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COXx/Uf,    |C|Di, 


OF    THE 





VOL.  XL. 










Vol.  XL.  January,  1901.  No.  165. 



Stated  Meeting,  January  4,  1901 3 

The  Osteology  of  the  Cuckoos   (with  plates).      By  Dr.   R.   W. 

Shufeldt •• 4 

Stated  Meeting,  January  IS,  1901 - 51 

Stated  Meeting,  February  1,  1901 . . . 52 

Stated  Meeting,  February  15,  1901 '. 53 

Stated  Meeting,  March  1, 1901 54 

Stated  Meeting,  March  15,  1901 55 

Stated  Meeting,  April  12,  1901 56 

Aboriginal    Rock    Pictures    in   Queensland.      By    R.     EL    Math- 
ews, L.8 57 

Stated  Meeting,  April  19,  1901 59 

philadelphia  : 
The  American  Philosophical  Society, 

104  South  Fifth  Street. 

It  is  requested  that  all  correspondence  be  addressed 

To  the  Secretaries  of  the 

104  South  Fifth  Street, 

Philadelphia,  U.  S.  A, 

Members  will  please  communicate  to  the  Secretaries  any 
inaccuracy  in  name  or  address  as  given  on  the  wrapper  of  this 

It   is   requested  that  the  receipt  of   this  number  of   the 
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Members  who  have  not  as  yet  sent  their  photographs  to  the 
Society  will  confer  a  favor  by  so  doing ;  cabinet  size  preferred. 

JUL    6   1901 


OF    THE 



Vol.  XL.  January,  1901.  No.  165. 

Stated  Jfeeting,  January  4,  1901. 

Vice-President  Wistar  in  the  Chair. 

Present,  10  members. 

The  Librarian  laid  upon  the  table  the  list  of  donations  to 
the  Library,  and  thanks  were  ordered  therefor. 

The  decease  was  announced  of  the  Rt.  Hon.  Lord  Arm- 
strong, at  Cragside,  Rothbury,  England,  on  December  27, 
1900,  at  the  age  of  90  years. 

Dr.  R.  W.  Shufeldt  presented  a  paper  on  "  The  Osteology 
of  the  Cuckoos  (Coccyges)." 

The  Judges  of  the  Annual  Election  for  Officers  and  Coun- 
cillors, held  this  day  between  the  hours  of  two  and  five  in  the 
afternoon,  reported  that  the  following-named  persons  were 
elected,  according  to  the  Laws,  Regulations  and  Ordinances 
of  the  Society,  to  be  the  officers  for  the  ensuing  year : 

Frederick  Fraley. 

Vice- P  res  iden  ts . 
Coleman  Sellers,  Isaac  J.  Wistar,  George  F.  Barker. 


I.    Minis   Hays,    Samuel    P.    Sadtler,    Edwin    G.    Conklin, 

Arthur  W.  Goodspeed. 

PROC.  AMER.  PHILOS.  SOC.  XL.  165.  A.      PRINTED  MAY  31,   1901. 



Horace  Jayne. 


J.  Cheston  Morris,  Benjamin  Smith  Lyman,  Henry  Pettit. 

Councillors  to  serve  for  three  years. 

Eichard  Wood,  Henry  Carey  Baird,  Samuel  G.  Dixon, 
Joseph  G.  Eosengarten. 

The  Society  was  adjourned  by  the  presiding  officer. 


(Plates  I  and  II.) 
BY    DR.    R.    W.    SHUFELDT. 

{Bead  January  4,  1901.) 


My  first  paper  evidencing  any  special  interest  in  the  structure  of 
the  Cuckoos  was  published  in  The  Ibis,  of  London,  July  1,  1885 
(pp.  286-288),  and  was  entitled  "On  the  Coloration  in  Life  of  the 
Naked  Skin-tracts  on  the  Head  of  Geococcyx  californianus,"  being 
illustrated  with  a  fine  colored  figure  of  the  head  of  the  Californian 
Road-runner,  natural  size.  In  this  paper  the  osteology  of  Geococ- 
cyx was  not  touched  upon,  it  merely  calling  attention  for  the  first 
time  in  science  to  the  brilliant  scarlet  coloration  of  the  naked  areas 
on  the  back  of  the  head  of  the  bird  in  question.  This  paper  was, 
however,  soon  followed  by  another  in  January,  1886,  in  which  a 
complete  account  of  the  skeleton  of  Geococcyx  californianus  was 
given,  illustrated  by  three  plates,  devoted  to  figuring  the  skull  from 
three  or  four  points  of  view,  and  also  all  the  other  bones  in  the 
osseous  system  of  this  species.  It  was  published  in  1 lie  Journal  of 
Anatomy  and  Physiology  (London  and  Edinburgh,  Vol.  xx,  Part 
II,  pp.  244-266,  Pis.  VII-IX).  As  in  the  case  of  a  few  others, 
this  memoir  is  referred  to  again  below,  and  is  indeed,  without  its 
figures,  substantially  reproduced  in  the  present  work,  after  having 
been  thoroughly  revised  (and  augmented  slightly)  by  myself.     Al- 


though  the  figures  to  this  memoir  were  not,  as  I  say,  here  repro- 
duced, I  have,  nevertheless,  devoted  one  of  my  present  plates  to 
the  bones  of  Geococcyx,  giving  four  of  the  skull,  one  of  which  has 
never  been  published  before ;  a  ventral  view  of  the  pelvis  published 
for  the  first  time;  and  pelvic  limb-bones  of  a  subadult  individual 
to  illustrate  remarks  in  the  text.  These  bones  are  given  for  the 
purposes  of  comparison  and  reference. 

Again  in  the  same  journal  last  quoted  I  printed  in  October,  1886, 
a  brief  "  Osteological  Note  upon  the  Young  of  Geococcyx  califor- 
nianus  (Lond.  Vol.  i,  Pt.  i,  pp.  101-102),  in  which  certain  points 
of  interest  referable  to  the  tibio-tarsus  were  dwelt  upon. 

A  very  general  account  of  the  entire  structure  of  this  species  I 
published  still  later  on  in  the  Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  Society  of 
London  (Apr.  1,  1887.  Pt.  iv,  pp.  466-491,  Pis.  XLII-XLV,  2 
wcc.  in  text) — that  is,  apart  from  a  treatment  of  the  skeleton,  as 
that  had  already  been  published,  as  stated  above.  The  figures  to 
this  memoir  had  been  submitted  the  size  of  life,  but  were  subse- 
quently reduced,  a  fact  that  was  noted,  or  rather  record  made  of  in 
The  Auk  later  on  {Geococcyx  californianus — A  correction,  Vol.  iv, 
No.  3,  July,  1887,  pp.  254,  255).  After  this  date  I  referred  to  the 
anatomy  of  the  Coccyges  in  various  places  and  in  different  publica- 
tions, but  gave  no  extensive  work  devoted  exclusively  to  a  study  of 
their  osteology  as  a  whole. 

In  the  present  memoir  I  have  brought  together  all  the  material 
illustrating  the  osteology  of  the  Cuckoos  at  my  command,  and  have 
described  and  compared  it.  I  am  indebted  to  Mr.  Lucas  for  the 
loan  of  some  of  this  material  from  the  collections  of  the  United 
States  National  Museum,  where,  unfortunately,  they  are  very  poor  in 
Cuckoo  skeletons.  The  balance  of  what  I  have,  has  been  either  col- 
lected by  myself  or  for  me  by  others. 

Representatives  of  the  Suborder  Coccyges  are  found  in  many 
parts  of  the  world,  and  Cuckoos  present  us,  in  the  forms  already 
known  to  science,  with  a  list  of  some  one  hundred  and  sixty  or  more 
species,  exhibiting  great  variation  in  structure,  size,  coloration  and, 
indeed,  general  morphology.  Their  peculiar  habits  of  nidification 
and  other  eccentricities  that  characterize  them  are  known  to  ornithol- 
ogists and  ornithotomists  alike,  and  need  not  be  reviewed  here  in  a 
work  upon  their  osteology.  Some  Cuckoos,  the  "Tree  Cuckoos" 
so-called,   are  arboreal  types,   rarely  alighting  upon  the  ground, 


while  others,  such  as  our  Californian  "  Road  Runner,"  are  naturally 
terrestrial  habitues,  and  only  occasionally  alight  in  the  larger  trees. 
Both  Africa  and  Madagascar  contain  wonderfully  interesting 
Cuckoos,  and  other  birds  so  closely  related,  that  by  some  system- 
atise^ they  have  been  associated  with  them. 

Our  own  United  States  avifauna  offers  a  number  of  some  very 
interesting  species  of  the  Cuculida,  and  these  will  be  osteologically 
treated  in  this  memoir,  and  it  is  hoped  that  such  characters  as 
their  skeletons  present  may  be  eventually  useful  when  our  material 
in  the  museums  admits  of  a  more  extended  morphological  and  taxo- 
nomial  study  of  the  entire  family. 

In  lower  California  and  Texas  we  have  Crotaphaga  sulcirostris, 
and  its  ally  C.  ani  in  southern  Florida.  I  have,  thanks  to  Mr. 
Lucas,  of  the  U.  S.  National  Museum,  some  material  illustrating 
the  skeletons  of  both  of  these  types.  Through  the  southern  parts 
of  southwestern  United  States  we  also  find  Geococcyx  californianus, 
— a  large  and  interesting  species  of  Ground  Cuckoo.  This  species, 
as  stated  above  in  my  Introduction,  I  chose  several  years  ago,  to 
present  a  paper  upon  its  osteology,  and  it  was  published  with  three 
Plates  in  the  Journal  of  Anatomy  of  London.  Finally,  we  have 
several  species  of  those  typically  American  Cuckoos  of  the  sub- 
family Coccygince.  They  include  the  true  Tree-cuckoos  of  the 
genus  Coccygus,  and  I  have  a  number  of  skeletons  of  them,  illus- 
trating both  adult  and  nestling  forms.  For  one  good  skeleton  of 
an  adult,  I  am  indebted  to  Dr.  W.  S.  Strode,  of  Bernadotte,  and 
to  my  son  for  an  alcoholic  nestling  of  Coccygus  americanus. 

As  a  group,  Huxley  considered  that  the  Coccygomorphce  occupied 
the  central  position  of  his  Desmognathous  division,  and  in  a  sub- 
division of  them  (b)  he  included  the  Musophagidoz,  Cuculidce,  Buc- 
conida,  Rhampliastidcv ,  Capitonidaz,  and  Galbulidce,  adding  upon 
another  page  that  "Among  the  Cuculidce,  Cuculus  canorus  is 
devoid  of  basipterygoids ;  the  palatines  are  rounded  off  posterio- 
externally;  the  internasal  septum  is  well  ossified  and  unites  with 
the  maxillo-palatines." 

"In  Geococcyx  the  principle  of  construction  is  quite  the  same; 
but  the  postero-external  angles  of  the  palatines  are  distinctly  indi- 
cated, and  the  beak  is  produced  into  an  elongated  triangular  form. 
A  slight  oblique  ridge  marks  off  the  flat  surface  of  the  maxillary 
process  of  the  palatine  from  the  excavated  body  of  the  bone."  (P. 
Z.  S.,  1867,  pp.  444  and  466.) 


Professor  Max  Fiirbringer  makes  a  suborder  Coccygiformes,  a 
division  of  his  Order  Coracornithes,  and  in  it  divides  the  genus 
Coccyges  into  the  two  families  Musophagidce.  and  Cuculida?,  the 
latter  containing  all  the  Cuckoos.  1 

As  our  knowledge  of  the  morphology  of  the  group  now  under 
consideration  becomes  more  intimate,  the  general  tendency  is  to 
withdraw  from  its  many  species,  indeed  sometimes  an  entire  family 
or  more,  of  birds  that  in  former  times  were  considered  to  be  quite 
typically  coccygine  in  character.  It  was  Sclater  who  finally  re- 
moved the  Trogones  from  the  group,  and  in  due  time,  I  am  confi- 
dent the  Coccyges  will  be  fully  as  well  circumscribed  as  either  the 
Pici  or  the  Psittaci. 

Several  years  ago,  Coues  still  adhered  to  the  old  "polymorphic 
group,"  the  Order  Picari/E,  and  divided  it  into  three  groups,  viz.  : 
the   Cypselifonnes,  the  Cuculiformes ,  and  the  Piciformes.2     Of  the 

1  "  Furbringer,  Max,  Untersuchungen  zu  Morphologic  und  Systematik  der 
Vdgel  (1888),  and  on  page  1553  of  this  work  he  says,  "  Mit  den  ektamphibolen 
Musophagidce  und  den  zygodactylen  Cuculida  beginnt  die  Reihe  der  Baum- 
vogel  (Coracornithes  s.  Dendronithes).  Beide  sind  mit  einander  ziemlich  nahe 
verwandt  und  bilden  die  G.  Coccyges  und  So.  Coccygiformes,  welche  trotz 
einzelner  specieller  und  ziemlich  hoher  Differenzirungen  der  Cuculidae  im  Gros- 
sen  und  Ganzen  doch  nur  eine  mittlere  Entwickelungshohe  unter  den  Coracor- 
nithes erreicht  und  von  alien  Unterordnungen  derselben  von  den  Galliformes  am 
wenigsten  absteht.  Die  kleine,  enggeschlossene  und  jetzt  auf  die  aethiopische 
Region  beschrankte  Familie  der  Musophagidce  repraesentirt  den  primitiveren 
und  in  der  Abnahme  begriffenen  Typus ;  in  tertiarer  Zeit  war  sie  vielleicht  auch 
iiber  Europa  und  noch  weiter  ausgedehnt  (Necrornis  ?)  Die  nahezu  kosmopoli- 
tischen  Cuculidce  sind  weit  umfangreicher  und  mannigfaltiger  ausgebildet  und  in 
der  Hauptsache  hoher  difterenzirt ;  von  ihren  Unterfamilien  diirften  wohl  im 
Grossen  und  Ganzen  die  Phoenicophainse  den  tiefsten,  die  Crotophaginae  den 
hochsten  Platz  einnehmen.  Ihre  paleontologische  Kenntniss  ist  allzu  mangel- 
haft,  um  systematische  Aufklarungen  zu  gelben. 

"  In  einer  nur  massigen  Entfurnung  von  den  Cuctclida  scheint  die  kleine 
Familie  der  neotropischen  Bucconidce  zu  stehen ;  der  Mangel  eigener  Beobach- 
tungen  und  die  bisherige  Unvollstandigkeit  in  der  morphologischen  Untersuch- 
ung  irgend  eines  Vertreters  derselben  machen  mir  eine  sichere  Entscheidung 
hinsichlich  ihrer  systematischen  Stellung  vor  der  vermuthlich  naher  verwandt 
dieselben  kehren  zugleich  ihr  Gesicht  den  Pici  zu,  ohne  aber  intimere  Relationen 
zu  ihnen  zu  besitzen.  Vorausgesetzt,  dass  die  bisherigen  Angaben  iiber  die 
Bucconidce  richtig  sind,  bin  ich  geneigt,  beide  Familien  zu  der  G.  Galbul^e  zu 
verbinden  und  diese  als  eine  intermediare  Abtheilung  zwischen  die  Coccygi- 
formes (Cuculidce)  und  Pico-Passeriformes  (Pici)  zu  stellen." 

2  Coues,  E.     Key  to  North  American  Birds,  rev.  ed.,  1884,  P«'446. 


second-named  he  said  that  they  comprehended  the  great  bulk  of 
the  Order;  "in  all,  about  fifteen  families,  rather  more  than  less. 
They  are  only  readily  limited  by  exclusion  of  the  characters  of  the 
preceding  and  following  groups.  The  sternum  is  usually  notched 
behind  ;  the  syringeal  muscles  are  two  pairs  at  most.  The  feet  are 
generally  short ;  the  disposition  of  the  toes  varies  remarkably.  In 
the  Colii dee,  or  colies,  of  Africa,  all  the  toes  are  turned  forward. 
In  the  Trogonidce,  the  second  toe  is  turned  backward,  so  the  birds 
are  zygodactyle,  but  in  a  different  way  from  all  others.  Families 
with  the  feet  permanently  zygodactyle  in  the  ordinary  way  by  re- 
version of  the  fourth,  or  partially  so,  the  outer  toe  being  versatile, 
are — the  Cuculidce,  or  Cuckoos,  with  their  near  relatives  the  Indi- 
catoridce  or  Guide-birds  of  Africa ;  the  Rhamphastidce,  or  Toucans, 
confined  to  tropical  America  and  distinguished  by  their  enormous 
vaulted  bill ;  the  Musophagidce,  Plaintain-Eaters  or  Touracos,  of 
Africa ;  the  Bucconidce  and  Capitonidce,  or  fissirostral  and  scansorial 
Barbets  of  the  New  and  chiefly  of  the  Old  World  respectively; 
and  the  Galbulidce,  or  Jacamars,  of  America.  (The  Cuculidce  and 
Musophagidce  are  by  Garrod  placed  together  with  Gallinaceous 
birds.)  In  the  remaining  groups,  the  toes  have  the  ordinary  posi- 
tion, but  sometimes  offer  unusual  characters  in  other  respects. 
Thus  in  the  Alcedinidce  (Kingfishers),  and  Momotidce  (Motmots  or 
Sawbills),  the  middle  and  outer  toes  are  perfectly  coherent  for  a 
great  distance,  constituting  the  syngenesious,  syndactyle  or  aniso- 
dactyle  foot.  The  Bucerotidce,  or  Hornbills,  of  the  Old  World, 
characterized  by  an  immense  corneous  process  on  the  bill,  are  rela- 
tives of  the  Kingfishers ;  so  are  the  Todidce,  a  group  of  small, 
brightly-colored  birds  of  Mexico  and  the  West  Indies.  Other 
forms,  all  Old  World,  are  the  Meropidce  or  bee-eaters,  the  Upupidce 
or  Hoopoes,  and  the  Coraciidce  or  Rollers,  with  their  allies  the 
Leptosomatidoz,  of  Madagascar." 

Garrod  examined  a  good  many  Cuculine  birds,  and  he  divided 
the  Cuculidce  into  the  Centropodince  to  contain  the  Ground  Cuckoos, 
and  the  Cuculince,  or  True  Cuckoos.1  Several  years  later  I  exam- 
ined the  structure  of  Geococcyx  calif ornianus,  and  in  the  opinion  I 

1  Garrod,  A.  H.  Collected  Scientific  Papers,  1881,  p.  220.  This  author 
found  the  Cuculidce  to  possess  the  ambiens  muscle,  two  carotids,  a  nude  oil- 
gland  and  caeca.  The  Centropodince  have  a  formula  AB.  XY  and  the  Cuculince, 
A.  XY. 


then  arrived  at  it  appeared  clear  to  me  that  Garrod's  classification 
of  the  Cuadidce  was  well  supported."1 

Nitzsch  did  something  with  the  classification  of  the  Cuckoos, 
using  their  various  patterns  in  pterylography,  but  the  work  was  only 
partial  and  in  the  main  not  quite  satisfactory.2 

In  1873  (P.  Z.  S.,  p.  578)  Mr.  Sharpe,  of  the  British  Museum, 
again  attacked  them,  selecting  for  his  labors  the  cuculine  birds  of 
the  Ethiopian  Region.  He  made  two  subfamilies  of  the  forms 
there  represented  and  examined,  viz:  (1)  CuciiHnce,  containing 
Cuculus  and  Coccystes,  and  (2)  Phcenicophaincs,  in  which  he 
placed  Phcenicophacs,  Centropns,  Cona  and  others. 

About  twelve  years  later  another  important  paper  on  the  Caculidce 
appeared,  being  a  contribution  by  Mr.  F.  E.  Beddard,3  and  in  it  he 
agrees  in  the  main  with  Sharpe,  but  makes  some  few  but  apparently 
justifiable  changes.  His  opinions  are  deduced  from  a  study  of  the 
muscles  of  the  thigh,  the  syrinx  and  the  pterylosis  of  the  Cuciriidce. 
He  was  fortunate  in  being  enabled  to  study  a  very  large  series  of 
species  representing  some  thirteen  genera,  and  upon  this  material 
he  divides  the  Family  Cuculid^e  into  three  Subfamilies,  the  Cucu- 
lines,  in  which  our  Coccyzus  is  found  in  group  (b) ;  the  Phceni- 
cophaina,  containing  only  Old  World  forms;  and  the  Centropodincey 

1  SHUFELDT,  R.  W.  Contribittions  to  the  Anatoiny  of  Geococcyx  californi- 
anus.  Proc.  Zo'dl.  Soc.  of  London,  1886,  pp.  466-491,  Pis.  XLII-XLV.  It. 
was  shown  here  that  our  United  States  Cuculidce  properly  belonged  to  three  sub- 
families, the  Crotophagince,  or  Anis,  the  Centropodincz,  or  Ground  Cuckoos, 
and  the  Cuctilina:,  or  True  Cuckoos.  Besides  the  paper  on  the  Osteology  of 
Geococcyx,  published  in  the  Journal  of  Anatomy  of  London,  and  referred  to 
above,  the  writer  has  also  produced  two  other  minor  contributions  to  the  morphology 
of  this  bird — viz.,  one  in  the  Ibis  with  a  colored  plate,  showing  the  colored  skin- 
tracts  around  the  eye  and  back  of  the  head  (Lond.,  1885,  pp.  286-288,  PI.  VII)  : 
and  the  other  in  the  Journal  of  Anatomy  of  London  entitled,  "  Osteological 
note  upon  the  young  of  Geococcyx  califomianus''''  (Vol.  xxi,  pp.  101,  102,  Figs. 
1  and  2).  The  last-named  will  to  some  extent  be  incorporated  in  the  present 
memoir,  and  both  have  already  been  cited  in  the  Introduction  above. 

2  Pterylography,  English  edition,  p.  91". 

8  Beddard,  F.  E.  On  the  Structural  Characters  and  Classification  of  the 
Cuckoos.  P.  Z.  S.,  Lond.,  1885,  pp.  168-1S7,  wcc.  in  text.  In  this  paper  the 
writer  points  out  an  error  formerly  made  by  Owen  (Owen,  R.,  Comp.  Anat.  of 
Verts.,  Vol.  ii,  p.  177),  and  says:  "The  gall-bladder  is  stated  by  Owen  to  be 
wanting  in  almost  all  the  Cuculidce.  This  statement  is  by  no  means  correct; 
indeed  the  gall-bladder  appears  to  be  very  generally  present,  and  those  cases 
where  it  is  absent  are  the  exceptions." 


where  we  find   Geococcyx,  Crotophaga  and   Guira  all  associated  in 
another  group  b. 

To  this  last  arrangement  I  very  much  demur,  and  doubt  that  the 
retention  of  Geococcyx  and  Crotaphaga  in  the  same  subfamily  at  all 
expresses  the  natural  affinities  of  these  forms  within  the  family.  It 
will  be  seen  later  that  they  are  very  distinct  types  of  Cuckoos,  in  so 
far  as  they  are  osteologically  organized.  As  I  have  already  stated 
elsewhere,  I  believe  the  Crotophagince  constitutes  a  distinct  sub- 
family, and  the  summation  of  the  entire  morphology  and  a  knowl- 
edge of  their  especial  habits  will  go  far  towards  supporting  this 

Osteology  of  Geococcyx. 

Of  the  Skull. — In  Geococcyx  we  find  the  osseous  superior  mandi- 
ble with  a  gently  curved  and  rounded  culmen,  the  curve  increasing 
very  modestly  as  it  approaches  the  apex.  This  part  of  the  skull  has 
a  broad  base,  being  both  deep  and  wide  in  the  rhinal  region,  while 
on  all  aspects  it  tapers  gradually  to  the  slightly  decurved  tip.  Its 
buccal  surface  is  flat,  with  cultrate  edges  somewhat  raised  above  the 
general  plane  behind.  Posteriorly,  this  face' is  encroached  upon  by 
the  palatines  and  maxillo-palatines.  Turning  to  the  lateral  surfaces 
of  this  mandible  (PI.  I,  Fig.  i),  we  find  them  for  the  most  part  to 
be  slightly  convex  throughout  their  extent ;  the  only  exception  to 
this  being  seen  in  the  depressions  which  are  found,  one  over  each 
of  the  scale-like  projections  that  close  the  hinder  two-thirds  of  either 

These  last-mentioned  openings  are  of  a  subelliptical  outline, 
placed  longitudinally  nearer  to  the  edge  of  the  beak  than  its  culmen 
and  just  posterior  to  its  middle.  They  do  not  directly  communi- 
cate with  each  other,  but  are  external  apertures,  in  this  bird,  of 
osseous  tubes,  one  on  either  side,  which  are  produced  backwards 
nearly  to  the  rhinal  chamber,  being  encased  in  the  loose,  osseous, 
spongy  mass  that  almost  fills  the  otherwise  hollow  superior  mandible 
of  Geococcyx. 

In  the  skull  freshly  prepared,  and  before  it  dries,  the  cranio-facial 
hinge  enjoys  considerable  mobility,  and  its  position  is  clearly  indi- 
cated by  a  transverse  track.  Mesially,  this  region  is  depressed,  and 
may  show  the  last  sutural  traces  of  the  nasal  processes  of  the  pre- 
maxillary  therein.  Each  nasal  bone  has  been  so  completely  met 
by  the  various  surrounding  elements  that,  save  its  hinder  margin, 


its  boundaries  are  hard  to  define  in  the  adult  bird  (PI.  I,  Fig.  i). 
This  is  not  the  case,  however,  in  the  skull  of  a  nestling  Geococcyx 
at  my  hand,  where  the  bone  is  easily  studied.  Its  premaxillary 
process  is  rather  long  and  very  slender,  while  its  two  remaining 
projections  are  broad.  Near  its  middle  it  is  perforated  by  a  small 
foramen,  which  we  find  persists  throughout  life  and  seems  to  corre- 
spond to  a  similar  minute  aperture  found  in  the  same  locality  in  the 
skulls  of  certain  Kingfishers  (Ceryle).  All  three  sides  of  this  osse- 
ous superior  mandible  are  more  or  less  marked  by  anastomosing 
venations,  and  a  few  perforating  foramina  are  always  seen  near  its 

A  lacrymal  in  Geococcyx  is  an  unusually  large  bone,  though  a 
light  one,  due  to  its  very  open  cancellous  structure  within,  and  its 
being,  perhaps,  pneumatic  besides.  Superiorly,  it  articulates  with 
the  frontal  and  nasal,  principally  with  the  last  on  the  lateral  aspect, 
though  it  departs  from  it  some  time  before  reaching  its  lowest 
point,  where  a  slit-like  interval  is  seen  between  the  two  bones. 
Below,  its  broad,  rounded  margin  is  placed  obliquely,  its  outer  and 
at  the  same  time  posterior  end  resting  upon  the  upper  side  of  the 
maxillary,  while  its  inner  and  anterior  end  being  elevated  just 
above  the  superior  surface  of  the  corresponding  palatine. 

The  posterior  aspect  of  the  lacrymal  is  concave  from  above 
downward,  in  conformity  with  the  somewhat  globular  concavity  of 
the  orbit,  while  anteriorly  it  is  correspondingly  convex  in  the  same 
direction.  It  lies  in  front  of  the  broad,  quadrilateral  ethmoidal 
wing  which  overlaps  it,  the  two  forming  a  very  complete  partition 
between  the  orbit  and  rhinal  chamber,  the  bone  under  consideration 
closing  the  outer  third  of  the  space. 

The  ethmoidal  wing,  the  form  of  which  I  have  just  given,  is 
pierced  above,  immediately  beneath  the  frontal  bone,  by  two 
elliptical  foramina,  the  inner  one  being  the  larger,  and  both  being 
vertical.  They  probably  transmit  the  olfactory  nerve  and  vessels 
to  the  rhinal  space. 

This  "pars  plana"  has,  like  tlie  lacrymal,  also  a  somewhat  can- 
cellous internal  structure,  the  plate  being  moderately  thick.  Its 
lower  and  outer  margins  are  concave  and  smoothly  rounded  off. 

The  expanded  anterior  extremity  of  a  maxillary  is  immovably 
wedged  in  between  the  nasal  above  and  the  posterior  dentary 
process  of  the  premaxillary  beneath.  Its  rod-like  extension  behind 
forms  about  the  anterior  third  of  the  very  straight  quadrato-jugal 


bar.  The  horizontally  expanded  end  alluded  to  is  quite  ample  and 
may  be  perforated  by  numerous  foramina.  Its  maxillo-palatine 
development  will  be  described  when  speaking  of  the  under  side  of 
the  skull. 

The  remainder  of  the  quadrato-jugal  bar  becomes  gradually 
larger  and  club-shaped  as  it  nears  the  quadrate  bone,  to  rather 
abruptly  turn  inward  as  it  reaches  it,  and  is  inserted  in  a  vertical 
notch  in  the  usual  apophysis  of  that  element,  which  projects  directly 
outward  to  meet  it  (PI.  I,  Fig.  2). 

With  respect  to  the  quadrate,  we  find  that  its  orbital  process  is 
very  broad  and  flat,  being  at  the  same  time  very  short.  The  body 
of  the  bone  is  also  broad,  while  its  mastoidal  apophysis  is  twisted 
in  a  way  common  to  many  other  birds,  and  supports  at  its  summit 
two  articular  heads  with  a  distinct  valley  between  them.  At  the 
inferior  aspect  of  the  mandibular  foot  there  are  two  condyles  for 
articulation  with  the  lower  jaw.  The  inner  and  smaller  of  these 
is  hemi-ellipsoidal  in  form,  with  its  major  axis  in  the  same  straight 
line  that  constitutes  the  longitudinal  axis  of  the  corresponding 
pterygoid.  If  this  axis  be  produced  the  other  way,  it  is  found  to  be 
at  right  angles  to  the  long  axis  of  the  other  and  larger  facet  of  the 
mandibular  foot  of  the  quadrate.  Rather  a  broad  notch  separates 
these  two  condyles  from  each  other. 

The  quadrate  is  a  thoroughly  pneumatic  bone,  and  a  large  fora- 
men is  always  found  upon  its  posterior  aspect  half  way  between  the 
mastoidal  head  and  the  mandibular  foot. 

Both  the  sphenotic  and  mastoid  processes  are  well  developed  in 
this  bird ;  they  are  of  about  an  equal  size,  the  first  being  directed 
downward,  and  the  last  downward  and  forward.  Between  them, 
and  carried  well  to  the  rear,  is  a  sharply  defined  and  rather  deep 
crotaphyte  fossa.  It  is  separated  from  a  like  depression  of  the 
opposite  side  by  an  interval  of  one  and  a  half  centimetres.  These 
crotaphyte  fossae  are  fully  as  well  marked  in  Geococcyx  as  they  are 
in  many  of  the  Laridce,  and  better  than  they  are  in  some  members 
of  that  group  of  birds,  better,  for  instance,  than  they  are  in  Larus 

Owing  to  the  great  breadth  of  the  frontals,  the  orbit  is  completely 
sheltered  above  by  an  arching  roof,  the  outer  periphery  of  which  is 
concave  inward  and  bounded  by  a  sharp  edge.  This  orbital  vault 
usually  shows  posteriorly  a  few  perforating  foramina.  The  rostrum 
of  the  sphenoid  is  pneumatic  and  rounded   for  its  entire  length 


beneath.  It  barely  extends  beyond  the  broad  ethmoidal  wings  in 
front  and  ascends  but  little  as  it  proceeds  in  that  direction.  In  the 
nestling  it  is  seen  to  be  sharp-pointed  anteriorly  and  grooved  its 
entire  length  superiorly. 

The  inter-orbital  septum  is  a  thin  partition  of  bone,  which  always 
possesses  a  considerable  quadrilateral  vacuity  near  its  centre.  This 
usually  merges  with  the  foramen  for  the  exit  of  the  optic  nerves 
(PI.  I,  Fig.  i),  while  the  small  foramen  for  the  exit  of  the  oculi- 
motor  remains  distinct. 

As  might  be  expected  from  what  has  already  been  said  about  the 
orbit,  we  find  its  hinder  wall  also  very  broad  and  generally  concave 
forward.  At  its  usual  site  a  distinct,  irregular  foramen  of  some 
size  is  found  for  the  exit  of  the  olfactory  nerve,  and  this  branch 
passes  forward  in  the  living  bird  in  a  shallow  channel  on  the  inter- 
orbital  septum  beneath  the  frontal  for  its  entire  length,  where  these 
two  elements  are  united.  It  leads  to  the  inner  and  larger  of  the 
two  foramina  that  were  described  above  as  occurring  over  pars 

Before  leaving  this  side  view  of  the  skull  it  will  be  as  well  to 
notice  the  large,  luniform  sesamoid  that  occurs  in  the  ligament  that 
passes  from  the  quadrato-jugal  to  the  hinder  border  of  the  articular 
cup  of  the  mandible.  This  sesamoid  is  present  on  both  sides  and 
in  all  the  skulls  of  Geococcyx  that  I  have  ever  had  the  opportunity 
of  examining. 

On  the  superior  view  of  the  skull  we  are  to  note  the  form  of  the 
bony  laminae  that  partially  close  in  the  external  narial  openings  from 
behind ;  the  position  of  the  two  small  circular  foramina  beyond  the 
cranio-facial  hinge;  and  this  fronto-lacrymal  region  generally. 
From  this  aspect  we  also  see  the  small  foramina  that  pierce  on 
either  side  the  orbital  roofs  behind.  Mesially,  and  between  these 
latter,  a  shallow,  longitudinal  groove  marks  the  cranial  vault.  Pos- 
terior to  this  again  we  find  a  smooth,  globular  and  ample  parietal 
region.  The  crotaphyte  fossae  may  likewise  be  discerned  from  this 
upper  aspect  and  a  glimpse  obtained  of  the  supra- occipital  promi- 
nence. Here,  too,  may  also  be  seen  the  manner  in  which  the  quad- 
rato-jugals  articulate  with  the  quadrates. 

Viewing  the  skull  of  Geococcyx  from  beneath,  we  find,  anteriorly, 
the  broad,  flat  surface,  already  spoken  of,  which  forms  the  lower 
face  of  the  superior  mandible  (PL  I,  Fig.  2). 

Following  this  back  we  come  to  an  elongated  median  vacuity, 


that  separates  the  anterior  terminations  of  the  maxillo-palatines. 
This  aperture  has  irregular,  jagged  edges,  and  through  it  we  may- 
see  some  of  the  open,  spongy  bone  tissue  that  partially  fills  the 
hinder  portion  of  the  core  of  the  superior  mandible.  At  the  sides, 
the  posterior  processes  of  the  dentary  parts  of  the  premaxillary 
overlap  the  maxillaries.  They  are  long  and  triangular,  with  their 
apices  to  the  rear. 

Returning  to  the  maxillo-palatines,  we  find  them  to  be,  upon  this 
aspect  of  the  skull,  two  very  sizable,  elongated,  subcylindrical 
masses,  composed  of  an  internal  spongy  tissue,  but  encased  in  an 
outer  covering  of  an  extremely  thin  layer  of  compact  tissue. 
They  lie  parallel  to  each  other  and  to  the  median  plane,  nearly 
filling  the  interpalatine  space.  Anteriorly,  they  are  separated  by 
the  vacuity  already  described,  while  behind,  their  free  and  rounded 
extremities  slightly  diverge  from  each  other,  they  being  in  contact 
in  the  median  line  for  the  middle  thirds  of  their  lengths  (PI.  I,  Fig. 
2).  From  their  upper  sides  is  developed  a  mass  of  open  spongy 
tissue;  this  is  continuous  with  a  similar  structure  that  is  found 
within  the  superior  mandible ;  it  reaches  out,  on  either  side,  to 
abut  against  the  inner  surfaces  of  the  nasals ;  it  joins  the  horizontal 
plates  of  the  maxillaries,  and  finally  supports  a  median  vertical 
plate  of  bone  that  stands  just  beyond  the  rhinal  chamber  proper, 
this  latter  space  being  free  from  its  encroachment,  as  it  is  from  any 
development  of  the  ethmoid  behind,  beyond  its  lateral  wings. 

The  anterior  half  of  either  palatine  is  quite  a  broad,  flat,  hori- 
zontal plate,  the  distal  end  of  which  indistinguishably  fuses,  and  is 
directly  continuous  with  the  horizontal  portion  of  the  premaxillary. 
To  its  inner  side  also,  in  this  locality,  it  completely  anchyloses 
with  the  corresponding  maxillo-palatine  (PL  I,  Fig.  2).  For  the 
most  part,  however,  its  inner  and  outer  edges  are  free,  not  coming 
in  contact  by  the  inner  one  with  the  maxillo-palatine,  though  it  is 
parallel  to  it  and  separated  by  an  extremely  narrow  interval,  while 
its  outer  one  neither  touches  the  lacrymal  nor  the  maxillary,  but 
occupies  a  plane  inferior  to  both. 

The  posterior  half  of  a  palatine  also  lies  mainly  in  the  horizontal 
plane,  but  its  under  surface  is  a  concave  one,  and  its  upper  corre- 
spondingly convex.  Its  outer  free  edge,  directly  continuous  with 
the  outer  edge  of  the  anterior  half  of  the  bone,  sweeps  by  a  gentle 
curve  round  the  "  postero-external  angle"  of  the  palatine  to  its 
head.     Huxley  was  in   error  when   he  stated  (P.  Z.  S.,   1867,  p. 


444)  that  these   angles  in  Geococcyx  "are   distinctly  indicated." 
They  are  rounded,  as  he  so  well  figures  them  for  Cuculus  canorus. x 

The  inner  free  edge  of  the  bone  extends  from  the  head  to  the 
apex  of  a  small  pointed  process  in  front.  For  nearly  its  entire 
length  it  is  parallel  to  the  corresponding  edge  of  the  palatine  ot 
the  opposite  side,  from  which  it  is  separated  by  an  interval  of  some- 
thing like  a  millimetre  or  rather  more.  From  this  edge  the  surface 
curves  outward  and  backward,  forming  the  "ascending  process'1  of  the 
palatine.  This  terminates  in  another  longitudinal  straight  margin, 
which  is  applied  to  the  corresponding  one  of  the  opposite  palatine, 
and  both  unite  to  form  the  usual  groove  at  their  upper  aspects  for 
the  rostrum  of  the  sphenoid.  These  latter  opposed  edges  also  ex- 
tend from  the  palatine  heads,  likewise  in  contact  mesially,  to  a 
common  anterior  process.  This  latter  is  nearly  opposite  the  ante- 
rior end  of  the  rostrum,  and  from  its  extremity  in  front  projects  a 
free,  needle-like  and  rudimentary  vomer,  of  some  four  millimetres 
in  length.  It  does  not  come  in  contact  with  the  maxillo-palatines, 
but  lies  above  the  interval  formed  by  their  slightly  diverging  pos- 
terior extremities,  and  is  freely  articulated  with  the  palatines  at  the 
points  from  which  it  springs,  and  in  the  manner  described.  This 
diminutive  vomer  is  equally  well  developed  in  both  my  specimens 
of  Geococcyx. 

Careful  search  was  made  in  all  of  my  specimens  for  an  ossiculum 
lacrymo-palatinum  [os  uncinatum),  but  failed  to  reveal  the  presence 
of  any  such  ossicle.  This  diminutive  bone  was  first  described  by 
Brandt,  and,  as  is  well  known,  occupies  at  least  two  positions  in 
the  skull.  In  certain  Albatrosses  {Diomedea  brachytira)  it  exists  as 
a  delicate  styliform  bar  connecting  the  descending  limb  of  the 
lacrymal  bone  with  the  upper  surface  of  the  corresponding  palatine. 
Other  birds  have  it  attached  to  the  infero-external  angle  of  the 
lacrymal,  where  it  may  project  freely  backward,  or  lie  along  the 
upper  surface  of  the  maxillary  bar  beneath  it.  Its  position  in  the 
Parrots  is  described  in  my  memoir  on  the  osteology  of  Conurus. 

According  to  Forbes,  "  it  also  occurs  in  forms  so  different  from 
these  [Albatrosses]  as  the  Musophagidae,  many  Cuculidse,  Chunga 

1  In  this  connection  compare  what  I  have  quoted,  in  an  early  paragraph  of 
this  memoir,  from  Professor  Huxley  with  a  footnote  which  appeared  in  my 
"  Osteology  of  Geococcyx"  (Jo urn.  of  Ana t.,  London,  p.  247),  cited  above.  It 
must  be  that  the  skull  of  Geococcyx  which  Professor  Huxley  examined  was  either 
an  imperfect  or  broken  one. 

16  SHUFELDT — OSTEOLOGY    OF   THE    CUCKOOS.  [Jan.  4, 

and  Can'ama,  as  well  as  in  some  Laridse  and  Alcidae,  so  that  its 
presence  is  obviously  of  no  particular  taxonomic  value."  {Coll. 
Scientif.  Mem.,  p.  415.) 

A  pterygoid  is  a  nearly  straight  and  slender  bone,  and  shows  not 
the  slightest  evidence  of  the  development  on  its  shaft  of  an  apophy- 
sis, and  indeed  there  is  no  necessity  for  such,  as  the  basipterygoidal 
processes  are  entirely  absent  in  this  bird ;  and  the  pterygoids  when 
in  situ  occupy  a  lower  plane  than  the  basitemporal  region,  as  well 
as  being  at  seme  distance  in  front  of  it. 

These  bones  articulate  with  each  other  anteriorly  and  with  the 
opposed  palatines ;  from  this  point  they  diverge  at  an  angle  of 
about  85  °,  each  to  meet  the  usual  facet  upon  the  corresponding 
quadrate  at  the  base  of  the  inner  and  smaller  condyle  on  that  bone. 

The  basi-temporal  region  is  elevated  above  the  prominent  and 
raised  boundaries  of  the  auricular  apertures ;  it  is  narrow  and  smooth 
and  lies  for  the  most  part  in  the  horizontal  plane.  In  front,  it 
presents  for  our  examination  a  thin  tip  of  bone,  arching  over  the 
common  aperture  of  the  Eustachian  tubes. 

Beyond  this  it  contracts  to  form  the  sphenoidal  rostrum,  a  con- 
siderable portion  of  which  is  unoccupied  before  we  reach  the  ptery- 
goidal  heads.  This  allows  these  bones  not  a  little  backward  play 
in  the  recent  specimen,  an  action  which  is  quite  possible  from  the 
more  than  ordinary  mobility  enjoyed  on  the  part  of  the  cranio- 
facial hinge. 

Either  external  auricular  couch  is  a  capacious  fossa,  well  denned 
by  a  raised  and  bounding  thin  wall  of  bone,  with  its  free  edge 
curled  in  all  round.  At  the  base  of  either  of  these  fossae  we  see 
strong  osseous  trabecular,  converging  to  a  point  near  the  centre  to 
support  the  double  concave  facet  for  the  mastoidal  head  of  the 
quadrate.  These  stand  between  the  Eustachian  entrance  and  the 
passage  to  the  middle  ear. 

If  the  plane  of  the  basis  cranii  be  produced  posteriorly,  and  the 
plane  of  the  occiput  and  foramen  magnum  extended  to  meet  it,  we 
find  the  latter  makes  an  angle  with  the  first-mentioned  plane  of 
about  480,  while  the  long  axis  of  the  fairly  well-developed  supra- 
occipital  prominence  would  be  perpendicular  to  it.  In  form  the 
foramen  magnum  is  broadly  cordate  with  its  apex  above ;  the  occi- 
pital condyle  at  its  lower  margin  is  small,  sessile  and  hemispherical 
in  outline,  being  so  placed  as  to  encroach  upon  the  foraminal  peri- 
phery for  about  one-third  of  the  condylar  arc. 


Points  of  interest  within  the  brain-case  are  seen  in  the  presence 
of  a  strongly  marked  longitudinal  sinus  and  the  unusual  thickness 
of  the  walls  of  the  sella  turcica ;  its  fossa,  though  deep,  being  quite 
small,  while  at  its  base  we  find  a  double  entrance  for  the  carotids. 

As  a  whole  the  skull  of  Geococcyx  is  a  delicate  and  a  very  light 
structure  for  its  size,  air  gaining  thorough  access  to  most  of  its 

The  mandible  (PI.  I,  Figs,  i  and  3),  seen  from  superior  aspect, 
has  the  typical  V-shaped  form,  with  an  extensive  symphysis,  which 
is  scooped  out  longitudinally  above.  Either  ramus  is  not  deep  in 
the  vertical  direction,  while  its  upper  and  lower  margins  are  promi- 
nent and  rounded,  the  former,  however,  becoming  sharp  as  it 
approaches  the  symphysis,  which  condition  is  sustained  to  the 
mandibular  apex. 

The  ramal  vacuity  is  large  and  occupies  its  most  usual  site;  in 
outline  it  is  an  elongated  ellipse,  but  its  anterior  third  is  encroached 
upon  by  a  thin  plate  developed  on  the  part  of  the  dentary  element. 

An  articular  end  is  considerably  concave  above  and  presents  two 
facets  for  the  condyles  of  the  quadrate ;  its  inturned  process  is 
much  tipped  up,  while  the  usual  pneumatic  foramen  is  seen  near  its 
apex.  Below,  its  convexity  conforms  with  the  convexity  of  the 
articular  excavation  at  its  upper  side,  and  its  angle  behind  is 
obliquely  truncate  from  above  downward  in  the  forward  direction. 

Beyond  an  articular  end  on  the  superior  ramal  border,  we  find, 
on  either  side,  the  coronoid  process  but  feebly  developed  and 

When  the  osseous  mandible  is  articulated  in  situ  with  the 
remainder  of  the  skull  its  tip  does  not  extend  quite  so  far  forward 
as  does  the  apex  of  the  superior  osseous  beak,  a  condition  present 
in  the  skulls  of  most  Coracomorphtz  and  other  groups. 

In  the  hyoidean  apparatus  we  find  fully  the  anterior  two-thirds  of 
the  glosso-hyal  represented  by  a  thin  strip  of  cartilage,  while  behind, 
where  it  ossifies  in  front,  the  usual  median  foramen  is  seen,  having 
an  elliptical  outline.  Posterior  to^this,  on  either  side,  the  strongly 
marked  cerato-hyals  project  outward  and  backward. 

First  and  second  basi-branchials  do  not  anchylose  with  each 
other,  the  former  being  short  and  thick,  the  latter  about  half  as 
long  again  and  tipped  off  behind  with  cartilage. 

The  elements  of  the  thyro-hyals  are  long  and  slender ;  they  like- 

PBOC.    AMER.    PHILOS.    SOC.    XL.    165.  B.      PRINTED    MAY    31f   1901. 


wise  terminate  in  cartilaginous  tips  and  curve  up  behind  the  skull 
in  the  manner  most  usual  among  birds. 

There  are  about  twelve  osseous  sclerotal  platelets  in  the  circlet 
found  in  either  eyeball.  They  present  us  with  nothing  worthy  of 
especial  remark,  seeming  to  possess  their  most  usual  ornithic  char- 

It  may  be  as  well  to  add  here  a  few  words  describing  the  ossifica- 
tions of  the  trachea,  and  we  find  for  the  entire  length  of  this  sub- 
cylindrical  tube  the  osseous  rings  which  compose  it  fail  to  meet  in 
the  longitudinal  median  line  posteriorly. 

The  interval  thus  formed,  which  is  not  very  great,  is  occupied  by 
a  thin  membrane  which  is  continuous  with  the  internal  tympaniform 
membrane  of  the  lower  larynx.  As  to  shape,  the  trachea  diminishes 
in  calibre  gradually  from  above  downward,  and  nowhere  in  its  con- 
tinuity does  it  present  any  enlargements  or  dilatations. 

This  does  not  apply  exactly  to  the  bronchial  bifurcations,  for 
each  one  of  them  shows  a  disposition  to  swell  just  before  arriving  at 
the  contracted  parts  of  these  tubes,  where  they  impinge  upon  the 
lung  tissue. 

We  may  reckon  either  of  these  bifurcations  as  being  partially 
surrounded  by  thirteen  semirings.  Of  course  in  this  bird,  as  I  say, 
the  entire  trachea  may  be  regarded  as  having  only  semirings,  but 
had  the  usual  number  of  these  united  behind  there  would  still  have 
remained  the  thirteen  semirings  to  each  bronchial  tube.  An  osseous 
pessulus  is  not  present  in  Geococcyx,  and  the  internal  tympaniform 
membrane  is  quite  extensive.  There  does  not  even  seem  to  be  any 
thickening  of  this  membrane  in  our  subject  where  this  bony  little 
bridge  is  located  in  those  birds  where  it  exists.  (For  figures  of  the 
trachea  of  Geococcyx  see  my  memoir  in  the  P.  Z.  S.  cited  above.) 
Of  the  Remainder  of  the  Axial  Skeletofi — The  Vertebral  Column. — 
This  column  presents  us  with  eighteen  movable  vertebrae  before  we 
arrive  at  the  consolidated  pelvic  sacrum.  This  latter  contains 
eleven  more  segments,  thoroughly  united  together  and  firmly  joined 
to  the  iliac  bones.  Finally,  we  find  five  vertebrae  and  a  large 
pygostyle  in  the  skeleton  of  the  tail  of  Geococcyx. 

In  the  cervical  region  we  pass  twelve  vertebrae  before  we  come  to 
the  first  one  of  the  series  that  bears  a  pair  of  free  ribs,  the  thirteenth 
and  fourteenth  both  possessing  these  appendages,  and  in  both  they 
are  well  developed,  though  not  reaching  the  sternum,  through  the 
intervention  of  costal  ribs.     The  pair  on  the  fourteenth  vertebra 


has  the  epipleural  processes  fully  as  large  as  they  are  in  the  dorsal 
series ;  they  are  absent  entirely,  however,  on  the  first  pair  of  free 

Returning  to  the  atlas  we  find  this  segment  rather  delicately  con- 
structed, though  in  form  it  is  quite  like  what  we  find  in  other 
groups  of  birds,  the  Passeres  for  instance.  Its  neural  arch  is 
narrow  antero-posteriorly,  though  the  canal  is  capacious.  A  perfo- 
ration is  seen  at  the  base  of  the  articular  cup  for  the  occipital  con- 
dyle, which  cuts  through  the  superior  margin  of  this  little  concavity. 
The  centrum  is  small  and  does  not  develop  anything  that  might  be 
called  an  hypapophysis.  On  the  axis  vertebra  we  note  the  presence 
of  a  low,  tuberous,  neural  spine,  occupying  the  entire  central  por- 
tion of  the  arch,  while  posteriorly  on  the  under  side  of  the  centrum 
a  feebly  pronounced  hypapophysis  is  seen.  The  odontoid  apophy- 
sis is  small  and  short  as  compared  with  other  features  of  this  verte- 
bra, a  fact  no  doubt  due  to  the  lack  of  depth  in  the  atlas.  At  either 
side  of  the  centrum  we  observe  a  delicate  and  vertical  spicula  of 
bone  which  completely  arches  over  the  vertebral  vessels,  constitut- 
ing the  last  remnants  of  the  lateral  canal  at  this  extremity  of  the 
column.  This  condition  is  often  met  with  among  the  Anatidce  in 
the  axis  vertebra  of  those  birds. 

The  postzygapophyses  are  directed  backward  and  outward,  and 
are  very  powerfully  developed,  more  so  than  in  any  of  the  first  nine 
or  ten  vertebrae  of  this  portion  of  the  column.  The  facets  they 
bear  for  articulation  with  the  extremities  of  the  prezygapophyses  of 
the  third  segment  are  at  their  under  side  about  the  middle.  On  the 
third  and  fourth  vertebras  we  also  find  a  low  neural  spine  placed  at 
the  centre  of  either  bone,  while  the  hypapophysis  is  becoming 
reduced  in  these  segments,  to  disappear  entirely  in  the  fifth  verte- 
bra. These  vertebrae,  as  in  so  many  of  the  class,  have  their  zygapo- 
physial  processes  joined  by  a  spanning  lamina  of  bone,  which  in 
either  case  and  on  either  side  is  pierced  near  its  middle  by  a  small 
elliptical  foramen  of  the  greater  size  in  the  fourth  vertebra. 

The  lateral  canals  occupy  rathef  more  than  the  anterior  halves 
of  the  sides  of  the  centra,  and  the  processes  that  project  from  the 
under  aspects  of  their  free  margins  behind  are  short,  and  each  is 
separated  by  a  considerable  interval  from  its  fellow  of  the  opposite 
side.  This  great  inferior  width  of  the  cervical  vertebra  is  a  char- 
acteristic feature  of  these  segments  in  Geococcyx,  and  is  well  sus- 
tained throughout  the  series  until  we  come  to  the  free  rib-bearing 


ones,  when  a  gradual  contraction  takes  place  as  we  pass  into  the 
dorsal  region.  But  even  here  the  segments  are  comparatively 
broader  in  their  transverse  diameters  than  we  often  find  them. 

In  the  fifth  vertebra  the  neural  spine  is  placed  further  forward 
on  the  bone,  but  is  very  small ;  it  is  absent  in  the  sixth,  or  only 
faintly  indicated,  and  it  does  not  appear  in  the  series  again  until 
we  find  it  as  a  pronounced  crest  on  the  fifteenth  segment.  Some- 
times, however,  a  low,  tuberous  elevation  marks  its  site  in  the  few 
ultimate  cervicals. 

Prezygapophyses  in  the  fifth  vertebra  stand  almost  directly  out- 
ward, while  the  postzygapophyses  very  prominently  point  to  the 
rear.  Little  modification  takes  place  in  the  former  of  these  pro- 
cesses as  we  examine  the  succeeding  vertebrae,  their  general  direc- 
tion remaining  about  the  same,  but  the  articular  facets  they  bear 
face  more  and  more  toward  the  median  plane  as  we  proceed  back- 
ward. With  the  postzygapophyses,  however,  the  case  is  otherwise, 
for  as  we  descend  the  cervical  series  we  find  these  become  gradually 
shorftr  and  stouter  with  a  wider  divergence,  while  their  facets,  from 
facing  downward  and  outward,  come  to  look  almost  directly  down- 

We  find  strongly  marked  metapophyses  surmounting  the  bases  of 
the  postzygapophyses  in  the  sixth  to  the  ninth  cervical  vertebrae  in- 
clusive ;  after  that  they  disappear,  and  are  but  feebly  reproduced  in 
the  dorsals,  where  they  occur  on  the  superior  aspects  of  the  ends  of 
the  transverse  processes. 

On  the  fifth  cervical  vertebra  the  lateral  canar  is  at  its  forward 
part,  appropriating  about  the  anterior  moiety  of  the  entire  centrum. 
Its  outer  wall  may  show  a  slight  perforation,  while  the  parapophyses 
which  project  from  it  behind  are  on  either  side  a  short  and  needle- 
like spine.  As  we  pass  down  the  series  this  perforation  becomes 
larger  and  larger,  until  in  the  tenth  vertebra  it  has  broken  through 
the  hinder  free  margin  of  the  lateral  canal  and  disappeared,  leaving 
in  the  segment  only  a  shorter  passage  and  a  deep  concave  notch 
indicating  its  site.  Pari  passu  with  this  change,  the  parapophyses 
and  pleurapophyses  pass  through  the  usual  evolution  in  that  direc- 
tion, to  result  in  the  perfect  and  free  pair  of  ribs  found  in  the 
thirteenth  vertebra.  Faint  beginnings  of  a  carotid  canal  are  also 
seen  in  the  fifth  vertebra,  in  the  presence  of  a  shallow  excavation 
at  the  anterior  end  of  the  under  side  of  the  segment.  This  be- 
comes better   and   better    marked   to  include   the  tenth  vertebra, 


where  this  canal  is  moderately  well  protected  by  lateral  walls,  but 
in  none  of  the  series  does  it  become  a  closed  passage  as  in  some 
other  birds.  In  the  eleventh  vertebra  its  place  is  taken  by  a  strong, 
single  and  median  hypapophysis. 

This  last  becomes  faintly  tricornate  in  the  twelfth  vertebra, 
markedly  so  in  the  next  segment ;  the  three  prongs  springing  from 
a  common  pedicle  in  the  fourteenth,  which  pedicle  is  lengthened 
in  the  fifteenth ;  still  larger  but  without  terminal  prongs  in  the  six- 
teenth vertebra,  to  be  entirely  absent  in  the  succeeding  segment 
and  the  rest  of  the  column. 

In  the  atlas  the  neural  canal  is  capacious  and  transversely  elliptical. 
From  this  vertebra  it  gradually  changes  its  form  and  contracts  in 
calibre,  until  in  the  fifth  vertebra  we  find  it  nearly  cylindrical  in 
shape  and  much  reduced  in  capacity. 

Passing  down  the  series  it  gradually  changes  for  a  second  time, 
so  that  in  the  eleventh  vertebra  it  is  again  found  to  be  large  and 
transversely  elliptical.  This  form  it  retains  through  the  dorsal 
series,  though  once  more  reduced  in  calibre. 

In  the  tail  vertebras  it  is  at  first  triangular  with  apex  above,  to 
become  a  vertical  slit  as  it  enters  the  pygostyle. 

The  fifteenth,  sixteenth,  seventeenth  and  eighteenth  vertebrae  of 
the  column  in  Geococcyx  support  ribs  that  meet  to  articulate  with 
costal  ribs  below. 

These  ribs  are  broad  above,  but  become  more  and  more  rod-like 
as  they  near  their  haemapophysial  articulations.  The  first  three 
pair  of  the  series  bear  large  epipleural  processes,  which  are  always 
anchylosed  to  the  rib  upon  which  they  appear.  These  three  also 
have  costal  ribs  connecting  them  with  the  sternum ;  this  I  believe 
to  be  as  small  a  number  of  the  latter  present  in  any  living  bird — 
i.e.,  only  three  haemapophyses  articulating  with  either  costal  border 
of  the  sternum.  The  last  pair  of  ribs,  or  those  coming  from  the 
eighteenth  vertebrae,  never  have  epipleural  processes,  and  their 
costal  ribs  do  not  reach  the  sternum. 

With  respect  to  the  four  vertebrae  that  bear  the  ribs,  we  find 
that  they  present  all  the  characters  of  the  dorsals  as  found  among 
Aves  generally.  The  neural  spines  are  lofty  and  quadrilateral  in 
outline,  each  having  its  superior  rim  capped  off  with  a  vertically 
flattened  tablet  of  bone.  The  diapophyses  are  rather  broad,  and 
project  directly  outward  from  the  sides  of  the  vertebrae,  having  the 
ribs  articulating  with  them  and  the  centra  in  the  usual  way.     Very 


close  interlocking  is  evidenced  among  these  four  dorsal  segments, 
and  the  post-  and  prezygapophyses  are  no  longer  than  is  necessary 
to  afford  the  proper  amount  of  surface  for  their  respective  articular 
facets.  Anteriorly,  these  face  upward  and  inward,  precisely  the 
reverse  being  the  case  with  those  found  on  the  postzygapophyses. 

So  far  as  we  have  examined  the  vertebral  column,  the  articulation 
which  obtains  among  the  centra  is  upon  the  hetei-ocoelons  plan — i.e, 
the  anterior  facet  is  concave  from  side  to  side,  convex  from  above 
downward,  precisely  the  reverse  condition  being  present  in  the 
posterior  facet.  All  these  vertebrae,  as  well  as  both  kinds  of  ribs, 
are  eminently  pneumatic,  groups  of  foramina  occurring  at  the  usual 
sites  in  these  bones. 

The  Pelvis  (PL  I,  Fig.  4). — From  its  singularly  unique  form  the 
pelvis  of  Geococcyx  has  attracted  the  attention  of  a  number  of 
anatomists.  Owen  speaks  of  the  ilium  as  forming  behind  "a. 
prominent  ridge  in  most  birds,  which  generally  overhangs  the  outer 
surface  ;  in  Geococcyx  to  a  remarkable  extent,  like  a  wide  pent- 
house, producing  a  deep  concavity  in  the  outer  and  back  part  of 
the  ilium,  where  it  coalesces  with  the  ischium."  l 

Marsh,  in  his  classical  work  upon  the  Odoniornithes,  again  calls 
attention  to  the  same  thing,  and  points  out  other  particulars  in  con- 
nection with  it,  making  admirable  comparisons  with  the  pelves  of 
Peptilia,  Tinamus  and  other  forms.2 

Strange  to  relate,  the  only  other  living  American  bird,  so  far  as 
I  have  examined,  that  possesses  a  pelvis  anything  like  the  one  we 
find  in  Geococcyx  is  the  common  Sora  Rail  (Porzana  Carolina). 

This  bird  not  only  has  either  ilium  forming  the  peculiar  outward- 
curling  crest  behind,  but  has  also  the  propubis  well  marked  and 
identically  the  same  style  assumed  by  the  anterior  portions  of  the 
ilium,  i.e.,  a  deeply  concave  inner  margin,  with  the  sacral  crista 
mounting  above  it  and  not  coming  in  contact  with  the  same. 

Viewing  the  pelvis  of  Geococcyx  from  above,  we  are  to  notice  the 
condition  just  alluded  to  as  well  as  the  raised  anterior  emargina- 

1  Anat.  of  Verts. ,  Vol.  ii.  p.  34,  London,  1866. 

2  Marsh,  O.  C,  Odontomithes,  pp.  70-73,  Figs.  16-20,  Washington  Govern- 
ment Printing  Office,  1880.  There  certainly  can  be  nothing  that  advances  our 
knowledge  of  the  exact  origin  of  birds  more  certainly  than  the  constant  compari- 
son of  recent  forms  with  the  material  palaeontology  has  thus  far  been  enabled  to 
supply  us — not  a  great  deal  as  yet.  Prof.  Marsh  never  seemed  to  allow  such  an 
opportunity  to  escape  him. 


tions  of  these  ilia,  with  the  processes  that  project  from  their  middle 
points.  As  already  hinted,  the  ilio-neural  canals  are  here  open 
grooves,  and  the  neural  crest  of  the  sacrum  stands  between  them  as 
a  lofty  dividing  wall,  with  much  thickened  superior  border.  This 
latter  is  distinctly  marked  for  the  entire  length  of  the  sacrum, 
otherwise  the  individualization  of  the  vertebrae  composing  this  part 
of  the  bone  is  not  very  distinct,  as  few  foramina  are  to  be  found 
between  their  cfiapophyses  until  we  reach  the  last  one,  where  regu- 
larly occurs  a  large  pair,  throwing  the  ultimate  urosacral  into  bold 

Upon  the  lateral  aspect  of  this  pelvis,  we  not  only  gain  a  better 
view  of  the  largely  developed  propubis  and  the  strangely  formed 
hinder  portion  of  the  ilium,  but  we  are  also  enabled  to  get  a  glimpse 
of  the  rather  small  subcircular  ischiac  foramen,  with  the  reniform 
antitrochanter  in  front  of  it.  This  latter  faces  almost  directly  for- 
ward and  only  slightly  downward,  and  less  so  outward.  Beyond 
this  again  is  the  acetabulum,  with  the  circular  perforation  at  its 
base,  the  postero-superior  arc  of  which  merges  with  the  periphery 
of  the  outer  cotyloid  ring  at  the  base  of  the  antitrochanter,  while 
directly  opposite  this  point  the  arces  of  these  two  circles  are  far 
apart,  and  an  excavation  occupies  the  intervening  space.  This 
grows  less,  of  course,  as  we  proceed  either  way  toward  the  base  of 
the  antitrochanter,  where,  as  I  have  said,  the  inner  and  outer  rings 
are  tangent  to  each  other. 

The  elliptical  obturator  foramen  occupies  its  usual  position,  and 
so  close  together  are  the  postpubis  and  ischium  that  an  exceedingly 
narrow  strait  leads  from  this  vacuity  into  the  obturator  space,  a 
long  narrow  interval  between  the  last  two  mentioned  bones.  At 
the  centre  of  the  triangular  area  among  these  three  apertures  at  the 
side  of  this  pelvis,  is  found  a  group  of  small  pnuematic  foramina 
which  assist  in  admitting  the  air  into  the  substance  of  this  light  and 
thoroughly  aerated  bone. 

The  Caudal  Vertebroe  and  Pygostyle. — As  already  stated  above, 
the  caudal  vertebras  are  five  in  number  (Plate  I,  Fig.  4).  They  are 
chiefly  noted  for  their  high  and  prominent  neural  spines,  the  two 
loftiest  being  seen  in  the  third  and  fourth  vertebrae.  The  diapo- 
physes  grow  longer  and  more  spreading  as  we  proceed  in  the  direction 
of  the  pygostle,  the  last  segment  possessing  them  longer  than  any 
of  the  others.  We  find  in  the  third  caudal  vertebra  a  small  anchy- 
losed  chevron  bone,  which  slightly  overlaps  the  bone  in  front  of  it. 


This  apophysis  is  very  strongly  developed  in  the  last  two  vertebrae, 
where  it  is  also  anchylosed  to  the  centra,  is  bifid,  and  hooks  well 
forward  to  overlap  the  preceding  centrum  in  either  case.  Each  one 
of  these  bones  is  pierced  by  pnuernatic  foramina  in  a  number  of 
places,  as  is  also  the  terminal  coccygeal  vomer. 

This  latter  bone  has  an  oblong  irregular  figure,  with  its  posterior 
margin  considerably  thickened,  the  others  being  cultrate.  The 
neural  canal  is  continued  into  it  for  some  little  distance,  its  pas- 
sage being  denoted  on  the  sides  of  the  bone  by  a  longitudinal  smooth 
elevation,  which  gradually  tapers  away  to  the  postero-superior  angle. 

Of  the  Sternum  and  Pectoral  Arch. — The  sternum  of  Geococcyx 
is  a  thoroughly  pnuernatic  bone,  but  air  does  not  gain  access  to  any 
of  the  shoulder-girdle  elements. 

In  the  case  of  the  former,  foramina  are  chiefly  found  in  the  con- 
cavities among  the  haemapophysial  facets  on  the  costal  borders.  A 
few  scattered  ones  may  be  seen  in  the  median  line  upon  the  dorsal 
surface.     The  number  of  these  latter  vary  in  different  specimens. 

The  "  Road  Runner  "  has  a  two-notched  sternum,  which  gives 
rise  to  a  pair  of  flaring  xiphoidal  processes  on  either  side.  Its 
carina  is  fairly  well  developed  and  moderately  deep  only.  It  ex- 
tends the  entire  length  of  the  bone,  and  is  marked  upon  the  upper 
side  of  its  projecting  carinal  angle  by  a  roughened  facet  for  articu- 
lation with  the  hypocleidium  of  the  furculum. 

Osseous  welts  are  raised  upon  its  sides  to  facilitate  muscular 
attachment,  and  these,  in  some  specimens,  extend  on  to  the  ventral 
aspect  of  the  body.  The  inferior  border  of  the  keel  is  somewhat 

In  front  of  the  sternum  a  peg-like  manubrium  projects  out,  the 
lower  margin  of  which  is  longitudinally  marked  by  a  sharpened 
crest.  Below  this,  the  perpendicular  anterior  border  of  the  keel  is 
vertically  concave,  and  this  inferior  manubrial  crest  is  carried  into 
the  excavation  as  a  median  raised  line. 

Either  costal  border  is  very  short,  having  but  three  facets  upon 
it,  and  these  are  usually  close  together.  In  front  of  them,  on  either 
side,  a  prominent  costal  process  is  reared,  constituting  one  of  the 
most  striking  features  in  this  part  of  the  skeleton  of  Geococcyx. 

The  thoracic  aspect  of  the  sternum  is  very  much  concaved,  the 
ventral  side  being  correspondingly  convex.  Here  on  this  latter  we 
notice  well-marked  muscular  lines,  one  on  either  side,  commencing 


at  the  outer  termination  of  a  coracoidal  groove,  and  running  back- 
ward to  a  point  about  opposite  the  middle  of  the  keel. 

The  coracoidal  grooves  do  not  meet  at  the  manubrial  base  in  the 
median  line,  and  each  one  is  characterized  as  being  a  deep  trans- 
verse notch,  with  upper  and  lower  lips  of  projecting  bone  and  ex- 
tending laterally  only  so  far  as  the  inner  or  anterior  limit  of  the 
base  of  the  corresponding  costal  process.  My  former  memoir  in 
the  Journal  of  Anatomy  gives  figures  of  the  sternum  of  Geococcyx. 
With  respect  to  the  pectoral  arch,  I  find  a  coracoid  to  be,  compara- 
tively speaking,  an  unusually  long  bone ;  its  sternal  or  lower  border 
extends  beyond  the  facet  proper,  in  order  to  fit  into  the  coracoidal 
groove  of  the  sternum.  This  end  of  the  coracoid  is  not  as  much 
expanded  as  we  find  it  in  some  birds,  but,  on  the  other  hand,  like 
many  of  the  Class,  its  outer  angle  is  produced  and  bent  upward  as 
a  projecting  process. 

The  shaft  is  long  and  cylindrical,  being  marked  down  its  posterior 
and  lateral  aspects  by  muscular  lines. 

At  the  superior,  or  really  anterior  extremity  of  this  bone  we 
find  several  noteworthy  and  interesting  characters.  Its  scapular 
process  is  very  long,  and  compressed  from  side  to  side.  This 
apophysis  reaches  forward,  and  by  its  slightly  dilated  extremity 
articulates  with  a  vertically  concave  notch  in  the  lower  part  of  the 
head  of  the  corresponding  clavicle. 

Another  meeting  between  these  two  bones  takes  place  above,  and 
this  is  effected  by  the  summit  of  the  coracoid  curving  inward 
toward  the  median  plane,  to  articulate  with  a  considerable  facet 
found  at  the  highest  point  of  the  clavicular  head. 

These  two  articulations  between  the  furculum  and  the  coracoid 
completely  close  the  tendinal  canal,  even  without  the  assistance  of 
the  scapular  behind,  though  this  latter  bone  materially  aids  in  in- 
creasing the  actual  length  of  this  tendinal  passage,  by  closing  up 
the  posterior  gap. 

The  os  furcula  has  a  form  about  intermediate  between  the  usual 
U-  and  V-shapes  of  the  bone.  Regarding  it  from  a  lateral  aspect, 
the  actual  form  of  one  of  its  transversely  compressed  heads  can  be 
better  appreciated,  as  well  as  its  method  of  articulation  with  the 
other  bones  of  the  girdle.  This  part  of  the  skeleton  of  Geococcyx 
has  all  been  figured  in  my  former  memoir  on  its  osteology  in  the 
four?ial  af  Anatomy. 

Below  it  is  flattened  in  the  antero-posterior  direction,  and  termin- 


ates  in  an  elongated  hypocleidium.  This  latter  articulates  when 
the  arch  is  in  situ  with  the  carinal  angle  of  the  sternum,  in  the 
manner  described  in  a  foregoing  paragraph. 

A  scapula  assists  to  form  the  glenoid  cavity  in  the  usual  way, 
contributing  about  half  the  surface  to  that  humeral  socket.  Its 
clavicular  process  reaches  far  forward,  to  make  an  extensive  articu- 
lation with  the  head  of  the  furculum,  when  the  bones  are  in  the 
position  they  assume  in  life.  It  also  rests  further  forward  upon  the 
scapula  process  of  the  coracoid  than  is  usually  seen  among  birds. 
Sometimes  we  find  the  posterior  third  of  the  long,  narrow  blade  of 
this  bone  bent  down  more  abruptly  than  in  the  specimen  I  have 
figured  in  my  former  memoir,  and  its  end  is  always  rounded  off, 
rather  than  being  truncated,  as  is  commonly  the  condition  in  Aves. 

At  the  outer  and  back  part  of  the  shoulder-joint  in  the  adult 
Geococcyx  occurs  usually  a  very  minute  sesamoid,  known  as  the 
os  humero  scapulare,  and  I  am  led  to  believe  that  small  sesamoids 
may  yet  be  found  in  other  of  the  tendons  of  the  pectoral  extremity 
in  this  region. 

Of  the  Appendicular  Skeleton.  The  Pectoral  Limb. — Pneuma- 
ticity  is  extended  only  to  the  bone  of  the  brachium  in  this  limb, 
the  hollow  shafts  of  the  other  long  bones  being  charged  with 
medullary  substance. 

The  humeral  shaft  is  much  bowed,  and  in  such  a  manner  as  to  be 
convex  along  its  radial  border  and  concave  upon  the  opposite  side, 
which  concavity  is  more  apparent  owing  to  the  prominence  of  the 
ulnar  crest  and  the  peculiar  projection  of  the  distal  extremity  in 
the  continuity  of  this  curve. 

In  form  the  shaft  is  nearly  cylindrical  and  almost  entirely  devoid 
of  muscular  lines. 

At  the  proximal  end,  a  well-marked  valley  occurs  between  the 
ulnar  crest  and  the  spindleform  humeral  head.  The  former  has 
barely  any  pneumatic  fossa  at  its  base,  the  circular  foramen  there 
found  being  nearly  flush  with  the  general  surface  of  the  bone.  On 
the  opposite  aspect  we  find  a  short  though  prominent  radial  crest, 
which  makes  no  pretence  to  extend  its  lamelliform  plate  down  the 
shaft,  as  we  often  find  to  be  the  case  in  birds. 

The  distal  extremity  of  this  bone  presents  for  examination  the 
usual  oblique  and  ulnar  tubercle,  while,  as  already  alluded  to,  the 
ulnar  condyle  of  this  end  is  much  produced  and  very  prominent. 

The  anconal  aspect  immediately  above  the  trochlea  is  flat  and 


smooth,  the  opposite  side  showing  a  broad,  shallow  groove  for  the 
guidance  of  the  tendons  to  the  antibrachium.  A  fairly  well  devel- 
oped "  ectocondyloid  tubercle"  is  seen  at  its  usual  site,  on  the 
radial  border  of  the  shaft  just  above  the  oblique  trochlea. 

Following  the  example  of  the  humerus,  we  find  the  comparatively 
short  radius  and  ulna  very  much  bowed  along  the  continuity  of 
their  shafts.  This  gives  rise  to  a  broad  spindle-shaped  interosseous 
space,  the  two  bones  only  coming  in  contact  at  their  distal  and 
proximal  extremities  when  articulated. 

The  radius  is  not  nearly  so  much  bent  as  the  other  bone  of  the 
antibrachium,  and  presents  nothing  peculiar  about  it.  On  the 
other  hand,  the  ulna,  with  its  greatly  curved  shaft,  its  prominent 
row  of  secondary  papillae  and  its  well-developed  olecranon,  is 
quite  a  striking  bone  beside  it. 

Composing  the  elements  of  the  carpus,  the  two  usual  free  seg- 
ments are  seen  ;  of  these,  the  radiale  has  pretty  much  the  same  form 
as  it  assumes  among  birds  generally,  while  the  ulnare  takes  on  an 
entirely  different  shape.  It  does  not  develop  the  two  limbs  or 
processes  that  straddle  the  proximal  extremity  of  the  carpo-meta- 
carpus  when  the  bones  are  in  situ,  as  in  the  vast  majority  of  the 
Class,  but  is  simply  a  bar  of  bone,  with  one  end  enlarged  and  bear- 
ing at  its  summit  an  articular  facet  for  the  ulna. 

The  carpo-metacarpus  is  chiefly  interesting  for  its  peculiarly 
formed  mid-metacarpal.  This  is  uncommonly  broad  at  its  proxi- 
mal end  and  curiously  twisted  as  it  descends  to  anchylose  with  the 
lower  end  of  the  index  metacarpal,  or  main  shaft  of  this  compound 
bone.  So  far  as  I  have  been  enabled  to  discover,  the  phalanx  of 
pollex-digit  does  not  bear  a  terminal  claw,  and  the  bone  has  the 
usual  form  as  seen  in  most  birds.  Nothing  of  note  distinguishes  the 
two  phalanges  of  the  index  digit,  while  the  small  phalanx  of  the 
last  finger  develops,  at  the  middle  point  of  its  hinder  margin,  a 
curious  little  upturned  spur. 

Of  the  Pelvic  Limb. — As  in  the  pectoral  extremity,  the  proximal 
long  bone  of  this  limb,  the  femur,  is  the  only  one  in  it  that  enjoys 
a  pneumatic  condition.  The  site  of  the  foramen  that  admits  the  air 
to  its  hollow  shaft  is,  however,  quite  unique,  being  upon  the  poste- 
rior aspect  of  the  bone,  between  the  trochanter  and  head,  instead  of 
on  the  anterior  side,  as  usual,  below  the  trochanter. 

This  latter  feature  is  not  elevated  above  the  articular  surface  at 
the  summit,  and  the  semi-globular  head  is,  comparatively  speaking, 


rather  small.  A  shallow  excavation  upon  its  upper  side  marks  the 
usual  point  for  the.  insertion  of  the  round  ligament. 

The  subcylindrical  shaft  faintly  showing  the  muscular  lines  is 
considerably  bent  to  the  front,  and  at  its  distal  extremity  in  that 
situation  the  rotular  channel  is  well  marked,  the  condylar  ridges 
bounding  it  being  about  parallel  to  each  other. 

The  outer  and  larger  condyle  of  the  two  is  at  the  same  time  the 
lower,  and  the  fibular  cleft  that  marks  its  posterior  aspect  is  very 
wide  and  deeply  sculpt,  being  rather  more  to  the  outer  side  than  is 

Above  these  condyles,  behind,  the  popliteal  fossa  is  but  mod- 
erately excavated,  and  a  straight  transverse  line  bounding  it  below 
divides  it  from  the  general  trochlear  surface. 

We  find  in  the  next  segment  of  this  limb,  the  tibio-tarsus  with  a 
subcylindrical  shaft  below  its  fibular  ridge  that  is  slightly  bent  so 
as  to  be  in  the  vertical  line,  somewhat  convex  anteriorly.  The 
bending  here  though  is  not  nearly  so  great  as  we  find  it  to  be  in  the 
humerus  and  femur  or,  to  make  the  comparison  more  exact,  in  the 

The  cnemial  crest  of  this  leg-bone  is  but  little  raised  above  the 
undulating  articular  surface  of  its  summit,  while  the  pro-  and  ecto- 
cnemial  ridges  that  develop  below  it  are  not  peculiar. 

Their  planes  are  not  at  right  angles  to  each  other,  that  of  the  latter 
having  its  surface  facing  directly  to  the  front.  Neither  is  produced 
for  any  distance  down  the  shaft  of  the  bone,  but  they  terminate 
rather  abruptly  upon  it ;  the  procnemial  ridge  terminates  at  a  point 
about  opposite  the  superior  end  of  the  fibular  ridge  on  the  other 
side  of  the  shaft.. 

At  the  distal  extremity  of  the  tibio-tarsus  the  planes  of  the  con- 
dyles are  nearly  parallel  to  each  other,  and  these  trochlear  eminences 
are  strikingly  close  together  in  Geococcyx. 

The  intercondyloid  fossa  is  deeply  excavated  in  front,  to  become 
suddenly  much  shallower  behind  as  well  as  somewhat  narrower. 
Upon  lateral  view  it  will  be  seen  that  the  general  outline  of  either 
of  the  condyles  is  more  circular  than  we  usually  find  it  in  others  of 
the  Class,  where  a  reniform  pattern  prevails. 

Just  above  the  condyles,  on  the  anterior  aspect,  the  vertical 
tendinal  channel  is  spanned  by  the  usual  little  oblique  bridge  of 
bone,  and  this  is  supplemented  in  life  by  a  longer  ligamentous  one 
placed  in  front  of  it. 


The  fibula  has  a  large  head,  which  is  produced  backward  beyond 
its  shaft.  This  latter  makes  a  close  ligamentous  articulation  with 
the  fibular  ridge  of  the  tibio-tarsus,  and  at  some  little  distance 
below  it  merges  into  its  shaft  to  become  almost  indistinguishably 
fused  with  it. 

A  well-developed  subcordate  patella,  with  its  apex  directed 
below,  is  found  in  the  usual  tendon  in  Geococcyx. 

The  tarso-metatarsus  of  the  Road  Runner  is  a  longer  bone  than 
we  would  be  led  to  expect,  had  we  in  our  possession  but  the  other 
long  bones  of  this  limb  to  judge  from. 

Its  summit  presents  for  examination  the  two  concavities  for  the 
condyles  of  the  tibio-tarsus,  separated  by  the  mid-tubercle.  Behind 
this  we  find  a  short  hypotarsus,  showing  two  vertical  grooves  at  its 
back  and  two  vertical  perforations  through  it. 

