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Full text of "Principles of political economy, with some of their applications to social philosophy"

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VOL.  II. 







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SEP  2  3  1936 




exchange.  —  (Continued.) 
Chapter  Vll.    Of  Money. 


§  1.  Purposes  of  a  Circulating  Medium, 17 

2.  Gold  and  Silver,  why  fitted  for  those  purposes,     .        .        .19 

3.  Money  a  mere  contrivance  for  facilitating  exchanges,  which 

does  not  affect  the  laws  of  Value, 22 

Chapter  VIII.     Of  the  Value  of  Money,  as  dependent  on 
Demand  and  Supply. 

§  1.  Value  of  Money,  an  ambiguous  expression,  ....  25 

2.  The  Value  of  Money  depends,  cseteris  paribus,  on  its  quantity,  26 

3.  —  together  with  the  rapidity  of  circulation,  ...  31 

4.  Explanations  and  limitations  of  this  principle,       ...  33 

Chapter  IX.     Of  the  Value  of  Money,  as  dependent  on 
Cost  of  Production. 

§  1.  The  Value  of  money,  in  a  state  of  freedom,  conforms  to  the 

value  of  the  bullion  contained  in  it, 37 

2.  —  which  is  determined  by  the  cost  of  production,         .         .      40 

3.  This  law,  how  related  to  the  principle  laid  down  in  the  pre- 

ceding chapter, 42 


Chapter  X.    Of  a  Double  Standard,  and  Subsidiary  Coins. 


§  1.  Objections  to  a  double  standard, -.46 

2.  The  use  of  the  two  metals  as  money,  how  obtained  without 

making  both  of  them  legal  tender,    .....      48 

Chapter  XI.     Of  Credit,  as  a  Substitute  for  Money. 

§  1.  Credit  not  a  creation  but  a  transfer  of  the  means  of  produc- 
tion,    50 

2.  In  what  manner  it  assists  production, 51 

3.  Function  of  credit  in  economizing  the  use  of  money,     .        .  53 

4.  Bills  of  exchange, 55 

5.  Promissory  notes, 60 

6.  Deposits  and  cheques,   .        .        .        ...        .        .61 

Chapter  XII.     Influence  of  Credit  on  Prices. 

§  1.  The  influence  of  bank  notes,  bills,  and  cheques,  on  price,  a 

part  of  the  influence  of  Credit, .        .        .        .        .        .64 

2.  Credit  a  purchasing  power  similar  to  money,        ...      65 

3.  Effects  of  great  extensions  and  contractions  of  credit.    Phe- 

nomena of  a  commercial  crisis  analyzed,   ....      67 

4.  Bills  a  more  powerful  instrument  for  acting  on  prices  than 

book  credits,  and  bank  notes  than  bills,    ....      72 

5.  —  the  distinction  of  little  practical  importance,    ...      75 

6.  Cheques  an  instrument  for  acting  on  prices,  equally  power- 

ful with  bank  notes, 80 

7.  Are  bank  notes  money  ? 83 

8.  No  generic  distinction  between  bank  notes  and  other  forms 

of  credit, 85 

Chapter  XIII.     Of  an  Inconvertible  Paper  Currency. 

§  1.  The  value  of  an  inconvertible  paper,  depending  on  its  quan- 
tity, is  a  matter  of  arbitrary  regulation,    ....      88 

2.  If  regulated  by  the  price  of  bullion,  an  inconvertible  cur- 

rency might  be  safe,  but  not  expedient,     ....      91 

3.  Examination  of  the  doctrine  that  an  inconvertible  currency 

is  safe  if  representing  actual  property,      ....      93 



4.  —  of  the  doctrine  that  an  increase  of  the  currency  promotes 

industry, .96 

5.  Depreciation  of  currency  a  tax  on  the  community,  and  a 

fraud  on  creditors, 99 

6.  Examination  of  some  pleas  for  committing  this  fraud,   .        .100 

Chapter  XIV.     Of  Excess  of  Supply. 

§  1.  Oan  there  be  an  oversupply  of  commodities  generally?         .  105 

2.  The  supply  of  commodities  in  general,  cannot  exceed  the 

power  of  purchase, 107 

3.  —  never  does  exceed  the  inclination  to  consume,  .        .108 

4.  Origin  and  explanation  of  the  notion  of  general  oversupply, .  110 

v  Chapter  XV.     Of  a,  Measure  of  Value. 

§  1.  A  Measure  of  Exchange  Value,  in  what  sense  possible,        .  114 

2.  A  Measure  of  Cost  of  Production, 116 

Chapter  XVI.     Of  some  Peculiar  Cases  of  Value. 

§  1.  Values  of  commodities  which  have  a  joint  cost  of  production,    120 
2.  Values  of  the  different  kinds  of  agricultural  produce,   .        .     123 

A  Chapter  XVII.     Of  International  Trade. 

§  l.  Cost  of  production  not  the  regulator  of  international  values,     126 

2.  Interchange  of  commodities  between  distant  places,  deter- 

mined by  differences  not  in  their  absolute,  but  in  their 
comparative,  cost  of  production, 128 

3.  The  direct  benefits  of  commerce  consist  in  increased  effi- 

ciency of  the  productive  powers  of  the  world,  .        .        .     131 

4.  —  not  in  a  vent  for  exports,  nor  in  the  gains  of  merchants,  .     132 

5.  Indirect  benefits  of  commerce,  economical  and  moral ;  still 

greater  than  the  direct, 134 

Chapter  XVIII.     Of  International  Values. 

§  1.  The  values  of  imported  commodities  depend  on  the  terms  of 

international  interchange, 137 



2.  —  which  depend  on  the  Equation  of  International  Demand,     139 

3.  Influence  of  cost  of  carriage  on  international  values,     .        .     144 

4.  The  law  of  values  which  holds  between  two  countries,  and 

two  commodities,  holds  of  any  greater  number,        .        .     145 

5.  Effect  of   improvements    in    production,  on  international 

values, 149 

.  The  preceding  theory  not  complete, 153 

7.  International  values  depend  not  solely  on  the  quantities  de- 

manded, but  also  on  the  means  of  production  available  in 
each  country  for  the  supply  of  foreign  markets,        .        .     155 

8.  The  practical  result  little  affected  by  this  additional  element,     160 

9.  The  cost  to  a  country  of  its  imports,  on  what  circumstances 

dependent, 163 

chapter  XIX.     Of  Money,  considered  as  an  Imported 

1.  Money  imported  in  two  modes ;  as  a  commodity,  and  as  a 

medium  of  exchange, 166 

2.  As  a  commodity,  it  obeys  the  same  laws  of  value  as  other 

imported  commodities, 167 

3.  Its  value  does  not  depend  exclusively  on  its  cost  of  produc- 

tion at  the  mines, 170 

Chapter  XX.     Of  the  Foreign  Exchanges. 

§  1.  Purposes  for  which  money  passes  from  country  to  country 

as  a  medium  of  exchange, 172 

2.  Mode  of  adjusting  international  payments  through  the  ex- 

changes,   .        . 173 

3.  Distinction  between  variations  in  the  exchanges  which  are 

self-adjusting,   and  those  which   can  only  be  rectified 
through  prices, 178 

Chapter  XXI.     Of  the  Distribution  of  the  Precious  Metals 
through  the  Commercial  World. 

§  1.  The  substitution  of  money  for  barter  makes  no  difference  in 
exports  and  imports,  nor  in  the  law  of   international 

values, 181 

2.  The  preceding  theorem  further  illustrated,    ....     185 



8.  The  precious  metals,  as  money,  are  of  the  same  value,  and 
distribute  themselves  according  to  the  same  law,  with  the 
precious  metals  as  a  commodity, 189 

4.  International  payments  of  a  non-commercial  character,        .    191 

Chaptee  XXII.     Influence  of  Currency  on  the  Exchanges 
and  on  Foreign  Trade. 

§  1.  Variations  in  the  exchange,  which  originate  in  the  currency,    193 

2.  Effect  of  a  sudden  increase  of  a  metallic  currency,  or  of  the 

sudden  creation  of  bank  notes  or  other  substitutes  for 
money, 194 

3.  Effect  of  the  increase  of  an  inconvertible  paper  currency. 

Real  and  nominal  exchange, 199 

Chapter  XXIII.     Of  the  Rate  of  Interest. 

1.  The  rate  of  interest  depends  on  the  demand  and  supply  of 

loans, 203 

2.  Circumstances  which  determine  the  permanent  demand  and 

supply  of  loans, 205 

3.  Circumstances  which  determine  the  fluctuations,  .        .        .     208 

4.  The  rate  of  interest  not  really  connected  with  the  value  of 

money,  but  often  oonfounded  with  it,       ...  210 

5.  The  rate  of  interest  determines  the  price  of  land  and  of 

securities, 213 

Chapter  XXIV .     Of  the  Regulation  of  a  Convertible 
Paper  Currency. 

1.  Two  contrary  theories  respecting  the  influence  of  bank 

issues, 215 

2.  Examination  of  each, 218 

3.  Reasons  for  thinking  that  the  Currency  Act  of  1844  pro- 

duces a  part  of  the  beneficial  effect  intended  by  it,   .        .     222 

4.  —  but  produces  mischiefs  more  than  equivalent,  .        .        .    228 

5.  Should  the  issue  of  bank  notes  be  confined  to  a  single  estab- 

lishment?   242 

6.  Should  the  holders  of  notes  be  protected  in  any  peculiar 

manner  against  failure  of  payment  ? 245 


Chapter  XXV.     Of  the  Competition  of  different  Countries 
in  the  same  Market. 


§  1.  Causes  which  enable  one  country  to  undersell  another,  .  247 

2.  Low  wages  one  of  those  causes,     .        .        .       • .        .  .  "250 

3.  —  when  peculiar  to  certain  branches  of  industry,         .  .  252 

4.  —  but  not  when  common  to  all, .  254 

5.  Some  anomalous  cases  of  trading  communities  examined,  .  256 

Chapter  XXYI.     Of  Distribution,  as  affected  by 

§  1.  Exchange  and  money  make  no  difference  in  the  law  of 

wages,- 259 

2.  In  the  law  of  rent, 262 

3.  —  nor  in  the  law  of  profits,  .        .        .        .  .        .  263 



Chapter  I.     General  Characteristics  of  a  Progressive 
State  of  Wealth. 

%  1.  Introductory  Remarks, 271 

2.  Tendency  of  the  progress  of  society  towards  increased  com- 
mand over  the  powers  of  nature ;  increased  security ;  and 
increased  capacity  of  co-operation 272 

Chapter  II.     Influence  of  the  Progress  of  Industry  and 

Population  on  Values  and  Prices. 

§  1.  Tendency  to  a  decline  of  the  value  and  cost  of  production  of 

all  commodities, 278 

2.  —  except  the  products  of  agriculture  and  mining,  which 

have  a  tendency  to  rise, 280 

3.  —  that  tendency  from  time  to  time  counteracted  by  improve- 

ments in  production, 282 

4.  Effect  of  the  progress  of  society  in  moderating  fluctuations  of 

value 283 



5.  Examination  of  the  influence  of  speculators,  and  in  particu- 
lar of  corn  dealers, 285 


Chapter  III.     Influence  of  the  Progress  of  Industry  and 
Population  on  Rents,  Profits,  and  Wages. 

§  1.  First  case;  population  increasing,  capital  stationary,     .        .  290 

2.  Second  case ;  capital  increasing,  population  stationary,         .  294 

3.  Third  case ;  population  and  capital  increasing  equally,  the 

arts  of  production  stationary, 295 

4.  Fourth  case ;  the  arts  of  production  progressive,  capital  and 

population  stationary, 296 

6.  Fifth  case ;  all  the  three  elements  progressive,      .        .        .  303 

Chapter  IV.     Of  the  Tendency  of  Profits  to  a  Minimum. 

§  1.  Doctrine  of  Adam  Smith  on  the  competition  of  capital,        .  308 

2.  Doctrine  of  Mr.  "Wakefield  respecting  the  field  of  employ- 

ment,           310 

3.  What  determines  the  minimum  rate  of  profit,       .        .        .  312 

4.  In  opulent  countries,  profits  habitually  near  to  the  minimum,  315 

5.  —  prevented  from  reaching  it  by  commercial  revulsions,      .  318 

6.  —  by  improvements  in  production, 320 

7.  —  by  the  importation  of  cheap  necessaries  and  instruments,  322 

8.  —  by  the  emigration  of  capital, 324 

Chapter  V.     Consequences  of  the  Tendency  of  Profits  to  a 

§  1.  Abstraction  of  capital  not  necessarily  a  national  loss,   .        .    327 
2.  In  opulent  countries,  the  extension  of  machinery  not  detri- 
mental but  beneficial  to  labourers, 330 

Chapter  VI.     Of  the  Stationary  State. 

§  1.  Stationary  state  of  wealth  and  population,  dreaded  and 

deprecated  by  writers, 334 

2.  —  but  not  in  itself  undesirable, 336 


Chapter  YII.     On  the  probable  Futurity  of  the  Labouring 



§  1.  The  theory  of  dependence  and  protection  no  longer  appli- 
cable to  the  condition  of  modern  society, .  .        .    341 

2.  The  future  well-being  of  the  labouring  classes  principally 

dependent  on  their  own  mental  cultivation,      .        .        .    346 

3.  Probable  effects  of  improved  intelligence  in  causing  a  better 

adjustment  of  population — Would  be  promoted  by  the 
social  independence  of  women, 348 

4.  Tendency  of  society  towards  the  disuse  of  the  relation  of 

hiring  and  service, 349 

5.  Examples  of  the  association  of  labourers  with  capitalists,      .  353 

6.  —  of  the  association  of  labourers  among  themselves,    .        .  357 

7.  Competition  not  pernicious,  but  useful  and  indispensable,     .  378 

BOOK   V. 


Chapter  I.     Of  the  Functions  of  Government  in  general. 

%  1.  Necessary  and  optional  functions  of   government  distin- 
guished,      385 

2.  Multifarious  character  of  the  necessary  functions  of  govern- 

ment,          386 

3.  Division  of  the  subject, 392 

Chapter  II.     Of  the  General  Principles  of  Taxation. 

§  1.  Four  fundamental  rules  of  taxation, 394 

2.  Grounds  of  the  principle  of  Equality  of  Taxation,  .        .     396 

3.  Should  the  same  percentage  be  levied  on  all  amounts  of  in- 

come ?       398 

4.  Should  the  same  percentage  be  levied  on  perpetual  and  on 

terminable  incomes  ? 403 

5.  The  increase  of  the  rent  of  land  from  natural  causes  a  fit 

subject  of  peculiar  taxation, 411 

6.  A  land  tax,  in  some  cases,  not  taxation,  but  a  rent-charge  in 

favour  of  the  public, 414 

7.  Taxes  falling  on  capital,  not  necessarily  objectionable, .        .    415 


Chapter  III.     Of  Direct  Taxes. 


1.  Direct  taxes  either  on  income  or  on  expenditure, .        .        .418 

2.  Taxes  on  rent, 419 

3.  —  on  profits, 420 

4.  —  on  wages, 423 

5.  An  Income  Tax, 425 

6.  A  House  Tax, 429 

Chapter  IV.     Of  Taxes  on  Commodities. 

i.  A  Tax  on  all  Commodities  would  fall  on  profits,  .        .        .  435 

2.  Taxes  on  particular  commodities  fall  on  the  consumer, .        .  436 

3.  Peculiar  effects  of  taxes  on  necessaries,         ....  438 

4.  —  how  modified  by  the  tendency  of  profits  to  a  minimum,  .  441 

5.  Effects  of  discriminating  duties, 447 

6.  Effects  produced  on  international  exchange  by  duties  on  ex- 

ports and  on  imports, 451 

Chapter  V.     Of  some  other  Taxes. 

§  1.  Taxes  on  contracts,       .        .        .        .   "*   .        .        .        .  460 

2.  Taxes  on  communication, 463 

3.  Law  Taxes, 465 

4.  Modes  of  taxation  for  local  purposes, 466 

Chapter  VI.     Comparison  between  Direct  and  Indirect 

§  1.  Arguments  for  and  against  direct  taxation,    ....    468 

2.  What  forms  of  indirect  taxation  most  eligible,       .        .        .    473 

3.  Practical  rules  for  indirect  taxation, 475 

Chapter  VII.     Of  a  National  Debt. 

§  1.  Is  it  desirable  to  defray  extraordinary  public  expenses  by 

loans? 479 

2.  Not  desirable  to  redeem  a  national  debt  by  a  general  con- 

tribution,   483 

3.  In  what  cases  desirable  to  maintain  a  surplus  revenue  for  the 

redemption  of  debt, 485 


Chapter  VIII.     Of  the  Ordinary  Functions  of  Govern- 
ment considered  as  to  their  Economical  Effects. 

§  1.  Effects  of  imperfect  security  of  person  and  property,    .        .    489 

2.  Effects  of  over-taxation,         .        .        .        .        .        .        .    491 

3.  Effects  of  imperfection  in  the  system  of  the  laws,  and  in  the 

administration  of  justice, 493 

Chapter  IX.     The  same  subject  continued. 

1.  Laws  of  Inheritance, 499 

2.  Law  and  Custom  of  Primogeniture, 501 

3.  Entails, 506 

4.  Law  of  compulsory  equal  division  of  inheritances,         .        .  508 

5.  Laws  of  Partnership, 509 

6.  Partnerships  with  limited  liability.    Chartered  Companies, .  512 

7.  Partnerships  en  commandite, 516 

8.  Laws  relating  to  Insolvency, 523 

Chapter  X.     Of  Interferences  of  Government  grounded  on 
Erroneous  Theories. 

1.  Doctrine  of  Protection  to  Native  Industry,  . 

2.  Usury  Laws, 

3.  Attempts  to  regulate  the  prices  of  commodities, 

4.  Monopolies, 

5.  Laws  against  Combination  of  Workmen, 

6.  Restraints  on  opinion  or  on  its  publication,  . 


Chapter  XI.     Of  the  Grounds  and  Limits  of  the  Laisser- 
faire  or  Non-interference  Principle. 

§  1.  Governmental  intervention  distinguished  into  authoritative 

and  unauthoritative, 558 

2.  Objections   to  government  intervention — the  compulsory 

character  of  the  intervention  itself,  or  of  the  levy  of 
funds  to  support  it, 560 

3.  —  increase  of  the  power  and  influence  of  government,        .     562 

4.  —  increase  of  the  occupations  and  responsibilities  of  gov- 

ernment,   563 



5.  —  superior  efficiency  of  private  agency,  owing  to  stronger 

interest  in  the  work, 565 

6.  —  importance  of  cultivating  habits  of  collective  action  in 

the  people, 566 

7.  Laisser-faire  the  general  rule, 569 

8.  —  but  liable  to  large  exceptions.     Cases  in  which  the  con- 

sumer is  an  incompetent  judge  of  the  commodity.    Edu- 
cation,      573 

9.  Case  of  persons  exercising  power  over  others.    Protection 

of  children  and  young  persons ;  of  the  lower  animals. 
Case  of  women  not  analogous, 577 

10.  Case  of  contracts  in  perpetuity, 581 

11.  Cases  of  delegated  management, 582 

12.  Cases  in  which  public  intervention  may  be  necessary  to 

give  effect  to  the  wishes  of  the  persons  interested.     Ex- 
amples :  hours  of  labour ;  disposal  of  colonial  lands,       .    585 

13.  Case  of  acts  done  for  the  benefit  of  others  than  the  persons 

concerned.     Poor  Laws, 589 

14.  —  Colonization, 593 

15.  —  other  miscellaneous  examples, 599 

16.  —  Government  intervention  may  be  necessary  in  default  of 

private  agency,  in  cases  where  private  agency  would  be 
more  suitable, 602 







§  1.  Having  proceeded  thus  far  in  ascertaining  the 
general  laws  of  Value,  without  introducing  the  idea  of 
Money  (except  occasionally  for  illustration),  it  is  time  that 
we  should  now  superadd  that  idea,  and  consider  in  what 
manner  the  principles  of  the  mutual  interchange  of  com- 
modities are  affected  by  the  use  of  what  is  termed  a  Medi- 
um of  Exchange. 

In  order  to  understand  the  manifold  functions  of  a  Cir- 
culating Medium,  there  is  no  better  way  than  to  consider 
what  are  the  principal  inconveniences  which  we  should  ex- 
perience if  we  had  not  such  a  medium.  The  first  and  most 
obvious  would  be  the  want  of  a  common  measure  for  values 
of  different  sorts.  If  a  tailor  had  only  coats,  and  wanted 
to  buy  bread  or  a  horse,  it  would  be  very  troublesome  to 
ascertain  how  much  bread  he  ought  to  obtain  for  a  coat,  or 
how  many  coats  he  should  give  for  a  horse.  The  calcula- 
tion must  be  recommenced  on  different  data,  every  time  he 

lg  BOOK   III.      CHAPTER  VII.      §1. 

bartered  his  coats  for  a  different  kind  of  article  ;  and  there 
could  be  no  current  price,  or  regular  quotations  of  value. 
Whereas  now  each  thing  has  a  current  price  in  money,  and 
he  gets  over  all  difficulties  by  reckoning  his  coat  at  U.  or 
51.,  and  a  four-pound  loaf  at  6d.  or  Id.  As  it  is  much  easier 
to  compare  different  lengths  by  expressing  them  in  a  com- 
mon language  of  feet  and  inches,  so  it  is  much  easier  to 
compare  values  by  means  of  a  common  language  of  pounds, 
shillings,  and  pence.  In  no  other  way  can  values  be  ar- 
ranged one  above  another  in  a  scale ;  in  no  other  can  a 
person  conveniently  calculate  the  sum  of  his  possessions ; 
and  it  is  easier  to  ascertain  and  remember  the  relations  of 
many  things  to  one  thing,  than  their  innumerable  cross  re- 
lations with  one  another.  This  advantage  of  having  a  com- 
mon language  in  which  values  may  be  expressed,  is,  even 
by  itself,  so  important,  that  some  such  mode  of  expressing 
and  computing  them  would  probably  be  used  even  if  a 
pound  or  a  shilling  did  not  express  any  real  thing,  but  a 
mere  unit  of  calculation.  It  is  said  that  there  are  African 
tribes  in  which  this  somewhat  artificial  contrivance  actually 
prevails.  They  calculate  the  value  of  things  in  a  sort  of 
money  of  account,  called  macutes.  They  say,  one  thing  is 
worth  ten  macutes,  another  fifteen,  another  twenty.*  There 
is  no  real  thing  called  a  macute  :  it  is  a  conventional  unit, 
for  the  more  convenient  comparison  of  things  with  one  an- 

This  advantage,  however,  forms  but  an  inconsiderable 
part  of  the  economical  benefits  derived  from  the  use  of 
money.  The  inconveniences  of  barter  are  so  great,  that 
without  some  more  commodious  means  of  effecting  ex- 
changes, the  division  of  employments  could  hardly  have 
been  carried  to  any  considerable  extent.  A  tailor,  who 
had  nothing  but  coats,  might  starve  before  he  could  find 
any  person  having  bread  to  sell  who  wanted  a  coat :  be- 
sides, he  would  not  want  as  much  bread  at  a  time  as  would 
be  worth  a  coat,  and  the  coat  could  not  be  divided.     Every 

*  Montesquieu,  Esprit  des  Lois,  liv.  xxii.  ch.  8. 

MONET.  19 

person,  therefore,  would  at  all  times  hasten  to  dispose  of 
his  commodity  in  exchange  for  anything  which,  though  it 
might  not  be  fitted  to  hi3  own  immediate  wants,  was  in 
great  and  general  demand,  and  easily  divisible,  so  that  he 
might  be  sure  of  being  able  to  purchase  with  it,  whatever 
was  offered  for  sale.  The  primary  necessaries  of  life  possess 
these  properties  in  a  high  degree.  Bread  is  extremely  di- 
visible, and  an  object  of  universal  desire.  Still,  this  is  not 
the  sort  of  thing  required :  for,  of  food,  unless  in  expecta- 
tion of  a  scarcity,  no  one  wishes  to  possess  more  at  once, 
than  is  wanted  for  immediate  consumption  ;  so  that  a  per- 
son is  never  sure  of  finding  an  immediate  purchaser  for  arti- 
cles of  food ;  and  unless  soon  disposed  of,  most  of  them 
perish.  The  thing  which  people  would  select  to  keep  by 
them  for  making  purchases,  must  be  one  which,  besides  be- 
ing divisible,  and  generally  desired,  does  not  deteriorate  by 
keeping.  This  reduces  the  choice  to  a  small  number  of 

§  2.  By  a  tacit  concurrence,  almost  all  nations,  at  a 
very  early  period,  fixed  upon  certain  metals,  and  especially 
gold  and  silver,  to  serve  this  purpose.  No  other  substances 
unite  the  necessary  qualities  in  so  great  a  degree,  with  so 
many  subordinate  advantages.  Next  to  food  and  clothing, 
and  in  some  climates  even  before  clothing,  the  strongest  in- 
clination in  a  rude  state  of  society  is  for  personal  ornament, 
and  for  the  kind  of  distinction  which  is  obtained  by  rarity 
or  costliness  in  such  ornaments.  After  the  immediate  ne- 
cessities of  life  were  satisfied,  every  one  was  eager  to  ac- 
cumulate as  great  a  store  as  possible  of  things  at  once  costly 
and  ornamental ;  which  were  chiefly  gold,  silver,  and  jewels. 
These  were  the  things  which  it  most  pleased  every  one  to 
possess,  and  which  there  was  most  certainty  of  finding  others 
willing  to  receive  in  exchange  for  any  kind  of  produce. 
They  were  among  the  most  imperishable  of  all  substances. 
They  were  also  portable,  and  containing  great  value  in  small 
bulk,  were  easily  hid  ;  a  consideration  of  much  importance 

20  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  VII.     §2. 

in  an  age  of  insecurity.  Jewels  are  inferior  to  gold  and 
silver  in  the  quality  of  divisibility  ;  and  are  of  very  various 
qualities,  not  to  be  accurately  discriminated  without  great 
trouble.  Gold  and  silver  are  eminently  divisible,  and  when 
pure,  always  of  the  same  quality  ;  and  their  purity  may  be 
ascertained  and  certified  by  a  public  authority. 

Accordingly,  though  furs  have  been  employed  as  money 
in  some  countries,  cattle  in  others,  in  Chinese  Tartary  cubes 
of  tea  closely  pressed  together,  the  shells  called  cowries  on 
the  coast  of  "Western  Africa,  and  in  Abyssinia  at  this  day 
blocks  of  rock  salt ;  though  even  of  metals,  the  less  costly 
have  sometimes  been  chosen,  as  iron  in  Lacedsemon  from  an 
ascetic  policy,  copper  in  the  early  Eoman  republic*  from 
the  poverty  of  the  people  ;  gold  and  silver  have  been  gener- 
ally preferred  by  nations  which  were  able  to  obtain  them, 
either  by  industry,  commerce,  or  conquest.  To  the  qualities 
which  originally  recommended  them,  another  came  to  be 
added,  the  importance  of  which  only  unfolded  itself  by 
degrees.  Of  all  commodities,  they  are  among  the  least  in- 
fluenced by  any  of  the  causes  which  produce  fluctuations 
of  value.  No  commodity  is  quite  free  from  such  fluctu- 
ations. Gold  and  silver  have  sustained,  since  the  beginning 
of  history,  one  great  permanent  alteration  of  value,  from 
the  discovery  of  the  American  mines  ;  and  some  temporary 
variations,  such  as  that  which,  in  the  last  great  war,  was 
produced  by  the  absorption  of  the  metals  in  hoards,  and  in 
the  military  chests  of  the  immense  armies  constantly  in  the 
field.  In  the  present  age  the  opening  of  new  sources  of 
supply,  so  abundant  as  the  Ural  mountains,  California,  and 
Australia,  may  be  the  commencement  of  another  period  of 
decline,  on  the  limits  of  which  it  would  be  useless  at  present 
to  speculate.  But  on  the  whole,  no  commodities  are  so 
little  exposed  to  causes  of  variation.  They  fluctuate  less 
than  almost  any  other  things  in  their  cost  of  production. 
And  from  their  durability,  the  total  quantity  in  existence 
is  at  all  times  so  great  in  proportion  to  the  annual  supply, 
that  the  effect  on  value  even  of  a  change  in  the  cost  of  pro- 

MONEY.  21 

duction  is  not  sadden  :  a  very  long  time  being  required  to 
diminish  materially  the  quantity  in  existence,  and  even  to 
increase  it  very  greatly  not  being  a  rapid  process.  Gold 
and  silver,  therefore,  are  more  fit  than  any  other  commodity 
to  be  the  subject  of  engagements  for  receiving  or  paying  a 
given  quantity  at  some  distant  period.  If  the  engagement 
were  made  in  corn,  a  failure  of  crops  might  increase  the 
burthen  of  the  payment  in  one  year  to  fourfold  what  was 
intended,  or  an  exuberant  harvest  sink  it  in  another  to  one- 
fourth.  If  stipulated  in  cloth,  some  manufacturing  inven- 
tion might  permanently  reduce  the  payment  to  a  tenth  of 
its  original  value.  Such  things  have  occurred  even  in  the 
case  of  payments  stipulated  in  gold  and  silver ;  but  the 
great  fall  of  their  value  after  the  discovery  of  America,  is, 
as  yet,  the  only  authenticated  instance ;  and  in  this  case 
the  change  was  extremely  gradual,  being  spread  over  a 
period  of  many  years. 

When  gold  and  silver  had  become  virtually  a  medium 
of  exchange,  by  becoming  the  things  for  which  people  gen- 
erally sold,  and  with  which  they  generally  bought,  whatever 
they  had  to  sell  or  to  buy  ;  the  contrivance  of  coining  ob- 
viously suggested  itself.  By  this  process  the  metal  was 
divided  into  convenient  portions,  of  any  degree  of  smallness, 
and  bearing  a  recognised  proportion  to  one  another ;  and 
the  trouble  was  saved  of  weighing  and  assaying  at  every 
change  of  possessors,  an  inconvenience  which  on  the  occa- 
sion of  small  purchases  would  soon  have  become  insupport- 
able. Governments  found  it  their  interest  to  take  the  oper- 
ation into  their  own  hands,  and  to  interdict  all  coining  by 
private  persons  ;  indeed,  their  guarantee  was  often  the  only 
one  which  would  have  been  relied  on,  a  reliance  however 
which  very  often  it  ill  deserved  ;  profligate  governments 
having  until  a  very  modern  period  seldom  scrupled,  for  the 
sake  of  robbing  their  creditors,  to  confer  on  all  other  debtors 
a  licence  to  rob  theirs,  by  the  shallow  and  impudent  artifice 
of  lowering  the  standard  ;  that  least  covert  of  all  modes  of 
knavery,  which  consists  in  calling  a  shilling  a  pound,  that 

22  BOOK  III.      CHAPTER  VII.     §3. 

a  debt  of  a  hundred  pounds  may  be  cancelled  by  the  pay- 
ment of  a  hundred  shillings.  It  would  have  been  as  simple 
a  plan,  and  would  have  answered  the  purpose  as  well,  to 
have  enacted  that  "  a  hundred  "  should  always  be  interpreted 
to  mean  five,  which  would  have  effected  the  same  reduction 
in  all  pecuniary  contracts,  and  would  not  have  been  at  all 
more  shameless.  Such  strokes  of  policy  have  not  wholly 
ceased  to  be  recommended,  but  they  have  ceased  to  be  prac- 
tised; except  occasionally  through  the  medium  of  paper 
money,  in  which  case  the  character  of  the  transaction,  from 
the  greater  obscurity  of  the  subject,  is  a  little  less  barefaced. 

§  3.  Money,  when  its  use  has  grown  habitual,  is  the 
medium  through  which  the  incomes  of  the  different  mem- 
bers of  the  community  are  distributed  to  them,  and  the  mea- 
sure by  which  they  estimate  their  possessions.  As  it  is 
always  by  means  of  money  that  people  provide  for  their 
different  necessities,  there  grows  up  in  their  minds  a  power- 
ful association  leading  them  to  regard  money  as  wealth  in 
a  more  peculiar  sense  than  any  other  article  ;  and  even 
those  who  pass  their  lives  in  the  production  of  the  most 
useful  objects,  acquire  the  habit  of  regarding  those  objects 
as  chiefly  important  by  their  capacity  of  being  exchanged 
for  money.  A  person  who  parts  with  money  to  obtain 
commodities,  unless  he  intends  to  sell  them,  appears  to  the 
imagination  to  be  making  a  worse  bargain  than  a  person 
who  parts  with  commodities  to  get  money  ;  the  one  seems 
to  be  spending  his  means,  the  other  adding  to  them.  Elu- 
sions which,  though  now  in  some  measure  dispelled,  were 
long  powerful  enough  to  overmaster  the  mind  of  every 
politician,  both  speculative  and  practical,  in  Europe. 

It  must  be  evident,  however,  that  the  mere  introduction 
of  a  particular  mode  of  exchanging  things  for  one  another, 
by  first  exchanging  a  thing  for  money,  and  then  exchanging 
the  money  for  something  else,  makes  no  difference  in  the 
essential  character  of  transactions.  It  is  not  with  money 
that  things  are  really  purchased.     Nobody's  income  (except 


that  of  the  gold  or  silver  miner)  is  derived  from  the  precious 
metals.  The  pounds  or  shillings  which  a  person  receives 
weekly  or  yearly,  are  not  what  constitutes  his  income ;  they 
are  a  sort  of  tickets  or  orders  which  he  can  present  for  pay- 
ment at  any  shop  he  pleases,  and  which  entitle  him  to  re- 
ceive a  certain  value  of  any  commodity  that  he  makes  choice 
of.  The  farmer  pays  his  labourers  and  his  landlord  in  these 
tickets,  as  the  most  convenient  plan  for  himself  and  them  ; 
but  their  real  income  is  their  share  of  his  corn,  cattle,  and 
hay,  and  it  makes  no  essential  difference  whether  he  dis- 
tributes it  to  them  directly,  or  sells  it  for  them  and  gives 
them  the  price ;  but  as  they  would  have  to  sell  it  for  money 
if  he  did  not,  and  as  he  is  a  seller  at  any  rate,  it  best  suits 
the  purposes  of  all,  that  he  should  sell  their  share  along  with 
his  own,  and  leave  the  labourers  more  leisure  for  work  and 
the  landlord  for  being  idle.  The  capitalists,  except  those 
who  are  producers  of  the  precious  metals,  derive  no  part  of 
their  income  from  those  metals,  since  they  only  get  them 
by  buying  them  with  their  own  produce :  while  all  other 
persons  have  their  incomes  paid  to  them  by  the  capitalists, 
or  by  those  who  have  received  payment  from  the  capitalists, 
and  as  the  capitalists  have  nothing,  from  the  first,  except 
their  produce,  it  is  that  and  nothing  else  which  supplies  all 
incomes  furnished  by  them.  There  cannot,  in  short,  be  in- 
trinsically a  more  insignificant  thing,  in  the  economy  of 
society,  than  money  ;  except  in  the  character  of  a  contriv- 
ance for  sparing  time  and  labour.  It  is  a  machine  for  doing 
quickly  and  commodiously,  what  would  be  done,  though 
less  quickly  and  commodiously,  without  it :  and  like  many 
other  kinds  of  machinery,  it  only  exerts  a  distinct  and  inde- 
pendent influence  of  its  own  when  it  gets  out  of  order. 

The  introduction  of  money  does  not  interfere  with  the 
operation  of  any  of  the  Laws  of  Value  laid  down  in  the  pre- 
ceding chapters.  The  reasons  which  make  the  temporary 
or  market  value  of  things  depend  on  the  demand  and  sup- 
ply, and  their  average  and  permanent  values  upon  their 
cost  of  production,  are  as  applicable  to  a  money  system  as 

24  BOOK   III.      CHAPTER  VII.     §8. 

to  a  system  of  barter.  Things  which  by  barter  would  ex- 
change for  one  another,  will,  if  sold  for  money,  sell  for  an 
equal  amount  of  it,  and  so  will  exchange  for  one  another 
still,  though  the  process  of  exchanging  them  will  consist  of 
two  operations  instead  of  only  one.  The  relations  of  com- 
modities to  one  another  remain  unaltered  by  money :  the 
only  new  relation  introduced,  is  their  relation  to  money  it- 
self; how  much  or  how  little  money  they  will  exchange 
for ;  in  other  words,  how  the  Exchange  Value  of  money 
itself  is  determined.  And  this  is  not  a  question  of  any 
difficulty,  when  the  illusion  is  dispelled,  which  caused  money 
to  be  looked  upon  as  a  peculiar  thing,  not  governed  by  the 
same  laws  as  other  things.  Money  is  a  commodity,  and  its 
value  is  determined  like  that  of  other  commodities,  tempo- 
rarily by  demand  and  supply,  permanently  and  on  the  aver- 
age by  cost  of  production.  The  illustration  of  these  prin- 
ciples, considered  in  their  application  to  money,  must  be 
given  in  some  detail,  on  account  of  the  confusion  which,  in 
minds  not  scientifically  instructed  on  the  subject,  envelopes 
the  whole  matter ;  partly  from  a  lingering  remnant  of  the 
old  misleading  associations,  and  partly  from  the  mass  of 
vapoury  and  baseless  speculation  with  which  this,  more 
than  any  other  topic  of  political  economy,  has  in  latter 
times  become  surrounded.  1  shall  therefore  treat  of  the 
Value  of  Money  in  a  chapter  apart. 



§  1.  It  is  unfortunate  that  in  the  very  outset  of  the 
subject  we  have  to  clear  from  our  path  a  formidable  am- 
biguity of  language.  The  Value  of  Money  is  to  appearance 
an  expression  as  precise,  as  free  from  possibility  of  misunder- 
standing, as  any  in  science.  The  value  of  a  thing,  is  what 
it  will  exchange  for :  the  value  of  money,  is  what  money 
will  exchange  for;  the  purchasing  power  of  money.  If 
prices  are  low,  money  will  buy  much  of  other  things,  and 
is  of  high  value ;  if  prices  are  high,  it  will  buy  little  of  other 
things,  and  is  of  low  value.  The  value  of  money  is  inversely 
as  general  prices :  falling  as  they  rise,  and  rising  as  they 

But  unhappily  the  same  phrase  is  also  employed,  in  the 
current  language  of  commerce,  in  a  very  different  sense. 
Money,  which  is  so  commonly  understood  as  the  synonyme 
of  wealth,  is  more  especially  the  term  in  use  to  denote  it 
when  it  is  the  subject  of  borrowing.  When  one  person  lends 
to  another,  as  well  as  when  he  pays  wages  or  rent  to  an- 
other, what  he  transfers  is  not  the  mere  money,  but  a  right 
to  a  certain  value  of  the  produce  of  the  country,  to  be 
selected  at  pleasure  ;  the  lender  having  first  bought  this 
right,  by  giving  for  it  a  portion  of  his  capital.  What  he 
really  lends  is  so  much  capital ;  the  money  is  the  mere  in- 
strument of  transfer.  But  the  capital  usually  passes  from 
the  lender  to  the  receiver  through   the  means  either  of 

26  BOOK   III.     CHAPTER   VIII.     §2. 

money,  or  of  an  order  to  receive  money,  and  at  any  rate 
it  is  in  money  that  the  capital  is  computed  and  estimated. 
Hence,  borrowing  capital  is  universally  called  borrowing 
money  ;  the  loan  market  is  called  the  money  market :  those 
who  have  their  capital  disposable  for  investment  on  loan 
are  called  the  monied  class :  and  the  equivalent  given  for 
the  use  of  capital,  or  in  other  words,  interest,  is  not  only 
called  the  interest  of  money,  but,  by  a  grosser  perversion 
of  terms,  the  value  of  money.  This  misapplication  of  lan- 
guage, assisted  by  some  fallacious  appearances  which  we 
shall  notice  and  clear  up  hereafter,*  has  created  a  general 
notion  among  persons  in  business,  that  the  Value  of  Money, 
meaning  the  rate  of  interest,  has  an  intimate  connexion  with 
the  Yalue  of  Money  in  its  proper  sense,  the  value  or  pur- 
chasing power  of  the  circulating  medium.  We  shall  return 
to  this  subject  before  long  :  at  present  it  is  enough  to  say, 
that  by  Yalue  I  shall  always  mean  Exchange  Yalue,  and 
by  money  the  medium  of  exchange,  not  the  capital  which 
is  passed  from  hand  to  hand  through  that  medium. 

§  2.  The  value  or  purchasing  power  of  money  depends, 
in  the  first  instance,  on  demand  and  supply.  But  demand 
and  supply,  in  relation  to  money,  present  themselves  in  a 
somewhat  different  shape  from  the  demand  and  supply  of 
other  things. 

The  supply  of  a  commodity  means  the  quantity  offered 
for  sale.  But  it  is  not  usual  to  speak  of  offering  money  for 
sale.  People  are  not  usually  said  to  buy  or  sell  money. 
This,  however,  is  merely  an  accident  of  language.  In  point 
df  fact,  money  is  bought  and  sold  like  other  things,  when- 
ever other  things  are  bought  and  sold  for  money.  Who- 
ever sells  corn,  or  tallow,  or  cotton,  buys  money.  Whoever 
buys  bread,  or  wine,  or  clothes,  sells  money  to  the  dealer 
in  those  articles.  The  money  with  which  people  are  offer- 
ing to  buy,  is  money  offered  for  sale.  The  supply  of  money, 
then,  is  the  quantity  of  it  which  people  are  wanting  to  lay 

*  Infra,  ch.  xxiii. 

VALUE   OF   MONEY.  £7 

out ;  that  is,  all  the  money  they  have  in  their  possession, 
except  what  they  are  hoarding,  or  at  least  keeping  by  them 
as  a  reserve  for  future  contingencies.  The  supply  of  money, 
in  short,  is  all  the  money  in  circulation  at  the  time. 

The  demand  for  money,  again,  consists  of  all  the  goods 
offered  for  sale.  Every  seller  of  goods  is  a  buyer  of  money, 
and  the  goods  he  brings  with  him  constitute  his  demand. 
The  demand  for  money  differs  from  the  demand  for  other 
things  in  this,  that  it  is  limited  only  by  the  means  of  the 
purchaser.  The  demand  for  other  things  is  for  so  much 
and  no  more  ;  but  there  is  always  a  demand  for  as  much 
money  as  can  be  got.  Persons  may  indeed  refuse  to  sell, 
and  withdraw  their  goods  from  the  market,  if  they  cannot 
get  for  them  what  they  consider  a  sufficient  price.  But 
this  is  only  when  they  think  that  the  price  will  rise,  and 
that  they  shall  get  more  money  by  waiting.  If  they  thought 
the  low  price  likely  to  be  permanent,  they  would  take  what 
they  could  get.  It  is  always  a  sine  qua  non  with  a  dealer 
to  dispose  of  his  goods. 

As  the  whole  of  the  goods  in  the  market  compose  the 
demand  for  money,  so  the  whole  of  the  money  constitutes 
the  demand  for  goods.  The  money  and  the  goods  are  seek- 
ing each  other  for  the  purpose  of  being  exchanged.  They 
are  reciprocally  supply  and  demand  to  one  another.  It  is 
indifferent  whether,  in  characterizing  the  phenomena,  we 
speak  of  the  demand  and  supply  of  goods,  or  the  supply 
and  the  demand  of  money.  They  are  equivalent  expres- 

We  shall  proceed  to  illustrate  this  proposition  more  fully. 
And  in  doing  this,  the  reader  will  remark  a  great  difference 
between  the  class  of  questions  which  now  occupy  us,  and 
those  which  we  previously  had  under  discussion  respecting 
Values.  In  considering;  Value,  we  were  onlv  concerned 
with  causes  which  acted  upon  particular  commodities  apart 
from  the  rest.  Causes  which  affect  all  commodities  alike, 
do  not  act  upon  values.  But  in  considering  the  relation 
between  goods  and  money,  it  is  with  the  causes  that  operate 

28  BOOK  III.      CHAPTER   VIII.      §2. 

upon  all  goods  whatever,  that  we  are  especially  concerned. 
We  are  comparing  goods' of  all  sorts  on  one  side,  with  money 
on  the  other  side,  as  things  to  be  exchanged  against  each 

Suppose,  everything  else  being  the  same,  that  there  is 
an  increase  in  the  quantity  of  money,  say  by  the  arrival  of 
a  foreigner  in  a  place,  with  a  treasure  of  gold  and  silver. 
When  he  commences  expending  it  (for  this  question  it  mat- 
ters not  whether  productively  or  unproductively),  he  adds 
to  the  supply  of  money,  and  by  the  same  act,  to  the  demand 
for  goods.  Doubtless  he  adds,  in  the  first  instance,  to  the 
demand  only  for  certain  kinds  of  goods,  namely,  those  which 
he  selects  for  purchase  ;  he  will  immediately  raise  the  price 
of  those,  and  so  far  as  he  is  individually  concerned,  of  those 
only.  If  he  spends  his  funds  in  giving  entertainments,  he 
will  raise  the  prices  of  food  and  wine.  If  he  expends  them 
in  establishing  a  manufactory,  he  will  raise  the  prices  of  la- 
bour and  materials.  But  at  the  higher  prices,  more  money 
will  pass  into  the  hands  of  the  sellers  of  these  different  arti- 
cles ;  and  they,  whether  labourers  or  dealers,  having  more 
money  to  lay  out,  will  create  an  increased  demand  for  all 
the  things  which  they  are  accustomed  to  purchase :  these 
accordingly  will  rise  in  price,  and  so  on  until  the  rise  has 
reached  everything.  I  say  everything,  though  it  is  of  course 
possible  that  the  influx  of  money  might  take  place  through 
the  medium  of  some  new  class  of  consumers,  or  in  such  a 
manner  as  to  alter  the  proportions  of  different  classes  of 
consumers  to  one  another,  so  that  a  greater  share  of  the 
national  income  than  before  would  thenceforth  be  expended 
in  some  articles,  and  a  smaller  in  others ;  exactly  as  if  a 
change  had  taken  place  in  the  tastes  and  wants  of  the  com- 
munity. If  this  were  the  case,  then  until  production  had 
accommodated  itself  to  this  change  in  the  comparative  de- 
mand for  different  things,  there  would  be  a  real  alteration 
in  values,  and  some  things  would  rise  in  price  more  than 
others,  while  some  perhaps  would  not  rise  at  all.  These 
effects,  however,  would  evidently  proceed,  not  from  the 


mere  increase  of  money,  but  from  accessory  circumstances 
attending  it.  We  are  now  only  called  upon  to  consider 
what  would  be  the  effect  of  an  increase  of  money,  consid- 
ered by  itself.  Supposing  the  money  in  the  hands  of  indi- 
viduals to  be  increased,  the  wants  and  inclinations  of  the 
community  collectively  in  respect  to  consumption  remaining 
exactly  the  same ;  the  increase  of  demand  would  reach  all 
things  equally,  and  there  would  be  an  universal  rise  of 
prices.  We  might  suppose  with  Hume,  that  some  morning, 
every  person  in  the  nation  should  wake  and  find  a  gold  coin 
in  his  pocket :  this  example,  however,  would  involve  an 
alteration  of  the  proportions  in  the  demand  for  different 
commodities ;  the  luxuries  of  the  poor  would,  in  the  first 
instance,  be  raised  in  price,  in  a  much  greater  degree  than 
other  things.  Let  us  rather  suppose,  therefore,  that  to  every 
pound,  or  shilling,  or  penny,  in  the  possession  of  any  one, 
another  pound,  shilling,  or  penny,  were  suddenly  added. 
There  would  be  an  increased  money  demand,  and  conse- 
quently an  increased  money  value,  or  price,  for  things  of 
all  sorts.  This  increased  value  would  do  no  good  to  any 
one  ;  would  make  no  difference,  except  that  of  having  to 
reckon  pounds,  shillings,  and  pence,  in  higher  numbers.  It 
would  be  an  increase  of  values  only  as  estimated  in  money, 
a  thing  only  wanted  to  buy  other  things  with ;  and  would 
'not  enable  any  one  to  buy  more  of  them  than  before.  Prices 
would  have  risen  in  a  certain  ratio,  and  the  value  of  money 
would  have  fallen  in  the  same  ratio. 

It  is  to  be  remarked  that  this  ratio  would  be  precisely 
that  in  which  the  quantity  of  money  had  been  increased. 
If  the  whole  money  in  circulation  was  doubled,  prices  would 
be  doubled.  If  it  was  only  increased  one-fourth,  prices 
would  rise  one-fourth.  There  would  be  one-fourth  more 
money,  all  of  which  would  be  used  to  purchase  goods  of 
some  description.  When  there  had  been  time  for  the  in- 
creased supply  of  money  to  reach  all  markets,  or  (according 
to  the  conventional  metaphor)  to  permeate  all  the  channels 
of  circulation,  all  prices  would  have  risen  one-fourth.     But 

30  BOOK  Iff.     CHAPTER  VIII.     §2. 

the  general  rise  of  price  is  independent  of  this  diffusing  and 
equalizing  process.  Even  if  some  prices  were  raised  more, 
and  others  less,  the  average  rise  would  be  one-fourth.  This 
is  a  necessary  consequence  of  the  fact,  that  a  fourth  more 
money  would  have  been  given  for  only  the  same  quantity 
of  goods.  General  prices,  therefore,  would  in  any  case  be 
a  fourth  higher. 

The  very  same  effect  would  be  produced  on  prices  if  we 
suppose  the  goods  diminished,  instead  of  the  money  in- 
creased :  and  the  contrary  effect  if  the  goods  were  increased, 
or  the  money  diminished.  If  there  were  less  money  in  the 
hands  of  the  community,  and  the  same  amount  of  goods  to 
be  sold,  less  money  altogether  would  be  given  for  them,  and 
they  would  be  sold  at  lower  prices ;  lower,  too,  in  the  pre- 
cise ratio  in  which  the  money  was  diminished.  So  that  the 
value  of  money,  other  things  being  the  same,  varies  inversely 
as  its  quantity ;  every  increase  of  quantity  lowering  the 
value,  and  every  diminution  raising  it,  in  a  ratio  exactly 

This,  it  must  be  observed,  is  a  property  peculiar  to 
money.  We  did  not  find  it  to  be  true  of  commodities  gen- 
erally, that  every  diminution  of  supply  raised  the  value 
exactly  in  proportion  to  the  deficiency,  or  that  every  in- 
crease lowered  it  in  the  precise  ratio  of  the  excess.  Some 
things  are  usually  affected  in  a  greater  ratio  than  that  of 
the  excess  or  deficiency,  others  usually  in  a  less  :  because, 
in  ordinary  cases  of  demand,  the  desire,  being  for  the  thing 
itself,  may  be  stronger  or  weaker  ;  and  the  amount  of  what 
people  are  willing  to  expend  on  it,  being  in  any  case  a 
limited  quantity,  may  be  affected  in  very  unequal  degrees 
by  difficulty  or  facility  of  attainment.  But  in  the  case  of 
money,  which  is  desired  as  the  means  of  universal  purchase, 
the  demand  consists  of  everything  which  people  have  to 
sell ;  and  the  only  limit  to  what  they  are  willing  to  give, 
is  the  limit  set  by  their  having  nothing  more  to  offer.  The 
whole  of  the  goods  being  in  any  case  exchanged  for  the 
whole  of  the  money  which  comes  into  the  market  to  be  laid 


out,  they  will  sell  for  less  or  more  of  it,  exactly  according 
as  less  or  more  is  brought. 

§  3.  From  what  precedes,  it  might  for  a  moment  be 
supposed,  that  all  the  goods  on  sale  in  a  country  at  any  one 
time,  are  exchanged  for  all  the  money  existing  and  in  cir- 
culation at  that  same  time :  or,  in  other  words,  that  there 
is  always  in  circulation  in  a  country,  a  quantity  of  money 
equal  in  value  to  the  whole  of  the  goods  then  and  there  on 
sale.  But  this  would  be  a  complete  misapprehension.  The 
money  laid  out  is  equal  in  value  to  the  goods  it  purchases  ; 
but  the  quantity  of  money  laid  out  is  not  the  same  thing 
with  the  quantity  in  circulation.  As  the  money  passes  from 
hand  to  hand,  the  same  piece  of  money  is  laid  out  many 
times,  before  all  the  things  on  sale  at  one  time  are  purchased 
and  finally  removed  from  the  market :  and  each  pound  or 
dollar  must  be  counted  for  as  many  pounds  or  dollars,  as 
the  number  of  times  it  changes  hands  in  order  to  effect  this 
object.  The  greater  part  of  the  goods  must  also  be  counted 
more  than  once,  not  only  because  most  things  pass  through 
the  hands  of  several  sets  of  manufacturers  and  dealers  before 
they  assume  the  form  in  which  they  are  finally  consumed, 
but  because  in  times  of  speculation  (and  all  times  are  so, 
more  or  less)  the  same  goods  are  often  bought  repeatedly, 
to  be  resold  for  a  profit,  before  they  are  bought  for  the  pur- 
pose of  consumption  at  all. 

If  we  assume  the  quantity  of  goods  on  sale,  and  the 
number  of  times  those  goods  are  resold,  to  be  fixed  quanti- 
ties, the  value  of  money  will  depend  upon  its  quantity,  to- 
gether with  the  average  number  of  times  that  each  piece 
changes  hands  in  the  process.  The  whole  of  the  goods  sold 
•  (counting  each  resale  of  the  same  goods  as  so  much  added 
to  the  goods)  have  been  exchanged  for  the  whole  of  the 
money,  multiplied  by  the  number  of  purchases  made  on  the 
average  by  each  piece.  Consequently,  the  amount  of  good.; 
and  of  transactions  being  the  same,  the  value  of  money  i- 
inversely  as  its  quantity  multiplied  by  what  is  called  the 

32  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  VIII.     §3. 

rapidity  of  circulation.  And  the  quantity  of  money  in  cir, 
culation,  is  equal  to  the  money  value  of  all  the  goods  sold, 
divided  by  the  number  which  expresses  the  rapidity  of  cir- 

The  phrase,  rapidity  of  circulation,  requires  some  com- 
ment.  It  must  not  be  understood  to  mean,  the  number  of 
purchases  made  by  each  piece  of  money  in  a  given  time. 
Time  is  not  the  thing  to  be  considered.  The  state  of  society 
may  be  such,  that  each  piece  of  money  hardly  performs  more 
than  one  purchase  in  a  year ;  but  if  this  arises  from  the 
small  number  of  transactions — from  the  small  amount  of 
business  done,  the  want  of  activity  in  traffic,  or  because 
what  traffic  there  is,  mostly  takes  place  by  barter — it  con- 
stitutes no  reason  why  prices  should  be  lower,  or  the  value 
of  money  higher.  The  essential  point  is,  not  how  often  the 
same  money  changes  hands  in  a  given  time,  but  how  often 
it  changes  hands  in  order  to  perform  a  given  amount  of 
traffic.  We  must  compare  the  number  of  purchases  made 
by  the  money  in  a  given  time,  not  with  the  time  itself,  but 
with  the  goods  sold  in  that  same  time.  If  each  piece  of 
money  changes  hands  on  an  average  ten  times  while  goods 
are  sold  to  the  value  of  a  million  sterling,  it  is  evident  that 
the  money  required  to  circulate  those  goods  is  100,000?. 
And  conversely,  if  the  money  in  circulation  is  100,000?., 
and  each  piece  changes  hands  by  the  purchase  of  goods  ten 
times  in  a  month,  the  sales  of  goods  for  money  which  take 
place  every  month  must  amount  on  the  average  to  1,000,000?. 

Rapidity  of  circulation  being  a  phrase  so  ill  adapted 
to  express  the  only  thing  which  it  is  of  any  importance  k 
express  by  it,  and  having  a  tendency  to  confuse  the  subject 
by  suggesting  a  meaning  extremely  different  from  the  one 
intended,  it  would  be  a  good  thing  if  the  phrase  could  be* 
got  rid  of,  and  another  substituted,  more  directly  significant 
of  the  idea  meant  to  be  conveyed.  Some  such  expression 
as  "  the  efficiency  of  money,"  though  not  unexceptionable, 
would  do  better ;  as  it  would  point  attention  to  the  quan- 
tity of  work  done,  without  suggesting  the  idea  of  estimating 


it  by  time.  Until  an  appropriate  term  can  be  devised,  we 
must  be  content  when  ambiguity  is  to  be  apprehended,  to 
express  the  idea  by  the  circumlocution  which  alone  conveys 
it  adequately,  namely,  the  average  number  of  purchases 
made  by  each  piece  in  order  to  affect  a  given  pecuniary 
amount  of  transactions. 

§  4.  The  proposition  which  we  have  laid  down  respect- 
ing the  dependence  of  general  prices  upon  the  quantity  of 
money  in  circulation,  must  be  understood  as  applying  only 
to  a  state  of  things  in  which  money,  that  is,  gold  or  silver, 
is  the  exclusive  instrument  of  exchange,  and  actually  passes 
from  hand  to  hand  at  every  purchase,  credit  in  any  of  its 
shapes  being  unknown.  "When  credit  comes  into  play  as  a 
means  of  purchasing,  distinct  from  money  in  hand,  we  shall 
hereafter  find  that  the  connexion  between  prices  and  the 
amount  of  the  circulating  medium  is  much  less  direct  and 
intimate,  and  that  such  connexion  as  does  exist,  no  longer  ad- 
mits of  so  simple  a  mode  of  expression.  But  on  a  subject  so 
full  of  complexity  as  that  of  currency  and  prices,  it  is  neces- 
sary to  lay  the  foundation  of  our  theory  in  a  thorough  un- 
derstanding of  the  most  simple  cases,  which  we  shall  always 
find  lying  as  a  groundwork  or  substratum  under  those  which 
arise  in  practice.  That  an  increase  of  the  quantity  of  money 
raises  prices,  and  a  diminution  lowers  them,  is  the  most  ele- 
mentary proposition  in  the  theory  of  currency,  and  without 
it  we  should  have  no  key  to  any  of  the  others.  In  any  state 
of  things,  however,  except  the  simple  and  primitive  one 
which  we  have  supposed,  the  proposition  is  only  true  other 
things  being  the  same  :  and  what  those  other  things  are, 
which  must  be  the  same,  we  are  not  yet  ready  to  pronounce. 
"We  can,  however,  point  out,  even  now,  one  or  two  of  the 
cautions  with  which  the  principle  must  be  guarded  in  at- 
tempting to  make  use  of  it  for  the  practical  explanation  of 
phenomena ;  cautions  the  more  indispensable,  as  the  doc- 
trine, though  a  scientific  truth,  has  of  late  years  been  the 
foundation  of  a  greater  mass  of  false  theory,  and  erroneous 

34  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  VIII.     §4. 

interpretation  of  facts,  than  any  other  proposition  relating 
to  interchange.  From  the  time  of  the  resumption  of  cash 
payments  by  the  Act  of  1819,  and  especially  since  the  com- 
mercial crisis  of  1825,  the  favourite  explanation  of  every  rise 
or  fall  of  prices  has  been  "the  currency;"  and  like  most 
popular  theories,  the  doctrine  has  been  applied  with  little 
regard  to  the  conditions  necessary  for  making  it  correct. 

For  example,  it  is  habitually  assumed  that  whenever 
there  is  a  greater  amount  of  money  in  the  country,  or  in 
existence,  a  rise  of  prices  must  necessarily  follow.  But  this 
is  by  no  means  an  inevitable  consequence.  In  no  commod- 
ity is  it  the  quantity  in  existence,  but  the  quantity  offered 
for  sale,  that  determines  the  value.  Whatever  may  be  the 
quantity  of  money  in  the  country,  only  that  part  of  it  will 
affect  prices,  which  goes  into  the  market  of  commodities, 
and  is  there  actually  exchanged  against  goods.  Whatever 
increases  the  amount  of  this  portion  of  the  money  in  the 
country,  tends  to  raise  prices.  But  money  hoarded  does  not 
act  on  prices.  Money  kept  in  reserve  by  individuals  to 
meet  contingencies  which  do  not  occur,  does  not  act  on 
prices.  The  money  in  the  coffers  of  the  Bank,  or  retained 
as  a  reserve  by  private  bankers,  does  not  act  on  prices  until 
drawn  out,  nor  even  then  unless  drawn  out  to  be  expended 
in  commodities. 

It  frequently  happens  that  money,  to  a  considerable 
amount,  is  brought  into  the  country,  is  there  actually  in- 
vested as  capital,  and  again  flows  out,  without  having  ever 
once  acted  upon  the  markets  of  commodities,  but  only  upon 
the  market  of  securities,  or,  as  it  is  commonly  though  im- 
properly called,  the  money  market.  Let  us  return  to  the 
case  already  put  for  illustration,  that  of  a  foreigner  landing 
in  the  country  with  a  treasure.  We  supposed  him  to  em- 
ploy his  treasure  in  the  purchase  of  goods  for  his  own  use, 
or  in  setting  up  a  manufactory  and  employing  labourers ; 
and  in  either  case  he  would,  cceteris  paribus,  raise  prices. 
But  instead  of  doing  either  of  these  things,  he  might  very 
probably  prefer  to  invest  his  fortune  at  interest ;  which  we 


shall  suppose  him  to  do  in  the  most  obvious  way,  by  becom- 
ing a  competitor  for  a  portion  of  the  stock,  exchequer  bills, 
railway  debentures,  mercantile  bills,  mortgages,  &c,  which 
are  at  all  times  in  the  hands  of  the  public.  By  doing  this 
he  would  raise  the  prices  of  those  different  securities,  or  in 
other  words  would  lower  the  rate  of  interest ;  and  since  this 
would  disturb  the  relation  previously  existing  between  the 
rate  of  interest  on  capital  in  the  country  itself,  and  that  in 
foreign  countries,  it  would  probably  induce  some  of  those 
who  had  floating  capital  seeking  employment,  to  send  it 
abroad  for  foreign  investment,  rather  than  buy  securities  at 
home  at  the  advanced  price.  As  much  money  might  thus 
go  out  as  had  previously  come  in,  while  the  prices  of  com- 
modities would  have  shown  no  trace  of  its  temporary  pres- 
ence. This  is  a  case  highly  deserving  of  attention  :  and  it 
is  a  fact  now  beginning  to  be  recognised,  that  the  passage 
of  the  precious  metals  from  country  to  country  is  determined 
much  more  than  was  formerly  supposed,  by  the  state  of  the 
loan  market  in  different  countries,  and  much  less  by  the 
state  of  prices. 

Another  point  must  be  adverted  to,  in  order  to  avoid 
serious  error  in  the  interpretation  of  mercantile  phenomena. 
If  there  be,  at  any  time,  an  increase  in  the  number  of  money 
transactions,  a  thing  continually  liable  to  happen  from 
differences  in  the  activity  of  speculation,  and  even  in  the 
time  of  year  (since  certain  kinds  of  business  are  transacted 
only  at  particular  seasons) ;  an  increase  of  the  currency 
which  is  only  proportional  to  this  increase  of  transactions, 
and  is  of  no  longer  duration,  has  no  tendency  to  raise  prices. 
At  the  quarterly  periods  when  the  public  dividends  arc  paid 
at  the  Bank,  a  sudden  increase  takes  place  of  the  money  in 
the  hands  of  the  public  ;  an  increase  estimated  at  from 
a  fifth  to  two-fifths  of  the  whole  issues  of  the  Bank  of 
England.  Yet  this  never  has  any  effect  on  prices  ;  and  in  a 
very  few  weeks,  the  currency  has  again  shrunk  into  its  usual 
dimensions,  by  a  mere  reduction  in  the  demands  of  the 
public  (after  so  copious  a  supply  of  ready  money)  for  accom- 

3g  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  VIII.     §4. 

modation  from  the  Bank  in  the  way  of  discount  or  loan. 
In  like  manner  the  currency  of  the  agricultural  districts 
fluctuates  in  amount  at  different  seasons  of  the  year.  It  is 
always  lowest  in  August :  "  it  rises  generally  towards  Christ- 
mas, and  obtains  its  greatest  elevation  about  Lady-day, 
when  the  farmer  commonly  lays  in  his  stock,  and  has  to  pay 
his  rent  and  summer  taxes,"  and  when  he  therefore  makes 
his  principal  applications  to  country  bankers  for  loans. 
"  Those  variations  occur  with  the  same  regularity  as  the 
season,  and  with  just  as  little  disturbance  of  the  markets  as 
the  quarterly  fluctuations  of  the  notes  of  the  Bank  of  Eng- 
land. As  soon  as  the  extra  payments  have  been  completed, 
the  superfluous "  currency,  which  is  estimated  at  half  a 
million,  "  as  certainly  and  immediately  is  reabsorbed  and 
disappears."  * 

If  extra  currency  were  not  forthcoming  to  make  these 
extra  payments,  one  of  three  things  must  happen.  Either 
the  payments  must  be  made  without  money,  by  a  re- 
sort to  some  of  those  contrivances  by  which  its  use  is  dis- 
pensed with ;  or  there  must  be  an  increase  in  the  rapidity 
of  circulation,  the  same  sum  of  money  being  made  to  per- 
form more  payments ;  or  if  neither  of  these  things  took 
place,  money  to  make  the  extra  payments  must  be  with- 
drawn from  the  market  for  commodities,  and  prices,  conse- 
quently, must  fall.  An  increase  of  the  circulating  medium, 
conformable  in  extent  and  duration  to  the  temporary  stress 
of  business,  does  not  raise  prices,  but  merely  prevents  this 

The  sequel  of  our  investigation  will  point  out  many 
other  qualifications  with  which  the  proposition  must  be 
received,  that  the  value  of  the  circulating  medium  depends 
on  the  demand  and  supply,  and  is  in  the  inverse  ratio  of  the 
quantity  ;  qualifications  which,  under  a  complex  system  of 
credit  like  that  existing  in  England,  render  the  proposition 
an  extremely  incorrect  expression  of  the  fact. 

*  Fullarton  on  the  Regulation  of  Currencies,  2nd  edit.  pp.  81 — 9. 



§  1.  But  money,  no  more  than  commodities  in  general, 
has  its  value  definitively  determined  by  demand  and  supply. 
The  ultimate  regulator  of  its  value  is  Cost  of  Production. 

We  are  supposing,  of  course,  that  things  are  leftto  them- 
selves. Governments  have  not  always  left  things  to  them- 
selves. They  have  undertaken  to  prevent  the  quantity  of 
money  from  adjusting  itself  according  to  spontaneous  laws, 
and  have  endeavoured  to  regulate  it  at  their  pleasure  ;  gen- 
erally with  a  view  of  keeping  a  greater  quantity  of  money 
in  the  country,  than  would  otherwise  have  remained  there. 
It  was,  until  lately,  the  policy  of  all  governments  to  inter- 
dict the  exportation  and  the  melting  of  money ;  while,  by 
encouraging  the  exportation  and  impeding  the  importation 
of  other  things,  they  endeavoured  to  have  a  stream  of  money 
constantly  flowing  in.  By  this  course  they  gratified  two  pre- 
judices ;  they  drew,  or  thought  that  they  drew,  more  money 
into  the  country,  which  they  believed  to  be  tantamount  to 
more  wealth  ;  and  they  gave,  or  thought  that  they  gave,  to 
all  producers  and  dealers,  high  prices,  which,  though  no 
real  advantage,  people  are  always  inclined  to  suppose  to  be 

In  this  attempt  to  regulate  the  value  of  money  artificially 
by  means  of  the  supply,  governments  have  never  succeeded 
in  the  degree,  or  even  in  the  manner,  which  they  intended. 
Their  prohibitions  against  exporting  or  melting  the  coin 
have  never  been  effectual.     A  commodity  of  such  small 

38  BOOK   III.      CHAPTER   IX-.      §1. 

bulk  in  proportion  to  its  value  is  so  easily  smuggled,  and 
still  more  easily  melted,  that  it  has  been  impossible  by  the 
most  stringent  measures  to  prevent  these  operations.  All  the 
risk  which  it  was  in  the  power  of  governments  to  attach  to 
them,  was  outweighed  by  a  very  moderate  profit.*  In  the 
more  indirect  mode  of  aiming  at  the  same  purpose,  by  throw- 
ing difficulties  in  the  way  of  making  the  returns  for  exported 
goods  in  any  other  commodity  than  money,  they  have  not 
been  quite  so  unsuccessful.  They  have  not,  indeed,  succeed- 
ed in  making  money  flow  continuously  into  the  country ;  but 
they  have  to  a  certain  extent  been  able  to  keep  it  at  a  higher 
than  its  natural  level ;  and  have,  thus  far,  removed  the  value 
of  money  from  exclusive  dependence  on  the  causes  which  fix 
the  values  of  things  not  artificially  interfered  with. 

We  are,  however,  to  suppose  a  state,  not  of  artificial 
regulation,  but  of  freedom.  In  that  state,  and  assuming  no 
charge  to  be  made  for  coinage,  the  value  of  money  will  con- 
form to  the  value  of  the  bullion  of  which  it  is  made.  A 
pound  weight  of  gold  or  silver  in  coin,  and  the  same  weight 
in  an  ingot,  will  precisely  exchange  for  one  another.  On  the 
supposition  of  freedom,  the  metal  cannot  be  worth  more  in 
the  state  of  bullion  than  of  coin ;  for  as  it  can  be  melted 
without  any  loss  of  time,  and  with  hardly  any  expense,  this 
would  of  course  be  done  until  the  quantity  in  circulation 
was  so  much  diminished  as  to  equalize  its  value  with  that  of 
the  same  weight  in  bullion.  It  may  be  thought  however 
that  the  coin,  though  it  cannot  be  of  less,  may  be,  and  being 
a  manufactured  article  will  naturally  be,  of  greater  value 
than  the  bullion  contained  in  it,  on  the  same  principle  on 
which  linen  cloth  is  of  more  value  than  an  equal  weight  of 
linen  yarn.     This  would  be  true,  were  it  not  that  Govern- 

*  The  effect  of  the  prohibition  cannot,  however,  have  been  so  entirely  insig- 
nificant as  it  has  been  supposed  to  be  by  writers  on  the  subject. ,  The  facts  ad- 
duced by  Mr.  Fullarton,  in  the  note  to  page  1  of  his  work  on  the  Regulation  of 
Currencies,  show  that  it  required  a  greater  percentage  of  difference  in  value  be- 
tween coin  and  bullion  than  has  commonly  been  imagined,  to  bring  the  coin  to 
the  melting-pot. 

VALUE   OF   MONEY.  39 

ment,  in  this  country  and  in  some  others,  coins  money  gratis 
for  any  one  who  furnishes  the  metal.  The  labour  and  ex- 
pense of  coinage,  when  not  charged  to  the  possessor,  do  not 
raise  the  value  of  the  article.  If  Government  opened  an 
office  where,  on  delivery  of  a  given  weight  of  yarn,  it  re- 
turned the  same  weight  of  cloth  to  any  one  who  asked  for 
it,  cloth  would  be  worth  no  more  in  the  market  than  the 
yarn  it  contained.  As  soon  as  coin  is  worth  a  fraction  more 
than  the  value  of  the  bullion,  it  becomes  the  interest  of  the 
holders  of  bullion  to  send  it  to  be  coined.  If  Government, 
however,  throws  the  expense  of  coinage,  as  is  reasonable, 
upon  the  holder,  by  making  a  charge  to  cover  the  expense 
(which  is  done  by  giving  back  rather  less  in  coin  than  has 
been  received  in  bullion,  and  is  called  levying  a  seignorage), 
the  coin  will  rise,  to  the  extent  of  the  seignorage,  above  the 
value  of  the  bullion.  If  the  mint  kept  back  one  per  cent,  to 
pay  the  expense  of  coinage,  it  would  be  against  the  interest 
of  the  holders  of  bullion  to  have  it  coined,  until  the  coin 
was  more  valuable  than  the  bullion  by  at  least  that  fraction. 
The  coin,  therefore,  would  be  kept  one  per  cent  higher  in 
value,  which  could  only  be  by  keeping  it  one  per  cent  less 
in  quantity,  than  if  its  coinage  were  gratuitous. 

The  Government  might  attempt  to  obtain  a  profit  by  the 
transaction,  and  might  lay  on  a  seignorage  calculated  for 
that  purpose  ;  but  whatever  they  took  for  coinage  beyond 
its  expenses,  would  be  so  much  profit  on  private  coining. 
Coining,  though  not  so  easy  an  operation  as  melting,  is  far 
from  a  difficult  one,  and,  when  the  coin  produced  is  of  full 
weight  and  standard  fineness,  is  very  difficult  to  detect.  If, 
therefore,  a  profit  could  be  made  by  coining  good  money,  it 
would  certainly  be  done  :  and  the  attempt  to  make  seignor- 
age a  source  of  revenue  would  be  defeated.  Any  attempt 
to  keep  the  value  of  the  coin  at  an  artificial  elevation,  not 
by  a  seignorage,  but  by  refusing  to  coin,  would  be  frustrated 
in  the  same  manner.* 

*  In  England,  though  there  is  no  seignorage  on  gold  coin  (the  Mint  returning 
in  coin  the  same  weight  of  pure  metal  which  it  receives  in  bullion),  there  is  a 

40  BOOK   III.      CHAPTER   IX.      §2. 

§  2.  The  value  of  money,  then,  conforms,  permanently, 
and,  in  a  state  of  freedom,  almost  immediately,  to  the  value 
of  the  metal  of  which  it  is  made  ;  with  the  addition,  or  not, 
of  the  expenses  of  coinage,  according  as  those  expenses  are 
borne  by  the  individual  or  by  the  state.  This  simplifies  ex- 
tremely the  question  which  we  have  here  to  consider  :  since 
gold  and  silver  bullion  are  commodities  like  any  others,  and 
their  value  depends,  like  that  of  other  things,  on  their  cost 
of  production. 

To  the  majority  of  civilized  countries,  gold  and  silver  are 
foreign  products  :  and  the  circumstances  which  govern  the 
values  of  foreign  products,  present  some  questions  which  we 
are  not  yet  ready  to  examine.  For  the  present,  therefore, 
we  must  suppose  the  country  which  is  the  subject  of  our  in- 
quiries, to  be  supplied  with  gold  and  silver  by  its  own 
mines,  reserving  for  future  consideration  how  far  our  con- 
clusions require  modification  to  adapt  them  to  the  more 
usual  case. 

Of  the  three  classes  into  which  commodities  are  divided 
— those  absolutely  limited  in  supply,  those  which  may  be 
had  in  unlimited  quantity  at  a  given  cost  of  production,  and 
those  which  may  be  had  in  unlimited  quantity,  but  at  an 
increasing  cost  of  production — the  precious  metals,  being 
the  produce  of  mines,  belong  to  the  third  class.  Their 
natural  value,  therefore,  is  in  the  long  run  proportional  to 
their  cost  of  production  in  the  most  unfavourable  existing 
circumstances,  that  is,  at  the  worst  mine  which  it  is  neces- 
sary to  work  in  order  to  obtain  the  required  supply.  A 
pound  weight  of  gold  will  in  the  gold-producing  countries, 
ultimately  tend  to  exchange  for  as  much  of  every  other  com- 
modity, as  is  produced  at  a  cost  equal  to  its  own  ;  meaning 

delay  of  a  few  weeks  after  the  bullion  is  deposited,  before  the  coin  can  be  ob- 
tained, occasioning  a  loss  of  interest,  which,  to  the  holder,  is  equivalent  to  a 
trifling  seignorage.  From  this  cause,  the  value  of  coin  is  in  general  slightly 
above  that  of  the  bullion  it  contains.  An  ounce  of  gold,  according  to  the  quan- 
tity of  metal  in  a  sovereign,  should  be  worth  3/.  lis.  10^d.;  but  it  was  usually 
quoted  at  3J.  lis.  6d.,  until  the  Bank  Charter  Act  of  1844  made  it  imperative 
on  the  Bank  to  give  its  notes  for  all  bullion  offered  to  it  at  the  rate  of  3/.  17s.  9cL 


by  its  own  cost  the  cost  in  labour  and  expense,  at  the  least 
productive  sources  of  supply  which  the  then  existing  de- 
mand makes  it  necessary  to  work.  The  average  value  of 
gold  is  made  to  conform  to  its  natural  value  in  the  same 
manner  as  the  values  of  other  things  are  made  to  conform 
to  their  natural  value.  Suppose  that  it  were  selling  above 
its  natural  value ;  that  is,  above  the  value  which  is  an 
equivalent  for  the  labour  and  expense  of  mining,  and  for 
the  risks  attending  a  branch  of  industry  in  which  nine  out 
of  ten  experiments  have  usually  been  failures.  A  part  of 
the  mass  of  floating  capital  which  is  on  the  look-out  for  in- 
vestment, would  take  the  direction  of  mining  enterprise ; 
the  supply  would  thus  be  increased,  and  the  value  would 
fall.  If,  on  the  contrary,  it  were  selling  below  its  natural 
value,  miners  would  not  be  obtaining  the  ordinary  profit ; 
they  would  slacken  their  works ;  if  the  depreciation  was 
great,  some  of  the  inferior  mines  would  perhaps  stop  work- 
ing altogether  :  and  a  falling  off  in  the  annual  supply,  pre- 
venting the  annual  wear  and  tear  from  being  completely 
compensated,  would  by  degrees  reduce  the  quantity,  and 
restore  the  value. 

"When  examined  more  closely,  the  following  are  the 
details  of  the  process.  If  gold  is  above  its  natural  or  cost 
value — the  coin,  as  we  have  seen,  conforming  in  its  value  to 
the  bullion — money  will  be  of  high  value,  and  the  prices  of 
all  things,  labour  included,  will  be  low.  These  low  prices 
will  lower  the  expenses  of  all  producers ;  but  as  their  re- 
turns will  also  be  lowered,  no  advantage  will  be  obtained  by 
any  producer,  except  the  producer  of  gold  :  whose  returns 
from  bis  mine,  not  depending  on  price,  will  be  the  same  as 
before,  and  his  expenses  being  less,  he  will  obtain  extra 
profits,  and  will  be  stimulated  to  increase  his  production. 
E '  converso  if  the  metal  is  below  its  natural  value :  since  this 
is  as  much  as  to  say  that  prices  are  high,  and  the  money  ex- 
penses of  all  producers  unusually  great :  for  this,  however, 
all  other  producers  will  be  compensated  by  increased  money 
returns :  the  miner  alone  will  extract  from  his  mine  no  more 

42  BOOK   III.      CHAPTER  IX.     §3. 

metal  than  before,  while  his  expenses  will  be  greater :  his 
profits  therefore  being  diminished  or  annihilated,  he  will 
diminish  his  production,  if  not  abandon  his  employment. 

In  this  manner  it  is  that  the  value  of  money  is  made  to 
conform  to  the  cost  of  production  of  the  metal  of  which  it  is 
made.  It  may  be  well,  however,  to  repeat  (what  has  been 
said  before)  that  the  adjustment  takes  a  long  time  to  effect, 
in  the  case  of  a  commodity  so  generally  desired  and  at  the 
same  time  so  durable  as  the  precious  metals.  Being  so 
largely  used  not  only  as  money  but  for  plate  and  ornament, 
there  is  at  all  times  a  very  large  quantity  of  these  metals  in 
existence  :  while  they  are  so  slowly  worn  out,  that  a  com- 
paratively small  annual  production  is  sufficient  to  keep  up 
the  supply,  and  to  make  any  addition  to  it  which  may  be 
required  by  the  increase  of  goods  to  be  circulated,  or  by  the 
increased  demand  for  gold  and  silver  articles  by  wealthy 
consumers.  Even  if  this  small  annual  supply  were  stopt 
entirely,  it  would  require  many  years  to  reduce  the  quantity 
so  much  as  to  make  any  very  material  difference  in  prices. 
The  quantity  may  be  increased,  much  more  rapidly  than  it 
can  be  diminished  ;  but  the  increase  must  be  very  great  be- 
fore it  can  make  itself  much  felt  over  such  a  mass  of  the 
precious  metals  as  exists  in  the  whole  commercial  world. 
And  hence  the  effects  of  all  changes  in  the  conditions  of 
production  of  the  precious  metals  are  at  first,  and  continue 
to  be  for  many  years,  questions  of  quantity  only,  with  little 
reference  to  cost  of  production.  More  especially  is  this  the 
case  when,  as  at  the  present  time,  many  new  sources  of  sup- 
ply have  been  simultaneously  opened,  most  of  them  prac- 
ticable by  labour  alone,  without  any  capital  in  advance  be- 
yond a  pickaxe  and  a  week's  food,  and  when  the  operations 
are  as  yet  wholly  experimental,  the  comparative  permanent 
productiveness  of  the  different  sources  being  entirely  unas- 

§  3.  Since,  however,  the  value  of  money  really  con- 
forms, like  that  of  other  things,  though  more  slowly,  to  its 


sost  of  production,  some  political  economists  have  objected 
altogether  to  the  statement  that  the  value  of  money  depends 
on  its  quantity  combined  with  the  rapidity  of  circulation ; 
which,  they  think,  is  assuming  a  law  for  money  that  does 
not  exist  for  any  other  commodity,  when  the  truth  is  that  it 
is  governed  by  the  very  same  laws.  To  this  we  may  an- 
swer, in  the  first  place,  that  the  statement  in  question  as- 
sumes no  peculiar  law.  It  is  simply  the  law  of  demand 
and  supply,  which  is  acknowledged  to  be  applicable  to  all 
commodities,  and  which,  in  the  case  of  money  as  of  most 
other  things,  is  controlled,  but  not  set  aside,  by  the  law  of 
cost  of  production,  since  cost  of  production  would  have  no 
effect  on  value  if  it  could  have  none  on  supply.  But,  sec- 
ondly, there  really  is,  in  one  respect,  a  closer  connexion  be- 
tween the  value  of  money  and  its  quantity,  than  between 
the  values  of  other  things  and  their  quantity.  The  value 
of  other  things  conforms  to  the  changes  in  the  cost  of  pro- 
duction, without  requiring,  as  a  condition,  that  there  should 
be  any  actual  alteration  of  the  supply  :  the  potential  altera- 
tion is  sufficient ;  and  if  there  even  be  an  actual  alteration, 
it  is  but  a  temporary  one,  except  in  so  far  as  the  altered 
value  may  make  a  difference  in  the  demand,  and  so  require 
an  increase  or  diminution  of  supply,  as  a  consequence,  not 
a  cause,  of  the  alteration  in  value.  Now  this  is  also  true  of 
gold  and  silver,  considered  as  articles  of  expenditure  fur  or- 
nament and  luxury  ;  but  it  is  not  true  of  money.  If  the 
permanent  cost  of  production  of  gold  were  reduced  one- 
fourth,  it  might  happen  that  there  would  not  be  more  of  it 
bought  for  plate,  gilding,  or  jewellery,  than  before  ;  and  if 
so,  though  the  value  would  fall,  the  quantity  extracted  from 
the  mines  for  these  purposes,  would  be  no  greater  than  pre- 
viously. Not  so  with  the  portion  used  as  money ;  that  por- 
tion could  not  fall  in  value  one-fourth,  unless  actually  i  11- 
creased  one-fourth ;  for,  at  prices  one-fourth  higher,  one-fourth 
more  money  would  be  required  to  make  the  accustomed  pur- 
chases ;  and  if  this  were  not  forthcoming,  some  of  the  com- 
modities would  be  without  purchasers,  and  prices  could  not 

44  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  IX.     §3. 

be  kept  up.  Alterations,  therefore,  in  the  cost  of  production 
of  the  precious  metals,  do  not  act  upon  the  value  of  money 
except  just  in  proportion  as  they  increase  or  diminish  its 
quantity ;  which  cannot  be  said  of  any  other  commodity. 
It  would  therefore,  I  conceive,  be  an  error,  both  scien- 
tifically and  practically,  to  discard  the  proposition  which 
asserts  a  connexion  between  the  value  of  money  and  its 

It  is  evident,  however,  that  the  cost  of  production,  in 
the  long  run,  regulates  the  quantity  ;  and  that  every  coun- 
try (temporary  fluctuations  excepted)  will  possess,  and  have 
in  circulation,  just  that  quantity  of  money,  which  will  per- 
form all  the  exchanges  required  of  it,  consistently  with  main- 
taining a  value  conformable  to  its  cost  of  production.  The 
prices  of  things  will,  on  the  average,  be  such  that  money 
will  exchange  for  its  own  cost  in  all  other  goods :  and,  pre- 
cisely because  the  quantity  cannot  be  prevented  from  affect- 
ing the  value,  the  quantity  itself  will  (by  a  sort  of  self-acting 
machinery)  bo  kept  at  the  amount  consistent  with  that 
standard  of  prices — at  the  amount  necessary  for  performing, 
at  those  prices,  all  the  business  required  of  it. 

"  The  quantity  wanted  will  depend  partly  on  the  cost 
of  producing  gold,  and  partly  on  the  rapidity  of  its  circula- 
tion. The  rapidity  of  circulation  being  given,  it  would  de- 
pend on  the  cost  of  production  :  and  the  cost  of  production 
being  given,  the  quantity  of  money  would  depend  on  the 
rapidity  of  its  circulation."  *  After  what  has  been  already 
said,  I  hope  that  neither  of  these  propositions  stands  in  need 
of  any  further  illustration. 

Money,  then,  like  commodities  in  general,  having  a 
value  dependent  on,  and  proportional  to,  its  cost  of  produc- 
tion ;  the  theory  of  money  is,  by  the  admission  of  this  prin- 
ciple, stript  of  a  great  part  of  the  mystery  which  apparently 

*  From  some  printed,  but  not  published,  Lectures  of  Mr.  Senior :  in  which 
the  great  differences  in  the  business  done  by  money,  as  well  as  in  the  rapidity 
of  its  circulation,  in  different  states  of  society  and  civilization,  are  interestingly 



surrounded  it.  We  must  not  forget,  however,  that  this 
doctrine  only  applies  to  the  places  in  which  the  precious 
metals  are  actually  produced  ;  and  that  we  have  yet  to 
enquire  whether  the  law  of  the  dependence  of  value  on  cost 
of  production  applies  to  the  exchange  of  things  produced  at 
distant  places.  But  however  this  may  be,  our  propositions 
with  respect  to  value  will  require  no  other  alteration,  where 
money  is  an  imported  commodity,  than  that  of  substituting 
for  the  cost  of  its  production,  the  cost  of  obtaining  it  in  the 
country.  Every  foreign  commodity  is  bought  by  giving  for 
it  some  domestic  production  ;  and  the  labour  and  capital 
which  a  foreign  commodity  costs  to  us,  is  the  labour  and 
capital  expended  in  producing  the  quantity  of  our  own 
goods  which  we  give  in  exchange  for  it.  What  this  quan- 
tity depends  upon. — what  determines  the  proportions  of  in- 
terchange between  the  productions  of  one  country  and  those 
of  another, — is  indeed  a  question  of  somewhat  greater  com- 
plexity than  those  we  have  hitherto  considered.  But  this  at 
least  is  indisputable,  that  within  the  country  itself  the  value 
of  imported  commodities  is  determined  by  the  value,  and 
consequently  by  the  cost  of  production,  of  the  equivalent 
given  for  them  ;  and  money,  where  it  is  an  imported  com- 
modity, is  subject  to  the  same  law. 



§  1.  Thottqh  the  qualities  necessary  to  fit  any  com- 
modity for  being  used  as  money  are  rarely  united  in  any 
considerable  perfection,  there  are  two  commodities  which 
possess  them  in  an  eminent,  and  nearly  an  equal  degree ; 
the  two  precious  metals,  as  they  are  called  ;  gold  and  silver. 
Some  nations  have  accordingly  attempted  to  compose  their 
circulating  medium  of  these  two  metals  indiscriminately. 

There  is  an  obvious  convenience  in  making  use  of  the 
more  costly  metal  for  larger  payments,  and  the  cheaper  one 
for  smaller ;  and  the  only  question  relates  to  the  mode  in 
which  this  can  best  be  done.  The  mode  most  frequently 
adopted  has  been  to  establish  between  the  two  metals  a 
fixed  proportion  ;  to  decide,  for  example,  that  a  gold  coin 
called  a  sovereign  should  be  equivalent  to  twenty  of  the 
silver  coins  called  shillings  :  both  the  one  and  the  other 
being  called,  in  the  ordinary  money  of  account  of  the  coun- 
try, by  the  same  denomination,  a  pound  :  and  it  being  left 
free  to  every  one  who  has  a  pound  to  pay,  either  to  pay  it 
in  the  one  metal  or  in  the  other. 

At  the  time  when  the  valuation  of  the  two  metals  rela- 
tively to  each  other,  say  twenty  shillings  to  the  sovereign, 
or  twenty-one  shillings  to  the  guinea,  was  first  made,  the 
proportion  probably  corresponded,  as  nearly  as  it  could  be 
made  to  do,  with  the  ordinary  relative  values  of  the  two 
metals,  grounded  on  their  cost  of  production  ;  and  if  those 
natural  or  cost  values  always  continued  to  bear  the  same 


ratio  to  one  another,  the  arrangement  would  be  unobjection- 
able. This,  however,  is  far  from  being  the  fact.  Gold  and 
silver,  though  the  least  variable  in  value  of  all  commodities, 
are  not  invariable,  and  do  not  always  vary  simultaneously. 
Silver,  for  example,  was  lowered  in  permanent  value  more 
than  gold,  by  the  discovery  of  the  American  mines ;  and 
those  small  variations  of  value  which  take  place  occasion- 
ally, do  not  affect  both  metals  alike.  Suppose  such  a  varia- 
tion to  take  place  :  the  value  of  the  two  metals  relatively  to 
one  another  no  longer  agreeing  with  their  rated  proportion, 
one  or  other  of  them  will  now  be  rated  below  its  bullion 
value,  and  there  will  be  a  profit  to  be  made  by  melting  it. 

Suppose,  for  example,  that  gold  rises  in  value  relatively 
to  silver,  so  that  the  quantity  of  gold  in  a  sovereign  is  now 
worth  more  than  the  quantity  of  silver  in  twenty  shillings. 
Two  consequences  will  ensue.  No  debtor  will  any  longer 
find  it  his  interest  to  pay  in  gold.  He  will  always  pay  in 
silver,  because  twenty  shillings  are  a  legal  tender  for  a  debt 
of  one  pound,  and  he  can  procure  silver  convertible  into 
twenty  shillings  for  less  gold  than  that  contained  in  a  sov- 
ereign. The  other  consequence  will  be,  that  unless  a  sov- 
ereign can  be  sold  for  more  than  twenty  shillings,  all  the 
sovereigns  will  be  melted,  since  as  bullion  they  will  pur- 
chase a  greater  number  of  shillings  than  they  exchange  for 
as  coin.  The  converse  of  all  this  would  happen  if  silver, 
instead  of  gold,  were  the  metal  which  had  risen  in  compara- 
tive value.  A  sovereign  would  not  now  be  worth  so  much 
as  twenty  shillings,  and  whoever  had  a  pound  to  pay  would 
prefer  paying  it  by  a  sovereign ;  while  the  silver  coins 
would  be  collected  for  the  purpose  of  being  melted,  and  sold 
as  bullion  for  gold  at  their  real  value,  that  is,  above  the 
legal  valuation.  The  money  of  the  community,  therefore, 
would  never  really  consist  of  both  metals,  but  of  the  one 
only  which,  at  the  particular  time,  best  suited  the  interest 
of  debtors  ;  and  the  standard  of  the  currency  would  be  con- 
stantly liable  to  change  from  the  one  metal  to  the  other,  at 
a  loss,  on  each  change,  of  the  expense  of  coinage  on  the 
metal  which  fell  out  of  use. 

48  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  X.     §2. 

It  appears,  therefore,  that  the  value  of  money  is  liable  to 
more  frequent  fluctuations  when  both  metals  are  a  legal 
tender  at  a  fixed  valuation,  than  when  the  exclusive  stand- 
ard of  the  currency  is  either  gold  or  silver.  Instead  of  being 
only  affected  by  variations  in  the  cost  of  production  of  one 
metal,  it  is  subject  to  derangement  from  those  of  two.  The 
particular  kind  of  variation  to  which  a  currency  is  rendered 
more  liable  by  having  two  legal  standards,  is  a  fall  of  value, 
or  what  is  commonly  called  a  depreciation ;  since  practically 
that  one  of  the  two  metals  will  always  be  the  standard,  of 
which  the  real  has  fallen  below  the  rated  value.  If  the  tend- 
ency of  the  metals  be  to  rise  in  value,  all  payments  will  be 
made  in  the  one  which  has  risen  least ;  and  if  to  fall,  then 
in  that  which  has  fallen  most. 

§  2.  The  plan  of  a  double  standard  is  still  occasionally 
brought  forward  by  here  and  there  a  writer  or  orator  as  a 
great  improvement  in  currency.  It  is  probable  that,  with 
most  of  its  adherents,  its  chief  merit  is  its  tendency  to  a  sort 
of  depreciation,  there  being  at  all  times  abundance  of  sup- 
porters for  any  mode,  either  open  or  covert,  of  lowering  the 
standard.  Some,  however,  are  influenced  by  an  exaggerated 
estimate  of  an  advantage  which  to  a  certain  extent  is  real, 
that  of  being  able  to  have  recourse,  for  replenishing  the  cir- 
culation, to  the  united  stock  of  gold  and  silver  in  the  com- 
mercial world,  instead  of  being  confined  to  one  of  them, 
which,  from  accidental  absorption,  may  not  be  obtainable 
with  sufficient  rapidity.  The  advantage  without  the  disad- 
vantages of  a  double  standard,  seems  to  be  best  obtained  by 
those  nations  with  whom  one  only  of  the  two  metals  is  a 
legal  tender,  but  the  other  also  is  coined,  and  allowed  to 
pass  for  whatever  value  the  market  assigns  to  it. 

When  this  plan  is  adopted,  it  is  naturally  the  more  costly 
metal  which  is  left  to  be  bought  and  sold  as  an  article  of 
commerce.  But  nations  which,  like  England,  adopt  the 
more  costly  of  the  two  as  their  standard,  resort  to  a  different 
expedient  for  retaining  them  both  in  circulation,  namely,  to 


make  silver  a  legal  tender,  but  only  for  small  payments.  In 
England,  no  one  can  be  compelled  to  receive  silver  in  pay- 
ment for  a  larger  amount  than  forty  shillings.  With  this 
regulation  there  is  necessarily  combined  another,  namely, 
that  silver  coin  should  be  rated,  in  comparison  with  gold, 
somewhat  above  its  intrinsic  value ;  that  there  should  not 
be,  in  twenty  shillings,  as  much  silver  as  is  worth  a  sover- 
eign :  for  if  there  were,  a  very  slight  turn  of  the  market  in 
its  favour  would  make  it  worth  more  than  a  sovereign,  and 
it  would  be  profitable  to  melt  the  silver  coin.  The  over- 
valuation of  the  silver  coin  creates  an  inducement  to  buy 
silver  and  send  it  to  the  mint  to  be  coined,  since  it  is  given 
back  at  a  higher  value  than  properly  belongs  to  it :  this, 
however,  has  been  guarded  against,  by  limiting  the  quantity 
of  the  silver  coinage,  which  is  not  left,  like  that  of  gold,  to 
the  discretion  of  individuals,  but  is  determined  by  the  gov- 
ernment, and  restricted  to  the  amount  supposed  to  be  re- 
quired for  small  payments.  The  only  precaution  necessary 
is,  not  to  put  so  high  a  valuation  upon  the  silver,  as  to  hold 
out  a  strong  temptation  to  private  coining. 




§  1.  The  functions  of  credit  have  been  a  subject  of  as 
much  misunderstanding  and  as  much  confusion  of  ideas,  as 
any  single  topic  in  Political  Economy.  This  is  not  owing 
to  any  peculiar  difficulty  in  the  theory  of  the  subject,  but  to 
the  complex  nature  of  some  of  the  mercantile  phenomena 
arising  from  the  forms  in  which  credit  clothes  itself;  by 
which  attention  is  diverted  from  the  properties  of  credit  in 
general,  to  the  peculiarities  of  its  particular  forms. 

As  a  specimen  of  the  confused  notions  entertained  re- 
specting the  nature  of  credit,  we  may  advert  to  the  exag- 
gerated language  so  often  used  respecting  its  national 
importance.  Credit  has  a  great,  but  not,  as  many  people 
seem  to  suppose,  a  magical  power ;  it  cannot  make  some- 
thing out  of  nothing.  How  often  is  an  extension  of  credif 
talked  of  as  equivalent  to  a  creation  of  capital,  or  as  if  credit 
actually  were  capital.  It  seems  strange  that  there  should 
be  any  need  to  point  out,  that  credit  being  only  permission 
to  use  the  capital  of  another  person,  the  means. of  produc- 
tion cannot  be  increased  by  it,  but  only  transferred.  If  the 
borrower's  means  of  production  and  of  employing  labour  are 
increased  by  the  credit  given  him,  the  lender's  are  as  much 
diminished.  The  same  sum  cannot  be  used  as  capital  both 
by  the  owner  and  also  by  the  person  to  whom  it  is  ]ent :  it 
cannot  supply  its  entire  value  in  wages,  tools,  and  materials, 
to  two  sets  of  labourers  at  once.  It  is  true  that  the  capital 
which  A  has  borrowed  from  B,  and  makes  use  of  in  his 


business,  still  forms  a  part  of  the  wealth  of  B  for  other  pur- 
poses ;  he  can  enter  into  arrangements  in  reliance  on  it,  and 
can  borrow,  when  needful,  an  equivalent  sum  on  the  secu- 
rity of  it ;  so  that  to  a  superficial  eye  it  might  seem  as  if  both 
B  and  A  had  the  use  of  it  at  once.  But  the  smallest  consid- 
eration will  show  that  when  B  has  parted  with  his  capital  to 
A,  the  use  of  it  as  capital  rests  with  A  alone,  and  that  B 
has  no  other  service  from  it  than  in  so  far  as  his  ultimate 
claim  upon  it  serves  him  to  obtain  the  use  of  another  capital 
from  a  third  person  C.  All  capital  (not  his  own)  of  which 
any  person  has  really  the  use,  is,  and  must  be,  so  much  sub- 
tracted from  the  capital  of  some  one  else. 

§  2.  But  though  credit  is  never  anything  more  than  a 
transfer  of  capital  from  hand  to  hand,  it  is  generally,  and 
naturally,  a  transfer  to  hands  more  competent  to  employ  the 
capital  efficiently  in  production.  If  there  were  no  such 
thing  as  credit,  or  if,  from  general  insecurity  and  want  of 
confidence,  it  were  scantily  practised,  many  persons  who 
possess  more  or  less  of  capital,  but  who  from  their  occupa- 
tions, or  for  want  of  the  necessary  skill  and  knowledge,  can- 
not personally  superintend  its  employment,  would  derive  no 
benefit  from  it :  their  funds  would  either  lie  idle,  or  would 
be,  perhaps,  wasted  and  annihilated  in  unskilful  attempts  to 
make  them  yield  a  profit.  All  this  capital  is  now  lent  at 
interest,  and  made  available  for  production.  Capital  thus 
circumstanced  forms  a  large  portion  of  the  productive  re- 
sources of  any  commercial  country  ;  and  is  naturally  attract- 
ed to  those  producers  or  traders  who,  being  in  the  greatest 
business,  have  the  means  of  employing  it  to  most  advantage ; 
because  such  are  both  the  most  desirous  to  obtain  it,  and 
able  to  give  the  best  security.  Although,  therefore,  the 
productive  funds  of  the  country  are  not  increased  by  credit, 
they  are  called  into  a  more  complete  state  of  productive 
activity.  As  the  confidence  on  which  credit  is  grounded 
extends  itself,  means  are  developed  by  which  even  the 
smallest  portions  of  capital,  the  sums  which  each  person 

52  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XI.     §2. 

keeps  by  him  to  meet  contingencies,  are  made  available  fot 
productive  uses.  The  principal  instruments  for  this  purpose 
are  banks  of  deposit.  Where  these  do  not  exist,  a  prudent 
person  must  keep  a  sufficient  sum  unemployed  in  his  own 
possession,  to  meet  every  demand  which  he  has  even  a  slight 
reason  for  thinking  himself  liable  to.  When  the  practice, 
however,  has  grown  up  of  keeping  this  reserve  not  in  his 
own  custody  but  with  a  banker,  many  small  sums,  previous- 
ly lying  idle,  become  aggregated  in  the  banker's  hands ; 
and  the  banker,  being  taught  by  experience  what  propor- 
tion of  the  amount  is  likely  to  be  wanted  in  a  given  time, 
and  knowing  that  if  one  depositor  happens  to  require  more 
than  the  average,  another  will  require  less,  is  able  to  lend 
the  remainder,  that  is,  the  far  greater  part,  to  producers  and 
dealers  :  thereby  adding  the  amount,  not  indeed  to  the  cap- 
ital in  existence,  but  to  that  in  employment,  and  making  a 
corresponding  addition  to  the  aggregate  production  of  the 

While  credit  is  thus  indispensable  for  rendering  the 
whole  capital  of  the  country  productive,  it  is  also  a  means 
by  which  the  industrial  talent  of  the  country  is  turned  to 
better  account  for  purposes  of  production.  Many  a  person 
who  has  either  no  capital  of  his  own,  or  very  little,  but  who 
has  qualifications  for  business  which  are  known  and  appre- 
ciated by  some  possessors  of  capital,  is  enabled  to  obtain 
either  advances  in  money,  or  more  frequently  goods  on 
credit,  by  which  his  industrial  capacities  are  made  instru- 
mental to  the  increase  of  the  public  wealth  ;  and  this  benefit 
will  be  reaped  far  more  largely,  whenever,  through  better 
laws  and  better  education,  the  community  shall  have  made 
such  progress  in  integrity,  that  personal  character  can  be 
accepted  as  a  sufficient  guarantee  not  only  against  dishon- 
estly appropriating,  but  against  dishonestly  risking,  what 
belongs  to  another. 

Such  are,  in  the  most  general  point  of  view,  the  uses  of 
credit  to  the  productive  resources  of  the  world.  But  these 
considerations  only  apply  to  the  credit  given  to  the  indus- 


trious  classes — to  producers  and  dealers.  Credit  given  by 
dealers  to  unproductive  consumers  is  never  an  addition,  but 
always  a  detriment,  to  the  sources  of  public  wealth.  It 
makes  over  in  temporary  use,  not  the  capital  of  the  unpro- 
ductive classes  to  the  productive,  but  that  of  the  productive 
to  the  unproductive.  If  A,  a  dealer,  supplies  goods  to  B,  a 
land-owner  or  annuitant,  to  be  paid  for  at  the  end  of  five 
years,  as  much  of  the  capital  of  A  as  is  equal  to  the  value 
of  these  goods,  remains  for  five  years  unproductive.  During 
such  a  period,  if  payment  had  been  made  at  once,  the  sum 
might  have  been  several  times  expended  and  replaced,  and 
goods  to  the  amount  might  have  been  several  times  pro- 
duced, consumed,  and  reproduced  :  consequently  B's  with- 
holding 100Z.  for  five  years,  even  if  he  pays  at  last,  has  cost 
to  the  labouring  classes  of  the  community  during  that  period 
an  absolute  loss  of  probably  several  times  that  amount.  A, 
individually,  is  compensated,  by  putting  a  higher  price 
upon  his  goods,  which  is  ultimately  paid  by  B  :  but  there  is 
no  compensation  made  to  the  labouring  classes,  the  chief 
sufferers  by  every  diversion  of  capital,  whether  permanent- 
ly or  temporarily,  to  unproductive  uses.  The  country  has 
had  1001.  less  of  capital  during  those  five  years,  B  having 
taken  that  amount  from  A's  capital,  and  spent  it  unpro- 
ductively,  in  anticipation  of  his  own  means,  and  having  only 
after  five  years  set  apart  a  sum  from  his  income  and  con- 
verted it  into  capital  for  the  purpose  of  indemnifying  A. 

§  3.  Thus  far  of  the  general  function  of  Credit  in  pro- 
duction. It  is  not  a  productive  power  in  itself,  though, 
without  it,  the  productive  powers  already  existing  could  not 
be  brought  into  complete  employment.  But  a  more  intri- 
cate portion  of  the  theory  of  Credit  is  its  influence  on 
prices  ;  the  chief  cause  of  most  of  the  mercantile  phenomena 
which  perplex  observers.  In  a  state  of  commerce  in  which 
much  credit  is  habitually  given,  general  prices  at  any  mo- 
ment depend  much  more  upon  the  state  of  credit  than  upon 
the  quantity  of  money.     For  credit,  though  it  is  not  pro- 

54  BOOK   III.      CHAPTER  XI.      §8. 

ductive  power,  is  purchasing  power ;  and  a  person  who, 
having  credit,  avails  himself  of  it  in  the  purchase  of  goods, 
creates  just  as  much  demand  for  the  goods,  and  tends  quite 
as  much  to  raise  their  price,  as  if  he  made  an  equal  amount 
of  purchases  with  ready  money. 

The  credit  which  we  are  now  called  upon  to  consider,  as  a 
distinct  purchasing  power,  independent  of  money,  is  of  course 
not  credit  in  its  simplest  form,  that  of  money  lent  by  one  per- 
son to  another,  and  paid  directly  into  his  hands ;  for  when  the 
borrower  expends  this  in  purchases,  he  makes  the  purchases 
with  money,  not  credit,  and  exerts  no  purchasing  power  over 
and  above  that  conferred  by  the  money.  The  forms  of  credit 
which  create  purchasing  power,  are  those  in  which  no  money 
passes  at  the  time,  and  very  often  none  passes  at  all,  the  trans- 
action being  included  with  a  mass  of  other  transactions  in 
an  account,  and  nothing  paid  but  a  balance.  This  takes 
place  in  a  variety  of  ways,  which  we  shall  proceed  to  exam- 
ine, beginning,  as  is  our  custom,  with  the  simplest. 

First :  Suppose  A  and  B  to  be  two  dealers,  who  have  trans- 
actions with  each  other  both  as  buyers  and  as  sellers.  A  buys 
from  B  on  credit.  B  does  the  like  with  respect  to  A.  At 
the  end  of  the  year,  the  sum  of  A's  debts  to  B  is  set  against 
the  sum  of  B's  debts  to  A,  and  it  is  ascertained  to  which  side 
a  balance  is  due.  This  balance,  which  may  be  less  than  the 
amount  of  many  of  the  transactions  singly,  and  is  necessari- 
ly less  than  the  sum  of  the  transactions,  is  all  that  is  paid  in 
money ;  and  perhaps  even  this  is  not  paid,  but  carried  over  in 
an  account  current  to  the  next  year.  A  single  payment  of  a 
hundred  pounds  may  in  this  manner  suffice  to  liquidate  a  long 
series  of  transactions,  some  of  them  to  the  value  of  thousands. 

But  secondly :  The  debts  of  A  to  B  may  be  paid  without 
the  intervention  of  money,  even  though  there  be  no  recipro- 
cal debts  of  B  to  A.  A  may  satisfy  B  by  making  over  to 
him  a  debt  due  to  himself  from  a  third  person,  C.  This  is 
conveniently  done  by  means  of  a  written  instrument,  called 
a  bill  of  exchange,  which  is,  in  fact,  a  transferable  order  by 
a  creditor  upon  his  debtor,  and  when  accepted  by  the  debtor, 


that  is,  authenticated  by  his  signature,  becomes  an  acknowl- 
edgment of  debt. 

§  4.  Bills  of  exchange  were  first  introduced  to  save 
the  expense  and  risk  of  transporting  the  precious  metals 
from  place  to  place.  "  Let  it  be  supposed,"  says  Mr.  Henry 
Thornton,*  "  that  there  are  in  London  ten  manufacturers 
who  sell  their  article  to  ten  shopkeepers  in  York,  by  whom 
it  is  retailed  ;  and  that  there  are  in  York  ten  manufacturers 
of  another  commodity,  who  sell  it  to  ten  shopkeepers  in 
London.  There  would  be  no  occasion  for  the  ten  shopkeepers 
in  London  to  send  yearly  to  York  guineas  for  the  payment 
of  the  York  manufacturers,  and  for  the  ten  York  shopkeep- 
ers to  send  yearly  as  many  guineas  to  London.  It  would 
only  be  necessary  for  the  York  manufacturers  to  receive 
from  each  of  the  shopkeepers  at  their  own  door  the  money 
in  question,  giving  in  return  letters  which  should  acknowl- 
edge the  receipt  of  it ;  and  which  should  also  direct  the 
money,  lying  ready  in  the  hands  of  their  debtors  in  London, 
to  be  paid  to  the  London  manufacturers,  so  as  to  cancel  the 
debt  in  London  in  the  same  manner  as  that  at  York.  The 
expense  and  the  risk  of  all  transmission  of  money  would 
thus  be  saved.  Letters  ordering  the  transfer  of  the  debt 
are  termed,  in  the  language  of  the  present  day,  bills  of  ex- 
change. They  are  bills  by  which  the  debt  of  one  person  is 
exchanged  for  the  debt  of  another  ;  and  the  debt,  perhaps, 
which  is  due  in  one  place,  for  the  debt  due  in  another." 

Bills  of  exchange  having  been  found  convenient  as  means 
of  paying  debts  at  distant  places  without  the  expense  of 
transporting  the  precious  metals,  their  use  was  afterwards 
greatly  extended  from  another  motive.  It  is  usual  in  every 
trade  to  give  a  certain  length  of  credit  for  goods  bought : 
three  months,  six  months,  a  year,  even  two  years,  accord- 

*  Enquiry  into  the  Nature  and  Effects  of  the  Paper  Credit  of  Great  Britain, 
p.  24.  This  work,  published  in  1802,  is  even  now  the  clearest  exposition  that  I 
am  acquainted  with,  in  the  English  language,  of  the  modes  in  which  credit  i» 
given  and  taken  in  a  mercantile  community. 

56  BOOK   III.      CHAPTER   XI.      §4. 

ing  to  the  convenience  or  custom  of  the  particular  trade. 
A  dealer  who  has  sold  goods,  for  which  he  is  to  be  paid  in 
six  months,  but  who  desires  to  receive  payment  sooner, 
draws  a  bill  on  his  debtor  payable  in  six  months,  and  gets 
the  bill  discounted  by  a  banker  or  other  money-lender,  that 
is,  transfers  the  bill  to  him,  receiving  the  amount,  minus 
interest  for  the  time  it  has  still  to  run.  It  has  become  one 
of  the  chief  functions  of  bills  of  exchange  to  serve  as  a  means 
by  which  a  debt  due  from  one  person  can  thus  be  made 
available  for  obtaining  credit  from  another.  The  conve- 
nience of  the  expedient  has  led  to  the  frequent  creation  of 
bills  of  exchange  not  grounded  on  any  debt  previously  due 
to  the  drawer  of  the  bill  by  the  person  on  whom  it  is  drawn. 
These  are  called  accommodation  bills  ;  and  sometimes,  with 
a  tinge  of  disapprobation,  fictitious  bills.  Their  nature  is 
so  clearly  stated,  and  with  such  judicious  remarks,  by  the 
author  whom  I  have  just  quoted,  that  I  shall  transcribe  the 
entire  passage.* 

"  A,  being  in  want  of  100Z.,  requests  B  to  accept  a  note 
or  bill  drawn  at  two  months,  which  B,  therefore,  on  the 
face  of  it,  is  bound  to  pay  ;  it  is  understood,  however,  that 
A  will  take  care  either  to  discharge  the  bill  himself,  or  to 
furnish  B  with  the  means  of  paying  it.  A  obtains  ready 
money  for  the  bill  on  the  joint  credit  of  the  two  parties. 
A  fulfils  his  promise  of  paying  it  when  due,  and  thus  con- 
cludes the  transaction.  This  service  rendered  by  B  to  A  is, 
however,  not  unlikely  to  be  requited,  at  a  more  or  less  dis- 
tant period,  by  a  similar  acceptance  of  a  bill  on  A,  drawn 
and  discounted  for  B's  convenience. 

"  Let  us  now  compare  such  a  bill  with  a  real  bill.  Let 
us  consider  in  what  points  they  differ,  or  seem  to  differ ; 
and  in  what  they  agree. 

"  They  agree,  inasmuch  as  each  is  a  discountable  article ; 
each  has  also  been  created  for  the  purpose  of  being  dis- 
counted ;  and  each  is,  perhaps,  discounted  in  fact.  Each, 
therefore,  serves  equally  to  supply  means  of  speculation  to 

*  Pp.  29—33. 


the  merchant.  So  far,  moreover,  as  bills  and  notes  consti- 
tute what  is  called  the  circulating  medium,  or  paper  cur- 
rency of  the  country,  and  prevent  the  use  of  guineas,  the 
fictitious  and  the  real  bill  are  upon  an  equality  ;  and  if  the 
price  of  commodities  be  raised  in  proportion  to  the  quantity 
of  paper  currency,  the  one  contributes  to  that  rise  exactly 
in  the  same  manner  as  the  other. 

"  Before  we  come  to  the  points  in  which  they  differ,  let 
us  advert  to  one  point  in  which  they  are  commonly  sup- 
posed to  be  unlike ;  but  in  which  they  cannot  be  said  always 
or  necessarily  to  differ. 

"  Real  notes  (it  is  sometimes  said)  represent  actual 
property.  There  are  actual  goods  in  existence,  which  are 
the  counterpart  to  every  real  note.  Notes  which  are  not 
drawn  in  consequence  of  a  sale  of  goods,  are  a  species  of 
false  wealth,  by  which  a  nation  is  deceived.  These  supply 
only  an  imaginary  capital ;  the  others  indicate  one  that  is 

"  In  answer  to  this  statement  it  may  be  observed,  first, 
that  the  notes  given  in  consequence  of  a  real  sale  of  goods 
cannot  be  considered  as  on  that  account  certainly  represent- 
ing any  actual  property.  Suppose  that  A  sells  1001.  worth 
of  goods  to  B  at  six  months  credit,  and  takes  a  bill  at  six 
months  for  it ;  and  that  B,  within  a  month  after,  sells  the 
same  goods,  at  a  like  credit,  to  C,  taking  a  like  bill ;  and 
again,  that  C,  after  another  month,  sells  them  to  D,  taking 
a  like  bill,  and  so  on.  There  may  then,  at  the  end  of  six 
months,  be  six  bills  of  1001.  each,  existing  at  the  same  time ; 
and  every  one  of  these  may  possibly  have  been  discounted. 
Of  all  these  bills,  then,  only  one  represents  any  actual  prop- 

"  In  order  to  justify  the  supposition  that  a  real  bill  (as 
it  is  called)  represents  actual  property,  there  ought  to  be 
some  power  in  the  bill-holder  to  prevent  the  property  which 
the  bill  represents,  from  being  turned  to  other  purposes  than 
that  of  paying  the  bill  in  question.  No  such  power  exists ; 
neither  the  man  who  holds  the  real  bill,  nor  the  man  who 

58  BOOK   III.      CHAPTER  XI.      §4. 

discounts  it,  has  any  property  in  the  specific  goods  for  which 
it  was  given :  he  as  much  trusts  to  the  general  ability  to  pay 
of  the  giver  of  the  bill,  as  the  holder  of  any  fictitious  bill 
does.  The  fictitious  bill  may,  in  many  cases,  be  a  bill  given 
by  a  person  having  a  large  and  known  capital,  a  part  of 
which  the  fictitious  bill  may  be  said  in  that  case  to  repre- 
sent. The  supposition  that  real  bills  represent  property, 
and  that  fictitious  bills  do  not,  seems,  therefore,  to  be  one 
by  which  more  than  justice  is  done  to  one  of  these  species 
of  bills,  and  something  less  than  justice  to  the  other. 

"  We  come  next  to  some  points  in  which  they  differ. 

"  First,  the  fictitious  note,  or  note  of  accommodation,  is 
liable  to  the  objection  that  it  professes  to  be  what  it  is  not. 
This  objection,  however,  lies  only  against  those  fictitious 
bills  which  are  passed  as  real.  In  many  cases,  it  is  suffi- 
ciently obvious  what  they  are.  Secondly,  the  fictitious  bill 
is,  in  general,  less  likely  to  be  punctually  paid  than  the  real 
one.  There  is  a  general  presumption,  that  the  dealer  in  ficti- 
tious bills  is  a  man  who  is  a  more  adventurous  speculator 
than  he  who  carefully  abstains  from  them.  It  follows, 
thirdly,  that  fictitious  bills,  besides  being  less  safe,  are  less 
subject  to  limitation  as  to  their  quantity.  The  extent  of  a 
man's  actual  sales  forms  some  limit  to  the  amount  of  his 
real  notes ;  and  as  it  is  highly  desirable  in  commerce  that 
credit  should  be,  dealt  out  to  all  persons  in  some  sort  of 
regular  and  due  proportion,  the  measure  of  a  man's  actual 
sales,  certified  by  the  appearance  of  his  bills  drawn  in  vir- 
tue of  those  sales,  is  some  rule  in  the  case,  though  a  very 
imperfect  one  in  many  respects. 

"  A  fictitious  bill,  or  bill  of  accommodation,  is  evidently, 
in  substance,  the  same  as  any  common  promissory  note ; 
and  even  better  in  this  respect,  that  there  is  but  one  security 
to  the  promissory  note,  whereas  in  the  case  of  the  bill  of 
accommodation,  there  are  two.  So  much  jealousy  subsists 
lest  traders  should  push  their  means  of  raising  money  too 
far,  that  paper,  the  same  in  its  general  nature  with  that 
which  is  given,  being  the  only  paper  which  can  be  given, 


by  men  out  of  business,  is  deemed  somewhat  discreditable 
when  coming  from  a  merchant.  And  because  such  paper, 
when  in  the  merchant's  hand,  necessarily  imitates  the  paper 
which  passes  on  the  occasion  of  a  sale  of  goods,  the  epithet 
fictitious  has  been  cast  upon  it ;  an  epithet  which  has  seemed 
to  countenance  the  confused  and  mistaken  notion,  that  there 
is  something  altogether  false  and  delusive  in  the  nature  of 
a  certain  part  both  of  the  paper  and  of  the  apparent  wealth 
of  the  country." 

A  bill  of  exchange,  when  merely  discounted,  and  kept 
in  the  portfolio  of  the  discounter  until  it  falls  due,  does  not 
perform  the  functions  or  supply  the  place  of  money,  but  is 
itself  bought  and  sold  for  money.  It  is  no  more  currency 
than  the  public  funds,  or  any  other  securities.  But  when 
a  bill  drawn  upon  one  person  is  paid  to  another  (or  even  to 
the  same  person)  in  discharge  of  a  debt  or  a  pecuniary  claim, 
it  does  something  for  which,  if  the  bill  did  not  exist,  money 
would  be  required  :  it  perfoms  the  functions  of  currency. 
This  is  a  use  to  which  bills  of  exchange  are  often  applied. 
"  They  not  only,"  continues  Mr.  Thornton,*  "  spare  the  use 
of  ready  money ;  they  also  occupy  its  place  in  many  cases. 
Let  us  imagine  a  farmer  in  the  country  to  discharge  a  debt 
of  101.  to  his  neighbouring  grocer,  by  giving  him  a  bill  for 
that  sum,  drawn  on  his  cornfactor  in  London  for  grain  sold 
in  the  metropolis ;  and  the  grocer  to  transmit  the  bill,  he 
having  previously  indorsed  it,  to  a  neighbouring  sugar-baker, 
in  discharge  of  a  like  debt ;  and  the  sugar-baker  to  send  it, 
when  again  indorsed,  to  a  West  India  merchant  in  an  out- 
port,  and  the  West  India  merchant  to  deliver  it  to  his  coun- 
try banker,  who  also  indorses  it,  and  sends  it  into  further 
circulation.  The  bill  in  this  case  will  have  effected  five 
payments,  exactly  as  if  it  were  a  101.  note  payable  to  bearei 
on  demand.  A  multitude  of  bills  pass  between  trader  and 
trader  in  the  country,  in  the  manner  which  has  been  de- 
scribed ;  and  they  evidently  form,  in  the  strictest  sense,  a 
part  of  the  circulating  medium  of  the  kingdom."      ^^^ 

*  P.  40. 

60  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XI.     §6. 

Many  bills,  both  domestic  and  foreign,  are  at  last  pre- 
sented for  payment  quite  covered  with  indorsements,  each 
of  which  represents  either  a  fresh  discounting,  or  a  pecun- 
iary transaction  in  which  the  bill  has  performed  the  func- 
tions of  money.  Within  the  present  generation,  the  circu- 
lating medium  of  Lancashire  for  sums  above  five  pounds, 
was  almost  entirely  composed  of  such  bills. 

§  5.  A  third  form  in  which  credit  is  employed  as  a 
substitute  for  currency,  is  that  of  promissory  notes.  A  bill 
drawn  upon  any  one  and  accepted  by  him,  and  a  note  of 
hand  by  him  promising  to  pay  the  same  sum,  are,  as  far  as 
he  is  concerned,  exactly  equivalent,  except  that  the  former 
commonly  bears  interest  and  the  latter  generally  does  not ; 
and  that  the  former  is  commonly  payable  only  after  a  cer- 
tain lapse  of  time,  and  the  latter  payable  at  sight.  But  it 
is  chiefly  in  the  latter  form  that  it  has  become,  in  commer- 
cial countries,  an  express  occupation  to  issue  such  substi- 
tutes for  money.  Dealers  in  money  (as  lenders  by  profes- 
sion are  improperly  called)  desire,  like  other  dealers,  to 
stretch  their  operations  beyond  what  can  be  carried  on  by 
their  own  means  :  they  wish  to  lend,  not  their  capital 
merely,  but  their  credit,  and  not  only  such  portion  of  their 
credit  as  consists  of  funds  actually  deposited  with  them,  but 
their  power  of  obtaining  credit  from  the  public  generally, 
so  far  as  they  think  they  can  safely  employ  it.  This  is  done 
in  a  very  convenient  manner  by  lending  their  own  promis- 
sory notes  payable  to  bearer  on  demand  :  the  borrower  be- 
ing willing  to  accept  these  as  so  much  money,  because  the 
credit  of  the  lender  makes  other  people  willingly  receive  them 
on  the  same  footing,  in  purchases  or  other  payments.  These 
notes,  therefore,  perform  all  the  functions  of  currency,  and 
render  an  equivalent  amount  of  money  which  was  previously 
in  circulation,  unnecessary.  As,  however,  being  payable 
on  demand,  they  may  be  at  any  time  returned  on  the 
issuer,  and  money  demanded  for  them,  he  must,  on  pain  of 
bankruptcy,  keep  by  him  as  much  money  as  will  enable 


him  to  meet  any  claims  of  that  sort  which  can  be  expected 
to  occur  within  the  time  necessary  for  providing  himself 
with  more :  and  prudence  also  requires  that  he  should  not 
attempt  to  issue  notes  beyond  the  amount  which  experience 
6hows  can  remain  in  circulation  without  being  presented  for 

The  convenience  of  this  mode  of  (as  it  were)  coining 
credit,  having  once  been  discovered,  governments  have 
availed  themselves  of  the  same  expedient,  and  have  issued 
their  own  promissory  notes  in  payment  of  their  expenses ; 
a  resource  the  more  useful,  because  it  is  the  only  mode  in 
which  they  are  able  to  borrow  money  without  paying  in- 
terest, their  promises  to  pay  on  demand  being,  in  the  esti- 
mation of  the  holders,  equivalent  to  money  in  hand.  The 
practical  differences  between  such  government  notes  and 
the  issues  of  private  bankers,  and  the  further  diversities  of 
which  this  class  of  substitutes  for  money  are  susceptible, 
will  be  considered  presently. 

§  6.  A  fourth  mode  of  making  credit  answer  the  pur- 
poses of  money,  by  which,  when  carried  far  enough,  money 
may  be  very  completely  superseded,  consists  in  making 
payments  by  cheques.  The  custom  of  keeping  the  spare 
cash  reserved  for  immediate  use  or  against  contingent  de- 
mands, in  the  hands  of  a  banker,  and  making  all  payments, 
except  small  ones,  by  orders  on  bankers,  is  in  this  country 
spreading  to  a  continually  larger  portion  of  the  public.  If 
the  person  making  the  payment,  and  the  person  receiving 
it,  keep  their  money  with  the  same  banker,  the  payment 
takes  place  without  any  intervention  of  money,  by  the  mere 
transfer  of  its  amount  in  the  banker's  books  from  the  credit 
of  the  payer  to  that  of  the  receiver.  If  all  persons  in  Lon- 
don kept  their  cash  at  the  same  banker's,  and  made  all  their 
payments  by  means  of  cheques,  no  money  would  be  required 
or  used  for  any  transactions  beginning  and  terminating  in 
London.  This  ideal  limit  is  almost  attained  in  fact,  so  fai 
as  regards  transactions  between  dealers.     It  is  chiefly  in  the 

62  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XL     §6. 

retail  transactions  between  dealers  and  consumers,  and  in 
the  payment  of  wages,  that  money  or  bank  notes  now  pass, 
and  then  only  when  the  amounts  are  small.  In  London, 
even  shopkeepers  of  any  amount  of  capital  or  extent  of 
business  have  generally  an  account  with  a  banker  ;  which, 
besides  the  safety  and  convenience  of  the  practice,  is  to  their 
advantage  in  another  respect,  by  giving  them  an  understood 
claim  to  have  their  bills  discounted  in  cases  when  they  could 
not  otherwise  expect  it.  As  for  the  merchants  and  larger 
dealers,  they  habitually  make  all  payments  in  the  course 
of  their  business  by  cheques.  They  do  not,  however,  all 
deal  with  the  same  banker,  and  when  A  gives  a  cheque  to 
B,  B  usually  pays  it  not  into  the  same  but  into  some  other 
bank.  But  the  convenience  of  business  has  given  birth  to 
an  arrangement  which  makes  all  the  banking  houses  of  the 
City  of  London,  for  certain  purposes,  virtually  one  establish- 
ment. A  banker  does  not  send  the  cheques  which  are  paid 
into  his  banking  house,  to  the  banks  on  which  they  are 
drawn,  and  demand  money  for  them.  There  is  a  building 
called  the  Clearing-house,  to  which  every  City  banker  sends, 
each  afternoon,  all  the  cheques  on  other  bankers  which  he 
has  received  during  the  day,  and  they  are  there  exchanged 
for  the  cheques  on  him  which  have  come  into  the  hands  of 
other  bankers,  the  balances  only  being  paid  in  money  ;  or 
even  these  not  in  money,  but  in  cheques  on  the  Bank  of 
England.  By  this  contrivance,  all  the  business  transactions 
of  the  City  of  London  during  that  day,  amounting  often  to 
millions  of  pounds,  and  a  vast  amount  besides  of  country 
transactions,  represented  by  bills  which  country  bankers 
have  drawn  upon  their  London  correspondents,  are  liqui- 
dated by  payments  not  exceeding  on  the  average  200,0007.* 

*  According  to  Mr.  Tooke  (Enquiry  into  the  Currency  Principle,  p.  27)  the 
adjustments  at  the  clearing  house  "  in  the  year  1839  amounted  to  954,401,600?., 
making  an  average  amount  of  payments  of  upwards  of  3,000,000/.  of  bills  of 
exchange  and  cheques  daily  effected  through  the  medium  of  little  more  than 
200,0002.  of  bank  notes."  At  present  a  very  much  greater  amount  of  transac- 
tions is  daily  liquidated,  without  bank  notes  at  all,  cheques  on  the  bank  of  Eng- 
land supplying  their  place. 


By  means  of  the  various  instruments  of  credit  which 
have  now  been  explained,  the  immense  business  of  a  coun- 
try like  Great  Britain  is  transacted  with  an  amount  of  the 
precious  metals  surprisingly  small ;  many  times  smaller,  in 
proportion  to  the  pecuniary  value  of  the  commodities  bought 
and  sold,  than  is  found  necessary  in  France,  or  any  other 
country  in  which,  the  habit  and  the  disposition  to  give 
credit  not  being  so  generally  diffused,  these  "  economizing 
expedients,"  as  they  have  been  called,  are  not  practised  to 
the  same  extent.  What  becomes  of  the  money  thus  super- 
seded in  its  functions,  and  by  what  process  it  is  made  to 
disappear  from  circulation,  are  questions  the  discussion  of 
which  must  be  for  a  short  time  postponed. 



§  1.  Having  now  formed  a  general  idea  of  the  modes 
in  which  credit  is  made  available  as  a  substitute  for  money, 
we  have  to  consider  in  what  manner  the  use  of  these  substi- 
tutes affects  the  value  of  money,  or,  what  is  equivalent,  the 
prices  of  commodities.  It  is  hardly  necessary  to  say  that 
the  permanent  value  of  money — the  natural  and  average 
prices  of  commodities — are  not  in  question  here.  These 
are  determined  by  the  cost  of  producing  or  of  obtaining  the 
precious  metals.  An  ounce  of  gold  or  silver  will  in  the  long 
run  exchange  for  as  much  of  every  other  commodity,  as  can 
be  produced  or  imported  at  the  same  cost  with  itself.  And 
an  order,  or  note  of  hand,  or  bill  payable  at  sight,  for  an 
ounce  of  gold,  while  the  credit  of  the  giver  is  unimpaired, 
is  worth  neither  more  nor  less  than  the  gold  itself. 

It  is  not,  however,  with  ultimate  or  average,  but  with 
immediate  and  temporary  prices,  that  we  are  now  concerned. 
These,  as  we  have  seen,  may  deviate  very  widely  from  the 
standard  of  cost  of  production.  Among  other  causes  of 
fluctuation,  one  we  have  found  to  be,  the  quantity  of  money 
in  circulation.  Other  things  being  the  same,  an  increase 
of  the  money  in  circulation  raises  prices,  a  diminution  low- 
ers them.  If  more  money  is  thrown  into  circulation  than 
the  quantity  which  can  circulate  at  a  value  conformable  to 
its  cost  of  production,  the  value  of  money,  so  long  as  the 
excess  lasts,  will  remain  below  the  standard  of  cost  of  pro- 


duction,  and  general  prices  will  be  sustained  above  the 
natural  rate. 

But  we  have  now  found  that  there  other  things,  such  as 
bank  notes,  bills  of  exchange,  and  cheques,  which  circulate 
as  money,  and  perform  all  the  functions  of  it :  and  the  ques- 
tion arises,  Do  these  various  substitutes  operate  on  prices 
in  the  same  manner  as  money  itself?  Does  an  increase  in 
the  quantity  of  transferable  paper  tend  to  raise  prices,  in 
the  same  manner  and  degree  as  an  increase  in  the  quantity 
of  money  ?  There  has  been  no  small  amount  of  discussion 
on  this  point  among  writers  on  currency,  without  any  result 
so  conclusive  as  to  have  yet  obtained  general  assent. 

I  apprehend  that  bank  notes,  bills,  or  cheques,  as  such, 
do  not  act  on  prices  at  all.  What  does  act  on  prices  is 
Credit,  in  whatever  shape  given,  and  whether  it  gives  rise 
to  any  transferable  instruments  capable  of  passing  into  cir- 
culation, or  not. 

I  proceed  to  explain  and  substantiate  this  opinion. 

§  2.  Money  acts  upon  prices  in  no  other  way  than  by 
being  tendered  in  exchange  for  commodities.  The  demand 
which  influences  the  prices  of  commodities  consists  of  the 
money  offered  for  them.  But  the  money  offered,  is  not  the 
same  thing  with  the  money  possessed.  It  is  sometimes  less, 
sometimes  very  much  more.  In  the  long  run  indeed,  the 
money  which  people  lay  out  will  be  neither  more  nor  less 
than  the  money  which  they  have  to  lay  out :  but  this  is  far 
from  being  the  case  at  any  given  time.  Sometimes  they 
keep  money  by  them  for  fear  of  an  emergency,  or  in  expec- 
tation of  a  more  advantageous  opportunity  of  expending  it. 
In  that  case  the  money  is  said  not  to  be  in  circulation  :  in 
plainer  language,  it  is  not  offered,  nor  about  to  be  offered, 
for  commodities.  Money  not  in  circulation  has  no  effect 
on  prices.  The  converse,  however,  is  a  much  commoner 
case ;  people  make  purchases  with  money  not  in  their  pos- 
session. An  article,  for  instance,  which  is  paid  for  by  a 
cheque  on  a  banker,  is  bought  with  money  which  not  only 

gg  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XII.     §2. 

is  not  in  the  payer's  possession,  but  generally  not  even  in 
the  banker's,  having  been  lent  by  him  (all  but  the  usual 
reserve)  to  other  persons.  "We  just  now  made  the  imagi- 
nary supposition  that  all  persons  dealt  with  a  bank,  and  all 
with  the  same  bank,  payments  being  universally  made  by 
cheques.  In  this  ideal  case,  there  would  be  no  money  any- 
where except  in  the  hands  of  the  banker ;  who  might  then 
6afely  p,art  with  all  of  it,  by  selling  it  as  bullion,  or  lending 
it,  to  be  sent  out  of  the  country  in  exchange  for  goods  or 
foreign  securities.  But  though  there  then  would  be  no 
money  in  possession,  or  ultimately  perhaps  even  in  exist- 
ence, money  would  be  offered,  and  commodities  bought 
with  it,  just  as  at  present.  People  would  continue  to  reckon 
their  incomes  and  their  capitals  in  money,  and  to  make  their 
usual  purchases  with  orders  for  the  receipt  of  a  thing  which 
would  have  literally  ceased  to  exist.  There  would  be  in  all 
this  nothing  to  complain  of,  so  long  as  the  money,  in  disap- 
pearing, left  an  equivalent  value  in  other  things,  applicable 
when  required  to  the  reimbursement  of  those  to  whom  the 
money  originally  belonged. 

In  the  case  however  of  payment  by  cheques,  the  pur- 
chases are  at  any  rate  made,  though  not  with  the  money 
in  the  buyer's  possession,  yet  with  money  to  which  he  has 
a  right.  But  he  may  make  purchases  with  money  which 
he  only  expects  to  have,  or  even  only  pretends  to  expect. 
He  may  obtain  goods  in  return  for  his  acceptances  payable 
at  a  future  time ;  or  on  his  note  of  hand  ;  or  on  a  simple 
book  credit,  that  is,  on  a  mere  promise  to  pay.  All  these 
purchases  have  exactly  the  same  effect  on  price,  as  if  they 
were  made  with  ready  money.  The  amount  of  purchasing 
power  which  a  person  can  exercise  is  composed  of  all  the 
money  in  his  possession  or  due  to  him,  and  of  all  his  credit. 
For  exercising  the  whole  of  this  power  he  finds  a  sufficient 
motive  only  under  peculiar  circumstances ;  but  he  always 
possesses  it ;  and  the  portion  of  it  which  he  at  any  time 
does  exercise,  is  the  measure  of  the  effect  which  he  produces 
on  price. 


Suppose  that,  in  the  expectation  that  some  commodity 
will  rise  in  price,  he  determines,  not  only  to  invest  in  it  all 
his  ready  money,  but  to  take  up  on  credit,  from  the  produ- 
cers or  importers,  as  much  of  it  as  their  opinion  of  his  re- 
sources will  enable  him  to  obtain.  Every  one  must  see  that 
by  thus  acting  he  produces  a  greater  effect  on  price,  than 
if  he  limited  his  purchases  to  the  money  he  has  actually  in 
hand.  He  creates  a  demand  for  the  article  to  the  full 
amount  of  his  money  and  credit  taken  together,  and  raises 
the  price  proportionally  to  both.  And  this  effect  is  pro- 
duced, though  none  of  the  written  instruments  called  sub- 
stitutes for  currency  may  be  called  into  existence ;  though 
the  transaction  may  give  rise  to  no  bill  of  exchange,  nor  to 
the  issue  of  a  single  bank  note.  The  buyer,  instead  of  tak- 
ing a  mere  book  credit,  might  have  given  a  bill  for  the 
amount ;  or  might  have  paid  for  the  goods  with  bank  notes 
borrowed  for  that  purpose  from  a  banker,  thus  making  the 
purchase  not  on  his  own  credit  with  the  seller,  but  on  the 
banker's  credit  with  the  seller,  and  his  own  with  the  banker. 
Had  he  done  so,  he  would  have  produced  as  great  an  effect 
on  price  as  by  a  simple  purchase  to  the  same  amount  on  a 
book  credit,  but  no  greater  effect.  The  credit  itself,  not 
the  form  and  mode  in  which  it  is  given,  is  the  operating 

§  3.  The  inclination  of  the  mercantile  public  to  in- 
crease their  demand  for  commodities  by  making  use  of  all 
or  much  of  their  credit  as  a  purchasing  power,  depends  on 
their  expectation  of  profit.  "When  there  is  a  general  im- 
pression that  the  price  of  some  commodity  is  likely  to  rise, 
from  an  extra  demand,  a  short  crop,  obstructions  to  impor- 
tation, or  any  other  cause,  there  is  a  disposition  among 
dealers  to  increase  their  stocks,  in  order  to  profit  by  the  ex- 
pected rise.  This  disposition  tends  in  itself  to  produce  the 
effect  which  it  looks  forward  to,  a  rise  of  price  :  and  if  the 
rise  is  considerable  and  progressive,  other  speculators  are 
attracted,  who,  so  long  as  the  price  has  not  begun  to  fall, 

68  BOOK  III.      CHAPTER  XII.      §3. 

are  willing  to  believe  that  it  will  continue  rising.  These, 
by  further  purchases,  produce  a  further  advance  :  and  thus 
a  rise  of  price  for  which  there  were  originally  some  rational 
grounds,  is  often  heightened  by  merely  speculative  pur- 
chases, until  it  greatly  exceeds  what  the  original  grounds 
will  justify.  After  a  time  this  begins  to  be  perceived ;  the 
price  ceases  to  rise,  and  the  holders,  thinking  it  time  to 
realize  their  gains,  are  anxious  to  sell.  Then  the  price  be- 
gins to  decline  :  the  holders  rush  into  the  market  to  avoid 
a  still  greater  loss,  and,  few  being  willing  to  buy  in  a  fall- 
ing market,  the  price  falls  much  more  suddenly  than  it  rose. 
Those  who  have  bought  at  a  higher  price  than  reasonable 
calculation  justified,  and  who  have  been  overtaken  by  the 
revulsion  before  they  had  realized,  are  losers  in  proportion 
to  the  greatness  of  the  fall,  and  to  the  quantity  of  the  com- 
modity which  they  hold,  or  have  bound  themselves  to  pay 

~Now  all  these  effects  might  take  place  in  a  community 
to  which  credit  was  unknown :  the  prices  of  some  com- 
modities might  rise  from  speculation,  to  an  extravagant 
height,  and  then  fall  rapidly  back.  But  if  there  were  no 
such  thing  as  credit,  this  could  hardly  happen  with  respect 
to  commodities  generally.  If  all  purchases  were  made  with 
ready  money,  the  payment  of  increased  prices  for  some 
articles  would  draw  an  unusual  proportion  of  the  money  of 
the  community  into  the  markets  for  those  articles,  and  must 
therefore  draw  it  away  from  some  other  class  of  commodi- 
ties, and  thus  lower  their  prices.  The  vacuum  might,  it  is 
true,  be  partly  filled  up  by  increased  rapidity  of  circula- 
tion ;  and  in  this  manner  the  money  of  the  community  is 
virtually  increased  in  a  time  of  speculative  activity,  because 
people  keep  little  of  it  by  them,  but  hasten  to  lay  it  out  in 
some  tempting  adventure  as  soon  as  possible  after  they  re- 
ceive it.  This  resource,  however,  is  limited  :  on  the  whole, 
people  cannot,  while  the  quantity  of  money  remains  the 
same,  lay  out  much  more  of  it  in  some  things,  without  lay- 
ing out  less  in  others.     But  what  they  cannot  do  by  ready 


money,  they  can  do  by  an  extension  of  credit.  When  peo- 
ple go  into  the  market  and  purchase  with  money  which  they 
hope  to  receive  hereafter,  they  are  drawing  upon  an  un- 
limited, not  a  limited  fund.  Speculation,  thus  supported, 
may  be  going  on  in  any  number  of  commodities,  without 
disturbing  the  regular  course  of  business  in  others.  It 
might  even  be  going  on  in  all  commodities  at  once.  "We 
could  imagine  that  in  an  epidemic  fit  of  the  passion  of 
gambling,  all  dealers,  instead  of  giving  only  their  accus- 
tomed orders  to  the  manufacturers  or  growers  of  their  com- 
modity, commenced  buying  up  all  of  it  which  they  could 
procure,  as  far  as  their  capital  and  credit  would  go.  All 
prices  would  rise  enormously,  even  if  there  were  no  increase 
of  money,  and  no  paper  credit,  but  a  mere  extension  of  pur- 
chases on  book  credits.  After  a  time  those  who  had  bought 
would  wish  to  sell,  and  prices  would  collapse. 

This  is  the  ideal  extreme  case  of  what  is  called  a  com- 
mercial crisis.  There  is  said  to  be  a  commercial  crisis,  when 
a  great  number  of  merchants  and  traders  at  once,  either 
have,  or  apprehend  that  they  shall  have,  a  difficulty  in 
meeting  their  engagements.  The  most  usual  cause  of  this 
general  embarrassment,  is  the  recoil  of  prices  after  they 
have  been  raised  by  a  spirit  of  speculation,  intense  in  degree, 
and  extending  to  many  commodities.  Some  accident,  which 
excites  expectations  of  rising  prices,  such  as  the  opening  of 
a  new  foreign  market,  or  simultaneous  indications  of  a  short 
supply  of  several  great  articles  of  commerce,  sets  specula- 
tion at  work  in  several  leading  departments  at  once.  The 
prices  rise,  and  the  holders  realize,  or  appear  to  have  the 
power  of  realizing,  great  gains.  In  certain  states  of  the 
public  mind,  such  examples  of  rapid  increase  of  fortune  call 
forth  numerous  imitators,  and  speculation  not  only  goes 
much  beyond  what  is  justified  by  the  original  grounds  for 
expecting  rise  of  price,  but  extends  itself  to  articles  in  which 
there  never  was  any  such  ground  :  these,  however,  rise  like 
the  rest  as  soon  as  speculation  sets  in.  At  periods  of  this 
kind,  a  great  extension  of  credit  takes  place.     Not  only  do 

70  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XII.     §3. 

all  whom  the  contagion  reaches,  employ  their  credit  much 
more  freely  than  usual ;  but  they  really  have  more  credit, 
because  they  seem  to  be  making  unusual  gains,  and  because 
a  generally  reckless  and  adventurous  feeling  prevails,  which 
disposes  people  to  give  as  well  as  take  credit  more  largely 
than  at  other  times,  and  give  it  to  persons  not  entitled  to 
it.  In  this  manner,  in  the  celebrated  speculative  year  1825, 
and  at  various  other  periods  during  the  present  century,  the 
prices  of  many  of  the  principal  articles  of  commerce  rose 
greatly,  without  any  fall  in  others,  so  that  general  prices 
might,  without  incorrectness,  be  said  to  have  risen.  When, 
after  such  a  rise,  the  reaction  comes,  and  prices  begin  to 
fall,  though  at  first  perhaps  only  through  the  desire  of  the 
holders  to  realize,  speculative  purchases  cease  :  but  were 
this  all,  prices  would  only  fall  to  the  level  from  which  they 
rose,  or  to  that  which  is  justified  by  the  state  of  the  con- 
sumption and  of  the  supply.  They  fall,  however,  much 
lower ;  for  as,  when  prices  were  rising,  and  everybody  ap- 
parently making  a  fortune,  it  was  easy  to  obtain  almost  any 
amount  of  credit,  so  now,  when  everybody  seems  to  be 
losing,  and  many  fail  entirely,  it  is  with  difficulty  that  firms 
of  known  solidity  can  obtain  even  the  credit  to  which  they 
are  accustomed,  and  which  it  is  the  greatest  inconvenience 
to  them  to  be  without ;  because  all  dealers  have  engage- 
ments to  fulfil,  and  nobody  feeling  sure  that  the  portion  of 
his  means  which  he  has  entrusted  to  others  will  be  available 
in  time,  no  one  likes  to  part  with  ready  money,  or  to  post- 
pone his  claim  to  it.  To  these  rational  considerations  there 
is  superadded,  in  extreme  cases,  a  panic  as  unreasoning  as 
the  previous  over-confidence ;  money  is  borrowed  for  short 
periods  at  almost  any  rate  of  interest,  and  sales  of  goods  for 
immediate  payment  are  made  at  almost  any  sacrifice.  Thus 
general  prices,  during  a  commercial  revulsion,  fall  as  much 
below  the  usual  level,  as  during  the  previous  period  of 
speculation  they  have  risen  above  it :  the  fall,  as  well  as 
the  rise,  originating  not  in  anything  affecting  money,  but 
in  the  state  of  credit ;  an  unusually  extended  employment 


of  credit  during  the  earlier  period,  followed  by  a  great  di- 
minution, never  amounting  however  to  an  entire  cessation 
of  it,  in  the  latter. 

It  is  not,  however,  universally  true  that  the  contraction 
of  credit,  characteristic  of  a  commercial  crisis,  must  have 
been  preceded  by  an  extraordinary  and  irrational  extension 
of  it.  There  are  other  causes  ;  and  one  of  the  most  recent 
crises,  that  of  1847,  is  an  instance,  having  been  preceded  by 
no  particular  extension  of  credit,  and  by  no  speculations ; 
except  those  in  railway  shares,  which,  though  in  many  cases 
extravagant  enough,  yet  being  carried  on  mostly  with  that 
portion  of  means  which  the  speculators  could  afford  to  lose, 
were  not  calculated  to  produce  the  wide-spread  ruin  which 
arises  from  vicissitudes  of  price  in  the  commodities  in  which 
men  habitually  deal,  and  in  which  the  bulk  of  their  capital 
is  invested.  The  crises  of  1847  belonged  to  another  class 
of  mercantile  phenomena.  There  occasionally  happens  a 
concurrence  of  circumstances  tending  to  withdraw  from  the 
loan  market  a  considerable  portion  of  the  capital  which 
usually  supplies  it.  These  circumstances,  in  the  present 
case,  were  great  foreign  payments,  (occasioned  by  a  high 
price  of  cotton  and  an  unprecedented  importation  of  food,) 
together  with  the  continual  demands  on  the  circulating  cap- 
ital of  the  country  by  railway  calls  and  the  loan  transactions 
of  railway  companies,  for  the  purpose  of  being  converted 
into  fixed  capital  and  made  unavailable  for  future  lending. 
These  various  demands  fell  principally,  as  such  demands 
always  do,  on  the  loan  market.  A  great,  though  not  the 
greatest  part  of  the  imported  food,  was  actually  paid  for  by 
the  proceeds  of  a  government  loan.  The  extra  payments 
which  purchasers  of  corn  and  cotton,  and  railway  share- 
holders, found  themselves  obliged  to  make,  were  either 
made  with  their  own  spare  cash,  or  with  money  raised  for 
the  occasion.  On  the  first  supposition,  they  were  made  by 
withdrawing  deposits  from  bankers,  and  thus  cutting  off  a 
part  of  the  streams  which  fed  the  loan  market ;  on  the  sec- 
ond supposition,  they  were  made  by  actual  drafts  on  the 

72  BOOK   III.      CHAPTER  XII.      §4. 

loan  market,  either  by  the  sale  of  securities,  or  by  taking 
up  money  at  interest.  This  combination  of  a  fresh  demand 
for  loans,  with  a  curtailment  of  the  capital  disposable  for 
them,  raised  the  rate  of  interest,  and  made  it  impossible  to 
borrow  except  on  the  very  best  security.  Some  firms 
therefore,  which  by  an  improvident  and  unmercantile  mode 
of  conducting  business  had  allowed  their  capital  to  become 
either  temporarily  or  permanently  unavailable,  became 
unable  to  command  that  perpetual  renewal  of  credit  which 
had  previously  enabled  them  to  struggle  on.  These  firms 
stopped  payment :  their  failure  involved  more  or  less  deeply 
many  other  firms  which  had  trusted  them  ;  and,  as  usual  in 
such  cases,  the  general  distrust,  commonly  called  a  panic, 
began  to  set  in,  and  might  have  produced  a  destruction  of 
credit  equal  to  that  of  1825,  had  not  circumstances  which 
may  almost  be  called  accidental,  given  to  a  very  simple 
measure  of  the  government  (the  suspension  of  the  Bank 
Charter  Act  of  1844)  a  fortunate  power  of  allaying  panic,  to 
which  when  considered  in  itself,  it  had  no  sort  of  claim. 

§  4.  The  general  operation  of  credit  upon  prices  being 
such  as  we  have  described,  it  is  evident  that  if  any  particu- 
lar mode  or  form  of  credit  is  calculated  to  have  a  greater 
operation  on  prices  than  others,  it  can  only  be  by  giving 
greater  facility,  or  greater  encouragement,  to  the  multipli- 
cation of  credit  transactions  generally.  If  bank  notes,  for 
instance,  or  bills,  have  a  greater  effect  on  prices  than  book 
credits,  it  is  not  by  any  difference  in  the  transactions  them- 
selves, which  are  essentially  the  same,  whether  taking  place 
in  the  one  way  or  in  the  other :  it  must  be  that  there  are 
likely  to  be  more  of  them.  If  credit  is  likely  to  be  more 
extensively  used  as  a  purchasing  power  when  bank  notes  or 
bills  are  the  instruments  used,  than  when  the  credit  is  given 
by  mere  entries  in  an  account,  to  that  extent  and  no  more 
there  is  ground  for  ascribing  to  the  former  a  greater  power 
over  the  markets  than  belongs  to  the  latter. 

Now  it  appears  that  there  is  some  such  distinction.   As  far 


as  respects  the  particular  transaction,  it  makes  no  difference 
in  the  effect  on  price  whether  A  buys  goods  of  B  on  simple 
credit,  or  gives  a  bill  for  them,  or  pays  for  them  with  bank 
notes  lent  to  him  by  a  banker  C.  The  difference  is  in  a 
subsequent  stage.  If  A  has  bought  the  goods  on  a  book 
credit,  there  is  no  obvious  or  convenient  mode  by  which  B 
can  make  A's  debt  to  him  a  means  of  extending  his  own 
credit.  Whatever  credit  he  has,  will  be  due  to  the  general 
opinion  entertained  of  his  solvency  ;  he  cannot  specifically 
pledge  A's  debt  to  a  third  person,  as  a  security  for  money 
lent  or  goods  bought.  But  if  A  has  given  him  a  bill  for  the 
amount,  he  can  get  this  discounted,  which  is  the  same  thing 
as  borrowing  money  on  the  joint  credit  of  A  and  himself : 
or  he  may  pay  away  the  bill  in  exchange  for  goods,  which  is 
obtaining  goods  on  the  same  joint  credit.  In  either  case, 
here  is  a  second  credit  transaction,  grounded  on  the  first, 
and  which  would  not  have  taken  place  if  the  first  had  been 
transacted  without  the  intervention  of  a  bill.  Nor  need  the 
transactions  end  here.  The  bill  may  be  again  discounted, 
or  again  paid  away  for  goods,  several  times  before  it  is  itself 
presented  for  payment.  Nor  would  it  be  correct  to  say  that 
these  successive  holders,  if  they  had  not  had  the  bill,  might 
have  attained  their  purpose  by  purchasing  goods  on  their 
own  credit  with  the  dealers.  They  may  not  all  of  them  be 
persons  of  credit,  or  they  may  already  have  stretched,  their 
credit  as  far  as  it  will  go.  And  at  all  events,  either  money 
or  goods  are  more  readily  obtained  on  the  credit  of  two  per- 
sons than  of  one.  Nobody  will  pretend  that  it  is  as  easy  a 
thing  for  a  merchant  to  borrow  a  thousand  pounds  on  his 
own  credit,  as  to  get  a  bill  discounted  to  the  same  amount, 
when  the  drawee  is  of  known  solvency. 

If  we  now  suppose  that  A,  instead  of  giving  a  bill,  ob- 
tains a  loan  of  bank  notes  from  a  banker  C,  and  with  them 
pays  B  for  his  goods,  we  shall  find  the  difference  to  be  still 
greater.  B  is  now  independent  even  of  a  discounter :  A's 
bill  would  have  been  taken  in  payment  only  by  those  who 
were   acquainted  with  his  reputation  for  solvency,  but  a 

74  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XII.      §4. 

banker  is  a  person  who  has  credit  with  the  public  generally, 
and  whose  notes  are  taken  in  payment  by  every  one,  at 
least  in  his  own  neighbourhood  :  insomuch  that,  by  a  cus- 
tom which  has  grown  into  law,  payment  in  bank  notes  is  a 
complete  acquittance  to  the  payer,  whereas  if  he  has  paid 
by  a  bill,  he  still  remains  liable  to  the  debt,  if  the  person  on 
whom  the  bill  is  drawn  fails  to  pay  it  when  due.  B  there- 
fore can  expend  the  whole  of  the  bank  notes  without  at  all 
involving  his  own  credit :  and  whatever  power  he  had  be- 
fore of  obtaining  goods  on  book  credit,  remains  to  him  un- 
impaired, in  addition  to  the  purchasing  power  he  derives 
from  the  possession  of  the  notes.  The  same  remark  applies 
to  every  person  in  succession,  into  whose  hands  the  notes 
may  come.  It  is  only  A,  the  first  holder,  (who  used  his 
credit  to  obtain  the  notes  as  a  loan  from  the  issuer,)  who  can 
possibly  find  the  credit  he  possesses  in  other  quarters  abated 
by  it ;  and  even  in  his  case  that  result  is  not  probable  ;  for 
though,  in  reason,  and  if  all  his  circumstances  were  known, 
every  draft  already  made  upon  his  credit  ought  to  diminish 
by  so  much  his  power  of  obtaining  more,  yet  in  practice  the 
reverse  more  frequently  happens,  and  his  having  been  trust- 
ed by  one  person  is  supposed  to  be  evidence  that  he  may 
safely  be  trusted  by  others  also. 

It  appears,  therefore,  that  bank  notes  are  a  more  power- 
ful instrument  for  raising  prices  than  bills,  and  bills  than 
book  credits.  It  does  not,  indeed,  follow  that  credit  will  be 
more  used  because  it  can  be.  "When  the  state  of  trade  holds 
out  no  particular  temptation  to  make  large  purchases  on 
credit,  dealers  will  use  only  a  small  portion  of  the  credit- 
power,  and  it  will  depend  only  on  convenience  whether  the 
portion  which  they  use  will  be  taken  in  one  form  or  in 
another.  It  is  not  until  the  circumstances  of  the  markets, 
and  the  state  of  the  mercantile  mind,  render  many  persona 
desirous  of  stretching  their  credit  to  an  unusual  extent,  that 
the  distinctive  properties  of  the  different  forms  of  credit  dis~ 
play  themselves.  Credit  already  stretched  to  the  utmost  in 
the  form  of  book  debts,  would  be  susceptible  of  a  great  ad- 


ditional  extension  by  means  of  bills,  and  of  a  still  greater  by 
means  of  bank  notes.  The  first,  because  each  dealer,  in 
addition  to  his  own  credit,  would  be  enabled  to  create  a 
further  purchasing  power  out  of  the  credit  which  he  had 
himself  given  to  others  :  the  second,  because  the  banker's 
credit  with  the  public  at  large,  coined  into  notes,  as  bullion 
is  coined  into  pieces  of  money  to  make  it  portable  and 
divisible,  is  so  much  purchasing  power  superadded,  in  the 
hands  of  every  successive  holder,  to  that  which  he  may  de- 
rive from  his  own  credit.  To  state  the  matter  otherwise ; 
one  single  exertion  of  the  credit-power  in  the  form  of  book 
credit,  is  only  the  foundation  of  a  single  purchase  :  but  if  a 
bill  is  drawn,  that  same  portion  of  credit  may  serve  for  as 
many  purchases  as  the  number  of  times  the  bill  changes 
hands  :  while  every  bank  note  issued,  renders  the  credit  of 
the  banker  a  purchasing  power  to  that  amount  in  the  hands 
of  all  the  successive  holders,  without  impairing  any  power 
they  may  possess  of  effecting  purchases  on  their  own  credit. 
Credit,  in  short,  has  exactly  the  same  purchasing  power  with 
money  ;  and  as  money  tells  upon  prices  not  simply  in  pro- 
portion to  its  amount,  but  to  its  amount  multiplied  by  the 
number  of  times  it  changes  hands,  so  also  does  credit ;  and 
credit  transferable  from  hand  to  hand  is  in  that  proportion 
more  potent,  than  credit  which  only  performs  one  purchase. 

§  5.  All  this  purchasing  power,  however,  is  operative 
upon  prices,  only  according  to  the  proportion  of  it  which  is 
used  :  and  the  effect,  therefore,  is  only  felt  in  a  state  of  cir- 
cumstances calculated  to  lead  to  an  unusually  extended  use 
of  credit.  In  such  a  state  of  circumstances,  that  is,  in  spec- 
ulative times,  it  cannot,  I  think,  be  denied,  that  prices  are 
likely  to  rise  higher  if  the  speculative  purchases  are  made 
with  bank  notes,  than  when  they  are  made  with  bills,  and 
when  made  by  bills  than  when  made  by  book  credits.  This, 
however,  is  of  far  less  importance  than  might  at  first  be 
imagined;  because,  in  point  of  fact,  speculative  purch;isc< 
are  not,  in  the  great  majority  of  cases,  made  either  with 

76  BOOK   ni.      CHAPTER  XII.     §5. 

bank  notes  or  with  bills,  but  are  made  almost  exclusively  on 
book  credits.  "  Applications  to  the  Bank  for  extended  dis- 
count," says  the  highest  authority  on  such  subjects,*  (and 
the  same  thing  must  be  true  of  applications  to  other  banks) 
"  occur  rarely  if  ever  in  the  origin  or  progress  of  extensive 
speculations  in  commodities.  These  are  entered  into,  for 
the  most  part  if  not  entirely,  in  the  first  instance,  on  credit 
for  the  length  of  term  usual  in  the  several  trades  ;  thus  en- 
tailing on  the  parties  no  immediate  necessity  for  borrowing 
bo  much  as  may  be  wanted  for  the  purpose  beyond  their 
own  available  capital.  This  applies  particularly  to  specula- 
tive purchases  of  commodities  on  the  spot,  with  a  view  to 
resale.  But  these  generally  form  the  smaller  proportion  of 
engagements  on  credit.  By  far  the  largest  of  those  entered 
into  on  the  prospect  of  a  rise  of  prices,  are  such  as  have  in 
view  importations  from  abroad.  The  same  remark,  too,  is 
applicable  to  the  export  of  commodities,  when  a  large  pro- 
portion is  on  the  credit  of  the  shippers  or  their  consignees. 
As  long  as  circumstances  hold  out  the  prospect  of  a  favour- 
able result,  the  credit  of  the  parties  is  generally  sustained. 
If  some  of  them  wish  to  realize,  there  are  others  with  capital 
and  credit  ready  to  replace  them  ;  and  if  the  events  fully 
justify  the  grounds  on  which  the  speculative  transactions 
were  entered  into  (thus  admitting  of  sales  for  consumption 
in  time  to  replace  the  capital  embarked)  there  is  no  un- 
usual demand  for  borrowed  capital  to  sustain  them.  It  is 
only  when  by  the  vicissitudes  of  political  events,  or  of  the 
seasons,  or  other  adventitious  circumstances,  the  forthcom- 
ing supplies  are  found  to  exceed  the  computed  rate  of  con- 
sumption, and  a  fall  of  prices  ensues,  that  an  increased  de- 
mand for  capital  takes  place ;  the  market  rate  of  interest 
then  rises,  and  increased  applications  are  made  to  the  Bank 
of  England  for  discount."  So  that  the  multiplication  of 
bank  notes  and  other  transferable  paper  does  not,  for  the 
most  part,  accompany  and  facilitate  the  speculation ;   but 

*  Tooke's  History  of  Prices,  vol.  iv.  pp.  125 — 6. 


comes  into   play   chiefly  when   the  tide    is    turning,  and 
difficulties  begin  to  be  felt. 

Of  the  extraordinary  height  to  which  speculative  trans- 
actions can  be  carried  upon  mere  book  credits,  without  the 
smallest  addition  to  what  is  commonly  called  the  currency, 
very  few  persons  are  at  all  aware.  "  The  power  of  pur- 
chase," says  Mr.  Tooke,*  "  by  persons  having  capital  and 
credit,  is  much  beyond  anything  that  those  who  are  unac- 
quainted practically  with  speculative  markets  have  any  idea 
of.  ...  A  person  having  the  reputation  of  capital  enough 
for  his  regular  business,  and  enjoying  good  credit  in  his 
trade,  if  he  takes  a  sanguine  view  of  the  prospect  of  a  rise 
of  price  of  the  article  in  which  he  deals,  and  is  favoured  by 
circumstances  in  the  outset  and  progress  of  his  speculation, 
may  effect  purchases  to  an  extent  perfectly  enormous,  com- 
pared with  his  capital."  Mr.  Tooke  confirms  this  statement 
by  some  remarkable  instances,  exemplifying  the  immense 
purchasing  power  which  may  be  exercised,  and  rise  of  price 
which  may  be  produced,  by  credit  not  represented  by  either 
bank  notes  or  bills  of  exchange. 

"  Amongst  the  earlier  speculators  for  an  advance  in  the 
price  of  tea,  in  consequence  of  our  dispute  with  China  in 
1839,  were  several  retail  grocers  and  tea-dealers.  There 
was  a  general  disposition  among  the  trade  to  get  into  stock : 
that  is,  to  lay  in  at  once  a  quantity  which  would  meet  the 
probable  demand  from  their  customers  for  several  months  to 
come.  Some,  however,  among  them,  more  sanguine  and 
adventurous  than  the  rest,  availed  themselves  of  their  credit 
with  the  importers  and  wholesale  dealers,  for  purchasing 
quantities  much  beyond  the  estimated  demand  in  their  own 
business.  As  the  purchases  were  made  in  the  first  instance 
ostensibly,  and  perhaps  really,  for  the  legitimate  purposes 
and  within  the  limits  of  their  regular  business,  the  parties 
were  enabled  to  buy  without  the  condition  of  any  deposit ; 
whereas  speculators,  known  to  be  such,  are  required  to  pay 

*  Inquiry  into  the  Currency  Principle,  pp.  79  and  136 — 8. 

f8  BOOK  in.      CHAPTER  XII.     §5. 

2Z.  per  chest,  to  cover  any  probable  difference  of  price  which 
might  arise  before  the  expiration  of  the  prompt,  which,  for 
this  article,  is  three  months.  Without,  therefore,  the  outlay 
of  a  single  farthing  of  actual  capital  or  currency  in  any 
shape,  they  made  purchases  to  a  considerable  extent ;  and 
with  the  profit  realized  on  the  resale  of  a  part  of  these  pur- 
chases, they  were  enabled  to  pay  the  deposit  on  further 
quantities  when  required,  as  was  the  case  when  the  extent 
of  the  purchases  attracted  attention.  In  this  way,  the  spec- 
ulation went  on  at  advancing  prices  (100  per  cent  and  up- 
wards) till  nearly  the  expiration  of  the  prompt,  and  if  at  that 
time  circumstances  had  been  such  as  to  justify  the  apprehen- 
sion which  at  one  time  prevailed,  that  all  future  supplies 
would  be  cut  off,  the  prices  might  have  still  further  ad- 
vanced, and  at  any  rate  not  have  retrograded.  In  this  case, 
the  speculators  might  have  realized,  if  not  all  the  profit  they 
had  anticipated,  a  very  handsome  sum,  upon  which  they 
might  have  been  enabled  to  extend  their  business  greatly, 
or  to  retire  from  it  altogether,  with  a  reputation  for  great 
sagacity  in  thus  making  their  fortune.  But  instead  of  this 
favourable  result,  it  so  happened  that  two  or  three  cargoes 
of  tea  which  had  been  transhipped  were  admitted,  contrary 
to  expectation,  to  entry  on  their  arrival  here,  and  it  was 
found  that  further  indirect  shipments  were  in  progress. 
Thus  the  supply  was  increased  beyond  the  calculation  of  the 
speculators :  and  at  the  same  time,  the  consumption  had 
been  diminished  by  the  high  price.  There  was,  conse- 
quently, a  violent  reaction  on  the  market ;  the  speculators 
were  unable  to  sell  without  such  a  sacrifice  as  disabled  them 
from  fulfilling  their  engagements,  and  several  of  them  con- 
sequently failed.  Among  these,  one  was  mentioned,  who 
having  a  capital  not  exceeding  1,200Z.  which  was  locked  up 
in  his  business,  had  contrived  to  buy  4,000  chests,  value 
above  80,000Z.,  the  loss  upon  which  was  about  16,000Z. 

"  The  other  example,  which  I  have  to  give,  is  that  of  the 
operation  on  the  corn  market  between  1838  and  1842. 
There  was  an  instance  of  a  person  who,  when  he  entered  on 


his  extensive  speculations,  was,  as  it  appeared  by  the  subse- 
quent examination  of  his  affairs,  possessed  of  a  capital  not 
exceeding  5000Z.,  but  being  successful  in  the  outset,  and 
favoured  by  circumstances  in  the  progress  of  his  operations, 
he  contrived  to  make  purchases  to  such  an  extent,  that 
when  he  stopped  payment  his  engagements  were  found  to 
amount  to  between  500,000Z.  and  600,000?.  Other  instances 
might  be  cited  of  parties  without  any  capital  at  all,  who,  by 
dint  of  mere  credit,  were  enabled,  while  the  aspect  of  the 
market  favoured  their  views,  to  make  purchases  to  a  very 
great  extent. 

"  And  be  it  observed,  that  these  speculations,  involving 
enormous  purchases  on  little  or  no  capital,  were  carried  on 
in  1839  and  1840,  when  the  money  market  was  in  its  most 
contracted  state  ;  or  when,  according  to  modern  phraseol- 
ogy, there  was  the  greatest  scarcity  of  money." 

But  though  the  great  instrument  of  speculative  pur- 
chases is  book  credits,  it  cannot  be  contested  that  in  specu- 
lative periods  an  increase  does  take  place  in  the  quantity 
both  of  bills  of  exchange  and  of  bank  notes.  This  increase, 
indeed,  so  far  as  bank  notes  are  concerned,  hardly  ever  takes 
place  in  the  earliest  stage  of  the  speculations  ;  advances 
from  bankers  (as  Mr.  Tooke  observes)  not  being  applied  for 
in  order  to  purchase,  but  in  order  to  hold  on  without  selling 
when  the  usual  term  of  credit  has  expired,  and  the  high 
price  which  was  calculated  on  has  not  arrived.  But  the  tea 
speculators  mentioned  by  Mr.  Tooke  could  not  have  carried 
their  speculations  beyond  the  three  months  which  are  the 
usual  term  of  credit  in  their  trade,  unless  they  had  been 
able  to  obtain  advances  from  bankers,  which,  if  the  expects 
tion  of  a  rise  of  price  had  still  continued,  they  probabl) 
could  have  done. 

Since,  then,  credit  in  the  form  of  bank  notes  is  a  more 
potent  instrument  for  raising  prices  than  book  credits,  an 
unrestrained  power  of  resorting  to  this  instrument  may  con- 
tribute to  prolong  and  heighten  the  speculative  rise  of  prices, 
and  hence  aggravate  the  subsequent  recoil.     But  in  what 


BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XII.     §6. 

degree  ?  and  what  importance  ought  we  to  ascribe  to  this 
possibility  ?  It  may  help  us  to  form  some  judgment  on  this 
point,  if  we  consider  the  proportion  which  the  utmost  in- 
crease of  bank  notes  in  a  period  of  speculation,  bears,  I  do 
not  say  to  the  whole  mass  of  credit  in  the  country,  but  to 
the  bills  of  exchange  alone.  The  average  amount  of  bills 
in  existence  at  any  one  time  is  supposed  greatly  to  exceed  a 
hundred  millions  sterling.*  The  bank  note  circulation  of 
Great  Britain  and  Ireland  seldom  exceeds  forty  millions,  and 
the  increase  in  speculative  periods  at  most  two  or  three. 
And  even  this,  as  we  have  seen,  hardly  ever  comes  into  play 
until  that  advanced  period  of  the  speculation  at  which  the 
tide  shows  signs  of  turning,  and  the  dealers  generally  are 
rather  thinking  of  the  means  of  fulfilling  their  existing  en- 
gagements, than  meditating  an  extension  of  them  :  while 
the  quantity  of  bills  in  existence  is  largely  increased  from 
the  very  commencement  of  the  speculations. 

§  6.     It  is  well  known  that  of  late  years,  an  artificial 

*  The  most  approved  estimate  is  that  of  Mr.  Leatham,  grounded  on  the 
official  returns  of  bill  stamps  issued.     The  following  are  the  results: — 


Bills  created  in  Great  Britain 
and  Ireland,  founded  on 
returns  of  Bill  Stamps 

issued  from  the  Stamp  Office. 

Average  amount  in 

circulation  at  one  time  in 

each  year. 




"Mr.  Leatham,"  says  Mr.  Tooke,  "gives  the  process  by  which,  upon  the 
data  furnished  by  the  returns  of  stamps,  he  arrives  at  these  results ;  and  I  am 
disposed  to  think  that  they  are  as  near  an  approximation  to  the  truth  as  the 
nature  of  the  materials  admits  of  arriving  at." — Inquiry  into  the  Currency  Prin- 
ciple, p.  26.  Mr.  Neumarch  (Appendix  No.  39  to  Report  of  the  Committee  on 
the  Bank  Acts  in  1857,  and  History  of  Prices,  vol.  vi.  p.  587)  shows  grounds 
for  the  opinion  that  the  total  bill  circulation  in  1857  was  not  much  less  than  180 
millions  sterling,  and  that  it  sometimes  rises  to  200  millions. 


limitation  of  the  issue  of  bank  notes  has  been  regarded  by 
many  political  economists,  and  by  a  great  portion  of  the 
public,  as  an  expedient  of  supreme  efficacy  for  preventing, 
and  when  it  cannot  prevent,  for  moderating,  the  fever  of 
speculation ;  and  this  opinion  received  the  recognition  and 
sanction  of  the  legislature  by  the  Currency  Act  of  1844. 
At  the  point,  however,  which  our  inquiries  have  reached, 
though  we  have  conceded  to  bank  notes  a  greater  power 
over  prices  than  is  possessed  by  bills  or  book  credits,  we 
have  not  found  reason  to  think  that  this  superior  efficacy 
has  much  share  in  producing  the  rise  of  prices  which  accom- 
panies a  period  of  speculation,  nor  consequently  that  any 
restraint  applied  to  this  one  instrument,  can  be  efficacious 
to  the  degree  which  is  often  supposed,  in  moderating  either 
that  rise,  or  the  recoil  which  follows  it.  We  shall  be  still 
less  inclined  to  think  so,  when  we  consider  that  there  is  i 
fourth  form  of  credit  transactions,  by  cheques  on  bankers, 
and  tranfers  in  a  banker's  books,  which  is  exactly  parallel 
in  every  respect  to  bank  notes,  giving  equal  facilities  to  an 
extension  of  credit,  and  capable  of  acting  on  prices  quite  as 
powerfully.  In  the  words  of  Mr.  Fullarton,*  "  there  is  not 
a  single  object  at  present  attained  through  the  agency  of 
Bank  of  England  notes,  which  might  not  be  as  effectually 
accomplished  by  each  individual  keeping  an  account  with 
the  bank,  and  transacting  all  his  payments  of  five  pounds 
and  upwards  by  cheque."  A  bank,  instead  of  lending  its 
notes  to  a  merchant  or  dealer,  might  open  an  account  with 
him,  and  credit  the  account  with  the  sum  it  had  agreed  to 
advance  :  on  an  understanding  that  he  should  not  draw  out 
that  sum  in  any  other  mode  than  by  drawing  cheques  against 
it  in  favour  of  those  to  whom  he  had  occasion  to  make  pay- 
ments. These  cheques  might  possibly  even  pass  from  hand 
to  hand  like  bank  notes  ;  more  commonly  however  the  re- 
ceiver would  pay  them  into  the  hands  of  his  own  banker, 
and  when  he  wanted  the  money,  would  draw  a  fresh  cheque 
against  it :    and  hence  an  objector  may  urge  that  as  the 

*  On  the  Regulation  of  Currencies,  p.  41. 

82  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XII.     §6. 

original  cheque  would  very  soon  be  presented  for  payment, 
when  it  must  be  paid  either  in  notes  or  in  coin,  notes  or  coin 
to  an  oqual  amount  must  be  provided  as  the  ultimate  means 
of  liquidation.  It  is  not  so,  however.  The  person  to  whom 
the  cheque  is  transferred,  may  perhaps  deal  with  the  same 
backer,  and  the  cheque  may  return  to  the  very  bank  on 
which  it  was  drawn  :  this  is  very  often  the  case  in  country 
districts  ;  if  so,  no  payment  will  be  called  for,  but  a  simple 
transfer  in  the  banker's  books  will  settle  the  transaction. 
If  the  cheque  is  paid  into  a  different  bank,  it  will  not  be 
presented  for  payment,  but  liquidated  by  set-off  against 
other  cheques  ;  and  in  a  state  of  circumstances  favourable 
to  a  general  extension  of  banking  credits,  a  banker  who  has 
granted  more  credit,  and  has  therefore  more  cheques  drawn 
on  him,  will  also  have  more  cheques  on  other  bankers  paid 
to  him,  and  will  only  have  to  provide  notes  or  cash  for  the 
payment  of  balances ;  for  which  purpose  the  ordinary  re- 
serve of  prudent  bankers,  one-third  of  their  liabilities,  will 
abundantly  suffice.  JSTow,  if  he  had  granted  the  extension 
of  credit  by  means  of  an  issue  of  his  own  notes,  he  must 
equally  have  retained,  in  coin  or  Bank  of  England  notes, 
the  usual  reserve :  so  that  he  can,  as  Mr.  Fullarton  says, 
give  every  facility  of  credit  by  what  may  be  termed  a 
cheque  circulation,  which  he  could  give  by  a  note  circu- 

This  extension  of  credit  by  entries  in  a  banker's  books, 
has  all  that  superior  efficiency  in  acting  on  prices,  which  we 
ascribed  to  an  extension  by  means  of  bank  notes.  As  a 
bank  note  of  2,01.,  paid  to  any  one,  gives  him  201.  of  pur- 
chasing-power based  on  credit,  over  and  above  whatever 
credit  he  had  of  his  own,  so  does  a  cheque  paid  to  him  do 
the  same  :  for,  although  he  may  make  no  purchase  with  the 
cheque  itself,  he  deposits  it  with  his  banker,  and  can  draw 
against  it.  As  this  act  of  drawing  a  cheque  against  another 
which  has  been  exchanged  and  cancelled,  can  be  repeated  as 
often  as  a  purchase  with  a  bank  note,  it  effects  the  same  in- 
crease of  purchasing  power.     The  original  loan,  or  credit, 


given  by  the  banker  to  his  customer,  is  potentially  multi- 
plied as  a  means  of  purchase,  in  the  hands  of  the  successive 
persons  to  whom  portions  of  the  credit  are  paid  away,  j  ust 
as  the  purchasing  power  of  a  bank  note  is  multiplied  by  the 
number  of  persons  through  whose  hands  it  passes  before  it 
is  returned  to  the  issuer. 

These  considerations  abate  very  much  from  the  impor- 
tance of  any  effect  which  can  be  produced  in  allaying  the 
vicissitudes  of  commerce,  by  so  superficial  a  contrivance  as 
the  one  so  much  relied  on  of  late,  the  restriction  of  the  issue 
of  bank  notes  by  an  artificial  rule.  An  examination  of  all 
the  consequences  of  that  restriction,  and  an  estimate  of  the 
reasons  for  and  against  it,  must  be  deferred  until  we  have 
treated  of  the  foreign  exchanges,  and  the  international 
movements  of  bullion.  At  present  we  are  only  concerned 
with  the  general  theory  of  prices,  of  which  the  different  in- 
fluence of  different  kinds  of  credit  is  an  essential  part. 

§  7.  There  has  been  a  great  amount  of  discussion  and 
argument  on  the  question  whether  several  of  these  forms  of 
credit,  and  in  particular  whether  bank  notes,  ought  to  be 
considered  as  money.  The  question  is  so  purely  verbal  as 
to  be  scarcely  worth  raising,  and  one  would  have  some 
difficulty  in  comprehending  why  so  much  importance  is  at- 
tached to  it,  if  there  were  not  some  authorities  who,  still 
adhering  to  the  doctrine  of  the  infancy  of  society  and  of 
political  economy,  that  the  quantity  of  money,  compared 
with  that  of  commodities,  determines  general  prices,  think 
it  important  to  prove  that  bank  notes  and  no  other  forms 
of  credit  are  money,  in  order  to  support  the  inference  that 
bank  notes  and  no  other  forms  of  credit  influence  prices.  It 
is  obvious,  however,  that  prices  do  not  depend  on  money, 
but  on  purchases.  Money  left  with  a  banker,  and  not  drawn 
against,  or  drawn  against  for  other  purposes  than  buying 
commodities,  has  no  effect  on  prices,  any  more  than  credit 
which  is  not  used.  Credit  which  is  used  to  purchase  com- 
modities,  affects   prices   in   the    same   manner   as   money. 

84:  BOOK  III.      CHAPTER  XII.     §7. 

