- 
able for maintenance than that of the coarse fodders, a fact un- 
doubtedly due to the greater expenditure of energy in the digestion 
and assimilation of the latter. 

The maintenance ration of horses, cattle, and sheep, then, as 
ordinarily expressed (i.e., in units of digestible matter or of metabo- 
lizable energy) is not a constant but a variable, depending on the 
availability of the metabolizable energy, and such a statement of it, 
to be definite, must be accompanied by a statement of the kind of 
feed used. 

No similar experiments upon swine appear to have been made. 
The ordinary feed of this animal, however, probably varies less in 
availability than that of ruminants, and it may be presumed that 
no such striking differences would be found. 

VALUE OF CRUDE FiBER.—As a result of Wolff’s conclusions con- 
cerning the apparent worthlessness of crude fiber for work production, 
as discussed in the succeeding chapter, and of Zuntz & Hagemann’s 
estimates regarding its digestive work (p. 389), there has been a 
tendency to ascribe the difference between grain and coarse fodders 
to the greater amount of crude fiber in the latter, forgetting that 
what these investigators have actually shown is simply the lower 
value of the digestible matter from coarse fodders, and that their 
conclusions regarding crude fiber are deductions from the observed 
facts. Kellner’s more recent experiments (see p. 182 and Chapter 
XIII, §1) have demonstrated that at least one form of crude fiber 
is nearly as efficient in producing a gain of fat by cattle as is 
starch. A fortiori, therefore, it should be equally valuable for 
maintenance. We have as yet no sufficient evidence to justify us 
in ascribing the difference between grain and coarse fodder to the 
crude fiber as such aside from its influence on the mechanical 
structure of the material. 

uncommonly assumed that the maintenance requirement of an 
animal is affected by changes in the temperature and other external 
factors which combine to determine the refrigerating effect of the 
environment; in other words, the heat production of the animal 
has been looked upon more or less distinctly as an end in itself. 


We have already seen reason to believe that this is the case toa 
very limited extent only, even in the fasting animal, and to a still less 
degree in one consuming food. If we are justified in thinking that 
the critical amount of food for herbivorous animals is ordinarily 
less than the maintenance requirement, it follows that the heat 
production on a maintenance ration is in excess of the actual needs 
of the organism for heat by an amount depending upon the avail- 
ability of the metabolizable energy of the food, and that this excess 
of heat is disposed of by “physical” regulation. That such is the 
case appears to be clearly indicated by the writer’s experiments 
upon timothy hay (p. 424), since. there was obviously no such in- 
direct utilization of the heat resulting from the work of digestion 
and assimilation as takes place, according to Rubner’s theory, 
below the critical amount of food. If, now, the temperature to 
which such an animal is exposed falls, it is in accord with all that. 
we know regarding the regulative processes in the body to suppose 
that the additional draft on it for heat will be compensated for by 
a fall in the emission constant rather than by an increased produc- 
tion of heat, or, to put it in another way, that some of the heat 
resulting from digestive work will be utilized to maintain the tem- 
perature of the animal instead of being at once dissipated. 

No exact experiments upon the influence of external tempera- 
ture on the maintenance requirement appear to have been made, 
but Kern, Wattenberg & Pfeiffer * have investigated the influence 
of the greater exposure to cold caused by shearing upon the metabo- 
lism of sheep consuming a maintenance ration. A slight decrease 
in the proteid metabolism was found to result, due, as Pfeiffer con- 
jectures, to a more rapid growth of wool after shearing, but the 
corresponding difference in the metabolism of-energy is insignificant. 
The removal of a nine-months fleece appears to have caused at first 
an increased excretion of carbon dioxide, but this practically dis- 
appeared within four or five days and is probably to be attributed 
to greater muscular activity on the part of the shorn animals. 
Comparing the results before shearing with those obtained from 
five to sixteen days after, we have the following averages, the 
amount of water-vapor given off being only an approximate esti- 

* Jour. f. Landw., 39, 1. 



Carbon dioxide | Water-vapor 
per Day, per Day, 
Grms. Grms. 
Before shearing (4 experiments)... 719.6 1939 
After ee (4 ue ey (25-1 434 

The total metabolism, as indicated by the excretion of carbon 
dioxide, shows scarcely any increase as a result of the shearing, and 
if we accept Pfeiffer’s suggestion that the result for the first of the 
four days (736 grams) may have been slightly affected by the stimu- 
lation of movement above noted, the difference becomes still less. 
On the other hand, the difference in the amount of water-vapor 
given off is very striking and apparently admits of but one con- 
clusion, viz., that drawn by Pfeiffer, that the unshorn animals upon 
a maintenance ration produced an excess of heat which was gotten 
rid of by evaporation of water, while the shorn animals, instead of 
meeting the greater refrigerating effect of their surroundings by an 
increased metabolism, simply evaporated less water and thus com- 
pensated for the increased loss of heat by radiation and conduction. 

Even in the case of man, where the digestive work is much 
less than in the herbivora, the heat production on a mainte- 
nance ration may be in excess, and even largely in excess, of the 
minimum requirement, it being simply a question of clothing, 
temperature, etc. This has been most strikingly demonstrated 
by Ranke,* who shows that with relatively high temperature and 
humidity the heat production on a maintenance ration may be so 
great as to even produce pathological effects and that under such 
circumstances the consumption of food is instinctively reduced 
below the maintenance requirement. 

Sanborn,{ in experiments upon the maintenance ration of swine, 
found the amount of middlings required, per hundred pounds of live 
weight, to be as tabulated on the next page. The second summer 
experiment is not comparable with the others, since the smaller 
animal would require a relatively greater maintenance ration. 
The remaining experiments seem to show a lower requirement for 
maintenance in winter than in summer. 

* Hinfluss des Tropenklimas auf die Ernihrung des Menschen, and Zeit. 

f. Biol., 40, 288. 
+ Mo. State Agr. Coll., Bull. 28, pp. 5 and 6. 


Maintenance | 

Live Weight, | Requirement, 
beat per a cade 

Winter (temp. about 40° F.) .... { oe ee 
Summer ( “ « g0°R).... 1 ae ite 

On the other hand, Cooke,* in a series of experiments on swine 
at the Colorado Station, found the following amounts of computed 
digestible matter required for maintenance per hundred pounds live 
weight of animals weighing from 85 to 182 pounds per head: 

ini MOtWwea ter: tok «nies See aie eo Relea es 0.93 Ibs. 
Im moderate weather.) ssc oc sec cts k cisco ce 1 ets ead 
NT COlASWEAUMET sa. hie, fs oc Ses oan ee Ley 

Consumption of Water.—A not inconsiderable amount of energy 
is usually required to raise the ingesta to the temperature of the 
body. This is particularly true of the water consumed, especially 
in case of the herbivora, both by reason of its relatively large amount 
as compared with the dry matter of the food and on account of its 
high specific heat. At first thought it might seem that the warming 
of the ingesta is part of the work of digestion, since it is an expendi- 
ture of energy in preparing the food for assimilation. This same 
matter or its equivalent, however, finally leaves the body, in the 
form of various excreta, at body temperature, thus carrying off as 
sensible heat substantially the same amount of energy which was 
imparted to it when its temperature was raised, and this heat it 
imparts in cooling to the environment of the animal. It would 
seem, then, that the warming of the ingesta may be more logically 
regarded as a part of the general draft for heat which the surround- 
ings make upon the animal, the process being simply a little less 
direct than the loss of heat by radiation and conduction through 
the skin. 

From this point of view the influence of the consumption of cold 
food and particularly of cold water will be subject to the same 
general laws as the other forms of the demand for heat. On a 
ration supplying less than the critical amount of metabolizable 

* Private communication. 


energy any increase in the consumption of water (taking this as the 
typical case) will increase the metabolism by an amount sufficient 
to warm the water to the body temperature. Above the critical 
amount of food the excess of heat arising from the digestive work 
will, we may reasonably suppose, be applied to the warming of the 
additional water consumed, and only when this is insufficient will 
an increased metabolism be required to make up the deficit. In 
case of farm animals, however, it would appear that the waste heat 
even on a maintenance ration is ordinarily sufficient, and more 
than sufficient, to supply all the energy needed for warming the 
ingesta. : 

The Time Element.—One important factor in modifying the 
results of the demand for heat, particularly with relation to the 
water consumption, is what we may call the time element. Hitherto 
it has been tacitly assumed that all the factors making up the 
demand for heat act at a uniform rate. Asa matter of fact this is at 
best only partially true. Ordinarily a farm animal is watered but 
once or twice per day and then consumes a relatively large amount 
in a few minutes. A sudden demand for heat is thus set up, since 
this water must be raised to body temperature within a compara- 
tively short time. It is quite conceivable, therefore, that the demand 
for heat may temporarily exceed the supply, requiring the deficit 
to be made up by an increased metabolism, while if the same water 
consumption were distributed uniformly over the twelve or twenty- 
four hours no such effect would be produced. Such a temporary 
increase in the heat production, however, cannot be made up for 
later when the heat production is in excess, but is a permanent loss. 
Once converted into heat, tne energy of food or tissue has, so to 
speak, escaped from the grasp of the organism, which appears to 
have no power to reconvert it into any other form of energy. We 
may plausibly suppose that these considerations constitute a partial 
explanation of the advantages observed in practice from the warm- 
ing of drinking-water and the installation of self-watering devices 
in the stable. 

What is true in regard to the consumption of water is of course 
equally true of other forms of the demand for heat. The time ele- 
ment is an important factor. Thus an exposure of an hour or two 
in a cold yard or to a cold rain may cause an increased metabolism 


and heat production although the average conditions for the twenty- 
four hours may be such that the necessary production of heat by 
the internal work and the work of digestion and assimilation would 
be more than sufficient for the needs of the animal. 

INFLUENCE OF Size or AnimAL.—The discussion of the heat 
production of the fasting animal in Chapter XI led us to the con- 
clusion that under comparable conditions, at least for the same 
species of animal, the internal work is probably approximately 
proportional to the surface of the body. - This, however, is equiva- 
lent to saying that the quantity of net available energy required 
for maintenance is proportional to the body surface. Furthermore, 
if we are right in supposing that the available energy is a linear 
function of the metabolizable energy, the amount of the latter 
required for maintenance will also be proportional to the surface of 
the body. Referrimg once more to the diagram on p. 410, if OA is 
proportional to the body surface, then OS, which for a given food 
bears a fixed ratio to OA, must also be proportional to the surface. 
If the critical point, K, lies above the maintenance requirement, 
then the metabolizable energy required for maintenance will equal 
the fasting metabolism, and this, as shown on pp. 359-368, is pro- 
portional to the surface. 

Apparently, then, we are justified in concluding that the mainte- 
nance requirements of different normal animals of the same species 
are proportional to their body surface, or, for approximate computa- 
tions, to the two-thirds power of their live weights. It must not be 
overlooked, however, that the results upon which this conclusion. is 
based were obtained largely with the dog, an animal which when at 
rest lies down, and which, therefore, in these experiments was in a 
state of almost complete muscular relaxation. Our common farm 
animals, on the contrary, pass a considerable portion of their time 
standing, which involves an expenditure of energy in muscular 
work. This expenditure we should naturally assume to be pro- 
portional to the mass to be sustained rather than to its surface, 
and if this be true we have here a second determining factor in the 
maintenance requirement. How important this factor is it is diffi- 
cult to say, although the writer’s results with a steer (p. 348) in- 
dicate that it is a large one. Its tendency would be to make the 
maintenance requirement increase more rapidly than the surface. 


Moreover, so far aS we can judge from the accounts of Rubner’s 
experiments, it would seem likely that what were designated on 
p. 342 as incidental muscular movements are a more important 
factor in determining the maintenance requirements of farm ani- 
mals than they are in fixing that of the dog. 

While, therefore, we are probably justified in retaining pro- 
visionally the computation of the maintenance requirement in 
proportion to the real or estimated surface, it should be with a clear 
understanding that it is at present a deduction from experiments 
on other species and under more or less different conditions. 

Effect of Fattening on Maintenance Requirement.—An interesting 
question, and one of practical importance, is what effect the pro- 
gressive change in weight of the same animal as it is fattened has 
upon its maintenance requirement. We can hardly suppose that 
the internal work of the body will be materially increased by such a 
gain. The increased mass of tissue must involve, of course, some 
increase in metabolism, but all that we know of metabolism of adi- 
pose tissue indicates that it is very sluggish. The most important 
effect might be anticipated to be an increase in the muscular ex- 
ertion required in standing, perhaps counterbalanced to a greater or 
less extent by the tendency of the fat animal to pass more of its 
time in a recumbent position. 

Zuntz & Hagemann* have investigated the effect of a load 
carried on the back upon the metabolism of the horse, and have 
found the latter to be proportional to the total mass (horse plus 
load), but the applicability of this result to another species of ani- 
mal and to an increase of weight caused by fattening may perhaps 
be questioned. The only experiments upon cattle bearing on this 
point are those of Kellner,t who has compared the maintenance 
requirements of fattened and unfattened cattle. It being impossible 
to hit upon exactly the maintenance ration, it is computed from the 
actual results. In case there was a loss of tissue the maintenance 
requirement of the animal is computed by subtracting the poten- 
tial energy of the excreta from the potential energy of food plus 
tissue lost; in other words, the replacement of energy claimed by 
Rubner is assumed to occur. When there was a gain of tissue, on 

* Landw. Jahrb., 27, Supp. III, 269. 
{7 Landw. Vers. Stat., 50, 245; 53, 14. 


the other hand, the amount of metabolizable energy required to 
produce it is computed on the basis of the results upon utilization 
obtained in other experiments, this larger amount being added to 
the energy of the excreta and the sum of the two subtracted from 
the potential energy of the food; that is the energy of digestion 
and assimilation above the maintenance ration is assumed to be 
waste energy. 

Computed in this way, and assuming further that the mainte- 
nance requirements of different animals are substantially propor- 
tional to the two-thirds powers of their live weights, the results are 
as follows: 

: Main- 
Live Stable 
No. of : tenance 
Animals. eee ine ea are 
Deg. C. Cals. 
Observed : 
Wntattened 5 cui tence ire rene os 7 632 15.2 13,470 
Mattened| % ..23) scuseitouetestaeie ete 3 785 15.7 19,671 
Computed to same live weight : 
Uniattened .<.cc%ck cc stoeusa ae 7 800 152 15,760 
Hatteneds .qactarctatith cetaceans cass 3 800 15.7 19,920 

Kellner concludes from these figures that the maintenance re- 
quirements of fattened animals are greater per unit of surface than 
those of unfattened ones. 

These experiments, it is true, were on different animals and the 
individuality of the animal is an important factor in determining 
the maintenance requirement. The results on the seven unfattened 
animals, when computed to 600 kgs. live weight, show a range of 
1760 Cals., or 13.54 per cent. of the average, while the three results 
on fattened animals, computed to 800 kgs. live weight, show a 
range of 2420 Cals., or 12.16 per cent. of the average. Moreover, 
in making up the average of the unfattened animals, one animal 
was excluded on the ground that the results were probably abnor- 
mally high, but the same animal is subsequently included among 
the three fattened animals the results on which are averaged. 

Even after making all allowances for these facts, however, the 
results for the fattened animals are decidedly higher relatively 


than for the unfattened, but how much higher can hardly be deter- 
mined from such averages. 

Comparing the results on the one animal common to the two 
series of experiments we have— 

Live Weight, | Maintenance, 

Kgs. Cals. 
Unfattened' wins. ee 58% 611.5 16,835 .6 
Battemedeeneysscct: citer sie « 750 18,959 .6 
Computed to 800 kgs.: 
Wnfattened ihe Jaei sere < 800 20,140 
Fattenedss tis haces 800 19,800 

According to the above figures the maintenance ration of this 
animal was practically proportional to the two-thirds power of its 
live weight. On the other hand, however, its maintenance require- 
ment in the unfattened state was much higher than the average 
for the seven unfattened animals, while after fattening it did not 
differ materially from the average for the three fattened animals. 
If, then, we are to regard the above result as correct we must 
assume that by chance all three of the fattened animals had a 
higher normal rate of metabolism than the seven unfattened ones, 
which is not exactly probable. Although this leaves the question 
in a rather unsatisfactory state, it would seem that we must be 
content to let it rest there pending further comparative experi- 
ments on identical animals in different stages of fattening. 


AccorDING to the conceptions discussed in the preceding chap- 
ter a certain portion of the metabolizable energy of the food is 
consumed in what has been called in a broad sense the work of 
digestion and assimilation, while the remainder constitutes net 
available energy and contributes to the maintenance of the store of 
potential energy in the body. If the food is sufficient to supply 
net available energy equal to that dispensed by the internal work 
of the body, the balance between income and expenditure of energ 
is just maintained. If we increase the food beyond this maintenance 
requirement we supply the body with an excess of net available 
energy. In general terms we can say that this excess may be 
disposed of in two ways: it may be utilized for the peformance of 
external work, or it may give rise to a storage of potential energy 
in the body in the form of new tissue,* particularly of fat tissue. 
It appears probable, however, that neither of these processes takes 
place without more or less loss of energy in the form of heat. 
This is certainly true of the performance of muscular work, as has 
already been mentioned (p. 189) and as will be shown in detail 
on subsequent pages. Out of the total potential energy of the 
material metabolized rather more than one third, in the most favor- 
able case, is actually recovered in the form of external work, the 
remainder taking the form of heat. In this case, then, we might 
speak of the coefficient of utilization of the energy as being about 
one third. 

In the utilization of surplus energy by storage of tissue it 
appears likely that there must be also a loss of energy, although, 

* From this point of view the production of milk is to be regarded as 

the formation of new tissue. 


as will appear later, we are not yet in a position to make any such 
definite statements regarding its amount as in the case of muscular 
work, and although the writer’s few results on timothy hay cited 
on p. 424 afford no indication of such a loss, the utilization of the 
metabolizable energy for the production of gain seeming to have 
been practically equal to its net availability. It is obvious, how- 
ever, that the conversion of the resorbed nutrients of the food into 
the ingredients of tissue involves profound chemical changes, and 
we can hardly suppose that these take place without some evolution 
of heat. As a good illustration we may take the case of a carbo- 
hydrate. As resorbed into the blood it appears to be in the form 
of a sugar, and it would seem that this sugar can serve, without any 
very extensive chemical changes, to sustain the metabolism incident 
to the internal work of the body; that is, that it is oxidized more 
or less directly in the various tissues to supply energy for their 
physiological work. When, however, a surplus of a carbohydrate 
is to be utilized for the storage of energy in the form of fat, the case 
is different. The formation of fat from a carbohydrate is chemi- 
cally a process of reduction, and the oxygen which is removed 
from the carbohydrate must unite with the carbon and hydrogen 
either of other molecules of the carbohydrate or of other in- 
gredients of food or tissue, in either case giving rise to an evolu- 
tion of heat. If we suppose the transformation to take place 
according to the equation given in Chapter II (p. 24), the re- 
sulting fat would contain about 87 per cent. of the energy of 
the dextrose. Whether this percentage expresses the actual facts 
of the case or not, it is very improbable that this or any similar 
synthetic process takes place in the body without the evolution — 
of some heat. 

Provisionally, then, we seem Justified in assuming that only a 
part of the net available energy supplied to the organism above 
the maintenance requirement can be utilized to increase the store 
of potential energy in the body, and we may speak in this case, as 
in that of muscular work, of the coefficient of utilization. Repro- 
ducing here the essential parts of the graphic representation 
on p. 410, we may now complete it so as to represent in a general 
and qualitative way the relations indicated above, assuming pro- 
visionally that the effects are linear functions of the food. As 


before, OG represents the fasting metabolism at a temperature 
below the critical point and OM the critical amount of food at this 
temperature. Then the line GKS represents the availability of 
the food, HLS’ the heat production, and OS the maintenance 
requirement. Beyond the point S we may assume that the net 
availability of the food remains the same, represented by the line 
ST. But a fraction of this net available energy, however, can be 


Be ee er es ay | 

recovered as mechanical work, and its utilization will therefore be 
represented by some such line as SV, while the heat production will 
be correspondingly increased as represented by S’V’. Similarly 
the proportion of the net available energy which in the quiescent 
animal is stored up in the form of new tissue may be expressed by 
a line SU and the corresponding heat production by S’U’. What 
the relation between the proportions utilized in the two cases is we 
do not know, and the diagram is intended to be simply schematic; 


but we do know that the proportion is materially greater in the 
latter case, since the heat production of a fattening animal is ob- 
viously much less than that of a working animal utilizing the same 
amount of food. 

In the following pages the attempt has been made to bring 
together the more important experimental evidence bearing upon 
the utilization of food energy for the production of tissue and of 
work. Before, however, proceeding to a consideration of our present 
knowledge upon the subject, attention should be called once more 
to the fact that we are here dealing with it from the statistical point 
of view of the balance between income and expenditure of energy 
of the body. 

In an animal verforming work, each muscular contraction 
metabolizes a certain quantity of energy, part of which finally 
appears as heat and part as mechanical work. Besides this, how- 
ever, a secondary result is an increase in the activity of the organs 
of circulation and respiration which requires the expenditure of a 
certain amount of energy, this energy ultimately taking the form 
of heat and being added to that resulting directly from the activity 
of the skeletal muscles. When we compare the actual external 
work done with the total energy metabolized for its performance, 
and so compute the coefficient of utilization, we group all these 
sources of heat production and regard them as, from the economic 
standpoint, a waste of energy, just as in a heat engine the energy 
which escapes conversion into work is regarded as waste energy not- 
withstanding the fact that the loss is inevitable. So, too, in the pro- 
duction of new tissue we look upon total gain of potential energy 
by the body as constituting the net useful result of the feeding, 
and the coefficient of utilization in this case, as in that of muscular 
work, would express the relation which this bears to the net avail- 
able energy supplied in the food. That the effect of abundant 
food may be in some cases to stimulate the metabolism of tissue or 
the “incidental” muscular work (p. 342) is rendered probable by 
Zuntz & Hagemann’s results with the horse (see p.376). All these 
effects are part of the necessary expenditure of energy by the body, 
and however interesting physiologically are statistically sources of 


§ 1. Utilization for Tissue Building. 

Under this head we have to consider almost exclusively ex- 
periments upon the fattening of mature animals. While the growth 
of young animals and the production of milk are both forms of 
tissue building, the experimental data available seem too scanty 
to justify including them in the scope of the present work. For 
convenience we may first bring together the recorded results and 
later discuss them in their more general bearings. 

One difficulty, however, is encountered at the outset in our 
inadequate knowledge of the net availability of nutrients and 
feeding-stuffs, as pointed out in the foregoing chapter. Until this 
gap is filled. it is of course impossible to compare the gain of energy 
by the body with the supply of net available energy. Accordingly 
the results of the experiments upon productive feeding can at present 
be utilized only to determine what proportion of the metabolizable 
energy of the food is recovered in the gain of tissue, and the experi- 
ments cited in the following paragraphs will be considered from 
this point of view. 

Experimental Results. 

Experiments on Carnivora.—In connection with the dis- 
cussion of net availability in the preceding chapter a number of 
experiments were cited (p. 428) in which more or less gain was 
made by the animals. In addition to these Rubner * has made a 
preliminary report of investigations upon the effect of abundant 
feeding on the heat production A dog weighing 25 kgs. received 
successively isodynamic amounts of lean meat. fat, and carbo- 
hydrates (kind not stated) equivalent to 155 per cent. of its fasting 
metabolism, a two-days’ fast intervening in each case between the 
different rations. Few details are given, but presumably the 
methods were those of Rubner’s other experiments already de- 
scribed (compare p. 253). In a second experiment the effects of 
two different amounts of meat were also compared. In the follow- 
ing table the results of these experiments have been put into the 
same form as those on net availability in the preceding chapter, the 
data given being per day and head: 

* Sitzungsber. k. bayer. Akad. der Wiss., Math -phys. Classe, 15, 452. 


Gain Over Fasting 

Metabolizable Metabolism. 
Energy of Total Gain, 
Food, ‘als 
Cals. 5 Total, Per Cent. of 
cup || Beare! 

Nothing hse aces. 0 —944 
VRS Be 52s = Oe 1549 +540 1484 95.8 
Carbohydrates... ... 1549 +509 1453 93.8 

1549 +418 1362 87.9 
WIECH a ee re nen eee 1463 +332 1276 Silin2, 

2181 +805 1749 80.2 

Experiments by Gruber * upon the formation of fat from pro- 
teids (see p. 112) afforded the following results, computed + by 
the use of the factors given on p. 414: 

| Gain Over Fasting 
Metabolizable | Metabolism. 
Energy of Total Gain 
food tee Per Cent. of 
aeag Total 5 
Cals mee 
INOW? So 54000000e 0 —743 
1500 grms meat: 
Ist series...... 1325 250 993 74.9 
2d series...... 1325 296 1039 78.4 
AV CLARO ea eke 1325 273 1016 76. 

The difficulty in interpreting these results. as well as those tabu- 
lated on p. 428, as already stated, lies in our imperfect data regard- 
ing the net availability of the materials below the point of mainte- 
nance. Rubner, in discussing his results, assumes an availability 
of 100 per cent., or in other words that the fasting metabolism is 
the measure of the amount of metabolizable energy required for 
maintenance. He accordingly subtracts this amount from the 
total metabolizable energy of the food and regards the remainder 
as excess food, which may be utilized for the storage of energy. 
The percentage utilization of this excess was as shown in the follow- 
ing table, to which Gruber’s results, computed by the writer in the 
same way, have been added: 

* Zeit f Biol , 42, 409. 
+ From the last two complete days of each series 


| nee ene 
plaable quirement Excess Gain Berean 
bree ot] Geeae | Eat] Cals.) cli 
Cais. olism), on 
UE eee tase nai enemies tenets ee 1549 944 605 540 89.3 
Carbohydrates............. 1549 944 605 509 84.1 
( 1549 944 605 418 69.1 
Rub nereeevee sieietenste ene 1463 944 519 332 63.9 
: 2181 944 1237 805 65.1 
1325 743 582 250 43 .0 
(Gruber 75 Scare tasiens arses 1 1325 743 58 296 50.9 

As was shown in the preceding chapter, however, while the 
recorded determinations of net availability are far from satisfactory 
they show with a considerable degree of probability that there is 
some loss of energy below the maintenance point and that 100 per 
cent. of net availability is at least not ordinarily reached. A lower 
net availabilty, however, means a Jarger maintenance requirement, 
and this in turn results in a larger computed percentage utilization 
of the excess food. 

In the following table the latter percentage has been computed 
by the writer for most of the experiments tabulated on p. 428, as 
well as for those of Rubner and Gruber just cited, on the assump- 
tion that the net availability below the maintenance requirement 

IMG Si sucteoncie tweens wie wine ee nue eas, wees 85 per cent. 
LOL eee ee Meee ee a eae mene ey Se OS ae 
Starchi:.cp.semlnunak tite ateeta a tir aunty atta D024 ae 
(WANG SUCRT Aci orcit ih act eet ao fcinecae se ea 

The factor for meat is the average of all the results on p. 427; 
that for fat is based on Magnus-Levy’s results upon digestive work; 
those for starch and cane-sugar are the averages of Rubner’s re- 
sults, omitting those which exceed 100 per cent. By dividing the 
fasting metabolism by the above percentages we may compute the 
amount of metabolizable energy required for maintenance on the 
above assumption, while subtracting this from the metabolizable 
energy of the food leaves the amount of excess food, which can be 
compared with the observed gain. 


._| Metab- | Com- 
Heating ea puted BEE Gain, Bee 
olism, Gy am | Cals, | Cals. | Utiliza- 
Cals. | Food, een: tion. 
Cals. i 
Proteids (meat): 
Pettenkofer & Voit.......... 1041 | 1325 | 1225 100 38 38.0 
261 347 307 40 13 32.5 
jena 944 | 1549 | 1169 380 418 | 110.0 
Maui iieiatain sieoe eects 944 | 1463 | 1169 294 332 | 112.9 
944 | 2181 | 1169 | 1012 805 79.6 
Gab j 743 | 1325 920 405 250 61.7 
Tu er eereereoeeere eee eee eee 743 1325 920 405 296 73.1 
( 1086 | 3298 | 1108 | 2190 878 40.1 
Pettenhofer & Voit........ 554*| 942 565 377 329 87.3 
| 554*) 1884 565 | 1319 837 63.5 
658 | 1738 671 | 1067 | 1016 a : 2 
466 942 476 466 428 F 
RU MOT oes cteias eaves ste etsvetabe tos 61 348 266 89 49 59.8 
944 | 1549 963 586 540 92.1 
Starch : 
1098 | 2015 | 1220 795 353 44, 
Pettenkofer & Voit........ 
554*| 874 616 258 137 53. 

Rubner (“carbohydrates”’, as- 

1098 | 3076 | 1220 | 1856 853 46. ‘ 
sumed to be starch)........| 944 | 1549 | 1049 500 509 | 101.8 

Cane-sugar : 
119) Vs le ey ave ne ie eee aE 451 | 572 | 470] 102 | 190 | 186.3 

Cane-sugar and Starch (93 per 
cent. availability): 
ECU OT aS ceepertede Scireeae sees 4 302 | 702 | 325 | 377 | 365 | 96.8 

While as a whole the results of the computation would seem to 
indicate that the percentage utilization for tissue building is less 
than the percentage availability, the remarkable range of the 
figures and the uncertain basis upon which they are computed do 
not encourage any attempt at a critical discussion. 

Experiments on Man.—The only respiration experiments upon 
man which the writer has been able to find in which any large 
amount of excess food was given are those of Johansson, Lander- 
gren, Sondén & Tigerstedt + already cited on p. 383 in their bearing 
on the subject of digestive work. If we assume, on the basis of 

* Loss on basal ration. 
{+ Skand. Arch. f. Physiol., 7, 29. 


Magnus-Levy’s results, that the work of digestion in man equals 
about 9 per cent. of the metabolizable energy of the food, the 
average results of the experiments are as follows: 

Bastine metabolisni. ¢ 22s. a wJeteast nea 2022.4 Cals. 
Metabolizable energy of food............... 4193.4 “ 
Computed maintenance requirement....... 222255) 
Excess 100d 24. «0h acelsas ene item ees ee 1970.9 “ 

(RAV) tile Sacks aac Sts ache eit Mees Ee arena anaes 1676.0 “ 
Percentage utilization .......6..2062:005 85.0 per cent. 

The computation gives a somewhat lower percentage for the 
utilization of the excess food than that assumed for the availability 
of the maintenance food. 

Experiments on Swine.—Meissl, Strohmer & Lorenz * in their 
investigation upon the sources of animal fat made six respiration 
experiments with swine, the results of which afford some data as to 
the utilization of their food by these animals. In Experiments V 
and VI, made on two different animals, no food was given, and the 
following results were obtained, the energy equivalent to the loss 
of tissue being computed as in Rubner’s experiments in the pre- 
vious chapter: 


Experi. |Tempera-| Be" | Live | Loss of | Loss of | Metab. | 100 Kas 
ment. ture, Tast Weight, | Nitrogen, Carbon, olism, Tee 

Deg. C. Feeding. Kgs. Grms. Grms. Cals. Weight + 
WVisieue ts, ai 20 24 140 9.80 224 51 2607 2083 

VI | 20 12 120 9.55 375.78 

ees 20.4 72 120 6.77 194.93 2291 2029 

The experiment begun only twelve hours after the last feeding 
obviously gave too high results, owing to the presence of food in 
the digestive canal. That this source of error was substantially 
eliminated after twenty-four hours appears probable from the close 
agreement of the results with those obtained after seventy-two 
hours. The average fasting metabolism per 100 kgs. live weight 
is 2056 Cals. and this average has been made the basis of the com- 
putations which follow, except in Experiment I. This experiment 

* Zeit. f. Biol., 22, 63. 
+ Assumed to be proportional to the two-thirds power of the weight. 


having been made on the same individual as Experiment V, the 
result of the latter is used directly. 

In Experiments I and II the ration consisted of rice, in Experi- 
ment III of barley, and in Experiment IV of rice, flesh-meal, and 
whey. In all cases large amounts of food were consumed and a 
rapid production of fat was observed. The digestibility of the food 
was determined. Its metabolizable energy has been computed by 
the writer from the results of the digestion experiments by the use 
of the following factors: * 

1 gram digestible protein................ 4.1 Cals. 
Ler He nitrogen-free extract... 4.2 “ 
Ler ne oe crude: fiber “os ecens Bt) 
LRGs oh etherextract. Varun: SeShan 

No attempt was made in these experiments to determine the 
methane, if any existed, in the respiratory products. The results 
per day and head were as follows: 

Tene Ties Computed | | Metab in Ales 
9 : asting ohzable nergy o utritive 
Experiment. Rue eM Os ee | ES Gain, Cals. ato. 
Tee a AS" 0 140 2607 |) aac 3464 | 1:15.4 
MN Se 5 70 1621 | 7167 4048 | 1:14.1 
1 Ml EER a 19.3 125 2386 5125 + 1774 1B) 8} 
1 I\AU sea ire Renn 16.7 104 2111 | 6129 2556 iL 9) Q-al 

No determinations were made of the actual requirements for 
maintenance as distinguished from the fasting metabolism, and 
hence the data are lacking for a computation of the net availability 
of the metabolizable energy of the food on the one hand and the 
percentage utilization of the excess food on the other. Cooke’s re- 
sults mentioned on p. 438, however, seem to give some indication 
that the maintenance demand of swine may not be greatly in excess 
of the fasting metabolism. If in these experiments we assume the 
same net availability as that just assumed in the case of man, viz., 
91 per cent., we obtain the following figures: 

* Compare p. 332. 

+ In this experiment the ether extract of the feces exceeded that of the 
food by 23.95 grms. This excess has been assumed to have a heat value 
of 4.2 Cals. per grm. and a corresponding amount deducted from the com- 
puted energy of the other digested nutrients. 


4 P Com- | Metab- ted 
8 Nutri- uted Slgabla Maine meaese F Per- 
q Food. nive Fasting | Energy | tenance] Figo Gain, | cent- 
A atio. | Metab- 0 Re- Cale.” Cals. age 
os olism, | Food, | quire- . Uae 
3 Cals. | Cals. | ment, Hed 
P| RACe tc craels cece ee 15.4 | 2607 | 7157 | 2865 | 4292 | 3464 | 80.7 
II DRE Ste. os er cietcgs 14.1 | 1621 | 7167 | 1781 | 5386 | 4048 | 75.2 
Vila Barle yin ersten cece 9.3 | 2386 | 5125 | 2622 | 2503 | 1774 | 70.9 
IV | Rice,  flesh-meal, 
and whey....... 2.4 | 2111 | 6129 | 2320 | 3809 | 2556 | 67.1 

It is interesting to note that the utilization as thus computed 
diminishes as the proportion of protein in the ration increases, a 
result which the low average figures obtained on pp. 427 and 450 
for the availability and the percentage utilization of the proteids 
would lead us to expect. Obviously, however, too much value 
should not be attached to such computations as the above. 

Kornauth & Arche * in an investigation on the feeding value of 
sockle have also made respiration experiments with a swine. The 
food consisted in Period II of cockle, barley, and maize, and inc 
Period III of rape-cake, barley, and maize, the amounts of the 
several nutrients actually digested being nearly the same in the 
two periods. In each period two respiration experiments were 
made which gave concordant results. The following table contains 
the average results for each period computed on the same basis as in 
the experiments of Meissl, Strohmer & Lorenz. No fasting experi- 
ments having been made, the average results of the experiments by 
the last-named authors have been used, the average live weight of 
50 kgs. being taken as the basis. 

a Com- 
| ‘ Esti- | Metab- | puted 
FE Nutri- aon’ eable Main- Excess | G Per- 
: tive asting| Energy | tenance ain, | centage 
5 Hood: Ration |Metabe| sof cc} igites | eody | Gals: | Ueliea. 
fe 13 olism, | Food, | quire- als. tion. 
ical Cals. Cals. | ment, 


II | Cockle, barley, and 
MIM ALZ OMe retersnsc tes oe 6.7 | 1296 |.3057 | 1424 | 1633 | 1170 | 71.7 
III | Rape-cake, barley, 
and maize.......| 6.2 | 1296 | 3101 | 1424 | 1677 | 1095 | 65.3 

* Landw. Vers. Stat., 40, 177. 


The percentages as thus computed are seen to agree fairly well 
with the ones computed for those of Meissl, Strohmer & Lorenz’s 
experiments in which the proportion of protein in the food was 

Experiments on Ruminants.—Experiments upon ruminants 
necessarily differ in one important respect from those hitherto con- 
sidered. With carnivora and with swine it is possible to determine 
the fasting metabolism, or, in other words, to trace the line repre- 
senting the net availability or the utilization throughout its entire 
extent. With herbivora, and particularly with ruminants, this is 
practically impossible, for obvious reasons, and the course of the 
lower portion of the line is imaginary. This, however, is no obsta- 
cle to a determination of the net availability or percentage utiliza- 
tion of the food within the limits as to amount prescribed by the 
nature of the animals. As is clear from the graphic discussion of 
the problem on pp. 410 and 446, all that is necessary is to determine 
the gain or loss of energy by the body corresponding to two different 
amounts of food above or below maintenance. A simple com- 
parison of differences then gives in the one case the percentage 
utilization and in the other the net availability of the energy of the 
food added. The method is the same principle as that already 
employed in computing the metabolizable energy of the added 

Tue MockeRN HXPERIMENTS.—The very extensive and elabo- 
rate investigations upon cattle at the Méckern Experiment Station 
by G. Kuhn and Kellner,* which have already been discussed in 
relation to the metabolizable energy of the food, are also our chief 
source of knowledge regarding the utilization of this energy by 
ruminants and will necessarily constitute the principal basis of the 
present discussion. 

These experiments were chiefly upon the fattening of mature 
cattle, various additions being made to basal rations which were 
themselves in almost every case more than sufficient for maintenance. 
The actual gain of carbon and nitrogen by the animals, both on the 
basal and the augmented rations, was accurately determined, and 
from the data thus obtained the gain of proteids and fat and of 
energy was computed in the usual way. By a comparison of the 

* Landw. Vers. Stat., 44, 257; 47, 275; 50, 245; 53,1. 


gains on the basal and on the augmented ration, then, we may deter- 
mine what proportion of the metabolizable energy of the added 
food was stored in the gain of tissue. In other words, we may 
determine two points on the line SU in the figure on p. 446, 
thereby determining the line if it is a straight line. 

If the added metabolizable energy of the larger ration were de- 
rived solely from the material added, the result would show the utili- 
zation of the energy of that material. As we have seen, however, in 
connection with the discussion of the metabolizable energy of the food 
in Chapter X, this is rarely if ever the case with herbivorous animals. 
The difference in metabolizable energy between two rations usually 
includes, in addition to the real metabolizable energy of the added 
food, differences in the digestibility of the original ration and in 
the losses in urine and methane. Accordingly, we are here con- 
fronted with the same alternative as before, viz., whether to attempt 
to eliminate these secondary effects and base our computations 
on the real metabolizable energy of the feeding-stuff under experi- 
ment or to take the apparent metabolizable energy as representing 
the actual amount of energy contributed to the metabolism of the 
body. In the one ease, if successful, we shall obtain a result which 
will be physiologically correct but which when applied in practice 
will require modification for the secondary effects just mentioned. 
In the other case we shall have a summary expression including 
all these results, but with the disadvantage of being more or less 
empirical in its nature. Either method has its advantages and 
disadvantages. In the present case we shall use the apparent 
metabolizable energy of feeding-stuffs as computed on pp. 285-297 
and in Tables I-VI of the Appendix as the basis of computation. 
This does not, of course, affect the absolute amount of energy 
utilized from a unit weight of the material, but only the percentage 
calculated upon the metabolizable energy. 

Sources of Uncertainty in Computation.—While the computation 
of the energy utilized from feeding-stuffs in the manner just indi- 
cated is in principle very simple, certain complications arise in its 
execution from the impossibility of securing exactly comparable 
conditions of experiment. Two of these in particular require 
consideration here. 

Differences in Organic Matter Consumed.—As was noted in the 


discussion of the metabolizable energy of feeding-stuffs, the un- 
avoidable slight variations in the moisture-content of the latter 
in the Mockern experiments resulted in slight differences in the 
amounts of organic matter of the basal ration consumed in the 
several periods. A comparison, then, between two periods, as: re- 
gards metabolizable energy and resulting gain, shows the effect of 
the added feeding-stuff plus the effect of this small difference. 
For the metabolizable energy an approximate correction was com- 
puted. In order to make a similar correction in the resulting gain 
of tissue, however, it is necessary to know to what extent this 
difference in metabolizable energy contributed to the observed 
gain; that is, to know the percentage utilization of the basal ration. 
No direct determinations of this factor, however—that is, no com- 
parisons of the results of feeding different amounts of the basal 
ration—were made. In his discussion of the results Kellner virtually 
assumes a percentage of utilization by subtracting from the total 
metabolizable energy of the food the average amount required for 
maintenance as determined by his own experiments and then com- 
paring the energy in excess of the maintenance requirement with 
the resulting gain. 

Differences in Live Weight.—The live weights of the animals in 
the Mockern experiments differed considerably in the different 
periods. This would probably result in differences in the require- 
ments for maintenance, although the data at hand seem insufficient 
to satisfactorily determine the relation between live weight and 
maintenance (see p. 441). Kellner assumes that the maintenance 
ration is in proportion to the two-third power of the live weight, a 
result which has already been shown to correspond fairly well with 
the results upon Ox B, although in apparent conflict with the aver- 
age results obtained on other animals. 

Utilization of Basal Ration.—In order to be able to correct the 
results for differences in organic matter consumed and differences 
in live weight, it is necessary, as has just been pointed out, to know 
the percentage utilization of the basal ration. This Kellner assumes 
in assuming a maintenance ration. There are, however, serious ob- 
jections to this method of procedure. First, the maintenance ration 
used by Kellner is an average, based on results which were obtained 
with a number of animals, not including all those used in the fatten- 


ing experiments, and ‘which show a range of 13.5 per cent. of the 
average. Second, the computed maintenance ration is based upon 
experiments with coarse fodder only. We have seen reason to be- 
lieve, however (pp. 388-391) that the net availability of the metabo- 
lizable energy in coarse fodders is decidedly less than in case of con- 
centrated feeds, and that consequently more metabolizable energy 
would be required for maintenance on a ration composed of coarse 
fodder than on one containing concentrated feeds, as did Kellner’s 
basal rations. In other words, Kellner’s assumed maintenance 
ration is probably somewhat too large and his computed utiliza- 
tion of the basal ration, therefore, also somewhat too high. Third, 
it is by no means demonstrated that the maintenance ration of 
fattened as compared with unfattened animals is, as Kellner as- 
sumes, in proportion to the two-third power of the live weight. 

In the absence of any direct determinations of the utilization 
of the basal rations, however, there seems to be no course open but 
to follow substantially Kellner’s method of computation and assume 
a maintenance ration for each of the animals in proportion to the 
two-thirds power of its live weight during the period under con- 

Computation of Results —The method of computing the correc- 
tions for the differences in live weight and in the amount of the 
basal ration consumed may be illustrated by the same two periods 
which were used on pages 288-9 to exemplify the computation of 
metabolizable energy, viz., Periods 4 and 7 with Ox H, on meadow 
hay. In Period 4, on the basal ration, the live weight was 668.9 
kes., the computed maintenance requirement 13,989.1 Cals., and 
the gain by the animal 2003.2 Cals. The percentage utilization 
therefore was as follows: 

Metabolizable energy of ration. ....... 17,388.8 Cals. 
Computed maintenance requirement .. 13,989.1  “ 
Tixcess foods nds Sods soe renee 3399.7 Cals. 
(Th 1 eR net oer cure eae Voge Seem gee a a 2003.2 
Percentage utilization.............-- 58.9 % 

In Period 7 the total metabolizable energy of the ration was 
26,013.0 Cals. and the gain 5643.2 Cals. Of the excess of 8624.2 


Cals. over Period 4, however, it was computed that 119.4 Cals. were 
due to an increased consumption of the ingredients of the basal 
ration, leaving 8504.8 Cals. as the metabolizable energy of the 
added hay. This 119.4 Cals., however, contributed to the increased 
gain of 3640.0 Cals. made by the animal. If we assume the per- 
centage 58.9 just computed to apply to it, the corresponding gain 
would be 119.4 X 0.589 or 70.3 Cals., leaving 3569.7 Cals. as the 
gain produced by the 8504.8 Cals. of metabolizable energy derived 
from the meadow hay. 

In Period 7, however, the animal weighed 736.0 kgs., and his 
computed maintenance requirement was therefore 14,909.6 Cals. of 
metabolizable energy, or 920.5 Cals. more than in Period 4. In 
other words, if he had weighed no more in Period 7 than in Period 
4, there would have been 920.5 Cals. more metabolizable energy 
which could have served to produce a gain of tissue. Assuming, as 
before, that 58.9% of this would be stored in the body, the result- 
ing gain would have been 920.5 X 0.589 or 542.2 Cals. Adding this 
to the gain of 3569.7 Cals. just computed makes a total of 4111.9 
Cals. as the computed gain to be credited to 8504.8 Cals. of metab- 
olizable energy in the hay added, which is equivalent to a per- 
centage utilization of 48.4 per cent. Expressed in tabular form, 
the results of these comparisons are as follows :— 



a=] os 
alo| &% . | Metabo- Com- | Excess | Energy Doe 
g|o| 322] Jizable puted over |of Gain} #38 
2 5 Seo Energy ainte- | Mainte-| (Cor- a8 ia 
af, AO Cals. | mance, | nance, | rected), la 

5 Cals. Cals. Cals. | HOS 


Meadow Hay, VI: 

Basal ration + hay | A ros H| 7] 736.0 {26.013 .0}] 14,909.6| 11,103 .4 5,643.2 
Correction for organic matter —119.4 —119.4] —70.3 
: : ; 25,893 .6 10,984 .0 5572.9 
Correction for live weight .. . +920.5)+542.2 
: 11,904 .5}6,115.1 
iBasalirationesacesioc. H| 4] 668.9 | 17,388 .8] 13,989.1] 3,399.7] 2,003.2] 58.9 
Differences. 28 0)... 8,504.8 8,504.8] 4,111.9] 48.4 

Table VII of the Appendix contains the details of the computa- 
tions of percentage utilization according to the above method. 
The results differ somewhat from those reported by Kellner,* 

* Loc. cit., pp. 63, 133, 226, and 334. 


first. because they include a correction for the differences in or- 
ganic matter consumed, and second, because the energy of the gain 
has been corrected for the amount of nitrogen retained in the body 
in the same manner as the energy of the urine (compare p. 285), 
viz., by deducting 7.45 Cals. per gram of nitrogen. In most cases 
the metabolizable energy is that already computed in Tables I to 
VI of the Appendix, being based on actual calorimetric determina- 
tions in food and feces. In two instances (distinguished by being 
bracketed) the metabolizable energy has been computed by the 
writer from such data as are available.* 

In Table VII the final results are expressed as percentages of 
the metabolizable energy utilized. By combining them with the 
results contained in the six preceding tables of the Appendix they 
may likewise be expressed as percentages of the gross energy of 
the several materials and also as energy utilized per gram of total 
organic matter. The summary on pp. 461-2 contains the results 
expressed in all of these ways. 

EaruieR EXxprerrMeNnts.—The earlier respiration experiments 
of Henneberg & Stohmann t on oxen, in 1865, while made in accord- 
ance with the experience then available, are now known to be de- 
fective in several respects. The respiratory products were deter- 
mined for twelve hours only, while the same authors subsequently 
showed that twenty-four hours was the minimum time necessary. 
The food consumed on the respiration day was less than the average 
for the whole experiment, but how much less does not appear, and 
finally the methods used for the determination of the hydrocarbon 
gases excreted have subsequently been shown to give too low re- 
sults. It seems useless therefore to enter into an elaborate com- 
putation of the results. In the later experiments of the same 
authors ¢t with sheep, these sources of inaccuracy were largely re- 

* The data used in these computations are as follows: 

For Ox IV the average results for Periods la and 1b have been com- 
puted on the assumption that the heat values of food and excreta per gram 
in Period 1b were the same as those determined in Period la. 

For Ox V the metabolizable energy in Period 3 has been computed by 
adding to that in Period 2a 3.345 Cals. for each gram of organic matter in 
the starch added, this being the metabolizable energy computed for the 
starch in Period 2a, 

+ Neue Beitrage, p. 287. { Loc. cit, p 68. 



eee (eee er] ates 
; lizable ress Organic 
Energy. Energy. Matter. 