The  sides  and  front  of  this  bone  are  flat,  the  latter  for  its  proxi- 
mal half  being  longitudinally  grooved,  deepest  above,  gradually 
becoming  shallower  as  it  descends.  Posteriorly  it  is  likewise 
grooved  in  a  somewhat  similar  way ;  but  here  the  outer  wall  of  the 
groove  is  raised  as  a  sharp  longitudinal  crest,  best  marked  at  the 
middle  third  of  the  shaft  and  gradually  subsiding  toward  the 

At  the  distal  end  we  note  the  three  usual  trochleas  for  the  basal 
joints  of  the  toes,  as  shown  in  fig.  27  of  my  former  memoir;  how- 
ever, in  this  zygodactyle  bird  the  outer  one  of  these  is  extended  to 
the  rear  in  such  a  manner  as  to  allow  the  fourth  toe  to  articulate  in 
that  direction. 

Of  these  trochleas  the  middle  one  is  much  the  largest  and  is 
placed  the  lowest  down ;  it  is  the  only  one  of  the  three  that  shows 
the  distinct  median  groove.  The  trochlea  for  the  fourth  toe  is 
much  elevated,  while  the  inner  one  holds  about  a  mid-position  in 
this  respect. 

A  well-developed  accessory  metatarsal,  slung  by  a  ligament  in  the 
usual  way,  is  found  between  the  shaft  and  the  basal  joint  of  the 
hallux.  The  perforating  foramen  "for  the  passage  of  the  anterior 
tibial  artery  is  small  and  inconspicuous,  being  at  the  same  time 
quite  low  down  on  the  shaft. 

The  joints  of  these  podal  digits  are  harmoniously  proportioned, 
both  as  regards  size  and  comparative  length.  Beyond  being  typi- 
cally zygodactyle,  they  offer  nothing  of  particular  note. 

Before  reducing  my  specimens  to  skeletons  I  failed  to  make  any 


special  examinations  as  to  the  condition  of  the  ossifications  of  the 
columella  auris  in  the  adult  Geococcyx.  I  find,  however,  among 
other  normal  ossifications  in  this  type  some  twelve  or  thirteen 
sclerotal  plates  in  either  eye,  overlapping  each  other  in  a  somewhat 
irregular  manner.  As  in  certain  other  birds,  some  of  the  tendons 
of  the  pelvic  limb  in  old  individuals  of  this  Cuckoo  are  converted 
into  bone,  and  small  sesamoids  may  be  found  about  the  proximal 
extremities  of  the  basal  joints  in  the  soles  of  the  feet.  The  entire 
skeleton  of  the  pelvic  limb  for  Geococcyx  is  figured  in  my  former 
memoir  in  the  Journal  of  Anatomy. 



My  collection  contains  the  skeleton  of  the  nestling  of  the  Cuckoo 
now  under  consideration,  secured  at  the  time  immediately  before 
the  bird  quits  the  nest.  This  skeleton  is  disarticulated,  and,  like 
all  the  skeletons  of  immature  birds,  offers  a  very  instructive  object 
for  study. 

Several  years  ago,  as  I  have  said  in  the  Introduction  above,  I 
published  in  the  London  Journal  of  Anatomy  (Vol.  xxi,  p.  101)  an 
observation  upon  the  tibio-tarsus  of  the  pelvic  limb  to  this  skeleton, 
and  the  substance  of  these  remarks  with  addenda  are  herewith 

It  is  a  well-known  fact  that  the  proximal  extremity  of  the  tibio- 
tarsal  shaft  is  much  larger  and  more  bulky  in  the  young  of  certain 
birds  than  it  is  in  the  adults  of  the  same  species. 

This  is  very  appreciably  the  case  in  many  Gallinaceous  fowls,  and 
I  have  already  remarked  upon  it  as  a  striking  feature  in  the  skeleton 
of  the  young  of  Centrocercus  tirophasianus ;  while  in  our  present 
subject,  this  immature  Geococcyx,  this  condition  obtains  to  an 
extent  unequaled,  so  far  as  my  observations  go,  by  any  of  the 

Further,  that  portion  of  the  tibio-tarsus,  which  in  the  old  bird 
eventually  becomes  the  antero-superior  part  of  the  shaft,  and  sup- 
ports the  pro-  and  ectocnemial  processes,  is  in  the  young  individual 
developed  as  a  separate  epiphysis.  Formerly,  from  careful  exami- 
nation of  material,  it  appeared  to  me  that  this  epiphysis  was  super- 
added to  the  true  epiphysis  of  the  summit  of  the  shaft  of  this  bone  of 
the  leg,  and  thus  corresponded  to  the  olecranon  of  the  ulna.     (See 


Proc.  U.  S.  Nat.  Mas.,  Vol.  vii,  1884,  p.  324.)  Upon  carefully 
re-examining  this  material  at  the  present  writing  it  certainly  seems 
that  this  is  the  case,  but  I  would  prefer  to  microscopically  investi- 
gate a  series  of  these  bones  of  all  ages  and  properly  stained  before 
restating  the  opinion. 

In  Geococcyx  the  proximal  end  of  the  ti bio-tarsus  appears  to  pos- 
sess a  terminal  epiphysis,  something  similar  to  what  we  see  in  the 
Frog,  and  to  this  is  super-added  the  additional  piece,  as  already 
stated  above ;  and  as  age  advances  in  the  individual  the  proximal 
third  of  the  shaft,  so  much  larger  than  it  actually  is  in  the  adult, 
becomes  gradually  absorbed  so  in  time  to  be  equal  to  it  in  size. 
(See  PI.  I,  Fig.  6.)  This  is  very  curious.  The  lower  two-thirds  of 
the  bone  in  the  young  has  a  calibre  proportionately  less  than  the 
corresponding  part  in  the  adult  and  is  in  harmony  with  the  size  of 
the  bird. 

I    regret   to  say  that   ossification  had  proceeded   so  far  in  this 
specimen   that  I   was  unable   to  determine  anything   beyond  the 
single  segment  at  the  distal  extremity  of  the  bone,  and  additional 
material  is  required  for  me  to  decide  whether  or  no  the  intermedium, 
as  described  by  Morse,  develops  in  Geococcyx  as  a  separate  ossicle , 

In  this  young  bird  the  pelvis  already  exhibits  all  of  those  peculiar 
features,  which  makes  it  so  interesting  a  subject  for  study  in  the 
adult,  while  points  of  somewhat  minor  importance  are  to  be  noted 
in  other  parts  of  the  skeleton.  The  anterior  half  of  the  sternum  is 
quite  complete,  and  all  in  one  piece,  while  its  posterior  portion  is 
entirely  in  cartilage,  and  as  yet  gives  no  hint  as  to  the  form  it  will 
eventually  assume — even  the  xiphoidal  prolongations  not  being 

On  the  Osteology  of  Crotophaga. 

Through  the  courtesy  of  the  U.  S.  National  Museum  I  have  the 
following  osteological  material  before  me  to  illustrate  the  skeleton 
in  this  extraordinary  genus  of  Cuckoos,  representing  as  they  do  the 
subfamily  Crotophagince..  First,  nearly  a  complete  skeleton  of  C. 
sulcirostris  (No.  6467) ;  the  sternum,  shoulder-girdle  and  ribs  of  a 
specimen  of  C.  rugirostris  (No.  7048)  ;  finally,  the  same  bones  from 
a  skeleton  of  C.  ani  (No.  432,  Bryarth  coll.).  (See  PL  II,  Figs.  8, 
9  and  11.) 

In  some  few  particulars  there  is  a  curious  resemblance  between 
the  lateral  view  of  the  skull  of  Crotophaga  and  the  same  view  of  the 


skull  of  the  Common  Puffin  (Fratercula),  but  upon  careful  scrutiny 
we  at  once  see  that  Crotophaga  possesses  a  true  cuculine  skull,  and 
one  that,  for  at  least  the  posterior  moiety  of  the  basal  aspect  of  its 
cranium,  reminds  us  not  a  little  of  Huxley's  figure  of  Cuculus 
ca?wrus  (P.  Z.  S.,  1867,  p.  444,  Fig.  26).  Among  our  Cuckoos, 
however,  Caccyzus  is  the  bird  that  appears  to  have  a  skull  most  like 
Cuculus,  and  Crotophaga  upon  the  lateral  view  of  its  skull  reminds 
us  of  neither  of  those  species. 

Regarding  the  skull  of  this  Ani  upon  its  upper  aspect,  we  are 
enabled  to  see  how  the  subcompressed,  lofty  superior  osseous  man- 
dible mounds  up  mesially  just  in  front  of  the  very  distinct  cranio- 
facial line.  The  culmen  is  sharp  and  arches  over  handsomely  to 
the  tip  of  the  decurved  apex  of  the  beak.  The  small  subcircular 
nostrils  can  also  be  partially  seen  upon  this  view  and  the  minute 
foramen  that  perforates  either  nasal  bone.  The  large  lacrymals 
have  much  the  form  they  have  in  Geococcyx  and  articulate  with  the 
surrounding  bones  in  precisely  the  same  manner.  Longitudinally, 
in  the  middle  line,  between  the  orbits,  the  frontal  region  exhibits  a 
moderately-raised,  rounded  eminence,  extending  backward  upon 
this  aspect  as  far  as  the  vault  of  the  brain-case ;  and  this  inter- 
orbital  space  is  quite  broad  in  Crotophaga — proportionately  much 
more  so  than  it  is  in  Geococcyx. 

This  breadth  is  likewise  enjoyed  by  the  smooth,  rounded  super- 
ficies of  the  cranial  vault. 

Laterally  this  skull  presents  a  well-marked  temporal  (crotaphyte) 
fossa ;  a  small  post-frontral  process  directed  downward,  and  a 
much  larger  arched  squamosal  one  directed  forward  and  only 
slightly  downward. 

The  quadrato-jugal  bar  is  straight  and  slender  between  quadrate 
and  lacrymal,  while  the  small  sesamoid  at  its  posterior  end  seems  to 
be  in  a  ligament  passing  from  it  to  the  os  quadratum. 

The  capacious  orbits  are  only  separated  from  each  other  by  a 
thin,  incomplete  septum,  and  the  foramina  in  the  anterior  wall  of 
the  brain-case  are  large  and  may  merge  to  some  extent. 

Os  quadratum  is  large,  with  a  good-sized  orbital  process.  Its 
various  projections  are  thin  and  compressed,  while  a  deep  notch 
separates  its  two  mandibular  facets.  Pars  plana  is  also  of  good 
size,  fusing  with  the  frontal  above,  where  it  is  pierced  internally  by 
a  single  foramen  (two  in  Geococcyx)  ;  its  infero-external  angle 
being  somewhat  drawn  out  into  a  stumpy  apophysis.     This  osseous 


partition  aided  by  the  large,  descending  part  of  the  lacrymal  forms 
a  very  efficient  bulwark  between  the  orbit  and  the  rhinal  chamber  ; 
while,  laterally,  in  front  of  the  last  mentioned  bone  quite  a  sizable 
vacuity  exists  ere  arriving  at  the  posterior  edge  of  the  nasal. 

The  base  of  this  vacuity  is  spanned  by  the  slender  maxillary. 
Either  aural  entrance  is  capacious,  and  underspanned  by  a  fairly 
well-developed  tympanic  bulla.  A  side  of  the  osseous  superior 
mandible  is  flat  and  nearly  smooth,  being  only  slightly  scarred  by 
delicate  vascular  venations.  Passing  next  to  the  base  of  this  skull 
we  find  the  basitemporal  region  smooth  and  rather  contracted,  the 
tympanic  bulla  dipping  down  considerably  below  it  upon  either 
hand.  A  pointed  bony  shield  underlaps  the  anterior  entrance  to 
the  Eustachian  tubes,  and  the  foraminal  apertures  for  the  hypo- 
glossal and  vagus  nerves,  and  the  carotids  are  very  small  and  incon- 
spicuous. The  lower  border  of  the  sphenoidal  rostrum  is  narrow 
and  rounded,  while  either  pterygoid  is  somewhat  short,  straight  and 
characterized  by  a  raised  and  sharpened  superior  border  for  its  an- 
terior two-thirds.  These  bones  articulate  far  forward  from  the 
cranial  base,  and  no  sign  whatever  is  seen  of  basipterygoidal  pro- 

For  their  rmajor  part  the  palatines  lie  in  the  horizontal  plane, 
they  being  for  their  lengths  nearly  of  uniform  width,  and  their 
postero-external  angles  are  very  much  and  completely  rounded  off. 
They  are  in  contact  along  the  middle  line  next  the  rostrum  but  do 
not  seem  to  fuse  together  there,  and  their  supero-mesial  margins 
are  produced  forward  into  a  single  and  diminutive  spicula  of  bone, 
which  possibly  represent  the  vomer.  Crotophaga  is  desmognathous 
by  the  fusion  of  its  delicate  and  spongy  maxillo-palatines  across  the 
middle  line.  Indistinguishably  fused  with  these  seems  to  be  an 
osseous  septum  narium,  and  the  spongy  osseous  tissue  that  fills  in 
the  hinder  moiety  of  the  cavity  of  the  upper  mandible.  The 
prepalatine  portions  of  the  palatines  are  in  intimate  contact  with 
the  maxillo-palatines,  while  anteriorly  these  horizontal  plates  be- 
come continuous  with  the  flat  bony  roof  of  the  nether  surface  of  the 
osseous  beak ;  quite  as  we  fine  them  in  all  of  our  Cucididcz. 

With  respect  to  the  mandible,  we  find  it  of  the  V-shaped  pattern, 
with  a  moderately  deep  symphysis,  the  latter  being  concaved  above 
and  roundly  sharpened  along  the  median  line  below.  The  ramal 
sides  are  of  nearly  uniform  depth  throughout  and  are  by  no  means 
narrow ;  the  interangular  vacuity  behind  being  small  (PL  II,  Fig.  8). 

PROC.  AMEK    PHILOS.  SOC.  XL.  165.  C      PRINTED  JUNE  1,  1901. 

S-k  SHUFELDT — 03TE0L0GY    OF   THE   CUCKOOS.  [Jan.  4, 

Either  articular  cup  is  well  concaved,  with  its  inturned  process 
much  produced  and  spine-like.  Behind,  the  process  is  short  and 
stumpy.  Comparatively  speaking  it  is  a  stronger  lower  jaw  than 
has  either  Geococcyx  or  Coccyzus. 

Typically  cuculine,  the  delicate  hyoidean  arches  of  Crotophaga 
present  us  with  little  worthy  of  especial  remark.  They  agree  in  the 
main  with  what  was  shown  to  obtain  in  those  parts  in  the  "  Road 
Runner."  We  must  note,  however,  that  in  the  Ani  the  cerato- 
hyals  are  but  mere  granules  of  bone  that  neither  fuse  with  nor  meet 
each  other,  but  simply  rest  against  the  anterior  tip,  on  either  hand, 
of  the  first  basibranchial. 

I  have  not  examined  the  sclerotal  plates  of  the  eye,  nor  the 
intrinsic  bones  of  the  ear.     They  were  lost  from  my  specimens. 

Beddard  has  said  that 

"Crotophaga  a?ii  is  well  known  to  possess  a  bronchial  syrinx,  which  may 
be  considered  as  more  specialized  than  that  of  Geococcyx  and  Pyrrho- 
centor,  in  that  the  membrana  tympaniformis  is  limited  to  the  posterior 
bronchial  rings,  commencing  with  about  the  seventh,  and  does  not  ex- 
tend up  to  the  point  of  bifurcation  of  the  bronchi ;  in  this  respect  the 
syrinx  of  Crotophaga  resembles  that  of  Steatornis,  which  has  been  care- 
fully described  by  Prof.  Garrod."  l 

As  in  that  bird,  the  bronchi  arise  from  the  trachea  much  as  they 
do  in  the  Mammalia ;  the  first  nine  rings  of  each  bronchus  are 
entire  ;  the  tenth  and  eleventh  rings  are  considerably  wider  from 
side  to  side,  and  their  extremities  are  connected  by  membrane 
which  forms  the  inner  neck  of  the  bronchus ;  the  succeeding  rings 
become  gradually  narrower  and  are  similarly  completed  internally 
by  membrane.  In  Steatornis  the  membrana  tympaniformis  is  only 
of  limited  extent,  the  posterior  rings  of  the  bronchi  being,  like  the 
anterior  rings,  complete  ;  in  Crotophaga  this  is  not  the  case — all  the 
bronchial  rings,  commencing  with  the  seventh,  are  semirings ;  there 
is  a  single  pair  of  slender  intrinsic  muscles  attached,  one  on  each 
side  of  the  tenth  bronchial  semiring.2 

As  in  the  case  of  Geococcyx,  Crotophaga  has  eighteen  free  vertebrae 
between  the  skull  and  the  pelvis,  and  although  these  have  the  same 
general  characters  as  the  corresponding  segments  in  the  spinal 
column  of  the  Ground  Cuckoo,  they  have  special  features  of  their 
own.      For  instance,   the   fifth   to  the   eighth   cervicals  develop  a 

1  Coll.  Scientif.  Papers,  p.  188. 
'/».  Z.  S.,  1885,  p.  173. 


slender  osseous  bar,  on  either  side,  joining  the  pre-  and  postzyga- 
pophyses,  a  character  that  gradually  disappears  in  the  next  few  suc- 
ceeding vertebrae.  Again,  we  see  strong,  median  hypapophyses  in 
the  last  cervicals  and  some  of  the  leading  dorsals,  and  the  neural 
spines  to  the  latter  are  much  as  we  find  them  in  Geococcyx  only 
being  one  or  two  more  in  number.  Crotophaga  seems  in  the  main 
to  agree  also  in  the  nature  and  arrangement  of  its  ribs ;  they  differ, 
however,  in  the  specimens  before  me  by  having  a  very  rudimentary 
pair  on  the  twelfth  cervical.  There  is  also  a  peculiar  pair  of  short, 
stumpy  ribs,  detected  considerably  backward,  articulating  with  the 
first  vertebra  of  the  pelvis. 

The  skeleton  of  the  tail  agrees  practically  with  the  same  part  of 
the  bird  as  we  find  it  in  Geococcyx,  and  this  remark  essentially 
applies  to  the  pelves  of  these  species  of  Cuckoos — though  in  Croto- 
phaga the  ilia  behind  do  not  curl  outward  quite  so  much  in  pro- 
portion, and  the  prepubic  spine  or  process  is  relatively  not  so 

As  to  their  shoulder-girdles,  Crotophaga  sulcirostris  and  Geococcyx 
agree  pretty  well,  though  in  the  former  bird  we  find  very  notably 
narrow  scapulae, — long  and  pointed,  while  the  hypocleidium  to  the 
os  furcula  is  relatively  as  large  as  we  find  it  in  most  passerine  birds, 
being  curved  backward  and  upward,  when  the  bones  are  in  situ, 
and  occupies  the  lower  part  of  the  recess  formed  by  the  anterior 
concaved  border  of  the  sternal  keel.  Os  furcula  itself  is  more 
broadly  rounded  below  than  it  is  in  Geococcyx.  In  other  species  of 
Crotophaga  these  characters  are  not  quite  so  strongly  marked,  ap- 
proaching, perhaps,  more  nearly  what  we  see  in  the  Ground  Cuckoo. 

One  would  now  naturally  suppose  from  the  number  of  points  of 
agreement  in  the  trunk-skeletons  of  these  two  species  thus  far 
enumerated,  that  we  would  surely  find  their  sterna  modeled  upon 
the  same  plan.  This,  however,  is  by  no  means  the  case,  for 
although  Crotophaga  sulcirostris  has  essentially  a  cuculine  sternum, 
with  a  relatively  deeper  carina  than  has  Geococcyx,1  it  differs  radi- 
cally in  the  xiphoidal  portion  of  the  bone,  for  it  has  but  one 
rather  shallow  notch  upon  either  side ;  whereas,  as  we  have  seen, 
Geococcyx  agrees  with  Coccyzus  in  possessing  two.  In  Crotophaga 
ani  this  shallow  notching  of  the  xiphoidal  margin  of  the  sternum 

1  This  deeper  sternal  keel  we  might  naturally  expect  to  find,  being  a  character 
often  seen  when  we  come  to  compare  birds  that  are  by  nature  flyers,  with  those 
that  habitually  spend  the  most  of  their  time  upon  the  ground. 


is  carried  to  its  mininum,  and  almost  entirely  disappears,  the  border 
of  the  bone  in  question  well-nigh  becoming  entire. 

Being  constructed  upon  exactly  the  same  principle,  I  find  noth- 
ing especial  requiring  description  in  the  pectoral  limb  of  Crotophaga, 
further  than  what  has  already  been  given  above  for  Geococcyx. 
(See  PI.  II,  Fig.  9.)  Practically  the  characters  are  the  same  in  all 
the  bones  composing  the  skeleton  of  this  extremity  in  these  two 
Cuckoos,  and  I  also  find  that  a  small  os  humero-scapulare  is  present 
in  the  Anis. 

With  respect  to  the  pelvic  limb,  this  statement  applies  with  almost 
equal  truth,  though  in  Crotophaga  the  procnemial  process  of  the 
tibio-tarsus  is  not  as  well  developed ;  it  has  but  a  single  tendinal 
perforation  through  the  hypotarsus  of  the  tarso-metatarsus,  and  that 
process  is  peculiarly  capped  off  by  a  plate  of  bone ;  and,  finally, 
in  Crotophaga  the  longitudinal  excavation  adown  the  anterior 
aspect  of  the  tarso-metatarsus  is,  comparatively  speaking,  much 
deeper  than  it  is  in  Geococcyx.  Aside  from  these  apparently  minor 
difference's  the  skeletons  of  the  pelvic  limbs  of  these  two  cuculine 
types  are  fundamentally  the  same. 

The  Genus  Coccyzus  Osteologically  Considered. 

Forms  of  this  group,  as  C.  americanus,  have  a  skull,  with  its  asso- 
ciated skeletal  parts,  very  much  like  Geococcyx,  and  quite  different 
from  what  we  have  just  described  above  for  Crotophaga.  (See  PL 
II,  Fig,  7.)  So  much  is  this  the  case  that  I  will  not  enter  upon  a 
detailed  description  of  the  skull  of  Coccyzus  but  rather  give  some 
of  the  chief  departures  it  makes  from  the  corresponding  characters 
as  they  occur  in  that  part  of  the  skeleton  of  the  Ground  Cuckoo. 

In  Coccyzus,  and  essentially  too  in  Ce?itropus  and  Diplopterus,  the 
structure  of  all  the  osseus  parts  of  the  superior  mandible  practically 
agree,  both  in  form  and  relations,  with  what  we  find  in  Geococcyx. 
The  former  species,  however,  has  a  relatively  shorter  and  broader 
bill,  but  its  maxillary  processes,  at  the  same  time,  are  not  only  rela- 
tively, but  (usually)  actually  longer  than  they  are  in  Geococcyx. 

A  lacrymal  bone  in  Coccyzus  has  its  descending  portion  only 
represented  by  an  outwardly-curved,  delicate  spicula  of  bone ;  the 
structure  as  a  whole  reminding  us  very  much  of  the  lacrymal  as  we 
find  it  in  many  of  our  Tetraonidce. 

This  is  by  no  means  the  case,  however,  in  Centropus  and  in 
Diplopterus  nozvius,  where  in  both  these  genera  the  lacrymal  bones 


are,  comparatively  speaking,  large  and  conspicuous,  especially  in 
the  last-named  species  (see  PI.  II,  Fig.  15). 

Posteriorly,  the  crotophyte  fossae  of  Coccyzus  more  nearly  ap- 
proach each  other  than  they  do  in  Geococcyx,  and  a  pterygoid  in  the 
former  species  develops  a  raised,  thin  crest  on  the  superior  aspect 
of  its  anterior  moiety,  a  character  I  do  not  find  at  all  in  the  Road 
Runner.  These  fossae  are  very  deep  in  Centropus  superciliosus  and 
nearly  meet  behind,  while  in  Diplopterus  ncevius  they  are  shallow 
and  widely  separated  posteriorly. 

Coccyzus  may  or  may  not  possess  a  minute  spiculiform  vomer.  I 
have  examined  adult  fresh  specimens  to  decide  this  very  point,  and 
have  found  old  individuals  where  this  element  was  undoubtedly 
missing,  while  I  have  found  it  very  feebly  developed  in  others.1 

Turning  next  to  the  remainder  of  the  skeleton  we  find  eighteen 
free  vertebrae  between  skull  and  pelvis  in  the  spinal  column,  as  in 
Ce?itropus  and  Diplopterus  ncevius,  and  their  characters  are  essen- 
tially the  same  as  I  have  described  them  for  Geococcyx.  This  state- 
ment also  applies  to  the  caudal  vertebrae,  but  the  number  and 
arrangement  of  the  ribs  do  not  either  agree  with  the  Ground 
Cuckoo  nor  with  the  Ani. 

There  are  three  pairs  of  free  cervical  ribs ;  four  pairs  of  dorsal 
ribs  that  connect  with  the  sternum  by  haemapophyses ;  and  finally, 
a  pair  of  pelvic  ribs  that  lack  epipleural  appendages  and  whose 
costal  ribs  do  not  quite  succeed  in  reaching  the  costal  border  of  the 
sternum.  This  last  pair  appear  to  be  absent  in  Diplopterus  ncevius 
(PL  II,  Fig.  14). 

The  pelvis  is  cuculine  in  its  general  character,  but  differs  consid- 
erably from  the  pelvis  of  Geococcyx.  Its  ilia  curl  but  little  over  the 
ilio-ischiac  foramen  upon  either  side,  and  the  coalescence  between 
the  internal  margins  of  the  ilia  and  the  sacral  crista  is  more 
thorough.  The  prepubis  is  very  small.  In  none  of  the  N.  American 
Cuckoos  are  the  parapophyses  of  the  sacral  vertebrae  opposite  the 
acetabulae  upon  the  ventral  aspects  of  the  pelvis,  especially  length- 

1  Especial  attention  is  invited  to  the  morphology  of  the  external  narial  aper- 
tures of  the  superior  osseous  mandible  of  Geococcyx,  Coccygus,  and  Crotophaga. 
In  the  latter  they  are  clean  cut,  subcircular,  and  comparatively  small :  while  in 
Geococcyx  and  Coccygus  they  are  large  and  subelliptical,  but  more  or  less  masked 
by  the  bony  lamina  that  extends  over  them,  leaving  in  the  case  of  the  first-men- 
tioned species  a  rather  small  anterior  narial  aperture,  with  usually  two  apertures 
in  Coccyzus,  an  anterior  and  a  posterior  one.  They  are  small  and  fairly  clean  cut 
in  Diplopterus  ncevius,  but  large  and  triangular  in  Centropus. 


ened  and  strengthened  to  act  as  tie-beams  to  brace  the  line  of 
pressure  between  the  femora. 

In  Ceniropus  superciliosus  the  prepubic  spines  of  the  pelvis  are 
conspicuously  produced,  while  the  postpubic  element  upon  either 
side  extends  but  very  little  beyond  the  bone  above  it  posteriorly. 
Then  in  the  curious  pelvis  of  this  Cuckoo  the  ilio-neural  grooves 
are  very  short  and  are  arched  over  simply  by  the  much  antero-pos- 
teriorly  compressed  arches  of  one  of  the  included  vertebrae  (PI.  II, 
Fig.  13).  In  Diplopterus  ncevius  these  grooves  are  open  and 
shallow,  while  the  slender  postpubic  elements  sweep  far  out  behind, 
and  the  prepubic  spine  is  barely  noticeable.  In  other  words  the 
pelves  of  these  two  Cuckoos  are  essentially  very  different.  Centro- 
pus  has  all  the  main  cuculine  characters  well  pronounced,  while  the 
pelvis  in  Diplopterus  closely  resembles  that  part  of  the  skeleton  in 
some  of  the  passerine  birds. 

Several  interesting  points  are  presented  on  the  part  of  the  bones 
composing  the  shoulder-girdle  in  Coccyzus.  A  scapula  is  compara- 
tively not  quite  as  long  nor  as  narrow  as  we  find  it  in  Crotophaga, 
and  its  posterior  fourth,  in  some  specimens,  is  inclined  to  be  broad- 
ened, and  bent  slightly  outward.  At  the  sternal  end  of  a  coracoid, 
at  its  outer  side,  we  meet  with  a  conspicuous,  upturned  and  sharpened 
process.  The  hypocleidium  of  the  os  furcula  of  some  specimens  of 
Coccyzus  americanus  is  of  a  peculiar  form,  having  a  crescentic  shape 
with  the  concave  aspect  of  the  line  looking  toward  the  manubrium 
of  the  sternum. 

Comparatively  shorter  and  broader  than  we  find  it  in  Geococcyx, 
this  latter  bone  nevertheless  practically  agrees  with  the  sternum  of 
the  Ground  Cuckoo  and  with  Diplopterus. 

Its  deeper  keel  has  still  the  true  cuculine  pattern,  and  there  are 
two  notches  upon  either  side  of  it,  behind,  and  these  are  deep  in  the 
last  named  genus.  Of  the  xiphoidal  processes  thus  formed  the 
strong  outer  pair  possess  dilated  hinder  ends,  while  the  weaker 
inner  pair  are,  upon  either  side,  inclined  by  their  posterior  tips 
toward  the  postero-external  angles  of  the  mid-portion  of  the 
xiphoidal  prolongation.  In  some  of  the  Bornean  Meropidce  these 
tips  fuse  at  the  angular  points  just  mentioned.  As  in  all  N.  Ameri- 
can Cuculidce,  the  sternum  is  a  very  thoroughly  pneumatic  bone.1 

1  A  number  of  the  skeletal  characters  in  the  case  of  Coccyzus  are  liable  to 
vary  and  depart  to  some  extent  from  the  descriptions  I  am  here  giving ;  among 
which  are  the  depth  of  the  xiphoidal  no'ches ;  the  form  of  the  hypocleidium  of 


Some  points  of  interest  are  to  be  seen  in  the  trachea  of  Coccyzus, 
for  in  this  Cuckoo,  the  tracheal  rings  differ  very  markedly  from 
what  we  found  to  be  the  case  in  Geococcyx,  in  that  some  of  them 
are  as  fully  and  completely  ossified  as  are  any  of  the  tracheal  rings 
among  the  Passer es.  This  is  likewise  the  case  in  Centropus.  The 
pessulus  also  ossifies,  as  do  the  arytenoid  bones  and  the  thyroid 

As  for  the  hyoidean  apparatus  it  seems  to  agree  with  the  skeleton 
of  it  in  all  ordinary  Cuckoos,  and  practically  agrees  with  the  corre- 
sponding parts  in  Croiophaga} 

No  especial  nor  detailed  description  is  required  for  the  pectoral 
and  pelvic  limbs  of  Ccccyzus.  The  skeleton  of  these  parts  is  cucu- 
line  in  all  particulars,  differing  but  little  from  what  has  already 
been  described  above  for  other  United  States  Cuckoos. 

In  the  case  of  the  pelvic  limb,  this  genus  of  birds  agrees  with  Croio- 
phaga in  that  pro-  and  ecto-cnemial  processes  of  the  tibio-tarsus  are 
quite  feebly  produced  ;  while,  on  the  other  hand,  the  hypotarsus  of 
the  tarso-metatarsus  agrees  with  the  corresponding  apophysis  as  we 
found  it  in  Geococcyx  in  that  it  exhibits  two  vertical  perforations 
for  the  passage  of  tendons,  instead  of  one,  as  we  found  to  be  the 
case  among  the  Anis.  Coccyzus  also  has  the  fibula  short  and  weak, 
and  the  patella  in  this  Cuckoo  is  comparatively  very  small.2 

the  os  furcula;  the  amount  of  fusion  engaged  in  between  the  sacral  crista  and 
the  internal  margins  of  the  ilia,  and  other  points ;  and  this  remark  applies  to  a 
number  of  other  species  and  genera  of  the  Tree  Cuckoos; 

1  This  statement  must  be  taken  only  tentatively,  for  peisonally  I  rely  upon 
Beddard's  description  of  the  ossifications  of  the  trachea  in  Croiophaga,  and  a 
fuller  examination  of  the  trachea  in  Coccyzus  may  go  to  show  that  the  parts  are 
more  alike  in  Coccyzus  and  Geococcyx  than  in  Coccyzus  and  Croiophaga.  It 
is  a  point  that  requires  more  extended  examination.  In  fact  all  these  structures 
need  a  much  fuller  reseirch  than  they  have  as  yet  had  bestowed  upon  them. 

2  Since  the  above  account  was  written  I  came  across  some  special  cotes  that  I 
had  made  and  set  aside  five  or  six  years  ago  upon  the  skeleton  of  Diplopterus 
ncevius  in  the  collection  of  the  U.  S.  National  Museum,  and  although  these  notes 
duplicate  one  or  two  of  the  statements  already  made  above,  they  are  sufficiently 
full  in  other  particulars  to  warrant  their  being  inserted  here  as  a  footnote  to 
render  the  account  of  the  osteology  of  that  species  more  complete.  They  run  as 
follows : 

In  Diplopterus  na:vius  the  superior  osseous  mandible  is  considerably  shorter 
than  the  remainder  of  the  skull,  measuring  from  the  very  distinct  cranio-facial 

Its  culmen  is  rounded  and  the  whole  bill  decurved,  while  the  external  narial 


Notes  on  the  Skeleton  of  a  Nestling  of   Coccyzus   ameri- 


Allusion  has  already  been  made  in  a  former  paragraph  of  this 
memoir  to  the  material  here  to  be  considered.    The  skeleton  I  have 

aperture  is  much  as  we  find  it  in  Geococcyx.  The  frontal  region  is  narrow, 
concaved,  and  the  cranial  vault  agrees  in  form  with  that  region  in  Coccyzus. 

The  temporal  or  crotaphyte  fossae,  though  well  marked,  are  confined  to  the 
lateral  aspect  of  the  skull.  Postfrontal  and  squamosal  processes  agree  better 
with  what  we  found  in  Crotophaga  sulcirostris,  while  the  quadrate  agrees  in 
form  with  that  bone  in  the  average  cuculine  types.  The  central  portion  of  the 
interorbital  septum  is  very  deficient  in  bone,  as  in  the  Ground  Cuckoos.  A  pars 
plana  is  ample,  quadrilateral  in  outline  and  exhibits  a  single  nervous  foramen 
above  it.  The  lacrymal  practically  agrees  with  that  bone  as  it  is  seen  in  Geo- 
coccyx, as  does  the  quadrato-jugal  rod.  Turning  to  the  base  of  the  cranium,  we 
find  a  pterygoid  to  agree  with  the  corresponding  element  in  Coccyzus,  with  its 
superior  crest  still  better  marked.  The  palatines,  although  cuculine  in  their 
general  features,  are  peculiar,  for  their  prepalatine  portions  are  markedly 
narrow,  their  widest  parts  being  at  the  middle  of  the  postpalatines,  and  finally  a 
distinct,  spiculiform  process  of  no  great  length  juts  out  from  either  postero- 
external angle. 

A  rudimentary  spine-like  vomer  may  be  present.  Posteriorly,  the  backward- 
extending  bulbous  ends  of  the  maxillo-palatines  are  well  separated  in  the  median 
line,  and  it  is  only  anteriorly  that  desmognathism  is  shown  by  the  fusion  of  these 
processes  with  the  mass  of  spongy  bone  tissue  occupying  the  forepart  of  the 
rhinal  chambers. 

This  last  seems  to  be  deposited  about  a  true  osseous  septum  narium.  Either 
nasal  is  perforated  by  a  minute  foramen,  to  which  I  have  invited  attention  in 
other  Cuckoos  and  the  Kingfishers :  internally  one  of  the  elements  develops  an 
osseous  spine  that  is  sent  downward  and  inward  toward  the  maxillo-palatine  of 
the  same  side.     The  maxillaries  are  typically  cuculine. 

The  mandible  is  V-shaped,  decurved,  with  short  symphysis  and  small  ramal 

Diplopterus  ncevius  has  eighteen  free  vertebras  between  skull  and  pelvis,  with 
the  ribs  arranged  just  as  we  find  them  in  Geococcyx ;  it  differs,  however,  in 
having  six  free  vertebra?  in  the  skeleton  of  the  tail,  with  a  pygostyle  that  differs 
somewhat  in  form  with  that  bone  in  both  Coccyzus  and  the  Centropodince,  in 
that  its  postero-superior  angle  is  not  drawn  upward  so  as  to  be  rather  more 
prominent  than  its  antero-superior  angle — which  feature  is  best  seen  in  Coccyzus. 
The  bones  of  the  shoulder  girdle  are  characteristically  cuculine,  with  the  scapulse 
long  and  very  narrow,  as  in  Crotophaga  sulcirostris. 

In  the  form  of  its  sternum  it  agrees  with  Coccyzus  americanus,  but  shows  a 
few  distinctive  features  in  its  pelvis,  for  in  Diplopterus  the  ilia  anteriorly  are 
more  decidedly  separated  from  the  sacral  crista,  and  the  postpubic  elements  are 
well  drawn  out  behind  as  inturned  slender  spines,  as  we  see  them  in  many  Pas- 
seres.  Otherwise  the  pelvis  of  this  interesting  Cuckoo  does  not  differ  so  very 
much  from  lhat  bone  of  the  skeleton  as  it  occurs  in  our  genus  Coccyzus. 


prepared  from  the  alcoholic  specimen  exhibits  some  few  points  of 
interest.  In  the  skull  I  find  a  nasal  bone  to  have  the  same  form  as 
the  nasal  of  an  immature  Geococcyx,  and  indeed  the  entire  building 
up  of  the  skeleton  of  the  head  in  these  two  types  of  Cuckoos  seems 
to  be  quite  similar.  With  respect  to  the  trachea,  my  examination 
of  it  inclines  me  to  believe  that  the  majority  of  the  rings  are  entire, 
especially  in  the  superior  half  of  it.  Still  more  interest  attaches  to 
the  development  of  the  sternum  of  this  chick  of  the  Yellow-billed 
Cuckoo,  for  it,  too,  ossifies  in  precisely  the  same  way  that  that  bone 
does  in  Geococcyx.  Its  anterior  moiety  is  already  in  bone,  and  in 
one  piece  only:  the  posterior  part  is  in  cartilage  and  distinctly 
shows  the  xiphoidal  notches,  two  upon  either  side  of  the  low  semi- 
developed  carina.  This  is  very  different  from  what  we  find  in  the 
GaHincB,  a  group  of  birds  wherein  it  was  shown  that  the  sternum 
ossifies  from  several  centres,  the  pieces  not  fusing  together  until  the 
bird  is  nearly  a  year  old. 

There  are  eleven  vertebrae  in  the  pelvic  sacrum  of  this  young 
Coccyzus,  but  no  special  attempt  was  made  to  determine  how  many 
entered  into  the  formation  of  the  pygostyle.  Nor  was  the  micro- 
scope brought  to  bear  upon  its  carpus  and  tarsus  with  the  view  of 
working  out  the  morphology  of  the  embryological  elements  that 
enter  into  the  formation  of  those  two  interesting  joints  in  this 

Synopsis  of  the  Principal  Osteological   Characters  of  the 
Three  Subfamilies  of  the  United  States  Cuculid^e. 

Subfamily  Crotophagin^e. 
Crotophaga  ani. 

Crotophaga  sulcirostris. 

i.  Superior  osseous  mandible  deep  in  vertical  direction,  some- 
what compressed  transversely;  culmen  sharp,  decidedly  curved, 
mounded  in  front  of  transverse  line  of  cranio-facial  hinge. 

2.  External  narial  apertures  small,  sharply  defined  and  subcircu- 
lar  in  outline. 

3.  Frontal  region  broad,  convex. 

4.  Temporal  fossae  deeply  sculpt  \  approach  moderately  behind. 

5.  Postfrontal  process  short ;  squamosal  process  long.  Quadrate 
large  with   its   processes   much   compressed.     Quadrato-jugal   bar 


slender.     Pars  plana  large.     Interorbital  septum  thin,  large  central 

6.  Lacrymal  large,  its  descending  part  lamelliform,  broad. 

7.  Basipterygoid  processes  completely  aborted.  Pterygoids 
straight,  moderately  long,  sharp  on  superior  border. 

8.  Vomer  rudimentary:  Palatines,  plate-like,  comparatively 
broad  and  placed  horizontally,  with  their  postero-external  angles 
completely  rounded  off.  Maxillo-palatines  large,  spongy,  in  con- 
tact in  median  line,  and  with  several  of  the  surrounding  bones,  but 
not  with  the  vomer. 

9.  Mandible  V-shaped,  sides  rather  deep,  ramal  vacuity  small ; 
angular  processes  stumpy,  with  the  inturned  ones  long.  Mandibu- 
lar symphysis  less  than  a  third  the  length  of  the  jaw. 

10.  Elements  of  hyoidean  arches  slender;  basibranchials  short, 
separate  bones  ;  cerato-hyals  very  small,  not  in  contact. 

11.  Eighteen  free  vertebrae  between  skull  and  pelvis;  cervical 
ribs  on  the  twelfth,  thirteenth  and  fourteenth.  Four  pairs  of  dorsal 
ribs,  of  which  the  three  anterior  pairs  connect  with  the  sternum. 
One  pair  of  very  short  pelvic  ribs,  directed  backward.  Pelvis 
peculiar;  anterior  ends  of  ilia  dilated,  and  their  inner  tips  meet  the 
"sacral  crista:"  posterior  to  this  they  are  contracted  and  are  not 
in  contact  with  it.  Small  prepubic  process  present,  and  the  ilia,  on 
either  side,  curl  outwardly  over  the  ischiac  foramen.  Postpubic 
bones  project  but  very  slightly  behind.  Five  caudal  vertebrae  and 
a  pygostyle ;  the  three  last  ones  of  the  former  having  large  hypapo- 

12.  Os  furcula  U-shaped,  slender,  with  large  hypocleidium,  and 
articulates  with  both  scapula  and  coracoid  above.  Blade  of  scapula 
long  and  narrow.     Coracoid  long  with  rather  slender  shaft. 

13.  Sternum  short,  moderately  wide,  with  one  pair  of  rather 
shallow  xiphoidal  notches.  (These  latter  are  barely  noticeable  in 
Cam.)  Costal  processes  conspicuous.  Manubrium  small.  Carina 
subample,  with  its  border  concaved  in  front,  forming  a  prominent 
carinal  angle.     Pneumatic. 

14.  Humerus  longer  than  either  radius  or  ulna;  radial  crest 
short ;  shaft  having  the  sigmoidal  curve.  This  bone  is  pneumatic, 
and  the  pneumatic  fossa  is  very  shallow  and  the  foramen  usually 
single.  Radius  is  straight  and  slender ;  the  ulna  is  bowed  and 
stout,  and  has  down  its  shaft  the  row  of  papillae  for  the  insertion  of 
the  quill-butts  of  the  secondary  row  of  feathers.     Carpal  bones  two. 


Medius  metacarpal  well  bowed-out  from  the  metacarpal  of  index 
digit.  Osseous  digits  long:  blade-portion  of  the  proximal  phalanx 
of  index  digit  entire.  A  notable  process  at  the  medio-posterior 
margin  of  the  medius  digit. 

15.  Bones  of  pelvic  limb  long  and  slender,  and  apparently 
non-pneumatic.  Femur  slightly  bowed  forward.  A  small  patella 
present.  Fibula  feebly  developed.  Pro-  and  ecto-cnemial  crests 
of  tibio-tarsus  somewhat  reduced,  and  the  hypo-tarsus  of  tarso- 
metatarsus  once  perforated  for  tendons,  with  lateral  grooves  for  the 
passage  of  the  same.  These  grooves  are  formed  by  the  process 
being  capped  with  a  lamina  of  bone.  Anterior  aspect  of  tarso- 
metatarsus  longitudinally  grooved  for  its  proximal  moiety. 

Podal  digits  run  2,  3,  4,  5,  for  the  1-4  toes  respectively,  and  the 
fourth  toe  is  permanently  reversed. 

Subfamily  Centropodin^:. 

Geococcyx  californianns. 

1.  Superior  osseous  mandible  not  especially  deep  in  vertical 
direction;  comparatively  broad  at  base;  culmen  broadly  rounded, 
very  gently  curved ;  being  below  the  level  of  the  frontal  region  at 
the  line  of  the  cranio- facial  hinge. 

2.  External  narial  apertures  situated  rather  far  forward,  and 
small  only  from  the  fact  that  the  true  nostril  is  permanently  and 
largely  sealed  over  by  an  osseous  lamina  continuous  with  the  side 
of  the  mandible.     Osseous  nostril  large  in  nestling. 

3.  Frontal  region  only  moderately  broad,  and  is  concaved. 

4.  Temporal  foss?e  well-marked,  and  well  separated  behind. 

5.  Postfrontal  and  squamosal  processes  of  nearly  equal  length. 
Quadrate,  quadrato-jugal  bar,  pars  plana  and  interorbital  septum 
much  as  in  Crotophaga.  Two  foramina  for  nerves  over  pars  plana, 
only  one  in  Crotophaga. 

6.  Form  of  lacrymal  a  good  deal  as  we  find  it  in  the  Anis. 

7.  Basipterygoid  processes  completely  absorbed.  Pterygoids  as 
in  Crotophaga  but  superior  margins  not  especially  sharpened,  and 
with  a  rudimentary  "  epipterygoid  hook"  present. 

8.  Vomer  always  present  in  adult;  small,  spiculiform,  rod-like 
and  free.  Palatines  agree  mainly  with  Crotophaga,  but  their  postero- 
external angles  more  abruptly  rounded  off.  Maxillo-palatines  as  in 
the  Anis. 


9.  Mandible  U-shaped,  sides  rather  shallow ;  ramal  vacuity  large ; 
angular  processes  nearly  aborted,  with  the  inturned  ones  moderately 
long  only.  Mandibular  symphysis  about  one-fourth  the  length  of 
the  jaw. 

10.  Elements  of  hyoidean  arches  slender,  and  practically  agree 
with  the  corresponding  parts  in  the  Anis,  but  Geococcyx  has  the 
cerato-hyals  more  extensively  ossified,  and  fused  together  anteriorly, 

11.  Eighteen  free  vertebrae  between  skull  and  pelvis;  cervical 
ribs  on  the  thirteenth  and  fourteenth.  Four  pairs  of  dorsal  ribs, 
of  which  the  three  anterior  pairs  connect  with  the  sternum.  Pelvic 
ribs  absent.  Pelvis  of  extraordinary  form  ;  very  strong  and  agrees 
practically  with  the  bone  in  Crotophaga,  but  the  ilia  very  conspicu- 
ously curled  outwards  behind,  and  the  prepubic  process  very  large. 

Skeleton  of  the  tail  as  in  the  Croiophagina. 

12.  Os  furcula  moderately  U-shaped,  somewhat  slender;  with 
rather  long  but  narrow  hypocleidium.  Other  bones  of  this  girdle 
agree  in  the  main  with  the  corresponding  ones  in  our  other  Cuckoos, 
but  the  scapulae  are  comparatively  not  as  narrow,  and  their  apices 
are  more  rounded  posteriorly. 

13.  Sternum  of  the  same  general  pattern  as  in  all  North  Ameri- 
can Cuculidae,  but  differs  from  the  Crotophagince.  in  being  twice 
notched  upon  either  side  of  the  keel,  which  notches  are  compara- 
tively much  deeper,  while  the  carina  is  relatively  shallower.  The 
bone  is  thoroughly  pneumatic. 

14.  Skeleton  of  the  pectoral  limb  essentially  agrees  with  what 
has  been  recorded  above  for  the  Crotophagince..  Osseous  papillae 
on  the  shaft  of  the  ulna  very  prominent.  The  bowed  shaft  of  the 
medius  metacarpal  wide  and  ribbon-like,  slightly  twisted  upon 

15.  Bones  of  pelvic  limb  long  and  stout,  with  the  femur  pneu- 
matic. Patella,  comparatively  speaking,  rather  large.  Fibula  very 
feebly  developed  below  the  articular  ridge  on  tibio-tarsus.  Pro- 
cnemial  crest  short  and  prominent,  and  the  hypotarsus  of  the  tarso- 
metarsus  twice  perforated  for  the  passage  of  tendons.  Anterior 
aspect  of  tarso-metatarsus,  nearly  flat  for  its  proximal  moiety. 

Skeleton  of  pes  essentially  agrees  with  our  other  Cuculidcz. 


Subfamily  Cuculin^e. 
Coccyzus  7?iinor. 
Coccyzus  minor  maynardi. 
Coccyzus  americanus, 
Coccyzus  americanus  occidentalism 
Coccyzus  erythropthalmus. 

i.  Superior  osseous  mandible  but  slightly  longer  than  the 
remainder  of  the  skull.  Broad  at  base,  and  somewhat  com- 
pressed vertically ;  decurved  more  than  in  Geococcyx  and  with  the 
culmen  similarly  rounded. 

2.  External  narial  apertures  as  in  Centropodince,  but  the  over- 
lying lamina  not  so  extensive,  and  usually  leaves  two  openings  upon 
either  side  of  this  mandible,  one  anterior  to  the  other. 

3.  Frontral  region  somewhat  narrow  and  concaved. 

4.  Temporal  fossae  broad  vertically,  somewhat  shallow  and  sepa- 
rated posteriorly  only  by  the  rather  low  supraoccipital  prominence. 

5.  Postfrontal  and  squamosal  processes  much  reduced.  Quadrate 
as  in  Geococcyx.  Quadrato-jugal  bar  slender.  Pars  plana  essentially 
agrees  with  the  corresponding  part  in  Geococcyx,  while  the  inter- 
orbital  septum  is  more  nearly  entire  than  it  is  either  in  the  Croto- 
phas,'ince  or  Centropodince. 

6.  Lacrymal  not  large,  its  descending  process  rather  short,  spicu- 
liform,  and  turned  outward.  (Reminds  us  of  the  lacrymal  bone  in 
some  of  our  Gallince). 

7.  Basipterygoid  processes  completely  aborted.  Pterygoids 
straight,  relatively  short,  superior  border  in  each  raised  and  sharp. 

8.  Vomer  rudimentary,  or  may  be  altogether  absent.  Palatines 
as  in  the  Centropodince,  while  the  maxillo-palatines  agree  with  both 
the  Ground  Cuckoos  and  the  Anis. 

9.  Mandible  practically  as  in  Geococcyx;  sides  shallow  and  the 
ramal  vacuity  large. 

10.  Structurally,  the  hyoidean  apparatus  essentially  agrees  with 
what  we  find  in  Crotophaga  (but  the  tracheal  ossifications  do  not 
seem  to  correspond  in  this  subfamily  with  what  we  find  in  the  Cen- 
tropodince) . 

11.  Eighteen  free  vertebrae  between  skull  and  pelvis;  cervical 
ribs  on  the  twelfth,  thirteenth  and  fourteenth.  Four  pairs  of  dorsal 
ribs,  all  of  which  connect  with  the  sternum  by  their  haemapophyses. 

46  SHUFELDT — OSTEOLOGY    OF   THE    CUCK003.  [Jan.  4, 

One  pair  of  pelvic  ribs  that  do  not  quite  reach  the  sternum  by  their 
costal  ribs. 

Pelvis  not  strikingly  peculiar,  though  cuculine  in  general  pattern. 
Posteriorly,  the  ilia  curl  outward  only  very  moderately,  and  the 
prepubic  processes  are  quite  vestigial  in  character.  (Eleven  verte- 
brae in  sacrum  of  young  Coccyzus). 

Caudal  vertebrae  and  pygostyle  agree  in  the  main  with  N.  Ameri- 
can Cuculidce  generally. 

12.  Os  furcula  U-shaped,  slender,  with  luniform  hypocleidium  of 
good  size.  Blade  of  scapula  not  strikingly  narrow,  broadish  distally, 
where  it  is  sharp-pointed  and  slightly  curved  outward.  A  coracoid 
agrees  closely  with  that  bone  as  it  is  seen  in  Crotophaga,  and  in 
both  it  develops  a  conspicuous,  upturned  process  at  its  sternal  end  at 
the  outer  angle  of  the  dilated  portion. 

13.  General  pattern  of  sternum  agrees  with  Crotophaga  but  the 
bone  has  two  notches  upon  either  side  of  the  carina,  as  in  the  Cen- 
tropodincB.  It  differs  also  from  both  Crotophagince  and  Ce?itropodince 
in  possessing  four  facets  for  costal  ribs  upon  either  costal  border. 

14.  Skeleton  of  pectoral  limb  cuculine,  but  possesses  an  individ- 
uality of  its  own.  The  humerus  is  a  trifle  shorter  than  either  the 
ulna  or  radius ;  the  bones  of  the  antibrachium  are  straighter, 
especially  the  ulna,  than  they  are  in  the  other  subfamiles.  Os 
humero-scapulare,  though  small,  is  usually  present  in  all  of  our 

15.  Bones  of  pelvic  limb  long  and  slender,  and  apparently  non- 
pnuematic.  They  have  some  characters  in  common  with  the  Anis, 
and  some  in  common  with  the  Ground  Cuckoos.  A  small  patella 
is  present.  Fibula  feebly  developed.  Pro-  and  ecto-cnemial 
processes  of  tibio-tarsus  reduced,  and  the  hypotarsus  of  the  tarso- 
metatarsus  twice  perforated  for  tendons,  with  lateral  grooves  for 
the  passage  of  the  same. 

These  grooves  are  formed  by  the  process  being  capped  with  a 
lamina  of  bone.     Anterior  aspect  of  tarso-metatarsus  quite  flat. 

Skeleton  of  pes  upon  the  same  plan  as  in  other  Cuculidce,  charac- 
terized above. 

Brief  Discussion  of  Cuculine  Kinships. 

When  we  come  to  consider  the  affinities  of  the  Cuckoos  we  are 
confronted  with  a  more  or  less  natural  group  of  birds  that  have 
representatives  in  nearly  all  parts  of  the  world.  They  are  very 
different  from  any  of  the  Suborders  thus  far  treated  of  by  me  in 


my  previous  memoirs,  and  they  are  to  a  greater  or  less  extent  struc- 
turally linked  to  a  variety  of  other  families  of  birds  that  have  long 
puzzled  both  the  ornithologist  and  the  avian  anatomist.  By  their 
zygodactyle  feet  they  may  at  once  be  distinguished  from  any  of  the 
enormous  group  of  the  Passer -es,  to  be  considered  later  on.  (The 
MSS.  at  this  writing  are  complete.) 

Their  affinities,  if  there  be  any,  with  the  Caprimulgi,  the  Cypseli, 
the  Trogones,  the  Troc/i Hi  and  the  Picimust  also  be  quite  remote. 
But  this  will  not  apply  to  the  Kingfishers,  and  much  less  to  certain 
other  groups  in  various  parts  of  the  Old  and  New  World,  as  the 
Musophagidcz,  Btuconidce,  Galbulidce,  Meropidce,  Momotidce,  Bucero- 
tidce,  Upupidce,  Todidce,  Cotacidts,  Bhamphastidce,  Capitonidce  and 
perhaps  some  few  others. 

These  several  families  seem  to  have  a  Cuckoo  vein  running  all 
through  them,  strongly  impressed  in  some  cases,  barely  discernible 
in  others.  Indeed,  these  groups  of  birds  seem  to  have  arisen  from 
some  very  ancient  and  once  common  stock,  but  by  the  extinction 
of  numerous  related  types  and  groups  of  types  that  once  filled  the 
now  many  and  various  gaps  among  them,  it  has  left  in  recent  times 
the  most  puzzling  collection  of  polymorphic  forms  that  the  syste- 
matist  has  to  deal  with  throughout  the  entire  range  of  ornithology. 
They  have  become  diversified  through  all  the  factors  that  organic 
evolution  brings  to  bear  upon  such  plastic  organizations  as  they 

In  the  opinion  of  a  number  of  authoritative  ornithotomists  the 
nearest  affines  of  the  Cuculidce  are  to  be  seen  in  the  Musop/iagidce. 
while  the  Meropidce  are  also  said  to  exhibit  especially  a  number  of 
cuculine  affinities.  Personally,  I  have  never  examined  the  skeleton 
in  any  of  the  Musophagidce ;  but  of  certain  Meropidce  we  shall 
speak  a  little  further  along  in  another  memoir  now  in  preparation. 
One  thing  must  be  constantly  borne  in  mind,  and  that  is  Cuckoos 
differ  not  a  little  in  their  osteology  among  themselves — take  Croto- 
phaga  and  Geococcyx  calif ornianas  for  instance — so  that  we  meet  with 
certain  species  of  them  that  in  their  skeletons  offer  a  greater  number 
of  characters  that  agree  with  the  corresponding  characters  in 
forms  of  other  groups  than  do  others  of  this  suborder.  Apart 
from  the  Alcyones,  we  have  in  our  United  States  avifauna  no 
very  near  affines  of  the  Coccyges. 

Probably  the  weight  of  opinion  would  be  thrown  in  favor  of 
placing  the   Cuculidce  near  the  Musophagida,  the    Plantain-eaters 



[Jan. 4  , 

or  Tourocos  of  Africa.  It  was  Huxley's  opinion,  Fiirbringer 
thinks  so,  and  Garrod  thought  so,  but  we  cannot  follow  the  latter 
in  placing  the  Cuculidce.  and  Musophagidce  together  in  with  the 
Gallinaceous  birds  ! 

During  the  time  I  have  been  engaged  upon  the  present  memoir, 
Arols.  i  and  ii  of  Sharpe's  very  valuable  Hand-List  of  Birds  has  been 
presented  to  me  by  the  trustees  of  the  British  Museum,  and  in  the 
second  volume  of  that  work  I  find  the  author  inserts  the  Cuckoos 
in  the  system  in  the  following  manner  : x  The  Order  Coccyges 
(xxxi)  is  placed  between  the  Order  Trogones  (xxx)  and  the  Order 
Scansores  (xxxii),  and  is  primarily  divided  into  two  sub-orders, 
namely  Sub-Order  I,  Musophagi,  and  Sub-Order  II,  Cuculi. 

The  Musophagi  is  made  to  contain  the  family  Musophagidce,  and 
this  latter  includes  the  genera  Turacus  (23  species);  Gallirex  (2 
species);  Musophaga  (2  species);  Corythceola  (1  species);  Schizor- 
his  (5  species)  ;  and  Gymnoschizorhis  (2  species).  The  second  sub- 
order or  the  Cuculi  is  made  to  contain  but  the  single  family  the 
Cuculidce,  and  this  is  divided  into  six  (6)  sub-families  thus: 



No.  of  Species. 

I.    CUCULIN^. 

Coccystes 9  species. 

Pachycoccyx 2       " 

Calliechthrus I  " 

Surniculus 3  " 

Hierrococcyx 7  " 

Cuculus 11  " 

Penthoceryx 1  " 

Cercococcyx    I  " 

Cacomantis 13  " 

Mesocalius 1  " 

Metallococcyx 1  " 

Chrysococcyx   3  " 

Chalcococcyx 15  " 

Heterococcyx 1  " 

Coccyzus 13  " 

Urodynamis    1  " 

Eudynamis 7  " 

Microdynamis 1  " 

Rhamphomantis I  " 

Scythrops I  " 

1  R.  Bowdler  Sharpe,  LL.D. :  A  Hand-List  of  the  Genera  and  Species  of 
Birds.  [  Nomenclator  Avium  turn  fossilium  turn  vi ventium.  ]  Vols,  i ,  ii.  London, 




II.  Centropodin^e. 

III.  Phcenico- 




IV.  Neomorphin/E.     \ 


V.  Diplopterinje.      / 
VI.  Crotophagin.e.     / 

Genera.  No.  of  Species. 

Centropus 41  species. 

Saurothera 6  " 

Hyetornis    2  " 

Piaya 7  " 

Zanclostomus 1  " 

Taccocua 1  " 

Rhopodytes 7  " 

Rhinortha 1  " 

Phcenicophaes 1  " 

Rhamphococcyx 2  " 

Rhinococcyx 1  « 

Urococcyx 3  « 

Dryococcyx 1  " 

Ceuthmochares 3  " 

Dasylophus I  " 

Lepidogrammus 1  '* 

Coua 11  " 

Cochlothraustes I  " 

Carpococcyx 3  " 

Neomorphus 5  " 

Geococcyx 2  " 

Morococcyx 1  " 

Diplopterus 1  " 

Dromococcyx 2  « 

Crotophaga 3  " 

Guira I  " 

We  therefore  find  in  Sharpe's  Hand-List  that  the  family 
Cuculida  is  made  to  contain  45  genera  of  Cuckoos,  and  these  45 
genera  include  no  less  than  161  species.  This  is  a  great  many 
different  kinds  of  Cuckoos,  and  to  me  it  is  the  most  significant  in- 
dex extant,  indicating  how  little,  how  very  little,  we  yet  know  of 
their  morphology,  and  consequently  how  much  guesswork  there 
must  essentially  be  in  our  attempts  to  classify  them. 

The  writer  is  indebted  to  Mr.  Lucas,  of  the  U.  S.  National 
Museum,  for  the  loan  of  a  skeleton  of  a  Jacamar  (sp.  ?),  a  Diplop- 
terus, and  a  specimen  of  Nyctiornis  amictus  from  Borneo — one  of 
the  Meropidce.  All  of  these  I  have  examined  in  the  present  con- 
nection and  compared  them  with  skeletons  of  Ceryle  alcyon  and 
Ceryle  cabanisi. 

Unfortunately  the  skeleton  of  Diplopterus  had  been  injured,  but 

PROC.  AMEFv.  PHILOS.  SOC.  XL.  165.  D.      PRINTED  JUNE  3,  1901. 


a  glance  at  it  is  sufficient  to  satisfy  us  that  it  stands,  in  so  far  as  its 
osteology  is  concerned,  almost  directly  between  the  Centropodince 
and  the  Cuculince.  It  will  be  seen  from  what  has  been  shown 
above  that  this  is  at  variance  with  Dr.  Sharpe's  opinion. 

Beyond  what  I  have  hazarded  in  the  concluding  paragraphs  of 
this  memoir  then,  in  the  way  of  suggestions  as  to  the  probable 
affinity  of  some  of  the  more  typical  Cuckoos  with  other  birds,  I 
would  not  at  the  present  time  make  or  express  any  more  decided 
opinion.  I  feel  that  I  ought  to  command  a  far  wider  knowledge  of 
the  morphology  of  the  entire  group  and  several  of  the  now-supposed 
allied  groups  than  I  possess  at  this  writing  before  doing  so,  or  be- 
fore that  opinion  would  be  of  any  value. 

Explanation  of  Plates. 

[All  the  figures  in  the  Plates  are  from  photographs  made  direct  from  the  specimens 
by  the  author.  Figs,  i  to  6  inclusive  in  Plate  I  are  of  natural  size,  the  material  being 
from  the  author's  private  collection.  The  figures  of  Plate  II  are  all  very  slightly 
reduced,  and  all  in  the  same  proportion.  The  skull  shown  in  Fig.  7  is  in  the  author's 
cabinets,  while  all  the  others  belong  to  the  U.  S.  National  Museum.] 

Plate  I. 

FlG.  i.  Right  lateral  view  of  the  skull  and  lower  mandible  of  Geococcyx  calif  omi- 
anus.    Adult. 

Fig.  2.  Inferior  or  basal  view  of  the  skull  of  Geococcyx  calif  or /tianus.  Adult. 
Different  specimen  from  the  one  shown  in  Fig.  1. 

Fig.  3.  Superior  view  of  the  mandible  of  Geococcyx  calif omianus.  Adult.  Belongs 
to  the  skull  shown  in  Fig.  2  of  this  Plate. 

Fig.  4.  Ventral  aspect  of  the  pelvis  of  Geococcyx  calif  omianus.  Adult.  Belonged 
to  the  same  individual  that  furnished  the  skull  shown  in  Fig.  1  of  this  Plate.  On 
this  pelvis  the  coccygeal  vertebrae  and  pygostyle  are  attached  in  situ. 

FlG.  5.  Superior  aspect  of  the  cranium  of  a  subadult  specimen  of  Geococcyx  califor- 
nianus,  showing  principally  the  frontal  and  parietal  bones  with  the  sutures 
between  them.     The  bones  of  the  face  and  other  elements  have  been  removed. 

FlG.  6.  External  aspect  of  the  left  femur,  fibula  and  tibio-tarsus  of  a  subadult 
specimen  of  Geococcyx  calif  omianus,  from  the  same  individual  that  furnished 
the  skull  shown  in  Fig.  5.  The  femur  is  not  placed  in  situ,  its  proximal  end  is 
resting  on  the  shaft  of  the  tibio-tarsus,  and  in  this  figure  we  see  the  epiphysis  on 
the  summit  of  the  latter  described  in  the  text. 

Plate  II. 

Fig.  7.     Right  lateral  view  of  the  skull  and  mandible  of  an  adult  specimen  of  the 

Yellow-billed  Cuckoo  (Coccyzus  americanus). 
Fig.  8.     Right  lateral  view  of  the  skull  and  detached  mandible  of  an  adult  specimen 

of  the  Ani  {Crotophaga  sulcirostris).     Spec.  No.  61467  of  the  Coll.  U.  S.Nat. 



VOL.   XL,   No.   165,   PLATE   I. 



VOL.  XL,   No.   165,   PLATE  II. 




1901.]  MINUTES.  51 

Fig.  9.  Outer  view  of  the  skeleton  of  the  right  pectoral  limb  of  Crotophaga  sulciros- 
tris,  from  the  same  individual  that  furnished  the  skull  and  mandible  shown  in 
Fig.  8  of  this  Plate. 

Fig.  10.  Ventral  aspect  of  the  sternum,  coracoids  and  os  furcula  of  Centropus 
superciliosus.     Adult  specimen.     (From  Spec.  No.  19112,  Coll.  U.S.Nat.  Mus.) 

Fig.  11.  Right  lateral  aspect  of  the  spinal  column  and  the  trunk  skeleton  of  adult 
specimen  of  Crotophaga  sulcirostris,  from  the  same  individual  that  furnished  the 
skull  shown  in  Fig.  8  and  the  pectoral  limb  shown  in  Fig.  9. 

Fig.  12.  Superior  aspect  of  the  lower  mandible  of  Centropus  supercilioszis,  from  the 
same  specimen  that  furnished  the  sternum  shown  in  Fig.  10. 

Fig.  13.  Dorsal  aspect  of  the  pelvis  of  Centropus  superciliosus,  from  the  same  indi- 
vidual that  furnished  the  sternum  shown  in  Fig.  10  and  the  lower  jaw  in  Fig.  12 
of  this  Plate. 

FlG.  14.  Right  lateral  aspect  of  the  spinal  column  and  the  trunk  skeleton  of  Diplop- 
terus  ncevius.  Adult.  (Spec.  No.  19,221,  Coll.  U.  S.  Nat.  Mus.)  The  scapulae 
have  been  broken  off  and  there  is  a  fracture  of  the  right  coracoid. 

FlG.  15.  Right  lateral  aspect  of  the  skull  and  lower  mandible  of  Diplopterus  ncevius. 
This  skull  is  from  the  specimen  that  furnished  the  trunk  skeleton  shown  in  Fig. 
14  of  this  Plate. 

Stated  Meeting,  January  18,  1901. 

J.  Cheston  Morris  in  the  Chair. 

Present,  8  members. 

The  decease  of  Baron  de  Selys  Longchamps,  at  Liege, 
Belgium,  on  December  11,  1900,  at  the  age'  of  86,  was  an- 

Prof.  Thomas  H.  Montgomery  presented  for  the  Transac- 
tions u  A  Study  of  the  Chromosomes  of  the  Germ  Cells  of 
Yortozoa."  '^z, 

Mr.  Joseph  Willcox  called  attention  to  some  meteorologi- 
cal deceptions  practiced  upon  box  turtles  in  the  vicinity  of 
Philadelphia  this  winter. 

Dr.  I.  Minis  Hays  was  chosen  Librarian  for  the  ensuing 

The  following  Standing  Committees  were  appointed  for  the 
year  : 

Finance. — Philip  C.  Garrett,  William  Y.  McKean,  Joel 

52  MINUTES.  [Feb.  1, 

Hall. — Joseph  M.  Wilson,  Harold  Goodwin,  John  Mar- 

Publication. — Henry  Carey  Baircl,  Patterson  DuBois,  I. 
Minis  Hays,  Joseph  Willcox,  Morris  JastroWj  Jr. 

Library. — George  F.  Barker,  T.  Hewson  Bache,  Albert  H, 
Smyth,  Joseph  G.  Rosengarten,  Edwin  G.  Conklin. 

Michaux  Legacy.  —  Thomas  Meehan,  Angelo  Heilprin, 
William  Powell  Wilson,  Burnet  Landreth,  Joseph  T.  Roth- 

The  Society  was  adjourned  by  the  presiding  member. 

Stated  Meeting,   February  1,   1901. 
Vice-President  Selleks  in  the  Chair. 

Present,  21  members. 

A  notice  of  the  Fiftieth  Anniversary  of  the  Imperial  Royal 
Zoological  and  Botanical  Society  of  Vienna,  on  March  30, 
1901,  was  received  with  an  invitation  to  send  delegates  to  the 

An  invitation  was  received  from  the  Provost  and  Vice-Chan- 
cellor of  the  University  of  Glasgow  to  send  delegates  to  the 
Ninth  Jubilee  (450th  Anniversary)  of  the  founding  of  the 
University,  to  be  held  on  June  12,  13  and  14  next. 

On  motion,  these  invitations  were  referred  to  the  Officers 
and  Council  for  action. 

A  communication  was  also  received  from  the  Academie 
Roy  ale  des  Sciences  de  Turin  announcing  the  offer  of  a  prize  of 
9600  francs  for  the  most  brilliant  or  important  discovery  on 
physical  or  experimental  science. 

The  death  of  Prof.  Elisha  Gray,  at  Newtonville,  Mass.,  on 
January  21,  1901,  was  announced. 

Vice-President  Sellers  delivered  the  Annual  Address,  taking 
for  his  subject  "  Technical  Education." 

The  Society  was  adjourned  by  the  presiding  officer. 

1901.]  MINUTES.  53 

Stated  Meeting  February  15,   1901. 
Vice-President  Barker  in  the  Chair. 

Present,  27  members. 

Mrs.  Zelia  Nuttall  exhibited  proofs  of  &  facsimile  of  the  an- 
cient Mexican  Codex  which  she  has  recently  brought  to  light. 
She  described  how  she  learned  of  the  existence  of  this  Codex ; 
how  it  had  once  belonged  to  the  Library  of  San  Marco, 
in  Florence,  whence  it  was  stolen  and  sold  ;  and  how  she  suc- 
ceeded in  tracing  it  and  obtaining  from  its  present  owner, 
an  English  nobleman,  the  permission  to  publish  it  m  facsimile, 
and  thus  place  it  within  the  reach  of  the  scientific  world. 

The  costly  reproduction  of  the  Codex  has  been  rendered 
possible  by  the  generosity  of  Mr.  Charles  P.  Bowditch,  of  Bos- 
ton, a  patron  of  the  Peabody  Museum  of  American  Archae- 
ology and  Ethnology,  Cambridge,  Mass.,  under  whose  auspices 
the  publication  will  be  shortly  issued,  with  an  introduction 
and  notes  by  Mrs.  Zelia  Nuttall. 

The  original  Codex  is  painted  on  a  long,  delicately  prepared 
strip  of  deerskin,  which  is  painted  on  both  sides,  is  folded 
zizzag  fashion  and  forms  forty- four  pages  on  one  side  and 
forty-three  on  the  other,  making  a  total  of  eighty-seven  pages 
covered  with  pictography. 

The  Codex  commemorates  wars  and  victories  and  gives  the 
names  of  a  number  of  conquered  towns  and  vanquished  chief- 
tains. It  is  a  native  historical  document  of  unparalleled  im- 
portance, and  is,  besides,  the  best  preserved,  most  carefully 
executed  specimen  of  Mexican  pictography  known,  its  artistic 
excellency  being  only  comparable  to  that  of  the  Vienna  Codex. 
The  latter,  preserved  at  the  Imperial  Library  at  Vienna, 
appears,  indeed,  to  be  the  work  of  the  same  native  scribe. 
What  is  more,  both  Codices  furnish  internal  evidence  proving 
that  they  deal  with  the  same  period  of  native  history  and 
contain  references  to  some  of  the  same  events  and  localities. 
The  inference  is  that  they  belong  together,  complement  each 
other,  and  were  sent  from  Mexico  to  the  Old  World  at  the 

54  MINUTES.  [March  1, 

same  time.  Mrs.  Nuttall  is  inclined  to  think  that  these  Co- 
dices may  be  identified  with  the  "  two  native  books  "  enumer- 
ated amongst  the  presents  sent  by  Cortez  to  Charles  II,  and  is 
investigating  this  point  prior  to  the  publication  of  the  new 

Mr.  Stewart  Culin  presented  a  communication  on  "  Some 
Results  of  a  Recent  Collecting  Trip  Among  the  American  In- 
dians," with  an  exhibition  of  many  interesting  specimens. 

The  Society  proceeded  to  the  election  of  members,  and  the 
tellers  reported  that  the  following-named  candidates  had  been 
duly  elected  to  membership  in  the  Society  : 

Prof.  Henry  H.  Giglioli,  of  Florence,  Italy. 

William  M.  Meigs,  of  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Richard  Garnett,  of  London,  Eng. 

George  Harrison  Fisher,  of  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Prof.  Josiah  H.  Penniman,  of  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Prof.  H.  C.  Bumpus,  of  Providence,  R.  I. 

John  T.  Morris,  of  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Dr.  Simon  Flexner,  of  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Giovanni  Schiaparelli,  of  Milan,  Italy. 

Prof.  Oliver  Joseph  Lodge,  of  Birmingham,  Eng. 

Guglielmo  Marconi,  of  Dorset,  Eng. 

Charles  Francis  Adams,  of  Boston,  Mass. 

Prof.  Wladimir  Markownikoff,  of  Moscow,  Russia. 

The  Society  was  adjourned  by  the  presiding  officer. 

Stated  Meeting,  March  1,  1001. 

Curator  Lyman  in  the  Chair. 

Present,  10  members. 

Mr.  John  T.  Morris,  a  newly  elected  member,  was  pre- 
sented to  the  Chair  and  took  his  seat  in  the  Society. 

Letters  accepting  membership  were  received  from  Prof. 
Josiah  W.  Penniman,  Mr.  Charles  Francis  Adams,  Mr.  John 
T.  Morris  and  Mr.  William  M.  Meigs. 

1901.]  MINUTES.  55 

The  President  announced  the  appointment  of  Prof.  Edward 
Suess,  of  Vienna,  to  represent  the  Society  at  the  jubliee  cele- 
bration of  the  K.  K.  Zoologisch-Botanische  Gesellschaft,  to 
be  held  at  Vienna  on  March  30. 

The  list  of  donations  to  the  Library  was  laid  on  the  table 
and  thanks  were  ordered  therefor. 

Dr.  E.  W.  Shufeldt  presented  for  the  Transactions  a 
memoir  on  "  The  Osteology  of  the  Stegauopodes." 

The  Society  was  adjourned  by  the  presiding  officer. 

Stated  Meeting,  March  15,  1901. 

Vice-President  Wistar  in  the  Chair. 
Present,  25  members. 

Prof.  Jacques  Loeb,  Prof.  Arthur  S.  Mackenzie  and  Prof' 
Josiah  H.  Penniman,  recently  elected  members,  were  pre- 
sented to  the  Chair  and  took  their  seats  in  the  Society. 

Letters  were  received  from  Mr.  Richard  Garnett,  of  Lon- 
don, and  Prof.  Oliver  Joseph  Lodge,  of  Birmingham,  Eng., 
accepting  membership. 

The  President  announced  the  appointment  of  the  Hon. 
Charlemagne  Tower  and  Prof.  Albert  II.  Smyth  as  dele- 
gates to  the  ninth  jubilee  celebration  of  the  University  of 

An  invitation  to  send  delegates  was  received  from  the 
President  of  the  Fifth  International  Congress  of  Zoology,  to 
be  held  at  Berlin,  on  August  12-16,  1901. 

Prof.  Jacques  Loeb,  of  the  University  of  Chicago,  read  a 
paper  on  ' '  Artificial  Parthenogenesis, ' '  which  was  discussed 
by  Prof.  Conklin. 

The  Society  was  adjourned  by  the  presiding  officer. 

56  MINUTES.  [April  12, 

Stated  Meeting,  April  12,  1901. 

Vice- President  Barker  in  the  Chair. 
Present,  25  members. 

Letters  were  read  :  Prom  Mr.  Guglielmo  Marconi,  Prof. 
Henry  H.  Giglioli  and  Dr.  Simon  Plexner,  accepting  mem- 

From  the  K.  K.  Zoologisch-Botanische  Gesellschaft  in 
Wien,  containing  an  invitation  to  a  banquet  on  the  30th  of 
March,  in  honor  of  the  50th  anniversary  of  the  founding  of 
the  Society. 

From  Prof.  Edward  Suess,  of  Vienna,  announcing  that  he 
had  discharged  the  duty  which  he  had  been  appointed  by 
this  Society  to  perform  as  its  delegate  to  the  K.  K.  Zoolo- 
gisch-Botanische Gesellschaft  in  Wien,  and  had  transmitted 
the  congratulatory  address  which  this  Society  had  forwarded. 

From  Hon.  Charlemange  Tower,  accepting  the  appointment 
as  one  of  the  Society's  delegates  to  the  approaching  450th 
anniversary  celebration  of  the  founding  of  the  University  of 

A  list  of  donations  to  the  Library  was  laid  on  the  table  and 
thanks  were  ordered  for  them. 

Dr.  Horace  Howard  Furness  presented  on  behalf  of  the 
donors  a  portrait  of  the  late  Dr.  William  Pepper. 

The  thanks  of  the  Society  were  tendered  to  the  donors  for 
their  valued  gift. 

The  death  was  announced  of  Lorin  Blodgett,  Esq.,  in 
Philadelphia,  on  March  24th,  aged  79  years. 

Mr.  K.  H.  Mathews  presented  a  paper  on  "Aboriginal 
Rock  Pictures  in  Queensland,"  upon  which  remarks  were 
made  by  Gen.  Wistar  and  Mr.  Culm. 

The  meeting  was  adjourned  by  the  presiding  officer. 



BY    R.    H.    MATHEWS,   L.S. 

(Read  April  12,  1901.) 

A  number  of  interesting  aboriginal  carvings  are  found  on  the 
Burnett  river,  parish  of  South  Kolan,  county  of  Cook,  in  the  State 
of  Queensland.  The  drawings  are  cut  upon  some  flat  rocks  situated 
in  the  wide  channel  of  the  river  mentioned,  at  the  junction  there- 
with of  Pine  creek,  this  point  being  a  little  over  fourteen  miles  in 
a  direct  line  southwesterly  from  Bundaberg,  an  important  town  on 
the  Burnett  river.  The  small  township  of  South  Kolan  is  situated 
about  four  miles  northwesterly  from  these  carvings,  and  is  the  near- 
est railway  station  from  which  they  can  be  reached.  The  Burnett 
river,  in  this  locality,  consists  of  a  series  of  large  water-holes,  be- 
tween which  the  stream  runs  in  narrow  channels  worn  in  the  rocky 

The  rocks  containing  the  carvings  are  a  kind  of  hard  sandstone, 
which  during  the  greater  part  of  the  year  are  quite  dry,  but  in 
times  of  floods  are  wholly  submerged.  Owing  to  the  latter  circum- 
stance, and  long  exposure  to  the  weather,  many  of  the  drawings  are 
now  scarcely  distinguishable.  Most  of  the  figures  are  small,  vary- 
ing from  a  few  inches  in  length  to  upward  of  two  feet,  representing 
native  weapons,  animals,  human  feet,  and  several  nondescript  de- 
vices. The  outline  of  each  figure  is  defined  by  a  groove  cut  into 
the  hard  surface  of  the  rock  to  a  depth  varying  from  one-eighth  to 
one-quarter  of  an  inch,  the  width  of  the  groove  ranging  from  less 
than  half  an  inch  in  the  smallest  to  about  an  inch  and  a  quarter  in 
the  largest  specimens. 

The  mode  of  execution  was  to  make  a  row  of  indentations  or 
punctures  along  the  outline  of  the  drawing  by  means  of  repeated 
blows  with  sharp-pointed  pieces  of  hard  stone.  The  distance  be- 
tween the  indentations  varies  from  about  a  third  of  an  inch  to  half 
an  inch  or  more,  being  farther  apart  in  the  larger  objects.  The  space 
between  each  puncture  was  subsequently  chipped  out,  thus  making 
a  complete  groove  around  the  exterior  of  the  drawing.  The  po- 
sitions of  the  punctures  are  still  discernible,  being  somewhat  deeper 
and  wider  than  the  other  portions  of  the  groove — remaining  as  a 

58  MATHEWS — ROCK    PICTURES   IN    QUEENSLAND.      [April  12, 

witness  of  the  method  adopted*  by  the  artist  in  carrying  out  the 

Old  residents  of  the  district  have  known  of  these  rock  carvings 
for  twenty-five  or  thirty  years,  which  were  then  fresher  and  more 
numerous  than  at  present.  Very  little  notice  was,  however,  taken  of 
them,  and  so  far  as  I  am  aware,  no  definite  description  of  them  has 
hitherto  been  published. 