Money  and  credit  are  thus  exactly  on  a  par,  in  their  effect 
on  prices ;  and  whether  we  choose  to  class  bank  notes 
with  the  one  or  the  other,  is  in  this  respect  entirely  imma- 

Since,  however,  this  question  of  nomenclature  has  been 
raised,  it  seems  desirable  that  it  should  be  answered.  The 
reason  given  for  considering  bank  notes  as  money,  is,  that 
by  law  and  usage  they  have  the  property,  in  common  with 
metallic  money,  of  finally  closing  the  transactions  in  which 
they  are  employed  ;  while  no  other  mode  of  paying  one 
debt  by  transferring  another,  has  that  privilege.  The  first 
remark  which  here  suggests  itself,  is,  that  on  this  showing, 
the  notes  at  least  of  private  banks  are  not  money ;  for  a 
creditor  cannot  be  forced  to  accept  them  in  payment  of  a 
debt.  They  certainly  close  the  transaction  if  he  does  accept 
them ;  but  so,  on  the  same  supposition,  would  a  bale  of 
cloth,  or  a  pipe  of  wine ;  which  are  not  for  that  reason  re- 
garded as  money.  It  seems  to  be  an  essential  part  of  the 
idea  of  money,  that  it  be  legal  tender.  An  inconvertible 
paper  which  is  legal  tender  is  universally  admitted  to  be 
money  ;  in  the  French  language  the  phrase  jpapier-monnaie 
actually  means  inconvertibility,  convertible  notes  being 
merely  hillets  a  porteur.  It  is  only  in  the  case  of  Bank  of 
England  notes  under  the  law  of  convertibility,  that  any 
difficulty  arises  ;  those  notes  not  being  a  legal  tender  from 
the  Bank  itself,  though  a  legal  tender  from  all  other  persons. 
Bank  of  England  notes  undoubtedly  do  close  transactions, 
so  far  as  respects  the  buyer.  When  he  has  once  paid  in 
Bank  of  England  notes,  he  can  in  no  case  be  required  to  pay 
over  again.  But  I  confess  I  cannot  see  how  the  transaction 
can  be  deemed  complete  as  regards  the  seller,  when  he  will 
only  be  found  to  have  received  the  price  of  his  commodity 
provided  the  Bank  keeps  its  promise  to  pay.  An  instru- 
ment which  would  be  deprived  of  all  value  by  the  insolv- 
ency of  a  corporation,  cannot  be  money  in  any  sense  in 
which  money  is  opposed  to  credit.  It  either  is  not  money, 
or  it  is  money  and  credit  too.     It  may  be  most  suitably 


described  as  coined  credit.     The  other  forms  of  credit  may 
be  distinguished  from  it  as  credit  in  ingots. 

§  8.  Some  high  authorities  have  claimed  for  bank 
notes,  as  compared  with  other  modes  of  credit,  a  greater 
distinction  in  respect  to  influence  on  price  than  we  have 
seen  reason  to  allow  ;  a  difference,  not  in  degree,  but  in 
kind.  They  ground  this  distinction  on  the  fact,  that  all  bills 
and  cheques,  as  well  as  all  book-debts,  are  from  the  first  in- 
tended to  be,  and  actually  are,  ultimately  liquidated  either 
in  coin  or  in  notes.  The  bank  notes  in  circulation,  jointly 
with  the  coin,  are  therefore,  according  to  these  authorities, 
the  basis  on  which  all  the  other  expedients  of  credit  rest ; 
and  in  proportion  to  the  basis  will  be  the  superstructure ; 
insomuch  that  the  quantity  of  bank  notes  determines  that 
of  all  the  other  forms  of  credit.  If  bank  notes  are  multi- 
plied, there  will,  they  seem  to  think,  be  more  bills,  more 
payments  by  cheque,  and,  I  presume,  more  book  credits  ; 
and,  by  regulating  and  limiting  the  issue  of  bank  notes,  they 
think  that  all  other  forms  of  credit  are,  by  an  indirect  con- 
sequence, brought  under  a  similar  limitation.  I  believe  I 
have  stated  the  opinion  of  these  authorities  correctly,  though 
I  have  nowhere  seen  the  grounds  of  it  set  forth  with  such 
distinctness  as  to  make  me  feel  quite  certain  that  I  under- 
stand them.  It  may  be  true,  that  according  as  there  are 
more  or  fewer  bank  notes,  there  is  also,  in  general  (though 
not  invariably),  more  or  less  of  other  descriptions  of  credit ; 
or  the  same  state  of  affairs  which  leads  to  an  increase  of 
credit  in  one  shape,  leads  to  an  increase  of  it  in  other  shapes. 
But  I  see  no  reason  for  believing  that  the  one  is  the  cause 
of  the  other.  If  indeed  we  begin  by  assuming,  as  I  suspect 
is  tacitly  done,  that  prices  are  regulated  by  coin  and  bank 
notes,  the  proposition  maintained  will  certainly  follow ;  for, 
according  as  prices  are  higher  or  lower,  the  same  purchases 
will  give  rise  to  bills,  cheques,  and  book  credits  of  a  larger 
or  a  smaller  amount.  But  the  premise  in  this  reasoning  is 
the  very  proposition  to  be  proved.     Setting  this  assumption 

86  BOOK  HI.     CHAPTER  XII.      §8. 

aside,  I  know  not  how  the  conclusion  can  be  substantiated. 
The  credit  given  to  any  one  by  those  with  whom  he  deals, 
does  not  depend  on  the  quantity  of  bank  notes  or  coin  in 
circulation  at  the  time,  but  on  their  opinion  of  his  solvency : 
if  any  consideration  of  a  more  general  character  enters  into 
their  calculation,  it  is  only  in  a  time  of  pressure  on  the  loan 
market,  when  they  are  not  certain  of  being  themselves  able 
to  obtain  the  credit  on  which  they  have  been  accustomed  to 
rely  ;  and  even  then,  what  they  look  to  is  the  general  state 
of  the  loan  market,  and  not  (preconceived  theory  apart)  the 
amount  of  bank  notes.  So  far,  as  to  the  willingness  to  give 
credit.  And  the  willingness  of  a  dealer  to  use  his  credit, 
depends  on  his  expectations  of  gain,  that  is,  on  his  opinion 
of  the  probable  future  price  of  his  commodity  ;  an  opinion 
grounded  either  on  the  rise  or  fall  already  going  on,  or  on 
his  prospective  judgment  respecting  the  supply  and  the  rate 
of  consumption.  When  a  dealer  extends  his  purchases  be- 
yond his  immediate  means  of  payment,  engaging  to  pay  at 
a  specified  time,  he  does  so  in  the  expectation  either  that 
the  transaction  will  have  terminated  favourably  before  that 
time  arrives,  or  that  he  shall  then  be  in  possession  of  suf- 
ficient funds  from  the  proceeds  of  his  other  transactions. 
The  fulfilment  of  these  expectations  depends  upon  prices, 
but  not  specially  upon  the  amount  of  bank  notes.  He  may, 
doubtless,  also  ask  himself,  in  case  he  should  be  disappointed 
in  these  expectations,  to  what  quarter  he  can  look  for  a  tem- 
porary advance,  to  enable  him,  at  the  worst,  to  keep  his  en- 
gagements. But  in  the  first  place,  this  prospective  reflection 
on  the  somewhat  more  or  less  of  difficulty  which  he  may 
have  in  tiding  over  his  embarrassments,  seems  too  slender 
an  inducement  to  be  much  of  a  restraint  in  a  period  sup- 
posed to  be  one  of  rash  adventure,  and  upon  persons  so  con- 
fident of  success  as  to  involve  themselves  beyond  their  cer- 
tain means  of  extrication.  And  further,  I  apprehend  that 
their  confidence  of  being  helped  out  in  the  event  of  ill-for- 
tune, will  mainly  depend  on  their  opinion  of  their  own  indi- 
vidual credit,  with,  perhaps,  some  consideration,  not  of  the 


quantity  of  the  currency,  but  of  the  general  state  of  the  loan 
market.  They  are  aware  that,  in  case  of  a  commercial  crisis, 
they  shall  have  difficulty  in  obtaining  advances.  But  if  they 
thought  it  likely  that  a  commercial  crisis  would  occur  be- 
fore they  had  realized,  they  would  not  speculate.  If  no 
great  contraction  of  general  credit  occurs,  they  will  feel  no 
doubt  of  obtaining  any  advances  which  they  absolutely  re- 
quire, provided  the  state  of  their  own  affairs  at  the  time 
aifords  in  the  estimation  of  lenders  a  sufficient  prospect  that 
those  advances  will  be  repaid. 



§  1.  After  experience  had  shown  that  pieces  of  paper,  of 
no  intrinsic  value,  by  merely  bearing  upon  them  the  written 
profession  of  being  equivalent  to  a  certain  number  of  francs, 
dollars,  or  pounds,  could  be  made  to  circulate  as  such,  and 
to  produce  all  the  benefit  to  the  issuers  which  could  have 
been  produced  by  the  coins  which  they  purported  to  repre- 
sent ;  governments  began  to  think  that  it  would  be  a  happy 
device  if  they  could  appropriate  to  themselves  this  benefit, 
free  from  the  condition  to  which  individuals  issuing  such 
paper  substitutes  for  money  were  subject,  of  giving,  when 
required,  for  the  sign,  the  thing  signified.  They  determined 
to  try  whether  they  could  not  emancipate  themselves  from 
this  unpleasant  obligation,  and  make  a  piece  of  paper  issued 
by  them  pass  for  a  pound,  by  merely  calling  it  a  pound,  and 
consenting  to  receive  it  in  payment  of  the  taxes.  And  such 
is  the  influence  of  almost  all  established  governments,  that 
they  have  generally  succeeded  in  attainirg  this  object :  I 
believe  I  might  say  they  have  always  succeeded  for  a  time, 
and  the  power  has  only  been  lost  to  them  after  they  had 
compromised  it  by  the  most  flagrant  abuse. 

In  the  case  supposed,  the  functions  of  money  are  per- 
formed by  a  thing  which  derives  its  power  of  performing 
them  solely  from  convention  ;  but  convention  is  quite  suffi- 
cient to  confer  the  power  ;  since  nothing  more  is  needful  to 
make  a  person  accept  anything  as  money,  and  even  at  any 
arbitrary  value,  than  the  persuasion  that  it  will  be  taken 


from  him  on  the  same  terms  by  others.  The  only  question  is, 
what  determines  the  value  of  such  a  currency  ;  since  it  can- 
not be,  as  in  the  case  of  gold  and  silver  (or  paper  exchange- 
able for  them  at  pleasure),  the  cost  of  production. 

We  have  seen,  however,  that  even  in  the  case  of  metal- 
lic currency,  the  immediate  agency  in  determining  its  value 
is  its  quantity.  If  the  quantity,  instead  of  depending  on 
the  ordinary  mercantile  motives  of  profit  and  loss,  could  be 
arbitrarily  fixed  by  authority,  the  value  would  depend  on 
the  fiat  of  that  authority,  not  on  cost  of  production.  The 
quantity  of  a  paper  currency  not  convertible  into  the  metals 
at  the  option  of  the  holder,  can  be  arbitrarily  fixed  ;  espe- 
cially if  the  issuer  is  the  sovereign  power  of  the  state.  The 
value,  therefore,  of  such  a  currency,  is  entirely  arbitrary. 

Suppose  that,  in  a  country  of  which  the  currency  is 
wholly  metallic,  a  paper  currency  is  suddenly  issued,  to  the 
amount  of  half  the  metallic  circulation  :  not  by  a  banking 
establishment,  or  in  the  form  of  loans,  but  by  the  govern- 
ment, in  payment  of  salaries  and  purchase  of  commodities. 
The  currency  being  suddenly  increased  by  one-half,  all  prices 
will  rise,  and  among  the  rest,  the  prices  of  all  things  made 
of  gold  and  silver.  An  ounce  of  manufactured  gold  will  be- 
come more  valuable  than  an  ounce  of  gold  coin,  by  more 
than  that  customary  difference  which  compensates  for  the 
value  of  the  workmanship  ;  and  it  will  be  profitable  to  melt 
the  coin  for  the  purpose  of  being  manufactured,  until  as 
much  has  been  taken  from  the  currency  by  the  subtraction 
of  gold,  as  had  been  added  to  it  by  the  issue  of  paper.  Then 
prices  will  relapse  to  what  they  were  at  first,  and  there  will 
be  nothing  changed  except  that  a  paper  currency  has  been 
substituted  for  half  of  the  metallic  currency  which  existed 
before.  Suppose,  now,  a  second  emission  of  paper ;  the 
same  series  of  effects  will  be  renewed  ;  and  so  on,  until  the 
whole  of  the  metallic  money  has  disappeared  :  that  is,  if 
paper  be  issued  of  as  low  a  denomination  as  the  lowest  coin  ; 
if  not,  as  much  will  remain,  as  convenience  requires  for  the 
smaller  payments.     The  addition  made  to  the  quantity  of 

90  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XIII.      §1. 

gold  and  silver  disposable  for  ornamental  purposes,  will 
somewhat  reduce,  for  a  time,  the  value  of  the  article ;  and 
as  long  as  this  is  the  case,  even  though  paper  has  been 
issued  to  the  original  amount  of  the  metallic  circulation,  as 
much  coin  will  remain  in  circulation  along  with  it,  as  will 
keep  the  value  of  the  currency  down  to  the  reduced  value 
of  the  metallic  material ;  but  the  value  having  fallen  below 
the  cost  of  production,  a  stoppage  or  diminution  of  the  sup- 
ply from  the  mines  will  enable  the  surplus  to  be  carried  off 
by  the  ordinary  agents  of  destruction,  after  which,  the 
metals  and  the  currency  will  recover  their  natural  value. 
We  are  here  supposing,  as  we  have  supposed  throughout, 
that  the  country  has  mines  of  its  own,  and  no  commercial 
intercourse  with  other  countries  :  for,  in  a  country  having 
foreign  trade,  the  coin  which  is  rendered  superfluous  by  an 
issue  of  paper  is  carried  off  by  a  much  prompter  method. 

Up  to  this  point,  the  effects  of  a  paper  currency  are  sub- 
stantially the  same,  whether  it  is  convertible  into  specie  or 
not.  It  is  when  the  metals  have  been  completely  super- 
seded and  driven  from  circulation,  that  the  difference  be- 
tween convertible  and  inconvertible  paper  begins  to  be 
operative.  When  the  gold  or  silver  has  all  gone  from  cir- 
culation, and  an  equal  quantity  of  paper  has  taken  its  place, 
suppose  that  a  still  further  issue  is  superadded.  The  same 
series  of  phenomena  recommences :  prices  rise,  among  the 
rest  the  prices  of  gold  and  silver  articles,  and  it  becomes  an 
object  as  before  to  procure  coin  in  order  to  convert  it  into 
bullion.  There  is  no  longer  any  coin  in  circulation  ;  but  if 
the  paper  currency  is  convertible,  coin  may  still  be  obtained 
from  the  issuers,  in  exchange  for  notes.  All  additional  notes, 
therefore,  which  are  attempted  to  be  forced  into  circulation 
after  the  metals  have  been  completely  superseded,  will  re- 
turn upon  the  issuers  in  exchange  for  coin  ;  and  they  will 
not  be  able  to  maintain  in  circulation  such  a  quantity  of 
convertible  paper,  as  to  sink  its  value  below  the  metal  which 
it  represents.  It  is  not  so,  however,  with  an  inconvertible 
currency.     To  the  increase  of  that  (if  permitted  by  law) 


there  is  no  check.  The  issuers  may  add  to  it  indefinitely, 
lowering  its  value  and  raising  prices  in  proportion  ;  they 
may,  in  other  words,  depreciate  the  currency  without  limit. 
Such  a  power,  in  whomsoever  vested,  is  an  intolerable 
evil.  All  variations  in  the  value  of  the  circulating  medium 
are  mischievous  :  they  disturb  existing  contracts  and  expec- 
tations, and  the  liability  to  such  changes  renders  every 
pecuniary  engagement  of  long  date  entirely  precarious. 
The  person  who  buys  for  himself,  or  gives  to  another,  an 
annuity  of  100?.,  does  not  know  whether  it  will  be  equiva- 
lent to  200Z.  or  to  501.  a  few  years  hence.  Great  as  this 
evil  would  be  if  it  depended  only  on  accident,  it  is  still 
greater  when  placed  at  the  arbitrary  disposal  of  an  individ- 
ual or  a  body  of  individuals ;  who  may  have  any  kind  or 
degree  of  interest  to  be  served  by  an  artificial  fluctuation  in 
fortunes ;  and  who  have  at  any  rate  a  strong  interest  in 
issuing  as  much  as  possible,  each  issue  being  in  itself  a 
source  of  profit.  Not  to  add,  that  the  issuers  may  have, 
and  in  the  case  of  a  government  paper,  always  have,  a 
direct  interest  in  lowering  the  value  of  the  currency,  because 
it  is  the  medium  in  which  their  own  debts  are  computed. 

§  2.  In  order  that  the  value  of  the  currency  may  be 
secure  from  being  altered  by  design,  and  may  be  as  little  as 
possible  liable  to  fluctuation  from  accident,  the  articles  least 
liable  of  all  known  commodities  to  vary  in  their  value,  the 
precious  metals,  have  been  made  in  all  civilized  countries 
the  standard  of  value  for  the  circulating  medium ;  and  no 
paper  currency  ought  to  exist  of  which  the  value  cannot  be 
made  to  conform  to  theirs.  Nor  has  this  fundamental 
maxim  ever  been  entirely  lost  sight  of,  even  by  the  govern- 
ments which  have  most  abused  the  power  of  creating  incon- 
vertible paper.  If  they  have  not  (as  they  generally  have) 
professed  an  intention  of  paying  in  specie  at  some  indefinite 
future  time,  they  have  at  least,  by  giving  to  their  paper 
issues  the  names  of  their  coins,  made  a  virtual,  though  gen- 
erally a  false,  profession  of  intending  to  keep  them  at  a 

92  BOOK   III.      CHAPTER   XIII.      §2. 

value  corresponding  to  that  of  the  coins.  This  is  not  im- 
practicable, even  with  an  inconvertible  paper.  There  is  not 
indeed  the  self-acting  check  which  convertibility  brings 
with  it.  But  there  is  a  clear  and  unequivocal  indication  by 
which  to  judge  whether  the  currency  is  depreciated,  and  to 
what  extent.  That  indication  is,  the  price  of  the  precious 
metals.  "When  holders  of  paper  cannot  demand  coin  to  be 
converted  into  bullion,  and  when  there  is  none  left  in  circu- 
lation, bullion  rises  and  falls  in  price  like  other  things  ;  and 
if  it  is  above  the  mint  price,  if  an  ounce  of  gold,  which 
would  be  coined  into  the  equivalent  of  SI.  17s.  10^d.,  is  sold 
for  41.  or  51.  in  paper,  the  value  of  the  currency  has  sunk 
just  that  much  below  what  the  value  of  a  metallic  currency 
would  be.  If,  therefore,  the  issue  of  inconvertible  paper 
were  subjected  to  strict  rules,  one  rule  being  that  whenever 
bullion  rose  above  the  mint  price,  the  issues  should  be  con- 
tracted until  the  market  price  of  bullion  and  the  mint  price 
were  again  in  accordance,  such  a  currency  would  not  be 
subject  to  any  of  the  evils  usually  deemed  inherent  in  an 
inconvertible  paper. 

But  also  such  a  system  of  currency  would  have  no  ad- 
vantages sufficient  to  recommend  it  to  adoption.  An  incon- 
vertible currency,  regulated  by  the  price  of  bullion,  would 
conform  exactly,  in  all  its  variations,  to  a  convertible  one ; 
and  the  only  advantage  gained,  would  be  that  of  exemption 
from  the  necessity  of  keeping  any  reserve  of  the  precious 
metals  ;  which  is  not  a  very  important  consideration,  espe- 
cially as  a  government,  so  long  as  its  good  faith  is  not  sus- 
pected, needs  not  keep  so  large  a  reserve  as  private  issuers, 
being  not  so  liable  to  great  and  sudden  demands,  since  there 
never  can  be  any  real  doubt  of  its  solvency.  Against  this 
small  advantage  is  to  be  set,  in  the  first  place,  the  possibility 
of  fraudulent  tampering  with  the  price  of  bullion  for  the  sake 
of  acting  on  the  currency ;  in  the  manner  of  the  fictitious 
sales  of  corn,  to  influence  the  averages,  so  much  and  so  justly 
complained  of  while  the  corn  laws  were  in  force.  But  a 
still  stronger  consideration  is  the  importance  of  adhering  to 


a  simple  principle,  intelligible  to  the  most  untaught  capacity. 
Everybody  can  understand  convertibility  ;  every  one  sees 
that  what  can  be  at  any  moment  exchanged  for  five  pounds, 
is  worth  five  pounds.  Regulation  by  the  price  of  bullion  is 
a  more  complex  idea,  and  does  not  recommend  itself  through 
the  same  familiar  associations.  There  would  be  nothing  like 
the  same  confidence,  by  the  public  generally,  in  an  incon- 
vertible currency  so  regulated,  as  in  a  convertible  one  :  and 
the  most  instructed  person  might  reasonably  doubt  whether 
such  a  rule  would  be  as  likely  to  be  inflexibly  adhered  to. 
The  grounds  of  the  rule  not  being  so  well  understood  by  the 
public,  opinion  would  probably  not  enforce  it  with  as  much 
rigidity,  and,  in  any  circumstances  of  difficulty,  would  be 
likely  to  turn  against  it ;  while  to  the  government  itself  a 
suspension  of  convertibility  would  appear  a  much  stronger 
and  more  extreme  measure,  than  a  relaxation  of  what  might 
possibly  be  considered  a  somewhat  artificial  rule.  There  is 
therefore  a  great  preponderance  of  reasons  in  favour  of  a 
convertible,  in  preference  to  even  the  best  regulated  incon- 
vertible currency.  The  temptation  to  over-issue,  in  certain 
financial  emergencies,  is  so  strong,  that  nothing  is  admissible 
which  can  tend,  in  however  slight  a  degree,  to  weaken  the 
barriers  that  restrain  it. 

§  3.  Although  no  doctrine  in  political  economy  rests  on 
more  obvious  grounds  than  the  mischief  of  a  paper  currency 
not  maintained  at  the  same  value  with  a  metallic,  either  by 
convertibility,  or  by  some  principle  of  limitation  equivalent 
to  it ;  and  although,  accordingly,  this  doctrine  has,  though 
not  till  after  the  discussions  of  many  years,  been  tolerably 
effectually  drummed  into  the  public  mind  ;  yet  dissentients 
are  still  numerous,  and  projectors  every  now  and  then  start 
up,  with  plans  for  curing  all  the  economical  evils  of  society 
by  means  of  an  unlimited  issue  of  inconvertible  paper. 
There  is,  in  truth,  a  great  charm  in  the  idea.  To  be  able  to 
pay  off  the  national  debt,  defray  the  expenses  of  government 
without  taxation,  and  in  fine,  to  make  the  fortunes  of  the 

94  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XIII.     §  3. 

whole  community,  is  a  brilliant  prospect,  when  once  a  man 
is  capable  of  believing  that  printing  a  few  characters  on  bits 
of  paper  will  do  it.  The  philosopher's  stone  could  not  be 
expected  to  do  more. 

As  these  projects,  however  often  slain,  always  resusci- 
tate, it  is  not  superfluous  to  examine  one  or  two  of  the  fal- 
lacies by  which  the  schemers  impose  upon  themselves.  One 
of  the  commonest  is,  that  a  paper  currency  cannot  be  issued 
in  excess  so  long  as  every  note  issued  represents  property, 
or  has  a  foundation  of  actual  property  to  rest  on.  These 
phrases,  of  representing  and  resting,  seldom  convey  any  dis- 
tinct or  well-defined  idea :  when  they  do,  their  meaning  is 
no  more  than  this — that  the  issuers  of  the  paper  must  have 
property,  either  of  their  own,  or  entrusted  to  them,  to  the 
value  of  all  the  notes  they  issue  ;  though  for  what  purpose 
does  not  very  clearly  appear ;  for  if  the  property  cannot  be 
claimed  in  exchange  for  the  notes,  it  is  difficult  to  divine  in 
what  manner  its  mere  existence  can  serve  to  uphold  their 
value.  I  presume,  however,  it  is  intended  as  a  guarantee 
that  the  holders  would  be  finally  reimbursed,  in  case  any 
untoward  event  should  cause  the  whole  concern  to  be  wound 
up.  On  this  theory  there  have  been  many  schemes  for 
"  coining  the  whole  land  of  the  country  into  money  "  and 
the  like. 

In  so  far  as  this  notion  has  any  connexion  at  all  with 
reason,  it  seems  to  originate  in  confounding  two  entirely  dis- 
tinct evils,  to  which  a  paper  currency  is  liable.  One  is,  the 
insolvency  of  the  issuers  ;  which,  if  the  paper  is  grounded 
on  their  credit — if  it  makes  any  promise  of  payment  in  cash, 
either  on  demand  or  at  any  future  time — of  course  deprives 
the  paper  of  any  value  which  it  derives  from  the  promise. 
To  this  evil  paper  credit  is  equally  liable,  however  mode- 
rately used  ;  and  against  it,  a  proviso  that  all  issues  should 
be  "  founded  on  property,"  as  for  instance  that  notes  should 
only  be  issued  on  the  security  of  some  valuable  thing  ex- 
pressly pledged  for  their  redemption,  would  really  be  effica- 
cious as  a  precaution.     But  the  theory  takes  no  account  of 


another  evil,  which  is  incident  to  the  notes  of  the  most 
solvent  firm,  company,  or  government :  that  of  being  depre- 
ciated in  value  from  being  issued  in  excessive  quantity. 
The  assignats,  during  the  French  Revolution,  were  an 
example  of  a  currency  grounded  on  these  principles.  Th« 
assignats  "  represented "  an  immense  amount  of  highly 
valuable  property,  namely  the  lands  of  the  crown,  the 
church,  the  monasteries,  and  the  emigrants ;  amounting 
possibly  to  half  the  territory  of  France.  They  were  in 
fact,  orders  or  assignments  on  this  mass  of  land.  The  revo- 
lutionary government  had  the  idea  of  "  coining ;'  these  lands 
into  money  ;  but,  to  do  them  justice,  they  did  not  originally 
contemplate  the  immense  multiplication  of  issues  to  which 
they  were  eventually  driven  by  the  failure  of  all  other  finan- 
cial resources.  They  imagined  that  the  assignats  would  come 
rapidly  back  to  the  issuers  in  exchange  for  land,  and  that 
they  should  be  able  to  reissue  them  continually  until  the 
lands  were  all  disposed  of,  without  having  at  any  time  more 
than  a  very  moderate  quantity  in  circulation.  Their  hope 
was  frustrated  :  the  land  did  not  sell  so  quickly  as  they  ex- 
pected ;  buyers  were  not  inclined  to  invest  their  money  in 
possessions  which  were  likely  to  be  resumed  without  com- 
pensation if  the  Revolution  succumbed :  the  bits  of  paper 
which  represented  land,  becoming  prodigiously  multiplied, 
could  no  more  keep  up  their  value  than  the  land  itself 
would  have  done  if  it  had  all  been  brought  to  market  at 
once  :  and  the  result  was  that  it  at  last  required  an  assignat 
of  five  hundred  francs  to  pay  for  a  cup  of  coffee. 

The  example  of  the  assignats  has  been  said  not  to  be 
conclusive,  because  an  assignat  only  represented  land  in 
general,  but  not  a  definite  quantity  of  land.  To  have  pre- 
vented their  depreciation,  the  proper  course,  it  is  affirmed, 
would  have  been  to  have  made  a  valuation  of  all  the  confis- 
cated property  at  its  metallic  value,  and  to  have  issued  as- 
signats up  to,  but  not  beyond,  that  limit ;  giving  to  the 
holders  a  right  to  demand  any  piece  of  land,  at  its  regis- 
tered  valuation,  in   exchange   for   assignats  to   the   same 

96  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XIII.     §4. 

amount.  There  can  be  no  question  about  the  superiority  of 
this  plan  over  the  one  actually  adopted.  Had  this  course 
been  followed,  the  assignats  could  never  have  been  depreci- 
ated to  the  inordinate  degree  they  were ;  for — as  they  would 
have  retained  all  their  purchasing  power  in  relation  to  land, 
however  much  they  might  have  fallen  in  respect  to  other 
things — before  they  had  lost  very  much  of  their  market 
value,  they  would  probably  have  been  brought  in  to  be  ex- 
changed for  land.  It  must  be  remembered,  however,  that 
their  not  being  depreciated  would  presuppose  that  no  greater 
number  of  them  continued  in  circulation  than  would  have 
circulated  if  they  had  been  convertible  into  cash.  However 
convenient,  therefore,  in  a  time  of  revolution,  this  currency 
convertible  into  land  on  demand  might  have  been,  as  a  con- 
trivance for  selling  rapidly  a  great  quantity  of  land  with  the 
least  possible  sacrifice  ;  it  is  difficult  to  see  what  advantage 
it  would  have,  as  the  permanent  system  of  a  country,  over 
a  currency  convertible  into  coin  :  while  it  is  not  at  all  diffi- 
cult to  see  what  would  be  its  disadvantages  ;  since  land  is  far 
more  variable  in  value  than  gold  and  silver ;  and  besides, 
land,  to  most  persons,  being  rather  an  incumbrance  than  a 
desirable  possession,  except  to  be  converted  into  money, 
people  would  submit  to  a  much  greater  depreciation  before 
demanding  land,  than  they  will  before  demanding  gold  or 

§  4.     Another  of  the  fallacies  from  which  the  advocates 
of  an  inconvertible  currency  derive  support,  is  the  Viotion 

*  Among  the  schemes  of  currency  to  which,  strange  to  say,  intelligent 
writers  have  been  found  to  give  their  sanction,  one  is  as  follows :  that  the  state 
should  receive  in  pledge  or  mortgage,  any  kind  or  amount  of  property,  such  a? 
land,  stock,  &c,  and  should  advance  to  the  owners  inconvertible  paper  money 
to  the  estimated  value.  Such  a  currency  would  not  even  have  the  recommenda- 
tions of  the  imaginary  assignats  supposed  in  the  text ;  since  those  into  whose 
hands  the  notes  were  paid  by  the  persons  who  received  them,  could  not  return 
them  to  the  Government,  and  demand  in  exchange  land  or  stock  which  was  only 
pledged,  not  alienated.  There  would  be  no  reflux  of  such  assignats  as  these, 
and  their  depreciation  would  be  indefinite. 


that  an  increase  of  the  currency  quickens  industry.  This 
idea  was  set  afloat  by  Hume,  in  his  Essay  on  Money,  and 
has  had  many  devoted  adherents  since ;  witness  the  Bir- 
mingham currency  school,  of  whom  Mr.  Attwood  was  at 
one  time  the  most  conspicuous  representative.  Mr.  Att- 
wood maintained  that  a  rise  of  prices  produced  by  an  in- 
crease of  paper  currency,  stimulates  every  producer  to  his 
utmost  exertions,  and  brings  all  the  capital  and  labour  of 
the  country  into  complete  employment ;  and  that  this  has 
invariably  happened  in  all  periods  of  rising  prices,  when 
the  rise  was  on  a  sufficiently  great  scale.  I  presume,  how- 
ever, that  the  inducement  which,  according  to  Mr.  Attwood, 
excited  this  unusual  ardour  in  all  persons  engaged  in  pro- 
duction, must  have  been  the  expectation  of  getting  more  of 
commodities  generally,  more  real  wealth,  in  exchange  for 
the  produce  of  their  labour,  and  not  merely  more  pieces  of 
paper.  This  expectation,  however,  must  have  been,  by  the 
very  terms  of  the  supposition,  disappointed,  since,  all  prices 
being  supposed  to  rise  equally,  no  one  was  really  better 
paid  for  his  goods  than  before.  Those  who  agree  with  Mr. 
Attwood  could  only  succeed  in  winning  people  on  to  these 
unwonted  exertions,  by  a  prolongation  of  what  would  in 
fact  be  a  delusion  ;  contriving  matters  so,  that  by  a  progres- 
sive rise  of  money  prices,  every  producer  shall  always  seem 
to  be  in  the  very  act  of  obtaining  an  increased  remuneration 
which  he  never,  in  reality,  does  obtain.  It  is  unnecessary 
to  advert  to  any  other  of  the  objections  to  this  plan,  than 
that  of  its  total  impracticability.  It  calculates  on  finding 
the  whole  world  persisting  for  ever  in  the  belief  that  more 
pieces  of  paper  are  more  riches,  and  never  discovering  that, 
with  all  their  paper,  they  cannot  buy  more  of  anything  than 
they  could  before.  ISTo  such  mistake  was  made  during  any 
of  the  periods  of  high  prices,  on  the  experience  of  which  this 
school  lays  so  much  stress.  At  the  periods  which  Mr.  Att- 
wood mistook  for  times  of  prosperity,  and  which  were  sim- 
ply (as  all  periods  of  high  prices,  under  a  convertible  cur- 
rency, must  be)  times  of  speculation,  the  speculators  did  not 

98  BOOK  IE.     CHAPTER  XIII.     §4. 

think  they  were  growing  rich  because  the  high  prices 
would  last,  but  because  they  would  not  last,  and  because 
whoever  contrived  to  realize  while  they  did  last,  would  find 
himself,  after  the  recoil,  in  possession  of  a  greater  number 
of  pounds  sterling,  without  their  having  become  of  less 
value.  If,  at  the  close  of  the  speculation,  an  issue  of  paper 
had  been  made,  sufficient  to  keep  prices  up  to  the  point 
which  they  attained  when  at  the  highest,  no  one  would  have 
been  more  disappointed  than  the  speculators  ;  since  the  gain 
which  they  thought  to  have  reaped  by  realizing  in  time  (at 
the  expense  of  their  competitors,  who  bought  when  they 
sold,  and  had  to  sell  after  the  revulsion)  would  have  faded 
away  in  their  hands,  and  instead  of  it  they  would  have  got 
nothing  except  a  few  more  paper  tickets  to  count  by. 

Hume's  version  of  the  doctrine  differed  in  a  slight  de- 
gree from  Mr.  Attwood's.  He  thought  that  all  commodities 
would  not  rise  in  price  simultaneously,  and  that  some  per- 
sons therefore  would  obtain  a  real  gain,  by  getting  more 
money  for  what  they  had  to  sell,  while  the  things  which 
they  wished  to  buy  might  not  yet  have  risen.  And  those 
who  would  reap  this  gain  would  always  be  (he  seems  to 
think)  the  first  comers.  It  seems  obvious,  however,  that 
for  every  person  who  thus  gains  more  than  usual,  there  is 
necessarily  some  other  person  who  gains  less.  The  loser,  if 
things  took  place  as  Hume  supposes,  would  be  the  seller  of 
the  commodities  which  are  slowest  to  rise ;  who,  by  the  sup- 
position, parts  with  his  goods  at  the  old  prices,  to  purchasers 
who  have  already  benefited  by  the  new.  This  seller  has 
obtained  for  his  commodity  only  the  accustomed  quantity 
of  money,  while  there  are  already  some  things  of  which 
that  money  will  no  longer  purchase  as  much  as  before.  If, 
therefore,  he  knows  what  is  going  on,  he  will  raise  his  price, 
and  then  the  buyer  will  not  have  the  gain,  which  is  sup- 
posed to  stimulate  his  industry.  But  if,  on  the  contrary, 
the  seller  does  not  know  the  state  of  the  case,  and  only  dis- 
covers it  when  he  finds,  in  laying  his  money  out,  that  it 
does  not  go  so  far,  he  then  obtains  less  than  the  ordinary 


remuneration  for  his  labour  and  capital ;  and  if  the  other 
dealer's  industry  is  encouraged,  it  should  seem  that  his 
must,  from  the  opposite  cause,  be  impaired. 

§  5.  There  is  no  way  in  which  a  general  and  perma- 
nent rise  of  prices,  or  in  other  words,  depreciation  of  money, 
can  benefit  anybody,  except  at  the  expense  of  somebody 
else.  The  substitution  of  paper  for  metallic  currency  is  a 
national  gain  :  any  further  increase  of  paper  beyond  this  is 
but  a  form  of  robbery. 

An  issue  of  notes  is  a  manifest  gain  to  the  issuers,  who, 
until  the  notes  are  returned  for  payment,  obtain  the  use  of 
them  as  if  they  were  a  real  capital :  and  so  long  as  the  notes 
are  no  permanent  addition  to  the  currency,  but  merely  su- 
persede gold  or  silver  to  the  same  amount,  the  gain  of  the 
issuer  is  a  loss  to  no  one ;  it  is  obtained  by  saving  to  the 
community  the  expense  of  the  more  costly  material.  But 
if  there  is  no  gold  or  silver  to  be  superseded — if  the  notes 
are  added  to  the  currency,  instead  of  being  substituted  for 
the  metallic  part  of  it — all  holders  of  currency  lose,  by  the 
depreciation  of  its  value,  the  exact  equivalent  of  what  the 
issuer  gains.  A  tax  is  virtually  levied  on  them  for  his  ben- 
efit. It  will  be  objected  by  some,  that  gains  are  also  made 
by  the  producers  and  dealers  who,  by  means  of  the  in- 
creased issue,  are  accommodated  with  loans.  Theirs,  how- 
ever, is  not  an  additional  gain,  but  a  portion  of  that  which 
is  reaped  by  the  issuer  at  the  expense  of  all  possessors  of 
money.  The  profits  arising  from  the  contribution  levied 
upon  the  public,  he  does  not  keep  to  himself,  but  divides 
with  his  customers. 

But  besides  the  benefit  reaped  by  the  issuers,  or  by 
others  through  them,  at  the  expense  of  the  public  generally, 
there  is  another  unjust  gain  obtained  by  a  larger  class, 
namely  by  those  who  are  under  fixed  pecuniary  obligations. 
All  such  persons  are  freed,  by  a  depreciation  of  the  curren- 
cy, from  a  portion  of  the  burthen  of  their  debts  or  other  en- 
gagements :  in  other  words,  part  of  the  property  of  their 

100  BOOK   III.      CHAPTER   XIII.      §6. 

creditors  is  gratuitously  transferred  to  them.  On  a  super- 
ficial  view  it  may  be  imagined  that  this  is  an  advantage  to 
industry  ;  since  the  productive  classes  are  great  borrowers, 
and  generally  owe  larger  debts  to  the  unproductive  (if  we 
include  among  the  latter  all  persons  not  actually  in  busi- 
ness) than  the  unproductive  classes  owe  to  them  ;  especially 
if  the  national  debt  be  included.  It  is  only  thus  that  a  gen- 
eral rise  of  prices  can  be  a  source  of  benefit  to  producers 
and  dealers  ;  by  diminishing  the  pressure  of  their  fixed  bur- 
thens. And  this  might  be  accounted  an  advantage,  if  in- 
tegrity and  good  faith  were  of  no  importance  to  the  world, 
and  to  industry  and  commerce  in  particular.  Not  many, 
however,  have  been  found  to  say  that  the  currency  ought  to 
be  depreciated  on  the  simple  ground  of  its  being  desirable 
to  rob  the  national  creditor  and  private  creditors  of  a  part 
of  what  is  in  their  bond.  The  schemes  which  have  tended 
that  way  have  almost  always  had  some  appearance  of  spe- 
cial and  circumstantial  justification,  such  as  the  necessity  of 
compensating  for  a  prior  injustice  committed  in  the  contrary 

§  6.  Thus  in  England,  for  many  years  subsequent  to 
1819,  it  was  pertinaciously  contended,  that  a  large  portion 
of  the  national  debt,  and  a  multitude  of  private  debts  still 
in  existence,  were  contracted  between  1797  and  1819,  when 
the  Bank  of  England  was  exempted  from  giving  cash  for 
its  notes  ;  and  that  it  is  grossly  unjust  to  borrowers  (that  is, 
in  the  case  of  the  national  debt,  to  all  tax-payers)  that  they 
should  be  paying  interest  on  the  same  nominal  sums  in  a 
currency  of  full  value,  which  were  borrowed  in  a  depreciated 
one.  The  depreciation,  according  to  the  views  and  objects 
of  the  particular  writer,  was  represented  to  have  averaged 
thirty,  fifty,  or  even  more  than  fifty  per  cent :  and  the  con- 
clusion was,  that  either  we  ought  to  return  to  this  depreci- 
ated currency,  or  to  strike  off  from  the  national  debt,  and 
from  mortgages  or  other  private  debts  of  old  standing,  a 
percentage  corresponding  to  the  estimated  amount  of  the 


To  this  doctrine,  the  following  was  the  answer  usually 
made.  Granting  that,  by  returning  to  cash  payments  with- 
out lowering  the  standard,  an  injustice  was  done  to  debtors, 
in  holding  them  liable  for  the  same  amount  of  a  currency 
enhanced  in  value,  which  they  had  borrowed  while  it  was 
depreciated  ;  it  is  now  too  late  to  make  reparation  for  this 
injury.  The  debtors  and  creditors  of  to-day  are  not  the 
debtors  and  creditors  of  1819  :  the  lapse  of  years  has  entire- 
jy  altered  the  pecuniary  relations  of  the  community  ;  and  it 
being  impossible  now  to  ascertain  the  particular  persons 
who  were  either  benefited  or  injured,  to  attempt  to  retrace 
our  steps  would  be  not  redressing  a  wrong,  but  superadding 
a  second  act  of  wide-spread  injustice  to  the  one  already 
committed.  This  argument  is  certainly  conclusive  on  the 
practical  question  ;  but  it  places  the  honest  conclusion  on 
too  narrow  and  too  low  a  ground.  It  concedes  that  the 
measure  of  1819,  called  Peel's  Bill,  by  which  cash  payments 
were  resumed  at  the  original  standard  of  31.  17s.  10%d.,  was 
really  the  injustice  it  was  said  to  be.  This  is  an  admission 
wholly  opposed  to  the  truth.  Parliament  had  no  alterna- 
tive ;  it  was  absolutely  bound  to  adhere  to  the  acknowl- 
edged standard  ;  as  may  be  shown  on  three  distinct  grounds, 
two  of  fact,  and  one  of  principle. 

The  reasons  of  fact  are  these.  In  the  first  place,  it  is  not 
true  that  the  debts,  private  or  public,  incurred  during  the 
Bank  restriction,  were  contracted  in  a  currency  of  lower 
value  than  that  in  which  the  interest  is  now  paid.  It  is  in- 
deed true  that  the  suspension  of  the  obligation  to  pay  in 
specie,  did  put  it  in  the  power  of  the  Bank  to  depreciate  the 
currency.  It  is  true  also  that  the  Bank  really  exercised 
that  power,  though  to  a  far  less  extent  than  is  often  pre- 
tended ;  since  the  difference  between  the  market  price  of 
gold  and  the  .mint  valuation,  during  the  greater  part  of  the 
interval,  was  very  trifling,  and  when  it  was  greatest,  during 
the  last  five  years  of  the  war,  did  not  much  exceed  thirty 
per  cent.  To  the  extent  of  that  difference,  the  currency 
was  depreciated,  that  is,  its  value  was  below  that  of  the 

102  BOOK  III.      CHAPTER  XIII.      §6. 

standard  to  which  it  professed  to  adhere.  But  the  state  of 
Europe  at  that  time  was  such — there  was  so  unusual  an 
absorption  of  the  precious  metals,  by  hoarding,  and  in  the 
military  chests  of  the  vast  armies  which  then  desolated  the 
Continent,  that  the  value  of  the  standard  itself  was  very 
considerably  raised  :  and  the  best  authorities,  among  whom 
it  is  sufficient  to  name  Mr.  Tooke,  have,  after  an  elaborate 
investigation,  satisfied  themselves  that  the  difference  be- 
tween paper  and  bullion  was  not  greater  than  the  enhance- 
ment in  value  of  gold  itself,  and  that  the  paper,  though  de- 
preciated relatively  to  the  then  value  of  gold,  did  not  sink 
below  the  ordinary  value  at  other  times,  either  of  gold  or  of 
a  convertible  paper.  If  this  be  true  (and  the  evidences  of 
the  fact  are  conclusively  stated  in  Mr.  Tooke' s  History  of 
Prices)  the  foundation  of  the  whole  case  against  the  fund- 
holder  and  other  creditors  on  the  ground  of  depreciation  is 

But,  secondly,  even  if  the  currency  had  really  been  low 
ered  in  value  at  each  period  of  the  Bank  restriction,  in  the 
same  degree  in  which  it  was  depreciated  in  relation  to  its 
standard,  we  must  remember  that  a  part  only  of  the  na- 
tional debt,  or  of  other  permanent  engagements,  was  in- 
curred during  the  Bank  restriction.  A  large  part  had  been 
contracted  before  1797 ;  a  still  larger  during  the  early 
years  of  the  restriction,  when  the  difference  between  paper 
and  gold  was  yet  small.  To  the  holders  of  the  former  part, 
an  injury  was  done,  by  paying  the  interest  for  twenty-two 
years  in  a  depreciated  currency  :  those  of  the  second,  suf- 
fered an  injury  during  the  years  in  which  the  interest  was 
paid  in  a  currency  more  depreciated  than  that  in  which  the 
loans  were  contracted.  To  have  resumed  cash  payments  at 
a  lower  standard  would  have  been  to  perpetuate  the  injury 
to  these  two  classes  of  creditors,  in  order  to  avoid  giving  an 
undue  benefit  to  a  third  class,  who  had  lent  their  money 
during  the  few  years  of  greatest  depreciation.  As  it  is,  there 
was  an  underpayment  to  one  set  of  persons,  and  an  overpay- 
ment to  another.     The  late  Mr.  Mushet  took  the  trouble  to 


make  an  arithmetical  comparison  between  the  two  amounts. 
He  ascertained  by  calculation,  that  if  an  account  had  been 
made  out  in  1819,  of  what  the  fundholders  had  gained  and 
lost  by  the  variation  of  the  paper  currency  from  its  stand- 
ard, they  would  have  been  found  as  a  body  to  have  been 
losers ;  so  that  if  any  compensation  was  due  on  the  ground 
of  depreciation,  it  would  not  be  from  the  fundholders  col- 
lectively, but  to  them. 

Thus  it  is  with  the  facts  of  the  case.  But  these  reasons 
of  fact  are  not  the  strongest.  There  is  a  reason  of  prin- 
ciple, still  more  powerful.  Suppose  that,  not  a  part  of  the 
debt  merely,  but  the  whole,  had  been  contracted  in  a  depre- 
ciated currency,  depreciated  not  only  in  comparison  with  its 
standard,  but  with  its  own  value  before  and  after  ;  and  that 
we  were  now  paying  the  interest  of  this  debt  in  a  currency 
fifty  or  even  a  hundred  per  cent  more  valuable  than  that 
in  which  it  was  contracted.  What  difference  would  this 
make  in  the  obligation  of  paying  it,  if  the  condition  that  it 
should  be  so  paid  was  part  of  the  original  compact  ?  Now 
this  is  not  only  truth,  but  less  than  the  truth.  The  compact 
stipulated  better  terms  for  the  fundholder  than  he  has  re- 
ceived. During  the  whole  continuance  of  the  Bank  restric- 
tion, there  was  a  parliamentary  pledge,  by  which  the  legisla- 
ture was  as  much  bound  as  any  legislature  is  capable  of 
binding  itself,  that  cash  payments  should  be  resumed  on  the 
original  footing,  at  farthest  in  six  months  after  the  conclu- 
sion of  a  general  peace.  This  was  therefore  an  actual  con- 
dition of  every  loan  ;  and  the  terms  of  the  loan  were  more 
favourable  in  consideration  of  it.  Without  some  such  stipu- 
lation, the  Government  could  not  have  expected  to  borrow 
unless  on  the  terms  on  which  loans  are  made  to  the  native 
princes  of  India.  If  it  had  been  understood  and  avowed 
that,  after  borrowing  the  money,  the  standard  at  which  it 
was  computed  might  be  permanently  lowered,  to  any  extent 
which  to  the  "  collective  wisdom  "  of  a  legislature  of  bor- 
rowers might  seem  fit — who  can  say  what  rate  of  interest 
would  have  been  a  sufficient  inducement  to  persons  of  com- 

104  BOOK   III.      CHAPTER  XIII.     §6. 

mon  sense  to  risk  their  savings  in  such  an  adventure  ?  How- 
ever much  the  fundholders  had  gained  by  the  resumption 
of  cash  payments,  the  terms  of  the  contract  insured  their 
giving  ample  value  for  it.  They  gave  value  for  more  than 
they  received;  since  cash  payments  were  not  resumed  in 
six  months,  but  in  as  many  years,  after  the  peace.  So  that 
waiving  all  our  arguments  except  the  last,  and  conceding  all 
the  facts  asserted  on  the  other  side  of  the  question,  the  fund- 
holders,  instead  of  being  unduly  benefited,  are  the  injured 
party ;  and  would  have  a  claim  of  compensation,  if  such 
claims  were  not  very  properly  barred  by  the  impossibility 
of  adjudication,  and  by  the  salutary  general  maxim  of  law 
and  policy  "  quod  interest  reipublicse.  ut  sit  finis  litium." 



§  1.  After  the  elementary  exposition  of  the  theory  of 
money  contained  in  the  last  few  chapters,  we  shall  return  to 
a  question  in  the  general  theory  of  Value,  which  could  not 
be  satisfactorily  discussed  until  the  nature  and  operations 
of  Money  were  in  some  measure  understood,  because  the 
errors  against  which  we  have  to  contend  mainly  originate 
in  a  misunderstanding  of  those  operations. 

We  have  seen  that  the  value  of  everything  gravitates 
towards  a  certain  medium  point  (which  has  been  called  the 
Natural  Value),  namely,  that  at  which  it  exchanges  for 
every  other  thing  in  the  ratio  of  their  cost  of  production. 
We  have  seen,  too,  that  the  actual  or  market  value  coin- 
cides, or  nearly  so,  with  the  natural  value,  only  on  an  ave- 
rage of  years  ;  and  is  continually  either  rising  above,  or 
falling  below  it,  from  alterations  in  the  demand,  or  casual 
fluctuations  in  the  supply  :  but  that  these  variations  correct 
themselves,  through  the  tendency  of  the  supply  to  accom- 
modate itself  to  the  demand  which  exists  for  the  commodity 
at  its  natural  value.  A  general  convergence  thus  results 
from  the  balance  of  opposite  divergences.  Dearth,  or  scarci- 
ty, on  the  one  hand,  and  over-supply,  or,  in  mercantile  lan- 
guage, glut,  on  the  other,  are  incident  to  all  commodities. 
In  the  first  case,  the  commodity  affords  to  the  producers  or 
sellers,  while  the  deficiency  lasts,  an  unusually  high  rate  of 
profit :  in  the  second,  the  supply  being  in  excess  of  that  for 
which  a  demand  exists  at  such  a  value  as  will  afford  the 

106  BOOK   III.      CHAPTER  XIV.     §]. 

ordinary  profit,  the  sellers  must  be  content  with  less,  and 
must,  in  extreme  cases,  submit  to  a  loss. 

Because  this  phenomenon  of  over-supply,  and  consequent 
inconvenience  or  loss  to  the  producer  or  dealer,  may  exist  in 
the  case  of  any  one  commodity  whatever,  many  persons,  in- 
cluding some  distinguished  political  economists,  have  thought 
that  it  may  exist  with  regard  to  all  commodities ;  that  there 
may  be  a  general  over-production  of  wealth ;  a  supply  of 
commodities  in  the  aggregate,  surpassing  the  demand  ;  and 
a  consequent  depressed  condition  of  all  classes  of  producers. 
Against  this  doctrine,  of  which  Mr.  Malthus  and  Dr.  Chal- 
mers in  this  country,  and  M.  de  Sismondi  on  the  Continent, 
were  the  chief  apostles,  I  have  already  contended  in  the 
First  Book  ;  *  but  it  was  not  possible,  in  that  stage  of  our 
inquiry,  to  enter  into  a  complete  examination  of  an  error 
(as  I  conceive)  essentially  grounded  on  a  misunderstanding 
of  the  phenomena  of  Value  and  Price. 

The  doctrine  appears  to  me  to  involve  so  much  incon- 
sistency in  its  very  conception,  that  I  feel  considerable  diffi- 
culty in  giving  any  statement  of  it  which  shall  be  at  once 
clear,  and  satisfactory  to  its  supporters.  They  agree  in  main- 
taining that  there  may  be,  and  sometimes  is,  an  excess  of 
productions  in  general  beyond  the  demand  for  them  ;  that 
when  this  happens,  purchasers  cannot  be  found  at  prices 
which  will  repay  the  cost  of  production  with  a  profit ;  that 
there  ensues  a  general  depression  of  prices  or  values  (they 
are  seldom  accurate  in  discriminating  between  the  two), 
so  that  producers,  the  more  they  produce,  find  them- 
selves the  poorer,  instead  of  richer ;  and  Dr.  Chalmers  ac- 
cordingly inculcates  on  capitalists  the  practice  of  a  moral 
restraint  in  reference  to  the  pursuit  of  gain ;  while  Sismondi 
deprecates  machinery,  and  the  various  inventions  which  in- 
crease productive  power.  They  both  maintain  that  accumu- 
lation of  capital  may  proceed  too  fast,  not  merely  for  the 
moral,  but  for  the  material  interest  of  those  who  produce 

*  Supra,  vol.  i.  pp.  98 — 101. 


and  accumulate  ;  and  they  enjoin  the  rich  to  guard  against 
this  evil  by  an  ample  unproductive  consumption. 

§  2.  When  these  writers  speak  of  the  supply  of  com- 
modities as  outrunning  the  demand,  it  is  not  clear  which  of 
the  two  elements  of  demand  they  have  in  view — the  desire 
to  possess,  or  the  means  of  purchase  ;  whether  their  mean- 
ing is  that  there  are,  in  such  cases,  more  consumable  prod- 
ucts in  existence  than  the  public  desires  to  consume,  or 
merely  more  than  it  is  able  to  pay  for.  In  this  uncertainty, 
it  is  necessary  to  examine  both  suppositions. 

First,  let  us  suppose  that  the  quantity  of  commodities 
produced  is  not  greater  than  the  community  would  be  glad 
to  consume  :  is  it,  in  that  case,  possible  that  there  should 
be  a  deficiency  of  demand  for  all  commodities,  for  want  of 
the  means  of  payment  ?  Those  who  think  so  cannot  have 
considered  what  it  is  which  constitutes  the  means  of  pay- 
ment for  commodities.  It  is  simply,  commodities.  Each 
person's  means  of  paying  for  the  productions  of  other  peo- 
ple consists  of  those  which  he  himself  possesses.  All  sellers 
are  inevitably  and  ex  vi  termini  buyers.  Could  we  sudden- 
ly double  the  productive  powers  of  the  country,  we  should 
double  the  supply  of  commodities  in  every  market ;  but  we 
should,  by  the  same  stroke,  double  the  purchasing  power. 
Everybody  would  bring  a  double  demand  as  well  as  sup- 
ply :  everybody  would  be  able  to  buy  twice  as  much,  be- 
cause every  one  would  have  twice  as  much  to  offer  in  ex- 
change. It  is  probable,  indeed,  that  there  would  now  be  a 
superfluity  of  certain  things.  Although  the  community 
would  willingly  double  its  aggregate  consumption,  it  may 
already  have  as  much  as  it  desires  of  some  commodities, 
and  it  may  prefer  to  do  more  than  double  its  consumption 
of  others,  or  to  exercise  its  increased  purchasing  power  on 
some  new  thing.  If  so,  the  supply  will  adapt  itself  accord- 
ingly, and  the  values  of  things  will  continue  to  conform  to 
their  cost  of  production.  At  any  rate,  it  is  a  sheer  absurdity 
that  all  things  should  fall  in  value,  and  that  all  producers 

108  BOOK  III.      CHAPTER  XTV.     §3. 

should,  in  consequence,  be  insufficiently  remunerated.  If 
values  remain  the  same,  what  becomes  of  prices  is  immate- 
rial, since  the  remuneration  of  producers  does  not  depend 
on  how  much  money,  but  on  how  much  of  consumable  arti- 
cles, they  obtain  for  their  goods.  Besides,  money  is  a  com- 
modity ;  and  if  all  commodities  are  supposed  to  be  doubled 
in  quantity,  we  must  suppose  money  to  be  doubled  too,  and 
then  prices  would  no  more  fall  than  values  would. 

§  3.  A  general  over-supply,  or  excess  of  all  commod- 
ities above  the  demand,  so  far  as  demand  consists  in  means 
of  payment,  is  thus  shown  to  be  an  impossibility.  But  it 
may  perhaps  be  supposed  that  it  is  not  the  ability  to  pur- 
chase, but  the  desire  to  possess,  that  falls  short,  and  that  the 
general  produce  of  industry  may  be  greater  than  the  com- 
munity desires  to  consume — the  part,  at  least,  of  the  com- 
munity which  has  an  equivalent  to  give.  It  is  evident 
enough,  that  produce  makes  a  market  for  produce,  and  that 
there  is  wealth  in  the  country  with  which  to  purchase  all 
the  wealth  in  the  country  ;  but  those  who  have  the  means, 
may  not  have  the  wants,  and  those  who  have  the  wants  may 
be  without  the  means.  A  portion,  therefore,  of  the  com- 
modities produced  may  be  unable  to  find  a  market,  from 
the  absence  of  means  in  those  who  have  the  desire  to 
consume,  and  the  want  of  desire  in  those  who  have  the 

This  is  much  the  most  plausible  form  of  the  doctrine, 
and  does  not,  like  that  which  we  first  examined,  involve  a 
contradiction.  There  may  easily  be  a  greater  quantity  of 
any  particular  commodity  than  is  desired  by  those  who 
have  the  ability  to  purchase,  and  it  is  abstractedly  conceive 
able  that  this  might  be  the  case  with  all  commodities.  The 
error  is  in  not  perceiving  that  though  all  who  have  an 
equivalent  to  give,  might  be  fully  provided  with  every  con- 
sumable article  which  they  desire,  the  fact  that  they  go  on 
adding  to  the  production  proves  that  this  is  not  actually  the 
ease.     Assume  the  most  favourable  hypothesis  for  the  pur- 


pose,  that  of  a  limited  community,  every  member  of  which 
possesses  as  much  of  necessaries  and  of  all  known  luxuries 
as  he  desires :  and  since  it  is  not  conceivable  that  persons 
whose  wants  were  completely  satisfied  would  labour  and 
economize  to  obtain  what  they  did  not  desire,  suppose  that 
a  foreigner  arrives,  and  produces  an  additional  quantity  of 
something  of  which  there  was  already  enough.  Here,  it 
will  be  said,  is  over-production  :  true,  I  reply ;  over-produc- 
tion of  that  particular  article :  the  community  wanted  no 
more  of  that,  but  it  wanted  something.  The  old  inhabit- 
ants, indeed,  wanted  nothing ;  but  did  not  the  foreigner  him- 
self want  something  ?  When  he  produced  the  superfluous 
article,  was  he  labouring  without  a  motive  ?  He  has  pro- 
duced, but  the  wrong  thing  instead  of  the  right.  He  want- 
ed, perhaps,  food,  and  has  produced  watches,  with  which 
everybody  was  sufficiently  supplied.  The  new  comer 
brought  with  him  into  the  country  a  demand  for  commod- 
ities, equal  to  all  that  he  could  produce  by  his  industry,  and 
it  was  his  business  to  see  that  the  supply  he  brought  should 
be  suitable  to  that  demand.  If  he  could  not  produce  some- 
thing capable  of  exciting  a  new  want  or  desire  in  the  com- 
munity, for  the  satisfaction  of  which  some  one  would  grow 
more  food  and  give  it  to  him  in  exchange,  he  had  the  alter- 
native of  growing  food  for  himself ;  either  on  fresh  land,  if 
there  was  any  unoccupied,  or  as  a  tenant,  or  partner,,  or 
servant,  of  some  former  occupier,  willing  to  be  partially  re- 
lieved from  labour.  He  has  produced  a  thing  not  wanted, 
instead  of  what  was  wanted ;  and  he  himself,  perhaps,  is 
not  the  kind  of  producer  who  is  wanted  ;  but  there  is  no 
over-production  ;  production  is  not  excessive,  but  merely  ill 
assorted.  "We  saw  before,  that  whoever  brings  additional 
commodities  to  the  market,  brings  an  additional  power  of 
purchase  ;  we  now  see  that  he  brings  also  an  additional  de- 
sire to  consume  ;  since  if  he  had  not  that  desire,  he  would 
not  have  troubled  himself  to  produce.  Neither  of  the  ele- 
ments of  demand,  therefore,  can  be  wanting,  when  there  is 
an  additional  supply ;  though  it  is  perfectly  possible  that 


BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XIV.     §4. 

the  demand  may  be  for  one  thing,  and  the  supply  may  un- 
fortunately consist  of  another. 

Driven  to  his  last  retreat,  an  opponent  may  perhaps  al- 
lege, that  there  are  persons  who  produce  and  accumulate 
from  mere  habit  ;  not  because  they  have  any  object  in 
growing  richer,  or  desire  to  add  in  any  respect  to  their  con- 
sumption, but  from  vis  inertice.     They  continue  producing 
because  the  machine  is  ready  mounted,  and  save  and  re-in- 
vest their  savings  because  they  have  nothing  on  which 
they  care  to  expend  them.     I  grant  that  this  is  possible, 
and  in  some  few  instances  probably  happens  ;  but  these  do 
not  in  the  slightest  degree  affect  our  conclusion.    For,  what 
do  these  persons  do  with  their  savings  ?     They  invest- them 
productively ;  that  is,  expend  them  in  employing  labour. 
In  other  words,  having  a  purchasing  power  belonging  to 
them,  more  than  they  know  what  to  do  with,  they  make 
over  the  surplus  of  it  for  the  general  benefit  of  the  labouring 
class.     Now,  will  that  class  also  not  know  what  to  do  with 
:.t  ?     Are  we  to  suppose  that  they  too  have  their  wants  per- 
fectly satisfied,  and  go  on  labouring  from  mere  habit  ?    Un- 
til this  is  the  case,  until  the  working   classes  have  also 
reached  the  point  of  satiety— there  will  be  no  want  of  de- 
mand for  the  produce  of  capital,  however  rapidly  it  may  ac- 
cumulate :  since,  if  there  is  nothing  else  for  it  to  do,  it  can 
always  find  employment  in  producing  the  necessaries  or  lux- 
uries of  the  labouring  class.     And  when  they  too  had  no 
further  desire  for  necessaries  and  luxuries,  they  would  take 
the  benefit  of  any  further  increase  of  wages  by  diminishing 
their  work  ;  so  that  the  over-production  which  then  for  the 
first  time  would  be  possible  in  idea,  could  not  even  then  take 
place  in  fact,  for  want  of  labourers.      Thus,  in  whatever 
manner  the  question  is  looked  at,  even  though  we  go  to  the 
extreme  verge  of  possibility  to  invent  a  supposition  favour- 
able to  it,  the  theory  of  general  over-production  implies  an 

§  4.    What  then  is  it  by  which  men  who  have  reflected 


much  on  economical  phenomena,  and  have  even  contributed 
to  throw  new  light  upon  them  by  original  speculations, 
have  been  led  to  embrace  so  irrational  a  doctrine  ?  I  con- 
ceive them  to  have  been  deceived  by  a  mistaken  interpreta- 
tion of  certain  mercantile  facts.  They  imagined  that  the 
possibility  of  a  general  over-supply  of  commodities  was 
proved  by  experience.  They  believed  that  they  saw  this 
phenomenon  in  certain  conditions  of  the  markets,  the  true 
explanation  of  which  is  totally  different. 

I  have  already  described  the  state  of  the  markets  for 
commodities  which  accompanies  what  is  termed  a  commer- 
cial crisis.  At  such  times  there  is  really  an  excess  of  all 
commodities  above  the  money  demand :  in  other  words, 
there  is  an  under-supply  of  money.  From  the  sudden  anni- 
hilation of  a  great  mass  of  credit,  every  one  dislikes  to  part 
with  ready  money,  and  many  are  anxious  to  procure  it  at 
any  sacrifice.  Almost  everybody  therefore  is  a  seller,  and 
there  are  scarcely  any  buyers  :  so  that  there  may  really  be, 
though  only  while  the  crisis  lasts,  an  extreme  depression  of 
general  prices,  from  what  may  be  indiscriminately  called  a 
glut  of  commodities  or  a  dearth  of  money.  But  it  is  a  great 
error  to  suppose,  with  Sismondi,  that  a  commercial  crisis  is 
the  effect  of  a  general  excess  of  production.  It  is  simply 
the  consequence  of  an  excess  of  speculative  purchases.  It  is 
not  a  gradual  advent  of  low  prices,  but  a  sudden  recoil  from 
prices  extravagantly  high :  its  immediate  cause  is  a  contrac- 
tion of  credit,  and  the  remedy  is,  not  a  diminution  of  sup- 
ply, but  the  restoration  of  confidence.  It  is  also  evident 
that  this  temporary  derangement  of  markets  is  an  evil  only 
because  it  is  temporary.  The  fall  being  solely  of  money 
prices,  if  prices  did  not  rise  again  no  dealer  would  lose, 
since  the  smaller  price  would  be  worth  as  much  to  him  as 
the  larger  price  was  before.  In  no  matter  does  this  phe- 
nomenon answer  to  the  description  which  these  celebrated 
economists  have  given  of  the  evil  of  over-production.  That 
permanent  decline  in  the  circumstances  of  producers,  for 
want  of  markets,  which  those  writers  contemplate,  is  a  con- 

112  BOOK   III.     CHAPTER  XIV.     §4. 

ception  to  which  the  nature  of  a  commercial  crisis  gives  no 

The  other  phenomenon  from  which  the  notion  of  a  gen- 
eral excess  of  wealth  and  superfluity  of  accumulation  seems 
to  derive  countenance,  is  one  of  a  more  permanent  nature, 
namely,  the  fall  of  profits  and  interest  which  naturally  takes 
place  with  the  progress  of  population  and  production.  The 
cause  of  this  decline  of  profit  is  the  increased  cost  of  main- 
taining labour,  which  results  from  an  increase  of  population 
and  of  the  demand  for  food,  outstripping  the  advance  of 
agricultural  improvement.  This  important  feature  in  the 
economical  progress  of  nations  will  receive  full  considera- 
tion and  discussion  in  the  succeeding  Book.*  It  is  obvious- 
ly a  totally  different  thing  from  a  want  of  market  for  com- 
modities, though  often  confounded  with  it  in  the  complaints 
of  the  producing  and  trading  classes.  The  true  interpreta- 
tion of  the  modern  or  present  state  of  industrial  economy,  is, 
that  there  is  hardly  any  amount  of  business  which  may  not 
be  done,  if  people  will  be  content  to  do  it  on  small  profits  j 
and  this,  all  active  and  intelligent  persons  in  business  per- 
fectly well  know :  but  even  those  who  comply  .with  the  neces- 
sities of  their  time,  grumble  at  what  they  comply  with,  and 
wish  that  there  were  less  capital,  or,  as  they  express  it,  less 
competition,  in  order  that  there  might  be  greater  profits. 
Low  profits,  however,  are  a  different  thing  from  deficiency 
of  demand  ;  and  the  production  and  accumulation  which 
merely  reduce  profits,  cannot  be  called  excess  of  supply  or 
of  production.  What  the  phenomenon  really  is,  and  its 
effects  and  necessary  limits,  will  be  seen  when  we  treat  of 
that  express  subject. 

I  know  not  of  any  economical  facts,  except  the  two  1 
have  specified,  which  can  have  given  occasion  to  the  opin- 
ion that  a  general  over-production  of  commodities  ever  pre- 
sented itself  in  actual  experience.  I  am  convinced  that 
there  is  no  fact  in  commercial  affairs,  wmich,  in  order  to  its 
explanation,  stands  in  need  of  that  chimerical  supposition. 

*  Infra,  book  iv.  chap.  iv. 


The  point  is  fundamental ;  any  difference  of  opinion  on 
it  involves  radically  different  conceptions  of  Political  Econ- 
omy, especially  in  its  practical  aspect.  On  the  one  view, 
we  have  only  to  consider  how  a  sufficient  production  may 
be  combined  with  the  best  possible  distribution,  but  on  the 
other  there  is  a  third  thing  to  be  considered — how  a  market 
can  be  created  for  produce,  or  how  production  can  be  lim- 
ited to  the  capabilities  of  the  market.  Besides,  a  theory  so 
essentially  self-contradictory  cannot  intrude  itself  without 
carrying  confusion  into  the  very  heart  of  the  subject,  and 
making  it  impossible  even  to  conceive  with  any  distinctness 
many  of  the  more  complicated  economical  workings  of  so- 
ciety. This  error  has  been,  I  conceive,  fatal  to  the  systems, 
as  systems,  of  the  three  distinguished  economists  to  whom  I 
before  referred,  Malthus,  Chalmers,  and  Sismondi ;  all  of 
whom  have  admirably  conceived  and  explained  several  of 
the  elementary  theorems  of  political  economy,  but  this  fatal 
misconception  has  spread  itself  like  a  veil  between  them 
and  the  more  difficult  portions  of  the  subject,  not  suffering 
one  ray  of  light  to  penetrate.  Still  more  is  the  same  con- 
fused idea  constantly  crossing  and  bewildering  the  specula- 
tions of  minds  inferior  to  theirs.  It  is  but  justice  to  two 
eminent  names,  to  call  attention  to  the  fact,  that  the  merit 
of  having  placed  this  most  important  point  in  its  true  light, 
belongs  principally,  on  the  Continent,  to  the  judicious  J.  B. 
Say,  and  in  this  country  to  Mr.  Mill ;  who  (besides  the  con- 
clusive exposition  which  he  gave  of  the  subject  in  his  Ele- 
ments of  Political  Economy)  had  set  forth  the  correct  doc- 
trine with  great  force  and  clearness  in  an  early  pamphlet, 
called  forth  by  a  temporary  controversy,  and  entitled, 
"  Commerce  Defended  ;  "  the  first  of  his  writings  which  at- 
tained any  celebrity,  and  which  he  prized  more  as  having 
been  his  first  introduction  to  the  friendship  of  David  Ricar- 
do  the  most  valued  and  most  intimate  friendship  of  his  life. 




§  1.  There  has  been  much  discussion  among  political 
economists  respecting  a  Measure  of  Yalue.  An  importance 
has  been  attached  to  the  subject,  greater  than  it  deserved, 
and  what  has  been  written  respecting  it  has  contributed  not 
a  little  to  the  reproach  of  logomachy,  which  is  brought, 
with  much  exaggeration  but  not  altogether  without  ground, 
against  the  speculations  of  political  economists.  It  is  neces- 
sary however  to  touch  upon  the  subject,  if  only  to  show  how 
little  there  is  to  be  said  on  it. 

A  Measure  of  Yalue,  in  the  ordinary  sense  of  the  word 
measure,  would  mean,  something,  by  comparison  with  which 
we  may  ascertain  what  is  the  value  of  any  other  thing. 
When  we  consider  farther,  that  value  itself  is  relative, 
and  that  two  things  are  necessary  to  constitute  it,  indepen- 
dently of  the  third  thing  which  is  to  measure  it ;  we  may 
define  a  Measure  of  Value  to  be  something,  by  comparing 
with  which  any  two  other  things,  we  may  infer  their  value 
in  relation  to  one  another. 

In  this  sense,  any  commodity  will  serve  as  a  measure  of 
value  at  a  given  time  and  place  ;  since  we  can  always  infer 
the  proportion  in  which  things  exchange  for  one  another, 
when  we  know  the  proportion  in  which  each  exchanges  for 
any  third  thing.  To  serve  as  a  convenient  measure  of  value 
is  one  of  the  functions  of  the  commodity  selected  as  a  me- 
dium of  exchange.  It  is  in  that  commodity  that  the  values 
of  all  other  things  are  habitually  estimated.     We  say  that 


one  thing  is  worth  21.,  anolfier  31. ;  and  it  is  then  known 
without  express  statement,  that  one  is  worth  two-thirds  of 
the  other,  or  that  the  things  exchange  for  one  another  in 
the  proportion  of  2  to  3.  Money  is  a  complete  measure  of 
their  value. 

But  the  desideratum  sought  by  political  economists  is 
not  a  measure  of  the  value  of  things  at  the  same  time  and 
place,  but  a  measure  of  the  value  of  the  same  thing  at  dif- 
ferent times  and  places :  something  by  comparison  with 
which  it  may  be  known  whether  any  given  thing  is  of 
greater  or  less  value  now  than  a  century  ago,  or  in  this 
country  than  in  America  or  China.  And  for  this  also,  money, 
or  any  other  commodity,  will  serve  quite  as  well  as  at  the 
same  time  and  place,  provided  we  can  obtain  the  same 
data ;  provided  we  are  able  to  compare  with  the  measure 
not  one  commodity  only,  but  the  two  or  more  which  are 
necessary  to  the  idea  of  value.  If  wheat  is  now  40s.  the 
quarter,  and  a  fat  sheep  the  same,  and  if  in  the  time  of 
Henry  the  Second  wheat  was  20*.,  and  a  sheep  10*.,  we 
know  that  a  quarter  of  wheat  was  then  worth  two  sheep, 
and  is  now  only  worth  one,  and  that  the  value  therefore  of 
a  sheep,  estimated  in  wheat,  is  twice  as  great  as  it  was  then ; 
quite  independently  of  the  value  of  money  at  the  two  peri- 
ods, either  in  relation  to  those  two  articles  (in  respect  to  both 
of  which  we  suppose  it  to  have  fallen),  or  to  other  commod- 
ities, in  respect  to  which  we  need  not  make  any  supposition. 

What  seems  to  be  desired,  however,  by  writers  on  the 
subject,  is  some  means  of  ascertaining  the  value  of  a  com- 
modity by  merely  comparing  it  with  the  measure,  without 
referring  it  specially  to  any  other  given  commodity.  They 
would  wish  to  be  able,  from  the  mere  fact  that  wheat  is 
now  40s.  the  quarter,  and  was  formerly  20s.,  to  decide 
whether  wheat  has  varied  in  its  value,  and  in  what  degree, 
without  selecting  a  second  commodity,  such  as  a  sheep,  to 
compare  it  with  ;  because  they  are  not  desirous  of  knowing 
how  much  wheat  has  varied  in  value  relatively  to  sheep, 
but  how  much  it  has  varied  relatively  to  things  in  general. 


116  BOOK   III.     CHAPTER  XV.     §2. 

The  first  obstacle  arises  from  the  necessary  indefiniteness 
of  the  idea  of  general  exchange  value — value  in  relation  not 
to  some  one  commodity,  but  to  commodities  at  large.  Even 
if  we  knew  exactly  how  much  a  quarter  of  wheat  would 
have  purchased  at  the  earlier  period,  of  every  marketable 
article  considered  separately,  and  that  it  will  now  purchase 
more  of  some  things  and  less  of  others,  we  should  often 
find  it  impossible  to  say  whether  it  had  risen  or  fallen  in 
relation  to  things  in  general.  How  much  more  impossible 
when  we  only  know  how  it  has  varied  in  relation  to  the 
measure.  To  enable  the  money  price  of  a  thing  at  two  dif- 
ferent periods  to  measure  the  quantity  of  things  in  general 
which  it  will  exchange  for,  the  same  sum  of  money  must 
correspond  at  both  periods  to  the  same  quantity  of  things  in 
general,  that  is,  money  must  always  have  the  same  exchange 
ralue,  the  same  general  purchasing  power.  Now,  not  only 
is  this  not  true  of  money,  or  of  any  other  commodity,  but 
we  cannot  even  suppose  any  state  of  circumstances  in  which 
it  would  be  true. 

§  2.  A  measure  of  exchange  value,  therefore,  being 
impossible,  writers  have  formed  a  notion  of  something, 
under  the  name  of  a  measure  of  value,  which  would  be 
more  properly  termed  a  measure  of  cost  of  production. 
They  have  imagined  a  commodity  invariably  produced  by 
the  same  quantity  of  labour ;  to  which  supposition  it  is 
necessary  to  add,  that  the  fixed  capital  employed  in  the  pro- 
duction must  bear  always  the  same  proportion  to  the  wages 
of  the  immediate  labour,  and  must  be  always  of  the  same 
durability  :  in  short,  the  same  capital  must  be  advanced  for 
the  same" length  of  time,  so  that  the  element  of  value  which 
consists  of  profits,  as  well  as  that  which  consists  of  wages, 
may  be  unchangeable.  We  should  then  have  a  commodity 
always  produced  under  one  and  the  same  combination  of  all 
the  circumstances  which  affect  permanent  value.  Such  a 
commodity  will  be  by  no  means  constant  in  its  exchange 
value ;  for  (even  without  reckoning  the  temporary  fluctua 


tions  arising  from  supply  and  demand)  its  exchange  value 

would  be  altered  by  every  change  in  the  circumstances  of 

production  of  the  things  against  which  it  was  exchanged. 

\  But  if  there  existed  such  a  commodity,  we  should  derive 

I  this   advantage   from   it,  that   whenever   any  other   thing 

; varied  permanently  in  relation  to  it,  we  should  know  that 
the  cause  of  variation  was  not  in  it,  but  in  the  other  thing. 
It  would  thus  be  fitted  to  serve  as  a  measure,  not  indeed  of 
the  value  of  other  things,  but  of  their  cost  of  production. 
If  a  commodity  acquired  a  greater  permanent  purchasing 
power  in  relation  to  the  invariable  commodity,  its  cost  of 
production  must  have  become  greater ;  and  in  the  contrary 
case,  less.  This  measure  of  cost,  is  what  political  economists 
have  generally  meant  by  a  measure  of  value. 
>  But  a  measure  of  cost,  though  perfectly  conceivable,  can 
no  more  exist  in  fact,  than  a  measure  of  exchange  value. 
There  is  no  commodity  which  is  invariable  in  its  cost  of 
production.  Gold  and  silver  are  the  least  variable,  but 
even  these  are  liable  to  chaDges  in  their  cost  of  production 
from  the  exhaustion  of  old  sources  of  supply,  the  discovery 
of  new,  and  improvements  in  the  mode  of  working.  If  we 
attempt  to  ascertain  the  changes  in  the  cost  of  production 
of  any  commodity  from  the  changes  in  its  money  price,  the 
conclusion  will  require  to  be  corrected  by  the  best  allow- 
ance we  can  make  for  the  intermediate  changes  in  the  cost 
of  the  production  of  money  itself. 

Adam  Smith  fancied  that  there  were  two  commodities 
peculiarly  fitted  to  serve  as  a  measure  of  value  :  corn,  and 
labour.  Of  com,  he  said  that  although  its  value  fluctuates 
much  from  year  to  year,  it  does  not  vary  greatly  from  cen- 
tury to  century.  This  we  now  know  to  be  an  error :  corn 
.  tends  to  rise  in  cost  of  production  with  every  increase  of 
f  population,  and  to  fall  with  every  improvement  in  agricul- 
ture, either  in  the  country  itself,  or  in  any  foreign  country 
from  which  it  draws  a  portion  of  its  supplies.  The  sup- 
posed constancy  of  the  cost  of  the  production  of  corn  depends 
on  the  maintenance  of  a  complete  equipoise  between  these 

llg  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XV.     §2. 

antagonizing  forces,  an  equipoise  which,  if  ever  realized, 
can  only  be  accidental.  With  respect  to  labour  as  a  meas- 
ure of  value,  the  language  of  Adam  Smith  is  not  uniform. 
He  sometimes  speaks  of  it  as  a  good  measure  only  for  short 
periods,  saying  that  the  value  of  labour  (or  wages)  does  not 
vary  much  from  year  to  year,  though  it  does  from  genera- 
tion to  generation.  On  other  occasions  he  speaks  as  if  la- 
bour were  intrinsically  the  most  proper  measure  of  value, 
on  the  ground  that  one  day's  ordinary  muscular  exertion  of 
one  man,  may  be  looked  upon  as  always,  to  him,  the  same 
amount  of  effort  or  sacrifice.  But  this  proposition,  whether 
in  itself  admissible  or  not,  discards  the  idea  of  exchange 
value  altogether,  substituting  a  totally  different  idea,  more 
analogous  to  value  in  use.  If  a  day's  labour  will  purchase 
in  America  twice  as  much  of  ordinary  consumable  articles 
as  in  England,  it  seems  a  vain  subtlety  to  insist  on  saying 
that  labour  is  of  the  same  value  in  both  countries,  and  that 
it  is  the  value  of  the  other  things,  which  is  different.  La- 
bour, in  this  case,  may  be  correctly  said  to  be  twice  as  val- 
uable, both  in  the  market  and  to  the  labourer  himself,  in 
America  as  in  England. 

If  the  object  were  to  obtain  an  approximate  measure  by 
which  to  estimate  value  in  use,  perhaps  nothing  better  could 
be  chosen  than  one  day's  subsistence  of  an  average  man, 
reckoned  in  the  ordinary  food  consumed  by  the  class  of  un- 
skilled labourers.  If  in  America  a  pound  of  maize  flour  will 
support  a  labouring  man  for  a  day,  a  thing  might  be  deemed 
more  or  less  valuable  in  proportion  to  the  number  of  pounds 
of  maize  flour  it  exchanged  for.  If  one  thing,  either  by  it- 
self or  by  what  it  would  purchase,  could  maintain  a  labour- 
ing man  for  a  day,  and  another  could  maintain  him  for  a 
week,  there  would  be  some  reason  in  saying  that  the  one 
was  worth,  for  ordinary  human  uses,  seven  times  as  much 
as  the  other.  But  this  would  not  measure  the  worth  of  the 
thing  to  its  possessor  for  his  own  purposes,  which  might  be 
greater  to  any  amount,  though  it  could  not  be  less,  than  the 
worth  of  the  food  which  the  thing  would  purchase. 


The  idea  of  a  Measure  of  Yalue  must  not  be  confounded 
with  the  idea  of  the  regulator,  or  determining  principle,  of 
value.  When  it  is  said  by  Ricardo  and  others,  that  the 
"""value  of  a  thing  is  regulated  by  quantity  of  labour,  they  do 
not  mean  the  quantity  of  labour  for  which  the  thing  will 
exchange,  but  the  quantity  required  for  producing  it.  This, 
they  mean  to  affirm,  determines  its  value ;  causes  it  to  be  of 
the  value  it  is,  and  of  no  other.  But  when  Adam  Smith 
and  Malthus  say  that  labour  is  a  measure  of  value,  they  do 
not  mean  the  labour  by  which  the  thing  was  or  can  be 
made,  but  the  quantity  of  labour  which  it  will  exchange 
for,  or  purchase ;  in  other  words,  the  value  of  the  thing,  es- 
timated in  labour.  And  they  do  not  mean  that  this  regulates 
the  general  exchange  value  of  the  thing,  or  has  any  effect 
in  determining  what  that  value  shall  be,  but  only  ascertains 
what  it  is,  and  whether  and  how  much  it  varies  from  time 
to  time  and  from  place  to  place.  To  confound  these  two 
ideas,  would  be  much  the  same  thing  as  to  overlook  the 
distinction  between  the  thermometer  and  the  fire. 



§  1.  The  general  laws  of  value,  in  all  the  more  impor- 
tant cases  of  the  interchange  of  commodites  in  the  same 
country,  have  now  been  investigated.  We  examined,  first, 
the  case  of  monopoly,  in  which  the  value  is  determined  by 
either  a  natural  or  an  artificial  limitation  of  quantity,  that 
is,  by  demand  and  supply  :  secondly,  the  case  of  free  com- 
petition, when  the  article  can  be  produced  in  indefinite 
quantity  at  the  same  cost ;  in  which  case  the  permanent 
value  is  determined  by  the  cost  of  production,  and  only  the 
fluctuations  by  supply  and  demand :  thirdly,  a  mixed  case, 
that  of  the  articles  which  can  be  produced  in  indefinite 
quantity,  but  not  at  the  same  cost ;  in  which  case  the  per- 
manent value  is  determined  by  the  greatest  cost  which  it  is 
necessary  to  incur  in  order  to  obtain  the  required  supply. 
And  lastly,  we  have  found  that  money  itself  is  a  commodity 
of  the  third  class ;  that  its  value,  in  a  state  of  freedom,  is 
governed  by  the  same  laws  as  the  values  of  other  commod- 
ities of  its  class  ;  and  that  prices,  therefore,  follow  the  same 
laws  as  values. 

From  this  it  appears  that  demand  and  supply  govern  the 
fluctuations  of  values  and  prices  in  all  cases,  and  the  perma- 
nent values  and  prices  of  all  things  of  which  the  supply  is 
determined  by  any  agency  other  than  that  of  free  competi- 
tion :  but  that,  under  the  regime  of  competition,  things  are, 
on  the  average,  exchanged  for  each  other  at  such  values,  and 
sold  at  such  prices,  as  afford  equal  expectation  of  advantage 


to  all  classes  of  producers  ;  which  can  only  be  when  thing* 
exchange  for  one  another  in  the  ratio  of  their  cost  of  pre 

It  is  now,  however,  necessary  to  take  notice  of  certain 
cases,  to  which,  from  their  peculiar  nature,  this  law  of  ex- 
change value  is  inapplicable. 

It  sometimes  happens  that  two  different  cominoditie* 
have  what  may  be  termed  a  joint  cost  of  production.  They 
are  both  products  of  the  same  operation,  or  set  of  operations, 
and  the  outlay  is  incurred  for  the  sake  of  both  together,  not 
part  for  one  and  part  for  the  other.  The  same  outlay  would 
have  to  be  incurred  for  either  of  the  two,  if  the  other  were 
not  wanted  or  used  at  all.  There  are  not  a  few  instances 
of  commodities  thus  associated  in  their  production.  For 
example,  coke  and  coal-gas  are  both  produced  from  the  same 
material,  and  by  the  same  operation.  In  a  more  partial 
sense,  mutton  and  wool  are  an  example :  beef,  hides,  and 
tallow  :  calves  and  dairy  produce :  chickens  and  eggs.  Cost 
of  production  can  have  nothing  to  do  with  deciding  the 
value  of  the  associated  commodities  relatively  to  each  other. 
It  only  decides  their  joint  value.  The  gas  and  the  coke  to- 
gether have  to  repay  the  expenses  of  their  production,  with 
the  ordinary  profit.  To  do  this,  a  given  quantity  of  gas,  to- 
gether with  the  coke  which  is  the  residuum  of  its  manufac- 
ture, must  exchange  for  other  things  in  the  ratio  of  their 
joint  cost  of  production.  But  how  much  of  the  remunera- 
tion of  the  producer  shall  be  derived  from  the  coke,  and 
how  much  from  the  gas,  remains  to  be  decided.  Cost  of 
production  does  not  determine  their  prices,  but  the  sum  of 
their  prices.  A  principle  is  wanting  to  apportion  the  ex- 
penses of  production  between  the  two. 

Since  cost  of  production  here  fails  us,  we  must  revert  to 
a  law  of  value  anterior  to  cost  of  production,  and  more 
fundamental,  the  law  of  demand  and  supply.  The  law  is, 
that  the  demand  for  a  commodity  varies  with  its  value,  and 
that  the  value  adjusts  itself  so  that  the  demand  shall  be 
equal  to  the  supply.  This  supplies  the  principle  of  reparti- 
tion which  we  are  in  quest  of. 

122  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XVI.     §1. 

Suppose  that  a  certain  quantity  of  gas  is  produced  and 
sold  at  a  certain  price,  and  that  the  residuum  of  coke  is 
offered  at  a  price  which,  together  with  that  of  the  gas,  re- 
pays the  expenses  with  the  ordinary  rate  of  profit.  Sup- 
pose, too,  that  at  the  price  put  upon  the  gas  and  coke  re- 
spectively, the  whole  of  the  gas  finds  an  easy  market, 
without  either  surplus  or  deficiency,  but  that  purchasers 
cannot  be  found  for  all  the  coke  corresponding  to  it.  The 
coke  will  be  offered  at  a  lower  price  in  order  to  force  a 
market.  But  this  lower  price,  together  with  the  price  of  the 
gas,  will  not  be  remunerating :  the  manufacture,  as  a  whole, 
will  not  pay  its  expenses  with  the  ordinary  profit,  and  will 
not,  on  these  terms,  continue  to  be  carried  on.  The  gas, 
therefore,  must  be  sold  at  a  higher  price,  to  make  up  for  the 
deficiency  on  the  coke.  The  demand  consequently  contract- 
ing, the  production  will  be  somewhat  reduced ;  and  prices 
will  become  stationary  when,  by  the  joint  effect  of  the  rise 
of  gas  and  the  fall  of  coke,  so  much  less  of  the  first  is  sold, 
and  so  much  more  of  the  second,  that  there  is  now  a  market 
for  all  the  coke  which  results  from  the  existing  extent  of  the 
gas  manufacture. 

Or  suppose  the  reverse  case  ;  that  more  coke  is  wanted 
at  the  present  prices,  than  can  be  supplied  by  the  operations 
required  by  the  existing  demand  for  gas.  Coke,  being  now 
in  deficiency,  will  rise  in  price.  The  whole  operation  will 
yield  more  than  the  usual  rate  of  profit,  and  additional  cap- 
ital will  be  attracted  to  the  manufacture.  The  unsatisfied 
demand  for  coke  will  be  supplied  ;  but  this  cannot  be  done 
without  increasing  the  supply  of  gas  too  ;  and  as  the  exist- 
ing demand  was  fully  supplied  already,  an  increased  quan- 
tity can  only  find  a  market  by  lowering  the  price.  The 
result  will  be  that  the  two  together  will  yield  the  return 
required  by  their  joint  cost  of  production,  but  that  more  of 
this  return  than  before  will  be  furnished  by  the  coke,  and 
less  by  the  gas.  Equilibrium  will  be  attained  when  the  de- 
mand for  each  article  fits  so  well  with  the  demand  for  the 
other,  that  the  quantity  required  of  each  is  exactly  as  much 


as  is  generated  in  producing  the  quantity  required  of  the 
other.  If  there  is  any  surplus  or  deficiency  on  either  side  ; 
if  there  is  a  demand  for  coke,  and  not  a  demand  for  all  the 
gas  produced  along  with  it,  or  vice  versa  ;  the  values  and 
prices  of  the  two  things  will  so  readjust  themselves  that 
both  shall  find  a  market. 

When,  therefore,  two  or  more  commodities  have  a  joint 
cost  of  production,  their  natural  values  relatively  to  each 
other  are  those  which  will  create  a  demand  for  each,  in  the 
ratio  of  the  quantities  in  which  they  are  sent  forth  by  the 
productive  process.  This  theorem  is  not  in  itself  of  any 
great  importance  :  but  the  illustration  it  affords  of  the  law 
of  demand,  and  of  the  mode  in  which,  when  cost  of  produc- 
tion fails  to  be  applicable,  the  other  principle  steps  in  to 
supply  the  vacancy,  is  worthy  of  particular  attention,  as  we 
shall  find  in  the  next  chapter  but  one  that  something  very 
similar  takes  place  in  cases  of  much  greater  moment. 

§  2.  Another  case  of  value  which  merits  attention,  is 
that  of  the  different  kinds  of  agricultural  produce.  This  is 
rather  a  more  complex  question  than  the  last,  and  requires 
that  attention  should  be  paid  to  a  greater  number  of  in- 
fluencing circumstances. 

The  case  would  present  nothing  peculiar,  if  different 
agricultural  products  were  either  grown  indiscriminately 
and  with  equal  advantage  on  the  same  soils,  or  wholly  on 
different  soils.  The  difficulty  arises  from  two  things  :  first, 
that  most  soils  are  fitter  for  one  kind  of  produce  than  an- 
other, without  being  absolutely  unfit  for  any  ;  and  secondly, 
the  rotation  of  crops. 

For  simplicity,  we  will  confine  our  supposition  to  two 
kinds  of  agricultural  produce  ;  for  instance,  wheat  and  oats. 
If  all  soils  were  equally  adapted  for  wheat  and  for  oats,  both 
would  be  grown  indiscriminately  on  all  soils,  and  their  rela- 
tive cost  of  production,  being  the  same  everywhere,  would 
govern  their  relative  value.  If  the  same  labour  which 
grows  three  quarters  of  wheat  on  any  given  soil,  would  al 

124  BOOK   III.      CHAPTER   XVI.      §2. 

ways  grow  on  that  soil  five  quarters  of  oats,  the  three  and 
the  five  quarters  would  be  of  the  same  value.  If,  again, 
wheat  and  oats  could  not  be  grown  on  the  same  soil  at  all, 
the  value  of  each  would  be  determined  by  its  peculiar  cost 
of  production  on  the  least  favourable  of  the  soils  adapted  for 
it  which  the  existing  demand  required  a  recourse  to.  The 
fact,  however,  is  that  both  wheat  and  oats  can  be  grown  on 
almost  any  soil  which  is  capable  of  producing  either :  but 
some  soils,  such  as  the  stiff  clays,  are  better  adapted  for 
wheat,  while  others  (the  light  sandy  soils)  are  more  suitable 
for  oats.  There  might  be  some  soils  which  would  yield,  to 
the  same  quantity  of  labour,  only  four  quarters  of  oats  to 
three  of  wheat ;  others  perhaps  less  than  three  of  wheat  to 
five  quarters  of  oats.  Among  these  diversities,  what  deter- 
mines the  relative  value  of  the  two  things  ? 

It  is  evident  that  each  grain  will  be  cultivated  in  pref- 
erence, on  the  soils  which  are  better  adapted  for  it  than  for 
the  other ;  and  if  the  demand  is  supplied  from  these  alone, 
the  values  of  the  two  grains  will  have  no  reference  to  one 
another.  But  when  the  demand  for  both  is  such  as  to  re- 
quire that  each  should  be  grown  not  only  on  the  soils  pecu- 
liarly fitted  for  it,  but  on  the  medium  soils  which,  without 
being  specifically  adapted  to  either,  are  about  equally  suited 
for  both,  the  cost  of  production  on  those  medium  soils  will 
determine  the  relative  value  of  the  two  grains ;  while  the 
rent  of  the  soils  specifically  adapted  to  each,  will  be  regu- 
lated by  their  productive  power,  considered  with  reference 
to  that  one  alone  to  which  they  are  peculiarly  applicable. 
Thus  far  the  question  presents  no  difficulty,  to  any  one  to 
whom  the  general  principles  of  value  are  familiar. 

It  may  happen,  however,  that  the  demand  for  one  of  the 
two,  as  for  example  wheat,  may  so  outstrip  the  demand  for 
the  other,  as  not  only  to  occupy  the  soils  specially  suited  for 
wheat,  but  to  engross  entirely  those  equally  suitable  to  both, 
and  even  encroach  upon  those  which  are  better  adapted  to 
oats.  To  create  an  inducement  for  this  unequal  apportion- 
ment  of  the  cultivation,  wheat  must  be  relatively  dearer, 


and  oats  cheaper,  than  according  to  the  cost  of  their  produc- 
tion on  the  medium  land.  Their  relative  value  must  be  in 
proportion  to  the  cost  on  that  quality  of  land,  whatever  it 
may  be,  on  which  the  comparative  demand  for  the  two 
grains  requires  that  both  of  them  should  be  grown.  If, 
from  the  state  of  the  demand,  the  two  cultivations  meet  on 
land  more  favourable  to  one  than  to  the  other,  that  one  will 
be  cheaper  and  the  other  dearer,  in  relation  to  each  other 
and  to  things  in  general,  than  if  the  proportional  demand 
were  as  we  at  first  supposed. 

Here,  then,  we  obtain  a  fresh  illustration,  in  a  somewhat 
different  manner,  of  the  operation  of  demand,  not  as  an 
occasional  disturber  of  value,  but  as  a  permanent  regulator 
of  it,  conjoined  with,  or  supplementary  to,  cost  of  pro- 

The  case  of  rotation  of  crops  does  not  require  separate 
analysis,  being  a  case  of  joint  cost  of  production,  like  that 
of  gas  and  coke.  If  it  were  the  practice  to  grow  white  and 
green  crops  on  all  lands  in  alternate  years,  the  one  being 
necessary  as  much  for  the  sake  of  the  other  as  for  its  own 
sake ;  the  farmer  would  derive  his  remuneration  for  two 
years'  expenses  from  one  white  and  one  green  crop,  and  the 
prices  of  the  two  would  so  adjust  themselves  as  to  create  a 
demand  which  would  carry  off  an  equal  breadth  of  white 
and  of  green  crops. 

There  would  be  little  difficulty  in  finding  other  anoma- 
lous cases  of  value,  which  it  might  be  a  useful  exercise  to  re- 
solve :  but  it  is  neither  desirable  nor  possible,  in  a  work  like 
the  present,  to  enter  more  into  details  than  is  necessary  for 
the  elucidation  of  principles.  I  now  therefore  proceed  to  the 
only  part  of  the  general  theory  of  exchange  which  has  not 
yet  been  touched  upon,  that  of  International  Exchanges,  or 
to  speak  more  generally,  exchanges  between  distant  places. 

CHAPTER  xyn. 


§  1.  The  causes  which  occasion  a  commodity  to  be 
brought  from  a  distance,  instead  of  being  produced,  as  con- 
venience would  seem  to  dictate,  as  near  as  possible  to  the 
market  where  it  is  to  be  sold  for  consumption,  are  usually 
conceived  in  a  rather  superficial  manner.  Some  things  it  is 
physically  impossible  to  produce,  except  in  particular  cir- 
cumstances of  heat,  soil,  water,  or  atmosphere.  But  there 
are  many  things  which,  though  they  could  be  produced  at 
home  without  difficulty,  and  in  any  quantity,  are  yet  im- 
ported from  a  distance.  The  explanation  which  would  be 
popularly  given  of  this  would  be,  that  it  is  cheaper  to  im- 
port than  to  produce  them  :  and  this  is  the  true  reason. 
But  this  reason  itself  requires  that  a  reason  be  given  for  it. 
Of  two  things  produced  in  the  same  place,  if  one  is  cheaper 
than  the  other,  the  reason  is  tthat  it  can  be  produced  with 
less  labour  and  capital,  or,  in  a  word,  at  less  cost.  Is  this 
also  the  reason  as  between  things  produced  in  different 
places  ?  Are  things  never  imported  but  from  places  where 
they  can  be  produced  with  less  labour  (or  less  of  the  other 
element  of  cost,  time)  than  in  the  place  to  which  they  are 
brought  ?  Does  the  law,  that  permanent  value  is  propor- 
tioned to  cost  of  production,  hold  good  between  commodities 
produced  in  distant  places,  as  it  does  between  those  pro- 
duced in  adjacent  places  ? 

We  shall  find  that  it  does  not.  A  thing  may  sometimes 
be  sold  cheapest,  by  being  produced  in  some  other  place 


than  that  at  which  it  can  be  produced  with  the  smallest 
amount  of  labour  and  abstinence.  England  might  import 
corn  from  Poland  and  pay  for  it  in  cloth,  even  though  Eng- 
land had  a  decided  advantage  over  Poland  in  the  produc- 
tion of  both  the  one  and  the  other.  England  might  send  cot- 
tons to  Portugal  in  exchange  for  wine,  although  Portugal 
might  be  able  to  produce  cottons  with  a  less  amount  of 
labour  and  capital  than  England  could. 

This  could  not  happen  between  adjacent  places.  If 
the  north  bank  of  the  Thames  possessed  an  advantage  over 
the  south  bank  in  the  production  of  shoes,  no  shoes  would 
be  produced  on  the  south  side ;  the  shoemakers  would  re- 
move themselves  and  their  capitals  to  the  north  bank,  or 
would  have  established  themselves  there  originally ;  for, 
being  competitors  in  the  same  market  with  those  on  the 
north  side,  they  could  not  compensate  themselves  for  their 
disadvantage  at  the  expense  of  the  consumer :  the  amount 
of  it  would  fall  entirely  on  their  profits  ;  and  they  would 
not  long  content  themselves  with  a  smaller  profit,  when,  by 
simply  crossing  a  river,  they  could  increase  it.  But  between 
distant  places,  and  especially  between  different  countries, 
profits  may  continue  different ;  because  persons  do  not  usu- 
ally remove  themselves  or  their  capitals  to  a  distant  place, 
without  a  very  strong  motive.  If  capital  removed  to  remote 
parts  of  the  world  as  readily,  and  for  as  small  an  induce- 
ment, as  it  moves  to  another  quarter  of  the  same  town  ;  if 
people  would  transport  their  manufactories  to  America  or 
China  whenever  they  could  save  a  small  percentage  in  their 
expenses  by  it ;  profits  would  be  alike  (or  equivalent)  all  over 
the  world,  and  all  things  would  be  produced  in  the  places 
where  the  same  labour  and  capital  would  produce  them  in 
greatest  quantity  and  of  best  quality.  A  tendency  may, 
even  now,  be  observed  towards  such  a  state  of  things  ;  capi- 
tal is  becoming  more  and  more  cosmopolitan ;  there  is  so 
much  greater  similarity  of  manners  and  institutions  than 
formerly,  and  so  much  less  alienation  of  feeling,  among  the 
more  civilized  countries,  that  both  population  and  capital 

128  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XVII.     §2. 

now  move  from  one  of  those  countries  to  another  on  much 
less  temptation  than  heretofore.  But  there  are  still  extra- 
ordinary differences,  both  of  wages  and  of  profits,  between 
different  parts  of  the  world.  It  needs  bat  a  small  motive  to 
transplant  capital,  or  even  persons,  from  Warwickshire  to 
Yorkshire ;  but  a  much  greater  to  make  them  remove  to 
India,  the  colonies,  or  Ireland.  To  France,  Germany,  or 
Switzerland,  capital  moves  perhaps  almost  as  readily  as  to 
the  colonies ;  the  differences  of  language  and  government 
being  scarcely  so  great  a  hindrance  as  climate  and  distance. 
To  countries  still  barbarous,  or,  like  Kussia  or  Turkey,  only 
beginning  to  be  civilized,  capital  will  not  migrate,  unless 
under  the  inducement  of  a  very  great  extra  profit. 

Between  all  distant  places  therefore  in  some  degree,  but 
especially  between  different  countries  (whether  under  the 
same  supreme  government  or  not,)  there  may  exist  great  in- 
equalities in  the  return  to  labour  and  capital,  without  caus- 
ing them  to  mo^e  from  one  place  to  the  other  in  such  quan- 
tity as  to  level  those  inequalities.  The  capital  belonging  to 
a  country  will,  to  a  great  extent,  remain  in  the  country, 
even  if  there  be  no  mode  of  employing  it  in  which  it  would 
not  be  more  productive  elsewhere.  Yet  even  a  country 
thus  circumstanced  might,  and  probably  would,  carry  on 
trade  with  other  countries.  It  would  export  articles  of 
some  sort,  even  to  places  which  could  make  them  with  less 
labour  than  itself;  because  those  countries,  supposing  them 
to  have  an  advantage  over  it  in  all  productions,  would  have 
a  greater  advantage  in  some  things  than  in  others,  and 
would  find  it  their  interest  to  import  the  articles  in  which 
their  advantage  was  smallest,  that  they  might  employ  more 
of  their  labour  and  capital  on  those  in  which  it  was 

§  2.  As  I  have  said  elsewhere*  after  Bicardo  (the 
thinker  who  has  done  most  towards  clearing  up  this  sub- 

*  Essays  on  some  Unsettled  Questions  of  Political  Economy,  Essay  I. 


ject)*  "  it  is  not  a  difference  in  the  absolute  cost  of  produc- 
tion, which  determines  the  interchange,  but  a  difference  in 
the  comparative  cost.  It  may  be  to  our  advantage  to  pro- 
cure iron  from  Sweden  in  exchange  for  cottons,  even  although 
the  mines  of  England  as  well  as  her  manufactories  should 
be  more  productive  than  those  of  Sweden  ;  for  if  we  have 
an  advantage  of  one-half  in  cottons,  and  only  an  advantage 
of  a  quarter  in  iron,  and  could  sell  our  cottons  to  Sweden  at 
the  price  which  Sweden  must  pay  for  them  if  she  produced 
them  herself,  we  should  obtain  our  iron  with  an  advantage 
of  one-half,  as  well  as  our  cottons.  We  may  often,  by  trad- 
ing with  foreigners,  obtain  their  commodities  at  a  smaller 
expense  of  labour  and  capital  than  they  cost  to  the  foreign- 
ers themselves.  The  bargain  is  still  advantageous  to  the 
foreigner,  because  the  commodity  which  he  receives  in  ex- 
change, though  it  has  cost  us  less,  would  have  cost  him 

To  illustrate  the  cases  in  which  interchange  of  commod- 
ities will  not,  and  those  in  which  it  will,  take  place  between 
two  countries,  Mr.  Mill,  in  his  Elements  of  Political  Econ- 
omy,f  makes  the  supposition,  that  Poland  has  an  advantage 
over  England  in  the  production  both  of  cloth  and  of  corn. 
He  first  supposes  the  advantage  to  be  of  equal  amount  in 
both  commodities ;  the  cloth  and  the  corn,  each  of  which 
required  100  days  labour  in  Poland,  requiring  each  150 
days  labour  in  England.  "  It  would  follow,  that  the  cloth 
of  150  days  labour  in  England,  if  sent  to  Poland,  would  be 
equal  to  the  cloth  of  100  days  labour  in  Poland ;  if  ex- 
changed for  corn,  therefore,  it  would  exchange  for  the  corn 
of  only  100  days  labour.  But  the  corn  of  100  days  labour 
in  Poland,  was  supposed  to  be  the  same  quantity  with  that 

*  I  at  one  time  believed  Mr.  Ricardo  to  have  been  the  sole  author  of  the 
doctrine  now  universally  received  by  political  economists,  on  the  nature  and 
measure  of  the  benefit  which  a  country  derives  from  foreign  trade.  But  Colonel 
Torrens,  by  the  republication  of  one  of  his  early  writings,  "  The  Economists 
Refuted,"  has  established  at  least  a  joint  claim  with  Mr.  Ricardo  to  the  origina- 
tion of  the  doctrine,  and  an  exclusive  one  to  its  earliest  publication, 
f  Third  ed.  p.  120. 

130  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XVII.     §2. 

of  150  days  labour  in  England.  With  150  days  labour  in 
cloth,  therefore,  England  would  only  get  as  much  corn  in 
Poland  as  she  could  raise  with  150  days  labour  at  home ; 
and  she  would,  in  importing  it,  have  the  cost  of  carriage 
besides.  In  these  circumstances  no  exchange  would  take 
place."  In  this  case  the  comparative  costs  of  the  two  arti- 
cles in  England  and  in  Poland  were  supposed  to  be  the  same, 
though  the  absolute  costs  were  different ;  on  which  supposi- 
tion we  see  that  there  would  be  no  labour  saved  to  either 
country  by  confining  its  industry  to  one  of  the  two  produc- 
tions, and  importing  the  other. 

It  is  otherwise  when  the  comparative,  and  not  merely 
the  absolute  costs  of  the  two  articles  are  different  in  the  two 
countries.  "  If,"  continues  the  same  author,  "  while  the 
cloth  produced  with  100  days  labour  in  Poland  was  pro- 
duced with  150  days  labour  in  England,  the  corn  which 
was  produced  in  Poland  with  100  days  labour  could  not  be 
produced  in  England  with  less  than  200  days  labour ;  an 
adequate  motive  to  exchange  would  immediately  arise. 
"With  a  quantity  of  cloth  which  England  produced  with  150 
days  labour,  she  would  be  able  to  purchase  as  much  corn  in 
Poland  as  was  there  produced  with  100  days  labour ;  but 
the  quantity  which  was  there  produced  with  100  days  la- 
bour, would  be  as  great  as  the  quantity  produced  in  Eng- 
land with  200  days  labour."  By  importing  corn,  therefore, 
from  Poland,  and  paying  for  it  with  cloth,  England  would 
obtain  for  150  days  labour  what  would  otherwise  cost  her 
200  ;  being  a  saving  of  50  days  labour  on  each  repetition 
of  the  transaction :  and  not  merely  a  saving  to  England,  but 
a  saving  absolutely  ;  for  it  is  not  obtained  at  the  expense  of 
Poland,  who,  with  corn  that  costs  her  100  days  labour,  has 
purchased  cloth  which,  if  produced  at  home,  would  have 
cost  her  the  same.  Poland,  therefore,  on  this  supposition, 
loses  nothing ;  but  also  she  derives  no  advantage  from  the 
trade,  the  imported  cloth  costing  her  as  much  as  if  it  were 
made  at  home.  To  enable  Poland  to  gain  anything  by  the 
interchange,  something  must  be  abated  from  the  gain  of 


England :  the  corn  produced  in  Poland  by  100  days  labour, 
must  be  able  to  purchase  from  England  more  cloth  than 
Poland  could  produce  by  that  amount  of  labour ;  more 
therefore  than  England  could  produce  by  150  days  labour, 
England  thus  obtaining  the  corn  which  would  have  cost  her 
200  days,  at  a  cost  exceeding  150,  though  short  of  200. 
England  therefore  no  longer  gains  the  whole  of  the  labour 
which  is  saved  to  the  two  jointly  by  trading  with  one 

§  3.  From  this  exposition  we  perceive  in  what  consists 
the  benefit  of  international  exchange,  or,  in  other  words, 
foreign  commerce.  Setting  aside  its  enabling  countries  to 
obtain  commodities  which  they  could  not  themselves  pro- 
duce at  all ;  its  advantage  consists  in  a  more  efficient  em- 
ployment of  the  productive  forces  of  the  world.  If  two 
countries  which  traded  together  attempted,  as  far  as  was 
physically  possible,  to  produce  for  themselves  what  they 
now  import  from  one  another,  the  labour  and  capital  of  the 
two  countries  would  not  be  so  productive,  the  two  together 
would  not  obtain  from  their  industry  so  great  a  quantity  of 
commodities,  as  when  each  employs  itself  in  producing, 
both  for  itself  and  for  the  other,  the  things  in  which  its  la- 
bour is  relatively  most  efficient.  The  addition  thus  made 
to  the  produce  of  the  two  combined,  constitutes  the  advan- 
tage of  the  trade.  It  is  possible  that  one  of  the  two  coun- 
tries may  be  altogether  inferior  to  the  other  in  productive 
capacities,  and  that  its  labour  and  capital  could  be  employed 
to  greatest  advantage  by  being  removed  bodily  to  the  other. 
The  labour  and  capital  which  have  been  sunk  in  rendering 
Holland  habitable,  would  have  produced  a  much  greater 
return  if  transported  to  America  or  Ireland.  The  produce 
of  the  whole  world  would  be  greater,  or  the  labour  less,  than 
it  is,  if  everything  were  produced  where  there  is  the  great- 
est absolute  facility  for  its  production.  But  nations  do  not, 
at  least  in  modern  times,  emigrate  en  masse  /  and  while  the 
labour  and  capital  of  a  country  remain  in  the  country,  they 

Ig2  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XVII.      §4. 

are  most  beneficially  employed  in  producing  for  foreign 
markets  as  well  as  for  its  own,  the  things  in  which  it  lies 
under  the  least  disadvantage,  if  there  be  none  in  which  it 
possesses  an  advantage. 

§  4.  Before  proceeding  further,  let  us  contrast  this  view 
of  the  benefits  of  international  commerce  with  other  theories 
which  have  prevailed,  and  which  to  a  certain  extent  still 
prevail,  on  the  same  subject. 

According  to  the  doctrine  now  stated,  the  only  direct 
advantage  of  foreign  commerce  consists  in  the  imports.  A 
country  obtains  things  which  it  either  could  not  have  pro- 
duced at  all,  or  which  it  must  have  produced  at  a  greater 
expense  of  capital  and  labour  than  the  cost  of  the  things 
which  it  exports  to  pay  for  them.  It  thus  obtains  a  more 
ample  supply  of  the  commodities  it  wants,  for  the  same  la- 
bour and  capital ;  or  the  same  supply,  for  less  labour  and 
capital,  leaving  the  surplus  disposable  to  produce  other 
things.  The  vulgar  theory  disregards  this  benefit  and 
deems  the  advantage  of  commerce  to  reside  in  the  exports : 
as  if  not  what  a  country  obtains,  but  what  it  parts  with,  by 
its  foreign  trade,  was  supposed  to  constitute  the  gain  to  it. 
An  extended  market  for  its  produce — an  abundant  consump- 
tion for  its  goods — a  vent  for  its  surplus — are  the  phrases 
by  which  it  has  been  customary  to  designate  the  uses  and 
recommendations  of  commerce  with  foreign  countries.  This 
notion  is  intelligible,  when  we  consider  that  the  authors  and 
leaders  of  opinion  on  mercantile  questions  have  always  hith- 
erto been  the  selling  class.  It  is  in  truth  a  surviving  relic 
of  the  Mercantile  Theory,  according  to  which,  money  being 
the  only  wealth,  selling,  or  in  other  words,  exchanging 
goods  for  money  was  (to  countries  without  mines  of  their 
own)  the  only  way  of  growing  rich — and  importation  of 
goods,  that  is  to  say,  parting  with  money,  was  so  much  sub- 
tracted from  the  benefit. 

The  notion  that  money  alone  is  wealth,  has  been  long 
defunct,  but  it  has  left  many  of  its  progeny  behind  it ;  and 


even  its  destroyer  Adam  Smith,  retained  some  opinions 
which  it  is  impossible  to  trace  to  any  other  origin.  Adam 
Smith's  theory  of  the  benefit  of  foreign  trade,  was  that  it 
afforded  an  outlet  for  the  surplus  produce  of  a  country,  and 
enabled  a  portion  of  the  capital  of  the  country  to  replace  it- 
self with  a  profit.  These  expressions  suggest  ideas  incon- 
sistent with  a  clear  conception  of  the  phenomena.  The  ex- 
pression, surplus  produce,  seems  to  imply  that  a  country  is 
under  some  kind  of  necessity  of  producing  the  corn  or  cloth 
which  it  exports ;  so  that  the  portion  which  it  does  not 
itself  consume,  if  not  wanted  and  consumed  elsewhere, 
would  either  be  produced  in  sheer  waste,  or  if  it  were  not 
produced,  the  corresponding  portion  of  capital  would  remain 
idle,  and  the  mass  of  productions  in  the  country  would  be 
diminished  by  so  much.  Either  of  these  suppositions  would 
be  entirely  erroneous.  The  country  produces  an  exportable 
article  in  excess  of  its  own  wants,  from  no  inherent  neces- 
sity, but  as  the  cheapest  mode  of  supplying  itself  with  other 
things.  If  prevented  from  exporting  this  surplus,  it  would 
cease  to  produce  it,  and  would  no  longer  import  anything, 
being  unable  to  give  an  equivalent ;  but  the  labour  and 
capital  which  had  been  employed  in  producing  with  a 
view  to  exportation,  would  find  employment  in  producing 
those  desirable  objects  which  were  previously  brought  from 
abroad  :  or,  if  some  of  them  could  not  be  produced,  in  pro- 
ducing substitutes  for  them.  These  articles  would  of  course 
be  produced  at  a  greater  cost  than  that  of  the  things  with 
which  they  had  previously  been  purchased  from  foreign 
countries.  But  the  value  and  price  of  the  articles  would 
rise  in  proportion  ;  and  the  capital  would  just  as  much  be 
replaced,  with  the  ordinary  profit,  from  the  returns,  as  it 
was  when  employed  in  producing  for  the  foreign  market. 
The  only  losers  (after  the  temporary  inconvenience  of  the 
change)  would  be  the  consumers  of  the  heretofore  imported 
articles  ;  who  would  be  obliged  either  to  do  without  them, 
consuming  in  lieu  of  them  something  which  they  did  not 
like  as  well,  or  to  pay  a  higher  price  for  them  than  before. 

134  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XVII.     §5. 

There  is  much  misconception  in  the  common  notion  of 
what  commerce  does  for  a  country.  When  commerce  is 
spoken  of  as  a  source  of  national  wealth,  the  imagination 
fixes  itself  upon  the  large  fortunes  acquired  by  merchants, 
rather  t  than  upon  the  saving  of  price  to  consumers.  But 
the  gains  of  merchants,  when  they  enjoy  no  exclusive  privi- 
lege, are  no  greater  than  the  profits  obtained  by  the  em- 
ployment of  capital  in  the  country  itself.  If  it  be  said  that 
the  capital  now  employed  in  foreign  trade  could  not  find 
employment  in  supplying  the  home  market,  I  might  reply, 
that  this  is  the  fallacy  of  general  over-production,  discussed 
in  a  former  chapter  ;  but  the  thing  is  in  this  particular  case 
too  evident,  to  require  an  appeal  to  any  general  theory. 
We  not  only  see  that  the  capital  of  the  merchant  would  find 
employment,  but  we  see  what  employment.  There  would 
be  employment  created,  equal  to  that  which  would  be  taken 
away.  Exportation  ceasing,  importation  to  an  equal  value 
would  cease  also,  and  all  that  part  of  the  income  of  the 
country  which  had  been  expended  in  imported  commodities, 
would  be  ready  to  expend  itself  on  the  same  things  pro- 
duced at  home,  or  on  others  instead  of  them.  Commerce  is 
virtually  a  mode  of  cheapening  production  ;  and  in  all  such 
cases  the  consumer  is  the  person  ultimately  benefited  ;  the 
dealer,  in  the  end,  is  sure  to  get  his  profit,  whether  the 
buyer  obtains  much  or  little  for  his  money.  This  is  said 
without  prejudice  to  the  effect  (already  touched  upon,  and 
to  be  hereafter  fully  discussed)  which  the  cheapening  of  com- 
modities may  have  in  raising  profits  ;  in  the  case  when  the 
commodity  cheapened,  being  one  of  those  consumed  by  la- 
bourers, enters  into  the  cost  of  labour,  by  which  the  rate  of 
profits  is  determined. 

§  5.  Such,  then,  is  the  direct  economical  advantage  of 
foreign  trade.  But  there  are,  besides,  indirect  effects,  which 
must  be  counted  as  benefits  of  a  high  order.  One  is,  the 
tendency  of  every  extension  of  the  market  to  improve  the 
processes  of  production.      A  country  which  produces  for 


a  larger  market  than  its  own,  can  introduce  a  more  extended 
division  of  labour,  can  make  greater  use  of  machinery,  and 
is  more  likely  to  make  inventions  and  improvements  in  the 
processes  of  production.  Whatever  causes  a  greater  quan- 
tity of  anything  to  be  produced  in  the  same  place,  tends  to 
the  general  increase  of  the  productive  powers  of  the  world.* 
There  is  another  consideration,  principally  applicable  to  an 
early  stage  of  industrial  advancement.  A  people  may  be 
in  a  quiescent,  indolent,  uncultivated  state,  with  all  their 
tastes  either  fully  satisfied  or  entirely  undeveloped,  and  they 
may  fail  to  put  forth  the  whole  of  their  productive  energies 
for  want  of  any  sufficient  object  of  desire.  The  opening  of 
a  foreign  trade,  by  making  them  acquainted  with  new  ob- 
jects, or  tempting  them  by  the  easier  acquisition  of  things 
which  they  had  not  previously  thought  attainable,  some- 
times works  a  sort  of  industrial  revolution  in  a  country 
whose  resources  were  previously  undeveloped  for  want  of 
energy  and  ambition  in  the  people:  inducing  those  who 
were  satisfied  with  scanty  comforts  and  little  work,  to  work 
harder  for  the  gratification  of  their  new  tastes,  and  even  to 
save,  and  accumulate  capital,  for  the  still  more  complete 
satisfaction  of  those  tastes  at  a  future  time. 

But  the  economical  advantages  of  commerce  are  sur- 
passed in  importance  by  those  of  its  effects  which  are  intel- 
lectual and  moral.  It  is  hardly  possible  to  overrate  the 
value,  in  the  present  low  state  of  human  improvement,  of 
placing  human  beings  in  contact  with  persons  dissimilar  to 
themselves,  and  with  modes  of  thought  and  action  unlike 
those  with  which  they  are  familiar.  Commerce  is  now, 
what  war  once  was,  the  principal  source  of  this  contact. 
Commercial  adventurers  from  more  advanced  countries 
have  generally  been  the  first  civilizers  of  barbarians.  And 
commerce  is  the  purpose  of  the  far  greater  part  of  the  com- 
munication which  takes  place  between  civilized  nations. 
Such  communication  has  always  been,  and  is  peculiarly 
in  the  present  age,  one  of  the  primary  sources  of  progress. 

*  Vide  supra,  book  i.  chap.  ix.  §  1. 

136  B00K   HI.     CHAPTER   XVII.      §5. 

To  human  beings,  who,  as  hitherto  educated,  can  scarcely 
cultivate  even  a  good  quality  without  running  it  into  a 
fault,  it  is  indispensable  to  be  perpetually  comparing  their 
own  notions  and  customs  with  the  experience  and  example 
of  persons  in  different  circumstances  from  themselves  :  and 
there  is  no  nation  which  does  not  need  to  borrow  from 
others,  not  merely  particular  arts  or  practices,  but  essential 
points  of  character  in  which  its  own  type  is  inferior.  Final- 
ly, commerce  first  taught  nations  to  see  with  good  will  the 
wealth  and  prosperity  of  one  another.  Before,  the  patriot, 
unless  sufficiently  advanced  in  culture  to  feel  the  world  his 
country,  wished  all  countries  weak,  poor,  and  ill-governed, 
but  his  own :  he  now  sees  in  their  wealth  and  progress  a 
direct  source  of  wealth  and  progress  to  his  own  country. 
It  is  commerce  which  is  rapidly  rendering  war  obsolete,  by 
strengthening  and  multiplying  the  personal  interests  which 
are  in  natural  opposition  to  it.  And  it  may  be  said  without 
exaggeration  that  the  great  extent  and  rapid  increase  of  in- 
ternational trade,  in  being  the  principal  guarantee  of  the 
peace  of  the  world,  is  the  great  permanent  security  for  the 
uninterrupted  progress  of  the  ideas,  the  institutions,  and  the 
character  of  the  human  race. 



§  1.  The  values  of  commodities  produced  at  the  same 
place,  or  in  places  sufficiently  adjacent  for  capital  to  move 
freely  between  tliem — let  us  say,  for  simplicity,  of  commod- 
ities produced  in  the  same  country — depend  (temporary 
fluctuations  apart)  upon  their  cost  of  production.  But  the 
value  of  a  commodity  brought  from  a  distant  place,  especi- 
ally from  a  foreign  country,  does  not  depend  on  its  cost  of 
production  in  the  place  from  whence  it  comes.  On  what, 
then,  does  it  depend  ?  The  value  of  a  thing  in  any  place, 
depends  on  the  cost  of  its  acquisition  in  that  place  ;  which 
in  the  case  of  an  imported  article,  means  the  cost  of  produc- 
tion of  the  thing  which  is  exported  to  pay  for  it. 

Since  all  trade  is  in  reality  barter,  money  being  a  mere 
instrument  for  exchanging  things  against  one  another,  we 
will,  for  simplicity,  begin  by  supposing  the  international 
trade  to  be  in  form,  what  it  always  is  in  reality,  an  actual 
trucking  of  one  commodity  against  another.  As  far  as  we 
have  hitherto  proceeded,  we  have  found  all  the  laws  of  in- 
terchange to  be  essentially  the  same,  whether  money  is  used 
or  not ;  money  never  governing,  but  always  obeying,  those 
general  laws. 

If,  then,  England  imports  wine  from  Spain,  giving  for 
every  pipe  of  wine  a  bale  of  cloth,  the  exchange  value  of  a 
pipe  of  wine  in  England  will  not  depend  upon  what  the 
production  of  the  wine  may  have  cost  in  Spain,  but  upon 
what  the  production  of  the  cloth  has  cost  in   England. 

138  BOOK   III.      CHAPTER  XVIII.      §1. 

Though  the  wine  may  have  cost  in  Spain  the  equivalent  of 
only  ten  days  labour,  yet,  if  the  cloth  costs  in  England 
twenty  days  labour,  the  wine,  when  brought  to  England, 
will  exchange  for  the  produce  of  twenty  days  English  la- 
bour, plus  the  cost  of  carriage ;  including  the  usual  profit 
on  the  importer's  capital  during  the  time  it  is  locked  up, 
and  withheld  from  other  employment. 

The  value,  then,  in  any  country,  of  a  foreign  commod- 
ity, depends  on  the  quantity  of  home  produce  which  must 
be  given  to  the  foreign  country  in  exchange  for  it.  In  other 
words,  the  values  of  foreign  commodities  depend  on  the 
terms  of  international  exchange.  What,  then,  do  these  de- 
pend upon  ?  What  is  it,  which,  in  the  case  supposed,  causes 
a  pipe  of  wine  from  Spain  to  be  exchanged  with  England 
for  exactly  that  quantity  of  cloth  ?  We  have  seen  that  it  is 
not  their  cost  of  production.  If  the  cloth  and  the  wine  were 
both  made  in  Spain,  they  would  exchange  at  their  cost  of 
production  in  Spain  ;  if  they  were  both  made  in  England, 
they  would  exchange  at  their  cost  of  production  in  Eng- 
land :  but  all  the  cloth  being  made  in  England,  and  all  the 
wine  in  Spain,  they  are  in  circumstances  to  which  we  have 
already  determined  that  the  law  of  cost  of  production  is  not 
applicable.  We  must  accordingly,  as  we  have  done  before 
in  a  similar  embarrassment,  fall  back  upon  an  antecedent 
law,  that  of  supply  and  demand  :  and  in  this  we  shall  again 
find  the  solution  of  our  difficulty. 

I  have  discussed  this  question  in  a  separate  Essay,  al- 
ready once  referred  to  ;  and  a  quotation  of  part  of  the  expo- 
sition then  given,  will  be  the  best  introduction  to  my  pres- 
ent view  of  the  subject.  I  must  give  notice  that  we  are  now 
in  the  region  of  the  most  complicated  questions  which  polit- 
ical economy  affords  ;  that  the  subject  is  one  which  cannot 
possibly  be  made  elementary  ;  and  that  a  more  continuous 
effort  of  attention  than  has  yet  been  required,  will  be  neces- 
sary to  follow  the  series  of  deductions.  The  thread,  how- 
ever, which  we  are  about  to  take  in  hand,  is  in  itself  very 
simple  and  manageable ;  the  only  difficulty  is  in  following  it 


through  the  windings  and  entanglements  of  complex  inter- 
national transactions. 

§  2.  "  When  the  trade  is  established  between  the  two 
countries,  the  two  commodities  will  exchange  for  each  other 
at  the  same  rate  of  interchange  in  both  countries — bating 
the  cost  of  carriage,  of  which,  for  the  present,  it  will  be 
more  convenient  to  omit  the  consideration.  Supposing, 
therefore,  for  the  sake  of  argument,  that  the  carriage  of  the 
commodities  from  one  country  to  the  other  could  be  effected 
without  labour  and  without  cost,  no  sooner  would  the  trade 
be  opened  than  the  value  of  the  two  commodities,  estimated 
in  each  other,  would  come  to  a  level  in  both  countries. 

"  Suppose  that  10  yards  of  broadcloth  cost  in  England 
as  much  labour  as  15  yards  of  linen,  and  in  Germany  as 
much  as  20."  In  common  with  most  of  my  predecessors,  I 
find  it  advisable,  in  these  intricate  investigations,  to  give 
distinctness  and  fixity  to  the  conception  by  numerical  exam- 
ples. These  examples  must  sometimes,  as  in  the  present 
case,  be  purely  supposititious.  I  should  have  preferred  real 
ones  ;  but  all  that  is  essential  is  that  the  numbers  should  be 
such  as  admit  of  being  easily  followed  through  the  subse- 
quent combinations  into  which  they  enter. 

This  supposition  then  being  made,  it  would  be  the  in- 
terest of  England  to  import  linen  from  Germany,  and.  of 
Germany  to  import  cloth  from  England.  "When  each 
country  produced  both  commodities  for  itself,  10  yards  of 
cloth  exchanged  for  15  yards  of  linen  in  England,  and  for 
20  in  Germany.  They  will  now  exchange  for  the  same 
number  of  yards  of  linen  in  both.  For  what  number  ?  If 
for  15  yards,  England  will  be  just  as  she  was,  and  Germany 
will  gain  all.  If  for  20  yards,  Germany  will  be  as  before, 
and  England  will  derive  the  whole  of  the  benefit.  If  for  any 
number  intermediate  between  15  and  20,  the  advantage 
will  be  shared  between  the  two  countries.  If,  for  example, 
10  yards  of  cloth  exchange  for  18  of  linen,  England  will 
gain  an  advantage  of  3  yards  on  every  15,  Germany  will 

140  BOOK   III.      CHAPTER  XVIII.      §2. 

save  2  out  of  every  20.  The  problem  is,  what  are  the 
causes  which  determine  the  proportion  in  which  the  cloth 
of  England  and  the  linen  of  Germany  will  exchange  for 
each  other. 

"  As  exchange  value,  in  this  case  as  in  every  other,  is 
proverbially  fluctuating,  it  does  not  matter  what  we  suppose 
it  to  be  when  we  begin :  we  shall  soon  see  whether  there 
be  any  fixed  point  about  which  it  oscillates,  which  it  has  a 
tendency  always  to  approach  to,  and  to  remain  at.  Let  us 
suppose,  then,  that  by  the  effect  of  what  Adam  Smith  calls 
the  higgling  of  the  market,  10  yards  of  cloth,  in  both  coun- 
tries, exchange  for  IT  yards  of  linen. 

"  The  demand  for  a  commodity,  that  is,  the  quantity  of 
it  which  can  find  a  purchaser,  varies,  as  we  have  before  re- 
marked, according  to  the  price.  In  Germany  the  price  of 
10  yards  of  cloth  is  now  IT  yards  of  linen,  or  whatever 
quantity  of  money  is  equivalent  in  Germany  to  IT  yards  of 
linen.  Now,  that  being  the  price,  there  is  some  particular 
number  of  yards  of  cloth,  which  will  be  in  demand,  or  will 
find  purchasers,  at  that  price.  There  is  some  given  quan- 
tity of  cloth,  more  than  which  could  not  be  disposed  of  at 
that  price ;  less  than  which,  at  that  price,  would  not  fully 
satisfy  the  demand.  Let  us  suppose  this  quantity  to  be 
1000  times  10  yards. 

"  Let  us  now  turn  our  attention  to  England.  There 
the  price  of  IT  yards  of  linen  is  10  yards  of  cloth,  or  what- 
ever quantity  of  money  js  equivalent  in  England  to  10  yards 
of  cloth.  There  is  some  particular  number  of  yards  of  linen 
which,  at  that  price,  will  exactly  satisfy  the  demand,  and 
no  more.  Let  us  suppose  that  this  number  is  1000  times 
IT  yards. 

"  As  IT  yards  of  linen  are  to  10  yards  of  cloth,  so  are 
1000  times  IT  yards  to  1000  times  10  yards.  At  the  exist- 
ing exchange  value,  the  linen  which  England  requires  will 
exactly  pay  for  the  quantity  of  cloth  which,  on  the  same 
terms  of  interchange,  Germany  requires.  The  demand  on 
each  side  is  precisely  sufficient  to  carry  off  the  supply  on 


the  other.  The  conditions  required  by  the  principle  of  de- 
mand and  supply  are  fulfilled,  and  the  two  commodities, 
will  continue  to  be  interchanged,  as  we  supposed  them  to 
be,  in  the  ratio  of  17  yards  of  linen  for  10  yards  of  cloth. 

"  But  our  suppositions  might  have  been  different.  Sup- 
pose that,  at  the  assumed  rate  of  interchange,  England  had 
been  disposed  to  consume  no  greater  quantity  of  linen  than 
800  times  17  yards  :  it  is  evident  that,  at  the  rate  supposed, 
this  would  not  have  sufficed  to  pay  for  the  1000  times  10 
yards  of  cloth  which  we  have  supposed  Germany  to  require 
at  the  assumed  value.  Germany  would  be  able  to  procure 
no  more  than  800  times  10  yards  at  that  price.  To  procure 
the  remaining  200,  which  she  would  have  no  means  of  doing 
but  by  bidding  higher  for  them,  she  would  offer  more  than  17 
yards  of  linen  in  exchange  for  10  yards  of  cloth :  let  us  sup- 
pose her  to  offer  18.  At  this  price,  perhaps,  England  would 
be  inclined  to  purchase  a  greater  quantity  of  linen.  She 
would  consume,  possibly,  at  that  price,  900  times  18  yards. 
On  the  other  hand,  cloth  having  risen  in  price,  the  demand 
of  Germany  for  it  would  probably  have  diminished.  If,  in- 
stead of  1000  times  10  yards,  she  is  now  contended  with  900 
times  10  yards,  these  will  exactly  pay  for  the  900  times  18 
yards  of  linen  which  England  is  willing  to  take  at  the  al- 
tered price :  the  demand  on  each  side  will  again  exactly 
suffice  to  take  off  the  corresponding  supply  ;  and  10  yards 
for  18  will  be  the  rate  at  which,  in  both  countries,  cloth 
will  exchange  for  linen. 

"  The  converse  of  all  this  would  have  happened,  if,  in- 
stead of  800  times  17  yards,  we  had  supposed  that  England, 
at  the  rate  of  10  for  17,  would  have  taken  1200  times  17 
yards  of  linen.  In  this  case,  it  is  England  whose  demand  is 
not  fully  supplied  ;  it  is  England  who  by  bidding  for  more 
linen,  will  alter  the  rate  of  interchange  to  her  own  disadvan- 
tage ;  and  10  yards  of  cloth  will  fall,  in  both  countries,  be- 
low the  value  of  17  yards  of  linen.  By  this  fall  of  cloth,  or 
what  is  the  same  thing,  this  rise  of  linen,  the  demand  of 
Germany  for  cloth  will  increase,  and  the  demand  of  Eng- 

142  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XVIII.     §2. 

land  for  linen  will  diminish,  till  the  rate  of  interchange  has 
so  adjusted  itself  that  the  cloth  and  the  linen  will  exactly 
pay  for  one  another  ;  and  when  once  this  point  is  attained, 
values  will  remain  without  further  alteration. 

"  It  may  be  considered,  therefore,  as  established,  that 
when  two  countries  trade  together  in  two  commodities,  the 
exchange  value  of  these  commodities  relatively  to  each 
other  will  adjust  itself  to  the  inclinations  and  circumstances 
of  the  consumers  on  both  sides,  in  such  manner  that  the 
quantities  required  by  each  country,  of  the  articles  which  it 
imports  from  its  neighbour,  shall  be  exactly  sufficient  to  pay 
for  one  another.  As  the  inclinations  and  circumstances  of 
consumers  cannot  be  reduced  to  any  rule,  so  neither  can  the 
proportions  in  which  the  two  commodities  will  be  inter- 
changed. We  know  that  the  limits  within  which  the  varia- 
tion  is  confined,  are  the  ratio  between  their  costs  of  produc- 
tion in  the  one  country,  and  the  ratio  between  their  costs  of 
production  in  the  other.  Ten  yards  of  cloth  cannot  exchange 
for  more  than  20  yards  of  linen,  nor  for  less  than  15.  But 
they  may  exchange  for  any  intermediate  number.  The  ra- 
tios, therefore,  in  which  the  advantage  of  the  trade  may  be 
divided  between  the  two  nations,  are  various.  The  circum- 
stances on  which  the  proportionate  share  of  each  country  more 
remotely  depends,  admit  only  of  a  very  general  indication. 

"  It  is  even  possible  to  conceive  an  extreme  case,  in 
which  the  whole  of  the  advantage  resulting  from  the  inter- 
change would  be  reaped  by  one  party,  the  other  country  gain- 
ing nothing  at  all.  There  is  no  absurdity  in  the  hypothesis 
that,  of  some  given  commodity,  a  certain  quantity  is  all 
that  is  wanted  at  any  price ;  and  that,  when  that  quantity 
is  obtained,  no  fall  in  the  exchange  value  would  induce 
other  consumers  to  come  forward,  or  those  who  are  already 
supplied,  to  take  more.  Let  us  suppose  that  this  is  the  case 
in  Germany  with  cloth.  Before  her  trade  with  England 
commenced,  when  10  yards  of  cloth  cost  her  as  much  labour 
as  20  yards  of  linen,  she  nevertheless  consumed  as  much 
cloth  as  she  wanted  under  any  circumstances,  and,  if  she 


could  obtain  it  at  the  rate  of  10  yards  of  cloth  for  15 
of  linen,  she  would  not  consume  more.  Let  this  fixed 
quantity  be  1000  times  10  yards.  At  the  rate,  however,  of 
10  for  20,  England  would  want  more  linen  than  would  be 
equivalent  to  this  quantity  of  cloth.  She  would,  conse- 
quently, offer  a  higher  value  for  linen  ;  or,  what  is  the  same 
thing,  she  would  offer  her  cloth  at  a  cheaper  rate.  But,  as 
by  no  lowering  of  the  value  could  she  prevail  on  Germany 
to  take  a  greater  quantity  of  cloth,  there  would  be  no  limit 
to  the  rise  of  linen  or  fall  of  cloth,  until  the  demand  of 
England  for  linen  was  reduced  by  the  rise  of  its  value,  to 
the  quantity  which  1000  times  10  yards  of  cloth  would  pur- 
chase. It  might  be,  that  to  produce  this  diminution  of  the 
demand  a  less  fall  would  not  suffice  than  that  which  would 
make  10  yards  of  cloth  exchange  for  15  of  linen.  Germany 
would  then  gain  the  whole  of  the  advantage,  and  England 
would  be  exactly  as  she  was  before  the  trade  commenced. 
It  would  be  for  the  interest,  however,  of  Germany  herself  to 
keep  her  linen  a  little  below  the  value  at  which  it  could  be 
produced  in  England,  in  order  to  keep  herself  from  being 
supplanted  by  the  home  producer.  England,  therefore, 
would  always  benefit  in  some  degree  by  the  existence  of 
the  trade,  though  it  might  be  a  very  trifling  one." 

In  this  statement,  I  conceive,  is  contained  the  first  ele- 
mentary principle  of  International  Values.  I  have,  as  is 
indispensable  in  such  abstract  and  hypothetical  cases,  sup- 
posed the  circumstances  to  be  much  less  complex  than  they 
really  are  :  in  the  first  place,  by  suppressing  the  cost  of 
carriage  :  next,  by  supposing  that  there  are  only  two  coun- 
tries trading  together  ;  and  lastly,  that  they  trade  only  in 
two  commodities.  To  render  the  exposition  of  the  principle 
complete,  it  is  necessary  to  restore  the  various  circumstances 
thus  temporarily  left  out  to  simplify  the  argument.  Those 
who  are  accustomed  to  any  kind  of  scientific  investigation 
will  probably  see,  without  formal  proof,  that  the  introduc- 
tion of  these  circumstances  cannot  alter  the  theory  of  the 
subject.     Trade  among  any  number  of  countries,  and  in  any 

144:  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XVIII.     §8. 

number  of  commodities,  must  take  place  on  the  same  essen- 
tial principles  as  trade  between  two  countries  and  in  two 
commodities.  .  Introducing  a  greater  number  of  agents  pre- 
cisely similar,  cannot  change  the  law  of  their  action,  no 
more  than  putting  additional  weights  into  the  two  scales 
of  a  balance  alters  the  law  of  gravitation.  It  alters  nothing 
but  the  numerical  results.  For  more  complete  satisfaction, 
however,  we  will  enter  into  the  complex  cases  with  the 
same  particularity  with  which  we  have  stated  the  simpler 

§  3.  First,  let  us  introduce  the  element  of  cost  of  car- 
riage. The  chief  difference  will  then  be,  that  the  cloth  and 
the  linen  will  no  longer  exchange  for  each  other  at  precisely 
the  same  rate  in  both  countries.  Linen,  having  to  be  car- 
ried to  England,  will  be  dearer  there  by  its  cost  of  carriage  ; 
and  cloth  will  be  dearer  in  Germany  by  the  cost  of  carrying 
it  from  England.  Linen,  estimated  in  cloth,  will  be  dearer 
in  England  than  in  Germany,  by  the  cost  of  carriage  of  both 
articles :  and  so  will  cloth  in  Germany,  estimated  in  linen. 
Suppose  that  the  cost  of  carriage  of  each  is  equivalent  to 
one  yard  of  linen ;  and  suppose  that,  if  they  could  have  been 
carried  without  cost,  the  terms  of  interchange  would  have 
been  10  yards  of  cloth  for  17  of  linen.  It  may  seem  at  first 
that  each  country  will  pay  its  own  cost  of  carriage ;  that  is, 
the  carriage  of  the  article  it  imports ;  that  in  Germany  10 
yards  of  cloth  will  exchange  for  18  of  linen,  namely,  the 
original  17,  and  1  to  cover  the  cost  of  carriage  of  the  cloth  ; 
while  in  England,  10  yards  of  cloth  will  only  purchase  16 
of  linen,  1  yard  being  deducted  for  the  cost  of  carriage  of 
the  linen.  This,  however,  cannot  be  affirmed  with  certain- 
ty ;  it  will  only  be  true,  if  the  linen  which  the  English  con- 
sumers would  take  at  the  price  of  10  for  16,  exactly  pays  for 
the  cloth  which  the  German  consumers  would  take  at  10 
for  18.  The  values,  whatever  they  are,  must  establish  this 
equilibrium.  No  absolute  rule,  therefore,  can  be  laid  down 
for  the  division  of  the  cost,  no  more  than  for  the  division  of 


the  advantage :  and  it  does  not  follow  that  in  whatever 
ratio  the  one  is  divided,  the  other  will  be  divided  in  the 
same.  It  is  impossible  to  say,  if  the  cost  of  carriage  could 
be  annihilated,  whether  the  producing  or  the  importing 
country  would  be  most  benefited.  This  would  depend  on 
the  play  of  international  demand. 

Cost  of  carriage  has  one  effect  more.  But  for  it,  every 
commodity  would  (if  trade  be  supposed  free)  be  either  regu- 
larly imported  or  regularly  exported.  A  country  would 
make  nothing  for  itself  which  it  did  not  also  make  for  other 
countries.  But  in  consequence  of  cost  of  carriage  there  are 
many  things,  especially  bulky  articles,  which  every,  or  al- 
most every  country  produces  within  itself.  After  exporting 
the  things  in  which  it  can  employ  itself  most  advantageous- 
ly, and  importing  those  in  which  it  is  under  the  greatest 
disadvantage,  there  are  many  lying  between,  of  which  the 
relative  cost  of  production  in  that  and  in  other  countries  dif- 
fers so  little,  that  the  cost  of  carriage  would  absorb  more 
than  the  whole  saving  in  cost  of  production  which  would  be 
obtained  by  importing  one  and  exporting  another.  This  is 
the  case  with  numerous  commodities  of  common  consump- 
tion ;  including  the  coarser  qualities  of  many  articles  of  food 
and  manufacture,  of  which  the  finer  kinds  are  the  subject 
of  extensive  international  traffic. 

§  4.  Let  us  now  introduce  a  greater  number  of  commod- 
ities than  the  two  we  have  hitherto  supposed.  Let  cloth  and 
linen,  however,  be  still  the  articles  of  which  the  compara- 
tive cost  of  production  in  England  and  in  Germany  differ 
the  most ;  so  that  if  they  were  confined  to  two  commodities, 
these  would  be  the  two  which  it  would  be  most  their  inter- 
est to  exchange.  We  will  now  again  omit  cost  of  carriage, 
which,  having  been  shown  not  to  affect  the  essentials  of  the 
question,  does  but  embarrass  unnecessarily  the  statement 
of  it.  Let  us  suppose,  then,  that  the  demand  of  England  for 
^inen  is  either  so  much  greater  than  that  of  Germany  for 
cloth,  or  so  much  more  extensible  by  cheapness,  that  if 

146  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XVIII.     §4. 

England  had  no  commodity  but  cloth  which  Germany 
would  take,  the  demand  of  England  would  force  up  the 
terms  of  interchange  to  10  yards  of  cloth  for  only  16  of 
linen,  so  that  England  would  gain  only  the  difference  be- 
tween 15  and  16,  Germany  the  difference  between  16  and 
20.  But  let  us  now  suppose  that  England  has  also  another 
commodity,  say  iron,  which  is  in  demand  in  Germany,  and 
that  the  quantity  of  iron  which  is  of  equal  value  in  England 
with  10  yards  of  cloth,  (let  us  call  this  quantity  a  hundred 
weight)  will,  if  produced  in  Germany,  cost  as  much  labour 
as  18  yards  of  linen,  so  that  if  offered  by  England  for  17,  it 
will  undersell  the  German  producer.  In  these  circum- 
stances, linen  will  not  be  forced  up  to  the  rate  of  16  yards 
for  10  of  cloth,  but  will  stop,  suppose  at  17  ;  for  although,  at 
that  rate  of  interchange,  Germany  will  not  take  enough 
cloth  to  pay  for  all  the  linen  required  by  England,  she  will 
take  iron  for  the  remainder,  and  it  is  the  same  thing  to 
England  whether  she  gives  a  hundred  weight  of  iron  or  10 
yards  of  cloth,  both  being  made  at  the  same  cost.  If  we 
now  superadd  coals  or  cottons  on  the  side  of  England,  and 
wine,  or  corn,  or  timber,  on  the  side  of  Germany,  it  will 
make  no  difference  in  the  principle.  The  exports  of  each 
country  must  exactly  pay  for  the  imports ;  meaning  now 
the  aggregate  exports  and  imports,  not  those  of  particular 
commodities  taken  singly.  The  produce  of  fifty  days  Eng- 
lish labour,  whether  in  cloth,  coals,  iron,  or  any  other  ex- 
ports, will  exchange  for  the  produce  of  forty,  or  fifty,  or 
sixty  days  German  labour,  in  linen,  wine,  corn,  or  timber, 
according  to  the  international  demand.  There  is  some  pro- 
portion at  which  the  demand  of  the  two  countries  for  each 
other's  products  will  exactly  correspond  ;  so  that  the  things 
supplied  by  England  to  Germany  will  be  completely  paid 
for,  and  no  more,  by  those  supplied  by  Germany  to  Eng- 
land. This  accordingly  will  be  the  ratio  in  which  the  prod- 
uce of  English  and  the  produce  of  German  labour  will  ex- 
change for  one  another. 

If,  therefore,  it  be  asked  what  country  draws  to  itself  the 


greatest  share  of  the  advantage  of  any  trade  it  carries  on, 
the  answer  is,  the  country  for  whose  productions  there  is  in 
other  countries  the  greatest  demand,  and  a  demand  the 
most  susceptible  of  increase  from  additional  cheapness.  In 
so  far  as  the  productions  of  any  country  possess  this  proper- 
ty, the  country  obtains  all  foreign  commodities  at  less  cost. 
It  gets  its  imports  cheaper,  the  greater  the  intensity  of  the 
demand  in  foreign  countries  for  its  exports.  It  also  gets  its 
imports  cheaper,  the  less  the  extent  and  intensity  of  its  own 
demand  for  them.  The  market  is  cheapest  to  those  whose 
demand  is  small.  A  country  which  desires  few  foreign  pro- 
ductions, and  only  a  limited  quantity  of  them,  while  its  own 
commodities  are  in  great  request  in  foreign  countries,  will 
obtain  its  limited  imports  at  extremely  small  cost,  that  is, 
in  exchange  for  the  produce  of  a  very  small  quantity  of  its 
labour  and  capital. 

Lastly,  having  introduced  more  than  the  original  two 
commodities  into  the  hypothesis,  let  us  also  introduce  more 
than  the  original  two  countries.  After  the  demand  of  Eng- 
land for  the  linen  of  Germany  has  raised  the  rate  of  inter- 
change to  10  yards  of  cloth  for  16  cf  linen,  suppose  a  trade 
opened  between  England  and  some  other  country  which 
also  exports  linen.  And  let  us  suppose  that  if  England  had 
no  trade  but  with  this  third  country,  the  play  of  interna- 
tional demand  would  enable  her  to  obtain  from  it,  for  10 
yards  of  cloth  or  its  equivalent,  17  yards  of  linen.  She  evi- 
dently would  not  go  on  buying  linen  from  Germany  at  the 
former  rate  :  Germany  would  be  undersold,  and  must  con- 
sent to  give  17  yards,  like  the  other  country.  In  this  case, 
the  circumstances  of  production  and  of  demand  in  the  third 
country  are  supposed  to  be  in  themselves  more  advantageous 
to  England  than  the  circumstances  of  Germany  ;  but  this 
supposition  is  not  necessary  :  we  might  suppose  that  if  the 
trade  with  Germany  did  not  exist,  England  would  be 
obliged  to  give  to  the  other  country  the  same  advantageous 
terms  which  she  gives  to  Germany  ;  10  yards  of  cloth  for 
16,  or  even  less  than  16,  of  linen.     Even  so,  the  opening  of 

148  •         BOOK  III.      CHAPTER  XVIII.      §4. 

the  third  country  makes  a  great  difference  in  favour  of  Eng- 
land. There  is  now  a  double  market  for  English  exports, 
while  the  demand  of  England  for  linen  is  only  what  it  was 
before.  This  necessarily  obtains  for  England  more  advan- 
tageous terms  of  interchange.  The  two  countries,  requiring 
much  more  of  her  produce  than  was  required  by  either 
alone,  must,  in  order  to  obtain  it,  force  an  increased  demand 
for  their  exports,  by  offering  them  at  a  lower  value. 

It  deserves  notice,  that  this  effect  in  favour  of  England 
from  the  opening  of  another  market  for  her  exports,  will 
equally  be  produced  even  though  the  country  from  which 
the  demand  comes  should  have  nothing  to  sell  which  Eng- 
land is  willing  to  take.  Suppose  that  the  third  country, 
though  requiring  cloth  or  iron  from  England,  produces  no 
linen,  nor  any  other  article  which  is  in  demand  there.  She 
however  produces  exportable  articles,  or  she  would  have  no 
means  of  paying  for  imports  :  her  exports,  though  not  suit- 
able to  the  English  consumer,  can  find  a  market  somewhere. 
As  we  are  only  supposing  three  countries,  we  must  assume 
her  to  find  this  market  in  Germany,  and  to  pay  for  what  she 
imports  from  England  by  orders  on  her  German  customers. 
Germany,  therefore,  besides  having  to  pay  for  her  own  im- 
ports, now  owes  a  debt  to  England  on  account  of  the  third 
country,  and  the  means  for  both  purposes  must  be  derived 
from  her  exportable  produce.  She  must  therefore  tender  that 
produce  to  England  on  terms  sufficiently  favourable  to  force 
a  demand  equivalent  to  this  double  debt.  Everything  will 
take  place  precisely  as  if  the  third  country  had  bought  Ger- 
man produce  with  her  own  goods,  and  offered  that  produce 
to  England  in  exchange  for  hers.  There  is  an  increased 
demand  for  English  goods,  for  which  German  goods  have 
to  furnish  the  payment ;  and  this  can  only  be  done  by  for- 
cing an  increased  demand  for  them  in  England,  that  is,  by 
lowering  their  value.  Thus  an  increase  of  demand  for  a  coun- 
try's exports  in  any  foreign  country,  enables  her  to  obtain 
more  cheaply  even  those  imports  which  she  procures  from 
other  quarters.     And  conversely,  an  increase  of  her  own 


demand  for  any  foreign  commodity  compels  her,  cceteris 
pa/ribu8,  to  pay  dearer  for  all  foreign  commodities. 

The  law  which  we  have  now  illustrated,  may  be  appro- 
priately named,  the  Equation  of  International  Demand.  It 
may  be  concisely  stated  as  follows.  The  produce  of  a  coun- 
try exchanges  for  the  produce  of  other  countries,  at  such 
values  as  are  required  in  order  that  the  whole  of  her  exports 
may  exactly  pay  for  the  whole  of  her  imports.  This  law 
of  International  Values  is  but  an  extension  of  the  more 
general  law  of  Value,  which  we  called  the  Equation  of  Sup- 
ply and  Demand.*  We  have  seen  that  the  value  of  a  com- 
modity always  so  adjusts  itself  as  to  bring  the  demand  to 
the  exact  level  of  the  supply.  But  all  trade,  either  between 
nations  or  individuals,  is  an  interchange  of  commodities, 
in  which  the  things  that  they  respectively  have  to  sell,  con- 
stitute also  their  means  of  purchase:  the  supply  brought  by 
the  one  constitutes  his  demand  for  what  is  brought  by  the 
other.  So  that  supply  and  demand  are  but  another  expres- 
sion for  reciprocal  demand  :  and  to  say  that  value  will  ad- 
just itself  so  as  to  equalize  demand  with  supply,  is  in  fact 
to  say  that  it  will  adjust  itself  so  as  to  equalize  the  demand 
on  one  side  with  the  demand  on  the  other. 

§  5.  To  trace  the  consequences  of  this  law  of  Interna- 
tional Values  through  their  wide  ramifications,  would  occu- 
py more  space  than  can  be  here  devoted  to  such  a  purpose. 
But  there  is  one  of  its  applications  which  I  will  notice,  as 
being  in  itself  not  unimportant,  as  bearing  on  the  question 
which  will  occupy  us  in  the  next  chapter,  and  especially  as 
conducing  to  the  more  full  and  clear  understanding  of  the 
law  itself. 

We  have  seen  that  the  value  at  which  a  country  pur- 
shases  a  foreign  commodity,  does  not  conform  to  the  cost 
of  production  in  the  country  from  which  the  commodity 
comes.  Suppose  now  a  change  in  that  cost  of  production ; 
an  improvement,  for  example,  in  the  process  of  manufacture 

*  Supra,  book  iii.  chap.  ii.  §4. 

150  BOOK  HI.     CHAPTER  XVm.     §5. 

Will  the  benefit  of  the  improvement  be  fully  participated  in 
by  other  countries  ?  Will  the  commodity  be  sold  as  much 
cheaper  to  foreigners,  as  it  is  produced  cheaper  at  home  ? 
This  question,  and  the  considerations  which  must  be  entered 
into  in  order  to  resolve  it,  are  well  adapted  to  try  the  worth 
of  the  theory. 

Let  us  first  suppose,  that  the  improvement  is  of  a  nature 
to  create  a  new  branch  of  export :  to  make  foreigners  resort 
to  the  country  for  a  commodity  which  they  had  previously 
produced  at  home.  On  this  supposition,  the  foreign  demand 
for  the  productions  of  the  country  is  increased  ;  which  ne- 
cessarily alters  the  international  values  to  its  advantage,  and 
to  the  disadvantage  of  foreign  countries,  who,  therefore, 
though  they  participate  in  the  benefit  of  the  new  product, 
must  purchase  that  benefit  by  paying  for  all  the  other  pro- 
ductions of  the  country  at  a  dearer  rate  than  before.  How 
much  dearer,  will  depend  on  the  degree  necessary  for  re- 
establishing, under  these  new  conditions,  the  Equation  of 
International  Demand.  These  consequences  follow  in  a 
very  obvious  manner  from  the  law  of  international  values, 
and  I  shall  not  occupy  space  in  illustrating  them,  but  shall 
pass  to  the  more  frequent  case,  of  an  improvement  which 
does  not  create  a  new  article  of  export,  but  lowers  the  cost 
of  production  of  something  which  the  country  already  ex- 

It  being  advantageous,  in  discussions  of  this  complicated 
nature,  to  employ  definite  numerical  amounts,  we  shall  re- 
turn to  our  original  example.  Ten  yards  of  cloth,  if  pro- 
duced in  Germany,  would  require  the  same  amount  of  la- 
bour and  capital  as  twenty  yards  of  linen  ;  but,  by  the  play 
of  international  demand,  they  can  be  obtained  from  England 
for  seventeen.  Suppose  now,  that  by  a  mechanical  improve- 
ment made  in  Germany,  and  not  capable  of  being  trans- 
ferred to  England,  the  same  quantity  of  labour  and  capital 
which  produced  twenty  yards  of  linen,  is  enabled  to  pro- 
duce thirty.  Linen  falls  one-third  in  value  in  the  German 
market,  as  compared  with  other  commodities  produced  in 


Germany.  Will  it  also  fall  one-third  as  compared  with 
English  cloth,  thus  giving  to  England,  in  common  with 
Germany,  the  full  benefit  of  the  improvement  ?  Or  (ought 
we  not  rather  to  say),  since  the  cost  to  England  of  obtaining 
linen  was  not  regulated  by  the  cost  to  Germany  of  produc- 
ing it,  and  since  England,  accordingly,  did  not  get  the  entire 
benefit  even  of  the  twenty  yards  which  Germany  could 
have  given  for  ten  yards  of  cloth,  but  only  obtained  seven- 
teen— why  should  she  now  obtain  more,  merely  because  this 
theoretical  limit  is  removed  ten  degrees  further  off? 

It  is  evident  that  in  the  outset,  the  improvement  will 
lower  the  value  of  linen  in  Germany,  in  relation  to  all  other 
commodities  in  the  German  market,  including,  among  the 
rest,  even  the  imported  commodity,  cloth.  If  10  yards  of 
cloth  previously  exchanged  for  17  yards  of  linen,  they  will 
now  exchange  for  half  as  much  more,  or  25^  yards.  But 
whether  they  will  continue  to  do  so,  will  depend  on  the  effect 
which  this  increased  cheapness  of  linen  produces  on  the  in- 
ternational demand.  The  demand  for  linen  in  England 
could  scarcely  fail  to  be  increased.  But  it  might  be  in- 
creased either  in  proportion  to  the  cheapness,  or  in  a  greater 
proportion  than  the  cheapness,  or  in  a  less  proportion. 

If  the  demand  was  increased  in  the  same  proportion  with 
the  cheapness,  England  would  take  as  many  times  25£  yards 
of  linen,  as  the  number  of  times  IT  yards  which  she  took 
previously.  She  would  expend  in  linen  exactly  as  much  of 
cloth,  or  of  the  equivalents  of  cloth,  as  much  in  short  of  the 
collective  income  of  her  people,  as  she  did  before.  Ger- 
many, on  her  part,  would  probably  require,  at  that  rate  of 
interchange,  the  same  quantity  of  cloth  as  before,  because  it 
would  in  reality  cost  her  exactly  as  much  ;  25f  yards  of 
linen  being  now  of  the  same  value  in  her  market,  as  17 
yards  were  before.  In  this  case,  therefore,  10  yards  of  cloth 
for  25^  of  linen  is  the  rate  of  interchange  which  under  these 
new  conditions  would  restore  the  equation  of  international 
demand  ;  and  England  would  obtain  linen  one-third  cheaper 
than  before,  being  the  same  advantage  as  was  obtained  by 

152  BOOK   III.      CHAPTER  XVIII.      §5. 

It  might  happen,  however,  that  this  great  cheapening 
of  linen  would  increase  the  demand  for  it  in  England  in  a 
greater  ratio  than  the  increase  of  cheapness  ;  and  that  if  she 
before  wanted  1000  times  IT  yards,  she  would  now  require 
more  than  1000  times  25-|  yards  to  satisfy  her  demand.  If 
so,  the  equation  of  international  demand  cannot  establish 
itself  at  that  rate  of  interchange  ;  to  pay  for  the  linen  Eng- 
land must  offer  cloth  on  more  advantageous  terms :  say,  for 
example,  10  yards  for  21  of  linen  ;  so  that  England  will  not 
have  the  full  benefit  of  the  improvement  in  the  production 
of  linen,  while  Germany,  in  addition  to  that  benefit,  will 
also  pay  less  for  cloth.  But  again,  it  is  possible  that  Eng- 
land might  not  desire  to  increase  her  consumption  of  linen 
in  even  so  great  a  proportion  as  that  of  the  increased  cheap- 
ness ;  she  might  not  desire  so  great  a  quantity  as  1000  times 
25-g-  yards  :  and  in  that  case  Germany  must  force  a  demand, 
by  offering  more  than  25-|  yards  of  linen  for  10  of  cloth  ; 
linen  will  be  cheapened  in  England  in  a  still  greater  degree 
than  in  Germany ;  while  Germany  will  obtain  cloth  on 
more  unfavourable  terms,  and  at  a  higher  exchange  value 
than  before. 

After  what  has  already  been  said,  it  is  not  necessary  to 
particularize  the  manner  in  which  these  results  might  be 
modified  by  introducing  into  the  hypothesis  other  countries 
and  other  commodities.  There  is  a  further  circumstance  by 
which  they  may  also  be  modified.  In  the  case  supposed, 
the  consumers  of  Germany  have  had  a  part  of  their  incomes 
set  at  liberty  by  the  increased  cheapness  of  linen,  which 
they  may  indeed  expend  in  increasing  their  consumption 
of  that  article,  but  which  they  may,  likewise,  expend  in 
other  articles,  and  among  others,  in  cloth  or  other  imported 
commodities.  This  would  be  an  additional  element  in  the 
international  demand,  and  would  modify  more  or  less  the 
terms  of  interchange. 

Of  the  three  possible  varieties  in  the  influence  of  cheap- 
ness on  demand,  which  is  the  more  probable — that  the  de- 
mand would  be  increased  more  than  the  cheapness,  as  much 


as  the  cheapness,  or  less  than  the  cheapness  ?  This  depends 
on  the  nature  of  the  particular  commodity,  and  on  the  tastes 
of  purchasers.  When  the  commodity  is  one  in  general  re- 
quest, and  the  fall  of  its  price  brings  it  within  the  reach  of 
a  much  larger  class  of  incomes  than  before,  the  demand  is 
often  increased  in  a  greater  ratio  than  the  fall  of  price,  and 
a  larger  sum  of  money  is  on  the  whole  expended  in  the  ar- 
ticle. Such  was  the  case  with  coffee,  when  its  price  was 
lowered  by  successive  reductions  of  taxation ;  and  such 
would  probably  be  the  case  with  sugar,  wine,  and  a  large 
class  of  commodities  which,  though  not  necessaries,  are 
largely  consumed,  and  in  which  many  consumers  indulge 
when  the  articles  are  cheap  and  economize  when  they  arc 
dear.  But  it  more  frequently  happens  that  when  a  com- 
modity falls  in  price,  less  money  is  spent  in  it  than  before  : 
a  greater  quantity  is  consumed,  but  not  so  great  a  value. 
The  consumer  who  saves  money  by  the  cheapness  of  the  ar- 
ticle, will  be  likely  to  expend  part  of  the  saving  in  increas- 
ing his  consumption  of  other  things :  and  unless  the  low 
price  attracts  a  large  class  of  new  purchasers  who  were 
either  not  consumers  of  the  article  at  all,  or  only  in  small 
quantity  and  occasionally,  a  less  aggregate  sum  will  be  ex- 
pended on  it.  Speaking  generally,  therefore,  the  third  of 
our  three  cases  is  the  most  probable :  and  an  improvement 
in  an  exportable  article  is  likely  to  be  as  beneficial  (if.  not 
more  beneficial)  to  foreign  countries,  as  to  the  country 
where  the  article  is  produced. 

§  6.  Thus  far  had  the  theory  of  international  values 
been  earned  in  the  first  and  second  editions  of  this  work. 
But  intelligent  criticisms,  and  subsequent  further  investiga- 
tion, have  shown  that  the  doctrine  stated  in  the  preceding 
pages,  though  correct  as  far  as  it  goes,  is  not  yet  the  com- 
plete theory  of  the  subject  matter. 

It  has  been  shown  that  the  exports  and  imports  between 
the  two  countries  (or,  if  we  suppose  more  than  two,  between 
each  country  and  the  world)  must  in  the  aggregate  pay  for 

154  BOOK  III.      CHAPTER  XVIII.     §6. 

each  other,  and  must  therefore  be  exchanged  for  one  another 
at  such  values  as  will  be  compatible  with  the  equation  of 
international  demand.  That  this,  however,  does  not  furnish 
the  complete  law  of  the  phenomenon,  appears  from  the  fol- 
lowing consideration :  that  several  different  rates  of  inter- 
national value  may  all  equally  fulfil  the  conditions  of  this 

The  supposition  was,  that  England  could  produce  10 
yards  of  cloth  with  the  same  labour  as  15  of  linen,  and  Ger- 
many with  the  same  labour  as  20  of  linen  ;  that  a  trade  was 
opened  between  the  two  countries ;  that  England  thence- 
forth confined  her  production  to  cloth,  and  Germany  to 
linen  ;  and  that,  if  10  yards  of  cloth  should  thenceforth  ex- 
change for  17  of  linen,  England  and  Germany  would  exact- 
ly supply  each  other's  demand:  that,  for  instance,  if  Eng- 
land wanted  at  that  price  17,000  yards  of  linen,  Germany 
would  want  exactly  the  10,000  yards  of  cloth,  which,  at 
that  price,  England  would  be  required  to  give  for  the  linen. 
Under  these  suppositions  it  appeared,  that  10  cloth  for  17 
linen,  would  be,  in  point  of  fact,  the  international  values. 

But  it  is  quite  possible  that  some  other  rate,  such  as  10 
cloth  for  18  linen,  might  also  fulfil  the  conditions  of  the 
equation  of  international  demand.  Suppose  that  at  this  last 
rate,  England  would  want  more  linen  than  at  the  rate  of  10 
for  17,  but  not  in  the  ratio  of  the  cheapness  ;  that  she  would 
not  want  the  18,000  which  she  could  now  buy  with  10,000 
yards  of  cloth,  but  would  be  content  with  17,500,  for  which 
she  would  pay  (at  the  new  rate  of  10  for  18)  9722  yards  of 
cloth.  Germany,  again,  having  to  pay  dearer  for  cloth 
than  when  it  could  be  bought  at  10  for  17,  would  probably 
reduce  her  consumption  to  an  amount  below  10,000  yards, 
perhaps  to  the  very  same  number,  9722.  Under  these  con- 
ditions the  Equation  of  International  Demand  would  still 
exist.  Thus,  the  rate  of  10  for  17,  and  that  of  10  for  18, 
would  equally  satisfy  the  Equation  of  Demand  :  and  many 
other  rates  of  interchange  might  satisfy  it  in  like  manner. 
It  is  conceivable  that  the  conditions  might  be  equally  satis- 


fied  by  every  numerical  rate  which  could  be  supposed. 
There  is  still  therefore  a  portion  of  indeterminateness  in  the 
rate  at  which  the  international  values  would  adjust  them- 
selves ;  showing  that  the  whole  of  the  influencing  circum- 
stances cannot  yet  have  been  taken  into  the  account. 

§  7.  It  will  be  found  that  to  supply  this  deficiency,  we 
must  take  into  consideration  not  only,  as  we  have  already 
done,  the  quantities  demanded  in  each  country,  of  the  im- 
ported commodities ;  but  also  the  extent  of  the  means  of 
supplying  that  demand,  which  are  set  at  liberty  in  each 
country  by  the  change  in  the  direction  of  its  industry. 

To  illustrate  this  point  it  will  be  necessary  to  choose 
more  convenient  numbers  than  those  which  we  have  hither- 
to employed.  Let  it  be  supposed  that  in  England  100  yards 
of  cloth,  previously  to  the  trade,  exchanged  for  100  of  linen, 
but  that  in  Germany  100  of  cloth  exchanged  for  200  of 
linen.  When  the  trade  was  opened,  England  would  supply 
cloth  to  Germany,  Germany  linen  to  England,  at  an  ex- 
change value  which  would  depend  partly  on  the  element  al- 
ready discussed,  viz.  the  comparative  degree  in  which,  in 
the  two  countries,  increased  cheapness  operates  in  increasing 
the  demand  ;  and  partly  on  some  other  element  not  yet 
taken  into  account.  In  order  to  isolate  this  unknown  ele- 
ment, it  will  be  necessary  to  make  some  definite  and  invari- 
able supposition  in  regard  to  the  known  element.  Let  us 
therefore  assume,  that  the  influence  of  cheapness  on  demand 
conforms  to  some  simple  law,  common  to  both  countries 
and  to  both  commodities.  As  the  simplest  and  most  conve- 
nient, let  us  suppose  that  in  both  countries  any  given  in- 
crease of  cheapness  produces  an  exactly  proportional  in- 
crease of  consumption  :  or,  in  other  words,  that  the  value 
expended  in  the  commodity,  the  cost  incurred  for  the  sake 
of  obtaining  it,  is  always  the  same,  whether  that  cost  affords 
a  greater  or  a  smaller  quantity  of  the  commodity. 

Let  us  now  suppose  that  England,  previously  to  the 
trade,  required  a  million  of  yards  of  linen,  which  were 

156  BOOK   III.      CHAPTER  XVIII.      §7. 

worth,  at  the  English  cost  of  production,  a  million  yards  of 
cloth.  By  turning  all  the  labour  and  capital  with  which 
that  linen  was  produced,  to  the  production  of  cloth,  she 
would  produce  for  exportation  a  million  yards-  of  cloth. 
Suppose  that  this  is  the  exact  quantity  which  Germany  is 
accustomed  to  consume.  England  can  dispose  of  all  this 
cloth  in  Germany  at  the  German  price ;  she  must  consent 
indeed  to  take  a  little  less  until  she  has  driven  the  German 
producer  from  the  market,  but  as  soon  as  this  is  effected, 
she  can  sell  her  million  of  cloth  for  two  millions  of  linen ; 
being  the  quantity  that  the  German  clothiers  are  enabled  to 
make,  by  transferring  their  whole  labour  and  capital  from 
cloth  to  linen.  Thus  England  would  gain  the  whole  benefit 
of  the  trade,  and  Germany  nothing.  This  would  be  per- 
fectly consistent  with  the  equation  of  international  demand : 
since  England  (according  to  the  hypothesis  in  the  preceding 
paragraph)  now  requires  two  millions  of  linen  (being  able 
to  get  them  at  the  same  cost  at  which  she  previously  ob- 
tained only  one),  while  the  prices  in  Germany  not  being  al- 
tered, Germany  requires  as  before  exactly  a  million  of 
cloth,  and  can  obtain  it  by  employing  the  labour  and  capi- 
tal set  at  liberty  from  the  production  of  cloth,  in  producing 
the  two  millions  of  linen  required  by  England. 

Thus  far  we  have  supposed  that  the  additional  cloth 
which  England  could  make,  by  transferring  to  cloth  the 
whole  of  the  capital  previously  employed  in  making  linen, 
was  exactly  sufficient  to  supply  the  whole  of  Germany's 
existing  demand.  But  suppose  next  that  it  is  more  than 
sufiicient.  Suppose  that  while  England  could  make  with 
her  liberated  capital  a  million  yards  of  cloth  for  exportation, 
the  cloth  which  Germany  had  heretofore  required  was 
800,000  yards  only,  equivalent  at  the  German  cost  of  pro- 
duction to  1,600,000  yards  of  linen.  England  therefore 
could  not  dispose  of  a  whole  million  of  cloth  in  Germany  at 
the  German  prices.  Yet  she  wants,  whether  cheap  or  dear 
(by  our  supposition),  as  much  linen  as  can  be  bought  for  a 
million  of  cloth  :  and  since  this  can  only  be  obtained  from 


Germany,  or  by  the  more  expensive  process  of  production 
at  home,  the  holders  of  the  million  of  cloth  will  be  forced 
by  each  other's  competition  to  offer  it  to  Germany  on  any 
terms  (short  of  the  English  cost  of  production)  which  will 
induce  Germany  to  take  the  whole.  What  terms  these 
would  be,  the  supposition  we  have  made  enables  us  exactly 
to  define.  The  800,000  yards  of  cloth  which  Germany  con- 
sumed, cost  her  the  equivalent  of  1,600,000  linen,  and  that 
invariable  cost  is  what  she  is  willing  to  expend  in  cloth, 
whether  the  quantity  it  obtains  for  her  be  more  or  less. 
England  therefore,  to  induce  Germany  to  take  a  million  of 
cloth,  must  offer  it  for  1,600,000  of  linen.  The  international 
values  will  thus  be  100  cloth  for  160  liuen,  intermediate  be- 
tween the  ratio  of  the  costs  of  production  in  England  and 
that  of  the  costs  of  production  in  Germany  :  and  the  two 
countries  will  divide  the  benefit  of  the  trade,  England  gain- 
ing in  the  aggregate  600,000  yards  of  linen,  and  Germany 
being  richer  by  200,000  additional  yards  of  cloth. 

Let  us  now  stretch  the  last  supposition  still  farther,  and 
suppose  that  the  cloth  previously  consumed  by  Germany 
was  not  only  less  than  the  million  yards  which  England  is 
enabled  to  furnish  by  discontinuing  her  production  of  linen, 
but  less  in  the  full  proportion  of  England's  advantage  in  the 
production,  that  is,  that  Germany  only  required  half  a  mil- 
lion. In  this  case,  by  ceasing  altogether  to  produce  cloth, 
Germany  can  add  a  million,  but  a  million  only,  to  her  pro- 
duction of  linen,  and  this  million  being  the  equivalent  of 
what  the  half  million  previously  cost  her,  is  all  that  she  can 
be  induced  by  any  degree  of  cheapness  to  expend  in  cloth. 
England  will  be  forced  by  her  own  competition  to  give  a 
whole  million  of  cloth  for  this  million  of  linen,  just  as  she 
was  forced  in  the  preceding  case  to  give  it  for  1,600,000. 
But  England  could  have  produced  at  the  same  cost  a  mil 
lion  yards  of  linen  for  herself.  England  therefore  derives, 
in  this  case,  no  advantage  from  the  international  trade. 
Germany  gains  the  whole  ;  obtaining  a  million  of  cloth  in- 
stead of  half  a  million,  at  what  the  half  million  previously 

158  B00K   m-     CHAPTER  XVIII.      §7. 

cost  her.  Germany,  in  short,  is,  in  this  third  case,  exactly 
in  the  same  situation  as  England  was  in  the  first  case ;  which 
may  easily  be  verified  by  reversing  the  figures. 

As  a  general  result  of  the  three  cases,  it  may  be  laid 
down  as  a  theorem,  that  under  the  supposition  we  have 
made  of  a  demand  exactly  in  proportion  to  the  cheapness, 
the  law  of  international  value  will  be  as  follows : — 

The  whole  of  the  cloth  which  England  can  make  with 
the  capital  previously  devoted  to  linen,  will  exchange  for 
the  whole  of  the  linen  which  Germany  can  make  with  the 
capital  previously  devoted  to  cloth. 

Or,  still  more  generally, 

The  whole  of  the  commodities  which  the  two  countries 
can  respectively  make  for  exportation,  with  the  labour  and 
capital  thrown  out  of  employment  by  importation,  will  ex- 
change against  one  another. 

This  law,  and  the  three  different  possibilities  arising 
from  it  in  respect  to  the  division  of  the  advantage,  may  be 
conveniently  generalized  by  means  of  algebraical  symbols, 
as  follows : — 

Let  the  quantity  of  cloth  which  England  can  make  with 
the  labour  and  capital  withdrawn  from  the  production  of 
linen,  be  =  n. 

Let  the  cloth  previously  required  by  Germany  (at  the 
German  cost  of  production)  be  =  m. 

Then  n  of  cloth  will  always  exchange  for  exactly  2m  of 

Consequently  if  n=m,  the  whole  advantage  will  be  on 
the  side  of  England. 

If  n—2m,  the  whole  advantage  will  be  on  the  side  of 

If  n  be  greater  than  m,  but  less  than  2m,  the  two  coun- 
tries will  share  the  advantage  ;  England  getting  2m  of  linen 
where  she  before  got  only  n  •  Germany  getting  n  of  cloth 
where  she  before  got  only  m. 

It  is  almost  superfluous  to  observe  that  the  figure  2 
stands  where  it  does,  only  because  it  is  the  figure  which  ex- 


presses  the  advantage  of  Germany  over  England  in  linen  as 
estimated  in  cloth,  and  (what  is  the  same  thing)  of  England 
over  Germany  in  cloth  as  estimated  in  linen.  If  we  had 
supposed  that  in  Germany,  before  the  trade,  100  of  cloth 
exchanged  for  1000  instead  of  200  of  linen,  then  n  (after  the 
trade  commenced)  would  have  exchanged  for  10m  instead  of 
2m.  If  instead  of  1000  or  200  we  had  supposed  only  150, 
n  would  have  exchanged  for  only  ^n.  If  (in  fine)  the  cost 
value  of  cloth  (as  estimated  in  linen)  in  Germany,  exceeds 
the  cost  value  similarly  estimated  in  England,  in  the  ratio 
of  p  to  q,  then  will  n,  after  the  opening  of  the  trade,  ex- 
change for  -m.* 

*  It  may  be  asked,  why  we  have  supposed  the  number  n  to  have  as  its  ex- 
treme limits,  m  and  2  m  (or  -m)  ?  why  may  not  n  be  less  than  m,  or  greater 
than  2m ;  and  if  so,  what  will  be  the  result  ? 

This  we  shall  now  examine,  and  when  we  do  so  it  will  appear  that  n  is 
always,  practically  speaking,  confined  within  these  limits. 

Suppose  for  example  that  n  is  less  than  m ;  or,  reverting  to  our  former 
figures,  that  the  million  yards  of  cloth,  which  England  can  make,  will  not  satisfy 
the  whole  of  Germany's  pre-existing  demand ;  that  demand  being  (let  us  sup- 
pose) for  1,200,000  yards.  It  would  then,  at  first  sight,  appear  that  England 
would  supply  Germany  with  cloth  up  to  the  extent  of  a  million ;  that  Germany 
would  continue  to  supply  herself  with  the  remaining  200,000  by  home  produc- 
tion :  that  this  portion  of  the  supply  would  regulate  the  price  of  the  whole ;  that 
England  therefore  would  be  able  permanently  to  sell  her  million  of  cloth  at  the 
German  cost  of  production  (viz.  for  two  millions  of  linen)  and  would  gain  the 
whole  advantage  of  the  trade,  Germany  being  no  better  off  than  before. 