Meadow Hay : 

AIMEE OK er ucotecsle a cles hae viele s 40.4 16.5 0.780 
GT i Ne a 1A RI eee ea ee 36.2 15.9 0.756 
PAW CL AGC Seta amen u aoa bath sieeve esd 38.3 16.2 0.768 
SamplenVil, Ox, El, Period,.2...5 022.2). 50.4 26.5 1.266 
AN nga! 6 Cae ithe OY NE aero 48 .4 26.1 1.247 
On SITE CRA ig ean 34.8 18.5 0.883 
PAN CTAGC errata yalanattia alienate 44.5 23.7 1.132 
Average WV iATG Vim cies yele valet ets 41.4 20.0 0.950 
Oat Straw: 
Ose ewe Maine ce sisi ha's aualone fat creter tel cvsiasece 38 .8 14.2 0.682 
male Chenten orem nics Siac int lal Me Moti lain atetle 33.4 Ly 0.564 
PAV CT AGEs sevajerhsicrstelsi svar sianerieiefes a eotie 36.1 12.9 0.623 
Wheat Straw : 
Oiler terete cl slojaitisiasota ce cir nicer: 10.8 3.2 0.153 
sD les te Reais Me eae Racreh Sire BE A ati 24.0 7.8 0.373 
PNVET AD Olona ecco trate ajststesstate lneiniaet sa 17.4 5.5 0.263 
Extracted Rye Straw 
Kan dear aeaget crs seer alauey ke Sac easteqecd| ch chs 67.3 51.6 2.194 
C7 Si rat isies mae ale oe a in rg 58.6 43 .6 1.854 
Je SUGHEVREN SIS eer ee ea Men OAS aR are RURUE 63.0 47.6 2.024 
eet Molasses : 
SAMPLE yale Ox Mera ease seed sie aye, sha 58.5 41.6 1.700 
OTe AA OS ii ei) Ue na a he ge en 83.4 65.9 2.760 
HEE ll Lee ad Je oi ae ae mn 50.2 36.5 1.529 
PAVICT LOO Heya anes trai uN cat ih No au say 66.8 51.2 2.145 
Starch—Kiihn’s Experiments : 
Samples @x Ts eee eye et 50.0 35.6 1.514 
Hee i Gash eS UN Re oe Ree 49.2 31.3 1.331 
ASV CLARO ro iearey eae opera tort cits alt oa the 49.6 33.5 1.423 
Sample II, Ox V, Period 2a ........ 8}. 42.0 1.779 
sob Se EEC UAV Ee MNS] NZD er ieee 53.7 40.1 1.699 
Cateye aah AG eGR a eine toa oid BDC 
oe) TCE SOHN) Nile necomen VODs iia tie hak 48.1 . BR 1.452 
: De ere VTC EROS. (ht Daetavaes 46.6 32.6 1.380 
EAVETADC oiehe taut maine Siewert ne tate 50.4 37.3 1.578 
Average sl andylly. ner. cence sce 50.0 35.4 1.501 



Per Cent. of 
Metabo. | Per Cent. of 

F G 
pizable | Energy. 
Starch—Kellner’s Expervments : 
Sample land U1) Ox iB ie. eticistacne s 65.4 31.8 
Bas WEY Ss MIE te ae ales aoe ave 57.6 28.0 
AVIETAR OLS? ibicigoeces a: oieus ines ol savers te e4sicns 61.5 29.9 
Sample-TT Ox D2: 4 caw seu es oa ears 53.7 36.1 
iol) Ul 8 Be aiaes Slee Gree rie gyrate dre 64.8 46 .2 
Ciera 00 eases © Soran mreie eam me ratesr at 65.8 50.9 
PANICTAG CO: Sisiar treks srecps duel tsiodene este ae 61.4 44.4 
Sample DV. Ox El tisnscsees's Gaerne eae 56.0 44.4 
Oo ATEN a 5 mh san Suncast emer crane raise 54.8 39.5 
AV OCTACC 08 last cae ery oneeee lore wicieve 55.4 42.0 
Average IIT and IV......:..6....5-. 58.4 43.2 
Wheat Gluten—Kihn’s Experiments : 
Ox: TIM, Period. Bis so eicse Sare stoi. Sai 45.3 37.0 
eee AM Oe > AR cy cucctatisera aiparareaiats ba 48.0 35.8 
AWETABE, als cinwaiades soe mak ave aac 46.7 36.4 
One 1) Bal alee e eee ee e 58.2 58.9 
Wheat Gluten—Kellner’s Experiments : 
Sample I, Ox B, Period 1............ 36.9 19.6 
fo Ay cen gt ae Wl tebe area datas ote 49.7 32.6 
A Pains Barut ec sears yearenn i ninenanuro 43 .2 30.9 
VAVETAL Co oictie sicia%sjavererotesoxatevstoutiel sieves 43.3 27.7 
Sample dl Ox. 1D) oe: 2 esis dealers oe aus 37.3 26.1 
Average of I and II............... 40.3 26.9 
Peanut Oil: 
Sample“ LOxiD. 56h 2 iearanesmnays 51.6 40.1 
fOr DS VOI ire Sa aes sud ate ene 65.1 34.2 
RS EL ES AS alia Scaimiarata wig wine, cae 69.4 41.2 

Average. ...- sleeve oketeiar cic lcVeteselehe'e7aters 67.3 37.7 

Per Grm 





oO Ww] dob 


inoved, but the experiments were upon maintenance feeding only 
and afford no data for a computation of utilization. 

A series of respiration experiments on sheep was made by 
Kern & Wattenberg at the Gottingen-Weende Experiment Station 
in 1879, the results of which were reported after Kern’s death by 
Henneberg & Pfeiffer.* Varying quantities of nearly pure proteids 
(conglutin or flesh-meal) were added to a basal ration of hay and 
barley meal, the amount of proteids in the ration being regularly 
increased by about 50 grams in each of four successive periods and 
then similarly diminished through three more periods. 

The experiments suffered from some defects in technique which — 
later experience has remedied, the results most strikingly affected 
being those for the amount of methane excreted. For the first 
two periods no results are reported; for the remaining periods they 
are quite variable, and those on different days of the same period 
differ widely. The authors consider that their figures represent 
the minimum amount present, and in their final computations use 
the average of all the five periods as the basis for estimating the 
quantity of carbon excreted in this form. The amounts as actually 
determined showed a considerable diminution in the periods in 
which most proteids were fed, contrary to Kiihn’s results, but it is 
worthy of note that the average proportion of carbon dioxide to 
methane was not much different from that found by the latter. 
The determinations of carbon dioxide in the respiratory products 
likewise showed considerable fluctuations from day to day, but as 
the results are mostly the average of three or four trials of twenty- 
four hours each it may be assumed that these variations are more 
or less compensated for. The respiratory products were determined 
for both animals together, although ail the other data were secured 
for each individual. The results given on the following pages, 
therefore, are the totals for both animals. 

It is stated that addition of proteids to the ration resulted in 
the diminution, and final disappearance in the middle period, of the 
hippuric acid of the urine, but the actual amounts present are re- 
ported only for the first and last periods. It is not possible, there- 
fore, to make any satisfactory computation of the energy of the 
urine or of the proper factor for the metabolizable energy of the 
digested proteids of the total ration. By another method of com- 

* Jour. f. Landw., 88, 215. 


putation, however, it seems possible to secure an approximate idea 
of the relation of added food to gain. 

By subtracting from the food digested in Periods II-VI the 
average amount digested in Periods I and VII, on the basal 
ration, we find the amounts of added food, consisting chiefly of 
proteids. Reckoning the metabolizable energy of the added pro- 
teids at 4.958 Cals. per gram (compare p. 317), that of the crude 
fiber and nitrogen-free extract at 3.674 Cals., and that of the ether 
extract at 8.322 Cals., we get the approximate metabolizable energy 
of the added food, and can compare it with the energy of the corre- 
sponding gain. Thus for Period II we have the following: 

P ees Crude Nie oe ene Ether 
rotein® | Fiber, | pafft®i,, | Extract 
z Grms (rata | Grms. 
Pertodall evan San. ve ast eras 211.33 280.77 643 .22 20.88 
Periods! J’and Viliac ae. ss2- = 101.05 277.91 633 .12 21.60 
Wifherence: ss hoe suse o eee 110.28 2.86 10.10 —0.72 
: 12.96 
Equivalent metabolizable Cals. Cals Cals. 
CNET lk vee sds aa bce 546.8 AT2O.* “Neseeiansutercts & —6 

* Protein of basal ration and of feces equals N X 6.25; that of conglutin 
or flesh-meal equals its total organic matter. 

Protein Grms. Fat, Grms. 
Permod lee 15.00 69 .27 
Periods I and VII. .. 6.85 19.66 
Difference ........ 8.15 49.61 
Cals. Cals. 
Equivalent energy 46.3 471.5 

The figures for the gain are those given by the authors, based 
on the assumption of a uniform excretion of methane throughout 
the experiments; the gain of protein includes that contained in the 
wool produced. The animals gained slightly in weight, in addition 
to the growth of wool. Computed on this basis, the percentage of 
the energy of the added food which was utilized was as follows: 



‘Conglutin: Ill 

Flesh-meal: | a 


Energy of 
Energy of Resulting Gain. 
Aalicar alee, Cale. 

588 .4 517.8 
1100.3 741.8 
1639 .2 1106.8 
1131.7 672.5 

454.9 315.7 

Per Cent. 

88 .00 
67 .42 

A computation based on the observed amounts of methane 
would affect the above figures in two ways. First, if the added 
proteids diminished the production of methane, this was equivalent 
to an increase in the apparent metabolizable energy of the food, 
and the figures for the latter must be correspondingly increased. 
Second, the gain of fat will also appear relatively greater in the 
intermediate periods, II-VI, and the figures for the energy of the 
gain must also be increased. Computed on this basis the results 

E f E f 

Period. Added Food, Resulting Gain, aaa 
TR eye ies 715.4 605.7 84.68 
Conglutin: Tease seeicucns ches 1245.8 842.4 67 .63 
| EVEN Sa A Ea ee Co 1902.3 1288.8 67.76 
Flesh Bee Nixa ete Wee 1288 .2 780.7 60.59 
Sean wale Vil ao Cit. lees 582.1 403 .6 69 .33 

No obvious explanation of the exceptionally high results ob- 
tained in Period II presents itself. Those of the remaining 
periods do not seem to indicate any considerable differences in the 
utilization of different quantities. The figures are notably higher 
than those computed from the Méckern experiments, but in view 
of the uncertainties attaching to them too much stress should not 
be laid on this fact. 

Discussion of Results. 

As was pointed out at the beginning of this section, and as was 
further apparent in considering the results of experiments upon 
carnivora, our knowledge of the net availability of the energy of 
feeding-stuffs and nutrients is too imperfect to permit the experi- 


mental results above detailed to be discussed from the standpoint 
of the percentage utilization of the net available energy. 

Furthermore, even confining ourselves to a consideration of the 
utilization of the metabolizable energy of the food, we have already 
seen that the recorded results upon carnivorous animals show such 
wide divergencies as to render it difficult if not impossible to draw 
any quantitative conclusions from them. 

For the present, accordingly, our discussion of the utilization 
of energy must be confined chiefly to the results which have been 
reached with herbivora, and in the main to the Mockern experi- 
ments, and we must content ourselves with an attempt to trace the 
relations between metabolizable energy and energy utilized, or, to 
look at the subject from the other point of view, with determining 
the proportion of the metabolizable energy of the food which is 
expended in the combined work of digestion, assimilation, and 
tissue building. From the practical standpoint this is of course 
the important thing, since either form of expenditure of energy 
constitutes, in the economic aspect of the matter, a waste, but it 
is nevertheless to be regretted that it is at present impossible to 
further analyze this waste. 

Influence of Amount of Food.—As in the discussion of net 
availability in Chapter XII, we have thus far assumed the energy 
utilized to be a linear function of the net available or of the metabo- 
lizable energy of the food. Before proceeding further it becomes 
important to consider how far this assumption is justified by the 
facts on record. 

Carnrvora-—Of the experiments upon carnivora recorded on 
preceding pages, those of Rubner with different amounts of meat, 
when computed by his method (that is, assuming an availability of 
100 per cent. below the maintenance point, as on p. 450), appear to 
indicate that the utilization above that point is constant. If, how- 
ever, a lower percentage of availability is assumed, as on p. 451, 
this constancy disappears. None of the other results there sum- 
marized seem suitable for discussion from this point of view. 

Swine.—If in the experiments of Meissl, Strohmer & Lorenz, as 
computed on p. 454, we express the estimated metabolizable energy 
of the excess food as a percentage of the fasting metabolism, we 
have the following comparison of the percentage utilization with 


the relative amount of excess food, to which may be added Kor- 
nauth & Arche’s results similarly computed: 

Excess Over 

a eeonen A iciearie: 
Per Cent. 
Meissl : 
Experimenting py latslcieisee)- 133 80.7 
ae 1 EEA a 250 75.2 
me Tie eet 74 70.9 
Ti eects 180 67.1 
Kornauth & Arche: 
Experiment III......... 126 OLN 
is TVerecarerereysre 129 65.3 

While there is some variation in the percentage utilization, as 
would naturally be expected in experiments with different animals, 
the range in the relative amount of excess food is much greater 
and there is no indication of a connection between the two. 

Ruminants.—The earlier Méckern experiments by G. Kiithn 
include one upon wheat gluten and two upon starch in which two 
different quantities were added to the basal ration of the same 
animal. The final results were as follows: 

Added t jtilizati 
Animal. Period. Basal Ration, aU aoe 
&s abJe Energy. 
III 3 0.68 45.3 
Wheat gluten.... { lll 4 1.36 48.0 
V 2a 2.0 53.2 
V 2b 2.0 53.7 
Starch aria V 3 3.5 59.7 
VI 2b 2.0 48.1 
( VI 3 3.5 46.6 

These results do not indicate that any material effect is exerted 
upon the utilization of the metabolizable energy of the food by 
the amount consumed, since the differences are small in themselves 
and in both directions. 

The results, reported by Pfeiffer, of experiments upon the addi- 
tion of varying amounts of proteids to a basal ration, as computed 
by the writer (p. 465), likewise show a fairly constant percentage 


utilization of the energy of the proteids used, with the exception 
of the strikingly higher result of the first period. 

A similar conclusion may be drawn from a study of the Méckern 
results as a whole, as recorded in Table VII of the Appendix. 
While the computed percentages in each series vary more or less 
in the different experiments, the differences are in most cases not 
large and appear to bear no relation either to the total quantity 
of food given or to the amount of the particular food under experi- 
ment which was added to the basal ration, but to be due rather 
to individual differences in the animals. This is strikingly shown 
in the following table, in which the results upon hay, wheat gluten, 
and starch are arranged in the order of the percentage utilization: 

Metaboliz- | Total Excess| Percentage 
able Energy | Over Com- | Utilization 
Feeding-stuff. Animal.| Period.| of Added | puted Main-| of Metabo- 
Food, tenance, lizable 
Cals. Cals. Energy. 
J 2 7875 12,192 34.8 
G 2 5726 9,780 36.2 
Meadow hay .......... F 1 5506 10,184 40 .4 
H 7 8505 11,905 48 .4 
H 2 7875 WAR 2 50.4 
( B 1 4483 15,129 36.9 
| D 4 5713 Liat 37.3 
C 3 6033 19,635 43.2 
Wheat gluten ......... Ill 3 2913 8,982 45.3 
} III 4 5332 11,401 48 .0 
| B 3 5507 16,153 49.7 
L| IV 3 3645 7,132 58.2 
VI 33 8264 12,364 46.6 
VI 2b 5038 9,138 48.1 
cameate IV 2 4350 3,411 49.2 
Starch—Kiihn'‘s expts. . atl 3 4998 6.592 50.0 
V 2a 5425 8,821 53.2 
V 3 9658 13,054 59.7 
D 2 4420 16,080 Dom 
J 3 4826 9,142 54.8 
H a) 6668 10,068 56.0 
Starch—Kellner’s expts 4| C 2 3027 16,829 57.6 
| F 4 5009 9,686 64.8 
i| B 2 3291 13,937 65.4 
Lie &G 4 5387 9,441 65.8 

But while this is true of each series by itself, a comparison of 
the two series upon starch leads to a different conclusion. In 
Kihn’s experiments the basal rations consisted largely or exclu- 
sively of coarse fodder. In Kellner’s experiments the starch was 


added to a materially heavier basal ration containing considerable 
grain and therefore already tolerably rich in starch and other carbo- 
hydrates. In spite of the smaller average amounts of starch added, 
then, Kellner’s results in a sense represent the percentage utiliza- 
tion of larger quantities of starch than do Kihn’s; that is, they 
represent the utilization of starch at a greater distance above the 
maintenance ration. The average utilization (pp. 461-2) was— 

JEU OUaT SS SofoveNe haaveval ess GMisty eis MiG Geis ences Bie 50.0 per cent. 
Kellner’s experiments, moderate rations... 58.4 “ =“ 
i ey heavy rations...... Olea orMes 

It would appear, then, from these figures that the metaboliz- 
able energy of starch was more fully utilized in rations containing a 
relatively large quantity of it. At least a partial explanation of 
this seems to be afforded by the variations in the production of 
hydrocarbons (methane). As was mentioned in discussing the 
metabolizable energy of starch, the conditions in Ktihn’s experi- 
ments were such as to permit a considerable proportion of the 
starch to undergo the methane fermentation, while the more abun- 
dant supply of it in Kellner’s experiments resulted in reducing, or 
in some cases wholly suppressing. this fermentation of the starch. 
The effect of this, as there pointed out, was to make the metaboliz- 
able energy per gram greater in Kellner’s than in Kiihn’s experi- 
ments, but it has also another result. As we have seen, the methane 
fermentation constitutes part of the work of digestion, in the general 
sense in which that term is here employed, the amount of the latter 
being measured by the heat evolved. This amount being less in 
Kellner’s than in Kihn’s experiments, the net availability of the 
metabolizable energy of the starch should be greater, and, other 
things being equal, the storage of energy (gain of tissue) should also 
be greater. 

Kellner * computes that for each 100 grams of starch digested 
there was produced, on the average, methane corresponding to the 
following amounts of carbon: 

Imgkcnlanystexpeninents eee eee vere 3.0 grams 
In Kellner’s experiments. ..../......... Dei: 

* Loc. cit., p. 423. 


An approximate computation of the probable differences in the 
heat evolved by the fermentation, based on such data as are avail- 
able} gives as a result 0.159 Cal. per gram of starch, or somewhat 
more than one-half the difference in average utilized energy, viz., 
(0.265 Cal. per gram. The data on which the computation is based, 
however, are too uncertain to allow us to attach very much value 
to the results, except perhaps as an indication that the supposed 
cause of the difference in the utilization of the energy is insuffi- 
cient to fully account for the effect. 

ConcLusions.—It cannot be claimed that the above results are 
sufficiently extensive or exact to permit final conclusions to be 
drawn, but their general tendency seems to be in favor of the hy- 
pothesis that the proportion of energy utilized is substantially inde- 
pendent of the quantity of food, provided that the changes in the 
latter are not so great as to modify the course of the fermentations 
in the digestive tract. The results upon starch just considered 
seem to indicate that if the variations in quantity or make-up of 
the ration are pushed beyond that point, a difference in the pro- 
portion of the energy utilized may be caused by a difference in the 
digestive work; in other words, that it is the availability that is 
modified rather than the proportion of the available energy which is 
recovered as gain. While not denying that the latter function may 
be also modified, either directly as the effect of varying amounts 
of food, or indirectly by changes in the chemical nature of the sub- 
stances resorbed from the digestive tract under varying conditions 
of fermentation, it seems probable that the main effect is that upon 

It is to be observed that the rations used in these experiments, 
while not heavy fattening rations, still produced very fair gains. 
The experimental periods were comparatively short and hence 
the testimony of the live weight itself is liable to be misleading. 
Taking the actual gains of fat and proteids as shown by the respi- 
ration experiments, however, and comparing them with the compo- 
sition of the increase of live weight in fattening as determined by 
Lawes & Gilbert, it appears that the total gain per day was equiva- 
lent to from 0.9 to 2.5 pounds gain in live weight per day in the ex- 
periments on coarse fodder, while in those upon concentrated feeds 
the corresponding range is from 1 to 3 pounds. 


It may be remarked further that the rations in Kiihn’s experi- 
ments differed materially from those ordinarily used in practice, 
both as to their make-up and their very wide nutritive ratio, so 
that the conditions may fairly be regarded as in a sense abnormal. 
Kellner’s rations represent more nearly normal conditions, and 
they fail, as we have seen, to give any clear indications of an in- 
fluence of amount of food upon the proportion of energy utilized. 
Whether other feeding materials show a behavior analogous to that 
of starch, future investigations must decide. In the meantime 
we are apparently justified in discussing such results as are now 
on record upon the provisional hypothesis that, within reasonable 
limits, the utilization of energy is independent of the amount of 
food, or, in other words, is a linear function. 

Influence of Thermal Environment.—'The influence of the 
thermal environment of the animal upon its heat production and 
upon the net availability of the energy of the food has already been 
fully discussed in previous pages and needs only a brief consider- 
ation here. 

RumInants.—We have already found reason to think that in 
ruminants the heat production on the ordinary maintenance ration 
is in excess of the needs of the body. Kiihn’s and Kellner’s results 
show us that from 25 to 72 per cent. of the metabolizable energy 
of the food supplied in excess of the maintenance requirement was 
converted into heat, so that the heat production was frequently 
increased 40 or 50 per cent. above that which was observed on the 
maintenance ration. Under these circumstances we can hardly 
suppose that any moderate changes in the thermal environment 
would sensibly affect either the availability of the food energy or its 
percentage utilization. 

The writer is not aware of any exact determinations of the 
influence of the thermal environment upon the heat production of 
fattening ruminants, but the above conclusion is in harmony with 
the practical experience of many feeders that moderate exposure 
to cold is no disadvantage, but rather an advantage in maintaining 
the health and appetite of the animals, and it appears also to have 
the support of not a few practical feeding trials.* 

* Compare Henry, “Feeds and Feeding,” second edition, p. 364, and 
Waters, Bulletin Mo. Bd. Agr., September, 1901, p. 23. 


Naturally this can be true only within limits, and exposure to 
very low temperatures, especially in a damp climate, and particu- 
larly to cold rains, causing a large expenditure of heat in the evapo- 
ration of water from the surface of the body, may very well pass 
the limit and cause an increase in the metabolism simply to main- 
tain the temperature of the body. Finally, the time element, as 
pointed out on p. 439, is one to be taken into consideration. 

Swine.—As was remarked on p. 435, the work of digestion is 
doubtless less with the swine than in ruminants, on account of the 
more concentrated nature of his food, and as was shown on p. 488, 
the maintenance requirement appears to be affected by the thermal 
environment. The same reason would tend to make fattening 
swine more susceptible to this influence than fattening ruminants. 
This conclusion is borne out by the experiments of Shelton * at the 
Kansas Agricultural College, who found that swine kept in an open 
yard during rather severe weather required 25 per cent. more corn 
to make a given gain than those sheltered from extreme cold. 

Influence of Character of Food.—Attention was called in the 
previous chapter to the fact that the expenditure of energy in the 
digestion and assimilation of the food is largely dependent upon the 
nature of that food, but as was there pointed out, we have few 
quantitative determinations of the differences. Experiments of 
the class now under consideration show marked variations in the 
proportion of the metabolizable energy of different foods which 
is utilized, and we should naturally be inclined to ascribe these 
variations to differences in the work of digestion and assimilation 
rather than to differences in the physiological processes involved — 
in tissue production. 

The data recorded in the foregoing pages constitute only a 
beginning of the study of the utilization of the energy of feeding- 
stuffs, but a brief consideration of the main results will prove at 
least suggestive. 

with the discussion of the metabolizable energy of feeding-stuffs in 
Chapter X, the Mockern experiments, to which we owe the larger 
share of our present knowledge regarding the metabolism of energy 
in farm animals, were made for the purpose of comparing the 

* Rep. Prof. of Agriculture, 1883. 


principal classes of nutrients rather than commercial feeding-stuffs. 
Accordingly such representative materials as starch, oil, and glu- 
ten were largely used, and we have as yet but few determinations 
either of the metabolizable energy of ordinary concentrated feeding- 
stuffs or of its percentage utilization. We have already considered 
to some extent the advantages and disadvantages resulting from 
making the pure nutrients, on the one hand, or actual feeding-stuffs, 
- on the other, the starting-point for investigations. Passing over 
this question for the present, we may conveniently group together 
here such results as are on record for materials other than coarse 

Starch.—Starch, as a representative of the readily digested car- 
bohydrates, has, as we have seen, received a large share of atten- 
tion. The results obtained are tabulated in the Appendix, and 
have already been partially considered in their bearings upon the 
influence of amount of food. It was there noted that the earlier 
series of experiments by Kuhn, in which the starch was added to 
a ration of coarse fodder only, gave results differing decidedly from 
those obtained later by Kellner from the addition of starch to a 
mixed fattening ration. Among the latter experiments, more- 
over, were two (animals B and C) which were exceptional in that 
very large total amounts of starch were contained in the ration, 
relatively large amounts escaping digestion, while none of the added 
starch underwent the methane fermentation. 

A clear image of the fate of the total potential energy supplied 
to the organism in the starch is best obtained by a study of its per- 
centage distribution among the several excreta, the work of digestion, 
assimilation, and tissue building, and the gain secured, as in the 
table on page 474, in which each of the three sets of experiments 
indicated above is given separately. The figures for the work of 
digestion, ete., are, of course, obtained by difference. 

As pointed out in the discussion of metabolizable energy, the 
percentage of the gross energy carried off in the feces includes, as 
here computed, not only the energy of the undigested portion of the 
starch itself, but also that of the portion of the basal ration which 
escaped digestion under the influence of the starch. This is espe- 
cially true of Kellner’s experiments with moderate rations, in which 
little or no starch could be detected in the feces. Similarly, the 



Work of| 
3S yee 
T T PI ssiml- T 
= eden iene: & lation, Gain 
a] 3 "7 and 
a |: S| gine 
‘A i uild- 
alee | § ing. 
(| III} 2 | 20.02) —1.29} 10.06) 35.61] 35.60 
|| IV] 2 | 25.29) —1.01] 12.01) 32.41} 31.30 
aes . }| Vi 2a} 8.82 1.03] 11.20] 36.95] 42.00 
Kuhn's experiments?- 54 | 4) 95 115,73 00971. 9.86/34 58-40, 10 
VI | 20 | 22.49! —2.61] 8.86] 36.96) 34.30 
VI; 3 | 19.03; —0O.88]| 11.87) 37:38] 32.60 
é f} Dj] 2 |29.99| —3.27| 6.08} 31.10! 36.10 
Kellner’s experiments: Rt a Fie? mf 0.73) 11.41) 25.24) 46.20 
Moderate rations....... 4/ G| 4 |13.35]} 0.35] 8.98] 26.42] 50.90 
he MERI 3 © (5-72) 9-30). <7 eg) s4 eo a4 AG 
ees) T4851, ea tS) 3) 66 | 739.050 
Kellner’s experiments 
: B}2 | 59.60] —3.25|—4.96] 16.82] 31.80 
PAC Oey ACRE Ato re c | 2 |52.22| —0.89)/—0.01| 26.68] 28.00 
Averages: . 
Kiihn’s experiments ..... ....{...-| 19.59} —0.92]| 10.74) 35.19] 35.40 
Kellner’s experiments: 
Moderate rations....... ....|....| 17.61] —0.66| 9.21) 30.64] 43.20 

Heavy rations......... ....[....| 55.91] —2.07|—2.49] 18.75 | 29.90 

negative losses in the urine and, in two cases, in the methane 
mean, of course, that under the influence of starch the metabolic 
or other processes were so modified that less of the potential energy 
of the basal ration was lost through these channels. The starch, 
so to speak, borrowed energy from the basal ration. In brief, the 
figures of the table give us a picture of the aggregate net results of 
supplying 100 units of additional potential energy in the form of 
starch, or in other words, of the “apparent” utilization. 

As between Kiihn’s results and those of Kellner upon moderate 
rations, the chief difference, as already noted, is the less evolution 
of methane in the latter and, apparently as, in part, a consequence 
of this, the smaller expenditure of energy in the work of digestion, 
ete. Combined with the slightly smaller loss in the feces, this 
results in making the energy utilized a much larger percentage of 
the gross energy. Apparently Kellner’s figures correspond most 
nearly to normal conditions of feeding and may be taken to repre- 
sent the average utilization of starch under these circumstances. 


In Kellner’s two experiments on heavy rations the enormous losses 
in the feces cut down the percentage utilization to a very low 
figure and thus render difficult a direct comparison with the 
other averages. 

While the above form of stating the results appears the simplest 
and most direct, it is of interest also to eliminate the influence of 
varying digestibility by computing the percentage distribution 
of the gross energy of the apparently digested portion of the starch. 
This is particularly the case since Kellner’s computations of his 
experiments are made in a somewhat similar way. Combining 
the data given on p. 461, regarding the percentages of metaboliz- 
able energy utilized, with those on p. 301 for the energy of the 
apparently digested matter, we have the following: 


Work of 

In Urine. | In Methane. |Assimilation, In Gain. 
Per Cent. Per Cent. and Tissue Per Cent. 


Per Cent. 
Kithn’s experiments ........ —1.19 13.42 43 .89 43 .88 

Kellner’s experiments: 

Moderate rations......... —0.92 11.12 37 36 52.44 
Heavy rations ........... —4.95 —6.15 42.77 68 .33 

Kellner’s computations are made in a different manner.* Omit- 
ting in the computation of metabolizable energy the correction for 
nitrogen gained or lost, he compares the period in which starch was 
fed with that on the basal ration substantially as has been done 
above. He then, however, introduces a correction for the influence 
of the starch upon the digestibility of the basal ration. For ex- 
ample, comparing Periods 3 and 4 on Ox H, he finds in the manner 
shown on p. 307, Chapter X, that the equivalent of 820 Cals. less 
of the basal ration was digested in the period in which starch was 
added to it, while there is a further correction of 112 Cals. to be 
made for the less amount of organic matter of the basal ration con- 
sumed in Period 3, making a total difference of 932 Cals. Of the 
gross energy of the basal ration, 79.9 per cent. was found to be met- 

* Compare Landw. Vers. Stat., 58, 450. 


abolizable, so that the above difference in gross energy would corre- 
spond to 745 Cals. of metabolizable energy. Of the metabolizable 
energy of the basal ration in excess of maintenance, 59.6 per cent. 
was recovered in the gain. If, then, the differences in organic matter 
consumed and in the digestibility of the basal ration had not offset 
some of the effect of the starch in Period 3, there would have been 
745 Cals. more of metabolizable energy disposable from the basal 
ration, and presumably the gain resulting from this would have been 
59.6 per cent. of 745 Cals., or 444 Cals. We have, then, by this 
method the following: 

Biter ADeve a Sree 
Maintenance, Gals: 
als. i 
Period 3:mints Period’4.24 sie. eis ci-ie shee e 6667 3752 
Correction for live weight..................-- 67 40 
6600 3712 
Correction for organic matter and for decreased 
CIPESNOUILY. (os pe sisrstn are ae Vaal es eee aw ono nega ye 745 444 
7345 4156 
Percentage: utilization< 5. otc. e a sfoolt-o 2 woke a | aleGusa teeter 56.6% 

- Kellner’s results, then, assuming that the corrections are accu- 
rate, represent respectively the metabolizable and the utilizable 
energy of the digested matter of the starch itself, while the results 
as computed on the preceding pages represent, as was there pointed 
out, a balance between the various negative and positive effects of 
the addition of starch. In other words, Kellner attempts to com- 
pute the real as distinguished from the apparent utilization of the 
energy of the starch. The comparison on the opposite page of the 
percentages obtained in this way with those computed on p. 461 
will therefore be of interest. 

Kellner also computes by his method the distribution of the 
gross energy of the digested starch in Kihn’s experiments and in his 
own experiments on moderate rations. As calculated in Chapter X, 
pp. 325-6, the average loss of potential energy in methane was 12.7 
per cent. in Kithn’s experiments, and 10.11 per cent. in Kellner’s, 
while none of the potential energy of the digested starch passed 



Real Utiliza- Apparent 
tion as Utilization as 
Animal].| Period.| Computed by | Computed on 
Kellner. p. 461. 
‘er Cent. Per Cent. 
(| eve 2 46.2 50.0 
| Wy 2 49 .0 49.2 
Reet; : 2a 51.3 53.2 
Kiihn’s experiments .......... Vv Db 52 6 53.7 
VI 2b 48 .0 48.1 
VI 3 46.8 46.6 
Kellner’s experiments: 
( D 2 54.2 53.7 
F 4 63.2 64.8 
Moderate rations........... G 4 65.2 65.8 
H 3 56.2 56.0 
Y 3 55.2 54.8 
: 61.4 ; 
leaviy~ratlOns).. 52.1... | C 56.4 er 
Keihimy Srexsperiments ary. vneysmmevene lara saellcice. > 49.0 50.0 
Kellner’s experiments: 
Moderate ratronse sh i aecees)| aero siersbs Oke 58.9 58.4 
ENC AW ay AT ALLOMSY tors cteact ex cyche oie collleysietcnees [ise ormucle 58.9 61.5 

into the urine. In the two cases, then, 87.30 per cent. and 89.89 
per cent. respectively of the potential energy of the digested starch 
was metabolizable. Of this metabolizable energy 49.0 per cent. 
and 58.9 per cent. respectively was recovered in the gain. Com- 
bining these figures we have— 


Werk of 
“ igestion 
In Urine. |In Methane.| jcciejjatign, | In Gain 
Per Cent. | Per Cent. Assim tlom ‘| Per Cent. 
Per Cent. 
Kiihn’s experiments........... 0 12.70 44.52 42.78 
Kellner’s experiments; 
Moderate rations........... 0 10.11 36.95 | 52.94 

The final results for the energy recovered in the gain of tissue, 
whether expressed as a percentage of metabolizable energy or of 
energy of digested matter, are substantially the same numer- 
ically as those reached by the former method of computation, but 
this agreement is purely accidental, and the significance of the 


figures is essentially different, as already explained. From the re- 
sults last given, assuming the gain of energy to have been entirely 
in the form of fat, Kellner * computes that the conversion of starch 
into fat in cattle takes place according to the following scheme: 

PATCH gaia dt cts serene eet 100.00 grams 
HORVEED sea cs no cece OOOO tm. 
Methane s.220 snc iene 3.17 grams 
Waiter Ala omuiue wean 23.40 - “ 
Carbon dioxides<.... 245.2 S55 (500 
sce See eay nan ea rarer ee CA any 5 23.34 “ 

138.69 grams 138.69 “ 

Oul.—Applying to Kellner’s three experiments upon the addition 
of oil to a basal ration the same method of computation which was 
used for the starch—that is, computing the apparent utilization— 
we have the results shown in the two following tables: 


Work of 

In Digestion: 
ia In Feces. | In Urine. aon nkGaim: 
2 | & | Per Cent: | Per Cent. | Porans, | 828, 224 | Per Cent. 

q| & Building. 

thee Per Cant: 
Sampiet Wy oect gto. D}| 3 24.34 | —1.08 |— 1.02 37.66 40.10 
te ll Halo 64.77 | —1.19 |—16.10 18.32 34.20 
SO a G} 5 41.00 1.37 |— (1.76 18.19 41.20 
Average of Sample 1I|...]... 52.89 0.09 |— 8.93 | 18.25 | 37.70 


Work of 
in Digestion 
: ssimila- : 
Animal.| Period. pee ceee eee woaend Poe 
Per Cent. 
Damnplev ey n.ce wise flere cre D 33 —1.42 |— 1.34 49.76 | 53.00 
y Il { F 5 —3.38 |—45.69 52.01 | 97.06 
Aaah, Cae a 1 G 5 2.32 |— 3.01 30.83 | 69.86 
Average for Sample II]......)...... —0.53 |—24.35 | 41.42 | 83.46 

* Loc. cit., 58, 452. 


As was noted in the discussion of metabolizable energy in 
Chapter X, the results on Ox F appear to be exceptional, but those 
upon the other two show considerable differences, and it is evident 
that further investigation will be necessary to obtain satisfactory 
data upon the effect of oil fed in this way. 

Kellner’s method of computation, based upon the provisional 
conclusion on p. 323, Chapter X, that oil has substantially no effect 
upon the loss of energy in ure and methane under normal condi- 
tions, gives the following results: 


As Computed As Computed 
by Kellner. on p. 462. 
Ox: Disk, note 52.2 51.6 
BS aivalivrsan tae cies oo! fase ieboe eae pA oa 65.1 
CE Cie i ae 59.4 69.4 


Work of 
Ani- Period In Urine,| In Methane, | Assimilation |} In Gain, 
mal. * |PerCent.| Per Cent. and Tissue | Per Cent. 
Per Cent. 

Sample Wa: 25 D 3 0 0 47.8 52.2 
Eis dr Ol Le aaa G 5 0 0 40.6 59.4 
Average....... BiGetesiel| sata oasis 0 0 44.2 55.8 

Average computed 
ES Ol ob 43Sicoadla nao calla cons od 0.5 —2.2 40.3 61.4 

The numerical results of these experiments show more clearly 
than was the case with the starch the difference in the two methods of 
computation. Both methods agree, however in showing that the 
combined expenditure of energy in the digestion and assimilation of 
the oil and in tissue building is very considerable. We have already 
seen that the expenditure of energy in the digestion of fat by car- - 
nivora and by man is comparatively small. If we are justified in 
assuming that the same thing is true of ruminants, the result just 
reached signifies that the digested fat undergoes extensive trans- 
formations before being finally deposited in the adipose tissue. 


Until, however, we have satisfactory determinations of the per- 
centage utilization of fat by carnivora, or of its net availability 
in ruminants, or both, no final conclusion on this point is possible. 

Wheat Gluten.—The three samples of this feeding-stuff experi- 
mented upon contained respectively 87.88, 83.45, and 82.67 per 
cent. of crude protein in the dry matter, the remainder being 
chiefly starch, with the exception of 2.22 per cent. of ether 
extract in the first lot. A reference to the results obtained for 
the metabolizable energy will show that they were variable and 
also that, especially in the earlier experiments, the incidental 
effects were large. Tabulating the results as in case of starch 
and oil we have the results contained in the tables on this and 

the opposite pages. 


| Work of 
In In tion, 
In Feces. | [Uyine, |Methane. Assimila-| In Gain. 
Per Cent. Per Gant Per Cent.| tion, and|Per Cent. 


| nee 
44 Sey 
(| Tl} 3 |—10.38 | 17.85} 10.81 | 44.72 | 37.00 
; || LIT} 4 |— 1.28 | 21.71; 5.08 | 38.69 | 35.80 
Kthn’s experiments. . J eee a a ee a eee 
|| Av.)...J/— 5.83 | 19.78 | 7.95 | 41.70 | 36.40 

IV | 3 |—16.17 | 16.18 ;—1.26 | 42.35 | 58.90 
Kellner’s experiments: ° 

B| 1] 30.16 | 16.58] 0.08 | 33.58! 19.60 
B|3 | 22.55 | 13.52 |—1.62 | 32.95 | 32.60 
Sample I.......... 4); ©] 3] 20.89 | 11.19 |—3.69 | 40.71 | 30.90 
| eee een 
[| Av.|...| 24.53 | 13.76 |—1.74 | 35.75 | 27.70 
Sample II.......... D| 4] 15.80] 12.39] 1.91 | 43.80 | 26.10 
Average of Land II.|....|...} 20.16 | 18.08 0.08 | 39.78 | 26.90 

The exceptionally small loss of energy in the urine in the case 
of Ox IV, Period 3, and the total suppression of the methane fer- 
mentation, as well as the fact that the metabolizable energy was 
apparently greater than the gross energy, seem to justify exclud- 
ing this experiment from the average, although there was appar- 
ently nothing abnormal in the ration fed. In the experiment 
with Ox D, Period 4, the nutritive ratio was very narrow 
(1 :3.3), and Kellner considers this a probable explanation of the 



Work of | 
: i Tigestion, 
3 In Urine. a eee) | Gains 
: E Per Gant Se: etic. pee Cent. 
2 Per Cent. 
{| IIL) 3 a} a aly/ O79 40k 50) | 33254 
|| TIL | 4 | 21.44 5.02 | 38.24 | 35.30 
Kiihn’s experiments ...... 4 —_———— 
|} ASolles ol! These 7.39 | 39.38 | 34.42 
| IV | 3}. 18.92 | —1.07 | 36.44 | 50.71 
Kellner’s experiments: 
(i des yp a sy. ge 0.11 | 48.06 | 28.09 
ipeBs 3 LAG | —2210 | 42457 42207 
Sarmple slays ebay suey: {| Cj] 3] 14.15 | —4.67 | 51.461 39.06 
Awe 1S Aon = 2522) 47-135: |) 3642 
SEWN NO IU ve des cohleanoe D| 4 14.72 2.27 | 52.01 | 31.00 
Average of ITand II.....}....]...]| 16.59 0.02 | 49.68 | 33.71 

relatively small utilization of the protein as computed by his 
method. (See below.) An unexpected result is that while the 
earlier sample of gluten seems to have increased the methane 
fermentation, the later samples, although containing more starch, 
caused a decrease in the methane production except in case of 

Digestible Protein.—Kellner does not attempt to compute the 
energy utilized from the wheat gluten as a whole by his method, but 
uses the results as a basis for computing the utilization of the energy 
of the digested protein. He finds that of the metabolizable energy 
of the latter, computed in the manner described in Chapter X 
(p. 316), the following percentages were recovered in the gain: 

OBS ERS RSS caus Bieler ee nie mip nants CREE sarees 45.0 per cent. 
One Ole bo fuina AA aire en Pir ae eee aE ADE ASE) ees 
Orc TIT a esta ais demesne cane ea apt eC ar Ar eae uns: 
Og IER charts satan (tessa tata cee ya oe ASE Se Gane: 
BAC ETAGEM Ee Sar deeria lectern twa a Aa Moons: 
sO». cul Bac eae, ao eR aie eR ET RM eee Soon see 

The average loss of energy in the urine was found (p. 317) to be 
19.3 per cent. of the gross energy of the digested protein. Applying 


this average to the above figures, and assuming with Kellner that 
the protein does not take part in the methane fermentation, we 
have the following: 


Work of 
Tete een ; 

: In Urine. ‘ ssimilatio 
nel: Per Cent. PerCent. | and Tissue Per Cont 


Per Cent 
5 eseryatarsnahassteters 44.38 36.32 
Cit hea Mee eats 46.24 34.46 
AT Moceatesteseue dene e 44 .30 36.40 
IL Vicsee kt cs ceticyetoress 19.30 0 41.32 39 .28 
Average .... 44.07 36.63 
54.15 26.55 


There is a wide discrepancy between these results and those 
computed on p. 465 from the experiments of Kern & Wattenberg 
upon sheep with conglutin and flesh-meal. Omitting the apparently 
exceptional result of Period II, we have the following as the per- 
centages of the (computed) metabolizable energy of the digested 
proteids which was utilized in those experiments: 

Period, Fer Cent 

Conghitin=s.:632... | Aa Ht oe 
AVIET AS Clniena sreueiaveney-tellleeyevereseters 67.70 

7 V 60.59 
Flesh-meal ee eur ewer | Vi 69 ; 33 
(AVETABZE.. cece eee lew eee ees 64.96 

While the gain in these cases includes a considerable growth 
of wool, it seems difficult to suppose that this alone can have made 
the conditions so much more favorable for the storing up of the 
added protein as to account for the great difference between these 
results and Kellner’s, and it must apparently be left to further 
investigation to clear up the matter 


It need hardly be added that none of these results are directly 
comparable with those computed above, after another method, for 
the wheat gluten as a whole. 

Beet Molasses.—The results of the three experiments upon beet, 
molasses show such great differences, as was noted in Chapter X 
and as is further apparent from the following table, that any dis- 
cussion of them would evidently be premature: 


; Work of 
aloo " In Digestion, 
g | .© | In Feces. | In Urine. | Methane. | Assimilation,| In Gain. 
‘gq | & | Per Cent. | Per Cent. | Per Cent.| and Tissue | Per Cent. 
<a} A Building. 
Per Cent. 
Sample I.........| F| 6| 26.87] 3.92 | —1.95| 29.56 | 41.60 
Ce | H| 6 5.40 | 3.16 12.44 13.10 65.90 
i ais J| 6 14.45 | 2.67 10.18 36.20 36.50 
AVOCTAS Es icuele +) =i|ieicvellleliele 9.92 2.92 11.31 24.65 51.20 

Rice.—The two experiments upon swine by Meissl, Strohmer & 
Lorenz, when computed as on p. 454, show that of the (estimated) 
metabolizable energy of the food approximately the following per- 
centages were recovered in the gain: 

CTO CM ain ne MPP seesika syelav st oiel oi + 80.7 per cent. 
Boa Pliers ce prepate aero, Seer) sia asuate (RPA ee 
PAVICE ROC MG SRY cetO teria cette ae aaron CSO trent: 

These results are notably higher than any obtained in experi- 
ments on ruminants. Like the results on barley and cockle below 
they are the expression in another form of the well-known supe- 
riority of the swine as an economical producer of meat. 

Barley.—¥or the utilization of the energy of this grain the 
single experiment by Meissl, Strohmer & Lorenz gives 70.9 per cent. 
of the (estimated) metabolizable energy. 

Mixed Grains.—For mixed grains Kornauth & Arche’s results 
on swine give figures which do not differ materially from the result 
just computed for barley, viz.: 

Hx PerimenG UM sivdccne sas eretene rotors 71.7 per cent. 
s 1 Ieee eR eees SMC NEAY Aa ca he Gana 


Coarse Fopprrs.—Kellner’s results upon hay, straw, and ex- 
tracted straw are the only data regarding the utilization of the 
energy of this class of feeding-stuffs which we as yet possess. Only 
those experiments in which coarse fodder was added to a mixed 
basal ration are available for a computation of this sort. 

Meadow Hay.—The two kinds of meadow hay (V and VI) used 
in Kellner’s experiments gave the following results for the distri- 
bution of their energy, computed as in previous instances: 


Work of 
; ; : F yer 
aid my a in een Gain. 
F 5 U . |Methane.!| tion, and 
2 € Ber Gen. Rerieent Per Cent ieee Ber’ Cent. 
<i |\fas Building. 
Per Cent. 
F | 1 | 49.81 4.32 On l2 24.25 | 16.50 
Sample Vesiustncai aes |G |2 | 44.80 4.26 6.94 28.10 | 15.90 
Av.|. 47.30 4.29 6.03 26.18 | 16.20 
(| H| 2 | 37.07 5.24 4.87 26.32 | 26.50 
|| H| 7 | 34.78 5.00 6.15 27.97 | 26.10 
Sample VI........... 4| J| 2 | 34.30] 6.33 6.13 | 34.74 | 18.50 
.LJAV.]...| 35.38 5.52 5.72 29.68 | 23.70 
Average of V and VI..)...|... 41.34 | 4.91 5.87 | 27.93 | 19.95 


Work of 
a | | In Urine. In Goats 4 In Gain. 
E : Per Cent. pe a issue Per Cent. 
1 Pa Per Cant. 
ea fe! 8.61 10.20 48 .39 32.80 
Sample iV assess oe G| 2 TOP 12.58 50.85 28.85 
Av.|. 8.17 11.39 49 .62 30.82 
H} 2 8.32 7.74 41.63 42:31 
lal ez 7.66 9.43 42.77 40.14 
Sample VI........... | Ji 9.64 9.33 52.83 28 .20 
LjAv.|... 8.54 8.83 45275 36.88 
Average of V and VI..|... a 8.34 10.78 49.08 31.80 


Computed by Kellner’s method, the percentage of the metabo- 
lizable energy of the hay which was recovered as gain of tissue was 
as follows, as compared with the results obtained by the writer’s 


Computed by | Computed by 

Kellner’s the Writer's 
Method. Method. 
Ox UH eee 42.8 40.4 
Layee Mie ee Pa @ AL Peres es 37.7 36.2 
EMOETENG Goo6 cond 40.2 38.3 
Ox H, Period 2.... 50.4 
COUT MeCN alte t 72 48.4 
EL a VeVleccrer tu cratort ects « A Tec tea eRe gy atieg te ER cs 35.8 34.8 
| ee | ee es 
(| Average... 2.022 42.8 44.5 
PAVeT Age OL) Vi ANG Wlhrcucilellieieds Sislecaseaisiata Misch 41.5 41.4 

.Computing the results upon the gross energy of the digested 
matter of the hay, Kellner obtains the following: 


Work of 
In Urine. In Methane. | Assimilation, In Gain. 
Per Cent. Per Cent. and Tissue Per Cent. 
Per Cent. 
Lee yeas 8.2 11.5 48.00 32.3 
CC AYA Lae ere ne 8.8 9.0 48.10 34.1 
IAVELAL CS ay ee 8.5 10.3 48 .00 33.2 

As in some previous cases, the numerical results of the two 
methods of computation do not vary greatly, but their essentially 
different significance should not be forgotten. 

Oat Straw.—For the single sample of this feeding-stuff experi- 
mented on, the results, arranged in the same order as before, were 
as follows: 



Work of 


. I ssimuila- 

eimalyo Wperieall en. eee | pases || aMethans..1| «toner 

' * | Per Cent. Tissue 


Per Cent. 

J peacene eee aeirocer 2 Dea tli 2.29 4.40 22 .34 
Gate Gace cnneee 1 56.86 1.86 6.23 23.30 
UACVE LEA Crapevats aller aeeie 56.81 2.08 Dol 222000 


In Gain. 
Per Cent. 




: : In Urine. 

Animal. Period. Per Cent. 
1 Kee ee ime intr eee 2 Do0 
CR Sere 1 4.32 
INVETAEE, oo. a ele eee 4.81 

In Methane. 
Per Cent. 