Near  Rawbelle,  a  stock  station  on  the  Rawbelle  river,  one  of  the 
headwaters  of  the  Burnett  river,  county  of  Wicklow,  Queensland, 
similar  carvings  to  the  foregoing  have  been  observed.  They  are  cut 
on  some  large  rocks  on  the  sides  and  bed  of  a  watercourse  about  four 
miles  distant  from  Rawbelle  head  station  in  a  westerly  direction. 
The  carvings  comprise  human  figures,  weapons,  feet  of  men  and 
animals,  and  several  indecipherable  representations.  The  rock  on 
which  they  are  incised  is  a  dark  hard  sandstone,  and  the  method  of 
procedure  in  executing  the  drawings  is  the  same  as  that  described  in 
dealing  with  the  carvings  near  South  Kolan.  Some  of  the  pioneers 
of  this  part  of  Queensland  have  known  of  these  drawings  for  thirty 
or  forty  years,  but  no  attention  has  been  given  to  them. 

About  two  miles  in  a  northwesterly  direction  from  Augustus 
Downs'  cattle  station,  on  the  bank  of  the  Leichhardt  river,  in  north- 
ern Queensland,  is  a  large  rock  containing  aboriginal  carvings, 
among  which  may  be  mentioned  representations  of  boomerangs  of 
different  shapes,  shields,  and  one  or  two  human  hands.  The  rock, 
which  is  a  kind  of  conglomerate,  is  gradually  crumbling  away  under 
exposure  to  the  weather  and  from  other  causes,  owing  to  which 
some  of  the  native  drawings  have  disappeared  since  they  were  first 
observed  some  years  ago. 

1901.]  MINUTES.  59 

Stated  Meeting,  April  19,  1901. 
Vice-President  Sellers  in  the  Chair. 
Present,  19  members. 

The  donations  to  the  Library  were  laid  on  the  table,  and 
thanks  were  ordered  for  them. 

The  decease  was  announced  of  the  following  members  : 

Prof.  Henry  A.  Rowland,  at  Baltimore,  on  April  16,  1901. 

Rev.  Dr.  F.  A.  Muhlenberg,  at  Reading,  on  March  21, 
1901,  aged  82. 

Prof.  W.  B.  Scott  presented  a  paper  on  "The  Miocene 
Faunas  of  Patagonia,"  which  was  discussed  by  Gen.  Wistar, 
Prof.  Pilsbry,  Prof.  Conklin,  Dr.  Sellers  and  Mr.  Balch. 

Dr.  Morris  Longstreth  exhibited  a  specimen  of  the  so- 
called  blood-rain  Avhich  recently  fell  in  Italy. 

The  meeting  was  adjourned  by  the  presiding  officer. 

Magellanic  Premium. 

FOUNDED  IN  1 786,  BY 


The  American  Philosophical  Society, 

Held  at  Philadelphia,  for  Promoting  Useful  Knowledge 





to  the  author  of  the  best  discovery,  or  most  useful  invention,  relating  to  Navi- 
gation, Astronomy,  or  Natural  Philosophy  (mere  natural  history 
only  excepted)  under  the  following  conditions : 

1.  The  candidate  shall,  on  or  before  November  i,  1901  deliver,  free 
of  postage  or  other  charges,  his  discover)',  invention  or  improvement, 
addressed  to  the  President  of  the  American  Philosophical  Society,  Ko. 
104  South  Fifth  Street,  Philadelphia,  U.  S.  A.,  and  shall  distinguish  his 
performance  by  some  motto,  device,  or  other  signature.  With  his  dis- 
covery, invention,  or  improvement,  he  shall  also  send  a  sealed  letter 
containing  the  same  motto,  device,  or  signature,  and  subscribed  with  the 
real  name  and  place  of  residence  of  the  author. 

2.  Persons  of  any  nation,  sect  or  denomination  whatever,  shall  be 
admitted  as  candidates  for  this  premium. 

3.  No  discovery,  invention  or  improvement  shall  be  entitled  to  this 
premium,  which  hath  been  already  published,  or  for  which  the  author 
hath  been  publicly  rewarded  elsewhere. 

4.  The  candidate  shall  communicate  his  discovery,  invention  or  im- 
provement, either  in  the  English,  French,  German,  or  Latin  language. 

5.  A  full  account  of  the  crowned  subject  shall  be  published  by  the 
Society,  as  soon  as  may  be  after  the  adjudication,  either  in  a  separatg 
publication,  or  in  the  next  succeeding  volume  of  their  Transactions,  or 
in  both. 

6.  The  premium  shall  consist  of  an  oval  plate  of  solid  standard  gold 
of  the  value  of  ten  guineas,  suitably  inscribed,  with  the  seal  of  the  Society 
annexed  to  the  medal  by  a  ribbon. 

All  correspondence  in  relation  hereto  should  be  addressed 
To  the  Secretaries  of  the 

American  Philosophical  Society, 

No.  104  South  Fifth  Street, 




American  Philosophical  Society, 

Held  at  Philadelphia, 
For  Promoting  Useful  Knowledge. 

Vol.  XIX,  New  Series.     {to,  pp.  415,  with  25  Plates. 

Lately  Published. 
Art.     I.— A  New  Method  of  Determining  the  General  Perturba- 
tions of  the  Minor  Planets.    By  William  McKnight 
Ritter,  M.A. 

Art    II.— An  Essay  on  the  Development  of  the  Mouth  Parts  of 

Certain  Insects.    By  John  B.  Smith,  Sc.D. 
Art.  III. — Some  Experiments  with  the  Saliva  of  the  Gib  Monster 

f  Heloderma  suspectum).      By  John  Van  Denburgh, 

Art.  IV. — Results  of   Recent   Researches  on  the  Evolution  of  the 

Stellar  Systems.  By  T.J.  J.  See,  A.M.,  Ph.D.  (Berlin) . 

Art.  V.— On  the  Glossophaginae.    By  Harrison  Allen,  M.D. 

Art.  VI.— The  Skull  and  Teeth  of  Ectophylia  alba.     By  Harrison 
Allen,  M.D. 

Art.  VII.— The  Osteology  of  Elotherium.    By  W.  B.  SCOTT. 

Art.  VIII. — Notes  on  che   Canidae  of  the  White  River  Oligocene. 
By  W.  B.  SCOTT. 

Art.    IX. — Contributions  to  a   Revision  of  the  North  American 
Beavers,  Otters  and  Fishers.    By  Samuel  N.  Rhoads. 

Vol.  XX,  Mew  Series.  Part  /,  {to,  pp.  62 \  with  3  plates. 

yust  Published. 

Art.  I. — The  History  of  the  Pelycosauria,  with  a  Description  of 
the  Genus  Dimetrodon  Cape.  By  G.  B  AU  and 
E.  C.  Case. 




American  Philosophical  Society, 

No.  104  South  Fifth  Street, 

Philadelphia,  U.  S  A. 






Vol.  XL.  July,  1901.  No.  166. 



Stated  Meeting,  May  3,  1901 61 

Methods  of  Improving  Ocean  Bars.     By  Lewis  M.  Haupt 62 

Stated  Meeting,  May  17,  1901 85 

Franklin's  Bagatelles.     By  J.  G.  Rosengarten 87 

*  philadelphia  : 
The  American  Philosophical  Society, 
104  South  Fifth  Street. 

It  is  requested  that  all  correspondence  be  addressed 

To  the  Secretaries  of  the 

104  South  Fifth  Street, 

Philadelphia,  U.  S.  A 

Members  will  please  communicate  to  the  Secretaries  any 
inaccuracy  in  name  or  address  as  given  on  the  wrapper  of  thie 

It   is   requested  that  the  receipt  of   this  number  of   the 
Proceedings  be  acknowledged  to  the  Secretaries. 

Members  who  have  not  as  yet  sent  their  photographs  to  the 
Society  will  confer  a  favor  by  so  doing ;  cabinet  size  preferred. 

May3,  1901.]  MINUTES.  61 





Vol.  XL.  July,  1901.  No.  166. 

Stated  Meeting,  May  3,  1901. 

Vice-President  "Wistar  in  the  Chair. 

Present,  13  members. 

Letters  were  read  as  follows  : 

From  Prof.  Vladimir  Marcovnikoff,  accepting  membership. 

From  K.  K.  Zoologisch-Botanische  Gesellschaf  t,  expressing 
sincere  thanks  for  the  honor  shown  by  the  transmission  of 
the  congratulatory  address  on  the  occasion  of  its  fiftieth  an- 
niversary celebration. 

From  Institute  of  Jamaica,  thanking;  the  Society  for  con- 
tinuing  to  send  its  Proceedings,  notwithstanding  the  tempo- 
rary suspension  of  the  publications  of  the  Institute. 

The  donations  to  the  Library  were  laid  on  the  table,  and 
thanks  were  ordered  for  them. 

The  decease  of  the  Eight  Eeverend  William  Stubbs,  Lord 
Bishop  of  Oxford,  on  April  22,  1901,  at  the  age  of  75,  was 

Prof.  Lewis  M.  Haupt  made  some  remarks  on  "  Methods 
of  Deepening  Ocean  Bars,"  which  was  discussed  by  Gen. 

Mr.  R.  H.  Mathews  presented  a  paper  on  "  The  Thoorga 
and  Other  Lano-iiases." 

Prof.  W.  B.  Scott  presented  for  the  Transactions  a  paper 
on  "The  Fossil  Mammalia  of  the  White  River  Beus  of 
Montana,"  by  Mr.  Earl  Douglass. 

The  meeting  was  adjourned  by  the  presiding  officer. 

PKCC.    AMER.    PH1LOS.    SOC.    XL.    166.  E.      PRINTED  JUNE  26,  1901. 

62  HAUPT — METHODS   OF   IMPROVING   OCEAX   BARS.      [May  3, 



{Read  May  5,  1901.) 

In  an  official  report  on  the  "Brunswick  Outer  Bar,  Georgia,"1 
the  U.  S.  Engineer  now  in  charge  of  that  work  presents  an  elabor- 
ate analysis  of  five  methods  available  for  creating  navigable 
channels:  (a)  by  the  use  of  dynamite;  {l?)  by  a  single  jetty ;  (c) 
by  a  single  curved  breakwater  ;  (jf)  by  twin  jetties ;  and  (e)  by 
dredging;  from  which  he  concludes  that  the  last  is  "probably" 
the  most  economical  and  hence  he  recommends  that  "  the  Govern- 
ment should  own  and  operate  such  sea-going  dredges  as  are  neces- 
sary and  not  call  upon  contractors  for  such  work  at  all." 

Inasmuch  as  the  history  of  maritime  works  is  replete  with  the 
failure  of  dredging  machines  to  create  and  maintain  deep  channels 
in  the  open  ocean  and  that  the  analysis  and  conclusions  as  to  the 
methods  are  so  erroneous  as  to  facts  and  results,  the  writer  feels  im- 
pelled, in  the  interest  of  the  public  service,  to  submit  a  brief 
review  of  some  of  the  cases  cited  therein,  with  a  view  of  bringing 
out  the  truth  more  clearly. 

i.  Dynamite. 

On  this  subject  the  author  of  the  report,  although  having  had 
no  experience  in  the  use  of  dynamite,  concludes  as  follows  : 

"Fourth.  The  channel  produced  (at  Brunswick,  by  use  of  dyna- 
mite) has  no  advantage  of  permanence  over  a  dredged  channel  of 
similar  size  and  location,  which  could  be  produced  for  about  one- 
twelfth  of  the  cost  of  the  present  channel."  The  unfortunate  part 
of  this  comparison  and  assertion  is  that  the  "  channel  produced  "  is 
the  result  of  dynamite  aided  by  dredging,  and  is  not  therefore  such  a 
channel  as  might  have  been  secured  by  dredging  alone,  for  it  is  a 
curved  channel  with  flat  slopes  constructed  by  aid  of  natural  forces 
and  which  is  larger  than  the  channel  contracted  for  and  unusually 
permanent.  None  of  these  things  would  be  true  of  a  dredged 
channel  in  the  open  sea,  unprotected  by  jetties  or  regulating  works. 
As  no  dredged  channel  of  similar  size  and  location  exists  as  a  basis, 
no  comparison  can  be  made  as  to  cost  at  this  site ;  but  a  thorough 
analysis  of  other  efforts  to  secure  deep  channels  elsewhere  shows 
that  this  effort  of  the  contractor  has  been  far  less  expensive,  both  for 

1  See  Document  355  H.  R.,  56th  Congress,  2d  Session. 


construction  and  maintenance,  than  any  or  all  other  methods 
attempted  by  the  Government,  as  the  accompanying  statement, 
compiled  from  official  statistics,  will  attest.  An  inspection  of  this 
exhibit  will  show  that  the  cost  per  foot  of  depth  gained  at  six  other 
ocean  bars  ranged  from  $166,000  to  $893,000,  the  average  being 
$468,560,  so  that  the  cost  at  Brunswick  is  only  about  ten  per  cent. 
of  that  at  other  points  where  large  annual  expenses  are  still  required 
for  maintenance. 

The  work  at  Brunswick  was  undertaken  by  a  private  citizen  of 
that  place,  at  his  own  risk  and  expense,  under  contract  with  the 
Government  for  payments  only  after  the  results  were  secured,  in  order 
to  save  the  commerce  from  annihilation.  The  officer  in  charge 
states  that  to  build  there  a  pair  of  "  high  tide  jetties  which  might  be 
expected  to  create  and  maintain  an  ample  channel  would  be  pro- 
hibitory. Jetties  to  low  tide  could  be  expected  merely  to  preserve 
the  channel  location  and  reduce  the  cost  of  dredging.  The  esti- 
mated cost  of  these  is  $2,829,608.  The  interest  on  this  sum 
at  three  per  cent,  would  be  $84,888.24  per  annum,  or  probably 
much  more  than  enough  to  create  annually,  by  dredging,  the 
channel  depths  and  widths  required  by  the  act." 

In  a  subsequent  part  of  his  report  the  officer  in  charge  estimates 
that  the  requisite  channel  could  have  been  created  by  removing 
125,000  cubic  yards  at  a  cost  of  only  $18,750.  It  may  well  be 
asked  why  this  discovery  was  not  made  and  applied  at  an  earlier 
date  and  the  $253,646  already  paid  the  contractor  for  his  channel, 
secured  after  seven  years  of  labor,  have  been  saved. 

While  this  conclusion  leaves  the  whole  matter  of  cost  problemati- 
cal and  guarantees  nothing,  it  also  assumes  that  low  tide  jetties  would 
fix  the  channel  and  reduce  the  cost  of  dredging,  whereas  the  result 
would  be  to  admit  and  impound  the  littoral  drift  between  them  and 
so  increase  the  amount  to  be  removed  if  it  did  not  entirely  obliterate 
the  channel,  as  has  happened  at  Cumberland  Sound,  immediately  to 
the  south,  where  this  plan  was  tried  by  his  predecessor  and  signally 
failed.  But  if  the  cost  of  maintenance  were  even  as  low  as  $60,000, 
this  at  three  per  cent,  would  represent  $2,000,000,  and  the  single 
reaction  breakwater  could  be  built  on  this  bar  for  less  than  half 
this  sum,  which  would  create  and  maintain  the  channel ;  but  the 
author  of  the  report  dismisses  this  method  with  the  remark  that 
its  theory  is  "  fatally  defective,"  and  further  that  the  breakwater 
at  Aransas  Pass  built  on  this  plan  "  is  not  located  according   to 



















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66  HAUPT— METHODS   OF   IMPROVING    OCEAN   BARS.,      [May  3. 

the  theory,"  although  admitting  that  beneficial  results  have  fol- 
lowed its  construction.  In  the  large  space  which  he  devotes 
to  its  discussion,  he  unwittingly  shows  that  the  theory  and  its 
application  are  entirely  misunderstood  by  himself  and  others 
who  have  attempted  to  apply  it  at  other  places,  and  that  great  waste 
to  the  Government  has  resulted  from  a  misconception  of  local 
physical  conditions. 

2.  The  Single  Jetty. 

It  is  generally  believed  that  to  protect  an  area  from  material  mov- 
ing in  a  given  direction  it  is  necessary  to  place  a  barrier  on  the 
near  side  of  the  area,  or  between  it  and  the  source  of  the  drift,  to 
arrest  it  on  the  "windward"  side.  This  is  the  common  practice 
on  our  western  prairies  to  defend  the  railroads  from  prevailing  winds 
and  snowdrifts,  or  along  our  seashore  drives  to  keep  the  sand  out. 
To  place  the  barricade  on  the  far  side  would  result  in  rendering 
such  thoroughfares  impassable  or  greatly  increase  the  cost  of  main- 
taining traffic.  Precisely  the  same  laws  obtain  in  sand  driven  by 
ocean  currents  or  waves,  and  yet  it  appears  that  almost  invariably 
and  with  numerous  precedents  as  a  guide  the  jetty  is  placed  on  the 
far  or  wrong  side  of  the  channel  to  be  created,  where  it  invariably 
chokes  it  up  and  results  in  pushing  the  bar  seaward,  giving  no  bene- 
ficial result  from  the  natural  energy  and  adding  greatly  to  the  cost. 

For  example,  this  report  says  that  a  single  jetty  projecting  from 
shore  to  fix  the  channel  and  prevent  a  considerable  escape  of  the 
tidal  flow  should  be  placed  on  the  leeward  of  the  channel,  or 
"upon  that  side  of  the  channel  toward  which  the  latter  is  being 
driven  by  the  drifting  sands,"  and  it  adds,  "This  principle  of 
construction  was  first  suggested  by  Major  Thomas  W.  Symons, 
Corps  of  Engineers,  U.  S.  Army." 

The  Major  will  hardly  claim  the  honor  of  so  serious  a  fallacy, 
since  a  jetty  so  located  was  suggested  by  a  former  Chief  of  Engi- 
neers, now  deceased,  for  the  improvement  of  Aransas  Pass  and 
was  partially  built  by  the  district  engineer  in  the  years  1885-90, 
but  it  merely  intercepted  the  littoral  drift  moving  southerly, 
dropped  it  in  the  channel  which  it  obstructed  and  pushed  the  bar 
seaward  with  a  consequent  loss  of  depth.  It  cost  nearly  half  a 
million  dollars  and  was  an  acknowledged  failure.  It  furnished  a 
complete  demonstration  of  the  falsity  of  the  theory  of  attempting 
to  create  a  channel  by  placing  a  jetty  to  "  leeward  of  the  channel." 

1901. J         HAUPT — METHODS    OF   IMPROVING    OCEAN   BARS.  67 

This  experience  should  have  sufficed,  but  it  did  not,  as  the  same 
error  was  repeated  at  Galveston,  where  for  many  years  an  effort 
was  made  to  create  a  channel  by  building  one  jetty  on  the  "  lee- 
ward "  side  of  the  channel  which  it  closed  by  a  shoal,  and  which 
rolled  the  crest  of  the  bar  about  three  miles  farther  into  the  Gulf 
and  with  no  increase  of  depth.  It  was  only  after  the  windward 
jetty  was  built  which  partially  arrested  the  drift  that  dredges 
were  enabled  to  make  any  material  impression  on  the  depth. 

In  this  single  instance,  the  repetition  of  this  error  in  the  order 
of  construction  has  increased  the  cost  of  the  work  more  than 
$6,000,000,  and  yet,  notwithstanding  the  frequent  discussions  of 
this  subject,  it  does  not  seem  to  have  been  sufficient  to  have  been 
convincing,  since  it  is  again  seriously  recommended  to  repeat  the 
mistake  by  locations  made  on  the  "leeward  "  side  of  the  channel, 
and  the  success  which  has  attended  the  opposite  location  is  pro- 
nounced "  fatally  defective.''* 

Moreover,  it  is  true  that  several  jetties  have  been  partially  con- 
structed on  the  Pacific  coast  also  based  upon  this  erroneous  idea, 
that  the  best  way  to  create  a  channel  was,  first,  to  dam  it  up  by  a 
jetty  to  leeward  and  then  to  dredge  it  out,  as  the  sequel  will  show. 

The  report  says  (p.  19),  "A  single  jetty  at  Coos  Bay,  Oregon, 
has  been  built  in  accordance  with  this  theory  and  appears  to  have 
been  successful  in  increasing  the  depth  from  ten  feet  to  not  less 
than  eighteen  feet,  which  latter  it  has  maintained  for  the  last  five 

Unfortunately  for  this  alleged  increase  of  eight  feet,  caused  by 
a  jetty  built  to  leeward,  upon  which  reliance  is  placed  to  prove  the 
theory,  the  official  records  of  the  Reports  of  the  Chief  of  Engi- 
neers show  that  the  natural  depths  prior  to  the  beginning  of  the 
work  were  at  one  time  twenty-seven  feet,1  while  the  latest  report  gives 
the  depth  as  ranging  from  eighteen  to  twenty-two  feet  and  the  map 
shows  the  limiting  depth  to  be  nineteen  feet,  or  a  loss  of  eight  feet  in- 
stead of  a  gain,  thus  disproving  the  theory  of  the  leeward  jetty,  as  in 

1  See  Report,  1892,  p.  2673:  "  Capt.  Magee  states  that  the  best  water  and 
safest  channel  is  always  found  when  the  channel  across  the  bar  is  in  its  most 
southern  position,  i.  e.,  about  500  or  100  feet  south  of  the  present  position  of  the 
bar  buoy.  It  is  safest  because  it  affords  the  shortest  and  most  direct  route  to 
the  sea,  and  enables  a  vessel  generally  to  take  the  swell  head  on,  or  nearly  so. 
At  one  time  when  the  channel  was  in  the  above  position  there  were  twenty-seven 
feet  at  low  water  across  the  bar." 

68  HAUPT — METHODS   OF   IMPROVING   OCEAN    BARS.      [May  3, 

other  cases.  This  single  jetty  is,  however,  but  the  incompleted  part 
of  a  twin  jetty  project  and  hence  was  not  designed  to  operate  as  a  single 
reaction  jetty  at  all.  The  total  appropriations  were  $888,750, 
while  the  estimated  amount  to  complete  the  twin  jetties  to  secure 
twenty  feet  is  $1,791,412.20;  total,  $2,680,162.20.  The  bar  is 
moving  seaward  at  a  more  rapid  rate  than  ever,  and  is  now  about 
1800  feet  beyond  the  jetty.     Its  average  rate  is  200  feet  per  annum. 

The  question  may  well  be  asked,  Why  build  this  second  jetty,  at 
so  great  cost,  if  the  depths  are  already  over  twenty  feet,  and  if 
dredging  is  so  much  cheaper?  The  map  however  shows  why,  since 
a  sand  spit  extends  from  the  southerly  side  of  the  channel  to  be- 
yond the  end  of  the  north  jetty  and  the  bar  is  1800  feet  beyond 
the  end  of  the  work.  The  crossing  is  north  of  the  jetty  which 
extends  straight  out  from  high  water  mark.  In  the  writer's  opinion, 
had  the  south  jetty  been  built  first  the  north  one  could  have  been 
greatly  shortened,  or  possibly  omitted  altogether. 

The  low  tide  jetty  at  the  mouth  of  the  Columbia  river,  to  which 
reference  is  made,  although  placed  on  the  windward  side  of  the  chan- 
nel with  reference  to  the  littoral  drift,  was  not  built  high  enough  to 
intercept  that  movement,  neither  was  it  curved  in  the  right  direc- 
tion to  control  the  ebb  reaction,  and  hence  it  followed  that  during 
the  time  while  the  groin  was  filling  the  bar  deepened,  but  as  soon 
as  this  was  accomplished  and  the  drift  could  travel  over  it,  the  bar 
again  retrograded  and  a  further  extension  of  over  four  miles  is 
required  to  catch  up  with  the  advancing  bar.  This  jetty  has  cost 

The  last  annual  report  (1900)  says,  "  The  result  of  the  survey 
shows  a  decrease  in  depth  of  from  four  to  five  feet  at  mean  low 
water.  The  greatest  depth  reported  the  previous  year  was  twenty- 
eight  feet Rapid  extensions  of  the  jetty  seem  essential  to 

recovering  former  depths."  The  map  shows  twenty-three  feet  on 
the  bar.1  The  estimate  for  forty  feet  is  placed  at  $2,531,140.  It 
is  not  an  illustration,  however,  of  a  jetty  placed  to  leeward  of  the 
channel,  neither  is  it  a  correct  application  of  one  to  windward,  as 
it  violates  the  conditions  of  protecting  the  channel  from  the  drift 
and  of  conserving  the  energy  of  the  effluent  stream. 

Failure  fully  to  comprehend  the  lessons  furnished  by  the  pre- 
cedents referred   to   in   this  report  results  in  a  repetition   of  the 

1  Natural  depths  of  twenty-eight  feet  were  reported  prior  to  1850.  Vide  Wilkes' 
Western  America,  1 849,  Library  of  Congress. 

1901.]         HAUPT — METHODS   OF   IMPROVING   OCEAN   BAR i.  69 

unwise  recommendation  that  "  A  single  jetty  on  this  principle  at 
Brunswick  would  be  located  on  the  south  side  of  the  channel,  since 
the  drifting  sands  come  from  the  north." 

Such  a  location,  if  followed,  would  in  the  writer's  opinion  be 
ruinous   to   the   commerce    of    that    port.     Its   estimated   cost    is 

It  is  certain  that  it  would  dam  up  the  channel  and  push  the  bar 
to  the  sea  with  the  same  or  less  depth  than  previously  existed,  as 
happened  to  the  Government  plans  at  Aransas  Pass  and  Galveston 
during  construction,  also  at  Cumberland  Sound  where  the  south 
jetty,  projecting  to  leeward,  has  entirely  obliterated  the  old  channel 
and  made  it  necessary  to  open  a  new  one  by  dredging  away  a  part 
of  that  jetty  and  opening  a  passage  to  a  new  crossing  under 
its  lee.  This  experiment,  as  shown  in  Senate  Document  No.  163, 
Fifty-fifth  Congress,  First  Session,  should  have  sufficed  to  illustrate 
completely  the  results  to  be  anticipated  from  such  a  proposition  for 
Brunswick,  where,  it  is  stated,  there  'Ms  an  enormous  sandbank 
which  moves  and  which  always  moves  very  positively  in  one 

So  pronounced  was  the  failure  at  Cumberland  Sound,  after  twenty 
years  of  study  and  experiment  and  the  appropriation  of  #1,787,500, 
that  in  1897  Congress  called  for  a  report  to  ascertain  whether  an 
emergency  appropriation  should  not  be  made  "to  protect  the 
entrance  from  being  closed  against  commerce."  In  the  report 
made  in  pursuance  of  the  resolution,  the  officer  then  in  charge 
stated  :  "  The  navigable  bar  channel  has  deserted  the  desired  route 
entirely,  the  present  channel  crossing  the  south  jetty  about  7000 
feet  seaward  of  its  initial  point."  Also  the  bar  crossing  is  now 
"  nearly  half  a  mile  south  of  the  outer  end  of  the  jetty  "  and  the 
"  least  depths  are  somewhat  less  than  thirteen  feet."  This  was  the 
natural  depth.  The  comparative  maps  in  this  report  show  that 
instead  of  the  channel  remaining  in  its  original  position  as  it 
should  have  done,  according  to  the  theory  of  the  author,  it  was 
actually  driven  across  the  intercepting  jetty  and  sought  its  nor- 
mal position  along  the  line  of  least  resistance  in  its  lee,  thus 
bringing  the  jetty  to  windward,  where  it  should  have  been  placed 
at  first. 

Thus  Nature  would  teach  Science,  if  the  latter  would  but  learn  to 
interpret  her  results  correctly.  A  more  complete  illustration  can 
hardly  be  found  of  the  soundness  of  the  theory  of  interposing  the 

70  HAUPT — METHODS   OF   IMPROVING    OCEAN   BAR*.      [May  3, 

barrier  between  the  channel  and  the  advancing  drift,  or  to  wind- 
ward and  not  to  leeward.  Here  where  a  jetty  was  built  to  leeward, 
according  to  the  author's  ideas,  the  natural  forces  changed  it  to 
windward  by  shifting  the  channel  to  the  opposite  side — a  com- 
plete demonstration  in  his  own  district. 

The  report  also  shows  that  a  deep  and  narrow  channel  is  antici- 
pated on  the  windward  side  of  the  jetty,  for  it  says  : 

"It  is  difficult  to  see  how  such  a  constant  force  from  the  north 
could  avoid  crowding  the  channel  close  to  the  jetty  and  making  it 
sufficiently  deep  near  the  latter  torequire  extensive  and  expensive 
work  to  prevent  undermining." 

The  results,  however,  are  just  the  reverse  of  this  as  seen  at  Cum- 
berland Sound,  for  the  sand  being  heavier  than  water,  when  it 
meets  with  an  obstruction  is  dropped  in  the  channel,  if  to  wind- 
ward, and  fills  it  up.  Yet  notwithstanding  these  years  of  experience 
and  expense  at  Cumberland  the  report  states:  "The  jetties  so  far 
constructed  at  Cumberland  Sound  have  not  yet  progressed  suf- 
ficiently far  to  have  much  influence  upon  the  bar  depths." 

On  the  contrary,  the  author  might  have  said  with  more  truth, 
they  have  had  so  great  an  influence  upon  the  bar  depths  as  to  have 
entirely  obliterated  the  old  channel,  and  to  have  created  a  new 
one  which  now  crosses  the  south  jetty  through  the  breach  made  to 
admit  light  draught  vessels  to  the  port.  The  depth  has  not  been 

A  somewhat  similar  experience  occurred  at  Manasquan  inlet  on 
the  New  Jersey  coast,  where  the  jetties  were  completely  buried 
under  a  sand  bank  and  appropriations  were  requested  to  remove. the 
obstructions.  These  lessons  of  experience  are  lost  upon  a  con- 
stantly shifting  personnel  and  they  have  cost  the  Government  much 
time  and  money,  whereas  the  bar  depths  have  not  been  materially 
increased  by  the  application  of  natural  forces.  In  recent  years,  by 
localizing  the  channel  at  the  mouth  of  the  Columbia,  there  was  a 
temporary  gain  of  about  four  feet  at  a  cost  of  $500,000  per  foot ;  and 
at  Galveston  of  thirteen  feet,  mainly  by  dredging,  costing  nearly 
$700,000  per  foot  to  date.  The  total  expenditures  by  the  Govern- 
ment on  its  works  at  Aransas  Pass,  Galveston,  Coos  Bay,  Columbia 
Bar,  Cumberland  Sound,  St.  John's  River  and  Gray's  Harbor, 
where  in  most  cases  the  leeward  jetty  was  built  first  with  injurious 
results,  have  been  about  seventeen  millions  of  dollars  ($17,000,000) 
and  still  the  same  method  is  urged  as  being  the  proper  policy  to 

J901.J         HAUPf — METHODS    OF   IMPROVING    OCEAX   BARS.  71 

3.   "The  Single,  Curved  Breakwater." 

The  report  next  analyzes  the  reaction  breakwater  partially  built 
by  private  capital  at  Aransas  Pass,  stating  some  of  the  requirements 
it  was  designed  by  its  inventor  to  fulfill,  namely:  (1)  It  must  be 
located  on  the  windward  side  of  the  channel.  (2)  It  must  be  de- 
tached from  the  shore  to  admit  the  full  tidal  prism.  (3)  It  must 
produce  a  continuous  reaction  across  the  bar  by  its  curved  trace. 

Another  requirement,  which  the  author  professes  not  to  understand 
clearly,  is  that  "  the  breakwater  has  to  be  curved  to  produce  reac- 
tions similar  to  those  found  in  the  concavities  of  streams  and  hav- 
ing radii  sufficient  to  maintain  channels  of  the  requisite  depths;" 
also  "  the  breakwater  must  change  the  conditions  of  equilibrium  of 
flood  and  ebb  currents  in  favor  of  the  latter." 

This  last,  he  adds,  "  is  too  vaguely  stated  to  admit  of  discussion." 
After  stating  that  the  first  and  second  of  the  above  requirements  are 
directly  contrary  to  each  other,  the  author  proceeds  to  predict  what 
should  happen,  but  which,  unfortunately  for  his  forecast,  after  some 
four  years  of  exposure,  has  not  happened.  The  channel  has  not 
shifted  its  position,  there  has  been  no  dredging,  nor  any  expenditure 
upon  any  part  of  the  work  for  maintenance,  and  the  depths  have  in- 
creased in  the  lee  of  the  breakwater  to  a  maximum  of  twenty-five 
and  a  quarter  feet  and  a  minimum  of  fifteen  and  a  half  feet,  although 
large  gaps  were  left  in  the  breakwater  at  both  ends  when  the  work 
was  suspended  in  1897. 

The  sophistries  and  opinions  suggested  to  discredit  these  unpre- 
cedented results  are  best  answered  by  the  results  themselves,  as 
the  report  acknowledges  "at  Aransas  Pass  to-day  there  is  prob- 
ably a  minimum  depth  of  fifteen  feet  with  over  twenty  feet  close  to 
the  jetty."  This  is  therefore  the  admitted  result,  with  barely  half 
of  the  work  contemplated  in  place. 

The  author  next  proceeds  to  show  that  not  only  is  the  theory  de- 
fective, but  that  it  has  not  been  correctly  applied  ;  and  to  sustain 
this  assumption  he  must,  perforce,Jnvert  the  direction  of  the  littoral 
drift,  ignoring  entirely  the  former  Government  experience  when  the 
old  curved  jetty  was  built  on  the  other  side  of  the  channel,  and 
resulted  in  failure. 

After  concluding  that  the  reaction  breakwater  is  not  built  in  ac- 
cordance with  the  theory  of  its  designer,  the  author  then  attempts 
to  build  up  a  case  of  two  jetties  by  statements  such  as  these : 

"  It  seems  plain  that  most  of  the  operation  is  that  simply  of  two 

72  HAUPT — METHODS   OF   IMPROVING    OCEAN   BARS.      [May  3, 

jetties,  one  somewhat  longer  than  the  other,  its  curved  shape  pos- 
sibly making  up  in  part  for  the  lack  of  length  in  its  mate.  The  first 
of  these  jetties — the  north  one — is  composed  of  two  parts,  one  of 
which  is  a  natural  bank  extending  from  St.  Joseph's  Island  to  the 
inner  end  of  the  breakwater,  a  distance  of  about  1700  feet."  As 
there  is  no  "  natural  bank"  across  this  1700  feet  of  tidal  opening, 
where  the  depths  are  from  five  and  a  quarter  to  four  and  three- 
quarters  and  two  feet  at  mean  low  water  and  which  opening  is  a 
part  of  the  design  to  admit  the  full  tidal  enegry,  and  as  all  of  the 
inner  end  of  the  so-called  jetty  to  a  point  4000  feet  from  the  island 
is  below  water  surface,  some  of  it  as  much  as  fifteen  feet,  it  is  diffi- 
cult to  accept  the  statement  that  it  is  part  of  the  jetty  relied  upon  to 
control  effectively  the  ebb  currents  or  even  to  arrest  sand,  which  does 
undoubtedly  enter  the  channel  through  the  gaps  to  the  detriment 
of  the  work  (see  Proceedings  of  American  Philosophical  Soci- 
ety, Vol.  38,  Plate  VII). 

But  the  author,  not  appreciating  fully  the  important  function  of 
arresting  this  drift,  adds  that  "  the  trend  of  the  currents  is  such  that 
no  artificial  structure  is  needed  here."  Yet  the  Government  Board 
recommends  in  its  proposed  plan  to  close  this  opening  by  a  sill  some 
three  or  more  feet  high.  Why  should  it  do  so  if  not  needed  to  con- 
trol the  currents,  or  if,  as  the  author  asserts,  the  sand  is  drifting  in 
through  this  opening,  why  should  it  not  be  needed  to  arrest  this 
movement  ? 

The  report  then  stated  that  "  for  a  further  distance  east  of  4650 
feet  we  have  in  the  breakwater  itself  a  more  or  less  complete  actual 
jetty,  with  a  little  foundation  beyond  this." 

How  much  is  "  more"  and  how  much  "less"  does  not  appear  ; 
so  that  from  the  author's  view  it  would  seem  the  north  jetty  consists 
of  a  natural  bank  for  1700  feet  and  a  more  or  less  completed  actual 
jetty  of  4650  feet,  a  total  structure  of  6350  feet,  giving  the  impres- 
sion to  one  ignorant  of  the  facts  that  there  is  a  retaining  wall  of  that 
length  which  controls  the  currents,  whereas  of  the  reaction  break- 
water, or  so-called  "  north  jetty,"  less  than  1500  feet  reach  above 
high  water,  and  hence  for  only  about  twenty  per  cent,  of  this  entire 
distance  are  the  currents  under  the  full  control  of  the  structure. 

The  alleged  south  jetty,  according  to  the  report,  is  built  up  in  a 
similarly  ideal  manner,  as  follows  : 

"Opposing  this  and  forming  the  south  jetty  we  have,  first,  the 
reveted  head  of  Mustang  Island  and  the  old  Nelson  jetty,  extend- 

1901.]     .    HAUPT — METHODS   OF    IMPROVING   OCEAN    BARS.  7S 

ing  from  the  same  base  to  a  distance  of  about  3150  feet.  Beyond 
that  we  have  the  old  Government  jetty,  a  submerged  structure, 
but  still  a  jetty  capable  of  exercising  an  important  influence  on  the 
tidal  flow  a  further  distance  of  2350  feet,  making  a  north  jetty  hav- 
ing a  total  length  of  6350  feet  and  a  south  jetty  having  a  total  length 
of  5500  and  located  about  1250  feet  apart." 

Again,  to  a  novice  these  statements  are  grossly  misleading,  since 
the  old  Nelson  jetty,  which  was  built  of  wooden  cylinders  filled  with 
sand,  was  destroyed  where  exposed  to  the  sea  soon  after  it  was 
placed,  as  was  predicted.  It  long  since  ceased  to  act  as  a  jetty 
(see  map,  Fig.  6,  in  the  report).  There  has  been  no  revetment 
placed  on  Mustang  Island  for  more  than  a  decade,  and  its  outer 
shore  line  has  apparently  advanced  between  January,  1899,  and  May, 
1900,  only  about  500  feet;  but  this  was  after  the  depths  as  reported 
were  secured  (see  Maps  5  and  6),  and  hence  could  not  have  been 
instrumental  in  causing  them.  Moreover,  the  old  Government  jetty 
is  not  only  "  submerged"  but  subterranean,  being  buried  under 
the  sand  which  the  reaction  breakwater  has  thrown  over  it ;  and 
hence  being  in  a  region  of  deposit,  not  of  scour,  and  being  under 
ground,  it  cannot  be  regarded  as  "capable  of  exercising  an  impor- 
tant influence  on  the  tidal  flow"  as  an  active  agent  to  confine  the 
currents,  and  thus  the  fallacy  of  the  two  jetties  1250  feet  apart  is 
reduced  to  the  effective  portion  of  about  1500  feet  of  the  break- 
water extending  above  high  water  and  the  unfinished  submerged 
flank  of  the  same,  partially  overlapping  the  outer  end  of  Mustang 
Island,  but  having  gaps  of  fifteen  feet  and  less  in  depth.  The  sand- 
bank on  the  southerly  side  of  the  channel  is  the  dump  for  the  ma- 
terial removed  by  the  breakwater,  and  is  the  effect,  not  the  cause,  of 
the  deepening  created  by  it.  The  theory  that  these  results  are  due 
to  two  jetties  is  wholly  without  foundation  in  fact. 

Another  serious  error  into  which  the  author  has  fallen  is  in  deter- 
mining the  direction  of  the  resultant  drift,  which  furnishes  the  key 
to  the  correct  solution  of  the  problem  by  a  single  jetty.  He  insists 
that  all  the  charts  which  were  accessible,  as  well  as  the  statements  of 
more  or  less  interested  parties,  were  to  the  effect  that  the  resultant 
movement  was  from  south  to  north,  and  that  since  the  breakwater  is 
on  the  north  side  it  is  therefore  located  to  leeward  and  not  to  wind- 
ward, as  it  should  be  according  to  the  theory  of  the  writer,  fie 
discusses  the  anemometer  records,  and  although  they  show  that  the 
intensity  of  the  northeast  storms  is  to  that  of  the  southeast  as  43. 7  is 

74  HAUPT — METHODS   OF    IMPROVING    OCEAN   BARS.      -[May  3, 

to  34.2,  yet  because  the  lighter  winds  prevail  longer  from  the  south- 
east he  concludes  that  they  are  the  determining  factors,  and  over- 
looks entirely  the  unmistakable  record  of  the  movements  of  the 
inlets  along  this  coast,  as  shown  so  clearly  by  the  comparative 
charts  which  he  must  have  consulted  in  the  reports  to  which  refer- 
ence is  made.  These  show  that  the  tall  masonry  lighthouse  built  at 
Aransas  Pass  between  185 1  and  i860,  and  which  then  stood  abreast  of 
the  inlet  to  light  the  channel  and  bar  crossing,  is  now  about  two  miles 
to  the  north  of  the  present  position  of  the  inlet  and  its  bar,  so  that 
St.  Joseph's  Island  has  been  extending  southward  at  the  annual  rate 
of  about  260  feet,  while  Mustang  Island  has  been  receding;  and  as 
the  channels  do  not  move  toward  but  away  from  the  resultant,  there 
should  be  no  cause  for  doubt  as  to  the  direction  of  the  movement, 
excepting  to  those  who  cannot  correctly  interpret  nature's  record. 

In  further  support  of  this  inversion  of  the  facts,  the  statement  is 
made  that  the  foreshore  on  the  northerly  side  of  the  jetty  shows  a 
loss  or  scour  of  1,270,000  cubic  yards  since  1895,  and  that  there  is 
no  indication  of  this  material  having  moved  seaward,  nor  has  it  gone 
through  the  opening  between  the  breakwater  and  the  shore  into  the 
harbor,  and  as  it  would  be  inconsistent  for  the  argument  to  have  it 
travel  southward,  he  adds  : 

"  Of  course  this  sand  cannot  have  gone  to  the  south  over  the 
breakwater,  otherwise  there  certainly  would  have  been  a  fill  close 
behind  the  latter,"  so  it  must  have  gone  north,  and  the  assumption 
is  thus  established. 

Unfortunately  for  this  argument  the  original  compact  material 
in  place  "close  behind  the  breakwater"  has  been  scoured  out  by  the 
natural  currents  even  to  a  depth  of  over  twenty  feet  and  close  to  the 
breakwater,  as  the  author  admits,  consequently  any  loose  band 
carried  over  the  breakwater  would,  d  for/tori,  be  much  less  apt 
to  be  lodged  in  these  currents  and  would  be  at  once  carried  out 
and  around  the  sandy  spur  to  the  southward,  as  has  happened 
and  as  is  quite  evident  from  the  comparative  charts ;  so  that  the 
statement  by  the  writer  is  true  that  not  only  has  this  incomplete 
breakwater  removed  about  600,000  cubic  yards  in  place,  but  has 
prevented  the  deposition  of  a  much  larger  amount  drifting  in  from 
the  north  through  the  gaps  and  over  the  unfinished  portions  of  the 
structure.  This  action  is  so  manifest  as  scarcely  to  require  so  long 
an  explanation,  but  for  the  misconstruction  which  has  been  put  upon 
it.     At  Cumberland  the  drift  moved  over  the  jetty  and  across  the 

1901.]         HAUTT — METHODS   OF    IMPROVING   OCEAN    BARS.  75 

new  channel  in  a  similar  manner  and  passed  on  to  the  southward. 
The  testimony  of  nature  is  worth  far  more  as  to  facts  than  that 
of  interested  and  superficial  observers,  and  yet,  in  view  of  his  own 
admission  that  the  evidence  of  the  northward  movement  "  is  mostly 
negative,"  the  writer,  to  sustain  his  effort  to  condemn  the  theory  as 
fatally  defective  and  to  demonstrate  an  error  in  location,  must,  per- 
force, invert  the  testimony  of  nature  to  accommodate  a  preconceived 
theory.  (For  the  evidence  see  Doc.  137,  H.  R.,  55th  Cong.,  2d 
Sess.,  Charts  No.  6;  survey  of  1854;  No.  7  of  1868;  No.  8  of 
1S91,  etc.)  A  superficial  glance  at  these  will  show  the  prevailing 
direction  of  the  drift  and  the  loss  of  depth  in  the  channel  until  im- 
proved by  the  reaction  breakwater. 

Such  statements  might  be  ignored  were  it  not  that  the  errors  which 
lead  to  them  have  involved  the  country  in  such  large  and  useless 
expenditures  with  injurious  results  to  our  commerce,  and  have  in- 
flicted upon  us  an  enormous  annual  and  avoidable  expense  for  main- 
tenance of  channels  by  dredging,  which  the  author  recommends  be 
done  by  day's  labor  and  with  Government  plants,  thus  destroying 

Yet  all  this  expenditure  does  not  seem  to  have  had  even  an  educa- 
tional value  upon  the  author  of  the  report  under  consideration,  who 
recommends  its  continuance. 

Hence  it  is  not  surprising,  after  such  an  ingenious  misconstruc- 
tion of  data  "mostly  negative,"  and  which  makes  the  littoral 
drift  come  from  the  southwest  or  in  a  direction  opposed  to  that  of 
the  drift  of  the  inlet  for  at  least  fifty  years,  that  the  author  reaches 
these  erroneous 

"  Conclusions." 

"  1st.  The  theory  of  the  reaction  breakwater  is  fatally  defective 
in  the  following  particulars,  viz.: 

(a)  It  provides  for  no  force  or  resistance  to  hold  the  currents 
against  the  breakwater.  Such  provision  would  usually  mean  a  second 

(b)  Should  it  increase  the  depth,  such  increase  is  limited  and 
beyond  that  an  undue  amount  of  dredging  would  probably  be 

(c)  If  successful  in  deepening  the  channel,  it  would  probably 
move  the  bar  seaward  and  the  seaward  extension  of  the  works 
appear  impracticable. 

76  HAUPT — METHODS   OF   IMPROVING   OCEAN   BARS.       [May  3, 

(d)  It  makes  no  provision  against  the  channel  being  driven  too 
close  to  the  breakwater  for  the  safety  of  itself  or  shipping,  by  sand 
coming  from  the  opposite  direction  or  by  the  current  being 
directed  against  the  jetty  in  accord  with  the  theory. 

That  these  opinions  are  hypercritical  will  be  seen  from  their  con- 
tradictory character,  for  in  (a)  it  is  said  there  is  no  provision  to 
hold  the  current  against  the  breakwater,  while  in  (d)  it  is  said  that 
the  channel  may  be  driven  too  close  by  sand  from  the  opposite 
direction.  In  (d)  the  objection  is  made  that  should  an  increase  of 
depth  result,  such  increase  would  involve  an  undue  amount  of 
dredging ;  or  in  short,  although  the  currents  scour  out  a  natural 
channel,  defended  from  the  resultant  sand  movements  by  the  break- 
water, there  would  still  remain  a  larger  than  before  volume  to  be 
removed  by  dredging,  (c)  The  result  of  any  deepening  might 
extend  the  bar  seaward  and  the  breakwater  could  not  be  extended. 

Any  material  carried  to  the  outer  slope  would  be  ejected  in 
deeper  water  where  the  littoral  current  and  wave  action  at  head  of 
breakwater  would  prevent  its  deposition,  as  the  incomplete  results 
have  shown,  and,  if  necessary,  a  considerable  extension  of  the 
works  seaward  is  quite  possible  without  injury  to  navigation.  The 
facts,  however,  at  Aransas,  as  previously  stated,  are  so  confirmatory 
of  the  theory  that  they  have  been  recognized  by  impartial  juries  at 
the  Paris  Exposition  and  the  National  Export  Exposition  as  worthy 
of  their  highest  awards,  while  the  American  Philosophical  Society 
and  the  Franklin  Institute,  after  thorough  and  extended  investiga- 
tions, have  also  granted  their  highest  honors  to  the  inventor. 

In  view  of  these  findings  of  experts,  it  is  somewhat  confusing  to 
read  further  in  the  official  report  of  the  officer  in  charge  of  the 
work  at  Brunswick : 

"  The  only  apparent  example  of  such  construction  that  has  been 
tried  is  at  Aransas  Pass,  and  that  is  no  test  of  the  theory  at  all,  as 
the  breakwater  is  not  located  according  to  the  theory,  and  the 
beneficial  results  produced  are  not  the  result  of  the  reaction  break- 
water as  such  but  by  incomplete  twin  jetties."  If  such  be  the  case, 
then  the  maritime  engineers  and  societies  who  have  recognized  the 
merits  and  results  of  the  incomplete  work  at  this  place  must  have 
stultified  themselves,  and  it  remains  for  the  author  of  the  report  to 
cite  a  single  instance  where  similar  results  have  been  secured  by 
"  incomplete  (or  even  complete)  twin  jetties"  in  the  same  time  or 
for  the  same  cost. 

1901.]         HAUPT — METHODS   OF   IMPROVING   OCEAN   BARS.  77 

As  the  depth  entirely  across  the  bar  has  been  increased  from  six 
to  over  fifteen  feet  at  a  cost  of  about  $30,000  per  foot,  with  a  large 
area  having  depths  exceeding  twenty  feet,  it  remains  a  fact  that 
there  is  no  record  known  to  the  writer  exhibiting  equal  efficiency 
and  economy. 

Yet  the  report  illogically  concludes  from  these  erroneous  pre- 
mises and  misconstructions :  "  For  these  reasons,  a  single  reaction 
breakwater  is  not  recommended  for  the  improvement  of  Brunswick 

How  groundless  "  these  reasons"  are  will  no  doubt  appear  from 
the  previous  analysis,  but  the  primum  mobile  for  the  failure  to  re- 
commend it  may  be  better  understood  by  stating  that  for  some 
fourteen  years  the  attention  of  the  Government  has  been  invited 
to  this  improvement  through  its  engineer  officers.  As  long  ago  as 
the  1 6th  of  March,  1888,  a  Board  reported  to  the  Chief  of  Engi- 
neers the  following  conclusion  : 

1  'The  views  are  purely  theoretical,  are  unconfirmed  by  experi- 
ence, and  contain  nothing  not  already  well  known  which  has  a 
useful  application  in  the  improvement  of  our  harbors." 

The  Board,  however,  cited  no  precedents,  although  requested  to 
do  so,  and  all  applications  for  permission  to  make  a  demonstra- 
tion remained  unanswered. 

Again,  in  1890,  the  officer  in  charge  of  the  jetties  at  Cumberland 
Sound,  after  mature  study,  submitted  on  his  own  responsibility  a 
plan  involving  the  use  of  a  single,  curved,  reaction  breakwater, 
properly  located  on  the  windward  side  of  the  channel,  at  an  esti- 
mated saving  of  $1,108,004,  of  which  $125,000  was  for  the  removal 
of  part  of  the  south  jetty,  which  he  reported  as  being  "improperly 
located."  On  March  11,  1891,  a  Board  of  Engineers,  composed 
with  one  exception  of  the  same  officers  who  had  made  the  original 
adverse  report,  stated  as  follows : 

"  The  Board  does  not  think  that  a  single  jetty  on  the  north  side 
of  the  channel,  curving  gently  to  the  south,  would  secure  the  deep 
water  needed,  but  is  of  the  opinion  lhat  two  jetties  will  be  needed. 
....  The  opinion  that  such  a  curved  channel  conforms  to  the 
natural  requirements  of  the  site  and  opposes  the  action  of  the  nat- 
ural forces  less  than  any  other,  is  believed  to  be  fallacious." 

In  consequence,  work  on  the  two  jetties  was  continued  with  the 
disastrous  results  already  stated. 

Again,  after  all  former  attempts  to  deepen  the  channel  at  Aransas 

PROC    AMER.    PHILOS.    SOC  XL.   166.  F.      PRINTED  JULY  17,   1901. 

78  HAUPT — METHODS   OF   IMPROVING   OCEAN    BAES,       [May 8, 

Pass  had'failed,  and  the  reaction  breakwater  was  partially  built  with 
the  results  given,  the  private  funds  became  exhausted  and  the  Gov- 
ernment was  asked  to  appraise  the  value  of  the  work  done,  take  over 
the  breakwater  and  continue  it  immediately.  A  Board  of  Engi- 
neers reported  in  1897,  just  after  the  obstructing  old  Government 
jetty  had  been  breached,  that : 

"  There  does  not  seem  to  be  any  probability  that  the  jetty  as  now 
constructed  will  of  itself  secure  and  maintain  any  considerable 
increase  of  depths  in  a  navigable  channel  of  proper  width.  The 
Board  is  of  the  opinion  that  the  value  to  the  Government  of  the 
works  for  the  improvement  of  Aransas  Pass  is  nothing." 

The  depth  was  then  nine  and  a  quarter  feet.  It  is  now  fifteen 
feet,  and  as  yet  no  work  has  been  done,  although  Congress  made 
an  appropriation  more  than  two  years  ago  of  $60,000  to  remove  the 
remains  of  the  old  jetty  built  across  the  channel  and  on  its  leeward 
side.  This  is  now  buried,  as  previously  stated,  by  the  action  of  the 
breakwater  under  the  bottom  of  the  channel,  and  is  a  barrier  to  its 
further  deepening. 

Finally  comes  this  Report  on  the  Brunswick  Bar,  which  con- 
demns the  theory  as  well  as  its  application  as  being  erroneous  even 
in  the  face  of  the  indisputable  evidence  of  nature. 

These  statements  are  made  to  illustrate  the  operation  of  the  law 
of  conservatism  which  ever  attends  the  path  of  progress  to  retard 
her  too  rapid  strides.  Its  consideration  would  divert  this  analy- 
sis of  physical  fallacies,  facts  andjbrces  to  the  [domain  of  meta- 
physics and  is  therefore  not  pursued  further. 

4.  Twin  Jetties. 

This  is  the  method  most  generally  used  in  efforts  to  create  chan- 
nels and  the  record  of  their  experience  is  quite  suggestive.  At  the 
mouths  of  large  sedimentary  rivers,  emptying  into  nearly  tideless 
seas,  they  have  been  reasonably  successful,  but  for  tidal  inlets  their 
utility  is  very  limited.  The  report  says:  "  Apparently  the  only 
examples  of  high  tide  jetties  in  the  United  States  are  at  Sabine 
Pass,  Galveston,  and  Yakina  Bay,  Oregon." 

This  statement  suggests  the  necessity  for  greater  research  on  the 
part  of  the  author,  since  the  well-known  jetties  at  South  Pass  were 
built  above  high  water,  as  are  also  those  at  Newburyport,  Mass.;. 
New  Haven,  Conn.;  Manasquan,  N.  J.;  Brazos  River,  Tex.,  and 
at  other  points,  while  both  jetties  at  Yakina  were  originally  de- 

1901.1         HAUPT — METHODS   OF   IMPROVING   OCEAN  BARS.  79 

signed  to  rise  only  to  half-tide,  but  both  were  subsequently  raised 
above  high  water  to  make  them,  if  possible,  effective.  It  is  not  the 
purpose  of  this  paper  to  review  the  results  of  works  of  this  class,  but 
their  sequel  shows  that  they  have  not  fulfilled  the  expectations  of 
their  designers  and  that  they  have  not  arrested  the  advance  of  the  bar 
seaward  nor  have  they  given  '■he  anticipated  depths,  with  the  excep- 
tion of  South  Pass.  This,  however,  has  caused  a  rapid  shoaling  in 
the  entire  channel  above  the  jetties  in  consequence  of  over-contrac- 
tion, and  necessitates  the  maintenance  of  the  depths  by  dredging  for 
a  distance  of  many  miles  because  of  the  elevation  of  the  flood  plane 
and  bed  of  the  stream  by  sedimentation. 

Hence  the  necessity  for  an  early  removal  of  the  bar  at  the  South- 
west Pass. 

But  to  return  to  the  discussion.  The  author  suggests  that  to 
arrest  sand  movements  entirely,  high  tide  jetties  are  requisite,  and 
cites  those  at  Yakina  Bay  as  a  type,  as  having  "  increased  the  depth 
from  seven  to  fifteen  feet  at  mean  low  water,  and,  so  far  as  the 
records  show,  without  as  yet  producing  any  new  bar  seaward  of  the 
jetties."  It  may  suffice  to  state,  on  the  contrary,  that  while  the 
original  depths  at  low  water  were  seven  to  nine  feet,  the  latest 
annual  report  of  the  Chief  of  Engineers  for  1900  says  on  p.  4298 : 
"There  is  at  present,  about  one-half  mile  from  the  end  of  the 
jetties,  a  crescent-shaped  bar  almost  enclosing  the  entrance  and 
having  from  eight  to  twelve  feet  of  water  over  it  at  low  water.. 
Around  the  south  end  of  this  shoal  there  is  a  channel  having  a 
least  depth  of  thirteen  feet 1  at  low  tide.  This  bar  has  apparently 
shoaled  somewhat  since  the  survey  of  1895."  The  report  of  1887, 
when  only  a  portion  of  the  south  jetty  was  built,  also  shows  a  low 
tide  channel  of  thirteen  feet,  and  the  officer  then  in  charge  calls 
attention  to  the  movement  of  the  bar  seaward  toward  a  reef  of 

These  official  statements  would  appear  to  discredit  the  asser- 
tions of  the  author  as  to  an  increase  of  depths  to  fifteen  feet 
and  no  advance  of  the  bar  seaward. 

In  commenting  further  upon  twin  jetties,  the  author  remarks  : 
"  Jetties  built  to  a  height  sufficient  to  stop  the  sand  flow  from  both 
sides  and  also  high  enough  to  control  the  tidal  flow  should  be  ex- 
pected to  reproduce  at  the  bar  the  depths  at  the  gorge."  Experi- 
ence does  not  seem  to  confirm  this  expectation,  since  nature  fur- 

1  The  chart  shows  but  ten  feet.     This  may  be  an  error,  however. 

80  HAUPT — METHODS   OF   IMPROVING   OCEAN   BARS.      [May  3, 

nishes  no  illustration  of  a  deep  pocket  at  both  ends  of  a  contracted 
pass,  whether  natural  or  artificial.  High  tide  jetties,  unfortunately, 
greatly  obstruct  the  ingress  of  the  tides  and  hence  reduce  the  vol- 
ume available  for  ebb  scour,  and  it  was  to  meet  this  condition  that 
the  reaction  breakwater  was,  in  part,  designed  with  such  marked 

The  former  method  proposed  for  overcoming  this  objection  was, 
as  the  author  states,  to  increase  the  width  between  the  jetties  on 
the  bar  and  to  build  them  only  to  near  low-water  mark,  but,  as  he 
adds,  the  scouring  effect  has  not  produced  depths  great  enough  for 
navigation — although  "dredged  channels  can  be  maintained  at 
comparatively  moderate  cost,"  as  at  Charleston,  which  is  cited  as 
"  a  good  example." 

Here,  again,  it  would  seem  that  the  reference  is  unfortunate,  in- 
asmuch as  the  Government  dredge  was  unable  to  maintain  the  chan- 
nel on  the  ranges,  and  a  new  and  more  powerful  machine  is  build- 
ing, while  the  bar  has  reformed  three-quarters  of  a  mile  beyond  the 
jetties,  and  the  outer  twenty-six-foot  contour  is  1.5  miles  to  sea- 
ward of  them.  The  jetties  were  reported  completed  several  years 
since,  at  a  cost  of  about  $4,000,000,  but  they  have  failed  to  hold  the 
bar,  which  has  eluded  them  and  gone  to  sea,  where  dredging  is 
now  required  in  open  water.  The  author  recognizes  this  feature 
in  his  report,  wherein  he  says : 

"  The  Charleston  jetties  have  been  left  low  near  the  shore  for  the 
double  purpose  of  economy  in  construction  and  to  freely  admit  the 
flood  tide  to  avoid  reduction  in  the  tidal  prism.  It  is  not  unrea- 
sonable to  believe  that  the  quantity  of  dredging  necessary  and  the 
quantity  of  sand  that  have  been  scoured  seaward  has  been  mate- 
rially increased  by  sands  driven  over  the  low  portion  of  the  north 
jetty  by  the  northeast  storms.  Such  sand  may  be  expected  to  be 
driven  into  the  channel,  usually  over  both  jetties,  if  they  are  left 
low,  even  though  the  predominance  of  -sand  movement  is  in  one 

This  statement  is  undoubtedly  correct  and  clearly  recognizes  one 
of  the  defects  of  twin  jetties,  submerged  at  their  shore  ends,  and 
yet  one  of  the  officers  recently  in  charge  of  that  work  stated 
officially : 

"I  have  been  out  on  that  bar  for  thirteen  years,  day  in  and  day 

out I  know  that  on  top  of  those  rocks  there  never  was  sandf 

....  I  have  never  found  it  there."  His  contention  being  that  it 
did  not  travel  over  the  submerged  ends  of  the  jetties. 

1901.]         HAUPT — METHODS   OF   IMPROVING   OCEAN   BARS.  81 

The  value  of  this  kind  of  evidence  may  be  appreciated  when  it 
is  remembered  that  the  rock  composing  the  inner  end  of  the  jetties 
is  submerged  and  subject  to  the  action  of  the  breakers,  so  that  no 
sand  can  lodge  upon  it  as  it  is  driven  over.  The  history  of  the 
Charleston  operations,  covering  more  than  twenty  years,  is  too  ex- 
tensive to  be  further  considered  in  this  connection,  but  it  has  suf- 
ficed to  cause  the  abandonment  elsewhere  of  the  submerged  jetty 
theories  of  1879. 

5.  Dredging. 

Having  reviewed  the  several  methods  of  securing  depths  by  aux- 
iliary structures  and  by  dynamite,  the  author  concludes  that : 

"  All  things  considered,  in  the  present  state  of  the  science  of  bar 
improvement,  dredging  appears  to  be  by  all  means  the  most  eco- 
nomical and  satisfactory  method  for  such  work  at  this  place,"  be- 
cause, as  he  adds,  u  the  partial  improvement  of  Brunswick  bar  by 
dredging,  while  it  has  been  very  expensive  as  to  the  rate  per  cubic 
yard,  has  been  quite  successful  as  to  the  permanence  of  the  improve- 

The  permanence  of  the  channel  is  here  attributed  to  dredging, 
and  the  effects  of  the  dynamite  are  apparently  ignored. 

Had  a  straight  channel  been  dredged  through  the  bar  at  any 
time,  it  would  soon  have  been  obliterated  :  but  instead  thereof  the 
integrity  of  the  bar  was  disturbed  by  heavy  charges  of  dynamite, 
while  the  dredge  was  used  as  an  auxiliary  to  hasten  the  formation 
of  the  channel,  which  selected  its  own  locus  on  curved  lines.  An 
inspection  of  the  maps  shows  that  the  thalweg  of  the  channel  follows 
a  reverse  curve,  having  a  trace  similar  to  that  of  the  plan  of  the 
reaction  breakwater  as  designed  for  Aransas  Pass.  It  indicates, 
therefore,  the  general  form  of  the  curve  of  greatest  ebb  energy  in 
open  water,  and  as  such  confirms  the  correctness  of  the  theory  of 
the  reaction  breakwater.  The  fact  that  currents  move  on  curved 
lines  is  generally  ignored  in  dredging  operations  with  prejudicial 

In  considering  the  methods  to  be  pursued  at  Galveston,  the 
Board  of  1886  reported  :  "  The  methods  are  (1)  by  dredging  alone  ; 
(2)  by  using  tidal  scour  between  jetties,  aided,  if  necessary,  by  dredg- 
ing. As  to  the  first  method,  it  has  already  been  tried  unsuccess- 
fully  There  is  not  sufficient  prospect  of  results  commensurate 

with  the  cost  of  dredging  being  obtained  and  maintained  to  justify 

82  HAUFT — METHODS   OF   IMPROVING    OCEAN    BARS.      [May  3, 

further  experiment."  The  second  method  of  twin  jetties  was  there- 
fore resorted  to,  but  the  tidal  scour  did  not  deepen  the  bar  as  ex- 
pected, since  the  jetties  were  7000  feet  apart.  Hence  a  cut  was 
dredged  along  the  axis  of  the  channel.  It  was  begun  April  11, 
1895,  when  the  depths  were  about  fifteen  feet  on  the  crest  of  the  bar. 
But  it  did  not  remain  straight,  as  the  resultant  drift  soon  swung  the 
channel  to  the  south  on  its  normal  curve,  with  a  radius  of  five 
miles,  and  it  now  crosses  the  line  of  the  south  jetty  produced. 
Many  instances  might  be  cited  of  the  failure  to  secure  channels  in 
the  open  sea  by  dredging,  especially  where  there  is  a  prevailing 
littoral  drift,  but  the  fact  is  so  generally  recognized  that  it  is  not 
necessary  to  extend  this  discussion  further  than  to  add  a  few  words 
as  to  cost. 

It  has  been  officially  certified  that  the  total  cost  of  the  work 
done  by  the  contractor  at  Brunswick  was  $253,646.15  for  a 
gain  in  depth  of  5.6  feet,  giving  $45,293.95  per  foot  of  depth 
secured.  The  author,  however,  states  that  dredging  has  been 
done  on  the  Mersey  bar  at  Liverpool  for  two  and  one-third 
cents  per  cubic  yard,  and  says  that  fifteen  cents  is  a  fair  price 
for  this  class  of  work.  He  then  proceeds  to  estimate  the 
quantity  of  material  in  place  which  it  would  have  been  nec- 
essary to  remove  to  secure  the  present  channel,  and  figures  that 
1 25,000  cubic  yards  at  fifteen  cents  would  have  cost  but  $18,750  for 
the  entire  work,  and  that  the  actual  cost  of  $253,646.15  was  there- 
fore excessive.  He  concludes  :  "The  cost  to  the  Government  of  all 
material  removed,  whether  usefully  removed  or  otherwise,  has  been 
$1.13  a  yard,  more  than  seven  times  the  cost  of  ordinary  dredging." 

If  it  were  only  necessary  to  remove  125,000  yards  to  secure  the 
channel,  the  cost  would  have  been  $2.03  per  yard.  At  $1.13  there 
must  have  been  224,400  yards  taken  out,  but  as  a  matter  of  fact  the 
actual  cube  of  excavation  was  very  much  larger  than  this,  since  the 
enormous  bank  "  which  always  moves  very  positively  in  one  direc- 
tion" was  constantly  supplying  material  to  the  channel. 

The  radical  error  in  this  computation  of  cost  arises  from  regard- 
ing the  volume  of  the  material  as  a  constant  over  a  given  area  of 
the  bar,  and  considering  only  the  net  loss  or  gain  due  to  local 
changes  in  form  of  cross  section.  The  absurdity  of  this  method  is 
seen  from  the  table  on  page  14  of  the  report,  wherein  a  strip 
6370  feet  long  and  of  variable  widths  is  taken  for  an  estimate.     I- 


400  feet  wide  be  used  there  is  found  to  be  a  net  fill  of  77,000 
cubic  yards  ;  for  600  feet  width  the  fill  is  113,000  cubic  yards;  for 
800  feet  it  is  166,000,  and  for  1000  feet  width  it  is  208,000  yards — 
in  every  case  a  fill,  yet  between  the  dates  taken  for  this  comparison 
the  channel  passing  through  this  strip  was  deepened  by  dynamite, 
between  April,  1891,  and  February,  1897,  from  13.3  to  16.6  feet, 
a  gain  in  depth  of  3.3  feet. 

Had  the  contractor  been  paid  for  excavation  by  place  measure- 
ment for  this  area,  therefore,  he  would  have  had  to  go  into 
bankruptcy,  since  over  200,000  yards  more  were  deposited  than 
removed,  and  yet  a  deeper  channel  was  created. 

Moreover  the  dredging  was  not  begun  until  August,  1896,  and 
then  it  was  merely  to  pump  the  material  into  the  current  until  the 
fall  of  1897,  when  bins  were  used  to  carry  it  out  to  sea,  by  which 
time  the  depths  were  increased  nearly  four  feet.  Even  after  this 
dynamite  in  100-pound  charges  continued  to  be  used,  so  that  it  is 
incorrect  to  regard  this  as  a  dredged  channel  when  168,000  pounds 
of  explosives  had  been  used  to  secure  it. 

Furthermore  the  report  states  (p.  17) :  "  The  north  shoal  has  cer- 
tainly been  moving  south  for  the  last  forty  years About 

1,500,000  cubic  yards  have  been  added  to  its  southern  face  since 
1891."  .  .  .  .  Also,  "the  north  face  of  the  south  breakers  ....  has 
been  scouring  away  correspondingly  to  the  growth  of  the  north 
shoal  since  1857,  and  quite  rapidly  since  1888  (about  3,000,000 
cubic  yards  and  1000  feet  in  width,  scoured  away  between  1888  or 
1890  and  1897  or  1900)."  These  admissions  show  large  move- 
ments of  bar  material  and  an  excess  of  about  1,500,000  cubic  yards 
of  scour  during  this  period,  and  in  the  vicinity  of  dynamite  ope- 
rations, yet  it  is  claimed  that  the  deepening  wa's  "  probably  due 
to  natural  causes." 

It  would  be  a  remarkable  freak  of  nature  that,  with  a  bar  drifting 
from  north  to  south,  there  should  have  been  a  deposit  of  1,500,000 
yards  on  the  one  hand,  and  a  scour  of  3,000,000  yards  on  the  other, 
between  which  a  channel  might  have  been  dredged  by  the  removal  of 
125,000  yards  at  a  cost  of  $18,750,  which  would  have  been  per- 
manent, or  else  that  "nature"  should  have  concluded  to  reverse 
her  machinery  without  apparent  cause,  and  that,  too,  just  at  the  time 
when  dynamite  was  applied  to  the  deteriorating  bar,  all  for  the 
benefit  of  a  contractor  who  had  previously  undertaken  to  create  a 
channel  by  the  use  of  high  explosives  to  save  the  port  from  ruin. 

84  HAUPT — METHODS   OF   IMPROVING   OCEAN   BARS.      [May  3, 

It  may  well  be  asked  why  no  one  had  previously  discovered  that 
a  channel  could  have  been  secured  here  for  the  petty  sum  of 
1 1 8, 750,  and,  if  so,  why  it  was  not  done  instead  of  estimating  mil- 
lions of  dollars  for  jetties  and  dredging  plants,  or  why  is  not  a  per- 
manent channel  secured  at  other  points  on  our  alluvial  coasts  for 
similar  trifling  expenditures  ? 

The  fact  is  that  this  is  not  a  dredged  channel,  but  one  secured  by 
the  effect  of  violent  explosives  on  the  bar  which  assisted  the  ebb 
currents  to  select  and  create  the  best  path  to  sea,  and  no  credit  is 
given  in  the  account  to  the  large  excess  of  material  which  was 
removed  by  such  explosions.  Any  estimates,  therefore,  based  on 
net  measurements  in  place  are  utterly  unreliable  and  the  resulting 
price  per  unit  is  of  no  value  in  ascertaining  the  cost.  The  only 
reliable  method  is  the  cost  per  foot  of  depth  actually  secured,  and 
on  this  basis  the  work  has  cost  only  about  ten  per  cent,  of  that  else- 
where, with  far  better  and  more  permanent  results.  Hence  dredg- 
ing alone  should  not  be  recommended. 

In  a  science  necessarily  so  empirical  as  this  it  would  seem  that  the 
best  guide  to  results  would  be  to  make  a  careful  diagnosis  of  the 
natural  conditions  and  forces  available,  and  then  utilize  them  to  the 
best  advantage.  This  was  the  plan  pursued  at  Aransas  Pass,  which 
is  conceded  to  be  the  only  instance  of  the  kind  on  record  ;  while  the 
author  would  have  it  appear  that  it  is  fatally  defective  and  is 
merely  a  case  of  two  jetties.  But  no  two  jetties,  so  far  as  the 
writer's  researches  have  gone,  can  be  cited  which  have  produced 
like  results  in  practice  with  a  tide  of  but  fourteen  inches,  and  with 
an  obstructing  wall  across  the  bottom  of  the  channel. 

In  conclusion,  it  would  seem  that  of  the  several  methods  proposed 
for  bar  removal  by  the  use  of  single  or  double  jetties  or  by  the  reac- 
tion breakwater,  the  latter,  so  far  as  it  has  been  tested,  fulfills 
better  than  any  other  the  conflicting  requirements  of  harbor 
entrances,  costs  less  than  half  as  much  and  is  far  cheaper  to  main- 
tain. Had  this  plan  been  adopted  in  1888  it  is  believed,  in  view 
of  subsequent  events,  that  it  would  have  saved  the  Government  not 
less  than  $25,000,000  in  the  cost  of  jetty  or  breakwater  construction 
and  at  least  as  much  more  (if  capitalized)  in  the  cost  of  maintenance, 
while  the  indirect  benefits  to  commerce  resulting  from  an  earlier 
opening  of  our  seaports  for  deep  vessels  would  have  exceeded  the 
sum  of  both  of  these  items. 

1901.]  MINUTES.  85 

The  plan  commends  itself  to  Congress,  but  it  does  not  seem  to 
meet  with  favor  from  some  of  the  junior  officers  of  engineers 
charged  with  the  improvement  of  our  harbors,  as  is  evinced  by  the 
report  under  discussion  and  the  experience  of  the  writer  since  the 
plans  were  first  submitted  to  the  Government  for  adoption,  in 

Stated  Meeting,  May  17,  1901. 
Vice-President  Barker  in  the  Chair. 

Present,  30  members. 

The  donations  to  the  Library  were  laid  upon  the  table,  and 
thanks  were  ordered  for  them. 

The  decease  of  the  following  members  was  announced  : 

Dr.  Thomas  Conrad  Porter,  of  Easton,  Pa.,  on  April  27, 
1901,  aged  79  years. 

Charles  Swift  Riche'  Hildeburn,  of  Philadelphia,  at  Bo- 
logna, Italy,  on  May  2,  1901. 

Robert  Noxon  Toppan,  at  Cambridge,  Mass.,  on  May  10, 

Mr.  J.  G.  Rosengarten  read  a  paper  on  "  Franklin's  Baga- 

Dr.  R.  W.  Shufeldt  presented  a  monograph  on  "  The 
Osteology  of  the  A^ccipitres." 

Mr.  Willcox  made  some  remarks  on  some  recent  specimens 
of  typography  and  the  medium  on  which  they  are  printed, 
which  was  discussed  by  Gen.  Wistar. 

The  Society  proceeded  to  an  election  for  members,  and  the 
tellers  reported  that  the  follawing  named  candidates  had 
been  chosen : 

Thomas  Willing  Balch,  Philadelphia. 

Hon.  John  B.  McPherson,  Philadelphia. 

Prof.  Dana  C.  Munro,  Philadelphia. 

Prof.  Mazyck  Ravenel,  M.D.,  Philadelphia. 

Prof.  Amos  P.  Brown,  Philadelphia. 

86  MINUTES.  [May  H 

Dr.  Hays  moved  the  following  preambles  and  resolutions 
which  were  unanimously  adopted  : 

Whereas,  The  American  Philosophical  Society  is  and  always  has 
been  a  Society  of  national  scope,  whose  place  of  meeting  was 
originally  fixed  at  Philadelphia  for  reasons  of  convenience  now  less 
potent  than  formerly;  and 

Whereas,  The  growth  and  wide  extent  of  our  country  and  the 
multiplication  of  local  societies  tends  to  keep  from  our  regular 
meetings  those  members  who  do  not  reside  within  a  short  distance 
of  Philadelphia;  and 

Whereas,  It  is  desirable  that  measures  be  taken  to  bring  the  dis- 
tant members  into  more  active  participation  in  the  work  of  the 
Society;   therefore,  be  it 

Resolved,  i.  That  a  committee  of  five  be  appointed  by  the 
President  to  consider  the  advisability  and,  if  deemed  advisable,  to 
arrange  for  a  general  meeting  at  a  time  most  convenient  to  all  the 

2.  That  this  meeting  shall  cover  one  or  more  days  as  may  be 
considered  advisable,  and  it  is  hoped  that  the  high  scientific  char- 
acter and  broad  interest  of  the  papers  to  be  presented  shall  insure 
the  fair  attendance  of  a  good  proportion  of  distant  members; 

3.  That  this  Committee  shall  have  power  to  add  to  its  number 
and  to  make  all  necessary  arrangements  to  further  the  success  of 
the  proposed  general  meeting. 

The  meeting  was  adjourned  by  the  presiding  officer. 



BY   J.    G.    ROSENGARTEN. 

{Read  May  17,  1901. ) 

The  Philosophical  Society  has  in  its  Library  seventy-six  folio  vol- 
umes of  Franklin's  Papers.      From  these  I  have  had  made  by  Miss 
Harjes,  of  the  Library  staff,  exact  copies  of  some  of  the  very  rare 
'    Bagatelles,  and    some   of  the   correspondence  referring  to  them. 
The  papers  thus  collected  include  : 

i.  An  unfinished  draught,  in  Franklin's  handwriting,  of  "The 
Deformd  and  Handsome  Leg"  (Vol.  50,  No.  40). 

2.  "The  Ephemera,"  in  French  (Vol.  50,  No.  39). 

3.  A  letter  to  Mme.  Brillon  from  Franklin  about  his  "  Dia- 
logue between  Franklin  and  the  Gout  "  (Vol.  46,  No.  44 — the  vol- 
nme  is  labeled  "Letters  from  Franklin  to  his  Wife — 1755-1774"). 

4.  The  "  Story  of  the  Whistle,"  with  the  English  version  dated 
Passy,  Nov.  16,  1779,  and  the  French  version,  the  former  on  the 
right,  the  latter  on  the  left  side  of  the  pages,  and  both  with  many 
corrections  (Vol.  45,  No.  149^). 

5.  A  letter  from  Franklin,  in  French,  to  an  unknown  corre- 
spondent, dated  Passy,  April  8,  1784:  "I  send  you  ' Advice  to 
those  who  wish  to  go  to  America'  and  '  Remarks  on  the  Politeness 
of  Savages.'  If  you  have  '  The  Handsome  and  Deform' d  Leg'  and 
1  The  Morals  of  Chess,'  with  those  I  now  send  you,  you  have  a 
complete  collection  of  all  my  Bagatelles  printed  at  Passy"  (Vol. 
45,  No.  181). 

6.  "  Dialogue  between  Franklin  and  the  Gout,"  in  French, 
with  numerous  corrections  in  the  text  and  marginal  notes  (Vol.  50, 
No.  36). 

7.  Extracts  from  115  letters  from  Mme.  Brillon  to  Franklin  and 
some  of  his  in  reply  (Vols.  43  and  47),  many  relating  to  the 
French  versions  of  his  Bagatelles,  etc.,  with  a  press  copy  of  his 
letter  to  her  of  November  23,  1784,  and  an  original  of  his  letter  to 
her  undated  ;  one  from  her  about  the  surrender  of  Cornwallis, 
who,  she  says,  had  been  Burgoyned  by  the  Americans,  and  his 
answer,  dated  Passy,  December  25,  1781,  both  in  French. 

Her  letters  compliment  him  on  his  capital  French,  and  make  fre- 
quent references  to  his  Bagatelles,  e.  g.  : 

8.  Vol.  43,  No.  77,  and  particularly — 


9.  Vol.  43,  No.  87 — "  Exercise  in  French,  No.  5,"  "Letter  to 
Mme.  B.  transcrib'd  and  corrected  by  her,"  in  Franklin's  hand- 
writing, and  her  comments,  No.  98. 

10.  Vol.  43,  No.  116 — "  Plaidoyer  pour  Mme.  Brillon  contre 
M.  Benjamin  Franklin." 

11.  Vol.  45,  No.  180 — Franklin's  letter  in  French  to  Mme. 

12.  Vol.  22,  No.  8 — Miss  Shipley's  acknowledgment,  dated 
May  6,  1781,  of  a  copy  of  "  The  Dialogue  between  F.  and  J  the 

13.  Vol.  32,  No.  51 — Carmichael's  letter,  Madrid,  July  9,  1784, 
saying  thatF.'s  "  little  works"  will  soon  appear  in  a  Spanish  dress, 
followed  by  a  letter — 

14.  Vol., 32,  No.  63 — from  Count  Campomanes,  dated  Madrid, 
July  26,  '84,  thanking  F.  for  the  gift  received  through  Carmichael. 