That  such,  however,  would  not  be  the  practical  result,  will  soon  be  evident. 
The  residuary  demand  of  Germany  for  200,000  yards  of  cloth  furnishes  a  re- 
source to  England  for  purposes  of  foreign  trade  of  which  it  is  still  her  interest 
to  avail  herself;  and  though  she  has  no  more  labour  and  capital  which  she  can 
withdraw  from  linen  for  the  production  of  this  extra  quantity  of  cloth,  there 
must  be  some  other  commodities  in  which  Germany  has  a  relative  advantage 
over  her  (though  perhaps  not  so  great  as  in  linen) :  these  she  will  now  import, 
instead  of  producing,  and  the  labour  and  capital  formerly  employed  in  producing 
them  will  be  transferred  to  cloth,  until  the  required  amount  is  made  up.  If  this 
transfer  just  makes  up  the  200,000  and  no  more,  this  augmented  n  will  now  be 
equal  to  m ;  England  will  sell  the  whole  1,200,000  at  the  German  values;  and 
will  still  gain  the  whole  advantage  of  the  trade.  But  if  the  transfer  makes  up 
more  than  the  200,000,  England  will  have  more  cloth  than  1,200,000  yards  to 
offer ;  n  will  become  greater  than  in,  and  England  must  part  with  enough  of  the 

IQQ  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XVIII.      §8. 

§  8.     We  have  now  arrived  at  what  seems  a  law  of  In- 
ternational Values,  of  great  simplicity  and  generality.     But 
we  have  done  so  by  setting  out  from  a  purely  arbitrary  hy- 
pothesis respecting  the  relation  between  demand  and  cheap- 
ness.    "We  have  assumed  their  relation  to  be  fixed,  though 
it  is  essentially  variable.     We  have  supposed  that  every  in- 
crease of  cheapness  produces  an  exactly  proportional  exten- 
sion of  demand  ;   in  other  words,  that  the  same  invariable 
value  is  laid  out  in  a  commodity  whether  it  be  cheap  or 
dear  ;  and  the  law  which  we  have  investigated  holds  good 
only  on  this  hypothesis,  or  some  other  practically  equiva- 
lent to  it.     Let  us  now,  therefore,  combine  the  two  variable 
elements  of  the  question,  the  variations  of  each  of  which  we 
have  considered  separately.      Let  us  suppose  the  relation 
between  demand  and  cheapness  to  vary,  and  to  become 
such  as  would  prevent  the  rule  of  interchange  laid  down  in 
the  last  theorem  from  satisfying  the  conditions  of  the  Equa- 
tion of  International  Demand.     Let  it  be  supposed,  for  in- 
stance, that  the  demand  of  England  for  linen  is  exactly  pro- 
portional to  the  cheapness,  but  that  of  Germany  for  cloth,  not 
proportional.    To  revert  to  the  second  of  our  three  cases,  the 
case  in  which  England  by  discontinuing  the  production  of 
linen  could  produce  for  exportation  a  million  yards  of  cloth, 
and  Germany  by  ceasing  to  produce  cloth  could  produce  an 
additional  1,600,000  yards  of  linen.    If  the  one  of  these  quan- 
tities exactly  exchanged  for  the  other,  the  demand  of  Eng- 
land would  on  our  present  supposition  be  exactly  satisfied, 
for  she  requires  all  the  linen  which  can  be  got  for  a  million 
yards  of  cloth :  but  Germany  perhaps,  though  she  required 
800,000  cloth  at  a  cost  equivalent  to  1,600,000  linen,  yet 
when  she  can  get  a  million  of  cloth  at  the  same  cost,  may 
not  require  the  whole  million  ;  or  may  require  more  than  a 
million.     First,  let  her  not  require  so  much  ;  but  only  as 

advantage  to  induce  Germany  to  take  the  surplus.  Thus  the  case  which  seemed 
at  first  sight  to  be  bevond  the  limits,  is  transformed  practically  into  a  case  either 
coinciding  with  one  of  the  limits  or  between  them.  And  so  with  every  other 
case  which  can  be  supposed. 


much  as  she  can  now  buy  for  1,500,000  linen.  England 
will  still  offer  a  million  for  these  1,500,000,  but  even  this 
may  not  induce  Germany  to  take  so  much  as  a  million ; 
and  if  England  continues  to  expend  exactly  the  same  ag- 
gregate cost  on  linen  whatever  be  the  price,  she  will  have 
to  submit  to  take  for  her  million  of  cloth  any  quantity  of 
linen  (not  less  than  a  million)  which  may  be  requisite  to 
induce  Germany  to  take  a  million  of  cloth.  Suppose  this 
to  be  1,400,000  yards.  England  has  now  reaped  from  the 
trade  a  gain  not  of  600,000  but  only  of  400,000  yards ; 
while  Germany,  besides  having  obtained  an  extra  200,- 
000  yards  of  cloth,  has  obtained  it  with  only  seven-eighths 
of  the  labour  and  capital  which  she  previously  expended  in 
supplying  herself  with  cloth,  and  may  expend  the  remain- 
der in  increasing  her  own  consumption  of  linen,  or  of  any 
other  commodity. 

Suppose  on  the  contrary  that  Germany,  at  the  rate  of  a 
million  cloth  for  1,600,000  linen,  requires  more  than  a 
million  yards  of  cloth.  England  having  only  a  million 
which  she  can  give  without  trenching  upon  the  quantity 
she  previously  reserved  for  herself,  Germany  must  bid  for 
the  extra  cloth  at  a  higher  rate  than  160  for  100,  until  she 
reaches  a  rate  (say  170  for  100)  which  will  either  bring 
down  her  own  demand  for  cloth  to  the  limit  of  a  million,  or 
else  tempt  England  to  part  with  some  of  the  cloth  she  pre- 
viously consumed  at  home. 

Let  us  next  suppose  that  the  proportionality  of  demand 
to  cheapness,  instead  of  holding  good  in  one  country  but 
not  in  the  other,  does  not  hold  good  in  either  country,  and 
that  the  deviation  is  of  the  same  kind  in  both  ;  that,  for 
instance,  neither  of  the  two  increases  its  demand  in  a  de- 
gree equivalent  to  the  increase  of  cheapness.  On  this  sup- 
position, at  the  rate  of  one  million  cloth  for  1,600,000  linen, 
England  will  not  want  so  much  as  1,600,000  linen,  nor  Ger- 
many so  much  as  a  million  cloth  :  and  if  they  fall  short 
of  that  amount  in  exactly  the  same  degree  ;  if  England  only 

wants   linen   to   the   amount   of   nine-tenths   of  1,600,000 

X62  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XVIII.     §8. 

(1,440,000),  and  Germany  only  nine  hundred  thousand  of 
cloth,  the  interchange  will  continue  to  take  place  at  the  same 
rate.  And  so  if  England  wants  a  tenth  more  than  1,600,- 
000,  and  Germany  a  tenth  more  than  a  million.  This 
coincidence  (which  it  is  to  be  observed,  supposes  demand  to 
extend  cheapness  in  a  corresponding,  but  not  in  an  equal 
degree*)  evidently  could  not  exist  unless  by  mere  accident : 
and  in  any  other  case,  the  equation  of  international  demand 
would  require  a  different  adjustment  of  international  values. 

The  only  general  law,  then,  which  can  be  laid  down,  is 
this.  The  values  at  which  a  country  exchanges  its  produce 
with  foreign  countries  depend  on  two  things :  first,  on  the 
amount  and  extensibility  of  their  demand  for  its  commodi- 
ties, compared  with  its  demand  for  theirs ;  and  secondly, 
on  the  capital  which  it  has  to  spare,  from  the  production 
of  domestic  commodities  for  its  own  consumption.  The 
more  the  foreign  demand  for  its  commodities  exceeds  its 
demand  for  foreign  commodities,  and  the  less  capital  it  can 
spare  to  produce  for  foreign  markets,  compared  with  what 
foreigners  spare  to  produce  for  its  markets,  the  more  favour- 
able to  it  will  be  the  terms  of  interchange :  that  is,  the 
more  it  will  obtain  of  foreign  commodities  in  return  for  a 
given  quantity  of  its  own. 

But  these  two  influencing  circumstances  are  in  reality 
reducible  to  one ;  for  the  capital  which  a  country  has  to 
spare  from  the  production  of  domestic  commodities  for  its 
own  use,  is  in  proportion  to  its  own  demand  for  foreign  com- 
modities :  whatever  proportion  of  its  collective  income  it 
expends  in  purchases  from  abroad,  that  same  proportion  of 
its  capital  is  left  without  a  home  market  for  its  productions. 
The  new  element,  therefore,  which  for  the  sake  of  scientific 
correctness  we  have  introduced  into  the  theory  of  interna- 
tional values,  does  not  seem  to  make  any  very  material  dif- 

*  The  increase  of  demand  from  800,000  to  900,000,  and  that  from  a  million 
to  1,440,000,  are  neither  equal  in  themselves,  nor  bear  an  equal  proportion  to 
the  increase  of  cheapness.  Germany's  demand  for  cloth  has  increased  one- 
eighth,  while  the  cheapness  is  increased  one-fourth.  England's  demand  for  linen 
is  increased  44  per  cent,  while  the  cheapness  is  increased  60  per  cent- 



ference  in  the  practical  result.  It  still  appears,  that  the  coun- 
tries which  carry  on  their  foreign  trade  on  the  most  advan- 
tageous terms,  are  those  whose  commodities  are  most  in  de- 
mand by  foreign  countries,  and  which  have  themselves  the 
least  demand  for  foreign  commodities.  From  which,  among 
other  consequences,  it  follows,  that  the  richest  countries, 
cceteris  paribus,  gain  the  least  by  a  given  amount  of  foreign 
commerce  :  since,  having  a  greater  demand  for  commodities 
generally,  they  are  likely  to  have  a  greater  demand  for  for- 
eign commodities,  and  thus  modify  the  terms  of  interchange 
to  their  own  disadvantage.  Their  aggregate  gains  by  for- 
eign trade,  doubtless,  are  generally  greater  than  those  of 
poorer  countries,  since  they  carry  on  a  greater  amount  of 
such  trade,  and  gain  the  benefit  of  cheapness  on  a  larger 
consumption  :  but  their  gain  is  less  on  each  individual  ar- 
ticle consumed. 

§  9.  We  now  pass  to  another  essential  part  of  the 
theory  of  the  subject.  There  are  two  senses  in  which  a 
country  obtains  commodities  cheaper  by  foreign  trade ;  in 
the  sense  of  Value,  and  in  the  sense  of  Cost.  It  gets  them 
cheaper  in  the  first  sense,  by  their  falling  in  value  relatively 
to  other  things  :  the  same  quantity  of  them  exchanging,  in 
the  country,  for  a  smaller  quantity  than  before  of  the  other 
produce  of  the  country.  To  revert  to  our  original  figures  ; 
in  England,  all  consumers  of  linen  obtained,  after  the  trade 
was  opened,  17  or  some  greater  number  of  yards  for  the 
same  quantity  of  all  other  things  for  which  they  before  ob- 
tained only  15.  The  degree  of  cheapness,  in  this  sense  of 
the  term,  depends  on  the  laws  of  International  Demand,  so 
copiously  illustrated  in  the  preceding  sections.  But  in  the 
other  sense,  that  of  Cost,  a  country  gets  a  commodity 
cheaper,  when  it  obtains  a  greater  quantity  of  the  com- 
modity with  the  same  expenditure  of  labour  and  capital. 
In  this  sense  of  the  term,  cheapness  in  a  great  measure  de- 
pends upon  a  cause  of  a  different  nature  :  a  country  gets 
its  imports  cheaper,  in  proportion  to  the  general  productive- 

164  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XVIII.     §9. 

ness  of  its  domestic  industry ;  to  the  general  efficiency  of 
its  labour.     The  labour  of  one  country  may  be,  as  a  whole, 
much  more  efficient  than  that  of  another  :  all  or  most  of  the 
commodities  capable  of  being '  produced  in  both,  may  be 
produced  in  one  at  less  absolute  cost  than  in  the  other; 
which,  as  we  have  seen,  will  not  necessarily  prevent  the  two 
countries  from  exchanging  commodities.     The  things  which 
the  more  favoured  country  will  import   from  others,  are 
of  course  those  in  which  it  is  least  superior  ;,  but  by  import* 
ing  them  it  acquires,  even  in  those  commodities,  the  same 
advantage  which  it  possesses  in  the  articles  it  gives  in  ex* 
change  for  them.    Thus  the  countries  which  obtain  their  own 
productions  at  least  cost,  also  get  their  imports  at  least  cost. 
This  will  be  made  still  more  obvious  if  we  suppose  two 
competing  countries.     England  sends  cloth  to  Germany, 
and  gives  10  yards  of  it  for  IT  yards  of  linen,  or  for  some- 
thing else  which  in  Germany  is  the  equivalent  of  those  IT 
yards.     Another  country,  as  for  example  France,  does  the 
same.     The  one  giving  10  yards  of  cloth  for  a  certain  quan- 
tity of  German  commodities,  so  must  the  other :  if,  there- 
fore, in  England,  these  10  yards  are  produced  by  only  half  as 
much  labour  as  that  by  which  they  are  produced  in  France, 
the  linen  or  other  commodities  of  Germany  will  cost  to 
England  only  half  the  amount  of  labour  which  they  will  cost 
to  France.     England  would  thus  obtain  her  imports  at  less 
cost  than  France,  in  the  ratio  of  the  greater  efficiency  of  her 
labour  in  the  production  of  cloth  :  which  might  be  taken, 
in  the '  case,  supposed,  as  an  approximate  estimate  of  the 
efficiency  of  her  labour  generally  ;  since,  France,  as  well  as 
England,  by  selecting  cloth  as  her  article  of  export,  would 
have  shown  that  with  her  also  it  was  the  commodity  in 
which  labour  was  relatively  the  most  efficient.     It  follows, 
therefore,  that  every  country  gets  its  imports  at  less  cost, 
in  proportion  to  the  general  efficiency  of  its  labour. 

This  proposition  was  first  clearly  seen  and  expounded  by 
Mr.  Senior,  *  but  only  as  applicable  to  the  importation  of  the 

*  Thre#e  Lectures  on  the  Cost  of  Obtaining  Money. 


precious  metals.  I  think  it  important  to  point  out  that  the 
proposition  holds  equally  true  of  all  other  imported  commodi- 
ties; and  further,  that  it  is  only  a  portion  of  the  truth. 
For,  in  the  case  supposed,  the  cost  to  England  of  the  linen 
which  she  pays  for  with  ten  yards  of  cloth,  does  not  depend 
solely  upon  the  cost  to  herself  of  ten  yards  of  cloth,  but 
partly  also  upon  how  many  yards  of  linen  she  obtains  in  ex- 
change for  them.  What  her  imports  cost  to  her  is  a  function 
of  two  variables ;  the  quantity  of  her  own  commodities  which 
she  gives  for  them,  and  the  cost  of  those  commodities.  Of 
these,  the  last  alone  depends  on  the  efficiency  of  her  labour : 
the  first  depends  on  the  law  of  international  values ;  that  is 
on  the  intensity  and  extensibility  of  the  foreign  demand  for 
her  commodities,  compared  with  her  demand  for  foreign 

In  the  case  just  now  supposed,  of  a  competition  between 
England  and  France,  the  state  of  international  values  affected 
both  competitors  alike,  since  they  were  supposed  to  trade 
with  the  same  country,  and  to  export  and  import  the  same 
commodities.  The  difference,  therefore,  in  what  their  im- 
ports cost  them,  depended  solely  on  the  other  cause,  the  un- 
equal efficiency  of  their  labour.  They  gave  the  same  quan- 
tities ;  the  difference  could  only  be  in  the  cost  of  production. 
But  if  England  traded  to  Germany  with  cloth,  and  France 
with  iron,  the  comparative  demand  in  Germany  for  those  two 
commodities  would  bear  a  share  in  determining  the  com- 
parative cost,  in  labour  and  capital,  with  which  England 
and  France  would  obtain  German  products.  If  iron  were 
more  in  demand  in  Germany  than  cloth,  France  would  re- 
cover, through  that  channel,  part  of  her  disadvantage ;  if  less, 
her  disadvantage  would  be  increased.  The  efficiency,  there- 
fore, of  a  country's  labour,  is  not  the  only  thing  which  deter- 
mines even  the  cost  at  which  that  country  obtains  imported 
commodities — while  it  has  no  share  whatever  in  determining 
either  their  exchange  value,  or,  as  we  shall  presently  see, 
their  price. 



§  1.  The  degree  of  progress  which  we  have  now  made 
in  the  theory  of  Foreign  Trade,  puts  it  in  our  power  to  sup- 
ply what  was  previously  deficient  in  our  view  of  the  theory  of 
Money ;  and  this,  when  completed,  will  in  its  turn  enable  us 
to  conclude  the  subject  of  Foreign  Trade. 

Money,  or  the  material  of  which  it  is  composed,  is,  in 
Great  Britain,  and  in  most  other  countries,  a  foreign  commo- 
dity. Its  value  and  distribution  must  therefore  be  regulated, 
not  by  the  law  of  value  which  obtains  in  adjacent  places,  but 
by  that  which  is  applicable  to  imported  commodities — the 
law  of  International  Yalues. 

In  the  discussion  into  which  we  are  now  about  to  enter,  I 
shall  use  the  terms  Money  and  the  Precious  Metals  indiscri- 
minately. This  may  be  done  without  leading  to  any  error; 
it  having  been  shown  that  the  value  of  money,  when  it  con- 
sists of  the  precious  metals,  or  of  a  paper  currency  convertible 
into  them  on  demand,  is  entirely  governed  by  the  value  of  the 
metals  themselves :  from  which  it  never  permanently  diners, 
except  by  the  expense  of  coinage  when  this  is  paid  by  the 
individual  and  not  by  the  state. 

Money  is  brought  into  a  country  in  two  different  ways. 
It  is  imported  (chiefly  in  the  form  of  bullion)  like  any  other 
merchandize,  as  being  an  advantageous  article  of  commerce. 
It  is  also  imported  in  its  other  character  of  a  medium  of 
exchange,  to  pay  some  debt  due  to  the  country,  either  for 
goods  exported  or  on  any  other  account.     There  are  other 


ways  in  which  it  may  be  introduced  casually  ;  these  are  the 
two  in  which  it  is  received  in  the  ordinary  course  of  business, 
and  which  determine  its  value.  The  existence  of  these  two 
distinct  modes  in  which  money  flows  into  a  country,  while 
other  commodities  are  habitually  introduced  only  in  the  first 
of  these  modes,  occasions  somewhat  more  of  complexity  and 
obscurity  than  exists  in  the  case  of  other  commodities,  and 
for  this  reason  only  is  any  special  and  minute  exposition 

§  2.  In  so  far  as  the  precious  metals  are  imported  in  the 
ordinary  way  of  commerce,  their  value  must  depend  on  the 
same  causes,  and  conform  to  the  same  laws,  as  the  value  of 
any  other  foreign  production.  It  is  in  this  mode  chiefly  that 
gold  and  silver  diffuse  themselves  from  the  mining  countries 
into  all  other  parts  of  the  commercial  world.  They  are  the 
staple  commodities  of  those  countries,  or  at  least  are  among 
their  great  articles  of  regular  export ;  and  are  shipped  on 
speculation,  in  the  same  manner  as  other  exportable  com- 
modities. The  quantity,  therefore,  which  a  country  (say  Eng- 
land) will  give  of  its  own  produce,  for  a  certain  quantity  of 
bullion,  will  depend,  if  we  suppose  only  two  countries  and 
two  commodities,  upon  the  demand  in  England  for  bullion, 
compared  with  the  demand  in  the  mining  country  (which  we 
will  call  Brazil)  for  what  England  has  to  give.  They  must 
exchange  in  such  proportions  as  will  leave  no  unsatisfied 
demand  on  either  side,  to  alter  values  by  its  competition. 
The  bullion  required  by  England  must  exactly  pay  for  the 
cottons  or  other  English  commodities  required  by  Brazil.  If, 
however,  we  substitute  for  this  simplicity  the  degree  of  com- 
plication which  really  exists,  the  equation  of  international 
•  demand  must  be  established  not  between  the  bullion  wanted 
in  England  and  the  cottons  or  broadcloth  wanted  in  Brazil, 
but  between  the  whole  of  the  imports  of  England  and  the 
whole  of  her  exports.  The  demand  in  foreign  countries  for 
English  products,  must  be  brought  into  equilibrium  with  the 
demand  in  England  for  the  products  of  foreign  countries ;  an^ 

X6S  COOK   III.     CHAPTER  XIX.      §2. 

all  foreign  commodities,  bullion  among  the  rest,  must  be 
exchanged  against  English  products  in  such  proportions,  as 
will,  by  the  effect  they  produce  on  the  demand,  establish  this 

There  is  nothing  in  the  peculiar  nature  or  uses  of  the 
precious  metals,  which  should  make  them  an  exception  to 
the  general  principles  of  demand.  So  far  as  they  are 
wanted  for  purposes  of  luxury  or  the  arts,  the  demand  in- 
creases with  the  cheapness,  in  the  same  irregular  way  as 
the  demand  for  any  other  commodity.  So  far  as  they  are 
required  for  money,  the  demand  increases  with  the  cheap- 
ness in  a  perfectly  regular  way,  the  quantity  needed  being 
always  in  inverse  proportion  to  the  value.  This  is  the  only 
real  difference,  in  respect  to  demand,  between  money  and 
other  things  ;  and  for  the  present  purpose  it  is  a  difference 
altogether  immaterial. 

Money,  then,  if  imported  solely  as  a  merchandize,  will, 
like  other  imported  commodities,  be  of  lowest  value  in  the 
countries  for  whose  exports  there  is  the  greatest  foreign  de- 
mand, and  which  have  themselves  the  least  demand  for 
foreign  commodities.  To  these  two  circumstances  it  is  how- 
ever necessary  to  add  two  others,  which  produce  their  effect 
through  cost  of  carriage.  The  cost  of  obtaining  bullion  is 
compounded  of  two  elements  ;  the  goods  given  to  purchase 
it,  and  the  expense  of  transport ;  of  which  last,  the*bullion 
countries  will  bear  a  part,  (though  an  uncertain  part,)  in 
the  adjustment  of  international  values.  The  expense  of 
transport  is  partly  that  of  carrying  the  goods  to  the  bullion 
countries,  and  partly  that  of  bringing  back  the  bullion : 
both  these  items  are  influenced  by  the  distance  from  the 
mines  ;  and  the  former  is  also  much  affected  by  the  bulki- 
ness  of  the  goods.  Countries  whose  exportable  produce 
consists  of  the  finer  manufactures,  obtain  bullion,  as  well  as 
all  other  foreign  articles,  cceteris  paribus,  at  less  expense 
than  countries  which  export  nothing  but  bulky  raw  produce. 

To  be  quite  accurate,  therefore,  we  must  say — The 
countries  whose  exportable  productions  are   most   in  de- 


raand  abroad,  and  contain  greatest  value  in  smallest  bulk, 
which  are  nearest  to  the  mines,  and  which  have  least  de- 
mand for  foreign  productions,  are  those  in  which  money 
will  be  of  lowest  value,  or  in  other  words,  in  which  prices 
will  habitually  range  the  highest.  If  we  are  speaking  not 
of  the  value  of  money,  but  of  its  cost,  (that  is,  the  quantity 
of  the  country's  labour  which  must  be  expended  to  obtain 
it,)  we  must  add  to  the^e  four  conditions  of  cheapness  a  fifth 
condition,  namely,  "  whose  productive  industry  is  the  most 
efficient."  This  last,  however,  does  not  at  all  affect  the 
value  of  money,  estimated  in  commodities :  it  affects  the 
general  abundance  and  facility  with  which  all  things,  mon- 
ey and  commodities  together,  can  be  obtained. 

Although,  therefore,  Mr.  Senior  is  right  in  pointing  out 
the  great  efficiency  of  English  labour  as  the  chief  cause  why 
the  precious  metals  are  obtained  at  less  cost  by  England  than 
by  most  other  countries,  I  cannot  admit  that  it  at  all  ac- 
counts for  their  being  of  less  value ;  for  their  going  less 
far  in  the  purchase  of  commodities.  This,  in  so  far  as  it  is 
a  fact,  and  not  an  illusion,  must  be  occasioned  by  the  great 
demand  in  foreign  countries  for  the  staple  commodities  of 
England,  and  the  generally  unbulky  character  of  those  com- 
modities, compared  with  the  corn,  wine,  timber,  sugar, 
wool,  hides,  tallow,  hemp,  flax,  tobacco,  raw  cotton,  &c, 
which  form  the  exports  of  other  commercial  countries. 
These  two  causes  will  account  for  a  somewhat  higher  range 
of  general  prices  in  England  than  elsewhere,  notwithstanding 
the  counteracting  influence  of  her  own  great  demand  for 
foreign  commodities.  I  am,  however,  strongly  of  opinion 
that  the  high  prices  of  commodities,  and  low  purchasing 
power  of  money  in  England,  are  more  apparent  than  real. 
Food,  indeed,  is  somewhat  dearer ;  and  food  composes  so 
large  a  portion  of  the  expenditure  when  the  income  is  small 
and  the  family  large,  that  to  such  families  England  is  a 
dear  country.  Services,  also,  of  most  descriptions,  are 
dearer  than  in  the  other  countries  of  Europe,  from  the  less 
costly  mode  of  living  of  the  poorer  classes  on  the  Continent. 

170  B00K   HI.      CHAPTER   XIX.      §3. 

But  manufactured  commodities  (except  most  of  those  in 
which  good  taste  is  required)  are  decidedly  cheaper ;  or 
would  be  so,  if  buyers  would  be  content  with  the  same 
quality  of  material  and  of  workmanship.  What  is  called 
the  dearness  of  living  in  England,  is  mainly  an  affair  not 
of  necessity  but  of  foolish  custom  ;  it  being  thought  impera- 
tive by  all  classes  in  England  above  the  condition  of  a  day- 
labourer,  that  the  things  they  consume  should  either  be  of 
the  same  quality  with  those  used  by  much  richer  people 
or  at  least  should  be  as  nearly  as  possible  undistinguishable 
from  them  in  outward  appearance. 

§  3.  From  the  preceding  considerations,  it  appears  that 
those  are  greatly  in  error  who  contend  that  the  value  of 
money,  in  countries  where  it  is  an  imported  commodity, 
must  be  entirely  regulated  by  its  value  in  the  countries 
which  produce  it ;  and  cannot  be  raised  or  lowered  in  any 
permanent  manner  unless  some  change  has  taken  place  in 
the  cost  of  production  at  the  mines.  On  the  contrary,  any 
circumstance  which  disturbs  the  equation  of  international 
demand  with  respect  to  a  particular  country,  not  only  may, 
but  must,  affect  the  value  of  money  in  that  country — its 
value  at  the  mines  remaining  the  same.  The  opening  of  a 
new  branch  of  export  trade  from  England ;  an  increase  in 
the  foreign  demand  for  English  products,  either  by  the  nat- 
ural course  of  events  or  by  the  abrogation  of  duties ;  a 
check  to  the  demand  in  England  for  foreign  commodities, 
by  the  laying  on  of  import  duties  in  England  or  of  export 
duties  elsewhere  ;  these  and  all  other  events  of  similar  ten- 
dency, would  make  the  imports  of  England  (bullion  and 
other  things  taken  together)  no  longer  an  equivalent  for  the 
exports ;  and  the  countries  which  take  her  exports  would 
be  obliged  to  offer  their  commodities,  and  bullion  among 
the  rest,  on  cheaper  terms,  in  order  to  re-establish  the  equa- 
tion of  demand  :  and  thus  England  would  obtain  money 
cheaper,  and  would  acquire  a  generally  higher  range  of 
prices.     Incidents  the  reverse  of  these  would  produce  effects 


the  reverse — would  reduce  prices  ;  or,  in  other  words,  raise 
the  value  of  the  precious  metals.  It  must  be  observed, 
however,  that  money  would  be  thus  raised  in  value  only 
with  respect  to  home  commodities :  in  relation  to  all  im- 
ported articles  it  would  remain  as  before,  since  their  values 
would  be  affected  in  the  same  way  and  in  the  same  degree 
with  its  own.  A  country  which,  from  any  of  the  causes 
mentioned,  gets  money  cheaper,  obtains  all  its  other  inr 
ports  cheaper  likewise. 

It  is  by  no  means  necessary  that  the  increased  demand 
for  English  commodities,  which  enables  England  to  supply 
herself  with  bullion  at  a  cheaper  rate,  should  be  a  demand 
in  the  mining  countries.  England  might  export  nothing 
whatever  to  those  countries,  and  yet  might  be  the  country 
which  obtained  bullion  from  them  on  the  lowest  terms,  pro- 
vided there  were  a  sufficient  intensity  of  demand  in  other 
foreign  countries  for  English  goods,  which  would  be  paid 
for  circuitously,  with  gold  and  silver  from  the  mining  coun- 
tries. The  whole  of  its  exports  are  what  a  country  ex- 
changes against  the  whole  of  its  imports,  and  not  its  exports 
and  imports  to  and  from  any  one  country  ;  and  the  general 
foreign  demand  for  its  productions  will  determine  what 
equivalent  it  must  give  for  imported  goods,  in  order  to  es- 
tablish an  equilibrium  between  its  sales  and  purchases  gen- 
erally ;  without  regard  to  the  maintenance  of  a  similar 
equilibrium  between  it  and  any  country  singly. 



§  1.  "We  have  thus  far  considered  the  precious  metals  as 
a  commodity,  imported  like  other  commodities  in  the  com- 
mon course  of  trade,  and  have  examined  what  are  the  cir- 
cumstances which  would  in  that  case  determine  their  value. 
But  those  metfals  are  also  imported  in  another  character, 
that  which  belongs  to  them  as  a  medium  of  exchange ;  not 
as  an  article  of  commerce,  to  be  sold  for  money,  but  as 
themselves  money,  to  pay  a  debt,  or  effect  a  transfer  of 
property.  It  remains  to  consider  whether  the  liability  of 
gold  and  silver  to  be  transported  from  country  to  country 
for  such  purposes,  in  any  way  modifies  the  conclusions  we 
have  already  arrived  at,  or  places  those  metals  under  a 
different  law  of  value  from  that  to  which,  in  common  with 
all  other  imported  commodities,  they  would  be  subject  if 
international  trade  were  an  affair  of  direct  barter. 

Money  is  sent  from  one  country  to  another  for  various 
purposes  :  such  as  the  payment  of  tributes  or  subsidies ;  re- 
mittances of  revenue  to  or  from  dependencies,  or  of  rents  or 
other  incomes  to  their  absent  owners ;  emigration  of  capi- 
tal, or  transmission  of  it  for  foreign  investment.  The  most 
usual  purpose,  however,  is  that  of  payment  for  goods.  To 
show  in  what  circumstances  money  actually  passes  from 
country  to  country  for  this  or  any  of  the  other  purposes  men- 
tioned, it  is  necessary  briefly  to  state  the  nature  of  the  mechan- 
ism by  which  international  trade  is  carried  on,  when  it  takes 
place  not  by  barter  but  through  the  medium  of  money. 


§  2.  In  practice,  the  exports  and  imports  of  a  country 
not  only  are  not  exchanged  directly  against  each  other,  but 
often  do  not  even  pass  through  the  same  hands.  Each  is 
separately  bought  and,,  paid  for  with  money.  "We  have 
seen,  however,  that,  even  in  the  same  country,  money  does 
not  actually  pass  from  hand  to  hand  each  time  that  pur- 
chases are  made  with  it,  and  still  less  does  this  happen  be- 
tween different  countries.  The  habitual  mode  of  paying 
and  receiving  payment  for  commodities,  between  country 
and  country,  is  by  bills  of  exchange. 

A  merchant  in  England,  A,  has  exported  English  com- 
modities, consigning  them  to  his  correspondent  B  in  France. 
Another  merchant  in  France,  C,  has  exported  French  com- 
modities, suppose  of  equivalent  value,  to  a  merchant  D  in 
England.  It  is  evidently  unnecessary  that  B  in  France 
should  send  money  to  A  in  England,  and  that  D  in  Eng- 
land should  send  an  equal  sum  of  money  to  C  in  France. 
The  one  debt  may  be  applied  to  the  payment  of  the  other, 
and  the  double  cost  and  risk  of  carriage  be  thus  saved.  A 
draws  a  bill  on  B  for  the  amount  which  B  owes  to  him  :  D, 
having  an  equal  amount  to  pay  in  France,  buys  this  bill 
from  A,  and  sends  it  to  C,  who,  at  the  expiration  of  the 
number  of  days  which  the  bill  has  to  run,  presents  it  to  B 
for  payment.  Thus  the  debt  due  from  France  to  England, 
and  the  debt  due  from  England  to  France,  are  both  paid 
without  sending  an  ounce  of  gold  or  silver  from  one  coun- 
try to  the  other. 

In  this  statement,  however,  it  is  supposed,  that  the  sum 
of  the  debts  due  from  France  to  England,  and  the  sum  of  those 
due  from  England  to  France,  are  equal ;  that  each  country 
has  exactly  the  same  number  of  ounces  of  gold  or  silver  to  pay 
and  to  receive.  This  implies,  (if  we  exclude  for  the  present 
any  other  international  payments  than  those  occurring  in 
the  course  of  commerce,)  that  the  exports  and  imports  ex- 
actly pay  for  one  another,  or  in  other  words,  that  the  equa- 
tion of  international  demand  is  established.  When  such  is 
the  fact,  the  international  transactions  are  liquidated  with- 

174  B00K  IIL      CHAPTER  XX.      §2. 

out  the  passage  of  any  money  from  one  country  to  the 
other.  But  if  there  is  a  greater  sum  due  from  England  to 
France,  than  is  due  from  France  to  England,  or  vice  versa, 
the  debts  cannot  be  simply  written  off  against  one  another. 
After  the  one  has  been  applied,  as  far  as  it  will  go,  towards 
covering  the  other,  the  balance  must  be  transmitted  in  the 
precious  metals.  In  point  of  fact,  the  merchant  who  has  the 
amount  to  pay,  will  even  then  pay  for  it  by  a  bill.  When 
a  person  has  a  remittance  to  make  to  a  foreign  country,  he 
does  not  himself  search  for  some  who  has  money  to  receive 
from  that  country,  and  ask  him  for  a  bill  of  exchange.  In 
this  as  in  other  branches  of  business,  there  is  a  class  of  mid- 
dlemen or  brokers,  who  bring  buyers  and  sellers  together, 
or  stand  between  them,  buying  bills  from  those  who  have 
money  to  receive,  and  selling  bills  to  those  who  have  money 
to  pay.  When  a  customer  comes  to  a  broker  for  a  bill  on 
Paris  or  Amsterdam,  the  broker  sells  to  him,  perhaps  the 
bill  he  may  himself  have  bought  that  morning  from  a  mer- 
chant, perhaps  a  bill  on  his  own  correspondent  in  the  for- 
eign city  :  and  to  enable  his  correspondent  to  pay,  when 
due,  all  the  bills  he  has  granted,  he  remits  to  him  all  those 
which  he  has  bought  and  has  not  resold.  In  this  manner 
these  brokers  take  upon  themselves  the  whole  settlement 
of  the  pecuniary  transactions  between  distant  places,  being 
remunerated  by  a  small  commission  or  percentage  on  the 
amount  of  each  bill  which  they  either  sell  or  buy.  Now, 
if  the  brokers  find  that  they  are  asked  for  bills  on  the  one 
part,  to  a  greater  amount  than  bills  are  offered  to  them  on  the 
other,  they  do  not  on  this  account  refuse  to  give  them  ;  but 
since,  in  that  case,  they  have  no  means  of  enabling  the  cor- 
respondents on  whom  their  bills  are  drawn,  to  pay  them 
when  due,  except  by  transmitting  part  of  the  amount  in 
gold  or  silver,  they  require  from  those  to  whom  they  sell 
bills  an  additional  price,  sufficient  to  cover  the  freight  and 
insurance  of  the  gold  and  silver,  with  a  profit  sufficient  to 
compensate  them  for  their  trouble  and  for  the  temporary 
occupation  of  a  portion  of  their  capital.     This  premium  (as 


it  is  called)  the  buyers  are  willing  to  pay,  because  they  must 
otherwise  go  to  the  expense  of  remitting  the  precious  metals 
themselves,  and  it  is  done  cheaper  by  those  who  make 
doing  it  a  part  of  their  especial  business.  But  though  only 
some  of  those  who  have  a  debt  to  pay  would  have  actually 
to  remit  money,  all  will  be  obliged,  by  each  other's  competi- 
tion, to  pay  the  premium  ;  and  the  brokers  are  for  the  same 
reason  obliged  to  pay  it  to  those  whose  bills  they  buy.  The 
reverse  of  all  this  happens,  if  on  the  comparison  of  exports 
and  imports,  the  country,  instead  of  having  a  balance  to 
pay,  has  a  balance  to  receive.  The  brokers  find  more  bills 
offered  to  them,  than  are  sufficient  to  cover  those  which  they 
are  required  to  grant.  Bills  on  foreign  countries  conse- 
quently fall  to  a  discount ;  and  the  competition  among  the 
brokers,  which  is  exceedingly  active,  prevents  them  from 
retaining  this  discount  as  a  profit  for  themselves,  and  obliges 
them  to  give  the  benefit  of  it  to  those  who  buy  the  bills  for 
purposes  of  remittance. 

Let  us  suppose  that  all  countries  had  the  same  currency, 
as  in  the  progress  of  political  improvement  they  one  day  will 
have :  and,  as  the  most  familiar  to  the  reader,  though  not  the 
best,  let  us  suppose  this  currency  to  be  the  English.  When 
England  had  the  same  number  of  pounds  sterling  to  pay  to 
France,  which  France  had  to  pay  to  her,  one  set  of  merchants 
in  England  would  want  bills,  and  another  set  would  have  bills 
to  dispose  of,  for  the  very  same  number  of  pounds  sterling ; 
and  consequently  a  bill  on  France  for  100/.  would  sell  for 
exactly  100Z.,  or,  in  the  phraseology  of  merchants,  the  ex- 
change would  be  at  par.  As  France  also,  on  this  supposition, 
would  have  an  equal  number  of  pounds  sterling  to  pay  and 
to  receive,  bills  on  England  would  be  at  par  in  France,  when- 
ever bills  on  France  were  at  par  in  England. 

If,  however,  England  had  a  larger  sum  to  pay  to  France 
than  to  receive  from  her,  there  would  be  persons  requiring 
bills  on  France  for  a  greater  number  of  pounds  sterling  than 
there  were  bills  drawn  by  persons  to  whom  money  was  due. 
A  bill  on  France  for  100/.  would  then  sell  for  more  than  1007., 

176  B00K  HI.     CHAPTER  XX.     §2. 

and  bills  would  be  said  to  be  at  a  premium.  The  premium, 
however,  could  not  exceed  the  cost  and  risk  of  making  the 
remittance  in  gold,  together  with  a  trifling  profit ;  because 
if  it  did,  the  debtor  would  send  the  gold  itself,  in  preference 
to  buying  the  bill. 

If,  on  the  contrary,  England  had  more  money  to  receive 
from  France  than  to  pay,  there  would  be  bills  offered  for  a 
greater  number  of  pounds  than  were  wanted  for  remittance, 
and  the  price  of  bills  would  fall  below  par :  a  bill  for  100Z. 
might  be  bought  for  somewhat  less  than  100Z.,  and  bills  would 
be  said  to  be  at  a  discount. 

When  England  has  more  to  pay  than  to  receive,  France 
has  more  to  receive  than  to  pay,  and  vice  versa.  When, 
therefore,  in  England,  bills  on  France  bear  a  premium,  then, 
in  France,  bills  on  England  are  at  a  discount :  and  when 
bills  on  France  are  at  a  discount  in  England,  bills  on 
England  are  at  a  premium  in  France.  If  they  are  at  par 
in  either  country,  they  are  so,  as  we  have  already  seen,  in 

Thus  do  matters  stand  between  countries,  or  places,  which 
have  the  same  currency.  So  much  of  barbarism,  however, 
still  remains  in  the  transactions  of  the  most  civilized  nations, 
that  almost  all  independent  countries  choose  to  assert  their 
nationality  by  having,  to  their  own  inconvenience  and  that 
of  their  neighbours,  a  peculiar  currency  of  their  own.  To 
our  present  purpose  this  makes  no  other  difference,  than  that 
instead  of  speaking  of  equal  sums  of  money,  we  have  to 
speak  of  equivalent  sums.  By  equivalent  sums,  when  both 
currencies  are  composed  of  the  same  metal,  are  meant  sums 
which  contain  exactly  the  same  quantity  of  the  metal,  in 
weight  and  fineness ;  but  when,  as  in  the  case  of  France  and 
England,  the  metals  are  different,  what  is  meant  is  that  the 
quantity  of  gold  in  the  one  sum,  and  the  quantity  of  silver 
in  the  other,  are  of  the  same  value  in  the  general  market  of 
the  world  :  there  being  no  material  difference  between  one 
place  and  another  in  the  relative  value  of  these  metals. 
Suppose  25  francs  to  be  (as  within  a  trifling  fraction  it  is) 


the  equivalent  of  a  pound  sterling.  The  debts  and  credits 
of  the  two  countries  would  be  equal,  when  the  one  owed  as 
many  times  25  francs,  as  the  other  owed  pounds.  When 
this  was  the  case,  a  bill  on  France  for  2500  francs  would  be 
worth  in  England  100Z.,  and  a  bill  on  England  for  100Z. 
would  be  worth  in  France  2500  francs.  The  exchange  is 
then  said  to  be  at  par :  and  25  francs  (in  reality  25  francs 
and  a  trifle  more)*  is  called  the  par  of  exchange  with  France. 
When  England  owed  to  France  more  than  the  equivalent 
of  what  France  owed  to  her,  a  bill  for  2500  francs  would 
be  at  a  premium,  that  is  would  be  worth  more  than  100Z. 
When  France  owed  to  England  more  than  the  equiv- 
alent of  what  England  owed  to  France,  a  bill  for  2500 
francs  would  be  worth  less  than  100Z.,  or  would  be  at  a  dis- 

When  bills  on  foreign  countries  are  at  a  premium,  it  is 
customary  to  say  that  the  exchanges  are  against  the  country, 
or  unfavourable  to  it.  In  order  to  understand  these  phrases, 
we  must  take  notice  of  what  "  the  exchange"  in  the  language 
of  merchants,  really  means.  It  means  the  power  which 
the  money  of  the  country  has  of  purchasing  the  money  of 
other  countries.  Supposing  25  francs  to  be  the  exact  par 
of  exchange,  then  when  it  requires  more  than  100Z.  to  buy  a 
bill  for  2500  francs,  100?.  of  English  money  are  worth  less 
than  their  real  equivalent  of  French  money :  and  this  is 
called,  an  exchange  unfavourable  to  England.  The  only 
persons  in  England,  however,  to  whom  it  is  really  unfavour- 
able, are  those  who  have  money  to  pay  in  France ;  for  they 
come  into  the  bill  market  as  buyers,  and  have  to  pay  a  pre- 
mium ;  but  to  those  who  have  money  to  receive  in  France, 
the  same  state  of  things  is  favourable ;  for  they  come  as 
sellers  and  receive  the  premium.  The  premium,  however, 
indicates  that  a  balance  is  due  by  England,  which  must  be 

*  Written  before  the  change  in  the  relative  value  of  the  two  metals  pro- 
duced by  the  gold  discoveries.  The  par  of  exchange  between  gold  and  silver 
currencies  is  now  variable,  and  no  one  can  foresee  at  what  point  it  will  ultimately 


X78  B00K  m-     CHAPTER  XX.     §3. 

eventually  liquidated  in  the  precious  metals:  and  since, 
according  to  the  old  theory,  the  benefit  of  a  trade  consisted  in 
bringing  money  into  the  country,  this  prejudice  introduced 
the  practice  of  calling  the  exchange  favourable  when  it  indi- 
cated a  balance  to  receive,  and  unfavourable  when  it  indicated 
one  to  pay  :  and  the  phrases  in  turn  tended  to  maintain  the 

§  3.  It  might  be  supposed  at  first  sight  that  when  the 
exchange  is  unfavourable,  or  in  other  words,  when  bills  are 
at  a  premium,  the  premium  must  always  amount  to  a  full 
equivalent  for  the  cost  of  transmitting  money :  since,  as  there 
is  really  a  balance  to  pay,  and  as  the  full  cost  must  therefore 
be  incurred  by  some  of  those  who  have  remittances  to  make, 
their  competition  will  compel  all  to  submit  to  an  equivalent 
sacrifice.  And  such  would  certainly  be  the  case,  if  it  were 
always  necessary  that  whatever  is  destined  to  be  paid  should 
be  paid  immediately.  The  expectation  of  great  and  imme- 
diate foreign  payments  sometimes  produces  a  most  startling 
effect  on  the  exchanges.*  But  a  small  excess  of  imports 
above  exports,  or  any  other  small  amount  of  debt  to  be  paid 
to  foreign  countries,  does  not  usually  affect  the  exchanges  to 
the  full  extent  of  the  cost  and  risk  of  transporting  bullion. 
The  length  of  credit  allowed,  generally  permits,  on  the  part 
of  some  of  the  debtors,  a  postponement  of  payment,  and  in 
the  mean  time  the  balance  may  turn  the  other  way,  and  re- 

*  On  the  news  of  Bonaparte's  landing  from  Elba,  the  price  of  bills  advanced 
in  one  day  as  much  as  ten  per  cent.  Of  course  this  premium  was  not  a  mere 
equivalent  for  cost  of  carriage,  since  the  freight  of  such  an  article  as  gold,  even 
with  the  addition  of  war  insurance,  could  never  have  amounted  to  so  much. 
This  great  price  was  an  equivalent  not  for  the  difficulty  of  sending  gold,  but  for 
the  anticipated  difficulty  of  procuring  it  to  send ;  the  expectation  being  that 
there  would  be  such  immense  remittances  to  the  Continent  in  subsidies  and  for 
the  support  of  armies,  as  would  press  hard  on  the  stock  of  bullion  in  the  country 
(which  was  then  entirely  denuded  of  specie),  and  this,  too,  in  a  shorter  time  than 
would  allow  of  its  being  replenished.  Accordingly  the  price  of  bullion  rose  like- 
wise, with  the  same  suddenness.  It  is  hardly  necessary  to  say  that  this  took 
place  during  the  Bank  restriction.  In  a  convertible  state  of  the  currency,  no 
such  thing  could  have  occurred  until  the  Bank  stopped  payment. 


store  the  equality  of  debts  and  credits  without  any  actual 
transmission  of  the  metals.  And  this  is  the  more  likely  to 
happen,  as  there  is  a  self-adjusting  power  in  the  variations  of 
tjie  exchange  itself.  Bills  are  at  a  premium  because  a  greater 
money  value  has  been  imported  than  exported.  But  the 
premium  is  itself  an  extra  profit  to  those  who  export. 
Besides  the  price  they  obtain  for  their  goods,  they  draw  for 
the  amount  and  gain  the  premium.  It  is,  on  the  other  hand, 
a  diminution  of  profit  to  those  who  import.  Besides  the 
price  of  the  goods,  they  have  to  pay  a  premium  for  remit- 
tance. So  that  what  is  called  an  unfavourable  exchange  is 
an  encouragement  to  export,  and  a  discouragement  to  import. 
And  if  the  balance  due  is  of  small  amount,  and  is  the  conse- 
quence of  some  merely  casual  disturbance  in  the  ordinary 
course  of  trade,  it  is  soon  liquidated  in  commodities,  and  the 
account  adjusted  by  means  of  bills,  without  the  transmission 
of  any  bullion.  Not  so,  however,  when  the  excess  of 
imports  above  exports,  which  has  made  the  exchange  un- 
favourable, arises  from  a  permanent  cause.  In  that  case, 
what  disturbed  the  equilibrium  must  have  been  the  state  of 
prices,  and  it  can  only  be  restored  by  acting  on  prices.  It 
is  impossible  that  prices  should  be  such  as  to  invite  to  an 
excess  of  imports,  and  yet  that  the  exports  should  be  kept 
permanently  up  to  the  imports  by  the  extra  profit  on  expor- 
tation derived  from  the  premium  on  bills ;  for  if  the  exports 
were  kept  up  to  the  imports,  bills  would  not  be  at  a  premium, 
and  the  extra  profit  would  not  exist.  It  is  through  the 
prices  of  commodities  that  the  correction  must  be  adminis- 

Disturbances,  therefore,  of  the  equilibrium  of  imports  and 
exports,  and  consequent  disturbances  of  the  exchange,  may 
be  considered  as  of  two  classes ;  the  one  casual  or  accidental, 
which,  if  not  on  too  large  a  scale,  correct  themselves  through 
the  premium  on  bills,  without  any  transmission  of  the  pre- 
cious metals ;  the  other  arising  from  the  general  state  of 
prices,  which  cannot  be  corrected  without  the  subtraction  of 
actual  money  from  the  circulation  of  one  of  the  countries,  or 

180  BOOK   III.      CHAPTER  XX.      §3. 

an  annihilation  of  credit  equivalent  to  it ;  since  the  mere  # 
transmission  of  bullion  (as  distinguished  from  money),  not 
having  any  effect  on  prices,  is  of  no  avail  to  abate  the  cause 
from  which  the  disturbance  proceeded. 

It  remains  to  observe,  that  the  exchanges  do  not  depend 
on  the  balance  of  debts  and  credits  with  each  country  sepa- 
rately, but  with  all  countries  taken  together.  England  may 
owe  a  balance  of  payments  to  France ;  but  it  does  not  follow 
that  the  exchange  with  France  will  be  against  England,  and 
that  bills  on  France  will  be  at  a  premium ;  because  a  balance 
may  be  due  to  England  from  Holland  or  Hamburg,  and  she 
may  pay  her  debts  to  France  with  bills  on  those  places ;  which 
is  technically  called  arbitration  of  exchange.  There  is  some 
little  additional  expense,  partly  commission  and  partly  loss 
of  interest  in  settling  debts  in  this  circuitous  manner,  and  to 
the  extent  of  that  small  difference  the  exchange  with  one 
country  may  vary  apart  from  that  with  others ;  but  in  the 
main,  the  exchanges  with  all  foreign  countries  vary  together, 
according  as  the  country  has  a  balance  to  receive  or  to  pay 
on  the  general  result  of  its  foreign  transactions. 



§  1.  Having  now  examined  the  mechanism  by  which  the 
commercial  transactions  between  nations  are  actually  conduct- 
ed, we  have  next  to  inquire  whether  this  mode  of  conducting 
them  makes  any  difference  in  the  conclusions  respecting  in- 
ternational values,  which  we  previously  arrived  at  on  the 
hypothesis  of  barter. 

The  nearest  analogy  would  lead  us  to  presume  the  nega- 
tive. We  did  not  find  that  the  intervention  of  money  and 
its  substitutes  made  any  difference  in  the  law  of  value  as 
applied  to  adjacent  places.  Things  which  would  have  been 
equal  in  value  if  the  mode  of  exchange  had  been  by  barter, 
are  worth  equal  sums  of  money.  The  introduction  of  money 
is  a  mere  addition  of  one  more  commodity,  of  which  the  value 
is  regulated  by  the  same  laws  as  that  of  all  other  commodities. 
We  shall  not  be  surprised,  therefore,  if  we  find  that  inter- 
national values  also  are  determined  by  the  same  caused 
under  a  money  and  bill  system,  as  they  would  be  under  a 
system  of  barter ;  and  that  money  has  little  to  do  in  the 
matter,  except  to  furnish  a  convenient  mode  of  comparing 

All  interchange  is,  in  substance  and  effect,  barter :  who- 
ever sells  commodities  for  money,  and  with  that  money  buys 
other  goods,  really  buys  those  goods  with  his  own  commod- 
ities. And  so  of  nations :  their  trade  is  a  mere  exchange  of 
exports  for  imports ;  and  whether  money  is  employed  or  not, 

182  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XXI.     §  1. 

things  are  only  in  their  permanent  state  when  the  exports 
and  imports  exactly  pay  for  each  other.  When  this  is  the 
case,  equal  sums  of  money  are  due  from  each  country  to  the 
other,  the  debts  are  settled  by  bills,  and  there  is  no  balance 
to  be  paid  in  the  precious  metals.  The  trade  is  in  a  state 
like  that  which  is  called  in  mechanics  a  condition  of  stable 

But  the  process  by  which  things  are  brought  back  to 
this  state  when  they  happen  to  deviate  from  it,  is,  at  least 
outwardly,  not  the  same  in  a  barter  system  and  in  a  money 
system.  Under  the  first,  the  country  which  wants  more 
imports  than  its  exports  will  pay  for,  must  offer  its  exports 
at  a  cheaper  rate,  as  the  sole  means  of  creating  a  demand 
for  them  sufficient  to  re-establish  the  equilibrium.  When 
money  is  used,  the  country  seems  to  do  a  thing  totally  dif- 
ferent. She  takes  the  additional  imports  at  the  same  price 
as  before,  and  as  she  exports  no  equivalent,  the  balance  of 
payments  turns  against  her ;  the  exchange  becomes  unfa- 
vourable, and  the  difference  has  to  be  paid  in  money.  This 
is  in  appearance  a  very  distinct  operation  from  the  former. 
Let  us  see  if  it  differs  in  its  essence,  or  only  in  its  mechanism. 

Let  the  country  which  has  the  balance  to  pay  be  Eng- 
land, and  the  country  which  receives  it,  France.  By  this 
transmission  of  the  precious  metals,  the  quantity  of  the  cur- 
rency is  diminished  in  England,  and  increased  in  France. 
This  I  am  at  liberty  to  assume.  As  we  shall  see  hereafter, 
it  would  be  a  very  erroneous  assumption  if  made  in  regard 
to  all  payments  of  international  balances.  A  balance  which 
has  only  to  be  paid  once,  such  as  the  payment  made  for  an 
extra  importation  of  corn  in  a  season  of  dearth,  may  be  paid 
from  hoards,  or  from  the  reserves  of  bankers,  without  act- 
ing on  the  circulation.  But  we  are  now  supposing  that 
there  is  an  excess  of  imports  over  exports,  arising  from  the 
fact  that  the  equation  of  international  demand  is  not  yet 
established  :  that  there  is  at  the  ordinary  prices  a  perma- 
nent demand  in  England  for  more  French  goods  than  the 
English  goods  required  in  France  at  the  ordinary  prices  will 


pay  for.  When  this  is  the  case,  if  a  change  were  not  made 
in  the  prices,  there  would  be  a  perpetually  renewed  balance 
to  be  paid  in  money.  The  imports  require  to  be  perma- 
nently diminished,  or  the  exports  to  be  increased ;  which 
can  only  be  accomplished  through  prices  ;  and  hence,  even 
if  the  balances  are  at  first  paid  from  hoards,  or  by  the  ex- 
portation of  bullion,  they  will  reach  the  circulation  at  last, 
for  until  they  do,  nothing  can  stop  the  drain. 

When,  therefore,  the  state  of  prices  is  such  that  the 
equation  of  international  demand  cannot  establish  itself,  the 
country  requiring  more  imports  than  can  be  paid  for  by  the 
exports ;  it  is  a  sign  that  the  country  has  more  of  the  pre- 
cious metals  or  their  substitutes,  in  circulation,  than  can 
permanently  circulate,  and  must  necessarily  part  with  some 
of  them  before  the  balance  can  be  restored.  The  currency 
is  accordingly  contracted  :  prices  fall,  and  among  the  rest, 
the  prices  of  exportable  articles ;  for  which  accordingly, 
there  arises,  in  foreign  countries,  a  greater  demand :  while 
imported  commodities  have  possibly  risen  in  price,  from 
the  influx  of  money  into  foreign  countries,  and  at  all  events 
have  not  participated  in  the  general  fall.  But  until  the  in- 
creased cheapness  of  English  goods  induces  foreign  coun- 
tries to  take  a  greater  pecuniary  value,  or  until  the  increased 
dearness  (positive  or  comparative)  of  foreign  goods  makes 
England  take  a  less  pecuniary  value,  the  exports  of  England 
will  be  no  nearer  to  paying  for  the  imports  than  before,  and 
the  stream  of  the  precious  metals  which  had  begun  to  flow 
out  of  England,  will  still  flow  on.  This  efflux  will  continue, 
until  the  fall  of  prices  in  England  brings  within  reach  of  the 
foreign  market  some  commodity  which  England  did  not 
previously  send  thither ;  or  until  the  reduced  price  of  the 
things  which  she  did  send,  has  forced  a  demand  abroad  for 
a  sufficient  quantity  to  pay  for  the  imports,  aided,  perhaps, 
by  a  reduction  of  the  English  demand  for  foreign  goods, 
through  their  enhanced  price,  either  positive  or  comparative. 

Now  this  is  the  very  process  which  took  place  on  our 
original  supposition  of  barter.     Not  only,  therefore,  does 

184  BOOK   III.      CHAPTER  XXI.      §1. 

the  trade  between  nations  tend  to  the  same  equilibrium  be- 
tween exports  and  imports,  whether  money  is  employed  or 
not,  but  the  means  by  which  this  equilibrium  is  established 
are  essentially  the  same.  The  country  whose  exports  are 
not  sufficient  to  pay  for  her  imports,  offers  them  on  cheaper 
terms,  until  she  succeeds  in  forcing  the  necessary  demand : 
in  other  words,  the  Equation  of  International  Demand, 
under  a  money  system  as  well  as  under  a  barter  system,  is 
the  law  of  international  trade.  Every  country  exports  and 
imports  the  very  same  things,  and  in  the  very  same  quan- 
tity, under  the  one  system  as  under  the  other.  In  a  barter 
system,  the  trade  gravitates  to  the  point  at  which  the  sum 
of  the  imports  exactly  exchanges  for  the  sum  of  the  exports : 
in  a  money  system,  it  gravitates  to  the  point  at  which  the 
sum  of  the  imports  and  the  sum  of  the  exports  exchange 
for  the  same  quantity  of  money.  And  since  things  which 
are  equal  to  the  same  thing  are  equal  to  one  another,  the 
exports  and  imports  which  are  equal  in  money  price,  would, 
if  money  were  not  used,  precisely  exchange  for  one  another.* 

*  The  subjoined  extract  from  the  separate  Essay  previously  referred  to,  will 
give  some  assistance  in  following  the  course  of  the  phenomena.  It  is  adapted 
to  the  imaginary  case  used  for  illustration  throughout  that  Essay,  the  case  of  a 
trade  between  England  and  Germany  in  cloth  and  linen. 

"  We  may,  at  first,  make  whatever  supposition  we  will  with  respect  to  the 
value  of  money.  Let  us  suppose,  therefore,  that  before  the  opening  of  the 
trade,  the  price  of  cloth  is  the  same  in  both  countries,  namely,  six  shillings  per 
yard.  As  ten  yards  of  cloth  were  supposed  to  exchange  in  England  for  fifteen 
yards  of  linen,  in  Germany  for  twenty,  we  must  suppose  that  linen  is  sold  in 
England  at  four  shillings  per  yard,  in  Germany  at  three.  Cost  of  carriage  and 
importer's  profit  are  left,  as  before,  out  of  consideration. 

"  In  this  state  of  prices,  cloth,  it  is  evident,  cannot  yet  be  exported  from 
England  into  Germany :  but  linen  can  be  imported  from  Germany  into  England. 
It  will  be  so  ;  and,  in  the  first  instance,  the  linen  will  be  paid  for  in  money. 

"  The  efflux  of  money  from  England,  and  its  influx  into  Germany,  will  raise 
money  prices  in  the  latter  country,  and  lower  them  in  the  former.  Linen  will 
rise  in  Germany  above  three  shillings  per  yard,  and  cloth  above  six  shillings. 
Linen  in  England,  being  imported  from  Germany,  will  (since  cost  of  carriage  is 
not  reckoned)  sink  to  the  same  price  as  in  that  country,  while  cloth  will  fall  be- 
low six  shillings.  As  soon  as  the  price  of  cloth  is  lower  in  England  than  in 
Germany,  it  will  begin  to  be  exported,  and  the  price  of  cloth  in  Germany  will 
fall  to  what  it  is  in  England.     As  long  as  the  cloth  exported  does  not  suffice  to 


§  2.  It  thus  appears  that  the  law  of  international 
values,  and,  consequently,  the  division  of  the  advantages  of 
trade,  among  the  nations  which  carry  it  on,  are  the  same, 
on  the  supposition  of  money,  as  they  would  be  in  a  state 
of  barter.  In  international,  as  in  ordinary  domestic  inter- 
changes, money  is  to  commerce  only  what  oil  is  to  machin- 
ery, or  railways  to  locomotion,  a  contrivance  to  diminish 
friction.     In  order  still  further  to  test  these  conclusions,  let 

pay  for  the  linen  imported,  money  will  continue  to  flow  from  England  into  Ger- 
many, and  prices  generally  will  continue  to  fall  in  England  and  rise  in  Germany. 
By  the  fall,  however,  of  cloth  in  England,  cloth  will  fall  in  Germany  also,  and 
the  demand  for  it  will  increase.  By  the  rise  of  linen  in  Germany,  linen  must 
rise  in  England  also,  and  the  demand  for  it  will  diminish.  As  cloth  fell  in  price 
and  linen  rose,  there  would  be  some  particular  price  of  both  articles  at  which 
the  cloth  exported  and  the  linen  imported  would  exactly  pay  for  each  other. 
At  this  point  prices  would  remain,  because  money  would  then  cease  to  move  out 
of  England  into  Germany.  What  this  point  might  be,  would  entirely  depend 
upon  the  circumstances  and  inclinations  of  the  purchasers  on  both  sides.  If  the 
fall  of  cloth  did  not  much  increase  the  demand  for  it  in  Germany,  and  the  rise 
of  linen  did  not  diminish  very  rapidly  the  demand  for  it  in  England,  much 
money  must  pass  before  the  equilibrium  is  restored ;  cloth  would  fall  very  much, 
and  linen  would  rise,  until  England,  perhaps,  had  to  pay  nearly  as  much  for  it  as 
when  she  produced  it  for  herself.  But  if,  on  the  contrary,  the  fall  of  cloth 
caused  a  very  rapid  increase  of  the  demand  for  it  in  Germany,  and  the  rise  of 
linen  in  Germany  reduced  very  rapidly  the  demand  in  England  from  what  it  was 
under  the  influence  of  the  first  cheapness  produced  by  the  opening  of  the  trade ; 
the  cloth  would  very  soon  suffice  to  pay  for  the  linen,  little  money  would  pass 
between  the  two  countries,  and  England  would  derive  a  large  portion  of  the 
benefit  of  the  trade.  We  have  thus  arrived  at  precisely  the  same  conclusion,  in 
supposing  the  employment  of  money,  which  we  found  to  hold  under  the  supposi- 
tion of  barter. 

"  In  what  shape  the  benefit  accrues  to  the  two  nations  from  the  trade  is  clear 
enough.  Germany,  before  the  commencement  of  the  trade,  paid  six  shillings 
per  yard  for  broadcloth :  she  now  obtains  it  at  a  lower  price.  This,  however,  is 
not  the  whole  of  her  advantage.  As  the  money-prices  of  all  her  other  commodi- 
ties have  risen,  the  money-incomes  of  all  her  producers  have  increased.  This  is 
no  advantage  to  them  in  buying  from  each  other,  because  the  price  of  what  they 
buy  has  risen  in  the  same  ratio  with  their  means  of  paying  for  it:  but  it  is  an 
advantage  to  them  in  buying  anything  which  has  not  risen,  and,  still  more,  any- 
thing which  has  fallen.  They,  therefore,  benefit  as  consumers  of  cloth,  not 
merely  to  the  extent  to  which  cloth  has  fallen,  but  also  to  the  extent  to  which 
other  prices  have  risen.  Suppose  that  this  is  one-tenth.  The  same  proportion 
of  their  money-incomes  as  before,  will  suffice  to  supply  their  other  wants ;  and 

186  B00K   m-     CHAPTER  XXL      §2. 

us  proceed  to  re-examine,  on  the  supposition  of  money,  a 
question  which  we  have  already  investigated  on  the  hy- 
pothesis of  barter,  namely,  to  what  extent  the  benefit  of  an 
improvement  in  the  production  of  an  exportable  article,  is 
participated  in  by  the  countries  importing  it. 

The  improvement  may  either  consist  in  the  cheapening 
of  some  article  which  was  already  a  staple  production  of  the 
country,  or  in  the  establishment  of  some  new  branch  of  in- 
dustry, or  of  some  process  rendering  an  article  exportable 
which  had  not  till  then  been  exported  at  all.     It  will  be 

the  remainder,  being  increased  one-tenth  in  amount,  will  enable  them  to  pur- 
chase one-tenth  more  cloth  than  before,  even  though  cloth  had  not  fallen :  but  it 
has  fallen ;  so  that  they  are  doubly  gainers.  They  purchase  the  same  quantity 
with  less  money,  and  have  more  to  expend  upon  their  other  wants. 

"  In  England,  on  the  contrary,  general  money-prices  have  fallen.  Linen, 
however,  has  fallen  more  than  the  rest,  having  been  lowered  in  price  by  importa- 
tion from  a  country  where  it  was  cheaper ;  whereas  the  others  have  fallen  only 
from  the  consequent  efflux  of  money.  Notwithstanding,  therefore,  the  general 
fall  of  money-prices,  the  English  producers  will  be  exactly  as  they  were  in  all 
other  respects,  while  they  will  gain  as  purchasers  of  linen. 

"The  greater  the  efflux  of  money  required  to  restore  the  equilibrium,  the 
greater  will  be  the  gain  of  Germany,  both  by  the  fall  of  cloth  and  by  the  rise  of 
her  general  prices.  The  less  the  efflux  of  money  requisite,  the  greater  will  be 
the  gain  of  England ;  because  the  price  of  linen  will  continue  lower,  and  her 
general  prices  will  not  be  reduced  so  much.  It  must  not,  however,  be  imagined 
that  high  money-prices  are  a  good,  and  low  money-prices  an  evil,  in  themselves. 
But  the  higher  the  general  money-prices  in  any  country,  the  greater  will  be  that 
country's  means  of  purchasing  those  commodities,  which,  being  imported  from 
abroad,  are  independent  of  the  causes  which  keep  prices  high  at  home." 

In  practice,  the  cloth  and  the  linen  would  not,  as  here  supposed,  be  at  the 
same  price  in  England  and  in  Germany :  each  would  be  dearer  in  money-price 
in  the  country  which  imported  than  in  that  which  produced  it,  by  the  amount  of 
the  cost  of  carriage,  together  with  the  ordinary  profit  on  the  importer's  capital 
for  the  average  length  of  time  which  elapsed  before  the  commodity  could  be  dis- 
posed of.  But  it  does  not  follow  that  each  country  pays  the  cost  of  carriage  of 
the  commodity  it  imports ;  for  the  addition  of  this  item  to  the  price  may  operate 
as  a  greater  check  to  demand  on  one  side  than  on  the  other ;  and  the  equation 
of  international  demand,  and  consequent  equilibrium  of  payments,  may  not  be 
maintained.  Money  would  then  flow  out  of  one  country  into  the  other,  until,  in 
the  manner  already  illustrated,  the  equilibrium  was  restored :  and,  when  this 
was  effected,  one  country  would  be  paying  more  than  its  own  cost  of  carriage, 
and  the  other  less. 


convenient  to  begin  with  the  case  of  a  new  export,  as  being 
somewhat  the  simpler  of  the  two. 

The  first  effect  is  that  the  article  falls  in  price,  and  a 
demand  arises  for  it  abroad.  This  new  exportation  disturbs 
the  balance,  turns  the  exchanges,  money  flows  into  the 
country  (which  we  shall  suppose  to  be  England),  and  con- 
tinues to  flow  until  prices  rise.  This  higher  range  of  prices 
will  somewhat  check  the  demand  in  foreign  countries  for 
the  new  article  of  export ;  and  will  diminish  the  demand 
which  existed  abroad  for  the  other  things  which  England 
was  in  the  habit  of  exporting.  The  exports  will  thus  be 
diminished  ;  while  at  the  same  time  the  English  public, 
having  more  money,  will  have  a  greater  power  of  purchas- 
ing foreign  commodities.  If  they  make  use  of  this  increased 
power  of  purchase,  there  will  be  an  increase  of  imports ; 
and  by  this,  and  the  check  to  exportation,  the  equilibrium 
of  imports  and  exports  will  be  restored.  The  result  to  for- 
eign countries  will  be,  that  they  have  to  pay  dearer  than 
before  for  their  other  imports,  and  obtain  the  new  com- 
modity cheaper  than  before,  but  not  so  much  cheaper  as 
England  herself  does.  I  say  this,  being  well  aware  that  the 
article  would  be  actually  at  the  very  same  price  (cost  of 
carriage  excepted)  in  England  and  in  other  countries.  The 
cheapness,  however,  of  the  article  is  not  measured  solely 
by  the  money-price,  but  by  that  price  compared  with  the 
money  incomes  of  the  consumers.  The  price  is  the  same 
to  the  English  and  to  the  foreign  consumers  ;  but  the  former 
pay  that  price  from  money  incomes  which  have  been  in- 
creased by  the  new  distribution  of  the  precious  metals; 
while  the  latter  have  had  their  money  incomes  probably 
diminished  by  the  same  cause.  The  trade,  therefore,  has 
not  imparted  to  the  foreign  consumer  the  whole,  but  only 
a  portion,  of  the  benefit  which  the  English  consumer  has 
derived  from  the  improvement;  while  England  has  also 
benefited  in  the  prices  of  foreign  commodities.  Thus,  then, 
any  industrial  improvement  which  leads  to  the  opening  of 
a  new  branch  of  export  trade,  benefits  a  country  not  only 

188  B00K  m-     CHAPTER  XXI.     §2. 

by  the  cheapness  of  the  article  in  which  the  improvement 
has  taken  place,  but  by  a  general  cheapening  of  all  imported 

Let  us  now  change  the  hypothesis,  and  suppose  that  the 
improvement,  instead  of  creating  a  new  export  from  Eng- 
land, cheapens  an  existing  one.  When  we  examined  this 
case  on  the  supposition  of  barter,  it  appeared  to  us  that  the 
foreign  consumers  might  either  obtain  the  same  benefit  from 
the  improvement  as  England  herself,  or  a  less  benefit,  or 
even  a  greater  benefit,  according  to  the  degree  in  which  the 
consumption  of  the  cheapened  article  is  calculated  to  extend 
itself  as  the  article  diminishes  in  price.  The  same  conclu- 
sions will  be  found  true  on  the  supposition  of  money. 

Let  the  commodity  in  which  there  is  an  improvement, 
be  cloth.  The  first  effect  of  the  improvement  is  that  its 
price  falls,  and  there  is  an  increased  demand  for  it  in  the 
foreign  market.  But  this  demand  is  of  uncertain  amount. 
Suppose  the  foreign  consumers  to  increase  their  purchases 
in  the  exact  ratio  of  the  cheapness,  or  in  other  words,  to  lay 
out  in  cloth  the  same  sum  of  money  as  before ;  the  same 
aggregate  payment  as  before  will  be  due  from  foreign  coun- 
tries to  England  ;  the  equilibrium  of  exports  and  imports 
will  remain  undisturbed,  and  foreigners  will  obtain  the  full 
advantage  of  the  increased  cheapness  of  cloth.  But  if  the 
foreign  demand  for  cloth  is  of  such  a  character  as  to  in- 
crease in  a  greater  ratio  than  the  cheapness,  a  larger  sum 
than  formerly  will  be  due  to  England  for  cloth,  and  when 
paid  will  raise  English  prices,  the  price  of  cloth  included  ; 
this  rise,  however,  will  affect  only  the  foreign  purchaser, 
English  incomes  being  raised  in  a  corresponding  propor- 
tion ;  and  the  foreign  consumer  will  thus  derive  a  less  ad- 
vantage than  England  from  the  improvement.  If,  on  the 
contrary,  the  cheapening  of  cloth  does  not  extend  the  for- 
eign demand  for  it  in  a  proportional  degree,  a  less  sum  of 
debts  than  before  will  be  due  to  England  for  cloth,  while 
there  will  be  the  usual  sum  of  debts  due  from  England  to 
foreign  countries ;  the  balance  of  trade  will  turn  against 


England,  money  will  be  exported,  prices  (that  of  cloth  in- 
cluded) will  fall,  and  cloth  will  eventually  be  cheapened  to 
the  foreign  purchaser  in  a  still  greater  ratio,  than  the  im- 
provement has  cheapened  it  to  England.  These  are  the 
very  conclusions  which  we  deduced  on  the  hypothesis  of 

The  result  of  the  preceding  discussion  cannot  be  better 
summed  up  than  in  the  words  of  Bieardo.*  "  Gold  and 
silver  having  been  chosen  for  the  general  medium  of  circu- 
lation, they  are,  by  the  competition  of  commerce,  distrib- 
uted in  such  proportions  amongst  the  different  countries  of 
the  world  as  to  accommodate  themselves  to  the  natural 
traffic  which  would  take  place  if  no  such  metals  existed, 
and  the  trade  between  countries  were  purely  a  trade  of 
barter."  Of  this  principle,  so  fertile  in  consequences,  pre- 
vious to  which  the  theory  of  foreign  trade  was  an  unintel- 
ligible chaos,  Mr.  Kicardo,  though  he  did  not  pursue  it  into 
its  ramifications,  was  the  real  originator.  No  writer  who 
preceded  him  appears  to  have  had  a  glimpse  of  it :  and  few 
are  those  who  even  since  his  time  have  had  an  adequate 
conception  of  its  scientific  value. 

§  3.  It  is  now  necessary  to  inquire,  in  what  manner 
this  law  of  the  distribution  of  the  precious  metals  by  means 
of  the  exchanges,  affects  the  exchange  value  of  money  it- 
self; and  how  it  tallies  with  the  law  by  which  we  found 
that  the  value  of  money  is  regulated  when  imported  as  a 
mere  article  of  merchandize.  For  there  is  here  a  semblance 
of  contradiction,  which  has,  I  think,  contributed  more  than 
anything  else  to  make  some  distinguished  political  econo- 
mists resist  the  evidence  of  the  preceding  doctrines.  Money, 
they  justly  think,  is  no  exception  to  the  general  laws  of 
value ;  it  is  a  commodity  like  any  other,  and  its  average 
or  natural  value  must  depend  on  the  cost  of  producing,  or 
at  least  of  obtaining  it.  That  its  distribution  through  the 
world,  therefore,  and  its  different  value  in  different  places, 

*  Principles  of  Political  Economy  and  Taxation,  3rd  ed.  p.  143. 

190  BOOK   III.     CHAPTER  XXI.     §3. 

should  be  liable  to  be  altered,  not  by  causes  affecting  itself, 
but  by  a  hundred  causes  unconnected  with  it ;  by  every- 
thing which  affects  the  trade  in  other  commodities,  so  as  to 
derange  the  equilibrium  of  exports  and  imports ;  appears 
to  these  thinkers  a  doctrine  altogether  inadmissible. 

But  the  supposed  anomaly  exists  only  in  semblance- 
The  causes  which  bring  money  into  or  carry  it  out  of  a. 
country  through  the  exchanges,  to  restore  the  equilibrium1 
of  trade,  and  which  thereby  raise  its  value  in  some  countries 
and  lower  it  in  others,  are  the  very  same  causes  on  which 
the  local  value  of  money  would  dej)end,  if  it  were  never 
imported  except  as  a  merchandize,  and  never  except  directly 
from  the  mines.  When  the  value  of  money  in  a  country 
is  permanently  lowered  by  an  influx  of  it  through  the  bal- 
ance of  trade,  the  cause,  if  it  is  not  diminished  cost  of  pro- 
duction, must  be  one  of  those  causes  which  compel  a  new 
adjustment,  more  favourable  to  the  country,  of  the  equation 
of  international  demand :  namely,  either  an  increased  de^- 
mand  abroad  for  her  commodities,  or  a  diminished  demand 
on  her  part  for  those  of  foreign  countries.  JSTow  an  increased 
foreign  demand  for  the  commodities  of  a  country,  or  a  di- 
minished demand  in  the  country  for  imported  commodities, 
are  the  very  causes  which,  on  the  general  principles  of  trade, 
enable  a  country  to  purchase  all  imports,4and  consequently 
the  precious  metals,  at  a  lower  value.  There  is  therefore 
no  contradiction,  but  the  most  perfect  accordance  in  the 
results  of  the  two  different  modes  in  which  the  precious 
metals  may  be  obtained.  When  money  flows  from  country 
to  country  in  consequence  of  changes  in  the  international 
demand  for  commodities,  and  by  so  doing  alters  its  own 
local  value,  it  merely  realizes,  by  a  more  rapid  process,  the 
effect  which  would  otherwise  take  place  more  slowly,  by 
an  alteration  in  the  relative  breadth  of  the  streams  by  which 
the  precious  metals  flow  into  different  regions  of  the  earth 
from  the  mining  countries.  As  therefore  we  before  saw 
that  the  use  of  money  as  a  medium  of  exchange  does  not 
in  the  least  alter  the  law  on  which  the  values  of  other 


tilings,  either  in  the  same  country,  or  internationally,  de- 
pend, so  neither  does  it  alter  the  law  of  the  value  of  the 
precious  metal  itself :  and  there  is  in  the  whole  doctrine  of 
international  values  as  now  laid  down,  a  unity  and  harmony 
which  is  a  strong  collateral  presumption  of  truth. 

§  4.  Before  closing  this  discussion,  it  is  fitting  to  point 
out  in  what  manner  and  degree  the  preceding  conclusions 
are  affected  by  the  existence  of  international  payments  not 
originating  in  commerce,  and  for  which  no  equivalent  in 
either  money  or  commodities  is  expected  or  received  ;  such 
as  a  tribute,  or  remittances  of  rent  to  absentee  landlords  or 
of  interest  to  foreign  creditors,  or  a  government  expenditure 
abroad,  such  as  England  incurs  in  the  management  of  some 
of  her  colonial  dependencies. 

To  begin  with  the  case  of  barter.  The  supposed  annual 
remittances  being  made  in  commodities,  and  being  exports 
for  which  there  is  to  be  no  return,  it  is  no  longer  requisite 
that  the  imports  and  exports  should  pay  for  one  another : 
on  the  contrary,  there  must  be  an  annual  excess  of  exports 
over  imports,  equal  to  the  value  of  the  remittance.  If,  be- 
fore the  country  became  liable  to  the  annual  payment,  for- 
eign commerce  was  in  its  natural  state  of  equilibrium,  it 
■will  now  be  necessary  for  the  purpose  of  effecting  the  remit- 
tances, that  foreign  countries  should  be  induced  to  take  a 
greater  quantity  of  exports  than  before  :  which  can  only  be 
done  by  offering  those  exports  on  cheaper  terms,  or  in  other 
words,  by  paying  dearer  for  foreign  commodities.  The  in- 
ternational values  will  so  adjust  themselves  that  either  by 
greater  exports,  or  smaller  imports,  or  both,  the  requisite 
excess  on  the  side  of  exports  will  be  brought  about ;  and 
this  excess  will  become  the  permanent  state.  The  result 
is,  that  a  country  which  makes  regular  payments  to  foreign 
countries,  besides  losing  what  it  pays,  loses  also  something 
more,  by  the  less  advantageous  terms  on  which  it  is  forced 
to  exchange  its  productions  for  foreign  commodities. 

The  same  results  follow  on  the  supposition  of  money 

192  BOOK   III.     CnAPTER  XXI.     §4. 

Commerce  being  supposed  to  be  in  a  state  of  equilibrium 
when  the  obligatory  remittances  begin,  the  first  remittance 
is  necessarily  made  in  money.  This  lowers  prices  in  the 
remitting  country,  and  raises  them  in  the  receiving.  The 
natural  effect  is  that  more  commodities  are  exported  than 
before,  and  fewer  imported,  and  that,  on  the  score  of  com- 
merce alone,  a  balance  of  money  will  be  constantly  due 
from  the  receiving  to  the  paying  country.  When  the  debt 
thus  annually  due  to  the  tributary  country  becomes  equal 
to  the  annual  tribute  or  other  regular  payment  due  from  it, 
no  further  transmission  of  money  takes  place ;  the  equili- 
brium of  exports  and  imports  will  no  longer  exist,  but  that 
of  payments  will ;  the  exchange  will  be  at  par,  the  two 
debts  will  be  set  off  against  one  another,  and  the  tribute  or 
remittance  will  be  virtually  paid  in  goods.  The  result  to 
the  interests  of  the  two  countries  will  be  as  already  pointed 
out :  the  paying  country  will  give  a  higher  price  for  all 
that  it  buys  from  the  receiving  country,  while  the  latter, 
besides  receiving  the  tribute,  obtains  the  exportable  produce 
of  the  tributary  country  at  a  lower  price. 



§  1.  In  our  inquiry  into  the  laws  of  international  trade, 
we  commenced  with  the  principles  which  determine  inter- 
national exchanges  and  international  values  on  the  hypothe- 
sis of  barter.  We  next  showed  that  the  introduction  of 
money  as  a  medium  of  exchange,  makes  no  difference  in 
the  laws  of  exchanges  and  of  values  between  country  and 
country,  no  more  than  between  individual  and  individual : 
since  the  precious  metals,  under  the  influence  of  those  same 
laws,  distribute  themselves  in  such  proportions  among  the 
different  countries  of  the  world,  as  to  allow  the  very  same 
exchanges  to  go  on,  and  at  the  same  values,  as  would  be 
the  case  under  a  system  of  barter.  We  lastly  considered 
how  the  value  of  money  itself  is  affected,  by  those  alter- 
ations in  the  state  of  trade  which  arise  from  alterations 
either  in  the  demand  and  supply  of  commodities  or  in  their 
cost  of  production.  It  remains  to  consider  the  alterations 
in  the  state  of  trade  which  originate  not  in  commodities  but 
in  money. 

Gold  and  silver  may  vary  like  other  things,  though  they 
are  not  so  likely  to  vary  as  other  things,  in  their  cost  of  pro- 
duction. The  demand  for  them  in  foreign  countries  may 
also  vary.  It  may  increase,  by  augmented  employment  of 
the  metals  for  purposes  of  art  and  ornament,  or  because  the 
increase  of  production  and  of  transactions  has  created  a 
greater  amount  of  business  to  be  done  by  the  circulating 

194  B00K  ni-      CHAPTER  XXII.      §2. 

medium.  It  may  diminish,  for  the  opposite  reasons ;  or 
from  the  extension  of  the  economizing  expedients  by  which 
the  use  of  metallic  money  is  partially  dispensed  with. 
These  changes  act  upon  the  trade  between  other  countries 
and  the  mining  countries,  and  upon  the  value  of  the  pre- 
cious metals,  according  to  the  general  laws  of  the  value  of 
imported  commodities  :  which  have  been  set  forth  in  the 
previous  chapters  with  sufficient  fulness. 

"What  I  propose  to  examine  in  the  present  chapter,  is 
not  those  circumstances  affecting  money,  which  alter  the 
permanent  conditions  of  its  value  ;  but  the  effects  produced 
on  international  trade  by  casual  or  temporary  variations  in 
the  value  of  money,  which  have  no  connexion  with  any 
causes  affecting  its  permanent  value.  This  is  a  subject  of 
importance,  on  account  of  its  bearing  upon  the  practical 
problem  which  has  excited  so  much  discussion  for  sixty 
years  past,  the  regulation  of  the  currency. 

§  2.  Let  us  suppose  in  any  country  a  circulating  me- 
dium purely  metallic,  and  a  sudden  casual  increase  made 
to  it ;  for  example,  by  bringing  into  circulation  hoards  of 
treasure,  which  had  been  concealed  in  a  previous  period  of 
foreign  invasion  or  internal  disorder.  The  natural  effect 
would  be  a  rise  of  prices.  This  would  check  exports,  and 
encourage  imports ;  the  imports  would  exceed  the  exports, 
the  exchanges  would  become  unfavorable,  and  a  newly- 
acquired  stock  of  money  would  diffuse  itself  over  all  coun- 
tries with  which  the  supposed  country  carried  on  trade,  and 
from  them,  progressively,  through  all  parts  of  the  commer- 
cial world.  The  money  which  thus  overflowed  would  spread 
itself  to  an  equal  depth  over  all  commercial  countries.  For 
it  would  go  on  flowing  until  the  exports  and  imports  again 
balanced  one  another :  and  this  (as  no  change  is  supposed 
in  the  permanent  circumstances  of  international  demand) 
could  only  be,  when  the  money  had  diffused  itself  so  equally 
that  prices  had  risen  in  the  same  ratio  in  all  countries,  so 
that  the  alteration  of  price  would  be  for  all  practical  pur- 


poses  ineffective,  and  the  exports  and  imports,  though  at  a 
higher  money  valuation,  would  be  exactly  the  same  as  they 
were  originally.  This  diminished  value  of  money  through- 
out the  world,  (at  least  if  the  diminution  was  considerable) 
would  cause  a  suspension,  or  at  least  a  diminution,  of  the 
annual  supply  from  the  mines :  since  the  metal  would  no 
longer  command  a  value  equivalent  to  its  highest  cost  of 
production.  The  annual  waste,  would,  therefore,  not  be 
fully  made  up,  and  the  usual  causes  of  destruction  would 
gradually  reduce  the  aggregate  quantity  of  the  precious 
metals  to  its  former  amount ;  after  which  their  production 
would  recommence  on  its  former  scale.  The  discovery  of 
the  treasure  would  thus  produce  only  temporary  effects ; 
namely,  a  brief  disturbance  of  international  trade  until  the 
treasure  had  disseminated  itself  through  the  world,  and 
then  a  temporary  depression  in  the  value  of  the  metal,  be- 
low that  which  corresponds  to  the  cost  of  producing  or  of 
obtaining  it ;  which  depression  would  gradually  be  cor- 
rected, by  a  temporarily  diminished  production  in  the  pro- 
ducing countries,  and  importation  in  the  importing  coun- 

The  same  effects  which  would  thus  arise  from  the  dis- 
covery of  a  treasure,  accompany  the  process  by  which  bank 
notes,  or  any  of  the  other  substitutes  for  money,  take  the 
place  of  the  precious  metals.  Suppose  that  England  pos- 
sessed a  currency  wholly  metallic,  of  twenty  millions  ster- 
ling, and  that  suddenly  twenty  millions  of  bank  notes  were 
sent  into  circulation.  If  these  were  issued  by  bankers,  they 
would  be  employed  in  loans,  or  in  the  purchase  of  securities, 
and  would  therefore  create  a  sudden  fall  in  the  rate  of  in- 
terest, which  would  probably  send  a  great  part  of  the  twenty 
millions  of  gold  out  of  the  country  as  capital,  to  seek  a 
higher  rate  of  interest  elsewhere,  before  there  had  been  time 
for  any  action  on  prices.  But  we  will  suppose  that  the 
notes  are  not  issued  by  bankers,  or  money-lenders  of  any 
kind,  but  by  manufacturers,  in  the  payment  of  wages  and 
the  purchase  of  materials,  or  by  the  government  in  its  ordi- 

196  B00K   m-      CHAPTER   XXII.      §2. 

nary  expenses,  so  that  the  whole  amount  would  be  rapidly 
carried  into  the  markets  for  commodities.  The  following 
would  be  the  natural  order  of  consequences.  All  prices 
would  rise  greatly.  Exportation  would  almost  cease ;  im- 
portation would  be  prodigiously  stimulated.  A  great  bal- 
ance of  payments  would  become  due,  the  exchanges  would 
turn  against  England,  to  the  full  extent  of  the  cost- of  ex- 
porting money ;  and  the  surplus  coin  would  pour  itself 
rapidly  forth,  over  the  various  countries  of  the  world,  in 
the  order  of  their  proximity,  geographically  and  commer- 
cially, to  England.  The  efflux  would  continue  until  the 
currencies  of  all  countries  had  come  to  a  level ;  by  which 
I  do  not  mean,  until  money  became  of  the  same  value  every- 
where, but  until  the  differences  were  only  those  which  exist- 
ed before,  and  which  corresponded  to  permanent  differences 
in  the  cost  of  obtaining  it.  When  the  rise  of  prices  had 
extended  itself  in  an  equal  degree  to  all  countries,  exports 
and  imports  would  everywhere  revert  to  what  they  were  at 
first,  would  balance  one  another,  and  the  exchanges  would 
return  to  par.  If  such  a  sum  of  money  as  twenty  millions, 
when  spread  over  the  whole  surface  of  the  commercial  world, 
were  sufficient  to  raise  the  general  level  in  a  perceptible 
degree,  the  effect  would  be  of  no  long  duration.  No  alter- 
ation having  occurred  in  the  general  conditions  under  which 
the  metals  were  procured,  either  in  the  world  at  large  or  in 
any  part  of  it,  the  reduced  value  would  no  longer  be  remu- 
nerating, and  the  supply  from  the  mines  would  cease  par- 
tially or  wholly,  until  the  twenty  millions  were  absorbed  ;  * 
after  which  absorption,  the  currencies  of  all  countries  would 
be,  in  quantity  and  in  value,  nearly  at  their  original  level. 
I  say  nearly,  for  in  strict  accuracy  there  would  be  a  slight 
difference.     A  somewhat  smaller  annual  supply  of  the  pre- 

*  I  am  here  supposing  a  state  of  things  in  which  gold  and  silver  mining  are 
a  permanent  branch  of  industry,  carried  on  under  known  conditions ;  and  not 
the  present  state  of  uncertainty,  in  which  gold-gathering  is  a  game  of  chance, 
prosecuted  (for  the  present)  in  the  spirit  of  an  adventure,  not  in  that  of  a  regu- 
lar industrial  pursuit 


cious  metals  would  now  be  required,  there  being  in  the 
world  twenty  millions  less  of  metallic  money  undergoing 
waste.  The  equilibrium  of  payments,  consequently,  be- 
tween the  mining  countries  and  the  rest  of  the  world,  would 
thenceforth  require  that  the  mining  countries  should  either 
export  rather  more  of  something  else,  or  import  rather  less 
of  foreign  commodities  ;  which  implies  a  somewhat  lower 
range  of  prices  than  previously  in  the  mining  countries,  and 
a  somewhat  higher  in  all  others ;  a  scantier  currency  in  the 
former,  and  rather  fuller  currencies  in  the  latter.  This 
effect,  which  would  be  too  trifling  to  require  notice  except 
for  the  illustration  of  a  principle,  is  the  only  permanent 
change  which  would  be  produced  on  international  trade, 
or  on  the  value  or  quantity  of  the  currency  of  any  country. 
Effects  of  another  kind,  however,  will  have  been  pro- 
duced. Twenty  millions  which  formerly  existed  in  the  un- 
productive form  of  metallic  money,  have  been  converted 
into  what  is,  or  is  capable  of  becoming,  productive  capital. 
This  gain  is  at  first  made  by  England  at  the  expense  of 
other  countries,  who  have  taken  her  superfluity  of  this 
costly  and  unproductive  article  off  her  hands,  giving  for  it 
an  equivalent  value  in  other  commodities.  By  degrees  the 
loss  is  made  up  to  those  countries  by  diminished  influx  from 
the  mines,  and  finally  the  world  has  gained  a  virtual  addi- 
tion of  twenty  millions  to  its  productive  resources.  Adam 
Smith's  illustration,  though  so  well  known,  deserves  for  its 
extreme  aptness  to  be  once  more  repeated.  He  compares 
the  substitution  of  paper  in  the  room  of  the  precious  metals, 
to  the  construction  of  a  highway  through  the  air,  by  which 
the  ground  now  occupied  by  roads  would  become  available 
for  agriculture.  As  in  that  case  a  portion  of  the  soil,  so  in 
this  a  part  of  the  accumulated  wealth  of  the  country,  would 
be  relieved  from  a  function  in  which  it  was  only  employed 
in  rendering  other  soils  and  capitals  productive,  and  would 
itself  become  applicable  to  production  ;  the  office  it  pre- 
viously fulfilled  being  equally  well  discharged  by  a  medium 
which  costs  nothing. 

i9g  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XXII.     §2. 

The  value  saved  to  the  community  by  thus  dispensing 
with  metallic  money,  is  a  clear  gain  to  those  who  provide 
the  substitute.  They  have  the  use  of  twenty  millions  of 
circulating  medium  which  have  cost  them  only  the  expense 
of  an  engraver's  plate.  If  they  employ  this  accession  to 
their  fortunes  as  productive  capital,  the  produce  of  the 
country  is  increased  and  the  community  benefited,  as  much 
as  by  any  other  capital  of  equal  amount.  Whether  it  is  so 
employed  or  not,  depends,  in  some  degree,  upon  the  mode 
of  issuing  it.  If  issued  by  the  government,  and  employed 
in  paying  off  debt,  it  would  probably  become  productive 
capital.  The  government,  however,  may  prefer  employing 
this  extraordinary  resource  in  its  ordinary  expenses ;  may 
squander  it  uselessly,  or  make  it  a  mere  temporary  substi- 
tute for  taxation  to  an  equivalent  amount ;  in  which  last 
case  the  amount  is  saved  by  the  taxpayers  at  large,  who 
either  add  it  to  their  capital  or  spend  it  as  income.  When 
paper  currency  is  supplied,  as  in  our  own  country,  by 
bankers  and  banking  companies,  the  amount  is  almost 
wholly  turned  into  productive  capital :  for  the  issuers,  be- 
ing at  all  times  liable  to  be  called  upon  to  refund  the  value, 
are  under  the  strongest  inducements  not  to  squander  it,  and 
the  only  cases  in  which  it  is  not  forthcoming  are  cases  of 
fraud  or  mismanagement.  A  banker's  profession  being  that 
of  a  money-lender,  his  issue  of  notes  is  a  simple  extension 
of -his  ordinary  occupation.  He  lends  the  amount  to  farmers, 
manufacturers,  or  dealers,  who  employ  it  in  their  several 
businesses.  So  employed,  it  yields,  like  any  other  capital, 
wages  of  labour  and  profits  of  stock.  The  profit  is  shared 
between  the  banker,  who  receives  interest,  and  a  succession 
of  borrowers,  mostly  for  short  periods,  who  after  paying  the 
interest,  gain  a  profit  in  addition,  or  a  convenience  equiva- 
lent to  profit.  The  capital  itself  in  the  long  run  becomes 
entirely  wages,  and  when  replaced  by  the  sale  of  the  pro- 
duce, becomes  wages  again  ;  thus  affording  a  perpetual  fund, 
of  the  value  of  twenty  millions,  for  the  maintenance  of  pro- 
ductive labour,  and  increasing  the  annual  produce  of  the 


country  by  all  that  can  be  produced  through  the  means  of 
a  capital  of  that  value.  To  this  gain  must  be  added  a  fur- 
ther saving  to  the  country,  of  the  annual  supply  of  the  pre- 
cious metals  necessary  for  repairing  the  wear  and  tear,  and 
other  waste,  of  a  metallic  currency. 

The  substitution,  therefore,  of  paper  for  the  precious 
metals,  should  always  be  carried  as  far  as  is  consistent  with 
safety  ;  no  greater  amount  of  metallic  currency  being  re- 
tained, than  is  necessary  to  maintain,  both  in  fact  and  in 
public  belief,  the  convertibility  of  the  paper.  A  country 
with  the  extensive  commercial  relations  of  England,  is  liable 
to  be  suddenly  called  upon  for  large  foreign  payments,  some- 
times in  loans,  or  other  investments  of  capital  abroad,  some- 
times as  the  price  of  some  unusual  importation  of  goods,  the 
most  frequent  case  being  that  of  large  importations  of  food 
consequent  on  a  bad  harvest.  To  meet  such  demands  it  is 
necessary  that  there  should  be,  either  in  circulation  or  in 
the  coffers  of  the  banks,  coin  or  bullion  to  a  very  consider- 
able amount,  and  that  this,  when  drawn  out  by  any  emer- 
gency, should  be  allowed  to  return  after  the  emergency  is 
past.  But  since  gold  wanted  for  exportation  is  almost  in- 
variably drawn  from  the  reserves  of  the  banks,  and  is  never 
likely  to  be  taken  directly  from  the  circulation  while  the 
banks  remain  solvent,  the  only  advantage  which  can  be  ob- 
tained from  retaining  partially  a  metallic  currency  for  daily 
purposes  is,  that  the  banks  may  occasionally  replenish  their 
reserves  from  it. 

§  3.  When  metallic  money  had  been  entirely  super- 
seded and  expelled  from  circulation,  by  the  substitution  of 
an  equal  amount  of  bank  notes,  any  attempt  to  keep  a  still 
further  quantity  of  paper  in  circulation  must,  if  the  notes 
are  convertible,  be  a  complete  failure.  The  new  issue  would 
again  set  in  motion  the  same  train  of  consequences  by  which 
the  gold  coin  had  already  been  expelled.  The  metals  would, 
as  before,  be  required  for  exportation,  and  would  be  for  that 
purpose  demanded  from  the  banks,  to  the  full  extent  of  the 

200  B00K  IIL      CHAPTER   XXII.     §3. 

superfluous  notes ;  which  thus  could  not  possibly  be  retained 
in  circulation.  If,  indeed,  the  notes  were  inconvertible, 
there  would  be  no  such  obstacle  to  the  increase  of  their 
quantity.  An  inconvertible  paper  acts  in  the  same  way  as 
a  convertible,  while  there  remains  any  coin  for  it  to  super- 
sede :  the  difference  begins  to  manifest  itself  when  all  the 
coin  is  driven  from  circulation  (except  what  may  be  retained 
for  the  convenience  of  small  change),  and  the  issues  still  go 
on  increasing.  When  the  paper  begins  to  exceed  in  quan- 
tity the  metallic  currency  which  it  superseded,  prices  of 
course  rise  ;  things  which  were  worth  51.  in  metallic  money, 
became  worth  61.  in  inconvertible  paper,  or  more,  as  the 
case  may  be.  But  this  rise  of  price  will  not,  as  in  the  cases 
before  examined,  stimulate  import,  and  discourage  export. 
The  imports  and  exports  are  determined  by  the  metallic 
prices  of  things,  not  by  the  paper  prices:  and  it  is  only 
when  the  paper  is  exchangeable  at  pleasure  for  the  metals, 
that  paper  prices  and  metallic  prices  must  correspond. 

Let  us  suppose  that  England  is  the  country  which  has 
the  depreciated  paper.  Suppose  that  some  English  produc- 
tion could  be  bought,  while  the  currency  was  still  metallic, 
for  51.,  and  sold  in  France  for  51.  10s.,  the  difference  cover- 
ing the  expense  and  risk,  and  affording  a  profit  to  the  mer- 
chant. On  account  of  the  depreciation,  this  commodity 
will  now  cost  in  England  61.,  and  cannot  be  sold  in  France 
for  more  than  51.  10s.,  and  yet  it  will  be  exported  as  before. 
Why  ?  Because  the  51.  10s.  which  the  exporter  can  get  for 
it  in  France,  is  not  depreciated  paper,  but  gold  or  silver : 
and  since  in  England  bullion  has  risen,  in  the  same  propor- 
tion with  other  things — if  the  merchant  brings  the  gold  or 
silver  to  England,  he  can  sell  his  51.  10s.  for  61.  12s.,  and 
obtain  as  before  10  per  cent  for  profit  and  expenses. 

It  thus  appears,  that  a  depreciation  of  the  currency  does 
not  affect  the  foreign  trade  of  the  country :  this  is  carried 
on  precisely  as  if  the  currency  maintained  its  value.  But 
though  the  trade  is  not  affected,  the  exchanges  are.  When 
the  imports  and  exports  are  in  equilibrium,  the  exchange, 


in  a  metallic  currency,  would  be  at  par ;  a  bill  on  France 
for  the  equivalent  of  five  sovereigns,  would  be  worth  five 
sovereigns.     But  five  sovereigns,  or  the  quantity  of  gold 
contained  in  them,  having  come  to  be  worth  in  England  61., 
it  follows  that  a  bill  on  France  for  51.  will  be  worth  61. 
When,  therefore,  the  real  exchange  is  at  par,  there  will  be 
a  nominal  exchange  against  the  country,  of  as  much  per 
cent  as  the  amount  of  the  depreciation.     If  the  currency  is 
depreciated  10,  15,  or  20  per  cent,  then  in  whatever  way 
the  real  exchange,  arising  from  the  variations  of  interna- 
tional debts  and  credits,  may  vary,  the  quoted  exchange 
will  always  differ  10,  15,  or  20  per  cent  from  it.     However 
high  this  nominal  premium  may  be,  it  has  no  tendency  to 
send  gold  out  of  the  country,  for  the  purpose  of  drawing 
a  bill  against  it  and  profiting  by  the  premium  ;  because  the 
gold  s,o  sent  must  be  procured,  not  from  the  banks  and  at 
par,  as  in  the  case  of  a  convertible  currency,  but  in  the 
market,  at  an  advance  of  price  equal  to  the  premium.     In 
such  cases,  instead  of  saying  that  the  exchange  is  unfavour- 
able, it  would  be  a  more  correct  representation  to  say  that 
the  par  has  altered,  since  there  is  now  required  a  larger 
quantity  of  English  currency  to  be  equivalent  to  the  same 
quantity  of  foreign.     The  exchanges,  however,  continue  to 
be  computed  according  to  the  metallic  par.     The  quoted 
exchanges,  therefore,  when  there  is  a  depreciated  currency, 
are  compounded  of  two  elements  or  factors ;  the  real  ex- 
change, which  follows  the  variations  of  international  pay- 
ments, and  the  nominal  exchange,  which  varies  with  the 
depreciation  of  the  currency,  but  which,  while  there  is  any 
depreciation  at  all,  must  always  be  unfavourable.      Since 
the  amount  of  depreciation  is  exactly  measured  by  the  de- 
gree in  which  the  market  price  of  bullion  exceeds  the  mint 
valuation,  we  have  a  sure  criterion  to  determine  what  por- 
tion of  the  quoted  exchange,  being  referable  to  depreciation, 
may  be  struck  off  as  nominal ;  the  result  so  corrected  ex- 
pressing the  real  exchange. 

The  same  disturbance  of  the  exchanges  and  of  interna- 

202  BOOK  III.      CHAPTER   XXII.     §3. 

tional  trade,  which  is  produced  by  an  increased  issue  of  con- 
vertible bank  notes,  is  in  like  manner  produced  by  those 
extensions  of  credit,  which,  as  was  so  fully  shown  in  a  pre- 
ceding chapter,  have  the  same  effect  on  prices  as  an  increase 
of  the  currency.  Whenever  circumstances  have  given  such 
an  impulse  to  the  spirit  of  speculation  as  to  occasion  a  great 
increase  of  purchases  on  credit,  money  prices  rise,  just  as 
much  as  they  would  have  risen  if  each  person  who  so  buys 
on  credit  had  bought  with  money.  All  the  effects,  there- 
fore, must  be  similar.  As  a  consequence  of  high  prices, 
exportation  is  checked  and  importation  stimulated  ;  though 
in  fact  the  increase  of  importation  seldom  waits  for  the  rise 
of  prices  which  is  the  consequence  of  speculation,  inasmuch 
as  some  of  the  great  articles  of  import  are  usually  among 
the  things  in  which  speculative  overtrading  first  shows  it- 
self. There  is,  therefore,  in  such  periods,  usually  a  great 
excess  of  imports  over  exports ;  and  when  the  time  comes 
at  which  these  must  be  paid  for,  the  exchanges  become  un- 
favourable, and  gold  flows  out  of  the  country.  In  what  pre- 
cise manner  this  efflux  of  gold  takes  effect  on  prices,  de- 
pends on  circumstances  of  which  we  shall  presently  speak 
more  fully  ;  but  that  its  effect  is  to  make  them  recoil  down- 
wards, is  certain  and  evident.  The  recoil  once  begun,  gen- 
erally becomes  a  total  rout,  and  the  unusual  extension  of 
credit  is  rapidly  exchanged  for  an  unusual  contraction  of  it. 
Accordingly,  when  credit  has  been  imprudently  stretched, 
and  the  speculative  spirit  carried  to  excess,  the  turn  of  the 
exchanges,  and  consequent  pressure  on  the  banks  to  obtain 
gold  for  exportation,  are  generally  the  proximate  cause  of 
the  catastrophe.  But  these  phenomena,  though  a  conspicu- 
ous accompaniment,  are  no  essential  part,  of  the  collapse  of 
credit  called  a  commercial  crisis  ;  which,  as  we  formerly 
showed,*  might  happen  to  as  great  an  extent,  and  is  quite  as 
likely  to  happen,  in  a  country,  if  any  such  there  were,  alto- 
gether destitute  of  foreign  trade. 

*  Supra,  pp.  68—71, 



§  1.  The  present  seems  the  most  proper  place  for  dis- 
cussing the  circumstances  which  determine  the  rate  of  in- 
terest. The  interest  of  loans,  being  really  a  question  of 
exchange  value,  falls  naturally  into  the  present  division  of 
our  subject :  and  the  two  topics  of  Currency  and  Loans, 
though  in  themselves  distinct,  are  so  intimately  blended  in 
the  phenomena  of  what  is  called  the  money  market,  that  it 
is  impossible  to  understand  the  one  without  the  other,  and 
m  many  minds  the  two  subjects  are  mixed  up  in  the  most 
inextricable  confusion. 

In  the  preceding  Book*  we  denned  the  relation  in  which 
interest  stands  to  profit.  We  found  that  the  gross  profit  of 
capital  might  be  distinguished  into  three  parts,  which  are 
respectively  the  remuneration  for  risk,  for  trouble,  and  for 
the  capital  itself,  and  may  be  termed  insurance,  wages  of 
superintendence,  and  interest.  After  making  compensation 
for  risk,  that  is,  after  covering  the  average  losses  to  which 
capital  is  exposed  either  by  the  general  circumstances  of 
society  or  by  the  hazards  of  the  particular  employment, 
there  remains  a  surplus,  which  partly  goes  to  repay  the 
owner  of  the  capital  for  his  abstinence,  and  partly  the  em- 
ployer of  it  for  his  time  and  trouble.  How  much  goes  to 
the  one  and  how  much  to  the  other,  is  shown  by  the  amount 

*  Supra,  book  ii.  chap.  xv.  §  1. 

204  BOOK   III.      CHAPTER   XXIII.      §1. 

of  the  remuneration  which,  when  the  two  functions  are  sepa- 
rated, the  owner  of  capital  can  obtain  from  the  employer 
for  its  use.  This  is  evidently  a  question  of  demand  and 
supply.  Nor  have  demand  and  supply  any  different  mean- 
ing or  effect  in  this  case  from  what  they  have  in  all  others. 
The  rate  of  interest  will  be  such  as  to  equalize  the  demand 
for  loans  with  the  supply  of  them.  It  will  be  such,  that 
exactly  as  much  as  some  people  are  desirous  to  borrow  at 
that  rate,  others  shall  be  willing  to  lend.  If  there  is  more 
offered  than  demanded,  interest  will  fall ;  if  more  is  de- 
manded than  offered,  it  will  rise  ;  and  in  both  cases,  to  the 
point  at  which  the  equation  of  supply  and  demand  is  re- 

Both  the  demand  and  supply  of  loans  fluctuate  more 
incessantly  than  any  other  demand  or  supply  whatsoever. 
The  fluctuations  in  other  things  depend  on  a  limited  num- 
ber of  influencing  circumstances ;  but  the  desire  to  bor- 
row, and  the  willingness  to  lend,  are  more  or  less  influenced 
by  every  circumstance  which  affects  the  state  or  prospects 
of  industry  or  commerce,  either  generally  or  in  any  of  their 
branches.  The  rate  of  interest,  therefore,  on  good  security, 
which  alone  we  have  here  to  consider  (for  interest  in  which 
considerations  of  risk  bear  a  part  may  swell  to  any  amount) 
is  seldom,  in  the  great  centres  of  money  transactions,  pre- 
cisely the  same  for  two  days  together ;  as  is  shown  by  the 
never-ceasing  variations  in  the  quoted  prices  of  the  funds 
and  other  negotiable  securities.  Nevertheless,  there  must 
be,  as  in  other  cases  of  value,  some  rate  which  (in  the  lan- 
guage of  Adam  Smith  and  Ricardo)  may  be  called  the  natu- 
ral rate  ;  some  rate  about  which  the  market  rate  oscillates, 
and  to  which  it  always  tends  to  return.  This  rate  partly 
depends  on  the  amount  of  accumulation  going  on  in  the 
hands  of  persons  who  cannot  themselves  attend  to  the  em- 
ployment of  their  savings,  and  partly  on  the  comparative 
taste  existing  in  the  community  for  the  active  pursuits  of 
industry,  or  for  the  leisure,  ease,  and  independence  of  an 


§  2.  To  exclude  casual  fluctuations,  we  will  suppose 
commerce  to  be  in  a  quiescent  condition,  no  employment 
being  unusually  prosperous,  and  none  particularly  distressed. 
In  these  circumstances,  the  more  thriving  producers  and 
traders  have  their  capital  fully  employed,  and  many  are 
able  to  transact  business  to  a  considerably  greater  extent 
than  they  have  capital  for.  These  are  naturally  borrowers : 
and  the  amount  which  they  desire  to  borrow,  and  can  give 
security  for,  constitutes  the  demand  for  loans  on  account  of 
productive  employment.  To  these  must  be  added  the  loans 
required  by  Government,  and  by  landowners,  or  other  un- 
productive consumers  who  have  good  security  to  give.  This 
constitutes  the  mass  of  loans  for  which  there  is  an  habitual 

Now  it  is  conceivable  that  there  might  exist,  in  the 
hands  of  persons  disinclined  or  disqualified  for  engaging 
personally  in  business,  a  mass  of  capital  equal  to,  and  even 
exceeding,  this  demand.  In  that  case  there  would  be  an 
habitual  excess  of  competition  on  the  part  of  lenders,  and 
the  rate  of  interest  would  bear  a  low  proportion  to  the  rate 
of  profit.  Interest  would  be  forced  down  to  the  point  which 
would  either  tempt  borrowers  to  take  a  greater  amount  of 
loans  than  they  had  a  reasonable  expectation  of  being  able 
to  employ  in  their  business,  or  would  so  discourage  a  portion 
of  the  lenders,  as  to  make  them  either  forbear  to  accumulate, 
or  endeavour  to  increase  their  income  by  engaging  in  busi- 
ness on  their  own  account,  and  incurring  the  risks,  if  not 
the  labours,  of  industrial  employment. 

On  the  other  hand,  the  capital  owned  by  persons  who 
prefer  lending  it  at  interest,  or  whose  avocations  prevent 
them  from  personally  superintending  its  employment,  may 
be  short  of  the  habitual  demand  for  loans.  It  may  be  in 
great  part  absorbed  by  the  investments  afforded  by  the  pub- 
lic debt  and  by  mortgages,  and  the  remainder  may  not  be 
sufficient  to  supply  the  wants  of  commerce.  If  so,  the  rate 
of  interest  will  be  raised  so  high  as  in  some  way  to  re-estab- 
lish the  equilibrium.     When  there  is  only  a  small  difference 

206  BOOK  in.     CHAPTER  XXIII.     §2. 

between  interest  and  profit,  many  borrowers  may  no  longer 
be  willing  to  increase  their  responsibilities  and  involve  their 
credit  for  so  small  a  remuneration :  or  some  who  would 
otherwise  have  engaged  in  business,  may  prefer  leisure,  and 
become  lenders  instead  of  borrowers  :  or  others,  under  the 
inducement  of  high  interest  and  easy  investment  for  their 
capital,  may  retire  from  business  earlier,  and  with  smaller 
fortunes,  than  they  otherwise  would  have  done.  Or,  lastly, 
there  is  another  process  by  which,  in  England  and  other 
commercial  countries,  a  large  portion  of  the  requisite  supply 
of  loans  is  obtained.  Instead  of  its  being  afforded  by  per- 
sons not  in  business,  the  affording  it  may  itself  become  a 
business.  A  portion  of  the  capital  employed  in  trade  may 
be  supplied  by  a  class  of  professional  money  lenders.  These 
money  lenders,  however,  must  have  more  than  a  mere  in- 
terest ;  they  must  have  the  ordinary  rate  of  profit  on  their 
capital,  risk  and  all  other  circumstances  being  allowed  for. 
But  it  can  never  answer  to  any  one  who  borrows  for  the 
purposes  of  his  business,  to  pay  a  full  profit  for  capital  from 
which  he  will  only  derive  a  full  profit :  and  money-lend- 
ing, as  an  employment,  for  the  regular  supply  of  trade,  can- 
not, therefore,  be  carried  on  except  by  persons  who,  in 
addition  to  their  own  capital,  can  lend  their  credit,  or,  in 
other  words,  the  capital  of  other  people :  that  is,  bankers, 
and  persons  (such  as  bill-brokers)  who  are  virtually  bankers, 
since  they  receive  money  in  deposit.  A  bank  which  lends 
its  notes,  lends  capital  which  it  borrows  from  the  commu- 
nity, and  for  which  it  pays  no  interest.  A  bank  of  deposit 
lends  capital  which  it  collects  from  the  community  in  small 
parcels ;  sometimes  without  paying  any  interest,  as  is  the 
case  with  the  London  private  bankers ;  and  if,  like  the 
Scotch,  the  joint  stock,  and  most  of  the  country  banks,  it 
does  pay  interest,  it  still  pays  much  less  than  it  receives ; 
for  the  depositors,  who  in  any  other  way  could  mostly  ob- 
tain for  such  small  balances  no  interest  worth  taking  any 
trouble  for,  are  glad  to  receive  even  a  little.  Having  this 
subsidiary  resource,  bankers  are  enabled  to  obtain,  by  lend- 


ing  at  interest,  the  ordinary  rate  of  profit  on  their  own 
capital.  In  any  other  manner,  money-lending  could  not 
be  carried  on  as  a  regular  mode  of  business,  except  upon 
terms  on  which  none  would  consent  to  borrow  but  persons 
either  counting  on  extraordinary  profits,  or  in  urgent  need  ; 
unproductive  consumers  who  have  exceeded  their  means, 
or  merchants  in  fear  of  bankruptcy.  The  disposable  capital 
deposited  in  banks,  or  represented  by  bank  notes,  together 
with  the  funds  belonging  to  those  who,  either  from  neces- 
sity or  preference,  live  upon  the  interest  of  their  property, 
constitute  the  general  loan  fund  of  the  country  :  and  the 
amount  of  this  aggregate  fund,  when  set  against  the  habit- 
ual demands  of  producers  and  dealers,  and  those  of  the  gov- 
ernment and  of  unproductive  consumers,  determine  the 
permanent  or  average  rate  of  interest ;  which  must  always 
be  such  as  to  adjust  these  two  amounts  to  one  another.* 
But  while  the  whole  of  this  mass  of  lent  capital  takes  effect 
upon  the  permanent  rate  of  interest,  ike  fluctuations  depend 
almost  entirely  upon  the  portion  which  is  in  the  hands  of 
bankers ;  for  it  is  that  portion  almost  exclusively,  which, 
being  lent  for  short  times  only,  is  continually  in  the  market 
seeking  an  investment.  The  capital  of  those  who  live  on 
the  interest  of  their  own  fortunes,  has  generally  sought  and 
found  some  fixed  investment,  such  as  the  public  funds, 
mortgages,  or  the  bonds  of  public  companies,  which  invest- 
ment, except  under  peculiar  temptations  or  necessities,  is 
not  changed. 

*  I  do  not  include  in  the  general  loan  fund  of  the  country  the  capitals,  large 
as  they  sometimes  are,  which  are  habitually  employed  in  speculatively  buying 
and  selling  the  public  funds  and  other  securities.  It  is  true  that  all  who  buy 
securities  add,  for  the  time,  to  the  general  amount  of  money  on  loan,  and  lower 
pro  tanto  the  rate  of  interest.  But  as  the  persons  I  speak  of  buy  only  to  sell 
again  at  a  higher  price,  they  are  alternately  in  the  position  of  lenders  and  of 
borrowers:  their  operations  raise  the  rate  of  interest  at  one  time,  exactly  as 
much  as  they  lower  it  at  another.  Like  all  persons  who  buy  and  sell  on  specu- 
lation, their  function  is  to  equalize,  not  to  raise  or  lower,  the  value  of  the  com- 
modity. When  they  speculate  prudently,  they  temper  the  fluctuations  of  price ; 
when  imprudently,  they  often  aggravate  them. 

208  B00K  HI.     CHAPTER  XXIII.     §». 

§  3.  Fluctuations  in  the  rate  of  interest  arise  from 
variations  either  in  the  demand  for  loans,  or  in  the  supply. 
The  supply  is  liable  to  variation,  though  less  so  than  the 
demand.  The  willingness  to  lend  is  greater  than  usual  at 
the  commencement  of  a  period  of  speculation,  and  much  less 
than  usual  during  the  revulsion  which  follows.  In  specu- 
lative times,  money-lenders  as  well  as  other  people  are  in- 
clined to  extend  their  business  by  stretching  their  credit ; 
they  lend  more  than  usual  (just  as  other  classes  of  dealers 
and  producers  employ  more  than  usual)  of  capital  which 
does  not  belong  to  them.  Accordingly,  these  are  the  times 
when  the  rate  of  interest  is  low ;  though  for  this  too  (as  we 
shall  immediately  see)  there  are  other  causes.  During  the 
revulsion,  on  the  contrary,  interest  always  rises  inordinately, 
because,  while  there  is  a  most  pressing  need  on  the  part  of 
many  persons  to  borrow,  there  is  a  general  disinclination 
to  lend.  This  disinclination,  when  at  its  extreme  point,  is 
called  a  panic.  It  occurs  when  a  succession  of  unexpected 
failures  has  created  in  the  mercantile,  and  sometimes  also  in 
the  non-mercantile  public,  a  general  distrust  in  each  other's 
solvency ;  disposing  every  one  not  only  to  refuse  fresh  credit, 
except  on  very  onerous  terms,  but  to  call  in,  if  possible,  all 
credit  which  he  has  already  given.  Deposits  are  withdrawn 
from  banks  ;  notes  are  returned  on  the  issuers  in  exchange 
for  specie  ;  bankers  raise  their  rate  of  discount,  and  with- 
hold their  customary  advances  ;  merchants  refuse  to  renew 
mercantile  bills.  At  such  times  the  most  calamitous  con- 
sequences were  formerly  experienced  from  the  attempt  of 
the  law  to  prevent  more  than  a  certain  limited  rate  of  in- 
terest from  being  given  or  taken.  Persons  who  could  not 
borrow  at  five  per  cent,  had  to  pay,  not  six  or  seven,  but 
ten  or  fifteen  per  cent,  to  compensate  the  lender  for  risking 
the  penalties  of  the  law  :  or  had  to  sell  securities  or  goods 
for  ready  money  at  a  still  greater  sacrifice. 

Except  at  such  periods,  the  amount  of  capital  disposable 
on  loan  is  subject  to  little  other  variation  than  that  which 
arises  from  the  gradual  process   of  accumulation;    which 


process,  however,  in  the  great  commercial  countries,  is 
sufficiently  rapid  to  account  for  the  almost  periodical  re- 
currence of  these  fits  of  speculation  ;  since,  when  a  few 
years  have  elapsed  without  a  crisis,  and  no  new  and  tempt- 
ing channel  for  investment  has  been  opened  in  the  mean- 
time, there  is  always  found  to  have  occurred  in  those  few 
years  so  large  an  increase  of  capital  seeking  investment,  as 
to  have  lowered  considerably  the  rate  of  interest,  whether 
indicated  by  the  prices  of  securities  or  by  the  rate  of  dis- 
count on  bills  ;  and  this  diminution  of  interest  tempts  the 
possessors  to  incur  hazards  in  hopes  of  a  more  considerable 

The  demand  for  loans  varies  much  more  largely  than 
the  supply,  and  embraces  longer  cycles  of  years  in  its  ab- 
errations. A  time  of  war,  for  example,  is  a  period  of 
unusual  drafts  on  the  loan  market.  The  Government,  at 
such  times,  generally  incurs  new  loans,  and  as  these  usually 
succeed  each  other  rapidly  as  long  as  the  war  lasts,  the 
general  rate  of  interest  is  kept  higher  in  war  than  in  peace, 
without  reference  to  the  rate  of  profit,  and  productive  in- 
dustry is  stinted  of  its  usual  supplies.  During  part  of  the 
last  French  war,  the  government  could  not  borrow  under 
six  per  cent,  and  of  course  all  other  borrowers  had  to  pay 
at  least  as  much.  Nor  does  the  influence  of  these  loans 
altogether  cease  when  the  government  ceases  to  contract 
others ;  for  those  already  contracted  continue  to  afford  an 
investment  for  a  greatly  increased  amount  of  the  disposable 
capital  of  the  country,  which,  if  the  national  debt  were  paid 
off,  would  be  added  to  the  mass  of  capital  seeking  invei st- 
ment,  and  (independently  of  temporary  disturbance)  could 
not  but,  to  some  extent,  permanently  lower  the  rate  of  in- 

The  same  effect  on  interest  which  is  produced  by  gov- 
ernment loans  for  war  expenditure,  is  produced  by  the  sud- 
den opening  of  any  new  and  generally  attractive  mode  of 
permanent  investment.  The  only  instance  of  the  kind  in 
recent  history  on  a  scale  comparable  to  that  of  the  war 

210  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XXlII.     §4. 

loans,  is  the  absorption  of  capital  in  the  construction  of  rail- 
ways. This  capital  must  have  been  principally  drawn  from 
the  deposits  in  banks,  or  from  savings  which  would  have 
gone  into  deposit,  and  which  were  destined  to  be  ultimately 
employed  in  buying  securities  from  persons  who  would  have 
employed  the  purchase  money  in  discounts  or  other  loans  at 
interest :  in  either  case,  it  was  a  draft  on  the  general  loan 
fund.  It  is,  in  fact,  evident,  that  unless  savings  were  made 
expressly  to  be  employed  in  railway  adventure,  the  amount 
thus  employed  must  have  been  derived  either  from  the 
actual  capital  of  persons  in  business,  or  from  capital  which 
would  have  been  lent  to  persons  in  business.  In  the  first 
case,  the  subtraction,  by  crippling  their  means,  obliges 
them  to  be  larger  borrowers ;  in  the  second,  it  leaves  less 
for  them  to  borrow  ;  in  either  case  it  equally  tends  to  raise 
the  rate  of  interest. 

§  4.  From  the  preceding  considerations  it  would  be 
seen,  even  if  it  were  not  otherwise  evident,  how  great  an 
error  it  is  to  imagine  that  the  rate  of  interest  bears  any 
necessary  relation  to  the  quantity  or  value  of  the  money  in 
circulation.  An  increase  of  the  currency  has  in  itself  no 
effect,  and  is  incapable  of  having  any  effect,  on  the  rate  of 
interest.  A  paper  currency  issued  by  government  in  the 
payment  of  its  ordinary  expenses,  in  however  great  excess 
it  may  be  issued,  affects  the  rate  of  interest  in  no  manner 
whatever.  It  diminishes  indeed  the  power  of  money  to 
buy  commodities,  but  not  the  power  of  money  to  buy  money. 
If  a  hundred  pounds  will  buy  a  perpetual  annuity  of  four 
pounds  a  year,  a  depreciation  which  makes  the  hundred 
pounds  worth  only  half  as  much  as  before,  has  precisely  the 
same  effect  on  the  four  pounds,  and  therefore  cannot  alter 
the  relation  between  the  two.  Unless,  indeed,  it  is  known 
and  reckoned  upon  that  the  depreciation  will  only  be  tem- 
porary ;  for  people  certainly  might  be  willing  to  lend  the 
depreciated  currency  on  cheaper  terms  if  they  expected  to 
be  repaid  in  money  of  full  value. 


It  is  perfectly  true  that  in  England,  and  in  most  other 
commercial  countries,  an  addition  to  the  currency  almost 
always  seems  to  have  the  effect  of  lowering  the  rate  of  in- 
terest ;  because  it  is  almost  always  accompanied  by  some- 
thing which  really  has  that  tendency.  The  currency  in 
common  use,  being  a  currency  provided  by  bankers,  is  all 
issued  in  the  way  of  loans,  except  such  part  as  happens  to 
be  employed  in  the  purchase  of  gold  and  silver.  The  same 
operation,  therefore,  which  adds  to  the  currency,  also  adds 
to  the  loans,  or  to  the  capital  seeking  investment  on  loan  ; 
properly,  indeed,  the  currency  is  only  increased  in  order 
that  the  loans  may  be  increased.  Now,  though  as  currency 
these  issues  have  not  an  affect  on  interest,  as  loans  they 
have.  Inasmuch  therefore  as  an  expansion  or  contraction 
of  paper  currency,  when  that  currency  consists  of  bank 
notes,  is  always  also  an  expansion  or  contraction  of  credit ; 
the  distinction  is  seldom  properly  drawn  between  the  effects 
which  belong  to  it  in  the  former  and  in  the  latter  character. 
The  confusion  is  thickened  by  the  unfortunate  misapplica- 
tion of  language,  which  designates  the  rate  of  interest  by 
a  phrase  ("  the  value  of  money  ")  which  properly  expresses 
the  purchasing  power  of  the  circulating  medium.  Not 
only,  therefore,  are  bank  notes  supposed  to  produce  effects 
as  currency,  which  they  only  produce  as  loans,  but  atten- 
tion is  habitually  diverted  from  effects  similar  in  kind  and 
much  greater  in  degree,  when  produced  by  an  action  on 
loans  which  does  not  happen  to  be  accompanied  by  any 
action  on  the  currency. 

For  example,  in  considering  the  effect  produced  by  the 
proceedings  of  banks  in  encouraging  the  excesses  of  specu- 
lation, an  immense  effect  is  usually  attributed  to  their  issues 
of  notes,  but  until  of  late  hardly  any  attention  was  paid  to 
the  management  of  their  deposits,  though  nothing  is  more 
certain  than  that  their  imprudent  extensions  of  credit  take 
place  more  frequently  by  means  of  their  deposits  than  of 
their  issues.     "  There  is  no  doubt,"  says  Mr.  Tooke,*  "  that 

*  Inquiry  into  the  Currency  Principle,  chap.  xiv. 

212  BOOK  III.      CHAPTER  XXIII.      §4. 

banks,  whether  private  or  joint  stock,  may,  if  imprudently 
conducted,  minister  to  an  undue  extension  of  credit  for  the 
purpose  of  speculations,  whether  in  commodities,  or  in  over- 
trading in  exports  or  imports,  or  in  building  or  mining 
operations,  and  that  they  have  so  ministered  not  unfre- 
quently,  and  in  some  cases  to  an  extent  ruinous  to  them- 
selves, and  without  ultimate  benefit  to  the  parties  to  whose 
views  their  resources  were  made  subservient."  But,  "  sup- 
posing all  the  deposits  received  by  a  banker  to  be  in  coin, 
is  he  not,  just  as  much  as  the  issuing  banker,  exposed  to  the 
importunity  of  customers,  whom  it  may  be  impolitic  to  re- 
fuse, for  loans  or  discounts,  or  to  be  tempted  by  a  high 
interest  ?  and  may  he  not  be  induced  to  encroach  so  much 
upon  his  deposits  as  to  leave  him,  under  not  improbable 
circumstances,  unable  to  meet  the  demands  of  his  depos- 
itors ?  In  what  respect,  indeed,  would  the  case  of  a  banker 
in  a  perfectly  metallic  circulation,  differ  from  that  of  a 
London  banker  at  the  present  day  ?  He  is  not  a  creator 
of  money,  he  cannot  avail  himself  of  his  privilege  as  an 
issuer  in  aid  of  his  other  business,  and  yet  there  have  been 
lamentable  instances  of  London  bankers  issuing  money  in 

In  the  discussions,  too,  which  have  been  for  so  many 
years  carried  on  respecting  the  operations  of  the  Bank  of 
England,  and  the  effects  produced  by  those  operations  on 
the  state  of  credit,  though  for  nearly  half  a  century  there 
never  has  been  a  commercial  crisis  which  the  Bank  has  not 
been  strenuously  accused  either  of  producing  or  of  aggra- 
vating, it  has  been  almost  universally  assumed  that  the 
influence  of  its  acts  was  felt  only  through  the  amount  of  its 
notes  in  circulation,  and  that  if  it  could  be  prevented  from 
exercising  any  discretion  as  to  that  one  feature  in  its  posi- 
tion, it  would  no  longer  have  any  power  liable  to  abuse. 
This  at  least  is  an  error  which,  after  the  experience  of  the 
year  1847,  we  may  hope  has  been  committed  for  the  last 
time.  During  that  year  the  hands  of  the  bank  were  abso- 
lutely tied,  in  its  character  of  a  bank  of  issue  ;  but  through 


its  operations  as  a  bank  of  deposit  it  exercised  as  great  an 
influence,  or  apparent  influence,  on  the  rate  of  interest  and 
the  state  of  credit,  as  at  any  former  period  ;  it  was  exposed 
to  as  vehement  accusations  of  abusing  that  influence ;  and 
a  crisis  occurred,  such  as  few  that  preceded  it  had  equalled, 
and  none  perhaps  surpassed,  in  intensity. 

§  5.  Before  quitting  the  general  subject  of  this  chap- 
ter, I  will  make  the  obvious  remark,  that  the  rate  of  interest 
determines  the  value  and  price  of  all  those  saleable  articles 
which  are  desired  and  bought,  not  for  themselves,  but  for 
the  income  which  they  are  capable  of  yielding.  The  pub- 
lic funds,  shares  in  joint  stock  companies,  and  all  descrip- 
tions of  securities,  are  at  a  high  price  in  proportion  as  the 
rate  of  interest  is  low.  They  are  sold  at  the  price  which 
will  give  the  market  rate  of  interest  on  the  purchase  money, 
with  allowance  for  all  differences  in  the  risk  incurred,  or  in 
any  circumstance  of  convenience.  Exchequer  bills,  for  ex- 
ample, usually  sell  at  a  higher  price  than  consols,  propor- 
tionally to  the  interest  which  they  yield ;  because,  though 
the  security  is  the  same,  yet  the  former  being  annually  paid 
off  at  par  unless  renewed  by  the  holder,  the  purchaser 
(unless  obliged  to  sell  in  a  moment  of  general  emergency,) 
is  in  no  danger  of  losing  anything  by  the  resale,  except  the 
premium  he  may  have  paid. 

The  price  of  land,  mines,  and  all  other  fixed  sources  of 
income,  depends  in  like  manner  on  the  rate  of  interest. 
Land  usually  sells  at  a  higher  price,  in  proportion  to  the 
income  afforded  by  it,  than  the  public  funds,  not  only  be- 
cause it  is  thought,  even  in  this  country,  to  be  somewhat 
more  secure,  but  because  ideas  of  power  and  dignity  are 
associated  with  its  possession.  But  these  differences  are 
constant,  or  nearly  so  ;  and  in  the  variations  of  price,  land 
follows,  cceteris  paribus,  the  permanent  (though  of  course 
not  the  daily)  variations  of  the  rate  of  interest.  When 
interest  is  low,  land  will  naturally  be  dear ;  when  interest 
is  high,  land  will  be  cheap.     The  last  long  war  presented 

214  B00K  nI-     CHAPTER  XXin.     §5. 

a  striking  exception  to  this  rule,  since  the  price  of  land  as 
well  as  the  rate  of  interest  was  then  remarkably  high.  For 
this,  however,  there  was  a  special  cause.  The  continuance 
of  a  very  high  average  price  of  corn  for  many  years,  had 
raised  the  rent  of  land  even  more  than  in  proportion  to  the 
rise  of  interest  and  fall  of  the  selling  price  of  fixed  incomes. 
Had  it  not  been  for  this  accident,  chiefly  dependent  on  the 
seasons,  land  must  have  sustained  as  great  a  depreciation 
in  value  as  the  public  funds  :  which  it  probably  would  do, 
were  a  similar  war  to  break  out  hereafter ;  to  the  signal 
disappointment  of  those  landlords  and  farmers  who,  gen- 
eralizing from  the  casual  circumstances  of  a  remarkable 
period,  so  long  persuaded  themselves  that  a  state  of  war 
was  peculiarly  advantageous,  and  a  state  of  peace  disadvan- 
tageous, to  what  they  chose  to  call  the  interests  of  agricul- 



§  1.  The  frequent  recurrence  during  the  last  half  cen- 
tury of  the  painful  series  of  phenomena  called  a  commercial 
crisis,  has  directed  much  of  the  attention  both  of  economists 
and  of  practical  politicians  to  the  contriving  of  expedients 
for  averting,  or  at  the  least,  mitigating  its  evils.  And  the 
habit  which  grew  up  during  the  era  of  the  Bank  restriction, 
of  ascribing  all  alterations  of  high  and  low  prices  to  the 
issues  of  banks,  has  caused  inquirers  in  general  to  fix  their 
hopes  of  success  in  moderating  those  vicissitudes,  upon 
schemes  for  the  regulation  of  bank  notes.  A  scheme  of  this 
nature,  after  having  obtained  the  sanction  of  high  authori- 
ties, so  far  established  itself  in  the  public  mind,  as  to  be, 
with  general  approbation,  converted  into  a  law,  at  the  re- 
newal of  the  Charter  of  the  Bank  of  England  in  1844  :  and 
the  regulation  is  still  in  force,  though  with  a  great  abate- 
ment of  its  popularity,  and  with  its  prestige  impaired  by 
two  temporary  suspensions,  on  the  responsibility  of  the 
executive,  the  earlier  of  the  two  little  more  than  three  years 
after  its  enactment.  It  is  proper  that  the  merits  of  this  plan 
for  the  regulation  of  a  convertible  bank  note  currency  should 
be  here  considered.  Before  touching  upon  the  practical 
provisions  of  Sir  Robert  Peel's  Act  of  1844,  I  shall  briefly 
state  the  nature,  and  examine  the  grounds,  of  the  theory  on 
which  it  is  founded. 

It  is  believed  by  many,  that  banks  of  issue  universally, 

216  BOOK   III.      CHAPTER   XXIV.      §]. 

or  the  Bank  of  England  in  particular,  have  a  power  of  throw- 
ing their  notes  into  circulation,  and  thereby  raising  prices, 
arbitrarily ;  that  this  power  is  only  limited  by  the  degree 
of  moderation  with  which  they  think  fit  to  exercise  it ;  that 
when  they  increase  their  issues  beyond  the  usual  amount, 
the  rise  of  prices,  thus  produced,  generates  a  spirit  of  specu- 
lation in  commodities,  which  carries  prices  still  higher,  and 
ultimately  causes  a  reaction  and  recoil,  amounting  in  ex- 
treme cases  to  a  commercial  crisis ;  and  that  every  such 
crisis  which  has  occurred  in  this  country  within  mercantile 
memory,  has  been  either  originally  produced  by  this  cause, 
or  greatly  aggravated  by  it.  To  this  extreme  length  the 
currency  theory  has  not  been  carried  by  the  eminent  politi- 
cal economists  who  have  given  to  a  more  moderate  form  of 
the  same  theory  the  sanction  of  their  names.  But  I  have 
not  overstated  the  extravagance  of  the  popular  version ; 
which  is  a  remarkable  instance  to  what  lengths  a  favourite 
theory  will  hurry,  not  the  closet  students  whose  competency 
in  such  questions  is  often  treated  with  so  much  contempt, 
but  men  of  the  world  and  of  business,  who  pique  themselves 
on  the  practical  knowledge  which  they  have  at  least  had 
ample  opportunities  of  acquiring.  Not  only  has  this  fixed 
idea  of  the  currency  as  the  prime  agent  in  the  fluctuations 
of  price,  made  them  shut  their  eyes  to  the  multitude  of  cir- 
cumstances which,  by  influencing  the  expectation  of  supply, 
are  the  true  causes  of  almost  all  speculations  and  of  almost 
all  fluctuations  of  price  ;  but  in  order  to  bring  about  the 
chronological  agreement  required  by  their  theory,  between 
the  variations  of  bank  issues  and  those  of  prices,  they  have 
played  such  fantastic  tricks  with  facts  and  dates  as  would 
be  thought  incredible,  if  an  eminent  practical  authority  had 
not  taken  the  trouble  of  meeting  them,  on  the  ground  of 
mere  history,  with  an  elaborate  exposure.  I  refer,  as  all  con- 
versant with  the  subject  must  be  aware,  to  Mr.  Tooke's  His- 
tory of  Prices.  The  result  of  Mr.  Tooke's  investigations  was 
thus  stated  by  himself,  in  his  examination  before  the  Commons 
Committee  on  the  Bank  Charter  question  in  1832  ;  and  the 


evidences  of  it  stand  recorded  in  his  book  :  "  In  point  of 
fact,  and  historically,  as  far  as  my  researches  have  gone, 
in  every  signal  instance  of  a  rise  or  fall  of  prices,  the  rise  or 
fall  has  preceded,  and  therefore  could  not  be  the  effect  of, 
an  enlargement  or  contraction  of  the  bank  circulation." 

The  extravagance  of  the  currency  theorists,  in  attribut- 
ing almost  every  rise  or  fall  of  prices  to  an  enlargement  or 
contraction  of  the  issues  of  bank  notes,  has  raised  up,  by 
reaction,  a  theory  the  extreme  opposite  of  the  former,  of 
which,  in  scientific  discussion,  the  most  prominent  repre- 
sentatives are  Mr.  Tooke  and  Mr.  Fullarton.  This  counter- 
theory  denies  to  bank  notes,  so  long  as  their  convertibility 
is  maintained,  any  power  whatever  of  raising  prices,  and  to 
banks  any  power  of  increasing  their  circulation,  except  as 
a  consequence  of,  and  in  proportion  to,  an  increase  of  the 
business  to  be  done.  This  last  statement  is  supported  by 
the  unanimous  assurances  of  all  the  country  bankers  who 
have  been  examined  before  successive  Parliamentary  Com- 
mittees on  the  subject.  They  all  bear  testimony  that  (in 
the  words  of  Mr.  Fullarton*)  "  the  amount  of  their  issues 
is  exclusively  regulated  by  the  extent  of  local  dealings  and 
expenditure  in  their  respective  districts,  fluctuating  with 
the  fluctuations  of  production  and  price,  and  that  they 
neither  can  increase  their  issues  beyond  the  limits  which 
the  range  of  such  dealings  and  expenditure  prescribes,  with- 
out the  certainty  of  having  their  notes  immediately  returned 
to  them,  nor  diminish  them,  but  at  an  almost  equal  certainty 
of  the  vacancy  being  filled  up  from  some  other  source." 
From  these  premises  it  is  argued  by  Mr.  Tooke  and  Mr. 
Fullarton,  that  bank  issues,  since  they  cannot  be  increased 
in  amount  unless  there  be  an  increased  demand,  cannot  pos- 
sibly raise  prices ;  cannot  encourage  speculation,  nor  occa- 
sion a  commercial  crisis ;  and  that  the  attempt  to  guard 
against  that  evil  by  an  artificial  management  of  the  issue 
of  notes,  is  of  no  effect  for  the  intended  purpose,  and  liable 
to  produce  other  consequences  extremely  calamitous. 

*  Regulation  of  Currencies,  p.  85. 

218  BOOK  III.    CHAPTER  XXIV.     §2. 

§  2.  As  much  of  this  doctrine  as  rests  upon  testimony, 
and  not  upon  inference,  appears  to  me  incontrovertible.  I 
give  complete  credence  to  the  assertion  of  the  country  bank- 
ers, very  clearly  and  correctly  condensed  into  a  small  com- 
pass in  the  sentence  just  quoted  from  Mr.  Fullarton.  I  am 
convinced  that  they  cannot  possibly  increase  their  issue  of 
notes  in  any  other  circumstances  than  those  which  are  there 
stated.  I  believe,  also,  that  the  theory,  grounded  by  Mr. 
Fullarton  upon  this  fact,  contains  a  large  portion  of  truth, 
and  is  far  nearer  to  being  the  expression  of  the  whole,  truth 
than  any  form  whatever  of  the  currency  theory. 

There  are  two  states  of  the  markets :  one  which  may  be 
termed  the  quiescent  state,  the  other  the  expectant,  or  specu- 
lative state.  The.  first  is  that  in  which  there  is  nothing 
tending  to  engender  in  any  considerable  portion  of  the  mer- 
cantile public  a  desire  to  extend  their  operations.  The  pro- 
ducers produce  and  the  dealers  purchase  only  their  usual 
stocks,  having  no  expectation  of  a  more  than  usually  rapid 
vent  for  them.  Each  person  transacts  his  ordinary  amount 
of  business  and  no  more,  or  increases  it  only  in  correspond- 
ence with  the  increase  of  his  capital  or  connexion,  or  with 
the  gradual  growth  of  the  demand  for  his  commodity,  occa- 
sioned by  the  public  prosperity.  Not  meditating  any  unusual 
extension  of  their  own  operations,  producers  and  dealers  do 
not  need  more  than  the  usual  accommodation  from  bankers 
and  other  money  lenders ;  and  as  it  is  only  by  extending 
their  loans  that  bankers  increase  their  issues,  none  but  a 
momentary  augmentation  of  issues  is  in  these  circumstances 
possible.  If  at  a  certain  time  of  the  year  a  portion  of  the 
public  have  larger  payments  to  make  than  at  other  times,  or 
if  an  individual,  under  some  peculiar  exigency,  requires  an 
extra  advance,  they  may  apply  for  more  bank  notes,  and 
obtain  them ;  but  the  notes  will  no  more  remain  in  circulation, 
than  the  extra  quantity  of  Bank  of  England  notes  which  are 
issued  once  in  every  three  months  in  payment  of  the  divi- 
dends. The  person  to  whom,  after  being  borrowed,  the  notes 
are  paid  away,  has  no  extra  payments  to  make,  and  no  pe- 


euliar  exigency,  and  he  keeps  them  by  him  unused,  or  sends 
them  into  deposit,  or  repays  with  them  a  previous  advance 
made  to  him  by  some  banker :  in  any  case  he  does  not  buy 
commodities  with  them,  since  by  the  supposition  there  is  no- 
thing to  induce  him  to  lay  in  a  larger  stock  of  commodities 
than  before.  Even  if  we  suppose,  as  we  may  do,  that  bankers 
create  an  artificial  increase  of  the  demand  for  loans,  by  offer- 
ing them  below  the  market  rate  of  interest,  the  notes  they 
issue  will  not  remain  in  circulation  ;  for  when  the  borrower, 
having  completed  the  transaction  for  which  he  availed  him- 
self of  them,  has  paid  them  away,  the  creditor  or  dealer  who 
receives  them,  having  no  demand  for  the  immediate  use 
of  an  extra  quantity  of  notes,  sends  them  into  deposit. 
In  this  case,  therefore,  there  can  be  no  addition,  at  the 
discretion  of  bankers,  to  the  general  circulating  medium : 
any  increase  of  their  issues  either  comes  back  to  them,  or 
remains  idle  in  the  hands  of  the  public,  and  no  rise  takes 
place  in  prices. 

But  there  is  another  state  of  the  markets,  strikingly  con- 
trasted with  the  preceding,  and  to  this  state  it  is  not  so 
obvious  that  the  theory  of  Mr.  Tooke  and  Mr.  Fullarton  is 
applicable ;  namely,  when  an  impression  prevails,  whether 
well  founded  or  groundless,  that  the  supply  of  one  or  more 
great  articles  of  commerce  is  likely  to  fall  short  of  the  ordi- 
nary consumption.  In  such  circumstances  all  persons  con- 
nected with  those  commodities  desire  to  extend  their  oper- 
ations. The  producers  or  importers  desire  to  produce  or 
import  a  larger  quantity,  speculators  desire  to  lay  in  a  stock 
in  order  to  profit  by  the  expected  rise  of  price,  and  holders 
of  the  commodity  desire  additional  advances  to  enable  them 
to  continue  holding.  All  these  classes  are  disposed  to  make 
a  more  than  ordinary  use  of  their  credit,  and  to  this  desire  it 
is  not  denied  that  bankers  very  often  unduly  administer. 
Effects  of  the  same  kind  may  be  produced  by  anything 
which,  exciting  more  than  usual  hopes  of  profit,  gives 
increased  briskness  to  business:  for  example,  a  sudden 
foreign  demand  for  commodities  on  a  large  scale,  or  the 

220  BOOK  III.      CHAPTER  XXIV.      §2. 

expectation  of  it ;  such  as  occurred  on  the  opening  of  Spanish 
America  to  English  trade,  and  has  occurred  on  various  occa- 
sions in  the  trade  with  the  United  States.  Such  occurrences 
produce  a  tendency  to  a  rise  of  price  in  exportable  articles, 
and  generate  speculations,  sometimes  of  a  reasonable,  and 
(as  long  as  a  large  proportion  of  men  in  business  prefer 
excitement  to  safety)  frequently  of  an  irrational  or  immod- 
erate character.  In  such  cases  there  is  a  desire  in  the  mer- 
cantile classes,  or  in  some  portion  of  them,  to  employ  their 
credit,  in  a  more  than  usual  degree,  as  a  power  of  purchasing. 
This  is  a  state  of  business  which,  when  pushed  to  an  extreme 
length,  brings  on  the  revulsion  called  a  commercial  crisis ; 
and  it  is  a  known  fact  that  such  periods  of  speculation  hardly 
ever  pass  off  without  having  been  attended,  during  some 
part  of  their  progress,  by  a  considerable  increase  of  bank 

To  this,  however,  it  is  replied  by  Mr.  Tooke  and  Mr. 
Fullarton,  that  the  increase  of  the  circulation  always  follows 
instead  of  preceding  the  rise  of  prices,  and  is  not  its  cause, 
but  its  effect.  That  in  the  first  place,  the  speculative  pur- 
chases by  which  prices  are  raised,  are  not  affected  by  bank 
notes  but  by  cheques,  or  still  more  commonly  on  a  simple 
book  credit :  and  secondly,  even  if  they  were  made  with  bank 
notes  borrowed  for  that  express  purpose  from  bankers,  the 
notes,  after  being  used  for  that  purpose,  would,  if  not  wanted 
for  current  transactions,  be  returned  into  deposit  by  the  per- 
sons receiving  them.  In  this  I  fully  concur,  and  I  regard  it 
as  proved,  both  scientifically  and  historically,  that  during  the 
ascending  period  of  speculation,  and  as  long  as  it  is  confined 
to  transactions  between  dealers,  the  issues  of  bank  notes  are 
seldom  materially  increased,  nor  contribute  anything  to  the 
speculative  rise  of  prices.  It  seems  to  me,  however,  that 
this  can  no  longer  be  affirmed  when  speculation  has  pro- 
ceeded so  far  as  to  reach  the  producers.  Speculative  orders 
given  by  merchants  to  manufacturers  induce  them  to  extend 
their  operations,  and  to  become  applicants  to  bankers  for 
increased  advances,  which,  if  made  in  notes,  are  not  paid 


away  to  persons  who  return  them  into  deposit,  but  are  par- 
tially expended  in  paying  wages,  and  pass  into  the  various 
channels  of  retail  trade,  where  they  become  directly  effective 
in  producing  a  further  rise  of  prices.  I  cannot  but  think 
that  this  employment  of  bank  notes  must  have  been  power- 
fully operative  on  prices  at  the  time  when  notes  of  one  and 
two  pounds  value  were  permitted  by  law.  Admitting,  how- 
ever, that  the  prohibition  of  notes  below  five  pounds  has  now 
rendered  this  part  of  their  operation  comparatively  insig- 
nificant by  greatly  limiting  their  applicability  to  the  payment 
of  wages,  there  is  another  form  of  their  instrumentality 
which  comes  into  play  in  the  later  stages  of  speculation,  and 
which  forms  the  principal  argument  of  the  more  moderate 
supporters  of  the  currency  theory.  Though  advances  by 
bankers  are  seldom  demanded  for  the  purpose  of  buying  on 
speculation,  they  are  largely  demanded  by  unsuccessful  specu- 
lators for  the  purpose  of  holding  on  ;  and  the  competition  of 
these  speculators  for  a  share  of  the  loanable  capital,  makes 
even  those  who  have  not  speculated,  more  dependent  than 
before  on  bankers  for  the  advances  they  require.  Between 
the  ascending  period  of  speculation  and  the  revulsion,  there 
is  an  interval  extending  to  weeks  and  sometimes  months,  of 
struggling  against  a  fall.  The  tide  having  shown  signs  of 
turning,  the  speculative  holders  are  unwilling  to  sell  in  a 
falling  market,  and  in  the  meantime  they  require  funds  to 
enable  them  to  fulfil  even  their  ordinary  engagements.  It  is 
this  stage  that  is  ordinarily  marked  by  a  considerable  increase 
in  the  amount  of  the  bank  note  circulation.  That  such  an 
increase  does  usually  take  place,  is  denied  by  no  one.  And  I 
think  it  must  be  admitted  that  this  increase  tends  to  prolong 
the  duration  of  the  speculations ;  that  it  enables  the  specu- 
lative prices  to  be  kept  up  for  some  time  after  they  would 
otherwise  have  collapsed ;  and  therefore  prolongs  and  in- 
creases the  drain  of  the  precious  metals  for  exportation,  which 
is  a  leading  feature  of  this  stage  in  the  progress  of  a  com- 
mercial crisis  :  the  continuance  of  which  drain  at  last  endan- 
gering the  power  of  the  banks  to  fulfil  their  engagement  of 

222  B00K  IIL      CHAPTER  XXIV.     §3. 

paying  their  notes  on  demand,  they  are  compelled  to  contract 
their  credit  more  suddenly  and  severely  than  would  have 
been  necessary  if  they  had  been  prevented  from  propping  up 
speculation  by  increased  advances,  after  the  time  when  the 
recoil  had  become  inevitable. 

§  3.  To  prevent  this  retardation  of  the  recoil,  and  ulti- 
mate aggravation  of  its  severity,  is  the  object  of  the  scheme 
for  regulating  the  currency,  of  which  Lord  Overstone,  Mr. 
ISorman  and  Colonel  Torrens,  were  the  first  promulgators, 
and  which  has,  in  a  slightly  modified  form,  been  enacted  into 

According  to  the  scheme  in  its  original  purity,  the  issue  of 
promissory  notes  for  circulation  was  to  be  confined  to  one 
body.  In  the  form  adopted  by  Parliament,  all  existing 
issuers  were  permitted  to  retain  this  privilege,  but  none  were 
to  be  thereafter  admitted  to  it,  even  in  the  place  of  those  who 
might  discontinue  their  issues  :  and,  for  all  except  the  Bank 
of  England,  a  maximum  of  issues  was  prescribed,  on  a  scale 

*  I  think  myself  justified  in  affirming  that  the  mitigation  of  commercial  re- 
vulsions is  the  real,  and  only  serious,  purpose  of  the  Act  of  1844.  I  am  quite 
aware  that  its  supporters  insist  (especially  since  184*7)  on  its  supreme  efficacy  in 
"  maintaining  the  convertibility  of  the  Bank  note."  But  I  must  be  excused  for 
not  attaching  any  serious  importance  to  this  one  among  its  alleged  merits.  The 
convertibility  of  the  Bank  note  was  maintained,  and  would  have  continued  to  bo 
maintained,  at  whatever  cost,  under  the  old  system.  As  was  well  said  by  Lord 
Overstone  in  his  Evidence,  the  Bank  can  always,  by  a  sufficiently  violent  action 
on  credit,  save  itself  at  the  expense  of  the  mercantile  public.  That  the  Act  of 
1844  mitigates  the  violence  of  that  process,  is  a  sufficient  claim  to  prefer  in  its 
behalf.  Besides,  if  we  suppose  such  a  degree  of  mismanagement  on  the  part  of 
the  Bank,  as,  were  it  not  for  the  Act,  would  endanger  the  continuance  of  con- 
vertibility, the  same  (or  a  less)  degree  of  mismanagement,  practised  under  the 
Act,  would  suffice  to  produce  a  suspension  of  payments  by  the  Banking  Depart- 
ment ;  an  event  which  the  compulsory  separation  of  the  two  departments  brings 
much  nearer  to  possibility  than  it  was  before,  and  which,  involving  as  it  would 
the  probable  stoppage  of  every  private  banking  establishment  in  London,  and 
perhaps  also  the  non-payment  of  the  dividends  to  the  national  creditor,  would 
be  a  far  greater  immediate  calamity  than  a  brief  interruption  of  the  convertibility 
of  the  note ;  insomuch  that,  to  enable  the  Bank  to  resume  payment  of  its  de- 
posits, no  Government  would  hesitate  a  moment  to  suspend  payment  of  the 
notes,  if  suspension  of  the  Act  of  1844  proved  insufficient. 


intentionally  low.  To  the  Bank  of  England  no  maximum 
was  fixed  for  the  aggregate  amount  of  its  notes,  but  only  for 
the  portion  issued  on  securities,  or  in  other  words,  on  loan. 
These  were  never  to  exceed  a  certain  limit,  fixed  in  the  first 
instance  at  fourteen  millions.*  All  issues  beyond  that 
amount  must  be  in  exchange  for  bullion;  of  which  the 
Bank  is  bound  to  purchase,  at  a  trifle  below  the  mint  valu- 
ation, any  quantity  which  is  offered  to  it,  giving  its  notes 
in  exchange.  In  regard,  therefore,  to  any  issues  of  notes 
beyond  the  limit  of  fourteen  millions,  the  Bank  is  purely 
passive,  having  no  function  but  the  compulsory  one  of 
giving  its  notes  for  gold  at  SI.  17s.  9d.,  and  gold  for  its  notes 
at  SI.  17s.  10^d.,  whenever  and  by  whomsoever  it  is  called 
upon  to  do  so. 

The  object  for  which  this  mechanism  is  intended  is,  that 
the  bank  note  currency  may  vary  in  its  amount  at  the  exact 
times,  and  in  the  exact  degree,  in  which  a  purely  metallic 
currency  would  vary.  And  the  precious  metals  being  the 
commodity  that  has  hitherto  approached  nearest  to  that 
invariability  in  all  the  circumstances  influencing  value,  which 
fits  a  commodity  for  being  adopted  as  a  medium  of  exchange, 
it  seems  to  be  thought  that  the  excellence  of  the  Act  of  1844 
is  fully  made  out,  if  under  its  operation  the  issues  conform  in 
all  their  variations  of  quantity,  and  therefore,  as  is  inferred,  of 
value,  to  the  variations  which  would  take  place  in  a  currency 
wholly  metallic. 

Now,  all  reasonable  opponents  of  the  Act,  in  common 
with  its  supporters,  acknowledge  as  an  essential  requisite  of 
any  substitute  for  the  precious  metals,  that  it  should  conform 
exactly  in  its  permanent  value  to  a  metallic  standard.  And 
they  say,  that  so  long  as  it  is  convertible  into  specie  on  de- 

*  A  conditional  increase  of  this  maximum  is  permitted,  but  only  when  by 
arrangement  with  any  country  bank  the  issues  of  that  bank  are  discontinued, 
and  Bank  of  England  notes  substituted ;  and  even  then  the  increase  is  limited  to 
two-thirds  of  the  amount  of  the  country  notes  to  be  thereby  superseded.  Under 
this  provision  the  amount  of  notes  which  the  Bank  of  England  is  now  at  liberty 
to  issue  against  securities,  is  rather  under  fourteen  and  a  half  millions. 

224  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XXIV.      §3. 

mand,  it  does  and  must  so  conform.  But  when  the  value 
of  a  metallic  or  of  any  other  currency  is  spoken  of,  there 
are  two  points  to  be  considered ;  the  permanent  or  average 
value,  and  the  fluctuations.  It  is  to  the  permanent  value 
of  a  metallic  currency,  that  the  value  of  a  paper  currency 
ought  to  conform.  But  there  is  no  obvious  reason  why  it 
should  be  required  to  conform  to  the  fluctuations  too.  The 
only  object  of  its  conforming  at  all,  is  steadiness  of  value; 
and  with  respect  to  fluctuations  the  sole  thing  desirable  is 
that  they  should  be  the  smallest  possible.  Now  the  fluctu- 
ations in  the  value  of  the  currency  are  determined,  not  by  its 
quantity,  whether  it  consists  of  gold  or  of  paper,  but  by  the 
expansions  and  contractions  of  credit.  To  discover,  there- 
fore, what  currency  will  conform  the  most  nearly  to  the 
permanent  value  of  the  precious  metals,  we  must  find  under 
what  currency  the  variations  in  credit  are  least  frequent 
and  least  extreme.  Now,  whether  this  object  is  best  at- 
tained by  a  metallic  currency  (and  therefore  by  a  paper 
currency  exactly  conforming  in  quantity  to  it)  is  precisely 
the  question  to  be  decided.  If  it  should  prove  that  a  paper 
currency  which  follows  all  the  fluctuations  in  quantity  of  a 
metallic,  leads  to  more  violent  revulsions  of  credit  than  one 
which  is  not  held  to  this  rigid  conformity,  it  will  follow  that 
the  currency  which  agrees  most  exactly  in  quantity  with  a 
metallic  currency  is  not  that  which  adheres  closest  to  its 
value ;  that  is  to  say,  its  permanent  value,  with  which  alone 
agreement  is  desirable. 

"Whether  this  is  really  the  case  or  not  we  will  now  inquire. 
And  first;  let  us  consider  whether  the  Act  effects  the  practical 
object  chiefly  relied  on  in  its  defence  by  the  more  sober  of 
its  advocates,  that  of  arresting  speculative  extensions  of  credit 
at  an  earlier  period,  with  a  less  drain  of  gold,  and  consequently 
by  a  milder  and  more  gradual  process.  I  think  it  must  be 
admitted  that  to  a  certain  degree  it  is  successful  in  this 

I  am  aware  of  what  may  be  urged,  and  reasonably  urged, 
in  opposition  to  this  opinion.     It  maybe  said,  that  when  the 


time  arrives  at  which  the  banks  are  pressed  for  increased 
advances  to  enable  speculators  to  fulfil  their  engagements,  a 
limitation  of  the  issue  of  notes  will  not  prevent  the  banks,  if 
otherwise  willing,  from  making  these  advances ;  that  they 
have  still  their  deposits  as  a  source  from  which  loans  may  be 
made  beyond  the  point  which  is  consistent  with  prudence  as 
bankers ;  and  that  even  if  they  refused  to  do  so,  the  only 
effect  would  be,  that  the  deposits  themselves  would  be  drawn 
out  to  supply  the  wants  of  the  depositors ;  which  would  be 
just  as  much  an  addition  to  the  bank  notes  and  coin  in  the 
hands  of  the  public,  as  if  the  notes  themselves  were  increased. 
This  is  true,  and  is  a  sufficient  answer  to  those  who  think 
that  the  advances  of  banks  to  prop  up  failing  speculations 
are  objectionable  chiefly  as  an  increase  of  the  currency.  But 
the  mode  in  which  they  are  really  objectionable,  is  as  an  ex- 
tension of  credit.  If,  instead  of  lending  their  notes,  the  banks 
allow  the  demand  of  their  customers  for  disposable  capital 
to  act  on  the  deposits,  there  is  the  same  increase  of  currency, 
(for  a  short  time  at  least,)  but  there  is  not  an  increase  of 
loans.  The  rate  of  interest,  therefore,  is  not  prevented  from 
rising  at  the  first  moment  when  the  difficulties  consequent 
on  excess  of  speculation  begin  to  be  felt.  On  the  contrary, 
the  necessity  which  the  banks  feel  of  diminishing  their  ad- 
vances to  maintain  their  solvency,  when  they  find  their  de- 
posits flowing  out,  and  cannot  supply  the  vacant  place  by 
their  own  notes,  accelerates  the  rise  of  the  rate  of  interest. 
Speculative  holders  are  therefore  obliged  to  submit  earlier 
to  that  loss  by  resale,  which  could  not  have  been  prevented 
from  coming  on  them  at  last :  the  recoil  of  prices  and  col- 
lapse of  general  credit  take  place  sooner. 

To  appreciate  the  effect  which  this  acceleration  of  the 
crisis  has  in  mitigating  its  intensity,  let  us  advert  more 
particularly  to  the  nature  and  effects  of  that  leading  feature 
in  the  period  just  preceding  the  collapse,  the  drain  of  gold. 
A  rise  of  prices  produced  by  a  speculative  extension  of 
credit,  even  when  bank  notes  have  not  been  the  instrument, 
is  not  the  less  effectual  (if  it  lasts  long  enough)  in  turning 

226  B00K   m-      CHAPTER  XXIV.     §3. 

the  exchanges  :  and  when  the  exchanges  have  turned  from 
this  cause,  they  can  only  be  turned  back,  and  the  drain  of 
gold  stopped,  either  by  a  fall  of  prices  or  by  a  rise  of  the 
rate  of  interest.  A  fall  of  prices  will  stop  it  by  removing 
the  canse  which  produced  it,  and  by  rendering  goods  a 
more  advantageous  remittance  than  gold,  even  for  paying 
debts  already  due.  A  rise  of  the  rate  of  interest,  and  con- 
sequent fall  of  the  prices  of  securities,  will  accomplish  the 
purpose  still  more  rapidly,  by  inducing  foreigners,  instead 
of  taking  away  the  gold  which  is  due  to  them,  to  leave  it 
for  investment  within  the  country,  and  even  send  gold  into 
the  country  to  take  advantage  of  the  increased  rate  of  in- 
terest. Of  this  last  mode  of  stopping  a  drain  of  gold,  the 
year  1847  afforded  signal  examples.  But  until  one  of  these 
two  things  takes  place — until  either  prices  fall,  or  the  rate 
of  interest  rises — nothing  can  possibly  arrest,  or  even  mod- 
erate, the  efflux  of  gold.  Now,  neither  will  prices  fall  nor 
interest  rise,  so  long  as  the  unduly  expanded  credit  is 
upheld  by  the  continued  advances  of  bankers.  It  is  well 
known  that  when  a  drain  of  gold  has  set  in,  even  if  bank 
notes  have  not  increased  in  quantity,  it  is  upon  them  that 
the  contraction  first  falls,  the  gold  wanted  for  exportation 
being  always  obtained  from  the  Bank  of  England  in  ex- 
change for  its  notes.  But  under  the  system  which  preceded 
1844,  the  Bank  of  England,  being  subjected,  in  common 
with  other  banks,  to  the  importunities  for  fresh  advances 
which  are  characteristic  of  such  a  time,  could,  and  often 
did,  immediately  re-issue  the  notes  which  had  been  returned 
to  it  in  exchange  for  bullion.  It  is  a  great  error,  certainly, 
to  suppose  that  the  mischief  of  this  re-issue  chiefly  consisted 
in  preventing  a  contraction  of  the  currency.  It  was,  how- 
ever, quite  as  mischievous  as,  it  has  ever  been  supposed  to 
be.  As  long  as  it  lasted,  the  efflux  of  gold  could  not  cease, 
since  neither  would  prices  fall  nor  interest  rise  while  these 
advances  continued.  Prices  having  risen  without  any  in- 
crease of  bank  notes,  could  well  have  fallen  without  a  dimi- 
nution of  them ;    but  having  risen  in  consequence  of  an 


extension  of  credit,  they  could  not  fall  without  a  contraction 
of  it.  As  long,  therefore,  as  the  Bank  of  England  and 
the  other  banks  persevered  in  this  course,  so  long  gold  con- 
tinued to  flow  out,  until  so  little  was  left  that  the  Bank  of 
England,  being  in  danger  of  suspension  of  payments,  was 
compelled  at  last  to  contract  its  discounts  so  greatly  and 
suddenly  as  to  produce  a  much  more  extreme  variation  in 
the  rate  of  interest,  inflict  much  greater  loss  and  distress 
on  individuals,  and  destroy  a  much  greater  amount  of  the 
ordinary  credit  of  the  country,  than  any  real  necessity  re- 

I  acknowledge,  (and  the  experience  of  1847  has  proved 
to  those  who  overlooked  it  before,)  that  the  mischief  now 
described,  may  be  wrought,  and  in  large  measure,  by  the 
Bank  of  England,  through  its  deposits  alone.  It  may  con- 
tinue or  even  increase  its  discounts  and  advances,  when  it 
ought  to  contract  them  ;  with  the  ultimate  effect  of  making 
the  contraction  much  more  severe  and  sudden  than  neces- 
sary. I  cannot  but  think,  however,  that  banks  which  com- 
mit this  error  with  their  deposits,  would  commit  it  still  more 
if  they  were  at  liberty  to  make  increased  loans  with  their 
issues  as  well  as  their  deposits.  I  am  compelled  to  think 
that  the  being  restricted  from  increasing  their  issues,  is  a 
real  impediment  to  their  making  those  advances  which 
arrest  the  tide  at  its  turn,  and  make  it  rush  like  a  torrent 
afterwards.  If  the  restrictions  of  the  Act  of  1844  were  no 
obstacle  to  the  advances  of  banks  in  the  interval  preceding 
the  crisis,  why  were  they  found  an  insuperable  obstacle 
during  the  crisis  ?  an  obstacle  which  nothing  less  would 
overcome  than  a  suspension  of  the  law,  through  the  assump- 
tion by  Government  of  a  temporary  dictatorship  ?  Evi- 
dently they  are  an  obstacle  ;  *  and  when  the  Act  is  blamed 

*  It  would  not  be  to  the  purpose  to  say,  by  way  of  objection,  that  the  ob- 
stacle may  be  evaded  by  granting  the  increased  advance  in  book  credits,  to  be 
drawn  against  by  cheques,  without  the  aid  of  bank  notes.  This  is  indeed  possi- 
ble, as  Mr.  Fullarton  has  remarked,  and  as  I  have  myself  said  in  a  former  chap- 
ter.    But  this  substitute  for  bank-note  currency  has  never  yet  been  organized ; 

228  B00K  m-      CHAPTER  XXIV.      § 

for  interposing  obstacles  at  a  time  when  not  obstacles  but 
facilities  are  needed,  it  must  in  justice  receive  credit  for 
interposing  them  when  they  are  an  acknowledged  benefit. 
In  this  particular,  therefore,  I  think  it  cannot  be  denied, 
that  the  new  system  is  a  real  improvement  upon  the  old. 

§  4.  But  though  I  am  compelled  to  differ  thus  far  from 
the  opinion  of  Mr.  Tooke  and  of  Mr.  Fullarton,  I  concur 
with  them  in  thinking  that  these  advantages,  whatever 
value  may  be  put  on  them,  are  purchased  by  still  greater 

In  the  first  place,  a  large  extension  of  credit  by  bankers, 
though  most  hurtful  when,  credit  being  already  in  an  in- 
flated state,  it  can  only  serve  to  retard  and  aggravate  the 
collapse,  is  most  salutary  when  the  collapse  has  come,  and 
when  credit  instead  of  being  in  excess  is  in  distressing  de- 
ficiency, and  increased  advances  by  bankers,  instead  of 
being  an  addition  to  the  ordinary  amount  of  floating  credit, 
serve  to  replace  a  mass  of  other  credit  which  has  been  sud- 
denly destroyed.  Antecedently  to  1844,  if  the  Bank  of 
England  occasionally  aggravated  the  severity  of  a  com- 
mercial revulsion  by  rendering  the  collapse  of  credit  more 
tardy  and  thence  more  violent  than  necessary,  it  in  return 
rendered  invaluable  services  during  the  revulsion  itself,  by 
coming  forward  with  advances  to  support  solvent  firms,  at 
a  time  when  all  other  paper  and  almost  all  mercantile  credit 
had  become  comparatively  valueless.  This  service  was 
eminently  conspicuous  in  the  crisis  of  1825-6,  the  severest 
probably  ever  experienced  ;  during  which  the  Bank  in- 
creased what  is  called  its  circulation  by  many  millions,  in 
advances  to  those  mercantile  firms  of  whose  ultimate  sol- 
vency it   felt  no  doubt ;    advances  which  if  it  had  been 

and  the  law  having  clearly  manifested  its  intention  that,  in  the  case  supposed,  in- 
creased credits  should  not  be  granted,  it  is  a  problem  whether  the  law  would  not 
reach  what  might  be  regarded  as  an  evasion  of  its  prohibitions,  or  whether  defer- 
ence to  the  law  would  not  produce  (as  it  has  hitherto  done)  on  the  part  of  bank- 
ing establishments,  conformity  to  its  spirit  and  purpose,  as  well  as  to  its  mere 


obliged  to  withhold,  the  severity  of  the  crisis  would  have 
been  still  greater  than  it  was.  If  the  Bank,  it  is  justly 
remarked  by  Mr.  Fullarton,*  complies  with  such  applica- 
tions, "  it  must  comply  with  them  by  an  issue  of  notes,  for 
notes  constitute  the  only  instrumentality  through  which  the 
Bank  is  in  the  practice  of  lending  its  credit.  But  those 
notes  are  not  intended  to  circulate,  nor  do  they  circulate. 
There  is  no  more  demand  for  circulation  than  there  was 
before.  On  the  contrary,  the  rapid  decline  of  prices  which 
the  case  in  supposition  presumes,  would  necessarily  con- 
tract the  demand  for  circulation.  The  notes  would  either 
be  returned  to  the  Bank  of  England,  as  fast  as  they  were 
issued,  in  the  shape  of  deposits,  or  would  be  locked  up  in 
the  drawers  of  the  private  London  bankers,  or  distributed 
by  them  to  their  correspondents  in  the  country,  or  inter- 
cepted by  other  capitalists,  who,  during  the  fervour  of  the 
previous  excitement,  had  contracted  liabilities  which  the}' 
might  be  imperfectly  prepared  on  the  sudden  to  encounter. 
In  such  emergencies,  every  man  connected  with  business, 
who  has  been  trading  on  other  means  than  his  own,  is 
placed  on  the  defensive,  and  his  whole  object  is  to  make 
himself  as  strong  as  possible,  an  object  which  cannot  be 
more  effectually  answered  than  by  keeping  by  him  as  large 
a  reserve  as  possible  in  paper  which  the  law  has  made  a 
legal  tender.  The  notes  themselves  never  find  their  way 
into  the  produce  market ;  and  if  they  at  all  contribute  to 
retard  "  (or,  as  I  should  rather  say,  to  moderate)  "  the  fall 
of  prices,  it  is  not  by  promoting  in  the  slightest  degree  the 
effective  demand  for  commodities,  not  by  enabling  con- 
sumers to  buy  more  largely  for  consumption,  and  so  giving 
briskness  to  commerce,  but  by  a  process  precisely  the  re- 
verse, by  enabling  the  holders  of  commodities  to  hold  on, 
by  obstructing  traffic  and  repressing  consumption." 

The  opportune  relief  thus  afforded  to  credit,  during  the 
excessive  contraction  wmich  succeeds  to  an  undue  expan- 
sion, is  consistent  with  the  principle  of  the  new  system ; 

*  P.  106. 

230  B00K  Ht  CHAPTER  XXIV.   §4. 

for  an  extraordinary  contraction  of  credit,  and  fall  of 
prices,  inevitably  draw  gold  into  the  country,  and  the  prin- 
ciple of  the  system  is  that  the  bank-note  currency  shall  be 
permitted,  and  even  compelled,  to  enlarge  itself,  in  all 
cases  in  which  a  metallic  currency  would  do  the  same. 
But,  what  the  principle  of  the  law  would  encourage,  its 
provisions  in  this  instance  preclude,  by  not  suffering  the 
increased  issues  to  take  place  until  the  gold  has  actually 
arrived  ;  which  is  never  until  the  worst  part  of  the  crisis  is 
past,  and  almost  all  the  losses  and  failures  attendant  on  it 
are  consummated.  The  machinery  of  the  system  withholds, 
until  for  many  purposes  it  comes  too  late,  the  very  medi- 
cine which  the  theory  of  the  system  prescribes  as  the  appro- 
priate remedy.* 

This  function  of  banks  in  filling  up  the  gap  made  in 
mercantile  credit  by  the  consequences  of  undue  speculation 
and  its  revulsion,  is  so  entirely  indispensable,  that  if  the 
Act  of  18  M  continues  unrepealed,  there  can  be  no  difficulty 
in  foreseeing  that  its  provisions  must  be  suspended,  as  they 
were  in  1847,  in  every  period  of  great  commercial  difficulty, 
as  soon  as  the  crisis  has  really  and  completely  set  in.f 
Were  this  all,  there  would  be  no  absolute  inconsistency  in 
maintaining  the  restriction  as  a  means  of  preventing  a 
crisis,  and  relaxing  it  for  the  purpose  of  relieving  one.  But 
there  is  another  objection,  of  a  still  more  radical  and  com- 
prehensive character,  to  the  new  system. 

Professing,  in  theory,  to  require  that  a  paper  currency 
shall  vary  in  its  amount  in  exact  conformity  to  the  varia- 

*  True,  the  Bank  is  not  precluded  from  making  increased  advances  from  its 
deposits,  which  are  likely  to  be  of  unusually  large  amount,  since,  at  these  peri* 
ods,  every  one  leaves  his  money  in  deposit  in  order  to  have  it  within  call.  But, 
that  the  deposits  are  not  always  sufficient,  was  conclusively  proved  in  184*7, 
when  the  Bank  stretched  to  the  very  utmost  the  means  of  relieving  commerce 
which  its  deposits  afforded,  without  allaying  the  panic,  which  however  ceased  at 
once  when  the  Government  decided  on  suspending  the  Act. 

f  This  prediction  was  verified  on  the  very  next  occurrence  of  a  commercial 
crisis,  in  1857 ;  when  Government  were  again  under  the  necessity  of  suspending, 
on  their  own  responsibility,  the  provisions  of  the  Act. 


tions  of  a  metallic  currency,  it  provides,  in  fact,  that  in 
every  case  of  an  efflux  of  gold,  a  corresponding  diminution 
shall  take  place  in  the  quantity  of  bank  notes ;  in  other 
words,  that  every  exportation  of  the  precious  metals  shall 
be  virtually  drawn  from  the  circulation  ;  it  being  assumed 
that  this  would  be  the  case  if  the  currency  were  wholly 
metallic.  This  theory,  and  these  practical  arrangements, 
are  adapted  to  the  case  in  which  the  drain  of  gold  originates 
in  a  rise  of  prices  produced  by  an  undue  expansion  of  cur- 
rency or  credit ;  but  they  are  adapted  to  no  case  beside. 

When  the  efflux  of  gold  is  the  last  stage  of  a  series  of 
effects  arising  from  an  increase  of  the  currency,  or  from  an 
expansion  of  credit  tantamount  in  its  effect  on  prices  to  an 
increase  of  currency,  it  is  in  that  case  a  fair  assumption  that 
in  a  purely  metallic  system  the  gold  exported  would  be 
drawn  from  the  currency  itself;  because  such  a  drain,  being 
in  its  nature  unlimited,  will  necessarily  continue  as  long  as 
currency  and  credit  are  undiminished.  But  an  exportation 
of  the  precious  metals  often  arises  from  no  causes  affecting 
currency  or  credit,  but  simply  from  an  unusual  extension 
of  foreign  payments,  arising  either  from  the  state  of  the 
markets  for  commodities,  or  from  some  circumstance  not 
commercial.  In  this  class  of  causes,  four,  of  powerful  oper- 
ation, are  included,  of  each  of  which  the  last  fifty  years  of 
English  history  afford  repeated  instances.  The  first  is  that 
of  an  extraordinary  foreign  expenditure  by  government, 
either  political  or  military  ;  as  in  the  revolutionary  war, 
and,  as  long  as  it  lasted,  during  the  late  war  with  Russia. 
The  second  is  the  case  of  a  large  exportation  of  capital  for 
foreign  investment ;  such  as  the  loans  and  mining  opera- 
tions which  partly  contributed  to  the  crisis  of  1825,  and  the 
American  speculations  which  were  the  principal  cause  of 
the  crisis  of  1839.  The  third  is  a  failure  of  crops  in  the 
countries  which  supply  the  raw  material  of  important  man- 
ufactures ;  such  as  the  cotton  failure  in  America,  which 
compelled  England,  in  1847,  to  incur  unusual  liabilities  for 
the  purchase  of  that  commodity  at  an  advanced  price.    The 

232  BOOK   III.      CHAPTER   XXIV.      §4. 

iburtli  is  a  bad  harvest,  and  a  great  consequent  importation 
of  food ;  of  which  the  years  1846  and  1847  present  an  ex- 
ample surpassing  all  antecedent  experience. 