Work of 
and ‘Tissue 
Per Cent. 



In Gain. 
Per Cent. 




Computed by 

Computed by the 
Kellner’s Method. 

Writer’s Method. 

Oxi ogee: 39.9 38.8 
£69 Gis sechautenaeageacs 35.3 33.4 
AVCTAPe tojscicacs » 37.6 36.1 


Work of 
and Tissue 
Per Cent. 


In Urine. 

In Gain. 
Per Cent. 

In Methane. Per Cent. 

Per Cent, 

Average F and G... rj 12.2 




Wheat Straw.—Tabulating the results upon wheat straw in the 
same manner as those for oat straw we have— - 


Animal. Period. 
Tenet ate", er 
Vea 1 

AVETAGe 5 Scie wes 

In Feces. 
Per Cent. 




Work of 
I page nen, 
In Urine. n \ssimila- 
Methane. | tion, and 
Ben ceat ll Peri@ente i manisete 
Per Cent. 
1.88 7.96 26.55 
2.85 8.65 24.67 
74 BH 8.31 25.61 

In Gain. 
Per Cent. 




Animal. Period. 

CC i rc aay 





In Urine. 
Per Cent. 

Work of 
In Methane. | Assimilation, 
Per Cent. and Tissue 
Per Cent. 
20.11 67.03 
19.67 56.12 
19.89 61.57 

In Gain. 
Per Cent. 




Computed by the 

Computed by 
Writer’s Method. 

Kellner’s Method. 

COD: & [eee le Nee 11.2 10.8 
abe ed hs chsbaps evscout cele 24.3 24.0 
INYBEN) Goguoac Wf oes 17.4 


Average of 

H and J. 
AEG UTI CRO ee eel ea OR cdc eee OR OT SRR 5.6 
AIF Une oVE\ ch ate) BLS) 9 A Be anne, MR ia nd est Sne EU i 20.0 
Work of digestion, assimilation, and tissue building. 61.2 
ifaa renee rete eey wiletolcbsiadoucs sevekotene asl nrcpeny up rees iy. 13.2 


Extracted Straw.—As previously noted in another connection, 
this material consisted of rye straw which had been treated with an 
alkaline liquid under pressure, substantially as in the manufacture 
of straw paper. It contained in the water-free state 76.78 per cent. 
of crude fiber and 19.96 per cent. of nitrogen-free extract. Con- 
siderable interest attaches to the results obtained upon this sub- 
stance as representing to a degree the crude fiber of the food of 
herbivorous animals. Computed as before, these results were: 


Work of 
* I ssimula- : 
Animal. | Period.| Por Gent. | Per Cont, | Methane. | tion, and | par Cent 
: Per Cent. Tissue : 
Per Cent. 
Ue eee erie 5 L385 —0.46 12.40 25d. 51.60 
dL AER ean eae 5 14.14 —1.11 i222 30.85 43 .60 
Average>.:2.||:2.2.. 12.75 —0.79 12.46 27.98 47 .60 


Work of 
; Digestion, : 
james Pend ene | gadis’ | barCant 

Per Cent. 

DG Ree Ae one 5 —0.52 13.99 28 .29 58 . 24 

J akcuomeenseeccnne ei 5 —1.29 14.58 35.89 50.82 

Average.......)...... —0.91 14.29 32.09 54.53 


Computed by Computed by the 
Kellner’s Method. Writer’s Method. 

Op ds PANE eer ree 8 67.5 67.3 
RO cmeeye aie Sects 58.7 58 .6 

Average........ 63.1 63.0 



Average of 

Hand J. 
1 Gah (UDENOVEY aCe ee ea eee A ETS. Suomen 0.0 
Lira Tae OER Ven Pe ees Re Die en RN Ls 14.0 
Work of digestion, assimilation, and tissue building. 31.7 
TIF), FPEWTIEN yt ae EY OO ee 54.3 


As was noted in discussing the results upon metabolizable 
energy, the treatment to which the straw was submitted left 
it in a condition in which its digestibility, and consequently its 
percentage of metabolizable energy, compared favorably with that 
of starch. As we now see, this analogy extends also to its effect 
in producing gain, the figures showing in this respect a slight 
superiority on the part of the extracted straw, as appears from 
the following summary: 


Starch (Kellner’s 
Bere iments °” | Extracted Straw. 
Per/cent. of gross energy.... 000 2..5.....- 43.4 47.6 
oe OC aparently eee energy. 53.1 AWS 
<  «~ -* metabolizable energy..:....... 59.0 63.0 

The reason for this strikingly high value of the extracted straw 
as compared with the low value indicated for crude fiber by the 
results of Zuntz and Wolff will be considered in a subsequent para- 

SUMMARY.—For convenience of reference the foregoing results 
may be summarized in the tables on pages 490 and 491, 
showing respectively the percentage distribution of the gross 
energy of the feeding-stuffs, that of the energy of the appar- 
ently digested organic matter, and the percentage utilization of 


the metabolizable energy according to the two methods of com- 

putation adopted: 


Work of 
In In In tion, As- {n 
Feces. | Urine. |Methane.} simila- Gain. 
Per Cent.|Per Cent. Per Cent.)tion, and|Per Cent. 
Per Cent. 
Concentrated Feeding-stuffs : 
Starch, Kiihn’s experiments... .| 19.59 |—0.92 | 10.74 | 35.19 35.40 
‘« Kellner’s experiments, 
moderate rations| 17.61 |—0.66 | 9.21 | 30.64 | 43.20 
heavy rations.. .| 55.91 |—2.07 |—2.49 | 18.75 | 29.90 
Oil, average, Sample II........ 52.89 | 0.09 |—8.93 | 18.25 | 37.70 
Wheat gluten, Kellner’s expts. .| 20.17 | 13.08 | 0.08 | 39.78 | 26.90 
Beet molasses, Sample II...... 9.92; 2.92 11.31 | 24.65 | 51.20 
Coarse Fodders : 
Mead owslaiyeee care eee scene 41.34 | 4.91 5.87 | 27.93 | 19.95 
Oatistrawics csr. te cmioceie oes 56.81 2.08) 5.31 | 22.85 | 12.95 
Wheat straws: eae ns cee ces tes « 58.21 2.37 | 8.381 | 25.61 5.50 
Extracted ‘straw. :..:-...5-:: 12.75 |—0.79 | 12.46 | 27.98 | 47.60 


Concentrated Feeding-stuffs : 
Starch, Kiihn’s experiments ........... 
‘¢ Kellner’s experiments, moder- 
ALESTALIONS Saas ences eres ceneeeets 
Kellner’s experiments, heavy 
TALLODS. 2 oh ele ehe iets Guar suai 
Oil Sample Wess atecues cio h aitaysecel orn: 
Wheat gluten, Kellner’s experiments... . 


Coarse Fodders : 
Meadow, Way susie tisdcoseye pertea t oiceeeteals 
Oat straw 

Tie Nhe tea ee ee ee 
Using, Aethanel pear ea Gain. 
Per Cent.|Per Cent.| ‘Tiss Per 
Per Cent. 
—1.19 13.42) 438.99 | 43.88 
—0.92 11.12} 37.36 | 52.44 
41959 == 6. 15). A42a07 I 68.003 
—0.53.)/—24.35) 41.42 | 83.46 
16.59 0.02; 49.62 | 33.71 
8.34 10.78] 49.08 | 31.80 
4.81 12.30) 52.92 | 29.97 
5.62 19.89) 61.57 | 12.92 
—0.91 14.29) 32.09 | 54.53 



Utilization Apparent 
as Computed Utilization. 
by Kellner. 
Concentrated Feeding-stuffs : 
Starch, Kithn’s experiments .............. 49.0 50.0 
eg Kellner’ s expts., moderate rations . 58.9 58.4 
us ‘« heavy rations.. 58.9 61.5 
OiliSamplewiVOxiGuen: seas dls sale cs 59.4 69.4 
Wheat gluten, Kellner’s experiments....... 45 .2* 40.3 
Wome luntinyerCe rms itt icie clskates suenioest 67.7* 
Hlesh-miealeslCermiayys vtec cia cievels Save svete sistas 65.0* 
Coarse Fodders : 
IM Gad Owe baie ys eoicieteercth treacle sve eleyershe 41.5 41.4 
OBtESUTA Wirpsicrensietetele Gite tie ckstebalcnstemueycls eieiecereys 37.6 36.1 
IWiheatistraw anne k ia ee eh he tbe oat 17.8 17.4 
Xt TACCER SUVA Warnes, reser sional aisle leleyelct iets evar 63.1 63.0 
By Swine 
1 SIKEKEN acti es ak CERCA SIA A CERES cra 78.0 
IB ar] eiysre pea eis cheped ages Se taleu Sua uR Any thats eats 70.9 
Mixed Boral ey yale. persia ec e tialicigs elas nielichenel 68.5 

* Of protein. ; 

The Expenditure of Energy in Digestion, Assimilation, and 
Tissue Building.—As was shown in the introductory paragraphs on 
p. 466, the recorded data do not permit us to distinguish between the 
energy expended in the digestion, resorption, and assimilation. of 
the various feeding-stuffs experimented upon and the energy which 
we have reason to believe is required for the conversion of the assim- 
ilated material into tissue. Accordingly these two factors have 
been grouped together in the foregoing summaries of results. Some 
interesting facts are revealed, however, by a comparison of the 
total expenditure of energy for these two purposes in the several 
cases. Kellner’s results, as the latest and apparently most accurate 
and representative, have been made the chief basis of the compari- 
son, the figures being those computed by the writer and therefore 
showing the aggregate net effect upon the balance of energy, that is, 
the “apparent” utilization. 

CoarsE Fopprrs.—A comparison of the coarse fodders with 
each other brings out the interesting fact that while the percentage 
of the gross energy recovered in the gain varied from 5.5 to 47.6, 


the percentage expended in digestion, assimilation, and tissue build- 
ing varied only from 22.85 to 27.98. Expressing the same thing in 
absolute figures, we have the following: 


Expended in Diges- 

Gross, tion, Assimilation, 

Cals. and Tissue Building, 


Meadow hay........ 4.751 1.327 
Oat straw...........| 4.816 1.100 
Wheat straw........ 4.743 1.214 
Extracted straw.....| 4.251 1.190 
IAVEPALE oot eck oe 4.640 1.208 

In other words, the combined energy required to separate the 
digestible from the indigestible portion of one gram of organic 
matter, resorb it, and convert the resorbed portion into tissue was 
not greatly different for these four materials. They differed widely 
in their nutritive effect, not because of a greater or less expendi- 
ture of energy for these purposes, but chiefly because the same 
expenditure of energy resulted in making a much larger amount of 
material digestible in some cases than in others. 

CONCENTRATED FEEDING-STUFFS.—A still more striking result is 
reached when we compare the results on coarse fodders with those 
on concentrated feeding-stuffs. Taking the figures of Kellner’s 
experiments for the latter, and omitting his results on heavy 
rations of starch, we have the following data for starch, oil, and 
wheat gluten: 


Expended in 
Gross, Assimilation, 
Cals. and Tissue 
Starch (Kellner)..... 4.168 I PAFET/ 
OI ck ee eee 9.464 1 728 
Gluten (Kellner) .... 5.742 2.284 

We thus reach the seemingly paradoxical result that the total 
expenditure of energy in the production of new tissue is decidedly 


greater in the case of these three materials, and notably the last 
two, than in the four coarse fodders previously tabulated. 

The paradox largely disappears, however, when. we remember 
that while the larger share of the work of digestion has to do with 
the total dry matter of the food, the work of assimilation and tissue 
building has to be performed only upon the digested matter, and 
that the proportion of the latter is much larger in the starch, oil, 
and gluten than in the coarse fodders. We have already (pp. 375 
and 445) seen reason to suppose that the processes of assimilation 
and tissue building consume a considerable share of the metaboliz- 
able energy of the food, although we are still ignorant as to how 
much and as to how the proportion differs with different materials, 
and the above results serve to confirm this conclusion. 

If, simply as an illustration, we assume that the uniform pro- 
portion of 30 per cent. of the metabolizable energy of the several 
feeding-stuffs is thus consumed, then if we deduct this amount from 
the totals above computed we shall have the work of digestion alone 
as follows: 


ae ebole Assinilation iota Ex- Work of 
Energy and Tissue Pane Digestion Alone, 
(p. 297), Building ere 1 e. als. 
Cals: (30 Per Cent. Eb 
of Metaboliz- 
able), Cals. 
Meadow hay...........- i Wo) o13 0.664 1.327 | 0.663) 
@atistrawe ere cues 1.724 0.517 1.100 0.583 Lo 672 
Wiheatistraws-sheoes cles: 1.475 0.443 1.214 Degalelf = 2 
Extracted straw......... 3.213 0.964. 1.190 0.192 | 
Starch (Kellner) ........ 3.079 0.923 1.277 0.354 
OTD AE ORE RR eo, 5.298 1.589 1.728 0.139 
Wheat gluten (Kellner)..| 3.831 1.149 2.284 1.1.5 

This arbitrary assumption reduces the work of digestion of the 
starch to about one half that expended upon a like amount of mate- 
rial in the form of coarse fodders which yield chiefly carbohydrates 
to the organism. Moreover, we must remember that in the case of 
starch there is a considerably greater loss of energy in the methane 
fermentation than with the same amount of total organic matter 
in coarse fodders, and that this loss is included in the work of diges- 
tion. The high figure found for the wheat gluten we might be 


inclined to explain by its well-known effect in stimulating the met- 
abolism in the body—that is, by supposing that for this substance 
our assumption of 30 per cent. for the work of assimilation and 
tissue building is too low. : 

The computed work of digestion is small in the case of the oil, 
as the results obtained in other experiments would lead us to expect. 
At the same time it should be remembered that the figures given 
are derived from two experiments only, while a third gave quite 
different results, showing in particular a decidedly higher figure for 
the combined work of digestion, assimilation, and tissue building. 
It is obvious, therefore, that further investigation is necessary to 
fix the value of oil in this respect. 

CrupvE Fiser.—Finally, it will be observed that our arbitrary 
assumption results in making the work of digestion of the extracted 
straw less than two thirds that of starch. We should naturally 
suppose that the mechanical work involved in digestion would be 
fully as great in the case of the former as in that of the latter, while, 
as the figures for methane show, the extracted straw underwent a 
more extensive fermentation than the starch. Obviously, the 
mechanical and chemical treatment to which the straw was sub- 
jected so modified the cellulose and removed incrusting matters as 
to produce a material which behaved substantially like starch in the 
alimentary canal, both as regards its digestibility and its relation to 
ferments.* Correspondingly, the total work of digestion, assimila- 
tion, and tissue building is not widely different in the two cases. It 
is only when we arbitrarily assume a high percentage for the work of 
assimilation and tissue building, as was done above for the sake of 
illustrating the general question, that this difference and that in the 
amount of metabolizable energy combine to give the relatively low 
figure for digestive work noted above. 

§ 2. Utilization for Muscular Work. 

When a muscle is subjected to a suitable stimulus (normally a 
nerve stimulus) there occurs, as we have seen, a sudden and rapid 
increase in its metabolism. This increased metabolism appears to 

* Lehmann (Landw. Jahrb., 24, Supp. I, 118) had previously shown that 

the apparent digestibility of the crude fiber and nitrogen-free extract of straw 
and chaff thus treated was increased by from 79 to 133 per cent. 


consist largely in a breaking down or cleavage of some substance or 
substances contained in the muscle, resulting in a rapid increase in 
the excretion of carbon dioxide and the consumption of oxygen by 
the animal. In this process of breaking down or cleavage there is a 
corresponding transformation of energy, a portion of the potential 
energy of the metabolized material appearing finally as heat, while 
a part may take the form of mechanical energy. The inquiry 
naturally arises what proportion of the total energy liberated during 
the increased metabolism is recovered as mechanical work and what 
proportion takes the form of the (for this purpose) waste energy of 
heat. The question is not only one of great theoretical interest to 
the physiologist, but the efficiency of the working animal regarded 
as a machine for the conversion of the potential energy of feeding- 
stuffs into mechanical work is also of the highest practical im- 

EFFICIENCY OF SINGLE Muscie.—A large amount of experi- 
mental work has been devoted to the study of the single muscle as a. 
machine. The subject is a complicated one, and unanimity of views 
upon it has by no means been attained, especially as to the mechan- 
ism of muscular contraction. As regards the efficiency of the muscle 
as a converter of energy, however, one fact is perfectly well estab- 
lished, viz., that it varies within quite wide limits. 

If the two ends of a muscle be attached to fixed points, so that 
it cannot shorten, a suitable stimulus will still cause it to contract 
in the technical sense of the word; that is, a state of tension will 
be set up in the muscle tending to pull the two supports nearer 
together (isometric contraction). In such a contraction there is 
an expenditure of potential energy and a corresponding increase 
of muscular metabolism. but no external work is done. In other 
words, all the potential energy finally takes the form of heat and 
the mechanical efficiency is zero. This is the case, for example, in 
the standing animal. A not inconsiderable muscular effort is 
required to maintain the members of the body in certain fixed 
positions, and a corresponding generation of heat takes place, but 
no mechanical work is done. 

But even when the muscle is free to shorten and thus do mechan- 
ical work, its efficiency is found to be variable, the chief determin- 
ing factors being the load and the degree of contraction. The 


maximum efficiency of the muscle is reached when the load is such 
that the muscle can just raise it, while this maximum load dimin- 
ishes as the-muscle contracts until when the latter reaches the limit 
of shortening it of course becomes zero. Conversely, if the muscle 
be stretched beyond what may be called its normal length, as is 
the case in the living body, the weight which it can lift, and conse- 
quently its efficiency, is increased. In these respects the muscle 
behaves like an elastic cord, and some authorities, notably Chau- 
veau,* regard the essence of muscular contraction as consisting of 
a direct conversion of the potential energy of the ‘contractile 
material” of the muscle into muscular elasticity. 

EFFICIENCY OF THE Livinc AnIMAL.—According to the above 
principles the maximum efficiency of a muscle would be obtained 
when it was loaded to its maximum at each point in the contraction; 
that is, when the load diminished uniformly from the maximum 
corresponding to the initial length of the muscle to zero at the point 
of greatest contraction. Such conditions, however, rarely if ever 
obtain in the animal. Of its many muscles some serve largely 
or wholly to maintain the relative positions of the different parts of 
the body, and consequently have an efficiency approaching zero. 
Others contract to a varying extent and under loads less than the 
maximum. Some muscles, owing to their anatomical relations, 
work at a less mechanical advantage than others, while the extent 
to which a given group of muscles is called into action will vary 
with the nature of the work. 

If, then, the efficiency of the single muscle is variable, that of 
the body as a whole would seem likely to be even more so, thus 
rendering it difficult to draw any trustworthy direct conclusions 
as to the efficiency of the bodily machine from studies of the effi- 
ciency of the single muscle. Moreover, the performance of labor 
by an animal sets up various secondary activities, notably of the 
circulatory and respiratory organs, which consume their share of 
potential energy and yet do not contribute directly to the per- 
formance of the work, and the extent of these secondary activities 
varies with the nature and the severity of the work. When, there- 
fore, as is here the case, we consider the whole animal in the light 
of a machine for converting the potential energy of the food into 

* Le Travail Musculaire. Paris, 1891. 


mechanical work, we are perforce, by the very complexity of the 
problem, driven to the statistical method of comparing the total 
income and outgo of energy in the various forms of work. 


Both the activity of the skeletal muscles in the performance of 
work and the supplementary activity of the muscles concerned in 
circulation, respiration, etc., is carried on at the expense of energy 
stored in the muscles themselves or perhaps in the blood which 
circulates through them. The body thus suffers a loss of energy 
which is replaced from the energy of the food. If, then, we supply 
a working animal, in addition to its maintenance ration, with an 
amount of food exactly sufficient to make good the loss, the total 
energy metabolized in the performance of the work will repre- 
sent the net available energy of the excess food, since this by 
definition is that portion of the gross energy which contributes 
to the maintenance of the store of potential energy in the 

It is true that in our discussion of the net available energy of 
the food we regarded it as making good the losses that occur below 
the maintenance requirement, and the question may arise whether 
the availability as thus measured is the same as the availability for 
the production of muscular work. In reality, however, the two 
cases are not radically different. Even below the point of mainte- 
nance the internal work of the body consists very largely of muscu- 
lar work, and it is the energy metabolized in the performance of this 
work which appears to constitute the chief demand for available 
food energy. It would appear highly probable, therefore, that the 
net availability of the metabolizable energy of the food will be found 
to be substantially the same whether that energy be employed to 
prevent a loss from the body as a consequence of its internal work 
below maintenance or on account of the performance of external 
work above maintenance. 

If, then, we cause an animal to perform a known amount of 
external work and measure the increase in the amount of energy 
metabolized in the body, we may regard the latter as representing 
net available energy derived from previous food, and a comparison 



of this quantity with the work done will give the coefficient 
of utilization for the particular animal and kind of work experi- 
mented on. 

The Efficiency of the Animal as a Motor. 

The relation just indicated between the work performed and the 
total energy metabolized in its performance is not infrequently re- 
garded as expressing the efficiency of the animal as a motor, but it 
should be clearly understood that this is true only in a limited sense. 
A coefficient computed in the manner outlined above takes account 
only of the loss which occurs in the conversion of the stored energy 
of the body into external mechanical work. It neither includes the 
expenditure of energy required for the digestion and assimilation of 
the food, nor does it take account of the large amount of energy con- 
tinually consumed in the internal work of the animal machine. It 
does not, therefore, furnish a direct measure of the economy with 
which the animal machine uses the energy supplied to it, but is 
comparable rather to the theoretical thermo-dynamic efficiency of 
a steam-engine. With this limitation, however, the phrase may be 
used as a matter of convenience. 

Quite extensive investigations upon this point are already on 
record. They have generally taken the form of what may be called 
respiration experiments. The respiratory exchange of carbon di- 
oxide and oxygen has been determined, first, in a state of rest, and, 
second, during the performance of a measured amount of work. 
From the difference between these two values the quantity of ma- 
terial metabolized and the amount of energy consequently liberated 
have been computed and compared with the energy recovered in 
the form of mechanical work. 

This method of experimentation has been largely developed and 
employed by Zuntz and his associates * in experiments upon man, 
the dog, and especially the horse. Since the present work relates 
especially to the nutrition of domestic animals, the results upon the 
latter animal are of peculiar interest, but their study may be ad- 

vantageously preceded by a somewhat brief consideration of the 
results upon the dog and upon man. 

* Compare Chapter VIII, pp. 251-2 


Experiments on the Dog.—The following expermments by 
Zuntz,* while not the earliest upon record, may serve to illustrate 
the general methods employed and as introductory to the more 
elaborate experiments upon the horse. 

The following table shows the average oxygen consumption and 
carbon dioxide excretion, determined by the Zuntz apparatus, of 
a dog when lying, standing, and performing work upon a tread- 
power, and also the amount of work done, all computed per minute: 

Respiration per Work per Minute. 

Weight Minute. 
of Ani-|No of ; 
mal Ex- Respir- | Work | Work Dis- 
and | peri- Oxy- | COe, | atory of of tance. 
Load |ments gen C.c. Quo- |Ascent! Draft,| ttavel- 
Kegs. cic: tient. | Kgm.| Kem. | , led, 
GialMyan &) steve oe leag ee ele cies TAGS PL ZA Tn Opis, Eley eetie| lt ceudeye 
= (Magnus-Levy) ..| 172. IPE Oey eS soe allnmno 6.5 
Zelistandinge ewe ee. PHYS OH WOR OG) Nese asllooccun 
26.932 8 | Ascending slight incline.| 725.3] 525.2} 0.73 1323 eee 78.566 
26.674 5 ay steeper ~ ..|1285.3} 990.6] O.77 |365.82)...... 79.49 
Pl Nes) 10 | Draft nearly horizontal .|1028.8] 798.9| 0.77 22.83}/202.91| 70.420 

The work per minute as given in the above table does not in- 
clude the energy expended in horizontal locomotion. The work of 
draft is the product of the distance traversed into the draft; the 
work of ascent equals the same distance multiplied by the sine of 
the angle of ascent. A remarkable increase (41 per cent.) in the 
metabolism when standing over that when lying was observed 
(compare p. 343) but does not enter into the subsequent com- 

The two experiments on ascending a grade afford data for com- 
puting the increased metabolism corresponding, on the one hand, 
to one gram-meter of work done against gravity, and, on the 
other, to the transportation of ‘one kilogram through one meter 
horizontally. The latter, of course, is not work in the mechanical 
sense, but it requires the consumption of a certain amount of 
material, the liberated energy being employed in successive liftings 
of the body and in overcoming internal resistances and ultimately 
appearing as heat. It includes, of course, the increased metab- 
olism required for the maintenance of the erect position. 

* Arch. ges. Physiol., 68, 191. 


If from the totals given in the table we subtract the figures 
for rest, we have the following as the increments of the respiration 
due to the work, including the work of standing: 

| Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, 
C.c. C.c. 
Ascending slight incline. . 551.0 «00.5 
ie steeper “‘ 11d 0 865.9 

The weight of the animal and the distance traversed having 
differed somewhat, the results may be rendered comparable by com- 
puting them per kilogram of weight and per meter of distance trav- 
ersed—that is, by dividing in each case by the product of weight 
into distance. Expressing the results in gram-meters and cubic 
millimeters for convenience we have— 

Oxygen Carbon Dioxide Work of Ascent, c mm. er.-m. 
Ascending slight incline... . 260.40 189 .27 6.252 
id steeper “ .... 523.93 408 .35 172.512 

—<—<——— ——————————————  vwn_wnmO—eeem— 

If we let x equal the oxygen consumption required for the trans- 
portation of 1 kg. through 1 meter and y that required per gram- 
meter of work of ascent we have 

z+ 6.252y=260.40 

x+172.512y= 523.93 
whence we have 


y= 1.585 

A similar computation for the carbon dioxide gives 

Locomotion, per kg. and meter....... 181.033 ¢.mm. 
Per gram-meter of work of ascent..... 1.317 

and the corresponding respiratory quotient is 0.723. 

With these data in hand it is easy to compute the increased 
respiratory exchange corresponding to one gram-meter of work of 
draft as follows: 


Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, 
c.c. c.c. 

Aa Ue ee 1028.80 798.90 
JERS a) alee ch eae ce Sechua ececea A ea 174.30 124.70 
Transportation of 27.175 kgs. 

through 70.42 meters........| 479.36 346.55 
Ascent—22.83 kgm............ 36.19 30.07 

Mo tallbeaciseiem cer ee tea ey in 689.85 501.32 
Remains for draft............. 338 .95 297 .58 

For one gram-meter of work of draft we have, therefore, 

OD.Gy/e Te aie Ose, Mi aOR a Seo 1.6704 
Warloor cioml cle yah oy tse si urn ek ee 1.467 
Respiravoryquotientad. sss. Jl. ook 0.878 

It appears from the above that the work of draft required 
somewhat more metabolism than the same amount of work of 
ascent. The individual experiments of this and other series like- 
wise show that variations in the speed and in the angle of ascent 
affect the result. For the present, however, we may confine our- 
selves to a consideration of the average figures. 

It remains to compute from the results for oxygen and carbon 
dioxide the corresponding amounts of energy liberated. The data 
are insufficient for an exact computation. It having been shown, 
however (compare Chapter VI), that even severe work causes but a 
slight increase in the proteid metabolism, the author assumes that 
the additional metabolism in these experiments was-entirely at the 
expense of carbohydrates and fat and computes the proportion of 
each from the respiratory quotient. The results are admittedly 
not exact. Besides the uncertainty just mentioned, there is the 
possibility that irregularities in the excretion of carbon dioxide 
may affect the respiratory quotient in short trials and, more- 
over, we must bear in mind the possibility of various cleavages 
and hydrations as affecting the evolution of energy in such experi- 
ments (compare Berthelot’s criticism on p. 254). The author does 
not, however, regard these possible errors as very serious. Com- 
puted on this basis the results are as follows, expressed both in 
terms of heat (calories) and in gram-meters (1 cal. equals 425 
gram-meters) : 


For 1 gram-meter, ascent.......... 0.0076681 cal. =3.259 gr.-m. 
a Lae Ot eCIRAL Dense eis 0.008180 “ =3.476 “ 
“locomotion per kg. and meter.. 1.1787 cals. =500.95 “ 

According to the above figures the performance of one gram- 
meter of work required the metabolizing of material whose potential 
energy was equal to 3.259 gr.-m. in the one case and 3.476 gr.-m. in 
the other. In other words, these amounts of net available energy 
were liberated in the kinetic form in the body, one gram-meter in 
each case being recovered as external work while the remainder 
ultimately took the form of heat. 

This is equivalent to a utilization of 30.7 per cent. of the net 
available energy in ascent and of 28.77 per cent. in draft. It is to 
be noted that these figures refer only to that portion of the in- 
creased metabolism which is applied to the production of external 
work and do not include that necessary for the transportation of the 
animal’s weight. The corresponding ratio for this portion could 
only be obtained on the basis of complicated and uncertain compu- 
tations of the mechanical work of locomotion. If, however, instead 
of this we assume that this most common form of muscular activity 
is performed with the same economy as the work of ascent, we can 
conversely compute the mechanical work of locomotion for 1 kg. 
through 1 meter as 

500.95 gr.-m. x .307=153.8 gr.-m. 

Experiments on Man.—In connection with his experiments on 
the dog already described, Zuntz * cites the results of a number of 
experiments with man upon the work of locomotion and of ascent, 
the average results of which are summarized in the table opposite, 
to which have been added the results of later experiments by 
Frentzel & Reach.t 

Experiments on the Horse.—Very extensive investigations on 
the production of work by the horse have been made by Zuntz in 
conjunction with Lehmann and Hagemann.{ Some of the results 
of these investigations have already been discussed in their bearing 
on the question of digestive work (pp. 385-393), and the method 

* Loc. cit., p. 208. 
+ Arch. ges Physiol., 83, 494. 
+ Landw. Jahr., 18, 1; 28, 125; 27, Supp III. 


Energy Expended in 
Weight Horizontal 
Experimenter. pee ocoe P Neoetty. Grade, 
tus) motion ScuLe DN Minute, Per Cent. 
Kgs. per Kg. IAsGent Meters. 
and Meter, D 
Keri gm. 
Katzenstein .......... 55.5 0.334 2.857 74.48 9.6-13.3 
[ 72.9 0.217 3.190 71.32 d 6.5 
67.9 0.211 3.140 71.46 § i 
So nvmOTES ey ANS | em |) GES. |) Bas | BON) Glee 
URS Sie 2 0.263 3.555 43.34 § Fender eae 
72.6 0.284 2.913 62.04 
BOC Way cewek oe 81.1 0.231 2.921 60.90 23 .0-30.5 
80.0 0.244 2.729 56.54 
Normal gait.........| 86.5 0.219 Le 746 66 . 94 
Slow Spree sey eee at ines 183 (thy 0.233 ; | 35.92 
Reach: + |23.3 
Normal gait.........| 65.8 0.230 9 846 63.95 | 
Slow SNe oe MIN OS 0.251 : | 34.58 | 

of computing the total metabolism in the rest experiments has 
been explained; it remains to consider the results of the work 
experiments. The larger proportion of the experiments were 
upon the same horse (No. III), and the summaries and averages 
on subsequent pages represent chiefly the results with this animal. 

The work was done upon a special tread-power located in the 
open air, and during the rest experiments the animal likewise stood 
in the tread-power. The inclination of the platform of the power 
could be varied, and it could also be driven by a steam-engine, so 
that by setting it horizontal the work performed by the animal was 
reduced to that of locomotion alone. The distance traversed was 
measured by a revolution-counter, and in the experiments on draft 
the animal pulled against a dynamometer. 

The large number of experiments (several hundred) are grouped 
by the authors into fourteen periods according to the season (winter 
or summer) and the kind and amount of food consumed, each of 
these periods including a considerable number of experiments both 
on rest and on different forms of work. On each day from two to 
eight experiments were usually made, some on rest. and some on 
work of various sorts. The average of all the rest experiments in 
each period is then compared with similar averages for the various 


kinds of work in order to eliminate so far as possible the influence 
of variations in external temperature and in the feeding, as well as 
to reduce the probable error of experiment. 

Work at A WALK.—The experiments may be grouped into 
those in which the work was performed respectively at a walk and a 
trot. Those of the former category, being the more numerous, may 
be considered first. 

Work of Locomotion.—The following detailed comparison of the 
experiments of Period a upon rest and upon walking without load 
or draft will serve to further explain the method: 


Ration, 6 Kg. Oats, 1 Kg. Straw, 6-7 Kg Hay. 

Per Kg Live Weight 
Pe SA Respira- | Air Tem- | Relative Hours 
No. of Experiment. tory perature | Velocity | Since Last 
Cishon Quotient. | Deg. C. of Wind. | Feeding. 
Oxygen | Dioxide 
iene c.c. 
STS or Sato ene 3.94 3.81 0.968 | —5.0 0 3.0 
BRD is ics sou i oecieliee 3.92 4.02 1.025 —0.5 1 2EO 
tte) fates races cue outa eR 3.98 3.42 0.861 2.0 1 5.6 
SOG ea oae aha 4.06 4.04 0.997 5.3 3 2.0 
AAG) Bers 5.8 aia 4.11 3 86 0.940 4.7 1 1.5 
ASG aici ie Gin toto euatot 3.89 3.63 0.933 2.0 1 33,5) 
AGGnSs ose Sec esas iy, (Al 3.44 0.929 9.0. 3 15 
Average ....... 3.94 3.75 0.950 2.5 1.4 2.8 
Corrected *..... 4.04 3.86 

In the same period eight experiments were made in which the 
--zad-power was set as nearly horizontal as possible and driven by 
the steam-engine, the animal being simply required to maintain his 
place on the power. The results for oxygen were as shown in the 
first portion of the following table: 

* A comparison of Zuntz’s method with the results obtained in the Pet- 
tenkofer respiration apparatus showed that the gaseous exchange through 
the skin and intestines amounted to about 24 per cent. of the pulmonary 
respiration in case of the oxygen and 3 per cent in case of the carbon di- 
oxide. These additions are accordingly made to the figures of the respira- 
tion experiments and the results designated as “ corrected.”’ 


Per Kg. Live Weight. 

Oxygen Equivalent 
to Work. 

No. of Live Per Minute. 

3 : Work of 
Experiment. eee Ascent, 

Distance | Work af Per Meter Per | Per Meter 
Oxygen | Traveled | Ascent, | Traveled. |Minute, | Traveled. 

e.c. || Meters. Kgm. Gr.-m. C.c. 
AND pester: 429 9.0 57 0.57 10 oil 89 
AAD err a. 434 11.3 87 0.84 10 7.3 84 
ADDI pth Ah: 428 12.2 94 0.89 9 8.2 88 
AUG IG eA 428 12:7 95 0.87 9 S3.50/ 92 
AG D ete ilar ais 430 10.8 92 0.70 8 6.9 74 
AGC ec 430 1S / 99 0.74 8 7.8 79 
AAD is cee al 434 173.33 98 0.79 8 8.4 86 
ZAG nn 434 Ne? 93 0.76 8 7.3 78 

Average ...| 430.9 | 11.405 | 89.338 | 0.764 8.643 | 7.463] 83.793 

Worrectechin | eanuients |aopaamcenae)|ueuevewaumenl aiae ent oa Nk ay 85.888 

If from the oxygen consumption in each of the above experiments 
we subtract the average rest value for the same period (3.94 c.c.) 
the remainder will represent the increase due to the work, as shown 
in the seventh column, and this divided by the distance traveled 
gives the figures of the eighth column. 

The average respiratory quotient of that part of the respiration 
due to the work in these eight experiments was 0.894. On the 
very probable assumption that the work caused no material change 
in the metabolism of either proteids** or crude fiber, or in other 
words, that the energy for work was derived substantially from solu- 
ble carbohydrates and fat, the calorific equivalent of 1 ¢.c. of oxygen 
is computed and the following calculation of energy made for the 
average of the eight experiments (compare pp. 76 and 251). These 
results are not corrected for cutaneous and intestinal respiration. 

Per Kg. Live Weight per Minute. 

Oxycenicombbinediwithtates. 4-5. .se 4440 3.4415 c.c. 
Oxygen combined with starch............. 4.0215 “ 
A Getliersee iret caret st) AC yctioats uel? selene 7.4630 “ 
iMquivalenbienerpyn 55 siren tune: 36.420 cals. 

* The authors show that even a considerably increased proteid meta- 
bolism would not materially affect the computation of energy. 


Energy per Meter Traveled (Including Work of Ascent). 

Perko “potal macs tis oi. ss caees!statlate sane care 0.3948 cal. 

: 0.4077 “ 
Perke, livesveicht go. 5 Saetee ing: case sies 0.1733 kem. 
Workcor ascenties 2. Rou tttet aoe cw ecnereetes 8.643 gr.-m. 

Determinations of the work of locomotion were made in six 
different periods, or thirty-five experiments in all. The average 
for each period, computed in terms of energy as in the above 
example, is given in Table VIII of the Appendix. It is to be noted 
that these results still include the small amount of work expended 
in ascending the slight incline. This factor is determined in the 
manner shown in the following paragraph. 

Work of Ascent.—In four periods experiments were made (thir- 
teen in all) upon the work of ascending a moderate grade at a walk. 
The average results, computed on the same basis as before, are 
contained in Table IX of the Appendix. 

By comparing the average results of these two series of experi- 
ments in the manner explained on p. 500, letting x equal the oxygen 
or energy required per kilogram live weight for locomotion through 
1 meter horizontally and y. the corresponding quantities for the 
performance of 1 gram-meter of work of ascent we have the follow- 
ing equations: 

For Oxygen. 
r+ 4.395y= 83.480 
x+107.041y= 222.941 
For Energy. 
z+ 4.395y=0.4035 cal. 
x+107.041y=1.0795 cals. 

Solving these we obtain the following values respectively for 

the work of locomotion per meter and for the energy expended in 

Oxygen. i < 
ec mm. 
cals. Kem. 
Locomotion per meter: 
Per kg. live weight............. Gf 2509 0.3746 0.1592 
SOR COUALIMASS yates eee 75.048 0.3618 0.1588 
Ascent, per kilogram-meter...... 1359 .00 6.5858 2.7990 

* Weight of animal plus weight of apparatus carried. 


doing 1 kgm. of work of ascent, and the utilization of the available 
energy in the latter case is 35.73 per cent. 

Work of Draft——¥or the work of draft at a walk, up a slight 
incline, the results tabulated in Table X of the Appendix were 

Giving x and y the same significance as before, and letting z 
represent the oxygen or energy corresponding to one gram-meter of 
work of draft, we have the following equation, based on the results 
per kilogram live weight and meter traveled: 

x+5.115y+ 153.127z= 306.561 us 1.5021 cals. 

Substituting in this the average values of x and y obtained as in- 
dicated in the previous paragraph, but from a larger number of 
experiments, we have 

z=1.4504 .007143 cal. per gram-meter. 

The above details of a few of the experiments may serve to illus- 
trate the methods of computation employed. Similar determina- 
tions were made upon various forms of work under differing condi- 
tions, the results of which will be given later. 

Correction jor Speed.—Before final data could be obtained, 
however, it was found necessary to take account of the speed of the 
animal, since comparisons of the various periods showed that the 
metabolism due to the work of locomotion at a walk increased 
materially as the velocity increased. 

To compute the necessary correction, the authors divide the 
thirty-five experiments of Table VIII into three groups according 
to the speed. For each group the oxygen and energy correspond- 
ing to the work of ascent are computed, using the values of y given 
on the previous page (1359 ¢.mm.; 6.5858 cals.), and subtracted 
from the total, leaving the following as the amounts per kilogram 
live weight due to horizontal locomotion: 

Oxygen 4 Oxygen Re- | Increase of | Heat Value 
No. of Velocity Consumed Respira- | calculated to Oxygen per | of Oxygen 
Experi- per Minute, per Kg. tory Respiratory Meter per Meter 
ments. Meters. and Meter, Quotient. Quotient of Velocity, (Corrected), 0.86, ¢.mm. cals. 
6 78.00 66.69 0.896 67 .32 0.697 0.3363 
20 90.16 76.04 0.848 75.80 0.683 0.3787 
9 98.11 80.97 0.873 SL ZS ri eerste bs 0.4058 


On the average, an increase of 1 meter per minute in the speed 
was found to cause an increased metabolism corresponding to— 

OXY POT AS Silman lar eahatn eee te ae 0.692 ¢.mm. 
Bin Cfo V:, io canoe eee; seeemm antes ¢ 0.00345 eal. 

A similar computation for the experiments on ascending a con- 
siderable grade without load or draft showed a similar difference, 
which, however, seemed to be chiefly or entirely due to variations 
in the work of locomotion. When the amount of the latter was 
computed with the correction for speed just given, the metabolism 
due to the actual work of ascent seemed to be independent of the 
speed, the only exception being two experiments at a rapid walk in 
which over exertion of the animal was suspected. 

In the thirteen experiments on the work of ascending a moderate 
grade contained in Table IX, the average speed was 81.95 meters 
per minute, while in the thirty-five experiments with which they 
are compared (Table VIII) the average speed was 90.16 meters. 
From the table on p. 506 we compute that the consumption of 
oxygen (R.Q.=0.86) and the corresponding energy values per kilo- 
gram and meter at these speeds would be— 

Oxygen Energy. cals. 
At 90.16 M. velocity....... 75.80 — 0.3746 
“ 81.95 M. Shs 70.05 0.3462 


Substituting this corrected value of xz in the equations on 
p. 506, we have as the corrected value of y per kilogram-meter for 
ascending a moderate grade 

6.851 cals. =2.912 kgm.=34.3 per cent. 

In brief, a correction for the value of x is computed, using the 
first value of y, and then this corrected value of x is used to com- 
pute the corrected value of y. In other words, the method is one 
of approximation, but the errors of the corrected values are pre- 
sumably less than the unavoidable errors of experiment. 

Effect of Load.—In a number of experiments the horse carried 
on the saddle a load, consisting of lead plates, corresponding to that 
of arider. The mere sustaining of such a weight at rest was found 


to increase the gaseous exchange, the total metabolism being sub- 
stantially proportional to the total mass (horse+load), but in com- 
puting the work experiments the same rest values are used as for 
the preceding experiments; that is, the results include the work 
required to simply sustain the weight as well as that required to 
move it. Computing the results in the same manner as before the 
authors obtain for an average speed of 90.18 meters per minute 
the following results: 

Locomotion per Meter. 

Per kg. live weight ......... 0.5004 cal. = 0.2126 kgm. 
Rem UCOtAlWIMASS aus) ccca cs ce OFS0t 4 — ON tGoOsias. 
Per kilogram-meter ........ 6.502 cals. = 2.7640 “ = 36.19% 

A comparison of these figures with those on p. 506 shows 
that for this animal a load of 127 kgs. caused about 8 per cent. 
increase in the energy expended, per kg. of total mass, in horizon- 
tal locomotion, but no increase in that expended per kilogram- 
meter in ascent. 

Work of Descent.—In descending a grade the force of gravity 
acts with instead of against the animal and tends therefore to 
diminish the metabolism. On the other hand, however, as the 
steepness of the grade increases the animal is obliged to put forth 
muscular exertions to prevent too rapid a descent, and this tends 
to increase the metabolism. It was found that an inclination of 
2° 52’ caused the maximum decrease in the metabolism. At 5° 45’ 
the metabolism was the same as at 0°, while on steeper grades it 
was greater than on a level surface. 

Work At A Tror.—A smaller number of experiments were made 
upon work at a trot under varying conditions. In trotting, the up 
and down motion of the body is much greater than in walking, while 
but a small part of the muscular energy thus expended is available 
for propulsion. It was therefore to be expected that the energy 
required for horizontal locomotion would be greater at a trot than 
at a walk, and the results of the experiments corresponded fully 
with this expectation, the computed energy per meter being found 
to be 

Rermkealivie welglites essa oi aejomeaee iar 0.5660 cal. 
masse (horse load) ie aac 0.5478 “ 


at a speed of 195 meters per minute. The fact of such an increased 
expenditure of energy in trotting as compared with walking has 
also been confirmed by the results of Grandeau, which will be con- 
sidered in another connection. It was also found that in trotting, 
unlike walking, the work of locomotion was independent of the 
speed within the limits experimented upon (up to a speed of 206 
meters per minute, or about 74 miles per hour). Aload of 127.2kgs. 
increased the work of locomotion per kg. of mass by about 10 per 
cent. as compared with the increase of 8 per cent. at a walk. One 
experiment on work of ascent and one on horizontal draft, both 
without load, showed a utilization of, respectively, 31.96 per cent. 
and 31.70 per cent., but two other experiments on horizontal draft, 
in which the work was thought to have been excessive, gave an 
average of only 23.35 per cent. 

SumMaAry.—The final results of the experiments upon the horse 
may be summarized as follows: 

Work at a Walk. Work at a Slow Trot 
Available Ener +7: i sy: 
Ee aragur es Oullte’| Or ar eeeraeamera| Ceres 
Per Per 
Cent. Cent. 
cals. Kgm. cals. Kgm 
For 1 kgm. work of ascent, 
without load : 
LOLS OLAS. sos Biases se 6.8508'2 .9116)34.3 7 .3647*|3 .1300*/31 . 96* 
alc ails Aten Xs (his oma rene etc ec 6 .9787|2 . 9660/33 .7 
For 1 kgm. work of ascent, 
with load : 
U5 Sov aden esata east 6.502 |2.7634)/36.2 
For 1 kgm. work of draft : 
§ | 7.4240*/3.1550*/31.7* 
0.5 % grade auleweweligeacteastieiliat sue 7 5 5190 3 1960 31 : 3 / 10. 0780+ 4 2820+ 93 At 
S.51% CPAs afer suencnes 2 oar 10.3360/4 .3930)22.7 
Locomotion per kg mass per 
meter without load : 
Speed of 78.00 M. permin,) 0.3256 ) 
ES OG Le = ee 053666) Se Sele atee 0.5478t 
wo « 9gi1% “«.« | 93929] J 
The same with load : | 
Speed of 90.18 M per min. Ovs9l4li se Seek ee. . 0.6007t 

* Single experiment. 
{ Two experiments. Work probably excessive. 
t Independent of speed. 


Conditions Determining Efficiency. 

From the results recorded in the preceding paragraphs it appears 
that, as we were led to expect from a consideration of the efficiency 
of the single muscle, the efficiency of the animal as a converter of 
potential energy into mechanical work varies with the nature of the 
work and the conditions under which it is performed, although the 
variations are perhaps hardly as great as might have been expected. 
In general, we may say that in the neighborhood of one third of the 
potential energy directly consumed in muscular exertion is recoy- 
ered as mechanical work. ‘This appears to be a high degree of effi- 
ciency as compared with that of any artificial transformer of poten- 
tial energy yet constructed. The steam-engine, the chief example 
of such transformers, even in its most highly perfected forms, rarely 
utilizes over 15 per cent. of the potential energy of the fuel, while 
in ordinary practice one half of this efficiency is considered a good 

The comparison is misleading. however, for three reasons: First, 
the figures given in the preceding pages relate to the utilization of 
the net available energy of the food. As we have seen, however, 
a certain expenditure of energy in digestion and assimilation is 
required to render the food energy available, while still another 
portion of the latter is lost in the potential energy of the excreta. 
In the case of herbivorous animals. these two sources of loss very 
materially reduce the percentage utilization when computed upon 
the gross energy of the food. Second, the comparison takes no 
account of the large amount of energy consumed continually 
throughout the twenty-four hours for the internal work of the 
body of the animal, and which continues irrespective of whether 
the animal is used as a motor or not. Third, the expenditure 
of energy in locomotion is not considered in computing the 
efficiency of one third. When these three points are allowed for 
but little remains of the apparent superiority of the animal as a 
prime motor, even omitting from consideration the greater cost of 
his fuel (food). 

It remains now to consider somewhat more specifically the in- 
fluence upon the efficiency of the animal machine of some of the 
more important conditions. 


Krnp oF Worx.—Of the forms of work investigated, that of 
ascent, that is, of raising the weight of the body (with or without 
load), appears to be the one which is performed most economically. 
The horse in ascending a moderate grade without load showed an 
efficiency of 34.3 per cent., while with a load of 127 kgs. a slightly 
higher efficiency was obtained, viz., 36.2 per cent. (The latter 
figure, however, includes some estimated corrections for speed.) 
For the dog (p. 502) the average result was 30.7 per cent. For 
man the figures of the table on p. 503 correspond to from 28.1 to 
36.6 per cent. 

The efficiency, however, was found to decrease with the steep- 
ness of the grade. Thus with the horse it fell from 34.3 to 33.7 
per cent., with an increase of the grade from 10.7 to 18.1 per cent. 
The experiments of Loewy on man, averaged on p. 503, show the 
same result in a more striking manner. Taking separately the 
experiments on each subject we have the following: 

Per Cent. 