15.  Temple  Franklin's  Letters  to  his  Father  (Vol.  32,  Nos.  95 
and  133). 

16.  Vol.  34,  No.  167 — Miss  Shipley,  November  13,  1784,  with 
thanks  for  "The  Art  of  Procuring  Pleasant  Dreams,"  and  asking 
"  where  F.  read  that  Methusalah  slept  in  the  open  air  ?  I  have 
searched  the  Bible  in  vain  to  find  it." 

17.  Vol.  44,  No.  12 — "The  Intended  Speech  for  the  Opening 
of  the  first  session  of  the  present  Parliament,  viz.,  Nov.  29,  1774," 
endorsed  "  D.  Hartley,  Oct.  3,  '86." 

18.  Vaughan's  letter  of  April  28,  1778  (Vol.  9,  No.  93) — Let- 
ters to  Franklin,  April-May,  1778. 

In  adding  Vaughan's  letter  of  April  28,  '78,  I  call  attention 
to  the  value  and  importance  of  his  correspondence  ;  he  and  Hart- 
ley were  among  Franklin's  English  friends,  who  through  all  the 
period  of  the  Revolution  kept  him  well  informed  as  to  the  trend 
of  parties  and  public  opinion  in  England.  Authentic  reports  of 
Chatham's  famous  last  speech  are  very  rare,  and  a  Calendar  of  the 
Franklin  Papers  would  enable  historical  students  to  refer  to  them 
for  much  valuable  information.  The  printing  of  these  papers  by 
this  Society  will,  I  am  sure,  invite  attention  to  the  large  amount  of 
valuable  material  now  practically  hidden  away  in  this  collection, 
needing  only  a  Calendar  to  make  it  available  and  useful  to  students. 
It  may  be  said  that  the  Department  of  State  has  never  yet  printed 
any  Calendar  of  the  Collection  of  Franklin  Papers  bought  by  the 
Government   of  the  United    States  from    Stevens.     It    is   roughly 


estimated  that  they  are  in  bulk  about  one-fourth,  those  in  the 
collection  of  the  Philosophical  Society — about  three-fourths  of  all 
the  papers  left  by  Franklin.  The  Government  collection  is  largely 
made  up  of  State  Papers  used  by  Temple  Franklin  in  his  publica- 
tion of  his  grandfather's  works ;  those  here  are  largely  personal 
papers,  many  of  them  perhaps  thought  by  Temple  Franklin  not 
worthy  of  printing,  yet  in  them  there  is  that  personal  note  which 
gives  us  Franklin  as  he  was  in  the  palmy  days  at  Paris,  where  he 
filled  so  large  a  place  in  the  public  eye. 

The  deform' d  and  handsome  Leg.1 

There  are  two  Sorts  of  People  in  the  World,  who  with  equal  Degrees 
of  Health,  &  Wealth,  and  the  other  Comforts  of  Life  [are]  become,  the 
one  happy,  and  the  other  [Unhappy]  miserable. — This  arises  very  much 
[solely]  from  [In  almost  ever]  the  different  views  in  which  they  con- 
sider Things,  Persons  &  Events  ;  and  the  Effect  of  those  different  Views 
upon  their  own  Minds. 

In  whatever  Situation  [a]  M<?n  can  be  plac'd,  they  [will]  may  find  Con- 
veniences &  Inconveniencies  :  In  whatever  Company  ;  they  [will]  may 
find  Persons  &  Conversations  more  or  less  pleasing.  At  whatever  Table, 
they  [will  find]  may  meet  with  Meats  &*  drinks  of  better  and  worse  Taste, 
[things]  Dishes  better  &  worse  dress'd :  In  whatever  Climate  they  will  find 
good  and  bad  Weather ;  Under  whatever  Government,  they  [will]  may 
find  good  and  bad  Laws,  and  good  and  bad  Administration  of  those 
Laws.  In  every  Poem  or  Work  of  Genius  they  may  see  Faults  &*  Beatifies: ' 
In  every  Face  they  may  discover  [Beauties]  fine  Features  &  Defects, 
good  &  bad  Qualities.  Under  these  Circumstances,  the  two  Sorts 
of  People  [I  have]  above  mention'd  fix  their  Attention,  those  who  are 
to  be  happy,  on  the  [convenient]  Conveniencies  of  Things,  the  pleasant 
Parts  of  Conversation,  the  well-dress'd  Dishes,  the  Goodness  of  the 
Wines,  the  [agreeable]  fine  Weather  ;  [the]  &c.  &c.  and  enjoy  all  with 
Chearfulness.  Those  who  are  to  be  unhappy,  think  &*  speak  only  of 
the  contraries.  Thence  they  are  continually  discontented  themselves, 
and  by  their  Remarks  sour  the  Pleasures  of  Society,  offend  [disgust~\ 
perso7ially  many  people,  and  make  themselves  [where]  every  where  dis- 

If  this  [different]  Turn  of  Mind  was  founded  in  Nature,  such  unhappy 
\_Peopie~]  Persons  would  be  the  more  to  be  pitied  :  But  as  th[at]-?  Disposi- 
tion to  criticise  &  be  disgusted,  is  perhaps  taken  up  originally  by  Imitation, 
and  is  unawares  grown  into  a  Habit ;  [and]  which  tho'  at  present  strong 
may  nevertheless  be  cured  when  those  who  have  it  are  convinced  of  its 

1  Erasures  in  the  manuscripts  are  shown  by  being  placed  between  [  ].  Inser- 
tions are  printed  in  italics. 


bad  Effects  on  their  [Happiness]  Felicity  ;  I  hope  [a]  this  little  Admo- 
nition may  be  of  Service  to  them, — and  put  them  on  changing  a  Habit, 
which  tho'  in  the  Exercise  is  [merely]  chiefly  an  Act  of  Imagination  yet 
it  has  serious  Consequences  in  Life  :  [To]  as  it  brings  on  real  Griefs  &> 
Misfortunes  :  For  as  many  \Jiave  been]  are  offended  by,  &*c.  no  body  well 
loves  this  Sort  of  People,  no  one  shows  them  more  than  the  most  com- 
mon.—  The  Franklin  Papers,    Vol.50. 


Madame  B.  Est  une  Dame  fort  aimable  et  qui  possede  un  Talent  dis- 
tingue pour  la  Musique ;  Elle  demeure  a  Passy  ou  elle  est  en  Societe 
avec  Mr.  Franklin,  ilsavoient  dans  l'Ete  de  1778  Ete  passes  ensemble 
une  Journee  au  Moulin  Joly  ou  ce  meme  Jour  Voltigeoit  sur  la  Riviere 
un  Essaim  de  ces  petites  Mouches  que  Ton  nomme  Ephemeres  le  que  le 
Peuple  appelle  de  la  Manne.  Mr.  Franklin  les  examina  avec  attention 
et  envoya  le  lendemain  a  Mde.  B.  la  Lettre  dont  voicy  la  Traduction. 

Vous  pouvez,  ma  chere  Amie,  vous  rapellez  que,  lorsque  nous  pas- 
sames  dernierment  cette  heureuse  Journee  dans  les  Jardins  delicieux  et 
la  douce  Societe  du  Moulin  Joly,  je  m'arretai  dans  une  des  Promenades 
que  nous  fimeset  que  jelaissai  la  Compagnie  la  continuer  quelque  temps 
sans  moi. 

On  nous  avoit  montre  un  nombre  infini  de  Cadavres  d'une  Espece 
de  Mouche  que  Ton  nomme  Ephemere  dont  on  nous  dit  que  toutes  les 
generations  successives  etoient  nees  et  mortes  dans  le  meme  Jour.  II 
m'arriva  d'en  remarquer  sur  une  feuille  une  Compagnie  Vivante  qui 
faisoit  la  conversation. 

Vous  savez  que  j  'entends  tous  les  Langages  des  Especes  inferieures  a  la 
notre,  ma  trop  grande  application  a  leur  Etude  est  la  meilleur  Excuse 
que  je  puisse  donner  da  peu  de  progres  que  j'ai  fait  dans  votre  Langue 
charmante  ;  La  Curiosite  me  fit  ecouter  les  propos  de  ces  petites  Crea- 
tures, mais  la  Vivacite  propre  a  leur  Nation  les  faisant  parler  trois  ou 
quatre  a  la  fois,  Je  ne  pus  tirer  presque  rien  de  leurs  discours.  Je  com- 
pris  cependant  par  quelque  Expressions  interrompues  que  je  saisissois 
de  temps  en  temps  qu'ils  disputoient  avec  Chaleur  Sur  le  merite  de 
Deux  Musiciens  Etrangers  Tun  Cousin  et  l'autre  un  Bourdon.  lis  pas- 
soient  leur  temps  dans  ces  Debats  avec  l'air  de  Songer  aussi  peu  a 
la  brievete  de  la  Vie  que  S'ils  en  avoient  ete  assures  pour  un  mois.  Heu- 
reux  Peuple  me  dis-je,  vous  vivez  certainement  sous  un  Gouvernement 
Sage  Equitable  et  modere,  puisqu'aucun  grief  publie  n'excite  vos 
plaintes  et  que  vous  n'avez  de  Sujet  de  Contestation  que  la  perfection 
ou  l'imperfection  d'une  Musique  Etrangere. 

Je  les  quittai  pour  me  tourner  vers  un  Vieillard  a  Cheveux  Blancs  qu 


Seul  Sur  une  autre  feuille  Se  parloit  a  lui  meme.  Son  Soliloquem'amusa, 
Je  l'ai  ecrit  dans  l'Esperance  qu'il  amusera  de  meme  celle  a  qui  je  dois 
le  plus  Sensible  des  plaisirs,  Celui  des  Charmes  de  Sa  Societe  et  de 
l'harmonie  celeste  des  Sons  qui  naissent  Sous  Sa  main. 

"  C'etoit  disoit-je  l'opinion  des  Savans  philosophes  de  notre  Race 
"  qui  ont  vecu  et  rleuri  longtems  avant  le  present  age,  que  ce  Vaste 
"  monde  (le  Moulin  Joly)  ne  pouroit  pas  lui  meme  Subsister  plus  de  Dix 
"  huit  heures,  et  je  pense  que  cette  opinion  n'etoit  pas  Sans  fondement, 
"  puisque  par  le  mouvement  apparent  du  grand  Luminaire  qui  donne  la 
"  Vie  a  toute  la  nature  et  qui  de  mon  terns  a  d'une  maniere  Sensible 
"  considerablement  decline  vers  l'ocean2  qui  borne  cette  Terre,  II  faut  qu'il 
"  termine  Son  Cours  a  cette  Epoque,  S'eteigne  dans  les  Eaux  qui  nous 
"  Environnent   Et  livre  le  monde  a  des  glaces  et  des  Tenebres  qui 
"  ameneront  necessairement  une  morte  et  une  destruction  universelle, 
"  J'ai  vecu  Sept  heures  dans  ces  dix  huit ;  C'est  un  grand  age,  ce  n'est 
"  moins  de  420  Minutes,  Combien  peu  d'entre  nous  parviennent  aussi 
"loin?    J'ai  vu  des  generations  naitre,  fleurir  et  disparoitre.     Mes  amis 
"  presents  sont  les  Enfants  et  les  petits  Enfants  des  amis  de  majeunesse 
"  qui   helas  !  ne   Sont  plus,  Et  je  dois  bientot  les  Suivre,  car  par  le 
"  Cours  ordinaire  de  la  Nature  je  ne  puis  m'attendre  qu'oiqu'en  bonne 
"  Sante  a  vivre  Encore  plus  de  7.  a  8.  minutes  :  que  me  Servent  a  pre- 
"  sent  tous  mes  travaux,  toutes  mes  fatigues  pour  faire  Sur  cette  feuille 
"  une  provision  de  miellee  que  je  ne  puis  vivre  assez  pour  consommer  ? 
"  que  me  Servent  les  Debats  politiques  dans  lesquels  je  me  suis  Engage 
"  pour  l'avantage  de  mes  Compatriotes  habitans  de  ce  Buisson,  ou  mes 
"Recherches  philosophiques  consacrees  au  bien  de  notre  Espece  En 
"  general  ?     En  politique  que  peuvent  les  Lois  Sans  les  Moeurs,8  Le 
"  cours   des   Minutes   rendra   la    generation    presente  des  Ephemeres 
"aussi  corrompue  que   celle  des  autres  Buissons  plus  anciens  Et  par 
"consequence  aussi  malheureuse,  Et  en  Philosophic  que  nos  progres 
"  sont  lents  ?  helas  L'art  est  long  Et  la  Vie  Est  courte*  mes  amis  vou- 
"  droient  me  consoler  par  l'idee  d'un   nom  qu'ils  disent  que  je  laisserai 
"  apres  moi,  lis  disent  que  j'ai  assez  vecu  pour  ma  gloire  Et  pour  la  na- 
"  ture  ;  mais  que  Sert  la  renommee  pour  un  Ephemere  qui  n'existe  plus  ? 
"  Et  l'histoire  que  deviendra-t-elle  lorsqu'a  la  i8e.  heure,  le  monde  lui 
"meme,  le  Moulin  Joly  tout  entier,  Sera  arrive  a  Sa  fin  pour  n'etre 
"  plus  qu'un  amas  de  Ruines  ? 

"  Pour  moi  apres  tant  de  Recherches  actives,  il  ne  reste  de  bien  reel 
"  que  la  Satisfation  d'avoir  passe  ma  Vie  dans  l'intention  d'etre  utile, 
"  la  Conversation  aimable  d'un  petit  nombre  de  bonnes  Dames  Ephe- 
"  meres  Et  de  temps  en  temps  le  doux  Sourire  Et  quelques  accords  de  la 
"  toujours  amiable  Brillante. —  The  Franklin  Papers,  Vol.  jo,  No.  jga. 

2La  Riviere  de  Seine. 

3  Quid  leges  sine  moribus  ?     hor. 

*  Hipocrate. 


Passy,  Nov.  16,  1779. 

J  [e  recus]  'ai  Recu  les  deux  Lettres  de  ma  chere  Amie,  l'une  [pour] 
pour  le  Mercredi,  l'autre  [pour]  pour  le  Sam[m]edi  ;  c'est  aujourd'hui 
encore  Mercredi.  [Mais]  Je  ne  merite  pas  [d'avoir  une  pour  ce  jour], 
[d'en]  d'en  avoir  encore,  parceque  je  n'ai  pas  fait  reponse  aux  [autres] 
precedentes.  Mais  tout  indolent,  [comme]  que  je  suis,  [&  averse]  et 
quelque  aversion  que  faye  a  ecrire,  la  Crainte  de  n'avoir  [pas]  plus 
de  vos  charmantes  Epitres,  si  je  ne  contribue  [pas]  aussi  ma  part 
pour  soutenir  la  Correspondance  [m'oblige]  me  force  de  prendre 
[ma]  la  plume.  Et  comme  M.  Brillon  [a]  ma  mande  si  obligeamment 
qu'il  part  demain  Matin  pour  vous  voir  moi,  au  lieu  de  passer  [le]  ce 
Mercredi[s]  au  soir,  comme  j'ai  fait  si  long  terns  de  ses  predecesseurs 
du  meme  nom,  en  votre  [delicieuse  Compagnie]  douce  Societe,  Je  me 
[mis  a]  [retira  dans  ma~\  suis  mis  a  mon  ecritoire  pour  le  passer  [en]  a 
pens[ant]tr  [de]  d  vous,  [en  ecrivant  a  vous],  et  a  vous  ecrire  &  [en 
lisant]  a  lire  &  reli[sant]re  ce  que  vous  m'avez  [ecrit  a  moi]  [si  elegam- 
ment]  si  delicieusement  ecrit. 

Je  suischarme  de  votre  Definition  du  Paradis,  &  de  [votre]  vos  Plans 
pour  y  vivre.  J'approve  aussi  tres  fortement  la  Conclusion  que  vous 
faites,  qu'en  attendant  il  faut  tirer  de  ce  bas  monde  tout  le  bien  qu'on 
en  peut  tirer.  A  mon  Avis,  [nous  c'est  bien]  il  est  tres  possible  pour 
nous  d'en  tirer  beaucoup  plus  de  bien  que  nous  n'en  [tirons]  tirons  & 
d'en  souffrir  moins  de  mal,  si  nous  [voulussions]  voulions  seulement 
prendre  garde  de  ne  donner  pas  trop  pour  nos  s[ou~\ifflets .  Car  il  me 
semble,  que  la  plus-part  des  Malheureux  qu'on  trouve  dans  le  monde 
sont  devenus  tels  par  leur  ~Neg\\[ss]gence  de  cette  Caution. 

Vous  demandez  ce  que  je  veux  dire?  Vous  aimez  les  [Contes]  His- 
toires  &  vous  m'excuse^ai]^^  si  je  vous  en  donne  une  qui  me  [re  qui~] 
regarde  [de]  moi  meme.  Ouand  J'etois  un  Enfant  de  5  on  6  ans,  mes 
Amis,  [sur]  un  Jour  de  Fete,  remplirent  ma  petite  Poche  de  [0000]  sous. 
[J'Iroit]  J'allai[t]  tout  de  suite  a  une  Boutique  ou  on  vendoit  des  Ba- 
bioles,  [&]  mat's  etant  charme  du  [la]  Son  d'un  Sifflet  que  je  rencontrois 
en  chemin  dans  le  mains  d'un  autre  petit  garcon  je  lui  volontiers  of- 
fr[oit]  ais  &  donnai  volontiers  pour  celatout  mon  Argent.  [Ouand  je  ret] 
Revenu  chez  moi,  sifflant  par  toute  la  Maison  fort  [satisfait]  content  de 
mon  Achat  mais  fatiguant  les  Oreilles  de  toute  la  Famille,  mes  Freres,  mes 
Soeurs,  mes  Cousines,  entendant  [combien  j'ai  donne]  que  j'avois  tant 
[tant]  donne  tous  pour  ce  mauvais  Bruit,  [tous  ils]  me  dirent  que 
c'etoit  dix  fois  plus  que  la  Valeur  ;  [&  ils]  alors  ils  me  [fasoit] /irent  penser 
[du]  au  Nombre  de[s]  bonnes  choses,  que  je  pouvois  acheter  avec  le 
reste  [du]  de  ma  Monnoye  si  j'avois  ete  plus  [sage]  prudent  &  ils  me 
ridiculi[ssent]<?r^«/ tant  de  ma  Folie,  que  je  pleuroi[t]i-  de  cette  vexa- 
tion ;  &  la  Reflexion  me  donnoit  plus  de  Chagrin,  que  le  sifflet  [peut 
me  donner]  d[u]^  plaisir. 


Passy,  Nov.  16,  1779. 

I  received  my  dear  Friend's  two  Letters,  one  for  Wednesday  &  one 
for  Saturday.  This  is  again  Wednesday.  I  do  not  deserve  one  for 
to  day,  because  I  have  not  answered  the  former.  [But  you  will]  But 
indolent  as  1  am,  and  averse  to  Writing,  the  Fear  of  [receiving]  having 
no  more  of  your  [ever]  pleasing  Epistles,  if  I  do  not  contribute  to  the 
Correspondence,  obliges  me  to  take  up  my  pen.  And  as  M.  Brillon 
has  kindly  sent  me  Word,  that  he  sets  out  to  morrow  to  see  you,  instead 
of  spending  this  Wednesday  evening  as  I  [us'd  to  do  Since  these]  have 
long  done  its  Namesake's,  in  your  delightful  Company,  I  set  down  to 
spend  it  in  thinking  of  you  [and]  in  writing  to  you,  in  reading-  over  and 
over  again  your  Letters. 

I  am  charm'd  with  your  Description  of  Paradise,  &  with  your  Plan  of 
living  there.  And  I  approve  much  of  your  Conclusion,  that  in  the 
mean  time  we  should  draw  all  the  Good  we  can  from  this  World  below. 
— In  my  Opinion  we  might  all  [do]  draw  more  good  from  it  than  we  do 
and  suffer  less  Evil,  if  we  [but  careful  enough]  would  but  take  care  not 
to  give  too  much  for  our  Whistles.  For  to  me  it  seems  that  most  of  the 
unhappy  people  we  meet  with,  are  become  so  by  the  Neglect  of  that 
[Circumstance]  Caution. 

You  ask,  what  I  mean  ? — You  [ask  what  I]  love  Stories,  and  will 
excuse  my  telling  you  [a  little]  one  of  myself.  When  I  was  a  Child  of 
7  Years  old,  my  Friends  [on  a]  on  a  holiday  [fill'd  my]  fill'd  my  little 
Pocket  with  halfpence.  I  went  directly  to  a  Shop  where  they  sold  Toys 
for  Children  ;  and  being-  charm'd  with  the  Sound  of  a  Whistle,  that  I 
met  by  the  way  m  the  hands  of  another  Boy,  I  voluntarily  offer'd  and 
gave  all  my  Money  for  it.  When  I  came  home,  whistling  all  over  the 
House,  much  pleased  with  my  Whistle,  but  disturbing  all  the  Family,  my 
Brothers,  Sisters  &  Cousins  understanding  the  Bargain  I  had  made, 
told  me  I  had  given  four  times  as  much  for  it  as  it  was  worth  ;  put  me 
in  mind  what  Good  things  I  might  have  bought  with  the  rest  of  the 
Money,  and  laught  at  me  so  much  for  my  folly  that  I  cry'd  with  Vex- 
ation ;  and  the  [Ch  Chagrin  I  suffer'd  by  it  was  greater]  Reflection  [on] 
gave  me  more  Chagrin  than  the  Whistle  gave  me  Pleasure. 

PROC.  AMER.  PHILOS.  SOC.  XL.    166.    G.      PRINTED   JULY  18,   1901. 


[Co]  Cet  accident  fut  cependant,  [etoit]  dans  la  suite  [ut]  de  quelque 
utilite  pour  moi,  l'lmpression  restant  sur  mon  Ame  ;  [tant  que  quand] 
de  sorte  que  lorsgue  j' 'etois  tente  d'acheter  quelque  chose  qui  ne  m'etoit 
pas  necessaire,  je  disois  [a]  en  moimeme  :  Ne  donnois  pas  trop  pour  le 
Sifflet ;  Et  j'[ai  sauve]  cpargnois  mon  Argent. 

Devenant  grand  Garcon,  [&]  entrant  [dans]  le  Monde,  &  observant 
les  Actions  des  Hommes,  je  [pensois]  vis  que  je  rencontrois  [un]  Nom- 
bre  [des  gens']  de  gens  qui  donnoient  trop  pour  le  Sifflet. 

Quand  j'ai  vu  quelquun,  qui,  ambitieux  [du]  de  la  Faveur  de  la  Cour, 
[sacrifiant]  co?isumant  son  terns  en  [Attendance  des]  Assiduites  aux 
[Levees]  Levers,  son  Repos,  sa  Liberte,  sa  Vertu  &  peut-etre  ses  vrais 
Amis,  pour  obtenir  quelque  petite  Distinction  ;  J'ai  dit  [a]  en  moimeme, 
Cet  homme  donne  trop  pour  son  Sifflet.  Quand  [j'ai]  fen  ai  vu  une 
autre  [entete]  [personne]  avide  [d obtenir]  de  Popularite  [se  rendre 
populaire]  de  se  rendre  populaire  &  pour  cela  s' occupant  toujours  de 
Contestations  publiques,  negligeant  ses  [propres]  Affaires  particulieres 
&  les  ruinantpar  cette  Negligence,  [II]  [elle]  z'/paye,  trop  ai-je  dit,  [trop] 
pour  son  Sifflet. — Si  j'ai  connu  un  [Miser]  Avare,  qui  renoncoit  a  toute 
[espece]  maniere  de  vivre  commodement,  a  toute  leplaisir  de  fairele  bien 
aux  autres,  a  toute  l'Estime  de  ses  Compatriotes  ;  &  a  tous  les  [joyes] 
charmes  de  l'Amitie,  pour  avoir  un  morceau  de  metal  jaune.  Pauvre 
homme,  [je]  disois-je,  vous  donnez  trop  pour  votre  Sifflet! — Quand  j'ai 
rencontre  [a]  un  homme  de  Plaisir,  sacrifiant  toute  louable  perfectionne- 
ment  [laudable]  de  son  Ame  [ou  du]  &*  toute  amelioration  de  son  Etat 
aux  [gratifications]  volupte  de  sens[e]  purement  corporel[les]  [&  en  les 
pursuivant]  &  detruisant  sa  Sante  dans  leur  poursuite.  Ho)nme  trompe, 
ai-je  dit,  vous  vous  procurez  des  Femes  au  lieu  des  Plaisirs ;  vous  payez 
trop  pour  votre  Sifflet ! — Si  [je  vois]/V/z  ai  vu  un  autre,  entete  de  beaux 
Habillements,  belles  Maisons,  belle  Fournitures,  beaux  Equipages,  toutes 
au-dessus  de  sa  Fortune  &  [pour  lesquelles  il  fait  des]  [voir]  qiiil  ne  se 
procurait  qu  en  faisant  des  Dettes  &  [finit]  en  allant  finir  sa  Carriere 
dans  une  Prison.  Helas,  [dira]  [dis-je],  ai-je  dit,  II  a  pay  e  trop  pour  son 
Sifflet I — Quand  j'ai  vu  une  tres  belle  fille,  d'un[e]  [disposition]  natu- 
rel[l]  bon[ne]  &  [douce  epouse]  doux  mariee  a  un  homme  feroce  & 
brutal,  qui  la  maltraite  continuellement  [Quelle pitie]  C est grande  Pitia, 
ai-j  e  dit,  qu  elle  [a]  ait  tant  pay  c  [tant]  pour  un  Sifflet ! — Enfin,  j  'ai  conclu 
que  la  plus  grande  partie  des  Malheurs  de[s]  [Hommes]  1' Espece 
humaine  [ont  sa  derive]  [vio]  viennent  des  Estimations  fausses  qu'on  fait 
de  la  Valeur  des  choses  [moyen  de  qu'on]  [oooooob]  on  donne[s]  [oooooo] 
trop  pour  les  Sifflets. 

Neantmoins  je  dois  avoir  je  setts  que  de  la  Charite  pour  ces  Gens 
malheureux  quand  je  considere  qu'avec  toute  cette  Sagesse  dont  je  me 
vante,  il  y  a  certaines  choses  dans  [le]  ce  bas  monde  si  tentantes  ;  par 
exemple,  les  Pommes  du  Roy  Jean,  lesquelles  heureusement  ne  sont  pas 
a  acheter   car   [si   si  ils  sont  pour]  si  elles  etoient  mises  a  l'enchere, 


This  however  was  afterwards  of  Use  to  me,  [and]  the  Impression  con- 
tinuing on  my  Mind  ;  so  that  often  when  I  was  tempted  to  buy  some 
unnecessary  thing,  I  said  to  myself,  Don 't  give  too  much  for  the  Whistle, 
and  I  saved  my  Money. 

As  I  grew  up,  [and]  came  into  the  World,  and  observed  the  Actions 
of  Men,  I  thought  I  [saw]  met  with  many  who  gave  too  much  for  the 
Whistle.  When  I  saw  [a  man]  one  ambitious  of  Court  Favour,  sacrificing 
his  Time,  in  attendance  at  Levees,  his  Repose,  his  Liberty,  his  Virtu,  and 
perhaps  his  friend,  to  obtain  it.  [My]  I  have  said  to  myself,  This  Man 
gives  too  much  for  his  Whistle.  When  I  saw  another  fond  of  Popu- 
larity, constantly  employing  himself  in  political  Bustles,  neglecting  his 
own  Affairs,  and  ruining  [himself]  them  by  that  Neglect,  [Here]  He  pays, 
says  I,  too  much  for  his  Whistle.  If  I  knew  a  Miser,  who  gave  up  every 
kind  of  comfortable  Living,  [in  order]  all  the  Pleasure  of  doing  good 
to  others,  all  the  Esteem  of  his  Fellow  Citizens,  &  the  [J]  Joys  of  be- 
nevolent Friendship,  for  the  sake  of  accumulating  Wealth  ;  Poor  Man, 
says  I,  you  pay  too  much  for  your  Whistle.  [If  I  saw  a  Prodigal]  When 
I  met  with  a  Man  of  Pleasure,  [giving  up]  sacrificing  every  laud- 
able Improvement  of  his  Mind  or  of  his  Fortune,  to  mere  corporal  Satis- 
factions, &  ruining  his  Health  in  their  Pursuit.  Mistaken  Man,  says  I,  you 
are  providing  Pain  for  yourself  instead  of  Pleasure  ;  you  pay  too  much 
for  your  Whistle.  If  I  [see]  [saw]  see  one  fond  of  Appearance  of  fine 
CI  oaths,  ^f/z^  Houses,  fine  Furniture,  fine  Equipages,  all  above  his  For- 
tune, [till]  for  which  he  contracts  Debts,  and  ends  his  Career  [in]  in  a 
Prison.  Alas,  Says  I,  he  has  paid  too  ?michfor  his  Whistle. — When  I 
saw  a  beautiful  [Girl]  sweet  temper' d  Girl  marr[ying]d  to  an  ugly  ill- 
natur'd  Brute  of  a  Husband  :  [M]  What  a  Pity,  says  I,  that  she  should 
pay  so  much  for  a  Whistle  / — In  short,  I  conceiv'd  that  great  Part  of  the 
Miseries  of  Mankind,  were  brought  upon  them  by  the  false  Estimates 
they  had  made  of  the  Value  of  things,[and  by  their  giving  too  much  for 
the  Whistle. 

Yet  I  ought  to  have  Charity  for  these  unhappy  People  when  I  con- 
sider, that  with  all  this  Wisdom  of  which  I  am  boasting,  there  are  cer- 
tain things  in  the  World  [ooo]  so  tempting,  for  Example,  the  Apples  of 
King  John,  which  happily  are  not  to  be  bought,  for  if  they  were  to  be  put 
to  sale  by  Auction,   I  might  very  easily  be  [brought]    {induced']  led  to 


je  [peux]  pourrois  etre  tres  facilement  [mene  a]  porte  a  me  ruiner 
par  leur  [1] 'Achat,  &  trouver  que  \ya.vo\&\faurais  encore  une  fois  donne 
hop  \joo~]  pour  le  Sifflet. 

Adieu  ma  tres  chere  Amie,  [&  mo]  croiez  moi  to uj  ours  le  votre,  bien 
sincerement,  &  avec  une  Affection  [indiminuable]  inalterable. 

[J'ai  perdu  vos  voisines  &  les  miennes  &  quand  je  pense  [de]  a 
vous,  je  chante  pitoyablement 

J'ai  perdu  mon  Euridice  :  rien] — The  Frankliti  Papers,  Vol.  45,  Ao. 

Je  vous  ai  envoye,  ma  tres  cher  fille,  par  Mr.  le  Ray,  V  Avis  d  ceux  qui 
veulent passer  en  Ajnerique,  que  vous  m'avez  demande  ;  &  j'ai  joint  les 
Remarques  surla  Politesse  des  Sauvages.  Avec  ce  Billet,  je  vous  envoye 
plusieurs  autres  petites  choses,  dont  on  a  imprime  quelques  Exemplaires 
dans  la  Maison,  seulement  pour  nos  Amis.  Je  vous  demande  bien  pardon 
d'avoir  mis  parmis  les  miennes,  une  de  votre  facon,  qui  est  certainement 
trop  joli  pour  etre  placee  en  telle  compagnie.  [Je  suis]  Si  par  hazard 
vous  n'avez  pas  perdu  la  belle  &*  la  mauvaise  jambe,  &  la  Morale  des 
Echecs,  vous  avez,  avec  celles-ci,  une  Collection  complette  de  toutes 
mes  Bagatelles  qui  ont  ete  imprimees  a  Passy. — Je  suis  bien  fache  que 
Madme  la  Goutte  afflige  notre  cher  Ami.  Vous  scavez  qu'elle  m'a 
donne  de  bons  Conseils  autrefois,  mais  malheureusement  ayant  trop 
de  foiblesse  pour  en  profiter,  je  ne  puis  mieux  faire,  il  me  semble, 
que  de  les  envoyer  a  notre  Ami,  a  qui  ils  pourront  peut-etre  etre  utiles. 
Cette  Dame  m'a  donne  tres  souvent  beaucoup  de  Chagrin,  mais  jamais 
autant  qu'a  present  qu'elle  vous  empeche  de  revenir  a  Passy. — Je  prierai 
pour  vous  &  pour  notre  pauvre  Malade,  puisque  vous  le  desirez.  Mais 
si  vous  etes  aimes  de  Dieu  autant  que  je  vous  aime,  mes  Prieres  seront 
inutiles  &  superflus.  Et  tout  Heretique  que  je  suis,  je  ne  doute  pas 
qu'il  aime  des  Catholiques  tels  que  vous. 

a  Passy,  ce  8  Avril  84. —  The  Frankliti  Papers,  Vol.  43,  Aro.  181. 


ruin  myself  in  the  Purchase,  and  find  that  I  had  once   more  given  too 
much  for  the  Whistle. 

Adieu,  my  dearest  Friend,  and  believe  me  ever  yours,  very  sincerely 
and  with  unalterable  Affections. 

[I  have  lost  your  Neighbours  also.  And  when  I  think  of  you,  I  sing, 
I  have  lost  my  Euridice,  Oh — ] — The  Franklin  Papers,  Vol.  45,  No 

Je  vous  renvoye,  ma  tres  chere  fille,  puisque  vous  voulez  absolument 
le  ravoir  le  brouillon  de  votre  jolie  Fable.  [CJ  J'avois  la  Pensee  qu'en 
vous  offrant  une  plus  belle  Edition  [qu'il]  que  votre  Ouvrage  meritoit  bien 
je  pouvois  vous  gagner  de  me  permettre  de  retenir  1' Original ;  le  que  je 
desirois,  parceque  j'aime  tout  [ce]  qui  vient  de  votre  Main.  Et  comme 
mon  Fils  est  aussi  un  de  vos  Admirateurs,  j'ai  voulu,  par  le  Plaisir  de  le 
lire  lui  payer  [pour]  1  Travail  de  le  bien  copier.  J'ai  fait  une  faute  ;  Je  le 
confesse.  Mais  comme  vous  avez  eu  la  Bonte  de  le  pardonner,  je  ne  le 
repeterai  pas — jusqu'une  autre  Occasion.  Voila  la  Pratique  de  presque 
tous  les  Pecheurs  ! 

[Votre]  Une  des  Personnages  de  votre  Fable,  viz.  la  Gout,  me  paroit 
raisonner  assez  bien,  Lexcep]  a  l'Exception  de  sa  supposition  que  [les 
Femmes]  [mon  amour  d]  Maitresses  [sont  en  Partie]  ont  eu  quelque 
part  en  produisant  [ma]  ce  maleureuse  Maladie.  Je  crois,  moi,  tout  le 
contraire,  &  voici  comme  je  raisonne.  Ouand  j'etois  jeune  homme,  & 
[j — tou]  que  je  jouissois  plus  [qu  ce]  des  [leurs]  faveurs  de  la  sexe  qu'a 
present,  je  n'avois  point  de  laGoute.  [En]  Done,  si  les  Dames  de  Passy 
auroient  eu  plus  de  cette  Espece  de  Charite  Chretienne  queje  vous  [j]  ai 
si  souvent  en  vaine  recommande,  je  n'aurois  pas  eu  la  Goute  actuelle- 
ment.     II  me  semble  que  ceciest  bonne  Logique. 

Jesuisbeaucoup  mieux  ;  J'aipeu  dedouleur  ;  maisj  erne  trouve  bien  foi- 
ble. Jepeux,  comme  vous  voyez,  badiner  un  peu.mais  [re]  jenepeuxpas 
etre  reellement  gai,  [jusque  je  suis  assure]  avant  que  f  entendrai  que 
votre  precieuse  Sante  est  retablie. 

Je  vous  envoye  mon  Dialogue,  en  esperance  que  cela  pourroit  vous 
amuser  [pour  un  quart]  quelques  moments. 

Bien  de  Remerciements  pour  les  tres  dernieres  Tomes  de  Montaigne, 
que  je  renvoye. 

La  Visite  de  votre  toujours  aimable  Famille  hier  au  soir  m'a  Faite 
beaucozqD  de  bien  ;  [sa  bout]  Comme  je  les  aime  tous,  de  la  Grand 
Mere  &*  le  Pere.  jusque  le  plus  petite  enfant. —  The  Franklin  Papers, 
Vol.  46,  No.  44  {2d  ser.  of  Nos.). 


Dialogue  entre  la  Goute  &  M.  Franklin. 

[corrige  et  augmente  de  plusieurs  fauttes  par  un  scavant  et  voue  de 
nottes  critiques  par  une  femme  qui  n'est  point  scavante.] 

a  Minuit  le  22.  Oct.   1780. 

M.  F[ranklin].  Eh!  Oh!  Eh!  Mon  Dieu  !  qu'ai-je  fait  fait  pour 
meriter  ces  Soufrances  cruelles  ? 

La  Goute.  Beaucoup  de  choses.  Vous  avez  trop  mange,  trop  bu  & 
trop  [satis/ait  la  paresse  de]  [indulge  vos  jambes  en  leur  indolence] 
indulge  vos  jambes  en  leur  Indolence. 

M.  F.     Qui  est-ce  qui  me  parle  ? 

La  G.     C'est'moi-meme,  La  Goute. 

M.  F.     Mon  Ennemie  en  Personne  ! 

La  G.     Pas  votre  Ennemie. 

M.  F.  Oui  mon  Enemie  ;  car  non  seulement  vous  voulez  me  tuer  le 
Corps  par  vos  Tourmens,  mais  vous  tachez  aussi  de  detruire  ma  bonne 
Reputation.  Vous  me  representez  commeun  Gourmand  et  un  Ivrogne. 
Et  tout  le  monde  qui  me  connoit,  scait  qu'on  ne  m'a  jamais  accuse 
auparavant  d'etre  un  homme  qui  mangeoit  trop,  ou  buvoit  trop. 

La  G.  Le  Monde  peut  juger  comme  il  lui  plait,  il  a  toujours  beau- 
coup  de  Complaisance  pour  lui  meme,  et  quelquefois  pour  ses  Amis. 
Mais  je  scais  bien  moi,  que  ce  qui  n'est  pas  trop  boire,  ni  trop 
manger  pour  un  homme  qui  fait  raisonablement  d' Exercise,  est  trop 
pour  un  homme  qui  n'en  fait5  [aucun]  point. 

M.  F.  Je  prends, — Eh  !  Eh  ! — autant  d'exercise, — Eh  ! — que  je  puis, 
Madame  la  Goute.  Vous  connoissez  mon  Etat  Sedentaire  ;  et  il  me 
semble,  qu'en  consequence  vous  pourriez,  Madame  la  Goute,  m'epargner 
un  peu,  considerant  que  ce  n'est  pas  tout  a  fait  ma  faute.6 

La  G.  Point  dutout.  Votre  Rhetorique  &  votre  Politesse  sont  egale- 
ment  perdues.  Votre  Excuse  ne  vaut  rien.    Si  votre  Etat  est  sedentaire, 

5  lere  notte — M.  Franklin  dit:  trop  indulge  vos  jambes  en  leur  indolence : 
le  corrigeur  dit :  trop  satisfait  la  paresse  de  vos  jambes — s:  indulges  n'est  pas 
Frar^ois ;  ce  n'est  pas  la  fautte  de  Mr.  Franklin  dont  le  genie  est  plus  expressif 
qu'il  n'apartient  a  notre  langue  ;  il  faut  faire  recevoir  indulges  a  l'academie 
et  ne  point  rendre  la  phrase  lache  par  ce=satisfait  la  paresse  de  vos  jambes: 
au  moins  auroit  on  pu  dire:  tropeu  d'indulgence  pour  l'indolence  de  vos  jambes  : 
cela  devasterrait  moins=l'original,=:ce  qui  est  important  quand  on  corrige  le  style 
d'unauteur;  mais  indulges  vont  mieux  que  tout  ce  qu'on  mettra  a  la  place; 
malheur  a  qui  voudra  mettre  Franklin  en  bon  Francis,  on  gacherra  comme  a 

b  2de  notte — II  est  question  d'exercisse  :  Mr.  Franklin  dit :  Est  trop  pour  un 
homme  qui  n'en  fait  aucun : — on  a  raye  aucun  pour  mettre  point  : — je  voudrois 
S9avoir  qu'elle  difference  il  y  a  entre  ne  point  faire  d'exercisse  ou  n'en  faire 


vos  Amusements,  vos  Recreations  doivent  etre  acti[ves]/3r.  Vous  devez 
vous  promener  a  Pied  ou  a  Cheval,  ou  si  le  Terns  vous  en  empeche 
jouer  au  Billard.  Mais  examinons  votre  Cours  de  vie.  Ouand  les 
Matinees  sont  longues  et  que  vous  avez  assez  de  terns  pour  promener, 
qu'est-ce  que  vous  faites  ?  Au  lieu  de  gagner  de  l'Appetit  pour  votre 
dejeuner  par  un  exercise  salutaire,  Vous  vous  amusez  [en  lisant  les]  a 
lire  des  Livres,  [les]  des  Brochures  ou  Gazettes  dont  la  plus  part  [ne 
vaudroient]  Ji'en  valent  pas  la  peine.  Vous  dejeunez  neanmoins  large- 
ment ;  Ouatre  Tasses  de  The  a  la  Creme  avec  une  ou  deux  grandes  Tar- 
tines  de  Pain  et  de  Beurre  couvertes  de  Tranches  de  Beuf  fume ;  qui  je 
crois  ne  sont  pas  les  choses  du  monde  les  plus  faciles  a  digerer.  Tout  de 
suite  vous  vous  placez  a  votre  Bureau,  vous  y  ecrivez  ou  vous  parlez 
aux  gens  qui  viennent  vous  chercher  pour  [les]  affaire[s].  Cela  dure 
jusqu'a  une  Heure  apres-midi  sans  le  moindre  Exercise  de  Corps.  Mais 
tout  cela  je  vous  le  pardonne,  parceque  [qu'il  appartient]  cela  tient 
comme  vous  dites  a  votre  Etat  Sedentaire.  Mais  apres  diner,  que 
faites  vous  ?  Aulieu  de  vous  promener  dans  les  beaux  jardins  de  vos 
Amis  [ou]  chez  lesquels  vous  avez  dine,  comme  font  les  Gens  senses, 
Vous  voila  etabli — a  l'Echiquier  jouant  aux  Echecs,  ou  on  peut  vous 
trouver  deux  ou  trois  Heures.  C'est  la  votre  Recreation  eternelle  !  La 
Recreation  qui  de  toutes  [les  autres]  est  la  moins  [propre  pour] 
[convenable  a]  propre  a  un  homme  Sedentaire;7  parcequ'au  lieu  d'ac- 
celerer  le  mouvement  des  fluides,  il  demande  une  attention  si  forte 
et  si  fixe,  que  la  Circulation  est  retardee  &  les  Secretions  internes 
empechees.  Enveloppe  dans  les  Speculations  de  ce  miserable  jeu, 
vous  detruisez  votre  Constitution.  Que  peut  on  attendre  d'ttne  telle 
facon  de  vivre  [peut  on  attendre],  si  non  un  Corps  plein  d'humeurs 
Stagnantes  pretes  a  se  corrompre  et  un  Corps  pret  a  tomber  en  toutes 
sortes  de  Maladies  dangereuses,  si  moi  la  Goute,  je  ne  viens  pas  de  terns 
en  terns  a  votre  Secours  pour  agiter  ces  humeurs  et  les  purifier  ou  dissi- 
per  ?  Si  c'etoit  dans  quelque  petite  Rue  ou  Coin  de  Paris,  depourvu  de 
promenades,  que  vous  pass[eriez]z>£  quelque  terns  aux  Echecs  apres 
diner,  vous  pourriez  dire  cela  en  Excuse  :  Mais  c'est  la  meme  chose  a 
Passy,  a  Auteuil,  a  Montmartre,  a  Epinay,  a  Sanoy  ou  il  y  a  les  plus 
beaux  jardins  &  Promenades  &  belles  Dames,  l'Air  le  plus  pur,  les  conver- 
sations les  plus  agreables,  les  plus  instructives,  que  vous  pouvez  avoir 
tout  en  vous  promenant,  mais  tous  sont  negliges,  pour  cet  abominable 
jeu  d'Echecs.  Fi  done,  M.  Franklin"!  Mais  en  continuant  mes  Instruc- 
tions, j'oubliois  de  vos  donner  vos  corrections.  Tenez  cet  Elancement ; 
&  celui. 

M.  F.     Oh  !    Eh  !    Oh !    Ohhh  ! — Autant    que   vous     [voulez]    vou- 

7 ^eme  notte — Mr  Franklin  dit:  La  Recreation  qui  de  toutes  est  la  moins 
propre  a  un  homme  sedentaire  :  on  a  mis  :  la  moins  convenable  :  le  mot  propre 
etoit  plus  convenable. 


drez  de  vos  Instructions,  Me.  La  Goute,  meme  de  vos   Reproches,  mais 
de  grace  pas  plus  de  vos  Corrections. 

La  G.  Tout  au  contraire,  je  ne  vous  rabattrois  pas  [un  As.]  le  quart 
d'une.     Elles  sont  pour  votre  bien.     Tenez. 

M.  F.  Oh  !  Ehhh  ! — Ce  n'est  pas  juste  de  dire  que  je  ne  prends  aucun 
Exercise,  j'en  \_z\\fais  souvent  dans  [une]  ma  voiture,  en  sortant  pour 
aller  a  diner,  &  en  revenant. 

La  G.     C'est  de  tous  les  Exercises  imaginables  le  plus  leger  et  le  plus 
insignifiant   que   celui  qui  est  donne  par  le  Mouvement  d'une  voiture 
suspendue  [par]  stir  des  Ressorts.    En  observant  la  Quantite  de  chaleur 
obtenue  des  differentes  Especes  de  mouvement,  on  peut  former  quelque 
Jugement  de  la  quantite  d' Exercise  qui  est  donnee  par  chacun.     Si,  par 
Exemple,  vous  sortez  a  pied  en  hiver,  avec  les  Pieds  froids,  en  marchant 
une  Heure,  vous  aurez  vos   Pieds   et  tout  votre  Corps  bien  echauffes. 
Si  vous  montez  a  Cheval,  il  faut  troter  quatre  heures  avant  de  trouver  le 
meme  Effet ;  Mais  si  vous  vous  placez  dans  une  telle  voiture,  vous  pouvez 
voyagertouteunejournee  etentrervotre  derniereAuberge  avec  vos  Pieds 
encore  froids. — Ne  vous  flattez  done  pas  qu'en  passant  une  demie  heure 
dans  votre  Voiture  vous  preniez  de  l'Exercise.     Dieu  n'a  pas  donne  des 
Voitures   a  Roues   a  tout    le  Monde,  mais  il  a  donne  a  chacun  deux 
Jambes,  qui  sont  des  machines  infiniment  plus  commodes  et  plus  ser- 
viables ;  soyez  en  reconnoissant  et  faites  usage[s]  des  votres.     Voulez 
vous  savoir  comment  elles  fontcirculer  vos  fluides  en  meme  terns  [qu'ils] 
qu' elles  vous  transportent  d'un  lieu  a  un  autre,  pensez  que  quand  vous 
marchez  tout  le  poids  de  votre  Corps  est  jette  alternativement  sur  l'une 
et  l'autre  jambe,  cela  presse  avec  grande  force  sur  les  vaisseaux   du 
Pied  &   [se — Contents],  refoule  ce  qu'ils  contiennent.     Pendant  que  le 
Poids  est  [protrude]  ote  de  ce  Pied  et  jette  sur  l'autre,  les  Vaisseaux  ont 
le  terns  de  se  remplir  et  par  le  Retour  du  Poids  [cette  protrusion]   ce 
[repoussement]  refoulement  est  repetee,  ainsi  la  Circulation  du  Sang  est 
acceleree   en   marchant.      La  Chaleur  produite  en  un  certain  Espace 
de  terns  est  en  raison  de  l'Acceleration ;   les  Fluides  sont  battus  les 
Humeurs  attenuees,  les  Secretions  facilities,  et  tout  va  bien.    Les  joues 
prennent  [une]  du  Vermeil,  et  la  Santeestetablie.  Regardez  votre  Amie 
d'Auteuil,  une  Femme  qui  a  recu  de  la  Nature  plus  de  Science  vraiment 
utile,  qu'une   demi-douzaine  ensemble  de  vous    Philosophes  pretendus 
n'en  n'ont  tire  de  tous  vos  Livres.     Quand  elle  voulut  vous  faire  l'hon- 
neur  de   sa  Visite,  elle  vint  a  Pied,  elle  se  promene  du  matin  jusqu'au 
soir,  &>  elle  laisse  toutes  les  maladies  d' Indolence  en  [Portion]  partage 
a  ses  Chevaux.     Voila  comme  elle  conserve  sa  Sante,  meme  sa  Beaute. 
Mais  vous,  quand  vous  allez  a.  Auteuil  c'est  dans  la  Voiture.  Cependant 
il  n'y  a  [est]  pas  plus  loin  de  Passy  a.  Auteuil  que  d'Auteuil  a  Passy. 
M.  F.     Vous  m'ennuiez  avec  tant  de  Raisonnements. 
La  G.     Je  le  crois  bien.     Je  me  tais,  et  je  continue  mon  office,  tenez 
cet  Elancement  et  [cecy]  celui-ci. 


M.  F.     Oh  !  Ohh  ! — Continuez  de  parler  je  vous  prie. 

La  G.  Non.  J'ai  un  nombre  d'Elancements  a  vous  donner  cette 
Nuit,  et  vous  aurez  le  reste  demain. 

M.  F.  Mon  Dieu,  La  Fievre ! — Je  me  perds.  Eh  !  Eh  !  N'y  at'il 
Personne  qui  puisse  prendre  cette  peine  pour  moi. 

La  G.  Demandez  cela  a  vos  Chevaux.  lis  ont  pris  la  peine  de 
marcher  pour  vous. 

M.  F.  Comment  pouvez  vous  etre  si  cruelle  de  me  tourmenter  tant 
pour  Rien. 

La  G.  Pas  pour  Rien.  J'ai  ici  une  Liste  de  tous  vos  Peches,  contre 
votre  Sante  bien  distinctement  ecrite,  &  je  peux  vous  rendre  Raison  de 
tous  les  Coups  que  je  vous  donne. 

M.  F.     Lisez  la,  done. 

LaG.     C'est  trop  long  a  lire.  Je  vous  en  donnerai  le[s]  Montant[s]. 

M.  F.     Faites  le.     Je  suis  tout  attention. 

La  G.  Souvenez  vous  combien  de  fois  vous  vous  etez  propose  de 
vous  promener  le  matin  (Prochain]  suivant  dans  le  Bois  de  Boulogne, 
dans  le  Jardin  de  La  Muette  ou  dans  le  votre  ;  et  que  vous  avez  manque 
de  parole  ;  alleguant  quelquefois  que  le  terns  etoit  trop  froid  d'autrefois 
qu'il  etoit  trop  chaud,  trop  venteux,  trop  humide,  ou  trop  quelqu'autre 
chose,  quand  en  verite,  il  n'y  avoit  rien  de  trop  qui  empechoit.  excepte 
votre  trop  de  Paresse. 

M.  F.  Je  confesse  que  cela  peut  arriver  quelquefois,  peut  etre  pen- 
dant un  An  dix  fois. 

La  G.  Votre  Confession  est  bien  imparfaite,  le  vrai  Montant  est  cent 
quatrevingt  dix  neuf. 

M.  F.     Est'il  possible? 

La  G.  Oui ;  c'est  possible,  parceque  c'est  unfait.  Vous  pouvez  rester 
assure  de  la  justesse  de  mon  Compte. — Vous  connoissez  les  Jardins  de 
M.  Brillon,  comme  ils  sont  bons  a  [promener]  [la  promenade]  promener? 
Vous  connoissez  le  bel  Escalier  de  150.  Degres,  qui  mene  de  la  Ter- 
rasse  en  haut,  jusqu'a  la  Plaine  en  bas.  Vous  avez  visite  deux  fois  par 
semaine  dans  les  apres  midi,  cette  aimable  Famille,  C'est  une  Maxime 
de  votre  Invention,  qu'on  peut  avoir  autant  d'Exercise  en  montant  et  de- 
scendant un  Mile  en  Escalier,  qu'en  marchant  dix  sur  une  plaine.  Quelle 
belle  Occasion  [que]  vous  avez  eue  de  prendre  tous  les  deux  Exercises 
ensemble.     En  avez  vous  profite  ?  et  combien  de  fois  ? 

3  4eme  notle — En  parlant  de  jardins  Mr.  Franklin  dit — Co/?ime  ils  sont  bons  a 
promener  ;  on  a  mis :  comme  ils  sont  bons  a  la  promenade — il  me  semble  que 
des  jardins  peuvent  etre  bons  a  pro?nener,  puisqu'on  juge  qu'il  sont  bons  a  la 
promenade.  II  y  auroit  encore  plusieurs  nottes  a  faire ;  mais  comme  elles  ser- 
vient toutes  du  meme  genre  ;  en  voila  assez  pour  demontrer  que  le  Francois  de 
Mr.  Franklin  est  souvent  aussi  bon,toujours  plus  concpis  que  celui  du  scavant  qui  le 
corrige;  et — que  les  mots  de  sa  creation  pourrient  servir  a  enrichir  notre  largue. 


M.  F.    Je  ne  peux  pas  bien  repondre  a  cette  question. 

La  G.     Je  repondrai  done  pour  vous,  pas  une  fois. 

M.  F.     Pas  une  fois  ! 

La  G.  Pas  une  fois.  Pendant  tout  le  bel  Ete  passe,  vous  y  etez 
arrive  a  six  heures.  Vous  y  avez  trouve  cette  charmante  femme  et  ses 
beaux  Enfans,  &  ses  Amis,  prets  a  vous  accompagner  dans  ces  Prome- 
nades, [&]  et  de  vous  amuser  avec  leurs  agreables  Conversations.  Et 
qu'avez  vous  fait  ?  Vous  vous  etez  assis  sur  la  Terrasse,  vouz  avez  loue 
la  belle  Vue,  regarde  la  Beaute  des  Jardins  en  bas ;  mais  vous  n'avez 
pas  bouge  un  Pas  pour  descendre,  y  vous  promener.  Au  contraire 
vous  avez  demande  du  The  et  l'Echiquier.  Et  vous  voila  colle  a  votre 
Siege  jusqu'a  neuf  Heures.  Et  cela  apres  avoir  joue  peut  etre  deux 
Heures  ou  vous  avez  dine.  Alors  aulieu  de  retourner  chez  vous  a  Pied, 
[qui  peut]  ce  qui  pourr ait  vous  remuer  un  peu,  vous  prenez  votre 
Voiture.  Quelle  Sottise  de  croire  qu'avec  tout  ce  dereglement,  on 
peut  se  conserver  en  Sante,  sans  moi. 

M.  F.  A  cette  heure  je  suis  convaincu  de  la  Justesse  de  cette  Re- 
marque du  Bon  Homme  Richard,  que  nos  Dettes  et  nos  peches  sont 
toujours  [plus]  plus  grands  qu'on  ne  pense. 

La  G.  C'est  comme  [ca,]  cela  que  vous  autres  Philosophes  avez 
toujours  les  Maximes  [du  Sage]  des  Sages  dans  votre  Bouche,  pendant 
que  votre  Conduite  est  comme  celle  des  Ignorans. 

M.  F.  Mais  faites  vous  un  de  mes  Crimes  de  ce  que  que  je  retourne 
en  Voiture  de  chez  Me.  Brillon. 

La  G.  Oui  assurement,  car  vous  quiavez  ete  [ooo]  assis  toute  la 
journee,  Vous  ne  pouvez  pas  dire  que  vous  etez  fatigue  du  travail  du 
Jour.     Vous  n'avez  pas  besoin  done  d'etre  soulage  par  une  Voiture. 

M.  F.     Que  voulez  vous  done  que  je  fasse  de  ma  Voiture? 

La  G.  Brulez  la,  si  vous  voulez.  Alors  vous  en  tirez  au  moins  pour 
une  fois  de  la  chaleur.  Ou  si  cette  Proposition  ne  vous  plait  pas,  je 
vous  en  donnerai  une  autre.  Regardez  les  Pauvres  Paysans  qui  tra- 
vaillent  la  terre  dans  les  Vignes  et  les  Champs  autour  des  Villages  de 
Passy,  Auteuil,  Chaillot,  &c.  Vous  pouvez  tous  les  jours,  parmi  ces 
bonnes  creatures,  trouver  quatre  ou  cinq  vieilles  Femmes  et  vieux 
Hommes,  courbes  et  peut  etre  estropies  sous  le  poids  des  Annees  etpar 
un  travail  trop  fort  et  continuel,  qui  apres  une  longue  Journee  de 
Fatigue  ont  a  marcher  peut  etre  un  ou  deux  Miles  pour  trouver  leurs 
Chaumieres.  Ordonnez  a  votre  Cocher  de  les  prendre  et  de  les  placer 
chez  eux.  Voila  une  bonne  Oeuvre !  qui  fera  du  bien  [pour]  a  votre 
Ame  ;  et  si  en  meme  terns  vous  retournez  de  votre  Visite  chez  les  Bril- 
lons  a  Pied,  cela  sera  bon  pour  votre  Corps. 

M.  F.     Ah  !  comme  vous  etes  ennuyeuse  ! 

La  G.  Allons  done  a  notre  Metier,  il  faut  souvenir  que  je  suis  votre 
Medecin.     Tenez. 

M.  F.     Ohhh  !— Quel  Diable  de  Medecin  ! 


La  G.  Vous  etes  un  Ingrat  de  me  dire  cela.  N'est-ce  pas  moi  qui 
en  qualite  de  votre  Medecin  vous  [a]  at  sauve  de  la  Paralysie,  de  l'Hy- 
dropisie  et  de  l'Apoplexie,  dont  l'une  ou  l'autre  vous  auroient  tue  il  y  a 
long  terns  si  je  ne  les  en  avois  empechees. 

M.  F.  Je  le  confesse.  Et  je  vous  remercie  pour  ce[la]  qui  est 
passe.  Mais  de  Grace  quittez  moi,  pour  jamais.  Car  il  me  semble  qu'on 
aimeroit  mieux  mourir  que  d'etre  gueri  si  doloureusement.  Souvenez 
vous  quej'aiaussi  ete  votre  ami.  Je  n'ai  jamais  loue  de  combattre 
contre  vous,  ni  les  Medecins,  ni  les  Charlatans  d'aucune  Espece,  si 
done  vous  ne  me  quittez  pas,  vous  serez  aussi  accusable  d' Ingratitude. 

La  G.  Je  ne  pense  pas  que  je  vous  doive  grande  Obligation  de  cela. 
Je  me  moque  des  Charlatans,  ils  peuvent  vous  tuer,  mais  ils  ne  peuvent 
pas  me  nuire.  Et  quand  aux  vrais  Medecins,  ils  sont  enfin  convaincu 
de  cette  verite,  que  la  Goute  n'est  pas  une  Maladie,  mais  un  veritable 
Remede,  &  qu'il  ne  faut  pas  guerir  un  Remede.  Revenons  a  notre 
Affaire.     Tenez. 

M.  F.  Oh  de  grace  quittez  moi,  et  je  vous  promets  fidelement  que 
desormais  je  ne  jouerai  plus  aux  Echecs  [et  je  ferai  bon  Usage  de  l'exer- 
cise]  que  je  ferai  de  V  Exercise  journellement  et  que  je  vivrai  sobrement. 

La  G.  Je  vous  connois  bien,  vous  etes  un  beau  Prometteur.  Mais 
apres  quelques  mois  de  bonne  Sante,  vous  commencerez  a  aller  votre 
ancien  train.  Vos  belles  Promesses  seront  oubliees  comme  on  oublie 
les  formes  de  Nuages  de  la  derniere  Annee.  Allons  done,  finissons  notre 
Compte.  Apres  cela  je  vous  quiterai ;  mais  soyez  assure  que  je  vous  revi- 
siterai  en  [Saisonj  ferns  &*  lieu.  Car  e'est  pour  votre  bien,  et  je  suis,  vous 
scavez,  votre  bonne  Amie. —  The  Fra?ikliti  Papers,    Vol.  jo,  No.  j6. 

Extracts  from  One  Hundred  and  Fifteen  Letters  Between 
Madame  Brillon  and  Dr.  Franklin. 

ce  samedi  18.  9bre,  '80. 
II  y  auroit  bien  quelques  petites  choses  a  redire  a  votre  logique  que 
vous  assurez  si  bonne  mon  cher  papa — Quand  j'etois  jeune  homme 
distes  vous,  et  que  je  jouissois  plus  des  faveurs  du  sexe  qu'a  present,  je 
n'avois  point  de  goutte  :  Done  [mon]  on  pourroit  repondre  a  cela — quand 
jemesuisjettepar  lafenetreje  ne  me  suispascasselajambe:  Do?ic  ;  vous 
pouries  avoir  la  goutte  sans  l'avoir  merite,  e*t  vous  pouries  l'ayant  a  ce 
que  je  crois  bien  merite  ne  l'a  point  avoir  ;  si  ce  dernier  raisonnement 
n'est  pas  si  brillant  que  les  autres,  il  est  clair  est  sur  :  ce  qui  n'est  n'y 
clair  n'y  sur,  ce  sont  les  raisonnements  des  phillosophes  qui  veulent  que 
tout  ce  qui  arrive  dans  le  monde  soit  necessaire  au  [mou]  mouvement 
general  de  la  machine  universale  :  je  crois  que  la  machine  n'en  iroit  n'y 
mieux  n'y  plus  mal,  si  vous  n'aviez  pas  la  goutte,  et  si  j  etois  a  jamais  quitte 
de  mes  meaux  de  nerfs  ;  je  ne  vois  pas  quelle  facillite  ces  petits  incidents 
de  plus  ou  de  moins  peuvent  donner  aux  voues  qui  tournent  ce  bas 

104  ROSENGARTEN — FRANKLIN'S   BAGATELLES.         [May  17, 

monde  a  tort  et  a  travers  et  je  scais  que  ma  petite  machine  en  va  bien 
plus  mal :  ce  que  je  scais  fort  bien  encore  ;  c'est  que  la  douleur  devient 
quelquefois  maitresse  de  la  raison,  et  que  la  seule  patience  peut  venir  a 
bout  de  les  deux  chicanieres ;  j'en  ai  done  le  plus  que  je  puis,  et  vous 
conseille  d'en  faire  autant  mon  ami ;  lorsque  les  frimats  ont  attristes  la 
terre,  un  beau  soleil  nous  les  faire  oubliers :  nous  sommes  au  milieu  des 
frimats,  il  faut  patiement  attendre  ce  beau  soleil,  et  en  l'attendant  nous 
distraire  dans  les  moments  ou  la  foiblesse  et  la  douleur  nous  laissent  en 
repos  ;  voila  mon  cher  papa  ma  logique  a  moi :  |  : 

Votre  dialogue  m'a  beaucoup  amuse,  mais  votre  corrigeur  de  fran^ois 
a  gaste  votre  besogne  ;  croyes  moi,  laisse  vos  ouvrages  tels  qu'ils  sont, 
faittes  des  mots  qui  diront  des  choses  et  mocques  vous  des  grammairiens 
qui  par  purete  affoiblissent  toutes  vos  phrases  :  si  j'avois  la  teste  asses 
forte  je  ferois  une  diatribe  terrible  contre  ceux  qui  osent  vous  retoucher. 
Fut  ce  l'abbe  de  la  roche,  mon  voisin  veillard  &c  &c  &c  :  je  veux 
m'amuser  a  faire  des  nottes  sur  votre  besogne  et  sur  la  leurs,  [vous]  et  vous 
verres  que  c'est  vous  qui  aures  raison  adieu  mon  bon  papa,  mon  gros 
mari  vous  portera  ma  lettre,  il  est  bien  heureux  de  pouvoir  vous  aller 
voir,  pour  moi :  il  ne  me  reste  que  la  faculte  d'aimer  mes  amis,  vous  ne 
douttes  surement  pas  que  je  ne  m'en  acquitte  de  mon  mieux  pour  vous, 
jusqu'a  la  charite  chetienne  c'est  a  dire  votre  charite  chretienne  exclu- 
sivement :  \  : — The  Franklin  Papers,  Vol.  43,  No.  j. 

ce  deux  decembre. 

Vottre  lettre  mon  aimable  papa  m'a  fait  un  sensible  plaisir,  mais  si 
vous  voules  m'en  faire  un  plus  grand  restes  en  France  jusqu'au  moment 
ou  vous  verres  ma  sixieme  generation,  je  ne  vous  demande  que  quinze 
ou  seize  ans,  ma  petite  fille  sera  mariable  de  bonne  heure,  elle  est  belle 
et  forte  :  je  goutte  un  nouveau  sentiment  mon  bon  papa  auqu'el  mon 
coeur  se  livre  avec  satisfaction,  il  est  si  doux  d'aimer  !  je  n'ai  jamais 
con^u  comment  il  existoit  des  estres  asses  ennemis  d'eux  mesme  pour 
repousser  l'amitie  ;  il  y  a  des  ingrats,  dira  t'on  ;  eh  bien  Ton  est  trompe, 
cela  est  un  peu  dur  quelquefois,  mais  on  ne  Test  pas  toujours,  et  de  se 
sentir  incapable  de  le  rendre  donne  un  contentement  de  soi  mesme  qui 
consolle  de  la  trahison  : 

Ma  petite  nourice  est  charmante  et  fraiche  comme  la  rose  du  matin, 
l'enfant  les  premiers  jours  a  eu  de  la  peine  a  se  faire  a  teter  un  sein 
ferme  et  done  le  bout  etoit  mignon  et  court,  mais  la  patience,  le  courage 
de  la  mere  l'ont  emporte,  tout  va  bien,  et  rien  n'est  plus  interessant  que 
ce  tableau,  une  jeune  et  jolie  personne  allaitant  un  superbe  enfant,  le 
pere  occupe  sans  cesse  de  ce  spectacle  et  joignant  ses  soins  a  ceux  de  sa 
femme,  mes  yeux  se  mouillent  sans  cesse  et  mon  coeur  jouit  mon  aima- 
ble papa,  vous  sentes  si  bien  le  prix  de  tout  ce  qui  tient  a  la  belle  et 
bonne  nature  que  je  vous  devois  ces  details,  ma  fille  me  charge  de  ses 
remercimens  et  complimens  pour  vous,  ma  Cadette,  mes  hommes  vous 


presentent  leurs  civilites,  et  moi  mon  ami  je  vous  prie  de  croire  que  mon 
amitie  et  mon  existance  seront  toujours  un  pour  vous  : 

Press  Copy  of   Franklin's  Answer. 

Je  vous  felicite  tres  cordialement,  ma  tres  chere  amie,  de  l'heureux 
Accouchement  de  votre  Fille.  Puisse  l'Enfante  etre  ainsi  bonne  & 
ainsi  aimable  que  sa  mere,  sa  grandemere,  sa  grandegrandemere,  &c. 
Je  me  souviens  d'avoir  un  jour  rencontre  chez  vous  quatre  de  vos 
Generations,  quand  vos  Enfants  etoient  tres  jeunes  ;  que  j'ai  dit  alors 
que  j'esperoit  vivre  a  voir  la  cinquieme  ;  Voici  mon  Souhait  prophetique 
accompli.  Je  fais  des  Voeux  actuellement  pour  la  Prosperite  continuelle 
de  toute  la  bonne  Famille.  Avez  vous  des  nouvelles  de  notre  bon 
Evesque  ?  Ou  est  il  ?  Comment  se  porte  t-il  ?  Je  vous  embrasse  forte- 
ment. — B.  F. 

ce  29  Novbre,  84. 

—  The  Franklin  Papers,  Vol.  43,  No.  7. 

ce  4  mars  a  paris. 
Je  vous  dois  mil  remercimens  mon  bon  papa  de  votre  joli  billet  et  de 
votre  lettre  aux  auteurs  du  journal  de  paris;  mais  je  vous  en  devres 
deux  mil,  si  vous  y  joignes  l'avis  a  ceux  qui  veulent  passer  en  amerique, 
j'esperois  aller  vous  le  demander  aujourd'hui  et  m'etablir  pour  six  ou 
sept  mois  a  passy  mais  mon  pauvre  mari  a  la  goutte  aux  deux  jambes,  et 
la  guerison  de  cette  mauditte  goutte  peut  seule  nous  rendre  notre  liberte  ; 
pries  pour  lui  mon  bon  papa  tout  heretique  que  vous  estes,  j'ai  plus  de 
foi  en  vos  prieres  qu'en  toutes  celles  de  nos  dervishes  ;  adieu  mon  ami 
aimes  moi  bien  et  comptes  que  de  toutes  celles  qui  vous  ont  aimes  et 
vous  aiment  aucunes  ne  vous  aime  [nt]  autant  que  moi : — The  Franklin 
Papers,  Vol.  4.3,  No.  18. 

ce  13.  octobre  a  La  thuillerie. 
Comment  estes  vous  mon  bon  papa  ?  jamais  il  ne  m'en  a  tant  coutte 
de  m'eloigner  de  vous,  chaques  soirs  il  me  semble  que  vous  series  bien 
aise  de  me  voir,  et  chaques  soirs  je  pense  a  vous  ;  lundi  si  j'irai  vous 
retrouver,  j'espere  qu'alors  vous  series  bien  sur  vos  jambes  et  que  le 
the  du  mercredi  samedi  et  celui  du  dimanche  matin  reprendront  tout 
leur  lustre  je  vous  mennerai  la  bonne  evesque,  mon  gros  mari  vous  fera 
rire,  nos  enfants  riront  ensemble  le  grand  voisin  persiflera,  les  abbes  la 
roche  et  morelet  mangeront  tout  le  beure,  Mde  grand  son  aimable  niece 
et  Mr  grand  ne  nuirront  pas  a  la  societe,  le  pere  pagin  jouera  dieu 
d'amour  sur  le  violon,  moi  la  marche  au  piano,  vous  petits  oiseaux  sur 
rharmonica,  oh  mon  ami  voyons  dans  l'avenir  de  belles  et  bonnes 
jambes  pour  vous,  et  ne  pensons  plus  a  la  mauvaise  qui  vous  a  tant 
persecute  ;  apres  le  mal  on  jouit  mieux  du  bien,  la  vie  est  semee  de  Tun 

106  ROSENGARTEN — FRANKLIN'S   BAGATELLES.          [May  17, 

et  de  l'autre  qu'elle  varient  sans  cesse,  ce  qu'elle  ne  peut  empecher 

'est re  egalle,  uniforme,  c'est  ma  tendresse  pour  vous,  que  les  terns,  les 

lieux,  les  evenemens  n'altereront  jamais  : 

ma  mere  et  toute  ma  famille  se  rapellent  a  votre  souvenir  : 

j'ai  eu  de  vos  nouvelles  par  le  voisin,  mais  il  m'en  faut  absolument  de 

vous  : — The  Franklin  Papers,  Vol.  43,  No.  jj. 

ce  mardi  16  a  La  thuillerie. 

Je  vous  assure  mon  bon  papa  que  je  mettrai  toute  mon  attention  a  ne 
pas  trop  donner  flour  les  sifflets  ;  s'ils  n'ont  guerre  couttes  a  ma  bourse, 
ils  ont  couttes  chers  a  mon  coeur  et  votre  lettre  me  prouve  bien  plus 
encore  que  mon  experience  et  mes  reflections,  que  j'ai  sou  vent  payes 
bien  chers  de  mauvais  sifflets  ;  j'ai  cru  par  exemple  que  lorsque  j'aimois 
on  devoit  m'aimer,  mesurant  Fame  des  autres  a  la  mienne  ;  j'airarement 
trouves  la  valeur  de  ce  que  je  donnois,  ce  qui  j'appelle  trop  payer  pour 
le  sifflet ;  j'ai  cru  ce  que  les  gents  disoient,  parcequ'ils  le  disoient ;  et  que 
je  n'imaginois  pas  qu'on  pii  dire  une  chose  lorsqu'on  pensoit  le  contraire  ; 
c'est  de  tous  les  sifflets  celui  qui  m'a  le  plus  coutte — je  ne  flnirois  pas  si 
je  faisois  l'enumeration  de  ce  qu'il  m'en  coutte  en  sottises  et  en  sifflets  ; 
ce  qui  me  consolle  c'est  que  si  j'ai  ete  dupe,  je  n'en  ai  jamais  fait ;  j'ai 
desire  le  bien  j'ai  aime  franchement  et  n'en  veut  point  a  mes  semblables 
d'estre  mechants  :  Le  mediant  doit  estre  plaint,  il  ne  peut  etre  heureux  ! 
en  mettant  a  part  l'imagination  et  les  erreurs  qu'elle  nous  presentent 
sans  cesse,  en  nous  en  rapportant  a  la  phillosophie  et  a  la  raison,  il 
n'existe  qu'un  seul  moyen  a  l'homme  d'estre  heureux  :  qu'il  soit  bon 

comment  estre  bon  ?    en  n'agissant  jamais  que  d'apres 

son  coeur — en  se  demandant  toujours  avant  de  faire  une  action  si  elle 
est  juste — en  choissisant  bien  des  amis  en  respectant  les  loix,  les  usages 
du  pays  qu'on  habitte  ;  en  tachant  de  voir  juste  dans  tous  les  points 
possibles,  de  se  depouiller  de  tous  prejuges,  de  toutes  preventions,  sans 
heurter  pour  cela  l'oppinion  des  autres  ;  en  sachant  s'occuper  utillement 
dans  son  etat,  en  en  remplissant  les  devoirs  ;  en  faisant  enfin  ce  qu'a 
toujours  fait  mon  bon  papa,  qui  n'a  trop  paye  le  sifflet  qu'etant  tout 
enfant  et  qui  depuis  ce  terns  a  plaint  tous  ceux  qui  les  payoient  au  dela 
de  leur  valeur : 

de  samedi  en  huit  mon  bon  papa,  je  vous  donnerai  un  peu  de 
musique,  quelques  parties  d'echecs,  et  du  the  ;  je  compte  revenir  le 
jeudi  vingt  cinq  de  ce  mois  pour  disner  :  vous  dirais  je  que  j'aurai  bien 
du  plaisir  a  vous  revoir  !  non  !  j'aime  mieux  vous  le  laisser  deviner — la 
seule  chose  que  je  veuille  vous  dire  sur  cet  article,  c'est  que  vous  pouves 
croire  que  personne  au  monde  ne  vous  est  plus  sincerement  attache  que 
moi,  et  que  vous  pouves  m'aimer  en  consequence  sans  craindre  de  trop 
donner  pour  le  sifflet  : 

Mr  Brillon  a  bien  ri  des  sifflets  :  nous  trouvons   que   ce   que   vous 


appeles  votre  mauvais  franc^is,  donne  souvent  du  picquant  a  votre  nar- 
ration, par  la  construction  de  certaines  phrases,  et  par  les  mots  que  vous 
inventes  :  mr  Brillon,  mes  enfants,  ma  mere,  mon  frere  vous  presentent 
leurs  hommages  et  amities  ;  nous  faisons  tous  avec  votre  permission  mil 
compliments  a  mr  votre  fils : — The  Franklin  Papers,  Vol.  43 K  No.  34. 

ce  1 1  x  bre  a  nice. 
Mon  cher  papa  le  voisin  vous  remettra  ce  petit  mot ;  scaves  vous 
pourqu'oi  je  ne  vous  ecris  qu'un  petit  mot  bien  petit  c'est  que  je  vous 
boude — oui  monsieur  papa  je  vous  boude  :  comment !  vous  prenes  des 
armees  entieres  en  amerique,  vous  burgoinises  cornwallis,  vous  prenes 
canons,  vaisseaux,  munitions,  hommes,  cheveaux  &  &  vous  prenes  tout 
et  de  tout,  et  la  gasette  seule  l'apprend  a  vos  amis  qui  se  grisent  en 
buvant  a  votre  sante,  a  celle  de  Wasington  de  l'independance,  du  roy 
de  france,  du  marquis  de  la  fayette,  de  Mr  de  Rochambault,  chalelux 
&  &  tandis  que  vous  ne  leurs  donnes  pas  signe  de  vie ;  vous  deves 
cependant  estre  un  bon  vivant  a  present,  quoique  cela  vous  manque 
rarement,  vous  estes  surement  rajeuni  de  20  ans  par  cette  bonne 
nouvelle  qui  doit  nous  amener  une  paix  durable  a  la  suitte  d'une 
guerre  glorieuse — je  vous  boude  done  et  vous  bouderai  jusqu'a  ce  que 
j'aye  de  vos  nouvelles  ;  en  attendant  cependant  comme  je  ne  veux  pas 
la  mort  du  pecheur  je  vous  ferai  une  marche  triomphalle,  je  vous 
l'envoyerai,  vous  ecrirai,  et  vous  aimerai  mesme  de  tout  mon  coeur  :  |  : 

Postscript  by  M.  Brillon. 

Moy  qui  ne  vous  boudes  point,  je  vous  fais  mon  compliment  bien 
sincere  mon  cher  Papa  et  vous  embresses  des  deux  cotes  bien  cordiale- 
ment,  aussi  le  petit  fils  que  je  ne  puis  separc  de  vous. 

Franklin's  Answer. 

a  Passy,  ce  25  Decr,  '81. 
Vous  me  boudes,  ma  chere  Amie,  que  je  n'avois  pas  vous  envoy e 
[un  expres  pour  vous  avertir  de]  tout  de  suite  V  histoire  de  notre 
grande  Victoire.  Je  suis  bien  sensible  de  la  Magnitude  de  notre  Avantage, 
possibles  bonnes  et  de  ses  Consequences  ;  [probables  possibles,]  mais  je 
ne  triomphe  pas.  Scachant  que  la  Guerre  est  plein  de  [Evenements] 
Variete  &  d'Incertitudes  ;  dans  la  mawvaise  Fortune  j'espere  la  bonne  ; 
&  dans  la  bonne  je  crains  la  mauvaise.  Ainsi  je  joue  a  ce  Jeu  avec 
presque  la  meme  Egalite  [de  1']  Ame  que  [vous  que]  vousm'avez  vu  [je] 
jouer  aux  Echecs.  Vous  scavez  que  je  ne  renonce  jamais  a  une  Partie 
avant  qu'il  est  finie,  esperant  toujours  de  gagner,  ou  au  moins  d'avoir  un 
Pat  &  je  me  g[u]arde,  quand  j'ai  bonne  Partie,  contre  la  Presomption, 
qui   est    souvent   tres   nuisible,   &    toujours    tres   dangereuse.      Et    [si 


j'avois]  quand  j 'ai  de  Presomption  je  tache  de  le  [cacher]  cacher,  pour 
eviter  la  Honte  si  la  Fortune  change.  Vous  voyez  pourquoi  j'ai  dit  si 
peu  de  cette  Affaire,  &  que  j'ai  seulement  remarque,  que  rien  ne  pouvait 
me  faire  parfaitement  heureux ;  en  certain  Circonstances. 

Comme  vous  avez  toujours  evite  de  faire  des  connoissances  nom- 
breuses,  vous  ne  pouvez  pas  imaginer  le  Quantite  de  Gens  qui  s'inte- 
ressent  de  votre  Bienetre.  Je  [trouve]  rencontre  toujours  quelques  uns  en 
toutes  les  [Compagnies]  Societies,  en  toutes  les  Parties  de  Paris  &  a  Ver- 
sailles, qui  me  demandent  de  vos  Nouvelles,  de  votre  Sante,  a  bout  que 
vous  etablirez  votre  Sante,  que  vous  vivrez  long  te?ns  ameliorez  votre 
constitution  que  vos  nerfs  seront  fortifies,  &  ceux  qui  m'aiment  disent 
quelques  mots  pour  me  consoler  de  Votre  Absence  :  tous  parlent  de 
vous  avec  Respect  plusieurs  avec  affection  &  meme  avec  Admiration. 
Cela  est  Musique  pour  mes  Oreilles  &  plusque  compense  [la]  ma  perte 
des  Noels  charmantes,  que  la  Saison  me  fait  souvenir. 