In  none  of  these  cases,  if  the  currency  were  metallic, 
would  the  gold  or  silver  exported  for  the  purposes  in  ques- 
tion be  necessarily,  or  even  probably,  drawn  wholly  from 
the  circulation.  It  would  be  drawn  from  the  hoards,  which 
under  a  metallic  currency  always  exist  to  a  very  large 
amount ;  in  uncivilized  countries,  in  the  hands  of  all  who 
can  afford  it ;  in  civilized  countries  chiefly  in  the  form  of 
bankers'  reserves.  Mr.  Tooke,  in  his  "  Inquiry  into  the 
Currency  Principle,"  bears  testimony  to  this  fact ;  but  it  is 
to  Mr.  Fullarton  that  the  public  are  indebted  for  the  clearest 
and  most  satisfactory  elucidation  of  it.  As  I  am  not  aware 
that  this  part  of  the  theory  of  currency  has  been  set  forth 
by  any  other  writer  with  anything  like  the  same  degree  of 
completeness,  I  shall  quote  somewhat  largely  from  this  able 

"  ~No  person  who  has  ever  resided  in  an  Asiatic  country, 
where  hoarding  is  carried  on  to  a  far  larger  extent  in  pro- 
portion to  the  existing  stock  of  wealth,  and  where  the  prac- 
tice has  become  much  more  deeply  engrafted  in  the  habits 
of  the  people,  by  traditionary  apprehensions  of  insecurity 
and  the  difficulty  of  finding  safe  and  remunerative  invest- 
ments, than  in  any  European  community — no  person  who 
has  had  personal  experience  of  this  state  of  society,  can  be  at 
a  loss  to  recollect  innumerable  instances  of  *  large  metallic 
treasures  extracted  in  times  of  pecuniary  difficult}'-  from  the 
coffers  of  individuals  by  the  temptation  of  a  high  rate  of 
interest,  and  brought  in  aid  of  the  public  necessities,  nor, 
on  the  other  hand,  of  the  facilities  with  which  those  treas- 
ures have  been  absorbed  again,  when  the  inducements  which 
had  drawn  them  into  light  were  no  longer  in  operation.  In 
countries  more  advanced  in  civilization  and  wealth  than  the 
Asiatic  principalities,  and  where  no  man  is  in  fear  of  at- 
tracting the  cupidity  of  power  by  an  external  display  of 
riches,  but  where  the  interchange  of  commodities   is   still 


almost  universally  conducted  through  the  medium  of  a 
metallic  circulation,  as  is  the  case  with  most  of  the  com- 
mercial countries  on  the  Continent  of  Europe,  the  motives 
for  amassing  the  precious  metals  may  be  less  powerful  than 
in  the  majority  of  Asiatic  principalities  ;  but  the  ability  to 
accumulate  being  more  widely  extended,  the  absolute  quan- 
tity amassed  will  be  found  probably  to  bear  a  considerably 
larger  proportion  to  the  population.*  In  those  states  which 
lie  exposed  to  hostile  invasion,  or  whose  social  condition  is 
unsettled  and  menacing,  the  motive  indeed  must  still  be 
very  strong  ;  and  in  a  nation  carrying  on  an  extensive  com- 
merce, both  foreign  and  internal,  without  any  considerable 
aid  from  any  of  the  banking  substitutes  for  money,  the  re- 
serves of  gold  and  silver  indispensably  required  to  secure 
the  regularity  of  payments,  must  of  themselves  engross  a 
share  of  the  circulating  coin  which  it  would  not  be  easy  to 

"  In  this  country,  where  the  banking  system  has  been 
carried  to  an  extent  and  perfection  unknown  in  any 
other  part  of  Europe,  and  may  be  said  to  have  entirely 
superseded  the  use  of  coin,  except  for  retail  dealings  and 
the  purposes  of  foreign  commerce,  the  incentives  to  private 
hoarding  exist  no  longer,  and  the  hoards  have  all  been 
transferred  to  the  banks,  or  rather,  I  should  say,  to  the 
Bank  of  England.  But  in  France,  where  the  bank-note 
circulation  is  still  comparatively  limited,  the  quantity  of 
gold  and  silver  coin  in  existence  I  find  now  currently  esti- 
mated, on  what  are  described  as  the  latest  authorities,  at 
the  enormous  sum  of  120  millions  sterling  ;  nor  is  the  esti- 
mate at  all  at  variance  with  the  reasonable  probabilities  of 
the  case.  Of  this  vast  treasure  there  is  every  reason  to 
presume  that  a  very  large  proportion,  probably  by  much 

*  It  is  known,  from  unquestionable  facts,  that  the  hoards  of  money  at  all 
times  existing  in  the  hands  of  the  French  peasantry,  often  from  a  remote  date, 
surpass  any  amount  which  could  have  been  imagined  possible ;  and  even  in  so 
poor  a  country  as  Ireland,  it  has  of  late  been  ascertained,  that  the  small  farmers 
sometimes  possess  hoards  quite  disproportioned  to  their  visible  means  of  subsist- 

234  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XXIV.      §4. 

the  greater  part,  is  absorbed  in  the  hoards.  If  you  present 
for  payment  a  bill  for  a  thousand  francs  to  a  French  banker,, 
he  brings  you  the  silver  in  a  sealed  bag  from  his  strong 
room.  And  not  the  banker  only,  but  every  merchant  and 
trader,  according  to  his  means,  is  under  the  necessity  of 
keeping  by  him  a  stock  of  cash  sufficient  not  only  for 
his  ordinary  disbursements,  but  to  meet  any  unexpected 
demands.  That  the  quantity  of  specie  accumulated  in 
these,  innumerable  depots,  not  in  France  only,  but  all  over 
the  Continent,  where  banking  institutions  are  still  either 
entirely  wanting  or  very  imperfectly  organized,  is  not 
merely  immense  in  itself,  but  admits  of  being  largely  drawn 
upon,  and  transferred  even  in  vast  masses  from  one  country 
to  another,  with  very  little,  if  any,  effect  on  prices,  or  other 
material  derangements,  we  have  had  some  remarkable 
proofs  :  "  among  others,  "  the  signal  success  which  attended 
the  simultaneous  efforts  of  some  of  the  principal  European 
powers  (Eussia,  Austria,  Prussia,  Sweden,  and  Denmark) 
to  replenish  their  treasuries,  and  to  replace  with  coin  a 
considerable  portion  of  the  depreciated  paper  which  the 
necessities  of  the  war  had  -forced  upon  them,  and  this  at 
the  very  time  when  the  available  stock  of  the  precious 
metals  over  the  world  had  been  reduced  by  the  exertions 
of  England  to  recover  her  metallic  currency.  .  .  .  There 
can  be  no  doubt  that  these  combined  operations  were  on  a 
scale  of  very  extraordinary  magnitude,  that  they  were  ac- 
complished without  any  sensible  injury  to  commerce  or 
public  prosperity,  or  any  other  effect  than  some  temporary 
derangement  of  the  exchanges,  and  that  the  private  hoards 
of  treasure  accumulated  throughout  Europe  during  the  war 
must  have  been  the  principal  source  from  which  all  this 
gold  and  silver  was  collected.  And  no  person,  I  think,  can 
fairly  contemplate  the  vast  superflux  of  metallic  wealth  thus 
proved  to  be  at  all  times  in  existence,  and,  though  in  a 
dormant  and  inert  state,  always  ready  to  spring  into  activity 
on  the  first  indication  of  a  sufficiently  intense  demand,  with- 
out feeling  themselves  compelled  to  admit  the  possibility 


of  the  mines  being  even  shut  up  for  years  together,  and  the 
production  of  the  metals  altogether  suspended,  while  there 
might  be  scarcely  a  perceptible  alteration  in  the  exchange- 
able value  of  the  metal."  * 

Applying  this  to  the  currency  doctrine  and  its  advocates, 
"  one  might  imagine,"  says  Mr.  Fullarton,  f  "  that  they 
supposed  the  gold  which  is  drained  off  for  exportation  from 
a  country  using  a  currency  exclusively  metallic,  to  be  col- 
lected by  driblets  at  the  fairs  and  markets,  or  from  the  tills 
of  the  grocers  and  mercers.  They  never  even  allude  to  the 
existence  of  such  a  thing  as  a  great  hoard  of  the  metals, 
though  upon  the  action  of  the  hoards  depends  the  whole 
economy  of  international  payments  between  specie-circu- 
lating communities,  while  any  operation  of  the  money  col- 
lected in  hoards  upon  prices  must,  even  according  to  the 
currency  hypothesis,  be  wholly  impossible.  We  know 
from  experience  what  enormous  payments  in  gold  and 
silver  specie-circulating  countries  are  capable,  at  times,  of 
making,  without  the  least  disturbance  of  their  internal 
prosperity  ;  and  whence  is  it  supposed  that  these  payments 
come,  but  from  their  hoards  ?  Let  us  think  how  the  money 
market  of  a  country  transacting  all  its  exchanges  through 
the  medium  of  the  precious  metals  only,  would  be  likely  to 
be  affected  by  the  necessity  of  making  a  foreign  payment 
of  several  millions.  Of  course  the  necessity  could  only  be 
satisfied  by  a  transmission  of  capital ;  and  would  not  the 
competition  for  the  possession  of  capital  for  transmission 
which  the  occasion  would  call  forth,  necessarily  raise  the 
market  rate  of  interest  ?  If  the  payment  was  to  be  made 
by  the  government,  would  not  the  government,  in  all  prob- 
ability, have  to  open  a  new  loan  on  terms  more  than  usually 
favorable  to  the  lender  ?  "  If  made  by  merchants,  would 
it  not  be  drawn  either  from  the  deposits  in  banks,  or  from 
the  reserves  which  merchants  keep  by  them  in  default  of 

*  Fullarton  on  the  Regulation  of  Currencies,  pp.  71- 
f  Ibid.  pp.  139—42. 

236  B00K   m-     CHAPTER  XXIV.      §4. 

banks,  or  would  it  not  oblige  them  to  obtain  the  necessary 
amount  of  specie  by  going  into  the  money  market  as  bor- 
rowers ?  "  And  would  not  all  this  inevitably  act  upon  the 
hoards,  and  draw  forth  into  activity  a  portion  of  the  gold 
and  silver  which  the  money-dealers  had  been  accumulating, 
and  some  of  them  with  the  express  view  of  watching  such 
opportunities  for  turning  their  treasures  to  advantage  ?  .  .  . 
"  To  come  to  the  present  time  [1844],  the  balance  of 
payments  with  nearly  all  Europe  has  for  about  four  years 
past  been  in  favour  of  this  country,  and  gold  has  been  pour- 
ing in  till  the  influx  amounts  to  the  unheard-of  sum  of 
about  fourteen  millions  sterling.  Yet  in  all  this  time  has 
any  one  heard  a  complaint  of  any  serious  suffering  inflicted 
on  the  people  of  the  Continent  ?  Have  prices  there  been 
greatly  depressed  beyond  their  range  in  this  country  ? 
Have  wages  fallen,  or  have  merchants  been  extensively 
ruined  by  the  universal  depreciation  of  their  stock  ?  There 
has  occurred  nothing  of  the  kind.  The  tenor  of  commercial 
and  monetary  affairs  has  been  everywhere  even  and  tran- 
quil ;  and  in  France  more  particularly,  an  improving  rev- 
enue and  extended  commerce  bear  testimony  to  the  con- 
tinued progress  of  internal  prosperity.  It  may  be  doubted, 
indeed,  if  this  great  efflux  of  gold  has  withdrawn  from  that 
portion  of  the  metallic  wealth  of  the  nation  which  really 
circulates,  a  single  napoleon.  And  it  has  been  equally 
obvious,  from  the  undisturbed  state  of  credit,  that  not  only 
has  the  supply  of  specie  indispensable  for  the  conduct  of 
business  in  the  retail  market  been  all  the  while  uninterrupt- 
ed, but  that  the  hoards  have  continued  to  furnish  every 
facility  requisite  for  the  regularity  of  mercantile  payments. 
It  is  of  the  very  essence  of  the  metallic  system,  that  the 
hoards,  in  all  cases  of  probable  occurrence,  should  be  equal 
to  both  objects  ;  that  they  should,  in  the  first  place,  supply 
the  bullion  demanded  for  exportation,  and  in  the  next  place> 
should  keep  up  the  home  circulation  to  its  legitimate  com- 
plement. Every  man  trading  under  that  system,  who,  in 
the  course  of  his  business,  may  have  frequent  occasion  to 


remit  large  sums  in  specie  to  foreign  countries,  must  either 
keep  by  him  a  sufficient  treasure  of  his  own  or  must  have 
the  means  of  borrowing  enough  from  his  neighbours,  not 
only  to  make  up  when  wanted  the  amount  of  his  remit- 
tances, but  to  enable  him,  moreover,  to  carry  on  his  ordi- 
nary transactions  at  home  without  interruption." 

In  a  country  in  which  credit  is  carried  to  so  great  an 
extent  as  in  England,  one  great  reserve,  in  a  single  estab- 
lishment, the  Bank  of  England,  supplies  the  place,  as  far  as 
the  precious  metals  are  concerned,  of  the  multitudinous  re- 
serves of  other  countries.  The  theoretical  principle,  there- 
fore, of  the  currency  doctrine  would  require,  that  all  those 
drains  of  the  metal,  which,  if  the  currency  were  purely 
metallic,  would  be  taken  from  the  hoards,  should  be  allowed 
to  operate  freely  upon  the  reserve  in  the  coffers  of  the  Bank 
of  England,  without  any  attempt  to  stop  it  either  by  a 
diminution  of  the  currency  or  by  a  contraction  of  credit. 
Nor  to  this  would  there  be  any  well-grounded  objection, 
unless  the  drain  were  so  great  as  to  threaten  the  exhaustion 
of  the  reserve,  and  a  consequent  stoppage  of  payments ;  a 
danger  against  which  it  is  possible  to  take  adequate  precau- 
tions, because  in  the  cases  which  we  are  considering,  the 
drain  is  for  foreign  payments  of  definite  amount,  and  stops 
of  itself  as  soon  as  these  are  effected.  And  in  all  systems  it 
is  admitted  that  the  habitual  reserve  of  the  Bank  should 
exceed  the  utmost  amount  to  which  experience  warrants 
the  belief  that  such  a  drain  may  extend ;  which  extreme 
limit  Mr.  Fullarton  affirms  to  be  seven  millions,  but  Mr. 
Tooke  recommends  an  average  reserve  of  ten,  and  in  his 
last  publication,  of  twelve  millions. 

The  machinery,  however,  of  the  new  system  insists  upon 
bringing  about  by  force,  what  its  principle  not  only  does 
not  require,  but  positively  condemns.  Every  drain  for  ex- 
portation, whatever  may  be  its  cause,  and  whether  under  a 
metallic  currency  it  would  affect  the  circulation  or  not,  is 
now  compulsorily  drawn  from  that  source  alone.  The  bank 
note  circulation  must  be  diminished  by  an  amount  equal  to 

238  B00K  m-     CHAPTER  XXTV.     §4. 

that  of  the  metal  exported,  though  it  be  to  the  full  extent 
of  seven  or  twelve  millions.  And  this,  be  it  remembered, 
when  there  has  been  no  speculative  rise  of  prices  which  it 
is  indispensable  to  correct,  no  unusual  extension  of  credit 
requiring  contraction ;  but  the  demand  for  gold  is  solely 
occasioned  by  foreign  payments  on  account  of  government, 
or  large  corn  importations  consequent  on  a  bad  harvest. 

I  grant  that  when  large  foreign  payments  require  to  be 
made,  the  means  wherewith  to  make  them  must  in  general 
be  drawn  from  the  loanable  capital  of  the  country ;  the 
consequence  of  which  is  a  rise  of  the  rate  of  interest.  In 
such  circumstances  some  pressure  on  the  money  market  is 
unavoidable  :  but  that  pressure  is  much  increased  in  sever- 
ity by  the  operation  of  the  Act  of  1844.  The  case  is  gener- 
ally stated  as  if  the  Act  only  operated  in  one  way,  namely, 
by  preventing  the  Bank,  when  it  has  parted  with  (say)  three 
millions  of  bullion  in  exchange  for  three  millions  of  its  notes, 
from  again  lending  those  notes,  in  discounts  or  other  ad- 
vances. But  the  Act  really  does  much  more  than  this.  It 
is  well  known,  that  the  first  operation  of  a  drain  is  always 
on  the  banking  department.  The  bank  deposits  constitute 
the  bulk  of  the  unemployed  and  disposable  capital  of  the 
country  ;  and  capital  wanted  for  foreign  payments  is  almost 
always  obtained  mainly  by  drawing  out  deposits.  Suppos- 
ing three  millions  to  be  the  amount  wanted,  three  millions 
of  notes  are  drawn  from  the  banking  department  (either  di- 
rectly or  through  the  private  bankers,  who  keep  the  bulk 
of  their  reserves  with  the  Bank  of  England),  and  the  three 
millions  of  notes,  thus  obtained,  are  presented  at  the  Issue 
Department,  and  exchanged  against  gold  for  exportation. 

Thus  a  drain  upon  the  country  at  large  of  only  three  mil- 
lions, is  a  drain  upon  the  Bank  virtually  of  six  millions. 
The  deposits  have  lost  three  millions,  and  the  reserve  of 
the  Issue  Department  has  lost  an  equal  amount.  As  the 
two  departments,  so  long  as  the  Act  remains  in  operation, 
cannot  even  in  the  utmost  extremity  help  one  another,  each 
must  take  its  separate  precautions  for  its  own  safety.   What- 



ever  measures,  therefore,  on  the  part  of  the  Bank,  would 
have  been  required  under  the  old  system  by  a  drain  of  six 
millions,  are  now  rendered  necessary  by  a  drain  only  of 
three.  The  Issue  Department  protects  itself  in  the  manner 
prescribed  by  the  Act,  by  not  re-issuing  the  three  millions 
of  notes  which  have  been  returned  to  it.  But  the  Banking 
Department  must  take  measures  to  replenish  its  reserve, 
which  has  been  reduced  by  three  millions.  Its  liabilities 
having  also  decreased  three  millions,  by  the  loss  of  that 
amount  of  deposits,  the  reserve,  on  the  ordinary  banking 
principle  of  a  third  of  the  liabilities,  will  bear  a  reduction 
of  one  million.  But  the  other  two  millions  it  must  procure 
by  letting  that  amount  of  advances  run  out,  and  refusing 
to  renew  them.  Not  only  therefore  must  it  raise  its  rate 
of  interest,  but  it  must  effect,  by  whatever  means,  a  dimi- 
nution of  two  millions  in  the  total  amount  of  its  discounts, 
or  it  must  sell  securities  to  an  equal  amount.  This  violent 
action  on  the  money  market  for  the  purpose  of  replenishing 
the  Banking  reserve,  is  wholly  occasioned  by  the  Act  of 
1844.  If  the  restrictions  of  that  Act  did  not  exist,  the 
Bank,  instead  of  contracting  its  discounts,  would  simply 
transfer  two  millions,  either  in  gold  or  in  notes,  from  the 
Issue  to  the  Banking  Department ;  not  in  order  to  lend 
them  to  the  public,  but  to  secure  the  solvency  of  the  Banking 
Department  in  the  event  of  further  unexpected  demands  by 
the  depositors.  And  unless  the  drain  continued,  and  reached 
so  great  an  amount  as  to  seem  likely  to  exceed  the  whole 
of  the  gold  in  the  reserves  of  both  departments,  the  Bant 
would  be  under  no  necessity,  while  the  pressure  lasted,  of 
withholding  from  commerce  its  accustomed  amount  of  ac 
commodation,  at  a  rate  of  interest  corresponding  to  the  in- 
creased demand.* 

*  This,  which  I  have  called  "the  double  action  of  drains,"  has  been,  strange- 
ly enough,  understood  as  if  I  had  asserted  that  the  Bank  is  compelled  to  part 
with  six  millions  worth  of  property  by  a  drain  of  three  millions.  Such  an  asser- 
tion would  be  too  absurd  to  require  any  refutation.  Drains  have  a  double 
action,  not  upon  the  pecuniary  position  of  the  Bank  itself,  but  upon  the  measures 

240  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XXIV.     §4. 

I  am  aware  it  will  be  said  that  by  allowing  drains  of 
this  character  to  operate  freely  upon  the  Bank  reserve  until 
they  cease  of  themselves,  a  contraction  of  the  currency  and 
of  credit  would  not  be  prevented,  but  only  postponed ;  since 
if  a  limitatioD  of  issues  were  not  resorted  to  for  the  purpose 
of  checking  the  drain  in  its  commencement,  the  same  or  a 
still  greater  limitation  must  take  place  afterwards,  in  order, 
by  acting  on  prices,  to  bring  back  this  large  quantity  of 
gold,  for  the  indispensable  purpose  of  replenishing  the  Bank 
reserve.  But  in  this  argument  several  things  are  over- 
looked. In  the  first  place,  the  gold  might  be  brought  back, 
not  by  a  fall  of  prices,  but  by  the  much  more  rapid  and 
convenient  medium  of  a  rise  of  the  rate  of  interest,  involv- 
ing no  fall  of  any  prices  except  the  prices  of  securities. 
Either  English  securities  would  be  bought  on  account  of 
foreigners,  or  foreign  securities  held  in  England  would  be 
sent  abroad  for  sale,  both  which  operations  took  place 
largely  during  the  mercantile  difficulties  of  1847,  and  not 
only  checked  the  efflux  of  gold,  but  turned  the  tide  and 
brought  the  metal  back.  It  was  not,  therefore,  brought 
back  by  a  contraction  of  the  currency,  though  in  this  case 
it  certainly  was  so  by  a  contraction  of  loans.     But  even 

it  is  forced  to  take  in  order  to  stop  the  drain.  Though  the  Bank  itself  is  no 
poorer,  its  two  reserves,  the  reserve  in  the  banking  department  and  the  reserve 
in  the  issue  department,  have  each  been  reduced  three  millions  by  a  drain  of 
only  three.  And  as  a  separation  of  the  departments  renders  it  necessary  that 
each  of  them  separately  should  be  kept  as  strong  as  the  two  together  need  be 
if  they  could  help  one  another,  the  Bank's  action  on  the  money  market  must  be 
as  violent  on  a  drain  of  three  millions,  as  would  have  been  required  on  the  old 
system  for  one  of  six.  The  reserve  in  the  banking  department  being  less  than 
it  otherwise  would  be  by  the  entire  amount  of  the  bullion  in  the  issue  depart- 
ment, and  the  whole  amount  of  the  drain  falling  in  the  first  instance  on  that 
diminished  reserve,  the  pressure  of  the  whole  drain  on  the  half  reserve  is  as 
much  felt,  and  requires  as  strong  measures  to  stop  it,  as  a  pressure  of  twice  the 
amount  on  the  entire  reserve.  As  I  have  said  elsewhere,  f  "  it  is  as  if  a  man 
having  to  lift  a  weight  were  restricted  from  using  both  hands  to  do  it,  and  were 
only  allowed  to  use  one  hand  at  a  time ;  in  which  case  it  would  be  necessary 
that  each  of  his  hands  should  be  as  strong:  as  the  two  together." 

t  Evidence  before  the  Committee  of  the  House  of  Commons  on  the  Bank  Acts,  in  1857. 


this  is  not  always  indispensable.  For  in  the  second  place, 
it  is  not  necessary  that  the  gold  should  return  with  the  same 
suddenness  with  which  it  went  out.  A  great  portion  would 
probably  return  in  the  ordinary  way  of  commerce,  in  pay- 
ment for  exported  commodities.  The  extra  gains  made  by 
dealers  and  producers  in  foreign  countries  through  the  extra 
payments  they  receive  from  this  country,  are  very  likely  to  be 
partly  expended  in  increased  purchases  of  English  commodi- 
ties, either  for  consumption  or  on  speculation,  though  the 
effect  may  not  manifest  itself  with  sufficient  rapidity  to  en- 
able the  transmission  of  gold  to  be  dispensed  with  in  the 
first  instance.  These  extra  purchases  would  turn  the  bal- 
ance of  payments  in  favour  of  the  country,  and  gradually 
restore  a  portion  of  the  exported  gold ;  and  the  remainder 
would  probably  be  brought  back,  without  any  considerable 
rise  of  the  rate  of  interest  in  England,  by  the  fall  of  it  in 
foreign  countries,  occasioned  by  the  addition  of  some  mil- 
lions of  gold  to  the  loanable  capital  of  those  countries.  In- 
deed, in  the  state  of  things  consequent  on  the  gold  discover- 
ies, when  the  enormous  quantity  of  gold  annually  produced 
in  Australia,  and  much  of  that  from  California,  is  distributed 
to  other  countries  through  England,  and  a  month  seldom 
passes  without  a  large  arrival,  the  Bank  reserves  can  replen- 
ish themselves  without  any  re-importation  of  the  gold  pre- 
viously carried  off  by  a  drain.  All  that  is  needful  is  an 
intermission,  and  a  very  brief  intermission  is  sufficient,  of 
the  exportation. 

For  these  reasons  it  appears  to  me,  that  notwithstanding 
the  beneficial  operation  of  the  Act  of  1844  in  the  first  stages 
of  one  kind  of  commercial  crisis  (that  produced  by  over- 
speculation),  it  on  the  whole  materially  aggravates  the 
seventy  of  commercial  revulsions.  And  not  only  are  con- 
tractions of  credit  made  more  severe  by  the  Act,  they  are 
also  made  greatly  more  frequent.  "  Suppose,"  says  Mr. 
George  "Walker,  in  a  clear,  impartial,  and  conclusive  series 
of  papers  in  the  Aberdeen  Herald,  forming  one  of  the  best 
existing  discussions  of  the  present  question — "  Suppose  that, 

242  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XXIV.     §5. 

of  eighteen  millions  of  gold,  ten  are  in  the  issue  department 
and  eight  are  in  the  banking  department.  The  result  is  the 
same  as  under  a  metallic  currency  with  only  eight  millions 

in  reserve  instead  of  eighteen The  effect  of  the  Bank 

Act  is,  that  the  proceedings  of  the  Bank  under  a  drain  are 
not  determined  by  the  amount  of  gold  within  its  vaults,  but 
are,  or  ought  to  be,  determined  by  the  portion  of  it  belong- 
ing to  the  banking  department.  With  the  whole  of  the  gold 
at  its  disposal,  it  may  find  it  unnecessary  to  interfere  with 
credit,  or  force  down  prices,  if  a  drain  leave  a  fair  reserve 
behind.  With  only  the  banking  reserve  at  its  disposal,  it 
must,  from  the  narrow  margin  it  has  to  operate  on,  meet 
all  drains  by  counteractives  more  or  less  strong,  to  the  in- 
jury of  the  commercial  world ;  and  if  it  fail  to  do  so,  as  it 
may  fail,  the  consequence  is  destruction.  Hence  the  extra- 
ordinary and  frequent  variations  of  the  rate  of  interest  under 
the  Bank  Act.  Since  1847,  when  the  eyes  of  the  Bank  were 
opened  to  its  true  position,  it  has  felt  it  necessary,  as  a  pre- 
cautionary measure,  that  every  variation  in  the  reserve 
should  be  accompanied  by  an  alteration  in  the  rate  of  in- 
terest." To  make  the  Act  innocuous,  therefore,  it  would 
be  necessary  that  the  Bank,  in  addition  to  the  whole  of  the 
gold  in  the  Issue  Department,  should  retain  as  great  a  re- 
serve in  gold  or  notes  in  the  Banking  Department  alone,  as 
would  suffice  under  the  old  system  for  the  security  both  of 
the  issues  and  of  the  deposits. 

§  5.  There  remain  two  questions  respecting  a  bank 
note  currency,  which  have  also  been  a  subject  of  consider- 
able discussion  of  late  years  :  whether  the  privilege  of  pro- 
viding it  should  be  confined  to  a  single  establishment,  such 
as  the  Bank  of  England,  or  a  plurality  of  issuers  should  be 
allowed  :  and  in  the  latter  case,  whether  any  peculiar  pre- 
cautions are  requisite  or  advisable,  to  protect  the  holders 
of  notes  against  losses  occasioned  by  the  insolvency  of  the 

The  course  of  the  preceding  speculations  has  led  us  to 


attach  so  much  less  of  peculiar  importance  to  bank  notes, 
as  compared  with  other  forms  of  credit,  than  accords  with 
the  notions  generally  current,  that  questions  respecting  the 
regulation  of  so  very  small  a  part  of  the  general  mass  of 
credit,  cannot  appear  to  us  of  such  momentous  import  as 
they  are  sometimes  considered.  Bank  notes,  however,  have 
so  far  a  real  peculiarity,  that  they  are  the  only  form  of  credit 
sufficiently  convenient  for  all  the  purposes  of  circulation,  to 
be  able  entirely  to  supersede  the  use  of  metallic  money  for 
internal  purposes.  Though  the  extension  of  the  use  of 
cheques  has  a  tendency  more  and  more  to  diminish  the 
number  of  bank  notes,  as  it  would  that  of  the  sovereigns  or 
other  coins  which  would  take  their  place  if  they  were  abol- 
ished ;  there  is  sure,  for  a  long  time  to  come,  to  be  a  con- 
siderable supjuy  of  them,  wherever  the  necessary  degree  of 
commercial  confidence  exists,  and  their  free  use  is  permitted. 
The  exclusive  privilege,  therefore,  of  issuing  them,  if  reserved 
to  the  government  or  to  some  one  body,  is  a  source  of  great 
pecuniary  gain.  That  this  gain  should  be  obtained  for  the 
nation  at  large  is  both  practicable  and  desirable  :  and  if  the 
management  of  a  bank  note  currency  ought  to  be  so  com- 
pletely mechanical,  so  entirely  a  thing  of  fixed  rule,  as  it 
is  made  by  the  Act  of  1844,  there  seems  no  reason  why  this 
mechanism  should  be  worked  for  the  profit  of  any  private 
issuer,  rather  than  for  the  public  treasury.  If,  however,  a 
plan  be  preferred  which  leaves  the  variations  in  the  amount 
of  issues  in  any  degree  whatever  to  the  discretion  of  the 
issuers,  it  is  not  desirable  that  to  the  ever-growing  attribu- 
tions of  the  government,  so  delicate  a  function  should  be 
superadded  ;  and  that  the  attention  of  the  heads  of  the 
state  should  be  diverted  from  larger  objects,  by  their  being 
besieged  with  the  applications,  and  made  a  mark  for  all  the 
attacks,  which  are  never  spared  to  those  deemed  to  be  re- 
sponsible for  any  acts,  however  minute,  connected  with  the 
regulation  of  the  currency.  It  would  be  better  that  treasury 
notes,  exchangeable  for  gold  on  demand,  should  be  issued 
to  a  fixed  amount,  not  exceeding  the  minimum  of  a  bank 

244  B00K   m-     CHAPTER   XXIV.      §5. 

note  currency,  the  remainder  of  the  notes  which  may  be 
required  being  left  to  be  supplied  either  by  one  or  by  a 
number  of  private  banking  establishments.  Or  an  estab- 
lishment like  the  Bank  of  England  might  supply  the  whole 
country,  on  condition  of  lending  fifteen  or  twenty  millions 
of  its  notes  to  the  government  without  interest ;  which 
would  give  the  same  pecuniary  advantage  to  the  state  as 
if  it  issued  that  number  of  its  own  notes. 

The  reason  ordinarily  alleged  in  condemnation  of  the 
system  of  plurality  of  issuers  which  existed  in  England  be- 
fore the  Act  of  1844,  and  under  certain  limitations  still  sub- 
sists, is,  that  the  competition  of  these  different  issuers  in- 
duces them  to  increase  the  amount  of  their  notes  to  an 
injurious  extent.  But  we  have  seen  that  the  power  which 
bankers  have  of  augmenting  their  issues,  and  the  degree  of 
mischief  which  they  can  produce  by  it,  are  quite  trifling 
compared  with  the  current  over-estimate.  As  remarked 
by  M.  Eullarton,*  the  extraordinary  increase  of  banking  com- 
petition occasioned  by  the  establishment  of  the  joint-stock 
banks,  a  competition  often  of  the  most  reckless  kind,  has 
proved  utterly  powerless  to  enlarge  the  aggregate  mass  of 
the  bank  note  circulation  ;  that  aggregate  circulation  hav- 
ing, on  the  contrary,  actually  decreased.  In  any  case  it 
appears  desirable  to  maintain  one  great  establishment 
like  the  Bank  of  England,  distinguished  from  other  banks 
of  issue  in  this,  that  it  alone  is  required  to  pay  in  gold,  the 
others  being  at  liberty  to  pay  their  notes  with  notes  of  the 
central  establishment.  The  object  of  this  is  that  there  may 
be  one  body,  responsible  for  maintaining  a  reserve  of  the 
precious  metals  sufficient  to  meet  any  drain  that  can  reason- 
ably be  expected  to  take  place.  By  disseminating  this  re- 
sponsibility among  a  number  of  banks,  it  is  prevented  from 
operating  efficaciously  upon  any  :  or  if  it  be  still  enforced 
against  one,  the  reserves  of  the  metals  retained  by  all  the 
others  are  capital  kept  idle  in  pure  waste,  which  may  be 

*  p.  89—92. 


dispensed  with  by  allowing  them  at  their  option  to  pay  in 
Bank  of  England  notes. 

§  6.  The  question  remains  whether,  in  case  of  a  plural- 
ity of  issuers,  any  peculiar  precautions  are  needed  to  protect 
the  holders  of  notes  from  the  consequences  of  failure  of  pay- 
ment. Before  1826,  the  insolvency  of  banks  of  issue  was 
a  frequent  and  very  serious  evil,  often  spreading  distress 
though  a  whole  neighbourhood,  and  at  one  blow  depriving 
provident  industry  of  the  results  of  long  and  painful  saving. 
This  was  one  of  the  chief  reasons  which  induced  Parliament, 
in  that  year,  to  prohibit  the  issue  of  bank  notes,  of  a  denomi- 
nation below  five  pounds,  that  the  labouring  classes  at  least 
might  be  as  little  as  possible  exposed  to  participate  in  this 
suffering.  As  an  additional  safeguard,  it  has  been  sug- 
gested to  give  the  holders  of  notes  a  priority  over  other 
creditors,  or  to  require  bankers  to  deposit  stock  or  other 
public  securities  as  a  pledge  for  the  whole  amount  of  their 
issues.  The  insecurity  of  the  former  bank  note  currency 
of  England  was  partly  the  work  of  the  law,  which,  in  order 
to  give  a  qualified  monopoly  of  banking  business  to  the 
Bank  of  England,  had  actually  made  the  formation  of  safe 
banking  establishments  a  punishable  offence,  by  prohibit- 
ing the  existence  of  any  banks,  in  town  or  country,  whether 
of  issue  or  deposit,  with  a  number  of  partners  exceeding  six. 
This  truly  characteristic  specimen  of  the  old  system  of 
monopoly  and  restriction,  was  done  away  with  in  1826, 
both  as  to  issues  and  deposits,  everywhere  but  in  a  district 
of  sixty-five  miles  radius  round  London,  and  in  1833  in  that 
district  also,  as  far  as  relates  to  deposits.  It  was  hoped 
that  the  numerous  joint-stock  banks  since  established,  would 
have  furnished  a  more  trustworthy  currency,  and  that  under 
their  influence  the  banking  system  of  England  would  have 
been  almost  as  secure  to  the  public  as  that  of  Scotland 
(where  banking  was  always  free)  has  been  for  two  centuries 
past.  But  the  almost  incredible  instances  of  reckless  and 
fraudulent  mismanagement  which  these  institutions  have 


BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XXIV.     §6. 

of  late  afforded  (though  in  some  of  the  most  notorious  cases 
the  delinquent  establishments  have  not  been  banks  of  issue), 
have  shown  only  too  clearly  that,  south  of  the  Tweed  at 
least,  the  joint-stock  principle  applied  to  banking  is  not  the 
adequate  safeguard  it  was  so  confidently  supposed  to  be : 
and  it  is  difficult  now  to  resist  the  conviction,  that  if  plural- 
ity of  issuers  is  allowed  to  exist  at  all,  some  kind  of  special 
security  in  favour  of  the  holders  of  notes  should  be  exacted 
as  an  imperative  condition. 



§  1.  In  the  phraseology  of  the  Mercantile  System, 
the  language  and  doctrines  of  which  are  still  the  basis  of 
what  may  be  called  the  political  economy  of  the  selling 
classes,  as  distinguished  from  the  buyers  or  consumers, 
there  is  no  word  of  more  frequent  recurrence  or  more  peril- 
ous import  than  the  word  underselling.  To  undersell  other 
countries — not  to  be  undersold  by  other  countries — were 
spoken  of,  and  are  still  very  often  spoken  of,  almost  as  if 
they  were  the  sole  purposes  for  which  production  and  com- 
modities exist.  The  feelings  of  rival  tradesmen,  prevailing 
among  nations,  overruled  for  centuries  all  sense  of  the  gen- 
eral community  of  advantage  which  commercial  countries 
derive  from  the  prosperity  of  one  another :  and  that  com- 
mercial spirit  which  is  now  one  of  the  strongest  obstacles  to 
wars,  was  during  a  certain  period  of  European  history  their 
principal  cause. 

Even  in  the  more  enlightened  view  now  attainable  of  the 
nature  and  consequences  of  international  commerce,  some, 
though  a  comparatively  small,  space  must  still  be  made  for 
the  fact  of  commercial  rivality.  Nations  may,  like  individual 
dealers,  be  competitors,  with  opposite  interests,  in  the  mar- 
kets of  some  commodities,  while  in  others  they  are  in  the 
more  fortunate  relation  of  reciprocal  customers.  The  ben- 
efit of  commerce  does  not  consist,  as  it  was  once  thought  to 
do,  in  the  commodities  sold  ;    but,  since  the  commodities 

248  B00K  HI.     CHAPTER  XXV.     §1. 

sold  are  the  means  of  obtaining  those  which  are  bought,  a 
nation  would  be  cut  off  from  the  real  advantage  of  com- 
merce, the  imports,  if  it  could  not  induce  other  nations  to 
take  any  of  its  commodities  in  exchange  ;  and  in  proportion 
as  the  competition  of  other  countries  compels  it  to  offer  its 
commodities  on  cheaper  terms,  on  pain  of  not  selling  them 
at  all,  the  imports  which  it  obtains  by  its  foreign  trade  are 
procured  at  greater  cost. 

These  points  have  been  adequately,  though  incidentally, 
illustrated  in  some  of  the  preceding  chapters.  But  the 
great  space  which  the  topic  has  filled,  and  continues  to  fill, 
in  economical  speculations,  and  in  the  practical  anxieties 
both  of  politicians  and  of  dealers  and  manufacturers,  makes 
it  desirable,  before  quitting  the  subject  of  international 
exchange,  to  subjoin  a  few  observations  on  the  things  which 
do,  and  on  those  which  do  not,  enable  countries  to  undersell 
one  another. 

One  country  can  only  undersell  another  in  a  given 
market,  to  the  extent  of  entirely  expelling  her  from  it,  on 
two  conditions.  In  the  first  place,  she  must  have  a  greater 
advantage  than  the  second  country  in  the  production  of  the 
article  exported  by  both  ;  meaning  by  a  greater  advantage 
(as  has  been  already  so  fully  explained)  not  absolutely,  but 
in  comparison  with  other  commodities ;  and  in  the  second 
place,  such  must  be  her  relation  with  the  customer  country 
in  respect  to  the  demand  for  each  other's  products,  and  such 
the  consequent  state  of  international  values,  as  to  give  away 
to  the  customer  country  more  than  the  whole  advantage 
possessed  by  the  rival  country ;  otherwise  the  rival  will 
still  be  able  to  hold  her  ground  in  the  market. 

Let  us  revert  to  the  imaginary  hypothesis  of  a  trade  be- 
tween England  and  Germany  in  cloth  and  linen  :  England 
being  capable  of  producing  10  yards  of  cloth  at  the  same 
cost  with  15  yards  of  linen,  Germany  at  the  same  cost  with 
20,  and  the  two  commodities  being  exchanged  between  the 
two  countries  (cost  of  carriage  apart)  at  some  intermediate 
rate,  say  10  for  17.     Germany  could  not  be  permanently 


undersold  in  the  English  market,  and  expelled  from  it,  un- 
less by  a  country  which  offered  not  merely  more  than  17, 
but  more  than  20  yards  of  linen  for  ten  of  cloth.  Short  of 
that,  the  competition  would  only  oblige  Germany  to  pay 
dearer  for  cloth,  but  would  not  disable  her  from  exporting 
linen.  The  country,  therefore,  which  could  undersell  Ger- 
many, must,  in  the  first  place,  be  able  to  produce  linen  at 
less  cost,  compared  with  cloth,  than  Germany  herself ;  and 
in  the  next  place,  must  have  such  a  demand  for  cloth,  or 
other  English  commodities,  as  would  compel  her,  even  when 
she  became  sole  occupant  of  the  market,  to  give  a  greater 
advantage  to  England  than  Germany  could  give  by  resign- 
ing the  whole  of  hers ;  to  give,  for  example,  21  yards  for  10. 
For  if  not — if,  for  example,  the  equation  of  international 
demand,  after  Germany  was  excluded,  gave  a  ratio  of  18  for 
10,  Germany  could  again  enter  into  the  competition  ;  Ger- 
many would  be  now  the  underselling  nation ;  and  there 
would  be  a  point,  perhaps  19  for  10,  at  which  both  countries 
would  be  able  to  maintain  their  ground,  and  to  sell  in  Eng- 
land enough  linen  to  pay  for  the  cloth,  or  other  English 
commodities,  for  which,  on  these  newly  adjusted  terms  of 
interchange,  they  had  a  demand.  In  like  manner,  England, 
as  an  exporter  of  cloth,  could  only  be  driven  from  the  Ger- 
man market  by  some  rival  whose  superior  advantages  in  the 
production  of  cloth  enabled  her,  and  the  intensity  of  whose 
demand  for  German  produce  compelled  her,  to  offer  10  yards 
of  cloth,  not  merely  for  less  than  17  yards  of  linen,  but  for 
less  than  15.  In  that  case,  England  could  no  longer  carry 
on  the  trade  without  loss  ;  but  in  any  case  short  of  this,  she 
would  merely  be  obliged  to  give  to  Germany  more  cloth  for 
less  linen  than  she  had  previously  given. 

It  thus  appears  that  the  alarm  of  being  permanently  un- 
dersold may  be  taken  much  too  easily  ;  may  be  taken  when 
the  thing  really  to  be  anticipated  is  not  the  loss  of  the  trade, 
but  the  minor  inconvenience  of  carrying  it  on  at  a  dimin- 
ished advantage ;  an  inconvenience  chiefly  falling  on  the 
consumers  of  foreign  commodities,  and  not  on  the  producers 

250  BOOK   III.      CHAPTER  XXV.     §2. 

or  sellers  of  the  exported  article.  It  is  no  sufficient  ground 
of  apprehension  to  the  English  producers,  to  find  that  some 
other  country  can  sell  cloth  in  foreign  markets  at  some 
particular  time,  a  trifle  cheaper  than  they  can  themselves 
afford  to  do  in  the  existing  state  of  prices  in  England. 
Suppose  them  to  be  temporarily  unsold,  and  their  exports 
diminished  ;  the  imports  will  exceed  the  exports,  there  will 
be  a  new  distribution  of  the  precious  metals,  prices  will  fall, 
and  as  all  the  money  expenses  of  the  English  producers  will 
be  diminished,  they  will  be  able  (if  the  case  falls  short  of 
that  stated  in  the  preceding  paragraph)  again  to  compete 
with  their  rivals.  The  loss  which  England  will  incur,  will 
not  fall  upon  the  exporters,  but  upon  those  who  consume 
imported  commodities  ;  who,  with  money  incomes  reduced 
in  amount,  will  have  to  pay  the  same  or  even  an  increased 
price  for  all  things  produced  in  foreign  countries. 

§  2.  Such,  I  conceive,  is  the  true  theory,  or  rationale, 
of  underselling.  It  will  be  observed  that  it  takes  no  ac- 
count of  some  things  which  we  hear  spoken  of,  oftener  per- 
haps than  any  others,  in  the  character  of  causes  exposing  a 
country  to  be  undersold. 

According  to  the  preceding  doctrine,  a  country  cannot 
be  undersold  in  any  commodity,  unless  the  rival  country 
has  a  stronger  inducement  than  itself  for  devoting  its  labour 
and  capital  to  the  production  of  the  commodity ;  arising 
from  the  fact  that  by  doing  so  it  occasions  a  greater  saving 
of  labour  and  capital,  to  be  shared  between  itself  and  its  cus- 
tomers— a  greater  increase  of  the  aggregate  produce  of  the 
world.  The  underselling,  therefore,  though  a  loss  to  the 
undersold  country,  is  an  advantage  to  the  world  at  large ; 
the  substituted  commerce  being  one  which  economizes  more 
of  the  labour  and  capital  of  mankind,  and  adds  more  to  their 
collective  wealth,  than  the  commerce  superseded  by  it.  The 
advantage,  of  course,  consists  in  being  able  to  produce  the 
commodity  of  better  quality,  or  with  less  labour  (compared 
with  other  things) ;  or  perhaps  not  with  less  labour,  but  in 


less  time  ;  with  a  less  prolonged  detention  of  the  capital  em- 
ployed. This  may  arise  from  greater  natural  advantages 
(such  as  soil,  climate,  richness  of  mines) ;  superior  capability, 
either  natural  or  acquired,  in  the  labourers ;  better  division  of 
labour,  and  better  tools,  or  machinery.  But  there  is  no  place 
left  in  this  theory  for  the  case  of  lower  wages.  This,  how- 
ever, in  the  theories  commonly  current,  is  a  favourite  cause 
of  underselling.  We  continually  hear  of  the  disadvantage 
under  which  the  British  producer  labours,  both  in  foreign 
markets  and  even  in  his  own,  through  the  lower  wages  paid 
by  his  foreign  rivals.  These  lower  wages,  we  are  told,  ena- 
ble, or  are  always  on  the  point  of  enabling  them  to  sell  at 
lower  prices,  and  to  dislodge  the  English  manufacturer  from 
all  marke  s  in  which  he  is  not  artificially  protected. 

Before  examining  this  opinion  on  grounds  of  principle, 
it  is  worth  while  to  bestow  a  moment's  consideration  upon 
it  as  a  question  of  fact.  Is  it  true,  that  the  wages  of  manu- 
facturing labour  are  lower  in  foreign  countries  than  in  Eng- 
land, in  anv  sense  in  which  low  wages  are  an  advantage  to 
the  capitalist  ?  The  artisan  of  Ghent  or  Lyons  may  earn 
less  wages  in  a  day,  but  does  he  not  do  less  work  ?  Degrees 
of  efficiency  considered,  does  his  labour  cost  less  to  his  em- 
ployer ?  Though  wages  may  be  lower  on  the  Continent,  is 
not  the  Cost  of  Labour,  which  is  the  real  element  in  the 
competition,  very  nearly  the  same  ?  That  it  is  so  seems  the 
opinion  of  competent  judges,  and  is  confirmed  by  the  very 
little  difference  in  the  rate  of  profit  between  England  and 
the  Continental  countries.  But  if  so,  the  opinion  is  absurd 
that  English  producers  can  be  undersold  by  their  Conti- 
nental rivals  from  this  cause.  It  is  only  in  America  that 
the  supposition  is  prima  facie  admissible.  In  America, 
wages  are  much  higher  than  in  England,  if  we  mean  by 
wages  the  daily  earnings  of  a  labourer  :  but  the  productive 
power  of  American  labour  is  so  great — its  efficiency,  com- 
bined with  the  favourable  circumstances  in  which  it  is 
exerted,  makes  it  worth  so  much  to  the  purchaser,  that  the 
Cost  of  Labour  is  lower  in  America  than  in  England  ;  as  is 

252  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XXV.     §3. 

proved  by  the  fact  that  the  general  rate  of  profits  and  of 
interest  is  very  much  higher. 

§  3.  But  is  it  true  that  low  wages,  even  in  the  sense  of 
low  Cost  of  Labour,  enable  a  country  to  sell  cheaper  in 
the  foreign  market  ?  I  mean,  of  course,  low  wages  whicli 
are  common  to  the  whole  productive  industry  of  the  country. 

If  wages,  in  any  of  the  departments  of  industry  which 
supply  exports,  are  kept,  artificially,  or  by  some  accidental 
cause,  below  the  general  rate  of  wages  in  the  country,  this 
is  a  real  advantage  in  the  foreign  market.  It  lessens  the 
comparative  cost  of  production  of  those  articles,  in  relation 
to  others  ;  and  has  the  same  effect  as  if  their  production  re- 
quired so  much  less  labour.  Take,  for  instance,  the  case  of 
the  United  States  in  respect  to  certain  commodities.  In 
that  country,  tobacco  and  cotton,  two  great  articles  of  ex- 
port, are  produced  by  slave  labour,  while  food  and  manu- 
factures generally  are  produced  by  free  labourers,  who 
either  work  on  their  own  account  or  are  paid  by  wages.  In 
spite  of  the  inferior  efficiency  of  slave  labour,  there  can  be 
no  reasonable  doubt  that  in  a  country  where  the  wages  of 
free  labour  are  so  high,  the  work  executed  by  slaves  is  a 
better  bargain  to  the  capitalist.  To  whatever  extent  it  is 
so,  this  smaller  cost  of  labour,  being  not  general,  but  limited 
to  those  employments,  is  just  as  much  a  cause  of  cheapness 
in  the  products,  both  in  the  home  and  in  the  foreign  mar- 
ket, as  if  they  had  been  made  by  a  less  quantity  of  labour. 
If  the  slaves  in  the  Southern  States  were  emancipated,  and 
their  wages  rose  to  the  general  level  of  the  earnings  of  free 
labour  in  America,  that  country  might  be  obliged  to  erase 
some  of  the  slave-grown  articles  from  the  catalogue  of  its 
exports,  and  would  certainly  be  unable  to  sell  any  of  them 
in  the  foreign  market  at  the  present  price.  Their  cheapness 
is  partly  an  artificial  cheapness,  which  may  be  compared  U 
that  produced  by  a  bounty  on  production  or  on  exportation : 
or,  considering  the  means  by  which  it  is  obtained,  an  apter 
comparison  would  be  with  the  cheapness  of  stolen  goods. 


An  advantage  of  a  similar  economical,  though  of  a  very 
different  moral  character,  is  that  possessed  by  domestic 
manufactures  ;  fabrics  produced  in  the  leisure  hours  of  fam- 
ilies partially  occupied  in  other  pursuits,  who,  not  depending 
for  subsistence  on  the  produce  of  the  manufacture,  can  afford 
to  sell  it  at  any  price,  however  low,  for  which  they  think  it 
worth  while  to  take  the  trouble  of  producing.  In  an  ac- 
count of  the  Canton  of  Zurich,  to  which  I  have  had  occasion 
to  refer  on  another  subject,  it  is  observed,*  "  The  workman 
of  Zurich  is  to-day  a  manufacturer,  to-morrow  again  an  agri- 
culturist, and  changes  his  occupations  with  the  seasons,  in  a 
continual  round.  Manufacturing  industry  and  tillage  ad- 
vance hand  in  hand,  in  inseparable  alliance,  and  in  this 
union  of  the  two  occupations  the  secret  may  be  found,  why 
the  simple  and  unlearned  Swiss  manufacturer  can  always  go 
on  competing,  and  increasing  in  prosperity,  in  the  face  of 
those  extensive  establishments  fitted  out  with  great  eco- 
nomic, and  (what  is  still  more  important)  intellectual,  re- 
sources. Even  in  those  parts  of  the  Canton  where  manu- 
factures have  extended  themselves  the  most  widely,  only 
one-seventh  of  all  the  families  belong  to  manufactures 
alone ;  four-sevenths  combine  that  employment  with  agri- 
culture. The  advantage  of  this  domestic  or  family  manu- 
facture consists  chiefly  in  the  fact,  that  it  is  compatible  with 
all  other  avocations,  or  rather  that  it  may  in  part  be  re- 
garded as  only  a  supplementary  employment.  In  winter, 
in  the  dwellings  of  the  operatives,  the  whole  family  employ 
themselves  in  it :  but  as  soon  as  spring  appears,  those  on 
whom  the  early  field  labours  devolve,  abandon  the  in-door 
work  ;  many  a  shuttle  stands  still ;  by  degrees,  as  the  field- 
work  increases,  one  member  of  the  family  follows  another, 
till  at  last,  at  the  harvest,  and  during  the  so-called  '  great 
works,'  all  hands  seize  the  implements  of  husbandry  ;  but 
in  unfavourable  weather,  and  in  all  otherwise  vacant  hours, 
the  work  in  the  cottage  is  resumed,  and  when  the  ungenial 

*  Historiseh-geographisch-statistisches  Gemalde  der  Schweiz.     Erstea  Heft, 
1834,  p.  105. 

254  B00K  IIL      CHAPTER  XXV.     §4. 

season  again  recurs,  the  people  return  in  the  same  gradual 
order  to  their  home  occupation,  until  they  have  all  re- 
sumed it." 

In  the  case  of  these  domestic  manufactures,  the  compara- 
tive cost  of  production,  on  which  the  interchange  between 
countries  depends,  is  much  lower  than  in  proportion  to  the 
quantity  of  labour  employed.  The  workpeople,  looking  to 
the  earnings  of  their  loom  for  a  part  only,  if  for  any  part, 
of  their  actual  maintenance,  can  afford  to  work  for  a  less 
remuneration  than  the  lowest  rate  of  wages  which  can  per- 
manently exist  in  the  employments  by  which  the  labourer 
has  to  support  the  whole  expense  of  a  family.  Working,  as 
they  do,  not  for  an  employer  but  for  themselves,  they  may 
be  said  to  carry  on  the  manufacture  at  no  cost  at  all,  except 
the  small  expense  of  a  loom  and  of  the  material ;  and  the 
limit  of  possible  cheapness  is  not  the  necessity  of  living  by 
their  trade,  but  that  of  earning  enough  by  the  work  to  make 
that  social  employment  of  their  leisure  hours  not  dis- 

§  4.  These  two  cases,  of  slave  labour  and  of  domestic 
manufactures,  exemplify  the  conditions  under  which  low 
wages  enable  a  country  to  sell  its  commodities  cheaper  in 
foreign  markets,  and  consequently  to  undersell  its  rivals,  or 
to  avoid  being  undersold  by  them.  But  no  such  advantage 
is  conferred  by  low  wages  when  common  to  all  branches  of 
industry.  General  low  wages  never  caused  any  country  to 
undersell  its  rivals,  nor  did  general  high  wages  ever  hinder 
it  from  doing  so. 

To  demonstrate  this,  we  must  return  to  an  elementary 
principle  which  was  discussed  in  a  former  chapter.*  Gen 
eral  low  wages  do  not  cause  low  prices,  nor  high  wages  high 
prices,  within  the  country  itself.  General  prices  are  not 
raised  by  a  rise  of  wages,  any  more  than  they  would  be 
raised  by  an  increase  of  the  quantity  of  labour  required  in 
all  production.     Expenses  which   affect    all    commodities 

*  Supra,  book  iii.  ch.  iv. 


equally,  have  no  influence  on  prices.  If  the  maker  of 
broadcloth  or  cutlery,  and  nobody  else,  had  to  pay  higher 
wages,  the  price  of  his  commodity  would  rise,  just  as  it 
would  if  he  had  to  employ  more  labour  ;  because  otherwise 
he  would  gain  less  profit  than  other  producers,  and  nobody 
would  engage  in  the  employment.  But  if  everybody  has  to 
pay  higher  wages,  or  everybody  to  employ  more  labour, 
the  loss  must  be  submitted  to  ;  as  it  affects  everybody  alike, 
no  one  can  hope  to  get  rid  of  it  by  a  change  of  employment, 
each  therefore  resigns  himself  to  a  diminution  of  profits,  and 
prices  remain  as  they  were.  In  like  manner,  general  low 
wages,  or  a  general  increase  in  the  productiveness  of  labour, 
does  not  make  prices  low,  but  profits  high.  If  wages  fall, 
(meaning  here  by  wages  the  cost  of  labour,)  why,  on  that 
account,  should  the  producer  lower  his  price  ?  He  will  be 
forced,  it  may  be  said,  by  the  competition  of  other  capital- 
ists who  will  crowd  into  his  employment.  But  other  cap- 
italists are  also  paying  lower  wages,  and  by  entering  into 
competition  with  him  they  would  gain  nothing  but  what 
they  are  gaining  already.  The  rate  then  at  which  labour  is 
paid,  as  well  as  the  quantity  of  it  which  is  employed,  affects 
neither  the  value  nor  the  price  of  the  commodity  produced, 
except  in  so  far  as  it  is  peculiar  to  that  commodity,  and  not 
common  to  commodities  generally. 

Since  low  wages  are  not  a  cause  of  low  prices  in  the 
country  itself,  so  neither  do  they  cause  it  to  offer  its  com- 
modities in  foreign  markets  at  a  lower  price.  It  is  quite 
true  that  if  the  cost  of  labour  is  lower  in  America  than  :a 
England,  America  could  sell  her  cottons  to  Cuba  at  a  lower 
price  than  England,  and  still  gain  as  high  a  profit  as  the 
English  manufacturer.  But  it  is  not  with  the  profit  of  the 
English  manufacturer  that  the  American  cotton  spinner  will 
make  his  comparison  ;  it  is  with  the  profits  of  other  Amer- 
ican capitalists.  These  enjoy,  in  common  with  himself,  the 
benefit  of  a  low  cost  of  labour,  and  have  accordingly  a  high 
rate  of  profit.  This  high  profit  the  cotton  spinner  must  also 
have :  he  will  not  content  himself  with  the  English  profit. 

256  B00K  HI.     CHAPTER  XXV.     §5. 

It  is  true  he  may  go  on  for  a  time  at  that  lower  rate,  rather 
than  change  his  employment ;  and  a  trade  may  be  carried 
on,  sometimes  for  a  long  period,  at  a  much  lower  profit 
than  that  for  which  it  would  have  been  originally  engaged 
in.  Countries  which  have  a  low  cost  of  labour,  and  high 
profits,  do  not  for  that  reason  undersell  others,  but  they  do 
oppose  a  more  obstinate  resistance  to  being  undersold, 
because  the  producers  can  often  submit  to  a  diminution  of 
profit  without  being  unable  to  live,  and  even  to  thrive,  by 
their  business.  But  this  is  all  which  their  advantage  does 
for  them  :  and  in  this  resistance  they  will  not  long  per- 
severe, when  a  change  of  times  which  may  give  them  equal 
profits  with  the  rest  of  their  countrymen  has  become  mani- 
festly hopeless. 

§  5.  There  is  a  class  of  trading  and  exporting  commu- 
nities, on  which  a  few  words  of  explanation  seem  to  be 
required.  These  are  hardly  to  be  looked  upon  as  countries, 
carrying  on  an  exchange  of  commodities  with  other  countries, 
but  more  properly  as  outlying  agricultural  or  manufacturing 
establishments  belonging  to  a  larger  community.  Our  West 
India  colonies,  for  example,  cannot  be  regarded  as  coun- 
tries, with  a  productive  capital  of  their  own.  If  Manches- 
ter, instead  of  being  where  it  is,  were  on  a  rock  in  the  North 
Sea  (its  present  industry  nevertheless  continuing),  it  would 
still  be  but  a  town  of  England,  not  a  country  trading  with 
England;  it  would  be  merely,  as  now,  a  place  where 
England  finds  it  convenient  to  carry  on  her  cotton  manu- 
facture. The  West  Indies,  in  like  manner,  are  the  place 
where  England  finds  it  convenient  to  carry  on  the  produc- 
tion of  sugar,  coffee,  and  a  few  o(ther  tropical  commodities. 
All  the  capital  employed  is  English  capital ;  almost  all  the 
industry  is  carried  on  for  English  uses ;  there  is  little  pro- 
duction of  anything  except  the  staple  commodities,  and 
these  are  sent  to  England,  not  to  be  exchanged  for  things 
exported  to  the  colony  and  consumed  by  its  inhabitants,  but 
to   be  sold  in  England  for  the  benefit  of  the  proprietors 


there.  The  trade  with  the  West  Indies  is  therefore  hardly 
to  be  considered  as  external  trade,  but  more  resembles  the 
traffic  between  town  and  country,  and  is  amenable  to  the 
principles  of  the  home  trade.  The  rate  of  profit  in  the 
colonies  will  be  regulated  by  English  profits :  the  ex- 
pectation of  profit  must  be  about  the  same  as  in  England, 
with  the  addition  of  compensation  for  the  disadvantages 
attending  the  more  distant  and  hazardous  employment : 
and  after  allowance  is  made  for  those  disadvantages,  the 
value  and  price  of  West  India  produce  in  the  English 
market  must  be  regulated,  (or  rather  must  have  been  regu- 
lated formerly,)  like  that  of  any  English  commodity,  by  the 
cost  of  production.  For  the  last  ten  or  twelve  years  this 
principle  has  been  in  abeyance  :  the  price  was  first  kept  up 
beyond  the  ratio  of  the  cost  of  production  by  deficient  sup- 
plies, which  could  not,  owing  to  the  deficiency  of  labour,  be 
increased  ;  and  more  recently  the  admission  of  foreign  com- 
petition has  introduced  another  element,  and  some  of  the 
West  India  Islands  are  undersold,  not  so  much  because 
wages  are  higher  than  in  Cuba  and  Brazil,  as  because  they 
are  higher  than  in  England  :  for  were  they  not  so,  Jamaica 
could  sell  her  sugars  at  Cuban  prices,  and  still  obtain,  though 
not  a  Cuban,  an  English  rate  of  profit. 

It  is  worth  while  also  to  notice  another  class  of  small, 
but  in  this  case  mostly  independent  communities,  which 
have  supported  and  enriched  themselves  almost  without  any 
productions  of  their  own,  (except  ships  and  marine  equip- 
ments,) by  a  mere  carrying  trade,  and  commerce  of  entre- 
pot '  by  buying  the  produce  of  one  country,  to  sell  it  at  a 
profit  in  another.  Such  were  Venice  and  the  Hanse  Towns. 
The  case  of  these  communities  is  very  simple.  They  made 
themselves  and  their  capital  the  instruments,  not  of  pro- 
duction, but  of  accomplishing  exchanges  between  the  pro- 
ductions of  other  countries.  These  exchanges  are  attended 
with  an  advantage  to  those  countries — an  increase  of  the 
aggregate  returns  to  industry — part  of  which  went  to 
indemnify  the  agents,  for  the  necessary  expenses  of  trans- 

258  BOOK  m.     CHAPTER  XXV.     §5. 

port,  and  another  part  to  remunerate  the  use  of  their  capital 
and  mercantile  skill.  The  countries  themselves  had  not 
capital  disposable  for  the  operation.  When  the  Yenetians 
became  the  agents  of  the  general  commerce  of  Southern 
Europe,  they  had  scarcely  any  competitors :  the  thing 
would  not  have  been  done  at  all  without  them,  and  there 
was  really  no  limit  to  their  profits  except  the  limit  to  whft 
the  ignorant  feudal  nobility  could  and  would  give  for  the 
unknown  luxuries  then  first  presented  to  their  sight.  At 
a  later  period  competition  arose,  and  the  profit  of  this 
operation,  like  that  of  others,  became  amenable  to  natural 
laws.  The  carrying  trade  was  taken  up  by  Holland,  a 
country  with  productions  of  its  own  and  a  large  accumu- 
lated capital.  The  other  nations  of  Europe  also  had  now 
capital  to  spare,  and  were  capable  of  conducting  their 
foreign  trade  for  themselves :  but  Holland,  having,  from 
the  variety  of  circumstances,  a  lower  rate  of  profit  at  home, 
could  afford  to  carry  for  other  countries  at  a  smaller  ad- 
vance on  the  original  cost  of  the  goods,  than  would  have 
been  required  by  their  own  capitalists  ;  and  Holland,  there- 
fore, engrossed  the  greatest  part  of  the  carrying  trade  of 
all  those  countries  which  did  not  keep  it  to  themselves  by 
Navigation  Laws,  constructed,  like  those  of  England,  for 
the  express  purpose. 



§  1.  "We  have  now  completed,  as  far  as  is  compatible 
with  our  purposes  and  limits,  the  exposition  of  the  ma- 
chinery through  which  the  produce  of  a  country  is  appor- 
tioned among  the  different  classes  of  its  inhabitants  ;  which 
is  no  other  than  the  machinery  of  Exchange,  and  has  for , 
the  exponents  of  its  operation,  the  laws  of  Value  and  of  j 
Price.  We  shall  now  avail  ourselves  of  the  light  thus 
acquired,  to  cast  a  retrospective  glance  at  the  subject  of 
Distribution.  The  division  of  the  produce  among  the  three 
classes,  Labourers,  Capitalists,  and  Landlords,  when  consider- 
ed without  any  reference  to  Exchange,  appeared  to  depend 
on  certain  general  laws.  It  is  fit  that  we  should  now  con- 
sider whether  these  same  laws  still  operate,  when  the 
distribution  takes  place  through  the  complex  mechanism 
of  exchange  and  money ;  or  whether  the  properties  of 
the  mechanism  interfere  with  and  modify  the  presiding 

The  primary  division  of  the  produce  of  human  exertion 
and  frugality  is,  as  we  have  seen,  into  three  shares,  wages, 
profits,  and  rent ;  and  these  shares  are  portioned  out  to  the 
persons  entitled  to  them,  in  the  form  of  money,  and  by  a 
process  of  exchange ;  or  rather,  the  capitalist,  with  whom  in 
the  usual  arrangements  of  society  the  produce  remains, ; 
pays  in  money,  to  the  other  two  sharers,  the  market  value 
of  their  labour   and  land.     If  we  examine,  on  what  the 

260  B00K  nt     CHAPTER  XXVI.     §1. 

Ijecuniary  value  of  labour,  and  the  pecuniary  value  of  the 
use  of  land,  depend,  we  shall  find  that  it  is  on  the  very  same 
causes  by  which  we  found  that  wages  and  rent  would  be 
regulated  if  there  were  no  money  and  no  exchange  of 

It  is  evident,  in  the  first  place,  that  the  law  of  Wages  is 
not  affected  by  the  existence  or  non-existence  of  Exchange  / 
or  Money.  Wages  depend  on  the  ratio  between  population^ 
and  capital ;  and  would  do  so  if  all  the  capital  in  the  world  \ 
were  the  property  of  one  association,  or  if  the  capitalists 
among  whom  it  is  shared  maintained  each  an  establishment 
for  the  production  of  every  article  consumed  in  the  com- 
munity, exchange  of  commodities  having  no  existence.  As 
the  ratio  between  capital  and  population,  everywhere  but  in 
new  colonies,  depends  on  the  strength  of  the  checks  by  which 
the  too  rapid  increase  of  population  is  restrained,  it  may  be 
said,  popularly  speaking,  that  wages  depend  on  the  checks 
to  population ;  that  when  the  check  is  not  death,  by 
starvation  or  disease,  wages  depend  on  the  prudence  of  the 
labouring  people  ;  and  that  wages  in  any  country  are  habit- 
ually at  the  lowest  rate,  to  which  in  that  country  the 
labourer  will  suffer  them  to  be  depressed  rather  than  put  a 
restraint  upon  multiplication. 

What  is  here  meant,  however,  by  wages,  is  the  labourer's 
real  scale  of  comfort ;  the  quantity  he  obtains  of  the  things 
which  nature  or  habit  has  made  necessary  or  agreeable  to 
him :  wages  in  the  sense  in  which  they  are  of  importance  to 
the  receiver.  In  the  sense  in  which  they  are  of  importance 
to  the  payer,  they  do  not  depend  exclusively  on  such  simple 
principles.  Wages  in  the  first  sense,  the  wages  on  which 
the  labourer's  comfort  depends,  we  will  call  real  wages,  or 
wages  in  kind.  Wages  in  the  second  sense,  we  may  be 
permitted  to  call,  for  the  present,  money  wages ;  assuming, 
as  it  is  allowable  to  do,  that  money  remains  for  the  time  an 
invariable  standard,  no  alteration  taking  place  in  the  con- 
ditions under  which  the  circulating  medium  itself  is  produced 
or  obtained.     If  money  itself  undergoes  no  variation  in  cost, 


the  money  price  of  labour  is  an  exact  measure  of  the  Cost  of 
Labour,  and  may  be  made  use  of  as  a  convenient  symbol  to 
express  it. 

The  money  wages  of  labour  are  a  compound  result  of  two 
elements :  first,  real  wages,  or  wages  in  kind,  or  in  other 
words,  the  quantity  which  the  labourer  obtains  of  the  ordi- 
nary articles  of  consumption ;  and  secondly,  the  money  prices 
of  those  articles.  In  all  old  countries — all  countries  in  which 
the  increase  of  population  is  in  any  degree  checked  by  the 
difficulty  of  obtaining  subsistence — the  habitual  money  price 
of  labour  is  that  which  will  just  enable  the  labourers,  one 
with  another,  to  purchase  the  commodities  without  which 
they  either  cannot  or  will  not  keep  up  the  population  at 
its  customary  rate  of  increase.  Their  standard  of  comfort 
being  given,  (and  by  the  standard  of  comfort  in  a  labouring 
class,  is  meant  that,  rather  than  forego  which,  they  will 
abstain  from  multiplication,)  money  wages  depend  on  the 
money  price,  andj^j^fijora^o^jthe  cost  of  production^,  of  ~a£~ 
the  various  articles  which  the  labourers  haTut'uallv  consume : 
ij  because  if  their  wages  cannot  procure  them  a  given  quan- 
(Pi  tity  of  these,  their  increase  will  slacken,  and  their  wages 
||  rise.  Of  these  articles,  food  and  other  agricultural  produce 
are  so  much  the  principal,  as  to  leave  little  influence  to 
anything  else. 

It  is  at  this  point  that  we  are  enabled  to  invoke  the  aid 
of  the  principles  which  have  been  laid  down  in  this  Third 
Part.    The  cost  of  production  of  food  and  agricultural  prod-    . , .  /.'iAv4/ 
uce  has  been  analyzed  in  a  preceding  chapter.     It  depends 
on  the  productiveness  of  the  least  fertile  land,  or  ofjthe  least 
productively  employed  portion  of  capital,  which  the  neces- 
sities of  society  have  as  yet  put  in  requisition  for  agricultural 
purposes.     The  cost  of  production  of  the  food  grown  in  \       *  ^ 
these  least  advantageous  circumstances,  determines,  as  we      ' 
have  seen,  the  exchange  value  and  money  price  of  the  whole. 
In  any  given  state,  therefore,  of  the  labourers'  habits,  their 
money  wages  depend  on  the  productiveness  of  the  least  fertile 
land,  or  least  productive  agricultural  capital :  on  the  point 

262  B00K  m-     CHAPTER  XXVI.     §2. 

which  cultivation  has  reached  in  its  downward  progress — in 
its  encroachments  on  the  barren  lands,  and  its  gradually 
increased  strain  upon  the  powers  of  the  more  fertile.  Now, 
the  force  which  urges  cultivation  in  this  downward  course, 
is  the  increase  of  people;  while  the  counter-force  which 
checks  the  descent,  is  the  improvement  of  agricultural  science 

!and  practice,  enabling  the  same  soil  to  yield  to  the  same 
lal5olrF"1[nore  ample  returns.  The  costliness  of  the  most 
costly  part  of  the  produce  of  cultivation,  is  an  exact  expres- 
sion of  the  state,  at  any  given  moment,  of  the  race  which 
population  and  agricultural  skill  are  always  running  against 
each  other. 

§  2.     It  is  well  said  by  Dr.  Chalmers,  that  many  of  the 
most  important  lessons  in  political  economy  are  to  be  learnt 
at  the  extreme  margin  of  cultivation,  the  last  point  which 
the  culture  of  the  soil  has  reached  in  its  contest  with  the 
spontaneous  agencies  of  nature.     The  degree  of  productive- 
ness of  this  extreme  margin,  is  an  index  to  the  existing  state 
of  the  distribution  of  the  produce  among  the  three  classes, 
of  labourers,  capitalists,  and  landlords. 
— )C    When  the  demand  of  an  increasing  population  for  more 
food  cannot  be  satisfied  without  extending  cultivation  to  less 
fertile  land,  or  incurring  additional  outlay,  with  a  less  pro- 
portional return,  on  land  already  in  cultivation,  it  is  a  neces- 
sary condition  of  this  increase  of  agricultural  produce,  that 
the  value  and  price  of  that  produce  must  first  rise.     But  as 
soon  as  the  price  has  risen  sufficiently  to  give  to  the  addi- 
tional outlay  of  capital  the  ordinary  profit,  the  rise  will  not 
go  on  still  further  for  the  purpose  of  enabling  the  new  land, 
<\  or  the  new  expenditure  on  old  land,  to  yield  rent  as  well  as 
\<^profit.     The  land  or  capital  last  put  in  requisition,  and  occu- 
lt    pying  what  Dr.  Chalmers  calls  the  margin  of  cultivation, 
<JV  will  yield,  and  continue  to  yield,  no  rent.     But Jf  JhjsjdeMs 
)fiv\         no  rent,  the  rent  afforded  by  all  other  land  or  agricultural 
v  *       capital  will  be  exactly  so  much  as  it  produces  more  than  this. 
»•  ' '  The  price  of  food  will  always  on  the  average  be  such,  that 


the  worst  land,  and  the  least  productive  instalment  of  the 
capital  employed  on  the  better  lands,  shall  just  replace  the 
expenses  with  the  ordinary  profit.  If  the  least  favoured 
land  and  capital  just  do  thus  much,  all  other  land  and  capital 
will  yield  an  extra  profit,  equal  to  the  proceeds  of  the  extra 
produce  due  to  their  superior  productiveness  ;  and  this  extra 
profit  becomes,  by  competition,  the  prize  of  the  landlords. 
Exchange,  and  money,  therefore,  make  no  difference  in  the 
law  of  rent :  it  is  the  same  as  we  originally  found  it.  Rent 
is  the  extra  return  made  to  agricultural  capital  when  em- 
ployed with  peculiar  advantages ;  the  exact  equivalent  of 
what  those  advantages  enable  the  producers  to  economize 
in  the  cost  of  production :  thf^valnp  anrl  prinp _Qf  the  produce l 
bemg  regulated  by  the  cost  of  production  to  those  producers 
who  have  no  advantages;  by  the  return  to  that  portion  of 
agricultural  capital,  the  circumstances  of  which  are  the  least 

§  3.     Wages  and  rent  being  thus  regulated  by  the  same'RviA  ^£ 
principles  when  paid  in  money,  as  they  would  be  if  appor-  •   A*< 
tioned  in  kind,  it  follows  that  Profits  are  so  likewise.     For  V 
the  surplus,  after  replacing  wages  and  paying  rent,  consti-lKs^  V\ 

We  found  in  the  last  chapter  of  the  Second  Book,  that 

the   advances   of  the    capitalist,   when   analyzed    to   their  \~zZr 
ultimate  elements,  consist  either  in  the  purchase  or  main-  YjOJ^"^» 
tenance  of  labour,  or  in  the  profits  of  former  capitalists ;  ancT  *,  iX"* 
that  therefore  profits  in  the  last  resort,  depend  upon  the  "         y,\ 
Jir\Cost  of  Labour,  fajQing^as  that  rjaes^.and  rising^as  it  falls. V^ 
^yLet  us  endeavour  to  trace  more  minutely  the  operation  of  d-****1 

this  law 

A. .  There  are  two  modes  in  which  the  Cost  of  Labour,  which  */ 
is  correctly  represented  (money  being  supposed  invariable) 
by  the  money  wages  of  the  labourer,  may  be  increased. 
The  labourer  may  obtain  greater  comforts ;  wages  in  kind — 
real  wages — may  rise.  Or  the  progress  of  population  may 
force  down  cultivation  to  inferior  soils,  and  more  costly 

>  ap     ~"iV»*J   ».rlli   .A^MJ    'tW''  SA*>i*±  t^ijf.   A  C  »cJLi    £A     V\Ju*WV  \°^ 

264  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XXVI.     §3. 

processes  ;  thus  raisiug  the  cost  of  production,  the  value, 
and  the  price,  of  the  chief  articles  of  the  labourer's  con- 
sumption.    On  either  of  these  suppositions,  the  rate  of  profit 

will  fall. 

If  the  labourer   obtains   more   abundant  commodities, 
only  by  reason  of  their  greater  cheapness  ;   if  he  obtains  a 
greater  quantity,  but  not  on  the  whole  a  greater  cost ;  real  . 
wages  will  be  increased,  but  not  money  wages,  and  there 
will  be  nothing  to  affect  the  rate  of  profit.     But  jf  he  ob- 
tains  a  greater  quantity  of  commodities  of  which  the  cost  of 
production  is  not  lowered,  he  obtains  a  greater  cost;  his 
money  wages  are  higher.     The  expense  of  these  increased 
money  wages  falls  wholly  on  the  capitalist.     There  are  no 
conceivable  means  by  which  he  can  shake  it  off.     It  may 
>t   be  said — it  used  formerly  to  be  said — that  he  will  get  rid  of 
\  it  by  raising  his  price.     But  this  opinion  we  have  already,     I 
\and  more  than  once,  fully  refuted.*  (vvjtrf'v/t^/ 

v      The  doctrine,  indeed,  that   a  rise  of  wa"ges/causes  an 
-/*       equivalent  rise  of  prices,  is,  as  we  formerly  observed,  self- 
contradictory  :  for  if  it  did  so,  it  would  not  be  a  rise  of 
wages  ;  the  labourer  would  get  no  more  of  any  commodity 
than  he  had  before,  let  his  money  wages  rise  ever  so  much  ; 
a  rise  of  real  wages  would  be  an  impossibility.     This  being 
rW^    /  equally  contrary  to  reason  and  to  fact,  it  is  evident  that  a 
7  rise  of  money  wages  does  not  raise  prices  ;  that  high  wages 
?  are  not  a  cause  of  high  prices.     A  rise  of  general  wages  falls 
'.  on  profits.     There  is  no  possible  alternative. 

Having  disposed  of  the  case  in  which  the  increase  of 
money  wages,  and  of  the  Cost  of  Labour,  arises  from  the 
labourer's  obtaining  more  ample  wages  in  kind,  let  us  now 
suppose  it'to  arise  from  the  increased  cost  of  production  of 
the  things  which  he  consumes;  owing  to  an  increase  of 
population,  unaccompanied  by  an  equivalent  increase  of 
.  agricultural  skill.  The  augmented  supply  required  by  the 
population  would  not  be  obtained,  unless  the  price  of  food 
rose  sufficiently  to  remunerate  the  farmer  for  the  increased 

*  Supra,  book  iii.  chap.  iv.  §  2,  and  chap.  ixt.  §  4. 


cost  of  production.      The  farmer,  however,  in   this   case 
sustains  a  twofold  disadvantage.     He  has  to  carry  on  his 
cultivation  under  less  favourable  conditions  of  productive-  v 
ness  than  before.     For  this,  as  it  is  a  disadvantage  belong- 
ing to  him  only  as  a  farmer,  and  not  shared  by  other  em- 
ployers, he  will,  on  the  general  principles  of  value,  be  com- 
pensated by  a  rise  of  the  price  of  his. commodity  :    indeed, 
until  this  rise  has  taken  place,  he  will  not  bring  to  market 
the  required  increase  of  produce.      But  this  very  rise  of 
price  involves  him  in  another  necessity,  for  which  he  is  not  t 
compensated.     He  must  pay  higher  money  wages  to  his  la- 
bourers.     This  necessity,  being  common  to  him  with  all 
other  capitalists,  forms  no  ground  for  a  rise  of  price.     The  s 
price  will  rise,  until  it  has  placed  him  in  as  good  a  situation^ 
in  respect  of  profits,  as  other  employers  of  labour :  it  will  < 
rise  so  as  to  indemnify  him  for  the  increased  labour  which 
he  must  now  employ  in  order  to  produce  a  given  quantity 
of  food  :  but  the  increased  wages  of  that  labour  are  a  bur- 
then common  to  all,  and  for  which  no  one  can  be  indem-< 
nifi ed .     It  will  be  paid  wholly  from  profits. 

Thus  we  see  that  increased  wages,  when  common  to  all 
descriptions  of  productive  labourers,  and  when  really  repre- 
senting a  greater  Cost  of  Labour,  are  always  and  necessarily 
at  the  expense  of  profits.  And  by  reversing  the  cases,  we 
should  find  in  like  manner  that  diminished  wages,  when 
representing  a  really  diminished  Cost  of  Labour,  are  equiva- 
lent to  a  rise  of  profits.  But  the  opposition  of  pecuniary 
interest  thus  indicated  between  the  class  of  capitalists  and 
that  of  labourers,  is  to  a  great  extent  only  apparent.  Real 
wages  are  a  very  different  thing  from  the  Cost  of  Labour, 
and  are  generally  highest  at  the  times  and  places  where, 
from  the  easy  terms  on  which  the  land  yields  all  the  produce 
as  yet  required  from  it,  the  value  and  price  of  food  being 
low  ~the  cost  of  labour  to  the  employer,  notwithstanding  its 
ample  remuneration,  is  comparatively  cheap,  and  the  rate  of 
profit  consequently  high  ;  as  at  present  in  the  United  States. 
We  thus  obtain  a  full  confirmation  of  our  original  theorem 

266  BOOK  III.     CHAPTER  XXVI.     §3. 

that  Profits  depend  on  the  Cost  of  Labour :  or,  to  express 
the  meaning  with  still  greater  accuracy,  the  rate  of  profit 
and  the  cost  of  labour  vary  inversely  as  one  another,  and 
1   are  joint  effects  of  the  same  agencies  or  causes. 

But  does  not  this  proposition  require  to  be  slightly  modi- 
fied, by  making  allowance  for  that  portion  (though  com- 
paratively small)  of  the  expenses  of  the  capitalist,  which 
does  not  consist  in  wages  paid  by  himself  or  reimbursed  to 
previous  capitalists,  but  in  the  profits  of  those  previous 
capitalists?  Suppose,  for  example,  an  invention  in  the 
manufacture  of  leather,  the  advantage  of  which  should 
consist  in  rendering  it  unnecessary  that  the  hides  should 
remain  for  so  great  a  length  of  time  in  the  tan-pit.  Shoe- 
makers, saddlers,  and  other  workers  in  leather,  would  save 
a  part  of  that  portion  of  the  cost  of  their  material  which 
consists  of  the  tanner's  profits  during  the  time  his  capital  is 
locked  up  ;  and  this  saving,  it  may  be  said,  is  a  source  from 
which  they  might  derive  an  increase  of  profit,  though 
wages  and  the  Cost  of  Labour  remained  exactly  the  same. 
In"  the  case  here  supposed,  however,  the  consumer  alone 
would  benefit,  since  the  prices  of  shoes,  harness,  and  all 
other  articles  into  which  leather  enters,  would  fall,  until  the 
profits  of  the  producers  were  reduced  to  the  general  level. 
To  obviate  this  objection,  let  us  suppose  that  a  "similar 
\  saving  of  expenses  takes  place  in  all  departments  of  produc- 
tion at  once.  In  that  case,  since  values  and  prices  would 
not  be  affected,  profits  would  probably  be  raised  ;  but  if  we 
look  more  closely  into  the  case  we  shall  find,  that  it  is 
because  the  cost  of  labour  would  be  lowered.  In  this  as  in 
any  other  case  of  increase  in  the  general  productiveness  of 
labour,  if  the  labourer  obtained  only  the  same  real  wages, 
profits  would  be  raised  :  but  the  same  real  wages  would 
imply  a  smaller  Cost  of  Labour ;  the  cost  of  production  of 
all  things  having  been,  by  the  supposition,  diminished.  If, 
on  the  other  hand,  the  real  wages  of  labour  rose  proportion- 
ally, and  the  Cost  of  Labour  to  the  employer  remained  the 
same,  the  advances  of  the  capitalist  would  bear  the  same 


ratio  to  his  returns  as  before,  and  the  rate  of  profit  would 
be  unaltered.  The  reader  who  may  wish  for  a  more  minute 
examination  of  this  point,  will  find  it  in  the  volume  of 
separate  Essays  to  which  reference  has  before  been  made.* 
The  question  is  too  intricate  in  comparison  with  its  impor- 
tance, to  be  further  entered  into  in  a  work  like  the  present ; 
and  I  will  merely  say,  that  it  seems  to  result  from  the  con- 
siderations adduced  in  the  Essay,  that  there  is  nothing  in  the 
case  in  question  to  affect  the  integrity  of  the  theory  which 
affirms  an  exact  correspondence,  in  an  inverse  direction, 
between  the  rate  of  profit  and  the  Cost  of  Labour. 

*  Essay  IV.  on  Profits  and  Interest. 







§  1.  The  three  preceding  Parts  include  as  detailed  a 
view  as  our  limits  permit,  of  what,  by  a  happy  generaliza- 
tion of  a  mathematical  phrase,  has  been  called  the  Statics 
of  the  subject.  "We  have  surveyed  the  field  of  economical 
facts,  and  have  examined  how  they  stand  related  to  one  an- 
other as  causes  and  effects ;  what  circumstances  determine 
the  amount  of  production,  of  employment  for  labour,  of 
capital  and  population  ;  what  laws  regulate  rent,  profits,  and 
wages ;  under  what  conditions  and  in  what  proportions 
commodities  are  interchanged  between  individuals  and  be- 
tween countries.  We  have  thus  obtained  a  collective  view 
of  the  economical  phenomena  of  society,  considered  as  ex* 
isting  simultaneously.  We  have  ascertained,  to  a  certain 
extent,  the  principles  of  their  interdependence  ;  and  when 
the  state  of  some  of  the  elements  is  known,  we  should  now 
be  able  to  infer,  in  a  general  way,  the  contemporaneous 
state  of  most  of  the  others.     All  this,  however,  has  only 

272  B00K  lY-     CHAPTER  I.     §2. 

put  us  in  possession  of  the  economical  laws  of  a  stationary 
and  unchanging  society.  We  have  still  to  consider  the 
economical  condition  of  mankind  as  liable  to  change,  and 
indeed  (in  the  more  advanced  portions  of  the  race,  and  in 
all  regions  to  which  their  influence  reaches)  as  at  all  times 
undergoing  progressive  changes.  We  have  to  consider 
what  these  changes  are,  what  are  their  laws,  and  what  their 
ultimate  tendencies  ;  thereby  adding  a  theory  of  motion  to 
our  theory  of  equilibrium — the  Dynamics  of  political  econo- 
my to  the  Statics. 

In  this  inquiry,  it  is  natural  to  commence  by  tracing 
the  operation  of  known  and  acknowledged  agencies. 
Whatever  may  be  the  other  changes  which  the  economy  of 
society  is  destined  to  undergo,  there  is  one  actually  in  prog- 
ress, concerning  which  there  can  be  no  dispute.  In  the 
leading  countries  of  the  world,  and  in  all  others  as  they 
come  within  the  influence  of  those  leading  countries,  there 
is  at  least  one  progressive  movement  which  continues  with 
little  interruption  from  year  to  year  and  from  generation  to 
generation  ;  a  progress  in  wealth  ;  an  advancement  in  what 
is  called  material  prosperity.  All  the  nations  which  we 
are  accustomed  to  call  civilized,  increase  gradually  in  pro- 
duction and  in  population  :  and  there  is  no  reason  to  doubt, 
that  not  only  these  nations  will  for  some  time  continue  so 
to  increase,  but  that  most  of  the  other  nations  of  the  world, 
including  some  not  yet  founded,  will  successively  enter 
upon  the  same  career.  It  will,  therefore,  be  our  first  object 
to  examine  the  nature  and  consequences  of  this  progressive 
change  ;  the  elements  which  constitute  it,  and  the  effects  it- 
produces  on  the  various  economical  facts  of  which  we  have 
been  tracing  the  laws,  and  especially  on  wages,  profits 
rents,  values,  and  prices. 

§  2.  Of  the  features  which  characterize  this  progressive 
economical  movement  of  civilized  nations,  that  which  first 
excites  attention,  through  its  intimate  connexion  with  the 
phenomena  of  Production,  is  the  perpetual,  and  so  far  as 


human  foresight  can  extend,  the  unlimited,  growth  of  man's 
power  over  nature.  Our  knowledge  of  the  properties  and 
laws  of  physical  objects  shows  no  sign  of  approaching  its 
ultimate  boundaries :  it  is  advancing  more  rapidly,  and  in 
a  greater  number  of  directions  at  once,  than  in  any  pre- 
vious age  or  generation,  and  affording  such  frequent 
glimpses  of  unexplored  fields  beyond,  as  to  justify  the 
belief  that  our  acquaintance  with  nature  is  still  almost  in 
its  infancy.  This  increasing  physical  knowledge  is  now, 
too,  more  rapidly  than  at  any  former  period,  converted,  by 
practical  ingenuity,  into  physical  power.  The  most  mar- 
vellous of  modern  inventions,  one  which  realizes  the  imagi- 
nary feats  of  the  magician,  not  metaphorically  but  literally 
— the  electro-magnetic  telegraph — sprang  into  existence  but 
a  few  years  after  the  establishment  of  the  scientific  theory 
which  it  realizes  and  exemplifies.  Lastly,  the  manual  part 
of  these  great  scientific  operations  is  now  never  wanting  to 
the  intellectual :  there  is  no  difficulty  in  finding  or  forming, 
in  a  sufficient  number  of  the  working  hands  of  the  commu- 
nity, the  skill  requisite  for  executing  the  most  delicate  pro- 
cesses of  the  application  of  science  to  practical  uses.  From 
this  union  of  conditions,  it  is  impossible  not  to  look  forward 
to  a  vast  multiplication  and  long  succession  of  contrivances 
for  economizing  labour  and  increasing  its  produce;  and  to 
an  ever  wider  diffusion  of  the  use  and  benefit  of  those  con- 

Another  change,  which  has  always  hitherto  character- 
ized, and  will  assuredly  continue  to  characterize,  the  prog- 
ress of  civilized  society,  is  a  continual  increase  of  the  secu- 
rity of  person  and  property.  The  people  of  every  country 
in  Europe,  the  most  backward  as  well  as  the  most  ad- 
vanced, are,  in  each  generation,  better  protected  against 
the  violence  and  rapacity  of  one  another,  both  by  a  more 
efficient  judicature  and  police  for  the  suppression  of  private 
crime,  and  by  the  decay  and  destruction  of  those  mischiev- 
ous privileges  which  enabled  certain  classes  of  the  com- 
munity to  prey  with  impunity  upon  the  rest.      They  are 

274:  BOOK  IV.      CHAPTER  I.     §2. 

also,  in  every  generation,  better  protected,  either  by  insti- 
tutions or  by  manners  and  opinion,  against  arbitrary  exer- 
cise of  the  power  of  government.  Even  in  semi-barbarous 
Russia,  acts  of  spoliation  directed  against  individuals,  who 
have  not  made  themselves  politically  obnoxious,  are  not 
supposed  to  be  now  so  frequent  as  much  to  affect  any  per- 
son's feelings  of  security.  Taxation,  in  all  European  coun- 
tries, grows  less  arbitrary  and  oppressive,  both  in  itself  and 
in  the  manner  of  levying  it.  Wars,  and  the  destruction 
they  cause,  are  now  usually  confined,  in  almost  every 
country,  to  those  distant  and  outlying  possessions  at  which 
it  comes  into  contact  with  savages.  Even  the  vicissitudes 
of  fortune  which  arise  from  inevitable  natural  calamities, 
are  more  and  more  softened  to  those  on  whom  they  fall,  by 
the  continual  extension  of  the  salutary  practice  of  insur- 

Of  this  increased  security,  one  of  the  most  unfailing 
effects  is  a  great  increase  both  of  production  and  of  accumu- 
lation. Industry  and  frugality  cannot  exist,  where  there  is 
not  a  preponderant  probability  that  those  who  labour  and 
spare  will  be  permitted  to  enjoy.  And  the  nearer  this 
probability  approaches  to  a  certainty,  the  more  do  industry 
and  frugality  become  pervading  qualities  in  a  people.  Ex- 
perience has  shown  that  a  large  proportion  of  the  results  of 
labour  and  abstinence  may  be  taken  away  by  fixed  taxa- 
tion j  without  impairing,  and  sometimes  even  with  the  effect 
of  stimulating,  the  qualities  from  which  a  great  production 
and  an  abundant  capital  take  their  rise.  But  those 
qualities  are  not  proof  against  a  high  degree  of  uncertainty. 
The  government  may  carry  off  a  part ;  but  there  must  be 
assurance  that  it  will  not  interfere,  nor  suffer  any  one  to 
interfere,  with  the  remainder. 

One  of  the  changes  which  most  infallibly  attend  the  prog- 
ress of  modern  society,  is  an  improvement  in  the  business 
capacities  of  the  general  mass  of  mankind.  I  do  not  mean 
that  the  practical  sagacity  of  an  individual  human  being  is 
greater  than  formerly.     I  am  inclined  to  believe  that  eco- 


nomical  progress  has  hitherto  had  even  a  contrary  effect.     A 

person  of  good  natural  endowments,  in  a  rude  state  of 
society,  can  do  a  greater  number  of  things  tolerably  well, 
has  a  greater  power  of  adapting  means  to  ends,  is  more 
capable  of  extricating  himself  and  others  from  an  unforeseen 
embarrassment,  than  ninety-nine  in  a  hundred  of  those  who 
have  known  only  what  is  called  the  civilized  form  of  life. 
How  far  these  points  of  inferiority  of  faculties  are  compen- 
sated, and  by  what  means  they  might  be  compensated  still 
more  completely,  to  the  civilized  man  as  an  individual  be- 
ing, is  a  question  belonging  to  a  different  inquiry  from  the 
present.  But  to  civilized  human  beings  collectively  consid- 
ered, the  compensation  is  ample.  What  is  lost  in  the  sep- 
arate efficiency  of  each,  is  far  more  than  made  up  by  the 
greater  capacity  of  united  action.  In  proportion  as  they  put 
off  the  qualities  of  the  savage,  they  become  amenable  to  dis- 
cipline ;  capable  of  adhering  to  plans  concerted  beforehand, 
and  about  which  they  may  not  have  been  consulted ;  of 
subordinating  their  individual  caprice  to  a  preconceived 
determination,  and  performing  severally  the  parts  allotted 
to  them  in  a  combined  undertaking.  Works  of  all  sorts, 
impracticable  to  the  savage  or  the  half-civilized,  are  daily 
accomplished  by  civilized  nations,  not  by  any  greatness  of 
faculties  in  the  actual  agents,  but  through  the  fact  that 
each  is  able  to  rely  with  certainty  on  the  others  for  the  por- 
tion of  the  work  which  they  respectively  undertake.  The 
peculiar  characteristic,  in  short,  of  civilized  beings,  is  the 
capacity  of  co-operation  ;  and  this  like  other  faculties,  tends 
to  improve  by  practice,  and  becomes  capable  of  assuming  a 
constantly  wider  sphere  of  action. 

Accordingly  there  is  no  more  certain  incident  of  the 
progressive  change  taking  place  in  society,  than  the  contin- 
ual growth  of  the  principle  and  practice  of  co-operation. 
Associations  of  individuals  voluntarily  combining  their  small 
contributions,  now  perform  works,  both  of  an  industrial  and 
of  many  .other  characters,  which  no  one  person  or  small 
number  of  persons  are  rich  enough  to  accomplish,  or  for  the 

276  BOOK   IV.      CHAPTER   I.      §  2.    . 

performance  of  which  the  few  persons  capable  of  accom. 
plishing  them  were  formerly  enabled  to  exact  the  most  in- 
ordinate remuneration.  As  wealth  increases  and  business 
capacity  improves,  we  may  look  forward  to  a  great  exten- 
sion of  establishments,  both  for  industrial  and  other  pur- 
poses, formed  by  the  collective  contributions  of  large 
numbers  ;  establishments  like  those  known  by  the  technical 
name  of  joint-stock  companies,  or  the  associations  less  form- 
ally constituted,  which  are  so  numerous  in  England,  to  raise 
funds  for  public  or  philanthropic  objects. 

The  progress  which  is  to  be  expected  in  the  physical 
sciences  and  arts,  combined  with  the  greater  security  of 
property,  and  greater  freedom  in  disposing  of  it,  which  are 
obvious  features  in  the  civilization  of  modern  nations,  and 
with  the  more  extensive  and  more  skilful  employment  of 
the  joint-stock  principle,  afford  space  and  scope  for  an 
indefinite  increase  of  capital  and  production,  and  for  the 
increase  of  population  which  is  its  ordinary  accompaniment. 
That  the  growth  of  population  will  overpass  the  increase  of 
production,  there  is  not  much  reason  to  apprehend ;  and 
that  it  should  even  keep  pace  with  it,  is  inconsistent  with 
the  supposition  of  any  real  improvement  in  the  poorest 
classes  of  the  people.  It  is,  however,  quite  possible  that 
there  might  be  a  great  progress  in  industrial  improvement, 
and  in  the  signs  of  what  is  commonly  called  national  pros- 
perity ;  a  great  increase  of  aggregate  wealth,  and  even,  in 
some  respects,  a  better  distribution  of  it ;  that  not  only  the 
rich  might  grow  richer,  but  many  of  the  poor  might  grow 
rich,  that  the  intermediate  classes  might  become  more 
numerous  and  powerful,  and  the  means  of  enjoyable  exis- 
tence be  more  and  more  largely  diffused,  while  yet  the  great 
class  at  the  base  of  the  whole  might  increase  in  numbers 
only,  and  not  in  comfort  nor  in  cultivation.  We  must, 
therefore,  in  considering  the  effects  of  the  progress  of  indus- 
try, admit  as  a  supposition,  however  greatly  we  deprecate 
as  a  fact,  an  increase  of  population  as  long-continued,  as 


indefinite,  and  possibly  even  as  rapid,  as  the  increase  of  pro- 
duction and  accumulation. 

"With  these  preliminary  observations  on  the  causes  of 
change  at  work  in  a  society  which  is  in  a  state  of  econom- 
ical progress,  I  proceed  to  a  more  detailed  examination 
of  the  changes  themselves. 



§  1.  The  changes  which  the  progress  of  industry 
causes  or  presupposes  in  the  circumstances  of  production, 
are  necessarily  attended  with  changes  in  the  values  of  com- 

The  permanent  values  of  all  things  which  are  neither 
under  a  natural  nor  under  an  artificial  monopoly,  depend, 
as  we  have  seen,  on  their  cost  of  production.  But  the 
increasing  power  which  mankind  are  constantly  acquiring 
over  nature,  increases  more  and  more  the  efficiency  of 
human  exertion,  or  in  other  words,  diminishes  cost  of  pro- 
duction. All  inventions  by  which  a  greater  quantity  of  any 
commodity  can  be  produced  witli  the  same  labour,  or  the 
same  quantity  with  less  labour,  or  which  abridge  the  pro- 
cess, so  that  the  capital  employed  needs  not  be  advanced 
for  so  long  a  time,  lessen  the  cost  of  production  of  the  com- 
modity. As,  however,  value  is  relative;  if  inventions  and 
improvements  in  production  were  made  in  all  commodities, 
and  all  in  the  same  degree,  there  would  be  no  alteration  in 
values.  Things  would  continue  to  exchange  for  each  other 
at  the  same  rates  as  before ;  and  mankind  would  obtain  a 
greater  quantity  of  all  things  in  return  for  their  labour 
and  abstinence,  without  having  that  greater  abundance 
measured  and  declared  (as  it  is  when  it  affects  only  one 
thing)  by  the  diminished  exchange  value  of  the  commodity. 

As  for  prices,  in  these  circumstances  they  would  be  af- 


fected  or  not,  according  as  the  improvements  in  production 
did  or  did  not  extend  to  the  precious  metals.  If  the  mate- 
rials of  money  were  an  exception  to  the  general  diminution 
of  cost  of  production,  the  values  of  all  other  things  would 
fall  in  relation  to  money,  that  is,  there  would  be  a  fall  of 
general  prices  throughout  the  world.  But  if  money,  like 
other  things,  and  in  the  same  degree  as  other  things,  were 
obtained  in  greater  abundance  and  cheapness,  prices  would 
be  no  more  affected  than  values  would ;  and  there  would 
be  no  visible  sign,  in  the  state  of  the  markets,  of  any  of  the 
changes  which  had  taken  place ;  except  that  there  would 
be  (if  people  continued  to  labour  as  much  as  before)  a 
greater  quantity  of  all  sorts  of  commodities,  circulated  at 
the  same  prices  by  a  greater  quantity  of  money. 

Improvements  in  production  are  not  the  only  circum- 
stance accompanying  the  progress  of  industry,  which 
tends  to  diminish  the  cost  of  producing,  or  at  least  of 
obtaining,  commodities.  Another  circumstance  is  the 
increase  of  intercourse  between  different  parts  of  the  world. 
As  commerce  extends,  and  the  ignorant  attempts  to  restrain 
it  by  tariffs  become  obsolete,  commodities  tend  more  and 
more  to  be  produced  in  the  places  in  which  their  production 
can  be  carried  on  at  the  least  expense  of  labour  and  capital 
to  mankind.  As  civilization  spreads,  and  security  of  person 
and  property  becomes  established,  in  parts  of  the  world 
which  have  not  hitherto  had  that  advantage,  the  productive 
capabilities  of  those  places  are  called  into  fuller  activity,  for 
the  benefit  both  of  their  own  inhabitants  and  of  foreigners. 
The  ignorance  and  misgovernment  in  which  many  of  the 
regions  most  favoured  by  nature  are  still  grovelling,  afford 
work,  probably,  for  many  generations  before  those  countries 
will  be  raised  even  to  the  present  level  of  the  most  civil- 
ized parts  of  Europe.  Much  will  also  depend  on  the 
increasing  migration  of  labour  and  capital  to  unoccupied 
parts  of  the  earth,  of  which  the  soil,  climate,  and  situation 
are  found,  by  the  ample  means  of  exploration  now  possess- 
ed, to  promise  not  only  a  large  return  to  industry,  but  great 

280  BOOK   IV.      CHAPTER   II.      §  2. 

facilities  of  producing  commodities  suited  to  the  markets  of 
old  countries.  Much,  as  the  collective  industry  of  the  earth 
is  likely  to  be  increased  in  efficiency  by  the  extension  of 
science  and  of  the  industrial  arts,  a  still  more  active  source 
of  increased  cheapness  of  production  will  be  found,  prob- 
ably, for  some  time  to  come,  in  the  gradually  unfolding 
consequences  of  Free  Trade,  and  in  the  increasing  scale  on 
which  Emigration  and  Colonization  will  be  carried  on. 

From  the  causes  now  enumerated,  unless  counteracted 
by  others,  the  progress  of  things  enables  a  country  to  obtain 
at  less  and  less  of  real  cost,  not  only  its  own  productions 
but  those  of  foreign  countries.  Indeed,  whatever  diminishes 
the  cost  of  its  own  productions,  when  of  an  exportable  char- 
acter, enables  it,  as  we  have  already  seen,  to  obtain  its 
imports  at  less  real  cost. 

§  2.  But  is  it  the  fa^.t,  that  these  tendencies  are  not 
counteracted  ?  Has  the  progress  of  wealth  and  industry  uo 
effect  in  regard  to  cost  of  production,  but  to  diminish  it  ? 
Are  no  causes  of  an  opposite  character  brought  into  opera- 
tion by  the  same  progress,  sufficient  in.  some  cases  not  only 
to  neutralize  but  to  overcome  the  former,  and  convert  the 
descending  movement  of  cost  of  production  into  an  ascend- 
ing movement  ?  We  are  already  aware  that  there  are  such 
causes,  and  that,  in  the  case  of  the  most  important  classes  of 
commodities,  food  and  materials,  there  is  a  tendency  dia- 
metrically opposite  to  that  of  which  we  have  been  speaking. 
The  cost  of  production  of  these  commodities  tends  to  in- 

This  is  not  a  property  inherent  in  the  commodities 
themselves.  If  population  were  stationary,  and  the  prod- 
uce of  the  earth  never  needed  to  be  augmented  in  quan- 
tity, there  would  be  no  cause  for  greater  cost  of  production. 
Mankind  would,  on  the  contrary,  have  the  full  benefit  of  all 
improvements  in  agriculture,  or  in  the  arts  subsidiary  to  it, 
and  there  would  be  no  difference,  in  this  respect,  between 
the  products  of  agriculture   and  those   of  manufactures. 


The  only  products  of  industry  which,  if  population  did  not 
increase,  would  be  liable  to  a  real  increase  of  cost  of  pro- 
duction, are  those  which,  depending  on  a  material  which  is 
not  renewed,  are  either  wholly  or  partially  exhaustible ; 
such  as  coal,  and  most  if  not  all  metals  ;  for  even  iron,  the 
most  abundant  as  well  as  most  useful  of  metallic  products, 
which  forms  an  ingredient  of  most  minerals  and  of  almost 
all  rocks,  is  susceptible  of  exhaustion  so  far  as  regards  its 
richest  and  most  tractable  ores. 

When,  however,  population  increases,  as  it  has  never  yet 
failed  to  do  when  the  increase  of  industry  and  of  the  means 
of  subsistence  made  room  for  it,  the  demand  for  most  of  the 
productions  of  the  earth,  and  particularly  for  food,  increases 
in  a  corresponding  proportion.  And  then  conies  into  effect 
that  fundamental  law  of  production  from  the  soil,  on  which 
we  have  so  frequently  had  occasion  to  expatiate ;  the  law, 
that  increased  labour,  in  any  given  state  of  agricultural 
skill,  is  attended  with  a  less  than  proportional  increase  of 
produce.  The  cost  of  production  of  the  fruits  of  the  earth 
increases,  cceteris  paribus,  with  every  increase  of  the  de- 

No  tendency  of  a  like  kind  exists  with  respect  to  manu- 
factured articles.  The  tendency  is  in  the  contrary  direction. 
The  larger  the  scale  on  which  manufacturing  operations  are 
carried  on,  the  more  cheaply  they  can  in  general  be  per- 
formed. Mr.  Senior  has  gone  the  length  of  enunciating  as  an 
inherent  law  of  manufacturing  industry,  that  in  it  increased 
production  takes  place  at  a  smaller  cost,  while  in  agricul- 
tural industry  increased  production  takes  place  at  a  greater 
cost.  I  cannot  think,  however,  that  even  in  manufactures, 
increased  cheapness  follows  increased  production  by  any- 
thing amounting  to  a  law.  It  is  a  probable  and  usual,  but 
not  a  necessary,  consequence. 

As  manufactures,  however,  depend  for  their  materials 
either  upon  agriculture,  or  mining,  or  the  spontaneous  prod- 
uce of  the  earth,  manufacturing  industry  is  subject,  in 
respect  of  one  of  its  essentials,  to  the  same  law  as  agricul- 

282  B00K  IV-      CHAPTER   II.      §3 

ture.  But  the  crude  material  generally  forms  so  small  a 
portion  of  the  total  cost,  that  any  tendency  which  may  exist 
to  a  progressive  increase  in  that  single  item,  is  much  over- 
balanced by  the  diminution  continually  taking  place  in  all 
the  other  elements ;  to  which  diminution  it  is  impossible  at 
present  to  assign  any  limit. 

The  tendency,  then,  being  to  a  perpetual  increase  of  the 
productive  power  of  labour  in  manufactures,  while  in  agri- 
culture and  mining  there  is  a  conflict  between  two  tenden- 
cies, the  one  towards  an  increase  of  productive  power,  the 
other  towards  a  diminution  of  it,  the  cost  of  production 
being  lessened  by  every  improvement  in  the  processes,  and 
augmented  by  every  addition  to  population  ;  it  follows  that 
the  exchange  values  of  manufactured  articles,  compared 
with  the  products  of  agriculture  and  of  mines,  have,  as 
population  and  industry  advance,  a  certain  and  decided 
tendency  to  fall.  Money  being  a  product  of  mines,  it  may 
also  be  laid  down  as  a  rule,  that  manufactured  articles 
tend,  as  society  advances,  to  fall  in  money  price.  The 
industrial  history  of  modern  nations,  especially  during  the 
last  hundred  years,  fully  bears  out  this  assertion. 

§  3.  Whether  agricultural  produce  increases  in  absolute 
as  well  as  comparative  cost  of  production,  depends  on  the 
conflict  of  the  two  antagonist  agencies,  increase  of  popula- 
tion, and  improvement  in  agricultural  skill.  In  some,  per- 
haps in  most,  states  of  society,  (looking  at  the  whole  surface 
of  the  earth,)  both  agricultural  skill  and  population  are  either 
stationary,  or  increase  very  slowly,  and  the  cost  of  produc- 
tion of  food,  therefore,  is  nearly  stationary.  In  a  society 
which  is  advancing  in  wealth,  population  generally  in- 
creases faster  than  agricultural  skill,  and  food  consequently 
tends  to  become  more  costly  ;  but  there  are  times  when  a 
strong  impulse  sets  in  towards  agricultural  improvement. 
Such  an  impulse  has  shown  itself  in  Great  Britain  during 
the  last  fifteen  or  twenty  years.  In  England  and  Scotland 
agricultural  skill  has  of  late  increased  considerably  faster 
than  population,  insomuch  that  food  and  other  agricultural 


produce,  notwithstanding  the  increase  of  people,  can  be 
grown  at  less  cost  than  they  were  thirty  years  ago :  and  the 
abolition  of  the  Corn  Laws  has  given  an  additional  stimulus 
to  the  spirit  of  improvement.  In  some  other  countries,  and 
particularly  in  France,  the  improvement  of  agriculture 
gains  ground  still  more  decidedly  upon  population,  because 
though  agriculture,  except  in  a  few  provinces,  advances 
slowly,  population  advances  still  more  slowly,  and  even 
with  increasing  slowness  ;  its  growth  being  kept  down,  not 
by  poverty,  which  is  diminishing,  but  by  prudence. 

Which  of  the  two  conflicting  agencies  is  gaining  upon 
the  other  at  any  particular  time,  might  be  conjectured  with 
tolerable  accuracy  from  the  money  price  of  agricultural 
produce  (supposing  bullion  not  to  vary  materially  in  value), 
provided  a  sufficient  number  of  years  could  be  taken,  to 
form  an  average  independent  of  the  fluctuations  of  seasons. 
This,  however,  is  hardly  practicable,  since  Mr.  Tooke  has 
shown  that  even  so  long  a  period  as  half  a  century  may  in- 
clude a  much  greater  proportion  of  abundant  and  a  smaller 
of  deficient  seasons,  than  is  properly  due  to  it.  A  mere 
average,  therefore,  might  lead  to  conclusions  only  the  more 
misleading,  for  their  deceptive  semblance  of  accuracy.  There 
would  be  less  danger  of  error  in  taking  the  average  of  only 
a  small  number  of  years,  and  correcting  it  by  a  conjectural 
allowance  for  the  character  of  the  seasons,  than  in  trusting 
to  a  longer  average  without  any  such  correction.  It  is 
hardly  necessary  to  add,  that  in  founding  conclusions  on 
quoted  prices,  allowance  must  also  be  made  as  far  as  possi- 
ble for  any  changes  in  the  general  exchange  value  of  the 
precious  metals.* 

§  4.  Thus  far,  of  the  effect  of  the  progress  of  society  on 
the  permanent  or  average  values  and  prices  of  commodities. 
It  remains  to  be  considered,  in  what  manner  the  same  prog- 

*  A  still  better  criterion,  perhaps,  than  that  suggested  in  the  text,  would  be 
the  increase  or  diminution  of  the  amount  of  the  labourer's  wages  estimated  in 
agricultural  produce. 

284  B00K   IV.      CHAPTER   II.      §4. 

ress  affects  their  fluctuations.  Concerning  the  answer  to 
this  question  there  can  be  no  doubt.  It  tends  in  a  very 
high  degree  to  diminish  them. 

In  poor  and  backward  societies,  as  in  the  East,  and  in 
Europe  during  the  middle  ages,  extraordinary  differences  in 
the  price  of  the  same  commodity  might  exist  in  places  not 
very  distant  from  each  other,  because  the  want  of  roads  and 
canals,  the  imperfection  of  marine  navigation,  and  the  inse- 
curity of  communications  generally,  prevented  things  from 
being  transported  from  the  places  where  they  were  cheap 
to  those  where  they  were  dear.  The  things  most  liable  to  fluc- 
tuations in  value,  those  directly  influenced  by  the  seasons, 
and  especially  food,  were  seldom  carried  to  any  great  dis- 
tances. Each  locality  depended,  as  a  general  rule,  on  its  own 
produce  and  that  of  its  immediate  neighbourhood.  In  most 
years,  accordingly,  there  was,  in  some  part  or  other  of  any 
large  country,  a  real  dearth.  Almost  every  season  must  be 
unpropitious  to  some  among  the  many  soils  and  climates  to 
be  found  in  an  extensive  tract  of  country ;  but  as  the  same 
season  is  also  in  general  more  than  ordinarily  favourable  to 
others,  it  is  only  occasionally  that  the  aggregate  produce  of 
the  whole  country  is  deficient,  and  even  then  in  a  less 
degree  than  that  of  many  separate  portions ;  while  a  defi- 
ciency at  all  considerable,  extending  to  the  whole  world,  is  a 
thing  almost  unknown.  In  modern  times,  therefore,  there 
is  only  dearth,  where  there  formerly  would  have  been 
famine,  and  sufficiency  everywhere  when  anciently  there 
would  have  been  scarcity  in  some  places  and  superfluity  in 

The  same  change  has  taken  place  with  respect  to  all 
other  articles  of  commerce.  The  safety  and  cheapness  of 
communications,  which  enable  a  deficiency  in  one  place  to 
be  supplied  from  the  surplus  of  another,  at  a  moderate  or 
even  a  small  advance  on  the  ordinary  price,  render  the  fluc- 
tuations of  prices  much  less  extreme  than  formerly.  This 
effect  is  much  promoted  by  the  existence  of  large  capitals, 
belonging  to  what  are  called  speculative  merchants,  whose 


business  it  is  to  buy  goods  in  order  to  resell  them  at  a  profit. 
These  dealers  naturally  buying  things  when  they  are 
cheapest,  and  storing  them  up  to  be  brought  again  into  the 
market  when  the  price  has  become  unusually  high  ;  the  ten- 
dency of  their  operations  is  to  equalize  price,  or  at  least  to 
moderate  its  inequalities.  The  prices  of  things  are  neither 
so  much  depressed  at  one  time,  nor  so  much  raised  at 
another,  as  they  would  be  if  speculative  dealers  did  not 

Speculators,  therefore,  have  a  highly  useful  office  in  the 
economy  of  society  ;  and  (contrary  to  common  opinion)  the 
most  useful  portion  of  the  class  are  those  who  speculate  in 
commodities  affected  by  the  vicissitudes  of  seasons.  If  there 
were  no  corn  dealers,  not  only  would  the  price  of  corn  be 
liable  to  variations  much  more  extreme  than  at  present,  but 
in  a  deficient  season  the  necessary  supplies  might  not  be 
forthcoming  at  all.  Unless  there  were  speculators  in  corn, 
or  unless,  in  default  of  dealers,  the  farmers  became  specula- 
tors, the  price  in  a  season  of  abundance  would  fall  without 
any  limit  or  check,  except  the  wasteful  consumption  that 
would  invariably  follow.  That  any  part  of  the  surplus  of 
one  year  remains  to  supply  the  deficiency  of  another,  is 
owing  either  to  farmers  who  withhold  corn  from  the  market, 
or  to  dealers  who  buy  it  when  at  the  cheapest  and  lay  it  up 
in  store. 

§  5.  Among  persons  who  have  not  much  considered 
the  subject,  there  is  a  notion  that  the  gains  of  speculators 
are  often  made  by  causing  an  artificial  scarcity  ;  that  they 
create  a  high  price  by  their  own  purchases,  and  then  profit 
by  it.  This  may  easily  be  shown  to  be  fallacious.  If  a 
corn-dealer  makes  purchases  on  speculation,  and  produces  a 
rise,  when  there  is  neither  at  the  time  nor  afterwards  any 
cause  for  a  rise  of  price  except  his  own  proceedings  ;  he  no 
doubt  appears  to  grow  richer  as  long  as  his  purchases  con- 
tinue, because  he  is  a  holder  of  an  article  which  is  quoted  at 
a  higher   and  higher  price  :   but  this  apparent   gain   only 

286  B00K  IV-      CHAPTER  II.      §5. 

seems  within  his  reach  so  long  as  he  does  not  attempt  to 
realize  it.  If  he  has  bought,  for  instance,  a  million  of 
quarters,  and  by  withholding  them  from  the  market,  has 
raised  the  price  ten  shillings  a  quarter ;  just  so  much  as  the. 
price  has  been  raised  by  withdrawing  a  million  quarters,  will 
it  be  lowered  by  bringing  them  back,  and  the  best  that  he  can 
hope  is  that  he  will  lose  nothing  except  interest  and  his  ex- 
penses. If  by  a  gradual  and  cautious  sale  he  is  able  to 
realize,  on  some  portion  of  his  stores,  a  part  of  the  increased 
price,  so  also  he  will  undoubtedly  have  had  to  pay  a  part 
of  that  price  on  some  portion  of  his  purchases.  He  runs 
considerable  risk  of  incurring  a  still  greater  loss ;  for  the 
temporary  high  price  is  very  likely  to  have  tempted  others, 
who  had  no  share  in  causing  it,  and  who  might  otherwise 
not  have  found  their  way  to  this  market  at  all,  to  bring 
their  corn  there,  and  intercept  a  part  of  the  advantage.  So 
that  instead  of  profiting  by  a  scarcity  caused  by  himself,  he 
is  by  no  means  unlikely,  after  buying  in  an  average  market, 
to  be  forced  to  sell  in  a  superabundant  one. 

As  an  individual  speculator  cannot  gain  by  a  rise  of 
price  solely  of  his  own  creating,  so  neither  can  a  number  of 
speculators  gain  collectively  by  a  rise,  which  their  opera- 
tions have  artificially  produced.  Some  among  a  number  of 
speculators  may  gain,  by  superior  judgment  or  good  fortune 
in  selecting  the  time  for  realizing,  but  they  make  this  gain 
at  the  expense,  not  of  the  consumer,  but  of  the  other  specu- 
lators who  are  less  judicious.  They,  in  fact,  convert  to  their 
own  benefit  the  high  price  produced  by  the  speculations  of 
the  others,  leaving  to  these  the  loss  resulting  from  the  recoil. 
It  is  not  to  be  denied,  therefore,  that  speculators  may  enrich 
themselves  by  other  people's  loss.  But  it  is  by  the  losses 
of  other  speculators.  As  much  must  have  been  lost  by  one 
set  of  dealers  as  is  gained  by  another  set. 

When  a  speculation  in  a  commodity  proves  profitable  to 
the  speculators  as  a  body,  it  is  because  in  the  interval  be- 
tween their  buying  and  reselling,  the  price  rises  from  some 
cause  independent  of  them,  their  only  connection  with  it 


consisting  in  having  foreseen  it.  In  this  case,  their  pur- 
chases make  the  price  begin  to  rise  sooner  than  it  otherwise 
would  do,  thus  spreading  the  privation  of  the  consumers 
over  a  longer  period,  but  mitigating  it  at  the  time  of  its 
greatest  height :  evidently  to  the  general  advantage.  In 
this,  however,  it  is  assumed  that  they  have  not  overrated 
the  rise  which  they  looked  forward  to.  For  it  often  hap- 
pens that  speculative  purchases  are  made  in  the  expectation 
of  some  increase  of  demand,  or  deficiency  of  supply,  which 
after  all  does  not  occur,  or  not  to  the  extent  which  the 
speculator  expected.  In  that  case  the  speculation,  instead 
of  moderating  fluctuations,  has  caused  a  fluctuation  of  price 
which  otherwise  would  not  have  happened,  or  aggravated 
one  which  would.  But  in  that  case  the  speculation  is  a 
losing  one,  to  the  speculators  collectively,  however  much 
some  individuals  may  gain  by  it.  All  that  part  of  the  rise 
of  price  by  which  it  exceeds  what  there  are  independent 
grounds  for,  cannot  give  to  the  speculators  as  a  body  any 
benefit,  since  the  price  is  as  much  depressed  by  their  sales 
as  it  was  raised  by  their  purchases ;  and  while  they  gain 
nothing  by  it,  they  lose,  not  only  their  trouble  and  expen- 
ses, but  almost  always  much  more,  through  the  effects 
incident  to  the  artificial  rise  of  price,  in  checking  consump- 
tion, and  bringing  forward  supplies  from  unforeseen  quarters. 
The  operations,  therefore,  of  speculative  dealers,  are  useful 
to  the  public  whenever  profitable  to  themselves ;  and 
though  they  are  sometimes  injurious  to  the  public,  by 
heightening  the  fluctuations  which  their  more  usual  office  is 
to  alleviate,  yet  whenever  this  happens  the  speculators  aro 
the  greatest  losers.  The  interest,  in  short,  of  the  specula 
tors  as  a  body,  coincides  with  the  interest  of  the  public  ;  and 
as  they  can  only  fail  to  serve  the  public  interest  in  propor- 
tion as  they  miss  their  own,  the  best  way  to  promote  the 
one  is  to  leave  them  to  pursue  the  other  in  perfect  freedom. 
I  do  not  deny  that  speculators  may  aggravate  a  local 
scarcity.  In  collecting  corn  from  the  villages  to  supply 
the  towns,  they  make  the  dearth  penetrate  into  nooks  and 

288  BOOK  IV.      CHAPTER   II.     §5. 

corners  which  might  otherwise  have  escaped  from  bearing 
their  share  of  it.  To  buy  and  resell  in  the  same  place, 
tends  to  alleviate  scarcity  :  to  buy  in  one  place  and  resell 
in  another,  may  increase  it  in  the  former  of  the  two  places, 
but  relieves  it  in  the  latter,  where  the  price  is  higher,  and 
which  therefore,  by  the  very  supposition,  is  likely  to  be 
suffering  more.  And  these  sufferings  always  fall  hardest 
on  the  poorest  consumers,  since  the  rich,  by  outbidding, 
can  obtain  their  accustomed  supply  undiminished  if  they 
choose.  To  no  persons,  therefore,  are  the  operations  of 
corn-dealers  on  the  whole  so  beneficial  as  to  the  poor. 
Accidentally  and  exceptionally,  the  poor  may  suffer  from 
them  :  it  might  sometimes  be  more  advantageous  to  the 
rural  poor  to  have  corn  cheap  in  winter,  when  they  are 
entirely  dependent  on  it,  even  if  the  consequence  were  a 
dearth  in  spring,  when  they  can  perhaps  obtain  partial 
substitutes.  But  there  are  no  substitutes,  procurable  at 
that  season,  which  serve  in  any  great  degree  to  replace 
bread-corn  as  the  chief  article  of  food  :  if  there  were,  its 
price  would  fall  in  the  spring,  instead  of  continuing,  as  it 
always  does,  to  rise  till  the  approach  of  harvest. 

There  is  an  opposition  of  immediate  interest,  at  the 
moment  of  sale,  between  the  dealer  in  corn  and  the  con- 
sumer, as  there  always  is  between  the  seller  and  the  buyer  : 
and  a  time  of  dearth  being  that  in  which  the  speculator 
makes  his  largest  profits,  he  is  an  object  of  dislike  and  jeal- 
ousy at  that  time,  to  those  who  are  suffering  while  he  is 
gaining.  It  is  an  error,  however,  to  suppose  that  the  corn- 
dealer's  business  affords  him  any  extraordinary  profit :  he 
makes  his  gains  not  constantly,  but  at  particular  times,  and 
they  must  therefore  occasionally  be  great,  but  the  chances 
of  profit  in  a  business  in  which  there  is  so  much  com- 
petition, cannot  on  the  whole  be  greater  than  in  other 
employments.  A  year  of  scarcity,  in  which  great  gains  are 
made  by  corn-deaiers,  rarely  conies  to  an  end  without  a 
recoil  which  places  many  of  them  in  the  list  of  bankrupts. 
There   have   been   few   more   promising   seasons  for  corn- 


dealers  than  the  year  1847,  and  seldom  was  there  a  greater 
break-up  among  the  speculators  than  in  the  autumn  of  that 
year.  The  chances  of  failure,  in  this  most  precarious  trade, 
are  a  set-off  against  great  occasional  profits.  If  the  corn- 
dealer  were  to  sell  his  stores,  during  a  dearth,  at  a  lower 
price  than  that  which  the  competition  of  the  consumers 
assigns  to  him,  he  would  make  a  sacrifice,  to  charity  or 
philanthropy,  of  the  fair  profits  of  his  employment,  which 
may  be  quite  as  reasonably  required  from  any  other  person 
of  equal  means.  His  business  being  a  useful  one,  it  is  the 
interest  of  the  public  that  the  ordinary  motives  should  exist 
for  carrying  it  on,  and  that  neither  law  nor  opinion  should 
prevent  an  operation  beneficial  to  the  public  from  being 
attended  with  as  much  private  advantage  as  is  compatible 
with  full  and  free  competition. 

It  appears,  then,  that  the  fluctuations  of  values  and 
prices  arising  from  variations  of  supply,  or  from  alterations 
in  real  (as  distinguished  from  speculative)  demand,  may  be 
expected  to  become  more  moderate  as  society  advances. 
With  regard  to  those  which  arise  from  miscalculation,  and 
especially  from  the  alternations  of  undue  expansion  and 
excessive  contraction  of  credit,  which  occupy  so  conspicuous 
a  place  among  commercial  phenomena,  the  same  thing  can- 
not be  affirmed  with  equal  confidence.  Such  vicissitudes, 
beginning  with  irrational  speculation  and  ending  with  a  com- 
mercial crisis,  have  not  hitherto  become  either  less  frequent 
or  less  violent  with  the  growth  of  capital  and  extension  of 
industry.  Rather  they  may  be  said  to  have  become  more 
so :  in  consequence,  as  is  often  said,  of  increased  com- 
petition ;  but,  as  I  prefer  to  say,  of  a  low  rate  of  profits 
and  interest,  which  makes  capitalists  dissatisfied  with  the 
ordinary  course  of  safe  mercantile  gains.  The  connexion 
of  this  low  rate  of  profit  with  the  advance  of  population 
and  accumulation,  is  one  of  the  points  to  be  illustrated  in 
the  ensuing  chapters. 




§  1.  Continuing  the  inquiry  into  the  nature  of  the 
economical  changes  taking  place  in  a  society  which  is  in  a 
state  of  industrial  progress,  we  shall  next  consider  what  is 
the  effect  of  that  progress  on  the  distribution  of  the  produce 
among  the  various  classes  who  share  in  it.  "We  may  confine 
our  attention  to  the  system  of  distribution  which  is  the  most 
complex,  and  which  virtually  includes  all  others — that  in 
which  the  produce  of  manufactures  is  shared  between  two 
classes,  labourers  and  capitalists,  and  the  produce  of  agri- 
culture among  three,  labourers,  capitalists,  and  landlords. 

The  characteristic  features  of  what  is  commonly  meant 
by  industrial  progress,  resolve  themselves  mainly  into  three, 
increase  of  capital,  increase  of  population,  and  improvements 
in  production ;  understanding  the  last  expression  in  its 
widest  sense,  to  include  the  process  of  procuring  com- 
modities from  a  distance,  as  well  as  that  of  producing 
them.  The  other  changes  which  take  place  are  chiefly 
consequences  of  these ;  as,  for  example,  the  tendency  to  a 
progressive  increase  of  the  cost  of  production  of  food ; 
arising  from  an  increased  demand,  which  may  be  occasioned 
either  by  increased  population,  or  by  an  increase  of  capital 
and  wages,  enabling  the  poorer  classes  to  increase  their 
consumption.  It  will  be  convenient  to  set  out  by  con- 
sidering each  of  the  three  causes,  as  operating  separately ; 


after  which  we  can  suppose  them  combined  in  any  manner 
we  think  fit. 

Let  us  first  suppose  that  population  increases,  capital 
and  the  arts  of  production  remaining  stationary.  One  of 
the  effects  of  this  change  of  circumstances  is  sufficiently 
obvious :  wages  will  fall ;  the  labouring  class  will  be  reduced 
to  an  inferior  condition.  The  state  of  the  capitalist,  on 
the  contrary,  will  be  improved.  With  the  same  capital,  he 
can  purchase  more  labour,  and  obtain  more  produce.  His 
rate  of  profit  is  increased.  The  dependence  of  the  rate  of 
profits  on  the  cost  of  labour  is  here  verified ;  for  the 
labourer  obtaining  a  diminished  quantity  of  commodities, 
and  no  alteration  being  supposed  in  the  circumstances  of 
their  production,  the  diminished  quantity  represents  a 
diminished  cost.  The  labourer  obtains  not  only  a  smaller 
real  reward,  but  the  product  of  a  smaller  quantity  of  labour. 
The  first  circumstance  is  the  important  one  to  himself,  the 
last  to  his  employer. 

Nothing  has  occurred,  thus  far,  to  affect  in  any  way  the 
value  of  any  commodity  ;  and  no  reason,  therefore,  has  yet 
shown  itself,  why  rent  should  be  either  raised  or  lowered. 
But  if  we  look  forward  another  stage  in  the  series  of  effects, 
we  may  see  our  way  to  such  a  consequence.  The  labourers 
have  increased  in  numbers :  their  condition  is  reduced  in 
the  same  proportion  ;  the  increased  numbers  divide  among 
them  only  the  produce  of  the  same  amount  of  labour  as 
before.  But  they  may  economize  in  their  other  comforts, 
and  not  in  their  food  :  each  may  consume  as  much  food, 
and  "of  as  costly  a  quality,  as  previously  ;  or  they  may 
submit  to  a  reduction,  but  not  in  proportion  to  the  in- 
crease of  numbers.  On  this  supposition,  notwithstanding 
the  diminution  of  real  wages,  the  increased  population  will 
require  an  increased  quantity  of  food.  But  since  industrial 
skill  and  knowledge  are  supposed  to  be  stationary,  more 
food  can  only  be  obtained  by  resorting  to  worse  land,  or  to 
methods  of  cultivation  which  are  less  productive  in  propor- 
tion to  the  outlay.    Capital  for  this  extension  of  agriculture 

292  B00K   ly-      CHAPTER   III.      §1. 

will  not  be  wanting ;  for  though,  by  hypothesis,  no  addition 
takes  place  to  the  capital  in  existence,  a  sufficient  amount 
can  be  spared  from  the  industry  which  previously  supplied 
the  other  and  less  pressing  wants  which  the  labourers  have 
been  obliged  to  curtail.  The  additional  supply  of  food, 
therefore,  will  be  produced,  but  produced  at  a  greater  cost ; 
and  the  exchange  value  of  agricultural  produce  must  rise. 
It  may  be  objected,  that  profits  having  risen,  the  extra  cost 
of  producing  food  can  be  defrayed  from  profits,  without  any 
increase  of  price.  It  could,  undoubtedly,  but  it  will  not : 
because  if  it  did,  the  agriculturist  would  be  placed  in  an 
inferior  position  to  other  capitalists.  The  increase  of 
profits,  being  the  effect  of  diminished  wages,  is  common  to 
all  employers  of  labour.  The  increased  expenses  arising 
from  the  necessity  of  a  more  costly  cultivation,  affect  the 
agriculturist  alone.  For  this  peculiar  burthen  he  must  be 
peculiarly  compensated,  whether  the  general  rate  of  profit  be 
high  or  low.  He  will  not  submit  indefinitely  to  a  deduction 
from  his  profits,  to  which  other  capitalists  are  not  subject. 
He  will  not  extend  his  cultivation  by  laying  out  fresh 
capital,  unless  for  a  return  sufficient  to  yield  him  as  high  a 
profit  as  could  be  obtained  by  the  same  capital  in  other 
investments.  The  value,  therefore,  of  his  commodity  will 
rise,  and  rise  in  proportion  to  the  increased  cost.  The  far- 
mer will  thus  be  indemnified  for  the  burthen  which  is 
peculiar  to  himself,  and  will  also  enjoy  the  augmented  rate 
of  profit  which  is  common  to  all  capitalists. 

It  follows,  from  principles  with  which  we  are  already 
familiar,  that  in  these  circumstances  rent  will  rise.  Any 
land  can  afford  to  pay,  and  under  free  competition  will  pay, 
a  rent  equal  to  the  excess  of  its  produce  above  the  return  to 
an  equal  capital  on  the  worst  land,  or  under  the  least  fa- 
vourable conditions.  Whenever,  therefore,  agriculture  is 
driven  to  descend  to  worse  land,  or  more  onerous  processes, 
rent  rises.  Its  rise  will  be  twofold,  for,  in  the  first  place, 
rent  in  kind,  or  corn  rent,  will  rise ;  and  in  the  second, 
since  the  value  of  agricultural  produce  has  also  risen,  rent, 


estimated  in  manufactured  or  foreign  commodities  (which  is 
represented  cceteHs  jjarlhus  by  money  rent),  will  rise  still 

The  steps  of  the  process  (if,  after  what  has  been  formerly 
said,  it  is  necessary  to  retrace  them)  are  as  follows.  Corn 
rises  in  price,  to  repay  with  the  ordinary  profit  the  capital 
required  for  producing  additional  corn  on  worse  land  or  by 
more  costly  processes.  So  far  as  regards  this  additional 
corn,  the  increased  price  is  but  an  equivalent  for  the  ad- 
ditional expense  ;  but  the  rise,  extending  to  all  corn,  affords 
on  all,  except  the  last  produced,  an  extra  profit.  If  the  far- 
mer was  accustomed  to  produce  100  quarters  of  wheat  at 
405.,  and  120  quarters  are  now  required,  of  which  the  last 
twenty  cannot  be  produced  under  45s.,  he  obtains  the  extra 
five  shillings  on  the  entire  120  quarters,  and  not  on  the  last 
twenty  alone.  He  has  thus  an  extra  25Z.  beyond  the 
ordinary  profits,  and  this,  in  a  state  of  free  competition,  he 
will  not  be  able  to  retain.  He  cannot  however  be  com- 
pelled to  give  it  up  to  the  consumer,  since  a  less  price  than 
45«.  would  be  inconsistent  with  the  production  of  the  last 
twenty  quarters.  The  price,  then,  will  remain  at  45s.,  and 
the  25Z.  will  be  transferred  by  competition  not  to  the  con- 
sumer but  to  the  landlord.  A  rise  of  rent  is  therefore 
inevitably  consequent  on  an  increased  demand  for  agricul- 
tural produce,  when  unaccompanied  by  increased  facilities 
for  its  production.  A  truth  which,  after  this  final  illus- 
tration, we  may  henceforth  take  for  granted. 

The  new  element  now  introduced — an  increased  demand 
for  food — besides  occasioning  an  increase  of  rent,  still  fur- 
ther disturbs  the  distribution  of  the  produce  between 
capitalists  and  labourers.  The  increase  of  population  will 
have  diminished  the  reward  of  labour :  and  if  its  cost  is 
diminished  as  greatly  as  its  real  remuneration,  profits  will 
be  increased  by  the  full  amount.  If,  however,  the  increase 
of  population  leads  to  an  increased  production  of  food, 
which  cannot  be  supplied  but  at  an  enhanced  cost  of  pro- 
duction, the  cost  of  labour  will  not  be  so  much  diminished 

294  BOOK  IV.     CHAPTER  III.     §2. 

as  the  real  reward  of  it,  and  profits,  therefore,  will  not  be  so 
much  raised.  It  is  even  possible  that  they  might  not  be 
raised  at  all.  The  labourers  may  previously  have  been  so 
well  provided  for,  that  the  whole  of  what  they  now  lose 
may  be  struck  off  from  their  other  indulgences,  and  they 
may  not,  either  by  necessity  or  choice,  undergo  any  re- 
duction in  the  quantity  or  quality  of  their  food.  To  pro- 
duce the  food  for  the  increased  number  may  be  attended 
with  such  an  increase  of  expense,  that  wages,  though  reduced 
in  quantity,  may  represent  as  great  a  cost,  may  be  the  prod- 
uct of  as  much  labour,  as  before,  and  the  capitalist  may 
not  be  at  all  benefited.  On  this  supposition  the  loss  to  the 
labourer  is  partly  absorbed  in  the  additional  labour  required 
for  producing  the  last  instalment  of  agricultural  produce ; 
and  the  remainder  is  gained  by  the  landlord,  the  only  sharer 
who  always  benefits  by  an  increase  of  population. 

§  2.  Let  us  now  reverse  our  hypothesis,  and,  instead 
of  supposing  capital  stationary  and  population  advancing, 
let  us  suppose  capital  advancing  and  population  stationary  ; 
the  facilities  of  production,  both  natural  and  acquired, 
being,  as  before,  unaltered.  The  real  wages  of  labour, 
instead  of  falling,  will  now  rise  ;  and  since  the  cost  of  pro- 
duction of  the  things  consumed  by  the  labourer  is  not  dimin- 
ished, this  rise  of  wages  implies  an  equivalent  increase  of 
the  cost  of  labour,  and  diminution  of  profits.  To  state  the 
same  deduction  in  other  terms ;  the  labourers  not  being 
more  numerous,  and  the  productive  power  of  their  labour 
being  only  the  same  as  before,  there  is  no  increase  of  the 
produce ;  the  increase  of  wages,  therefore,  must  be  at  the 
charge  of  the  capitalists.  It  is  not  impossible  that  the  cost 
of  labour  might  be  increased  in  even  a  greater  ratio  than  its 
real  remuneration.  The  improved  condition  of  the  labourers 
may  increase  the  demand  for  food.  The  labourers  may 
have  been  so  ill  off  before,  as  not  to  have  food  enough  ;  and 
may  now  consume  more :  or  they  may  choose  to  expend 
their  increased  means  partly  or  wholly  in  a  more  costly 


quality  of  food,  requiring  more  labour  and  more  land ; 
wheat,  for  example,  instead  of  oats  or  potatoes.  This  ex- 
tension of  agriculture  implies,  as  usual,  a  greater  cost  of 
production  and  a  higher  price,  so  that  besides  the  increase 
of  the  cost  of  labour  arising  from  the  increase  of  its  reward, 
there  will  be  a  further  increase  (and  an  additional  fall  of 
profits)  from  the  increased  costliness  of  the  commodities  of 
which  that  reward  consists.  The  same  causes  will  produce 
a  rise  of  rent.  What  the  capitalists  lose,  above  what  the 
labourers  gain,  is  partly  transferred  to  the  landlord,  and 
partly  swallowed  up  in  the  cost  of  growing  food  on  worse 
land  or  by  a  less  productive  process. 

§  3.  Having  disposed  of  the  two  simple  cases,  an  in- 
creasing population  and  stationary  capital,  and  an  increasing 
capital  and  stationary  population,  we  are  prepared  to  take 
into  consideration  the  mixed  case,  in  which  the  two  elements 
of  expansion  are  combined,  both  population  and  capital  in- 
creasing. If  either  element  increases  faster  than  the  other, 
the  case  is  so  far  assimilated  with  one  or  other  of  the  two 
preceding :  we  shall  suppose  them,  therefore,  to  increase 
with  equal  rapidity  ;  the  test  of  equality  being,  that  each 
labourer  obtains  the  same  commodities  as  before,  and  the 
same  quantity  of  those  commodities.  Let  us  examine  what 
will  be  the  effect,  on  rent  and  profits,  of  this  double  prog- 

Population  having  increased,  without  any  falling  off  in 
the  labourer's  condition,  there  is  of  course  a  demand  for 
more  food.  The  arts  of  production  being  supposed  station- 
ary, this  food  must  be  produced  at  an  increased  cost.  To 
compensate  for  this  greater  cost  of  the  additional  food,  the 
price  of  agricultural  produce  must  rise.  The  rise  extending 
over  the  whole  amount  of  food  produced,  though  the  in- 
creased expenses  only  apply  to  a  part,  there  is  a  greatly 
increased  extra  profit,  which,  by  competition,  is  transferred 
to  the  landlord.  Rent  will  rise,  both  in  quantity  of  produce 
and  in  cost ;  while  wages,  being  supposed  to  be  the  same 

296  B00K   IV-     CHAPTER  III.      §4. 

in  quantity,  will  be  greater  in  cost.  The  labourer  obtaining 
the  same  amount  of  necessaries,  money  wages  have  risen  ; 
and  as  the  rise  is  common  to  all  branches  of  production,  the 
capitalist  cannot  indemnify  himself  by  changing  his  em- 
ployment, and  the  loss  must  be  borne  by  profits. 

It  appears,  then,  that  the  tendency  of  an  increase  of 
capital  and  population  is  to  add  to  rent  at  the  expense  of 
profits  :  though  rent  does  not  gain  all  that  profits  lose,  a 
part  being  absorbed  in  increased  expenses  of  production,  that 
is,  in  hiring  or  feeding  a  greater  number  of  labourers  to  obtain 
a  given  amount  of  agricultural  produce.  By  profits,  must 
of  course  be  understood  the  rate  of  profit ;  for  a  lower  rate 
of  profit  on  a  larger  capital  may  yield  a  larger  gross  profit, 
considered  absolutely,  though  a  smaller  in  proportion  to  the 
entire  produce. 

This  tendency  of  profits  to  fall,  is  from  time  to  time 
counteracted  by  improvements  in  production  :  whether  aris- 
ing from  increase  of  knowledge,  or  from  an  increased  use 
of  the  knowledge  already  possessed.  This  is  the  third  of 
the  three  elements,  the  effects  of  which  on  the  distribution 
of  the  produce  we  undertook  to  investigate ;  and  the  inves- 
tigation will  be  facilitated  by  supposing,  as  in  the  case  of 
the  other  two  elements,  that  it  operates,  in  the  first  in- 
stance, alone. 

§  4.  Let  us  then  suppose  capital  and  population  sta- 
tionary, and  a  sudden  improvement  made  in  the  arts  of 
production  ;  by  the  invention  of  more  efficient  machines,  or 
less  costly  processes,  or  by  obtaining  access  to  cheaper  com- 
modities through  foreign  trade. 

The  improvement  may  either  be  in  some  of  the  necessa- 
ries or  indulgences  which  enter  into  the  habitual  consump- 
tion of  the  labouring  class  ;  or  it  may  be  applicable  only  to 
luxuries  consumed  exclusively  by  richer  people.  Yery  few, 
however,  of  the  great  industrial  improvements  are  alto- 
gether of  this  last  description.  Agricultural  improvements, 
except  such  as  specially  relate  to  some  of  the  rarer  and 


more  peculiar  products,  act  directly  upon  the  principal  ob- 
jects of  the  labourer's  expenditure.  The  steam-engine, 
and  every  other  invention  which  affords  a  manageable 
power,  are  applicable  to  all  things,  and  of  course  to  those 
consumed  by  the  labourer.  Even  the  power-loom  and  the 
spinning-jenny,  though  applied  to  the  most  delicate  fabrics, 
are  available  no  less  for  the  coarse  cottons  and  woollens 
worn  by  the  labouring  class.  All  improvements  in  locomotion 
cheapen  the  transport  of  necessaries  as  well  as  of  luxuries. 
Seldom  is  a  new  branch  of  trade  opened,  without,  either 
directly  or  in  some  indirect  way,  causing  some  of  the  articles 
which  the  mass  of  the  people  consume  to  be  either  pro- 
duced or  imported  at  smaller  cost.  It  may  safely  be  affirm- 
ed, therefore,  that  improvements  in  production  generally 
tend  to  cheapen  the  commodities  on  which  the  wages  of  the 
laboring  class  are  expended. 

In  so  far  as  the  commodities  affected  by  an  improve- 
ment are  those  which  the  labourers  generally  do  not  con- 
sume, the  improvement  has  no  effect  in  altering  the  distri- 
bution of  the  produce.  Those  particular  commodities,  in- 
deed, are  cheapened  ;  being  produced  at  less  cost,  they  fall 
in  value  and  in  price,  and  all  who  consume  them,  whether 
landlords,  capitalists,  or  skilled  and  privileged  labourers, 
obtain  increased  means  of  enjoyment.  The  rate  of  profits' 
however,  is  not  raised.  There  is  a  larger  gross  profit,  reck- 
oned in  quantity  of  commodities.  But  the  capital  also,  if 
estimated  in  those  commodities,  has  risen  in  value.  The 
profit  is  the  same  percentage  on  the  capital  that  it  was  be- 
fore. The  capitalists  are  not  benefited  as  capitalists,  but  as 
consumers^  The  landlords  and  the  privileged  classes  of 
labourers,  if  they  are  consumers  of  the  same  commodities, 
share  the  same  benefit. 

The  case  is  different  with  improvements  which  diminish 
the  cost  of  production  of  the  necessaries  of  life,  or  of  com- 
modities which  enter  habitually  into  the  consumption  of 
the  great  mass  of  labourers.  The  play  of  the  different  forces 
being  here  rather  complex,  it  is  necessary  to  analyze  it  with 
some  minuteness. 

298  BOOK   IV.      CHAPTER  III.      §4. 

As  formerly  observed,*  there  are  two  kinds  of  agricul- 
tural improvements.  Some  consist  in  a  mere  saving  of 
labour,  and  enable  a  given  quantity  of  food  to  be  produced 
at  less  cost,  but  not  on  a  smaller  surface  of  land  than  be- 
fore. Others  enable  a  given  extent  of  land  to  yield  not 
only  the  same  produce  with  less  labour,  but  a  greater  prod- 
uce ;  so  that  if  no  greater  produce  is  required,  a  part  of 
the  land  already  under  culture  may  be  dispensed  with.  As 
the  part  rejected  will  be  the  least  productive  portion,  the 
market  will  thenceforth  be  regulated  by  a  better  description 
of  land  than  what  was  previously  the  worst  under  cultiva- 

To  place  the  effect  of  the  improvement  in  a  clear 
light,  we  must  suppose  it  to  take  place  suddenly,  so  as  to 
leave  no  time  during  its  introduction,  for  any  increase  of 
capital  or  of  population.  Its  first  effect  will  be  a  fall  of  the 
value  and  price  of  agricultural  produce.  This  is  a  necessary 
consequence  of  either  kind  of  improvement,  but  especially 
of  the  last. 

An  improvement  of  the  first  kind,  not  increasing  the 
produce,  does  not  dispense  with  any  portion  of  the  land  ;  the 
margin  of  cultivation  (as  Dr.  Chalmers  terms  it)  remains 
where  it  was ;  agriculture  does  not  recede,  either  in  extent 
of  cultivated  land,  or  in  elaborateness  of  methods  :  and  the 
price  continues  to  be  regulated  by  the  same  land,  and  by 
the  same  capital,  as  before.  But  since  that  land  or  capital, 
and  all  other  land  or  capital  which  produces  food,  now 
yields  its  produce  at  smaller  cost,  the  price  of  food  will  fall 
proportionally.  If  one-tenth  of  the  expense  of  production 
has  been  saved,  the  price  of  produce  will  fall  one-tenth. 

But  suppose  the  improvement  to  be  of  the  second  kind ; 
enabling  the  land  to  produce,  not  only  the  same  corn  with 
one-tenth  less  labour,  but  a  tenth  more  corn  with  the  same 
labour.  Here  the  effect  is  still  more  decided.  Cultivation 
can  now  be  contracted,  and  the  market  supplied  from 
smaller  quantity  of  land.     Even  if  this  smaller  surface  of 

*  Supra,  vol.  L  p.  248. 


land  were  of  the  same  average  quality  as  the  larger  surface, 
the  price  would  fall  one-tenth,  because  the  same  produce 
would  be  obtained  with  a  tenth  less  labour.  But  since  the 
portion  of  land  abandoned  will  be  the  least  fertile  portion, 
the  price  of  produce  will  thenceforth  be  regulated  by  a  bet- 
ter quality  of  land  than  before.  In  addition,  therefore,  to 
the  original  diminution  of  one-tenth  in  the  cost  of  produc- 
tion, there  will  be  a  further  diminution,  corresponding  with 
the  recession  of  the  "  margin  "  of  agriculture  to  land  of 
greater  fertility.     There  will  thus  be  a  twofold  fall  of  price. 

Let  us  now  examine  the  effect  of  the  improvements,  thus 
suddenly  made,  and  the  division  of  the  produce  ;  and  in  the 
first  place,  on  rent.  By  the  former  of  the  two  kinds  of  im- 
provement, rent  would  be  diminished.  By  the  second,  it 
would  be  diminished  still  more. 

Suppose  that  the  demand  for  food  requires  the  cultiva- 
tion of  three  qualities  of  land,  yielding,  on  an  equal  surface, 
and  at  an  equal  expense,  100,  80,  and  60  bushels  of  wheat. 
The  price  of  wheat  will,  on  the  average,  be  just  sufficient  to 
enable  the  third  quality  to  be  cultivated  with  the  ordinary 
profit.  The  first  quality  therefore  will  yield  forty  and  the 
second  twenty  bushels  of  extra  profit,  constituting  the  rent 
of  the  landlord.  And  first,  let  an  improvement  be  made, 
which,  without  enabling  more  corn  to  be  grown,  enables 
the  same  corn  to  be  grown  with  one-fourth  less  labour. 
The  price  of  wheat  will  fall  one-fourth,  and  80  bushels  will 
be  sold  for  the  price  for  which  60  were  sold  before.  But 
the  produce  of  the  land  which  produces  60  bushels  is  still 
required,  and  the  expenses  being  as  much  reduced  as  the 
price,  that  land  can  still  be  cultivated  with  the  ordinary 
profit.  The  first  and  second  qualities  will  therefore  con- 
tinue to  yield  a  surplus  of  40  and  20  bushels,  and  corn  rent 
will  remain  the  same  as  before.  But  corn  having  fallen  in 
price  one-fourth,  the  same  corn  rent  is  equivalent  to  a 
fourth  less  of  money  and  of  all  other  commodities.  So 
far,  therefore,  as  the  landlord  expends  his  income  in 
manufactured  or  foreign   products,  he  is  one-fourth  worse 

300  BOOK  IV.     CHAPTER  III.     §4. 

off  than  before.  His  income  as  landlord  is  reduced  to 
three-quarters  of  its  amount :  it  is  only  as  a  consumer  of 
corn  that  he  is  as  well  off. 

If  the  improvement  is  of  the  other  kind,  rent  will  fall 
in  a  still  greater  ratio.  Suppose  that  the  amount  of  prod- 
uce which  the  market  requires,  can  be  grown  not  only 
with  a  fourth  less  labour,  but  on  a  fourth  less  land.  If  all 
the  land  already  in  cultivation  continued  to  be  cultivated, 
it  would  yield  a  produce  much  larger  than  necessary. 
Land,  equivalent  to  a  fourth  of  the  produce,  must  now  be 
abandoned ;  and  as  the  third  quality  yielded  exactly  one- 
fourth,  (being  60  out  of  240,)  that  quality  will  go  out  of 
cultivation.  The  240  bushels  can  now  be  grown  on  land 
of  the  first  and  second  qualities  only  ;  being,  on  the  first, 
100  bushels  plus  one-third,  or  133^  bushels  ;  on  the  second, 
80  bushels  plus  one-third,  or  106-f  bushels ;  together  240. 
The  second  quality  of  land,  instead  of  the  third,  is  now  the 
lowest,  and  regulates  the  price.  Instead  of  60,  it  is  suffi- 
cient if  106§  bushels  repay  the  capital  with  the  ordinary 
profit.  The  price  of  wheat  will  consequently  fall,  not  in 
the  ratio  of  60  to  80,  as  in  the  other  case,  but  in  the  ratio 
of  60  to  106-f.  Even  this  gives  an  insufficient  idea  of  the 
degree  in  which  rent  will  be  affected.  The  whole  produce 
of  the  second  quality  of  land  will  now  be  required  to  repay 
the  expenses  of  production.  That  land,  being  the  worst  in 
cultivation,  will  pay  no  rent.  And  the  first  quality  will 
only  yield  the  difference  between  133-J  bushels  and  106$, 
being  26f  bushels  instead  of  40.  The  landlords  collectively 
will  have  lost  33-J  out  of  60  bushels  in  corn  rent  alone, 
while  the  value  and  price  of  what  is  left  will  have  been 
diminished  in  the  ratio  of  60  to  106f. 

It  thus  appears,  that  the  interest  of  the  landlord  is  de- 
cidedly hostile  to  the  sudden  and  general  introduction  of 
agricultural  improvements.  This  assertion  has  been  called 
a  paradox,  and  made  a  ground  for  accusing  its  first  promul- 
gator, Bicardo,  of  great  intellectual  perverseness,  to  say 
nothing  worse.     I  cannot  discern  in  what  the  paradox  con- 



sists ;  and  the  obliquity  of  vision  seems  to  me  to  be  on  the 
side  of  his  assailants.  The  opinion  is  only  made  to  appear 
absurd  by  stating  it  unfairly.  If  the  assertion  were  that  a 
landlord  is  injured  by  the  improvement  of  his  estate,  it 
would  certainly  be  indefensible ;  but  what  is  asserted  is, 
that  he  is  injured  by  the  improvement  of  the  estates  of 
other  people,  although  his  own  is  included.  Nobody 
doubts  that  he  would  gain  greatly  by  the  improvement  if 
he  could  keep  it  to  himself,  and  unite  the  benefits,  of  an 
increased  produce  from  his  land,  and  a  price  as  high  as 
before.  But  if  the  increase  of  produce  took  place  simul- 
taneously on  all  lands,  the  price  would  not  be  as  high  as 
before ;  and  there  is  nothing  unreasonable  in  supposing 
that  the  landlords  would  be,  not  benefited,  but  injured.  It 
is  admitted  that  whatever  permanently  reduces  the  price 
of  produce  diminishes  rent :  and  it  is  quite  in  accordance 
with  common  notions  to  suppose  that  if,  by  the  increased 
productiveness  of  land,  less  land  were  required  for  cultiva- 
tion, its  value,  like  that  of  any  other  article  for  which  the 
demand  had  diminished,  would  fall. 

I  am  quite  willing  to  admit  that  rents  have  not  really 
been  lowered  by  the  progress  of  agricultural  improvements  ; 
but  why  ?  Because  improvement  has  never  in  reality  been 
sudden,  but  always  slow  ;  at  no  time  much  outstripping, 
and  often  falling  far  short  of,  the  growth  of  capital  and  popu- 
lation, which  tends  as  much  to  raise  rent,  as  the  other  to 
lower  it,  and  which  is  enabled,  as  we  shall  presently  see,  to 
raise  it  much  higher  by  means  of  the  additional  margin 
afforded  by  improvements  in  agriculture.  First,  however, 
we  must  examine  in  what  manner  the  sudden  cheapening 
of  agricultural  produce  would  affect  profits  and  wages. 

In  the  beginning,  money  wages  would  probably  remain 
the  same  as  before,  and  the  labourers  would  have  the  full 
benefit  of  the  cheapness.  They  would  be  enabled  to  in- 
crease their  consumption  either  of  food  or  of  other  articles, 
and  would  receive  the  same  cost,  and  a  greater  quantity.  So 
long  as  this  was  the  case,  profits  would  be  unaffected.     But 

302  BOOK  IV.      CHAPTER  III.     §4. 

the  permanent  remuneration  of  the  labourers  essentially  de- 
pends on  what  we  have  called  their  habitual  standard  ;  the 
extent  of  the  requirements  which,  as  a  class,  they  insist  on 
satisfying  before  they  choose  to  have  children.  If  their 
tastes  and  requirements  receive  a  durable  impress  from  the 
sudden  improvement  in  their  condition,  the  benefit  to  the 
class  will  be  permanent.  But  the  same  cause  which  enables 
them  to  purchase  greater  comforts  and  indulgences  with  the 
same  wages,  would  enable  them  to  purchase  the  same 
amount  of  comforts  and  indulgences  with  lower  wages ; 
and  a  greater  population  may  now  exist,  without  reducing 
the  labourers  below  the  condition  to  which  they  are  accus- 
tomed. Hitherto  this  and  no  other  has  been  the  use  which 
the  labourers  have  commonly  made  of  any  increase  of  their 
means  of  living  ;  they  have  treated  it  simply  as  convertible 
into  food  for  a  greater  number  of  children.  It  is  probable, 
therefore,  that  population  would  be  stimulated,  and  that 
after  the  lapse  of  a  generation  the  real  wages  of  labour 
would  be  no  higher  than  before  the  improvement :  the  re 
duction  being  partly  brought  about  by  a  fall  of  money  wages, 
and  partly  through  the  price  of  food,  the  cost  of  which,  from 
the  demand  occasioned  by  the  increase  of  population,  would 
be  again  increased.  To  the  extent  to  which  money  wages 
fell,  profits  would  rise ;  the  capitalist  obtaining  a  greater 
quantity  of  equally  efficient  labour  by  the  same  outlay  of 
capital.  We  thus  see  that  a  diminution  of  the  cost  of  liv- 
ing, whether  arising  from  agricultural  improvements  or 
from  the  importation  of  foreign  produce,  if  the  habits  and 
requirements  of  the  labourers  are  not  raised,  usually  lowers 
money  wages  and  rent,  and  raises  the  general  rate  of  profit 
What  is  true  of  improvements  which  cheapen  the  pro- 
duction of  food,  is  true  also  of  the  substitution  of  a  cheaper 
for  a  more  costly  variety  of  it.  The  same  land  yields  to 
the  same  labour  a  much  greater  quantity  of  human  nutri- 
ment in  the  form  of  maize  or  potatoes,  than  in  the  form  of 
wheat.  If  the  labourers  were  to  give  up  bread,  and  feed 
only  on  those  cheaper  products,  taking  as  their  compensa- 


tion  not  a  greater  quantity  of  other  consumable  commodi- 
ties, but  earlier  marriages  and  larger  families,  the  cost  of 
labour  would  be  much  diminished,  and  if  labour  continued 
equally  efficient,  profits  would  rise ;  while  rent  would  be 
much  lowered,  since  food  for  the  whole  population  could 
be  raised  on  half  or  a  third  part  of  the  land  now  sown  with 
corn.  At  the  same  time,  it  being  evident  that  land  too 
barren  to  be  cultivated  for  wheat  might  be  made  in  case  of 
necessity  to  yield  potatoes  sufficient  to  support  the  little 
labour  necessary  for  producing  them,  cultivation  might 
ultimately  descend  lower,  and  rent  eventually  rise  higher, 
on  a  potato  or  maize  system,  than  on  a  corn  system  ;  be- 
cause the  land  would  be  capable  of  feeding  a  much  larger 
population  before  reaching  the  limit  of  its  powers. 

If  the  improvement,  which  we  suppose  to  take  place,  is 
not  in  the  production  of  food,  but  of  some  manufactured 
article  consumed  by  the  labouring  class,  the  effect  on  wages 
and  profits  will  at  first  be  the  same  ;  but  the  effect  on  rent 
very  different.  It  will  not  be  lowered  ;  it  will  even,  if  the 
ultimate  effect  of  the  improvement  is  an  increase  of  popula- 
tion, be  raised :  in  which  last  case  profits  will  be  lowered. 
The  reasons  are  too  evident  to  require  statement. 

§  5.  We  have  considered,  on  the  one  hand,  the  manner 
in  which  the  distribution  of  the  produce  into  rent,  profits, 
and  wages,  is  affected  by  the  ordinary  increase  of  population 
and  capital,  and  on  the  other,  how  it  is  affected  by  improve- 
ments in  production,  and  more  especially  in  agriculture 
We  have  found  that  the  former  cause  lowers  profits,  and 
raises  rent  and  the  cost  of  labour  :  while  the  tendency  of 
agricultural  improvements  is  to  diminish  rent ;  and  all 
improvements  which  cheapen  any  article  of  the  labourer's 
consumption,  tend  to  diminish  the  cost  of  labour  and  to  raise 
profits.  The  tendency  of  each  cause  in  its  separate  state 
being  thus  ascertained,  it  is  easy  to  determine  the  tendency 
of  the  actual  course  of  things,  in  which  the  two  movements 
are  going  on  simultaneously,  capital  and  population  increas- 

304  B00K   IV-     CHAPTER  III.      §5. 

ing  with  tolerable  steadiness,  while  improvements  in  agri 
cultnre  are  made  from  time  to  time,  and  the  knowledge  and 
practice  of  improved  methods  become  diffused  gradually 
through  the  community. 

The  habits  and  requirements  of  the  labouring  classes 
being  given  (which  determine  their  real  wages),  rent,  profits, 
and  money  wages  at  any  given  time,  are  the  result  of  the 
composition  of  these  rival  forces.  If  during  any  period 
agricultural  improvement  advances  faster  than  population, 
rent  and  money  wages  during  that  period  will  tend  down- 
ward, and  profits  upward.  If  population  advances  more 
rapidly  than  agricultural  improvement,  either  the  labourers 
will  submit  to  a  reduction  in  the  quantity  or  quality  of 
their  food,  or  if  not,  rent  and  money  wages  will  progres- 
sively rise,  and  profits  will  fall. 

Agricultural  skill  and  knowledge  are  of  slow  growth, 
and  still  slower  diffusion.  Inventions  and  discoveries,  too, 
occur  only  occasionally,  while  the  increase  of  population 
and  capital  are  continuous  agencies.  It  therefore  seldom 
happens  that  improvement,  even  during  a  short  time,  has 
so  much  the  start  of  population  and  capital  as  actually  to 
lower  rent,  or  raise  the  rate  of  profits.  There  are  many 
countries  in  which  the  growth  of  population  and  capital  are 
not  rapid,  but  in  these  agricultural  improvement  is  less 
active  still.  Population  almost  everywhere  treads  close  on 
the  heels  of  agricultural  improvement,  and  effaces  its  effects 
as  fast  as  they  are  produced. 

The  reason  why  agricultural  improvement  seldom  lowers 
rent,  is  that  it  seldom  cheapens  food,  but  only  prevents  it 
from  growing  dearer  ;  and  seldom,  if  ever,  throws  land  out 
of  cultivation,  but  only  enables  worse  and  worse  land  to  be 
taken  in  for  the  supply  of  an  increasing  demand.  What  is 
sometimes  called  the  natural  state  of  a  country  which  is  but 
half  cultivated,  namely  that  the  land  is  highly  productive, 
and  food  obtained  in  great  abundance  by  little  labour,  is 
only  true  of  unoccupied  countries  colonized  by  a  civilized 
people.     In  the  United  States  the  worst  land  in  cultivation 


is  of  a  high  quality  (except  sometimes  in  the  immediate 
vicinity  of  markets  or  means  of  conveyance,  where  a  bad 
quality  is  compensated  by  a  good  situation) ;  and  even  if  no 
further  improvements  were  made  in  agriculture  or  locomo- 
tion, cultivation  would  have  many  steps  yet  to  descend, 
before  the  increase  of  population  and  capital  would  be 
brought  to  a  stand  ;  but  in  Europe  five  hundred  years  ago, 
though  so  thinly  peopled  in  comparison  to  the  present 
population,  it  is  probable  that  the  worst  land  under  the 
plough  was,  from  the  rude  state  of  agriculture,  quite  as 
unproductive  as  the  worst  land  now  cultivated  ;  and  that 
cultivation  had  approached  as  near  to  the  ultimate  limit  of 
profitable  tillage,  in  those  times  as  in  the  present.  What 
the  agricultural  improvements  since  made  have  really  done 
is,  by  increasing  the  capacity  of  production  of  land  in 
general,  to  enable  tillage  to  extend  downwards  to  a  much 
worse  natural  quality  of  land  than  the  worst  which  at  that 
time  would  have  admitted  of  cultivation  by  a  capitalist  for 
profit ;  thus  rendering  a  much  greater  increase  of  capital 
and  population  possible,  and  removing  always  a  little  and 
a  little  further  off,  the  barrier  which  restrains  them  ;  popu- 
lation meanwhile  always  pressing  so  hard  against  the 
barrier,  that  there  is  never  any  visible  margin  left  for  it  to 
seize,  every  inch  of  ground  made  vacant  for  it  by  improve- 
ment being  at  once  filled  up  by  its  advancing  columns. 
Agricultural  improvement  may  thus  be  considered  to  be 
not  so  much  a  counterforce  conflicting  with  increase  of 
population,  as  a  partial  relaxation  of  the  bonds  which  con- 
fine that  increase. 

The  effects  produced  on  the  division  of  the  produce  by 
an  increase  of  production,  under  the  joint  influence  of  in- 
crease of  population  and  capital  and  improvements  of  agri- 
culture, are  very  different  from  those  deduced  from  the 
hypothetical  cases  previously  discussed.  In  particular,  the 
effect  on  rent  is  most  materially  different,  We  remarked 
that — while  a  great  agricultural  improvement  made  sud- 
denly and  universally  would  in  the  first  instance  inevitably 

306  B00K  iv.    CHAPTER  in.    §6. 

lower  rent — such  improvements  enable  rent,  in  the  prog- 
ress of  society,  to  rise  gradually  to  a  much  higher  limit 
than  it  could  otherwise  attain,  since  they  enable  a  much 
lower  quality  of  land  to  be  ultimately  cultivated.  But  in 
the  case  we  are  now  supposing,  which  nearly  corresponds 
to  the  usual  course  of  things,  this  ultimate  effect  becomes 
the  immediate  effect.  Suppose  cultivation  to  have  reached, 
or  almost  reached,  the  utmost  limit  permitted  by  the  state 
of  the  industrial  arts,  and  rent,  therefore,  to  have  attained 
nearly  the  highest  point  to  which  it  can  be  carried  by  the 
progress  of  population  and  capital,  with  the  existing  amount 
of  skill  and  knowledge.  If  a  great  agricultural  improve- 
ment were  suddenly  introduced,  it  might  throw  back  rent 
for  a  considerable  space,  leaving  it  to  regain  its  lost  ground 
by  the  progress  of  population  and  capital,  and  afterwards 
to  go  on  further.  But,  taking  place,  as  such  improvement 
always  does,  very  gradually,  it  causes  no  retrograde  move- 
ment of  either  rent  or  cultivation  ;  it  merely  enables  the  one 
to  go  on  rising,  and  the  other  extending,  long  after  they 
must  otherwise  have  stopped.  It  would  do  this  even  with- 
out the  necessity  of  resorting  to  a  worse  quality  of  land ; 
simply  by  enabling  the  lands  already  in  cultivation  to  yield 
a  greater  produce,  with  no  increase  of  the  proportional  cost. 
If  by  improvements  of  agriculture  all  the  lands  in  cultiva- 
tion could  be  made,  even  with  double  labour  and  capital, 
to  yield  a  double  produce,  (supposing  that  in  the  meantime 
population  increased  so  as  to  require  this  double  quantity,) 
all  rents  would  be  doubled. 

To  illustrate  the  point,  let  us  revert  to  the  numerical 
example  in  a  former  page.  Three  qualities  of  land  yield 
respectively  100,  80,  and  60  bushels  to  the  same  outlay  on 
the  same  extent  of  surface.  If  No.  1  could  be  made  to  yield 
200,  No.  2,  160,  and  No.  3,  120  bushels,  at  only  double  the 
expense,  and  therefore  without  any  increase  of  the  cost  of 
production,  and  if  the  population,  having  doubled,  required 
all  this  increased  quantity,  the  rent  of  No.  1  would  be  80 
bushels  instead  of  40,  and  of  No.  2,  40  instead  of  20,  while 


the  price  and  value  per  bushel  would  be  the  same  as  before : 
so  that  corn  rent  and  money  rent  would  both  be  doubled. 
I  need  not  point  out  the  difference  between  this  result,  and 
what  we  have  shown  would  take  place  if  there  were  an  im- 
provement in  production  without  the  accompaniment  of  an 
increased  demand  for  food. 

Agricultural  improvement,  then,  is  always  ultimately, 
and  in  the  manner  in  which  it  generally  takes  place  also 
immediately,  beneficial  to  the  landlord.  We  may  add,  that 
when  it  takes  place  in  that  manner,  it  is  beneficial  to  no  one 
else.  When  the  demand  for  produce  fully  keeps  pace  with 
the  increased  capacity  of  production,  food  is  not  cheapened  ; 
the  labourers  are  not,  even  temporarily,  benefited  ;  the  cost 
of  labour  is  not  diminished,  nor  profits  raised.  There  is  a 
greater  aggregate  production,  a  greater  produce  divided 
among  the  labourers,  and  a  larger  gross  profit ;  but  the 
wages  being  shared  among  a  larger  population,  and  the 
profit  spread  over  a  larger  capital,  no  labourer  is  better  off, 
nor  does  any  capitalist  derive  from  the  same  amount  of 
capital  a  larger  income. 

The  result  of  this  long  investigation  may  be  summed  up 
as  follows.  The  economical  progress  of  a  society  constituted 
of  landlords,  capitalists,  and  labourers,  tends  to  the  pro- 
gressive enrichment  of  the  landlord  class  ;  while  the  cost  of 
the  labourer's  subsistence  tends  on  the  whole  to  increase, 
and  profits  to  fall.  Agricultural  improvements  are  a  coun- 
teracting force  to  the  two  last  effects;  but  the  first,  though 
a  case  is  conceivable  in  which  it  would  be  temporarily 
checked,  is  ultimately  in  a  high  degree  promoted  by  those 
improvements ;  and  the  increase  of  population  tends  to 
transfer  all  the  benefits  derived  from  agricultural  improve- 
ment to  the  landlords  alone.  What  other  consequences,  in 
addition  to  these,  or  in  modification  of  them,  arise  from  the 
industrial  progress  of  a  society  thus  constituted,  I  shall 
endeavour  to  show  in  the  succeeding  chapter. 



§  1.  The  tendency  of  profits  to  fall  as  society  advances, 
which  has  been  brought  to  notice  in  the  preceding  chapter, 
was  early  recognised  by  writers  on  industry  and  commerce ; 
but  the  laws  which  govern  profits  not  being  then  understood, 
the  phenomenon  was  ascribed  to  a  wrong  cause.  Adam 
Smith  considered  profits  to  be  determined  by  what  he  called 
the  competition  of  capital ;  and  concluded  that  when  capital 
increased,  this  competition  must  likewise  increase,  and 
profits  must  fall.  It  is  not  quite  certain  what  sort  of  com 
petition  Adam  Smith  had  here  in  view.  His  words  in  the 
chapter  on  Profits  of  Stock*  are,  "  When  the  stocks  of 
many  rich  merchants  are  turned  into  the  same  trade,  their 
mutual  competition  naturally  tends  to  lower  its  profits  ;  and 
when  there  is  a  like  increase  of  stock  in  all  the  different 
trades  carried  on  in  the  same  society,  the  same  competition 
must  produce  the  same  effect  in  them  all."  This  passage 
would  lead  us  to  infer  that,  in  Adam  Smith's  opinion,  the 
manner  in  which  the  competition  of  capital  lowers  profits  is 
by  lowering  prices  ;  that  being  usually  the  mode  in  which 
an  increased  investment  of  capital  in  any  particular  trade, 
lowers  the  profits  of  that  trade.  But  if  this  was  his  mean- 
ing, he  overlooked  the  circumstance,  that  the  fall  of  price 
which  if  confined  to  one  commodity  really  does  lower  the 
profits  of  the  producer,  ceases  to  have  that  effect  as  soon  as 
it  extends  to   all  commodities ;    because,  when  all  things 

*  Wealth  of  Natio?is,  book  i.  chap.  9. 


have  fallen,  nothing  has  really  fallen,  except  nominally  ; 
and  even  computed  in  money,  the  expenses  of  every  pro- 
ducer have  diminished  as  much  as  his  returns.  Unless 
indeed  labour  be  the  one  commodity  which  has  not  fallen 
in  money  price,  when  all  other  things  have  :  if  so,  what  has 
really  taken  place  is  a  rise  of  wages  ;  and  it  is  that,  and  not 
the  fall  of  prices,  which  has  lowered  the  profits  of  capital. 
There  is  another  thing  which  escaped  the  notice  of  Adam 
Smith  ;  that  the  supposed  universal  fall  of  prices,  through 
increased  competition  of  capitals,  is  a  thing  which  cannot 
take  place.  Prices  are  not  determined  by  the  competition 
of  the  sellers  only,  but  also  by  that  of  the  buyers ;  by  de- 
mand as  well  as  supply.  The  demand  which  affects  money 
prices  consists  of  all  the  money  in  the  hands  of  the  commu- 
nity destined  to  be  laid  out  in  commodities  ;  and  as  long  as 
the  proportion  of  this  to  the  commodities  is  not  diminished, 
there  is  no  fall  of  general  prices.  Now,  howsoever  capital 
may  increase,  and  give  rise  to  an  increased  production  of 
commodities,  a  full  share  of  the  capital  will  be  drawn  to 
the  business  of  producing  or  importing  money,  and  the 
quantity  of  money  will  be  augmented  in  an  equal  ratio 
with  the  quantity  of  commodities.  For  if  this  were  not  the 
case,  and  if  money,  therefore,  were,  as  the  theory  supposes, 
perpetually  acquiring  increased  purchasing  power,  those 
who  produced  or  imported  it  would  obtain  constantly 
increasing  profits  ;  and  this  could  not  happen  without  at- 
tracting labour  and  capital  to  that  occupation  from  other 
employments.  If  a  general  fall  of  prices,  and  increased 
value  of  money,  were  really  to  occur,  it  could  only  be  as 
a  consequence  of  increased  cost  of  production,  from  the 
gradual  exhaustion  of  the  mines. 

It  is  not  tenable,  therefore,  in  theory,  that  the  increase 
of  capital  produces,  or  tends  to  produce,  a  general  decline 
of  money  prices.  Neither  is  it  true,  that  any  general 
decline  of  prices,  as  capital  increased,  has  manifested  itself 
in  fact.  The  only  things  observed  to  fall  in  price  with  the 
progress  of  society,  are  those  in  which  there  have  been 

310  BOOK  IV.      CHAPTER  IV.     §2. 

improvements  in  production,  greater  than  have  taken  place 
in  the  production  of  the  precious  metals ;  as  for  example, 
all  spun  and  woven  fabrics.  Other  things  again,  instead 
of  falling,  have  risen  in  price,  because  their  cost  of  produc- 
tion, compared  with  that  of  gold  and  silver,  has  increased. 
Among  these  are  all  kinds  of  food,  comparison  being  made 
with  a  much  earlier  period  of  history.  The  doctrine,  there- 
fore, that  competition  of  capital  lowers  profits  by  lowering 
prices,  is  incorrect  in  fact,  as  well  as  unsound  in  principle. 

But  it  is  not  certain  that  Adam  Smith  really  held  that 
doctrine ;  for  his  language  on  the  subject  is  wavering  and 
unsteady,  denoting  the  absence  of  a  definite  and  well-digest- 
ed opinion.  Occasionally  he  seems  to  think  that  the  mode 
in  which  the  competition  of  capital  lowers  profits,  is  by 
raising  wages.  And  when  speaking  of  the  rate  of  profit  in 
new  colonies,  he  seems  on  the  very  verge  of  grasping  the 
complete  theory  of  the  subject.  "  As  the  colony  increases, 
the  profits  of  stock  gradually  diminish.  When  the  most 
fertile  and  best  situated  lands  have  been  all  occupied,  less 
profit  can  be  made  by  the  cultivation  of  what  is  inferior 
both  in  soil  and  situation."  Had  Adam  Smith  meditated 
longer  on  the  subject,  and  systematized  his  view  of  it  by 
harmonizing  with  each  other  the  various  glimpses  which 
he  caught  of  it  from  different  points,  he  would  have  per- 
ceived that  this  last  is  the  true  cause  of  the  fall  of  profits 
usually  consequent  upon  increase  of  capital. 

§  2.  Mr.  Wakefield,  in  his  Commentary  on  Adam 
Smith,  and  his  important  writings  on  Colonization,  takes  a 
much  clearer  view  of  the  subject,  and  arrives,  through  a  sub- 
stantially correct  series  of  deductions,  at  practical  conclu- 
sions which  appear  to  me  just  and  important ;  but  he  is  not 
equally  happy  in  incorporating  his  valuable  speculations 
with  the  results  of  previous  thought,  and'  reconciling  them 
with  other  truths.  Some  of  the  theories  of  Dr.  Chalmers, 
in  his  chapter  "  On  the  Increase  and  Limits  of  Capital, "  and 
the  two  chapters  which  follow  it,  coincide  in  their  tendency 


and  spirit  with  those  of  Mr.  Wakefield  ;  but  Dr.  Chalmers' 
ideas,  though  delivered,  as  is  his  custom,  with  a  most  at- 
tractive semblance  of  clearness,  are  really  on  this  subject 
much  more  confused  than  even  those  of  Adam  Smith,  and 
more  decidedly  infected  with  the  often  refuted  notion  that 
the  competition  of  capital  lowers  general  prices  ;  the  subject 
of  Money  apparently  not  having  been  iucluded  among  the 
parts  of  Political  Economy  which  this  acute  and  vigorous 
writer  had  carefully  studied. 

Mr.  Wakefield's  explanation  of  the  fall  of  profits  is 
briefly  this.  Production  is  limited  not  solely  by  the  quantity 
of  capital  and  of  labour,  but  also  by  the  extent  of  the  "  field 
of  employment."  The  field  of  employment  for  capital  is 
twofold  ;  the  land  of  the  country,  and  the  capacity  of  foreign 
markets  to  take  its  manufactured  commodities.  On  a 
limited  extent  of  land,  only  a  limited  quantity  of  capital 
can  find  employment  at  a  profit.  As  the  quantity  of  capi- 
tal approaches  this  limit,  profit  falls  ;  when  the  limit  is 
attained,  profit  is  annihilated;  and  can  only  be  restored 
through  an  extension  of  the  field  of  employment,  either  by 
the  acquisition  of  fertile  land,  or  by  opening  new  markets 
in  foreign  countries,  from  which  food  and  materials  can  be 
purchased  with  the  products  of  domestic  capital.  These 
propositions  are  in  my  opinion  substantially  true;  and, 
even  to  the  phraseology  in  which  they  are  expressed,  con- 
sidered as  adapted  to  popular  and  practical  rather  than 
scientific  uses,  I  have  nothing  to  object.  The  error  which 
seems  to  me  imputable  to  Mr.  Wakefield  is  that  of  suppos- 
ing his  doctrines  to  be  in  contradiction  to  the  principles  of 
the  best  school  of  preceding  political  economists,  instead  of 
being,  as  they  really  are,  corollaries  from  those  principles ; 
though  corollaries  which,  perhaps,  would  not  always  have 
been  admitted  by  those  political  economists  themselves. 

The  most  scientific  treatment  of  the  subject  which  I 
have  met  with,  is  in  an  essay  on  the  effects  of  Machinery, 
published  in  the  Westminster  fieview  for  January  1826,  by 

312  BOOK   IV.      CHAPTER  IV.      §  3. 

Mr.  William  Ellis  ;*  which  was  doubtless  -unknown  to  Mr. 
Wakefield,  but  which  had  preceded  him,  though  by  a  differ- 
ent path,  in  several  of  his  leading  conclusions.  This  essay 
excited  little  notice,  partly  from  being  published  anony- 
mously in  a  periodical,  and  partly  because  it  was  much  in 
advance  of  the  state  of  political  economy  at  the  time.  In 
Mr.  Ellis's  view  of  the  subject,  the  questions  and  difficulties 
raised  by  Mr.  Wakefield's  speculations  and  by  those  of  Dr. 
Chalmers,  find  a  solution  consistent  with  the  principles  of 
political  economy  laid  down  in  the  present  treatise. 