A, L. Seals L Z 
; Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. 
23 34.3 36.1 36.6 
30.5 34.3 32.6 36 6 
36.6 29.0 BY 33 o2),2 

The work of horizontal locomotion consists largely of successive 
liftings of the weight of the body. It might therefore be expected 
from the above results that this work would be performed even more 
economically than that of ascent, since it is obviously the form of 
muscular activity for which animals like the horse and dog arc 
specially adapted. In the case of the walking horse, Kellner * has 
proposed a formula. based on mechanical considerations, for com- 
puting the work of locomotion. Zuntz + has applied this formula 
to the animal used in his experiments and computed the mechanical 
work of locomotion at the three speeds for which the total metabo- 
lism was also determined (p. 507). 

Landw. Jahrb., 9 658. 
{ Ibid , 27, Supp TIL. p 314. 


A comparison of these figures, expressing the total metabolism 
in its mechanical equivalent, is as follows: 

Per Kg. Mass and Meter. 
Soe Total C ted 
inute. ota ompute Rercentace 
Metabolis Work : 
Gramtmaters: Grams Efficiency. 
78.00 138.4 49.14 35.5 
90.16 155.8 54.54 35.00 
98.11 167.0 58 .40 34.97 

This computation gives an efficiency slightly greater than that 
obtained for the ascent of a grade without load, and in so far tends 
to confirm our conjecture, but the basis on which the work of loco- 
motion is computed can hardly be regarded as sufficiently accurate 
to give this result the force of a demonstration. 

The work of draft appears to be performed considerably less 
economically than that of ascent or locomotion. Thus, for the 
horse, the efficiency for nearly horizontal draft was found to be 31.3 
per cent. at a walk, and in one experiment at a trot 31.7 per cent., as 
against 34-36 per cent. for ascent. In two other experiments at a 
trot, in which the work may have been excessive, a much lower 
efficiency was found, viz., 23.4 per cent. For draft up a grade of 
8.5 per cent. at a walk the efficiency was greatly reduced, viz., to 
22.7 per cent. The above figures refer to the work of draft only, 
after deducting the energy required for locomotion and ascent. A 
similar difference was likewise observed with the dog (p. 502), the 
efficiency in nearly horizontal draft being 28.8 per cent. as compared 
with 30.7 per cent. for work of ascent. 

Experiments on man, not cited in the above pages, in which 
the work was performed by turning a crank, have shown decidedly 
lower figures for the percentage utilization. 

SPEED AND GaitT.—The energy expended by the horse in loco- 
motion at a walk was found to increase with the speed at the 
rate of 0.00334 cal. per meter and kilogram mass for each in- 
crease of 1 meter in the speed per minute. Kellner’s mechanical 
analysis of the work of locomotion mentioned above divides it 
into two parts, viz., that expended in lifting the body of the 


animal and that expended in imparting motion to the legs. The 
former portion is regarded as constant, while the latter portion 
would increase with the speed. The very close proportionality 
between the work thus computed and the total metabolism, as 
shown by the table on the preceding page, is a strong confirma- 
tion of the correctness of both methods and places the conclusion 
as to the influence of speed upon metabolism beyond reasonable 
doubt. It is to be remembered, however, that it is the total 
metabolism per kilogram and meter which increases with the speed. 
The percentage utilization of the energy, so far as the data at our 
command enable us to determine, apparently remains constant. 
Practically, however, it is the former fact which interests us, since 
the expenditure of energy in locomotion is comparable to that in 
internal work and has only an indirect economic value. A similar 
effect of speed on the metabolism in horizontal locomotion was 
observed by Zuntz* in experiments on man. In those with the dog, 
on the other hand, the variations in speed were between 64.2 and 
85.9 meters per minute, but no material difference in the metabo- 
lism due to locomotion was observed. 

In trotting, a horse expends much more energy per unit of hori- 
zontal distance than in walking. Thus, trotting at an average 
speed of 195 meters per minute (a little over 7 miles per hour), as 
compared with walking at an average speed of 90.16 meters per 
minute, gave the following results for the metabolism per kilo- 
gram mass and meter distance. . 

WO bUNOtcos atte ites Sime ew Ouran tenant 0.5478 cal. 
Wallac oe ata tere weet ciate tence ate 0.3666 “ 

On the other hand, speed is, so to speak, obtained more econom- 
ically at the trot than at the walk. In the averages Just given the 
speed was increased by 116 per cent., while the metabolism was in- 
creased by only 49 per cent. The same result is reached in another 
way by computing, by means of the factor given at the beginning of 
this paragraph (0.00334 cal.), the theoretical waiking speed which 
would give a metabolism equal to the average metabolism in trot- 
ting. We find this to be 147 meters per second, as compared with 195 
meters ata trot. Moreover, it was found that at the trot the metab- 
olism did not increase with the speed, within the limits of the ex- 

* Arch, ges. Physiol., 68, 198. 


periments. These, however, did not include speeds above 206 
meters per minute (about 74 miles per hour), and the work was done 
on a tread-power, so that there was no air resistance. At this 
moderate speed it is not probable that the latter factor would be a 
large one, but it is one which increases as the square of the 
velocity, so that at high speeds it constitutes the larger portion of 
the resistance. At high speeds, too, the muscles contract to a 
greater degree, thus decreasing their efficiency, and additional auxil- 
iary muscles are called into play, both directly and to aid the in- 
creased respiration. It is a matter of common experience that while 
a horse is able to travel for a number of miles consecutively at 6 to 
7 miles per hour, drawing a considerable load, he can maintain his 
highest speed for only a short time even without load, and does this 
only at the cost of largely increased metabolism. It is evident then 
that there is a limit beyond which an increase of trotting speed 
must increase the metabolism with comparative rapidity. 

Loap.—Supporting a load on the back while standing was found 
to increase the metabolism of the horse No. III approximately in 
proportion to the load—that is, the metabolism computed per unit 
of mass (horse+load) increased but very slightly. In locomotion 
with a load the metabolism is, of course, increased, since the load 
as well as the body of the animal must be lifted at each step. The 
increase over the metabolism at rest and without load, both walking 
and trotting, was found in the case of Horse III to be somewhat 
greater (8-10 per cent.) than the increase in the mass moved 
(horse + load). 

After making allowance for this increase in the work of locomo- 
tion, the efficiency in ascent with a load was found to be unaffected 
by the latter; that is, the energy expended in lifting a unit of mass 
(horse+load) through a unit of distance remained substantially 
the same. Indeed the figure obtained (36.2 per cent.) is slightly 
higher than that without load (34.3 per cent.). Interesting indi- 
vidual differences in the above particulars were, however, observed 
between Horse No. III and some of the other animals experimented 
upon, particularly Nos. II and XIII, which form the subject of a 
succeeding paragraph. 

SPECIES AND S1zE oF ANtmMAL.—In ascending a moderate grade, 
the efficiency seems to be about the same in the horse and in 


man, while in the dog it is apparently somewhat less, as is seen 
from the following comparison: 

Grade, Efficiency, 
Per Cent. Per Cent. 
1 I) a Pactemeesteyeech ner Mare os 23 35.7 
IL OTSE 5 .bacie-s ts sien Se 10.7 34.3 
ce hte SAE pR ny ee Sea ii. 
Dog alent nee Wie 2 30.7 

The energy expended in horizontal locomotion, on the other 
hand, showed more marked differences, viz.: 

Energy Expended 
per Minite. per Kg. Mass 
: per Meter, Kgm. 

DOG erect. spore cre cies 78.57 0.501 
iMate: SA paces not aoe ae 42 .32-74.48 0.211-0.334 
EV OTSO Se eysaeres one acieietee 78.00 0.138 

The relatively high figure for the dog is perhaps due in part to the 
considerable muscular effort apparently required (p. 499) to main- 
tain the erect posture. It has been shown by v. Hoésslin,* however, 
by a mechanical analysis of the work of locomotion, that the latter 
does not increase as rapidly as the weight of the animal, but in 
proportion to its two-thirds power, or, in other words, approximately 
in proportion to the surface. If we compare the experiments upon 
different species of animals on this basis—that is, if we divide the 
total energy expended by the animal for locomotion by the product 
of the distance traversed into the two-thirds power of the weight 
—we obtain the following figures: 

DOr a5 tesla toast rmmeatie Grau 1.501 kgm. 
IMAI oc °5 aia ceteeire Se ee IG ene 0.861-1.274 kgm. 
INOTS6 is 2 fetes oe ee ne 1.058 kem. 

@omputed in this way, the figures for the horse and those for man at 
a comparable speed (74.48 M. per min.) do not differ greatly, and 
v. Hosslin’s conclusions are to this extent confirmed. The figures 
for the dog still remain higher than the others. If, in the case of 

* Archiv f. (Anatomie u.) Physiol., 1888, p. 340. 


this animal, we compare the total metabolism in locomotion with 
that during standing instead of lying, as was done in the case of 
the horse, the figure is reduced to 1.303 kgm., or not much higher 
than in the case of man. It must be remembered, however, that 
the figures above given for man include the metabolism due to 

Inpivipuauity.—Zuntz & Hagemann’s investigations show that 
the efficiency of the horse is affected to a considerable degree by 
the individual differences in animals. The experiments whose 
results are summarized on p. 510 were upon a single animal 
(No. III). In addition to these a small number of experiments 
were made with several other animals, mostly old and more or less 
worthless ones, besides the considerable number upon Horse No. II 
previously reported by Lehmann & Zuntz.* The results are com- 
puted by the authors in terms of energy and corrected for speed 
upon the basis of the results obtained with Horse No. ITI. 

In a single case the work of ascent required slightly less expen- 
diture of energy than with Horse No. III, and in another case the 
work of horizontal locomotion, computed to the same live weight 
in proportion to the two-thirds power of the latter (see the oppo- 
site page) was also less than for Horse No. III, but as a rule these 
old, defective horses gave higher results. For ascent, omitting 
one exceptional case, the range was as follows: 

Per Kgm. of Work. 
Momim ume 9 5.906 cals. = 39.84 per cent. efficiency 
Maxaimumieae is. 08027 M262 07 9 oS i 
Horse No. III... 6.851 “ =34.30 “ “ se 

With one very lame horse (string-halt) the figures reached the 
maximum of 12.343 cals., or an efficiency of only 16.6 per cent. 

A similar range was observed in the results on horizontal loco- 
motion. Reduced to a speed of 78 M. per minute and to the live 
weight of No. III, the range was as follows: 

Per Meter and Kilogram Live Weight. 

IY Ghath aay bo hi Mee meee eae’ UMD area t natn Recut obi Uk 1). 284 eal. 
IM axctrTA UIT ees g lend ek oc eee pe UG ei ate 0.441 * 
FOTSC NG Mie) Mee cal ee Caen 0.336 * 

* Landw. Jahrb., 18, 1, 


The very lame horse mentioned above gave a still higher figure, 
viz., 0.566 cal. 

A somewhat larger number of experiments with Horse No. XIif 
brought out the interesting fact that the increase in the metabo- 
lism caused by carrying a load on the back was markedly less than 
in the case of No. III, both at rest and in motion. 


Without Load, With Load, 
cals. per Minute. eals. per Minute. 
Standing : 
Horse XI: si cias 15.990 14.670 
ee We ATM Gs ess cabs peste: 18 ssi 18.389 
Walking horizontally : cals. per Meter. | cals. per Meter. 
ILOTSe: NGM Sie eee 0.389 0.388 
aiid (1 8 Deere tee eareert ss 0.367 0.391 
Trotting Horizontally : 
Horse XTi eee 0.553 0.488 
cane | Bl Pema rea ase eet = 0.548 0.601 

While, without load, Horse No. XIII showed a greater metabo- 
lism, both while walking and trotting than did Horse No. III, the 
additional effort required for carrying a load was relatively less, 
so that in every case the metabolism per unit of mass, instead of 
increasing, remained unchanged or even diminished. The percent- 
age efficiency of the animal in ascending a grade was also not 
materially affected by the load, while with Horse No. III it ap- 
peared to increase slightly. 

The experiments with Horse No. II previously reported,* when 
recalculated + in the same manner as the later ones, likewise show 
interesting individual differences. For horizontal locomotion, 
after correcting for varying speeds, we have per kilogram mass 
(horse + load) the following: 

Horse No. II, Horse No. III, 
cals. per Meter. | cals. per Meter. 

Walking without load........ 0.415 0.367 
a. Swit loadien: seems 0.385 0.391 
Trotting without load. ....... 0.499 0.548 

oe with load. Vcc ch ec 0.415 0.601 

* Landw. Jahrb., 18, 1. ft Ibid., 27, Supp. III, 355. 


As these figures show, No. II was decidedly inferior to No. II 
in walking without load. In trotting, on the other hand, he was 
somewhat the superior of No. III, or in other words the change 
from walking to trotting caused much less increase in his metabo- 
lism. Like No. XIII, he carried a load with decidedly less expendi- 
ture of energy than did No. III. For the forms of work in which 
the percentage efficiency could be measured the results were as 
follows, the grades, however being not exactly the same for No. II 
as for No. III: 

Horse No. II, Horse No. III, 

Per Cent. Per Cent. | 
Ascending, moderate grade... 33.2 34.3 
ss heavier grade..... 31.7 33.7 
Draft, nearly horizontal...... 29.0 31.3 
me UPR, STAC cece yoyeaee ors ak 22.4 22.7 

It seems a fair presumption that such individual differences 
as those above instanced are caused, in large part at. least, 
by differences in the conformation of the animals resulting from 
heredity or ‘‘spontaneous” variation. A strain of horses which 
has been bred and trained especially for the saddle through a 
number of generations might very naturally be expected to be 
more efficient in carrying a load than a strain which has been bred 
for speed in harness or strength in draft, while the latter might as 
naturally excel the former in efficiency at the trot or in draft. 
Similarly, a race of horses developed in a hilly country might be 
expected to be more efficient in ascending a grade than one in- 
habiting a flat region. It would seem, too, that these differences 
may be not inconsiderable. The results cited suggest an interest- 
ing line of thought and investigation for the student of breeding. 
TRAINING AND Faticure.—lIt is a familiar experience that any 
unaccustomed form of work is much more fatiguing at first than it 
is later. This is due in part to the fact that in making unfamiliar 
motions more accessory groups of muscles are called into activity 
than are necessary later when more skill has been acquired. The 
experience of a learner on the bicycle is an excellent example of 
this. In the second place, however, simple exercise of a group of 


muscles in a particular way seems to increase their average mechan- 
ical efficiency. 

Gruber,* in two series of experiments upon himself, obtained 
the following figures for the excretion of carbon dioxide during 
rest, horizontal locomotion, and hill climbing, all the trials being 
made.about the same length of time (four to five hours) after the 
last meal: 

Work of Carbon Dioxide 
Ascent, Excreted in 20 
Kgm. Minutes, Grms. 
Series I 
MES i cztde Gc sic eis ineosy as, ale lene 8 a opavereho mes eters | Petes sake cinen Sane 9.706* 
HorizonvalelOCOmOtiOnses ocievcleretersiscreceie er ellice elec oe eateries 19 .390* 
Hill climbing without practice siege stiesejigic 5892 40.982 
“« ~ after 12 days’ practice..... 6076 32.217 
Series II (2 months later) : 
RUGS GA ay Sirsa Seen Oe ne a MEER renacot shan lidiess silgvevele Raheds 12.833 
Horizontal locomotiony.. 12 scene ee silo are eles eens tele 22.418 
Hill climbing without practice.......... 7376 38 . 832} 
“after 14 days’ practice..... 7539 31.001 

* Some carbon dioxide may have escaped absorption. 
+ Some carbon dioxide lost. 

Schnyder + has confirmed and extended Gruber’s results. In 
experiments in a treadmill upon two different subjects he ob- 
tained the following figures for the work performed per gram of 
carbon dioxide excreted in excess of that given off during rest: 

No. 1 Wathout strani Oct ic ,cun cv epena toss oleterey siztstotene sia 218.13 
Ronan ae After:2 amonvms) trainin Ge. srs ieee sie otc ately ee 253.18 
Wathout traimim ges cesses svcueists resis secs Beis eles 243.93 
IN OSD sua reicueuistcieiere 1 After (G:daiys’ trang’ adn octges tes «osc oa ees 285.52 
Le coh ere Scar Where Meanred AUP IA ns Se! Suche geR RAE 349.40 
: ba fh, Without) Graimine ys. cls wis missense ete a ceqeiatene ocalnts 302.76 
Dae oeencaonce) WAdter47 days) traming vee tai ree eee 404.39 

That the greater efficiency after training is not due solely to a 
diminished use of accessory muscles is shown by Schnyder’s experi- ° 
ments on convalescents. His results were as follows: 

* Zeit. f..Biol., 28, 466 
+ Ibid., $3, 289. 


Work per 
Gram, Car- 
bon Dioxide 
No. 1—Climbing a hill ee trial weer ccc ccc cece sees cccoesccccs 215.18 
TSidays later chs cies cciacrapem eceuehei al ohsie eiels 306.18 
Pirstitrial csi eS tees Uae oes al icatleleiavs 182.70 
Zidays-alter first) trial j.-cre ei carecte soe 248 .34 
10 ehh SAA SORA ie es su veg ea tee 253.74 
No. 2—Treadmill....) 12 “ “ Se fitd ues cecaral ances soeeencrecstaieraaake 238 .85 
14 “ id EOS Sea, eva cpa ey cer coe Ca 210.87 
See as UAE Tar a RUS Hi ce peu ee 227 .04 
DAT o er Ci eyes At (alee a aetaane te 227 .50 
24 months after first trial................ 441.17 
TENU Stina wee LZR ee et ann coca ty ge PAS al IS 231.24 
No. 3—Treadmill .... } 2 days after first trial..................... 231.24 
ARs is NPT The unt Nanegetcersnersusie loratalaraie nto 286 .25 

In walking the same distance (468 M.) No. 1 excreted the following 
excess of carbon dioxide over the rest value: 

JOUUEST BAA Ser Bis At a ey Bde eaten hee garter 4.505 grams 
ING. Ce Kael ately nie eral scape en aun 3.690 “ 
ASmmonthvlaterst ance aires aie 21800 2s 

It appears from these results that the gradual strengthening of the 
muscles during convalescence results in a more economical per- 
formance of their work, largely independent of any special training 
for a particular kind of work. It seems a justifiable conclusion, 
therefore, that a part of the gain due to training arises from its 
direct effect in strengthening the muscles, as well as from the in- 
creased skill acquired in their use. Conversely, the effect of fatigue 
in increasing the relative metabolism, as shown by Loewy,* would 
seem to be in part a direct effect. Schnyder summarizes the matter 
in the statement that it is not the work itself, but the muscular 
effort required, which determines the amount of metabolism. 

In the case of domestic animals kept chiefly for work, however, 
we may safely assume that they are constantly in a state of training, 
and that the results obtained by Zuntz and his associates on the 
horse are applicable to work done by normal animals within the 
limits of the experimental conditions. 

* Arch. ges. Physiol., 49, 405. 


RELATIVE VALUES OF NuTRIENTS.—In the foregoing discussion 
it has been tacitly assumed that the stored-up energy of the pro- 
teids, fats, and carbohydrates of the body is all net available energy, 
ready to be utilized directly for the production of mechanical work. 
As we have seen, however, on previous pages, a school of physiolo- 
gists, of which Chauveau may stand as the representative, denies 
this, and holds that the fat in particular must be converted into 
a carbohydrate before it can become directly available. 

In discussing the source of muscular energy in Chapter VI it 
was shown that the recorded results as regards the nature of the 
material metabolized were insufficient to decide the question, since 
the final excretory products are qualitatively and quantitatively 
the same whether the fat is directly metabolized in the muscle or 
undergoes a preliminary cleavage in the liver or elsewhere in the 
body. The results as to energy, however, would be materially 
different in the two cases. The dextrose resulting from the cleavage 
of fat, according to Chauveau’s schematic equation (p. 38), would 
contain but about 64 per cent. of the potential energy of the fat, the 
remainder being liberated as heat. We cannot, however, suppose 
that the energy of this dextrose can be utilized by the muscle any 
more completely than that of dextrose derived directly from the 
food. It follows, then, that the percentage utilization of the total 
energy metabolized during muscular work should be materially 
greater when the metabolized material consists largely or wholly of 
carbohydrates than when it consists chiefly of fat. By supplying 
food consisting largely of one or the other of these materials, it is 
possible to bring about these conditions, and a determination of 
the respiratory exchange and the nitrogen excretion will then 
afford a check upon the nature of the material metabolized and the 
means of computing the utilization of its potential energy. 

Investigations of this sort have been reported from Zuntz’s 
laboratory. The earliest of these were by Zuntz & Loeb * upon a 
dog, the method being substantially the same as that with which 
the preceding pages have made us familiar. Their final results for 
the energy metabolized per kilogram and meter traveled (including 
the work of ascent) were: 

* Arch. f. (Anat. u.) Physiol., 1894, p. 541. 


| Diet. Foe Energy, cals. 
FTOCEIGS Onl yar esr nsec ea obevors evctoh sik we mhaks 0.78 2.58 
MP IieH Tate eu ecss siote orc pelea ehares Mae LN ot 0.74 2.43 
es ‘““ (body freed from carbohydrates by 
phloridzin) eave sea  Mee laws le ticles cholecns ci, 0.71 2.71 
Miuchasucariwathyproteids ic. 6... 4. oe ool. 0.83 2.58 
Seow andslittleyproverdses. fs. eae 0.88 2.63 

The differences are quite small, while, as Zuntz points out, if 
2.6 cals. represent the demand for energy per unit of work when 
carbohydrates are the source it should, according to Chauveau’s 
theory, rise to about 3.68 cals. when the energy is derived exclu- 
sively from fat. 

‘Altogether similar results have been recently reported from 
Zuntz’s laboratory by Heineman,* and by Frentzel & Reach,t} in 
experiments on man. 

In Heineman’s experiments the work, which was never exces- 
sive, consisted in turning an ergostat, the respiratory exchange 
being determined by means of the Zuntz apparatus and the total 
urinary nitrogen being also determined. From these data, reckon- 
ing 1 gram of urinary nitrogen equivalent to 6.064 liters of 
oxygen,{ the average amount of energy metabolized on the vari- 
ous diets, and the proportion derived respectively from proteids, 
fats, and carbohydrates, is computed. By comparison with rest 
experiments the increments of oxygen and carbon dioxide due to 
the work were determined, and from these the energy consumed 
per kilogram-meter of work was calculated upon three different 
assumptions: first, that the proteid metabolism was not increased 
by the work; second, that it increased proportionally to the oxy- 
gen consumption; third, that as large a proportion of the energy 
for the work was furnished by the proteids as is consistent with 
the observed respiratory exchange. The results are summarized 
in the following table: 

* Arch. ges. Physiol., 83, 441. 
+ Ibid., 83, 477. 
¢ Zuntz, Arch. ges. Physiol., 68, 204, 


Total Energy Energy per Kgm. 

Supplied by of Work. 
Predominant Nutrient. oe First Second | Third 
tient. | wat, | boty- | 2A | att. | At | oth. 
Cals. yah Cals. tion, tion tion 
EMS cals cals cals 
Fat a...| 0.783 | 3829 | 13879 6am LOROS alee 10.35 
Sane aa tae b....| OL 724 || 4422 246 163 9.39 9.35 9.27 
(a...| 0.805 | 3414 | 1823 S48 aoa bi bea Was eo eet 10.46 
Carbohydrates. ) 4°"! 9 901 | 1543 | 3374 | 139 | 10.67 | 10.63 | 10.37 
As much proteids as 
POSSIDICS eavaate css 0.796 | 3381 | 1620 377 |-11.40.| 11.27-| 10.64 

The subject was not able to consume even approximately 
enough proteids to supply the demands for energy, so that the 
experiments are virtually a comparison of the utilization of fat and 
carbohydrates in different proportions. With the exception of the 
third group, the results seem to show that the energy of the fat 
metabolized was utilized, if anything, rather more fully than that 
of the carbohydrates. 

Frentzel & Reach experimented upon themselves, the work 
being done by walking in a tread-power; otherwise the methods 
were similar to those of Heineman. In computing the results of 
the experiments on a carbohydrate and a fat diet they assume that 
there was no increase in the proteid metabolism as a consequence 
of the work. For the experiments on a proteid diet they com- 
pute the results both on this assumption and also on the assump- 
tion of a maximum participation of the proteids in work produc- 
tion. Calculated in this way the total evolution of energy per kilo- 
cram weight and meter traveled was as given in the table on p. 525. 
The results show a slight advantage on the side of the carbo- 
hydrates, which in the case of Frentzel is regarded by the authors 
as exceeding the errors of experiment. They compute, however, 
that it is far too small to afford any support to Chauveau’s theory. 

Zuntz * has recalculated Heineman’s results, using slightly 
different data but reaching substantially the same result. He 
shows, however, that they are affected by the influence of train- 
ing already discussed on p. 519. Arranging the experiments in 
chronological order, it becomes evident that the work was done 

* Arch. ges. Physiol., 83, 557. 


Respiratory Energy per Kg. 
Quotient. and Meter, cals. 
Frentzel—fat diet: 
ATS twee Kee peusvoptecevene casotle jal 0.766 2.088 
Second (weeken i. oe specie ee icra s 0.778 2.049 
PAVICTAG Cele aia they afar. rahe ietuiedsuets ait 0.773 2.066 
Frentzel—carbohydrate diet: 
OTS RWG Keteren sin cto crcue estan cy ove ie teases 0.896 1.932 
Secondweeksassies cupisee «cis cere 0.880 2.031 
VAVICT ALC het cve,ailayeyeieiave ese sia iaieie og eve 0.889 1.980 
Frentzel—proteid diet: 
First assumption ............... ) 0.799 1.933 
Second assumption.............. § : 1.824 
Reach—fat diet: 
INS twee kerk sete che Weecesn ie elscahaien 0.805 2.259 
Second !iweeks, oi. ca ced ance 0.766 2.034 
PAV CTA DCS ia lacea elec staessreistasseteianene 0.781 2.119 
Reach—carbohydrate diet: 
ESTES ERWICE Kane cantar eas @ae cont, els 0.899 2.202 
Second: weeks se G i sels Me bs 0.901 2.005 
PAV CTAGC Ss Weel atepye NesteneeS denier chase 0.900 2.086 

with increasing efficiency, largely independent of the food, and the 
fact that most of the experiments with fat came later in the series 
than those with carbohydrates largely, although perhaps not en- 
tirely, accounts for the observed difference in efficiency, while the 
low figure for proteids is accounted for by the fact that these were 
among the earliest experiments. A similar effect appears in the 
experiments of Frentzel & Reach, although it is less marked, since 
walking is a more accustomed form of work than turning a crank. 
On the whole, Zuntz concludes that these experiments warrant the 
conclusion that in work production the materials metabolized in 
the body replace each other in proportion to their heats of combus- 
tion—that is, in isodynamic and not isoglycosic proportions. 


ihe investigations just discussed give us fairly full data as to 
the utilization of the stored-up energy of the body in the produc- 
tion of external work, and this, as we have seen (p. 497), is sub- 
stantially equivalent to a knowledge of the utilization of the net 


available energy of the food. These determinations by Zuntz and 
his co-workers, however, do not bring the energy recovered as 
mechanical work into direct relation with the energy of the food; 
that is to say (aside from such computations of available energy as 
those made by Zuntz & Hagemann* for the food of the horse), 
they do not tell us how much of the energy contained in a given 
feeding-stuff we may expect to recover in the form of mechanical 
work, but only what proportion of the stored-up energy resulting 
from the use of this feeding-stuff is so recoverable. 

It is the former question rather than the latter, however, which 
is of direct and immediate interest to the feeder of working animals. 
The feeding-stuffs which he employs are comparable to the fuel of 
an engine, and the practical question is how much of the energy 
which he pays for in this form he can get back as useful work. 

Metuops oF DETERMINATION.—I'wo general methods are open 
for the determination of the percentage utilization of the energy 
of the food. 

It is obvious that if we know the net availability of the energy 
(gross or metabolizable) of a given food material we can compute 
its percentage utilization in work production from the data of the 
foregoing paragraphs with a degree of accuracy depending upon 
that of the factors used. For example, if we know that the net 
available energy of a sample of oats is 60 per cent. of its gross energy, 
then if the oats are fed to a draft. horse utilizing, according to Zuntz 
& Hagemann, 31.3 per cent. of the net available energy, it is obvious 
that the utilization of the gross energy of the oats is 600.313= 
18.78 per cent. An entirely similar computation could of course be 
made of the percentage utilization of the metabolizable energy of 
the oats. 

Unfortunately, however, as we have already seen, our present 
knowledge of the net availability of the energy of fecian stuffs and 
nutrients for different classes of animals is extremely defective, and 
extensive investigations in this direction are an essential first step 
in the determination of the percentage utilization of the energy 
of feeding-stuffs in work production by this method. Until trust- 
worthy data of this sort are supplied, results like those of Zuntz & 
Hagemann can be applied to practical conditions only on the basis 

* Landw. Jahrb., 27, Supp. III, 279 and 429. 


of more or less uncertain estimates and assumptions regarding the 
expenditure of energy in digestion and assimilation such as those 
discussed in Chapter XI, § 3. 

The second possible general method for the determination of 
the percentage utilization of the energy of the food in work pro- 
duction is that employed in the determination of the utilization in 
tissue production. Having brought the animal into equilibrium as 
regards gain or loss of tissue and amount of work done with a suit- 
able basal ration, the material to be tested is added and the work 
increased until equilibrium is again reached. The increase in the 
work performed compared with the energy of the material added 
would then give the percentage utilization of the latter. 

The accurate execution of this method would require the em- 
- ployment of a respiration apparatus or a respiration-calorimeter 
for the exact determination of the equilibrium between food and 
work, while the skill of the experimenter would doubtless be taxed 
in the endeavor to so adjust food and work as to secure either no 
gain or loss of tissue or equality of gain or loss in the two periods 
to be compared. Indeed, it may safely be said that exact equality 
would, as a matter of fact, be reached rarely and by accident, and 
that as a rule it would be necessary to correct the observed results 
for small differences in this respect. To make such corrections 
accurately, however, requires, as we have seen in § 1 of this 

chapter, a knowledge of the net availability and percentage utili- 
zation of the food, and we are thus brought back to the necessity 
for more accurate knowledge upon fundamental points. 

The extensive investigations of Atwater & Benedict * upon man 
appear to be the only ones yet upon record in which the actual 
balance of matter and energy during rest has been quantitatively 
compared with that during the performance of a measured amount of 
work. Unfortunately, however, the gains and losses of energy by 
the bodies of the subjects in these experiments were relatively 
considerable, while the experiments thus far reported seem to 
afford no sufficient data for computing the net availability of the 
food for maintenance or its percentage utilization for the production 
of gain. Moreover, the authors appear to regard the measurements 

* U.S. Department Agr., Office of Experiment Stations, Bull. 109; Mem- 
oirs Nat. Acad. Sci., 8, 231. 


of the work done as not altogether satisfactory. In a preliminary 
paper * Atwater & Rosa compute a utilization of 21 per cent. 
Inasmuch as they have not further discussed the question of the 
utilization of the food energy for work production it would seem 
premature to attempt to do so here. It may be remarked, however, 
that the figures given seem to indicate a rather low degree of effi- 
ciency for the particular form of work investigated (riding a station- 
ary bicycle). 
Wolff's Investigations. 

The horse, being par excellence the working animal, has natu- 
rally been the subject of experiments upon the relation of food to 
work. While as yet the respiration apparatus or calorimeter has 
not been applied to the study of this phase of the subject, two ex- 
tensive and important series of investigations have been made 
upon the work horse, viz., by Wolff and his associates in Hohen- 
heim and by Grandeau, LeClerc, and others + in Paris, in which the 
attempt has been made to judge approximately of the equilibrium 
between food and work from the live weight and the urinary nitro- 

Grandeau’s experiments were made for the Compagnie générale 
des Voitures in Paris, and were directed specifically toward a scientific 
investigation of the rations already in use by the company and to 
a study of the most suitable rations for the different kinds of ser- 
vice required of the horses. They were, therefore, while executed 
with the greatest care and exactness, largely ‘‘ practical” in their 

Wolff’s experiments were made at the Experiment Station at 
Hohenheim and were broader in their scope, being directed largely 
to a determination of the ratio of (digested) food to work. The 
following paragraphs are devoted chiefly to an outline of Wolff’s 
experiments, but with more or less reference also to Grandeau’s 

Methods.—In discussing the effects of muscular exertion on 
metabolism in Chapter VI, mention was made of the interesting 

* Phys. Rev., 9, 248; U.S. Dept. Agr., Office of Experiment Station, Bull. 
98, p. 17. 

+ L’alimentation du Cheval de Trait, Vols. I, I, III, and IV, and Annales 
de la Science Agronomique, 1892, I, p. 1; 1893, I, p. 1; and 1896, II, p. 113 


results obtained by Kellner regarding the influence of excessive 
work upon the proteid metabolism of the horse. It was there shown 
that when the work was increased beyond a certain amount there 
resulted a prompt increase of the urinary nitrogen and at the same 
time a steady falling off in the live weight. The method employed 
in Wolff’s experiments, and which originated with Kellner, is based 
upon this fact. It may perhaps be best illustrated by one of 
Kellner’s earliest experiments,* in which starch was added to a 
basal ration, the results of which have already been referred to in 
Chapter VI (p. 199). 

In the first period the daily ration consisted of 6 kgs. of oats 
and 6 kgs. of hay, while in the second period 1 kg. of rice starch was 
added. Digestion trials showed that there was digested from these 
rations the following: 

Period I, Period II, Increase. 
Grms. Grms. Grms. 
Crudeyproteimiciy.) se ierelece roe 757 .07 750.53 — 6.54 
G0 Oo Tal OY e1 ee Ne ae eg ACEC 636.10 713.40 + 77.30 
Nitrogen-free extract ........... 3874 .36 4488 .15 +613 .79 
Jd CGARNOAG ooo saaoos uh eo dhe os 279.45 275.43 — 4.02 
5546.98 6227.51 + 680.53 

The work was performed in a special sweep-power which was 
so constructed as to act as a dynamometer. With a uniform draft 
of 76 kgs., the daily work in the four subdivisions of the first 
period consisted of 300, 600, 500, and 400 revolutions respectively, 
while in the two subdivisions of the second period it was 800 and 
600 respectively. From the daily results for live weight and urinary 
nitrogen and from a comparison with another period in which 1.5 
kes. of starch was fed, Kellner concludes that the maximum amounts 
of work which the animal could perform without causing an increase 
in its proteid metabolism and a decrease in its live weight were for 
the first period 500 revolutions and for the second period 700 revo- 
lutions. The difference of 200 revolutions, then, represents the 
additional work derived from the added starch. Two hundred 
revolutions with a draft of 76 kgs. equaled 438,712 kgm., to which 
is to be added the work of locomotion, estimated by Kellner (com- 

* Landw. Jahrb., 9, 670. 


pare p. 539) at 100,000 kgm., making the total additional work 
538,712 kem. Kellner compares this difference with the increased 
amount of nitrogen-free extract digested, 613.79 grams, neglecting 
the small differences in the other nutrients. As corrected in a later 
publication,* the results are as follows: 

613.79 grms. starch = 2527 .601 Cals. = 1,071,698 kgm. 
538,712 + 1,071,698 = 50.27 per cent. 

If we base the calculation upon the difference in total organic 
matter digested, the percentage will of course be somewhat smaller. 

It was discovered later that the indications of the dynamometer 
used in these experiments and many subsequent ones were untrust- 
worthy, so that no value attaches to the percentage computed above, 
but it serves just as well to illustrate the method employed, and 
which was followed in the whole series of experiments. In brief, 
the attempt is to find in the indications of live weight and urinary 
nitrogen a partial substitute for the determination of the respira- 
tory products. As Kellner and Wolff do not fail to point out, the 
results are but approximations, and in any single experiment may 
vary considerably from the truth, but on the average of a large 
number of experiments it was hoped that satisfactory results might 
be reached. In later experiments rather more importance seems 
to be attached to the effects upon live weight than to those upon 
urinary nitrogen, but it should be noted that the live weight showed 
remarkably small variations from day to day, under the carefully 
regulated conditions of the experiments, and was quite sensitive 
to changes in the amount of work done. 

The experiments may be conveniently divided into three groups. 
The first of these } includes the years 1877 to 1886, inclusive, in which 
the work done was compared with the total digested food. The 
second t¢ covers the experiments of 1886-1891, in which the digested 
crude fiber was omitted in computing the work-equivalent of the 
food, while the third group § includes the experiments of 1891-1894 
with a new and more accurate form of dynamometer. 

* Wolff, Grundlagen, etc., p. 89. 

+ Grundlagen fiir die rationelle Fiitterung des Pferdes, 1886, 66-155; Neue 
Beitriige, Landw. Jahrb., 16, Supp. III, 1-48. 

¢ Landw. Jahrb., 16, Supp. III, 49-131, and 24, 125-192. 
§ Ibid., 24, 193-271. 


Experiments of 1877—1886.— During the years named, in addi- 
tion to the preliminary investigations necessary in working out the 
method, a large number of experiments were made on three different 
animals. The rations consisted largely of hay and oats in some- 
what varied proportions, together with smaller amounts of other 
feeding-stuffs. In three experiments on starch and four on oats a 
comparison of the increase in digested nutrients * with the in- 
creased work which could be done gave the following results: + 

Increase in Digested] |Increase in Work Done| Nutrients Equivalent 
Nutrients, at 76 Kg. Draft, to 100 Revolutions, 
Grms. Revolutions. Grms. 
Suances eee 677.3 217 312 
@avtseersohve eal 577.0 175 318 
PACT AGO terciay setae tSieeu eat coveuees ete sonal) eA meesea pe ate ennai 315 

THE MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENT.—As already stated, it was 
discovered later that the dynamometer used was unreliable and 
gave too high readings, so that the above result cannot be em- 
ployed to compute the utilization of the energy of the added food. 
It does, however, in its present form, enable us to compute the 
maintenance requirements of the horse by subtracting from the 
total digested food the nutrients equivalent to the work performed 
(.e., 3.15 grams xX the number of revolutions). The results of such 
a computation made by Wolff t are given on p. 532. 

The actual live weights in these experiments were somewhat 
below the normal weights, which were regarded as being about 
533 kes. for No. I, 500 kgs. for No. II, and 475 kgs. for No. III. 
Wolff considers the maintenance requirements to be independent, 
of minor changes in weight, and on the basis of the above ‘‘normal” 
weights computes the maintenance requirements per 500 kgs. live 
weight as follows: 

LOT SEM Veer races ese ist hanaeaeichascner ener 4143 grams 
Ce A LGR ep cs aa sate ERR Na lige eiRRS IED RC atc 4260 ‘ 
oct Ud Liat tan are Spats pe rngey oe ara nn AGH): f 

HAVICTAGO NR ae Mt) Mew te OU LAR EA neta 4190 “ 

* The algebraic sum of the differences in the single nutrients is used, and 
in this and the succeeding comparisons the digested fat is multiplied by 2.44. 

{ Loc. cit., pp. 125-129. 

¢ Loc cit., pp. 99 and 132. 


No. of | Total Live. | Nowof'| waulva- For 

ahh 4 Nutriti : lent Mainte- 
rants [NGrmat "| Ratio. |Weeht Revel! wutrients,| “nance, 
LOPS Ti gine we. 4 | 6305.6 | 1:5.79 |} 521 | 600] 1890 4416 
Horse IT 
1881-82.... 7 | 5831.1 | 1:6.64 | 477 | 546] 1720 4111 
1882-83... . 4 | 6748.3 | 1:6.37 | 486 | 662 | 2085 4663 
1883-84.... 6 | 5920.2 | 1:7.26 | 457 | 567 | 1786 4134 
Average...| 17 6078.4 | 1:6.80 | 473 577 1818 4260 
Horse III: 
1881-82.... 6 | 5813.8; 1:7.16 | 454) 404 |] 1273 4041 
1882-83.... 6 | 6061.3 | 1:6.88 | 469 | 683 | 2152 3909 
1883-84.... 5 | 5734.8 | 1:7.55 | 473 | 580} 1827 3908 
TSS855 esecd as 4 | 5761.2] 1:7.57 | 473 | 575 | 1811 3/50 
Average...| 21 | 5717.8 | 1:7.29 | 467 | 5c1 1766 3952 

By means of a comparison of the results by groups * Wolff 
shows that the maintenance requirement as thus computed is appar- 
ently independent of the amount of work done and of the nutritive 
ratio, and from this uniformity concludes that the relative efficiency 
of the food for work production is unaffected by these factors, 
within the range of his experiments. 

A series of similar experiments on Horse No. III in 1885-86,t 
computed in substantially the same way, gave results for the main- 
tenance ration agreeing well with those of earlier years, viz., 

t Remod iia a asaus aelteee 3934 grams total nutrients 
Pe A 2 ite gue daatece uate aummtieae 3984“ a 4 
oo” “Phang Nee ace o 4001 “ s = 
oe ~ WD e ocak ene tee ane 4094 “ is “ 
Dime. UG ar rear re a 4094 “ = 
AVCTESC) cee cin ctas Sere 4021 “ ma ' 

with an average live weight of 475 kgs., equivalent to 4230 grams 
per 500 kgs. In a succeeding period (IX), however, in which hay 
alone was fed, a decidedly higher result was obtained, viz., 4357 
grams per head, or 4586 grams per 500 kgs. 

* Loc, cit., pp. 185 and 137. 
+ Landw. Jahrb., 16, Supp. III, 32. 


Experiments of 1886-91.—In the experiments thus far de- 
scribed, with the exception of the last, the proportions of grain and 
coarse fodder in the rations were not widely different, the latter 
furnishing on the average fully one half of the dry matter fed. 
Consequently the experiments were not calculated to bring out any 
difference in the nutritive value of the two such as is indicated by 
the results of the one trial with hay alone. 

GRAIN vs. Coarse Fopprr For MaInrenance.—The results 
obtained by Grandeau & LeClere upon the maintenance ration of 
the horse when fed a mixture containing about 75 per cent. of 
grain fully confirm the indications of Wolff’s trial with hay. 
Their experiments have been very fully discussed, and in part 
recalculated, by Wolff * in their bearing on this question. The 
three horses experimented on were fed two different amounts of 
the same mixture in several different thirty-day periods, eighteen 
such periods in all being available for comparison. In all of them 
the animals were led daily, at a walk, over a distance of about four 
kilometers. Wolff estimates the amount of work of locomotion by 
means of the formula z(—) v* and by subtracting the equivalent 
amount of nutrients from the total digested obtains the amount re- 
quired for maintenance. ‘The results are as follows: 

Nutrients} For Maintenance. 

No. of Live Digested | Equiva- 
Experi- Weight, | Nutrients,| lent to 
ments. Kgs. Grms. Work, Per Per 
Grms. Head, 500 Kgs., 
Grms. Grms 
Heavier Ration: 
Horses epee 416.6 3553 110 3443 4132 
pe ie 7A Re ane eee 5 405.9 3432 108 3324 4078 
au AD ete 4 439.0 3625 119 3506 3994 
IAVCTAD Ch san mec enocentel tae 420.5 3537 112 3425 4068 
Lighter Ration : 
Horse II....... 2 411.0 3060 108 2952 3636 
a 1 Rae 4 441.2 3310 119 3191 3617 
Averages.) oka 426.1 | 3185 114 | 3071 | 3626 

The results, and particularly those on the lighter ration, which 
appeared ample for maintenance, are much lower than those com- 
* Landw. Jahrb., 16, Supp. III, 73-81. 


puted in the previous paragraph. The difference is too great to be 
ascribed to experimental errors in estimating the small amount of 
work done, and can most reasonably be ascribed to the difference 
in the character of the ration. Apparently the horse, like cattle 
(p. 433), requires less digestible food for maintenance when the 
latter consists largely of grain than when it is chiefly or wholly coarse 

Direct experiments by Wolff * likewise show that the digestible 
nutrients of concentrated feed (oats) are more valuable for work 
production than those of coarse feed (hay). The experiments 
were made in the manner already described, the draft being uni- 
formly 60 kgs. Although the measurements of the work actually 
done are probably incorrect, it may be assumed to have been 
substantially proportional to the number of revolutions of the 
dynamometer. A ration of 3 kgs. of hay and 5.5 kgs. of oats served 
as the basal ration, to which was added in one case 4 kgs. of hay 
and in another 14 kgs. of oats. The nutrients digested in each 
case and the equivalent amount of work secured were: 


J Ration. Nitrogen-| Ether Total oe 
| Protein, Crude free Ex- (Fat X au 
5 Grms. eee Extract, tract, 2.4), gs 
Ay Grms. Grms. Grms. 

I-III | 7 kgs. hay, 5.5 kgs. oats| 822.58 | 816.68 | 3889.64 | 186.72 | 5973.62 750 
Vise clioq i Sco sOy 4? “1 626.46 | 422.74 | 3068.46 | 184.78 | 4561.13 350 

Aikgese Ways. sss att esate 196.12 | 3938.94 821.18 1.94 | 1412.49 400 
Per 100 revolutions ..|........ t 

VI...| 3 kgs. hay, 7 kgs. oats...| 754.52 | 355.24 | 3719.24 | 252.17 | 5434.21 700 
ze |ore O20 0F “,.| 626.46 | 393.94 | 3068.46 | 184.78 | 4561.13 350 

Uo Kkes.oatsjeos eas 128.06 |—67.50 650.78 67.39 873.08 350 
Hegcien (OO sesnigelkbualovls| mil 5 0 oe oleae Sallon ours silomn dose 249.45 

The relative value of the digested matter of hay and of oats for work 
production in these trials was thus approximately as 5:7. 

In the earlier experiments (p. 531) it was found that when oats 
or starch were added to a basal ration, approximately 315 grams 
of digested nutrients were required to produce the amount of 
work represented by 100 revolutions at 76 kgs. draft. Converting 
this result and the one just given for oats into kilogram-meters, 
Wolff computes that 100 grams of digested nutrients was equivalent, 

* Loc. cit., pp. 84-95. 


in round numbers, to 85,400 kilogram-meters in the earlier experi- 
ments and to 90,480 in the one just cited. While these figures are 
not correct absolutely, they are probably comparable, being ob- 
tained with the same apparatus. In the later experiment the 
work of locomotion is computed by Wolff’s formula, which gives 
higher results than Kellner’s. Taking this into account we may 
regard the agreement of the two equivalents as satisfactory. 

VALUE OF CRUDE Finer.—In all the experiments with con- 
centrated feeds the additional nutrients digested from the added 
food contained no crude fiber, the apparent difference, indeed, 
being in most cases, as in the above experiment, negative. When 
hay was added, on the other hand, over one fourth of the addi- 
tional nutrients digested consisted of crude fiber. If, now, we 
neglect this crude fiber and compare the work and the fiber-free 
nutrients we have 1018.55 + 4.00 = 254.64 grams of fiber-free nutri- 
ents per 100 revolutions, or a figure corresponding almost exactly 
with that obtained for the fiber-free nutrients added in oats or 
starch. In other words, it would appear from this result that the 
digested crude fiber of hay is as valueless for work production as it 
appears to be for maintenance. 

If, however, the crude fiber is valueless both for maintenance 
and work, then by omitting it altogether from our computations we 
ought to get results for the maintenance ration and for the ratio of 
nutrients to work which are independent of the proportion of grain 
to coarse fodder in the ration. Confirmatory evidence of this sort 
is abundantly furnished by Wolff’s experiments and likewise by 
the results of Grandeau on maintenance. Taking first the averages 
of the experiments of 1877-1886 (p. 532) we have— 

Fiber-free Nutrients 

Nutrients Digested. ] 
for Maintenance. 

No. of 
Crude Without | tions at | Nutrients, 

Total, Biber, Crude 76 Kgs. Grms. | per Head, Per 500 


eae | ae Ge | es 
Horse 1 ete 6306 815 5491 600 1890 3601 3378 
ee ee OURS 978 5100 577 1818 3282 3282 
AG DDE oie fice lis} 809 4909 561 1766 143 3306 

PACT AGE 20 lalla tierortelliejeua a ehalltooetebaats aR Eminent [eran arena OeA NED Oy 3322 


The results of the series made in 1885-86 on Horse No. III 
(p. 532), computed in the same way, give the following as the 
amounts of fiber-free nutrients required for maintenance: 

Per 500 Kgs. 
Per Head. : : 
Grms. tive Weiebel 
| (Period: lis2 22s. eee oe 3270 3442 
oy De ene eee 3186 3353 
oo ee hileancl Vien ee 3242 3413 
Se CIN ATT ayer ees ee 28 3342 3549 
See FOU V ELI een eee 3316 3490 
OE Xe a oe Sak errs chee 3170 3335 
AVETAgE fos keeles 3254 3430 

From Grandeau’s experiments (p. 533), by the same method, we 
have for the lighter ration the following: 

Per 500 Kgs. 

Ben Head) Live. Weight, 
Herself .ondealecsieeeex 2732 3324 
eek [tl eee ees a 2935 3328 
AVETAGO ss, usticm i gellein cet omien 4a, kare 3326 

Finally, for the series of experiments by Wolff, just discussed, 
upon the relative value of the digested matter of oats and of hay, 
and from which the conclusion as to the lack of value of the crude 
fiber was drawn, by computing backwards, we get figures for the 
fiber-free nutrients required for maintenance which not only agree 
with each other, as they necessarily must, but also with those of 
the earlier experiments. The results are: 

Per 500 Kgs Live 
Per Head, Grms. Weight. Grms. 