Je  passe  souvent  devant  la  Maison.  Elle  me  paroit  desolee.  Autre- 
fois j'ai  brise  le  Commandement  en  la  Convoitant,  avec  la  Femme  [&  les 
Enfants]  de  mon  [bon]  Voisin.  A  cette  heure  jene  [la]  leconvoite  plus. 
Ainsi  je  suis  moins  Pecheur.  Mais  par  Rapport  a  la  Femme,  je  trouve 
toujours  [cette  Espece  de]  ces  Commandements  [being]  bien  incom- 
modes, &  je  suis  fache  qu'on  s* est  avis e  [a]  de  les  faire.  Si  [vous]  dans 
vos  voyages  vous  vous  trouvez  chez  le  Saint  Pere,  demandez  de  lui  de  les 
rapeller,  comme  etant  donnees  seulement  aux  Juifs,  &  trop  genantes  pour 
les  bons  Chretiens. 

Voila  arrive  le  Jour  de  la  Naissance  du  Dauphin  du  Ciel,  &  jusqu'a 
present  nous  n'av/ons  eu  la  moindre  Apparence  d'Hyver.  J'ai  dine 
aujourdhuy  a  Chaillot  les  Portes  &  Fenetres  ouvertes  comme  en  Ete  & 
J'ai  dit  a  moi-meme,  je  ne  crois  pas  qu'on  a  plus  beaux  temps  a  Nice,  [& 
j'etois  pret  a  chanter]  &*  j 'elois  firet  a  chanter. 

Helas  !  pourquoi  chercher  [si  loin]  sur  l'onde  la  Bonheur  qu'on  trouvoit 
[chez  soi]  au  port.     Mais  j'espere  que  tout  sera  pour  le  mieux. 

Quoique  j'ai  dit  que  je  ne  triomphe  pas,  je  serai  bien  aise  d'avoir  la 
Marche  que  vous  avez  la  bonte  de  me  promettre.  Mais  je  crois  que  je 
ne  l'entendrai  bien  jouee  avant  votre  retour. 

J'ai  lu  la  petite  Memoire  de  votre  Ami  de  Marseilles.  [II  est]  Elle  est 
plein  d' Intelligence  &  de  bon  Sens.  Je  la  communiquerai  ou  elle  peut 
avoir  quelque  bonne  Effet. 

Dites  quelques  millions  de  bonnes  choses  pour  moi  [n]  a  chacun  & 
chacune  de  votre  heureuse  [Compag]  Societe. —  The  Franklin  Papers, 
Vol.  43,  No.  44. 

ce  dimanche  26. 

Voici  mon  bon  papa  des  nottes  sur  votre  charmant  dialogue,  j'ai 
voulu  prouver  que  vous  disies  mieux  que  tout  autre,  mesme  dans  une 


langue  que  vous  ne  s^avez  qu'imparfaittement :  quelques  puristes  pour- 
roient  nous  chicaner,  parceque  ces  especes  d'animeaux  pesent  les  mots 
a  l'alembic  d'une  froide  erudition  ;  moi  qui  ne  les  pesent,  n'y  ne  les 
comparent ;  animal  femrnelle  que  1'  instinct  du  sentiment  guide  comme 
vous  me  paroisses  vous  enoncer  plus  energiquement  plus  fortement 
qu'un  gramairien,  ma  sensibilize  juge  pour  vous,  contre  tous  les 
scavants  passes,  presents,  et  futurs :  adieu  mon  ami,  je  pourrois  peut 
estre  avec  mon  instinct  faire  de  longues  dissertations  pour  appuyer 
mon  opinion  et  peut  estre  mes  raisonnements,  ne  seroient  pas  plus 
deraisonnables  que  ceux  de  la  pluparts  de  nos  admirables,  illustres ; 
— Encyclopedistes,  Economistes,  moralistes,  journalistes,  theologiens, 
athees,  materialistes  et  Scavants  en  tous  les  istes  possibles  ?  Mais  il  n'y 
a  pour  moi  qu'une  chose  importante  a  vous  prouver  ;  c'est  que  personne 
au  monde  ne  vous  aime  plus  tendrement  et  d'une  maniere  plus  vrai 
que  moi :  |  : 

je  vous  demande  mon  ami  une  copie  du  dialogue  que  je  vous  renvoye, 
vos  ouvrages  en  tout  genre  me  sont  pretieux,  et  je  n'oublie  pas  la 
promesse  que  vous  m'aves  faittes  de  me  donner  vos  oeuvres  imprimees 
que  j'aurois  deja  s'il  ne  m'etoit  plus  doux  de  les  tenirs  de  vous  :  |  : 

ce  samedi  25. 
J'envoye  scavoir  de  vos  nouvelles  mon  bon  papa;  les  miermes  sont 
meilleures  mais  je  suis  encore  loin  du  but:  je  comptois  vous  envoyer 
mes  nottes ;  des  amis  ont  pris  le  terns  que  je  vous  reservois  en  venant 
causer  avec  moi ;  ils  ne  m'ont  point  empecher  de  penser  a  vous  et  de 
vous  aimer,  nulle  puissance  n'en  viendroit  a  bout!  mais  je  n'ai  pu  vous 
ecrire  :  adieu  mon  bon  ami,  a  nous  deux  nous  ne  ferions  pas  deux  instru- 
ments a  bonne  et  mauvaises  jambes,  car  j'ai  bien  peur  que  nos  quatres 
n'en  valent  pas  une  mediocre. —  The  Franklin  Papers,  Vol.  43,  No.  77. 

Exercise  in  French,  N.  5. 

Letter  to  Me  B.,  transcribed  and  corrected  by  her  (in  Franklin's 


Depuis  que  vous  m'aves  assure  que  nous  nous  rencontrons  rencon- 
trerons  et  que  nous  nous  reconnoitrons  en  paradis,  j'ai  pense  continu- 
ellement  sur  l'arrangement  de  nos  affaires  dans  ce  pays  la  ;  car  j  ai 
grand  grande  confiance  en  vos  assurances,  et  je  crois  implicitement  ce 
que  vous  croyes  : 

Vraisemblablement  plus  que  de  40  annees  couleroient  coideront  apres 
mon  arrivee  la,  avant  que  vous  me  suiveres  suivies  :  je  crains,  un 
peu,  que  dans  la  course  d'une  d'un  si  longue  long  temps,  vous  pouves 
ne  puissies  m'oublier.  c'est  pourqu'oi  j'ai  eu  la  pensee  de  vous  pro- 
poser de  me  donner  votre  parole  d'nonneur,  de  ne  pas  renouveller 
la    votre    contrat    avec    Mr    B.— je    vous    donnent    au    donnerai    en 

PROC.  AMER.  PHILOS.  SOC.  XL.  166.   H.      PRINTED  JULY  22,   1901. 


mesme  temps  le  mien  la  mienne  de  vous  attendre  mais  ce  monsieur 
est  si  bon,  si  genereux  envers  nous — il  vous  aime — et  nous  lui — si  bien 
— que  je  ne  puis  [pas]  penser  [de]  a  cette  proposition,  sans  quelque[s] 
[scrupules  de]  scrupule[s]  de  conscience  —  cependantl'idee  d'une 
Eternite  dans  laquelle  je  ne  serai  pas  plus  favorise  que  d'estre  permis 
cT avoir  permission  de  baiser  vos  mains,  ou  vos  joues  quelquefois,  et  que 
de  passer  deux  ou  trois  heures  dans  votre  douce  societe  les  soirees  des 
mercredis  et  samedis,  c'est  effroyable  :  enfin  je  ne  puis  pas  faire  cette 
proposition,  mais  comme  (avec  tous  ceux  qui  vous  connoissent)  je  sou- 
haitte  de  vous  voir  heureuse  en  toutes  choses,  nous  pouvons  agreer  de 
n'en  plus  parler  a  present  et  de  la  laisser  a  vous,  vous  laisserla  liberie  (Ten 
decider,  quand  nous  [tous]  nous  rencontrerons  tous  :  la,  d'en  determiner 
comme  vous  jugeres  le  meilleur  pour  [la]  vostre  felicite  et  pour  les  notres. 
determines  comme  vous  voudres,  je  sens  que  je  vous  aimera  aimerai 
eternellement — si  vous  me  rejetteres  rejettes,  peut  estre  je  m'addres- 
serai  in  addresser aije  a  mde  D'hardancourt,  et  qui  il  a  qui  il  plaira 
[peut  estre  a  elle]  de  faire  menage  avec  moi ;  alors  je  passerai  mes 
heures  domestiques  agreablement  avec  elle  ;  et  je  serai  plus  a  portee  de 
vous  voir,  j'aurai  asses  de  terns  dans  ces  40  annees  pratiquer 
sur  L'Armonica,  et  peut  estre  je  jouerai  asses  bien  pour  estre  digne 
d'accompagner  votre  forte  piano,  nous  aurons  de  terns  en  terns  de  petits 
concerts :  le  bon  pere  pagin  sera  de  la  partie,  votre  voisin  et  sa  chere 
famille  [mr  jupin]  mT  de  chaumont,  mr  B,  mr  jourdon,  mr  grammont,  md* 
du  tartre,  la  petite  mere,  et  d'autres  amis  choisis  seroient  seront  notre 
auditoire,  et  les  cheres  bonnes  filles  accompagnees  par  quelques  autres 
jeunes  anges  de  qui  vous  m'aves  deja  donne  les  portraits,  chanteroient 
chanteront  avec  nous  le  alleluia,  nous  mangerons  ensemble  des  pommes 
de  paradis  roties  avec  du  beure  et  de  la  muscade  ;  et  nous  aurons  pitie 
de  ceux  qui  ne  sont  seront  pas  morts  : 

Notes  by  Franklin. 

More  than  40  years — Plus  de  (not  que)  40  annees. 
To  think  of  a  thing — Penser  a  (not  de)  une  chose. 
To  be  permitted — D'avoir  Permission  (not  d'etre  permis). 
Perhaps  I  shall   address  myself — Peutetre   m'addresserai-je    (not  je 
m'addresserai). —  The  Franklin  Papers,    Vol.  43,  No.  87. 

Bravo,  Bravissimo,  la  lettre  pour  mr  de  parseval ;  il  n'y  a  rien  a  cor- 
riger,  et  mr  franklinet  ne  me  l'a  envoye  que  par  exces  d'amour  propre  ; 
mr  de  parseval  demeure  rue  ste  anne,  mr  franklin  le  verra  ce  soir  chez 
mr  de  floissac  ;  adieu,  avant  qu'il  soit  nuit  nous  nous  verrons  en  atten- 
dant pourtant  j'embrasse  mon  papa  :  et  je  salue  le  petit  fils. —  The  Frank- 
lin Papers,    Vol.  43,  No.  gS. 


Plaidoyer  pour  Madame 

Brillon  de  Joury 

francaise    native    de    Paris     demeurant 

ordinairement  a  Passy  de  present  a  Nice 

Contre  Monsieur 
Benjamin  Franklin 
americain  ne  a  Boston  ci  devant 
academicien,  phisicien,  Logicien  &  &  &ca 
aujourdhui  Ambassadeur  en  France  des 
Provinces  unies  de   L'amerique  resident 
a  Passy. 

C'est  avec  regret  que  Le  Sanctuaire  de  la  Justice  S'ouvre  et  que 
cette  deesse  ecoute  des  plaintes  portees  contre  un  homme  celebre, 
que  ses  ennemis  memes  ont  respecte  comme  le  plus  sage,  et  le 
plus  juste  des  philosophes  de  son  Siecle  ;  Sa  Partie  adverse  meme 
Longtems  abusee  sur  son  merite,  n'osoit  reclamer  une  dette  qu'elle 
croyait  d'autant  plus  sacree  qu'elle  regardait  comme  inutile  La  Sig- 
nature de  Monseigneur  Benjamin  Franklin,  et  que  sa  parole  lui  pa- 
raissait  plus  sure  que  tous  les  contrats :  aujourdhuy  Lesee  dans  tous 
ses  droits,  opprimee  sous  le  poids  de  L'injustice,  elle  craindrait  peut  etre 
encore  de  ternir  la  reputation  de  L'homme  qui  La  trompe  de  la  maniere 
La  plus  outrageante,  si  la  Societe  n'etait  interessee  a  devoiler  un  crime 
d'autant  plus  atroce,  et  dangereux  a  Son  repos,  qu'il  est  commit  par  un 
homme  en  place  dont  L'etat  &  la  reputation  semble  lui  assurer  L'im- 

O  Justice,  6  deese  image  du  dieu,  qui  regit  L'univers,  qui  devoile  les 
actions  Les  plus  cachees  pour  recompenser  la  vertu  ignoree,  et  punir  Le 
vice  orgueilleux  qui  leve  sa  tete  altiere  se  croyant  a  L'abri  de  la 
Foudre,  Justice,  je  t'implore  en  Faveur  de  la  Dame  Brillon,  pese  dans 
tes  balances  redoutables  les  conventions  reciproques  de  L'ambassa- 
deur,  et  de  la  Femme  qu'il  abusa  d'une  maniere  cruelle,  ne  te  laisses 
seduire  ni  par  L'eloquence  Sublime  de  l'ameriquain  coupable,  ni  par 
sa  Science  dangereuse,  ni  par  sa  reputation  que  la  renommee  s'est 
enorgueillie  d'etendre  d'un  pole  a  L'autre,  plus  le  coupable  est  grand, 
plus  il  cause  L'admiration  des  deux  hemispheres,  plus  ta  gloire  s'ac- 
croitra,  deesse,  en  proportionant  La  punition  a  L'orTense  en  Laissant 
tomber  ton  tonnere  sur  celui  qu'on  assure  avoir  enchaine  La  Foudre, 
comme  il  entraina  tous  Les  Cceurs. 


En  1776  Messire  Benjamin  Franklin  fit  une  societe  d'amitie  conjointe- 
ment  avec  La  dame  Brillon,  par  La  quelle  ils  se  promirent  reciproque- 
ment  de  se  voir  souvent  Lorsqu'ils  seroient  a  portee  de  le  faire  sans  pre- 
judicier  a  Leurs  affaires  reciproques. 

2°  de  s'ecrire  Lorsqu'ds  seroient  separes. 


3°  de  repondre  exactement  a.  toutes  les  lettres  ecrittes  par  L'un  ou  par 

4°  de  n'alleguer  aucunes  raisons  pour  se  dispenser  des  conventions 
cy  dessus  enoncees. 

En  178 1  Madame  Brillon  obligee  de  faire  un  long  Voyage  pour  cause 
de  Sante,  prit  conge  de  Monsieur  Benjamin  Franklin  avec  une  veritable 
douleur,  il  parut  touche  de  son  depart  Lui  rapella  Leurs  conventions, 
Lui  ecrivit  a  sa  premiere  Station  en  lui  faisant  de  nouveaux  Serments  ; 
Madame  Brillon  croyant  d'apres  cette  premiere  demarche  que  sa  dette 
etait  assuree,  ecrivit  souvent  a  L'ambassadeur,  il  repondit  d'abord, 
ensuitte  Les  reponses  S'eloignerent,  ensuitte  il  ne  fit  plus  aucunes  re- 
ponses  aux  Lettres  de  Madame  Brillon,  et  n'en  fit  meme  Ou'une  tres 
courte  au  placet  Le  plus  touchant  que  cette  dame  et  sa  famille  Lui  ad- 
dresserent  dans  leur  detresse,  La  Dame  Brillon  apprit  dans  ce  tems  par 
Monsieur  Le  Veillard  dont  le  temoignage  peut  faire  foi,  que  ce  n'etoit 
pas  fautte  de  tems  de  la  part  du  dit  Benjamin  puisqu'il  avoit  le  Loisir 
de  courtiser  au  moins  deux  Jolies  femmes  par  jour  dans  ses  moments  de 
disette ;  elle  pria  Monsieur  Le  Veillard  de  lui  rappeller  ce  qu'il  lui  de- 
voit  et  de  L'engager  a  suspendre  ses  galanteries  un  quart  d'heure  tous 
Les  quinze  jours  et  payer  petit  a.  petit  Les  arerages  du  Fonds  qu'il  doit 
a  Madame  Brillon,  Le  dit  Benjamin  s'avoua  coupable,  mais  ne  paya 
rien  ;  La  Dame  Brillon  poussee  a  bout  par  La  recidive  des  torts  de  son 
adversaire  s'est  determinee  a  se  pourvoir  devant  vous  A  ces  Causes  re- 
quiert  La  Suppliante  que  le  dit  Messire  Benjamin  Franklin  soit  con- 
damne  enverselle  a  tous  depens,  dommages,  et  interets  qu'il  vous  plaira 
fixer  relativement  aux  Faits  exposes. 

Nous :  oui  me  D'orengo,  pour  la  dame  Brillon,  et  Maitre  Condu 
nomme  d'office  pour  Messire  Franklin  ;  Le  quel  nous  a  demande  du 
tems  pour  avoir  des  instructions  de  sa  partie,  leur  avons  donne  acte  de 
leurs  dires  et  requisitions,  ce  faisant  avons  accorde  un  moi  de  delay  a  La 
partie  de  Me  Condu,  et  cependant  attendu  que  les  plaintes  faittes  par  la 
partie  d'orengo  nous  paraissent  infiniment  justes  et  Equitables,  con- 
damnons  provisoirement  Le  dit  Franklin  a.  ecrire  dans  Les  vingt 
quatre  heures  de  la  significations  du  present  arret  une  premiere  Lettre 
Longue,  ou  il  demandera  de  L'indulgence  pour  ses  fautes  passees,  et  six 
Lettres  plus  courtes  (Les  sujets  a.  son  choix)  et  pour  les  quelles  lui  ac- 
cordons  six  mois  depens  reserves. 

A  Nice  Le  20  Mars  1782.  Signes  Le  Comte  de  Marie  premier  pre- 
sident, Le  Comte  trinquiery  de  St.  Antonin  2e  president,  Langosco,  d* 
Oresti,  Reynardy,  reyberti,  roubiony,  Bataglini,  maccarani,  Leotardy, 
Caravadosy,  Senateurs.     Collatione  Conforme  a  l'original. 

Crespeaux  de  Piscatory  Greffrez. 

—  The  Franklin  Papers,    Vol.  43,  No.  116. 

Voici,  ma  tres  cher  Amie,  une  de  mes  Plaisanteriesserieuses,  ou  sourdes, 
que  je  vous  envoie,  esperant  qu'elle  pourra  peutetre  vous  amuser  un  peu. 


Au  quel  cas,  vous  me  recompenserez  en  me  donnant,  je  n'ose  dire  un 
Baiser,  car  les  votres  sont  trop  precieux,  &  vous  en  etes  trop  chiche ; 
mais  vous  me  jouerez  un  Noel  &  l'excellent  Marche  des  Insurgents.— 

B.  F. 
Passy,  March  31,  84. 

To  Madame  Brillon. 
The  Franklin  Papers,  Vol.  45,  No.  180. 

Miscellaneous  Letters. 

May  the  6th,  1781. 

Your  dear  delightful  letter  made  me  most  exceedingly  happy  ;  par- 
ticularly your  account  of  yourself  as  it  proves  that  you  are  in  good 
spirits  &  pleased  with  your  present  situation :  your  dialogue  with  the 
Gout  is  written  with  your  own  cheerful  pleasantry  &  la  belle  et  la  mau- 
vaise  jambe  recalls  to  my  mind  those  happy  hours  we  once  past  in  your 
society  where  we  were  never  amused  without  learning  some  useful 
truth,  &  where  I  first  acquired  a  taste  pour  la  conversation  badinante  et 

It  is  long  since  I  have  written  to  my  ever  valued  friend,  but  the  diffi- 
culty I  find  in  conveying  my  letters  safe  to  Passy  is  the  only  motive 
for  my  silence,  strange  that  I  should  be  under  the  necessity  of  con- 
cealing from  the  world,  a  correspondence  which  it  is  the  pride  &  glory 
of  my  heart  to  maintain.    Etc. — Unsigned. 

From  Miss  G.  Shipley. 

The  Franklin  Papers,  Vol.  22,  No.  8. 

Madrid,  9th  July,  1784. 
Dear  Sir : 

The  little  works  you  gave  me  will   soon  appear   in  a 

Spanish  Dress.     If  they  lose  by  the  change  of  costume  I  can  assure 
you  that  it  will  not  be  the  fault  of  the  Translator  who  wishes  to  preserve 
the  true  sense  spirit  &  simplicity  of  the  Original.     Etc. 
Your  Exc.  y*  Obliged  &  Most  Humble 


Wm.  Carmichael. 
The  Franklin  Papers,  Vol.  32,  No.  51. 

Muy  Sr  mio.  He  recibido  la  collection  de  obras  miscelanias  pu- 
blicadas  por  VS  junto  con  su  apreciable  Carta  deo.  de  Junio  anterior,  y 
la  advertencia  a  los  emigrantes  a  los  Estados  unidos  de  America :  todo 
por  mano  de  mi  amigo  el  Sr.  Carmichael.     Etc. 

su  atento  servor 

El  Conde  de  Campomanes 
Madrid,  26  de  Julio  de  1784. 
The  Franklin  Papers,  Vol.  32,  No.  63. 


Dover,  Saturday  28,  Augst,  1784. 
Dear  &  Hond  :  Sir 

After  a  very  disagreeable  Passage,  which  lasted  from  8  last  Night  to 
8  this  Morning,  we  arrived  here  safe.  I  was  sick  the  whole  Passage — I 
think  more  so  than  in  either  going  or  returning  from  America.  Mais 
comme  en  toutes  Choses,  "  il  faut  toujours  regarder  la  Belle  Jambe" — 
I  flatter  myself  with  the  Notion  that  it  will  prove  a  Crise  salutaire,  as 
Mesmers  stiles  it ; — &  which  you  Doctors  have  decided  as  fatale,  or 
very  near  it.  Etc. 
With  the  sincerest  affection  and  Gratitude,  I  am  ever,  Hond  Sir, 

Your  dutiful  Grandson 

W.  T.  Franklin. 
The  Franklin  Papers,  Vol.  32,  No.  93. 

London,  12.  Oct.  1784. 
Dear  &  Hond  Sir : 

I    gave    Mrs  Sargent   several   pieces  of  your  Writing, 

who   was    infinitely  pleased  with  them,    &   thinks   the   Dialogue    with 
Made  la  Goute,  ought  to  be  publish'd  for  the  Benefit  of  Mankind.    Etc. 
Your  most  dutiful  &  affect0  Grandson 

W.  T.  Franklin. 
The  Franklin  Papers,   Vol.  32,  No.  133. 

Accept  my  thanks  for  the  pieces  you  sent  me.  every- 
thing written  by  you  is  valuable  to  me.  I  have  lately  had  the  good 
fortune  to  meet  with  a  pretty  good  likeness  of  you  in  profile,  done  at 

With  every  sentiment  of  gratitude  &  respect, 
I  have  the  honor  to  be 

Most  Dear  Sir 
Your  Obliged  &  affectionate  Humble  Serv: 

Amelia  Barry. 
Pisa,  10th  Decr,  1784. 
The  Fra7iklin  Papers,  Vol.  32,  No.  202. 

Chilbolton,  Nov1  13th,  1786. 
I  have  particularly  to  thank  you  for  "  The  art  of  pro- 

curing pleasant  Dreams  "  indeed  it  flatter'd  me  exceedingly  that  you 
should  employ  so  much  of  your  precious  time  in  complying  with  my 
request,  but  where  do  you  read  that  Methusalah  slept  in  the  open  air  ? 
I  have  searched  the  Bible  in  vain  to  find  it.     Etc. 

Affectionately  yours, 

C.  L.  Shipley. 
The  Franklin  Papers,  Vol.  34,  No.  167. 


Count  sarsfield  hoped  to  receive  to-day  the  collection  of  some  of 
those  little  pieces  which  mr.  franklin  had  promised  to  him  &  which  he 
had  forgot  yesterday. 

he  cannot  help  writing  again  about  them  to  mr.  franklin,  he  is  so  much 
the  more  impatient  of  receiving  them  that  he  is  very  near  his  departure  for 
the  Hague  he  desires  mr.  franklin  never  to  forget  his  most  sincere  and 
devoted  attachment. 

friday  ye  5th  at  night. 

The  Franklin  Papers,  Vol.  43,  No.  232. 


The  intended  speech  for  the  opening  of  the  first  Session  of  the  present 
Parliament  viz.  Nov1  29,  1774. 

My  Lords  and  Gentlemen  : 

It  gives  me  much  concern  that  I  am  obliged  at  the  opening  of  this 
Parliament  to  inform  you  that  none  of  the  measures  wch  I  adopted  upon 
the  advice  of  my  late  Pari'*  in  respect  to  the  disturbances  of  my  Ameri- 
can colonies  have  produced  those  salutary  effects,  \vch  relying  upon  the 
supposed  wisdom  of  their  deliberations  I  had  been  induced  to  expect. 
I  therefore  sent  that  Pari'1  apacking  rather  abruptly,  &  have  called  you 
in  their  place  to  pick  a  little  advice  out  of  your  wise  heads  upon  some 
matters  of  the  greatest  weight  &  importance  relating  to  a  sort  of  Crusade 
that  I  have  upon  my  hands.  I  must  needs  tell  you  that  the  business  if 
you  choose  to  undertake  it  for  me  will  be  a  seven  or  ten  years  job  at 
least.  You  must  know  then  that  my  ministers  have  put  me  upon  a  pro- 
ject to  undertake  the  reduction  of  the  whole  continent  of  North  America 
to  unconditional  submission.  They  wd  have  persuaded  me  to  coax  you 
into  this  project  by  representing  it  to  you  as  a  matter  very  easily  to  be 
done  in  a  twinkling,  and  to  make  you  believe  that  my  subjects  in 
America  whom  you  have  always  hitherto  considered  as  brave  men  are 
no  better  than  a  wretched  pack  of  cowardly  run  a  ways,  &  that  500  men 
with  whips  wd  make  them  all  dance  to  the  tune  of  Yankey  Doodle  ;  but 
I  wd  tell  you  no  such  thing  because  I  am  very  sure  if  you  meddle  with 
it  that  you  will  find  it  a  very  different  sort  of  business. 

Now  Gentlemen  of  the  House  of  Commons  I  give  you  this  fair 
notice  for  yourselves  &  your  Constituents.  If  you  undertake  this  job, 
it  will  cost  you  at  the  least  farthing  a  good  round  sum  of  40  or  50 
millions ;  40  or  50  thousands  of  your  Constituents  will  get  knocked  on 
the  head  and  then  you  are  to  consider  what  the  rest  of  you  will  be 
gainers  by  the  bargain  even  if  you  succeed.  The  trade  of  a  ruined  & 
desolated  Country  is  always  inconsiderable,  its  revenues  trifling  ;  the 
expence  of  subjecting  &  retaining  it  in  subjection  certain  &  inevitable. 
On  the  other  side  shd  you  prove  unsuccessful^  shd  that  connexion  wch  we 
wish  most  ardently  to  maintain  be  dissolved,  shd  my  ministers  exhaust 


your  treasures  &  waste  the  blood  of  your  Countrymen  in  vain  will  they 
not  deliver  you  weak  &  defenceless  to  your  natural  enemies. 

You  must  know  this  is  not  the  first  time  that  the  Serpent  has  been 
whispering  into  my  ear,  Tax  America.  Cost  what  it  will,  make  them  your 
heavers  of  wood  &  drawers  of  water.  Let  them  feel  that  your  little 
finger  is  thicker  than  the  loins  of  all  your  ancestors.  But  I  was  wiser 
than  all  that,  I  sent  to  Ld  Rockingham  &  the  advice  that  he  gave  me 
was  this,  not  to  burn  my  fingers  in  the  business,  that  it  was  ten  to  one 
against  our  making  any  hand  of  it  at  all,  that  they  were  not  worth 
shearing  &  at  best  that  we  shd  raise  a  cursed  outcry  &  get  but  little 
wool.  I  shall  remember  his  last  advice  to  me  as  long  as  I  live.  Speak 
good  words  to  them  and  they  will  be  thy  servants  for  ever. 

And  now  my  Lords  and  Gentlemen 

I  have  stated  the  whole  matter  fairly  &  squarely  before  you.     It  is 

your  own  business,  and  if  you  are  not  content  as  you  are,  look  to  the 

rest   for   yourselves.     But  if  I    were   to  give  you  a  word  of  advice  it 

should  be  to  remind  you  of  the  Italian  epitaph  upon  a  poor  fool  that 

kill'd  himself  with  quacking 

Stava  ben,  fior star  meglio,  sto  qui. 

that  is  to  say.     I  was  well,  I  would  be  better,  I  took  Physick  and  died. 


Marked  on  the  reverse  side  of  the  last  sheet : 

D.  Hartley. 

October  3,  '86. 

The  Franklin  Papers,  Vol.  44,  No.  12. 

My  dearest  sir  : 

I  am  sure  I  shall  tell  you  something  which  you  will  have  no  pleasure 
in  repeating  again,  when  I  inform  you  that  Ld  Chatham  is  very  ill 
indeed.  Alarming  symptoms  have  appeared,  and  no  likelyhood  of  his 
getting  rid  of  them,  as  he  grows  weaker  every  day.  This  intelligence 
is  fresh  from  Hayes,  where  he  now  is.  As  I  am  afraid  this  great  man 
is  dying,  I  think  it  proper  to  give  you  what  I  recollected  in  his  short 
speech  on  the  7th  of  April ;  for  short  it  was,  and  appeared  as  the  mere 
throwing  down  of  the  gauntlet ;  reserving  himself  wholly  for  reply  to 
the  Duke  of  Richmond.     He  said,  he 

"  Was  ill,  but  glad  he  was  not  in  his  grave  when  he  heard  of  giving 
independence.  The  counsel  dastardly  and  pusillanimous.  Was  there 
no  middle  way  ?  Could  not  be  said,  while  country  ruined  by  unretracted 
error.     Was  not  then  for  making  a  rod  to whip  our  own  backs. 

"  Would  never  put  his  hands  to  the  back  of  bonds  for  signing  away 
America  ;  or  call  princes  to  the  Committee.  America  their  birthright : 
it  was  once  here  :  under  a  prince  of  house  of  Brunswick,  how  came  it 
gone  ?  Feared  there  was  something  rotten  near  the  throne  ;  yet  did  not 
mean  ministers  places. 


"  Our  case  bad  enough,  but  wished  he  could  see  daylight  in  the  propo- 
sition. France  had  taken  our  trade  our  fairest  flower,  and  it  was 
saying  to  France ;  insult  us,  take  all  we  have,  but  don't  make  war 
with  us.  Did  not  indeed  know  the  means  [had  such  as  we  had,  we 
must  use  them]  :  but  if  we  must  die,  would  die  decently.  Had  stood 
irruptions  of  Danes  and  of  Normans,  of  Armada  &  Scotch  rebels. 
Would  not  then  extinguish  and  put  out  the  glories  of  that  throne  (point- 
ing to  it). 

"  Knew  he  should  be  favorably  interpreted : — whatever  else  he  was 
thought,  should  be  thought  sincere." 

These  are  all  the  expressions  that  have  occurred  to  me  ;  and  if  a 
variation  was  observed  by  others,  I  have  inserted  it.  I  suppose  you 
know  that  the  debate-writers  for  the  newspapers  are  seldom  very  exact : 
Indeed  they  are  low  people,  hear  indistinctly,  and  know  neither  the 
history  of  men,  parties,  or  opiniofis ;  and  therefore  are  always  blunder- 
ing. As  to  the  order  of  sentences  it  cannot  be  expected  that  I  should 
preserve  it,  but  I  have  reported  as  faithfully  as  I  could.  His  voice  was 
often  low  and  did  not  then  reach  the  bar.  The  Duke  of  Richmond 
(who  by  the  by  is  greatly  improved,  and  will  make  a  remarkable  figure 
in  this  country,  having  much  English  stuff  in  him,  and  though  not  a 
soaring  mind,  yet  very  capable  of  business  and  detail,  which  he  will 
conduct  with  industry,  honor  &  courage),  the  Duke  of  Richmond  I  say, 
spoke  pretty  well  in  reply,  but  it  was  rather  commonplace,  and  what  had 
chiefly  fallen  from  him  in  former  debates.  There  was  a  little  harshness 
&  sternness  in  it,  which  he  cannot  always  keep  under  even  to  his 
domestics,  but  on  the  whole  it  was  neither  bitter  nor  formidable.  I  had 
observed  Lord  Chatham  shifting  his  crutch  from  one  hand  into  the 
other  once  or  twice,  but  did  not  observe  that  he  made  any  exertion  to 
get  any  thing  out  of  his  pocket,  which  they  tell  me  was  the  case  (feeling 
for  a  handkerchief  with  a  tug ;)  but  on  a  sudden  he  disappeared,  and 
was  carried  out  of  the  house  without  sense,  and  like  a  corpse  ;  and  did 
not  recover  for  almost  an  hour.  He  looked  very  ill  at  coming  in  at  first ; 
but  did  not  speak  so  feebly  as  on  the  30th  of  May,  1777,  when  he  told 

Ld  S to  be  prepared  for  the  worst,  for  he  did  not  know  what  might 

happen.  In  July  or  August  last  he  fell  off  his  horse  in  a  fit,  but  recov- 
ered so  as  to  go  through  much  business  in  the  beginning  of  the  sessions. 
I  think  about  fifteen  or  twenty  voices  cried  out  after  the  bustle  was  over, 
go  on,  go  on;  at  which  I  was  hurt;  and  they  told  me  the  Duke  of 
Richmond  spoke  of  being  obliged  to  attend  his  militia  ;  which  is  pos- 
sible enough.  When  Ld  Chatham  was  told  by  Dr  Addington,  that  the 
Rockinghams  said,  the  Duke  of  Richmond  had  killed  him:  "Another 
time,"  said  Lord  Chatham,  sternly  and  firmly. 

April  8th  :  Ld  Shelburne  came  to  the  house  and  resumed  the  debate  ; 
and  made  a  prodigious  impression  upon  the  Duke  of  Richmond  ;  who 


really  spoke  his  heart  in  the  compliments  he  paid ;  and  certainly  it 
was  a  prodigious  speech.  Some  trick  and  play  there  was  in  it ;  or  as 
the  Duke  of  R.  called  them  "  the  honest  arts  of  eloquence,  for  they 
were  honest,  he  said;"  but  on  the  whole  a  monstrous  deal  of  compre- 
hension, reading,  and  real  solid  eloquence;  too  rapid  and  sudden  how- 
ever to  be  always  neat  and  without  expletives.  I  shall  trouble  you 
with  none  of  it  except  what  is  material  to  you  as  an  American  and 
negotiator,  and  to  save  him  from  mis-interpretation,  which  has  been  more 
ignorantly  than  industriously  used,  though  some  of  the  latter  kind  has 
taken  place  in  the  abuse  brought  against  him. 

"Man  creature  of  regulation ;  is  what  his  government  makes  him. 
A  declaration  of  independence  would  acquit  America  of  thinking  as 
English  men  ;  would  make  separate  interests,  competition  and  hatred. 
Already  asked  for  Canada,  Florida  and  Scotia ;  and  then  to  follow 
fishery  and  islands.  Much  property  lost  by  it  to  individuals.  A  vast 
weapon  put  into  hands  of  congress ;  soon  make  minority  into  majority. 
Would  now  give  it  for  nothing ;  for  nothing  said  in  return  to  the  offer, 
but  that  they  won't  thank  you  for  it.  Not  a  child's  play  with  diadems, 
to  toss  away  a  diadem,  and  hope  to  have  it  back  again  improved. 
Many  of  congress-men  wished  to  serve  their  community ;  those  of 
elevated  minds  would  wish  (as  they  ought)  to  have  elevated  stations. 
Was  sure,  however,  the  union  would  be  again  ;  and  the  name  of  English- 
men last,  when  that  of  France  was  rotten.  France  meant  to  dupe  one  and 
hurt  both.  Now  thirteen  republics  ;  republics  peaceful :  would  pay  their 
first  quotas  easily,  as  in  the  scrip,  but  third  and  fourth  payments  would 
drag  heavily.  Prince  Maurice  built  a  citadel  at  Groningen  to  inforce 
payment  of  quotas.  (There  he  said  something  about  an  agrarian  law 
being  as  natural  to  a  republic,  as  entails  to  a  monarchy  ;  but  I  forget  the 

"  Wished  none  of  the  commissioners  sent :  if  sent,  sent  with  view  to  be 
refused.  Ought  to  do  like  bungling  physicians  :  after  trying  many  things, 
try  nothing ;  see  what  nature  would  do,  nature  enough  in  this  case. 
Leave  them  alone  :  they  will  soon  find  what  they  have  lost,  and  in  two 
or  three  years  be  for  sending  commissioners  here. 

"As  to  France  &  Spain  most  all  despair:  England  had  her  same 
people,  same  private  wealth,  if  properly  taken  care  of  and  confidence 
to  draw  it  forth  from  its  hoardings.  If  we  grown  old,  France  grown  old 
too.     France  &  Spain  vulnerable. 

"  Though  lords  despond,  those  who  know  frivolousness  of  French 
won't  despond,  not  women  even,  who  do  know  it.  France  had  great 
individuals,  so  had  falling  Rome;  but  nation  refined  in  nothing  but  in 
the  art  of  making  court :  This  the  view  of  all. 

"  Rupture  with  France  not  instant ;  long  seen  ;  why  then  surprised  ; 
why  not  so  before  ?     Had  low  spirits  at  times  himself;  men  in  despond- 


ence  he  knew  had  not  right  judgments.  We  must  appeal  to  the  public  ; 
call  out  religion  and  freedom  ;  give  men  something  to  fight  for  ;  (The 
present  a  war  of  slavery)  and  follow  a  directing  public. 

"  In  1672  Holland  in  a  worse  state ;  &  offered  to  submit  to  Lewis,  and 
only  Amsterdam  firm.  De  Witz,  like  all  other  great  men  failed  in  not 
knowing  the  extent  of  folly ;  never  thought  Charles  would  let  them 
go  ;  yet  Charles  did.  But  still  De  Witz's  maxim  was,  no  country  ought 
ever  to  give  up  one  point  of  justice  or  reason,  but-  oppose  it  from  first. 
De  Witz  not  only  said,  but  did  ;  visited  the  fleet,  made  infinite  exer- 
tions, and  was  torn  in  pieces  repeating  the  ode 

"  Justum  and  tenacem  propositi  etc. 

"  Not  true  that  Philip  and  Elizabeth  accomodated  to  each  other.  As 
fast  as  one  assisted  Holland,  the  other  assisted  Ireland ;  and  Armada 
was  forced  to  delay,  because  Walsingham,  Gresham  &  Sutton  borrowed 
Genoese  bank  money  that  was  to  arm  it.  Here  was  stock-jobbing,  and 
yet  cost  only  40,000.  Wished  these  times  produced  a  Walsingham,  and 
merchants  like  Gresham.  Yet  still  some  spirit  to  his  knowledge  and  did 
not  speak  of  mountains  and  mice. 

"  If  this  point  given  up,  should  be  ashamed  of  London,  still  more  of 
abroad  ;  believed  should  retire  to  the  country.  If  danger  followed  him, 
would  do  as  a  traveller  would,  who  found  himself  at  a  tavern  where  a 
company  of  gentlemen  were  attacked  by  ruffians  ;  without  interest, 
would  take  his  share. 

"  But  am  asked  a  question  :  Must  we  fight  all  three  ?  Will  answer 
distinctly ;  think  need  only  fight  two  of  them  ;  but  if  necessary,  yes, 
fight  the  three. 

"  On  the  whole,  wished  not  to  be  replied  to  on  the  spot ;  begged  them 
(the  Buckinghams)  to  take  time,  and  weigh.  He  knew  their  worth. 
His  opinions  not  court  opinions :  but  respected  their  unspotted  charac- 
ters and  hoped  their  good  intentions  would  not  aid  the  little  cunning  of 
others  to  ruin  the  country.  Should  unite  against  ministers  :  Not  to  reap 
seed  of  their  sowing,  but  have  reaping  of  seed  of  their  own  sowing. 

Then  followed  a  great  variety  of  other  matters  relative  to  ministry 
and  their  conduct. 

He  spoke  two  hours,  besides  a  reply  ;  and  was  not  flat  for  a  moment. 
In  his  beginnings  he  is  often  flat,  for  5  or  6  minutes,  though  wonderfully 

He  explained  the  expression  of  Lord  Chatham's  not  knowing  the 
means.  But  I  wonder  the  Duke  of  R.  did  not  talk  of  the  instance  of 
irruptions  by  Danes  and  Normans,  as  contrary  to  the  case  to  be  proved. 
Indeed  the  Danes  were  finally  repelled  and  Norman  line  compromised, 
and  in  each  case  the  Kings  were  obliged  to  reside  in  their  conquests  ; 
but  the  instances  certainly  very  awkward. 

No  news  that  I  can  communicate.     The    King  and  Queen  will  be  at 


Portsmouth  on  Friday.  The  Irish  bills  of  course  will  not  pass,  ministry 
not  being  with  them.  Govr.  Johnstone  had  great  hopes  at  going  out, 
but  they  have  just  heard  here  that  America  is  not  much  inclined  to  ne- 
gotiation, they  say.  I  think  they  tell  us  W.  Hartley  makes  the  20th  am- 
bassador you  have  had.  I  am  very  glad  the  first  time  I  saw  my  friend, 
that  I  had  no  connections  ;  and  the  second  time  that  I  scarcely  shewed 
an  inclination  to  hear  what,  if  I  had  been  sent  by  my  connections,  I 
ought  to  have  heard. 

I  think  if  Lord  Chatham  had  remained  well,  that  a  change  of  minis- 
ters would  not  have  been  distant ;  for  they  know  that  he  minds  measures 
more  than  men,  and  rather  has  a  turn  to  take  care  of  national  grandeur 
than  national  liberty,  farther  than  as  the  latter  assists  the  former ;  all 
which  is  in  a  great  degree  true.  Under  him  therefore  they  thought  they 
could  pension  their  creatures  with  sinecure  places,  leaving  him  the 
general  direction. 

Upon  a  conversation  this  morning  with  Col.  B.,  I  find  that  absentees 
will  at  first  be  just  as  safe  as  inhabitants,  personal  care  and  exertion  ex- 
cepted, and  therefore  content  myself  with  getting  a  letter  to  our  gover- 
nor, strongly  desiring  him  to  recommend  our  property  to  protection  of 
the  conqueror,  which  recommendation  he  knows  by  experience  will  be 
attended  to.  But  as  I  wish  to  have  two  securities  where  I  think  them 
possible,  I  shall  beg  the  favor  of  you  to  get  the  same  thing  mentioned  to 
the  parties  concerned  on  your  side,  if  you  think  it  proper  ;  but  as  you 
may  not  think  it  proper,  to  make  the  refusal  easy  and  to  prevent  im- 
proper communication  being  expected  I  hope  you  will  never  mention  to 
me  in  any  way,  the  part  you  may  take.  Our  parish  is  that  of  St.  James  : 
I  have  a  brother  named  Charles  on  the  spot.  As  to  our  connections, 
they  are  rank  whig  and  American.  I  know  you  have  nobleness  enough 
to  excuse  this  application  ;  and  consider  it  as  not  made  wholly  on  my 
part,  but  for  the  family.  I  am  as  ever,  my  dearest  sir,  your  most  devoted, 
affectionate  and  grateful  

Dr.  P.  &  Dr.  Pe. 
have  had  a  correspondence 
upon  the  latter' s  metaphysical 
writings,  which  will  probably  be 
soon  published,  unless  the  distraction  of  the  times 
should  withdraw  attention  to  such  subjects 

I  have  had  some  papers  for  the  Duke  De    [Piece  torn  out  of  the  paper.] 
by  me,  but  they  are  still  in  their  old  state,  and  I 
have  not  had  leisure  to  prepare  them  for  him. — 

April  28,  1778. 

I  dare  say  you  have  many  such  voluminous  correspondents  as  my- 
self: but  you  see  how  my  pen  runs  to  you. —  The  Frankfai  Papers,  Vol. 
9,  No.  93. 


Franklin's  Bagatelles. 

The  American  Philosophical  Society  is  the  owner  of  seventy-six 
folio  volumes  of  the  papers  of  Benjamin  Franklin.  Franklin  by  his 
will  left  all  his  books,  manuscripts  and  papers  to  his  grandson, 
William  Temple  Franklin.  Bigelow,  in  his  Life  of  Franklin,  prints 
the  will  (Vol.  3,  p.  476)  and  (p.  466)  a  letter  from  William 
Temple  Franklin,  dated  Philadelphia,  May  22,  1790,  to  M.  Le 
Veillard,  of  Paris,  the  intimate  friend  of  Franklin,  advising  him 
of  his  grandfather's  bequest.  Later  Temple  Franklin  returned  to 
Europe,  living  in  London  and  Paris,  and  dying  in  London  in 
1823,  and  by  his  will  leaving  to  his  friend,  Charles  Fox,  of  Philadel- 
phia, all  the  Franklin  papers  in  this  country.  These  papers  had 
been  for  many  years  stored  in  the  barn  at  Mr.  Fox's  country  seat 
at  Champlost,  near  Philadelphia.  His  son  presented  them  to  the 
Philosophical  Society  some  sixty  years  ago,  and  here  they  have  been 
kept  ever  since. 

Many  of  them  were  bound  up  in  a  pretty  rough  way,  each 
volume  prefaced  with  a  rough  alphabetical  reference  list ;  many  of 
them  were  left  in  the  original  packages,  bundles  with  little  other 
than  a  crude  chronological  order,  until  quite  recently  our  librarian, 
Dr.  Hays,  had  them  mounted  and  bound  and  lettered.  Little  sys- 
tematic use  has  been  made  of  them,  but  now  it  is  proposed  to 
calendar  them,  and  to  print  these  calendars,  as  the  Lee,  Weedon 
and  Greene  papers  of  this  Society  have  been  printed  by  the  Society, 
so  that  students  may  know  what  they  contain,  and  be  able  to  refer 
to  them  directly  or  through  the  very  competent  staff  of  the  Library  of 
this  Society.  To  their  aid  is  due  the  examination  of  them  for 
traces  of  the  "  Bagatelles,"  written  by  Franklin  and  printed  on  his 
press  at  Passy,  and  I  submit  these  rough  notes  as  showing  the 
variety,  extent  and  importance  of  this  collection.  William  Temple 
Franklin  printed  in  the  fifth  volume  of  his  grandfather's  works 
(second  edition,  London:  Colburn,  1819),  in  the  second  volume 
of  the  Posthumous  and  Other  Writings,  under  the  head  of  "  Baga- 
telles "  (Sec.  3,  pp.  216  to  298),  the  following  headnote  :  "The 
letters,  essays,  etc.,  contained  in  this  section  were  chiefly  written 
by  Dr.  Franklin  for  the  amusement  of  his  intimate  society  in  Lon- 
don and  Paris,  and  were  by  himself  actually  collected  in  a  small 
portfolio,  endorsed  as  above.  Several  of  the  pieces  were  either 
originally  written  in  French,  or  afterwards  translated  by  him  into 
that  language  by  way  of  exercise."     Then  follow  : 


i.  The  Levee. 

2.  Proposed  New  Version  of  the  Bible. 

3.  Apologue  (written,  says  a  footnote,  at  the  period  of  and  in 
allusion  to  the  claims  of  the  American  Royalists  on  the  British 

4.  To  Miss  Georgianna  Shipley,  dated  London,  September  26, 
1772,  with  an  epitaph  on  her  American  squirrel. 

5.  The  Art  of  Procuring  Pleasant  Dreams. 

6.  The  Ephemera,  an  Emblem  of  Human  Life  (written  in  1778, 
to  Mme.  Brillon,  of  Passy). 

7.  The  Whistle  (to  Mme.   Brillon,  Passy,  November  10,  1779). 

8.  The  Petition  of  the  Left  Hand. 

9.  The  Handsome  and  Deformed  Leg. 

10.  Morals  of  Chess. 

11.  Conte  (with  a  translation),  a  Tale. 

12.  Dialogue  between   Franklin  and  the  Gout  (dated  midnight, 
October  22,  1780). 

13.  To  Mme.  Helvetius,  at  Auteuil. 

14.  A  Madame  Helvetius  (in  French,  with  a  translation  into 

15.  Tres  humble  Requete  Presentee  a  Madame  Helvetius  par  ses 
Chats  (with  translation). 

16.  A  M.  L'Abbe  de  la  Roch,  a  Auteuil  (with  translation). 

17.  A  M.  L'Abbe  Morellet,  Passy  (with  translation). 

In  Vol.  1,  p.  410,  of  The  Memoirs  of  the  Life  and  Writings  of 
Franklin,  Philadelphia,  181 8,  published  by  William  Duane,  is  the 
following  from  the  Introduction  to  the  Life  and  Works,  by  his  grand- 
son, William  Temple  Franklin  :  "  Notwithstanding  Dr.  Franklin's 
various  and  important  occupations,  he  occasionally  amused  himself 
in  composing  and  printing,  by  means  of  a  small  set  of  types  and 
a  press  he  had  in  his  house,  several  of  his  light  essays,  '  Baga- 
telles,' or  jeux  d'esprit,  written  chiefly  for  the  amusement  of  his 
intimate  friends."  Among  these  were  the  supplement  to  the 
Boston  Chronicle  of  March  17,  1782,  which  is  reprinted  ;  Franklin, 
in  his  letter  dated  Passy,  July  7,  1782,  enclosed  a  copy  to  his  friend 
Mr.  Hutton  in  London.  Clearly  Franklin  took  care  that  his 
political  satires  should  be  read  far  beyond  the  circle  of  his  friends 
in  Paris,  and  they  were  spread  broadcast  in  the  newspapers. 

Ford,  in  the  Introduction  to  his  Franklin  Bibliography,  says : 
i(  Sent  in   1776  by  the  Congress  to  France,  his  pen  was  soon  at 


work,  not  merely  on  the  routine  addresses,  memorials  and  letters 
intended  to  persuade  the  French  Government  or  inform  that  at 
home,  but  in  satires  on  the  English  methods  of  conducting  the  war, 
use  of  the  Indians,  Hessians,  etc.;  in  exposing  the  financial  straits 
and  impending  ruin  of  that  country,  and.  in  urging  the  advantage 
of  loans  to  America ;  while  there  is  good  authority  for  ascribing  to 
him  the  partial  editing  of  a  periodical  which  was  intended  to 
influence  the  French  people  in  favor  of  the  American  cause,  and 
prepare  them  for  the  treaties  of  amity  and  alliance  to  which  Frank- 
lin eventually  set  his  name.  It  was  during  his  nine  years'  service 
in  France  that  he  also  wrote  most  of  what  have  been  since  known 
as  the  '  Bagatelles  ' — little  essays  on  many  subjects,  composed 
for  the  amusement  of  '  la  societe  choisie  de  Franklin.'  They  were 
written  in  his  happiest  vein,  fifteen  or  twenty  copies  printed  on  his 
private  press  at  his  home  in  Passy  for  the  little  circle  for  whom 
they  were  intended."  A  little  later  Mr.  Ford  says  :  "  The  writings 
of  Franklin  will  never  be  complete.  His  known  or  recognizable 
periodicals  and  contributions  to  periodicals,  not  in  the  two  great 
collections  of  his  writings  [no  doubt  Mr.  Ford  refers  to  Sparks  and 
Bigelow],  would  still  only  be  a  portion,  though  a  large  one,  of  what 
he  wrote." 

Now  if  so  industrious  a  collector  as  Mr.  Ford  thus  writes  of 
Franklin's  "Bagatelles,"  it  must  be  that  he  thought  research 
as  to  their  number  and  time  of  printing  was  exhausted.  Yet 
the  American  Philosophical  Society,  founded  by  Franklin  and 
his  associates  of  the  Junto,  is  to-day  in  the  possession  of  the  largest 
collection  of  his  papers,  and  we  are  naturally  interested  in  trying 
to  answer  these  questions  :  When  and  where  did  Franklin  write 
his  "  Bagatelles  "  ?  How  many  copies  of  each  did  he  print,  and  what 
has  become  of  them  ?  It  is  customary  to  evade  answering  such 
inquiries  by  saying  that  Franklin  was  careless  as  to  his  papers,  yet 
the  large  collection,  over  seventy  great  folio  volumes,  of  Franklin 
Papers  in  the  Library  of  the  Philosophical  Society,  shows  that  he 
at  least  knew  the  value  of  the  letters  addressed  to  him,  and  in  this 
collection  they  are  preserved.  Then,  too,  it  is  customary  to  charge 
William  Temple  Franklin  with  indifference  to  his  grandfather's 
memory  and  fame,  yet  Mr.  Stevens  rescued  from  oblivion  and 
destruction  a  great  mass  of  papers,  now  the  property  of  the  United 
States,  and  carefully  preserved  in  the  Department  of  State. 

Prof.  McMaster,  in  the  fifth  volume  of  his  history,  pp.  294-297, 


gives  a  graphic  account  of  the  bitter  feud  over  William  Temple 
Franklin,  and  his  tardy  publication  of  the  works  of  his  illustrious 
grandfather:  "  Shortly  after  Franklin's  papers,  under  his  will  and 
after  his  death  in  1790,  came  into  the  possession  of  William  Temple 
Franklin,  the  latter  announced  the  publication,  called  for  those  that 
were  scattered  in  other  hands,  and  yet  allowed  twenty-seven  years 
to  pass  before  he  fulfilled  his  promise.  Meanwhile  bookmakers, 
reviewers  and  newspaper  critics,  weary  at  the  delay,  abused  him 
roundly.  In  those  days  if  anything  went  wrong  in  our  country, 
and  the  reason  was  not  easy  to  find,  it  was  customary  to  ascribe  the 
evil  to  the  action  of  Great  Britain.  Why  the  promised  edition  of 
Franklin's  writings  was  not  forthcoming,  though  a  decade  and  more 
had  passed  since,  his  death,  was  unaccountable.  It  must  therefore 
be  due  to  the  malignity  of  Great  Britain,  to  whom  Temple  Frank- 
lin was  now  openly  accused  of  having  sold  himself.  The  charge 
was  first  made  by  the  National  Intelligence)',  a  Jeffersonian  news- 
paper published  in  Washington.  The  public,  said  the  editor,  is 
tired  with  waiting  for  the  appearance  of  Dr.  Franklin's  works. 
Something  is  wrong.  An  ugly  rumor  is  afloat  that  the  great  man's 
papers  will  never  be  published.  It  is  time  for  his  descendants  to 
explain.  No  explanation  was  made,  whereupon  the  National  Intel- 
ligencer returned  to  the  charge  in  1804.  Silence,  said  the  editor, 
had  given  the  charge  increased  weight.  More  than  eight  years  ago 
assurances  were  given  repeatedly  that  an  edition  was  to  appear  at 
the  same  time  in  Europe  and  America.  Why  has  it  not  appeared  ? 
Some  say  because  Mr.  Temple  Franklin  sold  his  copyright  to  a 
London  bookseller,  who  in  turn  sold  it  for  a  much  greater  sum  to 
the  British  Government,  in  order  that  the  papers  might  be  sup- 
pressed. This  plain  statement  seems  to  have  had  some  effect,  for 
the  next  year  William  Duane,  editor  of  the  Aurora,  and  husband 
of  the  widow  of  Benjamin  Franklin  Bache,  advertised  for  subscrip- 
tions to  a  three-volume  edition  of  Franklin's  works ;  but  even  this 
dragged  on  for  thirteen  years,  when,  instead  of  three,  six  volumes 
had  been  issued.  The  first  volume  appeared  in  1808  ;  the  last  in 
181 8.  The  charge  of  suppressing  once  started  in  this  country 
crossed  the  Atlantic,  and  in  1806  appeared  in  the  preface  to  a 
three-volume  edition  of  Franklin's  writings,  edited  by  his  old  friend, 
Benjamin  Vaughan,  at  London,  the  preface  dated  April  7,  1806. 
When,  says  Vaughan,  Temple  Franklin  thought  his  manuscript 
ready  for  the  press,  he  offered  it  to  the  London  printers,  but  his 


terms  were  too  high.  The  printers  demurred,  and  nothing  more 
has  been  heard  of  the  offer.  *  The  reason  is  plain  :  The  pro- 
prietor, it  seems,  has  found  a  bidder  of  a  different  description  in 
some  emissary  of  Government,  whose  object  is  to  withhold  the 
manuscripts  from  the  world,  not  to  benefit  it  by  their  publication, 
and  they  were  either  passed  into  other  hands  or  the  person  to 
whom  they  were  bequeathed  received  a  remuneration  for  sup- 
pressing them.'  The  Edinburgh  Review  (July,  1806)  sifted,  denied 
and  pronounced  the  accusation  foolish.  But  it  again  crossed  the 
Atlantic,  and  was  once  more  set  afloat  by  the  A?nerican  Citizen,  a 
newspaper  published  in  New  York.  '  William  Temple  Franklin,' 
said  the  writer,  '  without  shame,  without  remorse,  mean  and 
mercenary,  has  sold  the  sacred  deposit  committed  to  his  care  by 
Dr.  Franklin  to  the  British  Government.  Franklin's  works  are 
lost  to  the  world  forever.'  Idle  as  the  story  was,  it  would  not 
down,  but  was  next  taken  up  by  a  Paris  journal  called  The  Argus,  or 
London  Review  (March  28,  1807),  in  which  it  is  quite  likely  the 
slander  for  the  first  time  reached  the  eyes  of  Temple  Franklin.  He 
promptly  branded  the  charge  as  false,  the  editor  accepted  his  state- 
ment as  final,  the  London  Chronicle  republished  it,  and  through 
this  channel  the  denial  made  its  way  back  to  the  United  States, 
where  respectable  journals  reprinted  it  and  respectable  men  went 
on  disbelieving  it,  till  Franklin  began  to  issue  his  volumes  in  181 7. 
Even  then  there  were  some  who  remained  unconvinced,  and  as  late 
as  1829  it  was  reiterated  by  the  publication  of  Jefferson's  Anas. 
Such  delay  in  the  case  of  most  men  would  have  been  fatal  to  the 
success  of  the  book,  but  nothing  could  dim  the  popular  interest  in 
Franklin  the  world  over.  Since  his  death  in  1790  there  had  been 
published  twenty-eight  editions  of  such  of  his  writings  as  could 
be  collected,  thirty-three  editions  of  his  life  in  English  and  thir- 
teen in  French,  some  twenty  editions  of  Father  Abraham' s  Speech 
and  The  Way  to  Wealth,  besides  innumerable  reprints  of  his 
famous  tracts  and  pamphlets.  The  writings  of  no  other  American 
were  so  scattered  over  Europe.  Save  Irving  and  Cooper,  no  other 
American  writer  had  yet  approached  him  in  fame,  even  in  Eng- 

Thus  many  of  Franklin's  own  writings  were  preserved  by 
William  Temple  Franklin  and  printed  in  his  editions  of  Franklin's 
works,  and  after  many  years  of  oblivion,  they  were  rescued  by  Mr. 
Stevens  and  sold  by  him  to  the  Government  of  the  United  States. 

PROC  AMER.  PHILOS.  S0C.  XL.  166.  I.      PRINTED  JULY  23,  1901. 

126  EOSENGAETEN — FEANKLIN'S   BAGATELLES.         [May  17, 

In  that  collection  there  are  the  original  manuscripts  of  two  of  the 
"Bagatelles;"  there  are  others  in  the  American  Philosophical 
Society,  reproduced  in  the  earlier  pages  of  this  paper.  With  these 
exceptions,  nothing  is  known  of  the  fate  of  the  original  manuscripts 
of  the  others  of  this  interesting  series  of  Franklin's  papers. 

Sparks  prints  in  the  second  volume  of  his  works  of  Franklin  seven- 
teen of  them,  the  first  of  them,  The  Levee,  with  a  note  by  William 
Temple  Franklin:  "This  was  one  of  several  articles  written  by 
Franklin  for  the  amusement  of  his  friends,  and  found  in  a  port- 
folio endorsed    '  Bagatelles.'  " 

Bigelow  prints,  in  Vol.  6  of  his  works  of  Franklin,  The  Ephemera, 
an  Emblem  of  Human  Life,  addressed  to  Mme.  Brillon ;  The 
Whistle,  addressed  to  Mme.  Brillon,  and  others  of  these  "  Baga- 
telles." There  is  an  original  draft  of  part  of  the  second,  in  Frank- 
lin's handwriting,  in  Vol.  50  of  the  Franklin  Papers  in  the  Philo- 
sophical Society's  collection. 

Ford,  in  his  Bibliography,  says:  "Of  the  '  Bagatelles  '  printed 
by  Franklin  on  the  press  which  he  set  up  in  his  house  at  Passy,  only 
one,  so  far  as  I  can  learn,  No.  345  [the  fictitious  supplement  to  the 
Boston  Chronicle~],  has  been  preserved,  and  so  my  authority  for 
giving  such  editions  of  The  Ephemera,  The  Whistle,  the  Dialogue 
between  Franklin  and  the  Gout,  and  Advice  to  Those  Who  Would 
Remove  to  America,  is  derived  from  the  statement  of  the  editor  of 
The  Way  to  Wealth,  Paris,  1795." 

Mr.  Ford's  best  contribution  is  his  long  list  of  reproductions 
of  these  "Bagatelles,"  e.  g.,  The  Whistle,  in  Burlington  in 
1792,  at  Paris  in  1795,  Newcastle,  1810  and  1818  ;  Paris,  1831. 
As  to  his  statement  that  only  one  original  copy  of  any  of  the 
"Bagatelles"  is  known,  it  may  be  said  that  the  large  and  little 
known  collection  of  the  Philosophical  Society  has  the  printed 
originals  of  La  Belle  et  la  Mauvaise  Jambe,  Passy,  1779,  one  °f 
the  "Bagatelles,"  and  of  the  supplement  to  the  Boston  Chron- 
icle, in  two  editions,  one  with,  the  other  without  the  John  Paul 
Jones  letter.  This  is  the  famous  skit  in  which  there  is  a  pre- 
tended proclamation  by  the  British  offering  rewards  for  scalps 
of  whites;  it  is  an  answer  to  a  similar  production  issued  in 
England,  only  with  the  parts  reversed ;  it  had  a  great  vogue, 
and  was  reproduced  throughout  Europe  and  America,  just  as 
was  Franklin's  pretended  letter  of  the  Elector  of  Hesse-Cassel. 
"Undoubtedly   these  were    both   prepared   with    a   view  of    influ- 


encing  contemporary  European  opinion  in  favor  of  the  American 
colonies  in  their  struggle  for  independence,  and  both  were  copied 
in  the  innumerable  newspapers  and  news-letters  issued  in  Holland 
and  Brussels  and  throughout  Europe. 

Parton,  in  his  Franklin,  says,  at  p.  235  of  Vol.  2  :  "To  promote 
the  loan  ordered  by  Congress,  Franklin  wrote  an  ingenious  piece, 
which  he  caused  to  be  translated  into  Dutch,  French,  Spanish  and 
Italian,  and  sent  to  the  moneyed  capitals  of  Europe;"  and  again, 
another  "money  article  he  wrote  at  this  time,  entitled  'A  Cate- 
chism Relative  to  the  English  National  Debt.'  "  "  Another  piece 
of  Franklin's  fun  bears  date  at  this  time,  '  A  Dialogue  between 
Britain,  France,  Spain,  Holland,  Saxony  and  America.'  "  Parton 
also  says :  "It  was  for  Mme.  Brillon  that  he  wrote  the  letter  with 
the  story  of  paying  too  dear  for  The  Whistle  and  his  amusing 
piece  upon  The  Ephemera,  which  was  copied  and  recopied  so  often 
in  Paris  that  it  became  as  well  known  as  though  published.  The 
Petition  of  the  Left  Hand,  The  Handsome  and  Deformed  Leg, 
Morals  of  Chess,  Dialogue  between  Franklin  and  the  Gout,  and 
other  witty  effusions  of  this  period  were  written  for  the  amusement 
of  the  circle  that  met  twice  a  week  at  Mme.  Brillon' s.  These 
pieces  were  probably  composed  in  English  by  Franklin  and 
translated  into  French  by  some  member  of  the  company."  Parton 
says:  "  In  his  house  at  Passy  Franklin  had  a  small  printing  press 
and  fonts  of  type,  with  which  he  printed  copies  of  the  '  Baga- 

Ford,  in  his  Many-sided  Franklin  (p.  218),  says  :  "  In  his  own 
home  he  (Franklin)  set  up  a  press  and  types,  all  of  which  he  or 
his  servants  cast."  In  Bigelow's  Works,  Vol.  6,  p.  474,  there  is  a 
letter  from  Franklin  of  October  29,  1779,  t0  Fizeaux  and  Grand, 
saying  "  eight  boxes  of  printing  characters  are  sent  from  London 
to  your  care  for  me,"  and  directing  that  they  be  insured  for  ^"ioo, 
via  Rouen.  Ford  says:  "These  printing  materials  Franklin 
brought  with  him  to  America,  on  his  return  from  France,  and 
used  them  to  establish  his  grandson,  B.  F.  Bache,  in  business  as  a 
printer."  Bigelow,  in  his  Life  of  Franklin,  Vol.  3,  pp.  375^  and 
c,  prints  Franklin's  certificate,  dated  Philadelphia,  February  25, 
1786,  that  "the  printing  types  with  which  he  furnished  Mr. 
Francis  Child,  contained  in  fifteen  boxes,  marked  B.  F.,  Nos.  9, 
10,  23,  24,  25,  26,  27,  28,  32,  33,  38,  53,  54,  59>  6o>  were  made 
in  my  house  at  Passy,  by  my  servants,  for  my  use,  and  were  never 


the  property  of  any  European  letter  founder,  manufactuier  or  mer- 
chant whatsoever."  Bigelow  also  gives  at  the  same  place  a  trans- 
lation of  a  letter  from  Mine.  Helvetius  to  Franklin,  dated  July, 
1787,  and  the  original  from  the  Franklin  Papers  in  the  American 
Philosophical  Society.  In  the  collection  in  Washington,  the 
remains  of  that  of  William  Temple  Franklin,  rescued  by  Stevens 
from  oblivion,  are  the  two  manuscript  "Bagatelles"  on  Per- 
fumes and  on  Marriage ;  these  were  reprinted  by  Stevens  in 
handsome  style  in  London  in  1881,  copies  on  vellum  were  also 
produced.  Henry  Stevens  fondly  imagined  that  his  copy  of  the 
supplement  to  the  Boston  Chronicle  was  unique,  but  the  collection 
of  the  Philosophical  Society  shows  that  both  Stevens  and  Ford 
were  ignorant  of  the  extent  of  the  Franklin  papers  preserved  here, 
now  in  process  of  careful  examination,  and  likely  to  add  to  the 
material   for  a  better  knowledge  of   Franklin's    literary   activity. 

Even  Mr.  Ford's  exhaustive  Bibliography,  as  the  author  admits, 
does  not  give  us  all  that  Franklin  wrote  and  printed,  nor  all  of  the 
numerous  republications.  Franklin  himself,  it  is  said,  corrected 
the  proofs  of  Vaughan's  edition  of  his  works,  printed  in  London  in 
1779,  but  after  that  date  he  wrote  and  printed  many  of  his  cleverest 
skits.  In  a  book  published  in  Paris  in  1818,  Correspondence 
Secrete,  Franklin,  in  a  letter  to  Mrs.  Thompson,  dated  Paris, 
February  8,  1777,  speaks  of  "  Ces  Bagatelles,"  so  it  must  have 
been  even  then  a  favorite  word  with  him.  In  the  same  volume 
there  is  a  note  to  the  "Bagatelle,"  Visite  aux  Cha?nps  Ely  see, 
addressed  to  Mme.  Helvetius:  "  Cette  lettrea  ete  ecrite  en  francais 
par  Franklin. >' 

The  extent  of  Franklin's  knowledge  of  how  to  speak  and 
write  French  accurately  has  frequently  been  discussed,  and  he 
certainly  availed  himself  of  a  good  deal  of  license  in  his  pretended 
Letter  from  the  Elector  of  Hesse-Cassel,  although  of  course 
the  joke  was  a  good  deal  heightened  by  pretending  that  that  German 
Prince  was  no  better  master  of  the  French  language  than  Franklin. 
It  is  of  this  skit  that  Franklin  wrote,  on  May  1,  1777,  to  John 
Winthrop  (the  Professor  of  Natural  History  in  Harvard):  "I 
send  enclosed  one  of  the  many  satires  that  have  appeared  on 
this  occasion  " — i.  e.,  the  conduct  of  those  Princes  of  Germany 
who  have  sold  the  blood  of  their  people  to  Great  Britain  to 
be  used  in  opposing  the  Americans  in  their  effort  to  achieve 
their  independence.     It    is   a   curious    coincidence    that    in  this 


satire  Franklin  makes  the  Count  de  Schaumburg  (his  pseudonym 
for  the  hereditary  Prince  of  Hesse)  write  to  Baron  HohendorfT, 
commanding  the  Hessian  troops  in  America,  and  that  among  the 
letters  addressed  to  Franklin,  and  preserved  in  the  large  collection 
of  his  papers  in  the  Philosophical  Society,  is  one  dated  Feb- 
ruary 25,  1778  (No.  130,  Vol.  8),  from  C.  M.  Hillegas,  at  York 
Town,  introducing  Baron  de  HoltzendorfT,  and  later  one  from 
Baron  HoltzendorfT,  dated  Paris,  September  11,  1779,  asking  for 
an  interview. 

It  is  a  good  answer  to  the  charge  that  Franklin  was  careless 
as  to  his  papers,  that  he  preserved  apparently  everything  addressed 
to  him  and  everybody  wrote  to  him.  This  collection  is  now 
being  carefully  indexed,  so  that  hereafter  there  may  be  still  more 
thorough  knowledge  of  Franklin's  busy  life. 

Stevens,  in  his  pamphlet  on  his  collection  sold  to  the  United 
States  Government,  says  that  Franklin's  essays  were  printed  in  a 
pirated  edition  by  Buisson  in  Paris  in  1791,  and  in  London  in 
1 793  by  Parsons  in  one  volume,  and  by  Robinson  in  two,  both 
from  the  French  of  Buisson,  which  was  itself  a  translation  from 
Franklin's  originals.  It  is  hard  to  find  out  what  became  of  these. 
Were  they  used  by  Castera  in  his  edition  of  Franklin's  writings, 
published  by  Buisson  in  Paris  in  1797,  or  did  they  share  the  fate 
of  the  originals  used,  it  is  charged,  by  William  Temple  Franklin 
as  "  printer's  copy"  for  his  edition,  published  in  London  in 
181 7,  in  an  8vo  edition  in  six  volumes,  and  a  quarto  edition  in 
three  volumes,  and  by  Duane  in  Philadelphia  in  18 18  in  six 
volumes  8vo  ?  Both  Temple  Franklin  and  Duane  must  have  had 
access  to  the  originals,  and  yet  what  survived  of  the  Temple 
Franklin  collection,  which  passed  through  Stevens  to  the  library 
of  the  State  Department  at  Washington,  contains  only  two  manu- 
script ''Bagatelles,"  although  Stevens,  in  his  pamphlet  descrip- 
tion, says  his  collection  contains  original  manuscripts  by  Franklin, 
his  essays,  miscellaneous  writings,  squibs,  bagatelles,  etc.;  but 
Stevens  was  mistaken  in  supposing  that  his  was  a  unique  copy  of 
the  pretended  supplement  to  the  Boston  Chronicle,  and  he  ignored 
or  was  ignorant  of  the  copies  of  Franklin's  "Bagatelles"  in  New 
York  and  Philadelphia.  Still  it  remains  a  mystery  yet  unsolved  as 
to  what  became  of  most  of  the  originals,  or. of  the  few  copies 
printed  on  Franklin's  Passy  press.  Even  if  only  enough,  ten  or  a 
dozen,  were  all  that  he  printed  for  his  friends  there,  it  seems  un- 

130  ROSENGARTEN — FKANKLIN'S   BAGATELLES.         [May  17, 

likely  that  he  would  have  destroyed  the  originals,  or  that  his  friends 
would  have  destroyed  the  printed  copies,  even  then  rare  enough  to 
be  precious. 

The  republication  throughout  Europe  and  America  of  his 
political  squibs  was  clearly  part  of  Franklin's  constant  and  suc- 
cessful effort  to  enlist  allies  for  America,  and  to  increase  the 
hostility  to  England  in  France  and  Spain,  in  Holland  and  Ger- 
many, and  in  England  itself.  It  is  a  question  whether  Franklin 
included  in  his  "Bagatelles"  the  political  squibs  which  he  fired 
with  such  telling  effect  among  the  enemies  of  his  country,  and 
with  such  success  in  making  friends  for  it.  His  experience  in  fill- 
ing his  newspaper  and  his  almanac  with  clever  jeux  d'esprit  stood 
him  in  good  stead  in  Paris,  and  he  reproduced  many  of  them  for 
the  amusement  of  his  French  friends,  who  were  ready  to  accept 
with  delight  everything  that  he  printed.  It  would  be  of  interest  to 
discover  somewhere  a  complete  list  of  his  "Bagatelles,"  and  to 
learn  in  what  succession  they  were  written,  and  how  many  were 
printed,  to  whom  they  were  given,  and  what  has  become  of  them. 

The  collection  of  the  Franklin  Papers  in  the  Philosophical  Society 
contains  original  "Bagatelles"  in  Franklin's  handwriting,  and 
translations  apparently  by  M.  Brillon,  "un  savant,"  and  by  Mme. 
Brillon,  who  calls  herself  "  une  femme  qui  n'est  point  savante." 
Then,  too,  it  has  innumerable  letters  from  Mme.  Brillon  and  her 
family,  with  many  discussions  over  Franklin's  French  and  over  the 
translations.  One  letter  declines  a  proposal  by  William  Temple 
Franklin  for  the  hand  of  one  of  the  Brillon  daughters,  and  next  to 
it  is  the  notice  of  the  wedding  of  Mdlle.  Brillon.  The  cor- 
respondence of  Franklin  and  Mme.  Brillon  is  characteristic  alike 
of  the  writers  and  of  the  time  in  which  they  lived,  and  it  shows 
how  readily  Franklin  took  his  part  in  the  life  of  Paris  of  his  day. 
Sparks  was  too  serious  to  care  for  these  pleasing  trifles,  and  too 
solemn  to  print  even  Washington's  familiar  phrases  or  Franklin's 
light  and  incautious  wit;  later  historical  students  have  censured 
Sparks  for  his  endeavor  to  give  to  the  great  men  of  our  history  a 
sort  of  classical  pose,  as  if  they  were  not  mortals  with  average 
human  failings.  He  had  access  apparently  to  much  material  that 
he  did  not  print,  as  being  below  his  high  standard  of  historical 
dignity.  Nowadays  we  are  only  too  anxious  to  get  at  these  great 
men  as  they  were  in  everyday  life,  and  to  rescue  from  oblivion  all 
they  said  and  wrote,  even  Franklin's  most  risky  and  unrestrained 


license  with  his  ready  pen.  Bigelow  has  labored  hard  to  restore 
Franklin's  Autobiography  as  he  wrote  it,  and  not  as  it  was  printed 
with  corrections  from  the  hand  of  Temple  Franklin  and  his  co- 
laborers  in  editing  it.  Ford  and  McMaster  and  Fisher  have 
endeavored  to  set  before  their  readers  the  real  Franklin,  and  Parton 
dwells  affectionately  on  his  life  in  Paris,  where  he  was  the  centre  of 
a  group  of  admirers,  who  carried  their  flattery  to  a  point  that 
shocked  his  sober-minded  colleagues. 

It  was  characteristic  of  Franklin  that  he  used  his  position  as  a  man 
of  science  and  as  a  man  of  letters  to  advance  the  interests  of  his  coun- 
try, to  forward  its  cause,  and  to  cement  that  alliance  which  secured 
for  the  American  colonies  the  vast  resources  of  the  French  Govern- 
ment, its  army,  its  navy,  and  its  representatives,  Lafayette,  Rocham- 
beau  and  the  many  other  gallant  soldiers  and  sailors,  who  both  by 
their  deeds  and  by  their  writings  helped  to  make  the  young  republic 
known  abroad,  and  to  bring  here  many  of  those  who  have  contributed 
its  best  elements  to  our  population.  The  friends  of  Franklin  in  Paris 
included  Voltaire,  Hume,  Turgot,  Marmontel,  d'Holbach,  Le  Roy, 
the  Abbes  Morellet  and  La  Roche ;  all  these  are  mentioned  in  the 
letter  to  the  last  printed  in  Vol.  5,  p.  283,  of  the  edition  of  his 
works,  London,  1819.  Then  Mme.  Helvetius,  Mme.  Brillon  and 
a  number  of  other  clever  women  belonged  to  the  little  knot  of  his 
intimate  friends  for  whom  these  "Bagatelles"  were  written.  In 
the  voluminous  collection  of  Franklin's  Papers  in  the  Library  of  the 
American  Philosophical  Society  are  evidences  of  the  care  with 
which  he  preserved  his  papers.  These  show  the  pains  he  took  to 
have  his  "  Bagatelles  "  translated  into  French  good  enough  to 
withstand  the  criticism  of  his  French  friends,  while  he  no  doubt 
sought  in  this  way  to  improve  his  own  knowledge  and  mastery  of 
the  French  language,  so  that  he  could  both  write  and  speak  it. 
Thus  in  Vol.  45,  No.  149^2,  is  a  draft  of  a  letter,  on  the  right  in 
English,  on  the  left  in  French,  but  the  latter  corrected  in  red  ink 
in  another  hand  than  that  of  the  first  draft  of  the  translation ;  it 
is  dated  Passy,  November  16,  1779^  and  is  The  Story  of  the  Whistle, 
which  has  passed  into  the  popular  use  of  all  reading  people  of  all 
countries.  Under  date  of  April  8,  1784  (Vol.  45,  No.  181)  is  a  letter 
to  Mme,  Brillon,  enclosing  copies  of  "Bagatelles,"  and  his  cor- 
respondence with  her  is  largely  preserved  in  one  of  these  seventy 
bulky  volumes.  Another  "Bagatelle,"  The  Ephemera,  in  Vol.  50, 
No.  39#,  is  in   two  manuscript  versions  in  French,  perhaps  by  M. 

132  ROSENGARTEN — FRANKLIN'S   BAGATELLES.          [May  17, 

and  Mme.  Brillon  ;  these  were  apparently  carefully  studied  by 
Franklin,  who  noted  the  variances  and  chose  carefully  the  version 
printed  at  his  own  press,  and  afterwards  by  his  grandson,  Temple 
Franklin,  in  what  may  be  called  the  authoritative  edition  of  his 
works.  Some  of  them  were  printed  in  Vaughan's  London  edition 
of  his  writings,  of  which  he  is  said  to  have  corrected  the  proofs. 
Some  of  them  were  printed  in  the  editions  of  his  writings  issued 
in  Paris  soon  after  his  death.  All  of  them  (with  the  exception  of 
the  two  still  preserved  in  manuscript  in  Washington,  and  printed 
by  Stevens  in  London  and  reprinted  in  Paris)  are  in  Sparks  and 
Bigelow's  editions,  and  a  long  list  of  reproductions  fills  a  good 
many  entries  in  Ford's  Franklin  Bibliography. 