§  3.  There  is  at  every  time  and  place  some  particular 
rate  of  profit,  which  is  the  lowest  that  will  induce  the 
people  of  that  country  and  time  to  accumulate  savings,  and 
to  employ  those  savings  productively.  This  minimum  rate 
of  profit  varies  according  to  circumstances.  It  depends  on 
two  elements.  One  is,  the  strength  of  the  effective  desire 
of  accumulation ;  the  comparative  estimate  made  by  the 
people  of  that  place  and  era,  of  future  interests  when 
weighed  against  present.  This  element  chiefly  affects  the 
inclination  to  save.  The  other  element,  which  affects  not 
so  much  the  willingness  to  save  as  the  disposition  to  employ 
savings  productively,  is  the  degree  of  security  of  capital 
engaged  in  industrial  operations.  A  state  of  general  inse- 
curity, no  doubt  affects  also  the  disposition  to  save.  A 
hoard  may  be  a  source  of  additional  danger  to  its  reputed 
possessor.  But  as  it  may  also  be  a  powerful  means  of  avert- 
ing dangers,  the  effects  in  this  respect  may  perhaps  be 
looked  upon  as  balanced.  But  in  employing  any  funds 
which  a  person  may  possess  as  capital  on  his  own  account, 
or  in  lending  it  to  others  to  be  so  employed,  there  is  always 
some  additional  risk,  over  and  above  that  incurred  by  keep- 
ing it  idle  in  his  own  custody.     This  extra  risk  is  great  in 

*  Now  so  much  better  known  by  his  apostolic  exertions,  in  pen,  purse,  and 
person,  for  the  improvement  of  popular  education,  and  especially  for  the  intro- 
duction into  it  of  the  elements  of  practical  Political  Economy. 


proportion  as  the  general  state  of  society  is  insecure  :  it  may 
be  equivalent  to  twenty,  thirty,  or  fifty  per  cent,  or  to  no 
more  than  one  or  two  ;  something,  however,  it  must  always 
be  :  and  for  this,  the  expectation  of  profit  must  be  sufficient 
to  compensate. 

There  would  be  adequate  motives  for  a  certain  amount 
of  saving,  even  if  capital  yielded  no  profit.  There  would  be 
an  inducement  to  lay  by  in  good  times  a  provision  for  bad  ; 
to  reserve  something  for  sickness  and  infirmity,  or  as  a 
means  of  leisure  and  independence  in  the  latter  part  of  life, 
or  a  help  to  children  in  the  outset  of  it.  Savings,  however, 
which  have  only  these  ends  in  view,  have  not  much  tend- 
ency to  increase  the  amount  of  capital  permanently  in  exist- 
ence. These  motives  only  prompt  persons  to  save  at  one 
period  of  life  what  they  purpose  to  consume  at  another,  or 
what  will  be  consumed  by  their  children  before  they  can 
completely  provide  for  themselves.  The  savings  by  which 
an  addition  is  made  to  the  national  capital,  usually  emanate 
from  the  desire  of  persons  to  improve  what  is  termed  their 
condition  in  life,  or  to  make  a  provision  for  children  or 
others,  independent  of  their  exertions.  Now,  to  the  strength 
of  these  inclinations  it  makes  a  very  material  difference  how 
much  of  the  desired  object  can  be  effected  by  a  given 
amount  and  duration  of  self-denial ;  which  again  depends  on 
the  rate  of  profit.  And  there  is  in  every  country  some  rate 
of  profit,  below  which  persons  in  general  will  not  find 
sufficient  motive  to  save  for  the  mere  purpose  of  growing 
richer,  or  of  leaving  others  better  off  than  themselves. 
Any  accumulation,  therefore,  by  which  the  general  capital 
is  increased,  requires  as  its  necessary  condition  a  certain 
rate  of  profit :  a  rate  which  an  average  person  will  deem  to 
be  an  equivalent  for  abstinence,  with  the  addition  of  a 
sufficient  insurance  against  risk.  There  are  always  some 
persons  in  whom  the  effective  desire  of  accumulation  is  above 
the  average,  and  to  whom  less  than  this  rate  of  profit  is  a 
sufficient  inducement  to  save ;  but  these  merely  step  into 
the  place  of  others  whose  taste  for  expense  and  indulgence 

314  BOOK  IV.     CHAPTER  IV.     §3. 

is  beyond  the  average,  and  who,  instead  of  saving,  perhaps 
even  dissipate  what  they  have  received. 

I  have  already  observed  that  this  minimum  rate  of 
profit,  less  than  which  is  not  consistent  with  the  further 
increase  of  capital,  is  lower  in  some  states  of  society  than  in 
others ;  and  I  may  add,  that  the  kind  of  social  progress 
characteristic  of  our  present  civilization,  tends  to  diminish 
it.  In  the  first  place,  one  of  the  acknowledged  effects  of 
that  progress  is  an  increase  of  general  security.  Destruc- 
tion by  wars,  and  spoliation  by  private  or  public  violence, 
are  less  and  less  to  be  apprehended  ;  and  the  improvements 
which  may  be  looked  for  in  education  and  in  the  adminis- 
tration of  justice,  or,  in  their  default,  increased  regard  for 
opinion,  afford  a  growing  protection  against  fraud  and 
reckless  mismanagement.  The  risks  attending  the  invest- 
ment of  savings  in  productive  employment,  require 
therefore  a  smaller  rate  of  profit  to  compensate  for  them 
than  was  required  a  century  ago,  and  will  hereafter  require 
less  than  at  present.  In  the  second  place,  it  is  also  one  of 
the  consequences  of  civilization  that  mankind  become  less 
the  slaves  of  the  moment,  and  more  habituated  to  carry 
their  desires  and  purposes  forward  into  a  distant  future. 
This  increase  of  providence  is  a  natural  result  of  the  in- 
creased assurance  with  which  futurity  can  be  looked  for- 
ward to  ;  and  is,  besides,  favoured  by  most  of  the  influences 
which  an  industrial  life  exercises  over  the  passions  and  incli- 
nations of  human  nature.  In  proportion  as  life  has  fewer 
vicissitudes,  as  habits  become  more  fixed,  and  great  prizes 
are  less  and  less  to  be  hoped  for  by  any  other  means  than 
long  perseverance,  mankind  become  more  willing  to  sacrifice 
present  indulgence  for  future  objects.  This  increased  capa- 
city of  forethought  and  self-control  may  assuredly  find  other 
things  to  exercise  itself  upon  than  increase  of  riches,  and 
some  considerations  connected  with  this  topic  will  shortly 
be  touched  upon.  The  present  kind  of  social  progress,  how- 
ever, decidedly  tends,  though  not  perhaps  to  increase  the 
desire  of  accumulation,  yet  to  weaken  the  obstacles  to  it, 


and  to  diminish  the  amount  of  profit  which  people  abso- 
lutely require  as  an  inducement  to  save  and  accumulate.  For 
these  two  reasons,  diminution  of  risk  and  increase  of  provi- 
dence, a  profit  or  interest  of  three  or  four  per  cent  is  as 
sufficient  a  motive  to  the  increase  of  capital  in  England  at 
the  present  day,  as  thirty  or  forty  per  cent  in  the  Burmese 
Empire,  or  in  England  at  the  time  of  King  John.  In  Hol- 
land during  the  last  century  a  return  of  two  per  cent,  on 
government  security,  was  consistent  with  an  undiminished, 
if  not  with  an  increasing  capital.  But  though  the  mini- 
mum rate  of  profit  is  thus  liable  to  vary,  and  though  to 
specify  exactly  what  it  is  would  at  any  given  time  be  im- 
possible, such  a  minimum  always  exists ;  and  whether  it  be 
high  or  low,  when  once  it  is  reached,  no  further  increase  of 
capital  can  for  the  present  take  place.  The  country  has 
then  attained  what  is  known  to  political  economists  under 
the  name  of  the  stationary  state. 

§  4.  We  now  arrive  at  the  fundamental  proposition 
which  this  chapter  is  intended  to  inculcate.  "When  a 
country  has  long  possessed  a  large  production,  and  a  large 
net  income  to  make  savings  from,  and  when,  therefore,  the 
means  have  long  existed  of  making  a  great  annual  addition 
to  capital ;  (the  country  not  having,  like  America,  a  large 
reserve  of  fertile  land  still  unused  ;)  it  is  one  of  the  character- 
istics of  such  a  country,  that  the  rate  of  profit  is  habitually 
within,  as  it  were,  a  hand's  breadth  of  the  minimum,  and 
the  country  therefore  on  the  very  verge  of  the  stationary 
state.  By  this  I  do  not  mean  that  this  state  is  likely,  in 
any  of  the  great  countries  of  Europe,  to  be  soon  actually 
reached,  or  that  capital  does  not  still  yield  a  profit  con- 
siderably greater  than  what  is  barely  sufficient  to  induce 
the  people  of  those  countries  to  save  and  accumulate.  My 
meaning  is,  that  it  would  require  but  a  short  time  to  reduce 
profits  to  the  minimum,  if  capital  continued  to  increase  at 
its  present  rate,  and  no  circumstances  having  a  tendency 
to  raise  the  rate  of  profit  occurred  in  the  meantime.     The  ex- 

316  BOOK  IV.     CHAPTER  IV.     §4. 

pansion  of  capital  would  soon  reach  its  ultimate  boundary, 
if  the  boundary  itself  did  not  continually  open  and  leave 
more  space. 

In  England,  the  ordinary  rate  of  interest  on  government 
securities,  in  which  the  risk  is  next  to  nothing,  may  be  esti- 
mated at  a  little  more  than  three  per  cent :  in  all  other  in- 
vestments, therefore,  the  interest  or  profit  calculated  upon 
(exclusively  of  what  is  properly  a  remuneration  for  talent 
or  exertion)  must  be  as  much  more  than  this  amount,  as  is 
equivalent  to  the  degree  of  risk  to  which  the  capital  is 
thought  to  be  exposed.  Let  us  suppose  that  in  England 
even  so  small  a  net  profit  as  one  per  cent,  exclusive  of  insur- 
ance against  risk,  would  constitute  a  sufficient  inducement 
to  save,  but  that  less  than  this  would  not  be  a  sufficient 
inducement.  I  now  say,  that  the  mere  continuance  of  the 
present  annual  increase  of  capital,  if  no  circumstance  occur- 
red to  counteract  its  effect,  would  suffice  in  a  small  number 
of  years  to  reduce  the  rate  of  net  profit  to  one  per  cent. 

To  fulfil  the  conditions  of  the  hypothesis,  we  must  sup- 
pose an  entire  cessation  of  the  exportation  of  capital  for 
foreign  investment.  No  more  capital  sent .  abroad  for  rail- 
ways, or  loans  ;  no  more  emigrants  taking  capital  with  them, 
to  the  colonies,  or  to  other  countries  ;  no  fresh  advances 
made,  or  credits  given,  by  bankers  or  merchants*  to  their 
foreign  correspondents.  We  must  also  assume  that  there 
are  no  fresh  loans,  for  unproductive  expenditure  by  the 
government,  or  on  mortgage,  or  otherwise ;  and  none  of  the 
waste  of  capital  which-  now  takes  place  by  the  failure  of 
undertakings  which  people  are  tempted  to  engage  in  by  the 
hope  of  a  better  income  than  can  be  obtained  in  safe  paths 
at  the  present  habitually  low  rate  of  profit.  We  must  sup- 
pose the  entire  savings  of  the  community  to  be  annually 
invested  in  really  productive  employment  within  the  coun- 
try itself;  and  no  new  channels  opened  by  industrial  inven- 
tions, or  by  a  more  extensive  substitution  of  the  best  known 
processes  for  inferior  ones. 

Few  persons  would  hesitate  to  say,  that  there  would  be 


great  difficulty  in  finding  remunerative  employment  every 
year  for  so  much  new  capital,  and  most  would  conclude  that 
there  would  be  what  used  to  be  termed  a  general  glut ;  that 
commodities  would  be  produced,  and  remain  unsold,  or  be 
sold  only  at  a  loss.  But  the  full  examination  which  we 
have  already  given  to  this  question,*  has  shown  that  this  is 
not  the  mode  in  which  the  inconvenience  would  be  experi- 
enced. The  difficulty  would  not  consist  in  any  want  of  a 
market.  If  the  new  capital  were  duly  shared  among  many 
varieties  of  employment,  it  would  raise  up  a  demand  for  its 
own  produce,  and  there  would  be  no  cause  why  any  part 
of  that  produce  should  remain  longer  on  hand  than  for- 
merly. What  would  really  be,  not  merely  difficult,  but 
impossible,  would  be  to  employ  this  capital  without  sub- 
mitting to  a  rapid  reduction  of  the  rate  of  profit. 

As  capital  increased,  population  either  would  also  in- 
crease, or  it  would  not.  If  it  did  not,  wages  would  rise, 
and  a  greater  capital  would  be  distributed  in  wages  among 
the  same  number  of  labourers.  There  being  no  more  labour 
than  before,  and  no  improvements  to  render  the  labour 
more  efficient,  there  would  not  be  any  increase  of  the  prod- 
uce ;  and  as  the  capital,  however  largely  increased,  would 
only  obtain  the  same  gross  return,  the  whole  savings  of 
each  year  would  be  exactly  so  much  subtracted  from  the 
profits  of  the  next  and  of  every  following  year.  It  is  hardly 
necessary  to  say  that  in  such  circumstances  profits  would 
very  soon  fall  to  the  point  at  which  further  increase  of  cap- 
ital would  cease.  An  augmentation  of  capital,  much  more 
rapid  than  that  of  population,  must  soon  reach  its  extreme 
limit,  unless  accompanied  by  increased  efficiency  of  labour 
(through  inventions  and  discoveries,  or  improved  mental 
and  physical  education),  or  unless  some  of  the  idle  people, 
or  of  the  unproductive  labourers,  became  productive. 

If  population  did  increase  with  the  increase  of  capital 
and  in  proportion  to  it,  the  fall  of  profits  would  still  be 
inevitable.     Increased  population  implies  increased  demand 

*  Book  iii.  chap.  14. 

318  BOOK  IV.     CHAPTER  IV.     §5. 

for  agricultural  produce.  In  the  absence  of  industrial  im- 
provements, this  demand  can  only  be  supplied  at  an  in- 
creased cost  of  production,  either  by  cultivating  worse  land, 
or  by  a  more  elaborate  and  costly  cultivation  of  the  land 
already  under  tillage.  The  cost  of  the  labourer's  subsistence 
is  therefore  increased ;  and  unless  the  labourer  submits  to  a 
deterioration  of  his  condition,  profits  must  fall.  In  an  old 
country  like  England,  if,  in  addition  to  supposing  all  im- 
provement in  domestic  agriculture  suspended,  we  suppose 
that  there  is  no  increased  production  in  foreign  countries  for 
the  English  market,  the  fall  of  profits  would  be  very  rapid. 
If  both  these  avenues  to  an  increased  supply  of  food  were 
closed,  and  population  continued  to  increase,  as  it  is  said  to 
do,  at  the  rate  of  a  thousand  a  day,  all  waste  land  which 
admits  of  cultivation  in  the  existing  state  of  knowledge 
would  soon  be  cultivated,  and  the  cost  of  production  and 
price  of  food  would  be  so  increased,  that,  if  the  labourers 
received  the  increased  money  wages  necessary  to  compen- 
sate for  their  increased  expenses,  profits  would  very  soon 
reach  the  minimum.  The  fall  of  profits  would  be  retard- 
ed if  money  wages  did  not  rise,  or  rose  in  a  less  degree ; 
but  the  margin  which  can  be  gained  by  a  deterioration  of 
the  labourer's  condition  is  a  very  narrow  one :  in  general 
they  cannot  bear  much  reduction ;  when  they  can,  they 
have  also  a  higher  standard  of  necessary  requirements,  and 
will  not.  On  the  whole,  therefore,  we  may  assume  that  in 
such  a  country  as  England,  if  the  present  annual  amount  of 
savings  were  to  continue,  without  any  of  the  counteracting 
circumstances  which  now  keep  in  check  the  natural  influ- 
ence of  those  savings  in  reducing  profit,  the  rate  of  profit 
would  speedily  attain  the  minimum,  and  all  further  accu- 
mulation of  capital  would  for  the  present  cease. 

§  5.  "What,  then,  are  these  counteracting  circumstances, 
which,  in  the  existing  state  of  things,  maintain  a  tolerably 
equal  struggle  against  the  downward  tendency  of  profits, 
and  prevent  the  great  annual  savings  which  take  place  in 


this  country,  from  depressing  the  rate  of  profit  much  nearer 
to  that  lowest  point  to  which  it  is  always  tending,  and  which, 
left  to  itself,  it  would  so  promptly  attain  ?  The  resisting 
agencies  are  of  several  kinds. 

First  among  them,  we  may  notice  one  which  is  so 
simple  and  so  conspicuous,  that  some  political  economists, 
especially  M.  de  Sismondi  and  Dr.  Chalmers,  have  attend- 
ed to  it  almost  to  the  exclusion  of  all  others.  This  is,  the 
waste  of  capital  in  periods  of  over-trading  and  rash  specu- 
lation, and  in  the  commercial  revulsions  by  which  such 
times  are  always  followed.  It  is  true  that  a  great  part 
of  what  is  lost  at  such  periods  is  not  destroyed,  but  merely 
transferred,  like  a  gambler's  losses,  to  more  successful  specu- 
lators. But  even  of  these  mere  transfers,  a  large  portion  is 
always  to  foreigners,  by  the  hasty  purchase  of  unusual 
quantities  of  foreign  goods  at  advanced  prices.  And  much 
also  is  absolutely  wasted.  Mines  are  opened,  railways  or 
bridges  made,  and  many  other  works  of  uncertain  profit 
commenced,  and  in  these  enterprises  much  capital  is  sunk 
which  yields  either  no  return,  or  none  adequate  to  the  out- 
lay. Factories  are  built  and  machinery  erected  beyond 
what  the  market  requires,  or  can  keep  in  employment. 
Even  if  they  are  kept  in  employment,  the  capital  is  no  less 
sunk  ;  it  has  been  converted  from  circulating  into  fixed 
capital,  and  has  ceased  to  have  any  influence  on  wages  or 
profits.  Besides  this,  there  is  a  great  unproductive  con- 
sumption of  capital,  during  the  stagnation  which  follows  a 
period  of  general  over-trading.  Establishments  are  shut 
up,  or  kept  working  without  any  profit,  hands  are  dis- 
charged, and  numbers  of  persons  in  all  ranks,  being  de- 
prived of  their  income,  and  thrown  for  support  on  their 
savings,  find  themselves,  after  the  crisis  has  passed  away, 
in  a  condition  of  more  or  less  impoverishment.  Such  are 
the  effects  of  a  commercial  revulsion  :  and  that  such  revul- 
sions are  almost  periodical,  is  a  consequence  of  the  very 
tendency  of  profits  which  we  are  considering.  By  the  time 
a  few   years  have   passed   over  without  a  crisis,  so   much 

320  BOOK  IV-     CHAPTER  IV.    §6. 

additional  capital  has  been  accumulated,  that  it  is  no  longei 
possible  to  invest  it  at  the  accustomed  profit :  all  public 
securities  rise  to  a  high  price,  the  rate  of  interest  on  the 
best  mercantile  security  falls  very  low,  and  the  complaint 
is  general  among  persons  in  business  that  no  money  is  to 
be  made.  Does  not  this  demonstrate  how  speedily  profit 
would  be  at  the  minimum,  and  the  stationary  condition  of 
capital  would  be  attained,  if  these  accumulations  went  on 
without  any  counteracting  principle  ?  But  the  diminished 
scale  of  all  safe  gains,  inclines  persons  to  give  a  ready  ear  to 
any  projects  which  hold  out,  though  at  the  risk  of  loss,  the 
hope  of  a  higher  rate  of  profit ;  and  speculations  ensue, 
which,  with  the  subsequent  revulsions,  destroy,  or  transfer 
to  foreigners,  a  considerable  amount  of  capital,  produce  a 
temporary  rise  of  interest  and  profit,  make  room  for  fresh 
accumulations,  and  the  same  round  is  recommenced. 

This,  doubtless,  is  one  considerable  cause  which  arrests 
profits  in  their  descent  to  the  minimum,  by  sweeping  away 
from  time  to  time  a  part  of  the  accumulated  mass  by  which 
they  are  forced  down.  But  this  is  not,  as  might  be  inferred 
from  the  language  of  some  writers,  the  principal  cause.  If 
it  were,  the  capital  of  the  country  would  not  increase  ;  but 
in  England  it  does  increase  greatly  and  rapidly.  This  is 
shown  by  the  increasing  productiveness  of  almost  all  taxes, 
by  the  continual  growth  of  all  the  signs  of  national  wealth, 
and  by  the  rapid  increase  of  population,  while  the  condition 
of  the  labourers  certainly  is  not  on  the  whole  declining. 
These  things  prove  that  each  commercial  revulsion,  how- 
ever disastrous,  is  very  far  from  destroying  all  the  capital 
which  has  been  added  to  the  accumulations  of  the  country 
since  the  last  revulsion  preceding  it,  and  that,  invariably, 
room  is  either  found  or  made  for  the  profitable  employment 
of  a  perpetually  increasing  capital,  consistently  with  not 
forcing  down  profits  to  a  lower  rate. 

§  6.     This  brings  us  to  the  second  of  the  counter-agen- 
cies, namely,  improvements  in  production.     These  evidently 


have  the  effect  of  extending  what  Mr.  "Wakefield  terms  the 
field  of  employment,  that  is,  they  enable  a  greater  amount 
of  capital  to  be  accumulated  and  employed  without  depress- 
ing the  rate  of  profit :  provided  always  that  they  do  not 
raise,  to  a  proportional  extent,  the  habits  and  requirements 
of  the  labourer.  If  the  labouring  class  gain  the  full  advan- 
tage of  the  increased  cheapness,  in  other  words,  if  money 
wages  do  not  fall,  profits  are  not  raised,  nor  their  fall  re- 
tarded. But  if  the  labourers  people  up  to  the  improvement 
in  their  condition,  and  so  relapse  to  their  previous  state, 
profits  will  rise.  All  inventions  which  cheapen  any  of  the 
things  consumed  by  the  labourers,  unless  their  requirements 
are  raised  in  an  equivalent  degree,  in  time  lower  money 
wages:  and  by  doing  so,  enable  a  greater  capital  to  be 
accumulated  and  employed,  before  profits  fall  back  to  what 
they  were  previously. 

Improvements  which  only  affect  things  consumed  exclu- 
sively by  the  richer  classes,  do  not  operate  precisely  in  the 
same  manner.  The  cheapening  of  lace  or  velvet  has  no 
effect  in  diminishing  the  cost  of  labour ;  and  no  mode  can 
be  pointed  out  in  which  it  can  raise  the  rate  of  profit,  so  as 
to  make  room  for  a  larger  capital  before  the  minimum  is 
attained.  It,  however,  produces  an  effect  which  is  virtually 
equivalent ;  it  lowers,  or  tends  to  lower,  the  minimum  itself. 
In  the  first  place,  increased  cheapness  of  articles  of  con- 
sumption promotes  the  inclination  to  save,  by  affording  to 
all  consumers  a  surplus  which  they  may  lay  by,  consist- 
ently with  their  accustomed  manner  of  living ;  and  unless 
they  were  previously  suffering  actual  hardships,  it  will 
require  little  self-denial  to  save  some  part  at  least  of  this 
surplus.  In  the  next  place,  whatever  enables  people  to  live 
equally  well  on  a  smaller  income,  inclines  them  to  lay  by 
capital  for  a  lower  rate  of  profit.  If  people  can  live  on  an 
independence  of  500Z.  a  year  in  the  same  manner  as  they 
formerly  could  on  one  of  1000/.,  some  persons  will  be  in- 
duced to  save  in  hopes  of  the  one,  who  would  have  been 
deterred  by  the  more  remote  prospect  of  the  other.  All 

322  BOOK  IV.     CHAPTER  IV.     §7. 

improvements,  therefore,  in  the  production  of  almost  any 
commodity,  tend  in  some  degree  to  widen  the  interval  which 
has  to  be  passed  before  arriving  at  the  stationary  state : 
but  this  effect  belongs  in  a  much  greater  degree  to  the  im- 
provements which  affect  the  articles  consumed  by  the  la- 
bourer, since  these  conduce  to  it  in  two  ways  ;  they  induce 
people  to  accumulate  for  a  lower  profit,  and  they  also  raise 
the  rate  of  profit  itself. 

§  7.  Equivalent  in  effect  to  improvements  in  production, 
is  the  acquisition  of  any  new  power  of  obtaining  cheap  com- 
modities from  foreign  countries.  If  necessaries  are  cheap- 
ened, whether  they  are  so  by  improvements  at  home  or  im- 
portation from  abroad,  is  exactly  the  same  thing  to  wages 
and  profits.  Unless  the  labourer  obtains,  and  by  an  im- 
provement of  his  habitual  standard,  keeps,  the  whole  benefit, 
the  cost  of  labour  is  lowered,  and  the  rate  of  profit  raised. 
As  long  as  food  can  continue  to  be  imported  for  an  increas- 
ing population  without  any  diminution  of  cheapness,  so  long 
the  declension  of  profits  through  the  increase  of  population 
and  capital  is  arrested,  and  accumulation  may  go  on  with- 
out making  the  rate  of  profit  draw  nearer  to  the  minimum. 
And  on  this  ground  it  is  believed  by  some,  that  the  repeal 
of  the  corn  laws  has  opened  to  this  country  a  long  era  of 
rapid  increase  of  capital  with  an  undiminished  rate  of 

Before  inquiring  whether  this  expectation  is  reasonable, 
one  remark  must  be  made,  which  is  much  at  variance  with 
commonly  received  notions.  Foreign  trade  does  not  neces- 
sarily increase  the  field  of  employment  for  capital.  It  is 
not  the  mere  opening  of  a  market  for  a  country's  produc- 
tions, that  tends  to  raise  the  rate  of  profits.  If  nothing 
were  obtained  in  exchange  for  those  productions  but  the 
luxuries  of  the  rich,  the  expenses  of  no  capitalist  would  be 
diminished  ;  profits  would  not  be  at  all  raised,  nor  room 
made  for  the  accumulation  of  more  capital  without  submit- 
ting to  a  reduction  of  profits :  and  if  the  attainment  of  the 


stationary  state  were  at  all  retarded,  it  would  only  be 
because  the  diminished  cost  at  which  a  certain  degree  of 
luxury  could  be  enjoyed,  might  induce  people,  in  that  pros- 
pect, to  make  fresh  savings  for  a  lower  profit  than  they  for- 
merly were  willing  to  do.  When  foreign  trade  makes  room 
for  more  capital  at  the  same  profit,  it  is  by  enabling  the 
necessaries  of  life,  or  the  habitual  articles  of  the  labourer's 
consumption,  to  be  obtained  at  smaller  cost.  It  may  do 
this  in  two  ways ;  by  the  importation  either  of  those  com- 
modities themselves,  or  of  the  means  and  appliances  for 
producing  them.  Cheap  iron  has,  in  a  certain  measure,  the 
same  effect  on  profits  and  the  cost  of  labour  as  cheap  corn, 
because  cheap  iron  makes  cheap  tools  for  agriculture  and 
cheap  machinery  for  clothing.  But  a  foreign  trade  which 
neither  directly,  nor  by  any  indirect  consequence,  increases 
the  cheapness  of  anything  consumed  by  the  labourers,  does 
not,  any  more  than  an  invention  or  discovery  in  the  like 
case,  tend  to  raise  profits  or  retard  their  fall  ;  it  merely 
substitutes  the  production  of  goods  for  foreign  markets,  in 
the  room  of  the  home  production  of  luxuries,  leaving  the 
employment  for  capital  neither  greater  nor  less  than  before. 
It  is  true,  that  there  is  scarcely  any  export  trade  which,  in 
a  country  that  already  imports  necessaries  or  materials, 
comes  within  these  conditions  :  for  every  increase  of  exports 
enables  the  country  to  obtain  all  its  imports  on  cheaper 
terms  than  before. 

A  country  which,  as  is  now  the  case  with  England, 
admits  food  of  all  kinds,  and  all  necessaries  and  the  mate- 
rials of  necessaries,  to  be  freely  imported  from  all  parts  of 
the  world,  no  longer  depends  on  the  fertility  of  her  own 
soil  to  keep  up  her  rate  of  profits,  but  on  the  soil  of  the 
whole  world.  It  remains  to  consider  how  far  this  resource 
can  be  counted  upon  for  making  head  during  a  very  long 
period  against  the  tendency  of  profits  to  decline  as  capital 

It  must,  of  course,  be  supposed  that  with  the  increase  of 
capital,  population  also  increases  ;  for  if  it  did  not,  the  con- 

324  B00K  IV-     CHAPTER  IV.     §8. 

sequent  rise  of  wages  would  bring  down  profits,  in  spite  of 
any  cheapness  of  food.  Suppose  then  that  the  population 
of  Great  Britain  goes  on  increasing  at  its  present  rate,  and 
demands  every  year  a  supply  of  imported  food  considerably 
beyond  that  of  the  year  preceding.  This  annual  increase  in 
the  food  demanded  from  the  exporting  countries,  can  only 
be  obtained  either  by  great  improvements  in  their  agri- 
culture, or  by  the  application  of  a  great  additional  capital  to 
the  growth  of  food.  The  former  is  likely  to  be  a  very  slow 
process,  from  the  rudeness  and  ignorance  of  the  agricultural 
classes  in  the  food-exporting  countries  of  Europe,  while  the 
British  colonies  and  the  United  States  are  already  in  pos- 
session of  most  of  the  improvements  yet  made,  so  far  as 
suitable  to  their  circumstances.  There  remains  as  a  re- 
source, the  extension  of  cultivation.  And  on  this  it  is  to  be 
remarked,  that  the  capital  by  which  any  such  extension  can 
take  place,  is  mostly  still  to  be  created.  In  Poland,  Eussia, 
Hungary,  Spain,  the  increase  of  capital  is  extremely  slow. 
In  America  it  is  rapid,  but  not  more  rapid  than  the  popula- 
tion. The  principal  fund  at  present  available  for  supplying 
this  country  with  a  yearly  increasing  importation  of  food,  is 
that  portion  of  the  annual  savings  of  America  which  has 
heretofore  been  applied  to  increasing  the  manufacturing 
establishments  of  the  United  States,  and  which  free  trade  in 
corn  may  possibly  divert  from  that  purpose  to  growing  food 
for  our  market.  This  limited  source  of  supply,  unless  great 
improvements  take  place  in  agriculture,  cannot  be  expected 
to  keep  pace  with  the  growing  demand  of  so  rapidly  in- 
creasing a  population  as  that  of  Great  Britain  ;  and  if  our 
population  and  capital  continue  to  increase  with  their  pres- 
ent rapidity,  the  only  mode  in  which  food  can  continue  to 
be  supplied  cheaply  to  the  one,  is  by  sending  the  other 
abroad  to  produce  it. 

§  8.  This  brings  us  to  the  last  of  the  counter-forces 
which  check  the  downward  tendency  of  profits  in  a  country 
whose  capital  increases  faster  than  that  of  its  neighbours,  and 


whose  profits  are  therefore  nearer  to  the  minimum.  This 
is,  the  perpetual  overflow  of  capital  into  colonies  or  foreign 
countries,  to  seek  higher  profits  than  can  be  obtained  at 
home.  I  believe  this  to  have  been  for  many  years  one  of 
the  principal  causes  by  which  the  decline  of  profits  in  Eng- 
land has  been  arrested.  It  has  a  twofold  operation.  In  the 
first  place,  it  does  what  a  fire,  or  an  inundation,  or  a  com- 
mercial crisis  would  have  done :  it  carries  off  a  part  of  the 
increase  of  capital  from  which  the  reduction  of  profits  pro- 
ceeds. Secondly,  the  capital  so  carried  off  is  not  lost,  but 
is  chiefly  employed  either  in  founding  colonies,  which  be- 
come large  exporters  of  cheap  agricultural  produce,  or  in 
extending  and  perhaps  improving  the  agriculture  of  older 
communities.  It  is  to  the  emigration  of  English  capital, 
that  we  have  chiefly  to  look  for  keeping  up  a  supply  of 
cheap  food  and  cheap  materials  of  clothing,  proportional  to 
the  increase  of  our  population  :  thus  enabling  an  increasing 
capital  to  find  employment  in  the  country,  without  reduc- 
tion of  profit,  in  producing  manufactured  articles  with  which 
to  pay  for  this  supphr  of  raw  produce.  Thus,  the  exporta- 
tion of  capital  is  an  agent  of  great  efficacy  in  extending  the 
field  of  employment  for  that  which  remains  :  and  it  may  be 
said  truly  that,  up  to  a  certain  point,  the  more  capital  we 
send  away,  the  more  we  shall  possess  and  be  able  to  retain 
at  home. 

In  countries  which  are  further  advanced  in  industry  and 
population,  and  have  therefore  a  lower  rate  of  profit,  than 
others,  there  is  always,  long  before  the  actual  minimum  ia 
reached,  a  practical  minimum,  viz.  when  profits  have  fallen 
so  much  below  what  they  are  elsewhere,  that,  were  they  to 
fall  lower,  all  further  accumulations  would  go  abroad.  In 
the  present  state  of  the  industry  of  the  world,  when  there  is 
occasion,  in  any  rich  and  improving  country,  to  take  the 
minimum  of  profits  at  all  into  consideration  for  practical 
purposes,  it  is  only  this  practical  minimum  that  needs  be 
considered.  As  long  as  there  are  old  countries  where  capi- 
tal increases  very  rapidly,  and  new  countries  where  profit 

326  B00K  rV-     CHAPTER  IV.     §8. 

is  still  high,  profits  in  the  old  countries  will  not  sink  to  the 
rate  which  would  put  a  stop  to  accumulation ;  the  fall  is 
stopped  at  the  point  which  sends  capital  abroad.  It  is  only, 
however,  by  improvements  in  production,  and  even  in  the 
production  of  things  consumed  by  labourers,  that  the  capital 
of  a  country  like  England  is  prevented  from  speedily 
reaching  that  degree  of  lowness  of  profit,  which  would 
cause  all  further  savings  to  be  sent  to  find  employment  in 
the  colonies,  or  in  foreign  countries. 



§  1.  The  theory  of  the  effect  of  accumulation  on  profi 
its,  laid  down  in  the  preceding  chapter,  materially  alters 
many  of  the  practical  conclusions  which  might  otherwise  be 
supposed  to  follow  from  the  general  principles  of  Political 
Economy,  and  which  were,  indeed,  long  admitted  as  true 
by  the  highest  authorities  on  the  subject. 

It  must  greatly  abate,  or  rather,  altogether  destroy,  in 
countries  where  profits  are  low,  the  immense  importance 
which  used  to  be  attached  by  political  economists  to  the 
effects  which  an  event  or  a  measure  of  government  might 
have  in  adding  to  or  subtracting  from  the  capital  of  the 
country.  We  have  now  seen  that  the  lowness  of  profits  is  a 
proof  that  the  spirit  of  accumulation  is  so  active,  and  that 
the  increase  of  capital  has  proceeded  at  so  rapid  a  rate,  as 
to  outstrip  the  two  counter-agencies,  improvements  in  pro- 
duction, and  increased  supply  of  cheap  necessaries  from 
abroad :  and  that  unless  a  considerable  portion  of  the 
annual  increase  of  capital  were  either  periodically  de- 
stroyed, or  exported  for  foreign  investment,  the  country 
would  speedily  attain  the  point  at  which  further  accumula- 
tion would  cease,  or  at  least  spontaneously  slacken,  so  as  no 
longer  to  overpass  the  march  of  invention  in  the  arts  which 
produce  the  necessaries  of  life.  In  such  a  state  of  things 
as  this,  a  sudden  addition   to  the  capital  of  the  country, 

328  BOOK  IV.     CHAPTER  V.     §1. 

■unaccompanied  by  any  increase  of  productive  power,  would 
be  but  of  transitory  duration  ;  since  by  depressing  profits 
and  interest,  it  would  either  diminish  by  a  corresponding 
amount  the  savings  which  would  be  made  from  income  in 
the  year  or  two  following,  or  it  would  cause  an  equivalent 
amount  to  be  sent  abroad,  or  to  be  wasted  in  rash  specula- 
tions. Neither,  on  the  other  hand,  would  a  sudden  abstrac- 
tion of  capital,  unless  of  inordinate  amount,  have  any  real 
effect  in  impoverishing  the  country.  After  a  few  months 
or  years,  there  would  exist  in  the  country  just  as  much  cap- 
ital as  if  none  had  been  taken  away.  The  abstraction,  by 
raising  profits  and  interest,  would  give  a  fresh  stimulus  to 
the  accumulative  principle,  which  would  speedily  fill  up  the 
vacuum.  Probably,  indeed,  the  only  effect  that  would 
ensue,  would  be  that  for  some  time  afterwards  less  capital 
would  be  exported,  and  less  thrown  away  in  hazardous 

In  the  first  place,  then,  this  view  of  things  greatly  weak- 
ens, in  a  wealthy  and  industrious  country,  the  force  of  the 
economical  argument  against  the  expenditure  of  public 
money  for  really  valuable,  even  though  industriously  unpro- 
ductive, purposes.  If  for  any  great  object  of  justice  or 
philanthropic  policy,  such  as  the  industrial  regeneration  of 
Ireland,  or  a  comprehensive  measure  of  colonization  or  of 
public  education,  it  were  proposed  to  raise  a  large  sum  by 
way  of  loan,  politicians  need  not  demur  to  the  abstraction 
of  so  much  capital,  as  tending  to  dry  up  the  permanent 
sources  of  the  country's  wealth,  and  diminish  the  fund 
which  supplies  the  subsistence  of  the  labouring  population. 
The  utmost  expense  which  could  be  requisite  for  any  of 
these  purposes,  would  not  in  all  probability  deprive  one 
labourer  of  employment,  or  diminish  the  next  year's  pro- 
duction by  one  ell  of  cloth  or  one  bushel  of  grain.  In  poor 
countries,  the  capital  of  the  country  requires  the  legislator's 
sedulous  care  ;  he  is  bound  to  be  most  cautions  of  encroach- 
ing upon  it,  and  should  favour  to  the  utmost  its  accumulation 
at  home,  and  its  introduction  from  abroad.     But  in  rich, 


populous,  and  highly  cultivated  countries,  it  is  not  capital 
which  is  the  deficient  element,  but  fertile  land  ;  and  what 
the  legislator  should  desire  and  promote,  is  not  a  greater 
aggregate  saving,  but  a  greater  return  to  savings,  either 
by  improved  cultivation,  or  by  access  to  the  produce  of 
more  fertile  lands  in  other  parts  of  the  globe.  In  such 
countries,  the  government  may  take  any  moderate  portion 
of  the  capital  of  the  country  and  expend  it  as  revenue, 
without  affecting  the  national  wealth  :  the  whole  being 
either  drawn  from  that  portion  of  the  annual  savings  which 
would  otherwise  be  sent  abroad,  or  being  subtracted  from 
the  unproductive  expenditure  of  individuals  for  the  next 
year  or  two,  since  every  million  spent  makes  room  for 
another  million  to  be  saved  before  reaching  the  overflowing 
point.  When  the  object  in  view  is  worth  the  sacrifice  of 
such  an  amount  of  the  expenditure  that  furnishes  the  daily 
enjoyments  of  the  people,  the  only  well-grounded  economi- 
cal objection  against  taking  the  necessary  funds  directly 
from  capital,  consists  of  the  inconveniences  attending  the 
process  of  raising  a  revenue  by  taxation,  to  pay  the  interest 
of  a  debt. 

The  same  considerations  enable  us  to  throw  aside  as 
unworthy  of  regard,  one  of  the  common  arguments  against 
emigration  as  a  means  of  retief  for  the  labouring  class. 
Emigration,  it  is  said,  can  do  no  good  to  the  labourers,  if, 
in  order  to  defray  the  cost,  as  much  must  be  taken  away 
from  the  capital  of  the  country  as  from  its  population. 
That  anything  like  this  proportion  could  require  to  be  ab- 
stracted from  capital  for  the  purpose  even  of  the  most  ex- 
tensive colonization,  few,  I  should  think,  would  now  assert : 
but  even  on  that  untenable  supposition,  it  is  an  error  to 
suppose  that  no  benefit  would  be  conferred  on  the  labouring 
class.  If  one-tenth  of  the  labouring  people  of  England  were 
transferred  to  the  colonies,  and  along  with  them  one-tenth 
of  the  circulating  capital  of  the  country,  either  wages,  or 
profits,  or  both,  would  be  greatly  benefited,  by  the  dimin- 
ished pressure  of  capital  and  population  upon  the  fertility  of 

330  BOOK  IV.     CHAPTER  V.     §2. 

the  land.  There  would  be  a  reduced  demand  for  food  :  the 
inferior  arable  lands  would  be  thrown  out  of  cultivation, 
and  would  become  pasture ;  the  superior  would  be  cul- 
tivated less  highly,  but  with  a  greater  proportional  return  ; 
food  would  be  lowered  in  price,  and  though  money  wages 
would  not  rise,  every  labourer  would  be  considerably  im- 
proved in  circumstances ;  an  improvement  which,  if  no 
increased  stimulus  to  population  and  fall  of  wages  ensued, 
would  be  permanent ;  while  if  there  did,  profits  would  rise, 
and  accumulation  start  forward  so  as  to  repair  the  loss  of 
capital.  The  landlords  alone  would  sustain  some  loss  of 
income ;  and  even  they,  only  if  colonization  went  to  the 
length  of  actually  diminishing  capital  and  population,  but 
not  if  it  merely  carried  off  the  annual  increase. 

§  2.  From  the  same  principles  we  are  now  able  to 
arrive  at  a  final  conclusion  respecting  the  effects  which 
machinery,  and  generally  the  sinking  of  capital  for  a  pro- 
ductive purpose,  produce  upon  the  immediate  and  ultimate 
interests  of  the  labouring  class.  The  characteristic  property 
of  this  class  of  industrial  improvements  is  the  conversion  of 
circulating  capital  into  fixed  :  and  it  was  shown  in  the  first 
Book,*  that  in  a  country  where  capital  accumulates  slowly, 
the  introduction  of  machinery,  permanent  improvements  of 
land,  and  the  like,  might  be,  for  the  time,  extremely  inju- 
rious ;  since  the  capital  so  employed  might  be  directly 
taken  from  the  wages  fund,  the  subsistence  of  the  people 
and  the  employment  for  labour  curtailed,  and  the  gross 
annual  produce  of  the  country  actually  diminished.  But  in 
a  country  of  great  annual  savings  and  low  profits,  no  such 
effects  need  be  apprehended.  Since  even  the  emigration 
of  capital,  or  its  unproductive  expenditure,  or  its  absolute 
waste,  do  not  in  such  a  country,  if  confined  within  any 
moderate  bounds,  at  all  diminish  the  aggregate  amount  of 
the  wages  fund — still  less  can  the  mere  conversion  of  a  like 
sum  into  fixed  capital,  which  continues  to  be  productive,  have 

*  Supra,  vol.  i.  p.  133. 


that  effect.  It  merely  draws  off  at  one  orifice  what  was 
already  flowing  out  at  another  ;  or  if  not,  the  greater  vacant 
space  left  in  the  reservoir  does  but  cause  a  greater  quantity 
to  flow  in.  Accordingly,  in  spite  of  the  mischievous  de- 
rangements of  the  money-market  which  have  been  occa- 
sioned by  the  great  sums  in  process  of  being  sunk  in  rail- 
ways, I  cannot  agree  with  those  who  apprehend  any  mis- 
chief, from  this  source,  to  the  productive  resources  of  the 
country.  Not  on  the  absurd  ground  (which  to  any  one  ac- 
quainted with  the  elements  of  the  subject  needs  no  confuta- 
tion) that  railway  expenditure  is  a  mere  transfer  of  capital 
from  hand  to  hand,  by  which  nothing  is  lost  or  destroyed. 
This  is  true  of  what  is  spent  in  the  purchase  of  the  land ;  a 
portion  too  of  what  is  paid  to  parliamentary  agents,  counsel, 
engineers,  and  surveyors,  is  saved  by  those  who  receive  it, 
and  becomes  capital  again  :  but  what  is  laid  out  in  the 
bond  fide  construction  of  the  railway  itself,  is  lost  and  gone  ; 
when  once  expended,  it  is  incapable  of  ever  being  paid  in 
wages  or  applied  to  the  maintenance  of  labourers  again  ;  as 
a  matter  of  account,  the  result  is  that  so  much  food  and 
clothing  and  tools  have  been  consumed,  and  the  country 
has  got  a  railway  instead.  But  what  I  would  urge  is,  that 
sums  so  applied  are  mostly  a  mere  appropriation  of  the  an- 
nual overflowing  which  would  otherwise  have  gone  abroad, 
or  been  thrown  away  unprofitably,  leaving  neither  a  rail- 
way nor  any  other  tangible  result.  The  railway  gambling 
of  1844  and  1845  probably  saved  the  country  from  a  de- 
pression of  profits  and  interest,  and  a  rise  of  all  public  and 
private  securities,  which  would  have  engendered  still  wilder 
speculations,  and  when  the  effects  came  afterwards  to  be 
complicated  by  the  scarcity  of  food,  would  have  ended  in  a 
still  more  formidable  crisis  than  was  experienced  in  the 
years  immediately  following.  In  the  poorer  countries  of 
Europe,  the  rage  for  railway  construction  might  have  had 
worse  consequences  than  in  England,  were  it  not  that  in 
those  countries  such  enterprises  are  in  a  great  measure 
carried  on  by  foreign  capital.     The  railway  operations  of 

332  B00K  IV-      CHAPTER  V.     §2. 

the  various  nations  of  the  world  may  he  looked  upon  as 
a  sort  of  competition  for  the  overflowing  capital  of  the 
countries  where  profit  is  low  and  capital  abundant,  as  Eng- 
land  and  Holland.  The  English  railway  speculations  are  a 
struggle  to  keep  our  annual  increase  of  capital  at  home ; 
those  of  foreign  countries  are  an  effort  to  obtain  it.* 

It  already  appears  from  these  considerations,  that  the 
conversion  of  circulating  capital  into  fixed,  whether  by 
railways,  or  manufactories,  or  ships,  or  machinery,  or 
canals,  or  mines,  or  works  of  drainage  and  irrigation,  is  not 
likely,  in  any  rich  country,  to  diminish  the  gross  produce 
or  the  amount  of  employment  for  labour.  How  much  then 
is  the  case  strengthened,  when  we  consider  that  these  trans- 
formations of  capital  are  of  the  nature  of  improvements  in 
production,  which,  instead  of  ultimately  diminishing  circula- 
ting capital,  are  the  necessary  conditions  of  its  increase,  since 
they  alone  enable  a  country  to  possess  a  constantly  aug- 
menting capital,  without  reducing  profits  to  the  rate  which 
would  cause  accumulation  to  stop.  There  is  hardly  any  in- 
crease of  fixed  capital  which  does  not  enable  the  country  to 
contain  eventually  a  larger  circulating  capital,  than  it  other- 
wise could  possess  and  employ  within  its  own  limits ;  for 
there  is  hardly  any  creation  of  fixed  capital  which,  when  it 
proves  successful,  does  not  cheapen  the  articles  on  which 
wages  are  habitually  expended.  All  capital  sunk  in  the 
permanent  improvement  of  land  lessens  the  cost  of  food  and 
materials ;  almost  all  improvements  in  machinery  cheapen 
the  labourer's  clothing  or  lodging,  or  the  tools  with  which 
these  are  made  ;  improvements  in  locomotion,  such  as  rail- 
ways, cheapen  to  the  consumer  all  things  which  are  brought 
from  a  distance.  All  these  improvements  make  the  labour 
ers  better  off  with  the  same  money  wages,  better  off  if  they 
do  not  increase  their  rate  of  multiplication.     But  if  they  do, 

*  It  is  hardly  needful  to  point  out  how  fully  the  remarks  in  the  text  (which 
I  have  left  as  they  originally  stood)  have  been  verified  by  subsequent  facts.  The 
capital  of  the  country,  far  from  having  been  in  any  degree  impaired  by  the  large 
amount  sunk  in  Tailway  construction,  was  soon  again  overflowing. 


and  wages  consequently  fall,  at  least  profits  rise,  and,  while 
accumulation  receives  an  immediate  stimulus,  room  is  made 
for  a  greater  amount  of  capital  before  a  sufficient  motive 
arises  for  sending  it  abroad.  Even  the  improvements  which 
do  not  cheapen  the  things  consumed  by  the  labourer,  and 
which,  therefore,  do  not  raise  profits  nor  retain  capital  in 
the  country,  nevertheless,  as  we  have  seen,  by  lowering 
the  minimum  of  profit  for  which  people  will  ultimately  con- 
sent to  save,  leave  an  ampler  margin  than  previously  for 
eventual  accumulation,  before  arriving  at  the  stationary 

We  may  conclude,  then,  that  improvements  in  produc- 
tion, and  emigration  of  capital  to  the  more  fertile  soils  and 
unworked  mines  of  the  uninhabited  or  thinly  peopled  parts 
of  the  globe,  do  not,  as  appears  to  a  superficial  view,  dimin- 
ish the  gross  produce  and  the  demand  for  labour  at  home, 
but,  on  the  contrary,  are  what  we  have  chiefly  to  depend  on 
for  increasing  both,  and  are  even  the  necessary  conditions  of 
any  great  or  prolonged  augmentation  of  either.  Nor  is  it 
any  exaggeration  to  say,  that  within  certain,  and  not  very 
narrow,  limits,  the  more  capital  a  country  like  England 
expends  in  these  two  ways,  the  more  she  will  have  left. 



§  1.  The  preceding  chapters  comprise  the  general 
theory  of  the  economical  progress  of  society,  in  the  sense 
in  which  those  terms  are  commonly  understood ;  the  prog- 
ress of  capital,  of  population,  and  of  the  productive  arts. 
But  in  contemplating  any  progressive  movement,  not  in  its 
nature  unlimited,  the  mind  is  not  satisfied  with  merely  trac- 
ing the  laws  of  the  movement ;  it  cannot  but  ask  the  further 
question,  to  what  goal  ?  Towards  what  ultimate  point  is 
society  tending  by  its  industrial  progress  ?  "When  the  prog- 
ress ceases,  in  what  condition  are  we  to  expect  that  it  will 
leave  mankind  ? 

It  must  always  have  been  seen,  more  or  less  distinctly, 
by  political  economists,  that  the  increase  of  wealth  is  not 
boundless :  that  at  the  end  of  what  they  term  the  pro- 
gressive state  lies  the  stationary  state,  that  all  progress  in 
wealth  is  but  a  postponement  of  this,  and  that  each  step  in 
advance  is  an  approach  to  it.  We  have  now  been  led  to 
recognize  that  this  ultimate  goal  is  at  all  times  near  enough 
to  be  fully  in  view  ;  that  we  are  always  on  the  verge  of  it, 
and  that  if  we  have  not  reached  it  long  ago,  it  is  because 
the  goal  itself  flies  before  us.  The  richest  and  most  pros- 
perous countries  would  very  soon  attain  the  stationary 
state,  if  no  further  improvements  were  made  in  the  pro- 
ductive arts,  and  if  there  were  a  suspension  of  the  overflow 
of  capital  from  those  countries  into  the  uncultivated  or  ill- 
cultivated  regions  of  the  earth. 


This  impossibility  of  ultimately  avoiding  the  stationary 
state — this  irresistible  necessity  that  the  stream  of  human 
industry  should  finally  spread  itself  out  into  an  apparently 
stagnant  sea — must  have  been,  to  the  political  economists 
of  the  last  two  generations,  an  unpleasing  and  discouraging 
prospect ;  for  the  tone  and  tendency  of  their  speculations 
goes  completely  to  identify  all  that  is  economically  desirable 
with  the  progressive  state,  and  with  that  alone.  With  Mr. 
M'Culloch,  for  example,  prosperity  does  not  mean  a  large 
production  and  a  good  distribution  of  wealth,  but  a  rapid 
increase  of  it ;  his  test  of  prosperity  is  high  profits  ;  and  as 
the  tendency  of  that  very  increase  of  wealth,  which  he  calls 
prosperity,  is  towards  low  profits,  economical  progress,  ac- 
cording to  him,  must  tend  to  the  extinction  of  prosperity. 
Adam  Smith  always  assumes  that  the  condition  of  the  mass 
of  the  people,  though  it  may  not  be  positively  distressed, 
must  be  pinched  and  stinted  in  a  stationary  condition  of 
wealth,  and  can  only  be  satisfactory  in  a  progressive  state. 
The  doctrine  that,  to  however  distant  a  time  incessant 
struggling  may  put  off  our  doom,  the  progress  of  society 
must  "  end  in  shallows  and  in  miseries,"  far  from  being,  as 
many  people  still  believe,  a  wicked  invention  of  Mr.  Mal- 
thus,  was  either  expressly  or  tacitly  affirmed  by  his  most 
distinguished  predecessors,  and  can  only  be  successfully 
combated  on  his  principles.  Before  attention  had  been 
directed  to  the  principle  of  population  as  the  active  force  in 
determining  the  remuneration  of  labour,  the  increase  of 
mankind  was  virtually  treated  as  a  constant  quantity  :  it 
was,  at  all  events,  assumed  that  in  the  natural  and  normal 
state  of  human  affairs  population  must  constantly  increase, 
from  which  it  followed  that  a  constant  increase  of  the  means 
of  support  was  essential  to  the  physical  comfort  of  the  mass 
of  mankind.  The  publication  of  Mr.  Malthus'  Essay  is  the 
era  from  which  better  views  of  this  subject  must  be  dated  ; 
and  notwithstanding  the  acknowledged  errors  of  his  first 
edition,  few  writers  have  done  more  than  himself,  in  the 
subsequent  editions,  to  promote  these  juster  and  more  hope- 
ful anticipations. 

336  B00K   IV-      CHAPTER  VI.      §2. 

Even  in  a  progressive  state  of  capital,  in  old  countries,  a 
conscientious  or  prudential  restraint  on  population  is  indis- 
pensable, to  prevent  the  increase  of  numbers  from  outstrip- 
ping the  increase  of  capital,  and  the  condition  of  the  classes 
who  are  at  the  bottom  of  society  from  being  deteriorated. 
Where  there  is  not,  in  the  people,  or  in  some  very  large  pro- 
portion of  them,  a  resolute  resistance  to  this  deterioration — 
a  determination  to  preserve  an  established  standard  of  com- 
fort— the  condition  of  the  poorest  class  sinks,  even  in  a  pro- 
gressive state,  to  the  lowest  point  which  they  will  consent 
to  endure.  The  same  determination  would  be  equally 
effectual  to  keep  up  their  condition  in  the  stationary  state, 
and  would  be  quite  as  likely  to  exist.  Indeed,  even  now, 
the  countries  in  which  the  greatest  prudence  is  manifested 
in  the  regulating  of  population,  are  often  those  in  which 
capital  increases  least  rapidly.  Where  there  is  an  indefinite 
prospect  of  employment  for  increased  numbers,  there  is  apt 
to  appear  less  necessity  for  prudential  restraint.  If  it  were 
evident  that  a  new  hand  could  not  obtain  employment  but 
by  displacing,  or  succeeding  to,  one  already  employed,  the 
combined  influences  of  prudence  and  public  opinion  might  in 
some  measure  be  relied  on  for  restricting  the  coming  genera- 
tion within  the  numbers  necessary  for  replacing  the  present. 

§  2.  I  cannot,  therefore,  regard  the  stationary  state  of 
capital  and  wealth  with  the  unaffected  aversion  so  generally 
manifested  towards  it  by  political  economists  of  the  old 
school.  I  am  inclined  to  believe  that  it  would  be,  on  the 
whole,  a  very  considerable  improvement  on  our  present 
condition.  I  confess  I  am  not  charmed  with  the  ideal  of 
life  held  out  by  those  who  think  that  the  normal  state  of 
human  beings  is  that  of  struggling  to  get  on ;  that  the 
trampling,  crushing,  elbowing,  and  treading  on  each  other's 
heels,  which  form  the  existing  type  of  social  life,  are  the 
most  desirable  lot  of  human  kind,  or  anything  but  the  dis- 
agreeable symptoms  of  one  of  the  phases  of  industrial  prog- 
ress.    The   northern  and   middle  states  of  America  are  a 


specimen  of  this  stage  of  civilization  in  very  favourable  cir- 
cumstances ;  having,  apparently,  got  rid  of  all  social  injust- 
ices and  inequalities  that  affect  persons  of  Caucasian  race 
and  of  the  male  sex,  while  the  proportion  of  population  to 
capital  and  land  is  such  as  to  ensure  abundance  to  every 
able-bodied  member  of  the  community  who  does  not  forfeit 
it  by  misconduct.  They  have  the  six  points  of  Chartism, 
and  they  have  no  poverty  :  and  all  that  these  advantages 
seem  to  have  yet  done  for  them  (notwithstanding  some 
incipient  signs  of  a  better  tendency)  is  that  the  life  of  the 
whole  of  one  sex  is  devoted  to  dollar-hunting,  and  of  the 
other  to  breeding  dollar-hunters.  This  is  not  a  kind  of 
social  perfection  which  philanthropists  to  come  will  feel  any 
very  eager  desire  to  assist  in  realizing.  Most  fitting,  indeed, 
is  it,  that  while  riches  are  power,  and  to  grow  as  rich  as  pos- 
sible the  universal  object  of  ambition,  the  path  to  its  attain- 
ment should  be  open  to  all,  without  favour  or  partiality. 
But  the  best  state  for  human  nature  is  that  in  which,  while 
no  one  is  poor,  no  one  desires  to  be  richer,  nor  has  any 
reason  to  fear  being  thrust  back,  by  the  efforts  of  others  to 
push  themselves  forward. 

That  the  energies  of  mankind  should  be  kept  in  em- 
ployment by  the  struggle  for  riches,  as  they  were  formerly 
by  the  struggle  of  war,  until  the  better  minds  succeed  in 
educating  the  others  into  better  things,  is  undoubtedly 
more  desirable  than  that  they  should  rust  and  stagnate. 
While  minds  are  coarse  they  require  coarse  stimuli,  and 
let  them  have  them.  In  the  meantime,  those  who  do  not 
accept  the  present  very  early  stage  of  human  improvement 
as  its  ultimate  type,  may  be  excused  for  being  comparatively 
indifferent  to  the  kind  of  economical  progress  which  excites 
the  congratulations  of  ordinary  politicians ;  the  mere  in- 
crease of  production  and  accumulation.  For  the  safety  of 
national  independence  it  is  essential  that  a  country  should 
not  fall  much  behind  its  neighbours  in  these  things.  But  in 
themselves  they  are  of  little  importance,  so  long  as  either  the 
increase  of  population  or  anything  else  prevents  the  mass  of 

338  B0°K  IV.     CHAPTER  VI.      §2. 

the  people  from  reaping  any  part  of  the  benefit  of  them.  I 
know  not  why  it  should  be  matter  of  congratulation  that 
persons  who  are  already  richer  than  any  one  needs  to  be, 
should  have  doubled  their  means  of  consuming  things  which 
give  little  or  no  pleasure  except  as  representative  of  wealth ; 
or  that  numbers  of  individuals  should  pass  over,  every  year, 
from  the  middle  classes  into  a  richer  class,  or  from  the  class 
of  the  occupied  rich  to  that  of  the  unoccupied.  It  is  only 
in  the  backward  countries  of  the  world  that  increased  pro- 
duction is  still  an  important  object :  in  those  most  advanced, 
what  is  economically  needed  is  a  better  distribution,  of 
which  one  indispensable  means  is  a  stricter  restraint  on  popu- 
lation. Levelling  institutions,  either  of  a  just  or  of  an 
unjust  kind,  cannot  alone  accomplish  it ;  they  may  lower 
the  heights  of  society,  but  they  cannot,  of  themselves,  per- 
manently raise  the  depths. 

On  the  other  hand,  we  may  suppose  this  better  distribu- 
tion of  property  attained,  by  the  joint  effect  of  the  prudence 
and  frugality  of  individuals,  and  of  a  system  of  legislation 
favouring  equality  of  fortunes,  so  far  as  is  consistent  with 
the  just  claim  of  the  individual  to  the  fruits,  whether  great 
or  small,  of  his  or  her  own  industry.  We  may  suppose,  for 
instance,  (according  to  the  suggestion  thrown  out  in  a  for- 
mer chapter,*)  a  limitation  of  the  sum  which  any  one  per- 
son may  acquire  by  gift  or  inheritance,  to  the  amount  suffi- 
cient to  constitute  a  moderate  independence.  Under  this 
twofold  influence,  society  would  exhibit  these  leading  fea- 
tures :  a  well-paid  and  affluent  body  of  labourers  ;  no  enor- 
mous fortunes,  except  what  were  earned  and  accumulated 
during  a  single  lifetime  ;  but  a  much  larger  body  of  persons 
than  at  present,  not  only  exempt  from  the  coarser  toils,  but 
with  sufficient  leisure,  both  physical  and  mental,  from  me- 
chanical details,  to  cultivate  freely  the  graces  of  life,  and 
afford  examples  of  them  to  the  classes  less  favourably  cir- 
cumstanced for  their  growth.  This  condition  of  society,  so 
greatly  preferable  to  the  present,  is  not  only  perfectly  com- 

*  Supra,  vol.  i.  pp.  288-91. 


patible  with  the  stationary  state,  but,  it  would  seem,  more 
naturally  allied  with  that  state  than  with  any  other. 

There  is  room  in  the  world,  no  doubt,  and  even  in  old 
countries,  for  a  great  increase  of  population,  supposing  the 
arts  of  life  to  go  on  improving,  and  capital  to  increase. 
But  even  if  innocuous,  I  confess  I  see  very  little  reason  for 
desiring  it.  The  density  of  population  necessary  to  enable 
mankind  to  obtain,  in  the  greatest  degree,  all  the  advan- 
tages both  of  co-operation  and  of  social  intercourse,  has,  in  all 
the  most  populous  countries,  been  attained.  A  population 
may  be  too  crowded,  though  all  be  amply  supplied  with 
food  and  raiment.  It  is  not  good  for  man  to  be  kept  per- 
force at  all  times  in  the  presence  of  his  species.  A  world 
from  which  solitude  is  extirpated,  is  a  very  poor  ideal. 
Solitude,  in  the  sense  of  being  often  alone,  is  essential  to 
any  depth  of  meditation  or  of  character ;  and  solitude  in 
the  presence  of  natural  beauty  and  grandeur,  is  the  cradle 
of  thoughts  and  aspirations  which  are  not  only  good  for  the 
individual,  but  which  society  could  ill  do  without.  Nor  is 
there  much  satisfaction  in  contemplating  the  world  with 
nothing  left  to  the  spontaneous  activity  of  nature ;  with 
every  rood  of  land  brought  into  cultivation,  which  is  capable 
of  growing  food  for  human  beings  ;  every  flowery  waste  or 
natural  pasture  ploughed  up,  all  quadrupeds  or  birds  which 
are  not  domesticated  for  man's  use  exterminated  as  his 
rivals  for  food,  every  hedgerow  or  superfluous  tree  rooted 
out,  and  scarcely  a  place  left  where  a  wild  shrub  or  flower 
could  grow  without  being  eradicated  as  a  weed  in  the  name 
of  improved  agriculture.  If  the  earth  must  lose  that  great 
portion  of  its  pleasantness  which  it  owes  to  things  that  the 
unlimited  increase  of  wealth  and  population  would  extirpate 
from  it,  for  the  mere  purpose  of  enabling  it  to  support  a 
larger,  but  not  a  better  or  a  happier  population,  I  sincerely 
hope,  for  the  sake  of  posterity,  that  they  will  be  content  to 
be  stationary,  long  before  necessity  compels  them  to  it. 

It  is  scarcely  necessary  to  remark  that  a  stationary  condi- 
tion of  capital  and  population  implies  no  stationary  state  of 

340  BOOK   IV.      CHAPTER  VI.      §2. 

human  improvement.  There  would  be  as  much  scope  as 
ever  for  all  kinds  of  mental  culture,  and  moral  and  social 
progress ;  as  much  room  for  improving  the  Art  of  Living, 
and  much  more  likelihood  of  its  being  improved,  when 
minds  ceased  to  be  engrossed  by  the  art  of  getting  on. 
Even  the  industrial  arts  might  be  as  earnestly  and  as  suc- 
cessfully cultivated,  with  this  sole  difference,  that  instead  of 
serving  no  purpose  but  the  increase  of  wealth,  industrial 
improvements  would  produce  their  legitimate  effect,  that  of 
abridging  labour.  Hitherto  it  is  questionable  if  all  the 
mechanical  inventions  yet  made  have  lightened  the  day's 
toil  of  any  human  being.  They  have  enabled  a  greater 
population  to  live  the  same  life  of  drudgery  and  imprison- 
ment, and  an  increased  number  of  manufacturers  and  others 
to  make  fortunes.  They  have  increased  the  comforts  of  the 
middle  classes.  But  they  have  not  yet  begun  to  effect  those 
great  changes  in  human  destiny,  which  it  is  in  their  nature 
and  in  their  futurity  to  accomplish.  Only  when,  in  addi- 
tion to  just  institutions,  the  increase  of  mankind  shall  be 
under  the  deliberate  guidance  of  judicious  foresight,  can  the 
conquests  made  from  the  powers  of  nature  by  the  intellect 
and  energy  of  scientific  discoverers,  become  the  common  pro- 
perty of  the  species,  and  the  means  of  improving  and  eleva- 
ting the  universal  lot. 




§  1.  The  observations  in  the  preceding  chapter  had  for 
their  principal  object  to  deprecate  a  false  ideal  of  human 
society.  Their  applicability  to  the  practical  purposes  of 
present  times,  consists  in  moderating  the  inordinate  impor- 
tance attached  to  the  mere  increase  of  production,  and  fixing 
attention  upon  improved  distribution,  and  a  large  remu- 
neration of  labour,  as  the  two  desiderata.  Whether  the 
aggregate  produce  increases  absolutely  or  not,  is  a  thing  in 
which,  after  a  certain  amount  has  been  obtained,  neither 
the  legislator  nor  the  philanthropist  need  feel  any  strong 
interest :  but,  that  it  should  increase  relatively  to  the  num- 
ber of  those  who  share  in  it,  is  of  the  utmost  possible  im- 
portance ;  and  this,  (whether  the  wealth  of  mankind  be 
stationary,  or  increasing  at  the  most  rapid  rate  ever  known 
in  an  old  country,)  must  depend  on  the  opinions  and  habits 
of  the  most  numerous  class,  the  class  of  manual  labourers. 

When  I  speak,  either  in  this  place  or  elsewhere,  of  "  the 
labouring  classes,"  or  of  labourers  as  a  "  class,"  I  use  those 
phrases  in  compliance  with  custom,  and  as  descriptive  of 
an  existing,  but  by  no  means  a  necessary  or  permanent, 
state  of  social  relations.  I  do  not  recognize  as  either  just  or 
salutary,  a  state  of  society  in  which  there  is  any  "  class" 
which  is  not  labouring ;  any  human  beings,  exempt  from 
bearing  their  share  of  the  necessary  labours  of  human  life, 
except  those  unable  to  labour,  or  who  have  fairly  earned 

34:2  BOOK  IV.     CHAPTER  VII.     §1. 

rest  by  previous  toil.  So  long,  however,  as  the  great  social 
evil  exists  of  a  non-labouring  class,  labourers  also  constitute 
a  class,  and  may  be  spoken  of,  though  only  provisionally, 
in  that  character. 

Considered  in  its  moral  and  social  aspect,  the  state 
of  the  labouring  people  has  latterly  been  a  subject  of  much 
more  speculation  and  discussion  than  formerly ;  and  the 
opinion,  that  it  is  not  now  what  it  ought  to  be,  has  become 
very  general.  The  suggestions  which  have  been  promul- 
gated, and  the  controversies  which  have  been  excited,  on 
detached  points  rather  than  on  the  foundations  of  the  sub- 
ject, have  put  in  evidence  the  existence  of  two  conflicting 
theories,  respecting  the  social  position  desirable  for  manual 
labourers.  The  one  may  be  called  the  theory  of  depend- 
ence and  protection,  the  other  that  of  self-dependence. 

According  to  the  former  theory,  the  lot  of  the  poor,  in 
all  things  which  affect  them  collectively,  should  be  regula- 
ted for  them,  not  by  them.  They  should  not  be  required 
or  encouraged  to  think  for  themselves,  or  give  to  their  own 
reflection  or  forecast  an  influential  voice  in  the  determina- 
tion of  their  destiny.  It  is  supposed  to  be  the  duty  of  the 
higher  classes  to  think  for  them,  and  to  take  the  responsi- 
bility of  their  lot,  as  the  commander  and  officers  of  an  army 
take  that  of  the  soldiers  composing  it.  This  function,  it  is 
contended,  the  higher  classes  should  prepare  themselves  to 
perform  conscientiously,  and  their  whole  demeanour  should 
impress  the  poor  with  a  reliance  on  it,  in  order  that,  while 
yielding  passive  and  active  obedience  to  the  rules  prescribed 
for  them,  they  may  resign  themselves  in  all  other  respects 
to  a  trustful  insouciance,  and  repose  under  the  shadow  of 
their  protectors.  The  relation  between  rich  and  poor,  ac- 
cording to  this  theory,  (a  theory  also  applied  to  the  relation 
between  men  and  women)  should  be  only  partly  authorita- 
tive ;  it  should  be  amiable,  moral,  and  sentimental :  affec- 
tionate tutelage  on  the  one  side,  respectful  and  grateful  def- 
erence on  the  other.  The  rich  should  be  in  loco  parentis 
to  the   poor,  guiding   and  restraining   them  like  children. 


Of  spontaneous  action  on  their  part  there  should  be  no 
need.  They  should  be  called  on  for  nothing  but  to  do  their 
day's  work,  and  to  be  moral  and  religious.  Their  morality 
and  religion  should  be  provided  for  them  by  their  superiors, 
who  should  see  them  properly  taught  it,  and  should  do  all 
that  is  necessary  to  ensure  their  being,  in  return  for  labour 
and  attachment,  properly  fed,  clothed,  housed,  spiritually 
edified,  and  innocently  amused. 

This  is  the  ideal  of  the  future,  in  the  minds  of  those 
whose  dissatisfaction  with  the  Present  assumes  the  form  of 
affection  and  regret  towards  the  Past.  Like  other  ideals,  it 
exercises  an  unconscious  influence  on  the  opinions  and  senti- 
ments of  numbers  who  never  consciously  guide  themselves 
by  any  ideal.  It  has  also  this  in  common  with  other  ideals, 
that  it  has  never  been  historically  realized.  It  makes  its 
appeal  to  our  imaginative  sympathies  in  the  character  of  a 
restoration  of  the  good  times  of  our  forefathers.  But  no 
times  can  be  pointed  out  in  which  the  higher  classes  of  this 
or  any  other  country  performed  a  part  even  distantly  re- 
sembling the  one  assigned  to  them  in  this  theory.  It  is  an 
idealization,  grounded  on  the  conduct  and  character  of  here 
and  there  an  individual.  All  privileged  and  powerful 
classes,  as  such,  have  used  their  power  in  the  interest  of 
their  own  selfishness,  and  have  indulged  their  self-impor- 
tance in  despising,  and  not  in  lovingly  caring  for,  those  who 
were,  in  their  estimation,  degraded,  by  being  under  the 
necessity  of  working  for  their  benefit.  I  do  not  affirm  that 
what  has  always  been  must  always  be,  or  that  human  im- 
provement has  no  tendency  to  correct  the  intensely  selfish 
feelings  engendered  by  power ;  but  though  the  evil  may 
be  lessened,  it  cannot  be  eradicated,  until  the  power  itself  is 
withdrawn.  This,  at  least,  seems  to  me  undeniable,  that  long 
before  the  superior  classes  could  be  sufficiently  improved 
to  govern  in  the  tutelary  manner  supposed,  the  inferior 
classes  would  be  too  much  improved  to  be  so  governed. 

I  am  quite  sensible  of  all  that  is  seductive  in  the  picture 
of  society  which  this  theory  presents.     Though  the  facts  of 

344:  B°0K   IV.      CHAPTER   VII.      §  1. 

it  have  no  prototype  in  the  past,  the  feelings  have.  In 
them  lies  all  that  there  is  of  reality  in  the  conception.  As 
the  idea  is  essentially  repulsive  of  a  society  only  held  to- 
gether by  the  relations  and  feelings  arising  out  of  pecuniary 
interests,  so  there  is  something  naturally  attractive  in  a 
form  of  society  abounding  in  strong  personal  attachments 
and  disinterested  self-devotion.  Of  such  feelings  it  must  be 
admitted  that  the  relation  of  protector  and  protected  has 
hitherto  been  the  richest  source.  The  strongest  attachments 
of  human  beings  in  general,  are  towards  the  things  or  the 
persons  that  stand  between  them  and  some  dreaded  evil. 
Hence,  in  an  age  of  lawless  violence  and  insecurity,  and 
general  hardness  and  roughness  of  manners,  in  which  life  is 
beset  with  dangers  and  sufferings  at  every  step,  to  those 
who  have  neither  a  commanding  position  of  their  own,  nor 
a  claim  on  the  protection  of  some  one  who  has — a  generous 
giving  of  protection,  and  a  grateful  receiving  of  it,  are  the 
strongest  ties  which  connect  human  beings  ;  the  feelings 
arising  from  that  relation  are  their  warmest  feelings  ;  all  the1 
enthusiasm  and  tenderness  of  the  most  sensitive  natures  gather 
round  it ;  loyalty  on  the  one  part  and  chivalry  on  the  other 
are  principles  exalted  into  passions.  I  do  not  desire  to  de- 
preciate these  qualities.  The  error  lies  in  not  perceiving, 
that  these  virtues  and  sentiments,  like  the  clanship  and  the 
hospitality  of  the  wandering  Arab,  belong  emphatically  to 
a  rude  and  imperfect  state  of  the  social  union,  and  that  the 
feelings  between  protector  and  protected,  whether  between 
kings  and  subjects,  rich  and  poor,  or  men  and  women,  can 
no  longer  have  this  beautiful  and  endearing  character, 
where  there  are  no  longer  any  serious  dangers  from  which 
to  protect.  What  is  there  in  the  present  state  of  society  to 
make  it  natural  that  human  beings,  of  ordinary  strength 
and  courage,  should  glow  with  the  warmest  gratitude  and 
devotion  in  return  for  protection  ?  The  laws  protect  them, 
wherever  the  laws  do  not  criminally  fail  in  their  duty.  To 
be  under  the  power  of  some  one,  instead  of  being  as  for- 
merly the  sole  condition  of  safety,  is  now,  speaking  gen- 


erally,  the  only  situation  which  exposes  to  grievous  wrong. 
The  so-called  protectors  are  now  the  only  persons  against 
whom,  in  any  ordinary  circumstances,  protection  is  needed. 
The  brutality  and  tyranny  with  which  every  police  report 
is  filled,  are  those  of  husbands  to  wives,  of  parents  to  chil 
dren.  That  the  law  does  not  prevent  these  atrocities,  that  it 
is  only  now  making  a  first  timid  attempt  to  repress  and  pun- 
ish them,  is  no  matter  of  necessity,  but  the  deep  disgrace 
of  those  by  whom  the  laws  are  made  and  administered. 
No  man  or  woman  who  either  possesses  or  is  able  to  earn 
an  independent  livelihood,  requires  any  other  protection 
than  that  which  the  law  could  and  ought  to  give.  This  be- 
ing the  case,  it  argues  great  ignorance  of  human  nature  to 
continue  taking  for  granted  that  relations  founded  on  pro- 
tection must  always  subsist,  and  not  to  see  that  the  assump- 
tion of  the  part  of  protector,  and  of  the  power  which  be- 
longs to  it,  without  any  of  the  necessities  which  justify  it, 
must  engender  feelings  opposite  to  loyalty. 

Of  the  working  men,  at  least  in  the  more  advanced 
countries  of  Europe,  it  may  be  pronounced  certain,  that  the 
patriarchal  or  paternal  system  of  government  is  one  to 
which  they  will  not  again  be  subject.  That  question  was 
decided,  when  they  were  taught  to  read,  and  allowed  access 
to  newspapers  and  political  tracts  ;  when  dissenting  preach- 
ers were  suffered  to  go  among  them,  and  appeal  to  their 
faculties  and  feelings  in  opposition  to  the  creeds  professed  and 
countenanced  by  their  superiors ;  when  they  were  brought 
together  in  numbers,  to  work  socially  under  the  same  roof; 
when  railways  enabled  them  to  shift  from  place  to  place,  and 
change  their  patrons  and  employers  as  easily  as  their  coats  ; 
when  they  were  encouraged  to  seek  a  share  in  the  govern- 
ment, by  means  of  the  electoral  franchise.  The  working 
classes  have  taken  their  interests  into  their  own  hands,  and 
are  perpetually  showing  that  they  think  the  interests  of 
their  employers  not  identical  with  their  own,  but  opposite 
to  them.  Some  among  the  higher  classes  flatter  them- 
selves that  these  tendencies  may  be  counteracted  by  moral 

346  BOOK  IV.     CHAPTER  VII.     §2. 

and  religious  education  ;  but  they  have  let  the  time  go  bj> 
for  giving  an  education  which  can  serve  their  purpose. 
The  principles  of  the  Reformation  have  reached  as  low 
down  in  society  as  reading  and  writing,  and  the  poor  will 
not  much  longer  accept  morals  and  religion  of  other  peo- 
ple's prescribing.  I  speak  more  particularly  of  this  country, 
especially  the  town  population,  and  the  districts  of  the  most 
scientific  agriculture  or  the  highest  wages,  Scotland  and  the 
north  of  England.  Among  the  more  inert  and  less  mod- 
ernized agricultural  population  of  the  southern  counties,  it 
might  be  possible  for  the  gentry  to  retain,  for  some  time 
longer,  something  of  the  ancient  deference  and  submission 
of  the  poor,  by  bribing  them  with  high  wages  and  constant 
employment ;  by  ensuring  them  support,  and  never  requir- 
ing them  to  do  anything  which  they  do  not  like.  But 
these  are  two  conditions  which  never  have  been  combined, 
and  never  can  be,  for  long  together.  A  guarantee  of  sub- 
sistence can  only  be  practically  kept  up,  when  work  is  en- 
forced, and  superfluous  multiplication  restrained,  by  at  least 
a  moral  compulsion.  It  is  then,  that  the  would-be  revivers 
of  old  times  which  they  do  not  understand,  would  feel 
practically  in  how  hopeless  a  task  they  were  engaged.  The 
whole  fabric  of  patriarchal  or  seignorial  influence,  attempted 
to  be  raised  on  the  foundation  of  caressing  the  poor,  would 
be  shattered  against  the  necessity  of  enforcing  a  stringent 

§  2.  It  is  on  a  far  other  basis  that  the  well-being  and 
well-doing  of  the  labouring  people  must  henceforth  rest. 
The  poor  have  come  out  of  leading-strings,  and  cannot  any 
longer  be  governed  or  treated  like  children.  To  their  own 
qualities  must  now  be  commended  the  care  of  their  destiny. 
Modern  nations  will  have  to  learn  the  lesson,  that  the  well- 
being  of  a  people  must  exist  by  means  of  the  justice  and 
self-government,  the  Sucaioo-vvrj  and  aaxf)po<rvvr],  of  the  indi- 
vidual citizens.  The  theory  of  dependence  attempts  to  dis- 
pense with  the  necessity  of  these  qualities  in  the  dependent 


classes.  But  now,  when  even  in  position  they  are  becoming 
less  and  less  dependent,  and  their  minds  less  and  less  acqui- 
escent in  the  degree  of  dependence  which  remains,  the 
virtues  of  independence  are  those  which  they  stand  in  need 
of.  Whatever  advice,  exhortation,  or  guidance  is  held  out 
to  the  labouring  classes,  must  henceforth  be  tendered  to 
them  as  equals,  and  accepted  with  their  eyes  open.  The 
prospect  of  the  future  depends  on  the  degree  in  which  they 
can  be  made  rational  beings. 

There  is  no  reason  to  believe  that  prospect  other  than 
hopeful.  The  progress  indeed  has  hitherto  been,  and  still 
is,  slow.  But  there  is  a  spontaneous  education  going  on  in 
the  minds  of  the  multitude,  which  may  be  greatly  accelera- 
ted and  improved  by  artificial  aids.  The  instruction  ob- 
tained from  newspapers  and  political  tracts  is  not  the  best 
sort  of  instruction,  but  it  is  vastly  superior  to  none  at 
all.  The  institutions  for  lectures  and  discussion,  the  collec- 
tive deliberations  on  questions  of  common  interest,  the 
trades  unions,  the  political  agitation,  all  serve  to  awaken 
public  spirit,  to  diffuse  variety  of  ideas  among  the  mass, 
and  to  excite  thought  and  reflection  in  the  more  intelligent. 
Although  the  too  early  attainment  of  political  franchises 
by  the  least  educated  class  might  retard,  instead  of  promot- 
ing, their  improvement,  there  can  be  little  doubt  that  it  has 
been  greatly  stimulated  by  the  attempt  to  acquire  them.  In 
the  meantime,  the  working  classes  are  now  part  of  the  pub- 
lic ;  in  all  discussions  on  matters  of  general  interest  they,  or 
a  portion  of  them,  are  now  partakers ;  all  who  use  the 
press  as  an  instrument  may,  if  it  so  happens,  have  them 
for  an  audience ;  the  avenues  of  instruction  through  which 
the  middle  classes  acquire  such  ideas  as  they  have, 
are  accessible  to,  at  least,  the  operatives  in  the  towns. 
With  these  resources,  it  cannot  be  doubted  that  they  will 
increase  in  intelligence,  even  by  their  own  unaided  efforts  ; 
while  there  is  reason  to  hope  that  great  improvements  both 
in  the  quality  and  quantity  of  school  education  will  be 
effected  by  the  exertions  either  of  government  or  of  indi- 

348  BOOK   IV.      CHAPTER   VII.     §3. 

viduals,  and  that  the  progress  of  the  mass  of  the  people  in 
mental  cultivation,  and  in  the  virtues  which  are  dependent 
on  it,  will  take  place  more  rapidly,  and  with  fewer  inter- 
mittences  and  aberrations,  than  if  left  to  itself. 

From  this  increase  of  intelligence,  several  effects  may 
be  confidently  anticipated.  First :  that  they  will  become 
even  less  willing  than  at  present  to  be  led  and  governed, 
and  directed  into  the  way  they  should  go,  by  the  mere 
authority  and  prestige  of  superiors.  If  they  have  not  now, 
still  less  will  they  have  hereafter,  any  deferential  awe,  or 
religious  principle  of  obedience,  holding  them  in  mental 
subjection  to  a  class  above  them.  The  theory  of  depend- 
ence and  protection  will  be  more  and  more  intolerable  to 
them,  and  they  will  require  that  their  conduct  and  con- 
dition shall  be  essentially  self-governed.  It  is,  at  the  same 
time,  quite  possible  that  they  may  demand,  in  many  cases, 
the  intervention  of  the  legislature  in  their  affairs,  and  the 
regulation  by  law  of  various  things  which  concern  them, 
often  under  very  mistaken  ideas  of  their  interest.  Still,  it 
is  their  own  will,  their  own  ideas  and  suggestions,  to  which 
they  will  demand  that  effect  should  be  given,  and  not  rules 
laid  down  for  them  by  other  people.  It  is  quite  consistent 
with  this,  that  they  should  feel  respect  for  superiority  of 
intellect  and  knowledge,  and  defer  much  to  the  opinions, 
on  any  subject,  of  those  whom  they  think  well  acquainted 
with  it.  Such  deference  is  deeply  grounded  in  human 
nature ;  but  they  will  judge  for  themselves  of  the  persons 
who  are  and  are  not  entitled  to  it. 

§  3.  It  appears  to  me  impossible  but  that  the  increase 
of  intelligence,  of  education,  and  of  the  love  of  indepen- 
dence among  the  working  classes,  must  be  attended  with  a 
corresponding  growth  of  the  good  sense  which  manifests 
itself  in  provident  habits  of  conduct,  and  that  population, 
therefore,  will  bear  a  gradually  diminishing  ratio  to  capital 
and  employment.  This  most  desirable  result  would  be 
much   accelerated  by  another  change,  which  lies  in   the 


direct  line  of  the  best  tendencies  of  the  time ;  the  opening 
of  industrial  occupations  freely  to  both  sexes.  The  same 
reasons  which  make  it  no  longer  necessary  that  the  poor 
should  depend  on  the  rich,  make  it  equally  unnecessary  that 
women  should  depend  on  men,  and  the  least  which  justice 
requires  is  that  law  and  custom  should  not  enforce  depen- 
dence (when  the  correlative  protection  has  become  superflu- 
ous) by  ordaining  that  a  woman,  who  does  not  happen  to 
have  a  provision  by  inheritance,  shall  have  scarcely  any 
means  open  to  her  of  gaining  a  livelihood,  except  as  a  wife 
and  mother.  Let  women  who  prefer  that  occupation, 
adopt  it ;  but  that  there  should  be  no  option,  no  other  car- 
riere  possible  for  the  great  majority  of  women,  except  in  the 
humbler  departments  of  life,  is  a  flagrant  social  injustice. 
The  ideas  and  institutions  by  which  the  accident  of  sex  is 
made  the  groundwork  of  an  inequality  of  legal  rights,  and 
a  forced  dissimilarity  of  social  functions,  must  ere  long  be 
recognised  as  the  greatest  hindrance  to  moral,  social,  and 
even  intellectual  improvement.  On  the  present  occasion  I 
shall  only  indicate,  among  the  probable  consequences  of  the 
industrial  and  social  independence  of  women,  a  great  dimi- 
nution of  the  evil  of  overpopulation.  It  is  by  devoting 
one-half  of  the  human  species  to  that  exclusive  function,  by 
making  it  fill  the  entire  life  of  one  sex,  and  interweave  itself 
with  almost  all  the  objects  of  the  other,  that  the  animal 
instinct  in  question  is  nursed  into  the  disproportionate  pre- 
ponderance which  it  has  hitherto  exercised  in  human  life. 

§  4.  The  political  consequences  of  the  increasing  power 
and  importance  of  the  operative  classes,  and  of  the  growing 
ascendancy  of  numbers,  which  even  in  England  and  under 
the  present  institutions,  is  rapidly  giving  to  the  will  of  the 
majority  at  least  a  negative  voice  in  the  acts  of  government, 
are  too  wide  a  subject  to  be  discussed  in  this  place.  But, 
confining  ourselves  to  economical  considerations,  and  not- 
withstanding *the  effect  which  improved  intelligence  in  the 
working  classes,  together  with  just  laws,  may  have  in  alter- 

350  BOOK  IV.     CHAPTER  VII.     §4. 

ing  the  distribution  of  the  produce  to  their  advantage,  I 
cannot  think  that  they  will  be  permanently  contented  with 
the  condition  of  labouring  for  wages  as  their  ultimate  state. 
They  may  be  willing  to  pass  through  the  class  of  servants 
in  their  way  to  that  of  employers  ;  but  not  to  remain  in  it 
all  their  lives.  To  begin  as  hired  labourers,  then  after  a 
few  years  to  work  on  their  own  account,  and  finally  employ 
others,  is  the  normal  condition  of  labourers  in  a  new  coun- 
try, rapidly  increasing  in  wealth  and  population,  like 
America  or  Australia.  But  in  an  old  and  fully  peopled 
country,  those  who  begin  life  as  labourers  for  hire,  as  a 
general  rule,  continue  such  to  the  end,  unless  they  sink  into 
the  still  lower  grade  of  recipients  of  public  charity.  In  the 
present  stage  of  human  progress,  when  ideas  of  equality  are 
daily  spreading  more  widely  among  the  poorer  classes,  and 
can  no  longer  be  checked  by  anything  short  of  the  entire 
suppression  of  printed  discussion  and  even  of  freedom  of 
speech,  it  is  not  to  be  expected  that  the  division  of  the 
human  race  into  two  hereditary  classes,  employers  and  em- 
ployed, can  be  permanently  maintained.  The  relation  is 
nearly  as  unsatisfactory  to  the  payer  of  wages  as  to  the  re- 
ceiver. If  the  rich  regard  the  poor  as,  by  a  kind  of  natural 
law,  their  servants  and  dependants,  the  rich  in  their  turn  are 
regarded  as  a  mere  prey  and  pasture  for  the  poor ;  the 
subject  of  demands  and  expectations  wholly  indefinite, 
increasing  in  extent  with  every  concession  made  to  them. 
The  total  absence  of  regard  for  justice  or  fairness  in  the 
relations  between  the  two,  is  as  marked  on  the  side  of  the 
employed  as  on  that  of  the  employers.  We  look  in  vain 
among  the  working  classes  in  general  for  the  just  pride  which 
will  choose  to  give  good  work  for  good  wages  :  for  the  most 
part,  their  sole  endeavour  is  to  receive  as  much,  and  return 
as  little  in  the  shape  of  service,  as  possible.  It  will  sooner 
or  later  become  insupportable  to  the  employing  classes  to 
live  in  close  and  hourly  contact  with  persons  whose  inter- 
ests and  feelings  are  in  hostility  to  them  Capitalists  are 
almost  as  much  interested   as   labourers,  in  placing  the 


operations  of  industry  on  such  a  footing,  that  those  who 
labour  for  them  may  feel  the  same  interest  in  the  work, 
which  is  felt  by  those  who  labour  on  their  own  account. 

The  opinion  expressed  in  a  former  part  of  this  treatise 
respecting  small  landed  properties  and  peasant  proprietors, 
may  have  made  the  reader  anticipate  that  a  wide  diffusion 
of  property  in  land  is  the  resource  on  which  I  rely  for  ex- 
empting at  least  the  agricultural  labourers  from  exclusive 
dependence  on  labour  for  hire.  Such,  however,  is  not  my 
opinion.  I  indeed  deem  that  form  of  agricultural  economy  to 
be  most  groundlessly  cried  down,  and  to  be  greatly  prefer- 
able, in  its  aggregate  effects  on  human  happiness,  to  hired 
labour  in  any  form  in  which  it  exists  at  present ;  because 
the  prudential  check  to  population  acts  more  directly,  and 
is  shown  by  experience  to  be  more  efficacious  ;  and  because, 
in  point  of  security,  of  independence,  of  exercise  for  any 
other  than  the  animal  faculties,  the  state  of  a  peasant  pro- 
prietor is  far  superior  to  that  of  an  agricultural  labourer  in 
this  or  any  other  old  country.  Where  the  former  system 
already  exists,  and  works  on  the  whole  satisfactorily,  I 
should  regret,  in  the  present  state  of  human  intelligence,  to 
see  it  abolished  in  order  to  make  way  for  the  other,  under  a 
pedantic  notion  of  agricultural  improvement  as  a  thing 
necessarily  the  same  in  every  diversity  of  circumstances. 
In  a  backward  state  of  industrial  improvement,  as  in  Ire- 
land, I  should  urge  its  introduction,  in  preference  to  an 
exclusive  system  of  hired  labour ;  as  a  more  powerful  in- 
strument for  raising  a  population  from  semi-savage  list- 
lessness  and  recklessness,  to  persevering  industry  and  pru- 
dent calculation. 

But  a  people  who  have  once  adopted  the  large  system 
of  production,  either  in  manufactures  or  in  agriculture,  are 
not  likely  to  recede  from  it ;  and  when  population  is  kept 
in  due  proportion  to  the  means  of  support,  it  is  not  desira- 
ble that  they  should.  Labour  is  unquestionably  more  pro- 
ductive on  the  system  of  large  industrial  enterprises ;  the 
produce,  if  not  greater  absolutely,  is  greater  in  proportion 

352  BOOK   IT.     CHAPTER  VII.      §4. 

to  the  labour  employed  :  the  same  number  of  persons  can 
be  supported  equally  well  with  less  toil  and  greater  leisure  ; 
which  will  be  wholly  an  advantage,  as  soon  as  civilization 
and  improvement  have  so  far  advanced,  that  what  is  a 
benefit  to  the  whole  shall  be  a  benefit  to  each  individual 
composing  it.  And  in  the  moral  aspect  of  the  question, 
which  is  still  more  important  than  the  economical,  some- 
thing better  should  be  aimed  at  as  the  goal  of  industrial 
improvement,  than  to  disperse  mankind  over  the  earth  in 
single  families,  each  ruled  internally,  as  families  now  are, 
by  a  patriarchal  despot,  and  having  scarcely  any  com- 
munity of  interest,  or  necessary  mental  communion,  with 
other  human  beings.  The  domination  of  the  head  of  the 
family  over  the  other  members,  in  this  state  of  things,  is 
absolute ;  while  the  effect  on  his  own  mind  tends  towards 
concentration  of  all  interests  in  the  family,  considered  as  an 
expansion  of  self,  and  absorption  of  all  passions  in  that  of 
exclusive  possession,  of  all  cares  in  those  of  preservation 
and  acquisition.  As  a  step  out  of  the  merely  animal  state 
into  the  human,  out  of  reckless  abandonment  to  brute  in- 
stincts into  prudential  foresight  and  self-government,  this 
moral  condition  may  be  seen  without  displeasure.  But  if 
public  spirit,  generous  sentiments,  or  true  justice  and  equal- 
ity are  desired,  association,  not  isolation,  of  interests,  is  the 
school  in  which  these  excellences  are  nurtured.  The  aim  of 
improvement  should  be  not  solely  to  place  human  beings  in 
a  condition  in  which  they  will  be  able  to  do  without  one 
another,  but  to  enable  them  to  work  with  or  for  one  an- 
other in  relations  not  involving  dependence.  Hitherto 
there  has  been  no  alternative  for  those  who  lived  by  their 
labour,  but  that  of  labouring  either  each  for  himself  alone, 
or  for  a  master.  But  the  civilizing  and  improving  influ- 
ences of  association,  and  the  efficiency  and  economy  of  pro- 
duction on  a  large  scale,  may  be  obtained  without  dividing 
the  producers  into  two  parties  with  hostile  interests  and 
feelings,  the  many  who  do  the  work  being  mere  servants 
under  the  command   of  the  one  who  supplies  the  funds,  and 


having  110  interest  of  their  own  in  the  enterprise  except  to 
earn  their  wages  with  as  little  labour  as  possible.  The 
speculations  and  discussions  of  the  last  fifty  years,  and  the 
events  of  the  last  ten,  are  abundantly  conclusive  on  this 
point.  If  the  improvement  which  even  triumphant  mili- 
tary despotism  has  only  retarded,  not  stopped,  shall  con- 
tinue its  course,  there  can  be  little  doubt  that  the  status  of 
hired  labourers  will  gradually  tend  to  confine  itself  to  the 
description  of  workpeople  whose  low  moral  qualities  render 
them  unfit  for  anything  more  independent :  and  that  the 
relation  of  masters  and  workpeople  will  be  gradually  superse- 
ded by  partnership,  in  one  of  two  forms :  temporarily  and 
in  some  cases,  association  of  the  labourers  with  the  capital- 
ist ;  in  other  cases,  and  perhaps  finally  in  all,  association 
of  labourers  among  themselves. 

§  5.  The  first  of  these  forms  of  association  has  long 
been  practised,  not  indeed  as  a  rule,  but  as  an  exception. 
In  several  departments  of  industry  there  are  already  cases 
in  which  every  one  who  contributes  to  the  work,  either  by 
labour  or  by  pecuniary  resources,  has  a  partner's  interest  in 
it,  proportional  to  the  value  of  his  contribution.  It  is 
already  a  common  practice  to  remunerate  those  in  whom 
peculiar  trust  is  reposed,  by  means  of  a  percentage  on  the  pro- 
fits :  and  cases  exist  in  which  the  principle  is,  with  excellent 
success,  carried  down  to  the  class  of  mere  manual  labourers. 

In  the  American  ships  trading  to  China,  it  has  long  been 
the  custom  for  every  sailor  to  have  an  interest  in  the  profits 
of  the  voyage ;  and  to  this  has  been  ascribed  the  general 
good  conduct  of  those  seamen,  and  the  extreme  rarity  of 
any  collision  between  them  and  the  government  or  people 
of  the  country.  An  instance  in  England,  not  so  well  known 
as  it  deserves  to  be,  is  that  of  the  Cornish  miners.  "  In 
Cornwall  the  mines  are  worked  strictly  on  the  system  of 
joint  adventure ;  gangs  of  miners  contracting  with  the 
agent,  who  represents  the  owner  of  the  mine,  to  execute  a 
certain  portion  of  a  vein,  and  fit  the  ore  for  market,  at  the 

g54  BOOK  IV.     CHAPTER  VII.     §5. 

price  of  so  much  in  the  pound  of  the  sum  for  which  the  ore 
is  sold.  These  contracts  are  put  up  at  certain  regular 
periods,  generally  every  two  months,  and  taken  by  a  volun- 
tary partnership  of  men  accustomed  to  the  mine.  This 
system  has  its  disadvantages,  in  consequence  of  the  uncer- 
tainty and  irregularity  of  the  earnings,  arid  consequent  ne- 
cessity of  living  for  long  periods  on  credit ;  but  it  has  ad- 
vantages which  more  than  counterbalance  these  draw- 
backs. It  produces  a  degree  of  intelligence,  independ- 
ence, and  moral  elevation,  which  raise  the  condition  and 
character  of  the  Cornish  miner  far  above  that  of  the  gene- 
rality of  the  labouring  class.  We  are  told  by  Dr.  Barham, 
that  '  they  are  not  only,  as  a  class,  intelligent  for  labourers, 
but  men  of  considerable  knowledge.'  Also,  that  '  they 
have  a  character  of  independence,  something  American,  the 
system  by  which  the  contracts  are  let  giving  the  takers 
entire  freedom  to  make  arrangements  among  themselves  ;  so 
that  each  man  feels,  as  a  partner  in  his  little  firm,  that  he  meets 
his  employers  on  nearly  equal  terms.'  .  .  .  With  this 
basis  of  intelligence  and  independence  in  their  character,  we 
are  not  surprised  when  we  hear  that  '  a  very  great  number 
of  miners  are  now  located  on  possessions  of  their  own,  leased 
for  three  lives  or  ninety-nine  years,  on  which  they  have  built 
houses;'  or  that  '  281,541?.  are  deposited  in  savings  banks 
in  Cornwall,  of  which  two-thirds  are  estimated  to  belong  to 
miners.'  "* 

Mr.  Babbage,  who  also  gives  an  account  of  this  system, 
observes  that  the  payment  to  the  crews  of  whaling  ships  is 
governed  by  a  similar  principle  ;  and  that  "  the  profits 
arising  from  fishing  with  nets  on  the  south  coast  of  England 
are  thus  divided :  one-half  the  produce  belongs  to  the 
owner  of  the  boat  and  net ;  the  other  half  is  divided  in 
equal  portions  between  the  persons  using  it,  who  are  also 
bound  to  assist  in  repairing  the  net  when  required."     Mr. 

*  This  passage  is  from  the  Prize  Essay  on  the  Causes  and  Remedies  of  Na- 
tional Distress,  by  Mr.  Samuel  Laing.  The  extracts  which  it  includes  are  from 
the  Appendix  to  the  Report  of  the  Children's  Employment  Commission. 


Babbage  has  the  great  merit  of  having  pointed  out  the 
practicability,  and  the  advantage,  of  extending  the  princi- 
ple to  manufacturing  industry  generally.* 

Some  attention  has  been  excited  by  an  experiment  of 
this  nature,  commenced  about  sixteen  years  ago  by  a  Paris 
tradesman,  a  house-painter,  M.  Leclaire  ;f  and  described  by 
him  in  a  pamphlet  published  in  the  year  18-12.  M.  Leclaire, 
according  to  his  statement,  employs  on  an  average  two 
hundred  workmen,  whom  he  pays  in  the  usual  manner,  by 
fixed  wages  or  salaries.  He  assigns  to  himself,  besides 
interest  for  his  capital,  a  fixed  allowance  for  his  labour 
and  responsibility  as  manager.  At  the  end  of  the  year,  the 
surplus  profits  are  divided  among  the  body,  himself  included, 
in  the  proportion  of  their  salaries.^  The  reasons  by  which 
M.  Leclaire  was  led  to  adopt  this  system  are  highly  instruct- 
ive. Finding  the  conduct  of  his  workmen  unsatisfactory, 
he  first  tried  the  effect  of  giving  higher  wages,  and  by  this 
he  managed  to  obtain  a  body  of  excellent  workmen,  who 
would  not  quit  his  service  for  any  other.  "Having  thus 
succeeded"  (I  quote  from  an  abstract  of  the  pamphlet  in 
Chambers'  Journal,§)  "  in  producing  some  sort  of  stability 
in  the  arrangements  of  his  establishment,  M.  Leclaire  ex- 
pected, he  says,  to  enjoy  greater  peace  of  mind.  In  this, 
however,  he  was  disappointed.  So  long  as  he  was  able  to 
superintend  everything  himself,  from  the  general  concerns 
of  his  business  down  to  its  minutest  details,  he  did  enjoy  a 
certain  satisfaction  ;  but  from  the  moment  that,  owing  to 
the  increase  of  his  business,  he  found   that   he   could  be 

*  Economy  of  Machinery  and  Manufactures,  3rd  edition,  chap.  26. 

+  His  establishment  is  (or  was)  11,  Rue  Saint  Georges. 

\  It  appears,  however,  that  the  workmen  whom  M.  Leclaire  had  admitted  to 
this  participation  of  profits,  were  only  a  portion  (rather  less  than  half)  of  the 
whole  number  whom  he  employed.  This  is  explained  by  another  part  of  his  sys- 
tem. M.  Leclaire  pays  the  full  market  rate  of  wages  to  all  his  workmen.  The 
share  of  profit  assigned  to  them  is,  therefore,  a  clear  addition  to  the  ordinary 
gains  of  their  class,  which  he  very  laudably  uses  as  an  instrument  of  improve- 
ment, by  making  it  the  reward  of  desert,  or  the  recompense  for  peculiar  trust. 

§  For  September  27,  1845. 

356  BOOK   IV.      CHAPTER   VII.      §5. 

nothing  more  than  the  centre  from  which  orders  were  issued, 
and  to  which  reports  were  brought  in,  his  former  anxiety 
and  discomfort  returned  upon  him."  He  speaks  lightly 
of  the  other  sources  of  anxiety  to  which  a  tradesman  is 
subject,  but  describes  as  an  incessant  cause  of  vexation  the 
losses  arising  from  the  misconduct  of  workmen.  An  em- 
ployer "  will  find  workmen  whose  indifference  to  his  interests 
is  such  that  they  do  not  perform  two-thirds  of  the  amount 
of  work  which  they  are  capable  of;  hence  the  continual 
fretting  of  masters,  who,  seeing  their  interests  neglected, 
believe  themselves  entitled  to  suppose  that  workmen  are  con- 
stantly conspiring  to  ruin  those  from  whom  they  derive  their 
livelihood.  If  the  journeyman  were  sure  of  constant  em- 
ployment, his  position  would  in  some  respects  be  more 
enviable  than  that  of  the  master,  because  he  is  assured  of  a 
certain  amount  of  day's  wages,  which  he  will  get  whether  he 
works  much  or  little.  He  runs  no  risk,  and  has  no  other 
motive  to  stimulate  him  to  do  his  best  than  his  own  sense 
of  duty.  The  master,  on  the  other  hand,  depends  greatly 
on  chance  for  his  returns :  his  position  is  one  of  continual 
irritation  and  anxiety.  This  would  no  longer  be  the 
case  to  the  same  extent,  if  the  interests  of  the  master  and 
those  of  the  workmen  were  bound  up  with  each  other,  con- 
nected by  some  bond  of  mutual  security,  such  as  that 
which  would  be  obtained  by  the  plan  of  a  yearly  division  of 

Even  in  the  first  year  during  which  M.  Leclaire's  experi- 
ment was  in  complete  operation,  the  success  was  remarkable. 
JSTot  one  of  his  journeymen  who  worked  as  many  as  three 
hundred  days,  earned  in  that  year  less  than  1500  francs,  and 
some  considerably  more.  His  highest  rate  of  daily  wages 
being  four  francs,  or  1200  francs  for  300' days,  the  remaining 
800  francs,  or  12Z.,  must  have  been  the  smallest  amount 
which  any  journeyman,  who  worked  that  number  of  days, 
obtained  as  his  proportion  of  the  surplus  profit.  M.  Leclaire 
describes  in  strong  terms  the  improvement  which  was  already 
manifest  in  the  habits  and  demeanour  of  his  workmen,  not 


merely  when  at  work,  and  in  their  relations  with  their  em- 
ployer, but  at  other  times  and  in  other  relations,  showing 
increased  respect  both  for  others  and  for  themselves.  M. 
Chevalier,  in  a  work  published  in  1848,  stated  on  M.  Le- 
claire's  authority,  that  the  increased  zeal  of  the  workpeople 
continued  to  be  a  full  compensation  to  him,  even  in  a 
pecuniary  sense,  for  the  share  of  profit  which  he  renounced 
in  their  favour.*  And  M.  Yilliaume,  in  1857, f  observes  : — 
"  Quoiqu'il  ait  toujours  banni  la  fraude,  qui  n'est  que  trop 
frequente  dans  sa  profession,  il  a  toujours  pu  soutenir  la  con- 
currence et  acquerir  une  belle  aisance,  malgre  l'abandon 
d'une  si  large  part  de  ses  profits.  Assurement  il  n'y  est 
parvenu  que  parce  que  l'activite  inusitee  de  ses  ouvriers,  et 
la  surveillance  qu'ils  exercaient  les  uns  sur  les  autres  dans  les 
nombreux  chantiers,  avaint  compense  la  diminution  de  ses 
profits  personnels." 

The  beneficent  example  set  by  M.  Leclaire  has  been  fol- 
lowed, with  brilliant  success,  by  other  employers  of  labour 
on  a  large  scale  at  Paris  ;  and  I  annex,  from  the  work  last 
referred  to  (one  of  the  ablest  of  the  many  able  treatises  on 
political  economy  produced  by  the  present  generation  of  the 
political  economists  of  France),  some  signal  examples  of  the 
economical  and  moral  benefit  arising  from  this  admirable 

§  6.  The  form  of  association,  however,  which  if  man- 
kind continue  to  improve,  must  be  expected  in  the  end  to 

*  Lettres  sur  l'Organisation  du  Travail,  par  Michel  Chevalier,  lettre  xiv. 

\  Nouveau  Traite  d'Economie  Politique. 

|  "En  Mars  1847,  M.  Paul  Dupont,  gerant  d'une  imprimerie  de  Paris,  eut 
l'idee  d'assoeier  ses  ouvriers  en  leur  promettant  le  dixieme  des  benefices.  II  en 
emploie  liabituellement  trois  cents,  dont  deux  cents  travaillent  aux  pieces  et 
cent  a  la  journee.  II  emploie,  en  outre,  cent  auxiliaires,  qui  ne  font  pas  partie 
dt>  l'association. 

"  La  part  de  benefice  avenant  aux  ouvriers  ne  leur  vaut  puere,  en  moyenne. 
qu'une  quinzaine  de  jours  de  travail;  mais  ils  reeoiveut  leur  salaire  ordiuaire 
suivant  le  tarif  6tabli  dans  toutes  les  grandes  imprimerics  de  Paris;  et,  de  plus, 
ils  out  l'avantage  d'etre  soignes  dans  leurs  maladies  aux  frais  de  la  communaut6, 

358  B00K   IV-      CHAPTER  VII.      §6. 

predominate,  is  not  that  which  can  exist  between  a  capital- 
ist as  chief,  and  workpeople  without  a  voice  in  the  manage- 
ment, but  the  association  of  the  labourers  themselves  on 
terms  of  equality,  collectively  owning  the  capital  with  which 
they  carry  on  their  operations,  and  working  under  managers 

et  de  recevoir  1  fr.  50  cent,  de  salaire  par  jour  d'incapaeite  de  travail.  Les 
ouvriers  ne  peuvent  retirer  leur  part  dans  les  benefices  que  quand  ils  sortent  de 
l'association.  Chaque  annee,  cette  part,  qui  est  representee  tant  en  materiel 
qu'en  rentes  sur  l'Etat,  s'augmente  par  la  capitalisation  des  interets,  et  cree  ainsi 
une  reserve  a  l'ouvrier. 

"  M.  Dupont  et  les  capitalistes,  ses  commanditaires,  trouvent  dans  cette  asso- 
ciation un  profit  bien  superieur  a  celui  qu'ils  auraient ;  les  ouvriers,  de  leur  cote, 
se  felicitent  chaque  jour  de  l'heureuse  idee  de  leur  patron.  Plusieurs  d'entre 
eux,  encourages  a  la  reussite  de  l'Etablissement,  lui  ont  fait  obtenir  une  medaille 
d'or  en  1849,  une  medaille  d'honneur  a  l'Exposition  Universelle  de  1855;  et 
quelques  uns  meme  ont  recu  personellement  la  recompense  de  leurs  decouvertes 
et  de  leurs  travaux.  Chez  un  patron  ordinaire,  ces  braves  gens  n'auraient  pas 
eu  le  loisir  de  poursuivre  leurs  inventions,  a,  moins  que  d'en  laisser  tout  Fhon- 
neur  a  celui  qui  n'en  etait  pas  l'auteur :  tandis  qu'etant  associes,  si  le  patron  eut 
ete  injuste,  deux  cents  hommes  eussent  fait  redresser  ses  torts. 

"  J'ai  visite  moi-meme  cet  etablissement,  et  j'ai  pu  m'assurer  du  perfection- 
nement  que  cette  association  apporte  aux  habitudes  des  ouvriers. 

"  M.  Gisquet,  ancien  prefet  de  police,  est  proprietaire  depuis  long-temps 
d'une  fabrique  d'huile  a  Saint-Denis,  qui  est  la  plus  importante  de  France,  apres 
celle  de  M.  Darblay,  de  Corbeil.  Lorsqu'en  1848  il  prit  le  parti  de  la  dinger  lui- 
meme,  il  rencontra  des  ouvriers  habitues  a  s'enivrer  plusieurs  fois  par  semaine, 
et  qui,  pendant  le  travail,  chantaient,  fumaient,  et  quelquefois  se  disputaient. 
On  avait  maintes  fois  essay6  sans  succes  de  changer  cet  etat  de  choses :  il  y  par- 
vint  par  la  prohibition  faite  a  tous  ses  ouvriers  de  s'enivrer  les  jours  de  travail, 
sous  peine  d'exclusion,  et  par  la  promesse  de  partager  entre  eux,  a  titre  de 
gratification  annuelle,  5  p.  100  de  ses  benefices  nets,  au  pro  rata  des  salaires, 
qui,  du  reste,  sont  fixes  aux  prix  courants.  Depuis  ce  moment,  la  reforme  a  ete 
complete:  il  se  voit  entoure  d'une  centaine  d'ouvriers  pleins  de  zele  et  de 
devouement.  Leur  bien-etre  s'est  accru  de  tout  ce  qu'ils  ne  depensent  pas  en 
boissons,  et  de  ce  qu'ils  gagnent  par  leur  exactitude  au  travail.  La  gratification 
que  M.  Gisquet  leur  accorde,  leur  a  valu,  en  moyenne,  chaque  annee,  1'equivalent 
de  leur  salaire  pendant  six  semaines.  .  .  .  . 

"M.  Beslay,  ancien  depute  de  1830  a  1839,  et  representant  du  peuple  a 
l'Assemblee  Constituante,  a  fonde  un  atelier  important  de  machines  a  vapeur  a 
Paris,  dans  le  Faubourg  du  Temple.  II  eut  l'idee  d'associer  dans  ce  dernier 
Etablissement  ses  ouvriers,  des  le  commencement  de  184V.  Je  transcris  ici  cet 
acte  d'association,  que  l'on  peut  regarder  comme  l'un  des  plus  complets  de  tous 
ceux  faits  entre  patrons  et  ouvriers." 

The  practical  sagacity  of  Chinese  emigrants  long  ago  suggested  to  them,  ao- 


elected  and  removable  by  themselves.  So  long  as  this  idea 
remained  in  a  state  of  theory,  in  the  writings  of  Owen  or  of 
Louis  Blanc,  it  may  have  appeared,  to  the  common  modes  of 
judgment,  incapable  of  being  realized,  and  not  likely  to  be 
tried  unless  by  seizing  on  the  existing  capital,  and  confiscat- 
ing it  for  the  benefit  of  the  labourers ;  which  is  even  now 
imagined  by  many  persons,  and  pretended  by  more,  both  in 
England  and  on  the  Continent,  to  be  the  meaning  and  pur- 
pose of  Socialism.  But  there  is  a  capacity  of  exertion  and 
self-denial  in  the  masses  of  mankind,  which  is  never  known 
but  on  the  rare  occasions  on  which  it  is  appealed  to  in  the 
name  of  some  great  idea  or  elevated  sentiment.  Such  an 
appeal  was  made  by  the  French  Revolution  of  1848.  For 
the  first  time  it  then  seemed  to  the  intelligent  and  generous 
of  the  working  classes  of  a  great  nation,  that  they  had 
obtained  a  government  who  sincerely  desired  the  freedom 
and  dignity  of  the  many,  and  who  did  not  look  upon  it  as 
their  natural  and  legitimate  state  to  be  instruments  of  pro- 
duction, worked  for  the  benefit  of  the  possessors  of  capital. 
Under  this  encourgement,  the  ideas  sown  by  Socialist 
writers,  of  an  emancipation  of  labour  to  be  effected  by 
means  of  association,  throve  and  fructified ;  and  many 
working  people  came  to  the  resolution,  not  only  that  they 
would  work  for  one  another,  instead  of  working  for  a  master 
tradesman  or  manufacturer,  but  that  they  would  also  free 

cording  to  the  report  of  a  recent  visitor  to  Manilla,  a  similar  constitution  of  the 
relation  between  an  employer  and  labourers.  "In  these  Chinese  shops"  (at 
Manilla)  "  the  owner  usually  engages  all  the  activity  of  his  countrymen  employed 
by  him  in  them,  by  giving  each  of  them  a  share  in  the  profits  of  the  concern,  or 
in  fact  by  making  them  all  small  partners  in  the  business,  of  which  he  of  course 
takes  care  to  retain  the  lion's  share,  so  that  while  doing  good  for  him  by  man- 
aping  it  well,  they  are  also  benefiting  themselves.  To  such  an  extent  is  this  prin- 
ciple carried  that  it  is  usual  to  give  even  their  coolies  a  share  in  the  profits  of 
the  business  in  lieu  of  fixed  wages,  and  the  plan  appears  to  suit  their  temper 
well ;  for  although  they  are  in  general  most  complete  eye-servants  when  working 
for  a  fixed  wage,  they  are  found  to  be  most  industrious  and  useful  ones  when 
interested  even  for  the  smallest  share." — McMicking's  Recollections  of  Manilla 
and  the  Philippines  during  1848,  1849,  and  1850,  p   24, 

360  BOOK   IV-      CHAPTER  VII.      §6. 

themselves,  at  whatever  cost  of  labour  or  privation,  from 
the  necessity  of  paying,  out  of  the  produce  of  their  industry, 
a  heavy  tribute  for  the  use  of  capital ;  that  they  would 
extinguish  this  tax,  not  by  robbing  the  capitalists  of  what 
they  or  their  predecessors  had  acquired  by  labour  and  pre- 
served by  economy,  but  by  honestly  acquiring  capital  for 
themselves.  If  only  a  few  operatives  had  attempted  this 
arduous  task,  or  if,  while  many  attempted  it,  a  few  only  had 
succeeded,  their  success  might  have  been  deemed  to  furnish 
no  argument  for  their  system  as  a  permanent  mode  of  indus- 
trial organization.  But,  excluding  all  the  instances  of  fail- 
ure, there  exist,  or  existed  a  short  time  ago,  upwards  of  a 
hundred  successful,  and  many  eminently  prosperous,  asso- 
ciations of  operatives  in  Paris  alone,  besides  a  considerable 
number  in  the  departments.  An  instructive  sketch  of  their 
history  and  principles  has  been  published,  under  the  title 
of  "  L' Association  Ouvriere  Industrielle  et  Agricole,  par  H. 
Feugueray  :"  and  as  it  is  frequently  affirmed  in  English  news- 
papers that  the  associations  at  Paris  have  failed,  by  writers 
who  appear  to  mistake  the  predictions  of  their  enemies  at 
their  first  formation  for  the  testimonies  of  subsequent  expe- 
rience, I  think  it  important  to  show  by  quotations  from  M. 
Feugueray's  volume,  strengthened  by  still  later  testimonies, 
that  these  representations  are  not  only  wide  of  the  truth, 
but  the  extreme  contrary  of  it. 

The  capital  of  most  of  the  associations  was  originally 
confined  to  the  few  tools  belonging  to  the  founders,  and  the 
small  sums  which  could  be  collected  from  their  savings,  or 
which  were  lent  to  them  by  other  workpeople  as  poor  as 
themselves.  In  some  cases,  however,  loans  of  capital  were 
made  to  them  by  the  republican  government :  but  the  asso- 
ciations which  obtained  these  advances,  or  at  least  which 
obtained  them  before  they  had  already  achieved  success,  are, 
it  appears,  in  general  by  no  means  the  most  prosperous. 
The  most  striking  instances  of  prosperity  are  in  the  case  of 
those  who  have  had  nothing  to  rely  on  but  their  own  slen- 
der means  and  the  small  loans  of  fellow-workmen,  and  who 


lived  on  bread  and  water  while  they  devoted  the  whole 
surplus  of  their  gains  to  the  formation  of  a  capital.  "  Sou- 
vent,"  says  M.  Feugueray,*  "  la  caisse  etait  tout-a-fait  vide, 
et  il  n'y  avait  pas  de  salaire  du  tout.  Et  puis  la  vente  ne 
marchait  pas,  les  rentrees  se  faisaient  attendre,  les  valeurs 
ne  s'escomptaient  pas,  le  magasin  des  matieres  premieres 
etait  vide ;  et  il  fallait  se  priver,  se  restreindre  dans  toutes 
ses  depenses,  se  reduire  quelquefois  au  pain  et  a  1'eau  .... 
C'est  au  prix  de  ces  angoisses  et  de  ces  miseres,  c'est  par 
cette  voie  douloureuse,  que  des  homines,  sans  presque 
aueune  autre  ressource  au  debut  que  leur  bonne  volonte  et 
leurs  bras,  sont  parvenus  a  se  former  une  clientele,  a 
acquerir  un  credit,  a  se  creer  enfin  un  capital  social,  et  a 
fonder  ainsi  des  associations  dont  l'avenir  aujourd'hui  sem- 
ble  assure." 

I  will  quote  at  length  the  remarkable  history  of  one  of 
these  associations.f 

"  La  necessite  d'un  puissant  capital  pour  l'etablissement 
d'une  fabrique  de  pianos  etait  si  bien  reconnue  dans  la  cor- 
poration, qu'en  ISiS  les  delegues  de  plusieurs  centaines 
d'ouvriers,  qui  s'etaient  reunis  pour  la  formation  d'unegrande 
association,  demanderent  en  son  nom  au  gouvernement  une 
subvention  de  300,000  fr.,  e'est-a-dire  la  dixieme  partie  du 
fumls  total  vote  par  l'Assemblee  Constituante.  Je  me 
souviens  d'avoir  fait,  en  qualite  de  membre  de  la  commission 
chargee  de  distribuer  ces  fonds,  des  efforts  inutiles  pour 
convaincre  les  deux  delegnes  avec  qui  la  commission  etait 
en  rapport,  que  leur  demande  etait  exorbitante.  Toutes 
mes  instances  resterent  sans  succes ;  je  prolongeai  vainement 
la  conference  pendant  pres  de  deux  heures.  Les  deux 
delegues  me  repondirent  imperturbablement  que  leui 
industrie  etait  dans  une  condition  speciale  ;  que  l'association 
ne  pouvait  s'y  etablir  avec  chance  de  reussite  que  sur  une 
tres  grande  eehelle  et  avec  un  capital  considerable,  et  que 
la  somme  de  300,000  fr.  etait  un  minimum  au-dessous  du- 

*  P.  112,  f  Pp.  113-6. 

362  B00K   IV-      CHAPTER  VII.      §6. 

quel  ils  ne  pouvaient  descendre ;  bref,  qu'ils  ne  pouvaient 
pas  reduire  leur  demande  d'un  sou.  La  commission  re- 

"  Or,  apres  ce  refus,  et  le  projet  de  la  grande  association 
etant  abandonne,  voici  ce  qui  arriva:  c'est  que  quatorze 
ouvriers,  et  il  est  assez  singulier  que  parmi  eux  se  soil 
trouve  l'un  des  deux  delegues,  se  resolurent  a  fonder  entre 
eux  une  association  pour  la  fabrique  des  pianos.  Le 
projet  etait  au  moins  temeraire  de  la  part  d'bommes  qui 
n'avaient  ni  argent  ni  credit ;  mais  la  foi  ne  raisonne  pas, 
elle  agit. 

"  Nos  quatorze  hommes  se  mirent  done  a  l'ceuvre,  et  voici 
le  recit  de  leurs  premiers  travaux,  que  j'emprunte  a  un  article 
du  National,  tres  bien  redige  par  M.  Cochut,  et  dont  je  me 
plais  a  attester  l'exactitude. 

"  Quelques-uns  d' entre  eux,  qui  avaient  travaille  a  leur 
propre  compte,  apporterent,  tant  en  outils  qu'en  materiaux, 
une  valeur  d'environ  2000  fr.  II  fallait,  en  outre,  un  fonds 
de  roulement.  Chacun  des  societaires  opera,  non  sans  peine, 
un  versement  de  10  fr.  Un  certain  nombre  d'ouvriers,  non 
interesses  dans  la  societe,  firent  acte  d'adhesion,  en  apportant 
de  faibles  offrandes.  Bref,  le  10  mars  1849,  une  somme  de 
229  fr.  50  cent,  ayant  ete  realisee,  l'association  fut  declaree 

"  Ce  fonds  social  n' etait  pas  m^me  suffisant  pour  l'instal- 
lation,  et  pour  les  menues  depenses  qu'entraine  au  jour  le 
jour  le  service  d'un  atelier.  Kien  ne  restant  pour  les 
salaires,  il  se  passa  pres  de  deux  mois  sans  que  les  tra- 
vailleurs  touchassent  un  centime.  Comment  vecurent-ils 
pendant  cette  crise  ?  Comme  vivent  les  ouvriers  pendant 
le  chomage,  en  partageant  la  ration  du  camarade  qui  travaille, 
en  vendant  ou  en  engageant  piece  a  piece  le  peu  d'effets 
qu'on  possede. 

"  On  avait  execute  quelques  travaux.  On  en  toucha  le 
prix  le  4  mai  1849.  Ce  jour  fut  pour  l'association  ce  qu'est 
une  victoire  a  l'entree  d'une  campagne :  aussi  voulut-on  le 


celebrer.  Toutes  les  dettes  exigibles  etant  payees,  le  divi- 
dende  dechaque  societaire  s'elevait  a  6  fr.  61  cent.  On 
convint  d'attribuer  a  chacun  5  fr.  a  valoir  sur  son  salaire,  et 
de  consacrer  le  surplus  a  un  repas  fraternel.  Les  quatorze 
societaires,  dont  la  plupart  n'avaient  pas  bu  de  vin  depuis 
un  an,  se  reunirent,  avec  leurs  femmes  et  leurs  enfants.  On 
depensa  32  sous  par  menage.  On  parle  encore  de  eette 
journee,  dans  les  ateliers,  avec  une  emotion  qu'il  est  difficile 
de  ne  pas  partager. 

"  Pendant  un  mois  encore,  il  fallut  se  contenter  d'une  paie 
de  5  fr.  par  semaine.  Dans  le  courant  de  juin,  un  boulanger, 
melomane  ou  speculateur,  offrit  d'acheter  un  piano  payable 
en  pain.  On  fit  marche  au  prix  de  480  fr.  Ce  fut  une  bonne 
fortune  pour  l'association.  On  eut  du  moins  l'indispensable. 
On  ne  voulut  pas  evaluer  le  pain  dans  le  compte  des  salaires. 
Chacun  mangea  selon  son  appetit,  ou  pour  mieux  dire, 
selon  l'appetit  de  sa  famille ;  car  les  societaires  maries 
furent  autorises  a  emporter  du  pain  pour  leurs  femmes  et 
leurs  enfants. 

"  Cependant  l'association,  composee  d'ouvriers  excel- 
lents,  surmontait  peu  a  peu  les  obstacles  et  les  privations 
qui  avaient  entrave  ses  debuts.  Ses  livres  de  caisse  offrent 
les  meilleurs  temoignages  des  progres  que  ses  instruments  ont 
faits  dans  l'estime  des  acheteurs.  A  partir  du  mois  d'aout 
1849,  on  voit  le  contingent  hebdomadaire  s'elever  a  10,  a  15, 
a  20  fr.  par  semaine  ;  mais  cette  derniere  somme  ne  represente 
pas  tous  les  benefices,  et  ehaque  associe  a  laisse  a  la  masse 
beaucoup  plus  qu'il  n'a  touche. 

"  Ce  n'est  pas,  en  effet,  par  la  somme  que  touche  ehaque 
semaine  le  societaire,  qu'il  faut  apprecier  sa  situation. 
mais  par  la  part  de  propriete  acquise  dans  un  etablisse- 
ment  deja  considerable.  Yoici  l'etat  de  situation  de  l'asso- 
ciation, tel  que  je  l'ai  releve  sur  l'inventaire  du  30  decembre 

"  A  cette  epoque,  les  associes  sont  au  nombre  de  trente- 
deux.  De  vastes  ateliers  ou  magasins,  loues  2000  fr.,  ne 
leur  suffisent  plus. 

364  BOOK   IV.     CHAPTER  VII.     §  6. 

France.      Centimes, 

Independamment  de  l'outillage,  evalue  a  5,922    60 
lis   possedent   en   marchandises,  et  sur- 
toat  en  matieres  premieres,  une  va- 

leur  de 22,972    28 

lis  ont  en  caisse 1,021    10 

Leurs  effets  en  portefeuille  montent  a  „    .  3,540 

Le  compte  des  debiteurs  s'eleve  a*  .    .    .  5,861    90 

L'actif  social  est  done  en  totalite  de    .    .    39,317    88 

Sur  ce  total,  il  n'est  du  que  4,737  fr.  86  c. 
a  des  creaneiers,  et  1,650  fr.  a  quatre- 
vingts  adherents  ;f  ensemble      .     .     .      6,387    86 

Eestent 32,930     2 

formant  l'actif  reel,  comprenant  le  capital  indivisible  et  le 
capital  de  reserve  des  soeietaires.  L'association,  a  la  meme 
epoqne,  avait  soixante-seize  pianos  en  construction,  et  ne  pou- 
vait  fournir  a  toutes  les  demandes." 

From  a  later  report  we  learn  that  this  society  subsequently 
divided  itself  into  two  separate  associations,  one  of  which, 
in  1854,  already  possessed  a  circulating  capital  of  56,000 

*  "  Ces  deux  derniers  articles  ne  comprennent  que  de  tres  bonnes  valeurs, 
qui,  presque  toutes,  ont  ete  soldees  depuis." 

f  "  Ces  adherents  sont  des  ouvriers  du  metier  qui  ont  commandite  l'associa- 
tion dans  ses  debuts :  une  partie  d'entre  eux  a  ete  remboursee  depuis  le  com- 
mencement de  1851.  Le  compte  des  creaneiers  a  aussi  beaucoup  diminue ;  au 
23  Avril,  il  ne  s'elevait  qu'a  1113  fr.  59  c." 

\  Article  by  M.  Cherbuliez  on  Les  Associations  Ouorieres,  in  the  Journal 
des  Economistes  for  November  1860. 

I  subjoin,  from  M.  Villiaume  and  M.  Cherbuliez,  detailed  particulars  of  other 
sminently  successful  experiments  by  associated  workpeople. 

"Nous  citerons  en  premiere  ligne,"  says  M.  Cherbuliez,  "comme  ayant 
atteint  son  but  et  presentant  un  resultat  definitif,  1' Association  Remquet,  de  la 
Rue  Garanciere,  a  Paris,  dont  le  fondateur  etait,  en  1848,  prote  dans  l'imprimerie 
Renouard.  Cette  maison  ayant  ete  forcee  de  liquider  ses  affaires,  il  proposa 
aux  autres  ouvriers  de  s'associer  avec  lui  et  de  continuer  l'entreprise  pour  leur 
piopre  compte,  en  demandant  une  subvention  pour  couvrir  le  prix  d'achat  et  les 
premieres  avarces.  Quinze  ouvriers  accepterent  cette  proposition,  et  forraerent 
une  societe  en  nom  sollectif,  dont  les  statuts  fixaient  le  salaire  de  chaque  espfece 


The  same  admirable  qualities  by  which  the  associations 
were  carried 'through  their  earl  j  struggles,  maintaiued  them 
in  their  increasing  prosperity.     Their  rules  of  discipline, 

de  travail  et  pourvoyaient  a  la  formation  graduelle  du  capital  d'exploitation  par 
un  prelevement  de  25  pour  100  sur  tous  les  salaires,  prelevement  qui  ue  devait 
donner  aucun  dividende  et  aucun  interet  jusqu'i  l'expiration  des  dix  annees  que 
devait  durer  la  societe.  Reinquet  demanda  et  obtint  pour  lui  la  direction  ab- 
solue  de  l'entreprise,  avec  un  salaire  fixe  ties  niodere.  A  la  liquidation  defini- 
tive, le  benefice  total  devait  se  partager  entre  tous  les  associes,  au  pro  rata  de 
leur  quote-part  dans  le  fonds,  c'est-a-dire,  du  travail  que  chacun  aurait  fourni. 
Une  subvention  de  80,000  francs  fut  accordee  par  l'Etat,  non  sans  beaucoup  de 
difficulte,  et  a  des  conditions  tres  onereuses.  En  depit  de  ces  conditions,  et 
malgre  les  circonstances  defavorables  qui  lesulterent  de  la  situation  politique  du 
pays,  l'Association  Remquet  a  si  bien  prospere,  qu  elle  s'est  trouvee,  a  l'epoque 
de  la  liquidation,  et  apres  avoir  renibourse  la  subvention  de  l'Etat,  en  possession 
d'un  capital  net  de  155,000  francs,  dont  le  partage  a  produit  en  moyenne, 
10,000  a  11,000  francs  pour  chaque  associe:  7,000  en  minimum,  18,000  en  max- 

"  La  Societe  Fraternelle  des  Ouvriers  Ferblantiers  et  Lampistes  avait  ete 
londee  des  le  mois  de  mars  1858,  par  500  ouvriers,  comprenant  la  presque 
totalite  de  ceux  qui  appartenaient  alors  a  cette  branche  d'industrie.  Ce  premier 
essai,  inspire  par  des  idees  excentriques  et  inapplicables,  n'ayant  pas  survecu 
aux  fatales  journees  de  juin,  une  nouvelle  association  se  forma,  apres  le  reta- 
blissement  de  l'ordre,  sur  des  proportions  plus  modestes.  Composee  d'abord  de 
quarante  membres,  elle  entreprit  ses  affaires,  en  1849,  avec  un  capital  forme  par 
les  cotisations  de  ses  membres,  sans  demander  aucune  subvention.  Apres 
diverses  peripeties,  qui  reduisirent  a  trois  le  nombre  des  associes,  puis  le  ramc- 
nerent  a  quatorze,  et  le  firent  de  nouveau  retomber  a  trois,  elle  finit  pouitant 
par  se  consolider  entre  quarante-six  membres,  qui  reformerent  paisiblement  leurs 
statuts  dans  les  points  que  1'experience  avait  signales  comme  vicieux,  et  qui,  leur 
nombre  s'etant  eleve  jusqu'a  100  par  des  recrutements  successifs,  se  trouverent, 
des  l'annee  1858,  en  possession  d'un  avoir  de  50,000  francs,  et  en  etat  de  se  par- 
tager annuellement  un  dividende  de  20,000  francs. 

"  L'association  des  ouvriers  bijoutiers  eu  dore,  la  plus  ancienne  de  toutes, 
s'etait  formee  des  l'annee  1831,  de  huit  ouvriers,  avec  un  capital  de  200  francs 
provenant  de  leurs  epargnes  reunies.  Une  subvention  de  24,000  francs  lui  per- 
mit, en  1849,  d'etendre  beaucoup  ses  affaires,  dont  le  chiffre  annuel  s'elevait 
deja,  en  1858,  a  140,000  francs,  et  assurait  a  chaque  associe  un  dividende  egal 
au  double  de  leur  salaire." 

The  following  are  from  M.  Villiaume : — 

"  Apres  les  journees  de  juin  1848,  le  travail  £tait  suspendu  dans  le  faubourg 
Saint- Antoine,  occupe  surtout,  comme  on  le  sait,  par  les  fabricants  de  meubles. 
Quelques  menuisiers  en  fauteuils  firent  un  appel  a  ceux  qui  seraient  disposes  i 
travailler  ensemble.     Sur  six  a  sept  cents  de  cette  profession,  quatre  cents  se 

366  BOOK  IV.      CHAPTER  VII.      §6. 

instead  of  being  more  lax,  are  stricter  than  those  of  ordinary 
workshops ;  but  being  rules  self-imposed,  for  the  manifest 
good  of  the  community,  and  not  for  the  convenience  of  an 
employer  regarded  as  having  an  opposite  interest,  they  are 
far  more  scrupulously  obeyed,  and  the  voluntary  obedience 
carries  with  it  a  sense  of  personal  worth  and  dignity.  "With 
wonderful  rapidity  the  associated  work-people  have  learnt  to 
correct  those  of  the  ideas  they  set  out  with,  which  are  in 
opposition  to  the  teaching  of  reason  and  experience.     Almost 

firent  inscrire.  Mais  comme  le  capital  manquait,  neuf  hommes  des  plus  zeles 
commencerent  l'association  avec  tout  ce  qu'ils  possedaient;  savoir,  une  valeur 
de  369  francs  en  outils,  et  135  francs  20  centimes  en  argent. 

"  Leur  bon  gout,  leur  loyaute  et  l'exactitude  de  leurs  fournitures  augmentant 
leurs  debouches,  les  associes  furent  bientot  au  nombre  de  cent  huit.  lis  recu- 
rent  de  l'Etat  une  avance  de  25  mille  francs,  remboursables  en  quatorze  ans  par 
annuite,  a  raison  de  3  fr.  75  c.  pour  cent  d'interet. 

"En  1857,  le  nombre  des  associes  est  de  soixante-cinq,  celui  des  auxiliaires 
de  cent  en  moyenne.  Tous  les  associes  votent  pour  l'election  d'un  conseil  d'ad- 
ministration  de  huit  membres,  et  d'un  gerant,  dont  le  nom  represente  la  raison 
sociale.  La  distribution  et  la  surveillance  du  travail  dans  les  ateliers  sont  con- 
fiees  a  des  contremaitres  choisis  par  le  gerant  et  le  conseil.  II  y  a  un  contre- 
maitre  pour  vingt  ou  vingt-cinq  hommes. 

"Le  travail  est  paye  aux  pieces,  suivant  les  tarifs  arretes  en  assemblee 
generate.  Le  salaire  peut  varier  entre  3  et  7  francs  par  jour,  selon  le  zele  et 
l'habilete  de  l'ouvrier.  La  moyenne  est  de  50  francs  par  quinzaine.  Ceux  qui 
gagnent  le  moins  touchent  pres  de  40  francs  par  quinzaine.  Un  grand  nombre 
gagnent  80  francs.  Des  sculpteurs  et  mouluriers  gagnent  jusqu'a  100  francs, 
soit  200  francs  par  mois.  Chacun  s'engage  a  fournir  cent-vingt  heures  par  quin- 
zaine, soit  dix  heures  par  jour.  Aux  termes  du  reglement  chaque  heure  de 
deficit  soumet  le  delinquant  a  une  amende  de  10  centimes  par  heure  en-deca  de 
trente  heures,  et  de  15  centimes  au-dela.  Cette  disposition  avait  pour  objet 
d'abolir  1'habitude  du  lundi,  et  elle  a  produit  son  effet.  Depuis  deux  ans,  le 
systeme  des  amendes  est  tombe  en  desuetude,  a  cause  de  la  bonne  conduite  des 

"Quoique  Tapport  des  associes  n'ait  ete  que  de  369  francs,  le  materiel  d'ex- 
ploitation  appartenant  a  l'etablissement*  s'elevait  deja,  en  1851,  k  5713  francs 
et  l'avoir  social,  y  compris  les  creances,  a  24,000  francs.  Depuis  lors  cette 
association  est  devenue  plus  florissante,  ayant  resiste  a  tous  les  obstacles  qui  lui 
ont  ete  suscites.     Cette  maison  est  la  plus  forte  de  Paris  dans  son  genre,  ct  la 

II  eat  situ6  dans  la  rue  de  Chavonne,  cour  Saint-Joseph,  au  faubourg  Saint- Antoine. 


all  the  associations,  at  first,  excluded  piecework,  and  gave 
equal  wages  whether  the  work  done  was  more  or  less. 
Almost  all  have  abandoned  this  system,  and  after  allowing 

plus  consideree.     Elle  fait  des  affaires  pour  400  mille  francs  par  an.    Voici  son 
inventaire  de  decembre  1855. 


EspSces 445     70 

Marchandises 82,930     "  fait  d'avance,  ce  qui  empeche  le 


Salaires  payes  d'avance .     .     .       2,421     70 

Materiel 20,891     35 

Portefeuille 9,711     75 

Meubles  consignes.        .     .     .  211      " 

Lover  d'avance 4,933     10 

Debiteurs  divers 48,286     95 

169,831     55 


Effets  a  payer 8,655 

Fonds  d'association 133 

100  fr.  a  chacun 7,600  ne  la  doivent  qu'a  eux-memes. 

Fonds  de  retenue  indivisible     .     .     9,205     84  pour  l'Etat,  qui  prend  10  p.  100 

par  an  sur  les  benefices,  le  tout 
payable  au  bout  de  14  ans. 

Caisse  de  secours 1,544     30  ne  la  doivent  qu'a  eux-memes. 

Pret  de  l'Etat,  principal  et  inte>et    27,053      " 
Creanciers  divers 12,559     51 

66,752     65 

Difference  active. 

100,398     90.     La  societe  possede  en  realite  123,000  fr." 

But  the  most  important  association  of  all  is  that  of  the  Masons : — 

"  L'association  des  macons  fut  fondee  le  10  aoiit  1848.     Elle  a  son  siege  rue 

Saint-Victor,  155.     Le  nombre  de  ces  membres  est  de  85,  et  celui  de  ses  auxil- 

iaires  de  trois  a  quatre  cents.     Elle  a  deux  gerants  a  sa  tete ;  l'un,  charge 

specialement  des  constructions ;  l'autre,  de  l'administration.     Les  deux  gerants 

passent  pour  les  plus  habiles  entrepreneurs  de  maconnerie  de  Paris,  et  ils  se  con- 

tentent  d'un  modeste  traitement.     Cette  association  vicnt  de  construire  trois  ou 

quatre  des  plus  remarquables  hotels  de  la  capitale.     Bien  qu'elle  travaille  avec 

plus  d'economie  que  les  entrepreneurs  ordinaircs,  comme  on  ne  la  rembourse 

qu'a  des  termes  eloignes,  c'est  surtout  pour  elle  qu'une  banque  serait  necessaire, 

car  elle  a  des  avances  considerables  a  faire.     Neanmoins  elle  prospere,  et  la 

preure  en  est  dans  le  dividende  de  56  pour  100  qu'a  produit  cette  annee  son 

368  BOOK  IV.      CHAPTER  VII.     §6. 

to  every  one  a  fixed  minimum,  sufficient  for  subsistence, 
they  apportion  all  further  remuneration  according  to  the 
work    done :   most    of    them    even    dividing    the    profits 

propre  capital,  et  qu'elle  a  paye  aux  citoyens  qui  se  sont  associes  a  ses  opera- 

"  Cette  association  est  formee  d'ouvriers  qui  n'apportent  que  leur  travail ; 
d'autres  qui  apportent  leur  travail  et  un  capital  quelconque ;  enfin  de  citoyens 
qui  ne  travaillent  point,  mais  qui  se  sont  associes  en  fournissant  un  capital. 

"  Les  macons  se  livrent  le  soir  a  un  enseignement  mutuel.  Chez  eux, 
comme  chez  les  fabricants  de  fauteuils,  le  malade  est  soigne  aux  frais  de  la 
societe,  et  recoit  en  outre  un  salaire  durant  sa  maladie.  Chacun  est  protege  par 
l'association  dans  tous  les  actes  de  sa  vie.  Les  fabricants  de  fauteuils  aurout 
bientot  chacun  un  capital  de  deux  ou  trois  mille  francs  a  leur  disposition,  soit 
pour  doter  leurs  filles,  soit  pour  commencer  une  reserve  pour  l'avenir.  Quant 
aux  macons,  quelques-uns  possedent  deja  4000  francs  d'epargnes  qui  restent  au 
fonds  social. 

"  Avant  qu'ils  fussent  associes,  ces  ouvriers  etaient  pauvrement  vetus  de  la 
veste  et  de  la  blouse ;  parce  que,  faute  de  prevoyance,  et  surtout  a  cause  du 
chomage,  ils  n'avaient  jamais  une  somme  disponible  de  60  francs  pour  acheter 
une  redingote.  Aujourd'hui,  la  plupart  sont  vetus  aussi  bien  que  les  bourgeois; 
quelquefois  meme  avec  plus  de  gout.  Cela  tient  a  ce  que  1'ouvrier,  ayant  un 
credit  dans  son  association,  trouve  partout  ce  dont  il  a  besoin  sur  un  bon  qu'il 
souscrit;  et  la  caisse  retient  chaque  quinzaine  une  partie  de  la  somme  a  eteindre. 
De  la  sorte,  l'epargne  se  fait,  pour  ainsi  dire,  malgre  1'ouvrier.  Plusieurs  meme, 
n'ayant  plus  de  dettes,  se  souscrivent  a  eux-memes  des  bons  de  100  francs  paya- 
bles en  cinq  mois,  afin'de  resister  a  la  tentation  des  depenses  inutiles.  On  leur 
retient  10  francs  par  quinzaine ;  et  au  bout  des  cinq  mois,  bon  gre,  mal  gre,  ils 
trouvent  ce  petit  capital  epargne." 

The  following  table,  taken  by  M.  Cherbuliez  from  a  work  (Die  gewerblichen 
und  wirthschaftlichen  Genossenschaften  der  arbeitenden  Classen  in  England, 
Fvankreich  mid  Deutschland)  published  at  Tubingen  in  1860  by  Professor 
Huber  (one  of  the  most  ardent  and  high-principled  apostles  of  this  kind  of  co- 
operation), shows  the  rapidly  progressive  growth  in  prosperity  of  the  Masons' 
Association  up  to  1858: — 

Amount  of  Profits 

Tear.  business  done.  realized. 

fr.  fr. 

1852 .  45,530  ...        1,000 

1853 297,20S  ...  7,000 

1854 344,240  ...  20,000 

1855 614,694  ...  46,000 

1856 998,240  ...  80,000 

1857 1,330,000  ...  100,000 

1858 1,231,461  ...  130,000 

"Sur  ce  dernier  dividende,"  adds  M.  Cherbuliez,  "30,000  francs  ont  6ie 


at  the  end  of  the  year,  in  the  same  proportion  as  the 

It  is  the  declared  principle  of  most  of  these  associations, 
that  they  do  not  exist  for  the  mere  private  benefit  of  the  indi- 
vidual members,  but  for  the  promotion  of  the  co-operative 
cause.  With  every  extension,  therefore,  of  their  business, 
they  take  in  additional  members,  not  to  receive  wages  from 
them  as  hired  labourers,  but  to  enter  at  once  into  the  full 
benefits  of  the  association,  without  being  required  to  bring 
anything  in,  except  their  labour :  the  only  condition  imposed 
is  that  of  receiving  during  a  few  years  a  smaller  share  in  the 
annual  division  of  profits,  as  some  equivalent  for  the  sacri- 

prelev6s  pour  le  fonds  de  reserve,  et  les  100,000  francs  restant,  partages  entre 
les  associes,  ont  donne  pour  chacun  de  500  k  1500  francs,  outre  leur  salaire,  et 
leur  part  dans  la  propriete  commune  en  iinmeubles  et  en  materiel  d'exploita- 

Of  the  management  of  the  associations  generally,  M.  Yilliaume  says,  "  J'ai 
pu  me  convaincre  par  moi-meme  de  l'habilete  des  gerants  et  des  conseils  d'ad- 
mimstration  des  associations  ouvrieres.  Ces  gerants  sont  bien  superieurs  pour 
l'intelligence,  le  zele,  et  meme  pour  la  politesse,  h  la  plupart  des  patrons  ou 
entrepreneurs  particuliers.  Et  chez  les  ouvriers  associes,  les  funestes  habitudes 
d'intemperance  disparaissent  peu  a  peu,  avec  la  grossierete  et  la  rudesse  qui  sont 
la  consequence  de  la  trop  incomplete  education  de  leur  classe." 

*  Even  the  association  founded  by  M.  Louis  Blanc,  that  of  the  tailors  of 
Clichy,  after  eighteen  months  trial  of  his  system,  adopted  piece-work.  One  of 
•  the  reasons  given  by  them  for  abandoning  the  original  system  is  well  worth  ex- 
tracting. "En  outre  des  vices  dont  j'ai  parle,  les  taillcurs  lui  reprochaient 
d'engendrer  sans  cesse  des  discussions,  des  querclles,  a  cause  de  l'interfit.que 
chacun  avait  a  faire  travailler  ses  voisins.  La  surveillance  ruutuelle  de  1'atelier 
degenerait  ainsi  en  un  esclavage  veritable,  qui  ne  laissait  a  personne  la  liberie  de 
son  temps  et  de  ses  actions.  Ces  dissensions  ont  disparu  par  l'introduction  du 
travail  aux  pieces."  Feugueray,  p.  88.  One  of  the  most  discreditable  indica- 
tions of  a  low  moral  condition  given  of  late  by  the  English  working  classes,  is 
the  opposition  to  piece-work.  When  the  payment  per  piece  is  not  sufficiently 
high,  that  is  a  just  ground  of  objection.  But  dislike  to  piece-work  in  itself,  ex- 
cept under  mistaken  notions,  must  be  dislike  to  justice  and  fairness;  a  desire  to 
cheat,  by  not  giving  work  in  proportion  to  pay.  Piece-work  is  the  perfection 
of  contract ;  and  contract,  in  all  work,  and  in  the  most  minute  detail — the  prin- 
ciple of  so  much  pay  for  so  much  service,  carried  out  to  the  utmost  extremity — 
is  the  system,  of  all  others,  in  the  present  state  of  society  and  degree  of  civiliza- 
tion, most  favourable  to  the  worker;  though  most  unfavourable  to  the  non- 
worker  who  to  be  paid  for  being  idle. 

370  BOOK  IV.     CHAPTER  VII.     §6. 

fices  of  the  founders.  When  members  quit  the  association, 
which  they  are  always  at  liberty  to  do,  they  carry  none  of 
the  capital  with  them :  it  remains  an  indivisible  property,  of 
which  the  members  for  the  time  being  have  the  use,  but  not 
the  arbitrary  disposal :  by  the  stipulations  of  most  of  the  con- 
tracts, even  if  the  association  breaks  up,  the  capital  cannot 
be  divided,  but  must  be  devoted  entire  to  some  work  of 
beneficence  or  of  public  utility.  A  fixed,  and  generally  a 
considerable,  proportion  of  the  annual  profits,  is  not  shared 
among  the  members,  but  added  to  the  capital  of  the  associ- 
ation, or  devoted  to  the  repayment  of  advances  previously 
made  to  it :  another  portion  is  set  aside  to  provide  for  the 
sick  and  disabled,  and  another  to  form  a  fund  for  extending 
the  practice  of  association,  or  aiding  other  associations  in 
their  need.  The  managers  are  paid,  like  other  members, 
for  the  time  which  is  occupied  in  management,  usually  at 
the  rate  of  the  highest  paid  labour :  but  the  rule  is  adhered 
to,  that  the  exercise  of  power  shall  never  be  an  occasion  of 

Of  the  ability  of  the  associations  to  compete  successfully 
with  individual  capitalists,  even  at  an  early  period  of  their 
existence,  M.  Feugueray*  said,  "  Les  associations  qui  ont 
ete  fondees  depuis  deux  annees,  avaient  bien  des  obstacles  a 
vaincre;  la  plupart  manquaient  presque  absolument  de 
capital ;  toutes  marchaient  dans  une  voie  encore  inexploree ; 
elles  bravaient  les  perils  qui  menacent  toujours  les  novateurs 
et  les  debutants.  Et  neanmoins,  dans  beau  coup  d'industries 
ou  elles  se  sont  etablies,  elles  constituent  deja  pour  les 
anciennes  maisons  une  rivalite  redoutable,  qui  suscite  m&ne 
des  plaintes  nombreuses  dans  une  partie  de  la  bourgeoisie, 
non  pas  seulement  chez  les  traiteurs,  les  limonadiers  et  les 
coiffeurs,  c'est-a  dire  dans  les  industries  ou  la  nature  des 
produits  permet  aux  associations  de  compter  sur  la  clientele 
democratique,  mais  dans  d'autres  industries  ou  elles  n'ont 
pas  les  memes  avantages.  On  n'a  qu'a  consulter  par  ex- 
emple  les  fabricants  de  fauteuils,  de  chaises,  de  limes,  et 

*  Pp.  31-8. 


l'on  saura  d'eux  si  les  etablissements  les  plus  iinportants  en 
leurs  genres  de  fabrication  ne  sont  pas  les  etablissements 
des  associes." 

The  vitality  of  these  associations  must  indeed  be  great,  to 
have  enabled  about  twenty  of  them  to  survive  not  only  the 
anti-socialist  reaction,  which  for  the  time  discredited  all  at- 
tempts to  enable  workpeople  to  be  their  own  employers — 
not  only  the  tracasserles  of  the  police,  and  the  hostile  policy 
of  the  government  since  the  usurpation — but  in  addition  to 
these  obstacles,  all  the  difficulties  arising  from  the  trying 
condition  of  financial  and  commercial  affairs  from  1854  to 
1858.  Of  the  prosperity  attained  by  some  of  them  even 
while  passing  through  this  difficult  period,  I  have  given 
examples  which  must  be  conclusive  to  all  minds  as  to  the 
brilliant  future  reserved  for  the  principle  of  co-operation. 

It  is  not  in  France  alone  that  these  associations  have 
commenced  a  career  of  prosperity.  To  say  nothing  at  pres- 
ent of  Piedmont  or  of  Germany,  England  can  produce  cases 
of  success  rivalling  even  those  which  I  have  cited  from 
France.  Under  the  impulse  commenced  by  Mr.  Owen,  and 
more  recently  propagated  by  the  writings  and  personal 
efforts  of  a  band  of  friends,  chiefly  clergymen  and  barristers, 
to  whose  noble  exertions  too  much  praise  can  scarcely  be 
given,  the  good  seed  was  widely  sown  ;  the  necessary  alter- 
ations in  the  English  law  of  partnership  were  obtained  from 
Parliament,  on  the  benevolent  and  public-spirited  initiative 
of  Mr.  Slaney  ;  many  industrial  associations,  and  a  still 
greater  number  of  co-operative  stores  for  retail  purchases, 
were  founded.  Among  these  are  already  many  instances  of 
remarkable  prosperity,  the  most  signal  of  which  are  the 
Leeds  Flour  Mill,  and  the  Rochdale  Society  of  Equitable 
Pioneers.  Of  this  last  association,  the  most  successful  of  all, 
the  history  has  been  written  in  a  very  interesting  manner 
by  Mr.  Holyoake  ;*  and  the  notoriety  which  by  this  and 
other  means  has  been  given  to  facts  so  encouraging,  is  caus- 

*  Self-help  by  the  People — History  of  Co-operation  in  Rochdale. 

372  B0°K   IV.      CHAPTER  VII.      §6. 

ing  a  rapid  extension  of  associations  with  similar  objects  in 
Lancashire  and  Yorkshire. 

The  original  capital  of  the  Rochdale  Society  consisted 
of  281.,  brought  together  by  the  unassisted  economy  of  about 
forty  labourers,  through  the  slow  process  of  a  subscription 
of  twopence  (afterwards  raised  to  threepence)  per  week. 
With  this  sum  they  established  in  1844  a  small  shop,  or 
store,  for  the  supply  of  a  few  common  articles  for  the  con- 
sumption of  their  own  families.  As  their  carefulness  and 
honesty  brought  them  an  increase  of  customers  and  of 
subscribers,  they  extended  their  operations  to  a  greater 
number  of  articles  of  consumption,  and  in  a  few  years 
were  able  to  make  a  large  investment  in  shares  of  a  Co- 
operative Corn  Mill.  Mr.  Holyoake  thus  relates  the  stages 
of  their  progress  up  to  1857. 

"  The  Equitable  Pioneer's  Society  is  divided  into  seven 
departments  :  Grocery,  Drapery,  Butchering,  Shoemaking, 
Clogging,  Tailoring,  "Wholesale. 

"  A  separate  account  is  kept  of  each  business,  and  a 
general  account  is  given  each  quarter,  showing  the  position 
of  the  whole. 

"  The  grocery  business  was  commenced  as  we  have 
related,  in  December  1844,  with  only  four  articles  to  sell. 
It  now  includes  whatever  a  grocer's  shop  should  include. 

"  The  drapery  business  was  started  in  1847,  with  an 
humble  array  of  attractions.  In  1854  it  was  erected  into 
a  separate  department. 

"  A  year  earlier,  1846,  the  Store  began  to  sell  butchers' 
meat,  buying  eighty  or  one  hundred  pounds  of  a  tradesman 
in  the  town.  After  a  while,  the  sales  were  discontinued 
until  1850,  when  the  Society  had  a  warehouse  of  its  own. 
Mr.  John  Moorhouse,  who  has  now  two  assistants,  buys  and 
kills  for  the  Society  three  oxen,  eight  sheep,  sundry  porkers 
and  calves,  which  are  on  the  average  converted  into  1301. 
of  cash  per  week. 

"  Shoemaking  commenced  in  1852.  Three  men  and  an 
apprentice  make,  and  a  stock  is  kept  on  sale. 


"  Clogging  and  tailoring  commenced  also  in  this  year. 

"  The  wholesale  department  commenced  in  1852,  and 
marks  an  important  development  of  the  Pioneers''  proceed- 
ings. This  department  has  been  created  for  supplying  any 
members  requiring  large  quantities,  and  with  a  view  to 
supply  the  co-operative  stores  of  Lancashire  and  Yorkshire, 
whose  small  capitals  do  not  enable  them  to  buy  in  the  best 
markets,  nor  command  the  services  of  what  is  otherwise 
indispensable  to  every  store — a  good  binj<  r,  who  knows  the 
markets  and  his  business,  who  knows  what,  how,  and 
where  to  buy.  The  wholesale  department  guarantees 
purity,  quality,  fair  prices,  standard  weight  and  measure, 
but  all  on  the  never-failing  principle,  cash  payment. "' 

In  consequence  of  the  number  of  members  who  now 
reside  at  a  distance,  and  the  difficulty  of  serving  the  great 
increase  of  customers,  "  Branch  stores  have  been  opened. 
In  1856,  the  first  Branch  was  opened,  in  the  Oldham  Road, 
about  a  mile  from  the  centre  of  Rochdale.  In  1857  the 
Castleton  Branch,  and  another  in  the  Whitworth  Road, 
were  established,  and  a  fourth  Branch  in  Pinfold." 

The  warehouse,  of  which  their  original  Store  was  a 
single  apartment,  was  taken  on  lease  by  the  Society,  very 
much  out  of  repair,  in  1819.  "  Every  part  has  undergone 
neat  refitting  and  modest  decoration,  and  now  wears  the  air 
of  a  thoroughly  respectable  place  of  business.  One  room  is 
now    handsomely  fitted    up  as    a    newsroom.     Another   is 

neatly  fitted  up  as  a  library Their  newsroom  is  as 

well  supplied  as  that  of  a  London  club."  It  is  now  "  free 
to  members,  and  supported  from  the  Education  Fund,"'  a 
fund  consisting  of  2^  per  cent  of  all  the  profits  divided, 
which  is  set  apart  for  educational  purposes.  "  The  Library 
contains  2200  volumes  of  the  best,  and  among  them,  many 
of  the  most  expensive  books  published.  The  Library  is 
free.  From  1850  to  1855,  a  phool  for  young  persons  was 
conducted  at  a  charge  of  twopence  per  month.  Since  1855, 
a  room  has  been  granted  by  the  Board  for  the  use  of  from 

374  BOOK  IV.     CHAPTER  VII.     §6. 

twenty  to  thirty  persons,  from  the  ages  of  fourteen  to  forty 
for  mutual  instruction  on  Sundays  and  Tuesdays.  .  .  . 

"  The  corn-mill  was  of  course  rented,  and  stood  at  Small 
Bridge,  some  distance  from  the  town — one  mile  and  a  half. 
The  Society  have  since  built  in  the  town  an  entirely  new 
mill  for  themselves.  The  engine  and  the  machinery  are  of 
the  most  substantial  and  improved  kind.  The  capital 
invested  in  the  corn-mill  is  8,4:501.  of  which  3,7311.  15.<?.  2d. 
is  subscribed  by  the  Equitable  Pioneers'  Society.  The 
corn-mill  employs  eleven  men." 

At  a  later  period  they  extended  their  operations  to  the 
staple  manufacture  itself.  From  the  success  of  the  Pioneers' 
Society  grew  not  only  the  co-operative  corn-mill,  but  a  co- 
operative association  for  cotton  and  woollen  manufacturing. 
"  The  capital  in  this  department  is  4000Z.,  of  which  sum 
2042Z.  has  been  subscribed  by  the  Equitable  Pioneers' 
Society.  This  Manufacturing  Society  has  ninety-six  power 
looms  at  work,  and  employs  twenty-six  men,  seven  women, 
four  boys,  and  five  girls — in  all  forty-two  persons " 

"  In  1853  the  Store  purchased  for  745Z.,  a  warehouse 
(free-hold)  on  the  opposite  side  of  the  street,  where  they 
keep  and  retail  their  stores  of  flour,  butcher's  meat,  pota- 
toes, and  kindred  articles.  Their  committee-rooms  and 
offices  are  fitted  up  in  the  same  building.  They  rent  other 
houses  adjoining  for  calico  and  hosiery  and  shoe  stores.  In 
their  wilderness  of  rooms,  the  visitor  stumbles  upon  shoe- 
makers and  tailors,  at  work  under  healthy  conditions,  and 
in  perfect  peace  of  mind  as  to  the  result  on  Saturday  night. 
Their  warehouses  are  everywhere  as  bountifully  stocked  as 
Noah's  Ark,  and  cheerful  customers  literally  crowd  Toad 
Lane  at  night,  swarming  like  bees  to  every  counter.  The 
industrial  districts  of  England  have  not  such  another  sight  as 
the    Rochdale    Co-operative   Store  on    Saturday  night."* 

*  "  But  it  is  not,"  adds  Mr.  Holyoake,  "  the  brilliancy  of  commercial  activity 
in  which  either  writer  or  reader  will  take  the  deepest  interest ;  it  is  in  the  new 
and  improved  spirit  animating  this  intercourse  of  trade.  Buyer  and  seller  meet 
as  friends ;  there  is  no  overreaching  on  one  side,  and  no  suspicion  on  the  other. 


Since  the  disgraceful  failure  of  the  Rochdale  Savings  Bank 
in  1849,  the  Society's  Store  has  become  the  virtual  Savings 
Bank  of  the  place. 

The  following  table,  completed  to  1860  from  the  Alma- 
nack published  by  the  Society,  shows  the  pecuniary  result 
of  its  operations  from  the  commencement. 


No.  of 

Amount  of  ca 


Amount  of  c;ish  sales 
in  store  (annual). 

Amount  of 








£          8. 















32  17 










80  16 










72     2 










117  16 










561     3 










889  12 










990  19 










1,206  15 










1,674  18 










1,763  11 










3,106     8 










3,921   13 










5,470     6 










6,284  17 










10,739  18 










15,906     9 


I  need  not  enter  into  similar  particulars  respecting  the 
Corn-Mill  Society,  and  will  merely  state  that  in  1860  its 

....  These  crowds  of  humble  working  men,  who  never  knew  before  when 
they  put  good  food  in  their  mouths,  whose  every  dinner  was  adulterated,  whose 
shoes  let  in  the  water  a  month  too  soon,  whose  waistcoats  shone  with  devils' 
dust,  and  whose  wives  wore  calico  that  would  not  wash,  now  buy  in  the  markets 
like  millionnaires,  and  as  far  as  pureness  of  food  goes,  live  like  lords."  Far  bet- 
ter, probably,  in  that  particular ;  for  assuredly  lords  are  not  the  customers  least 
cheated,  in  the  present  race  of  dishonest  competition.  "They  are  weaving  their 
own  stuffs,  making  their  own  shoes,  sewing  their  own  garments,  and  grinding 
their  own  corn.  They  buy  the  purest  sugar  and  the  best  tea,  and  grind  their 
own  coffee.  They  slaughter  their  own  cattle,  and  the  finest  beasts  of  the  land 
waddle  down  the  streets  of  Rochdale  for  the  consumption  of  flannel  weavers  and 
cobblers.  (Last  year  the  Society  advertised  for  a  Provision  Agent  to  make  pur- 
chases in  Ireland,  and  to  devote  his  whole  time  to  that  duty.)  When  did  com- 
petition give  poor  men  these  advantages?  And  will  any  man  say  that  the  moral 
character  of  these  people  is  not  improved  under  these  influences.  The  teetotal- 
lers of  Rochdale  acknowledge  that  the  Store  has  made  more  sober  men  since  it 

376  BOOK    IV.     CHAPTER   VII.      §6. 


capital  is  set  down,  on  the  same  authority,  at  c26,618l.  14* 
Gd.,  and  the  profit  for  that  single  year  at  10,164£.  12s.  5rZ. 
For  the  manufacturing  establishment  I  have  no  certified 
information  later  than  that  of  Mr.  Holyoake,  who  states  the 
capital  of  the  concern,  in  1857,  to  be  5500Z.  But  a  letter 
in  the  Rochdale  Observer  of  May  26,  1860,  editorially 
announced  as  by  a  person  of  good  information,  says  that 
the  capital  had  at  that  time  reached  50,000?.  :  and  the 
same  letter  gives  highly  satisfactory  statements  respecting 
other  similar  associations  :  the  Rossendale  Industrial  Com- 
pany, capital  40,000Z. ;  the  Walsden  Co-operative  Com- 
pany, capital  8,000£.  ;  the  Bacup  and  Wardle  Commercial 
Company,  with  a  capital  of  40,0007.,  "  of  which  more  than 
one-third  is  borrowed  at  5  per  cent,  and  this  circumstance, 
during  the  last  two  years  of  unexampled  commercial  pros- 
perity, has  caused  the  rate  of  dividend  to  shareholders  to 
rise  to  an  almost  fabulous  height." 

It  is  hardly  possible  to  take  any  but  a  hopeful  view  of 
the  prospects  of  mankind,  when  in  the  two  leading  coun- 
tries of  the  world,  the  obscure  depths  of  society  contain 
simple  working  men  whose  integrity,  good  sense,  self-com- 
mand, and  honourable  confidence  in  one  another,  have  ena- 
bled them  to  carry  these  noble  experiments  to  the  triumph- 
ant issue  which  the  facts  recorded  in  the  preceding  pages 

commenced  than  all  their  efforts  have  been  able  to  make  in  the  same  time. 
Husbands  who  never  knew  what  it  was  to  be  out  of  debt,  and  poor  wives  who 
during  forty  years  never  had  sixpence  uncondemned  in  their  pockets,  now  pos- 
sess little  stores  of  money  sufficient  to  build  them  cottages,  and  go  every  week 
into  their  own  market  with  money  jingling  in  their  pockets ;  and  in  that  market 
there  is  no  distrust  and  no  deception ;  there  is  no  adulteration,  and  no  second 
prices.  The  whole  atmosphere  is  honest.  Those  who  serve,  neither  hurry, 
finesse,  nor  flatter.  They  have  no  interest  in  chicanery.  They  have  but  one 
duty  to  perform — that  of  giving  fair  measure,  full  weight,  and  a  pure  article. 
In  other  parts  of  the  town,  where  competition  is  the  principle  of  trade,  all  the 
preaching  in  Rochdale  cannot  produce  moral  effects  like  these. 

"As  the  Store  has  made  no  debts,  it  has  incurred  no  losses;  and  during 
thirteen  years'  transactions,  and  receipts  amounting  to  303,852/.,  it  has  had  no 
law-suits."  The  Arbitrators  of  the  Societies,  during  all  their  years  of  office,  have 
never  had  a  case  to  decide,  and  are  discontented  that  nobody  quarrels." 


attest.  Their  admirable  history  shows  how  vast  an  increase 
might  be  made  even  in  the  aggregate  productiveness  of 
labour,  if  the  labourers  as  a  mass  were  placed  in  a  relation 
to  their  work  which  would  make  it  (what  now  it  is  not) 
their  principle  and  their  interest  to  do  the  utmost,  instead 
of  the  least  possible,  in  exchange  for  their  remuneration. 
In  the  co-operative  movement,  the  permanency  of  which 
may  now  be  considered  as  ensured,  we  see  exemplified  the 
process  for  bringing  about  a  change  in  society,  which  would 
combine  the  freedom  and  independence  of  the  individual, 
with  the  moral,  intellectual,  and  economical  advantages  of 
aggregate  production ;  and  which,  without  violence  or 
spoliation,  or  even  any  sudden  disturbance  of  existing 
habits  and  expectations,  would  realize,  at  least  in  the  in- 
dustrial department,  the  best  aspirations  of  the  democratic 
spirit,  by  putting  an  end  to  the  division  of  society  into  the 
industrious  and  the  idle,  and  effacing  all  social  distinctions 
but  those  fairly  earned  by  personal  services  and  exertions. 
Associations  like  those  which  we  have  described,  by  the 
very  process  of  their  success,  are  a  course  of  education  in 
those  moral  and  active  qualities  by  which  alone  success  can 
be  either  deserved  or  attained.  As  associations  multiplied, 
they  would  tend  more  and  more  to  absorb  all  work-people, 
except  those  who  have  too  little  understanding,  or  too  little 
virtue,  to  be  capable  of  learning  to  act  on  any  other  system 
than  that  of  narrow  selfishness.  As  this  change  proceeded, 
owners  of  capital  would  gradually  find  it  to  their  advantage, 
instead  of  maintaining  the  struggle  of  the  old  system  with 
work-people  of  only  the  worst  description,  to  lend  their 
capital  to  the  associations  ;  to  do  this  at  a  diminishing  rate 
of  interest,  and  at  last,  perhaps,  even  to  exchange  their 
capital  for  terminable  annuities.  In  this  or  some  such 
mode,  the  existing  accumulations  of  capital  might  honestly, 
and  by  a  kind  of  spontaneous  process,  become  in  the  end 
the  joint  property  of  all  who  participate  in  their  productive 
employment :  a  transformation  which,  thus  effected,  (and 
assuming  of  course  that  both  sexes  participate  equally  in 

378  B00K  IV-     CHAPTER  VH.      §7. 

the  rights  and  in  the  government  of  the  association)  *  would 
be  the  nearest  approach  to  social  justice,  and  the  most  bene- 
ficial ordering  of  industrial  affairs  for  the  universal  good, 
which  it  is  possible  at  present  to  foresee. 

§  7.  I  agree,  then,  with  the  Socialist  writers  in  their 
conception  of  the  form  which  industrial  operations  tend  to 
assume  in  the  advance  of  improvement ;  and  I  entirely 
share  their  opinion  that  the  time  is  ripe  for  commencing 
this  transformation,  and  that  it  should  by  all  just  and  effect- 
ual means  be  aided  and  encouraged.  But  while  I  agree 
and  sympathize  with  Socialists  in  this  practical  portion  of 
their  aims,  I  utterly  dissent  from  the  most  conspicuous  and 
vehement  part  of  their  teaching,  their  declamations  against 
competition.  With  moral  conceptions  in  many  respects  far 
ahead  of  the  existing  arrangements  of  society,  they  have 
in  general  very  confused  and  erroneous  notions  of  its  actual 
working  ;  and  one  of  their  greatest  errors,  as  I  conceive,  is  to 
charge  upon  competition  all  the  economical  evils  which  at 
present  exist.  They  forget  that  wherever  competition  is 
not,  monopoly  is ;  and  that  monopoly,  in  all  its  forms,  is 
the  taxation  of  the  industrious  for  the  support  of  indolence, 
if  not  of  plunder.  They  forget,  too,  that  with  the  excep- 
tion of  competition  among  labourers,  all  other  competition 
is  for  the  benefit  of  the  labourers,  by  cheapening  the  articles 
they  consume ;  that  competition  even  in  the  labour  mar- 

*  In  this  respect  also  the  Rochdale  Society  has  given  an  example  of  reason 
and  justice,  worthy  of  the  good  sense  and  good  feeling  manifested  in  their  gen- 
eral proceedings.  "  The  Rochdale  Store,"  says  Mr.  Holyoake,  "  renders  inci- 
dental but  valuable  aid  towards  realizing  the  civil  independence  of  women. 
Women  may  be  members  of  this  Store,  and  vote  in  its  proceedings.  Single  and 
married  women  join.  Many  married  women  become  members  because  theii 
husbands  will  not  take  the  trouble,  and  others  join  in  it  In  self-defence,  to  pre- 
vent the  husband  from  spending  their  money  in  drink.  The  husband  cannot 
withdraw  the  savings  at  the  Store  standing  in  the  wife's  name,  unless  she  signs 
the  order.  Of  course,  as  the  law  still  stands,  the  husband  could  by  legal  process 
get  possession  of  the  money.  But  a  process  takes  time,  and  the  husband  gets 
sober  and  thinks  better  of  it  before  the  law  can  move." 


ket  is  a  source  not  of  low  but  of  high  wages,  wherever 
the  competition  for  labour  exceeds  the  competition  of 
labour,  as  in  America,  in  the  colonies,  and  in  the  skilled 
trades  ;  and  never  could  be  a  cause  of  low  wages,  save  by 
the  overstocking  of  the  labour  market  through  the  too  great 
numbers  of  the  labourers1  families  ;  while,  if  the  supply  of 
labourers  is  excessive,  not  even  Socialism  can  prevent  their 
remuneration  from  being  low.  Besides,  if  association  were 
universal,  there  would  be  no  competition  between  la- 
bourer and  labourer ;  and  that  between  association  and 
association  would  be  for  the  benefit  of  the  consumers, 
that  is,  of  the  associations  ;  of  the  industrious  classes  gene- 

I  do  not  pretend  that  there  are  no  inconveniences  in 
competition,  or  that  the  moral  objections  urged  against  it 
by  Socialist  writers,  as  a  source  of  jealousy  and  hostility 
among  those  engaged  in  the  same  occupation,  are  altogether 
groundless.  But  if  competition  has  its  evils,  it  prevents 
greater  evils.  As  M.  Feugueray  well  says,*  "  La  racine  la 
plus  profonde  des  maux  et  des  iniquites  qui  couvrent  le 
monde  industriel,  n'est  pas  la  concurrence,  mais  bien  l'ex- 
ploitation  du  travail  par  le  capital,  et  la  part  enorme  que 
les  possesseurs  des  instruments  de  travail  prelevent  sur  les 
produits  ....  Si  la  concurrence  a  beaucoup  de  puissance 
pour  le  mal,  elle  n'a  pas  moins  de  fecondite  pour  le  bien, 
surtout  en  ce  qui  concerne  le  developpement  des  facultes 
individuelles,  et  le  succes  des  innovations."  It  is  the  com- 
mon error  of  Socialists  to  overlook  the  natural  indolence  of 
mankind  ;  their  tendency  to  be  passive,  to  be  the  slaves  of 
habit,  to  persist  indefinitely  in  a  course  once  chosen.  Let 
them  once  attain  any  state  of  existence  which  they  consider 
tolerable,  and  the  danger  to  be  apprehended  is  that  they 
will  thenceforth  stagnate  ;  will  not  exert  themselves  to  im- 
prove, and  by  letting  their  faculties  rust,  will  lose  even 
the  energy  required  to  preserve  them  from  deterioration. 
Competition  may  not  be  the  best  conceivable  stimulus,  but 

*  P.  90. 

380  BOOK  IV.     CHAPTER  VII.     §  1. 

it  is  at  present  a  necessary  one,  and  no  one  can  foresee  the 
time  when  it  will  not  be  indispensable  to  progress.  Even 
confining  ourselves  to  the  industrial  department,  in  which, 
more  than  in  any  other,  the  majority  may  be  supposed  to 
be  competent  judges  of  improvements  ;  it  would  be  difficult 
to  induce  the  general  assembly  of  an  association  to  submit 
to  the  trouble  and  inconvenience  of  altering  their  habits  by 
adopting  some  new  and  promising  invention,  unless  their 
knowledge  of  the  existence  of  rival  associations  made  them 
apprehend  that  what  they  would  not  consent  to  do,  others 
would,  and  that  they  would  be  left  behind  in  the  race. 

Instead  of  looking  upon  competition  as  the  baneful  and 
anti-social  principle  which  it  is  held  to  be  by  the  generality 
of  Socialists,  I  conceive  that,  even  in  the  present  state  of 
society  and  industry,  every  restriction  of  it  is  an  evil,  and 
every  extension  of  it,  even  if  for  the  time  injuriously  affect- 
ing some  class  of  labourers,  is  always  an  ultimate  good. 
To  be  protected  against  competition  is  to  be  protected  in 
idleness,  in  mental  dulness ;  to  be  saved  the  necessity  of 
being  as  active  and  as  intelligent  as  other  people  ;  and  if  it 
is  also  to  be  protected  against  being  underbid  for  employ- 
ment by  a  less  highly  paid  class  of  labourers,  this  is  only 
where  old  custom  or  local  and  partial  monopoly  has  placed 
some  particular  class  of  artisans  in  a  privileged  position  as 
compared  with  the  rest ;  and  the  time  has  come  when  the 
interest  of  universal  improvement  is  no  longer  promoted  by 
prolonging  the  privileges  of  a  few.  If  the  slopsellers  and 
other  of  their  class  have  lowered  the  wages  of  tailors,  and 
some  other  artisans,  by  making  them  an  affair  of  competi- 
tion instead  of  custom,  so  much  the  better  in  the  end. 
What  is  now  required  is  not  to  bolster  up  old  customs, 
whereby  limited  classes  of  labouring  people  obtain  partial 
gains  which  interest  them  in  keeping  up  the  present  organ- 
ization of  society,  but  to  introduce  new  general  practices 
beneficial  to  all ;  and  there  is  reason  to  rejoice  at  whatever 
makes  the  privileged  classes  of  skilled  artisans  feel,  that 


they  have  the  same  interests,  and  depend  for  their  remu- 
neration on  the  same  general  causes,  and  must  resort  for  the 
improvement  of  their  condition  to  the  same  remedies,  as 
the  less  fortunately  circumstanced  and  comparatively  help- 
less multitude. 




BOOK   V. 