Period I-EW 2.3.22. s208 3175 3342 
os LV ec Greece Pare 3275 3429 
Se nV Risse tas ose 3180 3329 
fa, Nis aah ae eats 3196 3364 

IATA LC 200%, 5/55 oye cheval | eden vase themtpesoner ete 3366 


Wolff’s conclusions from these results * are— 

1. The digested crude fiber is apparently valueless, both for 
maintenance and for work production. 

2. The remaining nutrients may be regarded as of equal value 
whether derived from grain or coarse fodder. 

3. The maintenance of a 500-kg. horse requires approximately 
3350 grams per day of fiber-free nutrients. 

Wolff's subsequent experiments up to 1891 + gave results con- 
firmatory in general of the above conclusions. Particularly was 
this the case when the work of locomotion was computed by Kell- 

ner’s formula and not by the formula >(--)*. The work done — 

(expressed in number of revolutions of the dynamometer) per 100 
grams of fiber-free nutrients was reasonably uniform and agreed 
well with the results previously obtained, while the fiber-free 
nutrients required for maintenance likewise agreed with the results 
given above. On the other hand, the inclusion of the digested 
erude fiber in the computations gave in many cases strikingly 
discordant results. In view of the unreliability of the measurement 
of the work no conclusions can be drawn as to the percentage 
utilization of the energy of the food, and it seems unnecessary to 
describe the individual experiments. 

A discussion by Wolff { of the results of some of the experi- 
ments by Grandeau in which work was done, although rendered 
uncertain by the difficulty in estimating the work of locomotion at 
varying velocities, and by the changes in live weight of the animals, 
seems to indicate that they also confirm Wolff’s conclusions. 

SIGNIFICANCE OF THE ReEsuuts.—In drawing his conclusions 
Wolff is careful to say that the digested crude fiber is apparently 
valueless, and while calling attention to Tappeiner’s then recent 
results on the fermentation of cellulose in the digestive tract as 
probably explaining its low nutritive value he points out that 
other ingredients of the food may also undergo fermentation. He 
therefore holds fast to the fact actually observed, viz., the lower 
nutritive value of the digested matter of coarse fodder compared 

* Loc. cit., p. 95. 
t Landw. Jahrb., 24, 125-192. 
ft [bid., 16, Supp. III, 110-126. 


with that of grain, and virtually regards the amount of crude 
fiber as furnishing a convenient empirical measure of the difference. 

In the light of our present knowledge this reserve seems amply 
justified. The difference in the value of coarse fodder and grain 
we should now regard as arising largely from the difference in the 
amounts of energy consumed in digestion and assimilation. Kell- 
ner’s experiments on extracted straw discussed in the previous 
section have shown, however, that with cattle this difference 
is by no means determined by the simple presence of more or less 
crude fiber, but is related rather to the physical properties of the 
feeding-stuff, while Zuntz (see p. 392) has shown that the same 
factor largely affects the work of mastication in the horse. That 
the nutritive value of the rations in Wolff’s experiments was pro- 
portional to the amount of fiber-free nutrients which they contained, 
or, in other words, that the energy expended in digestion, etc., was 
proportional to the digested crude fiber, is explained by the limited 
variety of feeding-stuffs employed. The coarse fodder was meadow 
hay with, in some cases, an addition (usually relatively small) of 
straw, while the grain was commonly oats, part of which was in some 
instances replaced by maize, beans, barley, flaxseed, or oil-meal, 
while starch was added to the ration in a number of trials. The 
larger part of the work of digestion, under these circumstances, was 
probably caused by the coarse fodders, viz., hay and straw, while the 
digested crude fiber was likewise derived chiefly or entirely from 
these substances. Such being the case, it follows that the loss 
of energy through digestive work would be in general proportional 
to the amount of crude fiber in the ration. The essential point in 
Wolff’s experiments is that the omission of crude fiber renders the 
results concordant, and this is as well explained in the manner just 
indicated as by the estimate of Zuntz & Hagemann that the work 
of digesting and assimilating crude fiber consumes the equivalent 
of its metabolizable energy. 

Experiments of 1891-94.—In the dynamometer employed by 
Wolff the resistance was produced by the friction of metallic sur- 
faces. A copy of his dynamometer was employed by Grandeau & 
LeClere in their investigations at Paris, and these experimenters 
found* that the measurement of the work was subject to large errors, 

* Fourth Memoir, p. 49. 


-particularly in experiments at a trot, owing to the continual changes 
in the friction. Wolff believes that in his experiments, all made 
at a rather slow walk, the errors are less, but admits that they are 
sufficient to deprive his computations of utilization of all val e. 

Grandeau & LeClerc, however, were successful in improving 
the dynamometer, by the addition of an integrating apparatus,* so 
that its measurements of the total work were satisfactory, and this 
apparatus was added to Wolff’s dynamometer in 1891. Before that 
date, therefore, Wolff’s experiments, while of great value in many 
other respects, afford no trustworthy direct data as to the utili- 
zation of the energy of the food for work production, although, as 
we have just seen, they afford some information on subsidiary 
points. From 1891, however, we may regard the measurements of 
the work done on the dynaniometer as reasonably accurate. 

Corrections. — Unfortunately, in the light of subsequent 
investigation, the same is not true of some of the other factors 
entering into the comparison, particularly the work of locomotion 
and the metabolizable energy of the food. 

In all his later experiments Wolff computes the work of hori- 

: Ww 
zontal locomotion per second by means of the formula 5 G je 

in which W equals the weight of the animal, g the force of gravity, 
and v the velocity per second. Zuntz’s experiments, however, 
appear to show that this formula gives too high results, the error 
increasing with the velocity, and Wolff + himself recognizes the truth 
of this for higher speeds. According to Zuntz’s determinations 
(p. 512), Kellner’s method of computation gives results agree- 
ing quite closely with those computed from his respiration experi- 
ments. Under the conditions of Wolff’s experiments this corre- 
sponds quite closely to 50,000 kgm. per 100 revolutions of the 
dynamometer, and in the comparisons which follow this amount 
has been substituted for that computed by Wolff, thus reducing 
materially the figures for the total work performed. 

Wolff estimates the metabolizable energy of the food, on the 
basis of Rubner’s results, by multiplying the digested fat by 2.4, 
adding the remaining digested nutrients, and reckoning the total 

* Ann. Sci. Agron., 1881, I, 464. 
{ Landw. Jahrb., 16, Supp. III, 119. 


at 4.1 Cals. per gram. As we have seen, however (Chapter X),. 
this figure is probably too high for herbivora, although exact figures 
for the horse are not yet fully available. Approximately, however, 
we may estimate the metabolizable energy of the several digested 
nutrients as follows (p. 332): 

Probe; 2.3542. iene marae 3.228 Cals per gram 
Crude fiber. 2. 238 ae on Spo. fhe. eae 
Nitrogen-free extract.......... AVIS Our eee 
Either extracts as \acacs ees 5 SCD aie ee 

Zuntz * estimates the metabolizable energy of the total nutri- 
ents (including fat x 2.4) at 3.96 Cals. per gram. This figure is 
probably somewhat high, especially for rations containing much 
crude fiber or ether extract, but may serve the purpose of approxi- 
mate calculations. 

of the experiments admit of a direct computation of the utiliza- 
tion for a single feeding-stuff, since in most cases the amounts of 
two or more feeding-stuffs were varied simultaneously. As an 
example of the former class we may take Periods I and II of the 
experiments of 1892-93. In Period I the ration consisted of 7.5 kgs. 
of hay and 4 kgs. of oats per day, while in Period II the oats were 
increased to 5.5 kgs. The quantities of nutrients digested and the 
metabolizable energy of the difference between the two rations 
(computed by the use of the factors Just given) were— 

. Crud Eth Total 
Papin : Tiber, Me t Histract ; N ditrients ' 

: Grms. Grong Grms. Grms. 
Period II....... 1022.4 849.6 4152.8 175.8 6446.6 
es MM Gas cers 847.8 819.9 3598 . 4 137.1 5595 .3 
Difference .... 174.6 29.7 554.4 38.7 851.3 

. Cals. Cals. Cals. Cals. Cals. 

Equiv. energy... 564 105 2320 332 3321 

In Period I (20 days) the daily work consisted of 300 revolutions 
of the dynamometer. With this amount of work the live weight 
of the horse underwent very little change, but there was a material 

* Landw. Jahrb., 27, Supp. ITI, 418. 


gain of nitrogen, so that Wolff estimates that the work might have 
been increased to 350 revolutions. In Period II (23 days) the 
daily work was increased to 450 revolutions and the same behavior 
was observed, while a further increase to 500 revolutions during 
the last ten days checked the gain of nitrogen without causing a 
decrease in live weight. Taking 350 and 500 revolutions respec- 
tively as representing the maximum amount of work that could be 
done on the two rations, the equivalent of the oats added may be 
computed as follows: 

" Equivalent 
Revolutions. ork, 

CTT OG MUS coe Schl avs eucnaus ters ah N Nc ey aa een 500 1,030,687 
ee Lester ictey she rare une dye Usual asi aiee Mi aecaa i cM ile lcten 350 722,678 
DitTETEM COMM yet sae ee eM ae ened eee eee aes 150 308,009 
Work of locomotion for 150 revolutions.........)........... 75,000 
Motaliditferencetye rs cuwsene se nie. Wak eau tn ogee ne OE Se an rg 383,009 
EG UAIECO RN aay ere cey Settee et velnoueate me iehnr stabetanedllcvey aise aneeatcwetaes 903 Cals. 

The percentage utilization was therefore 903+ 3321 = 27.2 per cent. 

The above figures serve to exemplify the general method of 
computation and likewise to illustrate the weak points in Wolff’s 
experiments, viz., the uncertainty in the determination of the work 
of locomotion and the impossibility of demonstrating the equilib- 
rium of food and work without the use of the respiration apparatus 
or calorimeter. 

Out of the whole number of experiments between 1891 and 1894, 
seven admit of a comparison of this sort, viz., four on oats, two on 
straw, and one on beans. Upon making the computations, how- 
ever, the results are found to be so exceedingly variable (the range 
for oats, e.g., being from 16.89 to 63.96 per cent.) as to demonstrate 
that the data of Wolff’s experiments are not sufficiently exact to be 
used in this way, and that the apparently reasonable result just 
computed is purely accidental. 

results do not enable us to compute the percentage utilization of 
single feeding-stuffs, if we accept provisionally his conclusions re- 
garding the non-availability of the crude fiber they afford data for 
numerous computations of the utilization of the fiber-free nutrients, 


and these computations in turn supply a check upon the hypoth- 
esis of the non-availability of crude fiber. 

Wolff makes the comparison by deducting from the total fiber- 
free nutrients 3300 grams per 500 kgs. live weight for maintenance 
and comparing the energy of the remainder with the amount of 
work done. In the following tabulation of his results this method 
has been pursued. For the energy of the fiber-free nutrients, 
Zuntz’s figure (3.96 Cals. per gram) has been used and the work of 
locomotion has been estimated at 50,000 kgm. per 100 revolutions 
of the dynamometer (compare p. 539). 

Wiper tee ae 
utrients ) 
: : Minus 3300 Work Done. £5 
Period. Ration. Grms. gy 
a 0 
Grms.| Cals. | Kgm. | Cals.| ~ 
IIe....| Hay, 7.0 kgs.; oats, 4. i kgs Oe eG sais ity 1,424] 5,639] 931,676 2,197|38.95 
TEL Pests | cae fe ORs Sha et) ele Bema ca snare ctr, ohare 1,990} 7,881]1,129 568 2,663/33.79 
VE kill tas je ON STAT Ae ahaa Seeliats Sieeetevien ei ts 2,259] 8,945)1,094,328|2 581/28 .86 
ASV OL BD Coa More tarersicna eee eee Naaeue oy abe ayers oar e| eke hee ei elas aor eset OowLO 
la-d Hayev so Kes; Oats; 4 OUK esis sci ooo 1,775] 7,026]1,074,802)2,535|/36 .07 
IDS |e SAO ES “5.5 “ straw, 1 kg....| 1,873} 7.416/1,153,813|2,720/36 .68 
Tie | 9s “4555 =) (prain sb Oikes:; 1.5kgs.} 1,521] 6,023} 912 ,454'2,152/35.73 
TEV 8 BS Bin ORO ee “1.5 “ | 1,860} 7,365}1,186 ,577|2,799/38 .00 
Wie ae CO eB SP “Oats An: be Mercleisvorinre stay-te Sc: 1.903] 7,537/1,188 ,388]2 ,803/37.18 
ANOLE PE stro i tne tove One ee eae enais (oes Stem e a ves| teh a casted plerersbers eae Oh Ae PO keer DOLLA 
arte Hay. 7.5 kgs.; oats, 4. 0 kgs ied cen Me og Sgr ok 1,475} 5,841} 897,678/2,116 36.24 
18 ee ae Se Or | Deere Saeco ae tape oumeck 2,297! 9,095) 1,280 ,687/3,024 33.20 
NGOS re 6202 SES 5p gern nape es detnunt ec eau: 1,670| 6.613] 905 ,568]/2,135/32.28 
IVb 22) 620i: “ 5.5 ‘* ;straw, 1 kg...| 2,036] 8.063]1,167 ,127|2,752/34.14 
Vike rig 4) Pie = Serie ies “1 “...| 2,577|10,210)1 421 285/38 ,352'32 .85 
Vileis Si AOR Se ies ra 7 2 Kpess., 2.09211 10,660 A piace 3,655)|34.28 
; ytcies ke ene Te OO EU One OS Utee Toman oe iNtce crn, oles ase [OO 
A once ae Hay, 6. B kgs. ; oats, 4. ; kgs. ; . straw, 1.0 kg.| 1,607) 6,362| 900,267)/2.122)33 .36 
BI..2 2 3.0 7.0 2.5kgs.| 2,580/10,220)1,549, 262/3,653!35.76 
Vane Al) ye eon) tae eral Ol cee a 2.5‘ .| 2,560)10,140'1,545, '702|3,645 135.95 
Wil ee ey AO ea tay HONOR Du Abe 26S 2880] 1420: 673, 786|3,948'34.61 
IA VETAR CHS 2. crclajcresens yore anlar ebefienceone Log deresectemetial Petronas Wh sae teed catassnile very | OOR00 

In every instance but one the utilization as thus computed 
exceeds 31.3 per cent. In other words, the energy of the body 
material which, according to Zuntz & Hagemann’s results, must 
have been metabolized to produce the amount of work done exceeds 
considerably the amount computed to be available from the food. 
There being no reason to question the substantial accuracy of Zuntz 
& Hagemann’s factor, this means, of course, that if the food and 
work were in equilibrium our estimates of the energy available from 


the food are too low. Either 3300 grams of fiber-free nutrients 
(13,068 Cals.) is too large an allowance for maintenance, or the 
assumption that the energy of the digested crude fiber is substan- 
tially equivalent to the work of digestion and assimilation is erro- 
neous, or, finally, the figure of 3.96 Cals. per gram of digested nutri- 
ents is too small. As regards the latter possibility, while it may 
be conceded that the energy per gram of digested matter will vary 
somewhat in different experiments, the difference will be too small 
to materially affect the result. The uncertainty regarding the 
maintenance requirement may be readily eliminated by a computa- 
tion based on the differences between the several periods, thus afford- 
ing, to a degree at least, a test of the correctness of Wolff’s hypothe- 
sis regarding the crude fiber. The following table contains the 
results of such comparisons. In each series the period with the 
least amount of digested food (fiber-free) has been compared with 
the other periods of the same series. 

Energy of 

seating Work, Utilization, 
Sere Ge ree 
eri ocala? ait ars eiccans 20,949 2663 
SS ov 10) Uh Koa re 18,707 2197 
2,242 466 20.79 
Period VER h ris icre sperdaie 22,013 2581 
GS ya Ime Na ety Sema te 18,707 2197 
3,306 384 11.62 
Period Ia-d...... rete ctercOciar 20,094 2535 
a NSTC Reta aie) ccna cic 19,091 2152 
1,003 383 | ~ 38.19 
Reniodmllbmeerrrmriciecern 20,484 2720 
ites Pe LOLS ieee az pens ae ry 19,091 QN52 
1,393 568 40.77 
Period “LVWiw aa ee 20.433 2799 
seiiks PL ered cing ethene nek 19,091 2152 
1,342 647 48 .21 


rhe ig Work, Utilization, 
eS ee Cals. Per Cent. 
1892. : 
IRETIO GAVE oabtree a ciars evade 20,605 2803 
Hae) OO ee ena mee ate 19,091 2152 
1,514 651 43.00 
Period tit ee omnes tees 22,163 3024 
Soe ue] SEF alco We bt Bt ERs en et 19,295 2126 
2,868 898 31.31 
Reriod .LVibwn erases 21,131 2752 
fehl Lars soo Cel BO Wea, RE ps 19,295 2126 
1,836 626 34.10 
IPOLIOM W420, cts tosaereae ernie 23,278 3352 
e Drang LD ee ssece 19,295 2126 
3,983 1226 30.78 
Reridd AViLCs eras octets ee 23,728 3655 
cee and, Eevee. 19,295 2126 
4,433 1529 34.48 
Period Wu on strani ots 23,288 3653 
Camas Cee een ears | 19,430 2122 
3,858 1531 39.68 
IPETIOA N07, ecvlcae 23,208 3645 
Les ee ace ate 19,430 2122 
3,778 1523 40.31 
Period: Vi ceva eda eas 24,488 3948 
SINE nae correc 19,430 2122 
5,058 1826 36.10 

Totals and averages, ex- 

cluding 1891-92...... 31,066 11,408 36.73 

With the exception of the experiments of 1891-92, which were 
the first with the new form of dynamometer and which Wolff con- 
siders unsatisfactory, we have but two cases in which the apparent 
utilization does not exceed 31.3 per cent. Having eliminated the 
uncertainty as to the maintenance ration, and the figures for the 
energy of the food being regarded as substantially correct, this can 


mean only one of two things, viz., that the figures for the work done 
are too high or that the deduction on account of the crude fiber is 
too great. 

That a determination of the equivalence of food and work by 
Wolff’s method is subject to considerable uncertainty in an indi- 
vidual case is obvious, but there seems to be no apparent reason 
why it should be uniformly overestimated. The measurement of 
the work was made with great care, and while the work of locomo- 
tion is an estimate, its close agreement with the results of Zuntz & 
Hagemann (p. 539) renders it unlikely that it is seriously in error. 

It would appear, then, that with the rations used in these ex- 
periments the energy required for digestion and assimilation was 
less than the energy of the digested crude fiber. How much less it 
was, however, unfortunately does not appear, and we are obliged 
to content ourselves for the present with this negative conclusion. 

Zuntz & HAGEMANN’S CompuTATiIons.—These investigators * 
have recalculated Wolff’s results in a still different manner. In- 
stead of taking for the amount of work equivalent to the ration the 
figures given by Wolff, which, as already explained, are to a certain 
extent estimates, they take the amount of work actually performed 
in each case and correct for the observed gain or loss of live weight. 
This method is in conception more scientific than Wolff’s, pro- 
vided the requisite correction can be accurately estimated. As the 
basis for such an estimate, Zuntz & Hagemann take an early experi- 
ment by Wolff,t from which they compute that one gram loss of 
live weight is equivalent to one half revolution of the dynamometer 
(at 76 kgs. draft). From the same experiment they compute the 
mechanical equivalent of one revolution as 2694 kem. This, how- 
ever, aside from the fact that it is the result of a single series of 
experiments, was obtained with the old form of dynamometer, 
whose indications, as we have seen, were too high, but the later 
experiments unfortunately are not reported in a way to permit of 
an estimate of the difference. 

Taking the correction, then, as estimated, Zuntz & Hagemann 
divide Wolff’s experiments into two groups, viz., those in which the 
work was 400 or less revolutions and those in which it was more 

* Loc. cit., pp. 412-422. 
+ Grundlagen, etc., p. 80. 


than 400 revolutions. Comparing the averages of these two groups, 
they obtain the following: 

eee vor of 
+t ; 
NGricnte, Work, Kem. Weight, 
° Grms. Grms. 
Heavier work (18 experiments)........... 6236 1,415,755 179.5 
Lighter “ (13 as ) scale hisseueeen che 5851 995,225 7.3 
WOU ETEN CE. Fics oso td. wipe toe oho sks ae 385 420,530 172.2 
Correction for loss.of welght7.< neccme eo cas -oe ee 231,922 

According to this computation, the 385 grams of added nutrients 
enabled 188,608 kgm. of work to be performed. At 3.96 Cals. per 
eram the metabolizable energy of the added nutrients equals 1524 
Cals. From this, according to Zuntz & Hagemann, is to be de- 
ducted 9 per cent. for the work of digestion and also 2.65 Cals. 
for each gram of total crude fiber in the added food. On this 
basis we have the following: 

Weight, Energy 
Grms. als 
Digested nutrients.............. 385 1524 
Average crude fiber fed: 
Heavier work: . i205. ¢s8002) = 2338 
Thighter works. = a2 ocueise ie cele 2356 
DiferenCe wis sole Mies tert aecsteenste —18 
Equivalent energy..........)....--.--+ ' —48 
Work of digestion (1524 X 0.9)..|.......... t sz 
Deductronie;se5 ae eRe aerators seared ees | 89 
Available:energyis.doaie se ot oes See eee. 1435 
Work done (188,608 + 424)......].......... 445 

The work done is 31 per cent. of the computed available energy of 
the food, a figure corresponding very closely with the 31.3 per 
cent. found by Zuntz & Hagemann. 

The difference in the average amount of crude fiber fed in the 
two groups of experiments is so small that the estimate for the 


energy required by its digestion hardly affects the computation. 
What the result appears to show is that the estimate of 9 per 
cent. for the digestion and assimilation of the fiber-free nutrients 
is approximately correct. 

The difference in the amount of digested crude fiber was some- 
what greater than that in the totalamount. If we make the com- 
parison of the two averages on the basis of’ the fiber-free nutrients 
in the same manner as in previous cases we have— 

Fiber-free nutrients: 

Heleavaer WOT ies is toni). aii elslor eves 5524 grams 
Meoltery WOTK sole. ses eae cre ay eh area 5086“ 
Ditherencesaihlry wba ty siecle cen ae 438 “ 
Bquivalentienerey, ascetic 1735 Cals. 
HME REV OL WOEK 711 toy shots icionsiate sist 445 “ 
Witilizati omnes sy sneer eten ro aretlel ste 25.65 per cent. 

Apparently a considerable amount of energy was required for 
the work of digestion and assimilation in addition to that equiva- 
lent to the digested crude fiber, a result which seems to conflict 
with the conclusions drawn from a discussion of the same experi- 
ments in the preceding paragraph. The apparent discrepancy lies 
in the determination of the amount of external work equivalent 
to the added nutrients. Wolff, as we have seen, after securing 
an approximate constancy of live weight, corrects the measured 
amount of work in accordance with his judgment of the amount 
which would have been equivalent to the ration given and relies on 
the ‘‘might of averages” to overcome the inherent uncertainties of 
his method. Zuntz & Hagemann, on the other hand, reckon with 
the measured amount of work, but are then compelled to correct 
their final result for the loss of live weight, and unfortunately this 
correction is relatively a very large one (over 50 per cent.) and rests 
upon a rather uncertain basis. While it would perhaps be pre- 
sumptuous to attempt to decide the relative value of the two methods 
and the probability of the divergent conclusions based on them, one 
can hardly avoid feeling that the trained judgment of the actual 
experimenter is a safer reliance than such a relatively large cor- 
rection computed by a critic. 


In any case it is obvious that while the extensive researches 
of Zuntz and his associates afford very reliable data as to the 
ratio between the energy liberated in muscular work and the 
amount of external work accomplished, or, in other words, as to 
the utilization of the net available energy of the food, we have as 
yet, notwithstanding the vast amount of work done by Wolff and 
his co-laborers and others, but very fragmentary and uncertain 
data as to the utilization of the metabolizable energy of the food for 
work production. 



Feed Added. 

Meadow hay v{ 

Difference... . 

Meadow hay V ; 

Difference. ... 
Correction.. :. 


Meadow hayVI | = 


Meadow hayVI { 



tt} | Animal. 

Co | Period. 




In Added Feed, 

Total, Grms. 











31253125 Mee 


9743|6495| 46275. 
6402/3198/ 30338 . 

S0a/0ON|;/ FO OW 


3341/3297 1Pa88 : 

wo | Ho 

{15728 .6 

Energy of 
Feces, (Cor- 
Cals. | rected), 
16323.7 | 2113.3 
9599.2 | 1530.0 
6724.5 583.3 
+5.9 +0.9 
6730.4 584.2 
49.81 4.32 
15336.3 | 1916.1 
9491.5 | 1359.6 
5844.8 556.5 
—14.0 —2.0 
5830.8 554.5 
44.80 4.26 
14103.7 | 2576.3 
8574.9 | 1795.0 
5528.8 781.3 
—2.5 —0.5 
5526.3 780.8 
37.07 5.24 
14104.8 | 2593.0 
8574.9 | 1795.0 
5529.9 798.0 
—58.9 | —12.3 
5471.0 785.7 
34.78 5.00! 

Methane,| Total, SS 
Cals. | Cals. |4int© 

3250.6 |23133.6 


2560.7 |17637.9 

689.9 | 5495.7 

+ 1.5) ) = 1087, 

691.4 | 5506.4 |1.933 
5.12 40.75 

3432.1 |23126.8 

2524.7 |17374.9 

907.4 | 5751.9 

—3.7 | —25.7 

903.7 | 5726.2 |2.087 
6.94 44.00 

306.6 |25269.2 

579.4 |17388.8 

727.2 | 7880.4 

—0.8 Se | 

726.4 | 7875.3 |2.520 
4.87 52.82 

3564.2 |26013.0 

2579.4 |17388.8 

984.8 | 8624.2 

cel n6 119.4 

967.1 | 8504.8 |2.580 
6.15 54.07 


Feed Added. 

Meadow hayVI { | 


Percentage .. . 
Oat straw II.. 

Difference ... 
Correction... . 


Oat straw II.. 


Difference... . 

Percentage... . 
Wheat straw I ; 


Percentage .. . 
Wheat straw I ; 

Difference... . 


Extracted rye § 
straw 7 

Difference ... 
Correction ... 

Percentage .. . 


Difference... . 
Correction... . 

Extracted rye 



TABLE I (Continued). 


Matter Energy of Metabolizable 
Eaten. Energy. 
a1 Oo Per 
F ss a Urine ie 
dla \o) 2s Food, Feces, | (Cor- |Methane,| Total, Me 
Sloalse| Cals Cals. | rected),| Cals. Cals. | S2me 
B28) ma | SS Mat- 
a1 | a | Cals. ee 
aio Olg ter, 
a) A} a lA Cals. 
dj 2 19539/6340 45239.6 |13218.1 | 2755.1 | 3620.2 |25646.2 
J 4 16458/3239 30548.5 | 8171.2 | 1824.6 | 2722.2 |17830.5 
3081)}3101 14691.1 | 5046.9 930.5 898.0 | 7815.7 
101.8 | + 27.2 6.1 9.1 59.4 
14792.9 | 5074.1 936.6 907.1 | 7875.1 |2.540 
100.00 34.30 6.33 6.13 53.24 
F | 2 |9819/3170 46690.1 |18296.3 | 1884.2 | 3239.9 |23269.7 
F | 3 |6630 0 31327.8 | 9599.2 | 1529.8 | 2560.7 |17638.1 
3189/3170 15362.3 | 8697.1 354.4 679.2 | 5631.6 
—94.3 | —28.9 —4.6 = f.h | —oowb 
15268.0 | 8668.2 349.8 671.5 | 5578.5 |1.760 
100.00 56.77 2.29 4.40 36.54 
G 1/1 |9740/3115 45626.1 |17983.1 | 1633.6 | 3448.1 |22561.3 
G | 3 |6651 0 30750.7 | 9491.5 | 1359.6 | 2524.7 |17374.9 
3089 3115, 14875.4 8491.6 274.0 923.4 | 5186.4 
+ 126.5 | +39.0 +5.6 | +10.4 | +71.5 
15001.9 | 8530.6 279.6 933.8 | 5257.9 |1.688 
100.00 56.86 1.86 6.23 35.05 
H | 1 1961113195 45570.1 |17751.7 | 2084.7 | 3792.4 |21941.3 
H | 4 \6402 0 30338.1 | 8574.9 | 1795.0 | 2579.4 |17388.8 
3209/3195 15232.0 | 9176.8 289.7 | 1213.0 | 4552.5 
—76\6 | —21.7 —4.5 —6.5 | —43.9 
15155.4 | 9155.1 285.2 | 1206.5 | 4508.6 |1 411 
100.00 60.41 1.88 7.96 29.75 
J 1 (9583 3188 45365 .9 16562.1 | 2237.8 | 4003.2 |22562.8 
J 4 6458 0 30548. 5 8171.2 | 1824.6 | 2722.2 |17830.5 
3125/3188 14817.4 | 8390.9 413.2 1281.0 | 4732.3 
+302.4 | +80.9 | +18.1 | +26.9 |+176.5 
vd 15119.8 | 8471.8 431.3 | 1307.9 | 4908.8 |1.540 
100.00 56.03 2.85 8.65 32.47 
H | 5 |9114/2665/41900.7 9926.4 | 1756.5 | 4004,5 |26213.3 
H.| 4 |6402 0/30338.1 | 8574.9) 1795.0 | 2579.4 |17388.8 
2712'2665/11562.6 | 1351.5 —38.5 | 1425.1 | 8824.5 
— 232.7 —65.8 | —13.8 | —19.8 |—133.3 
11329.9 | 1285.7 | —52.3 | 1405.3 | 8691.2 |3.261 
100.00 TSS —0.46, 12.40 76.71 
J 5 |9142/2659 41962.6 | 9799.0 | 1705.8 | 4147.4 |26310.4 
J | 4 (6458 0 30548.5 | 8171.2 | 1824.6 | 2722.2 |17830.5 
2684 2659 11414.1 1627.8 |—118.8 | 1425.2 | 8479.9 
—113.3 — 30.3 —6.8 | —10.1 | —66.1 
11300.8 | 1597.5 |—125.6 | 1415.1 | 8413.8 |3.164 
100.00 14.14 a 12.52 74.45 



| Organic Apparent 
Matter Energy of Metabolizable 
| Eaten. Energy. 
=o | io aR RUT ATR 
a 2 Per 
Feed Added. § |e Urine Gram 
Se ez Or- 
aA 5 |) te) q Food, Feces, (Cor- |Methane,| Total, ania 
8 SF SE! Cals. Cals. | rected),| Cals. Cals. M ae 
aia $ ad Cals. tan 
aja} a |8 Cals. 
, F | 6 (8262 1702 37946.2 |11365.8 | 1786.1 | 2397.9 |22396.4 
Beet'mol'ses I | F | 3 |6630| 0 31327.8 | 9599.2 | 1530.0 | 2560.7 |17637.9 
Difference... . 1632/1702) 6618.4 | 1766.6 256.1 |—162.8 | 4758.5 
Correction... . +330.8 |+101.3 | +16.2 | +27.0 |+186.3 
6949.2 | 1867.9 272.3 |—135.8 | 4944.8 |2.905 
Percentage .. . 100.00 26.87 39.2 —1.95 71.16 
’ H | 6 8110/1611'37544.4 | 9070.0 | 2035.2 | 3458.8 |22980.4 
Beet mol’ses IT }| #1 | $ (B409| 010 30338.1 | 8574.9 | 1793.0 | 2570.4 |17388.8 
Difference... . 1708/1611) 7206.3 495.1 240.2 879.4 | 5591.6 
Correction... . —459.4 |—129.8 | —27.2 ; —39.1 |—263.3 
; 6746.9 365.3 213.0 840.3 | 5328.3 |3.308 
Percentage... 100.00 5.40 3.16 12.44 79.00 
, J | 6 |8104)1595 37461.1 | 9198.7 | 2017.2 | 3422.7. |22822.5 
Beet mol’ses 11} | J | 9 |Gassl'°'o 0548.5 | S171.o | 1824.6 | 3722-2 |17830.5 
Difference... . 1646)1595, 6912.6 | 1027.5 192.6 700.5 | 4992.0 
Correction... . — 234.3 | —62.7 | —14.0 | —20.9 |—136.7 
6678.3 964.8 178.6 679.6 | 4855.3 13.044 
Percentage... 100.00 14.45 2.67 10.18 72.70 



Organic Apparent 
Matter Energy of Metabolizable 
Eaten. Energy. 
a 3 Per 
Feed Added. FS ion 3 Urine* Grm. 
= Sp Ree eel q Food, | Feces, (Cor- |Methane,| Total, Or- 
s Ke) a= {|S 48!| Cals. Cals. rected), | Cals. Cals. Afate 
& 2 S| so Cals By 
q o o}m ter, 
< Ay Ala, Cals. 
I (/IIT] 2 |8839]1651/40964.5 |16615.5 | 1430.3 | 3225.3 |19593.4 
Starch I....4 |tyz| 7 |7328|  0'34603.2 |15505.1 | 1549.6 | 2670.1 |14878.4 
Difference. . 1511/1651} 6361.3 ' 1110.4 | —119.3 655.2 | 4715.0 
Correction... +658.0 |+294.8 +29.5.) +50.8 282.9 
7019.3 | 1405.2 —89.8 706.0 | 4997.9 |3.029 
Percentage. 100.00 20.02 —1.29 10.06 (Mew 
init / IV 2 1|8787|1608|40725.6 |17202.1 1434.9 | 3348.0 |18740.6 
Starch I... 4 |1v |1ae@617074| 0/33405.1 |15250.6 | 1481.5 | 2491.3 |14181.7 
Difference . 1713/1608] 7320.5 | 1951.5 — 46.6 856.7 | 4558.9 
Correction . —492.0_|— 224.6 —21.8 | —36.7 |—208.9 
6828.5 | 1726.9 —68.4 820.0 | 4350.0 |2.705 
Percentage . 100.00 25.29 —1.01 12.01 63.71 
Starch T1..4 Vv | 2a |8767/1621/40827.5 |15804.1 | 1618.3 | 3021.1 |20384.0 
tarch II..-y)y | 1 |7199|  0/34211.5 |15312.2 | 1559.3 | 2268.5 |15071.5 
Difference. . 1568/1621] 6616.0 491.9 59.0 752.6 | 5312.5 
Correction. . +255.0 |/+114.2 +11.6 +16.9 |+112.3 
6871.0 606.1 70.6 769.5 | 5424.8 |3.347 
Percentage . 100.00 8.82 1.03 11.20 78.95 
Starch 1 f| Vv 2b 18792/1663/40917.4 |16270.0 | 1524.8 | 2941.0 |20181.6 
arch dl... y/w | 41 |7199] 0/34211.5 |15312.2 | 1559.3 | 2268.5 |15071.5 
Difference. . 1593/1663] 6705.9 957.8 | —34.5 672.5 |) 51 10e1 
Correction. . +334.1 |+149.5 | +15.2 | +22.2 |+147.2 
7040.0 |i 110723 —19.3 694.7 | 5257.3 |3.161 
Percentage . 100.00 15.73) —0.27 9.86 74.68 
Starch II §| VI] 26 |8861/1669 41245.9 |15485.9 | 1569.6 | 3130.5 |21059.9 
arch Il...4|) yt} 1 1/7125) 0/33855.4 |13765.2 ! 1737.9 | 2480.6 |15871.7 
Difference. . 1736|1669| 7390.5 | 1720.7 |—168.3 649.9 | 5188.2 
Correction. . —320.9 |—130.5 | —16.5 | —23.5 |—150.4 
7269.6 | 1590.2 |—184.8 626.4 | 5037.8 |3.018 
Percentage . 100.00 22.49| —2.61 8.86 71.26 
Starch IL §| VI} 3. |9953}2788)/45859 .6, 16091.4 | 1643.9 | 3897.8 |24226.5 
SN Vill, Ee alo 0/33855.4 |13765.2 | 1737.9 | 2480.6 |15871.7 
Difference. . 2828|2788|12004.2 | 2326.2 | —94.0 | 1417.2 | 8354.8 
Correction .. —193.4 | —78.6 -9.9 | —14.2 | —90.7 
11810.8 | 2247.6 |—103.9 | 1403.0 | 8264.1 |2.964 
Percentage . 100.00 19.03] —0.88 fa Betesy/ 69.98 

* Computed from carbon content. 

Feed Added. 

Difference .. 
Correction .. 
Percentage .. 

StarchIand § 
I | 


Difference .. 
Correction .. 

Percentage .. 


Shiondh 100 -- | 

Difference .. 
Correction .. 

Percentage .. 


Starch III .. ' 

Difference .. 
Correction .. 

Percentage .. 


Starch III .. { 

Difference . . 

Percentage .. 

Starch IV... ; 


Difference .. 
Correction .. 

Percentage .. 
Starch IV... } 

Difference .. 
Correction .. 

Organic Apparent 
Matter Energy of Metabolizable 
Eaten. Energy. 
a e Per 
5 Sa Urine va 
os 5 af© Food, Feces, (Cor- |Methane,| Total, ae 
3} a a| Cals. Cals. | rected), Cals. Cals. ares 
= 4 $ als at- 
oy S Shes ter, 
A Cais. 
2 |11698/3231'52928.6 |15915.8 | 1740.1 | 3382.7 131890.0 
4 |10067/1607/46129.1 |11874.4 | 1958.5 | 3716.3 |28579.9 
1631/1624] 6799.5 | 4041.4 |—218.4 |~333.6 | 3310.1 
—30.9]| -—8.0] -1.3] —2.5] —19.1 
6768.6 | 4033.4 |—219.7 |—336.1 | 3291.0 |2.027 
100.00] 59.60} -—3.25| —4.97| 48.62 
2 |11980/3193)54016.5 |19185.6 | 1723.7 | 3250.6 |29856.6 
1 |10407|1602/47458.0 |15746.8 | 1785.7 | 3255.9 |26669.6 
1573|1591| 6558.5 | 3438.8 | —62.0 | —5.3 | 3187.0 
+70.8 | +23.5 | 42.7] +4.9] 439.7 
6629.3 | 3462.3 | —59.3 —0.4 | 3226.7 |2.028 
100.00} 52.22} —0.89) -—0.01} 48.68 
2 |11636]/1583]53902.2 |17817.9 | 2211.2 | 3381.4 |30491.7 
1 | 9974] 0/46945.4 |15718.3 | 2407.0 | 2957.0 |25863.1 
1662/1583] 6956.8 | 2099.6 |—195.8 | 424.4 | 4628.6 
—379.5 |—127.1 | —19.5 | —23.9 |-209.0 
6577.3 | 1972.5 |—215.3 | 400.5 | 4419.6 |2.792 
100.00} 29.99] —3.27 6.08] 67.20 
4 | 8374/1687/38608.3 |10833.9 | 1594.3 | 3382.7 |22797.4 
3 | 6630]  0/31327.8 | 9599.2 | 1530.0 | 2560.7 |17637.9 
1744|1687| 7280.5 | 1234.7 64.3 | 822.0 | 5159.5 
— 268.3 | -—82.5 | —13.2 | —22.0 |—150.6 
7012.2 | 1152.2 51.1 | 800.0 | 5008.9 |2.969 
100.00) 16.42 0.72) 11241) 9 71/44 
4 | g380|1676/37963.6 |10497.1 | 1394.7 | 3170.5 |22901.3 
3 | 6651} 0/30750.7 | 9491.5 | 1359.6 | 2524.7 |17374.9 
1729|1676| 7212.9 | 1005.6 35.1] 645.8 | 5526.4 
—246.2 | —76.0 | —10.9 | —20.2 |—139.1 
6966.7 | 929.6 24.2 | 625.6 | 5387.3 |3-214 
100.00) 13.35 0.35 8.98] 77.32 
3 | 8373/2013/38562.4 | 9843.8 | 1588.4 | 3183.9 |23946.3 
4 | 6402}  0/30338.1 | 8574.9 | 1795.0 | 2579.4 |17388.8 
1971/2013] 8224.3 | 1268.9 |—206.6 | 604.5 | 6557.5 
+193.2 | +54.6 | +11.4 | +16.4 |4+-110.8 
8417.5 | 1323.5 |—195.2 | 620.9 | 6668.3 |3-313 
100.00)') 15.72) —2.32 7.38] 79.22 
3 | 8004/1600/36982.6 | 9096.8 | 1885.4 | 3492.1 |22508.3 
4 | 6458]  0)30548.5 | 8171.2 | 1824.6 | 2722.2 |17830.5 
1546| 1600 6434.1 | 925.6 60.8 | 769.9 | 4677.8" 
+254.1 | +68.0 | +15.2 | +22.6 |+148.3 
| 6688.2 | 993.6 76.0 | 792.5 | 4826.1 |3.017 
100.00! 14.85 1.14 11.85! 72.16 

Percentage .. 




Feed Added. 



Wheat gluten + Ill 

Correction. . . 

Percentage. . 


Wheat gluten 1 LIT 

Difference. .. 
Correction.. . 
Percentage .. 


Wheat gluten } Iv 

Difference. . . 
Correction. .. 

Percentage .. 


Difference .. 
Correction . . 
Percentage .. 

avbeet gluten § 
Bishe Fo ayesbue ( 


Difference .. 
Correction .. 
Percentage .. 

Wheat gluten § 
ig 7 


Difference .. 
Correction .. 

Percentage .. 

Wheat gluten § 
] 6 COs ae 


Difference .. 
Correction .. 

Percentage .. 











Organic Apparent 
Matter Energy of Metabolizable 
Eaten. Energy. 
a g | Per 
g 36 Urine Grm. 
iG} a Food, Feces, (Cor- |Methane Total Or- 
a= [ad] Cals. Cals. | rected), | Cals. Cals,’ | anie 
8 a@ Cals. * | Mat- 
Ss pores ter, 
9311] 576/44025.3 |16041.5 | 2048.8*| 3669.6 |22265.4 
8839 0/40964.5 |16615.5 | 1430.3*) 3325.3 |19593.4 
472) 576| 3060.8 |—574.0 618.5 344.3 | 2672.0 
+502.9 |+204.0 | +17.6 +40.8 |4+240.5 
3563.7 |—370.0 636.1 385.1 | 2912.5 |5.057 
100.00} —10.38 17.85 10.81 81.72 
10037|1157/48293.6 |16593.3 | 2990.4*| 3703.0 |25006.9 
8839 0|40964.5 |16615.5 | 1430.3*| 3325.3 |19593.4 
1198)1157| 7329.1 —22.2 | 1560.1 377.7 | 5413.5 
—171.2 —69.4 —6.0 —13.9 | —81.9 
7157.9 | —91.6 | 1554.1 363.8 | 5331.6 |4.608 
100.00; —1.28& 20k 5.08 74.49 
9483] 582!44860.3 |16845.6 | 2036.3*| 3346.7 |22631.7 
8787 0:40725.6 |17202.1 1434.9*| 3348.0 |18740.6 
696] 582) 4134.7 |—356.5 601.4 —1.3 | 3891.1 
— 534.4 |—225.7 —18.8 —43.9 |—246.0 
3600.3 |—582.2 582.6 | —45.2 | 3645.1 [6.263 
100.00) —16.17 16.18 —1.26) 101.25 
11636/1746 54939.3 |14514.7 | 3372.3 | 3753.7 |33298.6 
10067 261/46129. 1 |11874.4 | 1958.5 | 3716.3 |28579.9 
1569/1485) 8810.2 | 2640.3 | 1413.8 37.4 | 4718.7 
— 380.5 | —97.9 —16.2 — 30.7 |—235.7 
8429.7 | 2542.4 | 1397.6 6.7 | 4483.0 |3.019 
100.00 30.16 16.58 0.08 53.18 
11533] 1742/54469.0 |13753.4 | 3092.1 | 3574.9 |34048.6 
10067} 261/46129.1 |11874.4 | 1958.5 | 3716.3 |28579.9 
1466)1481|} 8339.9 | 1879.0 | 1133.6 |—141.4 | 5468.7 
+62.3 | +16.0 +2.6 +5.0 +38.7 
8402.2 | 1895.0 | 1136.2 |—136.4 | 5507.4 |3.719 
100.00 2255 13.52} —1.62 65.55 
11994|1746/56293.6 |17643.2 | 2744.1 | 2973.0 |32933.3 
10407| 261/47458.0 |15746.8 | 1785.7 | 3255.9 |26669.6, 
1587|1485| 8835.6 | 1896.4 958.4 | —282.9 | 6263.7 
—411.4 |—136.5 —15.5 — 28.2 |—231.2 
8424.2 | 1759.9 942.9 |—311.1 | 6032.5 |4.062 
100.00 20.89 11.19} -—3.69 71.61 
11578 1407|56053.6 17322.9 | 3468.0 | 3171.9 |32090.8 
9974 0|46945.4 |15718.3 | 2407.0 | 2957.0 |25863.1 
1604 1407) 9108.2 | 1604.6 | 1061.0 214.9 | 6227.7 | 
—934.1 ; —312.7 —A47.9 —58.8 |—514.7 
8174.1 1291.9 | 1013.1 156.1 | 5713.0 |4.061 
100.00 15.80 12.39! 1.91 69.90 

* Estimated from carbon content. 




Feed Added. 

Difference. .. 

Percentage .. 
Peanut oil IT. 1 


Percentage .. 
Peanut oil II. 


Percentage .. 

Peanut oil I.. { 

UU! Animal. 



mow | Period. 



Organic Apparent 
Matter Energy of Metabolizable 
Eaten Energy. 

- g Per 
—§ |e. Urine Gram 
6 |Bg| Food, | Feces, (Cor- |Methane,| Total, Ps 

. |oe} Cals. Cals. rected),| Cals Cals. | Sante 
@ [3° Cals. Mee 
RS) | Cals 
al | i 

10752! 709|54007.3 | 1749.2 | 2351.2 | 2909.0 /31279.6 
9974|' 0/46945.4 |15718.3 | 2407.0 | 2957.0 |25863.1 
778| 709| 7061.9 | 1749.2 | —55.8 | —48.0 | 5416.5 
— 331.1 |—110.9 | —17.0 | —20.8 |—182.4 
6730.8 | 1638.3 | —72.8 | —68.8 | 5234.1 |7.382 
100.00 24.34 —1.08) —1.02}| —77.76 

7491| 798/39185.9 |14585.7 | 1455.0 | 1369.1 |21776.1 

6630 0/31327.8 | 9599.2 | 1530.0 | 2560.7 |17637.9 
861| 798] 7858.1 | 4986.5 | —75.0 |—1191.6| 4138.2 

—302.0 | —92.5 | —14.8 | —24.7 |—170.0 
7556.1 | 4894.0 | —89.8 | 1216.3 | 3968.2 |4.973 
100.00 64.77) —1.19} —16.10 52.52 

7396] 798/38057.3 |12512.9 | 1452.1 | 2371.2 |21721.1 

6651 0|30750.7 | 9491.5 | 1359.6 | 2524.7 |17374.9 
745| 798] 7306.6 | 3021.4 92.5 |—153.5 | 4346.2 

+249.5 | +77.0 | +11.0 | +20.5 |4+141.0 
7556.1 | 3098.4 103.5 |—133.0 | 4487.2 |5.623 
100.00 41.00 1.37| —1.76 59.39 




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‘(panuyuo)) ILA WT VvL 



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Sts ee ee kG pen ererts Te ‘polled | Teuay 
AsIOUy ssooxny penduioy -Oqey esvIOAY 


‘(panuyuoy) IIA ATaAVL 



cc’ gg QIS68.C—| S' FEF 8 FGF O=ds0 0, OO Oso 0 00. 020-0..040-0-010 0 00°05 sousrIeyIq 
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68S | Z800'% | L4:66e'S | T'686'ET | 8'S8E'ZT | 6899 | F Hae eabas Stee es uoryed [ese 
0'6F8 2 6 060 ZI 
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e28}UedIEg AZI0UT Sssooxq peyndurog -oqeyo OBeIOAY 

‘(panuyuo)) IIA WIAVL 



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sec ee RR ae 2 = 2 OT Bia eeee 

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J UaNyy Way MY 

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oi fe tellers sone e 197) eUl OTUBSIO IOj UOT}IG.11O() 
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J 8asspjo Py 729g 

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uses eclorievva eiretuaeetieziesers Sossv[Oul + uolyel [ese 

¢ sasspjo py 729g 

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‘(panuyuog) IIA ATAVL 



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/ Uainyy) qway M 

*(panuyuog) IIA ATAVL 



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ese}usIIEg AgZi0uy ssooxq peyndulog -048 42 asdeIIAY 

‘(panuyuo)) IIA AIAVL 



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. YILDIg! 