In  his  True  Benjamin  Franklin,  p.  155,  Mr.  Fisher  says  :  "  He  has 
himself  told  us  of  the  source  of  one  of  his  best  short  essays,  The 
Ephemera,  a  beautiful  little  allegory,  which  he  wrote  to  please  Mme. 
Brillon  in  Paris.  In  a  letter  to  William  Carmichael,  of  June  1 7,  1 780 
(Bigelow's  Life  of  Franklin,  Vol.  2,  p.  509),  he  describes  the  circum- 
stances under  which  it  was  written,  and  says  that  "  the  thought  was 
partly  taken  from  a  little  piece  of  some  unknown  writer,  which  I  met 
with  fifty  years  since  in  a  newspaper."  And  at  p.  327  Mr.  Fisher 
says  :  "  For  Mme.  Brillon  Franklin  wrote  some  of  his  most  famous 
essays,  The  Morals  of  Chess,  The  Dialogue  between  Franklin  and 
the  Gout,  The  Story  of  the  Whistle,  The  Handsome  and  De- 
formed  Leg,  and  the  Petition  of  the  Left  Hand,"  and  he  again 
refers  to  the  letter  to  Carmichael,  in  which  Franklin  writes  :  "  En- 
closed I  send  you  the  little  piece  you  desire  [The  Ephemera].  To 
understand  it  rightly,  you  should  be  acquainted  with  some  few 
circumstances.  The  person  to  whom  it  was  addressed  is  Madame 
Brillon,  a  lady  of  most  respectable  character  and  pleasing  conver- 
sation, mistress  of  an  amiable  family  in  this  neighborhood,  with 
which  I  spend  an  evening  twice  in  every  week.  She  has,  among 
other  elegant  accomplishments,  that  of  an  excellent  musician,  and 
with  her  daughter,  who  sings  prettily,  and  some  friends  who  play, 
she  kindly  entertains  me  and  my  grandson  with  little  concerts,  a 
cup  of  tea,  and  a  game  of  chess.  I  call  this  my  opera  ;  fori  rarely 
go  to  the  opera  in  Paris.  The  Moulin  Joli  is  a  little  island  in  the 
Seine,  about  two  leagues  hence,  part  of  the  country  seat  of  another 
friend,  where  we  visit  every  summer,  and  spend  a  day  in  the 
pleasing  society  of  the  ingenious,  learned  and  very  polite  persons 
who  inhabit  it.     At  the  time  when  the  letter  was  written,  all  con- 


versations  at  Paris  were  filled  with  disputes  about  the  music  of 
Gluck  and  Picini,  a  German  and  an  Italian  musician,  who  divided 
the  town  into  violent  parties.  A  friend  of  this  lady  having  ob- 
tained a  copy  of  it,  under  a  promise  not  to  give  another,  did  not 
observe  that  promise  ;  so  that  many  have  been  taken,  and  it  is 
become  as  public  as  such  a  thing  can  well  be  that  is  not  printed  ; 
but  I  could  not  dream  of  its  being  heard  of  at  Madrid  [where 
Carmichael  was  Secretary  to  the  American  Legation  while  Mr.  Jay 
was  Minister  there].  The  thought  was  partly  taken  from  a  little 
piece  of  some  unknown  writer,  which  I  met  with  fifty  years  since 
in  a  newspaper,  and  which  the  sight  of  The  Ephemera  brought  to 
my  recollection." 

It  is  eminently  proper  that  the  Franklin  Papers  should  be 
cared  for  in  the  Society  of  which  he  was  the  founder  and  the 
first  President,  and  with  which  his  name  is  so  indissolubly  con- 
nected ;  it  is  the  duty  of  this  Society  to  see  that  these  papers 
be  put  into  a  good  condition,  that  they  may  be  freely  used  by 
students.  Unluckily,  when  this  gift  was  made  to  the  Society  there 
were  few  men  who  knew  how  to  make  the  best  use  of  it.  The  late 
Mr.  Trego,  then  the  Librarian,  had  this  vast  and  heterogeneous  mass 
of  original  papers,  including  an  infinite  number  of  letters  addressed  to 
Franklin  and  many  important  papers  belonging  to  the  various  phases 
of  his  long  and  active  and  varied  career  in  science,  in  local  and  colo- 
nial and  national  and  international  affairs,  roughly  mounted  and  still 
more  roughly  bound  in  an  indefinite  and  vague  sort  of  chronological 
order.  In  the  course  of  years  access  was  so  carelessly  given  that  some 
autograph  hunters  have  ruthlessly  cut  out  signatures  and  thus  de- 
faced valuable  original  papers.  A  rough  index  precedes  some  of  the 
volumes,  but  many  of  them  are  largely  made  up  of  papers  that  are 
only  described  by  general  headings.  Later  volumes  of  papers,  long 
unbound  and  found  merely  tied  up  in  the  original  packages — no 
doubt  by  Temple  Franklin  or  Bache  or  Duane,  for  some  of  the  fre- 
quent removals  from  Passy  to  Philadelphia  and  then  from  pillar  to 
post,  until  they  finally  reached  a  safe  haven  of  rest  in  the  Library  of 
the  Philosophical  Society — have  been  carefully  mounted,  well  ordered 
and  arranged,  and  bound  in  a  creditable  way,  so  that  these  are  now 
perfectly  accessible  and  safe  for  use,  under  the  watchful  eye  of  the 
present  custodian,  the  Librarian,  to  whose  intelligent  care  this 
Society  is  indebted  for  the  order  and  preservation  of  many  of  the 
important  original   papers  in  our  archives.     Under  his  direction, 

134  ROSENGARTEN— FRANKLIN's    BAGATELLES.         [May  17, 

too,  the  work  of  indexing  these  papers  is  being  carried  on,  and  a 
printed  Calendar  will,  it  is  hoped,  soon  make  them  available  for 
students  and  others  engaged  in  historical  research ;  and  his  assistants, 
who  are  expert  copyists,  will  supply  perfect  transcripts.  To  their 
careful  handiwork  is  due  the  transcription  of  those  of  Franklin's 
"  Bagatelles,"  found  in  manuscript  in  his  papers,  here  reproduced 
as  part  of  this  paper.  They  show  the  infinite  care  and  the  exhaust- 
less  industry  with  which  he  prepared  these  papers,  as  though  he 
anticipated  the  respect  with  which  to-day  everything  relating  to 
him  is  regarded  in  the  country  that  is  so  proud  of  his  fame. 

The  original  manuscripts  show  that  Franklin's  "  Bagatelles  "  were 
no  inconsidered  trifles,  but  were  carefully  written  in  his  own  good 
English,  were  carefully  translated  into  French  by  competent  hands, 
and  that  in  more  than  one  version,  then  carefully  compared,  and 
the  one  chosen  for  printing  carefully  revised  ;  and'  this  studious 
and  loving  care,  although  hidden  from  the  general  eye,  no  doubt 
gave  them  that  admirable  form  which  has  made  them  so  popular, 
and  has  commended  them  to  readers  of  all  nationalities  from 
Franklin's  day  to  our  own.  It  is  certainly  interesting  through 
these  old  papers  to  see  just  how  he  worked  and  wrote  and  gave  a 
final  form  to  these  his  lightest  writings.  These  papers  show  that 
Franklin,  in  his  letter  of  April  8,  1784,  written  at  Passy  to  Mme. 
Brillon,  says  that  The  Advice  to  Those  Who  Wish  to  go  to  America, 
Remarks  on  the  Politeness  of  Savages,  The  Handsome  and  Deformed 
Leg  and  The  Morals  of  Chess,  with  those  he  then  sent — no  doubt 
The  Ephemera,  The  Story  of  the  Whistle,  The  Dialogue  between 
Franklin  and  the  Gout — make  a  complete  collection  of  all  his 
"  Bagatelles  "  printed  at  Passy.  If  that  be  so,  what  authority  had 
Temple  Franklin  for  the  seventeen  papers  printed  by  him  under 
the  title  of  "Bagatelles,"  other  than  his  statement  that  they  were 
"  found  in  a  portfolio,  endorsed  '  Bagatelles?'  "  Yet  who  was  better 
able  to  speak  with  authority  than  Temple  Franklin,  grandson, 
literary  fellow-worker  and  testamentary  owner? 


Franklin  Papers  in  The  American  Philosophical  Society. 

Vols.    1-39— Letters  to  Dr.  Franklin— 1735-90. 
Vols.  40-43 —       "      "     "  "        without  date. 

Vol.  44 "      "     "  "        anonymous  and  without  date. 

Vol.  45— Drafts  and  copies  of  letters  from  Dr.  Franklin— 1738-89. 

Vol.  46— Letters  from  Dr.  Franklin  to  his  wife— 1755-74. 

Vols.  47-48— Letters  to  various  persons — 1710-91. 

Vol.  49 — Papers  on  subjects  of  science  and  politics. 

Vol.  50 — Papers  by  Dr.  Franklin  on  various  subjects. 

Vol.  51 — Poetry  and  verses. 

Vol.  52 — Miscellaneous  papers — 1670-1769. 

Georgia  papers — 1768-75. 
Vols.  53-55 — Miscellaneous  papers — 1770-88. 

Vol.  56 "  "       without  date. 

Vol.  57 — Memorials,  petitions,  etc. 
Unnumbered  Vol. — Fragments  and  torn  letters. 
"  "    — Scraps,  memorials,  etc. 

"    — Franklin  papers  :  in  France — Letters  from  Franklin. 
'«  "  "  "  "       "       — Letters  to  Franklin. 

««  ■•  '«  "  "        "       — Invitations,  cards. 

<«  "  "  "  "        "       — Court,     marriage,     funeral     and 

meeting  notices,  invitations. 
•  •  "  "  "  "       "       — Oaths  of  allegiance,  paroles,  bonds 

of  privateers,  passports. 
••  "  "  ««  "        "       — Letters  from  Franklin — Letters  to 

Franklin — Miscellaneous. 
<«  "  "  "  "        •'       — Promissory    notes,   public  loans 

and  accounts. 

■  •  "  "  "  "        "       — Applications  for  appointments  in 

army  and  navy. 

"  "  "  •«  ■«        "       — Diplomatic,  naval  matters,  mili- 

tary stores,  indemnity. 

<•  "  "  "  "        "       — Prisoners'     assistance,    to     raise 

troops,  for  civil  appointments, 
to  settle  in  America,  miscella- 

■  •  •■  »  "  "        "       — Household  and  personal  accounts. 

■  <  ••  «<  "  "        "       — Miscellaneous  letters  in  German. 
..               "              "              "          "   England  —  Notices,     invitations,     visiting 

cards,  notes,  business  cards. 
"         Wills,  powers  of  attorney,  indentures,  bonds, 
agreements,  notes,  memoranda,bills,i728-68. 
"  ««  "  "         Bills  1769-88,  drafts,  accounts,  cheques,  memo- 

randa, bills  of  lading,  public  accounts. 
Certified  acts  of  Congress,  1776-80. 
Several  volumes  of  miscellaneous  account-books. 

Eight  volumes  of  letters  to  William  Temple  Franklin  :  Vols.  1-7,  I775~9°  <  Vo1-  8, 
without  date. 

Magellanic  Premium. 

FOUNDED  IN  1  786,  BY 

of  London. 

The  American  Philosophical  Society, 

Held  at  Philadelphia,  for  Promoting  Useful  Knowledge 


DECEMBER,   1901, 



to  the  author  of  the  best  discovery,  or  most  useful  invention,  relating  to  Navi- 
gation, Astronomy,  or  Natural  Philosophy  (mere  natural  history 
only  excepted)  under  the  following  conditions : 

i.  The  candidate  shall,  on  or  before  November  i,  1901  deliver,  free 
of  postage  or  other  charges,  his  discovery,  invention  or  improvement, 
addressed  to  the  President  of  the  American  Philosophical  Society,  No. 
104  South  Fifth  Street,  Philadelphia,  U.  S.  A.,  and  shall  distinguish  his 
performance  by  some  motto,  device,  or  other  signature.  With  his  dis- 
covery, invention,  or  improvement,  he  shall  also  send  a  sealed  letter 
containing  the  same  motto,  device,  or  signature,  and  subscribed  with  the 
real  name  and  place  of  residence  of  the  author. 

2.  Persons  of  any  nation,  sect  or  denomination  whatever,  shall  be 
admitted  as  candidates  for  this  premium. 

3.  No  discovery,  invention  or  improvement  shall  be  entitled  to  this 
premium,  which  hath  been  already  published,  or  for  which  the  author 
hath  been  publicly  rewarded  elsewhere. 

4.  The  candidate  shall  communicate  his  discovery,  invention  or  im- 
provement, either  in  the  English,  French,  German,  or  Latin  language. 

5.  A  full  account  of  the  crowned  subject  shall  be  published  by  the 
Society,  as  soon  as  maybe  after  the  adjudication,  either  in  a  separate 
publication,  or  in  the  next  succeeding  volume  of  their  Transactions,  or 
in  both. 

6.  The  premium  shall  consist  of  an  oval  plate  of  solid  standard  gold 
of  the  value  of  ten  guineas,  suitably  inscribed,  with  the  seal  of  the  Society 
annexed  to  the  medal  by  a  ribbon. 

All  correspondence  in  relation  hereto  should  be  addressed 
To  the  Secretaries  of  the 

American  Philosophical  Society, 

No.  104  South  Fifth  Street, 




American  Philosophical  Society 

Held  at  Philadelphia, 
For  Promoting  Useful  Knowledge. 

Vol.  XX,  Nezv  Series.  Part  I,  ^to,  pp.  62,  with  3  Plates. 

Lately  Published. 


Art.  I. — The  History  of  the  Pelycosauria,  with  a  Descrip- 
tion of  the  Genus  Dimetrodon  Cope.  By  G. 
Baur  and  E.  C.  Case. 

Part  II.     4to,  pp.   1 7 y,  with  5  Plates. 
Just  Published. 


Art.  II. — The  Chronological  Distribution  of  the  Elasmo- 
branchs.      By  O.  P.  Hay. 

Art.  III. — Results  of  Observation  with  the  Zenith  Telescope 
of  the  Sayre  Observatory  from  January  19,  1894, 
to  August  19,  1895.     By  Charles  L.  Doolittle. 

Art.  IV.—  A  Study  of  the  Chromosomes  of  the  Germ  Cells 
of  Metazoa.  By  Thomas  H.  Montgomery,  Jr., 




American  Philosophical  Society, 

No.  104  South  Fifth  Street, 

Philadelphia,  U.  S.  A. 






Vol.  XL.  December,  1901.  No.  167. 



Stated  'Meeting,  September  26 137 

Stated  Meeting,  October  4  . . , 138 

The  Gundungurra  Language.     By  R.  H.  Mathews 140 

Notes  on  Pure  Circulating  Decimals.     By  C.  A.  M.  Fennell 148 

Slated  Meeting,  Octobtr  18 .' 159 

Stated  Meeting,  November  1 160 

Record  of  Borings  in  the  Sulphur  Spring  Valley,  Arizona,  and  of 
Agricultural  Experiments  in  the  same  locality.  By  James 
Douglas 161 

Stated  Meeting,  November  15 165 

Stated  Meeting,  December  6 165 

Explanation  of  the  Supposed  Signals  from  Mars  of  December  7  and 

8,  1900.     By  Percival  Lowell 166 

Stated  Meeting,  December  20 176 

Obituary  Notices  of  Members  Deceased  : 

Frederick  Fraley,  LL.D.,  President  of  the  Society.     By  C. 

Stuart  Patterson i 

Frederick  Augustus  Genth.     By  George  F.  Barker x 

Index  to  Volume  XL xxiii 

List  of  Members i 

philadelphia  : 

The  American  Philosophical  Society, 

104  South  Fifth  Street. 


It  is  requested  that  all  correspondence  be  addressed 

To  the  Secretaries  of  the 

104  South  Fifth  Street, 

Philadelphia,  U.  S.  A, 

Members  will  please  communicate  to  the  Secretaries  any 
inaccuracy  in  name  or  address  as  given  on  the  wrapper  of  this 

It   is   requested  that  the  receipt  of   this  number  of   the 
Proceedings  be  acknowledged  to  the  Secretaries. 

Members  who  have  not  as  yet  sent  their  photographs  to  the 
Society  will  confer  a  favor  by  so  doing ;  cabinet  size  preferred. 

FE8    24   1302 

Sept.  26, 1901.]  MINUTES.  137 




Vol.  XL.  December,  1901.  No.  107. 

Special  Meeting,  September  £6,  1901. 

Vice-President  Barker  in  the  Chair. 

Present,  36  members. 

A  special  meeting  was  held  at  noon  to  take  action  upon 
the  death  of  the  Hon.  Frederick  Fraley,  LL.D.,  President  of 
the  Society. 

The  Secretaries  announced  the  death,  on  Monday,  Septem- 
ber 23,  1901,  in  the  ninety-eighth  year  of  his  age,  of  the 
Hon.  Frederick  Fraley,  the  President  of  the  Society. 

Vice-President  Barker  made  some  remarks  on  the  loss  sus- 
tained by  the  Society  in  the  death  of  its  President. 

Prof.  Albert  H.  Smyth  offered  the  following  minute  and 
resolution : 

In  the  death  of  Frederick  Fraley,  on  the  23d  of  September,  1901, 
the  American  Philosophical  Society  has  lost  its  President,  who  had 
held  his  office  since  January  2,  1880. 

Under  the  instant  sense  of  bereavement  it  is  not  easy  to  record 
our  appreciation  of  his  superb  stability  of  character  and  of  his 
life-long  devotion  to  duty. 

He  was  elected  to  this  Society  July  15,  1842,  and  for  fifty-nine 
years  took  a  deep  and  fervid  interest  in  its  welfare  and  progress. 
He  was  faithful  in  every  duty  and  adequate  in  every  trial.  He 
presided  over  the  deliberations  of  the  Society  with  wisdom  and 
dignity  and  judgment  and  grace.     His  tact  was  unerring  and  his 

PROC.  AMER,  PHILOS.  SOC.  XL.  167.  J.      PRINTED  DEC.  16.  1901. 

138  MINUTES.  [Oct.  4, 

patience  unfailing.  Simplicity  and  truthfulness  were  natural  to 
him.     All  his  impulses  were  generous  and  good. 

He  had  an  intuitive  sense  of  the  obligation  of  noble  living,  and 
he  passed  through  the  vicissitudes  of  human  experience  calmly  and 
bravely,  without  fever  and  without  fear. 

In  philosophy  he  had  broad  vision  and  ample  equipment,  and  he 
sympathized  quickly  and  cordially  with  the  march  of  thought.  In 
politics  he  illustrated  the  scope  and  fidelity  of  republican  citizen- 

In  his  social  relations  he  exercised  a  peculiar  personal  influence. 
He  was  distinguished  by  the  repose  of  his  manners,  his  cheerful 
temperament,  and  his  eager,  joyous,  sanguine  vitality.  He  sur- 
rounded himself  with  cheerfulness.  His  friendship  was  never  idly 
given,  but  those  who  knew  him  well  loved  him  dearly,  for  in  sun- 
shine or  in  storm  he  was  alike  steadfast  and  true. 

He  has  gone  from  us  in  extreme  old  age — the  labor  of  his  life 
well  done — in  the  full  possession  to  the  last  of  his  lucid  perception 
and  dauntless  cheer,  and  he  leaves  us  the  precious  memory  of  a 
tranquil  and  beautiful  character  and  the  priceless  possession  of  a 
high  and  rare  example  of  noble  living. 

Resolved,  That  the  Chair  appoint  a  member  of  the  Society  to 
prepare  an  eulogium  of  Mr.  Frederick  Fraley. 

The  minute  and  resolution  were  seconded  with  eulogistic 
remarks  by  Messrs.  Philip  0.  Garrett,  Joel  Cook,  Hampton 
L.  Carson,  William  V.  McKean  and  Harold  Goodwin,  and 
were  unanimously  adopted. 

The  meeting  was  then  adjourned  by  the  prssiding  officer. 

Stated  Meeting,   October  ^,  1901. 

Vice-President  Sellers  in  the  Chair. 

Present,  10  members. 

Letters  were  read  as  follows  : 

From  Prof.  Schiaparelli,  of  Milan;  Thomas  Willing  Balch, 
Amos  P.   Brown,  Dana  C.  Munro  and  Mazyck  Eavenel.   of 

3901.]  MINUTES.  139 

Philadelphia,  accepting  membership,    and  from  Hon.  J.  B. 
McPherson,  of  this  city,  declining  membership. 

From  the  Corporation  of  Yale  University,  inviting  the 
Society  to  be  represented  at  the  celebration  of  the  200th 
anniversary  of  the  founding  of  Yale  College,  and  on  motion 
Dr.  G.  F.  Barker  was  chosen  to  represent  the  Societ}\ 

From  the  Naturhistorische  Gesellschaft,  in  Nurnberg, 
inviting  the  Society  to  be  represented  at  the  100th  anniver- 
sary of  the  founding  of  the  Society. 

From  the  municipality  of  Verona,  Italy,  acknowledging 
the  receipt  of  the  portraits  of  the  Scaligers,  recently  sent  by 
the  Society. 

A  letter  from  a  Committee  of  the  Anthropological  Section 
of  the  American  Association  for  the  Advancement  of 
Science,  asking  the  Society  to  appoint  a  representative  to 
the  General  Committee  of  the  International  Congress  of 
Americanists,  and  on  motion  the  presiding  officer  was  author- 
ized to  appoint  such  representative. 

A  letter  from  the  Acaclemia  Degli  Agliati  in  Koverto, 
inviting  the  Society  to  be  represented  at  a  commemorative 
conference  of  the  Acadenry,  to  be  held  on  the  2d  of  June  past. 

A  letter  from  the  late  President,  Frederick  Fraley,  dated 
May  29,  appointing  as  a  Committee  to  arrange  for  a  general 
meeting  of  the  Society — Prof.  George  F.  Barker,  Prof.  E.  G. 
Conklin,  Prof.  C.  E.  Doolittle,  Prof.  William  B.  Scott  and 
Prof.  W.  P.  Wilson. 

A  list  of  donations  to  the  Library  was  laid  upon  the  table 
and  the  thanks  of  the  Society  ordered  therefor. 

The  following  deaths  of  members  were  announced : 

Albin  Weisbach,  February  26,  1901,  Freiberg,  Germany. 

Thomas  C.  Clarke,  June  15,  1901,  New  York. 

Benjamin  Chew  Tilghman,  July  3,  1901,  Philadelphia. 

Joseph  Le  Conte,  July  6,  1901,  Berkeley,  Cal. 

Herbert  B.  Adams,  July  30,  1901,  Baltimore,  Md. 

Charles  A.  Schott,  July  31,  1901,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Jacob  D.  Cox,  August  4,  1901,  Cincinnati,  Ohio. 

Adolph  Nordenskjold,  August  12, 1901,  Stockholm,  Sweden. 


William  Ludlow,  U.S.A.,  August  30,  1901,  Washington. 
Waldron  Shapleigh,  August  30,  1901,  Philadelphia. 
Pascual  de  Guyangos,  October  4,  1897,  London,  Eng. 
Papers  were  read  as  follows  : 

"  On  Friedrich  Nietzsche,"  by  A.  Radcliffe  Grote. 
u  On  the  Gundungurra  Language,"  by  R.  H.  Mathews. 
'     "Notes  on  Pure  Circulating  Decimals,"  by  C.  M.  Fennell. 
The  Society  was  adjourned  by  the  presiding  officer. 


BY   R.  H,  MATHEWS,  L.S. 
{Read  October  4,  1901.) 

The  Dhar'rook  and  Gun'dungur'ra  tribes  respectively  occupied 
the  country  from  the  mouth  of  the  Hawkesbury  river  to  Mount 
Victoria,  and  thence  southerly  to  Berrima  and  Goulburn,  New 
South  Wales.  On  the  south  and  southeast  they  were  joined  by  the 
Thurrawal,  whose  language  has  the  same  structure,  although  differ- 
ing in  vocabulary. 

Besides  the  verbs  and  pronouns,  many  of  the  nouns,  adjectives, 
prepositions  and  adverbs  are  subject  to  inflection  for  number  and 
person.  Similar  inflections  have,  to  some  extent,  been  observed  in 
certain  islands  of  the  Pacific  Ocean,  but  have  not  hitherto  been 
reported  in  Australia.  I  have  also  discovered  two  forms  of  the 
dual  and  plural  of  the  first  personal  pronoun,  a  specialty  which  has 
likewise  been  found  in  Polynesian  and  North  American  dialects. 
Traces  of  a  double  dual  were  noticed  by  Mr.  Threlkeld  at  Lake 
Macquarie,  New  South  Wales,  and  traces  of  a  double  plural  by  Mr. 
Tuckfield  in  the  Geelong  tribe ;  but  the  prevalence  of  both  forms 
of  the  dual  and  plural  in  different  parts  of  speech  in  any  Austra- 
lian language  has,  up  to  the  present,  escaped  observation. 


Nineteen  letters  of  the  English  alphabet  are  sounded,  comprising 
fourteen  consonants — b,  d,  g,  h,  j,  k,  1,  m,  n,  p,  r,  t,  w,  y — and  five 
vowels — a,  e,  i,  o,  u.     Every  word  is  spelled  phonetically,  the  letters 


having  the  same  value  as  in  English,  with  the  following  qualifica- 
tions : 

Unmarked  vowels  have  the  usual  short  sound. 

Vowels  having  the  long  sound  are  distinguished  by  the  follow- 
ing marks  : 

a  as  in  fate  I  as  in  pie  oo  as  in  moon 

a  as  in  father  6  as  in  pole  ee  as  in  feel 

ou  as  in  loud 

It  is  frequently  difficult  to  distinguish  between  the  short  or  un- 
marked sound  of  a  and  that  of  u.  A.  thick  or  dull  sound  of  i  is 
occasionally  met  with,  which  closely  approaches  the  short  sound  of 
u  or  a. 

G  is  hard  in  every  instance. 

R  has  a  rough  trilled  sound,  as  in  hurrah  ! 

Ng  at  the  beginning  of  a  word,  as  ngee  =  yes,  has  a  peculiar 
sound,  which  can  be  got  very  closely  by  putting  oo  before  it,  as 
oong-ee',  and  articulating  it  quickly  as  one  syllable.  At  the  end 
of  a  word  or  syllable  it  has  substantially  the  sound  of  ng  in  our 
word  sing. 

The  sound  of  the  Spanish  n  is  frequent,  both  at  the  beginning 
or  end  of  a  syllable. 

Y,  followed  by  a  vowel,  is  attached  to  several  consonants,  as  in 
dya,  dyee,  tyoo,  etc.,  and  is  pronounced  therewith  in  one  syllable, 
the  initial  sound  of  the  d  or  other  consonant  being  retained.  Y 
at  the  beginning  of  a  word  or  syllable  has  its  usual  consonant 

Dh  is  pronounced  nearly  as  th  in  "  that  "  with  a  slight  sound  of 
the  d  preceding  it. 

Nh  has  nearly  the  sound  of  th  in  "  that  "  with  an  initial  sound 
of  the  n. 

The  final  h  is  guttural,  resembling  ch  in  the  German  word 

T  is  interchangeable  with  d,  p  with  b,  and  g  with  k  in  most 
words  where  these  letters  are  employed. 

A  sound  resembling  j  is  frequently  given  by  the  natives,  which 
can  be  represented  by  dy  or  ty ;  thus,  dya  or  tya  has  very 
nearly  the  same  sound   as  ja. 

In  all  cases  where  there  is  a  double  consonant,  each  letter  is  dis- 
tinctly enunciated. 

142      MATHEWS — THE  GUXDUXGURRA  LANGUAGE.    [Oct.  4, 

W  always  commences  a  syllable  or  word  and  has  its  ordinary 
consonant  sound  in  all  cases. 

At  the  end  of  a  syllable  or  word,  ty  is  sounded  as  one  letter; 
thus,  in  beety-bal-lee-man,  it  is  disappearing,  the  syllable  beety 
can  be  obtained  by  commencing  to  say  "beet-ye,"  and  stopping 
short  without  articulating  the  final  e,  but  including  the  sound  of 
the  y  in  conjunction  with  the  t — the  two  letters  being  pronounced 
together  as  one. 


The  equivalents  of  the  English  articles,  "a"  and  "the,"  do 
not  occur  in  this  language. 

Number. — Nouns  have  the  singular,  dual  and  plural  : 

(i)  Singular  ....  A  man  Murrin 

Dual A  pair  of  men  Murrinboolallee 

Plural Several  men  Murrindyargang 

(2)  Singular  ....  A  kangaroo  Booroo 

Dual A  pair  of  kangaroos  Booroolallee 

Plural Several  kangaroos  Boorooyargang 

It  will  be  observed  that  the  dual  and  plural  suffixes  vary  slightly 
in  form,  according  to  the  termination  of  the  noun. 

Gender. — Mur'rin,  a  man;  bul'lan,  a  woman;  boobal,  a  boy; 
mullunga,  a  girl;  goodha,  a  child  of  either  sex;  warrambal,  a 
young  man.  Another  name  for  a  man  is  boual ;  a  married  man  is 
kunbeelang  ;  a  married  woman  is  boualillang.  Generally  the  males 
of  animals  are  distinguished  by  the  addition  of  goomban,  and  the 
females  by  dhoorook.  The  males  of  certain  animals  have  a  name 
which  distinguishes  them  without  stating  the  sex ;  thus,  the  male  of 
wallee,  the  opossum,  is  known  as  jerrawul,  while  the  female  is  wallee 
dhoorook.  Goola,  the  native  bear,  has  burrandang  for  the  male 
and  goola  dhoorook  for  the  female.  A  few  animals  have  a  distinc- 
tive word  for  the  female  as  well  as  for  the  male  ;  thus,  the  female  of 
the  wallaroo  is  bawa,  and  the  male  goondarwa.  Others  again  have 
the  suffix  koual  for  the  male,  and  noual  for  the  female.  The  words 
for  "  male  "  and  "female"  are  inflected  for  number  like  other 

Case. — There  are  two  forms  of  the  nominative,  the  first  naming 
the  subject  at  rest;  as,  Boual  ngabooroman,  the  man  sleeps.     The 




second  shows  that  the  subject  is  doing  some  act;  thus,  mirreegangga 
wallee  burraran,  the  dog  an  opossum  bit.  Mirreegang  is  a  dog  in 
the  first  nominative. 

The  possessive  case  takes  a  suffix  both  to  the  possessor  and  that 
which  is  possessed  : 

Murringoo  warrangangoong,  a  man's  boomerang. 

Mirreegangoo  goodhawoong,  a  dog's  puppy. 

Bullangoo  goodhayarroong,  a  woman's  children. 

Booroongoo  dhoombirgoong,  a  kangaroo's  tail. 

Any  object  over  which  one  can  exercise  ownership  can  be  con- 
jugated by  possessive  suffixes  for  number  and  person  : 




First  Person  . 
Second  Person 
Third  Person    , 

First  Person  .  . 

i   Second  Person 
[_  Third  Person    , 

First  Person , 

Plural.    \ 

Second  Person 
(__  Third  Person    . 

,  My  boomerang 
Thy  boomerang 
His  boomerang 

Our  boomerang,  incl. 
Our  boomerang,  excl. 
Your  boomerang 
Their  boomerang 

Our  boomerang,  incl. 
Our  boomerang,  excl. 
Your  boomerang 
Their  boomeransr 




The  accusative  does  not  differ  from  the  nominative.  There  are 
a  few  forms  of  nouns  for  the  dative  and  oblative,  but  these  cases 
are  frequently  shown  by  modifications  of  the  verb  ;  as,  I  carried  to 
him,  he  carried  from  me.  They  are  also  indicated  by  the  pro- 
nouns ;  as,  with  me,  to  me. 


Pronouns  are  inflected  for  number,  person  and  case.  There  are 
two  forms  of  the  dual  and  plural  in  the  first  person.  The  following 
table  shows  the  nominative  and  possessive  cases  : 


Dual . 

<    Thou 
I    He 

f  We,  incl. 
I    We,  excl. 
1    Ye 





Mine  Goolanggooya 

Thine  Goolanyingoo 

His  Dhannoogoolangoo 

Ours,  incl.  Goolangalla 

Ours,  excl.  Goolangaloong 

Yours  Goolambooloong 

Theirs  Dhannooboolangoo 



Plural . 

j  We,  incl. 

J  We,  excl. 

i  Ye 

I  They 


Ours,  incl.  Goolanyannung 

Ours,  excl.  Goolanyillungoon 

Yours  Goolanthooroong 

Theirs  Goolangandyoolang 

These  possessives  admit  of  variations  to  include  two  or  several 
articles  and  in  other  ways.  There  are  also  forms  of  the  pronouns 
signifying,  with  me,  with  thee,  and  so  on  as  follows  : 



(  First  Person.  . 
<  Second  Person 
(  Third  Person  . 

I    First  Person  . 

I  Second  Person 
1    Third  Person  . 


Plural.  .    -| 


First  Person  .  , 

Second  Person 
Third  Person  . 

.  With  me 
.  With  thee 
.  With  him 

f  With  us,  incl. 
I  With  us,  excl. 
.    .  With  ye 
.  With  them 

With  us,  incl. 

With  us,  excl. 
.  With  ye 
.  With  them 




G  Dolangooroongullung 


There  are  other  modifications  of  the  pronouns  to  meet  different 
forms  of  expression.  The  demonstratives  and  interrogatives  are 
inflected  for  number  and  person  like  the  rest. 


Adjectives  take  the  same  dual  and  plural  numbers  as  the  nouns 
with  which  they  are  used  : 

( i )  Barri  buggarabang 

Barriwoolallee  buggarabangoolallee 
Barridyargang  buggarabangargang 

(2)  Bullan  yeddung 

Bullanboollee  yeddungboolallee 
Bullandhar  yeddungdyargang 

A  wallaby,  large 

A  couple  of  wallabies,  both  large 

Several  wallabies,  all  large 

A  woman  pretty 

A  couple  of  pretty  women 

Several  pretty  women 

Comparison  is  effected  by  saying,  This  is  heavy — that  is  heavy  ; 
this  is  smooth — that  is  not ;  this  is  sharp — that  is  very  sharp. 

When  used  predicatively,  as  yooroang  or  yoorwang,  he  is  strong, 
an  adjective  can  be  conjugated  through  all  the  tenses  and  moods 
of  an  intransitive  verb  : 





Dual.  . 

First  Person  .  . 
Second  Person 
Third  Person  . 

Plural.  .    \ 

Present  Tense. 

.  I  am  strong 
,  Thou  art  strong 
,  He  is  strong 

First  Person  . 

We  are  strong,  incl. 

We  are  strong,  excl. 
]    Second  Person    .  Ye  are  strong 
i    Third  Person  .    .  They  are  strong 

First  Person 

f  We  are  strong,  incl. 
(  We  are  strong,  excl. 
Second  Person    .  Ye  are  strong 
1    Third  Person  .    .  They  are  strong 

Yooroangga  or  Yoorwangga 





The  past  and  future  tenses  are  not  given,  owing  to  want  of  space. 


Verbs  have  the  singular,  dual  and  plural  numbers,  the  usual  per- 
sons and  tenses,  and  three  principal  moods,  viz.,  indicative,  im- 
perative and  conditional.  The  verb-stem  and  a  contraction  of  the 
pronoun  are  incorporated,  and  the  word  thus  formed  is  used  in  the 


Present    Tense, 

First  Person ...  I  throw  (throw  I) 
I    Second  Person   .  Thou  throwest 
Third  Person  .    .He  throws 


First  Person .  . 

Second  Person 
Third  Person  . 


Plural  .  \ 


First  Person .  . 

Second  Person 
Third  Person  . 

First  Person .  . 
Second  Person 
Third  Person  . 

j  We  throw,  incl. 
i  We  throw,  excl. 
.  Ye  throw 
.  They  throw 

We  throw,  incl. 

We  throw.^excl. 
.  Ye  throw 
.  They  throw 

Past  Tense. 

.  I  threw  (threw  I) 
.  Thou  threwest 
.  He  threw 









[Oct.  4, 


Dual . 



First  Person . 

\    Second  Person 
I   Third  Person  . 

We  threw,  incl. 
We  threw,  excl. 
Ye  threw 
They  threw 

First  Person . 

Plural  .    \ 

f  We  threw,  incl. 
I  We  threw,  excl. 
Second  Person    .  Ye  threw 
i    Third  Person  .    .  They  threw 


First  Person .  . 
Second  Person 
Third  Person  . 

First  Person .  . 

Dual .    .    \ 

Second  Person 
I   Third  Person  . 

First  Person .  . 

)    Second  Person 
Third  Person  . 

Future  Tense. 

.  I  will  throw 

.  Thou  wilt  throw 

.  He  will  throw 

f  We  will  throw,  incl. 
I  We  will  throw,  excl. 
.  Ye  will  throw 
.  They  will  throw 

f  We  will  throw,  incl. 
I  We  will  throw,  excl. 
.  Ye  will  throw 
.  They  will  throw 



Dual .  . 
Plural  . 

Second  Person 
Second  Person 
Second  Person 

.  Throw  thou 
.  Throw  ye 
.  Throw  ve 






Yer'  -ree-a-nhoor' 

Perhaps  I  will  throw  Yerreeningga 


If  a  negative  meaning  be  required,  it  is  effected  by  means  of  an 
infix,  mooga,  between  the  verb-stem  and  the  abbreviated  pronoun. 
One  example  in  the  first  person  singular  in  each  tense  will  exhibit 
the  negative  form  of  the  verb  : 

I  am  not  throwing 
I  did  not  throw 
I  will  not  throw 




This  negative  infix  can  be  applied  in  the  same  manner  to  all  the 
persons  of  the  three  tenses. 

There  are  numerous  modifications  of  the  verbal  suffixes  to  con- 
vey variations  of  meaning  ;  as,   "  I   threw  at  him,"  "  He  threw  at 




me,"  etc.,  which  can  be  conjugated  for  number  and  person.  Case 
can  also  be  indicated  in  this  way,  as  already  stated  in  dealing  with 
the  nouns. 

Verbs  have  no  passive  voice.  If  a  native  desires  to  state  that  a 
fish  was  swallowed  by  a  pelican,  he  would  say,  "  A  pelican  swal- 
lowed a  fish." 


Some  prepositions  can  be  used  separately,  as  dhooreegoong,  be- 
tween ;  warroo,  around  ;  willinga,  behind,  and  several  others, 
thus  :  Dhooreegoong  ngullawoolee,  between  trees  two  or  between 
two  trees  ;  gunbee  warroo,  the  fire  around  or  around  the  fire. 

A  prepositional  meaning  is  often  obtained  by  a  verb;  thus, 
instead  of  having  a  word  for  st  up  "  or  "down,"  a  native  will  say, 
Boomaningga,  up  I  will  go  ;  wooraramuningga,  down  I  will  go. 
Many  of  the  prepositions  admit  of  conjugation  for  number  and 
person,  as  in  the  following  example : 



Dual .    .    \ 


Plural  .    <{ 


First  Person .  . 
Second  Person 
Third  Person  . 

First  Person  .  . 

Second  Person 
Third  Person  . 

First  Person .  . 

Second  Person 
Third  Person  . 

.  Behind  me 
.  Behind  thee 
.  Behind  him 

f  Behind  us,  incl. 
i  Behind  us,  excl. 
.  Behind  ye 
.  Behind  them 

Behind  us,  incl. 
Behind  us,  excl. 
Behind  ye 
Behind  them 




Willing  angawooloong 



Space  will  not  permit  of  a  list  of  adverbs  any  further  than  to 
illustrate  how  some  of  them  can  be  conjugated  : 


First  Person    .    .  Wrhere  go  I 
Second  Person    .  Where  goest  thou 
Third  Person  .    .  Where  goes  he 


First  Person 

Dual .    .    -{ 


f  Where  go  we,  incl. 

I  Whiere  go  we,  excl. 
Second  Person    .  Where  go  ye 
Third  Person  .    .  Where  go  they 




Ngoondeeneengool  ung 


f  p.       p  J  Where  go  we,  incl.         Ngoondeeneennun 

.  Where  go  we,  excl.         Ngoondeeneefiulla 
j    Second  Person    .  Where  go  ye  Ngoondeeneenoo 

Third  Person  .    .  Where  go  they  Ngoondeeneeyoolung 

Adverbial  meanings  are  sometimes  conveyed  by  means  of  verbs, 
as  beetyballeemafi,  he  (or  it)  goes  out  of  sight.  Conjunctions 
and  interjections  are  few  and  unimportant. 



{Read  October  4,  1901.) 

§  1.  The  following  properties  of  cyclic  periods  of  decimals  are 
supplementary  to  those  discussed  by  Prof.  Glaisher  in  the  Proceed- 
ings of  the  Cambridge  Philosophical  Society,  October  28,  1878, 
Vol.  Ill,  Part  v. 

§  2.  The  following  letters,  definitions  and  theorem  are  taken 
from  p.  185   of  Prof.  Glaisher' s  paper.     The  periods  that  arise 

p   p  ... 

from  the  series  of  fractions  — ,  -  being  a  vulgar  fraction  in  its 

lowest  terms,  and  p  having  all  values  less  than  q  (which  is  prime 

to  10),    are  called  the  periods  of   the  denominator  q,   or,  more 

simply,    the   periods   of    q.       Theorem:    the   denominator   ^(a), 

which  includes  all  the  above  values  of  p,  has  a  certain   number 

(?i)  of  periods,  each  containing  the  same  number  (a)  of  digits,  n 

and  a  being  connected  by  the  relation,  na  =  (f(q). 

§3.  (i)  The  first  inquiry  relates  to  the  distribution  of  the  several 
digits,  0,  9,  3,  6,  1,  8,  2,  7,  4,  5,  over  the  n  periods  of  a  digits 
which  constitute  Prof.  Glaisher' s  ?>(</).  In  this  particular  a 
difference  emerges  between  0,  9,  3,  6,  and  the  rest  of  the  digits, 
the  observalion  of  which  may  prove  important  to  the  theory  of 

Of  course  there  must  always  be  as  many  9s  as  0s,  3s  as  6s,  Is 
as  8s,  etc.,  but  as  verified  up  to  *<jt  there  are  the  same  number, 
say  m,  of  each  of  the  six  digits,  1,  8,  2,  7,  4,  5,  m  being  a  posi- 
tive integer. 

E.g.,  in  the  single  period  of  },  viz.,  .142857,  each  of  the  six 


occurs  once,  and  the  same  with  the  six  periods  of  ?,  viz.,  .i,  .2, 
.4,  .o,  .7,  .8.  In  the  5  periods  of  n,  viz.,  .09,  .i.8,  .27,  .36, 
.  45,  every  digit  occurs  once. 

(ii)  As  might  be  expected,  when  an  or  <p(q)  is  an  exact  mul- 
tiple of  10,  each  of  the  10  digits  occurs  an  equal  number  of  times. 
In  other  words,  if  an  or  <p(q)  =  10m,  then  each  digit  occurs  in 

(iii)  Prof.  Glaisher  writes:  "Among  ....  results  which  are 
illustrated  by  Mr.  Goodwyn's  tables  ....  of  less  importance 
may  be  noticed  the  following :  If  q  be  a  prime  ending  with  one, 
viz.,  =  10??i  +  1,  then  each  of  the  digits  0,  1,  2  .  .  .  .  9  occurs 
m  times  in  the  10m  digits  which  form  the  periods  of  q. "  This  is  a 
partial  statement  included  under  the  statement  in  my  immediately 
preceding  paragraph  and  only  embracing  the  cases  in  which  an  or 
<?(q)  =  q  —  1  =10  m. 

It  seems  a  safe  inference  that  my  more  general  statement  and 
its  place  in  the  methodical  distribution  of  digits  in  the  periods  of 
q,  which  is  based  on  the  forms  both  of  q  and  of  an  or  <?(q),  were 
not  known  when  Prof.  Glaisher  wrote  as  above,  and  I  have  reason 
for  believing  that  they  have  not  been  discovered  since,  or  at  any 
rate  published  since. 

(iv)  The  said  methodical  distribution  of  the  several  digits,  so 
far  as  traced  at  present,  comprises  at  least  seventeen  distinct 
divisions  of  cases  which  fall  into  five  groups,  A,  B,   .   .   .   .   E. 

The  results  have  been  verified  for  all  values  of  q  from  3  to  401 
inclusive,  and  for  sundry  higher  values,  e.g.,  419,  423,  487,  507, 
603  and  621. 

A      1.   If  an  or  <p(q)  =  10m,  then  for  all  values  of  q  each  of 
the   digits   0,   1,    2,   ....   9    occurs  m  times   in   the 
period  or  periods  of  q. 
f  2.   If  an  or  <p(q)  —  10m  +  2  and  q  =  either  10/?  +  1  or  10,3 

+  7,   then  0,    9  occur  m  +  1 
times  each,  and  the  other  digits 
m  times  each.     [But  for  q  = 
B  357  (em  =  192),  0,  9,    3,  6 

occur  18  times  (»i  —  1)  each, 
and  the  other  digits  20  times 




C     i 

f  3.   If  an  or  <p(q)  =  10m  +  2  and  q  =  10/9+3  or  10/9  -f  9, 

then  3,  6  occur  m  +  1  times 
and  the  other  digits  m  times 

[  each. 

f  4.    Tf  a?i  or  c?(a)  =  10m  +  4  and  g  =  10,9  +  1,  then  0,  9,  3, 

6  occur  m  +  1  times  each 
and  the  other  digits  m  times 

5.  If  an  or  <p(q)  =  10m  +  4  and  5  =  10/5  4-  3,  then  0,   9, 

3,  6  occur  m  +  1  times  each, 
and  the  other  six  digits  m 
times  each. 

6.  If,  however,   q  is  a  multiple 

of  3,  then  3,  6  occur  m  +  2 
times  each,  and  the  other 
digits  m  times  each. 

7.  If  an  or  <p(q)  =  10m  +  4  and  10/9  +  7  or  10,9  +  9,  then 

0,  9  occur  m  times  each,  3,  6 

m  —  1  times  each   and  the 

i  other  digits  m  +  1  times  each. 

:  8.   If  an  or  ?(o)  =  10»i  +  6  and  q  =  10,9  +  1  or  10/9  +  3, 

or  10,9  +  9,  then  0,  9  occur 
m  +  1  times  each,  3,  6  m  +  2 
times  each  and  the  other 
digits  m  times  each. 

9.  If  an  ox  w(q)  =  10m  +  6  and  3  =  10/9  +  7,   then  0,   9, 

3,  6  occur  m  times  each,  and 
the  other  digits  m  +  1  times 

10.  But  if  q  ==  10/9  +  7  =  35  or 

(10*  +  3H  then  3,  6  occur 
>?i  —  1  times  each,  and  the 
other  digits  m  +  1  times  each. 

11.  If  an  or  <p(q)  =  10m       6  and  3=  10/5+9  =  (10^+3)'2, 

then  0,  9,  3,  6  occur  m  times 
each,  and  the  other  digits 
m  +  1  times  each. 


12.  But  in  other  cases  either  0,  9 

occur  m  +  1  times  each,  3,  6 
m  +  2  times  each,  and  the 
D    i  other  digits  m  times  each; 

|  13.  or  0,  9  occur   m  —  1  times 

each,    and    the    other    digits 

[  wi  +  1  times  each. 

;  14.   If  aw  or  p(g)  =  lOwi  +  8  and  q  =  10/3  +1  or  10,5  +  3, 

then  0,  9,  3,  6  occur  m  +  2 
times  each,  and  the  other 
digits  m  times  each. 

15.  If  an  or  c(q)  =  10m  +  8  and  ^  =  10/3  +  7,  then  3,   6 

occur  ?ra  times  each,  and  the 
other  digits  m  +  1  times  each. 

16.  If  an  or  <p(q)  =  10m  +  8  and  o  =  10/5  +  9,   then  0,  9 

occur  m  times  each,  and  the 
other  digits  m  +  1  times  each. 

17.  But  if  q  =  10/3  +  9  =  115+1 

{e.g.,  89,  199  or  419),  then 
3,  6  occur  m  —  4  times,  and 
the  other  digits  m  +  2  times 
each,  or  some  other  excep- 
tional distribution  is  found. 

(vi)  The  total  number  of  values  of  q  up  to  401  is  1G0. 

A  1.  Includes  18  primes  (counting  401)  and  22  multiples  or 
powers  of  primes. 

B  2.  No  primes;  15  cases  with  q  =  10,3  +  1,  only  3  cases  with 
q  =z  10,3  +  7,  and  the  exceptional  case  q  =  357  =  3x 
7  X  17.  Beyond  401,  q  =  507  is  regular.  But  the 
limits  of  the  invesiigation  do  not  present  sufficient  data  for 
sound  inference  as  to  the  cases  where  q  =  10/5  +  7. 

B  3.  Includes  q  =  243  and  20  primes  with  3  for  the  unit  digit 
and  2  with  9  for  the  unit  digit,  namely  49  =  V  and 
289  =  172,   the  next  number  being  81 9=7X9X1 3. 

C    4.   One  case,  q  =  81. 

C    5.   One  case,  q  =  343. 

C    6.   One  case,  q  =  273. 

C    7.   Five  cases,  q  =  147,  and  4  cases,  q  =  10,5  -f  9. 




[Oct.  4, 

D    8.   Nine  cases. 

D    9.   Twenty-three  cases. 

D  10.   Eight  cases,  57,  87,  177,  237,  247,  267,  327,  387. 

D  11.   Two  cases,  q  =  32  and  q  =  131 

D  12.  Three  cases,  q  =  119  and  q  =  259,  q  =  329. 

D  13.  One  case,  9  =  399. 

E  14.   Five  cases,  q  =  273,  q  =  343,  q  =  133,  q  =  203,  q  =  353. 

E  15.  One  case,  5  =  27. 

E  16.  Sixteen  cases. 

E  17.  Two  cases,  q  =  89,  q  =  199. 

There  is  then  a  strong  prima  facie  case  in  favor  of  a  regular  classi- 
fication of  the  numerical  distribution  of  the  digits  in  various  cases 
of  <p(q),  but  not  a  sufficient  number  of  cases  at  present  investi- 
gated for  a  complete  and  certain  induction,  which  would  moreover 
demand  an  explanation  of  the  causes  which  lead  to  the  observed 
results.  A  complete  investigation  would  probably  supply  eight  or 
ten  more  divisions  of  cases,  as  C  4,  C  5,  C  6,  D  13,  E  15,  E  17 
are  probably  susceptible  of  subdivision,  and  under  B  2  the  case 
q  =  357  may  be  the  lowest  case  of  a  distinct  division. 

The  possibility  of  occasional  exceptions  must  be  frankly  ad- 
mitted, at  any  rate  for  the  present. 


(vii)  For  q  =  34  =  81,   <p(q)  =  54,   a  =  9,  n  =  6,  the  periods 


0lz345v>79  containing  all  the  digits  except  8. 



Therefore  obviously  0,  9,  3,  6  occur  6  times  each  and  the  other  six 
digits  5  times  each. 

For  q  =  3  X  11  =  33,  <p(q)  =  20,  a  =  2,  n  —  10,  the  periods 
are  .03,  .06,  .12,  .15,  .24,  .39,  .48,  .57,  .69,  .78,  in  which 
every  digit  occurs  twice. 

For  q  =  31,  <p(q)  =  q  —  1  =  30,  a  —  15,  n  =  2,  the  periods 
are  .632258064516129  and 


.967741935483876,  in  which  every  digit  occurs  3  times,  each 
pair  of  complements  of  9  contributing  3  digits  to  each  period. 

§  4.  The  phenomena  noted  and  illustrated  in  the  following  para- 
graphs can  be  doubtless  fully  classified  and  explained  by  special- 
ists in  the  theory  of  numbers : 

(i)  If  when  q  is  prime  its  period  is  divisible  into  sections,  each 
of  which  contains  an  equal  number  of  digits— the  number  being 
greater  than  1 — the  sum  of  the  sections  arranged  in  column 
amounts  to  10d  —  1  or  a  multiple  of  10rf  —  1,  where  d  is  the  num- 
ber of  digits  in  each  section,  and  the  sum  of  the  numerators 
corresponding  to  the  periods  which  begin  with  the  several  sections 
is  q  or  a  multiple  of  q. 

E.g.,  for  the  period  of  31,  a  =  15  and  n  =  2,  and  written  in 
column  of  5  sections  of  3  digits  each  the  period  of  tt  is 


129  =  999; 
and  in  column  of  3  sections  of  5  digits  each  is 

'      80645 

16129  =  99999; 
while  the  five  enumerators  answering  to  the  sections  of  3  digits 
are  1,  8,  2,  16,  4  =  31,  and  those  answering  to  the  sections  of  5 
digits  are  1,  25,  5  =  31. 

For  the  period  of  7,  which  js  .i42857  (for  which  figures  see 
§  6),  14  +  28  +  57  =  99;  85  +  71  +  42  =  198;  while  142  +  857 
=  999.  In  the  latter  case  the  first  half  and  the  second  half  of 
the  period  are  complementary.  This  is  an  instance  of  the  simplest 
and  most  obvious  case  of  the  sum  of  sections  of  a  period  being 
=  10d  —  1,  and  this  case  must  occur,  whether  q  be  prime  or  not, 
whenever  a  complementary  remainder  occurs  in  the  division  of  p 
by  q.  This  particular  case  of  complementary  halves  of  a  period  is 
not  brought  under  a  general  theorem  relating  to  sections  of  periods 
by  Prof.  Glaisher. 

This  property  of  sections  of  a  period  containing  an  equal  number 
of  digits  each  depends  upon  the  property  of  the  corresponding 
numerators,  viz.,  that  their  sum  is  equal  to  q  or  a  multiple  of  q  ; 

PROC.    AMER.    PHILOS.    SOC.    XL.    167.    K.      PRINTED  FEB.    8,    1902. 


for  it  is  obvious  that  the  sum  of  the  sections  is  equal  to  the  sum  of 
the  whole  periods  which  begin  with  the  respective  sections. 
E.g.,  for  the  period  of  ft  .696     774     193     548     387 

.774  193  548  387  096 
.i93  548  387  096  774 
.548  387  096  774  193 
.387     096     774     193     548 

1.998     998     998     998     998  =.9X2 
+        +        +        + 


(ii)  If  q  be  the  product  of  primes  or  powers  of  primes  or  be  a 
power  of  a  prime,  then  the  summation  of  sections  in  some  instances 
gives  results  similar  to  those  obtained  when  q  is  a  prime.  For  in- 
stance, the  period  of  ft  =  jj^j  =  .610989,  where  the  first  half  and 
the  second  half  of  the  period  are  complementary  and  .01  +  09  + 
89  =  99.  In  other  instances,  however,  variations  occur,  the  gen- 
eral nature  of  which  is  to  be  understood  from  the  inspection  of  a 
few  examples. 

For  the  periods  of  21,  viz.,  .647619  and  .952386  (ft  =  .695238), 
.047  +  619  =  666,  952  +  380  =  1332  =  4  X  333.  The  two  sums 
together  =  2X  999.  But  .04  +  76  +  19  =  99;  95  +  23  +  80 
— 198  =  2  X  99.     As  in  some  cases  in  which  3  is  a  factor  of  q, 


the  sections  when  added  give  0  (10d  —  1),  so  when  9  is  a  factor 


of  q  they  sometimes  give        (10d — 1).     E.g.,   for   117,    008  + 


547  =  555,  but  00  +  85  +  47  =  132  =  4  X  33,  .99  +  14  +  52 
—  165  =  5  X  33. 

For  the  period  of  49  : 


responding  numerators. 















3.  i42854  ==  .  i42857  X  22  154  =  7  X  22 

3...  =  .142857  x  22 


To  generalize,  if  a  period  has  a  number  of  digits  which  is  a 
multiple  of  the  number  (/)  of  digits  in  the  period  of  a  factor 

(r)  of  q,  tben  sections  of  kf  digits  when  added  give  —(10*/ —  1). 

For  the  period  of  221   (=  13  X  17),  a  =  48,  n  =  4  (i.e.,  two 
pairs  of  complementary  periods).     The  period  of  tV  is  .076923. 
Sections  of  6  digits.     Corresponding  remainders  or  numerators. 
.604524...  1st—      1=    0X13  +  1 

.886877...  7th— 196  =  15  X  13  +  1 

.828054...  13th  —  183  =  14  X  13  +  1 

.298642...  19th—    66  =    5x13  +  1 

.533936...  25th  — 118=    9X134-1 

.651583...  31st  — 144  =  11  X  13  +  1 

.710407...  37th  —  157  =  12  X  13  +  1 

.239819...  43d—    53=    4x134-1 

4.i53842  =  54  X  .076923  918  =  54  x  17 

+  " 
4...      54  x.  076923 

Similarly — 

the  2d,  8th...  44th  numerators  are  of  the  form  ±  m  13  +  10 
andjthe  3d,  9th...  45th  "  "       "  "     ±  m  13  +  100 

and  the 4th,  10th... 46th  "  "       "  "     ±ml3  +  116 

andfcso  on/ 

The  halves  of  the  period  of  zh  =  tt  (1024  —  1),  and  the  quar- 
ters =  H  (1012  —  1),  while  the  thirds  =  if  (1016  —  1)  and  the 
numerators  corresponding  to  the  thirds  =12  X  13.  The  sixths 
=  2(108  —  1).  The  other  periods  yield  analogous  results.  Note 
that  m  =  0  in  the  form  of  the  first  6  numerators,  and  that  the 
minus  sign  only  occurs  for  some  values  of  q.  Analysis  of  this  kind 
can  be  applied  generally. 

The  following  partial  exhibition  of  the  relations  to  each  other 
and  to  7  and  47  of  the  remainders  of  the  period  of  yr~  =  j^g  may 
perhaps  prove  suggestive.  There  is  one  period  of  6  digits  to  7 
and  one  period  of  46  digits  to  47,  and  two  periods  of  138  digits 
(the  halves  being  complementary)  to  329. 

ti    o 


— 1 








































-I— 1 
















1— 1 


























T— 1 




1— t 













1— 1 








T— 1 





1— ( 









T— I 




























1— 1 





















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+  4 






























§  5.  No  explanation  is  here  proposed  of  the  following  curions 
property  of  periods  for  which  q  is  prime  and  a  =  q  —  1,  and  is 
also  divisible  by  4;  so  that  its  universality  is  not  deduced  or 

Let  a  section  of  m  digits  of  a  period  be  represented  by  G  ( 1 ,  2,  3. . . 
??i),and  G(4. .  .m)represent  part  of  the  section  from  the  4th  digit  to  the 
??ith  or  last  digit,  and  G  (1.. .  [m  —  6]  )  represent  part  of  the  section 
from  the  first  to  the  (m  —  6th)digit,  and  G  (#. . .  [m  —  y\  )  represent 
a  middle  portion  of  the  section  from  the  #th  digit  to  the  (m — ?/)th 

digit.     Let  A(l...i=i),    B  <L.X=±),    C    (l...*=i),    D 

(1...^— t — ),    be    the   four  sections  of  the  period  of   ■-  in    order. 

Arrange    A    (1...X—T — )     followed     by     C     (1...— -r — )     over 

B  (1...^-— — ),  followed  by  D  (1...^-— — ),   making  two  ranks  of 

digits,  and  add;  then  the  sum  E  (1...^— - — )  will  contain  in  order 

^—^ —  of  the  digits  of  the  period.     If,  however,  q  —  1  be  a  multiple 

of  10,   E   (1...^-^ — )  [will    contain    only    — ^ 2  of  the  said 



For  tV  05889411  For  h  03448274137931 

23527647  58620689655172 

29417058  62068963793103 

For  -h  016393442622950180327868852459 


As  this  property  is  not  shared  by  periods  of  q  when  n  does  not 
=  1,  it  cannot  be  altogether  due  to  the  halves  of  the  periods  being 
complementary.  It  appears  to  be  due  to  the  arrangement  of  all  the 
periods  of  q  under  one  cycle  of  digits. . 

1901.]  MINUTES.  159 

§  6.   It  is  noteworthy  that  the  only  completely  cyclic  number  is 

For  142857  X2     =  285714 
X  3     =  428571 
X4     —571428 
X5     =714285 
X  6     =  857142 
X  lm  —  m  (106— 1). 
Hence,   to   multiply  142857    by  any  number,   1m  +  n  (where 
n  =  1  or  2  or  3  or  4  or  5  or  6),   we  have  only  to  divide  the  multi- 
plier by  7,  thus  finding  m  and  n,  prefix  m  to  142857  X  n  and  then 
subtract  m. 

Thus  to  find  (142857)2 


20408  —  1 
20408122449  ==  (142857)2. 
Also,  2915446064142857  —2915446064  = 
2915443148696793  =  (142857)3 

Stated  Meeting,  October  18,  1901. 
Vice-President  Wistar  in  the  Chair. 

Present,  9  members. 

Mr.  Thomas  Willing  Balch.  a  newly  elected  member,  was 
presented  to  the  Chair,  and  took  his  seat  in  the  Society. 

The  list  of  donations  to  the  Library  was  laid  on  the  table 
and  thanks  were  ordered  to  be  returned  for  them. 

With  reference  to  one  of  the  donations,  Dr.  Hays  called 
attention  to  a  statement  contained  in  Mr.  William  Eleroy 
Curtis's  True  Thomas  Jefferson,  just  published,  that  this  Soci- 
ety possessed  Jefferson's  "  original  draft  "  of  the  Declaration 
of  Independence,  with  all  the  corrections.  He  thought  it 
important  that  this  statement  should  not  remain  uncorrected, 
as  it  might  lead  to  considerable  disappointment.     The  copy 

160  MINUTES.  [Nov.  1, 

in  Jefferson's  handwriting  possessed  by  this  Society  is  one  of 
several  made  by  Jefferson  between  the  4th  and  10th  of  July, 
1776,  to  send  to  friends,  that  they  might  compare  the  Declar- 
ation as  originally  framed  and  reported  by  the  Committee 
with  the  document  as  amended  and  passed  by  the  Congress, 
and  "  judge  whether  it  is  better  or  worse  for  the  critics,"  as 
he  expressed  it  in  his  letter  of  July  8,  1776,  sending  the  copy 
in  question  to  Richard  Henry  Lee,  from  whose  grandson  this 
Society  received  it.  A  history  by  Dr.  Hays  of  this  copy  is 
printed  in  Vol.  xxxvii  of  the  Society's  Proceedings. 
The  meeting  was  adjourned  by  the  presiding  officer. 

Stated  Meeting,  November  1,  1901. 

Vice-President  Barker  in  the  Chair. 

Present,  20  members. 

Dr.  Mazyck  Eavenel,  a  newly  elected  member,  was  pre- 
sented to  the  Chair,  and  took  his  seat  in  the  Society. 

A  letter  was  read  from  the  Societe"  Nationale  des  Sciences 
Naturelles  et  Matkematiques  de  Cherbourg,  announcing  that 
it  would  celebrate  its  fiftieth  anniversary  on  December  30, 
1901,  and  the  Secretaries  were  instructed  to  send  a  congratu- 
latory address  to  the  Society. 

The  list  of  donations  to  the  Library  were  laid  on  the  table, 
and  thanks  were  ordered  for  them. 

Mr.  James  Douglas  presented  a  ' '  Record  of  Borings  in  the 
Sulphur  Spring  Valley,  Arizona,  and  of  Agricultural  Experi- 
ments in  the  Same  Locality." 

Pi  of.  George  F.  Barker,  delegate  to  the  200th  anniversary 
celebration  of  Yale  University,  presented  a  report  with  a 
medal  struck  in  honor  of  the  anniversary. 

Prof.  Albeit  H.  Smyth,  delegate  to  the  450th  anniversary 
celebration  of  the  University  of  Glasgow,  presented  a  report. 

The  meeting  was  adjourned  by  the  presiding  officer. 

1901.]  DOUGLAS — RECORD    OF    BORINGS.     .  .  161 



(Read  November  1,  1901.) 

The  Copper  Queen  Consolidated  Mining  Company  has  since 
1880  worked  extensive  copper  deposits  in  what  are  probably  car- 
boniferous limestones,  lying  on  the  eastern  flank  of  the  Mule  Pass 
Mountains,  in  Cochise  county,  Arizona,  within  a  few  miles  of  the 
Mexican  boundary  and  5700  feet  above  the  sea.  The  geology  of 
the  region  east  of  the  Mule  Pass  Mountains  renders  it  probable  that 
there  are  Jura-Triassic  strata  lying  unconformably  over  the  carbon- 
iferous limestones,  and  that  within  the  Jura-Triassic  there  may  occur 
coal.  Where  coal  occurs  in  Northern  Sonora,  to  the  south  of  the 
great  Sulphur  Spring  Valley,  and  in  Arizona,  to  the  north  of  that 
valley,  the  beds  are  so  shattered  by  intrusive  rocks  as  to  detract 
largely  from  their  commercial  value.  But  beneath  the  broad  Sul- 
phur Spring  Valley  we  considered  it  possible  that  there  might  be 
undisturbed  coal  beds  of  sufficient  extent  to  warrant  their  exploita- 
tion. With  the  object  of  determining  this,  the  Copper  Queen 
Company  drove  a  diamond  drill  hole  in  the  trough  of  the  valley. 
The  attempt  was  abandoned  before  solid  rock  was  reached.  The- 
diamond  drill  penetrated  the  alluvium,  as  shown  by  the  following 
record  of  borings,  for  765  feet  without  reaching  solid  rock.  The 
record  is  interesting  as  showing  the  extent  of  erosion  and  the 
depth  to  which  the  valleys  are  filled  by  detritus  in  the  arid 

At  the  same  time,  the  Copper  Queen  Company,  being  anxious  to 
develop  every  possible  industry  in  connection  with  their  mines, 
and  as  a  feeder  of  their  railroad,  instituted  some  systematic  agricul- 
tural experiments  on  a  tract  of  land  lying  in  the  trough  of  the  same 
Sulphur  Spring  Valley.  The  valley  extends  in  a  general  north-and- 
south  direction  for  about  one  hundred  and  twenty  miles,  and,  with 
very  gradually  sloping  sides,  has  an  average  width  of  about  twenty 
miles.  It  is  surrounded  to  the  north,  east  and  west  by  high  arid 
mountain  ranges,  on  which  the  average  annual  rainfall  is  ten  inches. 
While  a  certain  pr.oporlion  of  this  moisture  escapes  by  evaporation, 
the  larger  portion  sinks  through  the  porous  soils  and  collects  as  a 



[Nov.  I, 








subterranean  reservoir  in  the  basin-shaped  valley,  which  has  a  very 
gentle  fall  to  the  south,  and  therefore  discharges  some  of  its  water 
contents,  by  the  subterranean  stream  of  the  Agua 
Prieta,  into  the  headwaters  of  the  Yaqui  river. 
The  water  in  abundance  is  struck  at  from  nine  to 
thirty  feet  below  the  surface  almost  anywhere  in 
the  trough  of  the  valley ;  and  experiments  ex- 
tending over  three  years  showed  that  ten  acres  of 
fruit  trees  can  be  irrigated  by  twenty-foot  wind- 
mills, provided  adequate  reservoirs  are  provided. 
If,  therefore,  a  valuable  product,  such  as  fine 
fruits,  could  be  raised  under  the  climatic  condi- 
tions prevailing,  the  question  of  power  for  arti- 
ficial irrigation  may  be  regarded  as  solved.  The 
attempt,  however,  to  cultivate  semi-tropical  fruits 
failed,  principally  through  the  extraordinary  vari- 
ations of  temperature. 

During  the  term  of  the  experiment  a  ther- 
mometrical  record  was  kept  on  the  ranch,  which 
is  printed  below  in  parallel  columns  with  a  record 
for  the  same  period  kept  at  Bisbee.  This  mining 
town  is  situated  in  a  deep  ravine  in  the  Mule  Pass 
Mountains,  which  flank  the  Sulphur  Spring  Valley 
on  the  west,  1200  feet  above  the  level  of  the  val- 
ley, but  where,  despite  the  higher  altitude,  the 
diurnal  variations  in  the  annual  experiments  are 
less  than  in  the  valley  itself.  These  great  sandy 
valleys  in  the  Southwest,  covered  at  best  with  a 
scanty  growth  of  mesquite,  and  during  the  greater 
part  of  the  year  by  scorched  grass,  permit  of  such 
rapid  radiation  through  the  cloudless  heavens, 
that  the  burning  heat  of  the  day  falls,  immediately 
the  sun  sets,  to  a  temperature  which  is  sensibly 
chilling,  and  which  therefore  has  a  seriously 
detrimental  influence  on  delicate  vegetation. 
Were  these  vast  valleys  simultaneously  cultivated 
and  clothed  with  verdure,  this  climatic  obstacle 
to  agriculture  would  be  reduced,  as  is  the  case 
in  the  Salt  River  Valley,  where  an  area  of  large 
enough  extent  is  under  cultivation  to  almost  relieve  the  rancher 













1901.]  DOUGLAS — RECORD   OF    BORINGS.  1  63 

from  the  risk  of  spring  frosts.  In  the  fruit  culture  experiments 
made  the  extreme  cold  occasionally  registered  in  January  did  not 
seem  to  injure  even  such  delicate  trees  as  the  almond,  due  doubtless 
to  the  absolute  aridity  of  the  soil  and  the  air.  But  the  trees  broke 
into  bloom  in  February,  and  the  fruit  was  fully  formed  when  April 
frosts  destroyed  it  year  after  year.  The  terrific  midday  heat  of 
summer  days  would  also  cause  a  plant  apparently  healthy  in  the 
morning  to  wither  and  die  before  evening,  although  the  root  was 
thoroughly  irrigated. 

The  result  of  our  experiments  led  us  to  believe  that  these  broad 
valleys,  which  originate  in  Southern  New  Mexico  and  Arizona  and 
stretch  into  Northern  Mexico,  though  arid  at  the  surface,  have  at 
comparatively  shallow  depths  a  subterranean  water  supply  sufficient 
to  irrigate  their  very  large  areas  of  very  rich  land  ;  that  the  winds 
are  sufficiently  strong  and  constant  to  raise  the  water  to  the  surface, 
through  the  agency  of  windmills,  for  the  irrigation  of  fruit  trees  on 
farms  large  enough  to  occupy  the  energies  of  single  ranchers ;  that 
the  climatic  conditions  are  the  principal  hindrances  to  the  success 
of  that  branch  of  agriculture ;  but  that  if  cooperative  efforts  were 
made  to  cultivate  very  large  tracts,  these  climatic  conditions  would 
be  so  modified  as  to  render  the  cultivation  of  these  vast  tracts  possi- 
ble and  profitable. 



[Nov.  1, 

Maximum  and  Minimum  Temperatures, 

taken  in  the  Sulphur  Spring  Valley,  at  4500  feet  above  sea  level, 
and  at  Bisbee,  at  5700  feet  above  sea  level,  both  localities  being  in 
the  same  latitude  and  twenty  miles  apart. 

Temperature   in  Sulphur  Spring 


Temperature  at  Bisbee. 


2  P.M. 




Max.      Min. 

2  P.M. 

— \ 

Max.         Min 






































103. 1 





















.        38. 













































































































































Average  diurnal  maximum 

Difference.    ..... 

Diurnal  Variation. 

.    .    .  92.6    j    Average  diurnal  maximum    .    . 
.    .    .  28.4  minimum    .    . 





1901-J  MINUTES.  165 

Stated  Meeting,  November  15,  1901. 
Vice-President  Sellees  in  the  Chair. 
Present,  16  members. 

Dr.  Simon  Flexner,  a  newly  elected  member,  was  presented 
to  the  Chair,  and  took  his  seat  in  the  Society. 

A  letter  was  read  from  the  Secretary  of  the  "  Delegation 
ponr  l'adoption  d'nne  Langue  Anxiliaire  Internationale," 
inviting  the  Society  to  participate  in  its  work  and  appoint 
a  collaborator. 

A  list  of  donations  to  the  Library  was  laid  on  the  table, 
and  thanks  were  ordered  for  them. 

Prof.  George  F.  Barker  made  some  remarks  on  "  The 
Monatomic  Gases  of  the  Atmosphere,"  and  exhibited  tubes 
of  Neon,  Krypton  and  Xenon,  prepared  by  Prof.  Dewar,  of 
the  Royal  Institution. 

The  meeting  was  adjourned  by  the  presiding  officer. 

Stated  Meeting,    December  6,  1001. 

Vice-President  Barker  in  the  Chair. 

Present,  23  members. 


The  Librarian  laid  upon  the  table  the  list  of  donations  to 
the  Library  and  thanks  were  ordered  therefor. 

Dr.  George  F.  Barker  read  a  memoir  of  the  late  Prof.  F.  A. 

The  death  of  the  following  members  was  announced  : — 

Dr.  John  Curwen,  at  Warren,  Pa.,  July  2,  1901. 

Dr.  W  F.  Norris,  at  Philadelphia,  November  18,  1901. 

Mr.  Thomas  Meehan,  at  Philadelphia,  November  19,  1901. 

16b'  LOWELL — SUPPOSED   SIGNALS   FROM    MARS.  [Dec.  6, 

Mr.  Percival  Lowell,  of  Flagstaff,  Arizona,  read  a  paper  on 
' '  Explanation  of  the  Supposed  Signals  from  Mars  of  Decem- 
ber 7  and  8,  1900." 

The  following  annual  reports  were  read  : — 

The  report  of  the  Treasurer. 

The  report  of  the  Curators. 

The  report  of  the  Hall  Committee. 

The  report  of  the  Publication  Committee. 

The  report  of  the  Library  Committee. 

The  meeting  was  adjourned  by  the  presiding  officer. 

MARS  OF  DECEMBER  7  AND  8,   1900. 


{Head  December  6,  1901.) 

1.  On  a  certain  morning  in  December,  1900,  paragraphs  appeared 
in  the  papers  throughout  the  United  States  with  the  startling  an- 
nouncement that  Mars  had  been  signaling  the  Earth  the  night 
before.  Lights,  it  was  reported,  had  suddenly  shone  out  upon  the 
surface  of  the  planet,  lasted  for  a  time  and  then  vanished.  What 
the  signals  meant  was  not  so  forthcoming.  Vividness  of  headline 
made  up  for  meagreness  of  news. 

Interest  was  not  confined  to  the  United  States.  Reportorial 
inquisitiveness  was  as  rife  in  the  Old  World  as  in  the  New,  and 
Europe  was  behind  America  in  the  receipt  of  the  message  only  the 
time  necessary  for  its  transmittal. 

2.  To  broaden  one's  horizon  is  a  good  thing;  and  to  broaden  it 
beyond  the  bounds  where  horizon  itself  disappears,  a  still  better 
one.  But  the  broadening  is  apt  to  come  not  in  a  way  we  expect, 
and  to  prove  the  more  broadening  for  that  reason.  I  hope,  there- 
fore, not  seriously  to  lessen  interest  in  the  phenomena  by  saying 
that  they  were  certainly  not  what  they  were  popularly  taken  to  be, 
and  were  with  equal  certainty  much  which  was  not  supposed  and  is 
quite  as  interesting. 

The  innocent  cause  of  the  misrepresentation  was  a  dispatch  sent 


from  Flagstaff  to  the  writer  and  communicated  by  him  through  the 
usual  channels  to  the  astronomical  world.  The  signaling  part  of 
it  was  a  tale  added  by  journalistic  ingenuity  at  the  time  that  profes- 
sion became  possessed  of  the  subject.     The  original  dispatch  read  : 

"Projection  observed  last  night  over  Icarium  Mare,  lasting  seventy  minutes." 

(Signed)  "  Douglass." 

3.  Projections  in  the  case  of  one  heavenly  body,  the  Moon,  are  not 
unfamiliar  objects.  On  almost  any  night  when  that  body  shows  a 
terminator,  that  is  a  sunset  or  sunrise  edge,  a  keen  eye  can  detect 
one  or  more  of  them  along  it  without  telescopic  aid.  With  Mars 
the  phenomenon  is  much  less  common  and,  though  many  such 
projections  have  in  the  last  few  years  been  seen  upon  the  planet,  the 
sight  is  one  of  some  rarity. 

4.  In  the  case  of  the  Moon  it  is  possible  to  find  out  the  cause  of 
the  projections.  By  magnification  through  a  telescope  the  little  knob 
that  breaks  the  otherwise  uniform  boundary  of  light  and  shade  is 
seen  to  resolve  itself  into  the  tip  of  a  mountain  peak  or  the  summit 
of  a  crater  wall,  which  catches  the  light  while  the  lower  ground  at 
its  foot  is  plunged  in  shadow,  and  so  seems  to  project  beyond  the 
rest  of  the  disk.  With  Mars  no  such  forthright  determination  of 
the  problem  is  possible.  For  no  magnification  we  can  apply  is 
potent  enough  to  disclose  of  itself  the  character  of  the  country. 
We  are,  therefore,  obliged  to  reason  upon  what  we  see. 

5.  Taking  lunar  analogies  for  guide,  it  was  generally  inferred  that 
the  martian  projections  too  were  due  to  mountain  peaks.  From 
which  of  course  it  followed,  or  as  one  may  say  preceded,  that  there 
were  mountains  on  Mars.  But  the  Flagstaff  observations  of  1894 
showed  that,  on  general  principles,  this  was  very  improbable.  The 
study  of  the  surface  markings  led  the  writer  to  a  general  theory 
about  the  character  of  the  planet,  in  which  mountains  not  only  found 
no  place  but  to  which  they  were  decidedly  opposed.  At  the  same 
time  that  the  theory  suggested  itself,  but  independent  of  it,  Mr. 
Douglass  observed  several  projections,  and  conceived  and  published 
another  explanation  for  them,  and  this  one  proved  consonant  with 
what  the  theory  demanded,  to  wit :  that,  instead  of  being  due  to 
mountains  upon  the  planet's  surface,  they  were  due  to  clouds  floating 
in  the  planet's  air.  He  showed  that  the  observations  were  thus 
much  better  explained  ;  in  fact,  that  his  observations  coui<!  hardly 
be  accounted  for  with  probability  on  the  mountain  hypotl'esis  at  all 

163  LOWELL— SUPPOSED   SIGNALS    FROM    MARS.  [Dec.  6, 

6.  The  opposition  of  1894  was  very  prolific  of  projections,  over 
four  hundred  being  seen  at  Flagstaff  in  the  course  of  nine  months. 
The  next  opposition  was  not  so  good  ;  while  in  that  which  has  just 
passed,  that  of  1 900-1,  only  two  were  detected.  It  was  these  two 
which  gave  rise  to  the  notion  of  signals  from  the  planet. 

Now  the  variability  in  the  number  seen  at  different  oppositions 
should  have  materially  shaken  faith  in  the  mountain  explanation. 
Mountains  are  permanent  affairs,  and  if  they  be  high  enough  to 
catch  tha  light  and  show  as  protuberances  at  one  time  they  should 
do  the  like  at  another.  The  change  in  the  inclination  of  the  disk 
would  not  materially  alter  their  visibility.  But  it  is  one  of  the 
humorous  anomalies  about  human  nature  that  general  reasoning 
affects  minds  so  little  when  applied  to  unfamiliar  matters,  while  in 
familiar  ones  it  is  the  guiding  principle  of  life. 

7.  Argument  from  the  two  projections  of  the  last  opposition  is, 
on  the  other  hand,  particular.  Although  they  were  but  two  in 
number,  testimony  in  the  case  is  very  much  to  the  point.  Indeed, 
their  isolated  character  helps  to  make  their  cogency  the  clearer. 

On  December  7,  at  i6h.  15m.  S.  M.  T.,  Mr.  Douglass  suddenly 
noticed  a  projection  on  the  terminator  of  the  planet,  a  little  to  the 
north  of  the  Sabaeus  Sinus.  The  phase  loss  at  the  time  was  36°.4. 
As  he  continued  to  watch  it  the  projection  increased.  The  distance 
of  its  tip  from  the  edge  of  the  terminator  passed  successively 
through  the  values  y/3,  1,  1^3  and  1%  of  a  thread;  the  thread  used 
being  the  stationary  spider's  thread  of  the  micrometer.  Meanwhile 
he  was  busy  taking  the  position  angle  of  the  tangent  to  the  termi- 
nator, at  the  point  directly  under  it,  at  intervals  of  a  few  minutes. 
His  observations,  recorded  in  detail  in  the  observing  book,  are  as 

follows : 

Record  of  December  7,   1900. 

Th.  =  thread  ;  P.  A.  =  position  angle. 

Dec.  7,   i6h.   15m.    Projection   over    Sinus  Sabaeus;  P. A.    tang,    to   terminator 
22m.    Projection  continues  (sketch).    Height  =  %  Th. 
24m.     P.  A.  terminator  tang.  1 850.5. 
26m.     P.A.  terminator  tang.  1840.3. 
30m.    Projection  continues;  %y2  to  j^  Th.  in  height. 
34^m.     P.A.  terminator  tang.  182O.4. 
37^m.    Ht.  I  Th. ;  no  other  irregularities  on  terminator. 
39m.    P.A.  182C.0. 
41m.    P.A.  184O.7. 

1901.]  LOWELL — SUPPOSED   SIGNALS    FROM    MARS.  169 

Dec.  7,  i6h.  4214m.  Rather  bright  en  terminator  near  north  cap  at  P.  A.  2383.0. 
44m.    Projection  continues  ;  terminator  otherwise  regular. 
46m.    P.A.  183O.8. 
51m.     (After    spell   of   seeing  o)    projection   then   of  this    form: 

(sketch).    Height  1^  Th. 

P.A.  183O.9. 
55m.    Projection  there ;  flatter? 
59m.    Projection  there;  flatter? 
17I1.     6m.     Projection  there  (after  spell  bad  seeing)  (sketch)  ;  possible 

separation.     Height  \l/z  Th. 

P.A.    i860. 2. 
19m.     Think   projection   is   very  small;  at  times  thought  it  gone. 

Now  Ys  Th.  (sketch). 
22m.     Projection  certainly  there  ;  I  get  this  form  :   (sketch)  Sinus 

Sibaeus  ?     Very  low,  say  *^  Th. 