§  1.  One  of  the  most  disputed  questions  both  in  politi- 
cal science  and  in  practical  statesmanship  at  this  particular 
period,  relates  to  the  proper  limits  of  the  functions  and 
agency  of  governments.  At  other  times  it  has  been  a  sub- 
ject of  controversy  how  governments  should  be  constituted, 
and  according  to  what  principles  and  rules  they  should 
exercise  their  authority  ;  but  it  is  now  almost  equally  a 
question,  to  what  departments  of  human  affairs  that  au- 
thority should  extend.  And  when  the  tide  sets  so  strongly 
towards  changes  in  government  and  legislation,  as  a  means 
of  improving  the  condition  of  mankind,  this  discussion  is 
more  likely  to  increase  than  to  diminish  in  interest.  On 
the  one  hand,  impatient  reformers,  thinking  it  easier  and 
shorter  to  get  possession  of  the  government  than  of  the 
intellects  and  dispositions  of  the  public,  are  under  a  constant 
temptation  to  stretch  the  province  of  government  beyond 
due  bounds  :  while,  on  the  other,  mankind  have  been  so 
much  accustomed  by  their  rulers  to  interference  for  pur- 

BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  I.     §2. 

poses  other  than  the  public  good,  or  under  an  erroneous 
conception  of  what  that  good  requires,  and  so  many  rash 
proposals  are  made  by  sincere  lovers  of  improvement,  for 
attempting,  by  compulsory  regulation,  the  attainment  of 
objects  which  can  only  be  effectually  or  only  usefully  com- 
passed by  opinion  and  discussion,  that  there  has  grown  up 
a  spirit  of  resistance  in  limine  to  the  interference  of  govern- 
ment, merely  as  such,  and  a  disposition  to  restrict  its  sphere 
of  action  within  the  narrowest  bounds.  From  differences 
in  the  historical  development  of  different  nations,  not 
necessary  to  be  here  dwelt  upon,  the  former  excess,  that  of 
exaggerating  the  province  of  government,  prevails  most, 
both  in  theory  and  in  practice,  among  the  Continental  na- 
tions, while  in  England  the  contrary  spirit  has  hitherto  been 

The  general  principles  of  the  question,  in  so  far  as  it  is  a 
question  of  principle,  I  shall  make  an  attempt  to  determine 
in  a  later  chapter  of  this  Book  :  after  first  considering  the 
effects  produced  by  the  conduct  of  government  in  the  exer- 
cise of  the  functions  universally  acknowledged  to  belong  to  it. 
For  this  purpose,  there  must  be  a  specification  of  the  func- 
tions which  are  either  inseparable  from  the  idea  of  a  govern- 
ment, or  are  exercised  habitually  and  without  objection  by 
all  governments ;  as  distinguished  from  those  respecting 
which  it  has  been  considered  questionable  whether  govern- 
ments should  exercise  them  or  not.  The  former  may  be 
termed  the  necessary,  the  latter  the  optional,  functions  of 
government.  By  the  term  optional  it  is  not  meant  to 
imply,  that  it  can  ever  be  a  matter  of  indifference,  or  ot 
arbitrary  choice,  whether  the  government  should  or  should 
not  take  upon  itself  the  functions  in  question ;  but  only 
that  the  expediency  of  its  exercising  them  does  not  amount 
to  necessity,  and  is  a  subject  on  which  diversity  of  opinion 
does  or  may  exist. 

§  2.  In  attempting  to  enumerate  the  necessary  func- 
tions of  government,  we  find  them  to  be  considerably  more 


multifarious  than  most  people  are  at  first  aware  of,  and  not 
capable  of  being  circumscribed  by  those  very  definite  lines 
of  demarcation,  which,  in  the  inconsiderateness  of  popular 
discussion,  it  is  often  attempted  to  draw  round  them.  We 
sometimes,  for  example,  hear  it  said  that  governments  ought 
to  confine  themselves  to  affording  protection  against  force 
and  fraud :  that,  these  two  things  apart,  people  should  be 
free  agents,  able  to  take  care  of  themselves,  and  that  so  long 
as  a  person  practises  no  violence  or  deception,  to  the  injury 
of  others  in  person  or  property,  legislatures  and  govern- 
ments are  in  no  way  called  on  to  concern  themselves  about 
him.  But  why  should  people  be  protected  by  their  govern- 
ment, that  is,  by  their  own  collective  strength,  against 
violence  and  fraud,  and  not  against  other  evils,  except  that 
the  expediency  is  more  obvious?  If  nothing,  but  what 
people  cannot  possibly  do  for  themselves,  can  be  fit  to  be 
done  for  them  by  government,  people  might  be  required  to 
protect  themselves  by  their  skill  and  courage  even  against 
force,  or  to  beg  or  buy  protection  against  it,  as  they  actually 
do  where  the  government  is  not  capable  of  protecting  them : 
and  against  fraud  every  one  has  the  protection  of  his  own 
wits.  But  without  further  anticipating  the  discussion  of 
principles,  it  is  sufficient  on  the  present  occasion  to  con- 
sider facts. 

Under  which  of  these  heads,  the  repression  of  force  or 
of  fraud,  are  we  to  place  the  operation,  for  example,  of  the 
laws  of  inheritance  ?  Some  such  laws  must  exist  in  all 
societies.  It  may  be  said,  perhaps,  that  in  this  matter 
government  has  merely  to  give  effect  to  the  disposition 
which  an  individual  makes  of  his  own  property  by  will. 
This,  however,  is  at  least  extremely  disputable ;  there  is 
probably  no  country  by  whose  laws  the  power  of  testament- 
ary  disposition  is  perfectly  absolute.  And  suppose  the 
very  common  case  of  there  being  no  will :  does  not  the  law, 
that  is,  the  government,  decide  on  principles  of  general 
expediency,  who  shall  take  the  succession  ?  and  in  case  the 
successor  is  in  any  manner  incompetent,  does  it  not  appoint 

388  B00K  v-      CHAPTER  I.     §2. 

persons,  frequently  officers  of  its  own,  to  collect  the  pro- 
perty and  apply  it  to  his  benefit  ?  There  are  many  other 
cases  in  which  the  government  undertakes  the  administra- 
tion of  property,  because  the  public  interest,  or  perhaps 
only  that  of  the  particular  persons  concerned,  is  thought  to 
require  it.  This  is  often  done  in  cases  of  litigated  property ; 
and  in  cases  of  judicially  declared  insolvency.  It  has 
never  been  contended  that  in  doing  these  things,  a  govern- 
ment exceeds  its  province. 

Nor  is  the  function  of  the  law  in  defining  property  itself, 
so  simple  a  thing  as  may  be  supposed.  It  may  be  ima- 
gined, perhaps,  that  the  law  has  only  to  declare  and  pro- 
tect the  right  of  every  one  to  what  he  has  himself  produced, 
or  acquired  by  the  voluntary  consent,  fairly  obtained,  of  those 
who  produced  it.  But  is  there  nothing  recognised  as  prop- 
erty except  what  has  been  produced  ?  Is  there  not  the 
earth  itself,  its  forests  and  waters,  and  all  other  natural 
riches,  above  and  below  the  surface  ?  These  are  the  inheri- 
tance of  the  human  race,  and  there  must  be  regulations  for 
the  common  enjoyment  of  it.  What  rights,  and  under 
what  conditions,  a  person  shall  be  allowed  to  exercise  over 
any  portion  of  this  common  inheritance,  cannot  be  left 
undecided.  No  function  of  government  is  less  optional 
than  the  regulation  of  these  things,  or  more  completely  in- 
volved in  the  idea  of  civilized  society. 

Again,  the  legitimacy  is  conceded  of  repressing  violence 
or  treachery  ;  but  under  which  of  these  heads  are  we  to 
place  the  obligation  imposed  on  people  to  perform  their 
contracts  ?  Non-performance  does  not  necessarily  imply 
fraud  ;  the  person  who  entered  into  the  contract  may  have 
sincerely  intended  to  fulfil  it :  and  the  term  fraud,  which 
can  scarcely  admit  of  being  extended  even  to  the  case  of 
voluntary  breach  of  contract  when  no  deception  was  prac- 
tised, is  certainly  not  applicable  when  the  omission  to  per- 
form is  a  case  of  negligence.  Is  it  no  part  of  the  duty  of 
governments  to  enforce  contracts?  Here  the  doctrine  of 
non-interference  would  no  doubt  be  stretched  a  little,  and  it 


would  be  said,  that  enforcing  contracts  is  not  regulating  the 
affairs  of  individuals  at  the  pleasure  of  government,  but 
giving  effect  to  their  own  expressed  desire.  Let  us  acquiesce 
in  this  enlargement  of  the  restrictive  theory,  and  take  it  for 
what  it  is  worth.  But  governments  do  not  limit  their  con- 
cern with  contracts  to  a  simple  enforcement.  They  take 
upon  themselves  to  determine  what  contracts  are  fit  to  be 
enforced.  It  is  not  enough  that  one  person,  not  being  either 
cheated  or  compelled,  makes  a  promise  to  another.  There 
are  promises  by  which  it  is  not  for  the  public  good  that 
persons  should  have  the  power  of  binding  themselves.  To 
say  nothing  of  engagements  to  do  something  contrary  to 
law,  there  are  engagements  which  the  law  refuses  to  en- 
force, for  reasons  connected  with  the  interest  of  the  prom- 
iser,  or  with  the  general  policy  of  the  state.  A  contract 
by  which  a  person  sells  himself  to  another  as  a  slave,  would 
be  declared  void  by  the  tribunals  of  this  and  of  most  other 
European  countries.  There  are  few  nations  whose  laws  en- 
force a  contract  for  what  is  looked  upon  as  prostitution,  or 
any  matrimonial  engagement  of  which  the  conditions  vary 
in  any  respect  from  those  which  the  law  has  thought  fit  to 
prescribe.  But  when  once  it  is  admitted  that  there  are  any 
engagements  which  for  reasons  of  expediency  the  law  ought 
not  to  enforce,  the  same  question  is  necessarily  opened  with 
respect  to  all  engagements.  "Whether,  for  example,  the  law 
should  enforce  a  contract  to  labour,  when  the  wages  are  too 
low,  or  the  hours  of  work  too  severe :  whether  it  should 
enforce  a  contract  by  which  a  person  binds  himself  to 
remain,  for  more  than  a  very  limited  period,  in  the  service 
of  a  given  individual :  whether  a  contract  of  marriage, 
entered  into  for  life,  should  continue  to  be  enforced  against 
the  deliberate  will  of  the  persons,  or  of  either  of  the  persons, 
who  entered  into  it.  Every  question  which  can  possibly 
arise  as  to  the  policy  of  contracts,  and  of  the  relations  which 
they  establish  among  human  beings,  is  a  question  for  the 
legislator ;  and  one  which  he  cannot  escape  from  consider- 
ing, and  in  some  way  or  other  deciding. 

g90  BOOK  V,      CHAPTER  t     §2. 

Again,  the  prevention  and  suppression  of  force  and  fraud 
afford  appropriate  employment  for  soldiers,  policemen,  and 
criminal  judges ;  but  there  are  also  civil  tribunals.  The 
punishment  of  wrong  is  one  business  of  an  administration 
of  justice,  but  the  decision  of  disputes  is  another.  Innume- 
rable disputes  arise  between  persons,  without  mala  fides  on 
either  side,  through  misconception  of  their  legal  rights,  or 
from  not  being  agreed  about  the  facts,  on  the  proof  of  which 
those  rights  are  legally  dependent.  Is  it  not  for  the  general 
interest  that  the  State  should  appoint  persons  to  clear  up 
these  uncertainties  and  terminate  these  disputes  ?  It  cannot 
be  said  to  be  a  case  of  absolute  necessity.  People  might 
appoint  an  arbitrator,  and  engage  to  submit  to  his  decision ; 
and  they  do  so  where  there  are  no  courts  of  justice,  or 
where  the  courts  are  not  trusted,  or  where  their  delays  and 
expenses,  or  the  irrationality  of  their  rules  of  evidence,  deter 
people  from  resorting  to  them.  Still,  it  is  universally 
thought  right  that  the  State  should  establish  civil  tribunals ; 
and  if  their  defects  often  drive  people  to  have  recourse  to 
substitutes,  even  then  the  power  held  in  reserve  of  carrying 
the  case  before  a  legally  constituted  court,  gives  to  the  sub- 
stitutes their  principal  efficacy. 

Not  only  does  the  State  undertake  to  decide  disputes,  it 
takes  precautions  beforehand  that  disputes  may  not  arise. 
The  laws  of  most  countries  lay  down  rules  for  determining 
many  things,  not  because  it  is  of  much  consequence  in  what 
way  they  are  determined,  but  in  order  that  they  may  be 
determined  somehow,  and  there  may  be  no  question  on  the 
subject.  The  law  prescribes  forms  of  words  for  many  kinds 
of  contract,  in  order  that  no  dispute  or  misunderstanding 
may  arise  about  their  meaning  :  it  makes  provision  that  if  a 
dispute  does  arise,  evidence  shall  be  procurable  for  deciding 
it,  by  requiring  that  the  document  be  attested  by  witnesses 
and  executed  with  certain  formalities.  The  law  preserves 
authentic  evidence  of  facts  to  which  legal  consequences  are 
attached,  by  keeping  a  registry  of  such  facts ;  as  of  births, 
deaths,  and  marriages,  of  wills  and  contracts,  and  of  judi- 


cial  proceedings.  In  doing  these  things,  it  has  never  been 
alleged  that  government  oversteps  the  proper  limits  of  its 

Again,  however  wide  a  scope  we  may  allow  to  the 
doctrine  that  individuals  are  the  proper  guardians  of  their 
own  interests,  and  that  government  owes  nothing  to  them 
but  to  save  them  from  being  interfered  with  by  other  peo- 
ple, the  doctrine  can  never  be  applicable  to  any  persons  but 
those  who  are  capable  of  acting  in  their  own  behalf.  The 
individual  may  be  an  infant  or  a  lunatic,  or  fallen  into  im- 
becility. The  law  surely  must  look  after  the  interest  of 
such  persons.  It  does  not  necessarily  do  this  through  officers 
of  its  own.  It  often  devolves  the  trust  upon  some  relative 
or  connexion.  But  in  doing  so  is  its  duty  ended  ?  Can  it 
make  over  the  interests  of  one  person  to  the  control  of 
another,  and  be  excused  from  supervision,  or  from  holding 
the  person  thus  trusted,  responsible  for  the  discharge  of  the 
trust  ? 

There  is  a  multitude  of  cases  in  which  governments, 
with  general  approbation,  assume  powers  and  execute  func- 
tions for  which  no  reason  can  be  assigned  except  the  simple 
one,  that  they  conduce  to  general  convenience.  We  may 
take  as  an  example,  the  function  (which  is  a  monopoly  too) 
of  coining  money.  This  is  assumed  for  no  more  recondite 
purpose  tli an  that  of  saving  to  individuals  the  trouble, 
delay,  and  expense  of  weighing  and  assaying.  No  one, 
however,  even  of  those  most  jealous  of  state  interference, 
has  objected  to  this  as  an  improper  exercise  of  the  powers 
of  government.  Prescribing  a  set  of  standard  weights  and 
measures  is  another  instance.  Paving,  lighting,  and  cleans- 
ing the  streets  and  thoroughfares,  is  another  ;  whether  done 
by  the  general  government,  or,  as  is  more  usual,  and  gener- 
ally more  advisable,  by  a  municipal  authority.  Making  or 
improving  harbours,  building  light-houses,  making  surveys 
in  order  to  have  accurate  maps  and  charts,  raising  dykes  to 
keep  the  sea  out,  and  embankments  to  keep  rivers  in,  are 
cases  in  point. 

392  B00K   Y-      CHAPTER  I.     §3. 

Examples  might  be  indefinitely  multiplied  without 
intruding  on  any  disputed  ground.  But  enough  has  been 
said  to  show  that  the  admitted  functions  of  government 
embrace  a  much  wider  field  than  can  easily  be  included 
within  the  ring-fence  of  any  restrictive  definition,  and  that 
it  is  hardly  possible  to  find  any  ground  of  justification 
common  to  them  all,  except  the  comprehensive  one  of 
general  expediency  ;  nor  to  limit  the  interference  of  govern- 
ment by  any  universal  rule,  save  the  simple  and  vague  one 
that  it  should  never  be  admitted  but  when  the  case  of  expe- 
diency is  strong. 

§  3.  Some  observations,  however,  may  be  usefully  be- 
stowed on  the  nature  of  the  considerations  on  which  the 
question  of  government  interference  is  most  likely  to  turn, 
and  on  the  mode  of  estimating  the  comparative  magnitude 
of  the  expediencies  involved.  This  will  form  the  last  of  the 
three  parts  into  which  our  discussion  of  the  principles  and 
effects  of  government  interference  may  conveniently  be 
divided.     The  following  will  be  our  division  of  the  subject. 

We  shall  first  consider  the  economical  effects  arising 
from  the  manner  in  which  governments  perform  their  neces- 
sary and  acknowledged  functions. 

We  shall  then  pass  to  certain  governmental  interferences 
of  what  I  have  termed  the  optional  kind  (i.e.  overstepping 
the  boundaries  of  the  universally  acknowledged  functions) 
which  have  heretofore  taken  place,  and  in  some  cases  still 
take  place,  under  the  influence  of  false  general  theories. 

It  will  lastly  remain  to  inquire  whether,  independently 
of  any  false  theory,  and  consistently  with  a  correct  view  of 
the  laws  which  regulate  human  affairs,  there  be  any  cases 
of  the  optional  class  in  which  governmental  interference  is 
really  advisable,  and  what  are  those  cases. 

The  first  of  these  divisions  is  of  an  extremely  miscel- 
laneous character :  since  the  necessary  functions  of  govern- 
ment, and  those  which  are  so  manifestly  expedient  that 
they  have   never  or  very  rarely  been  objected  to,  are,  as 


already  pointed  out,  too  various  to  be  brought  under  any 
very  simple  classification.  Those,  however,  which  are  of 
principal  importance,  which  alone  it  is  necessary  here  to 
consider,  may  be  reduced  to  the  following  general  heads. 

First,  the  means  adopted  by  governments  to  raise  the 
revenue  which  is  the  condition  of  their  existence. 

Secondly,  the  nature  of  the  laws  which  they  prescribe  on 
the  two  great  subjects  of  Property  and  Contracts. 

Thirdly,  the  excellences  or  defects  of  the  system  of 
means  by  which  they  enforce  generally  the  execution  of 
their  laws,  namely,  their  j  udicature  and  police. 

We  commence  with  the  first  head,  that  is,  with  the 
theory  of  Taxation. 



§  1.  The.  qualities  desirable,  economically  speaking, 
m  a  system  of  taxation,  have  been  embodied  by  Adam 
Smith  in  four  maxims  or  principles,  which,  having  been 
generally  concurred  in  by  subsequent  writers,  may  be  said 
to  have  become  classical,  and  this  chapter  cannot  be  better 
commenced  than  by  quoting  them.* 

"  1.  The  subjects  of  every  state  ought  to  contribute  to 
the  support  of  the  government,  as  nearly  as  possible  in  pro- 
portion to  their  respective  abilities  :  that  is,  in  proportion  to 
the  revenue  which  they  respectively  enjoy  under  the  pro- 
tection of  the  state.  In  the  observation  or  neglect  of  this 
maxim  consists  what  is  called  the  equality  or  inequality  of 

"  2.  The  tax  which  each  individual  is  bound  to  pay 
ought  to  be  certain,  and  not  arbitrary.  The  time  of  pay- 
ment, the '  manner  of  payment,  the  quantity  to  be  paid, 
ought  all  to  be  clear  and  plain  to  the  contributor,  and  to 
every  other  person.  Where  it  is  otherwise,  every  person 
subject  to  the  tax  is  put  more  or  less  in  the  power  of  the 
taxgatherer,  who  can  either  aggravate  the  tax  upon  any 
obnoxious  contributor,  or  extort  by  the  terror  of  such 
aggravation,  some  present  or  perquisite  to  himself.  The 
uncertainty  of  taxation  encourages  the  insolence  and  fa- 
vours the  corruption  of  an  order  of  men  who  are  naturally 
unpopular,  even  when  they  are  neither   insolent  nor  cor- 

*  Wealth  of  Nations,  book  v.  ch.  ii. 


rupt.  The  certainty  of  what  each  individual  ought  to  pay- 
is,  in  taxation,  a  matter  of  so  great  importance,  that  a  very 
considerable  degree  of  inequality,  it  appears,  I  believe,  from 
the  experience  of  all  nations,  is  not  near  so  great  an  evil,  as 
a  very  small  degree  of  uncertainty. 

"  3.  Every  tax  ought  to  be  levied  at  the  time,  or  in  the 
manner,  in  which  it  is  most  likely  to  be  convenient  for  the 
contributor  to  pay  it.  A  tax  upon  the  rent  of  land  or  of 
houses,  payable  at  the  same  term  at  which  such  rents  are 
usually  paid,  is  levied  at  a  time  when  it  is  most  likely  to  be 
convenient  for  the  contributor  to  pay  ;  or  when  he  is  most 
likely  to  have  wherewithal  to  pay.  Taxes  upon  such  con- 
sumable goods  as  are  articles  of  luxury,  are  all  finally  paid 
by  the  consumer,  and  generally  in  a  manner  that  is  very 
convenient  to  him.  He  pays  them  by  little  and  little,  as  he 
has  occasion  to  buy  the  goods.  As  he  is  at  liberty,  too, 
either  to  buy  or  not  to  buy,  as  he  pleases,  it  must  be  his  own 
fault  if  he  ever  suffers  any  considerable  inconvenience  from 
such  taxes. 

"  4.  Every  tax  ought  to  be  so  contrived  as  both  to  take 
out  and  to  keep  out  of  the  pockets  of  the  people  as  little 
as  possible  over  and  above  what  it  brings  into  the  public 
treasury  of  the  state.  A  tax  may  either  take  oat  or  keep 
out  of  the  pockets  of  the  people  a  great  deal  more  than  it 
brings  into  the  public  treasury  in  the  four  following  ways. 
First,  the  levying  of  it  may  require  a  great  number  of  offi- 
cers, whose  salaries  may  eat  up  the  greater  part  of  the  prod- 
uce of  the  tax  and  whose  perquisites  may  impose  another 
additional  tax  upon  the  people."  Secondly,  it  may  divert  a 
portion  of  the  labour  and  capital  of  the  community  from  a 
more  to  a  less  productive  employment.  "  Thirdly,  by  the 
forfeitures  and  other  penalties  which  those  unfortunate  indi- 
viduals incur  who  attempt  unsuccessfully  to  evade  the  tax, 
it  may  frequently  ruin  them,  and  thereby  put  an  end  to  the 
benefit  which  the  community  might  have  derived  from  the 
employment  of  their  capitals.  An  injudicious  tax  offers  a 
great  temptation  to   smuggling.     Fourthly,  by  subjecting 

396  B00K  v-     CHAPTER  II.     §2. 

the  people  to  the  frequent  visits  and  the  odious  examination 
of  the  tax-gatherers,  it  may  expose  them  to  much  unnec- 
essary trouble,  vexation,  and  oppression :  "  to  which  may 
be  added,  that  the  restrictive  regulations  to  which  trades 
and  manufactures  are  often  subjected  to  prevent  evasion  of 
a  tax,  are  not  only  in  themselves  troublesome  and  expensive, 
but  often  oppose  insuperable  obstacles  to  making  improve- 
ments in  the  processes. 

The  last  three  of  these  four  maxims  require  little  other 
explanation  or  illustration  than  is  contained  in  the  passage 
itself.  How  far  any  given  tax  conforms  to,  or  conflicts  with 
them,  is  a  matter  to  be  considered  in  the  discussion  of  par- 
ticular taxes.  But  the  first  of  the  four  points,  equality  of 
taxation,  requires  to  be  more  fully  examined,  being  a  thing 
often  imperfectly  understood,  and  on  which  many  false  no- 
tions have  become  to  a  certain  degree  accredited,  through  the 
absence  of  any  definite  principles  of  judgment  in  the  popular 

§  2.  For  what  reason  ought  equality  to  be  the  rule  in 
matters  of  taxation  ?  For  the  reason,  that  it  ought  to  be  so 
in  all  affairs  of  government.  As  a  government  ought  to 
make  no  distinction  of  persons  or  classes  in  the  strength  of 
their  claims  on  it,  whatever  sacrifices  it  requires  from  them 
should  be  made  to  bear  as  nearly  as  possible  with  the  same 
pressure  upon  all,  which  it  must  be  observed,  is  the  mode  by 
which  least  sacrifice  is  occasioned  on  the  whole.  If  any  one 
bears  less  than  his  fair  share  of  the  burthen,  some  other 
person  must  suffer  more  than  his  share,  and  the  alleviation 
to  the  one  is  not,  cceteris  paribus,  so  great  a  good  to  him,  as 
the  increased  pressure  upon  the  other  is  an  evil.  Equality 
of  taxation,  therefore,  as  a  maxim  of  politics,  means  equality 
of  sacrifice.  It  means  apportioning  the  contribution  of  each 
person  towards  the  expenses  of  government,  so  that  he  shall 
feel  neither  more  nor  less  inconvenience  from  his  share  of  the 
payment  than  every  other  person  experiences  from  his. 
This  standard,  like  other  standards  of  perfection,  cannot  be 


completely  realized  ;  but  the  first  object  in  every  practical 
discussion  should  be  to  know  what  perfection  is. 

There  are  persons,  however,  who  are  not  content  with 
the  general  principles  of  justice  as  a  basis  to  ground  a  rule 
of  finance  upon,  but  must  have  something,  as  they  think, 
more  specifically  appropriate  to  the  subject.  What  best 
pleases  them  is,  to  regard  the  taxes  paid  by  each  member 
of  the  community  as  an  equivalent  for  value  received,  in 
the  shape  of  service  to  himself;  and  they  prefer  to  rest 
the  justice  of  making  each  contribute  in  proportion  to  his 
means,  upon  the  ground,  that  he  who  has  twice  as  much 
property  to  be  protected,  receives,  on  an  accurate  calculation, 
twice  as  much  protection,  and  ought,  on  the  principles  of 
bargain  and  sale,  to  pay  twice  as  much  for  it.  Since,  how- 
ever, the  assumption  that  government  exists  solely  for  the 
protection  of  property,  is  not  one  to  be  deliberately  adhered 
to  ;  some  consistent  adherents  of  the  quid  pro  quo  principle 
go  on  to  observe,  that  protection  being  required  for  persons 
as  well  as  property,  and  everybody's  person  receiving  the 
same  amount  of  protection,  a  poll-tax  of  a  fixed  sum  per  head 
is  a  proper  equivalent  for  this  part  of  the  benefits  of  govern- 
ment, while  the  remaining  part,  protection  to  property,  should 
be  paid  for  in  proportion  to  property.  There  is  in  this  ad- 
justment a  false  air  of  nice  adaptation,  very  acceptable  to 
some  minds.  But  in  the  first  place,  it  is  not  admissible  that 
the  protection  of  persons  and  that  of  property  are  the  sole 
purposes  of  government.  The  ends  of  government  are  as 
comprehensive  as  those  of  the  social  union.  They  consist  of 
all  the  good,  and  all  the  immunity  from  evil,  which  the  exist- 
ence of  government  can  be  made  either  directly  or  indirectly 
to  bestow.  In  the  second  place,  the  practice  of  setting 
definite  values  on  things  essentially  indefinite,  and  making 
them  a  ground  of  practical  conclusions,  is  peculiarly  fertile 
in  false  views  of  social  questions.  It  cannot  be  admitted, 
that  to  be  protected  in  the  ownership  of  ten  times  as  much 
property,  is  to  be  ten  times  as  much  protected.  Whether 
the  labour  and  expense  of  the  protection,  or  the  feelings  of 

398  B00K  v-     CHAPTER  II.      §3. 

the  protected  person,  or  any  other  definite  thing  be  made 
the  standard,  there  is  no  such  proportion  as  the  one  sup- 
posed, nor  any  other  definable  proportion.  If  we  wanted  to 
estimate  the  degrees  of  benefit  which  different  persons  derive 
from  the  protection  of  government,  we  should  have  to  con- 
sider who  would  suffer  most  if  that  protection  were  with- 
drawn :  to  which  question  if  any  answer  could  be  made,  it 
must  be,  that  those  would  suffer  most  who  were  weakest  in 
mind  or  body,  either  by  nature  or  by  position.  Indeed, 
such  persons  would  almost  infallibly  be  slaves.  If  there 
were  any  justice,  therefore,  in  the  theory  of  justice  now 
under  consideration,  those  who  are  least  capable  of  helping 
or  defending  themselves,  being  those  to  whom  the  protec- 
tion of  government  is  the  most  indispensable,  ought  to  pay 
the  greatest  share  of  its  price  :  the  reverse  of  the  true  idea 
of  distributive  justice,  which  consists  not  in  imitating  but 
in  redressing  the  inequalities  and  wrongs  of  nature. 

Government  must  be  regarded  as  so  pre-eminently  a  con- 
cern of  all,  that  to  determine  who  are  most  interested  in  it 
is  of  no  real  importance.  If  a  person  or  class  of  persons 
receive  so  small  a  share  of  the  benefit  as  makes  it  necessary 
to  raise  the  question,  there  is  something  else  than  taxation 
which  is  amiss,  and  the  thing  to  be  done  is  to  remedy  the 
defect,  instead  of  recognising  it  and  making  it  a  ground  for 
demanding  less  taxes.  As  in  a  case  of  voluntary  subscrip- 
tion for  a  purpose  in  which  all  are  interested,  all  are  thought 
to  have  done  their  part  fairly  when  each  has  contributed 
according  to  his  means,  that  is,  has  made  an  equal  sacrifice 
for  the  common  object ;  in  like  manner  should  this  be  the 
principle  of  compulsory  contributions :  and  it  is  superfluous 
to  look  for  a  more  ingenious  or  recondite  ground  to  rest  the 
principle  upon. 

§  3.  Setting  out,  then,  from  the  maxim  that  equal 
sacrifices  ought  to  be  demanded  from  all,  we  have  next  to 
inquire  whether  this  is  in  fact  done,  by  making  each  contrib- 
ute the  same  percentage  on  his  pecuniary  means.     Many 


persons  maintain  the  negative,  saying  that  a  tenth  part  taken 
from  a  small  income  is  a  heavier  burthen  than  the  same 
fraction  deducted  from  one  much  larger ;  and  on  this  is 
grounded  the  very  popular  scheme  of  what  is  called  a 
graduated  property  tax,  viz.  an  income  tax  in  which  the 
percentage  rises  with  the  amount  of  the  income. 

On  the  best  consideration  I  am  able  to  give  to  this 
question,  it  appears  to  me  that  the  portion  of  truth  which  the 
doctrine  contains,  arises  principally  from  the  difference  be- 
tween a  tax  which  can  be  saved  from  luxuries,  and  one  which 
trenches,  in  ever  so  small  a  degree,  upon  the  necessaries  of 
life.  To  take  a  thousand  a  year  from  the  possessor  of  ten 
thousand,  would  not  deprive  him  of  anything  really  condu- 
cive either  to  the  support  or  to  the  comfort  of  existence ; 
and  if  such  would  be  the  effect  of  taking  five  pounds  from 
one  whose  income  is  fifty,  the  sacrifice  required  from  the  last 
is  not  only  greater  than,  but  entirely  incommensurable  with, 
that  imposed  upon  the  first.  The  mode  of  adjusting  these 
inequalities  of  pressure  which  seems  to  be  the  most  equitable, 
is  that  recommended  by  Bentham,  of  leaving  a  certain  min- 
imum of  income,  sufficient  to  provide  the  necessaries  of  life, 
untaxed.  Suppose  50/.  a  year  to  be  sufficient  to  provide 
the  number  of  persons  ordinarily  supported  from  a  single 
income,  with  the  requisites  of  life  and  health,  and  with 
protection  against  habitual  bodily  suffering,  but  not  with 
any  indulgence.  This  then  should  be  made  the  minimum, 
and  incomes  exceeding  it  should  pay  taxes  not  upon  their 
whole  amount,  but  upon  the  surplus.  If  the  tax  be  ten  per 
cent,  an  income  of  601.  should  be  considered  as  a  net  income 
of  107.,  and  charged  with  11.  a  year,  while  an  income  of 
1000Z.  should  be  charged  as  one  of  950/.  Each  would  then 
pay  a  fixed  proportion,  not  of  his  whole  means,  but  of  his 
superfluities.  An  income  not  exceeding  50/.  should  not  be 
taxed  at  all,  either  directly  or  by  taxes  on  necessaries ;  for  as 
by  supposition  this  is  the  smallest  income  which  labour 
ought  to  be  able  to  command,  the  government  ought  not  to 
be  a  party  to  making  it  smaller.     This  arrangement  however 

4-00  BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  II.     §3. 

would  constitute  a  reason,  in  addition  to  others  which  might 
be  stated,  for  maintaining  taxes  on  articles  of  luxury  con- 
sumed by  the  poor.  The  immunity  extended  to  the  income 
required  for  necessaries,  should  depend  on  its  being  actually 
expended  for  that  purpose ;  and  the  poor  who,  not  having 
more  than  enough  for  necessaries,  divert  any  part  of  it 
to  indulgences,  should  like  other  people  contribute  their 
quota  out  of  those  indulgences  to  the  expenses  of  the  state. 

The  exemption  in  favour  of  the  smaller  incomes  should 
not,  I  think,  be  stretched  further  than  to  the  amount  of 
income  needful  for  life,  health,  and  immunity  from  bodily 
pain.  If  50/.  a  year  is  sufficient  (which  may  be  doubted)  for 
these  purposes,  an  income  of  1001.  a  year  would,  as  it  seems 
to  me,  obtain  all  the  relief  it  is  entitled  to,  compared  with  one 
of  1000/.,  by  being  taxed  only  on  501.  of  its  amount.  It  may 
be  said,  indeed,  that  to  take  100/.  from  1000/.  (even  giving 
back  five  pounds)  is  a  heavier  impost  than  1000/.  taken 
from  10,000/.  (giving  back  the  same  five  pounds).  But  this 
doctrine  seems  to  me  too  disputable  altogether,  and  even  if 
true  at  all,  not  true  to  a  sufficient  extent,  to  be  made  the 
foundation  of  any  rule  of  taxation.  Whether  the  person 
with  10,000/.  a  year  cares  less  for  1000/.  than  the  person 
with  only  1000/.  a  year  cares  for  100/.,  and  if  so,  how  much 
less,  does  not  appear  to  me  capable  of  being  decided  with  the 
degree  of  certainty  on  which  a  legislator  or  a  financier  ought 
to  act. 

Some  indeed  contend  that  the  rule  of  proportional  taxa- 
tion bears  harder  upon  the  moderate  than  upon  the  large  in- 
comes, because  the  same  proportional  payment  has  mor& 
tendency  in  the  former  case  than  in  the  latter,  to  reduce  the 
payer  to  a  lower  grade  of  social  rank.  The  fact  appears  to 
me  more  than  questionable.  But  even  admitting  it,  I  object 
to  its  being  considered  incumbent  on  government  to  shape 
its  course  by  such  considerations,  or  to  recognise  the  notion 
that  social  importance  is  or  can  be  determined  by  amount 
of  expenditure.  Government  ought  to  set  an  example  of 
rating  all  things  at  their  true  value,  and  riches,  therefore. 


at  the  worth,  for  comfort  or  pleasure,  of  the  things  which 
they  will  buy :  and  ought  not  to  sanction  the  vulgarity  of 
prizing  them  for  the  pitiful  vanity  of  being  known  to  pos- 
sess them,  or  the  paltry  shame  of  being  suspected  to  be 
without  them,  the  presiding  motives  of  three-fourths  of  the 
expenditure  of  the  middle  classes.  The  sacrifices  of  real 
comfort  or  indulgence  which  government  requires,  it  is 
bound  to  apportion  among  all  persons  with  as  much  equality 
as  possible ;  but  their  sacrifices  of  the  imaginary  dignity 
dependent  on  expense,  it  may  spare  itself  the  trouble  of 

Both  in  England  and  on  the  Continent  a  graduated 
property-tax  {Virajpot  progress] if)  has  been  advocated,  on  the 
avowed  ground  that  the  state  should  use  the  instrument  of 
taxation  as  a  means  of  mitigating  the  inequalities  of  wealth. 
I  am  as  desirous  as  any  one,  that  means  should  be  taken  to 
diminish  those  inequalities,  but  not  so  as  to  relieve  the 
prodigal  at  the  expense  of  the  prudent.  To  tax  the  larger 
incomes  at  a  higher  percentage  than  the  smaller,  is  to  lay  a 
tax  on  industry  and  economy  ;  to  impose  a  penalty  on  peo- 
ple for  having  worked  harder  and  saved  more  than  their 
neighbours.  It  is  not  the  fortunes  which  are  earned,  but 
those  which  are  unearned,  that  it  is  for  the  public  good  to 
place  under  limitation.  A  just  and  wise  legislation  would 
abstain  from  holding  oat  motives  for  dissipating  rather  than 
saving  the  earnings  of  honest  exertion.  Its  impartiality 
between  competitors  would  consist  in  endeavouring  that 
they  should  all  start  fair,  and  not  in  hanging  a  weight  upon 
the  swift  to  diminish  the  distance  between  them  and  the 
slow.  Many,  indeed,  fail  with  greater  efforts  than  those 
with  which  others  succeed,  not  from  difference  of  merits, 
but  difference  of  opportunities  ;  but  if  all  were  done  which 
it  would  be  in  the  power  of  a  good  government  to  do,  by 
instruction  and  by  legislation,  to  diminish  this  inequality  of 
opportunities,  the  differences  of  fortune  arising  from  peo- 
ple's own  earnings  could  not  justly  give  umbrage.  With 
respect  to  the  large  fortunes  acquired  by  gift  or  inheri- 
G5  ' 

402  BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  II.     §5. 

tance,  the  power  of  bequeathing  is  one  of  those  privileges 
of  property  which  are  fit  subjects  for  regulation  on  grounds 
of  general  expediency  ;  and  I  have  already  suggested,*  as 
the  most  eligible  mode  of  restraining  the  accumulation  of 
laro-e  fortunes  in  the  hands  of  those  who  have  not  earned 
them  by  exertion,  a  limitation  of  the  amount  which  any  one 
person  should  be  permitted  to  acquire  by  gift,  bequest,  or 
inheritance.  Apart  from  this,  and  from  the  proposal  of 
Bentham  (also  discussed  in  a  former  chapter)  that  collateral 
inheritance  ab  intestato  should  cease,  and  the  property 
escheat  to  the  state,  I  conceive  that  inheritances  and  lega- 
cies, exceeding  a  certain  amount,  are  highly  proper  subjects 
for  taxation  :  and  that  the  revenue  from  them  should  be  as 
great  as  it  can  be  made  without  giving  rise  to  evasions,  by 
donation  inter  vivos  or  concealment  of  property,  such  as  it 
would  be  impossible  adequately  to  check.  The  principle  of 
graduation  (as  it  is  called,)  that  is,  of  levying  a  larger  per- 
centage on  a  larger  sum,  though  its  application  to  general 
taxation  would  be  in  my  opinion  objectionable,  seems  to 
me  both  just  and  expedient  as  applied  to  legacy  and  inheri- 
tance duties. 

The  objection  to  a  graduated  property  tax  applies  in  an 
aggravated  degree  to  the  proposition  of  an  exclusive  tax  on 
what  is  called  "  realized  property,"  that  is,  property  not 
forming  a  part  of  any  capital  engaged  in  business,  or  rather 
in  business  under  the  superintendence  of  the  owner :  as 
land,  the  public  funds,  money  lent  on  mortgage,  and  shares 
(I  presume)  in  joint  stock  companies.  Except  the  proposal 
of  applying  a  sponge  to  the  national  debt,  no  such  palpable 
violation  of  common  honesty  has  found  sufficient  support  in 
this  country,  during  the  present  generation,  to  be  regarded 
as  within  the  domain  of  discussion.  It  has  not  the  palliation 
of  a  graduated  property  tax,  that  of  laying  the  burthen  on 
those  best  able  to  bear  it ;  for  "  realized  property"  includes 
the  far  larger  portion  of  the  provision  made  for  those  who 
are  unable  to  work,  and  consists,  in  great  part,  of  extremely 

*  Supra,  book  ii.  ch.  2. 


small  fractions.  I  can  hardly  conceive  a  more  shameless 
pretension,  than  that  the  major  part  of  the  property  of  the 
country,  that  of  merchants,  manufacturers,  farmers,  and 
shopkeepers,  should  be  exempted  from  its  share  of  taxation  ; 
that  these  classes  should  only  begin  to  pay  their  proportion 
after  retiring  from  business,  and  if  they  never  retire  should 
be  excused  from  it  altogether.  But  even  this  does  not  give 
an  adequate  idea  of  the  injustice  of  the  proposition.  The 
burthen  thus  exclusively  thrown  on  the  owners  of  the 
smaller  portion  of  the  wealth  of  the  community,  would  not 
even  be  a  burthen  on  that  class  of  persons  in  perpetual 
succession,  but  would  fall  exclusively  on  those  who  happened 
to  compose  it  when  the  tax  was  laid  on.  As  land  and  those 
particular  securities  would  thenceforth  yield  a  smaller  net 
income,  relatively  to  the  general  interest  of  capital  and  to 
the  profits  of  trade ;  the  balance  would  rectify  itself  by  a 
permanent  depreciation  of  those  kinds  of  property.  Future 
buyers  would  acquire  land  and  securities  at  a  reduction  of 
price,  equivalent  to  the  peculiar  tax,  which  tax  they  would, 
therefore,  escape  from  paying  ;  while  the  original  possessors 
would  remain  burthened  with  it  even  after  parting  with  the 
property,  since  they  would  have  sold  their  land  or  securi- 
ties at  a  loss  of  value  equivalent  to  the  fee-simple  of  the 
tax.  Its  imposition  would  thus  be  tantamount  to  the  con- 
fiscation for  public  uses  of  a  percentage  of  their  property, 
equal  to  the  percentage  laid  on  their  income  by  the  tax. 
That  such  a  proposition  should  find  any  favour,  is  a  strik- 
ing instance  of  the  want  of  conscience  in  matters  of  taxa- 
tion, resulting  from  the  absence  of  any  fixed  principles  in 
the  public  mind,  and  of  any  indication  of  a  sense  of  justice 
on  the  subject  in  the  general  conduct  of  governments. 
Should  the  scheme  ever  enlist  a  large  party  in  its  support, 
the  fact  would  indicate  a  laxity  of  pecuniary  integrity  in 
national  affairs,  scarcely  inferior  to  American  repudiation. 

§  4.     Whether  the  profits  of  trade  may  not  rightfully  be 
taxed  at  a  lower  rate  than  incomes  derived  from  interest  or 

404  BOOK  V.      CHAPTER   II.      §4. 

rent,  is  part  of  the  more  comprehensive  question,  so  often 
mooted  on  the  occasion  of  the  present  income  tax,  whether 
life  incomes  should  be  subjected  to  the  same  rate  of  taxation 
as  perpetual  incomes ;  whether  salaries,  for  example,  or 
annuities,  or  the  gains  of  professions,  should  pay  the  same 
percentage  as  the  income  from  inheritable  property. 

The  existing  tax  treats  all  kinds  of  incomes  exactly  alike, 
taking  its  sevenpence  (now  ninepence)  in  the  pound,  as  well 
from  the  person  whose  income  dies  with  him,  as  from  the 
landholder,  stockholder,  or  mortgagee,  who  can  transmit 
his  fortune  undiminished  to  his  descendants.  This  is  a  visible 
injustice :  yet  it  does  not  arithmetically  violate  the  rule  that 
taxation  ought  to  be  in  proportion  to  means.  When  it  is  said 
that  a  temporary  income  ought  to  be  taxed  less  than  a 
permanent  one,  the  reply  is  irresistible,  that  it  is  taxed  less  ; 
for  the  income  which  lasts  only  ten  years  pays  the  tax  only 
ten  years,  while  that  which  lasts  for  ever  pays  for  ever. 
On  this  point  some  financial  reformers  are  guilty  of  a  great 
fallacy.  They  contend  that  incomes  ought  to  be  assessed 
to  the  income  tax  not  in  proportion  to  their  annual  amount, 
but  to  their  capitalized  value :  that,  for  example,  if  the 
value  of  a  perpetual  annuity  of  100Z.  is  30001.,  and  a  life- 
annuity  of  the  same  amount  being  worth  only  half  the 
number  of  years'  purchase  could  only  be  sold  for  1500Z.,  the 
perpetual  income  should  pay  twice  as  much  per  cent  in- 
come tax  as  the  terminable  income ;  if  the  one  pays  10Z.  a 
year  the  other  should  pay  only  51.  But  in  this  argument 
there  is  the  obvious  oversight,  that  it  values  the  incomes  by 
one  standard  and  the  payments  by  another ;  it  capitalizes 
the  incomes,  but  forgets  to  capitalize  the  payments.  An 
annuity  worth  S0001.  ought,  it  is  alleged,  to  be  taxed  twice 
as  highly  as  one  which  is  only  worth  1500?.,  and  no  asser- 
tion can  be  more  unquestionable ;  but  it  is  forgotten  that 
the  income  worth  3000Z.  pays  to  the  supposed  income  tax 
101.  a  year  in  perpetuity,  which  is  equivalent,  by  supposi- 
tion, to  300Z.,  while  the  terminable  income  pays  the  same 
101.  only  during  the  life  of  its  owner,  which  on  the  same 


calculation  is  a  value  of  150?.  Already,  therefore,  the 
income  which  is  only  half  as  valuable,  pays  only  half  as 
much  to  the  tax  ;  and  if  in  addition  to  this  its  annual  quota 
were  reduced  from  101.  to  51.,  it  would  pay,  not  half,  but  a 
fourth  part  only  of  the  payment  demanded  from  the  perpet- 
ual income.  To  make  it  just  that  the  one  income  should 
pay  only  half  as  much  per  annum  as  the  other,  it  would  be 
necessary  that  it  should  pay  that  half  for  the  same  period, 
that  is,  in  perpetuity. 

The  rule  of  payment  which  this  school  of  financial  re- 
formers contend  for,  would  be  very  proper  if  the  tax  were 
only  to  be  levied  once,  to  meet  some  national  emergency. 
On  the  principle  of  requiring  from  all  payers  an  equal  sacri- 
fice, every  person  who  had  anything  belonging  to  him, 
reversioners  included,  would  be  called  on  for  a  payment 
proportioned  to  the  present  value  of  his  property.  I  wonder 
it  does  not  occur  to  the  reformers  in  question,  that  precisely 
because  this  principle  of  assessment  would  be  just  in  the  case 
of  a  payment  made  once  for  all,  it  cannot  possibly  be  just  for 
a  permanent  tax.  When  each  pays  only  once,  one  person 
pays  no  often er  than  another ;  and  the  proportion  which 
would  be  just  in  that  case,  cannot  also  be  just  if  one  person 
has  to  make  the  payment  only  once,  and  the  other  several 
times.  This,  however,  is  the  type  of  the  case  which  actually 
occurs.  The  permanent  incomes  pay  the  tax  as  muchoftener 
than  the  temporary  ones,  as  a  perpetuity  exceeds  the  certain 
or  uncertain  length  of  time  which  forms  the  duration  of  the 
income  of  life  or  years. 

All  attempts  to  establish  a  claim  in  favour  of  terminable 
incomes  on  numerical  grounds — to  make  out,  in  short,  that  a 
proportional  tax  is  not  a  proportional  tax — are  manifestly 
absurd.  The  claim  does  not  rest  on  grounds  of  arithmetic, 
but  of  human  wants  and  feelings.  It  is  not  because  the 
temporary  annuitant  has  smaller  means,  but  because  he 
has  greater  necessities,  that  he  ought  to  be  assessed  at  a 
lower  rate. 

In  spite  of  the  nominal  equality  of  income,  A,  an  annui- 

406  BOOK   V.      CHAPTER   II.      §4. 

tant  of  1000Z.  a  year,  cannot  so  well  afford  to  pay  100Z.  out 
of  it,  as  B  who  derives  the  same  annual  sum  from  heritable 
property ;  A  having  usually  a  demand  on  his  income  which 
B  has  not,  namely,  to  provide  by  saving  for  children  or 
others ;  to  which,  in  the  case  of  salaries  or  professional  gains, 
must  generally  be  added  a  provision  for  his  own  later  years  ; 
while  B  may  expend  his  whole  income  without  injury  to 
his  old  age,  and  still  have  it  all  to  bestow  on  others  after 
his  death.  If  A,  in  order  to  meet  these  exigencies,  must 
lay  by  3001.  of  his  income,  to  take  1001.  from  him  as 
income  tax  is  to  take  1001.  from  700Z.,  since  it  must  be  re- 
trenched from  that  part  only  of  liis  means  which  he  can 
afford  to  spend  on  his  own  consumption.  "Were  he  to 
throw  it  rateably  on  what  he  spends  and  on  what  he  saves, 
abating  701.  from  his  consumption  and  SOI.  from  his  annual 
saving,  then  indeed  his  immediate  sacrifice  would  be  pro- 
portionally the  same  as  B's :  but  then  his  children  or  his  old 
age  would  be  worse  provided  for  in  consequence  of  the  tax. 
The  capital  sum  which  would  be  accumulated  for  them 
would  be  one-tenth  less,  and  on  the  reduced  income  afford- 
ed by  this  reduced  capital,  they  would  be  a  second  time 
charged  with  income  tax ;  while  B's  heirs  would  only  be 
charged  once. 

The  principle,  therefore,  of  equality  of  taxation,  inter- 
'  \preted  in  its  only  just  sense,  equality  of  sacrifice,  requires 
that  a  person  who  has  no  means  of  providing  for  old  age, 
or  for  those  in  whom  he  is  interested,  except  by  saving  from 
income,  should  have  the  tax  remitted  on  all  that  part  of  his 
income  which  is  really  and  bond  fide  applied  to  that  purpose. 

If,  indeed,  reliance  could  be  placed  on  the  conscience  of 
the  contributors,  or  sufficient  security  taken  for  the  correct- 
ness of  their  statements  by  collateral  precautions,  the  proper 
mode  of  assessing  an  income  tax  would  be  to  tax  only  the 
part  of  income  devoted  to  expenditure,  exempting  that 
which  is  saved.  For  when  saved  and  invested  (and  all 
savings,  speaking  generally,  are  invested)  it  thenceforth 
pays  income  tax  on  the  interest  or  profit  which  it  brings, 


notwithstanding  that  it  has  already  been  taxed  on  the 
principal.  Unless,  therefore,  savings  are  exempted  from 
income  tax,  the  contributors  are  twice  taxed  on  what  they 
save,  and  only  once  on  what  they  spend^j^A.  person  who 
spends  all  he  receives,  pays  7d.  in  the  pound,  or  say  three 
per  cent,  to  the  tax,  and  no  more ;  but  if  he  saves  part  of 
the  year's  income  and  buys  stock,  then  in  addition  to  the 
three  per  cent  which  he  has  paid  on  the  principal,  and 
which  diminishes  the  interest  in  the  same  ratio,  he  pays 
three  per  cent  annually  on  the  interest  itself,  which  is 
equivalent  to  an  immediate  payment  of  a  second  three  per 
cent  on  the  principal.  So  that  while  unproductive  expendi- 
ture pays  only  three  per  cent,  savings  pay  six  per  cent :  or 
more  correctly,  three  per  cent  on  the  whole,  and  another 
three  per  cent  on  the  remaining  ninety-seven.  The  difference 
thus  created  to  the  disadvantage  of  prudence  and  economy, 
is  not  only  impolitic  but  unjust.  To  tax  the  sum  invested, 
and  afterwards  tax  also  the  proceeds  of  the  investment,  is  to 
tax  the  same  portion  of  the  contributor's  means  twice  over. 
The  principal  and  the  interest  cannot  both  together  form 
part  of  his  resources ;  they  are  the  same  portion  twice 
counted ;  if  he  has  the  interest,  it  is  because  he  abstains 
from  using  the  principal ;  if  he  spends  the  principal,  he 
does  not  receive  the  interest.  Yet  because  he  can  do  either 
of  the  two,  he  is  taxed  as  if  he  could  do  both,  and  could  have 
the  benefit  of  the  saving  and  that  of  the  spending,  concur- 
rently with  one  another. 

It  has  been  urged  as  an  objection  to  exempting  savings 
rom  taxation,  that  the  law  ought  not  to  disturb,  by  artificial 
interference,  the  natural  competition  between  the  motives 
for  saving  and  those  for  spending.  But  we  have  seen  that 
the  law  disturbs  this  natural  competition  when  it  taxes 
savings,  not  when  it  spares  them  ;  for  as  the  savings  pay  at 
any  rate  the  full  tax  as  soon  as  they  are  invested,  their 
exemption  from  payment  in  the  earlier  stage  is  necessary  to 
prevent  them  from  paying  twice,  while  money  spent  in 
unproductive   consumption   pays   only  once.     It  has  been 

408  BOOK   V.      CHAPTER   II.      §4. 

further  objected,  that  since  the  rich  have  the  greatest  means 
of  saving,  any  privilege  given  to  savings  is  an  advantage  be- 
stowed  on  the  rich  at  the  expense  of  the  poor.  I  answer, 
that  it  is  bestowed  on  them  only  in  proportion  as  they  abdi- 
cate the  personal  use  of  their  riches  ;  in  proportion  as  they 
divert  their  income  from  the  supply  of  their  own  wants,  to  a 
productive  investment,  through  which,  instead  of  being  con- 
sumed by  themselves,  it  is  distributed  in  wages  among  the 
poor.  If  this  be  favouring  the  rich,  I  should  like  to  have  it 
pointed  out,  what  mode  of  assessing  taxation  can  deserve 
the  name  of  favouring  the  poor. 

No  income  tax  is  really  just,  from  which  savings  are  not 
exempted  ;  and  no  income  tax  ought  to  be  voted  without 
that  provisionklf  the  form  of  the  returns,  and  the  nature  of 
the  evidence  required,  could  be  so  arranged  as  to  prevent 
the  exemption  from  being  taken  fraudulent  advantage  of, 
by  saving  with  one  hand  and  getting  into  debt  with  the  other, 
or  by  spending  in  the  following  year  what  had  been  passed 
tax-free  as  saving  in  the  year  preceding.  If  this  difficulty 
could  be  surmounted,  the  difficulties  and  complexities  arising 
from  the  comparative  claims  of  temporary  and  permanent  in- 
comes, would  disappear  ;  for  since  temporary  incomes  have 
no  just  claim  to  lighter  taxation  than  permanent  incomes, 
except  in  so  far  as  their  possessors  are  more  called  upon 
to  save,  the  exemption  of  what  they  do  save  would  fully 
satisfy  the  claim.  But  if  no  plan  can  be  devised  for  the 
exemption  of  actual  savings,  sufficiently  free  from  liability 
to  fraud,  it  is  necessary,  as  the  next  thing  in  point  of  justice, 
to  take  into  account  in  assessing  the  tax,  what  the  different 
classes  of  contributors  ought  to  save.  And  there  would 
probably  be  no  other  mode  of  doing  this  than  the  rough 
expedient  of  two  different  rates  of  assessment.  There 
would  be  great  difficulty  in  taking  into  account  differences 
of  duration  between  one  terminable  income  and  another ; 
and  in  the  most  frequent  case,  that  of  incomes  dependent  on 
life,  differences  of  age  and  health  would  constitute  such 
Extreme  diversity  as  it  would  be  impossible  to  take  proper 


cognizance  of.  It  would  probably  be  necessary  to  be  con- 
tent with  one  uniform  rate  for  all  incomes  of  inheritance, 
and  another  uniform  rate  for  all  those  which  necessarily 
terminate  with  the  life  of  the  individual.  In  fixing  the 
proportion  between  the  two  rates,  there  must  inevitably  be 
something  arbitrary  ;  perhaps  a  deduction  of  one-fourth  in 
favour  of  life-incomes  would  be  as  little  objectionable  as  any 
which  coidd  be  made,  it  being  thus  assumed  that  one-fourth 
of  a  life-income  is,  on  the  average  of  all  ages  and  states  of 
health,  a  suitable  proportion  to  be  laid  by  as  a  provision  foi1 
successors  and  for  old  age.* 

*  Mr.  Hubbard,  the  first  person  who,  as  a  practical  legislator,  has  attempted 
the  rectification  of  the  income  tax  on  principles  of  unimpeachable  justice,  and 
whose  well-conceived  plan  wants  little  of  being  as  near  an  approximation  to  a 
just  assessment  as  it  is  likely  that  means  could  be  found  of  carrying  into  practi- 
cal effect,  proposes  a  deduction  not  of  a  fourth  but  of  a  third,  in  favour  of  indus- 
trial and  professional  incomes.  He  fixes  on  this  ratio,  on  the  ground  that,  inde- 
pendently of  all  consideration  as  to  what  the  industrial  and  professional  classes 
ought  to  save,  the  attainable  evidence  goes  to  prove  that  a  third  of  their  incomes 
is  what  on  an  average  they  do  save,  over  and  above  the  proportion  saved  by 
other  classes.  "The  savings"  (Mr.  Hubbard  observes)  "effected  out  of  incomes 
derived  from  invested  property  are  estimated  at  one-tenth.  The  savings  effected 
out  of  industrial  incomes  are  estimated  at  four-tenths.  The  amounts  which 
would  be  assessed  under  these  two  classes  being  nearly  equal,  the  adjustment  is 
simplified  by  striking  off  one-tenth  on  either  side,  and  then  reducing  by  three- 
tenths,  or  one-third,  the  assessable  amount  of  industrial  incomes."  Proposed 
Report  (p.  xiv.  of  the  Report  and  Evidence  of  the  Committee  of  1861.)  In  such 
an  estimate  there  must  be  a  large  element  of  conjecture  ;  but  in  so  far  as  it  can 
be  substantiated,  it  affords  a  valid  ground  for  the  practical  conclusion  which  Mr. 
Hubbard  founds  on  it. 

Several  writers  on  the  subject,  including  Mr.  Mill  in  his  Elements  of  Political 
Economy,  and  Mr.  M'Culloch  in  his  work  on  Taxation,  have  contended  that  as 
much  should  be  deducted  as  would  be  sufficient  to  insure  the  possessor's  life  for 
a  sum  which  would  give  to  his  successors  for  ever  an  income  equal  to  what  he 
reserves  for  himself;  since  this  is  what  the  possessor  of  heritable  property  can 
do  without  saving  at  all :  in  other  words,  that  temporary  incomes  should  be  con- 
verted into  perpetual  incomes  of  equal  present  value,  and  taxed  as  such.  If  the 
owners  of  life-incomes  actually  did  save  this  large  proportion  of  their  income, 
or  even  a  still  larger,  I  would  gladly  grant  them  an  exemption  from  taxation  on 
the  whole  amount,  since,  if  practical  means  could  be  found  of  doing  it,  I  would 
exempt  savings  altogether.  But  I  cannot  admit  that  they  have  a  claim  to  ex- 
emption on  the  general  assumption  of  their  being  obliged  to  save  this  amount 

410  BOOK   V.      CHAPTER   II.      §4. 

Of  the  net  profits  of  persons  in  business,  a  part,  as  before 
observed,  may  be  considered  as  interest  on  capital,  and  of  a 
perpetual  character,  and  the  remaining  part  as  remuneration 
for  the  skill  and  labour  of  superintendence.  The  surplus 
beyond  interest  depends  on  the  life  of  the  individual,  and 
even  on  his  continuance  in  business,  and  is  entitled  to  the 
full  amount  of  exemption  allowed  to  terminable  incomes. 
It  has  also,  I  conceive,  a  just  claim  to  a  further  amount  of 
exemption  in  consideration  of  its  precariousness.  An  income 
which  some  not  unusual  vicissitude  may  reduce  to  nothing, 
or  even  convert  into  a  loss,  is  not  the  same  thing  to  the 
feelings  of  the  possessor  as  a  permanent  income  of  1000Z.  a 
year,  even  though  on  an  average  of  years  it  may  yield  1000Z. 
a  year.  If  life-incomes  were  assessed  at  three-fourths  of 
their  amount,  the  profits  of  business,  after  deducting  interest 
on  capital,  should  not  only  be  assessed  at  three-fourths,  but 
should  pay,  on  that  assessment,  a  lower  rate.  Or  perhaps 
the  claims  of  justice  in  this  respect  might  be  sufficiently  met 
by  allowing  the  deduction  of  a  fourth  on  the  entire  income, 
interest  included. 

These  are  the  chief  cases,  of  ordinary  occurrence,  in 
which  any  difficulty  arises  in  interpreting  the  maxim  of 
equality  of  taxation.  The  proper  sense  to  be  put  upon  it, 
as  we  have  seen  in  the  preceding  example,  is,  that  people 
should  be  taxed,  not  in  proportion  to  what  they  have,  but 

Owners  of  life-incomes  are  not  bound  to  forego  the  enjoyment  of  them  for  the 
sake  of  leaving  to  a  perpetual  line  of  successors  an  independent  provision  equal 
to  their  own  temporary  one ;  and  no  one  ever  dreams  of  doing  so.  Least  of  all 
is  it  to  be  required  or  expected  from  those  whose  incomes  are  the  fruits  of  per- 
sonal exertion,  that  they  should  leave  to  their  posterity  for  ever,  without  any 
necessity  for  exertion,  the  same  incomes  which  they  allow  to  themselves.  Al! 
they  are  bound  to  do,  even  for  their  children,  is  to  place  them  in  circumstances 
in  which  they  will  have  favourable  chances  of  earning  their  own  liviDg.  To 
give,  however,  either  to  children  or  to  others,  by  bequest,  being  a  legitimate  in- 
clination, which  these  persons  cannot  indulge  without  laying  by  a  part  of  their 
income,  while  the  owners  of  heritable  property  can;  this  real  inequality  in 
cases  where  the  incomes  themselves  are  equal,  should  be  considered,  to  a  reason- 
able degree,  in  the  adjustment  of  taxation,  so  as  to  require  from  both,  as  nearly 
as  practicable,  an  equal  sacrifice. 


to  what  they  can  afford  to  spend.  It  is  no  objection  to  this 
principle  that  we  cannot  apply  it  consistently  to  all  cases. 
A  person  with  a  life-income  and  precarious  health,  or  who 
has  many  persons  depending  on  his  exertions,  must  if  he 
wishes  to  provide  for  them  after  his  death,  be  more  rigidly 
economical  than  one  who  has  a  life-income  of  equal  amount, 
with  a  strong  constitution,  and  few  claims  upon  him ;  and 
if  it  be  conceded  that  taxation  cannot  accommodate  itself  to 
these  distinctions,  it  is  argued  that  there  is  no  use  in  attend- 
ing to  any  distinctions,  where  the  absolute  amount  of  income 
is  the  same.  But  the  difficulty  of  doing  perfect  justice,  is 
no  reason  against  doing  as  much  as  we  can.  Though  it  may 
be  a  hardship  to  an  annuitant  whose  life  is  only  worth  five 
years'  purchase,  to  be  allowed  no  greater  abatement  than  is 
granted  to  one  whose  life  is  worth  twenty,  it  is  better  for 
him  even  so,  than  if  neither  of  them  were  allowed  any  abate- 
ment at  all. 

§  5.  Before  leaving  the  subject  of  Equality  of  Taxation, 
I  must  remark  that  there  are  cases  in  which  exceptions  may 
be  made  to  it,  consistently  with  that  equal  justice  which  is 
the  groundwork  of  the  rule.  Suppose  that  there  is  a  kind 
of  income  which  constantly  tends  to  increase,  without  any 
exertion  or  sacrifice  on  the  part  of  the  owners :  those  owners 
constituting  a  class  in  the  community,  whom  the  natural 
course  of  things  progressively  enriches,  consistently  with 
complete  passiveness  on  their  own  part.  In  such  a  case  it 
would  be  no  violation  of  the  principles  on  which  private 
property  is  grounded,  if  the  state  should  appropriate  this 
increase  of  wealth,  or  part  of  it,  as  it  arises.  This  would 
not  properly  be  taking  anything  from  anybody ;  it  would 
merely  be  applying  an  accession  of  wealth,  created  by 
circumstances,  to  the  benefit  of  society,  instead  of  allowing 
it  to  become  an  unearned  appendage  to  the  riches  of  a  par* 
ticular  class. 

Now  this  is  actually  the  case  with  rent.  The  ordinary 
progress  of  a  society  which  increases  in  wealth,  is  at  all 

412  BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  II.     §5. 

times  tending  to  augment  the  incomes  of  landlords  ;  to  give 
them  both  a  greater  amount  and  a  greater  proportion  of  the 
wealth  of  the  community,  independently  of  any  trouble  or 
outlay  incurred  by  themselves.  They  grow  richer,  as  it 
were  in  their  sleep,  without  working,  risking,  or  economiz- 
ing. What  claim  have  they,  on  the  general  principle  of 
social  justice,  to  this  accession  of  riches  ?  In  what  would 
they  have  been  wronged  if  society  had,  from  the  beginning, 
reserved  the  right  of  taxing  the  spontaneous  increase  of  rent, 
to  the  highest  amount  required  by  financial  exigencies  ?  I 
admit  that  it  would  be  unjust  to  come  upon  each  individual 
estate,  and  lay  hold  of  the  increase  which  might  be  found  to 
have  taken  place  in  its  rental ;  because  there  would  be  no 
means  of  distinguishing  in  individual  cases,  between  an  in- 
crease owing  solely  to  the  general  circumstances  of  society, 
and  one  which  was  the  effect  of  skill  and  expenditure  on  the 
part  of  the  proprietor.  The  only  admissible  mode  of  pro- 
ceeding would  be  by  a  general  measure.  The  first  step 
should  be  a  valuation  of  all  the  land  in  the  country.  The 
present  value  of  all  land  should  be  exempt  from  the  tax  ;  but 
after  an  interval  had  elapsed,  during  which  society  had  in- 
creased in  population  and  capital,  a  rough  estimate  might  be 
made  of  the  spontaneous  increase  which  had  accrued  to  rent 
since  the  valuation  was  made.  Of  this  the  average  price  of 
produce  would  be  some  criterion  :  if  that  had  risen,  it  would 
be  certain  that  rent  had  increased,  and  (as  already  shown) 
even  in  a  greater  ratio  than  the  rise  of  price.  On  this  and 
other  data,  an  approximate  estimate  might  be  made,  how 
much  value  had  been  added  to  the  land  of  the  country  by 
natural  causes  ;  and  in  laying  on  a  general  land-tax,  which 
for  fear  of  miscalculation  should  be  considerably  within  the 
amount  thus  indicated,  there  would  be  an  assurance  of  not 
touching  any  increase  of  income  which  might  be  the  result 
of  capital  expended  or  industry  exerted  by  the  proprietor. 

But  though  there  could  be  no  question  as  to  the  justice 
of  taxing  the  increase  of  rent,  if  society  had  avowedly  re- 
served the  right,  has  not  society  waved  that  right,  by  not 


exercising  it  ?  In  England,  for  example,  have  not  all  who 
bought  land  for  the  last  century  or  more,  given  value  not 
only  for  the  existing  income,  but  for  the  prospects  of  in- 
crease, under  an  implied  assurance  of  being  only  taxed  in 
the  same  proportion  with  other  incomes  %  This  objection, 
in  so  far  as  valid,  has  a  different  degree  of  validity  in  dif- 
ferent countries  ;  depending  on  the  degree  of  desuetude  into 
which  society  has  allowed  a  right  to  fall,  which,  no  one  can 
doubt,  it  once  fully  possessed.  In  countries  of  Europe,  the 
right  to  take  by  taxation,  as  exigency  might  require,  an  in- 
definite portion  of  the  rent  of  land,  has  never  been  allowed 
to  slumber.  In  several  parts  of  the  Continent  the  land-tax 
forms  a  large  proportion  of  the  public  revenues,  and  has 
always  been  confessedly  liable  to  be  raised  or  lowered  with- 
out reference  to  other  taxes.  In  these  countries  no  one  can 
pretend  to  have  become  the  owner  of  land  on  the  faith  of 
never  being  called  upon  to  pay  an  increased  land-tax.  In 
England  the  land-tax  has  not  varied  since  the  early  part  of 
the  last  century.  The  last  act  of  the  legislature  in  relation 
to  its  amount,  was  to  diminish  it :  and  though  the  subse- 
quent increase  in  the  rental  of  the  country  has  been  im- 
mense, not  only  from  agriculture,  but  from  the  growth  of 
towns  and  the  increase  of  buildings,  the  ascendancy  of  land- 
holders in  the  legislature  has  prevented  any  tax  from  being 
imposed,  as  it  so  justly  might,  upon  the  very  large  portion 
of  this  increase  which  was  unearned,  and,  as  it  were,  acci- 
dental. For  the  expectations  thus  raised,  it  appears  to  me 
that  an  amply  sufficient  allowance  is  made,  if  the  whole  in- 
crease of  income  which  has  accrued  during  this  long  period 
from  a  mere  natural  law,  without  exertion  or  sacrifice,  is 
held  sacred  from  any  peculiar  taxation.  From  the  present 
date,  or  any  subsequent  time  at  which  the  legislature  may 
think  fit  to  assert  the  principle,  I  see  no  objection  to  declar- 
ing that  the  future  increment  of  rent  should  be  liable  to 
special  taxation  ;  in  doing  which  all  injustice  to  the  land- 
lords would  be  obviated,  if  the  present  market-price  of  their 
land  were  secured  to  them  ;  since  that  includes  the  present 

414  BOOK  V.      CHAPTER  II.      §6. 

value  of  all  future  expectations.  With  reference  to  such  a 
tax,  perhaps  a  safer  criterion  than  either  a  rise  of  rents  or  a 
rise  of  the  price  of  corn,  would  be  a  general  rise  in  the  price 
of  land.  It  would  be  easy  to  keep  the  tax  within  the 
amount  which  would  reduce  the  market-value  of  land  below 
the  original  valuation  :  and  up  to  that  point,  whatever  the 
amount  of  the  tax  might  be,  no  injustice  would  be  done  to 
the  proprietors. 

§  6.  But  whatever  may  be  thought  of  the  legitimacy 
of  making  the  State  a  sharer  in  all  future  increase  of  rent 
from  natural  causes,  the  existing  land-tax  (which  in  this 
country  unfortunately  is  very  small)  ought  not  to  be  regarded 
as  a  tax,  but  as  a  rent-charge  in  favour  of  the  public  ;  a  por- 
tion of  the  rent,  reserved  from  the  beginning  by  the  State, 
which  has  never  belonged  to  or  formed  part  of  the  income 
of  the  landlords,  and  should  not  therefore  be  counted  to 
them  as  part  of  their  taxation,  so  as  to  exempt  them  from 
their  fair  share  of  every  other  tax.  As  well  might  the  tithe 
be  regarded  as  a  tax  on  the  landlords  :  as  well,  in  Bengal, 
where  the  State,  though  entitled  to  the  whole  rent  of  the 
land,  gave  away  one-tenth  of  it  to  individuals,  retaining  the 
other  nine-tenths,  might  those  nine-tenths  be  considered  as 
an  unequal  and  unjust  tax  on  the  grantees  of  the  tenth. 
That  a  person  owns  pp-rt  of  the  rent,  does  not  make  the  rest 
of  it  his  just  right,  injuriously  withheld  from  him.  The 
landlords  originally  held  their  estates  subject  to  feudal  bur- 
dens, for  which  the  present  land-tax  is  an  exceedingly  small 
equivalent,  and  for  their  relief  from  which  they  should  have 
been  required  to  pay  a  much  higher  price.  All  who  have 
bought  land  since  the  tax  existed  have  bought  it  subject  to 
the  tax.  There  is  not  the  smallest  pretence  for  looking 
upon  it  as  a  payment  exacted  from  the  existing  race  of 

These  observations  are  applicable  to  a  land-tax,  only  in 
so  far  as  it  is  a  peculiar  tax,  and  not  when  it  is  merely  a 
mode  of  levying  from  the  landlords  the  equivalent  of  what 


is  taken  from  other  classes.  In  France,  for  example,  there 
are  peculiar  taxes  on  other  kinds  of  property  and  income 
(the  mdbilier  and  the  patente),  and  supposing  the  land-tax  to 
be  not  more  than  equivalent  to  these,  there  would  be  no 
ground  for  contending  that  the  state  had  reserved  to  itself  a 
rent-charge  on  the  land.  But  wherever  and  in  so  far  as  in- 
come derived  from  land  is  prescriptively  subject  to  a  deduc- 
tion for  public  purposes,  beyond  the  rate  of  taxation  levied 
on  other  incomes,  the  surplus  is  not  properly  taxation,  but 
a  share  of  the  property  in  the  soil,  reserved  by  the  state.  In 
this  country  there  are  no  peculiar  taxes  on  other  classes, 
corresponding  to,  or  intended  to  countervail,  the  land-tax. 
The  whole  of  it,  therefore,  is  not  taxation  but  a  rent-charge, 
and  is  as  if  the  state  had  retained,  not  a  portion  of  the  rent, 
but  a  portion  of  the  land.  It  is  no  more  a  burden  on  the 
landlord,  than  the  share  of  one  joint  tenant  is  a  burden  on 
the  other.  The  landlords  are  entitled  to  no  compensation 
for  it,  nor  have  they  any  claim  to  its  being  allowed  for,  as 
part  of  their  taxes.  Its  continuance  on  the  existing  footing 
is  no  infringement  of  the  principal  of  Equal  Taxation.* 

We  shall  hereafter  consider,  in  treating  of  Indirect  Taxa- 
tion, how  far,  and  with  what  modifications,  the  rule  of  equal- 
ity is  applicable  to  that  department. 

§  7.  In  addition  to  the  preceding  rules,  another  gen- 
eral rule  of  taxation  is  sometimes  laid  down,  namely,  that  it 
should  fall  on  income,  and  not  on  capital.  That  taxation 
should  not  encroach  upon  the  amount  of  the  national  capital, 
is  indeed  of  the  greatest  importance ;  but  this  encroachment, 
when  it  occurs,  is  not  so  much  a  consequence  of  any  par- 

*  The  same  remarks  obviously  apply  to  those  local  taxes,  of  the  peculiar 
pressure  of  which  on  landed  property  so  much  has  been  said  by  the  remuant  of 
the  Protectionists.  As  much  of  these  burdens  as  is  of  old  standing,  ought  to  be 
regarded  as  a  prescriptive  deduction  or  reservation,  for  public  purposes,  of  a 
portion  of  the  rent.  And  any  recent  additions  have  either  been  incurred  for  the 
benefit  of  the  owners  of  landed  property,  or  occasioned  by  their  fault :  in  neither 
case,  giving  them  any  just  ground  of  complaint. 

416  BOOK  V.      CHAPTER  II.     §7. 

ticular  mode  of  taxation,  as  of  its  excessive  amount.  Over- 
taxation, carried  to  a  sufficient  extent,  is  quite  capable  of 
ruining  the  most  industrious  community,  especially  when  it 
is  in  any  degree  arbitrary,  so  that  the  payer  is  never  certain 
how  much  or  how  little  he  shall  be  allowed  to  keep  ;  or 
when  it  is  so  laid  on  as  to  render  industry  and  economy  a 
bad  calculation.  But  if  these  errors  be  avoided,  and  the 
amount  of  taxation  be  not  greater  than  it  is  at  present  even 
in  the  most  heavily  taxed  country  of  Europe,  there  is  no 
danger  lest  it  should  deprive  the  country  of  a  portion  of  its 

To  provide  that  taxation  shall  fall  entirely  on  income, 
and  not  at  all  on  capital,  is  beyond  the  power  of  any  system 
of  fiscal  arrangements.  There  is  no  tax  which  is  not  partly 
paid  from  what  would  otherwise  have  been  saved  ;  no  tax, 
the  amount  of  which,  if  remitted,  would  be  wholly  employed 
in  increased  expenditure,  and  no  part  whatever  laid  by  as 
an  addition  to  capital.  All  taxes,  therefore,  are  in  some 
sense  partly  paid  out  of  capital  ;  and  in  a  poor  country  it 
is  impossible  to  impose  any  tax  which  will  not  impede  the 
increase  of  the  national  wealth.  But  in  a  country  where 
capital  abounds  and  the  spirit  of  accumulation  is  strong, 
this  efi'ect  of  taxation  is  scarcely  felt.  Capital  having 
reached  the  stage  in  which,  were  it  not  for  a  perpetual  suc- 
cession of  improvements  in  production,  any  further  increase 
would  soon  be  stopped — and  having  so  strong  a  tendency 
even  to  outrun  those  improvements,  that  profits  are  only 
kept  above  the  minimum  by  emigration  of  capital,  or  by  a 
periodical  sweep  called  a  commercial  crisis;  to  take  from 
capital  by  taxation  what  emigration  would  remove,  or  a 
commercial  crisis  destroy,  is  only  to  do  what  either  of  those 
causes  would  have  done,  namely,  to  make  a  clear  space  for 
further  saving. 

I  cannot,  therefore,  attach  any  importance,  in  a  wealthy 
country,  to  the  objection  made  against  taxes  on  legacies  and 
inheritances,  that  they  are  taxes  on  capital.  It  is  perfectly 
true  that  they  are  so.     As  Ricardo  observes,  if  1001.  are 


taken  from  any  one  in  a  tax  on  houses  or  on  wine,  he  will 
probably  save  it,  or  a  part  of  it,  by  living  in  a  cheaper 
house,  consuming  less  wine,  or  retrenching  from  some  other 
of  his  expenses  :  but  if  the  same  sum  be  taken  from  him 
because  he  has  received  a  legacy  of  1000Z.,  he  considers  the 
legacy  as  only  900Z.,  and  feels  no  more  inducement  than  at 
any  other  time  (probably  feels  rather  less  inducement)  to 
economize  in  his  expenditure.  The  tax,  therefore,  is  wholly 
paid  out  of  capital :  and  there  are  countries  in  which  this 
would  be  a  serious  objection.  But  in  the  first  place,  the 
argument  cannot  apply  to  any  country  which  has  a  national 
debt  and  devotes  any  portion  of  revenue  to  paying  it  off ; 
since  the  produce  of  the  tax,  thus  applied,  still  remains 
capital,  and  is  merely  transferred  from  the  tax-payer  to  the 
fundholder.  But  the  objection  is  never  applicable  in  a 
country  which  increases  rapidly  in  wealth.  The  amount 
which  would  be  derived,  even  from  a  very  high  legacy  duty, 
in  each  year,  is  but  a  small  fraction  of  the  annual  increase  of 
capital  in  such  a  country  ;  and  its  abstraction  would  but 
make  room  for  saving  to  an  equivalent  amount :  while  the 
effect  of  not  taking  it,  is  to  prevent  that  amount  of  saving, 
or  cause  the  savings  when  made,  to  be  sent  abroad  for 
investment.  A  country  which,  like  England,  accumulates 
capital  not  only  for  itself,  but  for  half  the  world,  may  be 
said  to  defray  the  whole  of  its  public  expenses  from  its 
overflowings  ;  and  its  wealth  is  probably  at  this  moment  as 
great  as  if  it  had  no  taxes  at  all.  What  its  taxes  really  do 
is,  to  subtract  from  its  means,  not  of  production  but  of 
enjoyment ;  since  whatever  any  one  pays  in  taxes,  he  could, 
if  it  were  not  taken  for  that  purpose,  employ  in  indulging 
his  ea~e,  or  in  gratifying  some  want  or  taste  which  at  pres- 
ent remains  unsatisfied. 




§  1.  Taxes  are  either  direct  or  indirect.  A  direct  tax 
is  one  which  is  demanded  from  the  very  persons  who,  it  is 
intended  or  desired,  should  pay  it.  Indirect  taxes  are  those 
which  are  demanded  from  one  person  in  the  expectation  and 
intention  that  he  shall  indemnify  himself  at  the  expense  of 
another :  such  as  the  excise  or  customs.  The  producer  or 
importer  of  a  commodity  is  called  upon  to  pay  tax  on  it, 
not  with  the  intention  to  levy  a  peculiar  contribution  upon 
him,  hut  to  tax  through  him  the  consumers  of  the  com- 
modity, from  whom  it  is  supposed  that  he  will  recover  the 
amount  by  means  of  an  advance  in  price. 

Direct  taxes  are  either  on  income,  or  on  expenditure. 
Most  taxes  on  expenditure  are  indirect,  but  some  are  direct, 
being  imposed,  not  on  the  producer  or  seller  of  an  article, 
but  immediately  on  the  consumer.  A  house-tax,  for  exam- 
ple, is  a  direct  tax  on  expenditure,  if  levied,  as  it  usually 
is,  on  the  occupier  of  the  house.  If  levied  on  the  builder 
or  owner,  it  would  be  an  indirect  tax.  A  window  tax  is 
a  direct  tax  on  expenditure ;  so  are  the  taxes  on  horses 
and  carriages,  and  the  rest  of  what  are  called  the  assessed 

The  sources  of  income  are  rent,  profits,  and  wages.  This 
includes  every  sort  of  income,  except  gift  or  plunder.  Taxes 
may  be  laid  on  any  one  of  the  three  kinds  of  income,  or  an 
uniform  tax  on  all  of  them.  .  We  will  consider  these  in 
their  order. 


§  2.  A  tax  on  rent  falls  wholly  on  the  landlord.  There 
are  no  means  by  which  he  can  shift  the  burden  upon  any 
one  else.  It  does  not  affect  the  value  or  price  of  agricultural 
produce,  for  this  is  determined  by  the  cost  of  production  in 
the  most  unfavourable  circumstances,  and  in  those  circum- 
stances, as  we  have  so  often  demonstrated,  no  rent  is  paid. 
A  tax  on  rent,  therefore,  has  no  effect,  other  than  its  obvious 
odc  It  merely  takes  so  much  from  the  landlord,  and  trans- 
fers it  to  the  state. 

This,  however,  is,  in  strict  exactness,  only  true  of  the 
rent  which  is  the  result  either  of  natural  causes,  or  of  im- 
provements made  by  tenants.  When  the  landlord  makes 
improvements  which  increase  the  productive  power  of  his 
land,  he  is  remunerated  for  them  by  an  extra  payment  from 
the  tenant ;  and  this  payment,  which  to  the  landlord  is  prop- 
erly a  profit  on  capital,  is  blended  and  confounded  with  rent ; 
which  indeed  it  really  is,  to  the  tenant,  and  in  respect  of  the 
economical  laws  which  determine  its  amount.  A  tax  on  rent, 
if  extending  to  this  portion  of  it,  would  discourage  landlords 
from  making  improvements  :  but  it  does  not  follow  that  it 
would  raise  the  price  of  agricultural  produce.  The  same 
improvements  might  be  made  with  the  tenant's  capital,  or 
even  with  the  landlord's  if  lent  by  him  to  the  tenant ;  pro- 
vided he  is  willing  to  give  the  tenant  so  long  a  lease  as  will 
enable  him  to  indemnify  himself  before  it  expires.  But 
whatever  hinders  improvements  from  being  made  in  the 
manner  in  which  people  prefer  to  make  them,  will  often  pre- 
vent them  from  being  made  at  all :  and  on  this  account  a 
tax  on  rent  would  be  inexpedient  unless  some  means  could 
be  devised  of  excluding  from  its  operation  that  portion  of  the 
nominal  rent  which  may  be  regarded  as  landlord's  profit.  This 
argument,  however,  is  not  needed  for  the  condemnation  of 
such  a  tax.  A  peculiar  tax  on  the  income  of  any  class,  not 
balanced  by  taxes  on  other  classes,  is  a  violation  of  justice,  and 
amounts  to  a  partial  confiscation.  I  have  already  shown 
grounds  for  excepting  from  this  censure  a  tax  which,  sparing 
existing  rents,  should  content  itself  with  appropriating  a  por- 

420  BOOK   V.     CHAPTER  III.      §3. 

tion  of  any  future  increase  arising  from  the  mere  action  of 
natural  causes.  But  even  this  could  not  be  justly  done,  with- 
out offering  as  an  alternative  the  market  price  of  the  land.  In 
the  case  of  a  tax  on  rent  which  is  not  peculiar,  but  accom- 
panied by  an  equivalent  tax  on  other  incomes,  the  objec- 
tion grounded  on  its  reaching  the  profit  arising  from  im* 
provements  is  less  applicable  :  since,  profits  being  taxed  as 
well  as  rent,  the  profit  which  assumes  the  form  of  rent  is 
liable  to  its  share  in  common  with  other  profits  ;  but  since 
profits  altogether  ought,  for  reasons  formerly  stated,  to  be 
taxed  somewhat  lower  than  rent  properly  so  called,  the  ob- 
jection is  only  diminished,  not  removed. 

§  3.  A  tax  on  profits,  like  a  tax  on  rent,  must,  at  least 
in  its  immediate  operation,  fall  wholly  on  the  payer.  All 
profits  being  alike  affected,  no  relief  can  be  obtained  by 
a  change  of  employment.  If  a  tax  were  laid  on  the  profits 
of  any  one  branch  of  productive  employment,  the  tax  would 
be  virtually  an  increase  of  the  cost  of  production,  and  the 
value  and  price  of  the  article  would  rise  accordingly ;  by 
which  the  tax  would  be  thrown  upon  the  consumers  of  the 
commodity,  and  would  not  affect  profits.  But  a  general 
and  equal  tax  on  all  profits  would  not  affect  general  prices, 
and  would  fall,  at  least  in  the  first  instance,  on  capitalists 

There  is,  however,  an  ulterior  effect,  which,  in  a  rich  and 
prosperous  country,  requires  to  be  taken  into  account. 
When  the  capital  accumulated  is  so  great  and  the  rate  of 
annual  accumulation  so  rapid,  that  the  country  is  only  kept 
from  attaining  the  stationary  state  by  the  emigration  of 
capital,  or  by  continual  improvements  in  production ;  any 
circumstance  which  virtually  lowers  the  rate  of  profit,  can- 
not be  without  a  decided  influence  on  these  phenomena. 
It  may  operate  in  different  ways.  The  curtailment  of 
profit,  and  the  consequent  increased  difficulty  in  making  a 
fortune  or  obtaining  a  subsistence  by  the  employment  of 
capital,  may  act  as  a  stimulus  to  inventions,  and  to  the  use 


of  them  when  made.  If  improvements  in  production  are 
much  accelerated,  and  if  these  improvements  cheapen, 
directly  or  indirectly,  any  of  the  things  habitually  con- 
sumed by  the  labourer,  profits  may  rise,  and  rise  sufficient- 
ly to  make  up  for  all  that  is  taken  from  them  by  the  tax. 
In  that  case  the  tax  will  have  been  realized  without  loss  to 
any  one,  the  produce  of  the  country  being  increased  by  an 
equal,  or  what  would  in  that  case  be  a  far  greater  amount. 
The  tax,  however,  must  even  in  this  case  be  considered  as 
paid  from  profits,  because  the  receivers  of  profits  are  those 
who  would  be  benefited  if  it  were  taken  off. 

But  though  the  artificial  abstraction  of  a  portion  of  prof- 
its would  have  a  real  tendency  to  accelerate  improvements 
in  production,  no  considerable  improvements  might  actually 
result,  or  only  of  such  a  kind  as  not  to  raise  general  profits 
at  all,  or  not  to  raise  them  so  much  as  the  tax  had  dimin- 
ished them.  If  so,  the  rate  of  profit  would  be  brought 
closer  to  that  practical  minimum,  to  which  it  is  constantly 
approaching :  and  this  diminished  return  to  capital  would 
either  give  a  decided  check  to  further  accumulation,  or 
would  cause  a  greater  proportion  than  before  of  the  annual 
increase  to  be  sent  abroad,  or  wasted  in  unprofitable  specu- 
lations^At  its  first  imposition  the  tax  falls  wholly  on  prof- 
its :  but  the  amount  of  increase  of  capital,  which  the  tax 
prevents,  would,  if  it  had  been  allowed  to  continue,  have 
tended  to  reduce  profits  to  the  same  level ;  and  at  every 
period  of  ten  or  twenty  years  there  will  be  found  less  differ- 
ence between  profits  as  they  are,  and  profits  as  they  would 
in  that  case  have  been  :  until  at  last  there  is  no  difference, 
and  the  tax  is  thrown  either  upon  the  labourer  or  upon  the 
landlord.  The  real  effect  of  a  tax  on  profits  is  to  make  the 
country  possess  at  any  given  period,  a  smaller  capital  and  a 
smaller  aggregate  production,  and  to  make  the  stationary 
state  be  attained  earlier,  and  with  a  smaller  sum  of  national 
wealth..  It  is  possible  that  a  tax  on  profits  might  even 
diminish  the  existing  capital  of  the  country.  If  the  rate  of 
profit  is  already  at  the  practical  minimum,  that  is,  at  the 

422  BOOK   V.      CHAPTER  III.      §3. 

point  at  which  all  that  portion  of  the  annual  increment 
which  would  tend  to  reduce  profits  is  carried  off  either  by 
exportation  or  by  speculation  ;  then  if  a  tax  is  imposed  which 
reduces  profits  still  lower,  the  same  causes  which  previously 
carried  off  the  increase  would  probably  carry  off  a  portion  of 
the  existing  capital.  A  tax  on  profits  is  thus,  in  a  state  of 
capital  and  accumulation  like  that  in  England,  extremely 
detrimental  to  the  national  wealth.  And  this  effect  is  not 
confined  to  the  case  of  a  peculiar,  and  therefore  intrinsically 
unjust,  tax  on  profits.  The  mere  fact  that  profits  have  to 
bear  their  share  of  a  heavy  general  taxation,  tends,  in  the 
same  manner  as  a  peculiar  tax,  to  drive  capital  abroad,  to 
stimulate  imprudent  speculations  by  diminishing  safe  gains, 
to  discourage  further  accumulation,  and  to  accelerate  the 
attainment  of  the  stationary  state.  This  is  thought  to  have 
been  the  principal  cause  of  the  decline  of  Holland,  or  rather 
of  her  having  ceased  to  make  progress. 

Even  in  countries  which  do  not  accumulate  so  fast  as  to 
be  always  within  a  short  interval  of  the  stationary  state,  it 
seems  impossible  that,  if  capital  is  accumulating  at  all,  its 
accumulation  should  not  be  in  some  degree  retarded  by  the 
abstraction  of  a  portion  of  its  profit ;  and  unless  the  effect  in 
stimulating  improvements  be  a  full  counterbalance,  it  is 
inevitable  that  a  part  of  the  burden  will  be  thrown  off  the 
capitalist,  upon  the  labourer  or  the  landlord.  One  or  other 
of  these  is  always  the  loser  by  a  diminished  rate  of  accumu- 
lation. If  population  continues  to  increase  as  before,  the 
labourer  suffers  :  if  not,  cultivation  is  checked  in  its  advance, 
and  the  landlords  lose  the  accession  of  rent  which  would 
have  accrued  to  them.  The  only  countries  in  which  a  tax  on 
profits  seems  likely  to  be  permanently  a  burden  on  capital- 
ists exclusively,  are  those  in  which  capital  is  stationary, 
because  there  is  no  new  accumulation.  In  such  countries 
the  tax  might  not  prevent  the  old  capital  from  being  kept 
up  through  habit,  or  from  unwillingness  to  submit  to  im- 
poverishment, and  so  the  capitalists  might  continue  to  bear 
the  whole  of  the  tax.     It  is  seen  from  these  considerations 


that  the  effects  of  a  tax  on  profits  are  much  more  complex 
more  various,  and  in  some  points  more  uncertain,  than 
writers  on  the  subject  have  commonly  supposed. 

§  4.  We  now  turn  to  Taxes  on  "Wages.  The  incidence 
of  these  is  very  different,  according  as  the  wages  taxed  are 
those  of  ordinary  unskilled  labour,  or  are  the  remuneration  of 
such  skilled  or  privileged  employments,  whether  manual  or 
intellectual,  as  are  taken  out  of  the  sphere  of  competition  by 
a  natural  or  conferred  monopoly. 

I  have  already  remarked,  that  in  the  present  low  state 
of  popular  education,  all  the  higher  grades  of  mental  or  edu- 
cated labour  are  at  a  monopoly  price  ;  exceeding  the  wages 
of  common  workmen  in  a  degree  very  far  beyond  that  which 
is  due  to  the  expense,  trouble,  and  loss  of  time  required  in 
qualifying  for  the  employment.  Any  tax  levied  on  these 
gains  which  still  leaves  them  above  (or  not  below)  their  just 
proportion,  falls  on  those  who  pay  it ;  they  have  no  means 
of  relieving  themselves  at  the  expense  of  any  other  class. 
The  same  thing  is  true  of  ordinary  wages,  in  cases  like  that 
of  the  United  States,  or  of  a  new  colony,  where,  capital  in- 
creasing as  rapidly  as  population  can  increase,  wages  are 
kept  up  by  the  increase  of  capital,  and  not  by  the  adherence 
of  the  labourers  to  a  fixed  standard  of  comforts.  In  such  a 
case,  some  deterioration  of  their  condition,  whether  by  a  tax 
or  otherwise,  might  possibly  take  place  without  checking 
the  increase  of  population.  The  tax  would  in  that  case  fall 
on  the  labourers  themselves,  and  would  reduce  them  pre- 
maturely to  that  lower  state  to  which,  on  the  same  supposi- 
tion with  regard  to  their  habits,  they  would  in  any  case  have 
been  reduced  ultimately,  by  the  inevitable  diminution  in  the 
rate  of  increase  of  capital,  through  the  occupation  of  all  the 
fertile  land. 

Some  will  object  that,  even  in  this  case,  a  tax  on  wages 
cannot  be  detrimental  to  the  labourers,  since  the  money 
raised  by  it,  being  expended  in  the  country,  comes  back  to 
the  labourers  again  through  the  demand  for  labour.     The 

424  B00K  v-      CHAPTER   III.      §4. 

fallacy,  however,  of  this  doctrine  has  been  so  completely 
exhibited  in  the  First  Book,*  that  I  need  do  little  more  than 
refer  to  that  exposition.  It  was  there  shown  that  funds  ex- 
pended unproductively  have  no  tendency  to  raise  or  keep 
up  wages,  unless  when  expended  in  the  direct  purchase  of 
labour.  If  the  government  took  a  tax  of  a  shilling  a  weelc 
from  every  labourer,  and  laid  it  all  out  in  hiring  labourers 
for  military  service,  public  works,  or  the  like,  it  would  no 
doubt,  indemnify  the  labourers  as  a  class  for  all  that  the  tax 
took  from  them.  That  would  really  be  "  spending  the  mon- 
ey among  the  people."  But  if  it  expended  the  whole  in 
buying  goods,  or  in  adding  to  the  salaries  of  employes  who 
bought  goods  with  it,  this  would  not  increase  the  demand 
for  labour,  or  tend  to  raise  wages.  Without,  however, 
reverting  to  general  principles,  we  may  rely  on  an  ob- 
vious reductio  ad  absurdum.  If  to  take  money  from  the 
labourers  and  spend  it  in  commodities  is  giving  it  back  to 
the  labourers,  then,  to  take  money  from  other  classes,  and 
spend  it  in  the  same  manner,  must  be  giving  it  to  the  la- 
bourers ;  consequently,  the  more  a  government  takes  in 
taxes,  the  greater  will  be  the  demand  for  labour,  and  the 
more  opulent  the  condition  of  the  labourers.  A  proposition 
the  absurdity  of  which  no  one  can  fail  to  see. 

In  the  condition  of  most  communities,  wages  are  regu- 
lated by  the  habitual  standard  of  living  to  which  the  la- 
bourers adhere,  and  on  less  than  which  they  will  not  multi- 
ply. Where  there  exists  such  a  standard,  a  tax  on  wages 
will  indeed  for  a  time  be  borne  by  the  labourers  them- 
selves ;  but  unless  this  temporary  depression  has  the  effect 
of  lowering  the  standard  itself,  the  increase  of  population 
will  receive  a  check,  which  will  raise  wages,  and  restore  the 
labourers  to  their  previous  condition.  On  whom,  in  this 
case,  will  the  tax  fall  ?  According  to  Adam  Smith,  on  the 
community  generally,  in  their  character  of  consumers ; 
since  the  rise  of  wages,  he  thought,  would  raise  general 
prices.     We  have  seen,  however,  that  general  prices  depend 

*  Supra,  vol.  i.  pp.  114-124. 


on  other  causes,  and  are  never  raised  by  any  circumstance 
which  affects  all  kinds  of  productive  employment  in  the 
same  manner  and  degree.  A  rise  of  wages  occasioned  by  a 
tax,  must,  like  any  other  increase  of  the  cost  of  labour,  be 
defrayed  from  profits.  To  attempt  to  tax  day-labourers,  in 
an  old  country,  is  merely  to  impose  an  extra  tax  upon  all 
employers  of  common  labour  ;  unless  the  tax  has  the  much 
worse  effect  of  permanently  lowering  the  standard  of  com- 
fortable subsistence  in  the  minds  of  the  poorest  class. 

We  find  in  the  preceding  considerations  an  additional 
argument  for  the  opinion  already  expressed,  that  direct  tax- 
ation should  stop  short  of  the  class  of  incomes  which  do  not 
exceed  what  is  necessary  for  healthful  existence.  These 
very  small  incomes  are  mostly  derived  from  manual  labour ; 
and,  as  we  now  see,  any  tax  imposed  on  these,  either  per- 
manently degrades  the  habits  of  the  labouring  class,  or  falls 
on  profits,  and  burdens  capitalists  with  an  indirect  tax,  in 
addition  to  their  share  of  the  direct  taxes ;  which  is  doubly 
objectionable,  both  as  a  violation  of  the  fundamental  rule  of 
equality,  and  for  the  reasons  which,  as  already  shown,  render 
a  peculiar  tax  on  profits  detrimental  to  the  public  wealth, 
and  consequently  to  the  means  which  society  possesses  of 
paying  any  taxes  whatever. 

§  5.  We  now  pass,  from  taxes  on  the  separate  kinds 
of  income,  to  a  tax  attempted  to  be  assessed  fairly  upon  all 
kinds ;  in  other  words,  an  Income  Tax.  The  discussion  of 
the  conditions  necessary  for  making  this  tax  consistent  with 
justice,  has  been  anticipated  in  the  last  chapter.  We  shall 
suppose,  therefore,  that  these  conditions  are  complied  with. 
They  are,  first,  that  incomes  below  a  certain  amount  should 
be  altogether  untaxed.  This  minimum  should  not  be  higher 
than  the  amount  which  suffices  for  the  necessaries  of  the 
existing  population.  The  exemption  from  the  present  income- 
tax,  of  all  incomes  under  1001.  a-year,  and  the  lower  per- 
centage levied  on  those  between  1001.  and  1501.,  are  only 
defensible  on  the  ground  that  almost  all  the  indirect  taxes 

426  BOOK   V.      CHAPTER  III.      §5. 

press  more  heavily  on  incomes  between  501.  and  1501.  than 
on  any  others  whatever.  The  second  condition  is,  that 
incomes  above  the  limit  should  be  taxed  only  in  proportion 
to  the  surplus  by  which  they  exceed  the  limit.  Thirdly, 
that  all  sums  saved  from  income  and  invested,  should  be  ex- 
empt from  the  tax :  or  if  this  be  found  impracticable,  that 
life  incomes  and  incomes  from  business  and  professions 
should  be  less  heavily  taxed  than  inheritable  incomes,  in  a 
degree  as  nearly  as  possible  equivalent  to  the  increased  need 
of  economy  arising  from  their  terminable  character  :  allow- 
ance being  also  made,  in  the  case  of  variable  incomes,  for 
their  precariousness. 

An  income-tax,  fairly  assessed  on  these  principles,  would 
be,  in  point  of  justice,  the  least  exceptionable  of  all  taxes. 
The  objection  to  it,  in  the  present  low  state  of  public  morality, 
is  the  impossibility  of  ascertaining  the  real  incomes  of  the 
contributors.  The  supposed  hardship  of  compelling  people 
to  disclose  the  amount  of  their  incomes,  ought  not  in  my 
opinion,  to  count  for  much.  One  of  the  social  evils  of  this 
country  is  the  practice,  amounting  to  a  custom,  of  maintain- 
ing, or  attempting  to  maintain,  the  appearance  to  the  world 
of  a  larger  income  than  is  possessed  ;  and  it  would  be  far  bet- 
ter for  the  interests  of  those  who  yield  to  this  weakness,  if  the 
extent  of  their  means  were  universally  and  exactly  known, 
and  the  temptation  removed  to  expending  more  than  they 
can  afford,  or  stinting  real  wants  in  order  to  make  a  false 
show  externally.  At  the  same  time,  the  reason  of  the  case, 
even  on  this  point,  is  not  so  exclusively  on  one  side  of  the 
argument  as  is  sometimes  supposed.  So  long  as  the  vulgar 
of  any  country  are  in  the  debased  state  of  mind  which  this 
national  habit  presupposes — so  long  as  their  respect  (if  such 
a  word  can  be  applied  to  it)  is  proportioned  to  what  they  sup- 
pose to  be  each  person's  pecuniary  means — it  may  be  doubted 
whether  anything  which  would  remove  all  uncertainty  as  to 
that  point,  would  not  considerably  increase  the  presumption 
and  arrogance  of  the  vulgar  rich,  and  their  insolence  towards 


those  above  them  in  mind  and  character,  but  below  them  in 

Notwithstanding,  too,  what  is  called  the  inquisitorial 
nature  of  the  tax,  no  amount  of  inquisitorial  power  which 
would  be  tolerated  by  a  people  the  most  disposed  to  submit 
to  it,  could  enable  the  revenue  officers  to  assess  the  tax  from 
actual  knowledge  of  the  circumstances  of  contributors. 
Rents,  salaries,  annuities,  and  all  fixed  incomes,  can  be  ex- 
actly ascertained.  But  the  variable  gains  of  professions,  and 
still  more  the  profits  of  business,  which  the  person  interested 
cannot  always  himself  exactly  ascertain,  can  still  less  be 
estimated  with  any  approach  to  fairness  by  a  tax  collector. 
The  main  reliance  must  be  placed,  and  always  has  been 
placed,  on  the  returns  made  by  the  person  himself.  No 
production  of  accounts  is  of  much  avail,  except  against  the 
more  flagrant  cases  of  falsehood  ;  and  even  against  these  the 
check  is  very  imperfect,  for  if  fraud  is  intended,  false  ac- 
counts can  generally  be  framed  which  it  will  baffle  any 
means  of  inquiry  possessed  by  the  revenue  officers  to  detect : 
the  easy  resource  of  omitting  entries  on  the  credit  side  being 
often  sufficient  without  the  aid  of  fictitious  debts  or  dis- 
bursements. The  tax,  therefore,  on  whatever  principles  of 
equality  it  may  be  imposed,  is  in  practice  unequal  in  one  of 
the  worst  ways,  falling  heaviest  on  the  most  conscientious. 
The  unscrupulous  succeed  in  evading  a  great  proportion  of 
what  they  should  pay ;  even  persons  of  integrity  in  their 
ordinary  transactions  are  tempted  to  palter  with  their  con- 
sciences, at  least  to  the  extent  of  deciding  in  their  own  fa- 
vour all  points  on  which  the  smallest  doubt  or  discussion 
could  arise  :  while  the  strictly  veracious  may  be  made  to 
pay  more  than  the  state  intended,  by  the  powers  of  arbitrary 
assessment  necessarily  intrusted  to  the  Commissioners  as 
the  last  defence  against  the  tax-payer's  power  of  conceal- 

It  is  to  be  feared,  therefore,  that  the  fairness  which  be- 
longs to  the  principle  of  an  income-tax,  cannot  be  made  to 
attach  to  it  in  practice  :  and  that  this  tax,  while  apparently 

428  B00K   v-      CHAPTER   III.      §5. 

the  most  just  of  all  modes  of  raising  a  revenue,  is  in  effect 
more  unjust  than  many  others  which  are  prima  facie 
more  objectionable.  This  consideration  would  lead  us  to 
concur  in  the  opinion  which,  until  of  late,  has  usually  pre- 
vailed— that  direct  taxes  on  income  should  be  reserved  as 
an  extraordinary  resource  for  great  national  emergencies,  in 
which  the  necessity  of  a  large  additional  revenue  overrule? 
all  objections. 

The  difficulties  of  a  fair  income-tax  have  elicited  a  prop- 
osition for  a  direct  tax  of  so  much  per  cent.,  not  on  income 
but  on  expenditure  ;  the  aggregate  amount  of  each  person's 
expenditure  being  ascertained  as  the  amount  of  income  now 
is,  from  statements  furnished  by  the  contributors  themselves. 
The  author  of  this  suggestion,  Mr.  Revans,  in  a  clever  pam- 
phlet on  the  subject,*  contends  that  the  returns  which  per- 
sons would  furnish  of  their  expenditure  would  be  more 
trustworthy  than  those  which  they  now  make  of  their  income, 
inasmuch  as  expenditure  is  in  its  own  nature  more  public 
than  income,  and  false  representations  of  it  more  easily  de- 
tected. He  cannot,  I  think,  have  sufficiently  considered, 
how  few  of  the  items  in  the  annual  expenditure  of  most 
families  can  be  judged  of  with  any  approximation  to  correct- 
ness from  the  external  signs.  The  only  security  would  still  • 
be  the  veracity  of  individuals,  and  there  is  no  reason  for 
supposing  that  their  statements  would  be  more  trustworthy 
on  the  subject  of  their  expenses  than  on  that  of  their  reve- 
nues ;  especially  as,  the  expenditure  of  most  persons  being 
composed  of  many  more  items  than  their  income,  there 
would  be  more  scope  for  concealment  and  suppression  in 
the  detail  of  expenses  than  even  of  receipts. 

The  taxes  on  expenditure  at  present  in  force,  either  in 
this  or  in  other  countries,  fall  only  on  particular  kinds  of 
expenditure,  and  differ  no  otherwise  from  taxes  on  com- 
modities than  in  being  paid  directly  by  the  person  who  con- 
sumes or  uses  the  article,  instead  of  being  advanced  by  the 

*  "  A  Percentage  Tax  on  Domestic  Expenditure  to  supply  the  whole  of  the 
Public  Revenue."     By  John  Revans.     Published  by  HuU-hard,  in  1847. 


producer  or  seller,  and  reimbursed  in  the  price.  The  taxes 
on  horses  and  carriages,  on  dogs,  on  servants,  are  of  this 
nature.  They  evidently  fall  on  the  persons  from  whom  they 
are  levied — those  who  use  the  commodity  taxed.  A  tax  of 
a  similar  description,  and  more  important,  is  a  house-tax  : 
which  must  be  considered  at  somewhat  greater  length. 

§  6.  The  rent  of  a  house  consists  of  two  parts,  the 
ground-rent,  and  what  Adam  Smith  calls  the  building-rent. 
The  first  is  determined  by  the  ordinary  principles  of  rent. 
It  is  the  remuneration  given  for  the  use  of  the  portion  of 
land  occupied  by  the  house  and  its  appurtenances ;  and 
varies  from  a  mere  equivalent  for  the  rent  which  the 
ground  would  afford  in  agriculture,  to  the  monopoly  rents 
paid  for  advantageous  situations  in  populous  thoroughfares. 
The  rent  of  the  house  itself,  as  distinguished  from  the  ground, 
is  the  equivalent  given  for  the  labour  and  capital  expended 
on  the  building.  The  fact  of  its  being  received  in  quarter- 
ly or  half-yearly  payments,  makes  no  difference  in  the  princi- 
ples by  which  it  is  regulated.  It  comprises  the  ordinary  pro- 
fit on  the  builder's  capital,  and  an  annuity,  sufficient  at  the 
current  rate  of  interest,  after  paying  for  all  repairs  charge- 
able on  the  proprietor,  to  replace  the  original  capital  by  the 
time  the  house  is  worn  out,  or  by  the  expiration  of  the  usual 
term  of  a  building  lease. 

A  tax  of  so  much  per  cent,  on  the  gross  rent,  falls  on  both 
those  portions  alike.  The  more  highly  a  house  is  rented,  the 
more  it  pays  to  the  tax,  whether  the  quality  of  the  situation 
or  that  of  the  house  itself  is  the  cause.  The  incidence,  how- 
ever, of  these  two  portions  of  the  tax  must  be  considered 

As  much  of  it  as  is  a  tax  on  building-rent,  must  ultimate- 
ly fall  on  the  consumer,  in  other  words  the  occupier.  For  as 
the  profits  of  building  are  already  not  ab^ve  the  ordinary 
rate,  they  would,  if  the  tax  fell  on  the  owner  and  not  on  the 
occupier,  become  lower  than  the  profits  of  untaxed  employ- 
ments, and  houses  would  not  be  built.     It  is  probable  how- 

430  BOOK  V.      CHAPTER  III.     §6. 

ever  that  for  some  time  after  the  tax  was  first  imposed,  a 
great  part  of  it  would  fall,  not  on  the  renter,  but  on  the 
owner  of  the  house.  A  large  proportion  of  the  consumers 
either  could  not  afford,  or  would  not  choose,  to  pay  their 
former  rent  with  the  tax  in  addition,  but  would  content 
themselves  with  a  lower  scale  of  accommodation.  Houses 
therefore  would  be  for  a  time  in  excess  of  the  demand.  The 
consequence  of  such  excess,  in  the  case  of  most  other  articles, 
would  be  an  almost  immediate  diminution  of  the  supply : 
but  so  durable  a  commodity  as  houses  does  not  rapidly  dimin- 
ish in  amount.  ISTew  buildings  indeed,  of  the  class  for  which 
the  demand  had  decreased,  would  cease  to  be  erected,  except 
for  special  reasons ;  but  in  the  meantime  the  temporary 
superfluity  would  lower  rents,  and  the  consumers  would 
obtain,  perhaps,  nearly  the  same  accommodation  as  formerly, 
for  the  same  aggregate  payment,  rent  and  tax  together.  By 
degrees,  however,  as  the  existing  houses  wore  out,  or  as 
increase  of  population  demanded  a  greater  supply,  rents 
would  again  rise ;  until  it  became  profitable  to  recom- 
mence building,  which  would  not  be  until  the  tax  was 
wholly  transferred  to  the  occupier.  In  the  end,  therefore, 
the  occupier  bears  that  portion  of  a  tax  on  rent,  which  falls 
on  the  payment  made  for  the  house  itself,  exclusively  of  the 
ground  it  stands  on. 

The  case  is  partly  different  with  the  portion  which  is  a 
tax  on  ground-rent.  As  taxes  on  rent,  properly  so  called, 
fall  on  the  landlord,  a  tax  on  ground-rent,  one  would  sup- 
pose, must  fall  on  the  ground-landlord,  at  least  after  the 
expiration  of  the  building  lease.  It  will  not  however  fall 
wholly  on  the  landlord,  unless  with  the  tax  on  ground-rent 
there  is  combined  an  equivalent  tax  on  agricultural  rent. 
The  lowest  rent  of  land  let  for  building  is  very  little  above 
the  rent  which  the  same  ground  would  yield  in  agriculture  : 
since  it  is  reasonable  to  suppose  that  land,  unless  in  case  of 
exceptional  circumstances,  is  let  or  sold  for  building  as  soon 
as  it  is  decidedly  worth  more  for  that  purpose  than  for  culti- 
vation.   If,  therefore,  a  tax  were  laid  on  ground-rents  without 


being  also  laid  on  agricultural  rents,  it  would,  unless  of 
trifling  amount,  reduce  the  return  from  the  lowest  ground- 
rents  below  the  ordinary  return  from  land,  and  would  check 
further  building  quite  as  effectually  as  if  it  were  a  tax  on 
building-rents,  until  either  the  increased  demand  of  a  grow- 
ing population,  or  a  diminution  of  supply  by  the  ordinary 
causes  of  destruction,  had  raised  the  rent  by  a  full  equivalent 
for  the  tax.  But  whatever  raises  the  lowest  ground-rents, 
raises  all  others,  since  each  exceeds  the  lowest  by  the  market 
value  of  its  peculiar  advantages.  If,  therefore,  the  tax  on 
ground-rents  were  a  fixed  sum  per  square  foot,  the  more 
valuable  situations  paying  no  more  than  those  least  in  request, 
this  fixed  payment  would  ultimately  fall  on  the  occupier. 
Suppose  the  lowest  ground-rent  to  be  101.  per  acre,  and  the 
highest  1000£.,  a  tax  of  11.  per  acre  on  ground-rents  would 
ultimately  raise  the  former  to  111.,  and  the  latter  conse- 
quently to  1001Z.,  since  the  difference  of  value  between  the 
two  situations  would  be  exactly  What  it  was  before :  the 
annual  pound,  therefore,  would  be  paid  by  the  occupier. 
But  a  tax  on  ground-rent  is  supposed  to  be  a  portion  of  a 
house-tax  which  is  not  a  fixed  payment,  but  a  percentage  on 
the  rent.  The  cheapest  site,  therefore,  being  supposed  as 
before  to  pay  11.,  the  dearest  would  pay  1001.,  of  which  only 
the  11.  could  be  thrown  upon  the  occupier,  since  the  rent 
would  still  be  only  raised  to  1001Z.  Consequently,  99Z.  of 
the  1001.  levied  from  the  expensive  site,  would  fall  on  the 
ground-landlord.  A  house-tax  thus  requires  to  be  considered 
in  a  double  aspect,  as  a  tax  on  all  occupiers  of  houses,  and 
a  tax  on  ground-rents. 

In  the  vast  majority  of  houses,  the  ground-rent  forms 
but  a  small  proportion  of  the  annual  payment  made  for  the 
house,  and  nearly  all  the  tax  falls  on  the  occupier.  It  is  only 
in  exceptional  cases,  like  that  of  the  favourite  situations  in 
large  towns,  that  the  predominant  element  in  the  rent  of  the 
house  is  the  ground-rent ;  and  among  the  very  few  kinds  of 
income  which  are  fit  subjects  for  peculiar  taxation,  these 
ground-rents  hold  the  principal  place,  being  the  most  gigan- 

432  BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  III.      §6. 

tic  example  extant  of  enormous  accessions  of  riches  acquired 
rapidly,  and  in  many  cases  unexpectedly,  by  a  few  families, 
from  the  mere  accident  of  their  possessing  certain  tracts  of 
land,  without  their  having  themselves  aided  in  the  acquisi- 
tion by  the  smallest  exertion,  outlay,  or  risk.  So  far  there- 
fore as  a  house-tax  falls  on  the  ground-landlord,  it  is  liable 
to  no  valid  objection. 

In  so  far  as  it  falls  on  the  occupier,  if  justly  proportioned 
to  the  value  of  the  house,  it  is  one  of  the  fairest  and  most 
unobjectionable  of  all  taxes.  No  part  of  a  person's  expend- 
iture is  a  better  criterion  of  his  means,  or  bears,  on  the 
whole,  more  nearly  the  same  proportion  to  them,  A  house- 
tax  is  a  nearer  approach  to  a  fair  income-tax,  than  a  direct 
assessment  on  income  can  easily  be ;  having  the  great 
advantage,  that  it  makes  spontaneously  all  the  allowances 
which  it  is  so  difficult  to  make,  and  so  impracticable  to  make 
exactly,  in  assessing  an  income-tax :  for  if  what  a  person 
pays  in  house-rent  is  a  test  of  anything,  it  is  a  test  not  of 
what  he  possesses,  but  of  what  he  thinks  he  can  afford  to 
spend.  The  equality  of  this  tax  can  only  be  seriously  ques- 
tioned on  two  grounds.  The  first  is,  that  a  miser  may  escape 
it.  This  objection  applies  to  all  taxes  on  expenditure :  noth- 
ing but  a  direct  tax  on  income  can  reach  a  miser.  But  as 
misers  do  not  now  hoard  their  treasure,  but  invest  it  in 
productive  employments,  it  not  only  adds  to  the  national 
wealth,  and  consequently  to  the  general  means  of  paying 
taxes,  but  the  payment  claimable  from  itself  is  only  trans- 
ferred from  the  principal  sum  to  the  income  afterwards 
derived  from  it,  which  pays  taxes  as  soon  as  it  comes  to  be 
expended.  The  second  objection  is  that  a  person  may  re 
quire  a  larger  and.  more  expensive  house,  not  from  having 
greater  means,  but  from  having  a  larger  family.  Of  this, 
however,  he  is  not  entitled  to  complain  ;  since  having  a 
large  family  is  at  a  person's  own  choice :  and,  so  far  as  con- 
cerns the  public  interest,  is  a  thing  rather  to  be  discouraged 
than  promoted.* 

*  Another  common  objection  is  that  large  and  expensive  accommodation  is 
often  required,  not  as  a  residence,  but  for  business.     But  it  is  an  admitted  prin- 


A  large  portion  of  the  taxation  of  this  country  is  rais- 
ed by  a  house-tax.  The  parochial  taxation  of  the  towns 
entirely,  and  of  the  rural  districts  partially,  consists  of  an 
assessment  on  house-rent.  The  window-tax,  which  was 
also  a  house-tax,  but  of  a  bad  kind,  operating  as  a  tax  on 
light,  and  a  cause  of  deformity  in  building,  was  exchanged 
in  1851  for  a  house-tax  properly  so-called,  but  on  a  much 
lower  scale  than  that  which  existed  previously  to  1834.  It 
is  to  be  lamented  that  the  new  tax  retains  the  unjust  princi- 
ple on  which  the  old  house-tax  was  assessed,  and  which  con- 
tributed quite  as  much  as  the  selfishness  of  the  middle  classes 
to  produce  the  outcry  against  the  tax.  The  public  were 
justly  scandalized  on  learning  that  residences  like  Chatsworth 
or  Belvoir  were  only  rated  on  an  imaginary  rent  of  perhaps 
2001.  a  year,  under  the  pretext  that  owing  to  the  great  ex- 
pense of  keeping  them  up,  they  could  not  be  let  for  more. 
Probably,  indeed,  they  could  not  be  let  even  for  that,  and  if 
the  argument  were  a  fair  one,  they  ought  not  to  have  been 
taxed  at  all.  But  a  house-tax  is  not  intended  as  a  tax  on 
incomes  derived  from  houses,  but  on  expenditure  incurred 
for  them.     The  thing  which  it  is  wished  to  ascertain  is  what 

ciple  that  buildings  or  portions  of  buildings  occupied  exclusively  for  business, 
such  as  shops,  warehouses,  or  manufactories,  ought  to  be  exempted  from  house- 
tax.  The  plea  that  persons  in  business  may  be  compelled  to  live  in  situations, 
such  as  the  great  thoroughfares  of  London,  where  house-rent  is  at  a  monopoly 
rate,  seems  to  me  unworthy  of  regard :  since  no  one  does  so  but  because  the 
extra  profit  which  he  expects  to  derive  from  the  situation,  is  more  than  an  equiv- 
alent to  him  for  the  extra  cost.  But  in  any  case,  the  bulk  of  the  tax  on  this 
extra  rent  will  not  fall  on  him,  but  on  the  ground-landlord. 

It  has  been  also  objected  that  house-rent  in  the  rural  districts  is  much  lower 
than  in  towns,  and  lower  in  some  towns  and  in  some  rural  districts  than  in 
others :  so  that  a  tax  proportioned  to  it  would  have  a  corresponding  inequality 
of  pressure.  To  this,  however,  it  may  be  answered,  that  in  places  where  house- 
rent  is  low,  persons  of  the  same  amount  of  income  usually  live  in  larger  and 
better  houses,  and  thus  expend  in  house-rent  more  nearly  the  same  proportion 
of  their  incomes  than  might  at  first  sight  appear.  Or  if  not,  the  probability  will 
be,  that  many  of  them  live  in  those  places  precisely  because  they  are  too  poor  to 
live  elsewhere,  and  have  therefore  the  strongest  claim  to  be  taxed  lightly.  In 
some  cases,  it  is  precisely  because  the  people  are  poor,  that  house-rent  remains 


434:  BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  in.     §6. 

a  house  costs  to  the  person  who  lives  in  it,  not  what  it 
would  bring  in  if  let  to  some  one  else.  When  the  occupier 
is  not  the  owner,  and  does  not  hold  on  a  repairing  lease, 
the  rent  he  pays  is  the  measure  of  what  the  house  costs  him  : 
but  when  he  is  the  owner,  some  other  measure  must  be 
sought.  A  valuation  should  be  made  of  the  house,  not  at 
what  it  would  sell  for,  but  at  what  would  be  the  cost  of 
rebuilding  it,  and  this  valuation  might  be  periodically  cor- 
rected by  an  allowance  for  what  it  had  lost  in  value  by 
time,  or  gained  by  repairs  and  improvements.  The  amount 
of  the  amended  valuation  would  form  a  principal  sum,  the 
interest  of  which,  at  the  current  price  of  the  public  funds, 
would  form  the  annual  value  at  which  the  building  should 
be  assessed  to  the  tax. 

As  incomes  below  a  certain  amount  ought  to  be  exempt 
from  income-tax,  so  ought  houses  below  a  certain  value, 
from  house-tax,  on  the  universal  principle  of  sparing 
from  all  taxation  the  absolute  necessaries  of  healthful  exist- 
ence. In  order  that  the  occupiers  of  lodgings,  as  well  as 
of  houses,  might  benefit,  as  in  justice  they  ought,  by  this 
exemption,  it  might  be  optional  with  the  owners  to  have 
every  portion  of  a  house  which  is  occupied  by  a  separate 
tenant,  valued  and  assessed  separately,  as  is  now  usually  the 
case  with  chambers. 



§  1.  By  taxes  on  commodities  are  commonly  meant, 
those  which  are  levied  either  on  the  producers,  or  on  the 
carriers  or  dealers  who  intervene  between  them  and  the  final 
purchasers  for  consumption.  Taxes  imposed  directly  on  the 
consumers  of  particular  commodities,  such  as  a  house-tax,  or 
the  tax  in  this  country  on  horses  and  carriages,  might  be 
called  taxes  on  commodities,  but  are  not ;  the  phrase  being, 
by  custom,  confined  to  indirect  taxes — those  which  are  ad- 
vanced by  one  person,  to  be,  as  is  expected  and  intended, 
reimbursed  by  another.  Taxes  on  commodities  are  either 
on  production  within  the  country,  or  on  importation  into  it, 
or  on  conveyance  or  sale  within  it ;  and  are  classed  respect- 
ively as  excise,  customs,  or  tolls  and  transit  duties.  To 
whichever  class  they  belong,  and  at  whatever  stage  in  the 
progress  of  the  community  they  may  be  imposed,  they  are 
equivalent  to  an  increase  of  the  cost  of  production ;  using  that 
term  in  its  most  enlarged  sense,  which  includes  the  cost  of 
transport  and  distribution,  or,  in  common  phrase,  of  bringing 
the  commodity  to  market. 

When  the  cost  of  production  is  increased  artificially  by  a 
tax,  the  effect  is  the  same  as  when  it  is  increased  by  natural 
causes.  If  only  one  or  a  few  commodities  are  affected,  their 
value  and  price  rise,  so  as  to  compensate  the  producer  or 
dealer  for  the  peculiar  burden  ;  but  if  there  were  a  tax  on 
all  commodities,  exactly  proportioned  to  their  value,  no  such 
compensation  would  be  obtained  :  there  would  neither  be  a 

436  BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  IV.     §2. 

general  rise  of  values,  which  is  an  absurdity,  nor  of  prices, 
which  depend  on  causes  entirely  different.  There  would, 
however,  as  Mr.  M'Culloch  has  pointed  out,  be  a  disturbance 
of  values,  some  falling,  others  rising,  owing  to  a  circum- 
stance, the  effect  of  which  on  values  and  prices  we  formerly 
discussed ;  the  different  durability  of  the  capital  employed  in 
different  occupations.  The  gross  produce  of  industry  consists 
of  two  parts  ;  one  portion  serving  to  replace  the  capital  con- 
sumed, while  the  other  portion  is  profit.  Now  equal  capital 
in  two  branches  of  production  must  have  equal  expectations 
of  profit ;  but  if  a  greater  portion  of  the  one  than  of  the  other 
is  fixed  capital,  or  if  that  fixed  capital  is  more  durable,  there 
will  be  a  less  consumption  of  capital  in  the  year,  and  less 
will  be  required  to  replace  it,  so  that  the  profit,  if  abso- 
lutely the  same,  will  form  a  greater  proportion  of  the  annual 
returns.  To  derive  from  a  capital  of  1000?.  a  profit  of  100?., 
the  one  producer  may  have  to  sell  produce  to  the  value  of 
1100?.,  the  other  only  to  the  value  of  500?.  If  on  these  two 
branches  of  industry  a  tax  be  imposed  of  five  per  cent,  ad 
valorem,  the  last  will  be  charged  only  with  25?.,  the  first  with 
55?.  ;  leaving  to  the  one  75?.  profit,  to  the  other  only  45?. 
To  equalize,  therefore,  their  expectation  of  profit,  the  one 
commodity  must  rise  in  price,  or  the  other  must  fall,  or  both : 
commodities  made  chiefly  by  immediate  labour  must  rise  in 
value,  as  compared  with  those  which  are  chiefly  made  by 
machinery.  It  is  unnecessary  to  prosecute  this  branch  of 
the  inquiry  any  further. 

§  2.  A  tax  on  any  one  commodity,  whether  laid  on  its 
production,  its  importation,  its  carriage  from  place  to  place, 
or  its  sale,  and  whether  the  tax  be  a  fixed  sum  of  money  for 
a  given  quantity  of  the  commodity,  or  an  ad  valorem  duty, 
will,  as  a  general  rule,  raise  the  value  and  price  of  the  com- 
modity by  at  least  the  amount  of  the  tax.  There  are  few 
cases  in  which  it  does  not  raise  them  by  more  than  that 
amount.  In  the  first  place,  there  are  few  taxes  on  produc- 
tion on  account  of  which  it  is  not  found  or  deemed  neces- 


sary  to  impose  restrictive  regulations  on  the  manufacturers  or 
dealers,  in  order  to  check  evasions  of  the  tax.  These  regu- 
lations are  always  sources  of  trouble  and  annoyance,  and 
generally  of  expense,  for  all  of  which,  being  peculiar  disad- 
vantages, the  producers  or  dealers  must  have  compensation 
in  the  price  of  their  commodity.  These  restrictions  also  fre- 
quently interfere  with  the  processes  of  manufacture,  requir- 
ing the  producer  to  carry  on  his  operations  in  the  way  most 
convenient  to  the  revenue,  though  not  the  cheapest  or  most 
efficient  for  purposes  of  production.  Any  regulations  what- 
ever, enforced  by  law.  make  it  difficult  for  the  producer  to 
adopt  new  and  improved  processes.  Further,  the  necessity 
of  advancing  the  tax  obliges  producers  and  dealers  to  carry 
on  their  business  with  larger  capitals  than  would  otherwise 
be  necessary,  on  the  whole  of  which  they  must  receive  the 
ordinary  rate  of  profit,  though  a  part  only  is  employed  in 
defraying  the  real  expenses  of  production  or  importation. 
The  price  of  the  article  must  be  such  as  to  afford  a  profit  on 
more  than  its  natural  value,  instead  of  a  profit  on  only  its 
natural  value.  A  part  of  the  capital  of  the  country,  in  short, 
is  not  employed  in  production,  but  in  advances  to  the  state, 
repaid  in  the  price  of  goods  ;  and  the  consumers  must  give 
an  indemnity  to  the  sellers,  equal  to  the  profit  which  they 
could  have  made  on  the  same  capital  if  really  employed  in 
production.  Neither  ought  it  to  be  forgotten,  that  whatever 
renders  a  larger  capital  necessary  in  any  trade  or  business, 
limits  the  competition  in  that  business  ;  and  by  giving  some- 
thing like  a  monopoly  to  a  few  dealers,  may  enable  them 
either  to  keep  up  the  price  beyond  what  would  afford  the 
ordinary  rate  of  profit,  or  to  obtain  the  ordinary  rate  of 
profit  with  a  less  degree  of  exertion  for  improving  and 
cheapening  their  commodity.  In  these  several  modes, 
taxes  on  commodities  often  cost  to  the  consumer,  through 
the  increased  price  of  the  article,  much  more  than  they 
bring  into  the  treasury  of  the  state.  There  is  still  another 
consideration.  The  higher  price  necessitated  by  the  tax, 
almost  always  checks  the  demand  for  the  commodity  ;  and 

438  BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  IV.      §3. 

since  there  are  many  improvements  in  production  which, 
to  make  them  practicable,  require  a  certain  extent  of 
demand,  such  improvements  are  obstructed,  and  many  of 
them  prevented  altogether.  It  is  a  well-known  fact,  that 
the  branches  of  production  in  which  fewest  improvements 
are  made,  are  those  with  which  the  revenue  officer  inter- 
feres ;  and  that  nothing,  in  general,  gives  a  greater  impulse 
to  improvements  in  the  production  of  a  commodity,  than 
taking  off  a  tax  which  narrowed  the  market  for  it. 

§  3.  Such  are  the  effects  of  taxes  on  commodities,  con- 
sidered generally  ;  but  as  there  are  some  commodities  (those 
composing  the  necessaries  of  the  labourer)  of  which  the 
values  have  an  influence  on  the  distribution  of  wealth  among 
different  classes  of  the  community,  it  is  requisite  to  trace 
the  effects  of  taxes  on  those  particular  articles  somewhat 
farther.  If  a  tax  be  laid,  say  on  corn,  and  the  price  rises  in 
proportion  to  the  tax,  the  rise  of  price  may  operate  in  two 
ways.  First :  it  may  lower  the  condition  of  the  labouring 
classes  ;  temporarily  indeed  it  can  scarcely  fail  to  do  so. 
If  it  diminishes  their  consumption  of  the  produce  of  the 
earth,  or  makes  them  resort  to  a  food  which  the  soil  pro- 
duces more  abundantly,  and  therefore  more  cheaply,  it  to 
that  extent  contributes  to  throw  back  agriculture  upon  more 
fertile  lands  or  less  costly  processes,  and  to  lower  the  value 
and  price  of  corn  ;  which  therefore  ultimately  settles  at  a 
price,  increased  not  by  the  whole  amount  of  the  tax,  but  by 
only  a  part  of  its  amount.  Secondly,  however,  it  may  hap- 
pen that  the  dearness  of  the  taxed  food  does  not  lower  the 
habitual  standard  of  the  labourer's  requirements,  but  that 
wages,  on  the  contrary,  through  an  action  on  population, 
rise,  in  a  shorter  or  longer  period,  so  as  to  compensate  the 
labourers  for  their  portion  of  the  tax ;  the  compensation 
being  of  course  at  the  expense  of  profits.  Taxes  on  necessa- 
ries must  thus  have  one  of  two  effects.  Either  they  lower 
the  condition  of  the  labouring  classes ;  or  they  exact  from 
the  owners  of  capital,  in  addition  to  the  amount  due  to  the 


state  on  their  own  necessaries,  the  amount  due  on  those 
consumed  by  the  labourers.  In  the  last  case,  the  tax  on 
necessaries,  like  a  tax  on  wages,  is  equivalent  to  a  peculiar 
tax  on  profits ;  which  is,  like  all  other  partial  taxation, 
unjust,  and  is  specially  prejudicial  to  the  increase  of  the 
national  wealth. 

It  remains  to  speak  of  the  effect  on  rent.  Assuming 
(what  is  usually  the  fact,)  that  the  consumption  of  food  is 
not  diminished,  the  same  cultivation  as  before  will  be  neces- 
sary to  supply  the  wants  of  the  community  ;  the  margin  of 
cultivation,  to  use  Dr.  Chalmers'  expression,  remains  where 
it  was ;  and  the  same  land  or  capital  which,  as  the  least 
productive,  already  regulated  the  value  and  price  of  the 
whole  produce,  will  continue  to  regulate  them.  The  effect 
which  a  tax  on  agricultural  produce  will  have  on  rent, 
depends  on  its  affecting  or  not  affecting  the  difference 
between  the  return  to  this  least  productive  land  or  capital, 
and  the  returns  to  other  lands  and  capitals.  Now  this 
depends  on  the  manner  in  which  the  tax  is  imposed.  If 
it  is  an  ad  valorem  tax,  or  what  is  the  same  thing,  a  fixed 
proportion  of  the  produce,  such  as  tithe  for  example,  it 
evidently  lowers  corn-rents.  For  it  takes  more  corn  from 
the  better  lands  than  from  the  worse ;  and  exactly  in  the 
degree  in  which  they  are  better ;  land  of  twice  the  produc- 
tiveness paying  twice  as  much  to  the  tithe.  Whatever  takes 
more  from  the  greater  of  two  quantities  than  from  the  less, 
diminishes  the  difference  between  them.  The  imposition  of 
a  tithe  on  corn  would  take  a  tithe  also  from  corn-rent :  for 
if  we  reduce  a  series  of  numbers  by  a  tenth  each,  the  differ- 
ences between  them  are  reduced  one-tenth. 

,  For  example,  let  there  be  five  qualities  of  land,  which 
severally  yield,  on  the  same  extent  of  ground  and  with  the 
same  expenditiure,  100,  90,  80,  TO,  and  60  bushels  of  wheat ; 
the  last  of  these  being  the  lowest  quality  which  the  demand 
for  food  renders  it  necessary  to  cultivate.  The  rent  of  these 
lands  will  be  as  follows ; — 

440  BOOK    V.      CHAPTER   IV.     §3. 

The  land  )  ,    )   will  yield   )  ,  „  ,„  ,     .    , 

,     .      }■  100  bushels  }  \    e}  100-60,  or  40  bushels, 

producing  )  )    a  rent  ol    ) 

That  producing        90  „  „  90—60,  or  30  „ 

„  80  „  „  80-60,  or  20  „ 

„  70  „  „  70-60,  or  10  „ 

60  „  „  no  rent. 

Now  let  a  tithe  be  imposed,  which  takes  from  these  five 
pieces  of  land  10,  9,  8,  7,  and  6  bushels  respectively,  the  fifth 
quality  still  being  the  one  which  regulates  the  price,  but 
returning  to  the  farmer,  after  payment  of  tithe,  no  more 
than  54  bushels  : — 

e  an    i   10Q  buglieis  re(juced  to  90  )  m    y*e     (.  90—54,  or  36  bushels, 

producing  )  (  a  rent  01  ) 

That      ) 
producing  I    9°      »  »  81  »  81-54,  or  27      „ 

80       ,,  „  72  „  72-54,  or  18       „ 

„  70       „  „  63  „  63— 54,  or    9       „ 

and  that  producing  60  bushels,  reduced  to  54,  will  yield,  as 
before,  no  rent.  So  that  the  rent  of  the  first  quality  of  land 
has  lost  four  bushels ;  of  the  second,  three ;  of  the  third, 
two  ;  and  of  the  fourth,  one  :  that  is,  each  has  lost  exactly 
one-tenth.  A  tax,  therefore,  of  a  fixed  proportion  of  the 
produce,  lowers,  in  the  same  proportion,  corn-rent. 

But  it  is  only  corn-rent  that  is  lowered,  and  not  rent  esti- 
mated in  money,  or  in  any  other  commodity.  For,  in  the 
same  proportion  as  corn-rent  is  reduced  in  quantity,  the  corn 
composing  it  is  raised  in  value.  Under  the  tithe,  54  bush- 
els will  be  worth  in  the  market  what  60  were  before  ;  and 
nine-tenths  will  in  all  cases  sell  for  as  much  as  the  whole 
ten-tenths  previously  sold  for.  The  landlords  will  therefore 
be  compensated  in  value  and  price  for  what  they  lose  in 
quantity  ;  and  will  suffer  only  so  far  as  they  consume  their 
rent  in  kind,  or,  after  receiving  it  in  money,  expend  it  in 
agricultural  produce  :  that  is,  they  only  suffer  as  consumers 
of  agricultural  produce,  and  in  common  with  all  the  other 
consumers.  Considered  as  landlords,  they  have  the  same 
income  as  before  ;  the  tithe,  therefore,  falls  on  the  consumer, 
and  not  on  the  landlord. 

The  same  effect  would  be  produced  on  rent,  if  the  tax, 


instead  of  being  a  fixed  proportion  of  the  produce,  were  a 
fixed  sum  per  quarter  or  per  bushel.  A  tax  which  takes  a 
shilling  for  every  bushel,  takes  more  shillings  from  one  field 
than  from  another,  just  in  proportion  as  it  produces  more 
bushels  ;  and  operates  exactly  like  tithe,  except  that  tithe  is 
not  only  the  same  proportion  on  all  lands,  but  is  also  the  same 
proportion  at  all  times,  while  a  fixed  sum  of  money  per 
bushel  will  amount  to  a  greater  or  less  proportion,  according 
as  corn  is  cheap  or  dear. 

There  are  other  modes  of  taxing  agriculture,  which  would 
affect  rent  differently.  A  tax  proportioned  to  the  rent 
would  fall  wholly  on  the  rent,  and  would  not  at  all  raise  the 
price  of  corn,  which  is  regulated  by  the  portion  of  the  prod- 
uce that  pays  no  rent.  A  fixed  tax  of  so  much  per  culti- 
vated acre,  without  distinction  of  value,  would  have  effects 
directly  the  reverse.  Taking  no  more  from  the  best  quali- 
ties of  land  than  from  the  worst,  it  would  leave  the  differ- 
ences the  same  as  before,  and  consequently  the  same  corn- 
rents,  and  the  landlords  would  profit  to  the  full  extent  of 
the  rise  of  price.  To  put  the  thing  in  another  manner ; 
the  price  must  rise  sufficiently  to  enable  the  worst  land  to 
pay  the  tax :  thus  enabling  all  lands  which  produce  more 
than  the  worst,  to  pay  not  only  the  tax,  but  also  an  in- 
creased rent  to  the  landlords.  These,  however,  are  not  so 
much  taxes  on  the  produce  of  land,  as  taxes  on  the  land 
itself.  Taxes  on  the  produce,  properly  so  called,  whether 
fixed  or  ad  valorem,  do  not  affect  rent,  but  fall  on  the  con- 
sumer :  profits,  however,  generally  bearing  either  the  whole 
or  the  greatest  part  of  the  portion  which  is  levied  on  the 
consumption  of  the  labouring  classes. 

§  4.  The  preceding  is,  I  apprehend,  a  correct  statement 
of  the  manner  in  which  taxes  on  agricultural  produce  oper- 
ate when  first  laid  on.  When,  however,  they  are  of  old 
standing,  their  effect  may  be  different,  as  was  first  pointed 
out,  1  believe,  by  Mr.  Senior.  It  is,  as  we  have  seen,  an 
almost  infallible  consequence  of  any  reduction  of  profits  to 

442  BOOK  V.      CHAPTER  IV.      §4. 

retard  the  rate  of  accumulation.  Now  the  effect  of  accu- 
mulation, when  attended  by  its  usual  accompaniment,  an  in- 
crease of  population,  is  to  increase  the  value  and  price  of 
food,  to  raise  rent,  and  to  lower  profits :  that  is,  to  do  pre- 
cisely what  is  done  by  a  tax  on  agricultural  produce,  except 
that  this  does  not  raise  rent.  The  tax,  therefore,  merely 
anticipates  the  rise  of  price,  and  fall  of  profits,  which  would 
have  taken  place  ultimately  through  the  mere  progress  of 
accumulation  ;  while  it  at  the  same  time  prevents,  or  at  least 
retards,  that  progress.  If  the  rate  of  profit  was  such,  pre- 
vious to  the  imposition  of  a  tithe,  that  the  effect  of  the  tithe 
reduces  it  to  the  practical  minimum,  the  tithe  will  put  a 
stop  to  all  further  accumulation,  or  cause  it  to  take  place 
out  of  the  country  ;  and  the  only  effect  which  the  tithe  will 
then  have  had  on  the  consumer,  is  to  make  him  pay  earlier 
the  price  which  he  would  have  had  to  pay  somewhat  later — 
part  of  which,  indeed,  in  the  gradual  progress  of  wealth  and 
population,  he  would  have  almost  immediately  begun  to 
pay.  After  a  lapse  of  time  which  would  have  admitted  of 
a  rise  of  one-tenth  from  the  natural  progress  of  wealth,  the 
consumer  will  be  paying  no  more  than  he  would  have  paid 
if  the  tithe  had  never  existed ;  he  will  have  ceased  to  pay 
any  portion  of  it,  and  the  person  who  will  really  pay  it  is 
the  landlord,  whom  it  deprives  of  the  increase  of  rent  which 
would  by  that  time  have  accrued  to  him.  At  every  suc- 
cessive point  in  this  interval  of  time,  less  of  the  burden 
will  rest  on  the  consumer,  and  more  of  it  on  the  landlord  : 
and  in  the  ultimate  result,  the  minimum  of  profits  will  be 
reached  with  a  smaller  capital  and  population,  and  a  lower 
rental,  than  if  the  course  of  things  had  not  been  disturbed 
by  the  imposition  of  the  tax.  If,  on  the  other  hand,  the  tithe 
or  other  tax  on  agricultural  produce  does  not  reduce  profits 
to  the  minimum,  but  to  something  above  the  minimum, 
accumulation  will  not  be  stopped,  but  only  slackened  :  and 
if  population  also  increases,  the  two-fold  increase  will  con- 
tinue to  produce  its  effects — a  rise  of  the  price  of  corn,  and 
an   increase   of  rent.     These    consequences,  however,  will 


not  take  place  with  the  same  rapidity  as  if  the  higher  rate 
of  profit  had  continued.  At  the  end  of  twenty  years  the 
country  will  have  a  smaller  population  and  capital,  than, 
but  for  the  tax,  it  would  by  that  time  have  had  ;  the  land- 
lords will  have  a  smaller  rent ;  and  the  price  of  corn  having 
increased  less  rapidly  than  it  would  otherwise  have  done, 
will  not  be  so  much  as  a  tenth  higher  that  what,  if  there  had 
been  no  tax,  it  would  by  that  time  have  become.  A  part 
of  the  tax,  therefore,  will  already  have  ceased  to  fall  on  the 
consumer,  and  devolved  upon  the  landlord  ;  and  the  pro- 
portion will  become  greater  and  greater  by  lapse  of  time. 

Mr.  Senior  illustrates  this  view  of  the  subject  by  likening 
the  effects  of  tithes,  or  other  taxes  on  agricultural  produce, 
to  those  of  natural  sterility  of  soil.  If  the  land  of  a  country 
without  access  to  foreign  supplies,  were  suddenly  smitten 
with  a  permanent  deterioration  of  quality,  to  an  extent 
which  would  make  a  tenth  more  labour  necessary  to  raise 
the  existing  produce,  the  price  of  corn  would  undoubtedly 
rise  one-tenth.  But  it  cannot  hence  be  inferred  that  if  the 
soil  of  the  country  had  from  the  beginning  been  one-tenth 
worse  than  it  is,  corn  would  at  present  have  been  one-tenth 
dearer  than  we  find  it.  It  is  far  more  probable,  that  the 
smaller  return  to  labour  and  capital,  ever  since  the  first 
settlement  of  the  country,  would  have  caused  in  each  suc- 
cessive generation  a  less  rapid  increase  than  has  taken  place  : 
that  the  country  would  now  have  contained  less  capital,  and 
maintained  a  smaller  population,  so  that  notwithstanding  the 
inferiority  of  the  soil,  the  price  of  corn  would  not  have  been 
higher,  nor  profits  lower,  than  at  present ;  rent  alone  would 
certainly  have  been  lower.  We  may  suppose  two  islands, 
which,  being  alike  in  extent,  in  natural  fertility,  and  indus- 
trial advancement,  have  up  to  a  certain  time  been  equal  in 
population  and  capital,  and  have  had  equal  rentals,  and  the 
same  price  of  corn.  Let  us  imagine  a  tithe  imposed  in  one 
of  these  islands,  but  not  in  the  other.  There  will  be  imme- 
diately a  difference  in  the  price  of  corn,  and  therefore  prob- 
ably in  profits.     While  profits  are  not  tending  downwards 

444  BOOK  V.     CHAPTEK  IV.      §4. 

in  either  country,  that  is,  while  improvements  in  the  pro- 
duction of  necessaries  fully  keep  pace  with  the  increase  of 
population,  this  difference  of  prices  and  profits  between  the 
islands  may  continue.  But  if,  in  the  untithed  island,  cap- 
ital increases,  and  population  along  with  it,  more  than  enough 
to  counterbalance  any  improvements  which  take  place,  the 
price  of  corn  will  gradually  rise,  profits  will  fall,  and  rent  will 
increase  ;  while  in  the  tithed  island  capital  and  population 
will  either  not  increase  (beyond  what  is  balanced  by  the 
improvements),  or  if  they  do,  will  increase  in  a  less  degree  ; 
bo  that  rent  and  the  price  of  corn  will  either  not  rise  at  all, 
or  rise  more  slowly.  Eent,  therefore,  will  soon  be  higher  in 
the  untithed,  than  in  the  tithed  island,  and  profits  not  so 
much  higher  nor  corn  so  much  cheaper,  as  they  were  on  the 
first  imposition  of  the  tithe.  These  effects  will  be  progressive. 
At  the  end  of  every  ten  years  there  will  be  a  greater  differ- 
ence between  the  rentals  and  between  the  aggregate  wealth 
and  population  of  the  two  islands,  and  a  less  difference  in 
profits  and  in  the  price  of  corn. 

At  what  point  will  these  last  differences  entirely  cease, 
and  the  temporary  effect  of  taxes  on  agricultural  produce,  in 
raising  the  price,  have  entirely  given  place  to  the  ultimate 
effect,  that  of  limiting  the  total  produce  of  the  country  ? 
Though  the  untithed  island  is  always  verging  towards  the 
point  at  which  the  price  of  food  would  overtake  that  in  the 
tithed  island,  its  progress  towards  that  point  naturally 
slackens  as  it  draws  nearer  to  attaining  it ;  since — the  differ- 
ence between  the  two  islands  in  the  rapidity  of  accumula- 
tion, depending  upon  the  difference  in  the  rates  of  profit — in 
proportion  as  these  approximate,  the  movement  which  draws 
them  closer  together,  abates  of  its  force.  The  one  may  not 
actually  overtake  the  other,  until  both  islands  reach  the 
minimum  of  profits  :  up  to  that  point,  the  tithed  island  may 
continue  more  or  less  ahead  of  the  untithed  island  in  the 
price  of  corn  :  considerably  ahead  if  it  is  far  from  the  mini- 
mum, and  is  therefore  accumulating  rapidly  ;  very  little 
ahead  if  it  is  near  the  minimum,  and  accumulating 


But  whatever  is  true  of  the  tithed  and  untithed  islands, 
in  our  hypothetical  case,  is  true  of  any  country  having  a 
tithe,  compared  with  the  same  country  if  it  had  never 
had  a  tithe. 

In  England  the  great  emigration  of  capital,  and  the 
almost  periodical  occurrence  of  commercial  crises  through 
the  speculations  occasioned  by  the  habitually  low  rate  of 
profit,  are  indications  that  profit  has  attained  the  practical, 
though  not  the  ultimate  minimum,  and  that  all  the  savings 
which  take  place  (beyond  what  improvements,  tending  to 
the  cheapening  of  necessaries,  make  room  for)  are  either  sent 
abroad  for  investment,  or  periodically  swept  away.  There 
can  therefore,  I  think,  be  little  doubt  that  if  England  had 
never  had  a  tithe,  or  any  tax  on  agricultural  produce,  the 
price  of  corn  would  have  been  by  this  time  as  high,  and  the 
rate  of  profits  as  low,  as  at  present.  Independently  of  the 
more  rapid  accumulation  which  would  have  taken  place  if 
profits  had  not  been  prematurely  lowered  by  these  imposts  ; 
the  mere  saving  of  a  part  of  the  capital  which  has  been 
wasted  in  unsuccessful  speculations,  and  the  keeping  at  home 
a  part  of  that  which  has  been  sent  abroad,  would  have 
been  quite  sufficient  to  produce  the  effect.  I  think,  there- 
fore, with  Mr.  Senior,  that  the  tithe,  even  before  its  com- 
mutation, had  ceased  to  be  a  cause  of  high  prices  or  low 
profits,  and  had  become  a  mere  deduction  from  rent ;  its 
other  effects  being,  that  it  caused  the  country  to  have  no 
greater  capital,  no  larger  production,  and  no  more  numerous 
population  than  if  had  been  one-tenth  less  fertile  than  it  is ; 
or  let  us  rather  say  one-twentieth,  (considering  how  great  a 
portion  of  the  land  of  Great  Britain  was  tithe-free.) 

But  though  tithes  and  other  taxes  on  agricultural  prod- 
uce, when  of  long  standing,  either  do  not  raise  the  price  of 
food  and  lower  profits  at  all,  or  if  at  all,  not  in  proportion  to 
the  tax ;  yet  the  abrogation  of  such  taxes,  when  they  exist, 
does  not  the  less  diminish  price,  and,  in  general,  raise  the 
rate  of  profit.  The  abolition  of  a  tithe  takes  one-tenth  from 
the  cost  of  production,  and  consequently  from  the  price,  of 

446  B00K  V-      CHAPTER  IV.     §4. 

all  agricultural  produce ;  and  unless  it  permanently  raises 
the  labourer's  requirements,  it  lowers  the  cost  of  labour,  and 
raises  profits.  Rent,  estimated  in  money  or  in  commodities, 
generally  remains  as  before  ;  estimated  in  agricultural  prod- 
uce, it  is  raised.  The  country  adds  as  much  by  the  repeal 
of  a  tithe,  to  the  margin  which  intervenes  between  it  and  the 
stationary  state,  as  was  cut  off  from  that  margin  by  the  tithe 
when  first  imposed.  Accumulation  is  greatly  accelerated  ; 
and  if  population  also  increases,  the  price  of  corn  imme- 
diately begins  to  recover  itself,  and  rent  to  rise  ;  thus  grad- 
ually transferring  the  benefit  of  the  remission,  from  the 
consumer  to  the  landlord. 

The  effects  which  thus  result  from  abolishing  tithe,  result 
equally  from  what  has  been  done  by  the  arrangements  under 
the  Commutation  Act  for  converting  it  into  a  rent  charge. 
When  the  tax,  instead  of  being  levied  on  the  whole  produce 
of  the  soil,  is  levied  only  from  the  portions  which  pay  rent, 
and  does  not  touch  any  fresh  extension  of  cultivation,  the 
tax  no  longer  forms  any  part  of  the  cost  of  production  of 
the  portion  of  the  produce  which  regulates  the  price  of  all 
the  rest.     The  land  or  capital  which  pays  no  rent,  can  now 
send  its  produce  to  market  one-tenth  cheaper.     The  com- 
mutation of  tithe  ought  therefore  to  have  produced  a  con- 
siderable fall  in  the  average  price  of  corn.     If  it  had  not 
come  so  gradually  into  operation,  and  if  the  price  of  corn  had 
not  during  the  same  period  been  under  the  influence  of  sev- 
eral other  causes  of  change,  the  effect  would  probably  have 
been  markedly  conspicuous.     As  it  is,  there  caD  be  no  doubt 
that  this  circumstance  has  had  its  share  in  the  fall  which  has. 
taken  place  in  the  cost  of  production  and  in  /the  price  of 
home-grown  produce ;  though  the  effects  of  the  great  agricul- 
tural improvements  which  have  been  simultaneously  advan- 
cing, and  of  the  free  admission  of  agricultural  produce  from 
foreign  countries,  have  masked   those  of  the  other  cause. 
This  fall  of  price  would  not  in  itself  have  any  tendency 
injurious  to  the  landlord,  since  corn-rents  are  increased  in  the 
same  ratio  in  which  the  price  of  corn  is  diminished.     But 


neither  does  it  in  any  way  tend  to  increase  his  income.  The 
rent-charge,  therefore,  which  is  substituted  for  tithe,  is  a 
dead  loss  to  him  at  the  expiration  of  existing  leases  :  and  the 
commutation  of  tithe  was  not  a  mere  alteration  in  the  mode 
in  which  the  landlord  bore  an  existing  burden,  but  the  im- 
position of  a  new  one  ;  relief  being  afforded  to  the  consumer 
at  the  expense  of  the  landlord,  who,  however,  begins  imme- 
diately to  receive  progressive  indemnification  at  the  con- 
sumer's expense,  by  the  impulse  given  to  accumulation  and 

§  5.  We  have  hitherto  inquired  into  the  effects  of  taxes 
on  commodities,  on  the  assumption  that  they  are  levied  im- 
partially on  every  mode  in  which  the  commodity  can  be 
produced  or  brought  to  market.  Another  class  of  considera- 
tions is  opened,  if  we  suppose  that  this  impartiality  is  not 
maintained,  and  that  the  tax  is  imposed,  not  on  the  com- 
modity, but  on  some  particular  mode  of  obtaining  it. 

Suppose  that  a  commodity  is  capable  of  being  made  by 
two  different  processes  ;  as  a  manufactured  commodity  may 
be  produced  either  by  hand  or  by  steam-power  ;  sugar  may 
be  made  either  from  the  sugar-cane  or  from  beet-root,  cattle 
fattened  either  on  hay  and  green  crops,  or  on  oil-cake  and 
the  refuse  of  breweries.  It  is  the  interest  of  the  community  v 
that  of  the  two  methods,  producers  should  adopt  that  which 
produces  the  best  article  at  the  lowest  price.  This  being 
also  the  interest  of  the  producers,  unless  protected  against 
competition,  and  shielded  from  the  penalties  of  indolence  ; 
the  process  most  advantageous  to  the  community  is  that 
which,  if  not  interfered  with  by  government,  they  ulti- 
mately find  it  to  their  advantage  to  adopt.  Suppose  how- 
ever that  a  tax  is  laid  on  one  of  the  processes,  and  no  tax  at 
all,  or  one  of  smaller  amount,  on  the  other.  If  the  taxed 
process  is  the  one  which  the  producers  would  not  have 
adopted,  the  measure  is  simply  nugatory.  But  if  the  tax 
falls,  as  it  is  of  course  intended  to  do,  upon  the  one  which 
they  would  have  adopted,  it  creates  an  artificial  motive  for 

448  BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  IV.     §5. 

preferring  the  untaxed  process,  though  the  inferior  of  the 
two.  If,  therefore,  it  has  any  effect  at  all,  it  causes  the 
commodity  to  be  produced  of  worse  quality,  or  at  a  greater 
expense  of  labour ;  it  causes  so  much  of  the  labour  of  the 
community  to  be  wasted,  and  the  capital  employed  in  sup- 
porting and  remunerating  that  labour  to  be  expended  as 
uselessly,  as  if  it  were  spent  in  hiring  men  to  dig  holes  and 
fill  them  up  again.  This  waste  of  labour  and  capital  consti- 
tutes an  addition  to  the  cost  of  production  of  the  commod- 
ity, which  raises  its  value  and  price  in  a  corresponding  ratio, 
and  thus  the  owners  of  the  capital  are  indemnified.  The 
loss  falls  on  the  consumers ;  though  the  capital  of  the  coun- 
try is  also  eventually  diminished,  by  the  diminution  of  their 
means  of  saving,  and  in  some  degree,  of  their  inducements 
to  save. 

The  kind  of  tax,  therefore,  which  comes  under  the  general 
denomination  of  a  discriminating  duty,  transgresses  the  rule 
that  taxes  should  take  as  little  as  possible  from  the  tax-payer 
beyond  what  they  bring  into  the  treasury  of  the  state.  A 
discriminating  duty  makes  the  consumer  pay  two  distinct 
taxes,  only  one  of  which  is  paid  to  the  government,  and 
that  frequently  the  less  onerous  of  the  two.  If  a  tax  were 
laid  on  sugar  produced  from  the  cane,  leaving  the  sugar 
from  beet-root  untaxed,  then  in  so  far  as  cane  sugar  contin- 
ued to  be  used,  the  tax  on  it  would  be  paid  to  the  treasury, 
and  might  be  as  unobjectionable  as  most  other  taxes ;  but 
if  cane  sugar,  having  previously  been  cheaper  than  beet-root 
sugar,  was  now  dearer,  and  beet-root  sugar  was  to  any  con- 
siderable amount  substituted  for  it,  and  fields  laid  out  and 
manufactories  established  in  consequence,  the  government 
would  gain  no  revenue  from  the  beet-root  sugar,  while  the 
consumers  of  it  would  pay  a  real  tax.  They  would  pay  for 
beet-root  sugar  more  than  they  had  previously  paid  for  cane 
sugar,  and  the  difference  would  go  to  indemnify  producers 
for  a  portion  of  the  labour  of  the  country  actually  thrown 
away,  in  producing  by  the  labour  of  (say)  three  hundred 
men,  what  could  be  obtained  by  the  other  process  with  the 
labour  of  two  hundred. 


One  of  the  commonest  cases  of  discriminating  duties,  is 
that  of  a  tax  on  the  importation  of  a  commodity  capable  of 
being  produced  at  home,  unaccompanied  by  an  equivalent 
tax  on  the  home  production.  A  commodity  is  never  perma- 
nently imported,  unless  it  can  be  obtained  from  abroad  at  a 
smaller  cost  of  labour  and  capital  on  the  whole,  than  is 
necessary  for  producing  it.  If,  therefore,  by  a  duty  on  the 
importation,  it  is  rendered  cheaper  to  produce  the  article 
than  to  import  it,  an  extra  quantity  of  labour  and  capital  is 
expended,  without  any  extra  result.  The  labour  is  useless, 
and  the  capital  is  spent  in  paying  people  for  laboriously 
doing  nothing.  All  custom  duties  which  operate  as  an 
encouragement  to  the  home  production  of  the  taxed  article, 
are  thus  an  eminently  wasteful  mode  of  raising  a  revenue. 

This  character  belongs  in  a  peculiar  degree  to  custom 
duties  on  the  produce  of  land,  unless  countervailed  by  excise 
duties  on  the  home  production.  Such  taxes  bring  less  into 
the  public  treasury,  compared  with  what  they  take  from  the 
consumers,  than  any  other  imposts  to  which  civilized  na- 
tions are  usually  subject.  If  the  wheat  produced  in  a  coun- 
try is  twenty  millions  of  quarters,  and  the  consumption 
twenty-one  millions,  a  million  being  annually  imported, 
and  if  on  this  million  a  duty  is  laid  which  raises  the  price 
ten  shillings  per  quarter,  the  price  which  is  raised  is  not 
that  of  the  million  only,  but  of  the  whole  twenty-one  mil- 
lions. Taking  the  most  favourable,  but  extremely  improba- 
ble supposition,  that  the  importation  is  not  at  all  checked, 
nor  the  home  production  enlarged,  the  state  gains  a  revenue 
of  only  half  a  million,  while  the  consumers  are  taxed  ten 
millions  and  a  half :  the  ten  millions  being  a  contribution 
to  the  home  growers,  who  are  forced  by  competition  to 
resign  it  all  to  the  landlords.  The  consumer  thus  pays  to 
the  owners  of  land  an  additional  tax,  equal  to  twenty  times 
that  which  he  pays  to  the  state.  Let  us  now  suppose  that 
the  tax  really  checks  importation.  Suppose  importation 
stopped  altogether  in  ordinary  years  ;  it  being  found  that 
the  million  of  quarters  can  be  obtained,  by  a  more  elaborate 

450  BOOK  V.      CHAPTER  IV.     §5. 

cultivation,  or  by  breaking  up  inferior  land,  at  a  less  ad- 
vance than  ten  shillings  upon  the  previous  price — say,  for 
instance,  five  shillings  a  quarter.  The  revenue  now  obtains 
nothing,  except  from  the  extraordinary  imports  which  may 
happen  to  take  place  in  a  season  of  scarcity.  But  the  con- 
sumers pay  every  year  a  tax  of  five  shillings  on  the  whole 
twenty-one  millions  of  quarters,  amounting  to  5J  millions 
sterling.  Of  this  the  odd  250,000^.  goes  to  compensate  the 
growers  of  the  last  million  of  quarters  for  the  labour  and 
capital  wasted  under  the  compulsion  of  the  law.  The 
remaining  five  millions  go  to  enrich  the  landlords  as  be- 

Such  is  the  operation  of  what  are  technically  termed 
Corn  Laws,  when  first  laid  on  ;  and  such  continues  to  be 
their  operation,  so  long  as  they  have  any  effect  at  all  in 
raising  the  price  of  corn.  But  I  am  by  no  means  of  opin- 
ion that  in  the  long  run  they  keep  up  either  prices  or  rents 
in  the  degree  which  these  considerations  might  lead  us  to 
suppose.  What  we  have  said  respecting  the  effect  of  tithes 
and  other  taxes  on  agricultural  produce,  applies  in  a  great 
degree  to  corn  laws :  they  anticipate  artificially  a  rise  of 
price  and  of  rent,  which  would  at  all  events  have  taken 
place  through  the  increase  of  population  and  of  production. 
The  difference  between  a  country  without  corn  laws,  and  a 
country  which  has  long  had  corn  laws,  is  not  so  much  that 
the  last  has  a  higher  price  or  a  larger  rental,  but  that  it  has 
the  same  price  and  the  same  rental  with  a  smaller  aggregate 
capital  and  a  smaller  population.  The  imposition  of  corn 
laws  raises  rents,  but  retards  that  progress  of  accumulation 
which  would  in  no  long  period  have  raised  them  fully  as 
much.  The  repeal  of  corn  laws  tends  to  lower  rents,  but  it 
unchains  a  force  which,  in  a  progressive  state  of  capital  and 
population,  restores  and  even  increases  the  former  amount. 
There  is  every  reason  to  expect  that  under  the  virtually 
free  importation  of  agricultural  produce,  at  last  extorted 
from  the  ruling  powers  of  this  country,  the  price  of  food, 
if  population  goes  on  increasing,  will  gradually  but  steadily 


rise  ;  though  this  effect  may  for  a  time  be  postponed  by  the 
strong  current  which  in  this  country  has  set  in  (and  the  im- 
pulse is  extending  itself  to  other  countries)  towards  the 
improvement  of  agricultural  science,  and  its  increased 
application  to  practice. 

What  we  have  said  of  duties  on  importation  generally, 
is  equally  applicable  to  discriminating  duties  which  favour 
importation  from  one  place  or  in  one  particular  manner,  in 
contradistinction  to  others  ;  such  as  the  preference  given  to 
the  produce  of  a  colony,  or  of  a  country  with  which  there 
is  a  commercial  treaty  ;  or  the  higher  duties  formerly  im- 
posed by  our  navigation  laws  on  goods  imported  in  other 
than  British  shipping.  Whatever  else  may  be  alleged  in 
favour  of  such  distinctions,  whenever  they  are  not  nugatory, 
they  are  economically  wasteful.  They  induce  a  resort  to  a 
more  costly  mode  of  obtaining  a  commodity,  in  lieu  of  one 
less  costly,  and  thus  cause  a  portion  of  the  labour  which  the 
country  employs  in  providing  itself  with  foreign  commodi- 
ties, to  be  sacrificed  without  return. 

§  6.  There  is  one  more  point,  relating  to  the  operation 
of  taxes  on  commodities  conveyed  from  one  country  to 
another,  which  requires  notice ;  the  influence  which  they 
exert  on  international  exchanges.  Every  tax  on  a  commod- 
ity tends  to  raise  its  price,  and  consequently  to  lessen  the 
demand  for  it  in  the  market  in  which  it  is  sold.  All  taxes 
on  international  trade  tend,  therefore,  to  produce  a  disturb- 
ance and  a  re-adjustment  of  what  we  have  termed  the 
Equation  of  International  Demand.  This  consideration 
leads  to  some  rather  curious  consequences,  which  have  been 
pointed  out  in  the  separate  essay  on  International  Com- 
merce already  several  times  referred  to  in  this  treatise. 

Taxes  on  foreign  trade  are  of  two  kinds — taxes  on  im- 
ports, and  on  exports.  On  the  first  aspect  of  the  matter  it 
would  seem  that  both  these  taxes  are  paid  by  the  consumers 
of  the  commodity  ;  that  taxes  on  exports  consequently  fall 
entirely  on  foreigners,  taxes  on  imports  wholly  on  the  home 

452  BOOK  V.      CHAPTER  IV.     §6. 

consumer.     The  true  state  of  the  case,  however,  is  much 
more  complicated. 

"  By  taxing  exports,  we  may,  in  certain  circumstances, 
produce  a  division  of  the  advantage  of  the  trade  more 
favourable  to  ourselves.  In  some  cases  we  may  draw  into 
our  coffers,  at  the  expense  of  foreigners,  not  only  the 
whole  tax,  but  more  than  the  tax ;  in  other  cases,  we  should 
gain  exactly  the  tax  ;  in  others,  less  than  the  tax.  In  this 
last  case,  a  part  of  the  tax  is  borne  by  ourselves ;  possibly 
the  whole,  possibly  even,  as  we  shall  show,  more  than  the 

Reverting  to  the  supposititious  case  employed  in  the  Es- 
say, of  a  trade  between  Germany  and  England  in  broad- 
cloth and  linen,  "  suppose  that  England  taxes  her  export 
of  cloth,  the  tax  not  being  supposed  high  enough  to  induce 
Germany  to  produce  cloth  for  herself.  The  price  at  which 
cloth  can  be  sold  in  Germany  is  augmented  by  the  tax. 
This  will  probably  diminish  the  quantity  consumed.  It 
may  diminish  it  so  much  that,  even  at  the  increased  price, 
there  will  not  be  required  so  great  a  money  value  as  before. 
Or  it  may  not  diminish  it  at  all,  or  so  little,  that  in  conse- 
quence of  the  higher  price,  a  greater  money  value  will  be 
purchased  than  before.  In  this  last  case,  England  will  gain,, 
at  the  expense  of  Germany,  not  only  the  whole  amount  of 
the  duty,  but  more ;  for,  the  money  value  of  her  exports  to> 
Germany  being  increased,  while  her  imports  remain  the 
same,  money  will  flow  into  England  from  Germany.  The 
price  of  cloth  will  rise  in  England,  and  consequently  in 
Germany ;  but  the  price  of  linen  will  fall  in  Germany, 
and  consequently  in  England.  We  shall  export  less  cloth, 
and  import  more  linen,  till  the  equilibrium  is  restored. 
It  thus  appears  (what  is  at  first  sight  somewhat  remarkable) 
that  by  taxing  her  exports,  England  would,  in  some  con- 
ceivable circumstances,  not  only  gain  from  her  foreign  cus- 
tomers the  whole  amount  of  the  tax,  but  would  also  get  her 
imports  cheaper.  She  would  get  them  cheaper  in  two 
ways  ;  for  she  would  obtain  them  for  less  money,  and  would 


have  more  mOiiey  to  purchase  them  with.  Germany,  on 
the  other  hand,  would  suffer  doubly  :  she  would  have  to 
pay  for  her  cloth  a  price  increased  not  only  by  the  duty, 
but  by  the  influx  of  money  into  England,  while  the  same 
change  in  the  distribution  of  the  circulating  medium  would 
leave  her  less  money  to  purchase  it  with. 

"  This  however,  is  only  one  of  three  possible  cases.  If, 
after  the  imposition  of  the  duty,  Germany  requires  so  dimi- 
nished a  quantity  of  cloth,  that  its  total  value  is  exactly  the 
same  as  before,  the  balance  of  trade  would  be  undisturbed  ; 
England  will  gain  the  duty,  Germany  will  lose  it,  and  noth- 
ing more.  If,  again,  the  imposition  of  the  duty  occasions 
such  a  falling  off  in  the  demand  that  Germany  requires  a 
less  pecuniary  value  than  before,  our  exports  will  no  longer 
pay  for  our  imports  ;  money  must  pass  from  England  into 
Germany  ;  and  Germany's  share  of  the  advantage  of  the 
trade  will  be  increased.  By  the  change  in  the  distribution 
of  money,  cloth  will  fall  in  England  ;  and  therefore  it  will, 
of  course,  fall  in  Germany.  Thus  Germany  will  not  pay 
the  whole  of  the  tax.  From  the  same  cause,  linen  will  rise 
in  Germany,  and  consequently  in  England.  When  this 
alteration  of  prices  has  so  adjusted  the  demand,  that  the 
cloth  and  the  linen  again  pay  for  one  another,  the  result  is 
that  Germany  has  paid  only  a  part  of  the  tax,  and  the  re- 
mainder of  what  has  been  received  into  our  treasury  has 
come  indirectly  out  of  the  pockets  of  our  own  consumers  of 
linen,  who  pay  a  higher  price  for  that  imported  commodity 
in  consequence  of  the  tax  on  our  exports,  while  at  the  same 
time  they,  in  consequence  of  the  efflux  of  money  and  the 
fall  of  prices,  have  smaller  money  incomes  wherewith  to 
pay  for  the  linen  at  that  advanced  price. 

"  It  is  not  an  impossible  supposition  that  by  taxing  our 
exports  we  might  not  only  gain  nothing  from  the  foreigner, 
the  tax  being  paid  out  of  our  own  pockets,  but  might  even 
compel  our  own  people  to  pay  a  second  tax  to  the  foreigner. 
Suppose,  as  before,  that  the  demand  of  Germany  for  cloth 
falls  off  so  much  on  the  imposition  of  the  duty,  that  she 

454:  BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  IV.     §6. 

requires  a  smaller  money  value  than  before,  but  that  the 
case  is  so  different  with  linen  in  England,  that  when  the 
price  rises  the  demand  either  does  not  fall  off  at  all,  or  so 
little  that  the  money  value  required  is  greater  than  before. 
The  first  effect  of  laying  on  the  duty  is,  as  before,  that  the 
cloth  exported  will  no  longer  pay  for  the  linen  imported. 
Money  will  therefore  flow  out  of  England  into  Germany. 
One  effect  is  to  raise  the  price  of  linen  in  Germany,  and 
consequently  in  England.  But  this,  by  the  supposition,  in- 
stead of  stopping  the  efflux  of  money,  only  makes  it  greater, 
because  the  higher  the  price,  the  greater  the  money  value 
of  the  linen  consumed.  The  balance,  therefore,  can  only  be 
restored  by  the  other  effect,  which  is  going  on  at  the  same 
time,  namely,  the  fall  of  cloth  in  the  English  and  conse- 
quently in  the  German  market.  Even  when  cloth  has 
fallen  so  low  that  its  price  with  the  duty  is  only  equal  to 
what  its  price  without  the  duty  was  at  first,  it  is  not  a 
necessary  consequence  that  the  fall  will  stop  ;  for  the  same 
amount  of  exportation  as  before  will  not  now  suffice  to  pay 
the  increased  money  value  of  the  imports ;  and  although 
the  German  consumers  have  now  not  only  cloth  at  the  old 
price,  but  likewise  increased  money  incomes,  it  is  not  certain 
that  they  will  be  inclined  to  employ  the  increase  of  their 
incomes  in  increasing  their  purchases  of  cloth.  The  price  of 
cloth,  therefore,  must  perhaps  fall,  to  restore  the  equilibrium, 
more  than  the  whole  amount  of  the  duty  ;  Germany  may 
be  enabled  to  import  cloth  at  a  lower  price  when  it  is  taxed, 
than  when  it  was  untaxed :  and  this  gain  she  will  acquire 
at  the  expense  of  the  English  consumers  of  linen,  who,  in 
addition,  will  be  the  real  payers  of  the  whole  of  what  is 
received  at  their  own  custom-house  under  the  name  of 
duties  on  the  export  of  cloth." 

It  is  almost  unnecessary  to  remark  that  cloth  and  linen 
are  here  merely  representatives  of  exports  and  imports 
in  general ;  and  that  the  effect  which  a  tax  on  exports 
might  have  in  increasing  the  cost  of  imports,  would  affect 
the  imports  from   all   countries,   and  not    peculiarly   the 


articles  which  might  be  imported  from  the  particular  coun- 
try to  which  the  taxed  exports  were  sent. 

"  Such  are  the  extremely  various  effects  which  may 
result  to  ourselves  and  to  our  customers  from  the  imposition 
of  taxes  on  our  exports ;  and  the  determining  circumstan- 
ces are  of  a  nature  so  imperfectly  ascertainable,  that  it  must 
be  almost  impossible  to  decide  with  any  certainty,  even 
after  the  tax  has  been  imposed,  whether  we  have  been 
gainers  by  it  or  losers."  In  general  however  there  could  be 
little  doubt  that  a  country  which  imposed  such  taxes  MTould 
succeed  in  making  foreign  countries  contribute  something 
to  its  revenue ;  but  unless  the  taxed  article  be  one  for 
which  their  demand  is  extremely  urgent,  they  will  seldom 
pay  the  whole  of  the  amount  which  the  tax  brings  in.* 
"  In  any  case,  whatever  we  gain  is  lost  by  somebody  else, 
and  there  is  the  expense  of  the  collection  besides  :  if  inter- 
national morality,  therefore,  were  rightly  understood  and 
acted  upon,  such  taxes,  as  being  contrary  to  the  universal 
weal,  would  not  exist." 

Thus  far  of  duties  on  exports.  We  now  proceed  to  the 
more  ordinary  case  of  duties  on  imports.  "  We  have  had 
an  example  of  a  tax  on  exports,  that  is  on  foreigners,  fall- 
ing in  part  on  ourselves.  We  shall  therefore  not  be  sur- 
prised if  we  find  a  tax  on  imports,  that  is,  on  ourselves, 
partly  falling  upon  foreigners. 

"  Instead  of  taxing  the  cloth  which  we  export,  suppose 
that  we  tax  the  linen  which  we  import.  The  duty  which 
we  are  now  supposing  must  not  be  what  is  termed  a  pro- 
tecting duty,  that  is,  a  duty  sufficiently  high  to  induce  us 
to  produce  the  article  at  home.  If  it  had  this  effect,  it 
would  destroy  entirely  the  trade  both  in  cloth  and  in  linen, 
and  both  countries  would  lose  the  whole  of  the  advantage 

*  Probably  the  strongest  known  instance  of  a  large  revenue  raised  from  for- 
eigners by  a  tax  on  exports,  is  the  opium  trade  with  China.  The  high  price  of 
the  article  under  the  Government  monopoly  (which  is  equivalent  to  a  high  ex- 
port duty)  has  so  little  effect  in  discouraging  its  consumption,  that  it  is  said  to 
have  been  occasionally  sold  in  China  for  as  much  as  its  weight  in  silver. 

456  B00K  V.     CHAPTER  IV.     §6. 

which  they  previously  gained  by  exchanging  those  com- 
modities with  one  another.  We  suppose  a  duty  which 
might  diminish  the  consumption  of  the  article,  but  which 
would  not  prevent  us  from  continuing  to  import,  as  before, 
whatever  linen  we  did  consume. 

"  The  equilibrium  of  trade  would  be  disturbed  if  the  im- 
position of  the  tax  diminished,  in  the  slightest  degree,  the 
quantity  of  linen  consumed.  For,  as  the  tax  is  levied  at 
our  own  custom-house,  the  German  exporter  only  receives 
the  same  price  as  formerly,  though  the  English  consumer 
pays  a  higher  one.  If,  therefore,  there  be  any  diminution 
of  the  quantity  bought,  although  a  larger  sum  of  money 
may  be  actually  laid  out  in  the  article,  a  smaller  one  will  be 
due  from  England  to  Germany  :  this  sum  will  no  longer  be 
an  equivalent  for  the  sum  due  from  Germany  to  England 
for  cloth,  the  balance  therefore  must  be  paid  in  money. 
Prices  will  fall  in  Germany  and  rise  in  England  ;  linen  will 
fall  in  the  German  market ;  cloth  will  rise  in  the  English. 
The  Germans  will  pay  a  higher  price  for  cloth,  and  will 
have  smaller  money  incomes  to  buy  it  with  ;  while  the 
English  will  obtain  linen  cheaper,  that  is,  its  price  will  ex- 
ceed what  it  previously  was  by  less  than  the  amount  of  the 
duty,  while  their  means  of  purchasing  it  will  be  increased 
by  the  increase  of  their  money  incomes. 

"  If  the  imposition  of  the  tax  does  not  diminish  the  de- 
mand, it  will  leave  the  trade  exactly  as  it  was  before.  We 
shall  import  as  much,  and  export  as  much ;  the  whole  of 
the  tax  will  be  paid  out  of  our  own  pockets. 

"  Bat  the  imposition  of  a  tax  on  a  commodity  almost 
always  diminishes  the  demand  more  or  less ;  and  it  can 
never,  or  scarcely  ever,  increase  the  demand.  It  may, 
therefore,  be  laid  down  as  a  principle,  that  a  tax  on  import- 
ed commodities,  when  it  really  operates  as  a  tax,  and  not 
as  a  prohibition  either  total  or  partial,  almost  always  falls, 
in  part  upon  the  foreigners  who  consume  our  goods ;  and 
that  this  is  a  mode  in  which  a  nation  may  appropriate  to 
itself,  at  the  expense  of  foreigners,   a  larger  share  than 


would  otherwise  belong  to  it  of  the  increase  in  the  general 
productiveness  of  the  labour  and  capital  of  the  world, 
which  results  from  the  interchange  of  commodities  among 

Those  are,  therefore,  in  the  right  who  maintain  that 
taxes  on  imports  are  partly  paid  by  foreigners ;  but  they 
are  mistaken  when  they  say,  that  it  is  by  the  foreign  pro- 
ducer. It  is  not  on  the  person  from  whom  we  buy,  but  on 
all  those  who  buy  from  us,  that  a  portion  of  our  custom 
duties  spontaneously  falls.  It  is  the  foreign  consumer  of 
our  exported  commodities,  who  is  obliged  to  pay  a  higher 
price  for  them  because  we  maintain  revenue  duties  on 
foreign  goods. 

There  are  but  two  cases  in  which  duties  on  commodities 
can  in  any  degree,  or  in  any  manner,  fall  on  the  producer. 
One  is,  when  the  article  is  a  strict  monopoly,  and  at  a  scar- 
city price.  The  price  in  this  case  being  only  limited  by  the 
desires  of  the  buyer ;  the  sum  obtained  for  the  restricted 
supply  being  the  utmost  which  the  buyers  would  consent  to 
give  rather  than  go  without  it ;  if  the  treasury  intercepts  a 
part  of  this,  the  price  cannot  be  further  raised  to  compensate 
for  the  tax,  and  it  must  be  paid  from  the  monopoly  profits. 
A  tax  on  rare  and  high  priced  wines  will  fall  wholly  on  the 
growers,  or  rather,  on  the  owners  of  the  vineyards.  The 
second  case  in  which  the  producer  sometimes  bears  a  por- 
tion of  the  tax,  is  more  important :  the  case  of  duties  on  the 
produce  of  land  or  of  mines.  These  might  be  so  high  as  to 
diminish  materially  the  demand  for  the  produce,  and  com- 
pel the  abandonment  of  some  of  the  inferior  qualities  of  land 
or  mines.  Supposing  this  to  be  the  effect,  the  consumers, 
both  in  the  country  itself  and  in  those  which  dealt  with  it, 
would  obtain  the  produce  at  smaller  cost ;  and  a  part  only, 
instead  of  the  whole,  of  the  duty  would  fall  on  the  purchas- 
er, who  would  be  indemnified  chiefly  at  the  expense  of  the 
landowners  or  mine-owners  in  the  producing  country. 