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Acid, acetic, effect of, on proteid metabolism. ..... her etake tie veneteretcheletietsne 123 
totalimetabolismineen sacs ae coterie 160 

FEplaceMenitev aes Olnwe siiieis there caralevcievere-atelaleratretvororaene 160 
aspanrticn formedtirommsproteldsemccyiaacins erst ersrsicierae ieicieelie ieee 39 
OXIGIZERLIN DOG YA etay ei cse ey cele ae ee dete eioierols cle ene 52 

benzoic, formation of hippuric acid from............. 44 
butyric, effect’ of, on totali metabolism... ... 5.2... .e. css eeen ess 158 
KEPLACEMEN Et VALUCI Oey ite tile aicitl io cn ice nisl eierclora a orate 158 
glutaminic: formed; from) proteids. 4.4. isicieisoc.s solos eles erence 39 
hippuric, effect of proteids on formation of..............2ee000: 463 
formation of, trom benzoic acid)! 12 4). eee se selene 44 

Blvcocole ee ae hciet wee Greens a euNeMn Rae 44 

UACUILU Ors euctetr ts natslaiens cis atala tate al alalic’ cea erctntteve crore aimee 44 
MOSSIOMENETOY AM eer eal cis aes ato rete Gs ale sbete eine eee 313, 322 
non-nitrogenous nutrients as source Of................. 45 

COV Yet OY LOv Ey Ss oles I ts at ee ear Re Aa Sere RS 44 

pentose carbohydrates as source Of............0..2005- 46 

source oljbenzoyl radicle Of.) 2.. cs saieicesio erect 44, 45 

lactic, effect of, on proteid metabolism. .............0.s00e0005- 123 
totalmetabolisms cate touannris aca cie eee 158 

production of, in metabolism of carbohydrates............ 23 
replacement valueroheii desis chen ate cen eile ease eae tee 158 
CIOS TOT ZATIC ADSM ti OMYEXCTCUA a ates) o)s)taleh ovale) seyeie Ve) Va evaicteie res tees 2 
effect of, on proteid metabolism......................- 123 
totalimetabolismive,.. jesse ere settee: 157 

netravailable:enere yi Olt ji. eo es ee aa nee 425 
metabolismol ss cic/ase steveicte einer sien ra stapete creel atneekeuayn orenatats 26 

OXIGUZCA MMO Va re He tenestesse eee aL seete A Ue Pen e sin te 2 
produced by fermentation of carbohydrates.......... 13, 26 
replacement Values) Oli/.tsi. wis ais tire eros eins) cates e tal 157 

INCI ULICH IMs PELrS PITAL OMS 60's feta si otere deve lcicisy ola) ae tee hetero ttt ae) cy cleleley ale 48 
DUD, PLEO SCT MS alone’ hel stave tat erereieic anc cer aiotacsMebsretetelevs ile ve ale oleich olay 43 

574 INDEX. 


Activity, muscular, general features Of..........cccccececcceeeseeeers 185 
Adipose tisSUesie (os Sisdsteas e cpik's 6 ealg wees am pe eine re opis ee wal Sie em caceiel ae 29 
Alanine oxidized ih Ody... ostces hee cee atenee se Sees e cacere sem eee 53 
A bUMINOLdS 6s h:2-s aos ectake alee Wales wees nate are idee cere Sant ets oheee 7 
COMPOUNG: 50.4 ban meee eins emiurn sommes Sue acre acts ra 
COMMPIOSIEIOM COL, -oiarecs eta etse sot. «ees ose pistes gare 62 

Aerivedss 6.2% ciatshinies aitecraete orate eeeasetcid we eo tae araeeeeegiararers 7 

TTIOMUME Cet were coy ele elateteverertrniate eeuese eleueroiste o\cvetoveln cneyole\eielenalers i 

BUMPlEs bv aaa a Gs heats ieee ated woe Se Wiecw le alan sel elaine were 6 

simple, COMPOSILION O15. 6 4 o2 56 sess seas oe es sie se sine eee ee 62 

PAU UTIL TTA Gee eh eee asa eee rete re ea cae eee te eres ol one tonteu ey stich sasstc vowel shel aleve tenes if 
Albumoses formed from proteids,iiccis.cur sccicteusa eres s view ene sd ese ers 38, 39 
PAT OF ACIS e iciet oidseapis wea os eae isuer te Se nto + Seago tale yee cummete! tee eha'a) gine ate ce a 
PNTIIC OS Severe be et ous isi ol wien seals Wiha elaiet ejay aceleens sieve exe) allekar ele, sveviote.\"eifesetoire cy ate eVene force i 
formed trom proteids. iw. cots 90s a4 oles aera evi eater sare ate 7, 39, 52 
influence Of, On CIgeShOMIty:, wc. 2 cust wtatnse ee tars ete ee = serene 54 

of carbohydrates. ............... 57 

crude fiber, sce kenaw.cs oes 57, 58 

nitrogen-free extract........... 57 

fermentation of carbohydrates...............- 55 

IN-Gigestive tract... sles vatewr sem os ” 54 

Metabolism Ol. ices Aes pee Sas oe eae ae che a are eee a ereae 52 

not synthesized to proteids. «6.1%: 00s eeaie eet ca ne tesaeeet 53 
OMIGIZER 10! DOD. 27 oo c.ccacasctere cn siens ois. 450 win eee a Ohl eunieaie aes 52 
replacement of proteids by............eeceeececerereeeeeees 53 

wires fOPmMed {OMe ... <a Se waatwiiee sak «achat e Bediealenc Peau Oo, 
Ammonium acetate, influence of, on digestibility of carbohydrates... . 57, 58 
crude fiber......... 57 

nitrogen-free extract. 57 

carbonate as antecedent of urea ........ 2... eee ee eee eee 43 

lactate as antecedent/of mreaser ete ins eee reese el Gle 43 

salts influence of, on digestibility of carbohydrates... ....... 57 
fermentation of carbohydrates. ....... 56 

in digestive tract......... 56 

I) PETS PITPALOM:: 25 je oa d:e Sood ene wes eis es aie areas soa maar 48 

Amount ot LOO» Critical...422inciecadom sme Wo see 6e am ee eee mate 408 
influence of, on effects of muscular exertion........... 197 

net availability of energy............. 430 

utilization Of ENeTE Ye. 5 esse wise «tele 466 

PAT ADONIS, 067.50 3 sic a Sees ee wR ER ayo bade foe wie nna niet 16.17 
absorption Of enierey Im esses ois eee ee erste cue esis ee 17 

of protelds: 22s .aWuasee trend aeisaiee e ene eo arsontae loge 38, 41 

Animal jeiciency Of, ci. ccciaiais Cie ure eS Gae « stcas ae ee werner sue 496, 498, 511 
‘AS MOOT. arenes rock nears lana cloner ee ceded Reneaen 498 

INDEX. 575 

Animal, efficiency of, influence of fatigue on. ................eeeeeees 519 
(ENT ORO Oe at neg Cen RS BUSA RE Ec RY 513 

grade onset ais Mie ale alse alee Usp 512 

HACHEM Cy Sod sdboocsgeckodoooe 517 

kindof: work: omer se Weise taht See 512 

Nason A aeyere Nees ues nuategenenelo cae eteake 515 

SIZELON ys cee erie tetas nya aoe. 515 

SPECIES OM tate Seren etal dan ten apenas age 515 

Speed! Om ieee eee en roe ere eee 513 

Crain gone ee eee by laecvarntcns 519 

methodiofidetermining ies sere cies eer reer 498 

PAMPECCEGEMES TO MTCA terme ar, earans, cual evcleohoteine: vid eetencuahetausae wire aie lojenete aay evapora 42 
NTOMIA GLC COMP OUNGS MMs UTIME Mac: hate aie elenvel efer spare uu Alivelalol oatetalley ale age ee atates 46 
Ascent, work of, in dog, consumption of oxygen in.................... 500 
uUtilizationloljenersysimng cy aye Acct este erecta 510 

TATU 6550s 2 Seach stots eames 503 
effect of grade on............. 512 
loadions.5. .)- 509, 510, 515 
Ashwingredients, balance) Ola Ga rtptejet sts it oie dhs «(2 edsinia! eee disie; ele, wiettetorecolntehe 79 
Asparagin, influencejof, on digestibility. oo... lo. soe eae 54 
of carbohydrates.............. 57 

erude fibers) eyo eae 57, 58 

nitrogen-free extract........ 57 

PETIMEM CATION cuss he haee sues he Re team 54 

of carbohydrates! .502.)0 5235. 55 

MULFILLVCSV ALU! Ohare eter sty aeleleete hs erence eke melee ole eee ae hk eae 54 

Omi ZedbInG DOD Ya cca aa hi sratisrssevsieys eile ste ecclesia teuseaere creievens 52 

Ke pPlAcementseOls prover sy \aery erties rnemiens heels eee tote rhea 54 

Ly PICa FOLMON-PLOLETAS toe tepe sel oe) tel ds sialeioiele nh cdenenede tedey siete r= 8 
Weparticiacid formed from protevds. 2 9.175). <icrsts ie diols) els oyelelelsisielaler shel ay 39 
OxIGIZeAyImIDOG yak neter-rleeers verse eral eevee ae orchen neces Te ores 52 

Assimilation, expenditure of energy in digestion and.. ............ 372, 275 
tissue building and..... 491 

Ohsateloss;OfenergyelNey si... 5 ies ceciousie siesta keede ye ere pels 35 

WORKS OL eae eas wc lee le au etile bide cobber a Pieee Baie anagepLN ME 337, 372, 375 

Gigestion andy. Wane Sane avy pareraeta ue 80, 93, 406 

aboveicriticali pointy 407 

Of bones cs eeMmbava seer tarts cia, 381 

carbohydrates. ........ 379, 382, 384 

fata Nae 378, 382. 384, 385 

MIXeCUGveG wee seen es Seles 382, 384 

PLOLCIAS Henrie tae c 381, 382, 384 

indirect utilization of heat from.... 406 

576 INDEX. 


Assimilation, work of, digestion and, in dog. ..:.........ccccceccecees 378 
HOPSOs ies ices tac oes ered Paha 385 

INLAIN Sa teasin aac cheese per ores theta 382 

methods of determining........... 377 

relation of, to surface............ 408 

Availability of energy. CTOs. 1:0 fs.0 ottenn Wits tatuetehue Ala cia ieee 270, 395 
for maintenance.......... 396, 406, 410, 413, 427, 497 

WOT Ki tenaye ste earn oie te eit ans eee em 497 

MEL sian eenn ine aie mca enee re raeun ee ieee renee e 394, 412 

net, of energy, determination of................. 413, 427, 428 

in carnivora..... 413, 427, 428 

herbivora...... 418, 427, 428 

distinction between utilization and......... 395 

of carbohydrates. ............ 417, 419, 427, 428 

CrudewibeT ee. cae ican A ete 422, 428 

fate sen Rares a soe aatoatts 416, 419, 427, 428 

OEPOMIC CIOS: te st! ccsipisih a als Saree ee 423 

PCLLOSESS accae +h artivacs amg otaceene ene 420, 428 

DIOUCIG Sere Seat, Po eee eins 414, 427, 428 

PUNO Uy Mays ec gid on ceeeniate ane este 424, 428 

influence of amount of food on............. 430 

character of food.oni. 4, 22.44. - 431 

relation of maintenance ration to............ 432 

Barley; utilization ofenerty Of) Wi Gasca ees oss x 5 a we ee ee 483, 491 
Beet molasses, metabolizable energy of ..............2..0005. 293, 297, 301 
digestible protein of......... 318, 332 

utilization of energy Of. 25 se cone. ose cae we ee 483. 490. 491 

Benzoic acid, formation of hippuric acid from..................20005. 44 
Benzoyl] radicle of hippuric acid, source of..............0. cee eee 44, 45 
Blood, consumption of dextrose of. in muscles. .............--.200000- 22 
parotid and. .c4h Gee vc eee 22 

GEXTROSCTOL. ee2 F485 a uteccd ee Meare ve ea as Ly tea ene Blea 17,18 

fab Production ALOUI A Asati nie hae ee meee views 23 

PeICEDiAse Ole. tA wee de snes eeuee see iene 18 

VATIONS eens aa hee eras eee 18 

fatevot dextrose: Ol uwiiks nau tee Boe hoc ee ere So ee 22 

eS VALLOSE: tin s.4y A Melee weet Ceres et manera rs ahora OL aeo ae ee eine 17 
peptones: absent tronic... nie sa ae is ener eco ete ace aleee 40 
reculation.of supply ofdextrose to. 2.220125. dans) wee 18, 20 

Body animal); Componente Oly cis sae we oe nee aye g sweeten > oiinay seins 1 
COMPOSMION Obie oo: Sea ah ae siiwiaw a iheeurie Sells Soar 60, 64, 66 

CONSErVAtlOM ‘Of eMELSy Ug «x © ai eieete ease enters © 228, 258 

liberation ‘Of energy: ite a.lses cere eucieer cieicis Seis aes renee 1 

Store of -energy. ieee ks tase desciee siceerh ks oR eee 1 
transformations. of energy Wms) oy: cs cee ee oe 2 

INDEX. 577 

Body SCHEMALICr Meier’. cyte aie sieeticia wiehaiaret iat trai aad, Stand ya 60, 66 
Bone, work of digestion and assimilation of...............0.eeeeceees 381 
Butyric acid, effect of, on total metabolism. .................eeeeeeee: 158 
replacement) wales Ola. di pat ven sel iase sess tes 158 
(CEINOV GIGS: ST ists, le in aie ER I RE oe ae eR a Es LPO AV ste aOR 232 
Walonine fers AM MAVADY Mie. cp treat oe cise sve pales niaronbenns aloe tree ale Lok oneke 246 
Canbohyvdnatemmadiclein, proteldsic 4 Wyccleve cl see nn cael ss a eee se 50 
WaT OhyGrA ves trite: 4 aoka cade hah co sdle SAN Mente ee Anes, cuneamUlao eds 8 
apparent digestibility of, influence of amides on......... 57 
ammonium salts on. 57 
asparaginon....... 57 
non-proteidson.... 57 
asisource of energy, tobody anes owe ieee ee 91 
consumption of, in muscular contraction.............. 220 
digestibley srossenergy Oltariu ss yee ince seer 308 
metabolizable energy of............ 324, 327, 332 
utilization of energy of .......... 475, 477, 490, 491 
disappearance of, in fasting........... SR als itl siete 85 
effects of, on minimum of proteids.................... 135 
proteidimetabolism yaa. hills e peer 115 
compared with fat..... 127 
totalanetabolismiy ccs.) eel ee 146 
fermentation Obies se hanes ceri st tie sac cas ame ee 12S 
influence of amides on............... 55 
ammonium salts on....... 56 
BSParagin One eee 55 
non-proteids on. ......... 55 
on nutritive value ........ 13 
organic acids from: i!) ser) eee 13, 26 
PROGUCUSOLS te Alan erations ee 13 
formation of dextrose from, inliver .............. 19, 20, 21 
fathoms occ pase cata cushions aes 24, 30, 165 
COWEN NO anc cougbopnoodeace 24 
respiratory quotient in........... 179 
ely. copenMToniny Racconene ere Seen 20, 21 
milkfati from. heck save aes eet 174 
IRE XOSe HEN va erate aero aseai sie aminget s Meet al wu ar Aaa nL 8,9 
formation oelycorentnoma sae wee sees 20, 21 

metaboiism of. See Metabolism.............. 
FESOLPULON OL Me. 1c entities ona oe Rene 12, 17 
TALC LOLS Cy Naan IRR IE lew a 18 
Liver ASITESCEVOLTLOR: Litt e ee ire aieia sueenebenpenee nen eres ered: 20 

metabolism of See Meiabolism 

mutual replacementomfatiand 2a meee uo. ae 151 

net available energy of.. ............... 417 419. 427, 428 

578 INDEX. 

Carbohydrates; ofcrude 1ber = ss aoe so tetera ciate a stole nein tualy 9 
food, replacement of proteids by................06. 149 
nitrogen—lree CXtLaCwi feild cial Wsieaisle evan sees ore 9 
oxidized, computation of, from respiratory quotient 76 
DONEOSC s(t A os sp atclatene airs BEM eeauneeneeee teen act 8,9 
assimilabulutiye Olsa5.c5a ts So caiehicmusninte ee nio ns 25 
as source’ of ‘hippuric acid)4.).. cic .cs oe tee ine 46 
GELETIMIMALION/-OL4 As eh, cg aisles ols cctv niece ae 9 
digestibtlitviolane tle rcteaa vie tie dee aerew ome aeeets 24 
effects of, on proteid metabolism .............. 124 
total metabolism. ............... 156 
TOFMAbON Of Tab THOM: cst, aeeed scence eae 183 
SlyCOsen from case eae s i -...25, 26 

metabolism of. See Metabolism............... 
oferude fiber sich whos anv cia @ susie mick avvae rn ene 9 
nitrogen-free extract... ..ce des ccuceecces 9 
oxidizedsinibodyienc aso siiena se ae ean ewes 25 
replacement value.Ol. : . cuts ers ate ets en eae cee 156 
replacement. ValuevOf.aiiauis ase os eet eartaen eae 152 
TESOPPUOMLOl sie ects emda wel eek wae bere Game ae 12 
respiratory quovlenteOls, = vekitis 2 bs scoa oe bheociew asl 74 
SUD CIVISIONS Ok: Pe ys h igs ie 5 ta ds oe espe uote eee om &, 9 
substitution-or, for body tat... 2.00. ee. ele es 146 
utilization of energy of............ 461, 462, 473, 490, 491 
value of, for maintenance...................... 400,402 
work of digestion and assimilation of...... 379, 382, 384 
Carbon balance computation of fatfrom................. cc cece ee eee 77 
. heat production from nitrogen and...... 255 
dioxide, determination of, in respiration... .................. 69, 73 
produced by fermentation of carbohydrates. ........... 13 
prodtction of im fasting 205.05 24 ot aitoemticto ian oetea es 84 
metabolisnis.:: Sein ss oeceineaee Gece 14,15 
of carbohydrates......... 23, 27 
POU ec ath caret eae eee 36 
proteids: ti..s.¢8.csnenee 42 
equilibrium, amount of proteids required to produce............ 105 
factor forcomputationol Tab from... 2).,..2 0.02 alee ee se eee 62, 78 
income and OutgoiOl & ancien oe Oe ee eee 69 
determinationOlva. ae sat ee eee ee 69-73 
Ol excreta; determinatloniol 2.0)! shes. cca secs eee eee 69 
metabolism, effect of muscular exertion on.................4.. 209 
Carnivora, determination of net availability of energy in.. ......413, 427, 428 
hippuric acid im ‘urine: of: joi es cee none Hehe ein 44 
metabolizable energy ‘of food Of ..i.26.06.)< ws od aoe cee ele 272 

INDEX. 579 

Cattleexcretion of, methane by. aoe) ovate cuaein eraiciahe Slals cleeis och eicce olen 243 
Cellulose, effects of, on proteid metabolism.................ccecesceees 117 

total metabolismay ty eran see rate etna ere 162 
LETIMENtALION Oley ise tecseraista aekarsnincn se waledeye Mines ecocsy oieleieicte sy oes 13 
formationyofstati irom: niin...) cise koreiaee sepee ae cista oe cris aene 181 
OMCRUeHO eR Py yaa hae liaiers Msc ANS IY hee aN Slay esa ratuy aU ire are ne ar 9 
replacementmvaluerOlen sss Hiv. rs shy -me steelers are etel bates arenes 162 
Changes, chemical, during muscular contraction. ..................-. 186, 189 
thermal, during muscular contraction....................... 189 
ly TMOSU Ey aaNet scare ota, fp heli Stsbiec red gbtat arate, sue eelalnent ete Uerceutan ah Oa 40 
Circulation, effects of muscular exertion on......................-.+---.. 191 
SV Oca Olea 28 eens cle ctei aifeaces hay ene s sar lara OPA SONG EO eh ane 341 
Cleavaserdigestive of: proteldsy i. yea. silos: siete abere seus, stelaineintoe cae 38 
PUTPOSE OL shun ete Sect sare eee op nS eee 38 
NILLOSEMVOMPLObelds woe a We cia sie ce vera tie else yo cic Moats er haa 98 
CAUSCTOL TORS rar r arn atmia as ceAlea ent 100, 101, 103 
effects of non-nitrogenous nutrients on..... 131 
independent of total metabolism.......... 99 
Olsiah MEG GEStiOM ye Ave a eee N I ile tate uc aM cee 12 
PLoterdssnsdiges tion is hee ackse css ls se sieeve eileen neh 12, 38 
DUD OSES Ole ry Sie iraeiite aby ee thane eee 38 
products rebuilding of proteids from....................... 40 
Cleavages, influence of, on computation of Peat production............ 253 
bysanvenzym pee eee 40 

Coarse fodders, expenditure of energy of, in digestion, assimilation, and 
tissuedoull dime ay tees.) Aye al gis We coal hes en a 491 

metabolizable energy of.. .285, 286, 287, 290, 297, 298, 300, 301 
digestible protein of.........320, 332 
carbohydrates of. .327, 332 

non-nitrogenous matter of urine derived from.......... 28 

relative value of grain and, for maintenance.... .433, 533, 537 

work production...... 534, 537 

UcilizationlorenereysOle sys ee oe ee 484, 490, 491 

Cochicient of utilizationrol emergys a1. seis eae ieee ieee 444, 498 

Collages ier bce ee cestepe ree hee eters et ee Macey op ay ea) WA erate age sina 

COMMPOSLOVOMEG fase y Nerd ss crcicl ste sat shctiatescredatntaycusatced ate peReae pete Sey napa Ls 62 

Combustlonsheats one cee ey UTM er seme Na KC UR Ub de Le Cee eer Bae Ua GN 229 

Concentrated feeding-stuffs, metabolizable energy of........... 289, 297, 299 
digestible protein 

Ole nee e ah! 315, 332 

utilization of energy of............ 472, 490, 491 

Consenviatlomeotsenerouy, en A ieisia cy Manilg oRe eee ener Us euo anges 228 

invanimal! bodysseee te oe ke Ee ree as eas 229, 258 

Contractile;substanceloh muscles wan sane eee etl eye so evo revaele ily 

Contraction; muscular vs) vecices rater suas aversion met eeeeRetenee: 3 eiaje ities, ahocapel ons 185 




Contraction, muscular, chemical changes during. . ieee ase sae LOO ESO 

consumption of cerbolideaeas Tb a Resin Penh on PAPA () 
GeMtrOSeAM kia wc an gies eeO. Qo 

ISOMELPIG jf. hay eg 2s) aie ee a ite eee 495 

ISOLONIG a3 Van Wee Ce es ie engender 495 

oxidations in, incomplete..................... 186 

oxygen. not essential tor... 2.2 5....seesseesssen 188 

respiratory quotient of muscle in.............. 187 

thermalchanges during: ;.022..... «sae 0s enon 189 

transformation of energy in................... 495 

Creat s.cmniaaidenad sane nbhip seeks 2 ta bes Bes odie a Med eae 46 

Creatinin.. cic cccccsscenae cages ens iss idee Sin bod laaeecs sauces 46 

ATL, PETS PIPATION 3.x, 4p aad ek vee Uae witha od Bele ccalieiaae 48 

MCRUGG FAG oe ae ine desnuda s eS ahem ee cone eee hae ae ORR ae Oia hide 8 

BDEN seven ter Akae ede Panh eeee she eee cease eee Casas 9 

apparent digestibility of.. Rae Ts Stee 

tafigenee of ingles. OD. essence 57, 58 

ammonium acetate on. 57 

asparagin on......... 57, 58 

non-proteids on...... .57, 58 

earbohydrates Of reece 22 ivi < ewes ws Sue an ben eed ewan em 9 

CellUlOBe Of: nadie come cues A Vics Sus gu eae eee ee: 9 

digestible, gross’ energy O00 :.c0. 206.0: 6s 3 de oe ea bee Ceabee BOB 

metabolizable energy of.............4.200004. 329, 332 

digestive WOPETON Cases ee ec sc ee ee man oem 389 

effect of, on total metabolism.............0...0ccceeceeees 161 
expenditure of energy of, in digestion, assimilation, and tissue 

otaaclinipe Bas ihe Ainge ctlte Me hee on. inn age OS eae Bete 494 

LOLMMALION OL, LAG LOM sge.4 = ou Lee ics aden nese uaaheee aude 181 

PURLUTOIUS OTs caret tanh a atpeieeas Sta eat «ee eee 9 

heneous matentaliote. « . ite eee ee ete cee pe anee 9 

modified im Gigestiver tract, aoiay sue usu s satceeaees oes eae. it 

net avelableenergy Oly s.vrie 3. aee ee setu s cea ee iene e ie 422, 428 

penbose-carbonydratestOl .warcec mcs ae caneanee See 9 

replacement Value Of 12.0 hs55 4 otetat fore datas teh oeecee eee 161 

Valuevof fon maintenances.1 5421 te, stn ee astne sae 435, 535, 537 

WOrl: Production saa seis Seite es ec tee v....535, 537 

Descent, worle'ot: Gini ae oes te Roe Lk neha. putea a culshagid eg on ae 509 

INFIUEHCEOL PTAdE OD: [Seach ws ewe ee sae ne eee Meee 509 

Dextrose, amount: of, produced by liver. .:........0..6.05ssesee+0ee00- 19 

consumption: Of,.In MUSCLES, J2 Sense we Sherk ee eee eles 221 

muscular contraction.................220, 221 

formationvof fat ironing kane ae Sears Ma neste erases ee 23 

from carbohydrates in liver............... 19, 20, 21 

Pat. d dnc bre ei Ne eee eu tie hee ee EO Oe SS. 

INDEX. 581 

Dextrose, formation of, from fat during muscular exertion............. 223 
COAT ONO woccesonoscogGounueo0T 38, 51 
PIGUET sss aes oe seat cay tere vis aie aueuist ns 36, 37 
ROU Heo gognooDbdaoobouRadaD 19, 21, 49, 50 
Ply come fLOMNs see theless fete Melekelehel= «1: 20, 21, 22 
HV ONIAES . sedgaussdcono0o0GG6 23 
importance of constant supply of.............+sseeeeeeee 18, 21 
thie AS SOWIRAD lig g nussoeoaedoadnccouduoogubuadoK 18, 19, 21, 49 
on carbohydrate diet...............+--+-- 19 
oniproteldidietiscs si. se tlelelsleelejel-ietetore-) ler 19 
method of formation of, im liver.............0+eee+eeeeeees 20 
A Koos ns is MERE RE CRO Re Ene momo romon oe ue 17,18 
consumption of, in muscles. . .........---.-++e00+: 22 
jriRanl ARC b SodcagaccocooNe) 22 
MEAs oBuo bod bob oombO nue OOTenoodOdooeD.cG C6000 22 
fat production from. ...........-ee eee e cece ee ceeee 23 
percentage Of........-.....'-.-. ss Uratauett tabraiod ato careeetels 18 
WAI ING soho ggodoccboucoDcdouc 18 
reconversion of glycogen into............+eeseeeeeeee 20, 22, 37 
regulation of supply of, to blood... ........ eee eee eee eee 18, 20 
resorption of, rate Of... 0.0... eee eee eee e eee e ee eees 18 
storage of, in resting muscle. ............++++seeeeeeeee ees 222 
IDArasilviltaty, 6 cape soboouseGcoghode menuOooobc acco EbEODoetE GC on S 9 
fis) CERES Wwongh omomea casa a ace dd coUUCoOOooUO ang yc t 10, 11 
determinmatiomlofo ei. sate ers sh-iaiale oleherceeeenetelt-n 10, 11 

influence of metabolic prod- 
WEI OMe nodcbedooooogudus 10 
of carbohydrates, influence of amides on...... 57, 58 
ammonium saltson 57 
asparagin on.... 57,58 
non-proteids on. 57,58 
Crude tibers ses eer tacie aire shelters teioitehsncaei 12 
influence of amides on......... 57, 58 
ammonium acetate on. 57 
asparagin on....... 57,58 
non-proteids on... .. 57 58 
nitrogen-free extract. ...........--+. ee eeeee 12 
influence of amideson... 57 


acetate on 957 
asparagin on. 57 

OME) Sees 57 
significance of results on. .......--+++++++--+-- 11 

GeterminationrOle sac cele ielelete a oielelerereis ieels ec isiee 9 

582 INDEX. 


Digestibility, determination of, influence of products of metabolism on.. 10 
Of pentose Carbobydraves’ 2 o\sc.c1es sjececr e srsveeepieial? tyete ayeye'e 24 

BO st ack shes os dh eaten aye ayenauecous tet tteke seiieusne. ei eevel stare wine aie 10, 11 
determination of. 4 6. het sections erie arsenate tus elena 10 

OR ALG iar ates enero sie tes oe taciers teal Ouctieh ron egeter eters 10 
PrOteM Gi ss Bees cee cere hse ta Nea we alee 10 

Digestion, changes in proteids during. .....0.. 06.6. cncscncsscneectes 12 
cleavage: of fat iit... rec tases em cee et veh able tw etecemos d 12 
PYOLCIAS IN. Sys sce ech au awed av ebatanennens 12, 38 

PUNPOSCOl Lied 7. ata coe sceeaaet 38 

expenditure of energy in assimilation and............... 337, 372 
tissue building and. 491 

riot ahh ls) a¥etev(oyeernaabloleisio) slo erage wen an ate a ono Cond oeT 54 
aSparagin’ OM, caieciom cic, cuue cae osronotel cc euersrerverneee 54 

NON=PLOtElLASHOMs 228 a6 Acisicscte: eso oie wiavaiolers seis slat cusce 54 

peptones produced: durimg: 2.) fso-5545'< sews ccmie see seeeweee 12 
proteosés: produced -AUMIN Gn. fis Croce sess ase vase cane ee 12 
Saponinica tion Ol Tat MM ety «axe cha aera eke eee anal eile ee 12 
WOEKUON: bev. tienen ok ameter hairs & 3 SERS mie eee 337, 372, 493 
assimilation and............... 80, 93, 337, 372, 376, 406 

above critical point............... 407 

below critical poimt... 25.12.0024 406 

indirect utilization of heat from.... 406 

ana; Che OR: da Steet ete othe fe ene 378 

the horse....... i Susie terteerAene oetoerate 385 

TMMEL IN ests sce aileale oS ay eh ayia rertonbetcl 21 eprom Renee 382 

methods of determining........... 377 

OLD ONE Hwee eee eee 384 

carbohydrates......... 379, 382, 384 

fats Mae Native 378, 382, 384, 385 

mixedidictwe sere cme 382, 384 

PrOvelds. 2), eo teaiee ae 381, 382, 384 

relation of, to surface.............. 408 

FACUOPSIOl ise oyg wae Sie aoe a me eee ata md ee ieee 374 

FOrnGruae: fPGr02.)s ac Yagcusiioe arctic < cine ate g\srnate eres 389 

Mioestive tract, functions of, ImexXCretlon..;.. <2 ccaek w= eee n asin sees 10 
Dog, consumption of oxygen by, in locomotion. ........0.......00000. 500 
WOPK OLASCCNU. oocss,anee ects ret 500 

CUE G is arn ct wee ee nein 501 

expenditure of energy by, in locomotion.....................2.. 502 
utilization of energy by, in muscular work. ................00005 499 
work Of aScent.c)..he asec eae ee 502 

ATalb A Sesi aide nad Ges eee 502 

work of ascent by, consumption of oxygen in..............-000-- 500 

utilization of energy Wiss. ous 5 Steere pee eee 502 

INDEX. 583 

Dog, work of digestion and assimilation in................02ce ee eeeee 378 
draft by, consumption of oxygen in..................... 501 
utilizationyofjenergy ine ae eee crea cielo eee 502 
Draft, work of, consumption of oxygen in, by dog...................4. 501 
hOrse es saree sae ast beso 507 
utilizationof energy ins. Yo... 502, 507, 510, 513 
by ogy seen aie eats nkniae male aaa 502 
HOTSE Lists ae eee 507, 510 
Dynamometer for experiments on horses...............-2--0+00- 538, 539 
ETB CMP eR ONS Mere AROS cHine Ale UR RUE! eis AR eN Mae SAME EDA a Lis caM cory Ue ate 231 
Efficiency of animal. See Animal. 

SiO LemTMUSEL Sis eas hs secs eae ay a ar et aatae AN o Ia naar ey a 495 
Emission of heat, rate of, influence of temperature on................- 350 
regulation of........ ee Pee RAC Ta SLAC te Re 349 
ET OL OAV acccairemirctiey s Win Aber ere ie gs ios ore ted Met MAG a ntidegs ah gta ROUR Nai ae SS Ce Rey Ara 226 
absorptionyofsinianabolism: sey. vera ee Sees ree eee 17 
aval able weet enim aiserrentinat aie huices laches a tttawes UNtate eS sR aN 269, 394 
TOSS AU Mes Ne Neeser oy tease aaa clade ean ET cae oc ei 270, 395 
YEAR cl hs se RSI ies IC ete ENEMA NT ere EE eH AgIRUe TAN ALL 270, 395 
determination of, in carnivora......... 413, 427,428 
herbivonaae sere 418, 427, 428 
availability of, distinction between utilization and............. 395 
for maintenance........ 396, 406, 410, 413, 427, 497 
influence of amount of food on. (50... 42.2 430 
charactersoletoodsonkec ance 431 
relation of maintenance ration to.............. 432 
carbohydratesiasisourceol, to body.=-- 125. memes een ee 91 
Cochicientiotutilizationofa ss eta os elec eee eee 440 
COMSEHVA TOM OF iy aisles ise wee ast oiehe Ni oietars: scohede rehetet oy ebeweltus Puna aveneae 228 
invanimalibOodyareat eee Fn pats 228, 258 

Atwater’s and Benedict’s inves- 
Gi GatlOnss:oice er eaten ts 265 
early experiments............ 261 
Laulanié’s experiments on.... 265 
nature of evidence............ 259 
Rubner’s experiments on...... 263 
expenditure of, bythe body sf 10h roeieioe 2, 226, 336, 339 
in digestion and assimilation.......... 372, 375, 376 
and tissue building. 491 

method of deter- 
TOMI ee eee 377 
ipnerey, expenditure of, in locomotion... 4.4 )-cie ie iiss <1 6 sie oe 510 
Dyidoge eel scr ric) hin wiotuel ae 502 

584 INDEX. 


Energy, expenditure of, in locomotion, by horse, at a walk 504, 506, 508, 510 
533, 539 

THQ AUMD ito) brane 6cere.s an ails oie arenes 503 

influence of gait on. ...........- 513 

individuality on..... 517 

load on. .... 509, 510, 515 
size of animal on.... 516 

BPCClEN ON, cae aes 516 

speed: Ose. bees oe 513 

Standing eat eee aaa a a Gare 499 

sustaming odds. fice! sceh eens eee 508, 515 

influence of individuality on.. 518 

fOOG AS SOUTCE GE 5 5.4.44 LPs ein ee ols hea a eae elena 2, 269 
gross, or digestible crudefibersi. aicle ns t.ce we elees wrens dues Cee ava 303 
CLMCI OM UNA CU eee til a'n.4a, So eeyneec aes ania eee ee 304 

UUCEIC MUS teas eedaene «oleae Oo sya ences 302, 306 

OPPANIC MALLET a sis a 3 1 0:4 aeomeys eoneeie eerie ae 309 

Income:and expenditure Of Mh. das 2 naan ys Ree ee eee cue es 3, 226 
PRTG GH Cs 8 5 arta cae teh eager Seth Alc rand 2, Sis Waseca poe eR eee 226 
determinatiomOls 8,5 pte gos x wean we ee eee 245 
liberation Of, in animal body 2:4. ec vt oeaonesesarn sie wie on aretoners af 
IGSS:Gi, 11, assimilatiOnOlial acne c-- 1 «4 eo male peels ee oats 35 
FELINICMLATLONS peo a0 sant ees tom's G wieder taeesore ane acute 374 

| ates) Ung Coa: 61 (0 Ure ane gy ER area Pee et 313, 322 

MEtHANG, sesame eet: tetas ee aes 310, 325, 330, 335 

tissue build ge eet wits tc Sieatenale yee ee pAtee 444, 447 

WAlNIINE INPesta 2.0 ay. 2 uc kiero eae nee ees 374 
metabolizable,\.oc.2 eae amcgsieees es oan kame ne eee eee 269, 270 
APPATOM Cs ase Res aie, 5 sas rar Seopa nel Bee! S teaser eee whet ee 291 

PACEOTS TORS £ eWay deen Ate eden 279, 281, 333 

AUWALET Gc banka pasieee oneal 281 

UMOMIOL (Sista. wadiace eae eran e as 279, 333 

of coarse fodders . 285, 286,287, 290, 297, 298, 300, 301 

concentrated feeding-stuffs......... 289, 297, 299 

digestible carbohydrates. ............... 324, 332 

crudeiiberiwrs, «cove eteirs ae 329, 332 

ether extractyicciics cjere 3 Hsin ae 323, 332 

MUIGTICMUSNsclers severe enelonione 310, 332, 333 

organic matter. .1...5..05. 02. 297, 307 

protein.310, 315, 317, 318, 320, 327, 332 
fiber-free nutrients, utilization of, in work pro- 

CUCtlON x2 2 Ai tee mated emcees 541, 548, 547 
foodol carnivora+. ee een eee eee 272 
herbivores os od, bake ee 281 

INDEX. 585 

Energy, metabolizable, of nutrients, utilization of, in work production... 545 
proteldss 552s sass ee Nes 272, 276, 277 
total organic matter..................- 284, 285 
TOO SOR a cutee shale SN nC Mra res Mme eersae Arai evst ae 291 
utilization of, in work production.......... 525, 540 
methods of de- 


tion. ... 526, 528 
Wolft’s investi- 

gations..... 528 

muscular’ fat asisource Of... accuse oclocies gs aco een ee 200, 223 
proteidsias sourcelOl. 0s cou nineties ee 201, 207 

SOUTCE' OL ei ee Uy cies Menvarhee steer Me eater sR ietsnaeeroee pets 196 

Starch As 'SOUrCEIOP sie). sys lial chee eeileys eee 199 

nature ol demands) fOr ein ee. o icra aoe ele nicl oer ieee 340 
metravaillableniw. cv mp pier ar teeta ts eeuioc meena ciatan, eae a 394 
determination\olenece soo ee ee 413, 427, 428 

for maintenance. .....:... 396, 406, 410, 413, 427, 497 

gW OD yee hsia, Jule tue 22h eat aha ce pape ERO ce eee 497 

of carbohydrates................. 417, 419, 427, 428 

Crudeifilbente ei eerie ae keer anys 422, 428 

LAL ee RN OL ON a ea 416, 419, 427, 428 

OTL TANICIACIUS Hoe cya: leete ees Canines Peta nee an 423 

DENT OS CS ee sien cts a eeiuc sieaue age aedag | here 420, 428 

DEOLCL AS Pea ts Ha LE vere wag aan: 414, 427, 428 

GEIMO CNY WAY eG Aiaiitia he tee cep etgein aiateRe 424, 428 
tihizationyoiyiniworki esses eerie ane 497 

SHG ars li Meals eee sn Aare nN a eeu Hi ia 2 
proteim:losses of, in methane. 2 2). 4. . so sees ol toler hes ake 310 
{UDG DOCS eel ie ate ee Ne Serta, ie Mindy Ac 312 

POLE tale ey rete ataleten cre rar teres op alcee Srannial ste etna Roa anaes 226 
determination of % = scc 2 Oca \/etisiee a o's el hee ene 235 
ofxcombustiblejaseshiwy 4 saeco ie ci eecerie 243, 

excreta computation Ofanacne ee 2 eto cere 241 
determinationlofaereessc ieee ere 240 

feces computatlonione. ae focts ocr ene ree ea ee 242 
foodadeterminatloniotae nese ei 235 

Paimiotehat ee se ace Nase Nena cocina ar Pawan ramen ee erst eile 244 

[O1K0) 211 ONE. lie cemaPara. Pere tp eee uns CaS 244 

LISSUCY sero teach ee eRe Re eee ees 244 

OETSPIVA LIONS oe ei salen cit terse ere iene er ences on ots) ore! ok 244 

NIEUIG Sis creva, crs oattie eeuse cetane as each se aL Yc 272, 275, 278, 312 
computation/ole eee 241. 277, 312 

storeof, inanimali bod Vatersay menthol aerosol aici shoes iene 1 

transformation ofe im animal bodye ese tego cise a+ e eine 2 

586 INDEX. 


Energy, transformation of, in muscular contraction.................-. 495 
units of measurement/Ols . sccm cs te eir eictscie scien PBile PB 
utilization of, in tissue building. ................ 444, 447, 448, 461 

bye GarmivOras..ce estes a : 448, 466 

TOV ATV ot sirats aves be baaes favaeleonpaene awe 451 

ruminants... ..... 455, 461, 467 

SWINGS nic yeelocotenavaletare 452, 466 

earlier experiments on......... 460 

effect of amount of foodon..... 466 

character of foodon ... 472 
differences in live 

weight on.......... 457 

thermal environment on 471 

WORK terete he oases pune etter aaaiee 444, 447, 494 
bys oo shad beeen eee eee 494 

MOTSE sa “2 Sek eiio ae cae ona oe eee 502 

Bifa trOl Riek he eee 509 

Walley (ae cases z teeta etree 504 

HAVANA eid BAS, dekh ter state ceeuep arenes acca eyaie 502 
influence of fatigueon.................. 519 
individuality on............. 517 

kindof worksoni. masa. eres: 512 

load! Onanee ahi, Sa eee 508 

size of animal on......:..... 515 

SPECIES ON varia tee yee 515 

speed on. .......... 507, 513, 514 

trainin gions... | ee ates oe 519 

Olascemt ses 242s aks ciereeiee 502, 503, 5056, 510 
bypdO Gy csc. uihense emer 502 

Orsi yh eee eae 506 

ATLAS Siisind) Sk ata Ged aaah ce epee 503 

effect of grade on. ............ ol2 

loadon ..... 509, 510, 515 

GTAlG ete eae ents tec 502, 510, 513 

ye Ome 9-8. -fite aiterendeenarenp tenes 502 

OrSe ss. a) | ag: ano emca doer se 507 

locomotion, computed. . i: 2.74). 40.08. 513 

of barley. aici eae eee ee ee ee nee 483, 491 
beetiamiolassess: 2S cas cere es 483, 490, 491 
cCarbolydratesi ss. 461, 462, 473, 490, 491 
COAaTSe:LOGGErS! Vas te Nee eee cee 484, 490, 491 
concentrated feeding-stuffs.......... 472, 490, 491 
digestible carbohydrates. ........ 475, 477, 490, 491 
POT OULU aie.c 2 Sacaaheyaqusnsieqeiereateae 481, 491 

OXtTACtEd Stra wer sche ts ek eee 488, 490, 491 

INDEX. 507 

Energy, utilization of, of meadow hay...............-...0-.. 484, 490, 491 
TES OCESTAINS A es Wieoarse sei ten ta Luin hk 483, 491 
OaUSlra wa gienest Wun sess ceeds We lersiorete 485, 490, 491 
OU pepe pati tlinn NBER, vec iNoe MRO Ue 478, 490, 491 
PLOLCIASM edo caterer mmn nels 463, 482, 491 
MICO See ets aia dere). em eran eran tae Nie heget ae R 483, 491 
SEATCIMY Be deux -pctyy ois a Mearns prawn 473, 490, 491 
wheatiglutem:)s cs. set cin ae ee 480, 490, 491 
SUA Wis reqs cueseasesecg Sr ieee TanNT tal Nea 487, 490, 491 
Binvironmentsthermals critical: 2 ac)y cbs te yeania o ae ae Sa 358 
influence of, on heat production in fasting. ...... 347 
maintenance ration......... As 
utilization of energy............ 471 
Enzym, rebuilding of proteids from cleavage products by.............. 40 
OIG LIne WCOMPOSItLONVOLs cjapescs 5 2 SS WO csc bees ise eee EE 63 
EAH OVSIP.ES-EX Gr pee ee) MOR es Eas CO A Pa PRU RR IOSL  HP 8 
dizestiblevorossienergy, Olt, 450 e ae eee o-.. 304 
metabolizableenersy/Oles alae aie 323, 332 
Exchange, gaseous, computation of heat production from............. 249 
effectrotloadtontrasny pis. sitios a We eee eh ae 509 
MUSCULAT EXentlOnjOMse ees ns. een eae 209 
respiravony weterminationOle. sess.) yates ease ee 73 
UTA GT NG piste Sse ere ene ake Aenea) Lame ADU 84, 85 
intermediary metabolism. .....:..5.......). 405 
Dxereta qetenmina tion olicarbom Olea ass hassel. slo delne cee 69 
CGURGp- 20 (onic aN pm At eh ML tae Kectaes iy A ara €9 
hydrocagoOnsinecsres yet igs) pene ee 69, 72 
IME tWAMe WINS Hevea he ee Oa co eee 69, 72 
Vy GROCe Moats ecm eau seit. cceaers ist penn en ue gion away ene a ae ae, 

OPP LOCH Moremi woes > ogee eo boea ee oo coun baodog due cok 2 
DELCEMUATE OOK VSEMUN See eos eee ene a ee psen se atey eae 15 
posential-eneraysob computationiol sce) 5 y-cie eee eee 241 
determinationiols nto ce Hoe ae ee 240 
total, computation of heat production from.................. 252 
Excretion siunctionsrel digestive, tractims sq: 4-2 sae casino are eee ane 10 
nitrogent) proteid metabolism) ands)... 22ers o 97 
TALC LOL renee, Wielka eM ee Sin INU ae Una Mena, 98 
effect of non-nitrogenous nutrients on...... 130 
Ofpiree nitTLO ReMi 5k Gyr A ee alee ruins te penne Ree 42 
methaneiby cattle) Cet ogi ceeaorn mine unnamed ti 2! 20 ie 243 
Exertiony muscular (seelalsomiiork) se aan tem oe iciccs ol aie euS5 
effects of, influence of amount of food on.......... 197 
onicatbonmmetabolismie ernie ae. 209 
circulations tensile crests e's a elaics 191 

gaseous exchangern Geis <eic 4 5 s)-yacls 209 

588 INDEX. 

Exertion, muscular, effects of, on metabolism... ..............4.. 185, 193 
proteid metabolism. ............. 194, 206 
TES PIFAULON si di W225 6 cee slarepaveres on aR s 192 
respiratory quotient......... 211, 212, 216 
work: obhearts a iiss sik. sa eh ueaeeere tee 192 
formation of dextrose from fat during. ............. 223 
functions of proteids in Win tensa cae cakiew alnenea 207 
gain of proteids caused DYi5)....:.ciecisss sues ee oe 204 
general features Of 72% 25.00... 5i0c seep oe eieees dclpiin es 185 
intermediary metabolism during................. 219 
nature of non-nitrogenous material metabolized in.. 218 
respiratory quotient during, conclusions from...... 218 
secondary effects Of sc ii ws 6 sic bus crete ore as ote wie 191 
Expenditure of energy. See Energy. 
Extracted straw, metabolizable energy of. ............... 290, 297, 300, 301 
digestible, carbohydrates of .327, 332 
@ utilization Of energy-Of..64 2 eee sss ie cele eu 488, 490, 491 
FEET ECULV.ES es sucterigs ssavsta tenetes dee ert ebege nerve @leliey clench oh aaa sey epen eWay cust) siya stoner 7 
OLoMUSCIE: ia ticta eerste tee ess lessees ete) ome here ere os 8 
Factor for computation of fat from carbon..............eee eee eens 62, 78 
non-proteids from nitrogen...............+.. 8 
protein from MUTOLEN. 2... cece dons os 67, 68, 77 
Factors for metabolizable energy of digestible nutrients. ....... 302, 332, 333 
humantood ye esc ae ne 279, 281 
protein in humanifoods: |. cee ss. osc te eee ae 6 
of proteid metabolism in eee ce eee e eee 81, 90 
WOPK OL CIPESHON ssc t wave sen etalo sss Ss fotianlces seek aera eee 374 
Fasting; constant loss.of tissieim.</ (ssa s sas ea <= a ter ag eee cen ee 83 
disappearance of carbohydrates 1s 2). .j:02.. sis: oie see 5 cole hee ie 85 
slycogen fromiliverit.. oct. .as- sees pepe 21 
heat wrodtetiom. 1-2. an etree tere apesetenen te peter e 344 
Gonstancyole Sse sn dociieevs cco ce tater 345 
influence of size of animalon.............. 359 
thermal environment on....... 347 
se} agavbOVG OCLWUNOV Gre ma diy Moke He ciiGc oto ee 347, 356 
measure of internal work.. ........... 344 
metabolism 10s 6:6 2...hsoae een oe is yee ene ioe 80, 90, 340 
effect'of- body fatcomee 3.2 A. ci0-e cess eee lees 88, 90 
loss:;of pEotem ONvs sa4 34) ee 90 
ratio of proteid to total............ 86, 88, 89, 90, 93 
Gotial. acd. secretes oe ate le eeeweoro cereale eee 83, 90 
proportional to active tissue........... 86, 93 
roy Gb Ucn ra 10 Cee rd CR eth RS) ot AE RA Re Series 85, 88, 90 
proteids ny. ss.cc8 oni See oc cate ear epetnereer ene 81, 90 