P.A.  185C.3. 
30m.     Think  the  projection  has  gone  or  else  it  is  very  slight ;  if  it 

is  there  its  P.A  is  186O.0. 
35m.    Projection  undoubtedly  gone. 

8.  On  the  next  night  he  found  the  terminator  perfectly  regular 
until  15I1.  44m.  S.  M.  T.,  when  he  recorded:  Terminator  regular, 
but  suspicious  white  N.  of  Icarium  Mare.  Icarium  Mare  is  a  name 
given  to  the  dark  marking  running  lrom  the  forks  of  the  Sabaeus 
Sinus  to  the  Hammonis  Cornu,  and  formerly  included  under  the 
general  designation  of  the  Sabaeus  Sinus.  Four  minutes  later  he 
noted :  Projection  just  started  N.  of  Icarium  Mare.  There  then 
followed  an  almost  exact  repetition  of  the  previous  night's  expe- 
riences, as  will  be  seen  from  the  transcript  of  the  observations. 

Record  of  December  8,   1900. 

Th.  =  thread  ;  P.A.  =  position  angle. 

Dec.   8.    I5h.  44m.    Terminator  regular,  but  a  suspicious  white  N.  of  Icarium 
48m.     Projection  just  started  N.  of  Icarium  Marc. 
.  50m.    At  P.A.  186O.3.     Ht %  Th. 

All,  so  far,  was  with  eyepiece  .89. 
I  now  put  in  ^  ep. 
58m.     Projection  more  conspicuous.     Ht.  %  Th. 
P.A.   184O.8. 
i6h.  02^m.     Projection.     Ht.  %  Th.  shows  more  easily  in  this  ep.  than  .89. 
16m.     Projection  at  P.A.  i87°.7  ;  seeing  good  for  limb  and  termi- 

PROC.  AMER.  PHILOS.  SOC  XL.   167.  L.      PRINTED  FEB.  10,  1902. 

170  LOWELL — SUPPOSED   SIGNALS   FROM    MARS.  [Dec.  6, 

Dec.  8,  l6h.  20m.     The  projection  looks  separated  from  term.;  seeing  not  good 

enough  to  assume  this  (sketch). 
25m.     Projection  looks  separated  in  good  seeing.     Ht.   \]/2  Th., 

and  half  of  this  is  separated  (sketch). 

P.  A.   188O.1. 
34m.    Projection  P.A.  1870.0;  in  yz  inch;  seeing  poor. 
44m.     Projection  probably  there  at 

P.A.  1870.7,  and  of  this  form  (sketch)   and  faint;  seeing 

is  constantly  too  poor  to  judge  well. 
47m.     Projection;  think  it  is  there  as  described.     The  terminator 

has  been  otherwise  regular  at  all  observations. 
50m.     Seeing  1-2.     Think  projection  is  there,  low  and  faint,  and 

also  a  whitish  region  on  adjoining  disk. 

9.  On  reducing  and  comparing  the  observations  of  the  two  nights, 
it  appears  at  once  that  they  do  not  refer  to  the  same  point  or  points 
upon  the  planet.  On  the  first  night,  at  the  time  of  the  appearance 
of  the  projection,  the  longitude  of  the  centre  of  the  disk  was  260,  at 
the  time  of  its  disappearance  440,  while  on  the  next  evening  the 
longitudes  were  respectively  io°  and  25 °.  Not  only  were  the  two 
positions  not  the  same,  but  they  were  separated  from  one  another 
by  at  least  sixteen  degrees  of  longitude. 

10.  On  looking  up  the  records  of  the  first  night,  it  appears  that  the 
planet,  previous  to  the  detection  of  the  projection,  was  under  con- 
tinuous observation  from  i4h.  10m.  to  15b.  45m.  S.  M.  T.,  or  from 
the  time  the  longitude  of  the  centre  was  3550  to  the  time  it  was  180 
During  this  interval  there  are  two  specific  records  that  the  terminator 
was  free  from  irregularity,  one  at  14I1.  31m.,  the  other  at  14b.  45m. : 
and  from  the  nature  of  the  observations  it  is  presumable  that  any 
projection  occurring  in  the  interval  would  not  have  escaped  notice. 
We  may  then  fairly  infer  that  the  projection  seen  on  December  8 
did  not  exist  in  that  position  on  December  7. 

11.  On  December  8  observations  ceased  at  16I1.  50m.,  but  on  the 
1 2th  of  the  month  the  terminator  was  carefully  scrutinized  from 
longitude  centre  2980  to  longitude  centre  130  at  intervals,  such  that 
no  projection  of  the  duration  of  those  of  the  7th  and  8th  could  have 
passed  it  without  being  seen.  No  irregularity  was  detected.  The 
projection  of  December  8,  therefore,  did  not  exist  in  situ  on 
the   12th. 

12.  Furthermore,  when  the  rotations  of  the  planet  and  the  Earth 
brought  the  two  bodies  again  into  corresponding  positions  at  corre- 
sponding hours  on  January  12,  the  terminator  was  scanned  by  Mr. 
Douglass  from  13b.  48m.  to  15I1.  35m.,  or  from  longitude  centre  150 


to  longitude  centre  41  °,  without  revealing  any  irregularity.  The 
phase  loss  was  then  270,  as  against  360  in  December.  So  that  nine 
degrees  should  be  deducted  from  these  figures  to  make  them  com- 
parable. It  thus  appears  that  on  this  date  both  projections  should 
have  been  visible,  one  after  the  other,  had  they  still  existed.  Neither 
was  seen.  Nor  was  any  projection  seen  at  any  other  time  during 
the  opposition.  Permanences  like  mountains,  therefore,  could  not 
have  caused  them  without  doing  violence  to  the  observations. 

From  the  impermanency  of  place  of  the  projections  it  is  clear 
that  they  could  not  have  been  fixed  to  the  planet's  surface — that  is, 
they  could  not  have  been  mountains.  We  are  left,  therefore,  with 
the  alternative  that  they  were  a  something  floating  in  the  planet's 
air  capable  of  reflecting  light,  or  in  other  words  clouds.  Secondly, 
from  the  similarity  of  their  appearances,  we  infer  that  they  were 
the  same  clouds  which  had  shifted  their  position  during  the  twenty- 
four  hours  that  elapsed  between  their  apparitions.  They  may,  of 
course,  have  been  wholly  distinct  condensations  of  vapor  which 
happened  to  agree  in  behavior.  The  probability  of  this  we  shall 
now  investigate  by  considering  the  phenomena  more  in  detail. 

13.  It  is  necessary  to  begin  by  determining  their  height,  for  it 
will  be  found  that  this  height  enters  as  a  function  into  the  equations 
of  position.     If  we  call 

d—  the  perpendicular  distance  of  the  tip  of  the  projection  from 
the  terminator ; 

P — P.  A.  =  <p  =  angle  between  the  tangent  to  the  terminator  and 
the  axis  of  rotation  ; 

E  =  the  angle  of  the  phase  ; 

A  =  the  phase  latitude,  that  is  the  latitude  reckoned  from  the 
phase  equator ; 

a  =  the  radius  of  the  disk  in  seconds  of  arc ; 

a0  =  the  radius  of  the  planet  in  miles ; 

#:=the  angle   subtended  at  the  centre  of  the  disk  between  the 
tip  of  the  projection  and  the  point  on  the  terminator  at  the  same 
phase  latitude, 
we  shall  have 


tan  x  =  - 

cos  6  sin  M.  a.  cos  A 

and  h  =  height  will  be 

h  =  sec  x  —  1.  a0  cos  2A 

Performing  the  numerical  operations,   we  find  for  the  height  on 

December  7, 

h  =  1 3.4  miles. 



[Dec.  6r 

and  on  December  8, 

h  =  13.6  miles. 

14.   For  the  calculation  of  position  we  proceed  ^as  follows 


Let  6  =  angle  which  the  line  from  the  centre  of  the  phase  ellipse 
to  the  point  upon  the  terminator  perpendicularly  under  the  projec- 
tion makes  with  the  minor  axis  of  that  ellipse.  Let  r  =  distance 
from  the  centre  of  the  disk  to  this  point.  The  minor  axis  has  for 
value  r  cos  £,  the  major  axis  being  r.  By  a  property  of  the  ellipse 
we  have 


tan  8  =_  tan  <j>  =  sec2  E  tan  <f> 

1901.]  LOWELL — SUPPOSED   SIGNALS    FROM    MARS.  173 

from  which  we  find  0.     To  find  r  we  have  from  the  equation  of  the 

sin2  6  4-  cos2 

from  which,  knowing  0,  the  value  of  r  follows. 

The  distance  /  from  the  centre  to  the  tip  of  the  projection  may 
now  be  got  by  solving  the  plane  triangle  whose  sides  are  d,  rand  /. 
For  d  is  given,  r  is  now  known  and  the  angle  included  between 
them  is  i8o°  —  %  where 

x  —  Q  —  <t> 
and  this  also  is  known. 

/  would  give  us  the  projected  place  upon  the  visible  disk  of  the 
tip  of  the  projection,  if  the  projection  were  on  the  surface  of  the 
planetary  sphere.  As  it  is  in  reality  raised  above  it,  we  must  apply 
a  correction  depending  upon  the  height  of  the  projection.  It  is 
for  this  reason  that  the  height  must  first  have  been  found.  Perhaps 
the  neatest  way  is  the  one  adopted  by  Mr.  Manson,  who  performed 
the  numerical  computations,  that  of  simple  projection,  which  gives 

/,  = 


Knowing  t  and  also  the  angle  in  the  plane  triangle  opposite  the 
side  d,  which  we  may  call  D,  we  have  a  spherical  triangle  for  the 
determination  of  the  latitude  and  longitude  of  the  point  on  the 
sphere  directly  under  the  projection.  In  this  triangle  we  know  the 
side  t,  whose  value  in  angular  measure  is  cos  t ;  the  side  (90?/?), 
which  is  the  angle  between  the  pole  of  the  planet  and  the  centre  of 
the  disk ;  and  the  angle  between  the  two,  which  is 

C==  900  _  ( Q  —  2700  _  P)  _j_  e—  D 
=  P—QJr0  —  D 

where  P  and   Q  have  the  meanings.of  Crommelin's  ephemeris  for 
the  planet. 

We  then  have  the  latitude,  /lt  from 

cos  /j  =  cos  tx  sin  B  -j-  sin  tx  cos  B  cos  C 

and  the  longitude,  I,  from 

sin  (/I  —  Xx       sin  tx 
sin  C  sin  7j 

174  LOWELL — SUPPOSED   SIGNALS   FROM    MARS.  [Dec.  6, 

The  results  are : 

Projection  December  7,  1900. 

Table  I. 


Dec.  7 










i/£  thread 

—4°- 7 




i860. 2 

l*/z        " 





i860. 1 

lA     " 






0      « 

—  iO.o 






— 1O.4 




and  for 

Projection  December  8,  1900. 

Table  II. 
Date.  h.     m.  P.  A.  d. 

Dec.  8 15     50  186O.3  ^thread 

16     25  188O.1  \y2       « 

16     44  187O.1  y2       « 

15.  The  numerical  value  of  d  was  got  as  follows:  Mr.  Douglass' 
micrometric  measures  of  the  spider's  thread  were  obtained  by 
moving  the  movable  thread  from  contact  on  the  one  side  of  the 
stationary  thread  to  contact  on  the  other.  This  gave  o".2  2  for 
the  width  of  a  thread. 

In  the  estimating  of  the  distance  d  the  thread  was  placed  against 
the  background  of  the  disk.  As  a  measure  of  width  it  was  there- 
fore its  true  width  less  the  irradiation  into  it  from  both  sides.  The 
value  of  this  irradiation  was  determined  by  the  following  device 
which  occurred  to  me,  and  which  if  accurately  made  should  give 
the  irradiation  absolutely.  From  the  point  of  contact  the  thread  is 
moved  till  the  bright  background  seems  equal  to  the  width  of  the 
thread.     We  then  have  the  following  equation,  in  which 

a  =  width  of  thread. 

b  =  width  moved  from  contact  to  one  apparent  thread  apart. 
a~  =  the  irradiation. 
a  —  2.x  =  b  -\-  2.x. 


a  —  /' 

b  proved  =0".  14 

whence  the  effective  width  of  the  thread  was  o".i8. 

The  P.A.'s  used  were  got  either  directly  or  by  plotting  all  the 
P.A.'s  taken  and  then  drawing  the  centre  of  gravity  line  between 

1901.]  LOWKLL — SUPPOSED   SIGNALS    FROM    MARS.  175 

1 6.  The  first  thing  that  appears  from  the  tables  is  that  the  observa- 
tions cannot  be  satisfied  by  the  supposition  of  one  cloud  alone  on 
either  day.  It  is  necessary-to  suppose  two  on  each  occasion,  a  high 
cloud  followed  by  a  much  lower  one.  The  height  of  the  lower 
cloud  was  about  three  to  four  miles,  and  it  lay  to  the  west  and 
north  of  the  main  one. 

The  eastward  end  of  the  main  cloud  on  December  7  was  in  lati- 
tude 40. 7,  longitude  3330  ;  its  westward  end  in  latitude  3°.6,  longi- 
tude 3390.  So  that  the  cloud  either  stretched  this  distance  or 
moved  over  it  in  the  interval.  From  the  great  speed  required  it  is 
unlikely  that  the  cloud  actually  travelled  this  distance  in  this  time. 
If  translation  took  place  at  all,  it  was  probably  the  translation  of 
propagation.  But,  from  the  phenomena  of  the  next  night,  it  would 
seem  more  likely  that  the  cloud  really  stretched  over  6°,  or  220 
miles.  Its  breadth  was  j4  thread  or  o".oq,  which  is  forty-five 

The  dimensions  of  the  subsidiary  cloud,  or  subsidiary  portion  of 
the  main  cloud,  are  much  more  conjectural.  It  would  seem  to  have 
been  of  about  the  same  extent  as  the  main  body. 

On  December  8  the  main  cloud  was  slightly  less  long  but  broader 
than  it  had  been  on  the  preceding  night ;  the  subsidiary  patch  was 
not  much  changed.  But  both  clouds  had  in  the  interval  drifted 
1 70  to  the  eastward  and  30  or  so  to  the  north.  Whether,  therefore, 
the  clouds  were  being  propagated  or  not  in  a  west-by-north  direc- 
tion each  night,  it  would  seem  that  either  they  or  the  stratum  of 
air  which  generated  them  was  drifting  east  by  north  at  the  rate  of 
1 70  -f-  in  twenty-three  and  a  half  hours,  or  at  the  rate  of  twenty- 
seven  miles  an  hour. 

17.  Looking  back  now,  with  this  motion  in  mind,  in  the  records 
of  the  1 2th  December,  §  1  r,  we  find  that  the  place  the  clouds  should 
have  occupied  on  that  date  (longitude  centre  3020 — 31 70),  if  the 
same  translation  had  been  kept  up,  was  under  careful  observation 
for  such  phenomena  and  nothing  whatever  was  seen.  Indeed,  so 
comprehensive  in  extent  were  the  observations,  that  any  less  speed 
of  translation  should  also  have  caused  the  clouds  to  fall  within  the 
limits  of  inspection,  and  even  a  somewhat  greater  speed  should 
have  done  so  too. 

On  the  13th  the  place  they  should  have  reached  was  scrutinized. 
The  observations  covered  from  longitude  centre  2800  to  2080. 
Nothing  showed.  The  same  was  done  on  the  15th,  longitude 
centre  2  76°-285°. 

176  MINUTES.  [Dec.  20,  1901. 

We  may  conclude,  I  think,  that  the  cloud  formation  had  dissi- 
pated at  some  time  between  the  8th  and  the  12th. 

18.  The  season  of  the  martian  year  at  which  these  clouds  occur- 
red is  of  interest.  On  December  7,  1901,  it  was  April  26  in  the 
northern  hemisphere  of  Mars.  The  suri  had  gone  north  of  the 
equator  and  was  then  overhead  on  the  fourteenth  parallel  of  latitude. 
The  heat  equator  was  a  little  behind  it.  Apparently  then  a  current 
bearing  the  clouds  was  setting  toward  the  heat  equator  from  within 
the  tropics  to  the  south,  where  the  season  corresponded  to  the  end 
of  October.  This  current  was  deflected  some  eighty  degrees  to 
the  east,  and  became  an  east-by-north  wind. 

19.  Its  origin  may  have  been  local.  A  little  to  the  south  of  where 
the  cloud  first  appeared  lies  the  long  east-and-west  stretch  of  the 
Sabaeus  Sinus  or  Icarium  Mare.  Now  the  form  of  the  cloud  was 
of  the  same  general  shape — a  cloud  stretching  east  and  west  five 
times  as  far  as  it  did  north  and  south.  The  Icarium  Mare  is 
undoubtedly  a  great  tract  of  vegetation,  where  moisture  would  be 
held  and  whence  it  could  accordingly  be  given  off.  Arising  there, 
either  from  seasonal  or  temporal  cause,  the  vapor  would  gather  into 
a  cloud  and  proceed  to  float  away  over  the  desert  regions  to  the 
north.  If  this,  then,  is  what  happened  in  the  case  before  us,  we 
may  conceive  the  cloud  as  having  been  generated  on  the  6th  of 
December  over  the  Icarium  Mare,  rising  to  a  height  of  thirteen 
miles,  and  then  traveling  east  by  north  at  about  twenty-seven  miles 
an  hour  off  into  the  desert  of  Aeria,  there  to  dissipate  after  an 
existence  of  three  or  four  days.  That  it  was  a  phenomenon  of 
capricious  not  of  regular  production  is  shown  by  its  not  having 
been  repeated — that  is,  it  partook  of  the  subtle  unpredicability  of 

Stated  Meeting,   December  20,  1901. 

Vice-President  Sellers  in  the  Chair. 

Present,  30  members. 

Mr.  C.  Stuart  Patterson  read  a  memoir  of  the  late  Hon. 
Frederick  Fraley,  LL.D.,  President  of  the  Society. 

The  meeting  was  adjourned  by  the  presiding  officei. 



{Read  December  20,  1901.) 

Frederick  Fraley,  the  fifteenth  President  of  the  American  Philo- 
sophical Society,  died  on  the  23d  day  of  September,  190 1,  in  the 
ninety-eighth  year  of  his  age.  He  had  been  an  active  member  of 
the  Society  for  more  than  fifty-nine  years.  After  long  service  as  a 
Secretary  and  as  a  Vice-President,  he,  on  2d  January,  1880,  re- 
ceived the  merited  honor  of  an  election  to  the  Presidency,  and  for 
more  than  twenty- one  years  he  administered  that  office  of  great 
distinction,  as  he  performed  every  duty,  with  fidelity  and  ability. 

He  brought  to  the  discharge  of  his  many  duties  a  wide  acquaint- 
ance with  books,  with  men,  and  with  affairs.  * 

He  was  always,  and  to  the  very  end,  a  student  and  an  omnivorous 
reader.  To  paraphrase  a  famous  saying,  nothing  was  too  great  for 
his  care  and  nothing  too  trivial  for  his  attention.  He  mastered  the 
political,  the  economic,  and  the  industrial  history  of  his  country. 
He  made  himself  profoundly  learned  in  everything  that  could 
possibly  have  relation  to  the  national  finances,  and  he  became  a 
reservoir  of  accurate  and  thorough  information  as  to  the  loans  and 
the  currency  of  the  United  States.  He  kept  himself  in  touch  with 
the  scientific  progress  of  the  nineteenth  century.  He  read  not  only 
many  of  the  best  books  of  his  time,  but  he  also  from  time  to  time 
found,  as  many  other  men  have  found,  mental  rest  and  recreation 
in  works  of  fiction,  old  and  new.  And  with  it  all,  he  never  failed 
to  hear  the  news  of  the  day  and  to  feel  and  express  a  lively  interest 
in  everything  of  real  importance  that  went  on  in  the  world. 

Mr.  Fraley  was  a  member  of  the  Committee  of  Arrangements  for 
the  Society's  Centennial  Celebration  of  1843.  On  19th  October, 
1877,  he  read  before  the  Society  a  brief  but  comprehensive  and 
sympathetic  biographical  notice  of  his  brother-in-law,  John  C. 
Cresson.  On  15th  March,  1880,  he  presided  upon  the  occasion  of 
the  Centennial  Anniversary  of  the  Incorporation  of  the  Society, 
and  he  then  delivered  an  address,  in  which  he  fittingly  described 


the  services  to  the  Society  which  had  been  severally  performed  by 
each  of  his  fourteen  predecessors  in  the  Presidency,  with  all  of 
whom,  excepting  the  first  three,  he  had  been  personally  acquainted, 
and  with  the  last  six  of  whom  he  had  been  upon  terms  of  intimate 
friendship.  On  3d  November,  1882,  he  contributed  to  the  Society's 
Proceedings  a  minute  upon  the  Bi-Centennial  Celebration  of  that 
year.  On  21st  November,  1889,  he  presided  over  the  Society's 
commemoration  of  the  Centennial  Anniversary  of  the  occupation 
of  its  present  hall,  and  he  delivered  an  instructive  address,  in  which 
he  briefly  commented  upon  the  most  important  points  in  the  history 
of  the  Society.  On  17th  April,  1890,  on  the  occasion  of  the  Cen- 
tennial Anniversary  of  the  death  of  Benjamin  Franklin,  he  eulo- 
gized the  illustrious  founder  of  the  Society.  On  23d  May,  1893, 
the  one  hundred  and  fiftieth  Anniversary  of  the  Founding  of  the 
Society,  Mr.  Fraley  presided  and  delivered  graceful  speeches  wel- 
coming the  guests  of  the  Society. 

Mr.  Fraley  attended  the  meetings  of  the  Society  with,  as  he  said, 
"reasonable  regularity"  until,  in  his  later  years,  physical  infirmi- 
ties deprived  him  of  that  pleasure.  He  had,  from  the  time  of  his 
admittance  to  the  Society,  a  pride  in  its  history  and  achievements, 
a  full  appreciation  of  its  lofty  purposes,  and  a  confident  hope  that 
it  will,  as  he  expressed  it  in  his  speech  of  1889,  "  Rouse  itself  up 
with  energy  to  the  work  that  is  demanded  of  it  at  the  present  time 
and  use  the  means  and  the  influence  that  it  has,  and  the  power  that 
it  ought  to  exercise,  in  the  community  for  the  promoting  of  every- 
thing connected  with  usefulness  to  man — everything  that  will  tend 
to  improve  his  moral  and  intellectual  character,  and  everything 
that  will  enable  him  to  rise  with  higher  appreciation  to  what  is 

Mr.  Fraley  said,  in  his  address  of  1889,  "If  I  have  had  any 
useful  career  in  life,  I  owe  much  to  what  I  have  learned  in  the 
Franklin  Institute  and  in  the  American  Philosophical  Society." 
In  his  earlier  years  his  participation  in  the  proceedings  of  the 
Franklin  Institute  gave  him  a  love  of  study  and  an  interest  in  the 
scientific  and  industrial  progress  of  the  world.  In  the  years  of  his 
maturity  his  mind  w  broadened  by  his  association  with  the  men 
who  then  constituted  the  membership  of  this  Society,  and  with 
them  he  learned  to  "love  truth  for  truth's  sake." 

Mr.  Fraley  was  for  eighty  years  an  active  man  of  business. 
After  a  preliminary  training  in  a  store,  he  was  for  fourteen  years  a 


partner  in  a  mercantile  firm.  He  was  for  seven  years  the  Secretary 
of  the  American  Fire  Insurance  Company.  He  was  for  twenty- 
three  years  the  President  of  the  Schuylkill  Navigation  Company, 
which  during  that  period  operated  its  canals  as  successfully  as  could 
be  in  the  face  of  active  and  increasing  railroad  competition.  He 
was,  during  the  years  of  preparation,  the  brief  six  months  of  exhi- 
bition, and  the  subsequent  years  of  liquidation,  the  Treasurer  of  the 
Centennial  Board  of  Finance,  and  as  such  he  was  the  custodian 
and  disburser  of  the  many  millions  of  dollars  which  were  received 
and  expended  in  the  successful  conduct  of  the  great  Exhibition  of 
1876.  For  the  last  twenty-three  years  of  his  life  he  was  the  Presi- 
dent of  the  Western  Saving  Fund  Society,  and  during  the  years  of 
his  wise  administration  the  deposits  of  that  Society  grew  from  less 
than  three  millions  of  dollars  to  almost  sixteen  millions  of  dollars 
and  its  assets  increased  in  a  larger  proportion. 

Mr.  Fraley  possessed  in  a  high  degree  the  qualifications  that  are 
desirable  in  the  official  head  of  a  corporation  that  has  charged 
itself  with  the  duty  of  keeping  safely  the  moneys  of  its  depositors, 
and  which  does  not  have  shareholders  for  whom  dividends  are  to 
be  made.  He  had  an  ever-present  conscientious  sense  of  duty  to 
those  to  whom  the  corporation  stands  in  a  fiduciary  relation.  He 
had  that  conservative  temperament  which  indisposed  him  to  risk 
anything  in  a  doubtful  investment,  however  tempting  its  promises 
of  profits.  While  during  his  later  years  he  may  sometimes  have 
seemed  to  be  too  cautious,  it  was,  if  an  error,  certainly  an  error 
upon  the  right  side.  He  knew  thoroughly  the  history  and  the 
principles  of  the  science  of  finance.  He  could  weigh  with  dis- 
criminating judgment  the  reasons  for  or  against  any  particular  course 
of  action.  He  could  say  "No,"  pleasantly  but  firmly.  Down  to 
the  last  day  of  his  active  business  life,  and  that  was  as  recently  as 
the  tenth  day  of  the  May  preceding  his  death,  he  could  not  only, 
as  is  usual  with  very  old  people,  remember  the  events  of  long  ago, 
but  he  could  report  accurately  and  in  detail  discussions  and  con- 
clusions of  recent  days.  He  was  especially  remarkable  in  a  diffi- 
cult exercise  of  memory,  in  that  he  was  accustomed  to  calculate  by 
mental  arithmetic  the  annual  yield  of  an  investment  bought  at  a 
premium  and  with  a  postponed  maturity.  For  the  accomplishment 
of  that  result  men  of  a  less  mathematical  turn  of  mind,  and  with  a 
weaker  memory,  habitually  use  printed  tables  prepared  for  that  pur- 
pose.    Mr.  Fraley  had  early  in  life  formed  the  habit  of  precise  and 


accurate  statement,  and  he  never,  to  the  knowledge  of  those  who  were 
closely  associated  with  him,  made  a  mistake  in  mentioning  a  name 
or  a  figure.  This  too  must  be  said  :  Mr.  Fraley  was  to  his  subordi- 
nates the  most  delightful  of  chiefs.  He  was  uniformly  courteous 
and  considerate  under  circumstances  pleasant  or  trying,  and  he  was 
always  anxious  to  give  to  any  one  who  served  under  his  command 
more  than  full  credit  for  whatever  was  done. 

But  neither  the  daily  work  of  business,  nor  the  delights  of  liter- 
ature, nor  active  participation  in  the  duties  and  the  pleasures  of 
this  Society  could  sufficiently  absorb  Mr.  Fraley's  energies.  In 
1824  Mr.  Fraley  was  one  of  the  founders  of  the  Franklin  Institute, 
and  for  seventy-seven  years  he  was  an  active  member  of  that 
Society  of  world-wide  reputation  and  distinguished  achievements, 
whose  doors  have  been  always  open  to  receive  students  of  science 
and  the  useful  arts.  In  1853  Mr.  Fraley  took  his  seat  as  a  Trustee 
of  the  University  ot  Pennsylvania,  and  during  his  forty-eight  years 
of  service  that  great  institution  of  learning  has,  by  reason  of  the 
earnest  efforts  of  its  successive  Provosts,  Trustees,  and  instructors,  the 
loyal  support  of  its  Alumni,  and  the  generous  gifts  of  money  by  the 
broad-minded  men  and  women  who  have  written  their  names  upon 
the  roll  of  the  benefactors  of  the  University,  become  the  centre  of 
the  intellectual  life  of  Philadelphia  and  one  of  the  foremost  colleges 
of  the  country. 

Dr.  William  Pepper,  to  whom  this  Society  and  the  University 
owe  debts  which  never  can  be  paid,  said  of  Mr.  Fraley,  that  during 
more  than  forty  years  "  he  had  been  prominently  engaged  in  all 
the  efforts  which  had  brought  the  University  to  the  prosperous  and 
powerful  position  she  now  commands.  He  enjoyed  in  a  rare  degree 
the  love  and  confidence  of  Trustees  and  Faculties,  and  no  language 
could  convey  an  adequate  sense  of  the  value  of  his  benignant  influ- 
ence, of  his  universal  charity,  of  his  wise  counsels,  and  of  his  con- 
stant loyal  co-operation.  I  am  confident  the  University  never  had 
a  truer  friend,  nor  a  more  faithful  and  unselfish  servant." 

Mr.  Fraley  was  in  1833  a  founder,  and  for  sixty-eight  years  a 
member,  for  sixty-seven  years  a  Director,  and  for  fourteen  years  the 
President  of  the  Philadelphia  Board  of  Trade,  which,  under  his 
leadership,  has  devoted  itself  to  the  improvement  of  facilities  for 
transportation  by  land  and  water,  to  the  increase  of  commerce,  to 
the  growth  of  manufactures,  to  the  maintenance  of  a  solid  financial 


system,  and,  in  Mr.  Fraley's  words,  to  "the  development  of  those 
impersonal  interests  that  make  the  prosperity  of  a  great  city." 

Upon  the  formation,  in  1868,  of  the  National  Board  of  Trade 
as  a  federation  of  all  the  commercial  organizations  of  the  country, 
Mr.  Frale>  was  chosen  as  its  President,  and  for  thirty-three  years 
he  was  successively  re-elected  to  that  high  office  by  the  unanimous 
action  of  delegates  coming  from  every  part  of  the  country,  and 
bound  to  him  by  no  tie  other  than  a  just  appreciation  of  his  char- 
acter, ability,  and  impartiality. 

In  all  of  the  many  bodies,  corporate  or  voluntary,  public,  busi-  * 
ness,  or  social,  over  which  Mr.  Fraley  presided,  or  in  whose  delib- 
erations he  actively  participated,  for  so  many  years  and  to  the  end, 
he  was  a  forceful  leader,  for  he  always  had  clear  and  decided  views 
upon  all  questions  which  came  to  be  considered,  he  had  the  courage 
and  the  ability  to  give  to  those  views  adequate  expression,  and  he 
had  the  tact  and  equability  of  temper  which  enabled  him  not  only 
to  persuade  but  also  to  convince. 

He  was  an  exceptionally  well-qualified  presiding  officer.  He  had 
a  thorough  knowledge  of  parliamentary  law  and  practice  and  an 
unusual  readiness  in  the  application  of  his  knowledge.  He  was 
instinctively  fair-minded,  and,  therefore,  he  was  always  impartial. 
He  had  an  unrivaled  facility  of  felicitous  expression,  and,  to  those 
who  could  appreciate  him,  it  was  an  intellectual  pleasure  to  listen 
to  the  graceful  speeches  which  he  was,  from  time  to  time,  accus- 
tomed to  address  to  the  Societies  and  Boards  over  which  he  pre- 

He  had  a  strong  sense  of  public,  as  well  as  of  private,  duty,  and 
he  had  no  sympathy  with  that  spirit  of  destructive  criticism  which 
contents  itself  with  deploring  the  existence  of  evils  which  it  does 
not  try  to  mend. 

He  held  public  office,  and  he  achieved  results  in  State  and  muni- 
cipal politics,  without  sacrifice  of  independence  or  loss  of  self- 
respect.  In  1839  he  was  a  member  of  the  National  Convention  of 
the  Whig  Party,  which  nominated  William  Henry  Harrison  for 
election  as  President  of  the  United  States.  From  1834  to  1837  he 
sat  in  the  Common  Council  of  the  old  City  of  Philadelphia. 
From  1837  to  1840  he  served  with  credit  in  the  Senate  at  Harris- 
burg.  In  1834  he  successfully  accomplished,  against  the  opposition 
of  the  most  respectable  conservatism  of  the  leading  citizens  of  that 
day,  the  introduction  of  street  and  house  lighting  by  gas,  and  his 


was  the  financial  plan  which  made  possible  at  that  time  the  con- 
struction and  operation  of  the  municipal  gas  works.  In  1853,  1854 
and  1855  he  actively  participated  in  the  popular  efforts  to  secure 
the  consolidation  of  the  city,  and  his  is  the  plan  of  municipal 
financing  and  accounting  which  is  now  in  force,  unchanged  by 
later  legislation,  and  largely  effective  to-day  in  the  high  credit  of 
the  city  loans. 

His  was  the  plan  under  which  Girard  College  was  successfully 
administered  as  a  school  for  orphans  before  the  organization  of  the 
'  Board  of  City  Trusts. 

When  in  1861  the  existence  of  the  Government  of  the  United 
States  and  the  permanency  of  free  institutions  were  threatened  by 
'  an  armed  insurrection,  Mr.  Fraley  saw  clearly  the  duty  of  the 
citizen,  and  he  voiced  the  sentiments  of  that  loyalty  which  put 
country  above  party  in  words  which  are  worthy  of  lasting  record. 
On  30th  November,  1861,  he  published  a  letter,  in  which  he  said  : 

"I  have  both  publicly  and  privately  expressed  the  following 
opinions  hitherto,  and  have  so  far  seen  no  cause  for  changing  them. 

"  First — That  it  is  the  duty  of  every  one,  with  head,  heart,  hand 
and  purse,  to  aid  the  general  Government  in  putting  down  the 
rebellion,  and  in  reducing  to  obedience  to  the  Constitution  and 
laws  of  the  United  States  those  who  are  in  arms  against  the  sov- 
ereign authority  of  the  Union.  That  aid  is  to  be  cordially  given, 
with  a  proper  confidence  that  those  who  have  been  entrusted  by  the 
American  people  with  the  responsibilities  of  power  will  honestly 
and  faithfully  execute  the  high  trusts  committed  to  them. 

"  Second — That  we  are  not  engaged  in  a  war  for  the  prevalence 
of  any  peculiar  set  of  political  opinions,  but  one  which  is  to  deter- 
mine by  its  results  whether  we  have  a  National  Government,  bind- 
ing in  absolute,  supreme  and  complete  sovereignty  over  individuals 
and  States  for  every  object  defined  in  the  Constitution  of  the 
United  States,  or  whether  the  nation  is  to  be  broken  up  by  every 
accidental  majority  that  may  place  State  Legislatures  in  the  power 
of  traitors  or  fanatics. 

"  Third — That,  having  by  the  Constitution  and  various  com- 
promise laws  given  to  the  institution  of  slavery  every  protection 
hitherto  which  it  could  legitimately  claim,  and  having  failed  thereby 
to  avoid  an  appeal  to  a  power  outside  of  the  Constitution  (the 
appeal  to  arms  made  by  the  traitors  of  the  South),  it  is  now  our 
duty  so  to  deal  with   the  slave  question   that  it  shall   no  longer 


jeopard  the  peace,  happiness  and  prosperity  of  the  people  of  the 
United  States,  and  that  the  thoughts  of  every  patriot  should  be 
turned  to  measures  for  the  gradual  abolition  of  slavery,  by  compo- 
sitions with  loyal  citizens  of  the  South  for  the  freedom  of  all 
persons  born  after  a  certain  day,  and  by  the  speedier  method  of 
immediate  freedom,  with  properly  guarded  and  limited  political 
and  social  rights,  for  the  slaves  of  all  who  may  continue  in  treason 
and  rebellion." 

Those  of  us  who  were  living  at  that  time  and  who  remember  the 
conflict  of  opinion  in  Philadelphia  between  the  supporters  and  the 
opponents  of  the  Government,  and  the  strong  personal  and  social 
influences  which  were  arrayed  in  this  city  against  a  vigorous  prose- 
cution of  the  war,  will  fully  appreciate  the  force  of  Mr.  Fraley's 
frank  declaration  and  will  regard  it  as  both  patriotic  and  states- 

It  is  but  right  to  add  in  this  connection  that  no  one  more  fully 
than  Mr.  Fraley  rejoiced  in  later  years  that  the  wounds  of  war  had 
been  healed  and  that  North  and  South  were  united  under  one  flag 
in  the  full  enjoyment  of  a  common  prosperity. 

Animated  by  the  sentiments  to  which  he  had  given  such  clear 
expression,  Mr.  Fraley  as  a  private  citizen  loyally  supported  the 
Government  in  all  its  efforts  to  raise  men  and  secure  money  for  the 
suppression  of  the  insurrection,  and  his  only  regret  was  that  his 
years  forbade  him  to  serve  as  a  soldier  in  the  field.  In  furtherance 
of  his  patriotic  purposes  he  became  one  of  the  founders  of  the 
Union  League,  and  he  labored  earnestly  for  the  success  of  the  Sani- 
tary Commission  Fair  of  1864. 

So  long  as  the  relative  rates  and  costs  of  production  of  gold  and 
silver  preserved  an  approximate  stability  in  the  market  prices  of  the 
metals  Mr.  Fraley,  as  a  scientific  bimetallist,  advocated  the  double 
or  alternating  standard  of  value ;  but  when  the  conditions  changed, 
no  one  more  clearly  than  he  saw  that  to  admit  silver  to  free  coin- 
age would  result  in  silver  monometallism,  and  would  inevitably  be 
followed  by  national  repudiation  and  individual  bankruptcies.  He, 
therefore,  vigorously  opposed  the  silver  legislation  of  1878  and 
1890,  and  in  1891  he  appeared  as  a  representative  of  the  Philadel- 
phia Board  of  Trade  before  the  Coinage  Committee  of  the  House  of 
Representatives  and,  as  the  report  of  the  Board  of  Trade  for  that 
year  states,  "  going  over  the  history  of  the  coinage  laws  of  the 
United  States,   from   the  beginning  of  the    nation  down   to  that 


time,  and  giving  a  clear  exposition  of  the  laws  of  trade  in  relation 
to  the  action  and  influences  of  the  coinage  of  the  precious  metals 
under  the  different  ratios  of  silver  to  gold,  he  argued  that  inevi- 
table danger  and  disaster  would  ensue  should  the  bill  pass  author- 
izing the  free  and  unlimited  coinage  of  the  silver  of  the  whole 
world  at  the  artificial  standard  contemplated."  The  result  was 
that  "the  Coinage  Committee,  on  February  20th,  reported  the 
Free  Coinage  bill  to  the  Hcfuse  with  an  adverse  recommendation." 

One  of  Mr.  Fraley's  audience  upon  that  occasion,  Mr.  William 
V.  McKean,  for  so  many  years  the  honored  Editor-in-Chief  of  the 
Philadelphia  Public  Ledger,  and  by  reason  of  his  knowledge  of  the 
financial  history  of  the  country  and  his  trained  intelligence  a  most 
competent  critic  of  such  a  performance,  has  recently  said  of  Mr. 
Fraley's  speech  that  it  covered  the  whole  history  of  the  silver  coin- 
age from  the  beginning  of  the  Government  to  the  date  of  its  de- 
livery, that  it  omitted  nothing  historically  or  inferentially  which 
could  elucidate  the  subject,  and  that  spoken  as  it  was  by  a  man 
then  eighty -seven  years  of  age,  without  reference  to  a  paper  or  a 
note,  and  compressed  and  clear,  it  was,  in  its  character  and  in  its 
effect  upon  its  hearers,  nothing  less  than  marvelous. 

In  the  memorable  national  campaign  of  1896  Mr.  Fraley  assisted 
by  his  wise  counsel  in  the  educational  and  other  efforts  of  the 
Sound  Money  League  of  Pennsylvania. 

Mr.  Fraley  had  throughout  his  life  an  exceptional  facility  in 
attracting  and  attaching  friends  to  himself.  To  mention  all  of 
those  with  whom  during  his  life  he  was  on  terms  of  intimate  friend- 
ship would  be  to  give  the  names  of  not  only  the  best  citizens  of 
Philadelphia,  but  also  the  names  of  many  distinguished  men  from 
every  part  of  our  country  for  the  last  seventy  years.  He  drew  all 
these  men  to  himself  by  his  kindness  of  heart,  his  unfailing  cour- 
tesy, his  sincerity,  his  wide  and  varied  information  and  his  keen 
sense  of  humor. 

It  is  deeply  to  be  regretted  that  he  never  committed  to  writing 
the  reminiscences  of  men  and  of  affairs  with  which  he  was  accus- 
tomed to  interest  those  who  were  fortunate  enough  to  be  admitted 
into  intimate  intercourse  with  him. 

Mr.  Fraley  never  undervalued  the  uses  or  the  advantages  of 
wealth,  yet  he  did  not  care  for  wealth  for  its  own  sake,  and  he 
thought  that  there  were  other  things  in  life  better  worth  having, 
such  as  the  truth,  the  steadfastness,  the  unselfishness,  the  charity 
and  the  peace  of  conscience  that  go  to  the  making  of  and  accompany 


a  fine  character,  and,  having  these  better  things,  he  had  no  cause 
to  envy  people  who  have  wealth  and  nothing  more. 

In  the  later  years  of  his  life  Mr.  Fraley  had  to  endure  the  physi- 
cal infirmities  of  old  age  in  diminished  powers  of  locomotion  and 
in  defective  eyesight,  amounting  almost  to  blindness.  He  bore  his 
trials  patiently  and  bravely,  and  he  was  spared  the  more  distressing 
infirmities  of  old  age,  for  he  retained  his  clearness  of  mind  to  the 
last  hour  of  his  conscious  existence. 

It  is  not  surprising  that  Mr.  Fraley  should  have  lived  to  years  far 
beyond  the  period  of  the  life  of  most  men,  for  he  inherited  from 
his  sturdy  ancestry  a  vigorous  constitution,  he  led  a  regular  and 
a  temperate  life,  without  excesses  and  without  undue  restraint  upon 
enjoyment,  he  never  gave  way  to  anger  or  to  vain  repinings,  and  he 
was  uniformly  cheerful  and  hopeful. 

Mr.  Fraley  was  born  in  the  last  year  of  President  Jefferson's  first 
administration  and  he  died  after  President  Roosevelt  had  succeeded 
to  office.  During  his  lifetime  the  railway,  the  steamship,  the  tele- 
graph, and  the  telephone  have  revolutionized  civilized  existence ; 
villages  have  grown  to  be  great  cities ;  our  country  has  survived 
the  shock  of  foreign  and  of  civil  war ;  its  States,  which  had  been 
separated  by  distance  and  by  time,  and  which  had  been  united 
only  in  name,  have  been  welded  into  a  nation  which  is  to-day  one 
of  the  great  empires  of  the  world.  In  other  countries  ruler  after 
ruler  has  ascended  the  throne  and  has  in  his  turn  passed  away  ; 
frontiers  of  kingdoms  have  been  obliterated  and  new  frontiers 
created  ;  and  the  map  of  Europe,  of  Asia,  and  of  Africa  has  been 
changed  again  and  again. 

To  have  lived  through  the  period  when  these  momentous  events 
were  happening,  and  after  ninety-seven  years  to  have  died  in  the 
unimpaired  enjoyment  of  his  mental  faculties,  would  have  made 
any  man  remarkable  ;  but  Frederick  Fraley,  as  he  was  known  to  the 
men  who  were  closest  to  him,  was  remarkable  not  only  because  of 
his  long  life  and  not  only  because  of  the  century,  through  almost 
the  whole  of  which  he  had  lived,  but  also  and  chiefly  because  of 
his  varied  knowledge,  his  power  of  expression,  his  steadfastness  of 
purpose,  and  his  many  attractive  qualities. 

It  can  be  said  of  Frederick  Fraley,  as  of  few  men,  that  he  never 
shrank  from  the  performance  of  any  duty,  that  he  was  faithful  to 
every  trust,  that  his  continued  living  was  a  pleasure  and  his  death 

a  personal  loss  to  all  who  knew  him. 

C.  Stuart  Patterson. 


{Read  December  6,  1901.) 

One  of  the  sciences  in  which  this  country  has  made  itself  dis- 
tinguished, especially  upon  the  chemical  side,  is  the  science  of 
mineralogy.  In  proof  of  this  it  is  necessary  only  to  mention  the 
names  of  Dana,  of  Lawrence  Smith,  of  Sterry  Hunt,  of  Brush,  of 
Shepard,  of  Cooke  and  of  Genth.  Among  these  eminent  men, 
perhaps  none  of  them  devoted  himself  with  more  assiduity  to  this 
science  than  did  our  late  colleague,  Prof.  Dr.  Genth. 

Friedrich  August  Ludwig  Karl  Wilhelm  Genth  was  born  in  the 
village  of  Waechtersbach,  in  Hesse,  on  May  17,  1820.  On  his 
father's  side,  his  family  was  2hi  old  Hesse-Nassau  family,  most  of 
whom  resided  in  the  vicinity  of  Wiesbaden.  His  father  was  Georg 
Friedrich  Genth,  High  Forester  to  Prince  Issenbourg,  and  his 
mother  was  Karoline  Amalie  Genth,  her  maiden  name  having  been 
Freyin  von  Schwarzenau.     Her  family  lived  in  Darmstadt. 

From  his  earliest  days  young  Genth  was  taught  by  his  father  to 
take  an  interest  in  the  phenomena  of  nature*;  whereby  his  powers 
of  observation  became  developed  and  his  enthusiasm  awakened  in 
the  natural  sciences,  especially  in  botany,  mineralogy  and  geology. 
He  entered  the  Hanau  Gymnasium  at  the  age  of  sixteen,  this  insti- 
tution being  then  under  the  direction  of  Dr.  Schuppius.  There  he 
remained  for  three  years,  graduating  on  the  26th  of  September, 
1839,  fully  prepared  for  his  university  course.  On  the  nth  of 
November  following,  he  matriculated  at  the  University  of  Heidel- 
berg, and  came  under  the  instruction  of  Gmelin  in  chemistry, 
Bischoffin  botany,  and  Blum  and  Leonhard  in  geography,  geology 
and  mineralogy,  these  being  the  sciences  to  which  he  had  already 
paid  some  attention.  Owing  to  the  pressure  of  family  matters  he 
left  Heidelberg  in  August,  1841,  and  in  the  following  November 
became  a  student  in  the  University  of  Giessen,  devoting  himself 
mainly  to  chemistry  and  studying  under  Fresenius  and  Kopp,  and 
particularly  of  Liebig.  Ill  health,  however,  compelled  him  to  leave 
Giessen  in  April,  1843.     Subsequently,  in  May,  1844,  he  entered 



the  University  of  Marburg,  studying  chemistry  under  Bunsen  and 
physics  under  Gerling.  In  January,  1845,  ne  presented  his  disser- 
tation to  the  Faculty  and  was  graduated  with  the  degree  of  Philo- 
sophiae  Doctor.  The  subject  of  this  thesis  was:  "  Beitrage  zur 
Kenntniss  des  Kupferschieferhutten-processen,  erlautert  durch  die 
Untersuchung  der  auf  der  Friedrichshiitte  bei  Riechelsdorf  gewon- 
nenen  Producte."  Shortly  afterward  he  became  Chemical  Assistant 
to  Prof.  Bunsen,  and  was  subsequently  appointed  a  Privat-Docent  in 
the  University.  He  held  this  position  for  about  three  years,  resign- 
ing it  in  the  spring  of  1848.  In  the  summer  of  that  year  he  sailed  for 
Baltimore,  and  soon  after  his  arrival  there  he  went  to  Philadelphia, 
where  he  established  one  of  the  earliest  analytical  laboratories  in 
America.  In  the  fall  of  1849  he  received  an  offer  of  the  position 
of  Superintendent  of  the  Washington  (now  Silver  Hill)  mine,  in 
Davidson  county,  North  Carolina.  This  offer  he  accepted,  giving 
up  his  laboratory  in  Philadelphia  and  removing  in  October  to 
Davidson  county.  Here  he  remained  until  August,  1850,  when  he 
resigned  this  position  and  returned  again  to  Philadelphia,  where  he 
reopened  his  analytical  laboratory  and  devoted  himself  to  research, 
to  commercial  analysis  and  to  the  instruction  of  special  students  in 
chemistry.  It  was  in  this  laboratory  that  the  chief  part  of  his 
admirable  work  on  the  ammonia-cobalt  bases,  as  well  as  the  earlier 
portions  of  his  mineralogical  investigations,  was  done.  This  work 
of  research  attracted  general  attention,  and  in  1872,  upon  the 
death  of  Prof.  Wetherill,  he  was  tendered  the  Professorship  of 
Chemistry  in  the  University  of  Pennsylvania,  then  just  entering 
upon  the  new  era  of  prosperity  consequent  upon  its  removal  to  West 
Philadelphia.  This  position  he  at  first  declined  because  of  the 
pecuniary  sacrifice  which  it  involved  ;  but  subsequently  he  accepted 
it  with  the  understanding  that  his  private  work  might  still  be  car- 
ried on.  He  continued  to  hold  his  chair,  with  credit  to  himself 
and  satisfaction  to  his  colleagues,  until  the  fall  of  1888,  when  he 
severed  his  connection  with  the  University  and  for  the  third  time 
returned  to  his  private  research  laboratory  and  to  his  professional 

The  earliest  scientific  paper  published  by  Dr.  Genth  appeared  in 
Leonhard  a?id  Bronri 's  Jahrbuch  for  1842.  It  was  entitled  "  Bin- 
nenconchylien  lebender  Arten  im  Kalktuff  von  Ahlersbach,"  and 
shows  the  influence  not  only  of  his  father's  early  training  in  the 
natural  sciences,   but  also   of  that  of  Leonhard,   with  whom   he 


studied  geology  in  Heidelberg.  A  second  geological  paper 
appeared  during  the  same  year  with  the  title  "  Alter  verschiedener 
Zechsteine;"  and  in  1848  he  published  two  similar  papers  in  the 
Jahrbuch,  entitled  respectively  "  Eocene  Schichten  mit  Beschrei- 
bung  der  Petrifacten  "  and  "  Miocene  Geognosie  des  Mainzer 

It  was  in  Giessen,  however,  under  the  influence  of  Liebig,  and 
particularly  in  Marburg,  where  he  studied  with  Bunsen,  that  Dr. 
Genth's  mind  received  its  strong  bias  in  the  direction  of  chem- 
istry. Even  in  1845,  before  taking  his  Doctor's  degree,  he  pub- 
lished papers  on  "  Prehnite,  a  Pseudomorph  after  Analcime;"  on 
"  Chemical  Examination  of  Masopin,  a  new  Gum-resin,"  and  on 
"The  Analysis  of  Various  Refined  Coppers."  Two  manuals  by 
him — one  a  "Tabular  Review  of  the  More  Important  Reactions  of 
Bases,"  and  the  other  a  similar  work  en  the  Acids — appeared  soon 
after  his  graduation. 

The  purely  chemical  papers  of  Dr.  Genth  number  in  all  thirty- 
one.  In  a  letter  to  Liebig  in  1845,  an(*  published  in  the  Annalen, 
he  called  attention  to  an  allotropic  modification  of  nickelous  oxide, 
occurring  in  the  form  of  small,  almost  microscopic  crystals,  grayish- 
black  in  color,  and  having  the  form  of  regular  octahedrons,  on  certain 
disks  of  refined  copper  from  Riechelsdorf.  In  1853  ne  discovered 
the  corresponding  compound  of  cobalt,  which  closely  resembled  it. 

In  Liebig  s  Annalen  for  1848,  Dr.  Genth  published  a  paper  giving 
analyses  of  lavas  from  Hecla,  which  had  been  collected  by  Bunsen 
during  his  visit  to  Iceland.  Four  of  these  lavas  were  examined, 
those  from  Thjorsa,  Hals  and  Efrahvolshraun  and  that  of  the  erup- 
tion of  1845.  In  tne  nrst  of  these  he  found  his  first  new  mineral, 
which  he  named  Thjorsaite.*  The  author  concludes:  (1)  That 
these  lavas  differ  from  those  of  Vesuvius  and  Etna  in  that  they  are 
insoluble  in  hydrochloric  acid,  containing  no  material  gelatinizing 
with  this  acid  ;  (2)  that  the  essential  constituent  in  them  has  the 
same  composition  as  wichtisite  ;  and  (3)  that  any  differences  in 
composition  between  them  are  due  to  the  admixture  of  thjorsaite, 
chrysolite,  orthoclase  (?)  and  magnetite. 

In  Erdmanri1 's  Journal  filr  praktische  Chemie  for  1846  appeared 
an  elaborate  paper  by  Dr.  Genth  on  a  "  Chemical  Exam- 
ination of  the  Products  obtained  in  the  Metallurgy  of  Copper 
Schists."     The    Friedrichs   plant   at    Riechelsdorf  was  especially 

*  Subsequently  shown  to  be  Anorthite. 


studied  and  its  products  were  analyzed.  This  paper  covers  forty- 
eight  pages  and  is  substantially  his  inaugural  dissertation  at  Mar- 
burg. The  immediate  occasion  of  this  investigation  was  the  send- 
ing to  Prof.  Bunsen  for  analysis  of  various  samples  of  refined 
copper  from  Sweden  and  Norway,  together  with  two  samples  from 
the  Riechelsdorf  works  ;  the  whole  coming  from  the  Kurfurstliche 
Ober-berg  und  Salzwerke-Direction  of  Cassel.  The  examination  of 
these  coppers  was  turned  over  to  Dr.  Genth,  and  his  paper  is 
divided  into  six  sections.  The  first  describes  the  processes  in  use 
at  Riechelsdorf,  the  second  gives  the  analytical  methods  used,  the 
third  considers  the  products  examined  with  their  physical  proper- 
ties and  chemical  composition,  the  fourth  gives  the  analysis  of  other 
coppers  for  comparison,  the  fifth  the  same  in  tabular  form  and  the 
sixth  states  some  chemico-technological  conclusions.  The  value  of 
this  research  was  recognized  by  a  letter  of  thanks  from  the  Direc- 
tion. It  resulted  in  some  material  changes  in  the  processes 
employed  at  the  Friedrichs  works. 

In  December,  1852,  Dr.  Genth  read  before  the  Academy  of  Nat- 
ural Sciences  a  paper  on  a  supposed  new  element  which  he  had  de- 
tected in  certain  small  white  grains  associated  with  iridosmine  and 
platinum  from  California.  On  treatment  with  hydrochloric  acid, 
two  of  the  metallic  particles  were  observed  to  evolve  hydrogen.  On 
removing  them  from  the  liquid,  they  were  seen  under  a  magnifier  to 
be  mixed  with  gold.  In  color  they  were  between  tin  white  and  steel, 
were  malleable,  but  harder  than  tin  and  were  soluble  in  nitric  acid, 
yielding  a  crystalline  salt.  With  hydrogen  sulphide  the  solution 
gave  a  brown  precipitate.  Before  the  blowpipe  on  charcoal  the 
metal  fused  readily,  but  soon  became  covered  with  a  black  oxide. 
It  gave  no  incrustation.  With  borax  in  the  outer  flame  it  dissolved, 
giving  a  colorless  bead  which  became  opalescent  on  cooling. 
Though  resembling  tin,  the  new  metal  is  distinguished  from  it  by 
its  complete  solubility  in  nitric  acid,  by  the  brown  precipitate 
with  hydrogen  sulphide  and  by.the  absence  of  a  white  incrustation 
before  the  blowpipe. 

The  chemical  investigation,  however,  by  which  Dr.  Genth  is 
most  widely  known  is  undoubtedly  that  made  on  the  ammonia- 
cobalt  bases.  His  original  memoir  on  this  subject  was  published  in 
Philadelphia  in  185 1  in  Keller  and  Tiedemanri s  "  Nordamerikan- 
ischer  Monatsbericht  filr  Natur  und  Heilkunde"  under  the  title 
"Vorliiufige  Notiz  iiber    Gepaarte  Kobalt-Verbindungen."     This 


memoir  "  contained  the  first  distinct  recognition  of  the  existence 
of  perfectly  well-defined  and  crystallized  salts  of  ammonia-cobalt 
bases."  Indeed,  it  would  appear  that  no  trace  exists  "in  any 
earlier  paper  of  even  an  idea  of  the  existence  of  such  a  class  of 
compounds."  The  results  given  in  this  paper  were  first  obtained 
in  1847  m  Marburg,  while  the  author  was  chemical  assistant  to 
Prof.  Bunsen  and  during  the  latter's  absence  in  Iceland.  They 
were  freely  communicated  verbally  to  others  and  a  suite  of  the  salts 
obtained  were  deposited  at  the  time  in  the  laboratory  at  Giessen. 
In  this  early  memoir  Dr.  Genth  describes  two  series  of  salts  in 
which  cobalt  oxide,  conjugated  with  ammonia,  acts  as  a  base.  To 
prepare  these  bases,  ammonium  chloride  is  added  to  a  solution 
either  of  cobaltous  chloride  or  sulphate,  and  the  solution  is  satur- 
ated with  ammonia.  After  standing  four  or  five  weeks  in  the  air 
and  the  excess  of  ammonia  has  evaporated,  hydrochloric  acid  is 
added  to  acid  reaction  and  the  solution  is  boiled.  After  some  time 
a  crystalline  heavy  carmine  red  powder  is  deposited,  consisting  of 
small  octahedrons  having  the  empirical  formula,  Co203(NH.j)3Cl. 
Hence  they  must  be  considered  as  the  chloride  of  a  paired  or  con- 
jugated compound,  Co203(NH4)8,  which  plays  the  part  of  a  metal. 
On  further  evaporating  the  mother-liquor  from  which  the  carmine 
red  salt  was  obtained,  an  orange-yellow  cobalt  salt  separated  in 
crystals.  "  Though  the  analyses  were  from  necessity  not  sufficiently 
complete  and  extended  to  fix  the  constitution  of  the  bases  in  ques- 
tion, yet  the  fact  is  indisputable  that  this  memoir  contained  not 
merely  the  first  announcement  of  the  existence  of  ammonia-cobalt 
bases,  but  also  a  scarcely  less  accurate  and  complete  description  of 
two  of  these  bases  than  any  which  has  since  appeared." 

The  foregoing  memoir  was  called  by  Dr.  Genth  a  preliminary 
notice.  But  inasmuch  as  circumstances  prevented  a  prompt  resump- 
tion and  continuation  of  the  investigation,  the  field  was  entered  by 
others.  In  185 1  Claudet  described  purpureocobalt ;  and  later  in 
the  same  year  Fremy  communicated  to  the  French  Academy  "  the 
discovery  of  a  class  of  compounds  containing  cobalt  and  ammonia, 
and  produced  by  the  oxidation  of  ammoniacal  solutions  of  cobalt- 
ous salts,"  claiming  the  discovery  as  his  own.  He  "appears  not 
to  have  been  aware  that  these  two  bases  had  been  described  in  a 
manner  little  less  complete  than  his  own  two  years  before  the 
appearance  of  his  memoir." 

This  publication  by  Dr.  Genth  interested  chemists  greatly,  and 


on  July  21,  1852,  Dr.  Wolcott  Gibbs,  then  of  New  York,  who  had 
followed  Dr.  Genth's  directions  and  had  prepared  these  bases  in  his 
laboratory,  wrote  him  as  follows  :  "  I  enclose  you  herewith  a  small 
quantity  of  my  orange-cobalt  compound.  .  .  .  Please  let  me  have 
your  opinion  of  it.  I  think  it  identical  with  yours.  Let  me  urge 
you  to  go  on  with  your  investigation,  as  it  must  lead  to  very  inter- 
esting results  independently  of  the  beauty  of  the  compounds  in 
question."  Dr.  Genth's  response  must  have  been  prompt,  for  in 
a  second  letter,  written  on  the  26th  of  July,  Dr.  Gibbs  says  :  "In 
reply  to  your  proposition  I  can  only  say  that  I  will  willingly  join 
you  in  your  investigation,  provided  that  on  your  return  to  Philadel- 
phia you  find  that  your  engagements  will  prevent  you  from  accom- 
plishing your  work  alone.  You  ought,  if  possible,  to  have  the  entire 
credit  which  is  justly  due  to  you.  If,  however,  you  cannot  under- 
take the  matter  alone,  then  I  will  add  my  labors  to  yours  and  we 
will  publish  in  our  joint  names."  Thus  began  the  association  of 
these  two  eminent  men  in  the  investigation  which  has  since  become 
famous.  In  the  following  November  Dr.  Gibbs  himself  discovered 
a  new  ammonia-cobalt  base,  obtained  by  passing  nitrogen  oxides 
into  solutions  of  the  compounds  described  by  Dr.  Genth.  Its  salts 
have  a  dark  sherry-wine  or  brown-yellow  color,  and  the  new  base 
differs  from  the  others  in  the  fact  that  it  contains  nitrogen  dioxide 
as  a  coupler  in  addition  to  ammonia. 

In  the  joint  monograph  of  Gibbs  and  Genth,  which  was  published 
by  the  Smithsonian  Institution  in  1856,  and  afterward  printed  in 
the  American  Journal  of  Science,  the  nomenclature  of  Fremy  is  sub- 
stantially adopted  though  somewhat  modified.  Instead  of  "  Roseo- 
cobaltiaque "  and  "  Luteocobaltiaque,"  as  Fremy  proposed,  the 
names  "  Roseocobalt  "  and  "  Luteocobalt  "  are  employed  for  the 
two  bases  originally  discovered  by  Dr.  Genth;  that  of  "  Purpureo- 
cobalt  "  being  given  to  the  base  discovered  by  Claudet,  "  Xantho- 
cobalt "  to  that  discovered  by  Gibbs,  and  "  Fuscocobalt  "  to  the 
one  described  by  Fremy.  The^  authors  also  followed  Fremy' s 
example  in  referring  the  colors  of  these  substances  to  the  chromatic 
scale  of  Chevreul.  The  crystallographic  determinations  given  in 
the  memoir  were  made  by  J.  D.  Dana.  After  describing  the 
methods  of  analysis  used,  the  monograph  goes  on  to  state  at  length 
the  mode  of  preparation  and  the  properties  of  the  salts  of  roseo- 
cobalt, purpureocobalt,  luteocobalt  and  xanthocobalt,  together  with 
the  results  of  their  analysis.     It  concludes  with  a  theoretical  discus- 

XVI  .         OBITUARY    NOTICES. 

sion  of  the  rational  structure  of  these  bases,  considering  them  "as 
conjugated  compounds  of  sesquioxide,  sesquichloride,  etc.,  of 
cobalt,  the  five  or  six  equivalents  of  ammonia,  or  of  ammonia  and 
deutoxide  of  nitrogen,  forming  the  conjunct,  and  serving  to  give 
to  the  sesqui-compound  of  cobalt  the  degree  of  stability  which  it 
possesses  in  this  class  of  bodies."  This  extended  and  elaborate 
research  has  always  ranked  among  the  highest  chemical  investiga- 
tions ever  made  in  this  country.  Several  years  were  required  to 
complete  it,  the  analytical  portion  of  the  work  being  as  difficult  as 
it  was  protracted. 

In  1858,  in  conjunction  with  Dr.  Gibbs,  Dr.  Genth  published  a 
preliminary  notice  of  a  new  base  containing  osmium  and  the  ele- 
ments of  ammonia;  having  been  led  by  their  previous  work  to  the 
study  of  the  production  of  analogous  compounds  with  other  metals. 
On  studying  the  action  of  the  mixed  nitrogen  oxides  upon  ammo- 
niacal  solutions  of  the  platinum  metals,  they  discovered  a  well 
characterized  base  formed  by  osmium  when  thus  treated,  the  salts 
of  which  crystallize  well.  Though  noticed  by  Fremy  in  1844,  he 
was  mistaken  in  its  constitution,  calling  it  osmiamide.  The  salts 
of  this  new  base  have  a  beautiful  orange- yellow  color,  are  quite 
insoluble  in  cold  water,  more  soluble  in  hot.  Their  solutions 
decompose  easily,  evolving  osmic  acid. 

Besides  the  admirable  investigations  made  in  pure  chemistry, 
Dr.  Genth  will  ever  be  remembered  for  the  valuable  researches 
which  he  made  in  chemical  mineralogy.  As  early  as  1842,  while 
yet  a  student,  he  published  in  Leonhard  and  Bronri 's  Jahrbuch  a 
paper  on  "  A  Pseudomorph  of  Prehnite  after  Analcime."  And  in 
1848,  there  appears  in  Liebigs  Annalen  a  paper  by  him  containing 
analysis  of  baulite  from  Krabla,  of  phillipsite  from  Stempel,  of 
chabasite  from  Annerode,  of  iron-ochre  from  the  Alta-Birke  mine, 
of  speiss-cobalt  from  Reichelsdorf  and  of  uranite  from  the  Siebenge- 
berge.  In  1851,  he  announced  in  Keller  and  Tiedemanti' 's  Monats- 
bericht  the  discovery  .of  tetradymite  in  North  Carolina,  of  traces  of 
platinum  in  Lancaster  county,  Pa.,  and  of  a  magnetic  pyrite  in  the 
same  locality  which  contained  2.9  per  cent,  of  nickel  and  which 
has  since  been  made  the  basis  of  an  important  nickel  industry. 
The  same  year  he  described  a  mineral  from  Texas,  Pa.,  which  he 
considered  to  be  a  gymnite,  in  which  a  portion  of  the  magnesia  is 
replaced  by  nickelous  oxide,  isomorphous  with  it.     To  this  mineral 


he  gave  the  name  nickel  gymnite,  but  Dana  subsequently  called  it 

A  series  of  highly  valuable  papers,  entitled  "  Contributions  to 
Mineralogy,"  were  published  by  Dr.  Genth  from  time  to  time  for 
several  years.  These  papers  were  fifty-four  in  number  and  con- 
tained descriptions  of  215  mineral  species,  in  most  cases  being 
accompanied  by  analyses.  Most  of  these  contributions  appeared  in 
the  American  Journal  of  Science,  although  several  were  published  in 
the  Proceedings  of  the  American  Philosophical  Society  and  in  other 
serials.  In  a  number  of  his  later  papers  he  was  aided  by  S.  L.  Pen- 
field,  who  furnished  the  notes  on  crystallography.  Besides  these 
comprehensive  communications,  Dr.  Genth  was  the  author  of 
twenty-three  minor  contributions  to  chemical  mineralogy,  many  of 
which  contained  descriptions  of  new  species.  He  was  the  discov- 
erer of  twenty-four  new  minerals,  all  of  which  were  so  thoroughly 
individualized,  both  by  chemical  and  by  physical  methods,  that 
they  took  at  once  a  position  in  the  science  which  they  have  ever 
since  maintained. 

Dr.  Genth  was  especially  distinguished  for  his  extensive  knowl- 
edge of  the  chemistry  of  the  rarer  elements  ;  and  this  rendered 
his  analyses  of  the  minerals  containing  these  elements  of  great  value 
to  the  science  of  mineralogy.  His  papers  "On  Some  American 
Vanadium  Minerals,"  "  On  the  Vanadates  and  Iody rites  from  Lake 
Valley,  N.  M.,"  "Examination  of  North  Carolina  Uranium  Min- 
erals," and  especially  the  one  "  On  Some  Tellurium  and  Vanadium 
Minerals,"  are  noteworthy.  In  No.  VII  of  his  "  Contributions  to 
Mineralogy,"  published  in  1868,  he  gives  a  list  of  seven  American 
tellurium  minerals,  of  which  two  are  new  species  ;  and  in  a  paper 
published  in  1874  "  On  American  Tellurium  and  Bismuth  Min- 
erals," he  describes  native  tellurium,  tetradymite,  altaite,  hessite, 
petzite,  sylvanite,  calaverite,  tellurate  of  copper  and  lead,  bis- 
muthinite  and  schirmerite,  the  latter  a  new  mineral.  Indeed,  he 
regarded  his  work  on  tellurium  minerals  as  among  his  best  efforts. 
Nearly  one-half  of  the  new  species  made  by  him  were  compounds 
of  the  rarer  elements. 

Perhaps  the  most  important,  as  it  certainly  was  the  most  ex- 
tended, of  Dr.  Genth's  mineralogical  investigations  was  that  upon 
"  Corundum  :  Its  Alterations  and  Associated  Minerals,"  the  results 
of  which  were  communicated  to  the  American  Philosophical  So- 
ciety in  1873.     The  paper  occupies  forty-six  pages  of  the  Proceed- 


ings.  In  the  spring  of  1871,  he  had  exhibited  to  the  Society 
several  peculiar  crystals  of  corundum,  altered  either  wholly  or 
partly  into  other  mineral  species.  "Further  chemical  investiga- 
tion of  these  crystals,  and  of  others  similar  to  them,  gave  results 
leading  to  conclusions  which  seemed  to  possess  interest  not  only 
for  the  chemist  and  mineralogist,  but  in  connection  with  their 
paragenesis,  to  the  geologist  also."  The  largest  deposits  of  corun- 
dum in  the  world  are  in  a  chromiferous  serpentine  or  chrysolite 
formation  and  in  the  rocks  adjoining  thereto.  Localities  of  this 
mineral  have  been  developed  all  the  way  from  Massachusetts  to 
Alabama,  and  it  will  always  be  an  interesting  question  by  what 
agencies  such  enormous  quantities  of  alumina  could  have  been 
precipitated  to  form  it.  Especially  so,  since  by  its  subsequent 
alteration  it  has  given  rise  to  many  of  the  most  widely  distributed 
minerals  and  rocks.  The  most  important  deposit  of  corundum  in 
the  East  is  that  at  Chester,  Mass.,  discovered  by  C.  T.  Jackson,  and 
described  mineralogically  by  C.  U.  Shepard  and  J.  L.  Smith.  It 
consists  of  crystalline  corundum  contained  in  a  fine  scaly  chlorite, 
and  of  a  peculiar  mixture  of  granular  and  crystallized  corundum 
and  magnetite.  By  far  the  largest  deposits  of  corundum,  however, 
occur  in  North  Carolina,  the  corundum  belt  stretching  south- 
westerly from  Madison  county,  N.  C,  through  Georgia  into  Talla- 
poosa county,  Ala.,  a  distance  of  at  least  two  hundred  and  fifty 
miles.  The  first  large  mass  of  corundum  was  found  in  1847  on 
the  French  Broad  river,  near  Marshall.  It  was  dark-blue  in  color 
and  was  associated  with  chlorite  and  margarite.  The  outcrop  of 
the  Culsagee  mine,  near  Franklin,  extends  over  thirty  acres ;  that 
of  the  Cullakenee  mine,  about  twenty  miles  southwest  of  this,  ex- 
tends over  an  area  of  three  hundred  acres.  The  corundum  here 
is  generally  of  a  grayish-white  or  pale  ash-gray  color,  with  specks 
of  sapphire  occasionally.  Sometimes,  however,  it  is  of  a  beautiful 
pink  color,  associated  with  andesite,  zoisite,  margarite,  hornblende, 
and  rarely  with  chlorite,  spinel  and  tourmaline.  Near  Gainesville, 
Ga.,  corundum  exists  as  a  nucleus  in  irregular  kidney-shaped 
masses  of  margarite  or  with  a  peculiar  earthy  mineral  between 
isabel  and  flesh-red  in  color,  intersected  at  intervals  by  veins  of  a 
fine  scaly  or  massive  margarite.     • 

After  this  general  survey  of  the  geological  conditions  attending 
the  occurrence  of  corundum,  Dr.  Genth  proceeds  to  discuss  the 
minerals  which  are    associated    with    it.     Corundum    altered    into 


spinel  occurs  in  many  localities,  the  most   interesting  coming  from 
Hindostan.     The    corundum  crystals  are  from  half  an  inch  to  two 
inches  across.     Many  of  them  are  completely  altered,  and  most  of 
them  show  that  the  alteration  began   at  the  surface  and  penetrated 
irregularly   the    crystals   toward    the    centre,   leaving   frequently  a 
nucleus      of   brownish-gray    cleavable    corundum.     Beauxite,    an 
aluminum    hydrate    mixed  with    ferric    hydrate    and    a    hydrous 
aluminum    silicate,  and    enclosing    grains    of    corundum,    occurs 
abundantly   in  the  south  of   France.     T.    S.    Hunt    regarded  the 
corundum  as  having  been  produced  from  the  beauxite  by  loss  of  its 
water ;  but  Dr.  Genth  held  the  opposite  view  and  maintained  that 
the  beauxite  has    resulted    from    the   hydration   of  the  corundum. 
Zoisite  had  been  observed  in   the  Urals  by  Gustav  Rose  as  an  asso- 
ciate of  corundum.     The   best  locality  for  it  in  this  country,  how- 
ever, is  at   the   Cullakenee  mine,  where   it  occurs    sometimes    in 
crystals,  but  generally  in  compact  and  columnar  easily  cleavable 
masses,  from    grayish  to  greenish    and    brownish-white   in    color, 
many  of  the  specimens  showing  distinctly  that   it  is  the  result  of 
the  alteration   of  corundum,  the   pink   corundum  being  often  sur- 
rounded by  a  thin  coating  of  a  white  zoisite.     Tourmaline  is  asso- 
ciated with  corundum  at  most  of  the   localities  above  given.     At 
Unionville,   Pa.,  black   tourmaline    occurs    in    irregular  masses  of 
different  sizes,   in  the    corundum   itself  as    well  as  in  the  masses 
resulting  from  its  alteration.     Dr.  Isaac   Lea   mentions  the  occur- 
rence of  a  crystal  of  transparent  green  tourmaline  passing  through 
the  middle  of  a  prism  of  diaspore,  the  whole  enveloped  by  lamel- 
lar crystals  of  pearly  emeryllite.     At   the  Culsagee  mine  there  are 
masses  of  black  tourmaline  containing  crystals  of  white  and  yellow- 
ish-white corundum  disseminated   through   them,   the  particles  of 
tourmaline  crystals  being  intermixed  with  the  corundum  crystals 
and  vice  versa.     Fibrolite    has  been   long   known    to    accompany 
corundum    both   in  Europe  and    Asia.     The   variety  used  by  the 
Celts  in  the  stone  age  was  obtained  in  the  neighborhood  of  Chavag- 
nac  and    Ourouze,  in  France,   where  it    is  associated   with   mica, 
cyanite  and   red  and  blue    corundum.     At   Norwich,   Conn.,  the 
small  crystals  of  sapphire  are  completely  surrounded  by  fibrolite. 
Cyanite  is  a  very  common  associate  of  corundum,  rolled  masses 
of  it  occurring  in   Litchfield  and  Washington,  Conn.,  containing 
corundum  and  diaspore.     An   interesting  specimen  from  Newton, 
Conn.,  received   from  G.  J.  Brush,  consists  of  irregularly  arranged 


bladed  masses  of  a  gray,  bluish-white  and  blue  cyanite  ;  a  yellowish- 
white  micaceous  mineral  occurring  where  the  blades  meet,  em- 
bedded in  which  is  diaspore  containing  in  immediate  contact  with 
the  cyanite  a  rounded  fragment  of  a  slightly  pink  corundum. 

The  list  of  these  associated  minerals  includes  staurolite,  pyro- 
phylite,  damourite,  ephesite,  jerTerisite,  chlorite,  margarite  and  lazu- 
lite,  among  others ;  and  in  the  paper  are  described  four  new  min- 
erals :   kerrite,  maconite,  willcoxite  and  dudleyite. 

The  conclusions  reached  by  Dr.  Genth  as  the  result  of  this  elabo- 
rate investigation  are  as  follows:  (i)  At  the  period  when  the 
chromiferous  and  chrysolite  beds  were  deposited  a  large  quantity 
of  alumina  was  separated  and  formed  beds  of  corundum;  (2)  this 
corundum  has  subsequently  been  acted  on,  and  in  this  way  changed 
into  various  mineral  species — spinel,  fibrolite,  cyanite,  tourmaline, 
damourite,  chlorite  and  margarite,  and,  perhaps,  also  into  some 
varieties  of  feldspar ;  (3)  a  part  of  the  products  of  the  alteration 
of  corundum  still  exist  in  the  form  of  large  beds  of  mica  and 
chlorite  slates  or  schists  ;  (4)  another  part  has  been  still  farther 
altered  and  converted  into  other  minerals  and  rocks,  such  as  pyro- 
phyllite,  paragonite,  beauxite,  lazulite,  etc. 

Dr.  Genth  gave  some  attention  also  to  the  chemistry  of  meteor- 
ites. In  1854,  he  described  a  meteorite  from  New  Mexico,  given 
to  him  by  Prof.  Henry,  and  labeled  "  native  iron."  It  afforded 
on  analysis:  iron,  96.17;  nickel,  3.07;  cobalt,  0.42,  and  insoluble 
matter,  0.57,  this  latter  consisting  of  iron,  nickel  and  titanium. 
The  following  year  he  published  the  analysis  of  a  fragment  of  one 
of  the  meteoric  irons  of  Tucson,  Mexico,  presented  to  the  Acad- 
emy of  Natural  Sciences  by  Dr.  Herrmann.  This  analysis  showed 
the  meteorite  to  consist  of  iron,  copper,  cobalt,  nickel,  chromium, 
alumina,  magnesia,  lime,  soda,  potash,  phosphorus  and  silica, 
together  with  a  feldspathic  mineral,  supposed  to  be  labradorite.  It 
agrees  substantially  with  analysis  by  J.  L.  Smith  of  a  fragment  cut 
from  one  of  the  huge  masses  in  that  region  by  Lieut.  John  G. 
Parke,  U.  S.  Engineers.  A  third  meteoric  iron  was  described  by 
Dr.  Genth,  in  1886,  from  East  Tennessee. 

In  1874,  Prof.  Lesley,  Director  of  the  Second  Geological  Survey 
of  Pennsylvania,  appointed  Dr.  Genth  Chemist  and  Mineralogist 
of  the  Survey.  His  acquaintance  with  the  subject  committed  to 
him  is  well  shown  by  the  fact  that  before  the  close  of  that  year  he 
presented  a  "Preliminary  Report  on  the  Mineralogy  of  Pennsylva- 


nia,"  which,  together  with  an  "Appendix  on  Hydrocarbon  Com- 
pounds/' by  S.  P.  Sadtler,  covered  two  hundred  and  sixty  printed 
pages.  The  following  year  he  prepared  a  second  "  Preliminary  Re- 
port," covering  thirty-one  pages.  Dr.  Genth  was  also  Chemist  to 
the  Board  of  Agriculture  of  Pennsylvania,  and  did  much  by  his 
chemical  investigations,  and  especially  by  his  analysis  of  fertilizers 
and  other  materials,  to  develop  the  agricultural  industry  of  the  State 
and  to  maintain  a  high  standard  of  excellence  in  all  farm  products. 

As  a  man  of  science  Dr.  Genth  stood,  among  the  first  in  this 
country.  As  a  chemist,  especially  in  analytical  work,  he  was  well-nigh 
without  a  peer,  being  completely  familiar  not  only  with  the  reactions 
and  analytical  methods  of  separation  and  determination  of  the 
ordinary  elemental  and  compound  ions,  but,  what  is  more  remark- 
able, of  the  rarer  and  less  frequently  occurring  ones  as  well.  But 
this  is  not  all.  His  scientific  work  was  characterized  by  a,  con- 
scientiousness and  fidelity  to  fact  which  was  exceptional.  No 
labor  seemed  to  him  too  great,  if  by  it  an  added  accuracy  could 
be  secured.  His  knowledge  of  minerals  was  complete.  Not  only 
did  his  acute  vision  aid  his  early  training  in  recognizing  their 
nature  at  a  glance,  but  his  skill  in  observing  their  physical  and 
chemical  properties  gave  him  remarkable  power  in  detecting  new 
species.  Moreover,  his  devotion  to  scientific  accuracy  was  so  great 
that  most,  if  not  all,  of  the  differences  he  had  with  others  involved 
questions  of  fact  rather  than  of  opinion.  Again,  his  mind  had 
acquired,  by  long  practice,  great  facility  in  grasping  the  relations 
of  structural  grouping,  both  in  salts  and  in  minerals,  and  the 
rational  formula  of  an  ammonia-cobalt  base  or  of  a  complex  min- 
eral species  was  at  once  clearly  recognized  from  the  empirical 
results  of  his  analysis. 

As  a  teacher,  Dr.  Genth  was  most  successful.  Apart  from  his 
complete  command  of  the  subject,  he  took  a  great  interest  in  his 
good  students  and  devoted  himself  assiduously  to  their  advance- 
ment. But  for  those  who  were  studiously  indifferent  and  careless, 
to  his  credit  be  it  said,  he  had  but  little  regard.  He  was  merciless 
upon  fraudulent  work,  particularly  in  analysis.  The  reputation 
which  he  gave  to  his  department  in  the  University  was  deservedly 
high.  The  large  amount  of  research  work  which  he  did  was  never 
allowed  to  interfere  with  his  instruction,  and  those  who  were  his 
students   remained   ever  afterward   among   his   best  friends.     His 


retirement  was  a  great  loss  to  the   University,  the  more  so  since 
there  is  reason  to  believe  that  possibly  it  might  have  been  avoided. 