Duties  on  importation  may,  then,  be  divided  "  into  two 
classes :  those  which  have  the  effect  of  encouraging  some 

458  BOOK  V.      CHAPTER  IV.     §6. 

particular  branch  of  domestic  industry,  and  those  which 
have  not.  The  former  are  purely  mischievous,  both  to  the 
country  imposing  them,  and  to  those  with  whom  it  trades. 
They  prevent  a  saving  of  labour  and  capital,  which,  if  per- 
mitted to  be  made,  would  be  divided  in  some  proportion  or 
other  between  the  importing  country  and  the  countries 
which  buy  what  that  country  does  or  might  export. 

"  The  other  class  of  duties  are  those  which  do  not 
encourage  one  mode  of  procuring  an  article  at  the  expense 
of  another,  but  allow  interchange  to  take  place  just  as  if  the 
duty  did  not  exist,  and  to  produce  the  saving  of  labour 
which  constitutes  the  motive  to  international,  as  to  all  other 
commerce.  Of  this  kind  are  duties  on  the  importation  of 
any  commodity  which  could  not  by  any  possibility  be  pro- 
duced at  home  ;  and  duties  not  sufficiently  high  to  counter- 
balance the  difference  of  expense  between  the  production  of 
the  article  at  home  and  its  importation.  Of  the  money 
which  is  brought  into  the  treasury  of  any  country  by  taxes 
of  this  last  description,  a  part  only  is  paid  by  the  people 
of  that  country ;  the  remainder  by  the  foreign  consumers 
of  their  goods. 

"  Nevertheless,  this  latter  kind  of  taxes  are  in  principle 
as  ineligible  as  the  former,  though  not  precisely  on  the  same 
ground.  A  protecting  duty  can  never  be  a  cause  of  gain, 
but  always  and  necessarily  of  loss,  to  the  country  imposing 
it,  just  so  far  as  it  is  efficacious  to  its  end.  A  non-protecting 
duty,  on  the  contrary,  would  in  most  cases  be  a  source  of 
gain  to  the  country  imposing  it,  in  so  far  as  throwing  part 
of  the  weight  of  its  taxes  upon  other  people  is  a  gain  ;  but 
it  would  be  a  means  which  it  could  seldom  be  advisable  to 
adopt,  being  so  easily  counteracted  by  a  precisely  similar 
proceeding  on  the  other  side. 

"  If  England,  in  the  case  already  supposed,  sought  to 
obtain  for  herself  more  than  her  natural  share  of  the  advan- 
tage of  the  trade  with  Germany,  by  imposing  a  duty  upon 
linen,  Germany  would  only  have  to  impose  a  duty  upon 
cloth,  sufficient  to   diminish   the  demand   for  that  article 


about  as  much  as  the  demand  for  linen  had  been  diminished 
in  England  by  the  tax.  Things  would  then  be  as  before, 
and  each  country  would  pay  its  own  tax.  Unless,  indeed, 
the  sum  of  the  two  duties  exceeded  the  entire  advantage  of 
the  trade  ;  for  in  that  case  the  trade,  and  its  advantage, 
would  cease  entirely. 

"  There  would  be  no  advantage,  therefore,  in  imposing 
duties  of  this  kind,  with  a  view  to  gain  by  them  in  the  man- 
ner which  has  been  pointed  out.  But  when  any  part  of  the 
revenue  is  derived  from  taxes  on  commodities,  these  may 
often  be  as  little  objectionable  as  the  rest.  It  is  evident, 
too,  that  considerations  of  reciprocity,  which  are  quite 
unessential  when  the  matter  in  debate  is  a  protecting  duty, 
are  of  material  importance  when  the  repeal  of  duties  of  this 
other  description  is  discussed.  A  country  cannot  be  expect- 
ed to  renounce  the  power  of  taxing  foreigners,  unless  for- 
eigners  will  in  return  practise  towards  itself  the  same  for- 
bearance. The  only  mode  in  which  a  country  can  save 
itself  from  being  a  loser  by  the  revenue  duties  imposed  by 
other  countries  on  its  commodities,  is  to  impose  correspond 
ing  revenue  duties  on  theirs.  Only  it  must  take  care  that 
those  duties  be  not  so  high  as  to  exceed  all  that  remains 
of  the  advantage  of  the  trade,  and  put  an  end  to  impor- 
tation altogether,  causing  the  article  to  be  either  pro- 
duced at  home,  or  imported  from  another  and  a  dearej* 



§  1.  Besides  direct  taxes  on  income,  and  taxes  on  con- 
sumption, the  financial  systems  of  most  countries  comprise 
a  variety  of  miscellaneous  imposts,  not  strictly  included  in 
either  class.  The  modern  European  systems  retain  many 
such  taxes,  though  in  much  less  number  and  variety  than 
those  semi-barbarous  governments  which  European  influence 
has  not  yet  reached.  In  some  of  these,  scarcely  any  inci- 
dent of  life  has  escaped  being  made  an  excuse  for  some 
fiscal  exaction  ;  hardly  any  act,  not  belonging  to  daily  rou- 
tine, can  be  performed  by  any  one,  without  obtaining  leave 
from  some  agent  of  government,  which  is  only  granted  in 
consideration  of  a  payment :  especially  when  the  act  re- 
quires the  aid  or  the  peculiar  guarantee  of  a  public  author- 
ity. In  the  present  treatise  we  may  confine  our  attention 
to  such  taxes  as  lately  existed,  or  still  exist,  in  countries 
usually  classed  as  civilized. 

In  almost  all  nations  a  considerable  revenue  is  drawn 
from  taxes  on  contracts.  These  are  imposed  in  various 
forms.  One  expedient  is  that  of  taxing  the  legal  instrument 
which  serves  as  evidence  of  the  contract,  and  which  is  com- 
monly the  only  evidence  legally  admissible.  In  England, 
scarcely  any  contract  is  binding  unless  executed  on  stamped 
paper,  which  has  paid  a  tax  to  government ;  and  until  very 
lately,  when  the  contract  related  to  property  the  tax  was 
proportionally  rmich  heavier  on  the  smaller  than  on  the 
larger  transactions ;  which  is  still  true  of  some  of  those 


taxes.  There  are  also  stamp  duties  on  the  legal  instruments 
which  are  evidence  of  the  fulfilment  of  contracts ;  such  as 
acknowledgments  of  receipt  and  deeds  of  release.  Taxes 
on  contracts  are  not  always  levied  by  means  of  stamps. 
The  duty  on  sales  by  auction,  abrogated  by  Sir  Robert 
Peel,  was  an  instance  in  point.  The  taxes  on  transfers  of 
landed  property,  in  France,  are  another :  in  England  these 
are  stamp-duties.  In  some  countries  contracts  of  many 
kinds  are  not  valid  unless  registered,  and  their  registration 
is  made  an  occasion  for  a  tax. 

Of  taxes  on  contracts,  the  most  important  are  those  on  the 
transfer  of  property  ;  chiefly  on  purchases  and  sales.  Taxes 
on  the  sale  of  consumable  commodities  are  simply  taxes  on 
those  commodities.  If  they  affect  only  some  particular  com- 
modities, they  raise  the  prices  of  those  commodities,  and  are 
paid  by  the  consumer.  If  the  attempt  were  made  to  tax  all 
purchases  and  sales,  which,  however  absurd,  was  for  centuries 
the  law  of  Spain,  the  tax,  if  it  could  be  enforced,  would  be 
equivalent  to  a  tax  on  all  commodities,  and  would  not  affect 
prices  :  if  levied  from  the  sellers,  it  would  be  a  tax  on  profits, 
if  from  the  buyers,  a  tax  on  consumption ;  and  neither  class 
could  throw  the  burthen  upon  the  other.  If  confined  to 
some  one  mode  of  sale,  as  for  example  by  auction,  it  dis- 
courages recourse  to  that  mode,  and  if  of  any  material 
amount,  prevents  it  from  being  adopted  at  all,  unless  in  a 
case  of  emergency  ;  in  which  case  as  the  seller  is  under  a 
necessity  to  sell,  but  the  buyer  under  no  necessity  to  buy, 
the  tax  falls  on  the  seller ;  and  this  was  the  strongest  of  the 
objections  to  the  auction  duty :  it  almost  always  fell  on  a 
necessitous  person,  and  in  the  crisis  of  his  necessities. 

Taxes  on  the  purchase  and  sale  of  land  are,  in  most 
countries,  liable  to  the  same  objection.  Landed  property 
in  old  countries  is  seldom  parted  with,  except  from  reduced 
circumstances,  or  some  urgent  need :  the  seller  therefore, 
must  take  what  he  can  get,  while  the  buyer,  whose  object 
is  an  investment,  makes  his  calculations  on  the  interest 
which  he  can  obtain  for  his  money  in  other  ways,  and  will 

462  B00K  V.     CHAPTER  V.     §1. 

not  buy  if  he  is  charged  with  a  government  tax  on  the  transac- 
tion. It  has  indeed  been  objected,  that  this  argument  would 
not  apply  if  all  modes  of  permanent  investment,  such  as  the 
purchase  of  government  securities,  shares  in  joint-stock 
companies,  mortgages  and  the  like,  were  subject  to  the 
same  tax.  But  even  then,  if  paid  by  the  buyer,  it  would 
be  equivalent  to  a  tax  on  interest :  if  sufficiently  heavy  to 
be  of  any  importance,  it  would  disturb  the  established  relation 
between  interest  and  profit ;  and  the  disturbance  would 
redress  itself  by  a  rise  in  the  rate  of  interest,  and  a  fall  of 
the  price  of  land  and  of  all  securities.  It  appears  to  me, 
therefore,  that  the  seller  is  the  person  by  whom  such  taxes, 
unless  under  peculiar  circumstances,  will  always  be  borne. 

All  taxes  must  be  condemned  which  throw  obstacles  in 
the  way  of  the  sale  of  land,  or  other  instruments  of  produc- 
tion. Such  sales  tend  naturally  to  render  the  property 
more  productive.  The  seller,  whether  moved  by  necessity 
or  choice,  is  probably  some  one  who  is  either  without  the 
means,  or  without  the  capacity,  to  make  the  most  advanta- 
geous use  of  the  property  for  productive  purposes ;  while 
the  buyer,  on  the  other  hand,  is  at  any  rate  not  needy,  and 
is  frequently  both  inclined  and  able  to  improve  the  property, 
since,  as  it  is  worth  more  to  such  a  person  than  to  any  other, 
he  is  likely  to  offer  the  highest  price  for  it.  All  taxes, 
therefore,  and  all  difficulties  and  expenses,  annexed  to 
such  contracts,  are  decidedly  detrimental ;  especially  in  the 
case  of  land,  the  source  of  subsistence,  and  the  original 
foundation  of  all  wealth,  on  the  improvement  of  which, 
therefore,  so  much  depends.  Too  great  facilities  cannot 
be  given  to  enable  land  to  pass  into  the  hands,  and  assume 
the  modes  of  aggregation  or  division,  most  conducive  to  its 
productiveness.  If  landed  properties  are  too  large,  alienation 
should  be  free,  in  order  that  they  may  be  subdivided ;  if  too 
small,  in  order  that  they  may  be  united.  All  taxes  on  the 
transfer  of  landed  property  should  be  abolished ;  but,  as  the 
landlords  have  no  claim  to  be  relieved  from  any  reservation 
which  the  state  has  hitherto  made  in  its  own  favour  from  the 


amount  of  their  rent,  an  annual  impost  equivalent  to  the 
average  produce  of  these  taxes  should  be  distributed  over  the 
land  generally,  in  the  form  of  a  land-tax. 

Some  of  the  taxes  on  contracts  are  very  pernicious,  im- 
posing a  virtual  penalty  upon  transactions  which  it  ought 
to  be  the  policy  of  the  legislator  to  encourage.  Of  this 
sort  is  the  stamp  duty  on  leases,  which  in  a  country  of 
large  properties  are  an  essential  condition  of  good  agricul- 
ture ;  and  the  tax  on  insurances  a  direct  discouragement 
to  prudence  and  forethought.  In  the  case  of  fire  insurances, 
the  tax  is  exactly  double  the  amount  of  the  premium  of 
insurance  on  common  risks ;  so  that  the  person  insuring  is 
obliged  by  the  government  to  pay  for  the  insurance  just 
three  times  the  value  of  the  risk.  If  this  tax  existed  in 
France,  we  should  not  see,  as  we  do  in  some  of  her  prov- 
inces, the  plate  of  an  insurance  company  on  almost  every 
cottage  or  hovel.  This,  indeed,  must  be  ascribed  to  the 
provident  and  calculating  habits  produced  by  the  dissemi- 
nation of  property  through  the  labouring  class  :  but  a  tax  of 
so  extravagant  an  amount  would  be  a  heavy  drag  upon  any 
habits  of  providence. 

§  2.  Nearly  allied  to  the  taxes  on  contracts  are  those 
on  communication.  The  principal  of  these  is  the  postage 
tax  ;  to  which  may  be  added  taxes  on  advertisements,  and 
on  newspapers,  which  are  taxes  on  the  communication  of 

The  common  mode  of  levying  a  tax  on  the  conveyance 
of  letters,  is  by  making  the  government  the  sole  authorized 
carrier  of  them,  and  demanding  a  monopoly  price.  When 
this  price  is  so  moderate  as  it  is  in  this  country  under  the 
uniform  penny  postage,  scarcely  if  at  all  exceeding  what 
would  be  charged  under  the  freest  competition  by  any  pri- 
vate company,  it  can  hardly  be  considered  as  taxation,  but 
rather  as  the  profits  of  a  business  ;  whatever  excess  there  is 
above  the  ordinary  profits  of  stock  being  a  fair  result  of  the 
saving  of  expense,  caused  by  having  onlj'  one  establishment 

464  B0°K  V.     CHAPTER  V.     §2. 

and  one  set  of  arrangements  for  the  whole  country,  instead 
of  many  competing  ones.  The  business,  too,  being  one 
which  both  can  and  ought  to  be  conducted  on  fixed  rules,  is 
one  of  the  few  businesses  which  it  is  not  unsuitable  to  a 
government  to  conduct.  The  post  office,  therefore,  is  at 
present  one  of  the  best  of  the  sources  from  which  this  coun- 
try derives  its  revenue.  But  a  postage  much  exceeding 
what  would  be  paid  for  the  same  service  in  a  system  of 
freedom,  is  not  a  desirable  tax.  Its  chief  weight  falls  on 
letters  of  business,  and  increases  the  expense  of  mercantile 
relations  between  distant  places.  It  is  like  an  attempt  to 
raise  a  large  revenue  by  heavy  tolls  :  it  obstructs  all  opera- 
tions by  which  goods  are  conveyed  from  place  to  place,  and 
discourages  the  production  of  commodities  in  one  place  for 
consumption  in  another  ;  which  is  not  only  in  itself  one  of 
the  greatest  sources  of  economy  of  labour,  but  is  a  necessary 
condition  of  almost  all  improvements  in  production  and  one 
of  the  strongest  stimulants  to  industry  and  promoters  of 

A  tax  on  advertisements  is  not  free  from  the  same  objec- 
tion, since  in  whatever  degree  advertisements  are  useful  to 
business,  by  facilitating  the  coming  together  of  the  dealer  or 
producer  and  the  consumer,  in  that  same  degree,  if  the  tax 
be  high  enough  to  be  a  serious  discouragement  to  advertis- 
ing, it  prolongs  the  period  during  which  goods  remain 
unsold,  and  capital  locked  up  in  idleness. 

A  tax  on  newspapers  is  objectionable,  not  so  much 
where  it  does  fall  as  where  it  does  not,  that  is,  where  it 
prevents  newspapers  from  being  used.  To  the  generality 
of  those  who  buy  them,  newspapers  are  a  luxury  which 
they  can  as  well  afford  to  pay  for  as  any  other  indulgence, 
and  which  is  as  unexceptionable  a  source  of  revenue.  But 
to  that  large  part  of  the  community  who  have  been  taught 
to  read,  but  have  received  little  other  intellectual  education, 
newspapers  are  the  source  of  nearly  all  the  general  informa- 
tion which  they  possess,  and  of  nearly  all  their  acquaintance 
with  the  ideas  and  topics  current  among  mankind  ;  and  an 


interest  is  more  easily  excited  in  newspapers,  than  in  books 
or  other  more  recondite  sources  of  instruction.  News- 
papers contribute  so  little,  in  a  direct  way,  to  the  origina- 
tion of  useful  ideas,  that  many  persons  undervalue  the 
importance  of  their  office  in  disseminating  them.  They 
correct  many  prejudices  and  superstitions,  and  keep  up  a 
habit  of  discussion,  and  interest  in  public  concerns,  the 
absence  of  which  is  a  great  cause  of  the  stagnation  of  mind 
usually  found  in  the  lower  and  middle,  if  not  in  all,  ranks, 
of  those  countries  where  newspapers  of  an  important  or 
interesting  character  do  not  exist.  There  ought  to  be  no 
taxes  which  render  this  great  diffuser  of  information,  of 
mental  excitement,  and  mental  exercise,  less  accessible  to 
that  portion  of  the  public  which  most  needs  to  be  carried 
into  a  region  of  ideas  and  interest  beyond  its  own  limited 

§  3.  In  the  enumeration  of  bad  taxes,  a  conspicuous 
place  must  be  assigned  to  law  taxes ;  which  extract  a 
revenue  for  the  state  from  the  various  operations  involved 
in  an  application  to  the  tribunals.  Like  all  needless  expenses 
attached  to  law  proceedings,  they  are  a  tax  on  redress,  and 
therefore  a  premium  on  injury.  Although  such  taxes  have 
been  abolished  in  this  country  as  a  general  source  of  reve- 
nue, they  still  exist  in  the  form  of  fees  of  court,  for  defray- 
ing the  expense  of  the  courts  of  justice ;  under  the  idea, 
apparently,  that  those  may  fairly  be  required  to  bear  the 
expenses  of  the  administration  of  justice,  who  reap  the 
benefit  of  it.  The  fallacy  of  this  doctrine  was  powerfully 
exposed  by  Bentham.  As  he  remarked,  those  who  are 
under  the  necessity  of  going  to  law,  are  those  who  benefit 
least,  not  most,  by  the  law  and  its  administration.  To 
them  the  protection  whicli  the  law  affords  has  not  been 
complete,  since  they  have  been  obliged  to  resort  to  a  court 
of  justice  to  ascertain  their  rights,  or  maintain  those  rights 
against  infringement :  while  the  remainder  of  the  public 
have  enjoyed  the  immunity  from  injury  conferred  by  the 

±QQ  B00K  v-     CHAPTER  V.     §4. 

law  and  the   tribunals,  without  the  inconvenience  of  an 
appeal  to  them. 

§  4.  Besides  the  general  taxes  of  the  State,  there  are  in 
all  or  most  countries  local  taxes,  to  defray  any  expenses  of 
a  public  nature  which  it  is  thought  best  to  place  under  the 
control  or  management  of  a  local  authority.  Some  of  these 
expenses  are  incurred  for  purposes  in  which  the  particular 
locality  is  solely  or  chiefly  interested ;  as  the  paving,  cleans- 
ing, and  lighting  of  the  streets  ;  or  the  making  and  repair- 
ing of  roads  and  bridges,  which  may  be  important  to  people 
from  any  part  of  the  country,  but  only  in  so  far  as  they,  or 
goods  in  which  they  have  an  interest,  pass  along  the  roads 
or  over  the  bridges.  In  other  cases  again,  the  expenses  are 
of  a  kind  as  nationally  important  as  any  others,  but  are 
defrayed  locally  because  supposed  more  likely  to  be  well 
administered  by  local  bodies ;  as,  in  England,  the  relief  of 
the  poor  and  the  support  of  gaols,  and  in  some  other  coun- 
tries, of  schools.  To  decide  for  what  public  objects  local 
superintendence  is  best  suited,  and  what  are  those  which 
should  be  kept  immediately  under  the  central  government, 
or  under  a  mixed  system  of  local  management  and  central 
superintendence,  is  a  question  not  of  political  economy,  but  of 
administration.  It  is  an  important  principle,  however,  that 
taxes  imposed  by  a  local  authority,  being  less  amenable  to 
publicity  and  discussion  than  the  acts  of  the  government, 
should  always  be  special — laid  on  for  some  definite  service, 
and  not  exceeding  the  expense  actually  incurred  in  render- 
ing the  service.  Thus  limited,  it  is  desirable,  whenever 
practicable,  that  the  burden  should  fall  on  those  to  whom 
the  service  is  rendered  ;  that  the  expense,  for  instance,  of 
roads  and  bridges,  should  be  defrayed  by  a  toll  on  passengers 
and  goods  conveyed  by  them,  thus  dividing  the  cost  between 
those  who  use  them  for  pleasure  or  convenience,  and  the 
consumers  of  the  goods  which  they  enable  to  be  brought  to 
and  from  the  market  at  a  diminished  expense.  When, 
however,  the  tolls  have  repaid  with  interest  the  whole  of  the 


expenditure,  the  road  or  bridge  should  be  thrown  open  free 
of  toll,  that  it  may  be  used  also  by  those  to  whom,  unless 
open  gratuitously,  it  would  be  valueless ;  provision  being 
made  for  repairs  either  from  the  funds  of  the  state,  or  by  a 
rate  levied  on  the  localities  which  reap  the  principal 

In  England,  almost  all  local  taxes  are  direct,  (the  coal 
duty  of  the  City  of  London,  and  a  few  similar  imposts, 
being  the  chief  exceptions,)  though  the  greatest  part  of  the 
taxation  for  general  purposes  is  indirect.  On  the  contrary, 
in  France,  Austria,  and  other  countries  where  direct  taxa- 
tion is  much  more  largely  employed  by  the  state,  the  local 
expenses  of  towns  are  principally  defrayed  by  taxes  levied 
on  commodities  when  entering  them.  These  indirect  taxes 
are  much  more  objectionable  in  towns  than  on  the  frontier, 
because  the  things  which  the  country  supplies  to  the  towns 
are  chiefly  the  necessaries  of  life  and  the  materials  of  manu- 
facture, while  of  what  a  country  imports  from  foreign  coun- 
tries, the  greater  part  usually  consists  of  luxuries.  An  octroi 
cannot  produce  a  large  revenue,  without  pressing  severely 
upon  the  labouring  classes  of  the  towns  ;  unless  their  wages 
rise  proportionally,  in  which  case  the  tax  falls  in  a  great 
measure  on  the  consumers  of  town  produce,  whether  residing 
in  town  or  country,  since  capital  will  not  remain  in  the 
towns  if  its  profits  fall  below  their  ordinary  proportion  as 
compared  with  the  rural  districts. 



§  1.  Are  direct  or  indirect  taxes  the  most  eligible? 
This  question,  at  all  times  interesting,  has  of  late  excited  a 
considerable  amount  of  discussion.  In  England  there  is  a 
popular  feeling,  of  old  standing,  in  favour  of  indirect,  or  it 
should  rather  be  said  in  opposition  to  direct,  taxation.  The 
feeling  is  not  grounded  on  the  merits  of  the  case,  and  is 
of  a  puerile  kind.  An  Englishman  dislikes,  not  so  much 
the  payment  as  the  act  of  paying.  He  dislikes  seeing  the 
face  of  the  tax-collector,  and  being  subjected  to  his  peremp- 
tory demand.  Perhaps,  too,  the  money  which  he  is  required 
to  pay  directly  out  of  his  pocket  is  the  only  taxation  which 
he  is  quite  sure  that  he  pays  at  all.  That  a  tax  of  two  shil- 
lings per  pound  on  tea,  or  of  three  shillings  per  bottle  on 
wine,  raises  the  price  of  each  pound  of  tea  and  bottle  of  wine 
which  he  consumes,  by  that  and  more  than  that  amount, 
cannot  indeed  be  denied ;  it  is  the  fact,  and  is  intended  to 
be  so,  and  he  himself  at  times,  is  perfectly  aware  of  it ; 
but  it  makes  hardly  any  impression  on  his  practical  feelings 
and  associations,  serving  to  illustrate  the  distinction  between 
what  is  merely  known  to  be  true  and  what  is  felt  to  be  so. 
The  unpopularity  of  direct  taxation,  contrasted  with  the 
easy  manner  in  which  the  public  consent  to  let  themselves 
be  fleeced  in  the  prices  of  commodities,  has  generated  in 
many  friends  of  improvement  a  directly  opposite  mode  of 
thinking  to  the  foregoing.  They  contend  that  the  very 
reason  which  makes  direct  taxation  disagreeable,  makes  it 


preferable.  Under  it,  every  one  knows  how  much  he  really 
pays  ;  and  if  he  votes  for  a  war,  or  any  other  expensive 
national  luxury,  he  does  so  with  his  eyes  open  to  what  it 
costs  him.  If  all  taxes  were  direct,  taxation  would  be  much 
more  perceived  than  at  present ;  and  there  would  be  a 
security  which  now  there  is  not,  for  economy  in  the  public 

Although  this  argument  is  not  without  force,  its  weight 
is  likely  to  be  constantly  diminishing.  The  real  incidence 
of  indirect  taxation  is  every  day  more  generally  understood 
and  more  familiarly  recognized  :  and  whatever  else  may  be 
said  of  the  changes  which  are  taking  place  in  the  tendencies 
of  the  human  mind,  it  can  scarcely,  I  think,  be  denied,  that 
things  are  more  and  more  estimated  according  to  their 
calculated  value,  and  less  according  to  their  non-essential 
accompaniments.  The  mere  distinction  between  paying 
money  directly  to  the  tax-collector,  and  contributing  the  same 
sum  through  the  intervention  of  the  tea-dealer  or  the 
wine-merchant,  no  longer  makes  the  whole  difference 
between  dislike  or  opposition,  and  passive  acquiescence. 
But  further,  while  any  such  infirmity  of  the  popular  mind 
subsists,  the  argument  grounded  on  it  tells  partly  on  the 
other  side  of  the  question.  If  our  present  revenue  of  above 
seventy  millions  were  all  raised  by  direct  taxes,  an  extreme 
dissatisfaction  would  certainly  arise  at  having  to  pay  so 
much  ;  but  while  men's  minds  are  so  little  guided  by  reason, 
as  such  a  change  of  feeling  from  so  irrelevant  a  cause 
would  imply,  so  great  an  aversion  to  taxation  might  not 
be  an  unqualified  good.  Of  the  seventy  millions  in  question, 
nearly  thirty  are  pledged,  under  the  most  binding  obligations, 
to  those  whose  property  has  been  borrowed  and  spent  by 
the  state :  and  while  this  debt  remains  unredeemed,  a 
greatly  increased  impatience  of  taxation  would  involve  no 
little  danger  of  a  breach  of  faith,  similar  to  that  which, 
in  the  defaulting  states  of  America,  has  been  produced, 
and  in  some  of  them  still  continues,  from  the  same  cause. 
That  part,   indeed,    of  the  public   expenditure,   which   is 

470  BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  VI.     §  1. 

devoted  to  the  maintenance  of  civil  and  military  establish- 
ments, (that  is,  all  except  the  interest  of  the  national  debt) 
affords  in  many  of  its  details,  ample  scope  for  retrenchment. 
But  while  much  of  the  revenue  is  wasted  under  the  mere 
pretence  of  public  service,  so  much  of  the  most  important 
business  of  government  is  left  undone,  that  whatever  can 
be  rescued  from  useless  expenditure  is  urgently  required 
for  useful.  Whether  the  object  be  education ;  a  more  effi- 
cient and  accessible  administration  of  justice ;  emigration 
and  colonization  ;  reforms  of  any  kind  which,  like  the  Slave 
Emancipation,  require  compensation  to  individual  interests ; 
or  what  is  as  important  as  any  of  these,  the  entertainment 
of  a  sufficient  staff  of  able  and  educated  public  servants,  to 
conduct  in  a  better  than  the  present  awkward  manner  the 
business  of  legislation  and  administration ;  every  one  of  these 
things  implies  considerable  expense,  and  many  of  them  have 
again  and  again  been  prevented  by  the  reluctance  which 
existed  to  apply  to  Parliament  for  an  increased  grant  of  pub- 
lic money,  though  (besides  that  the  existing  means  would  be 
more  than  sufficient  if  applied  to  the  proper  purposes) 
the  cost  would  be  repaid,  often  a  hundred-fold,  in  mere 
pecuniary  advantage  to  the  community  generally.  If  so 
great  an  addition  were  made  to  the  public  dislike  of  taxa- 
tion as  might  be  the  consequence  of  confining  it  to  the 
direct  form,  the  classes  who  profit  by  the  misapplication  of 
public  money  might  probably  succeed  in  saving  that  by 
which  they  profit,  at  the  expense  of  that  which  would  only 
be  useful  to  the  public. 

There  is,  however,  a  frequent  plea  in  support  of  indirect 
taxation,  which  must  be  altogether  rejected,  as  grounded 
on  a  fallacy.  We  are  often  told  that  taxes  on  commodities 
are  less  burdensome  than  other  taxes,  because  the  con- 
tributor can  escape  from  them  by  ceasing  to  use  the  taxed 
commodity.  He  certainly  can,  if  that  be  his  object,  deprive 
the  government  of  the  money  ;  but  he  does  so  by  a  sacrifice 
of  his  own  indulgences,  which  (if  he  chose  to  undergo  it) 
would  equally  make  up  to  him  for  the  same  amount  taken 


from  him  by  direct  taxation.  Suppose  a  tax  laid  on  wine, 
sufficient  to  add  five  pounds  to  the  price  of  the  quantity  of 
wine  which  he  consumes  in  a  year.  He  has  only  (we  are 
told)  to  diminish  his  consumption  of  wine  by  51.,  and  he 
escapes  the  burden.  True  :  but  if  the  51.,  instead  of  being 
laid  on  wine,  had  been  taken  from  him  by  an  income-tax, 
he  could,  by  expending  51.  less  in  wine,  equally  save  the 
amount  of  the  tax,  so  that  the  difference  between  the  two 
cases  is  really  illusory.  If  the  government  takes  from  the 
contributor  five  pounds  a  year,  whether  in  one  way  or 
another,  exactly  that  amount  must  be  retrenched  from  his 
consumption  to  leave  him  as  well  off  as  before ;  and  in 
either  way  the  same  amount  of  sacrifice,  neither  more  nor 
less,  is  imposed  on  him. 

On  the  other  hand,  it  is  some  advantage  on  the  side  of 
indirect  taxes,  that  what  they  exact  from  the  contributor  is 
taken  at  a  time  and  in  a  manner  likely  to  be  convenient  to 
him.  It  is  paid  at  a  time  when  he  has  at  any  rate  a  pay- 
ment to  make ;  it  causes,  therefore,  no  additional  trouble, 
nor  (unless  the  tax  be  on  necessaries)  any  inconvenience  but 
what  is  inseparable  from  the  payment  of  the  amount.  He 
can  also,  except  in  the  case  of  very  perishable  articles, 
select  his  own  time  for  laying  in  a  stock  of  the  commodity, 
and  consequently  for  payment  of  the  tax.  The  producer 
or  dealer  who  advances  these  taxes,  is,  indeed,  sometimes 
subjected  to  inconvenience ;  but,  in  the  case  of  imported 
goods,  this  inconvenience  is  reduced  to  a  minimum  by  what 
is  called  the  Warehousing  System,  under  which,  instead  of 
paying  the  duty  at  the  time  of  importation,  he  is  only  re- 
quired to  do  so  when  he  takes  out  the  goods  for  consumption, 
which  is  seldom  done  until  he  has  either  actually  found,  or 
has  the  prospect  of  immediately  finding,  a  purchaser. 

The  strongest  objection,  however,  to  raising  the  whole 
or  the  greater  part  of  a  large  revenue  by  direct  taxes,  is 
the  impossibility  of  assessing  them  fairly  without  a  conscien- 
tious co-operation  on  the  part  of  the  contributors,  not  to  be 
hoped  for  in  the  present  low  state  of  public  morality.     In 

472  BOOK   V.      CHAPTER   VI.      §1. 

the  case  of  an  income-tax,  we  have  already  seen  that  unless 
it  be  found  practicable  to  exempt  savings  altogether  from 
the  tax,  the  burthen  cannot  be  apportioned  with  any  tolera- 
ble approach  to  fairness  upon  those  whose  incomes  are  de- 
rived from  business  or  professions  ;  and  this  is  in  fact  ad- 
mitted by  most  of  the  advocates  of  direct  taxation,  who, 
I  am  afraid,  generally  get  over  the  difficulty  by  leaving 
those  classes  untaxed,  and  confining  their  projected  in- 
come-tax to  "  realized  property,"  in  which  form  it  certainly 
has  the  merit  of  being  a  very  easy  form  of  plunder. 
But  enough  has  been  said  in  condemnation  of  this  expe- 
dient. "We  have  seen,  however,  that  a  house-tax  is  a  form 
of  direct  taxation  not  liable  to  the  same  objections  as  an 
income-tax,  and  indeed  liable  to  as  few  objections  of  any 
kind  as  perhaps  any  of  our  indirect  taxes.  But  it  would  be 
impossible  to  raise,  by  a  house-tax  alone,  the  greatest  part 
of  the  revenue  of  Great  Britain,  without  producing  a  very 
objectionable  over-crowding  of  the  population,  through  the 
strong  motive  which  all  persons  would  have  to  avoid  the 
tax  by  restricting  their  house  accommodation.  Besides, 
even  a  house-tax  has  inequalities,  and  consequent  injustices ; 
no  tax  is  exempt  from  them,  and  it  is  neither  just  nor  politic 
to  make  all  the  inequalities  fall  in  the  same  places,  by  calling 
upon  one  tax  to  defray  the  whole  or  the  chief  part  of  the 
public  expenditure.  So  much  of  the  local  taxation,  in  this 
country,  being  already  in  the  form  of  a  house-tax,  it  is  pro- 
bable that  ten  millions  a  year  would  be  fully  as  much  as  could 
beneficially  be  levied,  through  this  medium,  for  general 

A  certain  amount  of  revenue  may,  as  we  have  seen,  be 
obtained  without  injustice  by  a  peculiar  tax  on  rent. 
Besides  the  present  land-tax,  and  an  equivalent  for  the 
revenue  now  derived  from  stamp  duties  on  the  conveyance 
of  land,  some  further  taxation  might,  I  have  contended,  at 
some  future  period  be  imposed,  to  enable  the  state  to  par- 
ticipate in  the  progressive  increase  of  the  incomes  of  land- 
lords from  natural  causes.     Legacies  and  inheritances,  we 


have  also  seen,  ought  to  be  subjected  to  taxation  sufficient 
to  yield  a  considerable  revenue.  With  these  taxes,  and  a 
house-tax  of  suitable  amount,  we  should,  I  think,  have 
reached  the  prudent  limits  of  direct  taxation,  save  in  a 
national  emergency  so  urgent  as  to  justify  the  government 
in  disregarding  the  amount  of  inequality  and  unfairness 
which  may  ultimately  be  found  inseparable  from  an  income- 
tax.  The  remainder  of  the  revenue  would  have  to  be  pro- 
vided by  taxes  on  consumption,  and  the  question  is,  which 
of  these  are  the  least  objectionable. 

§  2.  There  are  some  forms  of  indirect  taxation  which 
must  be  peremptorily  excluded.  Taxes  on  commodities,  for 
revenue  purposes,  must  not  operate  as  protecting  duties, 
but  must  be  levied  impartially  on  every  mode  in  which  the 
articles  can  be  obtained,  whether  produced  in  the  country 
itself,  or  imported.  An  exclusion  must  also  be  put  upon  all 
taxes  on  the  necessaries  of  life,  or  on  the  materials  or  instru- 
ments employed  in  producing  those  necessaries.  Such 
taxes  are  always  liable  to  encroach  on  what  should  be  left 
untaxed,  the  incomes  barely  sufficient  for  healthful  exist- 
ence ;  and  on  the  most  favourable  supposition,  namely,  that 
wages  rise  to  compensate  the  labourers  for  the  tax,  it  oper- 
ates as  a  peculiar  tax  on  profits,  which  is  at  once  unjust, 
and  detrimental  to  national  wealth.*  What  remain  are 
taxes  on  luxuries.  And  these  have  some  properties  which 
strongly  recommend  them.  In  the  first  place,  they  can 
never,  by  any  possibility,  touch  those  whose  whole  income 
is  expended  on  necessaries ;  while  they  do  reach  those  by 

*  Some  argue  that  the  materials  and  instruments  of  all  production  should 
be  exempt  from  taxation ;  but  these,  when  they  do  not  enter  into  the  production 
of  necessaries,  seem  as  proper  subjects  of  taxation  as  the  finished  article.  It  is 
chiefly  with  reference  to  foreign  trade,  that  such  taxes  have  been  considered  in- 
jurious. Internationally  speaking,  they  may  be  looked  upon  as  export  duties, 
and,  unless  in  cases  in  which  an  export  duty  is  advisable,  they  should  be  accom- 
panied with  an  equivalent  drawback  on  exportation.  But  there  is  no  sufficient 
reason  against  taxing  the  materials  and  instruments  used  in  the  production  of 
anything  which  is  itself  a  fit  object  of  taxation. 

474  BOOK   V.      CHAPTER  VI.      §2. 

whom  what  is  required  for  necessaries,  is  expended  on  in- 
dulgences. In  the  next  place,  they  operate  in  some  cases  as 
an  useful,  and  the  only  useful,  kind  of  sumptuary  law.  I 
disclaim  all  asceticism,  and  by  no  means  wish  to  see  dis- 
couraged, either  by  law  or  opinion,  any  indulgence  (consis- 
tent with  the  means  and  obligations  of  the  person  using  it) 
which  is  sought  from  a  genuine  inclination  for,  and  enjoy- 
ment of,  the  thing  itself ;  but  a  great  portion  of  the  expense 
of  the  higher  and  middle  classes  in  most  countries,  and  the 
greatest  in  this,  is  not  incurred  for  the  sake  of  the  pleasure 
afforded  by  the  things  on  which  the  money  is  spent,  but 
from  regard  to  opinion,  and  an  idea  that  certain  expenses 
are  expected  from  them,  as  an  appendage  of  station  ;  and  I 
cannot  but  think  that  expenditure  of  this  sort  is  a  most 
desirable  subject  of  taxation.  If  taxation  discourages  it, 
some  good  is  done,  and  if  not,  no  harm  ;  for  in  so  far  as 
taxes  are  levied  on  things  which  are  desired  and  possessed 
from  motives  of  this  description,  nobody  is  the  worse  for 
them.  When  a  thing  is  bought  not  for  its  use  but  for  its 
costliness,  cheapness  is  no  recommendation.  As  Sismondi 
remarks,  the  consequence  of  cheapening  articles  of  vanity, 
is  not  that  less  is  expended  on  such  things,  but  that  the 
buyers  substitute  for  the  cheapened  article  some  other  which 
is  more  costly,  or  a  more  elaborate  quality  of  the  same 
thing  ;  and  as  the  inferior  quality  answered  the  purpose  of 
vanity  equally  well  when  it  was  equally  expensive,  a  tax  on 
the  article  is  really  paid  by  nobody  :  it  is  a  creation  of  pub- 
lic revenue  by  which  nobody  loses.* 

*  "  Were  we  to  suppose  that  diamonds  could  only  be  procured  from  one 
particular  and  distant  country,  and  pearls  from  another,  and  were  the  produce 
of  the  mines  in  the  former,  and  of  the  fishery  in  the  latter,  from  the  operation 
of  natural  causes,  to  become  doubly  difficult  to  procure,  the  effect  would  merely 
be  that  in  time  half  the  quantity  of  diamonds  and  pearls  would  be  sufficient  to 
mark  a  certain  opulence  and  rank,  that  it  had  before  been  necessary  to  employ 
for  that  purpose.  The  same  quantity  of  gold,  or  some  commodity  reducible  at 
last  to  labour,  would  be  required  to  produce  the  now  reduced  amount,  as  the 
former  larger  amount.  Were  the  difficulty  interposed  by  the  regulations  of 
legislators it  could  make  no  difference  to  the  fitness  of  these 


§  3.  In  order  to  reduce  as  much  as  possible  the  incon- 
veniences, and  increase  the  advantages,  incident  to  taxes  on 
commodities,  the  following  are  the  practical  rules  which 
suggest  themselves.  1st.  To  raise  as  large  a  revenue  as 
conveniently  may  be,  from  those  classes  of  luxuries  which 
have  most  connection  with  vanity,  and  least  with  positive 
enjoyment ;  such  as  the  more  costly  qualities  of  all  kinds  of 
personal  equipment  and  ornament.  2dly.  Whenever  possi- 
ble, to  demand  the  tax,  not  from  the  producer,  but  directly 
from  the  consumer,  since  when  levied  on  the  producer  it 
raises  the  price  always  by  more,  and  often  by  much  more, 
than  the  mere  amount  of  the  tax.  Most  of  the  minor  as- 
iessed  taxes  in  this  country  are  recommended  by  both  these 
considerations.  But  with  regard  to  horses  and  carriages, 
as  there  are  many  persons  to  whom,  from  health  or  consti- 
tution, these  are  not  so  much  luxuries  as  necessaries,  the  tax 
paid  by  those  who  have  but  one  riding  horse,  or  but  one 
carriage,  especially  of  the  cheaper  descriptions,  should  be 
low  ;  while  taxation  should  rise  very  rapidly  with  the  num- 
ber of  horses  and  carriages,  and  with  their  costliness.     3dly. 

articles  to  serve  the  purposes  of  vanity."  Suppose  that  means  were  discovered 
whereby  the  physiological  process  which  generates  the  pearl  might  be  induced 
ad  libitum,  the  result  being  that  the  amount  of  labour  expended  in  procuring 
each  pearl,  came  to  be  only  the  five  hundredth  part  of  what  it  was  before.  "  The 
ultimate  effect  of  such  a  change  would  depend  on  whether  the  fishery  were  free 
or  not.  Were  it  free  to  all,  as  pearls  could  be  got  simply  for  the  labour  of  fish- 
ing for  them,  a  string  of  them  might  be  had  for  a  few  pence.  The  very  poorest 
class  of  society  could  therefore  afford  to  decorate  their  persons  with  them.  They 
would  thus  soon  become  extremely  vulgar  and  unfashionable,  and  so  at  last 
valueless.  If  however  we  suppose  that  instead  of  the  fishery  being  free,  the 
legislator  owns  and  has  complete  command  of  the  place,  where  alone  pearls  are 
to  be  procured ;  as  the  progress  of  discovery  advanced,  he  might  impose  a  duty 
on  them  equal  to  the  diminution  of  labour  necessary  to  procure  them.  They 
would  then  be  as  much  esteemed  as  they  were  before.  What  simple  beauty 
they  have  would  remain  unchanged.  The  difficulty  to  be  surmounted  in  order 
to  obtain  them  would  be  different,  but  equally  great,  and  they  would  therefore 
equally  serve  to  mark  the  opulence  of  those  who  possessed  them."  The  net 
revenue  obtained  by  such  a  tax  "  would  not  cost  the  society  anything.  If  not 
abused  in  its  application,  it  would  be  a  clear  addition  of  so  much  to  the  resources 
»f  the  community." — Rae,  New  Principles  of  Political  Economy,  pp.  369-71. 

476  BOOK  V.      CHAPTER  VI.      §3. 

But  as  the  only  indirect  taxes  which  yield  a  large  revenue 
are  those  which  fall  on  articles  of  universal  or  very  general 
consumption,  and  as  it  is  therefore  necesssary  to  have  some 
taxes  on  real  luxuries,  that  is,  on  things  which  afford  pleas- 
ure in  themselves,  and  are  valued  on  that  account  rather 
than  for  their  cost ;  these  taxes  should,  if  possible,  be  so  ad- 
justed as  to  fall  with  the  same  proportional  weight  on  small, 
on  moderate,  and  on  large  incomes.  This  is  not  an  easy 
matter  ;  since  the  things  which  are  the  subjects  of  the  more 
productive  taxes,  are  in  proportion  more  largely  consumed 
by  the  poorer  members  of  the  community  than  by  the  rich. 
Tea,  coffee,  sugar,  tobacco,  fermented  drinks,  can  hardly  be 
so  taxed,  that  the  poor  shall  not  bear  more  than  their  due 
share  of  the  burthen.  Something  might  be  done  by  making 
the  duty  on  the  superior  qualities,  which  are  used  by  the 
richer  consumers,  much  higher  in  proportion  to  the  value, 
(instead  of  much  lower,  as  is  almost  universally  the  practice 
under  the  present  English  system) ;  but  in  some  cases  the 
difficulty  of  at  all  adjusting  the  duty  to  the  value,  so  as  to 
prevent  evasion,  is  said,  with  what  truth  I  know  not,  to  be 
insuperable  ;  so  that  it  is  thought  necessary  to  levy  the 
same  fixed  duty  on  all  the  qualities  alike  :  a  flagrant  injust- 
ice to  the  poorer  class  of  contributors,  unless  compensated 
by  the  existence  of  other  taxes  from  which,  as  from  the 
present  income-tax,  they  are  altogether  exempt.  4thly.  As 
far  as  is  consistent  with  the  preceding  rules,  taxation  should 
rather  be  concentrated  on  a  few  articles  than  diffused  over 
many,  in  order  that  the  expenses  of  collection  may  be 
smaller,  and  that  as  few  employments  as  possible  may  be 
burthensomely  and  vexatiously  interfered  with.  5thly. 
Among  luxuries  of  general  consumption,  taxation  should  by 
preference  attach  itself  to  stimulants,  because  these,  though 
in  themselves  as  legitimate  indulgences  as  any  others,  are 
more  liable  than  most  others  to  be  used  in  excess,  so  that 
the  check  to  consumption,  naturally  arising  from  taxation, 
is  on  the  whole  better  applied  to  them  than  to  other  things. 
6thly.  As  far  as  other  considerations  permit,  taxation  should 


be  confined  to  imported  articles,  since  these  can  be  taxed 
with  a  less  degree  of  vexatious  interference,  and  with  fewer 
incidental  bad  effects,  than  when  a  tax  is  levied  on  the  field 
or  on  the  workshop.  Custom  duties  are,  cceteris  paribus, 
much  less  objectionable  than  excise  :  but  they  must  be  laid 
only  on  things  which  either  cannot,  or  at  least  will  not,  be 
produced  in  the  country  itself;  or  else  their  production  there 
must  be  prohibited  (as  in  England  is  the  case  with  tobacco,) 
or  subjected  to  an  excise  duty  of  equivalent  amount.  Tthly. 
No  tax  ought  to  be  kept  so  high  as  to  furnish  a  motive  to 
its  evasion,  too  strong  to  be  counteracted  by  ordinary  means 
of  prevention :  and  especially  no  commodity  should  be  taxed 
so  highly  as  to  raise  up  a  class  of  lawless  characters, 
smugglers,  illicit  distillers,  and  the  like. 

Of  the  excise  and  custom  duties  lately  existing  in  this 
country,  all  which  are  intrinsically  unfit  to  form  part  of  a 
good  system  of  taxation,  have,  since  the  last  reforms  by 
Mr.  Gladstone,  been  got  rid  of.  Among  these  are  all  duties 
on  ordinary  articles  of  food,  whether  for  human  beings  or 
for  cattle  ;  those  on  timber,  as  falling  on  the  materials  of 
lodging,  which  is  one  of  the  necessaries  of  life  ;  all  duties  on 
the  metals,  and  on  implements  made  of  them  ;  taxes  on 
soap,  which  is  a  necessary  of  cleanliness,  and  on  tallow,  the 
material  both  of  that  and  of  some  other  necessaries  ;  the  tax 
on  paper,  an  indispensable  instrument  of  almost  all  business 
and  of  most  kinds  of  instruction.  The  duties  which  now 
yield  nearly  the  whole  of  the  customs  and  excise  revenue, 
those  on  sugar,  coffee,  tea,  wine,  beer,  spirits,  and  tobacco, 
are  in  themselves,  where  a  large  amount  of  revenue  is  neces- 
sary, extremely  proper  taxes  ;  but  at  present  grossly  unjust, 
from  the  disproportionate  weight  with  which  they  press  on 
the  poorer  classes  ;  and  some  of  them  (those  on  spirits  and 
tobacco)  are  so  high  as  to  cause  a  considerable  amount  of 
smuggling.  It  is  probable  that  most  of  these  taxes  might 
bear  a  great  reduction  without  any  material  loss  of  reve- 
nue. In  what  manner  the  finer  articles  of  manufacture, 
consumed  by  the  rich,  might  most  advantageously  be  taxed, 

478  B0°K  V-      CHAPTER  VI.     §3. 

1  must  leave  to  be  decided  by  those  who  have  the  requisite 
practical  knowledge.  The  difficulty  would  be,  to  effect  it 
without  an  inadmissible  degree  of  interference  with  produc- 
tion. In  countries  which,  like  the  United  States,  import 
the  principal  part  of  the  finer  manufactures  which  they  con- 
sume, there  is  little  difficulty  in  the  matter :  and  even  where 
nothing  is  imported  but  the  raw  material,  that  may  be 
taxed,  especially  the  qualities  of  it  which  are  exclusively 
employed  for  the  fabrics  used  by  the  richer  class  of  con- 
sumers. Thus,  in  England  a  high  custom  duty  on  raw  silk 
would  be  consistent  with  principle ;  and  it  might  perhaps 
be  practicable  to  tax  the  finer  qualities  of  cotton  or  linen 
yarn,  whether  spun  in  the  country  itself  or  imported. 



§  1.  The  question  must  now  be  considered,  how  far  it 
is  right  or  expedient  to  raise  money  for  the  purposes  of  gov- 
ernment, not  by  laying  on  taxes  to  the  amount  required, 
but  by  taking  a  portion  of  the  capital  of  the  country  in  the 
form  of  a  loan,  and  charging  the  public  revenue  with  only 
the  interest.  Nothing  needs  be  said  about  providing  for 
temporary  wants  by  taking  up  money  ;  for  instance,  by  an 
issue  of  exchequer  bills,  destined  to  be  paid  off,  at  furthest 
in  a  year  or  two,  from  the  proceeds  of  the  existing  taxes. 
This  is  a  convenient  expedient,  and  when  the  government 
does  not  possess  a  treasure  or  hoard,  is  often  a  necessary 
one,  on  the  occurrence  of  extraordinary  expenses,  or  of  a 
temporary  failure  in  the  ordinary  sources  of  revenue.  What 
we  have  to  discuss  is  the  propriety  of  contracting  a  national 
debt  of  a  permanent  character  ;  defraying  the  expenses  of  a 
war,  or  of  any  season  of  difficulty,  by  loans,  to  be  redeemed 
either  very  gradually  and  at  a  distant  period,  or  not  at  all. 

This  question  has  already  been  touched  upon  in  the  First 
Book.*  We  remarked,  that  if  the  capital  taken  in  loans  is 
abstracted  from  funds  either  engaged  in  production,  or  des- 
tined to  be  employed  in  it,  their  diversion  from  that  purpose 
is  equivalent  to  taking  the  amount  from  the  wages  of  the 
labouring  classes.  Borrowing,  in  this  case,  is  not  a  substi- 
tute for  raising  the  supplies  within  the  year.  A  government 
which  borrows  does  actually  take  the  amount  within  the 

*  Supra,  vol.  i.  pp.  110-14. 

480  B00K  v-      CHAPTER  VII.      §1. 

year,  and  that  too  by  a  tax  exclusively  on  the  labouring 
classes :  than  which  it  could  have  done  nothing  worse,  if 
it  had  supplied  its  wants  by  avowed  taxation  ;  and  in  that 
case  the  transaction,  and  its  evils,  would  have  ended  with 
the  emergency ;  while  by  the  circuitous  mode  adopted,  the 
value  exacted  from  the  labourers  is  gained,  not  by  the  state, 
but  by  the  employers  of  labour,  the  state  remaining  charged 
with  the  debt  besides,  and  with  its  interest  in  perpetuity. 
The  system  of  public  loans,  in  such  circumstances,  may  be 
pronounced  the  very  worst  which,  in  the  present  state  of 
civilization,  is  still  included  in  the  catalogue  of  financial  ex- 

We  however  remarked  that  there  are  other  circum- 
stances in  which  loans  are  not  chargeable  with  these  perni- 
cious consequences :  namely,  first,  when  what  is  borrowed  is 
foreign  capital,  the  overflowings  of  the  general  accumula- 
tion of  the  world ;  or,  secondly,  when  it  is  capital  which 
either  would  not  have  been  saved  at  all  unless  this  mode  of 
investment  had  been  open  to  it,  or  after  being  saved,  would 
have  been  wasted  in  unproductive  enterprises,  or  sent  to 
seek  employment  in  foreign  countries.  When  the  progress 
of  accumulation  has  reduced  profits  either  to  the  ultimate 
or  to  the  practical  minimum, — to  the  rate,  less  than  which 
would  either  put  a  stop  to  the  increase  of  capital,  or  send 
the  whole  of  the  new  accumulations  abroad ;  government 
may  annually  intercept  these  new  accumulations,  without 
trenching  on  the  employment  or  wages  of  the  labouring 
classes  in  the  country  itself,  or  perhaps  in  any  other  country. 
To  this  extent,  therefore,  the  loan  system  may  be  carried, 
without  being  liable  to  the  utter  and  peremptory  condemna- 
tion which  is  due  to  it  when  it  overpasses  this  limit.  What 
is  wanted  is  an  index  to  determine  whether,  in  any  given 
series  of  years,  as  during  the  last  great  war  for  example,  the 
limit  has  been  exceeded  or  not. 

Such  an  index  exists,  at  once  a  certain  and  an  obvious 
one.  Did  the  government,  by  its  loan  operations,  augment 
the  rate  of  interest  ?     If  it  only  opened  a  channel  for  capital 


which  would  not  otherwise  have  been  accumulated,  or 
which,  if  accumulated,  would  not  have  been  employed 
within  the  country  ;  this  implies  that  the  capital,  which  the 
government  took  and  expended,  could  not  have  found  em- 
ployment at  the  existing  rate  of  interest.  So  long  as  the 
loans  do  no  more  than  absorb  this  surplus,  they  prevent  any 
tendency  to  a  fall  of  the  rate  of  interest,  but  they  cannot 
occasion  any  rise.  When  they  do  raise  the  rate  of  interest, 
as  they  did  in  a  most  extraordinary  degree  during  the 
French  war,  this  is  positive  proof  that  the  government  is  a 
competitor  for  capital  with  the  ordinary  channels  of  produc- 
tive investment,  and  is  carrying  off,  not  merely  funds  which 
would  not,  but  funds  which  would,  have  found  productive 
employment  within  the  country.  To  the  full  extent,  there- 
fore, to  which  the  loans  of  government,  during  the  war, 
caused  the  rate  of  interest  to  exceed  what  it  was  before,  and 
what  it  has  been  since,  those  loans  are  chargeable  with  all 
the  evils  which  have  been  described.  If  it  be  objected  that 
interest  only  rose  because  profits  rose,  I  reply  that  this  does 
not  weaken,  but  strengthens,  the  argument.  If  the  govern- 
ment loans  produced  the  rise  of  profits  by  the  great  amount 
of  capital  which  they  absorbed,  by  what  means  can  they  have 
had  this  effect,  unless  by  lowering  the  wages  of  labour  ?  It 
will  perhaps  be  said,  that  what  kept  profits  high  during  the 
war  was  not  the  drafts  made  on  the  national  capital  by  the 
loans,  but  the  rapid  progress  of  industrial  improvements. 
This,  in  a  great  measure,  was  the  fact ;  and  it  no  doubt  al- 
leviated the  hardship  to  the  labouring  classes,  and  made  the 
financial  system  which  was  pursued  less  actively  mischiev- 
ous, but  not  less  contrary  to  principle.  These  very  im- 
provements in  industry,  made  room  for  a  larger  amount  of 
capital ;  and  the  government,  by  draining  away  a  great  part 
of  the  annual  accumulations,  did  not  indeed  prevent  that 
capital  from  existing  ultimately,  (for  it  started  into  existence 
with  great  rapidity  after  the  peace,)  but  prevented  it  from 
existing  at  the  time,  and  subtracted  just  so  much,  while  the 
war  lasted,  from  distribution  among  productive  labourers. 

482  BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  VII.     §1. 

If  the  government  had  abstained  from  taking  this  capital  by- 
loan,  and  had  allowed  it  to  reach  the  labourers,  but  had 
raised  the  supplies  which  it  required  by  a  direct  tax  on  the 
labouring  classes,  it  would  have  produced  (in  every  respect 
but  the  expense  and  inconvenience  of  collecting  the  tax)  the 
very  same  economical  effects  which  it  did  produce,  except 
that  we  should  not  now  have  had  the  debt.  The  course  it 
actually  took  was  therefore  worse  than  the  very  worst  mode 
which  it  could  possibly  have  adopted  of  raising  the  supplies 
within  the  year :  and  the  only  excuse,  or  justification,  which 
it  admits  of,  (so  far  as  that  excuse  could  be  truly  pleaded)  was 
hard  necessity  ;  the  impossibility  of  raising  so  enormous  an 
annual  sum  by  taxation,  without  resorting  to  taxes  which 
from  their  odiousness,  or  from  the  facility  of  evasion,  it 
would  have  been  found  impracticable  to  enforce. 

"When  government  loans  are  limited  to  the  overflowings 
of  the  national  capital,  or  to  those  accumulations  which 
would  not  take  place  at  all  unless  suffered  to  overflow,  they 
are  at  least  not  liable  to  this  grave  condemnation  :  they  oc- 
casion no  privation  to  any  one  at  the  time,  except  by  the 
payment  of  the  interest,  and  may  even  be  beneficial  to  the 
labouring  class  during  the  term  of  their  expenditure,  by 
employing  in  the  direct  purchase  of  labour,  as  that  of  soldiers, 
sailors,  &c,  funds  which  might  otherwise  have  quitted  the 
country  altogether.  In  this  case  therefore  the  question  really 
is,  what  it  is  commonly  supposed  to  be  in  all  cases,  namely,  a 
choice  between  a  great  sacrifice  at  once,  and  a  small  one  in- 
definitely prolonged.  On  this  matter  it  seems  rational  to 
think,  that  the  prudence  of  a  nation  will  dictate  the  same 
conduct  as  the  prudence  of  an  individual ;  to  submit  to  as 
much  of  the  privation  immediately,  as  can  easily  be  borne, 
and  only  when  any  further  burthen  would  distress  or  crip- 
ple them  too  much,  to  provide  for  the  remainder  by  mort- 
gaging their  future  income.  It  is  an  excellent  maxim  to 
make  present  resources  suffice  for  present  wants  ;  the  future 
will  have  its  own  wants  to  provide  for.  On  the  other  hand, 
it  may  reasonably  be  taken  into  consideration  that  in  a 


country  increasing  in  wealth,  the  necessary  expenses  of  gov- 
ernment do  not  increase  in  the  same  ratio  as  capital  or  pop- 
ulation ;  any  burthen,  therefore,  is  always  less  and  less  felt : 
and  since  those  extraordinary  expenses  of  government  which 
are  fit  to  be  incurred  at  all,  are  mostly  beneficial  beyond  the 
existing  generation,  there  is  no  injustice  in  making  posterity 
pay  a  part  of  the  price,  if  the  inconvenience  would  be  ex- 
treme of  defraying  the  whole  of  it  by  the  exertions  and 
sacrifices  of  the  generation  which  first  incurred  it. 

§  2.  "When  a  country,  wisely  or  unwisely,  has  bur- 
thened  itself  with  a  debt,  is  it  expedient  to  take  steps  for  re- 
deeming that  debt  ?  In  principle  it  is  impossible  not  to 
maintain  the  affirmative.  It  is  true  that  the  payment  of 
the  interest,  when  the  creditors  are  members  of  the  same 
community,  is  no  national  loss,  but  a  mere  transfer.  The 
transfer,  however,  being  compulsory,  is  a  serious  evil,  and 
the  raising  a  great  extra  revenue  by  any  system  of  taxation 
necessitates  so  much  expense,  vexation,  disturbance  of  the 
channels  of  industry,  and  other  mischiefs  over  and  above 
the  mere  payment  of  the  money  wanted  by  the  government, 
that  to  get  rid  of  the  necessity  of  such  taxation  is  at  all 
times  worth  a  considerable  effort.  The  same  amount  of 
sacrifice  which  would  have  been  worth  incurring  to  avoid 
contracting  the  debt,  it  is  worth  while  to  incur,  at  any  sub- 
sequent time,  for  the  purpose  of  extinguishing  it. 

Two  modes  have  been  contemplated  of  paying  off  a  na- 
tional debt :  either  at  once  by  a  general  contribution,  or 
gradually  by  a  surplus  revenue.  The  first  would  be  incom- 
parably the  best,  if  it  were  practicable ;  and  it  would  be 
practicable  if  it  could  justly  be  done  by  assessment  on  prop- 
erty alone.  If  property  bore  the  whole  interest  of  the  debt, 
property  might,  with  great  advantage  to  itself,  pay  it  off; 
since  this  would  be  merely  surrendering  to  a  creditor  the 
principal  sum,  the  whole  annual  proceeds  of  which  were 
already  his  by  law ;  and  would  be  equivalent  to  what  a 
landowner  does  when  he  sells  part  of  his  estate,  to  free  the 

484  BOOK  V.      CHAPTER  VII.     §2. 

remainder  from  a  mortgage.  But  property,  it  needs  hardly 
be  said,  does  not  pay,  and  cannot  justly  be  required  to 
pay,  the  whole  interest  of  the  debt.  Some  indeed  affirm 
that  it  can,  on  the  plea  that  the  existing  generation  is  only 
bound  to  pay  the  debts  of  its  predecessors  from  the  assets  it 
has  received  from  them,  and  not  from  the  produce  of  its  own 
industry.  But  has  no  one  received  anything  from  previous 
generations  except  those  who  have  succeeded  to  property  ? 
Is  the  whole  difference  between  the  earth  as  it  is,  with  its 
clearings  and  improvements,  its  roads  and  canals,  its  towns 
and  manufactories,  and  the  earth  as  it  was  when  the  first 
human  being  set  foot  on  it,  of  no  benefit  to  any  but  those 
who  are  called  the  owners  of  the  soil  ?  Is  the  capital  accu- 
mulated by  the  labour  and  abstinence  of  all  former  genera- 
tions of  no  advantage  to  any  but  those  who  have  succeeded 
to  the  legal  ownership  of  part  of  it  ?  And  have  we  not  in- 
herited a  mass  of  acquired  knowledge,  both  scientific  and 
empirical,  due  to  the  sagacity  and  industry  of  those  who 
preceded  us,  the  benefits  of  which  are  the  common  wealth 
of  all  ?  Those  who  are  born  to  the  ownership  of  property 
have,  in  addition  to  these  common  benefits,  a  separate  inher- 
itance, and  to  this  difference  it  is  right  that  advertence 
should  be  had  in  regulating  taxation.  It  belongs  to  the 
general  financial  system  of  the  country  to  take  due  account 
of  this  principle,  and  I  have  indicated,  as  in  my  opinion  a 
proper  mode  of  taking  account  of  it,  a  considerable  tax  on 
legacies  and  inheritances.  Let  it  be  determined  directly  and 
openly  what  is  due  from  property  to  the  state,  and  from  the 
state  to  property,  and  let  the  institutions  of  the  state  be  reg- 
ulated accordingly.  Whatever  is  the  fitting  contribution 
from  property  to  the  general  expenses  of  the  state,  in  the 
same,  and  in  no  greater  proportion  should  it  contribute 
towards  either  the  interest  or  the  repayment  of  the  national 

This,  however,  if  admitted,  is  fatal  to  any  scheme  for  the 
extinction  of  the  debt  by  a  general  assessment  on  the  com- 
munity.    Persons  of  property  could  pay  their  share  of  the 


amount  by  a  sacrifice  of  property,  and  have  the  same  net 
income  as  before  ;  but  if  those  who  have  no  accumulations, 
but  only  incomes,  were  required  to  make  up  by  a  single 
payment  the  equivalent  of  the  annual  charge  laid  on  them 
by  the  taxes  maintained  to  pay  the  interest  of  the  debt,  they 
could  only  do  so  by  incurring  a  private  debt  equal  to  their 
share  of  the  public  debt ;  while,  from  the  insufficiency,  in 
most  cases,  of  the  security  which  they  could  give,  the  inter- 
est would  amount  to  a  much  larger  annual  sum  than  their 
share  of  that  now  paid  by  the  state.  Besides,  a  collective 
debt  defrayed  by  taxes,  has  over  the  same  debt  parcelled 
out  among  individuals,  the  immense  advantage,  that  it  is 
virtually  a  mutual  insurance  among  the  contributors.  If 
the  fortune  of  a  contributor  diminishes,  his  taxes  diminish  ; 
if  he  is  ruined,  they  cease  altogether,  and  his  portion  of  the 
debt  is  wholly  transferred  to  the  solvent  members  of  the 
community.  If  it  were  laid  on  him  as  a  private  obligation, 
he  would  still  be  liable  to  it,  even  when  penniless. 

"When  the  state  possesses  property,  in  land  or  otherwise, 
which  there  are  not  strong  reasons  of  public  utility  for  its 
retaining  at  its  disposal,  this  should  be  employed,  as  far  as 
it  will  go,  in  extinguishing  debt.  Any  casual  gain,  or  god- 
send, is  naturally  devoted  to  the  same  purpose.  Beyond 
this,  the  only  mode  which  is  both  just  and  feasible,  of  extin- 
guishing or  reducing  a  national  debt,  is  by  means  of  a  sur- 
plus revenue. 

§  3.  The  desirableness,  per  se,  of  maintaining  a  surplus 
for  this  purpose  does  not,  I  think,  admit  of  a  doubt,  We 
sometimes,  indeed,  hear  it  said  that  the  amount  should 
rather  be  left  to  "  fructify  in  the  pockets  of  the  people." 
This  is  a  good  argument,  as  far  as  it  goes,  against  levying 
taxes  unnecessarily  for  purposes  of  unproductive  expendi- 
ture, but  not  against  paying  off  a  national  debt.  For,  what 
is  meant  by  the  word  fructify  ?  If  it  means  anything,  it 
means  productive  employment;  and  as  an  argument  against 
taxation,  we  must  understand  it  to  assert,  that  if  the  amount 

486  BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  VII.      §3. 

were  left  with  the  people  they  would  save  it,  and  convert  it 
into  capital.  It  is  probable,  indeed,  that  they  would  save  a 
part,  but  extremely  improbable  that  they  would  save#the 
whole  :  while  if  taken  by  taxation,  and  employed  in  paying 
off  debt,  the  whole  is  saved,  and  made  productive.  To  the 
fundholder  who  receives  the  payment  it  is  already  capital, 
not  revenue,  and  he  will  make  it  "  fructify,"  that  it  may 
continue  to  afford  him  an  income.  The  objection,  therefore, 
is  not  only  groundless,  but  the  real  argument  is  on  the  other 
side  :  the  amount  is  much  more  certain  of  fructifying  if  it  is 
not  "  left  in  the  pockets  of  the  people." 

It  is  not,  however,  advisable  in  all  cases  to  maintain  a 
surplus  revenue  for  the  extinction  of  debt.  The  advantage 
of  paying  off  the  national  debt  of  Great  Britain,  for  instance, 
is  that  it  would  enable  us  to  get  rid  of  the  worse  half  of  our 
taxation.  But  of  this  worse  half  some  portions  must  be 
worse  than  others,  and  to  get  rid  of  those  would  be  a  greater 
benefit  proportionally  than  to  get  rid  of  the  rest.  If  re- 
nouncing a  surplus  revenue  would  enable  us  to  dispense 
with  a  tax,  we  ought  to  consider  the  very  worst  of  all  our 
taxes  as  precisely  the  one  which  we  are  keeping  up  for  the 
sake  of  ultimately  abolishing  taxes  not  so  bad  as  itself.  In 
a  country  advancing  in  wealth,  whose  increasing  revenue 
gives  it  the  power  of  ridding  itself  from  time  to  time  of  the 
most  inconvenient  portions  of  its  taxation,  I  conceive  that 
the  increase  of  revenue  should  rather  be  disposed  of  by  tak- 
ing off  taxes,  than  by  liquidating  debt,  as  long  as  any  very 
objectionable  imposts  remain.  In  the  present  state  of  Eng- 
land, therefore,  I  hold  it  to  be  good  policy  in  the  govern- 
ment, when  it  has  a  surplus  of  an  apparently  permanent 
character,  to  take  off  taxes,  provided  these  are  rightly  se- 
lected. Even  when  no  taxes  remain  but  such  as  are  not 
unfit  to  form  part  of  a  permanent  system,  it  is  wise  to  con- 
tinue the  same  policy  by  experimental  reductions  of  those 
taxes,  until  the  point  is  discovered  at  which  a  given  amount 
of  revenue  can  be  raised  with  the  smallest  pressure  on  the 
contributors.     After  this,  such  surplus  revenue  as  might 


arise  from  any  further  increase  of  the  produce  of  the  taxes, 
should  not,  I  conceive,  be  remitted,  but  applied  to  the  re- 
demption of  debt.  Eventually,  it  might  be  expedient  to  ap- 
propriate the  entire  produce  of  particular  taxes  to  this  pur- 
pose ;  since  there  would  be  more  assurance  that  the  liqui- 
dation would  be  persisted  in,  if  the  fund  destined  to  it  were 
kept  apart,  and  not  blended  with  the  general  revenues  of 
the  state.  The  succession  duties  would  be  peculiarly  suited 
to  such  a  purpose,  since  taxes  paid  as  they  are,  out  of  capi- 
tal, would  be  better  employed  in  reimbursing  capital  than 
in  defraying  current  expenditure.  If  this  separate  appro- 
priation were  made,  any  surplus  afterwards  arising  from  the 
increasing  produce  of  the  other  taxes,  and  from  the  saving 
of  interest  on  the  successive  portions  of  debt  paid  off',  might 
form  a  ground  for  a  remission  of  taxation. 

It  has  been  contended  that  some  amount  of  national  debt 
is  desirable,  and  almost  indispensable,  as  an  investment  for 
the  savings  of  the  poorer  or  more  inexperienced  part  of  the 
community.  Its  convenience  in  that  respect  is  undeniable  ; 
but  (besides  that  the  progress  of  industry  is  gradually 
affording  other  modes  of  investment  almost  as  safe  and  un- 
troublesome,  such  as  the  shares  or  obligations  of  great  pub- 
lic companies)  the  only  real  superiority  of  an  investment  in 
the  funds  consists  in  the  national  guarantee,  and  this  could 
be  afforded  by  other  means  than  that  of  a  public  debt,  in- 
volving compulsory  taxation.  One  mode  which  would  an- 
swer the  purpose,  would  be  a  national  bank  of  deposit  and 
discount,  with  ramifications  throughout  the  country ;  which 
might  receive  any  money  confided  to  it,  and  either  fund  it 
at  a  fixed  rate  of  interest,  or  allow  interest  on  a  floating  bal- 
ance, like  the  joint  stock  banks  ;  the  interest  given  being  of 
course  lower  than  the  rate  at  which  individuals  can  borrow, 
in  proportion  to  the  greater  security  of  a  government  invest- 
ment ;  and  the  expenses  of  the  establishment  being  defrayed 
by  the  difference  between  the  interest  which  the  bank 
would  pay,  and  that  which  it  would  obtain,  by  lending  its 
deposits  on  mercantile,  landed,  or  other  security.    There  are 

488  BOOK   V.      CHAPTER   VII.      §3. 

no  insuperable  objections  in  principle,  nor,  I  should  think, 
in  practice,  to  an  institution  of  this  sort,  as  a  means  of  sup- 
plying the  same  convenient  mode  of  investment  now  afford- 
ed by  the  public  funds.  It  would  constitute  the  state  a 
great  insurance  company,  to  insure  that  part  of  the  com- 
munity who  live  on  the  interest  of  their  property,  against 
the  risk  of  losing  it  by  the  bankruptcy  of  those  to  whom 
they  might  otherwise  be  under  the  necessity  of  confiding  it. 



§  1.  Before  we  discuss  the  line  of  demarcation  between 
the  things  with  which  government  should,  and  those  with 
which  they  should  not,  directly  interfere,  it  is  necessary  to 
consider  the  economical  effects,  whether  of  a  bad  or  of  a 
good  complexion,  arising  from  the  manner  in  which  they 
acquit  themselves  of  the  duties  which  devolve  on  them  in 
all  societies,  and  which  no  one  denies  to  be  incumbent  on 

The  first  of  these  is  the  protection  of  person  and  proper- 
ty. There  is  no  need  to  expatiate  on  the  influence  exer- 
cised over  the  economical  interests  of  society  by  the  degree 
of  completeness  with  which  this  duty  of  government  is  per- 
formed. Insecurity  of  person  and  property,  is  as  much  as 
to  say,  uncertainty  of  the  connexion  between  all  human 
exertion  or  sacrifice,  and  the  attainment  of  the  ends  for  the 
sake  of  which  they  are  undergone.  It  means,  uncertainty 
whether  they  who  sow  shall  reap,  whether  they  who  pro- 
duce shall  consume,  and  they  who  spare  to-day  shall  enjoy 
to-morrow.  It  means,  not  only  that  labour  and  frugality 
are  not  the  road  to  acquisition,  but  that  violence  is.  "When 
person  and  property  are  to  a  certain  degree  insecure,  all  the 
possessions  of  the  weak  are  at  the  mercy  of  the  strong.  No 
one  can  keep  what  he  has  produced,  unless  he  is  more  ca- 
pable of  defending  it,  than  others  who  give  no  part  of  their 
time  and  exertions  to  useful  industry  are  of  taking  it  from 

490  BOOK   V.     CHAPTER  VIII.     §  1. 

him.  The  productive  classes,  therefore,  when  the  insecurity 
surpasses  a  certain  point,  being  unequal  to  their  own  pro- 
tection against  the  predatory  population,  are  obliged  to 
place  themselves  individually  in  a  state  of  dependence  on 
some  member  of  the  predatory  class,  that  it  may  be  his  in- 
terest to  shield  them  from  all  depredation  except  his  own. 
In  this  manner,  in  the  middle  ages,  allodial  property  gene- 
rally became  feudal,  and  numbers  of  the  poorer  freemen 
voluntarily  made  themselves  and  their  posterity  serfs  of 
some  military  lord. 

Nevertheless,  in  attaching  to  this  great  requisite,  secu- 
rity of  person  and  property,  the  importance  which  is  justly 
due  to  it,  we  must  not  forget  that  even  for  economical  pur- 
poses there  are  other  things  quite  as  indispensable,  the  pres- 
ence of  which  will  often  make  up  for  a  very  considerable 
degree  of  imperfection  in  the  protective  arrangements  of 
government.  As  was  observed  in  a  previous  chapter,*  the 
free  cities  of  Italy,  Flanders,  and  the  Hanseatic  league,  were 
habitually  in  a  state  of  such  internal  turbulence,  varied  by 
such  destructive  external  wars,  that  person  and  property 
enjoyed  very  imperfect  protection  ;  yet  during  several  cen- 
turies they  increased  rapidly  in  wealth  and  prosperity, 
brought  many  of  the  industrial  arts  to  a  high  degree  of  ad- 
vancement, carried  on  distant  and  dangerous  voyages  of  ex- 
ploration and  commerce  with  extraordinary  success,  became 
an  overmatch  in  power  for  the  greatest  feudal  lords,  and 
could  defend  themselves  even  against  the  sovereigns  of  Eu- 
rope :  because  in  the  midst  of  turmoil  and  violence,  the  citi- 
zens of  those  towns  enjoyed  a  certain  rude  freedom,  under 
conditions  of  union  and  co-operation,  which,  taken  together, 
made  them  a  brave,  energetic,  and  high-spirited  people,  and 
fostered  a  great  amount  of  public  spirit  and  patriotism. 
The  prosperity  of  these  and  other  free  states  in  a  lawless 
age,  shows  that  a  certain  degree  of  insecurity,  in  some  com- 
binations of  circumstances,  has  good  as  well  as  bad  effects, 
by  making  energy  and  practical  ability  the  conditions  of 

*  Supra,  vol.  i.  p.  154. 


safety.  Insecurity  paralyzes,  only  when  it  is  such  in  nature 
and  in  degree,  that  no  energy,  of  which  mankind  in  general 
are  capable,  affords  any  tolerable  means  of  self-protection. 
And  this  is  a  main  reason  why  oppression  by  the  govern- 
ment, whose  power  is  generally  irresistible  by  any  efforts 
that  can  be  made  by  individuals,  has  so  much  more  baneful 
an  effect  on  the  springs  of  national  prosperity,  than  almost 
any  degree  of  lawlessness  and  turbulence  under  free  institu- 
tions. Nations  have  acquired  some  wealth,  and  made  some 
progress  in  improvement,  in  states  of  social  union  so  im- 
perfect as  to  border  on  anarchy  :  but  no  countries  in  which 
the  people  were  exposed  without  limit  to  arbitrary  exactions 
from  the  officers  of  government,  ever  yet  continued  to  have 
industry  or  wealth.  A  few  generations  of  such  a  govern- 
ment never  fail  to  extinguish  both.  Some  of  the  fairest, 
and  once  the  most  prosperous,  regions  of  the  earth,  have, 
under  the  Roman  and  afterwards  under  the  Turkish  domin- 
ion, been  reduced  to  a  desert,  solely  by  that  cause.  I  say 
solely,  because  they  would  have  recovered  with  the  utmost 
rapidity,  as  countries  always  do,  from  the  devastations  of 
war,  or  any  other  temporary  calamities.  Difficulties  and 
hardships  are  often  but  an  incentive  to  exertion  :  what  is 
fatal  to  it,  is  the  belief  that  it  will  not  be  suffered  to  produce 
its  fruits. 

§  2.  Simple  over-taxation  by  government,  though  a  great 
evil,  is  not  comparable  in  the  economical  part  of  its  mischiefs 
to  exactions  much  more  moderate  in  amount,  which  either 
subject  the  contributor  to  the  arbitrary  mandate  of  govern- 
ment officers,  or  are  so  laid  on  as  to  place  skill,  industry,  and 
frugality,  at  a  disadvantage.  The  burthen  of  taxation  in  our 
own  country  is  very  great,  yet  as  every  one  knows  its  limit, 
and  is  seldom  made  to  pay  more  than  he  expects  and  cal- 
culates on,  and  as  the  modes  of  taxation  are  not  of  such  a 
kind  as  much  to  impair  the  motives  to  industry  and  economy, 
the  sources  of  prosperity  are  little  diminished  by  the  pressure 
of  taxation  ;  they  may  even,  as  some  think,  be  increased,  by 

492  BOOK   V-     CHAPTER  VIE.     §2. 

the  extra  exertions  made  to  compensate  for  the  pressure  of 
the  taxes.  But  in  the  barbarous  despotisms  of  many  coun- 
tries of  the  East,  where  taxation  consists  in  fastening  upon 
those  who  have  succeeded  in  acquiring  something,  in  order 
to  confiscate  it,  unless  the  possessor  buys  its  release  by  sub- 
mitting to  give  some  large  sum  as  a  compromise,  we  cannot 
expect  to  find  voluntary  industry,  or  wealth  derived  from  any 
source  but  plunder.  And  even  in  comparatively  civilized 
countries,  bad  modes  of  raising  a  revenue  have  had  effects 
similar  in  kind,  though  in  an  inferior  degree.  French  writers 
before  the  Revolution  represented  the  taille  as  a  main  cause 
of  the  backward  state  of  agriculture,  and  of  the  wretched 
condition  of  the  rural  population ;  not  from  its  amount,  but 
because,  being  proportioned  to  the  visible  capital  of  the  cul- 
tivator, it  gave  him  a  motive  for  appearing  poor,  which 
sufficed  to  turn  the  scale  in  favour  of  indolence.  The  arbi- 
trary powers  also  of  fiscal  officers,  of  intendants  and  suhde- 
legues,  were  more  destructive  of  prosperity  than  a  far  larger 
amount  of  exactions,  because  they  destroyed  security :  there 
was  a  marked  superiority  in  the  condition  of  thepays  d?etaU, 
which  were  exempt  from  this  scourge.  The  universal  venal- 
ity ascribed  to  Russian  functionaries,  must  be  an  immense 
drag  on  the  capabilities  of  economical  improvement  possessed 
so  abundantly  by  the  Russian  empire :  since  the  emoluments 
of  public  officers  must  depend  on  the  success  with  which  they 
can  multiply  vexations,  for  the  purpose  of  being  bought  off 
by  bribes. 

Yet  mere  excess  of  taxation,  even  when  not  aggravated 
by  uncertainty,  is,  independently  of  its  injustice,  a  serious 
economical  evil.  It  may  be  carried  so  far  as  to  discourage 
industry  by  insufficiency  of  reward.  Very  long  before  it 
reaches  this  point,  it  prevents  or  greatly  cheeks  accumula- 
tion, or  causes  the  capital  accumulated  to  be  sent  for  invest- 
ment to  foreign  countries.  Taxes  which  fall  on  profits,  even 
though  that  kind  of  income  may  not  pay  more  than  its  just 
share,  necessarily  diminish  the  motive  to  any  saving  except 
for  investment  in  foreign  countries  where  profits  are  higher. 


Holland,  for  example,  seems  to  have  long  ago  reached  the 
practical  minimum  of  profits :  already  in  the  last  century 
her  wealthy  capitalists  had  a  great  part  of  their  fortunes  in- 
vested in  the  loans  and  joint-stock  speculations  of  other  coun- 
tries :  and  this  low  rate  of  profit  is  ascribed  to  the  heavy  tax- 
ation, which  had  been  in  some  measure  forced  on  her  by  the 
circumstances  of  her  position  and  history.  The  taxes  indeed, 
besides  their  great  amount,  were  many  of  them  on  neces- 
saries, a  kind  of  tax  peculiarly  injurious  to  industry  and  accu- 
mulation. But  when  the  aggregate  amount  of  taxation  is 
very  great,  it  is  inevitable  that  recourse  must  be  had  for  part 
of  it  to  taxes  of  an  objectionable  character.  And  any  taxes 
on  consumption,  when  heavy,  even  if  not  operating  on  profits, 
have  something  of  the  same  effect,  by  driving  persons  of 
moderate  means  to  live  abroad,  often  taking  their  capital 
with  them.  Although  I  by  no  means  join  with  those 
political  economists  who  think  no  state  of  national  exist- 
ence desirable  in  which  there  is  not  a  rapid  increase  of 
wealth,  I  cannot  overlook  the  many  disadvantages  to  an 
independent  nation  from  being  brought  prematurely  to  a 
stationary  state,  while  the  neighbouring  countries  continue 

§  3.  The  subject  of  protection  to  person  and  property, 
considered  as  afforded  by  government,  ramifies  widely,  into 
a  number  of  indirect  channels.  It  embraces,  for  example, 
the  whole  subject  of  the  perfection  or  inefficiency  of  the 
means  provided  for  the  ascertainment  of  rights  and  the  re- 
dress of  injuries.  Person  and  property  cannot  be  considered 
secure  where  the  administration  of  justice  is  imperfect,  either 
from  defect  of  integrity  or  capacity  in  the  tribunals,  or  because 
the  delay,  vexation,  and  expense  accompanying  their  oper- 
ation impose  a  heavy  tax  on  those  who  appeal  to  them,  and 
make  it  preferable  to  submit  to  any  endurable  amount  of  the 
evils  which  they  are  designed  to  remedy.  In  England  there 
is  no  fault  to  be  found  with  the  administration  of  justice,  in 
point  of  pecuniary  integrity ;  a  result  which  the  progress  of 

494  B00K  v-     CHAPTER  VIII.     §3. 

social  improvement  may  also  be  supposed  to  have  brought 
about  in  several  other  nations  of  Europe.  But  legal  and 
judicial  imperfections  of  other  kinds  are  abundant;  and,  in 
England  especially,  are  a  large  abatement  from  the  value  of 
the  services  which  the  government  renders  back  to  the 
people  in  return  for  our  enormous  taxation.  In  the  first 
place,  the  incognoscibility  (as  Bentham  termed  it)  of  the 
law,  and  its  extreme  uncertainty,  even  to  those  who  best 
know  it,  render  a  resort  to  the  tribunals  often  necessary  for 
obtaining  justice,  when,  there  being  no  dispute  as  to  facts, 
no  litigation  ought  to  be  required.  In  the  next  place,  the 
procedure  of  the  tribunals  is  so  replete  with  delay,  vexation, 
and  expense,  that  the  price  at  which  justice  is  at  last  obtained 
is  an  evil  outweighing  a  very  considerable  amount  of  injust- 
ice ;  and  the  wrong  side,  even  that  which  the  law  considers 
such,  has  many  chances  of  gaining  its  point,  through  the 
abandonment  of  litigation  by  the  other  party  for  want  of 
funds,  or  through  a  compromise  in  which  a  sacrifice  is  made 
of  just  rights  to  terminate  the  suit,  or  through  some  technical 
quirk,  whereby  a  decision  is  obtained  on  some  other  ground 
than  the  merits.  This  last  detestable  incident  often  happens 
without  blame  to  the  judge,  under  a  system  of  law,  of  which 
a  great  part  rests  on  no  rational  principles  adapted  to  the 
present  state  of  society,  but  was  originally  founded  partly  on 
a  kind  of  whims  and  conceits,  and  partly  on  the  principles 
and  incidents  of  feudal  tenure,  (which  now  survive  only  as 
legal  fictions ;)  and  has  only  been  very  imperfectly  adapted, 
as  cases  arose,  to  the  changes  which  had  taken  place  in  society. 
Of  all  parts  of  the  English  legal  system,  the  Court  of  Chan- 
cery, which  has  the  best  substantive  law,  has  hitherto  been 
incomparably  the  worst  as  to  delay,  vexation,  and  expense ; 
and  this  is  the  only  tribunal  for  most  of  the  classes  of  cases 
which  are  in  their  nature  the  most  complicated,  such  as  cases 
of  partnership,  and  the  great  range  and  variety  of  cases  which 
come  under  the  denomination  of  trust.  The  recent  reforms 
in  this  Court  have  abated  the  mischief,  but  are  still  far  from 
having  removed  it. 


Fortunately  for  the  prosperity  of  England,  the  greater 
part  of  the  mercantile  law  is  comparatively  modern,  and 
was  made  by  the  tribunals,  by  the  simple  process  of  recog- 
nising and  giving  force  of  law  to  the  usages  which,  from 
motives  of  convenience,  had  grown  up  among  merchants 
themselves  :  so  that  this  part  of  the  law,  at  least,  was  sub- 
stantially made  by  those  who  were-  most  interested  in  its 
goodness  :  while  the  defects  of  the  tribunals  have  been  the 
less  practically  pernicious  in  reference  to  commercial  trans- 
actions, because  the  importance  of  credit,  which  depends  on 
character,  renders  the  restraints  of  opinion  (though,  as  daily 
experience  proves,  an  insufficient)  yet  a  very  powerful,  pro* 
tection  against  those  forms  of  mercantile  dishonesty  which 
are  generally  recognised  as  such. 

The  imperfections  of  the  law,  both  in  its  substance  and 
in  its  procedure,  fall  heaviest  upon  the  interests  connected 
with  what  is  technically  called  real  property ;  in  the  general 
language  of  European  jurisprudence,  immoveable  property. 
With  respect  to  all  this  portion  of  the  wealth  of  the  com- 
munity, the  law  fails  egregiously  in  the  protection  which  it 
undertakes  to  provide.  It  fails,  first,  by  the  uncertainty, 
and  the  maze  of  technicalities,  which  mako  it  impossible  for 
any  one,  at  however  great  an  expense,  to  possess  a  title  to 
land  which  he  can  positively  know  to  be  unassailable.  It 
fails,  secondly,  in  omitting  to  provide  due  evidence  of  trans- 
actions, by  a  proper  registration  of  legal  documents.  It 
fails,  thirdly,  by  creating  a  necessity  for  operose  and  expen- 
sive instruments  and  formalities  (independently  of  fiscal 
burthens)  on  occasion  of  the  purchase  and  sale,  or  even  the 
lease  or  mortgage,  of  immoveable  property.  And,  fourthly, 
it  fails  by  the  intolerable  expense  and  delay  of  law  proceed 
ings,  in  almost  all  cases  in  which  real  property  is  concerned. 
There  is  no  doubt  that  the  greatest  sufferers  by  the  defects 
of  the  higher  courts  of  civil  law  are  the  landowners.  Legal 
expenses,  either  those  of  actual  litigation,  or  of  the  prepara- 
tion of  legal  instruments,  form,  I  apprehend,  no  inconsidera- 
ble item  in  the  annual  expenditure  of  most  persons  of  large 

496  B00K  V.      CHAPTER  VIII.      §3. 

landed  property,  and  the  saleable  value  of  their  land  is 
greatly  impaired,  by  the  difficulty  of  giving  to  the  buyer 
complete  confidence  in  the  title  ;  independently  of  the  legal 
expenses  which  accompany  the  transfer.  Yet  the  land- 
owners, though  they  have  been  masters  of  the  legislation  of 
England,  to  say  the  least  since  1683,  have  never  made  a 
single  move  in  the  direction  of  law  reform,  and  have  been 
strenuous  opponents  of  some  of  the  improvements  of  which 
they  would  more  particularly  reap  the  benefit ;  especially 
that  great  one  of  a  registration  of  contracts  affecting  land, 
which  when  proposed  by  a  Commission  of  eminent  real 
property  lawyers,  and  introduced  into  the  House  of  Com- 
mons by  Lord  Campbell,  was  so  offensive  to  the  general  body 
of  landlords,  and  was  rejected  by  so  large  a  majority,  as  to 
have  long  discouraged  any  repetition  of  the  attempt.  This 
irrational  hostility  to  improvement,  in  a  case  in  which  their 
own  interest  would  be  the  most  benefited  by  it,  must  be 
ascribed  to  an  intense  timidity  on  the  subject  of  their  titles? 
generated  by  the  defects  of  the  very  law  which  they  refuse 
to  alter;  and  to  a  conscious  ignorance,  and  incapacity  of 
judgment,  on  all  legal  subjects,  which  makes  them  help- 
lessly defer  to  the  opinion  of  their  professional  advisers, 
heedless  of  the  fact  that  every  imperfection  of  the  law,  in 
proportion  as  it  is  burthensome  to  them,  brings  gain  to  the 

In  so  far  as  the  defects  of  legal  arrangements  are  a  mere 
burthen  on  the  landowner,  they  do  not  much  affect  the 
sources  of  production  ;  but  the  uncertainty  of  the  title 
under  which  land  is  held,  must  often  act  as  a  great  dis- 
couragement to  the  expenditure  of  capital  in  its  improve- 
ment ;  and  the  expense  of  making  transfers,  operates  to 
prevent  land  from  coming  into  the  hands  of  those  who  would 
use  it  to  most  advantage  ;  often  amounting,  in  the  case  of 
small  purchases,  to  more  than  the  price  of  the  land,  and 
tantamount,  therefore,  to  a  prohibition  of  the  purchase  and 
.sale  of  land  in  small  portions,  unless  in  exceptional  circum- 
stances.    Such  purchases,  however,  are  almost  everywhere 


extremely  desirable,  there  being  hardly  any  country  in 
which  landed  property  is  not  either  too  much  or  too  little 
subdivided,  requiring  either  that  great  estates  should  be 
broken  down,  or  that  small  ones  should  be  bought  up  and 
consolidated.  To  make  land  as  easily  transferable  as  stock, 
would  be  one  of  the  greatest  economical  improvements 
which  could  be  bestowed  on  a  country ;  and  has  been 
shown,  again  and  again,  to  have  no  insuperable  difficulty 
attending  it. 

Besides  the  excellences  or  defects  that  belong  to  the  law 
and  judicature  of  a  country  as  a  system  of  arrangements  for 
attaining  direct  practical  ends,  much  also  depends,  even  in 
an  economical  point  of  view,  upon  the  moral  influences  of 
the  law.  Enough  has  been  said  in  a  former  place,*  on  the 
degree  in  which  both  the  industrial  and  all  other  combined 
operations  of  mankind  depend  for  efficiency  on  their  being 
able  to  rely  on  one  another  for  probity  and  fidelity  to 
engagements  ;  from  which  we  see  how  greatly  even  the 
economical  prosperity  of  a  country  is  liable  to  be  affected, 
by  anything  in  its  institutions  by  which  either  integrity 
and  trustworthiness,  or  the  contrary  qualities,  are  encour- 
aged. The  law  everywhere  ostensibly  favours  at  least  pecu- 
niary honesty  and  the  faith  of  contracts  ;  but  if  it  affords 
facilities  for  evading  those  obligations,  by  trick  and  chican- 
ery, or  by  the  unscrupulous  use  of  riches  in  instituting  un- 
just or  resisting  just  litigation;  if  there  are  ways  and  means 
by  which  persons  may  attain  the  ends  of  roguery,  under  the 
apparent  sanction  of  the  law  ;  to  that  extent  the  law  is 
demoralizing,  even  in  regard  to  pecuniary  integrity.  And 
such  cases  are,  unfortunately,  frequent  under  the  English  sys- 
tem. If,  again,  the  law,  by  a  misplaced  indulgence,  protects 
idleness  or  prodigality  against  their  natural  consequences, 
or  dismisses  crime  with  inadequate  penalties,  the  effect, 
both  on  the  prudential,  and  on  the  social  virtues,  is  un- 
favourable. "When  the  law,  by  its  own  dispensations  and 
injunctions,    establishes   injustice   between   individual   and 

*  Supra,  vol.  i.  p.  149. 


498  BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  VIH.     §3. 

individual ;  as  all  laws  do  which  recognise  any  form  of 
slavery ;  as  the  laws  of  all  countries  do,  though  not  all  in 
the  same  degree,  in  respect  to  the  family  relations  ;  and  as 
the  laws  of  many  countries  do,  though  in  still  more  unequal 
degrees,  as  between  rich  and  poor ;  the  effect  on  the  moral 
sentiments  of  the  people  is  still  more  disastrous.  But  these 
subjects  introduce  considerations  so  much  larger  and  deeper 
than  those  of  political  economy,  that  I  only  advert  to  them 
in  order  not  to  pass  wholly  unnoticed,  things  superior  in 
importance  to  those  of  which  I  treat. 



§  1.  Having  spoken  thus  far  of  the  effects  produced 
by  the  excellences  or  defects  of  the  general  system  of  the 
law,  I  shall  now  touch  upon  those  resulting  from  the  special 
character  of  particular  parts  of  it.  As  a  selection  must  be 
made,  I  shall  confine  myself  to  a  few  leading  topics.  The 
portions  of  the  civil  law  of  a  country  which  are  of  most 
importance  economically  (next  to  those  which  determine  the 
status  of  the  labourer,  as  slave,  serf,  or  free),  are  those  rela- 
ting to  the  two  subjects  of  Inheritance  and  Contract.  Of 
the  laws  relating  to  contract,  none  are  more  important 
economically,  than  the  laws  of  partnership,  and  those  of 
insolvency.  It  happens  that  on  all  these  three  points, 
there  is  just  ground  for  condemning  some  of  the  provisions 
of  the  English  law. 

With  regard  to  Inheritance,  I  have,  in  an  early  chapter, 
considered  the  general  principles  of  the  subject,  and  sug- 
gested what  appear  to  me  to  be,  putting  all  prejudices  apart, 
the  best  dispositions  which  the  law  could  adopt.  Freedom 
of  bequest  as  the  general  rule,  but  limited  by  two  things : 
first,  that  if  they  are  descendants,  who,  being  unable  to 
provide  for  themselves,  would  become  burthensome  to  the 
state,  the  equivalent  of  whatever  the  state  would  accord  to 
them  should  be  reserved  from  the  property  for  their  benefit : 
and  secondly,  that  no  one  person  should  be  permitted  to 
acquire  by  inheritance,  more  than  the  amount  of  a  moderate 
independence.  In  case  of  intestacy,  the  whole  property 
to  escheat  to  the  state :  which  should  be  bound  to  make  a 

500  BOOK   V.     CHAPTER  IX.      §  1. 

just  and  reasonable  provision  for  descendants,  that  is,  such 
a  provision  as  the  parent  or  ancestor  ought  to  have  made, 
their  circumstances,  capacities,  and  mode  of  bringing  up 
being  considered. 

The  laws  of  inheritance,  however,  have  probably  several 
phases  of  improvement  to  go  through,  before  ideas  so  far 
removed  from  present  modes  of  thinking  will  be  taken  into 
serious  consideration  :  and  as,  among  the  recognised  modes 
of  determining  the  succession  to  property,  some  must  be 
better  and  others  worse,  it  is  necessary  to  consider  which  of 
them  deserves  the  preference.  As  an  intermediate  course, 
therefore,  I  would  recommend  the  extension  to  all  property, 
of  the  present  English  law  of  inheritance  affecting  personal 
property  (freedom  of  bequest,  and,  in  case  of  intestacy, 
equal  division) :  except  that  no  rights  should  be  acknowl- 
edged in  collaterals,  and  that  the  property  of  those  who  have 
neither  descendants  nor  ascendants,  and  make  no  will, 
should  escheat  to  the  state. 

The  laws  of  existing  nations  deviate  from  these  maxims 
in  two  opposite  ways.  In  England,  and  in  most  of  the 
countries  where  the  influence  of  feudality  is  still  felt  in  the 
laws,  one  of  the  objects  aimed  at  in  respect  to  land  and 
other  immoveable  property,  is  to  keep  it  together  in  large 
masses  :  accordingly,  in  cases  of  intestacy,  it  passes,  gener- 
ally speaking  (for  the  local  custom  of  a  few  places  is  differ- 
ent), exclusively  to  the  eldest  son.  And  though  the  rule  of 
primogeniture  is  not  binding  on  testators,  who  in  England 
have  nominally  the  power  of  bequeathing  their  property  as 
they  please,  any  proprietor  may  so  exercise  this  power  as  to 
deprive  his  successors  of  it,  by  entailing  the  property  on  one 
particular  line  of  his  descendants :  which,  besides  preventing 
it  from  passing  by  inheritance  in  any  other  than  the  pre- 
scribed manner,  is  attended  with  the  incidental  consequence 
of  precluding  it  from  being  sold  ;  since  each  successive  pos- 
sessor, having  only  a  life  interest  in  the  property,  cannot 
alienate  it  for  a  longer  period  than  his  own  life.  In  some 
other  countries,  such  as  France,  the  law,  on  the  contrary, 


compels  division  of  inheritances ;  not  only,  in  case  of 
intestacy,  sharing  the  property,  both  real  and  personal, 
equally  among  all  the  children,  or  (if  there  are  no  chil- 
dren) among  all  relatives  in  the  same  degree  of  propin- 
quity ;  but  also  not  recognising  any  power  of  bequest,  or 
recognising  it  over  only  a  limited  portion  of  the  property,  the 
remainder  being  subjected  to  compulsory  equal  division. 

Neither  of  these  systems,  I  apprehend,  was  introduced, 
or  is  perhaps  maintained,  in  the  countries  where  it  exists, 
from  any  general  considerations  of  justice,  or  any  foresight 
of  economical  consequences,  but  chiefly  from  political 
motives ;  in  the  one  case  to  keep  up  large  hereditary 
fortunes  and  a  landed  aristocracy ;  in  the  other,  to  break 
these  down,  and  prevent  their  resurrection.  The  first 
object,  as  an  aim  of  national  policy,  I  conceive  to  be  emi- 
nently undesirable :  with  regard  to  the  second,  I  have 
pointed  out  what  seems  to  me  a  better  mode  of  attaining 
it.  The  merit,  or  demerit,  however,  of  either  purpose, 
belongs  to  the  general  science  of  politics,  not  to  the  limited 
department  of  that  science  which  is  here  treated  of.  Each 
of  the  two  systems  is  a  real  and  efficient  instrument  for  the 
purpose  intended  by  it;  but  each,  as  it  appears  to  me, 
achieves  that  purpose  at  the  cost  of  much  mischief. 

§  2.  There  are  two  arguments  of  an  economical  char- 
acter, which  are  urged  in  favour  of  primogeniture.  One  is, 
the  stimulus  applied  to  the  industry  and  ambition  of  young- 
er children,  by  leaving  them  to  be  the  architects  of  their 
own  fortunes.  This  argument  was  put  by  Dr.  Johnson  in 
a  manner  more  forcible  than  complimentary  to  an  hereditary 
aristocracy,  when  he  said,  by  way  of  recommendation  of 
primogeniture,  that  it  "makes  but  one  fool  in  a  family." 
It  is  curious  that  a  defender  of  aristocratic  institutions 
should  be  the  person  to  assert  that  to  inherit  such  a  fortune 
as  takes  away  any  necessity  for  exertion,  is  generally  fatal  to 
activity  and  strength  of  mind  :  in  the  present  state  of  educa- 
tion, however,  the  proposition,  with  some   allowance   for 

502  BOOK  V.      CHAPTER  IX.     §2. 

exaggeration,  may  be  admitted  to  be  true.  But  whatever 
force  there  is  in  the  argument,  counts  in  favour  of  limiting 
the  eldest,  as  well  as  all  the  other  children,  to  a  mere  pro- 
vision, and  dispensing  with  even  the  "  one  fool  "  whom  Dr 
Johnson  was  willing  to  tolerate.  If  unearned  riches  are  so 
pernicious  to  the  character,  one  does  not  see  why,  in  order  to 
withhold  the  poison  from  the  junior  members  of  a  family, 
there  should  be  no  way  but  to  unite  all  their  separate  por- 
tions, and  administer  them  in  the  largest  possible  dose 
to  one  selected  victim.  It  cannot  be  necessary  to  inflict  this 
great  evil  on  the  eldest  son,  for  want  of  knowing  what  else 
to  do  with  a  large  fortune. 

Some  writers,  however,  look  upon  the  effect  of  primo- 
geniture in  stimulating  industry,  as  depending,  not  so  much 
on  the  poverty  of  the  younger  children,  as  on  the  contrast 
between  that  poverty  and  the  riches  of  the  elder ;  thinking 
it  indispensable  to  the  activity  and  energy  of  the  hive,  that 
there  should  be  a  huge  drone  here  and  there,  to  impress  the 
working  bees  with  a  due  sense  of  the  advantages  of  honey. 
"  Their  inferiority  in  point  of  wealth,"  says  Mr.  M'Culloch, 
speaking  of  the  younger  children,  "  and  their  desire  to 
escape  from  this  lower  station,  and  to  attain  to  the  same 
level  with  their  elder  brothers,  inspires  them  with  an  energy 
and  vigour  they  could  not  otherwise  feel.  But  the  advantage 
of  preserving  large  estates  from  being  frittered  down  by  a 
scheme  of  equal  division,  is  not  limited  to  its  influence 
over  the  younger  children  of  their  owners.  It  raises  uni- 
versally the  standard  of  competence,  and  gives  new  force  to 
the  springs  which  set  industry  in  motion.  The  manner  of 
living  among  the  great  landlords  is  that  in  which  every  one 
is  ambitious  of  being  able  to  indulge  ;  and  their  habits  of 
expense,  though  sometimes  injurious  to  themselves,  act  as 
powerful  incentives  to  the  ingenuity  and  enterprise  of  the 
other  classes,  who  never  think  their  fortunes  sufficiently 
ample,  unless  they  will  enable  them  to  emulate  the  splendour 
of  the  richest  landlords ;  so  that  the  custom  of  primogeniture 
seems  to  render  all  classes  more  industrious,  and  to  augment 


at  the  same  time,  the  mass  of  wealth  and  the  scale  of 
enjoyment."  * 

The  portion  of  truth,  I  can  hardly  say  contained  in  these 
observations,  but  recalled  by  them,  I  apprehend  to  be,  that 
a  state  of  complete  equality  of  fortunes  would  not  be  favour- 
able to  active  exertion  for  the  increase  of  wealth.  Speaking 
of  the  mass,  it  is  as  true  of  wealth  as  of  most  other  distinc- 
tions— of  talent,  knowledge,  virtue, — that  those  who  already 
have,  or  think  they  have,  as  much  of  it  as  their  neighbours, 
will  seldom  exert  themselves  to  acquire  more.  But  it  is  not 
therefore  necessary  that  society  should  provide  a  set  of  per- 
sons with  large  fortunes,  to  fulfil  the  social  duty  of  standing 
to  be  looked  at,  with  envy  and  admiration,  by  the  aspiring 
poor.  The  fortunes  which  people  have  acquired  for  them- 
selves, answer  the  purpose  quite  as  well,  indeed  much  bet- 
ter ;  since  a  person  is  more  powerfully  stimulated  by  the 
example  of  somebody  who  has  earned  a  fortune,  than  by  the 
mere  sight  of  somebody  who  possesses  one  ;  and  the  former 
is  necessarily  an  example  of  prudence  and  frugality  as  well 
as  industry,  while  the  latter  much  oftener  sets  an  example 
of  profuse  expense,  which  spreads,  with  pernicious  effect,  to 
the  very  class  on  whom  the  sight  of  riches  is  supposed  to 
have  so  beneficial  an  influence,  namely,  those  whose  weak- 
ness of  mind,  and  taste  for  ostentation,  makes  "  the  splen- 
dour of  the  richest  landlords  "  attract  them  with  the  most 
potent  spell.  In  America  there  are  few  or  no  hereditary 
fortunes ;  yet  industrial  energy,  and  the  ardour  of  accumu- 
lation, are  not  supposed  to  be  particularly  backward  in  that 
part  of  the  world.  When  a  country  has  once  fairly  entered 
into  the  industrial  career,  which  is  the  principal  occupation 
of  the  modern,  as  war  was  that  of  the  ancient  and  mediaeval 
world,  the  desire  of  acquisition  by  industry  needs  no  fac- 
titious stimulus  :  the  advantages  naturally  inherent  in  riches, 
and  the  character  they  assume  of  a  test  by  which  talent  and 

*  Principles  of  Political  Economy,  ed.  1843,  p.  264.  There  is  much  more 
to  the  same  effect  in  the  more  recent  treatise  by  the  same  author,  "  On  the  Suc- 
cession to  Property  vacant  by  Death." 

504  BOOK   V.      CHAPTER   IX.      §2. 

success  in  life  are  habitually  measured,  are  an  ample  security 
for  their  being  pursued  with  sufficient  intensity  and  zeal. 
As  1k>  the  deeper  consideration,  that  the  diffusion  of  wealth, 
and  not  its  concentration,  is  desirable,  and  that  the  more 
wholesome  state  of  society  is  not  that  in  which  immense 
fortunes  are  possessed  by  a  few  and. coveted  by  all,  but  that 
in  which  the  greatest  possible  numbers  possess  and  are  con- 
tented with  a  moderate  competency,  which  all  may  hope  to 
acquire  ;  I  refer  to  it  in  this  place,  only  to  show,  how  widely 
separated,  on  social  questions,  is  the  entire  mode  of  thought 
of  the  defenders  of  primogeniture,  from  that  which  is  par- 
tially promulgated  in  the  present  treatise. 

The  other  economical  argument  in  favour  of  primogeni- 
ture, has  special  reference  to  landed  property.  It  is  con- 
tended, that  the  habit  of  dividing  inheritances  equally,  or 
with  an  approach  to  equality,  among  children,  promotes  the 
subdivision  of  land  into  portions  too  small  to  admit  of  being 
cultivated  in  an  advantageous  manner.  This  argument, 
eternally  reproduced,  has  again  and  again  been  refuted  by 
English  and  Continental  writers.  It  proceeds  on  a  suppo- 
sition entirely  at  variance  with  that  on  which  all  the  theorems 
of  political  economy  are  grounded.  It  assumes  that  mankind 
in  general  will  habitually  act  in  a  manner  opposed  to  their 
immediate  and  obvious  pecuniary  interest.  For  the  division 
of  the  inheritance  does  not  necessarily  imply  division  of  the 
land ;  which  may  be  held  in  common,  as  is  not  unfrequently 
the  case  in  France  and  Belgium ;  or  may  become  the  prop- 
erty of  one  of  the  coheirs,  being  charged  with  the  shares  of 
the  other  by  the  way  of  mortgage ;  or  they  may  sell  it 
outright,  and  divide  the  proceeds.  When  the  division  of  the 
land  would  diminish  its  productive  power,  it  is  the  direct 
interest  of  the  heirs  to  adopt  some  one  of  these  arrangements. 
Supposing,  however,  what  the  argument  assumes,  that  either 
from  legal  difficulties  or  from  their  own  stupidity  and  bar- 
barism, they  would  not,  if  left  to  themselves,  obey  the  dic- 
tates of  this  obvious  interest,  but  would  insist  upon  cutting 
up  the  land  bodily  into  equal  parcels,  with  the  effect  of  im- 


poverishing  themselves  ;  this  would  be  an  objection  to  a  law 
such  as  exists  in  France,  of  compulsory  division,  but  can  be 
no  reason  why  testators  should  be  discouraged  from  exer- 
cising the  right  of  bequest  in  general  conformity  to  the  rule 
of  equality,  since  it  would  always  be  in  their  power  to  pro- 
vide that  the  division  of  the  inheritance  should  take  place 
without  dividing  the  land  itself.  That  the  attempts  of  the 
advocates  of  primogeniture  to  make  out  a  case  by  facts 
against  the  custom  of  equal  division,  are  equally  abortive, 
has  been  shown  in  a  former  place.  In  all  countries,  or  parts 
of  countries,  in  which  the  division  of  inheritances  is  accom- 
panied by  small  holdings,  it  is  because  small  holdings  are  the 
general  system  of  the  country,  even  on  the  estates  of  the 
great  proprietors. 

Unless  a  strong  case  of  social  utility  can  be  made  out  for 
primogeniture,  it  stands  sufficiently  condemned  by  the  gen- 
eral principles  of  justice  ;  being  a  broad  distinction  in  the 
treatment  of  one  person  and  of  another,  grounded  solely  on 
an  accident.  There  is  no  need,  therefore,  to  make  out  any 
case  of  economical  evil  against  primogeniture.  Such  a  case, 
however,  and  a  very  strong  one,  may  be  made.  It  is  a  natu- 
ral effect  of  primogeniture  to  make  the  landlords  a  needy 
class.  The  object  of  the  institution,  or  custom,  is  to  keep 
the  land  together  in  large  masses,  and  this  it  commonly  ac- 
complishes ;  but  the  legal  proprietor  of  a  large  domain  is 
not  necessarily  the  bond  fide  owner  of  the  whole  income 
which  it  yields.  It  is  usually  charged,  in  each  generation, 
with  provisions  for  the  other  children.  It  is  often  charged 
still  more  heavily  by  the  imprudent  expenditure  of  the  pro- 
prietor. Great  landowners  are  generally  improvident  in 
their  expenses ;  they  live  up  to  their  incomes  when  at  the 
highest,  and  if  any  change  of  circumstances  diminishes  their 
resources,  some  time  elapses  before  they  make  up  their 
minds  to  retrench.  Spendthrifts  in  other  classes  are  ruined, 
and  disappear  from  society ;  but  the  spendthrift  landlord 
usually  holds  fast  to  his  land,  even  when  he  has  become  a 
mere  receiver  of  its  rents  for  the  benefit  of  creditors.     The 

506  BOOK   V.      CHAPTER  IX.      §3. 

same  desire  to  keep  up  the  "splendour"  of  the  family, 
which  gives  rise  to  the  custom  of  primogeniture,  indisposes 
the  owner  to  sell  a  part  in  order  to  set  free  the  remainder ; 
their  apparent  are  therefore  habitually  greater  than  their 
real  means,  and  they  are  under  a  perpetual  temptation  to 
proportion  their  expenditure  to  the  former  rather  than  to 
the  latter.  From  such  causes  as  these,  in  almost  all  coun- 
tries of  great  landowners,  the  majority  of  landed  estates  are 
deeply  mortgaged ;  and  instead  of  having  capital  to  spare 
for  improvements,  it  requires  all  the  increased  value  of  land, 
caused  by  the  rapid  increase  of  the  wealth  and  population 
of  the  country,  to  preserve  the  class  from  being  impover- 

§  3.  To  avert  this  impoverishment,  recourse  was  had  to 
the  contrivance  of  entails,  whereby  the  order  of  succession 
was  irrevocably  fixed,  and  each  holder,  having  only  a  life 
interest,  was  unable  to  burthen  his  successor.  The  land 
thus  passing,  free  from  debt,  into  the  possession  of  the  heir, 
the  family  could  not  be  ruined  by  the  improvidence  of  its 
existing  representative.  The  economical  evils  arising  from 
this  disposition  of  property  were  partly  of  the  same  kind, 
partly  different,  but  on  the  whole  greater,  than  those  arising 
from  primogeniture  alone.  The  possessor  could  not  now 
ruin  his  successors,  but  he  could  still  ruin  himself:  he  was 
not  at  all  more  likely  than  in  the  former  case  to  have  the 
means  necessary  for  improving  the  property :  while,  even  if 
he  had,  he  was  still  less  likely  to  employ  them  for  that  pur- 
pose, when  the  benefit  was  to  accrue  to  a  person  whom  the 
entail  made  independent  of  him,  while  he  had  probably 
younger  children  to  provide  for,  in  whose  favour  he  could 
not  now  charge  the  estate.  While  thus  disabled  from  being 
himself  an  improver,  neither  could  he  sell  the  estate  to 
somebody  who  would ;  since  entail  precludes  alienation. 
In  general  he  has  even  been  unable  to  grant  leases  beyond 
the  term  of  his  own  life ;  "  for,"  says  Blackstone,  "  if  such 
leases  had  been  valid,  then,  under  cover  of  long  leases,  the 


issue  might  have  been  virtually  disinherited ; "  and  it  has 
been  necessary  in  Great  Britain  to  relax,  by  statute,  the 
rigour  of  entails,  in  order  to  allow  either  of  long  leases,  or 
of  the  execution  of  improvements  at  the  expense  of  the 
estate.  It  may  be  added  that  the  heir  of  entail,  being 
assured  of  succeeding  to  the  family  property,  however  unde- 
serving of  it,  and  being  aware  of  this  from  his  earliest  years, 
has  much  more  than  the  ordinary  chances  of  growing  up 
idle,  dissipated,  and  profligate. 

In  England  the  power  of  entail  is  more  limited  by  law, 
than  in  Scotland  and  in  most  other  countries  where  it  exists. 
A  landowner  can  settle  his  property  upon  any  number  of 
persons  successively  who  are  living  at  the  time,  and  upon 
one  unborn  person,  on  whose  attaining  age  of  twenty-one, 
the  entail  expires,  and  the  land  becomes  his  absolute  prop- 
erty. An  estate  may  in  this  manner  be  transmitted 
through  a  son,  or  a  son  and  grandson,  living  when  the 
deed  is  executed,  to  an  unborn  child  of  that  grandson. 
It  has  been  maintained  that  this  power  of  entail  is  not 
sufficiently  extensive  to  do  any  mischief:  in  truth,  how- 
ever, it  is  much  larger  than  it  seems.  Entails  very  rarely 
expire ;  the  first  heir  of  entail,  when  of  age,  joins  with  the 
existing  possessor  in  resettling  the  estate,  so  as  to  prolong 
the  entail  for  a  further  term.  Large  properties,  therefore, 
are  rarely  free  for  any  considerable  period,  from  the 
restraints  of  a  strict  settlement ;  though  the  mischief  is  in 
one  respect  mitigated,  since  in  the  renewal  of  the  settle- 
ment for  one  more  generation,  the  estate  is  usually  charged 
with  a  pension  for  younger  children. 

In  an  economical  point  of  view,  the  best  system  of  landed 
property  is  that  in  which  land  is  most  completely  an  object 
of  commerce ;  passing  readily  from  hand  to  hand  when  a 
buyer  can  be  found  to  whom  it  is  worth  while  to  offer  a 
greater  sum  for  the  land,  than  the  value  of  the  income 
drawn  from  it  by  its  existing  possessor.  This  of  course 
is  not  meant  of  ornamental  property,  which  is  a  source  of 
expense,  not  profit ;  but  only  of  land  employed  for  indus- 

508  BOOK  V.    CHAPTER  IX.    §4. 

trial  uses,  and  held  for  the  sake  of  the  income  which  it 
affords.  Whatever  facilitates  the  sale  of  land,  tends  to 
make  it  a  more  productive  instrument  for  the  community 
at  large;  whatever  prevents  or  restricts  its  sale,  subtracts 
from  its  usefulness.  Now,  not  only  has  entail  this  effect, 
but  primogeniture  also.  The  desire  to  keep  land  together 
in  large  masses,  from  other  motives  than  that  of  promoting 
its  productiveness,  often  prevents  changes  and  alienations 
which  would  increase  its  efficiency  as  an  instrument. 

§  4.  On  the  other  hand,  a  law  which,  like  the  French, 
restricts  the  power  of  bequest  to  a  narrow  compass,  and 
compels  the  equal  division  of  the  whole  or  the  greater  part 
of  the  property  among  the  children,  seems  to  me,  though 
on  different  grounds,  also  very  seriously  objectionable. 
The  only  reason  for  recognising  in  the  children  any  claim 
at  all  to  more  than  a  provision,  sufficient  to  launch  them 
in  life,  and  enable  them  to  find  a  livelihood,  is  grounded  on 
the  expressed  or  presumed  wish  of  the  parent ;  whose  claim 
to  dispose  of  what  is  actually  his  own,  cannot  be  set  aside 
by  any  pretensions  of  others  to  receive  what  is  not  theirs. 
To  control  the  rightful  owner's  liberty  of  gift,  by  creating 
in  the  children  a  legal  right  superior  to  it,  is  to  postpone  a 
real  claim  to  an  imaginary  one.  To  this  great  and  para- 
mount objection  to  the  law,  numerous  secondary  ones  may 
be  added.  Desirable  as  it  is  that  the  parent  should  treat 
the  children  with  impartiality,  and  not  make  a  favourite  of 
an  eldest  son,  impartial  division  is  not  always  synonymous 
with  equal  division.  Some  of  the  children  may,  without 
fault  of  their  own,  be  less  capable  than  others  of  providing 
for  themselves  :  some  may,  by  other  means  than  their  own 
exertions,  be  already  provided  for :  and  impartiality  may 
therefore  require  that  the  rule  observed  should  not  be  one 
of  equality,  but  of  compensation.  Even  when  equality  is 
the  object,  there  are  sometimes  better  means  of  attaining  it, 
than  the  inflexible  rules  by  which  law  must  necessarily  pro- 
ceed.    If  one  of  the  coheirs,  being  of  a  quarrelsome,  litigious 


disposition,  stands  upon  his  utmost  rights,  the  law  cannot 
make  equitable  adjustments ;  it  cannot  apportion  the  pro- 
perty as  seems  best  for  the  collective  interest  of  all  con- 
cerned ;  if  there  are  several  parcels  of  land,  and  the  heirs 
cannot  agree  about  their  value,  the  law  cannot  give  a  parcel 
to  each,  but  every  separate  parcel  must  be  either  put  up  to 
sale  or  divided  :  if  there  is  a  residence,  or  a  park  or  pleas- 
ure-ground, which  would  be  destroyed,  as  such,  by  sub- 
division, it  must  be  sold,  perhaps  at  a  great  sacrifice  both  of 
money  and  of  feeling.  But  what  the  law  could  not  do,  the 
parent  could.  By  means  of  the  liberty  of  bequest,  all  these 
points  might  be  determined  according  to  reason  and  the  gene- 
ral interest  of  the  persons  concerned ;  and  the  spirit  of  the 
principle  of  equal  division  might  be  the  better  observed,  be- 
cause the  testator  was  emancipated  from  its  letter.  Finally, 
it  would  not  then  be  necessary,  as  under  the  compulsory 
system  it  is,  that  the  law  should  interfere  authoritatively  in 
the  concerns  of  individuals,  not  only  on  the  occurrence  of  a 
death,  but  throughout  life,  in  order  to  guard  against  the 
attempts  of  parents  to  frustrate  the  legal  claims  of  their 
heirs,  under  colour  of  gifts  and  other  alienations  inter  vivos. 
In  conclusion ;  all  owners  of  property  should,  I  conceive, 
have  power  to  dispose  by  will  of  every  part  of  it,  but  not  to 
determine  the  person  who  should  succeed  to  it  after  the 
death  of  all  who  were  living  when  the  will  was  made. 
Under  what  restrictions  it  should  be  allowable  to  bequeath 
property  to  one  person  for  life,  with  remainder  to  another 
person  already  in  existence,  is  a  question  belonging  to 
general  legislation,  not  to  political  economy.  Such  settle- 
ments would  be  no  greater  hindrance  to  alienation  than  any 
case  of  joint  ownership,  since  the  consent  of  persons  actually 
in  existence  is  all  that  would  be  necessary  for  any  new 
arrangement  respecting  the  property. 

§  5.  From  the  subject  of  Inheritance  I  now  pass  to  that 
of  Contracts,  and  among  these,  to  the  important  subject  of 
the  Laws   of  Partnership.     How  much   of  good   or  evil 

510  BOOK  V.      CHAPTER  IX.      §5. 

depends  upon  these  laws,  and  how  important  it  is  that  they 
should  be  the  best  possible,  is  evident  to  all  who  recognise 
in  the  extension  of  the  co-operative  principle  the  great 
economical  necessity  of  modern  industry.  The  progress  of 
the  productive  arts  requiring  that  many  sorts  of  industrial 
occupation  should  be  carried  on  by  larger  and  larger  capi- 
tals, the  productive  power  of  industry  must  suffer  by  what- 
ever impedes  the  formation  of  large  capitals  through  the 
aggregation  of  smaller  ones.  Capitals  of  the  requisite  mag- 
nitude, belonging  to  single  owners,  do  not,  in  most  countries, 
exist  in  the  needful  abundance,  and  would  be  still  less 
numerous  if  the  laws  favoured  the  diffusion  instead  of  the 
concentration  of  property :  while  it  is  most  undesirable  that 
all  those  improved  processes,  and  those  means  of  efficiency 
and  economy  in  production,  which  depend  on  the  possession 
of  large  funds,  should  be  monopolies  in  the  hands  of  a  few 
rich  individuals,  through  the  difficulties  experienced  by 
persons  of  moderate  or  small  means  in  associating  their 
capital.  Finally,  I  must  repeat  my  conviction,  that  the 
industrial  economy  which  divides  society  absolutely  into  two 
portions,  the  payers  of  wages  and  the  receivers  of  them,  the 
first  counted  by  thousands  and  the  last  by  millions,  is 
neither  fit  for,  nor  capable  of,  indefinite  duration  :  and  the 
possibility  of  changing  this  system  for  one  of  combina- 
tion without  dependence,  and  unity  of  interest  instead  of 
organized  hostility,  depends  altogether  upon  the  future 
developments  of  the  Partnership  principle. 

Yet  there  is  scarcely  any  country  whose  laws  do  not 
throw  great,  and  in  most  cases,  intentional  obstacles  in  the 
way  of  the  formation  of  any  numerous  partnership.  In 
England  it  is  already  a  serious  discouragement,  that  differ- 
ences among  partners  are,  practically  speaking,  only  capable 
of  adjudication  by  the  Court  of  Chancery :  which  is  often 
worse  than  placing  such  questions  out  of  the  pale  of  all  law ; 
since  any  one  of  the  disputant  parties,  who  is  either  dis- 
honest or  litigious,  can  involve  the  others  at  his  pleasure 
in  the  expense,  trouble,  and  anxiety,  which  are  the  una  void- 


able  accompaniments  of  a  Chancery  suit,  without  their 
having  the  power  of  freeing  themselves  from  the  infliction 
even  by  breaking  up  the  association.*  Besides  this,  it 
required,  until  lately,  a  separate  act  of  the  legislature  before 
any  joint-stock  association  could  legally  constitute  itself, 
and  be  empowered  to  act  as  one  body.  By  a  statute  passed 
a  few  years  ago,  this  necessity  is  done  away ;  but  the  statute 
in  question  is  described  by  competent  authorities  as  a  "  mass 
of  confusion,"  of  which  they  say  that  there  "  never  was  such 
an  infliction  "  on  persons  entering  into  partnership.f  When 
a  number  of  persons,  whether  few  or  many,  freely  desire  to 
unite  their  funds  for  a  common  undertaking,  not  asking  any 
peculiar  privilege,  nor  the  power  to  dispossess  any  one  of 
property,  the  law  can  have  no  good  reason  for  throwing 
difficulties  in  the  way  of  the  realization  of  the  project.  On 
compliance  with  a  few  simple  conditions  of  publicity,  any 
body  of  persons  ought  to  have  the  power  of  constituting 
themselves  into  a  joint-stock  company,  or  societe  en  nom 
collectif,  without  asking  leave  either  of  any  public  officer  or 
of  parliament.     As  an  association  of  many  partners  must 

*  Mr.  Cecil  Fane,  the  Commissioner  of  the  Bankruptcy  Court,  in  his  evidence 
before  the  Committee  on  the  Law  of  Partnership,  says:  "I  remember  a  short 
time  ago  reading  a  written  statement  by  two  eminent  solicitors,  who  said  that 
they  had  known  many  partnership  accounts  go  into  Chancery,  but  that  they 
never  knew  one  come  out.  .  .  .  Very  few  of  the  persons  who  would  be  dis- 
posed to  engage  in  partnerships  of  this  kind  "  (co-operative  associations  of  work- 
ing men)  "  have  any  idea  of  the  truth,  namely,  that  the  decision  of  questions 
arising  amongst  partners  is  really  impracticable. 

"  Do  they  not  know  that  one  partner  may  rob  the  other  without  any  possi- 
bility of  his  obtaining  redress  ? — The  fact  is  so ;  but  whether  they  know  it  or 
not,  I  cannot  undertake  to  say." 

This  flagrant  injustice  is,  in  Mr.  Fane's  opinion,  wholly  attributable  to  the 
defects  of  the  tribunal.  "  My  opinion  is,  that  if  there  is  one  thing  more  easy 
than  another,  it  is  the  settlement  of  partnership  questions,  and  for  the  simple 
reason,  that  everything  which  is  done  in  a  partnership  is  entered  in  the  books ; 
the  evidence  therefore  is  at  hand ;  if  therefore  a  rational  mode  of  proceeding 
were  once  adopted,  the  difficulty  would  altogether  vanish." — Minutes  of  Evidence 
annexed  to  the  Report  of  the  Select  Committee  on  the  Law  of  Partnership 
(1851),  pp.  85-7. 

f  Report,  ut  supra,  p.  167. 

512  BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  IX.     §6. 

practically  be  under  the  management  of  a  few,  every  facility 
ought  to  be  afforded  to  the  body  for  exercising  the  necessary 
control  and  check  over  those  few,  whether  they  be  them- 
selves members  of  the  association,  or  merely  its  hired  ser- 
vants :  and  in  this  point  the  English  system  is  still  at  a 
lamentable  distance  from  the  standard  of  perfection. 

§  6.  Whatever  facilities,  however,  English  law  might 
give  to  associations  formed  on  the  principles  of  ordinary 
partnership,  there  is  one  sort  of  joint-stock  association  which 
until  the  year  1855  it  absolutely  disallowed,  and  which, 
could  only  be  called  into  existence  by  a  special  act  either 
of  the  legislature  or  of  the  crown.  I  mean,  associations 
with  limited  liability. 

Associations  with  limited  liability  are  of  two  kinds  :  in 
one,  the  liability  of  all  the  partners  is  limited,  in  the  other  that 
of  some  of  them  only.  The  first  is  the  societe  anonyme  of 
the  French  law,  which  in  England  had  until  lately  no  other 
name  than  that  of  "  chartered  company  :"  meaning  thereby 
a  joint-stock  company  whose  shareholders,  by  a  charter  from 
the  crown  or  a  special  enactment  of  the  legislature,  stood 
exempted  from  any  liability  for  the  debts  of  the  concern, 
beyond  the  amount  of  their  subscriptions.  The  other  species 
of  limited  partnership  is  that  known  to  the  French  law 
under  the  name  of  commandite  y  of  this,  which  in  England 
is  still  unrecognised  and  illegal,  I  shall  speak  presently. 

If  a  number  of  persons  choose  to  associate  for  carrying 
on  any  operation  of  commerce  or  industry,  agreeing  among 
themselves  and  announcing  to  those  with  whom  they  deal 
that  the  members  of  the  association  do  not  undertake  to  be 
responsible  beyond  the  amount  of  the  subscribed  capital ;  is 
there  any  reason  that  the  law  should  raise  objections  to  this 
proceeding,  and  should  impose  on  them  the  unlimited 
responsibility  which  they  disclaim  ?  For  whose  sake  ?  Not 
for  that  of  the  partners  themselves ;  for  it  is  they  whom 
the  limitation  of  responsibility  benefits  and  protects.  It 
must  therefore  be  for  the  sake  of  third    parties ;  namely, 


those  who  may  have  transactions  with  the  association,  and 
to  whom  it  may  run  in  debt  beyond  what  the  subscribed 
capital  suffices  to  pay.  But  nobody  is  obliged  to  deal  with 
the  association ;  still  less  is  any  one  obliged  to  give  it  un- 
limited credit.  The  class  of  persons  with  whom  such  asso- 
ciations have  dealings  are  in  general  perfectly  capable  of 
taking  care  of  themselves,  and  there  seems  no  reason  that 
the  law  should  be  more  careful  of  their  interests  than  they 
will  themselves  be ;  provided  no  false  representation  is  held 
out,  and  they  are  aware  from  the  first  what  they  have  trust  to. 
The  law  is  warranted  in  requiring  from  all  joint-stock  asso- 
ciations with  limited  responsibility,  not  only  that  the  amount 
of  capital  on  which  they  profess  to  carry  on  business  should 
either  be  actually  paid  up  or  security  given  for  it  (if,  in- 
deed, with  complete  publicity,  such  a  requirement  would 
be  necessary)  but  also  that  such  accounts  should  be  kept,  ac- 
cessible to  individuals,  and  if  needful,  published  to  the  world, 
as  shall  render  it  possible  to  ascertain  at  any  time  the  existing 
state  of  the  company's  affairs,  and  to  learn  whether  the  cap- 
ital which  is  the  sole  security  for  the  engagements  into  which 
they  enter,  still  subsist  unimpaired  :  the  fidelity  of  such  ac- 
counts being  guarded  by  sufficient  penalties.  When  the  law 
has  thus  afforded  to  individuals  all  practicable  means  of  know- 
ing the  circumstances  which  ought  to  enter  into  their  pru- 
dential calculations  in  dealing  with  the  company,  there 
seems  no  more  need  for  interfering  with  individual  judgment 
in  this  sort  of  transactions,  than  in  any  other  part  of  the 
private  business  of  life. 

The  reason  usually  urged  for  such  interference  is,  that 
the  managers  of  an  association  with  limited  responsibility, 
not  risking  their  whole  fortunes  in  the  event  of  loss,  while 
in  case  of  gain  they  might  profit  largely,  are  not  sufficiently 
interested  in  exercising  due  circumspection,  and  are  under 
the  temptation  of  exposing  the  funds  of  the  association  to 
improper  hazards.  It  is,  however,  well  ascertained  that 
associations  with  unlimited  responsibility,  if  they  have  rich 
shareholders,  can  obtain,  even  when  known  to  be  reckless 

514  BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  IX.     §6. 

in  their  transactions,  improper  credit  to  an  extent  far  exceed- 
ing what  would  be  given  to  companies  equally  ill-conducted 
whose  creditors  had  only  the  subscribed  capital  to  rely  on.* 
To  whichever  side  the  balance  of  evil  inclines,  it  is  a  con- 
sideration of  more  importance  to  the  shareholders  them- 
selves than  to  third  parties ;  since,  with  proper  securities 
for  publicity,  the  capital  of  an  association  with  limited 
liability  could  not  be  engaged  in  hazards  beyond  those 
ordinarily  incident  to  the  business  it  carries  on,  without 
the  facts  being  known,  and  becoming  the  subject  of  com- 
ments by  which  the  credit  of  the  body  would  be  likely  to 
be  affected  in  quite  as  great  a  degree  as  the  circumstances 
would  justify.  If,  under  securities  for  publicity,  it  were 
found  in  practice  that  companies,  formed  on  the  principle 
of  unlimited  responsibility,  were  more  skilfully  and  more 
cautiously  managed,  companies  with  limited  liability  would 
be  unable  to  maintain  an  equal  competition  with  them ; 
and  would  therefore  rarely  be  formed,  unless  when  such 
limitation  was  the  only  condition  on  which  the  necessary 
amount  of  capital  could  be  raised :  and  in  that  case  it 
would  be  very  unreasonable  to  say  that  their  formation 
ought  to  be  prevented. 

It  may  further  be  remarked,  that  although,  with  equality 
of  capital,  a  company  of  limited  liability  offers  a  somewhat 
less  security  to  those  who  deal  with  it,  than  one  in  which 
every  shareholder  is  responsible  with  his  whole  fortune,  yet 
even  the  weaker  of  these  two  securities  is  in  some  respects 
stronger  than  that  which  an  individual  capitalist  can  afford. 
In  the  case  of  an  individual,  there  is  such  security  as  can 
be  founded  on  his  unlimited  liability,  but  not  that  derived 
from  publicity  of  transactions,  or  from  a  known  and  large 
amount  of  paid-up  capital.  This  topic  is  well  treated  in  an 
able  paper  by  M.  Coquelin,  published  in  the  Eevue  des 
Deux  Mondes  for  July  1843.f 

*  See  the  Report  already  referred  to,  pp.  145-158. 

f  The  quotation  is  from  a  translation  published  by  Mr.  H.  C.  Carey,  in  an 
American  periodical,  Hunt's  Merchant's  Magazine,  for  May  and  June  1 845. 


"  While  tliird  parties  who  trade  with  individuals,"  says 
this  writer,  "  scarcely  ever  know,  except  by  approximation, 
and  even  that  most  vague  and  uncertain,  what  is  the  amount 
of  capital  responsible  for  the  performance  of  contracts  made 
with  them,  those  who  trade  with  a  societe  anonyme  can 
obtain  full  information  if  they  seek  it,  and  perform  their 
operations  with  a  feeling  of  confidence  that  cannot  exist  in 
the  other  case.  Again,  nothing  is  easier  than  for  an  indi- 
vidual trader  to  conceal  the  extent  of  his  engagements,  as 
no  one  can  know  it  certainly  but  himself.  Even  his  confi- 
dential clerk  may  be  ignorant  of  it,  as  the  loans  he  finds 
himself  compelled  to  make  may  not  all  be  of  a  character  to 
require  that  they  be  entered  in  his  day-book.  It  is  a  secret 
confined  to  himself ;  one  which  transpires  rarely,  and  always 
slowly ;  one  which  is  unveiled  only  when  the  catastrophe  has 
occurred.  On  the  contrary,  the  societe  anonyme  neither 
can  nor  ought  to  borrow,  without  the  fact  becoming  known 
to  all  the  world — directors,  clerks,  shareholders,  and  the 
public.  Its  operations  partake  in  some  respects,  of  the 
nature  of  those  of  governments.  The  light  of  day  penetrates 
in  every  direction,  and  there  can  be  no  secrets  from  those 
who  seek  for  information.  Thus  all  is  fixed,  recorded, 
known,  of  the  capital  and  debts  in  the  case  of  the  societe 
anonyme,  while  all  is  uncertain  and  unknown  in  the  case  of 
the  individual  trader.  Which  of  the  two,  we  would  ask  the 
reader,  presents  the  most  favourable  aspect,  or  the  surest 
guarantee,  to  the  view  of  those  who  trade  with  them  ? 

"  Again,  availing  himself  of  the  obscurity  in  which  his 
affairs  are  shrouded,  and  which  he  desires  to  increase,  the 
private  trader  is  enabled,  as  long  as  his  business  appears 
prosperous,  to  produce  impressions  in  regard  to  his  means 
far  exceeding  the  reality,  and  thus  to  establish  a  credit  not 
justified  by  those  means.  When  losses  occur,  and  he  sees 
himself  threatened  with  bankruptcy,  the  world  is  still  igno- 
rant of  his  condition,  and  he  finds  himself  enabled  to  contract 
debts  far  beyond  the  possibility  of  payment.  The  fatal  day 
arrives,  and  the  creditors  find  a  debt  much  greater  than  had 

516  BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  IX.     §Y. 

been  anticipated,  while  the  means  of  payment  are  as  much 
less.  Even  this  is  not  all.  The  same  obscurity  which  has 
served  him  so  well  thus  far,  when  desiring  to  magnify  his 
capital  and  increase  his  credit,  now  affords  him  the  oppor- 
tunity of  placing  a  part  of  that  capital  beyond  the  reach  of 
his  creditors.  It  becomes  diminished,  if  not  annihilated. 
It  hides  itself,  and  not  even  legal  remedies,  nor  the  activity 
of  creditors,  can  bring  it  forth  from  the  dark  corners  in 
which  it  is  placed.  .  .  .  Our  readers  can  readily  deter- 
mine for  themselves  if  practices  of  this  kind  are  equally 
easy  in  the  case  of  the  societe  anonyme.  We  do  not  doubt 
that  such  things  are  possible,  but  we  think  that  they  will 
agree  with  us  that  from  its  nature,  its  organization,  and  the 
necessary  publicity  that  attends  all  its  actions,  the  liability 
to  such  occurrences  is  very  greatly  diminished." 

The  laws  of  most  countries,  England  included,  have 
erred  in  a  twofold  manner  with  regard  to  joint-stock  com- 
panies. While  they  have  been  most  unreasonably  jealous 
of  allowing  such  associations  to  exist,  especially  with  limited 
responsibility,  they  have  generally  neglected  the  enforcement 
of  publicity  ;  the  best  security  to  the  public  against  any 
danger  which  might  arise  from  this  description  of  partner- 
ships ;  and  a  security  quite  as  much  required  in  the  case  of 
those  associations  of  the  kind  in  question,  which,  by  an 
exception  from  their  general  practice,  they  suffered  to  exist. 
Even  in  the  instance  of  the  Bank  of  England,  which  holds  a 
monopoly  from  the  legislature,  and  has  had  partial  control 
over  a  matter  of  so  much  public  interest  as  the  state  of  the 
circulating  medium,  it  is  only  within  these  few  years 
that  any  publicity  has  been  enforced  ;  and  the  publicity  was 
at  first  of  an  extremely  incomplete  character,  though  now, 
for  most  practical  purposes,  probably  at  length  sufficient. 

§  7.  The  other  kind  of  limited  partnership  which  de- 
mands our  attention,  is  that  in  which  the  managing  partner 
or  partners  are  responsible  with  their  whole  fortunes  for  the 
engagements  of  the  concern,  but  have  others  associated  with 


them  who  contribute  only  definite  sums,  and  are  not  liable 
for  anything  beyond,  though  they  participate  in  the  profits 
according  to  any  rule  which  may  be  agreed  on.  This 
is  called  partnership  en  commandite :  and  the  partners 
with  limited  liability  (to  whom,  by  the  French  law,  all 
interference  in  the  management  of  the  concern  is  interdicted) 
are  known  by  the  name  commanditaires.  Such  partner- 
ships are  not  allowed  by  English  law  :  whoever  shares  in 
the  profits  is  liable  for  the  debts,  to  as  plenary  an  extent  as 
the  managing  partner. 

For  such  prohibition  no  satisfactory  defence  has  ever, 
so  far  as  I  am  aware,  been  made.  Even  the  insufficient 
reason  given  against  limiting  the  responsibility  of  share- 
holders in  a  joint-stock  company,  does  not  apply  here  ; 
there  being  no  diminution  of  the  motives  to  circumspect 
management,  since  all  who  take  any  part  in  the  direction 
of  the  concern  are  liable  with  their  whole  fortunes.  To 
third  parties,  again,  the  security  is  improved  by  the  exist- 
ence of  commandite  ;  since  the  amount  subscribed  by  com- 
manditaires is  all  of  it  available  to  creditors,  the  comman- 
ditaires losing  their  whole  investment  before  any  creditor 
can  lose  anything ;  while,  if  instead  of  becoming  partners 
to  that  amount,  they  had  lent  the  sum  at  an  interest  equal 
to  the  profit  they  derived  from  it,  they  would  have  shared 
with  the  other  creditors  in  the  residue  of  the  estate,  dimin- 
ishing pro  rata  the  dividend  obtained  by  all.  While  the 
practice  of  commandite  thus  conduces  to  the  interest  of 
creditors,  it  is  often  highly  desirable  for  the  contracting 
parties  themselves.  The  managers  are  enabled  to  obtain  the 
aid  of  a  much  greater  amount  of  capital  than  they  could 
borrow  on  their  own  security ;  and  persons  are  induced  to 
aid  useful  undertakings,  by  embarking  limited  portions  of 
capital  in  them  when  they  would  not,  and  often  could  not 
prudently,  have  risked  their  whole  fortunes  on  the  chances 
of  the  enterprise. 

It  may  perhaps  be  thought  that  where  due  facilities  are 
afforded  to  joint-stock  companies,  commandite  partnerships 

518  ,  BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  IX.      §7. 


are  not  required.  But  there  are  classes  of  cases  to  whie 
the  commandite  principle  must  always  be  better  adapted 
than  the  joint-stock  principle.  "  Suppose,"  says  M.  Coque- 
lin,  "  an  inventor  seeking  for  a  capital  to  carry  his  invention 
into  practice.  To  obtain  the  aid  of  capitalists,  he  must 
offer  them  a  share  of  the  anticipated  benefit ;  they  must 
associate  themselves  with  him  in  the  chances  of  its  success. 
In  such  a  case,  which  of  the  forms  would  he  select  ?  Not 
a  common  partnership,  certainly  ;"  for  various  reasons,  and 
especially  the  extreme  difficulty  of  finding  a  partner  with 
capital,  willing  to  risk  his  whole  fortune  on  the  success  of  the 
invention.*  " Neither  would  he  select  the  societe  anonyme" 
or  any  other  form  of  joint-stock  company, "  in  which  he  might 
be  superseded  as  manager.  He  would  stand,  in  such  an  asso- 
ciation, on  no  better  footing  than  any  other  shareholder, 
and  he  might  be  lost  in  the  crowd ;  whereas,  the  association 
existing,  as  it  were,  by  and  for  him,  the  management  would 
appear  to  belong  to  him  as  a  matter  of  right.     Cases  occur 

*  "  There  has  been  a  great  deal  of  commiseration  professed,"  says  Mr.  Dun- 
can, solicitor,  "  towards  the  poor  inventor ;  he  has  been  oppressed  by  the  high 
cost  of  patents ;  but  his  chief  oppression  has  been  the  partnership  law,  which 
prevents  his  getting  any  one  to  help  him  to  develop  his  invention.  He  is  a 
poor  man,  and  therefore  cannot  give  security  to  a  creditor ;  no  one  will  lend 
him  money ;  the  rate  of  interest  offered,  however  high  it  may  be,  is  not  an 
attraction.  But  if  by  the  alteration  of  the  law  he  could  allow  capitalists  to  take 
an  interest  with  him  and  share  the  profits,  while  the  risk  should  be  confined  to 
the  capital  they  embarked,  there  is  very  little  doubt  at  all  that  he  would  fre- 
quently get  assistance  from  capitalists ;  whereas  at  the  present  moment,  with 
the  law  as  it  stands,  he  is  completely  destroyed,  and  his  invention  is  useless  to 
him ;  he  struggles  month  after  month ;  he  applies  again  and  again  to  the  capi- 
talist without  avail.  I  know  it  practically  in  two  or  three  cases  of  patented  in- 
ventions ;  especially  one  where  parties  with  capital  were  desirous  of  entering 
into  an  undertaking  of  great  moment  in  Liverpool,  but  five  or  six  different  gen- 
tlemen were  deterred  from  doing  so,  all  feeling  the  strongest  objection  to  what 
each  one  called  the  cursed  partnership  law."     Report,  p.  155. 

Mr.  Fane  says,  "  In  the  course  of  my  professional  life,  as  a  Commissioner  of 
the  Court  of  Bankruptcy,  I  have  learned  that  the  most  unfortunate  man  in  the 
world  is  an  inventor.  The  difficulty  which  an  inventor  finds  in  getting  at  capi- 
tal, involves  him  in  all  sorts  of  embarrassments,  and  he  ultimately  is  for  the 
most  part  a  ruined  man,  and  somebody  else  gets  possession  of  his  invention." 
lb.  p.  82. 


in  which  a  merchant  or  a  manufacturer,  without  being  pre- 
cisely an  inventor,  has  undeniable  claims  to  the  manage- 
ment of  an  undertaking,  from  the  possession  of  qualities 
peculiarly  calculated  to  promote  its  success.  So  great, 
indeed,"  continues  M.  Coquelin,  "  is  the  necessity,  in 
many  cases,  for  the  limited  partnership,  that  it  is  difficult 
to  conceive  how  we  could  dispense  with  or  replace  it :  " 
and  in  reference  to  his  own  country  he  is  probably  in  the 

"Where  there  is  so  great  a  readiness  as  in  England,  on 
the  part  of  the  public,  to  form  joint-stock  associations,  even 
without  the  encouragement  of  a  limitation  of  responsi- 
bility ;  commandite  partnership,  though  its  prohibition  is 
in  principle  quite  indefensible,  cannot  be  deemed  to  be,  in  a 
merely  economical  point  of  view,  of  the  imperative  necessity 
which  M.  Coquelin  ascribes  to  it.  Yet  the  inconveniences 
are  not  small,  which  arise  indirectly  from  those  provi- 
sions of  the  law  by  which  every  one  who  shares  in  the 
profits  of  a  concern  is  subject  to  the  full  liabilities  of  an 
unlimited  partnership.  It  is  impossible  to  say  how  many 
or  what  useful  modes  of  combination  are  rendered  im- 
practicable by  this  state  of  the  law.  It  is  sufficient  for 
its  condemnation  that,  unless  in  some  way  relaxed,  it  is 
inconsistent  with  the  payment  of  wages  in  part  by  a  per- 
centage on  profits ;  in  other  words,  the  association  of  the 
operatives  as  virtual  partners  with  the  capitalist. 

It  is,  above  all,  with  reference  to  the  improvement  and 
elevation  of  the  working  classes  that  complete  freedom  in 
the  conditions  of  partnership  is  indispensable.  Combina- 
tions such  as  the  associations  of  workpeople,  described  in  a 
former  chapter,  are  the  most  powerful  means  of  effecting 
the  social  emancipation  of  the  labourers  through  their  own 
moral  qualities.  Nor  is  the  liberty  of  association  important 
solely  for  its  examples  of  success,  but  fully  as  much  so  for 
the  sake  of  attempts  which  would  not  succeed ;  but  by  their 
failure  would  give  instruction  more  impressive  than  can  be 
afforded   by  anything   short  of  actual  experience.     Every 

520  B00K  v-     CHAPTER  IX.     §Y. 

theory  of  social  improvement,  the  worth  of  which  is  capable 
of  being  brought  to  an  experimental  test,  should  be  per- 
mitted, and  even  encouraged,  to  submit  itself  to  that  test. 
From  such  experiments  the  active  portion  of  the  working 
classes  would  derive  lessons  which  they  would  be  slow  to 
learn  from  the  teaching  of  persons  supposed  to  have  interests 
and  prejudices  adverse  to  their  good ;  would  obtain  the 
means  of  correcting  at  no  cost  to  society,  what  is  now  erro- 
neous in  their  notions  of  the  means  of  establishing  their 
independence ;  and  of  discovering  the  conditions,  moral, 
intellectual,  and  industrial,  which  are  indispensably  neces- 
sary for  effecting  without  injustice,  or  for  effecting  at  all, 
the  social  regeneration  they  aspire  to.* 

The  French  law  of  partnership  is  superior  to  the  English 
in  permitting  commandite ;  and  superior,  in  having  no  such 
unmanageable  instrument  as  the  Court  of  Chancery,  all  cases 
arising  from  commercial  transactions  being  adjudicated  in  a 
comparatively  cheap  and  expeditious  manner  by  a  tribunal 
of  merchants.  In  other  respects  the  French  system  is  far 
worse  than  the  English.  A  joint-stock  company  with  limit- 
ed responsibility  cannot  be  formed  without  the  express  au- 
thorization of  the  department  of  government  called  the 
Conseil  cPEtat,  a  body  of  administrators,  generally  entire 
strangers  to  industrial  transactions,  who  have  no  interest  in 
promoting  enterprises,  and  are  apt  to  think  that  the  purpose 
of  their  institution  is  to  restrain  them ;  whose  consent  cannot 
in  any  case  be  obtained  without  an  amount  of  time  and 
labour  which  is  a  very  serious  hindrance  to  the  commence- 
ment of  an  enterprise,  while  the  extreme  uncertainty  of 

*  By  an  act  of  the  year  1852,  called  the  Industrial  and  Provident  Societies 
Act,  for  which  the  nation  is  indebted  to  the  public-spirited  exertions  of  Mr. 
Slaney,  industrial  associations  of  working  people  are  admitted  to  the  statutory 
privileges  of  Friendly  Societies.  This  not  only  exempts  them  from  the  formali- 
ties applicable  to  joint-stock  companies,  but  provides  for  the  settlement  of  dis- 
putes among  the  partners  without  recourse  to  the  Court  of  Chancery.  There  are 
still  some  defects  in  the  provisions  of  this  Act,  which  hamper  the  proceedings  of 
the  Societies  in  several  respects ;  as  is  pointed  out  in  the  Almanack  of  the  Roch- 
dale Equitable  Pioneers  for  1861. 


obtaining  that  consent  at  all  is  a  great  discouragement  to 
capitalists  who  would  be  willing  to  subscribe.  In  regard  to 
joint-stock  companies  without  limitation  of  responsibility, 
which  in  England  exist  in  such  numbers  and  are  formed 
with  such  facility,  these  associations  cannot,  in  France,  exist 
at  all ;  for,  in  cases  of  unlimited  partnership,  the  French 
law  does  not  permit  the  division  of  the  capital  into  trans- 
ferable sjiares. 

The  best  existing  laws  of  partnership  appear  to  be  those 
of  the  New  England  States.  According  to  Mr.  Carey,* 
"  nowhere  is  association  so  little  trammelled  by  regulations 
as  in  New  England  ;  the  consequence  of  which  is,  that  it  i? 
carried  to  a  greater  extent  there,  and  particularly  in  Massa- 
chusetts and  Rhode  Island,  than  in  any  other  part  of  the 
world.  In  these  states,  the  soil  is  covered  with  compagnics — chartered  companies — for  almost  every  conceiv- 
able purpose.  Every  town  is  a  corporation  for  the  manage- 
ment of  its  roads,  bridges,  and  schools ;  which  are,  therefore, 
under  the  direct  control  of  those  who  pay  for  them,  and  are 
consequently  well  managed.  Academies  and  churches,  ly- 
ceums  and  libraries,  saving-fund  societies,  and  trust  com- 
panies, exist  in  numbers  proportioned  to  the  wants  of  the 
people,  and  all  are  corporations.  Every  district  has  its 
local  bank,  of  a  size  to  suit  its  wants,  the  stock  of  which  is 
owned  by  the  small  capitalists  of  the  neighborhood,  and 
managed  by  themselves  ;  the  consequence  of  which  is,  that 
in  no  part  of  the  world  is  the  system  of  banking  so  perfect 
— so  little  liable  to  vibration  in  the  amount  of  loans — the 
necessary  effect  of  which  is,  that  in  none  is  the  value  of  prop- 
erty so  little  affected  by  changes  in  the  amount  or  value 
of  the  currency  resulting  from  the  movements  of  their  own 
banking  institutions.  In  the  two  states  to  which  we  have 
particularly  referred,  they  are  almost  two  hundred  in  num- 
ber. Massachusetts,  alone,  offers  to  our  view  fifty-three 
insurance  offices,  of  various  forms,  scattered  through  the 
state,  and  all  incorporated.     Factories  are  incorporated,  and 

*  In  a  note  appended  to  his  translation  of  M.  Coquelin's  paper. 

522  BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  IX.      §7. 

are  owned  in  shares ;  and  every  one  that  has  any  part  in 
the  management  of  their  concerns,  from  the  purchase  of  the 
raw  material  to  the  sale  of  the  manufactured  article,  is  a 
part  owner  ;  while  every  one  employed  in  them  has  a  pros- 
pect of  becoming  one,  by  the  use  of  prudence,  exertion, 
and  economy.  Charitable  associations  exist  in  large  num- 
bers, and  all  are  incorporated.  Fishing  vessels  are  owned  in 
shares  by  those  who  navigate  them ;  and  the  sailors  of  a 
whaling  ship  depend  in  a  great  degree,  if  not  altogether, 
upon  the  success  of  the  voyage  for  their  compensation. 
Every  master  of  a  vessel  trading  in  the  Southern  Ocean  is  a 
part  owner,  and  the  interest  he  possesses  is  a  strong  induce- 
ment to  exertion  and  economy,  by  aid  of  which  the  people 
of  New  England  are  rapidly  driving  out  the  competition 
of  other  nations  for  the  trade  of  that  part  of  the  world. 
"Wherever  settled,  they  exhibit  the  same  tendency  to  com- 
bination of  action.  In  New  York  they  are  the  chief  owners 
of  the  lines  of  packet  ships,  which  are  divided  into  shares, 
owned  by  the  shipbuilders,  the  merchants,  the  master,  and 
the  mates ;  which  last  generally  acquire  the  means  of  be- 
coming themselves  masters,  and  to  this  is  due  their  great 
success.  The  system  is  the  most  perfectly  democratic  of  any 
in  the  world.  It  affords  to  every  labourer,  every  sailor, 
every  operative,  male  or  female,  the  prospect  of  advance- 
ment ;  and  its  results  are  precisely  such  as  we  should  have 
reason  to  expect.  In  no  part  of  the  world  are  talent, 
industry,  and  prudence,  so  certain  to  be  largely  rewarded." 
The  cases  of  insolvency  and  fraud  on  the  part  of  char- 
tered companies  in  America,  which  have  caused  so  much 
loss  and  so  much  scandal  in  Europe,  did  not  occur  in  the 
part  of  the  Union  to  which  this  extract  refers,  but  in  the 
other  States,  in  which  the  right  of  association  is  much  more 
fettered  by  legal  restrictions,  and  in  which,  accordingly, 
joint-stock  associations  are  not  comparable  in  number  or 
variety  to  those  of  New  England.  Mr.  Carey  adds,  "  A 
careful  examination  of  the  systems  of  the  several  states,  can 
scarcely,  we  think,  fail  to  convince  the  reader  of  the  advan- 


tage  resulting  from  permitting  men  to  determine  among 
themselves  the  terms  upon  which  they  will  associate,  and 
allowing  the  associations  that  may  be  formed  to  contract 
with  the  public  as  to  the  terms  npon  which  they  will  trade 
together,  whether  of  the  limited  or  unlimited  liability  of  the 
partners ;"  and  I  concur  in  thinking  that  to  this  conclusion, 
science  and  legislation  must  come. 

§  8.     I  proceed  to  the  subject  of  Insolvency  Laws. 

Good  laws  on  this  subject  are  important,  first  and  prin- 
cipally, on  the  score  of  public  morals ;  which  are  on  no 
point  more  under  the  influence  of  the  law,  for  good  and 
evil,  than  in  a  matter  belonging  so  pre-eminently  to  the 
province  of  law  as  the  preservation  of  pecuniary  integrity. 
But  the  subject  is  also,  in  a  merely  economical  point  of  view, 
of  great  importance.  First,  because  the  economical  well- 
being  of  a  people,  and  of  mankind,  depends  in  an  especial 
manner  upon  their  being  able  to  trust  each  other's  engage- 
ments. Secondly,  because  one  of  the  risks,  or  expenses,  of 
industrial  operations  is  the  risk  or  expense  of  what  are  com- 
monly called  bad  debts,  and  every  saving  which  can  be 
effected  in  this  liability  is  a  diminution  of  cost  of  produc- 
tion ;  by  dispensing  with  an  item  of  outlay  which  in  no  way 
conduces  to  the  desired  end,  and  which  must  be  paid  for 
either  by  the  consumer  of  the  commodity,  or  from  the 
general  profits  of  capital,  according  as  the  burden  is  pecu- 
liar or  general. 

The  laws  and  practice  of  nations  on  this  subject  have 
almost  always  been  in  extremes.  The  ancient  laws  of  most 
countries  were  all  severity  to  the  debtor.  They  invested  the 
creditor  with  a  power  of  coercion,  more  or  less  tyrannical, 
which  he  might  use  against  his  insolvent  debtor,  either  to 
extort  the  surrender  of  hidden  property,  or  to  obtain  satis- 
faction of  a  vindictive  character,  which  might  console  him 
for  the  non-payment  of  the  debt.  This  arbitrary  power  has 
extended,  in  some  countries,  to  making  the  insolvent  debtor 
serve  the  creditor  as  his  slave  :  in  which  plan  there  were  at 

524  BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  IX.     §8. 

least  some  grains  of  common  sense,  since  it  might  possibly 
be  regarded  as  a  scheme  for  making  him  work  out  the  debt 
by  his  labour.  In  England,  the  coercion  assumed  the  milder 
form  of  ordinary  imprisonment.  The  one  and  the  other 
were  the  barbarous  expedients  of  a  rude  age,  repugnant  to 
justice  as  well  as  to  humanity.  Unfortunately  the  reform 
of  them,  like  that  of  the  criminal  law  generally,  has  been 
taken  in  hand  as  an  affair  of  humanity  only,  not  of  justice  : 
and  the  modish  humanity  of  the  present  time,  which  is  essen- 
tially a  thing  of  one  idea,  has  in  this  as  in  other  cases  gone 
into  violent  reaction  against  the  ancient  severity,  and  might 
almost  be  supposed  to  see,  in  the  fact  of  having  lost  or 
squandered  other  people's  property,  a  peculiar  title  to 
indulgence.  Everything  in  the  law  which  attached  disagree- 
able consequences  to  that  fact,  was  gradually  relaxed,  or 
entirely  got  rid  of:  until  the  demoralizing  effects  of  this 
laxity  became  so  evident  as  to  determine,  by  more  recent 
legislation,  a  salutary  though  very  insufficient  movement  in 
the  reverse  direction. 

The  indulgence  of  the  laws  to  those  who  have  made  them- 
selves unable  to  pay  their  just  debts,  is  usually  defended,  on 
the  plea  that  the  sole  object  of  the  law  should  be,  in  case  of 
insolvency,  not  to  coerce  the  person  of  the  debtor,  but  to 
get  at  his  property,  and  distribute  it  fairly  among  the  credi- 
tors. Assuming  that  this  is  and  ought  to  be  the  sole  object, 
the  mitigation  of  the  law  was  in  the  first  instance  carried  so 
far  as  to  sacrifice  that  object.  Imprisonment  at  the  discretion 
of  a  creditor  was  really  a  powerful  engine  for  extracting  from 
the  debtor  any  property  which  he  had  concealed  or  other- 
wise made  away  with :  and  it  remains  to  be  shown  by 
experience  whether,  in  depriving  creditors  of  this  instru- 
ment, the  law,  even  as  last  amended,  has  furnished  them 
with  a  sufficient  equivalent.  But  the  doctrine  that  the  law 
has  done  all  that  ought  to  be  expected  from  it,  when  it  has 
put  the  creditors  in  possession  of  the  property  of  an  insol- 
vent, is  in  itself  a  totally  inadmissible  piece  of  spurious 
humanity.     It  is  the  business  of  law  to  prevent  wrong- 


doing,  and  not  simply  to  patch  up  the  consequences  of  it 
when  it  has  been  committed.  The  law  is  bound  to  take  care 
that  insolvency  shall  not  be  a  good  pecuniary  speculation ;  that 
men  shall  not  have  the  privilege  of  hazarding  other  people's 
property  without  their  knowledge  or  consent,  taking  the 
profits  of  the  enterprise  if  it  is  successful,  and  if  it  fails, 
throwing  the  loss  upon  the  rightful  owners  ;  and  that  they 
shall  not  find  it  answer  to  make  themselves  unable  to  pay 
their  just  debts,  by  spending  the  money  of  their  creditors  in 
personal  indulgence.  It  is  admitted  that  what  is  technically 
called  fraudulent  bankruptcy,  the  false  pretence  of  inability 
to  pay,  is,  when  detected,  properly  subject  to  punishment. 
But  does  it  follow  that  insolvency  is  not  the  consequence  of 
misconduct  because  the  inability  to  pay  may  be  real  ?  If  a 
man  has  been  a  spendthrift,  or  a  gambler,  with  property  on 
which  his  creditors  had  a  prior  claim,  shall  he  pass  scot-free 
because  the  mischief  is  consummated  and  the  money  gone  ? 
Is  there  any  very  material  difference  in  point  of  morality 
between  this  conduct,  and  those  other  kinds  of  dishonesty 
which  go  by  the  names  of  fraud  and  embezzlement  ? 

Such  cases  are  not  a  minority,  but  a  large  majority  among 
insolvencies.  The  statistics  of  bankruptcy  prove  the  fact. 
"  By  far  the  greater  part  of  all  insolvencies  arise  from  noto- 
rious misconduct ;  the  proceedings  of  the  Insolvent  Debtors 
Court  and  of  the  Bankruptcy  Court  will  prove  it.  Excessive 
and  unjustifiable  overtrading,  or  most  absurd  speculation  in 
commodities,  merely  because  the  poor  speculator  '  thought 
they  would  get  up,'  but  why  he  thought  so  he  cannot  tell ; 
speculations  in  hops,  in  tea,  in  silk,  in  corn — things  with 
which  he  is  altogether  unacquainted ;  wild  and  absurd  in- 
vestments in  foreign  funds,  or  in  joint-stocks ;  these  are 
among  the  most  innocent  causes  of  bankruptcy."  *  The  ex- 
perienced and  intelligent  writer  from  whom  I  quote,  corrob- 
orates his  assertion  by  the  testimony  of  several  of  the  official 
assignees  of  the  Bankruptcy  Court.     One  of  them  says,  "As 

*  From  a  volume  published   in  1845,  entitled,  "Credit  the  Life  of  Com- 
merce," by  Mr.  J.  H.  Elliott. 

526  B00K  v-     CHAPTER  IX.      §8. 

far  as  I  can  collect  from  the  books  and  documents  furnished 
by  the  bankrupts,  it  seems  to  me  that "  in  the  whole  number 
of  cases  which  occurred  during  a  given  time  in  the  court  to 
which  he  was  attached,  "  fourteen  have  been  ruined  by  spec- 
ulations in  things  with  which  they  were  unacquainted ;  three 
by  neglecting  book-keeping;  ten  by  trading  beyond  their 
capital  and  means,  and  the  consequent  loss  and  expense  of 
accommodation-bills ;  forty-nine  by  expending  more  than 
they  could  reasonably  hope  their  profits  would  be,  though 
their  business  yielded  a  fair  return ;  none  by  any  general 
distress,  or  the  falling  off  of  any  particular  branch  of  trade." 
Another  of  these  officers  says  that,  during  a  period  of  eighteen 
months,  "  fifty-two  cases  of  bankruptcy  have  come  under  my 
care.  It  is  my  opinion  that  thirty-two  of  these  have  arisen 
from  an  imprudent  expenditure,  and  five  partly  from  that 
cause,  and  partly  from  a  pressure  on  the  business  in  which 
the  bankrupts  were  employed.  Fifteen  I  attribute  to  im- 
provident speculations,  combined  in  many  instances  with  an 
extravagant  mode  of  life." 

To  these  citations  the  author  adds  the  following  state- 
ments from  his  personal  means  of  knowledge.  "Many 
insolvencies  are  produced  by  tradesmen's  indolence ;  they 
keep  no  books,  or  at  least  imperfect  ones,  which  they  never 
balance ;  they  never  take  stock ;  they  employ  servants,  if 
their  trade  be  extensive,  whom  they  are  too  indolent  even  to 
supervise,  and  then  become  insolvent.  It  is  not  too  much  to 
say,  that  one-half  of  all  the  persons  engaged  in  trade,  even 
in  London,  never  take  stock  at  all :  they  go  on  year  after 
year  without  knowing  how  their  affairs  stand,  and  at  last 
like  the  child  at  school,  they  find  to  their  surprise,  but  one 
halfpenny  left  in  their  pocket.  I  will  venture  to  say  that 
not  one-fourth  of  all  the  persons  in  the  provinces,  either 
manufacturers,  tradesmen,  or  farmers,  ever  take  stock ;  nor 
in  fact  do  one-half  of  them  ever  keep  account-books, 
deserving  any  other  name  than  memorandum  books.  I 
know  sufficient  of  the  concerns  of  five  hundred  small  trades- 
men in  the  provinces,  to  be  enabled  to  say,  that  not  one- 


fifth  of  them  ever  take  stock,  or  keep  even  the  most  ordinary- 
accounts.  I  am  prepared  to  say  of  such  tradesmen,  from 
carefully-prepared  tables,  giving  every  advantage  where 
there  has  been  any  doubt  as  to  the  causes  of  their  i»sol- 
vency,  that  where  nine  happen  from  extravagance  or 
dishonesty,  one "  at  most  "  may  be  referred  to  misfortune 
alone."  * 

Is  it  rational  to  expect  among  the  trading  classes  any 
high  sense  of  justice,  honour,  or  integrity,  if  the  law  enables 
men  who  act  in  this  manner  to  shuffle  off  the  consequences 
of  their  misconduct  upon  those  who  have  been  so  unfortunate 
as  to  trust  them ;  and  practically  proclaims  that  it  looks 
upon  insolvency  thus  produced,  as  a  "  misfortune,"  not  an 
offence  ? 

It  is,  of  course,  not  denied,  that  insolvencies  do  arise 
from  causes  beyond  the  control  of  the  debtor,  and  that,  in 
many  more  cases,  his  culpability  is  not  of  a  high  order ;  and 
the  law  ought  to  make  a  distinction  in  favour  of  such  cases, 
but  not  without  a  searching  investigation ;  nor  should  the 
case  ever  be  let  go  without  having  ascertained,  in  the  most 
complete  manner  practicable,  not  the  fact  of  insolvency  only, 
but  the  cause  of  it.  To  have  been  trusted  with  money  or 
money's  worth,  and  to  have  lost  or  spent  it,  is  prima  facie 
evidence  of  something  wrong  :  and  it  is  not  for  the  creditor  to 
prove,  which  he  cannot  do  in  one  case  out  of  ten,  that  there 
has  been  criminality,  but  for  the  debtor  to  rebut  the  pre- 
sumption, by  laying  open  the  whole  state  of  his  affairs,  and 
showing  either  that  there  has  been  no  misconduct  or  that  the 
misconduct  has  been  of  an  excusable  kind.  If  he  fail  in  this, 
he  ought  never  to  be  dismissed  without  a  punishment  propor- 
tioned to  the  degree  of  blame  which  seems  justly  imputable 
to  him  ;  which  punishment,  however,  might  be  shortened  or 
mitigated  in  proportion  as  he  appeared  likely  to  exert  him- 
self in  repairing  the  injury  done. 

It  is  a  common  argument  with  those  who  approve  a  re- 
laxed system  of  insolvency  laws,  that  credit,  except  in  the 

*  Pp.  50-1. 

528  BOOK  v-     CHAPTER  IX.     §8. 

great  operations  of  commerce,  is  an  evil ;  and  that  to  deprive 
creditors  of  legal  redress  is  a  judicious  means  of  preventing 
credit  from  being  given.  That  which  is  given  by  retail 
dealers  to  unproductive  consumers  is,  no  doubt,  to  the  excess 
to  which  it  is  carried,  a  considerable  evil.  This,  however, 
is  only  true  of  large,  and  especially  of  long,  credits ;  for 
there  is  credit  whenever  goods  are  not  paid  for  before  they 
quit  the  shop,  or,  at  least,  the  custody  of  the  seller ;  and 
there  would  be  much  inconvenience  in  putting  an  end  to 
this  sort  of  credit.  But  a  large  proportion  of  the  debts  on 
which  insolvency  laws  take  effect,  are  those  due  by  small 
tradesmen  to  the  dealers  who  supply  them :  and  on  no  class 
of  debts  does  the  demoralization  occasioned  by  a  bad  state 
of  the  law,  operate  more  perniciously.  These  are  commer- 
cial credits,  which  no  one  wishes  to  see  curtailed  ;  their  ex- 
istence is  of  great  importance  to  the  general  industry  of  the 
country,  and  to  numbers  of  honest,  well-conducted  persons 
of  small  means,  to  whom  it  would  be  a  great  injury  that 
they  should  be  prevented  from  obtaining  the  accommodation 
they  need,  and  would  not  abuse,  through  the  omission  of  the 
law  to  provide  just  remedies  against  dishonest  or  reckless 

But  though  it  were  granted  that  retail  transactions,  on 
any  footing  but  that  of  ready  money  payment,  are  an  evil, 
and  their  entire  suppression  a  fit  object  for  legislation  to  aim 
at ;  a  worse  mode  of  compassing  that  object  could  scarcely 
be  invented,  than  to  permit  those  who  have  been  trusted  by 
others  to  cheat  and  rob  them  with  impunity.  The  law  does 
not  generally  select  the  vices  of  mankind  as  the  appropriate 
instrument  for  inflicting  chastisement  on  the  comparatively 
innocent :  when  it  seeks  to  discourage  any  course  of  action, 
it  does  so  by  applying  inducements  of  its  own,  not  by  out- 
lawing those  who  act  in  the  manner  it  deems  objectionable, 
and  letting  loose  the  predatory  instincts  of  the  worthless  part 
of  mankind  to  feed  upon  them.  If  a  man  has  committed 
murder,  the  law  condemns  him  to  death ;  but  it  does  not 
promise  impunity  to  anybody  who  may  kill  him  for  the  sake 


of  taking  his  purse.  The  offence  of  believing  another's  word, 
even  rashly,  is  not  so  heinous  that,  for  the  sake  of  discoura- 
ging it,  the  spectacle  should  he  brought  home  to  every  door, 
of  triumphant  rascality,  with  the  law  on  its  side,  mocking 
the  victims  it  has  made.  This  pestilent  example  has  been 
very  widely  exhibited  since  the  relaxation  of  the  insolvency 
laws.  It  is  idle  to  expect  that,  even  by  absolutely  depriving 
creditors  of  all  legal  redress,  the  kind  of  credit  which  is  con- 
sidered objectionable  would  really  be  very  much  checked. 
Rogues  and  swindlers  are  still  an  exception  among  mankind, 
and  people  will  go  on  trusting  each  other's  promises.  Large 
dealers,  in  abundant  business,  would  refuse  credit,  as  many 
of  them  already  do  :  but  in  the  eager  competition  of  a  great 
town,  what  can  be  expected  from  the  tradesmen  to  whom  a 
single  customer  is  of  importance,  the  beginner,  perhaps,  who 
is  striving  to  get  into  business  ?  He  will  take  the  risk,  even 
if  it  were  still  greater ;  he  is  ruined  if  he  cannot  sell  his 
goods,  and  he  can  but  be  ruined  if  he  is  defrauded.  Nor 
does  it  avail  to  say,  that  he  ought  to  make  proper  inquiries, 
and  ascertain  the  character  of  those  to  whom  he  supplies 
goods  on  trust.  In  some  of  the  most  flagrant  cases  of  prof- 
ligate debtors  which  have  come  before  the  Bankruptcy  Court, 
the  swindler  had  been  able  to  give,  and  had  given  excellent 

*  The  following  extracts  from  the  French  Code  de  Commerce  (the  transla- 
tion is  that  of  Mr.  Fane),  show  the  great  extent  to  which  the  just  distinctions  are 
made,  and  the  proper  investigations  provided  for,  by  French  law.  The  word 
banquerote,  which  can  only  be  translated  by  bankruptcy,  is,  however,  confined 
in  France  to  culpable  insolvency,  which  is  distinguished  into  simple  bankruptcy 
and  fraudulent  bankruptcy.     The  following  are  cases  of  simple  bankruptcy : — 

"  Every  insolvent  who,  in  the  investigation  of  his  affairs,  shall  appear  charge- 
able with  one  or  more  of  the  following  offences,  shall  be  proceeded  against  as  a 
simple  bankrupt. 

"  If  his  house  expenses,  which  he  is  bound  to  enter  regularly  in  a  day-book, 
appear  excessive. 

"If  he  has  spent  considerable  sums  at  play,  or  in  operations  of  pure 

"If  it  shall  appear  that  he  has  borrowed  largely,  or  resold  merchandise  at  a 


530  BOOK  V.      CHAPTER  IX.     §8. 

loss,  or  below  the  current  price,  after  it  appeared  by  his  last  account-taking  that 
his  debts  exceeded  his  assets  by  one-half. 

"  If  he  has  issued  negotiable  securities  to  three  times  the  amount  of  his  avail- 
able assets,  according  to  his  last  account-taking. 

"  The  following  may  also  be  proceeded  against  as  simple  bankrupts: — 

"tie  who  has  not  declared  his  own  insolvency  in  the  manner  prescribed  by 

"  He  who  has  not  come  in  and  surrendered  within  the  time  limited,  having 
no  legitimate  excuse  for  his  absence : 

"  He  who  either  produces  no  books  at  all,  or  produces  such  as  have  been 
irregularly  kept,  and  this  although  the  irregularities  may  not  indicate  fraud." 

The  penalty  for  "simple  bankruptcy"  is  imprisonment  for  a  term  of  not  less 
than  one  month,  nor  more  than  two  years.  The  following  are  cases  of  fraudu- 
lent bankruptcy,  of  which  the  punishment  is  travaux  forces  (the  galleys),  for  a 

"If  he  has  attempted  to  account  for  his  property  by  fictitious  expenses  and 
losses,  or  if  he  does  not  fully  account  for  all  his  receipts : 

"If  he  has  fraudulently  concealed  any  sum  of  money  or  any  debt  due  to 
him,  or  any  merchandise  or  other  moveables : 

"  If  he  has  made  fraudulent  sales  or  gifts  of  his  property : 

"  If  he  has  allowed  fictitious  debts  to  be  proved  against  his  estate : 

"  If  he  has  been  entrusted  with  property,  either  merely  to  keep,  or  with 
special  directions  as  to  its  use,  and  has  nevertheless  appropriated  it  to  his  own 
use :  "  (for  such  acts  of  peculation  by  trustees  there  is  generally  in  England  only 
a  civil  remedy,  and  that  too  through  the  Court  of  Chancery :) 

"  If  he  has  purchased  real  property  in  a  borrowed  name  : 

"If  he  has  concealed  his  books. 

"  The  following  may  also  be  proceeded  against  in  a  similar  way : — 

"  He  who  has  not  kept  books,  or  whose  books  shall  not  exhibit  his  real 
situation  as  regards  his  debts  and  credits. 

"  He  who,  having  obtained  a  protection  (sauf-conduit),  shall  not  have  duly 

These  various  provisions  relate  only  to  commercial  insolvency.  The  laws  in 
regard  to  ordinary  debts  are  considerably  more  rigorous  to  the  debtor. 



§  1.  From  the  necessary  functions  of  government,  and 
the  effects  produced  on  the  economical  interests  of  society 
by  their  good  or  ill  discharge,  we  proceed  to  the  functions 
which  belong  to  what  I  have  termed,  for  want  of  a  better 
designation,  the  optional  class  ;  those  which  are  sometimes 
assumed  by  governments  and  sometimes  not,  and  which  it 
is  not  unanimously  admitted  that  they  ought  to  exercise. 

Before  entering  on  the  general  principles  of  the  ques- 
tion, it  will  be  advisable  to  clear  from  our  path  all  those 
cases  in  which  government  interference  works  ill,  because 
grounded  on  false  views  of  the  subject  interfered  with. 
Such  cases  have  no  connection  with  any  theory  respecting 
the  proper  limits  of  interference.  There  are  some  things 
with  which  governments  ought  not  to  meddle,  and  other 
things  with  which  they  ought ;  but  whether  right  or  wrong 
in  itself,  the  interference  must  work  for  ill,  if  government, 
not  understanding  the  subject  which  it  meddles  with,  med- 
dles to  bring  about  a  result  which  would  be  mischievous. 
We  will  therefore  begin  by  passing  in  review  various  false 
theories,  which  have  from  time  to  time  formed  the  ground 
of  acts  of  government  more  or  less  economically  injurious. 

Former  writers  on  political  economy  have  found  it  need- 
ful to  devote  much  trouble  and  space  to  this  department  of 
their  subject.  It  has  now  happily  become  possible,  at  least 
in  our  own  country,  greatly  to  abridge  this  purely  negative 

532  B00K   v-      CHAPTER  X.     §1. 

part  of  our  discussions.  The  false  theories  of  political  econ- 
omy which  have  done  so  much  mischief  in  times  past,  are 
entirely  discredited  among  all  who  have  not  lagged  behind 
the  general  progress  of  opinion  ;  and  few  of  the  enactments 
which  were  once  grounded  on  those  theories  still  help  to 
deform  the  statute-book.  As  the  principles  on  which  their 
condemnation  rests  have  been  fully  set  forth  in  other  parts 
of  this  treatise,  we  may  here  content  ourselves  with  a  few 
brief  indications. 

Of  these  false  theories,  the  most  notable  is  the  doctrine 
of  Protection  to  Native  Industry ;  a  phrase  meaning  the 
prohibition,  or  the  discouragement  by  heavy  duties,  of  such 
foreign  commodities  as  are  capable  of  being  produced  at 
home.  If  the  theory  involved  in  this  system  had  been  cor- 
rect, the  practical  conclusions  grounded  on  it  would  not 
have  been  unreasonable.  The  theory  was,  that  to  buy  things 
produced  at  home  was  a  national  benefit,  and  the  introduc- 
tion of  foreign  commodities,  generally  a  national  loss.  It 
being  at  the  same  time  evident  that  the  interest  of  the  con- 
sumer is  to  buy  foreign  commodities  in  preference  to  domes- 
tic whenever  they  are  either  cheaper  or  better,  the  interest 
of  the  consumer  appeared  in  this  respect  to  be  contrary  to 
the  public  interest ;  he  was  certain,  if  left  to  his  own  incli- 
nations,  to  do  what  according  to  the  theory  was  injurious  to 
the  public. 