INDEX. 589 


Fasting, metabolism of proteids in, tends to become constant........ 81, 90 
Gwonlactorsyol sci wees ss nae 81, 90 

minimum of proteidsiin2)..:.-.s-605.s00. ee Sos Bee 82, 83, 90, 94 

OX LEM COMSUMP LONE eines secre Mare oles ome eal sale ae 84 
productionvol carbonydioxidenna eee eee sone 84 
ratiojof fat toyproteimin bodyiin. s.e0. ses ee ose ce 88, 89, 90 
LESPITAtOLYAEXCMANLE INA... Scr scsi oe class elsaeh el oielsoiele yet: 84, 85 
LEG Uapeyreemnere ten ea ep cle cereal suerte saeh cr ele cus ons ie: ave’ elallstaveruralas anoteueneisraie ico te ov seals 8 
Assimilation Of lOss OL EMere-y7 li s):). > srassies/o tucks he ieee ne rae 35 
as source of muscular energy.................0cececececees 200, 223 
body, effect of, on fasting metabolism........................ 88, 90 
formationyol trom food fats eesmmcee serie tener 164 
proteidssubstituted) for i)-(s ene ieee eis Weicker ee cease 104 
replacement Ofsprocelds vere 44 eerie eee eee 149 
substitution of non-nitrogenous nutrients for............... 144 
carbohydratestouiic een Cee 146 

LRH RHO) Piel Graces ee Meme NRE neG BOER tAcn 2 Paes 144 

cleavage: ofcintdigestiom (Ay sect ect tye se ies oa ee 12 
COMpPosibionvoiconstancyOln see as rel ceva le eer 35 
from ditterent animalss) a.) .e sine seisile leer 61 

S pantsjolaninal’ tae aet eer eae: 33 

influence of feeding on....................00000- 32 

computation of, from carbon balance............:........2-...: 77 
DUG Cheyer teen cesium MIR Rr ceAoe Prater echt neve ia) Doin tend a aM ge OmRal 8 
deposition of iodine addition products of....................005. 31 
Gigestibilitygol, presales: mynd: in ecaine ne die sw arePacuepersiavaa Sm meters eee eae 10 
elrectsoloniproteidymetabolisnms. si. ee sricluejeiete sels scree acl ste eee 114 
compared with carbohydrates. ... 127 

facvonloncomputationiol, trom carbone ns.) see. ie eee ee 62, 78 
foods ftormationsol body datiHroml. ie rycib. eielecielelsiuasieces ere 164 
quantitative relation of, to fat production.................. 34 
Leplacement; Of provelds bys sien icv acini 149 

Forel ons; Ce pOsitiON Ofori a Ie She es ie Logan) coat Ua etat ay einer 30 
fOFIMA LOMO dextrose nrOMemena i cee vei a ceereiierereirne ee 23, 385 
during muscular exertion............. 223 

equation for, a: soa auia ge Came eam ale 38, 51 

INVER Fee oe See eee sp eectat nee 36, 37 
fromicarbohydratesstmmer anya eee 24, 30, 165 

Equation fora. on eye ee coe 24. 

respiratory quotient in......... 179 

Collaloset esis fae ce tan ee RO Ihe sa hcrara dea 181 

Crudesfibens 4rscwwns poem sis W ale aie hoc 181 

dextroseiofiblood serene aware dia cics siaciee 23 

foodifartiyec is cea See Ui ials oa tolt «ula 164 

590 INDEX. 

Fat, formation of, from other ingredients of food....... Nsbatacttetavasuarco ere ees 
pentose carbohydrates. 9.015 jenlen, Sancuaatenete eats 183 
PLOLCIGS, | cuilsaet eet elats sos! ieiecoce sap ehe ele eis 30, 50, 98, 107 
dufiiculty Of role sj. fee cissectee eine ee 113 
Equations tor. 85 Lis .,.4°y alse. Meee 51 
later‘expermments: $02 .2.-c0c ihe s 111 
Pettenkofer and Voit’s experiments. ... 108 
Pfliger’s recalculations.............. 109 
LUT CLLONST Ol LOOM katie. wivectercirieke Se ae Pee ee cts ene 30 
sain or-loss of determination Of io ade uty fos sae ales 5G Siete es OO ai 
influence of glycogen on computation of........ 66, 78 
potential emergy-Ol., cutiians, sna te wae ote ae 244 
iInsuence of, On Minimum Of PrOtelids 2! se eee west e ee selene 2 135 
TTS CUT LISS C's ines eseersicsics sek Sct cxreitoy wecnc.72 Bons eteureies ete eae staat eyes 63, 64 
ka LabOlismOlsaust & oe Beaches ark A coos Glee: we eater segs oes ute dee 3D 
loss-ol enero: 1m assimilatiOmiols wa iseiac x has.cie-elcha's as eee layers eee ne Be 
Manubactumed im DOdy. =v. gee een cuegis) ais air elle een 5 29, 30, 163 
metabolism of. See Metabolism. 

mutual replacement of carbohydrates and....................060. 151 
Netavailability of energy Olu esses cds ote se aesee 416, 419, 427, 428 
Ob plant mature Gh .g. mat cee a ele hs ieee ame eae 8 
oxidized, computation of, from respiratory quotient.............. 76 
production, quantitative relation of food fat to................... 34 
ratio o1,to protein In body 1m fasting. 26. 6 stair siery, bistros 88, 89, 90 
TPESOMP GLOW HOLS ones, cedinils ae telsaragenas oieie ake eynter ss Glas gran wae human eet ae ra 12, 30 
TESPLLALOLy: QUOTICH EOF 2). «ach sterjetecs > otacos aie ood arwieie ore o's veal 74 
Saponifeatiomyor, WiGiSCSulON Ge wyntns ano e = G2 ee se cela eieter ene eee 12 
SOULCES OM ATTA ooh i sckustays donee iekeneteutesitie eins ercncye occas ree 29, 30, 163 
substitution ol, ton body Tatreaigs stances ans cel, ersisin a ayeraene aoe 144 
VAlWeOl, MOM MAM LOM An CC. vente ueie edershere te eters tele clei eters ers eyaraviereceners 400, 402 
WOLKsPLOGUCtIONS 2,28 matted cheek ceotrs s slayeterniae. soleroiens 522 
work of digestion and assimilation of............... 378, 382, 384, 385 
Fatigue, influence of, on utilization of energy in work.................. 519 
Fattening, influence of, on maintenance ration. .............-.08. 441, 458 
Feces, computation of potential energy of............... Maen Byte 242 
MELA OliC MibrOS|SM A: 5 Shve.c tes cea eoesesesevectens a1 Mae tjate onesie rereve ote mieret age 47 
DIOGUCUS I. fers ast. atek ela eee digas Seg ote eres @ ene eehetecenea 10,47 
GetenmimatloniOiiessstectease ners te rere 10 

influence of, on determination of digesti- 
Wath ieee OS ee arat rsd ee sthes etete fo fohetaremcere 10 
TATUTE Obs o.5 5 checs Sicderes Ses ata lehere oteboeyeleneteracale 47 
MAGFOLEMOUS yan ess cersle als aifeial sel cvehekalevereteneiers 42 
Feeding, influence of, on composition of fat............ cece eee e eens 32 

Feeding-stuffs, concentrated, expenditure of energy of, in digestion, assim- 
ilation, and tissue building.............. 492 

INDEX. 591 


Feeding-stuffs, concentrated, metabolizable energy of.......... 289, 297, 299 
digestible protein 

OL ial 315, 332 

utilization of energy of.............472, 490, 491 
metabolizable energy of, utilization of, in work production 540 
non-nitrogenous nutrients of, effects of, on total metab- 

OSM UE een eam ras Uy 
formation of fat from.... 180 
mutual replacement of... 154 

NOMS PROLEIASHMMGH t.sveusla ec Sia a MWe cetacean ys ree te 6 
LOLI era ev evetey cis lcie ce een nade ch ean SUS ent eagle 5 
Hermentation: of carbohydrates... 5.24 cancels it ae Leen iene 12; 13 
influence of amides on.....:........... 55 
; ammonium salts on........ 56 
ASPAaraGin OMe eee eee 55 
non-proteids on............ 55 
OFLanic Acids LOM. eee eae lone 
Products) Ob okie nian etaketa teas sata cme 13 
Cellulose spe eee eitts peers csie ta ceata rote oa ala eer Mel ate g eee 13 
Fermentations in digestive tract. 12,13 
cafitremes ot pati OD eee dal bapatentaele 55 
ammonium salts on....... 56 
asparagin on. BOS bbG6 GOs OD 
HOTELS OM, eh hae 55 
qemmentations! influence of, on nutritive value of carbohydrates....... 13 
HOSS OfyEMET OAV ATIN, to wges pets Ake ss MPO ARS ee Get tes cel aeant saree 374 
Fiber, crude. See Crude Fiber. 

JETNKSISISY -]ONSYSTEISIS a das icc tr eR ater Risa men EOE te OPT RN eS EY AHN ete eR 8 
Flesh, proteid metabolism expressed in terms Of............02000 Foal 1 hates 
EL OO Gee Me ee pe ere Era enter Cnc ah scare ie sv bus ai a) Chat Ml Sieve ORR REN ecg eS 5 
AM OUN GAOL CrUtI Calla Ache nte tse |e sere «woes cvuale sels vedeiaeerel Sisiakole ate eke 408 
influence of, on effects of muscular exertion........... 197 
net availability of energy........... 430 
utilization of energy.............00. 466 

ASTSOULCE Of CNET OY \ ayaa RE IS eC Uae dae yah eae soq ZAG) 
character of, influence of, on net availability of energy............ 451 
utilization of energy.............- 472 
COMPOSICLOM RO put eure Welsh laa Sia spy eeeaker ey castor ered eer sbarenaret eons oT) 
Aigested cia tae wane cubase Al (Gaia Pe ND te WA ree ees 12 
consumption, influence of, on heat PLOGUCHION. Aeeeee er .338, 372, 387 
metabolisimbsyaces ewe eiae erst: 387 
CS AVS) GAAS Opt, All cn Rig NSO RC EM Leg Vas ea tt Soe tiniites 
HUTICEI OMS | Olea stevopl ale tets sire eet aie eye raat ey Mp Wet agaatan Lloyd baane.”. a 
Fats LUnCtlONS, Ofek ease occa neha ic ote ma eeeh ARMM peroneal cle tay 30 

592 INDEX. 


Food, increases metabolism. .acbd:siss0.c.08, serve witb tage takes oe. esore lores leiotel ais. wrens 372 

ingredients, heats of combustion of ............c ccc cccccccccce: 236 
metabolizable energy of. See Energy. 

NACUPC OL. oh oa.5 valet 's cit. JAM Arana Be ela etna lid ae er eus tole gm 2 

potential energy of, determination of...................00ecees 235 

purposes:to which ‘applied . 4:58.43 00 sis ee eansicl este sie Od wick ee 80 

Foods, heats of. combustion of: < 22. <.ce2 Ss sarcea sxe. cs sade eee oe 236, 237 

Food-supply, relation of metabolism to...............2cceceeceeeces 93 

POot-pounds.: caiszcis <a saa huh vegies Bae eine ate ea ak ee 231 

TOF COs hn oes Src She Sik com eae Ce dim rae oy ai neko tie es ieaiel i are a Rome 226 

ULRUTOMdS syncs een rae Set eee eae een ne eat Hee Oa ls ae te tI 9 

oferide fibers... cai ead vos on Sarasa eee wen ee nles see 9 

nitrogen-[ree extract. 42k sk osatiaa ts antes wea owe 9 

Gain of fat, determination of. ..................0000. ia essa: Cea rae 69, 77 

influence of glycogen on computation of...............4. 66, 78 

potential energy Ol onc) come as eek Jas cneuins yen eect 244 

nitrogen by body). <.62 usa acs osu ado enenen eee seer 66, 67 

protein by body... sn aces eek nies seo oe wee erecta 66 

CGUIEU SWOT Koco) Sat so eee sh lac. 00s wc asta o eit cl ie oe ee 204 

potential emerge yiOk: jac 2s sos.gareauccie hiely = tatoo sone eis 244 

PISSUCS, & cnceVth Lcd wiigsss ek Sela eee aadeea cre eevee de tsi eregarehenaieee ieee ere 59 

determination Gls yi. wees oo acute mistnccapee ns mah pee ee 60 

potential energy ofp: ai, iis galeeAleie sa eeneieie erecinie oles 244 

Gait, influence of, on expenditure of energy in locomotion.............. 513 

Gases, combustible, composition of... 2.0... 0... ccc ce cee cece cees 243 

potential energy Of... 2.4 oie eet is cela desea eae 243 

Grelatinoids: so 56 68.025 bars. wa: cetera eperats wlacesaiie a anes stm av anceainta, onal eee a 

COMP OSItION OF. sGisqeerniantew cole eats aac bate eet emia eee 62 

MOT as uc etane Wols he nae eee caer ats oink, arcuate ae ete 7 

Glutaminic acid formed from proteids................0..ecceceeeees 39 

an intermediate product of proteid metabolism. ............ 44 

Glycocol, formation of hippuric acid from................-..0ceeeees 44 

oxidized In: body, cae siet hla ae Fete ewe aie 52, 53 

Glycogen, amountiiof, in body sss, Gi6 She ee eee coos sant ee kala ew 66, 78 

disappearance of, from liver in fasting....................- 21 

formation of, from artificial hexoses. .............0cceeeeeee 20 

carbohydrates, hexose. .............006- 20, 21 

PentOses, 5 ed sek ties areves = 25, 26 

GEXtTOSC Hii. b Nasa me ome ee 20, 21, 22, 23 

EX OSES 2534, Byeth sl oditde © apes mics voters la oho 20, 21 

DEN COSES seit ac caslaustede lens sieeet truer sretotorne 25, 26 

Protelds, js csccisds sls GA eM aleeiod dale oe 21,98 

I MVEL!, 4 ooeic se ls evs ere ee to ee Oe 20, 21, 22 

MUSCLES: Saiaisi2us Vacaheatdcarsea a nicl sis eincohe a ahevetevetenee 23 

INDEX. 593 

Glycogen, identical, from hexoses and pentoses...............000000005 26 
influence of, on computation of gain or loss of fat...... .... 66, 78 
INFMUSCULAT CISSUC ei eys nore rele oni ah cree ret ee eta yey eae ele 64 
muscular, disappearance of, in work..................-0-5- 23 

HUN CHLONS Oleic esac ee eee 222, 223 

reappearance Of inorest) cn/00 sc eels tonic siete 23 

reconversion of, into dextrose.................000025 20, 22, 37 

Grade, influence of, on efficiency of animal......................-00: 512 
} utilization of energy in work of ascent.......... 512 

worl< of descent ca/2.. urs vous We set eee esse 509 

Grain, relative effects of hay and, on metabolism..................... 388 
value of coarse fodder and, for maintenance... .. 433, 533, 537 

work production. ......... 533 

Gramm =Metere/e s)6's.5 Ws 5 skis 7, sale aes se aye a ela a tolevestelo stash aie s 6 oot gbetaeorolehnteneera 231 

Gira Gy APlOLCO OL Sare's ace bese. cyssa sabe Se Se 6 ashore aoe erin ccs ete Caner orereka nacre sueeataets 231 

EVR ITMCOMPOSIbION OF. 5. b.5.4/2 sais «bcc: 48 508 skate! s gree steustareheote © duale ars ie we craiete te 63 

Hay, relative effects of grain and, on metabolism..................... 388 

Heart, work of, influence of muscular exertion on..................... 192 

Heats animal Source’ Of. setsiia.s 4 feisiae ess ays ok c0k ease 2 eld Simlereenarepeents 261 

Geterminatiomoiiri ey cca ics ciceis ara-5/s so as cre 4 6 ale wiaieieueisls| tee abatiabere 245 
emission:and heat) production: .){\ssf ee. <2 sas oe ee Je ele ee 256 
influence ofinsolationion®). f.- 2. - ones dealer cece 357 

relative humidity on.2): 22% 220. chins chete oo 358 

WACOM ered. ine ice ata cic etal akoat ewan tern 357 

method of, above critical temperature................. 355 

rate of, influence of temperature on................... 350 
regulation Oliss ee ee ea nian Retna RU eee ae 349 

from digestive work, indirect utilization of..................... 406 
PPFOCUCHION 2) hepeiic soe setectusiere nysiei's sce csvenoie. ee ie hel slat tena utarn uauate aualelnye 338 
andiheat emission ici) Sila e ec Joe ela cee acetone ae 256 
COMpPuUtation Ol. crs eM eae oe eee acter tect eee earats 249 

from carbon and nitrogen balance.... 255 

gaseous exchange. ............ 249 

totalexcretai eas oe sean 252 

influence of cleavages on............ 253 

hydrations on........... 253 

determination ofsciiis cs ieee ete ree ere oye 245 

EMPASEUM I ee as asc se cost crete ee ehaad tai cusp eT PS ee eas 344 
Constaneyeols 2 s/o os, ciesevsie ictal arent scl ore 345 

influence of size of animalon.............. 359 

thermal environment on....... 347 

is a measure of internal work.............. 344 

POAINUAUTIN Li oe yy tose ie eel ete elses 347, 356 

influence of consumption of food on... ...... 338, 372, 387 

water ON.. ..........6..- 438 

594 INDEX. 


Heat production, influence of muscular tonus On... .......2+eeeeeeeees 191 
SPCCLOS: OM 215.5 4.)>is-at ars) aie foun ats exe olayepeketste stars 369 

Ge Perabure Omega le ote) siejetese cielo lesser veuraetai 351 

thermal environment on...............-- 358 

timerclemenbiOne ies agieisieycielee oi susie verereie 439 

in intermediary metabolism............+0+-.2e28+-> 405 

OnimMaimbenance LAtlOM eee yee ie ere) eee alereele seta 436, 437 

relation of, tOumMASS OF bISSUC? cc us <1 crere'e alee oferoteta cpa clots 370 

SUPLACE Ws samen es cise ale ct ttaie aleilots oteversietetetens 359 

VAYISIONS Myx, arma | See tecehal oraal <yatet ora aia pisia) ofera inte Soa 351 

CAUSES OLAS. jetjane ates eis G bie ere ayeibdeleeloe 363 

Mmechanmismn Ol: 2354 28.5 oie W vst alevalers. « srmate 352 

regulation of rate of:enaission Ol. oo cer< pal oe view ore 60's rv. sie tase eee 349 
IIGATS. OF COMM USTION? racists, 2:0 aire ae easel « etereucienabarocat oe eke sprtetara hcaverate sas ch= 229 
COMPULALIONIO!..,. wemetgen! a = so eore hers ere emai ive 239 

Ol TOOUS soyeyen does uel emotes ks Sia ears ehetecseetoleneterene 236, 237 

Pood INPredlente cee 5 4s eietvisiars ocetsle cts totes 236, 237 

Organic substances ie 6 ea a..'cis's le slots isletoiets, slaerem 237 

15 (CCW ASL Tb 01 | oi 0) (anal ese eee en PRE PeB Encyclo Seer tera eal 232 
ROX OSANSS (oit.selhi 4 otic sd kom diab asd a led c maermsiae ew anne « aw orsheiene oeieretetet cin 8 
| Keb 0-1 oi ee ae eee ee me IRR in cr RRO aRECR OOD Oc Gi a Danas cnc 8 
artificial, formation of glycogen from .\..2's 0 sil eee oe wes wees 20 
formation of glycogen frontier she 'a tsiee adhe poles aieiete ects 20, 21 
Herbivora, determination of net availability of energy in...... 418, 427, 428 
hippuric acid In, Wine; Olas saks oh 4st «7s Saw wera sielatemtelnieti at 44 
metabolizable energy Of T0060 ‘Of: oo. 6. 5 seve SiSiod eieln el cieletete oc 281 

minimum of protelds TOM: Sass ic + «chee hareidree egies enomeye shoe 140 

PAUP PUTO AGIA 2 cs isls Seeceshenann tats eke Sem iam naa ante scPapeueete esis eset tere 44 
composition Of p14 2a dlie ce tease t wide whe eee eielenreots a 44 

formation of, from benzoiciacid: . 4.4 sic.2 sees eee ae 44 

GV COONS, Ai fic ntacs ei cis Ble etree oe 44 

ATA UITETIOs 4; evsheacease hice Miah EL a sneenhe, Se Ee eee 44 

lossvoriener gy ints: sicprtecie me tetas ae ayasels cana tera orto 313, 322 
non-nitrogenous nutrients as source Of................. 45 

ONIGIN Off i934. con is tue Poa oe soe ede eee 44 

pentose carbohydrates as source of..............-22-6- 46 

source of benzoyl radicle:of 75.1. ..aieitlo wea elon 44, 45 

ELOOL, COMpPOSitlOMO! cic aco aisle sha he cect eaweiete nous sap Broder aie elona lanes Sie suas 63 
ELON, COM POSitlON:Of 3/1 cena Ai ae tne ee ee aie eee ets erences aol ee 63 
Horse, consumption of oxygen in locomotion by.............. 504, 506, 507 
maintenance requirement of ..25. 22s. 2. ss ais ow wwle ne ves sels 531, 537 
utilization of energy by,.Im Work. 20:25 Foski-eic.c mtataleie cee eealble 502 
AULAUNETOUS visre esc etetoteiocsveneis: saat siotereee 509 

veils see asta ars elses 504 

OL ASCeNntA eae es 506 

INDEX. 595 

Horse, utilization of energy by, in work, of draft...................... 507 
work of digestion and assimilation in.............:.........-- 385 
locomotionyine. sen 504, 506, 508, 509, 510, 514, 535, 539 

Human food, metabolizable energy of.....................0. 277, 280, 282 
foods protein; factorsiforaa's Aes ASG TAM e ny tre sieta taper 6 
Humidity, relative, influence of, on heat emission..................... 358 
Hydrations, influence of, on computation of heat production........... 253 
Hydrocarbons of excreta, determination of................0000000 69, 72 
iviclnO Zen DALAM COME wa ere delay Mares Maes seep vay erat Scr tbagalare &Guclel mcayabehe evita etch aan 78 
TIMOR CHE LAE gay ete) fate a as Negba Semen RU eR TT REEL 72 
Imcomerand expenditure of energy s...0.. sealer ee cis ele season 3, 226 
TMSUCET Sia eal Sea Cran tetanus AreREL PAC es URW 3,5 

Individuality, influence of, on expenditure of energy in locomotion...... 517 
sustaining load... 518 

utilization of energy in work............ 517 

irre OLR ATLA 25 sf, Wc tess As esas NS ee ee an Ra as yee SME a. Na 46 
Imgestaswarming loss ofenergy Ii 4.5 5255 25 sae Ne tease cc cs dels 374 
Insolation, influence of, on heat emission... ..............00000000e0e 357 
lImvestigations methods: ofyac., cs sel dese easels cre’ <eelsee wren cc nero aleter Siereperetetens 59, 234 
CA GAD OLIStan parses aces ies eae rer ers Sie hse racice sacl oyeiss a Sel ans US aad geo sfeaeee nae 16,17 
LG LAC om aay orate cL VE Ree eHeN thane sie cl ayaleaneallteh a7, nc nen CMa ESE 35 

PPOLEIES riper eee Parcsel ey ones Gi letenat el ueataNe vaeauauee Sorento 41 

excretory nitrogen, measure of................ 42 

finaljproductsiotin., iho oct cele eoeholenecny aceon 41 

Weratiny COmpositiom Olsen. crs oes ky cual ates oy sovcreuevclisiap shoe. aise, amy ere 62 
GOS TAMATME CER! ae cely ce Neu Naieees- uct avons te etet ote iol ot aleve Sriotaer oe ayielel a. gneteday et sleyelcts 231 
GH OF OU SESE INET ne eek asl Ope melas heen Matet aa stan oot Sats ev ahe/ clel'hevou etc e sara cpoite 231, 232 
Wactic acid, .ettect:of, on proteid metabolism... —.. 222)... 2.24.22 5404s 123 
totalimetabolismisacntcanee ts cs hecreietactene creases 158 

production of, in metabolism of carbohydrates............. 23 
replacement, valueiony icc gaion dee 3s reo om ee cea islens 158 

Ea vzul oseuim lOO ae a atid craic see naa Sereceue tee oh sess ait oi sheyetetenanale tele el eal amet 17 
eucimbiormed trom proverdsGs vas) shai tey yea ier eriae ciateteh ates Reser 39 
oxidized Am bod yan hearers sey eelen ee MUNN catia sas cM peut 52 
iienecousmmatenialiot crude fiber. 14 -ererrl sero eiicleis skein eerie 9 
Mivenasireservool carbohydratessye-qeee aceite eee aie oe 20 
SOUPCE, OL CEXtOSE ela, Ss: alle) sec Hela ere tel ry recta gavel ai 18, 19, 21, 49 

on carboydrate diets erate cee 19 

proteid: diet qecie. wis sake clanisieltele, cies eh 19, 49 

disappearance of glycogen from, in fasting..................... 21 
formation of dextrose in, from carbohydrates. ............. 19, 20, 21 

farts Fer satorersin paere ekattrsis ieik ious 21, 36,37 

PLotelds iow aera .)s o 19, 21, 45, 50 

IME tHOd Ofek sete eta cio) eves oho i4 ef eueheerses 20 

PAN KEGAN 56 6 dio Bda5000 0b co 00 dEDOUCOUSOHO 20, 21, 22 

596 INDEX. 


Liver, formation of glycogen in, from dextrose............0..e05- 20, 21, 22 
protelds i. 3).sace ws tee ee ceo 21 

SUPAM UN: 4s yr ee te aici tgs Resins oeie Se 18, 19, 21, 49, 50 

HUNCUIONS Of: cc Sana Soh ah Oar Let Ce 18 

ID. WOLK Produebionses ss! ot se Fe une acetone 220 

givcogenic function Ob. ai ican OL ones ou hic cuss tae lee Mears: 21 
reconversion of glycogen to dextrose IN... 2.2.0... e cee ees 20, 22, 37 

Live weight, influence of, on maintenance ration. ................00005 458 
Utilization Of Energy. od a0s bac. cad lee oaes 457 

Load, effect of, on expenditure of energy in locomotion........ 509, 510, 515 
total metabolism). 25% tate ho (ear ose 509, 515 

utilization-of enérpy sc. (S23 Aen ee ah Se ee eee 508 

in work of ascent........ 509, 510, 515 

expenditure of energy in sustaining...................0000- 508, 515 
influence of individuality on... 518 

Locomotion, consumption of oxygen in, by dog...........0.cec cece eee 500 
NOPSO! sys tie ache won 504, 506, 507 

expenditure of energy iIn...............ceeceeeecees 499, 510 

yi Opes ove dicveso'ctetecsaieyeaiens erates 502 

horse at a trot....... 509, 510, 514 

walk. .504, 506, 508, 510, 

533, 539 

MINS 22d. wiapenerlate foe ace we eyere tone 503 

influence of gait on.............. 513 

individuality on... ... 517 

load on..... 59, 510, 515 

size of animal on..... 516 

SPeCleS OD: s aakscc os 516 

speed on.... 507, 508, 513 
work of. See Work of Locomotion. 

Loss of fat; determination of :.::..04.00.3. Vacs eet ob oe ow ne oldie as Sate 69.77 
influence of glycogen on computation of............e.06. 66, 78 

hitrogen by: body. .4i.awscd aL aentunuine se eee ae eee ets 66, 67 

protem bys body i psichs sich eae aceca oe e eieaee sale De eer eee suntcr ee coke 66 

PISS Gi Ack cites cecaueen ee seareneained Ewe es oH ne SE meee ei eee vet 59 
constant,“in fasting: 2.ccceaecis tieic os wicvataa cuore aioe 83 
determinations Oboe 02 cie th cieices acs tystenele cael ae rekon te efeier cloner cnesst 60 

Maintenance, .«.:..cios cco icvaiten ain de eho eee ew Gharahetale Sob lathe ate aon eae 394 
availability of energy for.......... 396, 406, 410, 413, 427, 497 

isodynamic valuesHOrsges sys eiecsvente leroy akele avasesaliscere te oeelsneres 397 

isogly cosic: values fori. iiigisie ves ittege a te-se ersieretae ls sialon 400 

TRCLOM A ies Nebad secceuetighanter es Wa, oe hays tales ee neeanel ae eeetaceh tenet 432 

heat productionvons: 2252 fase a senate eaters 436, 437 

OF HOTSe ag Sts Ee RE GR eye genset 531, 537 

INDEX. 597 


Maintenance ration, influence of fattening on..............00000: 441, 458 
livesweightion yf sage Soe) ls ce ees 458 

Shearing On Ae cr creeds ar sisrere nee are e 436 

size olanimalona- aie mice mierinn 440 

thermal environment on.............. 435 

time element) on4yis enc) scsi senate 439 

relation of, to net availability of energy.......... 432 

relative value of grain and coarse fodder for...... 433, 533, 537 

value of carbohydrates for..................000000: 400-402 

CHUGE MD EKs nicslasrireu ote cre tepelot ates tee, oer Ra 435 

VEY ECO) Ghee iE ne i ee ec ees ety pug oa RUAN) A le iar 400, 402 

Man, expenditure of energy by, in locomotion....................20+- 503 
hippuricracia murine Ole Wades dels yege sis cio siacm ce apshs elevensiere toe A+ 
metabolizable energy of food of...............00000008 277, 280, 282 
utilization of energy by, in muscular work... ................05: 503 
tissue; buildingAe yaa see 451 

WOERKOM ASCENT as. chante hostels cere eer 503 

work of digestion and assimilation in.................00000eeeee 382 
Masticatrontrw ork oli cn iit ie aueiee neta ate ae stone ors nel Mee sues reteset 391 
Matter, income and expenditure of.................... AR ee oa 3,5 
Meadow hay, metabolizable energy of............... 286, 290, 297, 300, 301 
utilizationjofienergysole acne. ss ek siete 484, 490, 491 
Metabolicsproducts; nitrogenous, in feces... )2..-..+-45.226--- esses: 42 
MIVELADO]ISIMer ety s oie rae een ee wrpape eats ctuiteata en cic tee lot FAN CRMC me 14 
Bi OTACUAL PROCESS aeroptssicvetasacace'ep eikist ears coatee: creas eh enees 16 

anran sly tiC PLOCESShs Brayace ie fers a, eis coarcie ee este ote aha ache siete 15 

BS PLOcess Of Oxidation yess sia sesdiea cis = ase eee se whee eees chee 15 
carbondioxide;producedtines aan cto sicily ciel 14, 15 

carbon, effects of muscular exertion on................... 209 
ConsumMptionlol Oxyeeminee ee ci elicit ae 14, 15, 16 

effects of muscular exertion on...................... 185, 193 
non-nitrogenous nutrients oOn............... 114, 125 

proteidisupplysomend. sieve cious stenctauerc ey eReysierrele 94, 104 

excretory, Productsiol. sale detuts rr taleeeamgseeha: serene cara 14 

PAS ERI 524 sic cahs usin Sec eec ae henaehe choca ood tone loce estates crakarees 80, 90, 340 
efiectioiibody. fationes-a. 0 a+ ere ance cies ae 88, 90 

loss Of protelny Oleg cy-cascmurce cet 90 

ratio of proteid to total.............. 81, 88, 89, 90, 93 

Ie Rp RR a UT RU Se ee CUM a 83, 90 

proportional to active tissue.............. 86, 93 

Fabs s NG hASt yoy pa) ctera, 5 espe s aS wees ake en aN eR eran a acve bi 85, 88, 90 
FOOGNMCTEASES seek veya: c lar oor sel coment cua eo tee ne renetetevohe (ol ove olavots 372 

glandular similarito;musculani 42s yansetiee se} <l/e sie ee 344 

iInluence of food Consumption) OMe eres 3 soe 387 

muscular exertion upon...............-. 185. 193 

598 INDEX. 


Metabolism ‘in muscular tomus 20-4). Wee ee ete neal ee aly 190 
INLETMEGIATY,. each 2 dy nda enten een ae cae ek a eee 91 
during muscular exertion... 40.0... 003...22 219 

heat production. aa. e crest ee 405 

OULaUE ieee aera ewes fakes ote Ceo oe 91 

PROCCING ca Waser ore fie ey. aah es tee ol 

respiratory exchange ini) 2, gin. 2 sa.cs cents 405 

intermediate products lings ceed tos.0 cle aladigyi tae tecles  s 16, 44 
muscular, Natureol smerny cree tle ces Se hoes ea 495 
of amides. ....... rape NON ATa rete ote Rae Aeircr ad hice eee ca aN Een SiS ee a 52 
carbohydrates cc ade atin es he setts aden ka es beer 15, 17 
IEXOSOR yeaa che cween inch AS tes ced che. tae 17 

PeMtOSeai sais bisa d oie ed pape ate eke 24 

production of carbon dioxide in........ 23, 27 

lactic@eld itive. sc wed 23 

Water Isle ec et eae ne 235/27 

PAS stare ence ees en genes na ante aee t aag ee ace 15, 29 
INCEDMCO RAT, raeatciemin is ae 4 vos hat aoe ee ee ERS 91 
production of carbon dioxide in.................... 36 
WALGER 2.5 cued eak peor aepleeeee a 36 

TON -PIOLCVUSe aie cavenie 2 una Alcea Se ELTA ema eee 52 
OVP BING ACIAS ss atic ae lucene warded Sea tans Oke 26 
PLOCGIAB urs a teaee na eisarcten ne iii 9° 2a cca eetln eae een a 15, 38 
products:ol; anfeces) anu Sins, «xs bade sarnte i 10, 47- 
defermination Oly cites Teele eee inne! 10 

influence of, on determination of diges- 

Lo) I oh range etree Ree Satie nica ate > 10 

TALUE OL, Easinie ls Ga asteasttg eh ee eee aig 47 

PLOCCIA fie Fe: fe Sas teal al SIRE oA teyeccas cles eiegkan ae 15, 38 
andinitrogen excretion)... 34. 4.0fasees sak oye ee 97 
determinedsbyasupplyea:s.7..4 tance ae te ee 128 

effects of acetic acid (On. essi.0 1. Cai fee ee 123 
Carbohydrates:Ons mene sce nee ee tee 115 

compared with fat... .. 127 

cellulosetom iis Sia seein ieee ula b7/ 

excess of proteids Ons. 245. ou 8 oo eel 96 

Lat One nie Spek Sag leathdve® eave eget 114 

compared with carbohydrates... .. 127 
lacticacid'om:..Jahcsnitense ae Tae 123 

muscular exertion on...../......... 194, 206 

influence of amount 
ot:foodion yaaa: 197 
non-nitrogenous nutrients on. ....... 114, 125 

duration of.. 128 
magnitude of 128 

INDEX. 599 


Metabolism, proteid, effects of organic. acids on..................20.5. 123 

pentose carbohydrates on............... 124 

proteidysupplyjoni jae wee oe ec 94 

SCALCHON toc. Waveney). sla URL tas at ep teey 116 

SUGATS OM VA hh sists Rh ceatie mer Mea ahha nao ta 116 

expressed in: terms' of! flesh waj4%)2 845 ons eae 68 

glycocol intermediate product of................. 44 

identity of, in different animals.............. 317, 335 

On: differentiiced ser. ese ree 322 

BAUS ECL OY a laa aw ame WERE en NR oy Lc UN 81, 90 

minimum of proteids less than. ......... 136 

tends to become constant............ 81, 90 

HNOUNKOES Oc ooccnogoceoeoauesobse 81, 90 

intermediateyproducts ims ye ene se eee es 4-4 

IMFErmM CGiAny erates ee ee ee eee ae 91 

production onicarbonidioxideim=. 3 a) sane eee 42 

phosphoriciacidyinas me eee 42 

sulphuriclacidiniean rien nr sere 42 

UT OAs LTS Re hate One Nae ange 42 

SWALOTAIINUM Roinete fies noe yas pace mete 42 

ratio of, to total, in fasting........... 86, 88, 89, 90, 93 

UREA AS HIMCASUTE OL art ac cdabe bait eheieteve i ciek diay ewe ege 68 

relations of tomoodjsupplye seen see aoe oie eee oe 93 

relative effects of hay and grain on....................-.. 388 

Cotalcompubatiomiolen es Wee cree ey ence eke ee dee ches ciet sea ti ames 78 

Citectiolaceticnacidvoner cinder aencda erent terre 160 

Ibutyrieracid yom er nyick wen cee genes ane 158 

CellwloserOmi 7G) i aceetocists aie seam veo cenan sahara 162 

Crude fiber omy Meee eviews settee bere twee) age 161 

LACtiCvacid wOnapre cde hi gecde): decetenetna cee aero 158 

loadvon say ae ane ee apr ee erat ey See 8 509, 515 
non-nitrogenous ingredients of feeding-stuffs 

OMe it lutea leaceetauensaentnartne cote tte 154 

nutrients on........... 144, 154 

OFZANIG ACIDSIONW crise eee oe eee 157 

pentose carbohydrates on.................. 156 

NOW AC ADIN Os sanckoadenedoctooduassic 104 

THAMINOSE ON hy ASN Ear ah Aes seen ecm ana ny te 15% 

IMP ASEM oe ey i ey eect LG eee asthe 83, 90 

proportional to active tissue............ 86, 93 

nitrogen cleavage of proteids independent of......... 99 

LAO OM toOmproveld win tasting rey 86, 88, 89, 90 

UPEA PROC CEM MMs. i iccbapei sicko etals fumods oeMere taney cecal > clei 'srerel at otars 14,15 

WAbeTEPLOCU CEC MIN iremtel eva ee isvok taser cretalsly ott aieteys) siellenofeters 14, 15 

NMethanewexcretiomiotabyacattlerwrcperseisssiehe crorsietciey ote rare < clenerctetel sielchele 243 

600 INDEX. 

Methane in excreta, determination Of. .°........c0ccseesccccceeeees 69, 72 
losses:of enerpysin 22) av uca staves cane ee secs 310, 325, 328, 330, 335 
produced by fermentation of carbohydrates................. 13 
Methodsiof investigations. 26 atc sds ae praceecce tw alate wd = tare reieeeee eats 234 
Milk fat, formation of, from carbohydrates... ........06.0.c0ecsmccees 174 
Minimum:demands of vital/functionsy.: 2 /s2hiss oaless chew sists oes baie sie 80 
Ol Provelds. e020 sk pea ena ere se ee ie ee ee 133 

amount of non-nitrogenous nutrients required to 
POAC Ses baie dae haa aie egele ite ata uaalgiels coco oe aot: 139 
effect'of carboydrates one... 0. ad eats see oo wee 136 
PettOW ae a geps er ac as Ae enee aie ete ene 135 
non-nitrogenous nutrients oOn............ 134 
optheallth.) Aiss.cmhrseae penne eee 143 
Tor Herb iy Oba asa. a!oc os oaks See aoe 3 og aes 140 
I FASC eRe 9. ccs otee esubehaner ey ease bik 82, 83, 90, 94 
less than fasting metabolism. ................-.-- 136 
Mixed diet, work of digestion and assimilation of................0. 382, 384 
grains; utilization of enervy Of... 2.2... cc. ssaeeeues Ga «sent 483, 491 
Mockera experiments si: .52 ue saanet ass tee ecee eee homeo 281, 455 
Motor ;emiciency on aminial, BG aes saleesces es, v'e'gcusle eve cies tte Save eet 498 
NiMcins, COM POSINOM Ofte cuteness 4a. eee ee oe oe ieee Oe 62 
Muscle,.consumption of dextrose 1m) 42.4<.4ssecee os see steueeue eee. 22, 221 
copirachile substance:Of. ays 5 acc8 «<2 cSs <0 Geeta een eee lyé 
CHGIEN Cy Of SINC J. 22.4.4 ae ati ee ake ca site een 495 
CEUTACHIVES Oli y a tes wn cag Hea a uaesse lois wickets nee Gt eine Meee 8 
formation,-of slycoven In y..4..2tsseeoos. so. Madge meneeeenees 23 
Fespiravory QUOLIEMUO. 22 isd ok wus aus cls ¥oueG ae ow os etameiers mare 187 
resting), storage of dextrose Isic. c.aee see's cece. Sha oaeee ems 222 
OR VMOU. Sy Lies a te Saas sc ater areieva ard keene ratios 222 
VOlINEATY,, WOK) Olag Jonte.s Oe ee tate tins 2 sateen eee nee 337 
Nails; composition Of, 0.03.5. 5bee ase ps eSeth we a padi tatstns hea oe 63 
Nitrogen-free extract, apparent digestibility of...............000 02 eee 12 
influence of amides on.... 57 

acetate on. 57 
asparagin on. 57 

OMe ayn hears 57 
Carbohydrates Of. .1)..6:0i04/) oo. bein soe oon eens 9 
digestible, gross energy of............000005 305, 306 ~ 
furfuroids Of 8.5%. au teto ae ke cute anes hee tener cioe 9 
pentase carbohydrates Of. 25.) sscc meee laa 9 
Nitrogen balance, computation of heat production from carbon and..... 255 
CIEAVAGEIOL PTOLELASS 4:4 crsarare clic sey den tule a, a ee 98 


Nitrogen cleavage of proteids, effects of non-nitrogenous nutrients on.... 131 
independent of total metabolism......... 99 
CONtENTOMPTOLELAS ss. cre. se Siacs, oshe shel cagadienchs Asie AMP ereas re ey ehaletea 39 
equilibrium, amount of proteids required to reach............ 94 
estimationvofiprotempiromis, “sem. vce tilda sce en aeneeine 5, 6 
excretion; effect of proteids|om. ..2.5 0.00.20. sles eeees ee 94, 96 
OLPDTE SNe cmser ars ch ois crs loin alain niclchecat Meee meee Ate eT erate 42 
proteidametabolismiand hry vemos seers ieys OG 
effects of non-nitrogenous nutrients on...... 130 
excretory, measure of proteid katabolism.................... 42 
factor for computation of non-proteids from................. 8 
PLOLEINMTLOMeR sear ee ele 67, 68, 77 
gainrorlossiof by: bod yar reece steve ovesohe coisiel org soo eons che ae 66, 67 
INCOME}ANGOULLOTOL career eter ters el cveleee s coascee aalele te ate parenet Sena 66 
AIM DETSPITA LION Wescen eee Meyer yan or cert alate iL are WMC ahaa 48 
MEtADOMC IMME CESM earn MeeteNicke te. de tle s sales sate nema 47 
percentage ofimebodysprotelisa. ssc. s.5- soe osc) eee 62, 65 
proteids....... [OV ODBDECaOHS HEME Adobo os 6, 7 
POLE aaa reue lh) yerepscatas sie cicisve's aise seme 6, 62, 65 
INGOT -PLOLELGS pp eeyeet ys hette ce eH atotar Sichst (era ah ecco! ar Wi Sleie eves, a's Gileya state geseoene 7 
ASPAFACTNAbY ICAL Ole wee niet ye Syeslay si cles ches ny Cae ar opeimeinees 8 
determinatlonsoley mies seine. walkie eteenola eevee 8 
factor for computation of, from nitrogen................ 8 
INPLCE CHING ASEUTTS ree oY Nese ates le ncn a alae cgi MeO ete 6 
Influence Of Lon digestion oa. 4.) alae ostia teteiae sehebee soo | OH 
apparent digestibility of carbohydrates... 57 
crude fiber... 57, 58 

nitrogen-free ex- 
s tract ........ 57 
fermentation of carbohydrates........... 55 
fermentatiors in digestive tract.......... 54 
Ofgamimal Ody aes y a elccu a ales oie ge ees cett anal State eee uenehe UU ana 8 
Oxidized imi Ody je ji. sl oralorstcvorertrans evel us let aietelays Bliss chess 52 
Me tAWOMSMUOL. 6. sew cess slain ctareecisncrVehuoar evar len meeps 52 
WUDLUTELOM ering cs aing Stekechoeilolaeel atelerehatccattedenerameanieeycp mmabeee rare 7 
not synthesized to proteids................2-0-ese002s 53 
produced by cleavage of proteids...................4-. 7,8 
replacement,.of proteids) bis. asco ccs eiocninceniieh oie. 53 
ECSOLPUVOM OL. eR G saya Matas te theta ele eee saul sepa remarce RIN Ay Sie 12 
Nutrients available (4..5 5 vas) ac lesisieee abel uals Slosav el ie iavstermaneeeiahaver sell evel 10 
digestible; energy, Of. ait 2s sence oe oot as ea etinaes Meco eas erat siis's 302, 306 
fagosks cia wood a oud BSc bod OM SHOES Smo 302 
metabolizable................ 310, 332, 333 

factors for...... 302, 332, 333 

602 INDEX. 

Nutrients, fiber-free, utilization of, in work production. ............ 541, 543 
computed........ 547 
isodynaimic replacement Of «a4. c.aaisie! vices o's /sl4 Sis tel ¢e Wafers oer eat 152 
isoglycosic'replacement Of... oi \5.(-t os Sistclau ae emanates vie 153 
metabolizable energy of, utilization of, in work production.... 545 
moditiediinidirestivertractes see a. tcc at cer cieeiosn tenet eee 12 
mutual replacement: Oli... aeyncis avs Siete vetels bieteie-s s ace tepe; delele teas 148 
non-nitrogenous, amount of, required to reach minimum of 
PEGUCLUS peek aectealers! sists Woe no. sau eee 139 
assource of ‘hippuric acid ici. 2.2../seee en 45 
effects of, on metabolism. ............. 114, 125 
minimum of proteids.......... 134 
nitrogen cleavage of proteids... 131 
proteid metabolism...... a4 125 
OLG ewan. 128 
duration of. 128 
rate of nitrogen excretion...... 130 
total metabolism. ........ 144, 154 
formation ol tab. (roms 2G vas.ces y= ees ee 162 
of feeding-stuffs, formation of fat from...... 180 
mutual replacement Of.0:.. 12%. ..05 0% ose 154 
substitution of, for body fat............... 144 
utilizationiof excessiof 17. Yess vse ae wees 162 
percentage of OXY Pen ak caw vi sislalee Silo tee ee an oo ms 5 
Telative waluesivol.y, 4, vcscssecet tactensionsls iene =: « aeeoe oes eens weno 152 
In Work pPrOdUctiON® ; 4 tins4 sehr es ease wee 522 
replacement values Of. 4.00. vonce ee bs > rooR ete es ett 152, 396 
INGrtritiom, dumctn om Oli 55a acare ae ciel snags gy epeusimie es ey> ela ee ice lene ae asia 2 
Sta bIStIEROlste aii opeace stam eee een es ctaet aie, oi cee eae ee meaalenr tarts 3 
Oat straw, metabolizable energy of............-..2+--05- 290, 297, 300 301 
WGLIZATLONIOL CMeLe yiOl ce sn eucrett Sete tate cece ete al irenar eye 485, 490, 491 
Oil, metabolizable energy Of... . 3... ci. 0. cece tee ee eee eee 296, 323, 332 
utilization of energy Of so 4c.scte die he gem wien ome ore ete 478, 490, 491 
Organic acids, absence of, from excreta... ........02 55 eee eee eee eens 27 
net availability of energy Ol. Awe sk fiers ols aierne «alee 423 
for-qloirAasishiblellehin mm Hama maic ON one no ar oducimdan Gr 27 
matter, digestible, gross:energy Of... oles eesti ne ence eee 309 
metabolizable energy of............... 297, 307 
utilization Of emerey Ol. Li. wae espresso enctes 490 
total, metabolizable energy of.........2.5..+..5: 284, 285 
UbilizAtlOMiOl enero Oleic sere ee siete tedelelels 455,461, 490 
substances, heats of combustion of. ...........ceeeeee ee eeee 237 
Oxidations incomplete in muscular contraction. ............6.0+ eee 186 
Oxyeen balancesss .. 035,05: alaieie cc cial oboe ie Gis ealacty> See\e fan oie tabetnneelaye 2 79 

INDEX. 603 

Oxygen, consumption of, determination of.................-. 70, 71, 73, 79 
TM PLAS Ci ey oe wera a inert re ARE UOTE a a 84. 
locomotion; by;dog asst rae teen an aee 500 
MOTSE! tae. 10, Secs 504, 506, 507 
metabolism ste eels et ain she eek cee eee 14, 15, 16 
TROIS OE EVSKEIOIB LON hoya, Con bonosenoeoodoueE 500 
Horses ae pee eienee cee 506 
draft by :dogyeyc ions us wee eee, aunts 501 
INOKSEH ses) ark eee eu he Rares 507 
not essential to muscular contraction.....................--- 188 
Percentage olmpiMiexcretancy usamicidi dehy cis a elt erent aevate 15 
TUUGTLE MES ree na vate pe seed Ned oul oie lapel oe) Acetone 15 
Storagerolumeresting musclen ener ser aes erie ee sees 222 
Parotid gland, consumption of dextrose of blood in................... 22 
Reanutiolmetabolizableienergyiof 5 2)-- 4-122 sss se 296, 323, 332 
J PUTING OISENTISI 2 os aR at a eee UR a tis eS dil iac: 8 
ORIGIZEA MED OGY tears Macy teins sia rohetevor ti caray scetele a @hes allan can tye ara eee 26 

Pentose carbohydrates. See Carbohydrates. 
LE TNCOSES ery renter he Oey ihe eta) aon ake ckaveh ah afes ty ais Paleo ana Chishey lal eaumepeeete 8 
LOLMALONVOle ely COMeMMLOMMa reer iyet 2) is) «04 ete) te) anes 25, 26 
UIORUTLT Cheri aaa rm ester aia siete tenis man hed 2 Tarn w ae 25, 26 
MINE OLISTIN O lege, coer e Rea espe het Susie Steed ws chet ejepetetal + =a eRe 24 
netavallapility Olienergy, Olin.) cs. es. soo ee sole 420, 428 
OxIdi Zed pial OGY wae vers Wratten ate apcnmer eee vast aial ec) AUG Ok) Ta UN 25 
Peptones absent from blood........ ROS EAE Peed oe ST et A 40 
formedthromiproterdss scr oie eis siete ols apcie ee ske al 5) or ayeudiignesreliele 12, 38, 39 
procucediduningedizestionecereon ee ces ieee oer 12 
synthesis of, to proteids by an enzym....................-- 40 
Perspirationy ammonium salts) ines ys oe see ie os acer eebae icine 48 
CLEA CMI serrate dene clne ie ec Steet oe are eroNeMeN LL Nee 48 
MC ROMCMUM patience tortaiets orci toch hela were Mah eiet is) Sera ageae 48 
MICLOSEMOUS MALLET AM My oso) Gerais che, Mass sicis, sey latte aieloechan tetas 42 
potemtiallenergys Ole eras oe only xa seal cc oifene) oleic seek weg ster es 242 
| OFCO\ E50 [3] D0 ene Ae ae ES ae eel REN Ties rare inte ae A cher ey 48 
MITC ATTA, ene Scares Srund shcia cit arene ca cana fee Niet a ea 48 
UIT CRACIC UN reste aay psomeun eecea je eat oaatameyeat hes leva tataten aha aaa 48 
hen olsjimeunine ewe sete ay i sc ay .conene dots glete Merona © ceab ey etepenag meee 27, 46 
Phosphoric acid, production of, in metabolism of proteids.............. 42 
iEhosphorusibalancey te cec. eee ae BesdeNes ue Raya Meecha rN eh Mea NTH 79 
DEAS NW ONE Ae RNS ey a AU te ees a CN a 40 
DEAR GLUES FS acess aR Or nr ee A an eS A Ae ROL TE 4 ee 6 
albumosesfformed fromsy ss piety is echo er ls ays dae ae 38, 39 
amidesormed frome. yaya vee ey sche Lh eae aces hese 7, 39, 52 

Notisynthesized tow sre se ey sees reise eae eles, olenaelee 53 

604 INDEX. 
Proteids, amount of, required to produce carbon equilibrium........... 105 
nitrogen equilibrium. ......... 94 
anabolasina Of? a+: 5, iS cnentek ce ee ee ie cal at OS Ae 38, 41 
aspartic acid: formed {TOM isc 5 ose ks ah one ahaa ae ene 39 
as source of muscular energy................c0cceceees 201, 207 
body, and ‘food! proteids wl wie 8 sinc ita-s ane Sere hetete oceans 40 
carbohydrate radicle imei wu. te aaetaes o's at wale sane eenncne ee 50 
changes im, during’ digestion. 255.0804 sas. os saa ve eee soe s 112 
CLASSINCALIONNOE 22. Fee a ey ae een ahh OOM % a Ses ne eine 7 
cleavage olin digestions, for. sso terre cone 12, 38 
PURPOSE.OF Mn be seri Vs erica sd See 38 
non-proteids produced by... ........c00-ce0+>0% 7,8 
differences im’ a1 pra. hova es Oahu aa « MeO ERE a ne ee ea 39 
effect of excess of, on proteid metabolism.................... 96 
onformation of hippuric acid... s,.c0.....e. 000804 463 
Metabolism’: Ah Hac ee cede cro ts fore 94, 104 
Nitro gem EXCretlony..2.'2 5. scale oboe Males eae 94, 96 
proteid metabolism... ae... octsc) acer astsae ies 94 
total metabolism). 22% .3 22 cn 00s0 hee eeme eee: 104 
food; and body proteids.iie25 0. vaca os stese a Sy oaths Stes 40 
formation of dextrose from, in liver................. 19, 21, 49, 50 
fat APO este ches oo isa Gehuc ae en ae 30, 50, 98, 101 
difficulty of proof of, oF) .es uc tence oa: 113 
equations for.) dtd on een eam oes 51 
later experiments: 25 sae eee ecient 111 
Pettenkofer and Voit’s experiments.... 108 
Pfliiger’s recalculations................ 109 
elycOpentrom: tos eh. UAy tesa eee Soe 21,98 
Sugar trom: eke soma ors Hare ae eee 19, 21, 49, 50 
functions of, in muscular exertions... 02. scasjsu'a ts eee sk oe 207 
gain ol during works s.:mcle stata tote eee eee 204 
glutaminic: acid-formed trom 3.3.20. feasase omits eines aoe 39 
IN PETSPITATLOMs t5 Aaits ee Resi esa ae Ere eee Sens Rina eee cee 48 
intermediary metabolismiol. © .4.00.05<e6he ee ve saw eee 91 
Keatabolignn Of 1352 auiicate d noher tata ean eters On ote ee Mae 41 
excretory nitrogen measure of................ 42 
hnalproducts-Of.:. fcr tic aueatepheaiecsamalare te tase 41 
leuemm formed ffomivgos wen 1 asada che cee eee eat ee 39 
metabolizable energy of! 2.5.2 isi boaeesssahince 272, 276, 277 
metabolism of. See Metabolism. 