Prof.  Dr.  Genth  was  everywhere  recognized  by  his  scientific 
associates  as  a  man  of  rare  talent.  He  was  elected  a  member  of 
the  American  Philosophical  Society  in  January,  1854;  he  was  one 
of  the  corporate  members  of  the  American  Chemical  Society ;  was 
elected  a  vice-president  of  this  Society  in  1876  and  president  in 
1880  ;  in  1872  he  was  elected  a  member  of  the  National  Academy 
of  Sciences,  and  in  1875  a  Fellow  of  the  American  Academy  of 
Arts  and  Sciences  in  Boston.  The  American  Association  for  the 
Advancement  of  Science  paid  him,  in  1888,  the  high  compliment 
of  election  as  one  of  the  three  Honorary  Fellows  of  the  Associa- 

Dr.  Genth's  personality  was  most  agreeable.  He  was  cordial  to 
his  friends  and  associates,  valued  highly  their  society  and  was  ever 
ready  to  give  them  any  assistance  he  could  render  out  of  the  store- 
house of  his  knowledge.  He  was  twice  married,  first  in  Europe,  in 
1847,  t0  Karolina  Jaeger,  the  daughter  of  the  Librarian  of  the 
University  of  Marburg,  by  whom  he  had  three  children — two  sons 
and  a  daughter — all  of  whom  are  yet  living.  In  1852,  he  married 
Minna  Paulina  Fischer,  whom  he  met  in  Cumberland,  Md.;  four 
daughters  and  five  sons  being  the  issue  of  this  second  marriage. 
Of  these  four  daughters  and  one  son  are  still  living. 

Dr.  Genth  was  rather  corpulent  in  his  habit,  and  in  his  later 
years  went  about  with  some  difficulty,  being  troubled  considerably 
with  asthma.  He  died  at  his  home  in  Philadelphia  on  the  2d 
of  February,  1893,  from  an  attack  of  pneumonia,  being  in  his 
seventy- third  year. 

December  6,  igoi.  George  F.  Barker. 



Aboriginal  Rock  Pictures  in  Queensland 56,57 

Academie  R.  des  Sciences  de  Turin,  Prize  Offered ...   52 

Accipitres,  Osteology  of  the 85 

Address,  Annual 52 

Atmosphere,  Monatomic  Gases  of  the 165 

Barker,  George  F,  Delegate  to  20dth  Anniversary  of  Yale  University 160 

Genth,  F.  A.,  Memoir  of 165,  x 

Monatomic  Gases  of  the  Atmosphere 165 

Blood-rain     59 

Borings  in  the  Sulphur  Spring  Valley,  Arizona 160,161 

Chromosomes  of  the  Germ  Cells  of  Vortozoa,  A  Study  of  the 51 

Codex,  Mexican 53 

Committees,  Standing,  for  1901 51 

Cuckoos  (Coccyges),  Osteology  of  the 3,  4 

Culin,  Some  Results  of  a  Receut  Collecting  Trip  Among  the  American  Indians    ...    54 

Declaration  of  Independence 159 

Douglas,  James,  Borings  in  the  Sulphur  Spring  Valley,  Arizona 160,161 

Douglass,  Earl,  Fossil  Mammalia  of  the  White  River  Beds  of  Montana 61 

Election  of  Officers,  Annual 3 

Faunas,  Miocene,  of  Patagonia ( 59 

Flagstaff  Phenomena  of  December,   1901,   which  Created  the  Popular  Notion  of 

Signals  from  Mars 166 

Fossil  Mammalia  of  the  White  River  Beds  of  Montana 61 

Fraley,  Hon  Frederick,  LL.D.,  Memoir  of 166,  i 

Franklin's  Bagatelles 85,  87 

Gases  of  the  Atmosphere,  Monatomic 165 

General  Meeting 86 

Genth,  F.  A.,  Memoir  of 165 

Haupt,  Methods  of  Improving  Ocean  Bars 61,62 

Uays,  Declaration  of  Independence 159 

Imperial   Royal    Zoological  and  Botanical  Society  of  Vienna,  Invitation   to  50th  . 

Anniversary  of 52 

Indians,  Trip  Among  the  American 54 

Institute  of  Jamaica,  Thanks  for  Proceedings 61 

International  Congress  of  Zoology,  at  Berlin,  Invitation  to  Send  Delegates 55 

K.  K.  ZooL  Botan.  Gesell.  in  Wien,  50th  Anniversary,  Invitation  to 55,56 

Acknowledgment  of  Congratulatory  Address 61 

Langue  Auxiliare,  Internationale 165 

Librarian  Elected 51 

Loeb,  Artificial  Parthenogenesis 55 

Longstreth,  Blood-rain 59 

Lowell,  Signals  from  Mars    .   .   .    • 166 

Mammalia,  Fossil,  of  the  White  River  Beds  of  Montana 61 

Mars,  Signals  Irom 166 

Mathews,  Aboriginal  Rock  Pictures  in  Queensland 56,57 

Thoorga  and  Other  Languages 61 

Meetings,  Stated 3,  51,  52,  53,  54,  55,  56,  5 ',  61,  85,  159,  160,  165,  166 

Members  Deceased : 

Armstrong,  Rt.  Hon.  Lord 3 

Blodgett,  Lorin 56 

Curwen,  John 165 

Gray,  Elisha 52 

Hildeburn,  Charles  Swift  Riche 85 

Longchamps,  Baron  de  Selys 51 

Methan,  Thomas 165 

Muhlenberg,  F.  A 59 

Norris,  William  I".      ...  165 


Members  Deceased :  Page 

Porter,  Thomas  Conrad £5 

Rowland,  Henry  A.  . .59 

Stubbs,  Rt.,  Rev.  William 61 

Toppan,  Robert  Noxon 85 

Members  Elected : 

Adams,  Charles  Francis 54 

Balch,  Thomas  Willing  ....  .   .  85 

Brown,  Amos  P 85 

Bumpus,  H.  C  .   .  54 

Fisher,  George  Harrison .   .       .   .    54 

Flexner,  Simon 54 

Garnett,  Richard ....  .   .  54 

Giglioli,  Henry  H .   .  54 

Lodge,  Oliver  Joseph 54 

McPherson,  John  B  .   .  .... 85 

Marconi,  Guglielmo 54 

Markownikoff,  Wladimir  .   .  ....  .   .    54 

Meigs,  William  M .   .       .54 

Morris,  John  T 54 

Munro,  Dana  C 85 

Penniman,  Josiah  H 54 

Ravenel,  Mazyck 85 

Schiaparelli,  Giovanni 54 

Members  Presented  to  the  Chair 54,  55, 159,  160,  165 

Membership  Accepted     54,  55,  56,  61 

Montgomery,  Chromosomes  of  the  Germ  Cells  of  Vortozoa 51 

Nuttall,  Mexican  Codex 53 

Ocean  Bars,  Methods  of  Improving 61,  62 

Osteology  of  the  Cuckoos 3,4 

Parthenogenesis,  Artificial 55 

Patagonia,  Miocene  Faunas  of 59 

Patterson,  Memoir  of  Hon.  Frederick  Fraley,  LL.D 166,  i 

Pepper,  William,  Portrait  of,  Presented     56 

Pictures,  Aboriginal  Rock 56,  57 

Queensland,  Aboriginal  Rock  Pictures  in  .   .   .  57 

Reports,  Annual 166 

Rock  Pictures,  Aboriginal     56,  57 

Rosengarten,  Franklin's  Bagatelles 85,  87 

Scott,  Miocene  Faunas  of  Patagonia 59  . 

Sellers,  Annual  Address 52 

Shufeldt,  Osteology  of  the  Accipitres .  .  85 

Osteology  of  the  Cuckoos  (Coccyges) .    3,  4 

Osteology  of  the  Steganopodes 55 

Smyth,  Albert  H.,  Delegate  to  450th  Anniversary  of  University  of  Glasgow  .  .   .  .55,160 
Societe  Nationale  des  Sciences  Naturelles  et  Mathematique  de  Cherbourg,  50th  Anni- 
versary        160 

Steganopodes,  Osteology  of  the 55 

Suess,  Edward,  Delegate  to  50th  Anniversary  of  K.  K.  Zool.  Botan.  Gesell.  in  Wien  .  55,  56 

Sulphur  Spring  Valley,  Borings  in 161 

Technical  Education 52 

Thoorga  and  Other  Languages 61 

Tower,  Charlemagne,  Delegate  to  450th  Anniversary  of  Founding  of  University  of 

Glasgow  . 55, 56 

Turtles,  meteorological  deception  practiced  upon  box,  near  Philadelphia 51 

University  of  Glasgow  (450th  Anniversary) 52,  55, ""  60 

Vortozoa,  Chromosomes  of  the  Germ  Cells  of 51 

Willcox,  meteorological  deceptions  practiced  uponbox  turtles  near  Philadelphia.  .   .    51 
Yale  University,  200th  Anniversary 160 



American  Philosophical  Society 



(Founded  1743) 

February,  1902. 




FEBRUARY.    1902. 

1687.  Abbe,  Cleveland,  Prof 

2170.  Abbot,  Charles  Conrad,  M.D.  . 
1463.  Abbot,  Henry  L.,  Gen.  U  S.A.  . 
2311.  Abbott,  Alexander  C,  M.D.  .  . 

Dale  of  Election. 
July      27,  1871, 

Dec.  20, 1889, 
April  18,  1862, 
Feb'y   19,  1897, 

1809.  Ackerman,  Richard,  Prof.  .  .  .  July  21,  1876, 

2128.  Adam,  Lucien Dec.  17,  1886, 

2457.  Adams,  Charles  Francis,  LL.D.  Feb.  15,  1901, 

2451.  Adler,  Cyrus,  Ph.D May  18,   1900, 

1779.  Agassiz,  Alexander,  Prof.  .  .  .  April  16,  1875, 

1642.  Agassiz,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  ....  Oct.  15,  1869, 

1860.  Alison,  Robert  Henry,  M.D.   .  May  3,  1878, 

2380.  Allen,  Alfred  H May  20,  1898, 

1869.  Allen,  Joel  Asaph,  Prof.    .  .  .  Sept.  20,  1878, 

1927.  Ames,  Rev.  Charles  G Jan'y  21,  1881, 

2064.  Anderson,  Geo   L.,  Capt.  U.S.A.  Feb'y  19,  1X86, 

2164.  Angell,  James  B.,  Pres't Oct.  18,   1889, 

2220.  Appleton,  William  Hyde,  Prof.  May  19,  1893, 

2012.  Ashhurst,  Richard  L April  18,  1884, 

1219.  Avebury.  The  Right  Hon.  Lord.  July  18,  18S4, 

Present  Address. 

U.  S.  Weather  Bureau,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C 

Trenton, N.  J. 

23  Berkeley  St.  .Cambridge,  Mas?. 

University    of    Pennsj'lvania. 

Stockholm,  Sweden. 

41    Bard    Sevigne,      Rennes. 

23  Court  St.,  Boston. 

Smithsonian  Institution.  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

Cambridge,  Mass. 

Quincy  St.,  Cambridge,  Mass. 

Ardmore,  Montgomery  Co.,  Pa. 

67  Surrey  St.,  Sheffield,  Eng. 

Am.  Museum  of  Natural  His- 
tory, New  York. 

12  Chestnut  St.,  Boston,  Mass. 

Fort  Banks,  Mass. 

Ann  Arbor,  Mich. 

Swarthmore,  Pa. 

2204  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 

High  Elms,  Down,  Kent,  Eng. 


Name.  Date  of  Election. 

1995.  Bache,  R.  Meade Jau'y  18,  1884, 

1832.  Bache,  Thomas  Hewson,  M.D  .  Feb'y  2,  1877, 

2389.  Baer,  George  F Dec.  16,  1898, 

2285.  Bailey,  L.  H.,  Prof. May  15,  1896, 

1630.  Baird,  Henry  Carey Jan'y  15,  1S69, 

1991.  Baird,  Henry  M.,  Prof.    ....  Jan'y  18,  1884, 

2419.  Balch,  Edwin  Swift Dec.  15,  1899, 

2467.  Balch,  Thomas  Willing  ....  May  17, 1901, 

2345.  Baldwin,  James  Mark,  Prof.  .  .  Oct.  15,  1897, 

2191.  Ball,  Sir  Robert  Stawell  .  .  May  15,  1891, 

1965.  deBar,  Hon.  Edouard  Seve  .   .  July  21,  1882, 

1741.  Barker,  George  F.,  Prof.  .  .  .  .  April  18,  1873, 

2011.  Barker,  Wharton April  18,  1884, 

1902.  Bartholow,  Roberts,  M.D.    .  .  April  16,  1880, 

2119.  Bastian,  Adolph,  Prof. Dec.  17,  1886, 

2421.  Baugh,  Daniel Dec.  15,  1899, 

1968.  Bell,  Alexander  Graham,  Prof.  July  21,  1882, 

1802.  Bell,  Sir  Lowthian,  Bart.   .   .   .  April  21,  1876, 

2255.  Bement,  Clarence  S May  17,   1895, 

2326.  deBenneville,  James  S  .   .   .   .  Oct.  15,  1897, 

2261.  Berthelot,  Marcelin  P.  E.  .   .  May  17,  1895, 

2253.  Bertin,  Georges  . May     17,  1895, 

1920.  Biddle,  Cadwalader Oct.       15,  1S80, 

1831.  Biddle,  Hon.  Craig Feb'y     2,  1877, 

2134.  Billings,  John  S.,  M.D Feb'y  18,  1887, 

2256.  Bispham,  George  Tucker  .  .  .  May      17,  1895, 

2157.  Blair,  Andrew  A May     17,  1889, 

1554.  Blair,  Thomas  S Jan'y    19,  1866, 

1669.  Blake,  Wm.  Phipps,  Prof.    .  .   ,  Oct.      21,  1870, 

1444.  von  Bo'htlingk,  M.  Otto,   .  .  .  Jan'y    17,  1862, 

2235.  Bonaparte,  Prince  Roland  .  .  Feb'y  15,  1895, 

1126.  Boye,  Martin  H.,  Prof.    ....  Jan'y    17,  1840, 

1826.  Brackett,  Cyrus  Fogg,  Prof.  .  .  Feb'y     2,  1877, 

2083.  Branner,  John  C,  Prof.    ...  May     21,  1886, 

2095.  Brezina,  Aristides.    .  .  .  i  .   .  May      21,  1886, 

2069.  Brinton,  John  H.,  M.D Feb'y  19,  1886, 

2433.  Brock,  Robert  C.  H Dec.  15,  1899, 

2445.  Broegger,  W.  C,  Prof. Dec.  15.  1899, 

2080.  Brooks,  William  Keith,  Prof.  .  May  21,  1886, 

2466.  Brown,  Amos  P.,  Prof. May  17,  1901, 

1881.  Brown,  Arthur  Erwin  ....  April  18,  1879, 

2394.  Brown,  Ernest  William,  Prof .  Dec.  16,  1898, 

2275.  Brubaker,  Albert  P.,  M.D.  .  .  Oct.  18,  1895, 

1547.  Brush,  George  J.,  Prof.  ....  Jan'y  20,  1865, 

2376.  Bryant,  Henry  Grier May  20,  1898, 

2237.  Bryce,  Right  Hon.  James  . 

Feb'y    15,  1895, 

Present  Address. 

4400  Sansom  St.,  Philadelphia. 
233  S.  13th  St.,  Philadelphia. 

518  Washington  St., Reading, Pa. 

Cornell  University, Ithaca.N.Y. 
810  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 

219  Palisade  Ave.,Yonkers,N.Y. 

1412  Spruce  St.,  Philadelphia. 

1412  Spruce  St.,  Philadelphia. 

Princeton,  N.  J. 

Observatory,  Cambridge,  Eng. 

Ramsgate,  England. 

3909  Locust  St.,  Philadelphia. 

119  S.  4th  St.,  Philadelphia. 

1525  Locust  St.,  Philadelphia. 

Koniggratzerstrasse  120,  Ber- 
lin, Germany. 

1601  Locust  St.,  Philadelphia. 

1331  Connecticut  Ave.,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

Northallerton,  England. 

3907  Spruce  St.,  Philadelphia. 

University  Club,  Philadelphia: 

Palais  de  l'lnstitut  de  France, 
Rue  Mazarin,  No.  3,  Vie., 
Paris,  France. 

11  bis  Rue  Ballu,  Paris. 

1420  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 

2033  Pine  Street,  Philadelphia. 

40  Lafayette  Place,  New  York. 

1805  DeLaucey  Place,  Phila. 

406  Locust  Street,  Philadelphia. 

718  Bidwell  St.,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

Tucson,  Arizona. 

Seeburgstrasse  35,  II,  Leipzig, 

10  Ave.d'  Jena  22,  Paris, France. 

Coopersburg,  Lehigh  Co.,  Pa. 

Princeton,  N.  J. 

Stanford  University,  Cal. 

VII  Siebensterngasse,  46,  Vi- 
enna, Austria. 

1423  Spruce  St.,  Philadelphia. 

1612  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 

Christiania,  Norway. 

Johns  Hopkins  Univ.,  Balti- 
more, Maryland. 

20  E.  Penn  St.,  Germantown. 

1208  Locust  St.,  Philadelphia. 

Haverford  College,  Pa. 

105  N.  34th  St.,  Philadelphia. 

Yale  Univ.,  New  Haven,  Conn. 

Room  805  Land  Title  Building, 

54  Portland  Place,  London,  W.. 

Name.  Date  of  Election.                 Present  Address. 

2236.  Budge,  E.  A.  Wallis,  Litt.D  .  .  Feb'y    15,  1895,  British  Museum,  London,  Eng. 

2007.  Burk,  Rev.  Jesse  Y Jan'y     18,  1884,  400  Chestnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 

1938.  Butler,  Hon.  William April     15,  1881,  West  Chester,  Pa. 


2416.  Cadwalader,  John May     19,  1899,    1519  Locust  St.,  Philadelphia. 

1788.  Campbell,  John  Lyle,  Ph.D., 

Prof. July      16,  1875,    Crawfordsville,  Ind. 

1606.  Canby,  William  Marriott  .  .  .     Oct.      16,1868,    1101   Delaware   Avenue,   Wil- 
mington, Del. 

2051.  Cannizzaro,  Tomso Oct.      16,  1885,    Santa  Maria  fuori  cinta,  Casa 

Roffa,  Messina,  Sicily. 
1731.  Capellini,  Giovanni,   Prof.   .   .     April    18,  1873,    Portovenere  pres  Spezia,  Italy. 

1796.  Carll,  John  F.,  Prof. Oct.      15,1875,    Pleasantville.VenangoCo.,  Pa. 

1911.  Carson,  Hampton  L.,  LL.D.    .   .     April    16,1880,    1033  Spruce  St.,  Phila. 

2260.  Carter,  Hon.  James  C May     17,1895,    54  Wall  Street,  New  York  City. 

1707.  Cassatt,  Alexander  J Oct.       18,  1872,    Haverford,  Del.  Co.,  Pa. 

2147.  Castner,  Samuel,  Jr Dec.      16,1887,    3729  Chestnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 

2152.  Cattell,  J.  McKeen,  Prof.  .   .   .     May      18,  1888,    Garrison-on-Hudson,  N.  Y. 
1908.  Chance,  Henry  Martyn,  M.D  .     April    16,  1880,    412S  Parkside  Ave.,  Phila. 
1783.  Chandler,  C.  F.,  Prof.    ....     April    16,  1875,    Columbia  Univ.,  N.  Y.  City. 
1778.  Chapman,  Henry  C,  M.D.  .  .  .     April    16,1875,    2047  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 
2132.  de Charencey,  Comte  Hyacinth    Dec.     17,  1886,    25  Rue  Barbet  de  Jouy,  Paris. 


42d  and  Locust  Sts.,  Phila. 

Pasadena,  Cal. 

213>  Spruce  St.,  Philadelphia. 

Westland,  Princeton,  N.  J. 

1821  Chestnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 

1734  Chestnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 

University  of  Penna.,  Phila. 

500  N.  Broad  St.,  Philadelphia. 

819  N.  Broad  St.,  Philadelphia. 

2  Via  Goito,  Rome,  Italy. 

507  S.  Broad  St.,  Philadelphia. 

Cornell  Univ.,  Ithaca,  N.  Y. 

7   Kensington   Park   Gardens, 
London,  W.,  England. 

21  Amity  St.,  Amherst,  Mass. 

57  Ave  Kleber  Paris,  France. 

University   of  Penna  ,  Phila- 

2158.  Clark,  Clarence  H May  17,  1889, 

1983.  Claypole,  E.  W.,  Prof. Jan'y  19,  1883, 

2247.  Cleemann,  Richard  A.,  M.D  .   .  Feb'y  15,  1895, 

2336.  Cleveland,  Hon.  Grover  .  .  .  Oct.  15,  1897, 

1999.  Cohen,  J.  Solis,  M.D Jan'y  18,  1884, 

2429.  Coles,  Edward Dec.  15,  1899, 

2305.  Conklin,  Edwin  Grant,  Prof.  .  Feb'y  19,  1897, 

2386.  Converse,  John  H May  20,  1898, 

2257.  Cook,  Joel May  17,  1895, 

2129.  Cora,  Guido,  Prof. Dec.  17,  1886, 

2205.  Cramp,  Charles  H Dec.  16,  1892, 

1836.  Crane,  Thomas  Frederick,  Prof.  Feb'y  2,  1877, 

2100.  Crookes,  Sir  William May  21,  1886, 

2391.  Crowell,  Edward  P.,  Prof .  .  .  Dec.  16,  1898, 

2172.  Cruz,  Hon.  Fernando  .....  Dec.  20,  1889, 

2317.  Culin,  Stewart May  21,  1897, 


2361.  Dall,  William  H..  Prof.  ....  Dec.  17,  1897,  U.  S.  National  Museum,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C 

2402.  Dana,  Charles  E May  19,  1899,  2013  DeLancey  Place,  Philadel- 

2282.  Dana,  Edward  S.,  Prof.   ....     May     15,  1896,    Yale  Univ.,  New  Haven,  Conn. 

1806.  Dannefeld,  C.  Juhlin April    21,1876,    Stockholm.  Sweden. 

2369.  Darwin,  George  Howard,  Prof.    Feb'y    18,1893,    Ne wham  Grange,  Cambridge, 


1811.  Davenport,  Sir  Samuel  ....  Oct.  20,  1876,  Beaumont,  Adelaide,  S.  Aus- 


1557.  Davidson,  George,  Prof. 

2417.  Davis,  William  Morris,  Prof. 
1923.  Dawkins,  William  Boyd,  Prof. 

Date  of  Election. 
Jan'y    19,  1866, 

Oct.       20,  1899, 
Oct.       15,  1880, 

2418.  Day,  Frank  Miles Oct.      20,  1899, 

2406.  Day,  William  C,  Prof May     19,  1899, 

2360.  De  Garmo,  Charles,  Prof.  .  .  .  Dec.      17,  1897, 

2208.  Dercum,  Francis  X.,  M.D.  .  .  .  Dec.     16,  1892, 

2431.  Dewab,  James,  LL.D.,  Prof.  .  .  .  Dec.      15,  1899, 

2013.  Dickson,  Samuel April    18,  1884, 

2206.  Dixon,  Samuel  G.,  M.D Dec.     16,  1892, 

2108.  Dolley,  Charles  S.,  M.D.  .  .  .  Dec.      17,  1886, 

2089.  Donner,  Otto,  Prof.  ......  May     21,  1886, 

1946.  Doolittle,  C.  L.,  Prof Oct.      21,  1881, 

2425.  Dougherty,  Thomas  Harvey  .  Dec.      15,  1899, 

1839.  Douglas,  James,  LL.D April    20,  1877, 

1924.  Draper,  Daniel,  Ph.D Oct.      15,  1880, 

2303.  Dreer,  Ferdinand  J Feb'y   19,  1897, 

1787.  Drown,  Thomas  M.,  Pres't .  .  .  July     16,  1875, 

1918.  Du  Bois,  Patterson Oct.       15,  1880, 

1878.  Dudley,  Charles  Benj.,  Ph.D.  .  Jan'y    17,  1879, 

2063.  Duncan,  Louis,  Ph.D Feb'y  19,  1886, 

1573.  Dunning,  George  F Jan'y    18,  1867, 

1727.  DUPONT,  EDOUARD April    18,  1873, 

2227.  DuPont,  Henry  A.,  Col Feb'y     16,1894, 

1679.  Dutton.Clarence  E.,  Maj.  U.S.A.  Jan'y    20, 1871, 


2105.  Easton,  Morton  W.,  Prof.    .  .  .  Dec.     17,  1886, 

1917.  Eckfeldt,  Jacob  B Oct.      15,  1880, 

1825.  Eddy,  H.  Turner,  Prof Feb'y     2,  1877, 

2294.  Edison,  Thomas  A.,  Ph.D  ....  May  15,  1896, 

2262.  Edmunds,  Hon.  George  F.    ...  May  17,  1895, 

1686.  Eliot,  Charles  W.,  Pres't .  ...  April  21,  1871, 

2272.  Elliott,  A.  Marshall,  Prof.  .  .  May  17,  1895, 

2313.  Ely,  Theodore  N May  21,  1897, 

2356.  Emerson,  Benj.  Kendall,  Prof.  Dec.  17,  1897, 

236S.  Emmet,  W.  L.  R Feb'y  18,  1898, 

1981.  Emmons,  S.  F.,  Prof. Jan'y  19,  1883, 

1943.  Evans,  Sir  John,  K.C.B Oct.  21,  1881, 

22.">  1.  Ewell,  Marshall  D.,  M.D. , LL.D.  May  17,1895, 


2234.  Fennell,  C.  A.  M.,  Litt.D.  .  .  .  Feb'y  15,  1895,    139    Chesterton    Road,    Cam- 
bridge, England. 

2180.  Field,  Robert  Patterson  .  .   .  May  16,1890,    21S  S.  42d  St.,  Philadelphia. 

Present  Address. 

2221  Washington  St.,  San  Fran- 
cisco, Cal. 

Cambridge,  Mass. 

Woodhurst,  Fallowfield,  Man- 
chester, England. 

801  Penn  Mutual  Building, 

Svvarthmore,  Pa. 

Cornell  Univ.,  Ithaca,  N.  Y. 

1719  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 
The   Royal  Institution,  Lon- 
don, England. 

90l  Clinton  St.,  Philadelphia. 

1900  Race  St.,  Philadelphia. 

3707  Woodland  Ave.,  Phila. 

Helsingfors,  Finland. 

Upper  Darby,  Delaware  Co., Pa. 

School  House  Lane,  German- 
town,  Philadelphia. 

Spuytenduyvil,  NewYork,  N.Y. 

Meteorological  Observatory, 
Central  Park,  NewYork. 

1520  Spruce  St.,  Philadelphia. 

Lehigh  Univ.,S.  Bethlehem,  Pa. 

401  S.  40th  St.,  Philadelphia. 

Drawer  334,  Altoona,  Blair  Co., 

71  Broadway,  New  York. 

Farrnington,  Conn. 

Royal  Museum,  Bruxelles,  Bel- 

Winterthur,  Del. 

Morgan  Park,  Cook  Co.,  111. 

224  S.  43d  St.,  Philadelphia. 
U.  S.  Mint,  Philadelphia. 
University  of  Minnesota,  Min- 
neapolis, Minn. 

Orange,  N.  J. 

1724  Spruce  St.,  Philadelphia. 

17  Quiucy  St., Cambridge,  Mass. 

Johns  Hopkins  University, 
Baltimore,  Md. 

115  Broad  St.  Station,  Phila. 

Amherst,  Mass. 

Schenectady,  N.  Y. 

1721  H  St.,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Nash  Mills,  Hemel  Hempstead, 

59  Clark  St.,  Chicago,  111. 


Name.  Date  of  Election . 

2364.  Fine,  Henry  B.,  Prof Dec.      17,  1897, 

2353.  Fisher,  Sydney  George  ....  Dec.     17,  1897, 

2462.  Flexner,  Simon,  Dr Feb'y   15,  1901. 

1901.  Flint,  Austin,  Jr.,  M.D April    16,  1880, 

2197.  Forbes,  George,  Prof Oct.      16,  1891, 

2393.  Ford,  Paul  Leicester Dec.      16,  1898, 

1912.  Fraley,  Joseph  C April    16,  1880, 

1695.  Frazer,  Persifor,  Dr.  es-Sc.  Nat.  Jan'y    19,  1872, 

2301.  Frazier,  Benj.  W.,  Prof.  ....  Dec.      18,  1896, 

2171.  Friebis,  George,  M.D Dec.     20,  1889, 

2179.  Fullerton,  George  S.,  Rev.  .   .  May      16,  1890, 

1739.  Fulton,  John April    18,  1873, 

1914.  Furness,  Horace  Howard,  LL.D.  April    16,1880, 

2306.  Furness,  Horace  Howard,  Jr..  Feb'y   19,  1897, 

2304.  Furness,  William  H.,  3d,  M.D.   .  Feb'y   19,1897, 

Present  Address. 

Princeton,  N.  J. 

328  Chestnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 

University    of    Pennsylvania, 

14  W.  33d  St.,  New  York,  N.Y. 
34  GreatGeorge  St., S.W.London. 
247  Fifth  Ave.,  New  York  City. 
183  5  Pine  St.,  Philadelphia. 
928  Spruce  St.,  Philadelphia. 
Lehigh  Univ.,  Bethlehem,  Pa. 
1906  Chestnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 
89,   The   Gladstone,   Philadel- 
136  Park  PI.,  Johnstown,  Pa. 
Walltngford,  Del.  Co.,  Pa. 
2034  DeLancey  Place,  Phila. 
Wallingford,  Del.  Co.,  Pa. 

2459.  Garnett,  Richard  C.  B.,  LL.D..     Feb'y  15,  1901, 







Garrett,  Philip  C April 

Gates,  Merrill  E..LL  D     .  .  .  May 

Gatschet,  Albert  S.,  Ph.D  .  .  .  Oct. 

Geikie,  Sir  Archibald Jan'y 

Geikie,  James,  Prof April 

Genth,  F.  A.,  Jr  .......  .  Feb'y 

Gibbs,  J.  Willard,  Prof May 

Gibbs,  Oliver  Wolcott,  Prof.  .  July 

Giglioli,  Henry  H.,  Prof.    .  .  .  Feb'y 

Gill,  Theodore  N.,  Ph.D  ....  July 

Gilman,  Daniel  C,  LL.D  ....     April 
Glaisher,  James  W.  L.,  Sc.D.  .  .     Feb'y 

20,  1883, 

21,  1886, 
17,  1884, 

16,  1880, 
21,  1876, 

19,  1886, 

17,  1895, 
21,  1854, 
15,  1901, 
19,  1867, 

21,  1876, 
19,  1895, 

2233.  Glazebkook,  Richard  T..F.R.S.  Feb'y  15,1895, 

2212.  Goodale,  George  Lincoln,  Prof.  Feb.  17, 1893, 

2292.  Goodspeed,   Arthur  W.,   Prof.  May  15,  1896, 

2203.  Goodwin,  Harold May  20, 1892, 

2232.  Goodwin,  W.  W.,  Prof. Feb'y  15,  1895, 

2453.  Gray,  George,  Hon May  18,  1900, 

2222.  Green,  Samuel  A.,  M.D Oct.  20,  1893, 

1880.  Greene,  William  H.,  M.D.  .  .  .  April  18,  1879, 

2412.  Greenman,  Milton  J.,  M.D.  .  .  May  19,  1899, 

2155.  di  Gregorio,  Marchese  Antonio  Dec.  21,  1888, 

2188.  Gregory,  Caspar  Rene,  Prof .  .  May  15,  1891, 

1815.  Grote,  Augustus  Radcliffe  .  .     Oct.    .  20,  1876, 
2090.  DE  Gubernatis,  Angelo,  Prof .   .      May      21,  1886, 

27  Tanza  Road,   Hampstead, 
London,  England. 

Logan  P.  O.,  Philadelphia. 
Amherst,  Mass. 

2020  Fifteenth  St.,  Washington, 
D.  C. 

28  Jermyn  St.,  London,  S.  W., 

3 1  Merchiston  A  ve. ,  Edinburgh , 

103  N.  Front  St.,  Philadelphia. 
121  High  St., New  Haven,  Conn. 
158  Gibbs  Ave.,  Newport,  R.  I. 
19  Via  Romana,  Florence,  Italy 
Smithsonian    Inst.,    Washing- 
ton, D.  C. 
614  Park  Ave.,  Baltimore,  Md. 
The  Shola,  Heathfield  Road, 

South  Croydon,  England. 
23  Queen's  Road,   Richmond 

Surrey,  England. 
10  Craigie  St.,  Cambridge, Mass. 
Univ.  of  Pennsylvania,  Phila. 

133  S.  12th  St.,  Philadelphia. 
Cambridge,  Mass. 
Wilmington,  Delaware. 
Historical  Soc,  Boston,  Mass. 
27  S.  5th  St.,  Philadelphia. 
Wistar  Institute,  36th  and 

Darby  Road,  Philadelphia. 
Al  Molo,  Palermo,  Sicily. 
Naunhofstrasse    25,     Marien- 
hohe,  Leipzig-Stotteritz,  Ger- 
Buffalo,  N.  Y. 
Florence,  Ital 


Name.  Date  of  Election.  Present  Address. 

2054.  Haeckel,  Ernst,  Prof Oct.      16,  1885,    University,  Jena,  Germany. 

1658.  Hale,  Rev.  Edw.  Everett  .  .  .     Jan'y    21,  1870,    39  Highland  St.,  Roxbury, 


1853.  Hall,  Asaph,  Prof Jan'y   18,  1878,    South  Norfolk,  Conn. 

1795.  Hall,  Charles  Edward Oct.      15,1876,    Plaza  Tarasquillo,  Mexico, 


2396.  Hall,  Charles  M Dec.      16,  1898,    Niagara  Falls,  N.  Y. 

2027.  Hall,  Lyman  B.,  Prof. Jan'y    16,1885,    Haverford  Coll.,  Haverford.Pa. 

2194.  Hamy,  E.  T.,  Dr May      15,  1891,    40  Rue  Ltlbeck,  Ave.  du  Troca- 

dero,  Paris,  France. 

1337.  Harding,  George Jan'y    20,  1851,     2C36  Chestnut  St.,  Phila. 

2378.  Harkness,  William,  Prof.  ..  .     May      20,1898,    90  Mercer  St.,  Jersey  City,  N.  J. 

2136.  Harris,  Joseph  S May      20,  1887,    144  School  Lane,  Germantown. 

2246.  Harrison,  Charles  C,  Provost.     Feb'y   15,1895,    1618  Locust  St.,  Philadelphia. 

1827.  Hart,  James  Morgan,  Prof.  .  .     Feb'y     2,  1877,    1  Reservoir  Ave.,  Ithaca,  N.  Y. 

2365.  Hatcher,  John  B.,  Prof.   ....     Dec.     17,  1897,    Carnegie  Museum,  Pittsburgh, 


1681.  Haupt,  Hermann,  Gen April    21,  1871,    The  Concord,  Washington,  D.C. 

1862.  Haupt,  Lewis  M.,  Prof. May       3,1878,    107  N.  35th  St.,  Philadelphia. 

2446.  Hay,  John,  Hon Dec.      16,  1898,    State  Dep't,  Washington,  D.C. 

2082.  Hayes,  Richard  Somers,  Capt  .     May      21,  1886,    32  Nassau  St.,  New  York.  N.Y. 

2071.  Hays,  I.  Minis,  M.D Feb'y   19,  1886,    266  S.  21st  St.,  Philadelphia. 

1985.  Heilprin,  Angelo,  Prof April    20,  1883,    Academy  of  Natural  Sciences, 


2283.  Henderson,  C.  Hanford,  Ph.D.    May     15,  1896,    Pratt  High  School,  Brooklyn, 

N.  Y. 

2218.  Hewett,  Waterman  T.,  Prof.  .     May      19,  1893,    Cornell  Univ.,  Ithaca,  N.  Y. 

2266.  Heyse,   Paul,  Ph.D May      17,  1895,    Munich,  Bavaria. 

2307.  Hiller,  H.  M.,  M.D Feb'y  19,  1897,    1510  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 

2110.  Hilprecht,  Hermann  V.,  Prof .     Dec.      17,1886,    403  S.  41st  St.,  Philadelphia. 

1768.  Himes,  Charles  Francis,  Prof.  .     Oct.     16,  1874,    Dickinson  Coll.,  Carlisle,  Pa. 

2438.  Hirst,  Barton  Cooke,  M.D.  .  .     Dec.      15,1899,    1821  Spruce  St.,  Philadelphia 

1663.  Hitchcock,  Chas.  Henry,  Prof.    April    15,  1870,    Dartmouth  Coll., Hanover, N.H. 

2355.  Holden,  Edward  S  ,  Prof.   .  .   .     Dec.     17,  1897,    Smithsonian  Institution,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

2068.  Holland,  James  W.,  M.D.  .  .  .     Feb'y    19,  1886,    2006  Chestnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 

2440.  Holmes,  William  H.,  Prof.  ..  .     Dec.      15,1899,    U.  S.  National  Museum,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

1624.  Hooker,  Sir  Joseph  D.,  LL.D  .  .    Jan'y    15,1869,    The  Camp,  Sunningdale,  Eng- 

2224.  Hoppin,  J.  M.,  Prof. Oct.      20,  1893,    New  Haven,  Conn. 

2070.  Horner,  Inm an Feb'y   19,1886,    1811  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 

1696.  Hough,  George  W.,  Prof.  ....     Jan'y    19,1872,    N.W. University,  Evanston,  111. 

1698.  Houston,  Edwin  J.,  Prof.    .  .  .     Jan'y   19,  1872,    1809  Spring  Garden  St.,  Phila. 

2346.  Howe,  Henry  M.,  Prof. Oct.      15,1897,    27  W.  73d  St.,  New  York. 

2239.  Huggins,  Sir  William,  K.C.B,  .     Feb'y   15,1895,    90  Upper  Tulse  Hill,  S.W.,  Lon- 
don, England. 

1843.  Humphrey,  H.  C July     20,  1877,  ? 

2248.  Hunter,  Richard  S Feb'y   15,  1895,    1413  Locust  St.,  Philadelphia. 

2373.  Hutchinson,  Emlen May     20,  1898,    Aldine  Hotel,  Philadelphia. 


1773.  Ingham,  Wm.  Armstrong April    16,  1875,    320  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 

2217.   d'Invilliers,  Edward  Vincent.     May      19,1893,    711  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 


ycime.  Date  of  Election.  Present  Address. 

2010.  James,  Edmund  J.,  Prof. April    18,  1884,  Univ.  of  Chicago,  Chicago,  111. 

2302.  Jastrow,  Morris,  Jr.,  Prof.  .   .   .     Feb.     19,  1897,  248  S.  23d  St.,  Philadelphia. 

2375.  Jayne,   Henry  LaBarre  ....     May     20,  1898,  1826  Chestnut  St.,  Phila. 

2049.  Jayne,  Horace,  M.D Oct.      16,1885,  318  S.  19th  St.,  Philadelphia. 

1954.  Jefferis,  William  W Jan'y   20,  1882,  442  Central  Park  West,  New 

York  City. 

2017.  Jordan,  Francis,  Jr April    18,  1884,  111  N.  Front  St.,  Philadelphia. 

1989.  Kane,  Elisha  Kent 

2322.  Karpinsky,  Alex.  Petrovitch, 

2169.  Keane,  John  J.,  Right  Rev.  .  . 
2422.  Keasbey,  Lindley  M.,  Prof.  .  . 

2329.  Keen,  Gregory  B 

2021.  Keen,  William  W.,  M.D 

2392.  Keiser,  Edward  H.,  Prof.  .  .  . 

2150.  Keller,  Henry  F 

1723.  Kelvin,  Right  Hon.  Lord  . 

2278.  Kennelly,  A.  E.,  D.Sc   ... 

2392.  Knight,  William  A.,  Prof.  . 
1767.  Konig,  George  A.,  Prof.  .  . 

2424.  Kraemer,  Henry,  Prof.    .  . 
2167.  Krauss,  Friedrich  S.,  Ph.D. 

April    20,  1883,    Kushequa,  Pa. 

May  21,  1897,  Geological  Survey,  St.  Peters- 
burg, Russia. 

Dec.      20,  1889,    Washington,  D.  C. 

Dec.      15,  1899,    Bryn  Mawr,  Pa. 

Oct.      15,  1897,    2320  Spruce  St.,  Philadelphia. 

July      18,  1884,    1729  Chestnut  St.,Philadelphia. 

Dec.  16,1898,  Washington  University,  St. 
Louis,  Mo. 

May     18,  1900.    Central  High  School,  Phila. 

April  18,  1873,  The  Library,  The  University, 
Glasgow,  Scotland. 

Feb.  28,  1896,  Crozer  Building,  1420  Chestnut 
St.,  Philadelphia. 

Dec.     16,  1898,    St.  Andrew's,  Scotland. 

Oct.  16,  1874,  School  of  Mines,  Houghton, 

Dec.      15,  1899,    145  N.  10th  St.,  Philadelphia. 

Dec.  20,  1889,  VII  Neustiftgasse  12,  Vienna, 

1694.  Lambert,  Guillaume,  Prof.  .  .  Jan'y  19,  1872, 

2411.  Lamberton,  William  A.,  Prof  .  May  19,  1899, 

2377.  de  Lancey,  Edward  F May  20,  1898, 

2344.  Lanciani,  Rudolfo,  Prof  ....  Oct.  15,  1897, 

1858.  Landreth,  Burnet Jan'y  18,  1878, 

1781.  Langley,  Samuel  P.,  LL.D  .   .  .  April  16,1875, 

1721.  La  Roche,  C.  Percy,  M.D.  .   .  .  Jan'y  17,  1873, 

1595.  Lea,  Henry  Charles Oct.  18,  1867, 

2407.  Learned,  Marion  D.,  Prof  .  .  .  May  19,  1899, 

1986.  Lehman,  Ambrose  E .-  .  April  20,  1883, 

2182.  Leland,  Charles  G Mar  16,  1890, 

2174.  Le  Moine,  Sir  James  M Dec.  20,  1889, 

1934.  Leroy-Beaulieu,  M.  Paul,  Prof.  April  15,  1881, 

1382.  Lesley,  J.  Peter,  Prof. July  13,  1856, 

2085.  Levasseur,  Emile,  Prof.   ....  May  21,  1886, 

1415.  Lewis,  Francis  W.,  M.D. 
2300.  Lewis,  G.  Albert  .  .  .  . 

2338.  Libbey.  William.  Pro"'.  . 

Jan'y  20,  1860, 
Dec.  18,  1896, 
Oct.       15.  1897, 

Univ.  of  Louvain,  Belgium. 

University  of  Penna.,  Phila. 

20  E.  28th  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

2  Via  Goito,  Rome,  Italy. 

Bristol,  Pa. 

Smithsonian  Institution,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

1518  Pine  Street,  Philadelphia- 

2000  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia- 

University  of  Penna.,  Phila. 

711  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 

Baring  Bros.  &  Co.,  London. 

Spencer  Grange,  Quebec,  Can- 

27  Ave.  duBois  de  Boulogne. 
Paris,  France. 

Milton,  Mass. 

26,  Rue  Mons  le  Prince,  Paris, 

2016  Spruce  St.,  Philadelphia. 

1834  DeLancey  Place,  Phila. 

20  Bayard  Ave.,  Princeton,  N.J 


2432.  LlPPINCOTT,  J.  Dundas    .... 

2312.  Lister,  The  Right  Hon.  Lord 

Date  of  Election.  Present  Address. 

Dec.     15,  1899,    1333  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 
May     21, 1897,    12  Park  Crescent,    Portland 
Place,  London,  England. 
1756.  Lockyer,  Sir  Joseph  Norman, 

K.C.B April   17,  1874,    Royal  College  of  Science,   S. 

Kensington,  London,    S.  W., 
2160.  Lodge,  Oliver  Joseph,  LL.D  .  .     Feb'y  15,  1901,    The  University,   Birmingham, 

2435.  Loeb,  Jacques,  Dr Dec.     15,  1899,    University    of    Chicago,   Chi- 
cago, 111. 
1872.  Longstreth,  Morris,  M.D.  .  .  .     Sept.     20,  1878,     1416  Spruce  St.,  Philadelphia. 

2202.  Low,  Hon.  Seth Feb.     19,  1892,    30  E.  46th  St.,  New  York  City. 

2350.  Lowell,  Percival Oct.      15,  1897,    53  State  St.,  Boston. 

1029.  Lyman,  Benjamin  Smith  ....     Jan'y    15,  1869,    708  Locust  St.,  Philadelphia. 

2319.  Mabery,  Charles  F.,  Prof.  . 
2107.  MacAlister,  James,  Pres't.  . 
2207.  Macfarlane,  John  M.,  Prof. 
2404.  Mackenzie,  Arthur  S.,  Prof. 
2363.  McCay,  Leroy  W.,  Prof.  .  . 
2366.  McClure,  Charles  F.  W.,  Prof . 
2280.  McCook,  Henry  C,  Rev.,  D.D.  . 

188S.  McCreath,  Andrew  S 

1821.  McKean,  William  V 

2299.  Magie,  Wm.  Francis,  Prof.  .  .  . 
2339.  Mahan,  Alfred  T.,  Capt.  U.S.N. 
•2042.  Mallet,  John  Wm.,  M.D.  .  .  . 

1847.  Mansfield,  Ira  Franklin  .  .  . 
1857.  March,  Francis  Andrew,  Prof. 
2161.  Marconi,  Guglielmo 














21,  1897, 
17,  1886, 

16,  1892, 
19,  1899, 

17,  1897, 

17,  1897, 
2S,  1896, 

18,  1879, 
2,  1877, 

18,  1896, 

15,  1897, 

16,  1885, 

Jan'y  18,  1878, 
Jan'y  18,  1878, 
Feb'y  15,  1901, 

2463.  Marcovnikoff,  Vladimir,  Prof..  Feb'y  15,  1901. 

1861.  Marks,  William  D.,  Prof. ....  May       3,  1878, 

2078.  Marshall,  John,  M.D May     21,  1886, 

2184.  Mascart,  E.,  Prof. Dec.      19,  1890, 

1572.  Mason,  Andrew Jan'y    18,  1867, 

2431.  Mason,  Otis  T.,  Prof. Dec.      15,  1899, 

2279.  Mason,  Wm.  Pitts,  M.D.,  Prof.   . 

2196.  Maspero,  Gaston- Camille,  Prof. 

2427.  Matthews,  Albert 

2399.  Meigs,  Arthur  V.,  M.D 

2456.  Meigs,  William  M 

2115.  von  Meltzel,  Hugo,  Prof.  Dr.    . 
2330.  Melville,  Geo.W  ,  Rear  Admiral. 
2430.  Mendenhall,  Thomas  C  ,  Prof. 
2387.  Mengarini,  Guglielmo,  Prof.  . 

2251.  Mercer,  Henry  C 

1903.  Merrick,  John  Vaughan 


































57  Adelbert  St.,  Cleveland,  O. 

119  N.  18th  St.,  Philadelphia. 

Lansdowne,  Delaware  Co.,  Pa. 

Bryn  Mavvr,  Pa. 

Princeton,  N.  J. 

Princeton,  N.  J. 

3700  Chestnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 

223  Market  St.,  Harrisburg,  Pa. 

20J  N.  19th  St.,  Philadelphia. 

Princeton,  N.  J. 

160  W.  86th  St.,  New  York. 

University  of  Virginia,  Char- 
lottesville, Va. 

Cannelton,  Beaver  Co.,  Pa. 

Lafayette  College,  Easton,  Pa. 

The  Haven  Hotel,  Sand  Barths, 
Poole,  Dorset,  England. 

Imp.  Moskovsky,  Universitet, 
Moscow.  Russia. 

Westport,  Essex  Co.,  N.  Y. 

1718  Pine  St.,  Philadelphia. 

176  Rue  de  l'Universit6,  Paris, 

30  and  32  Wall  St.,  New  York. 

U.  S.  National  Museum,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

Rensselaer  Polytechnic  Insti- 
tute, Troy,  N.  Y. 

Ave.  de  l'Observatoire,  No.  24, 
Paris,  France. 

145  Beacon  St.,  Boston,  Mass. 

1322  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 

120S  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 

Koloszvar,  Hungary. 

Navy  Dept.,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Worcester,  Mass. 

Rome,  Italy. 

Doylestown,  Pa, 

Roxborough,  Philadelphia. 



1947.  Merriman,  Mansfield,  Prof.  . 
1744.  Messchert,  Matthew  Huizinga. 
2436.  Meyer,  A.  B.,  Prof. 

2142.  Michael,  Mrs.  Helen  Abbott 
2423.  Miller,  Leslie  W.,  Prof.  .  .  . 

Date  of  Election. 

Oct.  21,  1881, 
Oct.  17,  1873, 
Dec.      15,  1899, 

May     20,  1887, 
Dec.      15,  1899, 

2284.  Minot,  Chas.  Sedgwick,  M.D.  .  May  15,  1896, 

2175.  Mitchell,  Hon.  James  T.  .  .  .  Feb'y  21,1890, 

1461.  Mitchell,  S.  Weir,  M.D  ...   .  Jan'y  17,  1862, 

2267.  Montegaza,  Paolo May  17,  1895, 

2367.  Montgomery,  Thos.  H.,  Jr.,  Prof.  Feb'y  18,1898, 

2323.  Moore,  Clarence  B Oct.  15,  1897, 

2029.  Moore,  James  W.,  M.D Jan'y  16,  1885, 

1841.  Morehouse,  George  R.,  M.D.   .  April  20,  1877, 

2340.  Morley,  Frank,  Prof. Oct.  15,  1897, 

2409.  Morris,  Harrison  S May  19,  1899, 

2397.  Morris,  Israel  W May  19,  1899, 

1976.  Morris,  J.  Cheston,  M.D Jan'y  19,  1883, 

2454.  Morris,  John  T.  Feb'y  15,  1901, 

2265.  Morse,  Edward  S.,  Prof May  17,  1895, 

1577.  Morton,  Henry,  Pres't Jan'y  18,  1867, 

2447.  Morton,  Thomas  George,  M.D..  Feb'y  16,  1900, 

2121.  Much,,  Ph.D.,  Prof.  .  Dec.  17,  1886, 

2464.  Munro,  Dana  C.,  Prof. May  17,  1901, 

2192.  Munroe,  Charles  E.,  Prof.    .   .  May  15,  1891, 

2062.  MURDOCK,J.B.,Lient.-Com. U.S.N.  Feb'y  19,  1886, 

1937.  Murray,  James  A.  H.,  LL.D  .  .  April  15,  1881, 

Present  Address. 

Lehigh  Univ.,  Bethlehem,  Pa. 

Douglassville,  Berks  Co.,  Pa. 

K.  Zoologischesu.  Anthropr lo 
gisch-Ethnographisches  Mu- 
seum, Dresden,  G.  rmany. 

35  West  Cedar  St.,  Boston,  Mass. 

N.  W.cor.  and  Pine  Sts., 

Harvard    Univ.,    Cambridge, 

1722  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 

1524  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 

Florence,  Italy. 

Biological  Hall,  Univ.  of  Pa., 

1321  Locust  Street,  Phila. 

Lafayette  College,  Easton,  Pa. 

2033  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 

Johns    Hopkins   University, 

Academy  of  Fine  Arts,  Phila- 

225  So.  8th  St.,  Philadelphia. 

1511  Spruce  St.,  Philadelphia. 

826  Drexel  Buildiug,  Phila. 

Essex  Institute,  Salem,  Mass. 

Hoboken,  N.  J. 

1617  Chestnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 

XIII  Penzingerstrasse,  84,  Vi- 
enna, Austria. 

3733  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 

Columbian  Univ.,  Washington, 

D.  C. 
Navy  Dept.,  Washington,  D.C. 

Sunnyside,  Banbury  Road,  Ox- 
ford, England. 


2087.  de  Nad aill ac,  Marquis May  21,  1886, 

2316.  Nansen,  Fridtjof,  Prof.    ....  May  21,  1897, 

1852.  Newcomb,  Simon,  Prof. Jan'y  18,  1878, 

1703.  Nichols,  Starr  Hoyt,  Rev  .  .  .  July  19,  1872, 

2060.  Nikitin,  Sergej.  Prof. Feb'y  19,  1866, 

1712.  Norms.  Isaac,  M.D "Oct.  18,  1872, 

2046.  North,  Edward,  LL.D.,  Prof.    .  Oct.  16,  1885, 

2269.  NuttaLL,  Mrs.  Zelia May  17,  1895, 

18  Rue  Duphot,  Paris,  France. 

Godthaab,  Lysaker,  Norway. 

16.0  P  St.,  Washington,  D.  C. 

64  Exchange  Place,  New  York, 
N.  Y. 

Geological  Survey,  St.  Peters- 
burg, Russia. 

Fair  Hill,  Bryn  Mawr,  Pa. 

Hamilton  College,  Clinton,N.Y. 

Peabody  Museum,  Cambridge, 

2072.  Oliver,  Charles  A.,  M.D.   .  .  .  Feb'y  19,  1836,  1507  Locust  St.,  Philadelphia. 

2354.  Olney,  Richard,  Hon Dec.  17,  1897,  23  Court  Street,  Boston. 

2195.  Oppert,  Jules,  Prof May  15,1891,  2  Rue  de  Sfax,  Paris,  France. 

2362.  Ortmann,  Arnold  E.,  Prof. .  .  .  Dec.  17,1897,  8  Maple  St.,  Princeton,  N.  J. 


9.135.  Osborn,  Henry  F..  Prof. 

2039.,  William.  M.D  .  . 

Date  of  Election. 
Feb'y    18,  1887, 

Jan'y    16,  1885, 

Present  Address. 
American  Museum  of  NaturaJ 

History,  New  York  City. 
1  West  Franklin  St.,  Baltimore, 







Packard,  Alpheus  S.,  Prof*. 
Packard,  John  H.,  M.D. .  . 
Pancoast,  Henry  S 

Patterson,  C.  Stuart 

Patterson,  Edward,  Hon .... 

Patterson,  Lamar  Gray    .  .  . 

Patterson,  Robert 

Patterson,  Thomas  Leiper    .  . 

Sept.  20,  1878, 

Jan'y  18,  1867, 

Dec.  16,  1898, 

Jan'y  16,  1885, 

May  18,  1900, 

May  20,  1898, 

April  18,  1851, 

April  15,  1853, 

Pattison,  Robert  E.,  Hon     .  .  Feb.  *  17,  1893, 

Patton,  Francis  L.,  D.D.,  Pres't  Dec.  17,  1897, 

Paul,  J.  Rodman Dec.  15,  1899, 

Pearse,  John  B Jan'y  15,  1875, 

Peckham,  S.  F.,  Prof May  21,  1897, 

Peirce,  C.  Newliv,  D.D.S May  3,  1878. 

Pemberton,  Henry Jan'y  17,  1873, 

Penafiel,  Antonio,  Dr May  21,  1886, 

Penniman,  Josiah  H.,  Prof .  .  .  Feb'y  15,  1901, 

Pennypacker,  Samuel  W.,  Hon.  May  21,1886, 

Penrose,  R.  A.  F.,  M.D July  17,  1863, 

Pepper,  Edward,  M.D Feb'y  19,  1886, 

Pepper,  George  Wharton     .  .  Oct.  15,  1897, 

Pettee,  William  Henry,  Prof .  May  20,  1898, 

2281.  Pettit,  Henry Feb.      28,  1895, 





Phillips,  Francis  C.,Prof.  .  . 
Pickering,  Edw.  C.,  Prof.  .  .  . 

Piersol,  George  A.,  M.D 

Pilsbry,  Henry  A.,  Prof.  .  .   .   . 

Platt,  Charles 

Platzmann,  Julius,  Ph.D.  . 





19,  1899, 
15,  1896, 

15,  1897, 

20,  1895, 

20,  1898, 
17,  1886, 

2415.  Poincare,  Jules-Henri,  Prof.   .     May     19,  1899, 

2053.   POMIALOWSKY,  JOHN,  Prof.    .    . 

2097.  Postgate,  John  P.,  Prof..  .  . 
2161.  Powell,  J.  W.,  LL.D 

2437.  Preece,  Sir  William  Henry  . 

2382.  Prescott,  Albert  B.,  Prof. 

1780.  Prime,  Frederick 



















Providence,  R.  I. 

Hotel  Stanton,  Philadelphia. 

267  E.  Johnson  St.,  German- 
town,  Phila. 

1000  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 

Supreme  Court,  Appellate  Div., 
1st  Dept.,  New  York  City. 

P.  O.  Box  213,  Lynchburg,  Va. 

329  Chestnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 

176  Washington  St.,  Cumber- 
land, Md. 

5930  Drexel  Rd.,  Overbrook,  Pa. 

Princeton,  N.  J. 

903  Pine  St.,  Philadelphia. 

317  Walnut  Av.,  Roxbury,  Mass. 

51  Quincy  St.,  Brooklyn. 

3316  Powelton  Ave.,  Philadel- 

1947  Locust  St.,  Philadelphia. 

Ciudad  Mexico,  Mexico. 

4326  Sansom  St.,  Philadelphia. 

1540  N.  15th  St.,  Philadelphia. 

1331  Spruce  St.,  Philadelphia. 

El  Aria,  El  Biar,  Alger,  Algerie 

701  Drexel  Building,  Phila. 

554  Thompson  St.,  Ann  Arbor, 

5951  Overbrook  Ave.,  Phila- 

P.  O.  Box  126,  Allegheny,  Pa. 

Harvard  Univ.,  Cambridge, 

Chester  Ave.  and  49th  St., 

Academy  of  Natural  Sciences, 

237  S.  18th  St.,  Philadelphia. 

Reichsstrasse  2,  Leipzig,  Ger- 

63  Rue  Claude  Bernard,  Paris, 

St.  Petersburg,  Russia. 

Cambridge,  England. 

910  M.  St..,  N.  W.,  Washington, 
D.  C. 

12,  Queen  Anne's  Gate,  Lon- 
don, S.  W.,  England. 

734  S.  Iugalls  St.,  Ann  Arbor, 

1008  Spruce  St.,  Philadelphia. 



Date  of  Election. 

Present  Address. 

2414.  Fkitchett,  Henry  S,  President.    May      19,1899,    Massachusetts  I  n  s  t  i  tu  t  e  of 

Technology,  Boston. 

1758.  Pumpelly,  Raphael,  Prof.  .  -  .     April    17,  1874,    Newport,  R.  I. 

2293.  Popin,  Michael  L,  Prof.   ....     May      15,1896,    7  Highland  PL,  Yonkers,  N.  Y. 

2268.  Putnam,  F.  W.,  Prof. May      15,  1895,    Peabody  Museum,  Cambridge, 


2131.  Rada,  Juan  de  Dios-y  Delgado,    Dec.      17,  1S86, 

2101.  Ramsay,  William,  Prof. May     19,  1899, 

1736.  Rand,  Theodore  D April    18,  1873, 

1849.  Randall,  F.  A.,  M.D Jan'y    18,  1878, 

2165.  Ravenel,  Maz'yck  P.,.Dr May     17,  1901, 

2388.  Rawle,  Francis Dec.  16,  1898, 

2398.  Rawle,  William  Brooke  .  .  .  .  May  19,  1899, 

2099.  Rayleigh,  The  Right  Hon.  Lord.  May  21,  1886, 

1784.  Raymond,  Rossiter  W April  16,  1875, 

2381.  Redwood,  Boverton May  20,  1898, 

2405.  Remington,  Joseph  P.,  Prof. .  .     May      19,  1899, 

1889.  Remsen,  Ira,  Prof. July      18,  1879, 

1948.  Renard,  A.  F.,  Prof Oct.       21,1881, 

1890.  Renevier,  E.,  Prof July      18,  1879, 

2443.  Rennert,  Hugo  A.,  Prof.  ....      Dec.      15,  1899, 
1816.  Reuleaux,  F.,  Prof Feb'y      2,  1877, 

2122.  Reville,  Albert,  Prof Dec.      17,  18S6, 

2315.  Rhoads,  Samuel  Nicholson.  .  .     May     21,  1897, 
2226.  Roberts.  Isaac,  Sc.D Oct,      20,  1893, 

1957.  Robins,  James  W.,  Rev April    21,  1882, 

2177.  Rogers,  Robert  W.,  Prof.  .  .  .     Feb'y  21,  1890, 

1462.  Rohrig,  F.  L.  Otto,  Prof April    18,  1862, 

2050.  Rollett,  Hermann,  Ph.D.    .  .  .     Oct.      16,  18S5, 
1907.  Rood,  Ogden  N.,  Prof. April    16,  1880, 

2198.   ROSENGARTEN,  JOSEPH  G Oct.        16,   1891, 

1964.  de  Rosny,  Leon,  Prof July      21,  1882, 

1838.  Rothrock,  Joseph  T.,  Prof.   .  .     April    20,  1877, 
1620.  Rutimeyer,  Carl  L.,  Prof.  .   .   .    "Jan'y    15,  1869, 


2230.  Sachse,  Julius  F Feb'y   16,  1894, 

1766.  Sadtler,  Samuel  P.,  Prof.  .  .  .     Oct.       16, 1874, 

2148.  Sajous,  Charles  E.,  M.D  ....  Feb'y  17,  1888, 

2358.  Sampson,  Alden.  .  .  .  0  .  .  Dec.  17,  1897, 

1563.  Sandberger,  Fredolin,  Prof.  .  April  20,  1866, 

2327.  Sanders,  Richard  H Oct.  15,  1897, 

Calle  de  la  Corredera  baja  de  S. 

Pablo  No.  12,  Madrid,  Spain. 

University  College,  Gower  St., 

W.  C,  London,  Eng. 
Radnor,  Del.Co.,  Pennsylvania. 
Warren,  Pa. 
University    of    Pennsylvania, 

"The  Lincoln,"  Philadelphia. 
230  So.  22d  St.,  Philadelphia. 
TerlingPl .  ,Witham  .Essex,  Eng. 
99  John  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
4,  Bishopsgate  St.  Within,  E.  C. 

London,  England. 
1832  Pine  St.,  Philadelphia. 
Johns    Hopkins   Univ.,    Balti- 
more, Md. 
Acad,    of   Sciences,    Brussels, 

Univ.  Lausanne,  Switzerland. 
4232  Chestnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 
W.  Ahornstrasse  2,  Berlin,  Ger- 
21   Rue   Guenegaud,   Paris, 

Audubon,  N.  J. 
Starfield,    Crowborough,   Sus- 
sex, England. 
Merion,  Penna. 
Drew    Theological   Seminary, 

Madison,  N.  J. 
Pasadena,  Cal. 
Baden  bei  Wien,  Austria. 
Columbia  University,  New 

1704  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 
28  Rue  Mazarine,  Paris,  France 
West  Chester,  Pa. 
Basle,  Switzerland. 

4428  Pine  St.,  Phila. 

N.E.  cor.  10th  and  Chestnut  Sts. 

2043  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 
Haver  ford,  Fa. 
Univ.  of  Wiirzburg,  Bavaria. 
1225  Locust  St.,  Philadelphia. 


Date  of  Election.  Present  Address. 

April    21,  1882,    Jamaica  Plain,  Mass. 
April    18,  1873,    Geneva,  Switzerland. 
Feb'y   17,  1893,    1309  Arch  St.,  Philadelphia. 
Feb'y  15,  1901,    Ros'al  Observatory,  Milan, 

Dec.     15,  1899,    University  of  Leyden,  Leyden. 
54  William  St.,  New  York,  N.Y. 
3  Hanover  Square,  London,  W. 

Pittsburgh,  Pa. 
Princeton,  N.  J. 
Cambridge,  Mass. 
U.  S.  Naval  Observatory,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 
3301  Baring  St.,  Philadelphia. 
410  N.  33d  St.,  Philadelphia. 

1819  Vine  St.,  Philadelphia. 
28  Nepean  St.,  Ottawa,  Canada. 
UniversitaRomana,  Rome,  Italy 
Academy  of  Natural  Sciences. 


13  Broad  St.,  Boston,  Mass. 
Mansfield,  Tioga  Co.,  Penna. 
Princeton,  N.  J. 
Navy  Dept.,  Washington,  D.C. 
160fi  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 

1820  Chestnut  St.,  Phila. 
3421  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 
57  W.  42d  St.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 
Trenton,  N.  J. 
5219  Archer  St.,  Germantown, 

Utrecht,  Netherlands. 
1812  Spruce  St.,  Philadelphia. 
2402  N.  Broad  St.,  Philadelphia. 
Library  of  Congress,  Washing- 
ton, D.  C. 
Oct.      15,  1897,    Cornell  Univ.,  Ithaca,  N.  Y. 
Jan'y    18,  1884,     Lexington,  Va. 
April    20,  1877,    University  Heights,  New  York, 
N.  Y. 

2276.  Stevenson,  Sara  Y Oct.      18,  1895,    237  S.  21st  St.,  Philadelphia. 

2371.  Stillwell,  L.  B Feb'y    18,  1898,    BuflaloAve., Niagara  Falls.N.Y. 

2168.  Stokes,  Sir  George  G.,  Bart .  .     Dec.     20,  1889,    Lensfield  Cottage,  Cambridge, 


2094.  Suess,  Eduard,  Prof. May     21,  1886,    K.  K.  Geologische   Reichsan- 

stalt,  Vienna,  Austria. 
2258.  Sulzberger,  Mayer,  Hon.  ..  .     May      17,1895,    1303  Girard  Ave .,  Philadelphia. 
2092.  Szombathy,  Josef,  Prof May      21,  1886,    Burgring  7,  Vienna,  Austria. 


2328.  Tatham,  William Oct.      15,1897,    1811  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia 

2213.  Taylor.  Isaac,  Rev.,  LL.D  .   .  .     Feb'y    15,  1895,    York,  England. 


1958.  Sargent,  Charles  Spr ague, Prof. 

1730.  de  Saussure,  Henri 

2211.  Schaffer,  Charles,  M.D.    .  .  . 

2468.   SCHIAPARELLI,  GIOVANNI    ..... 
2444.   SCHLEGEL,  GUSTAVE,  Prof  .... 

1864.  Schurz,  Carl,  Hon Sept.*  20,  1878, 

1-725.  Sclater,  Philip  Lutley.  Ph.D  .  April  18,  1873, 

2372.  Scott,  C.  F Feb'y  18,  1898, 

2112.  Scott,  W.  B.,  Prof Dec.  17,  1886, 

1870.  Scudder,  Samuel  Hubbard.  .  .  Sept.  20,  1878, 

2352.  See,  T.  J.  J.,  LL.D Dec.  17,  1897, 

1704.  Sellers,  Coleman,  Sc.D July  19,  1872, 

2420.  Sellers,  Coleman,  Jr Dec.  15,  1899, 

1533.  Sellers,  William April  15,  1864, 

1770  Selwyn,  Alfred  R.  C,  LL.D.  .  Oct.  16,  1874, 

2057   Sergi,  Giuseppe,  Prof Oct.  16,  1885, 

2076.  Sharp,  Benjamin,  M.D May  21,  1886, 

1960.  Sharples,    Stephen    Paschall, 

Prof. April  21,  1882, 

1797.  Sherwood,  Andrew Oct.  15,  1875, 

1822.  Shields,  Chas.  W.,  Rev.,  LL.D..  Feb'y  2,  1877, 

2442.  Sigsbee,  Charles  D.,  Capt  U.S.N.  Dec.  15,  1899, 

2449.  Sinkler,  Wharton,  M.D May  18,  1900, 

2351.  Smith,  A.  Donaldson,  M.D  .  .  .  Oct.  15,  1897, 

2146.  Smith,  Edgar  F.,  Prof, Oct.  21,  1887, 

1789.  Smith,  Stephen,  M.D Oct.  15,  1875, 

2335.  Smock,  John  C,  Prof. Oct.  15,  1897, 

2141.  Smyth,   Albert   H.,    Prof.    .  .  May  20,  1887, 

2229   Snellen,  Herman,  Jr.,  Ph.D.  .  Feb'y  16,  1894, 

1742.  Snowden,  A.  Loudon Oct.  17,  1873, 

2009.  Snyder,  Monroe  B.,  Prof.  .  .  .  Jan'y  18,  1884, 

1720.  Spoffoud,  A.  R.,  LL.D Jan'y  17,  1873, 

2348.  Stephens,  H.  Morse,  Prof.  .  .  . 
1990.  Stevens,  Walter  LeCon  pe,  Prof. 
1840.  Stevenson,  John  James,  Prof.  . 


Same.  Date  oj  Election.  Present  Address. 

2098.  TEMPLE,RiCHARDCARNAC,Lt.  Col.    May      21,  1886,    Port  Elair,  Andaman  Islands, 

Bengal,  India. 

2289.  Tesla,  Nikola May     15,  1896,    46  E.  Houston  St.,  New  York. 

2006.  Thomas,  Allen  C,  Prof.  ....      Jan'y    18,  1884,    Haverford,  Pa. 

1993.  Thompson,  Heber  S Jan'y   18,  18S4,    Sheafer  Build'g.  Pottsville,  Pa. 

1726.  Thompson,  Sir  Henry,  Bart.  .  .     April    18, 1873,    35    Wimpole    St.,     Cavendish 

Square,  London,  England. 

1807.  Thomson,  Elihtj,  Prof. April    21,  1876,    Swampscott,  Mass. 

1909.  Thomson,  William,  M.D April    16,1880,    1426  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia  . 

2052.  im  Thurn,  Everard  F Oct.      16,  1885,    Pomeroon  River,  Georgetown, 

British  Guiana,  S.  A. 

1530.  Thury.A.,  Prof. April    15,  1864,    Univ.  of  Geneva,  Switzerland. 

2176.  Timmins,  Samuel Feb.      21,1890,    Arley, near  Coventry,  England. 

2123.  Topinard,  Paul,  Prof. Dec.      17,1886,    105  Rue  de  Rennes,  Paris, 

2249.  Tower,  Charlemagne,  Jr.,  Hon.     Feb'y  15,1895,    U.  S.  Embassy,  St.  Petersburg, 

2413.  Trevelyan,  George  Otto,   Rt. 

Hon.  Sir May     19,  1899,    8  Grosvenor   Crescent,  S.   W., 

London,  England. 
2288.  Trowbridge,  John,  Prof. ....     May     15,  1896,    Harv.  Univ.,  Cambridge,  Mass. 
2441.  True,  Frederick  William,  Dr  .     Dec.      15,  1899,    U.  S.  National  Museum,  Wash. 

ington,  D.  C. 
2024.  Trumbull,  Henry  C,  Rev.,  D.D.    July      18,  1884,    1031  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 
1973.  Tschermak,  Gustav Oct.      20,  1832,    Universitat,  Vienna.  Austria. 


prof. May  21,  1897,  Geological  Survey,  St.  Peters- 
burg, Russia. 

1529.  v.  Tunner,  Peter  R.,  Prof.  .  .  .  April  15,  1864,  Leoben,  Austria. 

1983.  Turrettini,  Theodore,  Prof .  .  Dec.  19,  1890,  Geneva,  Switzerland. 

2166.  Tuttle,  David  K.,  Ph. D Oct.  18,1889,  U.  S.  Mint,  Philadelphia. 

2163.  Tyler,  Lyon  G.,  Hon.,  Pres't .  .  Oct.  18,  1889,  Williamsburg,  Va. 

213S.  Tyson,  James,  M.D May  20,  1887,  1506  Spruce  St.,  Philadelphia. 

7  Palace  Gate  Mansions,  Lon- 
don, England. 


2185.  Unwin,  William  C,  Prof.  ....     Dec.     19,  1890, 

2400.  Vauclain,  Samuel  M. .....  .  May  19,  1899,  1533  Green  St.,  Philadelphia. 

2325.  Vaux,  George,  Jr Oct.  15,  1897,  404  Girard  Building,  Phila. 

2045.  de  Vere,  M.  Schele,  Prof.  .  .  .  Oct.  16,  1885,  University  of  Virginia,   Char- 
lottesville, Va. 

1475.  Virchow,  Rudolph,  Prof.  .  .  .  Oct.  17,  1862,  Universitat,  Berlin,  Germany. 

1670.  Vose,  George  L.,  Prof. Oct.  21,  1870,  Concord,  Mass. 

2186.  Vossion,  Louis Dec.  19,  1890,  Consulate  of  France,  Bombay 



2034.  Wagner,  Samuei Jan'y    16,  1885,    Greenbank  Farm,  West  Ches- 

.  ter,  Pa. 

1748.  Wahl,  William  H.,  Ph.D.  .  .  .     Jan'y    16,  1874,    15  S.  7th  St.,  Philadelphia. 
2331.  Waixott.  Charles  D.,  LL.D.   .     Oct.      15,  1397,    U.  S.  Geological  Survey,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 













Name.  Date  of  Election. 

Wallace,  Alfred  Russel,  LL.D.  April  18,  1873, 

Ward,  Lester  F.,  LL.D May  17,1889, 

Ware,  Lewis  S Jan'y  21,  1881, 

Warfield,  Ethelbert  D.,Pres't  Dec.  17,1897, 

Weil,  Edward  Henry lan'y  16,  1885, 

Welch,  William  H.,  M.D.  .  .  .  May  15,  1896, 

Wharton,  Joseph April  16,  1869, 

White,  Andrew  D.,  Hon April  16,1869, 

White,  Israel  C,  Prof. Jan'y  18,  1878, 

Whitefield,  R.  P.,  Prof.   .   .   .  May  20,   1898, 

Whitman,  Charles  Otis,  Prof.  .  Dee.  15,  1899, 

Wilder,  Burt  G.,  Prof May  3,  1878, 

Willcox,  Joseph Feb.  15,  1895, 

Williams,  Edward  H.,  Jr.,  Prof.  Oct.  15,1897, 

Williams,  Talcott May  18,  1888, 

Willis,  Henry,  Prof Feb'y  21,  1890, 

Wilson,  James  Cornelius,  M.D.  Jan'y  16,  1885, 

Wilson,  Joseph  M Jan'y  16,  1874, 

Wilson,  William  Powell,  M.D. .  May  20,1887, 

Wilson,  Woodrow,  Prof.  ....  Oct.  15,  1897, 

Wistar,  Gen.  Isaac  J May  19,  1893, 

Wister,  Owen May  21,  1897, 

Witmer,  Lightner,  Prof .   .   .    .  Oct.  15,  1897, 

Wood,  Richard April  18,  1879, 

Wood,  Stuart ...  May  19,  1899, 

Woodward,  Henry,  LL.D.  .  .  .  July  17,  1874, 

Wright,  Arthur  W.,  Prof  .   . 
Wright,  William  Aldis,  LL.D 

May      15,  1896, 
Feb'y  16,  1900, 

Wundt,  William,  Prof. 

Wurts,  Alexander  Jay  .  .  .  . 

Wurts,  Charles  Stewart,  M.D. 
Wyckoff,  A.  B.,  Lieut.  U.  S.  N.  . 


15,  1895, 
15,  1899, 

Jan'y    21,  1881, 
Feb'y    19,  1886, 

Present  Address. 

Parkstone,  Dorset,  England. 

1464  Rhode  Island  Ave.,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

Easton,  Pennsylvania. 

1720  Pine  St.,  Philadelphia. 

935  St.  Paul  St.,  Baltimore,  Md. 

P.  O.  Box  1332,  Philadelphia. 

U.  S.   Embassy,    Berlin,    Ger- 

119  Wiley  St.,  Morgantown, 
W.  Va. 

American  Museum  of  Natural 
History,  New  York  City. 

University    of   Chicago,    Chi- 
cago, 111. 
60  Cascadilla  PI.,  Ithaca,  N.  Y. 

"  The  Clinton,"  10th  and  Clin- 
ton Sts.,  Philadelphia. 

Lehigh  Univ.,  Bethlehem,  Pa. 

916  Pine  Street,  Philadelphia. 

4036  Baring  St.,  Philadelphia. 

1437  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 

1056  Drexel  Building,  Phila. 

233  S.  4th  St.,  Philadelphia. 

50  Library  PI.,  Princeton,  N.  J. 

269  Broad  Street  Station,  Phila. 

328  Chestnut  Street,  Phila. 

University  of  Penna  ,  Phila. 

1620  Locust  St ,  Philadelphia. 

1620  Locust  St.,  Philadelphia. 

British  Museum,  London,  Eng- 

73  York  Sq.,  New  Haven,  Conn. 

Trinity  College,   Cambridge, 

Leipzig,  Germany. 

Westinghouse  Elec.  and  Mfg. 
Co.,  Allegheny,  Pa. 

1701  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 

Navy   Department,    Washing- 
ton, D.  C. 

1904.  Yarn  all,  Ellis       April    16,  18S0,    420  Walnut  St.,  Philadelphia. 

^759.  Young,  Charles  Augustus,  Prof.    April    17,1874,    16  Prospect  Av.,  Princeton,  N.J 

Magellanic  Premium. 

FOUNDED  IN  1  786,  BY 


of  London. 

The  American  Philosophical  Society, 

Held  at  Philadelphia,  for  Promoting  Useful  Knowledge 


DECEMBER,   1902, 



to  the  author  of  the  best  discovery,  or  most  useful  invention,  relating  to  Navi- 
gation, Astronomy,  or  Natural  Philosophy  (mere  natural  history 
only  excepted)  under  the  following  conditions : 

i.  The  candidate  shall,  on  or  before  November  i,  1902  deliver,  free 
of  postage  or  other  charges,  his  discovery,  invention  or  improvement, 
addressed  to  the  President  of  the  American  Philosophical  Society,  No. 
104  South  Fifth  Street,  Philadelphia,  U.  S.  A.,  and  shall  distinguish  his 
performance  by  some  motto,  device,  or  other  signature.  With  his  dis- 
covery, invention,  or  improvement,  he  shall  also  send  a  sealed  letter 
containing  the  same  motto,  device,  or  signature,  and  subscribed  with  the 
real  name  and  place  of  residence  of  the  author. 

2.  Persons  of  any  nation,  sect  or  denomination  whatever,  shall  be 
admitted  as  candidates  for  this  premium. 

3.  No  discovery,  invention  or  improvement  shall  be  entitled  to  this 
premium,  which  hath  been  already  published,  or  for  which  the  author 
hath  been  publicly  rewarded  elsewhere. 

4.  The  candidate  shall  communicate  his  discovery,  invention  or  im- 
provement, either  in  the  English,  French,  German,  or  Latin  language. 

5.  A  full  account  of  the  crowned  subject  shall  be  published  by  the 
Society,  as  soon  as  may  be  after  the  adjudication,  either  in  a  separate 
publication,  or  in  the  next  succeeding  volume  of  their  Transactions,  or 
in  both. 

6.  The  premium  shall  consist  of  an  oval  plate  of  solid  standard  gold 
of  the  value  of  ten  guineas,  suitably  inscribed,  with  the  seal  of  the  Society 
annexed  to  the  medal  by  a  ribbon. 

All  correspondence  in  relation  hereto  should  be  addressed 
To  the  Secretaries  of  the 

American  Philosophical  Society, 

No.  104  South  Fifth  Street, 




American  Philosophical  Society. 

Held  at  Philadelphia, 


AW.  A"  .  Part  L  4io%pp.  6s.  with 3 Plates. 

v  Pub  lis  is 


I.  —  I  story  of  the  Pelycosauria,  with  a  Descrip- 

tion  of   the   Genus   Dimetrodon   Cope.      By  G. 
Baur  and  E.  C.  Ca- 

Part  II.     4(0,  pp.   1-4,   with  5  Plates. 
:ist  Published. 


II. — The  Chronological  Distribution  of   the    Elasmo- 
branchs.      By  O.  P.  Hay. 

III. — Results  of  Observation  with  the  Zenith  Telescope 
of  the  Sayre  Observatory  from  January  19,  1894, 
to  August  19,  1S95.     By  Charles  L.  Doolittle. 

IV.  —  A  Study  of  the  Chromosomes  of  the  Germ  Cells 
of  Metazoa.  By  Thomas  H.  Montgomery,  Jr. 




American  Philosophical  Society, 

No.  104  South  Fifth  Street, 

Philadelphia,  U.  S  A.