It  was  shown,  however,  in  our  analysis  of  the  effects  of 
international  trade,  as  it  had  been  often  shown  by  former 
writers,  that  the  importation  of  foreign  commodities,  in  the 
common  course  of  traffic,  never  takes  place,  except  when  it 
is,  economically  speaking,  a  national  good,  by  causing  the 
same  amount  of  commodities  to  be  obtained  at  a  smaller 
cost  of  labour  and  capital  to  the  country.  To  prohibit, 
therefore,  this  importation,  or  impose  duties  which  prevent 
it,  is  to  render  the  labour  and  capital  of  the  country  less 
efficient  in  production  than  they  would  otherwise  be ;  and 
compel  a  waste,  of  the  difference  between  the  labour  and 
capital  necessary  for  the  home  production  of  the  commod- 


ity,  and  that  which  is  required  for  producing  the  things 
with  which  it  can  be  purchased  from  abroad.  The  amount 
of  national  loss  thus  occasioned  is  measured  by  the  excess 
of  the  price  at  which  the  commodity  is  produced,  over  that 
at  which  it  could  be  imported.  In  the  case  of  manufactured 
goods  the  whole  difference  between  the  two  prices  is  ab- 
sorbed in  indemnifying  the  producers  for  waste  of  labour, 
or  of  the  capital  which  supports  that  labour.  Those  who 
are  supposed  to  be  benefited,  namely  the  makers  of  the  pro- 
tected articles,  (unless  they  form  an  exclusive  company,  and 
have  a  monopoly  against  their  own  countrymen  as  well  as 
against  foreigners,)  do  not  obtain  higher  profits  than  other 
people.  All  is  sheer  loss,  to  the  country  as  well  as  to  the 
consumer.  When  the  protected  article  is  a  product  of  agri- 
culture— the  waste  of  labour  not  being  incurred  on  the 
whole  produce,  but  only  on  what  may  be  called  the  last  in- 
stalment of  it — the  extra  price  is  only  in  part  an  indemnity 
for  waste,  the  remainder  being  a  tax  paid  to  the  landlords. 

The  restrictive  and  prohibitory  policy  was  originally 
grounded  on  what  is  called  the  Mercantile  System,  which 
representing  the  advantage  of  foreign  trade  to  consist  solely 
in  bringing  money  into  the  country,  gave  artificial  encour- 
agement to  exportation  of  goods,  and  discountenanced  their 
importation.  The  only  exceptions  to  the  system  were  those 
required  by  the  system  itself.  The  materials  and  instru- 
ments of  production  were  the  subject  of  a  contrary  policy, 
directed  however  to  the  same  end  ;  they  were  freely  imported, 
and  not  permitted  to  be  exported,  in  order  that  manufacturers, 
being  more  cheaply  supplied  with  the  requisites  of  manufac- 
ture, might  be  able  to  sell  cheaper,  and  therefore  to  export 
more  largely.  For  a  similar  reason,  importation  was  allowed 
and  even  favoured,  when  confined  to  the  productions  of  coun- 
tries which  were  supposed  to  take  from  the  country  still  more 
than  it  took  from  them,  thus  enriching  it  by  a  favourable 
balance  of  trade.  As  part  of  the  same  system,  colonies  were 
founded,  for  the  supposed  advantage  of  compelling  them  to 
buy  our  commodities,  or  at  all  events  not  to  buy  those  of* 

534  BOOK  V.      CHAPTER  X.     §1. 

any  other  country  :  in  return  for  which  restriction,  we  were 
generally  willing  to  come  under  an  equivalent  obligation 
with  respect  to  the  staple  productions  of  the  colonists.  The 
consequences  of  the  theory  were  pushed  so  far,  that  it  was 
not  unusual  even  to  give  bounties  on  exportation,  and  in- 
duce foreigners  to  buy  from  us  rather  than  from  other  coun- 
tries, by  a  cheapness  which  we  artificially  produced,  by 
paying  part  of  the  price  for  them,  out  of  our  own  taxes. 
This  is  a  stretch  beyond  the  point  yet  reached  by  any  pri- 
vate tradesman  in  his  competition  for  business.  No  shop- 
keeper, I  should  think,  ever  made  a  practice  of  bribing  cus- 
tomers by  selling  goods  to  them  at  a  permanent  loss,  mak- 
ing it  up  to  himself  from  other  funds  in  his  possession. 

The  principle  of  the  Mercantile  Theory  is  now  given  up 
even  by  writers  and  governments  who  still  cling  to  the 
restrictive  system.  Whatever  hold  that  system  has  over 
men's  minds,  independently  of  the  private  interests  exposed 
to  real  or  apprehended  loss  by  its  abandonment,  is  derived 
from  fallacies  other  than  the  old  notion  of  the  benefits  of 
heaping  up  money  in  the  country.  The  most  effective  of 
these  is  the  specious  plea  of  employing  our  own  countrymen 
and  our  national  industry,  instead  of  feeding  and  supporting 
the  industry  of  foreigners.  The  answer  to  this,  from  the  prin- 
ciples laid  down  in  former  chapters,  is  evident.  Without 
reverting  to  the  fundamental  theorem  discussed  in  an  early 
part  of  the  present  treatise,*  respecting  the  nature  and 
sources  of  employment  for  labour,  it  is  sufficient  to  say, 
what  has  usually  been  said  by  the  advocates  of  free  trade, 
that  the  alternative  is  not  between  employing  our  own  peo- 
ple and  foreigners,  but  between  employing  one  class  and 
another  of  our  own  people.  The  imported  commodity  is 
always  paid  for,  directly  or  indirectly,  with  the  produce  of 
our  own  industry :  that  industry  being,  at  the  same  time, 
rendered  more  productive,  since,  with  the  same  labour  and 
outlay,  we  are  enabled  to  possess  ourselves  of  a  greater 
quantity  of  the  article.     Those  who  have  not  well  consid- 

*  Supra,  vol.  i.  pp.  113  et  seqq. 


ered  the  subject  are  apt  to  suppose  that  our  exporting  an 
equivalent  in  our  own  produce,  for  the  foreign  articles  we 
consume,  depends  on  contingencies — on  the  consent  of  for- 
eign countries  to  make  some  corresponding  relaxation  of 
their  own  restrictions,  or  on  the  question  whether  those 
from  whom  we  buy  are  induced  by  that  circumstance  to 
buy  more  from  us ;  and  that,  if  these  things,  or  things 
equivalent  to  them,  do  not  happen,  the  payment  must  be 
made  in  money.  Now,  in  the  first  place,  there  is  nothing 
more  objectionable  in  a  money  payment  than  in  payment 
by  any  other  medium,  if  the  state  of  the  market  makes  it 
the  most  advantageous  remittance  ;  and  the  money  itself 
was  first  acquired,  and  would  again  be  replenished,  by  the 
export  of  an  equivalent  value  of  our  own  products.  But,  in 
the  next  place,  a  very  short  interval  of  paying  in  money 
would  so  lower  prices  as  either  to  stop  a  part  of  the  import- 
ation, or  raise  up  a  foreign  demand  for  our  produce,  suffi- 
cient to  pay  for  the  imports.  I  grant  that  this  disturbance 
of  the  equation  of  international  demand  would  be  in  some 
degree  to  our  disadvantage,  in  the  purchase  of  other  im- 
ported articles  ;  and  that  a  country  which  prohibits  some 
foreign  commodities,  does,  cceteris  paribus,  obtain  those 
which  it  does  not  prohibit,  at  a  less  price  than  it  would 
otherwise  have  to  pay.  To  express  the  same  thing  in  other 
words ;  a  country  which  destroys  or  prevents  altogether 
certain  branches  of  foreign  trade,  thereby  annihilating  a 
general  gain  to  the  world,  which  would  be  shared  in  some 
proportion  between  itself  and  other  countries — does,  in  some 
circumstances,  draw  to  itself,  at  the  expense  of  foreigners,  a 
larger  share  than  would  else  belong  to  it  of  the  gain  arising 
from  that  portion  of  its  foreign  trade  which  it  suffers  to  sub- 
sist. But  even  this  it  can  only  be  enabled  to  do,  if  foreign- 
ers do  not  maintain  equivalent  prohibitions  or  restrictions 
against  its  commodities.  In  any  case,  the  justice  or  expe- 
diency of  destroying  one  of  two  gains,  in  order  to  engross  a 
rather  larger  share  of  the  other,  does  not  require  much  dis- 
cussion ;  the  gain,  too,  which  is  destroyed,  being,  in  propor- 

536  BOOK   V.      CHAPTER   X.      §!. 

tion  to  the  magnitude  of  the  transactions,  the  larger  of  the 
two,  since  it  is  the  one  which  capital,  left  to  itself,  is  sup- 
posed to  seek  by  preference. 

Defeated  as  a  general  theory,  the  Protectionist  doctrine 
finds  support  in  some  particular  cases,  from  considerations 
which,  when  really  in  point,  involve  greater  interests  than 
mere  saving  of  labour  ;  the  interests  of  national  subsistence 
and  of  national  defence.  The  discussions  on  the  Corn  Laws 
have  familiarized  everybody  with  the  plea,  that  we  ought 
to  be  independent  of  foreigners  for  the  food  of  the  people  ; 
and  the  Navigation  Laws  were  grounded,  in  theory  and 
profession,  on  the  necessity  of  keeping  up  a  "  nursery  of 
seamen  "  for  the  navy.  On  this  last  subject  I  at  once  admit, 
that  the  object  is  worth  the  sacrifice ;  and  that  a  country 
exposed  to  invasion  by  sea,  if  it  cannot  otherwise  have  suffi- 
cient ships  and  sailors  of  its  own  to  secure  the  means  of 
manning  on  an  emergency  an  adequate  fleet,  is  quite  right 
in  obtaining  those  means,  even  at  an  economical  sacrifice  in 
point  of  cheapness  of  transport.  When  the  English  naviga- 
tion laws  were  enacted,  the  Dutch,  from  their  maritime 
skill  and  their  low  rate  of  profit  at  home,  were  able  to  car- 
ry tor  other  nations,  England  included,  at  cheaper  rates 
than  those  nations  could  carry  for  themslves :  which  placed 
all  other  countries  at  a  great  comparative  disadvantage  in 
obtaining  experienced  seamen  for  their  ships  of  war.  The 
Navigation  Laws,  by  which  this  deficiency  was  remedied, 
and  at  the  same  time  a  blow  struck  against  the  maritime 
power  of  a  nation  with  which  England  was  then  frequently 
engaged  in  hostilities,  were  probably,  though  economically 
disadvantageous,  politically  expedient.  But  English  ships 
and  sailors  can  now  navigate  as  cheaply  as  those  of  any 
other  country  ;  maintaining  at  least  an  equal  competition 
with  the  other  maritime  nations  even  in  their  own  trade. 
The  ends  which  may  once  have  justified  Navigation  Laws, 
require  them  no  longer,  and  afforded  no  reason  for  main- 
taining this  invidious  exception  to  the  general  rule  of  free 


With  regard  to  subsistence,  the  plea  of  the  Protection- 
ists has  been  so  often  and  so  triumphantly  met,  that  it 
requires  little  notice  here.  That  country  is  the  most  stead- 
ily as  well  as  the  most  abundantly  supplied  with  food, 
which  draws  its  supplies  from  the  largest  surface.  It  is 
ridiculous  to  found  a  general  system  of  policy  on  60  im- 
probable a  danger  as  that  of  being  at  war  with  all  the 
nations  of  the  world  at  once ;  or  to  suppose  that,  even  if  infe- 
rior at  sea,  a  whole  country  could  be  blockaded  like  a  town, 
or  that  the  growers  of  food  in  other  countries  would  not 
be  as  anxious  not  to  lose  an  advantageous  market,  as  we 
should  be  not  to  be  deprived  of  their  corn.  On  the  subject, 
however,  of  subsistence,  there  is  one  point  which  deserves 
more  especial  consideration.  In  cases  of  actual  or  appre- 
hended scarcity,  many  countries  of  Europe  are  accustomed 
to  stop  the  exportation  of  food.  Is  this,  or  not,  sound  policy  ? 
There  can  be  no  doubt  that  in  the  present  state  of  inter- 
national morality,  a  people  cannot,  any  more  than  an  indi- 
vidual, be  blamed  for  not  starving  itself  to  feed  others. 
But  if  the  greatest  amount  of  good  to  mankind  on  the 
whole,  were  the  end  aimed  at  in  the  maxims  of  internation- 
al conduct,  such  collective  churlishness  would  certainly  be 
condemned  by  them.  Suppose  that  in  ordinary  circum- 
stances the  trade  in  food  were  perfectly  free,  so  that  the 
price  in  one  country  could  not  habitually  exceed  that  in 
any  other  by  more  than  the  cost  of  carriage,  together  with 
a  moderate  profit  to  the  importer.  A  general  scarcity  en- 
sues, affecting  all  countries,  but  in  unequal  degrees.  If  the 
price  rose  in  one  country  more  than  in  others,  it  would  be  a 
proof  that  in  that  country  the  scarcity  was  severest,  and 
that  by  permitting  food  to  go  freely  thither  from  any  other 
country,  it  would  be  spared  from  a  less  urgent  necessity  to 
relieve  a  greater.  When  the  interest,  therefore,  of  all  coun- 
tries are  considered,  free  exportation  is  desirable.  To  the 
exporting  country  considered  separately,  it  may,  at  least  on 
the  particular  occasion,  be  an  inconvenience :  but  taking 
into  account  that  the  country  which  is  now  the  giver,  will 

538  BOOK   V.      CHAPTER  X.      §  1. 

in  some  future  season  be  the  receiver,  and  the  one  that  is 
benefited  by  the  freedom,  I  cannot  but  think  that  even  to 
the  apprehension  of  food-rioters  it  might  be  made  apparent, 
that  in  such  cases  they  should  do  to  others  what  they  would 
wish  done  to  themselves. 

In  countries  in  which  the  system  of  Protection  is  declin- 
ing, but  not  yet  wholly  given  up,  such  as  the  United  States, 
a  doctrine  has  come  into  notice  which  is  a  sort  of  compro- 
mise between  free  trade  and  restriction,  namely,  that  protec- 
tion for  protection's  sake  is  improper,  but  that  there  is  noth- 
ing objectionable  in  having  as  much  protection  as  may  inci- 
dentally result  from  a  tariff  framed  solely  for  revenue. 
Even  in  England,  regret  is  sometimes  expressed  that  a 
"  moderate  fixed  duty  "  was  not  preserved  on  corn,  on  ac- 
count of  the  revenue  it  would  yield.  Independently,  how- 
ever, of  the  general  impolicy  of  taxes  on  the  necessaries  of 
life,  this  doctrine  overlooks  the  fact,  that  revenue  is  received 
only  on  the  quantity  imported,  but  that  the  tax  is  paid  on 
the  entire  quantity  consumed.  To  make  the  public  pay 
much  that  the  treasury  may  receive  a  little,  is  no  eligible 
mode  of  obtaining  a  revenue.  In  the  case  of  manufactured 
articles  the  doctrine  involves  a  palpable  inconsistency.  The 
object  of  the  duty  as  a  means  of  revenue,  is  inconsistent 
with  its  affording,  even  incidentally,  any  protection.  It 
can  only  operate  as  protection  in  so  far  as  it  prevents  im- 
portation ;  and  to  whatever  degree  it  prevents  importation, 
it  affords  no  revenue. 

The  only  case  in  which,  on  mere  principles  of  political 
economy,  protecting  duties  can  be  defensible,  is  when  they 
are  imposed  temporarily  (especially  in  a  young  and  rising 
nation)  in  hopes  of  naturalizing  a  foreign  industry,  in  itself 
perfectly  suitable  to  the  circumstances  of  the  country.  The 
superiority  of  one  country  over  another  in  a  branch  of  pro- 
duction, often  arises  only  from  having  begun  it  sooner. 
There  may  be  no  inherent  advantage  on  one  part,  or  disad- 
vantage on  the  other,  but  only  a  present  superiority  of  ac- 
quired skill  and  experience.    A  country  which  has  this  skill 


and  experience  yet  to  acquire,  may  in  other  respects  be  bet- 
ter adapted  to  the  production  than  those  which  were  earlier 
in  the  field  ;  and  besides,  it  is  a  just  remark  of  Mr.  Rae, 
that  nothing  has  a  greater  tendency  to  promote  improve- 
ments in  any  branch  of  production,  than  its  trial  under  a 
new  set  of  conditions.  But  it  cannot  be  expected  that  indi- 
viduals should,  at  their  own  risk,  or  rather  to  their  certain 
loss,  introduce  a  new  manufacture,  and  bear  the  burden  of 
carrying  it  on,  until  the  producers  have  been  educated  up 
to  the  level  of  those  with  whom  the  processes  are  tradition- 
al. A  protecting  duty,  continued  for  a  reasonable  time, 
will  sometimes  be  the  least  inconvenient  mode  in  which  the 
nation  can  tax  itself  for  the  support  of  such  an  experiment. 
But  the  protection  should  be  confined  to  cases  in  which 
there  is  good  ground  of  assurance  that  the  industry  which 
it  fosters  will  after  a  time  be  able  to  dispense  with  it ;  nor 
should  the  domestic  producers  ever  be  allowed  to  expect 
that  it  will  be  continued  to  them  beyond  the  time  necessary 
for  a  fair  trial  of  what  they  are  capable  of  accomplishing. 

There  is  only  one  part  of  the  Protectionist  scheme  which 
requires  any  further  notice  :  its  policy  towards  colonies,  and 
foreign  dependencies  ;  that  of  compelling  them  to  trade  ex- 
clusively with  the  dominant  country.  A  country  which 
thus  secures  to  itself  an  extra  foreign  demand  for  its  com- 
modities, undoubtedly  gives  itself  some  advantage  in  the 
distribution  of  the  general  gains  of  the  commercial  world. 
Since,  however,  it  causes  the  industry  and  capital  of  the 
colony  to  be  diverted  from  channels,  which  are  proved  to 
be  the  most  productive,  inasmuch  as  they  are  those  into 
which  industry  and  capital  spontaneously  tend  to  flow : 
there  is  a  loss,  on  the  whole,  to  the  productive  powers  of 
the  world,  and  the  mother  country  does  not  gain  so  much 
as  she  makes  the  colony  lose.  If,  therefore,  the  mother 
country  refuses  to  acknowledge  any  reciprocity  of  obliga- 
tions, she  imposes  a  tribute  on  the  colony  in  an  indirect 
mode,  greatly  more  oppressive  and  injurious  than  the  di- 
rect.    But  if,  with  a  more  equitable  spirit,  she  submits  her- 

540  BOOK  T.     CHAPTER  X.      §2. 

self  to  corresponding  restrictions  for  the  benefit  of  the  colo- 
ny, the  result  of  the  whole  transaction  is  the  ridiculous  one, 
that  each  party  loses  much,  in  order  that  the  other  may 
gain  a  little. 

§  2.  Next  to  the  system  of  Protection,  among  mis- 
chievous interferences  with  the  spontaneous  course  of  indus- 
trial transactions,  may  be  noticed  certain  interferences  with 
contracts.  One  instance  is  that  of  the  Usury  Laws.  These 
originated  in  a  religious  prejudice  against  receiving  interest 
on  money,  derived  from  that  fruitful  source  of  mischief  in 
modern  Europe,  the  attempted  adaptation  to  Christianity 
of  doctrines  and  precepts  drawn  from  the  Jewish  law.  In 
Mahomedan  nations  the  receiving  of  interest  is  formally  in- 
terdicted, and  rigidly  abstained  from ;  and  Sismondi  has 
noticed,  as  one  among  the  causes  of  the  industrial  inferior- 
ity of  the  Catholic,  compared  with  the  Protestant  parts  of 
Europe,  that  the  Catholic  church  in  the  middle  ages  gave 
its  sanction  to  the  same  prejudice ;  which  subsists,  impaired 
but  not  destroyed,  wherever  that  religion  is  acknowledged. 
"Where  law  or  conscientious  scruples  prevent  lending  at  in- 
terest, the  capital  which  belongs  to  persons  not  in  business 
is  lost  to  productive  purposes,  or  can  be  applied  to  them 
only  in  peculiar  circumstances  of  personal  connection,  or  by 
a  subterfuge.  Industry  is  thus  limited  to  the  capital  of  the 
undertakers,  and  to  what  they  can  borrow  from  persons  not 
bound  by  the  same  laws  or  religion  as  themselves.  In 
Mussulman  countries  the  bankers  and  money  dealers  are 
either  Hindoos,  Armenians,  or  Jews. 

In  more  improved  countries,  legislation  no  longer  dis- 
countenances the  receipt  of  an  equivalent  for  money  lent ; 
but  it  has  everywhere  interfered  with  the  free  agency  of  the 
lender  and  borrower,  by  fixing  a  legal  limit  to  the  rate  of 
interest,  and  making  the  receipt  of  more  than  the  appointed 
maximum  a  penal  offence.  This  restriction,  though  ap- 
proved by  Adam  Smith,  has  been  condemned  by  all  en- 
lightened  persons   since   the   triumphant   onslaught  made 

USURY   LAWS.  541 

upon  it  by  Bentham  in  his  "  Letters  on  Usury,"  which  may 
still  be  referred  to  as  the  best  extant  writing  on  the  subject. 
Legislators  may  enact  and  maintain  Usury  Laws  from 
one  of  two  motives  :  ideas  of  public  policy,  or  concern  for 
the  interest  of  the  parties  in  the  contract ;  in  this  case,  of 
one  party  alone,  the  borrower.  As  a  matter  of  policy,  the 
notion  may  possibly  te,  that  it  is  for  the  general  good  that 
interest  should  be  low.  It  is  however  a  misapprehension 
of  the  causes  which  influence  commercial  transactions,  to 
suppose  that  the  rate  of  interest  is  really  made  lower  by 
law,  than  it  would  be  made  by  the  spontaneous  play  of  sup- 
ply and  demand.  If  the  competition  of  borrowers,  left  un- 
restrained, would  raise  the  rate  of  interest  to  six  per  cent, 
this  proves  that  at  live  there  would  be  a  greater  demand 
for  loans,  than  there  is  capital  in  the  market  to  supply.  If 
the  law  in  these  circumstances  permits  no  interest  beyond 
five  per  cent,  there  will  be  some  lenders,  who  not  choosing 
to  disobey  the  law,  and  not  being  in  a  condition  to  employ 
their  capital  otherwise,  will  content  themselves  with  the  le- 
gal rate  :  but  others,  finding  that  in  a  season  of  pressing  de- 
mand, more  may  be  made  of  their  capital  by  other  means 
than  they  are  permitted  to  make  by  lending  it,  will  not  lend 
it  at  all ;  and  the  loanable  capital,  already  too  small  for  the 
demand,  will  be  still  further  diminished.  Of  the  disap- 
pointed candidates  there  will  be  many  at  such  periods,  who 
must  have  their  necessities  supplied  at  any  price,  and  these 
will  readily  find  a  third  section  of  lenders,  who  will  not  be 
averse  to  join  in  a  violation  of  the  law,  either  by  circuitous 
transactions  partaking  of  the  nature  of  fraud,  or  by  relying 
on  the  honour  of  the  borrower.  The  extra  expense  of  the 
roundabout  mode  of  proceeding,  and  an  equivalent  for  the 
risk  of  non-payment  and  of  legal  penalties,  must  be  paid  by 
the  borrower,  over  and  above  the  extra  interest  which  would 
have  been  required  of  him  by  the  general  state  of  the  mar- 
ket. The  laws  which  were  intended  to  lower  the  price  paid 
by  him  for  pecuniary  accommodation,  end  thus  in  greatly 
increasing  it.     These  laws  have  also  a  directly  demoralizing 

542  BOOK   V.     CHAPTER  X.     §2. 

tendency.  Knowing  the  difficulty  of  detecting  an  illegal 
pecuniary  transaction  between  two  persons,  in  which  no 
third  person  is  involved,  so  long  as  it  is  the  interest  of  both 
to  keep  the  secret,  legislators  have  adopted  the  expedient 
of  tempting  the  borrower  to  become  the  informer,  by  mak- 
ing the  annulment  of  the  debt  a  part  of  the  penalty  for  the 
offence  ;  thus  rewarding  men  for  obtaining  the  property  of 
others  by  false  promises,  and  then  not  only  refusing  pay- 
ment, but  invoking  legal  penalties  on  those  who  have  helped 
them  in  their  need.  The  moral  sense  of  mankind  very 
rightly  infamizes  those  who  resist  an  otherwise  just  claim 
on  the  ground  of  usury,  and  tolerates  such  a  plea  only  when 
resorted  to  as  the  best  legal  defence  available  against  an  at- 
tempt really  considered  as  partaking  of  fraud  or  extortion. 
But  this  very  severity  of  public  opinion  renders  the  enforce- 
ment of  the  laws  so  difficult,  and  the  infliction  of  the  penal- 
ties so  rare,  that  when  it  does  occur  it  merely  victimizes  an 
individual,  and  has  no  effect  on  general  practice. 

In  so  far  as  the  motive  of  the  restriction  may  be  sup- 
posed to  be,  not  public  policy,  but  regard  for  the  interest  of 
the  borrower,  it  would  be  difficult  to  point  out  any  case  in 
which  such  tenderness  on  the  legislator's  part  is  more  mis- 
placed. A  person  of  sane  mind,  and  of  the  age  at  which 
persons  are  legally  competent  to  conduct  their  own  con- 
cerns, must  be  presumed  to  be  a  sufficient  guardian  of  his 
pecuniary  interests.  If  he  may  sell  an  estate,  or  grant  a  re- 
lease, or  assign  away  all  his  property,  without  control  from 
the  law,  it  seems  very  unnecessary  that  the  only  bargain 
which  he  cannot  make  without  its  intermeddling,  should  be 
a  loan  of  money.  The  law  seems  to  presume  that  the 
money-lender,  dealing  with  necessitous  persons,  can  take 
advantage  of  their  necessities,  and  exact  conditions  limited 
only  by  his  own  pleasure.  It  might  be  so  if  there  were 
only  one  money-lender  within  reach.  But  when  there  is  the 
whole  moneyed  capital  of  a  wealthy  community  to  resort 
to,  no  borrower  is  placed  under  any  disadvantage  in  the 
market  merely  by  the  urgency  of  his  need.     If  he  cannot 

USURY  LAWS.  543 

borrow  at  the  interest  paid  by  other  people,  it  must  be  be- 
cause he  cannot  give  such  good  security :  and  competition 
will  limit  the  extra  demand  to  a  fair  equivalent  for  the  risk 
of  his  proving  insolvent.  Though  the  law  intends  favour  to 
the  borrower,  it  is  to  him  above  all  that  injustice  is,  in  this 
case,  done  by  it.  What  can  be  more  unjust  than  that  a 
person  who  cannot  give  perfectly  good  security,  should  be 
prevented  from  borrowing  of  persons  who  are  willing  to 
lend  money  to  him,  by  their  not  being  permitted  to  receive 
the  rate  of  interest  which  would  be  a  just  equivalent  for 
their  risk  ?  Through  the  mistaken  kindness  of  the  law,  he 
must  either  go  without  the  money  which  is  perhaps  neces- 
sary to  save  him  from  much  greater  losses,  or  be  driven  to 
expedients  of  a  far  more  ruinous  description,  which  the  law 
either  has  not  found  it  possible,  or  has  not  happened,  to  in- 

Adam  Smith  rather  hastily  expressed  the  opinion,  that 
only  two  kinds  of  persons,  "  prodigals  and  projectors,"  could 
require  to  borrow  money  at  more  than  the  market  rate  of 
interest.  He  should  have  included  all  persons  who  are  in  any 
pecuniary  difficulties,  however  temporary  their  necessities 
may  be.  It  may  happen  to  any  person  in  business,  to  be 
disappointed  of  the  resources  on  which  he  had  calculated 
for  meeting  some  engagement,  the  non-fulfilment  of  which 
on  a  fixed  day  would  be  bankruptcy.  In  periods  of  com- 
mercial difficulty,  this  is  the  condition  of  many  prosperous 
mercantile  firms,  who  become  competitors  for  the  small 
amount  of  disposable  capital  which,  in  a  time  of  general 
distrust,  the  owners  are  willing  to  part  with.  Up  to  the 
relaxation  of  the  usury  laws  a  few  years  ago,  the  limitations 
imposed  by  those  laws  were  felt  as  a  most  serious  aggrava' 
tion  of  every  commercial  crisis.  Merchants  who  could  have 
obtained  the  aid  they  required  at  an  interest  of  seven  or 
eight  per  cent,  for  short  periods,  were  obliged  to  give  20  or 
30  per  cent.,  or  to  resort  to  forced  sales  of  goods  at  a  still 
greater  loss.  Experience  having  obtruded  these  evils  on 
the  notice  of  Parliament,  a  sort  of  compromise  took  place, 

544  BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  X.     §2. 

of  which  English  legislation  affords  so  many  instances,  and 
which  helps  to  make  our  laws  and  policy  the  mass  of  incon- 
sistency that  they  are.  The  law  was  reformed  as  a  person 
reforms  a  tight  shoe,  who  cats  a  hole  in  it  where  it  pinches 
hardest,  and  continues  to  wear  it.  Retaining  the  erroneous 
principle  as  a  general  rule,  Parliament  allowed  an  excep- 
tion in  the  case  in  which  the  practical  mischief  was  most 
flagrant.  It  left  the  usury  laws  unrepealed,  but  exempted 
bills  of  exchange,  of  not  more  than  three  months'  date,  from 
their  operation.  Some  years  afterwards  the  laws  were  re- 
pealed in  regard  to  all  other  contracts,  but  left  in  force  as  to 
all  those  which  relate  to  land.  Not  a  particle  of  reason  could 
be  given  for  making  this  extraordinary  distinction  ;  but  the 
"  agricultural  mind  "  was  of  opinion  that  the  interest  on 
mortgages,  though  it  hardly  ever  came  up  to  the  permitted 
point,  would  come  up  to  a  still  higher  point ;  and  the  usury 
laws  were  maintained  that  the  landlords  might,  as  they 
thought,  be  enabled  to  borrow  below  the  market  rate,  as  the 
corn -laws  were  kept  up  that  the  same  class  might  be  able 
to  sell  corn  above  the  market  rate.  The  modesty  of  the 
pretension  was  quite  worthy  of  the  intelligence  which  could 
think  that  the  end  aimed  at  was  in  any  wray  forwarded  by 
the  means  used. 

With  regard  to  the  "  prodigals  and  projectors  "  spoken 
of  by  Adam  Smith  ;  no  law  can  prevent  a  prodigal  from 
ruining  himself,  unless  it  lays  him  or  his  property  under  ac- 
tual restraint,  according  to  the  unjustifiable  practice  of  the 
Roman  Law  and  some  of  the  Continental  systems  founded 
on  it.  The  only  effect  of  usury  law  upon  a  prodigal,  is  to 
make  his  ruin  rather  more  expeditious,  by  driving  him  to  a 
disreputable  class  of  money-dealers,  and  rendering  the  con- 
ditions more  onerous  by  the  extra  risk  created  by  the  law. 
As  for  projectors,  a  term,  in  its  unfavourable  sense,  rather 
unfairly  applied  to  every  person  who  has  a  project ;  such 
laws  may  put  a  veto  upon  the  prosecution  of  the  most  prom- 
ising enterprise,  when  planned,  as  it  generally  is,  by  a  per- 
son who  does  not  possess  capital  adequate  to  its  successful 


completion.  Many  of  the  greatest  improvements  were  at 
first  looked  shyly  on  by  capitalists,  and  had  to  wait  long 
before  they  found  one  sufficiently  adventurous  to  be  the 
first  in  a  new  path  :  many  years  elapsed  before  Stephenson 
could  convince  even  the  enterprising  mercantile  public  of 
Liverpool  and  Manchester,  of  the  advantage  of  substituting 
railways  for  turnpike-roads ;  and  plans  on  which  great  la- 
bour and  large  sums  have  been  expended  with  little  visible 
result,  (the  epoch  in  their  progress  when  predictions  of  fail- 
ure are  most  rife,)  may  be  indefinitely  suspended,  or  alto- 
gether dropped,  and  the  outlay  all  lost,  if,  when  the  original 
funds  are  exhausted,  the  law  will  not  allow  more  to  be 
raised  on  the  terms  on  which  people  are  willing  to  expose  it 
to  the  chances  of  an  enterprise  not  yet  secure  of  success. 

§  3.  Loans  are  not  the  only  kind  of  contract,  of  which 
governments  have  thought  themselves  qualified  to  regulate 
the  conditions  better  than  the  persons  interested.  There  is 
scarcely  any  commodity  which  they  have  not,  at  some  place 
or  time,  endeavoured  to  make  either  dearer  or  cheaper  than 
it  would  be  if  left  to  itself.  The  most  plausible  case  for  arti- 
ficially cheapening  a  commodity,  is  that  of  food.  The  de- 
sirableness of  the  object  is  in  this  case  undeniable.  But 
since  the  average  price  of  food,  like  that  of  other  things, 
conforms  to  the  cost  of  production  with  the  addition  of  the 
usual  profit ;  if  this  price  is  not  expected  by  the  farmer,  he 
will,  unless  compelled  by  law,  produce  no  more  than  he  re- 
quires for  his  own  consumption  :  and  the  law  therefore,  if 
absolutely  determined  to  have  food  cheaper,  must  substitute, 
for  the  ordinary  motives  to  cultivation,  a  system  of  penal- 
ties. If  it  shrinks  from  doing  this,  it  has  no  resource  but 
that  of  taxing  the  whole  nation,  to  give  a  bounty  or  pre- 
mium to  the  grower  or  importer  of  corn,  thus  giving  every- 
body cheap  bread  at  the  expense  of  all :  in  reality  a  largess 
to  those  who  do  not  pay  taxes,  at  the  expense  of  those  who 
do  ;  one  of  the  forms  of  a  practice  essentially  bad,  that  of 


546  BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  X.      §3. 

converting  the  working  classes  into  unworking  classes  by 
making  them  a  present  of  subsistence. 

It  is  not  however  so  much  the  general  or  average  price 
of  food,  as  its  occasional  high  price  in  times  of  emergency, 
which  governments  have  studied  to  reduce.  In  some  cases, 
as  for  example  the  famous  "  maximum  "  of  the  revolution- 
ary government  of  1793,  the  compulsory  regulation  was  an 
attempt  by  the  ruling  powers  to  counteract  the  necessary 
consequences  of  their  own  acts  ;  to  scatter  an  indefinite 
abundance  of  the  circulating  medium  with  one  hand,  and 
keep  down  prices  with  the  other ;  a  thing  manifestly  im- 
possible under  any  regime  except  one  of  unmitigated  terror. 
In  case  of  actual  scarcity,  governments  are  often  urged,  as 
they  were  in  the  Irish  emergency  of  1847,  to  take  measures 
of  some  sort  for  moderating  the  price  of  food.  But  the 
price  of  a  thing  cannot  be  raised  by  deficiency  of  sapply, 
beyond  what  is  sufficient  to  make  a  corresponding  reduction 
of  the  consumption  ;  and  if  a  government  prevents  this  re- 
duction from  being  brought  about  by  a  rise  of  price,  there 
remains  no  mode  of  effecting  it  unless  by  taking  possession 
of  all  the  food,  and  serving  it  out  in  rations,  as  in  a  besieged 
town.  In  a  real  scarcity,  nothing  can  afford  general  relief, 
except  a  determination  by  the  richer  classes  to  diminish 
their  own  consumption.  If  they  buy  and  consume  their 
usual  quantity  of  food,  and  content  themselves  with  giving 
money,  they  do  no  good.  The  price  is  forced  up  until  the 
poorest  competitors  have  no  longer  the  means  of  competing, 
and  the  privation  of  food  is  thrown  exclusively  upon  the 
indigent,  the  other  classes  being  only  affected  pecuniarily. 
When  the  supply  is  insufficient,  somebody  must  consume 
less,  and  if  every  rich  person  is  determined  not  to  be  that 
somebody,  all  they  do  by  subsidizing  their  poorer  competi- 
tors is  to  force  up  the  price  so  much  the  higher,  with  no 
effect  but  to  enrich  the  corn-dealer,  the  very  reverse  of  what 
is  desired  by  those  who  recommend  such  measures.  All 
that  governments  caa  do  in  such  emergencies,  is  to  counsel 
a  general  moderation  in  consumption,  and  to  interdict  such 


kinds  of  it  as  are  not  of  primary  importance.  Direct  meas- 
ures at  the  cost  of  the  state,  to  procure  food  from  a  distance, 
are  expedient  when  from  peculiar  reasons  the  thing  is  not 
likely  to  be  done  by  private  speculation.  In  any  other  case 
they  are  a  great  error.  Private  speculators  will  not,  in  such 
cases,  venture  to  compete  with  the  government ;  and  though 
a  government  can  do  more  than  any  one  merchant,  it  cannot 
do  nearly  so  much  as  all  merchants. 

§  4.  Governments,  however,  are  oftener  chargeable 
with  having  attempted,  too  successfully,  to  make  things 
dear,  than  with  having  aimed  by  wrong  means  at  making 
them  cheap.  The  usual  instrument  for  producing  artificial 
dearness  is  monopoly.  To  confer  a  monopoly  upon  a  pro- 
ducer or  dealer,  or  upon  a  set  of  producers  or  dealers  not 
too  numerous  to  combine,  is  to  give  them  the  power  of  levy- 
ing any  amount  of  taxation  on  the  public,  for  their  indi- 
vidual benefit,  which  will  not  make  the  public  forego  the 
use  of  the  commodity.  When  the  sharers  in  the  monopoly 
are  so  numerous  and  so  widely  scattered  that  they  are  pre- 
vented from  combining,  the  evil  is  considerably  less :  but 
even  then  the  competition  is  not  so  active  among  a  limited, 
as  among  an  unlimited  number.  Those  who  feel  assured  of  a 
fair  average  proportion  in  the  general  business,  are  seldom 
eager  to  get  a  larger  share,  by  foregoing  a  portion  of  their 
profits.  A  limitation  of  competition,  however  partial,  may 
have  mischievous  effects  quite  disproportioned  to  the  appar- 
ent cause.  The  mere  exclusion  of  foreigners,  from  a  branch 
of  industry  open  to  the  free  competition  of  every  native, 
has  been  known,  even  in  England,  to  render  that  branch  a 
conspicuous  exception  to  the  general  industrial  energy  of 
the  country.  The  silk  manufacture  of  England  remained 
far  behind  that  of  other  countries  of  Europe,  so  long  as  the 
foreign  fabrics  were  prohibited.  In  addition  to  the  tax  lev- 
ied for  the  profit,  real  or  imaginary,  of  the  monopolists,  the 
consumer  thus  pays  an  additional  tax  for  their  laziness  and 
incapacity.     When  relieved  from  the  immediate  stimulus 

548  BOOK   V.      CHAPTER  X.      §4. 

of  competition,  producers  and  dealers  grow  indifferent  to 
the  dictates  of  their  ultimate  pecuniary  interest ;  preferring 
to  the  most  hopeful  prospects,  the  present  ease  of  adhering 
to  routine.  A  person  who  is  already  thriving,  seldom  puts 
himself  out  of  his  way  to  commence  even  a  lucrative  im- 
provement, unless  urged  by  the  additional  motive  of  fear 
lest  some  rival  should  supplant  him  by  getting  possession 
of  it  before  him. 

The  condemnation  of  monopolies  ought  not  to  extend  to 
patents,  by  which  the  originator  of  an  improved  process  is 
allowed  to  enjoy,  for  a  limited  period,  the  exclusive  privi- 
lege of  using  his  own  improvement.  This  is  not  making 
the  commodity  dear  for  his  benefit,  but  merely  postponing 
a  part  of  the  increased  cheapness,  which  the  public  owe  to 
the  inventor,  in  order  to  compensate  and  reward  him  for 
the  service.  That  he  ought  to  be  both  compensated  and 
rewarded  for  it,  will  not  be  denied,  and  also  that  if  all  were 
at  once  allowed  to  avail  themselves  of  his  ingenuity,  with- 
out having  shared  the  labours  or  the  expenses  which  he  had 
to  incur  in  bringing  his  idea  into  a  practical  shape,  either 
such  expenses  and  labours  would  be  undergone  by  nobody, 
except  very  opulent  and  very  public-spirited  persons,  or  the 
state  must  put  a  value  on  the  service  rendered  by  an  in- 
ventor, and  make  him  a  pecuniary  grant.  This  has  been 
done  in  some  instances,  and  may  be  done  without  inconve- 
nience in  cases  of  very  conspicuous  public  benefit ;  but  in 
general  an  exclusive  privilege,  of  temporary  duration,  is 
preferable ;  because  it  leaves  nothing  to  any  one's  discre- 
tion ;  because  the  reward  conferred  by  it  depends  upon  the 
invention's  being  found  useful,  and  the  greater  the  useful- 
ness the  greater  the  reward  ;  and  because  it  is  paid  by  the 
very  persons  to  whom  the  service  is  rendered,  the  consu- 
mers of  the  commodity.  So  decisive,  indeed,  are  those  con- 
siderations, that  if  the  system  of  patents  were  abandoned 
for  that  of  rewards  by  the  state,  the  best  shape  which  these 
could  assume  would  be  that  of  a  small  temporary  tax,  im- 
posed for  the  inventor's  benefit,  on  all  persons  making  use 


of  the  invention.  To  this,  however,  or  to  any  other  system 
which  would  vest  in  the  state  the  power  of  deciding  wheth- 
er an  inventor  should  derive  any  pecuniary  advantage  from 
the  public  benefit  which  he  confers,  the  objections  are  evi- 
dently stronger  and  more  fundamental  than  the  strongest 
which  can  possibly  be  urged  against  patents :  and  I  have 
seen  with  real  alarm  several  recent  attempts,  in  quarters 
carrying  some  authority,  to  impugn  the  principle  of  patents 
altogether  ;  attempts  which,  if  practically  successful,  would 
enthrone  free  stealing  under  the  prostituted  name  of  free 
trade,  and  make  the  men  of  brains,  still  more  than  at  pres- 
ent, the  needy  retainers  and  dependents  of  the  men  of 

§  5.  I  pass  to  another  kind  of  government  interfer- 
ence, in  which  the  end  and  the  means  are  alike  odious,  but 
which  existed  in  England  until  not  so  much  as  a  generation 
ago,  and  is  in  full  vigour  at  this  day  in  some  other  coun- 
tries. I  mean  the  laws  against  combinations  of  workmen  to 
raise  wages  ;  laws  enacted  and  maintained  for  the  declared 
purpose  of  keeping  wages  low,  as  the  famous  Statute  of  La- 
bourers was  passed  by  a  legislature  of  employers,  to  prevent 
the  labouring  class,  when  its  numbers  had  been  thinned  by 
a  pestilence,  from  taking  advantage  of  the  diminished  com- 
petition to  obtain  higher  wages.  Such  laws  exhibit  the  in- 
fernal spirit  of  the  slave  master,  when  to  retain  the  working 
classes  in  avowed  slavery  has  ceased  to  be  practicable. 

If  it  were  possible  for  the  working  classes,  by  combining 
among  themselves,  to  raise  or  keep  up  the  general  rate  of 
wages,  it  needs  hardly  be  said  that  this  would  be  a  thing 
not  to  be  punished,  but  to  be  welcomed  and  rejoiced  at. 
Unfortunately  the  effect  is  quite  beyond  attainment  by  such 
means.  The  multitudes  who  compose  the  working  class  are 
too  numerous  and  too  widely  scattered  to  combine  at  all, 
much  more  to  combine  effectually.  If  they  could  do  so, 
they  might  doubtless  succeed  in  diminishing  the  hours  of 
labour,  and  obtaining  the  same  wages  for  less  work.     But 

550  BOOK   V.     CHAPTER   X.      §5. 

if  they  aimed  at  obtaining  actually  higher  wages  than  the 
rate  fixed  by  demand  and  supply — the  rate  which  distrib- 
utes the  whole  circulating  capital  of  the  country  among 
the  entire  working  population — this  could  only  be  accom- 
plished by  keeping  a  part  of  their  number  permanently  out 
of  employment.  As  support  from  public  charity  would  of 
course  be  refused  to  those  who  could  get  work  and  would 
not  accept  it,  they  would  be  thrown  for  support  upon  the 
trades  union  of  which  they  were  members  ;  and  the  work- 
people collectively  would  be  no  better  off  than  before,  hav- 
ing to  support  the  same  numbers  out  of  the  same  aggregate 
wages.  In  this  way,  however,  the  class  would  have  its  at- 
tention forcibly  drawn  to  the  fact  of  a  superfluity  of  num- 
bers, and  to  the  necessity,  if  they  would  have  higher  wages, 
of  proportioning  the  supply  of  labour  to  the  demand. 

Combinations  to  keep  up  wages  are  sometimes  successful, 
in  trades  where  the  workpeople  are  few  in  number,  and  col- 
lected in  a  small  number  of  local  centres.  It  is  questionable 
if  combinations  ever  had  the  smallest  effect  on  the  permanent 
remuneration  of  spinners  or  weavers ;  but  the  journeymen 
type-founders,  by  a  close  combination,  are  able,  it  is  said,  to 
keep  up  a  rate  of  wages  much  beyond  that  which  is  usual  in 
employments  of  equal  hardness  and  skill ;  and  even  the 
tailors,  a  much  more  numerous  class,  are  understood  to  have 
had,  to  some  extent,  a  similar  success.  A  rise  of  wages,  thus 
confined  to  particular  employments,  is  not  (like  a  rise  of  gen- 
eral wages)  defrayed  from  profits,  but  raises  the  value  and 
price  of  the  particular  article,  and  falls  on  the  consumer ; 
the  capitalist  who  produces  the  commodity  being  only  injured 
in  so  far  as  the  high  price  tends  to  narrow  the  market ;  and 
not  even  then,  unless  it  does  so  in  a  greater  ratio  than  that 
of  the  rise  of  price ;  for  though,  at  higher  wages,  he  employs, 
with  a  given  capital,  fewer  workpeople,  and  obtains  less  of 
the  commodity,  yet,  if  he  can  sell  the  whole  of  this  dimin- 
ished quantity  at  the  higher  price,  his  profits  are  as  great  as 

This  partial  rise  of  wages,  if  not  gained  at  the  expense 


of  the  remainder  of  the  working  class,  ought  not  to  be  re- 
garded as  an  evil.  The  consumer,  indeed,  must  pay  for  it ; 
but  cheapness  of  goods  is  desirable  only  when  the  cause  of 
it  is  that  their  production  costs  little  labour,  and  not  when 
occasioned  by  that  labour's  being  ill  remunerated.  It  may 
appear,  indeed,  at  first  sight,  that  the  high  wages  of  the  type- 
founders (for  example)  are  obtained  at  the  general  cost  of 
the  labouring  class.  This  high  remuneration  either  causes 
fewer  persons  to  find  employment  in  the  trade,  or,  if  not, 
must  lead  to  the  investment  of  more  capital  in  it,  at  the  ex- 
pense of  other  trades :  in  the  first  case,  it  throws  an  addi- 
tional number  of  labourers  on  the  general  market ;  in  the 
second,  it  withdraws  from  that  market  a  portion  of  the  de- 
mand ;  effects,  both  of  which  are  injurious  to  the  working 
classes.  Such,  indeed,  would  really  be  the  result  of  a  suc- 
cessful combination  in  a  particular  trade  or  trades,  for  some 
time  after  its  formation  ;  but  when  it  is  a  permanent  thing, 
the  principles  so  often  insisted  upon  in  this  treatise,  show 
that  it  can  have  no  such  effect.  The  habitual  earnings  of 
the  working  classes  at  large  can  be  affected  by  nothing  but 
the  habitual  requirements  of  the  labouring  people :  these 
indeed  may  be  altered,  but  while  they  remain  the  same, 
wages  never  fall  permanently  below  the  standard  of  these 
requirements,  and  do  not  long  remain  above  that  standard. 
If  there  had  been  no  combinations  in  particular  trades,  and 
the  wages  of  those  trades  had  never  been  kept  above  the 
common  level,  there  is  no  reason  to  suppose  that  the  com- 
mon level  would  have  been  at  all  higher  than  it  now  is. 
There  would  merely  have  been  a  greater  number  of  people 
altogether,  and  a  smaller  number  of  exceptions  to  the  ordi- 
nary low  rate  of  wages. 

If,  therefore,  no  improvement  were  to  be  hoped  for  in 
the  general  circumstances  of  the  working  classes,  the  snccess 
of  a  portion  of  them,  however  small,  in  keeping  their  wages 
by  combination  above  the  market  rate,  would  be  wholly  a 
matter  of  satisfaction.  But  when  the  elevation  of  the  char- 
acter and  condition  of  the  entire  body  has  at  last  become  a 

552  BOOK   V.     CHAPTER  X.      §5. 

thing  not  beyond  the  reach  of  rational  effort,  it  is  time  that 
the  better  paid  classes  of  skilled  artisans  should  seek  their 
own  advantage  in  common  with,  and  not  by  the  exclusion 
of,  their  fellow  labourers.  While  they  continue  to  fix  their 
hopes  on  hedging  themselves  in  against  competition,  and 
protecting  their  own  wages  by  shutting  out  others  from 
access  to  their  employment,  nothing  better  can  be  expected 
from  them  than  that  total  absence  of  any  large  and  generous 
aims,  that  almost  open  disregard  of  all  other  objects  than 
high  wages  and  little  work  for  their  own  small  body,  which 
were  so  deplorably  evident  in  the  proceedings  and  manifes- 
toes of  the  Amalgamated  Society  of  Engineers  during  their 
quarrel  with  their  employers.  Success,  even  if  attainable, 
in  raising  up  a  protected  class  of  working  people,  would 
now  be  a  hindrance,  instead  of  a  help,  to  the  emancipation 
of  the  working  classes  at  large. 

But  though  combinations  to  keep  up  wages  are  seldom 
effectual,  and  when  effectual,  are,  for  the  reasons  which  I 
have  assigned,  seldom  desirable,  the  right  of  making  the 
attempt  is  one  which  cannot  be  refused  to  any  portion  of 
the  working  population  without  great  injustice,  or  without 
the  probability  of  fatally  misleading  them  respecting  the 
circumstances  which  determine  their  condition.  So  long  as 
combinations  to  raise  wages  were  prohibited  by  law,  the 
law  appeared  to  the  operatives  to  be  the  real  cause  of  the 
low  wages  which  there  was  no  denying  that  it  had  done  its 
best  to  produce.  Experience  of  strikes  has  been  the  best 
teacher  of  the  labouring  classes  on  the  subject  of  the  relation 
between  wages  and  the  demand  and  supply  of  labour :  and 
it  is  most  important  that  this  course  of  instruction  should 
not  be  disturbed. 

It  is  a  great  error  to  condemn,  jper  se  and  absolutely, 
either  trades  unions  or  the  collective  action  of  strikes.  I 
grant  that  a  strike  is  wrong  whenever  it  is  foolish,  and  it  is 
foolish  whenever  it  attempts  to  raise  wages  above  that  mar- 
ket rate  which  is  rendered  possible  by  the  demand  and 
supply.     But  demand  and  supply  are  not  physical  agencies, 


which  thrust  a  given  amount  of  wages  into  a  labourer's 
hand  without  the  participation  of  his  own  will  and  actions. 
The  market  rate  is  not  fixed  for  him  by  some  self-acting 
instrument,  but  is  the  result  of  bargaining  between  human 
beings — of  what  Adam  Smith  calls  "  the  higgling  of  the 
market ; "  and  those  who  do  not  "  hiergle  "  will  long  con- 

7  GO  o 

tinue  to  pay,  even  over  a  counter,  more  than  the  market 
price  for  their  purchases.  Still  more  might  poor  labourers 
who  have  to  do  with  rich  employers,  remain  long  without 
the  amount  of  wages  which  the  demand  for  their  labour 
would  justify,  unless,  in  vernacular  phrase,  they  stood  out 
for  it :  and  how  can  they  stand  out  for  terms  without  organ- 
ized concert  ?  What  chance  would  any  labourer  have,  who 
struck  singly  for  an  advance  of  wages  ?  How  could  he 
even  know  whether  the  state  of  the  market  admitted  of  a 
rise,  except  by  consultation  with  his  fellows,  naturally  lead- 
ing to  concerted  action  ?  I  do  not  hesitate  to  say  that  asso- 
ciations of  labourers,  of  a  nature  similar  to  trades  unions,  far 
from  being  a  hindrance  to  a  free  market  for  labour,  are  the 
necessary  instrumentality  of  that  free  market ;  the  indis- 
pensable means  of  enabling  the  sellers  of  labour  to  take  due 
care  of  their  own  interests  under  a  system  of  competition. 
There  is  an  ulterior  consideration  of  much  importance,  to 
which  attention  was  for  the  first  time  drawn  by  Mr.  Henry 
Fawcett,  in  an  article  in  the  Westminster  Review.  Expe- 
rience has  at  length  enabled  the  more  intelligent  trades  to 
take  a  tolerably  correct  measure  of  the  circumstances  on 
which  the  success  of  a  strike  for  an  advance  of  wages 
depends.  The  workmen  are  now  nearly  as  well  informed  as 
the  master,  of  the  state  of  the  market  for  his  commodities  ; 
they  can  calculate  his  gains  and  his  expenses,  they  know 
when  his  trade  is  or  is  not  prosperous,  and  only  when  it  is, 
are  they  ever  again  likely  to  strike  for  higher  wages ;  which 
wages  their  known  readiness  to  strike  makes  their  employers 
for  the  most  part,  willing  in  that  case,  to  concede.  The 
tendency,  therefore,  of  this  state  of  things  is  to  make  a  rise 
of  wages,  in  any  particular  trade,  usually  consequent  upon 

554  BOOK   V.      CHAPTER  X.      §5. 

a  rise  of  profits,  which,  as  Mr.  Fawcett  observes,  is  a  com- 
mencement of  that  regular  participation  of  the  labourers  in 
the  profits  derived  from  their  labour,  every  tendency  to 
which,  for  the  reason  stated  in  a  previous  chapter,*  it  is  so 
important  to  encourage,  since  to  it  we  have  chiefly  to  look  for 
any  radical  improvement  in  the  social  and  economical  rela- 
tion between  labour  and  capital.  Strikes,  therefore,  and  the 
trade  societies  which  render  strikes  possible,  are  for  these 
various  reasons  not  a  mischievous,  but  on  the  contrary,  a 
valuable  part  of  the  existing  machinery  of  society. 

It  is,  however,  an  indispensable  condition  of  tolerating 
combinations,  that  they  should  be  voluntary.  No  severity, 
necessary  to  the  purpose,  is  too  great  to  be  employed  against 
attempts  to  compel  workmen  to  join  a  union,  or  take  part 
in  a  strike,  by  threats  or  violence.  Mere  moral  compulsion 
by  the  expression  of  opinion,  the  law  ought  not  to  interfere 
with  ;  it  belongs  to  more  enlightened  opinion  to  restrain  it, 
by  rectifying  the  moral  sentiments  of  the  people.  Other 
questions  arise  when  the  combination,  being  voluntary,  pro- 
poses to  itself  objects  really  contrary  to  the  public  good. 
High  wages  and  short  hours  are  generally  good  objects,  or, 
at  all  events,  may  be  so :  but  in  many  trades  unions,  it  is 
among  the  rules  that  there  shall  be  no  task  work,  or  no 
difference  of  pay  between  the  most  expert  workmen  and  the 
most  unskilful,  or  that  no  member  of  the  union  shall  earn 
more  than  a  certain  sum  per  week,  in  order  that  there  may 
be  more  employment  for  the  rest ;  and  the  abolition  of 
piece  work,  under  more  or  less  of  modification,  held  a  con- 
spicuous place  among  the  demands  of  the  Amalgamated 
Society.  These  are  combinations  to  effect  objects  which  are 
pernicious.  Their  success,  even  when  only  partial,  is  a 
public  mischief;  and  were  it  complete,  would  be  equal  in 
magnitude  to  almost  any  of  the  evils  arising  from  bad 
economical  legislation.  Hardly  anything  worse  can  be 
said  of  the  worst  laws  on  the  subject  of  industry  and  its 
remuneration,  consistent  with  the  personal  freedom  of  the 

*  Supra,  book  v.  chap.  viL 


labourer,  than  that  they  place  the  energetic  and  the  \dle, 
the  skilful  and  the  incompetent,  on  a  level :  and  this,  in  so 
far  as  it  is  in  itself  possible,  it  is  the  direct  tendency  of  the 
regulations  of  these  unions  to  do.  It  does  not,  however, 
follow  as  a  consequence  that  the  law  would  be  warranted 
in  making  the  formation  of  such  associations  illegal  and 
punishable.  Independently  of  all  considerations  of  consti- 
tutional liberty,  the  best  interests  of  the  human  race  impera- 
tively require  that  all  economical  experiments,  voluntarily 
undertaken,  should  have  the  fullest  license,  and  that  force 
and  fraud  should  be  the  only  means  of  attempting  to  bene- 
fit themselves,  which  are  interdicted  to  the  less  fortunate 
classes  of  the  community.* 

§  6.  Among  the  modes  of  undue  exercise  of  the 
power  of  government,  on  which  I  have  commented  in  this 
chapter,  I  have  included  only  such  as  rest  on  theories  which 
have  still  more  or  less  of  footing  in  the  most  enlightened 
countries.  I  have  not  spoken  of  some  which  have  done  still 
greater  mischief  in  times  not  long  past,  but  which  are  now 
generally  given  up,  at  least  in  theory,  though  enough  of 
them  still  remains  in  practice  to  make  it  impossible  as  yet 
to  class  them  among  exploded  errors. 

The  notion,  for  example,  that  a  government  should 
choose  opinions  for  the  people,  and  should  not  suffer  any 
doctrines  in  politics,  morals,  law,  or  religion,  but  such  as  it 

*  Whoever  wishes  to  understand  the  question  of  Trade  Combinations  as  seen 
from  the  point  of  view  of  the  working  people,  should  make  himself  acquainted 
with  a  pamphlet  published  in  1860  under  the  title  "  Trades  Unions  and  Strikes, 
their  Philosophy  and  Intention,  by  T.  J.  Dunning,  Secretary  to  the  London  Con- 
solidated Society  of  Bookbinders."  There  are  many  opinions  in  this  able  tract 
in  which  I  only  partially,  and  some  in  which  I  do  not  at  all,  coincide.  But 
there  are  also  many  sound  arguments,  and  an  instructive  exposure  of  the  com; 
mon  fallacies  of  opponents.  Readers  of  other  classes  will  see  with  surprise,  not 
only  how  great  a  portion  of  truth  the  Unions  have  on  their  side,  but  how  much 
less  flagrant  and  condemnable  even  their  errors  appear,  when  seen  under  the 
aspect  in  which  it  is  only  natural  that  the  working  classes  should  themselves  re- 
gard them. 

556  BOOK   V.      CHAPTER   X.      §6. 

approves,  to  be  printed  or  publicly  professed,  may  be  said  to 
be  altogether  abandoned  as  a  general  thesis.  It  is  now  well 
understood  that  a  regime  of  this  sort  is  fatal  to  all  prosperity, 
even  of  an  economical  kind :  that  the  human  mind,  when 
prevented  either  by  fear  of  the  law  or  by  fear  of  opinion 
from  exercising  its  faculties  freely  on  the  most  important 
subjects,  acquires  a  general  torpidity  and  imbecility,  by 
which,  when  they  reach  a  certain  point,  it  is  disqualified 
from  making  any  considerable  advances  even  in  the  common 
affairs  of  life,  and  which,  when  greater  still,  make  it  gradually 
lose  even  its  previous  attainments.  There  cannot  be  a  more 
decisive  example  than  Spain  and  Portugal,  for  two  centuries 
after  the  Reformation.  The  decline  of  those  countries  in 
national  greatness  and  even  in  material  civilization,  while 
almost  all  the  other  nations  of  Europe  were  uninterruptedly 
advancing,  has  been  ascribed  to  various  causes,  but  there  is 
one  which  lies  at  the  foundation  of  them  all :  the  Holy 
Inquisition,  and  the  system  of  mental  slavery  of  which  it  is 
the  symbol. 

Yet  although  these  truths  are  very  widely  recognised, 
and  freedom  both  of  opinion  and  of  discussion  is  admitted 
as  an  axiom  in  all  free  countries,  this  apparent  liberality 
and  tolerance  has  acquired  so  little  of  the  authority  of  a 
principle,  that  it  is  always  ready  to  give  way  to  the  dread 
or  horror  inspired  by  some  particular  sort  of  opinions. 
Within  the  last  ten  or  fifteen  years  several  individuals  have 
suffered  imprisonment,  for  the  public  profession,  sometimes 
in  a  very  temperate  manner,  of  disbelief  in  religion  ;  and  it 
is  probable  that  both  the  public  and  the  government,  at  the 
first  panic  which  arises  on  the  subject  of  Chartism  or  Com- 
munism, will  fly  to  similar  means  for  checking  the  prop- 
agation of  democratic  or  anti-property  doctrines.  In  this 
country,  however,  the  effective  restraints  on  mental  freedom 
proceed  much  less  from  the  law  or  the  government,  than 
from  the  intolerant  temper  of  the  national  mind  ;  arising  no 
longer  from  even  as  respectable  a  source  as  bigotry  or  fana- 


ticism,  but  rather  from  the  general  habit,  both  in  opinion 
and  conduct,  of  making  adherence  to  custom  the  rule  of  life, 
and  enforcing  it,  by  social  penalties,  against  all  persons 
who,  without  a  party  to  back  them,  assert  their  individual 



§  1.  "We  have  now  reached  the  last  part  of  our  under- 
taking ;  the  discussion,  so  far  as  suited  to  this  treatise  (that 
is,  so  far  as  it  is  a  question  of  principle,  not  detail)  of  the 
limits  of  the  province  of  government ;  the  question,  to  what 
objects  governmental  intervention  in  the  affairs  of  society 
may  or  should  extend,  over  and  above  those  which  neces- 
sarily appertain  to  it.  No  subject  has  been  more  keenly  con- 
tested in  the  present  age  :  the  contest,  however,  has  chiefly 
taken  place  round  certain  select  points,  with  only  flying 
excursions  in  the  rest  of  the  field.  Those  indeed  who  have 
discussed  any  particular  question  of  government  inter- 
ference, such  as  state  education  (spiritual  or  secular),  regu- 
lation of  hours  of  labour,  a  public  provision  for  the  poor, 
&c.  have  often  dealt  largely  in  general  arguments,  far  out- 
stretching* the  special  application  made  of  them,  and  have 
shown  a  sufficiently  strong  bias  either  in  favour  of  letting 
things  alone,  or  in  favour  of  meddling ;  but  have  seldom 
declared,  or  apparently  decided  in  their  own  minds,  how 
far  they  would  carry  either  principle.  The  supporters  of 
interference  have  been  content  with  asserting  a  general 
right  and  duty  on  the  part  of  government  to  intervene, 
wherever  its  intervention  would  be  useful :  and  when  those 
who  have  been  called  the  laisser-faire  school  have  attempt- 
ed any  definite  limitation  of  the  province  of  government, 
they  have  usually  restricted  it  to  the  protection  of  person 


and  property  against  force  and  fraud  ;  a  definition  to  which 
neither  they  nor  any  one  else  can  deliberately  adhere,  since 
it  excludes,  as  has  been  shown  in  a  preceding  chapter,* 
some  of  the  most  indispensable  and  unanimously  recognised 
of  the  duties  of  government. 

Without  professing  entirely  to  supply  this  deficiency  of 
a  general  theory,  on  a  question  which  does  not,  as  I  con- 
ceive, admit  of  any  universal  solution,  I  shall  attempt  to 
afford  some  little  aid  towards  the  resolution  of  this  class  of 
questions  as  they  arise,  by  examining,  in  the  most  general 
point  of  view  in  which  the  subject  can  be  considered,  what 
are  the  advantages,  and  what  the  evils  or  inconveniences, 
of  government  interference. 

We  must  set  out  by  distinguishing  between  two  kinds 
of  intervention  by  the  government,  which,  though  they  may 
relate  to  the  same  subject,  differ  widely  in  their  nature  and 
effects,  and  require,  for  their  justification,  motives  of  a  very 
different  degree  of  urgency.  The  intervention  may  extend  to 
controlling  the  free  agency  of  individuals.  Government  may 
interdict  all  persons  from  doing  certain  things  ;  or  from 
doing  them  without  its  authorization  ;  or  may  prescribe  to 
them  certain  things  to  be  done,  or  a  certain  manner  of  doing 
things  which  it  is  left  optional  with  them  to  do  or  to  abstain 
from.  This  is  the  authoritative  interference  of  government. 
There  is  another  kind  of  intervention  which  is  not  authori- 
tative :  when  a  government,  instead  of  issuing  a  command 
and  enforcing  it  by  penalties,  adopts  the  course  so  seldom 
resorted  to  by  governments,  and  of  which  such  important 
use  might  be  made,  that  of  giving  advice,  and  promulgating 
information  ;  or  when,  leaving  individuals  free  to  use  their 
own  means  of  pursuing  any  object  of  general  interest,  the 
government,  not  meddling  with  them,  but  not  trusting  the 
object  solely  to  their  care,  establishes,  side  by  side  with  their 
arrangements,  an  agency  of  its  own  for  a  like  purpose.  Thu? 
it  is  one  thing  to  maintain  a  Church  Establishment,  and 
another  to  refuse  toleration  to  other  religions,  or  to  persons 

*  Supra,  book  v.  chap.  1. 

560  BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  XI.     §2. 

professing  no  religion.  It  is  one  thing  to  provide  schools  or 
colleges,  and  another  to  require  that  no  person  shall  act  as 
an  instructor  of  youth  without  a  government  license.  There 
might  be  a  national  bank  or  a  government  manufactory, 
without  any  monopoly  against  private  banks  and  manufac- 
tories. There  might  be  a  post-office,  without  penalties 
against  the  conveyance  of  letters  by  other  means.  There 
may  be  a  corps  of  government  engineers  for  civil  pur- 
poses, while  the  profession  of  a  civil  engineer  is  free  to 
be  adopted  by  every  one.  There  may  be  public  hospitals, 
without  any  restriction  upon  private  medical  or  surgical 

§  2.  It  is  evident,  even  at  first  sight,  that  the  authori- 
tative form  of  government  intervention  has  a  much  more 
limited  sphere  of  legitimate  action  than  the  other.  It  re- 
quires a  much  stronger  necessity  to  justify  it  in  any  case  ; 
while  there  are  large  departments  of  human  life  from  which 
it  must  be  unreservedly  and  imperiously  excluded.  What- 
ever theory  we  adopt  respecting  the  foundation  of  the  social 
union,  and  under  whatever  political  institutions  we  live,  there 
is  a  circle  around  every  individual  human  being,  which  no 
government,  be  it  that  of  one,  of  a  few,  or  of  the  many, 
ought  to  be  permitted  to  overstep  :  there  is  a  part  of  the  life 
of  every  person  who  has  come  to  years  of  discretion,  within 
which  the  individuality  of  that  person  ought  to  reign  uncon- 
trolled either  by  any  other  individual  or  by  the  public  col- 
lectively. That  there  is,  or  ought  to  be,  some  space  in  hu- 
man existence  thus  entrenched  around,  and  sacred  from  au- 
thoritative intrusion,  no  one  who  professes  the  smallest  re- 
gard to  human  freedom  or  dignity  will  call  in  question  :  the 
point  to  be  determined  is,  where  the  limit  should  be  placed ; 
how  large  a  province  of  human  life  this  reserved  territor5 
should  include.  I  apprehend  that  it  ought  to  include  all 
that  part  which  concerns  only  the  life,  whether  inward  or 
outward,  of  the  individual,  and  does  not  affect  the  interests 
of  others,  or  affects  them  only  through  the  moral  influence 


of  example.  With  respect  to  the  domain  of  the  inward 
consciousness,  the  thoughts  and  feelings,  and  as  much  of 
external  conduct  as  is  personal  only,  involving  no  conse- 
quences, none  at  least  of  a  painful  or  injurious  kind,  to 
other  people ;  I  hold  that  it  is  allowable  in  all,  and  in  the 
more  thoughtful  and  cultivated  often  a  duty,  to  assert  and 
promulgate,  with  all  the  force  they  are  capable  of,  their 
opinion  of  what  is  good  or  bad,  admirable  or  contemptible, 
but  not  to  compel  others  to  conform  to  that  opinion  ;  wheth- 
er the  force  used  is  that  of  extra-legal  coercion,  or  exerts  it- 
self by  means  of  the  law. 

Even  in  those  portions  of  conduct  which  do  affect  the 
interest  of  others,  the  onus  of  making  out  a  case  always  lies 
on  the  defenders  of  legal  prohibitions.  It  is  not  a  merely 
constructive  or  presumptive  injury  to  others,  which  will 
justify  the  interference  of  law  with  individual  freedom.  To 
be  prevented  from  doing  what  one  is  inclined  to,  or  from 
acting  according  to  one's  own  judgment  of  what  is  desir- 
able, is  not  only  always  irksome,  but  always  tends,  pro 
tanto,  to  starve  the  development  of  some  portion  of  the  bod- 
ily or  mental  faculties,  either  sensitive  or  active  ;  and  unless 
the  conscience  of  the  individual  goes  freely  with  the  legal 
restraint,  it  partakes,  either  in  a  great  or  in  a  small  degree, 
of  the  degradation  of  slavery.  Scarcely  any  degree  of  util- 
ity, short  of  absolute  necessity,  will  justify  a  prohibitory 
regulation,  unless  it  can  also  be  made  to  recommend  itself 
to  the  general  conscience  ;  unless  persons  of  ordinary  good 
intentions  either  believe  already,  or  can  be  induced  to  be- 
lieve, that  the  thing  prohibited  is  a  thing  which  they  ought 
not  to  wish  to  do. 

It  is  otherwise  with  governmental  interferences,  which 
do  not  restrain  individual  free  agency.  When  a  govern- 
ment provides  means  for  fulfilling  a  certain  end,  leaving  in- 
dividuals free  to  avail  themselves  of  different  means  if  m 
their  opinion  preferable,  there  is  no  infringement  of  liberty, 
no  irksome  or  degrading  restraint.  One  of  the  principal 
objections  to  government  interference  is  then  absent. 

562  BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  XL     §  3. 

There  is,  however,  in  almost  all  forms  of  government  agen- 
cy, one  thing  which  is  compulsory  ;  the  provision  of  the 
pecuniary  means.  These  are  derived  from  taxation  ;  or,  if 
existing  in  the  form  of  an  endowment  derived  from  public 
property,  they  are  still  the  cause  of  as  much  compulsory 
taxation  as  the  sale  or  the  annual  proceeds  of  the  property 
would  enable  to  be  dispensed  with.*  And  the  objection  ne- 
cessarily attaching  to  compulsory  contributions,  is  almost  al- 
ways greatly  aggravated  by  the  expensive  precautions  and 
onerous  restrictions,  which  are  indispensable  to  prevent  eva- 
sion of  a  compulsory  tax. 

§  3.  A  second  general  objection  to  government  agency, 
is  that  every  increase  of  the  functions  devolving  on  the  gov- 
ernment is  an  increase  of  its  power,  both  in  the  form  of  au- 
thority, and  still  more,  in  the  indirect  form  of  influence. 
The  importance  of  this  consideration,  in  respect  to  political 
freedom,  has  in  general  been  quite  sufficiently  recognised, 
at  least  in  England  ;  but  many,  in  latter  times,  have  been 
prone  to  think  that  limitation  of  the  powers  of  the  govern- 
ment is  only  essential  when  the  government  itself  is  badly 
constituted  ;  when  it  does  not  represent  the  people,  but  is 
the  organ  of  a  class,  or  coalition  of  classes :  and  that  a  gov- 
ernment of  sufficiently  popular  constitution  might  be  trust- 
ed with  any  amount  of  power  over  the  nation,  since  its 
power  would  be  only  that  of  the  nation  over  itself.  This 
might  be  true,  if  the  nation,  in  such  cases,  did  not  practi- 
cally mean  a  mere  majority  of  the  nation,  and  if  minorities 
were  only  capable  of  oppressing,  but  not  of  being  oppressed. 
Experience,  however,  proves  that  the  depositaries  of  power 
who  are  mere  delegates  of  the  people,  that  is  of  a  majority, 

*  The  only  cases  in  which  government  agency  involves  nothing  of  a  compul- 
sory nature,  are  the  rare  cases  in  which,  without  any  artificial  monopoly,  it  pays 
its  own  expenses.  A  bridge  built  with  public  money,  on  which  tolls  are  collect- 
ed, sufficient  to  pay  not  only  all  current  expenses,  but  the  interest  of  the  original 
outlay,  is  one  case  in  point.  The  government  railways  in  Belgium  and  Germany 
are  another  example.  The  Post  Office,  if  its  monopoly  were  abolished,  and  it 
still  paid  its  expenses,  would  be  another. 


are  quite  as  ready  (when  they  think  they  can  count  on  pop- 
ular support)  as  any  organs  of  oligarchy,  to  assume  arbitrary 
power,  and  encroach  unduly  on  the  liberty  of  private  life. 
The  public  collectively  is  abundantly  ready  to  impose,  not 
only  its  generally  narrow  views  of  its  interests,  but  its  ab- 
stract opinions,  and  even  its  tastes,  as  laws  binding  upon 
individuals.  And  the  present  civilization  tends  so  strongly 
to  make  the  power  of  persons  acting  in  masses  the  only  sub- 
stantial power  in  society,  that  there  never  was  more  neces- 
sity for  surrounding  individual  independence  of  thought, 
speech,  and  conduct,  with  the  most  powerful  defences,  in 
order  to  maintain  that  originality  of  mind  and  individuality 
of  character,  which  are  the  only  source  of  any  real  progress, 
and  of  most  of  the  qualities  which  make  the  human  race 
much  superior  to  any  herd  of  animals.  Hence  it  is  no  less 
important  in  a  democratic  than  in  any  other  government, 
that  all  tendency  on  the  part  of  public  authorities  to  stretch 
their  interference,  and  assume  a  power  of  any  sort  which 
can  easily  be  dispensed  with,  should  be  regarded  with  un- 
remitting jealousy.  Perhaps  this  is  even  more  important  in 
a  democracy  than  in  any  other  form  of  political  society  ;  be- 
cause, where  public  opinion  is  sovereign,  an  individual  who 
is  oppressed  by  the  sovereign  does  not,  as  in  most  other 
states  of  things,  find  a  rival  power  to  which  he  can  appeal 
for  relief,  or,  at  all  events,  for  sympathy. 

§  4.  A  third  general  objection  to  government  agency, 
rests  on  the  principle  of  the  division  of  labour.  Every  ad- 
ditional function  undertaken  by  the  government,  is  a  fresh 
occupation  imposed  upon  a  body  already  overcharged  with 
duties.  A  natural  consequence  is  that  most  things  are  ill 
done ;  much  not  done  at  all,  because  the  government  is  not 
able  to  do  it  without  delays  which  are  fatal  to  its  purpose ; 
that  the  more  troublesome,  and  less  showy,  of  the  functions 
undertaken,  are  postponed  or  neglected,  and  an  excuse  is 
always  ready  for  the  neglect ;  while  the  heads  of  the  ad- 
ministration have  their  minds  so  fully  taken  up  with  official 

564  BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  XI.     §4. 

details,  in  however  perfunctory  a  manner  superintended, 
that  they  have  no  time  or  thought  to  spare  for  the  great  in- 
terests of  the  state,  and  the  preparation  of  enlarged  meas- 
ures of  social  improvement. 

But  these  inconveniences,  though  real  and  serious,  result 
much  more  from  the  bad  organization  of  governments,  than 
from  the  extent  and  variety  of  the  duties  undertaken  by 
them.  Government  is  not  a  name  for  some  one  functionary, 
or  definite  number  of  functionaries :  there  may  be  almost 
any  amount  of  division  of  labour  within  the  administrative 
body  itself.  The  evil  in  question  is  felt  in  great  magnitude 
under  some  of  the  governments  of  the  Continent,  where  six 
or  eight  men,  living  at  the  capital  and  known  by  the  name 
of  ministers,  demand  that  the  whole  public  business  of  the 
country  shall  pass,  or  be  supposed  to  pass,  under  their  indi- 
vidual eye.  But  the  inconvenience  would  be  reduced  to  a 
very  manageable  compass,  in  a  country  in  which  there  was 
a  proper  distribution  of  functions  between  the  central  and 
local  officers  of  government,  and  in  which  the  central  body 
was  divided  into  a  sufficient  number  of  departments.  "When 
Parliament  thought  it  expedient  to  confer  on  the  govern- 
ment an  inspecting  and  partially  controlling  authority  over 
railways,  it  did  not  add  railways  to  the  department  of  the 
Home  Minister,  but  created  a  Eailway  Board.  When  it 
determined  to  have  a  central  superintending  authority  for 
pauper  administration,  it  established  the  Poor  Law  Com- 
mission. There  are  few  countries  in  which  a  greater  num- 
ber of  functions  are  discharged  by  public  officers,  than  in 
some  states  of  the  American  Union,  particularly  the  New 
England  States  :  but  the  division  of  labour  in  public  busi- 
ness is  extreme ;  most  of  these  officers  being  not  even  ame- 
nable to  any  common  superior,  but  performing  their  duties 
freely,  under  the  double  check  of  election  by  their  townsmen, 
and  civil  as  well  as  criminal  responsibility  to  the  tribunals. 

It  is,  no  doubt,  indispensable  to  good  government  that 
the  chiefs  of  the  administration,  whether  permanent  or  tem- 
porary, should  extend  a  commanding,  though  general,  view 


over  the  ensemble  of  all  the  interests  confided,  in  any  degree, 
to  the  responsibility  of  the  central  power.  But  with  a  skil- 
ful internal  organization  of  the  administrative  machine, 
leaving  to  subordinates,  and  as  far  as  possible  to  local  sub- 
ordinates, not  only  the  execution,  but  to  a  great  degree  the 
control,  of  details  ;  holding  them  accountable  for  the  results 
of  their  acts  rather  than  for  the  acts  themselves,  except 
where  these  come  within  the  cognizance  of  the  tribunals ; 
taking  the  most  effectual  securities  for  honest  and  capable 
appointments  ;  opening  a  broad  path  to  promotion  from  the 
inferior  degrees  of  the  administrative  scale  to  the  superior  ; 
leaving,  at  each  step,  to  the  functionary,  a  wider  range  in 
the  origination  of  measures,  so  that,  in  the  highest  grade  of 
all,  deliberation  might  be  concentrated  on  the  great  collec- 
tive interests  of  the  country  in  each  department ;  if  all  this 
were  done,  the  government  would  not  probably  be  overbur- 
dened by  any  business,  in  other  respects  fit  to  be  undertaken 
by  it ;  though  the  overburdening  would  remain  as  a  serious 
addition  to  the  inconveniences  incurred  by  its  undertaking 
any  which  was  unfit. 

§  5.  But  though  a  better  organization  of  governments 
would  greatly  diminish  the  force  of  the  objection  to  the 
mere  multiplication  of  their  duties,  it  would  still  remain 
true  that  in  all  the  more  advanced  communities,  the  great 
majority  of  things  are  worse  done  by  the  intervention  of 
government,  than  the  individuals  most  interested  in  the 
matter  would  do  them,  or  cause  them  to  be  done,  if  left  to 
themselves.  The  grounds  of  this  truth  are  expressed  with 
tolerable  exactness  in  the  popular  dictum,  that  people  un- 
derstand their  own  business  and  their  own  interests  better, 
and  care  for  them  more,  than  the  government  does,  or  can 
be  expected  to  do.  This  maxim  holds  true  throughout  the 
greatest  part  of  the  business  of  life,  and  wherever  it  is  true 
we  ought  to  condemn  every  kind  of  government  interven- 
tion that  conflicts  with  it.  The  inferiority  of  government 
agency,  for  example,  in  any  of  the  common  operations  of 

566  BOOK   V.      CHAPTER  XI.     §6. 

industry  or  commerce,  is  proved  by  the  fact,  that  it  is  hard- 
ly ever  able  to  maintain  itself  in  equal  competition  with  in- 
dividual agency,  where  the  individuals  possess  the  requisite 
degree  of  industrial  enterprise,  and  can  command  the  neces- 
sary assemblage  of  means.  All  the  facilities  which  a  gov- 
ernment enjoys  of  access  to  information ;  all  the  means 
which  it  possesses  of  remunerating,  and  therefore  of  com- 
manding, the  best  available  talent  in  the  market — are  not 
an  equivalent  for  the  one  great  disadvantage  of  an  inferior 
interest  in  the  result. 

It  must  be  remembered,  besides,  that  even  if  a  govern- 
ment were  superior  in  intelligence  and  knowledge  to  any 
single  individual  in  the  nation,  it  must  be  inferior  to  all  the 
individuals  of  the  nation  taken  together.  It  can  neither 
possess  in  itself,  nor  enlist  in  its  service,  more  than  a  portion 
of  the  acquirements  and  capacities  which  the  country  con- 
tains, applicable  to  any  given  purpose.  There  must  be 
many  persons  equally  qualified  for  the  work  with  those 
whom  the  government  employs,  even  if  it  selects  its  instru- 
ments with  no  reference  to  any  consideration  but  their  fit- 
ness. Now  these  are  the  very  persons  into  whose  hands,  in 
the  cases  of  most  common  occurrence,  a  system  of  individ- 
ual agency  naturally  tends  to  throw  the  work,  because  they 
are  capable  of  doing  it  better  or  on  cheaper  terms  than  any 
other  persons.  So  far  as  this  is  the  case,  it  is  evident  that 
government,  by  excluding  or  even  by  superseding  individ- 
ual agency,  either  substitutes  a  less  qualified  instrumentality 
for  one  better  qualified,  or  at  any  rate  substitutes  its  own 
mode  of  accomplishing  the  work,  for  all  the  variety  of  modes 
which  would  be  tried  by  a  number  of  equally  qualified  per- 
sons aiming  at  the  same  end  ;  a  competition  by  many  de- 
grees more  propitious  to  the  progress  of  improvement,  than 
any  uniformity  of  system. 

§  6.  I  have  reserved  for  the  last  place  one  of  the  strong- 
est of  the  reasons  against  the  extension  of  government 
agency.     Even  if  the  government  could  comprehend  within 


itself,  in  each  department,  all  the  most  eminent  intellectual 
capacity  and  active  talent  of  the  nation,  it  would  not  be  the 
less  desirable  that  the  conduct  of  a  large  portion  of  the 
affairs  of  society  should  be  left  in  the  hands  of  the  persons 
immediately  interested  in  them.  The  business  of  life  is  an 
essential  part  of  the  practical  education  of  a  people  ;  with- 
out which,  book  and  school  instruction,  though  most  neces- 
sary and  salutary,  does  not  suffice  to  qualify  them  for  con- 
duct, and  for  the  adaptation  of  means  to  ends.  Instruction 
is  only  one  of  the  desiderata  of  mental  improvement ;  an- 
other, almost  as  indispensable,  is  a  vigorous  exercise  of  the 
active  energies ;  labour,  contrivance,  judgment,  self-con- 
trol :  and  the  natural  stimulus  to  these  is  the  difficulties  of 
life.  This  doctrine  is  not  to  be  confounded  with  the  com- 
placent optimism,  which  represents  the  evils  of  life  as  desir- 
able things,  because  they  call  forth  qualities  adapted  to 
combat  with  evils.  It  is  only  because  the  difficulties  exist, 
that  the  qualities  which  combat  with  them  are  of  any  value. 
As  practical  beings  it  is  our  business  to  free  human  life  from 
as  many  as  possible  of  its  difficulties,  and  not  to  keep  up  a 
stock  of  them  as  hunters  preserve  game,  for  the  exercise  of 
pursuing  it.  But  since  the  need  of  active  talent  and  prac- 
tical judgment  in  the  affairs  of  life  can  only  be  diminished, 
and  not,  even  on  the  most  favourable  supposition,  done 
away  with,  it  is  important  that  those  endowments  should  be 
cultivated  not  merely  in  a  select  few,  but  in  all,  and  that 
the  cultivation  should  be  more  varied  and  complete  than 
most  persons  are  able  to  find  in  the  narrow  sphere  of  their 
merely  individual  interests.  A  people  among  whom  there 
is  no  habit  of  spontaneous  action  for  a  collective  interest — 
who  look  habitually  to  their  government  to  command  or 
prompt  them  in  all  matters  of  joint  concern — who  expect  to 
have  everything  done  for  them,  except  what  can  be  made 
an  affair  of  mere  habit  and  routine — have  their  faculties 
only  half  developed  ;  their  education  is  defective  in  one  of 
its  most  important  branches. 

Not  only  is  the  cultivation  of  the  active  faculties  by  exer- 

568  BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  XI.      §6. 

cise,  diffused  through  the  whole  community,  in  itself  one 
of  the  most  valuable  of  national  possessions  :  it  is  rendered, 
not  less,  but  more,  necessary,  when  a  high  degree  of  that 
indispensable  culture  is  systematically  kept  up  in  the  chiefs 
and  functionaries  of  the  state.  There  cannot  be  a  combina- 
tion of  circumstances  more  dangerous  to  human  welfare, 
than  that  in  which  intelligence  and  talent  are  maintained 
at  a  high  standard  within  a  governing  corporation,  but  starved 
and  discouraged  outside  the  pale.  Such  a  system,  more 
completely  than  any  other,  embodies  the  idea  of  despotism, 
by  arming  with  intellectual  superiority  as  an  additional 
weapon,  those  who  have  already  the  legal  power.  It  ap- 
proaches as  nearly  as  the  organic  difference  between  human 
beings  and  other  animals  admits,  to  the  government  of 
sheep  by  their  shepherd,  without  anything  like  so  strong  an 
interest  as  the  shepherd  has  in  the  thriving  condition  of  the 
flock.  The  only  security  against  political  slavery,  is  the 
check  maintained  over  governors,  by  the  diffusion  of  intelli- 
gence, activity,  and  public  spirit  among  the  governed.  Ex- 
perience proves  the  extreme  difficulty  of  permanently  keep- 
ing up  a  sufficiently  high  standard  of  those  qualities ;  a  diffi- 
culty which  increases,  as  the  advance  of  civilization  and 
security  removes  one  after  another  of  the  hardships,  embar- 
rassments, and  dangers  against  which  individuals  had  for- 
merly no  resource  but  in  their  own  strength,  skill,  and 
courage.  It  is  therefore  of  supreme  importance  that  all 
classes  of  the  community  down  to  the  lowest,  should  have 
much  to  do  for  themselves  ;  that  as  great  a  demand  should 
be  made  upon  their  intelligence  and  virtue  as  it  is  in  any 
respect  equal  to  ;  that  the  government  should  not  only  leave 
as  far  as  possible  to  their  own  faculties  the  conduct  of  what- 
ever concerns  themselves  alone,  but  should  suffer  them,  or 
rather  encourage  them,  to  manage  as  many  as  possible  of 
their  joint  concerns  by  voluntary  co-operation ;  since  this 
discussion  and  management  of  collective  interests  is  the 
great  school  of  that  public  spirit,  and  the  great  source  of 
that  intelligence  of  public  affairs,  which  are  always  regard- 


ed  as  the  distinctive  character  of  the  public  of  free  coun- 

A  democratic  constitution,  not  supported  by  democratic 
institutions  in  detail,  but  confined  to  the  central  govern- 
ment, not  only  is  not  political  freedom,  but  often  creates  a 
spirit  precisely  the  reverse,  carrying  down  to  the  lowest 
grade  in  society  the  desire  and  ambition  of  political  domi- 
nation. In  some  countries  the  desire  of  the  people  is  for  not 
being  tyrannized  over,  but  in  others  it  is  merely  for  an 
equal  chance  to  everybody  of  tyrannizing.  Unhappily 
this  last  state  of  the  desires  is  fully  as  natural  to  mankind 
as  the  former,  and  in  many  of  the  conditions  even  of  civil- 
ized humanity,  is  far  more  largely  exemplified.  In  propor- 
tion as  the  people  are  accustomed  to  manage  their  affairs 
by  their  own  active  intervention,  instead  of  leaving  them  to 
the  government,  their  desires  will  turn  to  repelling  tyranny, 
rather  than  to  tyrannizing  :  while  in  proportion  as  all  real 
initiative  and  direction  resides  in  the  government,  and  indi- 
viduals habitually  feel  and  act  as  under  its  perpetual  tute- 
lage, popular  institutions  develope  in  them  not  the  desire  of 
freedom,  but  an  unmeasured  appetite  for  place  and  power  ; 
diverting  the  intelligence  and  activity  of  the  country  from 
its  principal  business,  to  a  wretched  competition  for  the  self- 
ish prizes  and  the  petty  vanities  of  office. 

§  7.  The  preceding  are  the  principal  reasons,  of  a  gen- 
eral character,  in  favour  of  restricting  to  the  narrowest  com- 
pass the  intervention  of  a  public  authority  in  the  business  of 
the  community :  and  few  will  dispute  the  more  than  suffi- 
ciency of  these  reasons,  to  throw,  in  every  instance,  the  bur- 
den of  making  out  a  strong  case,  not  on  those  who  resist,  but 
on  those  who  recommend,  government  interference.  Laisser- 
faire,  in  short,  should  be  the  general  practice :  every  de- 
parture from  it,  unless  required  by  some  great  good,  is  a 
certain  evil. 

The  degree  in  which  the  maxim,  even  in  the  cases  to 
which  it  is  most  manifestly  applicable,  has  heretofore  been 

570  BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  XI.     §7. 

infringed  by  governments,  future  ages  will  probably  have 
difficulty  in  crediting.  Some  idea  may  be  formed  of  it  from 
the  description  by  M.  Dunoyer*  of  the  restraints  imposed 
on  the  operations  of  manufacture  under  the  old  government 
of  France,  by  the  meddling  and  regulating  spirit  of  legis- 

"  La  societe  exercait  sur  la  fabrication  la  juridiction  la 
plus  illimitee  et  la  plus  arbitraire  :  elle  disposait  sans  scru- 
pule  des  facultes  des  fabricants ;  elle  decidait  qui  pourrait 
travailler,  quelle  chose  on  pourrait  faire,  quels  materiaux 
on  devrait  employer,  quels  procedes  il  faudrait  suivre, 
quelles  formes  on  donnerait  aux  produits,  etc.  II  ne  suffi- 
sait  pas  de  faire  bien,  de  faire  mieux,  il  fallait  faire  suivant 
les  regies.  Qui  ne  connait  ce  reglement  de  1670,  qui  pre- 
scrivait  de  saisir  et  de  clouer  au  poteau,  aves  le  nom  des 
auteurs,  les  marchandises  non  conformes  aux  regies  tracees, 
et  qui,  a  la  seconde  recidive,  voulait  que  les  fabricants  y 
fussent  attaches  eux-memes  ?  II  ne  s'agissait  pas  de  con- 
suiter  le  gout  des  consommateurs,  mais  de  se  conformer  aux 
volontes  de  la  loi.  Des  legions  d'inspecteurs,  de  commis- 
saires,  de  controleurs,  de  jures,  de  gardes,  etaient  charges 
de  les  faire  executer ;  on  brisait  les  metiers,  on  brulait  les 
produits  qui  n'y  etaient  pas  conformes :  les  ameliorations 
etaient  punies  ;  on  mettait  les  inventeurs  a  l'amende.  On 
soumettait  a  des  regies  differentes  la  fabrication  des  objets 
destines  a  la  consommation  interieure  et  celle  des  produits 
destines  au  commerce  etranger.  Un  artisan  n'etait  pas  le 
maitre  de  choisir  le  lieu  de  son  etablissement,  ni  de  travail- 
ler en  toute  saison,  ni  de  travailler  pour  tout  le  monde.  II 
existe  un  decret  du  30  Mars  1700,  qui  borne  a,  dix-huit 
villes  le  nombre  des  lieux  ou.  l'on  pourra  faire  de  bas  au 
metier ;  un  arret  du  18  Juin  1723  enjoint  aux  fabricants  de 
Kouen  de  suspendre  leurs  travaux  du  ler  Juillet  au  15  Sep- 
tembre,  afin  de  faciliter  ceux  de  la  recolte ;  Louis  XIV., 
quand  il  voulut  entreprendre  la  colonnade  du  Louvre,  de- 
fendit  aux  particuliers  d'employer  des  ouvriers  sans  sa  per- 

*  De  la  Liberte  du  Travail,  voL  ii.  p.  353-4. 


mission,  sous  peine  de  10,000  livres  d'amende,  et  aux 
ouvriers  de  travailler  pour  les  particuliers,  sous  peine,  pour 
la  premiere  ibis,  de  la  prison,  et  pour  la  seconde,  des  galores.'* 

That  these  and  similar  regulations  were  not  a  dead  let 
ter,  and  that  the  officious  and  vexatious  meddling  was  pro- 
longed down  to  the  French  Revolution,  we  have  the  testi- 
mony of  Roland,  the  Girondist  minister.*  "  I  have  seen," 
says  he,  "  eighty,  ninety,  a  hundred  pieces  of  cotton  or 
woollen  stuff  cut  up,  and  completely  destroyed.  I  have  wit- 
nessed similar  scenes  every  week  for  a  number  of  years.  I 
have  seen  manufactured  goods  confiscated  ;  heavy  fines  laid 
on  the  manufacturers  ;  some  pieces  of  fabric  were  burnt  in 
public  places,  and  at  the  hours  of  market :  others  were  fixed 
to  the  pillory,  with  the  name  of  the  manufacturer  inscribed 
upon  them,  and  he  himself  was  threatened  with  the  pillory, 
in  case  of  a  second  offence.  All  this  was  done  under  my  eyes, 
at  Rouen,  in  conformity  with  existing  regulations,  or  minis- 
terial orders.  What  crime  deserved  so  cruel  a  punishment  ? 
Some  defects  in  the  materials  employed,  or  in  the  texture 
of  the  fabric,  or  even  in  some  of  the  threads  of  the  warp. 

"  I  have  frequently  seen  manufacturers  visited  by  a 
band  of  satellites  who  put  all  in  confusion  in  their  establish- 
ments, spread  terror  in  their  families,  cut  the  stuffs  from  the 
frames,  tore  off  the  warp  from  the  looms,  and  carried  them 
away  as  proofs  of  infringement ;  the  manufacturers  were 
summoned,  tried,  and  condemned  :  their  goods  confiscated  ; 
copies  of  their  judgment  of  confiscation  posted  up  in  every 
public  place ;  fortune,  reputation,  credit,  all  was  lost  and 
destroyed.  And  for  what  offence?  Because  they  had 
made  of  worsted,  a  kind  of  cloth  called  shag,  such  as  the 
English  used  to  manufacture,  and  even  sell  in  France,  while 
the  French  regulations  stated  that  that  kind  of  cloth  should 
be  made  with  mohair.  I  have  seen  other  manufacturers 
treated  in  the  same  way,  because  they  had  made  camlets  of 

*  I  quote  at  second  hand,  from  Mr.  Carey's  Essay  on  the  Rate  of  Wages, 
pp.  195-6. 

572  BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  XI.     §7. 

a  particular  width,  used  in  England  and  Germany,  for  which 
there  was  a  great  demand  from  Spain,  Portugal,  and  other 
countries,  and  from  several  parts  of  France,  while  the 
French  regulations  prescribed  other  widths  for  camlets." 

The  time  is  gone  by,  when  such  applications  as  these  of 
the  principle  of  "  paternal  government  "  would  be  attempt- 
ed, in  even  the  least  enlightened  country  of  the  European 
commonwealth  of  nations.  In  such  cases  as  those  cited,  all 
the  general  objections  to  government  interference  are  valid, 
and  several  of  them  in  nearly  their  highest  degree.  But  we 
must  now  turn  to  the  second  part  of  our  task,  and  direct 
our  attention  to  cases,  in  which  some  of  those  general  objec- 
tions are  altogether  absent,  while  those  which  can  never  be 
got  rid  of  entirely,  are  overruled  by  counter-considerations 
of  still  greater  importance. 

We  have  observed  that,  as  a  general  rule,  the  business 
of  life  is  better  performed  when  those  who  have  an  imme- 
diate interest  in  it  are  left  to  take  their  own  course,  uncon- 
trolled either  by  the  mandate  of  the  law  or  by  the  meddling 
of  any  public  functionary.  The  persons,  or  some  of  the 
persons,  who  do  the  work,  are  likely  to  be  better  judges 
than  the  government,  of  the  means  of  attaining  the  particu- 
lar end  at  which  they  aim.  Were  we  to  suppose,  what  is 
not  very  probable,  that  the  government  has  possessed  itself 
of  the  best  knowledge  which  had  been  acquired  up  to  a 
given  time  by  the  persons  most  skilled  in  the  occupation  ; 
even  then,  the  individual  agents  have  so  much  stronger  and 
more  direct  an  interest  in  the  result,  that  the  means  are  far 
more  likely  to  be  improved  and  perfected  if  left  to  their 
uncontrolled  choice.  But  if  the  workman  is  generally  the 
best  selector  of  means,  can  it  be  affirmed  with  the  same  uni- 
versality, that  the  consumer,  or  person  served,  is  the  most 
competent  judge  of  the  end  ?  Is  the  buyer  always  qualified 
to  judge  of  the  commodity  ?  If  not,  the  presumption  in 
favour  of  the  competition  of  the  market  does  not  apply  to 
the  case  ;  and  if  the  commodity  be  one,  in  the  quality  of 
which  society  has  much  at  stake,  the  balance  of  advantages 


may  be  in  favour  of  some  mode  and  degree  of  intervention, 
by  the  authorized  representatives  of  the  collective  interest 
of  the  state. 

§  8.  Now,  the  proposition  that  the  consumer  is  a  com- 
petent judge  of  the  commodity,  can  be  admitted  only  with 
numerous  abatements  and  exceptions.  He  is  generally  the 
best  judge  (though  even  this  is  not  true  universally)  of  the 
material  objects  produced  for  his  use.  These  are  destined 
to  supply  some  physical  want,  or  gratify  some  taste  or  in- 
clination, respecting  which  wants  or  inclinations  there  is  no 
appeal  from  the  person  who  feels  them ;  or  they  are  the 
means  and  appliances  of  some  occupation,  for  the  use  of  the 
persons  engaged  in  it,  who  may  be  presumed  to  be  judges 
of  the  things  required  in  their  own  habitual  employment. 
But  there  are  other  things  of  the  worth  of  which  the  de- 
mand of  the  market  is  by  no  means  a  test ;  things  of  which 
the  utility  does  not  consist  in  ministering  to  inclinations, 
nor  in  serving  the  daily  uses  of  life,  and  the  want  of  which 
is  least  felt  where  the  need  is  greatest.  This  is  peculiarly 
true  of  those  things  which  are  chiefly  useful  as  tending  to 
raise  the  character  of  human  beings.  The  uncultivated  can- 
not be  competent  judges  of  cultivation.  Those  who  most 
need  to  be  made  wiser  and  better,  usually  desire  it  least, 
and  if  they  desired  it,  would  be  incapable  of  finding  the 
way  to  it  by  their  own  lights.  It  will  continually  happen, 
on  the  voluntary  system,  that,  the  end  not  being  desired, 
the  means  will  not  be  provided  at  all,  or  that,  the  persons  re- 
quiring improvement  having  an  imperfect  or  altogether  er- 
roneous conception  of  what  they  want,  the  supply  called 
forth  by  the  demand  of  the  market  will  be  anything  but  what 
is  really  required.  Now  any  well-intentioned  and  tolerably 
civilized  government  may  think  without  presumption  that 
it  does  or  ought  to  possess  a  degree  of  cultivation  above  the 
average  of  the  community  which  it  rules,  and  that  it  should 
therefore  be  capable  of  offering  better  education  and  better 
instruction  to  the  people,  than  the  greater  number  of  them 

574  BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  XI.     §8. 

would  spontaneously  demand.  Education,  therefore,  is  one 
of  those  things  which  it  is  admissible  in  principle  that  a 
government  should  provide  for  the  people.  The  case  is  one 
to  which  the  reasons  of  the  non-interference  principle  do  not 
necessarily  or  universally  extend.* 

With  regard  to  elementary  education,  the  exception  to 
ordinary  rules  may,  I  conceive,  justifiably  be  carried  still 
further.  There  are  certain  primary  elements  and  means  of 
knowledge,  which  it  is  in  the  highest  degree  desirable  that 
all  human  beings  born  into  the  community  should  acquire 
during  childhood.  If  their  parents,  or  those  on  whom  they 
depend,  have  the  power  of  obtaining  for  them  this  instruc- 

*  In  opposition  to  these  opinions,  a  writer,  with  whom  on  many  points  I 
agree,  but  whose  hostility  to  government  intervention  seems  to  me  too  indis- 
criminate and  unqualified,  M.  Dunoyer,  observes,  that  instruction,  however  good 
in  itself,  can  only  be  useful  to  the  public  in  so  far  as  they  are  willing  to  receive 
it,  and  that  the  best  proof  that  the  instruction  is  suitable  to  their  wants,  is  its 
success  as  a  pecuniary  enterprise.  This  argument  seems  no  more  conclusive  re- 
specting instruction  for  the  mind,  than  it  would  be  respecting  medicine  for  the 
body.  No  medicine  will  do  the  patient  any  good  if  he  cannot  be  induced  to 
take  it ;  but  we  are  not  bound  to  admit  as  a  corollary  from  this,  that  the  patient 
will  select  the  right  medicine  without  assistance.  Is  it  not  possible  that  a  recom- 
mendation, from  any  quarter  which  he  respects,  may  induce  him  to  accept  a  bet- 
ter medicine  than  he  would  spontaneously  have  chosen  ?  This  is,  in  respect  to 
education,  the  very  point  in  debate.  Without  doubt,  instruction  which  is  so  far 
in  advance  of  the  people  that  they  cannot  be  induced  to  avail  themselves  of  it,  is 
to  them  of  no  more  worth  than  if  it  did  not  exist.  But  between  what  they  spon- 
taneously choose,  and  what  they  will  refuse  to  accept  when  offered,  there  is  a 
breadth  of  interval  proportioned  to  their  deference  for  the  recommender.  Be- 
sides, a  thing  of  which  the  public  are  bad  judges,  may  be  required  to  be  shown 
to  them  and  pressed  on  their  attention  for  a  long  time,  and  to  prove  its  advan- 
tages by  long  experience,  before  they  learn  to  appreciate  it,  yet  they  may  learn 
at  last ;  which  they  might  never  have  done,  if  the  thing  had  not  been  thus  ob- 
truded upon  them  in  act,  but  only  recommended  in  theory.  Now,  a  pecuniary 
speculation  cannot  wait  years,  or  perhaps  generations,  for  success ;  it  must  suc- 
ceed rapidly,  or  not  at  all.  Another  consideration  which  M.  Dunoyer  seems  to 
have  overlooked,  is,  that  institutions  and  modes  of  tuition  which  never  could  be 
made  sufficiently  popular  to  repay,  with  a  profit,  the  expenses  incurred  on  them, 
may  be  invaluable  to  the  many  by  giving  the  highest  quality  of  education  to  the 
few,  and  keeping  up  the  perpetual  succession  of  superior  minds,  by  whom 
knowledge  is  advanced,  and  the  community  urged  forward  in  civilization. 


tion,  and  fail  to  do  it,  they  commit  a  double  breach  of  duty  : 
towards  the  children  themselves,  and  towards  the  members 
of  the  community  generally,  who  are  all  liable  to  suffer 
seriously  from  the  consequences  of  ignorance  and  want  of 
education  in  their  fellow-citizens.  It  is  therefore  an  allow- 
able exercise  of  the  powers  of  government,  to  impose  on 
parents  the  legal  obligation  of  giving  elementary  instruction 
to  children.  This  however  cannot  fairly  be  done,  without 
taking  measures  to  ensure  that  such  instruction  shall  be  al- 
ways accessible  to  them,  either  gratuitously  or  at  a  trifling 

It  may  indeed  be  objected  that  the  education  of  children 
is  one  of  those  expenses  which  parents,  even  of  the  labour- 
ing class,  ought  to  defray ;  that  it  is  desirable  that  they 
should  feel  it  incumbent  on  them  to  provide  by  their  own 
means  for  the  fulfilment  of  their  duties,  and  that  by  giving 
education  at  the  cost  of  others,  just  as  much  as  by  giving 
subsistence,  the  standard  of  necessary  wages  is  proportion- 
ally lowered,  and  the  springs  of  exertion  and  self-restraint 
in  so  much  relaxed.  This  argument  could,  at  best,  be  only 
valid  if  the  question  were  that  of  substituting  a  public  pro- 
vision for  what  individuals  would  otherwise  do  for  them- 
selves ;  if  all  parents  in  the  labouring  class  recognised  and 
practised  the  duty  of  giving  instruction  to  their  children  at 
their  own  expense.  But  inasmuch  as  parents  do  not  prac- 
tise this  duty,  and  do  not  include  education  among  those 
necessary  expenses  which  their  wages  must  provide  for, 
therefore  the  general  rate  of  wages  is  not  high  enough  to 
bear  those  expenses,  and  they  must  be  borne  from  some 
other  source.  And  this  is  not  one  of  the  cases  in  which  the 
tender  of  help  perpetuates  the  state  of  things  which  renders 
help  necessary.  Instruction,  when  it  is  really  such,  does 
not  enervate,  but  strengthens  as  well  as  enlarges  the  active 
faculties :  in  whatever  manner  acquired,  its  effect  on  the 
mind  is  favourable  to  the  spirit  of  independence :  and  when, 
unless  had  gratuitously,  it  would  not  be  had  at  all,  help  in 
this  form  has  the  opposite  tendency  to  that  wThich  in  so 

576  BOOK  V.      CHAPTER  XI.     §8. 

many  other  cases  makes  it  objectionable  ;  it  is  help  towards 
doing  without  help. 

In  England,  and  most  European  countries,  elementary 
instruction  cannot  be  paid  for,  at  its  full  cost,  from  the  com- 
mon wages  of  unskilled  labour,  and  would  not  if  it  could. 
The  alternative  therefore  is  not  between  government  and 
private  speculation,  but  between  a  government  provision 
and  voluntary  charity :  between  interference  by  govern- 
ment, and  interference  by  associations  of  individuals,  sub- 
scribing their  own  money  for  the  purpose,  like  the  two 
great  School  Societies.  It  is,  of  course,  not  desirable  that 
anything  should  be  done  by  funds  derived  from  compulsory 
taxation,  which  is  already  sufficiently  well  done  by  individ- 
ual liberality.  How  far  this  is  the  case  with  school  instruc- 
tion, is,  in  each  particular  instance,  a  question  of  fact.  The 
education  provided  in  this  country  on  the  voluntary  prin- 
ciple has  of  late  been  so  much  discussed,  that  it  is  needless 
in  this  place  to  criticise  it  minutely,  and  I  shall  merely 
express  my  conviction,  that  even  in  quantity  it  is,  and  is 
likely  to  remain,  altogether  insufficient,  while  in  quality, 
though  with  some  slight  tendency  to  improvement,  it  is 
never  good  except  by  some  rare  accident,  and  generally  so 
bad  as  to  be  little  more  than  nominal.  I  hold  it  therefore 
the  duty  of  the  government  to  supply  the  defect  by  giving 
pecuniary  support  to  elementary  schools,  such  as  to  render 
them  accessible  to  all  the  children  of  the  poor,  either  freely, 
or  for  a  payment  too  inconsiderable  to  be  sensibly  felt. 

One  thing  must  be  strenuously  insisted  on ;  that  the 
government  must  claim  no  monopoly  for  its  education, 
either  in  the  lower  or  in  the  higher  branches  ;  must  exert 
neither  authority  nor  influence  to  induce  the  people  to  re- 
sort to  its  teachers  in  preference  to  others,  and  must  confer 
no  peculiar  advantages  on  those  who  have  been  instructed 
by  them.  Though  the  government  teachers  will  probably 
be  superior  to  the  average  of  private  instructors,  they  will 
not  embody  all  the  knowledge  and  sagacity  to  be  found  in 
all  instructors  taken  together,  and  it  is  desirable  to  leave 


open  as  many  roads  as  possible  to  the  desired  end.  It  is  not 
endurable  that  a  government  should,  either  de  jure  or  de 
facto,  have  a  complete  control  over  the  education  of  the 
people.  To  possess  such  a  control,  and  actually  exert  it,  is 
to  be  despotic.  A  government  which  can  mould  the  opin- 
ions and  sentiments  of  the  people  from  their  youth  upwards, 
can  do  with  them  whatever  it  pleases.  Though  a  govern- 
ment, therefore,  may,  and  in  many  cases  ought  to,  establish 
schools  and  colleges,  it  must  neither  compel  nor  bribe  any 
person  to  come  to  them  ;  nor  ought  the  power  of  individ- 
uals to  set  up  rival  establishments,  to  depend  in  any  degree 
upon  its  authorization.  It  would  be  justified  in  requiring 
from  all  the  people  that  they  shall  possess  instruction  in 
certain  things,  but  not  in  prescribing  to  them  how  or  from 
whom  they  shall  obtain  it. 

§  9.  In  the  matter  of  education,  the  intervention  of 
government  is  justifiable,  because  the  case  is  not  one  in 
which  the  interest  and  judgment  of  the  consumer  are  a 
sufficient  security  for  the  goodness  of  the  commodity.  Let 
us  now  consider  another  class  of  cases,  where  there  is  no 
person  in  the  situation  of  a  consumer,  and  where  the  inter- 
est and  judgment  to  be  relied  on  are  those  of  the  agent 
himself ;  as  in  the  conduct  of  any  business  in  which  he  is 
exclusively  interested,  or  in  entering  into  any  contract  or 
engagement  by  which  he  himself  is  to  be  bound. 

The  ground  of  the  practical  principle  of  non-interference 
must  here  be,  that  most  persons  take  a  juster'and  more  in- 
telligent view  of  their  own  interest,  and  of  the  means  of 
promoting  it,  than  can  either  be  prescribed  to  them  by  a 
general  enactment  of  the  legislature,  or  pointed  out  in  the 
particular  case  by  a  public  functionary.  The  maxim  is 
unquestionably  sound  as  a  general  rule ;  but  there  is  no 
difficulty  in  perceiving  some  very  large  and  conspicuous  ex- 
ceptions to  it.     These  may  be  classed  under  several  heads. 

First : — The  individual  who  is  presumed  to  be  the  best 
judge  of  his  own  interests  may  be  incapable  of  judging  or 

57S  BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  XT.     §9. 

acting  for  himself ;  may  be  a  lunatic,  an  idiot,  an  infant : 
or  though  not  wholly  incapable,  may  be  of  immature  years 
and  judgment.  In  this  case  the  foundation  of  the  laisser- 
faire  principle  breaks  down  entirely.  The  person  most  in- 
terested is  not  the  best  judge  of  the  matter,  nor  a  competent 
judge  at  all.  Insane  persons  are  everywhere  regarded  as 
proper  objects  of  the  care  of  the  state.*  In  the  case  of  chil- 
dren and  young  persons,  it  is  common  to  say,  that  though 
they  cannot  judge  for  themselves,  they  have  their  parents 
or  other  relatives  to  judge  for  them.  But  this  removes  the 
question  into  a  different  category  ;  making  it  no  longer  a 
question  whether  the  government  should  interfere  with  in- 
dividuals in  the  direction  of  their  own  conduct  and  interests, 
but  whether  it  should  leave  absolutely  in  their  power  the 
conduct  and  interests  of  somebody  else.  Parental  power  is 
as  susceptible  of  abuse  as  any  other  power,  and  is,  as  a  mat- 
ter of  fact,  constantly  abused.  If  laws  do  not  succeed  in 
preventing  parents  from  brutally  ill-treating,  and  even  from 
murdering  their  children,  far  less  ought  it  to  be  presumed 

*  The  practice  of  the  English  law  with  respect  to  insane  persons,  especially 
on  the  all-important  point  of  the  ascertainment  of  insanity,  most  urgently  de- 
mands reform.  At  present  no  persons,  whose  property  is  worth  coveting,  and 
whose  nearest  relations  are  unscrupulous,  or  on  bad  terms  with  them,  are  secure 
against  a  commission  of  lunacy.  At  the  instance  of  the  persons  who  would 
profit  by  their  being  declared  insane,  a  jury  may  be  impanelled  and  an  investiga- 
tion held  at  the  expense  of  the  property,  in  which  all  their  personal  peculiarities, 
with  all  the  additions  made  by  the  lying  gossip  of  low  servants,  are  poured  into 
the  credulous  ears  of  twelve  petty  shopkeepers,  ignorant  of  all  ways  of  life  ex- 
cept those  of  their  own  class,  and  regarding  every  trait  of  individuality  in  charac- 
ter or  taste  as  eccentricity,  and  all  eccentricity  as  either  insanity  or  wickedness. 
If  this  sapient  tribunal  gives  the  desired  verdict,  the  property  is  handed  over  to 
perhaps  the  last  persons  whom  the  rightful  owner  would  have  desired  or  suffered 
to  possess  it.  Some  recent  instances  of  this  kind  of  investigation  have  been  a 
scandal  to  the  administration  of  justice.  Whatever  other  changes  in  this  branch 
of  law  may  be  made,  two  at  least  are  imperative :  first,  that,  as  in  other  legal 
proceedings,  the  expenses  should  not  be  borne  by  the  person  on  trial,  but  by  the 
promoters  of  the  inquiry,  subject  to  recovery  of  costs  in  case  of  success :  and 
secondly,  that  the  property  of  a  person  declared  insane,  should  in  no  case  be 
made  over  to  heirs  while  the  proprietor  is  alive,  but  should  be  managed  by  a 
public  officer  until  his  death  or  recovery. 


that  the  interests  of  children  will  never  be  sacrificed,  in 
more  common-place  and  less  revolting  "ways,  to  the  selfish- 
ness or  the  ignorance  of  their  parents.  Whatever  it  can  be 
clearly  seen  that  parents  ought  to  do  or  forbear  for  the  in- 
terest of  children,  the  law  is  warranted,  if  it  is  able,  in 
compelling  to  be  done  or  forborne,  and  is  generally  bound 
to  do  so.  To  take  an  example  from  the  peculiar  province 
of  political  economy  ;  it  is  right  that  children,  and  young 
persons  not  yet  arrived  at  maturity,  should  be  protected,  so 
far  as  the  eye  and  hand  of  the  state  can  reach,  from  being 
over-worked.  Labouring  for  too  many  hours  in  the  day,  or 
on  work  beyond  their  strength,  should  not  be  permitted  to 
them,  for  if  permitted  it  may  always  be  compelled.  Free- 
dom of  contract,  in  the  case  of  children,  is  but  another  word 
for  freedom  of  coercion.  Education  also,  the  best  which 
circumstances  admit  of  their  receiving,  is  not  a  thing  which 
parents  or  relatives,  from  indifference,  jealousy,  or  avarice, 
should  have  it  in  their  power  to  withhold. 

The  reasons  for  legal  intervention  in  favour  of  children, 
apply  not  less  strongly  to  the  case  of  those  unfortunate 
slaves  and  victims  of  the  most  brutal  part  of  mankind,  the 
lower  animals.  It  is  by  the  grossest  misunderstanding  of 
the  principles  of  liberty,  that  the  infliction  of  exemplary 
punishment  on  ruffianism  practised  towards  these  defenceless 
creatures,  has  been  treated  as  a  meddling  by  government 
with  things  beyond  its  province  ;  an  interference  with  do- 
mestic life.  The  domestic  life  of  domestic  tyrants  is  one  of 
the  things  which  it  is  the  most  imperative  on  the  law  to  in- 
terfere with  ;  and  it  is  to  be  regretted  that  metaphysical 
scruples  respecting  the  nature  and  source  of  the  authority 
of  government,  should  induce  many  warm  supporters  of 
laws  against  cruelty  to  animals,  to  seek  for  a  justification  of 
such  laws  in  the  incidental  consequences  of  the  indulgence 
of  ferocious  habits,  to  the.  interests  of  human  beings,  rather 
than  in  the  intrinsic  merits  of  the  case  itself.  What  it 
would  be  the  duty  of  a  human  being,  possessed  of  the  requi- 
site physical  strength,  to  prevent  by  force  if  attempted  in  his 

580  BOOK  V.      CHAPTER   XI.      §9. 

presence,  it  cannot  be  less  incumbent  on  society  generally 
to  repress.  The  existing  laws  of  England  on  the  subject  are 
chiefly  defective  in  the  trifling,  often  almost  nominal,  maxi- 
mum, to  which  the  penalty  even  in  the  worst  cases  is  limited. 
Among  those  members  of  the  community  whose  freedom 
of  contract  ought  to  be  controlled  by  the  legislature  for 
their  own  protection,  on  account  (it  is  said)  of  their  depend- 
ent position,  it  is  frequently  proposed  to  include  women  : 
and  in  the  existing  Factory  Act,  their  labour,  in  common 
with  that  of  young  persons,  has  been  placed  under  peculiar 
restrictions.  But  the  classing  together,  for  this  and  other 
purposes,  of  women  and  children,  appears  to  me  both  inde- 
fensible in  principle  and  mischievous  in  practice.  Children 
below  a  certain  age  cannot  judge  or  act  for  themselves  ;  up 
to  a  considerably  greater  age  they  are  inevitably  more  or 
less  disqualified  for  doing  so  ;  but  women  are  as  capable  as 
men  of  appreciating  and  managing  their  own  concerns,  and 
the  only  hindrance  to  their  doing  so  arises  from  the  injustice 
of  their  present  social  position.  So  long  as  the  law  makes 
everything  which  the  wife  acquires,  the  property  of  the  hus- 
band, while  by  compelling  her  to  live  with  him  it  forces 
her  to  submit  to  almost  any  amount  of  moral  and  even 
physical  tyranny  which  he  may  choose  to  inflict,  there  is 
some  ground  for  regarding  every  act  done  by  her  as  done 
under  coercion :  but  it  is  the  great  error  of  reformers  and 
philanthropists  in  our  time,  to  nibble  at  the  consequences 
of  unjust  power  instead  of  redressing  the  injustice  itself. 
If  women  had  as  absolute  a  control  as  men  have,  over  their 
own  persons  and  their  own  patrimony  or  acquisitions,  there 
would  be  no  plea  for  limiting  their  hours  of  labouring  for 
themselves,  in  order  that  they  might  have  time  to  labour 
for  the  husband,  in  what  is  called,  by  the  advocates  of  re- 
striction, his  home.  Women  employed  in  factories  are  the 
only  women  in  the  labouring  rank  of  life  whose  position  is 
not  that  of  slaves  and  drudges  ;  precisely  because  they  can- 
not easily  be  compelled  to  work  and  earn  wages  in  factories 
against  their  will.     For  improving  the  condition  of  women, 


it  should,  on  the  contrary,  be  an  object  to  give  them  the 
readiest  access  to  independent  industrial  employment,  in- 
stead of  closing,  either  entirely  or  partially,  that  which  is 
already  open  to  them. 

§  10.  A  second  exception  to  the  doctrine  that  individ- 
uals are  the  best  judges  of  their  own  interest,  is  when  an 
individual  attempts  to  decide  irrevocably  now,  what  will  be 
best  for  his  interest  at  some  future  and  distant  time.  The 
presumption  in  favour  of  individual  judgment  is  only  legiti- 
mate, where  the  judgment  is  grounded  on  actual,  and  es- 
pecially on  present,  personal  experience  ;  not  wThere  it  is 
formed  antecedently  to  experience,  and  not  suffered  to  be 
reversed  even  after  experience  has  condemned  it.  "When 
persons  have  bound  themselves  by  a  contract,  not  simply  to 
do  some  one  thing,  but  to  continue  doing  something  for 
ever  or  for  a  prolonged  period,  without  any  power  of  revok- 
ing the  engagement,  the  presumption  which  their  perse- 
verance in  that  course  of  conduct  would  otherwise  raise  in 
favour  of  its  being  advantageous  to  them,  does  not  exist ; 
and  any  such  presumption  which  can  be  grounded  on  their 
having  voluntarily  entered  into  the  contract,  perhaps  at  an 
early  age,  and  without  any  real  knowledge  of  what  they 
undertook,  is  commonly  next  to  null.  The  practical  maxim 
of  leaving  contracts  free,  is  not  applicable  without  great 
limitations  in  case  of  engagements  in  perpetuity  ;  and  the 
law  should  be  extremely  jealous  of  such  engagements ; 
should  refuse  its  sanction  to  them,  when  the  obligations  they 
impose  are  such  as  the  contracting  party  cannot  be  a  com- 
petent judge  of;  if  it  ever  does  sanction  them,  it  should 
take  every  possible  security  for  their  being  contracted  with 
foresight  and  deliberation  ;  and  in  compensation  for  not 
permitting  the  parties  themselves  to  revoke  their  engage- 
ment, should  grant  them  a  release  from  it,  on  a  sufficient 
case  being  made  out  before  an  impartial  authority.  These 
considerations  are  eminently  applicable  to  marriage,  the 
most  important  of  all  cases  of  engagement  for  life. 

582  BOOK   V.     CHAPTER  XI.      §11. 

§  11.  The  third  exception  which  I  shall  notice,  to  the 
doctrine  that  government  cannot  manage  the  affairs  of  indi- 
viduals as  well  as  the  individuals  themselves,  has  reference 
to  the  great  class  of  cases  in  which  the  individuals  can  only 
manage  the  concern  by  delegated  agency,  and  in  which  the 
so-called  private  management  is,  in  point  of  fact,  hardly 
better  entitled  to  be  called  management  by  the  persons  in- 
terested, than  administration  by  a  public  officer.  "Whatever, 
if  left  to  spontaneous  agency,  can  only  be  done  by  joint- 
stock  associations,  will  often  be  as  well,  and  sometimes  bet- 
ter done,  as  far  as  the  actual  work  is  concerned,  by  the 
state.  Government  management  is,  indeed,  proverbially 
jobbing,  careless,  and  ineffective,  but  so  likewise  has  gen- 
erally been  joint-stock  management.  The  directors  of  a 
joint-stock  company,  it  is  true,  are  always  shareholders ; 
but  also  the  members  of  a  government  are  invariably  tax- 
payers ;  and  in  the  case  of  directors,  no  more  than  in  that 
of  governments,  is  their  proportional  share  of  the  benefits 
of  good  management,  equal  to  the  interest  they  may  pos- 
sibly have  in  mismanagement,  even  without  reckoning  the 
interest  of  their  ease.  It  may  be  objected,  that  the  share- 
holders, in  their  collective  character,  exercise  a  certain  con- 
trol over  the  directors,  and  have  almost  always  full  power 
to  remove  them  from  office.  Practically,  however,  the  diffi- 
culty of  exercising  this  power  is  found  to  be  so  great,  that  it 
is  hardly  ever  exercised  except  in  cases  of  such  flagrantly 
unskilful,  or,  at  least,  unsuccessful  management,  as  would 
generally  produce  the  ejection  from  office  of  managers  ap- 
pointed by  the  government.  Against  the  very  ineffectual 
security  afforded  by  meetings  of  shareholders,  and  by  their 
individual  inspection  and  enquiries,  may  be  placed  the 
greater  publicity  and  more  active  discussion  and  comment, 
to  be  expected  in  free  countries  with  regard  to  affairs  in 
which  the  general  government  takes  part.  The  defects, 
therefore,  of  government  management,  do  not  seem  to  be 
necessarily  much  greater,  if  necessarily  greater  at  all,  than 
those  of  management  by  joint-stock. 


The  true  reasons  in  favour  of  leaving  to  voluntary  associ- 
ations all  such  things  as  they  are  competent  to  perform, 
would  exist  in  equal  strength  if  it  were  certain  that  the 
work  itself  would  be  as  well  or  better  done  by  public  offi- 
cers. These  reasons  have  been  already  pointed  out :  the 
mischief  of  overloading  the  chief  functionaries  of  govern- 
ment with  demands  on  their  attention,  and  diverting  them 
from  duties  which  they  alone  can  discharge,  to  objects 
which  can  be  sufficiently  well  attained  without  them  ;  the 
danger  of  unnecessarily  swelling  the  direct  power  and  indi- 
rect influence  of  government,  and  multiplying  occasions  of 
collision  between  its  agents  and  private  citizens ;  and  the 
inexpediency  of  concentrating  in  a  dominant  bureaucracy, 
all  the  skill  and  experience  in  the  management  of  large  in- 
terests, and  all  the  power  of  organized  action,  existing  in 
the  community  ;  a  practice  which  keeps  the  citizens  in  a 
relation  to  the  government  like  that  of  children  to  their 
guardians,  and  is  a  main  cause  of  the  inferior  capacity  for 
political  life  which  has  hitherto  characterized  the  over-gov- 
erned countries  of  the  Continent,  whether  with  or  without 
the  forms  of  representative  government.* 

But  although,  for  these  reasons,  most  things  which  are 
likely  to  be  even  tolerably  done  by  voluntary  associations, 
should,  generally  speaking,  be  left  to  them  ;  it  does  not  fol- 
low that  the  manner  in  which  those  associations  perform 
their  work  should  be  entirely  uncontrolled  by  the  govern- 

*"  A  parallel  case  may  be  found  in  the  distaste  for  politics,  and  absence  of 
public  spirit,  by  which  women,  as  a  class,  are  characterized  in  the  present  state 
of  society,  and  which  is  often  felt  and  complained  of  by  political  reformers,  with- 
out, in  general,  making  them  willing  to  recognise,  or  desirous  to  remove,  its 
cause.  It  obviously  arises  from  their  being  taught,  both  by  institutions  and  by 
the  whole  of  their  education,  to  regard  themselves  as  entirely  apart  from  politics. 
Wherever  they  have  been  politicians,  they  have  shown  as  great  interest  in  the 
subject,  and  as  great  aptitude  for  it,  according  to  the  spirit  of  their  time,  as  the 
men  with  whom  they  were  cotemporaries :  in  that  period  of  history  (for  example) 
in  which  Isabella  of  Castile  and  Elizabeth  of  England  were,  not  rare  exceptions, 
but  merely  brilliant  examples  of  a  spirit  and  capacity  very  largely  diffused 
among  women  of  high  station  and  cultivation  in  Europe. 

584  BO0K  v-     CHAPTER  XI.     §11. 

ment.  There  are  many  cases  in  which  the  agency,  of  what- 
ever nature,  by  which  a  service  is  performed,  is  certain,  from 
the  nature  of  the  case,  to  be  virtually  single  ;  in  which  a 
practical  monopoly,  with  all  the  power  it  confers  of  taxing 
the  community,  cannot  be  prevented  from  existing.  I  have 
already  more  than  once  adverted  to  the  case  of  the  gas  and 
water  companies,  among  which,  though  perfect  freedom  is 
allowed  to  competition,  none  really  takes  place,  and  practi- 
cally they  are  found  to  be  even  more  irresponsible,  and  un- 
approachable by  individual  complaints,  than  the  govern- 
ment. There  are  the  expenses  without  the  advantages 
of  plurality  of  agency  ;  and  the  charge  made  for  services 
which  cannot  be  dispensed  with,  is,  in  substance,  quite  as 
much  compulsory  taxation  as  if  imposed  by  law  :  there  are 
few  householders  who  make  any  distinction  between  their 
"  water  rate  "  and  their  other  local  taxes.  In  the  case  of 
these  particular  services,  the  reasons  preponderate  in  favour 
of  their  being  performed,  like  the  paving  and  cleansing  of 
the  streets,  not  certainly  by  the  general  government  of  the 
state,  but  by  the  municipal  authorities  of  the  town,  and  the 
expense  defrayed,  as  even  now  it  in  fact  is,  by  a  local  rate. 
But  in  the  many  analogous  causes  which  it  is  best  to  resign 
to  voluntary  agency,  the  community  needs  some  other  se- 
curity for  the  fit  performance  of  the  service  than  the  inter- 
est of  the  managers ;  and  it  is  the  part  of  government, 
either  to  subject  the  business  to  reasonable  conditions  for 
the  general  advantage,  or  to  retain  such  power  over  it,  that 
the  profits  of  the  monopoly  may  at  least  be  obtained  for  the 
public.  This  applies  to  the  case  of  a  road,  a  canal,  or  a 
railway.  These  are  always,  in  a  great  degree,  practical 
monopolies  ;  and  a  government  which  concedes  such  mono- 
poly unreservedly  to  a  private  company,  does  much  the 
same  thing  as  if  it  allowed  an  individual  or  an  association 
to  levy  any  tax  they  chose,  for  their  own  benefit,  on  all  the 
malt  produced  in  the  country,  or  on  all  the  cotton  imported 
into  it.  To  make  the  concession  for  a  limited  time  is  gen- 
erally justifiable,  on  the  principle  which  justifies  patents  for 


inventions :  but  the  state  should  either  reserve  to  itself  a 
reversionary  property  in  such  public  works,  or  should  re- 
tain, and  freely  exercise,  the  right  of  fixing  a  maximum  of 
fares  and  charges,  and,  from  time  to  time,  varying  that  max- 
imum. It  is  perhaps  necessary  to  remark  that  the  state 
may  be  the  proprietor  of  canals  or  railways  without  itself 
working  them  ;  and  that  they  will  almost  always  be  better 
worked  by  means  of  a  company,  renting  the  railway  or 
canal  for  a  limited  period  from  the  state. 

§  12.  To  a  fourth  cause  of  exception  I  must  request 
particular  attention,  it  being  one  to  which,  as  it  appears  to 
me,  the  attention  of  political  economists  has  not  yet  been 
sufficiently  drawn.  There  are  matters  in  which  the  inter- 
ference of  law  is  required,  not  to  overrule  the  judgment  of 
individuals  respecting  their  own  interest,  but  to  give  effect 
to  that  judgment ;  they  being  unable  to  give  effect  to  it  ex- 
cept by  concert,  which  concert  again  cannot  be  effectual 
unless  it  receives  validity  and  sanction  from  the  law.  For 
illustration,  and  without  prejudging  the  particular  point,  I 
may  advert  to  the  question  of  diminishing  the  hours  of  la- 
bour. Let  us  suppose,  what  is  at  least  supposable,  whether 
it  be  the  fact  or  not — that  a  general  reduction  of  the  hours 
of  factory  labour,  say  from  ten  to  nine,  would  be  for  the  ad- 
vantage of  the  workpeople  :  that  they  would  receive  as  high 
wages,  or  nearly  as  high,  for  nine  hours  labour  as  they  re- 
ceive for  ten.  If  this  would  be  the  result,  and  if  the  opera- 
tives generally  are  convinced  that  it  would,  the  limitation, 
some  may  say,  will  be  adopted  spontaneously.  I  answer, 
that  it  will  not  be  adopted  unless  the  body  of  operatives 
bind  themselves  to  one  another  to  abide  by  it.  A  work- 
man who  refused  to  work  more  than  nine  hours  while  there 
were  others  who  worked  ten,  would  either  not  be  employed 
at  all,  or  if  employed,  must  submit  to  lose  one-tenth  of  his 
wages.  However  convinced,  therefore,  he  may  be  that  it 
is  the  interest  of  the  class  to  work  short  time,  it  is  contrary 
to  his  own  interest  to  set  the  example,  unless  he  is  well  as- 

586  BOOK   V.      CHAPTER  XI.      §12. 

sured  that  all  or  most  others  will  follow  it.  But  suppose  a 
general  agreement  of  the  whole  class :  might  not  this  be 
effectual  without  the  sanction  of  law  ?  Not  unless  enforced  by 
opinion  with  a  rigour  practically  equal  to  that  of  law.  For 
however  beneficial  the  observance  of  the  regulation  might 
be  to  the  class  collectively,  the  immediate  interest  of  every 
individual  would  lie  in  violating  it :  and  the  more  numerous 
those  were  who  adhered  to  the  rule,  the  more  would  indi- 
viduals gain  by  departing  from  it.  If  nearly  all  restricted 
themselves  to  nine  hours,  those  who  chose  to  work  for  ten 
would  gain  all  the  advantage  of  the  restriction,  together 
with  the  profit  of  infringing  it ;  they  would  get  ten  hours 
wages  for  nine  hours  work,  and  an  hour's  wages  besides.  I 
grant  that  if  a  large  majority  adhered  to  the  nine  hours, 
there  would  be  no  harm  done  :  the  benefit  would  be,  in  the 
main,  secured  to  the  class,  while  those  individuals  who  pre- 
ferred to  work  harder  and  earn  more,  would  have  an  oppor- 
tunity of  doing  so.  This  certainly  would  be  the  state  of 
things  to  be  wished  for  ;  and  assuming  that  a  reduction  of 
hours  without  any  diminution  of  wages  could  take  place 
without  expelling  the  commodity  from  some  of  its  markets 
— which  is  in  every  particular  instance  a  question  of  fact, 
not  of  principle — the  manner  in  which  it  would  be  most 
desirable  that  this  effect  should  be  brought  about,  would  be 
by  a  quiet  change  in  the  general  custom  of  the  trade  ;  short 
hours  becoming,  by  spontaneous  choice,  the  general  prac- 
tice, but  those  who  chose  to  deviate  from  it  having  the  full- 
est liberty  to  do  so.  Probably,  however,  so  many  would 
prefer  the  ten  hours  work  on  the  improved  terms,  that  the 
limitation  could  not  be  maintained  as  a  general  practice : 
what  some  did  from  choice,  others  would  soon  be  obliged 
to  do  from  necessity,  and  those  who  had  chosen  long  hours 
for  the  sake  of  increased  wages,  would  be  forced  in  the  end 
to  work  long  hours  for  no  greater  wages  than  before.  As- 
suming then  that  it  really  would  be  the  interest  of  each  to 
work  only  nine  hours  if  he  could  be  assured  that  all  others 
would  do  the  same,  there  might  be  no  means  of  their  attain- 


ing  this  object  but  by  converting  their  supposed  mutual 
agreement  into  an  engagement  under  penalty,  by  consent- 
ing to  have  it  enforced  by  law.  I  am  not  expressing  any 
opinion  in  favour  of  such  an  enactment,  which  has  never 
been  demanded,  and  which  I  certainly  should  not,  in  pres- 
ent circumstances,  recommend  :  but  it  serves  to  exemplify 
the  manner  in  which  classes  of  persons  may  need  the  assist- 
ance of  law,  to  give  effect  to  their  deliberate  collective  opin- 
ion of  their  own  interest,  by  affording  to  every  individual  a 
guarantee  that  his  competitors  will  pursue  the  same  course, 
without  which  he  cannot  safely  adopt  it  himself. 

Another  exemplification  of  the  same  principle  is  afforded 
by  what  is  known  as  the  Wakefield  system  of  colonization. 
This  system  is  grounded  on  the  important  principle,  that 
the  degree  of  productiveness  of  land  and  labour  depends  on 
their  being  in  a  due  proportion  to  one  another ;  that  if  a 
few  persons  in  a  newly-settled  country  attempt  to  occupy 
and  appropriate  a  large  district,  or  if  each  labourer  becomes 
too  soon  an  occupier  and  cultivator  of  land,  there  is  a  loss 
of  productive  power,  and  a  great  retardation  of  the  progress 
of  the  colony  in  wealth  and  civilization  :  that  nevertheless 
the  instinct  (as  it  may  almost  be  called)  of  appropriation, 
and  the  feelings  associated  in  old  countries  with  landed  pro- 
prietorship, induce  almost  every  emigrant  to  take  possession 
of  as  much  land  as  he  has  the  means  of  acquiring,  and  every 
labourer  to  become  at  once  a  proprietor,  cultivating  his  own 
land  with  no  other  aid  than  that  of  his  family.  If  this  pro- 
pensity to  the  immediate  possession  of  land  could  be  in  some 
degree  restrained,  and  each  labourer  induced  to  work  a  cer- 
tain number  of  years  on  hire  before  he  became  a  landed 
proprietor,  a  perpetual  stock  of  hired  labourers  could  be 
maintained,  available  for  roads,  canals,  works  of  irrigation, 
&c,  and  for  the  establishment  and  carrying  on  of  the  differ- 
ent branches  of  town  industry  ;  whereby  the  labourer,  when 
he  did  at  last  become  a  landed  proprietor,  would  find  his 
land  much  more  valuable,  through  access  to  markets,  and 
facility  of  obtaining  hired  labour.     Mr.  Wakefield  therefore 

588  BOOK   V.      CHAPTER   XI.     §12. 

proposed  to  check  the  premature  occupation  of  land,  and 
dispersion  of  the  people,  by  putting  upon  all  unappropriated 
lands  a  rather  high  price,  the  proceeds  of  which  were  to  be 
expended  in  conveying  emigrant  labourers  from  the  mother 

This  salutary  provision,  however,  has  been  objected  to, 
in  the  name  and  on  the  authority  of  what  was  represented 
as  the  great  principle  of  political  economy,  that  individuals 
are  the  best  judges  of  their  own  interest.  It  was  said,  that 
when  things  are  left  to  themselves,  land  is  appropriated  and 
occupied  by  the  spontaneous  choice  of  individuals,  in  the 
quantities  and  at  the  times  most  advantageous  to  each  per- 
son, and  therefore  to  the  community  generally ;  and  that  to 
interpose  artificial  obstacles  to  their  obtaining  land,  is  to 
prevent  them  from  adopting  the  course  which  in  their  own 
judgment  is  most  beneficial  to  them,  from  a  self-conceited 
notion  of  the  legislator,  that  he  knows  what  is  most  for  their 
interest,  better  than  they  do  themselves.  Now  this  is  a 
complete  misunderstanding,  either  of  the  system  itself,  or  of 
the  principle  with  which  it  is  alleged  to  conflict.  The  over- 
sight is  similar  to  that  which  we  have  just  seen  exemplified 
on  the  subject  of  hours  of  labour.  However  beneficial  it 
might  be  to  the  colony  in  the  aggregate,  and  to  each  indi- 
vidual composing  it,  that  no  one  should  occupy  more  land 
than  he  can  properly  cultivate,  nor  become  a  proprietor 
until  there  are  other  labourers  ready  to  take  his  place  in 
working  for  hire ;  it  can  never  be  the  interest  of  an  individ- 
ual to  exercise  this  forbearance,  unless  he  is  assured  that 
others  will  do  so  too.  Surrounded  by  settlers  who  have 
each  their  thousand  acres,  how  is  he  benefited  by  restricting 
himself  to  fifty  ?  or  what  does  a  labourer  gain  by  deferring 
the  acquisition  altogether  for  a  few  years,  if  all  other  labourers 
rush  to  convert  their  first  earnings  into  estates  in  the  wilder- 
ness, several  miles  apart  from  one  another?  If  they,  bj 
seizing  on  land,  prevent  the  formation  of  a  class  of  labourers 
for  wages,  he  will  not,  by  postponing  the  time  of  his  be- 
coming a  proprietor,  be  enabled  to  employ  the  land  with 


any  greater  advantage  when  he  does  obtain  it ;  to  what  end 
therefore  should  he  place  himself  in  what  will  appear  to  him 
and  others  a  position  of  inferiority,  by  remaining  a  hired 
labourer  when  all  around  him  are  proprietors?  It  is  the 
interest  of  each  to  do  what  is  good  for  all,  but  only  if  others 
will  do  likewise. 

The  principle  that  each  is  the  best  judge  of  his  own  in- 
terest, understood  as  these  objectors  understand  it,  would 
prove  that  governments  ought  not  to  fulfil  any  of  their 
acknowledged  duties — ought  not,  in  fact,  to  exist  at  all.  It 
is  greatly  the  interest  of  the  community,  collectively  and 
individually,  not  to  rob  or  defraud  one  another :  but  there 
is  not  the  less  necessity  for  laws  to  punish  robbery  and 
fraud ;  because,  though  it  is  the  interest  of  each  that  nobody 
should  rob  or  cheat,  it  is  not  any  one's  interest  to  refrain 
from  robbing  and  cheating  others  when  all  others  are  per- 
mitted to  rob  and  cheat  him.  Penal  laws  exist  at  all, 
chiefly  for  this  reason,  because  even  an  unanimous  opinion 
that  a  certain  line  of  conduct  is  for  the  general  interest,  does 
not  always  make  it  people's  individual  interest  to  adhere  to 
that  line  of  conduct. 

§  13.  Fifthly  ;  the  argument  against  government  inter- 
ference grounded  on  the  maxim  that  individuals  are  the 
best  judges  of  their  own  interest,  cannot  apply  to  the  very 
large  class  of  cases,  in  which  those  acts  of  individuals  with 
which  the  government  claims  to  interfere,  are  not  done  by 
those  individuals  for  their  own  interest,  but  for  the  interest 
of  other  people.  This  includes,  among  other  things,  the 
important  and  much  agitated  subject  of  public  charity. 
Though  individuals  should,  in  general,  be  left  to  do  fof 
themselves  whatever  it  can  reasonably  be  expected  that  they 
should  be  capable  of  doing,  yet  when  they  are  at  any  rate 
not  to  be  left  to  themselves,  but  to  be  helped  by  other 
people,  the  question  arises  whether  it  is  better  that  they 
should  receive  this  help  exclusively  from  individuals,  and 
therefore   uncertainly  and  casually,  or   by  systematic  ar- 

590  BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  XT.     §13. 

rangements,  in  which  society  acts  through  its  organ,  the 

This  brings  us  to  the  subject  of  Poor  Laws ;  a  subject 
which  would  be  of  very  minor  importance  if  the  habits  of 
all  classes  of  the  people  were  temperate  and  prudent,  and  the 
diffusion  of  property  satisfactory ;  but  of  the  greatest  mo- 
ment in  a  state  of  things  so  much  the  reverse  of  this,  in  both 
points,  as  that  which  the  British  islands  present. 

Apart  from  any  metaphysical  considerations  respecting 
the  foundation  of  morals  or  of  the  social  union,  it  will  be 
admitted  to  be  right  that  human  beings  should  help  one  an- 
other ;  and  the  more  so,  in  proportion  to  the  urgency  of  the 
need :  and  none  needs  help  so  urgently  as  one  who  is  starv- 
ing. The  claim  to  help,  therefore,  created  by  destitution, 
is  one  of  the  strongest  which  can  exist ;  and  there  is  prima 
facie  the  amplest  reason  for  making  the  relief  of  so  extreme 
an  exigency  as  certain  to  those  who  require  it,  as  by  any 
arrangements  of  society  it  can  be  made. 

On  the  other  hand,  in  all  cases  of  helping,  there  are  two 
sets  of  consequences  to  be  considered ;  the  consequences  of 
the  assistance  itself,  and  the  consequences  of  relying  on  the 
assistance.  The  former  are  generally  beneficial,  but  the 
latter,  for  the  most  part,  injurious  ;  so  much  so,  in  many 
cases,  as  greatly  to  outweigh  the  value  of  the  benefit.  And 
this  is  never  more  likely  to  happen  than  in  the  very  cases 
where  the  need  of  help  is  the  most  intense.  There  are  few 
things  for  which  it  is  more  mischievous  that  people  should 
rely  on  the  habitual  aid  of  others,  than  for  the  means  of  sub- 
sistence, and  unhappily  there  is  no  lesson  which  they  more 
easily  learn.  The  problem  to  be  solved  is  therefore  one  of 
peculiar  nicety  as  well  as  importance ;  how  to  give  the 
greatest  amount  of  needful  help,  with  the  smallest  encour- 
agement to  undue  reliance  on  it. 

Energy  and  self-dependence  are,  however,  liable  to  be 
impaired  by  the  absence  of  help,  as  well  as  by  its  excess 
It  is  even  more  fatal  to  exertion  to  have  no  hope  of  succeed=- 
ing  by  it,  than  to  be  assured  of  succeeding  without  it.     When 


the  condition  of  any  one  is  so  disastrous  that  his  energies  are 
paralyzed  by  discouragement,  assistance  is  a  tonic,  not  a 
sedative :  it  braces  instead  of  deadening  the  active  faculties : 
always  provided  that  the  assistance  is  not  such  as  to  dispense 
with  self-help,  by  substituting  itself  for  the  person's  own 
labour,  skill,  and  prudence,  but  is  limited  to  affording  him  a 
better  hope  of  attaining  success  by  those  legitimate  means. 
This  accordingly  is  a  test  to  which  all  plans  of  philanthropy 
and  benevolence  should  be  brought,  whether  intended  for 
the  benefit  of  individuals  or  of  classes,  and  whether  con- 
ducted on  the  voluntary  or  on  the  government  principle. 

In  so  far  as  the  subject  admits  of  any  general  doctrine 
or  maxim,  it  would  appear  to  be  this — that  if  assistance  is 
given  in  such  a  manner  that  the  condition  of  the  person 
helped  is  as  desirable  as  that  of  the  person  who  succeeds 
in  doing  the  same  thing  without  help,  the  assistance,  if  ca- 
pable of  being  previously  calculated  on,  is  mischievous  ;  but 
if,  while  available  to  everybody,  it  leaves  to  every  one  a 
strong  motive  to  do  without  it  if  he  can,  it  is  then  for  the 
most  part  beneficial.  This  principle,  applied  to  a  system 
of  public  charity,  is  that  of  the  Poor  Law  of  1834.  If  the 
condition  of  a  person  receiving  relief  is  made  as  eligible  as 
that  of  the  labourer  who  supports  himself  by  his  own  exer- 
tions, the  system  strikes  at  the  root  of  all  individual  industry 
and  self-government ;  and,  if  fully  acted  up  to,  would  re- 
quire as  its  supplement  an  organized  system  of  compulsion, 
for  governing  and  setting  to  work  like  cattle,  those  who  had 
been  removed  from  the  influence  of  the  motives  that  act  on 
human  beings.  But  if,  consistently  with  guaranteeing  all 
persons  against  absolute  want,  the  condition  of  those  who 
are  supported  by  legal  charity  can  be  kept  considerably 
less  desirable  than  the  condition  of  those  who  find  support 
for  themselves,  none  but  beneficial  consequences  can  arise 
from  a  law  which  renders  it  impossible  for  any  person,  ex- 
cept by  his  own  choice,  to  die  from  insufficiency  of  food. 
That  in  England  at  least  this  supposition  can  be  realized, 
is  proved  by  the  experience  of  a  long  period  preceding  the 

592  B00K  v-      CHAPTER  XI.      §13. 

close  of  the  last  century,  as  well  as  by  that  of  many  highly 
pauperized  districts  in  more  recent  times,  which  have  been 
dispauperized  by  adopting  strict  rules  of  poor-law  adminis- 
tration, to  the  great  and  permanent  benefit  of  the  whole 
labouring  class.  There  is  probably  no  country  in  which,  by 
varying  the  means  suitably  to  the  character  of  the  people,  a 
legal  provision  for  the  destitute  might  not  be  made  compat- 
ible with  the  observance  of  the  conditions  necessary  to  its 
being  innocuous. 

Subject  to  these  conditions,  I  conceive  it  to  be  highly 
desirable,  that  the  certainty  of  subsistence  should  be  held 
out  by  law  to  the  destitute  able-bodied,  rather  than  that 
their  relief  should  depend  on  voluntary  charity.  In  the  first 
place,  charity  almost  always  does  too  much  or  too  little ;  it 
lavishes  its  bounty  in  one  place,  and  leaves  people  to  starve 
in  another.  Secondly,  since  the  state  must  necessarily  pro- 
vide subsistence  for  the  criminal  poor  while  undergoing 
punishment,  not  to  do  the  same  for  the  poor  who  have  not 
offended  is  to  give  a  premium  on  crime.  And  lastly,  if  the 
poor  are  left  to  individual  charity,  a  vast  amount  of  men- 
dicity is  inevitable.  What  the  state  may  and  should  aban- 
don to  private  charity,  is  the  task  of  distinguishing  between 
one  case  of  real  necessity  and  another.  Private  charity  can 
give  more  to  the  more  deserving.  The  state  must  act  by 
general  rules.  It  cannot  undertake  to  discriminate  between 
the  deserving  and  the  undeserving  indigent.  It  owes  no 
more  than  subsistence  to  the  first,  and  can  give  no  less  to 
the  last.  What  is  said  about  the  injustice  of  a  law  which 
has  no  better  treatment  for  the  merely  unfortunate  poor  than 
for  the  ill-conducted,  is  founded  on  a  misconception  of  the 
province  of  law  and  public  authority.  The  dispensers  of 
public  relief  have  no  business  to  be  inquisitors.  Guardians 
and  overseers  are  not  fit  to  be  trusted  to  give  or  withhold 
•other  people's  money  according  to  their  verdict  on  the 
morality  of  the  person  soliciting  it;  and  it  would  show 
much  ignorance  of  the  ways  of  mankind  to  suppose  that 
such  persons,  even  in  the  almost  impossible  case  of  their 


being  qualified,  will  take  the  trouble  of  ascertaining  and 
sifting  the  past  conduct  of  a  person  in  distress,  so  as  to  form 
a  rational  judgment  on  it.  Private  charity  can  make  these 
distinctions  ;  and  in  bestowing  its  own  money,  is  entitled  to 
do  so  according  to  its  own  judgment.  It  should  understand 
that  this  is  its  peculiar  and  appropriate  province,  and  that 
it  is  commendable  or  the  contrary,  as  it  exercises  the  func- 
tion with  more  or  less  discernment.  But  the  administrators 
of  a  public  fund  ought  not  to  be  required  to  do  more  for 
anybody,  than  that  minimum  which  is  due  even  to  the 
worst.  If  they  are,  the  indulgence  very  speedily  becomes 
the  rale,  and  refusal  the  more  or  less  capricious  or  tyrannical 

§  14.  Another  class  of  cases  which  fall  within  the  same 
general  principle  as  the  case  of  public  charity,  are  those 
in  which  the  acts  done  by  individuals,  though  intended 
solely  for  their  own  benefit,  involve  consequences  extending 
indefinitely  beyond  them,  to  interests  of  the  nation  or  of 
posterity,  for  which  society  in  its  collective  capacity  is  alone 
able,  and  alone  bound,  to  provide.  One  of  these  cases  is 
that  of  Colonization.  If  it  is  desirable,  as  no  one  will  deny 
it  to  be,  that  the  planting  of  colonies  should  be  conducted,' 
not  with  an  exclusive  view  to  the  private  interests  of  the 
first  founders,  but  with  a  deliberate  regard  to  the  permanent 
welfare  of  the  nations  afterwards  to  arise  from  these  small 
beginnings ;  such  regard  can  only  be  secured  by  placing 
the  enterprise,  from  its  commencement,  under  regulations 
constructed  with  the  foresight  and  enlarged  views  of  philo- 
sophical legislators ;  and  the  government  alone  has  power 
either  to  frame  such  regulations,  or  to  enforce  their  obser- 

The  question  of  government  intervention  in  the  work  of 
Colonization  involves  the  future  and  permanent  interests  of 
civilization  itself,  and  far  outstretches  the  comparatively 
narrow  limits  of  purely  economical  considerations.  But 
even  with  a  view  to  those  considerations  alone,  the  removal 

594  BOOK   V.      CHAPTER  XI.      §14. 

of  population  from  the  overcrowded  to  the  unoccupied  parts 
of  the  earth's  surface  is  one  of  those  works  of  eminent  social 
usefulness,  which  most  require,  and  which  at  the  same  time 
best  repay,  the  intervention  of  government. 

To  appreciate  the  benefits  of  colonization,  it  should  be 
considered  in  its  relation,  not  to  a  single  country,  but  to  the 
collective  economical  interests  of  the  human  race.  The 
question  is  in  general  treated  too  exclusively  as  one  of  dis- 
tribution ;  of  relieving  one  labour-market  and  supplying 
another.  It  is  this,  but  it  is  also  a  question  of  production, 
and  of  the  most  efficient  employment  of  the  productive 
resources  of  the  world.  Much  has  been  said  of  the  good 
economy  of  importing  commodities  from  the  place  where 
they  can  be  bought  cheapest ;  while  the  good  economy  of 
producing  them  where  they  can  be  produced  cheapest,  is 
comparatively  little  thought  of.  If  to  carry  consumable 
goods  from  the  places  where  they  are  superabundant  to 
those  where  they  are  scarce,  is  a  good  pecuniary  speculation, 
is  it  not  an  equally  good  speculation  to  do  the  same  thing 
with  regard  to  labour  and  instruments  ?  The  exportation 
of  labourers  and  capital  from  old  to  new  countries,  from  a 
place  where  their  productive  power  is  less,  to  a  place  where 
it  is  greater,  increases  by  so  much  the  aggregate  produce  of 
the  labour  and  capital  of  the  world.  It  adds  to  the  joint 
wealth  of  the  old  and  the  new  country,  what  amounts  in  a 
short  period  to  many  times  the  mere  cost  of  effecting  the 
transport.  There  needs  be  no  hesitation  in  affirming  that 
Colonization,  in  the  present  state  of  the  world,  is  the  best 
affair  of  business,  in  which  the  capital  of  an  old  and  wealthy 
country  can  engage. 

It  is  equally  obvious,  however,  that  Colonization  on  a 
great  scale  can  be  undertaken,  as  an  affair  of  business,  only 
by  the  government,  or  by  some  combination  of  individuals 
in  complete  understanding  with  the  government ;  except 
under  such  very  peculiar  circumstances  as  those  which  suc- 
ceeded the  Irish  famine.  Emigration  on  the  voluntary 
principle  rarely  has  any  material  influence  in  lightening  the 


pressure  of  population  in  the  old  country,  though  as  far  as 
it  goes  it  is  doubtless  a  benefit  to  the  colony.  Those  labour- 
ing persons  who  voluntarily  emigrate  are  seldom  the  very 
poor ;  they  are  small  farmers  with  some  little  capital,  or 
labourers  who  have  saved  something,  and  who,  in  removing 
only  their  own  labour  from  the  crowded  labour-market, 
withdraw  from  the  capital  of  the  country  a  fund  which 
maintained  and  employed  more  labourers  than  themselves. 
Besides,  this  portion  of  the  community  is  so  limited  in 
number,  that  it  might  be  removed  entirely,  without  making 
any  sensible  impression  upon  the  numbers  of  the  population, 
or  even  upon  the  annual  increase.  Any  considerable  emi- 
gration of  labour  is  only  practicable,  when  its  cost  is  defray- 
ed, or  at  least  advanced,  by  others  than  the  emigrants  them- 
selves. Who  then  is  to  advance  it  ?  Naturally,  it  may  be 
said,  the  capitalists  of  the  colony,  who  require  the  labour, 
and  who  intend  to  employ  it.  But  to  this  there  is  the 
obstacle,  that  a  capitalist,  after  going  to  the  expense  of 
carrying  out  labourers,  has  no  security  that  he  shall  be  the 
person  to  derive  any  benefit  from  them.  If  all  the  capitalists 
of  the  colony  were  to  combine,  and  bear  the  expense  by  sub- 
scription, they  would  still  have  no  security  that  the  labourers, 
when  there,  would  continue  to  work  for  them.  After  work- 
ing for  a  short  time  and  earning  a  few  pounds,  they  always, 
unless  prevented  by  the  government,  squat  on  unoccupied 
land,  and  work  only  for  themselves.  The  experiment  has 
been  repeatedly  tried  whether  it  was  possible  to  enforce 
contracts  for  labour,  or  the  repayment  of  the  passage-money 
of  emigrants  to  those  who  advanced  it,  and  the  trouble  and 
expense  have  always  exceeded  the  advantage.  The  only 
other  resource  is  the  voluntary  contributions  of  parishes  or 
individuals,  to  rid  themselves  of  surplus  labourers  who  are 
already,  or  who  are  likely  to  become,  locally  chargeable  on 
the  poor-rate.  Were  this  speculation  to  become  general,  it 
might  produce  a  sufficient  amount  of  emigration  to  clear  off 
the  existing  unemployed  population,  but  not  to  raise  the 
wages  of  the  employed  :  and  the  same  thing  would  require 
to  be  done  over  again  in  less  than  another  generation. 

596  BOOK   V.      CHAPTER  XI.      §14. 

One  of  the  principal  reasons  why  Colonization  should  be 
a  national  undertaking,  is  that  in  this  manner  alone,  save  in 
highly  exceptional  cases,  can  emigration  be  self-supporting. 
The  exportation  of  capital  and  labour  to  a  new  country  being, 
as  before  observed,  one  of  the  best  of  all  affairs  of  business, 
it  is  absurd  that  it  should  not,  like  other  affairs  of  business, 
repay  its  own  expenses.  Of  the  great  addition  which  it  makes 
to  the  produce  of  the  world,  there  can  be  no  reason  why  a 
sufficient  portion  should  not  be  intercepted,  and  employed  in 
reimbursing  the  outlay  incurred  in  effecting  it.  For  reasons 
already  given,  no  individual  or  body  of  individuals,  can  reim- 
burse themselves  for  the  expense ;  the  government,  however, 
can.  It  can  take  from  the  annual  increase  of  wealth,  caused 
by  the  emigration,  the  fraction  which  suffices  to  repay  with 
interest  what  the  emigration  has  cost.  The  expenses  of  emi- 
gration to  a  colony  ought  to  be  borne  by  the  colony ;  and 
this,  in  general,  is  only  possible  when  they  are  borne  by  the 
colonial  government. 

Of  the  modes  in  which  a  fund  for  the  support  of  coloni- 
zation can  be  raised  in  the  colony,  none  is  comparable  in 
advantage  to  that  which  was  first  suggested,  and  has  since 
been  so  ably  and  perseveringly  advocated,  by  Mr.  Wake- 
field :  the  plan  of  putting  a  price  on  all  unoccupied  land, 
and  devoting  the  proceeds  to  emigration.  The  unfounded 
and  pedantic  objections  to  this  plan  have  been  answered  in 
a  former  part  of  this  chapter :  we  have  now  to  speak  of  its 
advantages.  First,  it  avoids  the  difficulties  and  discontents 
incident  to  raising  a  large  annual  amount  by  taxation ;  a 
thing  which  it  is  almost  useless  to  attempt  with  a  scattered 
population  of  settlers  in  the  wilderness,  who,  as  experience 
proves,  can  seldom  be  compelled  to  pay  direct  taxes,  except 
at  a  cost  exceeding  their  amount ;  while  in  an  infant  com- 
munity indirect  taxation  soon  reaches  its  limit.  The  sale 
of  lands  is  thus  by  far  the  easiest  mode  of  raising  the  requi- 
site funds.  But  it  has  other  and  still  greater  recommenda- 
tions. It  is  a  beneficial  check  upon  the  tendency  of  a  popu- 
lation of  colonists  to  adopt  the  tastes  and  inclinations  of 


savage  life,  and  to  disperse  so  widely  as  to  lose  all  the 
advantages  of  commerce,  of  markets,  of  separation  of  em- 
ployments, and  combination  of  labour.  By  making  it  neces- 
sary for  those  who  emigrate  at  the  expense  of  the  fund,  to 
earn  a  considerable  sum  before  they  can  become  landed 
propietors,  it  keeps  up  a  perpetual  succession  of  labourers 
for  hire,  who  in  every  country  are  a  most  important  auxil- 
iary even  to  peasant  proprietors :  and  by  diminishing  the 
eagerness  of  agricultural  speculators  to  add  to  their  domain, 
it  keeps  the  settlers  within  reach  of  each  other  for  purposes  of 
co-operation,  arranges  a  numerous  body  of  them  within  easy 
distance  of  each  centre  of  foreign  commerce  and  non-agricul- 
tural industry,  and  ensures  the  formation  and  rapid  growth 
of  towns  and  town  products.  This  concentration,  compared 
with  the  dispersion  which  uniformly  occurs  when  unoccupied 
land  can  be  had  for  nothing,  greatly  accelerates  the  attain- 
ment of  prosperity,  and  enlarges  the  fund  which  may  be 
drawn  upon  for  further  emigration.  Before  the  adoption 
of  the  Wakefield  system,  the  early  years  of  all  new  colonies 
were  full  of  hardship  and  difficulty  :  the  last  colony  founded 
on  the  old  principle,  the  Swan  River  settlement,  being  one 
of  the  most  characteristic  instances.  In  all  subsequent  colo- 
nization, the  Wakefield  principle  has  been  acted  upon, 
though  imperfectly,  a  part  only  of  the  proceeds  of  the  sale 
of  land  being  devoted  to  emigration  :  yet  wherever  it  has 
been  introduced  at  all,  as  in  South  Australia,  Victoria,  and 
New  Zealand,  the  restraint  put  upon  the  dispersion  of  the 
settlers,  and  the  influx  of  capital  caused  by  the  assurance  of 
being  able  to  obtain  hired  labour,  has,  in  spite  of  many  diffi- 
culties and  much  mismanagement,  produced  a  suddenness 
and  rapidity  of  prosperity  more  like  fable  than  reality.* 

*  The  objections  which  have  been  made,  with  so  much  virulence,  in  some  of 
these  colonies,  to  the  Wakefield  system,  apply,  in  so  far  as  they  have  any  valid- 
ity, not  to  the  principle,  but  to  some  provisions  which  are  no  part  of  the  system, 
and  have  been  most  unnecessarily  and  improperly  engrafted  on  it ;  such  as  the 
offering  only  a  limited  quantity  of  land  for  sale,  and  that  by  auction,  and  in  lots 
Oi  not  less  than  640  acres,  instead  of  selling  all  land  which  is  asked  for,  and 
allowing  to  the  buyer  unlimited  freedom  of  choice,  both  as  to  quantity  and  situa- 
tion, at  a  fixed  price. 

598  BOOK  V.      CHAPTER  XI.     §14. 

The  self-supporting  system  of  colonization,  once  estab- 
lished, would  increase  in  efficiency  every  year ;  its  effect 
would  tend  to  increase  in  geometrical  progression :  for  since 
every  able-bodied  emigrant,  until  the  country  is  fully  peo^ 
pled,  adds  in  a  very  short  time  to  its  wealth,  over  and  above 
his  own  consumption,  as  much  as  would  defray  the  expense 
of  bringing  out  another  emigrant,  it  follows  that  the  greater 
the  number  already  sent,  the  greater  number  might  continue 
to  be  sent,  each  emigrant  laying  the  foundation  of  a  succes- 
sion of  other  emigrants  at  short  intervals  without  fresh 
expense,  until  the  colony  is  filled  up.  It  would  therefoi-e  be 
worth  while,  to  the  mother  country,  to  accelerate  the  early 
stages  of  this  progression,  by  loans  to  the  colonies  for  the 
purpose  of  emigration,  repayable  from  the  fund  formed  by 
the  sales  of  land.  In  thus  advancing  the  means  of  accom- 
plishing a  large  immediate  emigration,  it  would  be  investing 
that  amount  of  capital  in  the  mode,  of  all  others,  most  bene- 
ficial to  the  colony ;  and  the  labour  and  savings  of  these 
emigrants  would  hasten  the  period  at  which  a  large  sum 
would  be  available  from  sales  of  land.  It  would  be  neces- 
sary, in  order  not  to  overstock  the  labour-market,  to  act  in 
concert  with  the  persons  disposed  to  remove  their  own  cap- 
ital to  the  colony.  The  knowledge  that  a  large  amount  of 
hired  labour  would  be  available,  in  so  productive  a  field  of 
employment,  would  ensure  a  large  emigration  of  capital  from 
a  country,  like  England,  of  low  profits  and  rapid  accumula- 
tion :  and  it  would  only  be  necessary  not  to  send  out  a 
greater  number  of  labourers  at  one  time,  than  this  capital 
could  absorb  and  employ  at  high  wages. 

Inasmuch  as,  on  this  system,  any  given  amount  of  expen- 
diture, once  incurred,  would  provide  not  merely  a  single 
emigration,  but  a  perpetually  flowing  stream  of  emigrants, 
which  would  increase  in  breadth  and  depth  as  it  flowed  on ; 
this  mode  of  relieving  overpopulation  has  a  recommendation, 
not  possessed  by  any  other  plan  ever  proposed  for  making 
head  against  the  consequences  of  increase  without  restrain- 
ing the  increase  itself;  there  is  an  element  of  indefiniteness 


in  it ;  no  one  can  perfectly  foresee  how  far  its  influence,  as  a 
vent  for  surplus  population,  might  possibly  reach.  There  is 
hence  the  strongest  obligation  on  the  government  of  a  coun- 
try like  our  own,  with  a  crowded  population,  and  unoccu- 
pied continents  under  its  command,  to  build,  as  it  were,  and 
keep  open,  a  bridge  from  the  mother  country  to  those  con- 
tinents, by  establishing  the  self-supporting  system  of  coloniza- 
tion on  such  a  scale,  that  as  great  an  amount  of  emigration  as 
the  colonies  can  at  the  time  accommodate,  may  at  all  times  be 
able  to  take  place  without  cost  to  the  emigrants  themselves. 
The  importance  of  these  considerations,  as  regards  the 
British  islands,  has  been  of  late  considerably  diminished  by 
the  unparalleled  amount  of  spontaneous  emigration  from 
Ireland  ;  an  emigration  not  solely  of  small  farmers,  but  of 
the  poorest  class  of  agricultural  labourers,  and  which  is  at 
once  voluntary  and  self-supporting,  the  succession  of  emi- 
grants being  kept  up  by  funds  contributed  from  the  earnings 
of  their  relatives  and  connexions  who  had  gone  before.  To 
this  has  been  added  a  large  amount  of  voluntary  emigration 
to  the  seats  of  the  gold  discoveries,  which  has  partly  sup- 
plied the  wants  of  our  most  distant  colonies,  where,  both 
for  local  and  national  interests,  it  was  most  of  all  required. 
But  the  stream  of  both  these  emigrations  has  already  con- 
siderably slackened,  and  it  is  not  certain  that  the  aid  of 
government  in  a  systematic  form,  and  on  the  self-supporting 
principle,  will  not  again  become  necessary  to  keep  the 
communication  open  between  the  hands  needing  work  in 
England,  and  the  work  which  needs  hands  elsewhere. 

§  15.  The  same  principle  which  points  out  colonization, 
and  the  relief  of  the  indigent,  as  cases  to  which  the  prin- 
cipal objection  to  government  interference  does  not  apply, 
extends  also  to  a  variety  of  cases,  in  which  important  pub- 
lic services  are  to  be  performed,  while  yet  there  is  no  indi- 
vidual specially  interested  in  performing  them,  nor  would 
any  adequate  remuneration  naturally  or  spontaneously 
attend  their   performance.     Take    for    instance  a    voyage 

600  BOOK   V.      CHAPTER   XI.     §15. 

of  geographical  or  scientific  exploration.  The  information 
sought  may  be  of  great  public  value,  yet  no  individual 
would  derive  any  benefit  from  it  which  would  repay  the 
expense  of  fitting  out  the  expedition  ;  and  there  is  no  mode 
of  intercepting  the  benefit  on  its  way  to  those  who  profit 
by  it,  in  order  to  levy  a  toll  for  the  remuneration  of  its 
authors.  Such  voyages  are,  or  might  be,  undertaken  by 
private  subscription  ;  but  this  is  a  rare  and  precarious  re- 
source. Instances  are  more  frequent  in  which  the  expense 
has  been  borne  by  public  companies  or  philanthropic  asso. 
ciations  ;  but  in  general  such  enterprises  have  been  conduct- 
ed at  the  expense  of  government,  which  is  thus  enabled  to 
entrust  them  to  the  persons  in  its  judgment  best  qualified 
for  the  task.  Again,  it  is  a  proper  office  of  government  to 
build  and  maintain  lighthouses,  establish  buoys,  &c,  for  the 
security  of  navigation :  for  since  it  is  impossible  that  the 
ships  at  sea  which  are  benefited  by  a  lighthouse,  should  be 
made  to  pay  a  toll  on  the  occasion  of  its  use,  no  one  would 
build  lighthouses  from  motives  of  personal  interest,  unless 
indemnified  and  rewarded  from  a  compulsory  levy  made  by 
the  state.  There  are  many  scientific  researches,  of  great 
value  to  a  nation  and  to  mankind,  requiring  assiduous  devo- 
tion of  time  and  labour,  and  not  unfrequently  great  expense, 
by  persons  who  can  obtain  a  high  price  for  their  services 
in  other  ways.  If  the  government  had  no  power  to  grant 
indemnity  for  expense,  and  remuneration  for  time  and  labour 
thus  employed,  such  researches  could  only  be  undertaken  by 
the  very  few  persons  who,  with  an  independant  fortune,  unite 
technical  knowledge,  laborious  habits,  and  either  great 
public  spirit,  or  an  ardent  desire  of  scientific  celebrity.* 

*  Connected  with  this  subject  is  the  question  of  providing,  by  means  of 
endowments  or  salaries,  for  the  maintenance  of  what  has  been  called  a  learned 
class.  The  cultivation  of  speculative  knowledge,  though  one  of  the  most  useful 
of  all  employments,  is  a  service  rendered  to  the  community  collectively,  not  indi- 
vidually, and  one  consequently  which  it  is,  prima  facie,  reasonable  that  the  com- 
munity collectively  should  pay ;  since  it  gives  no  claim  on  any  individual  for  a 
pecuniary  remuneration ;  and  unless  a  provision  is  made  for  such  services  from 
some  public  fund,  there  is  not  only  no  encouragement  to  them,  but  there  is  as. 


It  may  be  said  generally,  that  anything  which  it  is 
desirable  should  be  done  for  the  general  interests  of  man- 
kind or  of  future  generations,  or  for  the  present  interests 
of  those  members  of  the  community  who  require  external 
aid,  but  which  is  not  of  a  nature  to  remunerate  individuals 
or  associations  for  undertaking  it,  is  in  itself  a  suitable 
thing   to   be  undertaken   by  government :  though,  before 

much  discouragement  as  is  implied  iu  the  impossibility  of  gaiuing  a  living  by 
such  pursuits,  aud  the  necessity  consequently  imposed  on  most  of  those  who 
would  be  capable  of  them,  to  employ  the  greatest  part  of  their  time  in  gaining  a 
subsistence.  The  evil,  however,  is  greater  in  appearance  than  in  reality.  The 
greatest  things,  it  has  been  said,  have  generally  been  done  by  those  who  had  the 
least  time  at  their  disposal ;  and  the  occupation  of  some  hours  every  day  in  a 
routine  employment,  has  often  been  found  compatible  with  the  most  brilliant 
achievements  in  literature  and  philosophy.  Yet  there  are  investigations  and  ex- 
periments which  require  not.  only  a  long  but  a  continuous  devotion  of  time  and 
attention :  there  arc  also  occupations  which  so  engross  and  fatigue  the  mental 
laculties,  as  to  be  inconsistent  with  any  vigorous  employment  of  them  upon 
other  subjects,  even  in  intervals  of  leisure.  It  is  highly  desirable,  therefore, 
that  there  should  be  a  mode  of  ensuring  to  the  public  the  services  of  scientific 
discoverers,  and  perhaps  of  some  other  classes  of  savans,  by  affording  them  the 
means  of  support  consistently  with  devoting  a  sufficient  portion  of  time  to  their 
peculiar  pursuits.  The  fellowships  of  the  Universities  are  an  institution  excel- 
lently adapted  for  such  a  purpose ;  but  are  hardly  ever  applied  to  it,  being  be- 
stowed, at  the  best,  as  a  reward  for  past  proficiency,  in  committing  to  memory 
what  has  been  done  by  others,  and  not  as  the  salary  of  future  labours  in  the  ad- 
vancement of  knowledge.  In  some  countries,  Academies  of  science,  antiquities, 
history,  &c,  have  been  formed,  with  emoluments  annexed.  The  most  effectual 
plan,  and  at  the  same  time  the  least  liable  to  abuse,  seems  to  be  that  of  confer- 
ring Professorships,  with  duties  of  instruction  attached  to  them.  The  occupa- 
tion of  teaching  a  branch  of  knowledge,  at  least  in  its  higher  departments,  is  a 
help  rather  than  an  impediment  to  the  systematic  cultivation  of  the  subject 
itself.  The  duties  of  a  professorship  almost  always  leave  much  time  for  original 
researches,  and  the  greatest  advances  which  have  been  made  in  the  various 
sciences,  both  moral  and  physical,  have  originated  with  those  who  were  public 
teachers  of  them ;  from  Plato  and  Aristotle  to  the  great  names  of  the  Scotch, 
French,  and  German  Universities.  I  do  not  mention  the  English,  because  their 
professorships  have  been,  as  is  well  known,  little  more  than  nominal.  In  the 
case,  too,  of  a  lecturer  in  a  great  institution  of  education,  the  public  at  large  has 
the  means  of  judging,  if  not  the  quality  of  the  teaching,  at  least  the  talents  and 
industry  of  the  teacher ;  and  it  is  more  difficult  to  misemploy  the  power  of  ap- 
pointment to  such  an  office,  than  to  job  in  pensions  and  salaries  to  persons  not 
go  directly  before  the  public  eye. 

602  BOOK  V.     CHAPTER  XI.      §16. 

making  the  work  their  own,  governments  ought  always  to 
consider  if  there  be  any  rational  probability  of  its  being  done 
on  what  is  called  the  voluntary  principle,  and  if  so,  whether 
it  is  likely  to  be  done  in  a  better  or  more  effectual  manner 
by  government  agency,  than  by  the  zeal  and  liberality  of 

§  16.  The  preceding  heads  comprise,  to  the  best  of  my 
judgment,  the  whole  of  the  exceptions  to  the  practical 
maxim,  that  the  business  of  society  can  be  best  performed 
by  private  and  voluntary  agency.  It  is,  however,  necessary 
to  add,  that  the  intervention  of  government  cannot  always 
practically  stop  short  at  the  limit  which  defines  the  cases 
intrinsically  suitable  for  it.  In  the  particular  circumstances 
of  a  given  age  or  nation,  there  is  scarcely  anything,  really 
important  to  the  general  interest,  which  it  may  not  be 
desirable,  or  even  necessary,  that  the  government  should 
take  upon  itself,  not  because  private  individuals  cannot 
effectually  perform  it,  but  because  they  will  not.  At  some 
times  and  places  there  will  be  no  roads,  docks,  harbours, 
canals,  works  of  irrigation,  hospitals,  schools,  colleges,  print- 
ing presses,  unless  the  government  establishes  them ;  the 
public  being  either  too  poor  to  command  the  necessary 
resources,  or  too  little  advanced  in  intelligence  to  appreciate 
the  ends,  or  not  sufficiently  practised  in  joint  action  to  be 
capable  of  the  means.  This  is  true,  more  or  less,  of  all 
countries  inured  to  despotism,  and  particularly  of  those  in 
which  there  is  a  very  wide  distance  in  civilization  between 
the  people  and  the  government :  as  in  those  which  have 
been  conquered  and  are  retained  in  subjection  by  a  more 
energetic  and  more  cultivated  people.  In  many  parts  of  the 
world,  the  people  can  do  nothing  for  themselves  which 
requires  large  means  and  combined  action ;  all  such  things 
are  left  undone,  unless  done  by  the  state.  In  these  cases, 
the  mode  in  which  the  government  can  most  surely  demon- 
strate the  sincerity  with  which  it  intends  the  greatest  good 
of  its  subjects,  is  by  doing  the  things  which  are  made  incum- 


bent  on  it  by  the  helplessness  of  the  public,  in  such  a  man- 
ner as  shall  tend  not  to  increase  and  perpetuate  but  to  cor- 
rect that  helplessness.  A  good  government  will  give  all  its 
aid  in  such  a  shape,  as  to  encourage  and  nurture  any  rudi- 
ments it  may  find  of  a  spirit  of  individual  exertion.  It  will 
be  assiduous  in  removing  obstacles  and  discouragements  to 
voluntary  enterprise,  and  in  giving  whatever  facilities  and 
whatever  direction  and  guidance  may  be  necessary :  its 
pecuniary  means  will  be  applied,  when  practicable,  in  aid 
of  private  efforts  rather  than  in  supersession  of  them,  and 
it  will  call  into  play  its  machinery  of  rewards  and  honours 
to  elicit  such  efforts.  Government  aid,  when  given  merely 
in  default  of  private  enterprise,  should  be  so  given  as  to  be 
as  far  as  possible  a  course  of  education  for  the  people  in  the 
art  of  accomplishing  great  objects  by  individual  energy  and 
voluntary  co-operation. 

I  have  not  thought  it  necessary  here  to  insist  on  that 
part  of  the  functions  of  government  which  all  admit  to  be 
indispensable,  the  function  of  prohibiting  and  punishing 
such  conduct  on  the  part  of  individuals  in  the  exercise  of 
their  freedom,  as  is  clearly  injurious  to  other  persons,  whether 
the  case  be  one  of  force,  fraud,  or  negligence.  Even  in  the 
best  state  which  society  has  yet  reached,  it  is  lamentable  to 
think  how  great  a  proportion  of  all  the  efforts  and  talents  in 
the  world  are  employed  in  merely  neutralizing  one  another. 
It  is  the  proper  end  of  government  to  reduce  this  wretched 
waste  to  the  smallest  possible  amount,  by  taking  such 
measures  as  shall  cause  the  energies  now  spent  by  mankind 
in  injuring  one  another,  or  in  protecting  themselves  against 
injury,  to  be  turned  to  the  legitimate  employment  of  the 
human  faculties,  that  of  compelling  the  powers  of  nature  to 
be  more  and  more  subservient  to  physical  and  moral  good. 

THE  END.  (40> 


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