FMUUTAL AUT FOL cu ciated Seeotiges tl nese eyo daltaenal fe cata area ser ant 133 

amount of non-nitrogenous nutrients required to 
POAC E io ab code Le) eG MeN ecg Inte Chet ana near 139 
effect of non-nitrogenous nutrients on........... 134 

effects:of, om healthy... ie icici) sale eacsiole eee ye ete 143 

INDEX. 605 


Proteids minimum iofkorherplvoran 346 yacul./lc saeco deen ene 140 
AN FASUIN GE. seis on Me eaten cg Miser have epee! cles 82, 83, 90, 94 

influence of carbohydrates on.................. 136 

FALIOW n5 Sesh at ts 5 adeiate wer erelera sole 135 

less than proteid metabolism in fasting.......... 136 

IN OLECULATAWEIL LOL Gerster core sete eos aesycdeqa pte esa alate renee 15 
PLAGUES Olean ers escoge eau cy ccc eye 4 e/a ate aaees gare aU ENN Sh ea aston 39 
Netavailabilityeoh energy, Ol s-is sietie eo aeccielee 414, 427, 428 
MILTOLCMICICAVAZE Oli yiastan yates aise: ceva) ors. classe r aie seston one 98 
CAUSEOL oe inners eeerneee veces 100, 101, 103 

effects of non-nitrogenous nutrients on.... 131 

independent of total metabolism......... 97 

contentiofine sayin as eee ais Heme ele tear 6, 7, 39 
non-nitrorenous residue Often yee eisai cies riche ere 48, 98 
PACLOle eter eae ne eee 49, 98 

formation of sugar from...... 49, 50, 98 

non-proteids notisynthesized(tOn s fcsces aes sae eicie seneieie e ae 53 
peptones formed from. 297. cyacil es) leis. siee view 4 «wheeled 12, 38, 39 
Percentage ol mMiGromeM AM <cey heii cist. eneteny ieee) lohan ee 6,7 
proteases formed frome ee syslccsie sade lie ovine Svalorouev ates seis, aye) aloe 12, 39 
putrefactionvor inuintestimesis.jc2 4 oc) ese fare ore beni eheloe 44, 46 
PLOGUCES Off ae ciare ine cree eeee 44, 46 

rebuilding of, from cleavage products.....................-- 40 
FEplacement Ors pypalnl cess Wears ice ie Mice cre Attala aneeae 53 
ASPATAG HAGE Mac Vall Aer Te De Lb sabe cavalo rote 54 

Ibodytatinien. cok a oh nicl wisn Nerate eds efonatens , 149 

fats and carbohydrates of food............ 149 

MON=PEOULCIAS i iic uses seas setter ele pea negate rrr 53 

TESOL ULIONMOLR Prete titers coic muer crests baal fet oi yasis erat ons tet one ean os 12 
RES OUEMO MY CWO Ole, guokaddoeouasodpeoboeosonoocooeD 74, 75 
SymMbMesistOlspepPtOMes! COke oa. sacle sicitrs sini e tahoe ale) ekeranedsjelerals 40 
Subsututedmombodyaratyeenrrine secre aed cicreineiee eile 104 
Proteid supply, effects of, on metabolism......................... 94, 104 
proteidimetabolismye:y c+ 5 ans tries 94 

totalmetabolisnani: tetris: valine 104 

EROUaCk, WanMINNOPAy Oa cagoonegeoodeououodubHbuobUGdNOOoOUGKUUOD 5,7 
HANNO? SOM Qing oe cgoegcsoenunssuoucgbouuUbobocdudG™ 96 
MIVA CH ANITAT Obonodocononovsncdeandacobueuacan 482, 491 
EXCESSLOL AS scams 5) eects stator anouenen de selte sn ustonaichcis 107 

work of digestion and assimilation of................ 381, 382, 384 
Run, Cimoulberonysy bes dogaoouneessddoGnaone cqodounddS oo Sakoenoac 82 
COMOTSIMNON Oise, soagoanoordoudoooduc ccs ocoouodoEdouOuoOS 62 
digestibility olereal amet seleisrtisielars ctonsteneicec seveteity i skele) «loll! feile 10 

digestible, gross energy Of.......0.0cesccscicscccssccotceecs 309 

606 INDEX, 


Protein, digestible, metabolizable energy of .. 310, 315, 317, 318, 320, 327, 332 
utilization of energy-oles cies 722 es ay nas 481, 491 

ESHMATLONIOL (errors Mss: mg) 2 reve ak creas ee tae 6 

Prom nIbTOSEN. tes eeu eee eit ee oe Daa eee 5, 6 

factor for computation of, from nitrogen.............. 6, 67, 68, 77 

in -humam LOOdS pe. ctekv hae snipe acts ah cee ate ee 6 

paincorloss:ol by Od Vince punks din oe Saecse ene tae ieee 66 
potential energy oli:.o.4 4 oo. Sine es eee 244 

TU TCCAING SUIS sna oa Se Mea een cara ee eal teane oes ae i 

loss of, in fasting, effect of, on metabolism.................... 90 

energy -of,, im. methaney ance wee gia Me wee sen os cima aay 310 

UTI Ck Marte eroane e atleee ete atin AO Ae Bl 

MAGUEO Ola ate wha win aed auerenene hee Nee Mane at ee Nahe eee 5 

Ob DOdy;; COMPOSILION Ol. arm caine date cen co keee amen, 62, 65, 66 
percentage ol mitrogen In;...', 24.40 sns cele es as 62, 65 

Organized 57 he Seas a eases a Sica a eh oa ee cea ean 82 
percentage.of nitromen ims A.6.cien os al Shea de you ve eee eee 6, 62, 65 

ratio-o! fatto, imbodyin fasting. <..22. 2. .edesa se aeeke 88, 89, 90 

real dipestibiity Olena tocs.siacniats coas Satire cee ee ee 10 

SUOLAPE, CAUSE Of, Mp ncem ites cic ns Oe 102 

CR LEMUOD ork tes cus ceeelee kann eres fe ec eee 132 

LETINMOLORY OLN eA Reena haa ae: S-ancse a sack 6,7 
Proteoces, formed trom provers ey). of .ccn 4 oe eae tees 8, 12, 39 
produced during, disestiomy:s 00 © kiwis ciciameeeemUe ee ee 12 
Putrefaction of proteids in intestines...............00005s cues ee esese 44, 46 
PPOGUCIS OL ..<...<. cs etiete eines 44, 46 
Quotient; respiratoryaocs tala; bets Pee nee & cosas oon cee eee 74 
change m, caused Dy work... << 4.ssne ue ee eee 212 

computation from, of carbohydrates oxidized. .... 76 

fat oxidized. 402. Gee oe 76 
deductionsfromine7:6.1 eeu ne eee 75 

during work, conclusions from.................. 75 

effects of muscular exertion on..................- 211 

in fat-formation from carbohydrates............. 179 

of carbohydrategss... bina). arate ee eee 74 

Pa, Since a4 ata Cae Be ake ete ha eee Oe 74 

THUISCLO Ss, Pier iii ad Heise ein na 2 ee cee 187 

influence of contraction on............ 187 

PIOEIAS. scck cote fet arte t aia eee eet ten 74, 75 

VAPIATIONS OF fs sg Seaiesat eae ocho dada Ste eee 211 

during wore: js... cavcwectenita ee 216 

RAP Gy GCE Hs wi’. o5e nv ace 21k evga oes oe eer eS we ate oe tea 348 
Rate onmitroseniexcretions :\ses)2 soe ate tac che onal ee 98 

Ration, maintenance. See Maintenance. 
Regulation‘ot body temperature. ../5 ..1.. cc.c.s4 6 one ne selaees saraien 347, 348 

INDEX. 607 


Regulation of body temperature, chemical... ....05.....0.500000000+% 352 
IMMEANS? Ol rea) yseop Miia ters Weve jedarctatn Goarenstedelie 348 

playsical ere k cave Cea elec ye ike merely 351 

EMISSION; OL Neate lite wc ievetoiise ter alec eieheys che seh folasene ciel neeverencuasle 349 
enneterment functions) Oly serae eee fee os ee eee Ee eee 40, 41 
Replacement wisodymalale awl acqa ss slic cbc eremisiee eisierac ier 152, 399 
ISOL IV COSIC WA WHOL TS cuit ante puck mete eat bere nete ra te yey e 153, 399 

mutual, of fat and carbohydrates......:......:..:...... 151 
non-nitrogenous ingredients of feeding-stuffs... 154 

TUG PLOTS 8 sic Pee a cis be cata allay MA aie 148 

offproteids by amidesiiy cosas atic dass fs setae ieee 53 

ASPAT ASTM hcp Mehy aera otesabaetars ar sietetetaue eee dames 54 

Ibo dhsyphert ges Ma pete us a Mili seein cet tea ro Re 149 

carbohydrates and fat of food............. 149 

NON PLOLELUS 1) verter endecselel cht s, 4 eee 53 

Value ofacetictacid Macias trac ae 8 s.5 ce co takecusscat ole reyareunnerts ae 160 

Ipuntiyaricp acid way sheru te tote) Aevaivon wire inus  eerteesoene 158 

Carbohydrates ay sive lh np.tek citi ogc ale yanaeam meen 152 

CellUlOSe Ry yaeae ra sys cpaltere Tate ay betes talc yer cee ce eee er roe 162 

CTU e a OT ek Nc ltne te cea ee ear, sce ae See 161 

EVOLITGPE VCC Fis winnrhn wily bah ines eto aieie i HP BPA ACN, 158 

non-nitrogenous ingredients of feeding-stuffs..... 154 

TANUGEIOTUGS Hh AYU OAL. OL cele At eh acs 4 ose Ua a an eee 152 

OL LAMICTACT DS ahs racaedsy cies iste nd eee aCe se he 157 

pentose carbohydrates) eine le eee oe 156 

TUAATILOSE sipeiic os ee Mich ets orig ts Oadc sys ye, erathe ah he ere 156 

Residue, non-nitrogenous, of proteids.. ........... 00.0. cece eee 48, 98 
Later Olen usd eneketet aa eu ene 49, 98 

formation of sugar from..... 49, 50, 98 

VESORpLLOnVOl CaLboObydratessn aia. m ciectavaige a ois cyars co ctoeies nie cine aac teae 12 
ING OSCHET Ro tler ein ey syne tek Wot ar en one ERO Mr ge 12) 17 

PAL ELOL ae ees Ne cee aera eg 18 

Cextrosesera tel Olt yaics acts ire ecieera ele os tareye aie encue teneme eae 18 

STEEN Fa, Hiatt es Cane er seri ae aE ae RBM ioc TPR UR AU 12, 30 

MODS LOLETO Sec. ter s-esiele Sues woiaverev ole: sdaqsiale( esa) Ohetaes ae eae 12 

| OF OHS) (0 ESP SUR anno a aM es ar Sie COMI SUS Lule ecru 12 

Ries pIFaAtlOneAPPALavUsy, mere cce cds susie seeds) spalereds: nie chaqe al sracabay ae Seeueea er ae 69 
determination of water by..................... 79 

Pettenkofersty pe: ol ya staan ete eh oe 70 

Regnaultitype ola iin eaves Wei igey yma pare 69 

ZUMtZ EY PC Olas aeve ni: hiatciieveencpeee merase Side, alete care 72 
Respiration-calorimMe ven ss.i¥) bois nhs.<isayepares iene jel stars cee cuarersialeee Behe ieee eee 246, 248 
Respiration, determination of products of................-.......-- 69, 73 
© effects of muscular exertionon=. 4554569042. 2.--2- 2... 192 

WOE OL Mise Aertel eanersttyarercuicel te pe eau tas iL Ag 193, 341 

608 INDEX. 


Respiratory exchange, determination of............:cccccccccccccees 73 
in intermediary metabolism.................... 405 

Rest, reappearance of muscular glycogen in..............0.ccccccecees 23 
Rhamnose, effect: of,-on total metabolism. yey ys ss ienict ol a clen ste tian 156 
replacement value Offi ets ene. liaise oleae eee aire yd 156 

Rice mutilization Of enerey, Olin cts setae ate wuy aleve ecs/asetene ate eat aee 483, 491 
Ruminants; utilization ofvenersy mi. 40.5. ses... s eee seen bee 455, 461, 467 
Sarkosin OxXidizedain OGY aus ere mete eee eine Toe Ls ae ee eee 53 
Saponitication. or fat im<digestiom is aac seis okie ccets hostels os a terete 12 
CHE MALIG WOU: 3s :cucsratesk ara ore Ges eter ne et eA wae ot sealuniersiata e's re rae! 60, 66 
Shearing, influence of, on maintenance ration...............0eeeeeees 436 
Size of animal, influence of, on efficiency of animal.................... 515 
expenditure of energy in locomotion..... 516 

heat product ony. s hoy ees. ese eis hos 359 

In fasting eA tae ss teen 359 

maintenance ration... .....s.ceccceeens 440 

relation of, to physiological activities. ...............0.. 368 

Species, comparison of heat production of..........0..0cc0cccsacaces 369 
influence of, on efficiency of animal. .......................- 515 
expenditure of energy in locomotion............ 511 

Speed, correction for, in work of locomotion.................0200. 507, 508 
influence of, on expenditure of energy in locomotion. .... 507, 508, 513 
utilization of energy in work............ 507, 513, 514 

Standing, expenditure of energy IM... ...0.. 26. wee cet ee ees 343, 499 
Starch,as source of muscularienergy onion OS. oie gece aude wee ae hel 199 
digestible; gross energy” Of iis. s a: Sees oie a. . oe leis eee ee 306 
metabolizableienercy Off... 6s. .s soe se see 324, 332 

utilization-of energy Of, csc... ss ss ovlee ere 475, 477, 490 

effect of, on proteid metabolism). 20.2.6 cu wee pe eee be tere 116 
metabolizable energy Of. 1.0. see sates sess a's obs 294, 297, 301 
UGLiiZAtion Of energy -OF}..2)... 04m. ceamis — Gatley muberee 473, 490, 491 

States, initial and final: law ot i cie/ ence eakenserse ee se miele sean alaneen aeuate 228 
Sbatistics of WUtribionl es, oe cod keeles sites Mester ai eeiene ihc) hn larcliat ie eedleler ee ore 3 
mtorage Of protem, ExteEntOl, vay... 27. ii.y.0 6 Psteleiaine amelie « fe ee eee 132 
LFANSLEON YS ices ial patra ae euon ioe ae Ancona 96 

CHURSE OL. is faa cerry ences se cua aes ate ene 102 

Straw, extracted, gross energy of carbohydrates of.................... 308 
metabolizable energy of................ 290, 297, 300, 301 

carbohydrates of............ 327 

utilization of énerry Of Yi Aeteey esse). tk 488, 490, 491 

oat, metabolizable energy of..............2.2000 290, 297, 300, 301 
PEROLCIISONS 5 She scracie aac tae eek we gen 321 

carbohydrates of........... Shae 329 

utilization of eneroy;Olaa2 setters ieee eee ee 485, 490, 491 

wheat, metabolizable energy of............2-000- 290, 297, 300, 301 

INDEX — 609 


Straw, wheat, metabolizable energy of proteinof..................... 321 
carbohydrates yse).c)-12 o-oo 329 

utilization of energy of....................025 487, 490, 491 

Sugarseiect, cmon proteidsmetabolismme. “anisse: 1 aecieisiee sae ae 116 
formation of, from non-nitrogenous residue of proteids..... 49, 50, 98 
PTOLELES Ay oy ca nelechate ion sense ele 19, 21, 49, 50 

ITM VOT AG Pea sis) is a hes Moa tas eafclles sea hee sbatte 18, 19, 21, 49, 50 

(Sho Fo) obi | oye M AW Very, ood, eas ARUN A a an Pa Ree a ee uA 8 79 
Sulphuric acidvconjugated pinauriney 2 see ee oe see eee 46 
production of, in metabolism of proteids................ 42 
Surfaceotanimal computation Of acyn cis emai oe sleet sre 364 
relation of heat: production to... 23.52.05. .10. 550% 359 

internal workstow es Jo4 Se usin ee geeceueioe 366 

to work of digestion and assimilation...... 408 

Swanen utilization Of CNEL; Dyas 4. savas sjeloe cle aieleys erent eremielsnete 452, 466 
RETA PELALUTE MOO Vinee. ety aera oy Ate ce te Miata ct sreel aoe ttyl elena let eteneohedats 347 
FECULALIOM Oey pece enh on ae ee aoe ieee 347, 348 

| Che mat Care es) pena act cds eye) ana touyenegs 352 

MRCANSION 18 ee Oe es tenererctien Mae re 348 

PY SICAL ey ysis tenciereetens nba snake ene 351 

Critical a-senee TN ad NR SE URL LUE a Soret cals hn toe hyughln ttle OTe LUMEN 353 

method of heat emission above................-. 355 

modification of conception of................--. 357 
intiuenceolonmheatproductionen 42 ee eee eer 351 

rate of emission of heat.................. 350 

Mhermakenvironment eriticalesi. 6 cy -..e se cc ose hee cle seein cle tall 358 
influence of, on heat production in fasting....... 347 

maintenance ration... ........... 435 

utilization of energy............. 471 

MTEL CePAT PO wee corer cay reps bite eve 8, ese Dich saco vores or oharehet ota terete 348 
pRhermo-chemis try wien crue akc ty aisye sarares ona vi sicla ty minyeraee tere etre canna Ma 228 
Time element, influence of, on heat production. ...................--- 439 
maintenance ration.................+-% 439. 

Timothy hay, metabolizable energy of................... 287, 290, 297, 301 
net availablity of energy of..............-....----- 424, 428 

MISS ULC Sy pees pe yaar rec Sore rtat cliche spot ands uae tls eat sgeitus BhOIa Se halons ares aeater mean 59 
active, fasting metabolism proportional to..............-... 86, 93 

AGU OSE Haters orev urt vay eareueNs (asl cise clebscn stray sl eleuegeralints apskateneyAaleMeaarellsiehs wiaice 29 
building, expenditure of energy in digestion, assimilation, and ... 491 
lossvofienergy ing MEs oe lee i ees ale 444, 447 

Utilization ofjenersyim: 2/4. eee 444, 447, 448, 461 
by,carnivorasane acer. sf): 448, 466 

TIVATION ae aieeslev anes tale wicee cifenencaete 451 

Truminants........ 455, 461, 467 

SWAN Cra ra esn Sra eitae ec eile 452, 466 

610 INDEX. 


Tissue, building, utilization of energy in, earlier experimentson......... 460 

effect of amount of food on .... 466 

character of food on... 472 
differences in live weight 

OME 2 3 Macauecsiotitenaetens 457 

thermal environment on 471 

constantloss:of, insfasting..tiien cs cee wie siaesscos sates ee aoe 83 

gain‘ of potential energy. ims yenes els cies sce! oan vide da oe eke 244 

gains:and losses:ofs i.u luury daawnwina aie dialog oli eamancuin Leet leads 59 

Aeterminalon.Of Lune eee. chek ak Me 60 

mass of, relation of heat production to...........0.... 02 e-c oes. 370 

MUSCAT, \COMpPOSsItION Of, soa. amici sat ee eo, en eee 63, 64 

1 0 a PO EN Cr cM Se 63, 64 

SIV COS ETINENS fc cilantoss Weert: fetta tus ceesca, tage ment a en ek 64 

heat.of combustioniole, Gc4--7.. .\onieweae bees 63, 64 

onus, muscular a. icceterre hace oe tenons reaekee ec ila deiscopt ahs ote Ta 190: 

influence of, on heat production...................-- 191 

MEetabolismuini tyes tes cae n dee ae Make Ne 190 

WOT Ola sense eh ours ee MAU Tonsts a SWE ME Ree mene 341 

Training, ‘nfluence of, on utilization of energy in work................ 519 

Transiormation: ol energy 1M sbOG Yin oni hits oes vee eee 2 

muscular contraction: 15... s.. ssnuseeseeie 495 

Trot, expenditure of energy in locomotion at................. 509, 510, 514 

utilization of energy im work ats 6.00 0652. ed ea dak eae 509, 510: 

iyrosin, tormed fromyproterds:.yy.U ses ealcc aierele + 2 cceis antenna icleaant the 39 

oxidized Ma Body ccs. 25 ten OMe ten, tial heecjn Wl sci’e oleveuueteee eae eae Oe 52 

Waits: of heats. 2.4 2. lis. be a nls mae ee ne tee ccd Sa me es 232 

measurement! OLenergy. 2. uke. ese ae eek ome eee 231, 233. 

10 (2k: RO aR eg eae em Mere Ur Ce Wty nit) Rata Sfesge ete ics cule Seodon tafe nee 42 

ANLECOCENU-OL 2s aes.k taht eyelah Aes elon ee writen one ee eee ee 42 

AMMOMIUMICATDONALtE ASe sca lots bicerss cece eee 43 

TBGLALC AS eterna te caternloa vedi: ctu ane tse 43 

as: measure! of proterd: metabolism. 22s toe trae oa ele cane 68 

IN. PETSPITAblON hc. y--e ee msecects thos apes Goatees eatin hee a cee ne 48 

productioniol, fromiamides: 11.1%, a) ee eee sd eee ce 52 

INAMETAD OMS sic age ci een ianajcuse wis ommeee Ne peels 14,15 

Ol Proteld sry ieee, Moat eines ames 42 

Rta PRIA ane id cet eraealen alate ae als ne ute Oe aah ae,’ coaeth cimba roe eae an 43 

3) Wb a) HARP ee ae eC a Ou ee PUN, Ley Ok ot er ea ADS a Cs Po 43 

INPSrspiVatlonls cts), Mahuey We ela Mayet ba MIs try Maun aan n nani 48. 

MUTI vores 55 4 Un dteirortirellatert osgtateustinncieue oornnicjayeilesene re auade cyenaenel ons 43 

Urine aromaticicompounds in...) Svat) \ 2. oe, ec eya a ease cee eee 46 

computation of potential energy of................ccee0es 241, 313 

conjugated sulphuri¢e acid ini 2) .G%..ces eas oelee oe eee cen ee 46 

INDEX. 611 


Wrine hippuric acta tiny key se liste ete Ne ayes ek rakes ALN AU ie eta 44 

IMO OM Meme jedeteaeuse evict sMNaT eet chia orate cceteder REND ake oe enn 46 
losses of/enerpy: ofjproteiminiis Ye 54). 2 <1 aici se ete eee 312 
Non-nitroxenousimatter Off sensyasee de. ele ee ee 27, 312, 320 
AMOUML OM Nae See Re ee vA nea 28 

derived from coarse fodders.......... 28 

non-nitrogenous matter.. 321 

Influencelofony eas Ay kel ANG jee 320 

SOULCETOLz say AN BORON ee Ua Te 27, 321 

PENLOSESNMM a a nee Ae eA ag Ascolese asus wo). dio digs Sieetanpe een 25, 26 
DEN OlSHN ye Ae re farsi chsl Manche a ahs a eerie cess Bre ae it ee 27, 46 
potentialyenersy: of: ties a 6 ue soieece at ened: 272, 275, 278, 312 
COMpPULAtlON Olam smc meee aes e ee 241, 277, 312 

UIPIG ACL ED 2 1s eon yea Ss ARES) U RD LIAR pA ai Ue Neo a oe 43 

Utilization of energy. See Energy. 

NWAUICS MSOC YMAMIC asm. eRe A Ama cames 4s ee oleteiae nd oa spas a sere tees 397, 399 
ISOS VCOSIC guys Mashed -t Act pare ne ence GLARE Ltt ENG 399, 400 
TEPIACCMMEING siya ares Ah Misralanc oven ele, Sucsesle Sin ts alien lect atic. bode De 396 

MOCIfecCICONCePtLOM Obese ent ela ee 405 

COVES ANU (VOU ESLAM 2 heute a er nL Ae oe a RR CP URC UISA) ATED 396 

Variations in heat production, causes'of... 363 
Walking, consumption of oxygen in, by horse........................ 505 
expenditure of energy in, by horse...... 504, 506, 508, 510, 533, 539 
utilizationvor energy, by, horses ..s- 2. ee oe nee 513 

Water, consumption of, influence of, on heat production. .............. 438 
maintenance ration............ 438 

determination of, by respiration apparatus.................... 79 
productionrof,in»metabolisme 4.44. sets deste ale eter eae 14,15 

of Carbohydratesa. ese. sce 23, 27 

PEGGY a SU IU EGA NCE Va a Da hie ena at 36 

)SUROMTEIKO Shy Bet eer ee sy PNP 42 

Wheat gluten, digestible protein of, metabolizable energy of........ 310, 317 
BLOSSienereyiOl pee ie eee ee 309 

utilization of energy of......... 481, 491 

metabolizable energy of. ..................... 295, 297, 301 

digestible matter of........: Seog aU 

UbUZAtlonohenereyiOln- pene aes ere 480, 490, 491 

straw, digestible carbohydrates of, metabolizable energy of...... 329 

crude fiber of, metabolizable energy of..... 330, 332 

matter ofierossienerpyi Ola. sae cece oleic 310 

metabolizable energy of...... ... 800, 301 

utilization of energy of.............. 487 

protein of, metabolizable energy of.................. 321, 332 

metabolizable energy of............ RES, Cane 290, 297, 300, 301 

612 INDEX. 


Wheat straw, utilization of energy of...............006- 461, 487, 490, 491 
Wind, influence of, on: heat/emission ....4212). ccs. cteieaisleie-se oie ees ds o1ci4 nie olan 357 
Wool; ;COMpositlony OF 2.5 vty Vi a teee Sos encnaretape heen ote enelc si eus eete a ieete, cues 63 
Work: (Seealso Haertion: musculan)inc sen. c2emcisiss aismiasies se etlnice. 226 
Cell abr esos cog govt s Shee HeLa aa UTP PNG G8) oe Ieee eee 344 
change in respiratory quotient caused by.................0005- 212 
COCMICIENtHON MtIIZatlOMalner tree ineletereri reine sooty e iereiereusten nate 498 
disappearance of muscular glycogen in...........6eseccesecees 23 
Painsof proteids Curing 1.5.5 ca2 outsiders tse ges eae scene cen Sed 204. 
pe leari cluabeers shy caesar 3 aay so) aye de Neen eas SoU Wir oe Vales tahoe ate Sater erat 343 
Ueber aay 8s ce sheen deri sciousness cleo eaeunre ew ita e toeenene ttn ctnane oeere 336, 337 
fasting heat production a measure Of.............0c00025 344 

THUS Cul ai cs CS A eve ho amt «cal stan ag EIS Se Gee eat et 341 

relation Of sto SuUrtace seins ciscorcesasistess alee Beet veoleeaatonins 366 

kind of, influence of, on efficiency of animal.................... 512 
mechanical; determination Olen + =. cree cays © aieieesle re cieysneiere teres 245 
muscular, disappearance of glycogen IN. ............eeceecevees 23 
UNCIeN tall svar seateeie hese aus eM te, oleNep aves eegea apes ibTe DROS 342 
netavailable energy. tom 25 eet fs sieis aioe ae ee ei oe etches s 497 
of ascent, consumption of oxygen in, by dog................... 500 
COTTECUCC 24.8 42h fends Geo a cama ne ors atte ad oe eee eae 508 
utilization of energy 1... cece settles eee 502, 503, 510 

ydOos hac eae as a ete ete 502 

OTSCs eins Netanya eee 506 

TOAD) se? edu dave, gue sate ieee 503 

effect of grade on............. 512 

dOad ONiid: 8 parents 509, 510 

CITCWIATION 4:3 s:iecdia's toe 8 ocnaxeie andres austen sa0d as, release te eee 191, 341 
escent catenin swisha tre cies aaa te eerie art wie aa aoe ny ener eee 509 
influence. of-crade OM aes sslasou.2e ern tee teas 509 

digestion and assimilation. .......... 80, 93, 337, 372, 376, 406, 493 
abovercriticall pointe. 2. tse 407 

below critical point............... 406 

indirect utilization of heat from.... 406 

alee Co quar escent oer Rope TR Put plage 378 

HORSE} 5, aytene 5 duns cimian ate posters aes 385 

TIMVATU SR Hicde falc ouausiobec apse asevavshey even 382 

methods of determining........... 377 

OL DONE nei ithe dicts et ramsalaiina Neen 381 

carbohydrates... ....... 379, 382, 384 

Pats ete cachet teal 378, 382, 384, 385 

MIKE diets chee lok ale sae 382, 384 

PLOtelds. ssa <ceysccmuanere srs 381, 382, 384 

relation of, to surface.......e.e2+:5 408 

INDEX. 613 

Wiork of digestion factors Oli s aim elaaincrs seevoiaeres iis s.r arcuetshteets 374 
HOPCTUCE MUD Te yelsesilicns eves siar'e lacie eiaiie eoulen ace suet vo at 389 

draft, consumption of oxygen in, by dog..................05- 501 
utilization of energy in..................0002- 502, 507, 513 

byidog tee Si EON eee ae Me aaa 502 

OPSE ss, Ee Osan ia 507, 513 

| OYSSW HR er cist er A ET SON CMTC ne ren PAR Se 192, 341 
locomotion, computationioly {eines ise sie lene serene 512 
consumption of oxygen in, by dog.'............... 500 

HOPse nso) esos fo Oe 505 

Correctionitonspeed ine seein rer ycies 507, 508 

expenditure of energy in, by dog. ................ 500 

3 horse. ... 504, 506, 508, 509 

510, 514, 533, 539 

utilization of energy in, computed................ 513 

MASLICATION re meres rete lsc cecie wiejeecne tel ote! si oy etaulelote sabe euelseelsi ope 391 
MUSCULAT COMUSS eeevaysgr er yee ter leis tem tirel aie! ehalieusicys= eliailer's deneheneker stents 341 
PESPITALION eerie reir cracls teice Sere cieyehstel srolevonetate ctelstencre ve 192, 341 
SEAMING epee err tetercee cuenta ote reustaucc eve oushert Ger ayenereveuetevesetenais olen otees 343 
V.OMANLATVAIMUS CLES yrepaceniers micelle teiersie: Seeteretsvetohe ensrecerereiche edeustentss 337 
HM AIOOUNL 6 6 concadoceases Joonob ob onebuoodmobOndpadooGes 336 
Productions tunctionvoiMiveriny yeti ci ts ko lele ries tees reretatoke 206 
relative value of mutrients\In® .......-..+ |. 22+ ace es 522 

fornReene nr errtal Pr acaienetey 533 

vValueron crude tibertoracmies cee cleicilee/cielel cle cele 535, 537 

PAGE OTS Hei ts ie cee weiss ceaevsyokey ska revaia Giehoievaratstelerseee §22 
UItMIZALIOMOMENerPy Ines ere erase ae reteloriel rtcis oe 444, 447, 494 
Loin Val anidiane tema cone neteC 8 COMO A HOIO 5 G5’ 6 499 

influence) Of ratigue One)... acceler eres 519 
individuality on..........2.:. 517 
kind of work on............. 512 

SPECIES OWie ewe preyoiote cleitel« cteue 515 

speed Ons siiaieli cia 'ecs< 507, 513, 514 


metabolizable energy in.............-.2 esses ee ees 525 
methods of determina- 

CLONE esse crerp cyanate 526, 528 

614 INDEX. 


Work, utilization of metabolizable energy in, Wolff’s investigations...... 528 
of feeding-stuffs in............ 540 

fiber-free nutrients in 541, 543, 

545, 547 

net available: energy ini. sep. tis.eicas + « cicicis/sieteie ss 497 

variations of respiratory quotient during...........6. J eeelne uae lO 




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Landauer’s Spectrum Analysis. (Tingle.)................. 8vo, 

bo OH De eo eH 

2 50 
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ence to State Control. (Jn preparation.) 
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tary Standpoint.) 3d Edition, Rewritten...... 8vo, 

“ Examination of water. (Chemical and Bacterio- 
TOQUCATE) Na crercnals acns corer tne cemeeear cae ean eaten 12mo, 

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Mixter’s Elementary Text-book of Chemistry............ 12mo, 
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Ost and Kolbeck’s Text-book of Chemical Technology. (Lo- 
renz—Bozart.) (In preparation.) 
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istry. (Part I1—Non-metallic Elements.) ..8vo, morocco, 

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Spencer’s Handbook for Chemists of Beet-sugar Houses. 16mo, 

‘ Bea dPook for Sugar Manufacturers and their Chem- 
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Wilsons’ Cyanide: Processes)... 200. MOSS. es 12mo, 
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Davis’s Hlevation and Stadia Tables...................... 8vo, 
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TELOMV a) N scace eee dalfade ota Pade nuayieitet one aeee ANG AUR Ee. SE 12 

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Rideal’s Sewage and the Bacterial Purification of Sewage.. .8vo, 
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Smith’s Manual of Topographical Drawing. (McMillan.) . .8vo, 
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“Law of Operations Preliminary to Construction in En. 

gineering and Architecture.................. 8vo, 


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1 50 
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Design of Simple Roof-trusses in Wood and Steel. 8vo, 
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Church’s Mechanics of Engineering...................... 8vo, 
Du Bois’s Mechanics of Engineering. Vol. I........ Small 4to, 
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Smith’s Wire: Its Use and Manufacture............ Small 4to, 
eee Material syOr- Machinery: s sss pai wes ad iene See 12mo, 

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ie RailroadsSpiral). - 0%... aie tav access 16mo, morocco, 
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BUT BESSs) a cls eteis ale oie ais = «clef sieressiatstete: cloteks oieievels) sft fotel oy 12mo, 3 00 

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q(QUOTENZ:) i oe ciens sa sieve oie. s « aieieus s aot iwes id cecemmuee get oMoOecal 400 

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3 Differential and Integral Calculus. 2 vols. 
AN OMC sya vertaver st cdsiehsveyeyeveusteresl: Small 8vo, 
Wood’s Elements of Co-ordinate Geometry, 5. 30 So) senieniel tat 8vo, 
“  Trigometry: Analytical, Plane, and Spherical... .12mo, 



Baldwin’s Steam Heating for Buildings.................. 12mo, 
Barr’s Kinematics of Machinery..................020005 8vo, 
* Bartlett’s*Mechanical “Drawing... 000. t wt cece et ee 8vo, 
Benjamin’s Wrinkles and Recipes..................+-.-. 12mo, 
Carpenter’s Experimental Engineering.................... 8vo, 
se Heating and Ventilating Buildings........... 8vo, 
Clerk’s Gas and Oil Engine.....................6.-- Small 8vo, 
Coolidge’s Manual of Drawing............. Gries yc be 8vo, paper, 
Cromwell’s Treatise on Toothed Gearing............. ... 12mo, 
iB Treatise on Belts and Pulleys............... 12mo, 

Durley’s Elementary Text-book of the Kinematics of Machines. 
(In preparation.) 
Flather’s Dynamometers, and the Measurement of Power ..12mo, 

os IND Oe Dehwnrw is Sad odols odGededocensouosuouE 12mo, 
Gill’s Gas an Fuel Analysis for Engineers Gee aa aga ger 12mo, 
Halls @amulaubrication ste. setes cisciste sss ove ciel stereo telcae sisters 12mo, 
Jones’s Machine Design: 
Part I.—Kinematics of Machinery....................-. 8vo, 
Part II.—Form, Strength and Proportions of Parts...... 8vo, 
Kent’s Mechanical Engineers’ Pocket-book....16mo, morocco, 
Kerr’s Power and Power Transmission.................. 8vo, 



Co m= no on 

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mee PB od bo 69 bo bO 

me bo O99 

bo O69 

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ud Mechanical Dra witig. cc .\25.< « o:ereiete, sal ateles crests ithe 4to, 

By Velocity: Diagrams. <2 2 csisiccuece iste slats eusheeisveieke 8v0, 
Mahan’s Industrial Drawing. (Thompson.).............-- 8vo, 
Poole’s Calorific Power of Fuels..........ccccccccvceccess 8vo, 
Reid’s Course in Mechanical Drawing................eee0: 8vo, 
“  Text-book of Mechanical Drawing and Elementary 
Machine “Desiens sis.o cc sesso stereretejotrisiaisinjssechevor sees 8vo, 
Richards’s Compressed Air. .........cccsceccccccceedens 12mo, 
Robinson’s Principles of Mechanism...............seee00- 8vo, 
Smith’s Press-working of Metals............... cece ceecess 8vo, 
Thurston’s Treatise on Friction and Lost Work in Machin- 
ery cand Malo WW OV ere stati papreiese vives elseices 8vo, 

s Animal as a Machine and Prime Motor and the 
Tearws'sOf Hinerce tics e's .c2 seis vars sceversvaresoie crore tie eye 12mo, 

Warren’s Elements of Machine Construction and Drawing. .8vo, 
Weisbach’s Kinematics and the Power of Transmission. (Herr- 
MANN Klein!) Mrs ete eo eeeee wee openers see iete eis toe 8vo, 

* Machinery of Transmission and Governors. (Herr- 
MAM MNF CV OUM) Ma tclaiets rome te eee reese a ty ciate re tepeee fees 8vo, 

os Hydraulics and Hydraulic Motors. (Du Bois.) .8vo, 
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Bovey’s Strength of Materials and Theory of Structures. .8vo, 
Burr’s Elasticity and Resistance of the Materials of Engineer- 

AYDGE Gs. Sr ARITA NGS oars ali honalar ove ovatale ot etetetalarereons aleralal aie es) ave.avereleve 8vo, 
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Keeps @ast irony sistaslctscicinteyateterels o's aie « kis teroteretoreneest erovoneimieye 8vo, 
Lanza’s Applied: Mechanics.) 22 0:23)s ci arc.c/a%s otetete eioselenclapsie esate 8vo, 
Martens’s Handbook on Testing Materials. (Henning.)....8vo, 
Merriman’s Text-book on the Mechanics of Materials... .8vo. 

“ Strength of Materials... 2... 2... ec cee ce ce 12mo, 
Metcalf’s Steel. A Manual for Steel-users.............. 12mo, 
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 Materials'of Machines: rise 0. oaishe « sicis wie els 12mo, 
Thurston’s Materials of Engineering.............. 3 vols., 8vo, 
Part: Tt.—Troniviand Steel is.yiiois 21515000, szerepsie ore ohcile eters) sveversielsjoes 8vo 
Part III.—A Treatise on Brasses, Bronzes and Other iene 
and. their» Constituents > «cis iciise eeciseb ss ib.h0: bie fiend tele teverhene 8vo, 
Thurston’s ‘Text-book of the Materials of Construction... .8vo, 
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pendix on the Preservation of Timber.......... 8vo, 
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Carnot’s Reflections on the Motive Power of Heat. (Thurston.) 

Dawson’s “ Engineering ” and Electric Traction Pocket-book. 
16mo, morocco, 

Ford’s Boiler Making for Boiler Makers...............- 18mo, 

GosssiLocomotive Sparks sy cic sijacyscteiatersietere ie c/seeicsesioseieiessye 8vo, 
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Hutton’s Mechanical Engineering of Power Plants........ 8vo, 

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es eo Go ee O98 bo 08 OO = PO 

bo O98 Gr St a Te 



Kent’s Steam-boiler Economy.................ecceecceees 8vo, 
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Meyer’s Modern Locomotive Construction................ 4to, 
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rf Tables of the Properties of Saturated Steam and 
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Smart’s Handbook of Engineering Laboratory Practice. .12mo, 
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s Manual of the Steam-engine.......... 2 vols., 8vo, 
Part I.—History, Structure, and Theory................ 8vo, 
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f Steam-boiler Explosions in Theory and in Prac- 
LLCS iscssierstenelonnie: stacaveis ar chev veuctore oevesinte Gniaia alah aan 12mo, 
¢ Manual of Steam-boilers, Their Designs, Construc- 
tion jand@ Operation sea cescrce secs tee ee. 8vo, 
Weisbach’s Heat, Steam, and Steam-engines. (Du Bois.) ..8vo, 
Whitham’s Steam-engine Design.................eeccecee- 8vo, 
Wilson’s Treatise on Steam-boilers. (Flather.).......... 16mo, 
Wood’s Thermodynamics, Heat Motors, and Refrigerating 
IMiaiChimes) x perchajcjerersVoteloncteielete oleteteve/oelcle ciciare a sieiete'e) leis os 8vo, 

Barr’s Kinematics of Machinery..................e000005 8vo, 
Bovey’s Strength of Materials and Theory of Structures. .8vo, 
Chordal.— Extracts from Letters...........0cccccccccece 12mo, 
Church’s Mechanics of Engineering..................002: 8vo, 
s Notes and Examples in Mechanics............. 8vo, 
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Compton and De Groodt. The Speed Lathe.............. 12mo, 
Cromwell’s Treatise on Toothed Gearing................ 12mo, 
& Treatise on Belts and Pulleys................ 12mo, 
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Du Bois’s Elementary Principles of Mechanics: 
Wools Kanematics circ. <0 cc's cisie cls ciciclel see's wcle sels aieielt 8vo, 
Wol Th—Statiesta ge hed. ta. cee ioe, oo) eae 8vo, 
Vol.oTih—Kaineties © singe age i oer oO RE Ae 8vo, 
Du Bois’s Mechanics of Engineering. Vol. I........ Small 4to, 
G G Cs co ‘s Voll seine. Small 4to, 


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Durley’s Elementary Text-book of the Kinematics of Machines. 
(In preparation.) 

Fitzgerald’s Boston Machinist............ccccececceeees 16mo, 
Flather’s Dynamometers, and the Measurement of Power.12mo, 

ie FROPO) DYLVAN Peis. ts os Sereporesoohe.c overs ievererete oreloneyeeirels 12mo, 
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Johnson’s Short Course in Statics by Graphic and Algebraic 
Methods. (In preparation.) 
Jones’s Machine Design: 

Part I.— Kinematics of Machinery...........cesecceeees 8vo, 
Part IJ.—Form, Strength and Proportions of Parts... .8vo, 
Kerr’s Power and Power Transmission. ......scccecceees 8vo, 
Lanza’s. Applied Mechanics... .::cete:ceeicic le ecole owelsts cece 8vo, 
MacCord’s Kinematics; or, Practical Mechanism.......... 8vo, 
as Velocity Diagrams) ;.':)'5 stisrerecrsiepie a ois 2d aie,0 setels 8vo, 
Merriman’s Text-book on the Mechanics of Materials...... 8vo, 
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Reagan’s Locomotive Mechanism and Engineering....... 12mo, 
Reid’s Course in Mechanical Drawing..............cee0-- 8vo, 
“ Text-book of Mechanical Drawing and Elementary 
Machine . Design. .i.:sc::ctscsleieioe arcicinlcjs(aicieie oib'e’sleis elev 8vo, 
Richards’s Compressed Air.........cccccceccccccocccese 12mo, 
Robinson’s Principles of Mechanism...............see0e- 8vo, 

Ryan, Norris, and Hoxie’s Electrical Machinery. (In preparation.) 

Sineclair’s Locomotive-engine Running and Management. .12mo, 

Smith’s Press-working of Metals............. State's: sjevevste revels 8vo, 
Materials of Machines... 5scjo:..3,4.0.060 00 «60s 055.0 12mo, 
Thurston’s Treatise on Friction and Lost Work in Machin- 
ery and: Mill Work. i:id3 scrcelsie asi «clei siciee's « 8vo, 

ey Animal as a Machine and Prime Motor, and the 
Laws of Mmergetics...........cesceeceeees 12mo, 

Warren’s Elements of Machine Construction and Drawing. .8vo, 
Weisbach’s Kinematics and the Power of Transmission. 

(Herrman—Klein.) ..........ccccecsceces 8vo, 
s Machinery of Transmission and Governors. (Herr- 
(man—Klein.) ......-..cccecccccees oe + BVO, 
Wood’s Elements of Analytical Mechanics................ 8vo, 
“© Principles of Elementary Mechanics............. 12mo, 
CES TTD ITCH, 255 sje evoxe sole ese ape cod tee decane le a¥sueyer slacove Gish sreneperseoks 8vo, 
The World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893................ 4to, 

Egleston’s Metallurgy of Silver, Gold, and Mercury: 
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Thurston’s Materials of Engineering. In Three Parts...... eho 
Part1l.—Iron .and' Steel cies... o.ej0is:<,s/ecelese cienevece.ciel beecsletaerese 8vo, 
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Mason’s Water-supply. (Considered Principally from a San- 

itary Standpoint. 3d Kdition, Rewritten.....8vo, 

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